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College Sluts Bondage Discipline - bondage threesome blonde brunette.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #128724

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
// unknown tag 88 length 70 movieClip 3 gialog { } movieClip 5 { } movieClip 7 { } movieClip 9 { } movieClip 11 { } movieClip 13 { } movieClip 15 { } movieClip 17 { } movieClip 19 { } movieClip 21 { } movieClip 27 { } movieClip 28 { } movieClip 29 popup_obj { } movieClip 33 phrase_area { } // unknown tag 88 length 69 movieClip 44 { frame 30 { stop(); } } movieClip 45 button_play { } // unknown tag 88 length 68 movieClip 50 btn_yes { } movieClip 52 btn_no { } movieClip 55 btn_next { } movieClip 57 btn_more { } movieClip 60 btn_logo { } movieClip 62 btn_enter_room_3 { } movieClip 63 btn_enter_room_2 { } movieClip 65 btn_enter_room_1 { } movieClip 67 btn_again { } movieClip 70 { } movieClip 180 counter { } frame 1 { var progress_arr = new Array(0, 41, 83, 125, 166, 208, 250, 291, 333, 374, 416, 458, 500, 542); var total = _root.getBytesTotal(); var loaded = _root.getBytesLoaded(); if (total > loaded) { preloader.gotoAndStop(Math.floor(541 * (loaded / total))); preloader.progress_text.text = Math.floor((loaded / total) * 100) + ' %'; preloader.text01.qqww.text = Math.floor((loaded / total) * 100) + ' %'; preloader.text02.qqww.text = Math.floor((loaded / total) * 100) + ' %'; preloader.text03.qqww.text = Math.floor((loaded / total) * 100) + ' %'; _global.preload_comlete = false; } else { trace(this); if (!_global.preload_comlete) { _global.preload_comlete = true; gotoAndPlay(14); } } } movieClip 183 { } movieClip 185 { } movieClip 189 { } // unknown tag 88 length 97 movieClip 194 { } movieClip 199 { } movieClip 201 { } movieClip 203 { } movieClip 206 { frame 100 { stop(); } } movieClip 288 __Packages.SoundManager { #initclip if (!_global.SoundManager) { var v1 = function () { super(); this.sndMusic = new Sound(_root.music_switch); this.sndSound = new Sound(_root.sound_switch); this.sndMusic.setVolume(this.musicVolume); this.sndSound.setVolume(this.soundVolume); _root.music_switch.gotoAndStop('_on'); _root.sound_switch.gotoAndStop('_on'); _root.music_switch.onRelease = this.muteMusic; _root.sound_switch.onRelease = this.muteSound; this.sndMusic.onSoundComplete = this.repeatMusic; this.sndSound.onSoundComplete = this.repeatSound; }; _global.SoundManager = v1; _global.SoundManager extends MovieClip; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.addMusic = function (new_music, interval) { if (interval != 0) { _global.intID_music = setInterval(this.addingMusic, interval, new_music); } else {; } }; v2.addSound = function (new_sound, interval, toRepeat) { if (interval != 0) { _global.intID_sound = setInterval(this.addingSound, interval, new_sound, toRepeat); } else {, toRepeat); } }; v2.stopMusic = function () {; }; v2.stopSound = function () {; }; v2.dontRepeatSound = function () { = false; }; v2.muteMusic = function () { if (! { _root.music_switch.gotoAndStop('_off'); = true;; } else { _root.music_switch.gotoAndStop('_on'); = false;; } trace('Music ' + !; }; v2.muteSound = function () { if (! { _root.sound_switch.gotoAndStop('_off'); = true;; } else { _root.sound_switch.gotoAndStop('_on'); = false;; } trace('Sound ' + !; }; v2.addingMusic = function (new_music) { clearInterval(_global.intID_music);; trace(;;; }; v2.repeatMusic = function () { trace('repeat Music');; }; v2.addingSound = function (new_sound, toRepeat) { clearInterval(_global.intID_sound);; trace('adding Sound = ' + new_sound);; = toRepeat;; }; v2.repeatSound = function () { trace('repeat Sound ' +; if ( {; } }; v2.musicVolume = 50; v2.soundVolume = 100; v2.isMusicMute = false; v2.isSoundMute = false; v2.toRepeatSound = false; ASSetPropFlags(_global.SoundManager.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 289 __Packages.Texts { #initclip if (!_global.Texts) { var v1 = function (myClip, myFont, xPos, yPos, myWidth, myAlig, myFrame, mySprite, myText) { this.textObj = _root.attachMovie(myFont, myClip, mySprite); this.textObj.gotoAndStop(myFrame); this.textObj.txt = myText; this.textObj._x = xPos; this.textObj._y = yPos; if (myWidth > 0) { this.textObj.fld._width = myWidth; } if (!(myAlig eq '')) { this.format = new TextFormat(); this.format.align = myAlig; this.textObj.fld.setTextFormat(this.format); } }; _global.Texts = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.pres = function () { this.rootClip[this.newObject].font.gotoAndStop(3); }; v2.over = function () { this.rootClip[this.newObject].font.gotoAndStop(2); }; v2.norm = function () { this.rootClip[this.newObject].font.gotoAndStop(1); }; v2.setMoney = function (myCurrency, mySeparator, myPosition, myMoney, myPrev) { var v2 = ''; var v5 = 0; var v3 = (String(myMoney)).length - 1; while (v3 >= 0) { v5 += 1; if (v5 > 3) { v5 = 1; if (mySeparator eq 'SPACE') { v2 += ' '; } else { v2 += mySeparator; } } v2 += (String(myMoney)).charAt(v3); --v3; } myMoney = ''; v3 = 0; while (v3 < (String(v2)).length) { myMoney += (String(v2)).charAt((String(v2)).length - v3 - 1); ++v3; } switch (String(myPosition)) { case 'beginning': this.rootClip[this.newObject].font.txt = myPrev + myCurrency + myMoney; break; case 'end': this.rootClip[this.newObject].font.txt = myPrev + myMoney + myCurrency; break; default: this.rootClip[this.newObject].font.txt = myPrev + myCurrency + myMoney; } }; v2.textConfigure = function (myText) { var v3 = myText.split('/n'); var v2 = ''; var v1 = 0; while (v1 < v3.length) { v2 += v3[v1]; if (v1 < v3.length - 1) { v2 += '\n'; } ++v1; } return v2; }; v2.setText = function (myText) { this.textObj.txt = this.textConfigure(myText); }; v2.setAlign = function (myAlig) { this.format.align = myAlig; this.textObj.fld.setTextFormat(this.format); }; v2.setPosition = function (myX, myY) { this.textObj._x = myX; this.textObj._y = myY; }; v2.setRotation = function (myRot) { this.rootClip[this.newObject]._rotation = myRot; }; v2.setWidth = function (myWidth) { this.textObj.fld._width = myWidth; }; v2.setVisible = function (myVis) { this.textObj._visible = myVis; }; v2.setAlpha = function (myAlpha) { this.rootClip[this.newObject]._alpha = myAlpha; }; v2.textObj = new Object(); ASSetPropFlags(_global.Texts.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 290 __Packages.Strings { #initclip if (!_global.Strings) { var v1 = function () { super(); this.es_strList = new Object(); this.es_strList.scene_1_1 = '¿Qué hacen ustedes aquí, muchachas?'; this.es_strList.scene_1_2 = 'Solamente deseamos \'¡buenas noches!\' la una a la otra... '; this.es_strList.scene_1_3 = '¿Sí? ¿Realmente?... '; this.es_strList.scene_1_4 = 'Pienso en que me dicen la mentira...'; this.es_strList.scene_1_5 = 'Adivino que ustedes se besaban...'; this.es_strList.scene_1_6 = 'Quiero el sexo también...'; this.es_strList.scene_1_7 = '¡Válgame Dios! Nosotras aún no teníamos ningún pensamiento que usted es una de nosotras...'; this.es_strList.scene_1_8 = '¿Es Ud una lesbiana?'; this.es_strList.scene_1_9 = ' Estamos todas las lesbianas aquí .... '; this.es_strList.scene_1_10 = ' ¡Ah, me siento tan cachonda!...'; this.es_strList.scene_1_11 = ' Yo estoy también... ¡Quiero sentir un strap-on dentro de mí!'; this.es_strList.scene_1_12 = 'Tengo casi alcancé un orgasmo...'; this.es_strList.scene_1_13 = ' ¿Le gustamos a mí, ñiña? ¡Tengo una strap-on!... Vayamos a intentarlo.'; this.es_strList.scene_1_14 = '¡Cómame más rápido! El punto culminante es pronto...'; this.es_strList.scene_1_15 = '¡Intento, querida!'; this.es_strList.scene_1_16 = '¿Está lista de joder, belleza?'; this.es_strList.scene_1_17 = 'Sí...'; this.es_strList.scene_1_18 = 'Adoro estimular su clítoris y ver sus jugos de coño... mmm...'; this.es_strList.scene_1_19 = '¡¡Péguelo en mí, por favor!!!'; this.es_strList.scene_1_20 = '¡Más duro!'; this.es_strList.scene_1_21 = '¡Quiero lamer su coño... es tan sabroso!'; this.en_strList = new Object(); this.en_strList.scene_1_1 = 'Will you agree or not, I\'ll get you, little bitch.'; this.en_strList.scene_1_2 = 'Untie me! Let me go!'; this.en_strList.scene_1_3 = 'Don\'t dare to touch me or I shall scream!'; this.en_strList.scene_1_4 = 'You\'re a sick maniac'; this.en_strList.scene_1_5 = 'I don\'t deny it. My dick is ready to enter your cunt'; this.en_strList.scene_1_6 = 'Help me somebody!'; this.en_strList.scene_1_7 = 'They are raping me!'; this.en_strList.scene_1_8 = 'No one will help you, silly girl.'; this.en_strList.scene_1_9 = 'I\'m not that silly as you think!'; this.en_strList.scene_1_10 = 'All women are the same'; this.en_strList.scene_1_11 = 'That\'s not true!'; this.en_strList.scene_1_12 = 'Obey me or I\'ll show tape to everyone.'; this.en_strList.scene_1_13 = 'You don\'t leave me a choice'; this.en_strList.scene_1_14 = 'Stop it! I\'m tearing apart.'; this.ru_strList = new Object(); this.ru_strList.scene_1_1 = 'Что Вы здесь делаете, девушки? '; this.ru_strList.scene_1_2 = 'Мы всего лишь пожелали друг другу спокойной ночи…'; this.ru_strList.scene_1_3 = 'Даа? Неужели?... '; this.ru_strList.scene_1_4 = 'Я думаю, что вы мне говорите неправду…'; this.ru_strList.scene_1_5 = 'Я уверена, что вы целовались…'; this.ru_strList.scene_1_6 = 'Я тоже хочу секса…'; this.ru_strList.scene_1_7 = 'Ничего себе! Мы даже и не догадывались, что ты – одна из нас…'; this.ru_strList.scene_1_8 = 'Ты – лесбиянка? '; this.ru_strList.scene_1_9 = 'Мы все здесь лесбиянки… и ты тоже можешь попробовать любить и быть любимой с нами…'; this.ru_strList.scene_1_10 = 'Ммм, я вся уже горю!... '; this.ru_strList.scene_1_11 = 'Я тоже… Я хочу почувствовать внутри себя что-то побольше! '; this.ru_strList.scene_1_12 = 'Я уже почти все…'; this.ru_strList.scene_1_13 = 'Я тебе нравлюсь, крошка? Посмотри, что у меня есть! Давай попробуем это! '; this.ru_strList.scene_1_14 = 'Двигай быстрее языком! Оргазм уже близок…'; this.ru_strList.scene_1_15 = 'Я стараюсь, сладкая! '; this.ru_strList.scene_1_16 = 'Хочешь поиграть со мной, красотка? '; this.ru_strList.scene_1_17 = 'Да…'; this.ru_strList.scene_1_18 = 'Я обожаю стимулировать твой клитор и смотреть, как увлажняется твоя киска…ммм'; this.ru_strList.scene_1_19 = 'Воткни его в меня, пожалуйста!!! '; this.ru_strList.scene_1_20 = 'Сильнее! '; this.ru_strList.scene_1_21 = 'Я хочу попробовать твою киску… она такая вкусная! '; this.fr_strList = new Object(); this.fr_strList.scene_1_1 = 'Salut! Tu es tellement belle ! Tu te promènes toute seule?'; this.fr_strList.scene_1_2 = 'Salut! Oui. J\'attend ma mère.'; this.fr_strList.scene_1_3 = 'Quelle choupette sexy. J\'imagine que personne n\'a pas encore pris soin de ton corps doux!'; this.fr_strList.scene_1_4 = 'T\'es un vieux connard ! De quoi tu parle ? Je vais crier au secours!'; this.fr_strList.scene_1_5 = 'Salut! Tu es perdue ? Je peux t\'aider à chercher la maison?'; this.fr_strList.scene_1_6 = 'Non, je ne suis pas perdue. Je me promène juste et je ne parle pas aux inconnus.'; this.fr_strList.scene_1_7 = 'Quel est ton emploi de temps ?'; this.fr_strList.scene_1_8 = 'Je fais mes études dans la section 4. Ma mère doit venir me chercher après l\'école.'; this.fr_strList.scene_1_9 = 'Tu as un copin ? Il a déjà été dans ta culotte?'; this.fr_strList.scene_1_10 = 'Non ! Quelles sales choses tu dis là!?'; this.fr_strList.scene_1_11 = 'Qu\'est-ce que tu pense si on se promène ensemble. Je t\'achèterai une glace...'; this.fr_strList.scene_1_12 = 'Ma mère m\'interdit de parler avec des garçon étrangers...'; this.hu_strList = new Object(); this.hu_strList.scene_1_1 = 'Mit csináltok itt, lányok?'; this.hu_strList.scene_1_2 = 'Épp jó éjszakát kívántunk egymásnak...'; this.hu_strList.scene_1_3 = 'Igen? Tényleg?... '; this.hu_strList.scene_1_4 = 'Azt hiszem, nem mondasz nekem igazat...'; this.hu_strList.scene_1_5 = 'Szerintem csókolóztatok...'; this.hu_strList.scene_1_6 = 'Én is szexet akarok...'; this.hu_strList.scene_1_7 = 'Jesszus! Fogalmunk sem volt, hogy te is közénk tartozol...'; this.hu_strList.scene_1_8 = 'Leszbikus vagy?'; this.hu_strList.scene_1_9 = 'Mi itt mind leszbik vagyunk.... és ha gondolod, velünk tarthatsz, ha van kedved egy kis szexhez...'; this.hu_strList.scene_1_10 = 'Annyira kívánom a szexet!...'; this.hu_strList.scene_1_11 = 'Én is... Egy műfarkat akarok érezni magamban!'; this.hu_strList.scene_1_12 = 'Majdnem elélveztem...'; this.hu_strList.scene_1_13 = 'Tetszem neked, bébi? Van egy strap-onom!... Próbáljuk ki!'; this.hu_strList.scene_1_14 = 'Gyorsabban! Mindjárt elmegyek...'; this.hu_strList.scene_1_15 = 'Próbálom, édes!'; this.hu_strList.scene_1_16 = 'Készen állsz a dugásra, szépségem?'; this.hu_strList.scene_1_17 = 'Igen....'; this.hu_strList.scene_1_18 = 'Imádom izgatni a csiklódat, és érezni, milyen nedves vagy...mmm'; this.hu_strList.scene_1_19 = 'Dugd be, kérlek!!!'; this.hu_strList.scene_1_20 = 'Erősebben!'; this.hu_strList.scene_1_21 = 'Ki akarlak nyalni... olyan finom a puncid!'; this.it_strList = new Object(); this.it_strList.scene_1_1 = 'Cosa ci state facendo, ragazze?'; this.it_strList.scene_1_2 = 'Ci stiamo dicendo “buona notte”...'; this.it_strList.scene_1_3 = 'Sì? Veramente?... '; this.it_strList.scene_1_4 = 'Penso che mi menta...'; this.it_strList.scene_1_5 = 'Secondo me stavate baciandovi...'; this.it_strList.scene_1_6 = 'Anch’io voglio fare sesso...'; this.it_strList.scene_1_7 = 'Dio! Non pensavamo che fossi come noi...'; this.it_strList.scene_1_8 = 'Sei una lesbica?'; this.it_strList.scene_1_9 = 'Tutti di noi siamo lesbiche qui.... e forse possiamo provare a fare amore...'; this.it_strList.scene_1_10 = 'Oh, sono tanto eccitata!...'; this.it_strList.scene_1_11 = 'Anch’io... voglio sentirmi un vibratore nella fichetta!'; this.it_strList.scene_1_12 = 'Sono quasi venuta...'; this.it_strList.scene_1_13 = 'Mi ami, tesoro? Ho un vibratore!... Proviamolo.'; this.it_strList.scene_1_14 = 'Leccami più forte! Sto per venire...'; this.it_strList.scene_1_15 = 'Sto provando, tesoro!'; this.it_strList.scene_1_16 = 'Sei pronta per scopare, bella?'; this.it_strList.scene_1_17 = 'Sì....'; this.it_strList.scene_1_18 = 'Amo stimolarti il clitoride e vedere l’umidità della tua fichetta...mmm'; this.it_strList.scene_1_19 = 'Penetra in me, per favore!!!'; this.it_strList.scene_1_20 = 'Più forte!'; this.it_strList.scene_1_21 = 'Voglio leccarti la fichetta... è tanto dolce!'; this.pl_strList = new Object(); this.pl_strList.scene_1_1 = 'Dziewczyny, co tu robicie?'; this.pl_strList.scene_1_2 = 'Życzymy sobie nawzajem dobrej nocy...'; this.pl_strList.scene_1_3 = 'Ta? Jasne?... '; this.pl_strList.scene_1_4 = 'Wydaje mi się, że kłamiecie...'; this.pl_strList.scene_1_5 = 'Założę się, że się całowałyście...'; this.pl_strList.scene_1_6 = 'Ja też pragnę seksu..'; this.pl_strList.scene_1_7 = 'Ojej! Nie miałyśmy bladego pojęcia, że też jesteś jedną z nas...'; this.pl_strList.scene_1_8 = 'Jesteś lesbijką?'; this.pl_strList.scene_1_9 = 'Wszystkie tutaj jesteśmy lesbijkami.... możesz się z nami pokochać podczas gdy my zjamiemy się tobą...'; this.pl_strList.scene_1_10 = 'Och, jestem taka napalona!...'; this.pl_strList.scene_1_11 = 'Ja też... Mam ochotę poczuć twojego sztucznego penisa we mnie!'; this.pl_strList.scene_1_12 = 'Prawie doszłam...'; this.pl_strList.scene_1_13 = 'Podobam ci się, maleńka? Mam pasa z fiutem!... Wypróbujmy go.'; this.pl_strList.scene_1_14 = 'Liż mnie szybciej! Jestem tak blisko...'; this.pl_strList.scene_1_15 = 'Robię co mogę, kochaniutka!'; this.pl_strList.scene_1_16 = 'To jak piękna, ruchamy się?'; this.pl_strList.scene_1_17 = 'Tak....'; this.pl_strList.scene_1_18 = 'Uwielbiam bawić się twoją łechtaczką i patrzeć jak twoja cipka robi się mokra... mmm'; this.pl_strList.scene_1_19 = 'Proszę, wjedź we mnie!!!'; this.pl_strList.scene_1_20 = 'Mocniej!'; this.pl_strList.scene_1_21 = 'Mam ochotę wylizać twoją cipkę... ona jest taka pysznaI!'; this.de_strList = new Object(); this.de_strList.scene_1_1 = 'Was macht ihr hier, Mädchen?'; this.de_strList.scene_1_2 = 'Wir sagten bloß einander “Gute Nacht”…'; this.de_strList.scene_1_3 = 'So? Wirklich?...'; this.de_strList.scene_1_4 = 'Ich nehme an, ihr lügt mir…'; this.de_strList.scene_1_5 = 'Ich vermute, ihr küsst euch…'; this.de_strList.scene_1_6 = 'Ich will Sex auch…'; this.de_strList.scene_1_7 = 'Mensch! Wir hatten sogar keine Ahnung, dass du eine von uns bist…'; this.de_strList.scene_1_8 = 'Bist du eine Lesbe?'; this.de_strList.scene_1_9 = 'Wir alle sind Lesben hier… und du kannst uns zu lieben versuchen, während wir dich lieben…'; this.de_strList.scene_1_10 = 'Ah, ich fühle mich so geil!...'; this.de_strList.scene_1_11 = 'Ich auch… Ich will einen Strapon drinnen fühlen!'; this.de_strList.scene_1_12 = 'Es ist fast gekommen…'; this.de_strList.scene_1_13 = 'Hast du mich gern, Baby? Ich habe einen Strapon!... Lass uns es versuchen.'; this.de_strList.scene_1_14 = 'Mach es schneller! Die Klimax ist bald…'; this.de_strList.scene_1_15 = 'Ich versuche es, Süße!'; this.de_strList.scene_1_16 = 'Bist du bereit, zu bumsen?'; this.de_strList.scene_1_17 = 'Ja…'; this.de_strList.scene_1_18 = 'Ich begehre es, deinen Kitzler zu stimulieren und anzusehen, wie es feuchter wird…mmm'; this.de_strList.scene_1_19 = 'Steck ihn in mich, bitte!!!'; this.de_strList.scene_1_20 = 'Harter!'; this.de_strList.scene_1_21 = 'Ich will deine Muschi schmecken… Sie ist so lecker!'; this.ro_strList = new Object(); this.ro_strList.scene_1_1 = 'Ce faceţi aici, fetelor?'; this.ro_strList.scene_1_2 = 'Tocmai ne spuneam “noapte bună” una alteia...'; this.ro_strList.scene_1_3 = 'Da? Serios?... '; this.ro_strList.scene_1_4 = 'Cred că mă minţi...'; this.ro_strList.scene_1_5 = 'Cred că vă sărutaţi...'; this.ro_strList.scene_1_6 = 'şi eu vreau sex...'; this.ro_strList.scene_1_7 = 'Doamne! Habar n-am avut că şi tu eşti ca şi noi...'; this.ro_strList.scene_1_8 = 'Eşti lesbiană?'; this.ro_strList.scene_1_9 = 'Toate de aici suntem lesbiene....şi poţi să încerci să ne iubeşti în timp ce noi te iubim pe tine...'; this.ro_strList.scene_1_10 = 'Oh, mă simt atât de excitată!...'; this.ro_strList.scene_1_11 = 'Şi eu...vreau să simt un penis de plastic înăuntru!'; this.ro_strList.scene_1_12 = 'Aproape că mi-am dat drumul...'; this.ro_strList.scene_1_13 = 'Îţi place de mine, iubito? Am un penis cu hăţuri!...să-l încercăm.'; this.ro_strList.scene_1_14 = 'Mănâncă-mă mai repede! Voi ajunge la climax în curând...'; this.ro_strList.scene_1_15 = 'Încerc, scumpo!'; this.ro_strList.scene_1_16 = 'Eşti gata pentru sex, frumoaso?'; this.ro_strList.scene_1_17 = 'Da....'; this.ro_strList.scene_1_18 = 'Ador să-ţi stimulez clitorisul şi să-ţi văd lichidele din păsărică...mmm'; this.ro_strList.scene_1_19 = 'Introdu-l în mine, te rog!!!'; this.ro_strList.scene_1_20 = 'Mai tare!'; this.ro_strList.scene_1_21 = 'Îmi vine să-ţi mănânc păsărica...e atât de gustoasă!'; this.bg_strList = new Object(); this.bg_strList.scene_1_1 = 'Какво правите тук момичета?'; this.bg_strList.scene_1_2 = 'Пожелавахме си „лека нощ” една на друга...'; this.bg_strList.scene_1_3 = 'Ами? Сериозно?... '; this.bg_strList.scene_1_4 = 'Мисля, че ме лъжеш...'; this.bg_strList.scene_1_5 = 'Мисля, че се целувахте...'; this.bg_strList.scene_1_6 = 'И аз искам секс...'; this.bg_strList.scene_1_7 = 'Боже! Дори нямахме представа, че си една от нас...'; this.bg_strList.scene_1_8 = 'Лесбийка ли си?'; this.bg_strList.scene_1_9 = 'Всички тук сме лесбийки…и може да се пробваш да ни галиш, докато ние галим теб…'; this.bg_strList.scene_1_10 = 'О, толкова съм възбудена!...'; this.bg_strList.scene_1_11 = 'И аз…Искам да усетя изкуствен кур вътре в мен!'; this.bg_strList.scene_1_12 = 'Почти свърших...'; this.bg_strList.scene_1_13 = 'Харесваш ли ме, скъпа? Имам колан с изкуствен кур!...Нека да го пробваме.'; this.bg_strList.scene_1_14 = 'Лижи ме по-бързо! Оргазмът наближава...'; this.bg_strList.scene_1_15 = 'Опитвам се, сладурче!'; this.bg_strList.scene_1_16 = 'Готова ли си да се чукаме красавице?'; this.bg_strList.scene_1_17 = 'Да...'; this.bg_strList.scene_1_18 = 'Обожавам да стимулирам клитора ти и да гледам соковете на котенцето ти…ммм'; this.bg_strList.scene_1_19 = 'Вкарай ми го, моля те!!!'; this.bg_strList.scene_1_20 = 'По-силно!'; this.bg_strList.scene_1_21 = 'Искам да ти изям котенцето…толкова е вкусно!'; this.pt_strList = new Object(); this.pt_strList.scene_1_1 = 'O que fazem aqui garotas?'; this.pt_strList.scene_1_2 = 'Estavamos só a dar as boas noites...'; this.pt_strList.scene_1_3 = 'Sim? A sério?... '; this.pt_strList.scene_1_4 = 'Acho que me estão a dizer umas mentiras...'; this.pt_strList.scene_1_5 = 'Acho que se estavam a beijar...'; this.pt_strList.scene_1_6 = 'Também quero sexo...'; this.pt_strList.scene_1_7 = 'Credo! Nós nem sabiamos que tu eras uma das nossas...'; this.pt_strList.scene_1_8 = 'És lésbica?'; this.pt_strList.scene_1_9 = 'Aqui somos todas lésbicas.... e podem tentar dar-nos prazer enquanto te damos prazer a ti...'; this.pt_strList.scene_1_10 = 'Oh, estou cheia de tesão!...'; this.pt_strList.scene_1_11 = 'Eu também... Quero sentir uma pomba amarrada dentro de mim!'; this.pt_strList.scene_1_12 = 'Estou quase a vir...'; this.pt_strList.scene_1_13 = 'Gostas de mim gostosa? Tenho uma pomba amarrada!... Vamos experimentar.'; this.pt_strList.scene_1_14 = 'Come-me com mais força! Estou quase a vir-me...'; this.pt_strList.scene_1_15 = 'Estou a tentar gostosa!'; this.pt_strList.scene_1_16 = 'Estás pronta para foder gostosa?'; this.pt_strList.scene_1_17 = 'Sim....'; this.pt_strList.scene_1_18 = 'Adoro estimular o teu clitoris e ver os líquidos da tua cona...mmm'; this.pt_strList.scene_1_19 = 'Enfia-o dentro de mim, por favor!!!'; this.pt_strList.scene_1_20 = 'Com mais força!'; this.pt_strList.scene_1_21 = 'Quero comer a tua cona... é tão saborosa!'; this.sr_strList = new Object(); this.sr_strList.scene_1_1 = 'Šta radite ovde, devojke?'; this.sr_strList.scene_1_2 = 'Samo smo htele da poželimo “laku noć” jedna drugoj...'; this.sr_strList.scene_1_3 = 'Stvarno?... '; this.sr_strList.scene_1_4 = 'Ja mislim da vi mene lažete...'; this.sr_strList.scene_1_5 = 'Pretpostavljam da ste se ljubile...'; this.sr_strList.scene_1_6 = 'Ja takođe hoću da se kresnem...'; this.sr_strList.scene_1_7 = 'Brate! Nismo ni znale da si jedna od nas...'; this.sr_strList.scene_1_8 = 'Da li si ti lezbejka?'; this.sr_strList.scene_1_9 = 'Sve smo lezbejke ovde.... a ti možeš da probaš da nas voliš kako ćemo i mi voleti tebe...'; this.sr_strList.scene_1_10 = 'Oh, tako sam napaljena!...'; this.sr_strList.scene_1_11 = 'I ja... Želim da osetim strep u sebi!'; this.sr_strList.scene_1_12 = 'Skoro sam svršila...'; this.sr_strList.scene_1_13 = 'Da li ti se sviđam, draga? Imam strep!... Ajde da ga probamo.'; this.sr_strList.scene_1_14 = 'Liži me brže! Uskoro ću da svršim...'; this.sr_strList.scene_1_15 = 'Trudim se dušo!'; this.sr_strList.scene_1_16 = 'Da li spremna da se kresneš, lepotice?'; this.sr_strList.scene_1_17 = 'Da....'; this.sr_strList.scene_1_18 = 'Uživam da stimučišem tvoj klitoris i da gledam tvoje sokove...mmm'; this.sr_strList.scene_1_19 = 'Gurni mi ga molim te!!!'; this.sr_strList.scene_1_20 = 'Jače!'; this.sr_strList.scene_1_21 = 'Želim da ti poližem picu... tako je ukusna!'; this.ua_strList = new Object(); this.ua_strList.scene_1_1 = 'Що це ви робите?'; this.ua_strList.scene_1_2 = 'Просто балакаємо... Чи тобі щось не подобається?'; this.ua_strList.scene_1_3 = 'Та ви що? Дійсно?... '; this.ua_strList.scene_1_4 = 'Мені здається, ви мені брешете...'; this.ua_strList.scene_1_5 = 'Я впевнена, ви щойно цілувались...'; this.ua_strList.scene_1_6 = 'Я також хочу сексу...'; this.ua_strList.scene_1_7 = 'Господи! Ми й не подумали, що ти можеш виявитись однією з нас...'; this.ua_strList.scene_1_8 = 'Ти лесбіянка?'; this.ua_strList.scene_1_9 = 'Ми всі тут лесбіянки.... і коли вже ти зацікавилась нашим справами, ми пропонуємо тобі відвідати невеличку приватну вечірку...'; this.ua_strList.scene_1_10 = 'О, я почувають такою збудженою!...'; this.ua_strList.scene_1_11 = 'Я також... Хочу відчути твій страпон всередині себе!'; this.ua_strList.scene_1_12 = 'Я вже на грані оргазму...'; this.ua_strList.scene_1_13 = 'Я подобаюсь тобі, крихітко? Давай-но спробуємо мій новий страпон у дії!'; this.ua_strList.scene_1_14 = 'Лижи мене, швидше! Я кінчаю!!'; this.ua_strList.scene_1_15 = 'Намагаюсь, люба!'; this.ua_strList.scene_1_16 = 'Готова до сексу, красуне?'; this.ua_strList.scene_1_17 = 'Так....'; this.ua_strList.scene_1_18 = 'Мені шалено подобається стимулювати твій клітор та спостерігати за тим, як сік витікає з піхви… ммм'; this.ua_strList.scene_1_19 = 'Встроми його в мене, будь ласка!!!'; this.ua_strList.scene_1_20 = 'Дужче!'; this.ua_strList.scene_1_21 = 'Дозволь мені вилизати твою гарячу дірочку, вона виглядає такою солодкою!'; this.langList = new Object(); this.langList.en = 'Play'; = 'Играть'; = 'Spielen'; = 'Jugar'; = 'Jouer'; = 'Play'; = 'Gioca!'; = 'Zagraj'; = 'Joacă'; this.gameNameList = new Object(); this.gameNameList.en = 'College Sluts - Bondage Discipline'; = 'Лесбийско секс парти'; = 'Лесбийские игры со страпоном'; = 'Lesbische Straponfreude'; = 'Strap-on Lesbiano para Alegría'; = 'Grosse queue pour la Choupette'; = 'Leszbi strap-on örömök'; = 'Gioia Sessuale Lesbica con un Vibratore'; = 'Radość Lesbijskiego Seksu'; = 'Lésbicas Amarradas Joy'; = 'Lezbejsko vezivanje Džoj'; = 'Лесбійські Розваги'; = 'Distracţia Sexuală a Lesbienelor'; }; _global.Strings = v1; _global.Strings extends MovieClip; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(_global.Strings.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 291 __Packages.Buttons { #initclip if (!_global.Buttons) { var v1 = function (myList) { super(); this.buttonList = new Array(); var v5 = 0; while (v5 < myList.length) { this.buttonList[v5] = _root.attachMovie(myList[v5].obj, 'button_obj_' + v5, 150 + v5); this.buttonList[v5]._x = myList[v5].area[0]; this.buttonList[v5]._y = myList[v5].area[1]; this.buttonList[v5].frame = myList[v5].frame; this.buttonList[v5].url = myList[v5].url; this.buttonList[v5].gotoAndStop(1); this.buttonList[v5].onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.buttonList[v5].onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.buttonList[v5].onDragOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.buttonList[v5].onRelease = function () { if (!(this.url eq '')) { this.getURL(this.url, 'blank'); } if (this.frame != 0) { _root.gotoAndStop(this.frame); _global.myButtons.kill(); } }; ++v5; } }; _global.Buttons = v1; _global.Buttons extends MovieClip; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.kill = function () { var v3 = 0; while (v3 < this.buttonList.length) { delete this.buttonList[v3].onRollOver; delete this.buttonList[v3].onRollOut; delete this.buttonList[v3].onDragOut; delete this.buttonList[v3].onRelease; this.buttonList[v3].removeMovieClip(); ++v3; } delete this.buttonList; delete _global.myButtons; }; ASSetPropFlags(_global.Buttons.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 292 __Packages.Waiting { #initclip if (!_global.Waiting) { var v1 = function (myFramesQty, myFrame, snd) { super(); this.framesQty = myFramesQty; this.gotoFrame = myFrame; this.counter = 0; this.mySound = snd; if (!(this.mySound eq '') and !(this.mySound eq undefined)) { this.playSound(this.mySound, false); } _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _global.myWaiting.counter += 1; if (_global.myWaiting.counter >= _global.myWaiting.framesQty) { _global.myWaiting.kill(); _root.gotoAndStop(_global.myWaiting.gotoFrame); } }; }; _global.Waiting = v1; _global.Waiting extends MovieClip; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.playSound = function (soundName, loop) { _root.sound.attachSound(soundName); _root.sound.start(); }; v2.kill = function () { delete _root.onEnterFrame; }; ASSetPropFlags(_global.Waiting.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 293 __Packages.Popup { #initclip if (!_global.Popup) { var v1 = function (myList) { super(); this.popupObject = new Object(); this.popupObject = _root.attachMovie('popup_obj', 'popup_obj', 50); this.popupObject.popup_1 = new Array(7); this.popupObject.popup_1[2] =[1]; this.popupObject.popup_1[3] =[2]; this.popupObject.popup_1[6] =[0]; _root[this.popupObject.popup_1[6]]._visible = false; if (_root[this.popupObject.popup_1[6]].arrow._y > 0) { this.popupObject.popup_1[1] = _root[this.popupObject.popup_1[6]]._y + 30; this.popupObject.popup_1[0] = _root[this.popupObject.popup_1[6]]._x - this.popupObject.popup_1[2] + 75; this.popupObject.popup_1[4] = true; this.popupObject.popup_1[5] = false; } else { if (_root[this.popupObject.popup_1[6]].arrow._y < 0) { this.popupObject.popup_1[1] = _root[this.popupObject.popup_1[6]]._y - this.popupObject.popup_1[3] - 30; this.popupObject.popup_1[0] = _root[this.popupObject.popup_1[6]]._x - 33; this.popupObject.popup_1[4] = false; this.popupObject.popup_1[5] = true; } else { if (_root[this.popupObject.popup_1[6]].arrow._y == 0) { this.popupObject.popup_1[4] = false; this.popupObject.popup_1[5] = false; this.popupObject.popup_1[1] = _root[this.popupObject.popup_1[6]]._y; this.popupObject.popup_1[0] = _root[this.popupObject.popup_1[6]]._x; } } } this.popupObject._x = this.popupObject.popup_1[0]; this.popupObject._y = this.popupObject.popup_1[1]; this.popupObject.frame = myList.frame; this.popupObject.popup_1_2._width = this.popupObject.popup_1[2] - 40; this.popupObject.popup_2_2._width = this.popupObject.popup_1[2] - 40; this.popupObject.popup_3_2._width = this.popupObject.popup_1[2] - 40; this.popupObject.popup_2_1._height = this.popupObject.popup_1[3] - 40; this.popupObject.popup_2_2._height = this.popupObject.popup_1[3] - 40; this.popupObject.popup_2_3._height = this.popupObject.popup_1[3] - 40; this.popupObject.popup_1_3._x = this.popupObject.popup_1[2] - 20; this.popupObject.popup_2_3._x = this.popupObject.popup_1[2] - 0; this.popupObject.popup_3_3._x = this.popupObject.popup_1[2] - 20; this.popupObject.popup_3_1._y = this.popupObject.popup_1[3] - 20; this.popupObject.popup_3_2._y = this.popupObject.popup_1[3] - 0; this.popupObject.popup_3_3._y = this.popupObject.popup_1[3] - 20; _global.gameTexts.text_0.setText(myList.text); _global.gameTexts.text_0.setAlign('center'); _global.gameTexts.text_0.setPosition(this.popupObject.popup_1[0] + 10, this.popupObject.popup_1[1] + 15); _global.gameTexts.text_0.setWidth(this.popupObject.popup_1[2] - 20); _global.gameTexts.text_0.setVisible(true); this.popupObject.popup_arrow_up._x = this.popupObject.popup_1[2] - 90; this.popupObject.popup_arrow_down._y = this.popupObject.popup_1[3] - 0; this.popupObject.popup_button._x = this.popupObject.popup_1[2] - 50; this.popupObject.popup_button._y = this.popupObject.popup_1[3] - 15; this.popupObject.popup_arrow_up._visible = this.popupObject.popup_1[4]; this.popupObject.popup_arrow_down._visible = this.popupObject.popup_1[5]; this.popupObject.popup_button.gotoAndStop(1); this.popupObject.popup_button.onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.popupObject.popup_button.onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.popupObject.popup_button.onDragOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.popupObject.popup_button.onRelease = function () { _root.gotoAndStop(this._parent.frame); _global.myPopup.kill(); }; }; _global.Popup = v1; _global.Popup extends MovieClip; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.kill = function () { delete this.popupObject.popup_button.onRollOver; delete this.popupObject.popup_button.onRollOut; delete this.popupObject.popup_button.onDragOut; delete this.popupObject.popup_button.onRelease; _global.gameTexts.text_0.setText(''); this.popupObject.removeMovieClip(); delete this.popupObject; delete _global.myPopup; }; ASSetPropFlags(_global.Popup.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 294 __Packages.Shakehand { #initclip if (!_global.Shakehand) { var v1 = function (myList) { super(); this.datasList = myList; this.datasList.dist = 0; this.datasList.x = _root._xmouse; this.datasList.y = _root._ymouse; this.datasList.last_x = _root._xmouse; this.datasList.last_y = _root._ymouse; this.datasList.summ_x = 0; this.datasList.summ_y = 0; this.datasList.counter = 0; if (this.datasList.gameOverFrame > 0) { this.datasList.status = 500; } else { this.datasList.status = 0; } this.datasList.fr_jump = 0; this.datasList.c_frame = _root.scene._currentframe; this.datasList.m_frame = _root.scene._framesloaded; _root.scene.gotoAndStop(1); if (this.datasList.gameOverFrame > 0) { _root.counter.gotoAndStop(Math.floor(_root.counter._totalframes * 0.5)); } else { _root.counter.gotoAndStop(1); } this.popupList = new Object(); this.popupList = _root.attachMovie('popup_obj', 'popup_obj', 50); this.popupList.popup_button.gotoAndStop(1); this.popupList.popup_button._visible = false; this.popupList.popup_arrow_up._visible = false; this.popupList.popup_arrow_down._visible = false; this.popupList._x = this.datasList.popup[0]; this.popupList._y = this.datasList.popup[1]; this.popupList.popup_1_2._width = this.datasList.popup[2] - 40; this.popupList.popup_2_2._width = this.datasList.popup[2] - 40; this.popupList.popup_3_2._width = this.datasList.popup[2] - 40; this.popupList.popup_2_1._height = this.datasList.popup[3] - 40; this.popupList.popup_2_2._height = this.datasList.popup[3] - 40; this.popupList.popup_2_3._height = this.datasList.popup[3] - 40; this.popupList.popup_1_3._x = this.datasList.popup[2] - 20; this.popupList.popup_2_3._x = this.datasList.popup[2] - 0; this.popupList.popup_3_3._x = this.datasList.popup[2] - 20; this.popupList.popup_3_1._y = this.datasList.popup[3] - 20; this.popupList.popup_3_2._y = this.datasList.popup[3] - 0; this.popupList.popup_3_3._y = this.datasList.popup[3] - 20; _global.gameTexts.text_0.setText(this.datasList.popup[4]); _global.gameTexts.text_0.setAlign('center'); _global.gameTexts.text_0.setPosition(this.datasList.popup[0] + 10, this.datasList.popup[1] + 15); _global.gameTexts.text_0.setWidth(this.datasList.popup[2] - 20); _global.gameTexts.text_0.setVisible(true); trace(this.datasList.popup[0]); this.interval = setInterval(this.actionWaiting, 30, this); }; _global.Shakehand = v1; _global.Shakehand extends MovieClip; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.actionWaiting = function (obj) { var v10 = _root._xmouse; var v12 = _root._ymouse; var v13 = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(v10 - obj.datasList.x, 2) + Math.pow(v12 - obj.datasList.y, 2)); this.datasList.status -= 1; if (obj.datasList.dist <= v13) { obj.datasList.dist = v13; } else { var v15 = Math.abs(obj.datasList.x - obj.datasList.last_x) * Math.cos(obj.datasList.angle * Math.PI / 180); var v14 = Math.abs(obj.datasList.y - obj.datasList.last_y) * Math.sin(obj.datasList.angle * Math.PI / 180); var v16 = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(v15, 2) + Math.pow(v14, 2)); var v9 = v16 / obj.datasList.counter * obj.datasList.difficulty; if (v9 > 7 * obj.datasList.counter) { v9 = 7 * obj.datasList.counter; } obj.datasList.status += Math.ceil(v9); obj.datasList.counter = 0; obj.datasList.dist = 0; obj.datasList.x = v10; obj.datasList.y = v12; } trace('Status = ' + obj.datasList.status); var v5 = 100 * obj.datasList.status / 1000; if (v5 > 100) { v5 = 100; } var v7 = obj.datasList.soundList.length; if (v7 > 0) { if (v5 == 0) {; _global.myShakehand.sound_current = -1; } else { if (v5 < 100) { var v11 = Math.floor(v5 / (100 / v7)); if (_global.myShakehand.sound_current != v11 && v11 < v7) { _global.myShakehand.sound_current = v11;[_global.myShakehand.sound_current], 0, true); } } else { if (v5 >= 100) {;; } } } } obj.datasList.fr_jump = Math.ceil(obj.datasList.maxFrameJump * v5 / 100) + obj.datasList.minFrameJump; var v6 = obj.datasList.c_frame + obj.datasList.fr_jump; if (v6 > obj.datasList.m_frame) { v6 -= obj.datasList.m_frame; } obj.datasList.c_frame = v6; _root.scene.gotoAndStop(obj.datasList.c_frame); if (int(499 * obj.datasList.status / 1000) + 1 > _root.counter._currentframe) { _root.counter.nextFrame(); _root.counter.nextFrame(); } else { if (int(499 * obj.datasList.status / 1000) + 1 < _root.counter._currentframe) { _root.counter.prevFrame(); _root.counter.prevFrame(); } } obj.datasList.last_x = v10; obj.datasList.last_y = v12; ++obj.datasList.counter; if (obj.datasList.status > 0) { var v8 = obj.datasList.status * 0.005 + 1; if (v8 > 5) { v8 = 5; } obj.datasList.status -= v8; } if (obj.datasList.status < 0) { obj.datasList.status = 0; } if (obj.datasList.status == 0 && obj.datasList.gameOverFrame > 0) { this.gameOver(obj.datasList.gameOverFrame); } if (v5 >= 100) { _root.gotoAndStop(obj.datasList.frame); _global.myShakehand.kill(); } }; v2.kill = function () { clearInterval(this.interval); _global.gameTexts.text_0.setText(''); this.popupList.removeMovieClip(); delete this.popupList; delete _global.myShakehand; }; v2.gameOver = function (frame) { _root.gotoAndStop(frame); _global.myShakehand.kill(); }; v2.sound_current = -1; ASSetPropFlags(_global.Shakehand.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 295 __Packages.Dialog { #initclip if (!_global.Dialog) { var v1 = function (myList, xPos, yPos, popup_1, popup_2, myFrame) { super(); this.dailogList = new Array(); var v5 = 0; while (v5 < myList.length) { this.dailogList[v5] = _root.attachMovie('phrase_area', 'phrase_obj_' + v5, 100 + v5); this.dailogList[v5]._x = xPos; this.dailogList[v5]._y = yPos + v5 * 35; this.dailogList[v5].phrase = myList[v5].phrase; this.dailogList[v5].answer = myList[v5].answer; this.dailogList[v5].correct = myList[v5].correct; this.dailogList[v5].frame = myList[v5].frame; this.dailogList[v5].snd = myList[v5].snd; this.dailogList[v5].visited = false; this.dailogList[v5].numb = v5; this.dailogList[v5].gotoAndStop(1); _global.gameTexts['dialog_' + v5].setText(myList[v5].phrase); _global.gameTexts['dialog_' + v5].setAlign('center'); _global.gameTexts['dialog_' + v5].setPosition(xPos + 5, yPos + v5 * 35 + 7); _global.gameTexts['dialog_' + v5].setVisible(true); this.dailogList[v5].onRollOver = function () { if (this.visited eq false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } }; this.dailogList[v5].onRollOut = function () { if (this.visited eq false) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } }; this.dailogList[v5].onDragOut = function () { if (this.visited eq false) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } }; this.dailogList[v5].onRelease = function () { if (this.visited eq false) { _global.myDialog.makePopup(this.numb, 1); } }; ++v5; } this.popupObject = new Object(); this.popupObject = _root.attachMovie('popup_obj', 'popup_obj', 50, {'_visible': false}); this.popupObject.popup_1 = new Array(7); this.popupObject.popup_1[2] = popup_1[1]; this.popupObject.popup_1[3] = popup_1[2]; this.popupObject.popup_1[6] = popup_1[0]; this.popupObject.popup_2 = new Array(7); this.popupObject.popup_2[2] = popup_2[1]; this.popupObject.popup_2[3] = popup_2[2]; this.popupObject.popup_2[6] = popup_2[0]; this.popupObject.popup_button.gotoAndStop(1); _root[this.popupObject.popup_1[6]]._visible = false; if (_root[this.popupObject.popup_1[6]].arrow._y > 0) { this.popupObject.popup_1[1] = _root[this.popupObject.popup_1[6]]._y + 30; this.popupObject.popup_1[0] = _root[this.popupObject.popup_1[6]]._x - this.popupObject.popup_1[2] + 75; this.popupObject.popup_1[4] = true; this.popupObject.popup_1[5] = false; } else { if (_root[this.popupObject.popup_1[6]].arrow._y < 0) { this.popupObject.popup_1[1] = _root[this.popupObject.popup_1[6]]._y - this.popupObject.popup_1[3] - 30; this.popupObject.popup_1[0] = _root[this.popupObject.popup_1[6]]._x - 33; this.popupObject.popup_1[4] = false; this.popupObject.popup_1[5] = true; } else { if (_root[this.popupObject.popup_1[6]].arrow._y == 0) { this.popupObject.popup_1[4] = false; this.popupObject.popup_1[5] = false; this.popupObject.popup_1[1] = _root[this.popupObject.popup_1[6]]._y; this.popupObject.popup_1[0] = _root[this.popupObject.popup_1[6]]._x; } } } _root[this.popupObject.popup_2[6]]._visible = false; if (_root[this.popupObject.popup_2[6]].arrow._y > 0) { this.popupObject.popup_2[1] = _root[this.popupObject.popup_2[6]]._y + 30; this.popupObject.popup_2[0] = _root[this.popupObject.popup_2[6]]._x - this.popupObject.popup_2[2] + 75; this.popupObject.popup_2[4] = true; this.popupObject.popup_2[5] = false; } else { if (_root[this.popupObject.popup_2[6]].arrow._y < 0) { this.popupObject.popup_2[1] = _root[this.popupObject.popup_2[6]]._y - this.popupObject.popup_2[3] - 30; this.popupObject.popup_2[0] = _root[this.popupObject.popup_2[6]]._x - 33; this.popupObject.popup_2[4] = false; this.popupObject.popup_2[5] = true; } else { if (_root[this.popupObject.popup_2[6]].arrow._y == 0) { this.popupObject.popup_2[4] = false; this.popupObject.popup_2[5] = false; this.popupObject.popup_2[1] = _root[this.popupObject.popup_2[6]]._y; this.popupObject.popup_2[0] = _root[this.popupObject.popup_2[6]]._x; } } } _root.startFrame = _root._currentframe + 1; _root.finishFrame = myFrame; this.sound = new Sound(); }; _global.Dialog = v1; _global.Dialog extends MovieClip; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.makePopup = function (choiceNumb, popupNumb) { this.hideDialog(); this.popupObject._visible = true; this.popupObject._x = this.popupObject['popup_' + popupNumb][0]; this.popupObject._y = this.popupObject['popup_' + popupNumb][1]; this.popupObject.popup_1_2._width = this.popupObject['popup_' + popupNumb][2] - 40; this.popupObject.popup_2_2._width = this.popupObject['popup_' + popupNumb][2] - 40; this.popupObject.popup_3_2._width = this.popupObject['popup_' + popupNumb][2] - 40; this.popupObject.popup_2_1._height = this.popupObject['popup_' + popupNumb][3] - 40; this.popupObject.popup_2_2._height = this.popupObject['popup_' + popupNumb][3] - 40; this.popupObject.popup_2_3._height = this.popupObject['popup_' + popupNumb][3] - 40; this.popupObject.popup_1_3._x = this.popupObject['popup_' + popupNumb][2] - 20; this.popupObject.popup_2_3._x = this.popupObject['popup_' + popupNumb][2] - 0; this.popupObject.popup_3_3._x = this.popupObject['popup_' + popupNumb][2] - 20; this.popupObject.popup_3_1._y = this.popupObject['popup_' + popupNumb][3] - 20; this.popupObject.popup_3_2._y = this.popupObject['popup_' + popupNumb][3] - 0; this.popupObject.popup_3_3._y = this.popupObject['popup_' + popupNumb][3] - 20; if (popupNumb == 1) { _global.gameTexts.text_0.setText(this.dailogList[choiceNumb].phrase); } else { _global.gameTexts.text_0.setText(this.dailogList[choiceNumb].answer); this.playSound(_global.myDialog.dailogList[choiceNumb].snd, false); } _global.gameTexts.text_0.setAlign('center'); _global.gameTexts.text_0.setPosition(this.popupObject['popup_' + popupNumb][0] + 10, this.popupObject['popup_' + popupNumb][1] + 15); _global.gameTexts.text_0.setWidth(this.popupObject['popup_' + popupNumb][2] - 20); _global.gameTexts.text_0.setVisible(true); this.popupObject.popup_arrow_up._x = this.popupObject['popup_' + popupNumb][2] - 90; this.popupObject.popup_arrow_down._y = this.popupObject['popup_' + popupNumb][3] - 0; this.popupObject.popup_button._x = this.popupObject['popup_' + popupNumb][2] - 50; this.popupObject.popup_button._y = this.popupObject['popup_' + popupNumb][3] - 15; this.popupObject.popup_arrow_up._visible = this.popupObject['popup_' + popupNumb][4]; this.popupObject.popup_arrow_down._visible = this.popupObject['popup_' + popupNumb][5]; this.popupObject.popup_button.gotoAndStop(1); this.popupObject.popup_button.onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.popupObject.popup_button.onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.popupObject.popup_button.onDragOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.popupObject.popup_button.onRelease = function () { _global.myDialog.kullPopup(popupNumb); if (popupNumb == 1) { _root.gotoAndStop(_global.myDialog.dailogList[choiceNumb].frame); _global.myDialog.makePopup(choiceNumb, 2); } else { if (_global.myDialog.dailogList[choiceNumb].correct eq false) { _global.myDialog.dailogList[choiceNumb].visited = true; _global.myDialog.dailogList[choiceNumb].gotoAndStop(3); _root.gotoAndStop(_root.startFrame); _global.myDialog.showDialog(); } else { _root.gotoAndStop(_root.finishFrame); _global.myDialog.kill(); } } }; }; v2.showDialog = function () { var v3 = 0; while (v3 < this.dailogList.length) { this.dailogList[v3]._visible = true; _global.gameTexts['dialog_' + v3].setVisible(true); ++v3; } }; v2.hideDialog = function () { var v3 = 0; while (v3 < this.dailogList.length) { this.dailogList[v3]._visible = false; _global.gameTexts['dialog_' + v3].setVisible(false); ++v3; } }; v2.kullPopup = function (popupNumb) { delete this.popupObject.popup_button.onRollOver; delete this.popupObject.popup_button.onRollOut; delete this.popupObject.popup_button.onDragOut; delete this.popupObject.popup_button.onRelease; this.popupObject._visible = false; _global.gameTexts.text_0.setVisible(false); }; v2.kill = function () { this.popupObject.removeMovieClip(); delete this.popupObject; var v3 = 0; while (v3 < this.dailogList.length) { delete this.dailogList[v3].onRollOver; delete this.dailogList[v3].onRollOut; delete this.dailogList[v3].onDragOut; delete this.dailogList[v3].onRelease; this.dailogList[v3].removeMovieClip(); ++v3; } delete this.dailogList; delete _global.myDialog; }; v2.playSound = function (soundName, loop) { _root.sound.attachSound(soundName); if (loop) { _root.sound.start(0, 100000); } else { _root.sound.start(); } }; ASSetPropFlags(_global.Dialog.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 14 { _global.LanguageGame = 'en'; _global.OnlineGame = 'online'; _global.gameTexts = new Object(); _global.gameTexts.dialog_0 = new Texts('dialog_0', 'gialog', 10, 10, 0, 'left', 0, 1000, ''); _global.gameTexts.dialog_1 = new Texts('dialog_1', 'gialog', 10, 45, 0, 'left', 0, 1001, ''); _global.gameTexts.dialog_2 = new Texts('dialog_2', 'gialog', 10, 80, 0, 'left', 0, 1002, ''); _global.gameTexts.dialog_3 = new Texts('dialog_3', 'gialog', 10, 80, 0, 'left', 0, 1003, ''); _global.gameTexts.dialog_4 = new Texts('dialog_4', 'gialog', 10, 80, 0, 'left', 0, 1004, ''); _global.gameTexts.text_0 = new Texts('text_0', 'gialog', 10, 80, 0, 'left', 0, 1010, ''); _global.gameTexts.text_1 = new Texts('text_1', 'gialog', 10, 80, 0, 'left', 0, 1011, ''); _global.strings = new Strings(); _global.str = _global.strings[_global.LanguageGame + '_strList']; _global.str2 = _global.strings.langList; _global.gameName = _global.strings.gameNameList; _global.haveOfficeSex = false; _global.haveRoom_1Sex = false; _global.haveRoom_2Sex = false; _root.btn_logo.onRelease = function () { getURL('' + _global.LanguageGame + '-College-Sluts-Bondage-Discipline-' + _global.OnlineGame, 'blank'); }; _root.sound = new Sound(_root.sound_switch); _root.sound1 = new Sound(_root.music_switch); _root.sound1.attachSound('music'); _root.sound1.start(0, 100000); = new SoundManager(); _root.music_vol = 70; _root.sound1.setVolume(_root.music_vol); _root.music_switch.gotoAndStop(1); _root.music_switch.onRelease = function () { if (_root.music_vol == 70) { _root.music_switch.gotoAndStop(2); _root.music_vol = 0; } else { _root.music_switch.gotoAndStop(1); _root.music_vol = 70; } _root.sound1.setVolume(_root.music_vol); }; _root.sound_vol = 70; _root.sound_switch.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sound_switch.onRelease = function () { if (_root.sound_vol == 70) { _root.sound_switch.gotoAndStop(2); _root.sound_vol = 0; } else { _root.sound_switch.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sound_vol = 70; } _root.sound.setVolume(_root.sound_vol); }; Stage.scaleMode = 'showAll'; _root.myButton_lol.onRelease = function () { Stage.displayState = (Stage.displayState == 'normal') ? 'fullScreen' : 'normal'; }; } movieClip 225 { } movieClip 229 { } movieClip 231 { } frame 15 { _root.game_name.text = _global.gameName[_global.LanguageGame]; _global.buttonList = new Array({'area': [350, 210], 'obj': 'button_play', 'frame': 20, 'url': '', 'btnPlay': _global.LanguageGame}); _global.myButtons = new Buttons(_global.buttonList); stop(); } movieClip 238 { frame 208 { stop(); } } movieClip 240 { } frame 20 { _global.myWaiting = new Waiting(352, _currentframe + 1); stop(); } movieClip 243 { frame 442 { stop(); } } movieClip 246 { frame 30 { stop(); } } frame 21 { _global.myPopup = new Popup({'cloud': ['mess_cloud', 250, 70], 'frame': _currentframe + 1, 'text': _global.str.scene_1_1}); stop(); } movieClip 248 { } movieClip 249 { } frame 22 { _global.myWaiting = new Waiting(25, _currentframe + 1); stop(); } movieClip 251 { frame 100 { gotoAndPlay(25); } } frame 23 { _global.myPopup = new Popup({'cloud': ['mess_cloud', 250, 70], 'frame': _currentframe + 1, 'text': _global.str.scene_1_2}); stop(); } frame 24 { _global.myPopup = new Popup({'cloud': ['mess_cloud', 250, 70], 'frame': _currentframe + 1, 'text': _global.str.scene_1_3}); stop(); } frame 25 { _global.myWaiting = new Waiting(96, _currentframe + 1); stop(); } movieClip 253 { frame 96 { stop(); } } frame 26 { _global.soundList = new Array('solo'); _global.myShakehand = new Shakehand({'angle': 90, 'difficulty': 1, 'minFrameJump': 0, 'maxFrameJump': 3, 'soundList': _global.soundList, 'gameOverFrame': 0, 'frame': _currentframe + 2, 'popup': [100, 400, 200, 60, 'Shake your mouse up\'n\'down to make it faster']}); stop(); } movieClip 255 { } frame 28 { _global.myWaiting = new Waiting(5, _currentframe + 1); stop(); } movieClip 257 { frame 71 { stop(); } } frame 29 { _global.myPopup = new Popup({'cloud': ['mess_cloud', 250, 70], 'frame': _currentframe + 1, 'text': _global.str.scene_1_4}); stop(); } movieClip 259 { } frame 30 { _global.myWaiting = new Waiting(17, _currentframe + 1); stop(); } movieClip 261 { frame 94 { gotoAndPlay(17); } } frame 31 { _global.myPopup = new Popup({'cloud': ['mess_cloud', 250, 70], 'frame': _currentframe + 1, 'text': _global.str.scene_1_5}); stop(); } frame 32 { _global.soundList = new Array('solo'); _global.myShakehand = new Shakehand({'angle': 180, 'difficulty': 1, 'minFrameJump': 0, 'maxFrameJump': 3, 'soundList': _global.soundList, 'gameOverFrame': 0, 'frame': _currentframe + 2, 'popup': [100, 400, 200, 60, 'Shake your mouse left\'n\'right to make it faster']}); stop(); } movieClip 263 { } frame 34 { _global.myWaiting = new Waiting(4, _currentframe + 1); stop(); } movieClip 265 { } frame 35 { _global.myPopup = new Popup({'cloud': ['mess_cloud', 250, 70], 'frame': _currentframe + 1, 'text': _global.str.scene_1_6}); stop(); } frame 36 { _global.myPopup = new Popup({'cloud': ['mess_cloud', 250, 70], 'frame': _currentframe + 1, 'text': _global.str.scene_1_7}); stop(); } frame 37 { _global.soundList = new Array('solo'); _global.myShakehand = new Shakehand({'angle': 90, 'difficulty': 1, 'minFrameJump': 0, 'maxFrameJump': 3, 'soundList': _global.soundList, 'gameOverFrame': 0, 'frame': _currentframe + 2, 'popup': [100, 400, 200, 60, 'Shake your mouse up\'n\'down to make it faster']}); stop(); } movieClip 267 { } frame 39 { _global.dialogList = new Array({'phrase': _global.str.scene_1_8, 'answer': _global.str.scene_1_9, 'correct': false, 'frame': _currentframe + 2, 'snd': 'laugh_3'}, {'phrase': _global.str.scene_1_10, 'answer': _global.str.scene_1_11, 'correct': false, 'frame': _currentframe + 2, 'snd': 'laugh_2'}, {'phrase': _global.str.scene_1_12, 'answer': _global.str.scene_1_13, 'correct': true, 'frame': _currentframe + 2, 'snd': 'laugh_1'}); _global.myDialog = new Dialog(_global.dialogList, 35, 365, ['quest_cloud', 250, 75], ['ans_cloud', 250, 70], _currentframe + 3); stop(); } movieClip 269 { } movieClip 271 { } frame 42 { _global.myWaiting = new Waiting(19, _currentframe + 1); stop(); } movieClip 273 { frame 19 { stop(); } } frame 43 { _global.soundList = new Array('solo'); _global.myShakehand = new Shakehand({'angle': 90, 'difficulty': 1, 'minFrameJump': 0, 'maxFrameJump': 3, 'soundList': _global.soundList, 'gameOverFrame': 0, 'frame': _currentframe + 2, 'popup': [100, 400, 200, 60, 'Shake your mouse up\'n\'down to make it faster']}); stop(); } movieClip 275 { } frame 45 { _global.myPopup = new Popup({'cloud': ['mess_cloud', 250, 70], 'frame': _currentframe + 1, 'text': _global.str.scene_1_14}); stop(); } movieClip 277 { frame 71 { stop(); } } frame 46 { _global.myWaiting = new Waiting(466, _currentframe + 1); stop(); } movieClip 279 { frame 466 { stop(); } } frame 47 { _global.myWaiting = new Waiting(100, 165); stop(); } movieClip 282 { } movieClip 284 { frame 30 { stop(); } } frame 165 { game_name.text = _global.gameName[_global.LanguageGame]; _global.buttonList = new Array({'area': [-10, 302], 'obj': 'btn_again', 'frame': 20, 'url': ''}, {'area': [250, 302], 'obj': 'btn_more', 'frame': 0, 'url': '' + _global.LanguageGame + '-College-Sluts-Bondage-Discipline-' + _global.OnlineGame}); _global.myButtons = new Buttons(_global.buttonList); stop(); } movieClip 286 { }
Created: 23/2 -2019 20:44:45 Last modified: 23/2 -2019 20:44:45 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:07:40