[Tools][Expand/Collapse All]Note that automatic extraction of ActionScript 3 is still pretty much unsupported by swfchan. AS1/AS2 works okay most of the time.Frame 1 (984 B)
function cargando() {
total = _root.getBytesTotal();
cargados = _root.getBytesLoaded();
porcentaje = Math.floor((cargados * 100) / total);
if (cargados == total) {
barra_mc._alpha = barra_mc._alpha - 2;
if ((porcentaje == 100) && (stat == 1)) {
gotoAndPlay (49);
function Dups() {
if (Duplicar) {
q = _root.getNextHighestDepth();
Mc = _root.attachMovie("Estrella", "Estrella_" + q, q);
Mc._x = randRange(170, 300);
Mc._y = randRange(40, 360);
Mc._xscale = randRange(70, 110);
Mc._yscale = tmp._xscale;
function randRange(min, max) {
var _local1 = Math.floor(Math.random() * ((max - min) + 1)) + min;
stat = 0;
var Duplicar = false;
var sonido = new Sound();
var hiloPrecarga = setInterval(cargando, 1);
var Stars = setInterval(Dups, 50);
Instance of Symbol 7 MovieClip in Frame 1 (90 B)
on (release) {
getURL ("http://www.dressupgal.com/index.php?action=branded", "_blank");
Frame 2 (174 B)
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
sonido.setVolume(sonido.getVolume() - 5);
if (sonido.getVolume() < 0) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
Frame 11 (143 B)
var galaudio = new Sound();
Frame 48 (42 B)
stat = 1;
Frame 50 (2.4 KiB) ●
function fun1() {
function alphas2() {
function alphas1() {
buts._visible = true;
buts._alpha = buts._alpha + 10;
if (buts._alpha >= 100) {
buts._alpha = 100;
inter = setInterval(alphas1, 100);
function soundfunc() {
var bgsound = new Sound();
bgsound.start(0, 10000);
buts.sndbtn.onPress = function () {
bgsound.start(0, 10000);
if (buts.sndbtn._currentframe == 2) {
function deadClick() {
getURL ("http://www.dressupgal.com", "_top");
function gotoMySite() {
getURL ("http://www.winsols.com", "_top");
function Flashing(obj) {
var _local3 = 0;
var _local2 = 0.8;
var _local16 = 2;
var _local17 = 0.2;
var _local15 = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */;
var _local14 = 1.6;
var _local18 = null;
var _local19 = null;
var _local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < _local16) {
if ((_local1 % 2) == 0) {
gs.TweenFilterLite.to(obj, _local2, {delay:_local3 + (_local2 * _local1), overwrite:false, colorMatrixFilter:{brightness:_local14}, glowFilter:{color:_local15, alpha:1, blurX:15, blurY:15}});
} else {
gs.TweenFilterLite.to(obj, _local2, {delay:(_local3 + (_local2 * _local1)) + (_local17 * (_local1 + 1)), overwrite:false, colorMatrixFilter:{brightness:1}, glowFilter:{blurX:0, blurY:0}});
buts._visible = false;
buts._alpha = 0;
setTimeout(fun1, 2000);
_global.alphaend = function () {
function alphas() {
intro._alpha = intro._alpha - 5;
if (intro._alpha <= 0) {
intro._visible = false;
inte = setInterval(alphas, 50);
buts.print_mc.onPress = function () {
printAsBitmap (_root.printclip, "bmovie");
var myMenu = new ContextMenu();
myMenu.builtInItems.play = false;
myMenu.builtInItems.loop = false;
myMenu.builtInItems.rewind = false;
myMenu.builtInItems.forward_back = false;
var mySiteLink = new ContextMenuItem("Custom Flash Game Development - winsols.com", gotoMySite);
var copyrightNotice = new ContextMenuItem("Copyright \u00A9 dressupgal.com", deadClick);
myMenu.customItems.push(copyrightNotice, mySiteLink);
_root.menu = myMenu;
logo.onRollOver = function () {
Instance of Symbol 535 MovieClip "logo" in Frame 50 (90 B)
on (release) {
getURL ("http://www.dressupgal.com/index.php?action=branded", "_blank");
Symbol 5 MovieClip [Estrella] Frame 17 (23 B)
Symbol 14 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 17 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 19 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 22 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 25 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 31 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 75 Button (90 B)
on (release) {
getURL ("http://www.dressupgal.com/index.php?action=branded", "_blank");
Symbol 80 Button (88 B)
on (press) {
getURL ("http://www.dressupgal.com/index.php?action=branded", "_blank");
Symbol 81 MovieClip Frame 22 (23 B)
_root.Duplicar = true;
Symbol 81 MovieClip Frame 29 (75 B)
i = 0;
while (i < 11) {
this["Parte_" + i].gotoAndStop(3);
Symbol 81 MovieClip Frame 31 (24 B)
_root.Duplicar = false;
Symbol 81 MovieClip Frame 38 (23 B)
_root.Duplicar = true;
Symbol 81 MovieClip Frame 47 (53 B)
_root.Duplicar = false;
Symbol 81 MovieClip Frame 49 (22 B)
Symbol 91 Button (85 B)
on (press) {
gotoAndPlay (10);
this.Btn._visible = false;
Symbol 94 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 549 MovieClip [__Packages.gs.TweenLite] Frame 0 (12.07 KiB) ● ●
class gs.TweenLite
static var timerClip, _classInitted, currentTime, _gcInterval, overwriteManager;
var vars, duration, delay, combinedTimeScale, active, target, ease, tweens, _subTweens, _hst, initted, initTime, startTime, endTargetID, _hasUpdate, started, gc;
function TweenLite ($target, $duration, $vars) {
if ((timerClip._visible != false) || (!_classInitted)) {
currentTime = getTimer();
var _local3 = 999;
while (_root.getInstanceAtDepth(_local3) != undefined) {
timerClip = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("__tweenLite_mc", _local3);
timerClip._visible = false;
_gcInterval = setInterval(killGarbage, 2000);
timerClip.onEnterFrame = updateAll;
if (overwriteManager == undefined) {
overwriteManager = {mode:1, enabled:false};
_classInitted = true;
vars = $vars;
duration = $duration || 0.001;
delay = $vars.delay || 0;
combinedTimeScale = $vars.timeScale || 1;
active = Boolean(($duration == 0) && (delay == 0));
target = $target;
if (typeof(vars.ease) != "function") {
vars.ease = defaultEase;
if (vars.easeParams != undefined) {
vars.proxiedEase = vars.ease;
vars.ease = easeProxy;
ease = vars.ease;
if (typeof(vars.autoAlpha) == "number") {
vars._alpha = vars.autoAlpha;
vars._visible = Boolean(vars._alpha > 0);
tweens = [];
_subTweens = [];
_hst = (initted = false);
initTime = currentTime;
startTime = initTime + (delay * 1000);
endTargetID = getID($target, true);
var _local6 = ((($vars.overwrite == undefined) || ((!overwriteManager.enabled) && ($vars.overwrite > 1))) ? (overwriteManager.mode) : (Number($vars.overwrite)));
if ((_local6 == 1) && ($target != undefined)) {
delete masterList[endTargetID];
masterList[endTargetID] = {target:$target, tweens:[]};
if (active || ((vars.runBackwards == true) && (vars.renderOnStart != true))) {
if (active) {
render(startTime + 1);
} else {
if ((vars._visible != undefined) && (vars.runBackwards == true)) {
target._visible = vars._visible;
function initTweenVals($hrp, $reservedProps) {
var _local6 = (typeof(target) == "movieclip") || (target.isTweenProxy);
var _local2;
var _local3;
if (($hrp != true) && (overwriteManager.enabled)) {
overwriteManager.manageOverwrites(this, masterList[endTargetID].tweens);
if (target instanceof Array) {
var _local5 = vars.endArray || ([]);
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < _local5.length) {
if ((target[_local3] != _local5[_local3]) && (target[_local3] != undefined)) {
tweens[tweens.length] = [target, _local3.toString(), target[_local3], _local5[_local3] - target[_local3], _local3.toString()];
} else {
if (((vars.tint != undefined) || (vars.removeTint == true)) && (_local6 || (target instanceof TextField))) {
var _local10 = new Color(target);
var _local7 = vars._alpha;
if (_local7 != undefined) {
delete vars._alpha;
} else {
_local7 = target._alpha;
if (((vars.removeTint == true) || (vars.tint == null)) || (vars.tint == "")) {
addSubTween("tint", tintProxy, _local10.getTransform(), {rb:0, gb:0, bb:0, ab:0, ra:_local7, ga:_local7, ba:_local7, aa:_local7}, {color:_local10});
} else {
addSubTween("tint", tintProxy, _local10.getTransform(), {rb:vars.tint >> 16, gb:(vars.tint >> 8) & 255, bb:vars.tint & 255, ra:0, ga:0, ba:0, aa:_local7}, {color:_local10});
if ((vars.frame != undefined) && (_local6)) {
addSubTween("frame", frameProxy, {frame:target._currentframe}, {frame:vars.frame}, {mc:target});
if ((vars.volume != undefined) && (_local6 || (target instanceof Sound))) {
var _local11 = (_local6 ? (new Sound(target)) : (Sound(target)));
addSubTween("volume", volumeProxy, {volume:_local11.getVolume()}, {volume:vars.volume}, {sound:_local11});
if ((vars._visible != undefined) && (_local6 || (target instanceof TextField))) {
addSubTween("_visible", visibleProxy, {}, {}, {tween:this});
for (_local2 in vars) {
if (((((((((((((((((((_local2 == "ease") || (_local2 == "delay")) || (_local2 == "overwrite")) || (_local2 == "onComplete")) || (_local2 == "onCompleteParams")) || (_local2 == "onCompleteScope")) || (_local2 == "runBackwards")) || (_local2 == "onUpdate")) || (_local2 == "onUpdateParams")) || (_local2 == "onUpdateScope")) || (_local2 == "persist")) || (_local2 == "volume")) || (_local2 == "onStart")) || (_local2 == "onStartParams")) || (_local2 == "onStartScope")) || (_local2 == "renderOnStart")) || (_local2 == "proxiedEase")) || (_local2 == "easeParams")) || ($hrp && ($reservedProps.indexOf((" " + _local2) + " ") != -1))) {
} else if ((!(_local6 && (((((_local2 == "_visible") || (_local2 == "autoAlpha")) || (_local2 == "tint")) || (_local2 == "removeTint")) || (_local2 == "frame")))) && (target[_local2] != undefined)) {
if (typeof(vars[_local2]) == "number") {
tweens[tweens.length] = [target, _local2, target[_local2], vars[_local2] - target[_local2], _local2];
} else {
tweens[tweens.length] = [target, _local2, target[_local2], Number(vars[_local2]), _local2];
if (vars.runBackwards == true) {
var _local4;
_local3 = tweens.length - 1;
while (_local3 > -1) {
_local4 = tweens[_local3];
_local4[2] = _local4[2] + _local4[3];
_local4[3] = _local4[3] * -1;
if (vars.onUpdate != null) {
_hasUpdate = true;
initted = true;
function addSubTween($name, $proxy, $target, $props, $info) {
_subTweens[_subTweens.length] = {name:$name, proxy:$proxy, target:$target, info:$info};
for (var _local5 in $props) {
if (typeof($props[_local5]) == "number") {
tweens[tweens.length] = [$target, _local5, $target[_local5], $props[_local5] - $target[_local5], $name];
} else {
tweens[tweens.length] = [$target, _local5, $target[_local5], Number($props[_local5]), $name];
_hst = true;
static function to($target, $duration, $vars) {
return(new gs.TweenLite($target, $duration, $vars));
static function from($target, $duration, $vars) {
$vars.runBackwards = true;
return(new gs.TweenLite($target, $duration, $vars));
static function delayedCall($delay, $onComplete, $onCompleteParams, $onCompleteScope) {
return(new gs.TweenLite($onComplete, 0, {delay:$delay, onComplete:$onComplete, onCompleteParams:$onCompleteParams, onCompleteScope:$onCompleteScope, overwrite:0}));
function render($t) {
var _local4 = ($t - startTime) * 0.001;
var _local5;
var _local3;
var _local2;
if (_local4 >= duration) {
_local4 = duration;
_local5 = (((ease == vars.ease) || (duration == 0.001)) ? 1 : 0);
} else {
_local5 = ease(_local4, 0, 1, duration);
_local2 = tweens.length - 1;
while (_local2 > -1) {
_local3 = tweens[_local2];
_local3[0][_local3[1]] = _local3[2] + (_local5 * _local3[3]);
if (_hst) {
_local2 = _subTweens.length - 1;
while (_local2 > -1) {
_subTweens[_local2].proxy(_subTweens[_local2], _local4);
if (_hasUpdate) {
vars.onUpdate.apply(vars.onUpdateScope, vars.onUpdateParams);
if (_local4 == duration) {
static function updateAll() {
var _local4 = (currentTime = getTimer());
var _local5 = masterList;
var _local6;
var _local3;
var _local2;
var _local1;
for (_local6 in _local5) {
_local3 = _local5[_local6].tweens;
_local2 = _local3.length - 1;
while (_local2 > -1) {
_local1 = _local3[_local2];
if (_local1.active) {
} else if (_local1.gc) {
_local3.splice(_local2, 1);
} else if (_local4 >= _local1.startTime) {
function activate() {
started = (active = true);
if (!initted) {
if (vars.onStart != undefined) {
vars.onStart.apply(vars.onStartScope, vars.onStartParams);
if (duration == 0.001) {
startTime = startTime - 1;
function complete($skipRender) {
if ($skipRender != true) {
if (!initted) {
startTime = currentTime - ((duration * 1000) / combinedTimeScale);
if (vars.persist != true) {
enabled = (false);
if (vars.onComplete) {
vars.onComplete.apply(vars.onCompleteScope, vars.onCompleteParams);
static function removeTween($t, $clear) {
if ($clear != false) {
function clear() {
tweens = [];
_subTweens = [];
vars = {};
_hst = (_hasUpdate = false);
static function killTweensOf($target, $complete) {
var _local5 = getID($target, true);
var _local3 = masterList[_local5];
var _local2;
var _local1;
if (_local3 != undefined) {
_local2 = _local3.length - 1;
while (_local2 > -1) {
_local1 = _local3[_local2];
if ($complete && (!_local1.gc)) {
delete masterList[_local5];
function killVars($vars) {
if (overwriteManager.enabled) {
overwriteManager.killVars($vars, vars, tweens, _subTweens, []);
static function getID($target, $lookup) {
var _local3;
if ($lookup) {
var _local1 = masterList;
if (typeof($target) == "movieclip") {
if (_local1[String($target)] != undefined) {
_local3 = String($target);
masterList[_local3] = {target:$target, tweens:[]};
for (var _local4 in _local1) {
if (_local1[_local4].target == $target) {
_local3 = "t" + _cnt;
masterList[_local3] = {target:$target, tweens:[]};
static function killGarbage() {
var _local1 = masterList;
var _local2;
var _local3;
for (_local2 in _local1) {
if (_local1[_local2].tweens.length == 0) {
delete _local1[_local2];
static function defaultEase($t, $b, $c, $d) {
$t = $t / $d;
return((((-$c) * $t) * ($t - 2)) + $b);
function easeProxy($t, $b, $c, $d) {
return(vars.proxiedEase.apply(null, arguments.concat(vars.easeParams)));
static function tintProxy($o) {
static function frameProxy($o) {
static function volumeProxy($o) {
static function visibleProxy($o, $time) {
var _local1 = $o.info.tween;
if (_local1.duration == $time) {
if ((_local1.vars.runBackwards != true) && (_local1.ease == _local1.vars.ease)) {
_local1.target._visible = _local1.vars._visible;
} else if (_local1.target._visible != true) {
_local1.target._visible = true;
function get enabled() {
return((gc ? false : true));
function set enabled($b) {
if ($b) {
if (masterList[endTargetID] == undefined) {
masterList[endTargetID] = {target:target, tweens:[this]};
} else {
var _local3 = masterList[endTargetID].tweens;
var _local4;
var _local2;
_local2 = _local3.length - 1;
while (_local2 > -1) {
if (_local3[_local2] == this) {
_local4 = true;
if (!_local4) {
gc = ($b ? false : true);
if (gc) {
active = false;
} else {
active = started;
static var version = 9.3;
static var killDelayedCallsTo = killTweensOf;
static var masterList = new Object();
static var _cnt = -16000;
static var _hrp = false;
Symbol 550 MovieClip [__Packages.gs.TweenFilterLite] Frame 0 (15.08 KiB) ● ● ●
class gs.TweenFilterLite extends gs.TweenLite
var combinedTimeScale, target, _timeScale, delay, startTime, initTime, endTargetID, _clrsa, _filters, _matrix, vars, tweens, _roundProps, _cmf, _endMatrix, duration, ease, _hst, _subTweens, _hasUpdate, complete, __get__enabled;
function TweenFilterLite ($target, $duration, $vars) {
super($target, $duration, $vars);
if ((combinedTimeScale != 1) && (target instanceof gs.TweenFilterLite)) {
_timeScale = 1;
combinedTimeScale = _globalTimeScale;
} else {
_timeScale = combinedTimeScale;
combinedTimeScale = combinedTimeScale * _globalTimeScale;
if ((combinedTimeScale != 1) && (delay != 0)) {
startTime = initTime + (delay * (1000 / combinedTimeScale));
if (gs.TweenLite.version < 9.3) {
trace("TweenFilterLite error: Please update your TweenLite class or try clearing your ASO files. TweenFilterLite requires a more recent version. Download updates at http://www.TweenLite.com.");
static function to($target, $duration, $vars) {
return(new gs.TweenFilterLite($target, $duration, $vars));
static function from($target, $duration, $vars) {
$vars.runBackwards = true;
return(new gs.TweenFilterLite($target, $duration, $vars));
function initTweenVals($hrp, $reservedProps) {
if (($hrp != true) && (gs.TweenLite.overwriteManager.enabled)) {
gs.TweenLite.overwriteManager.manageOverwrites(this, gs.TweenLite.masterList[endTargetID].tweens);
_clrsa = [];
_filters = [];
_matrix = _idMatrix.slice();
$reservedProps = $reservedProps || "";
$reservedProps = $reservedProps + " blurFilter glowFilter colorMatrixFilter dropShadowFilter bevelFilter roundProps timeScale ";
if ((vars.timeScale != undefined) && (target.timeScale != undefined)) {
tweens[tweens.length] = [target, "timeScale", target.timeScale, vars.timeScale - target.timeScale, "timeScale"];
_roundProps = Boolean(vars.roundProps instanceof Array);
var _local3;
var _local6;
if (((typeof(target) == "movieclip") || (target instanceof TextField)) || (target.isTweenProxy)) {
if (vars.blurFilter != undefined) {
_local6 = vars.blurFilter;
addFilter("blurFilter", _local6, flash.filters.BlurFilter, ["blurX", "blurY", "quality"], new flash.filters.BlurFilter(0, 0, _local6.quality || 2));
if (vars.glowFilter != undefined) {
_local6 = vars.glowFilter;
addFilter("glowFilter", _local6, flash.filters.GlowFilter, ["alpha", "blurX", "blurY", "color", "quality", "strength", "inner", "knockout"], new flash.filters.GlowFilter(16777215, 0, 0, 0, _local6.strength || 1, _local6.quality || 2, _local6.inner, _local6.knockout));
if (vars.colorMatrixFilter != undefined) {
_local6 = vars.colorMatrixFilter;
var _local9 = addFilter("colorMatrixFilter", _local6, flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter, [], new flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter(_matrix));
_cmf = _local9.filter;
_matrix = _cmf.matrix;
if ((_local6.matrix != undefined) && (_local6.matrix instanceof Array)) {
_endMatrix = _local6.matrix;
} else {
if (_local6.relative == true) {
_endMatrix = _matrix.slice();
} else {
_endMatrix = _idMatrix.slice();
_endMatrix = setBrightness(_endMatrix, _local6.brightness);
_endMatrix = setContrast(_endMatrix, _local6.contrast);
_endMatrix = setHue(_endMatrix, _local6.hue);
_endMatrix = setSaturation(_endMatrix, _local6.saturation);
_endMatrix = setThreshold(_endMatrix, _local6.threshold);
if (!isNaN(_local6.colorize)) {
_endMatrix = colorize(_endMatrix, _local6.colorize, _local6.amount);
} else if (!isNaN(_local6.color)) {
_endMatrix = colorize(_endMatrix, _local6.color, _local6.amount);
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < _endMatrix.length) {
if ((_matrix[_local3] != _endMatrix[_local3]) && (_matrix[_local3] != undefined)) {
tweens[tweens.length] = [_matrix, _local3.toString(), _matrix[_local3], _endMatrix[_local3] - _matrix[_local3], "colorMatrixFilter"];
if (vars.dropShadowFilter != undefined) {
_local6 = vars.dropShadowFilter;
addFilter("dropShadowFilter", _local6, flash.filters.DropShadowFilter, ["alpha", "angle", "blurX", "blurY", "color", "distance", "quality", "strength", "inner", "knockout", "hideObject"], new flash.filters.DropShadowFilter(0, 45, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, _local6.quality || 2, _local6.inner, _local6.knockout, _local6.hideObject));
if (vars.bevelFilter != undefined) {
_local6 = vars.bevelFilter;
addFilter("bevelFilter", _local6, flash.filters.BevelFilter, ["angle", "blurX", "blurY", "distance", "highlightAlpha", "highlightColor", "quality", "shadowAlpha", "shadowColor", "strength"], new flash.filters.BevelFilter(0, 0, 16777215, 0.5, 0, 0.5, 2, 2, 0, _local6.quality || 2));
if (vars.runBackwards == true) {
var _local4;
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < _clrsa.length) {
_local4 = _clrsa[_local3];
_local4.sr = _local4.sr + _local4.cr;
_local4.cr = _local4.cr * -1;
_local4.sg = _local4.sg + _local4.cg;
_local4.cg = _local4.cg * -1;
_local4.sb = _local4.sb + _local4.cb;
_local4.cb = _local4.cb * -1;
_local4.f[_local4.p] = ((_local4.sr << 16) | (_local4.sg << 8)) | _local4.sb;
super.initTweenVals(true, $reservedProps);
} else {
super.initTweenVals($hrp, $reservedProps);
if (_roundProps) {
var _local5;
var _local7;
_local3 = vars.roundProps.length - 1;
while (_local3 > -1) {
_local7 = vars.roundProps[_local3];
_local5 = tweens.length - 1;
while (_local5 > -1) {
if ((tweens[_local5][1] == _local7) && (tweens[_local5][0] == target)) {
tweens[_local5][5] = true;
function addFilter($name, $fv, $filterType, $props, $defaultFilter) {
var _local5 = {type:$filterType, name:$name};
var _local8 = target.filters;
var _local3;
var _local2;
var _local9;
var _local4;
var _local7;
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < _local8.length) {
if (_local8[_local3] instanceof $filterType) {
_local5.filter = _local8[_local3];
if (_local5.filter == undefined) {
_local5.filter = $defaultFilter;
_local8[_local8.length] = _local5.filter;
target.filters = _local8;
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < $props.length) {
_local2 = $props[_local3];
if ($fv[_local2] != undefined) {
if (((_local2 == "color") || (_local2 == "highlightColor")) || (_local2 == "shadowColor")) {
_local4 = HEXtoRGB(_local5.filter[_local2]);
_local7 = HEXtoRGB($fv[_local2]);
_clrsa[_clrsa.length] = {f:_local5.filter, p:_local2, sr:_local4.rb, cr:_local7.rb - _local4.rb, sg:_local4.gb, cg:_local7.gb - _local4.gb, sb:_local4.bb, cb:_local7.bb - _local4.bb};
} else if ((((_local2 == "quality") || (_local2 == "inner")) || (_local2 == "knockout")) || (_local2 == "hideObject")) {
_local5.filter[_local2] = $fv[_local2];
} else {
if (typeof($fv[_local2]) == "number") {
_local9 = $fv[_local2] - _local5.filter[_local2];
} else {
_local9 = Number($fv[_local2]);
tweens[tweens.length] = [_local5.filter, _local2, _local5.filter[_local2], _local9, $name];
_filters[_filters.length] = _local5;
_hf = true;
function render($t) {
var _local10 = (($t - startTime) * 0.001) * combinedTimeScale;
var _local5;
var _local2;
var _local3;
if (_local10 >= duration) {
_local10 = duration;
_local5 = (((ease == vars.ease) || (duration == 0.001)) ? 1 : 0);
} else {
_local5 = ease(_local10, 0, 1, duration);
if (!_roundProps) {
_local3 = tweens.length - 1;
while (_local3 > -1) {
_local2 = tweens[_local3];
_local2[0][_local2[1]] = _local2[2] + (_local5 * _local2[3]);
} else {
_local3 = tweens.length - 1;
while (_local3 > -1) {
_local2 = tweens[_local3];
if (_local2[5]) {
_local2[0][_local2[1]] = Math.round(_local2[2] + (_local5 * _local2[3]));
} else {
_local2[0][_local2[1]] = _local2[2] + (_local5 * _local2[3]);
if (_hf) {
var _local4;
var _local8;
var _local9;
var _local7;
_local3 = _clrsa.length - 1;
while (_local3 > -1) {
_local2 = _clrsa[_local3];
_local8 = _local2.sr + (_local5 * _local2.cr);
_local9 = _local2.sg + (_local5 * _local2.cg);
_local7 = _local2.sb + (_local5 * _local2.cb);
_local2.f[_local2.p] = ((_local8 << 16) | (_local9 << 8)) | _local7;
if (_cmf) {
_cmf.matrix = _matrix;
var _local6 = target.filters;
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < _filters.length) {
_local4 = _local6.length - 1;
while (_local4 > -1) {
if (_local6[_local4] instanceof _filters[_local3].type) {
_local6.splice(_local4, 1, _filters[_local3].filter);
target.filters = _local6;
if (_hst) {
_local3 = _subTweens.length - 1;
while (_local3 > -1) {
_subTweens[_local3].proxy(_subTweens[_local3], _local10);
if (_hasUpdate) {
vars.onUpdate.apply(vars.onUpdateScope, vars.onUpdateParams);
if (_local10 == duration) {
function killVars($vars) {
if (gs.TweenLite.overwriteManager.enabled) {
gs.TweenLite.overwriteManager.killVars($vars, vars, tweens, _subTweens, _filters || ([]));
static function setGlobalTimeScale($scale) {
if ($scale < 1E-5) {
$scale = 1E-5;
var _local3 = gs.TweenLite.masterList;
var _local4;
var _local1;
var _local2;
_globalTimeScale = $scale;
for (_local4 in _local3) {
_local2 = _local3[_local4].tweens;
_local1 = _local2.length - 1;
while (_local1 > -1) {
if (_local2[_local1] instanceof gs.TweenFilterLite) {
_local2[_local1].timeScale = _local2[_local1].timeScale * 1;
function HEXtoRGB($n) {
return({rb:$n >> 16, gb:($n >> 8) & 255, bb:$n & 255});
static function colorize($m, $color, $amount) {
if (($color == undefined) || (isNaN($color))) {
if ($amount == undefined) {
$amount = 1;
var _local3 = (($color >> 16) & 255) / 255;
var _local5 = (($color >> 8) & 255) / 255;
var _local2 = ($color & 255) / 255;
var _local4 = 1 - $amount;
var _local7 = [_local4 + (($amount * _local3) * _lumR), ($amount * _local3) * _lumG, ($amount * _local3) * _lumB, 0, 0, ($amount * _local5) * _lumR, _local4 + (($amount * _local5) * _lumG), ($amount * _local5) * _lumB, 0, 0, ($amount * _local2) * _lumR, ($amount * _local2) * _lumG, _local4 + (($amount * _local2) * _lumB), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0];
return(applyMatrix(_local7, $m));
static function setThreshold($m, $n) {
if (($n == undefined) || (isNaN($n))) {
var _local2 = [_lumR * 256, _lumG * 256, _lumB * 256, 0, -256 * $n, _lumR * 256, _lumG * 256, _lumB * 256, 0, -256 * $n, _lumR * 256, _lumG * 256, _lumB * 256, 0, -256 * $n, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0];
return(applyMatrix(_local2, $m));
static function setHue($m, $n) {
if (($n == undefined) || (isNaN($n))) {
$n = $n * (Math.PI/180);
var _local1 = Math.cos($n);
var _local2 = Math.sin($n);
var _local4 = [(_lumR + (_local1 * (1 - _lumR))) + (_local2 * (-_lumR)), (_lumG + (_local1 * (-_lumG))) + (_local2 * (-_lumG)), (_lumB + (_local1 * (-_lumB))) + (_local2 * (1 - _lumB)), 0, 0, (_lumR + (_local1 * (-_lumR))) + (_local2 * 0.143), (_lumG + (_local1 * (1 - _lumG))) + (_local2 * 0.14), (_lumB + (_local1 * (-_lumB))) + (_local2 * -0.283), 0, 0, (_lumR + (_local1 * (-_lumR))) + (_local2 * (-(1 - _lumR))), (_lumG + (_local1 * (-_lumG))) + (_local2 * _lumG), (_lumB + (_local1 * (1 - _lumB))) + (_local2 * _lumB), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1];
return(applyMatrix(_local4, $m));
static function setBrightness($m, $n) {
if (($n == undefined) || (isNaN($n))) {
$n = ($n * 100) - 100;
return(applyMatrix([1, 0, 0, 0, $n, 0, 1, 0, 0, $n, 0, 0, 1, 0, $n, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], $m));
static function setSaturation($m, $n) {
if (($n == undefined) || (isNaN($n))) {
var _local4 = 1 - $n;
var _local3 = _local4 * _lumR;
var _local5 = _local4 * _lumG;
var _local2 = _local4 * _lumB;
var _local6 = [_local3 + $n, _local5, _local2, 0, 0, _local3, _local5 + $n, _local2, 0, 0, _local3, _local5, _local2 + $n, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0];
return(applyMatrix(_local6, $m));
static function setContrast($m, $n) {
if (($n == undefined) || (isNaN($n))) {
$n = $n + 0.01;
var _local2 = [$n, 0, 0, 0, 128 * (1 - $n), 0, $n, 0, 0, 128 * (1 - $n), 0, 0, $n, 0, 128 * (1 - $n), 0, 0, 0, 1, 0];
return(applyMatrix(_local2, $m));
static function applyMatrix($m, $m2) {
if (((($m == undefined) || (!($m instanceof Array))) || ($m2 == undefined)) || (!($m2 instanceof Array))) {
var _local7 = [];
var _local2 = 0;
var _local5 = 0;
var _local6;
var _local1;
_local6 = 0;
while (_local6 < 4) {
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < 5) {
if (_local1 == 4) {
_local5 = $m[_local2 + 4];
} else {
_local5 = 0;
_local7[_local2 + _local1] = (((($m[_local2] * $m2[_local1]) + ($m[_local2 + 1] * $m2[_local1 + 5])) + ($m[_local2 + 2] * $m2[_local1 + 10])) + ($m[_local2 + 3] * $m2[_local1 + 15])) + _local5;
_local2 = _local2 + 5;
function get timeScale() {
function set timeScale($n) {
if ($n < 1E-5) {
$n = (_timeScale = 1E-5);
} else {
_timeScale = $n;
$n = $n * _globalTimeScale;
initTime = (gs.TweenLite.currentTime - ((((gs.TweenLite.currentTime - initTime) - (delay * (1000 / combinedTimeScale))) * combinedTimeScale) * (1 / $n))) - (delay * (1000 / $n));
if (startTime != 999999999999999) {
startTime = initTime + (delay * (1000 / $n));
combinedTimeScale = $n;
function set enabled($b) {
if ($b) {
combinedTimeScale = _timeScale * _globalTimeScale;
static function set globalTimeScale($n) {
static function get globalTimeScale() {
static var version = 9.3;
static var delayedCall = gs.TweenLite.delayedCall;
static var killTweensOf = gs.TweenLite.killTweensOf;
static var killDelayedCallsTo = gs.TweenLite.killTweensOf;
static var _globalTimeScale = 1;
static var _idMatrix = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0];
static var _lumR = 0.212671;
static var _lumG = 0.71516;
static var _lumB = 0.072169;
var _hf = false;
Symbol 98 MovieClip Frame 37 (8 B)
Symbol 195 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 195 MovieClip Frame 5 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 200 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 200 MovieClip Frame 5 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 210 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 210 MovieClip Frame 7 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 219 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 219 MovieClip Frame 9 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 226 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 226 MovieClip Frame 8 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 233 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 233 MovieClip Frame 8 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 240 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 240 MovieClip Frame 6 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 266 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 266 MovieClip Frame 14 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 330 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 330 MovieClip Frame 15 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 382 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 382 MovieClip Frame 8 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 391 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 391 MovieClip Frame 9 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 397 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Instance of Symbol 393 MovieClip in Symbol 397 MovieClip Frame 1 (31 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
Symbol 397 MovieClip Frame 5 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 409 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 409 MovieClip Frame 10 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 427 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 427 MovieClip Frame 7 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 454 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 454 MovieClip Frame 7 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 457 Button (39 B)
on (press) {
Symbol 458 Button (39 B)
on (press) {
Symbol 465 Button (39 B)
on (press) {
Symbol 466 Button (39 B)
on (press) {
Symbol 469 Button (39 B)
on (press) {
Symbol 470 Button (39 B)
on (press) {
Symbol 472 Button (39 B)
on (press) {
Symbol 475 Button (39 B)
on (press) {
Symbol 477 Button (40 B)
on (press) {
Symbol 480 Button (40 B)
on (press) {
Symbol 483 Button (40 B)
on (press) {
Symbol 494 Button (39 B)
on (press) {
Symbol 497 Button (91 B)
on (press) {
Symbol 499 Button (58 B)
on (press) {
printAsBitmap (_root.printclip, "bmovie");
Symbol 502 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 502 MovieClip Frame 3 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 505 Button (90 B)
on (release) {
getURL ("http://www.dressupgal.com/index.php?action=branded", "_blank");
Symbol 530 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)