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Flash #127434

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“loves me” outcomes in a row

Chose the helper bee











Flower petals eaten



First frame




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happy end:

sad end:

easy to test











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ActionScript [AS3]

Section 1
//CampaignInfo ( package { import*; public class CampaignInfo { private var _new:Boolean; private var _empty:Boolean; public function CampaignInfo(_arg1:Boolean=true, _arg2:Boolean=false){ _empty = _arg1; _new = _arg2; } public function isEmpty():Boolean{ return (_empty); } public function toURLString():String{ var _local1:Variables; _local1 = toVariables(); return (_local1.toString()); } public function toVariables():Variables{ var _local1:Variables; _local1 = new Variables(); _local1.URIencode = true; if (((!(isEmpty())) && (isNew()))){ _local1.utmcn = utmcn; }; if (((!(isEmpty())) && (!(isNew())))){ _local1.utmcr = utmcr; }; return (_local1); } public function isNew():Boolean{ return (_new); } public function get utmcn():String{ return ("1"); } public function get utmcr():String{ return ("1"); } } }//package
Section 2
//CampaignKey ( package { public class CampaignKey { public var UCMD:String;// = "utm_medium" public var UCID:String;// = "utm_id" public var UCTR:String;// = "utm_term" public var UCSR:String;// = "utm_source" public var UCNO:String;// = "utm_nooverride" public var UCCN:String;// = "utm_campaign" public var UGCLID:String;// = "gclid" public var UCCT:String;// = "utm_content" } }//package
Section 3
//CampaignManager ( package { import*; import*; import*; import*; public class CampaignManager { private var _config:Configuration; private var _domainHash:Number; private var _debug:DebugConfiguration; private var _timeStamp:Number; private var _referrer:String; private var _buffer:Buffer; public static const trackingDelimiter:String = "|"; public function CampaignManager(_arg1:Configuration, _arg2:DebugConfiguration, _arg3:Buffer, _arg4:Number, _arg5:String, _arg6:Number){ _config = _arg1; _debug = _arg2; _buffer = _arg3; _domainHash = _arg4; _referrer = _arg5; _timeStamp = _arg6; } public function hasNoOverride(_arg1:String):Boolean{ var _local2:CampaignKey; var _local3:Variables; var _local4:String; _local2 = _config.campaignKey; if (_arg1 == ""){ return (false); }; _local3 = new Variables(_arg1); _local4 = ""; if (_local3.hasOwnProperty(_local2.UCNO)){ _local4 = _local3[_local2.UCNO]; switch (_local4){ case "1": return (true); case "": case "0": default: return (false); }; }; return (false); } public function getCampaignInformation(_arg1:String, _arg2:Boolean):CampaignInfo{ var _local3:CampaignInfo; var _local4:CampaignTracker; var _local5:Boolean; var _local6:Boolean; var _local7:int; var _local8:CampaignTracker; var _local9:int; _local3 = new CampaignInfo(); _local5 = false; _local6 = false; _local7 = 0; if (((_config.allowLinker) && (_buffer.isGenuine()))){ if (!_buffer.hasUTMZ()){ return (_local3); }; }; _local4 = getTrackerFromSearchString(_arg1); if (isValid(_local4)){ _local6 = hasNoOverride(_arg1); if (((_local6) && (!(_buffer.hasUTMZ())))){ return (_local3); }; }; if (!isValid(_local4)){ _local4 = getOrganicCampaign(); if (((!(_buffer.hasUTMZ())) && (isIgnoredKeyword(_local4)))){ return (_local3); }; }; if (((!(isValid(_local4))) && (_arg2))){ _local4 = getReferrerCampaign(); if (((!(_buffer.hasUTMZ())) && (isIgnoredReferral(_local4)))){ return (_local3); }; }; if (!isValid(_local4)){ if (((!(_buffer.hasUTMZ())) && (_arg2))){ _local4 = getDirectCampaign(); }; }; if (!isValid(_local4)){ return (_local3); }; if (((_buffer.hasUTMZ()) && (!(_buffer.utmz.isEmpty())))){ _local8 = new CampaignTracker(); _local8.fromTrackerString(_buffer.utmz.campaignTracking); _local5 = (_local8.toTrackerString() == _local4.toTrackerString()); _local7 = _buffer.utmz.responseCount; }; if (((!(_local5)) || (_arg2))){ _local9 = _buffer.utma.sessionCount; _local7++; if (_local9 == 0){ _local9 = 1; }; _buffer.utmz.domainHash = _domainHash; _buffer.utmz.campaignCreation = _timeStamp; _buffer.utmz.campaignSessions = _local9; _buffer.utmz.responseCount = _local7; _buffer.utmz.campaignTracking = _local4.toTrackerString();, VisualDebugMode.geek); _local3 = new CampaignInfo(false, true); } else { _local3 = new CampaignInfo(false, false); }; return (_local3); } public function isValid(_arg1:CampaignTracker):Boolean{ if (((_arg1) && (_arg1.isValid()))){ return (true); }; return (false); } public function getTrackerFromSearchString(_arg1:String):CampaignTracker{ var _local2:CampaignTracker; var _local3:CampaignTracker; var _local4:CampaignKey; var _local5:Variables; _local2 = getOrganicCampaign(); _local3 = new CampaignTracker(); _local4 = _config.campaignKey; if (_arg1 == ""){ return (_local3); }; _local5 = new Variables(_arg1); if (_local5.hasOwnProperty(_local4.UCID)){ = _local5[_local4.UCID]; }; if (_local5.hasOwnProperty(_local4.UCSR)){ _local3.source = _local5[_local4.UCSR]; }; if (_local5.hasOwnProperty(_local4.UGCLID)){ _local3.clickId = _local5[_local4.UGCLID]; }; if (_local5.hasOwnProperty(_local4.UCCN)){ = _local5[_local4.UCCN]; } else { = "(not set)"; }; if (_local5.hasOwnProperty(_local4.UCMD)){ _local3.medium = _local5[_local4.UCMD]; } else { _local3.medium = "(not set)"; }; if (_local5.hasOwnProperty(_local4.UCTR)){ _local3.term = _local5[_local4.UCTR]; } else { if (((_local2) && (!((_local2.term == ""))))){ _local3.term = _local2.term; }; }; if (_local5.hasOwnProperty(_local4.UCCT)){ _local3.content = _local5[_local4.UCCT]; }; return (_local3); } public function getOrganicCampaign():CampaignTracker{ var _local1:CampaignTracker; var _local2:URL; var _local3:String; var _local4:Array; var _local5:OrganicReferrer; var _local6:String; if (((isInvalidReferrer(_referrer)) || (isFromGoogleCSE(_referrer, _config)))){ return (_local1); }; _local2 = new URL(_referrer); _local3 = ""; if (_local2.hostName != ""){ if (_local2.hostName.indexOf(".") > -1){ _local4 = _local2.hostName.split("."); switch (_local4.length){ case 2: _local3 = _local4[0]; break; case 3: _local3 = _local4[1]; break; }; }; }; if ({ _local5 =; _local6 =,; _local1 = new CampaignTracker(); _local1.source = _local5.engine; = "(organic)"; _local1.medium = "organic"; _local1.term = _local6; }; return (_local1); } public function isIgnoredReferral(_arg1:CampaignTracker):Boolean{ if (((_arg1) && ((_arg1.medium == "referral")))){ return (; }; return (false); } public function getDirectCampaign():CampaignTracker{ var _local1:CampaignTracker; _local1 = new CampaignTracker(); _local1.source = "(direct)"; = "(direct)"; _local1.medium = "(none)"; return (_local1); } public function isIgnoredKeyword(_arg1:CampaignTracker):Boolean{ if (((_arg1) && ((_arg1.medium == "organic")))){ return (; }; return (false); } public function getReferrerCampaign():CampaignTracker{ var _local1:CampaignTracker; var _local2:URL; var _local3:String; var _local4:String; if (((isInvalidReferrer(_referrer)) || (isFromGoogleCSE(_referrer, _config)))){ return (_local1); }; _local2 = new URL(_referrer); _local3 = _local2.hostName; _local4 = _local2.path; if (_local3.indexOf("www.") == 0){ _local3 = _local3.substr(4); }; _local1 = new CampaignTracker(); _local1.source = _local3; = "(referral)"; _local1.medium = "referral"; _local1.content = _local4; return (_local1); } public static function isInvalidReferrer(_arg1:String):Boolean{ var _local2:URL; if ((((((_arg1 == "")) || ((_arg1 == "-")))) || ((_arg1 == "0")))){ return (true); }; if (_arg1.indexOf("://") > -1){ _local2 = new URL(_arg1); if ((((_local2.protocol == Protocols.file)) || ((_local2.protocol == Protocols.none)))){ return (true); }; }; return (false); } public static function isFromGoogleCSE(_arg1:String, _arg2:Configuration):Boolean{ var _local3:URL; _local3 = new URL(_arg1); if (_local3.hostName.indexOf( > -1){ if ( + "=")) > -1){ if (_local3.path == ("/" + _arg2.googleCsePath)){ return (true); }; }; }; return (false); } } }//package
Section 4
//CampaignTracker ( package { import*; public class CampaignTracker { public var content:String; public var source:String; public var clickId:String; public var name:String; public var term:String; public var medium:String; public var id:String; public function CampaignTracker(_arg1:String="", _arg2:String="", _arg3:String="", _arg4:String="", _arg5:String="", _arg6:String="", _arg7:String=""){ = _arg1; this.source = _arg2; this.clickId = _arg3; = _arg4; this.medium = _arg5; this.term = _arg6; this.content = _arg7; } public function isValid():Boolean{ if (((((!((id == ""))) || (!((source == ""))))) || (!((clickId == ""))))){ return (true); }; return (false); } public function toTrackerString():String{ var _local1:Array = []; _addIfNotEmpty(_local1, "utmcsr=", source); _addIfNotEmpty(_local1, "utmccn=", name); _addIfNotEmpty(_local1, "utmcmd=", medium); _addIfNotEmpty(_local1, "utmctr=", term); _addIfNotEmpty(_local1, "utmcct=", content); _addIfNotEmpty(_local1, "utmcid=", id); _addIfNotEmpty(_local1, "utmgclid=", clickId); return (_local1.join(CampaignManager.trackingDelimiter)); } private function _addIfNotEmpty(_arg1:Array, _arg2:String, _arg3:String):void{ if (_arg3 != ""){ _arg3 = _arg3.split("+").join("%20"); _arg3 = _arg3.split(" ").join("%20"); _arg1.push((_arg2 + _arg3)); }; } public function fromTrackerString(_arg1:String):void{ var _local2:String = _arg1.split(CampaignManager.trackingDelimiter).join("&"); var _local3:Variables = new Variables(_local2); if (_local3.hasOwnProperty("utmcid")){ = _local3["utmcid"]; }; if (_local3.hasOwnProperty("utmcsr")){ this.source = _local3["utmcsr"]; }; if (_local3.hasOwnProperty("utmccn")){ = _local3["utmccn"]; }; if (_local3.hasOwnProperty("utmcmd")){ this.medium = _local3["utmcmd"]; }; if (_local3.hasOwnProperty("utmctr")){ this.term = _local3["utmctr"]; }; if (_local3.hasOwnProperty("utmcct")){ this.content = _local3["utmcct"]; }; if (_local3.hasOwnProperty("utmgclid")){ this.clickId = _local3["utmgclid"]; }; } } }//package
Section 5
//FlashTracker ( package { import*; import*; import*; import*; import*; import flash.display.*; import*; import*; import flash.utils.*; import*; public class FlashTracker extends Sprite implements AnalyticsTracker { private var _adSense:AdSenseGlobals; private var _env:Environment; protected var _height:Number;// = 18 private var _idleTimer:IdleTimer; private var _config:Configuration; private var _mode:String;// = "AS3" private var _dom:HTMLDOM; private var _ready:Boolean;// = false protected var _width:Number;// = 18 private var _account:String;// = "" protected var _componentInspectorSetting:Boolean; private var _visualDebug:Boolean;// = false public var boundingBox_mc:DisplayObject; private var _debug:DebugConfiguration; private var _buffer:Buffer; private var _display:DisplayObject; protected var livePreviewHeight:Number; private var _jsproxy:JavascriptProxy; protected var isLivePreview:Boolean; protected var preview:MovieClip; private var _gifRequest:GIFRequest; protected var livePreviewWidth:Number; private var _tracker:GoogleAnalyticsAPI; public static var version:Version = API.version; public function FlashTracker(){ _ready = false; _account = ""; _mode = TrackerMode.AS3; _visualDebug = false; _width = 18; _height = 18; super(); _tracker = new TrackerCache(); isLivePreview = _checkLivePreview(); _componentInspectorSetting = false; if (boundingBox_mc){ boundingBox_mc.visible = false; removeChild(boundingBox_mc); boundingBox_mc = null; }; if (isLivePreview){ _createLivePreview(); }; addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, _factory); } public function trackEvent(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:String=null, _arg4:Number=NaN):Boolean{ return (_tracker.trackEvent(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4)); } public function trackTrans():void{ _tracker.trackTrans(); } private function _createLivePreview():void{ var _local1:Graphics; var _local2:Class; preview = new MovieClip(); _local1 =; _local1.beginFill(0xFFFFFF); _local1.moveTo(0, 0); _local1.lineTo(0, _width); _local1.lineTo(_width, _height); _local1.lineTo(_height, 0); _local1.lineTo(0, 0); _local1.endFill(); _local2 = (getDefinitionByName("") as Class); preview.icon_mc = new (_local2); = "icon_mc"; preview.addChild(preview.icon_mc); addChild(preview); } public function trackPageview(_arg1:String=""):void{ _tracker.trackPageview(_arg1); } public function get account():String{ return (_account); } public function linkByPost(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{ _tracker.linkByPost(_arg1, _arg2); } public function getDetectTitle():Boolean{ return (_tracker.getDetectTitle()); } public function setCampNameKey(_arg1:String):void{ _tracker.setCampNameKey(_arg1); } public function resetSession():void{ _tracker.resetSession(); } public function set account(_arg1:String):void{ _account = _arg1; } public function get debug():DebugConfiguration{ if (!_debug){ _createDebugAndConfig(); }; return (_debug); } public function createEventTracker(_arg1:String):EventTracker{ return (_tracker.createEventTracker(_arg1)); } public function set config(_arg1:Configuration):void{ _config = _arg1; } public function addTrans(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number, _arg5:Number, _arg6:String, _arg7:String, _arg8:String):Object{ return (_tracker.addTrans(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5, _arg6, _arg7, _arg8)); } public function setLocalServerMode():void{ _tracker.setLocalServerMode(); } public function getLocalGifPath():String{ return (_tracker.getLocalGifPath()); } public function clearIgnoredRef():void{ _tracker.clearIgnoredRef(); } public function isReady():Boolean{ return (_ready); } public function set debug(_arg1:DebugConfiguration):void{ _debug = _arg1; } public function getVersion():String{ return (_tracker.getVersion()); } public function setLocalRemoteServerMode():void{ _tracker.setLocalRemoteServerMode(); } public function setCampNOKey(_arg1:String):void{ _tracker.setCampNOKey(_arg1); } public function addIgnoredOrganic(_arg1:String):void{ _tracker.addIgnoredOrganic(_arg1); } public function setCookiePath(_arg1:String):void{ _tracker.setCookiePath(_arg1); } public function setCampTermKey(_arg1:String):void{ _tracker.setCampTermKey(_arg1); } private function _trackerFactory():GoogleAnalyticsAPI{"GATracker (AS3) v" + version) + "\naccount: ") + account)); _adSense = new AdSenseGlobals(debug); _dom = new HTMLDOM(debug); _dom.cacheProperties(); _env = new Environment("", "", "", debug, _dom); _buffer = new Buffer(config, debug, false); _gifRequest = new GIFRequest(config, debug, _buffer, _env); _idleTimer = new IdleTimer(config, debug, _display, _buffer); _env.url = _display.stage.loaderInfo.url; return (new Tracker(account, config, debug, _env, _buffer, _gifRequest, _adSense)); } public function setCampaignTrack(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _tracker.setCampaignTrack(_arg1); } public function getServiceMode():ServerOperationMode{ return (_tracker.getServiceMode()); } public function set componentInspectorSetting(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _componentInspectorSetting = _arg1; } public function setSessionTimeout(_arg1:int):void{ _tracker.setSessionTimeout(_arg1); } public function setRemoteServerMode():void{ _tracker.setRemoteServerMode(); } public function get visualDebug():Boolean{ return (_visualDebug); } public function addOrganic(_arg1:String, _arg2:String):void{ _tracker.addOrganic(_arg1, _arg2); } public function setCookieTimeout(_arg1:int):void{ _tracker.setCookieTimeout(_arg1); } public function getClientInfo():Boolean{ return (_tracker.getClientInfo()); } public function setAllowLinker(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _tracker.setAllowLinker(_arg1); } public function setClientInfo(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _tracker.setClientInfo(_arg1); } private function _bridgeFactory():GoogleAnalyticsAPI{"GATracker (Bridge) v" + version) + "\naccount: ") + account)); return (new Bridge(account, _debug, _jsproxy)); } public function get config():Configuration{ if (!_config){ _createDebugAndConfig(); }; return (_config); } public function set mode(_arg1:String):void{ _mode = _arg1; } public function setDetectFlash(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _tracker.setDetectFlash(_arg1); } public function addItem(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:String, _arg4:String, _arg5:Number, _arg6:int):void{ _tracker.addItem(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5, _arg6); } public function setVar(_arg1:String):void{ _tracker.setVar(_arg1); } public function clearIgnoredOrganic():void{ _tracker.clearIgnoredOrganic(); } public function setDomainName(_arg1:String):void{ _tracker.setDomainName(_arg1); } private function _checkLivePreview():Boolean{ if (((!((parent == null))) && ((getQualifiedClassName(parent) == "fl.livepreview::LivePreviewParent")))){ return (true); }; return (false); } public function setCampSourceKey(_arg1:String):void{ _tracker.setCampSourceKey(_arg1); } public function setCampContentKey(_arg1:String):void{ _tracker.setCampContentKey(_arg1); } public function setSize(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ } public function setAllowAnchor(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _tracker.setAllowAnchor(_arg1); } public function setLocalGifPath(_arg1:String):void{ _tracker.setLocalGifPath(_arg1); } public function get mode():String{ return (_mode); } public function setSampleRate(_arg1:Number):void{ _tracker.setSampleRate(_arg1); } public function setAllowHash(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _tracker.setAllowHash(_arg1); } public function setDetectTitle(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _tracker.setDetectTitle(_arg1); } public function cookiePathCopy(_arg1:String):void{ _tracker.cookiePathCopy(_arg1); } private function _factory(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:GoogleAnalyticsAPI; var _local3:TrackerCache; removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, _factory); if (isLivePreview){ return; }; _display = this; _createDebugAndConfig(); if (visualDebug){ debug.layout = new Layout(debug, _display); = visualDebug; }; _jsproxy = new JavascriptProxy(debug); _local3 = (_tracker as TrackerCache); switch (mode){ case TrackerMode.BRIDGE: _local2 = _bridgeFactory(); break; case TrackerMode.AS3: default: _local2 = _trackerFactory(); }; if (!_local3.isEmpty()){ _local3.tracker = _local2; _local3.flush(); }; _tracker = _local2; _ready = true; dispatchEvent(new AnalyticsEvent(AnalyticsEvent.READY, this)); } public function getDetectFlash():Boolean{ return (_tracker.getDetectFlash()); } public function clearOrganic():void{ _tracker.clearOrganic(); } private function _createDebugAndConfig():void{ if (!_debug){ this.debug = new DebugConfiguration(); }; if (!_config){ this.config = new Configuration(debug); }; } public function addIgnoredRef(_arg1:String):void{ _tracker.addIgnoredRef(_arg1); } public function set visualDebug(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _visualDebug = _arg1; } public function setCampMediumKey(_arg1:String):void{ _tracker.setCampMediumKey(_arg1); } public function getAccount():String{ return (_tracker.getAccount()); } public function link(_arg1:String, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{, _arg2); } } var _local1:* = ServerOperationMode; return (_local1); }//package
Section 6
//GATrackerLibrary ( package { import*; import flash.display.*; import*; public class GATrackerLibrary extends MovieClip { public static var version:Version = API.version; } }//package
Section 7
//Icon ( package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Icon extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 8
//BrowserInfo ( package { import*; import*; public class BrowserInfo { private var _config:Configuration; private var _info:Environment; public function BrowserInfo(_arg1:Configuration, _arg2:Environment){ _config = _arg1; _info = _arg2; } public function get utmul():String{ return (_info.language.toLowerCase()); } public function get utmje():String{ return ("0"); } public function toURLString():String{ var _local1:Variables; _local1 = toVariables(); return (_local1.toString()); } public function get utmsr():String{ return (((_info.screenWidth + "x") + _info.screenHeight)); } public function get utmcs():String{ return (_info.languageEncoding); } public function get utmfl():String{ var _local1:Version; if (_config.detectFlash){ _local1 = _info.flashVersion; return (((((_local1.major + ".") + _local1.minor) + " r") +; }; return ("-"); } public function toVariables():Variables{ var _local1:Variables; _local1 = new Variables(); _local1.URIencode = true; _local1.utmcs = utmcs; _local1.utmsr = utmsr; _local1.utmsc = utmsc; _local1.utmul = utmul; _local1.utmje = utmje; _local1.utmfl = utmfl; return (_local1); } public function get utmsc():String{ return ((_info.screenColorDepth + "-bit")); } } }//package
Section 9
//Buffer ( package { import*; import*; import*; import*; import*; public dynamic class Buffer { private var _SO:SharedObject; private var _OBJ:Object; private var _utma:UTMA; private var _utmb:UTMB; private var _utmc:UTMC; private var _debug:DebugConfiguration; private var _utmk:UTMK; private var _config:Configuration; private var _utmv:UTMV; private var _utmz:UTMZ; private var _volatile:Boolean; public function Buffer(_arg1:Configuration, _arg2:DebugConfiguration, _arg3:Boolean=false, _arg4:Object=null){ var _local5:Boolean; var _local6:String; super(); _config = _arg1; _debug = _arg2; UTMB.defaultTimespan = _config.sessionTimeout; UTMZ.defaultTimespan = _config.conversionTimeout; if (!_arg3){ _SO = SharedObject.getLocal(_config.cookieName, _config.cookiePath); _local5 = false; if ({ if (!hasUTMA()){ _createUMTA(); }; _utma.fromSharedObject(; if (_debug.verbose){"found: " + _utma.toString(true)), VisualDebugMode.geek); }; if (_utma.isExpired()){ if (_debug.verbose){ _debug.warning("UTMA has expired", VisualDebugMode.advanced); }; _clearUTMA(); _local5 = true; }; }; if ({ if (!hasUTMB()){ _createUMTB(); }; _utmb.fromSharedObject(; if (_debug.verbose){"found: " + _utmb.toString(true)), VisualDebugMode.geek); }; if (_utmb.isExpired()){ if (_debug.verbose){ _debug.warning("UTMB has expired", VisualDebugMode.advanced); }; _clearUTMB(); _local5 = true; }; }; if ({ delete; _local5 = true; }; if ({ if (!hasUTMK()){ _createUMTK(); }; _utmk.fromSharedObject(; if (_debug.verbose){"found: " + _utmk.toString()), VisualDebugMode.geek); }; }; if ({ if (!hasUTMV()){ _createUMTV(); }; _utmv.fromSharedObject(; if (_debug.verbose){"found: " + _utmv.toString(true)), VisualDebugMode.geek); }; if (_utmv.isExpired()){ if (_debug.verbose){ _debug.warning("UTMV has expired", VisualDebugMode.advanced); }; _clearUTMV(); _local5 = true; }; }; if ({ if (!hasUTMZ()){ _createUMTZ(); }; _utmz.fromSharedObject(; if (_debug.verbose){"found: " + _utmz.toString(true)), VisualDebugMode.geek); }; if (_utmz.isExpired()){ if (_debug.verbose){ _debug.warning("UTMZ has expired", VisualDebugMode.advanced); }; _clearUTMZ(); _local5 = true; }; }; if (_local5){ save(); }; } else { _OBJ = new Object(); if (_arg4){ for (_local6 in _arg4) { _OBJ[_local6] = _arg4[_local6]; }; }; }; _volatile = _arg3; } public function clearCookies():void{ utma.reset(); utmb.reset(); utmc.reset(); utmz.reset(); utmv.reset(); utmk.reset(); } public function save():void{ var flushStatus:String; if (!isVolatile()){ flushStatus = null; try { flushStatus = _SO.flush(); } catch(e:Error) { _debug.warning("Error...Could not write SharedObject to disk"); }; switch (flushStatus){ case SharedObjectFlushStatus.PENDING:"Requesting permission to save object..."); _SO.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, _onFlushStatus); break; case SharedObjectFlushStatus.FLUSHED:"Value flushed to disk."); break; }; }; } public function get utmv():UTMV{ if (!hasUTMV()){ _createUMTV(); }; return (_utmv); } public function get utmz():UTMZ{ if (!hasUTMZ()){ _createUMTZ(); }; return (_utmz); } public function hasUTMA():Boolean{ if (_utma){ return (true); }; return (false); } public function hasUTMB():Boolean{ if (_utmb){ return (true); }; return (false); } public function hasUTMC():Boolean{ if (_utmc){ return (true); }; return (false); } public function isGenuine():Boolean{ if (!hasUTMK()){ return (true); }; return ((utmk.hash == generateCookiesHash())); } public function resetCurrentSession():void{ _clearUTMB(); _clearUTMC(); save(); } public function hasUTMK():Boolean{ if (_utmk){ return (true); }; return (false); } public function generateCookiesHash():Number{ var _local1 = ""; _local1 = (_local1 + utma.valueOf()); _local1 = (_local1 + utmb.valueOf()); _local1 = (_local1 + utmc.valueOf()); _local1 = (_local1 + utmz.valueOf()); _local1 = (_local1 + utmv.valueOf()); return (Utils.generateHash(_local1)); } private function _createUMTB():void{ _utmb = new UTMB(); _utmb.proxy = this; } private function _createUMTC():void{ _utmc = new UTMC(); } private function _createUMTA():void{ _utma = new UTMA(); _utma.proxy = this; } public function hasUTMV():Boolean{ if (_utmv){ return (true); }; return (false); } private function _createUMTK():void{ _utmk = new UTMK(); _utmk.proxy = this; } public function hasUTMZ():Boolean{ if (_utmz){ return (true); }; return (false); } private function _createUMTV():void{ _utmv = new UTMV(); _utmv.proxy = this; } private function _onFlushStatus(_arg1:NetStatusEvent):void{"User closed permission dialog..."); switch ({ case "SharedObject.Flush.Success":"User granted permission -- value saved."); break; case "SharedObject.Flush.Failed":"User denied permission -- value not saved."); break; }; _SO.removeEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, _onFlushStatus); } private function _createUMTZ():void{ _utmz = new UTMZ(); _utmz.proxy = this; } public function updateUTMA(_arg1:Number):void{ if (_debug.verbose){"updateUTMA( " + _arg1) + " )"), VisualDebugMode.advanced); }; if (!utma.isEmpty()){ if (isNaN(utma.sessionCount)){ utma.sessionCount = 1; } else { utma.sessionCount = (utma.sessionCount + 1); }; utma.lastTime = utma.currentTime; utma.currentTime = _arg1; }; } private function _clearUTMA():void{ _utma = null; if (!isVolatile()){ = null; delete; }; } private function _clearUTMC():void{ _utmc = null; } private function _clearUTMB():void{ _utmb = null; if (!isVolatile()){ = null; delete; }; } public function update(_arg1:String, _arg2):void{ if (isVolatile()){ _OBJ[_arg1] = _arg2; } else {[_arg1] = _arg2; }; } private function _clearUTMZ():void{ _utmz = null; if (!isVolatile()){ = null; delete; }; } private function _clearUTMV():void{ _utmv = null; if (!isVolatile()){ = null; delete; }; } public function isVolatile():Boolean{ return (_volatile); } public function get utma():UTMA{ if (!hasUTMA()){ _createUMTA(); }; return (_utma); } public function get utmb():UTMB{ if (!hasUTMB()){ _createUMTB(); }; return (_utmb); } public function get utmc():UTMC{ if (!hasUTMC()){ _createUMTC(); }; return (_utmc); } public function get utmk():UTMK{ if (!hasUTMK()){ _createUMTK(); }; return (_utmk); } } }//package
Section 10
//DocumentInfo ( package { import*; import*; import*; public class DocumentInfo { private var _config:Configuration; private var _utmr:String; private var _adSense:AdSenseGlobals; private var _info:Environment; private var _pageURL:String; public function DocumentInfo(_arg1:Configuration, _arg2:Environment, _arg3:String, _arg4:String=null, _arg5:AdSenseGlobals=null){ _config = _arg1; _info = _arg2; _utmr = _arg3; _pageURL = _arg4; _adSense = _arg5; } public function get utmr():String{ if (!_utmr){ return ("-"); }; return (_utmr); } public function toURLString():String{ var _local1:Variables; _local1 = toVariables(); return (_local1.toString()); } private function _renderPageURL(_arg1:String=""):String{ var _local2:String; var _local3:String; _local2 = _info.locationPath; _local3 = _info.locationSearch; if (((!(_arg1)) || ((_arg1 == "")))){ _arg1 = (_local2 + unescape(_local3)); }; return (_arg1); } public function get utmp():String{ return (_renderPageURL(_pageURL)); } private function _generateHitId():Number{ var _local1:Number; if (((_adSense.hid) && (!((_adSense.hid == ""))))){ _local1 = Number(_adSense.hid); } else { _local1 = Math.round((Math.random() * 2147483647)); _adSense.hid = String(_local1); }; return (_local1); } public function get utmhid():String{ return (String(_generateHitId())); } public function toVariables():Variables{ var _local1:Variables; _local1 = new Variables(); _local1.URIencode = true; if (((_config.detectTitle) && (!((utmdt == ""))))){ _local1.utmdt = utmdt; }; _local1.utmhid = utmhid; _local1.utmr = utmr; _local1.utmp = utmp; return (_local1); } public function get utmdt():String{ return (_info.documentTitle); } } }//package
Section 11
//Domain ( package { import*; public class Domain { private var _mode:DomainNameMode; private var _debug:DebugConfiguration; private var _name:String; public function Domain(_arg1:DomainNameMode=null, _arg2:String="", _arg3:DebugConfiguration=null){ _debug = _arg3; if (_arg1 == null){ _arg1 =; }; _mode = _arg1; if (_arg1 == DomainNameMode.custom){ = _arg2; } else { _name = _arg2; }; } public function get mode():DomainNameMode{ return (_mode); } public function set mode(_arg1:DomainNameMode):void{ _mode = _arg1; if (_mode == DomainNameMode.none){ _name = ""; }; } public function get name():String{ return (_name); } public function set name(_arg1:String):void{ if (((!((_arg1.charAt(0) == "."))) && (_debug))){ _debug.warning(("missing leading period \".\", cookie will only be accessible on " + _arg1), VisualDebugMode.geek); }; _name = _arg1; } } }//package
Section 12
//DomainNameMode ( package { public class DomainNameMode { private var _value:int; private var _name:String; public static const custom:DomainNameMode = new DomainNameMode(2, "custom"); ; public static const none:DomainNameMode = new DomainNameMode(0, "none"); ; public static const auto:DomainNameMode = new DomainNameMode(1, "auto"); ; public function DomainNameMode(_arg1:int=0, _arg2:String=""){ _value = _arg1; _name = _arg2; } public function valueOf():int{ return (_value); } public function toString():String{ return (_name); } } }//package
Section 13
//EventInfo ( package { import*; import*; public class EventInfo { private var _isEventHit:Boolean; private var _ext10:X10; private var _x10:X10; public function EventInfo(_arg1:Boolean, _arg2:X10, _arg3:X10=null){ _isEventHit = _arg1; _x10 = _arg2; _ext10 = _arg3; } public function toURLString():String{ var _local1:Variables; _local1 = toVariables(); return (_local1.toString()); } public function get utmt():String{ return ("event"); } public function get utme():String{ return (_x10.renderMergedUrlString(_ext10)); } public function toVariables():Variables{ var _local1:Variables; _local1 = new Variables(); _local1.URIencode = true; if (_isEventHit){ _local1.utmt = utmt; }; _local1.utme = utme; return (_local1); } } }//package
Section 14
//EventTracker ( package { import*; public class EventTracker { private var _parent:GoogleAnalyticsAPI; public var name:String; public function EventTracker(_arg1:String, _arg2:GoogleAnalyticsAPI){ = _arg1; _parent = _arg2; } public function trackEvent(_arg1:String, _arg2:String=null, _arg3:Number=NaN):Boolean{ return (_parent.trackEvent(name, _arg1, _arg2, _arg3)); } } }//package
Section 15
//ga_internal ( package { public namespace ga_internal; }//package
Section 16
//GIFRequest ( package { import*; import*; import*; import*; import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.system.*; public class GIFRequest { private var _info:Environment; private var _count:int; private var _utmac:String; private var _alertcount:int; private var _debug:DebugConfiguration; private var _lastRequest:URLRequest; private var _buffer:Buffer; private var _config:Configuration; private var _requests:Array; public function GIFRequest(_arg1:Configuration, _arg2:DebugConfiguration, _arg3:Buffer, _arg4:Environment){ _config = _arg1; _debug = _arg2; _buffer = _arg3; _info = _arg4; _count = 0; _alertcount = 0; _requests = []; } public function get utmn():String{ return ((Utils.generate32bitRandom() as String)); } public function onIOError(_arg1:IOErrorEvent):void{ var _local2:String = _lastRequest.url; var _local3:String = String((_requests.length - 1)); var _local4 = (("Gif Request #" + _local3) + " failed"); if (_debug.GIFRequests){ if (!_debug.verbose){ if (_local2.indexOf("?") > -1){ _local2 = _local2.split("?")[0]; }; _local2 = _shortenURL(_local2); }; if (int(_debug.mode) > int(VisualDebugMode.basic)){ _local4 = (_local4 + ((" \"" + _local2) + "\" does not exists or is unreachable")); }; _debug.failure(_local4); } else { _debug.warning(_local4); }; _removeListeners(; } public function send(_arg1:String, _arg2:Variables=null, _arg3:Boolean=false, _arg4:Boolean=false):void{ var _local5:String; var _local6:URLRequest; var _local7:URLRequest; _utmac = _arg1; if (!_arg2){ _arg2 = new Variables(); }; _arg2.URIencode = false; _arg2.pre = ["utmwv", "utmn", "utmhn", "utmt", "utme", "utmcs", "utmsr", "utmsc", "utmul", "utmje", "utmfl", "utmdt", "utmhid", "utmr", "utmp"]; = ["utmcc"]; if (_debug.verbose){"tracking: " + _buffer.utmb.trackCount) + "/") + _config.trackingLimitPerSession), VisualDebugMode.geek); }; if ((((_buffer.utmb.trackCount < _config.trackingLimitPerSession)) || (_arg3))){ if (_arg4){ updateToken(); }; if (((((_arg3) || (!(_arg4)))) || ((_buffer.utmb.token >= 1)))){ if (((!(_arg3)) && (_arg4))){ _buffer.utmb.token = (_buffer.utmb.token - 1); }; _buffer.utmb.trackCount = (_buffer.utmb.trackCount + 1); if (_debug.verbose){, VisualDebugMode.geek); }; _arg2.utmwv = utmwv; _arg2.utmn = Utils.generate32bitRandom(); if (_info.domainName != ""){ _arg2.utmhn = _info.domainName; }; if (_config.sampleRate < 1){ _arg2.utmsp = (_config.sampleRate * 100); }; if ((((_config.serverMode == ServerOperationMode.local)) || ((_config.serverMode == ServerOperationMode.both)))){ _local5 = _info.locationSWFPath; if (_local5.lastIndexOf("/") > 0){ _local5 = _local5.substring(0, _local5.lastIndexOf("/")); }; _local6 = new URLRequest(); if (_config.localGIFpath.indexOf("http") == 0){ _local6.url = _config.localGIFpath; } else { _local6.url = (_local5 + _config.localGIFpath); }; _local6.url = (_local6.url + ("?" + _arg2.toString())); if ((( && (_debug.GIFRequests))){ _debugSend(_local6); } else { sendRequest(_local6); }; }; if ((((_config.serverMode == ServerOperationMode.remote)) || ((_config.serverMode == ServerOperationMode.both)))){ _local7 = new URLRequest(); if (_info.protocol == Protocols.HTTPS){ _local7.url = _config.secureRemoteGIFpath; } else { if (_info.protocol == Protocols.HTTP){ _local7.url = _config.remoteGIFpath; } else { _local7.url = _config.remoteGIFpath; }; }; _arg2.utmac = utmac; _arg2.utmcc = encodeURIComponent(utmcc); _local7.url = (_local7.url + ("?" + _arg2.toString())); if ((( && (_debug.GIFRequests))){ _debugSend(_local7); } else { sendRequest(_local7); }; }; }; }; } public function onSecurityError(_arg1:SecurityErrorEvent):void{ if (_debug.GIFRequests){ _debug.failure(_arg1.text); }; } public function get utmsp():String{ return (((_config.sampleRate * 100) as String)); } public function get utmcc():String{ var _local1:Array = []; if (_buffer.hasUTMA()){ _local1.push((_buffer.utma.toURLString() + ";")); }; if (_buffer.hasUTMZ()){ _local1.push((_buffer.utmz.toURLString() + ";")); }; if (_buffer.hasUTMV()){ _local1.push((_buffer.utmv.toURLString() + ";")); }; return (_local1.join("+")); } public function get utmac():String{ return (_utmac); } public function get utmwv():String{ return (_config.version); } public function sendRequest(_arg1:URLRequest):void{ var request = _arg1; var loader:Loader = new Loader(); = String(_count++); var context:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext(false); loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onIOError); loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete); _lastRequest = request; _requests[] = new RequestObject(request); try { loader.load(request, context); } catch(e:Error) { _debug.failure("\"Loader.load()\" could not instanciate Gif Request"); }; } private function _removeListeners(_arg1:Object):void{ _arg1.removeEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onIOError); _arg1.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete); } public function updateToken():void{ var _local2:Number; var _local1:Number = new Date().getTime(); _local2 = ((_local1 - _buffer.utmb.lastTime) * (_config.tokenRate / 1000)); if (_debug.verbose){"tokenDelta: " + _local2), VisualDebugMode.geek); }; if (_local2 >= 1){ _buffer.utmb.token = Math.min(Math.floor((_buffer.utmb.token + _local2)), _config.bucketCapacity); _buffer.utmb.lastTime = _local1; if (_debug.verbose){, VisualDebugMode.geek); }; }; } public function get utmhn():String{ return (_info.domainName); } private function _shortenURL(_arg1:String):String{ var _local2:Array; if (_arg1.length > 60){ _local2 = _arg1.split("/"); while (_arg1.length > 60) { _local2.shift(); _arg1 = ("../" + _local2.join("/")); }; }; return (_arg1); } private function _debugSend(_arg1:URLRequest):void{ var _local3:String; var _local2 = ""; switch (_debug.mode){ case VisualDebugMode.geek: _local2 = ((("Gif Request #" + _alertcount) + ":\n") + _arg1.url); break; case VisualDebugMode.advanced: _local3 = _arg1.url; if (_local3.indexOf("?") > -1){ _local3 = _local3.split("?")[0]; }; _local3 = _shortenURL(_local3); _local2 = (((("Send Gif Request #" + _alertcount) + ":\n") + _local3) + " ?"); break; case VisualDebugMode.basic: default: _local2 = (((("Send " + _config.serverMode.toString()) + " Gif Request #") + _alertcount) + " ?"); }; _debug.alertGifRequest(_local2, _arg1, this); _alertcount++; } public function onComplete(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:String =; _requests[_local2].complete(); var _local3 = (("Gif Request #" + _local2) + " sent"); var _local4:String = _requests[_local2].request.url; if (_debug.GIFRequests){ if (!_debug.verbose){ if (_local4.indexOf("?") > -1){ _local4 = _local4.split("?")[0]; }; _local4 = _shortenURL(_local4); }; if (int(_debug.mode) > int(VisualDebugMode.basic)){ _local3 = (_local3 + ((" to \"" + _local4) + "\"")); }; _debug.success(_local3); } else {; }; _removeListeners(; } } }//package
Section 17
//IdleTimer ( package { import*; import*; import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; public class IdleTimer { private var _loop:Timer; private var _stage:Stage; private var _lastMove:int; private var _debug:DebugConfiguration; private var _session:Timer; private var _inactivity:Number; private var _buffer:Buffer; public function IdleTimer(_arg1:Configuration, _arg2:DebugConfiguration, _arg3:DisplayObject, _arg4:Buffer){ var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; super(); _local5 = _arg1.idleLoop; _local6 = _arg1.idleTimeout; _local7 = _arg1.sessionTimeout; _loop = new Timer((_local5 * 1000)); _session = new Timer((_local7 * 1000), 1); _debug = _arg2; _stage = _arg3.stage; _buffer = _arg4; _lastMove = getTimer(); _inactivity = (_local6 * 1000); _loop.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, checkForIdle); _session.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, endSession); _stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, onMouseMove);"delay: " + _local5) + "sec , inactivity: ") + _local6) + "sec, sessionTimeout: ") + _local7), VisualDebugMode.geek); _loop.start(); } private function onMouseMove(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ _lastMove = getTimer(); if (_session.running){"session timer reset", VisualDebugMode.geek); _session.reset(); }; } public function endSession(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ _session.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, endSession);"session timer end session", VisualDebugMode.geek); _session.reset(); _buffer.resetCurrentSession();, VisualDebugMode.geek);, VisualDebugMode.geek); _session.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, endSession); } public function checkForIdle(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ var _local2:int; _local2 = getTimer(); if ((_local2 - _lastMove) >= _inactivity){ if (!_session.running){"session timer start", VisualDebugMode.geek); _session.start(); }; }; } } }//package
Section 18
//Organic ( package { import*; public class Organic { private var _sourcesCache:Array; private var _sourcesEngine:Array; private var _ignoredKeywords:Array; private var _ignoredReferralsCache:Object; private var _ignoredReferrals:Array; private var _ignoredKeywordsCache:Object; private var _sources:Array; public static var throwErrors:Boolean = false; public function Organic(){ _sources = []; _sourcesCache = []; _sourcesEngine = []; _ignoredReferrals = []; _ignoredReferralsCache = {}; _ignoredKeywords = []; _ignoredKeywordsCache = {}; } public function getKeywordValue(_arg1:OrganicReferrer, _arg2:String):String{ var _local3:String; _local3 = _arg1.keyword; return (getKeywordValueFromPath(_local3, _arg2)); } public function isIgnoredKeyword(_arg1:String):Boolean{ if (_ignoredKeywordsCache.hasOwnProperty(_arg1)){ return (true); }; return (false); } public function isIgnoredReferral(_arg1:String):Boolean{ if (_ignoredReferralsCache.hasOwnProperty(_arg1)){ return (true); }; return (false); } public function clear():void{ clearEngines(); clearIgnoredReferrals(); clearIgnoredKeywords(); } public function get ignoredKeywordsCount():int{ return (_ignoredKeywords.length); } public function match(_arg1:String):Boolean{ if (_arg1 == ""){ return (false); }; _arg1 = _arg1.toLowerCase(); if (_sourcesEngine[_arg1] != undefined){ return (true); }; return (false); } public function get count():int{ return (_sources.length); } public function addSource(_arg1:String, _arg2:String):void{ var _local3:OrganicReferrer; _local3 = new OrganicReferrer(_arg1, _arg2); if (_sourcesCache[_local3.toString()] == undefined){ _sources.push(_local3); _sourcesCache[_local3.toString()] = (_sources.length - 1); if (_sourcesEngine[_local3.engine] == undefined){ _sourcesEngine[_local3.engine] = [(_sources.length - 1)]; } else { _sourcesEngine[_local3.engine].push((_sources.length - 1)); }; } else { if (throwErrors){ throw (new Error((_local3.toString() + " already exists, we don't add it."))); }; }; } public function clearIgnoredKeywords():void{ _ignoredKeywords = []; _ignoredKeywordsCache = {}; } public function clearEngines():void{ _sources = []; _sourcesCache = []; _sourcesEngine = []; } public function get ignoredReferralsCount():int{ return (_ignoredReferrals.length); } public function addIgnoredReferral(_arg1:String):void{ if (_ignoredReferralsCache[_arg1] == undefined){ _ignoredReferrals.push(_arg1); _ignoredReferralsCache[_arg1] = (_ignoredReferrals.length - 1); } else { if (throwErrors){ throw (new Error((("\"" + _arg1) + "\" already exists, we don't add it."))); }; }; } public function clearIgnoredReferrals():void{ _ignoredReferrals = []; _ignoredReferralsCache = {}; } public function getReferrerByName(_arg1:String):OrganicReferrer{ var _local2:int; if (match(_arg1)){ _local2 = _sourcesEngine[_arg1][0]; return (_sources[_local2]); }; return (null); } public function addIgnoredKeyword(_arg1:String):void{ if (_ignoredKeywordsCache[_arg1] == undefined){ _ignoredKeywords.push(_arg1); _ignoredKeywordsCache[_arg1] = (_ignoredKeywords.length - 1); } else { if (throwErrors){ throw (new Error((("\"" + _arg1) + "\" already exists, we don't add it."))); }; }; } public function get sources():Array{ return (_sources); } public static function getKeywordValueFromPath(_arg1:String, _arg2:String):String{ var _local3:String; var _local4:Variables; if (_arg2.indexOf((_arg1 + "=")) > -1){ if (_arg2.charAt(0) == "?"){ _arg2 = _arg2.substr(1); }; _arg2 = _arg2.split("+").join("%20"); _local4 = new Variables(_arg2); _local3 = _local4[_arg1]; }; return (_local3); } } }//package
Section 19
//OrganicReferrer ( package { public class OrganicReferrer { private var _engine:String; private var _keyword:String; public function OrganicReferrer(_arg1:String, _arg2:String){ this.engine = _arg1; this.keyword = _arg2; } public function set engine(_arg1:String):void{ _engine = _arg1.toLowerCase(); } public function get keyword():String{ return (_keyword); } public function toString():String{ return (((engine + "?") + keyword)); } public function get engine():String{ return (_engine); } public function set keyword(_arg1:String):void{ _keyword = _arg1.toLowerCase(); } } }//package
Section 20
//RequestObject ( package { import*; import flash.utils.*; public class RequestObject { public var start:int; public var request:URLRequest; public var end:int; public function RequestObject(_arg1:URLRequest){ start = getTimer(); this.request = _arg1; } public function toString():String{ var _local1:Array; _local1 = []; _local1.push((("duration: " + duration) + "ms")); _local1.push(("url: " + request.url)); return ((("{ " + _local1.join(", ")) + " }")); } public function get duration():int{ if (!hasCompleted()){ return (0); }; return ((end - start)); } public function hasCompleted():Boolean{ return ((end > 0)); } public function complete():void{ end = getTimer(); } } }//package
Section 21
//ServerOperationMode ( package { public class ServerOperationMode { private var _value:int; private var _name:String; public static const both:ServerOperationMode = new ServerOperationMode(2, "both"); ; public static const remote:ServerOperationMode = new ServerOperationMode(1, "remote"); ; public static const local:ServerOperationMode = new ServerOperationMode(0, "local"); ; public function ServerOperationMode(_arg1:int=0, _arg2:String=""){ _value = _arg1; _name = _arg2; } public function valueOf():int{ return (_value); } public function toString():String{ return (_name); } } }//package
Section 22
//TrackerCache ( package { import*; import flash.errors.*; public class TrackerCache implements GoogleAnalyticsAPI { public var tracker:GoogleAnalyticsAPI; private var _ar:Array; public static var CACHE_THROW_ERROR:Boolean; public function TrackerCache(_arg1:GoogleAnalyticsAPI=null){ this.tracker = _arg1; _ar = []; } public function size():uint{ return (_ar.length); } public function flush():void{ var _local1:Object; var _local2:String; var _local3:Array; var _local4:int; var _local5:int; if (tracker == null){ return; }; if (size() > 0){ _local4 = _ar.length; while (_local5 < _local4) { _local1 = _ar.shift(); _local2 = ( as String); _local3 = (_local1.args as Array); if (((!((_local2 == null))) && ((_local2 in tracker)))){ (tracker[_local2] as Function).apply(tracker, _local3); }; _local5++; }; }; } public function enqueue(_arg1:String, ... _args):Boolean{ if (_arg1 == null){ return (false); }; _ar.push({name:_arg1, args:_args}); return (true); } public function link(_arg1:String, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{ enqueue("link", _arg1, _arg2); } public function addOrganic(_arg1:String, _arg2:String):void{ enqueue("addOrganic", _arg1, _arg2); } public function setAllowLinker(_arg1:Boolean):void{ enqueue("setAllowLinker", _arg1); } public function trackEvent(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:String=null, _arg4:Number=NaN):Boolean{ enqueue("trackEvent", _arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4); return (true); } public function getClientInfo():Boolean{ if (CACHE_THROW_ERROR){ throw (new IllegalOperationError("The tracker is not ready and you can use the 'getClientInfo' method for the moment.")); }; return (false); } public function trackTrans():void{ enqueue("trackTrans"); } public function trackPageview(_arg1:String=""):void{ enqueue("trackPageview", _arg1); } public function setClientInfo(_arg1:Boolean):void{ enqueue("setClientInfo", _arg1); } public function linkByPost(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{ enqueue("linkByPost", _arg1, _arg2); } public function setCookieTimeout(_arg1:int):void{ enqueue("setCookieTimeout", _arg1); } public function isEmpty():Boolean{ return ((_ar.length == 0)); } public function getDetectTitle():Boolean{ if (CACHE_THROW_ERROR){ throw (new IllegalOperationError("The tracker is not ready and you can use the 'getDetectTitle' method for the moment.")); }; return (false); } public function resetSession():void{ enqueue("resetSession"); } public function setDetectFlash(_arg1:Boolean):void{ enqueue("setDetectFlash", _arg1); } public function clear():void{ _ar = []; } public function setCampNameKey(_arg1:String):void{ enqueue("setCampNameKey", _arg1); } public function addItem(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:String, _arg4:String, _arg5:Number, _arg6:int):void{ enqueue("addItem", _arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5, _arg6); } public function createEventTracker(_arg1:String):EventTracker{ if (CACHE_THROW_ERROR){ throw (new IllegalOperationError("The tracker is not ready and you can use the 'createEventTracker' method for the moment.")); }; return (null); } public function setVar(_arg1:String):void{ enqueue("setVar", _arg1); } public function clearIgnoredOrganic():void{ enqueue("clearIgnoredOrganic"); } public function setDomainName(_arg1:String):void{ enqueue("setDomainName", _arg1); } public function setCampSourceKey(_arg1:String):void{ enqueue("setCampSourceKey", _arg1); } public function addTrans(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number, _arg5:Number, _arg6:String, _arg7:String, _arg8:String):Object{ if (CACHE_THROW_ERROR){ throw (new IllegalOperationError("The tracker is not ready and you can use the 'addTrans' method for the moment.")); }; return (null); } public function setCampContentKey(_arg1:String):void{ enqueue("setCampContentKey", _arg1); } public function setLocalServerMode():void{ enqueue("setLocalServerMode"); } public function getLocalGifPath():String{ if (CACHE_THROW_ERROR){ throw (new IllegalOperationError("The tracker is not ready and you can use the 'getLocalGifPath' method for the moment.")); }; return (""); } public function setAllowAnchor(_arg1:Boolean):void{ enqueue("setAllowAnchor", _arg1); } public function clearIgnoredRef():void{ enqueue("clearIgnoredRef"); } public function setLocalGifPath(_arg1:String):void{ enqueue("setLocalGifPath", _arg1); } public function getVersion():String{ if (CACHE_THROW_ERROR){ throw (new IllegalOperationError("The tracker is not ready and you can use the 'getVersion' method for the moment.")); }; return (""); } public function setCookiePath(_arg1:String):void{ enqueue("setCookiePath", _arg1); } public function setSampleRate(_arg1:Number):void{ enqueue("setSampleRate", _arg1); } public function setDetectTitle(_arg1:Boolean):void{ enqueue("setDetectTitle", _arg1); } public function setAllowHash(_arg1:Boolean):void{ enqueue("setAllowHash", _arg1); } public function addIgnoredOrganic(_arg1:String):void{ enqueue("addIgnoredOrganic", _arg1); } public function setCampNOKey(_arg1:String):void{ enqueue("setCampNOKey", _arg1); } public function getServiceMode():ServerOperationMode{ if (CACHE_THROW_ERROR){ throw (new IllegalOperationError("The tracker is not ready and you can use the 'getServiceMode' method for the moment.")); }; return (null); } public function setLocalRemoteServerMode():void{ enqueue("setLocalRemoteServerMode"); } public function cookiePathCopy(_arg1:String):void{ enqueue("cookiePathCopy", _arg1); } public function getDetectFlash():Boolean{ if (CACHE_THROW_ERROR){ throw (new IllegalOperationError("The tracker is not ready and you can use the 'getDetectFlash' method for the moment.")); }; return (false); } public function setCampaignTrack(_arg1:Boolean):void{ enqueue("setCampaignTrack", _arg1); } public function clearOrganic():void{ enqueue("clearOrganic"); } public function setCampTermKey(_arg1:String):void{ enqueue("setCampTermKey", _arg1); } public function addIgnoredRef(_arg1:String):void{ enqueue("addIgnoredRef", _arg1); } public function setCampMediumKey(_arg1:String):void{ enqueue("setCampMediumKey", _arg1); } public function setSessionTimeout(_arg1:int):void{ enqueue("setSessionTimeout", _arg1); } public function setRemoteServerMode():void{ enqueue("setRemoteServerMode"); } public function element(){ return (_ar[0]); } public function getAccount():String{ if (CACHE_THROW_ERROR){ throw (new IllegalOperationError("The tracker is not ready and you can use the 'getAccount' method for the moment.")); }; return (""); } } }//package
Section 23
//TrackerMode ( package { public class TrackerMode { public static const BRIDGE:String = "Bridge"; public static const AS3:String = "AS3"; } }//package
Section 24
//Utils ( package { public class Utils { public static function trim(_arg1:String, _arg2:Boolean=false):String{ var _local3:Array; var _local4:String; var _local5:int; var _local6:int; var _local7:int; if (_arg1 == ""){ return (""); }; _local3 = [" ", "\n", "\r", "\t"]; _local4 = _arg1; if (_arg2){ _local5 = 0; while ((((_local5 < _local3.length)) && ((_local4.indexOf(_local3[_local5]) > -1)))) { _local4 = _local4.split(_local3[_local5]).join(""); _local5++; }; } else { _local6 = 0; while ((((_local6 < _local4.length)) && ((_local3.indexOf(_local4.charAt(_local6)) > -1)))) { _local6++; }; _local4 = _local4.substr(_local6); _local7 = (_local4.length - 1); while ((((_local7 >= 0)) && ((_local3.indexOf(_local4.charAt(_local7)) > -1)))) { _local7--; }; _local4 = _local4.substring(0, (_local7 + 1)); }; return (_local4); } public static function generateHash(_arg1:String):int{ var _local2:int; var _local3:int; var _local4:int; var _local5:int; _local2 = 1; _local3 = 0; if (((!((_arg1 == null))) && (!((_arg1 == ""))))){ _local2 = 0; _local4 = (_arg1.length - 1); while (_local4 >= 0) { _local5 = _arg1.charCodeAt(_local4); _local2 = ((((_local2 << 6) & 268435455) + _local5) + (_local5 << 14)); _local3 = (_local2 & 266338304); if (_local3 != 0){ _local2 = (_local2 ^ (_local3 >> 21)); }; _local4--; }; }; return (_local2); } public static function generate32bitRandom():int{ return (Math.round((Math.random() * 2147483647))); } public static function validateAccount(_arg1:String):Boolean{ var _local2:RegExp; _local2 = /^UA-[0-9]*-[0-9]*$/; return (_local2.test(_arg1)); } } }//package
Section 25
//Cookie ( package { public interface Cookie { function fromSharedObject(_arg1:Object):void; function toURLString():String; function get creation():Date; function toSharedObject():Object; function isExpired():Boolean; function set creation(_arg1:Date):void; function set expiration(_arg1:Date):void; function get expiration():Date; } }//package
Section 26
//UTMA ( package { import*; public class UTMA extends UTMCookie { private var _sessionId:Number; private var _domainHash:Number; private var _firstTime:Number; private var _currentTime:Number; private var _lastTime:Number; private var _sessionCount:Number; public function UTMA(_arg1:Number=NaN, _arg2:Number=NaN, _arg3:Number=NaN, _arg4:Number=NaN, _arg5:Number=NaN, _arg6:Number=NaN){ super("utma", "__utma", ["domainHash", "sessionId", "firstTime", "lastTime", "currentTime", "sessionCount"], (Timespan.twoyears * 1000)); this.domainHash = _arg1; this.sessionId = _arg2; this.firstTime = _arg3; this.lastTime = _arg4; this.currentTime = _arg5; this.sessionCount = _arg6; } public function get lastTime():Number{ return (_lastTime); } public function set lastTime(_arg1:Number):void{ _lastTime = _arg1; update(); } public function set currentTime(_arg1:Number):void{ _currentTime = _arg1; update(); } public function get sessionId():Number{ return (_sessionId); } public function get sessionCount():Number{ return (_sessionCount); } public function get firstTime():Number{ return (_firstTime); } public function get currentTime():Number{ return (_currentTime); } public function set domainHash(_arg1:Number):void{ _domainHash = _arg1; update(); } public function set sessionId(_arg1:Number):void{ _sessionId = _arg1; update(); } public function set sessionCount(_arg1:Number):void{ _sessionCount = _arg1; update(); } public function get domainHash():Number{ return (_domainHash); } public function set firstTime(_arg1:Number):void{ _firstTime = _arg1; update(); } } }//package
Section 27
//UTMB ( package { import*; public class UTMB extends UTMCookie { private var _trackCount:Number; private var _lastTime:Number; private var _domainHash:Number; private var _token:Number; public static var defaultTimespan:Number = Timespan.thirtyminutes; public function UTMB(_arg1:Number=NaN, _arg2:Number=NaN, _arg3:Number=NaN, _arg4:Number=NaN){ super("utmb", "__utmb", ["domainHash", "trackCount", "token", "lastTime"], (defaultTimespan * 1000)); this.domainHash = _arg1; this.trackCount = _arg2; this.token = _arg3; this.lastTime = _arg4; } public function set token(_arg1:Number):void{ _token = _arg1; update(); } public function set trackCount(_arg1:Number):void{ _trackCount = _arg1; update(); } public function get lastTime():Number{ return (_lastTime); } public function set domainHash(_arg1:Number):void{ _domainHash = _arg1; update(); } public function set lastTime(_arg1:Number):void{ _lastTime = _arg1; update(); } public function get domainHash():Number{ return (_domainHash); } public function get token():Number{ return (_token); } public function get trackCount():Number{ return (_trackCount); } } }//package
Section 28
//UTMC ( package { public class UTMC extends UTMCookie { private var _domainHash:Number; public function UTMC(_arg1:Number=NaN){ super("utmc", "__utmc", ["domainHash"]); this.domainHash = _arg1; } public function set domainHash(_arg1:Number):void{ _domainHash = _arg1; update(); } public function get domainHash():Number{ return (_domainHash); } } }//package
Section 29
//UTMCookie ( package { import*; public class UTMCookie implements Cookie { protected var inURL:String; protected var name:String; private var _creation:Date; private var _expiration:Date; public var proxy:Buffer; private var _timespan:Number; protected var fields:Array; public function UTMCookie(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:Array, _arg4:Number=0){ = _arg1; this.inURL = _arg2; this.fields = _arg3; _timestamp(_arg4); } public function isEmpty():Boolean{ var _local1:int; var _local2:String; var _local3:int; _local1 = 0; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < fields.length) { _local2 = fields[_local3]; if ((((this[_local2] is Number)) && (isNaN(this[_local2])))){ _local1++; } else { if ((((this[_local2] is String)) && ((this[_local2] == "")))){ _local1++; }; }; _local3++; }; if (_local1 == fields.length){ return (true); }; return (false); } protected function update():void{ resetTimestamp(); if (proxy){ proxy.update(name, toSharedObject()); }; } public function fromSharedObject(_arg1:Object):void{ var _local2:String; var _local3:int; var _local4:int; _local3 = fields.length; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _local3) { _local2 = fields[_local4]; if (_arg1[_local2]){ this[_local2] = _arg1[_local2]; }; _local4++; }; if (_arg1.creation){ this.creation = _arg1.creation; }; if (_arg1.expiration){ this.expiration = _arg1.expiration; }; } private function _timestamp(_arg1:Number):void{ creation = new Date(); _timespan = _arg1; if (_arg1 > 0){ expiration = new Date((creation.valueOf() + _arg1)); }; } public function isExpired():Boolean{ var _local1:Date; var _local2:Number; _local1 = new Date(); _local2 = (expiration.valueOf() - _local1.valueOf()); if (_local2 <= 0){ return (true); }; return (false); } public function set expiration(_arg1:Date):void{ _expiration = _arg1; } public function get creation():Date{ return (_creation); } public function reset():void{ var _local1:String; var _local2:int; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < fields.length) { _local1 = fields[_local2]; if ((this[_local1] is Number)){ this[_local1] = NaN; } else { if ((this[_local1] is String)){ this[_local1] = ""; }; }; _local2++; }; resetTimestamp(); update(); } public function valueOf():String{ var _local1:Array; var _local2:String; var _local3:*; var _local4:int; _local1 = []; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < fields.length) { _local2 = fields[_local4]; _local3 = this[_local2]; if ((_local3 is String)){ if (_local3 == ""){ _local3 = "-"; _local1.push(_local3); } else { _local1.push(_local3); }; } else { if ((_local3 is Number)){ if (_local3 == 0){ _local1.push(_local3); } else { if (isNaN(_local3)){ _local3 = "-"; _local1.push(_local3); } else { _local1.push(_local3); }; }; }; }; _local4++; }; return (("" + _local1.join("."))); } public function resetTimestamp(_arg1:Number=NaN):void{ if (!isNaN(_arg1)){ _timespan = _arg1; }; _creation = null; _expiration = null; _timestamp(_timespan); } public function get expiration():Date{ if (_expiration){ return (_expiration); }; return (new Date((new Date().valueOf() + 1000))); } public function toURLString():String{ return (((inURL + "=") + valueOf())); } public function toSharedObject():Object{ var _local1:Object; var _local2:String; var _local3:*; var _local4:int; _local1 = {}; _local4 = 0; for (;_local4 < fields.length;_local4++) { _local2 = fields[_local4]; _local3 = this[_local2]; if ((_local3 is String)){ _local1[_local2] = _local3; } else { if (_local3 == 0){ _local1[_local2] = _local3; } else { if (isNaN(_local3)){ continue; } else { _local1[_local2] = _local3; }; }; }; }; _local1.creation = creation; _local1.expiration = expiration; return (_local1); } public function toString(_arg1:Boolean=false):String{ var _local2:Array; var _local3:String; var _local4:*; var _local5:int; var _local6:int; var _local7:String; _local2 = []; _local5 = fields.length; _local6 = 0; for (;_local6 < _local5;_local6++) { _local3 = fields[_local6]; _local4 = this[_local3]; if ((_local4 is String)){ _local2.push((((_local3 + ": \"") + _local4) + "\"")); } else { if (_local4 == 0){ _local2.push(((_local3 + ": ") + _local4)); } else { if (isNaN(_local4)){ continue; } else { _local2.push(((_local3 + ": ") + _local4)); }; }; }; }; _local7 = (((name.toUpperCase() + " {") + _local2.join(", ")) + "}"); if (_arg1){ _local7 = (_local7 + (((" creation:" + creation) + ", expiration:") + expiration)); }; return (_local7); } public function set creation(_arg1:Date):void{ _creation = _arg1; } } }//package
Section 30
//UTMK ( package { public class UTMK extends UTMCookie { private var _hash:Number; public function UTMK(_arg1:Number=NaN){ super("utmk", "__utmk", ["hash"]); this.hash = _arg1; } public function set hash(_arg1:Number):void{ _hash = _arg1; update(); } public function get hash():Number{ return (_hash); } } }//package
Section 31
//UTMV ( package { import*; public class UTMV extends UTMCookie { private var _domainHash:Number; private var _value:String; public function UTMV(_arg1:Number=NaN, _arg2:String=""){ super("utmv", "__utmv", ["domainHash", "value"], (Timespan.twoyears * 1000)); this.domainHash = _arg1; this.value = _arg2; } override public function toURLString():String{ return (((inURL + "=") + encodeURI(valueOf()))); } public function get value():String{ return (_value); } public function get domainHash():Number{ return (_domainHash); } public function set domainHash(_arg1:Number):void{ _domainHash = _arg1; update(); } public function set value(_arg1:String):void{ _value = _arg1; update(); } } }//package
Section 32
//UTMZ ( package { import*; public class UTMZ extends UTMCookie { private var _campaignTracking:String; private var _campaignCreation:Number; private var _responseCount:Number; private var _domainHash:Number; private var _campaignSessions:Number; public static var defaultTimespan:Number = Timespan.sixmonths; public function UTMZ(_arg1:Number=NaN, _arg2:Number=NaN, _arg3:Number=NaN, _arg4:Number=NaN, _arg5:String=""){ super("utmz", "__utmz", ["domainHash", "campaignCreation", "campaignSessions", "responseCount", "campaignTracking"], (defaultTimespan * 1000)); this.domainHash = _arg1; this.campaignCreation = _arg2; this.campaignSessions = _arg3; this.responseCount = _arg4; this.campaignTracking = _arg5; } public function set responseCount(_arg1:Number):void{ _responseCount = _arg1; update(); } public function set domainHash(_arg1:Number):void{ _domainHash = _arg1; update(); } public function set campaignCreation(_arg1:Number):void{ _campaignCreation = _arg1; update(); } public function get campaignTracking():String{ return (_campaignTracking); } public function get campaignSessions():Number{ return (_campaignSessions); } public function get domainHash():Number{ return (_domainHash); } public function get responseCount():Number{ return (_responseCount); } public function get campaignCreation():Number{ return (_campaignCreation); } public function set campaignSessions(_arg1:Number):void{ _campaignSessions = _arg1; update(); } public function set campaignTracking(_arg1:String):void{ _campaignTracking = _arg1; update(); } } }//package
Section 33
//X10 ( package { public class X10 { private var _delimEnd:String;// = ")" private var _delimSet:String;// = "*" private var _escapeChar:String;// = "'" private var _delimBegin:String;// = "(" private var _delimNumValue:String;// = "!" private var _key:String;// = "k" private var _set:Array; private var _projectData:Object; private var _hasData:int; private var _escapeCharMap:Object; private var _minimum:int; private var _value:String;// = "v" public function X10(){ _key = "k"; _value = "v"; _set = [_key, _value]; _delimBegin = "("; _delimEnd = ")"; _delimSet = "*"; _delimNumValue = "!"; _escapeChar = "'"; super(); _projectData = {}; _escapeCharMap = {}; _escapeCharMap[_escapeChar] = "'0"; _escapeCharMap[_delimEnd] = "'1"; _escapeCharMap[_delimSet] = "'2"; _escapeCharMap[_delimNumValue] = "'3"; _minimum = 1; } private function _clearInternal(_arg1:Number, _arg2:String):void{ var _local3:Boolean; var _local4:int; var _local5:int; if (((hasProject(_arg1)) && (!((_projectData[_arg1][_arg2] == undefined))))){ _projectData[_arg1][_arg2] = undefined; _local3 = true; _local5 = _set.length; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _local5) { if (_projectData[_arg1][_set[_local4]] != undefined){ _local3 = false; break; }; _local4++; }; if (_local3){ _projectData[_arg1] = undefined; _hasData = (_hasData - 1); }; }; } public function hasData():Boolean{ return ((_hasData > 0)); } private function _setInternal(_arg1:Number, _arg2:String, _arg3:Number, _arg4:String):void{ if (!hasProject(_arg1)){ _projectData[_arg1] = {}; }; if (_projectData[_arg1][_arg2] == undefined){ _projectData[_arg1][_arg2] = []; }; _projectData[_arg1][_arg2][_arg3] = _arg4; _hasData = (_hasData + 1); } public function hasProject(_arg1:Number):Boolean{ return (_projectData[_arg1]); } public function clearKey(_arg1:Number):void{ _clearInternal(_arg1, _key); } private function _renderDataType(_arg1:Array):String{ var _local2:Array; var _local3:String; var _local4:int; _local2 = []; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _arg1.length) { if (_arg1[_local4] != undefined){ _local3 = ""; if (((!((_local4 == _minimum))) && ((_arg1[(_local4 - 1)] == undefined)))){ _local3 = (_local3 + _local4.toString()); _local3 = (_local3 + _delimNumValue); }; _local3 = (_local3 + _escapeExtensibleValue(_arg1[_local4])); _local2.push(_local3); }; _local4++; }; return (((_delimBegin + _local2.join(_delimSet)) + _delimEnd)); } public function getKey(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):String{ return ((_getInternal(_arg1, _key, _arg2) as String)); } public function clearValue(_arg1:Number):void{ _clearInternal(_arg1, _value); } public function renderMergedUrlString(_arg1:X10=null):String{ var _local2:Array; var _local3:String; if (!_arg1){ return (renderUrlString()); }; _local2 = [_arg1.renderUrlString()]; for (_local3 in _projectData) { if (((hasProject(Number(_local3))) && (!(_arg1.hasProject(Number(_local3)))))){ _local2.push((_local3 + _renderProject(_projectData[_local3]))); }; }; return (_local2.join("")); } public function setValue(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number):Boolean{ if (((((!((Math.round(_arg3) == _arg3))) || (isNaN(_arg3)))) || ((_arg3 == Infinity)))){ return (false); }; _setInternal(_arg1, _value, _arg2, _arg3.toString()); return (true); } public function renderUrlString():String{ var _local1:Array; var _local2:String; _local1 = []; for (_local2 in _projectData) { if (hasProject(Number(_local2))){ _local1.push((_local2 + _renderProject(_projectData[_local2]))); }; }; return (_local1.join("")); } private function _getInternal(_arg1:Number, _arg2:String, _arg3:Number):Object{ if (((hasProject(_arg1)) && (!((_projectData[_arg1][_arg2] == undefined))))){ return (_projectData[_arg1][_arg2][_arg3]); }; return (undefined); } public function setKey(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:String):Boolean{ _setInternal(_arg1, _key, _arg2, _arg3); return (true); } public function getValue(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number){ var _local3:*; _local3 = _getInternal(_arg1, _value, _arg2); if (_local3 == null){ return (null); }; return (Number(_local3)); } private function _renderProject(_arg1:Object):String{ var _local2:String; var _local3:Boolean; var _local4:int; var _local5:Array; var _local6:int; _local2 = ""; _local3 = false; _local6 = _set.length; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _local6) { _local5 = _arg1[_set[_local4]]; if (_local5){ if (_local3){ _local2 = (_local2 + _set[_local4]); }; _local2 = (_local2 + _renderDataType(_local5)); _local3 = false; } else { _local3 = true; }; _local4++; }; return (_local2); } private function _escapeExtensibleValue(_arg1:String):String{ var _local2:String; var _local3:int; var _local4:String; var _local5:String; _local2 = ""; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _arg1.length) { _local4 = _arg1.charAt(_local3); _local5 = _escapeCharMap[_local4]; if (_local5){ _local2 = (_local2 + _local5); } else { _local2 = (_local2 + _local4); }; _local3++; }; return (_local2); } } }//package
Section 34
//_Style ( package { import*; import flash.text.*; public class _Style { public var borderColor:uint; public var backgroundColor:uint; private var _sheet:StyleSheet; public var roundedCorner:uint; public var alertColor:uint; public var infoColor:uint; public var successColor:uint; private var _loader:URLLoader; public var failureColor:uint; private var _defaultSheet:String; public var warningColor:uint; public function _Style(){ _sheet = new StyleSheet(); _loader = new URLLoader(); _init(); } private function _parseSheet(_arg1:String):void{ _sheet.parseCSS(_arg1); } public function get sheet():StyleSheet{ return (_sheet); } private function _init():void{ _defaultSheet = ""; _defaultSheet = (_defaultSheet + "a{text-decoration: underline;}\n"); _defaultSheet = (_defaultSheet + ".uiLabel{color: #000000;font-family: Arial;font-size: 12;margin-left: 2;margin-right: 2;}\n"); _defaultSheet = (_defaultSheet + ".uiWarning{color: #ffffff;font-family: Arial;font-size: 14;font-weight: bold;margin-left: 6;margin-right: 6;}\n"); _defaultSheet = (_defaultSheet + ".uiAlert{color: #ffffff;font-family: Arial;font-size: 14;font-weight: bold;margin-left: 6;margin-right: 6;}\n"); _defaultSheet = (_defaultSheet + ".uiInfo{color: #000000;font-family: Arial;font-size: 14;font-weight: bold;margin-left: 6;margin-right: 6;}\n"); _defaultSheet = (_defaultSheet + ".uiSuccess{color: #ffffff;font-family: Arial;font-size: 12;font-weight: bold;margin-left: 6;margin-right: 6;}\n"); _defaultSheet = (_defaultSheet + ".uiFailure{color: #ffffff;font-family: Arial;font-size: 12;font-weight: bold;margin-left: 6;margin-right: 6;}\n"); _defaultSheet = (_defaultSheet + ".uiAlertAction{color: #ffffff;text-align: center;font-family: Arial;font-size: 12;font-weight: bold;margin-left: 6;margin-right: 6;}\n"); _defaultSheet = (_defaultSheet + ".uiAlertTitle{color: #ffffff;font-family: Arial;font-size: 16;font-weight: bold;margin-left: 6;margin-right: 6;}\n"); _defaultSheet = (_defaultSheet + "\n"); roundedCorner = 6; backgroundColor = 0xCCCCCC; borderColor = 0x555555; infoColor = 16777113; alertColor = 0xFFCC00; warningColor = 0xCC0000; successColor = 0xFF00; failureColor = 0xFF0000; _parseSheet(_defaultSheet); } } }//package
Section 35
//Alert ( package { import*; public class Alert extends Label { public var actionOnNextLine:Boolean;// = true public var autoClose:Boolean;// = true private var _actions:Array; public function Alert(_arg1:String, _arg2:Array, _arg3:String="uiAlert", _arg4:uint=0, _arg5:Align=null, _arg6:Boolean=false, _arg7:Boolean=true){ var _local8:int; autoClose = true; actionOnNextLine = true; if (_arg4 == 0){ _arg4 = Style.alertColor; }; if (_arg5 == null){ _arg5 =; }; super(_arg1, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5, _arg6); this.selectable = true; super.mouseChildren = true; this.buttonMode = true; this.mouseEnabled = true; this.useHandCursor = true; this.actionOnNextLine = _arg7; _actions = []; _local8 = 0; while (_local8 < _arg2.length) { _arg2[_local8].container = this; _actions.push(_arg2[_local8]); _local8++; }; } protected function getAction(_arg1:String):AlertAction{ var _local2:int; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _actions.length) { if (_arg1 == _actions[_local2].activator){ return (_actions[_local2]); }; _local2++; }; return (null); } override protected function layout():void{ super.layout(); _defineActions(); } protected function spaces(_arg1:int):String{ var _local2:String; var _local3:String; var _local4:int; _local2 = ""; _local3 = " "; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < (_arg1 + 1)) { _local2 = (_local2 + _local3); _local4++; }; return (_local2); } override public function onLink(_arg1:TextEvent):void{ var _local2:AlertAction; if (isValidAction(_arg1.text)){ _local2 = getAction(_arg1.text); if (_local2){ _local2.execute(); }; }; if (autoClose){ close(); }; } protected function isValidAction(_arg1:String):Boolean{ var _local2:int; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _actions.length) { if (_arg1 == _actions[_local2].activator){ return (true); }; _local2++; }; return (false); } private function _defineActions():void{ var _local1:String; var _local2:Array; var _local3:AlertAction; var _local4:int; _local1 = ""; if (actionOnNextLine){ _local1 = (_local1 + "\n"); } else { _local1 = (_local1 + " |"); }; _local1 = (_local1 + " "); _local2 = []; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _actions.length) { _local3 = _actions[_local4]; _local2.push((((("<a href=\"event:" + _local3.activator) + "\">") + + "</a>")); _local4++; }; _local1 = (_local1 + _local2.join(" | ")); appendText(_local1, "uiAlertAction"); } public function close():void{ if (parent != null){ parent.removeChild(this); }; } } }//package
Section 36
//AlertAction ( package { public class AlertAction { public var container:Alert; private var _callback; public var name:String; public var activator:String; public function AlertAction(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3){ = _arg1; this.activator = _arg2; _callback = _arg3; } public function execute():void{ if (_callback){ if ((_callback is Function)){ (_callback as Function)(); } else { if ((_callback is String)){ var _local1 = container; _local1[_callback](); }; }; }; } } }//package
Section 37
//Align ( package { public class Align { private var _value:int; private var _name:String; public static const bottomRight:Align = new Align(18, "bottomRight"); ; public static const right:Align = new Align(16, "right"); ; public static const left:Align = new Align(32, "left"); ; public static const topRight:Align = new Align(17, "topRight"); ; public static const bottom:Align = new Align(2, "bottom"); ; public static const bottomLeft:Align = new Align(34, "bottomLeft"); ; public static const topLeft:Align = new Align(33, "topLeft"); ; public static const center:Align = new Align(0x0100, "center"); ; public static const none:Align = new Align(0, "none"); ; public static const top:Align = new Align(1, "top"); ; public function Align(_arg1:int=0, _arg2:String=""){ _value = _arg1; _name = _arg2; } public function valueOf():int{ return (_value); } public function toString():String{ return (_name); } } }//package
Section 38
//Background ( package { import flash.display.*; public class Background { public static function drawRounded(_arg1, _arg2:Graphics, _arg3:uint=0, _arg4:uint=0):void{ var _local5:uint; var _local6:uint; var _local7:uint; _local7 = Style.roundedCorner; if ((((_arg3 > 0)) && ((_arg4 > 0)))){ _local5 = _arg3; _local6 = _arg4; } else { _local5 = _arg1.width; _local6 = _arg1.height; }; if (((_arg1.stickToEdge) && (!((_arg1.alignement == Align.none))))){ switch (_arg1.alignement){ case _arg2.drawRoundRectComplex(0, 0, _local5, _local6, 0, 0, _local7, _local7); break; case Align.topLeft: _arg2.drawRoundRectComplex(0, 0, _local5, _local6, 0, 0, 0, _local7); break; case Align.topRight: _arg2.drawRoundRectComplex(0, 0, _local5, _local6, 0, 0, _local7, 0); break; case Align.bottom: _arg2.drawRoundRectComplex(0, 0, _local5, _local6, _local7, _local7, 0, 0); break; case Align.bottomLeft: _arg2.drawRoundRectComplex(0, 0, _local5, _local6, 0, _local7, 0, 0); break; case Align.bottomRight: _arg2.drawRoundRectComplex(0, 0, _local5, _local6, _local7, 0, 0, 0); break; case Align.left: _arg2.drawRoundRectComplex(0, 0, _local5, _local6, 0, _local7, 0, _local7); break; case Align.right: _arg2.drawRoundRectComplex(0, 0, _local5, _local6, _local7, 0, _local7, 0); break; case _arg2.drawRoundRect(0, 0, _local5, _local6, _local7, _local7); break; }; } else { _arg2.drawRoundRect(0, 0, _local5, _local6, _local7, _local7); }; } } }//package
Section 39
//Debug ( package { import*; import flash.ui.*; public class Debug extends Label { private var _lines:Array; private var _preferredForcedWidth:uint;// = 540 private var _linediff:int;// = 0 public var maxLines:uint;// = 16 public static var count:uint = 0; public function Debug(_arg1:uint=0, _arg2:Align=null, _arg3:Boolean=false){ if (_arg2 == null){ _arg2 = Align.bottom; }; super("", "uiLabel", _arg1, _arg2, _arg3); = ("Debug" + count++); _lines = []; selectable = true; addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, onKey); } public function writeBold(_arg1:String):void{ write(_arg1, true); } private function _getLinesToDisplay(_arg1:int=0):Array{ var _local2:Array; var _local3:uint; var _local4:uint; if ((_lines.length - 1) > maxLines){ if ((_linediff <= 0)){ _linediff = (_linediff + _arg1); } else { if ((((_linediff > 0)) && ((_arg1 < 0)))){ _linediff = (_linediff + _arg1); }; }; _local3 = ((_lines.length - maxLines) + _linediff); _local4 = (_local3 + maxLines); _local2 = _lines.slice(_local3, _local4); } else { _local2 = _lines; }; return (_local2); } private function onKey(_arg1:KeyboardEvent=null):void{ var _local2:Array; switch (_arg1.keyCode){ case Keyboard.DOWN: _local2 = _getLinesToDisplay(1); break; case Keyboard.UP: _local2 = _getLinesToDisplay(-1); break; default: _local2 = null; }; if (_local2 == null){ return; }; text = _local2.join("\n"); } override public function get forcedWidth():uint{ if (this.parent){ if (UISprite(this.parent).forcedWidth > _preferredForcedWidth){ return (_preferredForcedWidth); }; return (UISprite(this.parent).forcedWidth); //unresolved jump }; return (super.forcedWidth); } public function write(_arg1:String, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{ var _local3:Array; if (_arg1.indexOf("") > -1){ _local3 = _arg1.split("\n"); } else { _local3 = [_arg1]; }; var _local4 = ""; var _local5 = ""; if (_arg2){ _local4 = "<b>"; _local5 = "</b>"; }; var _local6:int; while (_local6 < _local3.length) { _lines.push(((_local4 + _local3[_local6]) + _local5)); _local6++; }; var _local7:Array = _getLinesToDisplay(); text = _local7.join("\n"); } public function close():void{ dispose(); } override protected function dispose():void{ removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, onKey); super.dispose(); } } }//package
Section 40
//DebugConfiguration ( package { import*; import*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.ui.*; public class DebugConfiguration { public var showHideKey:Number; private var _mode:VisualDebugMode; private var _verbose:Boolean;// = false public var destroyKey:Number; public var GIFRequests:Boolean;// = false public var showInfos:Boolean;// = true public var infoTimeout:Number;// = 1000 public var minimizedOnStart:Boolean;// = false private var _active:Boolean;// = false public var traceOutput:Boolean;// = false public var layout:ILayout; public var warningTimeout:Number;// = 1500 public var javascript:Boolean;// = false public var showWarnings:Boolean;// = true private var _visualInitialized:Boolean;// = false public function DebugConfiguration(){ _mode = VisualDebugMode.basic; showHideKey = Keyboard.SPACE; destroyKey = Keyboard.BACKSPACE; super(); } public function get verbose():Boolean{ return (_verbose); } public function set verbose(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _verbose = _arg1; } public function set mode(_arg1):void{ if ((_arg1 is String)){ switch (_arg1){ case "geek": _arg1 = VisualDebugMode.geek; break; case "advanced": _arg1 = VisualDebugMode.advanced; break; case "basic": default: _arg1 = VisualDebugMode.basic; }; }; _mode = _arg1; } public function success(_arg1:String):void{ if (layout){ layout.createSuccessAlert(_arg1); }; if (traceOutput){ trace((("[+] " + _arg1) + " !!")); }; } public function get active():Boolean{ return (_active); } private function _initializeVisual():void{ if (layout){ layout.init(); _visualInitialized = true; }; } private function _destroyVisual():void{ if (((layout) && (_visualInitialized))){ layout.destroy(); }; } public function warning(_arg1:String, _arg2:VisualDebugMode=null):void{ if (_filter(_arg2)){ return; }; if (((layout) && (showWarnings))){ layout.createWarning(_arg1); }; if (traceOutput){ trace((("## " + _arg1) + " ##")); }; } private function _filter(_arg1:VisualDebugMode=null):Boolean{ return (((_arg1) && ((int(_arg1) >= int(this.mode))))); } public function failure(_arg1:String):void{ if (layout){ layout.createFailureAlert(_arg1); }; if (traceOutput){ trace((("[-] " + _arg1) + " !!")); }; } public function get mode(){ return (_mode); } public function set active(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _active = _arg1; if (_active){ _initializeVisual(); } else { _destroyVisual(); }; } protected function trace(_arg1:String):void{ var _local7:Array; var _local8:int; var _local2:Array = []; var _local3 = ""; var _local4 = ""; if (this.mode == VisualDebugMode.geek){ _local3 = (getTimer() + " - "); _local4 = (new Array(_local3.length).join(" ") + " "); }; if (_arg1.indexOf("\n") > -1){ _local7 = _arg1.split("\n"); _local8 = 0; while (_local8 < _local7.length) { if (_local7[_local8] == ""){ } else { if (_local8 == 0){ _local2.push((_local3 + _local7[_local8])); } else { _local2.push((_local4 + _local7[_local8])); }; }; _local8++; }; } else { _local2.push((_local3 + _arg1)); }; var _local5:int = _local2.length; var _local6:int; while (_local6 < _local5) { trace(_local2[_local6]); _local6++; }; } public function alert(_arg1:String):void{ if (layout){ layout.createAlert(_arg1); }; if (traceOutput){ trace((("!! " + _arg1) + " !!")); }; } public function info(_arg1:String, _arg2:VisualDebugMode=null):void{ if (_filter(_arg2)){ return; }; if (((layout) && (showInfos))){ layout.createInfo(_arg1); }; if (traceOutput){ trace(_arg1); }; } public function alertGifRequest(_arg1:String, _arg2:URLRequest, _arg3:GIFRequest):void{ if (layout){ layout.createGIFRequestAlert(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3); }; if (traceOutput){ trace(((">> " + _arg1) + " <<")); }; } } }//package
Section 41
//FailureAlert ( package { public class FailureAlert extends Alert { public function FailureAlert(_arg1:DebugConfiguration, _arg2:String, _arg3:Array){ var _local4:Align; var _local5:Boolean; var _local6:Boolean; _local4 = Align.bottomLeft; _local5 = true; _local6 = false; if (_arg1.verbose){ _arg2 = ((("<u><span class=\"uiAlertTitle\">Failure</span>" + spaces(18)) + "</u>\n\n") + _arg2); _local4 =; _local5 = false; _local6 = true; }; super(_arg2, _arg3, "uiFailure", Style.failureColor, _local4, _local5, _local6); } } }//package
Section 42
//GIFRequestAlert ( package { public class GIFRequestAlert extends Alert { public function GIFRequestAlert(_arg1:String, _arg2:Array){ super(_arg1, _arg2); } } }//package
Section 43
//ILayout ( package { import*; import*; import flash.display.*; public interface ILayout { function createWarning(_arg1:String):void; function addToStage(_arg1:DisplayObject):void; function createGIFRequestAlert(_arg1:String, _arg2:URLRequest, _arg3:GIFRequest):void; function createPanel(_arg1:String, _arg2:uint, _arg3:uint):void; function createInfo(_arg1:String):void; function createFailureAlert(_arg1:String):void; function addToPanel(_arg1:String, _arg2:DisplayObject):void; function init():void; function createSuccessAlert(_arg1:String):void; function createVisualDebug():void; function createAlert(_arg1:String):void; function destroy():void; function bringToFront(_arg1:DisplayObject):void; function isAvailable():Boolean; } }//package
Section 44
//Info ( package { import*; import flash.utils.*; public class Info extends Label { private var _timer:Timer; public function Info(_arg1:String="", _arg2:uint=3000){ super(_arg1, "uiInfo", Style.infoColor,, true); if (_arg2 > 0){ _timer = new Timer(_arg2, 1); _timer.start(); _timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, onComplete, false, 0, true); }; } public function onComplete(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ close(); } override public function onLink(_arg1:TextEvent):void{ switch (_arg1.text){ case "hide": close(); break; }; } public function close():void{ if (parent != null){ parent.removeChild(this); }; } } }//package
Section 45
//Label ( package { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public class Label extends UISprite { private var _color:uint; private var _background:Shape; private var _textField:TextField; public var stickToEdge:Boolean; private var _text:String; protected var selectable:Boolean; private var _tag:String; public static var count:uint = 0; public function Label(_arg1:String="", _arg2:String="uiLabel", _arg3:uint=0, _arg4:Align=null, _arg5:Boolean=false){ = ("Label" + count++); selectable = false; _background = new Shape(); _textField = new TextField(); _text = _arg1; _tag = _arg2; if (_arg4 == null){ _arg4 = Align.none; }; this.alignement = _arg4; this.stickToEdge = _arg5; if (_arg3 == 0){ _arg3 = Style.backgroundColor; }; _color = _arg3; _textField.addEventListener(TextEvent.LINK, onLink); } public function get tag():String{ return (_tag); } private function _draw():void{ var _local1:Graphics =; _local1.clear(); _local1.beginFill(_color); var _local2:uint = _textField.width; var _local3:uint = _textField.height; if (forcedWidth > 0){ _local2 = forcedWidth; }; Background.drawRounded(this, _local1, _local2, _local3); _local1.endFill(); } public function get text():String{ return (_textField.text); } public function appendText(_arg1:String, _arg2:String=""):void{ if (_arg1 == ""){ return; }; if (_arg2 == ""){ _arg2 = tag; }; _textField.htmlText = (_textField.htmlText + (((("<span class=\"" + _arg2) + "\">") + _arg1) + "</span>")); _text = (_text + _arg1); _draw(); resize(); } public function set text(_arg1:String):void{ if (_arg1 == ""){ _arg1 = _text; }; _textField.htmlText = (((("<span class=\"" + tag) + "\">") + _arg1) + "</span>"); _text = _arg1; _draw(); resize(); } override protected function layout():void{ _textField.type = TextFieldType.DYNAMIC; _textField.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT; _textField.background = false; _textField.selectable = selectable; _textField.multiline = true; _textField.styleSheet = Style.sheet; this.text = _text; addChild(_background); addChild(_textField); } public function set tag(_arg1:String):void{ _tag = _arg1; text = ""; } public function onLink(_arg1:TextEvent):void{ } override protected function dispose():void{ _textField.removeEventListener(TextEvent.LINK, onLink); super.dispose(); } } }//package
Section 46
//Layout ( package { import*; import*; import*; import flash.display.*; import*; public class Layout implements ILayout { private var _display:DisplayObject; private var _infoQueue:Array; private var _maxCharPerLine:int;// = 85 private var _hasInfo:Boolean; private var _warningQueue:Array; private var _hasDebug:Boolean; private var _hasWarning:Boolean; private var _mainPanel:Panel; private var _GRAlertQueue:Array; private var _debug:DebugConfiguration; public var visualDebug:Debug; private var _hasGRAlert:Boolean; public function Layout(_arg1:DebugConfiguration, _arg2:DisplayObject){ _display = _arg2; _debug = _arg1; _hasWarning = false; _hasInfo = false; _hasDebug = false; _hasGRAlert = false; _warningQueue = []; _infoQueue = []; _GRAlertQueue = []; } private function onKey(_arg1:KeyboardEvent=null):void{ switch (_arg1.keyCode){ case _debug.showHideKey: _mainPanel.visible = !(_mainPanel.visible); break; case _debug.destroyKey: destroy(); break; }; } public function createWarning(_arg1:String):void{ if (((_hasWarning) || (!(isAvailable())))){ _warningQueue.push(_arg1); return; }; _arg1 = _filterMaxChars(_arg1); _hasWarning = true; var _local2:Warning = new Warning(_arg1, _debug.warningTimeout); addToPanel("analytics", _local2); _local2.addEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, _clearWarning, false, 0, true); if (_hasDebug){ visualDebug.writeBold(_arg1); }; } public function bringToFront(_arg1:DisplayObject):void{ _display.stage.setChildIndex(_arg1, (_display.stage.numChildren - 1)); } public function createFailureAlert(_arg1:String):void{ var _local2:AlertAction; if (_debug.verbose){ _arg1 = _filterMaxChars(_arg1); _local2 = new AlertAction("Close", "close", "close"); } else { _local2 = new AlertAction("X", "close", "close"); }; var _local3:Alert = new FailureAlert(_debug, _arg1, [_local2]); addToPanel("analytics", _local3); if (_hasDebug){ if (_debug.verbose){ _arg1 = _arg1.split("\n").join(""); _arg1 = _filterMaxChars(_arg1, 66); }; visualDebug.writeBold(_arg1); }; } public function init():void{ var _local1 = 10; var _local2:uint = (_display.stage.stageWidth - (_local1 * 2)); var _local3:uint = (_display.stage.stageHeight - (_local1 * 2)); var _local4:Panel = new Panel("analytics", _local2, _local3); _local4.alignement =; _local4.stickToEdge = false; _local4.title = ("Google Analytics v" + GATracker.version); _mainPanel = _local4; addToStage(_local4); bringToFront(_local4); if (_debug.minimizedOnStart){ _mainPanel.onToggle(); }; createVisualDebug(); _display.stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, onKey, false, 0, true); } public function addToPanel(_arg1:String, _arg2:DisplayObject):void{ var _local4:Panel; var _local3:DisplayObject = _display.stage.getChildByName(_arg1); if (_local3){ _local4 = (_local3 as Panel); _local4.addData(_arg2); } else { trace((("panel \"" + _arg1) + "\" not found")); }; } private function _clearInfo(_arg1:Event):void{ _hasInfo = false; if (_infoQueue.length > 0){ createInfo(_infoQueue.shift()); }; } private function _filterMaxChars(_arg1:String, _arg2:int=0):String{ var _local6:String; var _local3 = "\n"; var _local4:Array = []; var _local5:Array = _arg1.split(_local3); if (_arg2 == 0){ _arg2 = _maxCharPerLine; }; var _local7:int; while (_local7 < _local5.length) { _local6 = _local5[_local7]; while (_local6.length > _arg2) { _local4.push(_local6.substr(0, _arg2)); _local6 = _local6.substring(_arg2); }; _local4.push(_local6); _local7++; }; return (_local4.join(_local3)); } private function _clearGRAlert(_arg1:Event):void{ _hasGRAlert = false; if (_GRAlertQueue.length > 0){ createGIFRequestAlert.apply(this, _GRAlertQueue.shift()); }; } public function createSuccessAlert(_arg1:String):void{ var _local2:AlertAction; if (_debug.verbose){ _arg1 = _filterMaxChars(_arg1); _local2 = new AlertAction("Close", "close", "close"); } else { _local2 = new AlertAction("X", "close", "close"); }; var _local3:Alert = new SuccessAlert(_debug, _arg1, [_local2]); addToPanel("analytics", _local3); if (_hasDebug){ if (_debug.verbose){ _arg1 = _arg1.split("\n").join(""); _arg1 = _filterMaxChars(_arg1, 66); }; visualDebug.writeBold(_arg1); }; } public function isAvailable():Boolean{ return (!((_display.stage == null))); } public function createAlert(_arg1:String):void{ _arg1 = _filterMaxChars(_arg1); var _local2:Alert = new Alert(_arg1, [new AlertAction("Close", "close", "close")]); addToPanel("analytics", _local2); if (_hasDebug){ visualDebug.writeBold(_arg1); }; } public function createInfo(_arg1:String):void{ if (((_hasInfo) || (!(isAvailable())))){ _infoQueue.push(_arg1); return; }; _arg1 = _filterMaxChars(_arg1); _hasInfo = true; var _local2:Info = new Info(_arg1, _debug.infoTimeout); addToPanel("analytics", _local2); _local2.addEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, _clearInfo, false, 0, true); if (_hasDebug){ visualDebug.write(_arg1); }; } public function createGIFRequestAlert(_arg1:String, _arg2:URLRequest, _arg3:GIFRequest):void{ var message = _arg1; var request = _arg2; var ref = _arg3; if (_hasGRAlert){ _GRAlertQueue.push([message, request, ref]); return; }; _hasGRAlert = true; var f:Function = function ():void{ ref.sendRequest(request); }; message = _filterMaxChars(message); var gra:GIFRequestAlert = new GIFRequestAlert(message, [new AlertAction("OK", "ok", f), new AlertAction("Cancel", "cancel", "close")]); addToPanel("analytics", gra); gra.addEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, _clearGRAlert, false, 0, true); if (_hasDebug){ if (_debug.verbose){ message = message.split("\n").join(""); message = _filterMaxChars(message, 66); }; visualDebug.write(message); }; } public function createVisualDebug():void{ if (!visualDebug){ visualDebug = new Debug(); visualDebug.alignement = Align.bottom; visualDebug.stickToEdge = true; addToPanel("analytics", visualDebug); _hasDebug = true; }; } public function addToStage(_arg1:DisplayObject):void{ _display.stage.addChild(_arg1); } private function _clearWarning(_arg1:Event):void{ _hasWarning = false; if (_warningQueue.length > 0){ createWarning(_warningQueue.shift()); }; } public function createPanel(_arg1:String, _arg2:uint, _arg3:uint):void{ var _local4:Panel = new Panel(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3); _local4.alignement =; _local4.stickToEdge = false; addToStage(_local4); bringToFront(_local4); } public function destroy():void{ _mainPanel.close(); _debug.layout = null; } } }//package
Section 47
//Margin ( package { public class Margin { public var bottom:int; public var top:int; public var right:int; public var left:int; public function Margin(_arg1:int=0, _arg2:int=0, _arg3:int=0, _arg4:int=0){ = _arg1; this.bottom = _arg2; this.left = _arg3; this.right = _arg4; } } }//package
Section 48
//Panel ( package { import*; import flash.display.*; public class Panel extends UISprite { private var _savedH:uint; private var _data:UISprite; private var _mask:Sprite; private var _background:Shape; private var _savedW:uint; private var _stickToEdge:Boolean; private var _border:Shape; private var _borderColor:uint; protected var baseAlpha:Number; private var _backgroundColor:uint; private var _title:Label; private var _colapsed:Boolean; private var _name:String; public function Panel(_arg1:String, _arg2:uint, _arg3:uint, _arg4:uint=0, _arg5:uint=0, _arg6:Number=0.3, _arg7:Align=null, _arg8:Boolean=false){ _name = _arg1; = _arg1; this.mouseEnabled = false; _colapsed = false; forcedWidth = _arg2; forcedHeight = _arg3; this.baseAlpha = _arg6; _background = new Shape(); _data = new UISprite(); _data.forcedWidth = _arg2; _data.forcedHeight = _arg3; _data.mouseEnabled = false; _title = new Label(_arg1, "uiLabel", 0xFFFFFF, Align.topLeft, _arg8); _title.buttonMode = true; = 0.6; _title.margin.left = 0.6; _title.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onToggle); _title.mouseChildren = false; _border = new Shape(); _mask = new Sprite(); _mask.useHandCursor = false; _mask.mouseEnabled = false; _mask.mouseChildren = false; if (_arg7 == null){ _arg7 = Align.none; }; this.alignement = _arg7; this.stickToEdge = _arg8; if (_arg4 == 0){ _arg4 = Style.backgroundColor; }; _backgroundColor = _arg4; if (_arg5 == 0){ _arg5 = Style.borderColor; }; _borderColor = _arg5; } public function get stickToEdge():Boolean{ return (_stickToEdge); } public function onToggle(_arg1:MouseEvent=null):void{ if (_colapsed){ _data.visible = true; } else { _data.visible = false; }; _colapsed = !(_colapsed); _update(); resize(); } public function set stickToEdge(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _stickToEdge = _arg1; _title.stickToEdge = _arg1; } override protected function dispose():void{ _title.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onToggle); super.dispose(); } private function _draw():void{ var _local1:uint; var _local2:uint; if (((_savedW) && (_savedH))){ forcedWidth = _savedW; forcedHeight = _savedH; }; if (!_colapsed){ _local1 = forcedWidth; _local2 = forcedHeight; } else { _local1 = _title.width; _local2 = _title.height; _savedW = forcedWidth; _savedH = forcedHeight; forcedWidth = _local1; forcedHeight = _local2; }; var _local3:Graphics =; _local3.clear(); _local3.beginFill(_backgroundColor); Background.drawRounded(this, _local3, _local1, _local2); _local3.endFill(); var _local4:Graphics =; _local4.clear(); _local4.beginFill(_backgroundColor, 0); Background.drawRounded(this, _local4, _local1, _local2); _local4.endFill(); var _local5:Graphics =; _local5.clear(); _local5.lineStyle(0.1, _borderColor); Background.drawRounded(this, _local5, _local1, _local2); _local5.endFill(); var _local6:Graphics =; _local6.clear(); _local6.beginFill(_backgroundColor); Background.drawRounded(this, _local6, (_local1 + 1), (_local2 + 1)); _local6.endFill(); } public function get title():String{ return (_title.text); } private function _update():void{ _draw(); if (baseAlpha < 1){ _background.alpha = baseAlpha; _border.alpha = baseAlpha; }; } public function addData(_arg1:DisplayObject):void{ _data.addChild(_arg1); } override protected function layout():void{ _update(); addChild(_background); addChild(_data); addChild(_title); addChild(_border); addChild(_mask); mask = _mask; } public function set title(_arg1:String):void{ _title.text = _arg1; } public function close():void{ dispose(); if (parent != null){ parent.removeChild(this); }; } } }//package
Section 49
//Style ( package { public const Style:_Style = new _Style(); }//package
Section 50
//SuccessAlert ( package { public class SuccessAlert extends Alert { public function SuccessAlert(_arg1:DebugConfiguration, _arg2:String, _arg3:Array){ var _local4:Align; var _local5:Boolean; var _local6:Boolean; _local4 = Align.bottomLeft; _local5 = true; _local6 = false; if (_arg1.verbose){ _arg2 = ((("<u><span class=\"uiAlertTitle\">Success</span>" + spaces(18)) + "</u>\n\n") + _arg2); _local4 =; _local5 = false; _local6 = true; }; super(_arg2, _arg3, "uiSuccess", Style.successColor, _local4, _local5, _local6); } } }//package
Section 51
//UISprite ( package { import*; import flash.display.*; public class UISprite extends Sprite { private var _forcedHeight:uint; protected var listenResize:Boolean; public var alignement:Align; private var _forcedWidth:uint; public var margin:Margin; protected var alignTarget:DisplayObject; public function UISprite(_arg1:DisplayObject=null){ listenResize = false; alignement = Align.none; this.alignTarget = _arg1; margin = new Margin(); addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, _onAddedToStage); addEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, _onRemovedFromStage); } protected function dispose():void{ var _local1:DisplayObject; var _local2:int; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < numChildren) { _local1 = getChildAt(_local2); if (_local1){ removeChild(_local1); }; _local2++; }; } protected function layout():void{ } public function get forcedHeight():uint{ if (_forcedHeight){ return (_forcedHeight); }; return (height); } public function alignTo(_arg1:Align, _arg2:DisplayObject=null):void{ var _local3:uint; var _local4:uint; var _local5:uint; var _local6:uint; var _local7:UISprite; if (_arg2 == null){ if ((parent is Stage)){ _arg2 = this.stage; } else { _arg2 = parent; }; }; if (_arg2 == this.stage){ if (this.stage == null){ return; }; _local3 = this.stage.stageHeight; _local4 = this.stage.stageWidth; _local5 = 0; _local6 = 0; } else { _local7 = (_arg2 as UISprite); if (_local7.forcedHeight){ _local3 = _local7.forcedHeight; } else { _local3 = _local7.height; }; if (_local7.forcedWidth){ _local4 = _local7.forcedWidth; } else { _local4 = _local7.width; }; _local5 = 0; _local6 = 0; }; switch (_arg1){ case x = ((_local4 / 2) - (forcedWidth / 2)); y = (_local6 +; break; case Align.bottom: x = ((_local4 / 2) - (forcedWidth / 2)); y = (((_local6 + _local3) - forcedHeight) - margin.bottom); break; case Align.left: x = (_local5 + margin.left); y = ((_local3 / 2) - (forcedHeight / 2)); break; case Align.right: x = (((_local5 + _local4) - forcedWidth) - margin.right); y = ((_local3 / 2) - (forcedHeight / 2)); break; case x = ((_local4 / 2) - (forcedWidth / 2)); y = ((_local3 / 2) - (forcedHeight / 2)); break; case Align.topLeft: x = (_local5 + margin.left); y = (_local6 +; break; case Align.topRight: x = (((_local5 + _local4) - forcedWidth) - margin.right); y = (_local6 +; break; case Align.bottomLeft: x = (_local5 + margin.left); y = (((_local6 + _local3) - forcedHeight) - margin.bottom); break; case Align.bottomRight: x = (((_local5 + _local4) - forcedWidth) - margin.right); y = (((_local6 + _local3) - forcedHeight) - margin.bottom); break; }; if (((!(listenResize)) && (!((_arg1 == Align.none))))){ _arg2.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, onResize, false, 0, true); listenResize = true; }; this.alignement = _arg1; this.alignTarget = _arg2; } public function get forcedWidth():uint{ if (_forcedWidth){ return (_forcedWidth); }; return (width); } protected function onResize(_arg1:Event):void{ resize(); } private function _onRemovedFromStage(_arg1:Event):void{ removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, _onAddedToStage); removeEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, _onRemovedFromStage); dispose(); } public function resize():void{ if (alignement != Align.none){ alignTo(alignement, alignTarget); }; } private function _onAddedToStage(_arg1:Event):void{ layout(); resize(); } public function set forcedHeight(_arg1:uint):void{ _forcedHeight = _arg1; } public function set forcedWidth(_arg1:uint):void{ _forcedWidth = _arg1; } } }//package
Section 52
//Warning ( package { import*; import flash.utils.*; public class Warning extends Label { private var _timer:Timer; public function Warning(_arg1:String="", _arg2:uint=3000){ super(_arg1, "uiWarning", Style.warningColor,, false); = 32; if (_arg2 > 0){ _timer = new Timer(_arg2, 1); _timer.start(); _timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, onComplete, false, 0, true); }; } public function onComplete(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ close(); } override public function onLink(_arg1:TextEvent):void{ switch (_arg1.text){ case "hide": close(); break; }; } public function close():void{ if (parent != null){ parent.removeChild(this); }; } } }//package
Section 53
//VisualDebugMode ( package { public class VisualDebugMode { private var _value:int; private var _name:String; public static const advanced:VisualDebugMode = new VisualDebugMode(1, "advanced"); ; public static const geek:VisualDebugMode = new VisualDebugMode(2, "geek"); ; public static const basic:VisualDebugMode = new VisualDebugMode(0, "basic"); ; public function VisualDebugMode(_arg1:int=0, _arg2:String=""){ _value = _arg1; _name = _arg2; } public function valueOf():int{ return (_value); } public function toString():String{ return (_name); } } }//package
Section 54
//AnalyticsEvent ( package { import*; import*; public class AnalyticsEvent extends Event { public var tracker:AnalyticsTracker; public static const READY:String = "ready"; public function AnalyticsEvent(_arg1:String, _arg2:AnalyticsTracker, _arg3:Boolean=false, _arg4:Boolean=false){ super(_arg1, _arg3, _arg4); this.tracker = _arg2; } override public function clone():Event{ return (new AnalyticsEvent(type, tracker, bubbles, cancelable)); } } }//package
Section 55
//AdSenseGlobals ( package { import*; public class AdSenseGlobals extends JavascriptProxy { private var _gaGlobalVerified:Boolean;// = false public static var gaGlobal_js:XML = <script> <![CDATA[ function() { try { gaGlobal } catch(e) { gaGlobal = {} ; } } ]]> </script> ; public function AdSenseGlobals(_arg1:DebugConfiguration){ _gaGlobalVerified = false; super(_arg1); } public function set vid(_arg1:String):void{ if (!isAvailable()){ return; }; _verify(); setProperty("gaGlobal.vid", _arg1); } public function get hid():String{ if (!isAvailable()){ return (null); }; _verify(); return (getProperty("gaGlobal.hid")); } public function get dh():String{ if (!isAvailable()){ return (null); }; _verify(); return (getProperty("gaGlobal.dh")); } public function get gaGlobal():Object{ if (!isAvailable()){ return (null); }; _verify(); return (getProperty("gaGlobal")); } public function set hid(_arg1:String):void{ if (!isAvailable()){ return; }; _verify(); setProperty("gaGlobal.hid", _arg1); } public function get sid():String{ if (!isAvailable()){ return (null); }; _verify(); return (getProperty("gaGlobal.sid")); } private function _verify():void{ if (!_gaGlobalVerified){ executeBlock(gaGlobal_js); _gaGlobalVerified = true; }; } public function get vid():String{ if (!isAvailable()){ return (null); }; _verify(); return (getProperty("gaGlobal.vid")); } public function set sid(_arg1:String):void{ if (!isAvailable()){ return; }; _verify(); setProperty("gaGlobal.sid", _arg1); } } }//package
Section 56
//HTMLDOM ( package { import*; public class HTMLDOM extends JavascriptProxy { private var _referrer:String; private var _protocol:String; private var _host:String; private var _location:String; private var _pathname:String; private var _title:String; private var _characterSet:String; private var _search:String; private var _language:String; private var _colorDepth:String; public static var cache_properties_js:XML = <script> <![CDATA[ function() { var obj = {}; =; obj.language = navigator.language ? navigator.language : navigator.browserLanguage; obj.characterSet = document.characterSet ? document.characterSet : document.charset; obj.colorDepth = window.screen.colorDepth; obj.location = document.location.toString(); obj.pathname = document.location.pathname; obj.protocol = document.location.protocol; =; obj.referrer = document.referrer; obj.title = document.title; return obj; } ]]> </script> ; public function HTMLDOM(_arg1:DebugConfiguration){ super(_arg1); } public function get search():String{ if (_search){ return (_search); }; if (!isAvailable()){ return (null); }; _search = getProperty(""); return (_search); } public function get location():String{ if (_location){ return (_location); }; if (!isAvailable()){ return (null); }; _location = getPropertyString("document.location"); return (_location); } public function get pathname():String{ if (_pathname){ return (_pathname); }; if (!isAvailable()){ return (null); }; _pathname = getProperty("document.location.pathname"); return (_pathname); } public function get referrer():String{ if (_referrer){ return (_referrer); }; if (!isAvailable()){ return (null); }; _referrer = getProperty("document.referrer"); return (_referrer); } public function get protocol():String{ if (_protocol){ return (_protocol); }; if (!isAvailable()){ return (null); }; _protocol = getProperty("document.location.protocol"); return (_protocol); } public function cacheProperties():void{ var _local1:Object; if (!isAvailable()){ return; }; _local1 = call(cache_properties_js); if (_local1){ _host =; _language = _local1.language; _characterSet = _local1.characterSet; _colorDepth = _local1.colorDepth; _location = _local1.location; _pathname = _local1.pathname; _protocol = _local1.protocol; _search =; _referrer = _local1.referrer; _title = _local1.title; }; } public function get colorDepth():String{ if (_colorDepth){ return (_colorDepth); }; if (!isAvailable()){ return (null); }; _colorDepth = getProperty("window.screen.colorDepth"); return (_colorDepth); } public function get title():String{ if (_title){ return (_title); }; if (!isAvailable()){ return (null); }; _title = getProperty("document.title"); return (_title); } public function get host():String{ if (_host){ return (_host); }; if (!isAvailable()){ return (null); }; _host = getProperty(""); return (_host); } public function get characterSet():String{ var _local1:String; if (_characterSet){ return (_characterSet); }; if (!isAvailable()){ return (null); }; _local1 = getProperty("document.characterSet"); if (_local1 == null){ _local1 = getProperty("document.charset"); }; _characterSet = _local1; return (_characterSet); } public function get language():String{ var _local1:String; if (_language){ return (_language); }; if (!isAvailable()){ return (null); }; _local1 = getProperty("navigator.language"); if (_local1 == null){ _local1 = getProperty("navigator.browserLanguage"); }; _language = _local1; return (_language); } } }//package
Section 57
//JavascriptProxy ( package { import*; import flash.system.*; import flash.external.*; public class JavascriptProxy { private var _notAvailableWarning:Boolean;// = true private var _debug:DebugConfiguration; public static var setProperty_js:XML = <script> <![CDATA[ function( path , value ) { var paths; var prop; if( path.indexOf(".") > 0 ) { paths = path.split("."); prop = paths.pop() ; } else { paths = []; prop = path; } var target = window ; var len = paths.length ; for( var i = 0 ; i < len ; i++ ) { target = target[ paths[i] ] ; } target[ prop ] = value ; } ]]> </script> ; public static var hasProperty_js:XML = <script> <![CDATA[ function( path ) { var paths; if( path.indexOf(".") > 0 ) { paths = path.split("."); } else { paths = [path]; } var target = window ; var len = paths.length ; for( var i = 0 ; i < len ; i++ ) { target = target[ paths[i] ] ; } if( target ) { return true; } else { return false; } } ]]> </script> ; public static var setPropertyRef_js:XML = <script> <![CDATA[ function( path , target ) { var paths; var prop; if( path.indexOf(".") > 0 ) { paths = path.split("."); prop = paths.pop() ; } else { paths = []; prop = path; } alert( "paths:"+paths.length+", prop:"+prop ); var targets; var name; if( target.indexOf(".") > 0 ) { targets = target.split("."); name = targets.pop(); } else { targets = []; name = target; } alert( "targets:"+targets.length+", name:"+name ); var root = window; var len = paths.length; for( var i = 0 ; i < len ; i++ ) { root = root[ paths[i] ] ; } var ref = window; var depth = targets.length; for( var j = 0 ; j < depth ; j++ ) { ref = ref[ targets[j] ] ; } root[ prop ] = ref[name] ; } ]]> </script> ; public function JavascriptProxy(_arg1:DebugConfiguration){ _notAvailableWarning = true; super(); _debug = _arg1; } public function getProperty(_arg1:String){ return (call((_arg1 + ".valueOf"))); } public function hasProperty(_arg1:String):Boolean{ return (call(hasProperty_js, _arg1)); } public function setProperty(_arg1:String, _arg2):void{ call(setProperty_js, _arg1, _arg2); } public function executeBlock(_arg1:String):void{ var data = _arg1; if (isAvailable()){ try {; } catch(e:SecurityError) { if (_debug.javascript){ _debug.warning("ExternalInterface is not allowed.\nEnsure that allowScriptAccess is set to \"always\" in the Flash embed HTML."); }; } catch(e:Error) { if (_debug.javascript){ _debug.warning(("ExternalInterface failed to make the call\nreason: " + e.message)); }; }; }; } public function getPropertyString(_arg1:String):String{ return (call((_arg1 + ".toString"))); } public function setPropertyByReference(_arg1:String, _arg2:String):void{ call(setPropertyRef_js, _arg1, _arg2); } public function call(_arg1:String, ... _args){ var output:String; var functionName = _arg1; var args = _args; if (isAvailable()){ try { if (((_debug.javascript) && (_debug.verbose))){ output = ""; output = ("Flash->JS: " + functionName); output = (output + "( "); if (args.length > 0){ output = (output + args.join(",")); }; output = (output + " )");; }; args.unshift(functionName); return (, args)); } catch(e:SecurityError) { if (_debug.javascript){ _debug.warning("ExternalInterface is not allowed.\nEnsure that allowScriptAccess is set to \"always\" in the Flash embed HTML."); }; } catch(e:Error) { if (_debug.javascript){ _debug.warning(("ExternalInterface failed to make the call\nreason: " + e.message)); }; }; }; return (null); } public function isAvailable():Boolean{ var _local1:Boolean; _local1 = ExternalInterface.available; if (((_local1) && ((Capabilities.playerType == "External")))){ _local1 = false; }; if (((((!(_local1)) && (_debug.javascript))) && (_notAvailableWarning))){ _debug.warning("ExternalInterface is not available."); _notAvailableWarning = false; }; return (_local1); } } }//package
Section 58
//Environment ( package { import*; import*; import*; import flash.system.*; public class Environment { private var _dom:HTMLDOM; private var _appName:String; private var _debug:DebugConfiguration; private var _appVersion:Version; private var _url:String; private var _protocol:Protocols; private var _userAgent:UserAgent; public function Environment(_arg1:String="", _arg2:String="", _arg3:String="", _arg4:DebugConfiguration=null, _arg5:HTMLDOM=null){ var _local6:Version; super(); if (_arg2 == ""){ if (isAIR()){ _arg2 = "AIR"; } else { _arg2 = "Flash"; }; }; if (_arg3 == ""){ _local6 = flashVersion; } else { _local6 = Version.fromString(_arg3); }; _url = _arg1; _appName = _arg2; _appVersion = _local6; _debug = _arg4; _dom = _arg5; } public function isAIR():Boolean{ return ((((playerType == "Desktop")) && ((Security.sandboxType.toString() == "application")))); } public function get playerType():String{ return (Capabilities.playerType); } public function get locationSearch():String{ var _local1:String; _local1 =; if (_local1){ return (_local1); }; return (""); } public function get protocol():Protocols{ if (!_protocol){ _findProtocol(); }; return (_protocol); } public function get flashVersion():Version{ var _local1:Version; _local1 = Version.fromString(Capabilities.version.split(" ")[1], ","); return (_local1); } public function get screenWidth():Number{ return (Capabilities.screenResolutionX); } public function get languageEncoding():String{ var _local1:String; if (System.useCodePage){ _local1 = _dom.characterSet; if (_local1){ return (_local1); }; return ("-"); }; return ("UTF-8"); } public function get appName():String{ return (_appName); } public function get screenColorDepth():String{ var _local1:String; var _local2:String; switch (Capabilities.screenColor){ case "bw": _local1 = "1"; break; case "gray": _local1 = "2"; break; case "color": default: _local1 = "24"; }; _local2 = _dom.colorDepth; if (_local2){ _local1 = _local2; }; return (_local1); } private function _findProtocol():void{ var _local1:Protocols; var _local2:String; var _local3:String; var _local4:String; var _local5:String; _local1 = Protocols.none; if (_url != ""){ _local4 = _url.toLowerCase(); _local5 = _local4.substr(0, 5); switch (_local5){ case "file:": _local1 = Protocols.file; break; case "http:": _local1 = Protocols.HTTP; break; case "https": if (_local4.charAt(5) == ":"){ _local1 = Protocols.HTTPS; }; break; default: _protocol = Protocols.none; }; }; _local2 = _dom.protocol; _local3 = (_local1.toString() + ":").toLowerCase(); if (((((_local2) && (!((_local2 == _local3))))) && (_debug))){ _debug.warning(((("Protocol mismatch: SWF=" + _local3) + ", DOM=") + _local2)); }; _protocol = _local1; } public function get locationSWFPath():String{ return (_url); } public function get platform():String{ var _local1:String; _local1 = Capabilities.manufacturer; return (_local1.split("Adobe ")[1]); } public function get operatingSystem():String{ return (Capabilities.os); } public function set appName(_arg1:String):void{ _appName = _arg1; userAgent.applicationProduct = _arg1; } public function get userAgent():UserAgent{ if (!_userAgent){ _userAgent = new UserAgent(this, appName, appVersion.toString(4)); }; return (_userAgent); } ga_internal function set url(_arg1:String):void{ _url = _arg1; } public function get referrer():String{ var _local1:String; _local1 = _dom.referrer; if (_local1){ return (_local1); }; if (protocol == Protocols.file){ return ("localhost"); }; return (""); } public function isInHTML():Boolean{ return ((Capabilities.playerType == "PlugIn")); } public function get language():String{ var _local1:String; var _local2:String; _local1 = _dom.language; _local2 = Capabilities.language; if (_local1){ if ((((_local1.length > _local2.length)) && ((_local1.substr(0, _local2.length) == _local2)))){ _local2 = _local1; }; }; return (_local2); } public function get domainName():String{ var _local1:String; var _local2:String; var _local3:int; if ((((protocol == Protocols.HTTP)) || ((protocol == Protocols.HTTPS)))){ _local1 = _url.toLowerCase(); if (protocol == Protocols.HTTP){ _local2 = _local1.split("http://").join(""); } else { if (protocol == Protocols.HTTPS){ _local2 = _local1.split("https://").join(""); }; }; _local3 = _local2.indexOf("/"); if (_local3 > -1){ _local2 = _local2.substring(0, _local3); }; return (_local2); }; if (protocol == Protocols.file){ return ("localhost"); }; return (""); } public function set userAgent(_arg1:UserAgent):void{ _userAgent = _arg1; } public function set appVersion(_arg1:Version):void{ _appVersion = _arg1; userAgent.applicationVersion = _arg1.toString(4); } public function get screenHeight():Number{ return (Capabilities.screenResolutionY); } public function get locationPath():String{ var _local1:String; _local1 = _dom.pathname; if (_local1){ return (_local1); }; return (""); } public function get documentTitle():String{ var _local1:String; _local1 = _dom.title; if (_local1){ return (_local1); }; return (""); } public function get appVersion():Version{ return (_appVersion); } } }//package
Section 59
//Protocols ( package { public class Protocols { private var _value:int; private var _name:String; public static const none:Protocols = new Protocols(0, "none"); ; public static const HTTPS:Protocols = new Protocols(3, "HTTPS"); ; public static const file:Protocols = new Protocols(1, "file"); ; public static const HTTP:Protocols = new Protocols(2, "HTTP"); ; public function Protocols(_arg1:int=0, _arg2:String=""){ _value = _arg1; _name = _arg2; } public function valueOf():int{ return (_value); } public function toString():String{ return (_name); } } }//package
Section 60
//Timespan ( package { public class Timespan { public static var sixmonths:Number = 15768000; public static var twoyears:Number = 63072000; public static var thirtyminutes:Number = 1800; } }//package
Section 61
//URL ( package { public class URL { private var _url:String; public function URL(_arg1:String=""){ _url = _arg1.toLowerCase(); } public function get domain():String{ var _local1:Array; if (((!((hostName == ""))) && ((hostName.indexOf(".") > -1)))){ _local1 = hostName.split("."); switch (_local1.length){ case 2: return (hostName); case 3: if (_local1[1] == "co"){ return (hostName); }; _local1.shift(); return (_local1.join(".")); case 4: _local1.shift(); return (_local1.join(".")); }; }; return (""); } public function get path():String{ var _local1:String = _url; if (_local1.indexOf("://") > -1){ _local1 = _local1.split("://")[1]; }; if (_local1.indexOf(hostName) == 0){ _local1 = _local1.substr(hostName.length); }; if (_local1.indexOf("?") > -1){ _local1 = _local1.split("?")[0]; }; if (_local1.charAt(0) != "/"){ _local1 = ("/" + _local1); }; return (_local1); } public function get protocol():Protocols{ var _local1:String = _url.split("://")[0]; switch (_local1){ case "file": return (Protocols.file); case "http": return (Protocols.HTTP); case "https": return (Protocols.HTTPS); default: return (Protocols.none); }; } public function get hostName():String{ var _local1:String = _url; if (_local1.indexOf("://") > -1){ _local1 = _local1.split("://")[1]; }; if (_local1.indexOf("/") > -1){ _local1 = _local1.split("/")[0]; }; if (_local1.indexOf("?") > -1){ _local1 = _local1.split("?")[0]; }; if ((((protocol == Protocols.file)) || ((protocol == Protocols.none)))){ return (""); }; return (_local1); } public function get subDomain():String{ if (((!((domain == ""))) && (!((domain == hostName))))){ return (hostName.split(("." + domain)).join("")); }; return (""); } public function get search():String{ var _local1:String = _url; if (_local1.indexOf("://") > -1){ _local1 = _local1.split("://")[1]; }; if (_local1.indexOf(hostName) == 0){ _local1 = _local1.substr(hostName.length); }; if (_local1.indexOf("?") > -1){ _local1 = _local1.split("?")[1]; } else { _local1 = ""; }; return (_local1); } } }//package
Section 62
//UserAgent ( package { import*; import flash.system.*; public class UserAgent { private var _version:Version; private var _localInfo:Environment; private var _applicationProduct:String; public static var minimal:Boolean = false; public function UserAgent(_arg1:Environment, _arg2:String="", _arg3:String=""){ _localInfo = _arg1; applicationProduct = _arg2; _version = Version.fromString(_arg3); } public function get tamarinProductToken():String{ if (UserAgent.minimal){ return (""); }; if (System.vmVersion){ return (("Tamarin/" + Utils.trim(System.vmVersion, true))); }; return (""); } public function set applicationProduct(_arg1:String):void{ _applicationProduct = _arg1; } public function get applicationVersion():String{ return (_version.toString(2)); } public function get applicationProductToken():String{ var _local1:String; _local1 = applicationProduct; if (applicationVersion != ""){ _local1 = (_local1 + ("/" + applicationVersion)); }; return (_local1); } public function get vendorProductToken():String{ var _local1:String; _local1 = ""; if (_localInfo.isAIR()){ _local1 = (_local1 + "AIR"); } else { _local1 = (_local1 + "FlashPlayer"); }; _local1 = (_local1 + "/"); _local1 = (_local1 + _version.toString(3)); return (_local1); } public function toString():String{ var _local1:String; _local1 = ""; _local1 = (_local1 + applicationProductToken); if (applicationComment != ""){ _local1 = (_local1 + (" " + applicationComment)); }; if (tamarinProductToken != ""){ _local1 = (_local1 + (" " + tamarinProductToken)); }; if (vendorProductToken != ""){ _local1 = (_local1 + (" " + vendorProductToken)); }; return (_local1); } public function get applicationComment():String{ var _local1:Array; _local1 = []; _local1.push(_localInfo.platform); _local1.push(_localInfo.playerType); if (!UserAgent.minimal){ _local1.push(_localInfo.operatingSystem); _local1.push(_localInfo.language); }; if (Capabilities.isDebugger){ _local1.push("DEBUG"); }; if (_local1.length > 0){ return ((("(" + _local1.join("; ")) + ")")); }; return (""); } public function set applicationVersion(_arg1:String):void{ _version = Version.fromString(_arg1); } public function get applicationProduct():String{ return (_applicationProduct); } } }//package
Section 63
//Variables ( package { import*; public dynamic class Variables { public var post:Array; public var URIencode:Boolean; public var pre:Array; public var sort:Boolean;// = true public function Variables(_arg1:String=null, _arg2:Array=null, _arg3:Array=null){ pre = []; post = []; super(); if (_arg1){ decode(_arg1); }; if (_arg2){ this.pre = _arg2; }; if (_arg3){ = _arg3; }; } private function _join(_arg1:Variables):void{ var _local2:String; if (!_arg1){ return; }; for (_local2 in _arg1) { this[_local2] = _arg1[_local2]; }; } public function join(... _args):void{ var _local2:int = _args.length; var _local3:int; while (_local3 < _local2) { if (!(_args[_local3] is Variables)){ } else { _join(_args[_local3]); }; _local3++; }; } public function toString():String{ var _local2:String; var _local3:String; var _local4:String; var _local5:int; var _local6:int; var _local7:String; var _local8:String; var _local1:Array = []; for (_local3 in this) { _local2 = this[_local3]; if (URIencode){ _local2 = encodeURI(_local2); }; _local1.push(((_local3 + "=") + _local2)); }; if (sort){ _local1.sort(); }; if (pre.length > 0){ pre.reverse(); _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < pre.length) { _local7 = pre[_local5]; _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _local1.length) { _local4 = _local1[_local6]; if (_local4.indexOf(_local7) == 0){ _local1.unshift(_local1.splice(_local6, 1)[0]); }; _local6++; }; _local5++; }; pre.reverse(); }; if (post.length > 0){ _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < post.length) { _local8 = post[_local5]; _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _local1.length) { _local4 = _local1[_local6]; if (_local4.indexOf(_local8) == 0){ _local1.push(_local1.splice(_local6, 1)[0]); }; _local6++; }; _local5++; }; }; return (_local1.join("&")); } public function decode(_arg1:String):void{ var _local2:Array; var _local3:String; var _local4:String; var _local5:String; var _local6:Array; if (_arg1 == ""){ return; }; if (_arg1.indexOf("&") > -1){ _local2 = _arg1.split("&"); } else { _local2 = [_arg1]; }; var _local7:int; while (_local7 < _local2.length) { _local3 = _local2[_local7]; if (_local3.indexOf("=") > -1){ _local6 = _local3.split("="); _local4 = _local6[0]; _local5 = decodeURI(_local6[1]); this[_local4] = _local5; }; _local7++; }; } public function toURLVariables():URLVariables{ var _local2:String; var _local1:URLVariables = new URLVariables(); for (_local2 in this) { _local1[_local2] = this[_local2]; }; return (_local1); } } }//package
Section 64
//Version ( package { public class Version { private var _maxBuild:uint;// = 0xFF private var _maxMinor:uint;// = 15 private var _maxMajor:uint;// = 15 private var _revision:uint; private var _separator:String;// = "." private var _maxRevision:uint;// = 0xFFFF private var _build:uint; private var _minor:uint; private var _major:uint; public function Version(_arg1:uint=0, _arg2:uint=0, _arg3:uint=0, _arg4:uint=0){ var _local5:Version; _maxMajor = 15; _maxMinor = 15; _maxBuild = 0xFF; _maxRevision = 0xFFFF; _separator = "."; super(); if ((((((((_arg1 > _maxMajor)) && ((_arg2 == 0)))) && ((_arg3 == 0)))) && ((_arg4 == 0)))){ _local5 = Version.fromNumber(_arg1); _arg1 = _local5.major; _arg2 = _local5.minor; _arg3 =; _arg4 = _local5.revision; }; this.major = _arg1; this.minor = _arg2; = _arg3; this.revision = _arg4; } public function toString(_arg1:int=0):String{ var _local2:Array; if ((((_arg1 <= 0)) || ((_arg1 > 4)))){ _arg1 = getFields(); }; switch (_arg1){ case 1: _local2 = [major]; break; case 2: _local2 = [major, minor]; break; case 3: _local2 = [major, minor, build]; break; case 4: default: _local2 = [major, minor, build, revision]; }; return (_local2.join(_separator)); } public function get revision():uint{ return (_revision); } public function set build(_arg1:uint):void{ _build = Math.min(_arg1, _maxBuild); } public function set minor(_arg1:uint):void{ _minor = Math.min(_arg1, _maxMinor); } public function get build():uint{ return (_build); } public function set major(_arg1:uint):void{ _major = Math.min(_arg1, _maxMajor); } public function get minor():uint{ return (_minor); } public function valueOf():uint{ return (((((major << 28) | (minor << 24)) | (build << 16)) | revision)); } public function get major():uint{ return (_major); } public function set revision(_arg1:uint):void{ _revision = Math.min(_arg1, _maxRevision); } private function getFields():int{ var _local1:int; _local1 = 4; if (revision == 0){ _local1--; }; if ((((_local1 == 3)) && ((build == 0)))){ _local1--; }; if ((((_local1 == 2)) && ((minor == 0)))){ _local1--; }; return (_local1); } public function equals(_arg1):Boolean{ if (!(_arg1 is Version)){ return (false); }; if ((((((((_arg1.major == major)) && ((_arg1.minor == minor)))) && (( == build)))) && ((_arg1.revision == revision)))){ return (true); }; return (false); } public static function fromString(_arg1:String="", _arg2:String="."):Version{ var _local3:Version; var _local4:Array; _local3 = new (Version); if ((((_arg1 == "")) || ((_arg1 == null)))){ return (_local3); }; if (_arg1.indexOf(_arg2) > -1){ _local4 = _arg1.split(_arg2); _local3.major = parseInt(_local4[0]); _local3.minor = parseInt(_local4[1]); = parseInt(_local4[2]); _local3.revision = parseInt(_local4[3]); } else { _local3.major = parseInt(_arg1); }; return (_local3); } public static function fromNumber(_arg1:Number=0):Version{ var _local2:Version; _local2 = new (Version); if (((((((((((isNaN(_arg1)) || ((_arg1 == 0)))) || ((_arg1 < 0)))) || ((_arg1 == Number.MAX_VALUE)))) || ((_arg1 == Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY)))) || ((_arg1 == Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)))){ return (_local2); }; _local2.major = (_arg1 >>> 28); _local2.minor = ((_arg1 & 251658240) >>> 24); = ((_arg1 & 0xFF0000) >>> 16); _local2.revision = (_arg1 & 0xFFFF); return (_local2); } } }//package
Section 65
//Bridge ( package { import*; import*; import*; public class Bridge implements GoogleAnalyticsAPI { private var _debug:DebugConfiguration; private var _proxy:JavascriptProxy; private var _jsContainer:String;// = "_GATracker" private var _hasGATracker:Boolean;// = false private var _account:String; private static var _linkTrackingObject_js:XML = <script> <![CDATA[ function( container , target ) { var targets ; var name ; if( target.indexOf(".") > 0 ) { targets = target.split("."); name = targets.pop(); } else { targets = []; name = target; } var ref = window; var depth = targets.length; for( var j = 0 ; j < depth ; j++ ) { ref = ref[ targets[j] ] ; } window[container][target] = ref[name] ; } ]]> </script> ; private static var _createTrackingObject_js:XML = <script> <![CDATA[ function( acct ) { _GATracker[acct] = _gat._getTracker(acct); } ]]> </script> ; private static var _injectTrackingObject_js:XML = <script> <![CDATA[ function() { try { _GATracker } catch(e) { _GATracker = {}; } } ]]> </script> ; private static var _checkGAJS_js:XML = <script> <![CDATA[ function() { if( _gat && _gat._getTracker ) { return true; } return false; } ]]> </script> ; private static var _checkValidTrackingObject_js:XML = <script> <![CDATA[ function(acct) { if( _GATracker[acct] && (_GATracker[acct]._getAccount) ) { return true ; } else { return false; } } ]]> </script> ; public function Bridge(_arg1:String, _arg2:DebugConfiguration, _arg3:JavascriptProxy){ var _local4:String; var _local5:String; var _local6:String; super(); _account = _arg1; _debug = _arg2; _proxy = _arg3; if (!_checkGAJS()){ _local4 = ""; _local4 = (_local4 + "ga.js not found, be sure to check if\n"); _local4 = (_local4 + "<script src=\"\"></script>\n"); _local4 = (_local4 + "is included in the HTML."); _debug.warning(_local4); throw (new Error(_local4)); }; if (!_hasGATracker){ if (((_debug.javascript) && (_debug.verbose))){ _local5 = ""; _local5 = (_local5 + "The Google Analytics tracking code was not found on the container page\n"); _local5 = (_local5 + "we create it");, VisualDebugMode.advanced); }; _injectTrackingObject(); }; if (Utils.validateAccount(_arg1)){ _createTrackingObject(_arg1); } else { if (_checkTrackingObject(_arg1)){ _linkTrackingObject(_arg1); } else { _local6 = ""; _local6 = (_local6 + (("JS Object \"" + _arg1) + "\" doesn't exist in DOM\n")); _local6 = (_local6 + "Bridge object not created."); _debug.warning(_local6); throw (new Error(_local6)); }; }; } public function link(_arg1:String, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{"link( " + _arg1) + ", ") + _arg2) + " )")); _call("_link", _arg1, _arg2); } public function addOrganic(_arg1:String, _arg2:String):void{"addOrganic( " + [_arg1, _arg2].join(", ")) + " )")); _call("_addOrganic", _arg1); } public function setAllowLinker(_arg1:Boolean):void{"setAllowLinker( " + _arg1) + " )")); _call("_setAllowLinker", _arg1); } private function _linkTrackingObject(_arg1:String):void{, _jsContainer, _arg1); } public function trackEvent(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:String=null, _arg4:Number=NaN):Boolean{ var _local5 = 2; if (((_arg3) && (!((_arg3 == ""))))){ _local5 = 3; }; if ((((_local5 == 3)) && (!(isNaN(_arg4))))){ _local5 = 4; }; switch (_local5){ case 4:"trackEvent( " + [_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4].join(", ")) + " )")); return (_call("_trackEvent", _arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4)); case 3:"trackEvent( " + [_arg1, _arg2, _arg3].join(", ")) + " )")); return (_call("_trackEvent", _arg1, _arg2, _arg3)); case 2: default:"trackEvent( " + [_arg1, _arg2].join(", ")) + " )")); return (_call("_trackEvent", _arg1, _arg2)); }; } public function setClientInfo(_arg1:Boolean):void{"setClientInfo( " + _arg1) + " )")); _call("_setClientInfo", _arg1); } public function trackTrans():void{"trackTrans()"); _call("_trackTrans"); } public function setCookieTimeout(_arg1:int):void{"setCookieTimeout( " + _arg1) + " )")); _call("_setCookieTimeout", _arg1); } public function trackPageview(_arg1:String=""):void{"trackPageview( " + _arg1) + " )")); _call("_trackPageview", _arg1); } public function getClientInfo():Boolean{"getClientInfo()"); return (_call("_getClientInfo")); } private function _checkValidTrackingObject(_arg1:String):Boolean{ return (, _arg1)); } private function _checkGAJS():Boolean{ return (; } public function linkByPost(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{ _debug.warning((((("linkByPost( " + _arg1) + ", ") + _arg2) + " ) not implemented")); } private function _call(_arg1:String, ... _args){ _args.unshift(((((("window." + _jsContainer) + "[\"") + _account) + "\"].") + _arg1)); return (, _args)); } public function hasGAJS():Boolean{ return (_checkGAJS()); } private function _checkTrackingObject(_arg1:String):Boolean{ var _local2:Boolean = _proxy.hasProperty(_arg1); var _local3:Boolean = _proxy.hasProperty((_arg1 + "._getAccount")); return (((_local2) && (_local3))); } public function resetSession():void{ _debug.warning("resetSession() not implemented"); } public function getDetectTitle():Boolean{"getDetectTitle()"); return (_call("_getDetectTitle")); } public function setCampNameKey(_arg1:String):void{"setCampNameKey( " + _arg1) + " )")); _call("_setCampNameKey", _arg1); } public function setDetectFlash(_arg1:Boolean):void{"setDetectFlash( " + _arg1) + " )")); _call("_setDetectFlash", _arg1); } public function createEventTracker(_arg1:String):EventTracker{"createEventTracker( " + _arg1) + " )")); return (new EventTracker(_arg1, this)); } public function addItem(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:String, _arg4:String, _arg5:Number, _arg6:int):void{"addItem( " + [_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5, _arg6].join(", ")) + " )")); _call("_addItem", _arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5, _arg6); } public function clearIgnoredOrganic():void{"clearIgnoredOrganic()"); _call("_clearIgnoreOrganic"); } public function setVar(_arg1:String):void{"setVar( " + _arg1) + " )")); _call("_setVar", _arg1); } public function setDomainName(_arg1:String):void{"setDomainName( " + _arg1) + " )")); _call("_setDomainName", _arg1); } public function hasTrackingAccount(_arg1:String):Boolean{ if (Utils.validateAccount(_arg1)){ return (_checkValidTrackingObject(_arg1)); }; return (_checkTrackingObject(_arg1)); } public function setCampSourceKey(_arg1:String):void{"setCampSourceKey( " + _arg1) + " )")); _call("_setCampSourceKey", _arg1); } public function addTrans(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number, _arg5:Number, _arg6:String, _arg7:String, _arg8:String):Object{"addTrans( " + [_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5, _arg6, _arg7, _arg8].join(", ")) + " )")); _call("_addTrans", _arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5, _arg6, _arg7, _arg8); return (null); } public function setCampContentKey(_arg1:String):void{"setCampContentKey( " + _arg1) + " )")); _call("_setCampContentKey", _arg1); } public function setLocalServerMode():void{"setLocalServerMode()"); _call("_setLocalServerMode"); } public function getLocalGifPath():String{"getLocalGifPath()"); return (_call("_getLocalGifPath")); } public function clearIgnoredRef():void{"clearIgnoredRef()"); _call("_clearIgnoreRef"); } public function setAllowAnchor(_arg1:Boolean):void{"setAllowAnchor( " + _arg1) + " )")); _call("_setAllowAnchor", _arg1); } public function setLocalGifPath(_arg1:String):void{"setLocalGifPath( " + _arg1) + " )")); _call("_setLocalGifPath", _arg1); } public function getVersion():String{"getVersion()"); return (_call("_getVersion")); } private function _injectTrackingObject():void{ _proxy.executeBlock(_injectTrackingObject_js); _hasGATracker = true; } public function setCookiePath(_arg1:String):void{"setCookiePath( " + _arg1) + " )")); _call("_setCookiePath", _arg1); } public function setSampleRate(_arg1:Number):void{"setSampleRate( " + _arg1) + " )")); _call("_setSampleRate", _arg1); } public function setAllowHash(_arg1:Boolean):void{"setAllowHash( " + _arg1) + " )")); _call("_setAllowHash", _arg1); } public function addIgnoredOrganic(_arg1:String):void{"addIgnoredOrganic( " + _arg1) + " )")); _call("_addIgnoredOrganic", _arg1); } public function setCampNOKey(_arg1:String):void{"setCampNOKey( " + _arg1) + " )")); _call("_setCampNOKey", _arg1); } public function cookiePathCopy(_arg1:String):void{"cookiePathCopy( " + _arg1) + " )")); _call("_cookiePathCopy", _arg1); } public function setLocalRemoteServerMode():void{"setLocalRemoteServerMode()"); _call("_setLocalRemoteServerMode"); } public function getServiceMode():ServerOperationMode{"getServiceMode()"); return (_call("_getServiceMode")); } public function setDetectTitle(_arg1:Boolean):void{"setDetectTitle( " + _arg1) + " )")); _call("_setDetectTitle", _arg1); } private function _createTrackingObject(_arg1:String):void{, _arg1); } public function setCampaignTrack(_arg1:Boolean):void{"setCampaignTrack( " + _arg1) + " )")); _call("_setCampaignTrack", _arg1); } public function clearOrganic():void{"clearOrganic()"); _call("_clearOrganic"); } public function setCampTermKey(_arg1:String):void{"setCampTermKey( " + _arg1) + " )")); _call("_setCampTermKey", _arg1); } public function getDetectFlash():Boolean{"getDetectFlash()"); return (_call("_getDetectFlash")); } public function setCampMediumKey(_arg1:String):void{"setCampMediumKey( " + _arg1) + " )")); _call("_setCampMediumKey", _arg1); } public function addIgnoredRef(_arg1:String):void{"addIgnoredRef( " + _arg1) + " )")); _call("_addIgnoredRef", _arg1); } public function setSessionTimeout(_arg1:int):void{"setSessionTimeout( " + _arg1) + " )")); _call("_setSessionTimeout", _arg1); } public function setRemoteServerMode():void{"setRemoteServerMode()"); _call("_setRemoteServerMode"); } public function getAccount():String{"getAccount()"); return (_call("_getAccount")); } } }//package
Section 66
//Configuration ( package { import*; import*; import*; import*; public class Configuration { public var serverMode:ServerOperationMode; public var detectFlash:Boolean;// = true public var allowLocalTracking:Boolean;// = true public var secureRemoteGIFpath:String;// = "" public var hasSiteOverlay:Boolean;// = false private var _version:String;// = "4.3as" public var allowDomainHash:Boolean;// = true public var detectClientInfo:Boolean;// = true public var idleLoop:Number;// = 30 public var isTrackOutboundSubdomains:Boolean;// = false public var cookiePath:String;// = "/" public var transactionFieldDelim:String;// = "|" private var _organic:Organic; private var _cookieName:String;// = "analytics" public var campaignKey:CampaignKey; public var google:String;// = "google" public var googleCsePath:String;// = "cse" public var bucketCapacity:Number;// = 10 private var _sampleRate:Number;// = 1 public var remoteGIFpath:String;// = "" public var googleSearchParam:String;// = "q" public var allowLinker:Boolean;// = false public var maxOutboundLinkExamined:Number;// = 1000 private var _debug:DebugConfiguration; private var _trackingLimitPerSession:int;// = 500 private var _domain:Domain; public var allowAnchor:Boolean;// = false public var tokenCliff:int;// = 10 public var sessionTimeout:Number; public var idleTimeout:Number;// = 60 public var campaignTracking:Boolean;// = true public var domainName:String;// = "" public var detectTitle:Boolean;// = true public var tokenRate:Number;// = 0.2 public var conversionTimeout:Number; public var localGIFpath:String;// = "/__utm.gif" public function Configuration(_arg1:DebugConfiguration=null){ _version = "4.3as"; _sampleRate = 1; _trackingLimitPerSession = 500; _organic = new Organic(); googleCsePath = "cse"; googleSearchParam = "q"; google = "google"; _cookieName = "analytics"; allowDomainHash = true; allowAnchor = false; allowLinker = false; hasSiteOverlay = false; tokenRate = 0.2; conversionTimeout = Timespan.sixmonths; sessionTimeout = Timespan.thirtyminutes; idleLoop = 30; idleTimeout = 60; maxOutboundLinkExamined = 1000; tokenCliff = 10; bucketCapacity = 10; detectClientInfo = true; detectFlash = true; detectTitle = true; campaignKey = new CampaignKey(); campaignTracking = true; isTrackOutboundSubdomains = false; serverMode = ServerOperationMode.remote; localGIFpath = "/__utm.gif"; remoteGIFpath = ""; secureRemoteGIFpath = ""; cookiePath = "/"; transactionFieldDelim = "|"; domainName = ""; allowLocalTracking = true; super(); _debug = _arg1; _domain = new Domain(, "", _debug); serverMode = ServerOperationMode.remote; _initOrganicSources(); } public function get organic():Organic{ return (_organic); } public function get trackingLimitPerSession():int{ return (_trackingLimitPerSession); } private function _initOrganicSources():void{ addOrganicSource(google, googleSearchParam); addOrganicSource("yahoo", "p"); addOrganicSource("msn", "q"); addOrganicSource("aol", "query"); addOrganicSource("aol", "encquery"); addOrganicSource("lycos", "query"); addOrganicSource("ask", "q"); addOrganicSource("altavista", "q"); addOrganicSource("netscape", "query"); addOrganicSource("cnn", "query"); addOrganicSource("looksmart", "qt"); addOrganicSource("about", "terms"); addOrganicSource("mamma", "query"); addOrganicSource("alltheweb", "q"); addOrganicSource("gigablast", "q"); addOrganicSource("voila", "rdata"); addOrganicSource("virgilio", "qs"); addOrganicSource("live", "q"); addOrganicSource("baidu", "wd"); addOrganicSource("alice", "qs"); addOrganicSource("yandex", "text"); addOrganicSource("najdi", "q"); addOrganicSource("aol", "q"); addOrganicSource("club-internet", "q"); addOrganicSource("mama", "query"); addOrganicSource("seznam", "q"); addOrganicSource("search", "q"); addOrganicSource("wp", "szukaj"); addOrganicSource("onet", "qt"); addOrganicSource("netsprint", "q"); addOrganicSource("google.interia", "q"); addOrganicSource("szukacz", "q"); addOrganicSource("yam", "k"); addOrganicSource("pchome", "q"); addOrganicSource("kvasir", "searchExpr"); addOrganicSource("sesam", "q"); addOrganicSource("ozu", "q"); addOrganicSource("terra", "query"); addOrganicSource("nostrum", "query"); addOrganicSource("mynet", "q"); addOrganicSource("ekolay", "q"); addOrganicSource("search.ilse", "search_for"); } public function get sampleRate():Number{ return (_sampleRate); } public function get cookieName():String{ return (_cookieName); } public function addOrganicSource(_arg1:String, _arg2:String):void{ var engine = _arg1; var keyword = _arg2; try { _organic.addSource(engine, keyword); } catch(e:Error) { if (((_debug) && ({ _debug.warning(e.message); }; }; } public function get domain():Domain{ return (_domain); } public function set sampleRate(_arg1:Number):void{ if (_arg1 <= 0){ _arg1 = 0.1; }; if (_arg1 > 1){ _arg1 = 1; }; _arg1 = Number(_arg1.toFixed(2)); _sampleRate = _arg1; } public function get version():String{ return (_version); } } }//package
Section 67
//GoogleAnalyticsAPI ( package { import*; public interface GoogleAnalyticsAPI { function setCampSourceKey(_arg1:String):void; function getServiceMode():ServerOperationMode; function resetSession():void; function setLocalServerMode():void; function setCampContentKey(_arg1:String):void; function addOrganic(_arg1:String, _arg2:String):void; function setDetectFlash(_arg1:Boolean):void; function addTrans(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number, _arg5:Number, _arg6:String, _arg7:String, _arg8:String):Object; function trackEvent(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:String=null, _arg4:Number=NaN):Boolean; function setCampTermKey(_arg1:String):void; function setCampNameKey(_arg1:String):void; function addIgnoredOrganic(_arg1:String):void; function addItem(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:String, _arg4:String, _arg5:Number, _arg6:int):void; function setAllowLinker(_arg1:Boolean):void; function getClientInfo():Boolean; function getDetectFlash():Boolean; function setCampaignTrack(_arg1:Boolean):void; function createEventTracker(_arg1:String):EventTracker; function setCookieTimeout(_arg1:int):void; function setAllowAnchor(_arg1:Boolean):void; function trackTrans():void; function clearOrganic():void; function trackPageview(_arg1:String=""):void; function setLocalGifPath(_arg1:String):void; function getVersion():String; function getLocalGifPath():String; function setVar(_arg1:String):void; function clearIgnoredOrganic():void; function setCampMediumKey(_arg1:String):void; function addIgnoredRef(_arg1:String):void; function setClientInfo(_arg1:Boolean):void; function setCookiePath(_arg1:String):void; function setSampleRate(_arg1:Number):void; function setSessionTimeout(_arg1:int):void; function setRemoteServerMode():void; function clearIgnoredRef():void; function setDomainName(_arg1:String):void; function setDetectTitle(_arg1:Boolean):void; function setAllowHash(_arg1:Boolean):void; function getAccount():String; function linkByPost(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Boolean=false):void; function link(_arg1:String, _arg2:Boolean=false):void; function setCampNOKey(_arg1:String):void; function setLocalRemoteServerMode():void; function cookiePathCopy(_arg1:String):void; function getDetectTitle():Boolean; } }//package
Section 68
//Tracker ( package { import*; import*; import*; import*; import*; import*; public class Tracker implements GoogleAnalyticsAPI { private const EVENT_TRACKER_LABEL_KEY_NUM:int = 3; private const EVENT_TRACKER_VALUE_VALUE_NUM:int = 1; private const EVENT_TRACKER_PROJECT_ID:int = 5; private const EVENT_TRACKER_OBJECT_NAME_KEY_NUM:int = 1; private const EVENT_TRACKER_TYPE_KEY_NUM:int = 2; private var _adSense:AdSenseGlobals; private var _eventTracker:X10; private var _noSessionInformation:Boolean;// = false private var _browserInfo:BrowserInfo; private var _debug:DebugConfiguration; private var _isNewVisitor:Boolean;// = false private var _buffer:Buffer; private var _config:Configuration; private var _x10Module:X10; private var _campaign:CampaignManager; private var _formatedReferrer:String; private var _timeStamp:Number; private var _info:Environment; private var _domainHash:Number; private var _campaignInfo:CampaignInfo; private var _gifRequest:GIFRequest; private var _hasInitData:Boolean;// = false private var _account:String; public function Tracker(_arg1:String, _arg2:Configuration, _arg3:DebugConfiguration, _arg4:Environment, _arg5:Buffer, _arg6:GIFRequest, _arg7:AdSenseGlobals){ var _local8:String; super(); _account = _arg1; _config = _arg2; _debug = _arg3; _info = _arg4; _buffer = _arg5; _gifRequest = _arg6; _adSense = _arg7; if (!Utils.validateAccount(_arg1)){ _local8 = (("Account \"" + _arg1) + "\" is not valid."); _debug.warning(_local8); throw (new Error(_local8)); }; _initData(); } private function _doTracking():Boolean{ if (((((!((_info.protocol == Protocols.file))) && (!((_info.protocol == Protocols.none))))) && (_isNotGoogleSearch()))){ return (true); }; if (_config.allowLocalTracking){ return (true); }; return (false); } public function addOrganic(_arg1:String, _arg2:String):void{"addOrganic( " + [_arg1, _arg2].join(", ")) + " )"));, _arg2); } public function setAllowLinker(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _config.allowLinker = _arg1;"setAllowLinker( " + _config.allowLinker) + " )")); } public function trackEvent(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:String=null, _arg4:Number=NaN):Boolean{ var _local5:Boolean; var _local6 = 2; if (((!((_arg1 == ""))) && (!((_arg2 == ""))))){ _eventTracker.clearKey(EVENT_TRACKER_PROJECT_ID); _eventTracker.clearValue(EVENT_TRACKER_PROJECT_ID); _local5 = _eventTracker.setKey(EVENT_TRACKER_PROJECT_ID, EVENT_TRACKER_OBJECT_NAME_KEY_NUM, _arg1); _local5 = _eventTracker.setKey(EVENT_TRACKER_PROJECT_ID, EVENT_TRACKER_TYPE_KEY_NUM, _arg2); if (((_arg3) && (!((_arg3 == ""))))){ _local5 = _eventTracker.setKey(EVENT_TRACKER_PROJECT_ID, EVENT_TRACKER_LABEL_KEY_NUM, _arg3); _local6 = 3; if (!isNaN(_arg4)){ _local5 = _eventTracker.setValue(EVENT_TRACKER_PROJECT_ID, EVENT_TRACKER_VALUE_VALUE_NUM, _arg4); _local6 = 4; }; }; if (_local5){"valid event tracking call\ncategory: " + _arg1) + "\naction: ") + _arg2), VisualDebugMode.geek); _sendXEvent(_eventTracker); }; } else { _debug.warning(((("event tracking call is not valid, failed!\ncategory: " + _arg1) + "\naction: ") + _arg2), VisualDebugMode.geek); _local5 = false; }; switch (_local6){ case 4:"trackEvent( " + [_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4].join(", ")) + " )")); break; case 3:"trackEvent( " + [_arg1, _arg2, _arg3].join(", ")) + " )")); break; case 2: default:"trackEvent( " + [_arg1, _arg2].join(", ")) + " )")); }; return (_local5); } public function trackPageview(_arg1:String=""):void{"trackPageview( " + _arg1) + " )")); if (_doTracking()){ _initData(); _trackMetrics(_arg1); _noSessionInformation = false; } else { _debug.warning((("trackPageview( " + _arg1) + " ) failed")); }; } public function setCookieTimeout(_arg1:int):void{ _config.conversionTimeout = _arg1;"setCookieTimeout( " + _config.conversionTimeout) + " )")); } public function trackTrans():void{ _debug.warning("trackTrans() not implemented"); } public function setClientInfo(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _config.detectClientInfo = _arg1;"setClientInfo( " + _config.detectClientInfo) + " )")); } public function linkByPost(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{ _debug.warning((("linkByPost( " + [_arg1, _arg2].join(", ")) + " ) not implemented")); } private function _initData():void{ var _local1:String; var _local2:String; if (!_hasInitData){ _updateDomainName(); _domainHash = _getDomainHash(); _timeStamp = Math.round((new Date().getTime() / 1000)); if (_debug.verbose){ _local1 = ""; _local1 = (_local1 + "_initData 0"); _local1 = (_local1 + ("\ndomain name: " + _config.domainName)); _local1 = (_local1 + ("\ndomain hash: " + _domainHash)); _local1 = (_local1 + (((("\ntimestamp: " + _timeStamp) + " (") + new Date((_timeStamp * 1000))) + ")"));, VisualDebugMode.geek); }; }; if (_doTracking()){ _handleCookie(); }; if (!_hasInitData){ if (_doTracking()){ _formatedReferrer = _formatReferrer(); _browserInfo = new BrowserInfo(_config, _info);"browserInfo: " + _browserInfo.toURLString()), VisualDebugMode.advanced); if (_config.campaignTracking){ _campaign = new CampaignManager(_config, _debug, _buffer, _domainHash, _formatedReferrer, _timeStamp); _campaignInfo = _campaign.getCampaignInformation(_info.locationSearch, _noSessionInformation);"campaignInfo: " + _campaignInfo.toURLString()), VisualDebugMode.advanced); }; }; _x10Module = new X10(); _eventTracker = new X10(); _hasInitData = true; }; if (_config.hasSiteOverlay){ _debug.warning("Site Overlay is not supported"); }; if (_debug.verbose){ _local2 = ""; _local2 = (_local2 + "_initData (misc)"); _local2 = (_local2 + ("\nflash version: " + _info.flashVersion.toString(4))); _local2 = (_local2 + ("\nprotocol: " + _info.protocol)); _local2 = (_local2 + (("\ndefault domain name (auto): \"" + _info.domainName) + "\"")); _local2 = (_local2 + ("\nlanguage: " + _info.language)); _local2 = (_local2 + ("\ndomain hash: " + _getDomainHash())); _local2 = (_local2 + ("\nuser-agent: " + _info.userAgent));, VisualDebugMode.geek); }; } public function getDetectTitle():Boolean{"getDetectTitle()"); return (_config.detectTitle); } public function resetSession():void{"resetSession()"); _buffer.resetCurrentSession(); } public function getClientInfo():Boolean{"getClientInfo()"); return (_config.detectClientInfo); } private function _sendXEvent(_arg1:X10=null):void{ var _local2:Variables; var _local3:EventInfo; var _local4:Variables; var _local5:Variables; _initData(); if (_takeSample()){ _local2 = new Variables(); _local2.URIencode = true; _local3 = new EventInfo(true, _x10Module, _arg1); _local4 = _local3.toVariables(); _local5 = _renderMetricsSearchVariables(); _local2.join(_local4, _local5); _gifRequest.send(_account, _local2, false, true); }; } public function setDetectFlash(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _config.detectFlash = _arg1;"setDetectFlash( " + _config.detectFlash) + " )")); } public function setCampNameKey(_arg1:String):void{ _config.campaignKey.UCCN = _arg1; var _local2 = (("setCampNameKey( " + _config.campaignKey.UCCN) + " )"); if (_debug.mode == VisualDebugMode.geek){ + " [UCCN]")); } else {; }; } private function _formatReferrer():String{ var _local2:String; var _local3:URL; var _local4:URL; var _local1:String = _info.referrer; if ((((_local1 == "")) || ((_local1 == "localhost")))){ _local1 = "-"; } else { _local2 = _info.domainName; _local3 = new URL(_local1); _local4 = new URL(("http://" + _local2)); if (_local3.hostName == _local2){ return ("-"); }; if (_local4.domain == _local3.domain){ if (_local4.subDomain != _local3.subDomain){ _local1 = "0"; }; }; if ((((_local1.charAt(0) == "[")) && (_local1.charAt((_local1.length - 1))))){ _local1 = "-"; }; };"formated referrer: " + _local1), VisualDebugMode.advanced); return (_local1); } private function _visitCode():Number{ if (_debug.verbose){"visitCode: " + _buffer.utma.sessionId), VisualDebugMode.geek); }; return (_buffer.utma.sessionId); } public function createEventTracker(_arg1:String):EventTracker{"createEventTracker( " + _arg1) + " )")); return (new EventTracker(_arg1, this)); } public function addItem(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:String, _arg4:String, _arg5:Number, _arg6:int):void{ _debug.warning((("addItem( " + [_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5, _arg6].join(", ")) + " ) not implemented")); } public function clearIgnoredOrganic():void{"clearIgnoredOrganic()");; } public function setVar(_arg1:String):void{ var _local2:Variables; if (((!((_arg1 == ""))) && (_isNotGoogleSearch()))){ _initData(); _buffer.utmv.domainHash = _domainHash; _buffer.utmv.value = _arg1; if (_debug.verbose){, VisualDebugMode.geek); };"setVar( " + _arg1) + " )")); if (_takeSample()){ _local2 = new Variables(); _local2.utmt = "var"; _gifRequest.send(_account, _local2); }; } else { _debug.warning((("setVar \"" + _arg1) + "\" is ignored")); }; } public function setDomainName(_arg1:String):void{ if (_arg1 == "auto"){ _config.domain.mode =; } else { if (_arg1 == "none"){ _config.domain.mode = DomainNameMode.none; } else { _config.domain.mode = DomainNameMode.custom; = _arg1; }; }; _updateDomainName();"setDomainName( " + _config.domainName) + " )")); } private function _updateDomainName():void{ var _local1:String; if (_config.domain.mode =={ _local1 = _info.domainName; if (_local1.substring(0, 4) == "www."){ _local1 = _local1.substring(4); }; = _local1; }; _config.domainName =;"domain name: " + _config.domainName), VisualDebugMode.advanced); } public function addTrans(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number, _arg5:Number, _arg6:String, _arg7:String, _arg8:String):Object{ _debug.warning((("addTrans( " + [_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5, _arg6, _arg7, _arg8].join(", ")) + " ) not implemented")); return (null); } private function _renderMetricsSearchVariables(_arg1:String=""):Variables{ var _local4:Variables; var _local2:Variables = new Variables(); _local2.URIencode = true; var _local3:DocumentInfo = new DocumentInfo(_config, _info, _formatedReferrer, _arg1, _adSense);"docInfo: " + _local3.toURLString()), VisualDebugMode.geek); if (_config.campaignTracking){ _local4 = _campaignInfo.toVariables(); }; var _local5:Variables = _browserInfo.toVariables(); _local2.join(_local3.toVariables(), _local5, _local4); return (_local2); } public function setCampContentKey(_arg1:String):void{ _config.campaignKey.UCCT = _arg1; var _local2 = (("setCampContentKey( " + _config.campaignKey.UCCT) + " )"); if (_debug.mode == VisualDebugMode.geek){ + " [UCCT]")); } else {; }; } private function _handleCookie():void{ var _local1:String; var _local2:String; var _local3:Array; var _local4:String; if (_config.allowLinker){ }; if (((_buffer.hasUTMA()) && (!(_buffer.utma.isEmpty())))){ if (((!(_buffer.hasUTMB())) || (!(_buffer.hasUTMC())))){ _buffer.updateUTMA(_timeStamp); _noSessionInformation = true; }; if (_debug.verbose){"from cookie " + _buffer.utma.toString()), VisualDebugMode.geek); }; } else {"create a new utma", VisualDebugMode.advanced); _buffer.utma.domainHash = _domainHash; _buffer.utma.sessionId = _getUniqueSessionId(); _buffer.utma.firstTime = _timeStamp; _buffer.utma.lastTime = _timeStamp; _buffer.utma.currentTime = _timeStamp; _buffer.utma.sessionCount = 1; if (_debug.verbose){, VisualDebugMode.geek); }; _noSessionInformation = true; _isNewVisitor = true; }; if (((_adSense.gaGlobal) && ((_adSense.dh == String(_domainHash))))){ if (_adSense.sid){ _buffer.utma.currentTime = Number(_adSense.sid); if (_debug.verbose){ _local1 = ""; _local1 = (_local1 + "AdSense sid found\n"); _local1 = (_local1 + (((("Override currentTime(" + _buffer.utma.currentTime) + ") from AdSense sid(") + Number(_adSense.sid)) + ")"));, VisualDebugMode.geek); }; }; if (_isNewVisitor){ if (_adSense.sid){ _buffer.utma.lastTime = Number(_adSense.sid); if (_debug.verbose){ _local2 = ""; _local2 = (_local2 + "AdSense sid found (new visitor)\n"); _local2 = (_local2 + (((("Override lastTime(" + _buffer.utma.lastTime) + ") from AdSense sid(") + Number(_adSense.sid)) + ")"));, VisualDebugMode.geek); }; }; if (_adSense.vid){ _local3 = _adSense.vid.split("."); _buffer.utma.sessionId = Number(_local3[0]); _buffer.utma.firstTime = Number(_local3[1]); if (_debug.verbose){ _local4 = ""; _local4 = (_local4 + "AdSense vid found (new visitor)\n"); _local4 = (_local4 + (((("Override sessionId(" + _buffer.utma.sessionId) + ") from AdSense vid(") + Number(_local3[0])) + ")\n")); _local4 = (_local4 + (((("Override firstTime(" + _buffer.utma.firstTime) + ") from AdSense vid(") + Number(_local3[1])) + ")"));, VisualDebugMode.geek); }; }; if (_debug.verbose){"AdSense modified : " + _buffer.utma.toString()), VisualDebugMode.geek); }; }; }; _buffer.utmb.domainHash = _domainHash; if (isNaN(_buffer.utmb.trackCount)){ _buffer.utmb.trackCount = 0; }; if (isNaN(_buffer.utmb.token)){ _buffer.utmb.token = _config.tokenCliff; }; if (isNaN(_buffer.utmb.lastTime)){ _buffer.utmb.lastTime = _buffer.utma.currentTime; }; _buffer.utmc.domainHash = _domainHash; if (_debug.verbose){, VisualDebugMode.advanced);, VisualDebugMode.advanced); }; } public function setLocalServerMode():void{ _config.serverMode = ServerOperationMode.local;"setLocalServerMode()"); } public function clearIgnoredRef():void{"clearIgnoredRef()");; } public function setCampSourceKey(_arg1:String):void{ _config.campaignKey.UCSR = _arg1; var _local2 = (("setCampSourceKey( " + _config.campaignKey.UCSR) + " )"); if (_debug.mode == VisualDebugMode.geek){ + " [UCSR]")); } else {; }; } public function getLocalGifPath():String{"getLocalGifPath()"); return (_config.localGIFpath); } public function setLocalGifPath(_arg1:String):void{ _config.localGIFpath = _arg1;"setLocalGifPath( " + _config.localGIFpath) + " )")); } public function getVersion():String{"getVersion()"); return (_config.version); } public function setAllowAnchor(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _config.allowAnchor = _arg1;"setAllowAnchor( " + _config.allowAnchor) + " )")); } private function _isNotGoogleSearch():Boolean{ var _local1:String = _config.domainName; var _local2 = (_local1.indexOf("") < 0); var _local3 = (_local1.indexOf(".google.") < 0); var _local4 = (_local1.indexOf("google.") < 0); var _local5 = (_local1.indexOf("") > -1); return (((((((((_local2) || (_local3))) || (_local4))) || (!((_config.cookiePath == "/"))))) || (_local5))); } public function setSampleRate(_arg1:Number):void{ if (_arg1 < 0){ _debug.warning("sample rate can not be negative, ignoring value."); } else { _config.sampleRate = _arg1; };"setSampleRate( " + _config.sampleRate) + " )")); } private function _takeSample():Boolean{ if (_debug.verbose){"takeSample: (" + (_visitCode() % 10000)) + ") < (") + (_config.sampleRate * 10000)) + ")"), VisualDebugMode.geek); }; return (((_visitCode() % 10000) < (_config.sampleRate * 10000))); } public function setCookiePath(_arg1:String):void{ _config.cookiePath = _arg1;"setCookiePath( " + _config.cookiePath) + " )")); } public function setAllowHash(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _config.allowDomainHash = _arg1;"setAllowHash( " + _config.allowDomainHash) + " )")); } private function _generateUserDataHash():Number{ var _local1 = ""; _local1 = (_local1 + _info.appName); _local1 = (_local1 + _info.appVersion); _local1 = (_local1 + _info.language); _local1 = (_local1 + _info.platform); _local1 = (_local1 + _info.userAgent.toString()); _local1 = (_local1 + (((_info.screenWidth + "x") + _info.screenHeight) + _info.screenColorDepth)); _local1 = (_local1 + _info.referrer); return (Utils.generateHash(_local1)); } public function setCampNOKey(_arg1:String):void{ _config.campaignKey.UCNO = _arg1; var _local2 = (("setCampNOKey( " + _config.campaignKey.UCNO) + " )"); if (_debug.mode == VisualDebugMode.geek){ + " [UCNO]")); } else {; }; } public function addIgnoredOrganic(_arg1:String):void{"addIgnoredOrganic( " + _arg1) + " )"));; } public function setLocalRemoteServerMode():void{ _config.serverMode = ServerOperationMode.both;"setLocalRemoteServerMode()"); } public function cookiePathCopy(_arg1:String):void{ _debug.warning((("cookiePathCopy( " + _arg1) + " ) not implemented")); } public function setDetectTitle(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _config.detectTitle = _arg1;"setDetectTitle( " + _config.detectTitle) + " )")); } public function setCampTermKey(_arg1:String):void{ _config.campaignKey.UCTR = _arg1; var _local2 = (("setCampTermKey( " + _config.campaignKey.UCTR) + " )"); if (_debug.mode == VisualDebugMode.geek){ + " [UCTR]")); } else {; }; } public function getServiceMode():ServerOperationMode{"getServiceMode()"); return (_config.serverMode); } private function _trackMetrics(_arg1:String=""):void{ var _local2:Variables; var _local3:Variables; var _local4:Variables; var _local5:EventInfo; if (_takeSample()){ _local2 = new Variables(); _local2.URIencode = true; if (((_x10Module) && (_x10Module.hasData()))){ _local5 = new EventInfo(false, _x10Module); _local3 = _local5.toVariables(); }; _local4 = _renderMetricsSearchVariables(_arg1); _local2.join(_local3, _local4); _gifRequest.send(_account, _local2); }; } public function setCampaignTrack(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _config.campaignTracking = _arg1;"setCampaignTrack( " + _config.campaignTracking) + " )")); } public function addIgnoredRef(_arg1:String):void{"addIgnoredRef( " + _arg1) + " )"));; } public function clearOrganic():void{"clearOrganic()");; } public function getDetectFlash():Boolean{"getDetectFlash()"); return (_config.detectFlash); } public function setCampMediumKey(_arg1:String):void{ _config.campaignKey.UCMD = _arg1; var _local2 = (("setCampMediumKey( " + _config.campaignKey.UCMD) + " )"); if (_debug.mode == VisualDebugMode.geek){ + " [UCMD]")); } else {; }; } private function _getUniqueSessionId():Number{ var _local1:Number = ((Utils.generate32bitRandom() ^ _generateUserDataHash()) * 2147483647);"Session ID: " + _local1), VisualDebugMode.geek); return (_local1); } private function _getDomainHash():Number{ if (((((!(_config.domainName)) || ((_config.domainName == "")))) || ((_config.domain.mode == DomainNameMode.none)))){ _config.domainName = ""; return (1); }; _updateDomainName(); if (_config.allowDomainHash){ return (Utils.generateHash(_config.domainName)); }; return (1); } public function setSessionTimeout(_arg1:int):void{ _config.sessionTimeout = _arg1;"setSessionTimeout( " + _config.sessionTimeout) + " )")); } public function getAccount():String{"getAccount()"); return (_account); } public function link(_arg1:String, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{ _debug.warning((("link( " + [_arg1, _arg2].join(", ")) + " ) not implemented")); } public function setRemoteServerMode():void{ _config.serverMode = ServerOperationMode.remote;"setRemoteServerMode()"); } } }//package
Section 69
//AnalyticsTracker ( package { import*; import*; import*; public interface AnalyticsTracker extends GoogleAnalyticsAPI, IEventDispatcher { function set config(_arg1:Configuration):void; function isReady():Boolean; function get mode():String; function set debug(_arg1:DebugConfiguration):void; function get account():String; function set mode(_arg1:String):void; function get config():Configuration; function get debug():DebugConfiguration; function set account(_arg1:String):void; function get visualDebug():Boolean; function set visualDebug(_arg1:Boolean):void; } }//package
Section 70
//API ( package { import*; public class API { public static var version:Version = new Version(); version.major = 1; version.minor = 0; = 1; version.revision = "$Rev: 319 $ ".split(" ")[1]; } }//package
Section 71
//GATracker ( package { import*; import*; import*; import*; import*; import flash.display.*; import*; import*; public class GATracker implements AnalyticsTracker { private var _adSense:AdSenseGlobals; private var _env:Environment; private var _visualDebug:Boolean; private var _idleTimer:IdleTimer; private var _debug:DebugConfiguration; private var _buffer:Buffer; private var _config:Configuration; private var _mode:String; private var _display:DisplayObject; private var _jsproxy:JavascriptProxy; private var _dom:HTMLDOM; private var _eventDispatcher:EventDispatcher; private var _ready:Boolean;// = false private var _gifRequest:GIFRequest; private var _account:String; private var _tracker:GoogleAnalyticsAPI; public static var version:Version = API.version; public static var autobuild:Boolean = true; public function GATracker(_arg1:DisplayObject, _arg2:String, _arg3:String="AS3", _arg4:Boolean=false, _arg5:Configuration=null, _arg6:DebugConfiguration=null){ _ready = false; super(); _display = _arg1; _eventDispatcher = new EventDispatcher(this); _tracker = new TrackerCache(); this.account = _arg2; this.mode = _arg3; this.visualDebug = _arg4; if (!_arg6){ this.debug = new DebugConfiguration(); }; if (!_arg5){ this.config = new Configuration(_arg6); }; if (autobuild){ _factory(); }; } public function link(_arg1:String, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{, _arg2); } public function addOrganic(_arg1:String, _arg2:String):void{ _tracker.addOrganic(_arg1, _arg2); } public function setAllowLinker(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _tracker.setAllowLinker(_arg1); } public function trackEvent(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:String=null, _arg4:Number=NaN):Boolean{ return (_tracker.trackEvent(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4)); } public function setCookieTimeout(_arg1:int):void{ _tracker.setCookieTimeout(_arg1); } public function trackTrans():void{ _tracker.trackTrans(); } public function trackPageview(_arg1:String=""):void{ _tracker.trackPageview(_arg1); } public function getClientInfo():Boolean{ return (_tracker.getClientInfo()); } public function setClientInfo(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _tracker.setClientInfo(_arg1); } public function get account():String{ return (_account); } public function linkByPost(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{ _tracker.linkByPost(_arg1, _arg2); } public function getDetectTitle():Boolean{ return (_tracker.getDetectTitle()); } public function dispatchEvent(_arg1:Event):Boolean{ return (_eventDispatcher.dispatchEvent(_arg1)); } public function get config():Configuration{ return (_config); } public function set mode(_arg1:String):void{ _mode = _arg1; } public function removeEventListener(_arg1:String, _arg2:Function, _arg3:Boolean=false):void{ _eventDispatcher.removeEventListener(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3); } public function setDetectFlash(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _tracker.setDetectFlash(_arg1); } public function resetSession():void{ _tracker.resetSession(); } public function setCampNameKey(_arg1:String):void{ _tracker.setCampNameKey(_arg1); } public function get debug():DebugConfiguration{ return (_debug); } public function addItem(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:String, _arg4:String, _arg5:Number, _arg6:int):void{ _tracker.addItem(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5, _arg6); } private function _bridgeFactory():GoogleAnalyticsAPI{"GATracker (Bridge) v" + version) + "\naccount: ") + account)); return (new Bridge(account, _debug, _jsproxy)); } public function addEventListener(_arg1:String, _arg2:Function, _arg3:Boolean=false, _arg4:int=0, _arg5:Boolean=false):void{ _eventDispatcher.addEventListener(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5); } public function clearIgnoredOrganic():void{ _tracker.clearIgnoredOrganic(); } public function set account(_arg1:String):void{ _account = _arg1; } public function setVar(_arg1:String):void{ _tracker.setVar(_arg1); } public function build():void{ if (!isReady()){ _factory(); }; } public function setDomainName(_arg1:String):void{ _tracker.setDomainName(_arg1); } public function createEventTracker(_arg1:String):EventTracker{ return (_tracker.createEventTracker(_arg1)); } public function set config(_arg1:Configuration):void{ _config = _arg1; } public function addTrans(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number, _arg5:Number, _arg6:String, _arg7:String, _arg8:String):Object{ return (_tracker.addTrans(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5, _arg6, _arg7, _arg8)); } public function setCampSourceKey(_arg1:String):void{ _tracker.setCampSourceKey(_arg1); } public function setCampContentKey(_arg1:String):void{ _tracker.setCampContentKey(_arg1); } public function willTrigger(_arg1:String):Boolean{ return (_eventDispatcher.willTrigger(_arg1)); } public function setLocalServerMode():void{ _tracker.setLocalServerMode(); } public function isReady():Boolean{ return (_ready); } public function getLocalGifPath():String{ return (_tracker.getLocalGifPath()); } public function setAllowAnchor(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _tracker.setAllowAnchor(_arg1); } public function clearIgnoredRef():void{ _tracker.clearIgnoredRef(); } public function get mode():String{ return (_mode); } public function set debug(_arg1:DebugConfiguration):void{ _debug = _arg1; } public function setLocalGifPath(_arg1:String):void{ _tracker.setLocalGifPath(_arg1); } public function getVersion():String{ return (_tracker.getVersion()); } public function setSampleRate(_arg1:Number):void{ _tracker.setSampleRate(_arg1); } public function setCookiePath(_arg1:String):void{ _tracker.setCookiePath(_arg1); } public function setAllowHash(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _tracker.setAllowHash(_arg1); } public function setCampNOKey(_arg1:String):void{ _tracker.setCampNOKey(_arg1); } public function addIgnoredOrganic(_arg1:String):void{ _tracker.addIgnoredOrganic(_arg1); } public function setLocalRemoteServerMode():void{ _tracker.setLocalRemoteServerMode(); } public function cookiePathCopy(_arg1:String):void{ _tracker.cookiePathCopy(_arg1); } private function _factory():void{ var _local1:GoogleAnalyticsAPI; var _local2:TrackerCache; _jsproxy = new JavascriptProxy(debug); if (visualDebug){ debug.layout = new Layout(debug, _display); = visualDebug; }; _local2 = (_tracker as TrackerCache); switch (mode){ case TrackerMode.BRIDGE: _local1 = _bridgeFactory(); break; case TrackerMode.AS3: default: _local1 = _trackerFactory(); }; if (!_local2.isEmpty()){ _local2.tracker = _local1; _local2.flush(); }; _tracker = _local1; _ready = true; dispatchEvent(new AnalyticsEvent(AnalyticsEvent.READY, this)); } public function setCampTermKey(_arg1:String):void{ _tracker.setCampTermKey(_arg1); } private function _trackerFactory():GoogleAnalyticsAPI{"GATracker (AS3) v" + version) + "\naccount: ") + account)); _adSense = new AdSenseGlobals(debug); _dom = new HTMLDOM(debug); _dom.cacheProperties(); _env = new Environment("", "", "", debug, _dom); _buffer = new Buffer(config, debug, false); _gifRequest = new GIFRequest(config, debug, _buffer, _env); _idleTimer = new IdleTimer(config, debug, _display, _buffer); _env.url = _display.stage.loaderInfo.url; return (new Tracker(account, config, debug, _env, _buffer, _gifRequest, _adSense)); } public function setDetectTitle(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _tracker.setDetectTitle(_arg1); } public function getServiceMode():ServerOperationMode{ return (_tracker.getServiceMode()); } public function clearOrganic():void{ _tracker.clearOrganic(); } public function setCampaignTrack(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _tracker.setCampaignTrack(_arg1); } public function addIgnoredRef(_arg1:String):void{ _tracker.addIgnoredRef(_arg1); } public function set visualDebug(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _visualDebug = _arg1; } public function setCampMediumKey(_arg1:String):void{ _tracker.setCampMediumKey(_arg1); } public function setSessionTimeout(_arg1:int):void{ _tracker.setSessionTimeout(_arg1); } public function getDetectFlash():Boolean{ return (_tracker.getDetectFlash()); } public function get visualDebug():Boolean{ return (_visualDebug); } public function getAccount():String{ return (_tracker.getAccount()); } public function hasEventListener(_arg1:String):Boolean{ return (_eventDispatcher.hasEventListener(_arg1)); } public function setRemoteServerMode():void{ _tracker.setRemoteServerMode(); } } var _local1:* = ServerOperationMode; return (_local1); }//package
Section 72
//PropTween (com.greensock.core.PropTween) package com.greensock.core { public class PropTween { public var priority:int; public var start:Number; public var prevNode:PropTween; public var change:Number; public var target:Object; public var name:String; public var property:String; public var nextNode:PropTween; public var isPlugin:Boolean; public function PropTween(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number, _arg5:String, _arg6:Boolean, _arg7:PropTween=null, _arg8:int=0){ = _arg1; = _arg2; this.start = _arg3; this.change = _arg4; = _arg5; this.isPlugin = _arg6; if (_arg7){ _arg7.prevNode = this; this.nextNode = _arg7; }; this.priority = _arg8; } } }//package com.greensock.core
Section 73
//SimpleTimeline (com.greensock.core.SimpleTimeline) package com.greensock.core { public class SimpleTimeline extends TweenCore { public var autoRemoveChildren:Boolean; protected var _lastChild:TweenCore; protected var _firstChild:TweenCore; public function SimpleTimeline(_arg1:Object=null){ super(0, _arg1); } override public function renderTime(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Boolean=false, _arg3:Boolean=false):void{ var _local5:Number; var _local6:TweenCore; var _local4:TweenCore = _firstChild; this.cachedTotalTime = _arg1; this.cachedTime = _arg1; while (_local4) { _local6 = _local4.nextNode; if ((( || ((((((_arg1 >= _local4.cachedStartTime)) && (!(_local4.cachedPaused)))) && (!(_local4.gc)))))){ if (!_local4.cachedReversed){ _local4.renderTime(((_arg1 - _local4.cachedStartTime) * _local4.cachedTimeScale), _arg2, false); } else { _local5 = (_local4.cacheIsDirty) ? _local4.totalDuration : _local4.cachedTotalDuration; _local4.renderTime((_local5 - ((_arg1 - _local4.cachedStartTime) * _local4.cachedTimeScale)), _arg2, false); }; }; _local4 = _local6; }; } public function addChild(_arg1:TweenCore):void{ if (((!(_arg1.cachedOrphan)) && (_arg1.timeline))){ _arg1.timeline.remove(_arg1, true); }; _arg1.timeline = this; if (_arg1.gc){ _arg1.setEnabled(true, true); }; if (_firstChild){ _firstChild.prevNode = _arg1; }; _arg1.nextNode = _firstChild; _firstChild = _arg1; _arg1.prevNode = null; _arg1.cachedOrphan = false; } public function remove(_arg1:TweenCore, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{ if (_arg1.cachedOrphan){ return; }; if (!_arg2){ _arg1.setEnabled(false, true); }; if (_arg1.nextNode){ _arg1.nextNode.prevNode = _arg1.prevNode; } else { if (_lastChild == _arg1){ _lastChild = _arg1.prevNode; }; }; if (_arg1.prevNode){ _arg1.prevNode.nextNode = _arg1.nextNode; } else { if (_firstChild == _arg1){ _firstChild = _arg1.nextNode; }; }; _arg1.cachedOrphan = true; } public function get rawTime():Number{ return (this.cachedTotalTime); } } }//package com.greensock.core
Section 74
//TweenCore (com.greensock.core.TweenCore) package com.greensock.core { import com.greensock.*; public class TweenCore { public var initted:Boolean; protected var _hasUpdate:Boolean; public var active:Boolean; protected var _delay:Number; public var cachedReversed:Boolean; public var nextNode:TweenCore; public var cachedTime:Number; protected var _rawPrevTime:Number;// = -1 public var vars:Object; public var cachedTotalTime:Number; public var data; public var timeline:SimpleTimeline; public var cachedOrphan:Boolean; public var cachedStartTime:Number; public var prevNode:TweenCore; public var cachedDuration:Number; public var gc:Boolean; public var cachedPauseTime:Number; public var cacheIsDirty:Boolean; public var cachedPaused:Boolean; public var cachedTimeScale:Number; public var cachedTotalDuration:Number; public static const version:Number = 1.392; protected static var _classInitted:Boolean; public function TweenCore(_arg1:Number=0, _arg2:Object=null){ this.vars = ((_arg2)!=null) ? _arg2 : {}; this.cachedDuration = (this.cachedTotalDuration = _arg1); _delay = (this.vars.delay) ? Number(this.vars.delay) : 0; this.cachedTimeScale = (this.vars.timeScale) ? Number(this.vars.timeScale) : 1; = Boolean((((((_arg1 == 0)) && ((_delay == 0)))) && (!((this.vars.immediateRender == false))))); this.cachedTotalTime = (this.cachedTime = 0); =; if (!_classInitted){ if (isNaN(TweenLite.rootFrame)){ TweenLite.initClass(); _classInitted = true; } else { return; }; }; var _local3:SimpleTimeline = ((this.vars.timeline is SimpleTimeline)) ? this.vars.timeline : (this.vars.useFrames) ? TweenLite.rootFramesTimeline : TweenLite.rootTimeline; this.cachedStartTime = (_local3.cachedTotalTime + _delay); _local3.addChild(this); if (this.vars.reversed){ this.cachedReversed = true; }; if (this.vars.paused){ this.paused = true; }; } public function renderTime(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Boolean=false, _arg3:Boolean=false):void{ } public function get delay():Number{ return (_delay); } public function get duration():Number{ return (this.cachedDuration); } public function set reversed(_arg1:Boolean):void{ if (_arg1 != this.cachedReversed){ this.cachedReversed = _arg1; setTotalTime(this.cachedTotalTime, true); }; } public function set startTime(_arg1:Number):void{ var _local2:Boolean = Boolean(((!((this.timeline == null))) && (((!((_arg1 == this.cachedStartTime))) || (this.gc))))); this.cachedStartTime = _arg1; if (_local2){ this.timeline.addChild(this); }; } public function restart(_arg1:Boolean=false, _arg2:Boolean=true):void{ this.reversed = false; this.paused = false; this.setTotalTime((_arg1) ? -(_delay) : 0, _arg2); } public function set delay(_arg1:Number):void{ this.startTime = (this.startTime + (_arg1 - _delay)); _delay = _arg1; } public function resume():void{ this.paused = false; } public function get paused():Boolean{ return (this.cachedPaused); } public function play():void{ this.reversed = false; this.paused = false; } public function set duration(_arg1:Number):void{ this.cachedDuration = (this.cachedTotalDuration = _arg1); setDirtyCache(false); } public function invalidate():void{ } public function complete(_arg1:Boolean=false, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{ if (!_arg1){ renderTime(this.totalDuration, _arg2, false); return; }; if (this.timeline.autoRemoveChildren){ this.setEnabled(false, false); } else { = false; }; if (!_arg2){ if (((((this.vars.onComplete) && ((this.cachedTotalTime >= this.cachedTotalDuration)))) && (!(this.cachedReversed)))){ this.vars.onComplete.apply(null, this.vars.onCompleteParams); } else { if (((((this.cachedReversed) && ((this.cachedTotalTime == 0)))) && (this.vars.onReverseComplete))){ this.vars.onReverseComplete.apply(null, this.vars.onReverseCompleteParams); }; }; }; } public function get totalTime():Number{ return (this.cachedTotalTime); } public function get startTime():Number{ return (this.cachedStartTime); } public function get reversed():Boolean{ return (this.cachedReversed); } public function set currentTime(_arg1:Number):void{ setTotalTime(_arg1, false); } protected function setDirtyCache(_arg1:Boolean=true):void{ var _local2:TweenCore = (_arg1) ? this : this.timeline; while (_local2) { _local2.cacheIsDirty = true; _local2 = _local2.timeline; }; } public function reverse(_arg1:Boolean=true):void{ this.reversed = true; if (_arg1){ this.paused = false; } else { if (this.gc){ this.setEnabled(true, false); }; }; } public function set paused(_arg1:Boolean):void{ if (((!((_arg1 == this.cachedPaused))) && (this.timeline))){ if (_arg1){ this.cachedPauseTime = this.timeline.rawTime; } else { this.cachedStartTime = (this.cachedStartTime + (this.timeline.rawTime - this.cachedPauseTime)); this.cachedPauseTime = NaN; setDirtyCache(false); }; this.cachedPaused = _arg1; = Boolean(((((!(this.cachedPaused)) && ((this.cachedTotalTime > 0)))) && ((this.cachedTotalTime < this.cachedTotalDuration)))); }; if (((!(_arg1)) && (this.gc))){ this.setTotalTime(this.cachedTotalTime, false); this.setEnabled(true, false); }; } public function kill():void{ setEnabled(false, false); } public function set totalTime(_arg1:Number):void{ setTotalTime(_arg1, false); } public function get currentTime():Number{ return (this.cachedTime); } protected function setTotalTime(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{ var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; if (this.timeline){ _local3 = (((this.cachedPauseTime) || ((this.cachedPauseTime == 0)))) ? this.cachedPauseTime : this.timeline.cachedTotalTime; if (this.cachedReversed){ _local4 = (this.cacheIsDirty) ? this.totalDuration : this.cachedTotalDuration; this.cachedStartTime = (_local3 - ((_local4 - _arg1) / this.cachedTimeScale)); } else { this.cachedStartTime = (_local3 - (_arg1 / this.cachedTimeScale)); }; if (!this.timeline.cacheIsDirty){ setDirtyCache(false); }; if (this.cachedTotalTime != _arg1){ renderTime(_arg1, _arg2, false); }; }; } public function pause():void{ this.paused = true; } public function set totalDuration(_arg1:Number):void{ this.duration = _arg1; } public function get totalDuration():Number{ return (this.cachedTotalDuration); } public function setEnabled(_arg1:Boolean, _arg2:Boolean=false):Boolean{ this.gc = !(_arg1); if (_arg1){ = Boolean(((((!(this.cachedPaused)) && ((this.cachedTotalTime > 0)))) && ((this.cachedTotalTime < this.cachedTotalDuration)))); if (((!(_arg2)) && (this.cachedOrphan))){ this.timeline.addChild(this); }; } else { = false; if (((!(_arg2)) && (!(this.cachedOrphan)))){ this.timeline.remove(this, true); }; }; return (false); } } }//package com.greensock.core
Section 75
//Back (com.greensock.easing.Back) package com.greensock.easing { public class Back { public static function easeOut(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number, _arg5:Number=1.70158):Number{ _arg1 = ((_arg1 / _arg4) - 1); return (((_arg3 * (((_arg1 * _arg1) * (((_arg5 + 1) * _arg1) + _arg5)) + 1)) + _arg2)); } public static function easeIn(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number, _arg5:Number=1.70158):Number{ _arg1 = (_arg1 / _arg4); return (((((_arg3 * _arg1) * _arg1) * (((_arg5 + 1) * _arg1) - _arg5)) + _arg2)); } public static function easeInOut(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number, _arg5:Number=1.70158):Number{ _arg1 = (_arg1 / (_arg4 * 0.5)); if (_arg1 < 1){ _arg5 = (_arg5 * 1.525); return ((((_arg3 * 0.5) * ((_arg1 * _arg1) * (((_arg5 + 1) * _arg1) - _arg5))) + _arg2)); }; _arg1 = (_arg1 - 2); _arg5 = (_arg5 * 1.525); return ((((_arg3 / 2) * (((_arg1 * _arg1) * (((_arg5 + 1) * _arg1) + _arg5)) + 2)) + _arg2)); } } }//package com.greensock.easing
Section 76
//Expo (com.greensock.easing.Expo) package com.greensock.easing { public class Expo { public static function easeOut(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number):Number{ return (((_arg1)==_arg4) ? (_arg2 + _arg3) : ((_arg3 * (-(Math.pow(2, ((-10 * _arg1) / _arg4))) + 1)) + _arg2)); } public static function easeIn(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number):Number{ return (((_arg1)==0) ? _arg2 : (((_arg3 * Math.pow(2, (10 * ((_arg1 / _arg4) - 1)))) + _arg2) - (_arg3 * 0.001))); } public static function easeInOut(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number):Number{ if (_arg1 == 0){ return (_arg2); }; if (_arg1 == _arg4){ return ((_arg2 + _arg3)); }; _arg1 = (_arg1 / (_arg4 * 0.5)); if (_arg1 < 1){ return ((((_arg3 * 0.5) * Math.pow(2, (10 * (_arg1 - 1)))) + _arg2)); }; --_arg1; return ((((_arg3 * 0.5) * (-(Math.pow(2, (-10 * _arg1))) + 2)) + _arg2)); } } }//package com.greensock.easing
Section 77
//TweenEvent ( package { import*; public class TweenEvent extends Event { public static const COMPLETE:String = "complete"; public static const START:String = "start"; public static const UPDATE:String = "change"; public static const REVERSE_COMPLETE:String = "reverseComplete"; public static const INIT:String = "init"; public static const VERSION:Number = 1.1; public static const REPEAT:String = "repeat"; public function TweenEvent(_arg1:String, _arg2:Boolean=false, _arg3:Boolean=false){ super(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3); } override public function clone():Event{ return (new TweenEvent(this.type, this.bubbles, this.cancelable)); } } }//package
Section 78
//AutoAlphaPlugin (com.greensock.plugins.AutoAlphaPlugin) package com.greensock.plugins { import flash.display.*; import com.greensock.*; public class AutoAlphaPlugin extends TweenPlugin { protected var _target:Object; protected var _ignoreVisible:Boolean; public static const API:Number = 1; public function AutoAlphaPlugin(){ this.propName = "autoAlpha"; this.overwriteProps = ["alpha", "visible"]; } override public function killProps(_arg1:Object):void{ super.killProps(_arg1); _ignoreVisible = Boolean(("visible" in _arg1)); } override public function onInitTween(_arg1:Object, _arg2, _arg3:TweenLite):Boolean{ _target = _arg1; addTween(_arg1, "alpha", _arg1.alpha, _arg2, "alpha"); return (true); } override public function set changeFactor(_arg1:Number):void{ updateTweens(_arg1); if (!_ignoreVisible){ _target.visible = Boolean(!((_target.alpha == 0))); }; } } }//package com.greensock.plugins
Section 79
//BevelFilterPlugin (com.greensock.plugins.BevelFilterPlugin) package com.greensock.plugins { import flash.display.*; import com.greensock.*; import flash.filters.*; public class BevelFilterPlugin extends FilterPlugin { public static const API:Number = 1; private static var _propNames:Array = ["distance", "angle", "highlightColor", "highlightAlpha", "shadowColor", "shadowAlpha", "blurX", "blurY", "strength", "quality"]; public function BevelFilterPlugin(){ this.propName = "bevelFilter"; this.overwriteProps = ["bevelFilter"]; } override public function onInitTween(_arg1:Object, _arg2, _arg3:TweenLite):Boolean{ _target = _arg1; _type = BevelFilter; initFilter(_arg2, new BevelFilter(0, 0, 0xFFFFFF, 0.5, 0, 0.5, 2, 2, 0, ((_arg2.quality) || (2))), _propNames); return (true); } } }//package com.greensock.plugins
Section 80
//BezierPlugin (com.greensock.plugins.BezierPlugin) package com.greensock.plugins { import com.greensock.*; public class BezierPlugin extends TweenPlugin { protected var _future:Object; protected var _orient:Boolean; protected var _orientData:Array; protected var _target:Object; protected var _beziers:Object; public static const API:Number = 1; protected static const _RAD2DEG:Number = 57.2957795130823; public function BezierPlugin(){ _future = {}; super(); this.propName = "bezier"; this.overwriteProps = []; } override public function killProps(_arg1:Object):void{ var _local2:String; for (_local2 in _beziers) { if ((_local2 in _arg1)){ delete _beziers[_local2]; }; }; super.killProps(_arg1); } protected function init(_arg1:TweenLite, _arg2:Array, _arg3:Boolean):void{ var _local6:int; var _local7:String; var _local8:Object; _target =; var _local4:Object = ((_arg1.vars.isTV)==true) ? _arg1.vars.exposedVars : _arg1.vars; if (_local4.orientToBezier == true){ _orientData = [["x", "y", "rotation", 0, 0.01]]; _orient = true; } else { if ((_local4.orientToBezier is Array)){ _orientData = _local4.orientToBezier; _orient = true; }; }; var _local5:Object = {}; _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _arg2.length) { for (_local7 in _arg2[_local6]) { if (_local5[_local7] == undefined){ _local5[_local7] = [[_local7]]; }; if (typeof(_arg2[_local6][_local7]) == "number"){ _local5[_local7].push(_arg2[_local6][_local7]); } else { _local5[_local7].push(([_local7] + Number(_arg2[_local6][_local7]))); }; }; _local6 = (_local6 + 1); }; for (_local7 in _local5) { this.overwriteProps[this.overwriteProps.length] = _local7; if (_local4[_local7] != undefined){ if (typeof(_local4[_local7]) == "number"){ _local5[_local7].push(_local4[_local7]); } else { _local5[_local7].push(([_local7] + Number(_local4[_local7]))); }; _local8 = {}; _local8[_local7] = true; _arg1.killVars(_local8, false); delete _local4[_local7]; }; }; _beziers = parseBeziers(_local5, _arg3); } override public function onInitTween(_arg1:Object, _arg2, _arg3:TweenLite):Boolean{ if (!(_arg2 is Array)){ return (false); }; init(_arg3, (_arg2 as Array), false); return (true); } override public function set changeFactor(_arg1:Number):void{ var _local2:int; var _local3:String; var _local4:Object; var _local5:Number; var _local6:int; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Object; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Array; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Object; var _local14:Boolean; _changeFactor = _arg1; if (_arg1 == 1){ for (_local3 in _beziers) { _local2 = (_beziers[_local3].length - 1); _target[_local3] = _beziers[_local3][_local2][2]; }; } else { for (_local3 in _beziers) { _local6 = _beziers[_local3].length; if (_arg1 < 0){ _local2 = 0; } else { if (_arg1 >= 1){ _local2 = (_local6 - 1); } else { _local2 = ((_local6 * _arg1) >> 0); }; }; _local5 = ((_arg1 - (_local2 * (1 / _local6))) * _local6); _local4 = _beziers[_local3][_local2]; if (this.round){ _local7 = (_local4[0] + (_local5 * (((2 * (1 - _local5)) * (_local4[1] - _local4[0])) + (_local5 * (_local4[2] - _local4[0]))))); if (_local7 > 0){ _target[_local3] = ((_local7 + 0.5) >> 0); } else { _target[_local3] = ((_local7 - 0.5) >> 0); }; } else { _target[_local3] = (_local4[0] + (_local5 * (((2 * (1 - _local5)) * (_local4[1] - _local4[0])) + (_local5 * (_local4[2] - _local4[0]))))); }; }; }; if (_orient){ _local2 = _orientData.length; _local8 = {}; while (_local2--) { _local11 = _orientData[_local2]; _local8[_local11[0]] = _target[_local11[0]]; _local8[_local11[1]] = _target[_local11[1]]; }; _local13 = _target; _local14 = this.round; _target = _future; this.round = false; _orient = false; _local2 = _orientData.length; while (_local2--) { _local11 = _orientData[_local2]; this.changeFactor = (_arg1 + ((_local11[4]) || (0.01))); _local12 = ((_local11[3]) || (0)); _local9 = (_future[_local11[0]] - _local8[_local11[0]]); _local10 = (_future[_local11[1]] - _local8[_local11[1]]); _local13[_local11[2]] = ((Math.atan2(_local10, _local9) * _RAD2DEG) + _local12); }; _target = _local13; this.round = _local14; _orient = true; }; } public static function parseBeziers(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Boolean=false):Object{ var _local3:int; var _local4:Array; var _local5:Object; var _local6:String; var _local7:Object = {}; if (_arg2){ for (_local6 in _arg1) { _local4 = _arg1[_local6]; _local5 = []; _local7[_local6] = _local5; if (_local4.length > 2){ _local5[_local5.length] = [_local4[0], (_local4[1] - ((_local4[2] - _local4[0]) / 4)), _local4[1]]; _local3 = 1; while (_local3 < (_local4.length - 1)) { _local5[_local5.length] = [_local4[_local3], (_local4[_local3] + (_local4[_local3] - _local5[(_local3 - 1)][1])), _local4[(_local3 + 1)]]; _local3 = (_local3 + 1); }; } else { _local5[_local5.length] = [_local4[0], ((_local4[0] + _local4[1]) / 2), _local4[1]]; }; }; } else { for (_local6 in _arg1) { _local4 = _arg1[_local6]; _local5 = []; _local7[_local6] = _local5; if (_local4.length > 3){ _local5[_local5.length] = [_local4[0], _local4[1], ((_local4[1] + _local4[2]) / 2)]; _local3 = 2; while (_local3 < (_local4.length - 2)) { _local5[_local5.length] = [_local5[(_local3 - 2)][2], _local4[_local3], ((_local4[_local3] + _local4[(_local3 + 1)]) / 2)]; _local3 = (_local3 + 1); }; _local5[_local5.length] = [_local5[(_local5.length - 1)][2], _local4[(_local4.length - 2)], _local4[(_local4.length - 1)]]; } else { if (_local4.length == 3){ _local5[_local5.length] = [_local4[0], _local4[1], _local4[2]]; } else { if (_local4.length == 2){ _local5[_local5.length] = [_local4[0], ((_local4[0] + _local4[1]) / 2), _local4[1]]; }; }; }; }; }; return (_local7); } } }//package com.greensock.plugins
Section 81
//BezierThroughPlugin (com.greensock.plugins.BezierThroughPlugin) package com.greensock.plugins { import com.greensock.*; public class BezierThroughPlugin extends BezierPlugin { public static const API:Number = 1; public function BezierThroughPlugin(){ this.propName = "bezierThrough"; } override public function onInitTween(_arg1:Object, _arg2, _arg3:TweenLite):Boolean{ if (!(_arg2 is Array)){ return (false); }; init(_arg3, (_arg2 as Array), true); return (true); } } }//package com.greensock.plugins
Section 82
//BlurFilterPlugin (com.greensock.plugins.BlurFilterPlugin) package com.greensock.plugins { import flash.display.*; import com.greensock.*; import flash.filters.*; public class BlurFilterPlugin extends FilterPlugin { public static const API:Number = 1; private static var _propNames:Array = ["blurX", "blurY", "quality"]; public function BlurFilterPlugin(){ this.propName = "blurFilter"; this.overwriteProps = ["blurFilter"]; } override public function onInitTween(_arg1:Object, _arg2, _arg3:TweenLite):Boolean{ _target = _arg1; _type = BlurFilter; initFilter(_arg2, new BlurFilter(0, 0, ((_arg2.quality) || (2))), _propNames); return (true); } } }//package com.greensock.plugins
Section 83
//ColorMatrixFilterPlugin (com.greensock.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin) package com.greensock.plugins { import com.greensock.*; import flash.filters.*; public class ColorMatrixFilterPlugin extends FilterPlugin { protected var _matrix:Array; protected var _matrixTween:EndArrayPlugin; public static const API:Number = 1; private static var _propNames:Array = []; protected static var _lumG:Number = 0.71516; protected static var _lumR:Number = 0.212671; protected static var _idMatrix:Array = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]; protected static var _lumB:Number = 0.072169; public function ColorMatrixFilterPlugin(){ this.propName = "colorMatrixFilter"; this.overwriteProps = ["colorMatrixFilter"]; } override public function onInitTween(_arg1:Object, _arg2, _arg3:TweenLite):Boolean{ _target = _arg1; _type = ColorMatrixFilter; var _local4:Object = _arg2; initFilter({remove:_arg2.remove, index:_arg2.index, addFilter:_arg2.addFilter}, new ColorMatrixFilter(_idMatrix.slice()), _propNames); _matrix = ColorMatrixFilter(_filter).matrix; var _local5:Array = []; if (((!((_local4.matrix == null))) && ((_local4.matrix is Array)))){ _local5 = _local4.matrix; } else { if (_local4.relative == true){ _local5 = _matrix.slice(); } else { _local5 = _idMatrix.slice(); }; _local5 = setBrightness(_local5, _local4.brightness); _local5 = setContrast(_local5, _local4.contrast); _local5 = setHue(_local5, _local4.hue); _local5 = setSaturation(_local5, _local4.saturation); _local5 = setThreshold(_local5, _local4.threshold); if (!isNaN(_local4.colorize)){ _local5 = colorize(_local5, _local4.colorize, _local4.amount); }; }; _matrixTween = new EndArrayPlugin(); _matrixTween.init(_matrix, _local5); return (true); } override public function set changeFactor(_arg1:Number):void{ _matrixTween.changeFactor = _arg1; ColorMatrixFilter(_filter).matrix = _matrix; super.changeFactor = _arg1; } public static function setSaturation(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Number):Array{ if (isNaN(_arg2)){ return (_arg1); }; var _local3:Number = (1 - _arg2); var _local4:Number = (_local3 * _lumR); var _local5:Number = (_local3 * _lumG); var _local6:Number = (_local3 * _lumB); var _local7:Array = [(_local4 + _arg2), _local5, _local6, 0, 0, _local4, (_local5 + _arg2), _local6, 0, 0, _local4, _local5, (_local6 + _arg2), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]; return (applyMatrix(_local7, _arg1)); } public static function setHue(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Number):Array{ if (isNaN(_arg2)){ return (_arg1); }; _arg2 = (_arg2 * (Math.PI / 180)); var _local3:Number = Math.cos(_arg2); var _local4:Number = Math.sin(_arg2); var _local5:Array = [((_lumR + (_local3 * (1 - _lumR))) + (_local4 * -(_lumR))), ((_lumG + (_local3 * -(_lumG))) + (_local4 * -(_lumG))), ((_lumB + (_local3 * -(_lumB))) + (_local4 * (1 - _lumB))), 0, 0, ((_lumR + (_local3 * -(_lumR))) + (_local4 * 0.143)), ((_lumG + (_local3 * (1 - _lumG))) + (_local4 * 0.14)), ((_lumB + (_local3 * -(_lumB))) + (_local4 * -0.283)), 0, 0, ((_lumR + (_local3 * -(_lumR))) + (_local4 * -((1 - _lumR)))), ((_lumG + (_local3 * -(_lumG))) + (_local4 * _lumG)), ((_lumB + (_local3 * (1 - _lumB))) + (_local4 * _lumB)), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]; return (applyMatrix(_local5, _arg1)); } public static function setContrast(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Number):Array{ if (isNaN(_arg2)){ return (_arg1); }; _arg2 = (_arg2 + 0.01); var _local3:Array = [_arg2, 0, 0, 0, (128 * (1 - _arg2)), 0, _arg2, 0, 0, (128 * (1 - _arg2)), 0, 0, _arg2, 0, (128 * (1 - _arg2)), 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]; return (applyMatrix(_local3, _arg1)); } public static function applyMatrix(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Array):Array{ var _local6:int; var _local7:int; if (((!((_arg1 is Array))) || (!((_arg2 is Array))))){ return (_arg2); }; var _local3:Array = []; var _local4:int; var _local5:int; _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < 4) { _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < 5) { if (_local7 == 4){ _local5 = _arg1[(_local4 + 4)]; } else { _local5 = 0; }; _local3[(_local4 + _local7)] = (((((_arg1[_local4] * _arg2[_local7]) + (_arg1[(_local4 + 1)] * _arg2[(_local7 + 5)])) + (_arg1[(_local4 + 2)] * _arg2[(_local7 + 10)])) + (_arg1[(_local4 + 3)] * _arg2[(_local7 + 15)])) + _local5); _local7 = (_local7 + 1); }; _local4 = (_local4 + 5); _local6 = (_local6 + 1); }; return (_local3); } public static function setThreshold(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Number):Array{ if (isNaN(_arg2)){ return (_arg1); }; var _local3:Array = [(_lumR * 0x0100), (_lumG * 0x0100), (_lumB * 0x0100), 0, (-256 * _arg2), (_lumR * 0x0100), (_lumG * 0x0100), (_lumB * 0x0100), 0, (-256 * _arg2), (_lumR * 0x0100), (_lumG * 0x0100), (_lumB * 0x0100), 0, (-256 * _arg2), 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]; return (applyMatrix(_local3, _arg1)); } public static function colorize(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number=1):Array{ if (isNaN(_arg2)){ return (_arg1); }; if (isNaN(_arg3)){ _arg3 = 1; }; var _local4:Number = (((_arg2 >> 16) & 0xFF) / 0xFF); var _local5:Number = (((_arg2 >> 8) & 0xFF) / 0xFF); var _local6:Number = ((_arg2 & 0xFF) / 0xFF); var _local7:Number = (1 - _arg3); var _local8:Array = [(_local7 + ((_arg3 * _local4) * _lumR)), ((_arg3 * _local4) * _lumG), ((_arg3 * _local4) * _lumB), 0, 0, ((_arg3 * _local5) * _lumR), (_local7 + ((_arg3 * _local5) * _lumG)), ((_arg3 * _local5) * _lumB), 0, 0, ((_arg3 * _local6) * _lumR), ((_arg3 * _local6) * _lumG), (_local7 + ((_arg3 * _local6) * _lumB)), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]; return (applyMatrix(_local8, _arg1)); } public static function setBrightness(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Number):Array{ if (isNaN(_arg2)){ return (_arg1); }; _arg2 = ((_arg2 * 100) - 100); return (applyMatrix([1, 0, 0, 0, _arg2, 0, 1, 0, 0, _arg2, 0, 0, 1, 0, _arg2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], _arg1)); } } }//package com.greensock.plugins
Section 84
//ColorTransformPlugin (com.greensock.plugins.ColorTransformPlugin) package com.greensock.plugins { import flash.display.*; import com.greensock.*; import flash.geom.*; public class ColorTransformPlugin extends TintPlugin { public static const API:Number = 1; public function ColorTransformPlugin(){ this.propName = "colorTransform"; } override public function onInitTween(_arg1:Object, _arg2, _arg3:TweenLite):Boolean{ var _local5:String; var _local6:Number; if (!(_arg1 is DisplayObject)){ return (false); }; var _local4:ColorTransform = _arg1.transform.colorTransform; for (_local5 in _arg2) { if ((((_local5 == "tint")) || ((_local5 == "color")))){ if (_arg2[_local5] != null){ _local4.color = int(_arg2[_local5]); }; } else { if ((((((_local5 == "tintAmount")) || ((_local5 == "exposure")))) || ((_local5 == "brightness")))){ } else { _local4[_local5] = _arg2[_local5]; }; }; }; if (!isNaN(_arg2.tintAmount)){ _local6 = (_arg2.tintAmount / (1 - (((_local4.redMultiplier + _local4.greenMultiplier) + _local4.blueMultiplier) / 3))); _local4.redOffset = (_local4.redOffset * _local6); _local4.greenOffset = (_local4.greenOffset * _local6); _local4.blueOffset = (_local4.blueOffset * _local6); _local4.redMultiplier = (_local4.greenMultiplier = (_local4.blueMultiplier = (1 - _arg2.tintAmount))); } else { if (!isNaN(_arg2.exposure)){ _local4.redOffset = (_local4.greenOffset = (_local4.blueOffset = (0xFF * (_arg2.exposure - 1)))); _local4.redMultiplier = (_local4.greenMultiplier = (_local4.blueMultiplier = 1)); } else { if (!isNaN(_arg2.brightness)){ _local4.redOffset = (_local4.greenOffset = (_local4.blueOffset = Math.max(0, ((_arg2.brightness - 1) * 0xFF)))); _local4.redMultiplier = (_local4.greenMultiplier = (_local4.blueMultiplier = (1 - Math.abs((_arg2.brightness - 1))))); }; }; }; _ignoreAlpha = Boolean(((!((_arg3.vars.alpha == undefined))) && ((_arg2.alphaMultiplier == undefined)))); init((_arg1 as DisplayObject), _local4); return (true); } } }//package com.greensock.plugins
Section 85
//DropShadowFilterPlugin (com.greensock.plugins.DropShadowFilterPlugin) package com.greensock.plugins { import flash.display.*; import com.greensock.*; import flash.filters.*; public class DropShadowFilterPlugin extends FilterPlugin { public static const API:Number = 1; private static var _propNames:Array = ["distance", "angle", "color", "alpha", "blurX", "blurY", "strength", "quality", "inner", "knockout", "hideObject"]; public function DropShadowFilterPlugin(){ this.propName = "dropShadowFilter"; this.overwriteProps = ["dropShadowFilter"]; } override public function onInitTween(_arg1:Object, _arg2, _arg3:TweenLite):Boolean{ _target = _arg1; _type = DropShadowFilter; initFilter(_arg2, new DropShadowFilter(0, 45, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, ((_arg2.quality) || (2)), _arg2.inner, _arg2.knockout, _arg2.hideObject), _propNames); return (true); } } }//package com.greensock.plugins
Section 86
//EndArrayPlugin (com.greensock.plugins.EndArrayPlugin) package com.greensock.plugins { import com.greensock.*; public class EndArrayPlugin extends TweenPlugin { protected var _a:Array; protected var _info:Array; public static const API:Number = 1; public function EndArrayPlugin(){ _info = []; super(); this.propName = "endArray"; this.overwriteProps = ["endArray"]; } public function init(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Array):void{ _a = _arg1; var _local3:int = _arg2.length; while (_local3--) { if (((!((_arg1[_local3] == _arg2[_local3]))) && (!((_arg1[_local3] == null))))){ _info[_info.length] = new ArrayTweenInfo(_local3, _a[_local3], (_arg2[_local3] - _a[_local3])); }; }; } override public function onInitTween(_arg1:Object, _arg2, _arg3:TweenLite):Boolean{ if (((!((_arg1 is Array))) || (!((_arg2 is Array))))){ return (false); }; init((_arg1 as Array), _arg2); return (true); } override public function set changeFactor(_arg1:Number):void{ var _local3:ArrayTweenInfo; var _local4:Number; var _local2:int = _info.length; if (this.round){ while (_local2--) { _local3 = _info[_local2]; _local4 = (_local3.start + (_local3.change * _arg1)); if (_local4 > 0){ _a[_local3.index] = ((_local4 + 0.5) >> 0); } else { _a[_local3.index] = ((_local4 - 0.5) >> 0); }; }; } else { while (_local2--) { _local3 = _info[_local2]; _a[_local3.index] = (_local3.start + (_local3.change * _arg1)); }; }; } } }//package com.greensock.plugins class ArrayTweenInfo { public var change:Number; public var start:Number; public var index:uint; private function ArrayTweenInfo(_arg1:uint, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number){ this.index = _arg1; this.start = _arg2; this.change = _arg3; } }
Section 87
//FilterPlugin (com.greensock.plugins.FilterPlugin) package com.greensock.plugins { import flash.display.*; import com.greensock.core.*; import com.greensock.*; import flash.filters.*; public class FilterPlugin extends TweenPlugin { protected var _remove:Boolean; protected var _target:Object; protected var _index:int; protected var _filter:BitmapFilter; protected var _type:Class; public static const VERSION:Number = 2.03; public static const API:Number = 1; public function onCompleteTween():void{ var _local1:Array; var _local2:int; if (_remove){ _local1 = _target.filters; if (!(_local1[_index] is _type)){ _local2 = _local1.length; while (_local2--) { if ((_local1[_local2] is _type)){ _local1.splice(_local2, 1); break; }; }; } else { _local1.splice(_index, 1); }; _target.filters = _local1; }; } protected function initFilter(_arg1:Object, _arg2:BitmapFilter, _arg3:Array):void{ var _local5:String; var _local6:int; var _local7:HexColorsPlugin; var _local4:Array = _target.filters; var _local8:Object = ((_arg1 is BitmapFilter)) ? {} : _arg1; _index = -1; if (_local8.index != null){ _index = _local8.index; } else { _local6 = _local4.length; while (_local6--) { if ((_local4[_local6] is _type)){ _index = _local6; break; }; }; }; if ((((((_index == -1)) || ((_local4[_index] == null)))) || ((_local8.addFilter == true)))){ _index = ((_local8.index)!=null) ? _local8.index : _local4.length; _local4[_index] = _arg2; _target.filters = _local4; }; _filter = _local4[_index]; if (_local8.remove == true){ _remove = true; this.onComplete = onCompleteTween; }; _local6 = _arg3.length; while (_local6--) { _local5 = _arg3[_local6]; if ((((_local5 in _arg1)) && (!((_filter[_local5] == _arg1[_local5]))))){ if ((((((_local5 == "color")) || ((_local5 == "highlightColor")))) || ((_local5 == "shadowColor")))){ _local7 = new HexColorsPlugin(); _local7.initColor(_filter, _local5, _filter[_local5], _arg1[_local5]); _tweens[_tweens.length] = new PropTween(_local7, "changeFactor", 0, 1, _local5, false); } else { if ((((((((_local5 == "quality")) || ((_local5 == "inner")))) || ((_local5 == "knockout")))) || ((_local5 == "hideObject")))){ _filter[_local5] = _arg1[_local5]; } else { addTween(_filter, _local5, _filter[_local5], _arg1[_local5], _local5); }; }; }; }; } override public function set changeFactor(_arg1:Number):void{ var _local3:PropTween; var _local2:int = _tweens.length; var _local4:Array = _target.filters; while (_local2--) { _local3 = _tweens[_local2];[] = (_local3.start + (_local3.change * _arg1)); }; if (!(_local4[_index] is _type)){ _local2 = (_index = _local4.length); while (_local2--) { if ((_local4[_local2] is _type)){ _index = _local2; break; }; }; }; _local4[_index] = _filter; _target.filters = _local4; } } }//package com.greensock.plugins
Section 88
//FrameLabelPlugin (com.greensock.plugins.FrameLabelPlugin) package com.greensock.plugins { import flash.display.*; import com.greensock.*; public class FrameLabelPlugin extends FramePlugin { public static const API:Number = 1; public function FrameLabelPlugin(){ this.propName = "frameLabel"; } override public function onInitTween(_arg1:Object, _arg2, _arg3:TweenLite):Boolean{ if ((!( is MovieClip)){ return (false); }; _target = (_arg1 as MovieClip); this.frame = _target.currentFrame; var _local4:Array = _target.currentLabels; var _local5:String = _arg2; var _local6:int = _target.currentFrame; var _local7:int = _local4.length; while (_local7--) { if (_local4[_local7].name == _local5){ _local6 = _local4[_local7].frame; break; }; }; if (this.frame != _local6){ addTween(this, "frame", this.frame, _local6, "frame"); }; return (true); } } }//package com.greensock.plugins
Section 89
//FramePlugin (com.greensock.plugins.FramePlugin) package com.greensock.plugins { import flash.display.*; import com.greensock.*; public class FramePlugin extends TweenPlugin { protected var _target:MovieClip; public var frame:int; public static const API:Number = 1; public function FramePlugin(){ this.propName = "frame"; this.overwriteProps = ["frame", "frameLabel"]; this.round = true; } override public function onInitTween(_arg1:Object, _arg2, _arg3:TweenLite):Boolean{ if (((!((_arg1 is MovieClip))) || (isNaN(_arg2)))){ return (false); }; _target = (_arg1 as MovieClip); this.frame = _target.currentFrame; addTween(this, "frame", this.frame, _arg2, "frame"); return (true); } override public function set changeFactor(_arg1:Number):void{ updateTweens(_arg1); _target.gotoAndStop(this.frame); } } }//package com.greensock.plugins
Section 90
//GlowFilterPlugin (com.greensock.plugins.GlowFilterPlugin) package com.greensock.plugins { import flash.display.*; import com.greensock.*; import flash.filters.*; public class GlowFilterPlugin extends FilterPlugin { public static const API:Number = 1; private static var _propNames:Array = ["color", "alpha", "blurX", "blurY", "strength", "quality", "inner", "knockout"]; public function GlowFilterPlugin(){ this.propName = "glowFilter"; this.overwriteProps = ["glowFilter"]; } override public function onInitTween(_arg1:Object, _arg2, _arg3:TweenLite):Boolean{ _target = _arg1; _type = GlowFilter; initFilter(_arg2, new GlowFilter(0xFFFFFF, 0, 0, 0, ((_arg2.strength) || (1)), ((_arg2.quality) || (2)), _arg2.inner, _arg2.knockout), _propNames); return (true); } } }//package com.greensock.plugins
Section 91
//HexColorsPlugin (com.greensock.plugins.HexColorsPlugin) package com.greensock.plugins { import flash.display.*; import com.greensock.*; public class HexColorsPlugin extends TweenPlugin { protected var _colors:Array; public static const API:Number = 1; public function HexColorsPlugin(){ this.propName = "hexColors"; this.overwriteProps = []; _colors = []; } override public function killProps(_arg1:Object):void{ var _local2:int = (_colors.length - 1); while (_local2 > -1) { if (_arg1[_colors[_local2][1]] != undefined){ _colors.splice(_local2, 1); }; _local2--; }; super.killProps(_arg1); } public function initColor(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String, _arg3:uint, _arg4:uint):void{ var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; if (_arg3 != _arg4){ _local5 = (_arg3 >> 16); _local6 = ((_arg3 >> 8) & 0xFF); _local7 = (_arg3 & 0xFF); _colors[_colors.length] = [_arg1, _arg2, _local5, ((_arg4 >> 16) - _local5), _local6, (((_arg4 >> 8) & 0xFF) - _local6), _local7, ((_arg4 & 0xFF) - _local7)]; this.overwriteProps[this.overwriteProps.length] = _arg2; }; } override public function set changeFactor(_arg1:Number):void{ var _local2:int; var _local3:Array; _local2 = (_colors.length - 1); while (_local2 > -1) { _local3 = _colors[_local2]; _local3[0][_local3[1]] = ((((_local3[2] + (_arg1 * _local3[3])) << 16) | ((_local3[4] + (_arg1 * _local3[5])) << 8)) | (_local3[6] + (_arg1 * _local3[7]))); _local2--; }; } override public function onInitTween(_arg1:Object, _arg2, _arg3:TweenLite):Boolean{ var _local4:String; for (_local4 in _arg2) { initColor(_arg1, _local4, uint(_arg1[_local4]), uint(_arg2[_local4])); }; return (true); } } }//package com.greensock.plugins
Section 92
//RemoveTintPlugin (com.greensock.plugins.RemoveTintPlugin) package com.greensock.plugins { public class RemoveTintPlugin extends TintPlugin { public static const API:Number = 1; public function RemoveTintPlugin(){ this.propName = "removeTint"; } } }//package com.greensock.plugins
Section 93
//RoundPropsPlugin (com.greensock.plugins.RoundPropsPlugin) package com.greensock.plugins { import flash.display.*; import com.greensock.*; public class RoundPropsPlugin extends TweenPlugin { public static const API:Number = 1; public function RoundPropsPlugin(){ this.propName = "roundProps"; this.overwriteProps = []; this.round = true; } public function add(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number):void{ addTween(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, (_arg3 + _arg4), _arg2); this.overwriteProps[this.overwriteProps.length] = _arg2; } } }//package com.greensock.plugins
Section 94
//ShortRotationPlugin (com.greensock.plugins.ShortRotationPlugin) package com.greensock.plugins { import flash.display.*; import com.greensock.*; public class ShortRotationPlugin extends TweenPlugin { public static const API:Number = 1; public function ShortRotationPlugin(){ this.propName = "shortRotation"; this.overwriteProps = []; } override public function onInitTween(_arg1:Object, _arg2, _arg3:TweenLite):Boolean{ var _local4:String; if (typeof(_arg2) == "number"){ return (false); }; for (_local4 in _arg2) { initRotation(_arg1, _local4, _arg1[_local4], ((typeof(_arg2[_local4]))=="number") ? Number(_arg2[_local4]) : (_arg1[_local4] + Number(_arg2[_local4]))); }; return (true); } public function initRotation(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number):void{ var _local5:Number = ((_arg4 - _arg3) % 360); if (((_arg4 - _arg3) % 360) != (_local5 % 180)){ _local5 = ((_local5)<0) ? (_local5 + 360) : (_local5 - 360); }; addTween(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, (_arg3 + _local5), _arg2); this.overwriteProps[this.overwriteProps.length] = _arg2; } } }//package com.greensock.plugins
Section 95
//TintPlugin (com.greensock.plugins.TintPlugin) package com.greensock.plugins { import flash.display.*; import com.greensock.core.*; import com.greensock.*; import flash.geom.*; public class TintPlugin extends TweenPlugin { protected var _ct:ColorTransform; protected var _transform:Transform; protected var _ignoreAlpha:Boolean; public static const API:Number = 1; protected static var _props:Array = ["redMultiplier", "greenMultiplier", "blueMultiplier", "alphaMultiplier", "redOffset", "greenOffset", "blueOffset", "alphaOffset"]; public function TintPlugin(){ this.propName = "tint"; this.overwriteProps = ["tint"]; } override public function onInitTween(_arg1:Object, _arg2, _arg3:TweenLite):Boolean{ if (!(_arg1 is DisplayObject)){ return (false); }; var _local4:ColorTransform = new ColorTransform(); if (((!((_arg2 == null))) && (!((_arg3.vars.removeTint == true))))){ _local4.color = uint(_arg2); }; _ignoreAlpha = true; init((_arg1 as DisplayObject), _local4); return (true); } override public function set changeFactor(_arg1:Number):void{ var _local2:ColorTransform; updateTweens(_arg1); if (_ignoreAlpha){ _local2 = _transform.colorTransform; _ct.alphaMultiplier = _local2.alphaMultiplier; _ct.alphaOffset = _local2.alphaOffset; }; _transform.colorTransform = _ct; } public function init(_arg1:DisplayObject, _arg2:ColorTransform):void{ var _local4:String; _transform = _arg1.transform; _ct = _transform.colorTransform; var _local3:int = _props.length; while (_local3--) { _local4 = _props[_local3]; if (_ct[_local4] != _arg2[_local4]){ _tweens[_tweens.length] = new PropTween(_ct, _local4, _ct[_local4], (_arg2[_local4] - _ct[_local4]), "tint", false); }; }; } } }//package com.greensock.plugins
Section 96
//TweenPlugin (com.greensock.plugins.TweenPlugin) package com.greensock.plugins { import com.greensock.core.*; import com.greensock.*; public class TweenPlugin { public var activeDisable:Boolean; protected var _changeFactor:Number;// = 0 protected var _tweens:Array; public var onDisable:Function; public var propName:String; public var round:Boolean; public var onEnable:Function; public var priority:int;// = 0 public var overwriteProps:Array; public var onComplete:Function; public static const VERSION:Number = 1.32; public static const API:Number = 1; public function TweenPlugin(){ _tweens = []; super(); } protected function updateTweens(_arg1:Number):void{ var _local3:PropTween; var _local4:Number; var _local2:int = _tweens.length; if (this.round){ while (--_local2 > -1) { _local3 = _tweens[_local2]; _local4 = (_local3.start + (_local3.change * _arg1)); if (_local4 > 0){[] = ((_local4 + 0.5) >> 0); } else {[] = ((_local4 - 0.5) >> 0); }; }; } else { while (--_local2 > -1) { _local3 = _tweens[_local2];[] = (_local3.start + (_local3.change * _arg1)); }; }; } protected function addTween(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String, _arg3:Number, _arg4, _arg5:String=null):void{ var _local6:Number; if (_arg4 != null){ _local6 = ((typeof(_arg4))=="number") ? (Number(_arg4) - _arg3) : Number(_arg4); if (_local6 != 0){ _tweens[_tweens.length] = new PropTween(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _local6, ((_arg5) || (_arg2)), false); }; }; } public function get changeFactor():Number{ return (_changeFactor); } public function onInitTween(_arg1:Object, _arg2, _arg3:TweenLite):Boolean{ addTween(_arg1, this.propName, _arg1[this.propName], _arg2, this.propName); return (true); } public function killProps(_arg1:Object):void{ var _local2:int = this.overwriteProps.length; while (--_local2 > -1) { if ((this.overwriteProps[_local2] in _arg1)){ this.overwriteProps.splice(_local2, 1); }; }; _local2 = _tweens.length; while (--_local2 > -1) { if ((PropTween(_tweens[_local2]).name in _arg1)){ _tweens.splice(_local2, 1); }; }; } public function set changeFactor(_arg1:Number):void{ updateTweens(_arg1); _changeFactor = _arg1; } public static function activate(_arg1:Array):Boolean{ var _local3:Object; TweenLite.onPluginEvent = TweenPlugin.onTweenEvent; var _local2:int = _arg1.length; while (_local2--) { if (_arg1[_local2].hasOwnProperty("API")){ _local3 = new ((_arg1[_local2] as Class)); TweenLite.plugins[_local3.propName] = _arg1[_local2]; }; }; return (true); } private static function onTweenEvent(_arg1:String, _arg2:TweenLite):Boolean{ var _local4:Boolean; var _local5:Array; var _local6:int; var _local3:PropTween = _arg2.cachedPT1; if (_arg1 == "onInit"){ _local5 = []; while (_local3) { _local5[_local5.length] = _local3; _local3 = _local3.nextNode; }; _local5.sortOn("priority", (Array.NUMERIC | Array.DESCENDING)); _local6 = _local5.length; while (_local6--) { PropTween(_local5[_local6]).nextNode = _local5[(_local6 + 1)]; PropTween(_local5[_local6]).prevNode = _local5[(_local6 - 1)]; }; _arg2.cachedPT1 = _local5[0]; } else { while (_local3) { if (((_local3.isPlugin) && ([_arg1]))){ if ({ _local4 = true; }; var _local7 =; _local7[_arg1](); }; _local3 = _local3.nextNode; }; }; return (_local4); } } }//package com.greensock.plugins
Section 97
//VisiblePlugin (com.greensock.plugins.VisiblePlugin) package com.greensock.plugins { import flash.display.*; import com.greensock.*; public class VisiblePlugin extends TweenPlugin { protected var _target:Object; protected var _initVal:Boolean; protected var _visible:Boolean; protected var _tween:TweenLite; public static const API:Number = 1; public function VisiblePlugin(){ this.propName = "visible"; this.overwriteProps = ["visible"]; } override public function onInitTween(_arg1:Object, _arg2, _arg3:TweenLite):Boolean{ _target = _arg1; _tween = _arg3; _initVal = _target.visible; _visible = Boolean(_arg2); return (true); } override public function set changeFactor(_arg1:Number):void{ if ((((_arg1 == 1)) && ((((_tween.cachedDuration == _tween.cachedTime)) || ((_tween.cachedTime == 0)))))){ _target.visible = _visible; } else { _target.visible = _initVal; }; } } }//package com.greensock.plugins
Section 98
//VolumePlugin (com.greensock.plugins.VolumePlugin) package com.greensock.plugins { import com.greensock.*; import*; public class VolumePlugin extends TweenPlugin { protected var _target:Object; protected var _st:SoundTransform; public static const API:Number = 1; public function VolumePlugin(){ this.propName = "volume"; this.overwriteProps = ["volume"]; } override public function onInitTween(_arg1:Object, _arg2, _arg3:TweenLite):Boolean{ if (((((isNaN(_arg2)) || (_arg1.hasOwnProperty("volume")))) || (!(_arg1.hasOwnProperty("soundTransform"))))){ return (false); }; _target = _arg1; _st = _target.soundTransform; addTween(_st, "volume", _st.volume, _arg2, "volume"); return (true); } override public function set changeFactor(_arg1:Number):void{ updateTweens(_arg1); _target.soundTransform = _st; } } }//package com.greensock.plugins
Section 99
//OverwriteManager (com.greensock.OverwriteManager) package com.greensock { import com.greensock.core.*; public class OverwriteManager { public static const ALL_ONSTART:int = 4; public static const CONCURRENT:int = 3; public static const ALL_IMMEDIATE:int = 1; public static const PREEXISTING:int = 5; public static const AUTO:int = 2; public static const version:Number = 6.03; public static const NONE:int = 0; public static var enabled:Boolean; public static var mode:int; public static function getGlobalPaused(_arg1:TweenCore):Boolean{ var _local2:Boolean; while (_arg1) { if (_arg1.cachedPaused){ _local2 = true; break; }; _arg1 = _arg1.timeline; }; return (_local2); } public static function init(_arg1:int=2):int{ if (TweenLite.version < 11.1){ throw (new Error("Warning: Your TweenLite class needs to be updated to work with OverwriteManager (or you may need to clear your ASO files). Please download and install the latest version from")); }; TweenLite.overwriteManager = OverwriteManager; mode = _arg1; enabled = true; return (mode); } public static function manageOverwrites(_arg1:TweenLite, _arg2:Object, _arg3:Array, _arg4:uint):Boolean{ var _local5:int; var _local6:Boolean; var _local7:TweenLite; var _local13:uint; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:TweenCore; var _local17:Number; var _local18:SimpleTimeline; if (_arg4 >= 4){ _local13 = _arg3.length; _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < _local13) { _local7 = _arg3[_local5]; if (_local7 != _arg1){ if (_local7.setEnabled(false, false)){ _local6 = true; }; } else { if (_arg4 == 5){ break; }; }; _local5++; }; return (_local6); }; var _local8:Number = (_arg1.cachedStartTime + 1E-10); var _local9:Array = []; var _local10:Array = []; var _local11:uint; var _local12:uint; _local5 = _arg3.length; while (--_local5 > -1) { _local7 = _arg3[_local5]; if ((((_local7 == _arg1)) || (_local7.gc))){ } else { if (_local7.timeline != _arg1.timeline){ if (!getGlobalPaused(_local7)){ var _temp1 = _local11; _local11 = (_local11 + 1); var _local19 = _temp1; _local10[_local19] = _local7; }; } else { if ((((((_local7.cachedStartTime <= _local8)) && ((((_local7.cachedStartTime + _local7.totalDuration) + 1E-10) > _local8)))) && (!(getGlobalPaused(_local7))))){ var _temp2 = _local12; _local12 = (_local12 + 1); _local19 = _temp2; _local9[_local19] = _local7; }; }; }; }; if (_local11 != 0){ _local14 = _arg1.cachedTimeScale; _local15 = _local8; _local18 = _arg1.timeline; while (_local18) { _local14 = (_local14 * _local18.cachedTimeScale); _local15 = (_local15 + _local18.cachedStartTime); _local18 = _local18.timeline; }; _local8 = (_local14 * _local15); _local5 = _local11; while (--_local5 > -1) { _local16 = _local10[_local5]; _local14 = _local16.cachedTimeScale; _local15 = _local16.cachedStartTime; _local18 = _local16.timeline; while (_local18) { _local14 = (_local14 * _local18.cachedTimeScale); _local15 = (_local15 + _local18.cachedStartTime); _local18 = _local18.timeline; }; _local17 = (_local14 * _local15); if ((((_local17 <= _local8)) && ((((((_local17 + (_local16.totalDuration * _local14)) + 1E-10) > _local8)) || ((_local16.cachedDuration == 0)))))){ var _temp3 = _local12; _local12 = (_local12 + 1); _local19 = _temp3; _local9[_local19] = _local16; }; }; }; if (_local12 == 0){ return (_local6); }; _local5 = _local12; if (_arg4 == 2){ while (--_local5 > -1) { _local7 = _local9[_local5]; if (_local7.killVars(_arg2)){ _local6 = true; }; if ((((_local7.cachedPT1 == null)) && (_local7.initted))){ _local7.setEnabled(false, false); }; }; } else { while (--_local5 > -1) { if (TweenLite(_local9[_local5]).setEnabled(false, false)){ _local6 = true; }; }; }; return (_local6); } } }//package com.greensock
Section 100
//TweenLite (com.greensock.TweenLite) package com.greensock { import*; import flash.display.*; import com.greensock.core.*; import flash.utils.*; import com.greensock.plugins.*; public class TweenLite extends TweenCore { protected var _hasPlugins:Boolean; public var propTweenLookup:Object; public var cachedPT1:PropTween; protected var _overwrite:int; protected var _ease:Function; public var target:Object; public var ratio:Number;// = 0 protected var _overwrittenProps:Object; protected var _notifyPluginsOfEnabled:Boolean; public static const version:Number = 11.39; public static var rootTimeline:SimpleTimeline; public static var fastEaseLookup:Dictionary = new Dictionary(false); public static var onPluginEvent:Function; public static var rootFramesTimeline:SimpleTimeline; public static var defaultEase:Function = TweenLite.easeOut; public static var plugins:Object = {}; public static var masterList:Dictionary = new Dictionary(false); public static var overwriteManager:Object; public static var rootFrame:Number; public static var killDelayedCallsTo:Function = TweenLite.killTweensOf; private static var _shape:Shape = new Shape(); protected static var _reservedProps:Object = {ease:1, delay:1, overwrite:1, onComplete:1, onCompleteParams:1, useFrames:1, runBackwards:1, startAt:1, onUpdate:1, onUpdateParams:1, roundProps:1, onStart:1, onStartParams:1, onInit:1, onInitParams:1, onReverseComplete:1, onReverseCompleteParams:1, onRepeat:1, onRepeatParams:1, proxiedEase:1, easeParams:1, yoyo:1, onCompleteListener:1, onUpdateListener:1, onStartListener:1, onReverseCompleteListener:1, onRepeatListener:1, orientToBezier:1, timeScale:1, immediateRender:1, repeat:1, repeatDelay:1, timeline:1, data:1, paused:1}; public function TweenLite(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Object){ var _local5:TweenLite; super(_arg2, _arg3); = _arg1; if (((( is TweenCore)) && (this.vars.timeScale))){ this.cachedTimeScale = 1; }; propTweenLookup = {}; _ease = defaultEase; _overwrite = (((!((Number(_arg3.overwrite) > -1))) || (((!(overwriteManager.enabled)) && ((_arg3.overwrite > 1)))))) ? overwriteManager.mode : int(_arg3.overwrite); var _local4:Array = masterList[_arg1]; if (!_local4){ masterList[_arg1] = [this]; } else { if (_overwrite == 1){ for each (_local5 in _local4) { if (!_local5.gc){ _local5.setEnabled(false, false); }; }; masterList[_arg1] = [this]; } else { _local4[_local4.length] = this; }; }; if ((( || (this.vars.immediateRender))){ renderTime(0, false, true); }; } protected function easeProxy(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number):Number{ return (this.vars.proxiedEase.apply(null, arguments.concat(this.vars.easeParams))); } override public function renderTime(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Boolean=false, _arg3:Boolean=false):void{ var _local4:Boolean; var _local5:Number = this.cachedTime; if (_arg1 >= this.cachedDuration){ this.cachedTotalTime = (this.cachedTime = this.cachedDuration); this.ratio = 1; _local4 = true; if (this.cachedDuration == 0){ if ((((((_arg1 == 0)) || ((_rawPrevTime < 0)))) && (!((_rawPrevTime == _arg1))))){ _arg3 = true; }; _rawPrevTime = _arg1; }; } else { if (_arg1 <= 0){ this.cachedTotalTime = (this.cachedTime = (this.ratio = 0)); if (_arg1 < 0){ = false; if (this.cachedDuration == 0){ if (_rawPrevTime > 0){ _arg3 = true; _local4 = true; }; _rawPrevTime = _arg1; }; }; if (((this.cachedReversed) && (!((_local5 == 0))))){ _local4 = true; }; } else { this.cachedTotalTime = (this.cachedTime = _arg1); this.ratio = _ease(_arg1, 0, 1, this.cachedDuration); }; }; if ((((this.cachedTime == _local5)) && (!(_arg3)))){ return; }; if (!this.initted){ init(); if (((!(_local4)) && (this.cachedTime))){ this.ratio = _ease(this.cachedTime, 0, 1, this.cachedDuration); }; }; if (((!( && (!(this.cachedPaused)))){ = true; }; if ((((((((_local5 == 0)) && (this.vars.onStart))) && (!((this.cachedTime == 0))))) && (!(_arg2)))){ this.vars.onStart.apply(null, this.vars.onStartParams); }; var _local6:PropTween = this.cachedPT1; while (_local6) {[] = (_local6.start + (this.ratio * _local6.change)); _local6 = _local6.nextNode; }; if (((_hasUpdate) && (!(_arg2)))){ this.vars.onUpdate.apply(null, this.vars.onUpdateParams); }; if (_local4){ if (((_hasPlugins) && (this.cachedPT1))){ onPluginEvent("onComplete", this); }; complete(true, _arg2); }; } override public function setEnabled(_arg1:Boolean, _arg2:Boolean=false):Boolean{ var _local3:Array; if (_arg1){ _local3 = TweenLite.masterList[]; if (!_local3){ TweenLite.masterList[] = [this]; } else { _local3[_local3.length] = this; }; }; super.setEnabled(_arg1, _arg2); if (((_notifyPluginsOfEnabled) && (this.cachedPT1))){ return (onPluginEvent((_arg1) ? "onEnable" : "onDisable", this)); }; return (false); } protected function init():void{ var _local1:String; var _local2:int; var _local3:*; var _local4:Boolean; var _local5:Array; var _local6:PropTween; if (this.vars.onInit){ this.vars.onInit.apply(null, this.vars.onInitParams); }; if (typeof(this.vars.ease) == "function"){ _ease = this.vars.ease; }; if (this.vars.easeParams){ this.vars.proxiedEase = _ease; _ease = easeProxy; }; this.cachedPT1 = null; this.propTweenLookup = {}; for (_local1 in this.vars) { if ((((_local1 in _reservedProps)) && (!((((_local1 == "timeScale")) && (( is TweenCore))))))){ } else { if ((((_local1 in plugins)) && (new ((plugins[_local1] as Class)).onInitTween(, this.vars[_local1], this)))){ this.cachedPT1 = new PropTween(_local3, "changeFactor", 0, 1, ((_local3.overwriteProps.length)==1) ? _local3.overwriteProps[0] : "_MULTIPLE_", true, this.cachedPT1); if ( == "_MULTIPLE_"){ _local2 = _local3.overwriteProps.length; while (--_local2 > -1) { this.propTweenLookup[_local3.overwriteProps[_local2]] = this.cachedPT1; }; } else { this.propTweenLookup[] = this.cachedPT1; }; if (_local3.priority){ this.cachedPT1.priority = _local3.priority; _local4 = true; }; if (((_local3.onDisable) || (_local3.onEnable))){ _notifyPluginsOfEnabled = true; }; _hasPlugins = true; } else { this.cachedPT1 = new PropTween(, _local1, Number([_local1]), ((typeof(this.vars[_local1]))=="number") ? (Number(this.vars[_local1]) -[_local1]) : Number(this.vars[_local1]), _local1, false, this.cachedPT1); this.propTweenLookup[_local1] = this.cachedPT1; }; }; }; if (_local4){ onPluginEvent("onInit", this); }; if (this.vars.runBackwards){ _local6 = this.cachedPT1; while (_local6) { _local6.start = (_local6.start + _local6.change); _local6.change = -(_local6.change); _local6 = _local6.nextNode; }; }; _hasUpdate = Boolean(!((this.vars.onUpdate == null))); if (_overwrittenProps){ killVars(_overwrittenProps); if (this.cachedPT1 == null){ this.setEnabled(false, false); }; }; if ((((((((_overwrite > 1)) && (this.cachedPT1))) && (masterList[]))) && ((_local5.length > 1)))){ if (overwriteManager.manageOverwrites(this, this.propTweenLookup, _local5, _overwrite)){ init(); }; }; this.initted = true; } public function killVars(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Boolean=true):Boolean{ var _local3:String; var _local4:PropTween; var _local5:Boolean; if (_overwrittenProps == null){ _overwrittenProps = {}; }; for (_local3 in _arg1) { if ((_local3 in propTweenLookup)){ _local4 = propTweenLookup[_local3]; if (((_local4.isPlugin) && (( == "_MULTIPLE_")))){; if ( == 0){ = ""; }; }; if ( != "_MULTIPLE_"){ if (_local4.nextNode){ _local4.nextNode.prevNode = _local4.prevNode; }; if (_local4.prevNode){ _local4.prevNode.nextNode = _local4.nextNode; } else { if (this.cachedPT1 == _local4){ this.cachedPT1 = _local4.nextNode; }; }; if (((_local4.isPlugin) && ({; if ({ _local5 = true; }; }; delete propTweenLookup[_local3]; }; }; if (((_arg2) && (!((_arg1 == _overwrittenProps))))){ _overwrittenProps[_local3] = 1; }; }; return (_local5); } override public function invalidate():void{ if (((_notifyPluginsOfEnabled) && (this.cachedPT1))){ onPluginEvent("onDisable", this); }; this.cachedPT1 = null; _overwrittenProps = null; _hasUpdate = (this.initted = ( = (_notifyPluginsOfEnabled = false))); this.propTweenLookup = {}; } public static function initClass():void{ rootFrame = 0; rootTimeline = new SimpleTimeline(null); rootFramesTimeline = new SimpleTimeline(null); rootTimeline.cachedStartTime = (getTimer() * 0.001); rootFramesTimeline.cachedStartTime = rootFrame; rootTimeline.autoRemoveChildren = true; rootFramesTimeline.autoRemoveChildren = true; _shape.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, updateAll, false, 0, true); if (overwriteManager == null){ overwriteManager = {mode:1, enabled:false}; }; } public static function killTweensOf(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Boolean=false, _arg3:Object=null):void{ var _local4:Array; var _local5:int; var _local6:TweenLite; if ((_arg1 in masterList)){ _local4 = masterList[_arg1]; _local5 = _local4.length; while (--_local5 > -1) { _local6 = _local4[_local5]; if (!_local6.gc){ if (_arg2){ _local6.complete(false, false); }; if (_arg3 != null){ _local6.killVars(_arg3); }; if ((((_arg3 == null)) || ((((_local6.cachedPT1 == null)) && (_local6.initted))))){ _local6.setEnabled(false, false); }; }; }; if (_arg3 == null){ delete masterList[_arg1]; }; }; } public static function from(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Object):TweenLite{ _arg3.runBackwards = true; if (!("immediateRender" in _arg3)){ _arg3.immediateRender = true; }; return (new TweenLite(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3)); } protected static function easeOut(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number):Number{ _arg1 = (1 - (_arg1 / _arg4)); return ((1 - (_arg1 * _arg1))); } public static function delayedCall(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Function, _arg3:Array=null, _arg4:Boolean=false):TweenLite{ return (new TweenLite(_arg2, 0, {delay:_arg1, onComplete:_arg2, onCompleteParams:_arg3, immediateRender:false, useFrames:_arg4, overwrite:0})); } protected static function updateAll(_arg1:Event=null):void{ var _local2:Dictionary; var _local3:Object; var _local4:Array; var _local5:int; rootTimeline.renderTime((((getTimer() * 0.001) - rootTimeline.cachedStartTime) * rootTimeline.cachedTimeScale), false, false); rootFrame = (rootFrame + 1); rootFramesTimeline.renderTime(((rootFrame - rootFramesTimeline.cachedStartTime) * rootFramesTimeline.cachedTimeScale), false, false); if (!(rootFrame % 60)){ _local2 = masterList; for (_local3 in _local2) { _local4 = _local2[_local3]; _local5 = _local4.length; while (--_local5 > -1) { if (TweenLite(_local4[_local5]).gc){ _local4.splice(_local5, 1); }; }; if (_local4.length == 0){ delete _local2[_local3]; }; }; }; } public static function to(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Object):TweenLite{ return (new TweenLite(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3)); } } }//package com.greensock
Section 101
//TweenMax (com.greensock.TweenMax) package com.greensock { import*; import flash.display.*; import com.greensock.core.*; import flash.utils.*; import com.greensock.plugins.*; import*; public class TweenMax extends TweenLite implements IEventDispatcher { protected var _cyclesComplete:int;// = 0 protected var _dispatcher:EventDispatcher; protected var _hasUpdateListener:Boolean; protected var _easeType:int; protected var _repeatDelay:Number;// = 0 public var yoyo:Boolean; protected var _easePower:int; protected var _repeat:int;// = 0 public static const version:Number = 11.391; private static var _overwriteMode:int = (OverwriteManager.enabled) ? OverwriteManager.mode : OverwriteManager.init(2); ; public static var killTweensOf:Function = TweenLite.killTweensOf; public static var killDelayedCallsTo:Function = TweenLite.killTweensOf; public function TweenMax(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Object){ super(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3); if (TweenLite.version < 11.2){ throw (new Error("TweenMax error! Please update your TweenLite class or try deleting your ASO files. TweenMax requires a more recent version. Download updates at")); }; this.yoyo = Boolean(this.vars.yoyo); _repeat = uint(this.vars.repeat); _repeatDelay = (this.vars.repeatDelay) ? Number(this.vars.repeatDelay) : 0; this.cacheIsDirty = true; if (((((((((((this.vars.onCompleteListener) || (this.vars.onInitListener))) || (this.vars.onUpdateListener))) || (this.vars.onStartListener))) || (this.vars.onRepeatListener))) || (this.vars.onReverseCompleteListener))){ initDispatcher(); if ((((_arg2 == 0)) && ((_delay == 0)))){ _dispatcher.dispatchEvent(new TweenEvent(TweenEvent.UPDATE)); _dispatcher.dispatchEvent(new TweenEvent(TweenEvent.COMPLETE)); }; }; if (((this.vars.timeScale) && (!(( is TweenCore))))){ this.cachedTimeScale = this.vars.timeScale; }; } public function dispatchEvent(_arg1:Event):Boolean{ return (((_dispatcher)==null) ? false : _dispatcher.dispatchEvent(_arg1)); } public function set timeScale(_arg1:Number):void{ if (_arg1 == 0){ _arg1 = 0.0001; }; var _local2:Number = (((this.cachedPauseTime) || ((this.cachedPauseTime == 0)))) ? this.cachedPauseTime : this.timeline.cachedTotalTime; this.cachedStartTime = (_local2 - (((_local2 - this.cachedStartTime) * this.cachedTimeScale) / _arg1)); this.cachedTimeScale = _arg1; setDirtyCache(false); } override public function renderTime(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Boolean=false, _arg3:Boolean=false):void{ var _local6:Boolean; var _local7:Boolean; var _local8:Boolean; var _local10:Number; var _local11:int; var _local12:int; var _local13:Number; var _local4:Number = (this.cacheIsDirty) ? this.totalDuration : this.cachedTotalDuration; var _local5:Number = this.cachedTime; if (_arg1 >= _local4){ this.cachedTotalTime = _local4; this.cachedTime = this.cachedDuration; this.ratio = 1; _local6 = true; if (this.cachedDuration == 0){ if ((((((_arg1 == 0)) || ((_rawPrevTime < 0)))) && (!((_rawPrevTime == _arg1))))){ _arg3 = true; }; _rawPrevTime = _arg1; }; } else { if (_arg1 <= 0){ if (_arg1 < 0){ = false; if (this.cachedDuration == 0){ if (_rawPrevTime > 0){ _arg3 = true; _local6 = true; }; _rawPrevTime = _arg1; }; }; this.cachedTotalTime = (this.cachedTime = (this.ratio = 0)); if (((this.cachedReversed) && (!((_local5 == 0))))){ _local6 = true; }; } else { this.cachedTotalTime = (this.cachedTime = _arg1); _local8 = true; }; }; if (_repeat != 0){ _local10 = (this.cachedDuration + _repeatDelay); if (_local6){ if (((this.yoyo) && ((_repeat % 2)))){ this.cachedTime = (this.ratio = 0); }; } else { if (_arg1 > 0){ _local11 = _cyclesComplete; _cyclesComplete = ((this.cachedTotalTime / _local10) >> 0); if (_cyclesComplete == (this.cachedTotalTime / _local10)){ _cyclesComplete--; }; if (_local11 != _cyclesComplete){ _local7 = true; }; this.cachedTime = (((this.cachedTotalTime / _local10) - _cyclesComplete) * _local10); if (((this.yoyo) && ((_cyclesComplete % 2)))){ this.cachedTime = (this.cachedDuration - this.cachedTime); } else { if (this.cachedTime >= this.cachedDuration){ this.cachedTime = this.cachedDuration; this.ratio = 1; _local8 = false; }; }; if (this.cachedTime <= 0){ this.cachedTime = (this.ratio = 0); _local8 = false; }; }; }; }; if ((((_local5 == this.cachedTime)) && (!(_arg3)))){ return; }; if (!this.initted){ init(); }; if (((!( && (!(this.cachedPaused)))){ = true; }; if (_local8){ if (_easeType){ _local12 = _easePower; _local13 = (this.cachedTime / this.cachedDuration); if (_easeType == 2){ _local13 = (1 - _local13); this.ratio = _local13; while (--_local12 > -1) { this.ratio = (_local13 * this.ratio); }; this.ratio = (1 - this.ratio); } else { if (_easeType == 1){ this.ratio = _local13; while (--_local12 > -1) { this.ratio = (_local13 * this.ratio); }; } else { if (_local13 < 0.5){ _local13 = (_local13 * 2); this.ratio = _local13; while (--_local12 > -1) { this.ratio = (_local13 * this.ratio); }; this.ratio = (this.ratio * 0.5); } else { _local13 = ((1 - _local13) * 2); this.ratio = _local13; while (--_local12 > -1) { this.ratio = (_local13 * this.ratio); }; this.ratio = (1 - (0.5 * this.ratio)); }; }; }; } else { this.ratio = _ease(this.cachedTime, 0, 1, this.cachedDuration); }; }; if ((((((_local5 == 0)) && (!((this.cachedTotalTime == 0))))) && (!(_arg2)))){ if (this.vars.onStart){ this.vars.onStart.apply(null, this.vars.onStartParams); }; if (_dispatcher){ _dispatcher.dispatchEvent(new TweenEvent(TweenEvent.START)); }; }; var _local9:PropTween = this.cachedPT1; while (_local9) {[] = (_local9.start + (this.ratio * _local9.change)); _local9 = _local9.nextNode; }; if (((_hasUpdate) && (!(_arg2)))){ this.vars.onUpdate.apply(null, this.vars.onUpdateParams); }; if (((_hasUpdateListener) && (!(_arg2)))){ _dispatcher.dispatchEvent(new TweenEvent(TweenEvent.UPDATE)); }; if (_local6){ if (((_hasPlugins) && (this.cachedPT1))){ onPluginEvent("onComplete", this); }; complete(true, _arg2); } else { if (((_local7) && (!(_arg2)))){ if (this.vars.onRepeat){ this.vars.onRepeat.apply(null, this.vars.onRepeatParams); }; if (_dispatcher){ _dispatcher.dispatchEvent(new TweenEvent(TweenEvent.REPEAT)); }; }; }; } override public function set totalDuration(_arg1:Number):void{ if (_repeat == -1){ return; }; this.duration = ((_arg1 - (_repeat * _repeatDelay)) / (_repeat + 1)); } public function addEventListener(_arg1:String, _arg2:Function, _arg3:Boolean=false, _arg4:int=0, _arg5:Boolean=false):void{ if (_dispatcher == null){ initDispatcher(); }; if (_arg1 == TweenEvent.UPDATE){ _hasUpdateListener = true; }; _dispatcher.addEventListener(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5); } protected function insertPropTween(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String, _arg3:Number, _arg4, _arg5:String, _arg6:Boolean, _arg7:PropTween):PropTween{ var _local9:Array; var _local10:int; var _local8:PropTween = new PropTween(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, ((typeof(_arg4))=="number") ? (_arg4 - _arg3) : Number(_arg4), _arg5, _arg6, _arg7); if (((_arg6) && ((_arg5 == "_MULTIPLE_")))){ _local9 = _arg1.overwriteProps; _local10 = _local9.length; while (--_local10 > -1) { this.propTweenLookup[_local9[_local10]] = _local8; }; } else { this.propTweenLookup[_arg5] = _local8; }; return (_local8); } override protected function init():void{ var _local1:TweenMax; var _local2:String; var _local3:String; var _local4:Array; var _local5:Object; var _local6:PropTween; var _local7:PropTween; var _local8:int; if (this.vars.startAt){ this.vars.startAt.overwrite = 0; this.vars.startAt.immediateRender = true; _local1 = new TweenMax(, 0, this.vars.startAt); }; if (_dispatcher){ _dispatcher.dispatchEvent(new TweenEvent(TweenEvent.INIT)); }; super.init(); if ((_ease in fastEaseLookup)){ _easeType = fastEaseLookup[_ease][0]; _easePower = fastEaseLookup[_ease][1]; }; if (((!((this.vars.roundProps == null))) && (("roundProps" in TweenLite.plugins)))){ _local4 = this.vars.roundProps; _local8 = _local4.length; while (--_local8 > -1) { _local2 = _local4[_local8]; _local7 = this.cachedPT1; while (_local7) { if ( == _local2){ if (_local7.isPlugin){ = true; } else { if (_local5 == null){ _local5 = new TweenLite.plugins.roundProps(); _local5.add(, _local2, _local7.start, _local7.change); _hasPlugins = true; _local6 = insertPropTween(_local5, "changeFactor", 0, 1, "_MULTIPLE_", true, this.cachedPT1); this.cachedPT1 = _local6; } else { _local5.add(, _local2, _local7.start, _local7.change); }; this.removePropTween(_local7); this.propTweenLookup[_local2] = _local6; }; } else { if (((((_local7.isPlugin) && (( == "_MULTIPLE_")))) && (!({ _local3 = ((" " +" ")) + " "); if (_local3.indexOf(((" " + _local2) + " ")) != -1){ = true; }; }; }; _local7 = _local7.nextNode; }; }; }; } public function removeEventListener(_arg1:String, _arg2:Function, _arg3:Boolean=false):void{ if (_dispatcher){ _dispatcher.removeEventListener(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3); }; } public function setDestination(_arg1:String, _arg2, _arg3:Boolean=true):void{ var _local4:Object = {}; _local4[_arg1] = _arg2; updateTo(_local4, !(_arg3)); } public function willTrigger(_arg1:String):Boolean{ return (((_dispatcher)==null) ? false : _dispatcher.willTrigger(_arg1)); } public function hasEventListener(_arg1:String):Boolean{ return (((_dispatcher)==null) ? false : _dispatcher.hasEventListener(_arg1)); } protected function initDispatcher():void{ if (_dispatcher == null){ _dispatcher = new EventDispatcher(this); }; if ((this.vars.onInitListener is Function)){ _dispatcher.addEventListener(TweenEvent.INIT, this.vars.onInitListener, false, 0, true); }; if ((this.vars.onStartListener is Function)){ _dispatcher.addEventListener(TweenEvent.START, this.vars.onStartListener, false, 0, true); }; if ((this.vars.onUpdateListener is Function)){ _dispatcher.addEventListener(TweenEvent.UPDATE, this.vars.onUpdateListener, false, 0, true); _hasUpdateListener = true; }; if ((this.vars.onCompleteListener is Function)){ _dispatcher.addEventListener(TweenEvent.COMPLETE, this.vars.onCompleteListener, false, 0, true); }; if ((this.vars.onRepeatListener is Function)){ _dispatcher.addEventListener(TweenEvent.REPEAT, this.vars.onRepeatListener, false, 0, true); }; if ((this.vars.onReverseCompleteListener is Function)){ _dispatcher.addEventListener(TweenEvent.REVERSE_COMPLETE, this.vars.onReverseCompleteListener, false, 0, true); }; } public function set currentProgress(_arg1:Number):void{ if (_cyclesComplete == 0){ setTotalTime((this.duration * _arg1), false); } else { setTotalTime(((this.duration * _arg1) + (_cyclesComplete * this.cachedDuration)), false); }; } public function get totalProgress():Number{ return ((this.cachedTotalTime / this.totalDuration)); } public function set totalProgress(_arg1:Number):void{ setTotalTime((this.totalDuration * _arg1), false); } protected function removePropTween(_arg1:PropTween):Boolean{ if (_arg1.nextNode){ _arg1.nextNode.prevNode = _arg1.prevNode; }; if (_arg1.prevNode){ _arg1.prevNode.nextNode = _arg1.nextNode; } else { if (this.cachedPT1 == _arg1){ this.cachedPT1 = _arg1.nextNode; }; }; if (((_arg1.isPlugin) && ({; if ({ return (true); }; }; return (false); } public function get currentProgress():Number{ return ((this.cachedTime / this.duration)); } public function get repeat():int{ return (_repeat); } public function updateTo(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{ var _local4:String; var _local5:Number; var _local6:PropTween; var _local7:Number; var _local3:Number = this.ratio; if (((((_arg2) && (!((this.timeline == null))))) && ((this.cachedStartTime < this.timeline.cachedTime)))){ this.cachedStartTime = this.timeline.cachedTime; this.setDirtyCache(false); if (this.gc){ this.setEnabled(true, false); } else { this.timeline.addChild(this); }; }; for (_local4 in _arg1) { this.vars[_local4] = _arg1[_local4]; }; if (this.initted){ this.initted = false; if (!_arg2){ init(); if (((((!(_arg2)) && ((this.cachedTime > 0)))) && ((this.cachedTime < this.cachedDuration)))){ _local5 = (1 / (1 - _local3)); _local6 = this.cachedPT1; while (_local6) { _local7 = (_local6.start + _local6.change); _local6.change = (_local6.change * _local5); _local6.start = (_local7 - _local6.change); _local6 = _local6.nextNode; }; }; }; }; } override public function set currentTime(_arg1:Number):void{ if (_cyclesComplete == 0){ } else { if (((this.yoyo) && (((_cyclesComplete % 2) == 1)))){ _arg1 = ((this.duration - _arg1) + (_cyclesComplete * (this.cachedDuration + _repeatDelay))); } else { _arg1 = (_arg1 + (_cyclesComplete * (this.duration + _repeatDelay))); }; }; setTotalTime(_arg1, false); } public function get repeatDelay():Number{ return (_repeatDelay); } public function killProperties(_arg1:Array):void{ var _local2:Object = {}; var _local3:int = _arg1.length; while (--_local3 > -1) { _local2[_arg1[_local3]] = true; }; killVars(_local2); } public function set repeatDelay(_arg1:Number):void{ _repeatDelay = _arg1; setDirtyCache(true); } public function set repeat(_arg1:int):void{ _repeat = _arg1; setDirtyCache(true); } override public function complete(_arg1:Boolean=false, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{ super.complete(_arg1, _arg2); if (((!(_arg2)) && (_dispatcher))){ if ((((this.cachedTotalTime == this.cachedTotalDuration)) && (!(this.cachedReversed)))){ _dispatcher.dispatchEvent(new TweenEvent(TweenEvent.COMPLETE)); } else { if (((this.cachedReversed) && ((this.cachedTotalTime == 0)))){ _dispatcher.dispatchEvent(new TweenEvent(TweenEvent.REVERSE_COMPLETE)); }; }; }; } override public function invalidate():void{ this.yoyo = Boolean((this.vars.yoyo == true)); _repeat = (this.vars.repeat) ? Number(this.vars.repeat) : 0; _repeatDelay = (this.vars.repeatDelay) ? Number(this.vars.repeatDelay) : 0; _hasUpdateListener = false; if (((((!((this.vars.onCompleteListener == null))) || (!((this.vars.onUpdateListener == null))))) || (!((this.vars.onStartListener == null))))){ initDispatcher(); }; setDirtyCache(true); super.invalidate(); } public function get timeScale():Number{ return (this.cachedTimeScale); } override public function get totalDuration():Number{ if (this.cacheIsDirty){ this.cachedTotalDuration = ((_repeat)==-1) ? 999999999999 : ((this.cachedDuration * (_repeat + 1)) + (_repeatDelay * _repeat)); this.cacheIsDirty = false; }; return (this.cachedTotalDuration); } public static function set globalTimeScale(_arg1:Number):void{ if (_arg1 == 0){ _arg1 = 0.0001; }; if (TweenLite.rootTimeline == null){{}, 0, {}); }; var _local2:SimpleTimeline = TweenLite.rootTimeline; var _local3:Number = (getTimer() * 0.001); _local2.cachedStartTime = (_local3 - (((_local3 - _local2.cachedStartTime) * _local2.cachedTimeScale) / _arg1)); _local2 = TweenLite.rootFramesTimeline; _local3 = TweenLite.rootFrame; _local2.cachedStartTime = (_local3 - (((_local3 - _local2.cachedStartTime) * _local2.cachedTimeScale) / _arg1)); TweenLite.rootFramesTimeline.cachedTimeScale = (TweenLite.rootTimeline.cachedTimeScale = _arg1); } public static function fromTo(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Object, _arg4:Object):TweenMax{ _arg4.startAt = _arg3; if (_arg3.immediateRender){ _arg4.immediateRender = true; }; return (new TweenMax(_arg1, _arg2, _arg4)); } public static function allFromTo(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Object, _arg4:Object, _arg5:Number=0, _arg6:Function=null, _arg7:Array=null):Array{ _arg4.startAt = _arg3; if (_arg3.immediateRender){ _arg4.immediateRender = true; }; return (allTo(_arg1, _arg2, _arg4, _arg5, _arg6, _arg7)); } public static function pauseAll(_arg1:Boolean=true, _arg2:Boolean=true):void{ changePause(true, _arg1, _arg2); } public static function getTweensOf(_arg1:Object):Array{ var _local4:int; var _local5:int; var _local2:Array = masterList[_arg1]; var _local3:Array = []; if (_local2){ _local4 = _local2.length; _local5 = 0; while (--_local4 > -1) { if (!TweenLite(_local2[_local4]).gc){ var _temp1 = _local5; _local5 = (_local5 + 1); var _local6 = _temp1; _local3[_local6] = _local2[_local4]; }; }; }; return (_local3); } public static function get globalTimeScale():Number{ return (((TweenLite.rootTimeline)==null) ? 1 : TweenLite.rootTimeline.cachedTimeScale); } public static function killChildTweensOf(_arg1:DisplayObjectContainer, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{ var _local4:Object; var _local5:DisplayObjectContainer; var _local3:Array = getAllTweens(); var _local6:int = _local3.length; while (--_local6 > -1) { _local4 = _local3[_local6].target; if ((_local4 is DisplayObject)){ _local5 = _local4.parent; while (_local5) { if (_local5 == _arg1){ if (_arg2){ _local3[_local6].complete(false); } else { _local3[_local6].setEnabled(false, false); }; }; _local5 = _local5.parent; }; }; }; } public static function delayedCall(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Function, _arg3:Array=null, _arg4:Boolean=false):TweenMax{ return (new TweenMax(_arg2, 0, {delay:_arg1, onComplete:_arg2, onCompleteParams:_arg3, immediateRender:false, useFrames:_arg4, overwrite:0})); } public static function isTweening(_arg1:Object):Boolean{ var _local4:TweenLite; var _local2:Array = getTweensOf(_arg1); var _local3:int = _local2.length; while (--_local3 > -1) { _local4 = _local2[_local3]; if ((( || ((((_local4.cachedStartTime == _local4.timeline.cachedTime)) && ({ return (true); }; }; return (false); } public static function killAll(_arg1:Boolean=false, _arg2:Boolean=true, _arg3:Boolean=true):void{ var _local5:Boolean; var _local4:Array = getAllTweens(); var _local6:int = _local4.length; while (--_local6 > -1) { _local5 = (_local4[_local6].target == _local4[_local6].vars.onComplete); if ((((_local5 == _arg3)) || (!((_local5 == _arg2))))){ if (_arg1){ _local4[_local6].complete(false); } else { _local4[_local6].setEnabled(false, false); }; }; }; } private static function changePause(_arg1:Boolean, _arg2:Boolean=true, _arg3:Boolean=false):void{ var _local5:Boolean; var _local4:Array = getAllTweens(); var _local6:int = _local4.length; while (--_local6 > -1) { _local5 = (TweenLite(_local4[_local6]).target == TweenLite(_local4[_local6]).vars.onComplete); if ((((_local5 == _arg3)) || (!((_local5 == _arg2))))){ TweenCore(_local4[_local6]).paused = _arg1; }; }; } public static function from(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Object):TweenMax{ _arg3.runBackwards = true; if (!("immediateRender" in _arg3)){ _arg3.immediateRender = true; }; return (new TweenMax(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3)); } public static function allFrom(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Object, _arg4:Number=0, _arg5:Function=null, _arg6:Array=null):Array{ _arg3.runBackwards = true; if (!("immediateRender" in _arg3)){ _arg3.immediateRender = true; }; return (allTo(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5, _arg6)); } public static function getAllTweens():Array{ var _local4:Array; var _local5:int; var _local1:Dictionary = masterList; var _local2:int; var _local3:Array = []; for each (_local4 in _local1) { _local5 = _local4.length; while (--_local5 > -1) { if (!TweenLite(_local4[_local5]).gc){ var _temp1 = _local2; _local2 = (_local2 + 1); var _local8 = _temp1; _local3[_local8] = _local4[_local5]; }; }; }; return (_local3); } public static function resumeAll(_arg1:Boolean=true, _arg2:Boolean=true):void{ changePause(false, _arg1, _arg2); } public static function to(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Object):TweenMax{ return (new TweenMax(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3)); } public static function allTo(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Object, _arg4:Number=0, _arg5:Function=null, _arg6:Array=null):Array{ var i:int; var varsDup:Object; var p:String; var onCompleteProxy:Function; var onCompleteParamsProxy:Array; var targets = _arg1; var duration = _arg2; var vars = _arg3; var stagger = _arg4; var onCompleteAll = _arg5; var onCompleteAllParams = _arg6; var l:int = targets.length; var a:Array = []; var curDelay:Number = (("delay" in vars)) ? Number(vars.delay) : 0; onCompleteProxy = vars.onComplete; onCompleteParamsProxy = vars.onCompleteParams; var lastIndex:int = ((stagger)<=0) ? 0 : (l - 1); i = 0; while (i < l) { varsDup = {}; for (p in vars) { varsDup[p] = vars[p]; }; varsDup.delay = curDelay; if ((((i == lastIndex)) && (!((onCompleteAll == null))))){ varsDup.onComplete = function ():void{ if (onCompleteProxy != null){ onCompleteProxy.apply(null, onCompleteParamsProxy); }; onCompleteAll.apply(null, onCompleteAllParams); }; }; a[a.length] = new TweenMax(targets[i], duration, varsDup); curDelay = (curDelay + stagger); i = (i + 1); }; return (a); } TweenPlugin.activate([AutoAlphaPlugin, EndArrayPlugin, FramePlugin, RemoveTintPlugin, TintPlugin, VisiblePlugin, VolumePlugin, BevelFilterPlugin, BezierPlugin, BezierThroughPlugin, BlurFilterPlugin, ColorMatrixFilterPlugin, ColorTransformPlugin, DropShadowFilterPlugin, FrameLabelPlugin, GlowFilterPlugin, HexColorsPlugin, RoundPropsPlugin, ShortRotationPlugin, {}]); } }//package com.greensock
Section 102
//AwardsService (com.spilgames.api.AwardsService) package com.spilgames.api { public class AwardsService { public static function submitAward(_arg1:String, _arg2:Function=null):int{ return (SpilGamesServices.getInstance().send("Awards", "submitAward", _arg2, {tag:_arg1, userName:User.getUserName(), userHash:User.getUserHash()})); } } }//package com.spilgames.api
Section 103
//ScoreService (com.spilgames.api.ScoreService) package com.spilgames.api { public class ScoreService { public static function submitScore(_arg1:int, _arg2:Function=null):int{ return (SpilGamesServices.getInstance().send("Score", "submitScore", _arg2, {score:_arg1, userName:User.getUserName(), userHash:User.getUserHash()})); } } }//package com.spilgames.api
Section 104
//SpilGamesServices (com.spilgames.api.SpilGamesServices) package com.spilgames.api { import*; import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.system.*; public class SpilGamesServices extends MovieClip { private var _connected:Boolean;// = false private var _connecting:Boolean;// = false private var DEFAULT_CONNECTION_LOCATION:String;// = "" private var _loader:Loader; private var _servicesConnection;// = null public static const INVALID_ID:int = -1; private static var _instance:SpilGamesServices = null; public function SpilGamesServices(_arg1:Private=null){ if (!_arg1){ throw (new Error("Cannot instantiate this class, use SpilGamesServices.getInstance")); }; } private function handleRemovedFromStage(_arg1:Event):void{ trace("WARNING: please do not remove SpilGamesServices from the stage"); } private function handleLoadComplete(_arg1:Event):void{ _loader.contentLoaderInfo.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, handleLoadComplete); _loader.contentLoaderInfo.removeEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, handleIOError); _servicesConnection = LoaderInfo(; _servicesConnection.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, handleServicesReady); _servicesConnection.addEventListener(ErrorEvent.ERROR, handleServicesFailed); _servicesConnection.addEventListener("serviceError", handleServiceError); addChild(_servicesConnection); } public function send(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:Function, _arg4:Object=null):int{ if (isReady()){ return (_servicesConnection.send(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4)); }; return (INVALID_ID); } private function handleServicesFailed(_arg1:ErrorEvent):void{ _servicesConnection.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, handleServicesReady); _servicesConnection.addEventListener(ErrorEvent.ERROR, handleServicesFailed); _servicesConnection.addEventListener("serviceError", handleServiceError); _connecting = false; if (hasEventListener("servicesFailed")){ dispatchEvent(new ErrorEvent("servicesFailed", false, false, _arg1.text)); }; } public function get version():String{ return ("1.0"); } public function isReady():Boolean{ return (((!((_servicesConnection == null))) && (_servicesConnection.isReady()))); } private function handleIOError(_arg1:IOErrorEvent):void{ _loader.contentLoaderInfo.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, handleLoadComplete); _loader.contentLoaderInfo.removeEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, handleIOError); _connecting = false; if (hasEventListener(_arg1.type)){ dispatchEvent(_arg1); }; } private function handleServiceError(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:String; if (hasEventListener("serviceError")){ _local2 = ""; if ((_arg1 is ErrorEvent)){ _local2 = ErrorEvent(_arg1).text; } else { _local2 = _arg1.toString(); }; dispatchEvent(new ErrorEvent("serviceError", false, false, _local2)); }; } public function disconnect():void{ if (_servicesConnection){ _servicesConnection.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, handleServicesReady); _servicesConnection.removeEventListener(ErrorEvent.ERROR, handleServicesFailed); _servicesConnection.removeEventListener("serviceError", handleServiceError); if (_connected){ _servicesConnection.disconnect(); }; removeChild(_servicesConnection); }; _servicesConnection = null; if (_loader){ try { _loader.close(); } catch(e:Error) { } finally { _loader.contentLoaderInfo.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, handleLoadComplete); _loader.contentLoaderInfo.removeEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, handleIOError); }; _loader = null; }; removeEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, handleRemovedFromStage); if (parent){ parent.removeChild(this); }; _connected = (_connecting = false); } private function handleServicesReady(_arg1:Event):void{ _loader.contentLoaderInfo.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, handleLoadComplete); _loader.contentLoaderInfo.removeEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, handleIOError); _connected = true; _connecting = false; dispatchEvent(new Event("servicesReady")); } public function get connection(){ return (_servicesConnection); } public function getSiteID():int{ if (_servicesConnection != null){ return (_servicesConnection.getSiteID()); }; return (INVALID_ID); } public function getChannelID():int{ if (_servicesConnection != null){ return (_servicesConnection.getChannelID()); }; return (INVALID_ID); } public function connect(_arg1:DisplayObjectContainer):void{ var _local2:URLRequest; var _local3:String; var _local4:URLVariables; var _local5:Date; if (((!(_connecting)) && (!(_connected)))){ if (!_arg1.stage){ throw (new Error("The given clip must be present in the display list (added to stage)")); }; _connecting = true; _arg1.stage.addChild(this); addEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, handleRemovedFromStage); if (((root.loaderInfo.parameters["servicesLoc"]) && ((root.loaderInfo.parameters["servicesLoc"].length > 0)))){ _local3 = root.loaderInfo.parameters["servicesLoc"]; _local2 = new URLRequest(_local3); } else { _local3 = DEFAULT_CONNECTION_LOCATION; _local4 = new URLVariables(); _local5 = new Date(); _local4.nocache = (((_local5.month + 1) * 31) +; _local2 = new URLRequest(_local3); = _local4; }; allowDomain(_local3); _loader = new Loader(); _loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, handleLoadComplete); _loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, handleIOError); _loader.load(_local2); }; } public function getItemID():int{ if (_servicesConnection != null){ return (_servicesConnection.getItemID()); }; return (INVALID_ID); } public function allowDomain(_arg1:String):void{ Security.allowDomain("*"); Security.allowInsecureDomain("*"); } public function get connecting():Boolean{ return (_connecting); } public function isDomainAllowed():Boolean{ return (((!((_servicesConnection == null))) && (_servicesConnection.isDomainValid()))); } public function bringToFront(_arg1:Event=null):void{ var e = _arg1; if (parent){ try { parent.setChildIndex(this, (parent.numChildren - 1)); } catch(e:Error) { removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, bringToFront); }; }; } public static function getInstance():SpilGamesServices{ if (!_instance){ _instance = new SpilGamesServices(new Private()); }; return (_instance); } } }//package com.spilgames.api class Private { private function Private(){ } }
Section 105
//User (com.spilgames.api.User) package com.spilgames.api { import flash.display.*; public class User { public static function getUserName():String{ var _local1:* = SpilGamesServices.getInstance().connection; if (_local1 != null){ return (_local1.getUserName()); }; return (""); } public static function isGuest():Boolean{ var _local2:DisplayObject; var _local3:Object; var _local1:* = SpilGamesServices.getInstance().connection; if (_local1 != null){ return (_local1.isGuest()); }; _local2 = SpilGamesServices.getInstance().root; if (_local2.loaderInfo != null){ _local3 = _local2.loaderInfo.parameters; return (((((((!(_local3.username)) || ((_local3.username == "")))) || (!(_local3.hash)))) || ((_local3.hash == "")))); }; return (false); } public static function getUserHash():String{ var _local1:* = SpilGamesServices.getInstance().connection; if (_local1 != null){ return (_local1.getUserHash()); }; return (""); } } }//package com.spilgames.api
Section 106
//Animal (lib.Animal) package lib { import*; import flash.display.*; public class Animal extends MovieClip { protected var petal; public function Animal(){ addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, _onloadsuper); } private function _onloadsuper(_arg1:Event):void{ removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, _onloadsuper); soundCtrl.playSound("sound_yan"); this.mouseChildren = false; this.mouseChildren = false; } protected function eat(){ soundCtrl.playSound("sound_jiao"); petal.nextFrame(); } protected function end(){ stop(); } protected function end_1(){ if (Game4._Petal_Click_List.length > 1){ gotoAndPlay("start"); dispatchEvent(new Event("EatComplete")); } else { gotoAndStop("stay"); if (x < 365){ x = 365; }; dispatchEvent(new Event("EatComplete")); }; } public function reset(_arg1){ petal = _arg1; gotoAndPlay("start"); } } }//package lib
Section 107
//Animal_happy (lib.Animal_happy) package lib { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; public class Animal_happy extends MovieClip { public var arr_bt:Array; public var Root:DocumentClass; public function Animal_happy(){ arr_bt = []; addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, _onLoad); } public function AddOnClick(_arg1, _arg2){ var _local3:*; _arg1.text = Game1.Name1; _arg2.text = Game1.Name2; for each (_local3 in arr_bt) { _local3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _click); }; } private function _click(_arg1){ switch ({ case "bt_more": case "bt_more2": GameEvent.openURL(GameEvent.url_gamecomplete); break; case "bt_next": Root.ShowScreen(GameEvent.Screen_Intro); break; case "bt_again": DocumentClass.setGA(2); Root.ShowScreen(GameEvent.Screen_Game1, 1); break; default: break; }; } private function _onLoad(_arg1){ var _local2:* = new MaskMC(); addChild(_local2); this.mask = _local2; setTimeout(huanhu, 1500); } private function huanhu():void{ soundCtrl.playSound("sound_huanhu"); } } }//package lib
Section 108
//Animal_happy_1 (lib.Animal_happy_1) package lib { import flash.text.*; public class Animal_happy_1 extends Animal_happy { public var bt_next:BT_next; public var bt_more:BT_more; public var name2:TextField; public var name1:TextField; public var bt_more2:BT_mc_logo; public var bt_again:BT_again; public function Animal_happy_1(_arg1){ Root = _arg1; arr_bt.push(bt_next, bt_again, bt_more2, bt_more); AddOnClick(name1, name2); } } }//package lib
Section 109
//Animal_happy_2 (lib.Animal_happy_2) package lib { import flash.text.*; public class Animal_happy_2 extends Animal_happy { public var bt_next:BT_next; public var bt_more:BT_more; public var name2:TextField; public var name1:TextField; public var bt_more2:BT_mc_logo; public var bt_again:BT_again; public function Animal_happy_2(_arg1){ Root = _arg1; arr_bt.push(bt_next, bt_again, bt_more2, bt_more); AddOnClick(name1, name2); } } }//package lib
Section 110
//Animal_happy_3 (lib.Animal_happy_3) package lib { import flash.text.*; public class Animal_happy_3 extends Animal_happy { public var bt_next:BT_next; public var bt_more:BT_more; public var name2:TextField; public var name1:TextField; public var bt_more2:BT_mc_logo; public var bt_again:BT_again; public function Animal_happy_3(_arg1){ Root = _arg1; arr_bt.push(bt_next, bt_again, bt_more2, bt_more); AddOnClick(name1, name2); } } }//package lib
Section 111
//Animal_happy_4 (lib.Animal_happy_4) package lib { import flash.text.*; public class Animal_happy_4 extends Animal_happy { public var bt_next:BT_next; public var bt_more:BT_more; public var name2:TextField; public var name1:TextField; public var bt_more2:BT_mc_logo; public var bt_again:BT_again; public function Animal_happy_4(_arg1){ Root = _arg1; arr_bt.push(bt_next, bt_again, bt_more2, bt_more); AddOnClick(name1, name2); } } }//package lib
Section 112
//Animal_happy_5 (lib.Animal_happy_5) package lib { import flash.text.*; public class Animal_happy_5 extends Animal_happy { public var bt_next:BT_next; public var bt_more:BT_more; public var name2:TextField; public var name1:TextField; public var bt_more2:BT_mc_logo; public var bt_again:BT_again; public function Animal_happy_5(_arg1){ Root = _arg1; arr_bt.push(bt_next, bt_again, bt_more2, bt_more); AddOnClick(name1, name2); } } }//package lib
Section 113
//Animal_sad (lib.Animal_sad) package lib { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; public class Animal_sad extends MovieClip { public var arr_bt:Array; public var Root:DocumentClass; public function Animal_sad(){ arr_bt = []; addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, _onLoad); } public function AddOnClick(_arg1, _arg2){ var _local3:*; _arg1.text = Game1.Name1; _arg2.text = Game1.Name2; for each (_local3 in arr_bt) { _local3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _click); }; } private function _click(_arg1){ switch ({ case "bt_more": case "bt_more2": GameEvent.openURL(GameEvent.url_gamecomplete); break; case "bt_next": Root.ShowScreen(GameEvent.Screen_Intro); break; case "bt_again": DocumentClass.setGA(2); Root.ShowScreen(GameEvent.Screen_Game1, 1); break; default: break; }; } private function _onLoad(_arg1){ var _local2:* = new MaskMC(); addChild(_local2); this.mask = _local2; setTimeout(huanhu, 1500); } private function huanhu():void{ soundCtrl.playSound("sound_xixu"); } } }//package lib
Section 114
//Animal_sad_1 (lib.Animal_sad_1) package lib { import flash.text.*; public class Animal_sad_1 extends Animal_sad { public var bt_next:BT_next; public var bt_more:BT_more; public var name2:TextField; public var name1:TextField; public var bt_more2:BT_mc_logo; public var bt_again:BT_again; public function Animal_sad_1(_arg1){ Root = _arg1; arr_bt.push(bt_next, bt_again, bt_more2, bt_more); AddOnClick(name1, name2); } } }//package lib
Section 115
//Animal_sad_2 (lib.Animal_sad_2) package lib { import flash.text.*; public class Animal_sad_2 extends Animal_sad { public var bt_next:BT_next; public var bt_more:BT_more; public var name2:TextField; public var name1:TextField; public var bt_more2:BT_mc_logo; public var bt_again:BT_again; public function Animal_sad_2(_arg1){ Root = _arg1; arr_bt.push(bt_next, bt_again, bt_more2, bt_more); AddOnClick(name1, name2); } } }//package lib
Section 116
//Animal_sad_3 (lib.Animal_sad_3) package lib { import flash.text.*; public class Animal_sad_3 extends Animal_sad { public var bt_next:BT_next; public var bt_more:BT_more; public var name2:TextField; public var name1:TextField; public var bt_more2:BT_mc_logo; public var bt_again:BT_again; public function Animal_sad_3(_arg1){ Root = _arg1; arr_bt.push(bt_next, bt_again, bt_more2, bt_more); AddOnClick(name1, name2); } } }//package lib
Section 117
//Animal_sad_4 (lib.Animal_sad_4) package lib { import flash.text.*; public class Animal_sad_4 extends Animal_sad { public var bt_next:BT_next; public var bt_more:BT_more; public var name2:TextField; public var name1:TextField; public var bt_more2:BT_mc_logo; public var bt_again:BT_again; public function Animal_sad_4(_arg1){ Root = _arg1; arr_bt.push(bt_next, bt_again, bt_more2, bt_more); AddOnClick(name1, name2); } } }//package lib
Section 118
//Animal_sad_5 (lib.Animal_sad_5) package lib { import flash.text.*; public class Animal_sad_5 extends Animal_sad { public var bt_next:BT_next; public var bt_more:BT_more; public var name2:TextField; public var name1:TextField; public var bt_more2:BT_mc_logo; public var bt_again:BT_again; public function Animal_sad_5(_arg1){ Root = _arg1; arr_bt.push(bt_next, bt_again, bt_more2, bt_more); AddOnClick(name1, name2); } } }//package lib
Section 119
//Animal1 (lib.Animal1) package lib { import flash.display.*; public class Animal1 extends Animal { public var mc:MovieClip; public function Animal1(_arg1){ addFrameScript(16, frame17, 24, frame25, 32, frame33, 39, frame40, 62, frame63); super.petal = _arg1; } function frame25(){ eat(); } function frame63(){ end(); } function frame17(){ eat(); mc.gotoAndPlay(1); } function frame40(){ end_1(); } function frame33(){ eat(); } } }//package lib
Section 120
//Animal2 (lib.Animal2) package lib { import flash.display.*; public class Animal2 extends Animal { public var mouth:MovieClip; public function Animal2(_arg1){ addFrameScript(6, frame7, 16, frame17, 24, frame25, 32, frame33, 39, frame40, 53, frame54); super.petal = _arg1; } function frame25(){ eat(); } function frame40(){ end_1(); } function frame7(){ mouth.gotoAndPlay(10); } function frame17(){ eat(); mouth.gotoAndPlay(1); } function frame54(){ end(); } function frame33(){ eat(); } } }//package lib
Section 121
//Animal3 (lib.Animal3) package lib { import flash.display.*; public class Animal3 extends Animal { public var mouth:MovieClip; public function Animal3(_arg1){ addFrameScript(6, frame7, 16, frame17, 22, frame23, 29, frame30, 35, frame36, 49, frame50); super.petal = _arg1; } function frame36(){ end_1(); } function frame30(){ eat(); } function frame23(){ eat(); } function frame50(){ end(); } function frame7(){ mouth.gotoAndPlay(51); } function frame17(){ eat(); mouth.gotoAndPlay(1); } } }//package lib
Section 122
//Animal4 (lib.Animal4) package lib { import flash.display.*; public class Animal4 extends Animal { public var mouth:MovieClip; public function Animal4(_arg1){ addFrameScript(6, frame7, 16, frame17, 23, frame24, 30, frame31, 37, frame38, 52, frame53); super.petal = _arg1; } function frame53(){ end(); } function frame38(){ end_1(); } function frame7(){ mouth.gotoAndPlay(10); } function frame17(){ eat(); mouth.gotoAndPlay(1); } function frame31(){ eat(); } function frame24(){ eat(); } } }//package lib
Section 123
//Animal5 (lib.Animal5) package lib { import flash.display.*; public class Animal5 extends Animal { public var mouth:MovieClip; public function Animal5(_arg1){ addFrameScript(6, frame7, 16, frame17, 23, frame24, 30, frame31, 36, frame37, 50, frame51); super.petal = _arg1; } function frame37(){ end_1(); } function frame51(){ end(); } function frame7(){ mouth.gotoAndPlay(51); } function frame17(){ eat(); mouth.gotoAndPlay(1); } function frame31(){ eat(); } function frame24(){ eat(); } } }//package lib
Section 124
//Award_BaseClass (lib.Award_BaseClass) package lib { import flash.utils.*; public class Award_BaseClass { private static var id:int; public static function Sub_Award1():void{ if ((((userData.num_EatPetal >= 30)) && ((DocumentClass._award_EatPetal < 5)))){ if (userData.awardArr[0] == 0){ userData.awardArr[0] = 1; }; trace("award1:吃掉30个花瓣"); DocumentClass._award_EatPetal = (DocumentClass._award_EatPetal + 1); DocumentClass.setAward(DocumentClass.tg1); }; clearTimeout(id); id = setTimeout(savedate, 1000); } public static function Sub_Award2():void{ if ((((userData.num_SelectBee >= 10)) && ((DocumentClass._award_SelectBee < 5)))){ if (userData.awardArr[1] == 0){ userData.awardArr[1] = 1; }; trace("award2:选择蜜蜂10次"); DocumentClass._award_SelectBee = (DocumentClass._award_SelectBee + 1); DocumentClass.setAward(DocumentClass.tg2); }; clearTimeout(id); id = setTimeout(savedate, 1000); } public static function Sub_Award3():void{ var _local2:*; userData.saveData(); var _local1:* = 0; for each (_local2 in userData.arr_EachFlower) { _local1 = (_local1 + _local2); }; if (_local1 != 5){ return; }; if (DocumentClass._award_EachFlower < 5){ if (userData.awardArr[2] == 0){ userData.awardArr[2] = 1; }; trace("award3:每朵花都选择过一次"); DocumentClass._award_EachFlower = (DocumentClass._award_EachFlower + 1); DocumentClass.setAward(DocumentClass.tg3); }; } public static function Sub_Award5():void{ if ((((userData.num_SeeResult >= 30)) && ((DocumentClass._award_SeeResult < 5)))){ if (userData.awardArr[4] == 0){ userData.awardArr[4] = 1; }; trace("award5:看到30次结果"); DocumentClass._award_SeeResult = (DocumentClass._award_SeeResult + 1); DocumentClass.setAward(DocumentClass.tg5); }; clearTimeout(id); id = setTimeout(savedate, 1000); } private static function savedate():void{ userData.saveData(); } public static function Sub_Award4():void{ if ((((userData.num_LoveResult >= 5)) && ((DocumentClass._award_LoveResult < 5)))){ if (userData.awardArr[3] == 0){ userData.awardArr[3] = 1; }; userData.num_LoveResult = 0; userData.saveData(); trace("award4:得到五次爱我的结果"); DocumentClass._award_LoveResult = (DocumentClass._award_LoveResult + 1); DocumentClass.setAward(DocumentClass.tg4); }; clearTimeout(id); id = setTimeout(savedate, 1000); } } }//package lib
Section 125
//ChinaLogo (lib.ChinaLogo) package lib { import*; import*; import flash.display.*; public class ChinaLogo extends MovieClip { private var Root:DocumentClass; public var bt:SimpleButton; public function ChinaLogo(_arg1:DocumentClass){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 238, frame239, 239, frame240); Root = _arg1; bt.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, _down); } private function logoend(){ Root.ShowScreen_immediately(GameEvent.Screen_Intro); } private function _down(_arg1){ navigateToURL(new URLRequest(""), "_blank"); } function frame240(){ stop(); trace("chinalogo停止"); } function frame1(){ } function frame239(){ logoend(); } } }//package lib
Section 126
//DocumentClass (lib.DocumentClass) package lib { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; import spill.localisation.*; import com.greensock.*; import*; import com.spilgames.api.*; import flash.utils.*; import com.greensock.easing.*; import flash.external.*; public class DocumentClass extends MovieClip { public var soundctrl:soundCtrl; var bmp:BitmapData; var bit:Bitmap; private var screenchange:ScreenChange; private var firstTime:Boolean;// = true private var ScreenMoveEnd:Boolean;// = true private var loader_game:Sprite; private var mcModen:int; private var game_page:String;// = "Romance-Flower.html" var bit2:Bitmap; private var loader_screenchange:Sprite; var bmp2:BitmapData; private var FX:int; private var mc1; private var mc2; private var loader_change:Sprite; var fps:FPS; public static var _tracker:AnalyticsTracker; public static var _tracker_Unlocked_all_awards:int = 0; public static var _tracker_ingame_sound_button:int = 0; public static var _tracker_main_music_button:int = 0; public static var _award_SeeResult:int = 0; public static var _award_LoveResult:int = 0; public static var _tracker_ingame_quality_button:int = 0; public static var gameName:String = "Romance Flower"; public static var tg2 = "award2"; public static var tg4 = "award4"; public static var _award_SelectBee:int = 0; public static var tg3 = "award3"; public static var _tracker_main_sound_button:int = 0; public static var _tracker_mainscreen:int = 0; public static var _award_EachFlower:int = 0; public static var tg1 = "award1"; public static var tg5 = "award5"; public static var _tracker_main_quality_button:int = 0; public static var _award_EatPetal:int = 0; public static var _tracker_ingame_music_button:int = 0; public static var _tracker_Outcome_viewed:int = 0; public static var game_name:String = "Romance_Flower"; public static var _tracker_Play_again:int = 0; public function DocumentClass(){ bmp = new BitmapData(700, 510, false); bit = new Bitmap(bmp); bmp2 = new BitmapData(700, 510, false); bit2 = new Bitmap(bmp2); super(); addFrameScript(13, frame14, 27, frame28, 41, frame42, 43, frame44, 56, frame57, 72, frame73, 85, frame86, 96, frame97, 106, frame107, 117, frame118, 128, frame129, 138, frame139, 150, frame151, 162, frame163, 173, frame174, 183, frame184, 193, frame194, 203, frame204, 211, frame212, 221, frame222, 231, frame232, 241, frame242, 249, frame250, 258, frame259, 263, frame264, 269, frame270, 276, frame277, 283, frame284, 290, frame291, 298, frame299, 356, frame357, 366, frame367, 379, frame380, 388, frame389, 402, frame403, 413, frame414, 424, frame425, 435, frame436, 445, frame446, 455, frame456, 465, frame466, 475, frame476, 485, frame486, 495, frame496); var _local1:XML = <LocalisedText><textItem identifier="Nature_s_love_test_"><en_us><![CDATA[Nature's love test!]]></en_us><en_uk><![CDATA[Nature's love test!]]></en_uk><nl><![CDATA[De liefdestest van de natuur!]]></nl><fr><![CDATA[Le test d'amour de la nature !]]></fr><de><![CDATA[Der natürliche Liebestest!]]></de><es><![CDATA[¡Test de amor a lo natural!]]></es><br><![CDATA[O teste natural do amor!]]></br><pt><![CDATA[O teste do amor da natureza!]]></pt><it><![CDATA[Il test d'amore della natura!]]></it><se><![CDATA[Naturens kärlekstest!]]></se><pl><![CDATA[Naturalny test miłości!]]></pl><ru><![CDATA[Любит или не любит? Узнай ответ!]]></ru><id><![CDATA[Tes cinta alamiah!]]></id><ar><![CDATA[Nature's love test!]]></ar><jp><![CDATA[お花のラブテスト!]]></jp><cn><![CDATA[大自然的爱情测试。]]></cn><es_mx><![CDATA[¡La prueba de amor de la naturaleza!]]></es_mx><es_ar><![CDATA[El test del amor de la naturaleza]]></es_ar></textItem><textItem identifier="loading"><en_us><![CDATA[Loading…]]></en_us><en_uk><![CDATA[Loading...]]></en_uk><nl><![CDATA[Aan het laden…]]></nl><fr><![CDATA[Chargement...]]></fr><de><![CDATA[Wird geladen…]]></de><es><![CDATA[Cargando...]]></es><br><![CDATA[Carregando…]]></br><pt><![CDATA[A carregar...]]></pt><it><![CDATA[Caricamento…]]></it><se><![CDATA[Laddar …]]></se><pl><![CDATA[Ładowanie…]]></pl><ru><![CDATA[Загрузка…]]></ru><id><![CDATA[Memuat…]]></id><ar><![CDATA[Loading…]]></ar><jp><![CDATA[ロード中…]]></jp><cn><![CDATA[正在加载游戏…]]></cn><es_mx><![CDATA[Cargando...]]></es_mx><es_ar><![CDATA[Cargando...]]></es_ar></textItem><textItem identifier="Play"><en_us><![CDATA[Play]]></en_us><en_uk><![CDATA[Play]]></en_uk><nl><![CDATA[Spelen]]></nl><fr><![CDATA[Jouer]]></fr><de><![CDATA[Spielen]]></de><es><![CDATA[Jugar]]></es><br><![CDATA[Jogar]]></br><pt><![CDATA[Jogar]]></pt><it><![CDATA[Gioca]]></it><se><![CDATA[Spela]]></se><pl><![CDATA[Graj]]></pl><ru><![CDATA[Играть]]></ru><id><![CDATA[Mainkan]]></id><ar><![CDATA[Play]]></ar><jp><![CDATA[スタート]]></jp><cn><![CDATA[开始游戏]]></cn><es_mx><![CDATA[Jugar]]></es_mx><es_ar><![CDATA[Jugar]]></es_ar></textItem><textItem identifier="More_Games"><en_us><![CDATA[More Games]]></en_us><en_uk><![CDATA[More Games]]></en_uk><nl><![CDATA[Meer spelletjes]]></nl><fr><![CDATA[Plus de jeux]]></fr><de><![CDATA[Mehr Spiele]]></de><es><![CDATA[Más juegos]]></es><br><![CDATA[Mais jogos]]></br><pt><![CDATA[Mais jogos]]></pt><it><![CDATA[Più giochi]]></it><se><![CDATA[Fler spel]]></se><pl><![CDATA[Więcej gier]]></pl><ru><![CDATA[Другие игры]]></ru><id><![CDATA[Game Lainnya]]></id><ar><![CDATA[More Games]]></ar><jp><![CDATA[他のゲームで遊ぶ]]></jp><cn><![CDATA[更多游戏]]></cn><es_mx><![CDATA[Más juegos]]></es_mx><es_ar><![CDATA[Más juegos]]></es_ar></textItem><textItem identifier="Name_1_"><en_us><![CDATA[Name 1:]]></en_us><en_uk><![CDATA[Name 1:]]></en_uk><nl><![CDATA[Naam 1:]]></nl><fr><![CDATA[Nom 1 :]]></fr><de><![CDATA[Name 1:]]></de><es><![CDATA[Nombre 1:]]></es><br><![CDATA[Nome 1:]]></br><pt><![CDATA[Nome 1:]]></pt><it><![CDATA[Nome 1:]]></it><se><![CDATA[Namn 1:]]></se><pl><![CDATA[Imię 1:]]></pl><ru><![CDATA[1-е имя:]]></ru><id><![CDATA[Nama 1:]]></id><ar><![CDATA[Name 1:]]></ar><jp><![CDATA[名前1:]]></jp><cn><![CDATA[名字一:]]></cn><es_mx><![CDATA[Nombre 1:]]></es_mx><es_ar><![CDATA[Nombre 1:]]></es_ar></textItem><textItem identifier="Name_2_"><en_us><![CDATA[Name 2:]]></en_us><en_uk><![CDATA[Name 2:]]></en_uk><nl><![CDATA[Naam 2:]]></nl><fr><![CDATA[Nom 2 :]]></fr><de><![CDATA[Name 2:]]></de><es><![CDATA[Nombre 2:]]></es><br><![CDATA[Nome 2:]]></br><pt><![CDATA[Nome 2:]]></pt><it><![CDATA[Nome 2:]]></it><se><![CDATA[Namn 2:]]></se><pl><![CDATA[Imię 2:]]></pl><ru><![CDATA[2-е имя:]]></ru><id><![CDATA[Nama 2:]]></id><ar><![CDATA[Name 2:]]></ar><jp><![CDATA[名前2:]]></jp><cn><![CDATA[名字二:]]></cn><es_mx><![CDATA[Nombre 2:]]></es_mx><es_ar><![CDATA[Nombre 2:]]></es_ar></textItem><textItem identifier="Type_Name_Here"><en_us><![CDATA[Type Name Here]]></en_us><en_uk><![CDATA[Type name here…]]></en_uk><nl><![CDATA[Vul naam in...]]></nl><fr><![CDATA[Écris le nom ici]]></fr><de><![CDATA[Gib hier die Namen ein...]]></de><es><![CDATA[Escribe el nombre aquí]]></es><br><![CDATA[Escreva o nome aqui]]></br><pt><![CDATA[Escreve o nome aqui]]></pt><it><![CDATA[Digita qui il nome]]></it><se><![CDATA[Skriv namn här]]></se><pl><![CDATA[Wpisz tu swoje imię]]></pl><ru><![CDATA[Введи имя здесь]]></ru><id><![CDATA[Ketik nama di sini…]]></id><ar><![CDATA[Type Name Here]]></ar><jp><![CDATA[ここに名前を入力してください]]></jp><cn><![CDATA[在此输入名字]]></cn><es_mx><![CDATA[Escribe el nombre aquí]]></es_mx><es_ar><![CDATA[Escribí el nombre acá]]></es_ar></textItem><textItem identifier="Enter_Names"><en_us><![CDATA[Enter Names]]></en_us><en_uk><![CDATA[Enter Names]]></en_uk><nl><![CDATA[Namen invullen]]></nl><fr><![CDATA[Écris les noms]]></fr><de><![CDATA[Namen eingeben]]></de><es><![CDATA[Escribir nombres]]></es><br><![CDATA[Insira os nomes]]></br><pt><![CDATA[Introduz os nomes]]></pt><it><![CDATA[Inserisci i nomi]]></it><se><![CDATA[Ange namn]]></se><pl><![CDATA[Wpisz imiona]]></pl><ru><![CDATA[Введи имена]]></ru><id><![CDATA[Masukkan Nama]]></id><ar><![CDATA[Enter Names]]></ar><jp><![CDATA[名前を入力する]]></jp><cn><![CDATA[输入名字]]></cn><es_mx><![CDATA[Ingresa los nombres]]></es_mx><es_ar><![CDATA[Escribí los nombres]]></es_ar></textItem><textItem identifier="Pick_a_Flower"><en_us><![CDATA[Pick a Flower]]></en_us><en_uk><![CDATA[Choose a Flower]]></en_uk><nl><![CDATA[Kies een bloem]]></nl><fr><![CDATA[Choisis une fleur]]></fr><de><![CDATA[Wähle eine Blume]]></de><es><![CDATA[Coge una flor]]></es><br><![CDATA[Selecione uma flor]]></br><pt><![CDATA[Escolhe uma flor]]></pt><it><![CDATA[Scegli un fiore]]></it><se><![CDATA[Välj en blomma]]></se><pl><![CDATA[Wybierz kwiat]]></pl><ru><![CDATA[Выбери цветок]]></ru><id><![CDATA[Pilih Bunga]]></id><ar><![CDATA[Pick a Flower]]></ar><jp><![CDATA[花を選んでください]]></jp><cn><![CDATA[挑选一种花]]></cn><es_mx><![CDATA[Escoge una flor]]></es_mx><es_ar><![CDATA[Elegí una flor]]></es_ar></textItem><textItem identifier="Pick_a_Helper"><en_us><![CDATA[Pick a Helper]]></en_us><en_uk><![CDATA[Choose a Helper]]></en_uk><nl><![CDATA[Kies een hulpje]]></nl><fr><![CDATA[Choisis une aide]]></fr><de><![CDATA[Wähle einen Helfer]]></de><es><![CDATA[Coge un ayudante]]></es><br><![CDATA[Escolha a ajudante]]></br><pt><![CDATA[Escolhe ajudante]]></pt><it><![CDATA[Scegli un aiutante]]></it><se><![CDATA[Välj hjälpreda]]></se><pl><![CDATA[Wybierz pomocnika]]></pl><ru><![CDATA[Выбери помощника]]></ru><id><![CDATA[Pilih Pembantu]]></id><ar><![CDATA[Pick a Helper]]></ar><jp><![CDATA[フラワーヘルパーを選んでください]]></jp><cn><![CDATA[挑选一个帮助者]]></cn><es_mx><![CDATA[Escoge un ayudante]]></es_mx><es_ar><![CDATA[Elegí un ayudante]]></es_ar></textItem><textItem identifier="Is_It_Love"><en_us><![CDATA[Is It Love?]]></en_us><en_uk><![CDATA[Is It Love?]]></en_uk><nl><![CDATA[Echte liefde?]]></nl><fr><![CDATA[Le grand amour ?]]></fr><de><![CDATA[Ist es Liebe?]]></de><es><![CDATA[¿Hay amor?]]></es><br><![CDATA[É amor?]]></br><pt><![CDATA[É amor?]]></pt><it><![CDATA[È vero amore?]]></it><se><![CDATA[Är det kärlek?]]></se><pl><![CDATA[Czy to miłość?]]></pl><ru><![CDATA[Любит? Не любит?]]></ru><id><![CDATA[Apakah itu Cinta?]]></id><ar><![CDATA[Is It Love?]]></ar><jp><![CDATA[ラブラブでしょうか…]]></jp><cn><![CDATA[这是爱情吗?]]></cn><es_mx><![CDATA[¿Es amor?]]></es_mx><es_ar><![CDATA[¿Hay amor?]]></es_ar></textItem><textItem identifier="More_quizzes_at_"><en_us><![CDATA[More quizzes at:]]></en_us><en_uk><![CDATA[More quizzes at:]]></en_uk><nl><![CDATA[Meer quizzen op:]]></nl><fr><![CDATA[Plus de quiz sur :]]></fr><de><![CDATA[Mehr Tests auf:]]></de><es><![CDATA[Más juegos de concursos en:]]></es><br><![CDATA[Mais jogos de teste em:]]></br><pt><![CDATA[Mais jogos de inquérito em:]]></pt><it><![CDATA[Più quiz su:]]></it><se><![CDATA[Fler quiz-spel på:]]></se><pl><![CDATA[Więcej quizów na:]]></pl><ru><![CDATA[Другие тесты на:]]></ru><id><![CDATA[Kuis lainnya di:]]></id><ar><![CDATA[More quizzes at:]]></ar><jp><![CDATA[他のクイズゲームで遊ぶなら:]]></jp><cn><![CDATA[更多问答游戏,尽在:]]></cn><es_mx><![CDATA[Más juegos de preguntas en:]]></es_mx><es_ar><![CDATA[Más juegos divertidos en:]]></es_ar></textItem></LocalisedText> ; SpilGame.importXMLv2(_local1); trace("Language Data Succesfully included"); var _local2:Array = Font.enumerateFonts(); var _local3:int; while (_local3 < _local2.length) { trace(_local2[_local3].fontName); _local3++; }; Languages.initialize(); SpilGame.initialize(game_name, PortalGroup.GIRL, game_page, this, true); stop(); mcModen = 1; addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, _onLoad); } function frame151(){ stop(); } function frame28(){ prevFrame(); } private function getBitmapdata_Next():void{ bmp2.draw(this[("mc" + getNextMcModen())]); this[("mc" + mcModen)].addChild(bit2); } private function _onLoad(_arg1:Event):void{ removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, _onLoad); soundctrl = new soundCtrl(); var _local2:* = new MaskMC(); addChild(_local2); this.mask = _local2; var _local3:* = new Loading(this); addChild(_local3); } function frame476(){ stop(); } function frame357(){ stop(); } function frame73(){ stop(); } function frame118(){ stop(); } function getNextMcModen():int{ if (mcModen == 1){ return (2); }; return (1); } function frame232(){ stop(); } function frame277(){ stop(); } function frame436(){ stop(); } function frame242(){ stop(); } function frame367(){ stop(); } public function ShowScreen_immediately(_arg1:String, _arg2:int=-1){ FX = _arg2; ScreenMoveEnd = false; if (_arg1.indexOf("Animal_happy_") == 0){ soundCtrl.playMusic("music_complete"); }; if (_arg1.indexOf("Animal_sad_") == 0){ soundCtrl.playMusic("music_failed", 1); }; switch (_arg1){ case GameEvent.Screen_Intro: soundCtrl.playMusic("music_mainscreen"); this[("mc" + getNextMcModen())] = new Intro(this); loader_game.addChild(this[("mc" + getNextMcModen())]); break; case GameEvent.Screen_Game1: soundCtrl.playMusic("music_mainscreen"); this[("mc" + getNextMcModen())] = new Game1(this); loader_game.addChild(this[("mc" + getNextMcModen())]); break; case GameEvent.Screen_Game2: this[("mc" + getNextMcModen())] = new Game2(this); loader_game.addChild(this[("mc" + getNextMcModen())]); break; case GameEvent.Screen_Game3: this[("mc" + getNextMcModen())] = new Game3(this); loader_game.addChild(this[("mc" + getNextMcModen())]); break; case GameEvent.Screen_Game4: this[("mc" + getNextMcModen())] = new Game4(this); loader_game.addChild(this[("mc" + getNextMcModen())]); break; case "Animal_happy_1": this[("mc" + getNextMcModen())] = new Animal_happy_1(this); loader_game.addChild(this[("mc" + getNextMcModen())]); break; case "Animal_happy_2": this[("mc" + getNextMcModen())] = new Animal_happy_2(this); loader_game.addChild(this[("mc" + getNextMcModen())]); break; case "Animal_happy_3": this[("mc" + getNextMcModen())] = new Animal_happy_3(this); loader_game.addChild(this[("mc" + getNextMcModen())]); break; case "Animal_happy_4": this[("mc" + getNextMcModen())] = new Animal_happy_4(this); loader_game.addChild(this[("mc" + getNextMcModen())]); break; case "Animal_happy_5": this[("mc" + getNextMcModen())] = new Animal_happy_5(this); loader_game.addChild(this[("mc" + getNextMcModen())]); break; case "Animal_sad_1": this[("mc" + getNextMcModen())] = new Animal_sad_1(this); loader_game.addChild(this[("mc" + getNextMcModen())]); break; case "Animal_sad_2": this[("mc" + getNextMcModen())] = new Animal_sad_2(this); loader_game.addChild(this[("mc" + getNextMcModen())]); break; case "Animal_sad_3": this[("mc" + getNextMcModen())] = new Animal_sad_3(this); loader_game.addChild(this[("mc" + getNextMcModen())]); break; case "Animal_sad_4": this[("mc" + getNextMcModen())] = new Animal_sad_4(this); loader_game.addChild(this[("mc" + getNextMcModen())]); break; case "Animal_sad_5": this[("mc" + getNextMcModen())] = new Animal_sad_5(this); loader_game.addChild(this[("mc" + getNextMcModen())]); break; default: break; }; if ((((_arg1.indexOf("Animal_happy_") == 0)) || ((_arg1.indexOf("Animal_sad_") == 0)))){ MoveEnd(); } else { this[("mc" + getNextMcModen())].visible = false; setTimeout(getBitmapdata, 0.3); setTimeout(getBitmapdata_Next, 0.3); setTimeout(ShowMC, 0.4); }; } function frame204(){ stop(); } public function MoveEnd():void{ ScreenMoveEnd = true; this[("mc" + getNextMcModen())].visible = true; loader_game.removeChild(this[("mc" + mcModen)]); mcModen++; if (mcModen > 2){ mcModen = 1; }; } function frame42(){ prevFrame(); } function frame486(){ stop(); } function frame44(){ stop(); } function frame163(){ stop(); } function frame403(){ stop(); } function frame86(){ stop(); } function frame284(){ stop(); } function frame291(){ stop(); } function frame250(){ stop(); } function frame174(){ stop(); } function frame496(){ stop(); } private function onServicesReady(_arg1:Event):void{ trace("连接成功"); } function frame259(){ stop(); } function frame139(){ stop(); } function frame299(){ stop(); } private function getBitmapdata(){ bmp.draw(this[("mc" + mcModen)]); var i:int = (this[("mc" + mcModen)].numChildren - 1); while (i > -1) { try { this[("mc" + mcModen)].removeChildAt(i); } catch(err) { trace(" 移除报错"); }; i = (i - 1); }; this[("mc" + mcModen)].addChild(bit); } function frame14(){ prevFrame(); } function frame414(){ stop(); } function frame212(){ stop(); } function frame57(){ stop(); } function frame456(){ stop(); } function frame129(){ stop(); } function frame97(){ stop(); } function frame380(){ stop(); } function frame184(){ stop(); } function frame446(){ stop(); } function frame222(){ stop(); } function frame389(){ stop(); } function frame107(){ stop(); } function frame466(){ stop(); } public function ShowScreen(_arg1:String, _arg2:int=-1){ var _local3:*; var _local4:SpilGamesServices; if (!ScreenMoveEnd){ return; }; if (firstTime){ firstTime = false; userData.init(); _local3 = new TestInfo(); addChild(_local3); _local3.alpha = 0.8; loader_game = new Sprite(); addChild(loader_game); loader_change = new Sprite(); addChild(loader_change); loader_screenchange = new Sprite(); addChild(loader_screenchange); _tracker = new GATracker(this, "UA-6695967-1", "AS3", false); if (_tracker_mainscreen == 0){ trace("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!提交:Mainscreen viewed"); _tracker_mainscreen++; _tracker.trackEvent(gameName, "mainscreen viewed", "per session", 0); }; _local4 = SpilGamesServices.getInstance(); _local4.addEventListener("servicesReady", onServicesReady); _local4.addEventListener("servicesFailed", onServicesFailed); _local4.connect(this); if ( == "cn"){ this[("mc" + mcModen)] = new ChinaLogo(this); loader_game.addChild(this[("mc" + mcModen)]); } else { soundCtrl.playMusic("music_mainscreen"); this[("mc" + mcModen)] = new Intro(this); loader_game.addChild(this[("mc" + mcModen)]); }; } else { if ((((_arg1.indexOf("Animal_happy_") == 0)) || ((_arg1.indexOf("Animal_sad_") == 0)))){ screenchange = new ScreenChange(this, _arg1); loader_screenchange.addChild(screenchange); } else { ShowScreen_immediately(_arg1, _arg2); }; }; } function frame425(){ stop(); } function frame264(){ stop(); } private function ShowMC():void{ if (FX == -1){ bit2.x = 698;[("mc" + mcModen)], 0.4, {x:-700, ease:Expo.easeOut, onComplete:MoveEnd}); } else { bit2.x = -700;[("mc" + mcModen)], 0.4, {x:700, ease:Expo.easeOut, onComplete:MoveEnd}); }; } private function onServicesFailed(_arg1:ErrorEvent):void{ trace("连接失败"); } function frame270(){ stop(); } function frame194(){ stop(); } public static function setGA(_arg1):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; if (_arg1 == 1){ if (_tracker_Unlocked_all_awards == 0){ _local2 = 0; for each (_local3 in userData.awardArr) { _local2 = (_local2 + _local3); }; if (_local2 == 5){ trace("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!提交:Unlocked_all_awards"); _tracker_Unlocked_all_awards = (_tracker_Unlocked_all_awards + 1); _tracker.trackEvent(gameName, "Unlocked_all_awards", "per session", 0); }; }; }; if (_arg1 == 2){ if (_tracker_Play_again == 0){ trace("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!提交:Play again"); _tracker_Play_again = (_tracker_Play_again + 1); _tracker.trackEvent(gameName, "Play again", "per session", 0); }; }; if (_arg1 == 3){ if (_tracker_Outcome_viewed == 0){ trace("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!提交:Outcome viewed"); _tracker_Outcome_viewed = (_tracker_Outcome_viewed + 1); _tracker.trackEvent(gameName, "Outcome viewed", "per session", 0); }; }; if (_arg1 == 4){ if (_tracker_main_quality_button == 0){ trace("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!提交:main quality button"); _tracker_main_quality_button = (_tracker_main_quality_button + 1); _tracker.trackEvent(gameName, "main quality button", "per session", 0); }; }; if (_arg1 == 5){ if (_tracker_main_music_button == 0){ trace("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!提交:main music button"); _tracker_main_music_button = (_tracker_main_music_button + 1); _tracker.trackEvent(gameName, "main music button", "per session", 0); }; }; if (_arg1 == 6){ if (_tracker_main_sound_button == 0){ trace("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!提交:main sound button"); _tracker_main_sound_button = (_tracker_main_sound_button + 1); _tracker.trackEvent(gameName, "main sound button", "per session", 0); }; }; if (_arg1 == 7){ if (_tracker_ingame_quality_button == 0){ trace("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!提交:ingame quality button"); _tracker_ingame_quality_button = (_tracker_ingame_quality_button + 1); _tracker.trackEvent(gameName, "ingame quality button", "per session", 0); }; }; if (_arg1 == 8){ if (_tracker_ingame_music_button == 0){ trace("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!提交:ingame music button"); _tracker_ingame_music_button = (_tracker_ingame_music_button + 1); _tracker.trackEvent(gameName, "ingame music button", "per session", 0); }; }; if (_arg1 == 9){ if (_tracker_ingame_sound_button == 0){ trace("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!提交:ingame sound button"); _tracker_ingame_sound_button = (_tracker_ingame_sound_button + 1); _tracker.trackEvent(gameName, "ingame sound button", "per session", 0); }; }; } private static function resetPage():void{"function(){window.location.reload(true);}"); } public static function setAwardScore(_arg1){ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:*; var _local5:*; var _local6:*; trace("提交成绩", _arg1); if (SpilGame.currentLanguage.bwcId != 2){ ScoreService.submitScore(_arg1); } else { _local2 = new Date(); _local3 = _local2.getTime(); _local4 = Random.SortT(); _local5 = Random.hex_average((((String(Random.gameID) + _arg1) + _local4) + _local3)); Random.DrawLine(_local5, _local4, 10, 10, 15, 15); _local6 = Random.strqq; Random.senturl(_arg1, _local4, _local6, _local3); setTimeout(resetPage, 1000); }; return (true); } public static function setAward(_arg1){ AwardsService.submitAward(_arg1); setGA(1); } } }//package lib
Section 127
//Effect1 (lib.Effect1) package lib { import*; import flash.display.*; import com.greensock.*; public class Effect1 extends MovieClip { private var speed:Array; public function Effect1(){ addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, _onLoad); } private function _onFrame(_arg1){ var _local3:*; var _local4:Boolean; var _local2:* = 0; while (_local2 < numChildren) { _local3 = getChildAt(_local2); _local3.rotation = (_local3.rotation + 5); _local3.x = (_local3.x - 2); _local3.y = (_local3.y + speed[_local2]); _local4 = false; if (_local3.x < (-1 * _local3.width)){ _local4 = true; }; if (_local3.y > 530){ _local4 = true; }; if (_local4){ _local3.x = ((Math.random() * 750) + 90); _local3.y = -20; }; _local2++; }; } private function _onLoad(_arg1){ removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, _onLoad); addEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, _onUnload); speed = []; var _local2:* = 0; while (_local2 < numChildren) { speed[_local2] = ((Math.random() * 5) + 2); _local2++; }; addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, _onFrame); } private function _onUnload(_arg1){ removeEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, _onUnload); removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, _onFrame); } } }//package lib
Section 128
//Effect2 (lib.Effect2) package lib { import*; import flash.display.*; import com.greensock.*; public class Effect2 extends MovieClip { public function Effect2(){ addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, _onLoad); } private function _onLoad(_arg1){ var _local3:*; var _local4:*; removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, _onLoad); addEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, _onUnload); var _local2:* = 0; while (_local2 < numChildren) { _local3 = getChildAt(_local2); if ((_local3 is MovieClip)){ _local3.addEventListener("End", _end); _local4 = (int((Math.random() * MovieClip(_local3).totalFrames)) + 1); _local3.gotoAndPlay(_local4); }; _local2++; }; } private function _onUnload(_arg1){ removeEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, _onUnload); } private function _end(_arg1){ var _local2:* =; if ((_local2 is MovieClip)){ _local2.x = ((Math.random() * 600) + 50); _local2.y = ((Math.random() * 460) + 5); }; } } }//package lib
Section 129
//FlowerAnimal (lib.FlowerAnimal) package lib { import*; import flash.display.*; import com.greensock.*; import com.greensock.easing.*; public class FlowerAnimal extends MovieClip { private var _big:Boolean;// = false public var fanwei:MovieClip; public var choose:MovieClip; private var y1:Number; public function FlowerAnimal(){ addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, _onLoad); } public function big(){ _big = true;, 0.3, {y:y1, scaleX:1.3, scaleY:1.3, glowFilter:{color:0xFFFFFF, alpha:1, blurX:5, blurY:5, strength:10}, ease:Back.easeOut}); choose.visible = true; } private function _onLoad(_arg1){ removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, _onLoad); mouseChildren = false; buttonMode = true; addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, _mouseOver); addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, _mouseOut); choose.visible = false; y1 = this.y; } public function small(){ _big = false;, 0.3, {y:y1, scaleX:1, scaleY:1, glowFilter:{remove:true}, ease:Back.easeOut}); choose.visible = false; } private function _mouseOut(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (!_big){, 0.2, {y:y1, glowFilter:{remove:true}, ease:Back.easeOut}); fanwei.scaleX = (fanwei.scaleY = 1); }; } private function _mouseOver(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (!_big){ soundCtrl.playSound("sound_over2");, 0.2, {y:(y - 23), glowFilter:{color:0xFFFFFF, alpha:1, blurX:5, blurY:5, strength:10}, ease:Back.easeOut}); fanwei.scaleX = (fanwei.scaleY = 1.2); }; } } }//package lib
Section 130
//FlowerChoose (lib.FlowerChoose) package lib { import*; import flash.display.*; import com.greensock.*; import com.greensock.easing.*; public class FlowerChoose extends MovieClip { private var _big:Boolean;// = false public var choose:MovieClip; private var y1:Number; public function FlowerChoose(){ addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, _onLoad); } public function big(){ _big = true; soundCtrl.playSound("sound_click2");, 0.3, {y:(y1 - 25), scaleX:1.4, scaleY:1.4, glowFilter:{color:0xFFFFFF, alpha:1, blurX:5, blurY:5, strength:10}, ease:Back.easeOut}); choose.visible = true; } private function _onLoad(_arg1){ removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, _onLoad); mouseChildren = false; buttonMode = true; addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, _mouseOver); addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, _mouseOut); choose.visible = false; y1 = this.y; } public function small(){ _big = false;, 0.3, {y:y1, scaleX:1, scaleY:1, glowFilter:{remove:true}, ease:Back.easeOut}); choose.visible = false; } private function _mouseOut(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (!_big){, 0.2, {y:y1, glowFilter:{remove:true}, ease:Back.easeOut}); }; } private function _mouseOver(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (!_big){ soundCtrl.playSound("sound_over2");, 0.2, {y:(y1 - 25), glowFilter:{color:0xFFFFFF, alpha:1, blurX:5, blurY:5, strength:10}, ease:Back.easeOut}); }; } } }//package lib
Section 131
//FlowerEat1 (lib.FlowerEat1) package lib { import*; import flash.display.*; public class FlowerEat1 extends MovieClip { public var mouseui:MovieClip; public var total_num:int;// = 0 public var flower:MovieClip; public function FlowerEat1(){ addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, _onLoad); } function _onLoad(_arg1){ if (Game2.Love == 0){ total_num = 25; } else { flower.visible = false; total_num = 20; }; } } }//package lib
Section 132
//FlowerEat2 (lib.FlowerEat2) package lib { import*; import flash.display.*; public class FlowerEat2 extends MovieClip { public var flower0:MovieClip; public var flower1:MovieClip; public var mouseui:MovieClip; public var total_num:int;// = 0 public function FlowerEat2(){ addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, _onLoad); } function _onLoad(_arg1){ if (Game2.Love == 0){ total_num = 15; flower1.visible = false; } else { total_num = 16; flower0.visible = false; }; } } }//package lib
Section 133
//FlowerEat3 (lib.FlowerEat3) package lib { import*; import flash.display.*; public class FlowerEat3 extends MovieClip { public var flower0:MovieClip; public var flower1:MovieClip; public var mouseui:MovieClip; public var total_num:int;// = 0 public function FlowerEat3(){ addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, _onLoad); } function _onLoad(_arg1){ if (Game2.Love == 0){ total_num = 11; flower1.visible = false; } else { total_num = 12; flower0.visible = false; }; } } }//package lib
Section 134
//FlowerEat4 (lib.FlowerEat4) package lib { import*; import flash.display.*; public class FlowerEat4 extends MovieClip { public var flower0:MovieClip; public var flower1:MovieClip; public var mouseui:MovieClip; public var total_num:int;// = 0 public function FlowerEat4(){ addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, _onLoad); } function _onLoad(_arg1){ if (Game2.Love == 0){ total_num = 13; flower1.visible = false; } else { total_num = 14; flower0.visible = false; }; } } }//package lib
Section 135
//FlowerEat5 (lib.FlowerEat5) package lib { import*; import flash.display.*; public class FlowerEat5 extends MovieClip { public var flower0:MovieClip; public var flower1:MovieClip; public var mouseui:MovieClip; public var total_num:int;// = 0 public function FlowerEat5(){ addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, _onLoad); } function _onLoad(_arg1){ if (Game2.Love == 0){ total_num = 13; flower1.visible = false; } else { total_num = 14; flower0.visible = false; }; } } }//package lib
Section 136
//FlowerPetal (lib.FlowerPetal) package lib { import*; import flash.display.*; import com.greensock.*; import com.greensock.easing.*; public class FlowerPetal extends MovieClip { public function FlowerPetal(){ addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, _onLoad); } private function _mouseOut(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{, 0.2, {colorMatrixFilter:{}, glowFilter:{remove:true}, ease:Back.easeOut}); } private function _click(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ dispatchEvent(new Event("Petal_Click")); mouseChildren = false; mouseEnabled = false;, 0.2, {glowFilter:{color:0xFFFFFF, alpha:1, blurX:1.5, blurY:1.5, strength:10}, ease:Back.easeOut}); removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, _mouseOver); removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, _mouseOut); } private function _onLoad(_arg1){ gotoAndStop(1); removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, _onLoad); mouseChildren = false; buttonMode = true; addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, _mouseOver); addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, _mouseOut); addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _click); } private function _mouseOver(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{, 0.2, {colorMatrixFilter:{brightness:1.3}, glowFilter:{color:0xFFFFFF, alpha:1, blurX:3, blurY:3, strength:10}, ease:Back.easeOut}); } } }//package lib
Section 137
//FPS (lib.FPS) package lib { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.utils.*; public class FPS extends Sprite { public var secondTime:Number; public var frames:Number;// = 0 public var prevFrameTime:Number; public var frameTime:Number; public var time:Number; public var fps:String;// = "..." public var anim:String;// = "" public var bar:Shape; public var tf:TextField; public var prevSecondTime:Number; public function FPS():void{ prevFrameTime = getTimer(); prevSecondTime = getTimer(); super(); tf = new TextField(); addChild(tf); tf.x = 20; tf.y = 5; tf.width = 300; tf.height = 25; tf.defaultTextFormat = new TextFormat("Arial", 9, 0xFFFFFF); tf.alpha = 0.6; addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrameHandler); mouseChildren = false; mouseEnabled = false; } private function enterFrameHandler(_arg1:Event):void{ time = getTimer(); frameTime = (time - prevFrameTime); secondTime = (time - prevSecondTime); if (secondTime >= 1000){ fps = frames.toString(); frames = 0; prevSecondTime = time; } else { frames++; }; prevFrameTime = time; tf.text = ((((fps + " FPS / ") + frameTime) + " MS") + anim); } } }//package lib
Section 138
//Game1 (lib.Game1) package lib { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.utils.*; public class Game1 extends MovieClip { public var bt_next:BT_next; private var Root:DocumentClass; private var timer:Timer; public var name1:TextField; public var name2:TextField; public var typenamehere1:MovieClip; public var typenamehere2:MovieClip; public var bt_more:BT_logo; public var bt_back:Bt_back; public var txtbox1:MovieClip; public var txtbox2:MovieClip; public static var Name1:String; public static var Name2:String; public function Game1(_arg1:DocumentClass){ Root = _arg1; this.addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, _onLoad); } private function _click(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ switch ({ case bt_more: GameEvent.openURL(GameEvent.url_ingame); break; case bt_back: Root.ShowScreen(GameEvent.Screen_Intro, 1); break; case bt_next: Name1 = name1.text; Name2 = name2.text; Root.ShowScreen(GameEvent.Screen_Game2, -1); break; default: break; }; } private function _onLoad(_arg1:Event):void{ removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, _onLoad); var _local2:* = new MaskMC(); addChild(_local2); this.mask = _local2; bt_back.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _click); bt_more.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _click); bt_next.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _click); bt_next.visible = false; timer = new Timer((1000 / 10)); timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, _onFrame); timer.start(); addEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, _unload); } private function _onFrame(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ var _local2:int = int(String(name1.text).replace(/ /g, "").length); var _local3:int = int(String(name2.text).replace(/ /g, "").length); if (MovieClip(typenamehere1).hitTestPoint(mouseX, mouseY, true)){ MovieClip(typenamehere1).visible = false; } else { if (_local2 == 0){ MovieClip(typenamehere1).visible = true; } else { MovieClip(typenamehere1).visible = false; }; }; if (MovieClip(typenamehere2).hitTestPoint(mouseX, mouseY, true)){ MovieClip(typenamehere2).visible = false; } else { if (_local3 == 0){ MovieClip(typenamehere2).visible = true; } else { MovieClip(typenamehere2).visible = false; }; }; if ((((_local2 > 0)) && ((_local3 > 0)))){ bt_next.visible = true; } else { bt_next.visible = false; }; } private function _unload(_arg1:Event):void{ removeEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, _unload); timer.stop(); } } }//package lib
Section 139
//Game2 (lib.Game2) package lib { import*; import flash.display.*; public class Game2 extends MovieClip { public var bt_next:BT_next; public var bt_more:BT_logo; private var Root:DocumentClass; public var bt_back:Bt_back; public var mc:MovieClip; public static var Love:int = 0; public static var Flower:int = 0; public function Game2(_arg1:DocumentClass){ Root = _arg1; this.addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, _onLoad); } private function _clickflower(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:int = int(String(, "")); Flower = _local2; var _local3:* = 1; while (_local3 < 6) { if (_local3 == _local2){ mc[("flower" + _local3)].big(); mc.setChildIndex(mc[("flower" + _local3)], (mc.numChildren - 1)); } else { mc[("flower" + _local3)].small(); }; _local3++; }; bt_next.visible = true; } private function _click(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ switch ({ case bt_more: GameEvent.openURL(GameEvent.url_ingame); break; case bt_back: Root.ShowScreen(GameEvent.Screen_Game1, 1); break; case bt_next: Root.ShowScreen(GameEvent.Screen_Game3, -1); break; default: break; }; } private function _onLoad(_arg1:Event):void{ removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, _onLoad); var _local2:* = new MaskMC(); addChild(_local2); this.mask = _local2; bt_back.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _click); bt_next.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _click); bt_more.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _click); bt_next.visible = false; Flower = 0; var _local3:* = 1; while (_local3 < 6) { mc[("flower" + _local3)].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _clickflower); _local3++; }; } } }//package lib
Section 140
//Game3 (lib.Game3) package lib { import*; import flash.display.*; public class Game3 extends MovieClip { public var bt_next:BT_next; public var bt_more:BT_logo; private var Root:DocumentClass; public var bt_back:Bt_back; public var flower:MovieClip; public var mc:MovieClip; public static var Animal:int = 0; public function Game3(_arg1:DocumentClass){ Root = _arg1; this.addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, _onLoad); } private function _clickflower(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:int = int(String(, "")); Animal = _local2; var _local3:* = 1; while (_local3 < 6) { if (_local3 == _local2){ if (_local3 == 1){ } else { if (_local3 == 2){ soundCtrl.playSound("sound_piaochong2"); } else { if (_local3 == 3){ soundCtrl.playSound("sound_mifeng"); } else { if (_local3 == 4){ soundCtrl.playSound("sound_maomaochong"); } else { if (_local3 == 5){ soundCtrl.playSound("sound_fengniao"); }; }; }; }; }; mc[("animal" + _local3)].big(); mc.setChildIndex(mc[("animal" + _local3)], (mc.numChildren - 1)); } else { mc[("animal" + _local3)].small(); }; _local3++; }; bt_next.visible = true; } private function _click(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ switch ({ case bt_more: GameEvent.openURL(GameEvent.url_ingame); break; case bt_back: Root.ShowScreen(GameEvent.Screen_Game2, 1); break; case bt_next: Root.ShowScreen(GameEvent.Screen_Game4, -1); break; default: break; }; } private function _onLoad(_arg1:Event):void{ removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, _onLoad); var _local2:* = new MaskMC(); addChild(_local2); this.mask = _local2; bt_back.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _click); bt_next.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _click); bt_more.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _click); bt_next.visible = false; Animal = 0; var _local3:* = 1; while (_local3 < 6) { mc[("animal" + _local3)].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _clickflower); _local3++; }; flower.gotoAndStop(Game2.Flower); Game2.Love = userData.winorlose[userData.winorloseInt]; userData.winorloseInt++; if (userData.winorloseInt >= userData.winorlose.length){ userData.getWinLoseDate(); }; userData.saveData(); trace("@Game2: 选择花朵:", Game2.Flower, "是否爱:", Game2.Love, " // 0:love 单数 1:don't love 复数"); } } }//package lib
Section 141
//Game4 (lib.Game4) package lib { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.utils.*; public class Game4 extends MovieClip { private var Root:DocumentClass; public var name1:TextField; public var name2:TextField; public var easytotest:MovieClip; private var currentPetal; private var total_num:int; public var loader:MovieClip; private var _animal:MovieClip; private var _tmpn:int; public var bt_more:BT_logo; private var _tmpHS:String; private var first:Boolean; private var _flower; public static var _Petal_Click_List:Array; public function Game4(_arg1:DocumentClass){ Root = _arg1; this.addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, _onLoad); } private function testend(){ Root.ShowScreen(((("Animal_" + _tmpHS) + "_") + _tmpn)); } private function _click(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ switch ({ case bt_more: GameEvent.openURL(GameEvent.url_ingame); break; default: break; }; } private function _Petal_Click(_arg1:Event):void{ _flower.mouseui.visible = false; _Petal_Click_List_push(; } private function _Petal_Click_List_push(_arg1:Object):void{ var _local2:Class; if (!first){ if (_Petal_Click_List.length == 0){ _Petal_Click_List.push([_arg1, mouseX, mouseY]); resetAnimal(); } else { _Petal_Click_List.push([_arg1, mouseX, mouseY]); }; } else { _Petal_Click_List.push([_arg1, mouseX, mouseY]); first = false; currentPetal = _arg1; _local2 = (getDefinitionByName(("lib.Animal" + Game3.Animal)) as Class); _animal = new _local2(currentPetal); loader.addChild(_animal); _animal.mouseChildren = false; _animal.mouseEnabled = false; _animal.x = mouseX; _animal.y = mouseY; _animal.addEventListener("EatComplete", _eatComplete); }; } private function _onLoad(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local6:*; var _local7:*; var _local8:*; removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, _onLoad); bt_more.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _click); _Petal_Click_List = []; first = true; name1.text = Game1.Name1; name2.text = Game1.Name2; var _local2:* = new MaskMC(); addChild(_local2); this.mask = _local2; var _local3:Class = (getDefinitionByName(("lib.FlowerEat" + Game2.Flower)) as Class); _flower = new (_local3); loader.addChild(_flower); userData.arr_EachFlower[(Game2.Flower - 1)] = 1; Award_BaseClass.Sub_Award3(); if (Game3.Animal == 3){ userData.num_SelectBee = (userData.num_SelectBee + 1); }; Award_BaseClass.Sub_Award2(); TestInfo.updata(); total_num = _flower.total_num; var _local4:* = 0; while (_local4 < _flower.numChildren) { _local6 = _flower.getChildAt(_local4); if ((_local6 is MovieClip)){ _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < _local6.numChildren) { _local8 = _local6.getChildAt(_local7); if ((_local8 is FlowerPetal)){ _local8.addEventListener("Petal_Click", _Petal_Click); }; _local7++; }; }; _local4++; }; var _local5:* = 1; while (_local5 < 6) { easytotest[("h" + _local5)].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _clickH); easytotest[("s" + _local5)].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _clickS); _local5++; };, _clicktest); easytotest.visible = false; } private function _clickH(_arg1){ mouseChildren = false; mouseEnabled = false; var _local2:String =; Game2.Love = 0; Game3.Animal = int(_local2.substr((_local2.length - 1), 1)); setTimeout(ShowNewScreen, 100); } private function ShowNewScreen(){ userData.num_SeeResult = (userData.num_SeeResult + 1); Award_BaseClass.Sub_Award5(); DocumentClass.setGA(3); if (Game2.Love == 0){ userData.num_LoveResult = (userData.num_LoveResult + 1); Award_BaseClass.Sub_Award4(); Root.ShowScreen(("Animal_happy_" + Game3.Animal)); } else { userData.num_LoveResult = 0; userData.saveData(); Root.ShowScreen(("Animal_sad_" + Game3.Animal)); }; TestInfo.updata(); } public function _clicktest(_arg1):void{ if (easytotest.y == 0){ easytotest.y = -65; } else { easytotest.y = 0; }; } private function resetAnimal():void{ var _local1:* = _Petal_Click_List[0][0]; _animal.reset(_local1); _animal.x = _Petal_Click_List[0][1]; _animal.y = _Petal_Click_List[0][2]; } private function _clickS(_arg1){ mouseChildren = false; mouseEnabled = false; var _local2:String =; Game2.Love = 1; Game3.Animal = int(_local2.substr((_local2.length - 1), 1)); setTimeout(ShowNewScreen, 100); } private function _eatComplete(_arg1:Event):void{ _Petal_Click_List.shift(); total_num--; userData.num_EatPetal = (userData.num_EatPetal + 1); Award_BaseClass.Sub_Award1(); TestInfo.updata(); if (total_num == 0){ _animal.gotoAndPlay("end"); setTimeout(ShowNewScreen, 1000); }; if (_Petal_Click_List.length > 0){ resetAnimal(); }; } } }//package lib
Section 142
//GameEvent (lib.GameEvent) package lib { import*; import flash.display.*; import spill.localisation.*; public class GameEvent extends MovieClip { public static var url_main:String = "url_main"; public static var Screen_Intro:String = "Screen_Intro"; public static var url_ingame:String = "url_ingame"; public static var Screen_Game1:String = "Screen_Game1"; public static var Screen_Game2:String = "Screen_Game2"; public static var Screen_Game4:String = "Screen_Game4"; public static var Screen_Game5:String = "Screen_Game5"; public static var url_loading:String = "url_loading"; public static var Screen_Game3:String = "Screen_Game3"; public static var url_uploadtoalbam:String = "url_uploadtoalbam"; public static var url_uploadtoalbam_sitelock:String = "url_uploadtoalbam_sitelock"; public static var url_gamecomplete:String = "url_gamecomplete"; public static function openURL(_arg1:String){ switch (_arg1){ case url_gamecomplete: navigateToURL(new URLRequest(SpilGame.getMoreGamesLink("button_gamecomplete_moregames")), "_blank"); break; case url_loading: navigateToURL(new URLRequest(SpilGame.getMoreGamesLink("button_loading_moregames")), "_blank"); break; case url_main: navigateToURL(new URLRequest(SpilGame.getMoreGamesLink("button_mainscreen_moregames")), "_blank"); break; case url_ingame: navigateToURL(new URLRequest(SpilGame.getMoreGamesLink("button_ingamescreen_moregames")), "_blank"); break; case url_uploadtoalbam_sitelock: navigateToURL(new URLRequest(SpilGame.getMoreGamesLink("button_uploadtoalbam_sitelock_moregames")), "_blank"); break; case url_uploadtoalbam: navigateToURL(new URLRequest(SpilGame.getMoreGamesLink("button_uploadtoalbam_moregames")), "_blank"); break; default: break; }; } } }//package lib
Section 143
//Intro (lib.Intro) package lib { import*; import*; import flash.display.*; import spill.localisation.*; public class Intro extends MovieClip { public var bt_more:BT_more; private var Root:DocumentClass; public var bt_spil:SimpleButton; public var bt_more2:BT_mc_logo; public var bt_start:BT_start; public function Intro(_arg1:DocumentClass){ Root = _arg1; addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, _onLoad); addEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, _onUnload); } private function _click(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ switch ({ case bt_spil: navigateToURL(new URLRequest(SpilGame.getSpilCompanyLink2()), "_blank"); break; case bt_more: case bt_more2: GameEvent.openURL(GameEvent.url_main); break; case bt_start: Root.ShowScreen(GameEvent.Screen_Game1, -1); break; default: break; }; } private function _onLoad(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:* = new MaskMC(); addChild(_local2); this.mask = _local2; removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, _onLoad); bt_start.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _click); bt_more.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _click); bt_more2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _click); bt_spil.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _click); } private function _onUnload(_arg1:Event):void{ removeEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, _onUnload); bt_start.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _click); bt_more.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _click); bt_more2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _click); } } }//package lib
Section 144
//Loading (lib.Loading) package lib { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; import spill.localisation.*; import flash.utils.*; public class Loading extends MovieClip { public var bt_more:SimpleButton; public var __id11_:LocalizedTextField; private var Root:DocumentClass; public var txt_nl:MovieClip; public var bar:MovieClip; public var txt:TextField; public var txt_en:MovieClip; public function Loading(_arg1:DocumentClass){ Root = _arg1; addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, _onLoad); __setProp___id11__Loading_Layer4_0(); } private function _click(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ GameEvent.openURL(GameEvent.url_loading); } private function showGame(){ trace("loading完毕"); Root.ShowScreen(GameEvent.Screen_Intro); Root.removeChild(this); } private function _onLoad(_arg1:Event):void{ removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, _onLoad); addEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, _onUnload); if ((loaderInfo.bytesTotal - loaderInfo.bytesLoaded) < 5000){ completeHandler(); } else { loaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, progressHandler); loaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler); }; if ((((SpilGame.portalGroup == PortalGroup.HYVES)) && (( == "nl")))){ txt_en.visible = false; txt_nl.visible = true; } else { txt_en.visible = true; txt_nl.visible = false; }; bt_more.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _click); } function __setProp___id11__Loading_Layer4_0(){ try { __id11_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true; } catch(e:Error) { }; __id11_.text = "{loading}"; __id11_.textColor = 0xFFFFFF; __id11_.textSize = 20; __id11_.bold = false; __id11_.disableWordwrap = false; __id11_.embedFonts = true; __id11_.font = ""; __id11_.hAlign = "center"; __id11_.multiline = false; __id11_.vAlign = "top"; __id11_.antiAliasType = "advanced"; __id11_.glowBlur = 3; __id11_.glowColor = 0xE00091; __id11_.useGlowFilter = true; __id11_.glowQuality = 1; __id11_.glowStrength = 6; __id11_.gridFitType = "pixel"; __id11_.italic = false; __id11_.selectable = false; __id11_.underline = false; try { __id11_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false; } catch(e:Error) { }; } private function progressHandler(_arg1:ProgressEvent){ txt.text = (Math.floor(((_arg1.bytesLoaded / _arg1.bytesTotal) * 100)) + "%"); bar.scaleX = (_arg1.bytesLoaded / _arg1.bytesTotal); } private function completeHandler(_arg1:Event=null){ Root.gotoAndStop("game"); setTimeout(showGame, 1000); } private function _onUnload(_arg1:Event){ var _local2:* = (numChildren - 1); while (_local2--) { removeChildAt(_local2); (_local2 > -1); }; loaderInfo.removeEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, progressHandler); loaderInfo.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler); removeEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, _onUnload); } } }//package lib
Section 145
//LogoMC (lib.LogoMC) package lib { import*; import flash.display.*; import spill.localisation.*; public class LogoMC extends MovieClip { public var txt:LocalizedTextField; public function LogoMC(){ addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, _onLoad); addEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, _onUnLoad); SpilGame.removeEventListener("languageChanged", languageChanged); __setProp_txt_LogoMC_Layer1_0(); } private function _onLoad(_arg1:Event):void{ removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, _onLoad); SpilGame.addEventListener("languageChanged", languageChanged); languageChanged(); } function __setProp_txt_LogoMC_Layer1_0(){ try { txt["componentInspectorSetting"] = true; } catch(e:Error) { }; txt.text = "{Nature_s_love_test_}"; txt.textColor = 6783725; txt.textSize = 20; txt.bold = false; txt.disableWordwrap = false; txt.embedFonts = true; txt.font = ""; txt.hAlign = "right"; txt.multiline = false; txt.vAlign = "top"; txt.antiAliasType = "advanced"; txt.glowBlur = 3; txt.glowColor = 6783725; txt.useGlowFilter = false; txt.glowQuality = 1; txt.glowStrength = 6; txt.gridFitType = "pixel"; txt.italic = false; txt.selectable = false; txt.underline = false; try { txt["componentInspectorSetting"] = false; } catch(e:Error) { }; } private function languageChanged(_arg1:Event=null):void{ if ( == "cn"){ gotoAndStop(2); txt.x = -270; } else { gotoAndStop(1); txt.x = -171.1; }; } private function _onUnLoad(_arg1:Event):void{ removeEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, _onUnLoad); } } }//package lib
Section 146
//MyButton (lib.MyButton) package lib { import*; import flash.display.*; import com.greensock.*; public class MyButton extends MovieClip { private var cutMc; public function MyButton(){ addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, _onLoad); } private function _mouseOver(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ soundCtrl.playSound("sound_over2");, 0.1, {colorMatrixFilter:{brightness:1.3}}); } private function _onLoad(_arg1){ removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, _onLoad); mouseChildren = false; buttonMode = true; addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, _mouseOver); addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, _mouseOut); addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _click); } private function _click(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ soundCtrl.playSound("sound_click3"); } private function _mouseOut(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{, 0.1, {colorMatrixFilter:{}}); } } }//package lib
Section 147
//MyButton2 (lib.MyButton2) package lib { import*; import flash.display.*; import com.greensock.*; import com.greensock.easing.*; public class MyButton2 extends MovieClip { var _mc; private var cutMc; public function MyButton2(){ _mc = new MC_flower(); super(); addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, _onLoad); } private function _mouseOver(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ soundCtrl.playSound("sound_over"); addChild(_mc); _mc.scaleX = 0.3; _mc.scaleY = 0.3;, 0.3, {scaleX:1, scaleY:1, ease:Back.easeOut});, 0.05, {colorMatrixFilter:{brightness:1.2}, glowFilter:{color:0xFFFFFF, alpha:1, blurX:3, blurY:3, strength:10}}); } private function _onLoad(_arg1){ removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, _onLoad); mouseChildren = false; buttonMode = true; addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, _mouseOver); addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, _mouseOut); addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _click); } private function _click(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ soundCtrl.playSound("sound_click1"); } private function _mouseOut(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ removeChild(_mc);, 0.05, {colorMatrixFilter:{}, glowFilter:{remove:true}}); } } }//package lib
Section 148
//Random (lib.Random) package lib { import*; import flash.display.*; public class Random { var randomStr; private static var hexcase = 0; public static var gameID = 114; public static var strqq:String; private static var chrsz = 8; private static var b64pad = ""; public function Random(){ randomStr = Randoms(10); super(); } public static function average_ii(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5, _arg6, _arg7){ return (average_cmn((_arg3 ^ (_arg2 | ~(_arg4))), _arg1, _arg2, _arg5, _arg6, _arg7)); } public static function SortT(){ var _local1:* = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; var _local2:* = ""; var _local3:* = 0; while (_local3 < 10) { _local2 = (_local2 + _local1.substr(Math.floor((Math.random() * _local1.length)), 1)); _local3++; }; return (_local2); } public static function b64_hmac_average(_arg1, _arg2){ return (binl2b64(core_hmac_average(_arg1, _arg2))); } public static function md5(_arg1:String){ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:*; var _local13:*; var _local16:*; var _local17:*; var _local18:*; var _local19:*; _local2[(_local3 >> 5)] = (_local2[(_local3 >> 5)] | (128 << (_local3 % 32))); _local2[((((_local3 + 64) >>> 9) << 4) + 14)] = _local3; var _local5:* = 1732584193; var _local6:* = -271733879; var _local7:* = -1732584194; var _local8:* = 271733878; var _local9:* = str2binl(_local4); if (_local9.length > 16){ _local9 = core_average(_local9, (_local4.length * chrsz)); }; var _local10:* = new Array(16); var _local11:* = new Array(16); var _local12:* = 0; while (_local12 < 16) { _local10[_local12] = (_local9[_local12] ^ 909522486); _local11[_local12] = (_local9[_local12] ^ 1549556828); _local12++; }; var _local14:* = core_average(_local10.concat(str2binl(_local13)), (0x0200 + (_local13.length * chrsz))); return (core_average(_local11.concat(_local14), (0x0200 + 128))); return (new Array(_local5, _local6, _local7, _local8)); } public static function average_gg(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5, _arg6, _arg7){ return (average_cmn(((_arg2 & _arg4) | (_arg3 & ~(_arg4))), _arg1, _arg2, _arg5, _arg6, _arg7)); } public static function average_hh(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5, _arg6, _arg7){ return (average_cmn(((_arg2 ^ _arg3) ^ _arg4), _arg1, _arg2, _arg5, _arg6, _arg7)); } public static function binl2b64(_arg1){ var _local5:*; var _local6:*; var _local2:* = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"; var _local3:* = ""; var _local4:* = 0; while (_local4 < (_arg1.length * 4)) { _local5 = (((((_arg1[(_local4 >> 2)] >> (8 * (_local4 % 4))) & 0xFF) << 16) | (((_arg1[((_local4 + 1) >> 2)] >> (8 * ((_local4 + 1) % 4))) & 0xFF) << 8)) | ((_arg1[((_local4 + 2) >> 2)] >> (8 * ((_local4 + 2) % 4))) & 0xFF)); _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < 4) { if (((_local4 * 8) + (_local6 * 6)) > (_arg1.length * 32)){ _local3 = (_local3 + b64pad); } else { _local3 = (_local3 + _local2.charAt(((_local5 >> (6 * (3 - _local6))) & 63))); }; _local6++; }; _local4 = (_local4 + 3); }; return (_local3); } public static function senturl(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4):void{ var _local5:String = ((((((((("" + gameID) + "&s=") + _arg1) + "&a=") + _arg2) + "&t=") + _arg4) + "&r=") + _arg3); var _local6:URLRequest = new URLRequest(_local5); navigateToURL(_local6, "_blank"); } public static function geturl():void{ var _local1:String = ("" + gameID); var _local2:URLRequest = new URLRequest(_local1); navigateToURL(_local2, "_blank"); } public static function bit_rol(_arg1, _arg2){ return (((_arg1 << _arg2) | (_arg1 >>> (32 - _arg2)))); } public static function core_hmac_average(_arg1, _arg2){ var _local3:* = str2binl(_arg1); if (_local3.length > 16){ _local3 = core_average(_local3, (_arg1.length * chrsz)); }; var _local4:* = new Array(16); var _local5:* = new Array(16); var _local6:* = 0; while (_local6 < 16) { _local4[_local6] = (_local3[_local6] ^ 909522486); _local5[_local6] = (_local3[_local6] ^ 1549556828); _local6++; }; var _local7:* = core_average(_local4.concat(str2binl(_arg2)), (0x0200 + (_arg2.length * chrsz))); return (core_average(_local5.concat(_local7), (0x0200 + 128))); } public static function average_ff(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5, _arg6, _arg7){ return (average_cmn(((_arg2 & _arg3) | (~(_arg2) & _arg4)), _arg1, _arg2, _arg5, _arg6, _arg7)); } public static function str2binl(_arg1){ var _local2:* = new Array(); var _local3:* = ((1 << chrsz) - 1); var _local4:* = 0; while (_local4 < (_arg1.length * chrsz)) { _local2[(_local4 >> 5)] = (_local2[(_local4 >> 5)] | ((_arg1.charCodeAt((_local4 / chrsz)) & _local3) << (_local4 % 32))); _local4 = (_local4 + chrsz); }; return (_local2); } public static function binl2hex(_arg1){ var _local2:* = (hexcase) ? "0123456789ABCDEF" : "0123456789abcdef"; var _local3:* = ""; var _local4:* = 0; while (_local4 < (_arg1.length * 4)) { _local3 = (_local3 + (_local2.charAt(((_arg1[(_local4 >> 2)] >> (((_local4 % 4) * 8) + 4)) & 15)) + _local2.charAt(((_arg1[(_local4 >> 2)] >> ((_local4 % 4) * 8)) & 15)))); _local4++; }; return (_local3); } public static function calcaverage(_arg1){ return (binl2hex(core_average(str2binl(_arg1), (_arg1.length * chrsz)))); } public static function hex_hmac_average(_arg1, _arg2){ return (binl2hex(core_hmac_average(_arg1, _arg2))); } public static function safe_add(_arg1, _arg2){ var _local3:* = ((_arg1 & 0xFFFF) + (_arg2 & 0xFFFF)); var _local4:* = (((_arg1 >> 16) + (_arg2 >> 16)) + (_local3 >> 16)); return (((_local4 << 16) | (_local3 & 0xFFFF))); } public static function Randoms(_arg1:Number){ var _local2:* = "123098938487634asdflskafgpoipALKGAISFH:LKHAODG"; var _local3:* = ""; var _local4 = ""; var _local5:* = 0; while (_local5 < _arg1) { _local3 = (_local3 + _local2.substr(Math.floor((Math.random() * _local2.length)), 1)); _local5++; }; return (_local3); } public static function average_vm_test(){ return ((hex_average("abc") == "900150983cd24fb0d6963f7d28e17f72")); } public static function hex_average(_arg1){ return (binl2hex(core_average(str2binl(_arg1), (_arg1.length * chrsz)))); } public static function average_cmn(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5, _arg6){ return (safe_add(bit_rol(safe_add(safe_add(_arg2, _arg1), safe_add(_arg4, _arg6)), _arg5), _arg3)); } public static function core_average(_arg1, _arg2){ var _local8:*; var _local9:*; var _local10:*; var _local11:*; _arg1[(_arg2 >> 5)] = (_arg1[(_arg2 >> 5)] | (128 << (_arg2 % 32))); _arg1[((((_arg2 + 64) >>> 9) << 4) + 14)] = _arg2; var _local3:* = 1732584193; var _local4:* = -271733879; var _local5:* = -1732584194; var _local6:* = 271733878; var _local7:* = 0; while (_local7 < _arg1.length) { _local8 = _local3; _local9 = _local4; _local10 = _local5; _local11 = _local6; _local3 = average_ff(_local3, _local4, _local5, _local6, _arg1[(_local7 + 0)], 7, -680876936); _local6 = average_ff(_local6, _local3, _local4, _local5, _arg1[(_local7 + 1)], 12, -389564586); _local5 = average_ff(_local5, _local6, _local3, _local4, _arg1[(_local7 + 2)], 17, 606105819); _local4 = average_ff(_local4, _local5, _local6, _local3, _arg1[(_local7 + 3)], 22, -1044525330); _local3 = average_ff(_local3, _local4, _local5, _local6, _arg1[(_local7 + 4)], 7, -176418897); _local6 = average_ff(_local6, _local3, _local4, _local5, _arg1[(_local7 + 5)], 12, 1200080426); _local5 = average_ff(_local5, _local6, _local3, _local4, _arg1[(_local7 + 6)], 17, -1473231341); _local4 = average_ff(_local4, _local5, _local6, _local3, _arg1[(_local7 + 7)], 22, -45705983); _local3 = average_ff(_local3, _local4, _local5, _local6, _arg1[(_local7 + 8)], 7, 1770035416); _local6 = average_ff(_local6, _local3, _local4, _local5, _arg1[(_local7 + 9)], 12, -1958414417); _local5 = average_ff(_local5, _local6, _local3, _local4, _arg1[(_local7 + 10)], 17, -42063); _local4 = average_ff(_local4, _local5, _local6, _local3, _arg1[(_local7 + 11)], 22, -1990404162); _local3 = average_ff(_local3, _local4, _local5, _local6, _arg1[(_local7 + 12)], 7, 1804603682); _local6 = average_ff(_local6, _local3, _local4, _local5, _arg1[(_local7 + 13)], 12, -40341101); _local5 = average_ff(_local5, _local6, _local3, _local4, _arg1[(_local7 + 14)], 17, -1502002290); _local4 = average_ff(_local4, _local5, _local6, _local3, _arg1[(_local7 + 15)], 22, 1236535329); _local3 = average_gg(_local3, _local4, _local5, _local6, _arg1[(_local7 + 1)], 5, -165796510); _local6 = average_gg(_local6, _local3, _local4, _local5, _arg1[(_local7 + 6)], 9, -1069501632); _local5 = average_gg(_local5, _local6, _local3, _local4, _arg1[(_local7 + 11)], 14, 643717713); _local4 = average_gg(_local4, _local5, _local6, _local3, _arg1[(_local7 + 0)], 20, -373897302); _local3 = average_gg(_local3, _local4, _local5, _local6, _arg1[(_local7 + 5)], 5, -701558691); _local6 = average_gg(_local6, _local3, _local4, _local5, _arg1[(_local7 + 10)], 9, 38016083); _local5 = average_gg(_local5, _local6, _local3, _local4, _arg1[(_local7 + 15)], 14, -660478335); _local4 = average_gg(_local4, _local5, _local6, _local3, _arg1[(_local7 + 4)], 20, -405537848); _local3 = average_gg(_local3, _local4, _local5, _local6, _arg1[(_local7 + 9)], 5, 568446438); _local6 = average_gg(_local6, _local3, _local4, _local5, _arg1[(_local7 + 14)], 9, -1019803690); _local5 = average_gg(_local5, _local6, _local3, _local4, _arg1[(_local7 + 3)], 14, -187363961); _local4 = average_gg(_local4, _local5, _local6, _local3, _arg1[(_local7 + 8)], 20, 1163531501); _local3 = average_gg(_local3, _local4, _local5, _local6, _arg1[(_local7 + 13)], 5, -1444681467); _local6 = average_gg(_local6, _local3, _local4, _local5, _arg1[(_local7 + 2)], 9, -51403784); _local5 = average_gg(_local5, _local6, _local3, _local4, _arg1[(_local7 + 7)], 14, 1735328473); _local4 = average_gg(_local4, _local5, _local6, _local3, _arg1[(_local7 + 12)], 20, -1926607734); _local3 = average_hh(_local3, _local4, _local5, _local6, _arg1[(_local7 + 5)], 4, -378558); _local6 = average_hh(_local6, _local3, _local4, _local5, _arg1[(_local7 + 8)], 11, -2022574463); _local5 = average_hh(_local5, _local6, _local3, _local4, _arg1[(_local7 + 11)], 16, 1839030562); _local4 = average_hh(_local4, _local5, _local6, _local3, _arg1[(_local7 + 14)], 23, -35309556); _local3 = average_hh(_local3, _local4, _local5, _local6, _arg1[(_local7 + 1)], 4, -1530992060); _local6 = average_hh(_local6, _local3, _local4, _local5, _arg1[(_local7 + 4)], 11, 1272893353); _local5 = average_hh(_local5, _local6, _local3, _local4, _arg1[(_local7 + 7)], 16, -155497632); _local4 = average_hh(_local4, _local5, _local6, _local3, _arg1[(_local7 + 10)], 23, -1094730640); _local3 = average_hh(_local3, _local4, _local5, _local6, _arg1[(_local7 + 13)], 4, 681279174); _local6 = average_hh(_local6, _local3, _local4, _local5, _arg1[(_local7 + 0)], 11, -358537222); _local5 = average_hh(_local5, _local6, _local3, _local4, _arg1[(_local7 + 3)], 16, -722521979); _local4 = average_hh(_local4, _local5, _local6, _local3, _arg1[(_local7 + 6)], 23, 76029189); _local3 = average_hh(_local3, _local4, _local5, _local6, _arg1[(_local7 + 9)], 4, -640364487); _local6 = average_hh(_local6, _local3, _local4, _local5, _arg1[(_local7 + 12)], 11, -421815835); _local5 = average_hh(_local5, _local6, _local3, _local4, _arg1[(_local7 + 15)], 16, 530742520); _local4 = average_hh(_local4, _local5, _local6, _local3, _arg1[(_local7 + 2)], 23, -995338651); _local3 = average_ii(_local3, _local4, _local5, _local6, _arg1[(_local7 + 0)], 6, -198630844); _local6 = average_ii(_local6, _local3, _local4, _local5, _arg1[(_local7 + 7)], 10, 1126891415); _local5 = average_ii(_local5, _local6, _local3, _local4, _arg1[(_local7 + 14)], 15, -1416354905); _local4 = average_ii(_local4, _local5, _local6, _local3, _arg1[(_local7 + 5)], 21, -57434055); _local3 = average_ii(_local3, _local4, _local5, _local6, _arg1[(_local7 + 12)], 6, 1700485571); _local6 = average_ii(_local6, _local3, _local4, _local5, _arg1[(_local7 + 3)], 10, -1894986606); _local5 = average_ii(_local5, _local6, _local3, _local4, _arg1[(_local7 + 10)], 15, -1051523); _local4 = average_ii(_local4, _local5, _local6, _local3, _arg1[(_local7 + 1)], 21, -2054922799); _local3 = average_ii(_local3, _local4, _local5, _local6, _arg1[(_local7 + 8)], 6, 1873313359); _local6 = average_ii(_local6, _local3, _local4, _local5, _arg1[(_local7 + 15)], 10, -30611744); _local5 = average_ii(_local5, _local6, _local3, _local4, _arg1[(_local7 + 6)], 15, -1560198380); _local4 = average_ii(_local4, _local5, _local6, _local3, _arg1[(_local7 + 13)], 21, 1309151649); _local3 = average_ii(_local3, _local4, _local5, _local6, _arg1[(_local7 + 4)], 6, -145523070); _local6 = average_ii(_local6, _local3, _local4, _local5, _arg1[(_local7 + 11)], 10, -1120210379); _local5 = average_ii(_local5, _local6, _local3, _local4, _arg1[(_local7 + 2)], 15, 718787259); _local4 = average_ii(_local4, _local5, _local6, _local3, _arg1[(_local7 + 9)], 21, -343485551); _local3 = safe_add(_local3, _local8); _local4 = safe_add(_local4, _local9); _local5 = safe_add(_local5, _local10); _local6 = safe_add(_local6, _local11); _local7 = (_local7 + 16); }; return (new Array(_local3, _local4, _local5, _local6)); } public static function b64_average(_arg1){ return (binl2b64(core_average(str2binl(_arg1), (_arg1.length * chrsz)))); } public static function DrawLine(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number, _arg5:Number, _arg6:Number){ var minX:Number; var minY:Number; var maxX:Number; var maxY:Number; var verts:Array; var center:Vector; var normal:Vector; var dmc:MovieClip; var isVisible:Boolean; var isActivated:Boolean; var b:*; var j:*; var l:*; var c:*; var position = _arg1; var line = _arg2; var x1 = _arg3; var x2 = _arg4; var y1 = _arg5; var y2 = _arg6; var AbstractTile:Function = function (_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number){ center = new Vector(_arg1, _arg2); verts = new Array(); normal = new Vector(0, 0); isVisible = true; isActivated = true; initializeContainer(); }; var initializeContainer:Function = function (){ var _local1 = "_oooo"; dmc = new MovieClip(); = _local1; }; var createBoundingRect:Function = function (_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number){ var _local3:Number = (center.y - (_arg2 / 2)); var _local4:Number = (center.y + (_arg2 / 2)); var _local5:Number = (center.x - (_arg1 / 2)); var _local6:Number = (center.x + (_arg1 / 2)); verts.push(new Vector(_local6, _local4)); verts.push(new Vector(_local6, _local3)); verts.push(new Vector(_local5, _local3)); verts.push(new Vector(_local5, _local4)); }; var testIntervals:Function = function (_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number){ if (_arg2 < _arg3){ return (0); }; if (_arg4 < _arg1){ return (0); }; var _local5:Number = (_arg4 - _arg1); var _local6:Number = (_arg3 - _arg2); if (Math.abs(_local5) < Math.abs(_local6)){ return (_local5); }; return (_local6); }; var point1:Vector = new Vector(x1, y1); var point:Vector = new Vector(x2, y2); var current:* =; var nextdot:* = point1.cross(point); current = (current + nextdot); var k:* = []; strqq = ""; var i:* = 0; while (i < 8) { b = 0; j = 0; while (j < 10) { c = line.substr(j, 1).charCodeAt(); c = String(c).substr((String(c).length - 2), 1); b = (b + Number(c)); j = (j + 1); }; if (b > 10){ b = (b % 10); }; k[i] = Math.round((((i + b) * (i + b)) - ((b * b) / 2))); while (k[i] >= 32) { k[i] = Math.round((k[i] / 2)); }; l = 0; l = 0; while (l < (k.length - 1)) { if (k[i] == k[l]){ k[i] = (k[i] + 1); }; l = (l + 1); }; strqq = (strqq + position.substr(k[i], 1)); i = (i + 1); }; var point2:Vector = new Vector(x1, y1); current =; nextdot = point2.cross(point); current = (current + nextdot); var point3:Vector = new Vector(x1, y1); current =; nextdot = point3.cross(point); current = (current + nextdot); var point4:Vector = new Vector(x1, y1); current =; nextdot = point4.cross(point); current = (current + nextdot); var point5:Vector = new Vector(x1, y1); current =; nextdot = point5.cross(point); current = (current + nextdot); current = Math.round(Math.sqrt((current * 2))); if (current > 20){ current = Math.round(Math.sqrt(current)); }; return (current); } } }//package lib
Section 149
//ScreenChange (lib.ScreenChange) package lib { import flash.display.*; import com.greensock.*; import flash.utils.*; import com.greensock.easing.*; public class ScreenChange extends MovieClip { private var Root:DocumentClass; private var change:String; private var list:Array; public function ScreenChange(_arg1:DocumentClass, _arg2:String){ var _local5:*; super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1, 27, frame28, 39, frame40); Root = _arg1; change = _arg2; list = []; var _local3:* = 0; while (_local3 < numChildren) { list.push([getChildAt(_local3), getChildAt(_local3).scaleX, getChildAt(_local3).scaleY]); getChildAt(_local3).scaleX = (getChildAt(_local3).scaleY = 0.1); getChildAt(_local3).visible = false; MovieClip(getChildAt(_local3)).cacheAsBitmap = true; MovieClip(getChildAt(_local3)).gotoAndStop(Game2.Flower); _local3++; }; var _local4:* = 0; while (_local4 < numChildren) { _local5 = (list[_local4][0].rotation + 180);[_local4][0], 0.4, {rotation:_local5, onStart:showf, onStartParams:[list[_local4][0]], delay:(Math.random() * 1), scaleX:list[_local4][1], scaleY:list[_local4][2]}); _local4++; }; setTimeout(end1, 3000); } private function showf(_arg1):void{ _arg1.visible = true; } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame28(){ end1(); } private function end1(){ var _local2:MovieClip; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:*; var _local1:* = 0; while (_local1 < numChildren) { _local2 = list[_local1][0]; _local3 = Math.atan2((_local2.y - 260), (_local2.x - 350)); _local4 = ((Math.cos(_local3) * 600) + 350); _local5 = ((Math.sin(_local3) * 600) + 260); _local6 = (list[_local1][0].rotation + 180);[_local1][0], 0.8, {rotation:_local6, ease:Back.easeIn, delay:(Math.random() * 1), x:_local4, y:_local5}); _local1++; }; Root.ShowScreen_immediately(change); setTimeout(end2, 3000); } private function end2(){ Sprite(parent).removeChild(this); } function frame40(){ end2(); stop(); } } }//package lib
Section 150
//setQuality (lib.setQuality) package lib { import*; import flash.display.*; public class setQuality extends MovieClip { public var bt2:画面质量3; public var bt0:画质; public var bt1:画面质量2; public static var quality:int = 1; public function setQuality(){ addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, _onLoad); addEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, _onUnload); } private function _onClick(_arg1:MouseEvent){ switch ({ case "bt0": if ((this.parent is Intro)){ DocumentClass.setGA(4); } else { DocumentClass.setGA(7); }; quality++; if (quality > 3){ quality = 1; }; switch (quality){ case 1: stage.quality = StageQuality.HIGH; break; case 2: stage.quality = StageQuality.MEDIUM; break; case 3: stage.quality = StageQuality.LOW; break; default: break; }; bt0.gotoAndStop(quality); break; case "bt1": if ((this.parent is Intro)){ DocumentClass.setGA(5); } else { DocumentClass.setGA(8); }; if (!soundCtrl.musicON){ bt1.gotoAndStop(1); soundCtrl.musicON = true; } else { bt1.gotoAndStop(2); soundCtrl.musicON = false; }; break; case "bt2": if ((this.parent is Intro)){ DocumentClass.setGA(6); } else { DocumentClass.setGA(9); }; if (!soundCtrl.soundON){ bt2.gotoAndStop(1); soundCtrl.soundON = true; } else { bt2.gotoAndStop(2); soundCtrl.soundON = false; }; break; default: break; }; } private function _onLoad(_arg1:Event){ removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, _onLoad); var _local2:* = 0; while (_local2 < 3) { this[("bt" + _local2)].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _onClick); this[("bt" + _local2)].num = 1; _local2++; }; bt0.gotoAndStop(quality); if (soundCtrl.musicON){ bt1.gotoAndStop(1); } else { bt1.gotoAndStop(2); }; if (soundCtrl.soundON){ bt2.gotoAndStop(1); } else { bt2.gotoAndStop(2); }; } private function _onUnload(_arg1:Event){ removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, _onLoad); removeEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, _onUnload); var _local2:* = (numChildren - 1); while (_local2 > -1) { removeChildAt(_local2); _local2--; }; } } }//package lib
Section 151
//soundCtrl (lib.soundCtrl) package lib { import flash.utils.*; import*; import com.greensock.easing.*; public class soundCtrl { private var musicTransform:SoundTransform; public var musicNow:String;// = "" private var _soundLoop:soundCtrl; private var soundChannel:SoundChannel; private var soundTransform:SoundTransform; private var musicChannel:SoundChannel; private static var _musicON:Boolean = true; private static var _soundON:Boolean = true; private static var soundArr:Array = []; public static var obj:soundCtrl; public function soundCtrl(){ obj = this; } private function _playSound(_arg1:String, _arg2:int){ var _local3:* = (getDefinitionByName(_arg1) as Class); var _local4:* = new (_local3); soundChannel =, _arg2); soundTransform = new SoundTransform(1); soundChannel.soundTransform = soundTransform; } private function _StopMusic():void{ try { musicChannel.stop(); musicNow = ""; } catch(err) { }; } private function _playMusic(_arg1:String, _arg2:int){ var musicClass:*; var m:*; var s = _arg1; var n = _arg2; if (musicNow != s){ musicNow = s; try { musicChannel.stop(); } catch(err) { }; musicClass = (getDefinitionByName(s) as Class); m = new (musicClass); musicChannel =, n); _Change(); }; } private function _Change():void{ if (_musicON){ try { musicChannel.soundTransform = new SoundTransform(1); } catch(err:Error) { }; } else { try { musicChannel.soundTransform = new SoundTransform(0); } catch(err:Error) { }; }; } public static function StopMusic():void{ try { obj._StopMusic(); } catch(err) { }; } public static function get musicON():Boolean{ return (_musicON); } public static function playSound2(_arg1:String){ var _local2:* = (getDefinitionByName(_arg1) as Class); var _local3:* = new (_local2); var _local4:SoundChannel =, 99999); if (soundON){ _local4.soundTransform = new SoundTransform(1); } else { _local4.soundTransform = new SoundTransform(0); }; return (_local4); } public static function set musicON(_arg1:Boolean){ _musicON = _arg1; Change(); } public static function Change():void{ obj._Change(); } public static function playMusic(_arg1:String, _arg2:int=99999){ obj._playMusic(_arg1, _arg2); } public static function get soundON():Boolean{ return (_soundON); } public static function stopSoundLoop(_arg1:String, _arg2):void{ var param = _arg1; var param2 = _arg2; var i:int; while (i < soundArr.length) { if ((((soundArr[i][0] == param)) && ((soundArr[i][1] == param2)))){ try { soundArr[i][2].stop(); } catch(err:Error) { }; soundArr.splice(i, 1); break; }; i = (i + 1); }; } public static function playSound(_arg1:String, _arg2:int=1){ if (soundON){ obj._playSound(_arg1, _arg2); }; } public static function set soundON(_arg1:Boolean){ var _local2:int; _soundON = _arg1; if (_soundON){ _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < soundArr.length) { soundArr[_local2][2].soundTransform = new SoundTransform(1); _local2++; }; } else { _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < soundArr.length) { soundArr[_local2][2].soundTransform = new SoundTransform(0); _local2++; }; }; } public static function playSoundLoop(_arg1:String, _arg2):void{ var _local3:Boolean; var _local4:int; while (_local4 < soundArr.length) { if ((((soundArr[_local4][0] == _arg1)) && ((soundArr[_local4][1] == _arg2)))){ _local3 = false; break; }; _local4++; }; if (_local3){ soundArr.push([_arg1, _arg2, playSound2(_arg1)]); }; } } }//package lib
Section 152
//TestInfo (lib.TestInfo) package lib { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public class TestInfo extends MovieClip { public var a2_N:MovieClip; public var a1_Txt:TextField; public var a4_Txt:TextField; public var a5_Txt:TextField; public var a2_Txt:TextField; public var a5_W:MovieClip; private var mode:int;// = 1 public var all_f1:MovieClip; public var all_f2:MovieClip; public var all_f3:MovieClip; public var all_f4:MovieClip; public var all_C2:MovieClip; public var all_C3:MovieClip; public var all_C4:MovieClip; public var all_C5:MovieClip; public var all_C1:MovieClip; public var all_f5:MovieClip; private static var obj; public function TestInfo(){ addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, _onLoad); } private function _click(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (mode == 1){ mode = 0; y = 195; } else { mode = 1; y = 0; }; } private function _onLoad(_arg1:Event):void{ visible = false; removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, _onLoad); stage.addEventListener(Event.ADDED, _add); this.mouseChildren = false; this.buttonMode = true; this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _click); obj = this; _updata(); } private function _add(_arg1:Event):void{ parent.setChildIndex(this, (parent.numChildren - 1)); } private function _updata():void{ var _local3:*; var _local4:*; a1_Txt.text = String(userData.num_EatPetal); a2_Txt.text = String(userData.num_SelectBee); a4_Txt.text = String(userData.num_LoveResult); a5_Txt.text = String(userData.num_SeeResult); var _local1:int; while (_local1 < userData.arr_EachFlower.length) { _local3 = userData.arr_EachFlower[_local1]; if (_local3 == 1){ this[("all_f" + (_local1 + 1))].visible = true; } else { this[("all_f" + (_local1 + 1))].visible = false; }; _local1++; }; var _local2:int; while (_local2 < userData.awardArr.length) { _local4 = userData.awardArr[_local2]; if (_local4 == 1){ this[("all_C" + (_local2 + 1))].visible = true; } else { this[("all_C" + (_local2 + 1))].visible = false; }; _local2++; }; } public static function updata(){ if (obj != null){ obj._updata(); }; } } }//package lib
Section 153
//userData (lib.userData) package lib { import*; public class userData { public static var firstGame:Boolean; public static var num_EatPetal:int; public static var num_SelectBee:int; public static var awardArr:Array; public static var winorlose:Array; public static var gameShowedNumber:int; public static var so:SharedObject; public static var babymaked:Array; public static var num_LoveResult:int; public static var babiestwins10:int; public static var num_SeeResult:int; public static var arr_EachFlower:Array; public static var winorloseInt:int; public static function getNewData(){ = true; = 0; = 0; = 0; = 0; = 0; = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; getWinLoseDate(); } public static function saveData(){ = gameShowedNumber; = firstGame; = num_EatPetal; = num_SelectBee; = num_LoveResult; = num_SeeResult; = arr_EachFlower; = awardArr; = winorlose; = winorloseInt; so.flush(); } public static function resetData(){ saveData(); } public static function init(){ getData_FromSO(); } public static function initializeData(){ gameShowedNumber =; firstGame =; num_EatPetal =; num_SelectBee =; num_LoveResult =; num_SeeResult =; arr_EachFlower =; awardArr =; winorlose =; winorloseInt =; trace("!!!!!!!!!winorlose", winorlose, winorloseInt); saveData(); } public static function getData_FromSO(){ so = SharedObject.getLocal("Romance_Flower_111305"); if ( == null){ = true; getNewData(); }; initializeData(); gameShowedNumber++; trace("游戏第", gameShowedNumber, "次被打开"); } public static function getWinLoseDate():void{ var _local9:int; var _local1 = 6; var _local2 = 10; var _local3:Array = []; var _local4:Array = []; var _local5:* = 0; while (_local5 < _local1) { _local3.push(0); _local5++; }; var _local6:* = _local1; while (_local6 < _local2) { _local3.push(1); _local6++; }; var _local7:int = _local3.length; var _local8:* = 0; while (_local8 < _local7) { _local9 = int((Math.random() * _local3.length)); _local4.push(_local3[_local9]); _local3.splice(_local9, 1); _local8++; }; = _local4; = winorloseInt; trace("!!!!!! 初始化winorlose:", _local4); winorloseInt = 0; } } }//package lib
Section 154
//Vector (lib.Vector) package lib { public class Vector { public var x:Number; public var y:Number; public function Vector(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number){ x = _arg1; y = _arg2; } public function cross(_arg1:Vector):Number{ return (((x * _arg1.y) - (y * _arg1.x))); } public function magnitude():Number{ return (Math.sqrt(((x * x) + (y * y)))); } public function plusNew(_arg1:Vector):Vector{ return (new Vector((x + _arg1.x), (y + _arg1.y))); } public function mult(_arg1:Number):Vector{ x = (x * _arg1); y = (y * _arg1); return (this); } public function dot(_arg1:Vector):Number{ return (((x * _arg1.x) + (y * _arg1.y))); } public function normalize():Vector{ var _local1:Number = Math.sqrt(((x * x) + (y * y))); x = (x / _local1); y = (y / _local1); return (this); } public function project(_arg1:Vector):Vector{ var _local2:Number =; var _local3:Number = ((_arg1.x * _arg1.x) + (_arg1.y * _arg1.y)); var _local4:Vector = new Vector(0, 0); _local4.x = ((_local2 / _local3) * _arg1.x); _local4.y = ((_local2 / _local3) * _arg1.y); return (_local4); } public function copy(_arg1:Vector):void{ x = _arg1.x; y = _arg1.y; } public function multNew(_arg1:Number):Vector{ return (new Vector((x * _arg1), (y * _arg1))); } public function minus(_arg1:Vector):Vector{ x = (x - _arg1.x); y = (y - _arg1.y); return (this); } public function plus(_arg1:Vector):Vector{ x = (x + _arg1.x); y = (y + _arg1.y); return (this); } public function distance(_arg1:Vector):Number{ var _local2:Number = (x - _arg1.x); var _local3:Number = (y - _arg1.y); return (Math.sqrt(((_local2 * _local2) + (_local3 * _local3)))); } public function setTo(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ x = _arg1; y = _arg2; } public function minusNew(_arg1:Vector):Vector{ return (new Vector((x - _arg1.x), (y - _arg1.y))); } } }//package lib
Section 155
//chinalogo_127 (RomanceFlowergirl_fla.chinalogo_127) package RomanceFlowergirl_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class chinalogo_127 extends MovieClip { public function chinalogo_127(){ addFrameScript(239, frame240); } function frame240(){ stop(); } } }//package RomanceFlowergirl_fla
Section 156
//chinalogo_141 (RomanceFlowergirl_fla.chinalogo_141) package RomanceFlowergirl_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class chinalogo_141 extends MovieClip { public function chinalogo_141(){ addFrameScript(6, frame7); } function frame7(){ stop(); } } }//package RomanceFlowergirl_fla
Section 157
//flag_icon_556 (RomanceFlowergirl_fla.flag_icon_556) package RomanceFlowergirl_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class flag_icon_556 extends MovieClip { public function flag_icon_556(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package RomanceFlowergirl_fla
Section 158
//Symbol59_332 (RomanceFlowergirl_fla.Symbol59_332) package RomanceFlowergirl_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Symbol59_332 extends MovieClip { public function Symbol59_332(){ addFrameScript(324, frame325); } function frame325(){ stop(); } } }//package RomanceFlowergirl_fla
Section 159
//Symbol7_267 (RomanceFlowergirl_fla.Symbol7_267) package RomanceFlowergirl_fla { import*; import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Symbol7_267 extends MovieClip { public function Symbol7_267(){ addFrameScript(21, frame22); } function frame22(){ dispatchEvent(new Event("End")); } } }//package RomanceFlowergirl_fla
Section 160
//Symbol97_365 (RomanceFlowergirl_fla.Symbol97_365) package RomanceFlowergirl_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Symbol97_365 extends MovieClip { public function Symbol97_365(){ addFrameScript(129, frame130); } function frame130(){ stop(); } } }//package RomanceFlowergirl_fla
Section 161
//Timeline_226 (RomanceFlowergirl_fla.Timeline_226) package RomanceFlowergirl_fla { import*; import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.text.*; import spill.localisation.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.errors.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.profiler.*; import flash.sampler.*; public dynamic class Timeline_226 extends MovieClip { public var __id6_:LocalizedTextField; public function Timeline_226(){ __setProp___id6__(); } function __setProp___id6__(){ try { __id6_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true; } catch(e:Error) { }; __id6_.text = "{Enter_Names}"; __id6_.textColor = 0x333333; __id6_.textSize = 17; __id6_.bold = false; __id6_.disableWordwrap = false; __id6_.embedFonts = true; __id6_.font = ""; __id6_.hAlign = "center"; __id6_.multiline = false; __id6_.vAlign = "top"; __id6_.antiAliasType = "advanced"; __id6_.glowBlur = 3; __id6_.glowColor = 14078926; __id6_.useGlowFilter = false; __id6_.glowQuality = 1; __id6_.glowStrength = 6; __id6_.gridFitType = "pixel"; __id6_.italic = false; __id6_.selectable = false; __id6_.underline = false; try { __id6_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false; } catch(e:Error) { }; } } }//package RomanceFlowergirl_fla
Section 162
//Timeline_242 (RomanceFlowergirl_fla.Timeline_242) package RomanceFlowergirl_fla { import*; import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.text.*; import spill.localisation.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.errors.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.profiler.*; import flash.sampler.*; public dynamic class Timeline_242 extends MovieClip { public var __id2_:LocalizedTextField; public function Timeline_242(){ __setProp___id2__(); } function __setProp___id2__(){ try { __id2_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true; } catch(e:Error) { }; __id2_.text = "{Pick_a_Flower}"; __id2_.textColor = 0x333333; __id2_.textSize = 17; __id2_.bold = false; __id2_.disableWordwrap = false; __id2_.embedFonts = true; __id2_.font = ""; __id2_.hAlign = "center"; __id2_.multiline = false; __id2_.vAlign = "top"; __id2_.antiAliasType = "advanced"; __id2_.glowBlur = 3; __id2_.glowColor = 14078926; __id2_.useGlowFilter = false; __id2_.glowQuality = 1; __id2_.glowStrength = 6; __id2_.gridFitType = "pixel"; __id2_.italic = false; __id2_.selectable = false; __id2_.underline = false; try { __id2_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false; } catch(e:Error) { }; } } }//package RomanceFlowergirl_fla
Section 163
//Timeline_256 (RomanceFlowergirl_fla.Timeline_256) package RomanceFlowergirl_fla { import*; import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.text.*; import spill.localisation.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.errors.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.profiler.*; import flash.sampler.*; public dynamic class Timeline_256 extends MovieClip { public var __id1_:LocalizedTextField; public function Timeline_256(){ __setProp___id1__(); } function __setProp___id1__(){ try { __id1_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true; } catch(e:Error) { }; __id1_.text = "{Pick_a_Helper}"; __id1_.textColor = 0x333333; __id1_.textSize = 17; __id1_.bold = false; __id1_.disableWordwrap = false; __id1_.embedFonts = true; __id1_.font = ""; __id1_.hAlign = "center"; __id1_.multiline = false; __id1_.vAlign = "top"; __id1_.antiAliasType = "advanced"; __id1_.glowBlur = 3; __id1_.glowColor = 14078926; __id1_.useGlowFilter = false; __id1_.glowQuality = 1; __id1_.glowStrength = 6; __id1_.gridFitType = "pixel"; __id1_.italic = false; __id1_.selectable = false; __id1_.underline = false; try { __id1_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false; } catch(e:Error) { }; } } }//package RomanceFlowergirl_fla
Section 164
//Timeline_270 (RomanceFlowergirl_fla.Timeline_270) package RomanceFlowergirl_fla { import*; import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.text.*; import spill.localisation.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.errors.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.profiler.*; import flash.sampler.*; public dynamic class Timeline_270 extends MovieClip { public var __id0_:LocalizedTextField; public function Timeline_270(){ __setProp___id0__(); } function __setProp___id0__(){ try { __id0_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true; } catch(e:Error) { }; __id0_.text = "{Is_It_Love}"; __id0_.textColor = 0x333333; __id0_.textSize = 17; __id0_.bold = false; __id0_.disableWordwrap = false; __id0_.embedFonts = true; __id0_.font = ""; __id0_.hAlign = "center"; __id0_.multiline = false; __id0_.vAlign = "top"; __id0_.antiAliasType = "advanced"; __id0_.glowBlur = 3; __id0_.glowColor = 14078926; __id0_.useGlowFilter = false; __id0_.glowQuality = 1; __id0_.glowStrength = 6; __id0_.gridFitType = "pixel"; __id0_.italic = false; __id0_.selectable = false; __id0_.underline = false; try { __id0_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false; } catch(e:Error) { }; } } }//package RomanceFlowergirl_fla
Section 165
//Timeline_280 (RomanceFlowergirl_fla.Timeline_280) package RomanceFlowergirl_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Timeline_280 extends MovieClip { public function Timeline_280(){ addFrameScript(37, frame38); } function frame38(){ gotoAndPlay(9); } } }//package RomanceFlowergirl_fla
Section 166
//Timeline_330 (RomanceFlowergirl_fla.Timeline_330) package RomanceFlowergirl_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Timeline_330 extends MovieClip { public function Timeline_330(){ addFrameScript(310, frame311); } function frame311(){ stop(); } } }//package RomanceFlowergirl_fla
Section 167
//Timeline_331 (RomanceFlowergirl_fla.Timeline_331) package RomanceFlowergirl_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Timeline_331 extends MovieClip { public function Timeline_331(){ addFrameScript(324, frame325); } function frame325(){ stop(); } } }//package RomanceFlowergirl_fla
Section 168
//Timeline_340 (RomanceFlowergirl_fla.Timeline_340) package RomanceFlowergirl_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Timeline_340 extends MovieClip { public function Timeline_340(){ addFrameScript(67, frame68); } function frame68(){ stop(); } } }//package RomanceFlowergirl_fla
Section 169
//Timeline_351 (RomanceFlowergirl_fla.Timeline_351) package RomanceFlowergirl_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Timeline_351 extends MovieClip { public function Timeline_351(){ addFrameScript(104, frame105); } function frame105(){ stop(); } } }//package RomanceFlowergirl_fla
Section 170
//Timeline_367 (RomanceFlowergirl_fla.Timeline_367) package RomanceFlowergirl_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Timeline_367 extends MovieClip { public function Timeline_367(){ addFrameScript(86, frame87); } function frame87(){ stop(); } } }//package RomanceFlowergirl_fla
Section 171
//Timeline_371 (RomanceFlowergirl_fla.Timeline_371) package RomanceFlowergirl_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Timeline_371 extends MovieClip { public function Timeline_371(){ addFrameScript(86, frame87); } function frame87(){ stop(); } } }//package RomanceFlowergirl_fla
Section 172
//Timeline_389 (RomanceFlowergirl_fla.Timeline_389) package RomanceFlowergirl_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Timeline_389 extends MovieClip { public function Timeline_389(){ addFrameScript(58, frame59); } function frame59(){ stop(); } } }//package RomanceFlowergirl_fla
Section 173
//Timeline_419 (RomanceFlowergirl_fla.Timeline_419) package RomanceFlowergirl_fla { import*; import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Timeline_419 extends MovieClip { public function Timeline_419(){ addFrameScript(20, frame21); } function frame21(){ this.dispatchEvent(new Event("End")); } } }//package RomanceFlowergirl_fla
Section 174
//Timeline_421 (RomanceFlowergirl_fla.Timeline_421) package RomanceFlowergirl_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Timeline_421 extends MovieClip { public function Timeline_421(){ addFrameScript(299, frame300); } function frame300(){ stop(); } } }//package RomanceFlowergirl_fla
Section 175
//Timeline_423 (RomanceFlowergirl_fla.Timeline_423) package RomanceFlowergirl_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Timeline_423 extends MovieClip { public function Timeline_423(){ addFrameScript(299, frame300); } function frame300(){ stop(); } } }//package RomanceFlowergirl_fla
Section 176
//Timeline_436 (RomanceFlowergirl_fla.Timeline_436) package RomanceFlowergirl_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Timeline_436 extends MovieClip { public function Timeline_436(){ addFrameScript(299, frame300); } function frame300(){ stop(); } } }//package RomanceFlowergirl_fla
Section 177
//Timeline_466 (RomanceFlowergirl_fla.Timeline_466) package RomanceFlowergirl_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Timeline_466 extends MovieClip { public function Timeline_466(){ addFrameScript(90, frame91); } function frame91(){ stop(); } } }//package RomanceFlowergirl_fla
Section 178
//txt_en_105 (RomanceFlowergirl_fla.txt_en_105) package RomanceFlowergirl_fla { import*; import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.text.*; import spill.localisation.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.errors.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.profiler.*; import flash.sampler.*; public dynamic class txt_en_105 extends MovieClip { public var __id10_:LocalizedTextField; public function txt_en_105(){ __setProp___id10__txt_en_(); } function __setProp___id10__txt_en_(){ try { __id10_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true; } catch(e:Error) { }; __id10_.text = "{More_quizzes_at_}"; __id10_.textColor = 0xFFFFFF; __id10_.textSize = 20; __id10_.bold = false; __id10_.disableWordwrap = false; __id10_.embedFonts = true; __id10_.font = ""; __id10_.hAlign = "center"; __id10_.multiline = false; __id10_.vAlign = "top"; __id10_.antiAliasType = "advanced"; __id10_.glowBlur = 3; __id10_.glowColor = 0xE00091; __id10_.useGlowFilter = true; __id10_.glowQuality = 1; __id10_.glowStrength = 6; __id10_.gridFitType = "pixel"; __id10_.italic = false; __id10_.selectable = false; __id10_.underline = false; try { __id10_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false; } catch(e:Error) { }; } } }//package RomanceFlowergirl_fla
Section 179
//txt_name1_233 (RomanceFlowergirl_fla.txt_name1_233) package RomanceFlowergirl_fla { import*; import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.text.*; import spill.localisation.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.errors.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.profiler.*; import flash.sampler.*; public dynamic class txt_name1_233 extends MovieClip { public var __id5_:LocalizedTextField; public function txt_name1_233(){ __setProp___id5__txt_name1_Layer1_0(); } function __setProp___id5__txt_name1_Layer1_0(){ try { __id5_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true; } catch(e:Error) { }; __id5_.text = "{Name_1_}"; __id5_.textColor = 896754; __id5_.textSize = 32; __id5_.bold = false; __id5_.disableWordwrap = false; __id5_.embedFonts = true; __id5_.font = ""; __id5_.hAlign = "center"; __id5_.multiline = false; __id5_.vAlign = "top"; __id5_.antiAliasType = "advanced"; __id5_.glowBlur = 3; __id5_.glowColor = 14078926; __id5_.useGlowFilter = false; __id5_.glowQuality = 1; __id5_.glowStrength = 6; __id5_.gridFitType = "pixel"; __id5_.italic = false; __id5_.selectable = false; __id5_.underline = false; try { __id5_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false; } catch(e:Error) { }; } } }//package RomanceFlowergirl_fla
Section 180
//txt_name2_234 (RomanceFlowergirl_fla.txt_name2_234) package RomanceFlowergirl_fla { import*; import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.text.*; import spill.localisation.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.errors.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.profiler.*; import flash.sampler.*; public dynamic class txt_name2_234 extends MovieClip { public var __id4_:LocalizedTextField; public function txt_name2_234(){ __setProp___id4__txt_name2_Layer1_0(); } function __setProp___id4__txt_name2_Layer1_0(){ try { __id4_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true; } catch(e:Error) { }; __id4_.text = "{Name_2_}"; __id4_.textColor = 896754; __id4_.textSize = 32; __id4_.bold = false; __id4_.disableWordwrap = false; __id4_.embedFonts = true; __id4_.font = ""; __id4_.hAlign = "center"; __id4_.multiline = false; __id4_.vAlign = "top"; __id4_.antiAliasType = "advanced"; __id4_.glowBlur = 3; __id4_.glowColor = 14078926; __id4_.useGlowFilter = false; __id4_.glowQuality = 1; __id4_.glowStrength = 6; __id4_.gridFitType = "pixel"; __id4_.italic = false; __id4_.selectable = false; __id4_.underline = false; try { __id4_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false; } catch(e:Error) { }; } } }//package RomanceFlowergirl_fla
Section 181
//txt_typenamehere_235 (RomanceFlowergirl_fla.txt_typenamehere_235) package RomanceFlowergirl_fla { import*; import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.text.*; import spill.localisation.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.errors.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.profiler.*; import flash.sampler.*; public dynamic class txt_typenamehere_235 extends MovieClip { public var __id3_:LocalizedTextField; public function txt_typenamehere_235(){ __setProp___id3__txt_typenamehere_(); } function __setProp___id3__txt_typenamehere_(){ try { __id3_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true; } catch(e:Error) { }; __id3_.text = "{Type_Name_Here}"; __id3_.textColor = 0x333333; __id3_.textSize = 17; __id3_.bold = false; __id3_.disableWordwrap = false; __id3_.embedFonts = true; __id3_.font = ""; __id3_.hAlign = "center"; __id3_.multiline = false; __id3_.vAlign = "top"; __id3_.antiAliasType = "advanced"; __id3_.glowBlur = 3; __id3_.glowColor = 14078926; __id3_.useGlowFilter = false; __id3_.glowQuality = 1; __id3_.glowStrength = 6; __id3_.gridFitType = "pixel"; __id3_.italic = false; __id3_.selectable = false; __id3_.underline = false; try { __id3_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false; } catch(e:Error) { }; } } }//package RomanceFlowergirl_fla
Section 182
//Brand (spill.localisation.Brand) package spill.localisation { import flash.xml.*; public class Brand { public var domain:String; public var emailPage:String; public var name:String; public var site_id:uint; public var isExternal:Boolean;// = false public var id:Number; public var hostingDomain:String;// = "" public var preferedLanguage:String;// = "" public var moreLink:String;// = "" public var hasSendToFriendLink:Boolean;// = true public var emailLink:String;// = "game" public var portalGroup:uint; public var useGoogleAnalitics:Boolean;// = true private static const topLevelDoubles:String = (((((((((((((((",,,,,,," + ",,,,,,,,,,,,") + ",,,,,,,,,,,,") + ",,,,,,,,,,,") + ",,,,,,,,,,,") + ",,,,,,,,,,,") + ",,,,,,,,,,,,,") + ",,,,,,,,,,,,") + ",,,,,,,,,,,,") + ",,,,,,,,,,,") + ",,,,,,,,,,,,") + ",,,,,,,,,,,,") + ",,,,,,,,,,,,") + ",,,,,,,,,,,,") + ",,,,,,,,,,,,") + ","); private function get utm_campaign():String{ if (isExternal){ return (("utm_campaign=" + hostingDomain)); }; return (""); } public function exportXML():XML{ var _local3:XML; var _local1:XML = <portal/> ; _local1.@id = site_id; _local1.@language = preferedLanguage; _local1.@channel = portalGroup; var _local2:XML = <domain/> ; _local2.appendChild(new XMLNode(3, domain)); _local1.appendChild(_local2); if (moreLink){ _local3 = <more_games_path/> ; _local3.appendChild(new XMLNode(3, moreLink)); _local1.appendChild(_local3); }; _local2 = <game_path/> ; _local2.appendChild(new XMLNode(3, emailLink)); _local1.appendChild(_local2); if (!useGoogleAnalitics){ _local1.attributes.noGoogleAnalitics = true; }; if (!hasSendToFriendLink){ _local1.attributes.noSendToFriendLink = true; }; return (_local1); } public function getPromotionLink(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:Boolean, _arg4:String="", _arg5:String=""):String{ var _local6:String = ("http://" + domain); _local6 = (_local6 + ((("/" + emailLink) + "/") + _arg2)); if (useGoogleAnalitics){ _local6 = (_local6 + ("?utm_medium=brandedgames_" + (_arg3) ? "external" : "internal")); _local6 = (_local6 + ("&utm_campaign=" + _arg1)); _arg4 = stripSubDomain(_arg4); trace(_arg4); if (_arg4 == "localhost"){ _arg4 = "offline_play"; }; _local6 = (_local6 + ("&utm_source=" + _arg4)); if (((!((_arg5 == ""))) && (!((_arg5 == null))))){ _local6 = (_local6 + ("&utm_content=" + _arg5)); }; }; return (_local6); } private function get utm_source():String{ return (("utm_source=brandedgames_" + (isExternal) ? "external" : "internal")); } public function getMoreGamesLink(_arg1:String, _arg2:Boolean, _arg3:String="", _arg4:String=""):String{ var _local5:String = ("http://" + domain); _local5 = (_local5 + ("/" + moreLink)); if (useGoogleAnalitics){ _local5 = (_local5 + ("?utm_medium=brandedgames_" + (_arg2) ? "external" : "internal")); _local5 = (_local5 + ("&utm_campaign=" + _arg1)); _arg3 = stripSubDomain(_arg3); if (_arg3 == "localhost"){ _arg3 = "offline_play"; }; _local5 = (_local5 + ("&utm_source=" + _arg3)); if (((!((_arg4 == ""))) && (!((_arg4 == null))))){ _local5 = (_local5 + ("&utm_content=" + _arg4)); }; }; return (_local5); } public function get backgroundColor():uint{ return (PortalGroup.backgroundColors[portalGroup]); } private function get utm_term():String{ return ("utm_term="); } public function importXML(_arg1:XMLNode):void{ } public function getSendToFriendLink(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:Boolean, _arg4:String=""):String{ if (!hasSendToFriendLink){ return (getMoreGamesLink(_arg1, _arg3)); }; var _local5:String = ("http://" + domain); _local5 = (_local5 + ((("/" + emailLink) + "/") + _arg2)); if (useGoogleAnalitics){ _local5 = (_local5 + ("?utm_medium=brandedgames_" + (_arg3) ? "external" : "internal")); _local5 = (_local5 + ("&utm_campaign=" + _arg1)); _arg4 = stripSubDomain(_arg4); if (_arg4 == "localhost"){ _arg4 = "offline_play"; }; _local5 = (_local5 + ("&utm_source=" + _arg4)); _local5 = (_local5 + "&utm_content=send_to_friend"); }; return (_local5); } public static function stripSubDomain(_arg1:String):String{ if (!_arg1){ return (""); }; var _local2:Array = _arg1.split("."); if (_local2.length <= 2){ return (_arg1); }; _local2 = _local2.reverse(); if (topLevelDoubles.indexOf((((_local2[1] + ".") + _local2[0]) + ",")) > 0){ return (((((_local2[2] + ".") + _local2[1]) + ".") + _local2[0])); }; return (((_local2[1] + ".") + _local2[0])); } } }//package spill.localisation
Section 183
//BrandingLogo (spill.localisation.BrandingLogo) package spill.localisation { import*; import flash.display.*; public class BrandingLogo extends MovieClip { public function BrandingLogo(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); super(); stop(); mouseEnabled = false; mouseChildren = false; addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, added, false, 0, true); addEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, removed, false, 0, true); if (stage){ added(); }; brandingChanged(); } private function added(_arg1:Event=null):void{ SpilGame.addEventListener("brandingChanged", brandingChanged, false, 0, true); brandingChanged(); } private function brandingChanged(_arg1:Event=null):void{ if (SpilGame.currentBranding){ gotoAndStop(SpilGame.currentBranding.domain); }; } function frame1(){ stop(); } private function removed(_arg1:Event):void{ SpilGame.removeEventListener("brandingChanged", brandingChanged); } } }//package spill.localisation
Section 184
//Brandings (spill.localisation.Brandings) package spill.localisation { public class Brandings { private static var brands_by_id:Object = new Object(); private static var brands_by_domain:Object = new Object(); public static function getBrandByID(_arg1:Number):Brand{ return (brands_by_id[_arg1]); } public static function getBrandsArray():Array{ var _local2:Brand; var _local1:Array = new Array(); for each (_local2 in brands_by_domain) { _local1.push(_local2); }; return (_local1); } private static function addBrand(_arg1:Brand):Brand{ if (brands_by_domain[_arg1.domain]){ trace(("ERROR: Attempting to add duplicate brand by domain: " + _arg1.domain)); } else { brands_by_domain[_arg1.domain] = _arg1; }; if (brands_by_id[_arg1.site_id]){ trace(("ERROR: Attempting to add duplicate brand by id: " + _arg1.site_id)); } else { brands_by_id[_arg1.site_id] = _arg1; }; return (_arg1); } public static function initialize():void{ var _local1:Brand; _local1 = new Brand(); _local1.site_id = 79; _local1.domain = ""; _local1.preferedLanguage = "en_us"; _local1.portalGroup = PortalGroup.TEENS; addBrand(_local1); _local1 = new Brand(); _local1.site_id = 88; _local1.domain = ""; _local1.preferedLanguage = "en_us"; _local1.portalGroup = PortalGroup.FAMILY; addBrand(_local1); _local1 = new Brand(); _local1.site_id = 90; _local1.domain = ""; _local1.preferedLanguage = "en_us"; _local1.portalGroup = PortalGroup.GIRL; addBrand(_local1); _local1 = new Brand(); _local1.site_id = 45; _local1.domain = ""; _local1.preferedLanguage = "en_us"; _local1.portalGroup = PortalGroup.YOUNG_ADULTS; addBrand(_local1); _local1 = new Brand(); _local1.site_id = 92; _local1.domain = ""; _local1.preferedLanguage = "en_uk"; _local1.portalGroup = PortalGroup.FAMILY; addBrand(_local1); _local1 = new Brand(); _local1.site_id = 107; _local1.domain = ""; _local1.preferedLanguage = "en_uk"; _local1.portalGroup = PortalGroup.TEENS; addBrand(_local1); _local1 = new Brand(); _local1.site_id = 102; _local1.domain = ""; _local1.preferedLanguage = "en_uk"; _local1.portalGroup = PortalGroup.GIRL; addBrand(_local1); _local1 = new Brand(); _local1.site_id = 2; _local1.domain = ""; _local1.moreLink = "moregames/"; _local1.preferedLanguage = "cn"; _local1.portalGroup = PortalGroup.NONE; _local1.useGoogleAnalitics = false; _local1.hasSendToFriendLink = false; addBrand(_local1); _local1 = new Brand(); _local1.site_id = 25; _local1.domain = ""; _local1.portalGroup = PortalGroup.TEENS; _local1.preferedLanguage = "nl"; addBrand(_local1); _local1 = new Brand(); _local1.site_id = 1; _local1.domain = ""; _local1.emailLink = "spel"; _local1.portalGroup = PortalGroup.FAMILY; _local1.preferedLanguage = "nl"; addBrand(_local1); _local1 = new Brand(); _local1.site_id = 93; _local1.domain = ""; _local1.emailLink = "spel"; _local1.portalGroup = PortalGroup.GIRL; _local1.preferedLanguage = "nl"; addBrand(_local1); _local1 = new Brand(); _local1.site_id = 12; _local1.domain = ""; _local1.emailLink = "jeu"; _local1.portalGroup = PortalGroup.TEENS; _local1.preferedLanguage = "fr"; addBrand(_local1); _local1 = new Brand(); _local1.site_id = 95; _local1.domain = ""; _local1.emailLink = "jeu"; _local1.portalGroup = PortalGroup.GIRL; _local1.preferedLanguage = "fr"; addBrand(_local1); _local1 = new Brand(); _local1.site_id = 11; _local1.domain = ""; _local1.emailLink = "jeu"; _local1.portalGroup = PortalGroup.FAMILY; _local1.preferedLanguage = "fr"; addBrand(_local1); _local1 = new Brand(); _local1.site_id = 26; _local1.domain = ""; _local1.emailLink = "spiel"; _local1.portalGroup = PortalGroup.TEENS; _local1.preferedLanguage = "de"; addBrand(_local1); _local1 = new Brand(); _local1.site_id = 94; _local1.domain = ""; _local1.emailLink = "spiel"; _local1.portalGroup = PortalGroup.GIRL; _local1.preferedLanguage = "de"; addBrand(_local1); _local1 = new Brand(); _local1.site_id = 5; _local1.domain = ""; _local1.emailLink = "spiel"; _local1.portalGroup = PortalGroup.FAMILY; _local1.preferedLanguage = "de"; addBrand(_local1); _local1 = new Brand(); _local1.site_id = 109; _local1.domain = ""; _local1.emailLink = "gra"; _local1.portalGroup = PortalGroup.TEENS; _local1.preferedLanguage = "pl"; addBrand(_local1); _local1 = new Brand(); _local1.site_id = 16; _local1.domain = ""; _local1.emailLink = "gra"; _local1.portalGroup = PortalGroup.FAMILY; _local1.preferedLanguage = "pl"; addBrand(_local1); _local1 = new Brand(); _local1.site_id = 98; _local1.domain = ""; _local1.emailLink = "gra"; _local1.portalGroup = PortalGroup.GIRL; _local1.preferedLanguage = "pl"; addBrand(_local1); _local1 = new Brand(); _local1.site_id = 108; _local1.domain = ""; _local1.emailLink = "spel_"; _local1.portalGroup = PortalGroup.TEENS; _local1.preferedLanguage = "se"; addBrand(_local1); _local1 = new Brand(); _local1.site_id = 100; _local1.domain = ""; _local1.emailLink = "spel_"; _local1.portalGroup = PortalGroup.GIRL; _local1.preferedLanguage = "se"; addBrand(_local1); _local1 = new Brand(); _local1.site_id = 44; _local1.domain = ""; _local1.emailLink = "spel_"; _local1.preferedLanguage = "se"; _local1.portalGroup = PortalGroup.FAMILY; addBrand(_local1); _local1 = new Brand(); _local1.site_id = 106; _local1.domain = ""; _local1.emailLink = "gioco"; _local1.portalGroup = PortalGroup.TEENS; _local1.preferedLanguage = "it"; addBrand(_local1); _local1 = new Brand(); _local1.site_id = 15; _local1.domain = ""; _local1.emailLink = "gioco"; _local1.portalGroup = PortalGroup.FAMILY; _local1.preferedLanguage = "it"; addBrand(_local1); _local1 = new Brand(); _local1.site_id = 99; _local1.domain = ""; _local1.emailLink = "gioco"; _local1.portalGroup = PortalGroup.GIRL; _local1.preferedLanguage = "it"; addBrand(_local1); _local1 = new Brand(); _local1.site_id = 97; _local1.domain = ""; _local1.emailLink = "juego"; _local1.portalGroup = PortalGroup.TEENS; _local1.preferedLanguage = "es"; addBrand(_local1); _local1 = new Brand(); _local1.site_id = 86; _local1.domain = ""; _local1.emailLink = "juego"; _local1.portalGroup = PortalGroup.FAMILY; _local1.preferedLanguage = "es"; addBrand(_local1); _local1 = new Brand(); _local1.site_id = 96; _local1.domain = ""; _local1.emailLink = "juego"; _local1.portalGroup = PortalGroup.GIRL; _local1.preferedLanguage = "es"; addBrand(_local1); _local1 = new Brand(); _local1.site_id = 122; _local1.domain = ""; _local1.emailLink = "juego"; _local1.portalGroup = PortalGroup.GIRL; _local1.preferedLanguage = "es"; addBrand(_local1); _local1 = new Brand(); _local1.site_id = 125; _local1.domain = ""; _local1.emailLink = "juego"; _local1.portalGroup = PortalGroup.TEENS; _local1.preferedLanguage = "es"; addBrand(_local1); _local1 = new Brand(); _local1.site_id = 126; _local1.domain = ""; _local1.emailLink = "juego"; _local1.portalGroup = PortalGroup.GIRL; _local1.preferedLanguage = "es"; addBrand(_local1); _local1 = new Brand(); _local1.site_id = 127; _local1.domain = ""; _local1.emailLink = "juego"; _local1.portalGroup = PortalGroup.TEENS; _local1.preferedLanguage = "es"; addBrand(_local1); _local1 = new Brand(); _local1.site_id = 128; _local1.domain = ""; _local1.emailLink = "juego"; _local1.portalGroup = PortalGroup.GIRL; _local1.preferedLanguage = "es"; addBrand(_local1); _local1 = new Brand(); _local1.site_id = 91; _local1.domain = ""; _local1.emailLink = "jogo"; _local1.portalGroup = PortalGroup.TEENS; _local1.preferedLanguage = "br"; addBrand(_local1); _local1 = new Brand(); _local1.site_id = 101; _local1.domain = ""; _local1.emailLink = "jogo"; _local1.portalGroup = PortalGroup.GIRL; _local1.preferedLanguage = "br"; addBrand(_local1); _local1 = new Brand(); _local1.site_id = 50; _local1.domain = ""; _local1.emailLink = "jogo"; _local1.portalGroup = PortalGroup.FAMILY; _local1.preferedLanguage = "br"; addBrand(_local1); _local1 = new Brand(); _local1.site_id = 55; _local1.domain = ""; _local1.emailLink = "permainanme"; _local1.portalGroup = PortalGroup.TEENS; _local1.preferedLanguage = "id"; addBrand(_local1); _local1 = new Brand(); _local1.site_id = 105; _local1.domain = ""; _local1.emailLink = "igra"; _local1.portalGroup = PortalGroup.TEENS; _local1.preferedLanguage = "ru"; addBrand(_local1); _local1 = new Brand(); _local1.site_id = 104; _local1.domain = ""; _local1.emailLink = "igra"; _local1.portalGroup = PortalGroup.GIRL; _local1.preferedLanguage = "ru"; addBrand(_local1); _local1 = new Brand(); _local1.site_id = 103; _local1.domain = ""; _local1.emailLink = "igra"; _local1.portalGroup = PortalGroup.FAMILY; _local1.preferedLanguage = "ru"; addBrand(_local1); _local1 = new Brand(); _local1.site_id = 24; _local1.domain = ""; _local1.emailLink = "game"; _local1.portalGroup = PortalGroup.TEENS; _local1.preferedLanguage = "in"; addBrand(_local1); _local1 = new Brand(); _local1.site_id = 87; _local1.domain = ""; _local1.emailLink = "jogo"; _local1.portalGroup = PortalGroup.FAMILY; _local1.preferedLanguage = "pt"; addBrand(_local1); _local1 = new Brand(); _local1.site_id = 120; _local1.domain = ""; _local1.emailLink = "game"; _local1.portalGroup = PortalGroup.TEENS; _local1.preferedLanguage = "jp"; addBrand(_local1); _local1 = new Brand(); _local1.site_id = 121; _local1.domain = ""; _local1.emailLink = "/game/"; _local1.portalGroup = PortalGroup.FAMILY; _local1.preferedLanguage = "en_us"; addBrand(_local1); _local1 = new Brand(); _local1.site_id = 123; _local1.domain = ""; _local1.emailLink = "game"; _local1.portalGroup = PortalGroup.ZAPAPA; _local1.preferedLanguage = "en_us"; addBrand(_local1); _local1 = new Brand(); _local1.site_id = 124; _local1.domain = ""; _local1.emailLink = "game"; _local1.portalGroup = PortalGroup.HYVES; _local1.preferedLanguage = "nl"; addBrand(_local1); _local1 = new Brand(); _local1.site_id = 0; _local1.domain = ""; _local1.portalGroup = PortalGroup.FAMILY; _local1.preferedLanguage = "en_us"; addBrand(_local1); } public static function exportXML():XML{ var _local2:Brand; var _local1:XML = <portals/> ; for each (_local2 in brands_by_domain) { _local1.appendChild(_local2.exportXML()); }; return (_local1); } public static function getBrandByDomain(_arg1:String):Brand{ return (brands_by_domain[_arg1]); } public static function hasDomain(_arg1:String):Boolean{ return (!((brands_by_domain[_arg1] == null))); } } }//package spill.localisation
Section 185
//Language (spill.localisation.Language) package spill.localisation { import flash.xml.*; public class Language { public var portal_groups:Array; public var references:Array; public var name:String; public var embedInputFonts:Boolean;// = true public var id:uint; public var forceFont:String;// = null public var textLanguage:String; public var bwcId:int; public var embedFonts:Boolean;// = true public var displayName:String;// = "" public var dname:String; public function Language(_arg1:String, _arg2:String=null){ references = []; super(); name = _arg1; dname = _arg2; portal_groups = new Array(); } public function exportXML():XMLNode{ var _local1:XMLNode = new XMLNode(1, "language"); = name; if (textLanguage != null){ _local1.attributes.textLanguage = textLanguage; }; if (references.length){ _local1.attributes.references = references.toString(); }; = bwcId; var _local2:XMLNode = new XMLNode(1, "display_name"); _local2.firstChild = new XMLNode(3, displayName); _local1.appendChild(_local2); var _local3:Array = []; var _local4:Array = PortalGroup.channelNames; var _local5:int; while (_local5 < _local4.length) { _local3.push(Brandings.getBrandByDomain(portal_groups[_local5]).site_id); _local5++; }; _local1.attributes.channels = _local3.join(","); return (_local1); } public function get p_teen():String{ return (portal_groups[PortalGroup.YOUNG_ADULTS]); } public function set p_hyves(_arg1:String):void{ portal_groups[PortalGroup.HYVES] = _arg1; } public function set p_teen(_arg1:String):void{ portal_groups[PortalGroup.YOUNG_ADULTS] = _arg1; } public function get p_tween():String{ return (portal_groups[PortalGroup.TEENS]); } public function get p_family():String{ return (portal_groups[PortalGroup.FAMILY]); } public function get p_girl():String{ trace("Language", portal_groups[PortalGroup.GIRL]); return (portal_groups[PortalGroup.GIRL]); } public function get p_hyves():String{ return (portal_groups[PortalGroup.HYVES]); } public function set p_girl(_arg1:String):void{ portal_groups[PortalGroup.GIRL] = _arg1; } public function set p_zapapa(_arg1:String):void{ portal_groups[PortalGroup.ZAPAPA] = _arg1; } public function get displayAcronim():String{ return ((dname) ? dname : name); } public function set p_family(_arg1:String):void{ portal_groups[PortalGroup.FAMILY] = _arg1; } public function set p_tween(_arg1:String):void{ portal_groups[PortalGroup.TEENS] = _arg1; } public function get p_zapapa():String{ return (portal_groups[PortalGroup.ZAPAPA]); } } }//package spill.localisation
Section 186
//Languages (spill.localisation.Languages) package spill.localisation { import flash.xml.*; public class Languages { public static var languages:Object = new Object(); private static var _init:Boolean = false; public static function initialize():void{ var _local1:Language; if (_init){ return; }; _init = true; _local1 = new Language("nl"); _local1.displayName = "Nederlands"; _local1.p_family = ""; _local1.p_tween = ""; _local1.p_girl = ""; _local1.p_teen = ""; _local1.p_zapapa = ""; _local1.p_hyves = ""; _local1.bwcId = 3; addLanguage(_local1); _local1 = new Language("es"); _local1.displayName = "Español"; _local1.p_family = ""; _local1.p_tween = ""; _local1.p_girl = ""; _local1.p_teen = ""; _local1.p_zapapa = ""; _local1.bwcId = 9; addLanguage(_local1); _local1 = new Language("pl"); _local1.displayName = "Polski"; _local1.p_family = ""; _local1.p_tween = ""; _local1.p_girl = ""; _local1.p_teen = ""; _local1.p_zapapa = ""; _local1.bwcId = 6; addLanguage(_local1); _local1 = new Language("fr"); _local1.displayName = "Français"; _local1.p_family = ""; _local1.p_tween = ""; _local1.p_girl = ""; _local1.p_teen = ""; _local1.p_zapapa = ""; _local1.bwcId = 4; addLanguage(_local1); _local1 = new Language("en_us", "us"); _local1.displayName = "English"; _local1.p_family = ""; _local1.p_tween = ""; _local1.p_girl = ""; _local1.p_teen = ""; _local1.p_zapapa = ""; _local1.bwcId = 1; addLanguage(_local1); addReference(_local1, "en"); _local1 = new Language("id"); _local1.displayName = "Bahasa Ind."; _local1.p_family = ""; _local1.p_tween = ""; _local1.p_girl = ""; _local1.p_teen = ""; _local1.p_zapapa = ""; _local1.bwcId = 11; addLanguage(_local1); _local1 = new Language("ru"); _local1.displayName = "Русский"; _local1.p_family = ""; _local1.p_tween = ""; _local1.p_girl = ""; _local1.p_teen = ""; _local1.p_zapapa = ""; _local1.bwcId = 12; addLanguage(_local1); _local1 = new Language("se"); _local1.displayName = "Svenska"; _local1.p_family = ""; _local1.p_tween = ""; _local1.p_girl = ""; _local1.p_teen = ""; _local1.p_zapapa = ""; _local1.bwcId = 7; addLanguage(_local1); addReference(_local1, "sv"); _local1 = new Language("it"); _local1.displayName = "Italiano"; _local1.p_family = ""; _local1.p_tween = ""; _local1.p_girl = ""; _local1.p_teen = ""; _local1.p_zapapa = ""; _local1.bwcId = 8; addLanguage(_local1); _local1 = new Language("en_uk", "uk"); _local1.displayName = "English"; _local1.p_family = ""; _local1.p_tween = ""; _local1.p_girl = ""; _local1.p_teen = ""; _local1.p_zapapa = ""; _local1.bwcId = 13; addLanguage(_local1); _local1 = new Language("cn"); _local1.displayName = "中文"; _local1.p_family = ""; _local1.p_tween = ""; _local1.p_girl = ""; _local1.p_teen = ""; _local1.p_zapapa = ""; _local1.bwcId = 2; _local1.embedInputFonts = false; addLanguage(_local1); addReference(_local1, "zh-CN"); addReference(_local1, "zh-TW"); _local1 = new Language("pt"); _local1.displayName = "Português"; _local1.p_family = ""; _local1.p_tween = ""; _local1.p_girl = ""; _local1.p_teen = ""; _local1.p_zapapa = ""; _local1.bwcId = 17; addLanguage(_local1); _local1 = new Language("in"); _local1.displayName = "English"; _local1.p_family = ""; _local1.p_tween = ""; _local1.p_girl = ""; _local1.p_teen = ""; _local1.p_zapapa = ""; _local1.textLanguage = "en_uk"; _local1.bwcId = 14; addLanguage(_local1); _local1 = new Language("de"); _local1.displayName = "Deutsch"; _local1.p_family = ""; _local1.p_tween = ""; _local1.p_girl = ""; _local1.p_teen = ""; _local1.p_zapapa = ""; _local1.bwcId = 5; addLanguage(_local1); _local1 = new Language("br"); _local1.displayName = "Português (BR)"; _local1.p_family = ""; _local1.p_tween = ""; _local1.p_girl = ""; _local1.p_teen = ""; _local1.p_zapapa = ""; _local1.bwcId = 10; addLanguage(_local1); _local1 = new Language("jp"); _local1.displayName = "日本語"; _local1.p_family = ""; _local1.p_tween = ""; _local1.p_girl = ""; _local1.p_teen = ""; _local1.p_zapapa = ""; _local1.embedInputFonts = false; _local1.bwcId = 19; addLanguage(_local1); addReference(_local1, "ja"); _local1 = new Language("ar"); _local1.displayName = "English"; _local1.p_family = ""; _local1.p_tween = ""; _local1.p_girl = ""; _local1.p_teen = ""; _local1.p_zapapa = ""; _local1.bwcId = 20; addLanguage(_local1); addReference(_local1, "ar"); _local1 = new Language("es_mx", "mx"); _local1.displayName = "Español (mx)"; _local1.p_family = ""; _local1.p_tween = ""; _local1.p_girl = ""; _local1.p_teen = ""; _local1.p_zapapa = ""; addLanguage(_local1); addReference(_local1, "mx"); _local1 = new Language("es_ar", "arg"); _local1.displayName = "Español (ar)"; _local1.p_family = ""; _local1.p_tween = ""; _local1.p_girl = ""; _local1.p_teen = ""; _local1.p_zapapa = ""; addLanguage(_local1); addReference(_local1, "arg"); } public static function exportXML():XMLNode{ var _local3:Language; var _local1:Array = getLanguagesArray(); var _local2:XMLNode = new XMLNode(1, "languages"); for each (_local3 in _local1) { _local2.appendChild(_local3.exportXML()); }; return (_local2); } public static function getLanguagesArray():Array{ var _local3:Language; var _local1:Array = new Array(); var _local2:Object = new Object(); for each (_local3 in languages) { if (!_local2[]){ _local1.push(_local3); _local2[] = true; }; }; return (_local1); } public static function getLanguage(_arg1:String):Language{ return (languages[_arg1]); } private static function addLanguage(_arg1:Language):void{ languages[] = _arg1; } private static function addReference(_arg1:Language, _arg2:String):void{ languages[_arg2] = _arg1; _arg1.references.push(_arg2); } public static function getLanguageByOldID(_arg1:int):Language{ var _local2:Language; for each (_local2 in languages) { if (_local2.bwcId == _arg1){ return (_local2); }; }; return (null); } } }//package spill.localisation
Section 187
//LanguageSelectBox (spill.localisation.LanguageSelectBox) package spill.localisation { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public class LanguageSelectBox extends MovieClip { private var flag:MovieClip; private var languageName_text:TextField; private var popup:MovieClip; private var mc:MovieClip; public function LanguageSelectBox(){ trace("new langselecbox"); super(); if (numChildren > 0){ removeChildAt(0); }; addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, added, false, 0, true); addEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, removed, false, 0, true); addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouseOver, false, 0, true); addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, mouseOut, false, 0, true); Languages.initialize(); popup = new LanguageSelectPopup_mc(); x = Math.round(x); y = Math.round(y); popup.y = (-(Math.floor(popup.height)) + 1); popup.visible = false; addChild(popup); mc = new LanguageSelectBox_mc(); addChild(mc); flag = mc.flag; languageName_text = mc.languageName_text; if (stage){ added(); }; init(); languageChanged(); } private function added(_arg1:Event=null):void{ trace("addedselebnox"); SpilGame.addEventListener("languageChanged", languageChanged, false, 0, true); } private function mouseOut(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ popup.visible = false; } public function set popupLocation(_arg1:String):void{ trace(("popupLocation = " + _arg1)); if (_arg1 == "bottom"){ popup.y = Math.floor(mc.height); } else { popup.y = (-(Math.floor(mc.height)) + 1); }; } private function removed(_arg1:Event):void{ SpilGame.removeEventListener("languageChanged", languageChanged); } public function init():void{ var _local3:MovieClip; var _local4:Language; trace("initselectbox"); var _local1:Array = new Array(popup.l_br, popup.l_de, popup.l_en_us, popup.l_fr, popup.l_in, popup.l_jp, popup.l_pt, popup.l_ru, popup.l_ar, popup.l_cn, popup.l_en_uk, popup.l_es, popup.l_id, popup.l_it, popup.l_nl, popup.l_pl, popup.l_se, popup.l_es_mx, popup.l_es_ar); var _local2:int; while (_local2 < _local1.length) { _local3 = MovieClip(_local1[_local2]); if (_local3){ _local3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, itemClicked, true, 0, true); _local3.flag.gotoAndStop(; _local3.flag.mouseEnabled = false; _local3.text.mouseEnabled = false; _local4 = Languages.getLanguage(; if (_local4){ _local3.text.text = _local4.displayAcronim; } else { trace((("Error, '" + + "' language not found")); }; } else { trace((((("Error, btn number '" + _local2) + "' is not a MovieClip or there is no button '") + _local1[_local2]) + "'")); }; _local2++; }; } private function itemClicked(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ SpilGame.changeLanguage(; popup.visible = false; } private function mouseOver(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ popup.visible = true; } private function languageChanged(_arg1:Event=null):void{ if (SpilGame.currentLanguage){ if ((((SpilGame.portalGroup == PortalGroup.HYVES)) && (( == "nl")))){ this.visible = false; return; }; this.visible = true; flag.gotoAndStop(; languageName_text.text = SpilGame.currentLanguage.displayName; languageName_text.embedFonts = SpilGame.currentLanguage.embedInputFonts; }; } } }//package spill.localisation
Section 188
//LanguageSelectBox_mc (spill.localisation.LanguageSelectBox_mc) package spill.localisation { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class LanguageSelectBox_mc extends MovieClip { public var languageName_text:TextField; public var flag:MovieClip; } }//package spill.localisation
Section 189
//LanguageSelectPopup_mc (spill.localisation.LanguageSelectPopup_mc) package spill.localisation { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class LanguageSelectPopup_mc extends MovieClip { public var l_cn:MovieClip; public var l_br:MovieClip; public var l_se:MovieClip; public var l_id:MovieClip; public var l_es_ar:MovieClip; public var l_es_mx:MovieClip; public var l_in:MovieClip; public var l_en_uk:MovieClip; public var l_en_us:MovieClip; public var l_es:MovieClip; public var l_ar:MovieClip; public var l_it:MovieClip; public var l_pl:MovieClip; public var l_nl:MovieClip; public var l_de:MovieClip; public var l_ru:MovieClip; public var l_pt:MovieClip; public var l_jp:MovieClip; public var l_fr:MovieClip; } }//package spill.localisation
Section 190
//LocalizedTextField (spill.localisation.LocalizedTextField) package spill.localisation { import*; public class LocalizedTextField extends TextFieldFit { private var regex:RegExp; private var originalText:String; public function LocalizedTextField(){ regex = /{([^{}]*)}/g; super(); addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, added, false, 0, true); addEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, removed, false, 0, true); added(); } private function added(_arg1:Event=null):void{ SpilGame.addEventListener("languageChanged", languageChanged, false, 0, true); text = originalText; } private function replaceFn():String{ var _local2:String = SpilGame.getString(arguments[1]); if (((!(_local2)) || ((_local2 == "")))){ return ((("{" + arguments[1]) + "}")); }; return (_local2); } private function removed(_arg1:Event):void{ SpilGame.removeEventListener("languageChanged", languageChanged); } override public function set text(_arg1:String):void{ originalText = _arg1; if ((_arg1 is String)){ super.text = _arg1.replace(regex, replaceFn); } else { super.text = ""; }; trace(super.text); } private function languageChanged(_arg1:Event):void{ text = originalText; updateProperties(); } } }//package spill.localisation
Section 191
//PortalGroup (spill.localisation.PortalGroup) package spill.localisation { import flash.xml.*; public class PortalGroup { public static const YOUNG_ADULTS:uint = 3; public static const FAMILY:uint = 0; public static const channelNames:Array = ["family", "tween", "girl", "teen", "zapapa", "hyves"]; public static const ZAPAPA:uint = 4; public static const HYVES:uint = 5; public static const TEENS:uint = 1; public static const GIRL:uint = 2; public static const backgroundColors:Array = [0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF, 16742331, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF]; public static const NONE:uint = 6; public static function getName(_arg1:int):String{ return (channelNames[_arg1]); } public static function exportXML():XMLNode{ var _local3:XMLNode; var _local1:XMLNode = new XMLNode(1, "channels"); var _local2:int; while (_local2 < 5) { _local3 = new XMLNode(1, "channel"); = channelNames[_local2]; = _local2; _local1.appendChild(_local3); _local2++; }; return (_local1); } } }//package spill.localisation
Section 192
//spil_internal (spill.localisation.spil_internal) package spill.localisation { public namespace spil_internal = "spill.localisation"; }//package spill.localisation
Section 193
//SpilGame (spill.localisation.SpilGame) package spill.localisation { import*; import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.external.*; public class SpilGame { private static const cookieName:String = "spilgames_language_v100"; private static const cookiePath:String = "/"; private static const cookieLanguageVar:String = "savedLang"; public static const LANGUAGE_CHANGED:String = "languageChanged"; public static const BRANDING_CHANGED:String = "brandingChanged"; private static var strings:Object = new Object(); public static var currentBranding:Brand; private static var contexMenuItem:ContextMenuItem; spil_internal static var gameName:String; spil_internal static var debugHostDomain:String = ""; private static var localDomains:Object = new Object(); spil_internal static var emailPage:String; private static var channelLock:Boolean = false; spil_internal static var debugEmbedDomain:String = ""; private static var eventDispatcher:EventDispatcher; private static var _init:Boolean = false; public static var currentLanguage:Language; spil_internal static var portalGroup:uint; private static var stage:Sprite; public static function getSpilCompanyLink():String{ var _local1 = ""; _local1 = (_local1 + ("?utm_medium=brandedgames_" + (isExternal) ? "external" : "internal")); _local1 = (_local1 + ("&utm_campaign=" + gameName)); _local1 = (_local1 + ("&utm_source=" + Brand.stripSubDomain((embedDomain) ? embedDomain : hostingDomain))); _local1 = (_local1 + "&utm_content=add_to_site_button"); return (_local1); } public static function getPromotionLink(_arg1:String="feature_promotion"):String{ var _local2:String = (embedDomain) ? embedDomain : hostingDomain; return (currentBranding.getPromotionLink(gameName, emailPage, isExternal, _local2, _arg1)); } public static function traceAllBrands():void{ trace(outputAllBrands()); } public static function getString(_arg1:String):String{ var _local2:Object = strings[_arg1]; if (_local2){ if (currentLanguage.textLanguage){ return (_local2[currentLanguage.textLanguage]); }; if (_local2[]){ return (_local2[]); }; return (_local2["en_us"]); //unresolved jump }; return (""); } public static function initialize(_arg1:String, _arg2:int, _arg3:String, _arg4:Sprite, _arg5:Boolean=false):void{ stage = _arg4; if (_init){ trace("ERROR: LocalisationManager already initialised"); return; }; _init = true; localDomains["localhost"] = true; localDomains[""] = true; localDomains[""] = true; localDomains[""] = true; localDomains[""] = true; localDomains[""] = true; localDomains[""] = true; trace(localDomains[""]); Brandings.initialize(); Languages.initialize(); initContexMenu(_arg4); channelLock = _arg5; gameName = _arg1.replace(" ", "_"); portalGroup = _arg2; emailPage = _arg3; chooseLanguage(); chooseBranding(); if (portalGroup == PortalGroup.HYVES){ changeLanguage("nl"); }; } public static function get isExternal():Boolean{ return (((((!(Brandings.hasDomain(embedDomain))) && (!(localDomains[embedDomain])))) && (!(isStagingDomain)))); } private static function initContexMenu(_arg1:Sprite):void{ contexMenuItem = new ContextMenuItem(""); _arg1.contextMenu = new ContextMenu(); _arg1.contextMenu.customItems.push(contexMenuItem); contexMenuItem.addEventListener(ContextMenuEvent.MENU_ITEM_SELECT, contexMenuClicked); } private static function replaceFn():String{ var _local2:String = SpilGame.getString(arguments[1]); if (((!(_local2)) || ((_local2 == "")))){ return ((("{" + arguments[1]) + "}")); }; return (_local2); } spil_internal static function get hostingDomain():String{ var _local1:LocalConnection; if (debugHostDomain != ""){ return (debugHostDomain); }; _local1 = new LocalConnection(); return (_local1.domain); } spil_internal static function chooseLanguage():void{ if (cookieLanguage != null){ currentLanguage = cookieLanguage; } else { if (isExternal){ currentLanguage = systemLanguage; } else { currentLanguage = portalLanguage; if (!currentLanguage){ currentLanguage = systemLanguage; }; }; }; if (!currentLanguage){ trace("Unable to determine language, using 'English US'"); currentLanguage = Languages.getLanguage("en_us"); }; TextFieldFit.embedFonts = currentLanguage.embedFonts; TextFieldFit.forceFont = currentLanguage.forceFont; dispatchEvent(new Event(LANGUAGE_CHANGED)); } private static function contexMenuClicked(_arg1:ContextMenuEvent):void{ navigateToURL(new URLRequest(getMoreGamesLink("Contex_Menu"))); } public static function initTextField(_arg1:TextField):void{ var _local2:TextFormat; trace(_arg1.text); _arg1.text = _arg1.text.replace(/{([^{}]*)}/g, replaceFn); trace(_arg1.text); _arg1.embedFonts = currentLanguage.embedFonts; if (currentLanguage.forceFont != ""){ _local2 = new TextFormat(); _local2.font = currentLanguage.forceFont; _arg1.setTextFormat(_local2); }; } public static function importXMLv2(_arg1:XML):void{ var _local2:XML; var _local3:Object; var _local4:XML; for each (_local2 in _arg1.children()) { _local3 = (strings[_local2.attribute("identifier")] = new Object()); for each (_local4 in _local2.children()) { if (_local4.children().length() > 0){ _local3[] = _local4.children()[0].toString(); } else { _local3[] = ""; }; }; }; } spil_internal static function changeLanguage(_arg1:String):void{ var _local2:Language = Languages.getLanguage(_arg1); if (!_local2){ trace("ERROR: Supplied language string does not have a matching language"); } else { cookieLanguage = _local2; currentLanguage = _local2; }; TextFieldFit.embedFonts = currentLanguage.embedFonts; TextFieldFit.forceFont = currentLanguage.forceFont; chooseBranding(); dispatchEvent(new Event(LANGUAGE_CHANGED)); } public static function getSendToFriendLink():String{ return (currentBranding.getSendToFriendLink(gameName, emailPage, isExternal, embedDomain)); } spil_internal static function chooseBranding():void{ currentBranding = Brandings.getBrandByDomain(currentLanguage.portal_groups[portalGroup]); if (!(currentBranding is Brand)){ currentBranding = Brandings.getBrandByDomain(""); }; contexMenuItem.caption = ("More Games: " + currentBranding.domain); dispatchEvent(new Event(BRANDING_CHANGED)); } spil_internal static function get systemLanguage():Language{ return (Languages.getLanguage(Capabilities.language)); } spil_internal static function set cookieLanguage(_arg1:Language):void{ var _local2:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal(cookieName, cookiePath); if (_arg1 == null){[cookieLanguageVar] = null; } else {[cookieLanguageVar] =; }; _local2.flush(); } public static function importXML(_arg1:XML):void{ var _local2:XML; var _local3:Object; var _local4:XML; for each (_local2 in _arg1.children()) { _local3 = (strings[_local2.identifier] = new Object()); for each (_local4 in _local2.children()) { _local3[] = _local4.children()[0].toString(); }; }; } spil_internal static function dispatchEvent(_arg1:Event):void{ if (!eventDispatcher){ eventDispatcher = new EventDispatcher(); }; eventDispatcher.dispatchEvent(_arg1); } private static function getDomain(_arg1:String):String{ var _local2:String; var _local3:uint; if (_arg1.indexOf("file") == 0){ return ("offline_play"); }; _local2 = new String(); _local3 = 7; while (_local3 < _arg1.length) { if (_arg1.charAt(_local3) == "/"){ break; }; _local2 = (_local2 + _arg1.charAt(_local3)); _local3++; }; if (_local2 == "localhost"){ _local2 = "offline_play"; }; return (_local2); } public static function exportXML():XML{ var _local1:XML = <spil_games/> ; _local1.appendChild(Brandings.exportXML()); _local1.appendChild(Languages.exportXML()); _local1.appendChild(PortalGroup.exportXML()); return (_local1); } public static function removeEventListener(_arg1:String, _arg2:Function, _arg3:Boolean=false):void{ if (!eventDispatcher){ eventDispatcher = new EventDispatcher(); }; eventDispatcher.removeEventListener(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3); } public static function outputAllBrands():String{ var _local3:Brand; var _local1:Array = Brandings.getBrandsArray(); var _local2 = ""; for each (_local3 in _local1) { _local2 = (_local2 + (_local3.getSendToFriendLink(gameName, emailPage, isExternal, embedDomain) + "\n")); }; return (_local2); } public static function addEventListener(_arg1:String, _arg2:Function, _arg3:Boolean=false, _arg4:int=0, _arg5:Boolean=false):void{ if (!eventDispatcher){ eventDispatcher = new EventDispatcher(); }; eventDispatcher.addEventListener(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5); } public static function getMoreGamesLink(_arg1:String=""):String{ var _local2:String = (embedDomain) ? embedDomain : hostingDomain; return (currentBranding.getMoreGamesLink(gameName, isExternal, _local2, _arg1)); } public static function getSpilCompanyLink2():String{ var _local1 = ""; _local1 = (_local1 + ("?utm_medium=brandedgames_" + (isExternal) ? "external" : "internal")); _local1 = (_local1 + ("&utm_campaign=" + gameName)); _local1 = (_local1 + ("&utm_source=" + Brand.stripSubDomain((embedDomain) ? embedDomain : hostingDomain))); _local1 = (_local1 + "&utm_content=Branding_Link"); return (_local1); } public static function get isStagingDomain():Boolean{ var _local1:String = ("http://" + embedDomain); return ((_local1.indexOf("http://stg.") >= 0)); } spil_internal static function get cookieLanguage():Language{ var _local1:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal(cookieName, cookiePath); var _local2:String = String([cookieLanguageVar]); return (Languages.getLanguage(_local2)); } private static function get portalLanguage():Language{ var _local1:Brand; var _local2:String; var _local3:Language; if (isExternal){ return (null); }; if (!embedDomain){ return (null); }; _local1 = Brandings.getBrandByDomain(embedDomain); if (!_local1){ return (null); }; _local2 = _local1.preferedLanguage; if (!_local2){ return (null); }; _local3 = Languages.getLanguage(_local2); if (!_local3){ return (null); }; return (_local3); } spil_internal static function get embedDomain():String{ var loc:String; if (debugEmbedDomain != ""){ return (debugEmbedDomain); }; if (ExternalInterface.available){ try { loc ="window.location.href.toString"); if (((!((loc == ""))) && (!((loc == null))))){ trace(("embed domain = " + getDomain(loc))); return (getDomain(loc)); }; } catch(e:SecurityError) { trace(("Security Error connecting to external interface, error = " + e)); } catch(e:Error) { trace(("Error connecting to external interface, error = " + e)); }; }; return (null); } } }//package spill.localisation
Section 194
//SpilGamesLink (spill.localisation.SpilGamesLink) package spill.localisation { import*; import*; import flash.display.*; public class SpilGamesLink extends SimpleButton { public function SpilGamesLink(){ addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, buttonClicked); } private function buttonClicked(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ navigateToURL(new URLRequest(SpilGame.getSpilCompanyLink()), "_blank"); } } }//package spill.localisation
Section 195
//TextFieldFit (spill.localisation.TextFieldFit) package spill.localisation { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.utils.*; public class TextFieldFit extends MovieClip { private var fields_type:int; protected var _glowQuality:Number;// = 1 protected var _gridFitType:String;// = "pixel" private var field:TextField; protected var _text:String;// = "default" private var debugBounding:Sprite; protected var _disableWordwrap:Boolean;// = false protected var _textSize:Number;// = 12 protected var _multiline:Boolean;// = false protected var _font:String;// = "" protected var _embedFonts:Boolean;// = true protected var _underline:Boolean;// = false protected var _vAlign:String;// = "top" protected var _italic:Boolean;// = false protected var _useGlowFilter:Boolean;// = false protected var _glowColor:uint;// = 0 protected var _bold:Boolean;// = false private var h:Number; protected var _antiAliasType:String;// = "advanced" private var sizeChanged:Boolean;// = true private var w:Number; private var embeddedFonts:Array; protected var _hAlign:String;// = "left" protected var _textColor:uint;// = 0 private var fields; protected var _glowStrength:Number;// = 5 var _h:Number; protected var _glowBlur:Number;// = 3 protected var _selectable:Boolean;// = false private var format:TextFormat; private var valid:Boolean;// = true var _w:Number; private static const gutter:Number = 2; spil_internal static var embedFonts:Boolean = true; spil_internal static var forceAAType:String = null; spil_internal static var forceFont:String = null; public static var alwaysCheckWidth:Boolean = false; public function TextFieldFit(){ var _local1:Boolean = ((!((parent == null))) && ((getQualifiedClassName(parent) == "fl.livepreview::LivePreviewParent"))); _w = width; _h = height; if (numChildren > 0){ removeChildAt(0); }; if (((((((( == "en_uk")) || (( == "en_us")))) || (( == "in")))) || (( == "ar")))){ fields_type = 4; fields = new TextFields4(); } else { if (((( == "cn")) || (( == "ru")))){ fields_type = 2; fields = new TextFields2(); } else { if ( == "jp"){ fields_type = 3; fields = new TextFields3(); } else { fields_type = 1; fields = new TextFields1(); }; }; }; trace("实例化的文字类型:", fields_type); addChild(fields); field = fields.txt; field.border = false; field.background = false; field.type = TextFieldType.DYNAMIC; mouseEnabled = false; mouseChildren = false; format = new TextFormat(); embeddedFonts = Font.enumerateFonts(false); setSize(_w, _h); validate(); if (stage){ addEventListener(Event.RENDER, init); stage.invalidate(); }; init(); } private function resizeText(_arg1:Boolean=false):void{ if (!doesTextFit()){ format.size = Object((Number(format.size) - 1)); if (format.size <= 3){ trace("WARNING: Text resised to 3px, either an error occured or the text just wont fit"); return; }; field.setTextFormat(format); resizeText(true); } else { if (_arg1 == false){ while (doesTextFit()) { if (format.size <= textSize){ format.size = Object((Number(format.size) + 1)); field.setTextFormat(format); if (!doesTextFit()){ format.size = Object((Number(format.size) - 1)); field.setTextFormat(format); break; }; } else { break; }; }; }; }; } public function set bold(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _bold = _arg1; invalidate(); } private function init(_arg1:Event=null):void{ removeEventListener(Event.RENDER, init); updateProperties(); layoutText(); } private function validate(_arg1:Event=null):void{ updateProperties(); layoutText(); removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, validate); valid = true; } public function get glowStrength():Number{ return (_glowStrength); } public function set glowBlur(_arg1:Number):void{ _glowBlur = _arg1; invalidate(); } public function get vAlign():String{ return (_vAlign); } public function get italic():Boolean{ return (_italic); } public function get text():String{ return (_text); } public function get textColor():uint{ return (_textColor); } private function invalidate():void{ if (valid){ addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, validate); if (stage){ stage.invalidate(); }; valid = false; }; } public function get useGlowFilter():Boolean{ return (_useGlowFilter); } public function get selectable():Boolean{ return (_selectable); } public function get disableWordwrap():Boolean{ return (_disableWordwrap); } public function set embedFonts(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _embedFonts = _arg1; invalidate(); } public function set vAlign(_arg1:String):void{ _vAlign = _arg1; invalidate(); } public function set italic(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _italic = _arg1; invalidate(); } public function set multiline(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _multiline = _arg1; invalidate(); } public function get font():String{ return (_font); } public function set textColor(_arg1:uint):void{ _textColor = _arg1; invalidate(); } public function get antiAliasType():String{ return (_antiAliasType); } public function set text(_arg1:String):void{ _text = _arg1; invalidate(); } public function set glowQuality(_arg1:Number):void{ _glowQuality = _arg1; invalidate(); } public function get hAlign():String{ return (_hAlign); } private function layoutText():void{ resizeText(); field.height = (field.textHeight + (gutter * 2)); if (vAlign == "top"){ field.y = 0; } else { if (vAlign == "middle"){ field.y = ((h - field.height) / 2); } else { if (vAlign == "bottom"){ field.y = (h - field.height); }; }; }; } public function setSize(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ w = _arg1; h = _arg2; scaleX = (scaleY = 1); field.width = w; field.height = h; invalidate(); } public function get bold():Boolean{ return (_bold); } public function set gridFitType(_arg1:String):void{ _gridFitType = _arg1; invalidate(); } public function set underline(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _underline = _arg1; invalidate(); } public function get glowBlur():Number{ return (_glowBlur); } public function set textSize(_arg1:Number):void{ _textSize = _arg1; sizeChanged = true; invalidate(); } public function set useGlowFilter(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _useGlowFilter = _arg1; invalidate(); } public function set font(_arg1:String):void{ _font = _arg1; invalidate(); } public function set selectable(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _selectable = _arg1; invalidate(); } public function get multiline():Boolean{ return (_multiline); } public function get embedFonts():Boolean{ return (_embedFonts); } public function set glowColor(_arg1:uint):void{ _glowColor = _arg1; invalidate(); } public function set disableWordwrap(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _disableWordwrap = _arg1; invalidate(); } public function get glowQuality():Number{ return (_glowQuality); } public function get gridFitType():String{ return (_gridFitType); } public function get underline():Boolean{ return (_underline); } public function get textField():TextField{ return (field); } public function get textSize():Number{ return (_textSize); } public function get glowColor():uint{ return (_glowColor); } public function set antiAliasType(_arg1:String):void{ _antiAliasType = _arg1; invalidate(); } protected function updateProperties():void{ var _fields_type:int; var hasFont:Boolean; var f:Font; if (((((((( == "en_uk")) || (( == "en_us")))) || (( == "in")))) || (( == "ar")))){ _fields_type = 4; } else { if (((( == "cn")) || (( == "ru")))){ _fields_type = 2; } else { if ( == "jp"){ _fields_type = 3; } else { _fields_type = 1; }; }; }; if (_fields_type != fields_type){ try { removeChild(fields); } catch(err) { }; if (((((((( == "en_uk")) || (( == "en_us")))) || (( == "in")))) || (( == "ar")))){ fields_type = 4; fields = new TextFields4(); } else { if (((( == "cn")) || (( == "ru")))){ fields_type = 2; fields = new TextFields2(); } else { if ( == "jp"){ fields_type = 3; fields = new TextFields3(); } else { fields_type = 1; fields = new TextFields1(); }; }; }; addChild(fields); field = fields.txt; setSize(_w, _h); }; field.text = _text; field.multiline = ((((_text.indexOf(" ") < 0)) && ((_text.length < 14)))) ? false : _multiline; field.multiline = true; field.wordWrap = ((field.multiline) && (!(_disableWordwrap))); field.selectable = _selectable; field.antiAliasType = (forceAAType) ? forceAAType : _antiAliasType; field.gridFitType = _gridFitType; embeddedFonts = Font.enumerateFonts(false); if (((((_embedFonts) && (!((_font == ""))))) && (TextFieldFit.embedFonts))){ hasFont = false; for each (f in embeddedFonts) { if (_font == f.fontName){ hasFont = true; break; }; }; field.embedFonts = hasFont; if (!hasFont){ trace(((("WARNING: Embedded font '" + _font) + "' not found, disabling embedding of fonts, text = ") + _text)); } else { trace((("Found Embedded font '" + _font) + "' using font")); }; } else { field.embedFonts = false; }; field.embedFonts = true; if (sizeChanged){ format.size = _textSize; }; format.color = _textColor; format.align = _hAlign; format.italic = _italic; format.underline = _underline; format.leftMargin = 0; format.rightMargin = 0; field.setTextFormat(format); if (_useGlowFilter){ filters = [new GlowFilter(_glowColor, 1, _glowBlur, _glowBlur, _glowStrength, _glowQuality)]; } else { filters = []; }; } public function set glowStrength(_arg1:Number):void{ _glowStrength = _arg1; invalidate(); } private function doesTextFit():Boolean{ if (((((field.textHeight + (gutter * 2)) > h)) || (((((field.textWidth + (gutter * 2)) > w)) && (((!(field.multiline)) || (alwaysCheckWidth))))))){ return (false); }; return (true); } public function set hAlign(_arg1:String):void{ _hAlign = _arg1; invalidate(); } } }//package spill.localisation
Section 196
//BT_again (BT_again) package { import lib.*; public dynamic class BT_again extends MyButton { } }//package
Section 197
//Bt_back (Bt_back) package { import lib.*; public dynamic class Bt_back extends MyButton { } }//package
Section 198
//BT_logo (BT_logo) package { import lib.*; public dynamic class BT_logo extends MyButton2 { } }//package
Section 199
//BT_mc_logo (BT_mc_logo) package { import lib.*; public dynamic class BT_mc_logo extends MyButton { } }//package
Section 200
//BT_more (BT_more) package { import*; import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.text.*; import spill.localisation.*; import lib.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.errors.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.profiler.*; import flash.sampler.*; public dynamic class BT_more extends MyButton2 { public var __id7_:LocalizedTextField; public function BT_more(){ __setProp___id7__BT_more_Layer2_0(); } function __setProp___id7__BT_more_Layer2_0(){ try { __id7_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true; } catch(e:Error) { }; __id7_.text = "{More_Games}"; __id7_.textColor = 13963949; __id7_.textSize = 17; __id7_.bold = false; __id7_.disableWordwrap = false; __id7_.embedFonts = true; __id7_.font = ""; __id7_.hAlign = "center"; __id7_.multiline = false; __id7_.vAlign = "top"; __id7_.antiAliasType = "advanced"; __id7_.glowBlur = 3; __id7_.glowColor = 0xFFFFFF; __id7_.useGlowFilter = true; __id7_.glowQuality = 1; __id7_.glowStrength = 7; __id7_.gridFitType = "pixel"; __id7_.italic = false; __id7_.selectable = false; __id7_.underline = false; try { __id7_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false; } catch(e:Error) { }; } } }//package
Section 201
//BT_next (BT_next) package { import lib.*; public dynamic class BT_next extends MyButton { } }//package
Section 202
//BT_next2 (BT_next2) package { import lib.*; public dynamic class BT_next2 extends MyButton { } }//package
Section 203
//BT_start (BT_start) package { import*; import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.text.*; import spill.localisation.*; import lib.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.errors.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.profiler.*; import flash.sampler.*; public dynamic class BT_start extends MyButton2 { public var __id8_:LocalizedTextField; public function BT_start(){ __setProp___id8__BT_start_Layer1_0(); } function __setProp___id8__BT_start_Layer1_0(){ try { __id8_["componentInspectorSetting"] = true; } catch(e:Error) { }; __id8_.text = "{Play}"; __id8_.textColor = 13963949; __id8_.textSize = 17; __id8_.bold = false; __id8_.disableWordwrap = false; __id8_.embedFonts = true; __id8_.font = ""; __id8_.hAlign = "center"; __id8_.multiline = false; __id8_.vAlign = "top"; __id8_.antiAliasType = "advanced"; __id8_.glowBlur = 3; __id8_.glowColor = 0xFFFFFF; __id8_.useGlowFilter = true; __id8_.glowQuality = 1; __id8_.glowStrength = 7; __id8_.gridFitType = "pixel"; __id8_.italic = false; __id8_.selectable = false; __id8_.underline = false; try { __id8_["componentInspectorSetting"] = false; } catch(e:Error) { }; } } }//package
Section 204
//EffectMC_game4 (EffectMC_game4) package { import lib.*; public dynamic class EffectMC_game4 extends Effect2 { } }//package
Section 205
//EffectMC1 (EffectMC1) package { import lib.*; public dynamic class EffectMC1 extends Effect1 { } }//package
Section 206
//EffectMC2 (EffectMC2) package { import lib.*; public dynamic class EffectMC2 extends Effect1 { } }//package
Section 207
//EffectMC3 (EffectMC3) package { import lib.*; public dynamic class EffectMC3 extends Effect1 { } }//package
Section 208
//EffectMC4 (EffectMC4) package { import lib.*; public dynamic class EffectMC4 extends Effect2 { } }//package
Section 209
//EffectMC5 (EffectMC5) package { import lib.*; public dynamic class EffectMC5 extends Effect2 { } }//package
Section 210
//MaskMC (MaskMC) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class MaskMC extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 211
//MC_flower (MC_flower) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class MC_flower extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 212
//MC_设置质量 (MC_设置质量) package { import lib.*; public dynamic class MC_设置质量 extends setQuality { } }//package
Section 213
//music_complete (music_complete) package { import*; public dynamic class music_complete extends Sound { } }//package
Section 214
//music_failed (music_failed) package { import*; public dynamic class music_failed extends Sound { } }//package
Section 215
//music_mainscreen (music_mainscreen) package { import*; public dynamic class music_mainscreen extends Sound { } }//package
Section 216
//sound_click1 (sound_click1) package { import*; public dynamic class sound_click1 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 217
//sound_click2 (sound_click2) package { import*; public dynamic class sound_click2 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 218
//sound_click3 (sound_click3) package { import*; public dynamic class sound_click3 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 219
//sound_fengniao (sound_fengniao) package { import*; public dynamic class sound_fengniao extends Sound { } }//package
Section 220
//sound_huanhu (sound_huanhu) package { import*; public dynamic class sound_huanhu extends Sound { } }//package
Section 221
//sound_jiao (sound_jiao) package { import*; public dynamic class sound_jiao extends Sound { } }//package
Section 222
//sound_maomaochong (sound_maomaochong) package { import*; public dynamic class sound_maomaochong extends Sound { } }//package
Section 223
//sound_mifeng (sound_mifeng) package { import*; public dynamic class sound_mifeng extends Sound { } }//package
Section 224
//sound_over (sound_over) package { import*; public dynamic class sound_over extends Sound { } }//package
Section 225
//sound_over2 (sound_over2) package { import*; public dynamic class sound_over2 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 226
//sound_piaochong (sound_piaochong) package { import*; public dynamic class sound_piaochong extends Sound { } }//package
Section 227
//sound_piaochong2 (sound_piaochong2) package { import*; public dynamic class sound_piaochong2 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 228
//sound_sou (sound_sou) package { import*; public dynamic class sound_sou extends Sound { } }//package
Section 229
//sound_xixu (sound_xixu) package { import*; public dynamic class sound_xixu extends Sound { } }//package
Section 230
//sound_yan (sound_yan) package { import*; public dynamic class sound_yan extends Sound { } }//package
Section 231
//TextFields1 (TextFields1) package { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class TextFields1 extends MovieClip { public var txt:TextField; } }//package
Section 232
//TextFields2 (TextFields2) package { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class TextFields2 extends MovieClip { public var txt:TextField; } }//package
Section 233
//TextFields3 (TextFields3) package { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class TextFields3 extends MovieClip { public var txt:TextField; } }//package
Section 234
//TextFields4 (TextFields4) package { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class TextFields4 extends MovieClip { public var txt:TextField; } }//package
Section 235
//画质 (画质) package { import lib.*; public dynamic class 画质 extends MyButton { } }//package
Section 236
//画面质量2 (画面质量2) package { import lib.*; public dynamic class 画面质量2 extends MyButton { } }//package
Section 237
//画面质量3 (画面质量3) package { import lib.*; public dynamic class 画面质量3 extends MyButton { } }//package
Section 238
//花1_花瓣吃动画 (花1_花瓣吃动画) package { import lib.*; public dynamic class 花1_花瓣吃动画 extends FlowerPetal { public function 花1_花瓣吃动画(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 239
//花2_花瓣吃动画 (花2_花瓣吃动画) package { import lib.*; public dynamic class 花2_花瓣吃动画 extends FlowerPetal { public function 花2_花瓣吃动画(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 240
//花3_花瓣吃动画 (花3_花瓣吃动画) package { import lib.*; public dynamic class 花3_花瓣吃动画 extends FlowerPetal { public function 花3_花瓣吃动画(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 241
//花4_花瓣吃动画 (花4_花瓣吃动画) package { import lib.*; public dynamic class 花4_花瓣吃动画 extends FlowerPetal { public function 花4_花瓣吃动画(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 242
//花5_花瓣吃动画 (花5_花瓣吃动画) package { import lib.*; public dynamic class 花5_花瓣吃动画 extends FlowerPetal { public function 花5_花瓣吃动画(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 243
//选择动物1 (选择动物1) package { import lib.*; public dynamic class 选择动物1 extends FlowerAnimal { } }//package
Section 244
//选择动物2 (选择动物2) package { import lib.*; public dynamic class 选择动物2 extends FlowerAnimal { } }//package
Section 245
//选择动物3 (选择动物3) package { import lib.*; public dynamic class 选择动物3 extends FlowerAnimal { } }//package
Section 246
//选择动物4 (选择动物4) package { import lib.*; public dynamic class 选择动物4 extends FlowerAnimal { } }//package
Section 247
//选择动物5 (选择动物5) package { import lib.*; public dynamic class 选择动物5 extends FlowerAnimal { } }//package
Section 248
//选择花朵1 (选择花朵1) package { import lib.*; public dynamic class 选择花朵1 extends FlowerChoose { } }//package
Section 249
//选择花朵2 (选择花朵2) package { import lib.*; public dynamic class 选择花朵2 extends FlowerChoose { } }//package
Section 250
//选择花朵3 (选择花朵3) package { import lib.*; public dynamic class 选择花朵3 extends FlowerChoose { } }//package
Section 251
//选择花朵4 (选择花朵4) package { import lib.*; public dynamic class 选择花朵4 extends FlowerChoose { } }//package
Section 252
//选择花朵5 (选择花朵5) package { import lib.*; public dynamic class 选择花朵5 extends FlowerChoose { } }//package

Library Items

Symbol 1 GraphicUsed by:2 547
Symbol 2 MovieClipUses:1Used by:7 237
Symbol 3 GraphicUsed by:6
Symbol 4 GraphicUsed by:5
Symbol 5 MovieClipUses:4Used by:6
Symbol 6 MovieClipUses:3 5Used by:7 237 548 552
Symbol 7 MovieClip {MC_flower}Uses:2 6
Symbol 8 GraphicUsed by:11
Symbol 9 GraphicUsed by:11
Symbol 10 GraphicUsed by:11
Symbol 11 ButtonUses:8 9 10Used by:40
Symbol 12 GraphicUsed by:40 47 60 397
Symbol 13 GraphicUsed by:37
Symbol 14 GraphicUsed by:37
Symbol 15 GraphicUsed by:37
Symbol 16 GraphicUsed by:37
Symbol 17 GraphicUsed by:37
Symbol 18 GraphicUsed by:37
Symbol 19 GraphicUsed by:37
Symbol 20 GraphicUsed by:37
Symbol 21 GraphicUsed by:37
Symbol 22 GraphicUsed by:37
Symbol 23 GraphicUsed by:37
Symbol 24 GraphicUsed by:37
Symbol 25 GraphicUsed by:37
Symbol 26 GraphicUsed by:37
Symbol 27 GraphicUsed by:37
Symbol 28 GraphicUsed by:37
Symbol 29 GraphicUsed by:37
Symbol 30 GraphicUsed by:37
Symbol 31 GraphicUsed by:37
Symbol 32 GraphicUsed by:37
Symbol 33 BitmapUsed by:34
Symbol 34 GraphicUses:33Used by:37
Symbol 35 BitmapUsed by:36
Symbol 36 GraphicUses:35Used by:37
Symbol 37 MovieClip {RomanceFlowergirl_fla.flag_icon_556}Uses:13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 34 36Used by:40 47
Symbol 38 FontUsed by:39
Symbol 39 EditableTextUses:38Used by:40
Symbol 40 MovieClipUses:11 12 37 39Used by:43
Symbol 41 GraphicUsed by:42
Symbol 42 MovieClipUses:41Used by:43
Symbol 43 MovieClip {spill.localisation.LanguageSelectPopup_mc}Uses:40 42
Symbol 44 GraphicUsed by:47
Symbol 45 FontUsed by:46
Symbol 46 EditableTextUses:45Used by:47
Symbol 47 MovieClip {spill.localisation.LanguageSelectBox_mc}Uses:44 46 12 37
Symbol 48 FontUsed by:49 1587
Symbol 49 EditableTextUses:48Used by:50
Symbol 50 MovieClip {TextFields4}Uses:49
Symbol 51 FontUsed by:52
Symbol 52 EditableTextUses:51Used by:53
Symbol 53 MovieClip {TextFields3}Uses:52
Symbol 54 FontUsed by:55 519 521
Symbol 55 EditableTextUses:54Used by:56
Symbol 56 MovieClip {TextFields2}Uses:55
Symbol 57 FontUsed by:58 523
Symbol 58 EditableTextUses:57Used by:59
Symbol 59 MovieClip {TextFields1}Uses:58
Symbol 60 MovieClip {MaskMC}Uses:12
Symbol 61 GraphicUsed by:66
Symbol 62 GraphicUsed by:63
Symbol 63 MovieClipUses:62Used by:66 79 503
Symbol 64 GraphicUsed by:65
Symbol 65 MovieClipUses:64Used by:66 1588
Symbol 66 MovieClip {BT_logo}Uses:61 63 65Used by:622 653 667 697 1615 1632 1646 1660 1676
Symbol 67 GraphicUsed by:72 73
Symbol 68 FontUsed by:69 71 275 313 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 339
Symbol 69 TextUses:68Used by:72 73
Symbol 70 GraphicUsed by:72 73
Symbol 71 TextUses:68Used by:72 73
Symbol 72 MovieClipUses:67 69 70 71Used by:73 1588
Symbol 73 Button {spill.localisation.SpilGamesLink}Uses:72 67 69 70 71Used by:524
Symbol 74 GraphicUsed by:75
Symbol 75 MovieClipUses:74Used by:76 78
Symbol 76 MovieClip {spill.localisation.LanguageSelectBox}Uses:75Used by:524
Symbol 77 GraphicUsed by:79
Symbol 78 MovieClip {spill.localisation.LocalizedTextField}Uses:75Used by:79 266 273 305 504 603 618 619 621 631 655 672
Symbol 79 MovieClip {BT_more}Uses:77 63 78Used by:524 1179 1218 1266 1298 1359 1382 1426 1441 1539 1567 1588
Symbol 80 GraphicUsed by:81
Symbol 81 MovieClipUses:80Used by:82
Symbol 82 MovieClipUses:81Used by:211
Symbol 83 GraphicUsed by:211
Symbol 84 GraphicUsed by:95
Symbol 85 GraphicUsed by:95
Symbol 86 GraphicUsed by:95
Symbol 87 GraphicUsed by:95
Symbol 88 GraphicUsed by:95
Symbol 89 GraphicUsed by:95
Symbol 90 GraphicUsed by:95
Symbol 91 GraphicUsed by:95
Symbol 92 GraphicUsed by:95
Symbol 93 GraphicUsed by:94
Symbol 94 MovieClipUses:93Used by:95
Symbol 95 MovieClipUses:84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 94Used by:211
Symbol 96 GraphicUsed by:97
Symbol 97 MovieClipUses:96Used by:211
Symbol 98 GraphicUsed by:99
Symbol 99 MovieClipUses:98Used by:211
Symbol 100 GraphicUsed by:101
Symbol 101 MovieClipUses:100Used by:211
Symbol 102 GraphicUsed by:103
Symbol 103 MovieClipUses:102Used by:211
Symbol 104 GraphicUsed by:105
Symbol 105 MovieClipUses:104Used by:211
Symbol 106 GraphicUsed by:107
Symbol 107 MovieClipUses:106Used by:211
Symbol 108 GraphicUsed by:109
Symbol 109 MovieClipUses:108Used by:211
Symbol 110 GraphicUsed by:111
Symbol 111 MovieClipUses:110Used by:211
Symbol 112 GraphicUsed by:113
Symbol 113 MovieClipUses:112Used by:211
Symbol 114 GraphicUsed by:115
Symbol 115 MovieClipUses:114Used by:211
Symbol 116 GraphicUsed by:117
Symbol 117 MovieClipUses:116Used by:211
Symbol 118 GraphicUsed by:119
Symbol 119 MovieClipUses:118Used by:211
Symbol 120 GraphicUsed by:121
Symbol 121 MovieClipUses:120Used by:211
Symbol 122 GraphicUsed by:123
Symbol 123 MovieClipUses:122Used by:211
Symbol 124 GraphicUsed by:125
Symbol 125 MovieClipUses:124Used by:126
Symbol 126 MovieClipUses:125Used by:211
Symbol 127 GraphicUsed by:128
Symbol 128 MovieClipUses:127Used by:129
Symbol 129 MovieClipUses:128Used by:211
Symbol 130 GraphicUsed by:131
Symbol 131 MovieClipUses:130Used by:132
Symbol 132 MovieClipUses:131Used by:211
Symbol 133 GraphicUsed by:134
Symbol 134 MovieClipUses:133Used by:135
Symbol 135 MovieClipUses:134Used by:211
Symbol 136 GraphicUsed by:137
Symbol 137 MovieClipUses:136Used by:138
Symbol 138 MovieClipUses:137Used by:211
Symbol 139 GraphicUsed by:140
Symbol 140 MovieClipUses:139Used by:141
Symbol 141 MovieClipUses:140Used by:211
Symbol 142 GraphicUsed by:143
Symbol 143 MovieClipUses:142Used by:144
Symbol 144 MovieClipUses:143Used by:211
Symbol 145 GraphicUsed by:146
Symbol 146 MovieClipUses:145Used by:147
Symbol 147 MovieClipUses:146Used by:211
Symbol 148 GraphicUsed by:149
Symbol 149 MovieClipUses:148Used by:150
Symbol 150 MovieClipUses:149Used by:211
Symbol 151 GraphicUsed by:152
Symbol 152 MovieClipUses:151Used by:153
Symbol 153 MovieClipUses:152Used by:211
Symbol 154 GraphicUsed by:155
Symbol 155 MovieClipUses:154Used by:156
Symbol 156 MovieClipUses:155Used by:211
Symbol 157 GraphicUsed by:158
Symbol 158 MovieClipUses:157Used by:159
Symbol 159 MovieClipUses:158Used by:211
Symbol 160 GraphicUsed by:161
Symbol 161 MovieClipUses:160Used by:162
Symbol 162 MovieClipUses:161Used by:211
Symbol 163 GraphicUsed by:164
Symbol 164 MovieClipUses:163Used by:211
Symbol 165 GraphicUsed by:166
Symbol 166 MovieClipUses:165Used by:211
Symbol 167 GraphicUsed by:168
Symbol 168 MovieClipUses:167Used by:211
Symbol 169 GraphicUsed by:170
Symbol 170 MovieClipUses:169Used by:211
Symbol 171 GraphicUsed by:172
Symbol 172 MovieClipUses:171Used by:211
Symbol 173 GraphicUsed by:174
Symbol 174 MovieClipUses:173Used by:211
Symbol 175 GraphicUsed by:176
Symbol 176 MovieClipUses:175Used by:211
Symbol 177 GraphicUsed by:178
Symbol 178 MovieClipUses:177Used by:211
Symbol 179 GraphicUsed by:180
Symbol 180 MovieClipUses:179Used by:211
Symbol 181 BitmapUsed by:182
Symbol 182 GraphicUses:181Used by:183
Symbol 183 MovieClipUses:182Used by:211
Symbol 184 BitmapUsed by:185
Symbol 185 GraphicUses:184Used by:186
Symbol 186 MovieClipUses:185Used by:211
Symbol 187 GraphicUsed by:188
Symbol 188 MovieClipUses:187Used by:211
Symbol 189 GraphicUsed by:190
Symbol 190 MovieClipUses:189Used by:211
Symbol 191 GraphicUsed by:192
Symbol 192 MovieClipUses:191Used by:211
Symbol 193 GraphicUsed by:194
Symbol 194 MovieClipUses:193Used by:211
Symbol 195 GraphicUsed by:196
Symbol 196 MovieClipUses:195Used by:197
Symbol 197 MovieClipUses:196Used by:211
Symbol 198 GraphicUsed by:199
Symbol 199 MovieClipUses:198Used by:211
Symbol 200 GraphicUsed by:201
Symbol 201 MovieClipUses:200Used by:211
Symbol 202 GraphicUsed by:203
Symbol 203 MovieClipUses:202Used by:211
Symbol 204 GraphicUsed by:205
Symbol 205 MovieClipUses:204Used by:206
Symbol 206 MovieClipUses:205Used by:211
Symbol 207 GraphicUsed by:208
Symbol 208 MovieClipUses:207Used by:211
Symbol 209 GraphicUsed by:210
Symbol 210 MovieClipUses:209Used by:211
Symbol 211 MovieClip {spill.localisation.BrandingLogo}Uses:82 83 95 97 99 101 103 105 107 109 111 113 115 117 119 121 123 126 129 132 135 138 141 144 147 150 153 156 159 162 164 166 168 170 172 174 176 178 180 183 186 188 190 192 194 197 199 201 203 206 208 210Used by:264
Symbol 212 BitmapUsed by:213
Symbol 213 GraphicUses:212Used by:214
Symbol 214 MovieClipUses:213Used by:305 524 622 697 1588
Symbol 215 GraphicUsed by:216 1269
Symbol 216 MovieClipUses:215Used by:217
Symbol 217 MovieClipUses:216Used by:305 697 1588 1615 1632 1646 1660 1676
Symbol 218 GraphicUsed by:227
Symbol 219 GraphicUsed by:220 798
Symbol 220 MovieClipUses:219Used by:224
Symbol 221 GraphicUsed by:224 799 800
Symbol 222 GraphicUsed by:223
Symbol 223 MovieClipUses:222Used by:224 799 800
Symbol 224 MovieClipUses:220 221 223Used by:227 666 1588 1616
Symbol 225 GraphicUsed by:226
Symbol 226 MovieClipUses:225Used by:227 801 1616
Symbol 227 MovieClipUses:218 224 226Used by:305 622 644
Symbol 228 GraphicUsed by:235
Symbol 229 GraphicUsed by:230
Symbol 230 MovieClipUses:229Used by:235 758 1662
Symbol 231 GraphicUsed by:232 755
Symbol 232 MovieClipUses:231Used by:234
Symbol 233 GraphicUsed by:234 756 757
Symbol 234 MovieClipUses:232 233Used by:235 622 666 1662
Symbol 235 MovieClipUses:228 230 234Used by:305 622 640
Symbol 236 GraphicUsed by:240
Symbol 237 MovieClipUses:2 6Used by:240 622 666
Symbol 238 GraphicUsed by:239
Symbol 239 MovieClipUses:238Used by:240 553
Symbol 240 MovieClipUses:236 237 239Used by:305 622 646
Symbol 241 GraphicUsed by:250
Symbol 242 GraphicUsed by:243
Symbol 243 MovieClipUses:242Used by:250 703
Symbol 244 GraphicUsed by:245 701
Symbol 245 MovieClipUses:244Used by:249
Symbol 246 GraphicUsed by:249 702
Symbol 247 GraphicUsed by:248
Symbol 248 MovieClipUses:247Used by:249 702
Symbol 249 MovieClipUses:245 246 248Used by:250 666
Symbol 250 MovieClipUses:241 243 249Used by:305 622 638
Symbol 251 GraphicUsed by:260
Symbol 252 GraphicUsed by:253 779
Symbol 253 MovieClipUses:252Used by:257
Symbol 254 GraphicUsed by:257 780 781
Symbol 255 GraphicUsed by:256
Symbol 256 MovieClipUses:255Used by:257 780 781
Symbol 257 MovieClipUses:253 254 256Used by:260 666 1599
Symbol 258 GraphicUsed by:259
Symbol 259 MovieClipUses:258Used by:260 782 1599
Symbol 260 MovieClipUses:251 257 259Used by:305 642
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Symbol 262 GraphicUsed by:263
Symbol 263 MovieClipUses:262Used by:305
Symbol 264 MovieClipUses:211Used by:265
Symbol 265 MovieClipUses:264Used by:305 518
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Symbol 270 GraphicUsed by:273
Symbol 271 GraphicUsed by:273
Symbol 272 GraphicUsed by:273
Symbol 273 MovieClip {lib.LogoMC}Uses:78 270 271 272Used by:274
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Symbol 276 GraphicUsed by:277
Symbol 277 MovieClipUses:276Used by:284
Symbol 278 GraphicUsed by:279
Symbol 279 MovieClipUses:278Used by:284 1308
Symbol 280 GraphicUsed by:281
Symbol 281 MovieClipUses:280Used by:284 1308
Symbol 282 GraphicUsed by:283
Symbol 283 MovieClipUses:282Used by:284
Symbol 284 MovieClipUses:277 279 281 283Used by:285
Symbol 285 MovieClipUses:284Used by:302 794 1605
Symbol 286 GraphicUsed by:301
Symbol 287 GraphicUsed by:288
Symbol 288 MovieClipUses:287Used by:296 794 1325 1342 1352 1605
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Symbol 290 MovieClipUses:289Used by:296 794 1605
Symbol 291 GraphicUsed by:296
Symbol 292 GraphicUsed by:293 1377
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Symbol 294 MovieClipUses:293Used by:296 794 1604
Symbol 295 GraphicUsed by:296
Symbol 296 MovieClipUses:288 290 291 294 295Used by:301
Symbol 297 GraphicUsed by:300
Symbol 298 GraphicUsed by:300
Symbol 299 GraphicUsed by:300
Symbol 300 MovieClipUses:297 298 299Used by:301 794 1604
Symbol 301 MovieClipUses:286 296 300Used by:302
Symbol 302 MovieClipUses:285 301Used by:305 524 622 653 662 794 1588  Timeline
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Symbol 310 MovieClip {}Uses:309Used by:311
Symbol 311 MovieClip {}Uses:307 310
Symbol 312 GraphicUsed by:338
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Symbol 314 GraphicUsed by:315 397
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Symbol 317 TextUses:68Used by:338
Symbol 318 TextUses:68Used by:338
Symbol 319 TextUses:68Used by:338
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Symbol 325 TextUses:68Used by:338
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Symbol 335 TextUses:68Used by:338
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Symbol 337 EditableTextUses:68Used by:338
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Symbol 347 GraphicUsed by:349
Symbol 348 GraphicUsed by:349
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Symbol 352 ShapeTweeningUsed by:397
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Symbol 354 GraphicUsed by:397
Symbol 355 GraphicUsed by:358 397
Symbol 356 GraphicUsed by:357
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Symbol 358 MovieClipUses:355 357Used by:397
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Symbol 360 GraphicUsed by:361
Symbol 361 MovieClipUses:360 357Used by:397
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Symbol 363 GraphicUsed by:397
Symbol 364 ShapeTweeningUsed by:397
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Symbol 366 GraphicUsed by:367
Symbol 367 MovieClipUses:366 357Used by:397
Symbol 368 GraphicUsed by:369 376
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Symbol 370 GraphicUsed by:371
Symbol 371 MovieClipUses:370Used by:397
Symbol 372 GraphicUsed by:373
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Symbol 374 GraphicUsed by:375
Symbol 375 MovieClipUses:374Used by:397
Symbol 376 MovieClipUses:368Used by:397
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Symbol 378 MovieClipUses:377Used by:397
Symbol 379 GraphicUsed by:380
Symbol 380 MovieClipUses:379Used by:397
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Symbol 382 ShapeTweeningUsed by:397
Symbol 383 GraphicUsed by:397
Symbol 384 GraphicUsed by:397
Symbol 385 GraphicUsed by:397
Symbol 386 GraphicUsed by:397
Symbol 387 GraphicUsed by:397
Symbol 388 GraphicUsed by:397
Symbol 389 GraphicUsed by:397
Symbol 390 GraphicUsed by:397
Symbol 391 GraphicUsed by:397
Symbol 392 GraphicUsed by:397
Symbol 393 GraphicUsed by:397
Symbol 394 GraphicUsed by:396 397
Symbol 395 GraphicUsed by:396 397
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Symbol 397 MovieClip {RomanceFlowergirl_fla.chinalogo_127}Uses:314 341 342 343 345 349 350 351 352 353 354 358 359 361 362 363 364 365 367 355 357 369 371 373 375 376 378 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 12 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396Used by:400
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Symbol 400 MovieClip {lib.ChinaLogo}Uses:340 397 399 SS1Used by:1586
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Symbol 406 GraphicUsed by:411
Symbol 407 GraphicUsed by:408
Symbol 408 MovieClipUses:407Used by:411
Symbol 409 GraphicUsed by:410
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Symbol 411 MovieClipUses:405 406 408 410Used by:524 660 1588  Timeline
Symbol 412 BitmapUsed by:413
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Symbol 414 MovieClipUses:413Used by:524
Symbol 415 GraphicUsed by:524 1588
Symbol 416 GraphicUsed by:441
Symbol 417 GraphicUsed by:433
Symbol 418 GraphicUsed by:419
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Symbol 420 GraphicUsed by:421
Symbol 421 MovieClipUses:420Used by:422
Symbol 422 MovieClipUses:419 421Used by:433
Symbol 423 GraphicUsed by:432
Symbol 424 GraphicUsed by:432
Symbol 425 GraphicUsed by:432
Symbol 426 GraphicUsed by:432
Symbol 427 GraphicUsed by:432
Symbol 428 GraphicUsed by:432
Symbol 429 GraphicUsed by:432
Symbol 430 GraphicUsed by:432
Symbol 431 GraphicUsed by:432
Symbol 432 MovieClipUses:423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431Used by:433
Symbol 433 MovieClipUses:417 422 432Used by:434
Symbol 434 MovieClipUses:433Used by:441
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Symbol 437 GraphicUsed by:438
Symbol 438 MovieClipUses:437Used by:439
Symbol 439 MovieClipUses:436 438Used by:441
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Symbol 441 MovieClipUses:416 434 439 440Used by:524 622 653 663 1588  Timeline
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Symbol 444 GraphicUsed by:448 1564
Symbol 445 GraphicUsed by:448 1564
Symbol 446 GraphicUsed by:448
Symbol 447 GraphicUsed by:448 1564
Symbol 448 MovieClipUses:442 443 444 445 446 447Used by:476 853 1601
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Symbol 451 GraphicUsed by:452
Symbol 452 MovieClipUses:451Used by:457
Symbol 453 GraphicUsed by:454
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Symbol 455 GraphicUsed by:456
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Symbol 457 MovieClipUses:450 452 454 456Used by:466 853 1601
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Symbol 460 GraphicUsed by:461
Symbol 461 MovieClipUses:460Used by:466
Symbol 462 GraphicUsed by:465
Symbol 463 GraphicUsed by:465
Symbol 464 GraphicUsed by:465
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Symbol 466 MovieClipUses:457 459 461 465Used by:467 1481
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Symbol 469 GraphicUsed by:475
Symbol 470 GraphicUsed by:475 1564
Symbol 471 GraphicUsed by:475
Symbol 472 GraphicUsed by:475
Symbol 473 GraphicUsed by:475 1564
Symbol 474 GraphicUsed by:475
Symbol 475 MovieClipUses:468 469 470 471 472 473 474Used by:476 853 1482 1601
Symbol 476 MovieClipUses:448 467 475Used by:524 622 653 664 853 1588  Timeline
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Symbol 479 MovieClipUses:478Used by:496 775 1294 1602
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Symbol 481 GraphicUsed by:489
Symbol 482 GraphicUsed by:489
Symbol 483 GraphicUsed by:489
Symbol 484 GraphicUsed by:489
Symbol 485 GraphicUsed by:489
Symbol 486 GraphicUsed by:489
Symbol 487 GraphicUsed by:489
Symbol 488 GraphicUsed by:489
Symbol 489 MovieClipUses:481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488Used by:496 775 1602
Symbol 490 GraphicUsed by:491
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Symbol 492 GraphicUsed by:493
Symbol 493 MovieClipUses:492Used by:494
Symbol 494 MovieClipUses:491 493Used by:496 775 1293 1602
Symbol 495 GraphicUsed by:496
Symbol 496 MovieClipUses:479 480 489 494 495Used by:497
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Symbol 499 GraphicUsed by:500
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Symbol 512 MovieClip {画面质量3}Uses:506 511 509Used by:517 1588
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Symbol 514 GraphicUsed by:516
Symbol 515 GraphicUsed by:516
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Symbol 524 MovieClip {lib.Intro}Uses:214 401 404 411 414 415 441 302 476 497 498 274 501 504 517 79 518 76 73 522 523Used by:1586
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Symbol 527 BitmapUsed by:528
Symbol 528 GraphicUses:527Used by:535
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Symbol 531 BitmapUsed by:532
Symbol 532 GraphicUses:531Used by:535
Symbol 533 BitmapUsed by:534
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Symbol 546 GraphicUsed by:547
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Symbol 550 GraphicUsed by:551
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Symbol 555 GraphicUsed by:622
Symbol 556 GraphicUsed by:557
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Symbol 560 MovieClipUses:559Used by:563
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Symbol 563 MovieClipUses:560 562Used by:582 601
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Symbol 568 GraphicUsed by:569
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Symbol 575 GraphicUsed by:580
Symbol 576 GraphicUsed by:580
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Symbol 586 GraphicUsed by:588
Symbol 587 GraphicUsed by:588
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Symbol 617 EditableTextUses:615Used by:622
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Symbol 702 MovieClipUses:701 246 248Used by:703
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Symbol 757 MovieClipUses:755 233Used by:758
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Symbol 768 GraphicUsed by:774
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Symbol 777 GraphicUsed by:779
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Symbol 1528 GraphicUsed by:1533
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Symbol 1560 GraphicUsed by:1564
Symbol 1561 GraphicUsed by:1564
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Symbol 1679 GraphicUsed by:1689
Symbol 1680 GraphicUsed by:1689
Symbol 1681 GraphicUsed by:1689
Symbol 1682 GraphicUsed by:1689
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Instance Names

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Special Tags

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"封面"Frame 44
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"选择花朵"Frame 73
"选择人物"Frame 86
"高兴的蜗牛"Frame 97
"失落的蜗牛"Frame 107
"高兴的蜜蜂"Frame 118
"失落的蜜蜂"Frame 129
"高兴的毛毛虫"Frame 139
"失落的毛毛虫"Frame 151
"高兴的鸟"Frame 163
"失落的鸟"Frame 174
"高兴的瓢虫"Frame 184
"失落的瓢虫"Frame 194
"1"Frame 204
"2"Frame 212
"3"Frame 222
"4"Frame 232
"5"Frame 242
"烟雾"Frame 250
"人物设计"Frame 259
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"Dahlia"Frame 319
"Daisy "Frame 328
"Pink Gerbera"Frame 336
"Sunflower "Frame 346
"Intro"Frame 357
"enternames"Frame 367
"choose flower"Frame 380
"choose helper"Frame 389
"Happy Snail"Frame 403
"Snail sad"Frame 414
"Bee happy"Frame 425
"Bee sad"Frame 436
"Happy Caterpillar"Frame 446
"Caterpillar sad"Frame 456
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"lady bug sad"Frame 496
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"动物5sad"Symbol 1586 MovieClip Frame 243
Created: 25/2 -2019 01:29:43 Last modified: 25/2 -2019 01:29:43 Server time: 03/01 -2025 01:31:13