Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2598 · P5196

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Sneaky Sniper 3 - Complete missions and show your sniper skills!.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #127991

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
movieClip 25 { frame 47 { stop(); } } movieClip 45 { frame 39 { stop(); } } movieClip 46 splash { frame 51 { _global.mission = 'success'; stop(); } } frame 1 { Loaded = Math.round(getBytesLoaded()); total = Math.round(getBytesTotal()); percent = Loaded / total; trace(Loaded); trace(total); trace(percent); bar._width = percent * 150; text = Math.round(percent * 100) + '%'; if (Loaded == total) { gotoAndPlay(3); } } frame 1 { Stage.showMenu = false; } movieClip 52 { } movieClip 57 { } movieClip 58 { } movieClip 60 { } movieClip 61 { } instance of movieClip 61 { onClipEvent (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } // unknown tag 88 length 69 movieClip 66 { } button 67 { on (release) { _root.getURL('', '_blank'); } } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 3 { function __com_mochibot__(swfid, mc, lv, trk) { var x; var g; var s; var fv; var sb; var u; var res; var mb; var mbc; var pv; mb = '__mochibot__'; mbc = ''; g = _global ? _global : _level0._root; if (g[mb + swfid]) { return g[mb + swfid]; } s =; x = mc._root.getSWFVersion; fv = x ? mc.getSWFVersion() : (_global ? 6 : 5); if (!s) { s = {}; } sb = s.sandboxType; if (sb == 'localWithFile') { return null; } x = s.allowDomain; if (x) { s.allowDomain(mbc); } x = s.allowInsecureDomain; if (x) { s.allowInsecureDomain(mbc); } pv = (fv == 5) ? /:$version : System.capabilities.version; u = 'http://' + mbc + '/my/core.swf?mv=8&fv=' + fv + '&v=' + escape(pv) + '&swfid=' + escape(swfid) + '&l=' + lv + '&f=' + mc + (sb ? '&sb=' + sb : '') + (trk ? '&t=1' : ''); lv = fv > 6 ? mc.getNextHighestDepth() : (g[mb + 'level'] ? g[mb + 'level'] + 1 : lv); g[mb + 'level'] = lv; if (fv == 5) { res = '_level' + lv; if (!eval(res)) { loadMovieNum(u, lv); } return res; } res = mc.createEmptyMovieClip(mb + swfid, lv); res.loadMovie(u); return res; } __com_mochibot__('d54827e6', this, 10301, true); } frame 4 { stop(); } movieClip 70 { frame 232 {; } } frame 5 { stop(); } button 72 { on (release) { getURL('', blank); } } // unknown tag 88 length 143 movieClip 75 { } movieClip 78 { } movieClip 81 { } movieClip 84 { } movieClip 87 { } movieClip 90 { } movieClip 93 { } movieClip 95 { } movieClip 96 { frame 69 { stop(); } } movieClip 97 { frame 251 {; } } frame 6 { _global.mission = ''; _global.reloading = 0; _global.gamelevel = 1; _global.playmoreURL = ''; stop();; gamebg = new Sound(); gamebg.attachSound('gamebg'); punch1 = new Sound(); punch1.attachSound('punch1'); punch2 = new Sound(); punch2.attachSound('punch2'); punch3 = new Sound(); punch3.attachSound('punch3'); punch4 = new Sound(); punch4.attachSound('punch4'); snipershot = new Sound(); snipershot.attachSound('snipershot'); snipershot2 = new Sound(); snipershot2.attachSound('snipershot2'); birdsound = new Sound(); birdsound.attachSound('birdsound'); hit1 = new Sound(); hit1.attachSound('hit1'); hit2 = new Sound(); hit2.attachSound('hit2'); hit3 = new Sound(); hit3.attachSound('hit3'); bat1 = new Sound(); bat1.attachSound('bat1'); bat2 = new Sound(); bat2.attachSound('bat2'); bat3 = new Sound(); bat3.attachSound('bat3'); oah = new Sound(); oah.attachSound('oah'); car1sound = new Sound(); car1sound.attachSound('car1sound'); car2sound = new Sound(); car2sound.attachSound('car2sound'); boatengine = new Sound(); boatengine.attachSound('boatengine'); success = new Sound(); success.attachSound('success'); failed = new Sound(); failed.attachSound('failed'); glass2 = new Sound(); glass2.attachSound('glass2'); glass3 = new Sound(); glass3.attachSound('glass3'); scream = new Sound(); scream.attachSound('scream'); transmit = new Sound(); transmit.attachSound('transmit'); gargle = new Sound(); gargle.attachSound('gargle'); splashsound = new Sound(); splashsound.attachSound('splashsound'); traffic = new Sound(); traffic.attachSound('traffic'); logsfall = new Sound(); logsfall.attachSound('logsfall'); carcrash = new Sound(); carcrash.attachSound('carcrash'); colt = new Sound(); colt.attachSound('colt'); scream2 = new Sound(); scream2.attachSound('scream2'); scream3 = new Sound(); scream3.attachSound('scream3'); spin = new Sound(); spin.attachSound('spin'); shotdead = new Sound(); shotdead.attachSound('shotdead'); pinknoise = new Sound(); pinknoise.attachSound('pinknoise'); missionbg = new Sound(); missionbg.attachSound('missionbg'); shawndance = new Sound(); shawndance.attachSound('shawndance'); win = new Sound(); win.attachSound('win'); lose = new Sound(); lose.attachSound('lose'); charliebg = new Sound(); charliebg.attachSound('charliebg'); gunfire = new Sound(); gunfire.attachSound('gunfire'); bendead = new Sound(); bendead.attachSound('bendead'); crickets = new Sound(); crickets.attachSound('crickets'); stopAllSounds(); _root.gamebg.start(); } movieClip 115 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 118 { } // unknown tag 88 length 99 button 124 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop('missionobj'); } } // unknown tag 88 length 146 button 130 { on (release) { getURL(_global.playmoreURL, '_blank', 'POST'); } } button 133 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank', 'POST'); } } button 136 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank', 'POST'); } } // unknown tag 88 length 119 // unknown tag 88 length 119 movieClip 140 { } movieClip 141 { } // unknown tag 88 length 216 movieClip 152 { } button 155 { on (release) { _root.getURL('', '_blank'); } } button 156 { on (release) { _root.getURL('', '_blank'); } } button 157 { on (release) { _root.getURL('', '_blank'); } } button 158 { on (release) { _root.getURL('', '_blank'); } } button 159 { on (release) { _root.getURL('', '_blank'); } } button 160 { on (release) { _root.getURL('', '_blank'); } } button 161 { on (release) { _root.getURL('', '_blank'); } } button 162 { on (release) { _root.getURL('', '_blank'); } } button 163 { on (release) { _root.getURL('', '_blank'); } } button 164 { on (release) { _root.getURL('', '_blank'); } } button 165 { on (release) { _root.getURL('', '_blank'); } } button 166 { on (release) { _root.getURL('', '_blank'); } } movieClip 167 { } button 168 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay(2); } } button 169 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay(12); } } movieClip 170 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } } button 173 { on (release) { _root.getURL('', '_blank'); } } instance of movieClip 61 { onClipEvent (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } movieClip 174 { } movieClip 175 { frame 20 { stop(); } } instance gamefader1 of movieClip 175 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 7 { stop(); stopAllSounds(); _global.gamelevel += 1; _global.mission = ''; _global.victim = 0;; } button 180 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop('missionobj'); } } instance gamefader2 of movieClip 175 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 8 { stop(); stopAllSounds(); _global.mission = ''; _global.victim = 0;; } // unknown tag 88 length 91 button 187 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop('missionobj'); } } button 190 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank', 'POST'); } } instance gamefader3 of movieClip 175 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 9 { stop(); stopAllSounds(); _root.gamebg.start(); _global.mission = ''; _global.victim = 0;; } button 193 { on (release) { missionval = 'mission' + _global.gamelevel; _root.gotoAndStop(missionval); } } button 207 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank', 'POST'); } } movieClip 209 { frame 1 { glvl = _global.gamelevel; gotoAndStop('obj' + glvl); stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } } instance gamefader4 of movieClip 175 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 10 { if (_global.gamelevel != 1) { _root.gotoAndStop('title'); } stopAllSounds(); stop(); _global.reloading = 0; _global.practicepts = 0; } movieClip 212 { } movieClip 213 { frame 5 { stop(); } } movieClip 214 { frame 5 { stop(); } } movieClip 216 { } movieClip 217 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 216 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (this.hitTest(_root.scope.crosshair.cursor)) { _parent.shot = 1; _global.practicepts += 1; this._parent.gotoAndStop('dead'); } } } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 220 { instance of movieClip 217 { onClipEvent (load) { shot = 0; hiding = 1; hidecount = 200; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { xx = random(500); if (xx == 50 && hiding == 1) { hiding = 0; hidecount = 200; hidecount -= _global.practicepts * 5; this.gotoAndStop('showup'); } if (hiding == 0) { if (hidecount <= 0) { hiding = 1; this.gotoAndStop('dead'); } hidecount -= 1; } } } instance of movieClip 217 { onClipEvent (load) { shot = 0; hiding = 1; hidecount = 200; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { xx = random(500); if (xx == 50 && hiding == 1) { hiding = 0; hidecount = 200; hidecount -= _global.practicepts * 5; this.gotoAndStop('showup'); } if (hiding == 0) { if (hidecount <= 0) { hiding = 1; this.gotoAndStop('dead'); } hidecount -= 1; } } } instance of movieClip 217 { onClipEvent (load) { shot = 0; hiding = 1; hidecount = 200; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { xx = random(500); if (xx == 50 && hiding == 1) { hiding = 0; hidecount = 200; hidecount -= _global.practicepts * 5; this.gotoAndStop('showup'); } if (hiding == 0) { if (hidecount <= 0) { hiding = 1; this.gotoAndStop('dead'); } hidecount -= 1; } } } instance of movieClip 217 { onClipEvent (load) { shot = 0; hiding = 1; hidecount = 200; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { xx = random(500); if (xx == 50 && hiding == 1) { hiding = 0; hidecount = 200; hidecount -= _global.practicepts * 5; this.gotoAndStop('showup'); } if (hiding == 0) { if (hidecount <= 0) { hiding = 1; this.gotoAndStop('dead'); } hidecount -= 1; } } } instance of movieClip 217 { onClipEvent (load) { shot = 0; hiding = 1; hidecount = 200; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { xx = random(500); if (xx == 50 && hiding == 1) { hiding = 0; hidecount = 200; hidecount -= _global.practicepts * 5; this.gotoAndStop('showup'); } if (hiding == 0) { if (hidecount <= 0) { hiding = 1; this.gotoAndStop('dead'); } hidecount -= 1; } } } instance of movieClip 217 { onClipEvent (load) { shot = 0; hiding = 1; hidecount = 200; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { xx = random(500); if (xx == 50 && hiding == 1) { hiding = 0; hidecount = 200; hidecount -= _global.practicepts * 5; this.gotoAndStop('showup'); } if (hiding == 0) { if (hidecount <= 0) { hiding = 1; this.gotoAndStop('dead'); } hidecount -= 1; } } } instance of movieClip 217 { onClipEvent (load) { shot = 0; hiding = 1; hidecount = 200; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { xx = random(500); if (xx == 50 && hiding == 1) { hiding = 0; hidecount = 200; hidecount -= _global.practicepts * 5; this.gotoAndStop('showup'); } if (hiding == 0) { if (hidecount <= 0) { hiding = 1; this.gotoAndStop('dead'); } hidecount -= 1; } } } instance of movieClip 217 { onClipEvent (load) { shot = 0; hiding = 1; hidecount = 200; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { xx = random(500); if (xx == 50 && hiding == 1) { hiding = 0; hidecount = 200; hidecount -= _global.practicepts * 5; this.gotoAndStop('showup'); } if (hiding == 0) { if (hidecount <= 0) { hiding = 1; this.gotoAndStop('dead'); } hidecount -= 1; } } } instance of movieClip 217 { onClipEvent (load) { shot = 0; hiding = 1; hidecount = 200; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { xx = random(500); if (xx == 50 && hiding == 1) { hiding = 0; hidecount = 200; hidecount -= _global.practicepts * 5; this.gotoAndStop('showup'); } if (hiding == 0) { if (hidecount <= 0) { hiding = 1; this.gotoAndStop('dead'); } hidecount -= 1; } } } instance of movieClip 217 { onClipEvent (load) { shot = 0; hiding = 1; hidecount = 200; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { xx = random(500); if (xx == 50 && hiding == 1) { hiding = 0; hidecount = 200; hidecount -= _global.practicepts * 5; this.gotoAndStop('showup'); } if (hiding == 0) { if (hidecount <= 0) { hiding = 1; this.gotoAndStop('dead'); } hidecount -= 1; } } } instance of movieClip 217 { onClipEvent (load) { shot = 0; hiding = 1; hidecount = 200; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { xx = random(500); if (xx == 50 && hiding == 1) { hiding = 0; hidecount = 200; hidecount -= _global.practicepts * 5; this.gotoAndStop('showup'); } if (hiding == 0) { if (hidecount <= 0) { hiding = 1; this.gotoAndStop('dead'); } hidecount -= 1; } } } instance of movieClip 217 { onClipEvent (load) { shot = 0; hiding = 1; hidecount = 200; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { xx = random(500); if (xx == 50 && hiding == 1) { hiding = 0; hidecount = 200; hidecount -= _global.practicepts * 5; this.gotoAndStop('showup'); } if (hiding == 0) { if (hidecount <= 0) { hiding = 1; this.gotoAndStop('dead'); } hidecount -= 1; } } } instance of movieClip 217 { onClipEvent (load) { shot = 0; hiding = 1; hidecount = 200; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { xx = random(500); if (xx == 50 && hiding == 1) { hiding = 0; hidecount = 200; hidecount -= _global.practicepts * 5; this.gotoAndStop('showup'); } if (hiding == 0) { if (hidecount <= 0) { hiding = 1; this.gotoAndStop('dead'); } hidecount -= 1; } } } } movieClip 224 { } movieClip 226 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 228 { } movieClip 229 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 230 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _global.reloading = 1; } frame 11 { _root.reload.start(); } frame 22 { _global.reloading = 0; } } instance scope of movieClip 230 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root._xmouse; this._y = _root._ymouse; Mouse.hide(); } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (_global.reloading == 0) { _root.snipershot.start(); this.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } // unknown tag 88 length 143 movieClip 234 { } instance of movieClip 234 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.txtscore.text = _global.practicepts; if (_global.practicepts >= 20) { _global.mission = 'success'; } } } // unknown tag 88 length 220 movieClip 237 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 51 { _root.gotoAndStop('success'); } } instance successmv of movieClip 237 { onClipEvent (load) { checker = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.mission == 'success' && checker == 0) { checker = 1; this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } } movieClip 239 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 34 { _root.gotoAndStop('failed'); } } instance failedmv of movieClip 239 { onClipEvent (load) { checker = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.mission == 'failed' && checker == 0) { checker = 1; this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } } movieClip 250 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _global.reloading = 1; } frame 25 { _global.mission = 'failed'; } frame 55 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 250 { onClipEvent (load) { _global.heroshot = 0; _global.herohit = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.heroshot == 1 && _global.herohit == 0) { _global.herohit = 1; this.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } instance gamefader5 of movieClip 175 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 11 { if (_global.gamelevel != 2) { _root.gotoAndStop('title'); } stopAllSounds(); stop(); _global.reloading = 0; _global.victim = 0; _global.inspectionover = 0; _global.bellshot = 0; _global.seefront1 = 0; _global.target1 = 0; _global.target2 = 0; _global.target3 = 0; } movieClip 254 { } movieClip 255 { } movieClip 260 { } movieClip 261 { } movieClip 263 { } movieClip 268 { } movieClip 271 { } movieClip 279 { frame 22 { _global.mission = 'failed'; stop(); } } movieClip 282 { } movieClip 304 { frame 24 { stop(); _parent.alive = 0; } } movieClip 324 { } movieClip 325 { frame 27 { _global.manfall = 1; } frame 35 { stop(); } } movieClip 352 { frame 47 { stop(); } } movieClip 353 { frame 51 { stop(); } } movieClip 354 { frame 19 { stop(); _parent.alive = 0; _global.hidden4 = 1; } } movieClip 363 { frame 55 { _global.inspectionover = 1; } } movieClip 368 { } movieClip 369 { frame 9 { stop(); } } movieClip 370 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 261 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (this.hitTest(_root.scope.crosshair.cursor)) { if (_global.supressor == 1) { this._parent.gotoAndStop('stun'); } else { _parent.alive = 0; _parent.shot = 1; this._parent.gotoAndStop('dead'); } } } } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } } movieClip 372 { } movieClip 374 { } movieClip 375 { instance target2 of movieClip 370 { onClipEvent (load) { alive = 1; shot = 0; checking = 0; a = 0; reporting = 0; checkbell = 0; _global.seefront2 = 1; this.gotoAndStop('steady'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (alive == 1 && shot == 0) { if (_global.inspectionover == 0) { if (_global.bellshot == 1) { _global.bellshot = 0; _xscale = -66.09999999999999; _global.seefront2 = 0; walktobell = 1; this.gotoAndStop('walk'); } if (walktobell == 1 && _x < 173) { _x = _x + 2; } if (_x >= 173 && checkbell == 0) { checkbell = 1; _global.seefront2 = 0; this.gotoAndStop('inspect'); } } else { if (_global.target1 == 1 && this._parent.target1._x > -100) { this.gotoAndStop('call'); } else { if (walktobell == 1) { _xscale = 66.09999999999999; walktobell = 0; this.gotoAndStop('walk'); } if (_x > 113) { _x = _x - 2; } else { checkbell = 0; _global.seefront2 = 0; _parent.templebell.bell.gotoAndStop(1); _global.inspectionover = 0; this.gotoAndStop('steady'); } } } } else { if (_global.target1 == 0 && checking == 0 && _global.seefront1 == 1) { this._parent.target1.reporting = 1; this._parent.target1.gotoAndStop('call'); } } if (alive == 0) { _global.target2 = 1; } } } instance target3 of movieClip 370 { onClipEvent (load) { alive = 1; shot = 0; checking = 0; a = 0; reporting = 0; this.gotoAndStop('walk'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (alive == 1 && shot == 0) { if (reporting == 0) { if (_x >= -130 && a == 0) { _x = _x - 1.5; } if (_x < -130 && a == 0) { a = 1; this._xscale = -100; } if (_x < 77 && a == 1) { _x = _x + 1.5; } if (_x >= 77 && a == 1) { a = 0; this._xscale = 100; } } } else { if (_global.target1 == 0 && checking == 0) { this._parent.target1.reporting = 1; this._parent.target1.gotoAndStop('call'); } if (_global.target2 == 0 && checking == 0) { this._parent.target2.reporting = 1; this._parent.target2.gotoAndStop('call'); } } if (alive == 0) { _global.target3 = 1; } } } instance target1 of movieClip 370 { onClipEvent (load) { alive = 1; shot = 0; checking = 0; a = 0; reporting = 0; this.gotoAndStop('walk'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (alive == 1 && shot == 0) { if (reporting == 0) { if (_x >= -127 && a == 0) { _x = _x - 1.5; _global.seefront1 = 0; } if (_x < -127 && a == 0) { a = 1; this._xscale = -63.3; } if (_x < -29 && a == 1) { _x = _x + 1.5; _global.seefront1 = 1; } if (_x >= -29 && a == 1) { a = 0; this._xscale = 63.3; } } } else { if (_global.target2 == 0 && checking == 0 && _global.seefront2 == 1) { checking = 1; this._parent.target2.reporting = 1; this._parent.target2.gotoAndStop('call'); } } if (alive == 0) { _global.target1 = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 375 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.target1 == 1 && _global.target2 == 1 && _global.target3 == 1) { _global.mission = 'success'; } } } instance gamefader6 of movieClip 175 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 12 { if (_global.gamelevel != 3) { _root.gotoAndStop('title'); } stopAllSounds(); stop(); _global.reloading = 0; _global.victim = 0; _global.target1 = 0; } movieClip 378 { } movieClip 380 { } movieClip 382 { } movieClip 384 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 261 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (this.hitTest(_root.scope.crosshair.cursor)) { if (_global.supressor == 1) { this._parent.gotoAndStop('stun'); } else { _parent._parent.alive = 0; _parent._parent.shot = 1; this._parent.gotoAndStop('dead'); } } } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 387 { } movieClip 388 { } movieClip 390 { } movieClip 393 { } movieClip 394 { } movieClip 396 { } movieClip 399 { } movieClip 400 { } movieClip 402 { } movieClip 404 { } movieClip 407 { } movieClip 408 { } movieClip 409 { } movieClip 412 { } movieClip 413 { } movieClip 414 { } movieClip 415 { } movieClip 418 { } movieClip 419 { } movieClip 421 { } movieClip 422 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } } movieClip 424 { instance of movieClip 422 { onClipEvent (load) { alive = 1; shot = 0; speed = 8; vehicle = random(6); this.gotoAndStop(vehicle); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (alive == 1) { if (vehicle == 1) { speed = 8; } else { if (vehicle == 2) { speed = 10; } else { if (vehicle == 3) { speed = 5; } else { if (vehicle == 4) { speed = 15; } else { if (vehicle == 5) { speed = 11; } else { if (vehicle == 6) { speed = 7; } else { if (vehicle == 7) { speed = 10; } } } } } } } if (_x > -400) { _x = _x - speed; } else { _x = 600; vehicle = random(6); this.gotoAndStop(vehicle); } } } } instance of movieClip 422 { onClipEvent (load) { alive = 1; shot = 0; speed = 8; vehicle = random(8); if (vehicle > 6) { vehicle = 3; } this.gotoAndStop(vehicle); ctr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (alive == 0) { if (vehicle > 6) { _global.mission = 'success'; } else { _global.mission = 'failed'; } } if (alive == 1) { if (vehicle == 1) { speed = 8; } else { if (vehicle == 2) { speed = 10; } else { if (vehicle == 3) { speed = 5; } else { if (vehicle == 4) { speed = 15; } else { if (vehicle == 5) { speed = 11; } else { if (vehicle == 6) { speed = 7; } else { if (vehicle > 6) { speed = 10; } } } } } } } if (_x < 600) { _x = _x + speed; } else { if (vehicle == 7) { _global.mission = 'failed'; } else { ctr += 1; _x = -400; vehicle = random(8); if (ctr >= 10) { vehicle = 7; } this.gotoAndStop(vehicle); } } } } } } instance gamefader7 of movieClip 175 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 13 { if (_global.gamelevel != 4) { _root.gotoAndStop('title'); } stopAllSounds(); stop(); _global.reloading = 0; _global.barreldown = 0; _global.faucet = 0; _global.faucettop = 0; _global.powerout = 0; _global.blackout = 0; _global.alert = 0; _global.faint = 0; _global.gateclosed = 0; _global.panic = 0; } movieClip 430 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); _global.alert = 1; } } movieClip 432 { } movieClip 433 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 6 { _global.gateclosed = 1; } frame 15 { stop(); if (_global.blackout != 1) { _root.mission4.guard2._xscale *= -1; gotoAndPlay(16); } } frame 101 { if (_global.blackout == 1) { stop(); } else { _global.gateclosed = 0; } } } // unknown tag 88 length 33 movieClip 439 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 441 { } movieClip 442 { frame 10 { _global.faint = 1; } frame 20 { stop(); } } movieClip 443 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 446 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 448 { } movieClip 449 { } movieClip 457 { } movieClip 461 { frame 9 { _global.blackout = 1; if (_global.gateclosed == 0) { _global.panic = 1; } } } movieClip 462 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 468 { } movieClip 486 { } movieClip 487 { frame 20 { stop(); } } movieClip 490 { } movieClip 491 { frame 18 { stop(); _global.powerout = 1; } } movieClip 492 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 493 { instance buildingbg of movieClip 430 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.blackout == 1) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } instance guard2 of movieClip 370 { onClipEvent (load) { alive = 1; shot = 0; facewall = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (alive == 1) { if (_global.gateclosed == 1 && facewall == 0) { facewall = 1; this._xscale *= -1; } if (_global.gateclosed == 1 && facewall == 1) { facewall = 0; this._xscale *= -1; } } else { _global.mission = 'failed'; } } } instance guard1 of movieClip 370 { onClipEvent (load) { alive = 1; shot = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (alive == 1) { if (_global.panic == 1) { this.gotoAndStop('run'); if (_parent.guard2._x > 88) { this._x -= 3; _parent.guard2._x -= 5; } else { _parent.blackvan.gotoAndStop(2); if (_parent.blackvan._x > -315) { _parent.blackvan._x -= 10; } else { _global.mission = 'failed'; } } } } else { _global.mission = 'failed'; } } } instance of movieClip 439 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (this.hitTest(_root.scope.crosshair.cursor)) { if (_global.blackout != 1) { _root.mission4.gate.gotoAndPlay(2); this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.blackout == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_global.gateclosed == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance drums of movieClip 443 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.barreldown == 1) { _root.mission4.drums.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance guard3 of movieClip 370 { onClipEvent (load) { alive = 1; shot = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.gateclosed == 1 && _global.faint == 1 && _global.faucet == 1 && _global.blackout == 1) { _global.mission = 'success'; } if (alive == 1) { if (_global.faint == 1) { if (_global.gateclosed == 0) { _root.mission4.guard1.gotoAndStop('call'); _root.mission4.guard2.gotoAndStop('call'); } this.gotoAndStop('faint'); } } else { _global.mission = 'failed'; } } } instance generator of movieClip 462 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.powerout == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance watertank of movieClip 492 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.faucet == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.faucettop == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance of movieClip 261 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (this.hitTest(_root.scope.crosshair.cursor)) { _global.barreldown = 1; } } } instance of movieClip 261 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (this.hitTest(_root.scope.crosshair.cursor)) { if (_global.faucet == 0) { _global.faucettop = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 261 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (this.hitTest(_root.scope.crosshair.cursor)) { if (_global.faucettop == 0) { _global.faucet = 1; } } } } } instance gamefader8 of movieClip 175 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 14 { if (_global.gamelevel != 5) { _root.gotoAndStop('title'); } stopAllSounds(); stop(); _root.crickets.start(0, 100); _global.reloading = 0; _global.victim = 0; _global.alert = 0; } movieClip 497 { } movieClip 503 { } movieClip 506 { } movieClip 520 { frame 3 { xx = random(20); _root.snipershot.start(); if (xx == 3) { _parent._parent.checking = 0; _global.heroshot = 1; } } } movieClip 531 { frame 2 { _parent.alive = 0; } frame 20 { _parent.alive = 0; stop(); } } movieClip 532 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 216 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (this.hitTest(_root.scope.crosshair.cursor)) { if (_global.supressor == 1) { this._parent.gotoAndStop('stun'); } else { _global.alert = 1; _parent.shot = 1; this._parent.gotoAndStop('dead'); } } } } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 536 { } movieClip 537 { } movieClip 538 { instance of movieClip 532 { onClipEvent (load) { alive = 1; shot = 0; checking = 0; checking2 = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.alert == 1 && alive == 1 && random(100) == 10 && checking == 0) { checking = 1; gotoAndStop('shoot'); } if (alive == 0 && checking2 == 0) { checking2 = 1; _global.victim += 1; } } } instance of movieClip 532 { onClipEvent (load) { alive = 1; shot = 0; checking = 0; checking2 = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.alert == 1 && alive == 1 && random(100) == 10 && checking == 0) { checking = 1; gotoAndStop('shoot'); } if (alive == 0 && checking2 == 0) { checking2 = 1; _global.victim += 1; } } } instance of movieClip 532 { onClipEvent (load) { alive = 1; shot = 0; checking = 0; checking2 = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.alert == 1 && alive == 1 && random(100) == 10 && checking == 0) { checking = 1; gotoAndStop('shoot'); } if (alive == 0 && checking2 == 0) { checking2 = 1; _global.victim += 1; } } } instance of movieClip 532 { onClipEvent (load) { alive = 1; shot = 0; checking = 0; checking2 = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.alert == 1 && alive == 1 && random(100) == 10 && checking == 0) { checking = 1; gotoAndStop('shoot'); } if (alive == 0 && checking2 == 0) { checking2 = 1; _global.victim += 1; } } } instance of movieClip 532 { onClipEvent (load) { alive = 1; shot = 0; checking = 0; checking2 = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.alert == 1 && alive == 1 && random(100) == 10 && checking == 0) { checking = 1; gotoAndStop('shoot'); } if (alive == 0 && checking2 == 0) { checking2 = 1; _global.victim += 1; } } } instance of movieClip 532 { onClipEvent (load) { alive = 1; shot = 0; checking = 0; checking2 = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.alert == 1 && alive == 1 && random(100) == 10 && checking == 0) { checking = 1; gotoAndStop('shoot'); } if (alive == 0 && checking2 == 0) { checking2 = 1; _global.victim += 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 538 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.victim == 6) { _global.mission = 'success'; } } } instance gamefader9 of movieClip 175 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 15 { if (_global.gamelevel != 6) { _root.gotoAndStop('title'); } stopAllSounds(); stop(); _root.crickets.start(0, 100); _global.reloading = 0; _global.victim = 0; _global.lampshoot = 0; _global.lampshoot2 = 0; _global.lampshoot3 = 0; _global.lampshoot4 = 0; _global.manfall = 0; } movieClip 542 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 544 { instance enemy3 of movieClip 370 { onClipEvent (load) { alive = 1; checking = 0; checking2 = 0; reporting = 0; notlooking = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { checklook = _parent.enemy4.notlooking; if (alive == 0 && checklook == 0 && checking == 0) { checking = 1; _parent.enemy4.gotoAndStop('call'); _global.mission = 'failed'; } if (alive == 0 && checklook == 1 && checking == 0) { checking = 1; notlooking = 1; _global.victim += 1; } } } instance enemy5 of movieClip 370 { onClipEvent (load) { alive = 1; checking = 0; checking2 = 0; reporting = 0; notlooking = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { checklook = _parent.enemy4.notlooking; if (alive == 1 && _global.manfall == 1 && checking == 0) { checking = 1; this.gotoAndStop('call'); _global.mission = 'failed'; } if (alive == 0 && checklook == 0 && checking == 0) { checking = 1; _parent.enemy4.gotoAndStop('call'); _global.mission = 'failed'; } if (alive == 0 && checklook == 1 && checking == 0) { checking = 1; notlooking = 1; _global.victim += 1; } } } instance enemy1 of movieClip 370 { onClipEvent (load) { alive = 1; shot = 0; checking = 0; a = 0; this.gotoAndStop('walk'); notlooking = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (alive == 1 && shot == 0) { if (_x < 280 && a == 0) { _x = _x + 1; _y = _y + 0.04; notlooking = 1; } if (_x > 280 && a == 0) { a = 1; this._xscale = -44.9; } if (_x > -33 && a == 1) { _x = _x - 1; _y = _y - 0.08; notlooking = 0; } if (_x < -33 && a == 1) { a = 0; this._xscale = 44.9; _y = -106; } } checklook = _parent.enemy2.notlooking; if (alive == 0 && checklook == 0 && checking == 0) { checking = 1; _parent.enemy2.gotoAndStop('call'); _global.mission = 'failed'; } if (alive == 0 && checklook == 1 && checking == 0) { checking = 1; notlooking = 1; _global.victim += 1; } } } instance enemy2 of movieClip 370 { onClipEvent (load) { alive = 1; checking = 0; checking2 = 0; reporting = 0; notlooking = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { checklook = _parent.enemy1.notlooking; if (alive == 0 && checklook == 0 && checking == 0) { checking = 1; _parent.enemy1.gotoAndStop('call'); _global.mission = 'failed'; } if (alive == 0 && _global.lampshoot2 == 0 && checking == 0 && _parent.enemy7.alive == 1) { checking = 1; _parent.enemy7.gotoAndStop('call'); _global.mission = 'failed'; } if (alive == 0 && checklook == 1 && checking == 0) { checking = 1; notlooking = 1; _global.victim += 1; } } } instance enemy6 of movieClip 370 { onClipEvent (load) { alive = 1; checking = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (alive == 1 && _global.manfall == 1 && checking == 0) { checking = 1; this.gotoAndStop('call'); _global.mission = 'failed'; } if (alive == 0 && checking == 0) { checking = 1; _global.victim += 1; } } } instance of movieClip 216 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (this.hitTest(_root.scope.crosshair.cursor) && _global.lampshoot2 == 0) { _global.lampshoot2 = 1; this._parent.lamppost2.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 216 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (this.hitTest(_root.scope.crosshair.cursor) && _global.lampshoot3 == 0) { _global.lampshoot3 = 1; this._parent.lamppost3.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 216 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (this.hitTest(_root.scope.crosshair.cursor) && _global.lampshoot4 == 0) { _global.lampshoot4 = 1; this._parent.lamppost4.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance enemy7 of movieClip 370 { onClipEvent (load) { alive = 1; checking = 0; checking2 = 0; reporting = 0; notlooking = 0; checkfall = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { checklook = _parent.enemy1.notlooking; if (shot == 1 && checkfall == 0) { checkfall = 1; this.gotoAndStop('fall'); } if (alive == 0 && checklook == 0 && checking == 0) { checking = 1; _parent.enemy1.gotoAndStop('call'); _global.mission = 'failed'; } if (alive == 0 && checklook == 1 && checking == 0) { checking = 1; notlooking = 1; _global.victim += 1; } } } instance enemy4 of movieClip 370 { onClipEvent (load) { alive = 1; checking = 0; checking2 = 0; reporting = 0; notlooking = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.lampshoot == 0) { checklook = _parent.enemy3.notlooking; } else { checklook = 1; } if (alive == 0 && checklook == 0 && checking == 0) { checking = 1; _parent.enemy3.gotoAndStop('call'); _global.mission = 'failed'; } if (alive == 0 && checklook == 1 && checking == 0) { checking = 1; notlooking = 1; _global.victim += 1; } } } instance of movieClip 216 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (this.hitTest(_root.scope.crosshair.cursor) && _global.lampshoot == 0) { _global.lampshoot = 1; this._parent.lamppost.gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 544 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.victim == 7) { _global.mission = 'success'; } } } instance gamefader10 of movieClip 175 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 16 { if (_global.gamelevel != 7) { _root.gotoAndStop('title'); } stopAllSounds(); stop(); _global.reloading = 0; _global.snap = 0; _global.jump = 0; _global.alarm = 1; _global.victim = 0; } movieClip 547 { } movieClip 549 { } movieClip 551 { } movieClip 559 { } movieClip 560 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } } movieClip 562 { } movieClip 564 { } movieClip 565 { } movieClip 566 { instance of movieClip 560 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_parent._parent.weapon); } } } movieClip 567 { instance of movieClip 560 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_parent._parent.weapon); } } } movieClip 570 { } movieClip 571 { instance of movieClip 560 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_parent._parent.weapon); } } instance of movieClip 570 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_parent._parent._parent.police1)) { _parent._parent._parent.police1.alive = 0; _parent._parent._parent.police1.gotoAndStop('dead'); } if (this.hitTest(_parent._parent._parent.police2)) { _parent._parent._parent.police2.alive = 0; _parent._parent._parent.police2.gotoAndStop('dead'); } if (this.hitTest(_parent._parent._parent.police3)) { _parent._parent._parent.police3.alive = 0; _parent._parent._parent.police3.gotoAndStop('dead'); } } } } movieClip 575 { instance of movieClip 560 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_parent._parent.weapon); } } frame 38 { _root.gunfire.start(); _global.jump = 1; _global.policelife -= 1; } frame 43 { _root.gunfire.start(); } } movieClip 584 { instance of movieClip 560 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_parent._parent.weapon); } } frame 14 { _global.jump = 1; } frame 40 { stop(); } } movieClip 586 { } movieClip 587 { } movieClip 596 { frame 14 { _global.jump = 1; } frame 40 { stop(); } } movieClip 597 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 216 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (this.hitTest(_root.scope.crosshair.cursor)) { _parent.shot = 1; _parent.alive = 0; this._parent.gotoAndStop('dead'); } } } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 216 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (this.hitTest(_root.scope.crosshair.cursor)) { _parent.shot = 1; _parent.alive = 0; this._parent.gotoAndStop('dead'); } } } frame 8 { stop(); } } movieClip 599 { instance police1 of movieClip 597 { onClipEvent (load) { innocent = 1; checker = 0; this.gotoAndStop('investigate'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (alive == 0 && checker == 0) { checker = 1; _global.mission = 'failed'; } } } instance police3 of movieClip 597 { onClipEvent (load) { innocent = 1; checker = 0; this.gotoAndStop('investigate'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (alive == 0 && checker == 0) { checker = 1; _global.mission = 'failed'; } } } instance of movieClip 597 { onClipEvent (load) { weapon = random(4); alive = 1; attacking = 0; checker = 0; speed = random(4); if (speed == 0) { speed = 2; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (alive == 1 && _global.alarm == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.police1) && attacking == 0) { attacking = 1; this.gotoAndStop('attack'); } if (attacking == 0) { this.gotoAndStop('run'); this._x -= speed; } } if (alive == 0 && checker == 0) { checker = 1; _global.victim += 1; } } } instance police2 of movieClip 597 { onClipEvent (load) { innocent = 1; checker = 0; this.gotoAndStop('investigate'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (alive == 0 && checker == 0) { checker = 1; _global.mission = 'failed'; } } } instance of movieClip 597 { onClipEvent (load) { weapon = random(4); alive = 1; attacking = 0; checker = 0; speed = random(4); if (speed == 0) { speed = 3; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (alive == 1 && _global.alarm == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.police1) && attacking == 0) { attacking = 1; this.gotoAndStop('attack'); } if (attacking == 0) { this.gotoAndStop('run'); this._x -= speed; } } if (alive == 0 && checker == 0) { checker = 1; _global.victim += 1; } } } instance of movieClip 597 { onClipEvent (load) { weapon = random(4); alive = 1; attacking = 0; checker = 0; speed = random(4); if (speed == 0) { speed = 3; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (alive == 1 && _global.alarm == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.police1) && attacking == 0) { attacking = 1; this.gotoAndStop('attack'); } if (attacking == 0) { this.gotoAndStop('run'); this._x -= speed; } } if (alive == 0 && checker == 0) { checker = 1; _global.victim += 1; } } } instance of movieClip 597 { onClipEvent (load) { weapon = random(4); alive = 1; attacking = 0; checker = 0; speed = random(4); if (speed == 0) { speed = 3; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (alive == 1 && _global.alarm == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.police1) && attacking == 0) { attacking = 1; this.gotoAndStop('attack'); } if (attacking == 0) { this.gotoAndStop('run'); this._x -= speed; } } if (alive == 0 && checker == 0) { checker = 1; _global.victim += 1; } } } instance of movieClip 597 { onClipEvent (load) { weapon = random(4); alive = 1; attacking = 0; checker = 0; speed = random(4); if (speed == 0) { speed = 3; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (alive == 1 && _global.alarm == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.police2) && attacking == 0) { attacking = 1; this.gotoAndStop('attack'); } if (attacking == 0) { this.gotoAndStop('run'); this._x -= speed; } } if (alive == 0 && checker == 0) { checker = 1; _global.victim += 1; } } } instance of movieClip 597 { onClipEvent (load) { weapon = random(4); alive = 1; attacking = 0; checker = 0; speed = random(4); if (speed <= 2) { speed = 3; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (alive == 1 && _global.alarm == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.police2) && attacking == 0) { attacking = 1; this.gotoAndStop('attack'); } if (attacking == 0) { this.gotoAndStop('run'); this._x -= speed; } } if (alive == 0 && checker == 0) { checker = 1; _global.victim += 1; } } } instance of movieClip 597 { onClipEvent (load) { weapon = random(4); alive = 1; attacking = 0; checker = 0; speed = random(4); if (speed == 0) { speed = 3; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (alive == 1 && _global.alarm == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.police2) && attacking == 0) { attacking = 1; this.gotoAndStop('attack'); } if (attacking == 0) { this.gotoAndStop('run'); this._x += speed; } } if (alive == 0 && checker == 0) { checker = 1; _global.victim += 1; } } } instance of movieClip 597 { onClipEvent (load) { weapon = random(4); alive = 1; attacking = 0; checker = 0; speed = random(4); if (speed == 0) { speed = 3; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (alive == 1 && _global.alarm == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.police2) && attacking == 0) { attacking = 1; this.gotoAndStop('attack'); } if (attacking == 0) { this.gotoAndStop('run'); this._x += speed; } } if (alive == 0 && checker == 0) { checker = 1; _global.victim += 1; } } } instance of movieClip 597 { onClipEvent (load) { weapon = random(4); alive = 1; attacking = 0; checker = 0; speed = random(4); if (speed <= 2) { speed = 3; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (alive == 1 && _global.alarm == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.police2) && attacking == 0) { attacking = 1; this.gotoAndStop('attack'); } if (attacking == 0) { this.gotoAndStop('run'); this._x += speed; } } if (alive == 0 && checker == 0) { checker = 1; _global.victim += 1; } } } instance of movieClip 597 { onClipEvent (load) { weapon = random(4); alive = 1; attacking = 0; checker = 0; speed = random(4); if (speed == 0) { speed = 3; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (alive == 1 && _global.alarm == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.police3) && attacking == 0) { attacking = 1; this.gotoAndStop('attack'); } if (attacking == 0) { this.gotoAndStop('run'); this._x += speed; } } if (alive == 0 && checker == 0) { checker = 1; _global.victim += 1; } } } instance of movieClip 597 { onClipEvent (load) { weapon = random(4); alive = 1; attacking = 0; checker = 0; speed = random(4); if (speed == 0) { speed = 3; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (alive == 1 && _global.alarm == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.police3) && attacking == 0) { attacking = 1; this.gotoAndStop('attack'); } if (attacking == 0) { this.gotoAndStop('run'); this._x += speed; } } if (alive == 0 && checker == 0) { checker = 1; _global.victim += 1; } } } instance of movieClip 597 { onClipEvent (load) { weapon = random(4); alive = 1; attacking = 0; checker = 0; speed = random(4); if (speed <= 2) { speed = 3; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (alive == 1 && _global.alarm == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.police3) && attacking == 0) { attacking = 1; this.gotoAndStop('attack'); } if (attacking == 0) { this.gotoAndStop('run'); this._x += speed; } } if (alive == 0 && checker == 0) { checker = 1; _global.victim += 1; } } } instance of movieClip 597 { onClipEvent (load) { weapon = random(4); alive = 1; attacking = 0; checker = 0; speed = random(4); if (speed <= 2) { speed = 3; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (alive == 1 && _global.alarm == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.police3) && attacking == 0) { attacking = 1; this.gotoAndStop('attack'); } if (attacking == 0) { this.gotoAndStop('run'); this._x += speed; } } if (alive == 0 && checker == 0) { checker = 1; _global.victim += 1; } } } instance of movieClip 597 { onClipEvent (load) { weapon = random(4); alive = 1; attacking = 0; checker = 0; speed = random(4); if (speed <= 2) { speed = 3; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (alive == 1 && _global.alarm == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.police1) && attacking == 0) { attacking = 1; this.gotoAndStop('attack'); } if (attacking == 0) { this.gotoAndStop('run'); this._x -= speed; } } if (alive == 0 && checker == 0) { checker = 1; _global.victim += 1; } } } instance of movieClip 597 { onClipEvent (load) { weapon = random(4); alive = 1; attacking = 0; checker = 0; speed = random(4); if (speed <= 2) { speed = 3; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (alive == 1 && _global.alarm == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.police2) && attacking == 0) { attacking = 1; this.gotoAndStop('attack'); } if (attacking == 0) { this.gotoAndStop('run'); this._x -= speed; } } if (alive == 0 && checker == 0) { checker = 1; _global.victim += 1; } } } instance of movieClip 597 { onClipEvent (load) { weapon = random(4); alive = 1; attacking = 0; checker = 0; speed = random(4); if (speed == 0) { speed = 3; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (alive == 1 && _global.alarm == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.police2) && attacking == 0) { attacking = 1; this.gotoAndStop('attack'); } if (attacking == 0) { this.gotoAndStop('run'); this._x -= speed; } } if (alive == 0 && checker == 0) { checker = 1; _global.victim += 1; } } } instance of movieClip 597 { onClipEvent (load) { weapon = random(4); alive = 1; attacking = 0; checker = 0; speed = 4; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (alive == 1 && _global.alarm == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.police1) && attacking == 0) { attacking = 1; this.gotoAndStop('attack'); } if (attacking == 0) { this.gotoAndStop('run'); this._x -= speed; } } if (alive == 0 && checker == 0) { checker = 1; _global.victim += 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 599 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.victim == 17) { _global.mission = 'success'; } } } instance gamefader11 of movieClip 175 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 17 { if (_global.gamelevel != 8) { _root.gotoAndStop('title'); } stopAllSounds(); stop(); _global.reloading = 0; _global.alarm = 1; _global.policelife = 15; _global.victim = 0; } movieClip 602 { } movieClip 606 { } movieClip 607 { } movieClip 608 { } movieClip 610 { } movieClip 611 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } } movieClip 612 { } movieClip 613 { } movieClip 614 { } movieClip 615 { instance of movieClip 611 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_parent._parent.weapon); } } } movieClip 618 { } movieClip 619 { instance of movieClip 611 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_parent._parent.weapon); } } frame 36 { _root.gunfire.start(); } frame 41 { _root.gunfire.start(); } instance of movieClip 618 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.charlie.alive == 1) { _global.charlielife -= 10; _parent._parent._parent.charlie.alive = 0; _parent._parent._parent.charlie.gotoAndStop('dead'); } } } } movieClip 620 { } movieClip 627 { instance of movieClip 611 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_parent._parent.weapon); } } frame 40 { stop(); } } movieClip 628 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 620 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (this.hitTest( { _global.mission = 'failed'; _parent.shot = 1; _parent.alive = 0; this._parent.gotoAndStop('dead'); } } } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 629 { } movieClip 630 { instance of movieClip 628 { onClipEvent (load) { weapon = 5; alive = 1; attacking = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (alive == 1) { if (random(50) == 1) { this.gotoAndStop('attack2'); } if (_global.policelife == 0) { alive = 0; this.gotoAndStop('dead'); _global.mission = 'failed'; } } } } instance of movieClip 628 { onClipEvent (load) { weapon = 5; alive = 1; attacking = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (alive == 1) { if (random(50) == 1) { this.gotoAndStop('attack2'); } if (_global.policelife == 3) { alive = 0; this.gotoAndStop('dead'); } } } } instance of movieClip 628 { onClipEvent (load) { weapon = 5; alive = 1; attacking = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (alive == 1) { if (random(50) == 1) { this.gotoAndStop('attack2'); } if (_global.policelife == 1) { alive = 0; this.gotoAndStop('dead'); } } } } instance of movieClip 628 { onClipEvent (load) { weapon = 5; alive = 1; attacking = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (alive == 1) { if (random(50) == 1) { this.gotoAndStop('attack2'); } if (_global.policelife == 4) { alive = 0; this.gotoAndStop('dead'); } } } } instance of movieClip 628 { onClipEvent (load) { weapon = 5; alive = 1; attacking = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (alive == 1) { if (random(50) == 1) { this.gotoAndStop('attack2'); } if (_global.policelife == 6) { alive = 0; this.gotoAndStop('dead'); } } } } instance of movieClip 628 { onClipEvent (load) { weapon = 5; alive = 1; attacking = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (alive == 1) { if (random(50) == 1) { this.gotoAndStop('attack2'); } if (_global.policelife == 7) { alive = 0; this.gotoAndStop('dead'); } } } } instance of movieClip 628 { onClipEvent (load) { weapon = 5; alive = 1; attacking = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (alive == 1) { if (random(50) == 1) { this.gotoAndStop('attack2'); } if (_global.policelife == 8) { alive = 0; this.gotoAndStop('dead'); } } } } instance of movieClip 628 { onClipEvent (load) { weapon = 5; alive = 1; attacking = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (alive == 1) { if (random(50) == 1) { this.gotoAndStop('attack2'); } if (_global.policelife == 2) { alive = 0; this.gotoAndStop('dead'); } } } } } movieClip 632 { instance of movieClip 597 { onClipEvent (load) { weapon = 5; alive = 1; attacking = 0; checker = 0; speed = 4; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (alive == 1 && _global.alarm == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.policegroup) && attacking == 0) { attacking = 1; this.gotoAndStop('attack2'); } if (attacking == 0) { this.gotoAndStop('run2'); this._x -= speed; } } if (alive == 0 && checker == 0) { checker = 1; _global.victim += 1; } } } instance of movieClip 597 { onClipEvent (load) { weapon = 5; alive = 1; attacking = 0; checker = 0; speed = 4; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (alive == 1 && _global.alarm == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.policegroup) && attacking == 0) { attacking = 1; this.gotoAndStop('attack2'); } if (attacking == 0) { this.gotoAndStop('run2'); this._x -= speed; } } if (alive == 0 && checker == 0) { checker = 1; _global.victim += 1; } } } instance of movieClip 597 { onClipEvent (load) { weapon = 5; alive = 1; attacking = 0; checker = 0; speed = 4; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (alive == 1 && _global.alarm == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.policegroup) && attacking == 0) { attacking = 1; this.gotoAndStop('attack2'); } if (attacking == 0) { this.gotoAndStop('run2'); this._x -= speed; } } if (alive == 0 && checker == 0) { checker = 1; _global.victim += 1; } } } instance of movieClip 597 { onClipEvent (load) { weapon = 5; alive = 1; attacking = 0; checker = 0; speed = 4; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (alive == 1 && _global.alarm == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.policegroup) && attacking == 0) { attacking = 1; this.gotoAndStop('attack2'); } if (attacking == 0) { this.gotoAndStop('run2'); this._x -= speed; } } if (alive == 0 && checker == 0) { checker = 1; _global.victim += 1; } } } instance of movieClip 597 { onClipEvent (load) { weapon = 5; alive = 1; attacking = 0; checker = 0; speed = 4; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (alive == 1 && _global.alarm == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.policegroup) && attacking == 0) { attacking = 1; this.gotoAndStop('attack2'); } if (attacking == 0) { this.gotoAndStop('run2'); this._x -= speed; } } if (alive == 0 && checker == 0) { checker = 1; _global.victim += 1; } } } instance of movieClip 597 { onClipEvent (load) { weapon = 5; alive = 1; attacking = 0; checker = 0; speed = 4; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (alive == 1 && _global.alarm == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.policegroup) && attacking == 0) { attacking = 1; this.gotoAndStop('attack2'); } if (attacking == 0) { this.gotoAndStop('run2'); this._x -= speed; } } if (alive == 0 && checker == 0) { checker = 1; _global.victim += 1; } } } instance of movieClip 597 { onClipEvent (load) { weapon = 5; alive = 1; attacking = 0; checker = 0; speed = 4; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (alive == 1 && _global.alarm == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.policegroup) && attacking == 0) { attacking = 1; this.gotoAndStop('attack2'); } if (attacking == 0) { this.gotoAndStop('run2'); this._x -= speed; } } if (alive == 0 && checker == 0) { checker = 1; _global.victim += 1; } } } instance of movieClip 597 { onClipEvent (load) { weapon = 5; alive = 1; attacking = 0; checker = 0; speed = 4; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (alive == 1 && _global.alarm == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.policegroup) && attacking == 0) { attacking = 1; this.gotoAndStop('attack2'); } if (attacking == 0) { this.gotoAndStop('run2'); this._x -= speed; } } if (alive == 0 && checker == 0) { checker = 1; _global.victim += 1; } } } instance of movieClip 597 { onClipEvent (load) { weapon = 5; alive = 1; attacking = 0; checker = 0; speed = 4; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (alive == 1 && _global.alarm == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.policegroup) && attacking == 0) { attacking = 1; this.gotoAndStop('attack2'); } if (attacking == 0) { this.gotoAndStop('run2'); this._x -= speed; } } if (alive == 0 && checker == 0) { checker = 1; _global.victim += 1; } } } instance of movieClip 597 { onClipEvent (load) { weapon = 5; alive = 1; attacking = 0; checker = 0; speed = 4; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (alive == 1 && _global.alarm == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.policegroup) && attacking == 0) { attacking = 1; this.gotoAndStop('attack2'); } if (attacking == 0) { this.gotoAndStop('run2'); this._x -= speed; } } if (alive == 0 && checker == 0) { checker = 1; _global.victim += 1; } } } instance of movieClip 597 { onClipEvent (load) { weapon = 5; alive = 1; attacking = 0; checker = 0; speed = 4; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (alive == 1 && _global.alarm == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.policegroup) && attacking == 0) { attacking = 1; this.gotoAndStop('attack2'); } if (attacking == 0) { this.gotoAndStop('run2'); this._x -= speed; } } if (alive == 0 && checker == 0) { checker = 1; _global.victim += 1; } } } instance of movieClip 597 { onClipEvent (load) { weapon = 5; alive = 1; attacking = 0; checker = 0; speed = 4; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (alive == 1 && _global.alarm == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.policegroup) && attacking == 0) { attacking = 1; this.gotoAndStop('attack2'); } if (attacking == 0) { this.gotoAndStop('run2'); this._x -= speed; } } if (alive == 0 && checker == 0) { checker = 1; _global.victim += 1; } } } instance of movieClip 597 { onClipEvent (load) { weapon = 5; alive = 1; attacking = 0; checker = 0; speed = 4; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (alive == 1 && _global.alarm == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.policegroup) && attacking == 0) { attacking = 1; this.gotoAndStop('attack2'); } if (attacking == 0) { this.gotoAndStop('run2'); this._x -= speed; } } if (alive == 0 && checker == 0) { checker = 1; _global.victim += 1; } } } instance of movieClip 597 { onClipEvent (load) { weapon = 5; alive = 1; attacking = 0; checker = 0; speed = 4; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (alive == 1 && _global.alarm == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.policegroup) && attacking == 0) { attacking = 1; this.gotoAndStop('attack2'); } if (attacking == 0) { this.gotoAndStop('run2'); this._x -= speed; } } if (alive == 0 && checker == 0) { checker = 1; _global.victim += 1; } } } instance of movieClip 597 { onClipEvent (load) { weapon = 5; alive = 1; attacking = 0; checker = 0; speed = 4; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (alive == 1 && _global.alarm == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.policegroup) && attacking == 0) { attacking = 1; this.gotoAndStop('attack2'); } if (attacking == 0) { this.gotoAndStop('run2'); this._x -= speed; } } if (alive == 0 && checker == 0) { checker = 1; _global.victim += 1; } } } instance of movieClip 597 { onClipEvent (load) { weapon = 5; alive = 1; attacking = 0; checker = 0; speed = 4; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (alive == 1 && _global.alarm == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.policegroup) && attacking == 0) { attacking = 1; this.gotoAndStop('attack2'); } if (attacking == 0) { this.gotoAndStop('run2'); this._x -= speed; } } if (alive == 0 && checker == 0) { checker = 1; _global.victim += 1; } } } instance of movieClip 597 { onClipEvent (load) { weapon = 5; alive = 1; attacking = 0; checker = 0; speed = 4; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (alive == 1 && _global.alarm == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.policegroup) && attacking == 0) { attacking = 1; this.gotoAndStop('attack2'); } if (attacking == 0) { this.gotoAndStop('run2'); this._x -= speed; } } if (alive == 0 && checker == 0) { checker = 1; _global.victim += 1; } } } instance of movieClip 597 { onClipEvent (load) { weapon = 5; alive = 1; attacking = 0; checker = 0; speed = 4; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (alive == 1 && _global.alarm == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.policegroup) && attacking == 0) { attacking = 1; this.gotoAndStop('attack2'); } if (attacking == 0) { this.gotoAndStop('run2'); this._x -= speed; } } if (alive == 0 && checker == 0) { checker = 1; _global.victim += 1; } } } instance of movieClip 597 { onClipEvent (load) { weapon = 5; alive = 1; attacking = 0; checker = 0; speed = 4; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (alive == 1 && _global.alarm == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.policegroup) && attacking == 0) { attacking = 1; this.gotoAndStop('attack2'); } if (attacking == 0) { this.gotoAndStop('run2'); this._x -= speed; } } if (alive == 0 && checker == 0) { checker = 1; _global.victim += 1; } } } instance of movieClip 597 { onClipEvent (load) { weapon = 5; alive = 1; attacking = 0; checker = 0; speed = 4; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (alive == 1 && _global.alarm == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.policegroup) && attacking == 0) { attacking = 1; this.gotoAndStop('attack2'); } if (attacking == 0) { this.gotoAndStop('run2'); this._x -= speed; } } if (alive == 0 && checker == 0) { checker = 1; _global.victim += 1; } } } instance of movieClip 597 { onClipEvent (load) { weapon = 5; alive = 1; attacking = 0; checker = 0; speed = 4; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (alive == 1 && _global.alarm == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.policegroup) && attacking == 0) { attacking = 1; this.gotoAndStop('attack2'); } if (attacking == 0) { this.gotoAndStop('run2'); this._x -= speed; } } if (alive == 0 && checker == 0) { checker = 1; _global.victim += 1; } } } instance of movieClip 597 { onClipEvent (load) { weapon = 5; alive = 1; attacking = 0; checker = 0; speed = 4; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (alive == 1 && _global.alarm == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.policegroup) && attacking == 0) { attacking = 1; this.gotoAndStop('attack2'); } if (attacking == 0) { this.gotoAndStop('run2'); this._x -= speed; } } if (alive == 0 && checker == 0) { checker = 1; _global.victim += 1; } } } instance of movieClip 597 { onClipEvent (load) { weapon = 5; alive = 1; attacking = 0; checker = 0; speed = 4; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (alive == 1 && _global.alarm == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.policegroup) && attacking == 0) { attacking = 1; this.gotoAndStop('attack2'); } if (attacking == 0) { this.gotoAndStop('run2'); this._x -= speed; } } if (alive == 0 && checker == 0) { checker = 1; _global.victim += 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 632 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.victim == 23) { _global.mission = 'success'; } } } instance gamefader13 of movieClip 175 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 18 { if (_global.gamelevel != 9) { _root.gotoAndStop('title'); } stopAllSounds(); stop(); _root.crickets.start(0, 100); _global.reloading = 0; _global.victim = 0; _global.alert = 0; } instance of movieClip 250 { onClipEvent (load) { _global.heroshot = 0; _global.herohit = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.heroshot == 1 && _global.herohit == 0) { _global.herohit = 1; this.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } instance gamefader14 of movieClip 175 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 19 { if (_global.gamelevel != 10) { _root.gotoAndStop('title'); } stopAllSounds(); stop(); _global.reloading = 0; _global.victim = 0; _global.alarm = 0; _global.target1 = 0; _global.alert = 0; } instance gamefader15 of movieClip 175 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } }
Created: 24/2 -2019 13:33:45 Last modified: 24/2 -2019 13:33:45 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:53:00