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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Ragnarok Eternal rpg - dungeon crawl fighting rpg online game.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #129441

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

Save First.

Approach the crystal and press UP

<p align="center"></p>

Swap weapon Quickkey




You can modify them later

Movement Keys


You are already dead

<p align="left"></p>

<p align="center"><font face="微軟正黑體" size="11" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0"><b>GET</b></font></p>


<p align="left"></p>



<p align="left"></p>



Jinn the Botter

Assassin Cross

Super Novice

Jinn the Botter



~ Sister_Princess~


<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="13" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">Teleport</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="13" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">Share Inventory</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="13" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">Return</font></p>





Rogue Adventurer

Silent Gunslinger


Save Crystal


Modify Controls

Credits and Citations


Gravity Co. owns all related non-custom sprites
Konami owns all Castlevania tilesets
Capcom owns some special effects sprites



01 - Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya OST
- Hidden God


02 - Ragnarok Online OST
- Monastery in Disguise

03 - Castlevania - Harmony of Despair
- After Confession

04 - YS: Oath in Felghana OST
- Valestein Castle

05 - Mana Khemia 2
- Roar of Delirium







<p align="left"><font face="新細明體" size="11" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b></b></font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="新細明體" size="11" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b></b></font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="新細明體" size="11" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b></b></font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="新細明體" size="11" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b></b></font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="新細明體" size="11" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>攻擊</b></font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="新細明體" size="11" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>跳躍</b></font></p>


<p align="left"><font face="新細明體" size="11" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>武器</b></font></p>


Default Key is LEFT


Default Key is RIGHT

Default Key is UP

Default key is DOWN

Default Key is S

Default Key is A

SWAP Weapon
Default Key is E

Old Man

<p align="left"></p>



<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="12" color="#000000" letterSpacing="1.000000" kerning="1">A: My parents enforced strict discipline</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="12" color="#000000" letterSpacing="1.000000" kerning="1">B: I grew up in sunshines and rainbows</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="12" color="#000000" letterSpacing="1.000000" kerning="1">C: My childhood was a shithole full of jerks</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="12" color="#000000" letterSpacing="1.000000" kerning="1">D: Incredibly boring and ordinary</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="12" color="#000000" letterSpacing="1.000000" kerning="1">A: Defensive, nobody takes advantage of me</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="12" color="#000000" letterSpacing="1.000000" kerning="1">B: Usually the leader, if no one else wants to</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="12" color="#000000" letterSpacing="1.000000" kerning="1">C: Supportive, and usually behind the spotlight</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="12" color="#000000" letterSpacing="1.000000" kerning="1">D: Some tool that ends up with all the work</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="12" color="#000000" letterSpacing="1.000000" kerning="1">A: We share similar interests</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="12" color="#000000" letterSpacing="1.000000" kerning="1">B: My friends and I are usually very different</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="12" color="#000000" letterSpacing="1.000000" kerning="1">C: Most of my &apos;friends&apos; aren&apos;t very close at all</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="12" color="#000000" letterSpacing="1.000000" kerning="1">D: lol friends are for losers</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="12" color="#000000" letterSpacing="1.000000" kerning="1">A: Did some stupid stuff; but no regrets</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="12" color="#000000" letterSpacing="1.000000" kerning="1">B: A lot better off than the others of my age</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="12" color="#000000" letterSpacing="1.000000" kerning="1">C: Wish I could go back in time</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="12" color="#000000" letterSpacing="1.000000" kerning="1">D: The past is the past; I&apos;m not interested</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="12" color="#000000" letterSpacing="1.000000" kerning="1">A: Effort</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="12" color="#000000" letterSpacing="1.000000" kerning="1">B: Honesty</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="12" color="#000000" letterSpacing="1.000000" kerning="1">C: Intelligence</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="12" color="#000000" letterSpacing="1.000000" kerning="1">D: Bean Burrito with sour cream</font></p>

Received         'Lab Report'

Received 'Adventurer's Note'


Game Over
(You spend the rest of your adventuring life as a bondage
slave, nice going there hero)

Zealotus SM
Mistress of Orifice Violation

Lady of Pain

Majorous S
Mystical Beast of the Labyrinth

Hybrid Beastman







Cloaking   !!!

Auto Counter  !!!

Back Sliding   !!!

Thunder Storm !!!



mETor Assalt!  !!!

C104k1NG   !!!

Fire Wall  !!!

Ice Bolt  !!!

Hide  !!!

Double Strafing   !!!


<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="12" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">角色名稱</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="12" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">廢柴大叔</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="12" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">11</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="12" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">11</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="12" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">999999999</font></p>



Delete your character?!



<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="12" color="#000000" letterSpacing="2.000000" kerning="0"><b>KENSHU</b></font></p>

<p align="right"><font face="Arial" size="13" color="#000000" letterSpacing="2.000000" kerning="0"><b>HP/MAXHP</b></font></p>

<p align="right"><font face="Arial" size="14" color="#000000" letterSpacing="3.000000" kerning="0"><b>HP</b></font></p>

<p align="right"><font face="微軟正黑體" size="14" color="#000000" letterSpacing="3.000000" kerning="0"><b>EXP</b></font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="11" color="#000000" letterSpacing="1.000000" kerning="0"><b>Lv 1</b></font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="11" color="#000000" letterSpacing="1.000000" kerning="0"><b>ATK:</b></font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="11" color="#000000" letterSpacing="1.000000" kerning="0"><b>DEF:</b></font></p>

<p align="right"><font face="Arial" size="10" color="#000000" letterSpacing="1.000000" kerning="0"><b>Exp / MaxExp</b></font></p>





new !!

Click !!








<p align="right"><font face="Arial" size="14" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0"><b>STR:</b></font></p>



<p align="left"><font face="Microsoft JhengHei" size="12" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0">配點</font></p>

<p align="right"><font face="Arial" size="14" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0"><b>DEX:</b></font></p>

<p align="right"><font face="Arial" size="14" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0"><b>AGI:</b></font></p>

<p align="right"><font face="Arial" size="14" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0"><b>VIT:</b></font></p>

<p align="right"><font face="Arial" size="14" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0"><b>INT:</b></font></p>

等級: 1
HP : 1234
攻擊力: 1234

INT1: Porings are cute
INT3: Porings are precipitated plant starch enchanted into life, they behave like starch codes, assisting any nearby objects by merging themselves with it.




Beastiary and Notes










<p align="left"></p>

Hey there! Got a moment?

<p align="center"><font face="Arial" size="15" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>Press UP to interact</b></font></p>

Hey! Don't ignore me!

AFK              (1/20)


ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
_global.bgm = 0; _global.key_left = 37; _global.key_right = 39; _global.key_up = 38; _global.key_down = 40; _global.key_a = 65; _global.key_s = 83; _global.key_d = 69; _global.movespeed_x = 4; _global.hero_hp = (_global.hero_maxHp = 100); _global.hero_maxSp = 300; _global.hero_sp = 0; _global.hero_spgain = 25; _global.jumpHeight = 13; _global.gravSpeed = 0.6; _global.slipspeed = 0.25; _global.headgear = "head01"; _global.weapon = "weapon01"; _global.armor = "armor01"; _global.hero_name = ""; _global.hero_level = 1; _global.stat_atk = 100; _global.stat_def = 100; _global.hero_str = 1; _global.hero_dex = 1; _global.hero_agi = 1; _global.hero_vit = 1; _global.hero_int = 1; _global.statpoints = 0; _global.skillpoints = 0; _global.hero_exp = 0; _global.hero_maxExp = 1000; _global.hero_droprate = 10; _global.hero_maxHp = (2073 + (700 * _global.hero_level)) * (1 + (_global.hero_vit * 0.33)); _global.hero_maxHp = _global.hero_maxHp - (_global.hero_maxHp % 1); _global.hero_hp = _global.hero_maxHp; _global.evasion = 0; _quality = "low"; var NoMenu = new ContextMenu(); NoMenu.hideBuiltInItems(); = NoMenu; _global.count = 0; _global.count_fx = 201101 /* 0x03118D */; _global.wpcount = 0; _global.a_register = false; _global.a_press = false; _global.s_register = false; _global.s_press = false; _global.d_register = false; _global.d_press = false; _global.pausing = false; _global.zooming_in = false; _global.pausemode = false; _global.testmode = false; i = 1; while (i <= 6) { _global["item_weapon0" + i] = true; _global["item_armor0" + i] = true; _global["item_head0" + i] = true; i++; } i = 2; while (i <= 6) { _global["item_weapon0" + i] = false; _global["item_armor0" + i] = false; _global["item_head0" + i] = false; i++; } i = 1; while (i <= 9) { _global["skill0" + i] = false; i++; } i = 0; while (i <= 9) { _global["skill1" + i] = false; i++; } _global.skill01 = true; _global.monsterbio = -1; i = 0; while (i <= 50) { _global["monster" + i] = false; i++; } i = 1; while (i < 10) { _global["item_inv0" + i] = false; i++; } i = 10; while (i < 99) { _global["item_inv" + i] = false; i++; } _global.purge = false; _global.currentmap = ""; _global.checkpoint = ""; _global.shade_counter = 0; function chance(percent) { chance_temp1 = random(100); if (Math.abs(chance_temp1 - lastchance) < 50) { chance_temp1 = random(100); } lastchance = chance_temp1; if (percent > chance_temp1) { return(true); } return(false); } function spawn_monster(monster_id, xCor, yCor) { attachMovie(monster_id, ["enemy" + _global.count], _global.count); _root["enemy" + _global.count]._x = xCor; _root["enemy" + _global.count]._y = yCor; if (spawnswitch == true) { _root["enemy" + _global.count].gotoAndPlay("spawn"); } _global.count++; } function hitsound() { if (_global.weapon == "weapon01") { _root.s22.start(); } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon02") { _root.s18.start(); } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon03") { _root.s24.start(); } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon04") { _root.s17.start(); } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon05") { _root.s19.start(); _root.s24.start(); } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon06") { _root.s21.start(); } if (_global.atkforce >= 6) { _root.s26.start(); } } function dropitem(lvl) { chance_temp2 = random(100); addition = 0; if (chance_temp2 < 25) { return(drop_name); } } function savegame() { i = 1; while (i <= 6) {["item_weapon0" + i] = _global["item_weapon0" + i];["item_armor0" + i] = _global["item_armor0" + i];["item_head0" + i] = _global["item_head0" + i]; i++; } i = 1; while (i <= 9) {["skill0" + i] = _global["skill0" + i]; i++; } i = 0; while (i <= 9) {["skill1" + i] = _global["skill1" + i]; i++; } i = 0; while (i <= 50) {["monster" + i] = _global["monster" + i]; i++; } i = 1; while (i < 10) {["item_inv0" + i] = _global["item_inv0" + i]; i++; } i = 10; while (i < 99) {["item_inv" + i] = _global["item_inv" + i]; i++; } = _global.headgear; = _global.weapon; = _global.armor; = _global.hero_name; = _global.hero_level; = _global.hero_str; = _global.hero_dex; = _global.hero_agi; = _global.hero_vit; = _global.hero_int; = _global.statpoints; = _global.skillpoints; = _global.hero_exp; = _global.savepoint; = _global.savepoint_area; = _global.key_left; = _global.key_right; = _global.key_up; = _global.key_down; = _global.key_a; = _global.key_s; = _global.key_d; savefile.flush(); } function loadgame() { var _local2 = SharedObject.getLocal("kenshu_eternal"); i = 1; while (i <= 6) { _global["item_weapon0" + i] =["item_weapon0" + i]; _global["item_armor0" + i] =["item_armor0" + i]; _global["item_head0" + i] =["item_head0" + i]; i++; } i = 1; while (i <= 9) { _global["skill0" + i] =["skill0" + i]; i++; } i = 0; while (i <= 9) { _global["skill1" + i] =["skill1" + i]; i++; } i = 0; while (i <= 50) { _global["monster" + i] =["monster" + i]; i++; } i = 1; while (i < 10) { _global["item_inv0" + i] =["item_inv0" + i]; i++; } i = 10; while (i < 99) { _global["item_inv" + i] =["item_inv" + i]; i++; } _global.headgear =; _global.weapon =; _global.armor =; _global.hero_name =; _global.hero_level =; _global.hero_str =; _global.hero_dex =; _global.hero_agi =; _global.hero_vit =; _global.hero_int =; _global.statpoints =; _global.skillpoints =; _global.hero_exp =; _global.hero_maxHp = (2073 + (700 * _global.hero_level)) * (1 + (_global.hero_vit * 0.33)); _global.hero_maxHp = _global.hero_maxHp - (_global.hero_maxHp % 1); _global.hero_hp = _global.hero_maxHp; _global.key_left =; _global.key_right =; _global.key_up =; _global.key_down =; _global.key_a =; _global.key_s =; _global.key_d =; _global.savepoint =; _global.savepoint_area =; } function respawn() { _global.hero_maxHp = (2073 + (700 * _global.hero_level)) * (1 + (_global.hero_vit * 0.33)); _global.hero_maxHp = _global.hero_maxHp - (_global.hero_maxHp % 1); _global.hero_hp = _global.hero_maxHp; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _global.purge = true; _global.checkpoint = _global.savepoint; } lastchance = 0; function bio_stats(bio) { if (bio == 0) { stat_desc = "Poring\nLevel: ?\nProperty: Water\nHP: ????\nATK: 0\nBase EXP: 0"; } else if (bio == 1) { stat_desc = "Zombie\nLevel: 1\nProperty: Undead\nHP: 50\nATK: 400\nBase EXP:100"; } else if (bio == 2) { stat_desc = "Skeleton\nLevel: 1\nProperty: Undead\nHP: 500\nATK: 450\nBase EXP: 100"; } else if (bio == 3) { stat_desc = "Mummy\nLeve: 3\nProperty: Undead\nHP: 4200\nATK: 750\nBase EXP: 300"; } else if (bio == 4) { stat_desc = "Injustice\nLevel: 5\nProperty: Shadow\nHP: 3800\nATK: 850\nBase EXP: 400"; } else if (bio == 5) { stat_desc = "Blazer\nLevel: 4\nProperty: Fire\nHP: 1200\nATK: 650\nBase EXP: 250"; } else if (bio == 6) { stat_desc = "Golem\nLevel: 6\nProperty: Neutral\nHP: 7500\nATK: 1200\nBase EXP: 500"; } else if (bio == 7) { stat_desc = "Majorous\nLevel: 6\nProperty: Fire\nHP: 14000\nATK: 1100\n"; } else if (bio == 8) { stat_desc = "Marionette\nLevel: 6\nProperty: Ghost\nHP: 2400\nATK: 1200\nBase EXP: 500"; } else if (bio == 9) { stat_desc = "Owl Duke\nLevel: 7\nProperty: Neutral\nHP: 500\\TK: 1800\nBase EXP: 1000"; } else if (bio == 10) { stat_desc = "Wanderer\nLevel: 8\nProperty: Windn\nHP: 20000\nATK: 1300\nBase EXP: 5000"; } else if (bio == 11) { stat_desc = "Gremlin\nLevel: 7\nProperty: Shadow\nHP: 3800\nATK: 1100\nBase EXP: 513"; } else if (bio == 12) { stat_desc = "Zealotus\nLevel: 8\nProperty: Neutral\nHP: 15800\nATK: 1100\n"; } else if (bio == 35) { stat_desc = "Old Man\nLevel: ??\nProperty: Neutral\n"; } else if (bio == 36) { stat_desc = "Crusader\nLevel: 12\nProperty: Holy\n"; } else if (bio == 37) { stat_desc = "Silent Gunslinger\nLevel: ??\nProperty: ???\nHP: ?????\nATK: ????"; } else if (bio == 38) { stat_desc = "Rogue Adventurer\nLevel: 11\nProperty: Poison\n"; } else if (bio == 39) { stat_desc = "Archbishop Victoria\nLevel: 30\nProperty: Holy\n"; } else if (bio == 40) { stat_desc = "Jinn the Botter\nLevel 8\nProperty: Ghost\nHP: 7800\nATK: 1350"; } else if (bio == 41) { stat_desc = "can't read his name\nLevel: 8\nProperty: Neutral\nHP: 10700\nATK: 1550"; } else if (bio == 42) { stat_desc = "~Sister_Princess~\nLevel: 8\nProperty: Neutral\nHP: 7788\nATK: 1000~1600"; } else { stat_desc = "use the two buttons to navigate"; } return(stat_desc); } function bio_flavor(bio) { if (bio == 0) { desc = "Adorable mascot of Ragnarok Online, its jelly body is often glued with garbage dumped by other adventurers.\n\n"; desc3 = "Porings are monster-sized plant starch that aids metabolism and synthesis, it has somehow left its host and developed a conscience of its own.\nSome theories state that Porings are actually secreted by the world to purify the land.\n"; desc2 = "\nvs Neutral: 100%\nvs Fire: 50%\nvs Ghost: 100%\nvs Holy: 100%\nvs Shadow: 150%"; } else if (bio == 1) { desc = "An animated body that attacks anyone who comes near\u3002\n\n"; desc3 = "Zombies are simple animated undead that follows a simple set of orders and will carry on until destroyed. They are favored by necormancers due to the ease of use.\n"; desc2 = "\nvs Neutral: 100%\nvs Fire: 150%\nvs Ghost: 125%\nvs Holy: 200%\nvs Shadow: 25%"; } else if (bio == 2) { desc = "An animated skeleton with ranged attacks.\n\n"; desc3 = "Unlike zombies, skeletons have no muscles and move purely based on magical energy. Their projectiles can be destroyed.\n"; desc2 = "\nvs Neutral: 100%\nvs Fire: 125%\nvs Ghost: 125%\nvs Holy: 200%\nvs Shadow: 25%"; } else if (bio == 3) { desc = "A resilient guardian of the ruins.\n\n"; desc3 = "Mummies are extremely durable due to the perfect condition of their preserved body, it is impossible to make it flinch without fire, holy water, or massive strength.\n"; desc2 = "\nvs Neutral: 100%\nvs Fire: 200%\nvs Ghost: 125%\nvs Holy: 250%\nvs Shadow: 25%"; } else if (bio == 4) { desc = "A demon worshipper stripped of all its humanity\n\n"; desc3 = "All characters depicted in this game are Japanese, which is why their groins are always censored and blurry.\n"; desc2 = "\nvs Neutral: 100%\nvs Fire: 90%\nvs Ghost: 90%\nvs Holy: 125%\nvs Shadow: 100%"; } else if (bio == 5) { desc = "A fiery spirit set to burn everything in its sight.\n\n"; desc3 = "Blazers are summoned with demonic rituals, and will obey their master's command until their contract is descecrated. They are conscious beings and will avoid your attacks.\n"; desc2 = "\nvs Neutral: 100%\nvs Fire: 25%\nvs Ghost: 100%\nvs Holy: 75%\nvs Shadow: 150%"; } else if (bio == 6) { desc = "A massive construct with awesome power.\n\n"; desc3 = "Golems are robotic beings made of inanimate objects. They follow simple commands precisely and will not cease until death.\n"; desc2 = "\nvs Neutral: 100%\nvs Fire: 100%\nvs Ghost: 25%\nvs Holy: 100%\nvs Shadow: 100%"; } else if (bio == 7) { desc = "A hot-blooded minotaur with a fiery spirit.\n\n"; desc3 = "Although Majorous is a massive brute, his tactics are very simple:\n Jump every 3 attacks, and variate between shockwaves and rock throwing."; desc2 = "\nvs Neutral: 100%\nvs Fire: 25%\nvs Ghost: 25%\nvs Holy: 75%\nvs Shadow: 125%"; } else if (bio == 8) { desc = "A ghostly appariton in the shape of a toy puppet.\n\n"; desc3 = "Marionettes are puppets possessed by Whispers (ghosts), they have no physical form and can only be harmed by elemental or spiritual attacks.\n You spy white panties.\n"; desc2 = "\nvs Neutral: 25%\nvs Fire: 150%\nvs Ghost: 200%\nvs Holy: 100%\nvs Shadow: 100%"; } else if (bio == 9) { desc = "A gentleman in hat and monocles, channels magic from the sky.\n\n"; desc3 = "These demons are extremely sturdy and will only flinch against powerful blows. You can disrupt his casting with a charged bash or a rising blade.\n"; desc2 = "\nvs Neutral: 100%\nvs Fire: 100%\nvs Ghost: 25%\nvs Holy: 100%\nvs Shadow: 100%"; } else if (bio == 10) { desc = "A skeleton wanderer mastered in the way of the blade, he challenges worthy adventurers at random.\n\n"; desc3 = "Although he is undead, he has retained his fighting spirit of his past life. Only overwhelming power and skill can put him back to rest.\n"; desc2 = "\nvs Neutral: 100%\nvs Fire: 100%\nvs Ghost: 100%\nvs Holy: 100%\nvs Shadow: 100%"; } else if (bio == 11) { desc = "Adorable little puppies that are out there to deliver hugs and kisses.\n\n"; desc3 = "Some believes Gremlins are failed summoning rituals, they rely primarily on beastial instinct, and is impossible to control. Summoners tend to dump them in places that no one goes to.\n"; desc2 = "\nvs Neutral: 100%\nvs Fire: 100%\nvs Ghost: 100%\nvs Holy: 150%\nvs Shadow: 75%"; } else if (bio == 12) { desc = "A mistress whose aim is pleasure and pain. Enjoys dominating human males.\n\n"; desc3 = "Zealotus is a half breed, she despises humans due to her difficult upbringing.\n Experts believe she is a type 3 tsundere.\\"; desc2 = "\nvs Neutral: 100%\nvs Fire: 100%\nvs Ghost: 25%\nvs Holy: 100%\nvs Shadow: 100%"; } else if (bio == 35) { desc = "The old man of the ruins, he does surveys.\n\n"; desc3 = "He will react toward specific names, and may grant you a bonus.\n\n"; desc2 = "The questions determine your attributes and abilities, you can refuse the test to fill out your own stats.\n"; } else if (bio == 36) { desc = "An experienced adventuer who seems pleasant and talkative.\n\n"; desc3 = "Crusaders are military commanders from the noble, upper class. You find it odd that he travels alone, instead of with a squad.\n\n"; desc2 = "He specializes in battling undead and demons with offensive Holy magic.\n"; } else if (bio == 37) { desc = "A silent gunslinger designed for social outcasts, despite his effort to look cool, his headgear is adorable.\n\n"; desc3 = "You may be mistaken, but you scent something unnatural within him.\n\n"; desc2 = "Gunslingers are adventurers of Einbroch - city of steel. They carry advanced techonology, and usually controversial political views.\n"; } else if (bio == 38) { desc = "A rogue who seems to have grasped the area quite well.\n\n"; desc3 = "Rogues are advanced from Thieves, usually those who refuses to become assassins choose to be Rogues. They prefer freedom over discipline.\n\n"; desc2 = "Their specialty is infiltration and disruption, but they are not great warriors.\n"; } else if (bio == 39) { desc = "An archbishop who seems very interested in the history of the ruins.\n\n"; desc3 = "Her suggestive behavior makes you wonder how she got the job in the first place.\n\n"; desc2 = "Archbishops are high ranking members of the church, their faith is powerful enough to create miracles.\n"; } else if (bio == 40) { desc = "Jinn is a bow-wielding Rogue, he claims to be wearing Ghostring armor.\n\n"; desc3 = "Stalkers are advanced Rogues that have mastered the art of disarming. You never see him use those skills though, probably because he bot too much.\n\n"; desc2 = "\nvs Neutral: 25%\nvs Fire: 100%\nvs Ghost: 175%\nvs Holy: 100%\nvs Shadow: 100%"; } else if (bio == 41) { desc = "An assassin that spams cloaking and sonic blow like no tomorrow.\n\n"; desc3 = "Assassin cross are cold blooded killer without emotions... but so is your average 12 year old.\n\n"; desc2 = "\nvs Neutral: 100%\nvs Fire: 100%\nvs Ghost: 25%\nvs Holy: 100%\nvs Shadow: 100%"; } else if (bio == 42) { desc = "A supernovice who claims to be older and superior than you.\n\n"; desc3 = "Supernovice is a novelty class for adventurers who are really, really, bored.\n\n"; desc2 = "\nvs Neutral: 90%\nvs Fire: 80%\nvs Ghost: 25%\nvs Holy: 100%\nvs Shadow: 100%"; } else { desc = "This column records your run-ins with creatures."; desc2 = ""; desc3 = ""; } if (_global.hero_int == 3) { desc = desc + desc3; } if (_global.hero_int >= 2) { desc = desc + desc2; } if (_global.hero_int == 1) { desc = desc + "\n\n\nIncrease your INT to learn more about the subject."; } return(desc); }
Instance of Symbol 1215 MovieClip in Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; this.swapDepths(978604); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { bgm_choice = "bgm" + _global.bgm; this.gotoAndStop(bgm_choice); }
Frame 3
var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal("kenshu_eternal"); if ( == undefined) { _root.charscreen.gotoAndStop("no_record"); _global.tutorial = 0; _global.checkpoint = "map01_A1"; _global.checkpoint_area = "initialize_A1"; } else { _global.tutorial = 3; _root.charscreen.gotoAndStop("record"); loadgame(); _global.checkpoint = _global.savepoint; _global.checkpoint_area = _global.savepoint_area; } stopAllSounds();
Frame 6
globalSound = new Sound(); i = 1; while (i <= 9) { this["s0" + i] = new Sound(this); this["s0" + i].attachSound(["s0" + i]); i++; } i = 10; while (i <= 99) { this["s" + i] = new Sound(this); this["s" + i].attachSound(["s" + i]); i++; } bgm05 = new Sound(this); bgm05.attachSound("bgm05"); bgm04 = new Sound(this); bgm04.attachSound("bgm04"); bgm03 = new Sound(this); bgm03.attachSound("bgm03"); bgm02 = new Sound(this); bgm02.attachSound("bgm02"); bgm01 = new Sound(this); bgm01.attachSound("bgm01"); jump = new Sound(this); jump.attachSound("jump"); slide = new Sound(this); slide.attachSound("slide"); land = new Sound(this); land.attachSound("land");
Frame 16
stop(); stopAllSounds();
Frame 40
Instance of Symbol 980 MovieClip "controller" in Frame 40
onClipEvent (load) { presstemp = 0; presstemp_s = 0; zoomcount = 0; this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _parent.silence.start(); if (Key.isDown(_global.key_up)) { _global.go_up = true; _global.go_down = false; } else if (Key.isDown(_global.key_down)) { _global.go_up = false; _global.go_down = true; } else { _global.go_up = false; _global.go_down = false; } if (Key.isDown(_global.key_right)) { _global.go_left = false; _global.go_right = true; } else if (Key.isDown(_global.key_left)) { _global.go_left = true; _global.go_right = false; } else { _global.go_left = false; _global.go_right = false; } if (Key.isDown(_global.key_a)) { _global.a_press = true; if (presstemp == 0) { _global.a_register = true; presstemp++; } else { _global.a_register = false; } } else { presstemp = 0; _global.a_press = false; _global.a_register = false; } if (Key.isDown(_global.key_d)) { _global.d_press = true; if (presstemp_d == 0) { _global.d_register = true; presstemp_d++; } else { _global.d_register = false; } } else { presstemp_d = 0; _global.d_press = false; _global.d_register = false; } if (Key.isDown(_global.key_s)) { _global.s_press = true; if (presstemp_s == 0) { _global.s_register = true; presstemp_s++; } else { _global.s_register = false; } } else { presstemp_s = 0; _global.s_press = false; _global.s_register = false; } if (_global.zooming_in) { if (zoomcount > 0) { _root.vcam._xscale = _root.vcam._xscale - (zoomcount * 2); _root.vcam._yscale = _root.vcam._yscale - (zoomcount * 2); zoomcount--; } } if (_global.zooming_out) { if (zoomcount > 0) { _root.vcam._xscale = _root.vcam._xscale + (zoomcount * 2); _root.vcam._yscale = _root.vcam._yscale + (zoomcount * 2); zoomcount--; } } if (_global.runcd > 0) { _global.runcd--; } _root.vcam.camControl(); if (Key.isDown(_global.key_up)) { _global.hero_nextatk = _global.hero_nextatk_up; } else if (Key.isDown(_global.key_down)) { _global.hero_nextatk = _global.hero_nextatk_down; } else { _global.hero_nextatk = _global.hero_nextatk_mid; } _root.debug2 = _global.hero_nextatk; }
Instance of Symbol 1956 MovieClip "vcam" in Frame 42
/* no clip actions */
Frame 46
Instance of Symbol 980 MovieClip in Frame 46
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _parent.gotoAndPlay(_global.checkpoint); }
Frame 49
_global.bgm = 1; stop(); _global.checkpoint = "map01_A1"; _global.purge = false; _global.pausemode = false; _global.count_fx = 1000; _global.count = 1; _global.count_wpn = 1; _global.count_wpn_min = 0; if (_global.tutorial == 0) { _root.vcam.attachMovie("presskeys1", "preser", _global.count); _root.vcam.presser._x = -100; _root.vcam.presser._y = -100; } attachMovie("Kenshu_root", "hero", _global.count); if (_global.from_map == "map02_A1") { _root.hero._x = 975; _root.hero._xscale = -100; _root.hero._y = 285; } else { _root.hero._y = 285; _root.hero._x = -1037; _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _global.count++; _global.y_follow = false; _global.wpcount = 0;
Instance of Symbol 1972 MovieClip "wall_left_fix" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { x_lock = this._x; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.vcam.zoom_in == false) { this._x = x_lock; } else { this._x = x_lock - 125; } if (_global.testmode == true) { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 1972 MovieClip "wall_right_fix" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { x_lock = this._x; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.vcam.zoom_in == false) { this._x = x_lock; } else { this._x = x_lock + 125; } if (_global.testmode == true) { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 1283 MovieClip "ground" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 49
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _global.checkpoint = "map02_A1"; _global.from_map = "map01_A1"; _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A1"); } }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 49
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.tutorial == 0) { while (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _root.hero._x--; } } this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 1988 MovieClip "npc01" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { confirm_timer = 0; thistext = ""; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.tutorial > 0) { this._visible = false; } if (this._visible == true) { if ((_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (_global.go_up)) { confirm_timer++; } else { confirm_timer = 0; } if ((confirm_timer > 2) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) { _global.pausemode = true; _root.hero.gotoAndStop("walk"); _root.hero.destination = this._x - 50; _root.hero.facing = 100; this.talking = true; _root.vcam.attachMovie("N01_dialogue", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root.vcam.zoom_in = true; _global.count_fx++; confirm_timer = 0; } } }
Instance of Symbol 1989 MovieClip in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { confirm_timer = 0; thisitem = "weapon02"; if (_global.item_inv02 == false) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.item_weapon02 == true) { thistext = ["Unfortunately, you found nothing else besides from the saber."]; } else { thistext = ["Following the instructions of that note, you found small blade hidden near the tree", "This is a flaming weapon, and may be effective against the undead.", "Use the equipment screen to swap gears, or use the quickkey for a fast weapon swap."]; } if (this._visible == true) { if ((_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (_global.go_up)) { confirm_timer++; } else { confirm_timer = 0; } if ((confirm_timer > 3) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) { _root.hero.gotoAndStop("walk"); _root.hero.destination = this._x + 50; _root.hero.facing = -100; if (_global.item_weapon02 == false) { _global.swaphelp = true; _root.vcam.attachMovie("item_get", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root.vcam["effect" + _global.count_fx].texty = "'Curved Fire'\n is now yours."; _root.vcam["effect" + _global.count_fx].itemy = thisitem; _parent.s01.start(); _global.new_equip = true; _global.count_fx++; } confirm_timer = 0; _global.pausemode = true; _root.vcam.dialogue_set(thistext, true); if (_global.item_weapon02 != true) { _global.item_weapon02 = true; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 1991 MovieClip in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { confirm_timer = 0; checked = 0; thistext = ["\"If you're up to the challenge, try out these improved bosses. This game is easy mode anyway when you can grind your way to perfection.\""]; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.headgear == "head03") { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; } if (((_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (_global.go_up)) && (_visible == true)) { confirm_timer++; } else { confirm_timer = 0; } if (((confirm_timer > 3) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (checked == 0)) { _global.pausemode = true; _root.hero.gotoAndStop("walk"); _root.hero.destination = this._x; _root.hero.facing = -100; if (checked == 0) { checked = 1; } _global.pausemode = true; _root.vcam.dialogue_set(thistext, true); this.gotoAndStop("activate"); } }
Instance of Symbol 1997 MovieClip in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { confirm_timer = 0; this.gotoAndStop("neutral"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.headgear == "head03") { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; } if (((_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (_global.go_up)) && (_visible == true)) { confirm_timer++; } else { confirm_timer = 0; } if ((confirm_timer > 3) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) { _root.hero.gotoAndStop("investigate"); this.gotoAndPlay("activate"); _global.pausemode = true; } if (this._currentframe >= 50) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = "map01_A1"; _global.checkpoint = "room01"; _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A1"); } }
Instance of Symbol 1997 MovieClip in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { confirm_timer = 0; this.gotoAndStop("neutral"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_global.headgear == "head03") && (_global.boss_s1 == true)) { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; } if (((_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (_global.go_up)) && (_visible == true)) { confirm_timer++; } else { confirm_timer = 0; } if ((confirm_timer > 3) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) { _root.hero.gotoAndStop("investigate"); this.gotoAndPlay("activate"); _global.pausemode = true; } if (this._currentframe >= 50) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = "map01_A1"; _global.checkpoint = "room02"; _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A1"); } }
Instance of Symbol 1997 MovieClip in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { confirm_timer = 0; this.gotoAndStop("neutral"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_global.headgear == "head03") && (_global.boss_s2 == true)) { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; } if (((_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (_global.go_up)) && (_visible == true)) { confirm_timer++; } else { confirm_timer = 0; } if ((confirm_timer > 3) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) { _root.hero.gotoAndStop("investigate"); this.gotoAndPlay("activate"); _global.pausemode = true; } if (this._currentframe >= 50) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = "map01_A1"; _global.checkpoint = "room03"; _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A1"); } }
Instance of Symbol 2003 MovieClip "foreground" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { }
Frame 59
_global.bgm = 1; _global.currentmap = "map02_A1"; _global.currentmap_area = "initialize_A1"; stop(); _global.purge = false; _global.pausemode = false; _global.count_fx = 1000; _global.count = 1; _global.count_wpn = 1; _global.count_wpn_min = 0; if (_global.tutorial == 1) { _root.vcam.attachMovie("presskeys2", "preser", _global.count); _root.vcam.presser._x = -100; _root.vcam.presser._y = -100; } if (_global.swaphelp == true) { _root.vcam.attachMovie("presskeys3", "preser", _global.count); _root.vcam.presser._x = -100; _root.vcam.presser._y = -100; _global.swaphelp = false; } attachMovie("Kenshu_root", "hero", _global.count); if (_global.from_map == "map01_A1") { _root.hero._x = -437; _root.hero._y = 220; } else if (_global.from_map == "map01_A2") { _root.hero._x = 1157; _root.hero._y = 190; _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._x = 958; _root.hero._y = 140; } _global.count++; _global.y_follow = false; _global.wpcount = 0;
Instance of Symbol 1972 MovieClip "wall_left_fix" in Frame 59
onClipEvent (load) { x_lock = this._x; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.vcam.zoom_in == false) { this._x = x_lock; } else { this._x = x_lock - 125; } if (_global.testmode == true) { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 1972 MovieClip "wall_right_fix" in Frame 59
onClipEvent (load) { x_lock = this._x; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.vcam.zoom_in == false) { this._x = x_lock; } else { this._x = x_lock + 125; } if (_global.testmode == true) { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 2013 MovieClip "ground" in Frame 59
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 59
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = "map02_A1"; _global.checkpoint = "map01_A1"; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A1"); } }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 59
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.tutorial > 2) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = "map02_A1"; _global.checkpoint = "map01_A2"; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A2"); } } }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 59
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_global.tutorial <= 2) && (_root.hero.hitTest(this))) { _root.vcam.attachMovie("save_warning", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _global.count_fx++; this._y = this._y + 999; } this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 2028 MovieClip in Frame 59
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.item_inv01 == false) { this.icon_name = "inv_note1"; this.icon_code = "item_inv01"; } }
Instance of Symbol 2035 MovieClip "npc02" in Frame 59
onClipEvent (load) { confirm_timer = 0; thistext = ""; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (_global.go_up)) { confirm_timer++; } else { confirm_timer = 0; } if ((confirm_timer > 3) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) { _global.pausemode = true; _root.hero.gotoAndStop("walk"); _root.hero.destination = this._x - 50; _root.hero.facing = 100; _global.tutorial = 3; this.gotoAndStop("active"); this.talking = true; _root.vcam.attachMovie("N02_dialogue", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root.vcam.zoom_in = true; _global.count_fx++; confirm_timer = 0; } }
Frame 69
_global.bgm = 3; _global.currentmap = "room01"; stop(); _global.purge = false; _global.pausemode = false; _global.count_fx = 1000; _global.count = 1; _global.count_wpn = 1; _global.count_wpn_min = 0; _global.headgear = "head01"; _global.boss_hp = 25000; _global.boss_maxHp = 25000; _root.vcam.attachMovie("07_enemybar_S", ["enemybar"], _global.count_fx); _global.count_fx++; attachMovie("Kenshu_root", "hero", _global.count); if (_global.from_map == "map01_A1") { _root.hero._x = -20; _root.hero._y = 353; } else { _root.hero._x = 958; _root.hero._y = 140; } _global.count++; _global.y_follow = false; _global.wpcount = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2046 MovieClip in Frame 69
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.vcam._y = 312.9; }
Instance of Symbol 2048 MovieClip "ground" in Frame 69
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 2052 MovieClip "portal" in Frame 69
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 1989 MovieClip in Frame 69
onClipEvent (load) { confirm_timer = 0; this._visible = false; teleport_delay = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.portal._visible == true) { if ((_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (_global.go_up)) { confirm_timer++; } else { confirm_timer = 0; } if ((confirm_timer > 3) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) { _root.hero.gotoAndStop("investigate"); teleport_delay = 1; _global.pausemode = true; } if (teleport_delay >= 1) { teleport_delay++; } if (teleport_delay >= 20) { _global.headgear = "head03"; _parent.s39.start(); _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = "room"; _global.checkpoint = "map01_A1"; _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A1"); } } }
Frame 79
_global.bgm = 3; _global.currentmap = "room02"; stop(); _global.purge = false; _global.pausemode = false; _global.count_fx = 1000; _global.count = 1; _global.count_wpn = 1; _global.count_wpn_min = 0; _global.headgear = "head01"; _global.boss_hp = 24000; _global.boss_maxHp = 24000; _root.vcam.attachMovie("12_enemybar_S", ["enemybar"], _global.count_fx); _global.count_fx++; attachMovie("Kenshu_root", "hero", _global.count); if (_global.from_map == "map01_A1") { _root.hero._x = -13; _root.hero._y = 300; } else { _root.hero._x = 958; _root.hero._y = 140; } _global.count++; _global.y_follow = false; _global.wpcount = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2059 MovieClip "ground" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._visible = false; this.gotoAndStop("arena"); }
Instance of Symbol 1989 MovieClip in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { confirm_timer = 0; teleport_delay = 0; this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.portal._visible == true) { this._visible = true; if ((_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (_global.go_up)) { confirm_timer++; } else { confirm_timer = 0; } if ((confirm_timer > 3) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) { _root.hero.gotoAndStop("investigate"); teleport_delay = 1; _global.pausemode = true; } if (teleport_delay >= 1) { teleport_delay++; } if (teleport_delay >= 20) { _global.headgear = "head03"; _parent.s39.start(); _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = "room"; _global.checkpoint = "map01_A1"; _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A1"); } } }
Frame 89
_global.bgm = 5; _global.currentmap = "room02"; stop(); _global.purge = false; _global.pausemode = false; _global.count_fx = 1000; _global.count = 1; _global.count_wpn = 1; _global.count_wpn_min = 0; _global.headgear = "head01"; _global.boss1_hp = 15800; _global.boss1_maxHp = 15800; _global.boss2_hp = 14700; _global.boss2_maxHp = 14700; _global.boss3_hp = 12588; _global.boss3_maxHp = 12588; _root.vcam.attachMovie("N08_enemybar", ["enemybar"], _global.count_fx); _global.count_fx++; attachMovie("Kenshu_root", "hero", _global.count); if (_global.from_map == "map01_A1") { _root.hero._x = 649; _root.hero._y = 300; _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._x = 958; _root.hero._y = 140; } _global.count++; _global.y_follow = false; _global.wpcount = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2072 MovieClip "ground" in Frame 89
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop("arena"); this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 89
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; victory = false; blasttimer = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((((_global.boss1_hp <= 0) && (_global.boss2_hp <= 0)) && (_global.boss3_hp <= 0)) && (victory == false)) { _root.vcam.enemybar.removeMovieClip(); _global.bgm = 0; _root.portal._visible = true; victory = true; _root.vcam.shaking = 10; _global.boss_s3 = true; _global.hero_exp = _global.hero_exp + 5000; blasttimer = 1; } if (blasttimer >= 1) { blasttimer++; } if (blasttimer == 5) { _parent.s51.start(); } }
Instance of Symbol 2080 MovieClip in Frame 89
onClipEvent (load) { confirm_timer = 0; thisitem = "armor03"; if (_global.item_armor03 == true) { this.gotoAndStop("empty"); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.boss_s3 != true) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } if ((this._visible == true) && (_global.item_armor03 == false)) { if (_global.item_armor03 == true) { thistext = ["..."]; } else { thistext = ["Jesus Christ", "YOU ARE STAR PLAYER!"]; } if (((_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (_global.go_up)) && (_global.item_inv21 == true)) { confirm_timer++; } else { confirm_timer = 0; } if ((confirm_timer > 3) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) { _root.hero.gotoAndPlay("investigate"); if (this._currentframe == 1) { this.gotoAndPlay("open"); _root.vcam.attachMovie("item_get", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root.vcam["effect" + _global.count_fx].texty = "'Golden Platemail'\n is now yours."; _root.vcam["effect" + _global.count_fx].itemy = thisitem; _parent.s01.start(); _global.new_item = true; _global.count_fx++; confirm_timer = 0; } _global.pausemode = true; _root.vcam.dialogue_set(thistext, true); if (_global.item_armor03 != true) { _global.item_armor03 = true; } } } }
Frame 110
Instance of Symbol 980 MovieClip "controller" in Frame 110
onClipEvent (load) { presstemp = 0; presstemp_s = 0; zoomcount = 0; this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _parent.silence.start(); if (Key.isDown(_global.key_up)) { _global.go_up = true; _global.go_down = false; } else if (Key.isDown(_global.key_down)) { _global.go_up = false; _global.go_down = true; } else { _global.go_up = false; _global.go_down = false; } if (Key.isDown(_global.key_right)) { _global.go_left = false; _global.go_right = true; } else if (Key.isDown(_global.key_left)) { _global.go_left = true; _global.go_right = false; } else { _global.go_left = false; _global.go_right = false; } if (Key.isDown(_global.key_a)) { _global.a_press = true; if (presstemp == 0) { _global.a_register = true; presstemp++; } else { _global.a_register = false; } } else { presstemp = 0; _global.a_press = false; _global.a_register = false; } if (Key.isDown(_global.key_d)) { _global.d_press = true; if (presstemp_d == 0) { _global.d_register = true; presstemp_d++; } else { _global.d_register = false; } } else { presstemp_d = 0; _global.d_press = false; _global.d_register = false; } if (Key.isDown(_global.key_s)) { _global.s_press = true; if (presstemp_s == 0) { _global.s_register = true; presstemp_s++; } else { _global.s_register = false; } } else { presstemp_s = 0; _global.s_press = false; _global.s_register = false; } if (_global.zooming_in) { if (zoomcount > 0) { _root.vcam._xscale = _root.vcam._xscale - (zoomcount * 2); _root.vcam._yscale = _root.vcam._yscale - (zoomcount * 2); zoomcount--; } } if (_global.zooming_out) { if (zoomcount > 0) { _root.vcam._xscale = _root.vcam._xscale + (zoomcount * 2); _root.vcam._yscale = _root.vcam._yscale + (zoomcount * 2); zoomcount--; } } if (_global.runcd > 0) { _global.runcd--; } _root.vcam.camControl(); if (Key.isDown(_global.key_up)) { _global.hero_nextatk = _global.hero_nextatk_up; } else if (Key.isDown(_global.key_down)) { _global.hero_nextatk = _global.hero_nextatk_down; } else { _global.hero_nextatk = _global.hero_nextatk_mid; } _root.debug2 = _global.hero_nextatk; }
Frame 113
Instance of Symbol 1956 MovieClip "vcam" in Frame 113
/* no clip actions */
Frame 116
Instance of Symbol 980 MovieClip in Frame 116
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _parent.gotoAndPlay(_global.checkpoint); }
Frame 120
_global.bgm = 2; stop(); _global.currentmap = "map01_A2"; _global.purge = false; _global.pausemode = false; _global.count_fx = 1000; _global.count = 1; _global.count_wpn = 1; _global.count_wpn_min = 0; if (_global.tutorial == 0) { _root.vcam.attachMovie("presskeys1", "preser", _global.count); _root.vcam.presser._x = -100; _root.vcam.presser._y = -100; } attachMovie("Kenshu_root", "hero", _global.count); if (_global.from_map == "map02_A1") { _root.hero._x = -475; _root.hero._xscale = 100; _root.hero._y = 120; } else if (_global.from_map == "map02_A2") { _root.hero._x = 1144; _root.hero._xscale = -100; _root.hero._y = 195; } else { _root.hero._y = 285; _root.hero._x = -500; _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _global.count++; _global.y_follow = false; _global.wpcount = 0;
Instance of Symbol 1972 MovieClip "wall_left_fix" in Frame 120
onClipEvent (load) { x_lock = this._x; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.vcam.zoom_in == false) { this._x = x_lock; } else { this._x = x_lock - 125; } if (_global.testmode == true) { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 1972 MovieClip "wall_right_fix" in Frame 120
onClipEvent (load) { x_lock = this._x; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.vcam.zoom_in == false) { this._x = x_lock; } else { this._x = x_lock + 125; } if (_global.testmode == true) { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 2085 MovieClip "ground" in Frame 120
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 120
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2), true) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) && (_root.hero.jumping == false)) { if (_root.hero.grav < 5) { while ((!_root.ground.hitTest(_root.hero._x, (_root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2)) + 2, true)) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) { if (_root.hero.grav > 0) { _root.hero.grav = 0; } _root.hero._y = _root.hero._y + 0.25; } } } this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 120
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2), true) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) && (_root.hero.jumping == false)) { if (_root.hero.grav < 5) { while ((!_root.ground.hitTest(_root.hero._x, (_root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2)) + 2, true)) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) { if (_root.hero.grav > 0) { _root.hero.grav = 0; } _root.hero._y = _root.hero._y + 0.25; } } } this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 120
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2), true) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) && (_root.hero.jumping == false)) { if (_root.hero.grav < 5) { while ((!_root.ground.hitTest(_root.hero._x, (_root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2)) + 2, true)) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) { if (_root.hero.grav > 0) { _root.hero.grav = 0; } _root.hero._y = _root.hero._y + 0.25; } } } this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 120
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _global.checkpoint = "map02_A1"; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _global.from_map = "map01_A2"; _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A1"); } }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 120
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = "map01_A2"; _global.checkpoint = "map02_A2"; _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A2"); } }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 120
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._alpha = 0; if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _parent.spawn_monster("01_zombie", 480, 0, true); if (_global.hero_level > 2) { _parent.spawn_monster("02_skeleton", 510, 0, false); _parent.spawn_monster("02_skeleton", 65, 0, false); _parent.spawn_monster("02_skeleton", 155, 0, false); } this._y = this._y - 999; } }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 120
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._alpha = 0; if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _parent.spawn_monster("01_zombie", 952, 0, true); _parent.spawn_monster("01_zombie", 1052, 0, true); if (_global.hero_level > 2) { _parent.spawn_monster("01_zombie", 1152, 0, true); _parent.spawn_monster("02_skeleton", 701, 0, false); } this._y = this._y - 999; } }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 120
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._alpha = 0; if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _parent.spawn_monster("01_zombie", -330, 0, true); this._y = this._y - 999; } }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 120
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._alpha = 0; if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _parent.spawn_monster("02_skeleton", -340, 0, true); this._y = this._y - 999; } }
Frame 130
_global.bgm = 2; stop(); _global.currentmap = "map02_A2"; _global.purge = false; _global.pausemode = false; _global.count_fx = 1000; _global.count = 1; _global.count_wpn = 1; _global.count_wpn_min = 0; if (_global.tutorial == 0) { _root.vcam.attachMovie("presskeys1", "preser", _global.count); _root.vcam.presser._x = -100; _root.vcam.presser._y = -100; } attachMovie("Kenshu_root", "hero", _global.count); if (_global.from_map == "map01_A2") { _root.hero._x = -404; _root.hero._y = 191; _root.hero._xscale = 100; } else if (_global.from_map == "map03_A2") { _root.hero._y = 192; _root.hero._x = 920; _root.hero._xscale = -100; } _global.count++; _global.y_follow = false; _global.wpcount = 0;
Instance of Symbol 1972 MovieClip "cam_down01" in Frame 130
onClipEvent (load) { x_lock = this._x; y_lock = this._y; y_locker = this._y + 170; activate = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { distance = Math.abs(_root.hero._x - this._x); if (distance < 250) { if ((_root.hero._x > x_lock) && (activate)) { if (_root.vcam._y < y_locker) { _root.vcam._y = _root.vcam._y + 5; } else { _root.cam_up01.activate = true; _root.cam_up02.activate = true; activate = false; } } } if (_global.testmode == true) { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 1972 MovieClip "cam_up02" in Frame 130
onClipEvent (load) { x_lock = this._x; y_lock = this._y; y_locker = this._y - 170; activate = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { distance = Math.abs(_root.hero._x - this._x); if (distance < 250) { if ((_root.hero._x > x_lock) && (activate)) { if (_root.vcam._y > y_locker) { _root.vcam._y = _root.vcam._y - 5; } else { activate = false; _root.cam_down02.activate = true; } } } if (_global.testmode == true) { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 1972 MovieClip "cam_down02" in Frame 130
onClipEvent (load) { x_lock = this._x; y_lock = this._y; y_locker = this._y + 170; activate = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { distance = Math.abs(_root.hero._x - this._x); if (distance < 250) { if ((_root.hero._x < x_lock) && (activate)) { if (_root.vcam._y < y_locker) { _root.vcam._y = _root.vcam._y + 5; } else { activate = false; _root.cam_up01.activate = true; _root.cam_up02.activate = true; } } } if (_global.testmode == true) { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 1972 MovieClip "cam_up01" in Frame 130
onClipEvent (load) { x_lock = this._x; y_lock = this._y; y_locker = this._y - 170; activate = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { distance = Math.abs(_root.hero._x - this._x); if (distance < 250) { if ((_root.hero._x < x_lock) && (activate)) { if (_root.vcam._y > y_locker) { _root.vcam._y = _root.vcam._y - 5; } else { activate = false; _root.cam_down01.activate = true; _root.cam_down02.activate = true; } } } if (_global.testmode == true) { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 2131 MovieClip "ground" in Frame 130
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 130
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = "map02_A2"; _global.checkpoint = "map01_A2"; _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A2"); } }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 130
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._alpha = 0; if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _parent.spawn_monster("01_zombie", 250, 0, true); _parent.spawn_monster("01_zombie", 350, 0, true); this._y = this._y - 999; } }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 130
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._alpha = 0; if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _parent.spawn_monster("01_zombie", 400, 0, true); this._y = this._y - 999; } }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 130
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._alpha = 0; if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _parent.spawn_monster("01_zombie", 100, 0, true); this._y = this._y - 999; } }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 130
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = "map02_A2"; _global.checkpoint = "map03_A2"; _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A2"); } }
Instance of Symbol 2028 MovieClip in Frame 130
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.item_inv03 == false) { this.icon_name = "inv_note1"; this.icon_code = "item_inv03"; } }
Instance of Symbol 1989 MovieClip in Frame 130
onClipEvent (load) { confirm_timer = 0; checked = 0; thistext = ["This body has been cold for a while, she is beyond help", "For some reason, her body doesn't seem to be decaying..."]; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (((_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (_global.go_up)) && (checked == 0)) { confirm_timer++; } else { confirm_timer = 0; } if ((confirm_timer > 3) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) { _global.pausemode = true; _root.hero.gotoAndStop("walk"); _root.hero.destination = this._x + 50; _root.hero.facing = -100; if (checked == 0) { _parent.spawn_monster("02_skeleton", 150, 250, true); checked = 1; } _global.pausemode = true; _root.vcam.dialogue_set(thistext, true); this.gotoAndStop("activate"); } }
Frame 140
_global.bgm = 2; stop(); _global.currentmap = "map03_A2"; _global.purge = false; _global.pausemode = false; _global.count_fx = 1000; _global.count = 1; _global.count_wpn = 1; _global.count_wpn_min = 0; attachMovie("Kenshu_root", "hero", _global.count); if (_global.from_map == "map02_A2") { _root.hero._x = -436; _root.hero._y = 191; _root.hero._xscale = 100; } else if (_global.from_map == "map04_A2") { _root.hero._x = 642; _root.hero._y = 251; _root.hero._xscale = -100; } _global.count++; _global.y_follow = false;
Instance of Symbol 2137 MovieClip "ground" in Frame 140
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 140
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = "map03_A2"; _global.checkpoint = "map02_A2"; _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A2"); } }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 140
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._alpha = 0; if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _parent.spawn_monster("03_mummy", -350, 285, true); this._y = this._y - 999; } }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 140
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._alpha = 0; if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _parent.spawn_monster("01_zombie", 200, 155, true); _parent.spawn_monster("01_zombie", 350, 155, true); this._y = this._y - 999; } }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 140
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._alpha = 0; if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _parent.spawn_monster("01_zombie", 550, 155, true); _parent.spawn_monster("01_zombie", 450, 155, true); this._y = this._y - 999; } }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 140
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = "map03_A2"; _global.checkpoint = "map04_A2"; _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A2"); } }
Frame 150
_global.bgm = 2; stop(); _global.currentmap = "map04_A2"; _global.purge = false; _global.pausemode = false; _global.count_fx = 1000; _global.count = 1; _global.count_wpn = 1; _global.count_wpn_min = 0; attachMovie("Kenshu_root", "hero", _global.count); if (_global.from_map == "map03_A2") { _root.hero._x = -421; _root.hero._y = 256; _root.hero._xscale = 100; } else if (_global.from_map == "map05_A2") { _root.hero._x = 658; _root.hero._y = 226; _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else if (_global.from_map == "map07_A2") { _root.hero._x = 171; _root.hero._y = 627; _root.hero._xscale = -100; } _global.count++; _global.y_follow = false;
Instance of Symbol 1972 MovieClip "cam_up02" in Frame 150
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.hero._y > 256) && (_root.hero._y < 580)) { _root.vcam._y = _root.hero._y; } else if (_root.hero._y <= 256) { _root.vcam._y = 256; } else if (_root.hero._y >= 580) { _root.vcam._y = 580; } }
Instance of Symbol 2165 MovieClip "ground" in Frame 150
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 150
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2), true) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) { if (_root.hero.grav < 5) { while ((!_root.ground.hitTest(_root.hero._x, (_root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2)) + 2, true)) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) { if (_root.hero.grav > 0) { _root.hero.grav = 0; } _root.hero._y = _root.hero._y + 0.25; } } } this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 150
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = "map04_A2"; _global.checkpoint = "map03_A2"; _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A2"); } }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 150
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = "map04_A2"; _global.checkpoint = "map05_A2"; _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A2"); } }
Instance of Symbol 1997 MovieClip in Frame 150
onClipEvent (load) { confirm_timer = 0; this.gotoAndStop("neutral"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (_global.go_up)) { confirm_timer++; } else { confirm_timer = 0; } if ((confirm_timer > 3) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) { _root.hero.gotoAndStop("investigate"); this.gotoAndPlay("activate"); _global.pausemode = true; } if (this._currentframe >= 50) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = "map04_A2"; _global.checkpoint = "map07_A2"; _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A2"); } }
Instance of Symbol 2019 MovieClip in Frame 150
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.item_inv02 == false) { this.icon_name = "inv_note1"; this.icon_code = "item_inv02"; } }
Instance of Symbol 2080 MovieClip in Frame 150
onClipEvent (load) { confirm_timer = 0; this.gotoAndStop("empty"); thistext = ["Whatever was in the chest has already been taken away"]; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (_global.go_up)) { confirm_timer++; } else { confirm_timer = 0; } if ((confirm_timer > 3) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) { _root.hero.gotoAndStop("walk"); _root.hero.destination = this._x - 50; _root.hero.facing = 100; _global.pausemode = true; _root.vcam.dialogue_set(thistext, true); } }
Frame 160
_global.bgm = 2; stop(); _global.currentmap = "map05_A2"; _global.currentmap_area = "initialize_A2"; _global.purge = false; _global.pausemode = false; _global.count_fx = 1000; _global.count = 1; _global.count_wpn = 1; _global.count_wpn_min = 0; attachMovie("Kenshu_root", "hero", _global.count); if (_global.from_map == "map04_A2") { _root.hero._x = -426; _root.hero._y = 230; _root.hero._xscale = 100; } else if (_global.from_map == "map06_A2") { _root.hero._x = 468; _root.hero._y = 231; _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._x = 33; _root.hero._y = 241; _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _global.count++; _global.y_follow = false;
Instance of Symbol 2180 MovieClip "ground" in Frame 160
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 160
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2), true) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) && (_root.hero.jumping == false)) { if (_root.hero.grav < 5) { while ((!_root.ground.hitTest(_root.hero._x, (_root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2)) + 2, true)) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) { if (_root.hero.grav > 0) { _root.hero.grav = 0; } _root.hero._y = _root.hero._y + 0.25; } } } this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 160
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2), true) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) && (_root.hero.jumping == false)) { if (_root.hero.grav < 5) { while ((!_root.ground.hitTest(_root.hero._x, (_root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2)) + 2, true)) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) { if (_root.hero.grav > 0) { _root.hero.grav = 0; } _root.hero._y = _root.hero._y + 0.25; } } } this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 160
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._visible = false; if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = "map05_A2"; _global.checkpoint = "map04_A2"; _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A2"); } }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 160
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._visible = false; if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = "map05_A2"; _global.checkpoint = "map06_A2"; _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A2"); } }
Instance of Symbol 2035 MovieClip "npc02" in Frame 160
onClipEvent (load) { confirm_timer = 0; thistext = ""; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (_global.go_up)) { confirm_timer++; } else { confirm_timer = 0; } if ((confirm_timer > 3) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) { _global.pausemode = true; _root.hero.gotoAndStop("walk"); _root.hero.destination = this._x - 50; _root.hero.facing = 100; _global.tutorial = 3; this.gotoAndStop("active"); this.talking = true; _root.vcam.attachMovie("N02_dialogue", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root.vcam.zoom_in = true; _global.count_fx++; confirm_timer = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 2184 MovieClip in Frame 160
onClipEvent (load) { confirm_timer = 0; if (_global.item_inv14 == true) { this._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { thistext = ["\"I'll be out of here soon, good luck with your adventures!\""]; if (this._visible == true) { if ((_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (_global.go_up)) { confirm_timer++; } else { confirm_timer = 0; } if ((confirm_timer > 3) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) { _global.pausemode = true; _root.hero.gotoAndStop("walk"); _root.hero.destination = this._x - 50; _root.hero.facing = 100; if (_global.item_inv14 == true) { confirm_timer = 0; _root.vcam.dialogue_set(thistext, true); } else { _root.vcam.attachMovie("N03_dialogue_A", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _global.count_fx++; _root.vcam.zoom_in = true; confirm_timer = 0; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 2188 MovieClip in Frame 160
onClipEvent (load) { confirm_timer = 0; checked = 0; thistext = ["\"I checked out the area in the back.\"", "\"There's nothing but lava.\"", "\"I won't bother if I were you.\""]; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (_global.go_up)) { confirm_timer++; } else { confirm_timer = 0; } if ((confirm_timer > 3) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) { _global.pausemode = true; _root.hero.gotoAndStop("walk"); _root.hero.destination = this._x - 50; _root.hero.facing = 100; _global.pausemode = true; _root.vcam.dialogue_set(thistext, true); this.gotoAndStop("activate"); } }
Frame 170
_global.bgm = 2; stop(); _global.currentmap = "map06_A2"; _global.purge = false; _global.pausemode = false; _global.count_fx = 1000; _global.count = 1; _global.count_wpn = 1; _global.count_wpn_min = 0; attachMovie("Kenshu_root", "hero", _global.count); if (_global.from_map == "map05_A2") { _root.hero._x = -186; _root.hero._y = 230; _root.hero._xscale = 100; } else if (_global.from_map == "map06_A2") { _root.hero._x = 642; _root.hero._y = 251; _root.hero._xscale = 100; } else { _root.hero._x = 33; _root.hero._y = 241; _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _global.count++; _global.y_follow = false;
Instance of Symbol 1972 MovieClip "cam_down01" in Frame 170
onClipEvent (load) { x_lock = this._x; y_lock = this._y; y_locker = this._y + 120; activate = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { distance = Math.abs(_root.hero._x - this._x); if (distance < 250) { if ((_root.hero._x > x_lock) && (activate)) { if (_root.vcam._y < y_locker) { _root.vcam._y = _root.vcam._y + 5; } else { activate = false; _root.cam_up01.activate = true; } } } if (_global.testmode == true) { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 1972 MovieClip "cam_up01" in Frame 170
onClipEvent (load) { x_lock = this._x; y_lock = this._y; y_locker = this._y - 120; activate = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { distance = Math.abs(_root.hero._x - this._x); if (distance < 250) { if ((_root.hero._x < x_lock) && (activate)) { if (_root.vcam._y > y_locker) { _root.vcam._y = _root.vcam._y - 5; } else { activate = false; _root.cam_down01.activate = true; } } } if (_global.testmode == true) { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 2195 MovieClip "ground" in Frame 170
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 170
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._visible = false; atkdmg = _global.hero_maxHp / 1.5; if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this) && (_global.armor != "armor05")) { if ((_root.hero.invincible <= 0) && (!_global.pausemode)) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = atkdmg; force = 4 * (_root.hero._xscale / 200); _parent.s18.start(); _parent.hero.attachMovie("emo09", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent.hero["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = -55; _parent.hero["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = -85; _global.count_fx++; } } }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 170
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._visible = false; if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = "map06_A2"; _global.checkpoint = "map05_A2"; _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A2"); } }
Instance of Symbol 1991 MovieClip in Frame 170
onClipEvent (load) { confirm_timer = 0; checked = 0; thistext = ["This hidden text states...", "\"Glad you came back, but we're out of secrets, stay tuned for episode 2!\""]; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.headgear == "head03") { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; } if (((_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (_global.go_up)) && (_visible == true)) { confirm_timer++; } else { confirm_timer = 0; } if (((confirm_timer > 3) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (checked == 0)) { _global.pausemode = true; _root.hero.gotoAndStop("walk"); _root.hero.destination = this._x; _root.hero.facing = -100; if (checked == 0) { checked = 1; } _global.pausemode = true; _root.vcam.dialogue_set(thistext, true); this.gotoAndStop("activate"); } }
Frame 180
_global.bgm = 2; stop(); _global.currentmap = "map07_A2"; _global.purge = false; _global.pausemode = false; _global.count_fx = 1000; _global.count = 1; _global.count_wpn = 1; _global.count_wpn_min = 0; attachMovie("Kenshu_root", "hero", _global.count); if (_global.from_map == "map04_A2") { _root.hero._x = -247; _root.hero._y = 189; _root.hero._xscale = 100; } else if (_global.from_map == "map08_A2") { _root.hero._x = 1027; _root.hero._y = 381; _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else if (_global.from_map == "map10_A2") { _root.hero._x = -457; _root.hero._y = 257; _root.hero._xscale = 100; } else if (_global.from_map == "map16_A2") { _root.hero._x = 174; _root.hero._y = 576; _root.hero._xscale = 100; } else { _root.hero._x = 174; _root.hero._y = 576; _root.hero._xscale = -100; } _global.count++; _global.y_follow = false;
Instance of Symbol 1972 MovieClip "cam_up02" in Frame 180
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.hero._y > 256) && (_root.hero._y < 774)) { _root.vcam._y = _root.hero._y; } else if (_root.hero._y <= 256) { _root.vcam._y = 256; } else if (_root.hero._y >= 774) { _root.vcam._y = 774; } }
Instance of Symbol 2202 MovieClip "ground" in Frame 180
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 180
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2), true) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) { if (_root.hero.grav < 5) { while ((!_root.ground.hitTest(_root.hero._x, (_root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2)) + 2, true)) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) { if (_root.hero.grav > 0) { _root.hero.grav = 0; } _root.hero._y = _root.hero._y + 0.25; } } } this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 180
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2), true) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) { if (_root.hero.grav < 5) { while ((!_root.ground.hitTest(_root.hero._x, (_root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2)) + 2, true)) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) { if (_root.hero.grav > 0) { _root.hero.grav = 0; } _root.hero._y = _root.hero._y + 0.25; } } } this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 180
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2), true) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) { if (_root.hero.grav < 5) { while ((!_root.ground.hitTest(_root.hero._x, (_root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2)) + 2, true)) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) { if (_root.hero.grav > 0) { _root.hero.grav = 0; } _root.hero._y = _root.hero._y + 0.25; } } } this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 180
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2), true) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) { if (_root.hero.grav < 5) { while ((!_root.ground.hitTest(_root.hero._x, (_root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2)) + 2, true)) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) { if (_root.hero.grav > 0) { _root.hero.grav = 0; } _root.hero._y = _root.hero._y + 0.25; } } } this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 180
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2), true) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) { if (_root.hero.grav < 5) { while ((!_root.ground.hitTest(_root.hero._x, (_root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2)) + 2, true)) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) { if (_root.hero.grav > 0) { _root.hero.grav = 0; } _root.hero._y = _root.hero._y + 0.25; } } } this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 180
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._alpha = 0; if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _parent.spawn_monster("02_skeleton", 0, 50, true); _parent.spawn_monster("02_skeleton", 150, 50, true); this._y = this._y - 999; } }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 180
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._alpha = 0; if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _parent.spawn_monster("01_zombie", 210, 200, true); _parent.spawn_monster("01_skeleton", 390, 50, true); this._y = this._y - 999; } }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 180
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._alpha = 0; if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { if (_global.from_map != "map16_A2") { _parent.spawn_monster("03_mummy", 153, 589, true); } this._y = this._y - 999; } }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 180
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._alpha = 0; if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _parent.spawn_monster("03_mummy", 203, 850, true); _parent.spawn_monster("03_mummy", 53, 850, true); _parent.hidden1._visible = true; this._y = this._y - 999; } }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 180
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._visible = false; if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = "map07_A2"; _global.checkpoint = "map08_A2"; _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A2"); } }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 180
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._visible = false; if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = "map07_A2"; _global.checkpoint = "map10_A2"; _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A2"); } }
Instance of Symbol 1997 MovieClip in Frame 180
onClipEvent (load) { confirm_timer = 0; this.gotoAndStop("neutral"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (_global.go_up)) { confirm_timer++; } else { confirm_timer = 0; } if ((confirm_timer > 3) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) { _root.hero.gotoAndStop("investigate"); this.gotoAndPlay("activate"); _global.pausemode = true; } if (this._currentframe >= 50) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = "map07_A2"; _global.checkpoint = "map04_A2"; _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A2"); } }
Instance of Symbol 1997 MovieClip in Frame 180
onClipEvent (load) { confirm_timer = 0; this.gotoAndStop("neutral"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (_global.go_up)) { confirm_timer++; } else { confirm_timer = 0; } if ((confirm_timer > 3) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) { _root.hero.gotoAndStop("investigate"); this.gotoAndPlay("activate"); _global.pausemode = true; } if (this._currentframe >= 50) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = "map07_A2"; _global.checkpoint = "map16_A2"; _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A2"); } }
Instance of Symbol 2080 MovieClip in Frame 180
onClipEvent (load) { confirm_timer = 0; this.gotoAndStop("empty"); thistext = ["\u5C31\u9023\u9019\u500B\u96B1\u5BC6\u89D2\u843D\u7684\u5BF6\u7BB1\u90FD\u662F\u7A7A\u7684\uFF0C\u770B\u4F86\u5728\u6BD4\u4F60\u4E4B\u524D\u4F86\u7684\u4EBA\u5BE6\u5728\u662F\u4E0D\u5C11"]; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (_global.go_up)) { confirm_timer++; } else { confirm_timer = 0; } if ((confirm_timer > 3) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) { _root.hero.gotoAndStop("walk"); _root.hero.destination = this._x - 50; _root.hero.facing = 100; _global.pausemode = true; _root.vcam.dialogue_set(thistext, true); } }
Instance of Symbol 2080 MovieClip "hidden1" in Frame 180
onClipEvent (load) { confirm_timer = 0; thisitem = "armor02"; this._visible = false; if (_global.item_armor02 == true) { this.gotoAndStop("empty"); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._visible == true) { if (_global.item_armor02 == true) { thistext = ["There is nothing left in the chest"]; } else { thistext = ["You found a plate armor hidden within the Mummies' stash", "It's a tough armor, but a little heavy."]; } if ((_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (_global.go_up)) { confirm_timer++; } else { confirm_timer = 0; } if ((confirm_timer > 3) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) { _root.hero.gotoAndPlay("investigate"); if (this._currentframe == 1) { this.gotoAndPlay("open"); _root.vcam.attachMovie("item_get", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root.vcam["effect" + _global.count_fx].texty = "'FullPlate Armor'\n is now yours."; _root.vcam["effect" + _global.count_fx].itemy = thisitem; _parent.s01.start(); _global.new_equip = true; _global.count_fx++; confirm_timer = 0; } _global.pausemode = true; _root.vcam.dialogue_set(thistext, true); if (_global.item_armor02 != true) { _global.item_armor02 = true; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 1991 MovieClip in Frame 180
onClipEvent (load) { confirm_timer = 0; checked = 0; thistext = ["The hidden message says...", "\"Hopefully I will be able to add two other areas, and end it with an epic final boss.\""]; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.headgear == "head03") { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; } if (((_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (_global.go_up)) && (_visible == true)) { confirm_timer++; } else { confirm_timer = 0; } if (((confirm_timer > 3) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (checked == 0)) { _global.pausemode = true; _root.hero.gotoAndStop("walk"); _root.hero.destination = this._x; _root.hero.facing = -100; if (checked == 0) { checked = 1; } _global.pausemode = true; _root.vcam.dialogue_set(thistext, true); this.gotoAndStop("activate"); } }
Frame 190
_global.bgm = 2; stop(); _global.currentmap = "map08_A2"; _global.purge = false; _global.pausemode = false; _global.count_fx = 1000; _global.count = 1; _global.count_wpn = 1; _global.count_wpn_min = 0; attachMovie("Kenshu_root", "hero", _global.count); if (_global.from_map == "map07_A2") { _root.hero._x = -461; _root.hero._y = 339; _root.hero._xscale = 100; } else if (_global.from_map == "map09_A2") { _root.hero._x = 975; _root.hero._y = 12; _root.hero._xscale = -100; } _global.count++; _global.y_follow = false;
Instance of Symbol 1972 MovieClip "cam_up02" in Frame 190
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.vcam._y = _root.hero._y; }
Instance of Symbol 2215 MovieClip "ground" in Frame 190
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 190
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._visible = false; if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = "map08_A2"; _global.checkpoint = "map07_A2"; _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A2"); } }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 190
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._visible = false; if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = "map08_A2"; _global.checkpoint = "map09_A2"; _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A2"); } }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 190
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._alpha = 0; if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _parent.spawn_monster("05_blazer", 400, 150, true); this._y = this._y - 999; } }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 190
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._alpha = 0; if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { if (_global.from_map == "map09_A2") { _parent.spawn_monster("05_blazer", 400, 150, true); this._y = this._y - 999; } } }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 190
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._alpha = 0; if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this) && (_global.from_map == "map09_A2")) { _parent.spawn_monster("05_blazer", -300, 150, true); this._y = this._y - 999; } }
Instance of Symbol 2207 MovieClip in Frame 190
onClipEvent (load) { this._xscale = -100; }
Frame 200
_global.bgm = 2; stop(); _global.currentmap = "map09_A2"; _global.purge = false; _global.pausemode = false; _global.count_fx = 1000; _global.count = 1; _global.count_wpn = 1; _global.count_wpn_min = 0; attachMovie("Kenshu_root", "hero", _global.count); if (_global.from_map == "map08_A2") { _root.hero._x = -515.8; _root.hero._y = 6; _root.hero._xscale = 100; } else { _root.hero._x = 975; _root.hero._y = 12; _root.hero._xscale = -100; } _global.count++; _global.y_follow = false;
Instance of Symbol 2238 MovieClip "ground" in Frame 200
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 200
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._visible = false; if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = "map09_A2"; _global.checkpoint = "map08_A2"; _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A2"); } }
Instance of Symbol 2080 MovieClip in Frame 200
onClipEvent (load) { confirm_timer = 0; this.gotoAndStop("close"); thistext = ["The chest contains...", "....Nothing?", "A chilling feel runs up your spine."]; checked = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (_global.go_up)) { confirm_timer++; } else { confirm_timer = 0; } if ((confirm_timer > 3) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) { _root.hero.gotoAndStop("walk"); _root.hero.destination = this._x + 50; _root.hero.facing = -100; _global.pausemode = true; _root.vcam.dialogue_set(thistext, true); if (checked == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay("open"); _parent.spawn_monster("04_injustice", -50, 320, true); _root.monster1._xscale = -100; thistext = ["Yaranaika?"]; checked = 1; } } }
Instance of Symbol 2080 MovieClip in Frame 200
onClipEvent (load) { confirm_timer = 0; this.gotoAndStop("empty"); checked = 0; thistext = ["No matter how hard you search, the chest is empty"]; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (_global.go_up)) { confirm_timer++; } else { confirm_timer = 0; } if (((confirm_timer > 3) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (checked == 0)) { if (checked == 0) { checked = 1; } _root.hero.gotoAndStop("walk"); _root.hero.destination = this._x + 50; _root.hero.facing = -100; _global.pausemode = true; _root.vcam.dialogue_set(thistext, true); } }
Instance of Symbol 2243 MovieClip in Frame 200
onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent.chance(75) == true) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } confirm_timer = 0; checked = 0; if (_global.hero_level <= 4) { thistext = ["A statue sits before you", "It is very lifelike"]; this.gotoAndStop("neutral"); } else { thistext = ["You attempt to pick up his headgear", "but the server disabled player drops, fuck."]; this.gotoAndStop("dead"); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._visible == true) { if ((_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (_global.go_up)) { confirm_timer++; } else { confirm_timer = 0; } } if ((confirm_timer > 3) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) { _global.pausemode = true; _root.hero.gotoAndStop("walk"); _root.hero.destination = this._x - 50; _root.hero.facing = 100; _global.pausemode = true; _root.vcam.dialogue_set(thistext, true); this.gotoAndStop("activate"); } }
Instance of Symbol 2028 MovieClip in Frame 200
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.item_inv04 == false) { this.icon_name = "inv_note1"; this.icon_code = "item_inv04"; } }
Instance of Symbol 2245 MovieClip in Frame 200
onClipEvent (load) { confirm_timer = 0; checked = 0; thistext = ["This hidden message reads...", "\"If you truly possess balls of steel...\nNo stat points, low level only, for some interesting bonuses\""]; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.headgear == "head03") { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; } if (((_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (_global.go_up)) && (_visible == true)) { confirm_timer++; } else { confirm_timer = 0; } if (((confirm_timer > 3) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (checked == 0)) { _global.pausemode = true; _root.hero.gotoAndStop("walk"); _root.hero.destination = this._x; _root.hero.facing = -100; if (checked == 0) { checked = 1; } _global.pausemode = true; _root.vcam.dialogue_set(thistext, true); this.gotoAndStop("activate"); } }
Frame 210
_global.bgm = 2; stop(); _global.currentmap = "map10_A2"; _global.purge = false; _global.pausemode = false; _global.count_fx = 1000; _global.count = 1; _global.count_wpn = 1; _global.count_wpn_min = 0; attachMovie("Kenshu_root", "hero", _global.count); if (_global.from_map == "map07_A2") { _root.hero._x = 1015; _root.hero._y = 256; _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else if (_global.from_map == "map11_A2") { _root.hero._x = -565; _root.hero._y = 236; _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _global.count++; _global.y_follow = false;
Instance of Symbol 2250 MovieClip "ground" in Frame 210
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 210
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._visible = false; if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = "map10_A2"; _global.checkpoint = "map07_A2"; _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A2"); } }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 210
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._visible = false; if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = "map10_A2"; _global.checkpoint = "map11_A2"; _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A2"); } }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 210
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._alpha = 0; if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { if (_global.from_map != "map11_A2") { _parent.spawn_monster("01_zombie", 500, 209, true); _parent.spawn_monster("01_zombie", 300, 209, true); } this._y = this._y - 999; } }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 210
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._alpha = 0; if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { if (_global.from_map != "map11_A2") { _parent.spawn_monster("03_mummy", 100, 209, true); } this._y = this._y - 999; } }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 210
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._alpha = 0; if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { if (_global.from_map != "map11_A2") { _parent.spawn_monster("03_mummy", -400, 209, true); _parent.spawn_monster("03_mummy", 0, 209, true); } this._y = this._y - 999; } }
Instance of Symbol 1989 MovieClip in Frame 210
onClipEvent (load) { confirm_timer = 0; checked = 0; thistext = ["A brightly colored message is on the wall", "\"I've accidentally stacked a mob from the lower level, sorry about that\""]; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (((_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (_global.go_up)) && (checked == 0)) { confirm_timer++; } else { confirm_timer = 0; } if ((confirm_timer > 3) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) { _global.pausemode = true; _root.hero.gotoAndStop("walk"); _root.hero.destination = this._x + 50; _root.hero.facing = -100; if (checked == 0) { checked = 1; } _global.pausemode = true; _root.vcam.dialogue_set(thistext, true); this.gotoAndStop("activate"); } }
Instance of Symbol 1989 MovieClip in Frame 210
onClipEvent (load) { confirm_timer = 0; checked = 0; thistext = ["A message written in blood...", "\"ALL THESE MUMMIES AND I DIDNT BRING ANY HOLY WATERSADASFOKASDOIKKTA\""]; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (((_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (_global.go_up)) && (checked == 0)) { confirm_timer++; } else { confirm_timer = 0; } if ((confirm_timer > 3) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) { _global.pausemode = true; _root.hero.gotoAndStop("walk"); _root.hero.destination = this._x + 50; _root.hero.facing = -100; if (checked == 0) { checked = 1; } _global.pausemode = true; _root.vcam.dialogue_set(thistext, true); this.gotoAndStop("activate"); } }
Frame 220
_global.bgm = 2; stop(); _global.currentmap = "map11_A2"; _global.purge = false; _global.pausemode = false; _global.count_fx = 1000; _global.count = 1; _global.count_wpn = 1; _global.count_wpn_min = 0; attachMovie("Kenshu_root", "hero", _global.count); if (_global.from_map == "map10_A2") { _root.hero._x = 931; _root.hero._y = 255; _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else if (_global.from_map == "map12_A2") { _root.vcam._y = 400; _root.hero._x = -387; _root.hero._y = 353; _root.hero._xscale = 100; _root.gate._y = _root.gate._y - 999; } _global.count++; _global.y_follow = false;
Instance of Symbol 1972 MovieClip "cam_up02" in Frame 220
onClipEvent (load) { x_lock = this._x; y_lock = this._y; y_locker = this._y - 170; activate = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { distance = Math.abs(_root.hero._x - this._x); if (distance < 250) { if ((_root.hero._x > x_lock) && (activate)) { if (_root.vcam._y > y_locker) { _root.vcam._y = _root.vcam._y - 5; } else { activate = false; _root.cam_down02.activate = true; } } } if (_global.testmode == true) { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 1972 MovieClip "cam_down02" in Frame 220
onClipEvent (load) { x_lock = this._x; y_lock = this._y; y_locker = this._y + 170; activate = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { distance = Math.abs(_root.hero._x - this._x); if (distance < 250) { if ((_root.hero._x < x_lock) && (activate)) { if (_root.vcam._y < y_locker) { _root.vcam._y = _root.vcam._y + 5; } else { activate = false; _root.cam_up01.activate = true; _root.cam_up02.activate = true; } } } if (_global.testmode == true) { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 2262 MovieClip "ground" in Frame 220
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 220
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2), true) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) { if (_root.hero.grav < 5) { while ((!_root.ground.hitTest(_root.hero._x, (_root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2)) + 2, true)) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) { if (_root.hero.grav > 0) { _root.hero.grav = 0; } _root.hero._y = _root.hero._y + 0.25; } } } this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 220
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._visible = false; if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = "map11_A2"; _global.checkpoint = "map10_A2"; _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A2"); } }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 220
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._visible = false; if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = "map11_A2"; _global.checkpoint = "map12_A2"; _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A2"); } }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 220
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._alpha = 0; if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { if (_global.from_map != "map12_A2") { _parent.spawn_monster("03_mummy", -300, 300, true); _parent.spawn_monster("02_skeleton", -100, 0, true); _parent.spawn_monster("02_skeleton", 50, 0, true); } this._y = this._y - 999; } }
Instance of Symbol 1989 MovieClip in Frame 220
onClipEvent (load) { confirm_timer = 0; checked = 0; thistext = ["Says here that \"Only the chosen one with the Key is Destiny may open this door.\"", "Door doesn't seem too sturdy, though."]; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (_global.go_up)) { confirm_timer++; } else { confirm_timer = 0; } if (checked == 1) { this._visible = false; } if (((confirm_timer > 3) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (checked == 0)) { _global.pausemode = true; _root.hero.gotoAndStop("walk"); _root.hero.destination = this._x; _root.hero.facing = -100; if (checked == 0) { checked = 1; } _global.pausemode = true; _root.vcam.dialogue_set(thistext, true); this.gotoAndStop("activate"); } }
Frame 230
_global.bgm = 2; stop(); _global.currentmap = "map12_A2"; _global.currentmap_area = "initialize_A2"; _global.purge = false; _global.pausemode = false; _global.count_fx = 1000; _global.count = 1; _global.count_wpn = 1; _global.count_wpn_min = 0; attachMovie("Kenshu_root", "hero", _global.count); if (_global.from_map == "map11_A2") { _root.hero._x = 471; _root.hero._y = 266; _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else if (_global.from_map == "map13_A2") { _root.hero._x = -236; _root.hero._y = 231; _root.hero._xscale = 100; } else { _root.hero._x = 120; _root.hero._y = 200; _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _global.count++; _global.y_follow = false;
Instance of Symbol 2281 MovieClip "ground" in Frame 230
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 230
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2), true) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) { if (_root.hero.grav < 5) { while ((!_root.ground.hitTest(_root.hero._x, (_root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2)) + 2, true)) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) { if (_root.hero.grav > 0) { _root.hero.grav = 0; } _root.hero._y = _root.hero._y + 0.25; } } } this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 230
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._visible = false; if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = "map12_A2"; _global.checkpoint = "map11_A2"; _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A2"); } }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 230
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._visible = false; if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = "map12_A2"; _global.checkpoint = "map13_A2"; _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A2"); } }
Instance of Symbol 2035 MovieClip "npc02" in Frame 230
onClipEvent (load) { confirm_timer = 0; thistext = ""; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (_global.go_up)) { confirm_timer++; } else { confirm_timer = 0; } if ((confirm_timer > 3) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) { _global.pausemode = true; _root.hero.gotoAndStop("walk"); _root.hero.destination = this._x - 50; _root.hero.facing = 100; _global.tutorial = 3; this.gotoAndStop("active"); this.talking = true; _root.vcam.attachMovie("N02_dialogue", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root.vcam.zoom_in = true; _global.count_fx++; confirm_timer = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 2283 MovieClip in Frame 230
onClipEvent (load) { confirm_timer = 0; checked = 0; if (_parent.chance(50) == true) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } thistext = ["\"So I brought 30 potions with me, all stuffed in my inventory\"", "\"And then I got hit, and all 30 flasks in my bag ruptured.", "\"So I spent the next three hours in sticky clothes with broken glass.\"", "\"Never bringing potions again.\""]; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._visible == true) { if ((_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (_global.go_up)) { confirm_timer++; } else { confirm_timer = 0; } if ((confirm_timer > 3) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) { _global.pausemode = true; _root.hero.gotoAndStop("walk"); _root.hero.destination = this._x + 50; _root.hero.facing = -100; _global.pausemode = true; _root.vcam.dialogue_set(thistext, true); } } }
Instance of Symbol 2285 MovieClip in Frame 230
onClipEvent (load) { confirm_timer = 0; checked = 0; if (_parent.chance(25) == true) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } thistext = ["\"Did you check out your notes?\"", "\"If you fight monsters with a level lower than you, you won't gain as much EXP\"", "\"However, if you're in an area where every monster has a higher level than you, then that place might not be for you yet.\""]; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._visible == true) { if ((_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (_global.go_up)) { confirm_timer++; } else { confirm_timer = 0; } if ((confirm_timer > 3) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) { _global.pausemode = true; _root.hero.gotoAndStop("walk"); _root.hero.destination = this._x - 50; _root.hero.facing = 100; _global.pausemode = true; _root.vcam.dialogue_set(thistext, true); } } }
Frame 240
_global.bgm = 2; stop(); _global.currentmap = "map13_A2"; _global.currentmap_area = "initialize_A2"; _global.purge = false; _global.pausemode = false; _global.count_fx = 1000; _global.count = 1; _global.count_wpn = 1; _global.count_wpn_min = 0; attachMovie("Kenshu_root", "hero", _global.count); if (_global.from_map == "map12_A2") { _root.hero._x = 959.6; _root.hero._y = -5; _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else if (_global.from_map == "map14_A2") { _root.hero._x = -106.3; _root.hero._y = 30; _root.hero._xscale = 100; } else if (_global.from_map == "map15_A2") { _root.hero._x = 927; _root.hero._y = 582; _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _global.count++; _global.y_follow = false;
Instance of Symbol 1972 MovieClip "cam_up02" in Frame 240
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.hero._y > -50) && (_root.hero._y < 603)) { _root.vcam._y = _root.hero._y; } else if (_root.hero._y <= -50) { _root.vcam._y = -50; } else if (_root.hero._y >= 603) { _root.vcam._y = 603; } }
Instance of Symbol 2290 MovieClip "ground" in Frame 240
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 240
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2), true) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) { if (_root.hero.grav < 5) { while ((!_root.ground.hitTest(_root.hero._x, (_root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2)) + 2, true)) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) { if (_root.hero.grav > 0) { _root.hero.grav = 0; } _root.hero._y = _root.hero._y + 0.25; } } } this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 240
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2), true) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) { if (_root.hero.grav < 5) { while ((!_root.ground.hitTest(_root.hero._x, (_root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2)) + 2, true)) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) { if (_root.hero.grav > 0) { _root.hero.grav = 0; } _root.hero._y = _root.hero._y + 0.25; } } } this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 240
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._visible = false; if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = "map13_A2"; _global.checkpoint = "map12_A2"; _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A2"); } }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 240
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._visible = false; if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = "map13_A2"; _global.checkpoint = "map14_A2"; _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A2"); } }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 240
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._visible = false; if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = "map13_A2"; _global.checkpoint = "map15_A2"; _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A2"); } }
Instance of Symbol 2295 MovieClip in Frame 240
onClipEvent (load) { confirm_timer = 0; if (_global.monster37 == true) { this._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { thistext = ["................", "...................", "The man in the trenchcoat refuses to say a word"]; if (this._visible == true) { if ((_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (_global.go_up)) { confirm_timer++; } else { confirm_timer = 0; } if ((confirm_timer > 3) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) { _global.pausemode = true; _root.hero.gotoAndStop("walk"); _root.hero.destination = this._x + 50; _root.hero.facing = -100; if (_global.monster37 == true) { confirm_timer = 0; _root.vcam.dialogue_set(thistext, true); } else { _root.vcam.attachMovie("N04_dialogue_A", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _global.count_fx++; _root.vcam.zoom_in = true; _global.shade_counter = 1; confirm_timer = 0; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 2297 MovieClip in Frame 240
onClipEvent (load) { confirm_timer = 0; checked = 0; thistext = ["...", "\"If you defeat Zealotus at level 4 or less, then 'something' will notice you.\""]; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.headgear == "head03") { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; } if (((_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (_global.go_up)) && (_visible == true)) { confirm_timer++; } else { confirm_timer = 0; } if (((confirm_timer > 3) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (checked == 0)) { _global.pausemode = true; _root.hero.gotoAndStop("walk"); _root.hero.destination = this._x; _root.hero.facing = -100; if (checked == 0) { checked = 1; } _global.pausemode = true; _root.vcam.dialogue_set(thistext, true); this.gotoAndStop("activate"); } }
Frame 250
_global.bgm = 2; stop(); _global.currentmap = "map14_A2"; _global.currentmap_area = "initialize_A2"; _global.purge = false; _global.pausemode = false; _global.count_fx = 1000; _global.count = 1; _global.count_wpn = 1; _global.count_wpn_min = 0; attachMovie("Kenshu_root", "hero", _global.count); if (_global.from_map == "map13_A2") { _root.hero._x = 893; _root.hero._y = -2; _root.hero._xscale = -100; } _global.count++; _global.y_follow = false;
Instance of Symbol 1972 MovieClip "cam_up02" in Frame 250
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.hero._y > -50) && (_root.hero._y < 316)) { _root.vcam._y = _root.hero._y; } else if (_root.hero._y <= -50) { _root.vcam._y = -50; } else if (_root.hero._y >= 316) { _root.vcam._y = 316; } }
Instance of Symbol 2301 MovieClip "ground" in Frame 250
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 250
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._visible = false; if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = "map14_A2"; _global.checkpoint = "map13_A2"; _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A2"); } }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 250
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._alpha = 0; if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _parent.spawn_monster("04_injustice", 400, 277, true); _parent.spawn_monster("02_skeleton", 200, 277, true); this._y = this._y - 999; _root.plot2._visible = true; } }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip "plot2" in Frame 250
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._alpha = 0; if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this) && (this._visible == true)) { _parent.spawn_monster("04_injustice", 600, 277, true); _parent.spawn_monster("01_zombie", -100, 150, true); this._y = this._y - 999; if (_global.item_head05 == false) { _root.hidden1._visible = true; } } }
Instance of Symbol 2080 MovieClip "hidden1" in Frame 250
onClipEvent (load) { confirm_timer = 0; thisitem = "head05"; this._visible = false; if (_global.item_head05 == true) { this.gotoAndStop("empty"); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._visible == true) { if (_global.item_head05 == true) { thistext = ["There is nothing left in this chest"]; } else { thistext = ["The iron helmet will protect you against vital blows"]; } if ((_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (_global.go_up)) { confirm_timer++; } else { confirm_timer = 0; } if ((confirm_timer > 3) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) { _root.hero.gotoAndPlay("investigate"); if (this._currentframe == 1) { this.gotoAndPlay("open"); _root.vcam.attachMovie("item_get", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root.vcam["effect" + _global.count_fx].texty = "'Iron Helmet'\n is now yours."; _root.vcam["effect" + _global.count_fx].itemy = thisitem; _parent.s01.start(); _global.new_equip = true; _global.count_fx++; confirm_timer = 0; } _global.pausemode = true; _root.vcam.dialogue_set(thistext, true); if (_global.item_head05 != true) { _global.item_head05 = true; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 1989 MovieClip in Frame 250
onClipEvent (load) { confirm_timer = 0; checked = 0; thistext = ["These unfortunate adventurers have met a grim fate", "Somebody decided to pile them up the corner."]; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (_global.go_up)) { confirm_timer++; } else { confirm_timer = 0; } if (checked == 1) { this._visible = false; } if (((confirm_timer > 3) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (checked == 0)) { _global.pausemode = true; _root.hero.gotoAndStop("walk"); _root.hero.destination = this._x; _root.hero.facing = -100; if (checked == 0) { checked = 1; } _global.pausemode = true; _root.vcam.dialogue_set(thistext, true); this.gotoAndStop("activate"); } }
Instance of Symbol 2297 MovieClip in Frame 250
onClipEvent (load) { confirm_timer = 0; checked = 0; thistext = ["A hidden message...", "\"Keep dickin around in that mask, you might find something.\""]; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.headgear == "head03") { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; } if (((_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (_global.go_up)) && (_visible == true)) { confirm_timer++; } else { confirm_timer = 0; } if (((confirm_timer > 3) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (checked == 0)) { _global.pausemode = true; _root.hero.gotoAndStop("walk"); _root.hero.destination = this._x; _root.hero.facing = -100; if (checked == 0) { checked = 1; } _global.pausemode = true; _root.vcam.dialogue_set(thistext, true); this.gotoAndStop("activate"); } }
Frame 260
if (_global.item_inv19 == false) { _global.bgm = 1; } stop(); _global.currentmap = "map15_A2"; _global.currentmap_area = "initialize_A2"; _global.boss_hp = 14000; _global.boss_maxHp = 14000; _global.purge = false; _global.pausemode = false; _global.count_fx = 1000; _global.count = 1; _global.count_wpn = 1; _global.count_wpn_min = 0; attachMovie("Kenshu_root", "hero", _global.count); if (_global.from_map == "map13_A2") { _root.hero._x = -469; _root.hero._y = 163; _root.hero._xscale = 100; } else if (_global.from_map == "map16_A2") { _root.hero._x = 964; _root.hero._y = 167; _root.hero._xscale = -100; } _global.count++; _global.y_follow = false;
Instance of Symbol 1972 MovieClip "cam_down01" in Frame 260
onClipEvent (load) { x_lock = this._x; y_lock = this._y; y_locker = this._y + 170; activate = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { distance = Math.abs(_root.hero._x - this._x); if (distance < 250) { if ((_root.hero._x > x_lock) && (activate)) { if (_root.vcam._y < y_locker) { _root.vcam._y = _root.vcam._y + 10; } else { _root.cam_up01.activate = true; _root.cam_up02.activate = true; activate = false; } } } if (_global.testmode == true) { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 1972 MovieClip "cam_up01" in Frame 260
onClipEvent (load) { x_lock = this._x; y_lock = this._y; y_locker = this._y - 170; activate = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { distance = Math.abs(_root.hero._x - this._x); if (distance < 250) { if ((_root.hero._x < x_lock) && (activate)) { if (_root.vcam._y > y_locker) { _root.vcam._y = _root.vcam._y - 5; } else { activate = false; _root.cam_down01.activate = true; _root.cam_down02.activate = true; } } } if (_global.testmode == true) { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 1972 MovieClip "cutscene_cam" in Frame 260
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 1972 MovieClip "cam_up02" in Frame 260
onClipEvent (load) { x_lock = this._x; y_lock = this._y; y_locker = this._y - 170; activate = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { distance = Math.abs(_root.hero._x - this._x); if (distance < 250) { if ((_root.hero._x > x_lock) && (activate)) { if (_root.vcam._y > y_locker) { _root.vcam._y = _root.vcam._y - 5; } else { activate = false; _root.cam_down02.activate = true; } } } if (_global.testmode == true) { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 1972 MovieClip "cam_down02" in Frame 260
onClipEvent (load) { x_lock = this._x; y_lock = this._y; y_locker = this._y + 170; activate = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { distance = Math.abs(_root.hero._x - this._x); if (distance < 250) { if ((_root.hero._x < x_lock) && (activate)) { if (_root.vcam._y < y_locker) { _root.vcam._y = _root.vcam._y + 5; } else { activate = false; _root.cam_up01.activate = true; _root.cam_up02.activate = true; } } } if (_global.testmode == true) { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 2303 MovieClip "ground" in Frame 260
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 260
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2), true) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) { if (_root.hero.grav < 5) { while ((!_root.ground.hitTest(_root.hero._x, (_root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2)) + 2, true)) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) { if (_root.hero.grav > 0) { _root.hero.grav = 0; } _root.hero._y = _root.hero._y + 0.25; } } } this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 260
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._visible = false; if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = "map15_A2"; _global.checkpoint = "map13_A2"; _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A2"); } }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip "plot2" in Frame 260
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.monster7 == true) { this._y = 1000; } thistext = ["The smell of heated blood runs rampant.", "You sense great dangers ahead."]; if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _root.hero.gotoAndStop("standby"); _global.pausemode = true; confirm_timer = 0; _root.vcam.dialogue_set(thistext, true); this._y = this._y - 999; } }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 260
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.item_inv19 == true) { this._y = 1000; } if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) {; _global.pausemode = true; _root.hero.gotoAndStop("standby"); _root.hero._xscale = -100; this._y = this._y - 999; } }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 260
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._visible = false; if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = "map15_A2"; _global.checkpoint = "map16_A2"; _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A2"); } }
Instance of Symbol 2306 MovieClip "cutscene" in Frame 260
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.item_inv19 == true) { this.gotoAndStop(293); } }
Instance of Symbol 1989 MovieClip in Frame 260
onClipEvent (load) { confirm_timer = 0; thisitem = "weapon03"; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.item_inv19 == false) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } if (this._visible == true) { if (_global.item_weapon03 == true) { thistext = ["This knight has already perished", "You will make good use of her weapon"]; } else { thistext = ["You found a heavy polearm", "This is a long reaching weapon that requires decent strength to handle."]; } if ((_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (_global.go_up)) { confirm_timer++; } else { confirm_timer = 0; } if ((confirm_timer > 3) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) { _root.hero.gotoAndStop("walk"); _root.hero.destination = this._x - 50; _root.hero.facing = 100; if (_global.item_weapon03 != true) { _root.vcam.attachMovie("item_get", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root.vcam["effect" + _global.count_fx].texty = "'Halberd'\n is now yours."; _root.vcam["effect" + _global.count_fx].itemy = thisitem; _parent.s01.start(); _global.new_equip = true; } _global.count_fx++; confirm_timer = 0; _global.pausemode = true; _root.vcam.dialogue_set(thistext, true); if (_global.item_weapon03 != true) { _global.item_weapon03 = true; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 2052 MovieClip in Frame 260
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.item_inv19 == false) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } }
Instance of Symbol 1989 MovieClip in Frame 260
onClipEvent (load) { confirm_timer = 0; teleport_delay = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.item_inv19 == false) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } if (this._visible == true) { if ((_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (_global.go_up)) { confirm_timer++; } else { confirm_timer = 0; } if ((confirm_timer > 3) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) { _root.hero.gotoAndStop("investigate"); teleport_delay = 1; _global.pausemode = true; } if (teleport_delay >= 1) { teleport_delay++; } if (teleport_delay >= 20) { _parent.s39.start(); _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = "map15_A2"; _global.checkpoint = "map16_A2"; _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A2"); } } }
Frame 270
_global.bgm = 2; stop(); _global.currentmap = "map16_A2"; _global.currentmap_area = "initialize_A2"; _global.purge = false; _global.pausemode = false; _global.count_fx = 1000; _global.count = 1; _global.count_wpn = 1; _global.count_wpn_min = 0; attachMovie("Kenshu_root", "hero", _global.count); if (_global.from_map == "map15_A2") { _root.hero._x = -443; _root.hero._y = -10; _root.hero._xscale = 100; } else if (_global.from_map == "map07_A2") { _root.hero._x = 624; _root.hero._y = 423; _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else if (_global.from_map == "map01_A3") { _root.hero._x = 1044; _root.hero._y = 10; _root.hero._xscale = -100; } _global.count++; _global.y_follow = false;
Instance of Symbol 1972 MovieClip "cam_up02" in Frame 270
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.hero._y > 50) && (_root.hero._y < 416)) { _root.vcam._y = _root.hero._y; } else if (_root.hero._y <= 50) { _root.vcam._y = 50; } else if (_root.hero._y >= 416) { _root.vcam._y = 416; } }
Instance of Symbol 2311 MovieClip "ground" in Frame 270
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 270
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._visible = false; if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = "map16_A2"; _global.checkpoint = "map15_A2"; _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A2"); } }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 270
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._visible = false; if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = "map16_A2"; _global.checkpoint = "map01_A3"; _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A3"); } }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip "plot2" in Frame 270
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; timer = 0; max = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { timer++; if (((timer % 400) == 0) && (max <= 3)) { max++; _parent.spawn_monster("05_blazer", -193, 157, true); } }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip "plot2" in Frame 270
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; timer = 500; max = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { timer++; if (((timer % 600) == 0) && (max <= 3)) { max++; _parent.spawn_monster("05_blazer", 780, 157, true); } }
Instance of Symbol 1997 MovieClip in Frame 270
onClipEvent (load) { confirm_timer = 0; this.gotoAndStop("neutral"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (_global.go_up)) { confirm_timer++; } else { confirm_timer = 0; } if ((confirm_timer > 3) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) { _root.hero.gotoAndStop("investigate"); this.gotoAndPlay("activate"); _global.pausemode = true; } if (this._currentframe >= 50) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = "map16_A2"; _global.checkpoint = "map07_A2"; _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A2"); } }
Frame 295
Instance of Symbol 980 MovieClip "controller" in Frame 295
onClipEvent (load) { presstemp = 0; presstemp_s = 0; zoomcount = 0; this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _parent.silence.start(); if (Key.isDown(_global.key_up)) { _global.go_up = true; _global.go_down = false; } else if (Key.isDown(_global.key_down)) { _global.go_up = false; _global.go_down = true; } else { _global.go_up = false; _global.go_down = false; } if (Key.isDown(_global.key_right)) { _global.go_left = false; _global.go_right = true; } else if (Key.isDown(_global.key_left)) { _global.go_left = true; _global.go_right = false; } else { _global.go_left = false; _global.go_right = false; } if (Key.isDown(_global.key_a)) { _global.a_press = true; if (presstemp == 0) { _global.a_register = true; presstemp++; } else { _global.a_register = false; } } else { presstemp = 0; _global.a_press = false; _global.a_register = false; } if (Key.isDown(_global.key_d)) { _global.d_press = true; if (presstemp_d == 0) { _global.d_register = true; presstemp_d++; } else { _global.d_register = false; } } else { presstemp_d = 0; _global.d_press = false; _global.d_register = false; } if (Key.isDown(_global.key_s)) { _global.s_press = true; if (presstemp_s == 0) { _global.s_register = true; presstemp_s++; } else { _global.s_register = false; } } else { presstemp_s = 0; _global.s_press = false; _global.s_register = false; } if (_global.zooming_in) { if (zoomcount > 0) { _root.vcam._xscale = _root.vcam._xscale - (zoomcount * 2); _root.vcam._yscale = _root.vcam._yscale - (zoomcount * 2); zoomcount--; } } if (_global.zooming_out) { if (zoomcount > 0) { _root.vcam._xscale = _root.vcam._xscale + (zoomcount * 2); _root.vcam._yscale = _root.vcam._yscale + (zoomcount * 2); zoomcount--; } } if (_global.runcd > 0) { _global.runcd--; } _root.vcam.camControl(); if (Key.isDown(_global.key_up)) { _global.hero_nextatk = _global.hero_nextatk_up; } else if (Key.isDown(_global.key_down)) { _global.hero_nextatk = _global.hero_nextatk_down; } else { _global.hero_nextatk = _global.hero_nextatk_mid; } _root.debug2 = _global.hero_nextatk; }
Frame 298
Instance of Symbol 1956 MovieClip "vcam" in Frame 298
/* no clip actions */
Frame 301
Instance of Symbol 980 MovieClip in Frame 301
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _parent.gotoAndPlay(_global.checkpoint); }
Frame 305
stop(); _global.currentmap = "map01_A3"; _global.purge = false; _global.pausemode = false; _global.count_fx = 1000; _global.count = 1; _global.count_wpn = 1; _global.count_wpn_min = 0; if (_global.tutorial == 0) { _root.vcam.attachMovie("presskeys1", "preser", _global.count); _root.vcam.presser._x = -100; _root.vcam.presser._y = -100; } attachMovie("Kenshu_root", "hero", _global.count); if (_global.from_map == "map16_A2") { _root.hero._x = -290; _root.hero._xscale = 100; _root.hero._y = 226; } else if (_global.from_map == "map02_A3") { _root.hero._x = 753; _root.hero._xscale = -100; _root.hero._y = 226; } _global.count++; _global.y_follow = false; _global.wpcount = 0;
Instance of Symbol 1972 MovieClip "wall_left_fix" in Frame 305
onClipEvent (load) { x_lock = this._x; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.vcam.zoom_in == false) { this._x = x_lock; } else { this._x = x_lock - 125; } if (_global.testmode == true) { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 1972 MovieClip "wall_right_fix" in Frame 305
onClipEvent (load) { x_lock = this._x; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.vcam.zoom_in == false) { this._x = x_lock; } else { this._x = x_lock + 125; } if (_global.testmode == true) { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 2315 MovieClip "ground" in Frame 305
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 305
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _global.checkpoint = "map16_A2"; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _global.from_map = "map01_A3"; _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A2"); } }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 305
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _global.checkpoint = "map02_A3"; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _global.from_map = "map01_A3"; _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A3"); } }
Instance of Symbol 2328 MovieClip "cutscene" in Frame 305
onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.monster38 == true) { this.gotoAndStop("deactivate"); this._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip "plot2" in Frame 305
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.monster38 == true) { this._y = 1000; } if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _root.hero.gotoAndStop("standby");; _root.hero.force = 0; _global.pausemode = true; this._y = this._y - 999; } }
Frame 315
_global.bgm = 4; stop(); _global.currentmap = "map01_A3"; _global.purge = false; _global.pausemode = false; _global.count_fx = 1000; _global.count = 1; _global.count_wpn = 1; _global.count_wpn_min = 0; if (_global.tutorial == 0) { _root.vcam.attachMovie("presskeys1", "preser", _global.count); _root.vcam.presser._x = -100; _root.vcam.presser._y = -100; } attachMovie("Kenshu_root", "hero", _global.count); if (_global.from_map == "map01_A3") { _root.hero._x = -27; _root.hero._y = 226; _root.hero._xscale = 100; } else if (_global.from_map == "map03_A3") { _root.hero._x = 835; _root.hero._y = 356; _root.hero._xscale = -100; } _global.count++; _global.y_follow = false; _global.wpcount = 0;
Instance of Symbol 1972 MovieClip "cam_up02" in Frame 315
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.hero._y > 250) && (_root.hero._y < 350)) { _root.vcam._y = _root.hero._y; } else if (_root.hero._y <= 250) { _root.vcam._y = 250; } else if (_root.hero._y >= 350) { _root.vcam._y = 350; } }
Instance of Symbol 2338 MovieClip "ground" in Frame 315
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 315
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2), true) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) { if (_root.hero.grav < 5) { while ((!_root.ground.hitTest(_root.hero._x, (_root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2)) + 2, true)) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) { if (_root.hero.grav > 0) { _root.hero.grav = 0; } _root.hero._y = _root.hero._y + 0.25; } } } this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 315
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _global.checkpoint = "map01_A3"; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _global.from_map = "map02_A3"; _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A3"); } }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 315
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _parent.spawn_monster("04_injustice", 865, 281, true); _parent.spawn_monster("01_zombie", 336, 270, true); this._y = this._y - 999; } }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 315
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _global.checkpoint = "map03_A3"; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _global.from_map = "map02_A3"; _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A3"); } }
Frame 325
_global.bgm = 4; stop(); _global.currentmap = "map03_A3"; _global.currentmap_area = "initialize_A3"; _global.purge = false; _global.pausemode = false; _global.count_fx = 1000; _global.count = 1; _global.count_wpn = 1; _global.count_wpn_min = 0; attachMovie("Kenshu_root", "hero", _global.count); if (_global.from_map == "map02_A3") { _root.hero._x = -259; _root.hero._y = 241; _root.hero._xscale = 100; } else if (_global.from_map == "map04_A3") { _root.hero._x = 671; _root.hero._y = 92; _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else if (_global.from_map == "map06_A3") { _root.hero._x = 795; _root.hero._y = 743; _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else if (_global.from_map == "map10_A3") { _root.hero._x = -284; _root.hero._y = 743; _root.hero._xscale = 100; } else { _root.hero._x = -106; _root.hero._y = -119; _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _global.count++; _global.y_follow = false;
Instance of Symbol 1972 MovieClip "cam_up02" in Frame 325
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.hero._y > -28) && (_root.hero._y < 704)) { _root.vcam._y = _root.hero._y; } else if (_root.hero._y <= -28) { _root.vcam._y = -28; } else if (_root.hero._y >= 704) { _root.vcam._y = 704; } }
Instance of Symbol 2344 MovieClip "ground" in Frame 325
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 325
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2), true) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) { if (_root.hero.grav < 5) { while ((!_root.ground.hitTest(_root.hero._x, (_root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2)) + 2, true)) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) { if (_root.hero.grav > 0) { _root.hero.grav = 0; } _root.hero._y = _root.hero._y + 0.25; } } } this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 325
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2), true) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) { if (_root.hero.grav < 5) { while ((!_root.ground.hitTest(_root.hero._x, (_root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2)) + 2, true)) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) { if (_root.hero.grav > 0) { _root.hero.grav = 0; } _root.hero._y = _root.hero._y + 0.25; } } } this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 325
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _global.checkpoint = "map02_A3"; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _global.from_map = "map03_A3"; _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A3"); } }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 325
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _global.checkpoint = "map04_A3"; _global.from_map = "map03_A3"; _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A3"); } }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 325
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _global.checkpoint = "map06_A3"; _global.from_map = "map03_A3"; _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A3"); } }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 325
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _global.checkpoint = "map10_A3"; _global.from_map = "map03_A3"; _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A3"); } }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip "plot2" in Frame 325
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { thistext = ["You spot a hidden message in this corner", "\"For a good time, call EasyModo, the manliest of man.\"", "Nice name...."]; if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _root.hero.gotoAndStop("standby"); _global.pausemode = true; confirm_timer = 0; _root.vcam.dialogue_set(thistext, true); this._y = this._y - 999; } }
Instance of Symbol 2035 MovieClip "npc02" in Frame 325
onClipEvent (load) { confirm_timer = 0; thistext = ""; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (_global.go_up)) { confirm_timer++; } else { confirm_timer = 0; } if ((confirm_timer > 3) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) { _global.pausemode = true; _root.hero.gotoAndStop("walk"); _root.hero.destination = this._x - 50; _root.hero.facing = 100; _global.tutorial = 3; this.gotoAndStop("active"); this.talking = true; _root.vcam.attachMovie("N02_dialogue", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root.vcam.zoom_in = true; _global.count_fx++; confirm_timer = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 2349 MovieClip in Frame 325
onClipEvent (load) { confirm_timer = 0; checked = 0; thistext = ["\"It's so steep up there...\"", "\"My heavy armor simply isn't meant for this.\"", "\"Ara ara, this will not do!\""]; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (((_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (_global.go_up)) && (this._visible)) { confirm_timer++; } else { confirm_timer = 0; } if ((confirm_timer > 3) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) { _global.pausemode = true; _root.hero.gotoAndStop("walk"); _root.hero.destination = this._x + 50; _root.hero.facing = -100; _global.pausemode = true; _root.vcam.dialogue_set(thistext, true); this.gotoAndStop("activate"); } }
Instance of Symbol 2351 MovieClip in Frame 325
onClipEvent (load) { confirm_timer = 0; checked = 0; if (_parent.chance(50) == true) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } if (_parent.chance(50) == true) { thistext = ["\"...It ain't easy mode after this area, kid\"", "\"Don't expect to take more than seven hits\""]; } else { thistext = ["\"Some of the monsters don't flinch at your attack\"", "\"Sometimes, you'll need to follow up with a powerful strike to stun them.\"", "\"That, or the corresponding element.\""]; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._visible == true) { if ((_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (_global.go_up)) { confirm_timer++; } else { confirm_timer = 0; } if ((confirm_timer > 3) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) { _global.pausemode = true; _root.hero.gotoAndStop("walk"); _root.hero.destination = this._x + 30; _root.hero.facing = -100; _global.pausemode = true; _root.vcam.dialogue_set(thistext, true); } } }
Instance of Symbol 2356 MovieClip in Frame 325
onClipEvent (load) { confirm_timer = 0; checked = 0; if (_parent.chance(50) == true) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } thistext = ["\"This one encountered the Skeleton Wanderer at the West.\"", "\"This one is no match for him\"", "\"The footworks and agility of that Wanderman is unrivaled.\"", "\"Perhaps given more time to train, this one could put up a fight.\""]; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._visible == true) { if ((_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (_global.go_up)) { confirm_timer++; } else { confirm_timer = 0; } if ((confirm_timer > 3) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) { _global.pausemode = true; _root.hero.gotoAndStop("walk"); this.gotoAndPlay("activate"); _root.hero.destination = this._x - 50; _root.hero.facing = 100; _global.pausemode = true; _root.vcam.dialogue_set(thistext, true); } } }
Instance of Symbol 2361 MovieClip in Frame 325
onClipEvent (load) { if ((_parent.chance(75) == true) || (_global.item_inv12 == true)) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } }
Frame 335
_global.bgm = 4; stop(); _global.currentmap = "map04_A3"; _global.currentmap_area = "initialize_A3"; _global.purge = false; _global.pausemode = false; _global.count_fx = 1000; _global.count = 1; _global.count_wpn = 1; _global.count_wpn_min = 0; attachMovie("Kenshu_root", "hero", _global.count); if (_global.from_map == "map03_A3") { _root.hero._x = -521; _root.hero._y = 673; _root.hero._xscale = 100; } else if (_global.from_map == "map05_A3") { _root.hero._x = 723; _root.hero._y = -322; _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._x = -106; _root.hero._y = -119; _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _global.count++; _global.y_follow = false;
Instance of Symbol 1972 MovieClip "cam_up02" in Frame 335
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.hero._y > -318) && (_root.hero._y < 639)) { _root.vcam._y = _root.hero._y; } else if (_root.hero._y <= -318) { _root.vcam._y = -318; } else if (_root.hero._y >= 639) { _root.vcam._y = 639; } }
Instance of Symbol 2365 MovieClip "ground" in Frame 335
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 335
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2), true) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) { if (_root.hero.grav < 5) { while ((!_root.ground.hitTest(_root.hero._x, (_root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2)) + 2, true)) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) { if (_root.hero.grav > 0) { _root.hero.grav = 0; } _root.hero._y = _root.hero._y + 0.25; } } } this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 335
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2), true) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) { if (_root.hero.grav < 5) { while ((!_root.ground.hitTest(_root.hero._x, (_root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2)) + 2, true)) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) { if (_root.hero.grav > 0) { _root.hero.grav = 0; } _root.hero._y = _root.hero._y + 0.25; } } } this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 335
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _global.checkpoint = "map03_A3"; _global.from_map = "map04_A3"; _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A3"); } }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 335
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _parent.spawn_monster("08_marionette", 363, 104, true); this._y = this._y - 999; } }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 335
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _parent.spawn_monster("08_marionette", 82, -206, true); this._y = this._y - 999; } }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 335
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _global.checkpoint = "map05_A3"; _global.from_map = "map04_A3"; _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A3"); } }
Instance of Symbol 2019 MovieClip in Frame 335
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.item_inv05 == false) { this.icon_name = "inv_note1"; this.icon_code = "item_inv05"; } }
Instance of Symbol 2080 MovieClip in Frame 335
onClipEvent (load) { confirm_timer = 0; thisitem = "armor04"; if (_global.item_armor04 == true) { this.gotoAndStop("empty"); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._visible == true) { if (_global.item_armor04 == true) { thistext = ["The empty chest sits here, collecting dust"]; } else { thistext = ["You found the featherweight armor! This lets you run faster."]; } if ((_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (_global.go_up)) { confirm_timer++; } else { confirm_timer = 0; } if ((confirm_timer > 3) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) { _root.hero.gotoAndPlay("investigate"); if (this._currentframe == 1) { this.gotoAndPlay("open"); _root.vcam.attachMovie("item_get", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root.vcam["effect" + _global.count_fx].texty = "'Sprint Armor'\n is now yours."; _root.vcam["effect" + _global.count_fx].itemy = thisitem; _parent.s01.start(); _global.new_item = true; _global.count_fx++; confirm_timer = 0; } _global.pausemode = true; _root.vcam.dialogue_set(thistext, true); if (_global.item_armor04 != true) { _global.item_armor04 = true; } } } }
Frame 345
_global.bgm = 4; stop(); _global.currentmap = "map05_A3"; _global.currentmap_area = "initialize_A3"; _global.purge = false; _global.pausemode = false; _global.count_fx = 1000; _global.count = 1; _global.count_wpn = 1; _global.count_wpn_min = 0; attachMovie("Kenshu_root", "hero", _global.count); if (_global.from_map == "map04_A3") { _root.hero._x = -613; _root.hero._y = -477; _root.hero._xscale = 100; } else if (_global.from_map == "map07_A3") { _root.hero._x = 1373; _root.hero._y = 246; _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._x = -106; _root.hero._y = -119; _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _global.count++; _global.y_follow = false;
Instance of Symbol 1972 MovieClip "cam_up02" in Frame 345
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.hero._y > -358) && (_root.hero._y < 639)) { _root.vcam._y = _root.hero._y; } else if (_root.hero._y <= -358) { _root.vcam._y = -358; } else if (_root.hero._y >= 639) { _root.vcam._y = 639; } }
Instance of Symbol 2369 MovieClip "ground" in Frame 345
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 345
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.from_map == "map07_A3") { this._y = 1234; } if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _parent.spawn_monster("bg08_boulder", -729, -600, true); this._y = this._y - 999; } }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 345
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _global.checkpoint = "map04_A3"; _global.from_map = "map05_A3"; _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A3"); } }
Instance of Symbol 1997 MovieClip in Frame 345
onClipEvent (load) { confirm_timer = 0; this.gotoAndStop("neutral"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (_global.go_up)) { confirm_timer++; } else { confirm_timer = 0; } if ((confirm_timer > 3) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) { _root.hero.gotoAndStop("investigate"); this.gotoAndPlay("activate"); _global.pausemode = true; } if (this._currentframe >= 50) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = "map05_A3"; _global.checkpoint = "map07_A3"; _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A3"); } }
Instance of Symbol 2080 MovieClip in Frame 345
onClipEvent (load) { confirm_timer = 0; thisitem = "head04"; if (_global.item_head04 == true) { this.gotoAndStop("empty"); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._visible == true) { if (_global.item_head04 == true) { thistext = ["You already have whatever's in this chest."]; } else { thistext = ["You found a chef hat in the deepest bowels of an arcane ruin", "Maybe you can have a cook off with ancient mummies."]; } if ((_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (_global.go_up)) { confirm_timer++; } else { confirm_timer = 0; } if ((confirm_timer > 3) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) { _root.hero.gotoAndPlay("investigate"); if (this._currentframe == 1) { this.gotoAndPlay("open"); _root.vcam.attachMovie("item_get", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root.vcam["effect" + _global.count_fx].texty = "'Chef's Hat'\n is now yours."; _root.vcam["effect" + _global.count_fx].itemy = thisitem; _parent.s01.start(); _global.new_equip = true; _global.count_fx++; confirm_timer = 0; } _global.pausemode = true; _root.vcam.dialogue_set(thistext, true); if (_global.item_head04 != true) { _global.item_head04 = true; } } } }
Frame 355
_global.bgm = 4; stop(); _global.currentmap = "map06_A3"; _global.currentmap_area = "initialize_A3"; _global.purge = false; _global.pausemode = false; _global.count_fx = 1000; _global.count = 1; _global.count_wpn = 1; _global.count_wpn_min = 0; attachMovie("Kenshu_root", "hero", _global.count); if (_global.from_map == "map03_A3") { _root.hero._x = -665; _root.hero._y = -20; _root.hero._xscale = 100; } else if (_global.from_map == "map07_A3") { _root.hero._x = 1287; _root.hero._y = 66; _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._x = -106; _root.hero._y = -119; _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _global.count++; _global.y_follow = false;
Instance of Symbol 1972 MovieClip "cam_up02" in Frame 355
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.hero._y > -358) && (_root.hero._y < 42)) { _root.vcam._y = _root.hero._y; } else if (_root.hero._y <= -358) { _root.vcam._y = -358; } else if (_root.hero._y >= 42) { _root.vcam._y = 42; } }
Instance of Symbol 2373 MovieClip "ground" in Frame 355
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 355
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _parent.spawn_monster("04_injustice", 872, -226, true); this._y = this._y - 999; } }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 355
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _parent.spawn_monster("03_mummy", 950, 31, true); this._y = this._y - 999; } }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 355
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _global.checkpoint = "map03_A3"; _global.from_map = "map06_A3"; _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A3"); } }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 355
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _global.checkpoint = "map07_A3"; _global.from_map = "map06_A3"; _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A3"); } }
Instance of Symbol 2207 MovieClip in Frame 355
onClipEvent (load) { this._xscale = -100; }
Instance of Symbol 2028 MovieClip in Frame 355
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.item_inv05 == false) { this.icon_name = "inv_note1"; this.icon_code = "item_inv05"; } }
Instance of Symbol 1989 MovieClip in Frame 355
onClipEvent (load) { confirm_timer = 0; checked = 0; thistext = ["\"Warning: Dangers ahead!\""]; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (_global.go_up)) { confirm_timer++; } else { confirm_timer = 0; } if (checked == 1) { this._visible = false; } if (((confirm_timer > 3) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (checked == 0)) { _global.pausemode = true; _root.hero.gotoAndStop("walk"); _root.hero.destination = this._x; _root.hero.facing = -100; if (checked == 0) { checked = 1; } _global.pausemode = true; _root.vcam.dialogue_set(thistext, true); this.gotoAndStop("activate"); } }
Instance of Symbol 1991 MovieClip in Frame 355
onClipEvent (load) { confirm_timer = 0; checked = 0; thistext = ["The hidden text writes...", "\"Funny how I released a half finished product on 04/01. Couldn't resist, sorry.\""]; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.headgear == "head03") { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; } if (((_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (_global.go_up)) && (_visible == true)) { confirm_timer++; } else { confirm_timer = 0; } if (((confirm_timer > 3) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (checked == 0)) { _global.pausemode = true; _root.hero.gotoAndStop("walk"); _root.hero.destination = this._x; _root.hero.facing = -100; if (checked == 0) { checked = 1; } _global.pausemode = true; _root.vcam.dialogue_set(thistext, true); this.gotoAndStop("activate"); } }
Frame 365
_global.bgm = 4; stop(); _global.currentmap = "map07_A3"; _global.currentmap_area = "initialize_A3"; _global.purge = false; _global.pausemode = false; _global.count_fx = 1000; _global.count = 1; _global.count_wpn = 1; _global.count_wpn_min = 0; attachMovie("Kenshu_root", "hero", _global.count); if (_global.from_map == "map06_A3") { _root.hero._x = -673; _root.hero._y = 291; _root.hero._xscale = 100; } else if (_global.from_map == "map08_A3") { _root.hero._x = -673; _root.hero._y = 645; _root.hero._xscale = 100; } else if (_global.from_map == "map05_A3") { _root.hero._x = 819.7; _root.hero._y = -219.6; _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._x = -106; _root.hero._y = -119; _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _global.count++; _global.y_follow = false;
Instance of Symbol 1972 MovieClip "cam_up02" in Frame 365
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.hero._y > -147) && (_root.hero._y < 595)) { _root.vcam._y = _root.hero._y; } else if (_root.hero._y <= -147) { _root.vcam._y = -147; } else if (_root.hero._y >= 595) { _root.vcam._y = 595; } }
Instance of Symbol 2379 MovieClip "ground" in Frame 365
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 365
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2), true) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) { if (_root.hero.grav < 5) { while ((!_root.ground.hitTest(_root.hero._x, (_root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2)) + 2, true)) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) { if (_root.hero.grav > 0) { _root.hero.grav = 0; } _root.hero._y = _root.hero._y + 0.25; } } } this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip "bg_image" in Frame 365
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _parent.spawn_monster("09_owlduke", 193, 150, true); _parent.spawn_monster("01_zombie", 303, 150, true); _parent.spawn_monster("01_zombie", 103, 150, true); this._y = this._y - 999; } }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 365
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _global.checkpoint = "map06_A3"; _global.from_map = "map07_A3"; _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A3"); } }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 365
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _global.checkpoint = "map08_A3"; _global.from_map = "map07_A3"; _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A3"); } }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 365
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _parent.spawn_monster("05_blazer", 303, 500, true); _parent.spawn_monster("05_blazer", 13, 500, true); this._y = this._y - 999; } }
Instance of Symbol 2019 MovieClip in Frame 365
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.item_inv04 == false) { this.icon_name = "inv_note1"; this.icon_code = "item_inv04"; } }
Instance of Symbol 2080 MovieClip in Frame 365
onClipEvent (load) { confirm_timer = 0; this.gotoAndStop("empty"); checked = 0; thistext = ["The chest is empty", "Somebody has already taken whatever's inside"]; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (((_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (_global.go_up)) && (checked == 0)) { confirm_timer++; } else { confirm_timer = 0; } if ((confirm_timer > 3) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) { checked = 1; _root.hero.gotoAndStop("walk"); _root.hero.destination = this._x - 50; _root.hero.facing = 100; _global.pausemode = true; _root.vcam.dialogue_set(thistext, true); } }
Instance of Symbol 1997 MovieClip in Frame 365
onClipEvent (load) { confirm_timer = 0; this.gotoAndStop("neutral"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (_global.go_up)) { confirm_timer++; } else { confirm_timer = 0; } if ((confirm_timer > 3) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) { _root.hero.gotoAndStop("investigate"); this.gotoAndPlay("activate"); _global.pausemode = true; } if (this._currentframe >= 50) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = "map07_A3"; _global.checkpoint = "map05_A3"; _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A3"); } }
Frame 375
_global.bgm = 4; stop(); _global.currentmap = "map08_A3"; _global.currentmap_area = "initialize_A3"; _global.purge = false; _global.pausemode = false; _global.count_fx = 1000; _global.count = 1; _global.count_wpn = 1; _global.count_wpn_min = 0; attachMovie("Kenshu_root", "hero", _global.count); if (_global.from_map == "map07_A3") { _root.hero._x = 1173; _root.hero._y = 262; _root.hero._xscale = 100; } else if (_global.from_map == "map09_A3") { _root.hero._x = -853; _root.hero._y = 262; _root.hero._xscale = 100; } else { _root.hero._x = -106; _root.hero._y = -119; _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _global.count++; _global.y_follow = false;
Instance of Symbol 1972 MovieClip "cam_up02" in Frame 375
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.hero._y > 291) && (_root.hero._y < 479)) { _root.vcam._y = _root.hero._y; } else if (_root.hero._y <= 291) { _root.vcam._y = 281; } else if (_root.hero._y >= 479) { _root.vcam._y = 479; } }
Instance of Symbol 2383 MovieClip "ground" in Frame 375
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 375
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _global.checkpoint = "map09_A3"; _global.from_map = "map08_A3"; _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A3"); } }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 375
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _global.checkpoint = "map07_A3"; _global.from_map = "map08_A3"; _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A3"); } }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 375
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _parent.spawn_monster("08_marionette", 545, 200, true); this._y = this._y - 999; } }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 375
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _parent.spawn_monster("08_marionette", -190, 200, true); this._y = this._y - 999; } }
Instance of Symbol 2277 MovieClip "golem" in Frame 375
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hp <= 0) { if (_global.item_inv13 == false) { _root.hidden1._visible = true; } } else { _root.hidden1._x = this._x; _root.hidden1._y = this._y - 15; } }
Instance of Symbol 2080 MovieClip "hidden1" in Frame 375
onClipEvent (load) { confirm_timer = 0; thisitem = "inv13"; this._visible = false; if (_global.item_inv13 == true) { this.gotoAndStop("empty"); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._visible == true) { if (_global.item_inv13 == true) { thistext = ["There is nothing left in this chest"]; } else { thistext = ["You found a shiny fragment from the remains of this golem. Looks valuable."]; } if ((_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (_global.go_up)) { confirm_timer++; } else { confirm_timer = 0; } if ((confirm_timer > 3) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) { _root.hero.gotoAndPlay("investigate"); if (this._currentframe == 1) { this.gotoAndPlay("open"); _root.vcam.attachMovie("item_get", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root.vcam["effect" + _global.count_fx].texty = "'Cursed Ruby'\n is now Yours."; _root.vcam["effect" + _global.count_fx].itemy = thisitem; _parent.s01.start(); _global.new_item = true; _global.count_fx++; confirm_timer = 0; } _global.pausemode = true; _root.vcam.dialogue_set(thistext, true); if (_global.item_inv13 != true) { _global.item_inv13 = true; } } } }
Frame 385
_global.bgm = 4; stop(); _global.currentmap = "map09_A3"; _global.currentmap_area = "initialize_A3"; _global.purge = false; _global.pausemode = false; _global.count_fx = 1000; _global.count = 1; _global.count_wpn = 1; _global.count_wpn_min = 0; attachMovie("Kenshu_root", "hero", _global.count); if (_global.from_map == "map08_A3") { _root.hero._x = 977; _root.hero._y = 265; _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else if (_global.from_map == "map14_A3") { _root.hero._x = -749; _root.hero._y = 265; _root.hero._xscale = 100; } else { _root.hero._x = -106; _root.hero._y = -119; _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _global.count++; _global.y_follow = false;
Instance of Symbol 2388 MovieClip "ground" in Frame 385
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 385
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _global.checkpoint = "map14_A3"; _global.from_map = "map09_A3"; _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A3"); } }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 385
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _global.checkpoint = "map08_A3"; _global.from_map = "map09_A3"; _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A3"); } }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 385
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _global.checkpoint = "map15_A3"; _global.from_map = "map09_A3"; _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A3"); } }
Frame 395
_global.bgm = 4; stop(); _global.currentmap = "map10_A3"; _global.currentmap_area = "initialize_A3"; _global.purge = false; _global.pausemode = false; _global.count_fx = 1000; _global.count = 1; _global.count_wpn = 1; _global.count_wpn_min = 0; attachMovie("Kenshu_root", "hero", _global.count); if (_global.from_map == "map03_A3") { _root.hero._x = 949; _root.hero._y = 265; _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else if (_global.from_map == "map11_A3") { _root.hero._x = -647; _root.hero._y = 35; _root.hero._xscale = 100; } else { _root.hero._x = -106; _root.hero._y = -119; _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _global.count++; _global.y_follow = false;
Instance of Symbol 1972 MovieClip "cam_up02" in Frame 395
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.hero._y > -28) && (_root.hero._y < 249)) { _root.vcam._y = _root.hero._y; } else if (_root.hero._y <= -28) { _root.vcam._y = -28; } else if (_root.hero._y >= 249) { _root.vcam._y = 249; } }
Instance of Symbol 2392 MovieClip "ground" in Frame 395
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 395
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2), true) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) { if (_root.hero.grav < 5) { while ((!_root.ground.hitTest(_root.hero._x, (_root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2)) + 2, true)) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) { if (_root.hero.grav > 0) { _root.hero.grav = 0; } _root.hero._y = _root.hero._y + 0.25; } } } this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 395
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _global.checkpoint = "map03_A3"; _global.from_map = "map10_A3"; _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A3"); } }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 395
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _global.checkpoint = "map11_A3"; _global.from_map = "map10_A3"; _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A3"); } }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 395
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _parent.spawn_monster("04_injustice", 536, 76, true); this._y = this._y - 999; } }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 395
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _parent.spawn_monster("03_mummy", 548, 62, true); this._y = this._y - 999; } }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip "plot2" in Frame 395
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; timer = 0; max = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { timer++; if (((timer % 400) == 0) && (max <= 3)) { max++; _parent.spawn_monster("05_blazer", 148, -57, true); } }
Instance of Symbol 2028 MovieClip in Frame 395
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.icon_name = "I05"; this.icon_code = "noneed"; }
Frame 405
_global.bgm = 4; stop(); _global.currentmap = "map11_A3"; _global.currentmap_area = "initialize_A3"; _global.purge = false; _global.pausemode = false; _global.count_fx = 1000; _global.count = 1; _global.count_wpn = 1; _global.count_wpn_min = 0; attachMovie("Kenshu_root", "hero", _global.count); if (_global.from_map == "map10_A3") { _root.hero._x = 939; _root.hero._y = 281; _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else if (_global.from_map == "map12_A3") { _root.hero._x = -489; _root.hero._y = 281; _root.hero._xscale = 100; } else { _root.hero._x = -106; _root.hero._y = -119; _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _global.count++; _global.y_follow = false;
Instance of Symbol 2397 MovieClip "ground" in Frame 405
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 405
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _global.checkpoint = "map10_A3"; _global.from_map = "map11_A3"; _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A3"); } }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 405
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _global.checkpoint = "map12_A3"; _global.from_map = "map11_A3"; _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A3"); } }
Instance of Symbol 2398 MovieClip "cutscene" in Frame 405
onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop("empty2"); }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 405
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; if (_parent.chance(40) == true) { encounter = 1; } else { encounter = 0; } encounter_timer = 0; if (_global.item_inv15 == true) { this._y = 1000; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { if (encounter == 1) { encounter_timer = encounter_timer + 150; } else { encounter_timer++; } } if (encounter_timer >= 200) { encounter_timer = 0; _root.cutscene.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.bgm = 3; this._y = this._y - 999; } if (_global.hero_hp <= 1) { _global.hero_hp = 1; } }
Frame 415
_global.bgm = 4; stop(); _global.currentmap = "map12_A3"; _global.currentmap_area = "initialize_A3"; _global.purge = false; _global.pausemode = false; _global.count_fx = 1000; _global.count = 1; _global.count_wpn = 1; _global.count_wpn_min = 0; attachMovie("Kenshu_root", "hero", _global.count); if (_global.from_map == "map11_A3") { _root.hero._x = 967; _root.hero._y = 265; _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else if (_global.from_map == "map13_A3") { _root.hero._x = 859; _root.hero._y = 853; _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else if (_global.from_map == "map01_A4") { _root.hero._x = -562; _root.hero._y = -418; _root.hero._xscale = 100; } else { _root.hero._x = -193; _root.hero._y = -278; _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _global.count++; _global.y_follow = false;
Instance of Symbol 1972 MovieClip "cam_up02" in Frame 415
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.hero._y > -457) && (_root.hero._y < 821)) { _root.vcam._y = _root.hero._y; } else if (_root.hero._y <= -457) { _root.vcam._y = -457; } else if (_root.hero._y >= 821) { _root.vcam._y = 821; } }
Instance of Symbol 2402 MovieClip "ground" in Frame 415
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 415
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2), true) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) { if (_root.hero.grav < 5) { while ((!_root.ground.hitTest(_root.hero._x, (_root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2)) + 2, true)) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) { if (_root.hero.grav > 0) { _root.hero.grav = 0; } _root.hero._y = _root.hero._y + 0.25; } } } this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 415
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2), true) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) { if (_root.hero.grav < 5) { while ((!_root.ground.hitTest(_root.hero._x, (_root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2)) + 2, true)) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) { if (_root.hero.grav > 0) { _root.hero.grav = 0; } _root.hero._y = _root.hero._y + 0.25; } } } this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 415
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _global.checkpoint = "map11_A3"; _global.from_map = "map12_A3"; _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A3"); } }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 415
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _global.checkpoint = "map13_A3"; _global.from_map = "map12_A3"; _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A3"); } }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 415
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _parent.spawn_monster("08_marionette", 255, 300, true); this._y = this._y - 999; } }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 415
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { if (_parent.chance(25) == true) { _parent.spawn_monster("00_poring", -329, -454, true); } this._y = this._y - 1999; } }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 415
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _global.checkpoint = "map01_A4"; _global.from_map = "map12_A3"; _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A4"); } }
Instance of Symbol 2035 MovieClip "npc02" in Frame 415
onClipEvent (load) { confirm_timer = 0; thistext = ""; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (_global.go_up)) { confirm_timer++; } else { confirm_timer = 0; } if ((confirm_timer > 3) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) { _global.pausemode = true; _root.hero.gotoAndStop("walk"); _root.hero.destination = this._x - 50; _root.hero.facing = 100; _global.tutorial = 3; this.gotoAndStop("active"); this.talking = true; _root.vcam.attachMovie("N02_dialogue", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root.vcam.zoom_in = true; _global.count_fx++; confirm_timer = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 1989 MovieClip in Frame 415
onClipEvent (load) { confirm_timer = 0; checked = 0; thistext = ["You spot some scribbles on the wall here, looks like a map", "there is an additional line at the bottom", "\"thumbs up if you liek this!\""]; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (_global.go_up)) { confirm_timer++; } else { confirm_timer = 0; } if (checked == 1) { this._visible = false; } if ((confirm_timer > 3) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) { _global.pausemode = true; _root.hero.gotoAndStop("walk"); _root.hero.destination = this._x + 22; _root.hero.facing = -100; if (checked == 0) { checked = 1; } _global.pausemode = true; _root.vcam.dialogue_set(thistext, true); } }
Instance of Symbol 2297 MovieClip in Frame 415
onClipEvent (load) { confirm_timer = 0; checked = 0; thistext = ["This text reads...", ".......", "it reads.....", ".......", "How do you pronounce this?", "Oh, right..", "It says...", "\"Happy April Fools\""]; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.headgear == "head03") { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; } if (((_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (_global.go_up)) && (_visible == true)) { confirm_timer++; } else { confirm_timer = 0; } if (((confirm_timer > 3) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (checked == 0)) { _global.pausemode = true; _root.hero.gotoAndStop("walk"); _root.hero.destination = this._x; _root.hero.facing = -100; if (checked == 0) { checked = 1; } _global.pausemode = true; _root.vcam.dialogue_set(thistext, true); this.gotoAndStop("activate"); } }
Frame 425
_global.bgm = 4; stop(); _global.currentmap = "map13_A3"; _global.currentmap_area = "initialize_A3"; _global.purge = false; _global.pausemode = false; _global.count_fx = 1000; _global.count = 1; _global.count_wpn = 1; _global.count_wpn_min = 0; attachMovie("Kenshu_root", "hero", _global.count); if (_global.from_map == "map12_A3") { _root.hero._x = -458; _root.hero._y = 328; _root.hero._xscale = 100; } else if (_global.from_map == "map14_A3") { _root.hero._x = 1150; _root.hero._y = -3; _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._x = -106; _root.hero._y = -119; _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _global.count++; _global.y_follow = false;
Instance of Symbol 2406 MovieClip in Frame 425
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { distance = this._x - _root.vcam._x; this._y = _root.vcam._y * 0.8; this._x = _root.vcam._x * 0.8; }
Instance of Symbol 2046 MovieClip in Frame 425
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.hero._y > -250) && (_root.hero._y < 286)) { _root.vcam._y = _root.hero._y; } else if (_root.hero._y <= -250) { _root.vcam._y = -250; } else if (_root.hero._y >= 286) { _root.vcam._y = 286; } }
Instance of Symbol 2410 MovieClip "ground" in Frame 425
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 425
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2), true) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) { if (_root.hero.grav < 5) { while ((!_root.ground.hitTest(_root.hero._x, (_root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2)) + 2, true)) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) { if (_root.hero.grav > 0) { _root.hero.grav = 0; } _root.hero._y = _root.hero._y + 0.25; } } } this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 425
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2), true) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) { if (_root.hero.grav < 5) { while ((!_root.ground.hitTest(_root.hero._x, (_root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2)) + 2, true)) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) { if (_root.hero.grav > 0) { _root.hero.grav = 0; } _root.hero._y = _root.hero._y + 0.25; } } } this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 425
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2), true) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) { if (_root.hero.grav < 5) { while ((!_root.ground.hitTest(_root.hero._x, (_root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2)) + 2, true)) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) { if (_root.hero.grav > 0) { _root.hero.grav = 0; } _root.hero._y = _root.hero._y + 0.25; } } } this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 425
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2), true) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) { if (_root.hero.grav < 5) { while ((!_root.ground.hitTest(_root.hero._x, (_root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2)) + 2, true)) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) { if (_root.hero.grav > 0) { _root.hero.grav = 0; } _root.hero._y = _root.hero._y + 0.25; } } } this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 425
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2), true) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) { if (_root.hero.grav < 5) { while ((!_root.ground.hitTest(_root.hero._x, (_root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2)) + 2, true)) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) { if (_root.hero.grav > 0) { _root.hero.grav = 0; } _root.hero._y = _root.hero._y + 0.25; } } } this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 425
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _global.checkpoint = "map14_A3"; _global.from_map = "map13_A3"; _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A3"); } }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 425
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _global.checkpoint = "map12_A3"; _global.from_map = "map13_A3"; _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A3"); } }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 425
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _parent.spawn_monster("09_owlduke", 190, -277, true); this._y = this._y - 999; } }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 425
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _parent.spawn_monster("09_owlduke", 787, -254, true); this._y = this._y - 999; } }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 425
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _parent.spawn_monster("08_marionette", 450, -277, true); this._y = this._y - 999; } }
Instance of Symbol 2412 MovieClip in Frame 425
onClipEvent (load) { confirm_timer = 0; checked = 0; thistext = ["...This person is beyond help", "He seems content, though."]; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._visible == true) { if (((_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (_global.go_up)) && (_global.headgear != "head03")) { confirm_timer++; } else { confirm_timer = 0; } if ((confirm_timer > 3) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) { _global.pausemode = true; _root.hero.gotoAndStop("walk"); this.gotoAndPlay("activate"); _root.hero.destination = this._x - 30; _root.hero.facing = 100; _global.pausemode = true; _root.vcam.dialogue_set(thistext, true); } } }
Instance of Symbol 1991 MovieClip in Frame 425
onClipEvent (load) { confirm_timer = 0; checked = 0; thistext = ["This message writes...", "\"many secrets await the mask world! Can you find the all hidden bosses?\""]; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.headgear == "head03") { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; } if (((_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (_global.go_up)) && (_visible == true)) { confirm_timer++; } else { confirm_timer = 0; } if (((confirm_timer > 3) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (checked == 0)) { _global.pausemode = true; _root.hero.gotoAndStop("walk"); _root.hero.destination = this._x; _root.hero.facing = -100; if (checked == 0) { checked = 1; } _global.pausemode = true; _root.vcam.dialogue_set(thistext, true); this.gotoAndStop("activate"); } }
Frame 435
_global.bgm = 4; stop(); _global.currentmap = "map14_A3"; _global.currentmap_area = "initialize_A3"; _global.purge = false; _global.pausemode = false; _global.count_fx = 1000; _global.count = 1; _global.count_wpn = 1; _global.count_wpn_min = 0; attachMovie("Kenshu_root", "hero", _global.count); if (_global.from_map == "map13_A3") { _root.hero._x = -539; _root.hero._y = 79; _root.hero._xscale = 100; } else if (_global.from_map == "map09_A3") { _root.hero._x = 896; _root.hero._y = 241; _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._x = -106; _root.hero._y = -119; _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _global.count++; _global.y_follow = false;
Instance of Symbol 2046 MovieClip in Frame 435
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.hero._y > 117) && (_root.hero._y < 382)) { _root.vcam._y = _root.hero._y; } else if (_root.hero._y <= 117) { _root.vcam._y = 117; } else if (_root.hero._y >= 382) { _root.vcam._y = 382; } }
Instance of Symbol 2416 MovieClip "ground" in Frame 435
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 435
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _global.checkpoint = "map09_A3"; _global.from_map = "map14_A3"; _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A3"); } }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 435
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _global.checkpoint = "map13_A3"; _global.from_map = "map14_A3"; _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A3"); } }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 435
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _parent.spawn_monster("03_mummy", 65, -53, true); this._y = this._y - 999; } }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 435
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _parent.spawn_monster("03_mummy", 409, -21, true); this._y = this._y - 999; } }
Frame 445
_global.bgm = 4; stop(); _global.currentmap = "map15_A3"; _global.currentmap_area = "initialize_A3"; _global.purge = false; _global.pausemode = false; _global.count_fx = 1000; _global.count = 1; _global.count_wpn = 1; _global.count_wpn_min = 0; attachMovie("Kenshu_root", "hero", _global.count); if (_global.from_map == "map09_A3") { _root.hero._x = 275; _root.hero._y = -359; _root.hero._xscale = 100; } else if (_global.from_map == "map16_A3") { _root.hero._x = -749; _root.hero._y = 719; _root.hero._xscale = 100; } else if (_global.from_map == "map17_A3") { _root.hero._x = 1156; _root.hero._y = 700; _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._x = -749; _root.hero._y = 719; _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _global.count++; _global.y_follow = false;
Instance of Symbol 2406 MovieClip in Frame 445
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { distance = this._x - _root.vcam._x; this._y = _root.vcam._y * 0.8; this._x = _root.vcam._x * 0.8; }
Instance of Symbol 2046 MovieClip in Frame 445
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.hero._y > -40) && (_root.hero._y < 775)) { _root.vcam._y = _root.hero._y; } else if (_root.hero._y <= -40) { _root.vcam._y = -40; } else if (_root.hero._y >= 775) { _root.vcam._y = 775; } }
Instance of Symbol 2421 MovieClip "ground" in Frame 445
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 445
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2), true) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) { if (_root.hero.grav < 5) { while ((!_root.ground.hitTest(_root.hero._x, (_root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2)) + 2, true)) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) { if (_root.hero.grav > 0) { _root.hero.grav = 0; } _root.hero._y = _root.hero._y + 0.25; } } } this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 445
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2), true) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) { if (_root.hero.grav < 5) { while ((!_root.ground.hitTest(_root.hero._x, (_root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2)) + 2, true)) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) { if (_root.hero.grav > 0) { _root.hero.grav = 0; } _root.hero._y = _root.hero._y + 0.25; } } } this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 445
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2), true) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) { if (_root.hero.grav < 5) { while ((!_root.ground.hitTest(_root.hero._x, (_root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2)) + 2, true)) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) { if (_root.hero.grav > 0) { _root.hero.grav = 0; } _root.hero._y = _root.hero._y + 0.25; } } } this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 445
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.from_map == "map09_A3") { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _parent.spawn_monster("11_gremlin", -30, 801, true); this._y = this._y - 999; } } }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 445
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.from_map == "map09_A3") { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _parent.spawn_monster("11_gremlin", 700, 801, true); this._y = this._y - 999; } } }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 445
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; timer = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.from_map == "map09_A3") { timer++; } if (timer == 400) { _parent.spawn_monster("11_gremlin", 300, 801, true); } if (timer == 800) { _parent.spawn_monster("11_gremlin", -500, 801, true); } }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 445
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _global.checkpoint = "map16_A3"; _global.from_map = "map15_A3"; _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A3"); } }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 445
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _global.checkpoint = "map17_A3"; _global.from_map = "map15_A3"; _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A3"); } }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 445
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { if (((_global.item_inv20 == true) && (_global.hero_level <= 4)) && (_global.item_weapon06 == false)) { _parent.vcam.attachMovie("N11_dialogue_A", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _global.count_fx++; _root.hero.gotoAndStop("standby"); _global.pausemode = true; this._y = -1998; } } }
Instance of Symbol 2425 MovieClip "mystel" in Frame 445
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; }
Frame 455
_global.bgm = 4; stop(); _global.currentmap = "map16_A3"; _global.currentmap_area = "initialize_A3"; _global.purge = false; _global.pausemode = false; _global.count_fx = 1000; _global.count = 1; _global.count_wpn = 1; _global.count_wpn_min = 0; attachMovie("Kenshu_root", "hero", _global.count); if (_global.from_map == "map15_A3") { _root.hero._x = 431; _root.hero._y = 312; _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._x = 234; _root.hero._y = 279; _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _global.count++; _global.y_follow = false;
Instance of Symbol 2432 MovieClip "ground" in Frame 455
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 455
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _global.checkpoint = "map15_A3"; _global.from_map = "map16_A3"; _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A3"); } }
Instance of Symbol 2035 MovieClip "npc02" in Frame 455
onClipEvent (load) { confirm_timer = 0; thistext = ""; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (_global.go_up)) { confirm_timer++; } else { confirm_timer = 0; } if ((confirm_timer > 3) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) { _global.pausemode = true; _root.hero.gotoAndStop("walk"); _root.hero.destination = this._x - 50; _root.hero.facing = 100; _global.tutorial = 3; this.gotoAndStop("active"); this.talking = true; _root.vcam.attachMovie("N02_dialogue", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root.vcam.zoom_in = true; _global.count_fx++; confirm_timer = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 2447 MovieClip "npc" in Frame 455
onClipEvent (load) { confirm_timer = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._visible == true) { if ((_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (_global.go_up)) { confirm_timer++; } else { confirm_timer = 0; } if ((confirm_timer > 3) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) { _global.pausemode = true; _root.hero.gotoAndStop("walk"); _root.hero.destination = this._x + 50; _root.hero.facing = -100; if (_global.monster39 == true) { _root.vcam.attachMovie("N07_dialogue_B", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _global.count_fx++; _root.vcam.zoom_in = true; confirm_timer = 0; } else { _root.vcam.attachMovie("N07_dialogue_A", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _global.count_fx++; _root.vcam.zoom_in = true; confirm_timer = 0; } } } }
Frame 465
if (_global.item_inv20 == false) { _global.bgm = 1; } stop(); _global.currentmap = "map17_A3"; _global.currentmap_area = "initialize_A3"; _global.boss_hp = 15800; _global.boss_maxHp = 15800; _global.purge = false; _global.pausemode = false; _global.count_fx = 1000; _global.count = 1; _global.count_wpn = 1; _global.count_wpn_min = 0; attachMovie("Kenshu_root", "hero", _global.count); if (_global.from_map == "map15_A3") { _root.hero._x = -173; _root.hero._y = 260; _root.hero._xscale = 100; } else { _root.hero._x = 862; _root.hero._y = 260; _root.hero._xscale = -100; } _global.count++; _global.y_follow = false;
Instance of Symbol 1972 MovieClip "cutscene_cam" in Frame 465
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 2059 MovieClip "ground" in Frame 465
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 465
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.item_inv20 == true) { this._y = 1000; } if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { if (_global.monster12 == false) {; _global.pausemode = true; _root.hero.gotoAndStop("standby"); this._y = this._y - 999; } else { _root.cutscene.gotoAndPlay("begin"); _root.vcam.follower = "cutscene_cam"; _global.pausemode = true; _root.hero.gotoAndStop("standby"); this._y = this._y - 999; } } }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip "plot2" in Frame 465
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.monster12 == true) { this._y = 1000; } thistext = ["The smell of exotic incence surrounds this room", "Goosebumps arise from your back, and your heart races."]; if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _root.hero.force = 0; _root.hero.gotoAndStop("standby"); _global.pausemode = true; confirm_timer = 0; _root.vcam.dialogue_set(thistext, true); this._y = this._y - 999; } }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 465
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _global.checkpoint = "map15_A3"; _global.from_map = "map17_A3"; _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A3"); } }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 465
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this) && (_global.item_inv20 == true)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _global.checkpoint = "map18_A3"; _global.from_map = "map17_A3"; _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A3"); } }
Instance of Symbol 2456 MovieClip "cutscene" in Frame 465
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.item_inv20 == true) { this._visible = false; } }
Frame 475
_global.bgm = 4; stop(); _global.currentmap = "map18_A3"; _global.currentmap_area = "initialize_A3"; _global.purge = false; _global.pausemode = false; _global.count_fx = 1000; _global.count = 1; _global.count_wpn = 1; _global.count_wpn_min = 0; attachMovie("Kenshu_root", "hero", _global.count); if (_global.from_map == "map17_A3") { _root.hero._x = -2.5; _root.hero._y = 228; _root.hero._xscale = 100; } else { _root.hero._x = 862; _root.hero._y = 260; _root.hero._xscale = -100; } _global.count++; _global.y_follow = false;
Instance of Symbol 2432 MovieClip "ground" in Frame 475
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 475
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2), true) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) { if (_root.hero.grav < 5) { while ((!_root.ground.hitTest(_root.hero._x, (_root.hero._y + (_root.hero.ini_height / 2)) + 2, true)) && (_root.hero._currentframe != 5)) { if (_root.hero.grav > 0) { _root.hero.grav = 0; } _root.hero._y = _root.hero._y + 0.25; } } } this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 475
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this) && (_global.item_inv20 == true)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _global.checkpoint = "map17_A3"; _global.from_map = "map18_A3"; _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A3"); } }
Instance of Symbol 2080 MovieClip in Frame 475
onClipEvent (load) { confirm_timer = 0; thisitem = "inv12"; if (_global.item_inv12 == true) { this.gotoAndStop("empty"); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._visible == true) { if (_global.item_inv12 == true) { thistext = ["There is nothing left in this chest"]; } else { thistext = ["This enchanted medal allows you to ride like the wind", "Neglecting all laws of physics, and double jump in mid air."]; } if ((_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (_global.go_up)) { confirm_timer++; } else { confirm_timer = 0; } if ((confirm_timer > 3) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) { _root.hero.gotoAndPlay("investigate"); if (this._currentframe == 1) { this.gotoAndPlay("open"); _root.vcam.attachMovie("item_get", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root.vcam["effect" + _global.count_fx].texty = "'Medal of Riding'\n is now yours."; _root.vcam["effect" + _global.count_fx].itemy = thisitem; _parent.s01.start(); _global.new_item = true; _global.count_fx++; confirm_timer = 0; } _global.pausemode = true; _root.vcam.dialogue_set(thistext, true); if (_global.item_inv12 != true) { _global.item_inv12 = true; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 1991 MovieClip in Frame 475
onClipEvent (load) { confirm_timer = 0; checked = 0; thistext = ["\u9019\u689D\u96B1\u85CF\u6587\u5B57\u5BEB\u8457...", "\u300E\u611F\u8B1DPhilip\u63D0\u4F9B\u8A66\u73A9\u9AD4\u9A57\uFF0C\u5C0D\u904A\u6232\u7684\u767C\u5C55\u5E6B\u52A9\u5F88\u5927\u300F"]; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.headgear == "head03") { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; } if (((_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (_global.go_up)) && (_visible == true)) { confirm_timer++; } else { confirm_timer = 0; } if (((confirm_timer > 3) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (checked == 0)) { _global.pausemode = true; _root.hero.gotoAndStop("walk"); _root.hero.destination = this._x; _root.hero.facing = -100; if (checked == 0) { checked = 1; } _global.pausemode = true; _root.vcam.dialogue_set(thistext, true); this.gotoAndStop("activate"); } }
Frame 493
Instance of Symbol 980 MovieClip "controller" in Frame 493
onClipEvent (load) { presstemp = 0; presstemp_s = 0; zoomcount = 0; this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _parent.silence.start(); if (Key.isDown(_global.key_up)) { _global.go_up = true; _global.go_down = false; } else if (Key.isDown(_global.key_down)) { _global.go_up = false; _global.go_down = true; } else { _global.go_up = false; _global.go_down = false; } if (Key.isDown(_global.key_right)) { _global.go_left = false; _global.go_right = true; } else if (Key.isDown(_global.key_left)) { _global.go_left = true; _global.go_right = false; } else { _global.go_left = false; _global.go_right = false; } if (Key.isDown(_global.key_a)) { _global.a_press = true; if (presstemp == 0) { _global.a_register = true; presstemp++; } else { _global.a_register = false; } } else { presstemp = 0; _global.a_press = false; _global.a_register = false; } if (Key.isDown(_global.key_d)) { _global.d_press = true; if (presstemp_d == 0) { _global.d_register = true; presstemp_d++; } else { _global.d_register = false; } } else { presstemp_d = 0; _global.d_press = false; _global.d_register = false; } if (Key.isDown(_global.key_s)) { _global.s_press = true; if (presstemp_s == 0) { _global.s_register = true; presstemp_s++; } else { _global.s_register = false; } } else { presstemp_s = 0; _global.s_press = false; _global.s_register = false; } if (_global.zooming_in) { if (zoomcount > 0) { _root.vcam._xscale = _root.vcam._xscale - (zoomcount * 2); _root.vcam._yscale = _root.vcam._yscale - (zoomcount * 2); zoomcount--; } } if (_global.zooming_out) { if (zoomcount > 0) { _root.vcam._xscale = _root.vcam._xscale + (zoomcount * 2); _root.vcam._yscale = _root.vcam._yscale + (zoomcount * 2); zoomcount--; } } if (_global.runcd > 0) { _global.runcd--; } _root.vcam.camControl(); if (Key.isDown(_global.key_up)) { _global.hero_nextatk = _global.hero_nextatk_up; } else if (Key.isDown(_global.key_down)) { _global.hero_nextatk = _global.hero_nextatk_down; } else { _global.hero_nextatk = _global.hero_nextatk_mid; } _root.debug2 = _global.hero_nextatk; }
Frame 496
Instance of Symbol 1956 MovieClip "vcam" in Frame 496
/* no clip actions */
Frame 499
Instance of Symbol 980 MovieClip in Frame 499
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _parent.gotoAndPlay(_global.checkpoint); }
Frame 503
stop(); _global.currentmap = "map01_A4"; _global.purge = false; _global.pausemode = false; _global.count_fx = 1000; _global.count = 1; _global.count_wpn = 1; _global.count_wpn_min = 0; _global.boss1_hp = 7800; _global.boss1_maxHp = 7800; _global.boss2_hp = 10700; _global.boss2_maxHp = 10700; _global.boss3_hp = 7788; _global.boss3_maxHp = 7788; attachMovie("Kenshu_root", "hero", _global.count); if (_global.from_map == "map12_A3") { _root.hero._x = 870; _root.hero._y = 314; _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else if (_global.from_map == "map02_A4") { _root.hero._x = -471; _root.hero._y = 314; _root.hero._xscale = -100; } _global.count++; _global.y_follow = false; _global.wpcount = 0;
Instance of Symbol 1972 MovieClip "wall_left_fix" in Frame 503
onClipEvent (load) { x_lock = this._x; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.vcam.zoom_in == false) { this._x = x_lock; } else { this._x = x_lock - 125; } if (_global.testmode == true) { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 1972 MovieClip "wall_right_fix" in Frame 503
onClipEvent (load) { x_lock = this._x; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.vcam.zoom_in == false) { this._x = x_lock; } else { this._x = x_lock + 125; } if (_global.testmode == true) { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 2072 MovieClip "ground" in Frame 503
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 503
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Frame 503
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _global.checkpoint = "map12_A3"; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _global.from_map = "map01_A4"; _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A3"); } }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 503
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; victory = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.item_inv21 == true) { this._y = 1000; } if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) {; _global.pausemode = true; _root.hero.gotoAndStop("standby"); this._y = 1000; } if ((((_global.boss1_hp <= 0) && (_global.boss2_hp <= 0)) && (_global.boss3_hp <= 0)) && (victory == false)) { _root.vcam.follower = "boss1"; _root.vcam.enemybar.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.attachMovie("N08_dialogue_B", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root.vcam.zoom_in = true; _global.count_fx++; _global.bgm = 1; victory = true; _root.ground.gotoAndStop("neutral"); } }
Instance of Symbol 2080 MovieClip in Frame 503
onClipEvent (load) { confirm_timer = 0; thisitem = "head03"; if (_global.item_head03 == true) { this.gotoAndStop("empty"); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._visible == true) { if (_global.item_head03 == true) { thistext = ["It's gone, whatever's inside"]; } else { thistext = ["You found an ugly mask in this chest", "Donning it reveals hidden objects"]; } if (((_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (_global.go_up)) && (_global.item_inv21 == true)) { confirm_timer++; } else { confirm_timer = 0; } if ((confirm_timer > 3) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) { _root.hero.gotoAndPlay("investigate"); if (this._currentframe == 1) { this.gotoAndPlay("open"); _root.vcam.attachMovie("item_get", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root.vcam["effect" + _global.count_fx].texty = "'Clock Mask'\n is now yours."; _root.vcam["effect" + _global.count_fx].itemy = thisitem; _parent.s01.start(); _global.new_item = true; _global.count_fx++; confirm_timer = 0; } _global.pausemode = true; _root.vcam.dialogue_set(thistext, true); if (_global.item_head03 != true) { _global.item_head03 = true; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 2471 MovieClip "cutscene" in Frame 503
onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.item_inv21 == true) { this.gotoAndStop("empty"); } else if (_global.monster40 == true) { this.gotoAndStop("rematch"); } }
Instance of Symbol 1972 MovieClip "cutscene_cam1" in Frame 503
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 1972 MovieClip "cutscene_cam2" in Frame 503
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 1972 MovieClip "cutscene_cam3" in Frame 503
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 2473 MovieClip in Frame 503
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.headgear == "head03") { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 1991 MovieClip in Frame 503
onClipEvent (load) { confirm_timer = 0; checked = 0; thistext = ["The hidden message says...", "\"If you are reading this, then I would like to congratulate you for making this far into the game.\"", "\"Sadly, the official game content ends here, as I only had a month to make this\"", "\"Stay tuned for future releases though, I would like to see this project completed as well, this is only half the game that I've planned so far.\"", "\"I hope you've enjoyed playing the game as much as I did making it, and I'm sorry for ending it here on such a half-assed note.\"", "\"Couldn't resist april fool's, after all.\"", "\"Stick around and adventure some more though, there are plenty more secrets to be found, and 3 hidden bosses within the chambers of this dungeon.\""]; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.headgear == "head03") { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; } if (((_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (_global.go_up)) && (_visible == true)) { confirm_timer++; } else { confirm_timer = 0; } if (((confirm_timer > 3) && (_root.hero._currentframe == 2)) && (checked == 0)) { _global.pausemode = true; _root.hero.gotoAndStop("walk"); _root.hero.destination = this._x; _root.hero.facing = -100; if (checked == 0) { checked = 1; } _global.pausemode = true; _root.vcam.dialogue_set(thistext, true); this.gotoAndStop("activate"); } }
Symbol 93 MovieClip Frame 1
this.gotoAndStop(_global.weapon); onEnterFrame = function () { this.gotoAndStop(_global.weapon); };
Symbol 106 MovieClip Frame 1
onEnterFrame = function () { this.gotoAndStop(_global.headgear); }; onLoad = function () { this.gotoAndStop(_global.headgear); };
Symbol 120 MovieClip Frame 1
onEnterFrame = function () { this.gotoAndStop(_global.headgear); }; onLoad = function () { this.gotoAndStop(_global.headgear); };
Symbol 132 MovieClip Frame 4
if (!_parent._parent.ground_water.hitTest(_parent._x, _parent._y + 40, true)) { _parent._parent.attachMovie("dust_step", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); } else { _parent._parent.attachMovie("water_step", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); } _parent._parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _parent._x; _parent._parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _parent._y + 37; _parent._parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = _parent._xscale; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 132 MovieClip Frame 20
if (!_parent._parent.ground_water.hitTest(_parent._x, _parent._y + 40, true)) { _parent._parent.attachMovie("dust_step", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); } else { _parent._parent.attachMovie("water_step", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); } _parent._parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _parent._x; _parent._parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _parent._y + 37; _parent._parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = _parent._xscale; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 132 MovieClip Frame 37
gotoAndPlay (4);
Symbol 138 MovieClip Frame 12
gotoAndPlay (6);
Symbol 143 MovieClip Frame 10
gotoAndPlay (6);
Symbol 153 MovieClip Frame 1
onEnterFrame = function () { this.gotoAndStop(_global.headgear); }; onLoad = function () { this.gotoAndStop(_global.headgear); };
Symbol 156 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 167 MovieClip Frame 21
Symbol 207 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 207 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 207 MovieClip Frame 37
Symbol 207 MovieClip Frame 48
Symbol 207 MovieClip Frame 72
Symbol 207 MovieClip Frame 87
Symbol 207 MovieClip Frame 109
Symbol 267 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 267 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 267 MovieClip Frame 37
Symbol 267 MovieClip Frame 49
Symbol 267 MovieClip Frame 72
Symbol 267 MovieClip Frame 94
Symbol 303 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 303 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 303 MovieClip Frame 31
Symbol 303 MovieClip Frame 46
Symbol 303 MovieClip Frame 66
Symbol 303 MovieClip Frame 87
Symbol 303 MovieClip Frame 107
Symbol 362 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 362 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 362 MovieClip Frame 36
Symbol 362 MovieClip Frame 48
Symbol 362 MovieClip Frame 69
Symbol 362 MovieClip Frame 89
Symbol 375 MovieClip Frame 1
onEnterFrame = function () { this.gotoAndStop(_global.headgear); }; onLoad = function () { this.gotoAndStop(_global.headgear); };
Symbol 379 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 408 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 408 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 408 MovieClip Frame 29
Symbol 408 MovieClip Frame 48
Symbol 408 MovieClip Frame 68
Symbol 408 MovieClip Frame 89
Symbol 408 MovieClip Frame 108
Symbol 424 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 428 MovieClip [hitting] Frame 9
Symbol 451 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 451 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 451 MovieClip Frame 33
Symbol 451 MovieClip Frame 46
Symbol 451 MovieClip Frame 66
Symbol 451 MovieClip Frame 89
Symbol 451 MovieClip Frame 106
Symbol 470 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 473 MovieClip Frame 10
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 490 MovieClip Frame 13
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 1
function charge_check() { if (a_press == true) { this.charge._alpha = charger - (500 - (200 * _global.skill12)); charger = charger + 5; } else if ((a_press == false) && (charger >= (560 - (200 * _global.skill12)))) { this.charge._alpha = 0; charger = 0; if (_currentframe <= 4) { force = 0; gotoAndPlay ("bash"); } else if ((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6)) { gotoAndPlay ("bash_air"); } } else { charger = 0; this.charge._alpha = 0; } } function animations() { if (((_currentframe >= 41) && (_currentframe <= 170)) && (_global.skill05 == true)) { if (_global.go_down && (_global.s_press)) { this.gotoAndPlay("slide"); } } if (_currentframe <= 4) { if (((!_global.go_left) && (!_global.go_right)) && (!_global.go_down)) { this.gotoAndStop("standby"); } else if ((_global.go_left || (_global.go_right)) && (!_global.go_down)) { this.gotoAndStop("running"); } else if ((_currentframe != 4) && (_global.go_down)) { this.gotoAndStop("crouch"); } else if (_global.s_press && (_global.skill05 == true)) { this.gotoAndPlay("slide"); } } if (_currentframe <= 6) { if (_global.a_register) { if (_currentframe <= 4) { if ((_global.go_up == true) && (_global.skill03 == true)) { gotoAndPlay ("sp_skill03"); } else if ((_global.go_down == true) && (_global.skill04 == true)) { gotoAndPlay ("sp_skill04"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("atk"); } } if ((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6)) { if ((_global.go_down == true) && (_global.skill02 == true)) { gotoAndPlay ("sp_skill02"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("atk_air"); } } } } else if (((((((((((((((((((((_currentframe == 7) || (_currentframe == 10)) || (_currentframe == 20)) || (_currentframe == 38)) || (_currentframe == 45)) || (_currentframe == 71)) || (_currentframe == 78)) || (_currentframe == 112)) || (_currentframe == 118)) || (_currentframe == 122)) || (_currentframe == 137)) || (_currentframe == 141)) || (_currentframe == 171)) || (_currentframe == 178)) || (_currentframe == 200)) || (_currentframe == 207)) || (_currentframe == 240)) || (_currentframe == 247)) || (_currentframe == 283)) || (_currentframe == 301)) || (_currentframe == 343)) { freezetimer++; if (freezetimer > 2) { play(); } } else { freezetimer = 0; } } function checkAir() { if ((grav < 0) && ((_currentframe <= 4) || ((_currentframe >= 7) && (_currentframe <= 14)))) { _parent.jump.start(); gotoAndStop ("jump_up"); } else if ((grav > 1) && (_currentframe <= 5)) { if (!_root.stairslide.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) { gotoAndStop ("jump_down"); } } else if ((_currentframe == 6) && (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, (_y + (ini_height / 2)) + 5, true))) { if (_currentframe == 6) { if (softland) { gotoAndStop ("standby"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("jump_finish");; } } } if (((_currentframe >= 283) && (_currentframe <= 300)) && (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, (_y + (ini_height / 2)) + 5, true))) { gotoAndPlay ("jump_finish");; } if (((_currentframe >= 301) && (_currentframe <= 330)) && (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, (_y + (ini_height / 2)) + 5, true))) { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 229); } } function checkHurt() { if ((hurting == true) && (invincible <= 0)) { if (_global.skill17 == true) { invincible = invincible + 100; } else { invincible = invincible + 45; } total_damage = (hurtdmg - _global.stat_def) + random(25); if (_parent.chance(_global.evasion) == true) { hurting = false; dealdmg(0); } else { _global.hero_hp = _global.hero_hp - total_damage; dealdmg(total_damage); gotoAndPlay ("hurt"); hurting = false; } } else if ((hurting == true) && (invincible >= 0)) { hurting = false; } } function inv_check() { if (invincible > 0) { if ((invincible % 3) == 0) { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"70", ga:"100", gb:"70", ba:"100", bb:"70"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } else { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"20", ga:"100", gb:"20", ba:"100", bb:"20"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } invincible--; } else { berserk(); } } function triple_slash() { if (_global.hero_atkspd >= 2) { if (((_currentframe >= (55 - (_global.hero_dex * 2))) && (_currentframe <= 69)) && (_global.a_register == true)) { gotoAndPlay ("atk2"); } } if (((_currentframe >= (128 - (_global.hero_dex * 2))) && (_currentframe <= 136)) && (_global.a_register == true)) { if ((_global.go_up == true) && (_global.skill03 == true)) { if (_currentframe >= 126) { gotoAndPlay ("sp_skill03"); } } else if ((_global.go_down == true) && (_global.skill04 == true)) { gotoAndPlay ("sp_skill04"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("atk3"); } } } function chainskill() { if ((_currentframe >= 264) && (_currentframe <= 281)) { if ((_global.a_register && (_global.go_up == true)) && (_global.skill03 == true)) { gotoAndPlay ("sp_skill03"); } } if (((_currentframe >= 182) && (_currentframe <= 192)) || (_currentframe == 331)) { if ((_global.a_register && (_global.go_down == true)) && (_global.skill02 == true)) { gotoAndPlay ("sp_skill02"); } } if ((_currentframe >= 348) && (_currentframe <= 372)) { if ((_global.a_register && (_global.go_down == true)) && (_global.skill04 == true)) { gotoAndPlay ("sp_skill04"); force = (1.5 * _xscale) / 100; } } } function regen() { if (_global.skill15 == true) { if (_currentframe == 2) { regen_timer++; if ((regen_timer > 120) && (_global.hero_hp < _global.hero_maxHp)) { _global.hero_hp = _global.hero_hp + (_global.hero_maxHp * 0.001); } } else { regen_timer = 0; } } } function selfburn() { if (_global.weapon == "weapon05") { burntimer++; if (burntimer > 330) { total_damage = (100 + (_global.hero_maxHp * 0.03)) - ((_global.hero_maxHp * 0.03) % 1); _global.hero_hp = _global.hero_hp - total_damage; if (_global.hero_hp < 1) { _global.hero_hp = 1; } dealdmg(total_damage); burntimer = 0; _parent.s19.start(); } } else { burntimer = 0; } } function dealdmg(damage) { if (damage > 0) { _parent.attachMovie("damage_player", ["damage" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["damage" + _global.count_fx].damage = damage; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx].movespeed = this.force / 2; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 10; _global.count_fx++; } else { _parent.attachMovie("miss", ["damage" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 10; _global.count_fx++; } } function berserk() { if (((_global.skill13 == true) && (_global.hero_hp < (_global.hero_maxHp * 0.26))) && (invincible == 0)) { if ((berserk_color % 10) == 0) { var _local3 = new Color(this); var _local4 = {ra:"100", rb:"100", ga:"20", gb:"50", ba:"20", bb:"50"}; _local3.setTransform(_local4); } else { var _local3 = new Color(this); var _local4 = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; _local3.setTransform(_local4); } berserk_color++; } else { var _local3 = new Color(this); var _local4 = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; _local3.setTransform(_local4); berserk_color = 0; } } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } size = 100; freezetimer = 0; berserk_color = 0; charger = 0; regen_timer = 0; burntimer = 0; hurting = false; invincible = 0; hurtdmg = 0; hurt_threshold = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { purge_check(); falling(); if (_global.pausemode == false) { checkAir(); movement(); animations(); } walking(); if (_global.skill06 == true) { charge_check(); } if (_global.skill01 == true) { triple_slash(); } checkHurt(); regen(); selfburn(); chainskill(); inv_check(); wall(); if (_global.testmode == false) { this.hitbox._visible = false; } else { this.hitbox._visible = true; } force_physics(); }; function walking() { if (_currentframe == 402) { destination_dist = Math.abs(this._x - destination); if (this._x >= destination) { this._xscale = -100; this._x = this._x - walkspeed; } else { this._x = this._x + walkspeed; this._xscale = 100; } if (destination_dist < 4) { gotoAndPlay ("investigate"); this._xscale = facing; } if (_global.pausemode == false) { gotoAndStop ("standby"); } } } function falling() { if (((grav < 0) && (grav > (-0.75 * _global.jumpHeight))) && (_global.s_press == false)) { grav = 0; } if (grav <= _global.jumpHeight) { grav = grav + _global.gravSpeed; } _y = (_y + grav); if (grav > (0.75 * _global.jumpHeight)) { softland = false; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, (_y + (ini_height / 2)) + 1, true) && (_currentframe != 5)) { dbljump = 0; _y = (_y - _global.gravSpeed); grav = 0; } } function movement() { if ((_currentframe <= 13) || ((_currentframe > 283) && (_currentframe <= 332))) { if (Key.isDown(_global.key_right) && (!((_currentframe >= 7) && (_currentframe <= 13)))) { if ((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6)) { this._x = this._x + _global.movespeed_x; } else if ((_currentframe <= 4) && (Key.isDown(_global.key_down))) { } else { this._x = this._x + _global.movespeed_x; } this._xscale = size; } else if (Key.isDown(_global.key_left) && (!((_currentframe >= 7) && (_currentframe <= 13)))) { if ((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6)) { this._x = this._x - _global.movespeed_x; } else if ((_currentframe <= 4) && (Key.isDown(_global.key_down))) { } else { this._x = this._x - _global.movespeed_x; } this._xscale = -size; } if ((_global.s_register == true) && (_currentframe != 4)) { if ((_currentframe <= 4) || ((_currentframe >= 7) && (_currentframe <= 14))) { if (!_global.go_down) { grav = -_global.jumpHeight; _y = (_y - jumpSpeed); } else if (_global.go_down && (_global.skill05 == true)) { this.gotoAndPlay("slide"); } } } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { if (grav < 0) { grav = 0; } } } if (_global.item_inv12 == true) { doublejump(); } } function force_physics() { if (force >= 0.25) { this._x = this._x + force; if (!((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6))) { force = force - 0.25; } else { force = force - 0.1; } } else if (force <= -0.25) { this._x = this._x + force; if (!((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6))) { force = force + 0.25; } else { force = force + 0.1; } } else { force = 0; } if (_currentframe == 3) { if ((force < (4 * _global.slipspeed)) && (force > (-4 * _global.slipspeed))) { force = force + ((this._xscale / 100) * 0.35); } } } function wall() { if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, (_y - ini_height) - ex, true)) { if (grav < 0) { grav = 0; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - ini_height, true)) { _y = (_y + 0.1); } while ((_root.ground.hitTest((_x + (ini_width / 2)) + ex, _y - (ini_height / 2), true) || (_root.ground.hitTest((_x + (ini_width / 2)) + ex, _y - (ini_height / 6), true))) || (_root.ground.hitTest((_x + (ini_width / 2)) + ex, _y - ini_height, true))) { this._x--; } while ((_root.ground.hitTest((_x - (ini_width / 2)) - ex, _y - (ini_height / 2), true) || (_root.ground.hitTest((_x - (ini_width / 2)) - ex, _y - (ini_height / 6), true))) || (_root.ground.hitTest((_x - (ini_width / 2)) - ex, _y - ini_height, true))) { this._x++; } } function doublejump() { if ((((_global.s_register == true) && (((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6)) || (_currentframe == 331))) && (dbljump == 0)) && (!_global.go_down)) { grav = -_global.jumpHeight; _y = (_y - jumpSpeed); dbljump++; _parent.attachMovie("hitting", ["hitting" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._x = _x; _parent["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._y = _y; _parent["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._rotation = 90; _global.count_fx++; gotoAndPlay ("jump_up"); } } grav = 0; force = 0; ini_width = this._width; ini_height = 65; jumpSpeed = 5; setspeed = speed; walkspeed = 2; scale = _xscale; ex = 5; slam = false;
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 2
stop(); softland = true; jumping = false;
Instance of Symbol 132 MovieClip in Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._currentframe == 5) { } }
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 5
if (_root.ground_water.hitTest(_x, _y + 40, true)) { _parent.attachMovie("water_step", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _y + 65; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = _xscale * 2; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._yscale = 200; } else if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 40, true)) { _parent.attachMovie("dust_step", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _y + 37; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = _xscale * 2; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._yscale = 200; } jumping = true; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 7
if (_root.ground_water.hitTest(_x, _y + 40, true)) { _parent.attachMovie("water_step", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _y + 47; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = _xscale * 2; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._yscale = 200; } else { _parent.attachMovie("dust_step", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _y + 37; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = _xscale * 2; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._yscale = 200; } _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 14
gotoAndStop ("standby");
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 20
_parent.s27.start(); grav = 0; rising = 6; _y = (_y - 15);
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip in Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 20
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.pausemode == false) { _parent._y = _parent._y - _parent.rising; _parent._x = _parent._x - ((1 * _parent._xscale) / 100); } if (_parent._parent._root.ground.hitTest(_parent._x, (_parent._y + (_parent.ini_height / 2)) + 15, true)) { if (_global.hero_hp <= 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop("death"); } _parent.hurting = false; } }
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 29
if (_global.hero_hp <= 0) { gotoAndStop ("death"); } else { gotoAndStop ("standby"); }
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 31
_parent.globalSound.stop(); _global.pausemode = true; _root.vcam.attachMovie("death_popup", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx);
Instance of Symbol 167 MovieClip in Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 31
onClipEvent (load) { fallspeed = 2; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { }
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 37
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 38
_global.atkforce = 1; _global.hero_dmgmulti = 1; if (_global.hero_atkspd >= 3) { gotoAndPlay ("atk_fast2"); } else if (_global.hero_atkspd >= 1) { gotoAndPlay ("atk_fast1"); }
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 46
if (_global.weapon == "weapon01") { _parent.s06.start(); } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon02") { _parent.s13.start(); } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon03") { _parent.s15.start(); } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon04") { _parent.s11.start(); } else { _parent.s15.start(); }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip "damagebox" in Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 46
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.weapon == "weapon01") { this._width = 60; } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon02") { this._width = 40; } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon03") { this._width = 90; } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon04") { this._width = 75; } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon05") { this._width = 75; } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon06") { this._width = 75; } }
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 65
if (_global.hero_atkspd >= 3) { gotoAndPlay ("standby"); }
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 68
if (_global.hero_dex >= 2) { gotoAndPlay ("standby"); }
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 70
gotoAndStop ("standby");
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 72
_parent.s07.start(); _global.atkforce = 7; _global.hero_dmgmulti = 3; if (_global.hero_atkspd >= 3) { gotoAndPlay ("bash_fast"); }
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 81
_parent.s08.start(0); _root.vcam.shaking = 4;
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip "damagebox" in Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 82
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.weapon == "weapon01") { this._width = 90; } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon02") { this._width = 60; } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon03") { this._width = 130; } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon04") { this._width = 120; } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon05") { this._width = 120; } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon06") { this._width = 120; } }
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 107
if (_global.hero_atkspd >= 3) { gotoAndPlay ("standby"); }
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 112
if (_global.hero_dex >= 2) { gotoAndPlay ("standby"); }
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 117
gotoAndStop ("standby");
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 118
_global.atkforce = 1; _global.hero_dmgmulti = 1; if (_global.hero_atkspd >= 4) { gotoAndPlay ("atk2_fast"); }
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 122
if (_global.weapon == "weapon01") { _parent.s06.start(); } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon02") { _parent.s13.start(); } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon03") { _parent.s15.start(); } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon04") { _parent.s11.start(); } else { _parent.s15.start(); }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip "damagebox" in Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 122
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.weapon == "weapon01") { this._width = 60; } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon02") { this._width = 40; } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon03") { this._width = 85; } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon04") { this._width = 70; } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon05") { this._width = 80; } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon06") { this._width = 80; } }
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 136
gotoAndStop ("standby");
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 137
_global.atkforce = 4; _global.hero_dmgmulti = 1.25; if (_global.hero_atkspd >= 3) { gotoAndPlay ("atk3_fast"); }
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 146
if (_global.weapon == "weapon01") { _parent.s06.start(); } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon02") { _parent.s13.start(); } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon03") { _parent.s15.start(); } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon04") { _parent.s11.start(); } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon06") { _parent.s20.start(); _parent.s15.start(); } else { _parent.s15.start(); }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip "damagebox" in Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 146
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.weapon == "weapon01") { this._width = 60; } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon02") { this._width = 40; } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon03") { this._width = 90; } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon04") { this._width = 70; } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon05") { this._width = 75; } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon06") { this._width = 75; } }
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 154
if (_global.hero_atkspd >= 4) { gotoAndPlay ("standby"); }
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 163
if ((_global.hero_dex >= 2) && (hero_atkspd >= 2)) { gotoAndPlay ("standby"); }
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 170
gotoAndStop ("standby");
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 171
_global.atkforce = 6; if (_global.skill09 == true) { _global.hero_dmgmulti = 2.25; } else { _global.hero_dmgmulti = 1.5; }
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 178
if (_global.weapon == "weapon01") { _parent.s15.start(); } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon02") { _parent.s13.start(); _parent.s05.start(); } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon03") { _parent.s14.start(); } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon04") { _parent.s12.start(); } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon05") { _parent.s15.start(); } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon06") { _parent.s20.start(); _parent.s15.start(); }
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 180
rising = 70; grav = -5;
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip "damagebox" in Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 180
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.weapon == "weapon01") { this._width = 65; } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon02") { this._width = 50; } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon03") { this._width = 90; } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon04") { this._width = 75; } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon05") { this._width = 80; } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon06") { this._width = 80; } }
Instance of Symbol 379 MovieClip in Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 180
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _parent._y = _parent._y - _parent.rising; _parent.rising = _parent.rising * 0.5; _parent.grav = 0; }
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 181
_parent.attachMovie("sp_sw_shadow", ["slide_shadow" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["slide_shadow" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["slide_shadow" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root["slide_shadow" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 182
_parent.attachMovie("sp_sw_shadow", ["slide_shadow" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["slide_shadow" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["slide_shadow" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root["slide_shadow" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 183
_parent.attachMovie("sp_sw_shadow", ["slide_shadow" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["slide_shadow" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["slide_shadow" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root["slide_shadow" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 197
gotoAndStop ("jump_down");
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 200
if (_global.hero_atkspd >= 3) { gotoAndPlay ("sp_skill04_fast"); }
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 209
if (_global.weapon == "weapon01") { _parent.s05.start(); } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon02") { _parent.s13.start(); _parent.s05.start(); } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon03") { _parent.s14.start(); } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon04") { _parent.s12.start(); } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon05") { _parent.s15.start(); } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon06") { _parent.s20.start(); _parent.s15.start(); }
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 210
_global.atkforce = 1; _global.hero_dmgmulti = 1;
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 212
_parent.attachMovie(["bbeam_" + _global.weapon], ["bbeam" + _global.count_wpn], _global.count_fx); _root["bbeam" + _global.count_wpn]._x = this._x; _root["bbeam" + _global.count_wpn]._y = this._y; _root["bbeam" + _global.count_wpn]._xscale = this._xscale; _global.count_wpn++; _global.count_wpn_min = _global.count_wpn - 3; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 230
gotoAndStop ("standby");
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 240
_global.atkforce = 6; _global.hero_dmgmulti = 1.75; if (_global.hero_atkspd >= 3) { gotoAndStop ("sp_skill02_fast"); this.grav = -7; } else { this.grav = -12; }
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 248
_parent.attachMovie("sp_downswd_shadow", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); if (_global.skill08 == false) { _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._alpha = 30; } else { _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._alpha = 66; } _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _y; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = _xscale; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 251
if (_global.weapon == "weapon01") { _parent.s05.start(); _parent.s15.start(); } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon02") { _parent.s13.start(); _parent.s05.start(); } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon03") { _parent.s14.start(); } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon04") { _parent.s12.start(); } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon05") { _parent.s15.start(); } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon06") { _parent.s20.start(); _parent.s15.start(); } stop(); dropspeed = 10; grav = 0; spawntimer = 0;
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip "damagebox" in Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 251
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { }
Instance of Symbol 424 MovieClip in Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 251
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _parent._y = _parent._y + _parent.dropspeed; _parent._y = _parent._y + 6; if (_parent.dropspeed > 0) { _parent.dropspeed--; } if (_parent._parent._root.ground.hitTest(_parent._x, (_parent._y + (_parent.ini_height / 2)) + 5, true)) { _parent.gotoAndPlay("sp_skill02_end"); } if ((_parent.spawntimer % 4) == 0) { _parent._parent.attachMovie("sp_down_shadow", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); if (_global.skill08 == false) { _parent._parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._alpha = 50; } else { _parent._parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._alpha = 100; } _parent._parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _parent._x; _parent._parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _parent._y; _parent._parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = _parent._xscale; _global.count_fx++; _parent._parent.attachMovie("sp_downswd_shadow", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); if (_global.skill08 == false) { _parent._parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._alpha = 30; } else { _parent._parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._alpha = 66; } _parent._parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _parent._x; _parent._parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _parent._y; _parent._parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = _parent._xscale; _global.count_fx++; } _parent.spawntimer++; }
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 263
_parent.s08.start(); _root.vcam.shaking = 4; if (_root.ground_water.hitTest(_x, _y + 40, true)) { _parent.attachMovie("water_step", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _y + 47; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = _xscale * 2.5; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._yscale = 250; _global.count_fx++; }
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 282
gotoAndStop ("standby");
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 283
if (_global.hero_atkspd >= 3) { gotoAndPlay ("atk_air_fast"); } _global.atkforce = 4; _global.hero_dmgmulti = 1;
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 289
if (_global.weapon == "weapon01") { _parent.s06.start(); } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon02") { _parent.s13.start(); } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon03") { _parent.s15.start(); } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon04") { _parent.s11.start(); } else { _parent.s15.start(); }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip "damagebox" in Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 289
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.weapon == "weapon01") { this._width = 60; } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon02") { this._width = 55; } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon03") { this._width = 85; this._height = 130; } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon04") { this._width = 70; } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon05") { this._width = 75; this._height = 120; } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon06") { this._width = 75; this._height = 130; } }
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 293
if (_global.skill07 == true) { gotoAndStop ("sp_skill07"); }
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 300
gotoAndStop ("standby");
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 301
_parent.s07.start(); if (_global.weapon == "weapon06") { _parent.s20.start(); } _global.atkforce = 7; _global.hero_dmgmulti = 3; if (_global.hero_atkspd >= 3) { gotoAndPlay ("bash_air_fast"); }
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 311
_parent.s08.start(); _root.vcam.shaking = 4;
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip "damagebox" in Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 311
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.weapon == "weapon01") { this._width = 90; this._height = 90; } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon02") { this._width = 60; this._height = 80; } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon03") { this._width = 125; this._height = 110; } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon04") { this._width = 120; this._height = 100; } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon05") { this._width = 120; this._height = 110; } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon06") { this._width = 110; this._height = 100; } }
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 330
gotoAndStop ("standby");
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 331
if (_global.weapon == "weapon01") { _parent.s15.start(); } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon02") { _parent.s13.start(); } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon03") { _parent.s06.start(); } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon04") { _parent.s12.start(); } else { _parent.s06.start(); } floatspeed = 2; _global.atkforce = 3; _global.hero_dmgmulti = 0.87;
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip "damagebox" in Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 331
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.weapon == "weapon01") { this._width = 120; this._height = 120; } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon02") { this._width = 100; this._height = 100; } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon03") { this._width = 160; this._height = 160; } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon04") { this._width = 125; this._height = 125; } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon05") { this._width = 160; this._height = 160; } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon06") { this._width = 140; this._height = 140; } }
Instance of Symbol 473 MovieClip in Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 331
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _parent._y = _parent._y + _parent.floatspeed; if (_parent._parent._root.ground.hitTest(_parent._x, (_parent._y + (_parent.ini_height / 2)) + 5, true)) { _parent.gotoAndPlay("jump_finish"); } }
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 347
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 348
force = (10 * _xscale) / 100; _global.atkforce = 5; _global.hero_dmgmulti = 1;
Instance of Symbol 478 MovieClip in Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 348
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _parent._x = _parent._x + (((_global.movespeed_x + 4) * _parent._xscale) / 100); if (_parent._currentframe > 355) { if (_global.s_press == false) { _parent.gotoAndPlay("slide_end"); } } }
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 349
_parent.attachMovie("slide_shadow", ["slide_shadow" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["slide_shadow" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["slide_shadow" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root["slide_shadow" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _global.count_fx++; if (_root.ground_water.hitTest(_x, _y + 40, true)) { _parent.attachMovie("water_step", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _y + 30; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = _xscale * 0.5; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._yscale = 50; _global.count_fx++; }
Instance of Symbol 486 MovieClip in Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 349
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.skill11 == true) { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; } }
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 352
_parent.attachMovie("slide_shadow", ["slide_shadow" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["slide_shadow" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["slide_shadow" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root["slide_shadow" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _global.count_fx++; if (_root.ground_water.hitTest(_x, _y + 40, true)) { _parent.attachMovie("water_step", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _y + 30; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = _xscale * 0.5; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._yscale = 50; _global.count_fx++; }
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 355
_parent.attachMovie("slide_shadow", ["slide_shadow" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["slide_shadow" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["slide_shadow" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root["slide_shadow" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _global.count_fx++; if (_root.ground_water.hitTest(_x, _y + 40, true)) { _parent.attachMovie("water_step", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _y + 30; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = _xscale * 0.5; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._yscale = 50; _global.count_fx++; }
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 358
_parent.attachMovie("slide_shadow", ["slide_shadow" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["slide_shadow" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["slide_shadow" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root["slide_shadow" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _global.count_fx++; if (_root.ground_water.hitTest(_x, _y + 40, true)) { _parent.attachMovie("water_step", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _y + 30; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = _xscale * 0.5; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._yscale = 50; _global.count_fx++; }
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 361
_parent.attachMovie("slide_shadow", ["slide_shadow" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["slide_shadow" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["slide_shadow" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root["slide_shadow" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _global.count_fx++; if (_root.ground_water.hitTest(_x, _y + 40, true)) { _parent.attachMovie("water_step", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _y + 30; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = _xscale * 0.5; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._yscale = 50; _global.count_fx++; }
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 364
_parent.attachMovie("slide_shadow", ["slide_shadow" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["slide_shadow" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["slide_shadow" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root["slide_shadow" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _global.count_fx++; if (_root.ground_water.hitTest(_x, _y + 40, true)) { _parent.attachMovie("water_step", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _y + 30; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = _xscale * 0.5; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._yscale = 50; _global.count_fx++; }
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 367
_parent.attachMovie("slide_shadow", ["slide_shadow" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["slide_shadow" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["slide_shadow" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root["slide_shadow" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _global.count_fx++; if (_root.ground_water.hitTest(_x, _y + 40, true)) { _parent.attachMovie("water_step", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _y + 30; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = _xscale * 0.5; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._yscale = 50; _global.count_fx++; }
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 369
force = (4 * _xscale) / 100;
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 373
gotoAndStop ("standby");
Instance of Symbol 490 MovieClip in Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 377
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.pausemode == false) { _parent.gotoAndPlay("investigate_end"); } }
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 387
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root] Frame 397
gotoAndStop ("standby");
Symbol 514 MovieClip [bbeam_weapon06] Frame 1
timer = 17; movespeed = 10; if (_global.skill10 == true) { timer = 30; movespeed = 16; } explode = false; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_currentframe <= 6) { this._x = this._x + ((movespeed * this._xscale) / 100); timer--; if (timer < 0) { gotoAndPlay ("dissipate"); } if (_root.ground.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) { gotoAndPlay ("dissipate"); } if ((explode == true) && (_global.skill10 == false)) { gotoAndPlay ("dissipate"); } } };
Symbol 514 MovieClip [bbeam_weapon06] Frame 6
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 514 MovieClip [bbeam_weapon06] Frame 8
Symbol 514 MovieClip [bbeam_weapon06] Frame 20
Symbol 525 MovieClip [bbeam_weapon05] Frame 1
timer = 24; movespeed = 8.5; if (_global.skill10 == true) { timer = 45; } explode = false; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_currentframe <= 6) { this._x = this._x + ((movespeed * this._xscale) / 100); timer--; if (timer < 0) { gotoAndPlay ("dissipate"); } if (_root.ground.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) { gotoAndPlay ("dissipate"); } if ((explode == true) && (_global.skill10 == false)) { gotoAndPlay ("dissipate"); } if (!_root.ground.hitTest(this._x + (this._xscale / 20), this._y + 60, true)) { gotoAndPlay ("dissipate"); } else { while (_root.ground.hitTest(this._x - (this._xscale / 20), this._y + 20, true)) { this._y--; } while (!_root.ground.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 40, true)) { this._y++; } } } };
Symbol 525 MovieClip [bbeam_weapon05] Frame 4
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 525 MovieClip [bbeam_weapon05] Frame 7
Symbol 525 MovieClip [bbeam_weapon05] Frame 22
Symbol 533 MovieClip [bbeam_weapon04] Frame 1
timer = 17; movespeed = 10; if (_global.skill10 == true) { timer = 40; } explode = false; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_currentframe <= 6) { this._x = this._x + ((movespeed * this._xscale) / 100); timer--; if (timer < 0) { gotoAndPlay ("dissipate"); } if (_root.ground.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) { gotoAndPlay ("dissipate"); } if ((explode == true) && (_global.skill10 == false)) { gotoAndPlay ("dissipate"); } } };
Symbol 533 MovieClip [bbeam_weapon04] Frame 6
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 533 MovieClip [bbeam_weapon04] Frame 7
Symbol 533 MovieClip [bbeam_weapon04] Frame 15
Symbol 542 MovieClip [bbeam_weapon03] Frame 1
timer = 25; movespeed = 11; if (_global.skill10 == true) { timer = 30; movespeed = 13; } movespeed = 10; explode = false; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_currentframe <= 6) { this._x = this._x + ((movespeed * this._xscale) / 100); timer--; if (timer < 0) { gotoAndPlay ("dissipate"); } if (_root.ground.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) { gotoAndPlay ("dissipate"); } if ((explode == true) && (_global.skill10 == false)) { gotoAndPlay ("dissipate"); } if (!_root.ground.hitTest(this._x + (this._xscale / 20), this._y + 60, true)) { gotoAndPlay ("dissipate"); } else if (_root.ground.hitTest(this._x + (this._xscale / 6), this._y, true)) { gotoAndPlay ("dissipate"); } else { while (_root.ground.hitTest(this._x - (this._xscale / 20), this._y + 20, true)) { this._y--; } while (!_root.ground.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 40, true)) { this._y++; } } } };
Symbol 542 MovieClip [bbeam_weapon03] Frame 5
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 542 MovieClip [bbeam_weapon03] Frame 7
Symbol 542 MovieClip [bbeam_weapon03] Frame 22
Symbol 556 MovieClip [bbeam_weapon02] Frame 1
timer = 23; movespeed = 9; if (_global.skill10 == true) { timer = 33; movespeed = 11; } explode = false; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_currentframe <= 6) { this._x = this._x + ((movespeed * this._xscale) / 100); timer--; if (timer < 0) { gotoAndPlay ("dissipate"); } if (_root.ground.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) { gotoAndPlay ("dissipate"); } if ((explode == true) && (_global.skill10 == false)) { gotoAndPlay ("dissipate"); } } };
Symbol 556 MovieClip [bbeam_weapon02] Frame 6
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 556 MovieClip [bbeam_weapon02] Frame 7
Symbol 556 MovieClip [bbeam_weapon02] Frame 28
Symbol 563 MovieClip [bbeam_weapon01] Frame 1
timer = 22; movespeed = 10; if (_global.skill10 == true) { movespeed = 13; timer = 30; } explode = false; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_currentframe <= 6) { this._x = this._x + ((movespeed * this._xscale) / 100); timer--; if (timer < 0) { gotoAndPlay ("dissipate"); } if (_root.ground.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) { gotoAndPlay ("dissipate"); } if ((explode == true) && (_global.skill10 == false)) { gotoAndPlay ("dissipate"); } } };
Symbol 563 MovieClip [bbeam_weapon01] Frame 6
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 563 MovieClip [bbeam_weapon01] Frame 8
Symbol 563 MovieClip [bbeam_weapon01] Frame 15
Symbol 574 MovieClip [sp_downswd_shadow] Frame 1
Symbol 574 MovieClip [sp_downswd_shadow] Frame 8
Symbol 574 MovieClip [sp_downswd_shadow] Frame 18
Symbol 574 MovieClip [sp_downswd_shadow] Frame 28
Symbol 574 MovieClip [sp_downswd_shadow] Frame 38
Symbol 574 MovieClip [sp_downswd_shadow] Frame 48
Symbol 574 MovieClip [sp_downswd_shadow] Frame 59
Symbol 578 MovieClip [save_warning] Frame 1
onEnterFrame = function () { if (_currentframe > 150) { this._alpha--; } };
Symbol 578 MovieClip [save_warning] Frame 251
Symbol 582 MovieClip Frame 1
function set_txt(texty) { var _local1 = texty; _local1 = texty; } function permatext(txt) { message = txt; }
Symbol 586 MovieClip [presskeys3] Frame 1
onEnterFrame = function () { if (_currentframe > 150) { this._alpha--; } };
Instance of Symbol 582 MovieClip in Symbol 586 MovieClip [presskeys3] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.permatext("E"); if (this._alpha > 50) { if (Key.isDown(_global.key_d)) { this._alpha = 50; } } else { this._alpha = this._alpha - 5; } if (this._alpha <= 0) { this._visible = false; } }
Symbol 586 MovieClip [presskeys3] Frame 251
Symbol 590 MovieClip [presskeys2] Frame 1
onEnterFrame = function () { if (_currentframe > 150) { this._alpha--; } };
Instance of Symbol 582 MovieClip in Symbol 590 MovieClip [presskeys2] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.permatext("A"); if (this._alpha > 50) { if (Key.isDown(_global.key_a)) { this._alpha = 50; } } else { this._alpha = this._alpha - 5; } if (this._alpha <= 0) { this._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 582 MovieClip in Symbol 590 MovieClip [presskeys2] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.permatext("S"); if (this._alpha > 50) { if (Key.isDown(_global.key_s)) { this._alpha = 50; } } else { this._alpha = this._alpha - 5; } if (this._alpha <= 0) { this._visible = false; } }
Symbol 590 MovieClip [presskeys2] Frame 251
Symbol 592 MovieClip [presskeys1] Frame 1
onEnterFrame = function () { if (_currentframe > 150) { this._alpha--; } };
Instance of Symbol 582 MovieClip in Symbol 592 MovieClip [presskeys1] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.permatext("\u2191"); if (this._alpha > 50) { if (Key.isDown(38)) { this._alpha = 50; } } else { this._alpha = this._alpha - 5; } if (this._alpha <= 0) { this._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 582 MovieClip in Symbol 592 MovieClip [presskeys1] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.permatext("\u2193"); if (this._alpha > 50) { if (Key.isDown(40)) { this._alpha = 50; } } else { this._alpha = this._alpha - 5; } if (this._alpha <= 0) { this._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 582 MovieClip in Symbol 592 MovieClip [presskeys1] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.permatext("\u2190"); if (this._alpha > 50) { if (Key.isDown(37)) { this._alpha = 50; } } else { this._alpha = this._alpha - 5; } if (this._alpha <= 0) { this._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 582 MovieClip in Symbol 592 MovieClip [presskeys1] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.permatext("\u2192"); if (this._alpha > 50) { if (Key.isDown(39)) { this._alpha = 50; } } else { this._alpha = this._alpha - 5; } if (this._alpha <= 0) { this._visible = false; } }
Symbol 592 MovieClip [presskeys1] Frame 251
Symbol 593 MovieClip [death_supplement] Frame 3
_global.from_map = "spawn"; _parent.respawn(); _global.purge = true;
Symbol 593 MovieClip [death_supplement] Frame 7
_parent.gotoAndPlay(_global.checkpoint_area); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 603 Button
on (release) { play(); }
Symbol 607 MovieClip [death_popup] Frame 1
_global.bgm = 0;
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Symbol 607 MovieClip [death_popup] Frame 1
on (release) { }
Symbol 607 MovieClip [death_popup] Frame 3
_parent._parent.s41.start(0, 10);
Symbol 607 MovieClip [death_popup] Frame 74
Symbol 607 MovieClip [death_popup] Frame 75
_parent._x = 773.7; _parent._y = 249.4; _parent._parent.attachMovie("death_supplement", "addon", _global.count);
Symbol 613 MovieClip Frame 1
function setName(_id) { id = _id; } function textSet(txt, spd) { text = txt; speed = spd + 3; gotoAndPlay (2); } function permatext(txt) { message = txt; } function textComplete() { message = text; gotoAndStop (1); } sound = 1; cnt = 1; stop();
Symbol 613 MovieClip Frame 2
if (cnt < text.length) { message = text.substring(0, cnt); cnt = cnt + speed; if (((((text.substring(cnt - 1, cnt) == ".") || (text.substring(cnt - 1, cnt) == "\u3000")) || (text.substring(cnt - 1, cnt) == "\uFF1F")) || (text.substring(cnt - 1, cnt) == "\uFF0C")) || (text.substring(cnt - 1, cnt) == "\uFF01")) { } else { _parent._parent.s35.start(); } } else { message = text; gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 613 MovieClip Frame 5
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 654 MovieClip Frame 1
onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); }; onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; stop();
Symbol 657 MovieClip Frame 1
onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); }; onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; stop();
Symbol 659 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 667 MovieClip [item_get] Frame 8
onEnterFrame = function () { };
Symbol 667 MovieClip [item_get] Frame 17
Symbol 667 MovieClip [item_get] Frame 19
this.dialogue.textSet(texty, 1); this.itemicon.gotoAndStop(itemy);
Symbol 667 MovieClip [item_get] Frame 38
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Symbol 667 MovieClip [item_get] Frame 38
on (release) { _parent.removeMovieClip(); }
Symbol 675 MovieClip Frame 1
function setName(_id) { id = _id; } function textSet(txt, spd) { text = txt; speed = spd + 4; gotoAndPlay (2); } function permatext(txt) { message = txt; } function textComplete() { message = text; gotoAndStop (1); } sound = 1; cnt = 1; stop();
Symbol 675 MovieClip Frame 2
if (cnt < text.length) { message = text.substring(0, cnt); cnt = cnt + speed; if (((((text.substring(cnt - 1, cnt) == ".") || (text.substring(cnt - 1, cnt) == "\u3000")) || (text.substring(cnt - 1, cnt) == "\uFF1F")) || (text.substring(cnt - 1, cnt) == "\uFF0C")) || (text.substring(cnt - 1, cnt) == "\uFF01")) { } } else { message = text; gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 675 MovieClip Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 678 MovieClip [inv_notes] Frame 10
onEnterFrame = function () { };
Instance of Symbol 675 MovieClip "dialogue" in Symbol 678 MovieClip [inv_notes] Frame 13
on (release) { if (_currentframe != 1) { this.textComplete(); } else { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } }
Symbol 678 MovieClip [inv_notes] Frame 19
this.dialogue.textSet(texty, 1); this.itemicon.gotoAndStop(itemy);
Symbol 678 MovieClip [inv_notes] Frame 24
Symbol 700 MovieClip [emo10] Frame 1
onEnterFrame = function () { if ((_parent._xscale == -100) && (this._xscale == 100)) { this._xscale = -100; this._x = -this._x; } else if ((_parent._xscale == 100) && (this._xscale == -100)) { this._xscale = 100; this._x = -this._x; } };
Symbol 700 MovieClip [emo10] Frame 82
Symbol 715 MovieClip [emo09] Frame 1
onEnterFrame = function () { if ((_parent._xscale == -100) && (this._xscale == 100)) { this._xscale = -100; this._x = -this._x; } else if ((_parent._xscale == 100) && (this._xscale == -100)) { this._xscale = 100; this._x = -this._x; } };
Symbol 715 MovieClip [emo09] Frame 124
Symbol 718 MovieClip [emo01] Frame 1
onEnterFrame = function () { if ((_parent._xscale == -100) && (this._xscale == 100)) { this._xscale = -100; this._x = -this._x; } else if ((_parent._xscale == 100) && (this._xscale == -100)) { this._xscale = 100; this._x = -this._x; } };
Symbol 718 MovieClip [emo01] Frame 144
Symbol 720 MovieClip [miss] Frame 1
floatingspeed = -4; onEnterFrame = function () { this._y = this._y + floatingspeed; if (floatingspeed <= 6) { floatingspeed = floatingspeed + 1; } else { this._alpha = this._alpha - 5; } if (this._alpha <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } };
Symbol 731 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 732 MovieClip [heal_player] Frame 1
function set_damage(dmg) { tenthousandth = Math.floor(dmg / 10000); if (tenthousandth == 0) { this.tenthousand.gotoAndStop(11); } else { this.tenthousand.gotoAndStop(tenthousandth + 1); } dmg = dmg % 10000; thousandth = Math.floor(dmg / 1000); if ((thousandth == 0) && (tenthousandth == 0)) { this.thousand.gotoAndStop(11); } else { this.thousand.gotoAndStop(thousandth + 1); } dmg = dmg % 1000; hundredth = Math.floor(dmg / 100); if (((hundredth == 0) && (thousandth == 0)) && (tenthousandth == 0)) { this.hundred.gotoAndStop(11); } else { this.hundred.gotoAndStop(hundredth + 1); } dmg = dmg % 100; tenth = Math.floor(dmg / 10); if ((((tenth == 0) && (hundredth == 0)) && (thousandth == 0)) && (tenthousandth == 0)) { this.ten.gotoAndStop(11); } else { this.ten.gotoAndStop(tenth + 1); } dmg = dmg % 10; oneth = Math.floor(dmg); + 1); } floatingspeed = -4; onEnterFrame = function () { this._y = this._y + floatingspeed; if (floatingspeed <= 4) { floatingspeed = floatingspeed + 0.5; } else { this._alpha = this._alpha - 5; } if (this._alpha <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } set_damage(healing); };
Symbol 733 MovieClip [damage_player] Frame 1
function set_damage(dmg) { thousandth = Math.floor(dmg / 1000); if (thousandth == 0) { this.thousand.gotoAndStop(11); } else { this.thousand.gotoAndStop(thousandth + 1); } dmg = dmg % 1000; hundredth = Math.floor(dmg / 100); if ((hundredth == 0) && (thousandth == 0)) { this.hundred.gotoAndStop(11); } else { this.hundred.gotoAndStop(hundredth + 1); } dmg = dmg % 100; tenth = Math.floor(dmg / 10); if (((tenth == 0) && (hundredth == 0)) && (thousandth == 0)) { this.ten.gotoAndStop(11); } else { this.ten.gotoAndStop(tenth + 1); } dmg = dmg % 10; oneth = Math.floor(dmg); + 1); } floatingspeed = -6; onEnterFrame = function () { this._y = this._y + floatingspeed; this._x = this._x + movespeed; if (floatingspeed <= 6) { floatingspeed = floatingspeed + 0.5; } else { this._alpha = this._alpha - 5; } if (this._alpha <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } set_damage(damage); };
Symbol 734 MovieClip [damage] Frame 1
function set_damage(dmg) { thousandth = Math.floor(dmg / 1000); if (thousandth == 0) { this.thousand.gotoAndStop(11); } else { this.thousand.gotoAndStop(thousandth + 1); } dmg = dmg % 1000; hundredth = Math.floor(dmg / 100); if ((hundredth == 0) && (thousandth == 0)) { this.hundred.gotoAndStop(11); } else { this.hundred.gotoAndStop(hundredth + 1); } dmg = dmg % 100; tenth = Math.floor(dmg / 10); if (((tenth == 0) && (hundredth == 0)) && (thousandth == 0)) { this.ten.gotoAndStop(11); } else { this.ten.gotoAndStop(tenth + 1); } dmg = dmg % 10; oneth = Math.floor(dmg); + 1); } floatingspeed = -6; onEnterFrame = function () { this._y = this._y + floatingspeed; this._x = this._x + movespeed; if (floatingspeed <= 6) { floatingspeed = floatingspeed + 0.5; } else { this._alpha = this._alpha - 5; } if (this._alpha <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } set_damage(damage); };
Symbol 738 MovieClip [whip_hit] Frame 4
Symbol 743 MovieClip [water_step] Frame 1
Symbol 743 MovieClip [water_step] Frame 12
Symbol 751 MovieClip [statup] Frame 1
onEnterFrame = function () { if ((_parent._xscale == -100) && (this._xscale == 100)) { this._xscale = -100; this._x = -this._x; } else if ((_parent._xscale == 100) && (this._xscale == -100)) { this._xscale = 100; this._x = -this._x; } };
Symbol 751 MovieClip [statup] Frame 216
Symbol 767 MovieClip [level_up] Frame 114
stop(); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 770 MovieClip [healing_effect] Frame 23
Symbol 771 MovieClip [fire] Frame 13
Symbol 776 MovieClip Frame 1
function setName(_id) { id = _id; } function textSet(txt, spd) { text = txt; speed = spd + 3; gotoAndPlay (2); } function permatext(txt) { message = txt; } function textComplete() { message = text; gotoAndStop (1); } sound = 1; cnt = 1; stop();
Symbol 776 MovieClip Frame 2
if (cnt < text.length) { message = text.substring(0, cnt); cnt = cnt + speed; if (((((text.substring(cnt - 1, cnt) == ".") || (text.substring(cnt - 1, cnt) == "\u3000")) || (text.substring(cnt - 1, cnt) == "\uFF1F")) || (text.substring(cnt - 1, cnt) == "\uFF0C")) || (text.substring(cnt - 1, cnt) == "\uFF01")) { } else { _parent._parent._parent.s35.start(); } } else { message = text; gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 776 MovieClip Frame 5
gotoAndPlay (2);
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Symbol 779 MovieClip [N11_dialogue_A] Frame 1
on (release) { }
Instance of Symbol 776 MovieClip "dialogue" in Symbol 779 MovieClip [N11_dialogue_A] Frame 9
on (release) { if (_currentframe != 1) { this.textComplete(); } else if ((_parent.count_arr + 1) > _parent.arr.length) {; } else { this.textSet(_parent.arr[_parent.count_arr], 1); _parent.count_arr++; } }
Symbol 779 MovieClip [N11_dialogue_A] Frame 10
talk1 = "\"Not bad...\""; talk2 = "\"Even with the massive level gap, you've still managed to do it...\""; talk3 = "\"Would you let me help you?\""; talk4 = "\"You have this privelage, after all.\""; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1, talk2, talk3, talk4]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1);
Symbol 779 MovieClip [N11_dialogue_A] Frame 16
Symbol 779 MovieClip [N11_dialogue_A] Frame 17
_parent.zoom_in = false; _parent._parent.mystel.gotoAndPlay("begin"); _parent._parent.mystel._visible = true; _parent._parent.hero.attachMovie("emo09", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent._parent.hero["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = -55; _parent._parent.hero["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = -85; _global.count_fx++; this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 781 MovieClip [N10_projectile3] Frame 1
function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } gravity = 2; stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { purge_check(); if (_currentframe == 1) { this._x = this._x + ((movespeed * this._xscale) / 100); if (flyspeed > -20) { flyspeed = flyspeed - gravity; } this._y = this._y - flyspeed; if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 10, true)) { while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 11, true)) { this._y--; } this.gotoAndPlay("dissipate"); } } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.hitbox)) { if ((_root.hero.invincible <= 0) && (!_global.pausemode)) { _root.hero.force = 4 * (this._xscale / 100); _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = atkdmg; _root.hero._xscale = -this._xscale; } if (_currentframe == 1) { gotoAndPlay ("dissipate"); } } if (_currentframe == 1) { if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox)) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = this._xscale * -1; } _parent.hitsound(); _parent.attachMovie("hitting", ["hit" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["hit" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["hit" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; _global.count_fx++; this.gotoAndPlay("dissipate"); } } };
Symbol 781 MovieClip [N10_projectile3] Frame 10
Symbol 781 MovieClip [N10_projectile3] Frame 39
stop(); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 788 MovieClip [N10_projectile2] Frame 1
function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } function collision() { while (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._x > this._x)) { _root.hero._x++; } while (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._x < this._x)) { _root.hero._x--; } } onEnterFrame = function () { purge_check(); while (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { this._y++; } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.hitbox)) { if ((_root.hero.invincible <= 0) && (!_global.pausemode)) { _parent.s18.start(); _root.hero.force = 5 * (this._xscale / 100); _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = atkdmg; _root.hero._xscale = this._xscale; } } if (_currentframe >= 41) { } };
Symbol 788 MovieClip [N10_projectile2] Frame 41
Symbol 788 MovieClip [N10_projectile2] Frame 202
stop(); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 795 MovieClip [N09_dashshadow] Frame 20
Symbol 802 MovieClip [N08_projectile] Frame 1
function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } gravity = 0.05; rotate = 0.25; stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { purge_check(); this._rotation = this._rotation + ((rotate * _xscale) / 100); if (movespeed > 8) { movespeed = movespeed - 0.1; } if (_currentframe == 1) { if (strafe == true) { gravity = 1; rotate = 3; } this._x = this._x + ((movespeed * this._xscale) / 100); this._y = this._y - flyspeed; if (flyspeed > -8) { flyspeed = flyspeed - gravity; } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { this._y--; } this.gotoAndPlay("dissipate"); } } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.hitbox)) { if ((_root.hero.invincible <= 0) && (!_global.pausemode)) { _root.hero.force = 4 * (this._xscale / 100); _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = atkdmg; _root.hero._xscale = -this._xscale; } if (_currentframe == 1) { gotoAndPlay ("dissipate"); } } if (_currentframe == 1) { if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox)) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = this._xscale * -1; } _parent.hitsound(); _parent.attachMovie("hitting", ["hit" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["hit" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["hit" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; _global.count_fx++; this.gotoAndPlay("dissipate"); } i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i < _global.count_wpn) { if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root["bbeam" + i].damagebox) && (invincible <= 0)) { _parent.s42.start(); this.gotoAndPlay("dissipate"); _root["bbeam" + i].explode = true; } i++; } } };
Symbol 802 MovieClip [N08_projectile] Frame 15
stop(); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 816 MovieClip [N08_enemybar] Frame 1
this._alpha = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._alpha < 100) { this._alpha = this._alpha + 2.5; } };
Instance of Symbol 805 MovieClip in Symbol 816 MovieClip [N08_enemybar] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.boss1_hp > 0) { this._width = (_global.boss1_hp / _global.boss1_maxHp) * 100; } else { this._width = 0.1; } }
Instance of Symbol 805 MovieClip "hpbar" in Symbol 816 MovieClip [N08_enemybar] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.boss2_hp > 0) { this._width = (_global.boss2_hp / _global.boss2_maxHp) * 100; } else { this._width = 0.1; } }
Instance of Symbol 805 MovieClip "hpbar" in Symbol 816 MovieClip [N08_enemybar] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.boss3_hp > 0) { this._width = (_global.boss3_hp / _global.boss3_maxHp) * 100; } else { this._width = 0.1; } }
Symbol 818 MovieClip [emo07] Frame 1
onEnterFrame = function () { if ((_parent._xscale == -100) && (this._xscale == 100)) { this._xscale = -100; this._x = -this._x; } else if ((_parent._xscale == 100) && (this._xscale == -100)) { this._xscale = 100; this._x = -this._x; } };
Symbol 818 MovieClip [emo07] Frame 130
Symbol 827 Button
on (rollOver) { _parent._parent.s40.start(); } on (release) { play(); }
Symbol 828 Button
on (rollOver) { _parent._parent.s40.start(); } on (release) { play(); }
Symbol 834 MovieClip [emo06] Frame 1
onEnterFrame = function () { if ((_parent._xscale == -100) && (this._xscale == 100)) { this._xscale = -100; this._x = -this._x; } else if ((_parent._xscale == 100) && (this._xscale == -100)) { this._xscale = 100; this._x = -this._x; } };
Symbol 834 MovieClip [emo06] Frame 120
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Symbol 835 MovieClip [N08_dialogue_B] Frame 1
on (release) { }
Instance of Symbol 776 MovieClip "dialogue" in Symbol 835 MovieClip [N08_dialogue_B] Frame 9
on (release) { if (_currentframe != 1) { this.textComplete(); } else if ((_parent.count_arr + 1) > _parent.arr.length) {; } else { this.textSet(_parent.arr[_parent.count_arr], 1); _parent.count_arr++; } }
Symbol 835 MovieClip [N08_dialogue_B] Frame 15
stop(); talk1 = "\"FUCK\nFUCKFUCKFUCK\nFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK\u300D"; talk2 = "\"CHEATER! HAXOR! NOOB! DON'T LET ME FIND OUT WHERE YOU LIVE YOU LITTLE BICH\""; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1, talk2]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1);
Symbol 835 MovieClip [N08_dialogue_B] Frame 16
stop(); _parent.follower = "boss3"; talk1 = "\">silly kids try so hard\""; talk2 = "\">implying I was even trying\""; talk3 = "\"trolled, dumbass\""; talk4 = "\"...\""; talk5 = "\"I will call my legion of friends to ruin your life you faggot piece of shit hipster.\""; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1, talk2, talk3, talk4, talk5]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1);
Symbol 835 MovieClip [N08_dialogue_B] Frame 23
stop(); _parent.follower = "boss2"; talk1 = "\"fukken noob team\""; talk2 = "\"PM me later\""; talk3 = "\"1v1 faggot\""; talk4 = "\"garbage team\""; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1, talk2, talk3, talk4]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1);
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Symbol 835 MovieClip [N08_dialogue_B] Frame 24
on (release) { }
Symbol 835 MovieClip [N08_dialogue_B] Frame 30
Symbol 835 MovieClip [N08_dialogue_B] Frame 31
stop(); _parent.follower = "boss1"; talk1 = "\"fuck you you piece of shit\""; talk2 = "\"i will call my clan and assrape you\""; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1, talk2]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1);
Symbol 835 MovieClip [N08_dialogue_B] Frame 37
stop(); _parent.follower = "boss3"; talk1 = "\">that feel when losing to a faggot with no life\""; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1);
Symbol 835 MovieClip [N08_dialogue_B] Frame 44
stop(); _parent.follower = "boss2"; talk1 = "\"lol\""; talk2 = "\"lol\nlol\nlol\""; talk3 = "\"lollololololol\nlolollol\nlollol\""; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1, talk2, talk3]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1);
Symbol 835 MovieClip [N08_dialogue_B] Frame 51
_parent.zoom_in = false; _root.vcam.follower = "boss1"; _parent._parent.boss1.gotoAndPlay("moredeath"); _parent._parent.boss2.gotoAndPlay("moredeath"); _parent._parent.boss3.gotoAndPlay("moredeath"); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 847 MovieClip [emo04] Frame 1
onEnterFrame = function () { if ((_parent._xscale == -100) && (this._xscale == 100)) { this._xscale = -100; this._x = -this._x; } else if ((_parent._xscale == 100) && (this._xscale == -100)) { this._xscale = 100; this._x = -this._x; } };
Symbol 847 MovieClip [emo04] Frame 73
Symbol 860 MovieClip [emo11] Frame 1
onEnterFrame = function () { if ((_parent._xscale == -100) && (this._xscale == 100)) { this._xscale = -100; this._x = -this._x; } else if ((_parent._xscale == 100) && (this._xscale == -100)) { this._xscale = 100; this._x = -this._x; } };
Symbol 860 MovieClip [emo11] Frame 126
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Symbol 862 MovieClip [N08_dialogue_A] Frame 1
on (release) { }
Instance of Symbol 776 MovieClip "dialogue" in Symbol 862 MovieClip [N08_dialogue_A] Frame 9
on (release) { if (_currentframe != 1) { this.textComplete(); } else if ((_parent.count_arr + 1) > _parent.arr.length) {; } else { this.textSet(_parent.arr[_parent.count_arr], 1); _parent.count_arr++; } }
Symbol 862 MovieClip [N08_dialogue_A] Frame 10
if (_global.monster40 == false) { _global.monster40 = true; _global.monster41 = true; _global.monster42 = true; _global.monsterbio = 40; _global.new_note = true; } talk1 = "\"HEY HEY HEY!\""; talk2 = "\"We found this treasure chest first!\""; talk3 = "\"Scram! Get lost!\""; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1, talk2, talk3]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1);
Symbol 862 MovieClip [N08_dialogue_A] Frame 16
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Symbol 862 MovieClip [N08_dialogue_A] Frame 17
on (release) { }
Symbol 862 MovieClip [N08_dialogue_A] Frame 23
Symbol 862 MovieClip [N08_dialogue_A] Frame 30
stop(); talk1 = "\"GTFO bitch and STFU\""; talk2 = "\"stupid noobs trying to pick up my stuff...\""; talk3 = "\"What's that? u wanna duel?\""; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1, talk2, talk3]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1);
Symbol 862 MovieClip [N08_dialogue_A] Frame 38
Symbol 862 MovieClip [N08_dialogue_A] Frame 39
stop(); talk1 = "\"1v1 faggot\""; talk2 = "\"3 of us will 1v1 you to death bitch\""; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1, talk2]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1);
Symbol 862 MovieClip [N08_dialogue_A] Frame 45
stop(); _parent.follower = "cutscene_cam3"; talk1 = "\">implying this social failure is worth our time\""; talk2 = "silly kids these days make me lose faith in the internet"; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1, talk2]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1);
Symbol 862 MovieClip [N08_dialogue_A] Frame 51
stop(); _parent.follower = "cutscene_cam2"; talk1 = "\"i own u nubs\""; talk2 = "\"lawl\""; talk3 = "\"silly n00b about to get owned\""; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1, talk2, talk3]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1);
Symbol 862 MovieClip [N08_dialogue_A] Frame 56
stop(); _parent.follower = "cutscene_cam1"; talk1 = "\"I'm wearing ghostring armor you silly kid\""; talk2 = "\"I'm gonna splatter your underage ass all over the place\""; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1, talk2]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1);
Symbol 862 MovieClip [N08_dialogue_A] Frame 61
_parent.zoom_in = false; _global.pausemode = true; _parent._parent.cutscene.gotoAndPlay("continue2"); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 865 Button
on (rollOver) { _parent._parent.s40.start(); } on (release) { gotoAndStop ("teleport"); }
Symbol 866 Button
on (rollOver) { _parent._parent.s40.start(); } on (release) { gotoAndStop ("inventory"); }
Symbol 867 Button
on (rollOver) { _parent._parent.s40.start(); } on (release) { _parent.zoom_in = false; _global.pausemode = false; this.removeMovieClip(); }
Symbol 873 Button
on (release) { this.dialogue.textSet("\u9084\u6709\u4EC0\u9EBC\u6771\u897F\u55CE\uFF1F", 1); gotoAndPlay ("greet"); }
Symbol 877 MovieClip Frame 1
onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); }; onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; stop();
Symbol 879 MovieClip Frame 1
onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); }; onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; stop();
Symbol 881 MovieClip Frame 1
onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); }; onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; stop();
Symbol 883 Button
on (rollOver) { _parent._parent.s40.start(); } on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("inv15_prompt2"); }
Symbol 884 Button
on (rollOver) { _parent._parent.s40.start(); } on (release) { this.dialogue.textSet("\u9084\u6709\u4EC0\u9EBC\u6771\u897F\u55CE\uFF1F", 1); gotoAndPlay ("greet"); }
Symbol 890 MovieClip [emo08] Frame 155
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Symbol 891 MovieClip [N07_dialogue_B] Frame 1
on (release) { }
Instance of Symbol 776 MovieClip "dialogue" in Symbol 891 MovieClip [N07_dialogue_B] Frame 9
on (release) { if (_currentframe != 1) { this.textComplete(); } else if ((_parent.count_arr + 1) > _parent.arr.length) {; } else { this.textSet(_parent.arr[_parent.count_arr], 1); _parent.count_arr++; } }
Symbol 891 MovieClip [N07_dialogue_B] Frame 10
talk1 = "\"Ufufufu....\""; talk2 = "\"Would you like a lift?\""; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1, talk2]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1);
Symbol 891 MovieClip [N07_dialogue_B] Frame 16
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Symbol 891 MovieClip [N07_dialogue_B] Frame 17
on (release) { }
Symbol 891 MovieClip [N07_dialogue_B] Frame 23
Symbol 891 MovieClip [N07_dialogue_B] Frame 30
talk1 = "\"Ma, ma~ Got anything interesting for me?\""; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1);
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Symbol 891 MovieClip [N07_dialogue_B] Frame 32
on (release) { }
Symbol 891 MovieClip [N07_dialogue_B] Frame 38
Instance of Symbol 877 MovieClip "inv19" in Symbol 891 MovieClip [N07_dialogue_B] Frame 38
on (rollOver) { _parent.desc_inv = "\u7814\u7A76\u8A18\u9304\u03B2\uFF1A\n\u9019\u662F\u6253\u6557\u72C2\u66B4\u7C73\u8AFE\u65AF\u4E4B\u5F8C\u6240\u62FF\u5230\u7684\u7B46\u8A18\uFF0C\u770B\u8D77\u4F86\u76F8\u7576\u7684\u8001\u820A\u3002\n\n-\u9EDE\u9078\u7269\u54C1\u95B1\u8B80-"; } on (rollOut) { _parent.desc_inv = ""; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.item_inv19 == false) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } on (release) { _parent.gotoAndStop("inv19"); }
Instance of Symbol 622 MovieClip in Symbol 891 MovieClip [N07_dialogue_B] Frame 38
on (rollOver) { _parent.desc_inv = "\u7B26\u6587\u77F3\u687F\uFF1A\n\u4E00\u628A\u5947\u602A\u7684\u687F\u5B50\uFF0C\u62FF\u5728\u624B\u4E0A\u611F\u89BA\u76F8\u7576\u51B0\u51B7\u3002\n\n"; } on (rollOut) { _parent.desc_inv = ""; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.item_inv15 == false) { this._visible = false; } else if (_global.item_weapon04 == true) { this._visible = true; this._alpha = 25; } else { this._visible = true; } } on (release) { if (_global.item_weapon04 == false) { _parent.gotoAndStop("inv15"); } }
Instance of Symbol 879 MovieClip "inv20" in Symbol 891 MovieClip [N07_dialogue_B] Frame 38
on (rollOver) { } on (rollOut) { } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.item_inv20 == false) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } on (release) { _parent.gotoAndStop("inv20"); }
Instance of Symbol 881 MovieClip "inv21" in Symbol 891 MovieClip [N07_dialogue_B] Frame 38
on (rollOver) { } on (rollOut) { } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.item_inv21 == false) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } on (release) { _parent.gotoAndStop("inv21"); }
Symbol 891 MovieClip [N07_dialogue_B] Frame 39
talk1 = "\"Oh~ Where did you pick this up?\""; talk2 = "\"You know, this used to be a part of a weapon~\"\u300D"; talk3 = "\"But I really didn't expect something like this to exist in a place built 300 years ago...\""; talk4 = "\"Some adventurer dropped it, perhaps?\""; talk5 = "\"Anyways, this weapon is missing a component\""; talk6 = "\"I need a reflective crystal, if you can get one for me, I'll setup this weapon for you.\""; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1, talk2, talk3, talk4, talk5, talk6]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1);
Symbol 891 MovieClip [N07_dialogue_B] Frame 45
if (_global.item_inv13 == true) { gotoAndPlay ("inv15_prompt"); } else { this.dialogue.textSet("\"Anything else?\"", 1); gotoAndPlay ("greet"); }
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Symbol 891 MovieClip [N07_dialogue_B] Frame 46
on (release) { }
Symbol 891 MovieClip [N07_dialogue_B] Frame 52
Symbol 891 MovieClip [N07_dialogue_B] Frame 60
stop(); talk1 = "\"Arent you full of surprises?\""; talk2 = "\"Look at this...\""; talk3 = "\"This weapon propels energy in its core, so with a crystal, you can focus all of its power...\""; talk4 = "\"and circuit these to generate...\""; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1, talk2, talk3, talk4]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1);
Symbol 891 MovieClip [N07_dialogue_B] Frame 67
_root.vcam.attachMovie("item_get", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root.vcam["effect" + _global.count_fx].texty = "'Immaterial Sword'\n is now yours."; _root.vcam["effect" + _global.count_fx].itemy = "weapon04"; _global.item_weapon04 = true; _parent._parent.s10.start(); _global.new_equip = true; _global.count_fx++; stop(); talk1 = "\"there we go~\""; talk2 = "\"This weapon is of the ghost element.\""; talk3 = "\"Powerful against immaterial ectoplasms, but weak against neutral enemies\""; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1, talk2, talk3]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1);
Symbol 891 MovieClip [N07_dialogue_B] Frame 74
this.dialogue.textSet("\"Anything else?\"", 1); gotoAndPlay ("greet");
Symbol 891 MovieClip [N07_dialogue_B] Frame 75
talk1 = "\"mmmmhmmm...\""; talk2 = "\"This guy has quite a goal~\""; talk3 = "\"Even the technology in Yuplait cannot fully revive a dead being.\""; talk4 = "\"It's impossible to accomplish this in only 50 years, which is the longest that he could have lived.\""; if (_global.hero_int >= 2) { talk5 = "\"And even if the body is brought back, the soul is lost forever\""; talk6 = "\"So I guess he settled with an undead army?\""; } else { talk5 = "\"...\""; talk6 = "\"My, my, did I say too much and bore you? I'm sorry~\""; } talk7 = "\"Thank you soooo much for bringing me this!\""; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1, talk2, talk3, talk4, talk5, talk6, talk7]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1);
Symbol 891 MovieClip [N07_dialogue_B] Frame 80
this.dialogue.textSet("\"Anything else?\"", 1); gotoAndPlay ("greet");
Symbol 891 MovieClip [N07_dialogue_B] Frame 81
talk1 = "\"You need a way back up?\""; talk2 = "\"I can help you with that\""; talk3 = "\"Don't forget to visit sometimes~\""; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1, talk2, talk3]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1);
Symbol 891 MovieClip [N07_dialogue_B] Frame 90
_parent.zoom_in = false; _global.pausemode = false; _parent._parent.npc.attachMovie("emo01", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent._parent.npc["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = -55; _parent._parent.npc["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = -55; _global.count_fx++; _parent._parent.npc.gotoAndPlay("teleport"); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 891 MovieClip [N07_dialogue_B] Frame 92
talk1 = "\"Hohoho~\""; talk2 = "\"You know, to reanimate dead bodies...\""; talk3 = "\"For someone 300 years ago, this is quite a feat!\""; talk4 = "\"It seems like he did it on his own too, that is all too impressive.\"\u300D"; if (_global.hero_int >= 3) { talk5 = "\"How can any human accomplish this in their short lifespan?\"\u300D"; talk6 = "\"While avoiding the church altogether too~ this is impossible!\""; } else { talk5 = "\"...\""; talk6 = "\"my my, I have lost my train of thought.\""; } talk7 = "\"This is far too valuable, I owe you bi~~ig one.\""; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1, talk2, talk3, talk4, talk5, talk6, talk7]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1);
Symbol 891 MovieClip [N07_dialogue_B] Frame 97
this.dialogue.textSet("\"Anything else?\"", 1); gotoAndPlay ("greet");
Symbol 891 MovieClip [N07_dialogue_B] Frame 98
talk1 = "\"mmmm...\""; talk2 = "\"So this is how he stayed alive for this long.\""; talk3 = "\"This can't last forever though, he is forcing the limits of his body.\""; if (_global.hero_int >= 3) { talk4 = "\"Many dictators dreamed of longevity,\"\u300D"; talk5 = "\"but this method of extending life is... painful.\""; talk6 = "\"if my hypothesis were correct, he is reanimating his dying body with necromantic body.\""; talk7 = "\"Imagine conciously controlling your rotting limbs and organs, it must have been unbearable.\""; } else { talk4 = "\"....\""; talk5 = "\"This is not meant for a human being.\""; talk6 = "\"It is god's given right to live and die of age\""; talk7 = "\"Whatever he did could not have succeeeded.\""; } talk8 = "\"You've shown me something really here...\""; talk9 = "\"The situation is a lot more dire than I thought...\""; talk10 = "\"I can't stay here any longer, I'll have to get going soon.\""; talk11 = ("\" " + _global.hero_name) + "....\""; talk12 = "\"You have bestowed ma great favor, I thank you in the name Yuplait\""; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1, talk2, talk3, talk4, talk5, talk6, talk7, talk8, talk9, talk10, talk11, talk12]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1);
Symbol 891 MovieClip [N07_dialogue_B] Frame 103
this.dialogue.textSet("\"Anything else?\"", 1); gotoAndPlay ("greet");
Symbol 894 Button
on (rollOver) { _parent._parent.s40.start(); } on (release) { gotoAndStop ("yes1"); }
Symbol 895 Button
on (rollOver) { _parent._parent.s40.start(); } on (release) { gotoAndStop ("no1"); }
Symbol 900 MovieClip [emo02] Frame 24
Symbol 903 MovieClip [emo03] Frame 104
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Symbol 904 MovieClip [N07_dialogue_A] Frame 1
on (release) { }
Instance of Symbol 776 MovieClip "dialogue" in Symbol 904 MovieClip [N07_dialogue_A] Frame 9
on (release) { if (_currentframe != 1) { this.textComplete(); } else if ((_parent.count_arr + 1) > _parent.arr.length) {; } else { this.textSet(_parent.arr[_parent.count_arr], 1); _parent.count_arr++; } }
Symbol 904 MovieClip [N07_dialogue_A] Frame 10
if (_global.monster39 == false) { _global.monster39 = true; _global.monsterbio = 39; _global.new_note = true; } talk1 = "\"I'm surprised ~ never expected to see someone deep down here.\""; talk2 = "\"You didn't get lost or accidentally fall down a cliff, did you?\""; talk3 = "\"That's how I got lost with my team~\""; talk4 = "\"...\""; talk5 = "\"Let me ask you something...\""; talk6 = "\"Did you come across any lab notes during your travels?\""; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1, talk2, talk3, talk4, talk5, talk6]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1);
Symbol 904 MovieClip [N07_dialogue_A] Frame 16
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Symbol 904 MovieClip [N07_dialogue_A] Frame 17
on (release) { }
Symbol 904 MovieClip [N07_dialogue_A] Frame 23
Symbol 904 MovieClip [N07_dialogue_A] Frame 30
stop(); talk1 = "\"Interesting, isn't it?\""; talk2 = "\"Legacy from a 300 year old sage!\""; talk3 = "\"...they say that he is a prodigy, few has accomplished what he did.\""; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1, talk2, talk3]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1);
Symbol 904 MovieClip [N07_dialogue_A] Frame 38
gotoAndStop ("prompt2");
Symbol 904 MovieClip [N07_dialogue_A] Frame 39
stop(); talk1 = "\"No?\""; talk2 = "\"Really~?\""; talk3 = "\"Ufufufu.. you're a bad liar\""; talk4 = "\"But I think you got the right attitude here.\""; talk5 = "\"Not every human you meet here are honest adventurers.\""; talk6 = "\"Some will backstab~ for money, you know?\""; talk7 = "\"That's how my group was anyways, a band of ruffians.\""; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1, talk2, talk3, talk4, talk5, talk6, talk7]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1);
Symbol 904 MovieClip [N07_dialogue_A] Frame 45
gotoAndStop ("prompt2");
Symbol 904 MovieClip [N07_dialogue_A] Frame 46
stop(); talk1 = "\"Anyhow, I'm ve~ry interested in the history of this place\""; talk2 = "\"If you found anything related, please~ bring it back to me\""; talk3 = "\"Just call me... Victoria... ufufu...\""; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1, talk2, talk3]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1);
Symbol 904 MovieClip [N07_dialogue_A] Frame 47
stop(); talk1 = "\"Oh yes, you came from all the way up, right?\""; talk2 = "\"Couldn't go back, could you?\""; talk3 = "\"If you want, I can teleport you back up there, free~ of~ charge~\""; talk4 = "\"and of course, if you could return~~ the favor...\""; talk5 = "\"It would be all in our best interest. no?\""; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1, talk2, talk3, talk4, talk5]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1);
Symbol 904 MovieClip [N07_dialogue_A] Frame 54
_parent.zoom_in = false; _global.pausemode = false; this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 908 Button
on (rollOver) { _parent._parent.s40.start(); } on (release) { play(); }
Symbol 916 MovieClip [emo05] Frame 1
onEnterFrame = function () { if ((_parent._xscale == -100) && (this._xscale == 100)) { this._xscale = -100; this._x = -this._x; } else if ((_parent._xscale == 100) && (this._xscale == -100)) { this._xscale = 100; this._x = -this._x; } };
Symbol 916 MovieClip [emo05] Frame 102
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Symbol 917 MovieClip [N05_dialogue_A] Frame 1
on (release) { }
Instance of Symbol 776 MovieClip "dialogue" in Symbol 917 MovieClip [N05_dialogue_A] Frame 9
on (release) { if (_currentframe != 1) { this.textComplete(); } else if ((_parent.count_arr + 1) > _parent.arr.length) {; } else { this.textSet(_parent.arr[_parent.count_arr], 1); _parent.count_arr++; } }
Symbol 917 MovieClip [N05_dialogue_A] Frame 10
if (_global.monster38 == false) { _global.monster38 = true; _global.monsterbio = 38; _global.new_note = true; } talk1 = "\"Hey hey hey! A fellow adventurer!\""; talk2 = "\"Here for the loots, eh? I heard even the monsters here will drop magical cards.\""; talk3 = "\"Personally, I don't believe the card bullshit.\""; talk4 = "\"When I first started, I spent a week in the pyramid cutting up skeleton soldiers\""; talk5 = "\"3000 kills later? No cards!\""; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1, talk2, talk3, talk4, talk5]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1);
Symbol 917 MovieClip [N05_dialogue_A] Frame 16
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Symbol 917 MovieClip [N05_dialogue_A] Frame 17
on (release) { }
Symbol 917 MovieClip [N05_dialogue_A] Frame 23
Symbol 917 MovieClip [N05_dialogue_A] Frame 24
if (_global.weapon == "weapon02") { gotoAndStop ("weapon"); } else { gotoAndStop ("banter"); }
Symbol 917 MovieClip [N05_dialogue_A] Frame 30
stop(); talk1 = "\"That scimitar you got there...\""; talk2 = "\"Can I have it back?\""; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1, talk2]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1);
Symbol 917 MovieClip [N05_dialogue_A] Frame 34
stop(); _root.cutscene.gotoAndPlay("laughter"); talk1 = "\"hahaha... just kidding\""; talk2 = "\"Serves me right for scattering those notes all over the place.\""; talk3 = "\"You can keep it, I hope it serves you well.\""; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1, talk2, talk3]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1);
Symbol 917 MovieClip [N05_dialogue_A] Frame 39
stop(); _root.cutscene.gotoAndPlay("laughter"); talk1 = "\"Now, you're here for the goodies, right?\""; talk2 = "\"I flipped every corner of this damn ruin, didn't get jack squat.\""; talk3 = "\"Actually... I kinda WISH I didn't find anything.\""; talk4 = "\"But hey, don't let me hold you up! This place is great once you get the hang of it.\""; talk5 = "\"As for me? I've had enough of this place. Laters.\""; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1, talk2, talk3, talk4, talk5]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1);
Symbol 917 MovieClip [N05_dialogue_A] Frame 44
_parent.zoom_in = false; _global.pausemode = false; _parent._parent.hero.attachMovie("emo01", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent._parent.hero["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = -55; _parent._parent.hero["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = -55; _global.count_fx++; _root.cutscene.gotoAndPlay("exit"); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 920 Button
on (rollOver) { _parent._parent.s40.start(); } on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("exit"); }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Symbol 921 MovieClip [N04_dialogue_A] Frame 1
on (release) { }
Instance of Symbol 776 MovieClip "dialogue" in Symbol 921 MovieClip [N04_dialogue_A] Frame 9
on (release) { if (_currentframe != 1) { this.textComplete(); } else if ((_parent.count_arr + 1) > _parent.arr.length) {; } else { this.textSet(_parent.arr[_parent.count_arr], 1); _parent.count_arr++; } }
Symbol 921 MovieClip [N04_dialogue_A] Frame 10
if (_global.monster37 == false) { _global.monster37 = true; _global.monsterbio = 37; _global.new_note = true; } talk1 = "......."; talk2 = ".............................."; talk3 = "(This man did not say a word)"; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1, talk2, talk3]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1);
Symbol 921 MovieClip [N04_dialogue_A] Frame 16
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Symbol 921 MovieClip [N04_dialogue_A] Frame 17
on (release) { }
Symbol 921 MovieClip [N04_dialogue_A] Frame 23
Symbol 921 MovieClip [N04_dialogue_A] Frame 24
talk1 = "......."; talk2 = "..."; talk3 = "(This man seems to be the silent type)"; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1, talk2, talk3]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1);
Symbol 921 MovieClip [N04_dialogue_A] Frame 30
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Symbol 921 MovieClip [N04_dialogue_A] Frame 31
on (release) { }
Symbol 921 MovieClip [N04_dialogue_A] Frame 37
Symbol 921 MovieClip [N04_dialogue_A] Frame 38
talk1 = "......."; talk2 = "..."; talk3 = "(Although he may have noticed you, he's not acknowledging your presence.)"; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1, talk2, talk3]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1);
Symbol 921 MovieClip [N04_dialogue_A] Frame 44
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Symbol 921 MovieClip [N04_dialogue_A] Frame 45
on (release) { }
Symbol 921 MovieClip [N04_dialogue_A] Frame 51
Symbol 921 MovieClip [N04_dialogue_A] Frame 52
talk1 = "..."; talk2 = "............"; talk3 = "(.....what the hell is his problem?)"; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1, talk2, talk3]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1);
Symbol 921 MovieClip [N04_dialogue_A] Frame 58
Symbol 921 MovieClip [N04_dialogue_A] Frame 59
gotoAndPlay ("repeat");
Symbol 921 MovieClip [N04_dialogue_A] Frame 61
talk1 = "............."; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1);
Symbol 921 MovieClip [N04_dialogue_A] Frame 68
Symbol 921 MovieClip [N04_dialogue_A] Frame 69
_parent.zoom_in = false; _global.pausemode = false; _parent._parent.hero.attachMovie("emo05", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent._parent.hero["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = -25; _parent._parent.hero["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = -55; _global.count_fx++; this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 924 MovieClip [fadeout] Frame 10
stop(); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 927 Button
on (rollOver) { _parent._parent.s40.start(); } on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("accept"); }
Symbol 928 Button
on (rollOver) { _parent._parent.s40.start(); } on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("refuse"); }
Symbol 929 Button
on (rollOver) { _parent._parent.s40.start(); } on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("accept2"); }
Symbol 930 Button
on (rollOver) { _parent._parent.s40.start(); } on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("refuse2"); }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Symbol 933 MovieClip [N03_dialogue_A] Frame 1
on (release) { }
Instance of Symbol 776 MovieClip "dialogue" in Symbol 933 MovieClip [N03_dialogue_A] Frame 9
on (release) { if (_currentframe != 1) { this.textComplete(); } else if ((_parent.count_arr + 1) > _parent.arr.length) {; } else { this.textSet(_parent.arr[_parent.count_arr], 1); _parent.count_arr++; } }
Symbol 933 MovieClip [N03_dialogue_A] Frame 10
if (_global.monster36 == false) { _global.monster36 = true; _global.monsterbio = 36; _global.new_note = true; } talk1 = "\"Fancy meeting a fellow adventurer here, I hope everything is well?\""; talk2 = "\"Most of the groups have already headed deeper into the ruins, I guess they're really in it for the thrills.\""; talk3 = "\"Are you also here for the treasures and loots?\""; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1, talk2, talk3]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1);
Symbol 933 MovieClip [N03_dialogue_A] Frame 16
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Symbol 933 MovieClip [N03_dialogue_A] Frame 17
on (release) { }
Symbol 933 MovieClip [N03_dialogue_A] Frame 23
Symbol 933 MovieClip [N03_dialogue_A] Frame 30
talk1 = "\"Haha... That's what most of the people are here for, most of the treasure are already taken, though.\""; talk2 = "\"The only thing left are the monsters, I'm afraid,\""; talk3 = "\"But like I said, a lot of parties are exploring this place, so I could be wrong.\""; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1, talk2, talk3]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1); stop();
Symbol 933 MovieClip [N03_dialogue_A] Frame 38
gotoAndStop ("prompt2");
Symbol 933 MovieClip [N03_dialogue_A] Frame 39
talk1 = "\"Oh? Then you are a minority here\""; talk2 = "\"I did meet some other people like you on my way here, I met this archbishop the other day who seemed to be more interested about the story then the treasure\""; talk3 = "\"It takes all kinds, I guess\""; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1, talk2, talk3]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1); stop();
Symbol 933 MovieClip [N03_dialogue_A] Frame 47
gotoAndStop ("prompt2");
Symbol 933 MovieClip [N03_dialogue_A] Frame 48
talk1 = "\"By the way, do you know the story about this ruin?\""; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1); stop();
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Symbol 933 MovieClip [N03_dialogue_A] Frame 49
on (release) { }
Symbol 933 MovieClip [N03_dialogue_A] Frame 55
Symbol 933 MovieClip [N03_dialogue_A] Frame 56
talk1 = "\"Yeah alright, I won't bore you with stories if you aren't interested.\""; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1); stop();
Symbol 933 MovieClip [N03_dialogue_A] Frame 63
gotoAndStop ("prompt3");
Symbol 933 MovieClip [N03_dialogue_A] Frame 64
talk1 = "\"So this is the version I've heard...\""; talk2 = "\"A powerful sage resided here about 300 years ago...\""; talk3 = "\"He would experiment on the dead, which was considered blasphemy.\""; talk4 = "\"People tried to warn him, but he paid no heed...\""; talk5 = "\"Eventually his subjects moved from dead bodies, to animals, to live human beings\""; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1, talk2, talk3, talk4, talk5]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1); stop();
Symbol 933 MovieClip [N03_dialogue_A] Frame 73
talk1 = "\"By the time the Church decided to intervene, it was already too late.\""; talk2 = "\"Fused monsters run rampant across land, and thousands of undead roams in the night."; talk3 = "\"The army of undead monsters pillaged everything in their path, even some of the capital cities fell victim."; talk4 = "\"The country attempted to put an end to him, but it was futile;\""; talk5 = "\"for every soldier slain, an undead rose in his place.\""; talk6 = "\"The necromanctic sage was truly a scourge of the night.\""; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1, talk2, talk3, talk4, talk5, talk6]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1); stop();
Symbol 933 MovieClip [N03_dialogue_A] Frame 82
talk1 = "\"I don't know what happened afterwards, that was the story I've heard.\""; talk2 = "\"and his old base of operations?\""; talk3 = "\"It's what you're looking at, right here\""; talk4 = "\"some of his experiments and summons are still around, preying on passer-bys.\""; talk3 = "\"And now, this place is nothing left but an adventurer's heaven.\""; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1, talk2, talk3, talk4, talk5]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1); stop();
Symbol 933 MovieClip [N03_dialogue_A] Frame 88
gotoAndStop ("prompt3"); _global.hero_exp = _global.hero_exp + 750;
Symbol 933 MovieClip [N03_dialogue_A] Frame 89
talk1 = "\"I take it that you'll be sticking around, right?\""; talk2 = "\"It's dangerous to go alone, here, take this\""; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1, talk2]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1); stop();
Symbol 933 MovieClip [N03_dialogue_A] Frame 94
_parent.attachMovie("item_get", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx].texty = "'Butterfly Wing'\n is now yours"; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx].itemy = "inv14"; _global.item_inv14 = true; _parent._parent.s01.start(); _global.new_item = true; _global.count_fx++; stop(); talk1 = "\"This neat little trinket teleports you back to safety, could be useful if you get lost\""; talk2 = "\"And uh... make sure you're absolutely safe when you're shuffling around your inventory, time doesn't stop, you know?\""; talk3 = "\"I got hit by a stray fireball last time because I was busy checking my gears\""; talk4 = "\"Well then, I hope you find what you're looking for!\""; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1, talk2, talk3, talk4]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1); stop();
Symbol 933 MovieClip [N03_dialogue_A] Frame 100
_parent.zoom_in = false; _global.pausemode = false; _parent._parent.hero.attachMovie("emo10", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent._parent.hero["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = -55; _parent._parent.hero["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = -85; _global.count_fx++; this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 936 Button
on (rollOver) { _parent._parent.s40.start(); } on (release) { _parent._parent.s03.start(); gotoAndPlay ("savegame"); }
Symbol 937 Button
on (rollOver) { _parent._parent.s40.start(); } on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("controls"); }
Symbol 938 Button
on (rollOver) { _parent._parent.s40.start(); } on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("credits"); }
Symbol 939 Button
on (rollOver) { _parent._parent.s40.start(); } on (release) { gotoAndStop ("exit"); }
Symbol 944 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("mainmenu"); }
Symbol 945 Button
on (release) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 950 Button
on (release) { prevFrame(); }
Symbol 958 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop ("modify"); }
Symbol 983 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 989 MovieClip [N02_dialogue] Frame 1
function translate(asc) { if (asc == 37) { return("LEFT"); } if (asc == 39) { return("RIGHT"); } if (asc == 38) { return("UP"); } if (asc == 40) { return("DOWN"); } if (asc == 32) { return("SPACE"); } if (asc == 13) { return("ENTER"); } if (asc == 17) { return("CTRL"); } if (asc == 16) { return("SHIFT"); } return(String.fromCharCode(asc)); }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Symbol 989 MovieClip [N02_dialogue] Frame 1
on (release) { }
Instance of Symbol 776 MovieClip "dialogue" in Symbol 989 MovieClip [N02_dialogue] Frame 12
on (release) { if (_currentframe != 1) { this.textComplete(); } else if ((_parent.count_arr + 1) > _parent.arr.length) {; } else { this.textSet(_parent.arr[_parent.count_arr], 1); _parent.count_arr++; } }
Symbol 989 MovieClip [N02_dialogue] Frame 14
_global.hero_hp = _global.hero_maxHp; _parent.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent._parent.s33.start(); count_arr = 1; arr = ["A soothing light washes over your body", "Your wounds have been healed."]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1); stop();
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Symbol 989 MovieClip [N02_dialogue] Frame 15
on (release) { }
Symbol 989 MovieClip [N02_dialogue] Frame 21
stop(); talk1 = "Main Menu: \nSelect your options"; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1);
Symbol 989 MovieClip [N02_dialogue] Frame 22
_parent.zoom_in = false; _global.pausemode = false; _parent._parent.npc02.gotoAndPlay("exit"); _global.count_fx++; this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 989 MovieClip [N02_dialogue] Frame 35
stop(); talk1 = "Credits:\nPlease don't sue me, I ain't making a dime."; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1);
Symbol 989 MovieClip [N02_dialogue] Frame 63
stop(); var txt_left = translate(_global.key_left); var txt_right = translate(_global.key_right); var txt_up = translate(_global.key_up); var txt_down = translate(_global.key_down); var txt_attack = translate(_global.key_a); var txt_jump = translate(_global.key_s); var txt_swap = translate(_global.key_d); talk1 = "Controls: \n This is your current control scheme."; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1);
Symbol 989 MovieClip [N02_dialogue] Frame 65
stop(); var txt_left = translate(_global.key_left); var txt_right = translate(_global.key_right); var txt_up = translate(_global.key_up); var txt_down = translate(_global.key_down); var txt_attack = translate(_global.key_a); var txt_jump = translate(_global.key_s); talk1 = "Change Controls\uFF1A\n Press any key to replace the current control"; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1); _global.currentkey = "left";
Instance of Symbol 980 MovieClip in Symbol 989 MovieClip [N02_dialogue] Frame 65
onClipEvent (keyDown) { trace(Key.getCode()); if (_global.currentkey == "left") { _global.key_left = Key.getCode(); } else if (_global.currentkey == "right") { _global.key_right = Key.getCode(); } else if (_global.currentkey == "up") { _global.key_up = Key.getCode(); } else if (_global.currentkey == "down") { _global.key_down = Key.getCode(); } else if (_global.currentkey == "attack") { _global.key_a = Key.getCode(); } else if (_global.currentkey == "jump") { _global.key_s = Key.getCode(); } else if (_global.currentkey == "swap") { _global.key_d = Key.getCode(); } _parent.nextFrame(); }
Symbol 989 MovieClip [N02_dialogue] Frame 66
_global.currentkey = "right";
Symbol 989 MovieClip [N02_dialogue] Frame 67
_global.currentkey = "up";
Symbol 989 MovieClip [N02_dialogue] Frame 68
_global.currentkey = "down";
Symbol 989 MovieClip [N02_dialogue] Frame 69
_global.key_a = 88; _global.currentkey = "attack";
Symbol 989 MovieClip [N02_dialogue] Frame 70
_global.key_s = 90; _global.currentkey = "jump";
Symbol 989 MovieClip [N02_dialogue] Frame 71
_global.key_d = 88; _global.currentkey = "swap";
Symbol 989 MovieClip [N02_dialogue] Frame 72
gotoAndPlay ("controls");
Symbol 989 MovieClip [N02_dialogue] Frame 91
stop(); talk1 = "Progress Saved...\nYou will respawn here in the future."; _global.checkpoint = _global.currentmap; _global.savepoint = _global.checkpoint; _global.savepoint_area = _global.currentmap_area; _parent._parent.savegame(); count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1);
Symbol 989 MovieClip [N02_dialogue] Frame 96
gotoAndPlay ("mainmenu");
Symbol 994 Button
on (release) { if (char_name.text != "") { _global.hero_name = char_name.text; play(); } else { _parent._parent.s25.start(); } }
Symbol 998 Button
on (rollOver) { _parent._parent.s40.start(); } on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("accept"); }
Symbol 999 Button
on (rollOver) { _parent._parent.s40.start(); } on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("refuse"); }
Symbol 1000 Button
on (rollOver) { _parent._parent.s40.start(); } on (release) { _parent._parent.s03.start(); chaos++; play(); }
Symbol 1001 Button
on (rollOver) { _parent._parent.s40.start(); } on (release) { _parent._parent.s03.start(); peace++; play(); }
Symbol 1002 Button
on (rollOver) { _parent._parent.s40.start(); } on (release) { _parent._parent.s03.start(); evil++; play(); }
Symbol 1003 Button
on (rollOver) { _parent._parent.s40.start(); } on (release) { _parent._parent.s03.start(); play(); }
Symbol 1008 Button
on (rollOver) { _parent._parent.s40.start(); } on (release) { _parent._parent.s03.start(); evil++; chaos++; play(); }
Symbol 1013 Button
on (rollOver) { _parent._parent.s40.start(); } on (release) { _parent._parent.s03.start(); chaos++; peace++; play(); }
Symbol 1018 Button
on (rollOver) { _parent._parent.s40.start(); } on (release) { _parent._parent.s03.start(); peace++; chaos++; play(); }
Symbol 1023 Button
on (rollOver) { _parent._parent.s40.start(); } on (release) { _parent._parent.s03.start(); _global.item_head02 = true; chaos++; chaos++; play(); }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Symbol 1028 MovieClip [N01_dialogue] Frame 1
on (release) { }
Instance of Symbol 776 MovieClip "dialogue" in Symbol 1028 MovieClip [N01_dialogue] Frame 9
on (release) { if (_currentframe != 1) { this.textComplete(); } else if ((_parent.count_arr + 1) > _parent.arr.length) {; } else { this.textSet(_parent.arr[_parent.count_arr], 1); _parent.count_arr++; } }
Symbol 1028 MovieClip [N01_dialogue] Frame 10
if (_global.monster35 == false) { _global.monster35 = true; _global.monsterbio = 35; _global.new_note = true; } count_arr = 1; arr = ["\"Why, another adventuer!\"", "\"This place is really popular these days.\"", "\"What is your name, young'un?\""]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1);
Symbol 1028 MovieClip [N01_dialogue] Frame 16
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Symbol 1028 MovieClip [N01_dialogue] Frame 17
on (release) { }
Symbol 1028 MovieClip [N01_dialogue] Frame 30
char_name.text = "[Type here]"; stop();
Symbol 1028 MovieClip [N01_dialogue] Frame 43
stop(); texty = _global.hero_name; if ((texty == "EasyModo") || (texty == "\u6211\u540C\u5B78")) { _global.statpoints = 10; _global.skillpoints = 15; _global.hero_level = 10; _parent._parent.s01.start(); skipquiz = true; talk1 = "\"Well, I never!\""; } else if (((texty == "\u4E2D\u4E95\u4E45\u592B") || (texty == "Hisao Nakai")) || (texty == "Hisao Necktie")) { _root.vcam.attachMovie("item_get", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root.vcam["effect" + _global.count_fx].texty = "'Ugly SweaterVest'\n is now yours."; _root.vcam["effect" + _global.count_fx].itemy = "armor06"; _global.item_armor06 = true; _parent._parent.s01.start(); _global.new_equip = true; _global.count_fx++; talk1 = "\"Hisao? Here, have some PLOT ARMOR.\""; } else if (texty == "Kenshu") { _root.vcam.attachMovie("item_get", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root.vcam["effect" + _global.count_fx].texty = "'Chef Hat'\n is now yours."; _root.vcam["effect" + _global.count_fx].itemy = "head04"; _parent._parent.s04.start(); _global.item_head04 = true; _global.new_equip = true; _global.count_fx++; talk1 = "\"I don't know how you came across this name, but here's your bonus.\""; } else if ((texty == "Megaman Zero") || (texty == "Rockman Zero")) { _root.vcam.attachMovie("item_get", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root.vcam["effect" + _global.count_fx].texty = "'Immaterial Sword'\n is now yours."; _root.vcam["effect" + _global.count_fx].itemy = "weapon04"; _global.item_weapon04 = true; _parent._parent.s10.start(); _global.new_equip = true; _global.count_fx++; talk1 = "\"Well then, it's dangerous to go alone, take this!\""; } else if (texty == "Evan Incognito") { talk1 = "........."; skipquiz = true; } else { talk1 = "\"Hm, never heard of you.\nI guess you must be new here, then?\""; } if (skipquiz == true) { talk2 = "\"You should be ashamed of yourself for taking the easy way out!\""; talk3 = "\"Goodbye sir!\""; } else { talk2 = ("\"Well anyways, " + _global.hero_name) + ", I didn't mean to intrude\""; talk3 = "\"I'm conducting a brief survey... could you spare a moment?\""; } count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1, talk2, talk3]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1);
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Symbol 1028 MovieClip [N01_dialogue] Frame 44
on (release) { }
Symbol 1028 MovieClip [N01_dialogue] Frame 45
if (skipquiz == true) { _parent.zoom_in = false; _global.pausemode = false; _parent._parent.npc01.gotoAndPlay("exit"); _parent._parent.npc01.exit = true; this.removeMovieClip(); }
Symbol 1028 MovieClip [N01_dialogue] Frame 51
Symbol 1028 MovieClip [N01_dialogue] Frame 62
stop(); talk1 = "\"That's a shame.\""; talk2 = "\"You do have a point though, your personality surely can't be dictated by just some simple questions.\""; talk3 = "\"I will take my leave then, have a good day.\""; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1, talk2, talk3]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1);
Symbol 1028 MovieClip [N01_dialogue] Frame 63
_parent.zoom_in = false; _global.pausemode = false; _parent._parent.npc01.gotoAndPlay("exit"); _parent._parent.npc01.exit = true; _parent._parent.hero.attachMovie("emo01", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent._parent.hero["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = -55; _parent._parent.hero["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = -55; _global.count_fx++; _global.statpoints = 2; _parent._parent.s01.start(); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 1028 MovieClip [N01_dialogue] Frame 72
stop(); peace = 0; chaos = 0; evil = 0; talk1 = "\"Don't worry, it's brief.\""; talk2 = "\"Just wanted to see what kind of person you are.\""; talk3 = "\"Anyways, question one:\n How was your childhood?\""; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1, talk2, talk3]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1);
Symbol 1028 MovieClip [N01_dialogue] Frame 73
Symbol 1028 MovieClip [N01_dialogue] Frame 80
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Symbol 1028 MovieClip [N01_dialogue] Frame 80
on (release) { }
Symbol 1028 MovieClip [N01_dialogue] Frame 81
Symbol 1028 MovieClip [N01_dialogue] Frame 94
stop(); talk1 = "\"Question Two:\nWhat kind of role do you play in a team?\""; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0]);
Symbol 1028 MovieClip [N01_dialogue] Frame 95
Symbol 1028 MovieClip [N01_dialogue] Frame 108
stop(); talk1 = "\"and, number three: \nDescribe your friends to me, what are your closest friends like?\""; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0]);
Symbol 1028 MovieClip [N01_dialogue] Frame 109
Symbol 1028 MovieClip [N01_dialogue] Frame 122
stop(); talk1 = "\"Number Four: \nLooking back on your past life, how do you feel about your past life? \n Any missed opportuities? Achievements?\""; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0]);
Symbol 1028 MovieClip [N01_dialogue] Frame 123
Symbol 1028 MovieClip [N01_dialogue] Frame 136
stop(); talk1 = "\"and finally, the last question:\n What, do you think, is the most important attribute in a person?\""; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0]);
Symbol 1028 MovieClip [N01_dialogue] Frame 137
Symbol 1028 MovieClip [N01_dialogue] Frame 143
stop(); talk1 = "\"Alright! End of survey! The results are in....\""; if ((peace == evil) && (peace == chaos)) { _global.hero_str = 2; _global.hero_dex = 1; _global.hero_agi = 2; _global.hero_vit = 2; _global.hero_int = 1; talk2 = "You are an extremely ordinary person; average stats, average attitude, average everything. You don't stand out. This could be a good thing sometimes, no?"; } else if ((peace == evil) && (evil > chaos)) { _global.hero_str = 1; _global.hero_dex = 1; _global.hero_agi = 2; _global.hero_vit = 2; _global.hero_int = 1; talk2 = "You seem like a peaceful and humble person, never in the spotlight, and doing solid work. Most people appreciate a person like you."; } else if ((peace == chaos) && (chaos > evil)) { _global.hero_str = 2; _global.hero_dex = 1; _global.hero_agi = 2; _global.hero_vit = 1; _global.hero_int = 1; talk2 = "You seem like a brave soul who is eager to jump into anything, this dungeon may be the perfect place for you?"; } else if ((evil == chaos) && (chaos > peace)) { _global.hero_str = 1; _global.hero_dex = 1; _global.hero_agi = 2; _global.hero_vit = 2; _global.hero_int = 1; talk2 = "You're almost bipolar; benevolent in a few cases and downright cruwl in the rest, I'm not sure what's with you."; } else if ((peace > chaos) && (peace > evil)) { _global.hero_str = 1; _global.hero_dex = 1; _global.hero_agi = 1; _global.hero_vit = 2; _global.hero_int = 2; _global.skillpoints = _global.skillpoints + 1; talk2 = "You seem to practice a lot of modesty, it may be difficult to notice you in the long run."; } else if ((chaos > evil) && (chaos > peace)) { _global.hero_str = 2; _global.hero_dex = 1; _global.hero_agi = 1; _global.hero_vit = 1; _global.hero_int = 2; talk2 = "You're a very unique person with a powerful personality, I hope you are up to the task."; } else if ((evil > chaos) && (evil > peace)) { _global.hero_str = 1; _global.hero_dex = 2; _global.hero_agi = 1; _global.hero_vit = 2; _global.hero_int = 1; talk2 = "My friend, you seem to be a cynical, calculating, evil bastard! Those are always the most successful, anyways..."; } else { _global.hero_str = 1; _global.hero_dex = 2; _global.hero_agi = 1; _global.hero_vit = 2; _global.hero_int = 1; talk2 = "I must have missed something..."; } _parent._parent.s01.start(); talk3 = "\"Anways, thanks for participating!\""; talk4 = "\"But sometimes, evaluating yourself could also be a learning experience!\""; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1, talk2, talk3, talk4]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1);
Symbol 1028 MovieClip [N01_dialogue] Frame 144
stop(); _global.hero_exp = _global.hero_exp + 1000; talk1 = "I won't be boring you anymore, good luck on your adventures!"; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1);
Symbol 1028 MovieClip [N01_dialogue] Frame 145
_parent.zoom_in = false; _global.pausemode = false; _parent._parent.npc01.gotoAndPlay("exit"); _parent._parent.npc01.exit = true; _parent._parent.hero.attachMovie("emo10", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent._parent.hero["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = -55; _parent._parent.hero["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = -50; _global.count_fx++; this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 1031 MovieClip [note_pickup2] Frame 1
onEnterFrame = function () { if (_currentframe >= 120) { this._alpha = this._alpha - 3; } };
Symbol 1031 MovieClip [note_pickup2] Frame 150
stop(); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 1035 MovieClip [note_pickup1] Frame 1
onEnterFrame = function () { if (_currentframe >= 120) { this._alpha = this._alpha - 3; } };
Symbol 1035 MovieClip [note_pickup1] Frame 150
stop(); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 1036 MovieClip [inv15] Frame 1
grav = -3; gravSpeed = 0.1; moveSpeed = 0; accel = 0.4; timer = 560; flicker = false; base = 400; onEnterFrame = function () { if (grav <= 10) { grav = grav + gravSpeed; } _y = (_y + grav); while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { _y = (_y-1); grav = 0; gravSpeed = 0; moveSpeed = 0; accel = 0; } if (_global.hero_hp <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _parent.s03.start(); _global.item_inv15 = true; _global.new_item = true; _root.vcam.attachMovie("item_get", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root.vcam["effect" + _global.count_fx].texty = "'Runic Rod'\n is now yours."; _root.vcam["effect" + _global.count_fx].itemy = "inv15"; _parent.s01.start(); _global.new_item = true; this.gotoAndStop(3); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_global.pausemode == false) { timer--; } if (timer <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } else if (timer < 90) { if (flicker) { this._alpha = 0; flicker = false; } else { this._alpha = 75; flicker = true; } } if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } };
Symbol 1037 MovieClip [inv_note2] Frame 1
grav = -6; gravSpeed = 0.1; moveSpeed = 0; accel = 0.4; timer = 560; flicker = false; base = 400; onEnterFrame = function () { if (grav <= 10) { grav = grav + gravSpeed; } if (moveSpeed > 3) { accel = -0.4; } else if (moveSpeed < -3) { accel = 0.4; } moveSpeed = moveSpeed + accel; this._x = this._x + moveSpeed; _y = (_y + grav); while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { _y = (_y-1); grav = 0; gravSpeed = 0; moveSpeed = 0; accel = 0; } if (_global.hero_hp <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _parent.s03.start(); _global[item_code] = true; _global.new_item = true; _root.vcam.attachMovie("note_pickup2", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root.vcam["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y - 150; _global.count_fx++; _root.hero.attachMovie("statup", "levelup", _global.count_fx); _parent.s37.start(); _global.count_fx++; _global.statpoints++; this.gotoAndStop(3); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } };
Symbol 1037 MovieClip [inv_note2] Frame 2
Symbol 1038 MovieClip [inv_note1] Frame 1
grav = -3; gravSpeed = 0.1; moveSpeed = 0; accel = 0.4; timer = 560; flicker = false; base = 400; onEnterFrame = function () { if (grav <= 10) { grav = grav + gravSpeed; } if (moveSpeed > 3) { accel = -0.4; } else if (moveSpeed < -3) { accel = 0.4; } moveSpeed = moveSpeed + accel; this._x = this._x + moveSpeed; _y = (_y + grav); while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { _y = (_y-1); grav = 0; gravSpeed = 0; moveSpeed = 0; accel = 0; } if (_global.hero_hp <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _parent.s03.start(); _global[item_code] = true; _global.new_item = true; _root.vcam.attachMovie("note_pickup1", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root.vcam["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y - 150; _global.count_fx++; this.gotoAndStop(3); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_global.pausemode == false) { timer--; } if (timer <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } else if (timer < 90) { if (flicker) { this._alpha = 0; flicker = false; } else { this._alpha = 75; flicker = true; } } if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } };
Symbol 1038 MovieClip [inv_note1] Frame 2
Symbol 1041 MovieClip [I05] Frame 1
grav = -5; gravSpeed = 0.5; timer = 350; flicker = false; base = 1500; onEnterFrame = function () { if (grav <= 10) { grav = grav + gravSpeed; } _y = (_y + grav); while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { _y = (_y-1); grav = 0; gravSpeed = 0; } if (_global.hero_hp <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox)) { _parent.s33.start(); total_healing = (base * (1 + (0.3 * _global.hero_vit))) * (1 + (0.4 * _global.hero_level)); total_healing = total_healing - (total_healing % 1); _global.hero_hp = _global.hero_hp + total_healing; if (_global.hero_hp > _global.hero_maxHp) { _global.hero_hp = _global.hero_maxHp; } _parent.attachMovie("healing_effect", ["healing_effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["healing_effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root["healing_effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y + 0; _global.count_fx++; _parent.attachMovie("heal_player", ["healing_effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["healing_effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root["healing_effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; _root["healing_effect" + _global.count_fx].healing = total_healing; _global.count_fx++; this.gotoAndStop(3); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_global.pausemode == false) { timer--; } if (timer <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } else if (timer < 100) { if (flicker) { this._alpha = 0; flicker = false; } else { this._alpha = 75; flicker = true; } } if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } };
Symbol 1041 MovieClip [I05] Frame 2
Symbol 1043 MovieClip [I04] Frame 1
grav = -5; gravSpeed = 0.5; timer = 350; flicker = false; base = 1200; onEnterFrame = function () { if (grav <= 10) { grav = grav + gravSpeed; } _y = (_y + grav); while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { _y = (_y-1); grav = 0; gravSpeed = 0; } if (_global.hero_hp <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox)) { _parent.s33.start(); total_healing = (base * (1 + (0.3 * _global.hero_vit))) * (1 + (0.3 * _global.hero_level)); total_healing = total_healing - (total_healing % 1); _global.hero_hp = _global.hero_hp + total_healing; if (_global.hero_hp > _global.hero_maxHp) { _global.hero_hp = _global.hero_maxHp; } _parent.attachMovie("healing_effect", ["healing_effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["healing_effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root["healing_effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y + 0; _global.count_fx++; _parent.attachMovie("heal_player", ["healing_effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["healing_effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root["healing_effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; _root["healing_effect" + _global.count_fx].healing = total_healing; _global.count_fx++; this.gotoAndStop(3); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_global.pausemode == false) { timer--; } if (timer <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } else if (timer < 100) { if (flicker) { this._alpha = 0; flicker = false; } else { this._alpha = 75; flicker = true; } } if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } };
Symbol 1043 MovieClip [I04] Frame 2
Symbol 1045 MovieClip [I03] Frame 1
grav = -5; gravSpeed = 0.5; timer = 350; flicker = false; base = 900; onEnterFrame = function () { if (grav <= 10) { grav = grav + gravSpeed; } _y = (_y + grav); while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { _y = (_y-1); grav = 0; gravSpeed = 0; } if (_global.hero_hp <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox)) { _parent.s33.start(); total_healing = (base * (1 + (0.3 * _global.hero_vit))) * (1 + (0.25 * _global.hero_level)); total_healing = total_healing - (total_healing % 1); _global.hero_hp = _global.hero_hp + total_healing; if (_global.hero_hp > _global.hero_maxHp) { _global.hero_hp = _global.hero_maxHp; } _parent.attachMovie("healing_effect", ["healing_effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["healing_effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root["healing_effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y + 0; _global.count_fx++; _parent.attachMovie("heal_player", ["healing_effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["healing_effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root["healing_effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; _root["healing_effect" + _global.count_fx].healing = total_healing; _global.count_fx++; this.gotoAndStop(3); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_global.pausemode == false) { timer--; } if (timer <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } else if (timer < 100) { if (flicker) { this._alpha = 0; flicker = false; } else { this._alpha = 75; flicker = true; } } if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } };
Symbol 1045 MovieClip [I03] Frame 2
Symbol 1047 MovieClip [I02] Frame 1
grav = -5; gravSpeed = 0.5; timer = 350; flicker = false; base = 500; onEnterFrame = function () { if (grav <= 10) { grav = grav + gravSpeed; } _y = (_y + grav); while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { _y = (_y-1); grav = 0; gravSpeed = 0; } if (_global.hero_hp <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox)) { _parent.s33.start(); total_healing = (base * (1 + (0.3 * _global.hero_vit))) * (1 + (0.2 * _global.hero_level)); total_healing = total_healing - (total_healing % 1); _global.hero_hp = _global.hero_hp + total_healing; if (_global.hero_hp > _global.hero_maxHp) { _global.hero_hp = _global.hero_maxHp; } _parent.attachMovie("healing_effect", ["healing_effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["healing_effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root["healing_effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y + 0; _global.count_fx++; _parent.attachMovie("heal_player", ["healing_effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["healing_effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root["healing_effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; _root["healing_effect" + _global.count_fx].healing = total_healing; _global.count_fx++; this.gotoAndStop(3); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_global.pausemode == false) { timer--; } if (timer <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } else if (timer < 100) { if (flicker) { this._alpha = 0; flicker = false; } else { this._alpha = 75; flicker = true; } } if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } };
Symbol 1047 MovieClip [I02] Frame 2
Symbol 1049 MovieClip [I01] Frame 1
grav = -5; gravSpeed = 0.5; timer = 350; flicker = false; base = 400; onEnterFrame = function () { if (grav <= 10) { grav = grav + gravSpeed; } _y = (_y + grav); while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { _y = (_y-1); grav = 0; gravSpeed = 0; } if (_global.hero_hp <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox)) { _parent.s33.start(); total_healing = (base * (1 + (0.3 * _global.hero_vit))) * (1 + (0.25 * _global.hero_level)); total_healing = total_healing - (total_healing % 1); _global.hero_hp = _global.hero_hp + total_healing; if (_global.hero_hp > _global.hero_maxHp) { _global.hero_hp = _global.hero_maxHp; } _parent.attachMovie("healing_effect", ["healing_effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["healing_effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root["healing_effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - 0; _global.count_fx++; _parent.attachMovie("heal_player", ["healing_effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["healing_effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root["healing_effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; _root["healing_effect" + _global.count_fx].healing = total_healing; _global.count_fx++; this.gotoAndStop(3); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_global.pausemode == false) { timer--; } if (timer <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } else if (timer < 100) { if (flicker) { this._alpha = 0; flicker = false; } else { this._alpha = 75; flicker = true; } } if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } };
Symbol 1049 MovieClip [I01] Frame 2
Symbol 1053 MovieClip [bg08_boulder] Frame 1
function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } function debris() { _parent.attachMovie("07_projectile2_remains", ["projectile" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); if (_parent.chance(50) == true) { _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = 200; } else { _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = -200; } _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._yscale = 200; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].width = 60 + random(40); _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 40; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 7 + (2 * random(3)); _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 2 + random(5); _global.count_fx++; } movespeed = 4; flyspeed = 9; atkdmg = 7000; gravity = 0.5; hit = false; onEnterFrame = function () { purge_check(); this._x = this._x + ((movespeed * this._xscale) / 100); this._y = this._y - flyspeed; if (flyspeed > -8) { flyspeed = flyspeed - gravity; } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { flyspeed = 5; movespeed = movespeed + 2; _parent.s08.start(); _root.vcam.shaking = 2; } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && (hit == false)) { _parent.hitsound(); _parent.attachMovie("hitting", ["hit" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["hit" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["hit" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; _global.count_fx++; hit = true; if (_global.atkforce >= 7) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = this._xscale * -1; } debris(); debris(); debris(); debris(); debris(); debris(); debris(); debris(); debris(); _root.vcam.shaking = 6; _parent.s26.start(); _parent.s53.start(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.hitbox)) { if ((_root.hero.invincible <= 0) && (!_global.pausemode)) { _root.hero.force = _root.hero.force + (15 * (this._xscale / 100)); _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = atkdmg; _root.hero._xscale = -this._xscale; debris(); debris(); debris(); debris(); debris(); debris(); debris(); debris(); debris(); _root.vcam.shaking = 6; _parent.s26.start(); _parent.s53.start(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + (this._xscale / 2), _y - 30, true)) { debris(); debris(); debris(); debris(); debris(); debris(); debris(); debris(); debris(); _root.vcam.shaking = 6; _parent.s26.start(); _parent.s53.start(); this.removeMovieClip(); } };
Symbol 1053 MovieClip [bg08_boulder] Frame 2
hit = false;
Symbol 1053 MovieClip [bg08_boulder] Frame 12
gotoAndPlay ("neutral");
Symbol 1055 MovieClip [bg05_projectile] Frame 1
function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movespeed = 6; timer = 150; atkdmg = 300 + (100 * _global.hero_level); stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { purge_check(); timer--; if ((timer == 0) && (_currentframe == 1)) { this.gotoAndPlay("dissipate"); } if (_currentframe == 1) { this._x = this._x - ((movespeed * this._xscale) / 100); if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { _parent.s42.start(); this.gotoAndPlay("dissipate"); } } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.hitbox)) { if ((_root.hero.invincible <= 0) && (!_global.pausemode)) { _root.hero.force = -4 * (this._xscale / 100); _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = atkdmg; _root.hero._xscale = this._xscale; } if (_currentframe == 1) { _parent.s42.start(); gotoAndPlay ("dissipate"); } } if (_currentframe == 1) { i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i < _global.count_wpn) { if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root["bbeam" + i].damagebox) && (invincible <= 0)) { _parent.s42.start(); this.gotoAndPlay("dissipate"); _root["bbeam" + i].explode = true; } i++; } } };
Symbol 1055 MovieClip [bg05_projectile] Frame 51
stop(); this.removeMovieClip();
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Symbol 1058 MovieClip [M12_dialogue_B] Frame 1
on (release) { }
Instance of Symbol 776 MovieClip "dialogue" in Symbol 1058 MovieClip [M12_dialogue_B] Frame 9
on (release) { if (_currentframe != 1) { this.textComplete(); } else if ((_parent.count_arr + 1) > _parent.arr.length) {; } else { this.textSet(_parent.arr[_parent.count_arr], 1); _parent.count_arr++; } }
Symbol 1058 MovieClip [M12_dialogue_B] Frame 10
talk1 = "\"...I....can't.... believe....\""; talk2 = "\" this....\""; talk3 = "\"...human.....swine.........\""; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1, talk2, talk3]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1);
Symbol 1058 MovieClip [M12_dialogue_B] Frame 16
Symbol 1058 MovieClip [M12_dialogue_B] Frame 22
_parent._parent.boss.gotoAndPlay("moredeath"); _parent.zoom_in = false; _global.pausemode = false; this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 1060 Button
on (rollOver) { _parent._parent.s40.start(); } on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("agree"); }
Symbol 1061 Button
on (rollOver) { _parent._parent.s40.start(); } on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("reject"); }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Symbol 1077 MovieClip [M12_dialogue_A] Frame 1
on (release) { }
Instance of Symbol 776 MovieClip "dialogue" in Symbol 1077 MovieClip [M12_dialogue_A] Frame 9
on (release) { if (_currentframe != 1) { this.textComplete(); } else if ((_parent.count_arr + 1) > _parent.arr.length) {; } else { this.textSet(_parent.arr[_parent.count_arr], 1); _parent.count_arr++; } }
Symbol 1077 MovieClip [M12_dialogue_A] Frame 10
if (_global.monster39 == false) { _global.monster39 = true; _global.monsterbio = 39; _global.new_note = true; } talk1 = "\"Ara ara~ who could this be?\""; talk2 = "\"I happen to be recruiting new slave toys\""; talk3 = "\"yield now, and I will promise to treat you good~\""; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1, talk2, talk3]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1);
Symbol 1077 MovieClip [M12_dialogue_A] Frame 16
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Symbol 1077 MovieClip [M12_dialogue_A] Frame 17
on (release) { }
Symbol 1077 MovieClip [M12_dialogue_A] Frame 23
Symbol 1077 MovieClip [M12_dialogue_A] Frame 24
stop(); talk1 = "\"Good, good... so you're willing to be my dog?\""; talk2 = "\"...You've spared me the effort to... tame you\""; talk3 = "\"Very well then, get on your knees and swear your loyalty to me, for all of eternity!\""; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1, talk2, talk3]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1);
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip in Symbol 1077 MovieClip [M12_dialogue_A] Frame 27
on (release) { }
Symbol 1077 MovieClip [M12_dialogue_A] Frame 33
Symbol 1077 MovieClip [M12_dialogue_A] Frame 35
stop(); talk1 = "\"Hehehe... the deal is sealed.\""; talk2 = "\"There's a dog collar in the corner, go put that thing on and lay down\""; talk3 = "\"I will make sure I crush every sensitive spot of your body\""; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1, talk2]; _global.bgm = 0; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1);
Symbol 1077 MovieClip [M12_dialogue_A] Frame 60
stop(); _parent._parent.s41.start(0, 10);
Instance of Symbol 598 MovieClip in Symbol 1077 MovieClip [M12_dialogue_A] Frame 60
on (release) { _parent._parent._x = 773.7; _parent._parent._y = 249.4; _parent._parent._parent.attachMovie("death_supplement", "addon", _global.count); }
Instance of Symbol 776 MovieClip "dialogue" in Symbol 1077 MovieClip [M12_dialogue_A] Frame 61
on (release) { if (_currentframe != 1) { this.textComplete(); } else if ((_parent.count_arr + 1) > _parent.arr.length) {; } else { this.textSet(_parent.arr[_parent.count_arr], 1); _parent.count_arr++; } }
Symbol 1077 MovieClip [M12_dialogue_A] Frame 62
stop(); talk1 = "\"Sigh~ I thought as much\""; talk2 = "\"After I tame you, I will make sure you don't even get the opportunity to beg!\""; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1, talk2]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1);
Symbol 1077 MovieClip [M12_dialogue_A] Frame 69
_parent.zoom_in = false; _parent._parent.cutscene.gotoAndPlay("begin"); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 1096 MovieClip [12_projectile_S] Frame 1
function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } atkdmg = 1950; onEnterFrame = function () { purge_check(); if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.hitbox)) { if ((_root.hero.invincible <= 0) && (!_global.pausemode)) { _root.hero.force = -4 * (this._xscale / 100); _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = atkdmg; _root.hero._xscale = this._xscale; _parent.s18.start(); } } };
Symbol 1096 MovieClip [12_projectile_S] Frame 2
if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + ((10 * _xscale) / 100), _y - 25, true)) { this.removeMovieClip(); }
Symbol 1096 MovieClip [12_projectile_S] Frame 4
facing = (this._xscale / Math.abs(this._xscale)) * 100; _parent.attachMovie("12_projectile", ["projectile" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._yscale = this._yscale - 1; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + ((40 * facing) / 100); _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 1096 MovieClip [12_projectile_S] Frame 43
Symbol 1098 MovieClip [12_projectile] Frame 1
function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } atkdmg = 1550; onEnterFrame = function () { purge_check(); if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.hitbox)) { if ((_root.hero.invincible <= 0) && (!_global.pausemode)) { _root.hero.force = -4 * (this._xscale / 100); _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = atkdmg; _root.hero._xscale = this._xscale; _parent.s18.start(); } } };
Symbol 1098 MovieClip [12_projectile] Frame 2
if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + ((10 * _xscale) / 100), _y - 25, true)) { this.removeMovieClip(); }
Symbol 1098 MovieClip [12_projectile] Frame 4
facing = (this._xscale / Math.abs(this._xscale)) * 100; _parent.attachMovie("12_projectile", ["projectile" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._yscale = this._yscale - 1; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + ((30 * facing) / 100); _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 1098 MovieClip [12_projectile] Frame 43
Symbol 1102 MovieClip [12_enemybar_S] Frame 1
this._alpha = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._alpha < 100) { this._alpha = this._alpha + 2.5; } };
Instance of Symbol 805 MovieClip "hpbar" in Symbol 1102 MovieClip [12_enemybar_S] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.boss_hp > 0) { this._width = (_global.boss_hp / _global.boss_maxHp) * 400; } else { this._width = 0.1; } }
Symbol 1105 MovieClip [12_enemybar] Frame 1
this._alpha = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._alpha < 100) { this._alpha = this._alpha + 2.5; } };
Instance of Symbol 805 MovieClip "hpbar" in Symbol 1105 MovieClip [12_enemybar] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.boss_hp > 0) { this._width = (_global.boss_hp / _global.boss_maxHp) * 400; } else { this._width = 0.1; } }
Symbol 1107 MovieClip [I06] Frame 1
grav = -5; gravSpeed = 2; timer = 350; flicker = false; base = _global.hero_maxHp; onEnterFrame = function () { if (grav <= 10) { grav = grav + gravSpeed; } _y = (_y + grav); while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { _y = (_y-1); grav = 0; gravSpeed = 0; } if (_global.hero_hp <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _parent.s33.start(); total_healing = base; total_healing = total_healing - (total_healing % 1); _global.hero_hp = _global.hero_hp + total_healing; if (_global.hero_hp > _global.hero_maxHp) { _global.hero_hp = _global.hero_maxHp; } _parent.attachMovie("healing_effect", ["healing_effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["healing_effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root["healing_effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y + 0; _global.count_fx++; _parent.attachMovie("heal_player", ["healing_effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["healing_effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root["healing_effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; _root["healing_effect" + _global.count_fx].healing = total_healing; _global.count_fx++; this.gotoAndStop(3); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_global.pausemode == false) { timer--; } if (timer <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } else if (timer < 48) { if (flicker) { this._alpha = 0; flicker = false; } else { this._alpha = 75; flicker = true; } } };
Symbol 1107 MovieClip [I06] Frame 2
Symbol 1122 MovieClip [10_sonicshadow] Frame 21
stop(); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 1134 MovieClip [10_projectile] Frame 1
timer = 35; movespeed = 10; explode = false; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_currentframe <= 6) { this._x = this._x + ((movespeed * this._xscale) / 100); timer--; if (timer < 0) { gotoAndPlay ("dissipate"); } if (_root.ground.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) { gotoAndPlay ("dissipate"); } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.hitbox)) { if ((_root.hero.invincible <= 0) && (!_global.pausemode)) { _root.hero.force = -4 * (this._xscale / 100); _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = atkdmg; _root.hero._xscale = this._xscale; gotoAndPlay ("dissipate"); } } if (_currentframe <= 6) { i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i < _global.count_wpn) { if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root["bbeam" + i].damagebox) && (invincible <= 0)) { _parent.s42.start(); this.gotoAndPlay("dissipate"); _root["bbeam" + i].explode = true; } i++; } } if (!_root.ground.hitTest(this._x + (this._xscale / 20), this._y + 60, true)) { gotoAndPlay ("dissipate"); } else { while (_root.ground.hitTest(this._x - (this._xscale / 20), this._y + 30, true)) { this._y--; } while (!_root.ground.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 40, true)) { this._y++; } } } };
Symbol 1134 MovieClip [10_projectile] Frame 5
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 1134 MovieClip [10_projectile] Frame 22
Symbol 1140 MovieClip [09_projectile] Frame 1
function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } onEnterFrame = function () { purge_check(); if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.hitbox)) { if ((_root.hero.invincible <= 0) && (!_global.pausemode)) { _parent.s42.start(); _root.hero.force = -4 * (this._xscale / 100); _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = atkdmg; _root.hero._xscale = this._xscale; } } while (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { this._y++; } };
Symbol 1140 MovieClip [09_projectile] Frame 81
stop(); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 1146 MovieClip [08_projectile] Frame 1
function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } gravity = 0.5; stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { purge_check(); if (_currentframe == 1) { this._x = this._x - ((movespeed * this._xscale) / 100); this._y = this._y - flyspeed; if (flyspeed > -8) { flyspeed = flyspeed - gravity; } if (flyspeed < -5) { if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 10, _y, true) || (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 10, _y, true))) { this.gotoAndPlay("dissipate"); } else if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { this._y--; } this.gotoAndPlay("dissipate"); } } } if ((_currentframe > 1) && (_currentframe <= 50)) { if (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 1, true)) { this._y = this._y - flyspeed; } } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.hitbox)) { if ((_root.hero.invincible <= 0) && (!_global.pausemode)) { _root.hero.force = -4 * (this._xscale / 100); _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = atkdmg; _root.hero._xscale = this._xscale; } if (_currentframe == 1) { gotoAndPlay ("dissipate2"); } } };
Symbol 1146 MovieClip [08_projectile] Frame 61
Symbol 1150 MovieClip [07_projectile2_remains] Frame 1
function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } gravity = 1.5; invincible = 0; timer = 50; stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { purge_check(); this.block._rotation = this.block._rotation + 25; if (_currentframe == 1) { this._x = this._x - ((movespeed * this._xscale) / 100); this._y = this._y - flyspeed; flyspeed = flyspeed - gravity; } timer--; if (timer <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (timer <= 25) { this._alpha = this._alpha - 4; } };
Symbol 1151 MovieClip [07_projectile2] Frame 1
function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } function inv_check() { if (invincible > 0) { if ((invincible % 3) == 0) { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"70", ga:"100", gb:"70", ba:"100", bb:"70"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } else { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"20", ga:"100", gb:"20", ba:"100", bb:"20"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } invincible--; } else { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } } function debris() { _parent.attachMovie("07_projectile2_remains", ["projectile" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); if (_parent.chance(50) == true) { _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = 100; } else { _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = -100; } _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].width = 30 + random(40); _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 5 + (2 * random(3)); _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 1 + random(5); _global.count_fx++; } gravity = 1; invincible = 0; stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { inv_check(); purge_check(); this.hitbox._rotation = this.hitbox._rotation + 5; if (_currentframe == 1) { this._x = this._x - ((movespeed * this._xscale) / 100); this._y = this._y - flyspeed; flyspeed = flyspeed - gravity; if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 30, true)) { this._y--; } this.gotoAndPlay("dissipate"); } } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.hitbox) && (_currentframe == 1)) { if ((_root.hero.invincible <= 0) && (!_global.pausemode)) { _parent.s26.start(); _root.hero.force = -9 * (this._xscale / 100); _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = atkdmg; _root.hero._xscale = this._xscale; } if (_currentframe == 1) { gotoAndPlay ("dissipate"); } } if (_currentframe == 1) { if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && (invincible == 0)) { _parent.hitsound(); _parent.attachMovie("hitting", ["hit" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["hit" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["hit" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; invincible = 7; _global.count_fx++; if (_global.atkforce >= 5) { this.gotoAndPlay("dissipate"); if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = this._xscale * -1; } } } } };
Symbol 1151 MovieClip [07_projectile2] Frame 12
debris(); debris(); debris(); debris(); debris(); debris(); _root.vcam.shaking = 4; _parent.s48.start();
Symbol 1151 MovieClip [07_projectile2] Frame 63
Symbol 1152 MovieClip [07_projectile_S] Frame 1
function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } atkdmg = 1800; onEnterFrame = function () { purge_check(); if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.hitbox)) { if ((_root.hero.invincible <= 0) && (!_global.pausemode)) { _root.hero.force = -4 * (this._xscale / 100); _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = atkdmg; _root.hero._xscale = this._xscale; _parent.s18.start(); } } };
Symbol 1152 MovieClip [07_projectile_S] Frame 2
if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + ((10 * _xscale) / 100), _y - 25, true)) { this.removeMovieClip(); }
Symbol 1152 MovieClip [07_projectile_S] Frame 5
facing = (this._xscale / Math.abs(this._xscale)) * 100; _parent.attachMovie("07_projectile_S", ["projectile" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._yscale = this._yscale - 2; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + ((40 * facing) / 100); _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 1152 MovieClip [07_projectile_S] Frame 26
Symbol 1153 MovieClip [07_projectile] Frame 1
function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } atkdmg = 1200; onEnterFrame = function () { purge_check(); if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.hitbox)) { if ((_root.hero.invincible <= 0) && (!_global.pausemode)) { _root.hero.force = -4 * (this._xscale / 100); _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = atkdmg; _root.hero._xscale = this._xscale; _parent.s18.start(); } } };
Symbol 1153 MovieClip [07_projectile] Frame 2
if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + ((10 * _xscale) / 100), _y - 25, true)) { this.removeMovieClip(); }
Symbol 1153 MovieClip [07_projectile] Frame 5
facing = (this._xscale / Math.abs(this._xscale)) * 100; _parent.attachMovie("07_projectile", ["projectile" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._yscale = this._yscale - 2; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + ((30 * facing) / 100); _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 1153 MovieClip [07_projectile] Frame 26
Symbol 1156 MovieClip [07_enemybar_S] Frame 1
this._alpha = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._alpha < 100) { this._alpha = this._alpha + 2.5; } };
Instance of Symbol 805 MovieClip "hpbar" in Symbol 1156 MovieClip [07_enemybar_S] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.boss_hp > 0) { this._width = (_global.boss_hp / _global.boss_maxHp) * 400; } else { this._width = 0.1; } }
Symbol 1159 MovieClip [07_enemybar] Frame 1
this._alpha = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._alpha < 100) { this._alpha = this._alpha + 2.5; } };
Instance of Symbol 805 MovieClip "hpbar" in Symbol 1159 MovieClip [07_enemybar] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.boss_hp > 0) { this._width = (_global.boss_hp / _global.boss_maxHp) * 400; } else { this._width = 0.1; } }
Symbol 1163 MovieClip [06_attackshadow] Frame 11
Symbol 1166 MovieClip [04_sonicblow] Frame 61
stop(); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 1171 MovieClip [02_projectile] Frame 1
function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } gravity = 0.5; stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { purge_check(); this.bone._rotation = this.bone._rotation + 10; if (_currentframe == 1) { this._x = this._x - ((movespeed * this._xscale) / 100); this._y = this._y - flyspeed; if (flyspeed > -8) { flyspeed = flyspeed - gravity; } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { this._y--; } this.gotoAndPlay("dissipate"); } } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.hitbox)) { if ((_root.hero.invincible <= 0) && (!_global.pausemode)) { _root.hero.force = -4 * (this._xscale / 100); _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = atkdmg; _root.hero._xscale = this._xscale; } if (_currentframe == 1) { gotoAndPlay ("dissipate"); } } if (_currentframe == 1) { if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox)) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = this._xscale * -1; } _parent.hitsound(); _parent.attachMovie("hitting", ["hit" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["hit" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["hit" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; _global.count_fx++; this.gotoAndPlay("dissipate"); } } };
Symbol 1171 MovieClip [02_projectile] Frame 50
Symbol 1178 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_global.testmode == false) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; }
Symbol 1201 MovieClip [00_poring] Frame 1
function hurt_check() { if (_global.hero_str == 3) { str_multi = 1.25; } else { str_multi = 1; } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && (invincible <= 0)) { invincible = 9; if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } force = ((_global.atkforce * this._xscale) / 100) * str_multi; damage_effect(); this.gotoAndPlay("hurt"); } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.slidebox) && (_global.skill11 == true)) { _root.hero.gotoAndPlay("jump_down"); _root.hero.force = 0; _root.hero.force = (-3 * _root.hero._xscale) / 100; _root.hero._y = _root.hero._y - 6; _root.hero.grav = -6; if (invincible <= 0) { invincible = 12; if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } force = ((_global.atkforce * this._xscale) / 100) * str_multi; damage_effect(); this.gotoAndPlay("hurt"); } } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.slambox) && (_global.skill08 == true)) { _root.hero.gotoAndPlay("jump_up"); _root.hero.force = 6 * (random(2) - 1); _root.hero.grav = (-_global.jumpHeight) - 2; _parent.attachMovie("sp_down_shadow", ["shadow" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["shadow" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root["shadow" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; _global.count_fx++; _parent.attachMovie("hitting", ["hitting" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._rotation = -90; _global.count_fx++; } i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i < _global.count_wpn) { if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root["bbeam" + i].damagebox) && (invincible <= 0)) { invincible = 20; if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } force = ((_global.atkforce * this._xscale) / 100) * str_multi; damage_effect(); this.gotoAndPlay("hurt"); _root["bbeam" + i].explode = true; } i++; } } function combat_check() { if (_currentframe == 2) { timer--; if (timer <= 0) { if (_parent.chance(50)) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } this.gotoAndStop("move"); timer = random(3) * 64; } } if (_currentframe == 7) { timer--; if (timer <= 0) { this.gotoAndStop("neutral"); timer = 96; } } } function wall() { while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - (this._width / 2), _y - 15, true)) { this._x++; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + (this._width / 2), _y - 15, true)) { this._x--; } } function spawning() { } function falling() { _y = (_y + fallspeed); fallspeed = fallspeed + 0.25; if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 5, true)) { fallspeed = 0; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 5, true)) { _y = (_y-1); } } function inv_check() { if (invincible > 0) { if ((invincible % 3) == 0) { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"70", ga:"100", gb:"70", ba:"100", bb:"70"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } else { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"20", ga:"100", gb:"20", ba:"100", bb:"20"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } invincible--; } else { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } } function force_physics() { if (force >= 0.25) { this._x = this._x + force; if (!((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6))) { force = force - 0.25; } else { force = force - 0.1; } } else if (force <= -0.25) { this._x = this._x + force; if (!((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6))) { force = force + 0.25; } else { force = force + 0.1; } } else { force = 0; } } function damage_effect() { _parent.attachMovie("hitting", ["hitting" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _global.count_fx++; elemental_multi = 1; if (_global.weapon == "weapon02") { elemental_multi = 0.5; } if (_global.weapon == "weapon06") { elemental_multi = 1.5; } total_damage = ((_global.stat_atk * _global.hero_dmgmulti) * elemental_multi) + random(40); if (_global.weapon == "weapon06") { _global.hero_hp = _global.hero_hp + (total_damage * 0.08); } _parent.attachMovie("damage", ["damage" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["damage" + _global.count_fx].damage = total_damage; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx].movespeed = this.force / 3; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 10; if (_global.atkforce >= 6) { _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = 150; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._yscale = 150; } _global.count_fx++; } function darkness() { if (_global.headgear == "head03") { distance = Math.abs(this._x - _root.hero._x); this._alpha = 160 - distance; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } gotoAndStop ("neutral"); threshold_low = 0; threshold_high = 0; maxHp = 9999; hp = maxHp; atkdmg = 2 + _global.difficulty; sp_delay = 24; sp_recovery_max = 200; sp_recovery = sp_recovery_max; fallspeed = 0; invincible = 0; fly_speed = 0; flying = false; airspeed_x = 3; ground_timer = 0; ground_timer_max = 40 - (16 * _global.difficulty); timer = 5; grappled = false; movespeed = 2; onEnterFrame = function () { purge_check(); hurt_check(); hurt_check_ult1(); inv_check(); force_physics(); darkness(); if (_global.testmode == false) { this.hitbox._visible = false; } else { this.hitbox._visible = true; } if ((_global.pausemode == false) && (hp > 0)) { combat_check(); wall(); falling(); } if (spawn == true) { spawning(); } };
Instance of Symbol 1187 MovieClip in Symbol 1201 MovieClip [00_poring] Frame 7
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_currentframe >= 7) && (_global.pausemode == false)) { _parent._x = _parent._x + ((_parent.movespeed * (-_parent._xscale)) / 100); } }
Symbol 1201 MovieClip [00_poring] Frame 15
_parent.hitsound(); if (_global.monster0 == false) { _global.monster0 = true; _global.monsterbio = 0; _global.new_note = true; }
Symbol 1201 MovieClip [00_poring] Frame 26
gotoAndStop ("neutral");
Symbol 1201 MovieClip [00_poring] Frame 33
Symbol 1201 MovieClip [00_poring] Frame 94
this.removeMovieClip(); stop();
Symbol 1203 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); _parent._parent.globalSound.stop(); _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(100);
Symbol 1206 MovieClip Frame 1
vol = 100; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1206 MovieClip Frame 2
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1206 MovieClip Frame 3
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1206 MovieClip Frame 4
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1206 MovieClip Frame 5
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1206 MovieClip Frame 6
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1206 MovieClip Frame 7
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1206 MovieClip Frame 8
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1206 MovieClip Frame 9
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1206 MovieClip Frame 10
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1206 MovieClip Frame 11
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1206 MovieClip Frame 12
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1206 MovieClip Frame 13
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1206 MovieClip Frame 14
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1206 MovieClip Frame 15
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1206 MovieClip Frame 16
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1206 MovieClip Frame 17
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1206 MovieClip Frame 18
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1206 MovieClip Frame 19
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1206 MovieClip Frame 20
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1206 MovieClip Frame 21
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1206 MovieClip Frame 22
_parent._parent.globalSound.stop(); _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(100); _parent._parent.bgm01.start(0, 999); stop();
Symbol 1206 MovieClip Frame 4450
gotoAndPlay (384);
Symbol 1208 MovieClip Frame 1
vol = 100; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1208 MovieClip Frame 2
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1208 MovieClip Frame 3
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1208 MovieClip Frame 4
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1208 MovieClip Frame 5
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1208 MovieClip Frame 6
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1208 MovieClip Frame 7
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1208 MovieClip Frame 8
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1208 MovieClip Frame 9
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1208 MovieClip Frame 10
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1208 MovieClip Frame 11
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1208 MovieClip Frame 12
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1208 MovieClip Frame 13
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1208 MovieClip Frame 14
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1208 MovieClip Frame 15
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1208 MovieClip Frame 16
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1208 MovieClip Frame 17
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1208 MovieClip Frame 18
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1208 MovieClip Frame 19
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1208 MovieClip Frame 20
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1208 MovieClip Frame 21
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1208 MovieClip Frame 22
_parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(100); _parent._parent.globalSound.stop(); _parent._parent.bgm02.start(0, 999); stop();
Symbol 1208 MovieClip Frame 4450
gotoAndPlay (384);
Symbol 1210 MovieClip Frame 1
vol = 100; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1210 MovieClip Frame 2
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1210 MovieClip Frame 3
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1210 MovieClip Frame 4
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1210 MovieClip Frame 5
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1210 MovieClip Frame 6
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1210 MovieClip Frame 7
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1210 MovieClip Frame 8
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1210 MovieClip Frame 9
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1210 MovieClip Frame 10
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1210 MovieClip Frame 11
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1210 MovieClip Frame 12
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1210 MovieClip Frame 13
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1210 MovieClip Frame 14
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1210 MovieClip Frame 15
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1210 MovieClip Frame 16
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1210 MovieClip Frame 17
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1210 MovieClip Frame 18
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1210 MovieClip Frame 19
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1210 MovieClip Frame 20
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1210 MovieClip Frame 21
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1210 MovieClip Frame 22
_parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(100); _parent._parent.globalSound.stop(); _parent._parent.bgm03.start(0, 999); stop();
Symbol 1210 MovieClip Frame 4450
gotoAndPlay (384);
Symbol 1212 MovieClip Frame 1
vol = 100; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1212 MovieClip Frame 2
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1212 MovieClip Frame 3
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1212 MovieClip Frame 4
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1212 MovieClip Frame 5
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1212 MovieClip Frame 6
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1212 MovieClip Frame 7
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1212 MovieClip Frame 8
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1212 MovieClip Frame 9
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1212 MovieClip Frame 10
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1212 MovieClip Frame 11
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1212 MovieClip Frame 12
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1212 MovieClip Frame 13
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1212 MovieClip Frame 14
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1212 MovieClip Frame 15
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1212 MovieClip Frame 16
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1212 MovieClip Frame 17
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1212 MovieClip Frame 18
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1212 MovieClip Frame 19
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1212 MovieClip Frame 20
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1212 MovieClip Frame 21
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1212 MovieClip Frame 30
_parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(100); _parent._parent.globalSound.stop(); _parent._parent.bgm04.start(0, 999); stop();
Symbol 1212 MovieClip Frame 4450
gotoAndPlay (384);
Symbol 1214 MovieClip Frame 1
vol = 100; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1214 MovieClip Frame 2
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1214 MovieClip Frame 3
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1214 MovieClip Frame 4
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1214 MovieClip Frame 5
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1214 MovieClip Frame 6
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1214 MovieClip Frame 7
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1214 MovieClip Frame 8
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1214 MovieClip Frame 9
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1214 MovieClip Frame 10
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1214 MovieClip Frame 11
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1214 MovieClip Frame 12
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1214 MovieClip Frame 13
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1214 MovieClip Frame 14
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1214 MovieClip Frame 15
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1214 MovieClip Frame 16
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1214 MovieClip Frame 17
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1214 MovieClip Frame 18
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1214 MovieClip Frame 19
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1214 MovieClip Frame 20
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1214 MovieClip Frame 21
vol = vol - 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol);
Symbol 1214 MovieClip Frame 30
_parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(100); _parent._parent.globalSound.stop(); _parent._parent.bgm05.start(0, 999); stop();
Symbol 1214 MovieClip Frame 4450
gotoAndPlay (384);
Symbol 1232 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.stop(); PercentLoaded = (_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100; if (PercentLoaded != 100) { bar._width = (PercentLoaded * 450) / 100; } else { bar._width = 450;; }
Symbol 1232 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 1281 MovieClip [07_majorous] Frame 1
function force_physics() { if (force >= 0.25) { this._x = this._x + force; if (!((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6))) { force = force - 0.25; } else { force = force - 0.1; } } else if (force <= -0.25) { this._x = this._x + force; if (!((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6))) { force = force + 0.25; } else { force = force + 0.1; } } else { force = 0; } } function collision() { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.damagebox)) { if ((_root.hero.invincible <= 0) && (!_global.pausemode)) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _parent.s26.start(); _root.hero.force = _root.hero.force - (10 * (_root.hero._xscale / 100)); _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = atkdmg; } } if ((!_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 100, _y, true)) && (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 100, _y, true))) { while (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._x > this._x)) { _root.hero._x++; } while (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._x < this._x)) { _root.hero._x--; } } } function hurt_check() { if (_global.monster7 == false) { _global.monster7 = true; _global.monsterbio = 7; _global.new_note = true; } if (_global.hero_str == 3) { str_multi = 1.25; } else { str_multi = 1; } size_multi = 0.25; if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && (invincible <= 0)) { invincible = 9; if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { force_xscale = 100; } else { force_xscale = -100; } force = ((((-_global.atkforce) * force_xscale) / 100) * str_multi) * size_multi; damage_effect(); if (_global.atkforce >= 6) { invincible = 20; if (flinch_timer <= 0) { flinch_timer = 150; this.gotoAndPlay("hurt"); } } if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } _parent.hitsound(); } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.slidebox) && (_global.skill11 == true)) { _root.hero.gotoAndPlay("jump_down"); _root.hero.force = 0; _root.hero.force = (-3 * _root.hero._xscale) / 100; _root.hero._y = _root.hero._y - 6; _root.hero.grav = -6; if (invincible <= 0) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } invincible = 12; force = ((((-_global.atkforce) * this._xscale) / 100) * str_multi) * size_multi; damage_effect(); _parent.hitsound(); if (flinch_timer <= 0) { flinch_timer = 150; this.gotoAndPlay("hurt"); } } } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.slambox) && (_global.skill08 == true)) { _root.hero.gotoAndPlay("jump_up"); _root.hero.force = -6 * (random(2) - 1); _root.hero.grav = (-_global.jumpHeight) - 2; _parent.attachMovie("sp_down_shadow", ["shadow" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["shadow" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root["shadow" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; _global.count_fx++; _parent.attachMovie("hitting", ["hitting" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._rotation = -90; _global.count_fx++; } i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i < _global.count_wpn) { if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root["bbeam" + i].damagebox) && (invincible <= 0)) { invincible = 20; force = (((_global.atkforce * this._xscale) / 100) * str_multi) * size_multi; damage_effect(); _parent.hitsound(); _root["bbeam" + i].explode = true; } i++; } } function combat_check() { distance = this._x - _root.hero._x; if (_currentframe == still_frame) { timer--; if (hp < (maxHp * 0.5)) { timer--; } if (hp < (maxHp * 0.26)) { timer--; } if (timer <= 0) { if (pre_jump >= 3) { this.gotoAndPlay("jumping"); timer = 50; pre_jump = 0; } else if (_parent.chance(50) == true) { this.gotoAndPlay("attack1"); timer = 50; pre_jump++; } else { this.gotoAndPlay("attack2"); timer = 50; pre_jump++; } } } } function wall() { while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - (this.ini_width / 2), _y - 25, true)) { this._x++; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + (this.ini_width / 2), _y - 25, true)) { this._x--; } } function falling() { _y = (_y + fallspeed); fallspeed = fallspeed + 0.75; if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { fallspeed = 0; if (_currentframe == 202) { this.gotoAndPlay("landing"); } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { _y = (_y-1); } if ((_currentframe >= 188) && (_currentframe <= 202)) { this._x = this._x + movespeed; } } function inv_check() { if (invincible > 0) { if ((invincible % 3) == 0) { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"70", ga:"100", gb:"70", ba:"100", bb:"70"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } else { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"20", ga:"100", gb:"20", ba:"100", bb:"20"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } invincible--; } else { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } } function force_physics() { if (force >= 0.25) { this._x = this._x + force; if (!((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6))) { force = force - 0.25; } else { force = force - 0.1; } } else if (force <= -0.25) { this._x = this._x + force; if (!((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6))) { force = force + 0.25; } else { force = force + 0.1; } } else { force = 0; } } function damage_effect() { _parent.attachMovie("hitting", ["hitting" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + (40 * (_xscale / Math.abs(_xscale))); _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _global.count_fx++; elemental_multi = 1; if (_global.weapon == "weapon02") { elemental_multi = 0.25; } if (_global.weapon == "weapon05") { elemental_multi = 0.75; } if (_global.weapon == "weapon06") { elemental_multi = 1.25; } total_damage = ((_global.stat_atk * _global.hero_dmgmulti) * elemental_multi) + random(40); if (_global.weapon == "weapon06") { _global.hero_hp = _global.hero_hp + (total_damage * 0.1); } _parent.attachMovie("damage", ["damage" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["damage" + _global.count_fx].damage = total_damage; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx].movespeed = this.force / 3; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 10; hp = hp - total_damage; if (_global.atkforce >= 6) { _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = 150; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._yscale = 150; } _global.count_fx++; } function darkness() { if (_global.headgear == "head03") { distance = Math.abs(this._x - _root.hero._x); this._alpha = 160 - distance; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } function suredeath() { if ((hp <= 0) && (_currentframe <= 246)) { this.gotoAndPlay("death"); } } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } function flinch() { if (flinch_timer > 0) { flinch_timer--; } } function berserk() { if ((this.hp < (this.maxHp * 0.26)) && (invincible == 0)) { if ((berserk_color % 5) == 0) { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"100", ga:"20", gb:"50", ba:"20", bb:"50"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } else { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } berserk_color++; } else { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); berserk_color = 0; } } x_speed = 0; airspeed = 0.5; jumpspeed = 0; berserk_color = 0; ini_width = this._width; maxHp = 14000; hp = maxHp; lvl = 6; fallspeed = 0; flinch_timer = 0; invincible = 0; still_frame = 2; timer = 70; atkdmg = 1100; onEnterFrame = function () { _global.boss_hp = this.hp; _global.boss_maxHp = this.maxHp; flinch(); suredeath(); purge_check(); if (hp > 0) { hurt_check(); } falling(); inv_check(); berserk(); force_physics(); collision(); darkness(); wall(); if (_global.testmode == false) { this.hitbox._visible = false; } else { this.hitbox._visible = true; } if ((_global.pausemode == false) && (hp > 0)) { combat_check(); } };
Symbol 1281 MovieClip [07_majorous] Frame 2
Symbol 1281 MovieClip [07_majorous] Frame 19
if (hp < (maxHp * 0.26)) { gotoAndPlay ("attack1_fast"); } _parent.s07.start();
Symbol 1281 MovieClip [07_majorous] Frame 49
facing = this._xscale / Math.abs(this._xscale); _parent.attachMovie("07_projectile", ["projectile" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = (this._xscale / Math.abs(this._xscale)) * 100; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + (facing * 120); _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++; _parent.s08.start();
Symbol 1281 MovieClip [07_majorous] Frame 71
gotoAndStop ("stand");
Symbol 1281 MovieClip [07_majorous] Frame 78
if (hp < (maxHp * 0.26)) { gotoAndPlay ("attack2_fast"); }
Symbol 1281 MovieClip [07_majorous] Frame 121
_parent.attachMovie("07_projectile2", ["projectile" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = -this._xscale; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 90; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 20; distance = this._x - _root.hero._x; ms = (-distance) / 40; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].movespeed = Math.abs(ms); _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].atkdmg = 1200; _global.count_fx++; _parent.s49.start(); _parent.s15.start();
Symbol 1281 MovieClip [07_majorous] Frame 160
gotoAndStop ("stand");
Symbol 1281 MovieClip [07_majorous] Frame 184
Symbol 1281 MovieClip [07_majorous] Frame 188
_y = (_y - 10); fallspeed = -18; distance = this._x - _root.hero._x; movespeed = (-distance) / 50; _root.vcam.shaking = 4; _parent.s46.start();
Symbol 1281 MovieClip [07_majorous] Frame 202
Symbol 1281 MovieClip [07_majorous] Frame 203
_root.vcam.shaking = 12; _parent.s08.start(); force = movespeed; if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = Math.abs(this._xscale); } else { this._xscale = -Math.abs(this._xscale); }
Symbol 1281 MovieClip [07_majorous] Frame 227
gotoAndStop ("stand");
Symbol 1281 MovieClip [07_majorous] Frame 228
_parent.s49.start(); force = (-6 * this._xscale) / 100; fallspeed = 0;
Symbol 1281 MovieClip [07_majorous] Frame 246
gotoAndStop ("stand");
Symbol 1281 MovieClip [07_majorous] Frame 247
_global.bgm = 0; _root.vcam.enemybar.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 1281 MovieClip [07_majorous] Frame 250
_root.vcam.shaking = 4; force = movespeed; if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = Math.abs(this._xscale); } else { this._xscale = -Math.abs(this._xscale); }
Symbol 1281 MovieClip [07_majorous] Frame 251
Symbol 1281 MovieClip [07_majorous] Frame 342
_root.vcam.shaking = 16; _parent.s08.start(); _parent.attachMovie("inv_note2", ["item" + _global.count], _global.count); _root["item" + _global.count]._x = this._x; _root["item" + _global.count]._y = this._y; _root["item" + _global.count].item_code = "item_inv19"; _global.count++;
Symbol 1281 MovieClip [07_majorous] Frame 513
Symbol 1316 MovieClip Frame 1
onEnterFrame = function () { if ((_parent._xscale == -100) && (this._xscale == 100)) { this._xscale = -100; this._x = -this._x; } else if ((_parent._xscale == 100) && (this._xscale == -100)) { this._xscale = 100; this._x = -this._x; } };
Symbol 1316 MovieClip Frame 101
Symbol 1329 MovieClip [08_marionette] Frame 1
function collision() { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.damagebox)) { if ((_root.hero.invincible <= 0) && (!_global.pausemode)) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _root.hero._xscale = -100; _xscale = 100; } else { _root.hero._xscale = 100; this._xscale = -100; } this.gotoAndPlay("attack"); timer = 30; _root.hero.force = -10 * (_root.hero._xscale / 200); _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = atkdmg; force = 4 * (_root.hero._xscale / 200); } } } function float() { this._y = this._y - airspeed; this._y = this._y + airspeed2; airspeed = airspeed - air_accel; if ((airspeed > 2) || (airspeed < -2)) { air_accel = air_accel * -1; } if ((_root.hero._y - 80) > this._y) { airspeed2 = 1; } else { airspeed2 = -1; } } function hurt_check() { if (_global.monster8 == false) { _global.monster8 = true; _global.monsterbio = 8; _global.new_note = true; } if (_global.hero_str == 3) { str_multi = 1.25; } else { str_multi = 1; } size_multi = 0.5; if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && (invincible <= 0)) { invincible = 9; if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { force_xscale = 100; } else { force_xscale = -100; } force = ((((-(_global.atkforce + 2)) * force_xscale) / 100) * str_multi) * size_multi; damage_effect(); this.gotoAndPlay("hurt"); if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } _parent.hitsound(); } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.slidebox) && (_global.skill11 == true)) { _root.hero.gotoAndPlay("jump_down"); _root.hero.force = 0; _root.hero.force = (-3 * _root.hero._xscale) / 100; _root.hero._y = _root.hero._y - 6; _root.hero.grav = -6; if (invincible <= 0) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } invincible = 12; force = ((((-_global.atkforce) * this._xscale) / 100) * str_multi) * size_multi; damage_effect(); _parent.hitsound(); this.gotoAndPlay("hurt"); } } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.slambox) && (_global.skill08 == true)) { _root.hero.gotoAndPlay("jump_up"); _root.hero.force = -6 * (random(2) - 1); _root.hero.grav = (-_global.jumpHeight) - 2; _parent.attachMovie("sp_down_shadow", ["shadow" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["shadow" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root["shadow" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; _global.count_fx++; _parent.attachMovie("hitting", ["hitting" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._rotation = -90; _global.count_fx++; } i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i < _global.count_wpn) { if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root["bbeam" + i].damagebox) && (invincible <= 0)) { invincible = 20; force = (((_global.atkforce * this._xscale) / 100) * str_multi) * size_multi; damage_effect(); this.gotoAndPlay("hurt"); _parent.hitsound(); _root["bbeam" + i].explode = true; } i++; } } function combat_check() { distance = this._x - _root.hero._x; if (_currentframe == 54) { timer--; if (timer <= 0) { if (distance > 0) { if (distance > 175) { movespeed = -2; force = -0.25; } else { movespeed = 2; force = 0.25; } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (distance < -175) { movespeed = 2; force = 0.25; } else { movespeed = -2; force = -0.25; } this._xscale = 100; } if ((Math.abs(distance) > 170) && (Math.abs(distance) < 195)) { this.gotoAndPlay("attack2"); timer = 80; } else if (((this._xscale == -100) && (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 70, _y - 25, true))) && (Math.abs(distance) <= 170)) { this.gotoAndPlay("attack2"); timer = 80; } else if (((this._xscale == 100) && (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 70, _y - 25, true))) && (Math.abs(distance) <= 170)) { this.gotoAndPlay("attack2"); timer = 80; } this._x = this._x + movespeed; } } } function wall() { if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - (ini_width / 2), _y - 25, true)) { this._x = this._x + 4; } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + (ini_width / 2), _y - 25, true)) { this._x = this._x - 4; } } function spawning() { } function falling() { _y = (_y + fallspeed); fallspeed = fallspeed + 0.25; if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { fallspeed = 0; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { _y = (_y-1); } } function inv_check() { if (invincible > 0) { if ((invincible % 3) == 0) { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"70", ga:"100", gb:"70", ba:"100", bb:"70"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } else { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"20", ga:"100", gb:"20", ba:"100", bb:"20"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } invincible--; } else { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } } function force_physics() { if (force >= 0.1) { this._x = this._x + force; force = force - 0.1; } else if (force <= -0.1) { this._x = this._x + force; force = force + 0.1; } else { force = 0; } } function damage_effect() { _parent.attachMovie("hitting", ["hitting" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _global.count_fx++; elemental_multi = 1; if (_global.weapon == "weapon03") { elemental_multi = 0.25; } if (_global.weapon == "weapon01") { elemental_multi = 0.25; } if (_global.weapon == "weapon04") { elemental_multi = 2; } total_damage = ((_global.stat_atk * _global.hero_dmgmulti) * elemental_multi) + random(40); if (_global.weapon == "weapon06") { _global.hero_hp = _global.hero_hp + (total_damage * 0.1); } _parent.attachMovie("damage", ["damage" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["damage" + _global.count_fx].damage = total_damage; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx].movespeed = this.force / 3; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 10; hp = hp - total_damage; if (_global.atkforce >= 6) { _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = 150; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._yscale = 150; } _global.count_fx++; } function darkness() { if (_global.headgear == "head03") { distance = Math.abs(this._x - _root.hero._x); this._alpha = 160 - distance; } else if (cloaking <= 0) { this._alpha = 100; } } function suredeath() { if ((hp <= 0) && (_currentframe < 230)) { this.gotoAndPlay("death"); } } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } function cast_hide() { if (_currentframe == 152) { casttimer++; if (casttimer > 100) { this.gotoAndPlay("cast"); } } else { casttimer = 0; } } function cloak() { if (cloaking > 0) { cloaking--; _alpha = 25; } else { _alpha = 100; } } function falling() { _y = (_y + fallspeed); fallspeed = fallspeed + 0.5; if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { fallspeed = 0; if (_currentframe == 202) { this.gotoAndPlay("landing"); } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { _y = (_y-1); } if ((_currentframe >= 188) && (_currentframe <= 202)) { this._x = this._x + movespeed; } } function antifreeze() { if ((_currentframe == 82) || (_currentframe == 197)) { play(); } } maxHp = 2400; hp = maxHp; lvl = 6; ini_width = this._width; cloaking = 0; cloak_attempt = 0; casttimer = 0; airspeed = 0; air_accel = 0.1; fallspeed = 0; invincible = 0; timer = 0; atkdmg = 850; atkdmg_2 = 1200; movespeed = 0.5; onEnterFrame = function () { cloak(); antifreeze(); cast_hide(); suredeath(); purge_check(); if ((hp > 0) && (cloaking <= 0)) { hurt_check(); } if (_currentframe >= 230) { falling(); } wall(); inv_check(); force_physics(); collision(); darkness(); if (_global.testmode == false) { this.hitbox._visible = false; } else { this.hitbox._visible = true; } if ((_global.pausemode == false) && (hp > 0)) { combat_check(); float(); } };
Symbol 1329 MovieClip [08_marionette] Frame 54
Symbol 1329 MovieClip [08_marionette] Frame 84
Symbol 1329 MovieClip [08_marionette] Frame 97
gotoAndStop ("neutral");
Symbol 1329 MovieClip [08_marionette] Frame 117
_parent.attachMovie("08_projectile", ["projectile" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = -this._xscale; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 30; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 10; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 2.5; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].atkdmg = atkdmg_2; _global.count_fx++; _parent.s13.start();
Symbol 1329 MovieClip [08_marionette] Frame 131
_parent.attachMovie("08_projectile", ["projectile" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = -this._xscale; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 30; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 11; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 3; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].atkdmg = atkdmg_2; _global.count_fx++; _parent.s13.start();
Symbol 1329 MovieClip [08_marionette] Frame 138
gotoAndStop ("neutral");
Symbol 1329 MovieClip [08_marionette] Frame 139
cloak_attempt = cloak_attempt + 10; _parent.s52.start();
Symbol 1329 MovieClip [08_marionette] Frame 152
Instance of Symbol 1309 MovieClip in Symbol 1329 MovieClip [08_marionette] Frame 152
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._xscale = this._xscale * 1.01; this._yscale = this._yscale * 1.01; this._alpha = this._alpha - 0.005; }
Symbol 1329 MovieClip [08_marionette] Frame 153
cloaking = 320; this.attachMovie("emo07", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); this["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = -51; this["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = -62; _global.count_fx++; _parent.s07.start();
Symbol 1329 MovieClip [08_marionette] Frame 196
gotoAndStop ("neutral");
Symbol 1329 MovieClip [08_marionette] Frame 202
if (_parent.chance(50 - cloak_attempt) == true) { this.gotoAndPlay("hide"); this.force = (-6 * _xscale) / 100; } _parent.s56.start();
Symbol 1329 MovieClip [08_marionette] Frame 229
gotoAndStop ("neutral");
Symbol 1329 MovieClip [08_marionette] Frame 230
_parent.s56.start(); randomint = random(100) + 1; if (randomint < _global.hero_droprate) { randomint2 = random(100) + 1; if (randomint2 < 70) { dropname = "I03"; } else { dropname = "I04"; } _parent.attachMovie(dropname, ["item" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["item" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["item" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 10; _global.count_fx++; } exp_ = 500; cr = 1 / Math.max(1, _global.hero_level - 6); _global.hero_exp = _global.hero_exp + ((exp_ * cr) - ((exp_ * cr) % 1)); if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; }
Symbol 1329 MovieClip [08_marionette] Frame 310
stop(); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 1392 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { if ((_parent._xscale == -100) && (this._xscale == 100)) { this._xscale = -100; } else if ((_parent._xscale == 100) && (this._xscale == -100)) { this._xscale = 100; } };
Symbol 1395 MovieClip Frame 1
onEnterFrame = function () { if ((_parent._xscale == -100) && (this._xscale == 100)) { this._xscale = -100; } else if ((_parent._xscale == 100) && (this._xscale == -100)) { this._xscale = 100; } };
Symbol 1424 MovieClip [10_wanderman] Frame 1
function force_physics() { if (force >= 0.25) { this._x = this._x + force; if (!((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6))) { force = force - 0.25; } else { force = force - 0.1; } } else if (force <= -0.25) { this._x = this._x + force; if (!((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6))) { force = force + 0.25; } else { force = force + 0.1; } } else { force = 0; } } function collision() { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.damagebox)) { if ((_root.hero.invincible <= 0) && (!_global.pausemode)) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _root.hero.force = _root.hero.force - (8 * (_root.hero._xscale / 100)); _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = atkdmg; } } while (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._x > this._x)) { _root.hero._x++; this._x--; } while (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._x < this._x)) { _root.hero._x--; this._x++; } } function hurt_check() { if (_global.monster10 == false) { _global.monster10 = true; _global.monsterbio = 10; _global.new_note = true; } if (_global.hero_str == 3) { str_multi = 1.25; } else { str_multi = 1; } size_multi = 1.2; if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && (invincible <= 0)) { hitcount = hitcount + (1 + random(2)); if (hitcount >= 8) { this.gotoAndPlay("counter"); hitcount = 0; } if (countering == false) { invincible = 9; if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { force_xscale = 100; } else { force_xscale = -100; } force = ((((-_global.atkforce) * force_xscale) / 100) * str_multi) * size_multi; damage_effect(); if (flinch_timer <= 0) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } flinch_timer = 150; this.gotoAndPlay("hurt"); } _parent.hitsound(); } else if ((countering == true) && (_root.hero._xscale != this._xscale)) { gotoAndPlay ("counter_strike"); } } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.slidebox) && (_global.skill11 == true)) { _root.hero.gotoAndPlay("jump_down"); _root.hero.force = 0; _root.hero.force = (-3 * _root.hero._xscale) / 100; _root.hero._y = _root.hero._y - 6; _root.hero.grav = -6; if (invincible <= 0) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } invincible = 12; force = ((((-_global.atkforce) * this._xscale) / 100) * str_multi) * size_multi; damage_effect(); _parent.hitsound(); if (flinch_timer <= 0) { flinch_timer = 150; this.gotoAndPlay("hurt"); } } } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.slambox) && (_global.skill08 == true)) { _root.hero.gotoAndPlay("jump_up"); _root.hero.force = -6 * (random(2) - 1); _root.hero.grav = -_global.jumpHeight; _parent.attachMovie("sp_down_shadow", ["shadow" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["shadow" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root["shadow" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; _global.count_fx++; _parent.attachMovie("hitting", ["hitting" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._rotation = -90; _global.count_fx++; } i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i < _global.count_wpn) { if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root["bbeam" + i].damagebox) && (invincible <= 0)) { invincible = 20; damage_effect(); _parent.hitsound(); _root["bbeam" + i].explode = true; } i++; } } function combat_check() { distance = this._x - _root.hero._x; if (_currentframe == still_frame) { timer--; if (timer <= 0) { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } if ((_parent.chance(65 - counters) == true) && (hp < (maxHp * 0.22))) { this.gotoAndPlay("attack3"); timer = 25; counters = 30; } else if (Math.abs(distance) > 220) { this.gotoAndStop("move"); timer = 15; } else if (Math.abs(distance) > 150) { if (_parent.chance(40)) { this.gotoAndPlay("attack1"); counters = 0; if (hp < 3000) { timer = 10; } else { timer = 50; } } else if (_parent.chance(40)) { this.gotoAndPlay("attack2"); counters = 0; if (hp < 3000) { timer = 10; } else { timer = 50; } } else { this.gotoAndStop("move"); counters = 0; timer = 15; } } else if (_parent.chance(30 - counters)) { this.gotoAndPlay("counter"); counters = 25; if (hp < 3000) { timer = 10; } else { timer = 50; } } else if (_parent.chance(50)) { this.gotoAndPlay("attack1"); counters = 0; if (hp < 2000) { timer = 10; } else { timer = 50; } } else if (_parent.chance(25)) { this.gotoAndPlay("attack2"); counters = 0; if (hp < 2000) { timer = 10; } else { timer = 50; } } else { this.gotoAndStop("move"); counters = 0; timer = 15; } } } if (_currentframe == move_frame) { force = (movespeed * _xscale) / 100; timer--; if (timer <= 0) { this.gotoAndStop("neutral"); timer = 5; } } } function wall() { while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - (this.ini_width / 2), _y - 25, true)) { this._x++; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + (this.ini_width / 2), _y - 25, true)) { this._x--; } } function spawning() { } function falling() { _y = (_y + fallspeed); fallspeed = fallspeed + 0.5; if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { fallspeed = 0; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { _y = (_y-1); } } function inv_check() { if (invincible > 0) { if ((invincible % 3) == 0) { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"70", ga:"100", gb:"70", ba:"100", bb:"70"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } else { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"20", ga:"100", gb:"20", ba:"100", bb:"20"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } invincible--; } else { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } } function force_physics() { if (force >= 0.25) { this._x = this._x + force; if (!((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6))) { force = force - 0.25; } else { force = force - 0.1; } } else if (force <= -0.25) { this._x = this._x + force; if (!((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6))) { force = force + 0.25; } else { force = force + 0.1; } } else { force = 0; } } function damage_effect() { _parent.attachMovie("hitting", ["hitting" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _global.count_fx++; elemental_multi = 1; total_damage = ((_global.stat_atk * _global.hero_dmgmulti) * elemental_multi) + random(40); if (_global.weapon == "weapon06") { _global.hero_hp = _global.hero_hp + (total_damage * 0.1); } _parent.attachMovie("damage", ["damage" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["damage" + _global.count_fx].damage = total_damage; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx].movespeed = this.force / 3; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 10; hp = hp - total_damage; if (_global.atkforce >= 6) { _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = 150; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._yscale = 150; } _global.count_fx++; } function darkness() { if (_global.headgear == "head03") { distance = Math.abs(this._x - _root.hero._x); this._alpha = 160 - distance; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } function suredeath() { if ((hp <= 0) && (_currentframe < 500)) { this.gotoAndPlay("death"); } } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } function atk3_blackhole() { if ((_currentframe >= 215) && (_currentframe <= 315)) { power = power + 0.14; distance = (this._x + ((_xscale * 120) / 100)) - _root.hero._x; if (Math.abs(distance) > 35) { if (distance > 0) { _root.hero._x = _root.hero._x + power; } else { _root.hero._x = _root.hero._x - power; } } } else { power = 0; } } function counter() { if ((_currentframe >= 361) && (_currentframe <= 410)) { countering = true; } else { countering = false; } } function flinch() { if (flinch_timer > 0) { flinch_timer--; } } function defeating() { if (((_global.hero_hp <= 1) && (_root.hero.grav == 0)) && (_currentframe == 2)) { _global.pausemode = true; gotoAndPlay ("defeat"); } } function antifreeze() { if (((_currentframe == 458) || (_currentframe == 501)) || (_currentframe == 816)) { play(); } } x_speed = 0; airspeed = 0.5; jumpspeed = 0; countering = false; still_frame = 2; move_frame = 15; ini_width = this._width; maxHp = 20000; hp = maxHp; lvl = 8; fallspeed = 0; invincible = 0; timer = 50; flunch_timer = 0; atkdmg_1 = 1300; atkdmg = 1300; movespeed = 4; onEnterFrame = function () { antifreeze(); defeating(); flinch(); suredeath(); counter(); purge_check(); if (hp > 0) { hurt_check(); } falling(); inv_check(); force_physics(); collision(); darkness(); atk3_blackhole(); wall(); if (_global.testmode == false) { this.hitbox._visible = false; } else { this.hitbox._visible = true; } if ((_global.pausemode == false) && (hp > 0)) { combat_check(); } };
Symbol 1424 MovieClip [10_wanderman] Frame 2
Symbol 1424 MovieClip [10_wanderman] Frame 28
if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; }
Symbol 1424 MovieClip [10_wanderman] Frame 34
force = (3 * this._xscale) / 100; _parent.s05.start();
Symbol 1424 MovieClip [10_wanderman] Frame 50
force = (4 * this._xscale) / 100; _parent.s05.start();
Symbol 1424 MovieClip [10_wanderman] Frame 73
force = 0; _parent.s05.start();
Symbol 1424 MovieClip [10_wanderman] Frame 82
_parent.attachMovie("10_projectile", ["projectile" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].atkdmg = atkdmg_1; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 1424 MovieClip [10_wanderman] Frame 95
distance = this._x - _root.hero._x; if ((Math.abs(distance) < 100) && (_parent.chance(50) == true)) { this.gotoAndPlay("counter"); timer = 50; } else { gotoAndStop ("neutral"); }
Symbol 1424 MovieClip [10_wanderman] Frame 99
if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } _parent.s20.start();
Symbol 1424 MovieClip [10_wanderman] Frame 116
_root.vcam.shaking = 4;
Symbol 1424 MovieClip [10_wanderman] Frame 131
force = (14 * this._xscale) / 100;
Symbol 1424 MovieClip [10_wanderman] Frame 135
_parent.attachMovie("10_sonicshadow", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 1424 MovieClip [10_wanderman] Frame 137
Symbol 1424 MovieClip [10_wanderman] Frame 141
_parent.attachMovie("10_sonicshadow", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 1424 MovieClip [10_wanderman] Frame 142
Symbol 1424 MovieClip [10_wanderman] Frame 147
Symbol 1424 MovieClip [10_wanderman] Frame 149
_parent.attachMovie("10_sonicshadow", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 1424 MovieClip [10_wanderman] Frame 150
Symbol 1424 MovieClip [10_wanderman] Frame 154
_parent.attachMovie("10_sonicshadow", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 1424 MovieClip [10_wanderman] Frame 155
Symbol 1424 MovieClip [10_wanderman] Frame 164
_parent.attachMovie("10_sonicshadow", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 1424 MovieClip [10_wanderman] Frame 166
Symbol 1424 MovieClip [10_wanderman] Frame 205
distance = this._x - _root.hero._x; if ((Math.abs(distance) < 100) && (_parent.chance(50) == true)) { this.gotoAndPlay("counter"); timer = 50; } else { gotoAndStop ("neutral"); }
Symbol 1424 MovieClip [10_wanderman] Frame 208
if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } flinch_timer = 100;
Symbol 1424 MovieClip [10_wanderman] Frame 218
_parent.s11.start(); _parent.s07.start();
Symbol 1424 MovieClip [10_wanderman] Frame 226
Symbol 1424 MovieClip [10_wanderman] Frame 250
Symbol 1424 MovieClip [10_wanderman] Frame 271
Symbol 1424 MovieClip [10_wanderman] Frame 289
Symbol 1424 MovieClip [10_wanderman] Frame 310
_root.vcam.shaking = 8; atkdmg = 2000;
Symbol 1424 MovieClip [10_wanderman] Frame 311
_parent.s26.start(); _parent.s08.start();
Symbol 1424 MovieClip [10_wanderman] Frame 320
atkdmg = 1200;
Symbol 1424 MovieClip [10_wanderman] Frame 345
distance = this._x - _root.hero._x; if ((Math.abs(distance) < 100) && (_parent.chance(50) == true)) { this.gotoAndPlay("counter"); timer = 50; } else { gotoAndStop ("neutral"); }
Symbol 1424 MovieClip [10_wanderman] Frame 347
if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } force = (2.5 * this._xscale) / 100; invincible = 10;
Symbol 1424 MovieClip [10_wanderman] Frame 360
Symbol 1424 MovieClip [10_wanderman] Frame 419
gotoAndStop ("neutral");
Symbol 1424 MovieClip [10_wanderman] Frame 420
invincible = 20;
Symbol 1424 MovieClip [10_wanderman] Frame 422
if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } _parent.s57.start();
Symbol 1424 MovieClip [10_wanderman] Frame 436
force = (3 * this._xscale) / 100; _root.vcam.shaking = 2; this._y = _root.hero._y; if (_xscale == 100) { if (_root.ground.hitTest((_x + (this.ini_width / 2)) + 30, _y - 25, true)) { this._x = this._x + ((0 * this._xscale) / 100); } else if (_root.ground.hitTest((_x + (this.ini_width / 2)) + 50, _y - 25, true)) { this._x = this._x + ((15 * this._xscale) / 100); } else if (_root.ground.hitTest((_x + (this.ini_width / 2)) + 100, _y - 25, true)) { this._x = this._x + ((50 * this._xscale) / 100); } else if (_root.ground.hitTest((_x + (this.ini_width / 2)) + 150, _y - 25, true)) { this._x = this._x + ((100 * this._xscale) / 100); } else { this._x = this._x + ((200 * this._xscale) / 100); } } if (_xscale == -100) { if (_root.ground.hitTest((_x - (this.ini_width / 2)) - 30, _y - 25, true)) { this._x = this._x + ((0 * this._xscale) / 100); } else if (_root.ground.hitTest((_x - (this.ini_width / 2)) - 50, _y - 25, true)) { this._x = this._x + ((15 * this._xscale) / 100); } else if (_root.ground.hitTest((_x - (this.ini_width / 2)) - 100, _y - 25, true)) { this._x = this._x + ((50 * this._xscale) / 100); } else if (_root.ground.hitTest((_x - (this.ini_width / 2)) - 150, _y - 25, true)) { this._x = this._x + ((100 * this._xscale) / 100); } else { this._x = this._x + ((200 * this._xscale) / 100); } } _parent.s05.start(); _parent.s22.start(); _parent.s26.start();
Symbol 1424 MovieClip [10_wanderman] Frame 457
gotoAndStop ("neutral");
Symbol 1424 MovieClip [10_wanderman] Frame 458
Symbol 1424 MovieClip [10_wanderman] Frame 473
gotoAndStop ("neutral"); timer = 30;
Symbol 1424 MovieClip [10_wanderman] Frame 506
_root.vcam.follower = "boss"; _root.hero.gotoAndStop("standby"); _global.bgm = 0;
Symbol 1424 MovieClip [10_wanderman] Frame 558
Symbol 1424 MovieClip [10_wanderman] Frame 722
_parent.attachMovie("I06", ["item" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["item" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["item" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 10; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 1424 MovieClip [10_wanderman] Frame 815
_root.vcam.follower = "hero"; _global.pausemode = false; _root.ground.gotoAndStop("neutral"); _root.cutscene.gotoAndPlay("empty"); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 1424 MovieClip [10_wanderman] Frame 816
_global.bgm = 0; exp_ = 5000; cr = 1 / Math.max(1, _global.hero_level - 8); _global.hero_exp = _global.hero_exp + ((exp_ * cr) - ((exp_ * cr) % 1)); if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; }
Symbol 1424 MovieClip [10_wanderman] Frame 832
_parent.s31.start(); _parent.s50.start(); _parent.attachMovie("inv15", ["item" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["item" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["item" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 10; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 1424 MovieClip [10_wanderman] Frame 941
Symbol 1424 MovieClip [10_wanderman] Frame 948
Symbol 1424 MovieClip [10_wanderman] Frame 955
Symbol 1424 MovieClip [10_wanderman] Frame 960
Symbol 1424 MovieClip [10_wanderman] Frame 963
Symbol 1424 MovieClip [10_wanderman] Frame 966
Symbol 1424 MovieClip [10_wanderman] Frame 969
Symbol 1424 MovieClip [10_wanderman] Frame 993
_root.vcam.follower = "hero"; _global.pausemode = false; _root.ground.gotoAndStop("neutral"); _root.cutscene.gotoAndPlay("empty"); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 1432 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_global.testmode == false) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; }
Symbol 1437 MovieClip Frame 5
if (_parent._parent.ground_water.hitTest(_parent._x, _parent._y + 10, true)) { _parent._parent.attachMovie("water_step", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent._parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _parent._x; _parent._parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _parent._y; _parent._parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = _parent._xscale; _global.count_fx++; }
Symbol 1462 MovieClip [11_gremlin] Frame 1
function force_physics() { if (force >= 0.25) { this._x = this._x + force; if (!((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6))) { force = force - 0.25; } else { force = force - 0.1; } } else if (force <= -0.25) { this._x = this._x + force; if (!((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6))) { force = force + 0.25; } else { force = force + 0.1; } } else { force = 0; } } function collision() { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.damagebox)) { if ((_root.hero.invincible <= 0) && (!_global.pausemode)) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _root.hero.force = -4 * (_root.hero._xscale / 100); _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = atkdmg; } } while (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._x > this._x)) { _root.hero._x++; _x = (_x-1); } while (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._x < this._x)) { _root.hero._x--; _x = (_x+1); } } function hurt_check() { if (_global.monster11 == false) { _global.monster11 = true; _global.monsterbio = 11; _global.new_note = true; } if (_global.hero_str == 3) { str_multi = 1.25; } else { str_multi = 1; } size_multi = 1; if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && (invincible <= 0)) { invincible = 9; if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { force_xscale = 100; } else { force_xscale = -100; } force = ((((-_global.atkforce) * force_xscale) / 100) * str_multi) * size_multi; damage_effect(); if (_parent.chance(30) == true) { this.gotoAndPlay("evade"); invincible = 18; } else { this.gotoAndPlay("hurt"); } if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } _parent.hitsound(); } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.slidebox) && (_global.skill11 == true)) { _root.hero.gotoAndPlay("jump_down"); _root.hero.force = 0; _root.hero.force = (-3 * _root.hero._xscale) / 100; _root.hero._y = _root.hero._y - 6; _root.hero.grav = -6; if (invincible <= 0) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } invincible = 12; force = ((((-_global.atkforce) * this._xscale) / 100) * str_multi) * size_multi; damage_effect(); _parent.hitsound(); this.gotoAndPlay("hurt"); } } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.slambox) && (_global.skill08 == true)) { _root.hero.gotoAndPlay("jump_up"); _root.hero.force = -6 * (random(2) - 1); _root.hero.grav = (-_global.jumpHeight) - 2; _parent.attachMovie("sp_down_shadow", ["shadow" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["shadow" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root["shadow" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; _global.count_fx++; _parent.attachMovie("hitting", ["hitting" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._rotation = -90; _global.count_fx++; } i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i < _global.count_wpn) { if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root["bbeam" + i].damagebox) && (invincible <= 0)) { invincible = 20; force = (((_global.atkforce * this._xscale) / 100) * str_multi) * size_multi; damage_effect(); this.gotoAndPlay("hurt"); _parent.hitsound(); _root["bbeam" + i].explode = true; } i++; } } function combat_check() { distance = this._x - _root.hero._x; if (_currentframe == still_frame) { timer--; if (timer <= 0) { if (Math.abs(distance) < 60) { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = 100; force = force + 6; } else { this._xscale = -100; force = force - 6; } timer = 20; this.gotoAndStop("move"); movetimer = 0; } else if (Math.abs(distance) < 400) { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; force = force - 4; } else { this._xscale = 100; force = force + 4; } timer = 30; this.gotoAndStop("move"); movetimer = 0; } else { if (_parent.chance(50)) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } timer = 25; } } } if (_currentframe == move_frame) { movetimer++; this._x = this._x + ((movespeed * _xscale) / 100); if (movetimer > 15) { if (Math.abs(distance) < 100) { this.gotoAndPlay("attack"); timer = 45; } } timer--; if (timer <= 0) { this.gotoAndStop("neutral"); timer = 15; } } } function wall() { while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - (this._width / 2), _y - 25, true)) { this._x++; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + (this._width / 2), _y - 25, true)) { this._x--; } } function spawning() { } function falling() { _y = (_y + fallspeed); fallspeed = fallspeed + 0.5; if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { fallspeed = 0; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { _y = (_y-1); } } function inv_check() { if (invincible > 0) { if ((invincible % 4) == 0) { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"70", ga:"100", gb:"70", ba:"100", bb:"70"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } else { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"20", ga:"100", gb:"20", ba:"100", bb:"20"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } invincible--; } else { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } } function force_physics() { if (force >= 0.25) { this._x = this._x + force; if (!((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6))) { force = force - 0.25; } else { force = force - 0.1; } } else if (force <= -0.25) { this._x = this._x + force; if (!((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6))) { force = force + 0.25; } else { force = force + 0.1; } } else { force = 0; } } function damage_effect() { _parent.attachMovie("hitting", ["hitting" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _global.count_fx++; elemental_multi = 1; if (_global.weapon == "weapon02") { elemental_multi = 0.75; } if (_global.weapon == "weapon05") { elemental_multi = 1.5; } if (_global.weapon == "weapon06") { elemental_multi = 0.75; } total_damage = ((_global.stat_atk * _global.hero_dmgmulti) * elemental_multi) + random(40); if (_global.weapon == "weapon06") { _global.hero_hp = _global.hero_hp + (total_damage * 0.1); } _parent.attachMovie("damage", ["damage" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["damage" + _global.count_fx].damage = total_damage; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx].movespeed = this.force / 3; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 10; hp = hp - total_damage; if (_global.atkforce >= 6) { _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = 150; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._yscale = 150; } _global.count_fx++; } function darkness() { if (_global.headgear == "head03") { distance = Math.abs(this._x - _root.hero._x); this._alpha = 160 - distance; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } function suredeath() { if ((hp <= 0) && (_currentframe < 72)) { this.gotoAndPlay("death"); } } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } x_speed = 0; airspeed = 0.5; jumpspeed = 0; still_frame = 31; move_frame = 40; maxHp = 3800; hp = maxHp; lvl = 7; fallspeed = 0; invincible = 0; timer = 50; atkdmg = 1050; movespeed = 5; onEnterFrame = function () { suredeath(); purge_check(); if (hp > 0) { hurt_check(); } falling(); inv_check(); force_physics(); collision(); darkness(); jump(); wall(); if (_global.testmode == false) { this.hitbox._visible = false; } else { this.hitbox._visible = true; } if ((_global.pausemode == false) && (hp > 0)) { combat_check(); } };
Symbol 1462 MovieClip [11_gremlin] Frame 31
Symbol 1462 MovieClip [11_gremlin] Frame 51
force = (14 * this._xscale) / 100; fallspeed = -6; _parent.s55.start();
Symbol 1462 MovieClip [11_gremlin] Frame 85
gotoAndStop ("neutral");
Symbol 1462 MovieClip [11_gremlin] Frame 86
force = (-8 * this._xscale) / 100; fallspeed = -5;
Symbol 1462 MovieClip [11_gremlin] Frame 113
gotoAndStop ("neutral");
Symbol 1462 MovieClip [11_gremlin] Frame 114
force = 0; randomint = random(100) + 1; if (randomint < _global.hero_droprate) { randomint2 = random(100) + 1; if (randomint2 < 70) { dropname = "I03"; } else { dropname = "I04"; } _parent.attachMovie(dropname, ["item" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["item" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["item" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 10; _global.count_fx++; } exp_ = 513; cr = 1 / Math.max(1, _global.hero_level - 7); _global.hero_exp = _global.hero_exp + ((exp_ * cr) - ((exp_ * cr) % 1)); if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; }
Symbol 1462 MovieClip [11_gremlin] Frame 169
stop(); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 1521 MovieClip Frame 1
onEnterFrame = function () { if ((_parent._xscale == -100) && (this._xscale == 100)) { this._xscale = -100; this._x = -this._x; } else if ((_parent._xscale == 100) && (this._xscale == -100)) { this._xscale = 100; this._x = -this._x; } };
Symbol 1525 MovieClip Frame 12
gotoAndPlay (5);
Symbol 1531 MovieClip [12_zealotus] Frame 1
function force_physics() { if (force >= 0.25) { this._x = this._x + force; if (!((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6))) { force = force - 0.25; } else { force = force - 0.1; } } else if (force <= -0.25) { this._x = this._x + force; if (!((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6))) { force = force + 0.25; } else { force = force + 0.1; } } else { force = 0; } } function collision() { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.damagebox)) { if ((_root.hero.invincible <= 0) && (!_global.pausemode)) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _root.hero.force = -4 * (_root.hero._xscale / 100); _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = atkdmg; } } while (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._x > this._x)) { _root.hero._x++; _x = (_x-1); } while (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._x < this._x)) { _root.hero._x--; _x = (_x+1); } } function hurt_check() { if (_global.monster12 == false) { _global.monster12 = true; _global.monsterbio = 12; _global.new_note = true; } if (_global.hero_str == 3) { str_multi = 1.25; } else { str_multi = 1; } size_multi = 1; if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && (invincible <= 0)) { invincible = 9; if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { force_xscale = 100; } else { force_xscale = -100; } force = ((((-_global.atkforce) * force_xscale) / 100) * str_multi) * size_multi; damage_effect(); if (_parent.chance(30) == true) { this.gotoAndPlay("evade"); invincible = 18; } else { this.gotoAndPlay("hurt"); } if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } _parent.hitsound(); } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.slidebox) && (_global.skill11 == true)) { _root.hero.gotoAndPlay("jump_down"); _root.hero.force = 0; _root.hero.force = (-3 * _root.hero._xscale) / 100; _root.hero._y = _root.hero._y - 6; _root.hero.grav = -6; if (invincible <= 0) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } invincible = 12; force = ((((-_global.atkforce) * this._xscale) / 100) * str_multi) * size_multi; damage_effect(); _parent.hitsound(); if (_parent.chance(30) == true) { this.gotoAndPlay("evade"); invincible = 18; } else { this.gotoAndPlay("hurt"); } } } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.slambox) && (_global.skill08 == true)) { _root.hero.gotoAndPlay("jump_up"); _root.hero.force = -6 * (random(2) - 1); _root.hero.grav = (-_global.jumpHeight) - 2; _parent.attachMovie("sp_down_shadow", ["shadow" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["shadow" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root["shadow" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; _global.count_fx++; _parent.attachMovie("hitting", ["hitting" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._rotation = -90; _global.count_fx++; } i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i < _global.count_wpn) { if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root["bbeam" + i].damagebox) && (invincible <= 0)) { invincible = 20; force = (((_global.atkforce * this._xscale) / 100) * str_multi) * size_multi; damage_effect(); _parent.hitsound(); _root["bbeam" + i].explode = true; } i++; } } function combat_check() { ult_timer++; call_timer++; distance = this._x - _root.hero._x; if (_currentframe == still_frame) { timer--; if (ult_timer >= 750) { this.gotoAndPlay("attack2"); ult_timer = 0; } else if (call_timer >= 900) { this.gotoAndPlay("call"); call_timer = 0; } else if (timer <= 0) { if (Math.abs(distance) < 60) { this.gotoAndPlay("evade"); } else if (Math.abs(distance) < 150) { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } timer = 35; this.gotoAndStop("attack"); } else { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; force = force - 4; } else { this._xscale = 100; force = force + 4; } timer = 40; this.gotoAndStop("move"); } } } if (_currentframe == move_frame) { this._x = this._x + ((movespeed * _xscale) / 100); if (Math.abs(distance) < 150) { if (Math.abs(distance) < 40) { jumpdir = -1; } else if (Math.abs(distance) < 100) { jumpdir = 0; } else { jumpdir = 1; } this.gotoAndPlay("jump"); timer = 35; } timer--; if (timer <= 0) { this.gotoAndStop("neutral"); timer = 5; } } } function wall() { while (_root.ground.hitTest((_x - (ini_width / 2)) - 15, _y - 25, true)) { this._x++; } while (_root.ground.hitTest((_x + (ini_width / 2)) + 15, _y - 25, true)) { this._x--; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, (_y - ini_height) - 15, true)) { this._y++; } } function spawning() { } function falling() { _y = (_y + fallspeed); fallspeed = fallspeed + 0.5; if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 5, true)) { fallspeed = 0; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 5, true)) { _y = (_y-1); } } function inv_check() { if (invincible > 0) { if ((invincible % 4) == 0) { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"70", ga:"100", gb:"70", ba:"100", bb:"70"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } else { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"20", ga:"100", gb:"20", ba:"100", bb:"20"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } invincible--; } else { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } } function force_physics() { if (force >= 0.25) { this._x = this._x + force; if (!((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6))) { force = force - 0.25; } else { force = force - 0.1; } } else if (force <= -0.25) { this._x = this._x + force; if (!((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6))) { force = force + 0.25; } else { force = force + 0.1; } } else { force = 0; } } function damage_effect() { _parent.attachMovie("hitting", ["hitting" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _global.count_fx++; elemental_multi = 1; if (_global.weapon == "weapon04") { elemental_multi = 0.25; } total_damage = ((_global.stat_atk * _global.hero_dmgmulti) * elemental_multi) + random(40); if (_global.weapon == "weapon06") { _global.hero_hp = _global.hero_hp + (total_damage * 0.1); } _parent.attachMovie("damage", ["damage" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["damage" + _global.count_fx].damage = total_damage; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx].movespeed = this.force / 3; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 10; hp = hp - total_damage; if (_global.atkforce >= 6) { _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = 150; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._yscale = 150; } _global.count_fx++; } function darkness() { if (_global.headgear == "head03") { distance = Math.abs(this._x - _root.hero._x); this._alpha = 160 - distance; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } function suredeath() { if ((hp <= 0) && (_currentframe < 339)) { this.gotoAndPlay("death"); } } function jump() { if ((_currentframe >= 64) && (_currentframe <= 110)) { this._x = this._x + (((jumpdir * movespeed) * _xscale) / 100); } } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } function antifreeze() { if (((_currentframe == 26) || (_currentframe == 67)) || (_currentframe == 118)) {; } } x_speed = 0; airspeed = 0.5; jumpspeed = 0; still_frame = 2; move_frame = 16; ini_width = this._width; ini_height = this._height; maxHp = 15800; hp = maxHp; lvl = 8; fallspeed = 0; invincible = 0; ult_timer = 0; call_timer = 250; timer = 50; atkdmg = 1100; movespeed = 3; onEnterFrame = function () { _global.boss_hp = hp; antifreeze(); suredeath(); purge_check(); if (hp > 0) { hurt_check(); } falling(); inv_check(); force_physics(); collision(); darkness(); wall(); jump(); if (_global.testmode == false) { this.hitbox._visible = false; } else { this.hitbox._visible = true; } if ((_global.pausemode == false) && (hp > 0)) { combat_check(); } };
Symbol 1531 MovieClip [12_zealotus] Frame 2
Symbol 1531 MovieClip [12_zealotus] Frame 26
if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; }
Symbol 1531 MovieClip [12_zealotus] Frame 44
Symbol 1531 MovieClip [12_zealotus] Frame 66
gotoAndStop ("neutral");
Symbol 1531 MovieClip [12_zealotus] Frame 67
force = (3 * this._xscale) / 100; fallspeed = -10; if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } _parent.jump.start();
Symbol 1531 MovieClip [12_zealotus] Frame 98
Symbol 1531 MovieClip [12_zealotus] Frame 110
gotoAndPlay ("recoil");
Symbol 1531 MovieClip [12_zealotus] Frame 111
if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } invincible = 50;
Symbol 1531 MovieClip [12_zealotus] Frame 139
Symbol 1531 MovieClip [12_zealotus] Frame 140
force = (-5 * this._xscale) / 100;
Symbol 1531 MovieClip [12_zealotus] Frame 153
Symbol 1531 MovieClip [12_zealotus] Frame 166
Symbol 1531 MovieClip [12_zealotus] Frame 173
facing = this._xscale / Math.abs(this._xscale); _parent.attachMovie("12_projectile", ["projectile" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = (this._xscale / Math.abs(this._xscale)) * 100; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + (facing * 10); _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 1531 MovieClip [12_zealotus] Frame 184
Symbol 1531 MovieClip [12_zealotus] Frame 227
gotoAndPlay ("neutral");
Symbol 1531 MovieClip [12_zealotus] Frame 228
Symbol 1531 MovieClip [12_zealotus] Frame 250
gotoAndPlay ("neutral");
Symbol 1531 MovieClip [12_zealotus] Frame 251
if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 100, _y, true)) { this._xscale = 100; } else if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 100, _y, true)) { this._xscale = -100; } else if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } force = (-9 * this._xscale) / 100; fallspeed = -5;
Symbol 1531 MovieClip [12_zealotus] Frame 252
_parent.attachMovie("12_evadeshadow", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 1531 MovieClip [12_zealotus] Frame 256
_parent.attachMovie("12_evadeshadow", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 1531 MovieClip [12_zealotus] Frame 260
_parent.attachMovie("12_evadeshadow", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 1531 MovieClip [12_zealotus] Frame 264
_parent.attachMovie("12_evadeshadow", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 1531 MovieClip [12_zealotus] Frame 268
_parent.attachMovie("12_evadeshadow", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 1531 MovieClip [12_zealotus] Frame 272
_parent.attachMovie("12_evadeshadow", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++; gotoAndPlay ("attack");
Symbol 1531 MovieClip [12_zealotus] Frame 312
if (_parent.chance(50) == true) { _parent.spawn_monster("04_injustice", 151, 222); } else { _parent.spawn_monster("04_injustice", 644, 222); } _parent.s56.start();
Symbol 1531 MovieClip [12_zealotus] Frame 339
gotoAndPlay ("neutral");
Symbol 1531 MovieClip [12_zealotus] Frame 340
_global.pausemode = true; _root.vcam.follower = "boss"; _global.bgm = 0; _root.vcam.enemybar.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.attachMovie("M12_dialogue_B", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root.vcam.zoom_in = true; _global.count_fx++; i = 1; while (i < _global.count) { _root["enemy" + i].hp = 0; i++; }
Symbol 1531 MovieClip [12_zealotus] Frame 400
Symbol 1531 MovieClip [12_zealotus] Frame 401
_global.pausemode = false; _root.vcam.follower = "hero"; _root.ground.gotoAndStop("neutral"); _root.cutscene.gotoAndStop("empty");
Symbol 1531 MovieClip [12_zealotus] Frame 409
Symbol 1531 MovieClip [12_zealotus] Frame 414
Symbol 1531 MovieClip [12_zealotus] Frame 418
Symbol 1531 MovieClip [12_zealotus] Frame 423
Symbol 1531 MovieClip [12_zealotus] Frame 427
Symbol 1531 MovieClip [12_zealotus] Frame 432
Symbol 1531 MovieClip [12_zealotus] Frame 437
Symbol 1531 MovieClip [12_zealotus] Frame 442
Symbol 1531 MovieClip [12_zealotus] Frame 446
Symbol 1531 MovieClip [12_zealotus] Frame 451
Symbol 1531 MovieClip [12_zealotus] Frame 456
Symbol 1531 MovieClip [12_zealotus] Frame 458
_root.vcam.shaking = 4; _parent.attachMovie("inv_note2", ["item" + _global.count], _global.count); _root["item" + _global.count]._x = this._x; _root["item" + _global.count]._y = this._y; _root["item" + _global.count].item_code = "item_inv20"; _global.count++;
Symbol 1531 MovieClip [12_zealotus] Frame 461
Symbol 1531 MovieClip [12_zealotus] Frame 465
Symbol 1531 MovieClip [12_zealotus] Frame 470
Symbol 1531 MovieClip [12_zealotus] Frame 475
Symbol 1531 MovieClip [12_zealotus] Frame 480
Symbol 1531 MovieClip [12_zealotus] Frame 485
Symbol 1531 MovieClip [12_zealotus] Frame 490
Symbol 1531 MovieClip [12_zealotus] Frame 500
Symbol 1531 MovieClip [12_zealotus] Frame 562
stop(); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 1558 MovieClip Frame 21
stop(); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 1575 MovieClip [04_injustice] Frame 1
function jump() { if ((_currentframe >= 64) && (_currentframe <= 103)) { _y = (_y - jumpspeed); _x = (_x + ((x_speed * this._xscale) / 100)); if (fallspeed == 0) { this.gotoAndStop("neutral"); } } } function force_physics() { if (force >= 0.25) { this._x = this._x + force; if (!((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6))) { force = force - 0.25; } else { force = force - 0.1; } } else if (force <= -0.25) { this._x = this._x + force; if (!((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6))) { force = force + 0.25; } else { force = force + 0.1; } } else { force = 0; } } function collision() { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.damagebox)) { if ((_root.hero.invincible <= 0) && (!_global.pausemode)) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _root.hero.force = -10 * (_root.hero._xscale / 200); _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = atkdmg; force = 4 * (_root.hero._xscale / 200); } } while (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._x > this._x)) { _root.hero._x++; _x = (_x-1); } while (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._x < this._x)) { _root.hero._x--; _x = (_x+1); } } function hurt_check() { if (_global.monster4 == false) { _global.monster4 = true; _global.monsterbio = 4; _global.new_note = true; } if (_global.hero_str == 3) { str_multi = 1.25; } else { str_multi = 1; } size_multi = 1.2; if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && (invincible <= 0)) { invincible = 9; if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { force_xscale = 100; } else { force_xscale = -100; } force = ((((-_global.atkforce) * force_xscale) / 100) * str_multi) * size_multi; damage_effect(); this.gotoAndPlay("hurt"); if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } _parent.hitsound(); } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.slidebox) && (_global.skill11 == true)) { _root.hero.gotoAndPlay("jump_down"); _root.hero.force = 0; _root.hero.force = (-3 * _root.hero._xscale) / 100; _root.hero._y = _root.hero._y - 6; _root.hero.grav = -6; if (invincible <= 0) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } invincible = 12; force = ((((-_global.atkforce) * this._xscale) / 100) * str_multi) * size_multi; damage_effect(); _parent.hitsound(); this.gotoAndPlay("hurt"); } } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.slambox) && (_global.skill08 == true)) { _root.hero.gotoAndPlay("jump_up"); _root.hero.force = -6 * (random(2) - 1); _root.hero.grav = (-_global.jumpHeight) - 2; _parent.attachMovie("sp_down_shadow", ["shadow" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["shadow" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root["shadow" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; _global.count_fx++; _parent.attachMovie("hitting", ["hitting" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._rotation = -90; _global.count_fx++; } i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i < _global.count_wpn) { if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root["bbeam" + i].damagebox) && (invincible <= 0)) { invincible = 20; force = (((_global.atkforce * this._xscale) / 100) * str_multi) * size_multi; damage_effect(); this.gotoAndPlay("hurt"); _parent.hitsound(); _root["bbeam" + i].explode = true; } i++; } } function combat_check() { distance = this._x - _root.hero._x; if (_currentframe == still_frame) { timer--; if (timer <= 0) { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } if (Math.abs(distance) > 170) { this.gotoAndStop("move"); timer = 15; } else if (Math.abs(distance) < 50) { this.gotoAndPlay("atk"); timer = 100; } else { this.gotoAndPlay("jump"); timer = 50; } } } if (_currentframe == move_frame) { force = (movespeed * _xscale) / 100; timer--; if (timer <= 0) { this.gotoAndStop("neutral"); timer = 50; } } } function wall() { while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - (this._width / 2), _y - 25, true)) { this._x++; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + (this._width / 2), _y - 25, true)) { this._x--; } } function spawning() { } function falling() { _y = (_y + fallspeed); fallspeed = fallspeed + 0.5; if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { fallspeed = 0; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { _y = (_y-1); } } function inv_check() { if (invincible > 0) { if ((invincible % 3) == 0) { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"70", ga:"100", gb:"70", ba:"100", bb:"70"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } else { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"20", ga:"100", gb:"20", ba:"100", bb:"20"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } invincible--; } else { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } } function force_physics() { if (force >= 0.25) { this._x = this._x + force; if (!((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6))) { force = force - 0.25; } else { force = force - 0.1; } } else if (force <= -0.25) { this._x = this._x + force; if (!((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6))) { force = force + 0.25; } else { force = force + 0.1; } } else { force = 0; } } function damage_effect() { _parent.attachMovie("hitting", ["hitting" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _global.count_fx++; elemental_multi = 1; if (_global.weapon == "weapon02") { elemental_multi = 0.9; } if (_global.weapon == "weapon05") { elemental_multi = 1.25; } if (_global.weapon == "weapon04") { elemental_multi = 0.9; } total_damage = ((_global.stat_atk * _global.hero_dmgmulti) * elemental_multi) + random(40); if (_global.weapon == "weapon06") { _global.hero_hp = _global.hero_hp + (total_damage * 0.1); } _parent.attachMovie("damage", ["damage" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["damage" + _global.count_fx].damage = total_damage; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx].movespeed = this.force / 3; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 10; hp = hp - total_damage; if (_global.atkforce >= 6) { _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = 150; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._yscale = 150; } _global.count_fx++; } function darkness() { if (_global.headgear == "head03") { distance = Math.abs(this._x - _root.hero._x); this._alpha = 160 - distance; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } function suredeath() { if ((hp <= 0) && (_currentframe < 190)) { this.gotoAndPlay("death"); } } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } x_speed = 0; airspeed = 0.5; jumpspeed = 0; still_frame = 44; move_frame = 55; maxHp = 3700; hp = maxHp; lvl = 5; fallspeed = 0; invincible = 0; timer = 50; atkdmg = 850; movespeed = 2.5; onEnterFrame = function () { suredeath(); purge_check(); if (hp > 0) { hurt_check(); } falling(); inv_check(); force_physics(); collision(); darkness(); jump(); wall(); if (_global.testmode == false) { this.hitbox._visible = false; } else { this.hitbox._visible = true; } if ((_global.pausemode == false) && (hp > 0)) { combat_check(); } };
Symbol 1575 MovieClip [04_injustice] Frame 2
while (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { this._y++; }
Symbol 1575 MovieClip [04_injustice] Frame 44
Symbol 1575 MovieClip [04_injustice] Frame 62
if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } this._y = this._y - 5;
Symbol 1575 MovieClip [04_injustice] Frame 65
x_distance = Math.abs(_root.hero._x - this._x); x_speed = (x_distance + 50) / 50; jumpspeed = 11; force = this._xscale / 50; _parent.jump.start();
Symbol 1575 MovieClip [04_injustice] Frame 94
Symbol 1575 MovieClip [04_injustice] Frame 103
Symbol 1575 MovieClip [04_injustice] Frame 117
fallspeed = 0;
Symbol 1575 MovieClip [04_injustice] Frame 127
if (hp > 0) { if (_parent.chance(28) == true) { this.gotoAndPlay("atk"); } }
Symbol 1575 MovieClip [04_injustice] Frame 134
gotoAndStop ("neutral");
Symbol 1575 MovieClip [04_injustice] Frame 135
invincible = 10; force = (6.5 * (-this._xscale)) / 100; _parent.s09.start(); _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 1575 MovieClip [04_injustice] Frame 136
_parent.attachMovie("04_attackshadow2", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 1575 MovieClip [04_injustice] Frame 140
_parent.attachMovie("04_attackshadow2", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 1575 MovieClip [04_injustice] Frame 144
_parent.attachMovie("04_attackshadow2", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 1575 MovieClip [04_injustice] Frame 148
_parent.attachMovie("04_attackshadow2", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 1575 MovieClip [04_injustice] Frame 152
_parent.attachMovie("04_sonicblow", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 25; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 1575 MovieClip [04_injustice] Frame 167
Symbol 1575 MovieClip [04_injustice] Frame 168
force = (10 * this._xscale) / 100;
Symbol 1575 MovieClip [04_injustice] Frame 170
_parent.s22.start(); _parent.attachMovie("04_attackshadow", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 1575 MovieClip [04_injustice] Frame 173
Symbol 1575 MovieClip [04_injustice] Frame 176
_parent.s22.start(); _parent.attachMovie("04_attackshadow", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 1575 MovieClip [04_injustice] Frame 182
_parent.attachMovie("04_attackshadow", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 1575 MovieClip [04_injustice] Frame 184
Symbol 1575 MovieClip [04_injustice] Frame 189
_parent.attachMovie("04_attackshadow", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 1575 MovieClip [04_injustice] Frame 195
_parent.attachMovie("04_attackshadow", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 1575 MovieClip [04_injustice] Frame 210
gotoAndStop ("neutral");
Symbol 1575 MovieClip [04_injustice] Frame 211
_parent.s30.start(); randomint = random(100) + 1; if (randomint < _global.hero_droprate) { randomint2 = random(100) + 1; if (randomint2 < 70) { dropname = "I03"; } else { dropname = "I04"; } _parent.attachMovie(dropname, ["item" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["item" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["item" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 10; _global.count_fx++; } exp_ = 350; cr = 1 / Math.max(1, _global.hero_level - 5); _global.hero_exp = _global.hero_exp + ((exp_ * cr) - ((exp_ * cr) % 1)); if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; }
Symbol 1575 MovieClip [04_injustice] Frame 262
stop(); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 1596 MovieClip Frame 1
onEnterFrame = function () { if ((_parent._xscale == -100) && (this._xscale == 100)) { this._xscale = -100; this._x = -this._x; } else if ((_parent._xscale == 100) && (this._xscale == -100)) { this._xscale = 100; this._x = -this._x; } };
Symbol 1596 MovieClip Frame 51
Symbol 1606 MovieClip [09_owlduke] Frame 1
function collision() { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.damagebox)) { if ((_root.hero.invincible <= 0) && (!_global.pausemode)) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _root.hero._xscale = -100; _xscale = 100; } else { _root.hero._xscale = 100; this._xscale = -100; } _root.hero.force = -10 * (_root.hero._xscale / 200); _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = atkdmg; force = 4 * (_root.hero._xscale / 200); } } while (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._x > this._x)) { _root.hero._x++; } while (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._x < this._x)) { _root.hero._x--; } } function hurt_check() { if (_global.monster9 == false) { _global.monster9 = true; _global.monsterbio = 9; _global.new_note = true; } if (_global.hero_str == 3) { str_multi = 1.25; } else { str_multi = 1; } size_multi = 0.5; if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && (invincible <= 0)) { invincible = 9; if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { force_xscale = 100; } else { force_xscale = -100; } force = ((((-_global.atkforce) * force_xscale) / 100) * str_multi) * size_multi; damage_effect(); if (_global.atkforce >= 5) { this.gotoAndPlay("hurt"); } if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } _parent.hitsound(); } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.slidebox) && (_global.skill11 == true)) { _root.hero.gotoAndPlay("jump_down"); _root.hero.force = 0; _root.hero.force = (-3 * _root.hero._xscale) / 100; _root.hero._y = _root.hero._y - 6; _root.hero.grav = -6; if (invincible <= 0) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } invincible = 12; force = ((((-_global.atkforce) * this._xscale) / 100) * str_multi) * size_multi; damage_effect(); _parent.hitsound(); this.gotoAndPlay("hurt"); } } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.slambox) && (_global.skill08 == true)) { _root.hero.gotoAndPlay("jump_up"); _root.hero.force = -6 * (random(2) - 1); _root.hero.grav = (-_global.jumpHeight) - 2; _parent.attachMovie("sp_down_shadow", ["shadow" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["shadow" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root["shadow" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; _global.count_fx++; _parent.attachMovie("hitting", ["hitting" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._rotation = -90; _global.count_fx++; } i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i < _global.count_wpn) { if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root["bbeam" + i].damagebox) && (invincible <= 0)) { invincible = 20; force = (((_global.atkforce * this._xscale) / 100) * str_multi) * size_multi; damage_effect(); _parent.hitsound(); _root["bbeam" + i].explode = true; } i++; } } function combat_check() { distance = this._x - _root.hero._x; if (_currentframe == still_frame) { timer--; if (timer <= 0) { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } if (Math.abs(distance) > 250) { this.gotoAndStop("move"); timer = 15; } else if (Math.abs(distance) <= 250) { this.gotoAndPlay("attack"); timer = 80; } } } if (_currentframe == move_frame) { force = (movespeed * _xscale) / 100; timer--; if (timer <= 0) { this.gotoAndStop("neutral"); timer = 50; } } } function wall() { while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - (ini_width / 2), _y - 25, true)) { this._x++; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + (ini_width / 2), _y - 25, true)) { this._x--; } } function spawning() { } function falling() { _y = (_y + fallspeed); fallspeed = fallspeed + 0.25; if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { fallspeed = 0; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { _y = (_y-1); } } function inv_check() { if (invincible > 0) { if ((invincible % 3) == 0) { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"70", ga:"100", gb:"70", ba:"100", bb:"70"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } else { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"20", ga:"100", gb:"20", ba:"100", bb:"20"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } invincible--; } else { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } } function force_physics() { if (force >= 0.1) { this._x = this._x + force; force = force - 0.1; } else if (force <= -0.1) { this._x = this._x + force; force = force + 0.1; } else { force = 0; } } function damage_effect() { _parent.attachMovie("hitting", ["hitting" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _global.count_fx++; elemental_multi = 1; if (_global.weapon == "weapon04") { elemental_multi = 0.25; } total_damage = ((_global.stat_atk * _global.hero_dmgmulti) * elemental_multi) + random(40); if (_global.weapon == "weapon06") { _global.hero_hp = _global.hero_hp + (total_damage * 0.1); } _parent.attachMovie("damage", ["damage" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["damage" + _global.count_fx].damage = total_damage; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx].movespeed = this.force / 3; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 10; hp = hp - total_damage; if (_global.atkforce >= 6) { _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = 150; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._yscale = 150; } _global.count_fx++; } function darkness() { if (_global.headgear == "head03") { distance = Math.abs(this._x - _root.hero._x); this._alpha = 160 - distance; } else if (cloaking <= 0) { this._alpha = 100; } } function suredeath() { if ((hp <= 0) && (_currentframe < 161)) { this.gotoAndPlay("death"); } } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); _root[current_spell].removeMovieClip(); } } function cast_spell() { if (_currentframe == 108) { casttimer++; if (casttimer > 50) { this.gotoAndPlay("cast"); } } else { casttimer = 0; } } function falling() { _y = (_y + fallspeed); fallspeed = fallspeed + 0.5; if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { fallspeed = 0; if (_currentframe == 202) { this.gotoAndPlay("landing"); } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { _y = (_y-1); } } function antifreeze() { if (_currentframe == 91) { play(); } } maxHp = 7500; hp = maxHp; lvl = 7; ini_width = this._width; cloaking = 0; cloak_attempt = 0; casttimer = 0; airspeed = 0; air_accel = 0.1; fallspeed = 0; invincible = 0; timer = random(50); still_frame = 62; move_frame = 75; atkdmg = 1800; movespeed = 4; onEnterFrame = function () { antifreeze(); cast_spell(); suredeath(); purge_check(); if ((hp > 0) && (cloaking <= 0)) { hurt_check(); } falling(); inv_check(); force_physics(); collision(); darkness(); if (_global.testmode == false) { this.hitbox._visible = false; } else { this.hitbox._visible = true; } if ((_global.pausemode == false) && (hp > 0)) { combat_check(); wall(); } };
Symbol 1606 MovieClip [09_owlduke] Frame 62
Symbol 1606 MovieClip [09_owlduke] Frame 95
Symbol 1606 MovieClip [09_owlduke] Frame 108
stop(); _parent.attachMovie("09_projectile", ["projectile" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].atkdmg = atkdmg; current_spell = "projectile" + _global.count_fx; _global.count_fx++;
Instance of Symbol 1309 MovieClip in Symbol 1606 MovieClip [09_owlduke] Frame 108
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._xscale = this._xscale * 1.01; this._yscale = this._yscale * 1.01; this._alpha = this._alpha - 0.005; }
Symbol 1606 MovieClip [09_owlduke] Frame 109
Symbol 1606 MovieClip [09_owlduke] Frame 137
gotoAndStop ("neutral");
Symbol 1606 MovieClip [09_owlduke] Frame 138
_parent.s55.start(); if (_root[current_spell]._currentframe < 50) { _root[current_spell].removeMovieClip(); }
Symbol 1606 MovieClip [09_owlduke] Frame 161
gotoAndStop ("neutral");
Symbol 1606 MovieClip [09_owlduke] Frame 162
_parent.s54.start(); if (_root[current_spell]._currentframe < 50) { _root[current_spell].removeMovieClip(); } force = 0; randomint = random(100) + 1; if (randomint < _global.hero_droprate) { randomint2 = random(100) + 1; if (randomint2 < 70) { dropname = "I03"; } else { dropname = "I04"; } _parent.attachMovie(dropname, ["item" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["item" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["item" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 10; _global.count_fx++; } exp_ = 1000; cr = 1 / Math.max(1, _global.hero_level - 7); _global.hero_exp = _global.hero_exp + ((exp_ * cr) - ((exp_ * cr) % 1)); if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; }
Symbol 1606 MovieClip [09_owlduke] Frame 250
stop(); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 1618 MovieClip Frame 1
onEnterFrame = function () { if ((_parent._xscale == -100) && (this._xscale == 100)) { this._xscale = -100; this._x = -this._x; } else if ((_parent._xscale == 100) && (this._xscale == -100)) { this._xscale = 100; this._x = -this._x; } };
Symbol 1632 MovieClip Frame 1
onEnterFrame = function () { if ((_parent._xscale == -100) && (this._xscale == 100)) { this._xscale = -100; this._x = -this._x; } else if ((_parent._xscale == 100) && (this._xscale == -100)) { this._xscale = 100; this._x = -this._x; } };
Symbol 1639 MovieClip Frame 1
onEnterFrame = function () { if ((_parent._xscale == -100) && (this._xscale == 100)) { this._xscale = -100; this._x = -this._x; } else if ((_parent._xscale == 100) && (this._xscale == -100)) { this._xscale = 100; this._x = -this._x; } };
Symbol 1648 MovieClip Frame 17
Symbol 1652 MovieClip Frame 1
onEnterFrame = function () { if ((_parent._xscale == -100) && (this._xscale == 100)) { this._xscale = -100; this._x = -this._x; } else if ((_parent._xscale == 100) && (this._xscale == -100)) { this._xscale = 100; this._x = -this._x; } };
Symbol 1652 MovieClip Frame 56
Symbol 1660 MovieClip [N09_asscross] Frame 1
function force_physics() { if (force >= 0.25) { this._x = this._x + force; if (!((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6))) { force = force - 0.25; } else { force = force - 0.1; } } else if (force <= -0.25) { this._x = this._x + force; if (!((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6))) { force = force + 0.25; } else { force = force + 0.1; } } else { force = 0; } } function collision() { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.damagebox)) { if ((_root.hero.invincible <= 0) && (!_global.pausemode)) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _root.hero.force = -4 * (_root.hero._xscale / 100); _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = atkdmg; } } while (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._x > this._x)) { _root.hero._x++; _x = (_x-1); } while (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._x < this._x)) { _root.hero._x--; _x = (_x+1); } } function hurt_check() { if (flinch_timer > 0) { flinch_timer--; } if (_global.hero_str == 3) { str_multi = 1.25; } else { str_multi = 1; } size_multi = 1; if ((this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && (invincible <= 0)) && (cloaking <= 0)) { threshold++; if (_global.atkforce > 5) { invincible = 30; } else { invincible = 9; } if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { force_xscale = 100; } else { force_xscale = -100; } force = ((((-_global.atkforce) * force_xscale) / 100) * str_multi) * size_multi; damage_effect(); if (threshold >= 12) { this.gotoAndPlay("attack2"); threshold = 0; } else if (flinch_timer == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay("hurt"); } if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } _parent.hitsound(); } if ((this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.slidebox) && (_global.skill11 == true)) && (cloaking <= 0)) { _root.hero.gotoAndPlay("jump_down"); _root.hero.force = 0; _root.hero.force = (-3 * _root.hero._xscale) / 100; _root.hero._y = _root.hero._y - 6; _root.hero.grav = -6; if (invincible <= 0) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } invincible = 12; force = ((((-_global.atkforce) * this._xscale) / 100) * str_multi) * size_multi; damage_effect(); _parent.hitsound(); this.gotoAndPlay("hurt"); } } if ((this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.slambox) && (_global.skill08 == true)) && (cloaking <= 0)) { _root.hero.gotoAndPlay("jump_up"); _root.hero.force = -6 * (random(2) - 1); _root.hero.grav = (-_global.jumpHeight) - 2; _parent.attachMovie("sp_down_shadow", ["shadow" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["shadow" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root["shadow" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; _global.count_fx++; _parent.attachMovie("hitting", ["hitting" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._rotation = -90; _global.count_fx++; } i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i < _global.count_wpn) { if ((this.hitbox.hitTest(_root["bbeam" + i].damagebox) && (invincible <= 0)) && (cloaking <= 0)) { invincible = 20; force = (((_global.atkforce * this._xscale) / 100) * str_multi) * size_multi; damage_effect(); _parent.hitsound(); _root["bbeam" + i].explode = true; } i++; } } function combat_check() { distance = this._x - _root.hero._x; if (_currentframe == still_frame) { timer--; if (timer <= 0) { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } if (Math.abs(distance) < 100) { if (_parent.chance(66) == true) { gotoAndPlay ("attack1"); timer = 20; } else if (_parent.chance(33) == true) { gotoAndPlay ("attack2"); timer = 10; } else if ((_parent.chance(33) == true) && (cloaking <= 0)) { gotoAndPlay ("cloak"); timer = 30; } else { gotoAndPlay ("move"); timer = 10; } } else if ((_parent.chance(50) == true) && (cloaking <= 0)) { gotoAndPlay ("cloak"); timer = 30; } else if (_parent.chance(30) == true) { gotoAndPlay ("attack1"); timer = 20; } else { gotoAndPlay ("move"); timer = 10; } } } } function wall() { while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - (ini_width / 2), _y - 25, true)) { this._x++; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + (ini_width / 2), _y - 25, true)) { this._x--; } } function spawning() { } function falling() { _y = (_y + fallspeed); fallspeed = fallspeed + 0.5; if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 60, true)) { this._y = this._y + 0.5; fallspeed = 0; } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { fallspeed = 0; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { _y = (_y-1); } } function inv_check() { if (invincible > 0) { if ((invincible % 4) == 0) { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"70", ga:"100", gb:"70", ba:"100", bb:"70"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } else { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"20", ga:"100", gb:"20", ba:"100", bb:"20"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } invincible--; } else { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } } function force_physics() { if (force >= 0.25) { this._x = this._x + force; if (!((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6))) { force = force - 0.25; } else { force = force - 0.1; } } else if (force <= -0.25) { this._x = this._x + force; if (!((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6))) { force = force + 0.25; } else { force = force + 0.1; } } else { force = 0; } } function damage_effect() { _parent.attachMovie("hitting", ["hitting" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _global.count_fx++; elemental_multi = 1; if (_global.weapon == "weapon04") { elemental_multi = 0.25; } total_damage = ((_global.stat_atk * _global.hero_dmgmulti) * elemental_multi) + random(40); if (_global.weapon == "weapon06") { _global.hero_hp = _global.hero_hp + (total_damage * 0.1); } _parent.attachMovie("damage_player", ["damage" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["damage" + _global.count_fx].damage = total_damage; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx].movespeed = this.force / 3; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 10; hp = hp - total_damage; if (_global.atkforce >= 6) { _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = 150; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._yscale = 150; } _global.count_fx++; } function darkness() { if (_global.headgear == "head03") { distance = Math.abs(this._x - _root.hero._x); this._alpha = 160 - distance; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } function suredeath() { if ((hp <= 0) && (_currentframe < 286)) { this.gotoAndPlay("death"); } } function jump() { if ((_currentframe >= 15) && (_currentframe <= 35)) { this._x = this._x + ((movespeed * _xscale) / 100); } } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } function antifreeze() { if (((((((_currentframe == 15) || (_currentframe == 47)) || (_currentframe == 111)) || (_currentframe == 182)) || (_currentframe == 237)) || (_currentframe == 244)) || (_currentframe == 265)) {; } } function cast_hide() { if (_currentframe == 243) { casttimer++; if (casttimer > 50) { this.gotoAndPlay("cast"); } } else { casttimer = 0; } } function cloak() { if (cloaking > 0) { cloaking--; _alpha = 25; } else { _alpha = 100; } } x_speed = 0; airspeed = 0.5; jumpspeed = 0; still_frame = 2; move_frame = 15; ini_width = this._width; ini_height = this._height; flinch_timer = 0; maxHp = 10700; hp = maxHp; lvl = 9; fallspeed = 0; threshold = 0; invincible = 0; casttimer = 0; cloaking = 0; ult_timer = 0; call_timer = 0; timer = 50; atkdmg = 1550; movespeed = 6; onEnterFrame = function () { cast_hide(); cloak(); antifreeze(); suredeath(); purge_check(); if (hp > 0) { hurt_check(); } falling(); inv_check(); _global.boss2_hp = hp; force_physics(); collision(); wall(); jump(); if (_global.testmode == false) { this.hitbox._visible = false; } else { this.hitbox._visible = true; } if ((_global.pausemode == false) && (hp > 0)) { combat_check(); } };
Symbol 1660 MovieClip [N09_asscross] Frame 2
Symbol 1660 MovieClip [N09_asscross] Frame 15
_parent.s09.start(); force = (8 * this._xscale) / 100;
Symbol 1660 MovieClip [N09_asscross] Frame 17
_parent.attachMovie("N09_dashshadow", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 1660 MovieClip [N09_asscross] Frame 21
_parent.attachMovie("N09_dashshadow", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 1660 MovieClip [N09_asscross] Frame 25
_parent.attachMovie("N09_dashshadow", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 1660 MovieClip [N09_asscross] Frame 29
_parent.attachMovie("N09_dashshadow", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 1660 MovieClip [N09_asscross] Frame 33
_parent.attachMovie("N09_dashshadow", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 1660 MovieClip [N09_asscross] Frame 37
_parent.attachMovie("N09_dashshadow", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 1660 MovieClip [N09_asscross] Frame 41
_parent.attachMovie("N09_dashshadow", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 1660 MovieClip [N09_asscross] Frame 45
_parent.attachMovie("N09_dashshadow", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 1660 MovieClip [N09_asscross] Frame 46
gotoAndStop ("neutral");
Symbol 1660 MovieClip [N09_asscross] Frame 47
_parent.s07.start(); _parent.attachMovie("04_sonicblow", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 25; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 1660 MovieClip [N09_asscross] Frame 74
_parent.s22.start(); force = (10 * this._xscale) / 100; cloaking = 0;
Symbol 1660 MovieClip [N09_asscross] Frame 77
_parent.s22.start(); _parent.attachMovie("N09_attackshadow", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 1660 MovieClip [N09_asscross] Frame 80
Symbol 1660 MovieClip [N09_asscross] Frame 81
_parent.attachMovie("N09_attackshadow", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 1660 MovieClip [N09_asscross] Frame 83
Symbol 1660 MovieClip [N09_asscross] Frame 85
_parent.attachMovie("N09_attackshadow", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 1660 MovieClip [N09_asscross] Frame 89
_parent.attachMovie("N09_attackshadow", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 1660 MovieClip [N09_asscross] Frame 91
Symbol 1660 MovieClip [N09_asscross] Frame 93
_parent.attachMovie("N09_attackshadow", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 1660 MovieClip [N09_asscross] Frame 97
_parent.attachMovie("N09_attackshadow", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 1660 MovieClip [N09_asscross] Frame 103
_parent.attachMovie("N09_dashshadow", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 1660 MovieClip [N09_asscross] Frame 110
gotoAndStop ("neutral");
Symbol 1660 MovieClip [N09_asscross] Frame 129
flinch_timer = 100;
Symbol 1660 MovieClip [N09_asscross] Frame 144
Symbol 1660 MovieClip [N09_asscross] Frame 154
_parent.jump.start(); fallspeed = -14; cloaking = 0;
Symbol 1660 MovieClip [N09_asscross] Frame 179
_parent.s46.start(); fallspeed = 15; stop();
Instance of Symbol 794 MovieClip in Symbol 1660 MovieClip [N09_asscross] Frame 179
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.ground.hitTest(_parent._x, _parent._y + 15, true)) { fallspeed = 0; _parent.gotoAndPlay("landing"); } }
Symbol 1660 MovieClip [N09_asscross] Frame 182
Symbol 1660 MovieClip [N09_asscross] Frame 236
gotoAndStop ("neutral");
Symbol 1660 MovieClip [N09_asscross] Frame 237
if (invincible > 10) { invincible = 0; } flinch_timer = 0; force = (-6 * _xscale) / 100;
Symbol 1660 MovieClip [N09_asscross] Frame 243
Symbol 1660 MovieClip [N09_asscross] Frame 244
_parent.s07.start(); cloaking = 250; this.attachMovie("emo07", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); this["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = -51; this["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = -92; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 1660 MovieClip [N09_asscross] Frame 264
gotoAndStop ("neutral");
Symbol 1660 MovieClip [N09_asscross] Frame 265
Symbol 1660 MovieClip [N09_asscross] Frame 286
gotoAndStop ("neutral");
Symbol 1660 MovieClip [N09_asscross] Frame 366
Symbol 1660 MovieClip [N09_asscross] Frame 369
Symbol 1660 MovieClip [N09_asscross] Frame 438
Symbol 1685 MovieClip Frame 1
onEnterFrame = function () { if ((_parent._xscale == -100) && (this._xscale == 100)) { this._xscale = -100; this._x = -this._x; } else if ((_parent._xscale == 100) && (this._xscale == -100)) { this._xscale = 100; this._x = -this._x; } };
Symbol 1685 MovieClip Frame 41
Symbol 1689 MovieClip Frame 1
onEnterFrame = function () { if ((_parent._xscale == -100) && (this._xscale == 100)) { this._xscale = -100; this._x = -this._x; } else if ((_parent._xscale == 100) && (this._xscale == -100)) { this._xscale = 100; this._x = -this._x; } };
Symbol 1689 MovieClip Frame 61
Symbol 1692 MovieClip Frame 1
onEnterFrame = function () { if ((_parent._xscale == -100) && (this._xscale == 100)) { this._xscale = -100; this._x = -this._x; } else if ((_parent._xscale == 100) && (this._xscale == -100)) { this._xscale = 100; this._x = -this._x; } }; stop();
Symbol 1702 MovieClip [N10_sister] Frame 1
function force_physics() { if (force >= 0.25) { this._x = this._x + force; if (!((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6))) { force = force - 0.25; } else { force = force - 0.1; } } else if (force <= -0.25) { this._x = this._x + force; if (!((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6))) { force = force + 0.25; } else { force = force + 0.1; } } else { force = 0; } } function collision() { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.damagebox)) { if ((_root.hero.invincible <= 0) && (!_global.pausemode)) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _root.hero.force = -4 * (_root.hero._xscale / 100); _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = atkdmg; } } while (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._x > this._x)) { _root.hero._x++; _x = (_x-1); } while (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._x < this._x)) { _root.hero._x--; _x = (_x+1); } } function hurt_check() { if (_global.hero_str == 3) { str_multi = 1.25; } else { str_multi = 1; } size_multi = 1.5; if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && (invincible <= 0)) { if (_global.atkforce > 5) { invincible = 30; } else { invincible = 9; } if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { force_xscale = 100; } else { force_xscale = -100; } force = ((((-_global.atkforce) * force_xscale) / 100) * str_multi) * size_multi; damage_effect(); if ((hp < 5000) && (hidecount == 0)) { this.gotoAndPlay("hide"); invincible = 30; hidecount = 1; } else if ((hp < 3000) && (hidecount == 1)) { this.gotoAndPlay("hide"); invincible = 30; hidecount = 2; } else if ((hp < 1000) && (hidecount == 2)) { this.gotoAndPlay("hide"); invincible = 30; hidecount = 3; } else { this.gotoAndPlay("hurt"); } if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } _parent.hitsound(); } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.slidebox) && (_global.skill11 == true)) { _root.hero.gotoAndPlay("jump_down"); _root.hero.force = 0; _root.hero.force = (-3 * _root.hero._xscale) / 100; _root.hero._y = _root.hero._y - 6; _root.hero.grav = -6; if (invincible <= 0) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } invincible = 12; force = ((((-_global.atkforce) * this._xscale) / 100) * str_multi) * size_multi; damage_effect(); _parent.hitsound(); this.gotoAndPlay("hurt"); } } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.slambox) && (_global.skill08 == true)) { _root.hero.gotoAndPlay("jump_up"); _root.hero.force = -6 * (random(2) - 1); _root.hero.grav = (-_global.jumpHeight) - 2; _parent.attachMovie("sp_down_shadow", ["shadow" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["shadow" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root["shadow" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; _global.count_fx++; _parent.attachMovie("hitting", ["hitting" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._rotation = -90; _global.count_fx++; } i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i < _global.count_wpn) { if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root["bbeam" + i].damagebox) && (invincible <= 0)) { invincible = 20; force = (((_global.atkforce * this._xscale) / 100) * str_multi) * size_multi; damage_effect(); _parent.hitsound(); _root["bbeam" + i].explode = true; } i++; } } function combat_check() { distance = this._x - _root.hero._x; if (_currentframe == still_frame) { timer--; if (timer <= 0) { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } if (Math.abs(distance) < 175) { if (_parent.chance(35) == true) { gotoAndStop ("move"); timer = 10; if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } timer = 30; } else { gotoAndStop ("cast_firewall"); timer = 50; } } else if (Math.abs(distance) < 275) { if (_parent.chance(55) == true) { gotoAndStop ("cast_lightning"); timer = 50; } else { gotoAndStop ("cast_icebolt"); timer = 50; } } else { gotoAndStop ("move"); timer = 15; } } } if (_currentframe == move_frame) { this._x = this._x + ((movespeed * _xscale) / 100); timer--; if (timer <= 0) { this.gotoAndStop("neutral"); timer = 5; } } } function wall() { while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - (ini_width / 2), _y - 25, true)) { this._x++; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + (ini_width / 2), _y - 25, true)) { this._x--; } } function spawning() { } function falling() { _y = (_y + fallspeed); fallspeed = fallspeed + 0.5; if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 60, true)) { this._y = this._y + 0.5; fallspeed = 0; } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { fallspeed = 0; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { _y = (_y-1); } } function inv_check() { if (invincible > 0) { if ((invincible % 4) == 0) { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"70", ga:"100", gb:"70", ba:"100", bb:"70"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } else { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"20", ga:"100", gb:"20", ba:"100", bb:"20"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } invincible--; } else { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } } function force_physics() { if (force >= 0.25) { this._x = this._x + force; if (!((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6))) { force = force - 0.25; } else { force = force - 0.1; } } else if (force <= -0.25) { this._x = this._x + force; if (!((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6))) { force = force + 0.25; } else { force = force + 0.1; } } else { force = 0; } } function damage_effect() { _parent.attachMovie("hitting", ["hitting" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _global.count_fx++; elemental_multi = 1; if (_global.weapon == "weapon01") { elemental_multi = 0.9; } if (_global.weapon == "weapon02") { elemental_multi = 0.8; } if (_global.weapon == "weapon03") { elemental_multi = 0.9; } if (_global.weapon == "weapon04") { elemental_multi = 0.25; } total_damage = ((_global.stat_atk * _global.hero_dmgmulti) * elemental_multi) + random(40); if (_global.weapon == "weapon06") { _global.hero_hp = _global.hero_hp + (total_damage * 0.1); } _parent.attachMovie("damage_player", ["damage" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["damage" + _global.count_fx].damage = total_damage; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx].movespeed = this.force / 3; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 10; hp = hp - total_damage; if (_global.atkforce >= 6) { _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = 150; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._yscale = 150; } _global.count_fx++; } function darkness() { if (_global.headgear == "head03") { distance = Math.abs(this._x - _root.hero._x); this._alpha = 160 - distance; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } function suredeath() { if ((hp <= 0) && (_currentframe < 348)) { this.gotoAndPlay("death"); } } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } function antifreeze() { if (((((_currentframe == 335) || (_currentframe == 131)) || (_currentframe == 27)) || (_currentframe == 62)) || (_currentframe == 97)) {; } } function cast_spell() { if (_currentframe == 26) { casttimer++; if (casttimer > 30) { play(); } } else if (_currentframe == 61) { casttimer++; if (casttimer > 40) { play(); } } else if (_currentframe == 96) { casttimer++; if (casttimer > 60) { play(); } } else { casttimer = 0; } } x_speed = 0; airspeed = 0.5; jumpspeed = 0; still_frame = 2; move_frame = 15; ini_width = this._width; ini_height = this._height; hidecount = 0; maxHp = 7788; hp = maxHp; lvl = 9; fallspeed = 0; invincible = 0; ult_timer = 0; call_timer = 0; timer = 50; atkdmg = 1150; movespeed = 3; onEnterFrame = function () { cast_spell(); antifreeze(); suredeath(); purge_check(); if (hp > 0) { hurt_check(); } _global.boss3_hp = hp; falling(); inv_check(); force_physics(); collision(); darkness(); wall(); if (_global.testmode == false) { this.hitbox._visible = false; } else { this.hitbox._visible = true; } if ((_global.pausemode == false) && (hp > 0)) { combat_check(); } };
Symbol 1702 MovieClip [N10_sister] Frame 2
Symbol 1702 MovieClip [N10_sister] Frame 26
stop(); _parent.attachMovie("09_projectile", ["projectile" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].atkdmg = 1750; current_timer = 30; current_spell = "projectile" + _global.count_fx; _global.count_fx++; _parent.s52.start();
Instance of Symbol 1309 MovieClip in Symbol 1702 MovieClip [N10_sister] Frame 26
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._xscale = this._xscale * 1.01; this._yscale = this._yscale * 1.01; this._alpha = this._alpha - 0.005; }
Instance of Symbol 1596 MovieClip in Symbol 1702 MovieClip [N10_sister] Frame 26
onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(20); }
Symbol 1702 MovieClip [N10_sister] Frame 27
Symbol 1702 MovieClip [N10_sister] Frame 60
gotoAndStop ("neutral");
Symbol 1702 MovieClip [N10_sister] Frame 61
stop(); _parent.attachMovie("N10_projectile2", ["projectile" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + ((89 * _xscale) / 100); _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].atkdmg = 1600; current_timer = 40; current_spell = "projectile" + _global.count_fx; _global.count_fx++; _parent.s52.start();
Instance of Symbol 1309 MovieClip in Symbol 1702 MovieClip [N10_sister] Frame 61
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._xscale = this._xscale * 1.01; this._yscale = this._yscale * 1.01; this._alpha = this._alpha - 0.005; }
Symbol 1702 MovieClip [N10_sister] Frame 95
gotoAndStop ("neutral");
Symbol 1702 MovieClip [N10_sister] Frame 96
Instance of Symbol 1309 MovieClip in Symbol 1702 MovieClip [N10_sister] Frame 96
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._xscale = this._xscale * 1.01; this._yscale = this._yscale * 1.01; this._alpha = this._alpha - 0.005; }
Symbol 1702 MovieClip [N10_sister] Frame 97
_parent.attachMovie("N10_projectile3", ["projectile" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x - 50; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._y = -200; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = -8; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 0.5; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].atkdmg = 1500; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 1702 MovieClip [N10_sister] Frame 113
_parent.attachMovie("N10_projectile3", ["projectile" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x - 50; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._y = -200; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = -8; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 0.5; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].atkdmg = 1500; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 1702 MovieClip [N10_sister] Frame 129
_parent.attachMovie("N10_projectile3", ["projectile" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x - 50; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._y = -200; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = -8; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 0.5; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].atkdmg = 1500; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 1702 MovieClip [N10_sister] Frame 130
gotoAndStop ("neutral");
Symbol 1702 MovieClip [N10_sister] Frame 131
_parent.s07.start(); if (_root[current_spell]._currentframe < current_timer) { _root[current_spell].removeMovieClip(); }
Symbol 1702 MovieClip [N10_sister] Frame 315
Symbol 1702 MovieClip [N10_sister] Frame 334
gotoAndStop ("neutral");
Symbol 1702 MovieClip [N10_sister] Frame 335
if (_root[current_spell]._currentframe < current_timer) { _root[current_spell].removeMovieClip(); } _parent.s27.start();
Symbol 1702 MovieClip [N10_sister] Frame 348
gotoAndStop ("neutral");
Symbol 1702 MovieClip [N10_sister] Frame 408
Symbol 1702 MovieClip [N10_sister] Frame 411
Symbol 1702 MovieClip [N10_sister] Frame 473
Symbol 1732 MovieClip Frame 1
onEnterFrame = function () { if ((_parent._xscale == -100) && (this._xscale == 100)) { this._xscale = -100; this._x = -this._x; } else if ((_parent._xscale == 100) && (this._xscale == -100)) { this._xscale = 100; this._x = -this._x; } };
Symbol 1746 MovieClip [N08_stalker] Frame 1
function force_physics() { if (force >= 0.25) { this._x = this._x + force; if (!((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6))) { force = force - 0.25; } else { force = force - 0.1; } } else if (force <= -0.25) { this._x = this._x + force; if (!((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6))) { force = force + 0.25; } else { force = force + 0.1; } } else { force = 0; } } function collision() { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.damagebox)) { if ((_root.hero.invincible <= 0) && (!_global.pausemode)) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _root.hero.force = -4 * (_root.hero._xscale / 100); _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = atkdmg; } } while (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._x > this._x)) { _root.hero._x++; _x = (_x-1); } while (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._x < this._x)) { _root.hero._x--; _x = (_x+1); } } function hurt_check() { if (_global.hero_str == 3) { str_multi = 1.25; } else { str_multi = 1; } size_multi = 1; if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && (invincible <= 0)) { if (_global.atkforce > 5) { invincible = 30; } else { invincible = 9; } if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { force_xscale = 100; } else { force_xscale = -100; } force = ((((-_global.atkforce) * force_xscale) / 100) * str_multi) * size_multi; damage_effect(); if (_parent.chance(20) == true) { this.gotoAndPlay("evade"); invincible = 18; } else { this.gotoAndPlay("hurt"); } if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } _parent.hitsound(); } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.slidebox) && (_global.skill11 == true)) { _root.hero.gotoAndPlay("jump_down"); _root.hero.force = 0; _root.hero.force = (-3 * _root.hero._xscale) / 100; _root.hero._y = _root.hero._y - 6; _root.hero.grav = -6; if (invincible <= 0) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } invincible = 12; force = ((((-_global.atkforce) * this._xscale) / 100) * str_multi) * size_multi; damage_effect(); _parent.hitsound(); this.gotoAndPlay("hurt"); } } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.slambox) && (_global.skill08 == true)) { _root.hero.gotoAndPlay("jump_up"); _root.hero.force = -6 * (random(2) - 1); _root.hero.grav = (-_global.jumpHeight) - 2; _parent.attachMovie("sp_down_shadow", ["shadow" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["shadow" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root["shadow" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; _global.count_fx++; _parent.attachMovie("hitting", ["hitting" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._rotation = -90; _global.count_fx++; } i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i < _global.count_wpn) { if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root["bbeam" + i].damagebox) && (invincible <= 0)) { invincible = 20; force = (((_global.atkforce * this._xscale) / 100) * str_multi) * size_multi; damage_effect(); _parent.hitsound(); _root["bbeam" + i].explode = true; } i++; } } function combat_check() { distance = this._x - _root.hero._x; if (_currentframe == still_frame) { timer--; if (timer <= 0) { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } if (Math.abs(distance) < 75) { if (_parent.chance(75) == true) { gotoAndPlay ("evade"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("jump"); } } else if (Math.abs(distance) < 300) { if (_root.hero._y > (this._y + 50)) { gotoAndPlay ("evade"); timer = 10; } else if (_root.hero._y < (this._y - 50)) { if (_parent.chance(75) == true) { gotoAndPlay ("attack3"); timer = 10; } else { gotoAndPlay ("jump"); timer = 45; } } else if (_parent.chance(33) == true) { gotoAndPlay ("attack3"); timer = 10; } else { gotoAndPlay ("attack"); timer = 25; } } else { gotoAndPlay ("jump"); timer = 45; } } } } function wall() { while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - (ini_width / 2), _y - 25, true)) { this._x++; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + (ini_width / 2), _y - 25, true)) { this._x--; } } function spawning() { } function falling() { _y = (_y + fallspeed); fallspeed = fallspeed + 0.5; if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 70, true)) { this._y = this._y + 1; fallspeed = 0; } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { if ((_currentframe >= 31) && (_currentframe <= 104)) { this.gotoAndStop("neutral"); } fallspeed = 0; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { _y = (_y-1); } } function inv_check() { if (invincible > 0) { if ((invincible % 4) == 0) { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"70", ga:"100", gb:"70", ba:"100", bb:"70"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } else { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"20", ga:"100", gb:"20", ba:"100", bb:"20"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } invincible--; } else { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } } function force_physics() { if (force >= 0.25) { this._x = this._x + force; if (!((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6))) { force = force - 0.25; } else { force = force - 0.1; } } else if (force <= -0.25) { this._x = this._x + force; if (!((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6))) { force = force + 0.25; } else { force = force + 0.1; } } else { force = 0; } } function damage_effect() { _parent.attachMovie("hitting", ["hitting" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _global.count_fx++; elemental_multi = 1; if (_global.weapon == "weapon01") { elemental_multi = 0.25; } if (_global.weapon == "weapon03") { elemental_multi = 0.25; } if (_global.weapon == "weapon04") { elemental_multi = 1.5; } total_damage = ((_global.stat_atk * _global.hero_dmgmulti) * elemental_multi) + random(40); if (_global.weapon == "weapon06") { _global.hero_hp = _global.hero_hp + (total_damage * 0.1); } _parent.attachMovie("damage_player", ["damage" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["damage" + _global.count_fx].damage = total_damage; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx].movespeed = this.force / 3; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 10; hp = hp - total_damage; if (_global.atkforce >= 6) { _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = 150; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._yscale = 150; } _global.count_fx++; } function darkness() { if (_global.headgear == "head03") { distance = Math.abs(this._x - _root.hero._x); this._alpha = 160 - distance; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } function suredeath() { if ((hp <= 0) && (_currentframe < 257)) { this.gotoAndPlay("death"); } } function jump() { } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } function antifreeze() { if (((((((_currentframe == 15) || (_currentframe == 24)) || (_currentframe == 39)) || (_currentframe == 105)) || (_currentframe == 144)) || (_currentframe == 223)) || (_currentframe == 241)) {; } } x_speed = 0; airspeed = 0.5; jumpspeed = 0; still_frame = 2; move_frame = 16; ini_width = this._width; ini_height = this._height; maxHp = 7800; hp = maxHp; lvl = 9; fallspeed = 0; invincible = 0; ult_timer = 0; call_timer = 0; timer = 50; atkdmg = 1450; movespeed = 2; onEnterFrame = function () { antifreeze(); suredeath(); purge_check(); if (hp > 0) { hurt_check(); } _global.boss1_hp = hp; falling(); inv_check(); force_physics(); collision(); darkness(); wall(); jump(); if (_global.testmode == false) { this.hitbox._visible = false; } else { this.hitbox._visible = true; } if ((_global.pausemode == false) && (hp > 0)) { combat_check(); } };
Symbol 1746 MovieClip [N08_stalker] Frame 2
Symbol 1746 MovieClip [N08_stalker] Frame 15
dbljump = 0;
Symbol 1746 MovieClip [N08_stalker] Frame 24
_parent.jump.start(); distance = this._x - _root.hero._x; if (Math.abs(distance) > 400) { dbljump = 1; force = (14 * this._xscale) / 100; } else if (Math.abs(distance) > 200) { force = (6 * this._xscale) / 100; } else { force = (-6 * this._xscale) / 100; } if (dbljump > 0) { fallspeed = -5; } else { fallspeed = -10; } this._y = this._y - 10; if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; }
Symbol 1746 MovieClip [N08_stalker] Frame 38
distance = this._x - _root.hero._x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 200) { if ((_parent.chance(33) == true) && (dbljump <= 0)) { this.gotoAndPlay("jumpair"); _parent.attachMovie("hitting", ["hitting" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._x = _x; _parent["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._y = _y; _parent["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._rotation = 90; _global.count_fx++; dbljump++; } else { gotoAndPlay ("attack2"); } } else if ((_parent.chance(50) == true) && (dbljump <= 0)) { this.gotoAndPlay("jumpair"); _parent.attachMovie("hitting", ["hitting" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._x = _x; _parent["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._y = _y; _parent["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._rotation = 90; _global.count_fx++; dbljump++; } else { stop(); }
Symbol 1746 MovieClip [N08_stalker] Frame 39
if (dbljump >= 1) { } else { fallspeed = fallspeed - 6; } force = (-3 * this._xscale) / 100; if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; }
Symbol 1746 MovieClip [N08_stalker] Frame 53
force = (-2 * this._xscale) / 100; fallspeed = -3;
Symbol 1746 MovieClip [N08_stalker] Frame 55
_parent.attachMovie("N08_projectile", ["projectile" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._rotation = (45 * _xscale) / 100; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = -8; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 8; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].atkdmg = 1200; _global.count_fx++; _parent.s28.start();
Symbol 1746 MovieClip [N08_stalker] Frame 67
force = (-2 * this._xscale) / 100; fallspeed = -3;
Symbol 1746 MovieClip [N08_stalker] Frame 69
_parent.attachMovie("N08_projectile", ["projectile" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._rotation = (45 * _xscale) / 100; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = -8; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 8; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].atkdmg = 1200; _global.count_fx++; _parent.s28.start();
Symbol 1746 MovieClip [N08_stalker] Frame 83
force = (-2 * this._xscale) / 100; fallspeed = -3;
Symbol 1746 MovieClip [N08_stalker] Frame 85
_parent.attachMovie("N08_projectile", ["projectile" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._rotation = (45 * _xscale) / 100; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = -8; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 8; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].atkdmg = 1200; _global.count_fx++; _parent.s28.start();
Symbol 1746 MovieClip [N08_stalker] Frame 104
Symbol 1746 MovieClip [N08_stalker] Frame 126
_parent.attachMovie("N08_projectile", ["projectile" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 50; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 0.5; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 12; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].atkdmg = 1400; _global.count_fx++; _parent.s28.start();
Symbol 1746 MovieClip [N08_stalker] Frame 143
gotoAndStop ("neutral");
Symbol 1746 MovieClip [N08_stalker] Frame 145
Symbol 1746 MovieClip [N08_stalker] Frame 173
_parent.attachMovie("N08_projectile", ["projectile" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 35; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._rotation = (-45 * _xscale) / 100; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 14; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 10; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].atkdmg = 1400; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].strafe = true; _global.count_fx++; _parent.attachMovie("N08_projectile", ["projectile" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 35; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._rotation = (-75 * _xscale) / 100; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 18; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 6; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].atkdmg = 1400; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].strafe = true; _global.count_fx++; _parent.s28.start();
Symbol 1746 MovieClip [N08_stalker] Frame 189
gotoAndStop ("neutral");
Symbol 1746 MovieClip [N08_stalker] Frame 223
_parent.s09.start(); if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 100, _y, true)) { this._xscale = 100; } else if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 100, _y, true)) { this._xscale = -100; } else if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } force = (-9 * this._xscale) / 100; fallspeed = -3;
Symbol 1746 MovieClip [N08_stalker] Frame 225
_parent.attachMovie("N08_evadeshadow", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 1746 MovieClip [N08_stalker] Frame 229
_parent.attachMovie("N08_evadeshadow", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 1746 MovieClip [N08_stalker] Frame 233
_parent.attachMovie("N08_evadeshadow", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 1746 MovieClip [N08_stalker] Frame 237
_parent.attachMovie("N08_evadeshadow", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 1746 MovieClip [N08_stalker] Frame 240
distance = this._x - _root.hero._x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 175) { gotoAndPlay ("jump"); } else { gotoAndStop ("neutral"); }
Symbol 1746 MovieClip [N08_stalker] Frame 241
Symbol 1746 MovieClip [N08_stalker] Frame 257
distance = this._x - _root.hero._x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 175) { gotoAndPlay ("jump"); } else { gotoAndStop ("neutral"); }
Symbol 1746 MovieClip [N08_stalker] Frame 297
Symbol 1746 MovieClip [N08_stalker] Frame 327
Symbol 1746 MovieClip [N08_stalker] Frame 340
_parent.attachMovie("inv_note2", ["item" + _global.count], _global.count); _root["item" + _global.count]._x = this._x; _root["item" + _global.count]._y = this._y; _root["item" + _global.count].item_code = "item_inv21"; _global.count++;
Symbol 1746 MovieClip [N08_stalker] Frame 389
_global.pausemode = false; _root.vcam.follower = "hero"; this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 1761 MovieClip Frame 21
this.charname = _global.hero_name; this.charlevel = _global.hero_level; this.charexp = _global.hero_exp; this.charhp = _global.hero_maxHp; if (_global.hero_level < 2) { this.charjob = "Novice"; } else if (_global.hero_level < 4) { this.charjob = "Ojisan"; } else if (_global.hero_level < 6) { this.charjob = "Edge"; } else if (_global.hero_level < 10) { this.charjob = "Knight"; } else if (_global.hero_level < 13) { this.charjob = "Middle Schooler"; } else if (_global.hero_level < 16) { this.charjob = "Stop Grinding"; }
Instance of Symbol 1754 MovieClip in Symbol 1761 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.hero_str >= 1) { this.gotoAndStop("full"); } else { this.gotoAndStop("empty"); } }
Instance of Symbol 1754 MovieClip in Symbol 1761 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.hero_str >= 2) { this.gotoAndStop("full"); } else { this.gotoAndStop("empty"); } }
Instance of Symbol 1754 MovieClip in Symbol 1761 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.hero_str >= 3) { this.gotoAndStop("full"); } else { this.gotoAndStop("empty"); } }
Instance of Symbol 1754 MovieClip in Symbol 1761 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.hero_dex >= 1) { this.gotoAndStop("full"); } else { this.gotoAndStop("empty"); } }
Instance of Symbol 1754 MovieClip in Symbol 1761 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.hero_dex >= 2) { this.gotoAndStop("full"); } else { this.gotoAndStop("empty"); } }
Instance of Symbol 1754 MovieClip in Symbol 1761 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.hero_dex >= 3) { this.gotoAndStop("full"); } else { this.gotoAndStop("empty"); } }
Instance of Symbol 1754 MovieClip in Symbol 1761 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.hero_agi >= 1) { this.gotoAndStop("full"); } else { this.gotoAndStop("empty"); } }
Instance of Symbol 1754 MovieClip in Symbol 1761 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.hero_agi >= 2) { this.gotoAndStop("full"); } else { this.gotoAndStop("empty"); } }
Instance of Symbol 1754 MovieClip in Symbol 1761 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.hero_agi >= 3) { this.gotoAndStop("full"); } else { this.gotoAndStop("empty"); } }
Instance of Symbol 1754 MovieClip in Symbol 1761 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.hero_vit >= 1) { this.gotoAndStop("full"); } else { this.gotoAndStop("empty"); } }
Instance of Symbol 1754 MovieClip in Symbol 1761 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.hero_vit >= 2) { this.gotoAndStop("full"); } else { this.gotoAndStop("empty"); } }
Instance of Symbol 1754 MovieClip in Symbol 1761 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.hero_vit >= 3) { this.gotoAndStop("full"); } else { this.gotoAndStop("empty"); } }
Instance of Symbol 1754 MovieClip in Symbol 1761 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.hero_int >= 1) { this.gotoAndStop("full"); } else { this.gotoAndStop("empty"); } }
Instance of Symbol 1754 MovieClip in Symbol 1761 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.hero_int >= 2) { this.gotoAndStop("full"); } else { this.gotoAndStop("empty"); } }
Instance of Symbol 1754 MovieClip in Symbol 1761 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.hero_int >= 3) { this.gotoAndStop("full"); } else { this.gotoAndStop("empty"); } }
Symbol 1762 Button
on (release) { s02.start(); gotoAndPlay(_global.checkpoint_area); }
Symbol 1763 Button
on (release) { s02.start(); gotoAndStop ("warning"); }
Symbol 1767 Button
on (release) { s02.start(); gotoAndPlay ("title_screen"); }
Symbol 1768 Button
on (release) { s08.start(); = undefined; = undefined; wipe_save(); gotoAndPlay ("title_screen"); }
Symbol 1775 MovieClip Frame 10
stop(); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 1779 MovieClip Frame 1
onEnterFrame = function () { if (_currentframe == 1) { play(); } };
Symbol 1779 MovieClip Frame 25
stop(); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 1791 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop ("equip"); this.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent.s02.start(); }
Symbol 1792 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop ("skills"); this.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent.s02.start(); }
Symbol 1793 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop ("notes"); this.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent.s02.start(); monster_bio(); }
Symbol 1794 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop ("inventory"); this.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent.s02.start(); }
Symbol 1804 MovieClip Frame 1
onEnterFrame = function () { this.gotoAndStop(_global.armor); };
Symbol 1805 MovieClip Frame 1
onEnterFrame = function () { this.gotoAndStop(_global.headgear); };
Symbol 1806 MovieClip Frame 1
onEnterFrame = function () { this.gotoAndStop(_global.weapon); };
Symbol 1818 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop ("main"); this.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent.s02.start(); }
Symbol 1824 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 1828 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1830 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1832 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1834 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1836 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1840 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1842 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1844 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1846 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1848 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1850 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1852 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1854 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1856 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1858 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1860 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1864 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); }; onPress = function () { this.gotoAndStop(3); }; onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); };
Symbol 1926 MovieClip Frame 1
onEnterFrame = function () { gotoAndStop(["monster" + _global.monsterbio]); };
Symbol 1931 Button
on (release) { i = _global.monsterbio - 1; while (i >= 0) { if (_global["monster" + i] == true) { _global.monsterbio = i; monster_bio(); i = -5; _parent.s02.start(); } i--; } if (i >= -4) { _parent.s25.start(); } }
Symbol 1932 Button
on (release) { i = _global.monsterbio + 1; while (i <= 50) { if (_global["monster" + i] == true) { _global.monsterbio = i; monster_bio(); i = 66; _parent.s02.start(); } i++; } if (i < 65) { _parent.s25.start(); } }
Symbol 1939 MovieClip Frame 1
onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); }; onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; stop();
Symbol 1941 MovieClip Frame 1
onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); }; onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; stop();
Symbol 1943 MovieClip Frame 1
onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); }; onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; stop();
Symbol 1945 MovieClip Frame 1
onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); }; onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; stop();
Symbol 1947 MovieClip Frame 1
onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); }; onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; stop();
Symbol 1949 MovieClip Frame 1
onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); }; onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; stop();
Symbol 1955 MovieClip Frame 1
function setName(_id) { id = _id; } function textSet(txt, spd) { text = txt; speed = spd + 3; gotoAndPlay (2); } function permatext(txt) { message = txt; } function textComplete() { message = text; gotoAndStop (1); } sound = 1; cnt = 1; stop();
Symbol 1955 MovieClip Frame 2
if (cnt < text.length) { message = text.substring(0, cnt); cnt = cnt + speed; if (((((text.substring(cnt - 1, cnt) == ".") || (text.substring(cnt - 1, cnt) == "\u3000")) || (text.substring(cnt - 1, cnt) == "\uFF1F")) || (text.substring(cnt - 1, cnt) == "\uFF0C")) || (text.substring(cnt - 1, cnt) == "\uFF01")) { } else { _parent._parent.s35.start(); } } else { message = text; gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 1955 MovieClip Frame 5
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 1
function zooming() { if (zoom_in == true) { if (this._width >= 300) { this._width = this._width - 50; this._height = this._height - 40.9090909090909; this._y = this._y + 4; } } else if (this._width <= 550) { this._width = this._width + 50; this._height = this._height + 40.9090909090909; this._y = this._y - 4; } } function equipments() { if (_global.weapon == "weapon01") { wpnspd = 1; atk_wpn = 120; atk_desc = "Base ATK: 120.\n"; } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon02") { wpnspd = 1; atk_wpn = 120; atk_desc = "Base ATK: 120, Fire Element, Short range.\n"; } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon03") { wpnspd = -1; atk_wpn = 180; atk_desc = "Base ATK: 180, Long reach, Slow attacks.\n"; } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon04") { wpnspd = 1; atk_wpn = 130; atk_desc = "Base ATK: 130, Ghost Element.\n"; } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon05") { wpnspd = -1; atk_wpn = 180; atk_desc = "Base ATK: 180, Holy Element, Slow attacks, Self-burn\n"; } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon06") { wpnspd = 0; atk_wpn = 250; atk_desc = "Base atk: 250, Shadow Element, Life leech.\n"; } if (_global.armor == "armor01") { def_armor = 150; armor_speed = 0; armor_desc = "Defense : 150\n"; } else if (_global.armor == "armor02") { def_armor = 300; armor_speed = -1; armor_desc = "Defense : 300, Slow movement.\n"; } else if (_global.armor == "armor03") { def_armor = 500; armor_speed = -2; armor_desc = "Defense: 500, Slow movement.\n"; } else if (_global.armor == "armor04") { armor_speed = 2; def_armor = 100; armor_desc = "Defense: 100, Fast movement.\n"; } else if (_global.armor == "armor05") { armor_speed = 0; def_armor = 200; armor_desc = "Defense: 200, grants you Fire property.\n"; } else if (_global.armor == "armor06") { armor_speed = 0; def_armor = 999; armor_desc = "This is one fuck ugly sweatervest.\n"; } if (_global.headgear == "head01") { def_head = 0; head_desc = ""; } else if (_global.headgear == "head02") { def_head = 0; head_desc = "El Sombrero la chiko!"; } else if (_global.headgear == "head03") { def_head = 0; head_desc = "Secret vision mode."; } else if (_global.headgear == "head04") { def_head = 0; head_desc = "Increased drop rate."; } else if (_global.headgear == "head05") { def_head = 50; head_desc = "Additional Defense."; } else if (_global.headgear == "head06") { def_head = 0; head_desc = "High jumps."; } if ((_currentframe >= 10) && (_currentframe <= 20)) { this.equip_stats = (atk_desc + armor_desc) + head_desc; } str_multiplier = 0.85 + (0.15 * _global.hero_str); if ((_global.skill13 == true) && (_global.hero_hp < (_global.hero_maxHp * 0.26))) { berserk = 2; } else { berserk = 1; } _global.stat_atk = 100 + (((atk_wpn * (0.7 + (0.3 * _global.hero_level))) * str_multiplier) * berserk); _global.stat_def = (0 + def_armor) + def_head; _global.stat_atk = _global.stat_atk - (_global.stat_atk % 1); this.stat_atk = "ATK : " + _global.stat_atk; this.stat_def = "DEF : " + _global.stat_def; if (_global.headgear == "head03") { if (_root.bg_image._alpha > 25) { _root.bg_image._alpha = _root.bg_image._alpha - 5; } } else if (_root.bg_image._alpha < 100) { _root.bg_image._alpha = 100; } if (_global.headgear == "head04") { droprate1 = 5; } else { droprate1 = 0; } if (_global.skill16 == true) { droprate2 = 5; } else { droprate2 = 0; } _global.hero_droprate = (6 + droprate1) + droprate2; if (_global.headgear == "head06") { _global.jumpHeight = 13; _global.gravSpeed = 0.4; } else { _global.jumpHeight = 14; _global.gravSpeed = 0.75; } } function stats() { this.stat_desc = (("Attribute Points: " + _global.statpoints) + "\nSkill Points: ") + _global.skillpoints; if ((_currentframe == 21) && (_global.hero_level >= 8)) { stats_remain = ((((15 - _global.hero_str) - _global.hero_dex) - _global.hero_int) - _global.hero_vit) - _global.hero_agi; if (stats_remain <= 0) { _global.statpoints = 0; stat_desc1 = "Attributes MAXED !!!"; } else { stat_desc1 = "Attribute Points: " + _global.statpoints; } skills_remain = 17; i = 1; while (i <= 9) { if (_global["skill0" + i] == true) { skills_remain--; } i++; } i = 0; while (i <= 9) { if (_global["skill1" + i] == true) { skills_remain--; } i++; } if (skills_remain <= 0) { _global.skillpoints = 0; stat_desc2 = "\nSkills MAXED !!!"; } else { stat_desc2 = "\nSkill Points: " + _global.skillpoints; } this.stat_desc = stat_desc1 + stat_desc2; } _global.movespeed_x = (3 + (1.75 * _global.hero_agi)) + armor_speed; _global.slipspeed = 0.5 * (2 - (0.5 * _global.hero_agi)); if (_global.hero_agi == 3) { evasion1 = 15; } else { evasion1 = 0; } if (_global.skill14 == true) { evasion2 = 15; } else { evasion2 = 0; } _global.evasion = evasion1 + evasion2; _global.hero_maxHp = (2073 + (650 * _global.hero_level)) * (1 + (_global.hero_vit * 0.33)); _global.hero_maxHp = _global.hero_maxHp - (_global.hero_maxHp % 1); _global.hero_hp = _global.hero_hp - (_global.hero_hp % 1); if (_global.hero_hp < 0) { _global.hero_hp = 0; } if (_global.hero_hp > _global.hero_maxHp) { _global.hero_hp = _global.hero_maxHp; } = (_global.hero_hp + " / ") + _global.hero_maxHp; _global.hero_atkspd = _global.hero_dex + wpnspd; _global.hero_maxExp = ((_global.hero_level + 1) * _global.hero_level) * 500; this.exp_display = (_global.hero_exp + " / ") + _global.hero_maxExp; last_expreq = (_global.hero_level * (_global.hero_level - 1)) * 500; exp_needed = _global.hero_maxExp - last_expreq; exp_acquired = _global.hero_exp - last_expreq; if (_global.hero_exp >= hero_maxExp) { _global.hero_level++; _global.skillpoints++; _parent.attachMovie("level_up", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - 100; _global.count_fx++; this.shaking = 6; _global.hero_hp = _global.hero_hp + (650 * (1 + (_global.hero_vit * 0.33))); _parent.s37.start(); } } function dialogue_set(text_array, zoom_boolean) { arr = text_array; count_arr = 0; zoom_in = zoom_boolean; gotoAndPlay ("dialogue"); } function monster_bio() { bio_id = _global.monsterbio; if (bio_id <= -1) { this.monster_id = ""; } else { this.monster_id = bio_id; } this.desc_stats = _parent.bio_stats(bio_id); this.desc_flavor = _parent.bio_flavor(bio_id); } function swap_wpn() { if ((Key.isDown(_global.key_d) && (swapcd == 0)) && (_global.pausemode == false)) { _parent.s05.start(); checkwpn = false; while (checkwpn == false) { wpn++; if ((wpn == 3) && (_global.hero_str < 2)) { wpn = 4; } if ((wpn == 4) && (_global.item_weapon04 == true)) { _parent.s10.start(); } if (_global["item_weapon0" + wpn] == true) { if ((_global.item_weapon02 == true) && (wpn == 2)) { _global.weapon = "weapon02"; } else if ((_global.item_weapon03 == true) && (wpn == 3)) { _global.weapon = "weapon03"; } else if ((_global.item_weapon04 == true) && (wpn == 4)) { _global.weapon = "weapon04"; } else if ((_global.item_weapon05 == true) && (wpn == 5)) { _global.weapon = "weapon05"; } else if ((_global.item_weapon06 == true) && (wpn == 6)) { _global.weapon = "weapon06"; } checkwpn = true; } if (wpn >= 7) { _global.weapon = "weapon01"; checkwpn = true; wpn = 1; } } swapcd = 1; } else if ((swapcd == 1) && (!Key.isDown(_global.key_d))) { swapcd = 0; } } if (_global.weapon == "weapon02") { wpn = 2; } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon03") { wpn = 3; } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon04") { wpn = 4; } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon05") { wpn = 5; } else if (_global.weapon == "weapon06") { wpn = 6; } else { wpn = 1; } swapcd = 0; follow = true; follower = "hero"; shaking = 0; shake = 4; zoom_in = false; onEnterFrame = function () { this.hero_name = _global.hero_name; this.hero_level = "Lv " + _global.hero_level; this.swapDepths(_global.count + 99999999); equipments(); stats(); swap_wpn(); camControl(); if (follow) { if (follower != "none") { _x = (_x + Math.floor((_root[follower]._x - _x) / 4)); } } if (!follow) { _y = (_y + ((200 - _y) / 4)); _x = (_x + ((300 - _x) / 4)); } if (follower == "hero") { if (_root.hero._x < _root.wall_left_fix._x) { follower = "wall_left_fix"; } else if (_root.hero._x > _root.wall_right_fix._x) { follower = "wall_right_fix"; } } else if (follower == "wall_left_fix") { if (_root.hero._x >= _root.wall_left_fix._x) { follower = "hero"; } } else if (follower == "wall_right_fix") { if (_root.hero._x <= _root.wall_right_fix._x) { follower = "hero"; } } if (shaking > 0) { this._y = this._y + shake; shake = shake * -1; shaking--; } zooming(); }; function camControl() { parentColor.setTransform(camColor.getTransform()); var _local4 = sX / this._width; var _local3 = sY / this._height; _local4 = sX / this._width; _local3 = sY / this._height; _parent._x = cX - (this._x * _local4); _parent._y = cY - (this._y * _local3); _parent._xscale = (100 + zoom) * _local4; _parent._yscale = (100 + zoom) * _local3; } function resetStage() { var _local2 = {ra:100, rb:0, ga:100, gb:0, ba:100, bb:0, aa:100, ab:0}; parentColor.setTransform(_local2); _parent._xscale = 100; _parent._yscale = 100; _parent._x = 0; _parent._y = 0; } parentColor.setTransform(camColor.getTransform()); this._visible = true; var oldMode = Stage.scaleMode; Stage.scaleMode = "exactFit"; var cX = (Stage.width / 2); var cY = (Stage.height / 2); var sX = Stage.width; var sY = Stage.height; Stage.scaleMode = oldMode; var camColor = new Color(this); var parentColor = new Color(_parent); camControl(); this.onUnload = resetStage; zoom = 0;
Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 2
Instance of Symbol 805 MovieClip "hpbar" in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.hero_hp > 0) { this._width = (_global.hero_hp / _global.hero_maxHp) * 400; } else { this._width = 0.1; } }
Instance of Symbol 805 MovieClip "hpbar" in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.hero_exp > _global.hero_maxExp) { this._width = 200; } else if ((_global.hero_exp > 0) && (this._width <= 200)) { this._width = (_parent.exp_acquired / _parent.exp_needed) * 200; } else { this._width = 0.1; } }
Instance of Symbol 664 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_global.statpoints > 0) || (_global.skillpoints > 0)) { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 664 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.new_equip == true) { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 664 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.new_note == true) { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 664 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.new_item == true) { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 1802 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.new_equip == true) { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 1802 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_global.statpoints > 0) || (_global.skillpoints > 0)) { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 1802 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.new_note == true) { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 1802 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.new_item == true) { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; } }
Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 10
_global.new_equip = false;
Instance of Symbol 615 MovieClip "equip_weapon01" in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 10
on (rollOver) { _parent.desc = "Steel Blade: \nA well balanced longsword that is easy to use.\nBase ATK\uFF1A120"; } on (rollOut) { _parent.desc = ""; } on (release) { _global.weapon = "weapon01"; _parent.wpnselect.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent._parent.s05.start(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.item_weapon01 == false) { this._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 617 MovieClip "equip_weapon02" in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 10
on (rollOver) { _parent.desc = "Curved Fire: \nA ring pommel saber imbued with fire element, burns rotten flesh and vines.\nBase ATK\uFF1A120"; } on (rollOut) { _parent.desc = ""; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.item_weapon02 == false) { this._visible = false; } } on (release) { _global.weapon = "weapon02"; _parent.wpnselect.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent._parent.s05.start(); }
Instance of Symbol 619 MovieClip "equip_weapon03" in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 10
on (rollOver) { _parent.desc = "Halberd: \nA powerful polearm with massive damage and long reach, it is very difficult for a normal person to wield this.\nBase ATK\uFF1A180"; } on (rollOut) { _parent.desc = ""; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.item_weapon03 == false) { this._visible = false; } } on (release) { if (_global.hero_str >= 2) { _global.weapon = "weapon03"; _parent.wpnselect.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent._parent.s05.start(); } else { _parent._parent.s25.start(); } }
Instance of Symbol 622 MovieClip "equip_weapon04" in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 10
on (rollOver) { _parent.desc = "Immaterial Sword:\nA sword that projects brilliant energy, very powerful against ghosts.\nBase ATK: 130"; } on (rollOut) { _parent.desc = ""; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.item_weapon04 == false) { this._visible = false; } } on (release) { _global.weapon = "weapon04"; _parent.wpnselect.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent._parent.s10.start(); }
Instance of Symbol 625 MovieClip "equip_weapon05" in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 10
on (rollOver) { _parent.desc = "\u8056\u9318 \u5341\u5B57\u661F\uFF1A\n\u9583\u720D\u8457\u795E\u8056\u5149\u8292\u7684\u5341\u5B57\u5DE8\u65A7\uFF0C\u6DE8\u5316\u4E16\u9593\u842C\u60E1\uFF0C\u88DD\u5099\u6642\u5168\u8EAB\u6703\u611F\u5230\u707C\u71B1\u523A\u75DB\u3002\n\nBase ATK\uFF1A180"; } on (rollOut) { _parent.desc = ""; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.item_weapon05 == false) { this._visible = false; } } on (release) { if (_global.hero_str >= 1) { _global.weapon = "weapon05"; _parent.wpnselect.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent._parent.s05.start(); } else { _parent._parent.s25.start(); } }
Instance of Symbol 627 MovieClip "equip_weapon06" in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 10
on (rollOver) { _parent.desc = "Mysteltainn: \nA two handed sword that flows with corrupted energy\nBase ATK\uFF1A250"; } on (rollOut) { _parent.desc = ""; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.item_weapon06 == false) { this._visible = false; } } on (release) { _global.weapon = "weapon06"; _parent.wpnselect.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent._parent.s05.start(); }
Instance of Symbol 641 MovieClip "equip_armor01" in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 10
on (rollOver) { _parent.desc = "Chain Mail: \nA shirt banded by chains, durable and tough, but does not restrict movement.\n"; } on (rollOut) { _parent.desc = ""; } on (release) { _global.armor = "armor01"; _parent.armorselect.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent._parent.s02.start(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.item_armor01 == false) { this._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 643 MovieClip "equip_armor02" in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 10
on (rollOver) { _parent.desc = "FullPlate Armor: \nA heavy plated armor that covers your entire body, it is a little difficult to move around while wearing this.\n"; } on (rollOut) { _parent.desc = ""; } on (release) { _global.armor = "armor02"; _parent.armorselect.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent._parent.s02.start(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.item_armor02 == false) { this._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 645 MovieClip "equip_armor03" in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 10
on (rollOver) { _parent.desc = "Golden Plate: \nAn extremely heavy armor made with pure gold, protective, but only one with massive strength would be able to wear this.\n"; } on (rollOut) { _parent.desc = ""; } on (release) { if (_global.hero_str >= 3) { _global.armor = "armor03"; _parent.armorselect.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent._parent.s02.start(); } else { _parent._parent.s25.start(); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.item_armor03 == false) { this._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 647 MovieClip "equip_armor04" in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 10
on (rollOver) { _parent.desc = "Sprint Armor: \nAn enchanted leather that boosts your movespeed, it's like you're wearing nothing at all.\n"; } on (rollOut) { _parent.desc = ""; } on (release) { _global.armor = "armor04"; _parent.armorselect.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent._parent.s02.start(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.item_armor04 == false) { this._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 649 MovieClip "equip_armor05" in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 10
on (rollOver) { _parent.desc = "\u7194\u5CA9\u4E4B\u5FC3\uFF1A\n\u706B\u5C6C\u6027\u7684\u76D4\u7532\uFF0C\u8B93\u88DD\u5099\u8005\u5C0D\u706B\u7130\u514D\u75AB\uFF0C\u4F46\u51B0\u5C6C\u6027\u653B\u64CA\u6709\u52A0\u500D\u50B7\u5BB3\u3002\n"; } on (rollOut) { _parent.desc = ""; } on (release) { _global.armor = "armor05"; _parent.armorselect.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent._parent.s02.start(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.item_armor05 == false) { this._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 651 MovieClip "equip_armor06" in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 10
on (rollOver) { _parent.desc = "Hisao's Sweatervest: \nA ridiculously ugly sweater vest, last worn by the Hisao Necktie, child the broken heart, and destroyer of cunts.\n"; } on (rollOut) { _parent.desc = ""; } on (release) { _global.armor = "armor06"; _parent.armorselect.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent._parent.s02.start(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.item_armor06 == false) { this._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 629 MovieClip "equip_head01" in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 10
on (rollOver) { _parent.desc = "None: \nDon't wear any of those ugly hats.\n"; } on (rollOut) { _parent.desc = ""; } on (release) { _global.headgear = "head01"; _parent.headselect.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent._parent.s04.start(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.item_head01 == false) { this._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 631 MovieClip "equip_head02" in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 10
on (rollOver) { _parent.desc = "Sombrero:\nHola Senor, el taco loco mexicano burrito!\n"; } on (rollOut) { _parent.desc = ""; } on (release) { _global.headgear = "head02"; _parent.headselect.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent._parent.s04.start(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.item_head02 == false) { this._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 633 MovieClip "equip_head03" in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 10
on (rollOver) { _parent.desc = "Clock Mask: \nThis magical masks let you see hidden objects, but regular enemies will be invisible to you.\n"; } on (rollOut) { _parent.desc = ""; } on (release) { _global.headgear = "head03"; _parent.headselect.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent._parent.s04.start(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.item_head03 == false) { this._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 635 MovieClip "equip_head04" in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 10
on (rollOver) { _parent.desc = "Chef Hat: \nA cooking hat that attracts edible food and enhances your status and appetite.\n"; } on (rollOut) { _parent.desc = ""; } on (release) { _global.headgear = "head04"; _parent.headselect.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent._parent.s04.start(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.item_head04 == false) { this._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 637 MovieClip "equip_head05" in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 10
on (rollOver) { _parent.desc = "Iron Helmet: \nProtects against vital damage, adds a bit of defense.\n"; } on (rollOut) { _parent.desc = ""; } on (release) { _global.headgear = "head05"; _parent.headselect.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent._parent.s04.start(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.item_head05 == false) { this._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 639 MovieClip "equip_head06" in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 10
on (rollOver) { _parent.desc = "\u5929\u4F7F\u9AEE\u593E\uFF1A\n\u8CB4\u7684\u8981\u547D\u7684\u982D\u98FE\uFF0C\u80FD\u8B93\u88DD\u5099\u8005\u98DB\u9AD8\u9AD8\u3002\n"; } on (rollOut) { _parent.desc = ""; } on (release) { _global.headgear = "head06"; _parent.headselect.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent._parent.s04.start(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.item_head06 == false) { this._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 1824 MovieClip "wpnselect" in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 10
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _parent["equip_" + _global.weapon]._x; this._y = _parent["equip_" + _global.weapon]._y; }
Instance of Symbol 1824 MovieClip "armorselect" in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 10
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _parent["equip_" + _global.armor]._x; this._y = _parent["equip_" + _global.armor]._y; }
Instance of Symbol 1824 MovieClip "headselect" in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 10
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _parent["equip_" + _global.headgear]._x; this._y = _parent["equip_" + _global.headgear]._y; }
Instance of Symbol 1754 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.hero_str >= 1) { this.gotoAndStop("full"); } else { this.gotoAndStop("empty"); } }
Instance of Symbol 1754 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.hero_str >= 2) { this.gotoAndStop("full"); } else { this.gotoAndStop("empty"); } }
Instance of Symbol 1754 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.hero_str >= 3) { this.gotoAndStop("full"); } else { this.gotoAndStop("empty"); } }
Instance of Symbol 1754 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.hero_dex >= 1) { this.gotoAndStop("full"); } else { this.gotoAndStop("empty"); } }
Instance of Symbol 1754 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.hero_dex >= 2) { this.gotoAndStop("full"); } else { this.gotoAndStop("empty"); } }
Instance of Symbol 1754 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.hero_dex >= 3) { this.gotoAndStop("full"); } else { this.gotoAndStop("empty"); } }
Instance of Symbol 1754 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.hero_agi >= 1) { this.gotoAndStop("full"); } else { this.gotoAndStop("empty"); } }
Instance of Symbol 1754 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.hero_agi >= 2) { this.gotoAndStop("full"); } else { this.gotoAndStop("empty"); } }
Instance of Symbol 1754 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.hero_agi >= 3) { this.gotoAndStop("full"); } else { this.gotoAndStop("empty"); } }
Instance of Symbol 1754 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.hero_vit >= 1) { this.gotoAndStop("full"); } else { this.gotoAndStop("empty"); } }
Instance of Symbol 1754 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.hero_vit >= 2) { this.gotoAndStop("full"); } else { this.gotoAndStop("empty"); } }
Instance of Symbol 1754 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.hero_vit >= 3) { this.gotoAndStop("full"); } else { this.gotoAndStop("empty"); } }
Instance of Symbol 1754 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.hero_int >= 1) { this.gotoAndStop("full"); } else { this.gotoAndStop("empty"); } }
Instance of Symbol 1754 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.hero_int >= 2) { this.gotoAndStop("full"); } else { this.gotoAndStop("empty"); } }
Instance of Symbol 1754 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.hero_int >= 3) { this.gotoAndStop("full"); } else { this.gotoAndStop("empty"); } }
Instance of Symbol 1828 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.skill01 == false) { this._alpha = 50; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } on (rollOver) { _parent.desc = "Triple Slash: \nYou may perform 3 consecutive ground attacks with a light weapon.\nSome heavy weapons cannot be applied until you have sufficient dexterity."; this.gotoAndStop("select"); } on (rollOut) { this.gotoAndStop("neutral"); _parent.desc = ""; }
Instance of Symbol 1830 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.skill02 == false) { this._alpha = 50; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } on (rollOver) { _parent.desc = "Dropping Slam\uFF1A\nDrop down and deal massive damage to everyone beneath you.\nPress down + atk in air to use.\n1.75x dmg"; this.gotoAndStop("select"); } on (rollOut) { this.gotoAndStop("neutral"); _parent.desc = ""; }
Instance of Symbol 1832 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.skill03 == false) { this._alpha = 50; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } on (rollOver) { _parent.desc = "Rising Blade: \nAn rising uppercut that daamages everyone above you.\nPress up + atk on ground.\n1.50x dmg"; this.gotoAndStop("select"); } on (rollOut) { this.gotoAndStop("neutral"); _parent.desc = ""; }
Instance of Symbol 1834 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.skill04 == false) { this._alpha = 50; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } on (rollOver) { this.gotoAndStop("select"); _parent.desc = "Bladebeam: \nSwing forth a cutting wave to damage enemies that are far away.\nPress Down + atk on ground.\n1.00x dmg"; } on (rollOut) { this.gotoAndStop("neutral"); _parent.desc = ""; }
Instance of Symbol 1836 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.skill05 == false) { this._alpha = 50; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } on (rollOver) { _parent.desc = "Slide: \nA fast forward dash that helps you evades danger.\nPress down + jump on ground"; this.gotoAndStop("select"); } on (rollOut) { this.gotoAndStop("neutral"); _parent.desc = ""; }
Instance of Symbol 1838 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.skill06 == false) { this._alpha = 50; } else { this._alpha = 100; } if (_global.hero_int < 2) { var c = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"20", gb:"0", ba:"0", bb:"20"}; c.setTransform(trans); } else { var c = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; c.setTransform(trans); } } on (rollOver) { _parent.desc = "Bash: \nA charged, critical blow.\nHold the attack button and release after charge is built up.\n3.0x dmg\uFF0C\nRequires 2 INT"; this.gotoAndStop("select"); } on (rollOut) { this.gotoAndStop("neutral"); _parent.desc = ""; }
Instance of Symbol 1840 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.skill07 == false) { this._alpha = 50; } else { this._alpha = 100; } if ((_global.hero_dex < 3) || (_global.hero_level < 7)) { var c = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"20", gb:"0", ba:"0", bb:"20"}; c.setTransform(trans); } else { var c = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; c.setTransform(trans); } } on (rollOver) { _parent.desc = "Whirlwind:\nPerform a devastating spin attack in air, replaces your regular air attack.\nRequires 3 DEX and Level 7+"; this.gotoAndStop("select"); } on (rollOut) { this.gotoAndStop("neutral"); _parent.desc = ""; }
Instance of Symbol 1842 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.skill08 == false) { this._alpha = 50; } else { this._alpha = 100; } if ((_global.hero_level < 5) || (_global.skill02 == false)) { var c = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"20", gb:"0", ba:"0", bb:"20"}; c.setTransform(trans); } else { var c = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; c.setTransform(trans); } } on (rollOver) { _parent.desc = "Gravity:\nBounce off your enemies after you hit them with a dropping slam.\nRequires: Level 5+ and the Dropping Slam skill"; this.gotoAndStop("select"); } on (rollOut) { this.gotoAndStop("neutral"); _parent.desc = ""; }
Instance of Symbol 1844 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.skill09 == false) { this._alpha = 50; } else { this._alpha = 100; } if ((_global.hero_level < 5) || (_global.skill03 == false)) { var c = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"20", gb:"0", ba:"0", bb:"20"}; c.setTransform(trans); } else { var c = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; c.setTransform(trans); } } on (rollOver) { _parent.desc = "Swordyuken:\nEnhances the damage of your Rising Blade(2.25x)\u3002\nRequires level 5+ and the skill Rising Blade."; this.gotoAndStop("select"); } on (rollOut) { this.gotoAndStop("neutral"); _parent.desc = ""; }
Instance of Symbol 1846 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.skill10 == false) { this._alpha = 50; } else { this._alpha = 100; } if ((_global.hero_level < 5) || (_global.skill04 == false)) { var c = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"20", gb:"0", ba:"0", bb:"20"}; c.setTransform(trans); } else { var c = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; c.setTransform(trans); } } on (rollOver) { _parent.desc = "Unstoppable Proctile:\nIncreases the range and durability of your bladebeams. \nRequires level 5+ and the skill Bladebeam."; this.gotoAndStop("select"); } on (rollOut) { this.gotoAndStop("neutral"); _parent.desc = ""; }
Instance of Symbol 1848 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.skill11 == false) { this._alpha = 50; } else { this._alpha = 100; } if ((_global.hero_agi < 2) || (_global.skill05 == false)) { var c = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"20", gb:"0", ba:"0", bb:"20"}; c.setTransform(trans); } else { var c = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; c.setTransform(trans); } } on (rollOver) { _parent.desc = "Ku Ha Dan \nDeliver a stunning kick to your enemies during your slide! Once used by the famous vampire hunter Richter Belmont. Requires 2 AGI and the skill Slide."; this.gotoAndStop("select"); } on (rollOut) { this.gotoAndStop("neutral"); _parent.desc = ""; }
Instance of Symbol 1850 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.skill12 == false) { this._alpha = 50; } else { this._alpha = 100; } if ((_global.hero_int < 3) || (_global.skill06 == false)) { var c = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"20", gb:"0", ba:"0", bb:"20"}; c.setTransform(trans); } else { var c = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; c.setTransform(trans); } } on (rollOver) { _parent.desc = "Violent Tenacity: \nReduces the charge time of your bashes. \nRequires 3 INT and the skill Bash."; this.gotoAndStop("select"); } on (rollOut) { this.gotoAndStop("neutral"); _parent.desc = ""; }
Instance of Symbol 1852 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.skill13 == false) { this._alpha = 50; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } on (rollOver) { _parent.desc = "Berserk: \nYour attack power is doubled when dropped below 25% health."; this.gotoAndStop("select"); } on (rollOut) { this.gotoAndStop("neutral"); _parent.desc = ""; }
Instance of Symbol 1854 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.skill14 == false) { this._alpha = 50; } else { this._alpha = 100; } if (_global.hero_agi < 2) { var c = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"20", gb:"0", ba:"0", bb:"20"}; c.setTransform(trans); } else { var c = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; c.setTransform(trans); } } on (rollOver) { _parent.desc = "Evasion: \nYou gain 10% chance to evade all attacks.\nRequires 2 AGI."; this.gotoAndStop("select"); } on (rollOut) { this.gotoAndStop("neutral"); _parent.desc = ""; }
Instance of Symbol 1856 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.skill15 == false) { this._alpha = 50; } else { this._alpha = 100; } if (_global.hero_vit < 3) { var c = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"20", gb:"0", ba:"0", bb:"20"}; c.setTransform(trans); } else { var c = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; c.setTransform(trans); } } on (rollOver) { _parent.desc = "Automatic Recovery:\nYou slowly regain HP if you stand still for a while.\nRequires 3 VIT."; this.gotoAndStop("select"); } on (rollOut) { this.gotoAndStop("neutral"); _parent.desc = ""; }
Instance of Symbol 1858 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.skill16 == false) { this._alpha = 50; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } on (rollOver) { _parent.desc = "Luck of Heroes:\nIncreased drop rate."; this.gotoAndStop("select"); } on (rollOut) { this.gotoAndStop("neutral"); _parent.desc = ""; }
Instance of Symbol 1860 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.skill17 == false) { this._alpha = 50; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } on (rollOver) { _parent.desc = "Kamikaze: \nIncreased invincibility frames."; this.gotoAndStop("select"); } on (rollOut) { this.gotoAndStop("neutral"); _parent.desc = ""; }
Instance of Symbol 1864 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (((_global.skill01 == true) || (_global.hero_dex < 3)) || (_global.skillpoints <= 0)) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } on (release) { _global.skillpoints--; _global.skill01 = true; _parent._parent.s03.start(); } on (rollOver) { _parent.desc = "\u5B78\u7FD2\u4E09\u9023\u65AC"; }
Instance of Symbol 1864 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_global.skill02 == true) || (_global.skillpoints <= 0)) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } on (release) { _global.skillpoints--; _global.skill02 = true; _parent._parent.s03.start(); } on (rollOver) { _parent.desc = "Learn Dropping Slam."; }
Instance of Symbol 1864 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_global.skill03 == true) || (_global.skillpoints <= 0)) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } on (release) { _global.skillpoints--; _global.skill03 = true; _parent._parent.s03.start(); } on (rollOver) { _parent.desc = "Learn Rising Blade"; }
Instance of Symbol 1864 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_global.skill04 == true) || (_global.skillpoints <= 0)) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } on (release) { _global.skillpoints--; _global.skill04 = true; _parent._parent.s03.start(); } on (rollOver) { _parent.desc = "Learn bladebeam"; } on (rollOut) { _parent.desc = ""; }
Instance of Symbol 1864 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (((_global.skill06 == true) || (_global.hero_int < 2)) || (_global.skillpoints <= 0)) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } on (release) { _global.skillpoints--; _global.skill06 = true; _parent._parent.s03.start(); } on (rollOver) { _parent.desc = "Learn bash"; }
Instance of Symbol 1864 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_global.skill05 == true) || (_global.skillpoints <= 0)) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } on (release) { _global.skillpoints--; _global.skill05 = true; _parent._parent.s03.start(); } on (rollOver) { _parent.desc = "Learn slide"; }
Instance of Symbol 1864 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((((_global.skill07 == true) || (_global.hero_dex < 3)) || (_global.skillpoints <= 0)) || (_global.hero_level < 7)) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } on (release) { _global.skillpoints--; _global.skill07 = true; _parent._parent.s03.start(); } on (rollOver) { _parent.desc = "Learn whirlwind"; }
Instance of Symbol 1864 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((((_global.skill08 == true) || (_global.hero_level < 5)) || (_global.skill02 == false)) || (_global.skillpoints <= 0)) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } on (release) { _global.skillpoints--; _global.skill08 = true; _parent._parent.s03.start(); } on (rollOver) { _parent.desc = "Learn Gravity"; }
Instance of Symbol 1864 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((((_global.skill09 == true) || (_global.hero_level < 5)) || (_global.skill03 == false)) || (_global.skillpoints <= 0)) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } on (release) { _global.skillpoints--; _global.skill09 = true; _parent._parent.s03.start(); } on (rollOver) { _parent.desc = "Learn Swordyuken"; }
Instance of Symbol 1864 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((((_global.skill10 == true) || (_global.hero_level < 5)) || (_global.skill04 == false)) || (_global.skillpoints <= 0)) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } on (release) { _global.skillpoints--; _global.skill10 = true; _parent._parent.s03.start(); } on (rollOver) { _parent.desc = "Learn unstoppable projectile"; }
Instance of Symbol 1864 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((((_global.skill11 == true) || (_global.hero_agi < 2)) || (_global.skill05 == false)) || (_global.skillpoints <= 0)) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } on (release) { _global.skillpoints--; _global.skill11 = true; _parent._parent.s03.start(); } on (rollOver) { _parent.desc = "Learn Ku Ha Dan"; }
Instance of Symbol 1864 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((((_global.skill12 == true) || (_global.hero_int < 3)) || (_global.skill06 == false)) || (_global.skillpoints <= 0)) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } on (release) { _global.skillpoints--; _global.skill12 = true; _parent._parent.s03.start(); } on (rollOver) { _parent.desc = "Learn Violent Tenacity"; }
Instance of Symbol 1864 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_global.skill13 == true) || (_global.skillpoints <= 0)) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } on (release) { _global.skillpoints--; _global.skill13 = true; _parent._parent.s03.start(); } on (rollOver) { _parent.desc = "Learn Berserk"; }
Instance of Symbol 1864 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (((_global.skill14 == true) || (_global.hero_agi < 2)) || (_global.skillpoints <= 0)) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } on (release) { _global.skillpoints--; _global.skill14 = true; _parent._parent.s03.start(); } on (rollOver) { _parent.desc = "Learn Evasion"; }
Instance of Symbol 1864 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (((_global.skill15 == true) || (_global.hero_vit < 3)) || (_global.skillpoints <= 0)) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } on (release) { _global.skillpoints--; _global.skill15 = true; _parent._parent.s03.start(); } on (rollOver) { _parent.desc = "Learn automatic recovery"; }
Instance of Symbol 1864 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_global.skill16 == true) || (_global.skillpoints <= 0)) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } on (release) { _global.skillpoints--; _global.skill16 = true; _parent._parent.s03.start(); } on (rollOver) { _parent.desc = "Learn Luck of Heroes"; }
Instance of Symbol 1864 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_global.skill17 == true) || (_global.skillpoints <= 0)) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } on (release) { _global.skillpoints--; _global.skill17 = true; _parent._parent.s03.start(); } on (rollOver) { _parent.desc = "Learn Kamikaze"; }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 21
on (rollOver) { _parent.desc = "Intelligence\uFF1A\nDetermines your ability to learn new skills, take notes, and have extra dialogue options.\n"; if (_global.hero_int == 1) { _parent.desc = _parent.desc + "You have average intelligence."; } else if (_global.hero_int == 2) { _parent.desc = _parent.desc + "Your wisdom allows you to learn one extra skill compared to others."; } else if (_global.hero_int == 3) { _parent.desc = _parent.desc + "You wisdom allows you to learn three extra skills, and you make perfect observations."; } } on (rollOut) { _parent.desc = ""; }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 21
on (rollOver) { _parent.desc = "Vitality:\nEffects your maximum HP and effectiveness of healing items.\n"; if (_global.hero_vit == 1) { _parent.desc = _parent.desc + "You have average Vitality."; } else if (_global.hero_vit == 2) { _parent.desc = _parent.desc + "You have the vitality of a shounen manga protagonist."; } else if (_global.hero_vit == 3) { _parent.desc = _parent.desc + "Your have enough blood to support a local hospital."; } } on (rollOut) { _parent.desc = ""; }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 21
on (rollOver) { _parent.desc = "Agility:\nEffects your movespeed.\n"; if (_global.hero_agi == 1) { _parent.desc = _parent.desc + "You have average agility."; } else if (_global.hero_agi == 2) { _parent.desc = _parent.desc + "You move faster and slips less compared to the average person."; } else if (_global.hero_agi == 3) { _parent.desc = _parent.desc + "You possess blinding speed, also, enemy attacks have a chance to miss you completely."; } } on (rollOut) { _parent.desc = ""; }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 21
on (rollOver) { _parent.desc = "Dexterity:\nEffects your attack speed\n"; if (_global.hero_dex == 1) { _parent.desc = _parent.desc + "You have average dexterity."; } else if (_global.hero_dex == 2) { _parent.desc = _parent.desc + "Your nimble fingers allows you to strike with precision."; } else if (_global.hero_dex == 3) { _parent.desc = _parent.desc + "You are permanently two-hand-quickened."; } } on (rollOut) { _parent.desc = ""; }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 21
on (rollOver) { _parent.desc = "Strength:\nIncreases damage and fulfills some equipment requirements."; if (_global.hero_str == 1) { _parent.desc = _parent.desc + "Your strength is average."; } else if (_global.hero_str == 2) { _parent.desc = _parent.desc + "You gain a bonus to damage due to your high strength."; } else if (_global.hero_str == 3) { _parent.desc = _parent.desc + "Your have explosive powers, enemies receive additional knockbacks.\n"; } } on (rollOut) { _parent.desc = ""; }
Instance of Symbol 664 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.statpoints <= 0) { this._visible = false; } if (_global.hero_str >= 3) { this._visible = false; } } on (release) { _global.statpoints--; _global.hero_str++; _parent._parent.s03.start(); } on (rollOver) { _parent.desc = "Increase Strength"; }
Instance of Symbol 664 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.statpoints <= 0) { this._visible = false; } if (_global.hero_dex >= 3) { this._visible = false; } } on (release) { _global.statpoints--; _global.hero_dex++; _parent._parent.s03.start(); } on (rollOver) { _parent.desc = "Increase dexterity"; }
Instance of Symbol 664 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.statpoints <= 0) { this._visible = false; } if (_global.hero_agi >= 3) { this._visible = false; } } on (release) { _global.statpoints--; _global.hero_agi++; _parent._parent.s03.start(); } on (rollOver) { _parent.desc = "Increase Agility"; }
Instance of Symbol 664 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.statpoints <= 0) { this._visible = false; } if (_global.hero_vit >= 3) { this._visible = false; } } on (release) { _global.statpoints--; _global.hero_vit++; _parent._parent.s03.start(); } on (rollOver) { _parent.desc = "Increase Vitality"; }
Instance of Symbol 664 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.statpoints <= 0) { this._visible = false; } if (_global.hero_int >= 3) { this._visible = false; } } on (release) { _global.statpoints--; _global.hero_int++; if (_global.hero_int == 3) { _global.skillpoints++; } _global.skillpoints++; _parent._parent.s03.start(); } on (rollOver) { _parent.desc = "Increase Intelligence"; }
Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 30
_global.new_note = false;
Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 40
_global.new_item = false;
Instance of Symbol 1939 MovieClip "inv01" in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 40
on (rollOver) { _parent.desc_inv = "Notes of an Adventurer 1:\nA crumpled paper with written scribbles.\n\n-CLICK TO READ-"; } on (rollOut) { _parent.desc_inv = ""; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.item_inv01 == false) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } this_note = "Finally Made it!\n\nIt must have taken me six weeks to track down this location, this was supposedly some necromancer's lair.\n This means treasures, loots, and swag! The life of an adventurer! Course, all this will be for naught if I died, anyways, time to take some notes."; } on (release) { _parent.attachMovie("inv_notes", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx].texty = this_note; _global.count_fx++; _parent.display_note(); _parent._parent.s04.start(); }
Instance of Symbol 1941 MovieClip "inv02" in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 40
on (rollOver) { _parent.desc_inv = "Notes of an Adventurer 2:\nA piece of paper that details the hidden location of a certain item.\n\n-CLICK TO READ-"; } on (rollOut) { _parent.desc_inv = ""; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.item_inv02 == false) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } this_note = "Two hours into the ruins!\n\n As I thought, this place reeks of undead. If I don't be careful I may end up joining them.\n Note to self: I hid one of my blade behind a tree near the entrance, it may bcome in handy in a pinch,"; } on (release) { _parent.attachMovie("inv_notes", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx].texty = this_note; _global.count_fx++; _parent.display_note(); _parent._parent.s04.start(); }
Instance of Symbol 1943 MovieClip "inv03" in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 40
on (rollOver) { _parent.desc_inv = "Notes of an Adventurer 3:\nA crumpled paper written in furious scribbles.\n\n-CLICK TO READ-"; } on (rollOut) { _parent.desc_inv = ""; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.item_inv03 == false) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } this_note = "Three hours into the ruins..\n\n I still didn't find anything valuable.\n I've been cutting down zombies and skeletons for hours and I smell like puke, in fact I'm not even gaining noticeable experience points anymore. Guess I really need to pick on monsters of my own level...\n"; } on (release) { _parent.attachMovie("inv_notes", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx].texty = this_note; _global.count_fx++; _parent.display_note(); _parent._parent.s04.start(); }
Instance of Symbol 654 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 40
on (rollOver) { _parent.desc_inv = "Butterfly Wings:\nThis repeat-use item teleports you back to your save point.\n\n-CLICK TO USE-"; } on (rollOut) { _parent.desc_inv = ""; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.item_inv14 == false) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } on (release) { _global.from_map = "spawn"; _global.purge = true; _parent._parent.s39.start(); _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _global.checkpoint = _global.savepoint; _global.checkpoint_area = _global.savepoint_area; _parent._parent.gotoAndPlay(_global.checkpoint_area); _parent.removeMovieClip(); }
Instance of Symbol 1945 MovieClip "inv04" in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 40
on (rollOver) { _parent.desc_inv = "Notes of an Adventurer 4:\nA crumpled paper with written scribbles.\n\n-CLICK TO READ-"; } on (rollOut) { _parent.desc_inv = ""; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.item_inv04 == false) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } this_note = "I lost track of time:\n\n So it turns out I'm not the only adventurer here, hell, this place is a adventurer heaven, I run into people everywhere I go.\n In fact I saw a rookie earlier who couldn't even get past a wooden gate, says he needs the key of destiny or some crap.\n Kicked that door down with my left foot, stupid ruins and their silly puzzles."; } on (release) { _parent.attachMovie("inv_notes", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx].texty = this_note; _global.count_fx++; _parent.display_note(); _parent._parent.s04.start(); }
Instance of Symbol 877 MovieClip "inv19" in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 40
on (rollOver) { _parent.desc_inv = "Lab Report \u03B2\uFF1A\nThis is the report you found after defeating Majorous\u3002\n\n-CLICK TO READ-"; } on (rollOut) { _parent.desc_inv = ""; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.item_inv19 == false) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } this_note = "Lab Report \u03B2\uFF1A\n\n\u2026regenerating dead cells are surprisingly easy, in fact, even the basic acolyte from Prontera can heal fatal wounds. So anyone should be able to recover broken wounds and deep cuts, of course, this is assuming the person is still alive.\n A dead man on the other hand cannot be healed, even if his brain and limbs are back to perfect condition, his 'soul' is long gone. This is when Necromancy comes into play..."; } on (release) { _parent.attachMovie("inv_notes", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx].texty = this_note; _global.count_fx++; _parent.display_note(); _parent._parent.s04.start(); }
Instance of Symbol 1947 MovieClip "inv05" in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 40
on (rollOver) { _parent.desc_inv = "Notes of an Adventurer 5:\nA crumpled paper that smells like armpits.\n\n-CLICK TO READ-"; } on (rollOut) { _parent.desc_inv = ""; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.item_inv05 == false) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } this_note = "Hidden location?\n\n I see a lot of platforms that are impossible to reach, should have brought my rock climbing equipments...\n I heard those taekwon fellas in prontera can double jump in midair or something, I could use something like that, like, right now."; } on (release) { _parent.attachMovie("inv_notes", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx].texty = this_note; _global.count_fx++; _parent.display_note(); _parent._parent.s04.start(); }
Instance of Symbol 657 MovieClip "inv13" in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 40
on (rollOver) { _parent.desc_inv = "Cursed Ruby:\nA beautiful red crystal with seemingly untapped power.\n"; } on (rollOut) { _parent.desc_inv = ""; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.item_inv13 == false) { this._visible = false; } else if (_global.item_weapon04 == true) { this._visible = true; this._alpha = 25; } else { this._visible = true; } } on (release) { }
Instance of Symbol 622 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 40
on (rollOver) { _parent.desc_inv = "Runic Rod:\nA weird stone device with rune engraving, it feels cold to the touch.\n\n"; } on (rollOut) { _parent.desc_inv = ""; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.item_inv15 == false) { this._visible = false; } else if (_global.item_weapon04 == true) { this._visible = true; this._alpha = 25; } else { this._visible = true; } }
Instance of Symbol 879 MovieClip "inv20" in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 40
on (rollOver) { _parent.desc_inv = "Lab Report \u20AA\uFF1A\nThis is the report you found after defeating Zealotus\u3002\n\n-CLICK TO READ-"; } on (rollOut) { _parent.desc_inv = ""; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.item_inv20 == false) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } this_note = "Lab Report \u20AA\uFF1A\n\n\u2026I got the corpses to move on their own, they can walk, search, fend for themselves\u2026 but this is just programming, they aren't really 'alive'\u2026\n I still need a way to bring back the 'soul' of the body, perhaps those blasphemous 'rituals' were the key to the answers after all.\n On a side note, the church is growing suspicious as of late, I can't let them see those skeletons in the lab.\n"; } on (release) { _parent.attachMovie("inv_notes", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx].texty = this_note; _global.count_fx++; _parent.display_note(); _parent._parent.s04.start(); }
Instance of Symbol 1949 MovieClip in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 40
on (rollOver) { _parent.desc_inv = "Medal of Riding: \nA magical emblem that makes you want to ride the air, you can now double jump.\n"; } on (rollOut) { _parent.desc_inv = ""; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.item_inv12 == false) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } on (release) { }
Instance of Symbol 881 MovieClip "inv21" in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 40
on (rollOver) { _parent.desc_inv = "Lab Report \u03A9\uFF1A\nThis is the report you recovered from three raving lunatics.\n\n-CLICK TO READ-"; } on (rollOut) { _parent.desc_inv = ""; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.item_inv21 == false) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } this_note = "Lab Report \u03A9\uFF1A\n\n...I cannot continue my researches at this state, my visions are getting blurry and my shaking hands can't hold anything. I can't even let anyone see my current state now, I'm almost a walking dead.\nBut I can't give up here!\nEven if I have to shove my body with preservatives of embalming fluids, I WILL continue.\n\n"; } on (release) { _parent.attachMovie("inv_notes", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx].texty = this_note; _global.count_fx++; _parent.display_note(); _parent._parent.s04.start(); }
Instance of Symbol 1955 MovieClip "dialogue" in Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 54
on (release) { if (_currentframe != 1) { this.textComplete(); } else if ((_parent.count_arr + 1) > _parent.arr.length) { _global.pausemode = false; _parent.zoom_in = false; _parent.gotoAndStop("main"); } else { this.textSet(_parent.arr[_parent.count_arr], 1); _parent.count_arr++; } }
Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 55
this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1); count_arr = 1;
Symbol 1956 MovieClip Frame 60
Symbol 1988 MovieClip Frame 1
talking = false; exit = false; onEnterFrame = function () { distance = Math.abs(_root.hero._x - this._x); if ((!talking) && ((!_global.hero_name) == "")) { this._visible = false; } if (exit == true) { } else if ((_root.hero._x - 50) > this._x) { this.gotoAndStop("pissed"); } else if (distance > 200) { this.gotoAndStop("standby"); } else if ((distance <= 200) && (talking == false)) { this.gotoAndStop("call"); } else if (((distance <= 200) && (talking == true)) && (exit == false)) { this.gotoAndStop("standby"); } if (talking == false) { this.interact._alpha = (50 - distance) * 2; } else { this.interact._alpha = 0; } };
Symbol 1988 MovieClip Frame 41
this.attachMovie("emo09", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); this["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = -65; this["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = -85; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 1988 MovieClip Frame 61
Symbol 1988 MovieClip Frame 104
stop(); _global.tutorial = 1; this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 1989 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { this.hitbox._alpha = 0; if (_currentframe <= 10) { distance = Math.abs(this._x - _root.hero._x); this.interact._alpha = (50 - distance) * 2; } else { this.interact._alpha = 0; if (_global.pausemode == false) { this.gotoAndStop("neutral"); } } };
Symbol 1991 MovieClip Frame 1
talking = false; exit = false; greeting = 0; stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { distance = Math.abs(_root.hero._x - this._x); if (talking == false) { this.interact._alpha = (50 - distance) * 2; } else { this.interact._alpha = 0; } if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this.head._xscale = -100; } else { this.head._xscale = 100; } };
Symbol 1997 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { this.hitbox._alpha = 0; if (_currentframe <= 10) { distance = Math.abs(this._x - _root.hero._x); this.interact._alpha = (50 - distance) * 2; } };
Symbol 1997 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 1997 MovieClip Frame 50
Symbol 2003 MovieClip Frame 1
this.swapDepths(9999); onEnterFrame = function () { if (_global.purge == true) { this.unloadMovie(); } };
Symbol 2019 MovieClip Frame 1
function hurt_check() { if (_global.hero_str == 3) { str_multi = 1.25; } else { str_multi = 1; } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && (invincible <= 0)) { invincible = 9; if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } force = ((_global.atkforce * this._xscale) / 100) * str_multi; damage_effect(); this.gotoAndPlay("death"); } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.slidebox) && (_global.skill11 == true)) { _root.hero.gotoAndPlay("jump_down"); _root.hero.force = 0; _root.hero.force = (-3 * _root.hero._xscale) / 100; _root.hero._y = _root.hero._y - 6; _root.hero.grav = -6; if (invincible <= 0) { invincible = 12; if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } force = ((_global.atkforce * this._xscale) / 100) * str_multi; damage_effect(); this.gotoAndPlay("death"); } } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.slambox) && (_global.skill08 == true)) { _root.hero.gotoAndPlay("jump_up"); _root.hero.force = 6 * (random(2) - 1); _root.hero.grav = (-_global.jumpHeight) - 2; _parent.attachMovie("sp_down_shadow", ["shadow" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["shadow" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root["shadow" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; _global.count_fx++; _parent.attachMovie("hitting", ["hitting" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._rotation = -90; _global.count_fx++; } i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i < _global.count_wpn) { if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root["bbeam" + i].damagebox) && (invincible <= 0)) { invincible = 20; if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } force = ((_global.atkforce * this._xscale) / 100) * str_multi; damage_effect(); this.gotoAndPlay("death"); _root["bbeam" + i].explode = true; } i++; } } function damage_effect() { } onEnterFrame = function () { hurt_check(); };
Symbol 2019 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 2019 MovieClip Frame 3
_parent.s23.start(); if (icon_name == undefined) { randomint = random(100) + 1; if (randomint < _global.hero_droprate) { randomint2 = random(100) + 1; if (_global.hero_level <= 4) { if (randomint2 < 70) { dropname = "I01"; } else { dropname = "I02"; } } else if (_global.hero_level <= 6) { if (randomint2 < 50) { dropname = "I02"; } else if (randomint2 < 76) { dropname = "I03"; } else { dropname = "I04"; } } else if (randomint2 < 70) { dropname = "I04"; } else { dropname = "I05"; } _parent.attachMovie(dropname, ["item" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["item" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["item" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 10; _global.count_fx++; } } else { _parent.attachMovie(icon_name, ["item" + _global.count], _global.count); _root["item" + _global.count]._x = this._x; _root["item" + _global.count]._y = this._y; _root["item" + _global.count].item_code = icon_code; _global.count++; }
Symbol 2019 MovieClip Frame 30
stop(); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 2028 MovieClip Frame 1
function hurt_check() { if (_global.hero_str == 3) { str_multi = 1.25; } else { str_multi = 1; } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && (invincible <= 0)) { invincible = 9; if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } force = ((_global.atkforce * this._xscale) / 100) * str_multi; damage_effect(); this.gotoAndPlay("death"); } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.slidebox) && (_global.skill11 == true)) { _root.hero.gotoAndPlay("jump_down"); _root.hero.force = 0; _root.hero.force = (-3 * _root.hero._xscale) / 100; _root.hero._y = _root.hero._y - 6; _root.hero.grav = -6; if (invincible <= 0) { invincible = 12; if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } force = ((_global.atkforce * this._xscale) / 100) * str_multi; damage_effect(); this.gotoAndPlay("death"); } } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.slambox) && (_global.skill08 == true)) { _root.hero.gotoAndPlay("jump_up"); _root.hero.force = 6 * (random(2) - 1); _root.hero.grav = (-_global.jumpHeight) - 2; _parent.attachMovie("sp_down_shadow", ["shadow" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["shadow" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root["shadow" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; _global.count_fx++; _parent.attachMovie("hitting", ["hitting" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._rotation = -90; _global.count_fx++; } i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i < _global.count_wpn) { if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root["bbeam" + i].damagebox) && (invincible <= 0)) { invincible = 20; if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } force = ((_global.atkforce * this._xscale) / 100) * str_multi; damage_effect(); this.gotoAndPlay("death"); _root["bbeam" + i].explode = true; } i++; } } function damage_effect() { } onEnterFrame = function () { hurt_check(); };
Symbol 2028 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 2028 MovieClip Frame 3
_parent.s23.start(); if (icon_name == undefined) { randomint = random(100) + 1; if (randomint < _global.hero_droprate) { randomint2 = random(100) + 1; if (_global.hero_level <= 4) { if (randomint2 < 70) { dropname = "I01"; } else { dropname = "I02"; } } else if (_global.hero_level <= 6) { if (randomint2 < 50) { dropname = "I02"; } else if (randomint2 < 76) { dropname = "I03"; } else { dropname = "I04"; } } else if (randomint2 < 70) { dropname = "I04"; } else { dropname = "I05"; } _parent.attachMovie(dropname, ["item" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["item" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["item" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 10; _global.count_fx++; } } else { _parent.attachMovie(icon_name, ["item" + _global.count], _global.count); _root["item" + _global.count]._x = this._x; _root["item" + _global.count]._y = this._y; _root["item" + _global.count].item_code = icon_code; _global.count++; }
Symbol 2028 MovieClip Frame 20
stop(); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 2035 MovieClip Frame 1
talking = false; exit = false; onEnterFrame = function () { distance = Math.abs(_root.hero._x - this._x); this.interact._alpha = (50 - distance) * 2; };
Symbol 2035 MovieClip Frame 100
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 2037 MovieClip Frame 1
this.swapDepths(9999); onEnterFrame = function () { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } };
Symbol 2051 MovieClip Frame 1
function force_physics() { if (force >= 0.25) { this._x = this._x + force; if (!((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6))) { force = force - 0.25; } else { force = force - 0.1; } } else if (force <= -0.25) { this._x = this._x + force; if (!((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6))) { force = force + 0.25; } else { force = force + 0.1; } } else { force = 0; } } function collision() { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.damagebox)) { if ((_root.hero.invincible <= 0) && (!_global.pausemode)) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _parent.s26.start(); _root.hero.force = _root.hero.force - (10 * (_root.hero._xscale / 100)); _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = atkdmg; } } if ((!_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 100, _y, true)) && (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 100, _y, true))) { while (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._x > this._x)) { _root.hero._x++; } while (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._x < this._x)) { _root.hero._x--; } } } function hurt_check() { if (_global.monster7 == false) { _global.monster7 = true; _global.monsterbio = 7; _global.new_note = true; } if (_global.hero_str == 3) { str_multi = 1.25; } else { str_multi = 1; } size_multi = 0.25; if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && (invincible <= 0)) { invincible = 9; if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { force_xscale = 100; } else { force_xscale = -100; } force = ((((-_global.atkforce) * force_xscale) / 100) * str_multi) * size_multi; damage_effect(); if (_global.atkforce >= 6) { invincible = 20; if (flinch_timer <= 0) { flinch_timer = 150; this.gotoAndPlay("hurt"); } } if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } _parent.hitsound(); } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.slidebox) && (_global.skill11 == true)) { _root.hero.gotoAndPlay("jump_down"); _root.hero.force = 0; _root.hero.force = (-3 * _root.hero._xscale) / 100; _root.hero._y = _root.hero._y - 6; _root.hero.grav = -6; if (invincible <= 0) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } invincible = 12; force = ((((-_global.atkforce) * this._xscale) / 100) * str_multi) * size_multi; damage_effect(); _parent.hitsound(); if (flinch_timer <= 0) { flinch_timer = 150; this.gotoAndPlay("hurt"); } } } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.slambox) && (_global.skill08 == true)) { _root.hero.gotoAndPlay("jump_up"); _root.hero.force = -6 * (random(2) - 1); _root.hero.grav = (-_global.jumpHeight) - 2; _parent.attachMovie("sp_down_shadow", ["shadow" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["shadow" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root["shadow" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; _global.count_fx++; _parent.attachMovie("hitting", ["hitting" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._rotation = -90; _global.count_fx++; } i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i < _global.count_wpn) { if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root["bbeam" + i].damagebox) && (invincible <= 0)) { invincible = 20; force = (((_global.atkforce * this._xscale) / 100) * str_multi) * size_multi; damage_effect(); _parent.hitsound(); _root["bbeam" + i].explode = true; } i++; } } function combat_check() { distance = this._x - _root.hero._x; if (_currentframe == still_frame) { timer--; if (hp < (maxHp * 0.5)) { timer--; } if (hp < (maxHp * 0.26)) { timer--; } if (timer <= 0) { if (pre_jump >= 3) { this.gotoAndPlay("jumping"); timer = 30; pre_jump = 0; } else if (_parent.chance(50) == true) { this.gotoAndPlay("attack1"); timer = 50; pre_jump++; } else { this.gotoAndPlay("attack2"); timer = 50; pre_jump++; } } } } function wall() { while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - (this.ini_width / 2), _y - 25, true)) { this._x++; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + (this.ini_width / 2), _y - 25, true)) { this._x--; } } function falling() { _y = (_y + fallspeed); fallspeed = fallspeed + 0.75; if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { fallspeed = 0; if (_currentframe == 202) { this.gotoAndPlay("landing"); } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { _y = (_y-1); } if ((_currentframe >= 188) && (_currentframe <= 202)) { this._x = this._x + movespeed; } } function inv_check() { if (invincible > 0) { if ((invincible % 3) == 0) { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"70", ga:"100", gb:"70", ba:"100", bb:"70"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } else { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"20", ga:"100", gb:"20", ba:"100", bb:"20"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } invincible--; } else { berserk(); } } function force_physics() { if (force >= 0.25) { this._x = this._x + force; if (!((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6))) { force = force - 0.25; } else { force = force - 0.1; } } else if (force <= -0.25) { this._x = this._x + force; if (!((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6))) { force = force + 0.25; } else { force = force + 0.1; } } else { force = 0; } } function damage_effect() { _parent.attachMovie("hitting", ["hitting" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + (40 * (_xscale / Math.abs(_xscale))); _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _global.count_fx++; elemental_multi = 1; if (_global.weapon == "weapon02") { elemental_multi = 0.25; } if (_global.weapon == "weapon05") { elemental_multi = 0.75; } if (_global.weapon == "weapon06") { elemental_multi = 1.25; } total_damage = ((_global.stat_atk * _global.hero_dmgmulti) * elemental_multi) + random(40); if (_global.weapon == "weapon06") { _global.hero_hp = _global.hero_hp + (total_damage * 0.1); } _parent.attachMovie("damage", ["damage" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["damage" + _global.count_fx].damage = total_damage; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx].movespeed = this.force / 3; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 10; hp = hp - total_damage; if (_global.atkforce >= 6) { _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = 150; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._yscale = 150; } _global.count_fx++; } function darkness() { if (_global.headgear == "head03") { distance = Math.abs(this._x - _root.hero._x); this._alpha = 160 - distance; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } function suredeath() { if ((hp <= 0) && (_currentframe <= 246)) { this.gotoAndPlay("death"); } } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } function flinch() { if (flinch_timer > 0) { flinch_timer--; } } function berserk() { if ((this.hp < (this.maxHp * 0.26)) && (invincible == 0)) { if ((berserk_color % 5) == 0) { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"100", ga:"20", gb:"50", ba:"20", bb:"50"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } else { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } berserk_color++; } else { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"100", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); berserk_color = 0; } } x_speed = 0; airspeed = 0.5; jumpspeed = 0; berserk_color = 0; if (_root.hero._x < this._x) { this._xscale = -100; } ini_width = this._width; maxHp = 25000; hp = maxHp; lvl = 10; fallspeed = 0; flinch_timer = 0; invincible = 0; still_frame = 2; timer = 150; atkdmg = 2200; onEnterFrame = function () { _global.boss_hp = this.hp; _global.boss_maxHp = this.maxHp; flinch(); suredeath(); purge_check(); if (hp > 0) { hurt_check(); } falling(); inv_check(); force_physics(); collision(); wall(); if (_global.testmode == false) { this.hitbox._visible = false; } else { this.hitbox._visible = true; } if ((_global.pausemode == false) && (hp > 0)) { combat_check(); } };
Symbol 2051 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 2051 MovieClip Frame 19
if (hp < (maxHp * 0.26)) { } _parent.s07.start();
Symbol 2051 MovieClip Frame 49
facing = this._xscale / Math.abs(this._xscale); _parent.attachMovie("07_projectile_S", ["projectile" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = (this._xscale / Math.abs(this._xscale)) * 100; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + (facing * 120); _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++; _parent.s08.start();
Symbol 2051 MovieClip Frame 71
gotoAndStop ("stand");
Symbol 2051 MovieClip Frame 78
if (hp < (maxHp * 0.26)) { gotoAndPlay ("attack2_fast"); }
Symbol 2051 MovieClip Frame 121
_parent.attachMovie("07_projectile2", ["projectile" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = -this._xscale; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 90; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 21; distance = this._x - _root.hero._x; ms = (-distance) / 40; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].movespeed = Math.abs(ms); _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].atkdmg = 2200; _global.count_fx++; _parent.attachMovie("07_projectile2", ["projectile" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = -this._xscale; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 90; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 30; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].movespeed = Math.abs(ms * 0.8); _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].atkdmg = 2200; _global.count_fx++; _parent.s49.start(); _parent.s15.start();
Symbol 2051 MovieClip Frame 160
gotoAndStop ("stand");
Symbol 2051 MovieClip Frame 184
Symbol 2051 MovieClip Frame 188
_y = (_y - 10); fallspeed = -18; distance = this._x - _root.hero._x; movespeed = (-distance) / 50; _root.vcam.shaking = 4; _parent.s46.start();
Symbol 2051 MovieClip Frame 202
Symbol 2051 MovieClip Frame 203
_root.vcam.shaking = 12; _parent.s08.start(); force = movespeed; if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = Math.abs(this._xscale); } else { this._xscale = -Math.abs(this._xscale); }
Symbol 2051 MovieClip Frame 227
gotoAndStop ("stand");
Symbol 2051 MovieClip Frame 228
_parent.s49.start(); force = (-6 * this._xscale) / 100; fallspeed = 0;
Symbol 2051 MovieClip Frame 246
gotoAndStop ("stand");
Symbol 2051 MovieClip Frame 247
_global.bgm = 0; _root.vcam.enemybar.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 2051 MovieClip Frame 250
_root.vcam.shaking = 4; force = movespeed; if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = Math.abs(this._xscale); } else { this._xscale = -Math.abs(this._xscale); }
Symbol 2051 MovieClip Frame 251
_parent.s50.start(); if (_global.boss_s1 != true) { _global.hero_exp = _global.hero_exp + 3500; } else { _global.hero_exp = _global.hero_exp + 1250; } _global.boss_s1 = true; _root.portal._visible = true;
Symbol 2051 MovieClip Frame 342
_root.vcam.shaking = 16; _parent.s08.start(); _root.portal._visible = true; _parent.attachMovie("I06", ["item" + _global.count], _global.count); _root["item" + _global.count]._x = this._x; _root["item" + _global.count]._y = this._y; _global.count++;
Symbol 2051 MovieClip Frame 513
Symbol 2059 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2060 MovieClip Frame 1
function force_physics() { if (force >= 0.25) { this._x = this._x + force; if (!((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6))) { force = force - 0.25; } else { force = force - 0.1; } } else if (force <= -0.25) { this._x = this._x + force; if (!((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6))) { force = force + 0.25; } else { force = force + 0.1; } } else { force = 0; } } function collision() { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.damagebox)) { if ((_root.hero.invincible <= 0) && (!_global.pausemode)) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _root.hero.force = -4 * (_root.hero._xscale / 100); _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = atkdmg; } } while (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._x > this._x)) { _root.hero._x++; _x = (_x-1); } while (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._x < this._x)) { _root.hero._x--; _x = (_x+1); } } function hurt_check() { if (_global.monster12 == false) { _global.monster12 = true; _global.monsterbio = 12; _global.new_note = true; } if (_global.hero_str == 3) { str_multi = 1.25; } else { str_multi = 1; } size_multi = 1; if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && (invincible <= 0)) { invincible = 9; if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { force_xscale = 100; } else { force_xscale = -100; } force = ((((-_global.atkforce) * force_xscale) / 100) * str_multi) * size_multi; damage_effect(); if (_parent.chance(50) == true) { this.gotoAndPlay("evade"); invincible = 18; } else { this.gotoAndPlay("hurt"); } if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } _parent.hitsound(); } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.slidebox) && (_global.skill11 == true)) { _root.hero.gotoAndPlay("jump_down"); _root.hero.force = 0; _root.hero.force = (-3 * _root.hero._xscale) / 100; _root.hero._y = _root.hero._y - 6; _root.hero.grav = -6; if (invincible <= 0) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } invincible = 12; force = ((((-_global.atkforce) * this._xscale) / 100) * str_multi) * size_multi; damage_effect(); _parent.hitsound(); if (_parent.chance(30) == true) { this.gotoAndPlay("evade"); invincible = 18; } else { this.gotoAndPlay("hurt"); } } } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.slambox) && (_global.skill08 == true)) { _root.hero.gotoAndPlay("jump_up"); _root.hero.force = -6 * (random(2) - 1); _root.hero.grav = (-_global.jumpHeight) - 2; _parent.attachMovie("sp_down_shadow", ["shadow" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["shadow" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root["shadow" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; _global.count_fx++; _parent.attachMovie("hitting", ["hitting" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._rotation = -90; _global.count_fx++; } i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i < _global.count_wpn) { if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root["bbeam" + i].damagebox) && (invincible <= 0)) { invincible = 20; force = (((_global.atkforce * this._xscale) / 100) * str_multi) * size_multi; damage_effect(); _parent.hitsound(); _root["bbeam" + i].explode = true; } i++; } } function combat_check() { ult_timer++; call_timer++; distance = this._x - _root.hero._x; if (_currentframe == still_frame) { timer--; if (ult_timer >= 600) { this.gotoAndPlay("attack2"); ult_timer = 0; } else if (call_timer >= 1100) { this.gotoAndPlay("call"); call_timer = 0; } else if (timer <= 0) { if (Math.abs(distance) < 60) { this.gotoAndPlay("evade"); } else if (Math.abs(distance) < 150) { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } timer = 30; this.gotoAndStop("attack"); } else { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; force = force - 4; } else { this._xscale = 100; force = force + 4; } timer = 40; this.gotoAndStop("move"); } } } if (_currentframe == move_frame) { this._x = this._x + ((movespeed * _xscale) / 100); if (Math.abs(distance) < 150) { if (Math.abs(distance) < 40) { jumpdir = -1; } else if (Math.abs(distance) < 100) { jumpdir = 0; } else { jumpdir = 1; } this.gotoAndPlay("jump"); timer = 30; } timer--; if (timer <= 0) { this.gotoAndStop("neutral"); timer = 5; } } } function wall() { while (_root.ground.hitTest((_x - (ini_width / 2)) - 15, _y - 25, true)) { this._x++; } while (_root.ground.hitTest((_x + (ini_width / 2)) + 15, _y - 25, true)) { this._x--; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, (_y - ini_height) - 15, true)) { this._y++; } } function spawning() { } function falling() { _y = (_y + fallspeed); fallspeed = fallspeed + 0.5; if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 5, true)) { fallspeed = 0; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 5, true)) { _y = (_y-1); } } function inv_check() { if (invincible > 0) { if ((invincible % 4) == 0) { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"70", ga:"100", gb:"70", ba:"100", bb:"70"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } else { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"20", ga:"100", gb:"20", ba:"100", bb:"20"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } invincible--; } else { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"100", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"100"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } } function force_physics() { if (force >= 0.25) { this._x = this._x + force; if (!((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6))) { force = force - 0.25; } else { force = force - 0.1; } } else if (force <= -0.25) { this._x = this._x + force; if (!((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6))) { force = force + 0.25; } else { force = force + 0.1; } } else { force = 0; } } function damage_effect() { _parent.attachMovie("hitting", ["hitting" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _global.count_fx++; elemental_multi = 1; if (_global.weapon == "weapon04") { elemental_multi = 0.25; } total_damage = ((_global.stat_atk * _global.hero_dmgmulti) * elemental_multi) + random(40); if (_global.weapon == "weapon06") { _global.hero_hp = _global.hero_hp + (total_damage * 0.1); } _parent.attachMovie("damage", ["damage" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["damage" + _global.count_fx].damage = total_damage; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx].movespeed = this.force / 3; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 10; hp = hp - total_damage; if (_global.atkforce >= 6) { _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = 150; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._yscale = 150; } _global.count_fx++; } function darkness() { if (_global.headgear == "head03") { distance = Math.abs(this._x - _root.hero._x); this._alpha = 160 - distance; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } function suredeath() { if ((hp <= 0) && (_currentframe < 339)) { this.gotoAndPlay("death"); } } function jump() { if ((_currentframe >= 64) && (_currentframe <= 110)) { this._x = this._x + (((jumpdir * movespeed) * _xscale) / 100); } } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } function antifreeze() { if ((((_currentframe == 26) || (_currentframe == 67)) || (_currentframe == 118)) || (_currentframe == 299)) {; } } x_speed = 0; airspeed = 0.5; jumpspeed = 0; still_frame = 2; move_frame = 16; ini_width = this._width; ini_height = this._height; maxHp = 24000; hp = maxHp; lvl = 10; fallspeed = 0; invincible = 0; ult_timer = 0; call_timer = 1090; timer = 100; atkdmg = 1600; movespeed = 5; onEnterFrame = function () { _global.boss_hp = hp; antifreeze(); suredeath(); purge_check(); if (hp > 0) { hurt_check(); } falling(); inv_check(); force_physics(); collision(); wall(); jump(); if (_global.testmode == false) { this.hitbox._visible = false; } else { this.hitbox._visible = true; } if ((_global.pausemode == false) && (hp > 0)) { combat_check(); } };
Symbol 2060 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 2060 MovieClip Frame 26
if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } repeat = 0;
Symbol 2060 MovieClip Frame 44
Symbol 2060 MovieClip Frame 56
if (_parent.chance(75 - repeat) == true) { gotoAndPlay ("repeat"); repeat = repeat + 25; }
Symbol 2060 MovieClip Frame 66
gotoAndStop ("neutral");
Symbol 2060 MovieClip Frame 67
force = (3 * this._xscale) / 100; fallspeed = -10; if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } _parent.jump.start();
Symbol 2060 MovieClip Frame 98
Symbol 2060 MovieClip Frame 110
gotoAndPlay ("recoil");
Symbol 2060 MovieClip Frame 111
if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } invincible = 50;
Symbol 2060 MovieClip Frame 139
Symbol 2060 MovieClip Frame 140
force = (-5 * this._xscale) / 100;
Symbol 2060 MovieClip Frame 153
Symbol 2060 MovieClip Frame 154
facing = this._xscale / Math.abs(this._xscale); _parent.attachMovie("12_projectile_S", ["projectile" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = (this._xscale / Math.abs(this._xscale)) * 100; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + (facing * 10); _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 2060 MovieClip Frame 166
Symbol 2060 MovieClip Frame 167
Symbol 2060 MovieClip Frame 227
gotoAndPlay ("neutral");
Symbol 2060 MovieClip Frame 228
Symbol 2060 MovieClip Frame 250
gotoAndPlay ("neutral");
Symbol 2060 MovieClip Frame 251
if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 100, _y, true)) { this._xscale = 100; } else if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 100, _y, true)) { this._xscale = -100; } else if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } force = (-13 * this._xscale) / 100; fallspeed = -5;
Symbol 2060 MovieClip Frame 252
_parent.attachMovie("12_evadeshadow", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 2060 MovieClip Frame 256
_parent.attachMovie("12_evadeshadow", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 2060 MovieClip Frame 260
_parent.attachMovie("12_evadeshadow", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 2060 MovieClip Frame 264
_parent.attachMovie("12_evadeshadow", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 2060 MovieClip Frame 268
_parent.attachMovie("12_evadeshadow", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 2060 MovieClip Frame 272
_parent.attachMovie("12_evadeshadow", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++; gotoAndPlay ("attack");
Symbol 2060 MovieClip Frame 299
invincible = 14;
Symbol 2060 MovieClip Frame 312
if (_parent.chance(30) == true) { _parent.spawn_monster("05_blazer", 151, 222); } else if (_parent.chance(30) == true) { _parent.spawn_monster("04_injustice", 151, 222); } else { _parent.spawn_monster("11_gremlin", 151, 222); } _parent.s56.start();
Symbol 2060 MovieClip Frame 322
if (_parent.chance(30) == true) { _parent.spawn_monster("05_blazer", 644, 222); } else if (_parent.chance(30) == true) { _parent.spawn_monster("04_injustice", 644, 222); } else { _parent.spawn_monster("11_gremlin", 644, 222); } _parent.s56.start();
Symbol 2060 MovieClip Frame 339
gotoAndPlay ("neutral");
Symbol 2060 MovieClip Frame 340
_root.vcam.enemybar.removeMovieClip(); if (_global.boss_s2 != true) { _global.hero_exp = _global.hero_exp + 5000; } else { _global.hero_exp = _global.hero_exp + 2000; } _global.bgm = 0; _global.boss_s2 = true; _root.portal._visible = true;
Symbol 2060 MovieClip Frame 409
Symbol 2060 MovieClip Frame 414
Symbol 2060 MovieClip Frame 418
Symbol 2060 MovieClip Frame 423
Symbol 2060 MovieClip Frame 427
Symbol 2060 MovieClip Frame 432
Symbol 2060 MovieClip Frame 437
Symbol 2060 MovieClip Frame 442
Symbol 2060 MovieClip Frame 446
Symbol 2060 MovieClip Frame 451
Symbol 2060 MovieClip Frame 456
Symbol 2060 MovieClip Frame 458
_root.vcam.shaking = 4; _parent.attachMovie("I06", ["item" + _global.count], _global.count); _root["item" + _global.count]._x = this._x; _root["item" + _global.count]._y = this._y; _global.count++;
Symbol 2060 MovieClip Frame 461
Symbol 2060 MovieClip Frame 465
Symbol 2060 MovieClip Frame 470
Symbol 2060 MovieClip Frame 475
Symbol 2060 MovieClip Frame 480
Symbol 2060 MovieClip Frame 485
Symbol 2060 MovieClip Frame 490
Symbol 2060 MovieClip Frame 500
Symbol 2060 MovieClip Frame 562
stop(); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 2072 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2073 MovieClip Frame 1
function force_physics() { if (force >= 0.25) { this._x = this._x + force; if (!((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6))) { force = force - 0.25; } else { force = force - 0.1; } } else if (force <= -0.25) { this._x = this._x + force; if (!((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6))) { force = force + 0.25; } else { force = force + 0.1; } } else { force = 0; } } function collision() { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.damagebox)) { if ((_root.hero.invincible <= 0) && (!_global.pausemode)) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _root.hero.force = -4 * (_root.hero._xscale / 100); _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = atkdmg; } } while (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._x > this._x)) { _root.hero._x++; _x = (_x-1); } while (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._x < this._x)) { _root.hero._x--; _x = (_x+1); } } function hurt_check() { if (_global.hero_str == 3) { str_multi = 1.25; } else { str_multi = 1; } size_multi = 1; if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && (invincible <= 0)) { if (_global.atkforce > 5) { invincible = 30; } else { invincible = 9; } if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { force_xscale = 100; } else { force_xscale = -100; } force = ((((-_global.atkforce) * force_xscale) / 100) * str_multi) * size_multi; damage_effect(); if (_parent.chance(40) == true) { this.gotoAndPlay("evade"); invincible = 18; } else { this.gotoAndPlay("hurt"); } if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } _parent.hitsound(); } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.slidebox) && (_global.skill11 == true)) { _root.hero.gotoAndPlay("jump_down"); _root.hero.force = 0; _root.hero.force = (-3 * _root.hero._xscale) / 100; _root.hero._y = _root.hero._y - 6; _root.hero.grav = -6; if (invincible <= 0) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } invincible = 12; force = ((((-_global.atkforce) * this._xscale) / 100) * str_multi) * size_multi; damage_effect(); _parent.hitsound(); this.gotoAndPlay("hurt"); } } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.slambox) && (_global.skill08 == true)) { _root.hero.gotoAndPlay("jump_up"); _root.hero.force = -6 * (random(2) - 1); _root.hero.grav = (-_global.jumpHeight) - 2; _parent.attachMovie("sp_down_shadow", ["shadow" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["shadow" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root["shadow" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; _global.count_fx++; _parent.attachMovie("hitting", ["hitting" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._rotation = -90; _global.count_fx++; } i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i < _global.count_wpn) { if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root["bbeam" + i].damagebox) && (invincible <= 0)) { invincible = 20; force = (((_global.atkforce * this._xscale) / 100) * str_multi) * size_multi; damage_effect(); _parent.hitsound(); _root["bbeam" + i].explode = true; } i++; } } function combat_check() { distance = this._x - _root.hero._x; if (_currentframe == still_frame) { timer--; if (timer <= 0) { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } if (Math.abs(distance) < 75) { if (_parent.chance(75) == true) { gotoAndPlay ("evade"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("jump"); } } else if (Math.abs(distance) < 300) { if (_root.hero._y > (this._y + 50)) { gotoAndPlay ("evade"); timer = 10; } else if (_root.hero._y < (this._y - 50)) { if (_parent.chance(55) == true) { gotoAndPlay ("attack3"); timer = 10; if (_parent.chance(25) == true) { gotoAndPlay ("attack"); timer = 15; } else { gotoAndPlay ("jump"); timer = 15; } } else if (_parent.chance(33) == true) { gotoAndPlay ("attack3"); timer = 10; } else { gotoAndPlay ("attack"); timer = 15; } } else { gotoAndPlay ("jump"); timer = 45; } } } } } function wall() { while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - (ini_width / 2), _y - 25, true)) { this._x++; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + (ini_width / 2), _y - 25, true)) { this._x--; } } function spawning() { } function falling() { _y = (_y + fallspeed); fallspeed = fallspeed + 0.5; if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 70, true)) { this._y = this._y + 1; fallspeed = 0; } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { if ((_currentframe >= 31) && (_currentframe <= 104)) { this.gotoAndStop("neutral"); } fallspeed = 0; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { _y = (_y-1); } } function inv_check() { if (invincible > 0) { if ((invincible % 4) == 0) { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"70", ga:"100", gb:"70", ba:"100", bb:"70"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } else { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"20", ga:"100", gb:"20", ba:"100", bb:"20"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } invincible--; } else { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } } function force_physics() { if (force >= 0.25) { this._x = this._x + force; if (!((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6))) { force = force - 0.25; } else { force = force - 0.1; } } else if (force <= -0.25) { this._x = this._x + force; if (!((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6))) { force = force + 0.25; } else { force = force + 0.1; } } else { force = 0; } } function damage_effect() { _parent.attachMovie("hitting", ["hitting" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _global.count_fx++; elemental_multi = 1; if (_global.weapon == "weapon01") { elemental_multi = 0.25; } if (_global.weapon == "weapon03") { elemental_multi = 0.25; } if (_global.weapon == "weapon04") { elemental_multi = 1.5; } total_damage = ((_global.stat_atk * _global.hero_dmgmulti) * elemental_multi) + random(40); if (_global.weapon == "weapon06") { _global.hero_hp = _global.hero_hp + (total_damage * 0.1); } _parent.attachMovie("damage_player", ["damage" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["damage" + _global.count_fx].damage = total_damage; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx].movespeed = this.force / 3; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 10; hp = hp - total_damage; if (_global.atkforce >= 6) { _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = 150; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._yscale = 150; } _global.count_fx++; } function darkness() { if (_global.headgear == "head03") { distance = Math.abs(this._x - _root.hero._x); this._alpha = 160 - distance; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } function suredeath() { if ((hp <= 0) && (_currentframe < 257)) { this.gotoAndPlay("death"); } } function jump() { } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } function antifreeze() { if (((((((_currentframe == 15) || (_currentframe == 24)) || (_currentframe == 39)) || (_currentframe == 105)) || (_currentframe == 144)) || (_currentframe == 223)) || (_currentframe == 241)) {; } } x_speed = 0; airspeed = 0.5; jumpspeed = 0; still_frame = 2; move_frame = 16; ini_width = this._width; ini_height = this._height; maxHp = 15800; hp = maxHp; lvl = 10; fallspeed = 0; invincible = 0; ult_timer = 0; call_timer = 0; timer = 50; atkdmg = 1750; movespeed = 2; onEnterFrame = function () { antifreeze(); suredeath(); purge_check(); if (hp > 0) { hurt_check(); } _global.boss1_hp = hp; falling(); inv_check(); force_physics(); collision(); darkness(); wall(); jump(); if (_global.testmode == false) { this.hitbox._visible = false; } else { this.hitbox._visible = true; } if ((_global.pausemode == false) && (hp > 0)) { combat_check(); } };
Symbol 2073 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 2073 MovieClip Frame 15
dbljump = 0;
Symbol 2073 MovieClip Frame 24
_parent.jump.start(); distance = this._x - _root.hero._x; if (Math.abs(distance) > 400) { dbljump = 1; force = (14 * this._xscale) / 100; } else if (Math.abs(distance) > 200) { force = (6 * this._xscale) / 100; } else { force = (-6 * this._xscale) / 100; } if (dbljump > 0) { fallspeed = -5; } else { fallspeed = -10; } this._y = this._y - 10; if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; }
Symbol 2073 MovieClip Frame 38
distance = this._x - _root.hero._x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 200) { if ((_parent.chance(33) == true) && (dbljump <= 0)) { this.gotoAndPlay("jumpair"); _parent.attachMovie("hitting", ["hitting" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._x = _x; _parent["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._y = _y; _parent["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._rotation = 90; _global.count_fx++; dbljump++; } else { gotoAndPlay ("attack2"); } } else if ((_parent.chance(50) == true) && (dbljump <= 0)) { this.gotoAndPlay("jumpair"); _parent.attachMovie("hitting", ["hitting" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._x = _x; _parent["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._y = _y; _parent["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._rotation = 90; _global.count_fx++; dbljump++; } else { stop(); }
Symbol 2073 MovieClip Frame 39
if (dbljump >= 1) { } else { fallspeed = fallspeed - 6; } force = (-3 * this._xscale) / 100; if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; }
Symbol 2073 MovieClip Frame 53
force = (-2 * this._xscale) / 100; fallspeed = -3;
Symbol 2073 MovieClip Frame 55
_parent.attachMovie("N08_projectile", ["projectile" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._rotation = (45 * _xscale) / 100; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = -8; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 8; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].atkdmg = 1450; _global.count_fx++; _parent.s28.start();
Symbol 2073 MovieClip Frame 67
force = (-2 * this._xscale) / 100; fallspeed = -3;
Symbol 2073 MovieClip Frame 69
_parent.attachMovie("N08_projectile", ["projectile" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._rotation = (45 * _xscale) / 100; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = -8; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 8; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].atkdmg = 1450; _global.count_fx++; _parent.s28.start();
Symbol 2073 MovieClip Frame 83
force = (-2 * this._xscale) / 100; fallspeed = -3;
Symbol 2073 MovieClip Frame 85
_parent.attachMovie("N08_projectile", ["projectile" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._rotation = (45 * _xscale) / 100; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = -8; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 8; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].atkdmg = 1450; _global.count_fx++; _parent.s28.start();
Symbol 2073 MovieClip Frame 104
Symbol 2073 MovieClip Frame 126
_parent.attachMovie("N08_projectile", ["projectile" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 50; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 0.5; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 14; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].atkdmg = 1500; _global.count_fx++; _parent.s28.start();
Symbol 2073 MovieClip Frame 135
if (_parent.chance(65) == true) { this.gotoAndPlay("repeat"); }
Symbol 2073 MovieClip Frame 143
gotoAndStop ("neutral");
Symbol 2073 MovieClip Frame 145
Symbol 2073 MovieClip Frame 162
_parent.attachMovie("N08_projectile", ["projectile" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 35; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._rotation = (-45 * _xscale) / 100; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 14; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 12; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].atkdmg = 1600; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].strafe = true; _global.count_fx++; _parent.attachMovie("N08_projectile", ["projectile" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 35; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._rotation = (-75 * _xscale) / 100; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 18; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 8; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].atkdmg = 1600; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].strafe = true; _global.count_fx++; _parent.s28.start();
Symbol 2073 MovieClip Frame 175
gotoAndStop ("neutral");
Symbol 2073 MovieClip Frame 223
_parent.s09.start(); if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 100, _y, true)) { this._xscale = 100; } else if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 100, _y, true)) { this._xscale = -100; } else if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } force = (-9 * this._xscale) / 100; fallspeed = -3;
Symbol 2073 MovieClip Frame 225
_parent.attachMovie("N08_evadeshadow", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 2073 MovieClip Frame 231
_parent.attachMovie("N08_evadeshadow", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 2073 MovieClip Frame 237
_parent.attachMovie("N08_evadeshadow", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 2073 MovieClip Frame 240
distance = this._x - _root.hero._x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 175) { gotoAndPlay ("jump"); } else { gotoAndStop ("neutral"); }
Symbol 2073 MovieClip Frame 241
Symbol 2073 MovieClip Frame 257
distance = this._x - _root.hero._x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 175) { gotoAndPlay ("jump"); } else { gotoAndStop ("neutral"); }
Symbol 2073 MovieClip Frame 258
_parent.attachMovie("I03", ["item" + _global.count], _global.count); _root["item" + _global.count]._x = this._x; _root["item" + _global.count]._y = this._y - 75; _global.count++;
Symbol 2073 MovieClip Frame 297
Symbol 2073 MovieClip Frame 327
Symbol 2073 MovieClip Frame 340
_parent.attachMovie("inv_note2", ["item" + _global.count], _global.count); _root["item" + _global.count]._x = this._x; _root["item" + _global.count]._y = this._y; _root["item" + _global.count].item_code = "item_inv21"; _global.count++;
Symbol 2073 MovieClip Frame 389
Symbol 2074 MovieClip Frame 1
function force_physics() { if (force >= 0.25) { this._x = this._x + force; if (!((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6))) { force = force - 0.25; } else { force = force - 0.1; } } else if (force <= -0.25) { this._x = this._x + force; if (!((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6))) { force = force + 0.25; } else { force = force + 0.1; } } else { force = 0; } } function collision() { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.damagebox)) { if ((_root.hero.invincible <= 0) && (!_global.pausemode)) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _root.hero.force = -4 * (_root.hero._xscale / 100); _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = atkdmg; } } while (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._x > this._x)) { _root.hero._x++; _x = (_x-1); } while (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._x < this._x)) { _root.hero._x--; _x = (_x+1); } } function hurt_check() { if (_global.hero_str == 3) { str_multi = 1.25; } else { str_multi = 1; } size_multi = 1.5; if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && (invincible <= 0)) { if (_global.atkforce > 5) { invincible = 30; } else { invincible = 9; } if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { force_xscale = 100; } else { force_xscale = -100; } force = ((((-_global.atkforce) * force_xscale) / 100) * str_multi) * size_multi; damage_effect(); if ((hp < 8000) && (hidecount == 0)) { this.gotoAndPlay("hide"); invincible = 30; hidecount = 1; } else if ((hp < 5000) && (hidecount == 1)) { this.gotoAndPlay("hide"); invincible = 30; hidecount = 2; } else if ((hp < 1000) && (hidecount == 2)) { this.gotoAndPlay("hide"); invincible = 30; hidecount = 3; } else { this.gotoAndPlay("hurt"); } if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } _parent.hitsound(); } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.slidebox) && (_global.skill11 == true)) { _root.hero.gotoAndPlay("jump_down"); _root.hero.force = 0; _root.hero.force = (-3 * _root.hero._xscale) / 100; _root.hero._y = _root.hero._y - 6; _root.hero.grav = -6; if (invincible <= 0) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } invincible = 12; force = ((((-_global.atkforce) * this._xscale) / 100) * str_multi) * size_multi; damage_effect(); _parent.hitsound(); this.gotoAndPlay("hurt"); } } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.slambox) && (_global.skill08 == true)) { _root.hero.gotoAndPlay("jump_up"); _root.hero.force = -6 * (random(2) - 1); _root.hero.grav = (-_global.jumpHeight) - 2; _parent.attachMovie("sp_down_shadow", ["shadow" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["shadow" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root["shadow" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; _global.count_fx++; _parent.attachMovie("hitting", ["hitting" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._rotation = -90; _global.count_fx++; } i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i < _global.count_wpn) { if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root["bbeam" + i].damagebox) && (invincible <= 0)) { invincible = 20; force = (((_global.atkforce * this._xscale) / 100) * str_multi) * size_multi; damage_effect(); _parent.hitsound(); _root["bbeam" + i].explode = true; } i++; } } function combat_check() { distance = this._x - _root.hero._x; if (_currentframe == still_frame) { timer--; if (timer <= 0) { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } if (Math.abs(distance) < 175) { if (_parent.chance(35) == true) { gotoAndStop ("move"); timer = 10; if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } timer = 30; } else { gotoAndStop ("cast_firewall"); timer = 50; } } else if (Math.abs(distance) < 275) { if (_parent.chance(55) == true) { gotoAndStop ("cast_lightning"); timer = 50; } else { gotoAndStop ("cast_icebolt"); timer = 50; } } else { gotoAndStop ("move"); timer = 15; } } } if (_currentframe == move_frame) { this._x = this._x + ((movespeed * _xscale) / 100); timer--; if (timer <= 0) { this.gotoAndStop("neutral"); timer = 5; } } } function wall() { while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - (ini_width / 2), _y - 25, true)) { this._x++; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + (ini_width / 2), _y - 25, true)) { this._x--; } } function spawning() { } function falling() { _y = (_y + fallspeed); fallspeed = fallspeed + 0.5; if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 60, true)) { this._y = this._y + 0.5; fallspeed = 0; } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { fallspeed = 0; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { _y = (_y-1); } } function inv_check() { if (invincible > 0) { if ((invincible % 4) == 0) { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"70", ga:"100", gb:"70", ba:"100", bb:"70"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } else { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"20", ga:"100", gb:"20", ba:"100", bb:"20"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } invincible--; } else { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } } function force_physics() { if (force >= 0.25) { this._x = this._x + force; if (!((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6))) { force = force - 0.25; } else { force = force - 0.1; } } else if (force <= -0.25) { this._x = this._x + force; if (!((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6))) { force = force + 0.25; } else { force = force + 0.1; } } else { force = 0; } } function damage_effect() { _parent.attachMovie("hitting", ["hitting" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _global.count_fx++; elemental_multi = 1; if (_global.weapon == "weapon01") { elemental_multi = 0.9; } if (_global.weapon == "weapon02") { elemental_multi = 0.8; } if (_global.weapon == "weapon03") { elemental_multi = 0.9; } if (_global.weapon == "weapon04") { elemental_multi = 0.25; } total_damage = ((_global.stat_atk * _global.hero_dmgmulti) * elemental_multi) + random(40); if (_global.weapon == "weapon06") { _global.hero_hp = _global.hero_hp + (total_damage * 0.1); } _parent.attachMovie("damage_player", ["damage" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["damage" + _global.count_fx].damage = total_damage; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx].movespeed = this.force / 3; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 10; hp = hp - total_damage; if (_global.atkforce >= 6) { _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = 150; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._yscale = 150; } _global.count_fx++; } function darkness() { if (_global.headgear == "head03") { distance = Math.abs(this._x - _root.hero._x); this._alpha = 160 - distance; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } function suredeath() { if ((hp <= 0) && (_currentframe < 348)) { this.gotoAndPlay("death"); } } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } function antifreeze() { if (((((_currentframe == 335) || (_currentframe == 131)) || (_currentframe == 27)) || (_currentframe == 62)) || (_currentframe == 97)) {; } } function cast_spell() { if (_currentframe == 26) { casttimer++; if (casttimer > 30) { play(); } } else if (_currentframe == 61) { casttimer++; if (casttimer > 20) { play(); } } else if (_currentframe == 96) { casttimer++; if (casttimer > 40) { play(); } } else { casttimer = 0; } } x_speed = 0; airspeed = 0.5; jumpspeed = 0; still_frame = 2; move_frame = 15; ini_width = this._width; ini_height = this._height; hidecount = 0; maxHp = 12588; hp = maxHp; lvl = 9; fallspeed = 0; invincible = 0; ult_timer = 0; call_timer = 0; timer = 50; atkdmg = 1150; movespeed = 6; onEnterFrame = function () { cast_spell(); antifreeze(); suredeath(); purge_check(); if (hp > 0) { hurt_check(); } _global.boss3_hp = hp; falling(); inv_check(); force_physics(); collision(); darkness(); wall(); if (_global.testmode == false) { this.hitbox._visible = false; } else { this.hitbox._visible = true; } if ((_global.pausemode == false) && (hp > 0)) { combat_check(); } };
Symbol 2074 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 2074 MovieClip Frame 26
stop(); _parent.attachMovie("09_projectile", ["projectile" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].atkdmg = 2250; current_timer = 30; current_spell = "projectile" + _global.count_fx; _global.count_fx++; _parent.s52.start();
Instance of Symbol 1309 MovieClip in Symbol 2074 MovieClip Frame 26
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._xscale = this._xscale * 1.01; this._yscale = this._yscale * 1.01; this._alpha = this._alpha - 0.005; }
Instance of Symbol 1596 MovieClip in Symbol 2074 MovieClip Frame 26
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_currentframe <= 5) { this.gotoAndPlay(20); } }
Symbol 2074 MovieClip Frame 27
Symbol 2074 MovieClip Frame 60
gotoAndStop ("neutral");
Symbol 2074 MovieClip Frame 61
stop(); _parent.attachMovie("N10_projectile2", ["projectile" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + ((89 * _xscale) / 100); _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].atkdmg = 2200; current_timer = 40; current_spell = "projectile" + _global.count_fx; _global.count_fx++; _parent.s52.start();
Instance of Symbol 1309 MovieClip in Symbol 2074 MovieClip Frame 61
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._xscale = this._xscale * 1.01; this._yscale = this._yscale * 1.01; this._alpha = this._alpha - 0.005; }
Instance of Symbol 1685 MovieClip in Symbol 2074 MovieClip Frame 61
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_currentframe <= 5) { this.gotoAndPlay(20); } }
Symbol 2074 MovieClip Frame 95
gotoAndStop ("neutral");
Symbol 2074 MovieClip Frame 96
Instance of Symbol 1309 MovieClip in Symbol 2074 MovieClip Frame 96
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._xscale = this._xscale * 1.01; this._yscale = this._yscale * 1.01; this._alpha = this._alpha - 0.005; }
Instance of Symbol 1689 MovieClip in Symbol 2074 MovieClip Frame 96
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_currentframe <= 5) { this.gotoAndPlay(20); } }
Symbol 2074 MovieClip Frame 97
_parent.attachMovie("N10_projectile3", ["projectile" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x - 50; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._y = -200; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = -8; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 0.5; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].atkdmg = 1800; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 2074 MovieClip Frame 107
_parent.attachMovie("N10_projectile3", ["projectile" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x - 50; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._y = -200; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = -8; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 0.5; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].atkdmg = 1800; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 2074 MovieClip Frame 116
_parent.attachMovie("N10_projectile3", ["projectile" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x - 50; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._y = -200; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = -8; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 0.5; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].atkdmg = 1800; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 2074 MovieClip Frame 130
gotoAndStop ("neutral");
Symbol 2074 MovieClip Frame 131
_parent.s07.start(); if (_root[current_spell]._currentframe < current_timer) { _root[current_spell].removeMovieClip(); }
Symbol 2074 MovieClip Frame 315
Symbol 2074 MovieClip Frame 334
gotoAndStop ("neutral");
Symbol 2074 MovieClip Frame 335
if (_root[current_spell]._currentframe < current_timer) { _root[current_spell].removeMovieClip(); } _parent.s27.start();
Symbol 2074 MovieClip Frame 348
gotoAndStop ("neutral");
Symbol 2074 MovieClip Frame 349
_parent.attachMovie("I03", ["item" + _global.count], _global.count); _root["item" + _global.count]._x = this._x; _root["item" + _global.count]._y = this._y - 75; _global.count++;
Symbol 2074 MovieClip Frame 408
Symbol 2074 MovieClip Frame 411
Symbol 2074 MovieClip Frame 473
Symbol 2075 MovieClip Frame 1
function force_physics() { if (force >= 0.25) { this._x = this._x + force; if (!((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6))) { force = force - 0.25; } else { force = force - 0.1; } } else if (force <= -0.25) { this._x = this._x + force; if (!((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6))) { force = force + 0.25; } else { force = force + 0.1; } } else { force = 0; } } function collision() { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.damagebox)) { if ((_root.hero.invincible <= 0) && (!_global.pausemode)) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _root.hero.force = -4 * (_root.hero._xscale / 100); _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = atkdmg; } } while (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._x > this._x)) { _root.hero._x++; _x = (_x-1); } while (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._x < this._x)) { _root.hero._x--; _x = (_x+1); } } function hurt_check() { if (flinch_timer > 0) { flinch_timer--; } if (_global.hero_str == 3) { str_multi = 1.25; } else { str_multi = 1; } size_multi = 1; if ((this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && (invincible <= 0)) && (cloaking <= 0)) { threshold++; if (_global.atkforce > 5) { invincible = 30; } else { invincible = 9; } if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { force_xscale = 100; } else { force_xscale = -100; } force = ((((-_global.atkforce) * force_xscale) / 100) * str_multi) * size_multi; damage_effect(); if (threshold >= 12) { this.gotoAndPlay("attack2"); threshold = 0; } else if (flinch_timer == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay("hurt"); } if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } _parent.hitsound(); } if ((this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.slidebox) && (_global.skill11 == true)) && (cloaking <= 0)) { _root.hero.gotoAndPlay("jump_down"); _root.hero.force = 0; _root.hero.force = (-3 * _root.hero._xscale) / 100; _root.hero._y = _root.hero._y - 6; _root.hero.grav = -6; if (invincible <= 0) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } invincible = 12; force = ((((-_global.atkforce) * this._xscale) / 100) * str_multi) * size_multi; damage_effect(); _parent.hitsound(); this.gotoAndPlay("hurt"); } } if ((this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.slambox) && (_global.skill08 == true)) && (cloaking <= 0)) { _root.hero.gotoAndPlay("jump_up"); _root.hero.force = -6 * (random(2) - 1); _root.hero.grav = (-_global.jumpHeight) - 2; _parent.attachMovie("sp_down_shadow", ["shadow" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["shadow" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root["shadow" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; _global.count_fx++; _parent.attachMovie("hitting", ["hitting" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._rotation = -90; _global.count_fx++; } i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i < _global.count_wpn) { if ((this.hitbox.hitTest(_root["bbeam" + i].damagebox) && (invincible <= 0)) && (cloaking <= 0)) { invincible = 20; force = (((_global.atkforce * this._xscale) / 100) * str_multi) * size_multi; damage_effect(); _parent.hitsound(); _root["bbeam" + i].explode = true; } i++; } } function combat_check() { distance = this._x - _root.hero._x; if (_currentframe == still_frame) { timer--; if (timer <= 0) { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } if (Math.abs(distance) < 100) { if (_parent.chance(66) == true) { gotoAndPlay ("attack1"); timer = 20; } else if (_parent.chance(33) == true) { gotoAndPlay ("attack2"); timer = 10; } else if ((_parent.chance(33) == true) && (cloaking <= 0)) { gotoAndPlay ("cloak"); timer = 30; } else { gotoAndPlay ("move"); timer = 10; } } else if ((_parent.chance(50) == true) && (cloaking <= 0)) { gotoAndPlay ("cloak"); timer = 30; } else if (_parent.chance(30) == true) { gotoAndPlay ("attack1"); timer = 20; } else { gotoAndPlay ("move"); timer = 10; } } } } function wall() { while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - (ini_width / 2), _y - 25, true)) { this._x++; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + (ini_width / 2), _y - 25, true)) { this._x--; } } function spawning() { } function falling() { _y = (_y + fallspeed); fallspeed = fallspeed + 0.5; if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 60, true)) { this._y = this._y + 0.5; fallspeed = 0; } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { fallspeed = 0; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { _y = (_y-1); } } function inv_check() { if (invincible > 0) { if ((invincible % 4) == 0) { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"70", ga:"100", gb:"70", ba:"100", bb:"70"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } else { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"20", ga:"100", gb:"20", ba:"100", bb:"20"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } invincible--; } else { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } } function force_physics() { if (force >= 0.25) { this._x = this._x + force; if (!((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6))) { force = force - 0.25; } else { force = force - 0.1; } } else if (force <= -0.25) { this._x = this._x + force; if (!((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6))) { force = force + 0.25; } else { force = force + 0.1; } } else { force = 0; } } function damage_effect() { _parent.attachMovie("hitting", ["hitting" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _global.count_fx++; elemental_multi = 1; if (_global.weapon == "weapon04") { elemental_multi = 0.25; } total_damage = ((_global.stat_atk * _global.hero_dmgmulti) * elemental_multi) + random(40); if (_global.weapon == "weapon06") { _global.hero_hp = _global.hero_hp + (total_damage * 0.1); } _parent.attachMovie("damage_player", ["damage" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["damage" + _global.count_fx].damage = total_damage; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx].movespeed = this.force / 3; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 10; hp = hp - total_damage; if (_global.atkforce >= 6) { _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = 150; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._yscale = 150; } _global.count_fx++; } function darkness() { if (_global.headgear == "head03") { distance = Math.abs(this._x - _root.hero._x); this._alpha = 160 - distance; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } function suredeath() { if ((hp <= 0) && (_currentframe < 286)) { this.gotoAndPlay("death"); } } function jump() { if ((_currentframe >= 15) && (_currentframe <= 35)) { this._x = this._x + ((movespeed * _xscale) / 100); } } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } function antifreeze() { if (((((((_currentframe == 15) || (_currentframe == 47)) || (_currentframe == 111)) || (_currentframe == 182)) || (_currentframe == 237)) || (_currentframe == 244)) || (_currentframe == 265)) {; } } function cast_hide() { if (_currentframe == 243) { casttimer++; if (casttimer > 50) { this.gotoAndPlay("cast"); } } else { casttimer = 0; } } function cloak() { if (cloaking > 0) { cloaking--; this.light._visible = false; _alpha = 25; } else { this.light._visible = true; _alpha = 100; } } x_speed = 0; airspeed = 0.5; jumpspeed = 0; still_frame = 2; move_frame = 15; ini_width = this._width; ini_height = this._height; flinch_timer = 0; maxHp = 14700; hp = maxHp; lvl = 9; fallspeed = 0; threshold = 0; invincible = 0; casttimer = 0; cloaking = 0; ult_timer = 0; call_timer = 0; timer = 50; atkdmg = 2050; movespeed = 6; onEnterFrame = function () { cast_hide(); cloak(); antifreeze(); suredeath(); purge_check(); if (hp > 0) { hurt_check(); } falling(); inv_check(); _global.boss2_hp = hp; force_physics(); collision(); wall(); jump(); if (_global.testmode == false) { this.hitbox._visible = false; } else { this.hitbox._visible = true; } if ((_global.pausemode == false) && (hp > 0)) { combat_check(); } };
Symbol 2075 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 2075 MovieClip Frame 15
_parent.s09.start(); force = (10 * this._xscale) / 100;
Symbol 2075 MovieClip Frame 17
_parent.attachMovie("N09_dashshadow", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 2075 MovieClip Frame 21
_parent.attachMovie("N09_dashshadow", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 2075 MovieClip Frame 25
_parent.attachMovie("N09_dashshadow", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 2075 MovieClip Frame 29
_parent.attachMovie("N09_dashshadow", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 2075 MovieClip Frame 33
_parent.attachMovie("N09_dashshadow", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 2075 MovieClip Frame 37
_parent.attachMovie("N09_dashshadow", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 2075 MovieClip Frame 41
_parent.attachMovie("N09_dashshadow", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 2075 MovieClip Frame 45
_parent.attachMovie("N09_dashshadow", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 2075 MovieClip Frame 46
gotoAndStop ("neutral");
Symbol 2075 MovieClip Frame 47
_parent.s07.start(); _parent.attachMovie("04_sonicblow", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 25; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 2075 MovieClip Frame 74
_parent.s22.start(); force = (10 * this._xscale) / 100;
Symbol 2075 MovieClip Frame 77
Symbol 2075 MovieClip Frame 80
Symbol 2075 MovieClip Frame 81
_parent.attachMovie("N09_attackshadow", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 2075 MovieClip Frame 83
Symbol 2075 MovieClip Frame 89
_parent.attachMovie("N09_attackshadow", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 2075 MovieClip Frame 91
Symbol 2075 MovieClip Frame 97
_parent.attachMovie("N09_attackshadow", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 2075 MovieClip Frame 110
gotoAndStop ("neutral");
Symbol 2075 MovieClip Frame 129
flinch_timer = 100;
Symbol 2075 MovieClip Frame 144
Symbol 2075 MovieClip Frame 154
_parent.jump.start(); fallspeed = -14;
Symbol 2075 MovieClip Frame 179
_parent.s46.start(); fallspeed = 15; stop();
Instance of Symbol 794 MovieClip in Symbol 2075 MovieClip Frame 179
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.ground.hitTest(_parent._x, _parent._y + 15, true)) { fallspeed = 0; _parent.gotoAndPlay("landing"); } }
Symbol 2075 MovieClip Frame 182
Symbol 2075 MovieClip Frame 236
gotoAndStop ("neutral");
Symbol 2075 MovieClip Frame 237
if (invincible > 10) { invincible = 0; } flinch_timer = 0; force = (-6 * _xscale) / 100;
Symbol 2075 MovieClip Frame 243
Symbol 2075 MovieClip Frame 244
_parent.s07.start(); cloaking = 200; this.attachMovie("emo07", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); this["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = -51; this["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = -92; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 2075 MovieClip Frame 264
gotoAndStop ("neutral");
Symbol 2075 MovieClip Frame 265
Symbol 2075 MovieClip Frame 286
gotoAndStop ("neutral");
Symbol 2075 MovieClip Frame 287
_parent.attachMovie("I03", ["item" + _global.count], _global.count); _root["item" + _global.count]._x = this._x; _root["item" + _global.count]._y = this._y - 75; _global.count++;
Symbol 2075 MovieClip Frame 366
Symbol 2075 MovieClip Frame 369
Symbol 2075 MovieClip Frame 438
Symbol 2080 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { if ((_currentframe <= 8) || (_currentframe >= 90)) { distance = Math.abs(this._x - _root.hero._x); this.interact._alpha = (50 - distance) * 2; } else { this.interact._alpha = 0; } };
Symbol 2080 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 2080 MovieClip Frame 90
Symbol 2106 MovieClip [02_skeleton] Frame 1
function collision() { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.damagebox)) { if ((_root.hero.invincible <= 0) && (!_global.pausemode)) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _root.hero._xscale = -100; _xscale = 100; } else { _root.hero._xscale = 100; this._xscale = -100; } _root.hero.force = -10 * (_root.hero._xscale / 200); _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = atkdmg; force = 4 * (_root.hero._xscale / 200); } } } function hurt_check() { if (_global.hero_str == 3) { str_multi = 1.25; } else { str_multi = 1; } size_multi = 0.75; if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && (invincible <= 0)) { invincible = 9; if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } force = ((((-_global.atkforce) * this._xscale) / 100) * str_multi) * size_multi; damage_effect(); this.gotoAndPlay("hurt"); } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.slidebox) && (_global.skill11 == true)) { _root.hero.gotoAndPlay("jump_down"); _root.hero.force = 0; _root.hero.force = (-3 * _root.hero._xscale) / 100; _root.hero._y = _root.hero._y - 6; _root.hero.grav = -6; if (invincible <= 0) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } invincible = 12; force = ((((-_global.atkforce) * this._xscale) / 100) * str_multi) * size_multi; damage_effect(); this.gotoAndPlay("hurt"); } } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.slambox) && (_global.skill08 == true)) { _root.hero.gotoAndPlay("jump_up"); _root.hero.force = -6 * (random(2) - 1); _root.hero.grav = (-_global.jumpHeight) - 2; _parent.attachMovie("sp_down_shadow", ["shadow" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["shadow" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root["shadow" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; _global.count_fx++; _parent.attachMovie("hitting", ["hitting" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._rotation = -90; _global.count_fx++; } i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i < _global.count_wpn) { if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root["bbeam" + i].damagebox) && (invincible <= 0)) { invincible = 20; if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } force = (((_global.atkforce * this._xscale) / 100) * str_multi) * size_multi; damage_effect(); this.gotoAndPlay("hurt"); _root["bbeam" + i].explode = true; } i++; } } function combat_check() { distance = this._x - _root.hero._x; if (_currentframe == 2) { timer--; if (timer <= 0) { if (Math.abs(distance) < 270) { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } } else if (_parent.chance(50)) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } if (Math.abs(distance) < 150) { movespeed = -Math.abs(movespeed); this.gotoAndStop("move"); timer = 30; } else if (Math.abs(distance) < 230) { this.gotoAndPlay("attack"); } else { movespeed = Math.abs(movespeed); this.gotoAndStop("move"); timer = 30; } } } if (_currentframe == 7) { this._x = this._x + ((movespeed * _xscale) / 100); force = force + (((0.75 * movespeed) * _xscale) / 100); timer--; if (timer <= 0) { this.gotoAndStop("neutral"); timer = 30; } } } function wall() { while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - (this._width / 2), _y - 25, true)) { this._x++; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + (this._width / 2), _y - 25, true)) { this._x--; } } function spawning() { } function falling() { _y = (_y + fallspeed); fallspeed = fallspeed + 0.25; if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { fallspeed = 0; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { _y = (_y-1); } } function inv_check() { if (invincible > 0) { if ((invincible % 3) == 0) { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"70", ga:"100", gb:"70", ba:"100", bb:"70"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } else { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"20", ga:"100", gb:"20", ba:"100", bb:"20"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } invincible--; } else { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } } function force_physics() { if (force >= 0.25) { this._x = this._x + force; force = force - 0.25; } else if (force <= -0.25) { this._x = this._x + force; force = force + 0.25; } else { force = 0; } } function damage_effect() { _parent.attachMovie("hitting", ["hitting" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _global.count_fx++; elemental_multi = 1; if (_global.weapon == "weapon02") { elemental_multi = 1.25; } if (_global.weapon == "weapon06") { elemental_multi = 0.25; } if (_global.weapon == "weapon05") { elemental_multi = 2; } if (_global.weapon == "weapon04") { elemental_multi = 1.25; } total_damage = ((_global.stat_atk * _global.hero_dmgmulti) * elemental_multi) + random(40); if (_global.weapon == "weapon06") { _global.hero_hp = _global.hero_hp + (total_damage * 0.1); } hp = hp - total_damage; _parent.attachMovie("damage", ["damage" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["damage" + _global.count_fx].damage = total_damage; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx].movespeed = this.force / 3; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 10; if (_global.atkforce >= 6) { _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = 150; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._yscale = 150; } _global.count_fx++; } function darkness() { if (_global.headgear == "head03") { distance = Math.abs(this._x - _root.hero._x); this._alpha = 160 - distance; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } function suredeath() { if ((hp <= 0) && (_currentframe < 45)) { this.gotoAndPlay("death"); } } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } gotoAndStop ("neutral"); threshold_low = 0; threshold_high = 0; maxHp = 500; hp = maxHp; fallspeed = 0; timer = 5; atkdmg = 400; atkdmg_2 = 450; movespeed = 0.5; onEnterFrame = function () { suredeath(); purge_check(); if (hp > 0) { hurt_check(); } inv_check(); force_physics(); wall(); darkness(); if (_global.testmode == false) { this.hitbox._visible = false; } else { this.hitbox._visible = true; } if ((_global.pausemode == false) && (hp > 0)) { combat_check(); collision(); falling(); } if (spawn == true) { spawning(); } };
Symbol 2106 MovieClip [02_skeleton] Frame 37
_parent.attachMovie("02_projectile", ["projectile" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = -this._xscale; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 50; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 12; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 4; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx].atkdmg = atkdmg_2; _global.count_fx++; _parent.s28.start();
Symbol 2106 MovieClip [02_skeleton] Frame 44
gotoAndStop ("neutral"); timer = 50;
Symbol 2106 MovieClip [02_skeleton] Frame 71
_parent.hitsound(); _parent.s32.start(); if (_global.monster2 == false) { _global.monster2 = true; _global.monsterbio = 2; _global.new_note = true; }
Symbol 2106 MovieClip [02_skeleton] Frame 73
if (hp < 0) { gotoAndPlay ("death"); }
Symbol 2106 MovieClip [02_skeleton] Frame 83
if (hp > 0) { gotoAndStop ("neutral"); }
Symbol 2106 MovieClip [02_skeleton] Frame 88
_parent.s29.start(); randomint = random(100) + 1; if (randomint < _global.hero_droprate) { randomint2 = random(100) + 1; if (randomint2 < 70) { dropname = "I01"; } else { dropname = "I02"; } _parent.attachMovie(dropname, ["item" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["item" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["item" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 10; _global.count_fx++; } cr = 1 / Math.max(1, _global.hero_level - 0); _global.hero_exp = _global.hero_exp + ((100 * cr) - ((100 * cr) % 1));
Symbol 2106 MovieClip [02_skeleton] Frame 139
this.removeMovieClip(); stop();
Symbol 2125 MovieClip [01_zombie] Frame 1
function collision() { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox)) { if ((_root.hero.invincible <= 0) && (!_global.pausemode)) { this.gotoAndPlay("attack"); if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _root.hero._xscale = -100; _xscale = 100; } else { _root.hero._xscale = 100; this._xscale = -100; } _root.hero.force = -10 * (_root.hero._xscale / 200); _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = atkdmg; force = 4 * (_root.hero._xscale / 200); } } } function hurt_check() { if (_global.hero_str == 3) { str_multi = 1.25; } else { str_multi = 1; } size_multi = 0.75; if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && (invincible <= 0)) { invincible = 9; if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } force = ((((-_global.atkforce) * this._xscale) / 100) * str_multi) * size_multi; damage_effect(); this.gotoAndPlay("hurt"); } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.slidebox) && (_global.skill11 == true)) { _root.hero.gotoAndPlay("jump_down"); _root.hero.force = 0; _root.hero.force = (-3 * _root.hero._xscale) / 100; _root.hero._y = _root.hero._y - 6; _root.hero.grav = -6; if (invincible <= 0) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } invincible = 12; force = ((((-_global.atkforce) * this._xscale) / 100) * str_multi) * size_multi; damage_effect(); this.gotoAndPlay("hurt"); } } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.slambox) && (_global.skill08 == true)) { _root.hero.gotoAndPlay("jump_up"); _root.hero.force = -6 * (random(2) - 1); _root.hero.grav = (-_global.jumpHeight) - 2; _parent.attachMovie("sp_down_shadow", ["shadow" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["shadow" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root["shadow" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; _global.count_fx++; _parent.attachMovie("hitting", ["hitting" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._rotation = -90; _global.count_fx++; } i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i < _global.count_wpn) { if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root["bbeam" + i].damagebox) && (invincible <= 0)) { invincible = 20; force = (((_global.atkforce * this._xscale) / 100) * str_multi) * size_multi; damage_effect(); this.gotoAndPlay("hurt"); _root["bbeam" + i].explode = true; } i++; } } function combat_check() { distance = this._x - _root.hero._x; if (_currentframe == 3) { timer--; if (timer <= 0) { if (Math.abs(distance) < 190) { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } } else if (_parent.chance(50)) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } this.gotoAndStop("move"); timer = random(3) * 90; } } if (_currentframe == 7) { this._x = this._x + ((movespeed * _xscale) / 100); timer--; if (timer <= 0) { this.gotoAndStop("neutral"); timer = 96; } } } function wall() { while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - (this._width / 2), _y - 25, true)) { this._x++; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + (this._width / 2), _y - 25, true)) { this._x--; } } function spawning() { } function falling() { _y = (_y + fallspeed); fallspeed = fallspeed + 0.25; if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { fallspeed = 0; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { _y = (_y-1); } } function inv_check() { if (invincible > 0) { if ((invincible % 3) == 0) { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"70", ga:"100", gb:"70", ba:"100", bb:"70"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } else { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"20", ga:"100", gb:"20", ba:"100", bb:"20"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } invincible--; } else { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } } function force_physics() { if (force >= 0.25) { this._x = this._x + force; if (!((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6))) { force = force - 0.25; } else { force = force - 0.1; } } else if (force <= -0.25) { this._x = this._x + force; if (!((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6))) { force = force + 0.25; } else { force = force + 0.1; } } else { force = 0; } } function damage_effect() { _parent.attachMovie("hitting", ["hitting" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _global.count_fx++; elemental_multi = 1; if (_global.weapon == "weapon02") { elemental_multi = 1.5; } if (_global.weapon == "weapon06") { elemental_multi = 0.25; } if (_global.weapon == "weapon05") { elemental_multi = 2; } if (_global.weapon == "weapon04") { elemental_multi = 1.25; } total_damage = ((_global.stat_atk * _global.hero_dmgmulti) * elemental_multi) + random(40); if (_global.weapon == "weapon06") { _global.hero_hp = _global.hero_hp + (total_damage * 0.1); } _parent.attachMovie("damage", ["damage" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["damage" + _global.count_fx].damage = total_damage; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx].movespeed = this.force / 3; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 10; hp = hp - total_damage; if (_global.atkforce >= 6) { _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = 150; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._yscale = 150; } _global.count_fx++; } function darkness() { if (_global.headgear == "head03") { distance = Math.abs(this._x - _root.hero._x); this._alpha = 160 - distance; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } function suredeath() { if ((hp <= 0) && (_currentframe < 38)) { this.gotoAndPlay("death"); } } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } gotoAndPlay ("spawn"); maxHp = 750; hp = maxHp; lvl = 1; fallspeed = 0; invincible = 0; timer = 5; atkdmg = 400; movespeed = 2; onEnterFrame = function () { suredeath(); purge_check(); if (hp > 0) { hurt_check(); } falling(); inv_check(); force_physics(); wall(); darkness(); if (_global.testmode == false) { this.hitbox._visible = false; } else { this.hitbox._visible = true; } if ((_global.pausemode == false) && (hp > 0)) { combat_check(); collision(); } if (spawn == true) { spawning(); } };
Symbol 2125 MovieClip [01_zombie] Frame 2
gotoAndPlay ("spawn");
Symbol 2125 MovieClip [01_zombie] Frame 35
gotoAndStop ("neutral");
Symbol 2125 MovieClip [01_zombie] Frame 39
_parent.hitsound(); _parent.s31.start(); if (_global.monster1 == false) { _global.monster1 = true; _global.monsterbio = 1; _global.new_note = true; }
Symbol 2125 MovieClip [01_zombie] Frame 42
if (hp < 0) { gotoAndPlay ("death"); }
Symbol 2125 MovieClip [01_zombie] Frame 50
gotoAndStop ("neutral");
Symbol 2125 MovieClip [01_zombie] Frame 56
_parent.s30.start(); randomint = random(100) + 1; if (randomint < _global.hero_droprate) { randomint2 = random(100) + 1; if (randomint2 < 70) { dropname = "I01"; } else { dropname = "I02"; } _parent.attachMovie(dropname, ["item" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["item" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["item" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 10; _global.count_fx++; } cr = 1 / Math.max(1, _global.hero_level - 0); _global.hero_exp = _global.hero_exp + ((100 * cr) - ((100 * cr) % 1));
Symbol 2125 MovieClip [01_zombie] Frame 59
_parent.attachMovie("dusty", ["fx" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["fx" + _global.count_fx]._x = (this._x - random(10)) + 5; _root["fx" + _global.count_fx]._y = (this._y - (-random(40))) - 15;;
Symbol 2125 MovieClip [01_zombie] Frame 69
_parent.attachMovie("dusty", ["fx" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["fx" + _global.count_fx]._x = (this._x - random(10)) + 5; _root["fx" + _global.count_fx]._y = (this._y - (-random(40))) - 15;
Symbol 2125 MovieClip [01_zombie] Frame 87
_parent.attachMovie("dusty", ["fx" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["fx" + _global.count_fx]._x = (this._x - random(10)) + 5; _root["fx" + _global.count_fx]._y = (this._y - (-random(40))) - 15;
Symbol 2125 MovieClip [01_zombie] Frame 100
_parent.attachMovie("dusty", ["fx" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["fx" + _global.count_fx]._x = (this._x - random(10)) + 5; _root["fx" + _global.count_fx]._y = (this._y - (-random(40))) - 15;
Symbol 2125 MovieClip [01_zombie] Frame 110
_parent.attachMovie("dusty", ["fx" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["fx" + _global.count_fx]._x = (this._x - random(10)) + 5; _root["fx" + _global.count_fx]._y = (this._y - (-random(40))) - 15;
Symbol 2125 MovieClip [01_zombie] Frame 144
stop(); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 2125 MovieClip [01_zombie] Frame 145
while (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { this._y++; }
Symbol 2125 MovieClip [01_zombie] Frame 146
Symbol 2125 MovieClip [01_zombie] Frame 176
gotoAndStop ("neutral");
Symbol 2127 MovieClip Frame 1
this.swapDepths(9999); onEnterFrame = function () { if (_global.purge == true) { this.unloadMovie(); } };
Symbol 2133 MovieClip Frame 1
this.swapDepths(9999); onEnterFrame = function () { if (_global.purge == true) { this.unloadMovie(); } };
Symbol 2158 MovieClip [03_mummy] Frame 1
function collision() { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.damagebox)) { if ((_root.hero.invincible <= 0) && (!_global.pausemode)) { this.gotoAndPlay("attack"); if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _root.hero._xscale = -100; _xscale = 100; } else { _root.hero._xscale = 100; this._xscale = -100; } _root.hero.force = -10 * (_root.hero._xscale / 200); _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = atkdmg; force = 4 * (_root.hero._xscale / 200); } } while (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._x > this._x)) { _root.hero._x++; } while (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._x < this._x)) { _root.hero._x--; } } function hurt_check() { if (_global.monster3 == false) { _global.monster3 = true; _global.monsterbio = 3; _global.new_note = true; } if (_global.hero_str == 3) { str_multi = 1.25; } else { str_multi = 1; } size_multi = 0.8; if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && (invincible <= 0)) { invincible = 9; if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { force_xscale = 100; } else { force_xscale = -100; } force = ((((-_global.atkforce) * force_xscale) / 100) * str_multi) * size_multi; damage_effect(); if ((((_global.stat_atk >= 400) || (_global.weapon == "weapon02")) || (_global.weapon == "weapon05")) || (_global.weapon == "weapon04")) { this.gotoAndPlay("hurt"); if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } } _parent.hitsound(); } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.slidebox) && (_global.skill11 == true)) { _root.hero.gotoAndPlay("jump_down"); _root.hero.force = 0; _root.hero.force = (-3 * _root.hero._xscale) / 100; _root.hero._y = _root.hero._y - 6; _root.hero.grav = -6; if (invincible <= 0) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } invincible = 12; force = ((((-_global.atkforce) * this._xscale) / 100) * str_multi) * size_multi; damage_effect(); _parent.hitsound(); this.gotoAndPlay("hurt"); } } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.slambox) && (_global.skill08 == true)) { _root.hero.gotoAndPlay("jump_up"); _root.hero.force = -6 * (random(2) - 1); _root.hero.grav = (-_global.jumpHeight) - 2; _parent.attachMovie("sp_down_shadow", ["shadow" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["shadow" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root["shadow" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; _global.count_fx++; _parent.attachMovie("hitting", ["hitting" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._rotation = -90; _global.count_fx++; } i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i < _global.count_wpn) { if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root["bbeam" + i].damagebox) && (invincible <= 0)) { invincible = 20; force = (((_global.atkforce * this._xscale) / 100) * str_multi) * size_multi; damage_effect(); if (((_global.weapon == "weapon02") || (_global.weapon == "weapon05")) || (_global.weapon == "weapon04")) { this.gotoAndPlay("hurt"); } _parent.hitsound(); _root["bbeam" + i].explode = true; } i++; } } function combat_check() { distance = this._x - _root.hero._x; if (_currentframe == 43) { timer--; if (timer <= 0) { if (Math.abs(distance) < 250) { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } timer = 150; this.gotoAndStop("move"); } else { if (_parent.chance(50)) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } timer = 25; } } } if (_currentframe == 50) { this._x = this._x + ((movespeed * _xscale) / 100); timer--; if (timer <= 0) { this.gotoAndStop("neutral"); timer = 75; } } } function wall() { while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - (this._width / 2), _y - 25, true)) { this._x++; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + (this._width / 2), _y - 25, true)) { this._x--; } } function spawning() { } function falling() { _y = (_y + fallspeed); fallspeed = fallspeed + 0.25; if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { fallspeed = 0; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { _y = (_y-1); } } function inv_check() { if (invincible > 0) { if ((invincible % 3) == 0) { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"70", ga:"100", gb:"70", ba:"100", bb:"70"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } else { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"20", ga:"100", gb:"20", ba:"100", bb:"20"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } invincible--; } else { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } } function force_physics() { if (force >= 0.25) { this._x = this._x + force; if (!((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6))) { force = force - 0.25; } else { force = force - 0.1; } } else if (force <= -0.25) { this._x = this._x + force; if (!((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6))) { force = force + 0.25; } else { force = force + 0.1; } } else { force = 0; } } function damage_effect() { _parent.attachMovie("hitting", ["hitting" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _global.count_fx++; elemental_multi = 1; if (_global.weapon == "weapon02") { elemental_multi = 2; } if (_global.weapon == "weapon06") { elemental_multi = 0.25; } if (_global.weapon == "weapon05") { elemental_multi = 2; } if (_global.weapon == "weapon04") { elemental_multi = 1.25; } total_damage = ((_global.stat_atk * _global.hero_dmgmulti) * elemental_multi) + random(40); if (_global.weapon == "weapon06") { _global.hero_hp = _global.hero_hp + (total_damage * 0.1); } _parent.attachMovie("damage", ["damage" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["damage" + _global.count_fx].damage = total_damage; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx].movespeed = this.force / 3; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 10; hp = hp - total_damage; if (_global.atkforce >= 6) { _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = 150; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._yscale = 150; } _global.count_fx++; } function darkness() { if (_global.headgear == "head03") { distance = Math.abs(this._x - _root.hero._x); this._alpha = 160 - distance; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } function suredeath() { if ((hp <= 0) && (_currentframe < 90)) { this.gotoAndPlay("death"); } } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } gotoAndPlay ("spawn"); maxHp = 4200; hp = maxHp; lvl = 3; fallspeed = 0; invincible = 0; timer = 0; atkdmg = 750; movespeed = 1.5; onEnterFrame = function () { suredeath(); purge_check(); if (hp > 0) { hurt_check(); } wall(); falling(); inv_check(); force_physics(); collision(); darkness(); if (_global.testmode == false) { this.hitbox._visible = false; } else { this.hitbox._visible = true; } if ((_global.pausemode == false) && (hp > 0)) { combat_check(); } };
Symbol 2158 MovieClip [03_mummy] Frame 2
while (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { this._y++; } _parent.s44.start();
Symbol 2158 MovieClip [03_mummy] Frame 43
Symbol 2158 MovieClip [03_mummy] Frame 78
gotoAndStop ("neutral");
Symbol 2158 MovieClip [03_mummy] Frame 81
if (hp < 0) { gotoAndPlay ("death"); }
Symbol 2158 MovieClip [03_mummy] Frame 94
gotoAndStop ("neutral"); timer = 30;
Symbol 2158 MovieClip [03_mummy] Frame 95
_parent.s30.start(); randomint = random(100) + 1; if (randomint < _global.hero_droprate) { randomint2 = random(100) + 1; if (randomint2 < 70) { dropname = "I02"; } else { dropname = "I03"; } _parent.attachMovie(dropname, ["item" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["item" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["item" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 10; _global.count_fx++; } exp_ = 300; cr = 1 / Math.max(1, _global.hero_level - 3); _global.hero_exp = _global.hero_exp + ((exp_ * cr) - ((exp_ * cr) % 1)); if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; }
Symbol 2158 MovieClip [03_mummy] Frame 147
stop(); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 2174 MovieClip Frame 1
function collision() { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.damagebox)) { if ((_root.hero.invincible <= 0) && (!_global.pausemode)) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _root.hero.force = -10 * (_root.hero._xscale / 200); _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = atkdmg; force = 4 * (_root.hero._xscale / 200); } } while (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._x > this._x)) { _root.hero._x++; } while (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._x < this._x)) { _root.hero._x--; } } function combat() { distance = Math.abs(_root.hero._x - this._x); if (distance < 350) { if (_currentframe == 1) { gotoAndPlay ("attack"); } } } stop(); atkdmg = (_global.hero_maxHp / 4) - (300 * _global.hero_vit); movespeed = 1.5; onEnterFrame = function () { suredeath(); purge_check(); combat(); collision(); if (_global.testmode == false) { this.hitbox._visible = false; } else { this.hitbox._visible = true; } if ((_global.pausemode == false) && (hp > 0)) { combat_check(); } };
Symbol 2174 MovieClip Frame 28
Symbol 2174 MovieClip Frame 132
gotoAndStop ("neutral");
Symbol 2176 MovieClip Frame 1
this.swapDepths(9999); onEnterFrame = function () { if (_global.purge == true) { this.unloadMovie(); } };
Symbol 2184 MovieClip Frame 1
talking = false; exit = false; greeting = 0; stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { distance = Math.abs(_root.hero._x - this._x); if (talking == false) { this.interact._alpha = (50 - distance) * 2; } else { this.interact._alpha = 0; } if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this.head._xscale = -100; } else { this.head._xscale = 100; } if ((greeting == 0) && (distance < 50)) { this.attachMovie("emo04", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); this["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = -49; this["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = -67; _global.count_fx++; greeting = 1; } };
Symbol 2188 MovieClip Frame 1
talking = false; exit = false; greeting = 0; stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { distance = Math.abs(_root.hero._x - this._x); if (talking == false) { this.interact._alpha = (50 - distance) * 2; } else { this.interact._alpha = 0; } if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this.head._xscale = -100; } else { this.head._xscale = 100; } if ((greeting == 0) && (distance < 65)) { this.attachMovie("emo01", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); this["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = -51; this["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = -62; _global.count_fx++; greeting = 1; } };
Symbol 2197 MovieClip Frame 1
this.swapDepths(9999); onEnterFrame = function () { if (_global.purge == true) { this.unloadMovie(); } };
Symbol 2207 MovieClip Frame 1
timer = 0; fireball_delay = 150; stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { if (_currentframe == 1) { timer++; if (timer == fireball_delay) { this.gotoAndPlay("attack"); } } };
Symbol 2207 MovieClip Frame 24
_parent.attachMovie("bg05_projectile", ["projectile" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x - ((50 * this._xscale) / 100); _root["projectile" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++; _parent.s13.start();
Symbol 2207 MovieClip Frame 33
gotoAndStop ("neutral");
Symbol 2232 MovieClip [05_blazer] Frame 1
function collision() { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.damagebox)) { if ((_root.hero.invincible <= 0) && (!_global.pausemode)) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _root.hero._xscale = -100; _xscale = 100; } else { _root.hero._xscale = 100; this._xscale = -100; } _root.hero.force = -10 * (_root.hero._xscale / 200); _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = atkdmg; force = 4 * (_root.hero._xscale / 200); } } } function float() { this._y = this._y - airspeed; this._y = this._y + airspeed2; airspeed = airspeed - air_accel; if ((airspeed > 3) || (airspeed < -3)) { air_accel = air_accel * -1; } if (_root.hero._y > this._y) { airspeed2 = 1; } else { airspeed2 = -1; } } function hurt_check() { if (_global.monster5 == false) { _global.monster5 = true; _global.monsterbio = 5; _global.new_note = true; } if (_global.hero_str == 3) { str_multi = 1.25; } else { str_multi = 1; } size_multi = 0.5; if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && (invincible <= 0)) { invincible = 9; if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { force_xscale = 100; } else { force_xscale = -100; } force = ((((-(_global.atkforce + 2)) * force_xscale) / 100) * str_multi) * size_multi; damage_effect(); this.gotoAndPlay("hurt"); if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } _parent.hitsound(); } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.slidebox) && (_global.skill11 == true)) { _root.hero.gotoAndPlay("jump_down"); _root.hero.force = 0; _root.hero.force = (-3 * _root.hero._xscale) / 100; _root.hero._y = _root.hero._y - 6; _root.hero.grav = -6; if (invincible <= 0) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } invincible = 12; force = ((((-_global.atkforce) * this._xscale) / 100) * str_multi) * size_multi; damage_effect(); _parent.hitsound(); this.gotoAndPlay("hurt"); } } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.slambox) && (_global.skill08 == true)) { _root.hero.gotoAndPlay("jump_up"); _root.hero.force = -6 * (random(2) - 1); _root.hero.grav = (-_global.jumpHeight) - 2; _parent.attachMovie("sp_down_shadow", ["shadow" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["shadow" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root["shadow" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; _global.count_fx++; _parent.attachMovie("hitting", ["hitting" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._rotation = -90; _global.count_fx++; } i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i < _global.count_wpn) { if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root["bbeam" + i].damagebox) && (invincible <= 0)) { invincible = 20; force = (((_global.atkforce * this._xscale) / 100) * str_multi) * size_multi; damage_effect(); this.gotoAndPlay("hurt"); _parent.hitsound(); _root["bbeam" + i].explode = true; } i++; } } function combat_check() { distance = this._x - _root.hero._x; if ((_currentframe >= 31) && (_currentframe <= 51)) { if (distance > 0) { if (distance > 100) { movespeed = -1; force = -3; } else { movespeed = 3; force = 3; } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (distance < -100) { movespeed = 3; force = 3; } else { movespeed = -3; force = -3; } this._xscale = 100; } if ((Math.abs(distance) > 70) && (Math.abs(distance) < 120)) { this.gotoAndPlay("attack"); } this._x = this._x + movespeed; } } function wall() { while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - (this._width / 2), _y - 25, true)) { this._x++; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + (this._width / 2), _y - 25, true)) { this._x--; } } function spawning() { } function falling() { _y = (_y + fallspeed); fallspeed = fallspeed + 0.25; if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { fallspeed = 0; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { _y = (_y-1); } } function inv_check() { if (invincible > 0) { if ((invincible % 3) == 0) { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"70", ga:"100", gb:"70", ba:"100", bb:"70"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } else { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"20", ga:"100", gb:"20", ba:"100", bb:"20"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } invincible--; } else { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } } function force_physics() { if (force >= 0.1) { this._x = this._x + force; force = force - 0.1; } else if (force <= -0.1) { this._x = this._x + force; force = force + 0.1; } else { force = 0; } } function damage_effect() { _parent.attachMovie("hitting", ["hitting" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _global.count_fx++; elemental_multi = 1; if (_global.weapon == "weapon02") { elemental_multi = 0.25; } if (_global.weapon == "weapon06") { elemental_multi = 1.5; } if (_global.weapon == "weapon05") { elemental_multi = 0.75; } total_damage = ((_global.stat_atk * _global.hero_dmgmulti) * elemental_multi) + random(40); if (_global.weapon == "weapon06") { _global.hero_hp = _global.hero_hp + (total_damage * 0.1); } _parent.attachMovie("damage", ["damage" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["damage" + _global.count_fx].damage = total_damage; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx].movespeed = this.force / 3; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 10; hp = hp - total_damage; if (_global.atkforce >= 6) { _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = 150; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._yscale = 150; } _global.count_fx++; } function darkness() { if (_global.headgear == "head03") { distance = Math.abs(this._x - _root.hero._x); this._alpha = 160 - distance; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } function suredeath() { if ((hp <= 0) && (_currentframe < 150)) { this.gotoAndPlay("death"); } } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } maxHp = 1500; hp = maxHp; lvl = 4; airspeed = 3; air_accel = 0.1; fallspeed = 0; invincible = 0; timer = 0; atkdmg = 650; movespeed = 3; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_currentframe == 71) { play(); } suredeath(); purge_check(); if (hp > 0) { hurt_check(); } inv_check(); force_physics(); collision(); darkness(); if (_global.testmode == false) { this.hitbox._visible = false; } else { this.hitbox._visible = true; } if ((_global.pausemode == false) && (hp > 0)) { combat_check(); float(); } };
Symbol 2232 MovieClip [05_blazer] Frame 31
Symbol 2232 MovieClip [05_blazer] Frame 59
if (hp < 0) { gotoAndPlay ("death"); }
Symbol 2232 MovieClip [05_blazer] Frame 70
gotoAndStop ("neutral");
Symbol 2232 MovieClip [05_blazer] Frame 93
Symbol 2232 MovieClip [05_blazer] Frame 150
gotoAndStop ("neutral");
Symbol 2232 MovieClip [05_blazer] Frame 152
_parent.s45.start(); randomint = random(100) + 1; if (randomint < _global.hero_droprate) { randomint2 = random(100) + 1; if (randomint2 < 70) { dropname = "I02"; } else { dropname = "I03"; } _parent.attachMovie(dropname, ["item" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["item" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["item" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 10; _global.count_fx++; } exp_ = 250; cr = 1 / Math.max(1, _global.hero_level - 4); _global.hero_exp = _global.hero_exp + ((exp_ * cr) - ((exp_ * cr) % 1)); if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; }
Symbol 2232 MovieClip [05_blazer] Frame 185
stop(); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 2234 MovieClip Frame 1
this.swapDepths(9999); onEnterFrame = function () { if (_global.purge == true) { this.unloadMovie(); } };
Symbol 2243 MovieClip Frame 1
talking = false; exit = false; greeting = 0; stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { distance = Math.abs(_root.hero._x - this._x); if (talking == false) { this.interact._alpha = (50 - distance) * 2; } else { this.interact._alpha = 0; } };
Symbol 2245 MovieClip Frame 1
talking = false; exit = false; greeting = 0; stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { distance = Math.abs(_root.hero._x - this._x); if (talking == false) { this.interact._alpha = (50 - distance) * 2; } else { this.interact._alpha = 0; } if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this.head._xscale = -100; } else { this.head._xscale = 100; } };
Symbol 2252 MovieClip Frame 1
this.swapDepths(9999); onEnterFrame = function () { if (_global.purge == true) { this.unloadMovie(); } };
Symbol 2266 MovieClip Frame 1
function hurt_check() { if (_global.hero_str == 3) { str_multi = 1.25; } else { str_multi = 1; } size_multi = 0; if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && (invincible <= 0)) { invincible = 9; if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { force_xscale = 100; } else { force_xscale = -100; } force = ((((-_global.atkforce) * force_xscale) / 100) * str_multi) * size_multi; damage_effect(); _parent.hitsound(); } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.slidebox) && (_global.skill11 == true)) { _root.hero.gotoAndPlay("jump_down"); _root.hero.force = 0; _root.hero.force = (-3 * _root.hero._xscale) / 100; _root.hero._y = _root.hero._y - 6; _root.hero.grav = -6; if (invincible <= 0) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } invincible = 12; force = ((((-_global.atkforce) * this._xscale) / 100) * str_multi) * size_multi; damage_effect(); _parent.hitsound(); } } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.slambox) && (_global.skill08 == true)) { _root.hero.gotoAndPlay("jump_up"); _root.hero.force = -6 * (random(2) - 1); _root.hero.grav = (-_global.jumpHeight) - 2; _parent.attachMovie("sp_down_shadow", ["shadow" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["shadow" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root["shadow" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; _global.count_fx++; _parent.attachMovie("hitting", ["hitting" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._rotation = -90; _global.count_fx++; } i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i < _global.count_wpn) { if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root["bbeam" + i].damagebox) && (invincible <= 0)) { invincible = 20; force = (((_global.atkforce * this._xscale) / 100) * str_multi) * size_multi; damage_effect(); _parent.hitsound(); _root["bbeam" + i].explode = true; } i++; } } function death() { if ((hp <= 0) && (_currentframe < 10)) { this.gotoAndPlay("death"); } } function collision() { while (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._x > this._x)) { _root.hero._x++; } while (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._x < this._x)) { _root.hero._x--; } } function inv_check() { if (invincible > 0) { if ((invincible % 3) == 0) { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"70", ga:"100", gb:"70", ba:"100", bb:"70"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } else { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"20", ga:"100", gb:"20", ba:"100", bb:"20"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } invincible--; } else { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } } function damage_effect() { hp--; if (hp <= 0) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } gotoAndPlay ("death"); } } hp = 6; stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { hurt_check(); death(); collision(); inv_check(); };
Symbol 2266 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 2266 MovieClip Frame 61
Symbol 2277 MovieClip Frame 1
function collision() { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.damagebox)) { if ((_root.hero.invincible <= 0) && (!_global.pausemode)) { this.gotoAndPlay("attack_finish"); _parent.s24.start(); if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _root.hero.force = _root.hero.force - (12 * (_root.hero._xscale / 100)); _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = atkdmg; force = 0; } } while (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._x > this._x)) { _root.hero._x++; } while (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox) && (_root.hero._x < this._x)) { _root.hero._x--; } } function hurt_check() { if (_global.monster6 == false) { _global.monster6 = true; _global.monsterbio = 6; _global.new_note = true; } if (_global.hero_str == 3) { str_multi = 1.25; } else { str_multi = 1; } size_multi = 0.1; if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && (invincible <= 0)) { invincible = 9; if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { force_xscale = 100; } else { force_xscale = -100; } force = ((((-_global.atkforce) * force_xscale) / 100) * str_multi) * size_multi; damage_effect(); _parent.hitsound(); } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.slidebox) && (_global.skill11 == true)) { _root.hero.gotoAndPlay("jump_down"); _root.hero.force = 0; _root.hero.force = (-3 * _root.hero._xscale) / 100; _root.hero._y = _root.hero._y - 6; _root.hero.grav = -6; if (invincible <= 0) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } invincible = 12; force = ((((-_global.atkforce) * this._xscale) / 100) * str_multi) * size_multi; damage_effect(); _parent.hitsound(); } } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.slambox) && (_global.skill08 == true)) { _root.hero.gotoAndPlay("jump_up"); _root.hero.force = -6 * (random(2) - 1); _root.hero.grav = (-_global.jumpHeight) - 2; _parent.attachMovie("sp_down_shadow", ["shadow" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["shadow" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root["shadow" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; _global.count_fx++; _parent.attachMovie("hitting", ["hitting" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._rotation = -90; _global.count_fx++; } i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i < _global.count_wpn) { if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root["bbeam" + i].damagebox) && (invincible <= 0)) { invincible = 20; force = (((_global.atkforce * this._xscale) / 100) * str_multi) * size_multi; damage_effect(); _parent.hitsound(); _root["bbeam" + i].explode = true; } i++; } } function combat_check() { distance = this._x - _root.hero._x; if (_currentframe == 2) { timer--; if (timer <= 0) { if (Math.abs(distance) < 500) { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } shadowtimer = 0; this.gotoAndPlay("attack"); } else if (_parent.chance(50)) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } timer = 100; } } if (_currentframe == 102) { this._x = this._x + ((movespeed * _xscale) / 100); force = (12 * this._xscale) / 100; if (_root.ground.hitTest((_x - (this._width / 2)) - 5, _y - 25, true)) { this.gotoAndPlay("attack_finish"); } if (_root.ground.hitTest((_x + (this._width / 2)) + 5, _y - 25, true)) { this.gotoAndPlay("attack_finish"); } } } function wall() { while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - (this._width / 2), _y - 25, true)) { this._x++; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + (this._width / 2), _y - 25, true)) { this._x--; } } function spawning() { } function falling() { _y = (_y + fallspeed); fallspeed = fallspeed + 0.25; if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { fallspeed = 0; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { _y = (_y-1); } } function inv_check() { if (invincible > 0) { if ((invincible % 3) == 0) { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"70", ga:"100", gb:"70", ba:"100", bb:"70"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } else { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"20", ga:"100", gb:"20", ba:"100", bb:"20"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } invincible--; } else { var _local2 = new Color(this); var _local3 = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; _local2.setTransform(_local3); } } function force_physics() { if (force >= 0.25) { this._x = this._x + force; if (!((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6))) { force = force - 0.25; } else { force = force - 0.1; } } else if (force <= -0.25) { this._x = this._x + force; if (!((_currentframe >= 5) && (_currentframe <= 6))) { force = force + 0.25; } else { force = force + 0.1; } } else { force = 0; } } function damage_effect() { _parent.attachMovie("hitting", ["hitting" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root["hitting" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _global.count_fx++; elemental_multi = 1; if (_global.weapon == "weapon04") { elemental_multi = 0.25; } total_damage = ((_global.stat_atk * _global.hero_dmgmulti) * elemental_multi) + random(40); if (_global.weapon == "weapon06") { _global.hero_hp = _global.hero_hp + (total_damage * 0.1); } _parent.attachMovie("damage", ["damage" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["damage" + _global.count_fx].damage = total_damage; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx].movespeed = this.force / 3; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 10; hp = hp - total_damage; if (_global.atkforce >= 6) { _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = 150; _root["damage" + _global.count_fx]._yscale = 150; } _global.count_fx++; } function darkness() { if (_global.headgear == "head03") { distance = Math.abs(this._x - _root.hero._x); this._alpha = 160 - distance; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } function suredeath() { if ((hp <= 0) && (_currentframe < 152)) { this.gotoAndPlay("death"); } } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } function shadow_charge() { if (_currentframe == 102) { shadowtimer++; if ((shadowtimer % 5) == 0) { _parent.attachMovie("06_attackshadow", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _parent["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _global.count_fx++; } } if (_currentframe == 121) { play(); } } maxHp = 7500; hp = maxHp; lvl = 5; shadowtimer = 0; fallspeed = 0; invincible = 0; timer = 100; atkdmg = 1200; movespeed = 1; onEnterFrame = function () { suredeath(); purge_check(); if (hp > 0) { hurt_check(); } falling(); inv_check(); force_physics(); collision(); darkness(); wall(); shadow_charge(); if (_global.testmode == false) { this.hitbox._visible = false; } else { this.hitbox._visible = true; } if ((_global.pausemode == false) && (hp > 0)) { combat_check(); } if (spawn == true) { spawning(); } };
Symbol 2277 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 2277 MovieClip Frame 33
Symbol 2277 MovieClip Frame 69
Symbol 2277 MovieClip Frame 102
stop(); _parent.s46.start();
Symbol 2277 MovieClip Frame 121
this._y = this._y - 15; this.force = (-this._xscale) / 20; _root.vcam.shaking = 4; _parent.s08.start();
Symbol 2277 MovieClip Frame 134
gotoAndStop ("neutral");
Symbol 2277 MovieClip Frame 155
_parent.s47.start(); randomint = random(100) + 1; if (randomint < _global.hero_droprate) { randomint2 = random(100) + 1; if (randomint2 < 70) { dropname = "I03"; } else { dropname = "I04"; } _parent.attachMovie(dropname, ["item" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["item" + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root["item" + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 10; _global.count_fx++; } exp_ = 500; cr = 1 / Math.max(1, _global.hero_level - 5); _global.hero_exp = _global.hero_exp + ((exp_ * cr) - ((exp_ * cr) % 1)); if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; }
Symbol 2277 MovieClip Frame 213
stop(); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 2283 MovieClip Frame 1
function collision() { while (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.blockbox) && (_root.hero._x > this._x)) { _root.hero._x++; } while (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.blockbox) && (_root.hero._x < this._x)) { _root.hero._x--; } } talking = false; exit = false; greeting = 0; stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { distance = Math.abs(_root.hero._x - this._x); if (talking == false) { this.interact._alpha = (50 - distance) * 2; } else { this.interact._alpha = 0; } if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this.head._xscale = -100; } else { this.head._xscale = 100; } if ((greeting == 0) && (distance < 65)) { this.attachMovie("emo05", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); this["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = -51; this["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = -62; _global.count_fx++; greeting = 1; } if ((this._visible == true) && (_global.pausemode == false)) { collision(); } };
Symbol 2285 MovieClip Frame 1
function collision() { while (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.blockbox) && (_root.hero._x > this._x)) { _root.hero._x++; } while (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.blockbox) && (_root.hero._x < this._x)) { _root.hero._x--; } } talking = false; exit = false; greeting = 0; stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { distance = Math.abs(_root.hero._x - this._x); if (talking == false) { this.interact._alpha = (50 - distance) * 2; } else { this.interact._alpha = 0; } if ((greeting == 0) && (distance < 65)) { this.attachMovie("emo06", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); this["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = -51; this["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = -62; _global.count_fx++; greeting = 1; } if ((this._visible == true) && (_global.pausemode == false)) { collision(); } };
Symbol 2295 MovieClip Frame 1
talking = false; exit = false; greeting = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { distance = Math.abs(_root.hero._x - this._x); if (talking == false) { this.interact._alpha = (50 - distance) * 2; } else { this.interact._alpha = 0; } if (distance <= 80) { this.gotoAndStop("activate"); } else { this.gotoAndStop("neutral"); } if ((greeting == 0) && (distance < 65)) { this.attachMovie("emo11", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); this["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = -58; this["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = -60; _global.count_fx++; greeting = 1; } };
Symbol 2295 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 2297 MovieClip Frame 1
talking = false; exit = false; greeting = 0; stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { distance = Math.abs(_root.hero._x - this._x); if (talking == false) { this.interact._alpha = (50 - distance) * 2; } else { this.interact._alpha = 0; } if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this.head._xscale = -100; } else { this.head._xscale = 100; } };
Symbol 2306 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2306 MovieClip Frame 30
Symbol 2306 MovieClip Frame 34
_root.vcam.follower = "cutscene_cam";
Symbol 2306 MovieClip Frame 100
_parent.s08.start(); _parent.s51.start();
Symbol 2306 MovieClip Frame 133
_global.bgm = 3;
Symbol 2306 MovieClip Frame 134
Symbol 2306 MovieClip Frame 167
Symbol 2306 MovieClip Frame 175
Symbol 2306 MovieClip Frame 251
_root.vcam.follower = "hero"; _root.vcam.attachMovie("07_enemybar", ["enemybar"], _global.count_fx); _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 2306 MovieClip Frame 294
_global.pausemode = false; stop(); _parent.spawn_monster("07_majorous", 20, 520, true);
Symbol 2328 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2328 MovieClip Frame 99
stop(); _root.vcam.attachMovie("N05_dialogue_A", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _global.count_fx++; _root.vcam.zoom_in = true;
Symbol 2328 MovieClip Frame 152
Symbol 2328 MovieClip Frame 374
Symbol 2349 MovieClip Frame 1
talking = false; exit = false; greeting = 0; stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { distance = Math.abs(_root.hero._x - this._x); if (talking == false) { this.interact._alpha = (50 - distance) * 2; } else { this.interact._alpha = 0; } distance = this._x - _root.hero._x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 80) { if (distance > 0) { this.gotoAndStop("activate"); } else { this.gotoAndStop("activate2"); } } else { this.gotoAndStop("neutral"); } if ((greeting == 0) && (distance < 70)) { this.attachMovie("emo08", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); this["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = -51; this["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = -62; _global.count_fx++; greeting = 1; } };
Symbol 2351 MovieClip Frame 1
function collision() { while (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.blockbox) && (_root.hero._x > this._x)) { _root.hero._x++; } while (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.blockbox) && (_root.hero._x < this._x)) { _root.hero._x--; } } talking = false; exit = false; greeting = 0; stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { distance = Math.abs(_root.hero._x - this._x); if (talking == false) { this.interact._alpha = (50 - distance) * 2; } else { this.interact._alpha = 0; } if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this.head._xscale = -100; } else { this.head._xscale = 100; } if ((greeting == 0) && (distance < 65)) { this.attachMovie("emo11", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); this["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = -51; this["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = -62; _global.count_fx++; greeting = 1; } if ((this._visible == true) && (_global.pausemode == false)) { collision(); } };
Symbol 2356 MovieClip Frame 1
function collision() { while (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.blockbox) && (_root.hero._x > this._x)) { _root.hero._x++; } while (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.blockbox) && (_root.hero._x < this._x)) { _root.hero._x--; } } talking = false; exit = false; greeting = 0; stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { distance = Math.abs(_root.hero._x - this._x); if (talking == false) { this.interact._alpha = (50 - distance) * 2; } else { this.interact._alpha = 0; } if ((this._visible == true) && (_global.pausemode == false)) { collision(); } };
Symbol 2356 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 2375 MovieClip Frame 1
talking = false; exit = false; greeting = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { distance = Math.abs(_root.hero._x - this._x); if (talking == false) { this.interact._alpha = (50 - distance) * 2; } else { this.interact._alpha = 0; } if (distance <= 80) { this.gotoAndStop("activate"); } else { this.gotoAndStop("neutral"); } if ((greeting == 0) && (distance < 65)) { this.attachMovie("emo11", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); this["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = -58; this["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = -60; _global.count_fx++; greeting = 1; } };
Symbol 2375 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 2397 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2398 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2398 MovieClip Frame 331
stop(); _parent.attachMovie("10_wanderman", "boss", _global.count); _root.boss._x = 364; _root.boss._y = 246; _root.boss._xscale = -100;
Symbol 2398 MovieClip Frame 341
Symbol 2398 MovieClip Frame 357
Symbol 2398 MovieClip Frame 362
Symbol 2402 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2410 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2412 MovieClip Frame 1
talking = false; exit = false; greeting = 0; stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { distance = Math.abs(_root.hero._x - this._x); if (talking == false) { this.interact._alpha = (50 - distance) * 2; } else { this.interact._alpha = 0; } };
Symbol 2416 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2421 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2425 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2425 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 2425 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 2425 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 2425 MovieClip Frame 27
_root.vcam.shaking = 10; _parent.s08.start();
Symbol 2425 MovieClip Frame 65
_root.vcam.attachMovie("item_get", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root.vcam["effect" + _global.count_fx].texty = "'Mysteltainn'\n is at your service."; _root.vcam["effect" + _global.count_fx].itemy = "weapon06"; _parent.s01.start(); _parent.s27.start(); _global.new_equip = true; _global.item_weapon06 = true; _global.count_fx++; confirm_timer = 0; _global.pausemode = false;
Symbol 2425 MovieClip Frame 101
Symbol 2427 MovieClip Frame 1
this.swapDepths(9999); onEnterFrame = function () { if (_global.purge == true) { this.unloadMovie(); } };
Symbol 2432 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2447 MovieClip Frame 1
function collision() { while (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.blockbox) && (_root.hero._x > this._x)) { _root.hero._x++; } while (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.blockbox) && (_root.hero._x < this._x)) { _root.hero._x--; } } talking = false; exit = false; greeting = 0; stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { distance = Math.abs(_root.hero._x - this._x); if (talking == false) { this.interact._alpha = (50 - distance) * 2; } else { this.interact._alpha = 0; } distance = this._x - _root.hero._x; if (_currentframe <= 20) { if (Math.abs(distance) < 80) { this.gotoAndStop("activate"); } else { this.gotoAndStop("neutral"); } } if ((greeting == 0) && (distance < 70)) { this.attachMovie("emo08", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); this["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = -51; this["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = -62; _global.count_fx++; greeting = 1; } if ((this._visible == true) && (_global.pausemode == false)) { collision(); } };
Symbol 2447 MovieClip Frame 61
Symbol 2447 MovieClip Frame 142
_root.vcam.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent.s39.start();
Symbol 2447 MovieClip Frame 150
_global.purge = true; _root.foreground.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.fadeout_black.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent.attachMovie("fadeout", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root["effect" + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _global.checkpoint = "map03_A3"; _global.from_map = "spawn"; _parent.gotoAndPlay("initialize_A3");
Symbol 2455 MovieClip Frame 23
Symbol 2456 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2456 MovieClip Frame 20
_root.vcam.follower = "cutscene_cam"; _global.pausemode = true; _root.vcam.attachMovie("M12_dialogue_A", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root.vcam.zoom_in = true; _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 2456 MovieClip Frame 50
Symbol 2456 MovieClip Frame 63
Symbol 2456 MovieClip Frame 160
_root.vcam.follower = "hero"; _global.bgm = 3; _root.vcam.attachMovie("12_enemybar", ["enemybar"], _global.count_fx); _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 2456 MovieClip Frame 161
Symbol 2456 MovieClip Frame 171
_parent.spawn_monster("04_injustice", 644, 222);
Symbol 2456 MovieClip Frame 203
stop(); _global.pausemode = false; _global.count++; _parent.attachMovie("12_zealotus", "boss", _global.count); _root.boss._x = 443; _root.boss._y = 327; _root.boss._xscale = -100; _global.count++;
Symbol 2471 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2471 MovieClip Frame 17
_root.vcam.follower = "cutscene_cam1"; _global.pausemode = true;
Symbol 2471 MovieClip Frame 51
_root.vcam.attachMovie("N08_dialogue_A", ["effect" + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root.vcam.zoom_in = true; _global.count_fx++; _global.bgm = 0; stop();
Symbol 2471 MovieClip Frame 100
Symbol 2471 MovieClip Frame 101
_global.bgm = 5;
Symbol 2471 MovieClip Frame 203
Symbol 2471 MovieClip Frame 204
_root.vcam.follower = "cutscene_cam1"; _root.ground.gotoAndStop("arena");
Symbol 2471 MovieClip Frame 213
_global.bgm = 5; _root.vcam.attachMovie("N08_enemybar", ["enemybar"], _global.count_fx); _global.count_fx++;
Symbol 2471 MovieClip Frame 238
_root.vcam.follower = "hero";
Symbol 2471 MovieClip Frame 267
_global.pausemode = false; _parent.attachMovie("N08_stalker", "boss1", _global.count); _root.boss1._x = 92; _root.boss1._y = 340; _global.count++; _parent.attachMovie("N09_asscross", "boss2", _global.count); _root.boss2._x = 171; _root.boss2._y = 340; _global.count++; _parent.attachMovie("N10_sister", "boss3", _global.count); _root.boss3._x = -31; _root.boss3._y = 340; _global.count++; stop();

Library Items

Symbol 1 Sound [ultimate]
Symbol 2 Sound [teleport]
Symbol 3 Sound [s62]
Symbol 4 Sound [s61]
Symbol 5 Sound [s60]
Symbol 6 Sound [s59]
Symbol 7 Sound [s58]
Symbol 8 Sound [s57]
Symbol 9 Sound [s56]
Symbol 10 Sound [s55]
Symbol 11 Sound [s54]
Symbol 12 Sound [s53]
Symbol 13 Sound [s52]
Symbol 14 Sound [s51]
Symbol 15 Sound [s50]
Symbol 16 Sound [s49]
Symbol 17 Sound [s48]
Symbol 18 Sound [s47]
Symbol 19 Sound [s46]
Symbol 20 Sound [s45]
Symbol 21 Sound [s44]
Symbol 22 Sound [s43]
Symbol 23 Sound [s42]
Symbol 24 Sound [s41]
Symbol 25 Sound [s40]
Symbol 26 Sound [s39]
Symbol 27 Sound [s38]
Symbol 28 Sound [s37]
Symbol 29 Sound [s36]
Symbol 30 Sound [s35]
Symbol 31 Sound [s33]
Symbol 32 Sound [s32]
Symbol 33 Sound [s31_zombie_damage]
Symbol 34 Sound [s30]
Symbol 35 Sound [s29]
Symbol 36 Sound [s28]
Symbol 37 Sound [s27]
Symbol 38 Sound [s26]
Symbol 39 Sound [s25]
Symbol 40 Sound [s24]
Symbol 41 Sound [s23]
Symbol 42 Sound [s22]
Symbol 43 Sound [s21]
Symbol 44 Sound [s20]
Symbol 45 Sound [s19]
Symbol 46 Sound [s18]
Symbol 47 Sound [s17]
Symbol 48 Sound [s16]
Symbol 49 Sound [s15]
Symbol 50 Sound [s14]
Symbol 51 Sound [s13]
Symbol 52 Sound [s12]
Symbol 53 Sound [s11]
Symbol 54 Sound [s10]
Symbol 55 Sound [s09]
Symbol 56 Sound [s08]
Symbol 57 Sound [s07]
Symbol 58 Sound [s06]
Symbol 59 Sound [s05]
Symbol 60 Sound [s04]
Symbol 61 Sound [s03]
Symbol 62 Sound [s02]
Symbol 63 Sound [s01]
Symbol 64 Sound [meteor]
Symbol 65 Sound [land]
Symbol 66 Sound [jump]
Symbol 67 Sound [bgm05]
Symbol 68 Sound [bgm04]
Symbol 69 Sound [bgm03]
Symbol 70 Sound [bgm02]
Symbol 71 Sound [bgm01]
Symbol 72 GraphicUsed by:73 1095 1141 1236
Symbol 73 MovieClipUses:72Used by:500 607 667 779 781 788 802 835 862 891 904 917 921 933 989 1028 1041 1043 1045 1047 1049 1053 1055 1058 1077 1107 1140 1152 1153 1171 1424 1660 1702 1746 1956 1988 1989 1991 1997 2035 2073 2074 2075 2080 2184 2188 2243 2245 2283 2285 2295 2297 2349 2351 2356 2375 2412 2447  Timeline
Symbol 74 GraphicUsed by:93
Symbol 75 GraphicUsed by:81
Symbol 76 ShapeTweeningUsed by:81
Symbol 77 ShapeTweeningUsed by:81
Symbol 78 ShapeTweeningUsed by:81
Symbol 79 ShapeTweeningUsed by:81
Symbol 80 GraphicUsed by:81
Symbol 81 MovieClipUses:75 76 77 78 79 80Used by:93
Symbol 82 GraphicUsed by:93
Symbol 83 GraphicUsed by:87
Symbol 84 GraphicUsed by:87
Symbol 85 GraphicUsed by:87
Symbol 86 GraphicUsed by:87
Symbol 87 MovieClipUses:83 84 85 86Used by:93
Symbol 88 GraphicUsed by:89 744
Symbol 89 MovieClipUses:88Used by:93 500 1746 2018 2073
Symbol 90 GraphicUsed by:93
Symbol 91 GraphicUsed by:92
Symbol 92 MovieClipUses:91Used by:93
Symbol 93 MovieClipUses:74 81 82 87 89 90 92Used by:107 132 138 143 379 409 424 460 472 478 490 499 500 983 985 989
Symbol 94 GraphicUsed by:95
Symbol 95 MovieClipUses:94Used by:107
Symbol 96 GraphicUsed by:97
Symbol 97 MovieClipUses:96Used by:107
Symbol 98 GraphicUsed by:99
Symbol 99 MovieClipUses:98Used by:107
Symbol 100 GraphicUsed by:106
Symbol 101 GraphicUsed by:106
Symbol 102 GraphicUsed by:106
Symbol 103 GraphicUsed by:106
Symbol 104 GraphicUsed by:106
Symbol 105 GraphicUsed by:106
Symbol 106 MovieClipUses:100 101 102 103 104 105Used by:107 132 138 143 159 162 165 478 490 499 500
Symbol 107 MovieClipUses:93 95 97 99 106Used by:500 1761
Symbol 108 GraphicUsed by:111
Symbol 109 GraphicUsed by:111
Symbol 110 GraphicUsed by:111
Symbol 111 MovieClipUses:108 109 110Used by:112
Symbol 112 MovieClipUses:111Used by:500
Symbol 113 GraphicUsed by:132
Symbol 114 GraphicUsed by:120
Symbol 115 GraphicUsed by:120 375
Symbol 116 GraphicUsed by:120 153
Symbol 117 GraphicUsed by:120
Symbol 118 GraphicUsed by:120 153
Symbol 119 GraphicUsed by:120 153
Symbol 120 MovieClipUses:114 115 116 117 118 119Used by:132 138 143 409 424 490 500 983 985 989
Symbol 121 GraphicUsed by:132
Symbol 122 GraphicUsed by:132
Symbol 123 GraphicUsed by:132
Symbol 124 GraphicUsed by:132
Symbol 125 GraphicUsed by:132
Symbol 126 GraphicUsed by:132
Symbol 127 GraphicUsed by:132
Symbol 128 GraphicUsed by:132
Symbol 129 GraphicUsed by:132
Symbol 130 GraphicUsed by:132
Symbol 131 GraphicUsed by:132
Symbol 132 MovieClipUses:93 113 120 121 106 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131Used by:500
Symbol 133 GraphicUsed by:138
Symbol 134 GraphicUsed by:138
Symbol 135 GraphicUsed by:138
Symbol 136 GraphicUsed by:138
Symbol 137 GraphicUsed by:138
Symbol 138 MovieClipUses:93 120 133 134 106 135 136 137Used by:500 989
Symbol 139 GraphicUsed by:143
Symbol 140 GraphicUsed by:143
Symbol 141 GraphicUsed by:143
Symbol 142 GraphicUsed by:143
Symbol 143 MovieClipUses:93 139 106 140 141 120 142Used by:500
Symbol 144 GraphicUsed by:500 983
Symbol 145 GraphicUsed by:500 983
Symbol 146 GraphicUsed by:500 983
Symbol 147 GraphicUsed by:500 983
Symbol 148 GraphicUsed by:500 983
Symbol 149 GraphicUsed by:156
Symbol 150 GraphicUsed by:153
Symbol 151 GraphicUsed by:153
Symbol 152 GraphicUsed by:153
Symbol 153 MovieClipUses:150 151 116 152 118 119Used by:156 167 424 472 500
Symbol 154 GraphicUsed by:156
Symbol 155 GraphicUsed by:156
Symbol 156 MovieClipUses:149 153 154 155Used by:500
Symbol 157 GraphicUsed by:159
Symbol 158 GraphicUsed by:159
Symbol 159 MovieClipUses:157 106 158Used by:167
Symbol 160 GraphicUsed by:162
Symbol 161 GraphicUsed by:162
Symbol 162 MovieClipUses:160 106 161Used by:167
Symbol 163 GraphicUsed by:165
Symbol 164 GraphicUsed by:165
Symbol 165 MovieClipUses:163 106 164Used by:167
Symbol 166 GraphicUsed by:167
Symbol 167 MovieClipUses:159 162 165 166 153Used by:500
Symbol 168 GraphicUsed by:500 985 989
Symbol 169 GraphicUsed by:500 985
Symbol 170 GraphicUsed by:171 1124
Symbol 171 MovieClipUses:170Used by:267 500 514 525 533 542 556 563 835 862 891 904 917 921 933 989 1028 1077  Timeline
Symbol 172 GraphicUsed by:500 985
Symbol 173 GraphicUsed by:207
Symbol 174 GraphicUsed by:207
Symbol 175 GraphicUsed by:207
Symbol 176 ShapeTweeningUsed by:207
Symbol 177 GraphicUsed by:207 267 303 362 408 451 556 771 1055 2019 2028 2158 2232
Symbol 178 GraphicUsed by:207 267 303 362 408 451 556 771 1055 2019 2028 2158 2232
Symbol 179 GraphicUsed by:207 267 303 362 408 451 556 771 1055 2019 2028 2158 2232
Symbol 180 GraphicUsed by:207 267 303 362 451 556 771 1055 2019 2028 2158 2232
Symbol 181 GraphicUsed by:207 267 303 362 408 451 556 771 1055 2019 2028 2158 2232
Symbol 182 ShapeTweeningUsed by:207
Symbol 183 GraphicUsed by:207
Symbol 184 GraphicUsed by:207
Symbol 185 GraphicUsed by:207
Symbol 186 GraphicUsed by:207
Symbol 187 GraphicUsed by:207
Symbol 188 GraphicUsed by:207
Symbol 189 GraphicUsed by:207
Symbol 190 GraphicUsed by:191
Symbol 191 MovieClipUses:190Used by:207 267 500 659 751 788 1039 1055 1140 1281 1395 1424 1531 1606 1702 2051 2060 2074 2080 2232
Symbol 192 GraphicUsed by:207
Symbol 193 GraphicUsed by:207
Symbol 194 GraphicUsed by:207
Symbol 195 GraphicUsed by:207
Symbol 196 GraphicUsed by:207
Symbol 197 GraphicUsed by:207
Symbol 198 GraphicUsed by:207
Symbol 199 GraphicUsed by:207
Symbol 200 GraphicUsed by:207
Symbol 201 GraphicUsed by:207
Symbol 202 GraphicUsed by:207
Symbol 203 GraphicUsed by:207
Symbol 204 GraphicUsed by:207
Symbol 205 GraphicUsed by:207
Symbol 206 GraphicUsed by:207
Symbol 207 MovieClipUses:173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206Used by:500
Symbol 208 GraphicUsed by:500 985
Symbol 209 GraphicUsed by:500 985
Symbol 210 GraphicUsed by:500 985
Symbol 211 GraphicUsed by:500 985
Symbol 212 GraphicUsed by:500 985
Symbol 213 GraphicUsed by:500 985
Symbol 214 GraphicUsed by:500 985
Symbol 215 GraphicUsed by:500 985
Symbol 216 GraphicUsed by:500
Symbol 217 GraphicUsed by:500
Symbol 218 GraphicUsed by:423 500
Symbol 219 GraphicUsed by:500
Symbol 220 GraphicUsed by:256 267
Symbol 221 GraphicUsed by:256 267
Symbol 222 GraphicUsed by:256 267
Symbol 223 GraphicUsed by:256 267
Symbol 224 GraphicUsed by:256 267
Symbol 225 GraphicUsed by:256 267
Symbol 226 GraphicUsed by:256 267
Symbol 227 GraphicUsed by:256 267
Symbol 228 GraphicUsed by:256 267
Symbol 229 GraphicUsed by:267
Symbol 230 GraphicUsed by:267
Symbol 231 GraphicUsed by:267
Symbol 232 GraphicUsed by:267
Symbol 233 GraphicUsed by:267
Symbol 234 GraphicUsed by:267
Symbol 235 GraphicUsed by:267
Symbol 236 GraphicUsed by:267
Symbol 237 GraphicUsed by:267
Symbol 238 GraphicUsed by:267
Symbol 239 GraphicUsed by:267
Symbol 240 GraphicUsed by:267
Symbol 241 GraphicUsed by:267
Symbol 242 GraphicUsed by:267
Symbol 243 GraphicUsed by:267
Symbol 244 GraphicUsed by:267
Symbol 245 GraphicUsed by:267
Symbol 246 GraphicUsed by:267 542
Symbol 247 GraphicUsed by:267 542
Symbol 248 GraphicUsed by:267
Symbol 249 GraphicUsed by:267
Symbol 250 GraphicUsed by:267
Symbol 251 GraphicUsed by:267
Symbol 252 GraphicUsed by:267
Symbol 253 GraphicUsed by:267
Symbol 254 GraphicUsed by:267
Symbol 255 GraphicUsed by:267
Symbol 256 MovieClipUses:220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228Used by:267
Symbol 257 GraphicUsed by:267
Symbol 258 GraphicUsed by:267
Symbol 259 GraphicUsed by:267
Symbol 260 GraphicUsed by:267
Symbol 261 GraphicUsed by:267
Symbol 262 GraphicUsed by:267
Symbol 263 GraphicUsed by:267
Symbol 264 GraphicUsed by:267
Symbol 265 GraphicUsed by:267
Symbol 266 GraphicUsed by:267
Symbol 267 MovieClipUses:220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 177 180 178 181 229 179 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 171 247 248 249 191 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266Used by:500
Symbol 268 GraphicUsed by:500
Symbol 269 GraphicUsed by:500
Symbol 270 GraphicUsed by:424 460 500
Symbol 271 GraphicUsed by:409 424 500
Symbol 272 GraphicUsed by:500
Symbol 273 GraphicUsed by:500
Symbol 274 GraphicUsed by:500
Symbol 275 GraphicUsed by:409 500
Symbol 276 GraphicUsed by:409 500
Symbol 277 GraphicUsed by:409 500
Symbol 278 GraphicUsed by:303
Symbol 279 GraphicUsed by:303
Symbol 280 GraphicUsed by:303
Symbol 281 ShapeTweeningUsed by:303
Symbol 282 ShapeTweeningUsed by:303
Symbol 283 GraphicUsed by:303
Symbol 284 GraphicUsed by:303
Symbol 285 GraphicUsed by:303
Symbol 286 GraphicUsed by:303
Symbol 287 GraphicUsed by:303
Symbol 288 GraphicUsed by:303
Symbol 289 GraphicUsed by:303
Symbol 290 GraphicUsed by:303
Symbol 291 GraphicUsed by:303
Symbol 292 GraphicUsed by:303
Symbol 293 GraphicUsed by:303
Symbol 294 GraphicUsed by:303
Symbol 295 GraphicUsed by:303
Symbol 296 GraphicUsed by:303
Symbol 297 GraphicUsed by:303
Symbol 298 GraphicUsed by:303
Symbol 299 GraphicUsed by:303
Symbol 300 GraphicUsed by:303
Symbol 301 GraphicUsed by:303
Symbol 302 GraphicUsed by:303
Symbol 303 MovieClipUses:278 279 280 281 177 181 178 179 282 180 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302Used by:500
Symbol 304 GraphicUsed by:409 500
Symbol 305 GraphicUsed by:409 478 500
Symbol 306 GraphicUsed by:409 500
Symbol 307 GraphicUsed by:409 500
Symbol 308 GraphicUsed by:409 500
Symbol 309 GraphicUsed by:500
Symbol 310 GraphicUsed by:500
Symbol 311 GraphicUsed by:500
Symbol 312 GraphicUsed by:500
Symbol 313 GraphicUsed by:500
Symbol 314 GraphicUsed by:500
Symbol 315 GraphicUsed by:500
Symbol 316 GraphicUsed by:500
Symbol 317 GraphicUsed by:362
Symbol 318 GraphicUsed by:362
Symbol 319 GraphicUsed by:362
Symbol 320 GraphicUsed by:362
Symbol 321 GraphicUsed by:362
Symbol 322 GraphicUsed by:362
Symbol 323 GraphicUsed by:362
Symbol 324 GraphicUsed by:362
Symbol 325 ShapeTweeningUsed by:362
Symbol 326 GraphicUsed by:362 408
Symbol 327 GraphicUsed by:362 408
Symbol 328 GraphicUsed by:362 408
Symbol 329 GraphicUsed by:362 408
Symbol 330 GraphicUsed by:362 408
Symbol 331 ShapeTweeningUsed by:362
Symbol 332 GraphicUsed by:362
Symbol 333 GraphicUsed by:362
Symbol 334 GraphicUsed by:362
Symbol 335 GraphicUsed by:362
Symbol 336 GraphicUsed by:362
Symbol 337 GraphicUsed by:362
Symbol 338 GraphicUsed by:362
Symbol 339 GraphicUsed by:362
Symbol 340 GraphicUsed by:362
Symbol 341 GraphicUsed by:362
Symbol 342 GraphicUsed by:362
Symbol 343 GraphicUsed by:362
Symbol 344 GraphicUsed by:362
Symbol 345 GraphicUsed by:362
Symbol 346 GraphicUsed by:362
Symbol 347 GraphicUsed by:362
Symbol 348 GraphicUsed by:362
Symbol 349 GraphicUsed by:362
Symbol 350 GraphicUsed by:362
Symbol 351 GraphicUsed by:362
Symbol 352 GraphicUsed by:362
Symbol 353 GraphicUsed by:362
Symbol 354 GraphicUsed by:362
Symbol 355 GraphicUsed by:362
Symbol 356 GraphicUsed by:362
Symbol 357 GraphicUsed by:362
Symbol 358 GraphicUsed by:362
Symbol 359 GraphicUsed by:362
Symbol 360 GraphicUsed by:362
Symbol 361 GraphicUsed by:362
Symbol 362 MovieClipUses:317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 179 181 177 178 180 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361Used by:500
Symbol 363 GraphicUsed by:500
Symbol 364 GraphicUsed by:500
Symbol 365 GraphicUsed by:500
Symbol 366 GraphicUsed by:500
Symbol 367 GraphicUsed by:500
Symbol 368 GraphicUsed by:500
Symbol 369 GraphicUsed by:378
Symbol 370 GraphicUsed by:378
Symbol 371 GraphicUsed by:375
Symbol 372 GraphicUsed by:375
Symbol 373 GraphicUsed by:375
Symbol 374 GraphicUsed by:375
Symbol 375 MovieClipUses:371 115 372 373 374Used by:378 490 500
Symbol 376 GraphicUsed by:378
Symbol 377 GraphicUsed by:378
Symbol 378 MovieClipUses:369 370 375 376 377Used by:379
Symbol 379 MovieClipUses:93 378Used by:500
Symbol 380 GraphicUsed by:408
Symbol 381 GraphicUsed by:408
Symbol 382 GraphicUsed by:408
Symbol 383 GraphicUsed by:408
Symbol 384 GraphicUsed by:408
Symbol 385 GraphicUsed by:408
Symbol 386 GraphicUsed by:408
Symbol 387 GraphicUsed by:408
Symbol 388 GraphicUsed by:408
Symbol 389 GraphicUsed by:408
Symbol 390 GraphicUsed by:408
Symbol 391 GraphicUsed by:408
Symbol 392 GraphicUsed by:408
Symbol 393 GraphicUsed by:408
Symbol 394 GraphicUsed by:408
Symbol 395 GraphicUsed by:408
Symbol 396 GraphicUsed by:408
Symbol 397 GraphicUsed by:408
Symbol 398 GraphicUsed by:408
Symbol 399 GraphicUsed by:408
Symbol 400 GraphicUsed by:408
Symbol 401 GraphicUsed by:408
Symbol 402 GraphicUsed by:408
Symbol 403 GraphicUsed by:408
Symbol 404 GraphicUsed by:408
Symbol 405 GraphicUsed by:408
Symbol 406 GraphicUsed by:408
Symbol 407 GraphicUsed by:408
Symbol 408 MovieClipUses:380 381 382 383 384 329 327 328 179 326 181 385 330 386 387 178 177 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407Used by:500
Symbol 409 MovieClipUses:93 275 120 276 277 271 304 305 306 307 308Used by:500
Symbol 410 GraphicUsed by:500
Symbol 411 GraphicUsed by:500
Symbol 412 GraphicUsed by:500
Symbol 413 GraphicUsed by:500
Symbol 414 GraphicUsed by:500
Symbol 415 GraphicUsed by:500
Symbol 416 GraphicUsed by:500
Symbol 417 GraphicUsed by:500
Symbol 418 GraphicUsed by:500
Symbol 419 GraphicUsed by:424
Symbol 420 GraphicUsed by:423
Symbol 421 GraphicUsed by:423
Symbol 422 GraphicUsed by:423
Symbol 423 MovieClipUses:218 420 421 422Used by:424
Symbol 424 MovieClipUses:271 419 120 93 270 423 153Used by:500
Symbol 425 GraphicUsed by:428
Symbol 426 GraphicUsed by:427
Symbol 427 MovieClipUses:426Used by:428 2052
Symbol 428 MovieClip [hitting]Uses:425 427Used by:500
Symbol 429 GraphicUsed by:451
Symbol 430 GraphicUsed by:451
Symbol 431 GraphicUsed by:451
Symbol 432 ShapeTweeningUsed by:451
Symbol 433 ShapeTweeningUsed by:451
Symbol 434 GraphicUsed by:451
Symbol 435 GraphicUsed by:451
Symbol 436 GraphicUsed by:451
Symbol 437 GraphicUsed by:451
Symbol 438 GraphicUsed by:451
Symbol 439 GraphicUsed by:451
Symbol 440 GraphicUsed by:451
Symbol 441 GraphicUsed by:451
Symbol 442 GraphicUsed by:451
Symbol 443 GraphicUsed by:451
Symbol 444 GraphicUsed by:451
Symbol 445 GraphicUsed by:451
Symbol 446 GraphicUsed by:451
Symbol 447 GraphicUsed by:451
Symbol 448 GraphicUsed by:451
Symbol 449 GraphicUsed by:451
Symbol 450 GraphicUsed by:451
Symbol 451 MovieClipUses:429 430 431 432 177 181 179 180 178 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450Used by:500
Symbol 452 GraphicUsed by:500
Symbol 453 GraphicUsed by:500
Symbol 454 GraphicUsed by:500
Symbol 455 GraphicUsed by:500
Symbol 456 GraphicUsed by:500
Symbol 457 GraphicUsed by:460 500
Symbol 458 GraphicUsed by:460 500
Symbol 459 GraphicUsed by:460 500
Symbol 460 MovieClipUses:93 270 457 458 459Used by:500
Symbol 461 GraphicUsed by:500
Symbol 462 GraphicUsed by:500
Symbol 463 GraphicUsed by:472
Symbol 464 GraphicUsed by:470
Symbol 465 GraphicUsed by:470
Symbol 466 GraphicUsed by:470
Symbol 467 GraphicUsed by:470
Symbol 468 GraphicUsed by:470
Symbol 469 GraphicUsed by:470
Symbol 470 MovieClipUses:464 465 466 467 468 469Used by:472
Symbol 471 GraphicUsed by:472
Symbol 472 MovieClipUses:463 470 471 153 93Used by:473
Symbol 473 MovieClipUses:472Used by:500
Symbol 474 GraphicUsed by:500
Symbol 475 GraphicUsed by:500
Symbol 476 GraphicUsed by:478
Symbol 477 GraphicUsed by:478
Symbol 478 MovieClipUses:93 305 476 106 477Used by:500
Symbol 479 GraphicUsed by:486
Symbol 480 GraphicUsed by:486
Symbol 481 GraphicUsed by:486
Symbol 482 GraphicUsed by:486
Symbol 483 GraphicUsed by:486
Symbol 484 GraphicUsed by:486
Symbol 485 GraphicUsed by:486
Symbol 486 MovieClipUses:479 480 481 482 483 484 485Used by:500
Symbol 487 GraphicUsed by:490 500
Symbol 488 GraphicUsed by:490 500
Symbol 489 GraphicUsed by:490 500
Symbol 490 MovieClipUses:487 120 93 488 106 489 375Used by:500 989
Symbol 491 GraphicUsed by:499
Symbol 492 GraphicUsed by:499
Symbol 493 GraphicUsed by:499
Symbol 494 GraphicUsed by:499
Symbol 495 GraphicUsed by:499
Symbol 496 GraphicUsed by:499
Symbol 497 GraphicUsed by:499
Symbol 498 GraphicUsed by:499
Symbol 499 MovieClipUses:93 491 106 492 493 494 495 496 497 498Used by:500 989
Symbol 500 MovieClip [Kenshu_root]Uses:73 107 112 132 138 143 93 144 120 145 146 147 148 156 167 168 169 171 172 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 191 89 216 217 218 219 267 268 269 153 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 106 315 316 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 379 408 409 410 411 412 413 375 414 415 416 417 418 424 428 451 452 453 454 455 456 460 461 462 457 458 459 473 474 475 478 486 490 489 488 487 499
Symbol 501 GraphicUsed by:514
Symbol 502 GraphicUsed by:514
Symbol 503 GraphicUsed by:514
Symbol 504 GraphicUsed by:514
Symbol 505 GraphicUsed by:514
Symbol 506 GraphicUsed by:514
Symbol 507 GraphicUsed by:514
Symbol 508 GraphicUsed by:514
Symbol 509 GraphicUsed by:514
Symbol 510 GraphicUsed by:514
Symbol 511 GraphicUsed by:514
Symbol 512 GraphicUsed by:514
Symbol 513 GraphicUsed by:514
Symbol 514 MovieClip [bbeam_weapon06]Uses:171 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513
Symbol 515 GraphicUsed by:516
Symbol 516 MovieClipUses:515Used by:518
Symbol 517 GraphicUsed by:518
Symbol 518 MovieClipUses:516 517Used by:525 2447
Symbol 519 GraphicUsed by:525
Symbol 520 GraphicUsed by:525
Symbol 521 GraphicUsed by:525
Symbol 522 GraphicUsed by:525
Symbol 523 GraphicUsed by:525
Symbol 524 GraphicUsed by:525
Symbol 525 MovieClip [bbeam_weapon05]Uses:518 519 171 520 521 522 523 524
Symbol 526 GraphicUsed by:533
Symbol 527 ShapeTweeningUsed by:533
Symbol 528 ShapeTweeningUsed by:533
Symbol 529 GraphicUsed by:533
Symbol 530 GraphicUsed by:533
Symbol 531 ShapeTweeningUsed by:533
Symbol 532 GraphicUsed by:533 563
Symbol 533 MovieClip [bbeam_weapon04]Uses:526 171 527 528 529 530 531 532
Symbol 534 GraphicUsed by:542
Symbol 535 GraphicUsed by:542
Symbol 536 GraphicUsed by:542
Symbol 537 GraphicUsed by:542
Symbol 538 GraphicUsed by:542
Symbol 539 GraphicUsed by:542
Symbol 540 GraphicUsed by:542
Symbol 541 GraphicUsed by:542
Symbol 542 MovieClip [bbeam_weapon03]Uses:246 171 247 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541
Symbol 543 GraphicUsed by:551 1054
Symbol 544 GraphicUsed by:551 1054
Symbol 545 GraphicUsed by:551 1054
Symbol 546 GraphicUsed by:551 1054
Symbol 547 GraphicUsed by:551 1054
Symbol 548 GraphicUsed by:551 1054
Symbol 549 GraphicUsed by:551 1054
Symbol 550 GraphicUsed by:551 1054
Symbol 551 MovieClipUses:543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550Used by:556
Symbol 552 ShapeTweeningUsed by:556
Symbol 553 ShapeTweeningUsed by:556
Symbol 554 GraphicUsed by:556
Symbol 555 GraphicUsed by:556
Symbol 556 MovieClip [bbeam_weapon02]Uses:171 551 552 553 554 555 180 177 178 179 181
Symbol 557 ShapeTweeningUsed by:563
Symbol 558 ShapeTweeningUsed by:563
Symbol 559 ShapeTweeningUsed by:563
Symbol 560 GraphicUsed by:563
Symbol 561 GraphicUsed by:563
Symbol 562 ShapeTweeningUsed by:563
Symbol 563 MovieClip [bbeam_weapon01]Uses:171 557 558 559 560 561 562 532
Symbol 564 ShapeTweeningUsed by:574
Symbol 565 GraphicUsed by:574
Symbol 566 ShapeTweeningUsed by:574
Symbol 567 GraphicUsed by:574
Symbol 568 ShapeTweeningUsed by:574
Symbol 569 ShapeTweeningUsed by:574
Symbol 570 GraphicUsed by:574
Symbol 571 ShapeTweeningUsed by:574
Symbol 572 GraphicUsed by:574
Symbol 573 ShapeTweeningUsed by:574
Symbol 574 MovieClip [sp_downswd_shadow]Uses:564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573
Symbol 575 FontUsed by:576 577 583 587 588 589 591 660 774 778 876 878 880 907 919 1786 1935 1936 1938 1940 1942 1944 1946 2472
Symbol 576 TextUses:575Used by:578
Symbol 577 TextUses:575Used by:578
Symbol 578 MovieClip [save_warning]Uses:576 577
Symbol 579 GraphicUsed by:582
Symbol 580 FontUsed by:581
Symbol 581 EditableTextUses:580Used by:582
Symbol 582 MovieClipUses:579 581Used by:586 590 592
Symbol 583 TextUses:575Used by:586
Symbol 584 FontUsed by:585 775 940 941 942 943 946 951 953 954 955 956 1205 1207 1209 1211 1213 1814 1817 1873 1951 1954 2240
Symbol 585 TextUses:584Used by:586
Symbol 586 MovieClip [presskeys3]Uses:582 583 585
Symbol 587 TextUses:575Used by:590
Symbol 588 TextUses:575Used by:590
Symbol 589 TextUses:575Used by:590
Symbol 590 MovieClip [presskeys2]Uses:582 587 588 589
Symbol 591 TextUses:575Used by:592
Symbol 592 MovieClip [presskeys1]Uses:582 591
Symbol 593 MovieClip [death_supplement]
Symbol 594 ShapeTweeningUsed by:607
Symbol 595 GraphicUsed by:607 779 835 862 891 904 917 921 933 989 1058 1077
Symbol 596 GraphicUsed by:607
Symbol 597 GraphicUsed by:598
Symbol 598 MovieClipUses:597Used by:607 779 835 862 891 904 917 921 933 989 1028 1058 1077
Symbol 599 GraphicUsed by:603 873 944 945 950 958 994 1762 1763 1767 1768 1791 1792 1793 1794 1818 1931 1932
Symbol 600 GraphicUsed by:603 873 944 945 950 958 994 1762 1763 1767 1768 1791 1792 1793 1794 1818 1931 1932
Symbol 601 GraphicUsed by:603 873 944 945 950 958 994 1762 1763 1767 1768 1791 1792 1793 1794 1818 1931 1932
Symbol 602 GraphicUsed by:603 873 944 945 950 958 994 1762 1763 1767 1768 1791 1792 1793 1794 1818 1931 1932
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Symbol 604 FontUsed by:605 606 882 996 997 1770 1771 1934 1953
Symbol 605 TextUses:604Used by:607
Symbol 606 TextUses:604Used by:607
Symbol 607 MovieClip [death_popup]Uses:594 595 73 596 598 603 605 606
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Symbol 609 MovieClipUses:608Used by:667 816
Symbol 610 GraphicUsed by:613 1955
Symbol 611 FontUsed by:612 672 995
Symbol 612 EditableTextUses:611Used by:613
Symbol 613 MovieClipUses:610 612Used by:667
Symbol 614 GraphicUsed by:615
Symbol 615 MovieClipUses:614Used by:659 1806 1956
Symbol 616 GraphicUsed by:617
Symbol 617 MovieClipUses:616Used by:659 1806 1956
Symbol 618 GraphicUsed by:619
Symbol 619 MovieClipUses:618Used by:659 1806 1956
Symbol 620 GraphicUsed by:659
Symbol 621 GraphicUsed by:622
Symbol 622 MovieClipUses:621Used by:659 891 1036 1806 1956
Symbol 623 GraphicUsed by:659
Symbol 624 GraphicUsed by:625
Symbol 625 MovieClipUses:624Used by:659 1806 1956
Symbol 626 GraphicUsed by:627
Symbol 627 MovieClipUses:626Used by:659 1806 1956
Symbol 628 GraphicUsed by:629
Symbol 629 MovieClipUses:628Used by:659 1805 1956
Symbol 630 GraphicUsed by:631
Symbol 631 MovieClipUses:630Used by:659 1805 1956
Symbol 632 GraphicUsed by:633
Symbol 633 MovieClipUses:632Used by:659 1805 1956
Symbol 634 GraphicUsed by:635
Symbol 635 MovieClipUses:634Used by:659 1805 1956
Symbol 636 GraphicUsed by:637
Symbol 637 MovieClipUses:636Used by:659 1805 1956
Symbol 638 GraphicUsed by:639
Symbol 639 MovieClipUses:638Used by:659 1805 1956
Symbol 640 GraphicUsed by:641
Symbol 641 MovieClipUses:640Used by:659 1804 1956
Symbol 642 GraphicUsed by:643
Symbol 643 MovieClipUses:642Used by:659 1804 1956
Symbol 644 GraphicUsed by:645
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Symbol 649 MovieClipUses:648Used by:659 1804 1956
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Symbol 656 GraphicUsed by:657
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Symbol 680 GraphicUsed by:700
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Symbol 682 GraphicUsed by:700
Symbol 683 GraphicUsed by:700
Symbol 684 GraphicUsed by:700
Symbol 685 GraphicUsed by:700
Symbol 686 GraphicUsed by:700
Symbol 687 GraphicUsed by:700
Symbol 688 GraphicUsed by:700
Symbol 689 GraphicUsed by:700
Symbol 690 GraphicUsed by:700
Symbol 691 GraphicUsed by:700
Symbol 692 GraphicUsed by:700
Symbol 693 GraphicUsed by:700
Symbol 694 GraphicUsed by:700
Symbol 695 GraphicUsed by:700
Symbol 696 GraphicUsed by:700
Symbol 697 GraphicUsed by:700
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Symbol 700 MovieClip [emo10]Uses:679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699
Symbol 701 GraphicUsed by:715
Symbol 702 GraphicUsed by:715
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Symbol 704 GraphicUsed by:715
Symbol 705 GraphicUsed by:715
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Symbol 707 GraphicUsed by:715
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Symbol 720 MovieClip [miss]Uses:719
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Symbol 727 GraphicUsed by:731
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Symbol 828 ButtonUses:824 825 826Used by:835 862 917 921
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Symbol 839 GraphicUsed by:847
Symbol 840 GraphicUsed by:847
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Symbol 842 GraphicUsed by:847
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Symbol 851 GraphicUsed by:860
Symbol 852 GraphicUsed by:860
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Symbol 854 GraphicUsed by:860
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Symbol 887 GraphicUsed by:890
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Symbol 900 MovieClip [emo02]Uses:896 897 898 899Used by:904 933 1028 1077
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Symbol 902 GraphicUsed by:903
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Symbol 1061 ButtonUses:824 825 826Used by:1077
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Symbol 1064 GraphicUsed by:1071
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Symbol 1070 GraphicUsed by:1071
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Symbol 1081 GraphicUsed by:1094 1152 1153 2051
Symbol 1082 GraphicUsed by:1094 1152 1153 2051
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Symbol 1087 GraphicUsed by:1094 1152 1153 2051
Symbol 1088 GraphicUsed by:1094 1152 1153 2051
Symbol 1089 GraphicUsed by:1094 1152 1153 2051
Symbol 1090 GraphicUsed by:1094 1152 1153 2051
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Symbol 1092 GraphicUsed by:1094 1152 1153 2051
Symbol 1093 GraphicUsed by:1094 1152 1153 2051
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Symbol 1100 FontUsed by:1101 1104 1155 1158 1952
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Instance Names

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Dynamic Text Variables

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txt_jumpSymbol 972 EditableText"<p align="left"><font face="新細明體" size="11" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>跳躍</b></font></p>"
txt_swapSymbol 974 EditableText"<p align="left"><font face="新細明體" size="11" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>武器</b></font></p>"
charnameSymbol 1756 EditableText"<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="12" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">角色名稱</font></p>"
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hero_levelSymbol 1787 EditableText"<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="11" color="#000000" letterSpacing="1.000000" kerning="0"><b>Lv 1</b></font></p>"
stat_atkSymbol 1788 EditableText"<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="11" color="#000000" letterSpacing="1.000000" kerning="0"><b>ATK:</b></font></p>"
stat_defSymbol 1789 EditableText"<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="11" color="#000000" letterSpacing="1.000000" kerning="0"><b>DEF:</b></font></p>"
exp_displaySymbol 1790 EditableText"<p align="right"><font face="Arial" size="10" color="#000000" letterSpacing="1.000000" kerning="0"><b>Exp / MaxExp</b></font></p>"
equip_statsSymbol 1814 EditableText""
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stat_descSymbol 1870 EditableText"屬性點數:10 技能點數:10"
desc_statsSymbol 1928 EditableText"名稱 不死系 等級: 1 HP : 1234 攻擊力: 1234 安安"
desc_flavorSymbol 1929 EditableText"INT1: Porings are cute INT3: Porings are precipitated plant starch enchanted into life, they behave like starch codes, assisting any nearby objects by merging themselves with it. INT2: 無屬性攻擊 火屬性攻擊 念屬性攻擊 聖屬性攻擊 暗屬性攻擊"
monster_idSymbol 1930 EditableText"01"
desc_invSymbol 1951 EditableText""
messageSymbol 1954 EditableText"<p align="left"></p>"
Created: 23/2 -2019 05:46:12 Last modified: 23/2 -2019 05:46:12 Server time: 14/11 -2024 23:12:23