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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Necronomicon Book of Dead Names - sequel to the original Necronomicon card game.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #128378

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)









+1 Life

+1 Life

+1 Sanity

+1 Sanity

+3 Life

+3 Life

+2 Sanity

+2 Sanity

for S rank in each
of these rounds.



1 - 5

6- 10

11- 15

16- 20

21- 25

26- 30

10kb of 100kb

A Games of Cthulhu Production.
Copyright 2011Games of Cthulhu. All rights reserved.
Design and Core Programming by Graham Plowman.
Additonal Programming by Denis McMahon.
Title menu, and Playfield design by Mattias Svendsen.
Menu creature art by Lorinda Loucks.

Version 1.3







Start Game

Start Game

Load Game

Load Game

How to Play

How to Play







Are you sure? Any previous
progress will be erased.

Deck Editor

Deck Editor




Challenge 1



In Your Prime

In Your Prime

In Your Prime

Challenge 1

Full of Beans

Full of Beans

Full of Beans







Hard Hitting

Hard Hitting

Hard Hitting




Holding Back

Holding Back

Holding Back

Pure Magic

Pure Magic

Pure Magic

Challenge 1

Insanity Beckons

Insanity Beckons

Insanity Beckons






















Challenge 18

Challenge 18

Challenge 18

Challenge 19

Challenge 19

Challenge 19




Challenge 21

Challenge 21

Challenge 21

<p align="left"></p>

Your Hand

These are your cards.
You click on a card to select it.




Large View

Your selected card appears on the right.
Here you can read its effects and other stats.



Card Abilites

Card 'type' appears under the picture.
Summon is a creature card. Arcane Attack is a magical
attack spell. Physical is a non-magical attack card.
There are also Locations, Characters,
Tomes, and Items.

Sanity Cost

All cards have a Sanity Cost (though some are
zero). This is the large white number in the
bottom right of the card.
Your sanity is reduced by this figure each time
you play a card.

Play a Card

To play the currently selected card, click on the
Necronomicon in the centre of the playfield.
If the selected card is a Summon, Location,
Character, Item or Tome, then that card is played
onto the playfield in provided slots.


You have 4 creature Slots, 2 attackers, 2
The figure in red is the creatures attack power,
the green figure is defence.

At the start of each turn, you have the option to attack
with any of the creatures in the attack slots.
The combined power of the creatures attacking is the
damage you could deal. The opponents defenders will
block this damage if the defence power
is high enough.

Any unblocked power spills over, and damages
the opponent. If the opponent has elder defence,
that also blocks creature damage.

The creatures also face off against one another. Your attack
power and defence power of your attacking creatures is
compared to those same stats of the defending creatures.
If your defence rating is beaten, you will lose a creature. If
beaten by double, you lose both creatures.
Same applies to your opponent.


Sanity is required to play cards with a sanity cost of 1 or more.
Sanity can go as low as minus 5. You cannot play a card with
a sanity cost of 1 or more if you have zero or less sanity.
Note that if you have only 1 sanity left, you can still play a card
with a high sanity cost. This will send you
into minus sanity however.

To regain sanity, you can Discard a card instead of playing it.
This takes up your turn.
A discarded card gives you DOUBLE the sanity cost of that
card, back in sanity points.

Try to prevent your sanity hitting minus 5. If you hit -5, you
become 'Suicidal'. You will remain Suicidal until your sanity is
raised above zero.
A suicidal player will have a random chance of living or dying
each time the opposing player takes a turn. It could end
your game in a heartbeat.



Life Points

This is your Life Points. When zero, you're dead.
You start each round with your allowed maximum points. You
cannot go over that maximum, so don't waste life giving cards
if you have high life. You can view the maximum by rolling the
mouse over the stat.


This is your Tainted stat.
Each point here deals damage to you at the end of each of
your turns. Try to remove it as soon as you can. You cannot
die from taint. If you are tainted down to just one life point,
your taint is removed.

Eldersign Defence

This is your Eldersign Defence.
This acts as your shield, each point protecting against one
point of damage. This blocks Arcane attack spells, and
creature attacks. (it does not block physical attacks)

Arcane Attack

This is your Arcane Attack.
This is your increased knowledge of the Cthulhu Mythos, and
thus increases your damage dealt when using Arcane Attack

Great Old One

Certain Cards have a white and black star symbol in the top
left of the picture.
White stars reduce the stars alignment.
Black stars increase the stars alignment.

When 3 stars are aligned, a Great Old One will appear.
There are 3 different Great Old Ones.
You can roll the mouse over the Great Old One icon while
playing, to see what effect it has on the

Rank Screen

When you win (or lose), you're taken to this rank screen
where your score is calculated.
The higher your score, the higher your rank.
Ranks are F, D, C, B, A, and S.

Each of these boxes represents one round. There are 30
rounds to complete.
You gain +2 Life and +1 Sanity for every S rank you achieve.
From round 21 onwards, you also gain +1 Arcane.

Your opponent will be gaining bonus life and sanity every
single round. And in some rounds he'll gain Arcane.
You'll need some S ranks to stay competitive later in the

You can replay any earlier round simply by clicking on the
rank letter for that round.
To play the next available round, click on the flashing white
This ends the tutorial - good luck!



Arcane +2

No one knows where the

manuscripts came from.

Art by ShadowHun

Art by ShadowHun

Pnakotic Manuscripts

Pnakotic Manuscripts



Gain 7 Life

Arcane -1

The Mi-go deal with

science, not magic.

Art by Pomppo

Art by Pomppo

Mi-Go Surgery

Mi-Go Surgery


Gain 4 Life

I don't ask questions.

Art by Nick Zane

Art by Nick Zane

Discreet Doctor

Discreet Doctor


Gain 7 Life

It tastes so vile, but

feels so good...

Blood Elixir

Blood Elixir

Physical Attack

(Ignores      )


Damage 3

It'll blow yer head

clean off...

Blast 'em

Blast 'em

Arcane Attack

Damage 5 +



Art by Paladin

Art by Paladin

Mind Burn

Mind Burn

Damage 6 +

Gain 3 Life



Dark Ritual

Dark Ritual


Winged beast from

beyond the stars.

Attack 3     Defence 2



Gain 4 Life for
banished creature.

Banish target

Opponents Creature.

By the blood of this beast,

we shall be spared.

Sacrificial Lamb

Sacrificial Lamb


Damage 10 +

The monstrosity crushed

everything in its way.

Art by Rojo75

Art by Rojo75

Dark Young Charge

Dark Young Charge

It lurched through time

and was


When Shambler is part of

Attack 1     Defence 3

an attack, ignore your

opponents -

Art by Alzuna

Art by Alzuna

Dimensional Shambler

Dimensional Shambler

Damage 6

"Hit 'em hard, boys."

Mob Hit

Mob Hit

Damage 4


Tommy Gun

Tommy Gun

Opponent becomes


Taint 1

I will kill you slowly...

Curse of Cthulhu

Curse of Cthulhu

creatures attack, he is

It's just a stage play.

What harm can it do?


Tainted for 1

Each time opponents

and you lose 1 Sanity.

Art by Ed Hickey

Art by Ed Hickey

The King in Yellow

The King in Yellow

Remove your Taint.

Opponent is

Tainted for 2

The Unspeakable One

grants you His blessing.


Art by AlfFly

Art by AlfFly

Blessing of Hastur

Blessing of Hastur

Eyes, mouths, tentacles!

produced whatever

it needed.

When summoned, choose an

2 or less, Shoggoth devours it.


opponent's creature of attack

Attack 4     Defence 2



Controlling them is hard

enough, without

someone interfering.

Opponent is attacked by

creatures Attack +

Arcane Attack

each creature he has in play.

Deal damage equal to his

Art by TheRealWest

Art by TheRealWest



Opponent loses

6 Sanity and is

Damaged for 5 +

If you move, they will

see you.

From Beyond

From Beyond

Nullify the next

It's the only defense

we have...

Defence +1


Arcane Attack on you.

Then destory it.

Art by RoJo75

Art by RoJo75

Elder Sign

Elder Sign

Gain 2 Sanity

each turn.

Now settle

won't feel a thing.


Arkham Asylum

Arkham Asylum


Opponent's Creature.


"The monsters are coming,

but I'm prepared!"

Art by MattKatt

Art by MattKatt

Powder of Ibn-Ghazi

Powder of Ibn-Ghazi

Dispel Opponent

Remove opp.

That's enough outta


and destory Eldersign.


Art by Deli_Conker

Art by Deli_Conker



Attack 1     Defence 1

When summoned,

remove Taint.

An ancient race of beings

that once ruled Earth.


+3         while in play.

Elder Thing

Elder Thing

Arcane +3

The nameless cults

should remain unkown.

Unaussprechlichen Kulten

Unaussprechlichen Kulten

Opponent loses
5 Sanity.

"Across space, I saw both
wonders, and terrors."

You gain +2

Art by G. Plowman

Art by G. Plowman

Mi-Go Brain Cylinder

Mi-Go Brain Cylinder

Remove Taint. While

here, you cannot

A haven, and the center

of learning in Arkham.

be tainted, and gain



Art by Omer Bey

Art by Omer Bey

Miskatonic University

Miskatonic University

Gain all of your

Opponents attributes.

He's changed somehow.

Acts odd...not himself.



Art by Suited Criminal

Art by Suited Criminal



Damage 8 +

Ignore opp.

You can't hide from it.

Arcane Attack

Hound of Tindalos

Hound of Tindalos

Damage 8 +

They swarmed out from the

sea - took all they wanted,

and left us for dead.


Arcane Attack

Art by Sakket

Art by Sakket

Rise of the Deep Ones

Rise of the Deep Ones

Random Effect

I'll show them who's

mad now...

1- Summon Shoggoth

2- Damage 8 +

3- +3         and

4- You lose 10 Sanity

Mad Experiment

Mad Experiment

All Attackers in play

As the new day rose, the

terrors of the night fled.

Both players gain 5 Sanity.

(or have 5 if below zero)

are destroyed.

Art by CrazyCruiser

Art by CrazyCruiser

Dawn of a New Day

Dawn of a New Day

Great Old One

Shub-Niggurath - Each player
turn a Dark Young is spawned.

Ia! Shub-Niggurath!

Each spawn deals 1 Dam and 1
Sanity. If player has Dark Woods
in play, effect is 1 Dam and
+1 Arcane.

Art by Meshjsl

Art by Meshjsl

Black Goat of the Woods

Black Goat of the Woods

Remove Taint.



There's not much time!

We must consult the



While in play gain

Professor Armitage

Professor Armitage

Each player is Tainted +4 each
turn. If a player has The Dunwich
Horror in play, taint is +2.
If a player has Miskatonic
University in play, he loses 6
Sanity instead.

Art by Norumaru

Art by Norumaru




Opponent loses 10 Sanity.

As the ancient city rose from

the depths, fear and

madness struck the world.

If already insane, he

takes Damage 10 +

City of R'lyeh

City of R'lyeh

Opponent loses 7 Sanity

"Daddy, I had a bad

Art by Willow Sablick

Art by Willow Sablick

Night Terrors

Night Terrors

Kill opponents Character.

"Consider them history."



Negate Damage from
two Physical attacks.

"I put ten bullets in 'em


boss, but he got back up."

Art by  DrunkenMoose

Art by  DrunkenMoose

Bulletproof Vest

Bulletproof Vest

Deal 8 Damage.

"Light 'em up, boys!"

If opponent has Bulletproof

Vest, deal 4 Damage.

Opponents Location

is destroyed.

Art by  G Plowman

Art by  G Plowman

Molotov Cocktail

Molotov Cocktail

Deals 10 Damage and -5 Sanity
to each player each turn.

The Stars are Right.

Great Old One

If a player has City of R'lyeh in
play, it's 5 Dam and -3 Sanity.
If a player becomes Suicidal, he
remains in that state.

Art by  Raptorex

Art by  Raptorex

Great Cthulhu

Great Cthulhu

While in play, opponent
will always have at least
2 Taint.

"I wish to acquire the



Art by G Plowman

Art by G Plowman

Wilbur Whateley

Wilbur Whateley


When summoned,



opponent is Tainted for 2.

Attack 5      Defence 5

Art by Raptorex

Art by Raptorex

The Dunwich Horror

The Dunwich Horror

Herald of the Outer Gods.

"I grant you a gift, I ask

only for your life."

While in play, Yog-Sothoth

Attack 5      Defence 6

may be Summoned.



Opponents Character

"We're shutting this

operation down."

is arrested, Tome and
Item confiscated.

Art by Graham Plowman

Art by Graham Plowman



While you are here,
your Characters cannot
be killed or arrested.

"Lay low Boss, till the
heats off."


Art by SuitedCriminal

Art by SuitedCriminal

Mob Hideout

Mob Hideout

While you are here,

"The trees seem to close in
- they watch you."

gain +3

Dark Woods

Dark Woods

Opponents Tome

"My collection is ruined!"

is destroyed.

Art by Wallwatcher

Art by Wallwatcher

















Total number
of cards











Your Summon
cards have
no effect.

His Summon
cards have
no effect.

End of turn:
+2 Arcane
and +4 Taint.

End of each turn:
Arcane and Elder
equal Zero.

<p align="center"></p><p align="center"></p>

<p align="center"></p><p align="center"></p>

<p align="center"></p><p align="center"></p>

<p align="center"></p><p align="center"></p>





<p align="center"></p><p align="center"></p>

<p align="center"></p><p align="center"></p>

Can only use
two card slots
to play cards.





Max Life


Choose your attackers,
then click on the
Necronomicon to attack.

(You can skip attacking
by choosing no attackers
and clicking on the

Choose your attackers,
then click on the
Necronomicon to attack.

(You can skip attacking
by choosing no attackers
and clicking on the







You Win




You Win

You have lost!

You have lost!

Roll over to view
Last Card Used

Roll over to view
Last Card Used

Roll over to view
Last Card Used

Attack Phase

(Choose your attackers)

Attack Phase

(Choose your attackers)

Card Phase

(Choose a Card and click
on the Necronomicon
to play it.)

Card Phase

(Choose a Card and click
on the Necronomicon
to play it.)

Select a creature
to remove to
from play.

Select a creature
to remove to
from play.

Select a creature
of power 2 or
less to remove
to from play.

Select a creature
of power 2 or
less to remove
to from play.

Select a character
to remove
to from play.

Select a character
to remove
to from play.

Select a slot
to summon
a creature.

Select a slot
to summon
a creature.

Select a slot
to place a

Select a slot
to place a

Select a slot
to place a

Select a slot
to place a

Select a slot
to place an item.

Select a slot
to place an item.






Deal 8

Deal 8

+3 Arcane
+3 Elder

+3 Arcane
+3 Elder

-10 Sanity

-10 Sanity

Opponents Turn

(Please wait...

Opponents Turn

(Please wait...)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
mochi.as2.MochiAd.showPreGameAd({id:"f3149b1310218ec0", res:"790x540"});
Instance of Symbol 137 MovieClip in Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent.getBytesTotal() == _parent.getBytesLoaded()) { quickPlay = true; } else { preLoad = _parent.getBytesTotal() * 0.99; } _parent.stop(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { gotoAndStop(loadedIndicatorFrame()); if (quickPlay == true) { if (_currentframe == _totalframes) {; } } else if (_parent.getBytesLoaded() >= preLoad) {; } }
Frame 27
function initGameVars() { function resetCardVariables() { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = 0; gameRoot.paraliza = 0; gameRoot.ceguera1aux = 0; gameRoot.arma1aux = 0; gameRoot.escudo1aux = 0; gameRoot.contra1aux = 0; gameRoot.bless1aux = 0; gameRoot.parapeto1aux = 0; gameRoot.maldicion1aux = 0; gameRoot.veneno1aux = 0; gameRoot.runa1aux = 0; gameRoot.cura = 0; gameRoot.dispelo = 0; gameRoot.dispels = 0; gameRoot.dispelc = 0; gameRoot.curaveneno = 0; gameRoot.multiplyaux = 0; gameRoot.regenaux = 0; gameRoot.sanitygain = 0; gameRoot.sanitycost = 0; gameRoot.sanityloss = 0; gameRoot.shambler = 0; gameRoot.shoggoth = 0; gameRoot.byakhee = 0; gameRoot.normal = 0; gameRoot.betrayed = 0; gameRoot.elderthing = 0; gameRoot.ignoreelder = 0; gameRoot.shub = 0; gameRoot.cthulhu = 0; gameRoot.cardsound1 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound2 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound3 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound4 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound5 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound6 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound7 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound8 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound9 = 0; gameRoot.charPlace = 0; gameRoot.creatPlace = 0; gameRoot.locatPlace = 0; gameRoot.tomePlace = 0; gameRoot.itemPlace = 0; gameRoot.cardType = 0; gameRoot.cardID = 0; } gameRoot.loadedgame = false; gameRoot.challenge20 = 0; maxlevel = 31; creatureAtts = 0; shubRounds = 0; stars = 0; shub1inplay = false; yog1inplay = false; cthulhu1inplay = false; wentInsane = false; suicidal1 = false; suicidal2 = false; mc_suicidal1._visible = false; mc_suicidal2._visible = false; miskuni1inplay = false; miskuni2inplay = false; mobhideout1inplay = false; mobhideout2inplay = false; arkhamasy1inplay = false; arkhamasy2inplay = false; darkwoods1inplay = false; darkwoods2inplay = false; cityor1inplay = false; cityor2inplay = false; cthulhu1inplay = false; cthulhu2inplay = false; yog1inplay = false; yog2inplay = false; yellow1ainplay = false; yellow2ainplay = false; prof1ainplay = false; prof2ainplay = false; wilbur1ainplay = false; wilbur2ainplay = false; kulten1ainplay = false; kulten2ainplay = false; vest1ainplay = false; vest2ainplay = false; vest1Uses = 0; vest2Uses = 0; eldersign1ainplay = false; eldersign1binplay = false; eldersign2ainplay = false; eldersign2binplay = false; tomeSlot1full = false; charSlot1full = false; itemSlot1full = false; vestdefense = 0; elderthing2ainplay = false; elderthing2binplay = false; elderthing2dinplay = false; elderthing2einplay = false; shambler2ainplay = false; shambler2binplay = false; shambler2dinplay = false; shambler2einplay = false; shoggoth2ainplay = false; shoggoth2binplay = false; shoggoth2dinplay = false; shoggoth2einplay = false; dunwich2ainplay = false; dunwich2binplay = false; dunwich2dinplay = false; dunwich2einplay = false; byakhee2ainplay = false; byakhee2binplay = false; byakhee2dinplay = false; byakhee2einplay = false; elderthing1defSlot1a = false; elderthing1defSlot2a = false; elderthing1attSlot1a = false; elderthing1attSlot2a = false; shambler1defSlot1a = false; shambler1defSlot2a = false; shambler1attSlot1a = false; shambler1attSlot2a = false; shoggoth1defSlot1a = false; shoggoth1defSlot2a = false; shoggoth1attSlot1a = false; shoggoth1attSlot2a = false; dunwich1defSlot1a = false; dunwich1defSlot2a = false; dunwich1attSlot1a = false; dunwich1attSlot2a = false; byakhee1defSlot1a = false; byakhee1defSlot2a = false; byakhee1attSlot1a = false; byakhee1attSlot2a = false; naryar2ainplay = false; naryar2binplay = false; naryar2dinplay = false; naryar2einplay = false; naryar1ainplay = false; naryar1binplay = false; naryar1dinplay = false; naryar1einplay = false; defenderSlot1a = false; defenderSlot2a = false; attackerSlot1a = false; attackerSlot2a = false; defender2Slot1a = false; defender2Slot2a = false; attacker2Slot1a = false; attacker2Slot2a = false; attackSlot1Power1 = 0; attackSlot1Defense1 = 0; attackSlot2Power1 = 0; attackSlot2Defense1 = 0; defendSlot1Power1 = 0; defendSlot1Defense1 = 0; defendSlot2Power1 = 0; defendSlot2Defense1 = 0; attackSlot1Power2 = 0; attackSlot1Defense2 = 0; attackSlot2Power2 = 0; attackSlot2Defense2 = 0; defendSlot1Power2 = 0; defendSlot1Defense2 = 0; defendSlot2Power2 = 0; defendSlot2Defense2 = 0; creatureAttPow = 0; creatureDefPow = 0; creatureDamage = 0; arcanemod1 = 0; arcanemod2 = 0; eldermod1 = 0; eldermod2 = 0; gameRoot.besthit = 0; gameRoot.assignOpponentRank(); gameRoot.assignPlayerRank(); matchcardsused = 0; matchdamagereceived = 0; maxvida = 30; maxvida2 = 28 + (2 * gameRoot.levelp1); startsanity = 30; startsanity2 = 29 + (1 * gameRoot.levelp1); roundsSharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("roundsData"); readUserRankArray =; if ((gameRoot.levelp1 == 1) && (gameRoot.roundClicked == false)) { readUserRankArray = undefined; } var _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < readUserRankArray.length) { if (readUserRankArray[_local1] == "s") { maxvida = maxvida + 3; startsanity = startsanity + 2; } _local1++; } _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < readUserRankArray.length) { if (readUserRankArray[_local1] == "a") { maxvida = maxvida + 1; startsanity = startsanity + 1; } _local1++; } _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < readUserRankArray.length) { if (readUserRankArray[_local1] == "b") { maxvida = maxvida + 1; } _local1++; } _local1 = 20; while (_local1 < readUserRankArray.length) { if (readUserRankArray[_local1] == "s") { arcanemod1 = arcanemod1 + 1; } _local1++; } lifepopup1.maxlife = maxvida; lifepopup2.maxlife2 = maxvida2; vida1 = maxvida; sanity1 = startsanity; vida2 = maxvida2; sanity2 = startsanity2; invisible = 0; immunity = 0; resurrect = 0; Set("da\u00F1o", 0); normal = 0; bless1aux = 0; arma1aux = 0; escudo1aux = 0; contra1aux = 0; damageinflicted = 0; elderthing = 0; yogsothoth = 0; byakhee = 0; shoggoth = 0; shambler = 0; betrayed = 0; donotcounter = 0; betrayal = 0; ignoreelder = 0; charPlace = 0; creatPlace = 0; locatPlace = 0; tomePlace = 0; parapeto1aux = 0; runa1aux = 0; ceguera1aux = 0; maldicion1aux = 0; veneno1aux = 0; regenaux = 0; multiplyaux = 1; paraliza = 0; cura = 0; dispelo = 0; dispelc = 0; dispels = 0; curaveneno = 0; resetCardVariables(); Set("da\u00F1o1", 0); bless1 = 0; arma1 = 0 + arcanemod1; trace("arcane is " + arma1); escudo1 = 0; contra1 = 0; parapeto1 = 0; sanityloss = 0; ceguera1 = 0; maldicion1 = 0; veneno1 = 0; regen1 = 0; mult1 = 1; paraliza1 = 0; Set("da\u00F1o2", 0); bless2 = 0; arma2 = 0 + arcanemod2; escudo2 = 0; contra2 = 0; parapeto2 = 0; runa2 = 0; ceguera2 = 0; maldicion2 = 0; veneno2 = 0; regen2 = 0; mult2 = 1; paraliza2 = 0; numbar = -1; carbueno = -1; numcartas1 = 48; numcartas = 48; trace("numcards is: " + numcartas1); actualcards1 = numcartas1; actualcards = numcartas; gameRoot.cardsindeck1.cardsindeck2 = actualcards1; cmalo = -1; destapa = -1; trace("Number of cards in deck is: " + actualcards1); turno = 0; marma1.gotoAndStop(1); ccontra1.gotoAndStop(1); mmaldicion1.gotoAndStop(1); mescudo1.gotoAndStop(1); mataque1.gotoAndStop(1); mveneno1.gotoAndStop(1); mceguera1.gotoAndStop(1); minvulner1.gotoAndStop(1); insanity1 = 0; insanity2 = 0; Xenophobia1 = 0; Xenophobia2 = 0; megalomania1 = 0; megalomania2 = 0; schizophrenia1 = 0; schizophrenia2 = 0; agoraphobia1 = 0; marma2.gotoAndStop(1); ccontra2.gotoAndStop(1); mmaldicion2.gotoAndStop(1); mescudo2.gotoAndStop(1); mataque2.gotoAndStop(1); mveneno2.gotoAndStop(1); minvulner2.gotoAndStop(1); mceguera2.gotoAndStop(1); text_poison1 = 0; text_poison2 = 0; text_counter1 = 0; text_counter2 = 0; text_defense1 = 0; text_defense2 = 0; text_attack1 = 0; text_attack2 = 0; stopAllSounds(); } function checkchallenge20() { trace("RANKS ARRAY IS " + userRanksArray); var _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < readUserRankArray.length) { if (readUserRankArray[_local1] == "s") { gameRoot.challenge20 = gameRoot.challenge20 + 1; } _local1++; } trace("CHALLENGE20 number is " + gameRoot.challenge20); if (gameRoot.challenge20 == 30) { gameRoot.challenge18comp = 1; gameRoot.applyChallengesYouWin(); gameRoot.kongregateStats.submit("All S Ranks", 1); trace("CHALLENGE COMPLETE"); trace("CHALLENGE20 number is " + gameRoot.challenge20); } } function barajacartas() { gameRoot.flagbarajar = true; gameRoot.gfxbaraja.gotoAndPlay(4); i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas1) { gameRoot.barajar[i] = -1; i = i + 1; } i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.actualcards1) { gameRoot.condicion = false; while (gameRoot.condicion == false) { rand = Math.floor(random((gameRoot.actualcards1 * 10) - 1) / 10); gameRoot.condicion = true; k = 0; while (k < gameRoot.actualcards1) { if (gameRoot.barajar[k] == rand) { gameRoot.condicion = false; } k = k + 1; } gameRoot.barajar[i] = rand; } i = i + 1; } gameRoot.cindice = gameRoot.actualcards1 - 1; gameRoot.flagbarajar = false; trace("Cards are shuffled: index =" + gameRoot.cindice); } function barajacartas2() { gameRoot.flagbarajar2 = true; gameRoot.gfxbaraja.gotoAndPlay(4); i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { gameRoot.barajar2[i] = -1; i = i + 1; } i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.actualcards) { gameRoot.condicion = false; while (gameRoot.condicion == false) { rand = Math.floor(random((gameRoot.actualcards * 10) - 1) / 10); gameRoot.condicion = true; k = 0; while (k < gameRoot.actualcards) { if (gameRoot.barajar2[k] == rand) { gameRoot.condicion = false; } k = k + 1; } gameRoot.barajar2[i] = rand; } i = i + 1; } gameRoot.cindice2 = gameRoot.actualcards - 1; gameRoot.flagbarajar2 = false; trace("Cards are shuffled: index =" + gameRoot.cindice2); } function calcularpuntaje(_arg1, p) { fact = ((p == 1) ? 1 : -1); trace(((("Score(" + _arg1) + ",") + p) + ")"); if (_arg1 > 0) { trace("damage less than 20"); bonus = (_arg1 * 1) * fact; gameRoot.damageinflicted = gameRoot.damageinflicted + bonus; trace((("gameRoot.damageinflicted" + gameRoot.damageinflicted) + "+") + bonus); } } function setabg() { gameRoot.anclado.alfa = gameRoot.score; gameRoot.anclado.beta = gameRoot.besthit; gameRoot.anclado.gamma = Math.round(gameRoot.gametime / 1000); gameRoot.calcularack(); } function mirarcartas() { gameRoot.cmalo1.gotoAndStop(2); gameRoot.cmalo2.gotoAndStop(2); gameRoot.cmalo3.gotoAndStop(2); gameRoot.cmalo4.gotoAndStop(2); gameRoot.cmalo5.gotoAndStop(2); } function startTheGame() { if (gameRoot.arma1 > 0) { gameRoot.marma1.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { gameRoot.marma1.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.text_attack1 = gameRoot.arma1; if (gameRoot.arma2 > 0) { gameRoot.marma2.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { gameRoot.marma2.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.text_attack2 = gameRoot.arma2; if (gameRoot.escudo1 > 0) { gameRoot.mescudo1.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { gameRoot.mescudo1.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.text_defense1 = gameRoot.escudo1; if (gameRoot.escudo2 > 0) { gameRoot.mescudo2.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { gameRoot.mescudo2.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.text_defense2 = gameRoot.escudo2; if (gameRoot.veneno1 > 0) { gameRoot.mveneno1.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { gameRoot.mveneno1.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.text_poison1 = gameRoot.veneno1; gameRoot.assignRankText("game"); b1 = this.baraja1; b2 = this.baraja2; b3 = this.baraja3; b4 = this.baraja4; b5 = this.baraja5; ba = this.barajaactiva; bm = this.barajamalo; matriz1 = new Array(b1.carta1, b1.carta2, b1.carta3, b1.carta4, b1.carta5, b1.carta6, b1.carta7, b1.carta8, b1.carta9, b1.carta10, b1.carta11, b1.carta12, b1.carta13, b1.carta12, b1.carta13, b1.carta14, b1.carta15, b1.carta16, b1.carta17, b1.carta18, b1.carta19, b1.carta19, b1.carta20, b1.carta21, b1.carta22, b1.carta23, b1.carta24, b1.carta24, b1.carta25, b1.carta26, b1.carta27, b1.carta28, b1.carta29, b1.carta30, b1.carta31, b1.carta32, b1.carta35, b1.carta36, b1.carta37, b1.carta38, b1.carta39, b1.carta40, b1.carta42, b1.carta43, b1.carta45, b1.carta46, b1.carta47, b1.carta48); matriz2 = new Array(b2.carta1, b2.carta2, b2.carta3, b2.carta4, b2.carta5, b2.carta6, b2.carta7, b2.carta8, b2.carta9, b2.carta10, b2.carta11, b2.carta12, b2.carta13, b2.carta12, b2.carta13, b2.carta14, b2.carta15, b2.carta16, b2.carta17, b2.carta18, b2.carta19, b2.carta19, b2.carta20, b2.carta21, b2.carta22, b2.carta23, b2.carta24, b2.carta24, b2.carta25, b2.carta26, b2.carta27, b2.carta28, b2.carta29, b2.carta30, b2.carta31, b2.carta32, b2.carta35, b2.carta36, b2.carta37, b2.carta38, b2.carta39, b2.carta40, b2.carta42, b2.carta43, b2.carta45, b2.carta46, b2.carta47, b2.carta48); matriz3 = new Array(b3.carta1, b3.carta2, b3.carta3, b3.carta4, b3.carta5, b3.carta6, b3.carta7, b3.carta8, b3.carta9, b3.carta10, b3.carta11, b3.carta12, b3.carta13, b3.carta12, b3.carta13, b3.carta14, b3.carta15, b3.carta16, b3.carta17, b3.carta18, b3.carta19, b3.carta19, b3.carta20, b3.carta21, b3.carta22, b3.carta23, b3.carta24, b3.carta24, b3.carta25, b3.carta26, b3.carta27, b3.carta28, b3.carta29, b3.carta30, b3.carta31, b3.carta32, b3.carta35, b3.carta36, b3.carta37, b3.carta38, b3.carta39, b3.carta40, b3.carta42, b3.carta43, b3.carta45, b3.carta46, b3.carta47, b3.carta48); matriz4 = new Array(b4.carta1, b4.carta2, b4.carta3, b4.carta4, b4.carta5, b4.carta6, b4.carta7, b4.carta8, b4.carta9, b4.carta10, b4.carta11, b4.carta12, b4.carta13, b4.carta12, b4.carta13, b4.carta14, b4.carta15, b4.carta16, b4.carta17, b4.carta18, b4.carta19, b4.carta19, b4.carta20, b4.carta21, b4.carta22, b4.carta23, b4.carta24, b4.carta24, b4.carta25, b4.carta26, b4.carta27, b4.carta28, b4.carta29, b4.carta30, b4.carta31, b4.carta32, b4.carta35, b4.carta36, b4.carta37, b4.carta38, b4.carta39, b4.carta40, b4.carta42, b4.carta43, b4.carta45, b4.carta46, b4.carta47, b4.carta48); matriz5 = new Array(b5.carta1, b5.carta2, b5.carta3, b5.carta4, b5.carta5, b5.carta6, b5.carta7, b5.carta8, b5.carta9, b5.carta10, b5.carta11, b5.carta12, b5.carta13, b5.carta12, b5.carta13, b5.carta14, b5.carta15, b5.carta16, b5.carta17, b5.carta18, b5.carta19, b5.carta19, b5.carta20, b5.carta21, b5.carta22, b5.carta23, b5.carta24, b5.carta24, b5.carta25, b5.carta26, b5.carta27, b5.carta28, b5.carta29, b5.carta30, b5.carta31, b5.carta32, b5.carta35, b5.carta36, b5.carta37, b5.carta38, b5.carta39, b5.carta40, b5.carta42, b5.carta43, b5.carta45, b5.carta46, b5.carta47, b5.carta48); bactiva = new Array(ba.carta1, ba.carta2, ba.carta3, ba.carta4, ba.carta5, ba.carta6, ba.carta7, ba.carta8, ba.carta9, ba.carta10, ba.carta11, ba.carta12, ba.carta13, ba.carta12, ba.carta13, ba.carta14, ba.carta15, ba.carta16, ba.carta17, ba.carta18, ba.carta19, ba.carta19, ba.carta20, ba.carta21, ba.carta22, ba.carta23, ba.carta24, ba.carta24, ba.carta25, ba.carta26, ba.carta27, ba.carta28, ba.carta29, ba.carta30, ba.carta31, ba.carta32, ba.carta35, ba.carta36, ba.carta37, ba.carta38, ba.carta39, ba.carta40, ba.carta42, ba.carta43, ba.carta45, ba.carta46, ba.carta47, ba.carta48); barmalo = new Array(bm.carta1, bm.carta2, bm.carta3, bm.carta4, bm.carta5, bm.carta6, bm.carta7, bm.carta8, bm.carta9, bm.carta10, bm.carta11, bm.carta12, bm.carta13, bm.carta12, bm.carta13, bm.carta14, bm.carta15, bm.carta16, bm.carta17, bm.carta18, bm.carta19, bm.carta19, bm.carta20, bm.carta21, bm.carta22, bm.carta23, bm.carta24, bm.carta24, bm.carta25, bm.carta26, bm.carta27, bm.carta28, bm.carta29, bm.carta30, bm.carta31, bm.carta32, bm.carta35, bm.carta36, bm.carta37, bm.carta38, bm.carta39, bm.carta40, bm.carta42, bm.carta43, bm.carta45, bm.carta46, bm.carta47, bm.carta48); rejects1 = new Array(b1.carta33, b1.carta34, b1.carta41, b1.carta44); rejects2 = new Array(b2.carta33, b2.carta34, b2.carta41, b2.carta44); rejects3 = new Array(b3.carta33, b3.carta34, b3.carta41, b3.carta44); rejects4 = new Array(b4.carta33, b4.carta34, b4.carta41, b4.carta44); rejects5 = new Array(b5.carta33, b5.carta34, b5.carta41, b5.carta44); rejectsa = new Array(ba.carta33, ba.carta34, ba.carta41, ba.carta44); rejectsm = new Array(bm.carta33, bm.carta34, bm.carta41, bm.carta44); barajar = new Array(numcartas1); barajar2 = new Array(numcartas); cindice = actualcards1 - 1; cindice2 = actualcards - 1; barajacartas(); barajacartas2(); carmalo = new Array(cmalo1, cmalo2, cmalo3, cmalo4, cmalo5); barajas = new Array(matriz1, matriz2, matriz3, matriz4, matriz5); i = 0; while (i < numcartas1) { bactiva[i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } i = 0; while (i < numcartas) { barmalo[i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } bm._visible = false; k = 0; while (k < 5) { i = 0; while (i < numcartas1) { barajas[k][i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } visible = barajar[cindice]; cindice = cindice - 1; barajas[k][visible]._visible = true; k = k + 1; } cartasp2 = new Array(5); k = 0; while (k < 5) { cartasp2[k] = barajar2[cindice2]; cindice2 = cindice2 - 1; k = k + 1; } } function youWin() { if (gameRoot.higharcane < gameRoot.arma1) { gameRoot.higharcane = gameRoot.arma1; } if (gameRoot.highelder < gameRoot.escudo1) { gameRoot.highelder = gameRoot.escudo1; } if (gameRoot.hightaint < gameRoot.veneno1) { gameRoot.hightaint = gameRoot.veneno1; } stopAllSounds(); if (gameRoot.sound == 1) { mySound2 = new Sound(); mySound2.attachSound("gameover"); mySound2.setVolume(40); mySound2.start(); } } function youLose() { stopAllSounds(); if (gameRoot.sound == 1) { mySound2 = new Sound(); mySound2.attachSound("gameover"); mySound2.setVolume(40); mySound2.start(); } if (gameRoot.higharcane < gameRoot.arma1) { gameRoot.higharcane = gameRoot.arma1; } if (gameRoot.highelder < gameRoot.escudo1) { gameRoot.highelder = gameRoot.escudo1; } if (gameRoot.hightaint < gameRoot.veneno1) { gameRoot.hightaint = gameRoot.veneno1; } gameRoot.setCookie("cardgamechal", "chal1", gameRoot.challenge1comp); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgamechal", "chal2", gameRoot.challenge2comp); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgamechal", "chal3", gameRoot.challenge3comp); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgamechal", "chal4", gameRoot.challenge4comp); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgamechal", "chal5", gameRoot.challenge5comp); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgamechal", "chal6", gameRoot.challenge6comp); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgamechal", "chal7", gameRoot.challenge7comp); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgamechal", "chal8", gameRoot.challenge8comp); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgamechal", "chal9", gameRoot.challenge9comp); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgamechal", "chal10", gameRoot.challenge10comp); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgamechal", "chal11", gameRoot.challenge11comp); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgamechal", "chal12", gameRoot.challenge12comp); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgamechal", "chal13", gameRoot.challenge13comp); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgamechal", "chal14", gameRoot.challenge14comp); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgamechal", "chal15", gameRoot.challenge15comp); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgamechal", "chal16", gameRoot.challenge16comp); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgamechal", "chal17", gameRoot.challenge17comp); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgamechal", "chal18", gameRoot.challenge18comp); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgamechal", "chal19", gameRoot.challenge19comp); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgamechal", "chal20", gameRoot.challenge20comp); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgamechal", "chal21", gameRoot.challenge21comp); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgamechal", "chal22", gameRoot.challenge22comp); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgamechal", "chal23", gameRoot.challenge23comp); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgamechal", "chal24", gameRoot.challenge24comp); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgamechal", "chal25", gameRoot.challenge25comp); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgamechal", "chal26", gameRoot.challenge26comp); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgamechal", "chal27", gameRoot.challenge27comp); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgamechal", "chal28", gameRoot.challenge28comp); } function activateAI() { if (gameRoot.levelp1 >= 0) { trace("AI activated"); juega = false; i = 0; if (juega == false) { if (gameRoot.ceguera2 != 0) { ind = random(5); visible = gameRoot.cartasp2[ind]; juega = true; trace("AI: discard a card -> random"); } } if (juega == false) { i = 0; while (i < 5) { gameRoot.barmalo[gameRoot.cartasp2[i]].juegacarta(); if ((gameRoot.sanity2 <= 0) && (gameRoot.sanitycost > 4)) { trace("AI: DISCARD A CARD TO INCREASE SANITY"); gameRoot.ceguera2 = 1; if (gameRoot.sanitycost > 0) { gameRoot.sanity2 = gameRoot.sanity2 + (gameRoot.sanitycost * 2); trace("Sanity gain from discard " + gameRoot.sanitycost); gameRoot.msanity2plus.sanityfx = gameRoot.sanitycost * 2; gameRoot.msanity2plus.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.sanitycost = 0; } juega = true; ind = i; visible = gameRoot.cartasp2[i]; break; } if ((gameRoot.sanity2 <= 0) && (gameRoot.sanitycost > 3)) { trace("AI: DISCARD A CARD TO INCREASE SANITY"); gameRoot.ceguera2 = 1; if (gameRoot.sanitycost > 0) { gameRoot.sanity2 = gameRoot.sanity2 + (gameRoot.sanitycost * 2); trace("Sanity gain from discard " + gameRoot.sanitycost); gameRoot.msanity2plus.sanityfx = gameRoot.sanitycost * 2; gameRoot.msanity2plus.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.sanitycost = 0; } juega = true; ind = i; visible = gameRoot.cartasp2[i]; break; } if ((gameRoot.sanity2 <= 0) && (gameRoot.sanitycost > 2)) { trace("AI: DISCARD A CARD TO INCREASE SANITY"); gameRoot.ceguera2 = 1; if (gameRoot.sanitycost > 0) { gameRoot.sanity2 = gameRoot.sanity2 + (gameRoot.sanitycost * 2); trace("Sanity gain from discard " + gameRoot.sanitycost); gameRoot.msanity2plus.sanityfx = gameRoot.sanitycost * 2; gameRoot.msanity2plus.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.sanitycost = 0; } juega = true; ind = i; visible = gameRoot.cartasp2[i]; break; } if ((gameRoot.sanity2 <= 0) && (gameRoot.sanitycost > 1)) { trace("AI: DISCARD A CARD TO INCREASE SANITY"); gameRoot.ceguera2 = 1; if (gameRoot.sanitycost > 0) { gameRoot.sanity2 = gameRoot.sanity2 + (gameRoot.sanitycost * 2); trace("Sanity gain from discard " + gameRoot.sanitycost); gameRoot.msanity2plus.sanityfx = gameRoot.sanitycost * 2; gameRoot.msanity2plus.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.sanitycost = 0; } juega = true; ind = i; visible = gameRoot.cartasp2[i]; break; } if ((gameRoot.sanity2 <= 0) && (gameRoot.sanitycost > 0)) { trace("AI: DISCARD A CARD TO INCREASE SANITY"); gameRoot.ceguera2 = 1; if (gameRoot.sanitycost > 0) { gameRoot.sanity2 = gameRoot.sanity2 + (gameRoot.sanitycost * 2); trace("Sanity gain from discard " + gameRoot.sanitycost); gameRoot.msanity2plus.sanityfx = gameRoot.sanitycost * 2; gameRoot.msanity2plus.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.sanitycost = 0; } juega = true; ind = i; visible = gameRoot.cartasp2[i]; break; } i++; } } if (juega == false) { i = 0; while (i < 5) { gameRoot.barmalo[gameRoot.cartasp2[i]].juegacarta(); if (gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] > 0) { if ((((gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] + gameRoot.arma2) - gameRoot.escudo1) > 0) && (((gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] + gameRoot.arma2) - gameRoot.escudo1) < 8)) { trace("AI: Deals damage"); juega = true; ind = i; visible = gameRoot.cartasp2[i]; break; } } i++; } } if (juega == false) { i = 0; while (i < 5) { gameRoot.barmalo[gameRoot.cartasp2[i]].juegacarta(); if (gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] > 0) { if (((gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] + gameRoot.arma2) - gameRoot.escudo1) > 8) { trace("AI: damage is greater than 8"); juega = true; ind = i; visible = gameRoot.cartasp2[i]; break; } } i++; } } if (juega == false) { i = 0; while (i < 5) { gameRoot.barmalo[gameRoot.cartasp2[i]].juegacarta(); if ((gameRoot.cura > 0) && (gameRoot.vida2 < 20)) { juega = true; trace("AI: Heals if life is less than 20"); ind = i; visible = gameRoot.cartasp2[i]; break; } i++; } } if (juega == false) { i = 0; while (i < 5) { gameRoot.barmalo[gameRoot.cartasp2[i]].juegacarta(); if (gameRoot.veneno1aux > 0) { trace("AI: to taint +" + gameRoot.veneno1aux); juega = true; ind = i; visible = gameRoot.cartasp2[i]; break; } i++; } } if (juega == false) { i = 0; while (i < 5) { gameRoot.barmalo[gameRoot.cartasp2[i]].juegacarta(); if (((gameRoot.normal == 8) or (gameRoot.normal == 12)) && ((((gameRoot.defenderSlot1a == true) or (gameRoot.defenderSlot2a == true)) or (gameRoot.attackerSlot1a == true)) or (gameRoot.attackerSlot2a == true))) { trace("AI: Banish a creature"); juega = true; ind = i; visible = gameRoot.cartasp2[i]; break; } i++; } } if (juega == false) { i = 0; while (i < 5) { gameRoot.barmalo[gameRoot.cartasp2[i]].juegacarta(); if ((((((gameRoot.cardType == dunwich) or (gameRoot.elderthing > 0)) or (gameRoot.shoggoth > 0)) or (gameRoot.byakhee > 0)) or (gameRoot.shambler > 0)) && ((((gameRoot.defender2Slot1a == false) or (gameRoot.defender2Slot2a == false)) or (gameRoot.attacker2Slot1a == false)) or (gameRoot.attacker2Slot2a == false))) { trace("AI: SUMMON creature"); juega = true; ind = i; visible = gameRoot.cartasp2[i]; break; } i++; } } if (juega == false) { i = 0; while (i < 5) { gameRoot.barmalo[gameRoot.cartasp2[i]].juegacarta(); if ((gameRoot.veneno2 > 1) && (gameRoot.curaveneno > 0)) { trace("AI: Taint Removal"); juega = true; ind = i; visible = gameRoot.cartasp2[i]; break; } i++; } } if (juega == false) { i = 0; while (i < 5) { gameRoot.barmalo[gameRoot.cartasp2[i]].juegacarta(); if (gameRoot.charPlace > 0) { trace("AI: cast a character"); juega = true; ind = i; visible = gameRoot.cartasp2[i]; break; } i++; } } if (juega == false) { i = 0; while (i < 5) { gameRoot.barmalo[gameRoot.cartasp2[i]].juegacarta(); if ((gameRoot.tomePlace > 0) && (gameRoot.yellow2ainplay == true)) { trace("AI: discard a tome - gain sanity because best tome already in play."); gameRoot.ceguera2 = 1; if (gameRoot.sanitycost > 0) { gameRoot.sanity2 = gameRoot.sanity2 + gameRoot.sanitycost; trace("Sanity gain from discard " + gameRoot.sanitycost); gameRoot.msanity2plus.sanityfx = gameRoot.sanitycost; gameRoot.msanity2plus.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.sanitycost = 0; } juega = true; ind = i; visible = gameRoot.cartasp2[i]; break; } i++; } } if (juega == false) { i = 0; while (i < 5) { gameRoot.barmalo[gameRoot.cartasp2[i]].juegacarta(); if ((gameRoot.tomePlace > 0) && (gameRoot.kulten2ainplay == true)) { trace("AI: discard a tome - gain sanity because kulten is already in play."); gameRoot.ceguera2 = 1; if (gameRoot.sanitycost > 0) { gameRoot.sanity2 = gameRoot.sanity2 + gameRoot.sanitycost; trace("Sanity gain from discard " + gameRoot.sanitycost); gameRoot.msanity2plus.sanityfx = gameRoot.sanitycost; gameRoot.msanity2plus.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.sanitycost = 0; } juega = true; ind = i; visible = gameRoot.cartasp2[i]; break; } i++; } } if (juega == false) { i = 0; while (i < 5) { gameRoot.barmalo[gameRoot.cartasp2[i]].juegacarta(); if (gameRoot.tomePlace > 0) { trace("AI: play any tome"); juega = true; ind = i; visible = gameRoot.cartasp2[i]; break; } i++; } } if (juega == false) { i = 0; while (i < 5) { gameRoot.barmalo[gameRoot.cartasp2[i]].juegacarta(); if (gameRoot.dispelo > 0) { if ((gameRoot.escudo1 > 2) or (gameRoot.eldersign1ainplay == true)) { trace("AI: dispel opp"); juega = true; ind = i; visible = gameRoot.cartasp2[i]; break; } } i++; } } if (juega == false) { i = 0; while (i < 5) { gameRoot.barmalo[gameRoot.cartasp2[i]].juegacarta(); if (gameRoot.maldicion2 > 0) { trace("IA: dispel self"); juega = true; ind = i; visible = gameRoot.cartasp2[i]; break; } i++; } } if (juega == false) { i = 0; while (i < 5) { gameRoot.barmalo[gameRoot.cartasp2[i]].juegacarta(); if (gameRoot.ceguera1aux > 0) { trace("AI: force discard"); juega = true; ind = i; visible = gameRoot.cartasp2[i]; break; } i++; } } if (juega == false) { i = 0; while (i < 5) { gameRoot.barmalo[gameRoot.cartasp2[i]].juegacarta(); if (((((gameRoot.elderthing > 0) or (gameRoot.shoggoth > 0)) or (gameRoot.byakhee > 0)) or (gameRoot.shambler > 0)) && ((((gameRoot.defender2Slot1a == true) && (gameRoot.defender2Slot2a == true)) && (gameRoot.attacker2Slot1a == true)) && (gameRoot.attacker2Slot2a == true))) { trace("AI: DISCARD creature"); gameRoot.ceguera2 = 1; if (gameRoot.sanitycost > 0) { gameRoot.sanity2 = gameRoot.sanity2 + gameRoot.sanitycost; trace("Sanity gain from discard " + gameRoot.sanitycost); gameRoot.msanity2plus.sanityfx = gameRoot.sanitycost; gameRoot.msanity2plus.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.sanitycost = 0; } juega = true; ind = i; visible = gameRoot.cartasp2[i]; break; } i++; } } trace("" + juega); i = 0; while (juega == false) { ind = i; visible = gameRoot.cartasp2[i]; gameRoot.barmalo[visible].juegacarta(); if (((((gameRoot.dispels > 0) || (gameRoot.dispelc > 0)) || (gameRoot.dispelo > 0)) || (gameRoot.curepoison > 0)) && (i < 4)) { trace(("AI: just random" + i) + " none chosen"); i++; continue; } juega = true; } } gameRoot.barmalo[visible].juegacarta(); trace("AI: we play the card " + ind); gameRoot.reparte = ind; gameRoot.destapa = visible; gameRoot.carmalo[ind]._visible = false; trace((("reparte is " + gameRoot.reparte) + " Ind is ") + ind); ejecutar.ccartamalo.gotoAndPlay(4 + (ind * 19)); } function starsOut() { ejecutar.mascara4._visible = false; if (gameRoot.stars <= 0) { gameRoot.stars = 0; } if (gameRoot.stars >= 3) { gameRoot.stars = 3; } if (gameRoot.stars == 0) { ejecutar.stars_appear.gotoAndStop(1); } if (gameRoot.stars == 1) { ejecutar.stars_appear.gotoAndStop(2); } if (gameRoot.stars == 2) { ejecutar.stars_appear.gotoAndStop(3); } if (gameRoot.stars == 3) { ejecutar.stars_appear.gotoAndStop(4); } if ((((gameRoot.stars == 3) && (gameRoot.shub1inplay == false)) && (gameRoot.yog1inplay == false)) && (gameRoot.cthulhu1inplay == false)) { gameRoot.summon = random(3) + 1; trace("Great Old One can come into play."); if (gameRoot.summon == 1) { if (((gameRoot.shub1inplay == false) && (gameRoot.yog1inplay == false)) && (gameRoot.cthulhu1inplay == false)) { gameRoot.cthulhu1.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.cthulhu1inplay = true; trace("Cthulhu is in play"); } } if (gameRoot.summon == 2) { if (((gameRoot.shub1inplay == false) && (gameRoot.yog1inplay == false)) && (gameRoot.cthulhu1inplay == false)) { gameRoot.shub1.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.shubRounds = 1; gameRoot.shub1inplay = true; trace("Shubby is in play"); } } if (gameRoot.summon == 3) { if (((gameRoot.shub1inplay == false) && (gameRoot.yog1inplay == false)) && (gameRoot.cthulhu1inplay == false)) { gameRoot.yog1.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.yog1inplay = true; trace("Yoggy is in play"); } } ejecutar.stars_appear.gotoAndStop(5); } } function oldOneAttackP1() { if (gameRoot.cthulhu1inplay == true) { if (gameRoot.cityor2inplay == false) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] = 10 - gameRoot.escudo2; gameRoot.sanity2 = gameRoot.sanity2 - 5; gameRoot.msanity2.sanityfx = 5; gameRoot.msanity2.gotoAndPlay(2); if (gameRoot.sanity2 < -5) { gameRoot.sanity2 = -5; } } else if (gameRoot.cityor2inplay == true) { gameRoot.sanity2 = gameRoot.sanity2 - 3; gameRoot.msanity2.sanityfx = 3; gameRoot.msanity2.gotoAndPlay(2); if (gameRoot.sanity2 < -5) { gameRoot.sanity2 = -5; } gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] = 5 - gameRoot.escudo2; } if (gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] <= 0) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] = 0; } tgranda\u00F1o._visible = false; if ((gameRoot.vida2 - gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"]) >= 0) { gameRoot.vida2 = gameRoot.vida2 - gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"]; gameRoot.calcularpuntaje(gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"], 1); } else { gameRoot.vida2 = 0; gameRoot.calcularpuntaje(gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"], 1); } if (gameRoot.sound == 1) { mySound = new Sound(); if (gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] < 7) { mySound.attachSound("ih01350"); } else if ((gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] >= 7) && (gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] < 17)) { mySound.attachSound("ih01349"); } else { mySound.attachSound("MBigImpact1"); } mySound.start(); } } if (gameRoot.shub1inplay == true) { trace("shub in play"); if (gameRoot.darkwoods2inplay == false) { trace("don't have dark woods in play"); gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] = gameRoot.shubRounds - gameRoot.escudo2; gameRoot.sanity2 = gameRoot.sanity2 - gameRoot.shubRounds; gameRoot.msanity2.sanityfx = gameRoot.shubRounds; gameRoot.msanity2.gotoAndPlay(2); if (gameRoot.sanity2 < -5) { gameRoot.sanity2 = -5; } } if (gameRoot.darkwoods2inplay == true) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] = gameRoot.shubRounds - gameRoot.escudo2; gameRoot.arma2 = gameRoot.arma2 + 1; gameRoot.text_attack2 = gameRoot.arma2; gameRoot.marma2.gotoAndPlay(2); } gameRoot.shubRounds = gameRoot.shubRounds + 1; if (gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] < 0) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] = 0; } tgranda\u00F1o._visible = false; if ((gameRoot.vida2 - gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"]) >= 0) { gameRoot.vida2 = gameRoot.vida2 - gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"]; gameRoot.calcularpuntaje(gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"], 1); } else { gameRoot.vida2 = 0; gameRoot.calcularpuntaje(gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"], 1); } if (gameRoot.sound == 1) { mySound = new Sound(); if (gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] < 7) { mySound.attachSound("ih01350"); } else if ((gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] >= 7) && (gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] < 17)) { mySound.attachSound("ih01349"); } else { mySound.attachSound("MBigImpact1"); } mySound.start(); } } if (gameRoot.yog1inplay == true) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] = 0; if ((((gameRoot.dunwich2ainplay == true) or (gameRoot.dunwich2binplay == true)) or (gameRoot.dunwich2dinplay == true)) or (gameRoot.dunwich2einplay == true)) { gameRoot.veneno2 = gameRoot.veneno2 + 2; gameRoot.mveneno2.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.text_poison2 = gameRoot.veneno2; } else { gameRoot.veneno2 = gameRoot.veneno2 + 4; gameRoot.mveneno2.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.text_poison2 = gameRoot.veneno2; } if (gameRoot.miskuni2inplay == true) { gameRoot.veneno2 = 0; gameRoot.mveneno2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.text_poison2 = 0; gameRoot.sanity2 = gameRoot.sanity2 - 6; gameRoot.msanity2.sanityfx = 6; gameRoot.msanity2.gotoAndPlay(2); if (gameRoot.sanity2 < -5) { gameRoot.sanity2 = -5; } } } gameRoot.suicide2(); } function oldOneAttackP2() { if (gameRoot.cthulhu1inplay == true) { if (gameRoot.cityor1inplay == false) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o1"] = 10 - gameRoot.escudo1; gameRoot.sanity1 = gameRoot.sanity1 - 5; gameRoot.msanity1.sanityfx = 5; gameRoot.msanity1.gotoAndPlay(2); if (gameRoot.sanity1 < -5) { gameRoot.sanity1 = -5; } } else if (gameRoot.cityor1inplay == true) { gameRoot.sanity1 = gameRoot.sanity1 - 3; gameRoot.msanity1.sanityfx = 3; gameRoot.msanity1.gotoAndPlay(2); if (gameRoot.sanity1 < -5) { gameRoot.sanity1 = -5; } gameRoot["da\u00F1o1"] = 5 - gameRoot.escudo1; } if (gameRoot["da\u00F1o1"] <= 0) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o1"] = 0; } tgranda\u00F1o._visible = false; gameRoot.matchdamagereceived = gameRoot.matchdamagereceived + gameRoot["da\u00F1o1"]; if ((gameRoot.vida1 - gameRoot["da\u00F1o1"]) >= 0) { gameRoot.vida1 = gameRoot.vida1 - gameRoot["da\u00F1o1"]; } else { gameRoot.vida1 = 0; } if (gameRoot.sound == 1) { mySound = new Sound(); if (gameRoot["da\u00F1o1"] < 7) { mySound.attachSound("ih01350"); } else if ((gameRoot["da\u00F1o1"] >= 7) && (gameRoot["da\u00F1o1"] < 17)) { mySound.attachSound("ih01349"); } else { mySound.attachSound("MBigImpact1"); } mySound.start(); } } if (gameRoot.shub1inplay == true) { trace("shub in play"); if (gameRoot.darkwoods1inplay == false) { trace("don't have dark woods in play"); gameRoot["da\u00F1o1"] = gameRoot.shubRounds - gameRoot.escudo1; gameRoot.sanity1 = gameRoot.sanity1 - gameRoot.shubRounds; gameRoot.msanity1.sanityfx = gameRoot.shubRounds; gameRoot.msanity1.gotoAndPlay(2); if (gameRoot.sanity1 < -5) { gameRoot.sanity1 = -5; } } if (gameRoot.darkwoods1inplay == true) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o1"] = gameRoot.shubRounds - gameRoot.escudo1; gameRoot.arma1 = gameRoot.arma1 + 1; gameRoot.text_attack1 = gameRoot.arma1; gameRoot.marma1.gotoAndPlay(2); } gameRoot.shubRounds = gameRoot.shubRounds + 1; if (gameRoot["da\u00F1o1"] < 0) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o1"] = 0; } tgranda\u00F1o._visible = false; gameRoot.matchdamagereceived = gameRoot.matchdamagereceived + gameRoot["da\u00F1o1"]; if ((gameRoot.vida1 - gameRoot["da\u00F1o1"]) >= 0) { gameRoot.vida1 = gameRoot.vida1 - gameRoot["da\u00F1o1"]; } else { gameRoot.vida1 = 0; } if (gameRoot.sound == 1) { mySound = new Sound(); if (gameRoot["da\u00F1o1"] < 7) { mySound.attachSound("ih01350"); } else if ((gameRoot["da\u00F1o1"] >= 7) && (gameRoot["da\u00F1o1"] < 17)) { mySound.attachSound("ih01349"); } else { mySound.attachSound("MBigImpact1"); } mySound.start(); } } if (gameRoot.yog1inplay == true) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o1"] = 0; if ((((gameRoot.dunwich1defSlot1a == true) or (gameRoot.dunwich1defSlot2a == true)) or (gameRoot.dunwich1attSlot1a == true)) or (gameRoot.dunwich1attSlot2a == true)) { gameRoot.veneno1 = gameRoot.veneno1 + 2; gameRoot.mveneno1.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.text_poison1 = gameRoot.veneno1; } else { gameRoot.veneno1 = gameRoot.veneno1 + 4; gameRoot.mveneno1.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.text_poison1 = gameRoot.veneno1; } if (gameRoot.miskuni1inplay == true) { gameRoot.veneno1 = 0; gameRoot.mveneno1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.text_poison1 = 0; gameRoot.sanity1 = gameRoot.sanity2 - 6; gameRoot.msanity1.sanityfx = 6; gameRoot.msanity1.gotoAndPlay(2); if (gameRoot.sanity1 < -5) { gameRoot.sanity1 = -5; } } } gameRoot.suicide1(); } function suicide1() { if (gameRoot.sanity1 <= -5) { gameRoot.sanity1 = -5; } if (gameRoot.sanity1 <= -5) { gameRoot.suicidal1 = true; mc_suicidal1._visible = true; } if (((gameRoot.sanity1 >= 1) && (gameRoot.suicidal1 == true)) && (cthulhu1inplay != true)) { gameRoot.suicidal1 = false; mc_suicidal1._visible = false; } if (gameRoot.sanity1 <= 0) { gameRoot.wentInsane = true; } } function suicide2() { if (gameRoot.sanity2 <= -5) { gameRoot.sanity2 = -5; } if (gameRoot.sanity2 <= -5) { gameRoot.suicidal2 = true; mc_suicidal2._visible = true; } if (((gameRoot.sanity2 >= 1) && (gameRoot.suicidal2 == true)) && (cthulhu1inplay != true)) { gameRoot.suicidal2 = false; mc_suicidal2._visible = false; } } function endPlayer1Turn() { if ((gameRoot.wilbur1ainplay == true) && (miskuni2inplay != true)) { trace("I have wilbur in play, so opponent is tainted for 2"); if (gameRoot.veneno2 < 2) { gameRoot.veneno2 = 2; gameRoot.mveneno2.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.text_poison2 = gameRoot.veneno2; } } if (gameRoot.arkhamasy1inplay == true) { gameRoot.sanitygain = 2; gameRoot.sanity1 = gameRoot.sanity1 + gameRoot.sanitygain; gameRoot.msanity1plus.sanityfx = gameRoot.sanitygain; gameRoot.msanity1plus.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (gameRoot.sanity1 <= -5) { gameRoot.sanity1 = -5; } gameRoot.applyChallengesEndTurn(); if (gameRoot.higharcane < gameRoot.arma1) { gameRoot.higharcane = gameRoot.arma1; } if (gameRoot.highelder < gameRoot.escudo1) { gameRoot.highelder = gameRoot.escudo1; } if (gameRoot.hightaint < gameRoot.veneno1) { gameRoot.hightaint = gameRoot.veneno1; } trace("Player 1 turn end - check for Stars in play"); gameRoot.starsOut(); } function endPlayer2Turn() { if ((gameRoot.wilbur2ainplay == true) && (miskuni1inplay != true)) { trace("Opponent has wilbur in play, so I am tainted for 2"); if (gameRoot.veneno1 < 2) { gameRoot.veneno1 = 2; gameRoot.mveneno1.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.text_poison1 = gameRoot.veneno1; } } if (gameRoot.arkhamasy2inplay == true) { gameRoot.sanitygain = 2; gameRoot.sanity2 = gameRoot.sanity2 + gameRoot.sanitygain; gameRoot.msanity2plus.sanityfx = gameRoot.sanitygain; gameRoot.msanity2plus.gotoAndPlay(2); } gameRoot.suicide2(); } function initChallenges() { gameRoot.challtext = "Select an Achievement to view its completion status."; var _local3 = 1; while (_local3 <= numChallenges) { gameRoot[("chall" + _local3) + "stamp"]._visible = false; _local3++; } gameRoot.start_chall._visible = false; var _local1 = 1; while (_local1 <= numChallenges) { if (gameRoot[("challenge" + _local1) + "comp"] == 1) { gameRoot[("chall" + _local1) + "stamp"]._visible = true; } _local1++; } var _local4 = 0; var _local5 = 18; var _local2 = 1; while (_local2 <= 18) { if (gameRoot[("challenge" + _local2) + "comp"] == 1) { _local4++; } _local2++; } if (_local4 == _local5) { gameRoot.kongregateStats.submit("Achievements", 1); } } function setGameChallengeText() { var _local1 = 1; while (_local1 <= numChallenges) { if (gameRoot.challenge == _local1) { gameRoot["rank" + _local1].rankani.ranktext = "Challenge " + _local1; gameRoot.rank2.rankani.ranktext = " "; } _local1++; } if (gameRoot.challenge >= 1) { gameRoot.lifepopup2.maxlife2 = maxvida2; gameRoot.lifepopup1.maxlife = maxvida; } trace("Challenge is " + gameRoot.challenge); } function applyChallengesYouWin() { if (gameRoot.challenge1comp != 1) { if (gameRoot.cardsound9 == achieve1) { gameRoot.challenge1comp = 1; } } if (gameRoot.challenge2comp != 1) { if (gameRoot.vida1 >= 20) { gameRoot.challenge2comp = 1; } } if (gameRoot.challenge3comp != 1) { if (gameRoot.devoured == true) { gameRoot.challenge3comp = 1; } } if (gameRoot.challenge4comp != 1) { if (gameRoot.vida1 >= 30) { gameRoot.challenge4comp = 1; } } if (gameRoot.challenge5comp != 1) { if (gameRoot.vida1 >= 40) { gameRoot.challenge5comp = 1; } } if (gameRoot.challenge8comp != 1) { if (gameRoot.usedarcane != 1) { gameRoot.challenge8comp = 1; } } if (gameRoot.challenge9comp != 1) { if (gameRoot.usedphysical != 1) { gameRoot.challenge9comp = 1; } } if (gameRoot.challenge10comp != 1) { if (gameRoot.sanity1 < 0) { gameRoot.challenge10comp = 1; } } if (gameRoot.challenge13comp != 1) { if (gameRoot.cthulhu1inplay == true) { gameRoot.challenge13comp = 1; } } if (gameRoot.challenge14comp != 1) { if (gameRoot.shub1inplay == true) { gameRoot.challenge14comp = 1; } } if (gameRoot.challenge15comp != 1) { if (gameRoot.yog1inplay == true) { gameRoot.challenge15comp = 1; } } if (gameRoot.challenge16comp != 1) { if (gameRoot.suicidal1 == true) { gameRoot.challenge16comp = 1; } } if (gameRoot.challenge17comp != 1) { if (gameRoot.gamecomplete == 1) { gameRoot.challenge17comp = 1; } } gameRoot.setCookie("cardgamechal", "chal1", gameRoot.challenge1comp); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgamechal", "chal2", gameRoot.challenge2comp); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgamechal", "chal3", gameRoot.challenge3comp); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgamechal", "chal4", gameRoot.challenge4comp); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgamechal", "chal5", gameRoot.challenge5comp); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgamechal", "chal6", gameRoot.challenge6comp); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgamechal", "chal7", gameRoot.challenge7comp); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgamechal", "chal8", gameRoot.challenge8comp); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgamechal", "chal9", gameRoot.challenge9comp); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgamechal", "chal10", gameRoot.challenge10comp); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgamechal", "chal11", gameRoot.challenge11comp); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgamechal", "chal12", gameRoot.challenge12comp); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgamechal", "chal13", gameRoot.challenge13comp); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgamechal", "chal14", gameRoot.challenge14comp); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgamechal", "chal15", gameRoot.challenge15comp); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgamechal", "chal16", gameRoot.challenge16comp); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgamechal", "chal17", gameRoot.challenge17comp); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgamechal", "chal18", gameRoot.challenge18comp); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgamechal", "chal19", gameRoot.challenge19comp); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgamechal", "chal20", gameRoot.challenge20comp); } function applyChallengesEndTurn() { if (gameRoot.challenge11comp != 1) { if ((((gameRoot.defenderSlot1a == true) && (gameRoot.defenderSlot2a == true)) && (gameRoot.attackerSlot1a == true)) && (gameRoot.attackerSlot2a == true)) { gameRoot.challenge11comp = 1; gameRoot.setCookie("cardgamechal", "chal11", gameRoot.challenge11comp); trace("OVERRUN acheivement activated"); } } } function applyChallDuringDam() { if (gameRoot.challenge6comp != 1) { if (gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] >= 15) { gameRoot.challenge6comp = 1; gameRoot.setCookie("cardgamechal", "chal6", gameRoot.challenge6comp); } } if (gameRoot.challenge7comp != 1) { if (gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] >= 20) { gameRoot.challenge7comp = 1; gameRoot.setCookie("cardgamechal", "chal7", gameRoot.challenge7comp); } } if (gameRoot.challenge12comp != 1) { if (gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] >= 25) { gameRoot.challenge12comp = 1; gameRoot.setCookie("cardgamechal", "chal12", gameRoot.challenge12comp); } } } function checkIfCreatureInPlay() { var _local2 = 2; ejecutar.mascara4._visible = false; if ((gameRoot.attackerSlot1a == false) && (gameRoot.attackerSlot2a == false)) { ejecutar.gotoAndStop("inbetween"); } trace("attack phase"); var _local1 = 1; while (_local1 <= _local2) { if (gameRoot[("attackerSlot" + _local1) + "a"] == true) { ejecutar["selectslot" + _local1]._visible = true; } else { ejecutar["selectslot" + _local1]._visible = false; } gameRoot[("slot" + _local1) + "attacking"] = false; ejecutar["selectslot" + _local1]._alpha = 0; _local1++; } } function playCard() { ejecutar.mascara1._visible = false; ejecutar.mascara2._visible = false; ejecutar.mascara3._visible = false; trace("card play phase"); } function executeCard() { trace("My card Phase starts " + gameRoot.challenge); gameRoot.matchcardsused++; activateLevel.mascara1._visible = true; activateLevel.mascara2._visible = true; activateLevel.mascara3._visible = true; if (gameRoot.turno == 0) { } else { if (gameRoot.ceguera1 == 0) { gameRoot.barajas[gameRoot.numbar][gameRoot.carbueno].juegacarta(); activateLevel.cardused1 = gameRoot.cardID; if ((gameRoot.sanity1 < 1) && (gameRoot.sanitycost > 0)) { activateLevel.mascara1._visible = false; activateLevel.mascara2._visible = false; activateLevel.mascara3._visible = false; activateLevel.cantPlay.gotoAndPlay(2); activateLevel.gotoAndStop(3); return(undefined); } if (gameRoot.charPlace > 0) { gameRoot.p1CharPlace1(); } if (gameRoot.byakhee > 0) { activateLevel.creatureplacement.gotoAndStop(2); return(undefined); } if (gameRoot.shambler > 0) { activateLevel.creatureplacement.gotoAndStop(2); return(undefined); } if (gameRoot.shoggoth > 0) { activateLevel.creatureplacement.gotoAndStop(2); return(undefined); } if (gameRoot.elderthing > 0) { activateLevel.creatureplacement.gotoAndStop(2); return(undefined); } if (gameRoot.cardType == dunwich) { activateLevel.creatureplacement.gotoAndStop(2); return(undefined); } if (gameRoot.tomePlace > 0) { gameRoot.p1TomePlace1(); } if (gameRoot.itemPlace > 0) { gameRoot.p1itemPlace1(); } if (gameRoot.cardType == 2) { trace("Bookworm is played"); if (gameRoot.pmanu2ainplay == true) { gameRoot.pmanu2ainplay = false; gameRoot.pmanu2a.gotoAndPlay(25); } if (gameRoot.kulten2ainplay == true) { gameRoot.kulten2ainplay = false; gameRoot.kulten2a.gotoAndPlay(25); } if (gameRoot.yellow2ainplay == true) { gameRoot.yellow2ainplay = false; gameRoot.yellow2a.gotoAndPlay(25); } } if (gameRoot.sanitycost > 0) { gameRoot.sanity1 = gameRoot.sanity1 - gameRoot.sanitycost; trace("Sanity loss " + gameRoot.sanitycost); gameRoot.msanity1.sanityfx = gameRoot.sanitycost; gameRoot.sanitycost = 0; gameRoot.msanity1.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (gameRoot.sanityloss > 0) { gameRoot.sanity2 = gameRoot.sanity2 - gameRoot.sanityloss; gameRoot.msanity2.sanityfx = gameRoot.sanityloss; gameRoot.msanity2.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (gameRoot.sanitygain > 0) { gameRoot.sanity1 = gameRoot.sanity1 + gameRoot.sanitygain; gameRoot.msanity1plus.sanityfx = gameRoot.sanitygain; gameRoot.msanity1plus.gotoAndPlay(2); } gameRoot.suicide1(); trace("" + gameRoot.mult1); if (gameRoot.betrayed == 1) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = ((gameRoot.defendSlot1Power2 + gameRoot.defendSlot2Power2) + gameRoot.attackSlot1Power2) + gameRoot.attackSlot2Power2; gameRoot.betrayed = 0; trace(" betrayal damage" + gameRoot["da\u00F1o"]); } if (gameRoot.normal == 2) { gameRoot.mirarcartas(); gameRoot.normal = 0; } if (gameRoot.normal == 3) { gameRoot.arma1 = gameRoot.arma2; if (gameRoot.arma1 == 0) { gameRoot.marma1.gotoAndStop(1); } else { gameRoot.marma1.gotoAndPlay(2); } gameRoot.escudo1 = gameRoot.escudo2; if (gameRoot.escudo1 == 0) { gameRoot.mescudo1.gotoAndStop(1); } else { gameRoot.mescudo1.gotoAndPlay(2); } gameRoot.veneno1 = gameRoot.veneno2; if (gameRoot.veneno1 == 0) { gameRoot.mveneno1.gotoAndStop(1); } else { gameRoot.mveneno1.gotoAndPlay(2); } gameRoot.normal = 0; } if (gameRoot.normal == 4) { gameRoot.stars = gameRoot.stars - 1; gameRoot.p1BanishingSlot("1", "a", "attack"); gameRoot.p1BanishingSlot("2", "b", "attack"); gameRoot.attackerSlot1a = false; gameRoot.attackerSlot2a = false; gameRoot.attackSlot1Power1 = 0; gameRoot.attackSlot1Defense1 = 0; gameRoot.attackSlot2Power1 = 0; gameRoot.attackSlot2Defense1 = 0; if (gameRoot.dunwich1attSlot1a == true) { gameRoot.dunwich1attSlot1a = false; gameRoot.dunwich1a.gotoAndPlay(25); } if (gameRoot.dunwich1attSlot2a == true) { gameRoot.dunwich1attSlot2a = false; gameRoot.dunwich1b.gotoAndPlay(25); } if (gameRoot.shoggoth1attSlot1a == true) { gameRoot.shoggoth1attSlot1a = false; gameRoot.shoggoth1a.gotoAndPlay(25); } if (gameRoot.shoggoth1attSlot2a == true) { gameRoot.shoggoth1attSlot2a = false; gameRoot.shoggoth1b.gotoAndPlay(25); } if (gameRoot.shambler1attSlot1a == true) { gameRoot.shambler1attSlot1a = false; gameRoot.shambler1a.gotoAndPlay(25); } if (gameRoot.shambler1attSlot2a == true) { gameRoot.shambler1attSlot2a = false; gameRoot.shambler1b.gotoAndPlay(25); } if (gameRoot.byakhee1attSlot1a == true) { gameRoot.byakhee1attSlot1a = false; gameRoot.byakhee1a.gotoAndPlay(25); } if (gameRoot.byakhee1attSlot2a == true) { gameRoot.byakhee1attSlot2a = false; gameRoot.byakhee1b.gotoAndPlay(25); } if (gameRoot.elderthing1attSlot1a == true) { gameRoot.elderthing1attSlot1a = false; gameRoot.elderthing1a.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.escudo1 = gameRoot.escudo1 - 3; if (gameRoot.escudo1 <= 0) { gameRoot.escudo1 = 0; gameRoot.mescudo1.gotoAndStop(1); } } if (gameRoot.elderthing1attSlot2a == true) { gameRoot.elderthing1attSlot2a = false; gameRoot.elderthing1b.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.escudo1 = gameRoot.escudo1 - 3; if (gameRoot.escudo1 <= 0) { gameRoot.escudo1 = 0; gameRoot.mescudo1.gotoAndStop(1); } } gameRoot.text_defense1 = gameRoot.escudo1; if (gameRoot.sanity1 <= 0) { gameRoot.sanity1 = 5; } else if (gameRoot.sanity1 >= 1) { gameRoot.sanity1 = gameRoot.sanity1 + 5; } gameRoot.msanity1plus.sanityfx = 5; gameRoot.msanity1plus.gotoAndPlay(2); if (gameRoot.sanity2 <= 0) { gameRoot.sanity2 = 5; } else if (gameRoot.sanity2 >= 1) { gameRoot.sanity2 = gameRoot.sanity2 + 5; } gameRoot.msanity2plus.sanityfx = 5; gameRoot.msanity2plus.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.insanity1 = 0; gameRoot.insanity2 = 0; gameRoot.normal = 0; } if (gameRoot.cardType == 15) { if (gameRoot.miskuni2inplay == true) { gameRoot.arma2 = gameRoot.arma2 - 2; if (gameRoot.arma2 <= 0) { gameRoot.arma2 = 0; gameRoot.marma2.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.text_attack2 = gameRoot.arma2; } if (gameRoot.darkwoods2inplay == true) { gameRoot.arma2 = gameRoot.arma2 - 3; if (gameRoot.arma2 <= 0) { gameRoot.arma2 = 0; gameRoot.marma2.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.text_attack2 = gameRoot.arma2; } gameRoot.cityor2inplay = false; gameRoot.darkwoods2inplay = false; gameRoot.mobhideout2inplay = false; gameRoot.miskuni2inplay = false; gameRoot.arkhamasy2inplay = false; gameRoot.cityor2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.darkwoods2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.mobhideout2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.miskuni2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.arkhamasy2.gotoAndStop(1); } if (gameRoot.normal == 5) { experiment = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 4); trace("Experiment number is: " + experiment); if (experiment == 1) { gameRoot.shoggoth = 1; activateLevel.creatureplacement.gotoAndStop(2); activateLevel.mExperiment.gotoAndPlay(2); return(undefined); } if (experiment == 2) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = 8; activateLevel.mExperiment.gotoAndPlay(51); } if (experiment == 3) { gameRoot.arma1 = gameRoot.arma1 + 3; gameRoot.escudo1 = gameRoot.escudo1 + 3; activateLevel.mExperiment.gotoAndPlay(101); } if (experiment == 4) { gameRoot.sanity1 = gameRoot.sanity1 - 10; activateLevel.mExperiment.gotoAndPlay(151); } gameRoot.normal = 0; } if (gameRoot.normal == 6) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = gameRoot.sanity2 - gameRoot.arma1; gameRoot.yogsothoth = 1; gameRoot.normal = 0; } if (gameRoot.locatPlace != 0) { gameRoot.p1PlaceLocation(); } if (gameRoot.normal == 8) { if ((((gameRoot.attacker2Slot1a == true) or (gameRoot.attacker2Slot2a == true)) or (gameRoot.defender2Slot1a == true)) or (gameRoot.defender2Slot2a == true)) { activateLevel.creatureREMOVAL.gotoAndStop(2); gameRoot.normal = 0; return(undefined); } } if (gameRoot.normal == 12) { if ((((gameRoot.attacker2Slot1a == true) or (gameRoot.attacker2Slot2a == true)) or (gameRoot.defender2Slot1a == true)) or (gameRoot.defender2Slot2a == true)) { gameRoot.cura = 4; activateLevel.creatureREMOVAL.gotoAndStop(2); gameRoot.normal = 0; return(undefined); } } if ((gameRoot.normal == 9) && (gameRoot.mobhideout2inplay != true)) { if (gameRoot.prof2ainplay == true) { gameRoot.prof2ainplay = false; gameRoot.prof2a.gotoAndPlay(25); } if (gameRoot.wilbur2ainplay == true) { gameRoot.wilbur2ainplay = false; gameRoot.wilbur2a.gotoAndPlay(25); } gameRoot.normal = 0; gameRoot.charSlot1full = false; } if (gameRoot.normal == 10) { if (gameRoot.mobhideout2inplay != true) { if (gameRoot.prof2ainplay == true) { gameRoot.prof2ainplay = false; gameRoot.prof2a.gotoAndPlay(25); } if (gameRoot.wilbur2ainplay == true) { gameRoot.wilbur2ainplay = false; gameRoot.wilbur2a.gotoAndPlay(25); } } if (gameRoot.vest2ainplay == true) { gameRoot.vest2a.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.vest2ainplay = false; } if (gameRoot.eldersign2ainplay == true) { gameRoot.eldersign2ainplay = false; gameRoot.eldersign2a.gotoAndPlay(25); } if (gameRoot.pmanu2ainplay == true) { gameRoot.pmanu2ainplay = false; gameRoot.pmanu2a.gotoAndPlay(25); } if (gameRoot.kulten2ainplay == true) { gameRoot.kulten2ainplay = false; gameRoot.kulten2a.gotoAndPlay(25); } if (gameRoot.yellow2ainplay == true) { gameRoot.yellow2ainplay = false; gameRoot.yellow2a.gotoAndPlay(25); } gameRoot.normal = 0; } gameRoot.suicide1(); if (gameRoot.sanity1 <= 0) { insanesound = random(3); if (gameRoot.sound == 1) { if (insanesound == 0) { play0 = new Sound(); play0.setVolume(50); play0.attachSound("insanitysound"); play0.start(); } else if (insanesound == 1) { play0 = new Sound(); play0.setVolume(50); play0.attachSound("insanitysound2"); play0.start(); } else if (insanesound == 2) { play0 = new Sound(); play0.setVolume(50); play0.attachSound("insanitysound3"); play0.start(); } else if (insanesound == 3) { play0 = new Sound(); play0.setVolume(50); play0.attachSound("insanitysound4"); play0.start(); } } insanesound = 0; } if (((gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] > 0) && (gameRoot.normal == 0)) && (gameRoot.ignoreelder != 1)) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] = ((gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] + gameRoot.arma1) - gameRoot.escudo2) * gameRoot.mult1; trace("Deal damage with arcane mod and with defense"); gameRoot.usedarcane = 1; if (gameRoot.mult1 > 1) { gameRoot.mult1 = 1; } if (gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] > gameRoot.besthit) { gameRoot.besthit = gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"]; } if ((gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] > 0) && (gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] < gameRoot.escudo2)) { gameRoot.mescudo2.gotoAndPlay(30); } gameRoot.totaldamage = gameRoot.totaldamage + gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"]; } else if (gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] <= 0) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] = 0; } if ((gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] > 0) && (gameRoot.normal == 1)) { gameRoot.usedphysical = 1; if ((gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] == 8) && (gameRoot.vest2ainplay == true)) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = 4; gameRoot.vestdefense = 4; gameRoot.vest2Uses = gameRoot.vest2Uses - 1; gameRoot.vest2a.gotoAndPlay(23); if (gameRoot.vest2Uses == 0) { gameRoot.vest2ainplay = false; gameRoot.vest2a.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.itemSlot1full = false; } } else if (gameRoot.vest2ainplay == true) { gameRoot.vestdefense = gameRoot["da\u00F1o"]; gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = 0; gameRoot.vest2Uses = gameRoot.vest2Uses - 1; gameRoot.vest2a.gotoAndPlay(23); if (gameRoot.vest2Uses == 0) { gameRoot.vest2ainplay = false; gameRoot.vest2a.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.itemSlot1full = false; } if (gameRoot.sound == 1) { mySound2 = new Sound(); mySound2.setVolume(30); if (gameRoot.cardsound1 == 1) { mySound2.attachSound("shotgun"); } else if (gameRoot.cardsound2 == 1) { mySound2.attachSound("tommygun"); } else if (gameRoot.cardsound3 == 1) { mySound2.attachSound("raid"); } mySound2.start(); } } gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] = gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] * gameRoot.mult1; trace("Deal damage WITHOUT arcane mod and ignore defense"); if (gameRoot.mult1 > 1) { gameRoot.mult1 = 1; } if (gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] > gameRoot.besthit) { gameRoot.besthit = gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"]; } gameRoot.totaldamage = gameRoot.totaldamage + gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"]; } else if (gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] <= 0) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] = 0; } if ((gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] > 0) && (gameRoot.ignoreelder == 1)) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] = (((gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] + gameRoot.arma1) + gameRoot.maldicion2) - gameRoot.bless2) * gameRoot.mult1; trace("Deal damage with arcane mod, but without defense"); gameRoot.usedarcane = 1; if (gameRoot.mult1 > 1) { gameRoot.mult1 = 1; } if (gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] > gameRoot.besthit) { gameRoot.besthit = gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"]; } gameRoot.totaldamage = gameRoot.totaldamage + gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"]; } else if (gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] <= 0) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] = 0; gameRoot.normal = 0; } if (gameRoot.multiplyaux > gameRoot.mult1) { gameRoot.mult1 = gameRoot.multiplyaux; } if (gameRoot.regenaux > gameRoot.regen1) { gameRoot.regen1 = gameRoot.regenaux; } if (gameRoot.besthit > gameRoot.highbesthit) { gameRoot.highbesthit = gameRoot.besthit; } if (gameRoot.arma1aux > 0) { gameRoot.arma1 = gameRoot.arma1 + gameRoot.arma1aux; } if (gameRoot.arma1aux < 0) { gameRoot.arma1 = gameRoot.arma1 + gameRoot.arma1aux; } if (gameRoot.arma1 < 0) { gameRoot.arma1 = 0; } if (gameRoot.escudo1aux > 0) { gameRoot.escudo1 = gameRoot.escudo1 + gameRoot.escudo1aux; } if (gameRoot.escudo1aux < 0) { gameRoot.escudo1 = gameRoot.escudo1 + gameRoot.escudo1aux; } if (gameRoot.escudo1 < 0) { gameRoot.escudo1 = 0; } if (gameRoot.veneno1aux > 0) { gameRoot.veneno2 = gameRoot.veneno2 + gameRoot.veneno1aux; gameRoot.mveneno2.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.text_poison2 = gameRoot.veneno2; } if (gameRoot.maldicion1aux > gameRoot.maldicion2) { gameRoot.maldicion2 = gameRoot.maldicion1aux; gameRoot.mmaldicion2.gotoAndStop(2); } if (gameRoot.bless1aux > gameRoot.bless1) { gameRoot.bless1 = gameRoot.bless1aux; } if (gameRoot.paraliza > gameRoot.paraliza1) { gameRoot.paraliza1 = gameRoot.paraliza; } if ((gameRoot.ceguera1aux == 1) || (random(100) < gameRoot.paraliza1)) { gameRoot.ceguera2 = 1; } if (gameRoot.parapeto1aux > gameRoot.parapeto1) { gameRoot.parapeto1 = gameRoot.parapeto1aux; gameRoot.minvulner1.gotoAndStop(2); } if (gameRoot.dispelo > 0) { if (gameRoot.eldersign2ainplay == true) { gameRoot.eldersign2a.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.eldersign2ainplay = false; } gameRoot.mescudo2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.parapeto2 = 0; gameRoot.text_defense2 = 0; gameRoot.escudo2 = 0; } if (gameRoot.curaveneno > 0) { gameRoot.mveneno1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.text_poison1 = 0; gameRoot.veneno1 = 0; } } gameRoot.suicide2(); activateLevel["cda\u00F1o2"].gotoAndPlay(2); } i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas1) { gameRoot.barajas[gameRoot.numbar][i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } gameRoot.turno == 0; } function cardImplayableReset() { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = 0; gameRoot.paraliza = 0; gameRoot.ceguera1aux = 0; gameRoot.arma1aux = 0; gameRoot.escudo1aux = 0; gameRoot.contra1aux = 0; gameRoot.bless1aux = 0; gameRoot.parapeto1aux = 0; gameRoot.maldicion1aux = 0; gameRoot.veneno1aux = 0; gameRoot.runa1aux = 0; gameRoot.cura = 0; gameRoot.dispelo = 0; gameRoot.dispels = 0; gameRoot.dispelc = 0; gameRoot.curaveneno = 0; gameRoot.multiplyaux = 0; gameRoot.regenaux = 0; gameRoot.sanitygain = 0; gameRoot.sanitycost = 0; gameRoot.sanityloss = 0; gameRoot.shambler = 0; gameRoot.shoggoth = 0; gameRoot.byakhee = 0; gameRoot.normal = 0; gameRoot.betrayed = 0; gameRoot.elderthing = 0; gameRoot.ignoreelder = 0; gameRoot.shub = 0; gameRoot.cthulhu = 0; gameRoot.cardsound1 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound2 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound3 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound4 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound5 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound6 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound7 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound8 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound9 = 0; gameRoot.charPlace = 0; gameRoot.creatPlace = 0; gameRoot.locatPlace = 0; gameRoot.tomePlace = 0; gameRoot.itemPlace = 0; gameRoot.cardType = 0; gameRoot.cardID = 0; } function p1placeCreatAttSlot(number, letter) { if (gameRoot[("elderthing1attSlot" + number) + "a"] == true) { gameRoot["elderthing1" + letter].gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot[("elderthing1attSlot" + number) + "a"] = false; gameRoot.escudo1 = gameRoot.escudo1 - 3; if (gameRoot.escudo1 <= 0) { gameRoot.escudo1 = 0; gameRoot.mescudo1.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.text_defense1 = gameRoot.escudo1; } gameRoot["shambler1" + letter].gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot[("shambler1attSlot" + number) + "a"] = false; gameRoot["byakhee1" + letter].gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot[("byakhee1attSlot" + number) + "a"] = false; gameRoot["shoggoth1" + letter].gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot[("shoggoth1attSlot" + number) + "a"] = false; gameRoot["dunwich1" + letter].gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot[("dunwich1attSlot" + number) + "a"] = false; if (gameRoot.elderthing > 0) { gameRoot[("attackerSlot" + number) + "a"] = true; gameRoot["elderthing1" + letter].gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot[("elderthing1attSlot" + number) + "a"] = true; gameRoot[("attackSlot" + number) + "Power1"] = 1; gameRoot[("attackSlot" + number) + "Defense1"] = 1; gameRoot.escudo1 = gameRoot.escudo1 + 3; gameRoot.mescudo1.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.text_defense1 = gameRoot.escudo1; } if (gameRoot.shoggoth > 0) { gameRoot[("attackerSlot" + number) + "a"] = true; gameRoot["shoggoth1" + letter].gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot[("shoggoth1attSlot" + number) + "a"] = true; gameRoot[("attackSlot" + number) + "Power1"] = 4; gameRoot[("attackSlot" + number) + "Defense1"] = 2; if (((((((((((((gameRoot.elderthing2ainplay == true) or (gameRoot.elderthing2binplay == true)) or (gameRoot.elderthing2cinplay == true)) or (gameRoot.elderthing2dinplay == true)) or (gameRoot.elderthing2einplay == true)) or (gameRoot.elderthing2finplay == true)) or (gameRoot.elderthing2finplay == true)) or (gameRoot.shambler2ainplay == true)) or (gameRoot.shambler2binplay == true)) or (gameRoot.shambler2cinplay == true)) or (gameRoot.shambler2dinplay == true)) or (gameRoot.shambler2einplay == true)) or (gameRoot.shambler2finplay == true)) { ejecutar.creatureplacement.gotoAndStop(1); ejecutar.creatureREMOVAL.gotoAndStop(3); } else { continueTurn(); } } if (gameRoot.shambler > 0) { gameRoot[("attackerSlot" + number) + "a"] = true; gameRoot["shambler1" + letter].gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot[("shambler1attSlot" + number) + "a"] = true; gameRoot[("attackSlot" + number) + "Power1"] = 1; gameRoot[("attackSlot" + number) + "Defense1"] = 3; } if (gameRoot.byakhee > 0) { gameRoot[("attackerSlot" + number) + "a"] = true; gameRoot["byakhee1" + letter].gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot[("byakhee1attSlot" + number) + "a"] = true; gameRoot[("attackSlot" + number) + "Power1"] = 3; gameRoot[("attackSlot" + number) + "Defense1"] = 2; } if (gameRoot.cardType == dunwich) { gameRoot.stars = gameRoot.stars + 1; gameRoot[("attackerSlot" + number) + "a"] = true; gameRoot["dunwich1" + letter].gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot[("dunwich1attSlot" + number) + "a"] = true; gameRoot[("attackSlot" + number) + "Power1"] = 5; gameRoot[("attackSlot" + number) + "Defense1"] = 5; } performCreatureActions(); } function p1placeCreatDefSlot(number, letter) { if (gameRoot[("elderthing1defSlot" + number) + "a"] == true) { gameRoot["elderthing1" + letter].gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot[("elderthing1defSlot" + number) + "a"] = false; gameRoot.escudo1 = gameRoot.escudo1 - 3; if (gameRoot.escudo1 <= 0) { gameRoot.escudo1 = 0; gameRoot.mescudo1.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.text_defense1 = gameRoot.escudo1; } gameRoot["shoggoth1" + letter].gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot[("shoggoth1defSlot" + number) + "a"] = false; gameRoot["shambler1" + letter].gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot[("shambler1defSlot" + number) + "a"] = false; gameRoot["byakhee1" + letter].gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot[("byakhee1defSlot" + number) + "a"] = false; gameRoot["dunwich1" + letter].gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot[("dunwich1defSlot" + number) + "a"] = false; if (gameRoot.elderthing > 0) { gameRoot[("defenderSlot" + number) + "a"] = true; gameRoot["elderthing1" + letter].gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot[("elderthing1defSlot" + number) + "a"] = true; gameRoot.escudo1 = gameRoot.escudo1 + 3; gameRoot.mescudo1.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.text_defense1 = gameRoot.escudo1; gameRoot[("defendSlot" + number) + "Power1"] = 1; gameRoot[("defendSlot" + number) + "Defense1"] = 1; } if (gameRoot.shoggoth > 0) { gameRoot[("defenderSlot" + number) + "a"] = true; gameRoot["shoggoth1" + letter].gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot[("shoggoth1defSlot" + number) + "a"] = true; gameRoot[("defendSlot" + number) + "Power1"] = 4; gameRoot[("defendSlot" + number) + "Defense1"] = 2; if (((((((((((((gameRoot.elderthing2ainplay == true) or (gameRoot.elderthing2binplay == true)) or (gameRoot.elderthing2cinplay == true)) or (gameRoot.elderthing2dinplay == true)) or (gameRoot.elderthing2einplay == true)) or (gameRoot.elderthing2finplay == true)) or (gameRoot.elderthing2finplay == true)) or (gameRoot.shambler2ainplay == true)) or (gameRoot.shambler2binplay == true)) or (gameRoot.shambler2cinplay == true)) or (gameRoot.shambler2dinplay == true)) or (gameRoot.shambler2einplay == true)) or (gameRoot.shambler2finplay == true)) { ejecutar.creatureREMOVAL.gotoAndStop(3); ejecutar.creatureplacement.gotoAndStop(1); } else { continueTurn(); } } if (gameRoot.shambler > 0) { gameRoot[("defenderSlot" + number) + "a"] = true; gameRoot["shambler1" + letter].gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot[("shambler1defSlot" + number) + "a"] = true; gameRoot[("defendSlot" + number) + "Power1"] = 1; gameRoot[("defendSlot" + number) + "Defense1"] = 3; } if (gameRoot.byakhee > 0) { gameRoot[("defenderSlot" + number) + "a"] = true; gameRoot["byakhee1" + letter].gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot[("byakhee1defSlot" + number) + "a"] = true; gameRoot[("defendSlot" + number) + "Power1"] = 3; gameRoot[("defendSlot" + number) + "Defense1"] = 2; } if (gameRoot.cardType == dunwich) { gameRoot.stars = gameRoot.stars + 1; gameRoot[("defenderSlot" + number) + "a"] = true; gameRoot["dunwich1" + letter].gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot[("dunwich1defSlot" + number) + "a"] = true; gameRoot[("defendSlot" + number) + "Power1"] = 5; gameRoot[("defendSlot" + number) + "Defense1"] = 5; } performCreatureActions(); } function performCreatureActions() { if (gameRoot.shoggoth == 0) { if (gameRoot.sanitycost > 0) { gameRoot.sanity1 = gameRoot.sanity1 - gameRoot.sanitycost; trace("Sanity loss " + gameRoot.sanitycost); gameRoot.msanity1.sanityfx = gameRoot.sanitycost; gameRoot.sanitycost = 0; gameRoot.msanity1.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (gameRoot.sanityloss > 0) { gameRoot.sanity2 = gameRoot.sanity2 - gameRoot.sanityloss; gameRoot.msanity2.sanityfx = gameRoot.sanityloss; gameRoot.msanity2.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (gameRoot.sanitygain > 0) { gameRoot.sanity1 = gameRoot.sanity1 + gameRoot.sanitygain; gameRoot.msanity1plus.sanityfx = gameRoot.sanitygain; gameRoot.msanity1plus.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (gameRoot.sanity2 < -5) { gameRoot.sanity2 = -5; } if (gameRoot.sanity1 < -5) { gameRoot.sanity1 = -5; } trace("" + gameRoot.mult1); if (((gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] > 0) && (gameRoot.normal == 0)) && (gameRoot.ignoreelder != 1)) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] = ((gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] + gameRoot.arma1) - gameRoot.escudo2) * gameRoot.mult1; trace("Deal damage with arcane mod and with defense"); if (gameRoot.mult1 > 1) { gameRoot.mult1 = 1; } if (gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] > gameRoot.besthit) { gameRoot.besthit = gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"]; } if ((gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] > 0) && (gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] < gameRoot.escudo2)) { gameRoot.mescudo2.gotoAndPlay(30); } gameRoot.totaldamage = gameRoot.totaldamage + gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"]; } else if (gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] <= 0) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] = 0; } if ((gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] > 0) && (gameRoot.normal == 1)) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] = gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] * gameRoot.mult1; trace("Deal damage WITHOUT arcane mod"); if (gameRoot.mult1 > 1) { gameRoot.mult1 = 1; } if (gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] > gameRoot.besthit) { gameRoot.besthit = gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"]; } gameRoot.totaldamage = gameRoot.totaldamage + gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"]; } else if (gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] <= 0) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] = 0; } if ((gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] > 0) && (gameRoot.ignoreelder == 1)) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] = (((gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] + gameRoot.arma1) + gameRoot.maldicion2) - gameRoot.bless2) * gameRoot.mult1; trace("Deal damage with arcane mod, but without defense"); if (gameRoot.mult1 > 1) { gameRoot.mult1 = 1; } if (gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] > gameRoot.besthit) { gameRoot.besthit = gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"]; } gameRoot.totaldamage = gameRoot.totaldamage + gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"]; } else if (gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] <= 0) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] = 0; gameRoot.normal = 0; } if (gameRoot.multiplyaux > gameRoot.mult1) { gameRoot.mult1 = gameRoot.multiplyaux; } if (gameRoot.regenaux > gameRoot.regen1) { gameRoot.regen1 = gameRoot.regenaux; } if (gameRoot.besthit > gameRoot.highbesthit) { gameRoot.highbesthit = gameRoot.besthit; } if (gameRoot.arma1aux > 0) { gameRoot.arma1 = gameRoot.arma1 + gameRoot.arma1aux; } if (gameRoot.arma1aux < 0) { gameRoot.arma1 = gameRoot.arma1 + gameRoot.arma1aux; } if (gameRoot.arma1 < 0) { gameRoot.arma1 = 0; } if (gameRoot.escudo1aux > 0) { gameRoot.escudo1 = gameRoot.escudo1 + gameRoot.escudo1aux; } if (gameRoot.escudo1aux < 0) { gameRoot.escudo1 = gameRoot.escudo1 + gameRoot.escudo1aux; } if (gameRoot.escudo1 < 0) { gameRoot.escudo1 = 0; } if (gameRoot.veneno1aux > 0) { gameRoot.veneno2 = gameRoot.veneno2 + gameRoot.veneno1aux; gameRoot.mveneno2.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.text_poison2 = gameRoot.veneno2; } if (gameRoot.maldicion1aux > gameRoot.maldicion2) { gameRoot.maldicion2 = gameRoot.maldicion1aux; gameRoot.mmaldicion2.gotoAndStop(2); } if (gameRoot.bless1aux > gameRoot.bless1) { gameRoot.bless1 = gameRoot.bless1aux; } if (gameRoot.paraliza > gameRoot.paraliza1) { gameRoot.paraliza1 = gameRoot.paraliza; } if ((gameRoot.ceguera1aux == 1) || (random(100) < gameRoot.paraliza1)) { gameRoot.ceguera2 = 1; } if (gameRoot.parapeto1aux > gameRoot.parapeto1) { gameRoot.parapeto1 = gameRoot.parapeto1aux; gameRoot.minvulner1.gotoAndStop(2); } if (gameRoot.curaveneno > 0) { gameRoot.mveneno1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.text_poison1 = 0; gameRoot.veneno1 = 0; } gameRoot.ejecutar["cda\u00F1o2"].gotoAndPlay(2); i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas1) { gameRoot.barajas[gameRoot.numbar][i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } gameRoot.turno == 0; } } function continueTurn() { if (gameRoot.sanitycost > 0) { gameRoot.sanity1 = gameRoot.sanity1 - gameRoot.sanitycost; trace("Sanity loss " + gameRoot.sanitycost); gameRoot.msanity1.sanityfx = gameRoot.sanitycost; gameRoot.sanitycost = 0; gameRoot.msanity1.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (gameRoot.sanityloss > 0) { gameRoot.sanity2 = gameRoot.sanity2 - gameRoot.sanityloss; gameRoot.msanity2.sanityfx = gameRoot.sanityloss; gameRoot.msanity2.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (gameRoot.sanitygain > 0) { gameRoot.sanity1 = gameRoot.sanity1 + gameRoot.sanitygain; gameRoot.msanity1plus.sanityfx = gameRoot.sanitygain; gameRoot.msanity1plus.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (gameRoot.sanity2 < -5) { gameRoot.sanity2 = -5; } if (gameRoot.sanity1 < -5) { gameRoot.sanity1 = -5; } if (((gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] > 0) && (gameRoot.normal == 0)) && (gameRoot.ignoreelder != 1)) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] = ((gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] + gameRoot.arma1) - gameRoot.escudo2) * gameRoot.mult1; trace("Deal damage with arcane mod and with defense"); if (gameRoot.mult1 > 1) { gameRoot.mult1 = 1; } if (gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] > gameRoot.besthit) { gameRoot.besthit = gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"]; } if ((gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] > 0) && (gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] < gameRoot.escudo2)) { gameRoot.mescudo2.gotoAndPlay(30); } gameRoot.totaldamage = gameRoot.totaldamage + gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"]; } else if (gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] <= 0) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] = 0; } if ((gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] > 0) && (gameRoot.normal == 1)) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] = gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] * gameRoot.mult1; trace("Deal damage WITHOUT arcane mod"); if (gameRoot.mult1 > 1) { gameRoot.mult1 = 1; } if (gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] > gameRoot.besthit) { gameRoot.besthit = gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"]; } gameRoot.totaldamage = gameRoot.totaldamage + gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"]; } else if (gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] <= 0) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] = 0; } if ((gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] > 0) && (gameRoot.ignoreelder == 1)) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] = (((gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] + gameRoot.arma1) + gameRoot.maldicion2) - gameRoot.bless2) * gameRoot.mult1; trace("Deal damage with arcane mod, but without defense"); if (gameRoot.mult1 > 1) { gameRoot.mult1 = 1; } if (gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] > gameRoot.besthit) { gameRoot.besthit = gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"]; } gameRoot.totaldamage = gameRoot.totaldamage + gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"]; } else if (gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] <= 0) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] = 0; gameRoot.normal = 0; } if (gameRoot.multiplyaux > gameRoot.mult1) { gameRoot.mult1 = gameRoot.multiplyaux; } if (gameRoot.regenaux > gameRoot.regen1) { gameRoot.regen1 = gameRoot.regenaux; } if (gameRoot.besthit > gameRoot.highbesthit) { gameRoot.highbesthit = gameRoot.besthit; } if (gameRoot.arma1aux > 0) { gameRoot.arma1 = gameRoot.arma1 + gameRoot.arma1aux; } if (gameRoot.arma1aux < 0) { gameRoot.arma1 = gameRoot.arma1 + gameRoot.arma1aux; } if (gameRoot.arma1 < 0) { gameRoot.arma1 = 0; } if (gameRoot.escudo1aux > 0) { gameRoot.escudo1 = gameRoot.escudo1 + gameRoot.escudo1aux; } if (gameRoot.escudo1aux < 0) { gameRoot.escudo1 = gameRoot.escudo1 + gameRoot.escudo1aux; } if (gameRoot.escudo1 < 0) { gameRoot.escudo1 = 0; } if (gameRoot.veneno1aux > 0) { gameRoot.veneno2 = gameRoot.veneno2 + gameRoot.veneno1aux; gameRoot.mveneno2.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.text_poison2 = gameRoot.veneno2; } if (gameRoot.maldicion1aux > gameRoot.maldicion2) { gameRoot.maldicion2 = gameRoot.maldicion1aux; gameRoot.mmaldicion2.gotoAndStop(2); } if (gameRoot.bless1aux > gameRoot.bless1) { gameRoot.bless1 = gameRoot.bless1aux; } if (gameRoot.paraliza > gameRoot.paraliza1) { gameRoot.paraliza1 = gameRoot.paraliza; } if ((gameRoot.ceguera1aux == 1) || (random(100) < gameRoot.paraliza1)) { gameRoot.ceguera2 = 1; } if (gameRoot.parapeto1aux > gameRoot.parapeto1) { gameRoot.parapeto1 = gameRoot.parapeto1aux; gameRoot.minvulner1.gotoAndStop(2); } if (gameRoot.curaveneno > 0) { gameRoot.mveneno1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.text_poison1 = 0; gameRoot.veneno1 = 0; } gameRoot.ejecutar["cda\u00F1o2"].gotoAndPlay(2); i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas1) { gameRoot.barajas[gameRoot.numbar][i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } gameRoot.turno == 0; } function p1summonshoggSlot(number, letter, type) { if (gameRoot[("elderthing2" + letter) + "inplay"] == true) { trace("Remove elderthing from att slot 1"); gameRoot["elderthing2" + letter].gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot[("elderthing2" + letter) + "inplay"] = false; gameRoot[((type + "er2Slot") + number) + "a"] = false; gameRoot[((type + "Slot") + number) + "Power2"] = 0; gameRoot[((type + "Slot") + number) + "Defense2"] = 0; gameRoot.escudo2 = gameRoot.escudo2 - 3; if (gameRoot.escudo2 <= 0) { gameRoot.escudo2 = 0; gameRoot.mescudo2.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.text_defense2 = gameRoot.escudo2; } else if (gameRoot[("shambler2" + letter) + "inplay"] == true) { trace("Remove shambler from att slot 1"); gameRoot["shambler2" + letter].gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot[("shambler2" + letter) + "inplay"] = false; gameRoot[((type + "er2Slot") + number) + "a"] = false; gameRoot[((type + "Slot") + number) + "Power2"] = 0; gameRoot[((type + "Slot") + number) + "Defense2"] = 0; } } function p1BanishingSlot(number, letter, type) { if (gameRoot[("shoggoth2" + letter) + "inplay"] == true) { gameRoot["shoggoth2" + letter].gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot[("shoggoth2" + letter) + "inplay"] = false; gameRoot[((type + "er2Slot") + number) + "a"] = false; gameRoot[((type + "Slot") + number) + "Power2"] = 0; gameRoot[((type + "Slot") + number) + "Defense2"] = 0; } else if (gameRoot[("elderthing2" + letter) + "inplay"] == true) { gameRoot["elderthing2" + letter].gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot[("elderthing2" + letter) + "inplay"] = false; gameRoot[((type + "er2Slot") + number) + "a"] = false; gameRoot[((type + "Slot") + number) + "Power2"] = 0; gameRoot[((type + "Slot") + number) + "Defense2"] = 0; gameRoot.escudo2 = gameRoot.escudo2 - 3; if (gameRoot.escudo2 <= 0) { gameRoot.escudo2 = 0; gameRoot.mescudo2.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.text_defense2 = gameRoot.escudo2; } else if (gameRoot[("shambler2" + letter) + "inplay"] == true) { gameRoot["shambler2" + letter].gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot[("shambler2" + letter) + "inplay"] = false; gameRoot[((type + "er2Slot") + number) + "a"] = false; gameRoot[((type + "Slot") + number) + "Power2"] = 0; gameRoot[((type + "Slot") + number) + "Defense2"] = 0; } else if (gameRoot[("byakhee2" + letter) + "inplay"] == true) { gameRoot["byakhee2" + letter].gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot[("byakhee2" + letter) + "inplay"] = false; gameRoot[((type + "er2Slot") + number) + "a"] = false; gameRoot[((type + "Slot") + number) + "Power2"] = 0; gameRoot[((type + "Slot") + number) + "Defense2"] = 0; } else if (gameRoot[("dunwich2" + letter) + "inplay"] == true) { gameRoot["dunwich2" + letter].gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot[("dunwich2" + letter) + "inplay"] = false; gameRoot[((type + "er2Slot") + number) + "a"] = false; gameRoot[((type + "Slot") + number) + "Power2"] = 0; gameRoot[((type + "Slot") + number) + "Defense2"] = 0; } performBanishActions(); } function performBanishActions() { if (((gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] > 0) && (gameRoot.normal == 0)) && (gameRoot.ignoreelder != 1)) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] = ((gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] + gameRoot.arma1) - gameRoot.escudo2) * gameRoot.mult1; trace("Deal damage with arcane mod and with defense"); if (gameRoot.mult1 > 1) { gameRoot.mult1 = 1; } if (gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] > gameRoot.besthit) { gameRoot.besthit = gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"]; } if ((gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] > 0) && (gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] < gameRoot.escudo2)) { gameRoot.mescudo2.gotoAndPlay(30); } gameRoot.totaldamage = gameRoot.totaldamage + gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"]; } else if (gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] <= 0) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] = 0; } if ((gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] > 0) && (gameRoot.normal == 1)) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] = gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] * gameRoot.mult1; trace("Deal damage WITHOUT arcane mod"); if (gameRoot.mult1 > 1) { gameRoot.mult1 = 1; } if (gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] > gameRoot.besthit) { gameRoot.besthit = gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"]; } gameRoot.totaldamage = gameRoot.totaldamage + gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"]; } else if (gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] <= 0) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] = 0; } if ((gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] > 0) && (gameRoot.ignoreelder == 1)) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] = (((gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] + gameRoot.arma1) + gameRoot.maldicion2) - gameRoot.bless2) * gameRoot.mult1; trace("Deal damage with arcane mod, but without defense"); if (gameRoot.mult1 > 1) { gameRoot.mult1 = 1; } if (gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] > gameRoot.besthit) { gameRoot.besthit = gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"]; } gameRoot.totaldamage = gameRoot.totaldamage + gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"]; } else if (gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] <= 0) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] = 0; gameRoot.normal = 0; } if (gameRoot.multiplyaux > gameRoot.mult1) { gameRoot.mult1 = gameRoot.multiplyaux; } if (gameRoot.regenaux > gameRoot.regen1) { gameRoot.regen1 = gameRoot.regenaux; } if (gameRoot.besthit > gameRoot.highbesthit) { gameRoot.highbesthit = gameRoot.besthit; } if (gameRoot.arma1aux > 0) { gameRoot.arma1 = gameRoot.arma1 + gameRoot.arma1aux; } if (gameRoot.arma1aux < 0) { gameRoot.arma1 = gameRoot.arma1 + gameRoot.arma1aux; } if (gameRoot.arma1 < 0) { gameRoot.arma1 = 0; } if (gameRoot.escudo1aux > 0) { gameRoot.escudo1 = gameRoot.escudo1 + gameRoot.escudo1aux; } if (gameRoot.escudo1aux < 0) { gameRoot.escudo1 = gameRoot.escudo1 + gameRoot.escudo1aux; } if (gameRoot.escudo1 < 0) { gameRoot.escudo1 = 0; } if (gameRoot.veneno1aux > 0) { gameRoot.veneno2 = gameRoot.veneno2 + gameRoot.veneno1aux; gameRoot.mveneno2.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.text_poison2 = gameRoot.veneno2; } if (gameRoot.maldicion1aux > gameRoot.maldicion2) { gameRoot.maldicion2 = gameRoot.maldicion1aux; gameRoot.mmaldicion2.gotoAndStop(2); } if (gameRoot.bless1aux > gameRoot.bless1) { gameRoot.bless1 = gameRoot.bless1aux; } if (gameRoot.paraliza > gameRoot.paraliza1) { gameRoot.paraliza1 = gameRoot.paraliza; } if ((gameRoot.ceguera1aux == 1) || (random(100) < gameRoot.paraliza1)) { gameRoot.ceguera2 = 1; } if (gameRoot.parapeto1aux > gameRoot.parapeto1) { gameRoot.parapeto1 = gameRoot.parapeto1aux; gameRoot.minvulner1.gotoAndStop(2); } if (gameRoot.dispelo > 0) { gameRoot.paraliza2 = 0; gameRoot.parapeto2 = 0; gameRoot.minvulner2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.mmaldicion2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.mescudo2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.text_defense2 = 0; gameRoot.mbless2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.regen2 = 0; gameRoot.maldicion2 = 0; gameRoot.escudo2 = 0; gameRoot.bless2 = 0; } else if (gameRoot.dispels > 0) { gameRoot.mmaldicion1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.maldicion1 = 0; } else if (gameRoot.dispelc > 0) { gameRoot.contra2 = 0; gameRoot.ccontra2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.text_counter2 = 0; gameRoot.byakhee2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.shambler2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.shoggoth2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.elderthing2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.shub2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.dispelc = 0; gameRoot.byakhee2inplay = 0; gameRoot.shambler2inplay = 0; if ((gameRoot.challenge == 21) && (gameRoot.contra1 != 6)) { gameRoot.contra1 = 0; gameRoot.ccontra1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.text_counter1 = 0; gameRoot.byakhee1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.shambler1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.elderthing1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.shub1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.dispelc = 0; gameRoot.byakhee1inplay = 0; gameRoot.shambler1inplay = 0; } } if (gameRoot.curaveneno > 0) { gameRoot.mveneno1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.text_poison1 = 0; gameRoot.veneno1 = 0; } gameRoot.ejecutar["cda\u00F1o2"].gotoAndPlay(2); i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas1) { gameRoot.barajas[gameRoot.numbar][i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } gameRoot.turno == 0; } function completePlacementActions() { if (gameRoot.sanitycost > 0) { gameRoot.sanity1 = gameRoot.sanity1 - gameRoot.sanitycost; trace("Sanity loss " + gameRoot.sanitycost); gameRoot.msanity1.sanityfx = gameRoot.sanitycost; gameRoot.sanitycost = 0; gameRoot.msanity1.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (gameRoot.sanityloss > 0) { gameRoot.sanity2 = gameRoot.sanity2 - gameRoot.sanityloss; gameRoot.msanity2.sanityfx = gameRoot.sanityloss; gameRoot.msanity2.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (gameRoot.sanitygain > 0) { gameRoot.sanity1 = gameRoot.sanity1 + gameRoot.sanitygain; gameRoot.msanity1plus.sanityfx = gameRoot.sanitygain; gameRoot.msanity1plus.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (gameRoot.sanity2 < -5) { gameRoot.sanity2 = -5; } if (gameRoot.sanity1 < -5) { gameRoot.sanity1 = -5; } trace("" + gameRoot.mult1); if ((gameRoot.betrayed == 1) && (gameRoot.contra2 >= 1)) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = gameRoot.contra2; gameRoot.betrayed = 0; gameRoot.donotcounter = 1; trace(" betrayal damage" + gameRoot.contra2); } else if (gameRoot.betrayed == 1) { gameRoot.betrayed = 0; } if (gameRoot.normal == 2) { gameRoot.mirarcartas(); gameRoot.normal = 0; } if (gameRoot.normal == 3) { gameRoot.arma1 = gameRoot.arma2; if (gameRoot.arma1 == 0) { gameRoot.marma1.gotoAndStop(1); } else { gameRoot.marma1.gotoAndPlay(2); } gameRoot.escudo1 = gameRoot.escudo2; if (gameRoot.escudo1 == 0) { gameRoot.mescudo1.gotoAndStop(1); } else { gameRoot.mescudo1.gotoAndPlay(2); } gameRoot.veneno1 = gameRoot.veneno2; if (gameRoot.veneno1 == 0) { gameRoot.mveneno1.gotoAndStop(1); } else { gameRoot.mveneno1.gotoAndPlay(2); } gameRoot.normal = 0; } if (((gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] > 0) && (gameRoot.normal == 0)) && (gameRoot.ignoreelder != 1)) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] = ((gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] + gameRoot.arma1) - gameRoot.escudo2) * gameRoot.mult1; trace("Deal damage with arcane mod and with defense"); if (gameRoot.mult1 > 1) { gameRoot.mult1 = 1; } if (gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] > gameRoot.besthit) { gameRoot.besthit = gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"]; } if ((gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] > 0) && (gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] < gameRoot.escudo2)) { gameRoot.mescudo2.gotoAndPlay(30); } gameRoot.totaldamage = gameRoot.totaldamage + gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"]; } else if (gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] <= 0) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] = 0; } if ((gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] > 0) && (gameRoot.normal == 1)) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] = gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] * gameRoot.mult1; trace("Deal damage WITHOUT arcane mod"); if (gameRoot.mult1 > 1) { gameRoot.mult1 = 1; } if (gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] > gameRoot.besthit) { gameRoot.besthit = gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"]; } gameRoot.totaldamage = gameRoot.totaldamage + gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"]; } else if (gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] <= 0) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] = 0; } if ((gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] > 0) && (gameRoot.ignoreelder == 1)) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] = (((gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] + gameRoot.arma1) + gameRoot.maldicion2) - gameRoot.bless2) * gameRoot.mult1; trace("Deal damage with arcane mod, but without defense"); if (gameRoot.mult1 > 1) { gameRoot.mult1 = 1; } if (gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] > gameRoot.besthit) { gameRoot.besthit = gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"]; } gameRoot.totaldamage = gameRoot.totaldamage + gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"]; } else if (gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] <= 0) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] = 0; gameRoot.normal = 0; } if (gameRoot.multiplyaux > gameRoot.mult1) { gameRoot.mult1 = gameRoot.multiplyaux; } if (gameRoot.regenaux > gameRoot.regen1) { gameRoot.regen1 = gameRoot.regenaux; } if (gameRoot.besthit > gameRoot.highbesthit) { gameRoot.highbesthit = gameRoot.besthit; } if (gameRoot.arma1aux > 0) { gameRoot.arma1 = gameRoot.arma1 + gameRoot.arma1aux; } if (gameRoot.arma1aux < 0) { gameRoot.arma1 = gameRoot.arma1 + gameRoot.arma1aux; } if (gameRoot.arma1 < 0) { gameRoot.arma1 = 0; } if (gameRoot.escudo1aux > 0) { gameRoot.escudo1 = gameRoot.escudo1 + gameRoot.escudo1aux; } if (gameRoot.escudo1aux < 0) { gameRoot.escudo1 = gameRoot.escudo1 + gameRoot.escudo1aux; } if (gameRoot.escudo1 < 0) { gameRoot.escudo1 = 0; } if (gameRoot.veneno1aux > 0) { gameRoot.veneno2 = gameRoot.veneno2 + gameRoot.veneno1aux; gameRoot.mveneno2.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.text_poison2 = gameRoot.veneno2; } if (gameRoot.maldicion1aux > gameRoot.maldicion2) { gameRoot.maldicion2 = gameRoot.maldicion1aux; gameRoot.mmaldicion2.gotoAndStop(2); } if (gameRoot.bless1aux > gameRoot.bless1) { gameRoot.bless1 = gameRoot.bless1aux; } if (gameRoot.paraliza > gameRoot.paraliza1) { gameRoot.paraliza1 = gameRoot.paraliza; } if ((gameRoot.ceguera1aux == 1) || (random(100) < gameRoot.paraliza1)) { gameRoot.ceguera2 = 1; } if (gameRoot.parapeto1aux > gameRoot.parapeto1) { gameRoot.parapeto1 = gameRoot.parapeto1aux; gameRoot.minvulner1.gotoAndStop(2); } if (gameRoot.dispelo > 0) { gameRoot.paraliza2 = 0; gameRoot.parapeto2 = 0; gameRoot.minvulner2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.mmaldicion2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.mescudo2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.text_defense2 = 0; gameRoot.mbless2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.regen2 = 0; gameRoot.maldicion2 = 0; gameRoot.escudo2 = 0; gameRoot.bless2 = 0; } else if (gameRoot.dispels > 0) { gameRoot.mmaldicion1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.maldicion1 = 0; } else if (gameRoot.dispelc > 0) { gameRoot.contra2 = 0; gameRoot.ccontra2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.text_counter2 = 0; gameRoot.byakhee2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.shambler2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.shoggoth2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.elderthing2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.shub2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.dispelc = 0; gameRoot.byakhee2inplay = 0; gameRoot.shambler2inplay = 0; if ((gameRoot.challenge == 21) && (gameRoot.contra1 != 6)) { gameRoot.contra1 = 0; gameRoot.ccontra1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.text_counter1 = 0; gameRoot.byakhee1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.shambler1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.elderthing1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.shub1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.dispelc = 0; gameRoot.byakhee1inplay = 0; gameRoot.shambler1inplay = 0; } } if (gameRoot.curaveneno > 0) { gameRoot.mveneno1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.text_poison1 = 0; gameRoot.veneno1 = 0; } gameRoot.ejecutar["cda\u00F1o2"].gotoAndPlay(2); i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas1) { gameRoot.barajas[gameRoot.numbar][i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } gameRoot.turno == 0; } function banishbyshogg() { trace("Opponent banishes your creature"); if (gameRoot.attackerSlot1a == true) { if (gameRoot.shambler1attSlot1a == true) { gameRoot.shambler1attSlot1a = false; gameRoot.attackerSlot1a = false; gameRoot.shambler1a.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.attackSlot1Power1 = 0; gameRoot.attackSlot1Defense1 = 0; if (gameRoot.cura > 0) { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("cura"); } else if (gameRoot.veneno2 > 0) { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("veneno"); } else { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("fin"); } return(undefined); } } if (gameRoot.attackerSlot2a == true) { if (gameRoot.shambler1attSlot2a == true) { gameRoot.shambler1attSlot2a = false; gameRoot.attackerSlot2a = false; gameRoot.shambler1b.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.attackSlot2Power1 = 0; gameRoot.attackSlot2Defense1 = 0; if (gameRoot.cura > 0) { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("cura"); } else if (gameRoot.veneno2 > 0) { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("veneno"); } else { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("fin"); } return(undefined); } } if (gameRoot.defenderSlot1a == true) { if (gameRoot.shambler1defSlot1a == true) { gameRoot.shambler1defSlot1a = false; gameRoot.defenderSlot1a = false; gameRoot.shambler1d.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.defendSlot1Power1 = 0; gameRoot.defendSlot1Defense1 = 0; if (gameRoot.cura > 0) { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("cura"); } else if (gameRoot.veneno2 > 0) { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("veneno"); } else { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("fin"); } return(undefined); } } if (gameRoot.defenderSlot2a == true) { if (gameRoot.shambler1defSlot2a == true) { gameRoot.shambler1defSlot2a = false; gameRoot.defenderSlot2a = false; gameRoot.shambler1e.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.defendSlot2Power1 = 0; gameRoot.defendSlot2Defense1 = 0; if (gameRoot.cura > 0) { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("cura"); } else if (gameRoot.veneno2 > 0) { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("veneno"); } else { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("fin"); } return(undefined); } } if (gameRoot.attackerSlot1a == true) { if (gameRoot.elderthing1attSlot1a == true) { gameRoot.elderthing1attSlot1a = false; gameRoot.attackerSlot1a = false; gameRoot.elderthing1a.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.attackSlot1Power1 = 0; gameRoot.attackSlot1Defense1 = 0; gameRoot.escudo1 = gameRoot.escudo1 - 3; if (gameRoot.escudo1 <= 0) { gameRoot.escudo1 = 0; gameRoot.mescudo1.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.text_defense1 = gameRoot.escudo1; if (gameRoot.cura > 0) { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("cura"); } else if (gameRoot.veneno2 > 0) { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("veneno"); } else { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("fin"); } return(undefined); } } if (gameRoot.attackerSlot2a == true) { if (gameRoot.elderthing1attSlot2a == true) { gameRoot.elderthing1attSlot2a = false; gameRoot.attackerSlot2a = false; gameRoot.elderthing1b.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.attackSlot2Power1 = 0; gameRoot.attackSlot2Defense1 = 0; gameRoot.escudo1 = gameRoot.escudo1 - 3; if (gameRoot.escudo1 <= 0) { gameRoot.escudo1 = 0; gameRoot.mescudo1.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.text_defense1 = gameRoot.escudo1; if (gameRoot.cura > 0) { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("cura"); } else if (gameRoot.veneno2 > 0) { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("veneno"); } else { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("fin"); } return(undefined); } } if (gameRoot.defenderSlot1a == true) { if (gameRoot.elderthing1defSlot1a == true) { gameRoot.elderthing1defSlot1a = false; gameRoot.defenderSlot1a = false; gameRoot.elderthing1d.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.defendSlot1Power1 = 0; gameRoot.defendSlot1Defense1 = 0; gameRoot.escudo1 = gameRoot.escudo1 - 3; if (gameRoot.escudo1 <= 0) { gameRoot.escudo1 = 0; gameRoot.mescudo1.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.text_defense1 = gameRoot.escudo1; if (gameRoot.cura > 0) { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("cura"); } else if (gameRoot.veneno2 > 0) { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("veneno"); } else { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("fin"); } return(undefined); } } if (gameRoot.defenderSlot2a == true) { if (gameRoot.elderthing1defSlot2a == true) { gameRoot.elderthing1defSlot2a = false; gameRoot.defenderSlot2a = false; gameRoot.elderthing1e.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.defendSlot2Power1 = 0; gameRoot.defendSlot2Defense1 = 0; gameRoot.escudo1 = gameRoot.escudo1 - 3; if (gameRoot.escudo1 <= 0) { gameRoot.escudo1 = 0; gameRoot.mescudo1.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.text_defense1 = gameRoot.escudo1; if (gameRoot.cura > 0) { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("cura"); } else if (gameRoot.veneno2 > 0) { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("veneno"); } else { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("fin"); } return(undefined); } } } function p1creaturekillingdouble() { trace("CREATURE double killing function active p1"); if (gameRoot.creatureAttPow >= (gameRoot.creatureDefPow + gameRoot.creatureDefPow)) { killDefenders(); } } function p1creaturekilling() { trace("CREATURE standard killing function active p1"); if (gameRoot.creatureAttPow >= gameRoot.creatureDefPow) { killDefenders(); } if (gameRoot.defendersAtt >= gameRoot.attackersDef) { killAttackers(); } } function killDefenders() { if ((gameRoot.defender2Slot1a != true) && (gameRoot.defender2Slot2a != true)) { ejecutar.creatureattacks.gotoAndPlay("fin"); } else if ((gameRoot.defender2Slot1a == true) && (gameRoot.defender2Slot2a != true)) { if (gameRoot.elderthing2dinplay == true) { gameRoot.elderthing2d.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.elderthing2dinplay = false; gameRoot.escudo2 = gameRoot.escudo2 - 3; if (gameRoot.escudo2 <= 0) { gameRoot.escudo2 = 0; gameRoot.mescudo2.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.text_defense2 = gameRoot.escudo2; } else if (gameRoot.shoggoth2dinplay == true) { gameRoot.shoggoth2d.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.shoggoth2dinplay = false; } else if (gameRoot.shambler2dinplay == true) { gameRoot.shambler2d.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.shambler2dinplay = false; } else if (gameRoot.byakhee2dinplay == true) { gameRoot.byakhee2d.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.byakhee2dinplay = false; } else if (gameRoot.dunwich2dinplay == true) { gameRoot.dunwich2d.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.dunwich2dinplay = false; } gameRoot.defender2Slot1a = false; gameRoot.defendSlot1Power2 = 0; gameRoot.defendSlot1Defense2 = 0; } else if ((gameRoot.defender2Slot1a != true) && (gameRoot.defender2Slot2a == true)) { if (gameRoot.elderthing2einplay == true) { gameRoot.elderthing2e.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.elderthing2einplay = false; gameRoot.escudo2 = gameRoot.escudo2 - 3; if (gameRoot.escudo2 <= 0) { gameRoot.escudo2 = 0; gameRoot.mescudo2.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.text_defense2 = gameRoot.escudo2; } else if (gameRoot.shoggoth2einplay == true) { gameRoot.shoggoth2e.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.shoggoth2einplay = false; } else if (gameRoot.shambler2einplay == true) { gameRoot.shambler2e.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.shambler2einplay = false; } else if (gameRoot.byakhee2einplay == true) { gameRoot.byakhee2e.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.byakhee2einplay = false; } else if (gameRoot.dunwich2einplay == true) { gameRoot.dunwich2e.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.dunwich2einplay = false; } gameRoot.defender2Slot2a = false; gameRoot.defendSlot2Power2 = 0; gameRoot.defendSlot2Defense2 = 0; } else if ((gameRoot.defender2Slot1a == true) && (gameRoot.defender2Slot2a == true)) { whichcreature = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 2); if (whichcreature == 1) { if (gameRoot.elderthing2dinplay == true) { gameRoot.elderthing2d.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.elderthing2dinplay = false; gameRoot.escudo2 = gameRoot.escudo2 - 3; if (gameRoot.escudo2 <= 0) { gameRoot.escudo2 = 0; gameRoot.mescudo2.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.text_defense2 = gameRoot.escudo2; } else if (gameRoot.shoggoth2dinplay == true) { gameRoot.shoggoth2d.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.shoggoth2dinplay = false; } else if (gameRoot.shambler2dinplay == true) { gameRoot.shambler2d.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.shambler2dinplay = false; } else if (gameRoot.byakhee2dinplay == true) { gameRoot.byakhee2d.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.byakhee2dinplay = false; } else if (gameRoot.dunwich2dinplay == true) { gameRoot.dunwich2d.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.dunwich2dinplay = false; } gameRoot.defender2Slot1a = false; gameRoot.defendSlot1Power2 = 0; gameRoot.defendSlot1Defense2 = 0; } if (whichcreature == 2) { if (gameRoot.elderthing2einplay == true) { gameRoot.elderthing2e.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.elderthing2einplay = false; gameRoot.escudo2 = gameRoot.escudo2 - 3; if (gameRoot.escudo2 <= 0) { gameRoot.escudo2 = 0; gameRoot.mescudo2.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.text_defense2 = gameRoot.escudo2; } else if (gameRoot.shoggoth2einplay == true) { gameRoot.shoggoth2e.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.shoggoth2einplay = false; } else if (gameRoot.shambler2einplay == true) { gameRoot.shambler2e.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.shambler2einplay = false; } else if (gameRoot.byakhee2einplay == true) { gameRoot.byakhee2e.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.byakhee2einplay = false; } else if (gameRoot.dunwich2einplay == true) { gameRoot.dunwich2e.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.dunwich2einplay = false; } gameRoot.defender2Slot2a = false; gameRoot.defendSlot2Power2 = 0; gameRoot.defendSlot2Defense2 = 0; } } else if ((gameRoot.defender2Slot1a != true) && (gameRoot.defender2Slot2a == true)) { if (gameRoot.elderthing2einplay == true) { gameRoot.elderthing2e.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.elderthing2einplay = false; gameRoot.escudo2 = gameRoot.escudo2 - 3; if (gameRoot.escudo2 <= 0) { gameRoot.escudo2 = 0; gameRoot.mescudo2.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.text_defense2 = gameRoot.escudo2; } else if (gameRoot.shoggoth2einplay == true) { gameRoot.shoggoth2e.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.shoggoth2einplay = false; } else if (gameRoot.shambler2einplay == true) { gameRoot.shambler2e.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.shambler2einplay = false; } else if (gameRoot.byakhee2einplay == true) { gameRoot.byakhee2e.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.byakhee2einplay = false; } else if (gameRoot.dunwich2einplay == true) { gameRoot.dunwich2e.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.dunwich2einplay = false; } gameRoot.defender2Slot2a = false; gameRoot.defendSlot2Power2 = 0; gameRoot.defendSlot2Defense2 = 0; } else if ((gameRoot.defender2Slot1a == true) && (gameRoot.defender2Slot2a != true)) { if (gameRoot.elderthing2dinplay == true) { gameRoot.elderthing2d.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.elderthing2dinplay = false; gameRoot.escudo2 = gameRoot.escudo2 - 3; if (gameRoot.escudo2 <= 0) { gameRoot.escudo2 = 0; gameRoot.mescudo2.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.text_defense2 = gameRoot.escudo2; } else if (gameRoot.shoggoth2dinplay == true) { gameRoot.shoggoth2d.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.shoggoth2dinplay = false; } else if (gameRoot.shambler2dinplay == true) { gameRoot.shambler2d.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.shambler2dinplay = false; } else if (gameRoot.byakhee2dinplay == true) { gameRoot.byakhee2d.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.byakhee2dinplay = false; } else if (gameRoot.dunwich2dinplay == true) { gameRoot.dunwich2d.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.dunwich2dinplay = false; } gameRoot.defender2Slot1a = false; gameRoot.defendSlot1Power2 = 0; gameRoot.defendSlot1Defense2 = 0; } else if ((gameRoot.defender2Slot1a == true) && (gameRoot.defender2Slot2a == true)) { whichcreature = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 2); if (whichcreature == 1) { if (gameRoot.elderthing2dinplay == true) { gameRoot.elderthing2d.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.elderthing2dinplay = false; gameRoot.escudo2 = gameRoot.escudo2 - 3; if (gameRoot.escudo2 <= 0) { gameRoot.escudo2 = 0; gameRoot.mescudo2.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.text_defense2 = gameRoot.escudo2; } else if (gameRoot.shoggoth2dinplay == true) { gameRoot.shoggoth2d.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.shoggoth2dinplay = false; } else if (gameRoot.shambler2dinplay == true) { gameRoot.shambler2d.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.shambler2dinplay = false; } else if (gameRoot.byakhee2dinplay == true) { gameRoot.byakhee2d.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.byakhee2dinplay = false; } else if (gameRoot.dunwich2dinplay == true) { gameRoot.dunwich2d.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.dunwich2dinplay = false; } gameRoot.defender2Slot1a = false; gameRoot.defendSlot1Power2 = 0; gameRoot.defendSlot1Defense2 = 0; } if (whichcreature == 2) { if (gameRoot.elderthing2einplay == true) { gameRoot.elderthing2e.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.elderthing2einplay = false; gameRoot.escudo2 = gameRoot.escudo2 - 3; if (gameRoot.escudo2 <= 0) { gameRoot.escudo2 = 0; gameRoot.mescudo2.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.text_defense2 = gameRoot.escudo2; } else if (gameRoot.shoggoth2einplay == true) { gameRoot.shoggoth2e.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.shoggoth2einplay = false; } else if (gameRoot.shambler2einplay == true) { gameRoot.shambler2e.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.shambler2einplay = false; } else if (gameRoot.byakhee2einplay == true) { gameRoot.byakhee2e.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.byakhee2einplay = false; } else if (gameRoot.dunwich2einplay == true) { gameRoot.dunwich2e.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.dunwich2einplay = false; } gameRoot.defender2Slot2a = false; gameRoot.defendSlot2Power2 = 0; gameRoot.defendSlot2Defense2 = 0; } } } function killAttackers() { if ((gameRoot.slot1attacking == true) && (gameRoot.slot2attacking != true)) { if (gameRoot.elderthing1attSlot1a == true) { gameRoot.elderthing1a.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.elderthing1attSlot1a = false; gameRoot.escudo1 = gameRoot.escudo1 - 3; if (gameRoot.escudo1 <= 0) { gameRoot.escudo1 = 0; gameRoot.mescudo1.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.text_defense1 = gameRoot.escudo1; } else if (gameRoot.shoggoth1attSlot1a == true) { gameRoot.shoggoth1a.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.shoggoth1attSlot1a = false; } else if (gameRoot.shambler1attSlot1a == true) { gameRoot.shambler1a.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.shambler1attSlot1a = false; } else if (gameRoot.byakhee1Slot1a == true) { gameRoot.byakhee1a.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.byakhee1Slot1a = false; } else if (gameRoot.dunwich1attSlot1a == true) { gameRoot.dunwich1a.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.dunwich1attSlot1a = false; } gameRoot.attackerSlot1a = false; gameRoot.attackSlot1Power1 = 0; gameRoot.attackSlot1Defense1 = 0; } else if ((gameRoot.slot1attacking != true) && (gameRoot.slot2attacking == true)) { if (gameRoot.elderthing1attSlot2a == true) { gameRoot.elderthing1b.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.elderthing1attSlot2a = false; gameRoot.escudo1 = gameRoot.escudo1 - 3; if (gameRoot.escudo1 <= 0) { gameRoot.escudo1 = 0; gameRoot.mescudo1.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.text_defense1 = gameRoot.escudo1; } else if (gameRoot.shoggoth1attSlot2a == true) { gameRoot.shoggoth1b.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.shoggoth1attSlot2a = false; } else if (gameRoot.shambler1attSlot2a == true) { gameRoot.shambler1b.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.shambler1attSlot2a = false; } else if (gameRoot.byakhee1attSlot2a == true) { gameRoot.byakhee1b.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.byakhee1attSlot2a = false; } else if (gameRoot.dunwich1attSlot2a == true) { gameRoot.dunwich1b.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.dunwich1attSlot2a = false; } gameRoot.attackerSlot2a = false; gameRoot.attackSlot2Power1 = 0; gameRoot.attackSlot2Defense1 = 0; } else if ((gameRoot.slot1attacking == true) && (gameRoot.slot2attacking == true)) { whichcreature = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 2); if (whichcreature == 1) { if (gameRoot.elderthing1attSlot1a == true) { gameRoot.elderthing1a.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.elderthing1attSlot1a = false; gameRoot.escudo1 = gameRoot.escudo1 - 3; if (gameRoot.escudo1 <= 0) { gameRoot.escudo1 = 0; gameRoot.mescudo1.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.text_defense1 = gameRoot.escudo1; } else if (gameRoot.shoggoth1attSlot1a == true) { gameRoot.shoggoth1a.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.shoggoth1attSlot1a = false; } else if (gameRoot.shambler1attSlot1a == true) { gameRoot.shambler1a.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.shambler1attSlot1a = false; } else if (gameRoot.byakhee1attSlot1a == true) { gameRoot.byakhee1a.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.byakhee1attSlot1a = false; } else if (gameRoot.dunwich1attSlot1a == true) { gameRoot.dunwich1a.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.dunwich1attSlot1a = false; } gameRoot.attackerSlot1a = false; gameRoot.attackSlot1Power1 = 0; gameRoot.attackSlot1Defense1 = 0; } if (whichcreature == 2) { if (gameRoot.elderthing1attSlot2a == true) { gameRoot.elderthing1b.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.elderthing1attSlot2a = false; gameRoot.escudo1 = gameRoot.escudo1 - 3; if (gameRoot.escudo1 <= 0) { gameRoot.escudo1 = 0; gameRoot.mescudo1.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.text_defense1 = gameRoot.escudo1; } else if (gameRoot.shoggoth1attSlot2a == true) { gameRoot.shoggoth1b.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.shoggoth1attSlot2a = false; } else if (gameRoot.shambler1attSlot2a == true) { gameRoot.shambler1b.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.shambler1attSlot2a = false; } else if (gameRoot.byakhee1attSlot2a == true) { gameRoot.byakhee1b.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.byakhee1attSlot2a = false; } else if (gameRoot.dunwich1attSlot2a == true) { gameRoot.dunwich1b.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.dunwich1attSlot2a = false; } gameRoot.attackerSlot2a = false; gameRoot.attackSlot2Power1 = 0; gameRoot.attackSlot2Defense1 = 0; } } } function p1CharPlace1() { if (gameRoot.prof1ainplay == true) { gameRoot.prof1ainplay = false; gameRoot.prof1a.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.escudo1 = gameRoot.escudo1 - 2; if (gameRoot.escudo1 <= 0) { gameRoot.escudo1 = 0; gameRoot.mescudo1.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.text_defense1 = gameRoot.escudo1; gameRoot.arma1 = gameRoot.arma1 - 1; if (gameRoot.arma1 <= 0) { gameRoot.arma1 = 0; gameRoot.marma1.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.text_attack1 = gameRoot.arma1; } if (gameRoot.charPlace == 1) { gameRoot.stars = gameRoot.stars - 1; gameRoot.prof1a.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.prof1ainplay = true; gameRoot.wilbur1ainplay = false; gameRoot.wilbur1a.gotoAndStop(1); } if (gameRoot.charPlace == 2) { gameRoot.wilbur1a.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.wilbur1ainplay = true; } } function p1TomePlace1() { if (gameRoot.pmanu1ainplay == true) { gameRoot.pmanu1ainplay = false; gameRoot.arma1 = gameRoot.arma1 - 2; if (gameRoot.arma1 <= 0) { gameRoot.arma1 = 0; gameRoot.marma1.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.text_attack1 = gameRoot.arma1; } if (gameRoot.kulten1ainplay == true) { gameRoot.kulten1ainplay = false; gameRoot.arma1 = gameRoot.arma1 - 3; if (gameRoot.arma1 <= 0) { gameRoot.arma1 = 0; gameRoot.marma1.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.text_attack1 = gameRoot.arma1; } if (gameRoot.yellow1ainplay == true) { gameRoot.yellow1ainplay = false; } if (gameRoot.tomePlace == 1) { gameRoot.pmanu1a.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.pmanu1ainplay = true; gameRoot.kulten1a.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.yellow1a.gotoAndStop(1); } if (gameRoot.tomePlace == 2) { gameRoot.kulten1a.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.kulten1ainplay = true; gameRoot.pmanu1a.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.yellow1a.gotoAndStop(1); } if (gameRoot.tomePlace == 3) { gameRoot.yellow1a.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.yellow1ainplay = true; gameRoot.kulten1a.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.pmanu1a.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.tomeSlot1full = true; } function p1itemPlace1() { if (gameRoot.itemPlace == 1) { gameRoot.vest1Uses = 2; gameRoot.vest1a.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.vest1ainplay = true; gameRoot.eldersign1ainplay = false; gameRoot.eldersign1a.gotoAndStop(1); } if (gameRoot.itemPlace == 2) { gameRoot.stars = gameRoot.stars - 1; gameRoot.eldersign1a.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.eldersign1ainplay = true; gameRoot.vest1ainplay = false; gameRoot.vest1a.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.itemSlot1full = true; } function p1PlaceLocation() { if (gameRoot.miskuni1inplay == true) { gameRoot.arma1 = gameRoot.arma1 - 2; if (gameRoot.arma1 <= 0) { gameRoot.arma1 = 0; gameRoot.marma1.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.text_attack1 = gameRoot.arma1; } if (gameRoot.darkwoods1inplay == true) { gameRoot.arma1 = gameRoot.arma1 - 3; if (gameRoot.arma1 <= 0) { gameRoot.arma1 = 0; gameRoot.marma1.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.text_attack1 = gameRoot.arma1; } gameRoot.cityor1inplay = false; gameRoot.darkwoods1inplay = false; gameRoot.mobhideout1inplay = false; gameRoot.miskuni1inplay = false; gameRoot.arkhamasy1inplay = false; if (locatPlace == 1) { gameRoot.arkhamasy1inplay = true; gameRoot.arkhamasy1.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.cityor1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.darkwoods1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.mobhideout1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.miskuni1.gotoAndStop(1); } if (locatPlace == 2) { gameRoot.miskuni1inplay = true; gameRoot.miskuni1.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.cityor1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.darkwoods1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.mobhideout1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.arkhamasy1.gotoAndStop(1); } if (locatPlace == 3) { gameRoot.stars = gameRoot.stars + 1; gameRoot.cityor1inplay = true; gameRoot.cityor1.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.darkwoods1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.mobhideout1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.miskuni1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.arkhamasy1.gotoAndStop(1); if (gameRoot.sanity2 <= 0) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = 10; } else { gameRoot.sanity2 = gameRoot.sanity2 - 10; gameRoot.msanity2.sanityfx = 10; gameRoot.msanity2.gotoAndPlay(2); } } if (locatPlace == 4) { gameRoot.mobhideout1inplay = true; gameRoot.mobhideout1.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.cityor1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.darkwoods1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.miskuni1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.arkhamasy1.gotoAndStop(1); } if (locatPlace == 5) { gameRoot.stars = gameRoot.stars + 1; gameRoot.darkwoods1inplay = true; gameRoot.darkwoods1.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.cityor1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.mobhideout1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.miskuni1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.arkhamasy1.gotoAndStop(1); } } function opponentCardPlay() { gameRoot.barajamalo._visible = true; i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { gameRoot.barmalo[i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } gameRoot.barmalo[gameRoot.destapa]._visible = true; gameRoot.turno = 2; if (gameRoot.ceguera2 == 0) { if (gameRoot.sanitycost > 0) { gameRoot.sanity2 = gameRoot.sanity2 - gameRoot.sanitycost; trace("Sanity loss " + gameRoot.sanitycost); gameRoot.msanity2.sanityfx = gameRoot.sanitycost; gameRoot.sanitycost = 0; gameRoot.msanity2.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (gameRoot.sanityloss > 0) { gameRoot.sanity1 = gameRoot.sanity1 - gameRoot.sanityloss; gameRoot.msanity1.sanityfx = gameRoot.sanityloss; gameRoot.msanity1.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (gameRoot.sanitygain > 0) { gameRoot.sanity2 = gameRoot.sanity2 + gameRoot.sanitygain; gameRoot.msanity2plus.sanityfx = gameRoot.sanitygain; gameRoot.msanity2plus.gotoAndPlay(2); } gameRoot.suicide2(); if (gameRoot.sanity1 <= 0) { gameRoot.wentInsane = true; } if (gameRoot.sanity2 >= 1) { gameRoot.insanity2 = 0; } if (gameRoot.charPlace > 0) { if (gameRoot.charSlot1full != true) { trace("place char1"); _root.p2CharPlace1(); } } if (gameRoot.cardType == dunwich) { gameRoot.stars = gameRoot.stars + 1; if (gameRoot.attacker2Slot1a == false) { gameRoot.dunwich2a.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.dunwich2ainplay = true; gameRoot.attacker2Slot1a = true; gameRoot.attackSlot1Power2 = 5; gameRoot.attackSlot1Defense2 = 5; gameRoot.dunwichinplay = true; } else if (gameRoot.attacker2Slot2a == false) { gameRoot.dunwich2b.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.dunwich2binplay = true; gameRoot.attacker2Slot2a = true; gameRoot.attackSlot2Power2 = 5; gameRoot.attackSlot2Defense2 = 5; gameRoot.dunwichinplay = true; } else if (gameRoot.defender2Slot1a == false) { gameRoot.dunwich2d.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.dunwich2dinplay = true; gameRoot.defender2Slot1a = true; gameRoot.defendSlot1Power2 = 5; gameRoot.defendSlot1Defense2 = 5; gameRoot.dunwichinplay = true; } else if (gameRoot.defender2Slot2a == false) { gameRoot.dunwich2e.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.dunwich2einplay = true; gameRoot.defender2Slot2a = true; gameRoot.defendSlot2Power2 = 5; gameRoot.defendSlot2Defense2 = 5; } } if (gameRoot.byakhee > 0) { if ((gameRoot.shoggoth1attSlot1a == true) or (gameRoot.shoggoth1attSlot2a == true)) { if (gameRoot.defender2Slot1a == false) { gameRoot.byakhee2d.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.byakhee2dinplay = true; gameRoot.defender2Slot1a = true; gameRoot.defendSlot1Power2 = 3; gameRoot.defendSlot1Defense2 = 2; } else if (gameRoot.defender2Slot2a == false) { gameRoot.byakhee2e.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.byakhee2einplay = true; gameRoot.defender2Slot2a = true; gameRoot.defendSlot2Power2 = 3; gameRoot.defendSlot2Defense2 = 2; } } else if (gameRoot.attacker2Slot1a == false) { gameRoot.byakhee2a.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.byakhee2ainplay = true; gameRoot.attacker2Slot1a = true; gameRoot.attackSlot1Power2 = 3; gameRoot.attackSlot1Defense2 = 2; } else if (gameRoot.attacker2Slot2a == false) { gameRoot.byakhee2b.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.byakhee2binplay = true; gameRoot.attacker2Slot2a = true; gameRoot.attackSlot2Power2 = 3; gameRoot.attackSlot2Defense2 = 2; } else if (gameRoot.defender2Slot1a == false) { gameRoot.byakhee2d.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.byakhee2dinplay = true; gameRoot.defender2Slot1a = true; gameRoot.defendSlot1Power2 = 3; gameRoot.defendSlot1Defense2 = 2; } else if (gameRoot.defender2Slot2a == false) { gameRoot.byakhee2e.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.byakhee2einplay = true; gameRoot.defender2Slot2a = true; gameRoot.defendSlot2Power2 = 3; gameRoot.defendSlot2Defense2 = 2; } } if (gameRoot.shoggoth > 0) { gameRoot.banishingbyshogg = true; if (gameRoot.attacker2Slot1a == false) { trace("Summon shoggoth to att slot 1"); gameRoot.shoggoth2a.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.shoggoth2ainplay = true; gameRoot.attacker2Slot1a = true; gameRoot.attackSlot1Power2 = 4; gameRoot.attackSlot1Defense2 = 2; } else if (gameRoot.attacker2Slot2a == false) { trace("Summon shoggoth to att slot 2"); gameRoot.shoggoth2b.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.shoggoth2binplay = true; gameRoot.attacker2Slot2a = true; gameRoot.attackSlot2Power2 = 4; gameRoot.attackSlot2Defense2 = 2; } else if (gameRoot.defender2Slot1a == false) { trace("Summon shoggoth to def slot 1"); gameRoot.shoggoth2d.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.shoggoth2dinplay = true; gameRoot.defender2Slot1a = true; gameRoot.defendSlot1Power2 = 4; gameRoot.defendSlot1Defense2 = 2; } else if (gameRoot.defender2Slot2a == false) { trace("Summon shoggoth to def slot 2"); gameRoot.shoggoth2e.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.shoggoth2einplay = true; gameRoot.defender2Slot2a = true; gameRoot.defendSlot2Power2 = 4; gameRoot.defendSlot2Defense2 = 2; } } if (gameRoot.elderthing > 0) { if ((gameRoot.attackerSlot1a == true) or (gameRoot.attackerSlot2a == true)) { if (gameRoot.attacker2Slot1a == false) { trace("Summon Elderthing to att slot 1 because opponent has attackers in place."); gameRoot.elderthing2a.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.elderthing2ainplay = true; gameRoot.attacker2Slot1a = true; gameRoot.attackSlot1Power2 = 1; gameRoot.attackSlot1Defense2 = 1; gameRoot.escudo2 = gameRoot.escudo2 + 3; gameRoot.mescudo2.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.text_defense2 = gameRoot.escudo2; } else if (gameRoot.attacker2Slot2a == false) { trace("Summon Elderthing to att slot 2"); gameRoot.elderthing2b.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.elderthing2binplay = true; gameRoot.attacker2Slot2a = true; gameRoot.attackSlot2Power2 = 1; gameRoot.attackSlot2Defense2 = 1; gameRoot.escudo2 = gameRoot.escudo2 + 3; gameRoot.mescudo2.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.text_defense2 = gameRoot.escudo2; } } else if (gameRoot.attacker2Slot1a == false) { trace("Summon Elderthing to att slot 1"); gameRoot.elderthing2a.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.elderthing2ainplay = true; gameRoot.attacker2Slot1a = true; gameRoot.attackSlot1Power2 = 1; gameRoot.attackSlot1Defense2 = 1; gameRoot.escudo2 = gameRoot.escudo2 + 3; gameRoot.mescudo2.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.text_defense2 = gameRoot.escudo2; } else if (gameRoot.defender2Slot2a == false) { trace("Summon Elderthing to def slot 2"); gameRoot.elderthing2e.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.elderthing2einplay = true; gameRoot.defender2Slot2a = true; gameRoot.defendSlot2Power2 = 1; gameRoot.defendSlot2Defense2 = 1; gameRoot.escudo2 = gameRoot.escudo2 + 3; gameRoot.mescudo2.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.text_defense2 = gameRoot.escudo2; } else if (gameRoot.attacker2Slot2a == false) { trace("Summon Elderthing to att slot 2"); gameRoot.elderthing2b.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.elderthing2binplay = true; gameRoot.attacker2Slot2a = true; gameRoot.attackSlot2Power2 = 1; gameRoot.attackSlot2Defense2 = 1; gameRoot.escudo2 = gameRoot.escudo2 + 3; gameRoot.mescudo2.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.text_defense2 = gameRoot.escudo2; } else if (gameRoot.defender2Slot1a == false) { trace("Summon Elderthing to def slot 1"); gameRoot.elderthing2d.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.elderthing2dinplay = true; gameRoot.defender2Slot1a = true; gameRoot.defendSlot1Power2 = 1; gameRoot.defendSlot1Defense2 = 1; gameRoot.escudo2 = gameRoot.escudo2 + 3; gameRoot.mescudo2.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.text_defense2 = gameRoot.escudo2; } } if (gameRoot.shambler > 0) { if ((gameRoot.attackerSlot1a == true) or (gameRoot.attackerSlot2a == true)) { if (gameRoot.defender2Slot1a == false) { trace("Summon shambler to def slot 1"); gameRoot.shambler2d.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.shambler2dinplay = true; gameRoot.defender2Slot1a = true; gameRoot.defendSlot1Power2 = 1; gameRoot.defendSlot1Defense2 = 3; } else if (gameRoot.defender2Slot2a == false) { trace("Summon shambler to def slot 2"); gameRoot.shambler2e.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.shambler2einplay = true; gameRoot.defender2Slot2a = true; gameRoot.defendSlot2Power2 = 1; gameRoot.defendSlot2Defense2 = 3; } } else if (gameRoot.attacker2Slot1a == false) { trace("Summon shambler to att slot 1"); gameRoot.shambler2a.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.shambler2ainplay = true; gameRoot.attacker2Slot1a = true; gameRoot.attackSlot1Power2 = 1; gameRoot.attackSlot1Defense2 = 3; } else if (gameRoot.attacker2Slot2a == false) { trace("Summon shambler to att slot 2"); gameRoot.shambler2b.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.shambler2binplay = true; gameRoot.attacker2Slot2a = true; gameRoot.attackSlot2Power2 = 1; gameRoot.attackSlot2Defense2 = 3; } else if (gameRoot.defender2Slot1a == false) { trace("Summon shambler to def slot 1"); gameRoot.shambler2d.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.shambler2dinplay = true; gameRoot.defender2Slot1a = true; gameRoot.defendSlot1Power2 = 1; gameRoot.defendSlot1Defense2 = 3; } else if (gameRoot.defender2Slot2a == false) { trace("Summon shambler to def slot 2"); gameRoot.shambler2e.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.shambler2einplay = true; gameRoot.defender2Slot2a = true; gameRoot.defendSlot2Power2 = 1; gameRoot.defendSlot2Defense2 = 3; } } if (gameRoot.cardType == 2) { trace("Bookworm is played"); gameRoot.tomeSlot1full = false; if (gameRoot.pmanu1ainplay == true) { gameRoot.pmanu1ainplay = false; gameRoot.pmanu1a.gotoAndPlay(25); } if (gameRoot.kulten1ainplay == true) { gameRoot.kulten1ainplay = false; gameRoot.kulten1a.gotoAndPlay(25); } if (gameRoot.yellow1ainplay == true) { gameRoot.yellow1ainplay = false; gameRoot.yellow1a.gotoAndPlay(25); } } if (gameRoot.normal == 2) { gameRoot.normal = 0; } if (gameRoot.normal == 3) { gameRoot.arma2 = gameRoot.arma1; if (gameRoot.arma2 == 0) { gameRoot.marma2.gotoAndStop(1); } else { gameRoot.marma2.gotoAndPlay(2); } gameRoot.escudo2 = gameRoot.escudo1; if (gameRoot.escudo2 == 0) { gameRoot.mescudo2.gotoAndStop(1); } else { gameRoot.mescudo2.gotoAndPlay(2); } gameRoot.veneno2 = gameRoot.veneno1; if (gameRoot.veneno2 == 0) { gameRoot.mveneno2.gotoAndStop(1); } else { gameRoot.mveneno2.gotoAndPlay(2); } gameRoot.normal = 0; } if (gameRoot.normal == 4) { gameRoot.stars = gameRoot.stars - 1; gameRoot.p1BanishingSlot("1", "a", "attack"); gameRoot.p1BanishingSlot("2", "b", "attack"); gameRoot.attackerSlot1a = false; gameRoot.attackerSlot2a = false; gameRoot.attackSlot1Power1 = 0; gameRoot.attackSlot1Defense1 = 0; gameRoot.attackSlot2Power1 = 0; gameRoot.attackSlot2Defense1 = 0; if (gameRoot.dunwich1attSlot1a == true) { gameRoot.dunwich1attSlot1a = false; gameRoot.dunwich1a.gotoAndPlay(25); } if (gameRoot.dunwich1attSlot2a == true) { gameRoot.dunwich1attSlot2a = false; gameRoot.dunwich1b.gotoAndPlay(25); } if (gameRoot.shoggoth1attSlot1a == true) { gameRoot.shoggoth1attSlot1a = false; gameRoot.shoggoth1a.gotoAndPlay(25); } if (gameRoot.shoggoth1attSlot2a == true) { gameRoot.shoggoth1attSlot2a = false; gameRoot.shoggoth1b.gotoAndPlay(25); } if (gameRoot.shambler1attSlot1a == true) { gameRoot.shambler1attSlot1a = false; gameRoot.shambler1a.gotoAndPlay(25); } if (gameRoot.shambler1attSlot2a == true) { gameRoot.shambler1attSlot2a = false; gameRoot.shambler1b.gotoAndPlay(25); } if (gameRoot.byakhee1attSlot1a == true) { gameRoot.byakhee1attSlot1a = false; gameRoot.byakhee1a.gotoAndPlay(25); } if (gameRoot.byakhee1attSlot2a == true) { gameRoot.byakhee1attSlot2a = false; gameRoot.byakhee1b.gotoAndPlay(25); } if (gameRoot.elderthing1attSlot1a == true) { gameRoot.elderthing1attSlot1a = false; gameRoot.elderthing1a.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.escudo1 = gameRoot.escudo1 - 3; if (gameRoot.escudo1 <= 0) { gameRoot.escudo1 = 0; gameRoot.mescudo1.gotoAndStop(1); } } if (gameRoot.elderthing1attSlot2a == true) { gameRoot.elderthing1attSlot2a = false; gameRoot.elderthing1b.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.escudo1 = gameRoot.escudo1 - 3; if (gameRoot.escudo1 <= 0) { gameRoot.escudo1 = 0; gameRoot.mescudo1.gotoAndStop(1); } } gameRoot.text_defense1 = gameRoot.escudo1; if (gameRoot.sanity1 <= 0) { gameRoot.sanity1 = 5; } else if (gameRoot.sanity1 >= 1) { gameRoot.sanity1 = gameRoot.sanity1 + 5; } gameRoot.msanity1plus.sanityfx = 5; gameRoot.msanity1plus.gotoAndPlay(2); if (gameRoot.sanity2 <= 0) { gameRoot.sanity2 = 5; } else if (gameRoot.sanity2 >= 1) { gameRoot.sanity2 = gameRoot.sanity2 + 5; } gameRoot.msanity2plus.sanityfx = 5; gameRoot.msanity2plus.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.insanity1 = 0; gameRoot.insanity2 = 0; gameRoot.normal = 0; } if (gameRoot.cardType == 15) { if (gameRoot.miskuni1inplay == true) { gameRoot.arma1 = gameRoot.arma1 - 2; if (gameRoot.arma1 <= 0) { gameRoot.arma1 = 0; gameRoot.marma1.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.text_attack1 = gameRoot.arma1; } if (gameRoot.darkwoods1inplay == true) { gameRoot.arma1 = gameRoot.arma1 - 3; if (gameRoot.arma1 <= 0) { gameRoot.arma1 = 0; gameRoot.marma1.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.text_attack1 = gameRoot.arma1; } gameRoot.cityor1inplay = false; gameRoot.darkwoods1inplay = false; gameRoot.mobhideout1inplay = false; gameRoot.miskuni1inplay = false; gameRoot.arkhamasy1inplay = false; gameRoot.cityor1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.darkwoods1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.mobhideout1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.miskuni1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.arkhamasy1.gotoAndStop(1); } if (gameRoot.normal == 5) { experiment = random(4); if (experiment == 0) { gameRoot.banishingbyshogg = true; if (gameRoot.attacker2Slot1a == false) { trace("Summon shoggoth to att slot 1"); gameRoot.shoggoth2a.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.shoggoth2ainplay = true; gameRoot.attacker2Slot1a = true; gameRoot.attackSlot1Power2 = 4; gameRoot.attackSlot1Defense2 = 2; } else if (gameRoot.attacker2Slot2a == false) { trace("Summon shoggoth to att slot 2"); gameRoot.shoggoth2b.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.shoggoth2binplay = true; gameRoot.attacker2Slot2a = true; gameRoot.attackSlot2Power2 = 4; gameRoot.attackSlot2Defense2 = 2; } else if (gameRoot.defender2Slot1a == false) { trace("Summon shoggoth to def slot 1"); gameRoot.shoggoth2d.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.shoggoth2dinplay = true; gameRoot.defender2Slot1a = true; gameRoot.defendSlot1Power2 = 4; gameRoot.defendSlot1Defense2 = 2; } else if (gameRoot.defender2Slot2a == false) { trace("Summon shoggoth to def slot 2"); gameRoot.shoggoth2e.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.shoggoth2einplay = true; gameRoot.defender2Slot2a = true; gameRoot.defendSlot2Power2 = 4; gameRoot.defendSlot2Defense2 = 2; } } if (experiment == 1) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = 8; } if (experiment == 2) { gameRoot.arma2 = gameRoot.arma2 + 3; gameRoot.escudo2 = gameRoot.escudo2 + 3; } if (experiment == 3) { gameRoot.sanity2 = -5; } gameRoot.normal = 0; } if (gameRoot.normal == 6) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = gameRoot.sanity1 - gameRoot.arma2; gameRoot.yogsothoth = 1; gameRoot.normal = 0; } if (gameRoot.locatPlace != 0) { _root.p2PlaceLocation(); } if (gameRoot.normal == 8) { gameRoot.banishing = true; gameRoot.normal = 0; } if (gameRoot.normal == 12) { gameRoot.banishing = true; gameRoot.cura = 4; gameRoot.normal = 0; } if ((gameRoot.normal == 9) && (gameRoot.mobhideout1inplay != true)) { if (gameRoot.prof1ainplay == true) { _root.prof1a.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.prof1ainplay = false; } else if (gameRoot.wilbur1ainplay == true) { _root.wilbur1a.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.wilbur1ainplay = false; } gameRoot.normal = 0; } if (gameRoot.normal == 10) { if (gameRoot.mobhideout1inplay != true) { if (gameRoot.prof1ainplay == true) { gameRoot.prof1ainplay = false; gameRoot.prof1a.gotoAndPlay(25); } if (gameRoot.wilbur1ainplay == true) { gameRoot.wilbur1ainplay = false; gameRoot.wilbur1a.gotoAndPlay(25); } } if (gameRoot.vest1ainplay == true) { gameRoot.vest1a.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.vest1ainplay = false; } if (gameRoot.eldersign1ainplay == true) { gameRoot.eldersign1ainplay = false; gameRoot.eldersign1a.gotoAndPlay(25); } if (gameRoot.pmanu1ainplay == true) { gameRoot.pmanu1ainplay = false; gameRoot.pmanu1a.gotoAndPlay(25); } if (gameRoot.kulten1ainplay == true) { gameRoot.kulten1ainplay = false; gameRoot.kulten1a.gotoAndPlay(25); } if (gameRoot.yellow1ainplay == true) { gameRoot.yellow1ainplay = false; gameRoot.yellow1a.gotoAndPlay(25); } gameRoot.tomeSlot1full = false; gameRoot.charSlot1full = false; gameRoot.itemSlot1full = false; gameRoot.normal = 0; } gameRoot.suicide2(); if (gameRoot.betrayed == 1) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = ((gameRoot.defendSlot1Power1 + gameRoot.defendSlot2Power1) + gameRoot.attackSlot1Power1) + gameRoot.attackSlot2Power1; gameRoot.betrayed = 0; } if (((gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] > 0) and (gameRoot.normal != 1)) and (gameRoot.ignoreelder != 1)) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o1"] = ((((gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] + gameRoot.arma2) + gameRoot.maldicion1) - gameRoot.escudo1) - gameRoot.bless1) * gameRoot.mult2; trace("Add arcane power to attack" + gameRoot.arma2); if (gameRoot.mult2 > 1) { gameRoot.mult2 = 1; } if (gameRoot["da\u00F1o1"] > gameRoot.largest) { gameRoot.largest = gameRoot["da\u00F1o1"]; } if ((gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] > 0) && (gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] < gameRoot.escudo1)) { gameRoot.mescudo1.gotoAndPlay(30); } } else if (gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] <= 0) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o1"] = 0; gameRoot.normal = 0; } if ((gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] > 0) and (gameRoot.normal == 1)) { if ((gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] == 8) && (gameRoot.vest1ainplay == true)) { gameRoot.vestdefense = 4; gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = 4; gameRoot.vest1Uses = gameRoot.vest1Uses - 1; gameRoot.vest1a.gotoAndPlay(23); if (gameRoot.vest1Uses == 0) { gameRoot.vest1ainplay = false; gameRoot.vest1a.gotoAndPlay(25); } } else if (gameRoot.vest1ainplay == true) { gameRoot.vestdefense = gameRoot["da\u00F1o"]; gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = 0; gameRoot.vest1Uses = gameRoot.vest1Uses - 1; gameRoot.vest1a.gotoAndPlay(23); if (gameRoot.vest1Uses == 0) { gameRoot.vest1ainplay = false; gameRoot.vest1a.gotoAndPlay(25); } if (_root.sound == 1) { mySound2 = new Sound(); mySound2.setVolume(30); if (gameRoot.cardsound1 == 1) { mySound2.attachSound("shotgun"); } else if (gameRoot.cardsound2 == 1) { mySound2.attachSound("tommygun"); } else if (gameRoot.cardsound3 == 1) { mySound2.attachSound("raid"); } mySound2.start(); } } gameRoot["da\u00F1o1"] = gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] * gameRoot.mult2; trace("Normal weapons used - no arcane power"); if (gameRoot.mult2 > 1) { gameRoot.mult2 = 1; } if (gameRoot["da\u00F1o1"] > gameRoot.largest) { gameRoot.largest = gameRoot["da\u00F1o1"]; } } else if (gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] <= 0) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o1"] = 0; } if ((gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] > 0) and (gameRoot.ignoreelder == 1)) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o1"] = (gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] + gameRoot.arma2) * gameRoot.mult2; trace("ignore elder, but add arcane"); if (gameRoot.mult2 > 1) { gameRoot.mult2 = 1; } if (gameRoot["da\u00F1o1"] > gameRoot.largest) { gameRoot.largest = gameRoot["da\u00F1o1"]; } } else if (gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] <= 0) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o1"] = 0; gameRoot.normal = 0; } if (gameRoot.multiplyaux > gameRoot.mult2) { gameRoot.mult2 = gameRoot.multiplyaux; } if (gameRoot.regenaux > gameRoot.regen2) { gameRoot.regen2 = gameRoot.regenaux; } if (gameRoot.arma1aux > 0) { gameRoot.arma2 = gameRoot.arma2 + gameRoot.arma1aux; } if (gameRoot.arma1aux < 0) { gameRoot.arma2 = gameRoot.arma2 + gameRoot.arma1aux; } if (gameRoot.arma2 < 0) { gameRoot.arma2 = 0; } if (gameRoot.escudo1aux > 0) { gameRoot.escudo2 = gameRoot.escudo2 + gameRoot.escudo1aux; } if (gameRoot.escudo1aux < 0) { gameRoot.escudo2 = gameRoot.escudo2 + gameRoot.escudo1aux; } if (gameRoot.escudo2 < 0) { gameRoot.escudo2 = 0; } if (gameRoot.tomePlace > 0) { if (gameRoot.tomeSlot1full != true) { _root.p2TomePlace1(); } else if ((gameRoot.tomePlace > 0) && (gameRoot.kulten2ainplay != true)) { _root.p2TomePlace1(); } } if (gameRoot.itemPlace > 0) { if (gameRoot.itemSlot1full != true) { _root.p2itemPlace1(); } else if ((gameRoot.itemPlace > 0) && (gameRoot.eldersign2ainplay != true)) { _root.p2itemPlace1(); } } if (gameRoot.veneno1aux > 0) { gameRoot.veneno1 = gameRoot.veneno1 + gameRoot.veneno1aux; gameRoot.mveneno1.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.text_poison1 = gameRoot.veneno1; } if (((gameRoot.maldicion1aux > gameRoot.maldicion1) && (gameRoot.immunity == 0)) && (gameRoot.invisible == 0)) { gameRoot.maldicion1 = gameRoot.maldicion1aux; gameRoot.mmaldicion1.gotoAndStop(2); } if (gameRoot.bless1aux > gameRoot.bless2) { gameRoot.bless2 = gameRoot.bless1aux; } if ((gameRoot.paraliza > gameRoot.paraliza2) && (gameRoot.invisible == 0)) { gameRoot.paraliza2 = gameRoot.paraliza; } if ((gameRoot.ceguera1aux == 1) || ((random(100) < gameRoot.paraliza2) && (gameRoot.invisible == 0))) { gameRoot.ceguera1 = 1; } if (gameRoot.parapeto1aux > gameRoot.parapeto2) { gameRoot.parapeto2 = gameRoot.parapeto1aux; gameRoot.minvulner2.gotoAndStop(2); } if (gameRoot.dispelo > 0) { if (gameRoot.eldersign1ainplay == true) { gameRoot.eldersign1a.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.eldersign1ainplay = false; } gameRoot.parapeto1 = 0; gameRoot.mescudo1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.text_defense1 = 0; gameRoot.escudo1 = 0; } if (gameRoot.curaveneno > 0) { gameRoot.mveneno2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.text_poison2 = 0; gameRoot.veneno2 = 0; } gameRoot.cura2 = gameRoot.cura1aux; } gameRoot.turno = 0; } function p2Banishing() { trace("Opponent banishes your creature"); if (gameRoot.attackerSlot1a == true) { if (gameRoot.dunwich1attSlot1a == true) { gameRoot.dunwich1attSlot1a = false; gameRoot.attackerSlot1a = false; gameRoot.dunwich1a.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.attackSlot1Power1 = 0; gameRoot.attackSlot1Defense1 = 0; if (gameRoot.cura > 0) { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("cura"); } else if (gameRoot.veneno2 > 0) { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("veneno"); } else { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("fin"); } return(undefined); } } if (gameRoot.attackerSlot2a == true) { if (gameRoot.dunwich1attSlot2a == true) { gameRoot.dunwich1attSlot2a = false; gameRoot.attackerSlot2a = false; gameRoot.dunwich1b.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.attackSlot2Power1 = 0; gameRoot.attackSlot2Defense1 = 0; if (gameRoot.cura > 0) { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("cura"); } else if (gameRoot.veneno2 > 0) { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("veneno"); } else { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("fin"); } return(undefined); } } if (gameRoot.defenderSlot1a == true) { if (gameRoot.dunwich1defSlot1a == true) { gameRoot.dunwich1defSlot1a = false; gameRoot.defenderSlot1a = false; gameRoot.dunwich1d.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.defendSlot1Power1 = 0; gameRoot.defendSlot1Defense1 = 0; if (gameRoot.cura > 0) { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("cura"); } else if (gameRoot.veneno2 > 0) { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("veneno"); } else { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("fin"); } return(undefined); } } if (gameRoot.defenderSlot2a == true) { if (gameRoot.dunwich1defSlot2a == true) { gameRoot.dunwich1defSlot2a = false; gameRoot.defenderSlot2a = false; gameRoot.dunwich1e.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.defendSlot2Power1 = 0; gameRoot.defendSlot2Defense1 = 0; if (gameRoot.cura > 0) { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("cura"); } else if (gameRoot.veneno2 > 0) { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("veneno"); } else { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("fin"); } return(undefined); } } if (gameRoot.attackerSlot1a == true) { if (gameRoot.shoggoth1attSlot1a == true) { gameRoot.shoggoth1attSlot1a = false; gameRoot.attackerSlot1a = false; gameRoot.shoggoth1a.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.attackSlot1Power1 = 0; gameRoot.attackSlot1Defense1 = 0; if (gameRoot.cura > 0) { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("cura"); } else if (gameRoot.veneno2 > 0) { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("veneno"); } else { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("fin"); } return(undefined); } } if (gameRoot.attackerSlot2a == true) { if (gameRoot.shoggoth1attSlot2a == true) { gameRoot.shoggoth1attSlot2a = false; gameRoot.attackerSlot2a = false; gameRoot.shoggoth1b.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.attackSlot2Power1 = 0; gameRoot.attackSlot2Defense1 = 0; if (gameRoot.cura > 0) { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("cura"); } else if (gameRoot.veneno2 > 0) { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("veneno"); } else { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("fin"); } return(undefined); } } if (gameRoot.defenderSlot1a == true) { if (gameRoot.shoggoth1defSlot1a == true) { gameRoot.shoggoth1defSlot1a = false; gameRoot.defenderSlot1a = false; gameRoot.shoggoth1d.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.defendSlot1Power1 = 0; gameRoot.defendSlot1Defense1 = 0; if (gameRoot.cura > 0) { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("cura"); } else if (gameRoot.veneno2 > 0) { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("veneno"); } else { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("fin"); } return(undefined); } } if (gameRoot.defenderSlot2a == true) { if (gameRoot.shoggoth1defSlot2a == true) { gameRoot.shoggoth1defSlot2a = false; gameRoot.defenderSlot2a = false; gameRoot.shoggoth1e.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.defendSlot2Power1 = 0; gameRoot.defendSlot2Defense1 = 0; if (gameRoot.cura > 0) { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("cura"); } else if (gameRoot.veneno2 > 0) { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("veneno"); } else { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("fin"); } return(undefined); } } if (gameRoot.attackerSlot1a == true) { if (gameRoot.byakhee1attSlot1a == true) { gameRoot.byakhee1attSlot1a = false; gameRoot.attackerSlot1a = false; gameRoot.byakhee1a.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.attackSlot1Power1 = 0; gameRoot.attackSlot1Defense1 = 0; if (gameRoot.cura > 0) { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("cura"); } else if (gameRoot.veneno2 > 0) { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("veneno"); } else { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("fin"); } return(undefined); } } if (gameRoot.attackerSlot2a == true) { if (gameRoot.byakhee1attSlot2a == true) { gameRoot.byakhee1attSlot2a = false; gameRoot.attackerSlot2a = false; gameRoot.byakhee1b.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.attackSlot2Power1 = 0; gameRoot.attackSlot2Defense1 = 0; if (gameRoot.cura > 0) { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("cura"); } else if (gameRoot.veneno2 > 0) { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("veneno"); } else { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("fin"); } return(undefined); } } if (gameRoot.defenderSlot1a == true) { if (gameRoot.byakhee1defSlot1a == true) { gameRoot.byakhee1defSlot1a = false; gameRoot.defenderSlot1a = false; gameRoot.byakhee1d.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.defendSlot1Power1 = 0; gameRoot.defendSlot1Defense1 = 0; if (gameRoot.cura > 0) { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("cura"); } else if (gameRoot.veneno2 > 0) { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("veneno"); } else { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("fin"); } return(undefined); } } if (gameRoot.defenderSlot2a == true) { if (gameRoot.byakhee1defSlot2a == true) { gameRoot.byakhee1defSlot2a = false; gameRoot.defenderSlot2a = false; gameRoot.byakhee1e.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.defendSlot2Power1 = 0; gameRoot.defendSlot2Defense1 = 0; if (gameRoot.cura > 0) { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("cura"); } else if (gameRoot.veneno2 > 0) { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("veneno"); } else { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("fin"); } return(undefined); } } if (gameRoot.attackerSlot1a == true) { if (gameRoot.shambler1attSlot1a == true) { gameRoot.shambler1attSlot1a = false; gameRoot.attackerSlot1a = false; gameRoot.shambler1a.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.attackSlot1Power1 = 0; gameRoot.attackSlot1Defense1 = 0; if (gameRoot.cura > 0) { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("cura"); } else if (gameRoot.veneno2 > 0) { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("veneno"); } else { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("fin"); } return(undefined); } } if (gameRoot.attackerSlot2a == true) { if (gameRoot.shambler1attSlot2a == true) { gameRoot.shambler1attSlot2a = false; gameRoot.attackerSlot2a = false; gameRoot.shambler1b.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.attackSlot2Power1 = 0; gameRoot.attackSlot2Defense1 = 0; if (gameRoot.cura > 0) { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("cura"); } else if (gameRoot.veneno2 > 0) { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("veneno"); } else { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("fin"); } return(undefined); } } if (gameRoot.defenderSlot1a == true) { if (gameRoot.shambler1defSlot1a == true) { gameRoot.shambler1defSlot1a = false; gameRoot.defenderSlot1a = false; gameRoot.shambler1d.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.defendSlot1Power1 = 0; gameRoot.defendSlot1Defense1 = 0; if (gameRoot.cura > 0) { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("cura"); } else if (gameRoot.veneno2 > 0) { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("veneno"); } else { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("fin"); } return(undefined); } } if (gameRoot.defenderSlot2a == true) { if (gameRoot.shambler1defSlot2a == true) { gameRoot.shambler1defSlot2a = false; gameRoot.defenderSlot2a = false; gameRoot.shambler1e.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.defendSlot2Power1 = 0; gameRoot.defendSlot2Defense1 = 0; if (gameRoot.cura > 0) { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("cura"); } else if (gameRoot.veneno2 > 0) { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("veneno"); } else { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("fin"); } return(undefined); } } if (gameRoot.attackerSlot1a == true) { if (gameRoot.elderthing1attSlot1a == true) { gameRoot.elderthing1attSlot1a = false; gameRoot.attackerSlot1a = false; gameRoot.elderthing1a.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.attackSlot1Power1 = 0; gameRoot.attackSlot1Defense1 = 0; gameRoot.escudo1 = gameRoot.escudo1 - 3; if (gameRoot.escudo1 <= 0) { gameRoot.escudo1 = 0; gameRoot.mescudo1.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.text_defense1 = gameRoot.escudo1; if (gameRoot.cura > 0) { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("cura"); } else if (gameRoot.veneno2 > 0) { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("veneno"); } else { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("fin"); } return(undefined); } } if (gameRoot.attackerSlot2a == true) { if (gameRoot.elderthing1attSlot2a == true) { gameRoot.elderthing1attSlot2a = false; gameRoot.attackerSlot2a = false; gameRoot.elderthing1b.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.attackSlot2Power1 = 0; gameRoot.attackSlot2Defense1 = 0; gameRoot.escudo1 = gameRoot.escudo1 - 3; if (gameRoot.escudo1 <= 0) { gameRoot.escudo1 = 0; gameRoot.mescudo1.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.text_defense1 = gameRoot.escudo1; if (gameRoot.cura > 0) { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("cura"); } else if (gameRoot.veneno2 > 0) { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("veneno"); } else { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("fin"); } return(undefined); } } if (gameRoot.defenderSlot1a == true) { if (gameRoot.elderthing1defSlot1a == true) { gameRoot.elderthing1defSlot1a = false; gameRoot.defenderSlot1a = false; gameRoot.elderthing1d.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.defendSlot1Power1 = 0; gameRoot.defendSlot1Defense1 = 0; gameRoot.escudo1 = gameRoot.escudo1 - 3; if (gameRoot.escudo1 <= 0) { gameRoot.escudo1 = 0; gameRoot.mescudo1.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.text_defense1 = gameRoot.escudo1; if (gameRoot.cura > 0) { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("cura"); } else if (gameRoot.veneno2 > 0) { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("veneno"); } else { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("fin"); } return(undefined); } } if (gameRoot.defenderSlot2a == true) { if (gameRoot.elderthing1defSlot2a == true) { gameRoot.elderthing1defSlot2a = false; gameRoot.defenderSlot2a = false; gameRoot.elderthing1e.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.defendSlot2Power1 = 0; gameRoot.defendSlot2Defense1 = 0; gameRoot.escudo1 = gameRoot.escudo1 - 3; if (gameRoot.escudo1 <= 0) { gameRoot.escudo1 = 0; gameRoot.mescudo1.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.text_defense1 = gameRoot.escudo1; if (gameRoot.cura > 0) { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("cura"); } else if (gameRoot.veneno2 > 0) { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("veneno"); } else { ejecutar["cda\u00F1o1"].gotoAndPlay("fin"); } return(undefined); } } } function p2creaturekillingdouble() { trace("CREATURE double killing function active p1"); if (gameRoot.creatureAttPow >= (gameRoot.creatureDefPow + gameRoot.creatureDefPow)) { killDefenders2(); } } function p2creaturekilling() { if (gameRoot.creatureAttPow >= gameRoot.creatureDefPow) { trace((("his attack " + gameRoot.creatureAttPow) + " against my defense") + gameRoot.creatureDefPow); killDefenders2(); } if (gameRoot.defendersAtt >= gameRoot.attackersDef) { trace((("my attack " + gameRoot.defendersAtt) + " against my defense") + gameRoot.attackersDef); killAttackers2(); } } function killDefenders2() { trace("CREATURE killing function for p2"); if ((gameRoot.defenderSlot1a != true) && (gameRoot.defenderSlot2a != true)) { ejecutar.creatureattacks2.gotoAndPlay("fin"); } else if ((gameRoot.defenderSlot1a == true) && (gameRoot.defenderSlot2a != true)) { if (gameRoot.elderthing1defSlot1a == true) { gameRoot.elderthing1d.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.elderthing1defSlot1a = false; gameRoot.escudo1 = gameRoot.escudo1 - 3; if (gameRoot.escudo1 <= 0) { gameRoot.escudo1 = 0; gameRoot.mescudo1.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.text_defense1 = gameRoot.escudo1; } else if (gameRoot.shoggoth1defSlot1a == true) { gameRoot.shoggoth1d.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.shoggoth1defSlot1a = false; } else if (gameRoot.shambler1defSlot1a == true) { gameRoot.shambler1d.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.shambler1defSlot1a = false; } else if (gameRoot.byakhee1defSlot1a == true) { gameRoot.byakhee1d.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.byakhee1defSlot1a = false; } else if (gameRoot.dunwich1defSlot1a == true) { gameRoot.dunwich1d.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.dunwich1defSlot1a = false; } gameRoot.defenderSlot1a = false; gameRoot.defendSlot1Power1 = 0; gameRoot.defendSlot1Defense1 = 0; } else if ((gameRoot.defenderSlot1a != true) && (gameRoot.defenderSlot2a == true)) { if (gameRoot.elderthing1defSlot2a == true) { gameRoot.elderthing1e.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.elderthing1defSlot2a = false; gameRoot.escudo1 = gameRoot.escudo1 - 3; if (gameRoot.escudo1 <= 0) { gameRoot.escudo1 = 0; gameRoot.mescudo1.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.text_defense1 = gameRoot.escudo1; } else if (gameRoot.shoggoth1defSlot2a == true) { gameRoot.shoggoth1e.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.shoggoth1defSlot2a = false; } else if (gameRoot.shambler1defSlot2a == true) { gameRoot.shambler1e.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.shambler1defSlot2a = false; } else if (gameRoot.byakhee1defSlot2a == true) { gameRoot.byakhee1e.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.byakhee1defSlot2a = false; } else if (gameRoot.dunwich1defSlot2a == true) { gameRoot.dunwich1e.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.dunwich1defSlot2a = false; } gameRoot.defenderSlot2a = false; gameRoot.defendSlot2Power1 = 0; gameRoot.defendSlot2Defense1 = 0; } else if ((gameRoot.defenderSlot1a == true) && (gameRoot.defenderSlot2a == true)) { whichcreature = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 2); if (whichcreature == 1) { if (gameRoot.elderthing1defSlot1a == true) { gameRoot.elderthing1d.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.elderthing1defSlot1a = false; gameRoot.escudo1 = gameRoot.escudo1 - 3; if (gameRoot.escudo1 <= 0) { gameRoot.escudo1 = 0; gameRoot.mescudo1.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.text_defense1 = gameRoot.escudo1; } else if (gameRoot.shoggoth1defSlot1a == true) { gameRoot.shoggoth1d.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.shoggoth1defSlot1a = false; } else if (gameRoot.shambler1defSlot1a == true) { gameRoot.shambler1d.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.shambler1defSlot1a = false; } else if (gameRoot.byakhee1defSlot1a == true) { gameRoot.byakhee1d.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.byakhee1defSlot1a = false; } else if (gameRoot.dunwich1defSlot1a == true) { gameRoot.dunwich1d.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.dunwich1defSlot1a = false; } gameRoot.defenderSlot1a = false; gameRoot.defendSlot1Power1 = 0; gameRoot.defendSlot1Defense1 = 0; } if (whichcreature == 2) { if (gameRoot.elderthing1defSlot2a == true) { gameRoot.elderthing1e.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.elderthing1defSlot2a = false; gameRoot.escudo1 = gameRoot.escudo1 - 3; if (gameRoot.escudo1 <= 0) { gameRoot.escudo1 = 0; gameRoot.mescudo1.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.text_defense1 = gameRoot.escudo1; } else if (gameRoot.shoggoth1defSlot2a == true) { gameRoot.shoggoth1e.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.shoggoth1defSlot2a = false; } else if (gameRoot.shambler1defSlot2a == true) { gameRoot.shambler1e.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.shambler1defSlot2a = false; } else if (gameRoot.byakhee1defSlot2a == true) { gameRoot.byakhee1e.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.byakhee1defSlot2a = false; } else if (gameRoot.dunwich1defSlot2a == true) { gameRoot.dunwich1e.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.dunwich1defSlot2a = false; } gameRoot.defenderSlot2a = false; gameRoot.defendSlot2Power1 = 0; gameRoot.defendSlot2Defense1 = 0; } } else if (((gameRoot.defenderSlot1a != true) && (gameRoot.defenderSlot2a == true)) && (gameRoot.defenderSlot3a == true)) { whichcreature = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 2); if (whichcreature == 1) { if (gameRoot.elderthing1defSlot2a == true) { gameRoot.elderthing1e.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.elderthing1defSlot2a = false; gameRoot.escudo1 = gameRoot.escudo1 - 3; if (gameRoot.escudo1 <= 0) { gameRoot.escudo1 = 0; gameRoot.mescudo1.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.text_defense1 = gameRoot.escudo1; } else if (gameRoot.shoggoth1defSlot2a == true) { gameRoot.shoggoth1e.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.shoggoth1defSlot2a = false; } else if (gameRoot.shambler1defSlot2a == true) { gameRoot.shambler1e.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.shambler1defSlot2a = false; } else if (gameRoot.byakhee1defSlot2a == true) { gameRoot.byakhee1e.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.byakhee1defSlot2a = false; } else if (gameRoot.dunwich1defSlot2a == true) { gameRoot.dunwich1e.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.dunwich1defSlot2a = false; } gameRoot.defenderSlot2a = false; gameRoot.defendSlot2Power1 = 0; gameRoot.defendSlot2Defense1 = 0; } if (whichcreature == 2) { if (gameRoot.elderthing1defSlot3a == true) { gameRoot.elderthing1f.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.elderthing1defSlot3a = false; gameRoot.escudo1 = gameRoot.escudo1 - 3; if (gameRoot.escudo1 <= 0) { gameRoot.escudo1 = 0; gameRoot.mescudo1.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.text_defense1 = gameRoot.escudo1; } else if (gameRoot.shoggoth1defSlot3a == true) { gameRoot.shoggoth1f.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.shoggoth1defSlot3a = false; } else if (gameRoot.shambler1defSlot3a == true) { gameRoot.shambler1f.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.shambler1defSlot3a = false; } else if (gameRoot.byakhee1defSlot3a == true) { gameRoot.byakhee1f.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.byakhee1defSlot3a = false; } else if (gameRoot.dunwich1defSlot3a == true) { gameRoot.dunwich1f.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.dunwich1defSlot3a = false; } gameRoot.defenderSlot3a = false; gameRoot.defendSlot3Power1 = 0; gameRoot.defendSlot3Defense1 = 0; } } } function killAttackers2() { trace("defendersAtt: " + gameRoot.defendersAtt); trace("attackersDef: " + gameRoot.attackersDef); if ((gameRoot.attacker2Slot1a == true) && (gameRoot.attacker2Slot2a != true)) { if (gameRoot.elderthing2ainplay == true) { gameRoot.elderthing2a.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.elderthing2ainplay = false; gameRoot.escudo2 = gameRoot.escudo2 - 3; if (gameRoot.escudo2 <= 0) { gameRoot.escudo2 = 0; gameRoot.mescudo2.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.text_defense2 = gameRoot.escudo2; } else if (gameRoot.shoggoth2ainplay == true) { gameRoot.shoggoth2a.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.shoggoth2ainplay = false; } else if (gameRoot.shambler2ainplay == true) { gameRoot.shambler2a.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.shambler2ainplay = false; } else if (gameRoot.byakhee2ainplay == true) { gameRoot.byakhee2a.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.byakhee2ainplay = false; } else if (gameRoot.dunwich2ainplay == true) { gameRoot.dunwich2a.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.dunwich2ainplay = false; } gameRoot.attacker2Slot1a = false; gameRoot.attackSlot1Power2 = 0; gameRoot.attackSlot1Defense2 = 0; } else if ((gameRoot.attacker2Slot1a != true) && (gameRoot.attacker2Slot2a == true)) { if (gameRoot.elderthing2binplay == true) { gameRoot.elderthing2b.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.elderthing2binplay = false; gameRoot.escudo2 = gameRoot.escudo2 - 3; if (gameRoot.escudo2 <= 0) { gameRoot.escudo2 = 0; gameRoot.mescudo2.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.text_defense2 = gameRoot.escudo2; } else if (gameRoot.shoggoth2binplay == true) { gameRoot.shoggoth2b.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.shoggoth2binplay = false; } else if (gameRoot.shambler2binplay == true) { gameRoot.shambler2b.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.shambler2binplay = false; } else if (gameRoot.byakhee2binplay == true) { gameRoot.byakhee2b.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.byakhee2binplay = false; } else if (gameRoot.dunwich2binplay == true) { gameRoot.dunwich2b.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.dunwich2binplay = false; } gameRoot.attacker2Slot2a = false; gameRoot.attackSlot2Power2 = 0; gameRoot.attackSlot2Defense2 = 0; } else if ((gameRoot.attacker2Slot1a == true) && (gameRoot.attacker2Slot2a == true)) { whichcreature = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 2); if (whichcreature == 1) { if (gameRoot.elderthing2ainplay == true) { gameRoot.elderthing2a.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.elderthing2ainplay = false; gameRoot.escudo2 = gameRoot.escudo2 - 3; if (gameRoot.escudo2 <= 0) { gameRoot.escudo2 = 0; gameRoot.mescudo2.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.text_defense2 = gameRoot.escudo2; } else if (gameRoot.shoggoth2ainplay == true) { gameRoot.shoggoth2a.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.shoggoth2ainplay = false; } else if (gameRoot.shambler2ainplay == true) { gameRoot.shambler2a.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.shambler2ainplay = false; } else if (gameRoot.byakhee2ainplay == true) { gameRoot.byakhee2a.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.byakhee2ainplay = false; } else if (gameRoot.dunwich2ainplay == true) { gameRoot.dunwich2a.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.dunwich2ainplay = false; } gameRoot.attacker2Slot1a = false; gameRoot.attackSlot1Power2 = 0; gameRoot.attackSlot1Defense2 = 0; } if (whichcreature == 2) { if (gameRoot.elderthing2binplay == true) { gameRoot.elderthing2b.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.elderthing2binplay = false; gameRoot.escudo2 = gameRoot.escudo2 - 3; if (gameRoot.escudo2 <= 0) { gameRoot.escudo2 = 0; gameRoot.mescudo2.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.text_defense2 = gameRoot.escudo2; } else if (gameRoot.shoggoth2binplay == true) { gameRoot.shoggoth2b.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.shoggoth2binplay = false; } else if (gameRoot.shambler2binplay == true) { gameRoot.shambler2b.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.shambler2binplay = false; } else if (gameRoot.byakhee2binplay == true) { gameRoot.byakhee2b.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.byakhee2binplay = false; } else if (gameRoot.dunwich2binplay == true) { gameRoot.dunwich2b.gotoAndPlay(25); gameRoot.dunwich2binplay = false; } gameRoot.attacker2Slot2a = false; gameRoot.attackSlot2Power2 = 0; gameRoot.attackSlot2Defense2 = 0; } } } function p2CharPlace1() { gameRoot.charSlot1full = true; if (gameRoot.prof2ainplay == true) { gameRoot.prof2ainplay = false; gameRoot.prof2a.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.escudo2 = gameRoot.escudo2 - 2; if (gameRoot.escudo2 <= 0) { gameRoot.escudo2 = 0; gameRoot.mescudo2.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.text_defense2 = gameRoot.escudo2; gameRoot.arma2 = gameRoot.arma2 - 1; if (gameRoot.arma2 <= 0) { gameRoot.arma2 = 0; gameRoot.marma2.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.text_attack2 = gameRoot.arma2; } if (gameRoot.charPlace == 1) { gameRoot.prof2a.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.stars = gameRoot.stars - 1; gameRoot.prof2ainplay = true; gameRoot.wilbur2ainplay = false; gameRoot.wilbur2a.gotoAndStop(1); } if (gameRoot.charPlace == 2) { gameRoot.wilbur2a.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.wilbur2ainplay = true; } } function p2TomePlace1() { gameRoot.tomeSlot1full = true; if (gameRoot.pmanu2ainplay == true) { gameRoot.pmanu2ainplay = false; gameRoot.arma2 = gameRoot.arma2 - 2; if (gameRoot.arma2 <= 0) { gameRoot.arma2 = 0; gameRoot.marma2.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.text_attack2 = gameRoot.arma2; } if (gameRoot.kulten2ainplay == true) { gameRoot.kulten2ainplay = false; gameRoot.arma2 = gameRoot.arma2 - 3; if (gameRoot.arma2 <= 0) { gameRoot.arma2 = 0; gameRoot.marma2.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.text_attack2 = gameRoot.arma2; } if (gameRoot.yellow2ainplay == true) { gameRoot.yellow2ainplay = false; } if (gameRoot.tomePlace == 1) { gameRoot.pmanu2a.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.pmanu2ainplay = true; gameRoot.kulten2a.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.yellow2a.gotoAndStop(1); } if (gameRoot.tomePlace == 2) { gameRoot.kulten2a.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.kulten2ainplay = true; gameRoot.pmanu2a.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.yellow2a.gotoAndStop(1); } if (gameRoot.tomePlace == 3) { gameRoot.yellow2a.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.yellow2ainplay = true; gameRoot.kulten2a.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.pmanu2a.gotoAndStop(1); } } function p2itemPlace1() { gameRoot.itemSlot1full = true; if (gameRoot.itemPlace == 1) { gameRoot.vest2Uses = 2; gameRoot.vest2a.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.vest2ainplay = true; gameRoot.eldersign2ainplay = false; gameRoot.eldersign2a.gotoAndStop(1); } if (gameRoot.itemPlace == 2) { gameRoot.stars = gameRoot.stars - 1; gameRoot.eldersign2a.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.eldersign2ainplay = true; gameRoot.vest2ainplay = false; gameRoot.vest2a.gotoAndStop(1); } } function p2Charkill1() { if (gameRoot.mobhideout1inplay != true) { gameRoot.charSlot1full = false; if (gameRoot.prof2ainplay == true) { gameRoot.prof2ainplay = false; gameRoot.prof2a.gotoAndPlay(25); } if (gameRoot.wilbur2ainplay == true) { gameRoot.wilbur2ainplay = false; gameRoot.wilbur2a.gotoAndPlay(25); } } else { trace("Card has no effect"); } } function p2PlaceLocation() { if (gameRoot.miskuni2inplay == true) { gameRoot.arma2 = gameRoot.arma2 - 2; if (gameRoot.arma2 <= 0) { gameRoot.arma2 = 0; gameRoot.marma2.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.text_attack2 = gameRoot.arma2; } if (gameRoot.darkwoods2inplay == true) { gameRoot.arma2 = gameRoot.arma2 - 3; if (gameRoot.arma2 <= 0) { gameRoot.arma2 = 0; gameRoot.marma2.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.text_attack2 = gameRoot.arma2; } gameRoot.cityor2inplay = false; gameRoot.darkwoods2inplay = false; gameRoot.mobhideout2inplay = false; gameRoot.miskuni2inplay = false; gameRoot.arkhamasy2inplay = false; if (locatPlace == 1) { gameRoot.arkhamasy2inplay = true; gameRoot.arkhamasy2.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.cityor2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.darkwoods2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.mobhideout2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.miskuni2.gotoAndStop(1); } if (locatPlace == 2) { gameRoot.miskuni2inplay = true; gameRoot.miskuni2.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.cityor2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.darkwoods2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.mobhideout2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.arkhamasy2.gotoAndStop(1); } if (locatPlace == 3) { gameRoot.stars = gameRoot.stars + 1; gameRoot.cityor2inplay = true; gameRoot.cityor2.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.darkwoods2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.mobhideout2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.miskuni2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.arkhamasy2.gotoAndStop(1); if (gameRoot.sanity1 <= 0) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = 10; } else { gameRoot.sanity1 = gameRoot.sanity1 - 10; gameRoot.msanity1.sanityfx = 10; gameRoot.msanity1.gotoAndPlay(2); } } if (locatPlace == 4) { gameRoot.mobhideout2inplay = true; gameRoot.mobhideout2.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.cityor2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.darkwoods2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.miskuni2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.arkhamasy2.gotoAndStop(1); } if (locatPlace == 5) { gameRoot.stars = gameRoot.stars + 1; gameRoot.darkwoods2inplay = true; gameRoot.darkwoods2.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.cityor2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.mobhideout2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.miskuni2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.arkhamasy2.gotoAndStop(1); } } function initRankScreen() { if (gameRoot.vida1 == gameRoot.maxvida) { gameResultsLevel.perfectlife = 20; } else { gameResultsLevel.perfectlife = 0; } if (gameRoot.vida1 == 0) { gameResultsLevel.currenttotaltag._visible = false; gameResultsLevel.currentranktag._visible = false; gameResultsLevel.finalranktag._visible = true; gameResultsLevel.finaltotaltag._visible = true; } else { gameResultsLevel.currenttotaltag._visible = true; gameResultsLevel.currentranktag._visible = true; gameResultsLevel.finalranktag._visible = false; gameResultsLevel.finaltotaltag._visible = false; } = 0; gameResultsLevel.damageinflicteda = gameRoot.damageinflicted; gameResultsLevel.damagereceived = gameRoot.matchdamagereceived; gameResultsLevel.cardsused = gameRoot.matchcardsused; } function setCurrentRank() { gameResultsLevel.botonmask.useHandCursor = false; gameResultsLevel.cliplevel.texto = gameResultsLevel.levelpoints; gameResultsLevel.cliplifeleft.texto = gameRoot.vida1; gameResultsLevel.clipbesthit.texto = gameRoot.besthit; gameResultsLevel.clipdamageinflicted.texto = gameResultsLevel.damageinflicteda; gameResultsLevel.clipdamagereceived.texto = gameResultsLevel.damagereceived; gameResultsLevel.clipremainingsanity.texto = gameRoot.sanity1; gameResultsLevel.clipCardsUsed.txtcardsused = gameResultsLevel.cardsused; gameResultsLevel.clipwentinsane.texto = 0; gameResultsLevel.lossInsane = 0; gameResultsLevel.clipPerfectLife.texto = gameResultsLevel.perfectlife; if (gameRoot.wentInsane == true) { gameResultsLevel.clipwentinsane.texto = 10; gameResultsLevel.lossInsane = 10; } gameRoot.assignRankText("results"); gameResultsLevel.nextlevel._visible = false; gameResultsLevel.finalstats._visible = false; gameResultsLevel.returnmenu._visible = false; gameResultsLevel.autosave._visible = false; gameResultsLevel.savebut._visible = false; } function traceUserRanks() { roundsSharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("roundsData"); traceUserRanksArray =; var _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < traceUserRanksArray.length) { trace((("traceUserRanksArray " + _local1) + " = ") + traceUserRanksArray[_local1]); _local1++; } } function setNewRank() { gameResultsLevel.clipLevel.texto = gameRoot.levelp1; if (gameRoot.loadedgame != true) { if (gameRoot.levelp1 < gameRoot.maxlevel) { gameRoot.levelp1 = gameRoot.levelp1 + 1; } } else if (gameRoot.loadedgame == true) { gameRoot.levelp1 = gameRoot.levelp1; } gameResultsLevel.cliplifeleft.texto = gameRoot.vida1; gameResultsLevel.clipPerfectLife.texto = gameResultsLevel.perfectlife; gameResultsLevel.clipremainingsanity.texto = gameRoot.sanity1; gameResultsLevel.clipdamageinflicted.texto = gameResultsLevel.damageinflicteda; gameResultsLevel.clipbesthit.texto = gameRoot.besthit; gameResultsLevel.clipCreatureAtt.texto = gameRoot.creatureAtts; gameResultsLevel.clipdamagereceived.texto = gameResultsLevel.damagereceived; gameResultsLevel.clipCardsUsed.txtcardsused = gameResultsLevel.cardsused; gameResultsLevel.clipwentinsane.texto = 0; gameResultsLevel.lossInsane = 0; if (gameRoot.wentInsane == true) { gameResultsLevel.clipwentinsane.texto = 10; gameResultsLevel.lossInsane = 10; } if (gameRoot.loadedgame == true) { gameRoot.score = gameRoot.score; gameResultsLevel.clipmyscore.texto = gameRoot.score; } else { gameRoot.score = (((((gameRoot.vida1 + gameResultsLevel.perfectlife) + gameRoot.sanity1) + gameResultsLevel.damageinflicteda) + gameRoot.besthit) - gameResultsLevel.damagereceived) - gameResultsLevel.lossInsane; gameResultsLevel.clipmyscore.texto = gameRoot.score; } if (gameRoot.loadedgame == true) { gameRoot.loadedgame = false; gameRoot.vida1 = 0; gameResultsLevel.perfectlife = 0; gameRoot.sanity1 = 0; gameResultsLevel.damageinflicteda = 0; gameRoot.besthit = 0; gameRoot.creatureAtts = 0; gameResultsLevel.damagereceived = 0; gameResultsLevel.cardsused = 0; gameResultsLevel.clipwentinsane.texto = 0; gameResultsLevel.lossInsane = 0; gameRoot.wentInsane = false; gameRoot.creatureAtts = 0; gameResultsLevel.cliplifeleft.texto = 0; gameResultsLevel.clipPerfectLife.texto = gameResultsLevel.perfectlife; gameResultsLevel.clipremainingsanity.texto = gameRoot.sanity1; gameResultsLevel.clipdamageinflicted.texto = gameResultsLevel.damageinflicteda; gameResultsLevel.clipbesthit.texto = gameRoot.besthit; gameResultsLevel.clipCreatureAtt.texto = gameRoot.creatureAtts; gameResultsLevel.clipdamagereceived.texto = gameResultsLevel.damagereceived; gameResultsLevel.clipCardsUsed.txtcardsused = gameResultsLevel.cardsused; gameResultsLevel.clipwentinsane.texto = 0; gameResultsLevel.clipmyscore.texto = 0; } var _local23 = "0,30,f"; var _local24 = "31,40,d"; var _local21 = "41,50,c"; var _local20 = "51,60,b"; var _local22 = "61,70,a"; var _local6 = [_local23, _local24, _local21, _local20, _local22]; var _local16 = 5; var _local25 = 6; var _local14 = 30; var _local15 = rank_mc.roundBadge._width; var _local17 = rank_mc.roundBadge._height; roundsSharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("roundsData"); readRoundArray =; if (((gameRoot.levelp1 - 1) == 1) && (gameRoot.roundClicked != true)) { readRoundArray = undefined; } if (readRoundArray != undefined) { var _local19; _local19 = gameRoot.score; readRoundArray[gameRoot.levelp1 - 2] = _local19; = readRoundArray; roundsSharedObject.flush(); } else { var _local18 = new Array(); var _local19 = gameRoot.score; _local18[gameRoot.levelp1 - 2] = _local19; roundsSharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("roundsData"); = _local18; roundsSharedObject.flush(); } roundsSharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("roundsData"); readRoundArray =; var _local13 = 0; var _local12 = 0; var _local9 = new Array(); var _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < (readRoundArray.length + 1)) { if (_local5 < _local14) { duplicateMovieClip ("rank_mc.roundBadge", "badgeR" + _local5, _local5 + 1); } var _local4 = rank_mc["badgeR" + _local5]; if (_local5 == readRoundArray.length) { if (gameRoot.vida1 >= 1) { _local4.nextround_ind.gotoAndPlay("indicator"); } else { _local4.enabled = false; } } _local4.level = _local5; _local4.onRelease = function () { gameRoot.roundClicked = true; gameRoot.levelp1 = int(this.level + 1); gameRoot.gotoAndPlay("game"); }; if (_local12 >= _local16) { _local12 = 0; _local13++; } _local4._x = rank_mc.roundBadge._x + (_local12 * _local15); _local4._y = rank_mc.roundBadge._y + (_local13 * _local17); if (_local5 != readRoundArray.length) { var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local6.length) { var _local8 = _local6[_local3].split(","); var _local11 = parseInt(_local8[0]); var _local10 = parseInt(_local8[1]); var _local2 = _local8[2]; var _local7 = parseInt(readRoundArray[_local5]); if ((_local7 >= _local11) && (_local7 <= _local10)) { _local4.gotoAndStop(_local2); _local3 = _local6.length; _local9.push(_local2); } else if (_local7 < 0) { _local2 = "f"; _local4.gotoAndStop(_local2); _local3 = _local6.length; _local9.push(_local2); } else { _local2 = "s"; if (_local3 == (_local6.length - 1)) { _local9.push(_local2); } _local4.gotoAndStop(7); } _local3++; } } _local12++; _local5++; } = _local9; roundsSharedObject.flush(); traceUserRanks(); rank_mc.roundRanks.gotoAndStop(_local9[gameRoot.levelp1 - 2]); roundsSharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("roundsData"); readUserRankArray =; gameRoot.checkchallenge20(); gameRoot.assignRankText("game"); gameResultsLevel.b1._visible = false; if (gameRoot.vida1 <= 0) { gameResultsLevel.autosave._visible = false; } else if (gameRoot.vida1 >= 1) { gameResultsLevel.autosave._visible = true; } trace("LEVEL NUMBER IS NOW - " + gameRoot.levelp1); if ((gameRoot.levelp1 == 31) && (gameRoot.vida1 >= 1)) { trace("GAME IS COMPLETED"); gameRoot.gamecomplete = 1; gameResultsLevel.autosave._visible = true; gameRoot.setCookie("cardgame", "levelp1", gameRoot.levelp1); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgame", "score", gameRoot.score); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgame", "rank", gameRoot.currentrank); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgame", "bestattack", gameRoot.highbesthit); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgame", "higharcane", gameRoot.higharcane); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgame", "highelder", gameRoot.highelder); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgame", "highsanity", gameRoot.highsanity); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgame", "hightaint", gameRoot.hightaint); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgame", "complete", gameRoot.gamecomplete); gameRoot.kongregateStats.submit("GameComplete", 1); } if ((gameRoot.levelp1 <= 30) && (gameRoot.vida1 >= 1)) { gameResultsLevel.returnmenu._visible = true; gameRoot.kongregateScores.submit(gameRoot.score); gameRoot.kongregateStats.submit("BestAttack", gameRoot.highbesthit); gameRoot.kongregateStats.submit("Arcane", gameRoot.higharcane); gameRoot.kongregateStats.submit("Elder", gameRoot.highelder); gameRoot.kongregateStats.submit("Taint", gameRoot.hightaint); gameRoot.kongregateStats.submit("TimesInsane", gameRoot.highsanity); gameRoot.kongregateStats.submit("HighestRank", gameRoot.currentrank); } if (gameRoot.vida1 == 0) { _local4.gotoAndStop(1); gameResultsLevel.returnmenu._visible = true; gameRoot.kongregateScores.submit(gameRoot.score); gameRoot.kongregateStats.submit("BestAttack", gameRoot.highbesthit); gameRoot.kongregateStats.submit("Arcane", gameRoot.higharcane); gameRoot.kongregateStats.submit("Elder", gameRoot.highelder); gameRoot.kongregateStats.submit("Taint", gameRoot.hightaint); gameRoot.kongregateStats.submit("TimesInsane", gameRoot.highsanity); gameRoot.kongregateStats.submit("HighestRank", gameRoot.currentrank); } if (gameRoot.vida1 >= 1) { gameResultsLevel.autosave._visible = true; gameRoot.setCookie("cardgame", "levelp1", gameRoot.levelp1); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgame", "score", gameRoot.score); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgame", "rank", gameRoot.currentrank); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgame", "bestattack", gameRoot.highbesthit); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgame", "higharcane", gameRoot.higharcane); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgame", "highelder", gameRoot.highelder); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgame", "highsanity", gameRoot.highsanity); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgame", "hightaint", gameRoot.hightaint); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgame", "complete", gameRoot.gamecomplete); } gameRoot.applyChallengesYouWin(); if (gameRoot.levelp1 > gameRoot.maxlevel) { gameRoot.levelp1 = gameRoot.maxlevel; } } function assignOpponentRank() { var _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < ranks.length) { if (gameRoot.levelp1 == (_local1 + 1)) { if ((_local1 + 1) == 1) { gameRoot.score = 0; gameRoot.currentrank = 1; gameRoot.besthit = 0; } } if (gameRoot.levelp1 == (_local1 + 1)) { gameRoot.rank2.rankani.ranktext = ((_local1 + 1) + " - ") + ranks[_local1].name; gameRoot.cardsunlocked = ranks[_local1].cardsunlocked; arcanemod2 = ranks[_local1].arcanemod; break; } _local1++; } } function assignPlayerRank() { var _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < ranks.length) { if (gameRoot.currentrank == (_local1 + 1)) { gameRoot.rank1.rankani.ranktext = ((_local1 + 1) + " - ") + ranks[_local1].name; arcanemod1 = ranks[_local1].arcanemod; trace("Player rank is " + gameRoot.currentrank); } _local1++; } } function assignRankText(levelp1) { var _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < ranks.length) { if (gameRoot.currentrank == (_local1 + 1)) { if (levelp1 == "game") { gameRoot.rank1.rankani.ranktext = ((_local1 + 1) + " - ") + ranks[_local1].name; trace("Level Rank is " + gameRoot.currentrank); } else if (levelp1 == "results") { rank_mc.rank1.rankani.ranktext = ((_local1 + 1) + " - ") + ranks[_local1].name; } } _local1++; } } function setUnlockedCards() { var _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < ranks.length) { if (gameRoot.levelp1 == (_local1 + 1)) { gameRoot.rank2.rankani.ranktext = ((_local1 + 1) + " - ") + ranks[_local1].name; if (gameRoot.gamecomplete != 1) { gameRoot.cardsunlocked = ranks[_local1].cardsunlocked; } } _local1++; } } function resetCardVariables() { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = 0; gameRoot.paraliza = 0; gameRoot.ceguera1aux = 0; gameRoot.arma1aux = 0; gameRoot.escudo1aux = 0; gameRoot.contra1aux = 0; gameRoot.bless1aux = 0; gameRoot.parapeto1aux = 0; gameRoot.maldicion1aux = 0; gameRoot.veneno1aux = 0; gameRoot.runa1aux = 0; gameRoot.cura = 0; gameRoot.dispelo = 0; gameRoot.dispels = 0; gameRoot.dispelc = 0; gameRoot.curaveneno = 0; gameRoot.multiplyaux = 0; gameRoot.regenaux = 0; gameRoot.sanitygain = 0; gameRoot.sanitycost = 0; gameRoot.sanityloss = 0; gameRoot.shambler = 0; gameRoot.shoggoth = 0; gameRoot.byakhee = 0; gameRoot.normal = 0; gameRoot.betrayed = 0; gameRoot.elderthing = 0; gameRoot.ignoreelder = 0; gameRoot.shub = 0; gameRoot.cthulhu = 0; gameRoot.cardsound1 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound2 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound3 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound4 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound5 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound6 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound7 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound8 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound9 = 0; gameRoot.charPlace = 0; gameRoot.creatPlace = 0; gameRoot.locatPlace = 5; gameRoot.tomePlace = 0; gameRoot.itemPlace = 0; gameRoot.cardType = 0; gameRoot.cardID = 0; } _global.gameRoot = _root; gameRoot.qualitylevel = 3; MENU = new ContextMenu(); MENU.hideBuiltInItems(); = MENU; fscommand ("allowscale", "true"); fscommand ("showmenu", "false"); MovieClip.prototype.setCookie = function (c, n, v) { var _local1 = SharedObject.getLocal(c);[n] = v; _local1.flush(); }; MovieClip.prototype.getCookie = function (c, n) { var _local1 = SharedObject.getLocal(c); return([n]); }; var numOfCookies = 28; var a = 1; while (a <= numOfCookies) { gameRoot[("challenge" + a) + "comp"] = gameRoot.getCookie("cardgamechal", "chal" + a); a++; } if (gameRoot.sound != 0) { gameRoot.sound = 1; } stop(); gameRoot.checkchallenge20(); var numChallenges = 18; stop(); var ranks = new Array(); var rankN1 = new Object(); = "Thug"; rankN1.cardsunlocked = 0; rankN1.arcanemod = 0; ranks.push(rankN1); var rankN2 = new Object(); = "Hoodlum"; rankN2.cardsunlocked = 1; rankN2.arcanemod = 0; ranks.push(rankN2); var rankN3 = new Object(); = "Mobster"; rankN3.cardsunlocked = 1; rankN3.arcanemod = 0; ranks.push(rankN3); var rankN4 = new Object(); = "Mob Boss"; rankN4.cardsunlocked = 2; rankN4.arcanemod = 0; ranks.push(rankN4); var rankN5 = new Object(); = "Cult Initiate"; rankN5.cardsunlocked = 2; rankN5.arcanemod = 0; ranks.push(rankN5); var rankN6 = new Object(); = "Cult Priest"; rankN6.cardsunlocked = 3; rankN6.arcanemod = 1; ranks.push(rankN6); var rankN7 = new Object(); = "Cult Leader"; rankN7.cardsunlocked = 3; rankN7.arcanemod = 1; ranks.push(rankN7); var rankN8 = new Object(); = "Cult High Priest"; rankN8.cardsunlocked = 4; rankN8.arcanemod = 1; ranks.push(rankN8); var rankN9 = new Object(); = "Ghoul"; rankN9.cardsunlocked = 4; rankN9.arcanemod = 2; ranks.push(rankN9); var rankN10 = new Object(); = "Necromancer"; rankN10.cardsunlocked = 5; rankN10.arcanemod = 2; ranks.push(rankN10); var rankN11 = new Object(); = "Deep One Spawn"; rankN11.cardsunlocked = 5; rankN11.arcanemod = 2; ranks.push(rankN11); var rankN12 = new Object(); = "Deep One Priest"; rankN12.cardsunlocked = 6; rankN12.arcanemod = 3; ranks.push(rankN12); var rankN13 = new Object(); = "Elder Deep One"; rankN13.cardsunlocked = 6; rankN13.arcanemod = 3; ranks.push(rankN13); var rankN14 = new Object(); = "Mi-Go Slave"; rankN14.cardsunlocked = 7; rankN14.arcanemod = 4; ranks.push(rankN14); var rankN15 = new Object(); = "Mi-Go Warrior"; rankN15.cardsunlocked = 8; rankN15.arcanemod = 4; ranks.push(rankN15); var rankN16 = new Object(); = "Mi-Go Surgeon"; rankN16.cardsunlocked = 9; rankN16.arcanemod = 4; ranks.push(rankN16); var rankN17 = new Object(); = "Mi-Go General"; rankN17.cardsunlocked = 10; rankN17.arcanemod = 5; ranks.push(rankN17); var rankN18 = new Object(); = "Yithian Peasant"; rankN18.cardsunlocked = 10; rankN18.arcanemod = 5; ranks.push(rankN18); var rankN19 = new Object(); = "Yithian Librarian"; rankN19.cardsunlocked = 11; rankN19.arcanemod = 6; ranks.push(rankN19); var rankN20 = new Object(); = "Yithian Scholar"; rankN20.cardsunlocked = 11; rankN20.arcanemod = 6; ranks.push(rankN20); var rankN21 = new Object(); = "Proto-Shoggoth"; rankN21.cardsunlocked = 11; rankN21.arcanemod = 6; ranks.push(rankN21); var rankN22 = new Object(); = "Slave Shoggoth"; rankN22.cardsunlocked = 11; rankN22.arcanemod = 7; ranks.push(rankN22); var rankN23 = new Object(); = "Rebel Shoggoth"; rankN23.cardsunlocked = 11; rankN23.arcanemod = 7; ranks.push(rankN23); var rankN24 = new Object(); = "Elder Thing"; rankN24.cardsunlocked = 11; rankN24.arcanemod = 8; ranks.push(rankN24); var rankN25 = new Object(); = "Servant of Hastur"; rankN25.cardsunlocked = 11; rankN25.arcanemod = 8; ranks.push(rankN25); var rankN26 = new Object(); = "King in Yellow"; rankN26.cardsunlocked = 11; rankN26.arcanemod = 9; ranks.push(rankN26); var rankN27 = new Object(); = "Nyarlatothep"; rankN27.cardsunlocked = 11; rankN27.arcanemod = 9; ranks.push(rankN27); var rankN28 = new Object(); = "The Unnameable"; rankN28.cardsunlocked = 11; rankN28.arcanemod = 10; ranks.push(rankN28); var rankN29 = new Object(); = "Spawn of Cthulhu"; rankN29.cardsunlocked = 11; rankN29.arcanemod = 10; ranks.push(rankN29); var rankN30 = new Object(); = "Great Cthulhu"; rankN30.cardsunlocked = 11; rankN30.arcanemod = 10; ranks.push(rankN30); var cards = new Array(); var totalCards = 47; var cardN1 = new Object(); = "Discreet Doctor"; cardN1.type = "Event"; cardN1.summonCost = 0; cardN1.includeInDeck = true; var cardN2 = new Object(); = "Sacrificial Lamb"; cardN2.type = "Event"; cardN2.summonCost = 2; cardN2.includeInDeck = true; var cardN3 = new Object(); = "Blast 'Em"; cardN3type = "Physical Attack"; cardN3.summonCost = 0; cardN3.includeInDeck = true; var cardN4 = new Object(); = "Mind Burn"; cardN4.type = "Arcane Attack"; cardN4.summonCost = 1; cardN4.includeInDeck = true; var cardN5 = new Object(); = "Raid"; cardN5.type = "Physical Attack"; cardN5.summonCost = 0; cardN5.includeInDeck = true; var cardN6 = new Object(); = "Pnakotic Manuscripts"; cardN6.type = "Tome"; cardN6.summonCost = 2; cardN6.includeInDeck = true; var cardN7 = new Object(); = "Essence Of The Soul"; cardN7.type = "Event"; cardN7.summonCost = 3; cardN7.includeInDeck = true; var cardN8 = new Object(); = "Tommy Gun"; cardN8.type = "Physical Attack"; cardN8.summonCost = 0; cardN8.includeInDeck = true; var cardN9 = new Object(); = "Mi-Go Surgery"; cardN9.type = "Event"; cardN9.summonCost = 1; cardN9.includeInDeck = true; var cardN10 = new Object(); = "Dark Young Charge"; cardN10.type = "Arcane Attack"; cardN10.summonCost = 4; cardN10.includeInDeck = true; var cardN11 = new Object(); = "Dark Ritual"; cardN11.type = "Arcane Attack"; cardN11.summonCost = 2; cardN11.includeInDeck = true; var cardN12 = new Object(); = "Byakhee"; cardN12.type = "Summon"; cardN12.summonCost = 2; cardN12.includeInDeck = true; var cardN13 = new Object(); = "Dimensional Shambler"; cardN13.type = "Summon"; cardN13.summonCost = 3; cardN13.includeInDeck = true; var cardN14 = new Object(); = "Curse of Cthulhu"; cardN14.type = "Event"; cardN14.summonCost = 1; cardN14.includeInDeck = true; var cardN15 = new Object(); = "The King in Yellow"; cardN15.type = "Tome"; cardN15.summonCost = 2; cardN15.includeInDeck = true; var cardN16 = new Object(); = "Blessing Of Hastur"; cardN16.type = "Event"; cardN16.summonCost = 2; cardN16.includeInDeck = true; var cardN17 = new Object(); = "From Beyond"; cardN17.type = "Arcane Attack"; cardN17.summonCost = 3; cardN17.includeInDeck = true; var cardN18 = new Object(); = "Betrayed"; cardN18.type = "Arcane Attack"; cardN18.summonCost = 2; cardN18.includeInDeck = true; var cardN19 = new Object(); = "Shoggoth"; cardN19.type = "Summon"; cardN19.summonCost = 4; cardN19.includeInDeck = true; var cardN20 = new Object(); = "Elder Sign"; cardN20.type = "Artefact"; cardN20.summonCost = 1; cardN20.includeInDeck = true; var cardN21 = new Object(); = "Arkham Asylum"; cardN21.type = "Location"; cardN21.summonCost = 0; cardN21.includeInDeck = true; var cardN22 = new Object(); = "Powder of Ibn Ghazi"; cardN22.type = "Event"; cardN22.summonCost = 1; cardN22.includeInDeck = true; var cardN23 = new Object(); = "Dispel"; cardN23.type = "Spell"; cardN23.summonCost = 1; cardN23.includeInDeck = true; var cardN24 = new Object(); = "Elder Thing"; cardN24.type = "Summon"; cardN24.summonCost = 1; cardN24.includeInDeck = true; var cardN25 = new Object(); = "Blackmail"; cardN25.type = "Event"; cardN25.summonCost = 0; cardN25.includeInDeck = true; var cardN26 = new Object(); = "Unaussprechlichen Kulten"; cardN26.type = "Tome"; cardN26.summonCost = 3; cardN26.includeInDeck = true; var cardN27 = new Object(); = "Hound of Tindalos"; cardN27.type = "Arcane Attack"; cardN27.summonCost = 4; cardN27.includeInDeck = true; var cardN28 = new Object(); = "Miskatonic University"; cardN28.type = "Location"; cardN28.summonCost = 0; cardN28.includeInDeck = true; var cardN29 = new Object(); = "Mad Experiment"; cardN29.type = "Random Effect"; cardN29.summonCost = 3; cardN29.includeInDeck = true; var cardN30 = new Object(); = "Doppelganger"; cardN30.type = "Event"; cardN30.summonCost = 2; cardN30.includeInDeck = true; var cardN31 = new Object(); = "Rise of the Deep Ones"; cardN31.type = "Arcane Attack"; cardN31.summonCost = 4; cardN31.includeInDeck = true; var cardN32 = new Object(); = "Dawn of a New Day"; cardN32.type = "Event"; cardN32.summonCost = 0; cardN32.includeInDeck = true; var cardN33 = new Object(); = "Yog-Sothoth"; cardN33.type = "Great Old One"; cardN33.summonCost = 6; cardN33.includeInDeck = true; var cardN34 = new Object(); = "Black Goat of the Woods"; cardN34.type = "Great Old One"; cardN34.summonCost = 8; cardN34.includeInDeck = true; var cardN35 = new Object(); = "Professon Armitage"; cardN35.type = "Character"; cardN35.summonCost = 0; cardN35.includeInDeck = true; var cardN36 = new Object(); = "City of R'lyeh"; cardN36.type = "Location"; cardN36.summonCost = 6; cardN36.includeInDeck = true; var cardN37 = new Object(); = "Night Terrors"; cardN37.type = "Event"; cardN37.summonCost = 1; cardN37.includeInDeck = true; var cardN38 = new Object(); = "Assassin"; cardN38.type = "Event"; cardN38.summonCost = 0; cardN38.includeInDeck = true; var cardN39 = new Object(); = "Bullet Proof Vest"; cardN39.type = "Item"; cardN39.summonCost = 0; cardN39.includeInDeck = true; var cardN40 = new Object(); = "Molotov Cocktail"; cardN40.type = "Physical Attack"; cardN40.summonCost = 0; cardN40.includeInDeck = true; var cardN41 = new Object(); = "Great Chtulhu"; cardN41.type = "Great Old One"; cardN41.summonCost = 9; cardN41.includeInDeck = true; var cardN42 = new Object(); = "Wilbur Whateley"; cardN42.type = "Character"; cardN42.summonCost = 2; cardN42.includeInDeck = true; var cardN43 = new Object(); = "The Dunwich Horror"; cardN43.type = "Summon"; cardN43.summonCost = 6; cardN43.includeInDeck = true; var cardN44 = new Object(); = "Nyarlatothep"; cardN44.type = "Summon"; cardN44.summonCost = 6; cardN44.includeInDeck = true; var cardN45 = new Object(); = "Mass Arrest"; cardN45.type = "Event"; cardN45.summonCost = 0; cardN45.includeInDeck = true; var cardN46 = new Object(); = "Mob Hideout"; cardN46.type = "Location"; cardN46.summonCost = 0; cardN46.includeInDeck = false; var cardN47 = new Object(); = "Dark Woods"; cardN47.type = "Location"; cardN47.summonCost = 2; cardN47.includeInDeck = true; var a = 0; while (a <= totalCards) { if (gameRoot["cardN" + a].includeInDeck == true) { cards.push(gameRoot["cardN" + a]); } a++; } var kongregate = _global.kongregate;;
Frame 28
gameRoot.myget = 4; gameRoot.levelp1 = 1; gameRoot.maxlevel = 30; gameRoot.score = 0; gameRoot.showMenu = false; gameRoot.actualcards = 0; gameRoot.actualcards1 = 0; gameRoot.matchcardsused = 0; gameRoot.matchdamagereceived = 0; gameRoot.score = 0; gameRoot.highbesthit = 0; gameRoot.higharcane = 0; gameRoot.highelder = 0; gameRoot.highsanity = 0; gameRoot.hightaint = 0; gameRoot.deaths = 0; gameRoot.largest = 0; gameRoot.lifehealed = 0; gameRoot.ncounter = 0; gameRoot.totaldamage = 0; gameRoot.gamecomplete = 0; gameRoot.challenge = 0; stop();
Frame 29
Frame 30
Frame 31
Frame 32
Frame 74
if (gameRoot.sound == 1) { playgong = new Sound(); playgong.setVolume(50); playgong.attachSound("Gong"); playgong.start(); }
Frame 84
gameRoot.startTheGame(); stop();
Frame 85
Frame 86
Frame 87
gotoAndStop ("play2"); prevFrame();
Frame 88
Frame 90
Frame 91
Frame 98
Symbol 41 Button
on (release) { gameRoot.levelp1 = 30; gameRoot.gotoAndStop("final"); gameRoot.setabg(); }
Symbol 45 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gameRoot.gotoAndPlay("game"); }
Symbol 49 Button
on (release) { gameRoot.levelp1 = 1; gameRoot.gamecomplete = 0; gameRoot.cardsunlocked = 0; stopAllSounds(); gameRoot.gotoAndStop("menu"); }
Symbol 53 Button
on (release) { gameRoot.levelp1 = gameRoot.levelp1 - 1; stopAllSounds(); gameRoot.gotoAndPlay("game"); }
Symbol 56 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgame", "level", gameRoot.level); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgame", "score", gameRoot.score); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgame", "rank", gameRoot.currentrank); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgame", "bestattack", gameRoot.highbesthit); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgame", "higharcane", gameRoot.higharcane); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgame", "highelder", gameRoot.highelder); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgame", "highsanity", gameRoot.highsanity); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgame", "hightaint", gameRoot.hightaint); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgame", "time", gameRoot.minutes); }
Symbol 72 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 101 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 108 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 108 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 108 MovieClip Frame 23
gotoAndPlay ("indicator");
Symbol 109 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 124 MovieClip Frame 1
_global.gameResultsLevel = this; gameRoot.initRankScreen(); gameRoot.setNewRank(); stop();
Symbol 125 MovieClip [matchscores] Frame 2
Symbol 137 MovieClip Frame 1
function loadedIndicatorFrame() { var _local2 = int((_parent.getBytesLoaded() / _parent.getBytesTotal()) * 65) + 2; if ((_local2 - lastFrame) > 4) { lastFrame = lastFrame + 4; loadedText = ((int(((_parent.getBytesTotal() / 1024) * (lastFrame - 2)) / 65) + "kb of ") + int(_parent.getBytesTotal() / 1024)) + "kb"; } else if ((_local2 - lastFrame) > 0) { lastFrame++; loadedText = ((int(_parent.getBytesLoaded() / 1024) + "kb of ") + int(_parent.getBytesTotal() / 1024)) + "kb"; } else { loadedText = ((int(_parent.getBytesLoaded() / 1024) + "kb of ") + int(_parent.getBytesTotal() / 1024)) + "kb"; } return(lastFrame); } lastFrame = 1;
Symbol 1415 MovieClip [__Packages.mochi.as2.MochiAd] Frame 0
class mochi.as2.MochiAd { function MochiAd () { } static function getVersion() { return(mochi.as2.MochiServices.getVersion()); } static function showPreGameAd(options) { var _local27 = {clip:_root, ad_timeout:3000, fadeout_time:250, regpt:"o", method:"showPreloaderAd", color:16747008, background:16777161, outline:13994812, no_progress_bar:false, ad_started:function () { this.clip.stop(); }, ad_finished:function () {; }, ad_failed:function () { trace("[MochiAd] Couldn't load an ad, make sure that your game's local security sandbox is configured for Access Network Only and that you are not using ad blocking software"); }, ad_loaded:function (width, height) { }, ad_skipped:function () { }, ad_progress:function (percent) { }}; options = _parseOptions(options, _local27); if ("c862232051e0a94e1c3609b3916ddb17".substr(0) == "dfeada81ac97cde83665f81c12da7def") { options.ad_started(); options.ad_finished(); return(undefined); } var clip = options.clip; var _local24 = 11000; var _local19 = options.ad_timeout; if (options.skip) { _local19 = 0; } delete options.ad_timeout; var fadeout_time = options.fadeout_time; delete options.fadeout_time; if (!load(options)) { options.ad_failed(); options.ad_finished(); return(undefined); } options.ad_started(); var mc = clip._mochiad; mc.onUnload = function () { options.ad_finished(); }; var _local15 = _getRes(options); var _local5 = _local15[0]; var _local14 = _local15[1]; mc._x = _local5 * 0.5; mc._y = _local14 * 0.5; var chk = mc.createEmptyMovieClip("_mochiad_wait", 3); chk._x = _local5 * -0.5; chk._y = _local14 * -0.5; var _local7 = chk.createEmptyMovieClip("_mochiad_bar", 4); if (options.no_progress_bar) { _local7._visible = false; delete options.no_progress_bar; } else { _local7._x = 10; _local7._y = _local14 - 20; } var _local23 = options.color; delete options.color; var _local21 = options.background; delete options.background; var _local25 = options.outline; delete options.outline; var _local6 = _local7.createEmptyMovieClip("_outline", 1); _local6.beginFill(_local21); _local6.moveTo(0, 0); _local6.lineTo(_local5 - 20, 0); _local6.lineTo(_local5 - 20, 10); _local6.lineTo(0, 10); _local6.lineTo(0, 0); _local6.endFill(); var _local4 = _local7.createEmptyMovieClip("_inside", 2); _local4.beginFill(_local23); _local4.moveTo(0, 0); _local4.lineTo(_local5 - 20, 0); _local4.lineTo(_local5 - 20, 10); _local4.lineTo(0, 10); _local4.lineTo(0, 0); _local4.endFill(); _local4._xscale = 0; var _local8 = _local7.createEmptyMovieClip("_outline", 3); _local8.lineStyle(0, _local25, 100); _local8.moveTo(0, 0); _local8.lineTo(_local5 - 20, 0); _local8.lineTo(_local5 - 20, 10); _local8.lineTo(0, 10); _local8.lineTo(0, 0); chk.ad_msec = _local24; chk.ad_timeout = _local19; chk.started = getTimer(); chk.showing = false; chk.last_pcnt = 0; chk.fadeout_time = fadeout_time; chk.fadeFunction = function () { var _local2 = 100 * (1 - ((getTimer() - this.fadeout_start) / this.fadeout_time)); if (_local2 > 0) { this._parent._alpha = _local2; } else { var _local3 = this._parent._parent; mochi.as2.MochiAd.unload(_local3); delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; var sendHostProgress = false; = function (lc_name) { sendHostProgress = true; }; = options.ad_loaded; = options.ad_skipped; = function (msec) { var _local2 =; _local2.server_control = true; _local2.started = getTimer(); _local2.ad_msec = msec; }; = function (callbackID, arg) { mochi.as2.MochiAd.rpc(clip, callbackID, arg); }; mc.rpcTestFn = function (s) { trace("[MOCHIAD rpcTestFn] " + s); return(s); }; chk.onEnterFrame = function () { var _local10 = this._parent._parent; var _local3 = _local10; while ((!_local3.getBytesTotal()) && (_local3)) { _local3 = _local3._parent; } if (!_local3) { _local3 = _root; } var _local13 = this._parent._mochiad_ctr; var _local7 = getTimer() - this.started; var _local5 = false; var _local6 = _local3.getBytesTotal(); var _local9 = _local3.getBytesLoaded(); var _local4 = (100 * _local9) / _local6; var _local12 = (100 * _local7) / chk.ad_msec; var _local11 = this._mochiad_bar._inside; var _local15 = Math.min(100, Math.min(_local4 || 0, _local12)); _local15 = Math.max(this.last_pcnt, _local15); this.last_pcnt = _local15; _local11._xscale = _local15; options.ad_progress(_local15); if (sendHostProgress) { mochi.as2.MochiAd.containerNotify(clip, {id:"hostLoadPcnt", pcnt:_local4}, clip._mochiad._containerLCName); if (_local4 == 100) { sendHostProgress = false; } } if (!chk.showing) { var _local8 = _local13.getBytesTotal(); if ((_local8 > 0) || (typeof(_local8) == "undefined")) { chk.showing = true; chk.started = getTimer(); } else if ((_local7 > chk.ad_timeout) && (_local4 == 100)) { options.ad_failed(); _local5 = true; } } if (_local7 > chk.ad_msec) { _local5 = true; } if (((_local6 > 0) && (_local9 >= _local6)) && (_local5)) { if (this.server_control) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } else { this.fadeout_start = getTimer(); this.onEnterFrame = chk.fadeFunction; } } }; } static function showClickAwayAd(options) { var _local10 = {clip:_root, ad_timeout:2000, fadeout_time:250, regpt:"o", method:"showClickAwayAd", res:"300x250", no_bg:true, ad_started:function () { }, ad_finished:function () { }, ad_loaded:function (width, height) { }, ad_failed:function () { trace("[MochiAd] Couldn't load an ad, make sure that your game's local security sandbox is configured for Access Network Only and that you are not using ad blocking software"); }, ad_skipped:function () { }}; options = _parseOptions(options, _local10); var clip = options.clip; var _local9 = options.ad_timeout; delete options.ad_timeout; if (!load(options)) { options.ad_failed(); options.ad_finished(); return(undefined); } options.ad_started(); var _local3 = clip._mochiad; _local3.onUnload = function () { options.ad_finished(); }; var _local5 = _getRes(options); var _local11 = _local5[0]; var _local8 = _local5[1]; _local3._x = _local11 * 0.5; _local3._y = _local8 * 0.5; var chk = _local3.createEmptyMovieClip("_mochiad_wait", 3); chk.ad_timeout = _local9; chk.started = getTimer(); chk.showing = false; = options.ad_loaded; = options.ad_skipped; = function (callbackID, arg) { mochi.as2.MochiAd.rpc(clip, callbackID, arg); }; _local3.rpcTestFn = function (s) { trace("[MOCHIAD rpcTestFn] " + s); return(s); }; var _local21 = false; chk.onEnterFrame = function () { var _local5 = this._parent._mochiad_ctr; var _local4 = getTimer() - this.started; var _local2 = false; if (!chk.showing) { var _local3 = _local5.getBytesTotal(); if ((_local3 > 0) || (typeof(_local3) == "undefined")) { _local2 = true; chk.showing = true; chk.started = getTimer(); } else if (_local4 > chk.ad_timeout) { options.ad_failed(); _local2 = true; } } if (_local2) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; } static function showInterLevelAd(options) { var _local13 = {clip:_root, ad_timeout:2000, fadeout_time:250, regpt:"o", method:"showTimedAd", ad_started:function () { this.clip.stop(); }, ad_finished:function () {; }, ad_failed:function () { trace("[MochiAd] Couldn't load an ad, make sure that your game's local security sandbox is configured for Access Network Only and that you are not using ad blocking software"); }, ad_loaded:function (width, height) { }, ad_skipped:function () { }}; options = _parseOptions(options, _local13); var clip = options.clip; var _local10 = 11000; var _local12 = options.ad_timeout; delete options.ad_timeout; var fadeout_time = options.fadeout_time; delete options.fadeout_time; if (!load(options)) { options.ad_failed(); options.ad_finished(); return(undefined); } options.ad_started(); var mc = clip._mochiad; mc.onUnload = function () { options.ad_finished(); }; var _local5 = _getRes(options); var _local14 = _local5[0]; var _local11 = _local5[1]; mc._x = _local14 * 0.5; mc._y = _local11 * 0.5; var chk = mc.createEmptyMovieClip("_mochiad_wait", 3); chk.ad_msec = _local10; chk.ad_timeout = _local12; chk.started = getTimer(); chk.showing = false; chk.fadeout_time = fadeout_time; chk.fadeFunction = function () { var _local2 = 100 * (1 - ((getTimer() - this.fadeout_start) / this.fadeout_time)); if (_local2 > 0) { this._parent._alpha = _local2; } else { var _local3 = this._parent._parent; mochi.as2.MochiAd.unload(_local3); delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; = options.ad_loaded; = options.ad_skipped; = function (msec) { var _local2 =; _local2.server_control = true; _local2.started = getTimer(); _local2.ad_msec = msec - 250; }; = function (callbackID, arg) { mochi.as2.MochiAd.rpc(clip, callbackID, arg); }; mc.rpcTestFn = function (s) { trace("[MOCHIAD rpcTestFn] " + s); return(s); }; chk.onEnterFrame = function () { var _local5 = this._parent._mochiad_ctr; var _local4 = getTimer() - this.started; var _local2 = false; if (!chk.showing) { var _local3 = _local5.getBytesTotal(); if ((_local3 > 0) || (typeof(_local3) == "undefined")) { chk.showing = true; chk.started = getTimer(); } else if (_local4 > chk.ad_timeout) { options.ad_failed(); _local2 = true; } } if (_local4 > chk.ad_msec) { _local2 = true; } if (_local2) { if (this.server_control) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } else { this.fadeout_start = getTimer(); this.onEnterFrame = this.fadeFunction; } } }; } static function showPreloaderAd(options) { trace("[MochiAd] DEPRECATED: showPreloaderAd was renamed to showPreGameAd in 2.0"); showPreGameAd(options); } static function showTimedAd(options) { trace("[MochiAd] DEPRECATED: showTimedAd was renamed to showInterLevelAd in 2.0"); showInterLevelAd(options); } static function _allowDomains(server) { var _local1 = server.split("/")[2].split(":")[0]; if ( { if ( {"*");; } if ( {"*");; } } return(_local1); } static function load(options) { var _local12 = {clip:_root, server:"", method:"load", depth:10333, id:"_UNKNOWN_"}; options = _parseOptions(options, _local12); options.swfv = options.clip.getSWFVersion() || 6; options.mav = getVersion(); var _local6 = options.clip; if (!_isNetworkAvailable()) { return(null); } if (_local6._mochiad_loaded) { return(null); } var _local11 = options.depth; delete options.depth; var mc = _local6.createEmptyMovieClip("_mochiad", _local11); var _local10 = _getRes(options); options.res = (_local10[0] + "x") + _local10[1]; options.server = options.server +; delete; _local6._mochiad_loaded = true; if (_local6._url.indexOf("http") != 0) { trace("[MochiAd] NOTE: Security Sandbox Violation errors below are normal"); } var _local4 = mc.createEmptyMovieClip("_mochiad_ctr", 1); for (var _local7 in options) { _local4[_local7] = options[_local7]; } var _local9 = _local4.server; delete _local4.server; var _local13 = _allowDomains(_local9); mc.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._mochiad_ctr._url != this._url) { this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!this._mochiad_ctr) { delete this.onEnterFrame; mochi.as2.MochiAd.unload(this._parent); } }; } }; var _local5 = new Object(); var _local8 = ["", Math.floor(new Date().getTime()), random(999999)].join("_"); = mc; = _local8; _local5.hostname = _local13; _local5.allowDomain = function (d) { return(true); }; _local5.allowInsecureDomain = _local5.allowDomain; _local5.connect(_local8); = _local5; = function (lc_name) { mc._containerLCName = lc_name; }; = _local8; = getTimer(); if (!options.skip) { _local4.loadMovie(_local9 + ".swf", "POST"); } return(mc); } static function unload(clip) { if (typeof(clip) == "undefined") { clip = _root; } if (clip.clip && (clip.clip._mochiad)) { clip = clip.clip; } if (!clip._mochiad) { return(false); } containerNotify(clip, {id:"unload"}, clip._mochiad._containerLCName); clip._mochiad.removeMovieClip(); delete clip._mochiad_loaded; delete clip._mochiad; return(true); } static function _isNetworkAvailable() { if ( { var _local1 =; if (_local1.sandboxType == "localWithFile") { return(false); } } return(true); } static function _getRes(options) { var _local3 = options.clip.getBounds(); var _local2 = 0; var _local1 = 0; if (typeof(options.res) != "undefined") { var _local4 = options.res.split("x"); _local2 = parseFloat(_local4[0]); _local1 = parseFloat(_local4[1]); } else { _local2 = _local3.xMax - _local3.xMin; _local1 = _local3.yMax - _local3.yMin; } if ((_local2 == 0) || (_local1 == 0)) { _local2 = Stage.width; _local1 = Stage.height; } return([_local2, _local1]); } static function _parseOptions(options, defaults) { var _local4 = {}; for (var _local8 in defaults) { _local4[_local8] = defaults[_local8]; } if (options) { for (var _local8 in options) { _local4[_local8] = options[_local8]; } } if (_root.mochiad_options) { var _local5 = _root.mochiad_options.split("&"); var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _local5.length) { var _local3 = _local5[_local2].split("="); _local4[unescape(_local3[0])] = unescape(_local3[1]); _local2++; } } if ( == "test") { trace("[MochiAd] WARNING: Using the MochiAds test identifier, make sure to use the code from your dashboard, not this example!"); } return(_local4); } static function rpc(clip, callbackID, arg) { switch ( { case "setValue" : setValue(clip, arg.objectName, arg.value); break; case "getValue" : var _local4 = getValue(clip, arg.objectName); containerRpcResult(clip, callbackID, _local4, clip._mochiad._containerLCName); break; case "runMethod" : var _local3 = runMethod(clip, arg.method, arg.args); containerRpcResult(clip, callbackID, _local3, clip._mochiad._containerLCName); break; default : trace("[mochiads rpc] unknown rpc id: " +; } } static function setValue(base, objectName, value) { var _local2 = objectName.split("."); var _local1; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < (_local2.length - 1)) { if ((base[_local2[_local1]] == undefined) || (base[_local2[_local1]] == null)) { return(undefined); } base = base[_local2[_local1]]; _local1++; } base[_local2[_local1]] = value; } static function getValue(base, objectName) { var _local2 = objectName.split("."); var _local1; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < (_local2.length - 1)) { if ((base[_local2[_local1]] == undefined) || (base[_local2[_local1]] == null)) { return(undefined); } base = base[_local2[_local1]]; _local1++; } return(base[_local2[_local1]]); } static function runMethod(base, methodName, argsArray) { var _local2 = methodName.split("."); var _local1; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < (_local2.length - 1)) { if ((base[_local2[_local1]] == undefined) || (base[_local2[_local1]] == null)) { return(undefined); } base = base[_local2[_local1]]; _local1++; } if (typeof(base[_local2[_local1]]) == "function") { return(base[_local2[_local1]].apply(base, argsArray)); } return(undefined); } static function containerNotify(clip, args, lcName) { var _local1 =; if (_local1.notify) { _local1.notify(args); } else { new LocalConnection().send(lcName, "notify", args); } } static function containerRpcResult(clip, callbackID, val, lcName) { var _local1 =; if (_local1.rpcResult) { _local1.rpcResult(callbackID, val); } else { new LocalConnection().send(lcName, "rpcResult", callbackID, val); } } }
Symbol 1416 MovieClip [__Packages.mochi.as2.MochiEventDispatcher] Frame 0
class mochi.as2.MochiEventDispatcher { var eventTable; function MochiEventDispatcher () { eventTable = {}; } function buildDelegate(thisObject, thatObject) { var _local2 = {thisObject:thisObject, thatObject:thatObject}; if (thatObject != undefined) { var funct = ((typeof(thatObject) == "string") ? (thisObject[thatObject]) : (thatObject)); _local2.delegate = function (args) {, args); }; } else { _local2.delegate = thisObject; } return(_local2); } function compareDelegate(d_A, d_B) { if ((d_A.thisObject != d_B.thisObject) || (d_A.thatObject != d_B.thatObject)) { return(false); } return(true); } function addEventListener(event, thisObject, thatObject) { removeEventListener(event, thisObject, thatObject); eventTable[event].push(buildDelegate(thisObject, thatObject)); } function removeEventListener(event, thisObject, thatObject) { var _local3 = buildDelegate(thisObject, thatObject); if (eventTable[event] == undefined) { eventTable[event] = []; return(undefined); } for (var _local4 in eventTable[event]) { if (!compareDelegate(eventTable[event][_local4], _local3)) { continue; } eventTable[event].splice(Number(_local4), 1); } } function triggerEvent(event, args) { if (eventTable[event] == undefined) { return(undefined); } for (var _local4 in eventTable[event]) { eventTable[event][_local4].delegate(args); } } }
Symbol 1417 MovieClip [__Packages.mochi.as2.MochiServices] Frame 0
class mochi.as2.MochiServices { static var _id, _container, _clip, _sendChannelName, __get__comChannelName, onError, _listenChannel, _sendChannel; function MochiServices () { } static function get id() { return(_id); } static function get clip() { return(_container); } static function get childClip() { return(_clip); } static function getVersion() { return("3.9.2 as2"); } static function allowDomains(server) { var _local1 = server.split("/")[2].split(":")[0]; if ( { if ( {"*");; } if ( {"*");; } } return(_local1); } static function get isNetworkAvailable() { if ( { var _local1 =; if (_local1.sandboxType == "localWithFile") { return(false); } } return(true); } static function set comChannelName(val) { if (val != undefined) { if (val.length > 3) { _sendChannelName = val + "_fromgame"; initComChannels(); } } //return(__get__comChannelName()); } static function get connected() { return(_connected); } static function connect(id, clip, onError) { warnID(id, false); if ((!_connected) && (_clip == undefined)) { trace("MochiServices Connecting..."); _connecting = true; init(id, clip); } if (onError != undefined) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.onError = onError; } else if (mochi.as2.MochiServices.onError == undefined) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.onError = function (errorCode) { trace(errorCode); }; } } static function disconnect() { if (_connected || (_connecting)) { _connecting = (_connected = false); flush(true); if (_clip != undefined) { _clip.removeMovieClip(); delete _clip; } _listenChannel.close(); } } static function init(id, clip) { _id = id; if (clip != undefined) { _container = clip; } else { _container = _root; } loadCommunicator(id, _container); } static function loadCommunicator(id, clip) { var _local6 = "_mochiservices_com_" + id; var _local5 = new MovieClipLoader(); var _local3 = {}; if (_clip != null) { return(_clip); } if (!isNetworkAvailable) { return(null); } if (urlOptions().servURL) { _servURL = urlOptions().servURL; } var _local4 = _servURL + _services; if (urlOptions().servicesURL) { _local4 = urlOptions().servicesURL; } allowDomains(_local4); _clip = clip.createEmptyMovieClip(_local6, 10336, false); _listenChannelName = _listenChannelName + ((Math.floor(new Date().getTime()) + "_") + Math.floor(Math.random() * 99999)); listen(); if (_local3.waitInterval != null) { clearInterval(_local3.waitInterval); } _local3.onLoadError = loadError; _local3.onLoadStart = function (target_mc) { this.isLoading = true; }; _local3.onLoadComplete = function (target_mc) { target_mc.MochiServices = mochi.as2.MochiServices; }; _local3.startTime = getTimer(); _local3.wait = function () { if ((getTimer() - this.startTime) > 10000) { if (!this.isLoading) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.disconnect(); mochi.as2.MochiServices.onError.apply(null, ["IOError"]); } clearInterval(this.waitInterval); } }; _local3.waitInterval = setInterval(_local3, "wait", 1000); _local5.addListener(_local3); _local5.loadClip((((((_local4 + "?listenLC=") + _listenChannelName) + "&mochiad_options=") + escape(_root.mochiad_options)) + "&api_version=") + getVersion(), _clip); _sendChannel = new LocalConnection(); _sendChannel._queue = []; return(_clip); } static function loadError(target_mc, errorCode, httpStatus) { trace("MochiServices could not load."); disconnect(); onError.apply(null, [errorCode]); } static function onStatus(infoObject) { if (!(infoObject.level === "error")) { } else { _connected = false; _listenChannel.connect(_listenChannelName); } } static function listen() { _listenChannel = new LocalConnection(); _listenChannel.handshake = function (args) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.__set__comChannelName(args.newChannel); }; _listenChannel.allowDomain = function (d) { return(true); }; _listenChannel.allowInsecureDomain = _listenChannel.allowDomain; _listenChannel._nextcallbackID = 0; _listenChannel._callbacks = {}; _listenChannel.connect(_listenChannelName); trace("Waiting for MochiAds services to connect..."); } static function initComChannels() { if (!_connected) { _sendChannel.onStatus = function (infoObject) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.onStatus(infoObject); }; _sendChannel.send(_sendChannelName, "onReceive", {methodName:"handshakeDone"}); _sendChannel.send(_sendChannelName, "onReceive", {methodName:"registerGame", id:_id, version:getVersion()}); _listenChannel.onStatus = function (infoObject) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.onStatus(infoObject); }; _listenChannel.onReceive = function (pkg) { var _local5 = pkg.callbackID; var _local4 = this._callbacks[_local5]; if (!_local4) { return(undefined); } var _local2 = _local4.callbackMethod; var _local3 = _local4.callbackObject; if (_local3 && (typeof(_local2) == "string")) { _local2 = _local3[_local2]; } if (_local2 != undefined) { _local2.apply(_local3, pkg.args); } delete this._callbacks[_local5]; }; _listenChannel.onEvent = function (pkg) { switch ( { case "services" : mochi.as2.MochiServices.triggerEvent(pkg.event, pkg.args); break; case "events" : mochi.as2.MochiEvents.triggerEvent(pkg.event, pkg.args); break; case "coins" : mochi.as2.MochiCoins.triggerEvent(pkg.event, pkg.args); break; case "social" : mochi.as2.MochiSocial.triggerEvent(pkg.event, pkg.args); } }; _listenChannel.onError = function () { mochi.as2.MochiServices.onError.apply(null, ["IOError"]); }; trace("[SERVICES_API] connected!"); _connecting = false; _connected = true; while (_sendChannel._queue.length > 0) { _sendChannel.send(_sendChannelName, "onReceive", _sendChannel._queue.shift()); } } } static function flush(error) { var _local1; var _local2; while (_sendChannel._queue.length > 0) { _local1 = _sendChannel._queue.shift(); if (_local1.callbackID != null) { _local2 = _listenChannel._callbacks[_local1.callbackID]; } delete _listenChannel._callbacks[_local1.callbackID]; if (error) { handleError(_local1.args, _local2.callbackObject, _local2.callbackMethod); } } } static function handleError(args, callbackObject, callbackMethod) { if (args != null) { if (args.onError != null) { args.onError.apply(null, ["NotConnected"]); } if ((args.options != null) && (args.options.onError != null)) { args.options.onError.apply(null, ["NotConnected"]); } } if (callbackMethod != null) { args = {}; args.error = true; args.errorCode = "NotConnected"; if ((callbackObject != null) && (typeof(callbackMethod) == "string")) { callbackObject[callbackMethod](args); } else if (callbackMethod != null) { callbackMethod.apply(args); } } } static function send(methodName, args, callbackObject, callbackMethod) { if (_connected) { _sendChannel.send(_sendChannelName, "onReceive", {methodName:methodName, args:args, callbackID:_listenChannel._nextcallbackID}); } else { if ((_clip == undefined) || (!_connecting)) { trace("Error: MochiServices not connected. Please call MochiServices.connect(). Function: " + methodName); handleError(args, callbackObject, callbackMethod); flush(true); return(undefined); } _sendChannel._queue.push({methodName:methodName, args:args, callbackID:_listenChannel._nextcallbackID}); } _listenChannel._callbacks[_listenChannel._nextcallbackID] = {callbackObject:callbackObject, callbackMethod:callbackMethod}; _listenChannel._nextcallbackID++; } static function urlOptions() { var _local5 = {}; var _local6; if (_root._url.indexOf("mochiad_options") != -1) { var _local2 = (_root._url.indexOf("mochiad_options") + "mochiad_options".length) + 1; _local6 = _root._url.substr(_local2, _root._url.length); } else if (_root.mochiad_options) { _local6 = _root.mochiad_options; } if (_local6) { var _local4 = _root.mochiad_options.split("&"); var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _local4.length) { var _local3 = _local4[_local2].split("="); _local5[unescape(_local3[0])] = unescape(_local3[1]); _local2++; } } return(_local5); } static function warnID(bid, leaderboard) { bid = bid.toLowerCase(); if (bid.length != 16) { trace(("WARNING: " + (leaderboard ? "board" : "game")) + " ID is not the appropriate length"); return(undefined); } if (bid == "1e113c7239048b3f") { if (leaderboard) { trace("WARNING: Using testing board ID"); } else { trace("WARNING: Using testing board ID as game ID"); } return(undefined); } if (bid == "84993a1de4031cd8") { if (leaderboard) { trace("WARNING: Using testing game ID as board ID"); } else { trace("WARNING: Using testing game ID"); } return(undefined); } var _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < bid.length) { switch (bid.charAt(_local1)) { case "0" : case "1" : case "2" : case "3" : case "4" : case "5" : case "6" : case "7" : case "8" : case "9" : case "a" : case "b" : case "c" : case "d" : case "e" : case "f" : break; default : trace("WARNING: Board ID contains illegal characters: " + bid); return(undefined); } _local1++; } } static function addLinkEvent(url, burl, btn, onClick) { var timeout = 1500; var t0 = getTimer(); var _local2 = new Object(); _local2.mav = getVersion(); _local2.swfv = btn.getSWFVersion() || 6; _local2.swfurl = btn._url; _local2.fv = System.capabilities.version; _local2.os = System.capabilities.os; _local2.lang = System.capabilities.language; _local2.scres = (System.capabilities.screenResolutionX + "x") + System.capabilities.screenResolutionY; var s = "?"; var _local3 = 0; for (var _local6 in _local2) { if (_local3 != 0) { s = s + "&"; } _local3++; s = ((s + _local6) + "=") + escape(_local2[_local6]); } if (!(netupAttempted || (_connected))) { var ping = btn.createEmptyMovieClip("ping", 777); var _local7 = btn.createEmptyMovieClip("nettest", 778); netupAttempted = true; ping.loadMovie("" + getTimer()); _local7.onEnterFrame = function () { if ((ping._totalframes > 0) && (ping._totalframes == ping._framesloaded)) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } else if ((getTimer() - t0) > timeout) { delete this.onEnterFrame; mochi.as2.MochiServices.netup = false; } }; } var _local4 = btn.createEmptyMovieClip("clk", 1001); _local4._alpha = 0; _local4.beginFill(1044735); _local4.moveTo(0, 0); _local4.lineTo(0, btn._height); _local4.lineTo(btn._width, btn._height); _local4.lineTo(btn._width, 0); _local4.lineTo(0, 0); _local4.endFill(); _local4.onRelease = function () { if (mochi.as2.MochiServices.netup) { getURL (url + s, "_blank"); } else { getURL (burl, "_blank"); } if (onClick != undefined) { onClick(); } }; } static function setContainer(clip) { } static function stayOnTop(clip) { } static function addEventListener(eventType, thisObject, thatObject) { _dispatcher.addEventListener(eventType, thisObject, thatObject); } static function triggerEvent(eventType, args) { _dispatcher.triggerEvent(eventType, args); } static function removeEventListener(eventType, thisObject, thatObject) { _dispatcher.removeEventListener(eventType, thisObject, thatObject); } static var CONNECTED = "onConnected"; static var _servURL = ""; static var _services = "services.swf"; static var _mochiLC = "MochiLC.swf"; static var _listenChannelName = "__ms_"; static var _connecting = false; static var _connected = false; static var netup = true; static var netupAttempted = false; static var _dispatcher = new mochi.as2.MochiEventDispatcher(); }
Symbol 1418 MovieClip [__Packages.mochi.as2.MochiEvents] Frame 0
class mochi.as2.MochiEvents { function MochiEvents () { } static function getVersion() { return(mochi.as2.MochiServices.getVersion()); } static function startSession(achievementID) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send("events_beginSession", {achievementID:achievementID}, null, null); } static function setNotifications(clip, style) { var _local2 = {}; for (var _local3 in style) { _local2[_local3] = style[_local3]; } _local2.clip = clip; mochi.as2.MochiServices.send("events_setNotifications", _local2, null, null); } static function addEventListener(eventType, thisObject, thatObject) { _dispatcher.addEventListener(eventType, thisObject, thatObject); } static function triggerEvent(eventType, args) { _dispatcher.triggerEvent(eventType, args); } static function removeEventListener(eventType, thisObject, thatObject) { _dispatcher.removeEventListener(eventType, thisObject, thatObject); } static function startPlay(tag) { if (tag == undefined) { tag = "gameplay"; } mochi.as2.MochiServices.send("events_setRoundID", {tag:String(tag)}, null, null); } static function endPlay() { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send("events_clearRoundID", null, null, null); } static function trackEvent(tag, value) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send("events_trackEvent", {tag:tag, value:value}, null, null); } static var ACHIEVEMENT_RECEIVED = "AchievementReceived"; static var ALIGN_TOP_LEFT = "ALIGN_TL"; static var ALIGN_TOP = "ALIGN_T"; static var ALIGN_TOP_RIGHT = "ALIGN_TR"; static var ALIGN_LEFT = "ALIGN_L"; static var ALIGN_CENTER = "ALIGN_C"; static var ALIGN_RIGHT = "ALIGN_R"; static var ALIGN_BOTTOM_LEFT = "ALIGN_BL"; static var ALIGN_BOTTOM = "ALIGN_B"; static var ALIGN_BOTTOM_RIGHT = "ALIGN_BR"; static var FORMAT_SHORT = "ShortForm"; static var FORMAT_LONG = "LongForm"; static var _dispatcher = new mochi.as2.MochiEventDispatcher(); }
Symbol 1419 MovieClip [__Packages.mochi.as2.MochiCoins] Frame 0
class mochi.as2.MochiCoins { function MochiCoins () { } static function getVersion() { return(mochi.as2.MochiServices.getVersion()); } static function showStore(options) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send("coins_showStore", {options:options}, null, null); } static function showItem(options) { if ((options == undefined) || (typeof(options.item) != "string")) { trace("ERROR: showItem call must pass an Object with an item key"); return(undefined); } mochi.as2.MochiServices.send("coins_showItem", {options:options}, null, null); } static function showVideo(options) { if ((options == undefined) || (typeof(options.item) != "string")) { trace("ERROR: showVideo call must pass an Object with an item key"); return(undefined); } mochi.as2.MochiServices.send("coins_showVideo", {options:options}, null, null); } static function getStoreItems() { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send("coins_getStoreItems"); } static function requestFunding(properties) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send("social_requestFunding", properties); } static function addEventListener(eventType, delegate) { _dispatcher.addEventListener(eventType, delegate); } static function triggerEvent(eventType, args) { _dispatcher.triggerEvent(eventType, args); } static function removeEventListener(eventType, delegate) { _dispatcher.removeEventListener(eventType, delegate); } static var STORE_SHOW = "StoreShow"; static var STORE_HIDE = "StoreHide"; static var ITEM_OWNED = "ItemOwned"; static var ITEM_NEW = "ItemNew"; static var STORE_ITEMS = "StoreItems"; static var ERROR = "Error"; static var IO_ERROR = "IOError"; static var NO_USER = "NoUser"; static var _dispatcher = new mochi.as2.MochiEventDispatcher(); }
Symbol 1420 MovieClip [__Packages.mochi.as2.MochiSocial] Frame 0
class mochi.as2.MochiSocial { function MochiSocial () { } static function getVersion() { return(mochi.as2.MochiServices.getVersion()); } static function showLoginWidget(options) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.setContainer(); mochi.as2.MochiServices.stayOnTop(); mochi.as2.MochiServices.send("social_showLoginWidget", {options:options}); } static function hideLoginWidget() { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send("social_hideLoginWidget"); } static function requestLogin(properties) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send("social_requestLogin", properties); } static function getFriendsList(properties) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send("social_getFriendsList", properties); } static function postToStream(properties) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send("social_postToStream", properties); } static function inviteFriends(properties) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send("social_inviteFriends", properties); } static function requestFan(properties) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send("social_requestFan", properties); } static function saveUserProperties(properties) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send("social_saveUserProperties", properties); } static function addEventListener(eventType, delegate) { _dispatcher.addEventListener(eventType, delegate); } static function triggerEvent(eventType, args) { _dispatcher.triggerEvent(eventType, args); } static function removeEventListener(eventType, delegate) { _dispatcher.removeEventListener(eventType, delegate); } static var LOGGED_IN = "LoggedIn"; static var LOGGED_OUT = "LoggedOut"; static var LOGIN_SHOW = "LoginShow"; static var LOGIN_HIDE = "LoginHide"; static var LOGIN_SHOWN = "LoginShown"; static var PROFILE_SHOW = "ProfileShow"; static var PROFILE_HIDE = "ProfileHide"; static var PROPERTIES_SAVED = "PropertySaved"; static var WIDGET_LOADED = "WidgetLoaded"; static var FRIEND_LIST = "FriendsList"; static var PROFILE_DATA = "ProfileData"; static var GAMEPLAY_DATA = "GameplayData"; static var ACTION_CANCELED = "onCancel"; static var ACTION_COMPLETE = "onComplete"; static var USER_INFO = "UserInfo"; static var ERROR = "Error"; static var IO_ERROR = "IOError"; static var NO_USER = "NoUser"; static var PROPERTIES_SIZE = "PropertiesSize"; static var _dispatcher = new mochi.as2.MochiEventDispatcher(); }
Symbol 145 Button
on (release) { gameRoot.sound = 0; this.gotoAndStop(2); }
Symbol 148 Button
on (release) { gameRoot.sound = 1; this.gotoAndStop(1); }
Symbol 149 MovieClip Frame 1
if (gameRoot.sound == 0) { gotoAndStop (2); } stopAllSounds(); if (gameRoot.sound == 1) { play0 = new Sound(); play0.setVolume(50); play0.attachSound("Necronomicon_title"); play0.start(0, 9999); } stop();
Symbol 149 MovieClip Frame 2
stopAllSounds(); if (gameRoot.sound == 1) { gotoAndStop (1); } stop();
Symbol 153 Button
on (release) { gameRoot.qualitylevel == 3; gameRoot._quality = "HIGH"; }
Symbol 157 Button
on (release) { gameRoot.qualitylevel == 2; gameRoot._quality = "MEDIUM"; }
Symbol 160 Button
on (release) { gameRoot.qualitylevel == 1; gameRoot._quality = "LOW"; }
Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 1
i = gameRoot.qualitylevel + 1; while (i <= 4) { this["star" + i]._visible = false; i++; } boton1.useHandCursor = false; boton2.useHandCursor = false;
Symbol 174 Button
on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(47); }
Symbol 175 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gameRoot.levelp1 = gameRoot.getCookie("cardgame", "levelp1"); gameRoot.score = gameRoot.getCookie("cardgame", "score"); gameRoot.currentrank = gameRoot.getCookie("cardgame", "rank"); gameRoot.highbesthit = gameRoot.getCookie("cardgame", "bestattack"); gameRoot.higharcane = gameRoot.getCookie("cardgame", "higharcane"); gameRoot.highelder = gameRoot.getCookie("cardgame", "highelder"); gameRoot.highsanity = gameRoot.getCookie("cardgame", "highsanity"); gameRoot.hightaint = gameRoot.getCookie("cardgame", "hightaint"); gameRoot.gamecomplete = gameRoot.getCookie("cardgame", "complete"); if (gameRoot.levelp1 == undefined) { gameRoot.levelp1 = 1; } if (gameRoot.levelp1 == 31) { gameRoot.levelp1 = 30; } if (gameRoot.gamecomplete == 1) { gameRoot.loadedgame = true; gameRoot.gotoAndStop("scores"); } gameRoot.gotoAndPlay("game"); }
Symbol 176 Button
on (release) { gameRoot.gotoAndPlay("instructions"); }
Symbol 177 Button
on (release) { gameRoot.gotoAndStop("achievements"); }
Symbol 180 Button
on (release) { gameRoot.levelp1 = 1; gameRoot.gametimeoffset = getTimer(); gameRoot.gametime = getTimer() - gameRoot.gametimeoffset; gameRoot.roundClicked = false; gameRoot.gotoAndPlay("game"); }
Symbol 183 Button
on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(46); }
Symbol 187 Button
on (release) { gameRoot.gotoAndStop("deckbuild"); }
Symbol 188 MovieClip Frame 46
Symbol 188 MovieClip Frame 47
Symbol 197 Button
on (release) { if (gameRoot.challenge1comp != 1) { this.challtext = "Buckshot - Finish off your opponent using the 'Blast 'em' card."; } if (gameRoot.challenge1comp == 1) { this.challtext = "Buckshot - COMPLETED - Finish off your opponent using the 'Blast 'em' card."; } }
Symbol 207 Button
on (release) { if (gameRoot.challenge2comp != 1) { this.challtext = "In Your Prime - Defeat your opponent while you have 20 or more life remaining."; } if (gameRoot.challenge2comp == 1) { this.challtext = "In Your Prime - COMPLETED - Defeat your opponent while you have 20 or more life remaining."; } }
Symbol 211 Button
on (release) { this.start_chall._visible = true; gameRoot.challenge = 4; if (gameRoot.challenge4comp != 1) { this.challtext = "Full of Beans - Defeat your opponent while you have 30 or more life remaining."; } if (gameRoot.challenge4comp == 1) { this.challtext = "Full of Beans - COMPLETED - Defeat your opponent while you have 30 or more life remaining."; } }
Symbol 215 Button
on (release) { if (gameRoot.challenge3comp != 1) { this.challtext = "Devoured - Finish off your opponent with a creature attack."; } if (gameRoot.challenge3comp == 1) { this.challtext = "Devoured - COMPLETED - Finish off your opponent with a creature attack."; } }
Symbol 219 Button
on (release) { if (gameRoot.challenge5comp != 1) { this.challtext = "Untouchable - Defeat your opponent while you have 40 or more life remaining."; } if (gameRoot.challenge5comp == 1) { this.challtext = "Untouchable - COMPLETED - Defeat your opponent while you have 40 or more life remaining"; } }
Symbol 223 Button
on (release) { if (gameRoot.challenge6comp != 1) { this.challtext = "Hard Hitting - Deal 15 or more damage in a single card attack on your opponent."; } if (gameRoot.challenge6comp == 1) { this.challtext = "Hard Hitting - COMPLETED - Deal 15 or more damage in a single card attack on your opponent."; } }
Symbol 227 Button
on (release) { if (gameRoot.challenge7comp != 1) { this.challtext = "Devastating - Deal 20 or more damage in a single card attack on your opponent."; } if (gameRoot.challenge7comp == 1) { this.challtext = "Devastating - COMPLETED - Deal 20 or more damage in a single card attack on your opponent."; } }
Symbol 231 Button
on (release) { if (gameRoot.challenge8comp != 1) { this.challtext = "Holding Back - Defeat your opponent without playing any Arcane Attack cards on them (or other cards that deal damage + Arcane - e.g. Mad Experiment)"; } if (gameRoot.challenge8comp == 1) { this.challtext = "Holding Back - COMPLETED - Defeat your opponent without playing any Arcane Attack cards on them (or other cards that deal damage + Arcane - e.g. Mad Experiment)"; } }
Symbol 236 Button
on (release) { if (gameRoot.challenge9comp != 1) { this.challtext = "Pure Magic - Defeat your opponent without playing any Physical Attack cards on them."; } if (gameRoot.challenge9comp == 1) { this.challtext = "Pure Magic - COMPLETED - Defeat your opponent without playing any Physical Attack cards on them."; } }
Symbol 240 Button
on (release) { if (gameRoot.challenge10comp != 1) { this.challtext = "Insanity Beckons - Defeat your opponent while you have less than zero sanity."; } if (gameRoot.challenge10comp == 1) { this.challtext = "Insanity Beckons - COMPLETED - Defeat your opponent while you have less than zero sanity."; } }
Symbol 244 Button
on (release) { if (gameRoot.challenge11comp != 1) { this.challtext = "Overrun - Fill all four of your creature slots with monsters."; } if (gameRoot.challenge11comp == 1) { this.challtext = "Overrun - COMPLETED - Fill all four of your creature slots with monsters."; } }
Symbol 248 Button
on (release) { if (gameRoot.challenge12comp != 1) { this.challtext = "Crushing - Deal 25 or more damage in a single card attack."; } if (gameRoot.challenge12comp == 1) { this.challtext = "Crushing - COMPLETED - Deal 25 or more damage in a single card attack."; } }
Symbol 252 Button
on (release) { if (gameRoot.challenge13comp != 1) { this.challtext = "Cthulhu - Win a round while Cthulhu is in play."; } if (gameRoot.challenge13comp == 1) { this.challtext = "Cthulhu - COMPLETED - Win a round while Cthulhu is in play."; } }
Symbol 256 Button
on (release) { if (gameRoot.challenge14comp != 1) { this.challtext = "Shubby - Win a round while Shub-Niggurath is in play."; } if (gameRoot.challenge14comp == 1) { this.challtext = "Shubby - COMPLETED - Win a round while Shub-Niggurath is in play."; } }
Symbol 260 Button
on (release) { if (gameRoot.challenge15comp != 1) { this.challtext = "Yoggy - Win a round while Yog-Sothoth is in play."; } if (gameRoot.challenge15comp == 1) { this.challtext = "Yoggy - COMPLETED - Win a round while Yog-Sothoth is in play."; } }
Symbol 264 Button
on (release) { if (gameRoot.challenge16comp != 1) { this.challtext = "Suicidal - Win a round while you are Suicidal."; } if (gameRoot.challenge16comp == 1) { this.challtext = "Suicidal - COMPLETED - Win a round while you are Suicidal."; } }
Symbol 268 Button
on (release) { if (gameRoot.challenge17comp != 1) { this.challtext = "Completion - Complete all 30 rounds."; } if (gameRoot.challenge17comp == 1) { this.challtext = "Completion - COMPLETED - Complete all 30 rounds."; } }
Symbol 272 Button
on (release) { this.start_chall._visible = true; gameRoot.challenge = 18; if (gameRoot.challenge18comp != 1) { this.challtext = "Challenge 18 - From Beyond! You begin with 20 life (100 Max). Your opponent has 50 life (100 Max). Every time you or your opponent summons a creature, your taint increases by half the creatures attack power (rounded up). And your opponents Arcane power increases by the same amount."; } if (gameRoot.challenge18comp == 1) { this.challtext = "Challenge 18 - COMPLETED - From Beyond! You begin with 20 life (100 Max). Your opponent has 50 life (100 Max). Every time you or your opponent summons a creature, your taint increases by half the creatures attack power (rounded up). And your opponents Arcane power increases by the same amount."; } arcanemod1 = 0; arcanemod2 = 0; eldermod1 = 0; eldermod2 = 0; taintmod1 = 0; gameRoot.besthit = 0; gameRoot.score = 0; gameRoot.currentrank = 0; gameRoot.besthit = 0; gameRoot.rank1.rankani.ranktext = "Challenge 19"; gameRoot.rank2.rankani.ranktext = ""; matchcardsused = 0; matchdamagereceived = 0; maxvida = 100; maxvida2 = 100; maxsanity = Math.round(Math.random() * 15) + 15; invisible = 0; immunity = 0; resurrect = 0; Set("da\u00F1o", 0); normal = 0; bless1aux = 0; arma1aux = 0; escudo1aux = 0; contra1aux = 0; damageinflicted = 0; elderthing = 0; yogsothoth = 0; byakhee = 0; shoggoth = 0; shambler = 0; betrayed = 0; donotcounter = 0; betrayal = 0; ignoreelder = 0; parapeto1aux = 0; runa1aux = 0; ceguera1aux = 0; maldicion1aux = 0; veneno1aux = 0; regenaux = 0; multiplyaux = 1; paraliza = 0; cura = 0; dispelo = 0; dispelc = 0; dispels = 0; curaveneno = 0; vida1 = 20; sanity1 = Math.round(Math.random() * 10) + 25; Set("da\u00F1o1", 0); bless1 = 0; arma1 = 0 + arcanemod1; trace("arcane is " + arma1); escudo1 = 0 + eldermod1; contra1 = 0; parapeto1 = 0; sanityloss = 0; ceguera1 = 0; maldicion1 = 0; veneno1 = 0 + taintmod1; regen1 = 0; mult1 = 1; paraliza1 = 0; vida2 = 50; sanity2 = Math.round(Math.random() * 10) + 25; Set("da\u00F1o2", 0); bless2 = 0; arma2 = 0 + arcanemod2; escudo2 = 0 + eldermod2; contra2 = 0; parapeto2 = 0; runa2 = 0; ceguera2 = 0; maldicion2 = 0; veneno2 = 0; regen2 = 0; mult2 = 1; paraliza2 = 0; numbar = -1; carbueno = -1; numcartas = 36; actualcards = 36; cmalo = -1; destapa = -1; trace("Number of cards in deck is:" + actualcards); turno = 0; marma1.gotoAndStop(1); ccontra1.gotoAndStop(1); mmaldicion1.gotoAndStop(1); mescudo1.gotoAndStop(1); mataque1.gotoAndStop(1); mveneno1.gotoAndStop(1); mceguera1.gotoAndStop(1); minvulner1.gotoAndStop(1); byakhee1.gotoAndStop(1); byakhee2.gotoAndStop(1); shambler1.gotoAndStop(1); shambler2.gotoAndStop(1); shoggoth1.gotoAndStop(1); shoggoth2.gotoAndStop(1); elderthing1.gotoAndStop(1); elderthing2.gotoAndStop(1); shub1.gotoAndStop(1); shub2.gotoAndStop(1); agoraphobiaIcon1.gotoAndStop(1); xenophobiaIcon1.gotoAndStop(1); xenophobiaIcon2.gotoAndStop(1); megalomaniaIcon1.gotoAndStop(1); megalomaniaIcon2.gotoAndStop(1); schizophreniaIcon1.gotoAndStop(1); schizophreniaIcon2.gotoAndStop(1); insanity1 = 0; insanity2 = 0; Xenophobia1 = 0; Xenophobia2 = 0; megalomania1 = 0; megalomania2 = 0; schizophrenia1 = 0; schizophrenia2 = 0; agoraphobia1 = 0; byakhee2inplay = 0; shambler2inplay = 0; byakhee1inplay = 0; shambler1inplay = 0; marma2.gotoAndStop(1); ccontra2.gotoAndStop(1); mmaldicion2.gotoAndStop(1); mescudo2.gotoAndStop(1); mataque2.gotoAndStop(1); mveneno2.gotoAndStop(1); minvulner2.gotoAndStop(1); mceguera2.gotoAndStop(1); text_poison1 = 0; text_poison2 = 0; text_counter1 = 0; text_counter2 = 0; text_defense1 = 0; text_defense2 = 0; text_attack1 = 0; text_attack2 = 0; stopAllSounds(); if (gameRoot.sound == 1) { playmus = new Sound(); playmus.setVolume(50); playmus.attachSound("intromusic"); playmus.start(); } }
Symbol 276 Button
on (release) { this.start_chall._visible = true; gameRoot.challenge = 19; if (gameRoot.challenge19comp != 1) { this.challtext = "Challenge 19 - Immortal? You begin with 40 life, (60 Max), your opponent has 60 life (60 Max) - but your opponent has become so powerful that he cannot be killed by normal means. Only a creatures' COUNTER attack can kill him. Both sanity points are low."; } if (gameRoot.challenge19comp == 1) { this.challtext = "Challenge 19 - COMPLETED - Immortal? You begin with 40 life, (60 Max), your opponent has 60 life (60 Max) - but your opponent has become so powerful that he cannot be killed by normal means. Only a creatures' COUNTER attack can kill him. Both sanity points are low."; } arcanemod1 = 0; arcanemod2 = 0; eldermod1 = 0; eldermod2 = 0; taintmod1 = 0; gameRoot.besthit = 0; gameRoot.score = 0; gameRoot.currentrank = 0; gameRoot.besthit = 0; gameRoot.rank1.rankani.ranktext = "Challenge 19"; gameRoot.rank2.rankani.ranktext = ""; matchcardsused = 0; matchdamagereceived = 0; maxvida = 60; maxvida2 = 60; maxsanity = Math.round(Math.random() * 15) + 15; invisible = 0; immunity = 0; resurrect = 0; Set("da\u00F1o", 0); normal = 0; bless1aux = 0; arma1aux = 0; escudo1aux = 0; contra1aux = 0; damageinflicted = 0; elderthing = 0; yogsothoth = 0; byakhee = 0; shoggoth = 0; shambler = 0; betrayed = 0; donotcounter = 0; betrayal = 0; ignoreelder = 0; parapeto1aux = 0; runa1aux = 0; ceguera1aux = 0; maldicion1aux = 0; veneno1aux = 0; regenaux = 0; multiplyaux = 1; paraliza = 0; cura = 0; dispelo = 0; dispelc = 0; dispels = 0; curaveneno = 0; vida1 = 40; sanity1 = Math.round(Math.random() * 10) + 10; Set("da\u00F1o1", 0); bless1 = 0; arma1 = 0 + arcanemod1; trace("arcane is " + arma1); escudo1 = 0 + eldermod1; contra1 = 0; parapeto1 = 0; sanityloss = 0; ceguera1 = 0; maldicion1 = 0; veneno1 = 0 + taintmod1; regen1 = 0; mult1 = 1; paraliza1 = 0; vida2 = 60; sanity2 = Math.round(Math.random() * 10) + 10; Set("da\u00F1o2", 0); bless2 = 0; arma2 = 0 + arcanemod2; escudo2 = 0 + eldermod2; contra2 = 0; parapeto2 = 0; runa2 = 0; ceguera2 = 0; maldicion2 = 0; veneno2 = 0; regen2 = 0; mult2 = 1; paraliza2 = 0; numbar = -1; carbueno = -1; numcartas = 36; actualcards = 36; cmalo = -1; destapa = -1; trace("Number of cards in deck is:" + actualcards); turno = 0; marma1.gotoAndStop(1); ccontra1.gotoAndStop(1); mmaldicion1.gotoAndStop(1); mescudo1.gotoAndStop(1); mataque1.gotoAndStop(1); mveneno1.gotoAndStop(1); mceguera1.gotoAndStop(1); minvulner1.gotoAndStop(1); byakhee1.gotoAndStop(1); byakhee2.gotoAndStop(1); shambler1.gotoAndStop(1); shambler2.gotoAndStop(1); shoggoth1.gotoAndStop(1); shoggoth2.gotoAndStop(1); elderthing1.gotoAndStop(1); elderthing2.gotoAndStop(1); shub1.gotoAndStop(1); shub2.gotoAndStop(1); agoraphobiaIcon1.gotoAndStop(1); xenophobiaIcon1.gotoAndStop(1); xenophobiaIcon2.gotoAndStop(1); megalomaniaIcon1.gotoAndStop(1); megalomaniaIcon2.gotoAndStop(1); schizophreniaIcon1.gotoAndStop(1); schizophreniaIcon2.gotoAndStop(1); insanity1 = 0; insanity2 = 0; Xenophobia1 = 0; Xenophobia2 = 0; megalomania1 = 0; megalomania2 = 0; schizophrenia1 = 0; schizophrenia2 = 0; agoraphobia1 = 0; byakhee2inplay = 0; shambler2inplay = 0; byakhee1inplay = 0; shambler1inplay = 0; marma2.gotoAndStop(1); ccontra2.gotoAndStop(1); mmaldicion2.gotoAndStop(1); mescudo2.gotoAndStop(1); mataque2.gotoAndStop(1); mveneno2.gotoAndStop(1); minvulner2.gotoAndStop(1); mceguera2.gotoAndStop(1); text_poison1 = 0; text_poison2 = 0; text_counter1 = 0; text_counter2 = 0; text_defense1 = 0; text_defense2 = 0; text_attack1 = 0; text_attack2 = 0; stopAllSounds(); if (gameRoot.sound == 1) { playmus = new Sound(); playmus.setVolume(50); playmus.attachSound("intromusic"); playmus.start(); } }
Symbol 280 Button
on (release) { if (gameRoot.challenge18comp != 1) { this.challtext = "SuperRanks - Achieve 'S' rank status in all 30 rounds."; } if (gameRoot.challenge18comp == 1) { this.challtext = "SuperRanks - COMPLETED - Achieve 'S' rank status in all 30 rounds."; } }
Symbol 284 Button
on (release) { this.start_chall._visible = true; gameRoot.challenge = 21; if (gameRoot.challenge21comp != 1) { this.challtext = "Challenge 21 - Playing tricks? There's something not right in what is happening. Has reality been warped by some outside cosmic horror? Good luck..."; } if (gameRoot.challenge21comp == 1) { this.challtext = "Challenge 21 - COMPLETED - Playing tricks? There's something not right in what is happening. Has reality been warped by some outside cosmic horror? Good luck..."; } arcanemod1 = 0; arcanemod2 = 0; eldermod1 = 0; eldermod2 = 0; taintmod1 = 0; gameRoot.besthit = 0; gameRoot.score = 0; gameRoot.currentrank = 0; gameRoot.besthit = 0; gameRoot.rank1.rankani.ranktext = "Challenge 21"; gameRoot.rank2.rankani.ranktext = ""; matchcardsused = 0; matchdamagereceived = 0; maxvida = 60; maxvida2 = 60; maxsanity = Math.round(Math.random() * 15) + 15; invisible = 0; immunity = 0; resurrect = 0; Set("da\u00F1o", 0); normal = 0; bless1aux = 0; arma1aux = 0; escudo1aux = 0; contra1aux = 0; damageinflicted = 0; elderthing = 0; yogsothoth = 0; byakhee = 0; shoggoth = 0; shambler = 0; betrayed = 0; donotcounter = 0; betrayal = 0; ignoreelder = 0; parapeto1aux = 0; runa1aux = 0; ceguera1aux = 0; maldicion1aux = 0; veneno1aux = 0; regenaux = 0; multiplyaux = 1; paraliza = 0; cura = 0; dispelo = 0; dispelc = 0; dispels = 0; curaveneno = 0; vida1 = 50; sanity1 = Math.round(Math.random() * 10) + 20; Set("da\u00F1o1", 0); bless1 = 0; arma1 = 0 + arcanemod1; trace("arcane is " + arma1); escudo1 = 0 + eldermod1; contra1 = 0; parapeto1 = 0; sanityloss = 0; ceguera1 = 0; maldicion1 = 0; veneno1 = 0 + taintmod1; regen1 = 0; mult1 = 1; paraliza1 = 0; vida2 = 60; sanity2 = Math.round(Math.random() * 10) + 20; Set("da\u00F1o2", 0); bless2 = 0; arma2 = 0 + arcanemod2; escudo2 = 0 + eldermod2; contra2 = 0; parapeto2 = 0; runa2 = 0; ceguera2 = 0; maldicion2 = 0; veneno2 = 0; regen2 = 0; mult2 = 1; paraliza2 = 0; numbar = -1; carbueno = -1; numcartas = 36; actualcards = 36; cmalo = -1; destapa = -1; trace("Number of cards in deck is:" + actualcards); turno = 0; marma1.gotoAndStop(1); ccontra1.gotoAndStop(1); mmaldicion1.gotoAndStop(1); mescudo1.gotoAndStop(1); mataque1.gotoAndStop(1); mveneno1.gotoAndStop(1); mceguera1.gotoAndStop(1); minvulner1.gotoAndStop(1); byakhee1.gotoAndStop(1); byakhee2.gotoAndStop(1); shambler1.gotoAndStop(1); shambler2.gotoAndStop(1); shoggoth1.gotoAndStop(1); shoggoth2.gotoAndStop(1); elderthing1.gotoAndStop(1); elderthing2.gotoAndStop(1); shub1.gotoAndStop(1); shub2.gotoAndStop(1); agoraphobiaIcon1.gotoAndStop(1); xenophobiaIcon1.gotoAndStop(1); xenophobiaIcon2.gotoAndStop(1); megalomaniaIcon1.gotoAndStop(1); megalomaniaIcon2.gotoAndStop(1); schizophreniaIcon1.gotoAndStop(1); schizophreniaIcon2.gotoAndStop(1); insanity1 = 0; insanity2 = 0; Xenophobia1 = 0; Xenophobia2 = 0; megalomania1 = 0; megalomania2 = 0; schizophrenia1 = 0; schizophrenia2 = 0; agoraphobia1 = 0; byakhee2inplay = 0; shambler2inplay = 0; byakhee1inplay = 0; shambler1inplay = 0; marma2.gotoAndStop(1); ccontra2.gotoAndStop(1); mmaldicion2.gotoAndStop(1); mescudo2.gotoAndStop(1); mataque2.gotoAndStop(1); mveneno2.gotoAndStop(1); minvulner2.gotoAndStop(1); mceguera2.gotoAndStop(1); text_poison1 = 0; text_poison2 = 0; text_counter1 = 0; text_counter2 = 0; text_defense1 = 0; text_defense2 = 0; text_attack1 = 0; text_attack2 = 0; stopAllSounds(); if (gameRoot.sound == 1) { playmus = new Sound(); playmus.setVolume(50); playmus.attachSound("intromusic"); playmus.start(); } }
Symbol 286 Button
on (release) { gameRoot.challenge = 0; actualcards = 24; gameRoot.gotoAndPlay("menu"); }
Symbol 295 Button
on (release) { gameRoot.gotoAndPlay("menu"); }
Symbol 299 Button
on (release) { this.nextFrame(); }
Symbol 306 Button
on (release) { this.prevFrame(); }
Symbol 335 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 356 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 377 Button
on (release) { i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { gameRoot.bactiva[i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { if (gameRoot.barajas[this._parent.k][i]._visible != true) { } else { visible = i; } i = i + 1; } gameRoot.bactiva[visible]._visible = true; gameRoot.carbueno = visible; gameRoot.numbar = this._parent.k; gameRoot.turno = 1; gameRoot.ejecutar.gotoAndStop(3); }
Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 1
function juegacarta() { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = 0; gameRoot.ceguera1aux = 0; gameRoot.arma1aux = 0; gameRoot.escudo1aux = 0; gameRoot.contra1aux = 0; gameRoot.bless1aux = 0; gameRoot.parapeto1aux = 0; gameRoot.maldicion1aux = 0; gameRoot.veneno1aux = 0; gameRoot.runa1aux = 0; gameRoot.cura = 0; gameRoot.dispelo = 0; gameRoot.dispels = 0; gameRoot.dispelc = 0; gameRoot.curaveneno = 0; gameRoot.multiplyaux = 1; gameRoot.regenaux = 0; gameRoot.paraliza = 0; gameRoot.sanitycost = 2; gameRoot.elderthing = 0; gameRoot.sanitygain = 0; gameRoot.sanityloss = 0; gameRoot.shambler = 0; gameRoot.shoggoth = 0; gameRoot.byakhee = 0; gameRoot.normal = 0; gameRoot.betrayed = 0; gameRoot.ignoreelder = 0; gameRoot.shub = 0; gameRoot.cthulhu = 0; gameRoot.cardsound1 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound2 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound3 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound4 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound5 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound6 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound7 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound8 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound9 = 0; gameRoot.charPlace = 0; gameRoot.creatPlace = 0; gameRoot.locatPlace = 0; gameRoot.tomePlace = 1; gameRoot.itemPlace = 0; gameRoot.cardType = 0; gameRoot.cardID = 7; }
Symbol 392 Button
on (release) { i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { gameRoot.bactiva[i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { if (gameRoot.barajas[this._parent.k][i]._visible != true) { } else { visible = i; } i = i + 1; } gameRoot.bactiva[visible]._visible = true; gameRoot.carbueno = visible; gameRoot.numbar = this._parent.k; gameRoot.turno = 1; gameRoot.ejecutar.gotoAndStop(3); }
Symbol 393 MovieClip Frame 1
function juegacarta() { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = 0; gameRoot.ceguera1aux = 0; gameRoot.arma1aux = -1; gameRoot.escudo1aux = 0; gameRoot.contra1aux = 0; gameRoot.bless1aux = 0; gameRoot.parapeto1aux = 0; gameRoot.maldicion1aux = 0; gameRoot.veneno1aux = 0; gameRoot.runa1aux = 0; gameRoot.cura = 7; gameRoot.dispelo = 0; gameRoot.dispels = 0; gameRoot.dispelc = 0; gameRoot.curaveneno = 0; gameRoot.multiplyaux = 1; gameRoot.regenaux = 0; gameRoot.paraliza = 0; gameRoot.sanitycost = 1; gameRoot.elderthing = 0; gameRoot.sanitygain = 0; gameRoot.sanityloss = 0; gameRoot.shambler = 0; gameRoot.shoggoth = 0; gameRoot.byakhee = 0; gameRoot.normal = 0; gameRoot.betrayed = 0; gameRoot.ignoreelder = 0; gameRoot.shub = 0; gameRoot.cthulhu = 0; gameRoot.cardsound1 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound2 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound3 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound4 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound5 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound6 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound7 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound8 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound9 = 0; gameRoot.charPlace = 0; gameRoot.creatPlace = 0; gameRoot.locatPlace = 0; gameRoot.tomePlace = 0; gameRoot.itemPlace = 0; gameRoot.cardType = 0; gameRoot.cardID = 10; }
Symbol 404 Button
on (release) { i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { gameRoot.bactiva[i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { if (gameRoot.barajas[this._parent.k][i]._visible != true) { } else { visible = i; } i = i + 1; } gameRoot.bactiva[visible]._visible = true; gameRoot.carbueno = visible; gameRoot.numbar = this._parent.k; gameRoot.turno = 1; gameRoot.ejecutar.gotoAndStop(3); }
Symbol 405 MovieClip Frame 1
function juegacarta() { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = 0; gameRoot.ceguera1aux = 0; gameRoot.arma1aux = 0; gameRoot.escudo1aux = 0; gameRoot.contra1aux = 0; gameRoot.bless1aux = 0; gameRoot.parapeto1aux = 0; gameRoot.maldicion1aux = 0; gameRoot.veneno1aux = 0; gameRoot.runa1aux = 0; gameRoot.cura = 4; gameRoot.dispelo = 0; gameRoot.dispels = 0; gameRoot.dispelc = 0; gameRoot.curaveneno = 0; gameRoot.multiplyaux = 1; gameRoot.regenaux = 0; gameRoot.paraliza = 0; gameRoot.sanitycost = 0; gameRoot.sanitygain = 0; gameRoot.sanityloss = 0; gameRoot.shambler = 0; gameRoot.shoggoth = 0; gameRoot.byakhee = 0; gameRoot.normal = 0; gameRoot.betrayed = 0; gameRoot.elderthing = 0; gameRoot.ignoreelder = 0; gameRoot.shub = 0; gameRoot.cthulhu = 0; gameRoot.cardsound1 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound2 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound3 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound4 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound5 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound6 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound7 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound8 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound9 = 0; gameRoot.charPlace = 0; gameRoot.creatPlace = 0; gameRoot.locatPlace = 0; gameRoot.tomePlace = 0; gameRoot.itemPlace = 0; gameRoot.cardType = 0; gameRoot.cardID = 2; }
Symbol 415 Button
on (release) { i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { gameRoot.bactiva[i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { if (gameRoot.barajas[this._parent.k][i]._visible != true) { } else { visible = i; } i = i + 1; } gameRoot.bactiva[visible]._visible = true; gameRoot.carbueno = visible; gameRoot.numbar = this._parent.k; gameRoot.turno = 1; gameRoot.ejecutar.gotoAndStop(3); }
Symbol 416 MovieClip Frame 1
function juegacarta() { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = 0; gameRoot.ceguera1aux = 0; gameRoot.arma1aux = 0; gameRoot.escudo1aux = 0; gameRoot.contra1aux = 0; gameRoot.bless1aux = 0; gameRoot.parapeto1aux = 0; gameRoot.maldicion1aux = 0; gameRoot.veneno1aux = 0; gameRoot.runa1aux = 0; gameRoot.cura = 7; gameRoot.dispelo = 0; gameRoot.dispels = 0; gameRoot.dispelc = 0; gameRoot.curaveneno = 0; gameRoot.multiplyaux = 1; gameRoot.regenaux = 0; gameRoot.paraliza = 0; gameRoot.sanitycost = 3; gameRoot.sanitygain = 0; gameRoot.sanityloss = 0; gameRoot.shambler = 0; gameRoot.shoggoth = 0; gameRoot.byakhee = 0; gameRoot.normal = 0; gameRoot.betrayed = 0; gameRoot.elderthing = 0; gameRoot.ignoreelder = 0; gameRoot.shub = 0; gameRoot.cthulhu = 0; gameRoot.cardsound1 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound2 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound3 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound4 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound5 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound6 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound7 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound8 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound9 = 0; gameRoot.charPlace = 0; gameRoot.creatPlace = 0; gameRoot.locatPlace = 0; gameRoot.tomePlace = 0; gameRoot.itemPlace = 0; gameRoot.cardType = 0; gameRoot.cardID = 8; }
Symbol 430 Button
on (release) { i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { gameRoot.bactiva[i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { if (gameRoot.barajas[this._parent.k][i]._visible != true) { } else { visible = i; } i = i + 1; } gameRoot.bactiva[visible]._visible = true; gameRoot.carbueno = visible; gameRoot.numbar = this._parent.k; gameRoot.turno = 1; gameRoot.ejecutar.gotoAndStop(3); }
Symbol 431 MovieClip Frame 1
function juegacarta() { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = 3; gameRoot.ceguera1aux = 0; gameRoot.arma1aux = 0; gameRoot.escudo1aux = 0; gameRoot.contra1aux = 0; gameRoot.bless1aux = 0; gameRoot.parapeto1aux = 0; gameRoot.maldicion1aux = 0; gameRoot.veneno1aux = 0; gameRoot.runa1aux = 0; gameRoot.cura = 0; gameRoot.dispelo = 0; gameRoot.dispels = 0; gameRoot.dispelc = 0; gameRoot.curaveneno = 0; gameRoot.multiplyaux = 1; gameRoot.regenaux = 0; gameRoot.paraliza = 0; gameRoot.sanitycost = 0; gameRoot.elderthing = 0; gameRoot.sanitygain = 0; gameRoot.sanityloss = 0; gameRoot.shambler = 0; gameRoot.shoggoth = 0; gameRoot.byakhee = 0; gameRoot.normal = 1; gameRoot.betrayed = 0; gameRoot.ignoreelder = 0; gameRoot.shub = 0; gameRoot.cthulhu = 0; gameRoot.cardsound1 = 1; gameRoot.cardsound2 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound3 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound4 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound5 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound6 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound7 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound8 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound9 = achieve1; gameRoot.charPlace = 0; gameRoot.creatPlace = 0; gameRoot.locatPlace = 0; gameRoot.tomePlace = 0; gameRoot.itemPlace = 0; gameRoot.cardType = 0; gameRoot.cardID = 4; }
Symbol 443 Button
on (release) { i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { gameRoot.bactiva[i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { if (gameRoot.barajas[this._parent.k][i]._visible != true) { } else { visible = i; } i = i + 1; } gameRoot.bactiva[visible]._visible = true; gameRoot.carbueno = visible; gameRoot.numbar = this._parent.k; gameRoot.turno = 1; gameRoot.ejecutar.gotoAndStop(3); }
Symbol 444 MovieClip Frame 1
function juegacarta() { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = 5; gameRoot.ceguera1aux = 0; gameRoot.arma1aux = 0; gameRoot.escudo1aux = 0; gameRoot.contra1aux = 0; gameRoot.bless1aux = 0; gameRoot.parapeto1aux = 0; gameRoot.maldicion1aux = 0; gameRoot.veneno1aux = 0; gameRoot.runa1aux = 0; gameRoot.cura = 0; gameRoot.dispelo = 0; gameRoot.dispels = 0; gameRoot.dispelc = 0; gameRoot.curaveneno = 0; gameRoot.multiplyaux = 1; gameRoot.regenaux = 0; gameRoot.paraliza = 0; gameRoot.sanitycost = 1; gameRoot.elderthing = 0; gameRoot.sanitygain = 0; gameRoot.sanityloss = 0; gameRoot.shambler = 0; gameRoot.shoggoth = 0; gameRoot.byakhee = 0; gameRoot.normal = 0; gameRoot.betrayed = 0; gameRoot.ignoreelder = 0; gameRoot.shub = 0; gameRoot.cthulhu = 0; gameRoot.cardsound1 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound2 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound3 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound4 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound5 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound6 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound7 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound8 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound9 = 0; gameRoot.charPlace = 0; gameRoot.creatPlace = 0; gameRoot.locatPlace = 0; gameRoot.tomePlace = 0; gameRoot.itemPlace = 0; gameRoot.cardType = 0; gameRoot.cardID = 5; }
Symbol 454 Button
on (release) { i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { gameRoot.bactiva[i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { if (gameRoot.barajas[this._parent.k][i]._visible != true) { } else { visible = i; } i = i + 1; } gameRoot.bactiva[visible]._visible = true; gameRoot.carbueno = visible; gameRoot.numbar = this._parent.k; gameRoot.turno = 1; gameRoot.ejecutar.gotoAndStop(3); }
Symbol 455 MovieClip Frame 1
function juegacarta() { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = 6; gameRoot.ceguera1aux = 0; gameRoot.arma1aux = 0; gameRoot.escudo1aux = 0; gameRoot.contra1aux = 0; gameRoot.bless1aux = 0; gameRoot.parapeto1aux = 0; gameRoot.maldicion1aux = 0; gameRoot.veneno1aux = 0; gameRoot.runa1aux = 0; gameRoot.cura = 3; gameRoot.dispelo = 0; gameRoot.dispels = 0; gameRoot.dispelc = 0; gameRoot.curaveneno = 0; gameRoot.multiplyaux = 1; gameRoot.regenaux = 0; gameRoot.paraliza = 0; gameRoot.sanitycost = 2; gameRoot.sanitygain = 0; gameRoot.sanityloss = 0; gameRoot.shambler = 0; gameRoot.shoggoth = 0; gameRoot.byakhee = 0; gameRoot.normal = 0; gameRoot.betrayed = 0; gameRoot.elderthing = 0; gameRoot.shub = 0; gameRoot.cthulhu = 0; gameRoot.ignoreelder = 0; gameRoot.cardsound1 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound2 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound3 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound4 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound5 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound6 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound7 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound8 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound9 = 0; gameRoot.charPlace = 0; gameRoot.creatPlace = 0; gameRoot.locatPlace = 0; gameRoot.tomePlace = 0; gameRoot.itemPlace = 0; gameRoot.cardType = 0; gameRoot.cardID = 12; }
Symbol 465 Button
on (release) { i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { gameRoot.bactiva[i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { if (gameRoot.barajas[this._parent.k][i]._visible != true) { } else { visible = i; } i = i + 1; } gameRoot.bactiva[visible]._visible = true; gameRoot.carbueno = visible; gameRoot.numbar = this._parent.k; gameRoot.turno = 1; gameRoot.ejecutar.gotoAndStop(3); }
Symbol 466 MovieClip Frame 1
function juegacarta() { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = 0; gameRoot.ceguera1aux = 0; gameRoot.arma1aux = 0; gameRoot.escudo1aux = 0; gameRoot.contra1aux = 0; gameRoot.bless1aux = 0; gameRoot.parapeto1aux = 0; gameRoot.maldicion1aux = 0; gameRoot.veneno1aux = 0; gameRoot.runa1aux = 0; gameRoot.cura = 0; gameRoot.dispelo = 0; gameRoot.dispels = 0; gameRoot.dispelc = 0; gameRoot.curaveneno = 0; gameRoot.multiplyaux = 1; gameRoot.regenaux = 0; gameRoot.paraliza = 0; gameRoot.sanitycost = 2; gameRoot.sanitygain = 0; gameRoot.sanityloss = 0; gameRoot.shambler = 0; gameRoot.shoggoth = 0; gameRoot.byakhee = 1; gameRoot.normal = 0; gameRoot.betrayed = 0; gameRoot.elderthing = 0; gameRoot.ignoreelder = 0; gameRoot.shub = 0; gameRoot.cthulhu = 0; gameRoot.cardsound1 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound2 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound3 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound4 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound5 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound6 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound7 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound8 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound9 = 0; gameRoot.charPlace = 0; gameRoot.creatPlace = 0; gameRoot.locatPlace = 0; gameRoot.tomePlace = 0; gameRoot.itemPlace = 0; gameRoot.cardType = 0; gameRoot.cardID = 13; }
Symbol 477 Button
on (release) { i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { gameRoot.bactiva[i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { if (gameRoot.barajas[this._parent.k][i]._visible != true) { } else { visible = i; } i = i + 1; } gameRoot.bactiva[visible]._visible = true; gameRoot.carbueno = visible; gameRoot.numbar = this._parent.k; gameRoot.turno = 1; gameRoot.ejecutar.gotoAndStop(3); }
Symbol 478 MovieClip Frame 1
function juegacarta() { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = 0; gameRoot.ceguera1aux = 0; gameRoot.arma1aux = 0; gameRoot.escudo1aux = 0; gameRoot.contra1aux = 0; gameRoot.bless1aux = 0; gameRoot.parapeto1aux = 0; gameRoot.maldicion1aux = 0; gameRoot.veneno1aux = 0; gameRoot.runa1aux = 0; gameRoot.cura = 0; gameRoot.dispelo = 0; gameRoot.dispels = 0; gameRoot.dispelc = 0; gameRoot.curaveneno = 0; gameRoot.multiplyaux = 1; gameRoot.regenaux = 0; gameRoot.paraliza = 0; gameRoot.sanitycost = 2; gameRoot.sanitygain = 0; gameRoot.sanityloss = 0; gameRoot.shambler = 0; gameRoot.shoggoth = 0; gameRoot.byakhee = 0; gameRoot.normal = 12; gameRoot.betrayed = 0; gameRoot.elderthing = 0; gameRoot.ignoreelder = 0; gameRoot.shub = 0; gameRoot.cthulhu = 0; gameRoot.cardsound1 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound2 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound3 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound4 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound5 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound6 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound7 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound8 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound9 = 0; gameRoot.charPlace = 0; gameRoot.creatPlace = 0; gameRoot.locatPlace = 0; gameRoot.tomePlace = 0; gameRoot.itemPlace = 0; gameRoot.cardType = 0; gameRoot.cardID = 3; }
Symbol 490 Button
on (release) { i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { gameRoot.bactiva[i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { if (gameRoot.barajas[this._parent.k][i]._visible != true) { } else { visible = i; } i = i + 1; } gameRoot.bactiva[visible]._visible = true; gameRoot.carbueno = visible; gameRoot.numbar = this._parent.k; gameRoot.turno = 1; gameRoot.ejecutar.gotoAndStop(3); }
Symbol 491 MovieClip Frame 1
function juegacarta() { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = 10; gameRoot.ceguera1aux = 0; gameRoot.arma1aux = 0; gameRoot.escudo1aux = 0; gameRoot.contra1aux = 0; gameRoot.bless1aux = 0; gameRoot.parapeto1aux = 0; gameRoot.maldicion1aux = 0; gameRoot.veneno1aux = 0; gameRoot.runa1aux = 0; gameRoot.cura = 0; gameRoot.dispelo = 0; gameRoot.dispelc = 0; gameRoot.dispels = 0; gameRoot.curaveneno = 0; gameRoot.multiplyaux = 1; gameRoot.regenaux = 0; gameRoot.paraliza = 0; gameRoot.sanitycost = 4; gameRoot.sanitygain = 0; gameRoot.sanityloss = 0; gameRoot.shambler = 0; gameRoot.shoggoth = 0; gameRoot.byakhee = 0; gameRoot.normal = 0; gameRoot.betrayed = 0; gameRoot.elderthing = 0; gameRoot.ignoreelder = 0; gameRoot.shub = 0; gameRoot.cthulhu = 0; gameRoot.cardsound1 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound2 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound3 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound4 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound5 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound6 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound7 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound8 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound9 = 0; gameRoot.charPlace = 0; gameRoot.creatPlace = 0; gameRoot.locatPlace = 0; gameRoot.tomePlace = 0; gameRoot.itemPlace = 0; gameRoot.cardType = 0; gameRoot.cardID = 11; }
Symbol 506 Button
on (release) { i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { gameRoot.bactiva[i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { if (gameRoot.barajas[this._parent.k][i]._visible != true) { } else { visible = i; } i = i + 1; } gameRoot.bactiva[visible]._visible = true; gameRoot.carbueno = visible; gameRoot.numbar = this._parent.k; gameRoot.turno = 1; gameRoot.ejecutar.gotoAndStop(3); }
Symbol 507 MovieClip Frame 1
function juegacarta() { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = 0; gameRoot.ceguera1aux = 0; gameRoot.arma1aux = 0; gameRoot.escudo1aux = 0; gameRoot.contra1aux = 0; gameRoot.bless1aux = 0; gameRoot.parapeto1aux = 0; gameRoot.maldicion1aux = 0; gameRoot.veneno1aux = 0; gameRoot.runa1aux = 0; gameRoot.cura = 0; gameRoot.dispelo = 0; gameRoot.dispels = 0; gameRoot.dispelc = 0; gameRoot.curaveneno = 0; gameRoot.multiplyaux = 1; gameRoot.regenaux = 0; gameRoot.paraliza = 0; gameRoot.sanitycost = 3; gameRoot.sanitygain = 0; gameRoot.sanityloss = 0; gameRoot.shambler = 1; gameRoot.shoggoth = 0; gameRoot.byakhee = 0; gameRoot.normal = 0; gameRoot.betrayed = 0; gameRoot.elderthing = 0; gameRoot.ignoreelder = 0; gameRoot.shub = 0; gameRoot.cthulhu = 0; gameRoot.cardsound1 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound2 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound3 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound4 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound5 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound6 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound7 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound8 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound9 = 0; gameRoot.charPlace = 0; gameRoot.creatPlace = 0; gameRoot.locatPlace = 0; gameRoot.tomePlace = 0; gameRoot.itemPlace = 0; gameRoot.cardType = 0; gameRoot.cardID = 14; }
Symbol 515 Button
on (release) { i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { gameRoot.bactiva[i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { if (gameRoot.barajas[this._parent.k][i]._visible != true) { } else { visible = i; } i = i + 1; } gameRoot.bactiva[visible]._visible = true; gameRoot.carbueno = visible; gameRoot.numbar = this._parent.k; gameRoot.turno = 1; gameRoot.ejecutar.gotoAndStop(3); }
Symbol 516 MovieClip Frame 1
function juegacarta() { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = 6; gameRoot.ceguera1aux = 0; gameRoot.arma1aux = 0; gameRoot.escudo1aux = 0; gameRoot.contra1aux = 0; gameRoot.bless1aux = 0; gameRoot.parapeto1aux = 0; gameRoot.maldicion1aux = 0; gameRoot.veneno1aux = 0; gameRoot.runa1aux = 0; gameRoot.cura = 0; gameRoot.dispelo = 0; gameRoot.dispels = 0; gameRoot.dispelc = 0; gameRoot.curaveneno = 0; gameRoot.multiplyaux = 1; gameRoot.regenaux = 0; gameRoot.paraliza = 0; gameRoot.sanitycost = 0; gameRoot.elderthing = 0; gameRoot.sanitygain = 0; gameRoot.sanityloss = 0; gameRoot.shambler = 0; gameRoot.shoggoth = 0; gameRoot.byakhee = 0; gameRoot.normal = 1; gameRoot.betrayed = 0; gameRoot.ignoreelder = 0; gameRoot.shub = 0; gameRoot.cthulhu = 0; gameRoot.cardsound1 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound2 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound3 = 1; gameRoot.cardsound4 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound5 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound6 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound7 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound8 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound9 = 0; gameRoot.charPlace = 0; gameRoot.creatPlace = 0; gameRoot.locatPlace = 0; gameRoot.tomePlace = 0; gameRoot.itemPlace = 0; gameRoot.cardType = 0; gameRoot.cardID = 6; }
Symbol 524 Button
on (release) { i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { gameRoot.bactiva[i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { if (gameRoot.barajas[this._parent.k][i]._visible != true) { } else { visible = i; } i = i + 1; } gameRoot.bactiva[visible]._visible = true; gameRoot.carbueno = visible; gameRoot.numbar = this._parent.k; gameRoot.turno = 1; gameRoot.ejecutar.gotoAndStop(3); }
Symbol 525 MovieClip Frame 1
function juegacarta() { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = 4; gameRoot.ceguera1aux = 0; gameRoot.arma1aux = 0; gameRoot.escudo1aux = 0; gameRoot.contra1aux = 0; gameRoot.bless1aux = 0; gameRoot.parapeto1aux = 0; gameRoot.maldicion1aux = 0; gameRoot.veneno1aux = 0; gameRoot.runa1aux = 0; gameRoot.cura = 0; gameRoot.dispelo = 0; gameRoot.dispels = 0; gameRoot.dispelc = 0; gameRoot.curaveneno = 0; gameRoot.multiplyaux = 1; gameRoot.regenaux = 0; gameRoot.paraliza = 0; gameRoot.sanitycost = 0; gameRoot.elderthing = 0; gameRoot.sanitygain = 0; gameRoot.sanityloss = 0; gameRoot.shambler = 0; gameRoot.shoggoth = 0; gameRoot.byakhee = 0; gameRoot.normal = 1; gameRoot.betrayed = 0; gameRoot.ignoreelder = 0; gameRoot.shub = 0; gameRoot.cthulhu = 0; gameRoot.cardsound1 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound2 = 1; gameRoot.cardsound3 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound4 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound5 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound6 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound7 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound8 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound9 = 0; gameRoot.charPlace = 0; gameRoot.creatPlace = 0; gameRoot.locatPlace = 0; gameRoot.tomePlace = 0; gameRoot.itemPlace = 0; gameRoot.cardType = 0; gameRoot.cardID = 9; }
Symbol 537 Button
on (release) { i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { gameRoot.bactiva[i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { if (gameRoot.barajas[this._parent.k][i]._visible != true) { } else { visible = i; } i = i + 1; } gameRoot.bactiva[visible]._visible = true; gameRoot.carbueno = visible; gameRoot.numbar = this._parent.k; gameRoot.turno = 1; gameRoot.ejecutar.gotoAndStop(3); }
Symbol 538 MovieClip Frame 1
function juegacarta() { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = 0; gameRoot.ceguera1aux = 0; gameRoot.arma1aux = 0; gameRoot.escudo1aux = 0; gameRoot.contra1aux = 0; gameRoot.bless1aux = 0; gameRoot.parapeto1aux = 0; gameRoot.maldicion1aux = 0; gameRoot.veneno1aux = 1; gameRoot.runa1aux = 0; gameRoot.cura = 0; gameRoot.dispelo = 0; gameRoot.dispels = 0; gameRoot.dispelc = 0; gameRoot.curaveneno = 0; gameRoot.multiplyaux = 1; gameRoot.regenaux = 0; gameRoot.paraliza = 0; gameRoot.sanitycost = 1; gameRoot.sanitygain = 0; gameRoot.sanityloss = 0; gameRoot.shambler = 0; gameRoot.shoggoth = 0; gameRoot.byakhee = 0; gameRoot.normal = 0; gameRoot.elderthing = 0; gameRoot.betrayed = 0; gameRoot.ignoreelder = 0; gameRoot.shub = 0; gameRoot.cthulhu = 0; gameRoot.cardsound1 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound2 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound3 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound4 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound5 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound6 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound7 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound8 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound9 = 0; gameRoot.charPlace = 0; gameRoot.creatPlace = 0; gameRoot.locatPlace = 0; gameRoot.tomePlace = 0; gameRoot.itemPlace = 0; gameRoot.cardType = 0; gameRoot.cardID = 15; }
Symbol 554 Button
on (release) { i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { gameRoot.bactiva[i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { if (gameRoot.barajas[this._parent.k][i]._visible != true) { } else { visible = i; } i = i + 1; } gameRoot.bactiva[visible]._visible = true; gameRoot.carbueno = visible; gameRoot.numbar = this._parent.k; gameRoot.turno = 1; gameRoot.ejecutar.gotoAndStop(3); }
Symbol 555 MovieClip Frame 1
function juegacarta() { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = 0; gameRoot.ceguera1aux = 0; gameRoot.arma1aux = 0; gameRoot.escudo1aux = 0; gameRoot.contra1aux = 0; gameRoot.bless1aux = 0; gameRoot.parapeto1aux = 0; gameRoot.maldicion1aux = 0; gameRoot.veneno1aux = 0; gameRoot.runa1aux = 0; gameRoot.cura = 0; gameRoot.dispelo = 0; gameRoot.dispels = 0; gameRoot.dispelc = 0; gameRoot.curaveneno = 0; gameRoot.multiplyaux = 1; gameRoot.regenaux = 0; gameRoot.paraliza = 0; gameRoot.sanitycost = 2; gameRoot.sanitygain = 0; gameRoot.sanityloss = 0; gameRoot.shambler = 0; gameRoot.shoggoth = 0; gameRoot.byakhee = 0; gameRoot.normal = 0; gameRoot.betrayed = 0; gameRoot.elderthing = 0; gameRoot.ignoreelder = 0; gameRoot.shub = 0; gameRoot.cthulhu = 0; gameRoot.cardsound1 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound2 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound3 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound4 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound5 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound6 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound7 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound8 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound9 = 0; gameRoot.charPlace = 0; gameRoot.creatPlace = 0; gameRoot.locatPlace = 0; gameRoot.tomePlace = 3; gameRoot.itemPlace = 0; gameRoot.cardType = 0; gameRoot.cardID = 16; }
Symbol 569 Button
on (release) { i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { gameRoot.bactiva[i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { if (gameRoot.barajas[this._parent.k][i]._visible != true) { } else { visible = i; } i = i + 1; } gameRoot.bactiva[visible]._visible = true; gameRoot.carbueno = visible; gameRoot.numbar = this._parent.k; gameRoot.turno = 1; gameRoot.ejecutar.gotoAndStop(3); }
Symbol 570 MovieClip Frame 1
function juegacarta() { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = 0; gameRoot.ceguera1aux = 0; gameRoot.arma1aux = 0; gameRoot.escudo1aux = 0; gameRoot.contra1aux = 0; gameRoot.bless1aux = 0; gameRoot.parapeto1aux = 0; gameRoot.maldicion1aux = 0; gameRoot.veneno1aux = 2; gameRoot.runa1aux = 0; gameRoot.cura = 0; gameRoot.dispelo = 0; gameRoot.dispels = 0; gameRoot.dispelc = 0; gameRoot.curaveneno = 1; gameRoot.multiplyaux = 1; gameRoot.regenaux = 0; gameRoot.paraliza = 0; gameRoot.sanitycost = 2; gameRoot.sanitygain = 0; gameRoot.sanityloss = 0; gameRoot.shambler = 0; gameRoot.shoggoth = 0; gameRoot.byakhee = 0; gameRoot.normal = 0; gameRoot.betrayed = 0; gameRoot.elderthing = 0; gameRoot.ignoreelder = 0; gameRoot.shub = 0; gameRoot.cthulhu = 0; gameRoot.cardsound1 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound2 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound3 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound4 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound5 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound6 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound7 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound8 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound9 = 0; gameRoot.charPlace = 0; gameRoot.creatPlace = 0; gameRoot.locatPlace = 0; gameRoot.tomePlace = 0; gameRoot.itemPlace = 0; gameRoot.cardType = 0; gameRoot.cardID = 17; }
Symbol 584 Button
on (release) { i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { gameRoot.bactiva[i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { if (gameRoot.barajas[this._parent.k][i]._visible != true) { } else { visible = i; } i = i + 1; } gameRoot.bactiva[visible]._visible = true; gameRoot.carbueno = visible; gameRoot.numbar = this._parent.k; gameRoot.turno = 1; gameRoot.ejecutar.gotoAndStop(3); }
Symbol 585 MovieClip Frame 1
function juegacarta() { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = 0; gameRoot.ceguera1aux = 0; gameRoot.arma1aux = 0; gameRoot.escudo1aux = 0; gameRoot.contra1aux = 0; gameRoot.bless1aux = 0; gameRoot.parapeto1aux = 0; gameRoot.maldicion1aux = 0; gameRoot.veneno1aux = 0; gameRoot.runa1aux = 0; gameRoot.cura = 0; gameRoot.dispelo = 0; gameRoot.dispels = 0; gameRoot.dispelc = 0; gameRoot.curaveneno = 0; gameRoot.multiplyaux = 1; gameRoot.regenaux = 0; gameRoot.paraliza = 0; gameRoot.sanitycost = 4; gameRoot.sanitygain = 0; gameRoot.sanityloss = 0; gameRoot.shambler = 0; gameRoot.shoggoth = 1; gameRoot.byakhee = 0; gameRoot.normal = 0; gameRoot.betrayed = 0; gameRoot.elderthing = 0; gameRoot.ignoreelder = 0; gameRoot.shub = 0; gameRoot.cthulhu = 0; gameRoot.cardsound1 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound2 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound3 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound4 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound5 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound6 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound7 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound8 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound9 = 0; gameRoot.charPlace = 0; gameRoot.creatPlace = 0; gameRoot.locatPlace = 0; gameRoot.tomePlace = 0; gameRoot.itemPlace = 0; gameRoot.cardType = 0; gameRoot.cardID = 20; }
Symbol 602 Button
on (release) { i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { gameRoot.bactiva[i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { if (gameRoot.barajas[this._parent.k][i]._visible != true) { } else { visible = i; } i = i + 1; } gameRoot.bactiva[visible]._visible = true; gameRoot.carbueno = visible; gameRoot.numbar = this._parent.k; gameRoot.turno = 1; gameRoot.ejecutar.gotoAndStop(3); }
Symbol 603 MovieClip Frame 1
function juegacarta() { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = 0; gameRoot.ceguera1aux = 0; gameRoot.arma1aux = 0; gameRoot.escudo1aux = 0; gameRoot.contra1aux = 0; gameRoot.bless1aux = 0; gameRoot.parapeto1aux = 0; gameRoot.maldicion1aux = 0; gameRoot.veneno1aux = 0; gameRoot.runa1aux = 0; gameRoot.cura = 0; gameRoot.dispelo = 0; gameRoot.dispels = 0; gameRoot.dispelc = 0; gameRoot.curaveneno = 0; gameRoot.multiplyaux = 1; gameRoot.regenaux = 0; gameRoot.paraliza = 0; gameRoot.sanitycost = 2; gameRoot.sanitygain = 0; gameRoot.sanityloss = 0; gameRoot.shambler = 0; gameRoot.shoggoth = 0; gameRoot.byakhee = 0; gameRoot.normal = 0; gameRoot.betrayed = 1; gameRoot.elderthing = 0; gameRoot.ignoreelder = 0; gameRoot.shub = 0; gameRoot.cthulhu = 0; gameRoot.cardsound1 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound2 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound3 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound4 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound5 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound6 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound7 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound8 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound9 = 0; gameRoot.charPlace = 0; gameRoot.creatPlace = 0; gameRoot.locatPlace = 0; gameRoot.tomePlace = 0; gameRoot.itemPlace = 0; gameRoot.cardType = 0; gameRoot.cardID = 19; }
Symbol 614 Button
on (release) { i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { gameRoot.bactiva[i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { if (gameRoot.barajas[this._parent.k][i]._visible != true) { } else { visible = i; } i = i + 1; } gameRoot.bactiva[visible]._visible = true; gameRoot.carbueno = visible; gameRoot.numbar = this._parent.k; gameRoot.turno = 1; gameRoot.ejecutar.gotoAndStop(3); }
Symbol 615 MovieClip Frame 1
function juegacarta() { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = 5; gameRoot.ceguera1aux = 0; gameRoot.arma1aux = 0; gameRoot.escudo1aux = 0; gameRoot.contra1aux = 0; gameRoot.bless1aux = 0; gameRoot.parapeto1aux = 0; gameRoot.maldicion1aux = 0; gameRoot.veneno1aux = 0; gameRoot.runa1aux = 0; gameRoot.cura = 0; gameRoot.dispelo = 0; gameRoot.dispels = 0; gameRoot.dispelc = 0; gameRoot.curaveneno = 0; gameRoot.multiplyaux = 1; gameRoot.regenaux = 0; gameRoot.paraliza = 0; gameRoot.sanitycost = 3; gameRoot.sanitygain = 0; gameRoot.sanityloss = 6; gameRoot.shambler = 0; gameRoot.shoggoth = 0; gameRoot.byakhee = 0; gameRoot.normal = 0; gameRoot.betrayed = 0; gameRoot.elderthing = 0; gameRoot.ignoreelder = 0; gameRoot.shub = 0; gameRoot.cthulhu = 0; gameRoot.cardsound1 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound2 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound3 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound4 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound5 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound6 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound7 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound8 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound9 = 0; gameRoot.charPlace = 0; gameRoot.creatPlace = 0; gameRoot.locatPlace = 0; gameRoot.tomePlace = 0; gameRoot.itemPlace = 0; gameRoot.cardType = 0; gameRoot.cardID = 18; }
Symbol 632 Button
on (release) { i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { gameRoot.bactiva[i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { if (gameRoot.barajas[this._parent.k][i]._visible != true) { } else { visible = i; } i = i + 1; } gameRoot.bactiva[visible]._visible = true; gameRoot.carbueno = visible; gameRoot.numbar = this._parent.k; gameRoot.turno = 1; gameRoot.ejecutar.gotoAndStop(3); }
Symbol 633 MovieClip Frame 1
function juegacarta() { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = 0; gameRoot.ceguera1aux = 0; gameRoot.arma1aux = 0; gameRoot.escudo1aux = 1; gameRoot.contra1aux = 0; gameRoot.bless1aux = 0; gameRoot.parapeto1aux = 1; gameRoot.maldicion1aux = 0; gameRoot.veneno1aux = 0; gameRoot.runa1aux = 0; gameRoot.cura = 0; gameRoot.dispelo = 0; gameRoot.dispels = 0; gameRoot.dispelc = 0; gameRoot.curaveneno = 0; gameRoot.multiplyaux = 1; gameRoot.regenaux = 0; gameRoot.paraliza = 0; gameRoot.sanitycost = 0; gameRoot.sanitygain = 0; gameRoot.sanityloss = 0; gameRoot.shambler = 0; gameRoot.shoggoth = 0; gameRoot.byakhee = 0; gameRoot.normal = 0; gameRoot.betrayed = 0; gameRoot.elderthing = 0; gameRoot.ignoreelder = 0; gameRoot.shub = 0; gameRoot.cthulhu = 0; gameRoot.cardsound1 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound2 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound3 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound4 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound5 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound6 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound7 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound8 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound9 = 0; gameRoot.charPlace = 0; gameRoot.creatPlace = 0; gameRoot.locatPlace = 0; gameRoot.tomePlace = 0; gameRoot.itemPlace = 2; gameRoot.cardType = 0; gameRoot.cardID = 21; }
Symbol 644 Button
on (release) { i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { gameRoot.bactiva[i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { if (gameRoot.barajas[this._parent.k][i]._visible != true) { } else { visible = i; } i = i + 1; } gameRoot.bactiva[visible]._visible = true; gameRoot.carbueno = visible; gameRoot.numbar = this._parent.k; gameRoot.turno = 1; gameRoot.ejecutar.gotoAndStop(3); }
Symbol 645 MovieClip Frame 1
function juegacarta() { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = 0; gameRoot.ceguera1aux = 0; gameRoot.arma1aux = 0; gameRoot.escudo1aux = 0; gameRoot.contra1aux = 0; gameRoot.bless1aux = 0; gameRoot.parapeto1aux = 0; gameRoot.maldicion1aux = 0; gameRoot.veneno1aux = 0; gameRoot.runa1aux = 0; gameRoot.cura = 0; gameRoot.dispelo = 0; gameRoot.dispels = 0; gameRoot.dispelc = 0; gameRoot.curaveneno = 0; gameRoot.multiplyaux = 1; gameRoot.regenaux = 0; gameRoot.paraliza = 0; gameRoot.sanitycost = 0; gameRoot.elderthing = 0; gameRoot.sanitygain = 0; gameRoot.sanityloss = 0; gameRoot.shambler = 0; gameRoot.shoggoth = 0; gameRoot.byakhee = 0; gameRoot.normal = 0; gameRoot.betrayed = 0; gameRoot.ignoreelder = 0; gameRoot.shub = 0; gameRoot.cthulhu = 0; gameRoot.cardsound1 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound2 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound3 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound4 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound5 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound6 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound7 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound8 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound9 = 0; gameRoot.charPlace = 0; gameRoot.creatPlace = 0; gameRoot.locatPlace = 1; gameRoot.tomePlace = 0; gameRoot.itemPlace = 0; gameRoot.cardType = 0; gameRoot.cardID = 22; }
Symbol 658 Button
on (release) { i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { gameRoot.bactiva[i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { if (gameRoot.barajas[this._parent.k][i]._visible != true) { } else { visible = i; } i = i + 1; } gameRoot.bactiva[visible]._visible = true; gameRoot.carbueno = visible; gameRoot.numbar = this._parent.k; gameRoot.turno = 1; gameRoot.ejecutar.gotoAndStop(3); }
Symbol 659 MovieClip Frame 1
function juegacarta() { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = 0; gameRoot.ceguera1aux = 0; gameRoot.arma1aux = 0; gameRoot.escudo1aux = 0; gameRoot.contra1aux = 0; gameRoot.bless1aux = 0; gameRoot.parapeto1aux = 0; gameRoot.maldicion1aux = 0; gameRoot.veneno1aux = 0; gameRoot.runa1aux = 0; gameRoot.cura = 0; gameRoot.dispelo = 0; gameRoot.dispelc = 1; gameRoot.dispels = 0; gameRoot.curaveneno = 0; gameRoot.multiplyaux = 1; gameRoot.regenaux = 0; gameRoot.paraliza = 0; gameRoot.sanitycost = 1; gameRoot.sanitygain = 0; gameRoot.sanityloss = 0; gameRoot.shambler = 0; gameRoot.shoggoth = 0; gameRoot.byakhee = 0; gameRoot.normal = 8; gameRoot.betrayed = 0; gameRoot.elderthing = 0; gameRoot.ignoreelder = 0; gameRoot.shub = 0; gameRoot.cthulhu = 0; gameRoot.cardsound1 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound2 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound3 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound4 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound5 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound6 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound7 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound8 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound9 = 0; gameRoot.charPlace = 0; gameRoot.creatPlace = 0; gameRoot.locatPlace = 0; gameRoot.tomePlace = 0; gameRoot.itemPlace = 0; gameRoot.cardType = 0; gameRoot.cardID = 23; }
Symbol 673 Button
on (release) { i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { gameRoot.bactiva[i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { if (gameRoot.barajas[this._parent.k][i]._visible != true) { } else { visible = i; } i = i + 1; } gameRoot.bactiva[visible]._visible = true; gameRoot.carbueno = visible; gameRoot.numbar = this._parent.k; gameRoot.turno = 1; gameRoot.ejecutar.gotoAndStop(3); }
Symbol 674 MovieClip Frame 1
function juegacarta() { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = 0; gameRoot.ceguera1aux = 0; gameRoot.arma1aux = 0; gameRoot.escudo1aux = 0; gameRoot.contra1aux = 0; gameRoot.bless1aux = 0; gameRoot.parapeto1aux = 0; gameRoot.maldicion1aux = 0; gameRoot.veneno1aux = 0; gameRoot.runa1aux = 0; gameRoot.cura = 0; gameRoot.dispelo = 1; gameRoot.dispels = 0; gameRoot.dispelc = 0; gameRoot.curaveneno = 0; gameRoot.multiplyaux = 1; gameRoot.regenaux = 0; gameRoot.paraliza = 0; gameRoot.sanitycost = 1; gameRoot.sanitygain = 0; gameRoot.sanityloss = 0; gameRoot.shambler = 0; gameRoot.shoggoth = 0; gameRoot.byakhee = 0; gameRoot.normal = 0; gameRoot.betrayed = 0; gameRoot.elderthing = 0; gameRoot.ignoreelder = 0; gameRoot.shub = 0; gameRoot.cthulhu = 0; gameRoot.cardsound1 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound2 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound3 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound4 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound5 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound6 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound7 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound8 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound9 = 0; gameRoot.charPlace = 0; gameRoot.creatPlace = 0; gameRoot.locatPlace = 0; gameRoot.tomePlace = 0; gameRoot.itemPlace = 0; gameRoot.cardType = 0; gameRoot.cardID = 24; }
Symbol 687 Button
on (release) { i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { gameRoot.bactiva[i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { if (gameRoot.barajas[this._parent.k][i]._visible != true) { } else { visible = i; } i = i + 1; } gameRoot.bactiva[visible]._visible = true; gameRoot.carbueno = visible; gameRoot.numbar = this._parent.k; gameRoot.turno = 1; gameRoot.ejecutar.gotoAndStop(3); }
Symbol 688 MovieClip Frame 1
function juegacarta() { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = 0; gameRoot.ceguera1aux = 0; gameRoot.arma1aux = 0; gameRoot.escudo1aux = 0; gameRoot.contra1aux = 0; gameRoot.bless1aux = 0; gameRoot.parapeto1aux = 0; gameRoot.maldicion1aux = 0; gameRoot.veneno1aux = 0; gameRoot.runa1aux = 0; gameRoot.cura = 0; gameRoot.curaveneno = 1; gameRoot.dispelo = 0; gameRoot.dispels = 0; gameRoot.dispelc = 0; gameRoot.multiplyaux = 1; gameRoot.regenaux = 0; gameRoot.paraliza = 0; gameRoot.sanitycost = 1; gameRoot.sanitygain = 0; gameRoot.sanityloss = 0; gameRoot.shambler = 0; gameRoot.shoggoth = 0; gameRoot.byakhee = 0; gameRoot.normal = 0; gameRoot.betrayed = 0; gameRoot.elderthing = 1; gameRoot.ignoreelder = 0; gameRoot.shub = 0; gameRoot.cthulhu = 0; gameRoot.cardsound1 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound2 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound3 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound4 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound5 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound6 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound7 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound8 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound9 = 0; gameRoot.charPlace = 0; gameRoot.creatPlace = 0; gameRoot.locatPlace = 0; gameRoot.tomePlace = 0; gameRoot.itemPlace = 0; gameRoot.cardType = 0; gameRoot.cardID = 25; }
Symbol 698 Button
on (release) { i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { gameRoot.bactiva[i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { if (gameRoot.barajas[this._parent.k][i]._visible != true) { } else { visible = i; } i = i + 1; } gameRoot.bactiva[visible]._visible = true; gameRoot.carbueno = visible; gameRoot.numbar = this._parent.k; gameRoot.turno = 1; gameRoot.ejecutar.gotoAndStop(3); }
Symbol 699 MovieClip Frame 1
function juegacarta() { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = 0; gameRoot.ceguera1aux = 0; gameRoot.arma1aux = 0; gameRoot.escudo1aux = 0; gameRoot.contra1aux = 0; gameRoot.bless1aux = 0; gameRoot.parapeto1aux = 0; gameRoot.maldicion1aux = 0; gameRoot.veneno1aux = 0; gameRoot.runa1aux = 0; gameRoot.cura = 0; gameRoot.dispelo = 0; gameRoot.dispels = 0; gameRoot.dispelc = 0; gameRoot.curaveneno = 0; gameRoot.multiplyaux = 1; gameRoot.regenaux = 0; gameRoot.paraliza = 0; gameRoot.sanitycost = 3; gameRoot.sanitygain = 0; gameRoot.sanityloss = 0; gameRoot.shambler = 0; gameRoot.shoggoth = 0; gameRoot.byakhee = 0; gameRoot.normal = 0; gameRoot.betrayed = 0; gameRoot.elderthing = 0; gameRoot.ignoreelder = 0; gameRoot.shub = 0; gameRoot.cthulhu = 0; gameRoot.cardsound1 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound2 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound3 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound4 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound5 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound6 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound7 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound8 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound9 = 0; gameRoot.charPlace = 0; gameRoot.creatPlace = 0; gameRoot.locatPlace = 0; gameRoot.tomePlace = 2; gameRoot.itemPlace = 0; gameRoot.cardType = 0; gameRoot.cardID = 27; }
Symbol 710 Button
on (release) { i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { gameRoot.bactiva[i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { if (gameRoot.barajas[this._parent.k][i]._visible != true) { } else { visible = i; } i = i + 1; } gameRoot.bactiva[visible]._visible = true; gameRoot.carbueno = visible; gameRoot.numbar = this._parent.k; gameRoot.turno = 1; gameRoot.ejecutar.gotoAndStop(3); }
Symbol 711 MovieClip Frame 1
function juegacarta() { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = 0; gameRoot.ceguera1aux = 0; gameRoot.arma1aux = 2; gameRoot.escudo1aux = 0; gameRoot.contra1aux = 0; gameRoot.bless1aux = 0; gameRoot.parapeto1aux = 0; gameRoot.maldicion1aux = 0; gameRoot.veneno1aux = 0; gameRoot.runa1aux = 0; gameRoot.cura = 0; gameRoot.dispelo = 0; gameRoot.dispels = 0; gameRoot.dispelc = 0; gameRoot.curaveneno = 0; gameRoot.multiplyaux = 1; gameRoot.regenaux = 0; gameRoot.paraliza = 0; gameRoot.sanitycost = 2; gameRoot.sanitygain = 0; gameRoot.sanityloss = 5; gameRoot.shambler = 0; gameRoot.shoggoth = 0; gameRoot.byakhee = 0; gameRoot.normal = 0; gameRoot.betrayed = 0; gameRoot.elderthing = 0; gameRoot.ignoreelder = 0; gameRoot.shub = 0; gameRoot.cthulhu = 0; gameRoot.cardsound1 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound2 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound3 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound4 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound5 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound6 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound7 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound8 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound9 = 0; gameRoot.charPlace = 0; gameRoot.creatPlace = 0; gameRoot.locatPlace = 0; gameRoot.tomePlace = 0; gameRoot.itemPlace = 0; gameRoot.cardType = 0; gameRoot.cardID = 26; }
Symbol 726 Button
on (release) { i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { gameRoot.bactiva[i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { if (gameRoot.barajas[this._parent.k][i]._visible != true) { } else { visible = i; } i = i + 1; } gameRoot.bactiva[visible]._visible = true; gameRoot.carbueno = visible; gameRoot.numbar = this._parent.k; gameRoot.turno = 1; gameRoot.ejecutar.gotoAndStop(3); }
Symbol 727 MovieClip Frame 1
function juegacarta() { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = 0; gameRoot.ceguera1aux = 0; gameRoot.arma1aux = 2; gameRoot.escudo1aux = 0; gameRoot.contra1aux = 0; gameRoot.bless1aux = 0; gameRoot.parapeto1aux = 0; gameRoot.maldicion1aux = 0; gameRoot.veneno1aux = 0; gameRoot.runa1aux = 0; gameRoot.cura = 0; gameRoot.dispelo = 0; gameRoot.dispels = 0; gameRoot.dispelc = 0; gameRoot.curaveneno = 1; gameRoot.multiplyaux = 1; gameRoot.regenaux = 0; gameRoot.paraliza = 0; gameRoot.sanitycost = 0; gameRoot.sanitygain = 0; gameRoot.sanityloss = 0; gameRoot.shambler = 0; gameRoot.shoggoth = 0; gameRoot.byakhee = 0; gameRoot.normal = 0; gameRoot.betrayed = 0; gameRoot.elderthing = 0; gameRoot.ignoreelder = 0; gameRoot.shub = 0; gameRoot.cthulhu = 0; gameRoot.cardsound1 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound2 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound3 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound4 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound5 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound6 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound7 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound8 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound9 = 0; gameRoot.charPlace = 0; gameRoot.creatPlace = 0; gameRoot.locatPlace = 2; gameRoot.tomePlace = 0; gameRoot.itemPlace = 0; gameRoot.cardType = 0; gameRoot.cardID = 29; }
Symbol 743 Button
on (release) { i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { gameRoot.bactiva[i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { if (gameRoot.barajas[this._parent.k][i]._visible != true) { } else { visible = i; } i = i + 1; } gameRoot.bactiva[visible]._visible = true; gameRoot.carbueno = visible; gameRoot.numbar = this._parent.k; gameRoot.turno = 1; gameRoot.ejecutar.gotoAndStop(3); }
Symbol 744 MovieClip Frame 1
function juegacarta() { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = 0; gameRoot.ceguera1aux = 0; gameRoot.arma1aux = 0; gameRoot.escudo1aux = 0; gameRoot.contra1aux = 0; gameRoot.bless1aux = 0; gameRoot.parapeto1aux = 0; gameRoot.maldicion1aux = 0; gameRoot.veneno1aux = 0; gameRoot.runa1aux = 0; gameRoot.cura = 0; gameRoot.dispelo = 0; gameRoot.dispelc = 0; gameRoot.dispels = 0; gameRoot.curaveneno = 0; gameRoot.multiplyaux = 1; gameRoot.regenaux = 0; gameRoot.paraliza = 0; gameRoot.sanitycost = 2; gameRoot.sanitygain = 0; gameRoot.sanityloss = 0; gameRoot.shambler = 0; gameRoot.shoggoth = 0; gameRoot.byakhee = 0; gameRoot.normal = 3; gameRoot.betrayed = 0; gameRoot.elderthing = 0; gameRoot.ignoreelder = 0; gameRoot.shub = 0; gameRoot.cthulhu = 0; gameRoot.cardsound1 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound2 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound3 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound4 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound5 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound6 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound7 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound8 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound9 = 0; gameRoot.charPlace = 0; gameRoot.creatPlace = 0; gameRoot.locatPlace = 0; gameRoot.tomePlace = 0; gameRoot.itemPlace = 0; gameRoot.cardType = 0; gameRoot.cardID = 31; }
Symbol 754 Button
on (release) { i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { gameRoot.bactiva[i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { if (gameRoot.barajas[this._parent.k][i]._visible != true) { } else { visible = i; } i = i + 1; } gameRoot.bactiva[visible]._visible = true; gameRoot.carbueno = visible; gameRoot.numbar = this._parent.k; gameRoot.turno = 1; gameRoot.ejecutar.gotoAndStop(3); }
Symbol 755 MovieClip Frame 1
function juegacarta() { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = 8; gameRoot.ceguera1aux = 0; gameRoot.arma1aux = 0; gameRoot.escudo1aux = 0; gameRoot.contra1aux = 0; gameRoot.bless1aux = 0; gameRoot.parapeto1aux = 0; gameRoot.maldicion1aux = 0; gameRoot.veneno1aux = 0; gameRoot.runa1aux = 0; gameRoot.cura = 0; gameRoot.dispelo = 0; gameRoot.dispelc = 0; gameRoot.dispels = 0; gameRoot.curaveneno = 0; gameRoot.multiplyaux = 1; gameRoot.regenaux = 0; gameRoot.paraliza = 0; gameRoot.sanitygain = 0; gameRoot.sanityloss = 0; gameRoot.sanitycost = 4; gameRoot.shambler = 0; gameRoot.shoggoth = 0; gameRoot.byakhee = 0; gameRoot.normal = 0; gameRoot.betrayed = 0; gameRoot.elderthing = 0; gameRoot.ignoreelder = 1; gameRoot.shub = 0; gameRoot.cthulhu = 0; gameRoot.cardsound1 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound2 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound3 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound4 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound5 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound6 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound7 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound8 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound9 = 0; gameRoot.charPlace = 0; gameRoot.creatPlace = 0; gameRoot.locatPlace = 0; gameRoot.tomePlace = 0; gameRoot.itemPlace = 0; gameRoot.cardType = 0; gameRoot.cardID = 28; }
Symbol 769 Button
on (release) { i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { gameRoot.bactiva[i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { if (gameRoot.barajas[this._parent.k][i]._visible != true) { } else { visible = i; } i = i + 1; } gameRoot.bactiva[visible]._visible = true; gameRoot.carbueno = visible; gameRoot.numbar = this._parent.k; gameRoot.turno = 1; gameRoot.ejecutar.gotoAndStop(3); }
Symbol 770 MovieClip Frame 1
function juegacarta() { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = 8; gameRoot.ceguera1aux = 0; gameRoot.arma1aux = 1; gameRoot.escudo1aux = 1; gameRoot.contra1aux = 0; gameRoot.bless1aux = 0; gameRoot.parapeto1aux = 0; gameRoot.maldicion1aux = 0; gameRoot.veneno1aux = 0; gameRoot.runa1aux = 0; gameRoot.cura = 0; gameRoot.dispelo = 0; gameRoot.dispels = 0; gameRoot.dispelc = 0; gameRoot.curaveneno = 0; gameRoot.multiplyaux = 1; gameRoot.regenaux = 0; gameRoot.paraliza = 0; gameRoot.sanitygain = 0; gameRoot.sanitycost = 4; gameRoot.sanityloss = 0; gameRoot.shambler = 0; gameRoot.shoggoth = 0; gameRoot.byakhee = 0; gameRoot.normal = 0; gameRoot.betrayed = 0; gameRoot.elderthing = 0; gameRoot.ignoreelder = 0; gameRoot.shub = 0; gameRoot.cthulhu = 0; gameRoot.cardsound1 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound2 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound3 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound4 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound5 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound6 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound7 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound8 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound9 = 0; gameRoot.charPlace = 0; gameRoot.creatPlace = 0; gameRoot.locatPlace = 0; gameRoot.tomePlace = 0; gameRoot.itemPlace = 0; gameRoot.cardType = 0; gameRoot.cardID = 32; }
Symbol 783 Button
on (release) { i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { gameRoot.bactiva[i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { if (gameRoot.barajas[this._parent.k][i]._visible != true) { } else { visible = i; } i = i + 1; } gameRoot.bactiva[visible]._visible = true; gameRoot.carbueno = visible; gameRoot.numbar = this._parent.k; gameRoot.turno = 1; gameRoot.ejecutar.gotoAndStop(3); }
Symbol 784 MovieClip Frame 1
function juegacarta() { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = 0; gameRoot.ceguera1aux = 0; gameRoot.arma1aux = 0; gameRoot.escudo1aux = 0; gameRoot.contra1aux = 0; gameRoot.bless1aux = 0; gameRoot.parapeto1aux = 0; gameRoot.maldicion1aux = 0; gameRoot.veneno1aux = 0; gameRoot.runa1aux = 0; gameRoot.cura = 0; gameRoot.dispelo = 0; gameRoot.dispels = 0; gameRoot.dispelc = 0; gameRoot.curaveneno = 0; gameRoot.multiplyaux = 1; gameRoot.regenaux = 0; gameRoot.paraliza = 0; gameRoot.sanitycost = 3; gameRoot.sanitygain = 0; gameRoot.sanityloss = 0; gameRoot.shambler = 0; gameRoot.shoggoth = 0; gameRoot.byakhee = 0; gameRoot.normal = 5; gameRoot.betrayed = 0; gameRoot.ignoreelder = 0; gameRoot.elderthing = 0; gameRoot.shub = 0; gameRoot.cthulhu = 0; gameRoot.cardsound1 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound2 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound3 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound4 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound5 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound6 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound7 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound8 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound9 = 0; gameRoot.charPlace = 0; gameRoot.creatPlace = 0; gameRoot.locatPlace = 0; gameRoot.tomePlace = 0; gameRoot.itemPlace = 0; gameRoot.cardType = 0; gameRoot.cardID = 30; }
Symbol 798 Button
on (release) { i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { gameRoot.bactiva[i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { if (gameRoot.barajas[this._parent.k][i]._visible != true) { } else { visible = i; } i = i + 1; } gameRoot.bactiva[visible]._visible = true; gameRoot.carbueno = visible; gameRoot.numbar = this._parent.k; gameRoot.turno = 1; gameRoot.ejecutar.gotoAndStop(3); }
Symbol 799 MovieClip Frame 1
function juegacarta() { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = 0; gameRoot.ceguera1aux = 0; gameRoot.arma1aux = 0; gameRoot.escudo1aux = 0; gameRoot.contra1aux = 0; gameRoot.bless1aux = 0; gameRoot.parapeto1aux = 0; gameRoot.maldicion1aux = 0; gameRoot.veneno1aux = 0; gameRoot.runa1aux = 0; gameRoot.cura = 0; gameRoot.dispelo = 0; gameRoot.dispelc = 0; gameRoot.dispels = 0; gameRoot.curaveneno = 0; gameRoot.multiplyaux = 1; gameRoot.regenaux = 0; gameRoot.paraliza = 0; gameRoot.sanitygain = 0; gameRoot.sanityloss = 0; gameRoot.sanitycost = 0; gameRoot.shambler = 0; gameRoot.shoggoth = 0; gameRoot.byakhee = 0; gameRoot.normal = 4; gameRoot.betrayed = 0; gameRoot.elderthing = 0; gameRoot.ignoreelder = 0; gameRoot.shub = 0; gameRoot.cthulhu = 0; gameRoot.cardsound1 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound2 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound3 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound4 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound5 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound6 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound7 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound8 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound9 = 0; gameRoot.charPlace = 0; gameRoot.creatPlace = 0; gameRoot.locatPlace = 0; gameRoot.tomePlace = 0; gameRoot.itemPlace = 0; gameRoot.cardType = 0; gameRoot.cardID = 33; }
Symbol 811 Button
on (release) { i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { gameRoot.bactiva[i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { if (gameRoot.barajas[this._parent.k][i]._visible != true) { } else { visible = i; } i = i + 1; } gameRoot.bactiva[visible]._visible = true; gameRoot.carbueno = visible; gameRoot.numbar = this._parent.k; gameRoot.turno = 1; gameRoot.ejecutar.gotoAndStop(3); }
Symbol 812 MovieClip Frame 1
function juegacarta() { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = 8; gameRoot.paraliza = 0; gameRoot.ceguera1aux = 0; gameRoot.arma1aux = 0; gameRoot.escudo1aux = 0; gameRoot.contra1aux = 10; gameRoot.bless1aux = 0; gameRoot.parapeto1aux = 0; gameRoot.maldicion1aux = 0; gameRoot.veneno1aux = 0; gameRoot.runa1aux = 0; gameRoot.cura = 0; gameRoot.dispelo = 0; gameRoot.dispels = 0; gameRoot.dispelc = 0; gameRoot.curaveneno = 0; gameRoot.multiplyaux = 1; gameRoot.regenaux = 0; gameRoot.sanitycost = 8; gameRoot.sanitygain = 0; gameRoot.sanityloss = 0; gameRoot.shambler = 0; gameRoot.shoggoth = 0; gameRoot.byakhee = 0; gameRoot.normal = 0; gameRoot.betrayed = 0; gameRoot.elderthing = 0; gameRoot.ignoreelder = 0; gameRoot.shub = 1; gameRoot.cthulhu = 0; gameRoot.cardsound1 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound2 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound3 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound4 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound5 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound6 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound7 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound8 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound9 = 0; gameRoot.charPlace = 0; gameRoot.creatPlace = 0; gameRoot.locatPlace = 0; gameRoot.tomePlace = 0; gameRoot.itemPlace = 0; gameRoot.cardType = 0; gameRoot.cardID = 35; }
Symbol 826 Button
on (release) { i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { gameRoot.bactiva[i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { if (gameRoot.barajas[this._parent.k][i]._visible != true) { } else { visible = i; } i = i + 1; } gameRoot.bactiva[visible]._visible = true; gameRoot.carbueno = visible; gameRoot.numbar = this._parent.k; gameRoot.turno = 1; gameRoot.ejecutar.gotoAndStop(3); }
Symbol 827 MovieClip Frame 1
function juegacarta() { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = 0; gameRoot.paraliza = 0; gameRoot.ceguera1aux = 0; gameRoot.arma1aux = 0; gameRoot.escudo1aux = 0; gameRoot.contra1aux = 0; gameRoot.bless1aux = 0; gameRoot.parapeto1aux = 0; gameRoot.maldicion1aux = 0; gameRoot.veneno1aux = 0; gameRoot.runa1aux = 0; gameRoot.cura = 0; gameRoot.dispelo = 0; gameRoot.dispelc = 0; gameRoot.dispels = 0; gameRoot.curaveneno = 1; gameRoot.multiplyaux = 1; gameRoot.regenaux = 0; gameRoot.sanitygain = 0; gameRoot.sanitycost = 0; gameRoot.sanityloss = 0; gameRoot.shambler = 0; gameRoot.shoggoth = 0; gameRoot.byakhee = 0; gameRoot.normal = 0; gameRoot.betrayed = 0; gameRoot.elderthing = 0; gameRoot.ignoreelder = 0; gameRoot.shub = 0; gameRoot.cthulhu = 0; gameRoot.cardsound1 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound2 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound3 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound4 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound5 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound6 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound7 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound8 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound9 = 0; gameRoot.charPlace = 1; gameRoot.creatPlace = 0; gameRoot.locatPlace = 0; gameRoot.tomePlace = 0; gameRoot.itemPlace = 0; gameRoot.cardType = 0; gameRoot.cardID = 36; }
Symbol 836 Button
on (release) { i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { gameRoot.bactiva[i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { if (gameRoot.barajas[this._parent.k][i]._visible != true) { } else { visible = i; } i = i + 1; } gameRoot.bactiva[visible]._visible = true; gameRoot.carbueno = visible; gameRoot.numbar = this._parent.k; gameRoot.turno = 1; gameRoot.ejecutar.gotoAndStop(3); }
Symbol 837 MovieClip Frame 1
function juegacarta() { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = 0; gameRoot.paraliza = 0; gameRoot.ceguera1aux = 0; gameRoot.arma1aux = 0; gameRoot.escudo1aux = 0; gameRoot.contra1aux = 0; gameRoot.bless1aux = 0; gameRoot.parapeto1aux = 0; gameRoot.maldicion1aux = 0; gameRoot.veneno1aux = 0; gameRoot.runa1aux = 0; gameRoot.cura = 0; gameRoot.dispelo = 0; gameRoot.dispels = 0; gameRoot.dispelc = 0; gameRoot.curaveneno = 0; gameRoot.multiplyaux = 1; gameRoot.regenaux = 0; gameRoot.sanitycost = 6; gameRoot.sanitygain = 0; gameRoot.sanityloss = 0; gameRoot.shambler = 0; gameRoot.shoggoth = 0; gameRoot.byakhee = 0; gameRoot.normal = 6; gameRoot.betrayed = 0; gameRoot.elderthing = 0; gameRoot.ignoreelder = 0; gameRoot.shub = 0; gameRoot.cthulhu = 0; gameRoot.cardsound1 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound2 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound3 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound4 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound5 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound6 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound7 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound8 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound9 = 0; gameRoot.charPlace = 0; gameRoot.creatPlace = 0; gameRoot.locatPlace = 0; gameRoot.tomePlace = 0; gameRoot.itemPlace = 0; gameRoot.cardType = 0; gameRoot.cardID = 34; }
Symbol 852 Button
on (release) { i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { gameRoot.bactiva[i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { if (gameRoot.barajas[this._parent.k][i]._visible != true) { } else { visible = i; } i = i + 1; } gameRoot.bactiva[visible]._visible = true; gameRoot.carbueno = visible; gameRoot.numbar = this._parent.k; gameRoot.turno = 1; gameRoot.ejecutar.gotoAndStop(3); }
Symbol 853 MovieClip Frame 1
function juegacarta() { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = 0; gameRoot.paraliza = 0; gameRoot.ceguera1aux = 0; gameRoot.arma1aux = 0; gameRoot.escudo1aux = 0; gameRoot.contra1aux = 0; gameRoot.bless1aux = 0; gameRoot.parapeto1aux = 0; gameRoot.maldicion1aux = 0; gameRoot.veneno1aux = 0; gameRoot.runa1aux = 0; gameRoot.cura = 0; gameRoot.dispelo = 0; gameRoot.dispels = 0; gameRoot.dispelc = 0; gameRoot.curaveneno = 0; gameRoot.multiplyaux = 1; gameRoot.regenaux = 0; gameRoot.sanitygain = 0; gameRoot.sanitycost = 6; gameRoot.sanityloss = 0; gameRoot.shambler = 0; gameRoot.shoggoth = 0; gameRoot.byakhee = 0; gameRoot.normal = 0; gameRoot.betrayed = 0; gameRoot.elderthing = 0; gameRoot.ignoreelder = 0; gameRoot.shub = 0; gameRoot.cthulhu = 0; gameRoot.cardsound1 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound2 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound3 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound4 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound5 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound6 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound7 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound8 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound9 = 0; gameRoot.charPlace = 0; gameRoot.creatPlace = 0; gameRoot.locatPlace = 3; gameRoot.tomePlace = 0; gameRoot.itemPlace = 0; gameRoot.cardType = 0; gameRoot.cardID = 37; }
Symbol 863 Button
on (release) { i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { gameRoot.bactiva[i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { if (gameRoot.barajas[this._parent.k][i]._visible != true) { } else { visible = i; } i = i + 1; } gameRoot.bactiva[visible]._visible = true; gameRoot.carbueno = visible; gameRoot.numbar = this._parent.k; gameRoot.turno = 1; gameRoot.ejecutar.gotoAndStop(3); }
Symbol 864 MovieClip Frame 1
function juegacarta() { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = 0; gameRoot.paraliza = 0; gameRoot.ceguera1aux = 0; gameRoot.arma1aux = 0; gameRoot.escudo1aux = 0; gameRoot.contra1aux = 0; gameRoot.bless1aux = 0; gameRoot.parapeto1aux = 0; gameRoot.maldicion1aux = 0; gameRoot.veneno1aux = 0; gameRoot.runa1aux = 0; gameRoot.cura = 0; gameRoot.dispelo = 0; gameRoot.dispels = 0; gameRoot.dispelc = 0; gameRoot.curaveneno = 0; gameRoot.multiplyaux = 1; gameRoot.regenaux = 0; gameRoot.sanitygain = 0; gameRoot.sanitycost = 1; gameRoot.sanityloss = 7; gameRoot.shambler = 0; gameRoot.shoggoth = 0; gameRoot.byakhee = 0; gameRoot.normal = 0; gameRoot.betrayed = 0; gameRoot.elderthing = 0; gameRoot.ignoreelder = 0; gameRoot.shub = 0; gameRoot.cthulhu = 0; gameRoot.cardsound1 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound2 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound3 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound4 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound5 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound6 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound7 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound8 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound9 = 0; gameRoot.charPlace = 0; gameRoot.creatPlace = 0; gameRoot.locatPlace = 0; gameRoot.tomePlace = 0; gameRoot.itemPlace = 0; gameRoot.cardType = 0; gameRoot.cardID = 38; }
Symbol 872 Button
on (release) { i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { gameRoot.bactiva[i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { if (gameRoot.barajas[this._parent.k][i]._visible != true) { } else { visible = i; } i = i + 1; } gameRoot.bactiva[visible]._visible = true; gameRoot.carbueno = visible; gameRoot.numbar = this._parent.k; gameRoot.turno = 1; gameRoot.ejecutar.gotoAndStop(3); }
Symbol 873 MovieClip Frame 1
function juegacarta() { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = 0; gameRoot.paraliza = 0; gameRoot.ceguera1aux = 0; gameRoot.arma1aux = 0; gameRoot.escudo1aux = 0; gameRoot.contra1aux = 0; gameRoot.bless1aux = 0; gameRoot.parapeto1aux = 0; gameRoot.maldicion1aux = 0; gameRoot.veneno1aux = 0; gameRoot.runa1aux = 0; gameRoot.cura = 0; gameRoot.dispelo = 0; gameRoot.dispels = 0; gameRoot.dispelc = 0; gameRoot.curaveneno = 0; gameRoot.multiplyaux = 1; gameRoot.regenaux = 0; gameRoot.sanitygain = 0; gameRoot.sanitycost = 0; gameRoot.sanityloss = 0; gameRoot.shambler = 0; gameRoot.shoggoth = 0; gameRoot.byakhee = 0; gameRoot.normal = 9; gameRoot.betrayed = 0; gameRoot.elderthing = 0; gameRoot.ignoreelder = 0; gameRoot.shub = 0; gameRoot.cthulhu = 0; gameRoot.cardsound1 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound2 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound3 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound4 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound5 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound6 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound7 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound8 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound9 = 0; gameRoot.charPlace = 0; gameRoot.creatPlace = 0; gameRoot.locatPlace = 0; gameRoot.tomePlace = 0; gameRoot.itemPlace = 0; gameRoot.cardType = 0; gameRoot.cardID = 39; }
Symbol 885 Button
on (release) { i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { gameRoot.bactiva[i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { if (gameRoot.barajas[this._parent.k][i]._visible != true) { } else { visible = i; } i = i + 1; } gameRoot.bactiva[visible]._visible = true; gameRoot.carbueno = visible; gameRoot.numbar = this._parent.k; gameRoot.turno = 1; gameRoot.ejecutar.gotoAndStop(3); }
Symbol 886 MovieClip Frame 1
function juegacarta() { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = 0; gameRoot.paraliza = 0; gameRoot.ceguera1aux = 0; gameRoot.arma1aux = 0; gameRoot.escudo1aux = 0; gameRoot.contra1aux = 0; gameRoot.bless1aux = 0; gameRoot.parapeto1aux = 0; gameRoot.maldicion1aux = 0; gameRoot.veneno1aux = 0; gameRoot.runa1aux = 0; gameRoot.cura = 0; gameRoot.dispelo = 0; gameRoot.dispels = 0; gameRoot.dispelc = 0; gameRoot.curaveneno = 0; gameRoot.multiplyaux = 1; gameRoot.regenaux = 0; gameRoot.sanitygain = 0; gameRoot.sanitycost = 0; gameRoot.sanityloss = 0; gameRoot.shambler = 0; gameRoot.shoggoth = 0; gameRoot.byakhee = 0; gameRoot.normal = 0; gameRoot.betrayed = 0; gameRoot.elderthing = 0; gameRoot.ignoreelder = 0; gameRoot.shub = 0; gameRoot.cthulhu = 0; gameRoot.cardsound1 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound2 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound3 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound4 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound5 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound6 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound7 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound8 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound9 = 0; gameRoot.charPlace = 0; gameRoot.creatPlace = 0; gameRoot.locatPlace = 0; gameRoot.tomePlace = 0; gameRoot.itemPlace = 1; gameRoot.cardType = 0; gameRoot.cardID = 40; }
Symbol 900 Button
on (release) { i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { gameRoot.bactiva[i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { if (gameRoot.barajas[this._parent.k][i]._visible != true) { } else { visible = i; } i = i + 1; } gameRoot.bactiva[visible]._visible = true; gameRoot.carbueno = visible; gameRoot.numbar = this._parent.k; gameRoot.turno = 1; gameRoot.ejecutar.gotoAndStop(3); }
Symbol 901 MovieClip Frame 1
function juegacarta() { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = 8; gameRoot.paraliza = 0; gameRoot.ceguera1aux = 0; gameRoot.arma1aux = 0; gameRoot.escudo1aux = 0; gameRoot.contra1aux = 0; gameRoot.bless1aux = 0; gameRoot.parapeto1aux = 0; gameRoot.maldicion1aux = 0; gameRoot.veneno1aux = 0; gameRoot.runa1aux = 0; gameRoot.cura = 0; gameRoot.dispelo = 0; gameRoot.dispels = 0; gameRoot.dispelc = 0; gameRoot.curaveneno = 0; gameRoot.multiplyaux = 1; gameRoot.regenaux = 0; gameRoot.sanitygain = 0; gameRoot.sanitycost = 0; gameRoot.sanityloss = 0; gameRoot.shambler = 0; gameRoot.shoggoth = 0; gameRoot.byakhee = 0; gameRoot.normal = 1; gameRoot.betrayed = 0; gameRoot.elderthing = 0; gameRoot.ignoreelder = 0; gameRoot.shub = 0; gameRoot.cthulhu = 0; gameRoot.cardsound1 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound2 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound3 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound4 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound5 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound6 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound7 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound8 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound9 = 0; gameRoot.charPlace = 0; gameRoot.creatPlace = 0; gameRoot.locatPlace = 0; gameRoot.tomePlace = 0; gameRoot.itemPlace = 0; gameRoot.cardType = 15; gameRoot.cardID = 41; }
Symbol 913 Button
on (release) { i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { gameRoot.bactiva[i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { if (gameRoot.barajas[this._parent.k][i]._visible != true) { } else { visible = i; } i = i + 1; } gameRoot.bactiva[visible]._visible = true; gameRoot.carbueno = visible; gameRoot.numbar = this._parent.k; gameRoot.turno = 1; gameRoot.ejecutar.gotoAndStop(3); }
Symbol 914 MovieClip Frame 1
function juegacarta() { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = 0; gameRoot.paraliza = 0; gameRoot.ceguera1aux = 0; gameRoot.arma1aux = 0; gameRoot.escudo1aux = 0; gameRoot.contra1aux = 0; gameRoot.bless1aux = 0; gameRoot.parapeto1aux = 0; gameRoot.maldicion1aux = 0; gameRoot.veneno1aux = 0; gameRoot.runa1aux = 0; gameRoot.cura = 0; gameRoot.dispelo = 0; gameRoot.dispels = 0; gameRoot.dispelc = 0; gameRoot.curaveneno = 0; gameRoot.multiplyaux = 1; gameRoot.regenaux = 0; gameRoot.sanitygain = 0; gameRoot.sanitycost = 9; gameRoot.sanityloss = 0; gameRoot.shambler = 0; gameRoot.shoggoth = 0; gameRoot.byakhee = 0; gameRoot.normal = 0; gameRoot.betrayed = 0; gameRoot.elderthing = 0; gameRoot.ignoreelder = 0; gameRoot.shub = 0; gameRoot.cthulhu = 1; gameRoot.cardsound1 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound2 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound3 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound4 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound5 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound6 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound7 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound8 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound9 = 0; gameRoot.charPlace = 0; gameRoot.creatPlace = 0; gameRoot.locatPlace = 0; gameRoot.tomePlace = 0; gameRoot.itemPlace = 0; gameRoot.cardType = 0; gameRoot.cardID = 42; }
Symbol 926 Button
on (release) { i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { gameRoot.bactiva[i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { if (gameRoot.barajas[this._parent.k][i]._visible != true) { } else { visible = i; } i = i + 1; } gameRoot.bactiva[visible]._visible = true; gameRoot.carbueno = visible; gameRoot.numbar = this._parent.k; gameRoot.turno = 1; gameRoot.ejecutar.gotoAndStop(3); }
Symbol 927 MovieClip Frame 1
function juegacarta() { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = 0; gameRoot.paraliza = 0; gameRoot.ceguera1aux = 0; gameRoot.arma1aux = 0; gameRoot.escudo1aux = 0; gameRoot.contra1aux = 0; gameRoot.bless1aux = 0; gameRoot.parapeto1aux = 0; gameRoot.maldicion1aux = 0; gameRoot.veneno1aux = 0; gameRoot.runa1aux = 0; gameRoot.cura = 0; gameRoot.dispelo = 0; gameRoot.dispels = 0; gameRoot.dispelc = 0; gameRoot.curaveneno = 0; gameRoot.multiplyaux = 1; gameRoot.regenaux = 0; gameRoot.sanitygain = 0; gameRoot.sanitycost = 2; gameRoot.sanityloss = 0; gameRoot.shambler = 0; gameRoot.shoggoth = 0; gameRoot.byakhee = 0; gameRoot.normal = 0; gameRoot.betrayed = 0; gameRoot.elderthing = 0; gameRoot.ignoreelder = 0; gameRoot.shub = 0; gameRoot.cthulhu = 0; gameRoot.cardsound1 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound2 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound3 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound4 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound5 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound6 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound7 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound8 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound9 = 0; gameRoot.charPlace = 2; gameRoot.creatPlace = 0; gameRoot.locatPlace = 0; gameRoot.tomePlace = 0; gameRoot.itemPlace = 0; gameRoot.cardType = 0; gameRoot.cardID = 43; }
Symbol 941 Button
on (release) { i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { gameRoot.bactiva[i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { if (gameRoot.barajas[this._parent.k][i]._visible != true) { } else { visible = i; } i = i + 1; } gameRoot.bactiva[visible]._visible = true; gameRoot.carbueno = visible; gameRoot.numbar = this._parent.k; gameRoot.turno = 1; gameRoot.ejecutar.gotoAndStop(3); }
Symbol 942 MovieClip Frame 1
function juegacarta() { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = 0; gameRoot.paraliza = 0; gameRoot.ceguera1aux = 0; gameRoot.arma1aux = 0; gameRoot.escudo1aux = 0; gameRoot.contra1aux = 0; gameRoot.bless1aux = 0; gameRoot.parapeto1aux = 0; gameRoot.maldicion1aux = 0; gameRoot.veneno1aux = 2; gameRoot.runa1aux = 0; gameRoot.cura = 0; gameRoot.dispelo = 0; gameRoot.dispels = 0; gameRoot.dispelc = 0; gameRoot.curaveneno = 0; gameRoot.multiplyaux = 1; gameRoot.regenaux = 0; gameRoot.sanitygain = 0; gameRoot.sanitycost = 8; gameRoot.sanityloss = 0; gameRoot.shambler = 0; gameRoot.shoggoth = 0; gameRoot.byakhee = 0; gameRoot.normal = 0; gameRoot.betrayed = 0; gameRoot.elderthing = 0; gameRoot.ignoreelder = 0; gameRoot.shub = 0; gameRoot.cthulhu = 0; gameRoot.cardsound1 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound2 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound3 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound4 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound5 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound6 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound7 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound8 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound9 = 0; gameRoot.charPlace = 0; gameRoot.creatPlace = 0; gameRoot.locatPlace = 0; gameRoot.tomePlace = 0; gameRoot.itemPlace = 0; gameRoot.cardType = dunwich; gameRoot.cardID = 44; }
Symbol 954 Button
on (release) { i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { gameRoot.bactiva[i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { if (gameRoot.barajas[this._parent.k][i]._visible != true) { } else { visible = i; } i = i + 1; } gameRoot.bactiva[visible]._visible = true; gameRoot.carbueno = visible; gameRoot.numbar = this._parent.k; gameRoot.turno = 1; gameRoot.ejecutar.gotoAndStop(3); }
Symbol 955 MovieClip Frame 1
function juegacarta() { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = 0; gameRoot.paraliza = 0; gameRoot.ceguera1aux = 0; gameRoot.arma1aux = 0; gameRoot.escudo1aux = 0; gameRoot.contra1aux = 0; gameRoot.bless1aux = 0; gameRoot.parapeto1aux = 0; gameRoot.maldicion1aux = 0; gameRoot.veneno1aux = 0; gameRoot.runa1aux = 0; gameRoot.cura = 0; gameRoot.dispelo = 0; gameRoot.dispels = 0; gameRoot.dispelc = 0; gameRoot.curaveneno = 0; gameRoot.multiplyaux = 1; gameRoot.regenaux = 0; gameRoot.sanitygain = 0; gameRoot.sanitycost = 6; gameRoot.sanityloss = 0; gameRoot.shambler = 0; gameRoot.shoggoth = 0; gameRoot.byakhee = 0; gameRoot.normal = 0; gameRoot.betrayed = 0; gameRoot.elderthing = 0; gameRoot.ignoreelder = 0; gameRoot.shub = 0; gameRoot.cthulhu = 0; gameRoot.cardsound1 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound2 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound3 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound4 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound5 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound6 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound7 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound8 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound9 = 0; gameRoot.charPlace = 0; gameRoot.creatPlace = 0; gameRoot.locatPlace = 0; gameRoot.tomePlace = 0; gameRoot.itemPlace = 0; gameRoot.cardType = 0; gameRoot.cardID = 45; }
Symbol 967 Button
on (release) { i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { gameRoot.bactiva[i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { if (gameRoot.barajas[this._parent.k][i]._visible != true) { } else { visible = i; } i = i + 1; } gameRoot.bactiva[visible]._visible = true; gameRoot.carbueno = visible; gameRoot.numbar = this._parent.k; gameRoot.turno = 1; gameRoot.ejecutar.gotoAndStop(3); }
Symbol 968 MovieClip Frame 1
function juegacarta() { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = 0; gameRoot.paraliza = 0; gameRoot.ceguera1aux = 0; gameRoot.arma1aux = 0; gameRoot.escudo1aux = 0; gameRoot.contra1aux = 0; gameRoot.bless1aux = 0; gameRoot.parapeto1aux = 0; gameRoot.maldicion1aux = 0; gameRoot.veneno1aux = 0; gameRoot.runa1aux = 0; gameRoot.cura = 0; gameRoot.dispelo = 0; gameRoot.dispels = 0; gameRoot.dispelc = 0; gameRoot.curaveneno = 0; gameRoot.multiplyaux = 1; gameRoot.regenaux = 0; gameRoot.sanitygain = 0; gameRoot.sanitycost = 0; gameRoot.sanityloss = 0; gameRoot.shambler = 0; gameRoot.shoggoth = 0; gameRoot.byakhee = 0; gameRoot.normal = 10; gameRoot.betrayed = 0; gameRoot.elderthing = 0; gameRoot.ignoreelder = 0; gameRoot.shub = 0; gameRoot.cthulhu = 0; gameRoot.cardsound1 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound2 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound3 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound4 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound5 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound6 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound7 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound8 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound9 = 0; gameRoot.charPlace = 0; gameRoot.creatPlace = 0; gameRoot.locatPlace = 0; gameRoot.tomePlace = 0; gameRoot.itemPlace = 0; gameRoot.cardType = 0; gameRoot.cardID = 46; }
Symbol 979 Button
on (release) { i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { gameRoot.bactiva[i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { if (gameRoot.barajas[this._parent.k][i]._visible != true) { } else { visible = i; } i = i + 1; } gameRoot.bactiva[visible]._visible = true; gameRoot.carbueno = visible; gameRoot.numbar = this._parent.k; gameRoot.turno = 1; gameRoot.ejecutar.gotoAndStop(3); }
Symbol 980 MovieClip Frame 1
function juegacarta() { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = 0; gameRoot.paraliza = 0; gameRoot.ceguera1aux = 0; gameRoot.arma1aux = 0; gameRoot.escudo1aux = 0; gameRoot.contra1aux = 0; gameRoot.bless1aux = 0; gameRoot.parapeto1aux = 0; gameRoot.maldicion1aux = 0; gameRoot.veneno1aux = 0; gameRoot.runa1aux = 0; gameRoot.cura = 0; gameRoot.dispelo = 0; gameRoot.dispels = 0; gameRoot.dispelc = 0; gameRoot.curaveneno = 0; gameRoot.multiplyaux = 1; gameRoot.regenaux = 0; gameRoot.sanitygain = 0; gameRoot.sanitycost = 0; gameRoot.sanityloss = 0; gameRoot.shambler = 0; gameRoot.shoggoth = 0; gameRoot.byakhee = 0; gameRoot.normal = 0; gameRoot.betrayed = 0; gameRoot.elderthing = 0; gameRoot.ignoreelder = 0; gameRoot.shub = 0; gameRoot.cthulhu = 0; gameRoot.cardsound1 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound2 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound3 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound4 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound5 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound6 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound7 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound8 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound9 = 0; gameRoot.charPlace = 0; gameRoot.creatPlace = 0; gameRoot.locatPlace = 4; gameRoot.tomePlace = 0; gameRoot.itemPlace = 0; gameRoot.cardType = 0; gameRoot.cardID = 47; }
Symbol 989 Button
on (release) { i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { gameRoot.bactiva[i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { if (gameRoot.barajas[this._parent.k][i]._visible != true) { } else { visible = i; } i = i + 1; } gameRoot.bactiva[visible]._visible = true; gameRoot.carbueno = visible; gameRoot.numbar = this._parent.k; gameRoot.turno = 1; gameRoot.ejecutar.gotoAndStop(3); }
Symbol 990 MovieClip Frame 1
function juegacarta() { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = 0; gameRoot.paraliza = 0; gameRoot.ceguera1aux = 0; gameRoot.arma1aux = 3; gameRoot.escudo1aux = 0; gameRoot.contra1aux = 0; gameRoot.bless1aux = 0; gameRoot.parapeto1aux = 0; gameRoot.maldicion1aux = 0; gameRoot.veneno1aux = 0; gameRoot.runa1aux = 0; gameRoot.cura = 0; gameRoot.dispelo = 0; gameRoot.dispels = 0; gameRoot.dispelc = 0; gameRoot.curaveneno = 0; gameRoot.multiplyaux = 1; gameRoot.regenaux = 0; gameRoot.sanitygain = 0; gameRoot.sanitycost = 2; gameRoot.sanityloss = 0; gameRoot.shambler = 0; gameRoot.shoggoth = 0; gameRoot.byakhee = 0; gameRoot.normal = 0; gameRoot.betrayed = 0; gameRoot.elderthing = 0; gameRoot.ignoreelder = 0; gameRoot.shub = 0; gameRoot.cthulhu = 0; gameRoot.cardsound1 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound2 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound3 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound4 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound5 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound6 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound7 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound8 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound9 = 0; gameRoot.charPlace = 0; gameRoot.creatPlace = 0; gameRoot.locatPlace = 5; gameRoot.tomePlace = 0; gameRoot.itemPlace = 0; gameRoot.cardType = 0; gameRoot.cardID = 48; }
Symbol 1001 Button
on (release) { i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { gameRoot.bactiva[i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { if (gameRoot.barajas[this._parent.k][i]._visible != true) { } else { visible = i; } i = i + 1; } gameRoot.bactiva[visible]._visible = true; gameRoot.carbueno = visible; gameRoot.numbar = this._parent.k; gameRoot.turno = 1; gameRoot.ejecutar.gotoAndStop(3); }
Symbol 1002 MovieClip Frame 1
function juegacarta() { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = 0; gameRoot.paraliza = 0; gameRoot.ceguera1aux = 0; gameRoot.arma1aux = 0; gameRoot.escudo1aux = 0; gameRoot.contra1aux = 0; gameRoot.bless1aux = 0; gameRoot.parapeto1aux = 0; gameRoot.maldicion1aux = 0; gameRoot.veneno1aux = 0; gameRoot.runa1aux = 0; gameRoot.cura = 0; gameRoot.dispelo = 0; gameRoot.dispels = 0; gameRoot.dispelc = 0; gameRoot.curaveneno = 0; gameRoot.multiplyaux = 1; gameRoot.regenaux = 0; gameRoot.sanitygain = 0; gameRoot.sanitycost = 0; gameRoot.sanityloss = 0; gameRoot.shambler = 0; gameRoot.shoggoth = 0; gameRoot.byakhee = 0; gameRoot.normal = 0; gameRoot.betrayed = 0; gameRoot.elderthing = 0; gameRoot.ignoreelder = 0; gameRoot.shub = 0; gameRoot.cthulhu = 0; gameRoot.cardsound1 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound2 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound3 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound4 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound5 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound6 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound7 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound8 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound9 = 0; gameRoot.charPlace = 0; gameRoot.creatPlace = 0; gameRoot.locatPlace = 0; gameRoot.tomePlace = 0; gameRoot.itemPlace = 0; gameRoot.cardType = 2; gameRoot.cardID = 49; }
Symbol 1003 MovieClip Frame 1
k = 0; trace("rejects1 are " + gameRoot.rejects1); i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.rejects1.length) { gameRoot.rejects1[i]._visible = false; i++; } stop();
Symbol 1004 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1004 MovieClip Frame 2
matriz1 = new Array(b1.carta1, b1.carta2, b1.carta3, b1.carta4, b1.carta5, b1.carta6, b1.carta7, b1.carta8, b1.carta9, b1.carta10, b1.carta11, b1.carta12, b1.carta13, b1.carta14, b1.carta15, b1.carta16, b1.carta17, b1.carta18, b1.carta19, b1.carta20, b1.carta21, b1.carta22, b1.carta23, b1.carta24, b1.carta25, b1.carta26, b1.carta27, b1.carta28, b1.carta29, b1.carta30, b1.carta31, b1.carta32, b1.carta33, b1.carta34, b1.carta35, b1.carta36); i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { matriz1[i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } visible = gameRoot.cartasp2[0]; matriz1[visible]._visible = true;
Symbol 1007 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1007 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 1007 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 1007 MovieClip Frame 17
if (gameRoot.flagbarajar == false) { gameRoot.ejecutar.ccartabueno.nextFrame(); this.gotoAndStop(1); } else { this.gotoAndPlay("bucle"); }
Symbol 1010 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1010 MovieClip Frame 29
Symbol 1010 MovieClip Frame 50
Symbol 1011 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); gameRoot.animplayer1.espada.gotoAndStop("estandar");
Symbol 1011 MovieClip Frame 28
Symbol 1012 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1012 MovieClip Frame 29
Symbol 1027 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1027 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 1029 Button
on (rollOver) { gotoAndStop (2); } on (rollOut) { gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 1031 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1035 Button
on (release) { gameRoot.levelp1 = 1; gameRoot.gamecomplete = 0; gameRoot.cardsunlocked = 0; gameRoot.challenge = 0; actualcards = 24; stopAllSounds(); gameRoot.gotoAndPlay("menu"); }
Symbol 1042 Button
on (rollOver) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(2); } on (rollOut) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(1); }
Symbol 1046 MovieClip Frame 1
scale = random(50) + 30; setProperty(_target, _x , (../:x + random(12)) - 6); setProperty(_target, _yscale , scale);
Symbol 1047 MovieClip Frame 1
i = 1; max = 60; x = getProperty("fire", _x);
Symbol 1047 MovieClip Frame 2
if (max >= i) { duplicateMovieClip ("fire", "fire" + i, i + 16384); i = i + 1; }
Symbol 1047 MovieClip Frame 3
if (max >= i) { duplicateMovieClip ("fire", "fire" + i, i + 16384); i = i + 1; } this.gotoAndPlay(2);
Symbol 1048 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1048 MovieClip Frame 2
if (gameRoot.sound == 1) { play0 = new Sound(); play0.setVolume(50); play0.attachSound("creaturesound"); play0.start(); } play();
Symbol 1048 MovieClip Frame 24
Symbol 1048 MovieClip Frame 25
Symbol 1048 MovieClip Frame 40
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1051 Button
on (rollOver) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(3); } on (rollOut) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(1); }
Symbol 1054 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1054 MovieClip Frame 2
if (gameRoot.sound == 1) { play0 = new Sound(); play0.setVolume(50); play0.attachSound("creaturesound"); play0.start(); } play();
Symbol 1054 MovieClip Frame 24
Symbol 1054 MovieClip Frame 25
Symbol 1054 MovieClip Frame 40
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1057 Button
on (rollOver) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(4); } on (rollOut) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(1); }
Symbol 1059 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1059 MovieClip Frame 2
if (gameRoot.sound == 1) { play0 = new Sound(); play0.setVolume(50); play0.attachSound("creaturesound"); play0.start(); } play();
Symbol 1059 MovieClip Frame 24
Symbol 1059 MovieClip Frame 25
Symbol 1059 MovieClip Frame 40
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1062 Button
on (rollOver) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(5); } on (rollOut) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(1); }
Symbol 1064 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1064 MovieClip Frame 2
if (gameRoot.sound == 1) { play0 = new Sound(); play0.setVolume(50); play0.attachSound("creaturesound"); play0.start(); } play();
Symbol 1064 MovieClip Frame 24
Symbol 1064 MovieClip Frame 25
Symbol 1064 MovieClip Frame 40
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1067 Button
on (rollOver) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(21); } on (rollOut) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(1); }
Symbol 1070 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1070 MovieClip Frame 2
if (gameRoot.sound == 1) { play0 = new Sound(); play0.setVolume(50); play0.attachSound("creaturesound"); play0.start(); }
Symbol 1070 MovieClip Frame 24
Symbol 1070 MovieClip Frame 25
Symbol 1070 MovieClip Frame 40
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1073 Button
on (rollOver) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(15); } on (rollOut) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(1); }
Symbol 1076 MovieClip Frame 1
gameRoot.vestdefense = 0; stop();
Symbol 1076 MovieClip Frame 24
this.vestdefensetxt = gameRoot.vest1Uses; stop();
Symbol 1076 MovieClip Frame 25
Symbol 1076 MovieClip Frame 40
Symbol 1077 MovieClip Frame 1
gameRoot.vestdefense = 0; stop();
Symbol 1077 MovieClip Frame 24
this.vestdefensetxt = gameRoot.vest2Uses; stop();
Symbol 1077 MovieClip Frame 25
Symbol 1077 MovieClip Frame 40
Symbol 1080 Button
on (rollOver) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(16); } on (rollOut) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(1); }
Symbol 1081 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1081 MovieClip Frame 24
Symbol 1081 MovieClip Frame 25
Symbol 1081 MovieClip Frame 40
Symbol 1084 Button
on (rollOver) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(6); } on (rollOut) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(1); }
Symbol 1085 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1085 MovieClip Frame 23
gameRoot.escudo1 = gameRoot.escudo1 + 2; gameRoot.mescudo1.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.text_defense1 = gameRoot.escudo1; gameRoot.arma1 = gameRoot.arma1 + 1; gameRoot.marma1.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.text_attack1 = gameRoot.arma1;
Symbol 1085 MovieClip Frame 24
Symbol 1085 MovieClip Frame 25
gameRoot.escudo1 = gameRoot.escudo1 - 2; if (gameRoot.escudo1 <= 0) { gameRoot.escudo1 = 0; gameRoot.mescudo1.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.text_defense1 = gameRoot.escudo1; gameRoot.arma1 = gameRoot.arma1 - 1; if (gameRoot.arma1 <= 0) { gameRoot.arma1 = 0; gameRoot.marma1.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.text_attack1 = gameRoot.arma1; gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(1);
Symbol 1085 MovieClip Frame 40
Symbol 1087 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1087 MovieClip Frame 23
gameRoot.escudo2 = gameRoot.escudo2 + 2; gameRoot.mescudo2.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.text_defense2 = gameRoot.escudo2; gameRoot.arma2 = gameRoot.arma2 + 1; gameRoot.marma2.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.text_attack2 = gameRoot.arma2;
Symbol 1087 MovieClip Frame 24
Symbol 1087 MovieClip Frame 25
gameRoot.escudo2 = gameRoot.escudo2 - 2; if (gameRoot.escudo2 <= 0) { gameRoot.escudo2 = 0; gameRoot.mescudo2.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.text_defense2 = gameRoot.escudo2; gameRoot.arma2 = gameRoot.arma2 - 1; if (gameRoot.arma2 <= 0) { gameRoot.arma2 = 0; gameRoot.marma2.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.text_attack2 = gameRoot.arma2; gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(1);
Symbol 1087 MovieClip Frame 40
Symbol 1089 Button
on (rollOver) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(13); } on (rollOut) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(1); }
Symbol 1090 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1090 MovieClip Frame 24
Symbol 1090 MovieClip Frame 25
Symbol 1090 MovieClip Frame 40
Symbol 1093 Button
on (rollOver) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(7); } on (rollOut) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(1); }
Symbol 1094 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1094 MovieClip Frame 24
Symbol 1094 MovieClip Frame 40
Symbol 1097 Button
on (rollOver) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(8); } on (rollOut) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(1); }
Symbol 1098 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1098 MovieClip Frame 23
gameRoot.arma1 = gameRoot.arma1 + 2; gameRoot.marma1.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.text_attack1 = gameRoot.arma1;
Symbol 1098 MovieClip Frame 24
Symbol 1098 MovieClip Frame 25
gameRoot.arma1 = gameRoot.arma1 - 2; if (gameRoot.arma1 <= 0) { gameRoot.arma1 = 0; gameRoot.marma1.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.text_attack1 = gameRoot.arma1; gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(1);
Symbol 1098 MovieClip Frame 40
Symbol 1099 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1099 MovieClip Frame 23
gameRoot.arma2 = gameRoot.arma2 + 2; gameRoot.marma2.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.text_attack2 = gameRoot.arma2;
Symbol 1099 MovieClip Frame 24
Symbol 1099 MovieClip Frame 25
gameRoot.arma2 = gameRoot.arma1 - 2; if (gameRoot.arma2 <= 0) { gameRoot.arma2 = 0; gameRoot.marma2.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.text_attack2 = gameRoot.arma2; gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(1);
Symbol 1099 MovieClip Frame 40
Symbol 1102 Button
on (rollOver) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(9); } on (rollOut) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(1); }
Symbol 1103 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1103 MovieClip Frame 23
gameRoot.arma1 = gameRoot.arma1 + 3; gameRoot.marma1.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.text_attack1 = gameRoot.arma1;
Symbol 1103 MovieClip Frame 24
Symbol 1103 MovieClip Frame 25
gameRoot.arma1 = gameRoot.arma1 - 3; if (gameRoot.arma1 <= 0) { gameRoot.arma1 = 0; gameRoot.marma1.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.text_attack1 = gameRoot.arma1; gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(1);
Symbol 1103 MovieClip Frame 40
Symbol 1104 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1104 MovieClip Frame 23
gameRoot.arma2 = gameRoot.arma2 + 3; gameRoot.marma2.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.text_attack2 = gameRoot.arma2;
Symbol 1104 MovieClip Frame 24
Symbol 1104 MovieClip Frame 25
gameRoot.arma2 = gameRoot.arma1 - 3; if (gameRoot.arma2 <= 0) { gameRoot.arma2 = 0; gameRoot.marma2.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.text_attack2 = gameRoot.arma2; gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(1);
Symbol 1104 MovieClip Frame 40
Symbol 1108 Button
on (rollOver) { gotoAndStop (25); } on (rollOut) { gotoAndStop (24); }
Symbol 1112 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1112 MovieClip Frame 24
Symbol 1113 Button
on (rollOver) { gotoAndStop (25); } on (rollOut) { gotoAndStop (24); }
Symbol 1115 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1115 MovieClip Frame 24
Symbol 1119 Button
on (rollOver) { gotoAndStop (25); } on (rollOut) { gotoAndStop (24); }
Symbol 1121 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1121 MovieClip Frame 24
Symbol 1122 Button
on (rollOver) { gotoAndStop (25); } on (rollOut) { gotoAndStop (24); }
Symbol 1123 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1123 MovieClip Frame 24
Symbol 1127 Button
on (rollOver) { gotoAndStop (25); } on (rollOut) { gotoAndStop (24); }
Symbol 1129 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1129 MovieClip Frame 24
Symbol 1130 Button
on (rollOver) { gotoAndStop (25); } on (rollOut) { gotoAndStop (24); }
Symbol 1131 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1131 MovieClip Frame 24
Symbol 1134 Button
on (rollOver) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(11); } on (rollOut) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(1); }
Symbol 1135 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1135 MovieClip Frame 24
Symbol 1135 MovieClip Frame 25
Symbol 1135 MovieClip Frame 40
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1138 Button
on (rollOver) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(17); } on (rollOut) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(1); }
Symbol 1139 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1139 MovieClip Frame 24
Symbol 1139 MovieClip Frame 25
Symbol 1139 MovieClip Frame 40
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1142 Button
on (rollOver) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(18); } on (rollOut) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(1); }
Symbol 1143 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1143 MovieClip Frame 24
Symbol 1143 MovieClip Frame 25
Symbol 1143 MovieClip Frame 40
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1145 Button
on (rollOver) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(18); } on (rollOut) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(1); }
Symbol 1146 Button
on (rollOver) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(19); } on (rollOut) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(1); }
Symbol 1148 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1148 MovieClip Frame 24
Symbol 1148 MovieClip Frame 25
Symbol 1148 MovieClip Frame 40
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1151 Button
on (rollOver) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(20); } on (rollOut) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(1); }
Symbol 1152 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1152 MovieClip Frame 24
Symbol 1152 MovieClip Frame 25
Symbol 1152 MovieClip Frame 40
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1161 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1161 MovieClip Frame 36
Symbol 1164 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1164 MovieClip Frame 36
Symbol 1167 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1167 MovieClip Frame 36
Symbol 1168 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1168 MovieClip Frame 36
Symbol 1173 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1173 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 1176 Button
on (rollOver) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(10); } on (rollOut) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(1); }
Symbol 1177 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1177 MovieClip Frame 2
if (gameRoot.sound == 1) { play0 = new Sound(); play0.setVolume(50); play0.attachSound("creaturesound"); play0.start(); }
Symbol 1177 MovieClip Frame 24
Symbol 1177 MovieClip Frame 25
Symbol 1177 MovieClip Frame 40
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1180 Button
on (rollOver) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(12); } on (rollOut) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(1); }
Symbol 1181 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1181 MovieClip Frame 2
if (gameRoot.sound == 1) { play0 = new Sound(); play0.setVolume(50); play0.attachSound("creaturesound"); play0.start(); }
Symbol 1181 MovieClip Frame 24
Symbol 1181 MovieClip Frame 25
Symbol 1181 MovieClip Frame 40
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1184 Button
on (rollOver) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(14); } on (rollOut) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(1); }
Symbol 1185 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1185 MovieClip Frame 2
if (gameRoot.sound == 1) { play0 = new Sound(); play0.setVolume(50); play0.attachSound("creaturesound"); play0.start(); }
Symbol 1185 MovieClip Frame 24
Symbol 1185 MovieClip Frame 25
Symbol 1185 MovieClip Frame 40
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1188 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1188 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 1194 MovieClip Frame 1
button.useHandCursor = false;
Symbol 1197 Button
on (rollOver) { gotoAndStop (25); } on (rollOut) { gotoAndStop (24); }
Symbol 1199 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1199 MovieClip Frame 22
masks = random(4); this.mask1._visible = false; this.mask2._visible = false; this.mask3._visible = false; this.mask4._visible = false; this.mask5._visible = false; this.cover1._visible = false; this.cover2._visible = false; this.cover2a._visible = false; this.cover3._visible = false; this.cover3a._visible = false; this.cover4._visible = false;
Symbol 1199 MovieClip Frame 23
if (masks == 0) { this.mask1._visible = false; this.mask2._visible = false; this.mask3._visible = true; this.mask4._visible = true; this.mask5._visible = true; this.cover1._visible = true; this.cover2._visible = false; this.cover2a._visible = false; this.cover3._visible = false; this.cover3a._visible = false; this.cover4._visible = false; } if (masks == 1) { this.mask1._visible = true; this.mask2._visible = false; this.mask3._visible = false; this.mask4._visible = true; this.mask5._visible = true; this.cover1._visible = false; this.cover2._visible = true; this.cover2a._visible = true; this.cover3._visible = false; this.cover3a._visible = false; this.cover4._visible = false; } if (masks == 2) { this.mask1._visible = true; this.mask2._visible = true; this.mask3._visible = false; this.mask4._visible = false; this.mask5._visible = true; this.cover1._visible = false; this.cover2._visible = false; this.cover2a._visible = false; this.cover3._visible = true; this.cover3a._visible = true; this.cover4._visible = false; } if (masks == 3) { this.mask1._visible = true; this.mask2._visible = true; this.mask3._visible = true; this.mask4._visible = false; this.mask5._visible = false; this.cover1._visible = false; this.cover2._visible = false; this.cover2a._visible = false; this.cover3._visible = false; this.cover3a._visible = false; this.cover4._visible = true; }
Symbol 1199 MovieClip Frame 24
Symbol 1200 Button
on (rollOver) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } on (rollOut) { this.gotoAndStop(1); }
Symbol 1205 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1207 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1209 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1212 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1214 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1215 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1230 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 1231 Button
on (release) { this.mascara4._visible = true; if ((gameRoot.slot1attacking != true) && (gameRoot.slot2attacking != true)) { gameRoot.creatureAttPow = 0; this.gotoAndStop(2); } if ((gameRoot.slot1attacking == true) && (gameRoot.slot2attacking != true)) { gameRoot.creatureAttPow = gameRoot.attackSlot1Power1; gameRoot.attackersDef = gameRoot.attackSlot1Defense1; } if ((gameRoot.slot1attacking != true) && (gameRoot.slot2attacking == true)) { gameRoot.creatureAttPow = gameRoot.attackSlot2Power1; gameRoot.attackersDef = gameRoot.attackSlot2Defense1; } if ((gameRoot.slot1attacking == true) && (gameRoot.slot2attacking == true)) { gameRoot.creatureAttPow = gameRoot.attackSlot1Power1 + gameRoot.attackSlot2Power1; gameRoot.attackersDef = gameRoot.attackSlot1Defense1 + gameRoot.attackSlot2Defense1; } gameRoot.creatureDefPow = gameRoot.defendSlot1Defense2 + gameRoot.defendSlot2Defense2; gameRoot.defendersAtt = gameRoot.defendSlot1Power2 + gameRoot.defendSlot2Power2; if (((gameRoot.shambler1attSlot1a == true) && (gameRoot.slot1attacking == true)) or ((gameRoot.shambler1attSlot2a == true) && (gameRoot.slot2attacking == true))) { gameRoot.creatureDamage = gameRoot.creatureAttPow - gameRoot.creatureDefPow; } else { gameRoot.creatureDamage = (gameRoot.creatureAttPow - gameRoot.creatureDefPow) - gameRoot.escudo2; } if (gameRoot.creatureDamage > 0) { gameRoot.creatureAtts = gameRoot.creatureAtts + 1; } if (gameRoot.creatureDamage <= 0) { gameRoot.creatureDamage = 0; } trace("gameRoot.creatureAttPow =" + gameRoot.creatureAttPow); trace("Number of times creatures attack =" + gameRoot.creatureAtts); this.creatureattacks.gotoAndPlay(2); }
Symbol 1232 MovieClip Frame 1
button.useHandCursor = false;
Symbol 1241 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1272 Button
on (release) { gameRoot.gotoAndStop("scores"); }
Symbol 1275 Button
on (release) { gameRoot.setabg(); gameRoot.gotoAndStop("scores"); }
Symbol 1277 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1277 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 1277 MovieClip Frame 9
if (gameRoot.sound == 1) { mySound2 = new Sound(); mySound2.attachSound("creature_attack"); mySound2.setVolume(40); mySound2.start(); if (creaturedamage > 0) { mySound = new Sound(); mySound.attachSound("ih01350"); mySound.start(); } }
Symbol 1277 MovieClip Frame 21
tgranda\u00F1o._visible = false; this["tda\u00F1o"] = gameRoot.creatureDamage; if (gameRoot.creatureDefPow >= 1) { this.creatureblock._visible = true; this.creatureblock.blockedDamage = gameRoot.creatureDefPow; } else { this.creatureblock._visible = false; } if ((gameRoot.vida2 - gameRoot.creatureDamage) >= 0) { gameRoot.vida2 = gameRoot.vida2 - gameRoot.creatureDamage; gameRoot.calcularpuntaje(gameRoot.creatureDamage, 1); } else { gameRoot.vida2 = 0; gameRoot.calcularpuntaje(gameRoot.creatureDamage, 1); } trace("Opponent has yellow book in play so I get tainted for one"); if (gameRoot.yellow2ainplay == true) { gameRoot.mveneno1.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.text_poison1 = gameRoot.text_poison1 + 1; gameRoot.veneno1 = gameRoot.veneno1 + 1; gameRoot.sanity2 = gameRoot.sanity2 - 1; gameRoot.msanity2.sanityfx = 1; gameRoot.msanity2.gotoAndPlay(2); }
Symbol 1277 MovieClip Frame 52
if (gameRoot.vida2 == 0) { gotoAndPlay ("player1"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("killcreature"); }
Symbol 1277 MovieClip Frame 87
gotoAndPlay ("fin");
Symbol 1277 MovieClip Frame 92
trace("CREATURE killing"); gameRoot.p1creaturekillingdouble();
Symbol 1277 MovieClip Frame 106
Symbol 1277 MovieClip Frame 135
trace("end of creature killing"); gotoAndPlay ("fin");
Symbol 1277 MovieClip Frame 136
if (gameRoot.sound == 1) { mySound2 = new Sound(); mySound2.attachSound("healsound"); mySound2.setVolume(40); mySound2.start(); } if ((gameRoot.cura > 0) && (gameRoot.regen1 > 0)) { this.theal["tda\u00F1o"] = (gameRoot.cura + "+") + gameRoot.regen1; } else if ((gameRoot.cura == 0) && (gameRoot.regen1 > 0)) { this.theal["tda\u00F1o"] = gameRoot.regen1; } else if ((gameRoot.cura > 0) && (gameRoot.regen1 == 0)) { this.theal["tda\u00F1o"] = gameRoot.cura; } gameRoot.lifehealed = (gameRoot.lifehealed + gameRoot.cura) + gameRoot.regen1; if (((gameRoot.vida1 + gameRoot.cura) + gameRoot.regen1) <= gameRoot.maxvida) { gameRoot.vida1 = (gameRoot.vida1 + gameRoot.cura) + gameRoot.regen1; } else { gameRoot.vida1 = gameRoot.maxvida; } if (_levelo.challenge == 21) { if (((gameRoot.vida2 + gameRoot.cura) + gameRoot.regen2) <= gameRoot.maxvida2) { gameRoot.vida2 = (gameRoot.vida2 + gameRoot.cura) + gameRoot.regen2; } else { gameRoot.vida2 = gameRoot.maxvida2; } }
Symbol 1277 MovieClip Frame 179
if (gameRoot.veneno1 > 0) { gotoAndPlay ("veneno"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("fin"); }
Symbol 1277 MovieClip Frame 180
if (gameRoot.regen1 > 0) { gotoAndPlay ("cura"); } else if (gameRoot.veneno1 > 0) { gotoAndPlay ("veneno"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("fin"); }
Symbol 1277 MovieClip Frame 184
this["tda\u00F1o"] = gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"]; gameRoot.parapeto2 = 0; if (gameRoot.sound == 1) { mySound2 = new Sound(); mySound2.attachSound("blocked"); mySound2.setVolume(40); mySound2.start(); }
Symbol 1277 MovieClip Frame 211
gameRoot.minvulner2.gotoAndStop(1); if ((gameRoot.contra2 > 0) && (gameRoot.donotcounter != 1)) { gotoAndPlay ("contra"); } else if ((gameRoot.cura > 0) || (gameRoot.regen1 > 0)) { gotoAndPlay ("cura"); } else if (gameRoot.veneno1 > 0) { gotoAndPlay ("veneno"); } else { gameRoot.minvulner2.gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndPlay ("fin"); }
Symbol 1277 MovieClip Frame 212
gameRoot.youWin(); gameRoot.devoured = true; gameRoot.applyChallengesYouWin(); stop();
Symbol 1277 MovieClip Frame 222
gameRoot.youLose(); stop();
Symbol 1277 MovieClip Frame 249
trace("attack phase over"); gameRoot.creatureDefPow = 0; gameRoot.defendersAtt = 0; gameRoot.attackersDef = 0; gameRoot.creatureDamage = 0; this._parent.gotoAndStop(2);
Symbol 1279 Button
on (rollOver) { if (gameRoot.elderthingatt1Slot1a == true) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(2); } if (gameRoot.shoggoth1attSlot1a == true) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(3); } if (gameRoot.shambler1attSlot1a == true) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(4); } if (gameRoot.byakhee1attSlot1a == true) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(5); } if (gameRoot.dunwich1attSlot1a == true) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(21); } } on (rollOut) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(1); } on (release) { if (gameRoot.slot1attacking == true) { gameRoot.slot1attacking = false; this.selectslot1._alpha = 0; trace("SLOT 1 attack is FALSE"); return(undefined); } if (gameRoot.slot1attacking != true) { gameRoot.slot1attacking = true; this.selectslot1._alpha = 20; trace("SLOT 1 attack is TRUE"); return(undefined); } }
Symbol 1280 Button
on (rollOver) { if (gameRoot.elderthing1attSlot2a == true) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(2); } if (gameRoot.shoggoth1attSlot2a == true) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(3); } if (gameRoot.shambler1attSlot2a == true) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(4); } if (gameRoot.byakhee1attSlot2a == true) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(5); } if (gameRoot.dunwich1attSlot2a == true) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(21); } } on (rollOut) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(1); } on (release) { if (gameRoot.slot2attacking == true) { gameRoot.slot2attacking = false; this.selectslot2._alpha = 0; trace("SLOT 2 attack is FALSE"); return(undefined); } if (gameRoot.slot2attacking != true) { gameRoot.slot2attacking = true; this.selectslot2._alpha = 20; trace("SLOT 2 attack is TRUE"); return(undefined); } }
Symbol 1281 Button
on (rollOver) { if (gameRoot.elderthing1Slot3a == true) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(2); } if (gameRoot.shoggoth1Slot3a == true) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(3); } if (gameRoot.shambler1Slot3a == true) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(4); } if (gameRoot.byakhee1Slot3a == true) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(5); } } on (rollOut) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(1); } on (release) { if (gameRoot.slot3attacking == true) { gameRoot.slot3attacking = false; this.selectslot3._alpha = 0; trace("SLOT 3 attack is FALSE"); return(undefined); } if (gameRoot.slot3attacking != true) { gameRoot.slot3attacking = true; this.selectslot3._alpha = 20; trace("SLOT 3 attack is TRUE"); return(undefined); } }
Symbol 1286 Button
on (rollOver) { cardlibrary.gotoAndStop(gameRoot.cardID); } on (rollOut) { cardlibrary.gotoAndStop(1); }
Symbol 1288 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1301 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1306 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1306 MovieClip Frame 3
stop(); gameRoot.activateAI();
Symbol 1306 MovieClip Frame 4
trace("Slot 1 card (0)" + gameRoot.reparte);
Symbol 1306 MovieClip Frame 22
Symbol 1306 MovieClip Frame 23
trace("Slot 2 card (1)" + gameRoot.reparte);
Symbol 1306 MovieClip Frame 41
Symbol 1306 MovieClip Frame 42
trace("Slot 3 card (2)" + gameRoot.reparte);
Symbol 1306 MovieClip Frame 60
Symbol 1306 MovieClip Frame 61
trace("Slot 4 card (3)" + gameRoot.reparte);
Symbol 1306 MovieClip Frame 79
Symbol 1306 MovieClip Frame 80
trace("Slot 5 card (4)" + gameRoot.reparte);
Symbol 1306 MovieClip Frame 98
Symbol 1307 Button
on (release) { gameRoot.executeCard(); }
Symbol 1311 Button
on (release) { function juegacarta() { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = 0; gameRoot.paraliza = 0; gameRoot.ceguera1aux = 0; gameRoot.arma1aux = 0; gameRoot.escudo1aux = 0; gameRoot.contra1aux = 0; gameRoot.bless1aux = 0; gameRoot.parapeto1aux = 0; gameRoot.maldicion1aux = 0; gameRoot.veneno1aux = 0; gameRoot.runa1aux = 0; gameRoot.cura = 0; gameRoot.dispelo = 0; gameRoot.dispels = 0; gameRoot.dispelc = 0; gameRoot.curaveneno = 0; gameRoot.multiplyaux = 1; gameRoot.regenaux = 0; gameRoot.sanitygain = 0; gameRoot.sanitycost = 0; gameRoot.sanityloss = 0; gameRoot.shambler = 0; gameRoot.shoggoth = 0; gameRoot.byakhee = 0; gameRoot.normal = 0; gameRoot.betrayed = 0; gameRoot.elderthing = 0; gameRoot.ignoreelder = 0; gameRoot.shub = 0; gameRoot.cthulhu = 0; gameRoot.cardsound1 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound2 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound3 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound4 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound5 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound6 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound7 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound8 = 0; gameRoot.cardsound9 = 0; } gameRoot.matchcardsused++; this.mascara1._visible = true; this.mascara2._visible = true; this.mascara3._visible = true; if (gameRoot.turno == 0) { } else if (gameRoot.ceguera1 == 0) { gameRoot.barajas[gameRoot.numbar][gameRoot.carbueno].juegacarta(); if (gameRoot.sanitycost > 0) { gameRoot.sanity1 = gameRoot.sanity1 + (gameRoot.sanitycost * 2); trace("Sanity gain from discard " + (gameRoot.sanitycost * 2)); gameRoot.msanity1plus.sanityfx = gameRoot.sanitycost * 2; gameRoot.msanity1plus.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.sanitycost = 0; } } if (gameRoot.ceguera1 != 0) { this["cda\u00F1o2"].gotoAndPlay(2); } juegacarta(); i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas1) { gameRoot.barajas[gameRoot.numbar][i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } gameRoot.turno == 0; if (gameRoot.veneno1 >= 1) { this["cda\u00F1o2"].gotoAndPlay("veneno"); } else { this["cda\u00F1o2"].gotoAndPlay("fin"); } }
Symbol 1314 Button
on (rollOver) { if (gameRoot.elderthing2ainplay == true) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(2); } if (gameRoot.shoggoth2ainplay == true) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(3); } if (gameRoot.shambler2ainplay == true) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(4); } if (gameRoot.byakhee2ainplay == true) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(5); } } on (rollOut) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(1); } on (releaseOutside) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(1); } on (release) { gameRoot.p1BanishingSlot("1", "a", "attack"); this._parent.creatureREMOVAL.gotoAndStop(1); }
Symbol 1315 Button
on (rollOver) { if (gameRoot.elderthing2binplay == true) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(2); } if (gameRoot.shoggoth2binplay == true) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(3); } if (gameRoot.shambler2binplay == true) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(4); } if (gameRoot.byakhee2binplay == true) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(5); } } on (rollOut) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(1); } on (releaseOutside) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(1); } on (release) { gameRoot.p1BanishingSlot("2", "b", "attack"); this._parent.creatureREMOVAL.gotoAndStop(1); }
Symbol 1316 Button
on (rollOver) { if (gameRoot.elderthing2dinplay == true) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(2); } if (gameRoot.shoggoth2dinplay == true) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(3); } if (gameRoot.shambler2dinplay == true) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(4); } if (gameRoot.byakhee2dinplay == true) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(5); } } on (rollOut) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(1); } on (releaseOutside) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(1); } on (release) { gameRoot.rolloverReset(); gameRoot.p1BanishingSlot("1", "d", "defend"); this._parent.creatureREMOVAL.gotoAndStop(1); }
Symbol 1317 Button
on (rollOver) { if (gameRoot.elderthing2einplay == true) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(2); } if (gameRoot.shoggoth2einplay == true) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(3); } if (gameRoot.shambler2einplay == true) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(4); } if (gameRoot.byakhee2einplay == true) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(5); } } on (rollOut) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(1); } on (releaseOutside) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(1); } on (release) { gameRoot.p1BanishingSlot("2", "e", "defend"); this._parent.creatureREMOVAL.gotoAndStop(1); }
Symbol 1320 Button
on (rollOver) { if (gameRoot.elderthing2ainplay == true) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(2); } if (gameRoot.shoggoth2ainplay == true) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(3); } if (gameRoot.shambler2ainplay == true) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(4); } if (gameRoot.byakhee2ainplay == true) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(5); } } on (rollOut) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(1); } on (releaseOutside) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(1); } on (release) { gameRoot.p1summonshoggSlot(1, "a", "attack"); this._parent.creatureREMOVAL.gotoAndStop(1); if (gameRoot.sanitycost > 0) { gameRoot.sanity1 = gameRoot.sanity1 - gameRoot.sanitycost; trace("Sanity loss " + gameRoot.sanitycost); gameRoot.msanity1.sanityfx = gameRoot.sanitycost; gameRoot.sanitycost = 0; gameRoot.msanity1.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (gameRoot.sanityloss > 0) { gameRoot.sanity2 = gameRoot.sanity2 - gameRoot.sanityloss; gameRoot.msanity2.sanityfx = gameRoot.sanityloss; gameRoot.msanity2.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (gameRoot.sanitygain > 0) { gameRoot.sanity1 = gameRoot.sanity1 + gameRoot.sanitygain; gameRoot.msanity1plus.sanityfx = gameRoot.sanitygain; gameRoot.msanity1plus.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (gameRoot.sanity2 < -10) { gameRoot.sanity2 = -10; } if (gameRoot.sanity1 < -10) { gameRoot.sanity1 = -10; } gameRoot.continueTurn(); }
Symbol 1321 Button
on (rollOver) { if (gameRoot.elderthing2binplay == true) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(2); } if (gameRoot.shoggoth2binplay == true) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(3); } if (gameRoot.shambler2binplay == true) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(4); } if (gameRoot.byakhee2binplay == true) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(5); } } on (rollOut) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(1); } on (releaseOutside) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(1); } on (release) { gameRoot.p1summonshoggSlot(2, "b", "attack"); this._parent.creatureREMOVAL.gotoAndStop(1); if (gameRoot.sanitycost > 0) { gameRoot.sanity1 = gameRoot.sanity1 - gameRoot.sanitycost; trace("Sanity loss " + gameRoot.sanitycost); gameRoot.msanity1.sanityfx = gameRoot.sanitycost; gameRoot.sanitycost = 0; gameRoot.msanity1.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (gameRoot.sanityloss > 0) { gameRoot.sanity2 = gameRoot.sanity2 - gameRoot.sanityloss; gameRoot.msanity2.sanityfx = gameRoot.sanityloss; gameRoot.msanity2.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (gameRoot.sanitygain > 0) { gameRoot.sanity1 = gameRoot.sanity1 + gameRoot.sanitygain; gameRoot.msanity1plus.sanityfx = gameRoot.sanitygain; gameRoot.msanity1plus.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (gameRoot.sanity2 < -10) { gameRoot.sanity2 = -10; } if (gameRoot.sanity1 < -10) { gameRoot.sanity1 = -10; } gameRoot.continueTurn(); }
Symbol 1322 Button
on (rollOver) { if (gameRoot.elderthing2dinplay == true) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(2); } if (gameRoot.shoggoth2dinplay == true) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(3); } if (gameRoot.shambler2dinplay == true) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(4); } if (gameRoot.byakhee2dinplay == true) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(5); } } on (rollOut) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(1); } on (releaseOutside) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(1); } on (release) { gameRoot.p1summonshoggSlot(1, "d", "defend"); this._parent.creatureREMOVAL.gotoAndStop(1); if (gameRoot.sanitycost > 0) { gameRoot.sanity1 = gameRoot.sanity1 - gameRoot.sanitycost; trace("Sanity loss " + gameRoot.sanitycost); gameRoot.msanity1.sanityfx = gameRoot.sanitycost; gameRoot.sanitycost = 0; gameRoot.msanity1.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (gameRoot.sanityloss > 0) { gameRoot.sanity2 = gameRoot.sanity2 - gameRoot.sanityloss; gameRoot.msanity2.sanityfx = gameRoot.sanityloss; gameRoot.msanity2.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (gameRoot.sanitygain > 0) { gameRoot.sanity1 = gameRoot.sanity1 + gameRoot.sanitygain; gameRoot.msanity1plus.sanityfx = gameRoot.sanitygain; gameRoot.msanity1plus.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (gameRoot.sanity2 < -10) { gameRoot.sanity2 = -10; } if (gameRoot.sanity1 < -10) { gameRoot.sanity1 = -10; } gameRoot.continueTurn(); }
Symbol 1323 Button
on (rollOver) { if (gameRoot.elderthing2einplay == true) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(2); } if (gameRoot.shoggoth2einplay == true) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(3); } if (gameRoot.shambler2einplay == true) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(4); } if (gameRoot.byakhee2einplay == true) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(5); } } on (rollOut) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(1); } on (releaseOutside) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(1); } on (release) { gameRoot.p1summonshoggSlot(2, "e", "defend"); this._parent.creatureREMOVAL.gotoAndStop(1); if (gameRoot.sanitycost > 0) { gameRoot.sanity1 = gameRoot.sanity1 - gameRoot.sanitycost; trace("Sanity loss " + gameRoot.sanitycost); gameRoot.msanity1.sanityfx = gameRoot.sanitycost; gameRoot.sanitycost = 0; gameRoot.msanity1.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (gameRoot.sanityloss > 0) { gameRoot.sanity2 = gameRoot.sanity2 - gameRoot.sanityloss; gameRoot.msanity2.sanityfx = gameRoot.sanityloss; gameRoot.msanity2.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (gameRoot.sanitygain > 0) { gameRoot.sanity1 = gameRoot.sanity1 + gameRoot.sanitygain; gameRoot.msanity1plus.sanityfx = gameRoot.sanitygain; gameRoot.msanity1plus.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (gameRoot.sanity2 < -10) { gameRoot.sanity2 = -10; } if (gameRoot.sanity1 < -10) { gameRoot.sanity1 = -10; } gameRoot.continueTurn(); }
Symbol 1328 Button
on (rollOver) { if (gameRoot.prof2ainplay == true) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(6); } } on (rollOut) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(1); } on (releaseOutside) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(1); } on (release) { gameRoot.p2Charkill1(); this._parent.creatureREMOVAL.gotoAndStop(1); if (gameRoot.sanitycost > 0) { gameRoot.sanity1 = gameRoot.sanity1 - gameRoot.sanitycost; trace("Sanity loss " + gameRoot.sanitycost); gameRoot.msanity1.sanityfx = gameRoot.sanitycost; gameRoot.sanitycost = 0; gameRoot.msanity1.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (gameRoot.sanityloss > 0) { gameRoot.sanity2 = gameRoot.sanity2 - gameRoot.sanityloss; gameRoot.msanity2.sanityfx = gameRoot.sanityloss; gameRoot.msanity2.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (gameRoot.sanitygain > 0) { gameRoot.sanity1 = gameRoot.sanity1 + gameRoot.sanitygain; gameRoot.msanity1plus.sanityfx = gameRoot.sanitygain; gameRoot.msanity1plus.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (gameRoot.sanity2 < -10) { gameRoot.sanity2 = -10; } if (gameRoot.sanity1 < -10) { gameRoot.sanity1 = -10; } if (gameRoot.sanity1 >= 1) { gameRoot.insanity1 = 0; gameRoot.agoraphobia1 = 0; gameRoot.agoraphobiaIcon1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.Xenophobia1 = 0; gameRoot.xenophobiaIcon1.gotoAndStop(1); if (gameRoot.megalomania1 == 1) { gameRoot.megalomania1 = 0; gameRoot.megalomaniaIcon1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.arma1 = 0; gameRoot.text_attack1 = 0; gameRoot.marma1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.mveneno1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.text_poison1 = 0; gameRoot.veneno1 = 0; } if (gameRoot.schizophrenia1 == 1) { gameRoot.schizophrenia1 = 0; gameRoot.schizophreniaIcon1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.arma1 = 0; gameRoot.escudo1 = 0; gameRoot.veneno1 = 0; gameRoot.marma1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.mveneno1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.mescudo1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.text_poison1 = 0; gameRoot.text_defense1 = 0; gameRoot.text_attack1 = 0; } } trace("" + gameRoot.mult1); if ((gameRoot.betrayed == 1) && (gameRoot.contra2 >= 1)) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = gameRoot.contra2; gameRoot.betrayed = 0; gameRoot.donotcounter = 1; trace(" betrayal damage" + gameRoot.contra2); } else if (gameRoot.betrayed == 1) { gameRoot.betrayed = 0; } if (gameRoot.normal == 2) { gameRoot.mirarcartas(); gameRoot.normal = 0; } if (gameRoot.normal == 3) { gameRoot.arma1 = gameRoot.arma2; if (gameRoot.arma1 == 0) { gameRoot.marma1.gotoAndStop(1); } else { gameRoot.marma1.gotoAndPlay(2); } gameRoot.escudo1 = gameRoot.escudo2; if (gameRoot.escudo1 == 0) { gameRoot.mescudo1.gotoAndStop(1); } else { gameRoot.mescudo1.gotoAndPlay(2); } gameRoot.veneno1 = gameRoot.veneno2; if (gameRoot.veneno1 == 0) { gameRoot.mveneno1.gotoAndStop(1); } else { gameRoot.mveneno1.gotoAndPlay(2); } gameRoot.normal = 0; } if (gameRoot.normal == 4) { gameRoot.parapeto1 = 0; gameRoot.minvulner1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.parapeto2 = 0; gameRoot.minvulner2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.arma1 = 0; gameRoot.marma1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.text_attack1 = 0; gameRoot.arma2 = 0; gameRoot.marma2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.text_attack2 = 0; gameRoot.escudo1 = 0; gameRoot.mescudo1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.text_defense1 = 0; gameRoot.escudo2 = 0; gameRoot.mescudo2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.text_defense2 = 0; gameRoot.contra1 = 0; gameRoot.ccontra1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.text_counter1 = 0; gameRoot.contra2 = 0; gameRoot.ccontra2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.text_counter2 = 0; gameRoot.veneno1 = 0; gameRoot.mveneno1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.text_poison1 = 0; gameRoot.veneno2 = 0; gameRoot.mveneno2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.text_poison2 = 0; gameRoot.byakhee2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.byakhee2inplay = 0; gameRoot.shambler2inplay = 0; gameRoot.byakhee1inplay = 0; gameRoot.shambler1inplay = 0; gameRoot.shambler2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.shoggoth2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.elderthing2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.byakhee1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.shambler1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.shoggoth1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.elderthing1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.shub1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.shub2.gotoAndStop(1); if (gameRoot.sanity1 <= 0) { gameRoot.sanity1 = 5; } else if (gameRoot.sanity1 >= 1) { gameRoot.sanity1 = gameRoot.sanity1 + 5; } gameRoot.msanity1plus.sanityfx = 5; gameRoot.msanity1plus.gotoAndPlay(2); if (gameRoot.sanity2 <= 0) { gameRoot.sanity2 = 5; } else if (gameRoot.sanity2 >= 1) { gameRoot.sanity2 = gameRoot.sanity2 + 5; } gameRoot.msanity2plus.sanityfx = 5; gameRoot.msanity2plus.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.insanity1 = 0; gameRoot.insanity2 = 0; gameRoot.Xenophobia1 = 0; gameRoot.xenophobiaIcon1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.megalomania1 = 0; gameRoot.megalomaniaIcon1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.schizophrenia1 = 0; gameRoot.schizophreniaIcon1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.Xenophobia2 = 0; gameRoot.xenophobiaIcon2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.megalomania2 = 0; gameRoot.megalomaniaIcon2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.schizophrenia2 = 0; gameRoot.schizophreniaIcon2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.agoraphobia1 = 0; gameRoot.agoraphobiaIcon1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.normal = 0; } if (gameRoot.normal == 5) { experiment = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 4); trace("Experiment number is: " + experiment); if (experiment == 1) { gameRoot.shoggoth = 1; gameRoot.contra1 = 6; gameRoot.dispelc = 1; } if (experiment == 2) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = 15; } if (experiment == 3) { gameRoot.arma1 = gameRoot.arma1 + 5; gameRoot.escudo1 = gameRoot.escudo1 + 5; } if (experiment == 4) { gameRoot.sanity1 = -5; } gameRoot.normal = 0; } if (gameRoot.normal == 6) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = gameRoot.sanity2 - gameRoot.arma1; gameRoot.yogsothoth = 1; gameRoot.normal = 0; } if (gameRoot.normal == 7) { if (gameRoot.sanity2 <= 0) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = 20; } else { gameRoot.sanity2 = -5; } gameRoot.normal = 0; } if (gameRoot.normal == 8) { this.creatureREMOVAL.gotoAndStop(2); gameRoot.normal = 0; return(undefined); } if (((((gameRoot.sanity1 <= 0) && (gameRoot.agoraphobia1 != 1)) && (gameRoot.schizophrenia1 != 1)) && (gameRoot.Xenophobia1 != 1)) && (gameRoot.megalomania1 != 1)) { gameRoot.insanity1 = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 4); trace("Insanity number is " + gameRoot.insanity1); gameRoot.highsanity = gameRoot.highsanity + 1; insanesound = random(3); if (gameRoot.sound == 1) { if (insanesound == 0) { play0 = new Sound(); play0.setVolume(50); play0.attachSound("insanitysound"); play0.start(); } else if (insanesound == 1) { play0 = new Sound(); play0.setVolume(50); play0.attachSound("insanitysound2"); play0.start(); } else if (insanesound == 2) { play0 = new Sound(); play0.setVolume(50); play0.attachSound("insanitysound3"); play0.start(); } else if (insanesound == 3) { play0 = new Sound(); play0.setVolume(50); play0.attachSound("insanitysound4"); play0.start(); } } insanesound = 0; } if ((gameRoot.insanity1 == 1) && (gameRoot.Xenophobia1 != 1)) { trace("Main button Insanity is Xenophobia"); gameRoot.Xenophobia1 = 1; gameRoot.xenophobiaIcon1.gotoAndPlay(2); } if ((gameRoot.insanity1 == 2) && (gameRoot.megalomania1 != 1)) { trace("Main button Insanity is megalomania"); gameRoot.megalomania1 = 1; gameRoot.megalomaniaIcon1.gotoAndPlay(2); } if ((gameRoot.insanity1 == 3) && (gameRoot.schizophrenia1 != 1)) { trace("Main button Insanity is schizophrenia1"); gameRoot.schizophrenia1 = 1; gameRoot.schizophreniaIcon1.gotoAndPlay(2); } if ((gameRoot.insanity1 == 4) && (gameRoot.agoraphobia1 != 1)) { trace("Main button Insanity is Agoraphobia1"); gameRoot.agoraphobia1 = 1; gameRoot.agoraphobiaIcon1.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (((gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] > 0) && (gameRoot.normal == 0)) && (gameRoot.ignoreelder != 1)) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] = ((gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] + gameRoot.arma1) - gameRoot.escudo2) * gameRoot.mult1; trace("Deal damage with arcane mod and with defense"); if (gameRoot.mult1 > 1) { gameRoot.mult1 = 1; } if (gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] > gameRoot.besthit) { gameRoot.besthit = gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"]; } if ((gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] > 0) && (gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] < gameRoot.escudo2)) { gameRoot.mescudo2.gotoAndPlay(30); } gameRoot.totaldamage = gameRoot.totaldamage + gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"]; } else if (gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] <= 0) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] = 0; } if ((gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] > 0) && (gameRoot.normal == 1)) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] = gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] * gameRoot.mult1; trace("Deal damage WITHOUT arcane mod"); if (gameRoot.mult1 > 1) { gameRoot.mult1 = 1; } if (gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] > gameRoot.besthit) { gameRoot.besthit = gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"]; } gameRoot.totaldamage = gameRoot.totaldamage + gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"]; } else if (gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] <= 0) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] = 0; } if ((gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] > 0) && (gameRoot.ignoreelder == 1)) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] = (((gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] + gameRoot.arma1) + gameRoot.maldicion2) - gameRoot.bless2) * gameRoot.mult1; trace("Deal damage with arcane mod, but without defense"); if (gameRoot.mult1 > 1) { gameRoot.mult1 = 1; } if (gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] > gameRoot.besthit) { gameRoot.besthit = gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"]; } gameRoot.totaldamage = gameRoot.totaldamage + gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"]; } else if (gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] <= 0) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] = 0; gameRoot.normal = 0; } if (gameRoot.multiplyaux > gameRoot.mult1) { gameRoot.mult1 = gameRoot.multiplyaux; } if (gameRoot.regenaux > gameRoot.regen1) { gameRoot.regen1 = gameRoot.regenaux; } if (gameRoot.besthit > gameRoot.highbesthit) { gameRoot.highbesthit = gameRoot.besthit; } if (gameRoot.arma1aux > 0) { gameRoot.arma1 = gameRoot.arma1 + gameRoot.arma1aux; } if (gameRoot.arma1aux < 0) { gameRoot.arma1 = gameRoot.arma1 + gameRoot.arma1aux; } if (gameRoot.arma1 < 0) { gameRoot.arma1 = 0; } if (gameRoot.escudo1aux > 0) { gameRoot.escudo1 = gameRoot.escudo1 + gameRoot.escudo1aux; } if (gameRoot.escudo1aux < 0) { gameRoot.escudo1 = gameRoot.escudo1 + gameRoot.escudo1aux; } if (gameRoot.escudo1 < 0) { gameRoot.escudo1 = 0; } if ((gameRoot.Xenophobia1 == 1) && (gameRoot.elderthing > 0)) { gameRoot.curaveneno = 0; gameRoot.escudo1 = gameRoot.escudo1 - 3; gameRoot.elderthing1.gotoAndStop(1); } if ((gameRoot.Xenophobia1 == 1) && (gameRoot.shoggoth > 0)) { gameRoot.dispelc = 0; gameRoot.shoggoth1.gotoAndStop(1); } if ((gameRoot.Xenophobia1 == 1) && (gameRoot.shub > 0)) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] = 0; gameRoot.shub1.gotoAndStop(1); } if (gameRoot.Xenophobia1 == 1) { gameRoot.contra1 = 0; gameRoot.shambler1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.byakhee1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.shoggoth1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.elderthing1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.shub1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.byakhee1inplay = 0; gameRoot.shambler1inplay = 0; } if (gameRoot.veneno1aux > 0) { gameRoot.veneno2 = gameRoot.veneno2 + gameRoot.veneno1aux; gameRoot.mveneno2.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.text_poison2 = gameRoot.veneno2; } if (gameRoot.maldicion1aux > gameRoot.maldicion2) { gameRoot.maldicion2 = gameRoot.maldicion1aux; gameRoot.mmaldicion2.gotoAndStop(2); } if (gameRoot.bless1aux > gameRoot.bless1) { gameRoot.bless1 = gameRoot.bless1aux; } if (gameRoot.paraliza > gameRoot.paraliza1) { gameRoot.paraliza1 = gameRoot.paraliza; } if ((gameRoot.ceguera1aux == 1) || (random(100) < gameRoot.paraliza1)) { gameRoot.ceguera2 = 1; } if (gameRoot.parapeto1aux > gameRoot.parapeto1) { gameRoot.parapeto1 = gameRoot.parapeto1aux; gameRoot.minvulner1.gotoAndStop(2); } if (gameRoot.dispelo > 0) { gameRoot.paraliza2 = 0; gameRoot.parapeto2 = 0; gameRoot.minvulner2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.mmaldicion2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.mescudo2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.text_defense2 = 0; gameRoot.mbless2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.regen2 = 0; gameRoot.maldicion2 = 0; gameRoot.escudo2 = 0; gameRoot.bless2 = 0; } else if (gameRoot.dispels > 0) { gameRoot.mmaldicion1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.maldicion1 = 0; } else if (gameRoot.dispelc > 0) { gameRoot.contra2 = 0; gameRoot.ccontra2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.text_counter2 = 0; gameRoot.byakhee2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.shambler2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.shoggoth2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.elderthing2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.shub2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.dispelc = 0; gameRoot.byakhee2inplay = 0; gameRoot.shambler2inplay = 0; } if (gameRoot.curaveneno > 0) { gameRoot.mveneno1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.text_poison1 = 0; gameRoot.veneno1 = 0; } gameRoot.ejecutar["cda\u00F1o2"].gotoAndPlay(2); i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas1) { gameRoot.barajas[gameRoot.numbar][i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } gameRoot.turno == 0; }
Symbol 1329 Button
on (rollOver) { if (gameRoot.prof2binplay == true) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(6); } } on (rollOut) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(1); } on (releaseOutside) { gameRoot.rollovers.gotoAndStop(1); } on (release) { gameRoot.p2Charkill2(); this._parent.creatureREMOVAL.gotoAndStop(1); if (gameRoot.sanitycost > 0) { gameRoot.sanity1 = gameRoot.sanity1 - gameRoot.sanitycost; trace("Sanity loss " + gameRoot.sanitycost); gameRoot.msanity1.sanityfx = gameRoot.sanitycost; gameRoot.sanitycost = 0; gameRoot.msanity1.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (gameRoot.sanityloss > 0) { gameRoot.sanity2 = gameRoot.sanity2 - gameRoot.sanityloss; gameRoot.msanity2.sanityfx = gameRoot.sanityloss; gameRoot.msanity2.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (gameRoot.sanitygain > 0) { gameRoot.sanity1 = gameRoot.sanity1 + gameRoot.sanitygain; gameRoot.msanity1plus.sanityfx = gameRoot.sanitygain; gameRoot.msanity1plus.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (gameRoot.sanity2 < -10) { gameRoot.sanity2 = -10; } if (gameRoot.sanity1 < -10) { gameRoot.sanity1 = -10; } if (gameRoot.sanity1 >= 1) { gameRoot.insanity1 = 0; gameRoot.agoraphobia1 = 0; gameRoot.agoraphobiaIcon1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.Xenophobia1 = 0; gameRoot.xenophobiaIcon1.gotoAndStop(1); if (gameRoot.megalomania1 == 1) { gameRoot.megalomania1 = 0; gameRoot.megalomaniaIcon1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.arma1 = 0; gameRoot.text_attack1 = 0; gameRoot.marma1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.mveneno1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.text_poison1 = 0; gameRoot.veneno1 = 0; } if (gameRoot.schizophrenia1 == 1) { gameRoot.schizophrenia1 = 0; gameRoot.schizophreniaIcon1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.arma1 = 0; gameRoot.escudo1 = 0; gameRoot.veneno1 = 0; gameRoot.marma1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.mveneno1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.mescudo1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.text_poison1 = 0; gameRoot.text_defense1 = 0; gameRoot.text_attack1 = 0; } } trace("" + gameRoot.mult1); if ((gameRoot.betrayed == 1) && (gameRoot.contra2 >= 1)) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = gameRoot.contra2; gameRoot.betrayed = 0; gameRoot.donotcounter = 1; trace(" betrayal damage" + gameRoot.contra2); } else if (gameRoot.betrayed == 1) { gameRoot.betrayed = 0; } if (gameRoot.normal == 2) { gameRoot.mirarcartas(); gameRoot.normal = 0; } if (gameRoot.normal == 3) { gameRoot.arma1 = gameRoot.arma2; if (gameRoot.arma1 == 0) { gameRoot.marma1.gotoAndStop(1); } else { gameRoot.marma1.gotoAndPlay(2); } gameRoot.escudo1 = gameRoot.escudo2; if (gameRoot.escudo1 == 0) { gameRoot.mescudo1.gotoAndStop(1); } else { gameRoot.mescudo1.gotoAndPlay(2); } gameRoot.veneno1 = gameRoot.veneno2; if (gameRoot.veneno1 == 0) { gameRoot.mveneno1.gotoAndStop(1); } else { gameRoot.mveneno1.gotoAndPlay(2); } gameRoot.normal = 0; } if (gameRoot.normal == 4) { gameRoot.parapeto1 = 0; gameRoot.minvulner1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.parapeto2 = 0; gameRoot.minvulner2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.arma1 = 0; gameRoot.marma1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.text_attack1 = 0; gameRoot.arma2 = 0; gameRoot.marma2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.text_attack2 = 0; gameRoot.escudo1 = 0; gameRoot.mescudo1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.text_defense1 = 0; gameRoot.escudo2 = 0; gameRoot.mescudo2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.text_defense2 = 0; gameRoot.contra1 = 0; gameRoot.ccontra1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.text_counter1 = 0; gameRoot.contra2 = 0; gameRoot.ccontra2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.text_counter2 = 0; gameRoot.veneno1 = 0; gameRoot.mveneno1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.text_poison1 = 0; gameRoot.veneno2 = 0; gameRoot.mveneno2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.text_poison2 = 0; gameRoot.byakhee2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.byakhee2inplay = 0; gameRoot.shambler2inplay = 0; gameRoot.byakhee1inplay = 0; gameRoot.shambler1inplay = 0; gameRoot.shambler2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.shoggoth2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.elderthing2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.byakhee1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.shambler1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.shoggoth1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.elderthing1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.shub1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.shub2.gotoAndStop(1); if (gameRoot.sanity1 <= 0) { gameRoot.sanity1 = 5; } else if (gameRoot.sanity1 >= 1) { gameRoot.sanity1 = gameRoot.sanity1 + 5; } gameRoot.msanity1plus.sanityfx = 5; gameRoot.msanity1plus.gotoAndPlay(2); if (gameRoot.sanity2 <= 0) { gameRoot.sanity2 = 5; } else if (gameRoot.sanity2 >= 1) { gameRoot.sanity2 = gameRoot.sanity2 + 5; } gameRoot.msanity2plus.sanityfx = 5; gameRoot.msanity2plus.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.insanity1 = 0; gameRoot.insanity2 = 0; gameRoot.Xenophobia1 = 0; gameRoot.xenophobiaIcon1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.megalomania1 = 0; gameRoot.megalomaniaIcon1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.schizophrenia1 = 0; gameRoot.schizophreniaIcon1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.Xenophobia2 = 0; gameRoot.xenophobiaIcon2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.megalomania2 = 0; gameRoot.megalomaniaIcon2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.schizophrenia2 = 0; gameRoot.schizophreniaIcon2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.agoraphobia1 = 0; gameRoot.agoraphobiaIcon1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.normal = 0; } if (gameRoot.normal == 5) { experiment = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 4); trace("Experiment number is: " + experiment); if (experiment == 1) { gameRoot.shoggoth = 1; gameRoot.contra1 = 6; gameRoot.dispelc = 1; } if (experiment == 2) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = 15; } if (experiment == 3) { gameRoot.arma1 = gameRoot.arma1 + 5; gameRoot.escudo1 = gameRoot.escudo1 + 5; } if (experiment == 4) { gameRoot.sanity1 = -5; } gameRoot.normal = 0; } if (gameRoot.normal == 6) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = gameRoot.sanity2 - gameRoot.arma1; gameRoot.yogsothoth = 1; gameRoot.normal = 0; } if (gameRoot.normal == 7) { if (gameRoot.sanity2 <= 0) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] = 20; } else { gameRoot.sanity2 = -5; } gameRoot.normal = 0; } if (gameRoot.normal == 8) { this.creatureREMOVAL.gotoAndStop(2); gameRoot.normal = 0; return(undefined); } if (((((gameRoot.sanity1 <= 0) && (gameRoot.agoraphobia1 != 1)) && (gameRoot.schizophrenia1 != 1)) && (gameRoot.Xenophobia1 != 1)) && (gameRoot.megalomania1 != 1)) { gameRoot.insanity1 = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 4); trace("Insanity number is " + gameRoot.insanity1); gameRoot.highsanity = gameRoot.highsanity + 1; insanesound = random(3); if (gameRoot.sound == 1) { if (insanesound == 0) { play0 = new Sound(); play0.setVolume(50); play0.attachSound("insanitysound"); play0.start(); } else if (insanesound == 1) { play0 = new Sound(); play0.setVolume(50); play0.attachSound("insanitysound2"); play0.start(); } else if (insanesound == 2) { play0 = new Sound(); play0.setVolume(50); play0.attachSound("insanitysound3"); play0.start(); } else if (insanesound == 3) { play0 = new Sound(); play0.setVolume(50); play0.attachSound("insanitysound4"); play0.start(); } } insanesound = 0; } if ((gameRoot.insanity1 == 1) && (gameRoot.Xenophobia1 != 1)) { trace("Main button Insanity is Xenophobia"); gameRoot.Xenophobia1 = 1; gameRoot.xenophobiaIcon1.gotoAndPlay(2); } if ((gameRoot.insanity1 == 2) && (gameRoot.megalomania1 != 1)) { trace("Main button Insanity is megalomania"); gameRoot.megalomania1 = 1; gameRoot.megalomaniaIcon1.gotoAndPlay(2); } if ((gameRoot.insanity1 == 3) && (gameRoot.schizophrenia1 != 1)) { trace("Main button Insanity is schizophrenia1"); gameRoot.schizophrenia1 = 1; gameRoot.schizophreniaIcon1.gotoAndPlay(2); } if ((gameRoot.insanity1 == 4) && (gameRoot.agoraphobia1 != 1)) { trace("Main button Insanity is Agoraphobia1"); gameRoot.agoraphobia1 = 1; gameRoot.agoraphobiaIcon1.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (((gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] > 0) && (gameRoot.normal == 0)) && (gameRoot.ignoreelder != 1)) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] = ((gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] + gameRoot.arma1) - gameRoot.escudo2) * gameRoot.mult1; trace("Deal damage with arcane mod and with defense"); if (gameRoot.mult1 > 1) { gameRoot.mult1 = 1; } if (gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] > gameRoot.besthit) { gameRoot.besthit = gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"]; } if ((gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] > 0) && (gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] < gameRoot.escudo2)) { gameRoot.mescudo2.gotoAndPlay(30); } gameRoot.totaldamage = gameRoot.totaldamage + gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"]; } else if (gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] <= 0) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] = 0; } if ((gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] > 0) && (gameRoot.normal == 1)) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] = gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] * gameRoot.mult1; trace("Deal damage WITHOUT arcane mod"); if (gameRoot.mult1 > 1) { gameRoot.mult1 = 1; } if (gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] > gameRoot.besthit) { gameRoot.besthit = gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"]; } gameRoot.totaldamage = gameRoot.totaldamage + gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"]; } else if (gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] <= 0) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] = 0; } if ((gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] > 0) && (gameRoot.ignoreelder == 1)) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] = (((gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] + gameRoot.arma1) + gameRoot.maldicion2) - gameRoot.bless2) * gameRoot.mult1; trace("Deal damage with arcane mod, but without defense"); if (gameRoot.mult1 > 1) { gameRoot.mult1 = 1; } if (gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] > gameRoot.besthit) { gameRoot.besthit = gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"]; } gameRoot.totaldamage = gameRoot.totaldamage + gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"]; } else if (gameRoot["da\u00F1o"] <= 0) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] = 0; gameRoot.normal = 0; } if (gameRoot.multiplyaux > gameRoot.mult1) { gameRoot.mult1 = gameRoot.multiplyaux; } if (gameRoot.regenaux > gameRoot.regen1) { gameRoot.regen1 = gameRoot.regenaux; } if (gameRoot.besthit > gameRoot.highbesthit) { gameRoot.highbesthit = gameRoot.besthit; } if (gameRoot.arma1aux > 0) { gameRoot.arma1 = gameRoot.arma1 + gameRoot.arma1aux; } if (gameRoot.arma1aux < 0) { gameRoot.arma1 = gameRoot.arma1 + gameRoot.arma1aux; } if (gameRoot.arma1 < 0) { gameRoot.arma1 = 0; } if (gameRoot.escudo1aux > 0) { gameRoot.escudo1 = gameRoot.escudo1 + gameRoot.escudo1aux; } if (gameRoot.escudo1aux < 0) { gameRoot.escudo1 = gameRoot.escudo1 + gameRoot.escudo1aux; } if (gameRoot.escudo1 < 0) { gameRoot.escudo1 = 0; } if ((gameRoot.Xenophobia1 == 1) && (gameRoot.elderthing > 0)) { gameRoot.curaveneno = 0; gameRoot.escudo1 = gameRoot.escudo1 - 3; gameRoot.elderthing1.gotoAndStop(1); } if ((gameRoot.Xenophobia1 == 1) && (gameRoot.shoggoth > 0)) { gameRoot.dispelc = 0; gameRoot.shoggoth1.gotoAndStop(1); } if ((gameRoot.Xenophobia1 == 1) && (gameRoot.shub > 0)) { gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] = 0; gameRoot.shub1.gotoAndStop(1); } if (gameRoot.Xenophobia1 == 1) { gameRoot.contra1 = 0; gameRoot.shambler1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.byakhee1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.shoggoth1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.elderthing1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.shub1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.byakhee1inplay = 0; gameRoot.shambler1inplay = 0; } if (gameRoot.veneno1aux > 0) { gameRoot.veneno2 = gameRoot.veneno2 + gameRoot.veneno1aux; gameRoot.mveneno2.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.text_poison2 = gameRoot.veneno2; } if (gameRoot.maldicion1aux > gameRoot.maldicion2) { gameRoot.maldicion2 = gameRoot.maldicion1aux; gameRoot.mmaldicion2.gotoAndStop(2); } if (gameRoot.bless1aux > gameRoot.bless1) { gameRoot.bless1 = gameRoot.bless1aux; } if (gameRoot.paraliza > gameRoot.paraliza1) { gameRoot.paraliza1 = gameRoot.paraliza; } if ((gameRoot.ceguera1aux == 1) || (random(100) < gameRoot.paraliza1)) { gameRoot.ceguera2 = 1; } if (gameRoot.parapeto1aux > gameRoot.parapeto1) { gameRoot.parapeto1 = gameRoot.parapeto1aux; gameRoot.minvulner1.gotoAndStop(2); } if (gameRoot.dispelo > 0) { gameRoot.paraliza2 = 0; gameRoot.parapeto2 = 0; gameRoot.minvulner2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.mmaldicion2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.mescudo2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.text_defense2 = 0; gameRoot.mbless2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.regen2 = 0; gameRoot.maldicion2 = 0; gameRoot.escudo2 = 0; gameRoot.bless2 = 0; } else if (gameRoot.dispels > 0) { gameRoot.mmaldicion1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.maldicion1 = 0; } else if (gameRoot.dispelc > 0) { gameRoot.contra2 = 0; gameRoot.ccontra2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.text_counter2 = 0; gameRoot.byakhee2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.shambler2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.shoggoth2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.elderthing2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.shub2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.dispelc = 0; gameRoot.byakhee2inplay = 0; gameRoot.shambler2inplay = 0; } if (gameRoot.curaveneno > 0) { gameRoot.mveneno1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.text_poison1 = 0; gameRoot.veneno1 = 0; } gameRoot.ejecutar["cda\u00F1o2"].gotoAndPlay(2); i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas1) { gameRoot.barajas[gameRoot.numbar][i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } gameRoot.turno == 0; }
Symbol 1332 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1332 MovieClip Frame 2
if (gameRoot.attacker2Slot1a == true) { this.attslot1._visible = true; } else { this.attslot1._visible = false; } if (gameRoot.attacker2Slot2a == true) { this.attslot2._visible = true; } else { this.attslot2._visible = false; } if (gameRoot.attacker2Slot3a == true) { this.attslot3._visible = true; } else { this.attslot3._visible = false; } if (gameRoot.defender2Slot1a == true) { this.defslot1._visible = true; } else { this.defslot1._visible = false; } if (gameRoot.defender2Slot2a == true) { this.defslot2._visible = true; } else { this.defslot2._visible = false; } if (gameRoot.defender2Slot3a == true) { this.defslot3._visible = true; } else { this.defslot3._visible = false; } stop();
Symbol 1332 MovieClip Frame 3
if (((gameRoot.attacker2Slot1a == true) && (gameRoot.shoggoth2ainplay != true)) && (gameRoot.byakhee2ainplay != true)) { this.attslot1._visible = true; trace("slot1 visible"); } else { this.attslot1._visible = false; } if (((gameRoot.attacker2Slot2a == true) && (gameRoot.shoggoth2binplay != true)) && (gameRoot.byakhee2binplay != true)) { this.attslot2._visible = true; trace("slot2 visible"); } else { this.attslot2._visible = false; } if (((gameRoot.attacker2Slot3a == true) && (gameRoot.shoggoth2cinplay != true)) && (gameRoot.byakhee2cinplay != true)) { this.attslot3._visible = true; trace("slot3 visible"); } else { this.attslot3._visible = false; } if (((gameRoot.defender2Slot1a == true) && (gameRoot.shoggoth2dinplay != true)) && (gameRoot.byakhee2dinplay != true)) { this.defslot1._visible = true; trace("slot4 visible"); } else { this.defslot1._visible = false; } if (((gameRoot.defender2Slot2a == true) && (gameRoot.shoggoth2einplay != true)) && (gameRoot.byakhee2einplay != true)) { this.defslot2._visible = true; trace("slot5 visible"); } else { this.defslot2._visible = false; } if (((gameRoot.defender2Slot3a == true) && (gameRoot.shoggoth2finplay != true)) && (gameRoot.byakhee2finplay != true)) { this.defslot3._visible = true; trace("slot6 visible"); } else { this.defslot3._visible = false; } stop();
Symbol 1332 MovieClip Frame 4
if (gameRoot.charSlot1full == true) { this.charslot2a._visible = true; } else { this.charslot2a._visible = false; } if (gameRoot.charSlot2full == true) { this.charslot2b._visible = true; } else { this.charslot2b._visible = false; }
Symbol 1335 Button
on (release) { gameRoot.p1placeCreatAttSlot(1, "a"); this.gotoAndStop(1); }
Symbol 1336 Button
on (release) { gameRoot.p1placeCreatAttSlot(2, "b"); this.gotoAndStop(1); }
Symbol 1337 Button
on (release) { gameRoot.p1placeCreatDefSlot(1, "d"); this.gotoAndStop(1); }
Symbol 1338 Button
on (release) { gameRoot.p1placeCreatDefSlot(2, "e"); this.gotoAndStop(1); }
Symbol 1343 Button
on (release) { gameRoot.p1CharPlace1(); this.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.completePlacementActions(); }
Symbol 1348 Button
on (release) { gameRoot.p1TomePlace1(); this.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.completePlacementActions(); }
Symbol 1353 Button
on (release) { gameRoot.p1itemPlace1(); this.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.completePlacementActions(); }
Symbol 1356 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1356 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 1356 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 1356 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 1356 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 1357 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1357 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 1357 MovieClip Frame 30
tgranda\u00F1o._visible = false; this["tda\u00F1o"] = gameRoot.creatureDamage; if (gameRoot.creatureDefPow >= 1) { this.creatureblock._visible = true; this.creatureblock.blockedDamage = gameRoot.creatureDefPow; } else { this.creatureblock._visible = false; } if ((gameRoot.vida1 - gameRoot.creatureDamage) >= 0) { gameRoot.vida1 = gameRoot.vida1 - gameRoot.creatureDamage; gameRoot.calcularpuntaje(gameRoot.creatureDamage, 1); gameRoot.matchdamagereceived = gameRoot.matchdamagereceived + gameRoot.creatureDamage; } else { gameRoot.vida1 = 0; gameRoot.calcularpuntaje(gameRoot.creatureDamage, 1); gameRoot.matchdamagereceived = gameRoot.matchdamagereceived + gameRoot.creatureDamage; } if (gameRoot.yellow1ainplay == true) { trace("opponents creatures attacked me so he is tainted for 1"); gameRoot.mveneno2.gotoAndPlay(2); gameRoot.text_poison2 = gameRoot.text_poison2 + 1; gameRoot.veneno2 = gameRoot.veneno2 + 1; gameRoot.sanity1 = gameRoot.sanity1 - 1; gameRoot.msanity1.sanityfx = 1; gameRoot.msanity1.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (gameRoot.sound == 1) { mySound2 = new Sound(); mySound2.attachSound("creature_attack"); mySound2.setVolume(40); mySound2.start(); if (creaturedamage > 0) { mySound = new Sound(); mySound.attachSound("ih01350"); mySound.start(); } }
Symbol 1357 MovieClip Frame 61
if (gameRoot.vida1 == 0) { gotoAndPlay ("player2"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("killcreature"); }
Symbol 1357 MovieClip Frame 96
if (gameRoot.vida1 == 0) { gotoAndPlay ("player2"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("fin"); }
Symbol 1357 MovieClip Frame 101
Symbol 1357 MovieClip Frame 113
Symbol 1357 MovieClip Frame 144
gotoAndPlay ("fin");
Symbol 1357 MovieClip Frame 145
gameRoot.youWin(); stop();
Symbol 1357 MovieClip Frame 155
gameRoot.youLose(); stop();
Symbol 1357 MovieClip Frame 182
trace("attack phase over");;;
Symbol 1362 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1368 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1368 MovieClip Frame 2
gameRoot.liveOrDie = random(5);
Symbol 1368 MovieClip Frame 31
if (gameRoot.liveOrDie <= 2) { this.gotoAndPlay(32); } else { this.gotoAndPlay(61); }
Symbol 1368 MovieClip Frame 60
if (((gameRoot.shub1inplay == true) or (gameRoot.yog1inplay == true)) or (gameRoot.cthulhu1inplay == true)) { _parent.gotoAndPlay("greatoldone"); trace("PLAYER LIVES"); } else { _parent.gotoAndPlay("fin"); } stop();
Symbol 1368 MovieClip Frame 89
gameRoot.vida2 = 0; _parent.gotoAndPlay("player1"); trace("PLAYER COMMITS SUICIDE"); stop();
Symbol 1375 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1375 MovieClip Frame 2
if (gameRoot.miskuni1inplay == true) { gameRoot.veneno1 = 0; gameRoot.mveneno1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.text_poison1 = gameRoot.veneno1; } if (gameRoot.ceguera1 != 0) { gameRoot.cura = 0; gameRoot.ceguera1 = 0; gotoAndPlay ("ceguera"); } else { if (gameRoot.ceguera2 > 0) { gameRoot.mceguera2.gotoAndStop(2); } else { gameRoot.mceguera2.gotoAndStop(1); } if (gameRoot.arma1 > 0) { gameRoot.marma1.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { gameRoot.marma1.gotoAndStop(1); } if (gameRoot.escudo1 > 0) { gameRoot.mescudo1.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { gameRoot.mescudo1.gotoAndStop(1); } if (gameRoot.veneno2 > 0) { gameRoot.mveneno2.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { gameRoot.mveneno2.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.text_poison2 = gameRoot.veneno2; gameRoot.text_attack1 = gameRoot.arma1; gameRoot.text_attack2 = gameRoot.arma2; gameRoot.text_defense1 = gameRoot.escudo1; gameRoot.text_defense2 = gameRoot.escudo2; gameRoot.text_poison1 = gameRoot.veneno1; }
Symbol 1375 MovieClip Frame 3
if ((gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] > 0) && (gameRoot.parapeto2 == 0)) { play(); } else if (((gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] > 0) && (gameRoot.parapeto2 != 0)) && (gameRoot.normal != 1)) { gotoAndPlay ("parapeto"); } else if (((gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] > 0) && (gameRoot.parapeto2 != 0)) && (gameRoot.normal == 1)) { play(); } else if (((gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] > 0) && (gameRoot.parapeto2 != 0)) && (gameRoot.normal == 1)) { play(); } else if ((gameRoot.cura > 0) || (gameRoot.regen1 > 0)) { gotoAndPlay ("cura"); } else if (gameRoot.veneno1 > 0) { gotoAndPlay ("veneno"); } else if (gameRoot.suicidal2 == true) { gotoAndPlay ("suicidal"); } else if (((gameRoot.cthulhu1inplay == true) or (gameRoot.shub1inplay == true)) or (gameRoot.yog1inplay == true)) { gotoAndPlay ("greatoldone"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("fin"); }
Symbol 1375 MovieClip Frame 4
if (gameRoot.sound == 1) { mySound2 = new Sound(); mySound2.setVolume(30); if (gameRoot.cardsound1 == 1) { mySound2.attachSound("shotgun"); } else if (gameRoot.cardsound2 == 1) { mySound2.attachSound("tommygun"); } else if (gameRoot.cardsound3 == 1) { mySound2.attachSound("raid"); } else { mySound2.attachSound("attack"); } mySound2.start(); }
Symbol 1375 MovieClip Frame 12
tgranda\u00F1o._visible = false; this["tda\u00F1o"] = gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"]; gameRoot.applyChallDuringDam(); if ((gameRoot.vida2 - gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"]) >= 0) { gameRoot.vida2 = gameRoot.vida2 - gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"]; gameRoot.calcularpuntaje(gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"], 1); } else { gameRoot.vida2 = 0; gameRoot.calcularpuntaje(gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"], 1); } if (gameRoot.sound == 1) { mySound = new Sound(); if (gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] < 7) { mySound.attachSound("ih01350"); } else if ((gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] >= 7) && (gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"] < 17)) { mySound.attachSound("ih01349"); } else { mySound.attachSound("MBigImpact1"); } mySound.start(); }
Symbol 1375 MovieClip Frame 50
if (gameRoot.vida2 == 0) { gotoAndPlay ("player1"); } else if (gameRoot.contra2 > 0) { gotoAndPlay ("contra"); trace("Counter attack"); } else if ((gameRoot.cura > 0) || (gameRoot.regen1 > 0)) { gotoAndPlay ("cura"); } else if (gameRoot.veneno1 > 0) { gotoAndPlay ("veneno"); } else if (gameRoot.suicidal2 == true) { gotoAndPlay ("suicidal"); } else if (((gameRoot.cthulhu1inplay == true) or (gameRoot.shub1inplay == true)) or (gameRoot.yog1inplay == true)) { gotoAndPlay ("greatoldone"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("fin"); }
Symbol 1375 MovieClip Frame 56
this.suicide_clip1.gotoAndPlay(2); stop();
Symbol 1375 MovieClip Frame 66
if (gameRoot.vida2 == 0) { gotoAndPlay ("player1"); } else if (((gameRoot.cthulhu1inplay == true) or (gameRoot.shub1inplay == true)) or (gameRoot.yog1inplay == true)) { gotoAndPlay ("greatoldone"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("fin"); }
Symbol 1375 MovieClip Frame 74
gameRoot.oldOneAttackP1(); this["tda\u00F1o"] = gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"];
Symbol 1375 MovieClip Frame 109
if (gameRoot.vida2 == 0) { gotoAndPlay ("player1"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("fin"); }
Symbol 1375 MovieClip Frame 115
if (gameRoot.sound == 1) { mySound2 = new Sound(); mySound2.attachSound("cough2"); mySound2.setVolume(40); mySound2.start(); } this["tda\u00F1o"] = gameRoot.veneno1; gameRoot.matchdamagereceived = gameRoot.matchdamagereceived + gameRoot.veneno1; if ((gameRoot.vida1 - gameRoot.veneno1) > 1) { gameRoot.vida1 = gameRoot.vida1 - gameRoot.veneno1; } else { gameRoot.vida1 = 1; gameRoot.veneno1 = 0; gameRoot.mveneno1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.text_poison1 = 0; }
Symbol 1375 MovieClip Frame 158
if (gameRoot.suicidal2 == true) { gotoAndPlay ("suicidal"); } else if (((gameRoot.cthulhu1inplay == true) or (gameRoot.shub1inplay == true)) or (gameRoot.yog1inplay == true)) { gotoAndPlay ("greatoldone"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("fin"); }
Symbol 1375 MovieClip Frame 159
if (gameRoot.sound == 1) { mySound2 = new Sound(); mySound2.attachSound("healsound"); mySound2.setVolume(40); mySound2.start(); } if ((gameRoot.cura > 0) && (gameRoot.regen1 > 0)) { this.theal["tda\u00F1o"] = (gameRoot.cura + "+") + gameRoot.regen1; } else if ((gameRoot.cura == 0) && (gameRoot.regen1 > 0)) { this.theal["tda\u00F1o"] = gameRoot.regen1; } else if ((gameRoot.cura > 0) && (gameRoot.regen1 == 0)) { this.theal["tda\u00F1o"] = gameRoot.cura; } gameRoot.lifehealed = (gameRoot.lifehealed + gameRoot.cura) + gameRoot.regen1; if (((gameRoot.vida1 + gameRoot.cura) + gameRoot.regen1) <= gameRoot.maxvida) { gameRoot.vida1 = (gameRoot.vida1 + gameRoot.cura) + gameRoot.regen1; } else { gameRoot.vida1 = gameRoot.maxvida; } if (_levelo.challenge == 21) { if (((gameRoot.vida2 + gameRoot.cura) + gameRoot.regen2) <= gameRoot.maxvida2) { gameRoot.vida2 = (gameRoot.vida2 + gameRoot.cura) + gameRoot.regen2; } else { gameRoot.vida2 = gameRoot.maxvida2; } }
Symbol 1375 MovieClip Frame 202
if (gameRoot.veneno1 > 0) { gotoAndPlay ("veneno"); } else if (gameRoot.suicidal2 == true) { gotoAndPlay ("suicidal"); } else if (((gameRoot.cthulhu1inplay == true) or (gameRoot.shub1inplay == true)) or (gameRoot.yog1inplay == true)) { gotoAndPlay ("greatoldone"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("fin"); }
Symbol 1375 MovieClip Frame 203
Symbol 1375 MovieClip Frame 239
if (gameRoot.regen1 > 0) { gotoAndPlay ("cura"); } else if (gameRoot.veneno1 > 0) { gotoAndPlay ("veneno"); } else if (gameRoot.suicidal2 == true) { gotoAndPlay ("suicidal"); } else if (((gameRoot.cthulhu1inplay == true) or (gameRoot.shub1inplay == true)) or (gameRoot.yog1inplay == true)) { gotoAndPlay ("greatoldone"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("fin"); }
Symbol 1375 MovieClip Frame 245
this["tda\u00F1o"] = gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"]; gameRoot.parapeto2 = 0; if (gameRoot.sound == 1) { mySound2 = new Sound(); mySound2.attachSound("blocked"); mySound2.setVolume(40); mySound2.start(); } if (gameRoot.eldersign2ainplay == true) { gameRoot.eldersign2ainplay = false; gameRoot.eldersign2a.gotoAndPlay(25); } else if (gameRoot.eldersign2binplay == true) { gameRoot.eldersign2binplay = false; gameRoot.eldersign2b.gotoAndPlay(25); }
Symbol 1375 MovieClip Frame 271
gameRoot.minvulner2.gotoAndStop(1); if ((gameRoot.contra2 > 0) && (gameRoot.donotcounter != 1)) { gotoAndPlay ("contra"); } else if ((gameRoot.cura > 0) || (gameRoot.regen1 > 0)) { gotoAndPlay ("cura"); } else if (gameRoot.veneno1 > 0) { gotoAndPlay ("veneno"); } else if (gameRoot.suicidal2 == true) { gotoAndPlay ("suicidal"); } else if (((gameRoot.cthulhu1inplay == true) or (gameRoot.shub1inplay == true)) or (gameRoot.yog1inplay == true)) { gotoAndPlay ("greatoldone"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("fin"); }
Symbol 1375 MovieClip Frame 276
this["tda\u00F1o"] = gameRoot["da\u00F1o2"]; gameRoot.parapeto2 = 0; if (gameRoot.sound == 1) { mySound2 = new Sound(); mySound2.attachSound("blocked"); mySound2.setVolume(40); mySound2.start(); } if (gameRoot.vest2ainplay == true) { gameRoot.vest2ainplay = false; gameRoot.vest2a.gotoAndPlay(25); } else if (gameRoot.vest2binplay == true) { gameRoot.vest2binplay = false; gameRoot.vest2b.gotoAndPlay(25); }
Symbol 1375 MovieClip Frame 301
gameRoot.minvulner2.gotoAndStop(1); if ((gameRoot.contra2 > 0) && (gameRoot.donotcounter != 1)) { gotoAndPlay ("contra"); } else if ((gameRoot.cura > 0) || (gameRoot.regen1 > 0)) { gotoAndPlay ("cura"); } else if (gameRoot.veneno1 > 0) { gotoAndPlay ("veneno"); } else if (gameRoot.suicidal2 == true) { gotoAndPlay ("suicidal"); } else if (((gameRoot.cthulhu1inplay == true) or (gameRoot.shub1inplay == true)) or (gameRoot.yog1inplay == true)) { gotoAndPlay ("greatoldone"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("fin"); }
Symbol 1375 MovieClip Frame 302
gameRoot.youWin(); gameRoot.applyChallengesYouWin(); stop();
Symbol 1375 MovieClip Frame 312
gameRoot.youLose(); stop();
Symbol 1375 MovieClip Frame 322
gameRoot.vida1 = 20; gameRoot.resucita = 0;
Symbol 1375 MovieClip Frame 334
Symbol 1375 MovieClip Frame 355
if (((gameRoot.attacker2Slot1a == true) && (shambler2ainplay == true)) or ((gameRoot.attacker2Slot2a == true) && (shambler2binplay == true))) { if ((gameRoot.attackSlot1Power2 + gameRoot.attackSlot2Power2) > (gameRoot.defendSlot1Defense1 + gameRoot.defendSlot2Defense1)) { if ((gameRoot.attacker2Slot1a == false) && (gameRoot.attacker2Slot2a == false)) {;; return(undefined); } if ((gameRoot.attacker2Slot1a == true) && (gameRoot.attacker2Slot2a != true)) { gameRoot.creatureAttPow = gameRoot.attackSlot1Power2; } else if ((gameRoot.attacker2Slot1a != true) && (gameRoot.attacker2Slot2a == true)) { gameRoot.creatureAttPow = gameRoot.attackSlot2Power2; } else if ((gameRoot.attacker2Slot1a == true) && (gameRoot.attacker2Slot2a == true)) { gameRoot.creatureAttPow = gameRoot.attackSlot1Power2 + gameRoot.attackSlot2Power2; } trace("attackers power is" + gameRoot.creatureAttPow); gameRoot.creatureDefPow = gameRoot.defendSlot1Defense1 + gameRoot.defendSlot2Defense1; trace("defenders defence is" + gameRoot.creatureDefPow); gameRoot.defendersAtt = gameRoot.defendSlot1Power1 + gameRoot.defendSlot2Power1; trace("defenders attack power is" + gameRoot.defendersAtt); gameRoot.attackersDef = gameRoot.attackSlot1Defense2 + gameRoot.attackSlot2Defense2; trace("attackers defence power is" + gameRoot.attackersDef); if (((gameRoot.attacker2Slot1a == true) && (shambler2ainplay == true)) or ((gameRoot.attacker2Slot2a == true) && (shambler2binplay == true))) { gameRoot.creatureDamage = gameRoot.creatureAttPow - gameRoot.creatureDefPow; } else { gameRoot.creatureDamage = (gameRoot.creatureAttPow - gameRoot.creatureDefPow) - gameRoot.escudo1; } if (gameRoot.creatureDamage <= 0) { gameRoot.creatureDamage = 0; }; trace("gameRoot.creatureAttPow =" + gameRoot.creatureAttPow); } } else if ((gameRoot.attackSlot1Power2 + gameRoot.attackSlot2Power2) > ((gameRoot.defendSlot1Defense1 + gameRoot.defendSlot2Defense1) + gameRoot.escudo1)) { if ((gameRoot.attacker2Slot1a == false) && (gameRoot.attacker2Slot2a == false)) {;; return(undefined); } if ((gameRoot.attacker2Slot1a == true) && (gameRoot.attacker2Slot2a != true)) { gameRoot.creatureAttPow = gameRoot.attackSlot1Power2; } else if ((gameRoot.attacker2Slot1a != true) && (gameRoot.attacker2Slot2a == true)) { gameRoot.creatureAttPow = gameRoot.attackSlot2Power2; } else if ((gameRoot.attacker2Slot1a == true) && (gameRoot.attacker2Slot2a == true)) { gameRoot.creatureAttPow = gameRoot.attackSlot1Power2 + gameRoot.attackSlot2Power2; } trace("attackers power is" + gameRoot.creatureAttPow); gameRoot.creatureDefPow = gameRoot.defendSlot1Defense1 + gameRoot.defendSlot2Defense1; trace("defenders defence is" + gameRoot.creatureDefPow); gameRoot.defendersAtt = gameRoot.defendSlot1Power1 + gameRoot.defendSlot2Power1; trace("defenders attack power is" + gameRoot.defendersAtt); gameRoot.attackersDef = gameRoot.attackSlot1Defense2 + gameRoot.attackSlot2Defense2; trace("attackers defence power is" + gameRoot.attackersDef); if (((gameRoot.attacker2Slot1a == true) && (shambler2ainplay == true)) or ((gameRoot.attacker2Slot2a == true) && (shambler2binplay == true))) { gameRoot.creatureDamage = gameRoot.creatureAttPow - gameRoot.creatureDefPow; } else { gameRoot.creatureDamage = (gameRoot.creatureAttPow - gameRoot.creatureDefPow) - gameRoot.escudo1; } if (gameRoot.creatureDamage <= 0) { gameRoot.creatureDamage = 0; }; trace("gameRoot.creatureAttPow =" + gameRoot.creatureAttPow); } else {;; }
Symbol 1379 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1379 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 1379 MovieClip Frame 31
Symbol 1388 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1388 MovieClip Frame 50
Symbol 1388 MovieClip Frame 100
Symbol 1388 MovieClip Frame 150
Symbol 1388 MovieClip Frame 200
Symbol 1393 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1393 MovieClip Frame 2
gameRoot.liveOrDie = random(5);
Symbol 1393 MovieClip Frame 31
if (gameRoot.liveOrDie <= 2) { this.gotoAndPlay(32); } else { this.gotoAndPlay(61); }
Symbol 1393 MovieClip Frame 60
if (((gameRoot.shub1inplay == true) or (gameRoot.yog1inplay == true)) or (gameRoot.cthulhu1inplay == true)) { _parent.gotoAndPlay("greatoldone"); trace("PLAYER LIVES"); } else { _parent.gotoAndPlay("fin"); } stop();
Symbol 1393 MovieClip Frame 89
gameRoot.vida1 = 0; _parent.gotoAndPlay("player2"); trace("PLAYER COMMITS SUICIDE"); stop();
Symbol 1396 Button
on (release) { gameRoot.gotoAndStop("scores"); }
Symbol 1397 MovieClip Frame 2
if (gameRoot.miskuni2inplay == true) { gameRoot.veneno2 = 0; gameRoot.mveneno2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.text_poison2 = gameRoot.veneno2; } if (gameRoot.ceguera2 != 0) { gameRoot.cura = 0; gameRoot.ceguera2 = 0; gotoAndPlay ("ceguera"); } else { if (gameRoot.ceguera1 > 0) { gameRoot.mceguera1.gotoAndStop(2); } else { gameRoot.mceguera1.gotoAndStop(1); } if (gameRoot.arma2 > 0) { gameRoot.marma2.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { gameRoot.marma2.gotoAndStop(1); } if (gameRoot.escudo2 > 0) { gameRoot.mescudo2.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { gameRoot.mescudo2.gotoAndStop(1); } if (gameRoot.maldicion1 > 0) { gameRoot.mmaldicion1.gotoAndStop(2); } else { gameRoot.mmaldicion1.gotoAndStop(1); } if (gameRoot.veneno1 > 0) { gameRoot.mveneno1.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { gameRoot.mveneno1.gotoAndStop(1); } gameRoot.text_attack2 = gameRoot.arma2; gameRoot.text_defense2 = gameRoot.escudo2; gameRoot.text_poison2 = gameRoot.veneno2; }
Symbol 1397 MovieClip Frame 3
if ((gameRoot["da\u00F1o1"] > 0) && (gameRoot.parapeto1 == 0)) { play(); } else if (((gameRoot["da\u00F1o1"] > 0) && (gameRoot.parapeto1 != 0)) && (gameRoot.normal != 1)) { gotoAndPlay ("parapeto"); } else if (((gameRoot["da\u00F1o1"] > 0) && (gameRoot.parapeto1 != 0)) && (gameRoot.normal == 1)) { play(); } else if (gameRoot.banishing == true) { gameRoot.banishing = false; gotoAndPlay ("banish"); } else if (gameRoot.banishingbyshogg == true) { gameRoot.banishingbyshogg = false; gotoAndPlay ("banishbyshogg"); } else if ((gameRoot.cura > 0) || (gameRoot.regen2 > 0)) { gotoAndPlay ("cura"); } else if (gameRoot.veneno2 > 0) { gotoAndPlay ("veneno"); } else if (gameRoot.suicidal1 == true) { gotoAndPlay ("suicidal"); } else if (((gameRoot.cthulhu1inplay == true) or (gameRoot.shub1inplay == true)) or (gameRoot.yog1inplay == true)) { gotoAndPlay ("greatoldone"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("fin"); }
Symbol 1397 MovieClip Frame 4
if (gameRoot.sound == 1) { mySound2 = new Sound(); mySound2.setVolume(30); if (gameRoot.cardsound1 == 1) { mySound2.attachSound("shotgun"); } else if (gameRoot.cardsound2 == 1) { mySound2.attachSound("tommygun"); } else if (gameRoot.cardsound3 == 1) { mySound2.attachSound("raid"); } else { mySound2.attachSound("attack"); } mySound2.start(); }
Symbol 1397 MovieClip Frame 12
this["tda\u00F1o"] = gameRoot["da\u00F1o1"]; gameRoot.matchdamagereceived = gameRoot.matchdamagereceived + gameRoot["da\u00F1o1"]; if ((gameRoot.vida1 - gameRoot["da\u00F1o1"]) >= 0) { gameRoot.vida1 = gameRoot.vida1 - gameRoot["da\u00F1o1"]; } else { gameRoot.vida1 = 0; } if (gameRoot.sound == 1) { mySound = new Sound(); if (gameRoot["da\u00F1o1"] < 7) { mySound.attachSound("ih01350"); } else if ((gameRoot["da\u00F1o1"] >= 7) && (gameRoot["da\u00F1o1"] < 17)) { mySound.attachSound("ih01349"); } else { mySound.attachSound("MBigImpact1"); } mySound.start(); }
Symbol 1397 MovieClip Frame 50
if (gameRoot.vida1 == 0) { gotoAndPlay ("player2"); } else if (gameRoot.contra1 > 0) { trace("counter attack"); gotoAndPlay ("contra"); } else if ((gameRoot.cura > 0) || (gameRoot.regen2 > 0)) { gotoAndPlay ("cura"); } else if (gameRoot.veneno2 > 0) { gotoAndPlay ("veneno"); } else if (gameRoot.suicidal1 == true) { gotoAndPlay ("suicidal"); } else if (((gameRoot.cthulhu1inplay == true) or (gameRoot.shub1inplay == true)) or (gameRoot.yog1inplay == true)) { gotoAndPlay ("greatoldone"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("fin"); }
Symbol 1397 MovieClip Frame 56
this.suicide_clip2.gotoAndPlay(2); stop();
Symbol 1397 MovieClip Frame 66
if (gameRoot.vida1 == 0) { gotoAndPlay ("player2"); } else if (((gameRoot.cthulhu1inplay == true) or (gameRoot.shub1inplay == true)) or (gameRoot.yog1inplay == true)) { gotoAndPlay ("greatoldone"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("fin"); }
Symbol 1397 MovieClip Frame 81
gameRoot.oldOneAttackP2(); this["tda\u00F1o"] = gameRoot["da\u00F1o1"];
Symbol 1397 MovieClip Frame 113
if (gameRoot.vida1 == 0) { gotoAndPlay ("player2"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("fin"); }
Symbol 1397 MovieClip Frame 127
if (gameRoot.sound == 1) { mySound2 = new Sound(); mySound2.attachSound("cough2"); mySound2.setVolume(40); mySound2.start(); } this["tda\u00F1o"] = gameRoot.veneno2; if ((gameRoot.vida2 - gameRoot.veneno2) > 1) { gameRoot.vida2 = gameRoot.vida2 - gameRoot.veneno2; gameRoot.calcularpuntaje(gameRoot.veneno2, 1); } else { gameRoot.calcularpuntaje(gameRoot.veneno2, 1); gameRoot.vida2 = 1; gameRoot.veneno2 = 0; gameRoot.mveneno2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.text_poison2 = 0; gameRoot.bveneno2._height = 0; trace("player2"); }
Symbol 1397 MovieClip Frame 172
if (gameRoot.suicidal1 == true) { gotoAndPlay ("suicidal"); } else if (((gameRoot.cthulhu1inplay == true) or (gameRoot.shub1inplay == true)) or (gameRoot.yog1inplay == true)) { gotoAndPlay ("greatoldone"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("fin"); }
Symbol 1397 MovieClip Frame 173
if (gameRoot.sound == 1) { mySound2 = new Sound(); mySound2.attachSound("healsound"); mySound2.setVolume(40); mySound2.start(); } if ((gameRoot.cura > 0) && (gameRoot.regen2 > 0)) { this.theal["tda\u00F1o"] = (gameRoot.cura + "+") + gameRoot.regen2; } else if ((gameRoot.cura == 0) && (gameRoot.regen2 > 0)) { this.theal["tda\u00F1o"] = gameRoot.regen2; } else if ((gameRoot.cura > 0) && (gameRoot.regen2 == 0)) { this.theal["tda\u00F1o"] = gameRoot.cura; } if (((gameRoot.vida2 + gameRoot.cura) + gameRoot.regen2) <= gameRoot.maxvida2) { gameRoot.vida2 = (gameRoot.vida2 + gameRoot.cura) + gameRoot.regen2; } else { gameRoot.vida2 = gameRoot.maxvida2; }
Symbol 1397 MovieClip Frame 203
if (gameRoot.veneno2 > 0) { gotoAndPlay ("veneno"); } else if (gameRoot.suicidal1 == true) { gotoAndPlay ("suicidal"); } else if (((gameRoot.cthulhu1inplay == true) or (gameRoot.shub1inplay == true)) or (gameRoot.yog1inplay == true)) { gotoAndPlay ("greatoldone"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("fin"); }
Symbol 1397 MovieClip Frame 222
Symbol 1397 MovieClip Frame 232
if (gameRoot.cura > 0) { gotoAndPlay ("cura"); } else if (gameRoot.veneno2 > 0) { gotoAndPlay ("veneno"); } else if (gameRoot.suicidal1 == true) { gotoAndPlay ("suicidal"); } else if (((gameRoot.cthulhu1inplay == true) or (gameRoot.shub1inplay == true)) or (gameRoot.yog1inplay == true)) { gotoAndPlay ("greatoldone"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("fin"); }
Symbol 1397 MovieClip Frame 258
Symbol 1397 MovieClip Frame 265
if (gameRoot.cura > 0) { gotoAndPlay ("cura"); } else if (gameRoot.veneno2 > 0) { gotoAndPlay ("veneno"); } else if (gameRoot.suicidal1 == true) { gotoAndPlay ("suicidal"); } else if (((gameRoot.cthulhu1inplay == true) or (gameRoot.shub1inplay == true)) or (gameRoot.yog1inplay == true)) { gotoAndPlay ("greatoldone"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("fin"); }
Symbol 1397 MovieClip Frame 266
Symbol 1397 MovieClip Frame 299
if (gameRoot.regen2 > 0) { gotoAndPlay ("cura"); } else if (gameRoot.veneno2 > 0) { gotoAndPlay ("veneno"); } else if (gameRoot.suicidal1 == true) { gotoAndPlay ("suicidal"); } else if (((gameRoot.cthulhu1inplay == true) or (gameRoot.shub1inplay == true)) or (gameRoot.yog1inplay == true)) { gotoAndPlay ("greatoldone"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("fin"); }
Symbol 1397 MovieClip Frame 304
this["tda\u00F1o"] = gameRoot["da\u00F1o1"]; gameRoot.parapeto1 = 0; if (gameRoot.sound == 1) { mySound2 = new Sound(); mySound2.attachSound("blocked"); mySound2.setVolume(40); mySound2.start(); } if (gameRoot.eldersign1ainplay == true) { gameRoot.eldersign1ainplay = false; gameRoot.eldersign1a.gotoAndPlay(25); } else if (gameRoot.eldersign1binplay == true) { gameRoot.eldersign1binplay = false; gameRoot.eldersign1b.gotoAndPlay(25); }
Symbol 1397 MovieClip Frame 331
gameRoot.minvulner1.gotoAndStop(1); if ((gameRoot.contra1 > 0) && (gameRoot.donotcounter != 1)) { gotoAndPlay ("contra"); } else if ((gameRoot.cura > 0) || (gameRoot.regen2 > 0)) { gotoAndPlay ("cura"); } else if (gameRoot.veneno2 > 0) { gotoAndPlay ("veneno"); } else if (gameRoot.suicidal1 == true) { gotoAndPlay ("suicidal"); } else if (((gameRoot.cthulhu1inplay == true) or (gameRoot.shub1inplay == true)) or (gameRoot.yog1inplay == true)) { gotoAndPlay ("greatoldone"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("fin"); }
Symbol 1397 MovieClip Frame 332
gameRoot.youLose(); stop();
Symbol 1397 MovieClip Frame 342
gameRoot.youWin(); stop();
Symbol 1397 MovieClip Frame 352
gameRoot.vida1 = 20; gameRoot.resucita = 0;
Symbol 1397 MovieClip Frame 365
Symbol 1397 MovieClip Frame 396
trace("Player 2 turn end");;
Symbol 1398 MovieClip Frame 2
trace((((((("Card deal: player1:" + gameRoot.numbar) + " player2:") + gameRoot.reparte) + " cindice1 actual=") + gameRoot.cindice) + " cindice2 actual=") + gameRoot.cindice2); if (gameRoot.cindice == 1) { gameRoot.gfxbaraja.gotoAndStop(2); } else if (gameRoot.cindice == 0) { gameRoot.gfxbaraja.gotoAndStop(3); } else if (gameRoot.cindice <= -1) { trace("Shuffle the deck: "); gameRoot.barajacartas(); stop(); trace("Index1: " + gameRoot.cindice); }
Symbol 1398 MovieClip Frame 3
gotoAndPlay(4 + (gameRoot.numbar * 34));
Symbol 1398 MovieClip Frame 32
trace("repartiondo a player1...visible " + visible);
Symbol 1398 MovieClip Frame 36
i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas1) { gameRoot.barajas[gameRoot.numbar][i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } visible = gameRoot.barajar[gameRoot.cindice]; trace("visible " + visible); gameRoot.barajas[gameRoot.numbar][visible]._visible = true; gameRoot.barajas[gameRoot.numbar]._visible = true; gameRoot.cindice = gameRoot.cindice - 1; if (gameRoot.cindice == 1) { gameRoot.gfxbaraja.gotoAndStop(2); } else if (gameRoot.cindice == 0) { gameRoot.gfxbaraja.gotoAndStop(3); } else if (gameRoot.cindice <= -1) { trace("I FINISH THE DECK. WE RETURN TO SHUFFLE (2)..."); gameRoot.barajacartas(); stop(); trace("cindice: " + gameRoot.cindice); }
Symbol 1398 MovieClip Frame 37
trace("WE DISTRIBUTE TO PLAYER 2 ON GUARD:" + gameRoot.reparte); gotoAndPlay(175 + (gameRoot.reparte * 7));
Symbol 1398 MovieClip Frame 66
trace("repartiondo a player1...visible " + visible);
Symbol 1398 MovieClip Frame 70
i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas1) { gameRoot.barajas[gameRoot.numbar][i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } visible = gameRoot.barajar[gameRoot.cindice]; trace("visible " + visible); gameRoot.barajas[gameRoot.numbar][visible]._visible = true; gameRoot.barajas[gameRoot.numbar]._visible = true; gameRoot.cindice = gameRoot.cindice - 1; if (gameRoot.cindice == 1) { gameRoot.gfxbaraja.gotoAndStop(2); } else if (gameRoot.cindice == 0) { gameRoot.gfxbaraja.gotoAndStop(3); } else if (gameRoot.cindice <= -1) { trace("I FINISH THE DECK. WE RETURN TO SHUFFLE (1)..."); gameRoot.barajacartas(); stop(); trace("cindice: " + gameRoot.cindice); }
Symbol 1398 MovieClip Frame 71
trace("WE DISTRIBUTE TO PLAYER 2 ON GUARD:" + gameRoot.reparte); gotoAndPlay(175 + (gameRoot.reparte * 7));
Symbol 1398 MovieClip Frame 100
trace("distribute to player1...visible " + visible);
Symbol 1398 MovieClip Frame 104
i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas1) { gameRoot.barajas[gameRoot.numbar][i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } visible = gameRoot.barajar[gameRoot.cindice]; trace("visible " + visible); gameRoot.barajas[gameRoot.numbar][visible]._visible = true; gameRoot.barajas[gameRoot.numbar]._visible = true; gameRoot.cindice = gameRoot.cindice - 1; if (gameRoot.cindice == 1) { gameRoot.gfxbaraja.gotoAndStop(2); } else if (gameRoot.cindice == 0) { gameRoot.gfxbaraja.gotoAndStop(3); } else if (gameRoot.cindice <= -1) { trace("I FINISH THE DECK. WE RETURN TO SHUFFLE(1)..."); gameRoot.barajacartas(); stop(); trace("cindice: " + gameRoot.cindice); }
Symbol 1398 MovieClip Frame 105
trace("WE DISTRIBUTE TO PLAYER 2 ON GUARD:" + gameRoot.reparte); gotoAndPlay(175 + (gameRoot.reparte * 7));
Symbol 1398 MovieClip Frame 134
trace("distribute to player1...visible " + visible);
Symbol 1398 MovieClip Frame 138
i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas1) { gameRoot.barajas[gameRoot.numbar][i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } visible = gameRoot.barajar[gameRoot.cindice]; trace("visible " + visible); gameRoot.barajas[gameRoot.numbar][visible]._visible = true; gameRoot.barajas[gameRoot.numbar]._visible = true; gameRoot.cindice = gameRoot.cindice - 1; if (gameRoot.cindice == 1) { gameRoot.gfxbaraja.gotoAndStop(2); } else if (gameRoot.cindice == 0) { gameRoot.gfxbaraja.gotoAndStop(3); } else if (gameRoot.cindice <= -1) { trace("I FINISH THE DECK. WE RETURN TO SHUFFLE (1)..."); gameRoot.barajacartas(); stop(); trace("cindice: " + gameRoot.cindice); }
Symbol 1398 MovieClip Frame 139
trace("WE DISTRIBUTE TO PLAYER 2 ON GUARD:" + gameRoot.reparte); gotoAndPlay(175 + (gameRoot.reparte * 7));
Symbol 1398 MovieClip Frame 169
trace("distribute to player1...visible " + visible);
Symbol 1398 MovieClip Frame 173
i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas1) { gameRoot.barajas[gameRoot.numbar][i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } visible = gameRoot.barajar[gameRoot.cindice]; trace("visible " + visible); gameRoot.barajas[gameRoot.numbar][visible]._visible = true; gameRoot.barajas[gameRoot.numbar]._visible = true; gameRoot.cindice = gameRoot.cindice - 1; if (gameRoot.cindice == 1) { gameRoot.gfxbaraja.gotoAndStop(2); } else if (gameRoot.cindice == 0) { gameRoot.gfxbaraja.gotoAndStop(3); } else if (gameRoot.cindice <= -1) { trace("I FINISH THE DECK. WE RETURN TO SHUFFLE (1)..."); gameRoot.barajacartas(); stop(); trace("cindice: " + gameRoot.cindice); }
Symbol 1398 MovieClip Frame 174
trace("WE DISTRIBUTE TO PLAYER 2 ON GUARD:" + gameRoot.reparte); gotoAndPlay(175 + (gameRoot.reparte * 7));
Symbol 1398 MovieClip Frame 175
trace("Slot 1 card (0)" + gameRoot.reparte);
Symbol 1398 MovieClip Frame 181
gameRoot.cmalo1.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.cmalo1._visible = true; trace((("Play card " + gameRoot.barajar2[gameRoot.cindice2]) + " in the position ") + gameRoot.reparte); visible = gameRoot.barajar2[gameRoot.cindice2]; gameRoot.cindice2 = gameRoot.cindice2 - 1; gameRoot.cartasp2[gameRoot.reparte] = visible; trace("" + gameRoot.cartasp2); if (gameRoot.cindice2 == 1) { gameRoot.gfxbaraja.gotoAndStop(2); } else if (gameRoot.cindice2 == 0) { gameRoot.gfxbaraja.gotoAndStop(3); } else if (gameRoot.cindice2 <= -1) { trace("Shuffle the deck (2): "); gameRoot.barajacartas2(); stop(); trace("Index2: " + gameRoot.cindice2); }; stop();
Symbol 1398 MovieClip Frame 182
trace("Slot 2 card (1)" + gameRoot.reparte);
Symbol 1398 MovieClip Frame 188
gameRoot.cmalo2.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.cmalo2._visible = true; trace((("Play card " + gameRoot.barajar2[gameRoot.cindice2]) + " in the position ") + gameRoot.reparte); visible = gameRoot.barajar2[gameRoot.cindice2]; gameRoot.cindice2 = gameRoot.cindice2 - 1; gameRoot.cartasp2[gameRoot.reparte] = visible; trace("" + gameRoot.cartasp2); if (gameRoot.cindice2 == 1) { gameRoot.gfxbaraja.gotoAndStop(2); } else if (gameRoot.cindice2 == 0) { gameRoot.gfxbaraja.gotoAndStop(3); } else if (gameRoot.cindice2 <= -1) { trace("Shuffle the deck (2): "); gameRoot.barajacartas2(); stop(); trace("Index2: " + gameRoot.cindice2); }; stop();
Symbol 1398 MovieClip Frame 189
trace("Slot 3 card (2)" + gameRoot.reparte);
Symbol 1398 MovieClip Frame 195
gameRoot.cmalo3.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.cmalo3._visible = true; trace((("Play card " + gameRoot.barajar2[gameRoot.cindice2]) + " in the position ") + gameRoot.reparte); visible = gameRoot.barajar2[gameRoot.cindice2]; gameRoot.cindice2 = gameRoot.cindice2 - 1; gameRoot.cartasp2[gameRoot.reparte] = visible; trace("" + gameRoot.cartasp2); if (gameRoot.cindice2 == 1) { gameRoot.gfxbaraja.gotoAndStop(2); } else if (gameRoot.cindice2 == 0) { gameRoot.gfxbaraja.gotoAndStop(3); } else if (gameRoot.cindice2 <= -1) { trace("Shuffle the deck (2): "); gameRoot.barajacartas2(); stop(); trace("Index2: " + gameRoot.cindice2); }; stop();
Symbol 1398 MovieClip Frame 196
trace("Slot 4 card (3)" + gameRoot.reparte);
Symbol 1398 MovieClip Frame 202
gameRoot.cmalo4.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.cmalo4._visible = true; trace((("Play card " + gameRoot.barajar2[gameRoot.cindice2]) + " in the position ") + gameRoot.reparte); visible = gameRoot.barajar2[gameRoot.cindice2]; gameRoot.cindice2 = gameRoot.cindice2 - 1; gameRoot.cartasp2[gameRoot.reparte] = visible; trace("" + gameRoot.cartasp2); if (gameRoot.cindice2 == 1) { gameRoot.gfxbaraja.gotoAndStop(2); } else if (gameRoot.cindice2 == 0) { gameRoot.gfxbaraja.gotoAndStop(3); } else if (gameRoot.cindice2 <= -1) { trace("Shuffle the deck (2): "); gameRoot.barajacartas2(); stop(); trace("Index2: " + gameRoot.cindice2); }; stop();
Symbol 1398 MovieClip Frame 203
trace("Slot 5 card (4)" + gameRoot.reparte);
Symbol 1398 MovieClip Frame 209
gameRoot.cmalo5.gotoAndStop(1); gameRoot.cmalo5._visible = true; trace((("Play card " + gameRoot.barajar2[gameRoot.cindice2]) + " in the position ") + gameRoot.reparte); visible = gameRoot.barajar2[gameRoot.cindice2]; gameRoot.cindice2 = gameRoot.cindice2 - 1; gameRoot.cartasp2[gameRoot.reparte] = visible; trace("" + gameRoot.cartasp2); if (gameRoot.cindice2 == 1) { gameRoot.gfxbaraja.gotoAndStop(2); } else if (gameRoot.cindice2 == 0) { gameRoot.gfxbaraja.gotoAndStop(3); } else if (gameRoot.cindice2 <= -1) { trace("Shuffle the deck (2): "); gameRoot.barajacartas2(); stop(); trace("Index2: " + gameRoot.cindice2); }; stop();
Symbol 1399 MovieClip Frame 1
gameRoot.starsOut(); gameRoot.checkIfCreatureInPlay(); stop();
Symbol 1399 MovieClip Frame 2
trace("Mid-phase"); stop();
Symbol 1399 MovieClip Frame 3
_global.activateLevel = this; gameRoot.playCard(); stop();
Symbol 1399 MovieClip Frame 21
gameRoot.opponentCardPlay(); stop();
Symbol 1399 MovieClip Frame 22
i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas1) { gameRoot.bactiva[i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { gameRoot.barmalo[i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } gameRoot.turno = 0; stop();
Symbol 1400 MovieClip Frame 1
k = 1; i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.rejects2.length) { gameRoot.rejects2[i]._visible = false; i++; } if (gameRoot.challenge == 9) { this.carta21._visible = false; } if (gameRoot.challenge == 12) { this.carta1._visible = false; this.carta2._visible = false; this.carta7._visible = false; } if (gameRoot.challenge == 13) { this.carta33._visible = false; } if (gameRoot.challenge == 14) { this.carta12._visible = false; this.carta13._visible = false; this.carta19._visible = false; this.carta24._visible = false; this.carta34._visible = false; } if (gameRoot.challenge == 15) { this.carta7._visible = false; this.carta12._visible = false; this.carta13._visible = false; this.carta19._visible = false; this.carta24._visible = false; this.carta34._visible = false; this.carta33._visible = false; } if (gameRoot.challenge == 16) { this.carta33._visible = false; } stop();
Symbol 1401 MovieClip Frame 1
k = 2; trace(gameRoot.rejects); i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.rejects3.length) { gameRoot.rejects3[i]._visible = false; i++; } if (gameRoot.challenge == 9) { this.carta21._visible = false; } if (gameRoot.challenge == 12) { this.carta1._visible = false; this.carta2._visible = false; this.carta7._visible = false; } if (gameRoot.challenge == 13) { this.carta33._visible = false; } if (gameRoot.challenge == 14) { this.carta12._visible = false; this.carta13._visible = false; this.carta19._visible = false; this.carta24._visible = false; this.carta34._visible = false; } if (gameRoot.challenge == 15) { this.carta7._visible = false; this.carta12._visible = false; this.carta13._visible = false; this.carta19._visible = false; this.carta24._visible = false; this.carta34._visible = false; this.carta33._visible = false; } if (gameRoot.challenge == 16) { this.carta33._visible = false; } stop();
Symbol 1402 MovieClip Frame 1
k = 3; i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.rejects4.length) { gameRoot.rejects4[i]._visible = false; i++; } if (gameRoot.challenge == 9) { this.carta21._visible = false; } if (gameRoot.challenge == 12) { this.carta1._visible = false; this.carta2._visible = false; this.carta7._visible = false; } if (gameRoot.challenge == 13) { this.carta33._visible = false; } if (gameRoot.challenge == 14) { this.carta12._visible = false; this.carta13._visible = false; this.carta19._visible = false; this.carta24._visible = false; this.carta34._visible = false; } if (gameRoot.challenge == 15) { this.carta7._visible = false; this.carta12._visible = false; this.carta13._visible = false; this.carta19._visible = false; this.carta24._visible = false; this.carta34._visible = false; this.carta33._visible = false; } if (gameRoot.challenge == 16) { this.carta33._visible = false; } stop();
Symbol 1403 MovieClip Frame 1
k = 4; i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.rejects5.length) { gameRoot.rejects5[i]._visible = false; i++; } if (gameRoot.challenge == 9) { this.carta21._visible = false; } if (gameRoot.challenge == 12) { this.carta1._visible = false; this.carta2._visible = false; this.carta7._visible = false; } if (gameRoot.challenge == 13) { this.carta33._visible = false; } if (gameRoot.challenge == 14) { this.carta12._visible = false; this.carta13._visible = false; this.carta19._visible = false; this.carta24._visible = false; this.carta34._visible = false; } if (gameRoot.challenge == 15) { this.carta7._visible = false; this.carta12._visible = false; this.carta13._visible = false; this.carta19._visible = false; this.carta24._visible = false; this.carta34._visible = false; this.carta33._visible = false; } if (gameRoot.challenge == 16) { this.carta33._visible = false; } stop();
Symbol 1404 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1404 MovieClip Frame 2
matriz1 = new Array(b1.carta1, b1.carta2, b1.carta3, b1.carta4, b1.carta5, b1.carta6, b1.carta7, b1.carta8, b1.carta9, b1.carta10, b1.carta11, b1.carta12, b1.carta13, b1.carta12, b1.carta13, b1.carta14, b1.carta15, b1.carta16, b1.carta17, b1.carta18, b1.carta19, b1.carta19, b1.carta20, b1.carta21, b1.carta22, b1.carta23, b1.carta24, b1.carta24, b1.carta25, b1.carta26, b1.carta27, b1.carta28, b1.carta29, b1.carta30, b1.carta31, b1.carta32, b1.carta35, b1.carta36, b1.carta37, b1.carta38, b1.carta39, b1.carta40, b1.carta42, b1.carta43, b1.carta45, b1.carta46, b1.carta47, b1.carta48); rejects1 = new Array(b1.carta33, b1.carta34, b1.carta41, b1.carta44); i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { matriz1[i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } i = 0; while (i < rejects1.length) { rejects1[i]._visible = false; i++; } visible = gameRoot.cartasp2[4]; matriz1[visible]._visible = true;
Symbol 1405 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1405 MovieClip Frame 2
matriz1 = new Array(b1.carta1, b1.carta2, b1.carta3, b1.carta4, b1.carta5, b1.carta6, b1.carta7, b1.carta8, b1.carta9, b1.carta10, b1.carta11, b1.carta12, b1.carta13, b1.carta14, b1.carta15, b1.carta16, b1.carta17, b1.carta18, b1.carta19, b1.carta20, b1.carta21, b1.carta22, b1.carta23, b1.carta24, b1.carta25, b1.carta26, b1.carta27, b1.carta28, b1.carta29, b1.carta30, b1.carta31, b1.carta32, b1.carta33, b1.carta34, b1.carta35, b1.carta36); i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { matriz1[i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } visible = gameRoot.cartasp2[3]; matriz1[visible]._visible = true;
Symbol 1406 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1406 MovieClip Frame 2
matriz1 = new Array(b1.carta1, b1.carta2, b1.carta3, b1.carta4, b1.carta5, b1.carta6, b1.carta7, b1.carta8, b1.carta9, b1.carta10, b1.carta11, b1.carta12, b1.carta13, b1.carta14, b1.carta15, b1.carta16, b1.carta17, b1.carta18, b1.carta19, b1.carta20, b1.carta21, b1.carta22, b1.carta23, b1.carta24, b1.carta25, b1.carta26, b1.carta27, b1.carta28, b1.carta29, b1.carta30, b1.carta31, b1.carta32, b1.carta33, b1.carta34, b1.carta35, b1.carta36); i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { matriz1[i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } visible = gameRoot.cartasp2[2]; matriz1[visible]._visible = true;
Symbol 1407 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1407 MovieClip Frame 2
matriz1 = new Array(b1.carta1, b1.carta2, b1.carta3, b1.carta4, b1.carta5, b1.carta6, b1.carta7, b1.carta8, b1.carta9, b1.carta10, b1.carta11, b1.carta12, b1.carta13, b1.carta14, b1.carta15, b1.carta16, b1.carta17, b1.carta18, b1.carta19, b1.carta20, b1.carta21, b1.carta22, b1.carta23, b1.carta24, b1.carta25, b1.carta26, b1.carta27, b1.carta28, b1.carta29, b1.carta30, b1.carta31, b1.carta32, b1.carta33, b1.carta34, b1.carta35, b1.carta36); i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.numcartas) { matriz1[i]._visible = false; i = i + 1; } visible = gameRoot.cartasp2[1]; matriz1[visible]._visible = true;
Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 1
i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.rejectsa.length) { gameRoot.rejectsa[i]._visible = false; i++; } stop();
Symbol 1409 MovieClip Frame 1
trace("Opp Rejects are: " + gameRoot.rejectsm); i = 0; while (i < gameRoot.rejectsm.length) { gameRoot.rejectsm[i]._visible = false; i++; } stop();
Symbol 1412 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gameRoot.gotoAndStop("menu"); }
Symbol 1413 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgame", "level", gameRoot.level); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgame", "score", gameRoot.score); gameRoot.setCookie("cardgame", "rank", gameRoot.currentrank); }
Symbol 1414 MovieClip Frame 1
_global.finalResultsLevel = this; gameRoot.initFinalRankScreen();
Symbol 1414 MovieClip Frame 11
gameRoot.setFinalRank(); stop();

Library Items

Symbol 1 Sound [creaturesound]
Symbol 2 Sound [tommygun]
Symbol 3 Sound [titlemusic1]
Symbol 4 Sound [cough2]
Symbol 5 Sound [intromusic]
Symbol 6 Sound [espadas4]
Symbol 7 Sound [ih01349]
Symbol 8 Sound [ih01350]
Symbol 9 Sound [mascar]
Symbol 10 Sound [blocked]
Symbol 11 Sound [MBigImpact1]
Symbol 12 Sound [shotgun]
Symbol 13 Sound [raid]
Symbol 14 Sound [Necronomicon_title]
Symbol 15 Sound [insanitysound4]
Symbol 16 Sound [insanitysound3]
Symbol 17 Sound [insanitysound2]
Symbol 18 Sound [insanitysound]
Symbol 19 Sound [healsound]
Symbol 20 Sound [Gong]
Symbol 21 Sound [gameover]
Symbol 22 Sound [creature_attack]
Symbol 23 Sound [attack]
Symbol 24 BitmapUsed by:25
Symbol 25 GraphicUses:24Used by:124
Symbol 26 BitmapUsed by:27
Symbol 27 GraphicUses:26Used by:28
Symbol 28 MovieClipUses:27Used by:124
Symbol 29 BitmapUsed by:30
Symbol 30 GraphicUses:29Used by:31
Symbol 31 MovieClipUses:30Used by:124
Symbol 32 BitmapUsed by:33
Symbol 33 GraphicUses:32Used by:34
Symbol 34 MovieClipUses:33Used by:124
Symbol 35 BitmapUsed by:36
Symbol 36 GraphicUses:35Used by:37
Symbol 37 MovieClipUses:36Used by:124
Symbol 38 BitmapUsed by:39
Symbol 39 GraphicUses:38Used by:41
Symbol 40 GraphicUsed by:41 45 49 53 56 105 153 160 167 175 187 286 295 1231 1307 1412 1413  Timeline
Symbol 41 ButtonUses:39 40Used by:124
Symbol 42 BitmapUsed by:43
Symbol 43 GraphicUses:42Used by:44
Symbol 44 MovieClipUses:43Used by:45
Symbol 45 ButtonUses:44 40Used by:124
Symbol 46 BitmapUsed by:47
Symbol 47 GraphicUses:46Used by:48
Symbol 48 MovieClipUses:47Used by:49 286 295 1412
Symbol 49 ButtonUses:48 40Used by:124
Symbol 50 BitmapUsed by:51
Symbol 51 GraphicUses:50Used by:52
Symbol 52 MovieClipUses:51Used by:53
Symbol 53 ButtonUses:52 40Used by:124
Symbol 54 BitmapUsed by:55
Symbol 55 GraphicUses:54Used by:56 1413
Symbol 56 ButtonUses:55 40Used by:124
Symbol 57 FontUsed by:58 59 65 66 196 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1165 1166 1169 1170 1255 1256 1259 1260 1265 1266 1267 1273 1274 1276 1289 1291 1302 1304 1371 1372 1373 1374 1389 1391 1394 1395
Symbol 58 EditableTextUses:57Used by:60
Symbol 59 EditableTextUses:57Used by:60
Symbol 60 MovieClipUses:58 59Used by:124 1414
Symbol 61 FontUsed by:62 63 162 163 165 166 168 169 171 172 178 179 181 182 184 185 186 193 194 195 201 202 203 204 205 208 209 210 212 213 214 216 217 218 220 221 222 224 225 226 228 229 230 232 233 234 237 238 239 241 242 243 245 246 247 249 250 251 253 254 255 257 258 259 261 262 263 265 266 267 269 270 271 273 274 275 277 278 279 281 282 283
Symbol 62 EditableTextUses:61Used by:64
Symbol 63 EditableTextUses:61Used by:64
Symbol 64 MovieClipUses:62 63Used by:124 1414
Symbol 65 EditableTextUses:57Used by:67
Symbol 66 EditableTextUses:57Used by:67
Symbol 67 MovieClipUses:65 66Used by:124
Symbol 68 FontUsed by:69 70 206 235 332 333 374 375 389 390 401 402 412 413 427 428 440 441 451 452 462 463 474 475 487 488 503 504 512 513 521 522 534 535 551 552 566 567 581 582 599 600 611 612 627 628 641 642 655 656 670 671 684 685 695 696 707 708 723 724 740 741 751 752 766 767 780 781 795 796 808 809 823 824 833 834 847 848 860 861 869 870 882 883 897 898 910 911 923 924 938 939 951 952 964 965 976 977 986 987 998 999 1074 1075 1247 1248 1249 1250 1251 1252 1257 1258 1268 1269 1270
Symbol 69 EditableTextUses:68Used by:71
Symbol 70 EditableTextUses:68Used by:71
Symbol 71 MovieClipUses:69 70Used by:72
Symbol 72 MovieClipUses:71Used by:124 1414  Timeline
Symbol 73 BitmapUsed by:74
Symbol 74 GraphicUses:73Used by:75
Symbol 75 MovieClipUses:74Used by:76
Symbol 76 MovieClipUses:75Used by:124
Symbol 77 BitmapUsed by:78
Symbol 78 GraphicUses:77Used by:101 109
Symbol 79 BitmapUsed by:80
Symbol 80 GraphicUses:79Used by:101 109
Symbol 81 BitmapUsed by:82
Symbol 82 GraphicUses:81Used by:101 109
Symbol 83 BitmapUsed by:84
Symbol 84 GraphicUses:83Used by:101 109
Symbol 85 FontUsed by:86 87 91 92 96 97 98 99 113 115 1363
Symbol 86 TextUses:85Used by:88 93
Symbol 87 TextUses:85Used by:88 93
Symbol 88 MovieClipUses:86 87Used by:101
Symbol 89 BitmapUsed by:90
Symbol 90 GraphicUses:89Used by:101 109
Symbol 91 TextUses:85Used by:93
Symbol 92 TextUses:85Used by:93
Symbol 93 MovieClipUses:86 87 91 92Used by:101
Symbol 94 BitmapUsed by:95
Symbol 95 GraphicUses:94Used by:101 109
Symbol 96 TextUses:85Used by:100
Symbol 97 TextUses:85Used by:100
Symbol 98 TextUses:85Used by:100
Symbol 99 TextUses:85Used by:100
Symbol 100 MovieClipUses:96 97 98 99Used by:101
Symbol 101 MovieClipUses:78 80 82 84 88 90 93 95 100Used by:124
Symbol 102 BitmapUsed by:103 114 591 692
Symbol 103 GraphicUses:102Used by:104 376 377 391 392 442 443 453 454 489 490 613 614 709 710 725 726 742 743 753 754 768 769 782 783 825 826 851 852 988 989 1011
Symbol 104 MovieClipUses:103Used by:124
Symbol 105 MovieClipUses:40Used by:109
Symbol 106 GraphicUsed by:107 145 148 197 207 211 215 219 223 227 231 236 240 244 248 252 256 260 264 268 272 276 280 284 1029 1035 1200
Symbol 107 MovieClipUses:106Used by:108
Symbol 108 MovieClipUses:107Used by:109
Symbol 109 MovieClipUses:105 108 78 80 82 84 90 95Used by:124
Symbol 110 FontUsed by:112 117 118 119 120 121 122 293 302 309 312 315 318 320 322 324 326 328 330 337 339 341 343 345 347 351 352 354 355 1376 1377 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387
Symbol 111 FontUsed by:112 292 294 296 297 301 303 304 308 311 314 317 325 336 338 340 342 344 350 1237 1238 1239 1240 1282 1283 1284 1290 1292 1303 1305 1318 1319 1324 1325 1330 1331 1339 1340 1344 1345 1349 1350 1354 1355 1390 1392
Symbol 112 TextUses:110 111Used by:123
Symbol 113 TextUses:85Used by:123
Symbol 114 GraphicUses:102Used by:123
Symbol 115 TextUses:85Used by:123
Symbol 116 GraphicUsed by:123
Symbol 117 TextUses:110Used by:123
Symbol 118 TextUses:110Used by:123
Symbol 119 TextUses:110Used by:123
Symbol 120 TextUses:110Used by:123
Symbol 121 TextUses:110Used by:123
Symbol 122 TextUses:110Used by:123
Symbol 123 MovieClipUses:112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122Used by:124
Symbol 124 MovieClipUses:25 28 31 34 37 41 45 49 53 56 60 64 67 72 76 101 104 109 123Used by:125  Timeline
Symbol 125 MovieClip [matchscores]Uses:124
Symbol 126 BitmapUsed by:127
Symbol 127 GraphicUses:126Used by:Timeline
Symbol 128 BitmapUsed by:129
Symbol 129 GraphicUses:128Used by:130
Symbol 130 MovieClipUses:129Used by:137
Symbol 131 ShapeTweeningUsed by:137
Symbol 132 BitmapUsed by:133
Symbol 133 GraphicUses:132Used by:137
Symbol 134 FontUsed by:135 1159 1160 1162 1163
Symbol 135 EditableTextUses:134Used by:137
Symbol 136 GraphicUsed by:137
Symbol 137 MovieClipUses:130 131 133 135 136Used by:Timeline
Symbol 1415 MovieClip [__Packages.mochi.as2.MochiAd]
Symbol 1416 MovieClip [__Packages.mochi.as2.MochiEventDispatcher]
Symbol 1417 MovieClip [__Packages.mochi.as2.MochiServices]
Symbol 1418 MovieClip [__Packages.mochi.as2.MochiEvents]
Symbol 1419 MovieClip [__Packages.mochi.as2.MochiCoins]
Symbol 1420 MovieClip [__Packages.mochi.as2.MochiSocial]
Symbol 138 BitmapUsed by:139
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Symbol 140 FontUsed by:141 142 285 383 397 409 420 469 470 471 497 499 500 528 529 541 546 547 548 558 559 560 576 577 579 592 593 595 596 606 607 608 618 623 624 636 637 649 662 666 678 679 683 702 704 714 715 718 730 731 736 737 762 776 777 778 779 787 790 791 792 803 805 815 816 817 822 830 841 845 846 856 867 876 889 891 892 893 894 904 907 917 931 934 935 945 948 949 950 958 961 971 983 985 993 995 1111 1114
Symbol 141 TextUses:140Used by:Timeline
Symbol 142 TextUses:140Used by:Timeline
Symbol 143 BitmapUsed by:144
Symbol 144 GraphicUses:143Used by:149
Symbol 145 ButtonUses:106Used by:149
Symbol 146 BitmapUsed by:147
Symbol 147 GraphicUses:146Used by:149
Symbol 148 ButtonUses:106Used by:149
Symbol 149 MovieClipUses:144 145 147 148Used by:Timeline
Symbol 150 FontUsed by:151 152 154 155 158 159 369 372 373 383 384 387 388 397 399 400 409 423 435 438 439 447 461 469 470 482 485 486 498 501 502 510 519 529 530 546 548 549 550 560 564 565 580 593 597 598 607 608 618 621 625 626 636 648 653 654 662 666 668 669 677 683 691 702 704 705 706 720 721 722 738 739 747 758 762 764 765 777 778 790 793 794 805 806 807 815 816 817 830 831 832 841 846 856 858 859 867 880 881 889 892 893 895 896 904 907 908 909 917 921 922 934 935 936 937 948 949 958 961 962 963 971 974 975 985 993 995 996 997 1028 1030 1043 1044 1052 1053 1058 1063 1068 1069 1120 1128 1198 1261 1262
Symbol 151 TextUses:150Used by:153
Symbol 152 TextUses:150Used by:153
Symbol 153 ButtonUses:151 152 40Used by:161
Symbol 154 TextUses:150Used by:157
Symbol 155 TextUses:150Used by:157
Symbol 156 GraphicUsed by:157 164 170 173 174 176 177 180 183
Symbol 157 ButtonUses:154 155 156Used by:161
Symbol 158 TextUses:150Used by:160
Symbol 159 TextUses:150Used by:160
Symbol 160 ButtonUses:158 159 40Used by:161
Symbol 161 MovieClipUses:153 157 160Used by:Timeline
Symbol 162 TextUses:61Used by:164 174
Symbol 163 TextUses:61Used by:164 174
Symbol 164 ButtonUses:162 163 156Used by:188
Symbol 165 TextUses:61Used by:167 175
Symbol 166 TextUses:61Used by:167 175
Symbol 167 ButtonUses:165 166 40Used by:188
Symbol 168 TextUses:61Used by:170 176
Symbol 169 TextUses:61Used by:170 176
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Symbol 171 TextUses:61Used by:173 177
Symbol 172 TextUses:61Used by:173 177
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Symbol 174 ButtonUses:162 163 156Used by:188
Symbol 175 ButtonUses:165 166 40Used by:188
Symbol 176 ButtonUses:168 169 156Used by:188
Symbol 177 ButtonUses:171 172 156Used by:188
Symbol 178 TextUses:61Used by:180
Symbol 179 TextUses:61Used by:180
Symbol 180 ButtonUses:178 179 156Used by:188
Symbol 181 TextUses:61Used by:183
Symbol 182 TextUses:61Used by:183
Symbol 183 ButtonUses:181 182 156Used by:188
Symbol 184 TextUses:61Used by:188
Symbol 185 TextUses:61Used by:187
Symbol 186 TextUses:61Used by:187
Symbol 187 ButtonUses:185 186 40Used by:188
Symbol 188 MovieClipUses:164 167 170 173 174 175 176 177 180 183 184 187Used by:Timeline
Symbol 189 MovieClipUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 190 GraphicUsed by:191
Symbol 191 MovieClipUses:190Used by:Timeline
Symbol 192 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 193 TextUses:61Used by:197
Symbol 194 TextUses:61Used by:197
Symbol 195 TextUses:61Used by:197
Symbol 196 TextUses:57Used by:197
Symbol 197 ButtonUses:193 194 195 106 196Used by:Timeline
Symbol 198 BitmapUsed by:199
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Symbol 200 MovieClipUses:199Used by:Timeline
Symbol 201 TextUses:61Used by:Timeline
Symbol 202 TextUses:61Used by:Timeline
Symbol 203 TextUses:61Used by:207
Symbol 204 TextUses:61Used by:207
Symbol 205 TextUses:61Used by:207
Symbol 206 TextUses:68Used by:207 211 215 219 223 227 231 240 244 272 276 284
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Symbol 208 TextUses:61Used by:211
Symbol 209 TextUses:61Used by:211
Symbol 210 TextUses:61Used by:211
Symbol 211 ButtonUses:208 209 210 106 206Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 213 TextUses:61Used by:215
Symbol 214 TextUses:61Used by:215
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Symbol 218 TextUses:61Used by:219
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Symbol 225 TextUses:61Used by:227
Symbol 226 TextUses:61Used by:227
Symbol 227 ButtonUses:224 225 226 106 206Used by:Timeline
Symbol 228 TextUses:61Used by:231
Symbol 229 TextUses:61Used by:231
Symbol 230 TextUses:61Used by:231
Symbol 231 ButtonUses:228 229 230 106 206Used by:Timeline
Symbol 232 TextUses:61Used by:236
Symbol 233 TextUses:61Used by:236
Symbol 234 TextUses:61Used by:236
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Symbol 237 TextUses:61Used by:240
Symbol 238 TextUses:61Used by:240
Symbol 239 TextUses:61Used by:240
Symbol 240 ButtonUses:237 238 239 106 206Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 242 TextUses:61Used by:244
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Symbol 244 ButtonUses:241 242 243 106 206Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 247 TextUses:61Used by:248
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Symbol 250 TextUses:61Used by:252
Symbol 251 TextUses:61Used by:252
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Symbol 253 TextUses:61Used by:256
Symbol 254 TextUses:61Used by:256
Symbol 255 TextUses:61Used by:256
Symbol 256 ButtonUses:253 254 255 106 235Used by:Timeline
Symbol 257 TextUses:61Used by:260
Symbol 258 TextUses:61Used by:260
Symbol 259 TextUses:61Used by:260
Symbol 260 ButtonUses:257 258 259 106 235Used by:Timeline
Symbol 261 TextUses:61Used by:264
Symbol 262 TextUses:61Used by:264
Symbol 263 TextUses:61Used by:264
Symbol 264 ButtonUses:261 262 263 106 235Used by:Timeline
Symbol 265 TextUses:61Used by:268
Symbol 266 TextUses:61Used by:268
Symbol 267 TextUses:61Used by:268
Symbol 268 ButtonUses:265 266 267 106 235Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 270 TextUses:61Used by:272
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Symbol 274 TextUses:61Used by:276
Symbol 275 TextUses:61Used by:276
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Symbol 278 TextUses:61Used by:280
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Symbol 282 TextUses:61Used by:284
Symbol 283 TextUses:61Used by:284
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Symbol 285 EditableTextUses:140Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 287 BitmapUsed by:288
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Symbol 291 GraphicUsed by:356
Symbol 292 TextUses:111Used by:356
Symbol 293 TextUses:110Used by:356
Symbol 294 TextUses:111Used by:356
Symbol 295 ButtonUses:48 40Used by:356
Symbol 296 TextUses:111Used by:299
Symbol 297 TextUses:111Used by:299
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Symbol 299 ButtonUses:296 297 298Used by:356
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Symbol 301 TextUses:111Used by:356
Symbol 302 TextUses:110Used by:356
Symbol 303 TextUses:111Used by:306
Symbol 304 TextUses:111Used by:306
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Symbol 308 TextUses:111Used by:356
Symbol 309 TextUses:110Used by:356
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Symbol 311 TextUses:111Used by:356
Symbol 312 TextUses:110Used by:356
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Symbol 314 TextUses:111Used by:356
Symbol 315 TextUses:110Used by:356
Symbol 316 GraphicUsed by:356
Symbol 317 TextUses:111Used by:356
Symbol 318 TextUses:110Used by:356
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Symbol 320 TextUses:110Used by:356
Symbol 321 GraphicUsed by:356
Symbol 322 TextUses:110Used by:356
Symbol 323 GraphicUsed by:356
Symbol 324 TextUses:110Used by:356
Symbol 325 TextUses:111Used by:356
Symbol 326 TextUses:110Used by:356
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Symbol 328 TextUses:110Used by:356
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Symbol 330 TextUses:110Used by:356
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Symbol 332 TextUses:68Used by:334
Symbol 333 TextUses:68Used by:334
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Symbol 337 TextUses:110Used by:356
Symbol 338 TextUses:111Used by:356
Symbol 339 TextUses:110Used by:356
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Symbol 343 TextUses:110Used by:356
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Symbol 350 TextUses:111Used by:356
Symbol 351 TextUses:110Used by:356
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Symbol 357 BitmapUsed by:358
Symbol 358 GraphicUses:357Used by:1004 1404 1405 1406 1407
Symbol 359 BitmapUsed by:360
Symbol 360 GraphicUses:359Used by:376 377 391 392 403 404 414 415 429 430 442 443 453 454 464 465 476 477 489 490 505 506 514 515 523 524 536 537 553 554 568 569 583 584 601 602 613 614 631 632 643 644 657 658 672 673 686 687 697 698 709 710 725 726 742 743 753 754 768 769 782 783 797 798 810 811 825 826 835 836 851 852 862 863 871 872 884 885 899 900 912 913 925 926 940 941 953 954 966 967 978 979 988 989 1000 1001 1217 1287
Symbol 361 BitmapUsed by:363 380 395 407 418 433 446 457 468 480 493 509 518 527 540 557 572 587 605 617 635 647 661 676 690 701 713 729 746 757 772 786 801 814 829 839 855 866 875 888 903 916 929 944 957 970 982 992 1216
Symbol 362 BitmapUsed by:363 1095
Symbol 363 GraphicUses:361 362Used by:376 377
Symbol 364 FontUsed by:365 381 396 408 481 840 930
Symbol 365 TextUses:364Used by:376 377 453 454 464 465 476 477 553 554 568 569 601 602 709 710 742 743 925 926 988 989
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Symbol 367 TextUses:366Used by:376 377 697 698
Symbol 368 FontUsed by:369 383 384 397 409 424 435 447 448 461 469 482 498 510 519 530 546 548 558 560 580 593 607 608 621 623 636 663 666 677 679 691 714 747 748 787 790 805 815 830 841 846 889 892 907 917 934 935 949 1005
Symbol 369 TextUses:368 150Used by:376 377
Symbol 370 TextUses:366Used by:376 377
Symbol 371 TextUses:366Used by:376 377
Symbol 372 TextUses:150Used by:376 377 414 415 643 644
Symbol 373 TextUses:150Used by:376 377 414 415 643 644
Symbol 374 TextUses:68Used by:376 377
Symbol 375 TextUses:68Used by:376 377
Symbol 376 MovieClipUses:360 363 365 367 369 103 370 371 372 373 374 375Used by:377
Symbol 377 ButtonUses:376 360 363 365 367 369 103 370 371 372 373 374 375Used by:378
Symbol 378 MovieClipUses:377Used by:1003 1215 1288 1400 1401 1402 1403 1408 1409
Symbol 379 BitmapUsed by:380
Symbol 380 GraphicUses:361 379Used by:391 392
Symbol 381 TextUses:364Used by:391 392 442 443 536 537 631 632 657 658 672 673 686 687 862 863
Symbol 382 TextUses:366Used by:391 392 403 404 414 415 476 477 536 537 709 710 742 743 862 863 871 872 966 967 1000 1001 1287
Symbol 383 TextUses:140 150 368Used by:391 392
Symbol 384 TextUses:368 150Used by:391 392
Symbol 385 TextUses:366Used by:391 392
Symbol 386 TextUses:366Used by:391 392
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Symbol 388 TextUses:150Used by:391 392 429 430 514 515 523 524 536 537 825 826
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Symbol 411 TextUses:366Used by:414 415
Symbol 412 TextUses:68Used by:414 415
Symbol 413 TextUses:68Used by:414 415
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Symbol 417 BitmapUsed by:418
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Symbol 420 TextUses:140 366Used by:429 430 514 515 523 524
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Symbol 482 TextUses:368 150Used by:489 490
Symbol 483 TextUses:366Used by:489 490
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Symbol 496 TextUses:366Used by:505 506
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Instance Names

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"veneno"Symbol 1375 MovieClip Frame 111
"cura"Symbol 1375 MovieClip Frame 159
"ceguera"Symbol 1375 MovieClip Frame 203
"parapeto"Symbol 1375 MovieClip Frame 240
"vest"Symbol 1375 MovieClip Frame 272
"player1"Symbol 1375 MovieClip Frame 302
"player2"Symbol 1375 MovieClip Frame 312
"resucita"Symbol 1375 MovieClip Frame 322
"fin"Symbol 1375 MovieClip Frame 334
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"greatoldone"Symbol 1397 MovieClip Frame 67
"veneno"Symbol 1397 MovieClip Frame 124
"cura"Symbol 1397 MovieClip Frame 173
"banishbyshogg"Symbol 1397 MovieClip Frame 204
"banish"Symbol 1397 MovieClip Frame 233
"ceguera"Symbol 1397 MovieClip Frame 266
"parapeto"Symbol 1397 MovieClip Frame 300
"player2"Symbol 1397 MovieClip Frame 332
"player1"Symbol 1397 MovieClip Frame 342
"resucita"Symbol 1397 MovieClip Frame 352
"fin"Symbol 1397 MovieClip Frame 365
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Created: 24/2 -2019 05:09:58 Last modified: 24/2 -2019 05:09:58 Server time: 03/01 -2025 00:33:42