Archived flashes:
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This is the info page for
Flash #129477

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
// unknown tag 88 length 90 frame 1 { function loadComplete() { _root.gotoAndStop(2); delete loadComplete; return undefined; } this.stop(); } movieClip 4 { } // unknown tag 88 length 63 movieClip 9 { } movieClip 13 { } movieClip 14 { frame 1 { function main() { if (_root.getBytesTotal() <= _root.getBytesLoaded()) { clearInterval(interval); init_main2(); return undefined; } main_owata(); main_text(); main_meter(); updateAfterEvent(); } function init_main2() { this.onRollOver = function () { this.owata.gotoAndStop(this.owata._totalframes - 1); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this.owata.gotoAndStop(1); }; owata.gotoAndStop(1); this.text.gotoAndStop(this.text._totalframes); main_meter(); this.onRelease = function () { speed_vx = 0; temp_alpha = 100; interval = setInterval(main2, 50); delete this.onRollOver; delete this.onRollOut; delete this.onRelease; }; } function main2() { speed_vx += 2; _y = _y + speed_vx; temp_alpha -= speed_vx * 2; if (temp_alpha < 0) { _visible = false; } if (temp_alpha < -700) { func_complete(this); } _alpha = temp_alpha; updateAfterEvent(); } function main_owata() { var v1 = owata._currentframe; ++v1; if (v1 > owata._totalframes) { v1 = 1; } owata.gotoAndStop(v1); } function main_text() { var v1 = text._currentframe; ++v1; if (v1 > text._totalframes - 1) { v1 = 1; } text.gotoAndStop(v1); } function main_meter() { var v2 = Math.floor((_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * meterW); meter.clear(); meter.beginFill(6710886); meter.moveTo(0, 0); meter.lineTo(0, meterH); meter.lineTo(meterW, meterH); meter.lineTo(meterW, 0); endFill(); meter.beginFill(13421772); meter.moveTo(0, 0); meter.lineTo(0, meterH / 2); meter.lineTo(v2, meterH / 2); meter.lineTo(v2, 0); meter.endFill(); meter.beginFill(6710886); meter.moveTo(0, meterH / 2); meter.lineTo(0, meterH); meter.lineTo(v2, meterH); meter.lineTo(v2, meterH / 2); endFill(); } startTime = getTimer(); var speed_vx = 0; var temp_alpha = 100; owata.stop(); text.stop(); meterW = 88; meterH = 2; (meterCol == undefined) ? 16777215 : undefined; createEmptyMovieClip('meter', 0); meter._x = -meterW / 2; meter._y = 40; var r = (meterCol & 16711680) >> 16; var g = (meterCol & 65280) >> 8; var b = meterCol & 255; var ct = new flash.geom.ColorTransform(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1, r / 2, g / 2, b / 2, 0); meter.transform.colorTransform = ct; meter.lineStyle(); interval = setInterval(main, 80); main(); } } instance of movieClip 14 { onClipEvent (construct) { func_complete = '_root.loadComplete'; meterCol = 16737894; } } frame 2 { var temp_mainclip = _root.createEmptyMovieClip('root', 0); temp_mainclip.scrollRect = new flash.geom.Rectangle(0, 0, CData.STAGE_W, CData.STAGE_H); CMain.Initialize(temp_mainclip); } movieClip 18 TMPvfojem79l6 { frame 1 { onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(3); }; onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 22 OBJ_CURSOR { } movieClip 26 RECT { } movieClip 27 OBJ_SCENE_TITLE { } movieClip 30 icon_lives { } movieClip 35 { } movieClip 40 { } movieClip 44 { } movieClip 48 PLAYCHAR_OWATA { } movieClip 53 { } movieClip 58 { } movieClip 62 { } movieClip 66 PLAYCHAR_OWATA2 { } movieClip 78 ENEMY_DK { } movieClip 82 { } movieClip 83 { } movieClip 84 ENEMY_GROUND_FIRE { } movieClip 88 { } movieClip 90 { frame 1 { this._name = '_hitArea'; this._visible = false; } } movieClip 91 ENEMY_SPRING { } movieClip 96 { } movieClip 99 { } movieClip 100 ENEMY_TARU { } movieClip 105 { } movieClip 108 { } movieClip 109 ENEMY_TARU2 { } movieClip 115 { } movieClip 116 EFFECT_HAMMER_EFFECT { } movieClip 124 EFFECT_SCORE { } movieClip 127 EFFECT_SMOKE { } movieClip 133 { } movieClip 139 { } movieClip 140 EFFECT_THIUN { } movieClip 143 OBJECT_10YEN { } movieClip 146 OBJECT_BG_JUKAI { } movieClip 149 OBJECT_FAKEGROUND { } movieClip 154 OBJECT_HAMMER { } movieClip 157 OBJECT_HASHIGO { } movieClip 158 OBJECT_HITAREA { } movieClip 160 { } movieClip 161 OBJECT_OIL { } movieClip 165 OBJECT_ONIGIRI { } movieClip 167 OBJECT_SUPERHAMMER { } movieClip 170 OBJECT_TARUS { } movieClip 189 EVENTSCENE_GAMECLEAR { } movieClip 196 EVENTSCENE_LAST { } movieClip 197 BG_STAGE1 { } movieClip 201 { } movieClip 203 OBJ_FRAME_JUMPBUTTON { } movieClip 208 OBJ_FRAME_STICK { } movieClip 211 SCREEN_FRAME { } movieClip 238 linkage { frame 1 { this._y = -999999; this._x = -999999; this._visible = false; this.stop(); } } movieClip 239 __Packages.CData { #initclip if (!_global.CData) { var v1 = function () {}; _global.CData = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.setButton_gotoSite = function (target) { CData.setButton_Link(CData.SITE_URL, target); }; v1.setButton_Link = function (arg_url, target) { target._visible = true; target._alpha = 0; target.onRelease = function () { this.getURL(arg_url, '_blank'); }; }; v1.loadSaveData = function () { CData.save_obj = new Object(); CData.save_obj.VERSION = CData.VERSION; CData.save_obj.HIGHSCORE = 0; CData.save_obj.SCALE_X2 = false; CData.save_som = new SharedObjectManager(CData.SAVE_NAME); if (CData.save_som.isError() == true || CData.save_som.isEmpty() == true) { trace('!message: CData.loadSaveData - データが空 若しくはエラーが起こっているため、セーブデータを作り直す。'); CData.save_som.Clear(); CData.save_som.Save(CData.save_obj); } for (var v1 in CData.save_obj) { delete CData.save_obj[v1]; CData.save_obj[v1] = CData.save_som.getData(v1); } CData.save_som.Save(CData.save_obj); }; v1.writeSaveData = function () { if (CData.save_obj == null) { return undefined; } CData.save_som.Save(CData.save_obj); }; v1.Initialize = function (target) { Debug.trace_line(); _quality = 'Low'; Stage.showMenu = false; Stage.scaleMode = 'noScale'; fscommand('fullscreen', false); var v2 = new ContextMenu(); v2.hideBuiltInItems(); = v2; v2 = null; _root._focusrect = false; trace(CData.SAVE_NAME + ' v' + CData.VERSION); trace('実行環境 ' + System.capabilities.language); CData.loadSaveData(); trace('セーブデータ v' + CData.save_obj.VERSION); Debug.trace_line(); }; v1.VERSION = '1.02'; v1.SITE_URL = ''; v1.SAVE_NAME = 'vsDK'; v1.STAGE_W = 576; v1.STAGE_H = 600; v1.SCREEN_W = 288; v1.SCREEN_H = 300; v1.FRAME_X = 145; v1.FRAME_Y = 198; v1.OBJECT_VISIBLE_AREA = {'WIDTH': CData.SCREEN_W / 3, 'HEIGHT': CData.SCREEN_H / 3}; v1.MUTEKI_MODE = false; v1.OWATA_L = false; v1.SCORE_PENALTY = -3000; v1.SCORE_10YEN = 500; v1.PRIO_HEAD = 0; v1.PRIO_SYSTEM = 10; v1.PRIO_LOADER = 11; v1.PRIO_SYSTEM2 = 30; v1.PRIO_SCENE = 40; v1.PRIO_MENU = 45; v1.PRIO_SCREEN = 50; v1.PRIO_TEXT = 100; v1.PRIO_EVENTSCENE = 200; v1.PRIO_SYSTEM_GAME = 1000; v1.PRIO_SYSTEM2_GAME = 1001; v1.PRIO_PLAYCHAR = 1500; v1.PRIO_ENEMY = 2000; v1.PRIO_ENEMY2 = 2001; v1.PRIO_OBJECT = 3100; v1.PRIO_ATK = 3200; v1.PRIO_EFFECT_A = 4001; v1.PRIO_EFFECT_B = 4002; v1.PRIO_BG = 5000; v1.PRIO_SCROLL = 9999; v1.DEPTH_FRAME = 1000; v1.DEPTH_BMPSCREEN = 900; v1.DEPTH_LOADER = 200; v1.DEPTH_SCREEN = 101; v1.DEPTH_SCREEN2 = 100; v1.DEPTH_EVENTSCENE = 90; v1.DEPTH_TEXT = -80; v1.DEPTH_SCREEN3 = -81; v1.DEPTH_EFFECT = -90; v1.DEPTH_ATK = -91; v1.DEPTH_OBJECT2 = -92; v1.DEPTH_ITEM = -93; v1.DEPTH_PLAYCHAR = -94; v1.DEPTH_ENEMY = -95; v1.DEPTH_ENEMY2 = -96; v1.DEPTH_OBJECT = -98; v1.DEPTH_OBJECT3 = -99; v1.DEPTH_TILE = -100; v1.DEPTH_BASE = -150; v1.DEPTH_SCENE = -200; v1.DEPTH_BGIMAGE = -299; v1.DEPTH_BG = -300; v1.DEPTH_ETC = -999; v1.SWITCH_DK = 1; v1.SWITCH_GAMECLEAR = 2; ASSetPropFlags(_global.CData.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 240 __Packages.SharedObjectManager { #initclip if (!_global.SharedObjectManager) { var v1 = function (name) { = SharedObject.getLocal(name); this.obj =; trace('「' + name + '.sol」/ ' + + 'B'); }; _global.SharedObjectManager = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.Save = function (data) { trace('---------------------------------'); trace('SharedObjectデータ書き込み開始'); for (var v3 in data) { delete this.obj[v3]; this.obj[v3] = this._dataDuplicate(data[v3]); trace(v3 + ': ' + this.obj[v3]); } var v4 =; switch (v4) { case true: trace('正常にハードディスクに書き込めました。 - ' + + 'B'); break; case 'pending': trace('ユーザーにハードディスク書き込み要求を出します。'); break; case false: trace('書き込みに失敗しました。'); } trace('---------------------------------'); }; v2.getData = function (name) { return this._dataDuplicate(this.obj[name]); }; v2.Clear = function () {; this.obj =; }; v2.getDataList = function () { var v2 = ''; for (var v3 in this.obj) { v2 += v3 + ': ' + this.obj[v3] + '\n'; } return v2; }; v2.isError = function () { for (var v2 in this.obj) { if (this.obj[v2] == undefined) { return true; } } return false; }; v2.isEmpty = function () { for (var v2 in this.obj) { return false; } return true; }; v2._dataDuplicate = function (data) { var v2; if (typeof data == 'array' || data instanceof Array == true) { v2 = data.slice(0, data.length); return v2; } if (typeof data == 'object' || data instanceof Object == true) { v2 = new Object(); for (var v3 in data) { v2[v3] = data[v3]; } return v2; } return data; return v2; }; ASSetPropFlags(_global.SharedObjectManager.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 241 __Packages.Debug { #initclip if (!_global.Debug) { var v1 = function () {}; _global.Debug = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.trace = function () { var v3 = ''; var v4 = arguments.length; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v4) { v3 += arguments[v2] + ' : '; ++v2; } trace(v3); }; v1.trace_line = function () { trace('#---------------------------'); }; ASSetPropFlags(_global.Debug.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 242 __Packages.CMain { #initclip if (!_global.CMain) { var v1 = function () {}; _global.CMain = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.__get__root = function () { return CMain.$root; }; v1.__get__KeyState = function () { return CMain.t_KeyState; }; v1.__get__Scene = function () { return CMain.t_Scene; }; v1.__get__Screen = function () { return CMain.t_Screen; }; v1.__get__MCManager = function () { return CMain.t_MCM; }; v1.__get__SE = function () { return CMain.t_SEM; }; v1.__get__BGM = function () { return CMain.t_BGMM; }; v1.__get__Game = function () { return CMain.t_GameM; }; v1.__get__Event = function () { return CMain.t_Event; }; v1.Initialize = function (ROOT) { if (ROOT instanceof MovieClip == false) { trace('!error: CMain.Initialize'); return undefined; } CData.Initialize(); CMain.$root = ROOT; CMain.InitializeTask(); CMain.t_MCM = new system.TMCManager(CMain.$root); CMain.t_KeyState = CMain.registerTask(new system.TKeyManager(), CData.PRIO_SYSTEM2); CMain.t_BGMM = CMain.registerTask(new system.TBGMManager(), CData.PRIO_SYSTEM2); CMain.t_SEM = CMain.registerTask(new system.TSEManager(), CData.PRIO_SYSTEM2); CMain.t_Screen = CMain.registerTask(new system.TScreenManager(), CData.PRIO_SYSTEM2); CMain.t_Scene = CMain.registerTask(new scene.TScene(), CData.PRIO_SCENE); CMain.t_GameM = new system.TMainGameManager(); CMain.t_Event = new system.TEventSceneManager(); CMain.Count = -1; (CMain.__get__root()).onEnterFrame = function () { ++CMain.Count; var v1 = CMain.t_KeyState.getKeyState(); if (v1.Down.SPECIAL2) { CMain.Main(); } v1 = null; CMain.Main(); CMain.t_Screen.updateBitmapScreen(); }; CMain.t_Screen.setBG(0); CMain.t_MCM.setScale_x1(); CData.save_obj.SCALE_X2 ? CMain.setScale_x2() : CMain.setScale_x1(); CMain.updateBGMStatus(); CMain.updateSEStatus(); CMain.t_MCM.setMask(); CMain.t_Scene.changeScene('TITLE'); }; v1.Main = function () { var v1 = CMain.t_taskHead; while (!false) { var v2 = v1.Main(); if (v2 == false) { break; } v1 = v1.nextTask; if (v1.Priority == CData.PRIO_HEAD) { break; } } v1 = null; }; v1.InitializeTask = function () { CMain.t_taskHead = null; CMain.t_taskHead = new CTask(); CMain.t_taskHead.prevTask = null; CMain.t_taskHead.nextTask = CMain.t_taskHead; CMain.t_taskHead.Priority = CData.PRIO_HEAD; CMain.t_prev_SearchTask = null; }; v1.registerTask = function (Task, Priority) { if (Task._kill) { return undefined; } var v1 = CMain.t_taskHead; while (v1.nextTask.Priority != CData.PRIO_HEAD) { if (v1.nextTask.Priority > Priority) { break; } v1 = v1.nextTask; continue; } Task.Priority = Priority; Task.prevTask = null; Task.nextTask = null; Task.prevTask = v1; Task.nextTask = v1.nextTask; v1.nextTask.prevTask = Task; v1.nextTask = Task; Task.enabled = true; v1 = null; return Task; }; v1.killTask = function (Task) { if (Task.enabled == false) { return false; } Task.prevTask.nextTask = Task.nextTask; Task.nextTask.prevTask = Task.prevTask; Task.enabled = false; Task = null; return true; }; v1.getTaskList = function () { var v2 = new Array(); var v1 = CMain.t_taskHead; v1 = CMain.t_taskHead; while (!false) { v2.push(v1); if (v1.nextTask.Priority == CData.PRIO_HEAD) { break; } v1 = v1.nextTask; } v1 = null; return v2; }; v1.getTask_Priority = function (arg_prio, arg_type, arg_type_sub) { var v5 = new Array(); var v1 = CMain.t_taskHead; if (CMain.t_prev_SearchTask.enabled == true) { if (CMain.t_prev_SearchTask.Priority < arg_prio) { v1 = CMain.t_prev_SearchTask; } } else { v1 = CMain.t_taskHead; CMain.t_prev_SearchTask = v1; } v1 = CMain.t_taskHead; while (!false) { if (v1.Priority > arg_prio) { break; } if (v1.Priority == arg_prio) { if (arg_type != null && arg_type != v1.Type || arg_type_sub != null && arg_type_sub != v1.Type_Sub) { } else { v5.push(v1); if (v1.Priority < v1.nextTask.Priority || v1.nextTask.Priority == CMain.t_taskHead.Priority) { CMain.t_prev_SearchTask = v1; } if (v1.nextTask == CMain.t_taskHead) { break; } } } v1 = v1.nextTask; } v1 = null; return v5; }; v1.getTaskList_str = function () { var v2 = ''; var v3 = 0; var v1 = CMain.t_taskHead; while (!false) { ++v3; v2 += v1.Priority + '\n'; if (v1.nextTask.Priority == CData.PRIO_HEAD) { break; } v1 = v1.nextTask; } return String(v3) + '\n----\n' + v2; }; v1.AllKillPriority = function (arg_prio) { var v2 = CMain.getTask_Priority(arg_prio); var v3 = v2.length; var v1 = 0; while (v1 < v3) { v2[v1].Kill(); v2[v1] = null; ++v1; } v2.splice(v1, v3); v2 = null; }; v1.Mute = function () { (CMain.__get__BGM()).setVolume(0); (CMain.__get__SE()).setVolumeAll(0); }; v1.updateBGMStatus = function () { (CMain.__get__BGM()).setVolume(); }; v1.updateSEStatus = function () { (CMain.__get__SE()).setVolumeAll(); }; v1.setScale_x1 = function () { CMain.t_MCM.setScale_x1();; CMain.t_Screen.clearBitmapScreen(); CMain.t_Screen.setScreenFrame(); }; v1.setScale_x2 = function () { CMain.t_MCM.hide(); CMain.t_Screen.setBitmapScreen(); CMain.t_Screen.clearScreenFrame(); }; v1.addProperty('BGM', v1.__get__BGM, function () {}); v1.addProperty('Event', v1.__get__Event, function () {}); v1.addProperty('Game', v1.__get__Game, function () {}); v1.addProperty('KeyState', v1.__get__KeyState, function () {}); v1.addProperty('MCManager', v1.__get__MCManager, function () {}); v1.addProperty('SE', v1.__get__SE, function () {}); v1.addProperty('Scene', v1.__get__Scene, function () {}); v1.addProperty('Screen', v1.__get__Screen, function () {}); v1.addProperty('root', v1.__get__root, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(_global.CMain.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 243 __Packages.CTask { #initclip if (!_global.CTask) { var v1 = function () { this.Priority = null; this.prevTask = null; this.nextTask = null; this.enabled = null; this._Action = null; this.Count = 0; this._kill = false; }; _global.CTask = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.Main = function () { var v2 = this._Action(); ++this.Count; return v2; }; v2.setAction = function (newAct) { this._Action = null; this._Action = newAct; this.Count = 0; }; v2.Kill = function () { this._kill = true; this._Action = null; CMain.killTask(this); }; ASSetPropFlags(_global.CTask.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 244 __Packages.system.TKeyManager { #initclip if (!_global.system) { _global.system = new Object(); } if (!_global.system.TKeyManager) { var v1 = function () { super(); this.keystate = new Object(); this.keystate.Down = new Object(); this.keystate.Push = new Object(); this.keystate.Up = new Object(); for (var v3 in system.TKeyManager.KEY_LIST) { this.keystate.Down[v3] = false; this.keystate.Push[v3] = false; this.keystate.Up[v3] = false; } this.lock_temp = false; this.setAction(this.act_Update); }; system.TKeyManager = v1; system.TKeyManager extends CTask; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.act_Update = function () { if (this.lock_temp == true) { this.lock_temp = false; } for (var v3 in system.TKeyManager.KEY_LIST) { var v2 = Key.isDown(system.TKeyManager.KEY_LIST[v3]); if (this.keystate.Down[v3] == false && v2) { this.keystate.Push[v3] = true; } else { this.keystate.Push[v3] = false; } this.keystate.Up[v3] = this.keystate.Down[v3] == true && !v2; this.keystate.Down[v3] = v2; } }; v2.getKeyState = function () { if (this.lock_temp == true) { return null; } return this.keystate; }; v2.tempLock = function () { this.lock_temp = true; }; v2.Kill = function () { delete this.keystate; this.keystate = null; super.Kill(); }; v1.KEY_LIST = {'LEFT': 37, 'RIGHT': 39, 'UP': 38, 'DOWN': 40, 'A': 90, 'A2': 32, 'START': 13, 'SPECIAL1': 79, 'SPECIAL2': 16, 'SPECIAL5': 27}; ASSetPropFlags(system.TKeyManager.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 245 __Packages.scene.TScene { #initclip if (!_global.scene) { _global.scene = new Object(); } if (!_global.scene.TScene) { var v1 = function () { super(); this.CURRENT_SCENE = null; this.setAction(this.act_Main); }; scene.TScene = v1; scene.TScene extends CTask; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.act_Main = function () { this.CURRENT_SCENE.Main(); }; v2.changeScene = function (scene_name) { this.CURRENT_SCENE.Kill(); delete this.CURRENT_SCENE; this.CURRENT_SCENE = null; switch (scene_name) { case 'TITLE': this.CURRENT_SCENE = new scene.CSceneTitle(); break; case 'MAINGAME': this.CURRENT_SCENE = new scene.CSceneMainGame(); break; default: trace('!error: TScene.changeScene - 無効なシーン名'); } }; ASSetPropFlags(scene.TScene.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 246 __Packages.scene.CSceneTitle { #initclip if (!_global.scene) { _global.scene = new Object(); } if (!_global.scene.CSceneTitle) { var v1 = function () { super(); this.setAction(this.act_Intro); }; scene.CSceneTitle = v1; scene.CSceneTitle extends CTask; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.Initialize = function () { this.ref_TargetMC = (CMain.__get__MCManager()).createMovieClip('OBJ_SCENE_TITLE', CData.DEPTH_SCENE); common.CCommon.setMovieClipPosition(this.ref_TargetMC, 0, 0); CData.setButton_gotoSite(this.ref_TargetMC.Button_Link); this.ref_PushEnter = CMain.registerTask(new obj.system.TText('', null, null, 'center', null, null, 16751419), CData.PRIO_TEXT); this.ref_PushEnter.x = CData.SCREEN_W / 2; this.ref_PushEnter.y = CData.SCREEN_H / 2 + 43; this.ref_PushEnter.align = 'center'; this.ref_Cursor = this.ref_TargetMC.attachMovie('OBJ_CURSOR', 'cursor', 0); this.ref_Version = CMain.registerTask(new obj.system.TText('V' + CData.VERSION), CData.PRIO_TEXT); this.ref_Version.x = 0; this.ref_Version.y = CData.SCREEN_H - this.ref_Version.__get__textHeight() * 2; (CMain.__get__Screen()).clearFill(); (CMain.__get__BGM()).play('BGM_TITLE', false); this.cursor_pos = 0; }; v2.act_Intro = function () { if (this.Count == 0) { (CMain.__get__Screen()).changeBGColor(3355443); } if (this.Count == 18) { (CMain.__get__Screen()).changeBGColor(0); } if (this.Count == 55) { (CMain.__get__Screen()).flash(3); } if (this.Count > 70) { this.Initialize(); this.setAction(this.act_MainMenu); this.act_MainMenu(); } }; v2.act_MainMenu = function () { this.ref_PushEnter.__set__text('<p align=\'center\'>'); this.ref_PushEnter.text += 'game start'; this.ref_PushEnter.text += '\n\nchange scale'; this.ref_PushEnter.text += '</p>'; var v2 = (CMain.__get__KeyState()).getKeyState(); var v3 = 20 * this.cursor_pos; var v4; if (v2.Push.UP) { --this.cursor_pos; } if (v2.Push.DOWN) { ++this.cursor_pos; } this.cursor_pos = Math.min(Math.max(0, this.cursor_pos), 1); v4 = -55; common.CCommon.setMovieClipPosition(this.ref_Cursor, this.ref_PushEnter.x + v4, this.ref_PushEnter.y + v3); if (v2.Push.START) { if (this.cursor_pos == 0) { CData.OWATA_L = false; if (v2.Down.A || v2.Down.A2) { (CMain.__get__Screen()).flash(2); (CMain.__get__SE()).play('SE_HANSYA2'); CData.OWATA_L = true; } this.setAction(this.act_PushStartButton); this.act_PushStartButton(); return undefined; } else { if (this.cursor_pos == 1) { if (CData.save_obj.SCALE_X2 == true) { CMain.setScale_x1(); CData.save_obj.SCALE_X2 = false; } else { CMain.setScale_x2(); CData.save_obj.SCALE_X2 = true; } CData.writeSaveData(); } } } v2 = null; }; v2.act_PushStartButton = function () { if (this.Count == 0) { (CMain.__get__BGM()).stop(); (CMain.__get__BGM()).play('BGM_TO_GAME', false, 0); return undefined; } var v2 = (CMain.__get__KeyState()).getKeyState(); if (this.Count == 230 || v2.Push.START) { this.setAction(this.act_toSceneMainGame); this.act_toSceneMainGame(); return undefined; } v2 = null; }; v2.act_toSceneMainGame = function () { if (this.Count == 3) { (CMain.__get__BGM()).stop(); (CMain.__get__Screen()).blackFill(); return undefined; } else { if (this.Count == 11) { (CMain.__get__Scene()).changeScene('MAINGAME'); return undefined; } } }; v2.Kill = function () { (CMain.__get__MCManager()).removeMovieClip(this.ref_TargetMC); this.ref_TargetMC = null; this.ref_Cursor = null; this.ref_Version.Kill(); this.ref_PushEnter.Kill(); this.ref_Version = null; this.ref_PushEnter = null; }; ASSetPropFlags(scene.CSceneTitle.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 247 __Packages.obj.TObject { #initclip if (!_global.obj) { _global.obj = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.TObject) { var v1 = function () { super(); = null; this.x = null; this.y = null; this.visible = true; this.alpha = 100; this.xscale = 100; this.yscale = 100; this.rotation = 0; }; obj.TObject = v1; obj.TObject extends CTask; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get__Type = function () {}; v2.Initialize = function () {}; v2.Kill = function () { (CMain.__get__MCManager()).removeMovieClip(; = null; super.Kill(); }; v1.setMovieClipProp = function (arg_mc, target) { if (arg_mc == null) { arg_mc =; } common.CCommon.setMovieClipPosition(arg_mc, target.x, target.y); arg_mc._visible = target.visible; arg_mc._xscale = target.xscale; arg_mc._yscale = target.yscale; arg_mc._alpha = target.alpha; arg_mc._rotation = target.rotation; }; v2.addProperty('Type', v2.__get__Type, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(obj.TObject.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 248 __Packages.common.CCommon { #initclip if (!_global.common) { _global.common = new Object(); } if (!_global.common.CCommon) { var v1 = function () {}; common.CCommon = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.createMovieClip = function (Linkage, depth) { (CMain.__get__MCManager()).createMovieClip(Linkage, CData.DEPTH_SCREEN); }; v1.setMovieClipPosition = function (mc, x, y) { mc._x = Math.ceil(x); mc._y = Math.ceil(y); }; v1.setColor = function (mc, rm, gm, bm, am, ro, go, bo, ao) { rm = (rm == null) ? 1 : rm; gm = (gm == null) ? 1 : gm; bm = (bm == null) ? 1 : bm; am = (am == null) ? 1 : am; ro = (ro == null) ? 0 : ro; go = (go == null) ? 0 : go; bo = (bo == null) ? 0 : bo; ao = (ao == null) ? 0 : ao; var v9 = new flash.geom.ColorTransform(rm, gm, bm, am, ro, go, bo, ao); mc.transform.colorTransform = v9; }; v1.randomGet = function (v1, v2) { var v1 = Math.min(v1, v2); var v2 = Math.max(v1, v2); return Math.floor(Math.random() * (v2 + 1 - v1) + v1); }; v1.getDistance = function (my_x, my_y, target_x, target_y) { var v2 = my_x - target_x; var v1 = my_y - target_y; return Math.sqrt(v2 * v2 + v1 * v1); }; v1.getVectorX = function (dir, speed) { return Math.cos(dir * Math.PI / 180) * speed; }; v1.getVectorY = function (dir, speed) { return Math.sin(dir * Math.PI / 180) * speed; }; v1.getAngle = function (my_x, my_y, target_x, target_y) { var v2 = target_x - my_x; var v1 = target_y - my_y; return Math.atan2(v1, v2) * 180 / Math.PI; }; ASSetPropFlags(common.CCommon.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 249 __Packages.obj.system.TText { #initclip if (!_global.obj) { _global.obj = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.system) { _global.obj.system = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.system.TText) { var v1 = function (arg_str, arg_x, arg_y, arg_align, arg_font, arg_size, arg_color) { super(); this.x = arg_x; this.y = arg_y; this.align = arg_align; = (CMain.__get__MCManager()).createEmptyMovieClip(CData.DEPTH_TEXT);'tf', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); = 'left'; = false; = true; = obj.system.TText.HTML; var v3 = new TextFormat(); v3.font = (arg_font == null) ? obj.system.TText.DEFAULT_FONT : arg_font; if (v3.font == obj.system.TText.DEFAULT_FONT) { = true; v3.size = obj.system.TText.DEFAULT_SIZE; } else { v3.size = (arg_size == null) ? obj.system.TText.DEFAULT_SIZE : arg_size; } v3.color = (arg_color == null) ? obj.system.TText.DEFAULT_COLOR : arg_color; v3.leading = 0; v3.kerning = false;; this.__set__text(arg_str); this.setAction(this.act_Update); this.act_Update(); }; obj.system.TText = v1; obj.system.TText extends obj.TObject; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__set__text = function (str) { this._text = String(str); = this._text; return this.__get__text(); }; v2.__get__text = function () { return this._text; }; v2.__get__textWidth = function () { return; }; v2.__get__textHeight = function () { return; }; v2.__get__tf_x = function () { return; }; v2.__get__tf_y = function () { return; }; v2.act_Update = function () { = this.text; switch (this.align) { case 'left': default: = 0; goto 1971; case 'right': //Invalid switch } =; goto 1971; case 'left': = -( / 2); label 1971: obj.TObject.setMovieClipProp(, v1); }; v1.HTML = true; v1.DEFAULT_FONT = 'Emulogic'; v1.DEFAULT_SIZE = 8; v1.DEFAULT_COLOR = 16777215; v2.addProperty('text', v2.__get__text, v2.__set__text); v2.addProperty('textHeight', v2.__get__textHeight, function () {}); v2.addProperty('textWidth', v2.__get__textWidth, function () {}); v2.addProperty('tf_x', v2.__get__tf_x, function () {}); v2.addProperty('tf_y', v2.__get__tf_y, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(obj.system.TText.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 250 __Packages.scene.CSceneMainGame { #initclip if (!_global.scene) { _global.scene = new Object(); } if (!_global.scene.CSceneMainGame) { var v1 = function () { super(); this.ref_BG = (CMain.__get__MCManager()).createMovieClip('BG_STAGE1', CData.DEPTH_BGIMAGE); common.CCommon.setMovieClipPosition(this.ref_BG, 0, 0); (CMain.__get__BGM()).stop(); this.setAction(this.act_Main); }; scene.CSceneMainGame = v1; scene.CSceneMainGame extends CTask; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.act_Main = function () { if (this.Count == 0) { (CMain.__get__Game()).Initialize(); (CMain.__get__Game()).MapInitialize(new; } (CMain.__get__Game()).Main(); if ((CMain.__get__Game()).toTitle) { this.setAction(this.act_toSceneTitle); this.act_toSceneTitle(); } }; v2.act_toSceneTitle = function () { if (this.Count == 0) { (CMain.__get__Game()).endScene(); } if (this.Count == 6) { (CMain.__get__Screen()).blackFill(); return undefined; } if (this.Count == 14) { (CMain.__get__Screen()).clearFill(); (CMain.__get__Scene()).changeScene('TITLE'); return undefined; } }; v2.Kill = function () { (CMain.__get__MCManager()).removeMovieClip(this.ref_BG); this.ref_BG = null; }; ASSetPropFlags(scene.CSceneMainGame.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 251 __Packages.obj.stage.CMapData { #initclip if (!_global.obj) { _global.obj = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.stage) { _global.obj.stage = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.stage.CMapData) { var v1 = function () {}; obj.stage.CMapData = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get__mapLinkage = function () { return this.$mapLinkage; }; v2.__get__bgm = function () {}; v2.__get__xMin = function () {}; v2.__get__yMin = function () {}; v2.__get__xMax = function () {}; v2.__get__yMax = function () {}; v2.__get__BGColor = function () {}; v2.startX = function () {}; v2.startY = function () {}; v2.__get__Clip = function () { return this.ref_Map; }; v2.Initialize = function () { this.prev_Camera_xMin = null; this.prev_Camera_yMin = null; this.prev_Camera_xMax = null; this.prev_Camera_yMax = null; this.bmp_MapImage = null; }; v2.setClip = function (mc) { this.ref_Map = mc; mc._hitarea._visible = false; this.bmp_MapImage = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap(this.$mapLinkage); this.ref_Map.createEmptyMovieClip('image', 0); this.ref_Map.image.attachBitmap(this.bmp_MapImage, 0); }; v2.loadObject = function () {}; v2.UpdateMapImage = function () { if (this.prev_Camera_xMin == (CMain.__get__Game()).__get__Camera_xMin() || this.prev_Camera_yMin == (CMain.__get__Game()).__get__Camera_yMin() || this.prev_Camera_xMax == (CMain.__get__Game()).__get__Camera_xMax() || this.prev_Camera_yMax == (CMain.__get__Game()).__get__Camera_yMax()) { return undefined; } this.prev_Camera_xMin = (CMain.__get__Game()).Camera_xMin; this.prev_Camera_yMin = (CMain.__get__Game()).Camera_yMin; this.prev_Camera_xMax = (CMain.__get__Game()).Camera_xMax; this.prev_Camera_yMax = (CMain.__get__Game()).Camera_yMax; }; v2.hitTest = function (x, y) { var v2 = this.bmp_MapImage.getPixel32(x - this.__get__xMin(), y - this.__get__yMin()); return v2 != 0 && v2 != -16711681; }; v2.Kill = function () { this.bmp_MapImage.dispose(); this.bmp_MapImage = null; (CMain.__get__Game()).MCManager.removeMovieClip(this.ref_Map); }; v2.addProperty('BGColor', v2.__get__BGColor, function () {}); v2.addProperty('Clip', v2.__get__Clip, function () {}); v2.addProperty('bgm', v2.__get__bgm, function () {}); v2.addProperty('mapLinkage', v2.__get__mapLinkage, function () {}); v2.addProperty('xMax', v2.__get__xMax, function () {}); v2.addProperty('xMin', v2.__get__xMin, function () {}); v2.addProperty('yMax', v2.__get__yMax, function () {}); v2.addProperty('yMin', v2.__get__yMin, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(obj.stage.CMapData.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 252 { #initclip if (!_global.obj) { _global.obj = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.stage) { _global.obj.stage = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); this.$mapLinkage = 'IMAGE_STAGE1'; }; = v1; extends obj.stage.CMapData; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.loadObject = function () { (CMain.__get__Game()).registerObject(new obj.stage.CObjectData(new obj.character.object.THashigoArea(2), 121, 247, 121, 247, 131, 285)); (CMain.__get__Game()).registerObject(new obj.stage.CObjectData(new obj.character.object.THashigoArea(0), 61, 210, 61, 210, 71, 243)); (CMain.__get__Game()).registerObject(new obj.stage.CObjectData(new obj.character.object.THashigoArea(10), 146, 206, 146, 206, 156, 246)); (CMain.__get__Game()).registerObject(new obj.stage.CObjectData(new obj.character.object.THashigoArea(0), 229, 250, 229, 250, 239, 281)); (CMain.__get__Game()).registerObject(new obj.stage.CObjectData(new obj.character.object.TOil(), 45, 285, 45, 285, 45, 285)); (CMain.__get__Game()).registerObject(new obj.stage.CObjectData(new obj.character.object.THashigoArea(0), 226, 282, 226, 282, 228, 371)); (CMain.__get__Game()).registerObject(new obj.stage.CObjectData(new obj.character.object.TBG_Hashigo(), 151, 216, 151, 216, 151, 246)); (CMain.__get__Game()).registerObject(new obj.stage.CObjectData(new obj.character.enemy.TDK(), 68, 86, 68, 86, 68, 86)); (CMain.__get__Game()).registerObject(new obj.stage.CObjectData(new obj.character.object.TObject_BG('OBJECT_BG_JUKAI'), 113, 61, 100, 35, 126, 61)); (CMain.__get__Game()).registerObject(new obj.stage.CObjectData(new obj.character.object.TOnigiri(500), 23, 269, 23, 269, 23, 269)); (CMain.__get__Game()).registerObject(new obj.stage.CObjectData(new obj.character.object.TFakeGround(0), 84, 244, 84, 244, 84, 244)); (CMain.__get__Game()).registerObject(new obj.stage.CObjectData(new obj.character.object.TTarus(), 32, 86, 19, 48, 45, 86)); (CMain.__get__Game()).registerObject(new obj.stage.CObjectData(new obj.character.object.THammer(1), 54, 190, 54, 190, 54, 190)); (CMain.__get__Game()).registerObject(new obj.stage.CObjectData(new obj.character.object.THashigoArea(0), 217, 169, 217, 169, 227, 203)); (CMain.__get__Game()).registerObject(new obj.stage.CObjectData(new obj.character.object.THashigoArea(0), 61, 130, 61, 130, 71, 163)); (CMain.__get__Game()).registerObject(new obj.stage.CObjectData(new obj.character.object.THashigoArea(2), 109, 130, 109, 130, 119, 165)); (CMain.__get__Game()).registerObject(new obj.stage.CObjectData(new obj.character.object.THashigoArea(0), 97, 164, 97, 164, 107, 190)); (CMain.__get__Game()).registerObject(new obj.stage.CObjectData(new obj.character.object.THashigoArea(20), 217, 89, 217, 89, 227, 123)); (CMain.__get__Game()).registerObject(new obj.stage.CObjectData(new obj.character.object.TFakeGround(1), 180, 168, 180, 168, 180, 168)); (CMain.__get__Game()).registerObject(new obj.stage.CObjectData(new obj.character.object.TFakeGround(0), 234, 122, 234, 122, 234, 122)); (CMain.__get__Game()).registerObject(new obj.stage.CObjectData(new obj.character.object.TBG_Hashigo(), 222, 99, 222, 99, 222, 111)); (CMain.__get__Game()).registerObject(new obj.stage.CObjectData(new obj.character.object.THammer(2), 234, 70, 234, 70, 234, 70)); (CMain.__get__Game()).registerObject(new obj.stage.CObjectData(new obj.character.object.THashigoArea(2), 205, 126, 205, 126, 215, 169)); (CMain.__get__Game()).registerObject(new obj.stage.CObjectData(new obj.character.object.THashigoArea(2), 169, 169, 169, 169, 179, 205)); (CMain.__get__Game()).registerObject(new obj.stage.CObjectData(new obj.character.object.TFakeGround(2), 48, 285, 48, 285, 48, 285)); (CMain.__get__Game()).registerObject(new obj.stage.CObjectData(new obj.character.object.TFakeGround(2), 240, 202, 240, 202, 240, 202)); (CMain.__get__Game()).registerObject(new obj.stage.CObjectData(new obj.character.object.TCoins(500, [[182, 244], [40, 152], [-31, 122], [65, 88], [79, 244], [191, 163], [70, 206]]), 62, 22, 62, 22, 62, 22)); }; v2.__get__startX = function () { return 60; }; v2.__get__startY = function () { return 284; }; v2.__get__xMin = function () { return 0; }; v2.__get__xMax = function () { return 288; }; v2.__get__yMin = function () { return 0; }; v2.__get__yMax = function () { return 300; }; v2.addProperty('startX', v2.__get__startX, function () {}); v2.addProperty('startY', v2.__get__startY, function () {}); v2.addProperty('xMax', v2.__get__xMax, function () {}); v2.addProperty('xMin', v2.__get__xMin, function () {}); v2.addProperty('yMax', v2.__get__yMax, function () {}); v2.addProperty('yMin', v2.__get__yMin, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 253 __Packages.obj.stage.CObjectData { #initclip if (!_global.obj) { _global.obj = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.stage) { _global.obj.stage = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.stage.CObjectData) { var v1 = function (arg_task, arg_x, arg_y, arg_xMin, arg_yMin, arg_xMax, arg_yMax) { this.ReadyObject(); this.task = arg_task; this.x = arg_x; this.y = arg_y; this.xMin = arg_xMin; this.yMin = arg_yMin; this.xMax = arg_xMax; this.yMax = arg_yMax; }; obj.stage.CObjectData = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get__state = function () { return this.$state; }; v2.ReadyObject = function () { this.$state = obj.stage.CObjectData.STATE_OUTSIDE; }; v2.InstitutionObject = function () { this.$state = obj.stage.CObjectData.STATE_APPEARANCE; this.task.Initialize(this.x, this.y, this.xMin, this.yMin, this.xMax, this.yMax); CMain.registerTask(this.task, this.task.priority); }; v2.CheckUpdate = function (arg_Camera_xMin, arg_Camera_yMin, arg_Camera_xMax, arg_Camera_yMax) { if (this.$state == obj.stage.CObjectData.STATE_APPEARANCE) { if (this.task.enabled == false) { this.$state = obj.stage.CObjectData.STATE_STANDBY; } } if (this.$state == obj.stage.CObjectData.STATE_STANDBY) { if (!this.isInsideScreen(arg_Camera_xMin, arg_Camera_yMin, arg_Camera_xMax, arg_Camera_yMax)) { this.ReadyObject(); return true; } } return false; }; v2.Kill = function () { this.task.Kill(); this.task = null; delete this.task; }; v2.isAppearance = function () { return this.$state == obj.stage.CObjectData.STATE_OUTSIDE; }; v2.isInsideScreen = function (arg_Camera_xMin, arg_Camera_yMin, arg_Camera_xMax, arg_Camera_yMax) { return this.xMin < arg_Camera_xMax + CData.OBJECT_VISIBLE_AREA.WIDTH && arg_Camera_xMin - CData.OBJECT_VISIBLE_AREA.WIDTH < this.xMax && this.yMin < arg_Camera_yMax + CData.OBJECT_VISIBLE_AREA.HEIGHT && arg_Camera_yMin - CData.OBJECT_VISIBLE_AREA.HEIGHT < this.yMax; }; v1.STATE_OUTSIDE = 0; v1.STATE_APPEARANCE = 1; v1.STATE_STANDBY = 2; v2.addProperty('state', v2.__get__state, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(obj.stage.CObjectData.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 254 __Packages.obj.character.TCharacter { #initclip if (!_global.obj) { _global.obj = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character) { _global.obj.character = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character.TCharacter) { var v1 = function (arg_muki) { super(); this.vy = 0; this.vx = 0; this.vx_accel = 0; this.vy_accel = 0; this.slide_vx = 0; this.slide_vy = 0; this.$muki = arg_muki; this.$air = false; this.$fc_currentframe = null; this.$hit_Player = false; this.$hit_Object = null; this.$hit_Cloud = null; this.EnabledHitTest(); this.SetCharacterType(''); this.$Type_Sub = null; this.$PauseException = null; }; obj.character.TCharacter = v1; obj.character.TCharacter extends obj.TObject; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get__muki = function () { return this.$muki; }; v2.__get__air = function () { return this.$air; }; v2.__get__hit_Player = function () { return this.$hit_Player; }; v2.__get__Type_Sub = function () { return this.$Type_Sub; }; v2.__get__Type = function () { return this.$_cType; }; v2.SetCharacterType = function (arg_type) { this.$_cType = arg_type; }; v2.Main = function () { if ((CMain.__get__Game()).isPause() == true) { return undefined; } if ((CMain.__get__Game()).isSubPause() != null) { if ((CMain.__get__Game()).isSubPause() != this.$PauseException) { return undefined; } } var v3 = super.Main(); this.$hit_Player = false; this.$hit_Object = null; this.slide_vx = 0; this.slide_vy = 0; if (this.$fc_currentframe != null) { if ( >= { if (this.$fc_loop != false) {; } return v3; }; } return v3; }; v2.FrameController_Init = function () {; }; v2.FrameController_changeFrame = function (frame, arg_loop, arg_force) { if (this.$fc_currentframe == frame && arg_force != true) { return undefined; };; if ( == null) { this.$fc_currentframe = null; return undefined; } this.$fc_currentframe = frame; this.$fc_loop = arg_loop; }; v2.FrameController_Release = function () {;; this.$fc_currentframe = null; }; v2.setX = function (arg_x) { this.x = arg_x; }; v2.setY = function (arg_y) { this.y = arg_y; }; v2.slideX = function (arg_vx) { this.x += arg_vx; this.slide_vx += arg_vx; }; v2.slideY = function (arg_vy) { this.y += arg_vy; this.slide_vy += arg_vy; }; v2.accelX = function (arg_accel_vx) { this.vx_accel = arg_accel_vx; }; v2.accelY = function (arg_accel_vy) { this.vy = 0; this.vy_accel = arg_accel_vy; }; v2.EnabledHitTest = function () { this.$hittest_enabled = true; }; v2.DisabledHitTest = function () { this.$hittest_enabled = false; }; v2.isEnabledHitTest = function () { return this.$hittest_enabled; }; v2.hitPlayer = function () { this.$hit_Player = true; }; v2.hitObject = function (arg_target) { this.$hit_Object = arg_target; }; v2.MapCollision = function (arg_type, arg_hit_wall, arg_hit_top, arg_hit_bottom) { this.$hit_Wall = null; this.$hit_Top = null; this.$hit_Bottom = null; var v12 = true; var v10 = true; var v13 = true; if (0 < this.vx_accel) { --this.vx_accel; } else { if (this.vx_accel < 0) { ++this.vx_accel; } } if (0 < this.vy_accel) { --this.vy_accel; } else { if (this.vy_accel < 0) { ++this.vy_accel; } } if (arg_type == 'Taru') { v12 = false; v10 = false; } else { if (arg_type == 'Player_Hashigo') { v10 = false; v13 = false; v12 = false; } } var v5 = this.x + this.vx + this.vx_accel; var v2 = this.y + this.vy + this.vy_accel; var v9 = CMain.getTask_Priority(CData.PRIO_OBJECT); var v3; if (v12) { v3 = obj.stage.CHitTest.hitTest_Landform_Wall(this, arg_hit_wall, this.x, v5, this.y - this.slide_vy, this.slide_vx, v9); if (v3.hit != 0) { if (v3.hit == -1) { == 'Player') ? this : null); } else { if (v3.hit == 1) { == 'Player') ? this : null); } } } v5 = v3.x; var v14; } var v6 = obj.stage.CHitTest.hitTest_Cloud(this, arg_hit_bottom, this.y, v2, v5, this.slide_vy, v9); if (arg_type == 'Player') {; this.$hit_Cloud =; } else {; } v2 = v6.y; var v8 = obj.stage.CHitTest.hitTest_Landform_Bottom(this, arg_hit_bottom, this.y, v2, v5, this.slide_vy, v9); if (v8.hit) { == 'Player') ? this : null); } v2 = v8.y; var v7; if (v10) { v7 = obj.stage.CHitTest.hitTest_Landform_Top(this, arg_hit_top, this.y, v2, v5, this.slide_vy, v9); if (v7.hit) { == 'Player') ? this : null); } v2 = v7.y; var v16; } var v11; if (v13) { v11 = obj.stage.CHitTest.hitTest_Bottom(arg_hit_bottom, this.y, v2, v5, this.slide_vy); v2 = v11.y; } if (v12 && (v14.hit || v3.hit != 0)) { this.$hit_Wall =; if (arg_type == 'Kuribo') { this.vx *= -1; } else { this.vx = 0; } } if (v10 && (v16.hit || v7.hit)) { this.$hit_Top =; this.vy = 0; if (arg_type == 'Player') { this.vx = 0; } } if (v13) { if (v6.hit || v8.hit) { v11.hit = true; } if (v11.hit) { this.$hit_Bottom =; this.$air = false; this.vy = 0; } else { this.$air = true; } } else { this.$air = true; } this.x = v5; this.y = v2; v14 = null; v6 = null; v16 = null; v11 = null; v3 = null; v7 = null; v8 = null; v9 = null; }; v2.Kill = function () { this.$hit_Object = null; this.$hit_Wall = null; this.$hit_Top = null; this.$hit_Bottom = null; this.$hit_Cloud = null; super.Kill(); }; v1.settingCharacter = function (arg_task, arg_x, arg_y, arg_xMin, arg_yMin, arg_xMax, arg_yMax) { if (arg_xMin != null) { arg_task.Initialize(arg_x, arg_y, arg_xMin, (arg_yMin == null) ? arg_y : arg_yMin, (arg_xMax == null) ? arg_x : arg_xMax, (arg_yMax == null) ? arg_y : arg_yMax); CMain.registerTask(arg_task, arg_task.priority); return arg_task; } arg_task.Initialize(arg_x, arg_y, arg_x, (arg_yMin == null) ? arg_y : arg_yMin, (arg_xMax == null) ? arg_x : arg_xMax, (arg_yMax == null) ? arg_y : arg_yMax); CMain.registerTask(arg_task, arg_task.priority); return arg_task; }; v1.SPEED_GRAVITY = 4; v1.SPEED_MAXGRAVITY = 4; v2.$hit_Cloud = null; v2.addProperty('Type', v2.__get__Type, function () {}); v2.addProperty('Type_Sub', v2.__get__Type_Sub, function () {}); v2.addProperty('air', v2.__get__air, function () {}); v2.addProperty('hit_Player', v2.__get__hit_Player, function () {}); v2.addProperty('muki', v2.__get__muki, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(obj.character.TCharacter.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 255 __Packages.obj.stage.CHitTest { #initclip if (!_global.obj) { _global.obj = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.stage) { _global.obj.stage = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.stage.CHitTest) { var v1 = function () {}; obj.stage.CHitTest = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.hitTest_Bottom = function (arg_point, arg_y, arg_newY, arg_x, arg_slide_vy) { var v2 = {'y': arg_newY, 'hit': false}; if (arg_newY < arg_y) { return v2; } var v1 = -obj.stage.CHitTest.MAXLENGTH_H; while (v1 < obj.stage.CHitTest.MAXLENGTH_H) { while (((CMain.__get__Game()).__get__Map()).hitTest(arg_x + arg_point.x, arg_newY + arg_point.y + v1)) { --arg_newY; v2.hit = true; } if (v2.hit != false) { v2.y = arg_newY + v1; return v2; } ++v1; } return v2; }; v1.hitTest_Top = function (arg_point, arg_y, arg_newY, arg_x, arg_slide_vy) { var v2 = {'y': arg_newY, 'hit': false}; if (arg_y < arg_newY - Math.abs(arg_slide_vy)) { return v2; } while (((CMain.__get__Game()).__get__Map()).hitTest(arg_x, arg_newY + arg_point.y)) { ++arg_newY; v2.hit = true; } if (v2.hit == true) { v2.y = arg_newY; } return v2; }; v1.hitTest_Wall = function (arg_point, arg_x, arg_newX, arg_y, arg_slide_vx) { var v2 = {'x': arg_newX, 'hit': false}; if (arg_newX + arg_slide_vx == arg_x) { return v2; } else { var v4 = arg_newX + arg_slide_vx < arg_x ? -1 : 1; } while (((CMain.__get__Game()).__get__Map()).hitTest(arg_newX + arg_point.x, arg_y + arg_point.y)) { arg_newX += v4 * -1; v2.hit = true; } if (v2.hit == true) { v2.x = arg_newX; } return v2; }; v1.hitTest_Common = function (arg_x, arg_y, arg_target, arg_shape) { var v2 = {'x': arg_x, 'y': arg_y};; var v1 =; if (v1._hitArea instanceof MovieClip) { v1 = v1._hitArea; } if (arg_shape != false) { return v1.hitTest(v2.x, v2.y, true); } return v1.hitTest(v2.x, v2.y, false); }; v1.hitTest_MapCommon = function (arg_x, arg_y) { return ((CMain.__get__Game()).__get__Map()).hitTest(arg_x, arg_y); }; v1.hitTest_Door = function (arg_x, arg_y, arg_door) { var v1 = {'x': arg_x, 'y': arg_y};; return, v1.y); }; v1.hitTest_Rope = function (arg_x, arg_y, arg_rope) { var v1 = {'x': arg_x, 'y': arg_y};; return, v1.y, false); }; v1.hitTest_Cloud = function (arg_character, arg_point, arg_y, arg_newY, arg_x, arg_slide_vy, arg_list) { var v4 = {'y': arg_newY, 'hit': false, 'target': null}; if (Math.max(arg_newY, arg_newY + arg_slide_vy) < arg_y) { return v4; } var v1 = {'x': arg_x, 'y': arg_newY}; var v8; if (arg_list instanceof Array == true) { v8 = arg_list; } else { v8 = CMain.getTask_Priority(CData.PRIO_OBJECT, 'Cloud'); } var v10 = v8.length; v8[0].mc._parent.localToGlobal(v1); var v7 = 0; while (v7 < v10) { var v3 = v8[v7]; if (arg_character == v3) { } else { var v5 =; if (v5._hitArea instanceof MovieClip) { v5 = v5._hitArea; } v1.x = arg_x; v1.y = arg_newY;; if (v3.Type == 'Cloud') { var v2 = -obj.stage.CHitTest.MAXLENGTH_H; while (v2 < obj.stage.CHitTest.MAXLENGTH_H) { while (v5.hitTest(v1.x + arg_point.x, v1.y + arg_point.y + v2, true)) { --v1.y; v4.hit = true; } if (v4.hit != false) { = v3;; v4.y = v1.y + v2; v8 = null; v3 = null; return v4; } ++v2; } } } ++v7; } return v4; }; v1.hitTest_Landform_Wall = function (arg_character, arg_point, arg_x, arg_newX, arg_y, arg_slide_vx, arg_list) { var v4 = {'x': arg_newX, 'hit': 0, 'target': null}; var v5 = arg_newX + arg_slide_vx < arg_x ? -1 : 1; var v1 = {'x': arg_newX + arg_point.x, 'y': arg_y + arg_point.y}; var v7; if (arg_list instanceof Array == true) { v7 = arg_list; } else { v7 = CMain.getTask_Priority(CData.PRIO_OBJECT, 'Landform'); } var v10 = v7.length; v7[0].mc._parent.localToGlobal(v1); var v6 = 0; while (v6 < v10) { var v2 = v7[v6]; if (arg_character == v2) { } else { if (v5 == -1 && v2.isHitTest_Right == false || v5 == 1 && v2.isHitTest_Left == false) { } else { var v3 =; if (v3._hitArea instanceof MovieClip) { v3 = v3._hitArea; } v1.x = arg_newX + arg_point.x; v1.y = arg_y + arg_point.y;; if (v2.Type == 'Landform') { while (v3.hitTest(v1.x, v1.y, true)) { v1.x += v5 * -1; v4.hit = v5; } if (v4.hit != 0) { = v2;; v4.x = v1.x; v2 = null; v7 = null; return v4; } } } } ++v6; } return v4; }; v1.hitTest_Landform_Top = function (arg_character, arg_point, arg_y, arg_newY, arg_x, arg_slide_vy, arg_list) { var v4 = {'y': arg_newY, 'hit': false, 'target': null}; if (arg_y < Math.max(arg_newY, arg_newY + arg_slide_vy)) { return v4; } var v1 = {'x': arg_x + arg_point.x, 'y': arg_newY + arg_point.y}; var v7; if (arg_list instanceof Array == true) { v7 = arg_list; } else { v7 = CMain.getTask_Priority(CData.PRIO_OBJECT, 'Landform'); } var v9 = v7.length; v7[0].mc._parent.localToGlobal(v1); var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v9) { var v2 = v7[v5]; if (arg_character == v2) { } else { if (v2.isHitTest_Bottom == false) { } else { var v3 =; if (v3._hitArea instanceof MovieClip) { v3 = v3._hitArea; } v1.x = arg_x + arg_point.x; v1.y = arg_newY + arg_point.y;; if (v2.Type == 'Landform') { while (v3.hitTest(v1.x, v1.y, true)) { ++v1.y; v4.hit = true; } if (v4.hit == true) { = v2;; v4.y = v1.y - arg_point.y; v2 = null; v7 = null; return v4; } } } } ++v5; } return v4; }; v1.hitTest_Landform_Bottom = function (arg_character, arg_point, arg_y, arg_newY, arg_x, arg_slide_vy, arg_list) { var v4 = {'y': arg_newY, 'hit': false, 'target': null}; if (Math.max(arg_newY, arg_newY + arg_slide_vy) < arg_y) { return v4; } var v1 = {'x': arg_x, 'y': arg_newY}; var v8; if (arg_list instanceof Array == true) { v8 = arg_list; } else { v8 = CMain.getTask_Priority(CData.PRIO_OBJECT, 'Landform'); } var v10 = v8.length; v8[0].mc._parent.localToGlobal(v1); var v6 = 0; while (v6 < v10) { var v2 = v8[v6]; if (arg_character == v2) { } else { if (v2.isHitTest_Top == false) { } else { var v5 =; if (v5._hitArea instanceof MovieClip) { v5 = v5._hitArea; } v1.x = arg_x + arg_point.x; v1.y = arg_newY + arg_point.y;; if (v2.Type == 'Landform') { var v3 = -obj.stage.CHitTest.MAXLENGTH_H; while (v3 < obj.stage.CHitTest.MAXLENGTH_H) { while (v5.hitTest(v1.x, v1.y + v3, true)) { --v1.y; v4.hit = true; } if (v4.hit != false) { = v2;; v4.y = v1.y + v3 - arg_point.y; v8 = null; v2 = null; return v4; } ++v3; } } } } ++v6; } return v4; }; v1.MAXLENGTH_H = 2; ASSetPropFlags(obj.stage.CHitTest.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 256 __Packages.obj.character.object.TDoor { #initclip if (!_global.obj) { _global.obj = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character) { _global.obj.character = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character.object) { _global.obj.character.object = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character.object.TDoor) { var v1 = function (arg_type, arg_map, arg_pX, arg_pY) { super(); this.$to_Map = arg_map; this.$to_pX = arg_pX; this.$to_pY = arg_pY; this.$type = arg_type; this.priority = CData.PRIO_OBJECT; }; obj.character.object.TDoor = v1; obj.character.object.TDoor extends obj.character.TCharacter; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get__Type = function () { return 'Door'; }; v2.__get__toX = function () { return this.$to_pX; }; v2.__get__toY = function () { return this.$to_pY; }; v2.__get__toMap = function () { return this.$to_Map; }; v2.Initialize = function (arg_x, arg_y) { super(); this.x = arg_x; this.y = arg_y; = (CMain.__get__Game()).MCManager.createMovieClip('OBJECT_DOOR', CData.DEPTH_OBJECT); this.FrameController_Init(); this.FrameController_changeFrame(this.$type); this.setAction(this.act_Main); this.act_Main(); }; v2.act_Main = function () { obj.TObject.setMovieClipProp(, this); if ((CMain.__get__Game()).isInsideScreen(this.x, this.y, this.x, this.y) == false) { this.Kill(); } }; v2.addProperty('Type', v2.__get__Type, function () {}); v2.addProperty('toMap', v2.__get__toMap, function () {}); v2.addProperty('toX', v2.__get__toX, function () {}); v2.addProperty('toY', v2.__get__toY, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(obj.character.object.TDoor.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 257 __Packages.obj.character.object.THashigoArea { #initclip if (!_global.obj) { _global.obj = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character) { _global.obj.character = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character.object) { _global.obj.character.object = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character.object.THashigoArea) { var v1 = function (arg_type) { super(); this.type = arg_type; this.priority = CData.PRIO_OBJECT; }; obj.character.object.THashigoArea = v1; obj.character.object.THashigoArea extends obj.character.TCharacter; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.Initialize = function (arg_x, arg_y, arg_xMin, arg_yMin, arg_xMax, arg_yMax) { super(); this.SetCharacterType('Rope'); this.x = arg_x; this.y = arg_y; this.xMin = arg_xMin; this.yMin = arg_yMin; this.xMax = arg_xMax; this.yMax = arg_yMax; = (CMain.__get__Game()).MCManager.createMovieClip('OBJECT_HITAREA', CData.DEPTH_ETC); = arg_xMax - arg_xMin; = arg_yMax - arg_yMin; this.xscale =; this.yscale =; this.visible = false; if (this.type == 20) { this.setAction(this.act_Slide); this.act_Slide(); return undefined; } this.setAction(this.act_Main); this.act_Main(); }; v2.act_Main = function () { if (this.Count == 0) { this.local_Count = 0; this.$hit_Player = false; } if (this.type == 10) { if (this.$hit_Player) { ++this.local_Count; if ((CMain.__get__Game()).getPlayerY() <= this.y + (this.yMax - this.yMin) / 2) { this.setAction(this.act_freeFall); this.act_freeFall(); return undefined; } } else { this.local_Count = 0; } } obj.TObject.setMovieClipProp(, this); }; v2.act_freeFall = function () { if (this.Count == 0) { this.SetCharacterType(''); this._getHashigoObject(); this.vy = 0; } this.vy = Math.min(this.vy + obj.character.TCharacter.SPEED_GRAVITY, obj.character.TCharacter.SPEED_MAXGRAVITY); if (this.$hit_Player) { } this.ref_Hashigo.slideY(this.vy); this.ref_Hashigo.rotation += 10; if (this.ref_Hashigo.rotation > 80) { this.ref_Hashigo.rotation = 80; } this.y += this.vy; obj.TObject.setMovieClipProp(, this); if ((CMain.__get__Game()).isInsideScreen(this.xMin, this.yMin, this.xMax, this.yMax) == false) { this.Kill(); } }; v2.act_Slide = function () { if (this.Count == 0) { this.local_Count =; this.$hit_Player = false; this._getHashigoObject(); this.ref_Hashigo.xscale = 130; obj.TObject.setMovieClipProp(null, this.ref_Hashigo); } var v2 = this.y; if (this.Count % 200 < 100) { if (this.Count % 2 == 0) { --this.y; if (this.y <= this.yMin) { this.y = this.yMin; } } } else { if (this.Count % 200 < 200) { if (this.Count % 2 == 0) { ++this.y; if (this.yMin + 20 <= this.y) { this.y = this.yMin + 20; } } } } this.vy = this.y - v2; this.ref_Hashigo.slideY(this.vy); this.y += this.vy; this.yscale = ((this.yMax - this.y) / this.local_Count) * 100; obj.TObject.setMovieClipProp(, this); }; v2._getHashigoObject = function () { this.ref_Hashigo = null; var v4 = CMain.getTask_Priority(CData.PRIO_BG, 'BG_Hashigo'); var v5 = v4.length; var v6 = this.getCenterY(); var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v5) { var v3 = v4[v2]; if (obj.stage.CHitTest.hitTest_Common(this.x + 4, v6, v3)) { this.ref_Hashigo = v3; break; } ++v2; } v3 = null; v4 = null; }; v2.getCenterX = function () { return Math.floor(this.x + (this.xMax - this.xMin) / 2); }; v2.getCenterY = function () { return this.y + Math.floor((this.yMax - this.yMin) / 2); }; v2.getHashigoY = function (arg_fromY, arg_toY) { if (this.type != 2) { return arg_toY; } var v2 = this.getCenterY(); if (v2 + 3 <= arg_fromY && v2 + 3 >= arg_toY) { return v2 + 3; } if (arg_fromY <= v2 - 3 && arg_toY >= v2 - 3) { return v2 - 3; } return arg_toY; }; v2.Kill = function () { this.ref_Hashigo = null; super.Kill(); }; ASSetPropFlags(obj.character.object.THashigoArea.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 258 __Packages.obj.character.object.TBG_Hashigo { #initclip if (!_global.obj) { _global.obj = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character) { _global.obj.character = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character.object) { _global.obj.character.object = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character.object.TBG_Hashigo) { var v1 = function (arg_type) { super(); this.type = arg_type; this.priority = CData.PRIO_BG; }; obj.character.object.TBG_Hashigo = v1; obj.character.object.TBG_Hashigo extends obj.character.TCharacter; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.Initialize = function (arg_x, arg_y, arg_xMin, arg_yMin, arg_xMax, arg_yMax) { super(); this.SetCharacterType('BG_Hashigo'); this.x = arg_x; this.y = arg_yMin; this.yMin = arg_yMin; this.yMax = arg_yMax; var v6 = 'OBJECT_HASHIGO'; this.$Type_Sub = 'Hashigo'; = (CMain.__get__Game()).MCManager.createMovieClip(v6, CData.DEPTH_BG); var v8 =; var v5 =; var v7 = Math.floor((this.yMax - this.yMin) / v5); var v4; var v3 = 0; while (v3 < v7) { v4 =, 'rope_' + v3, v3); v4._x = 0; v4._y = v5 * (v3 + 1); v4.cacheAsBitmap = true; ++v3; }'RECT', 'RECT', ++v3); = v8; = this.yMax - this.yMin; = -(v8 / 2); = false;; if (this.type == 1) { this.xscale = 140; } this.setAction(this.act_Main); this.act_Main(); }; v2.act_Main = function () { obj.TObject.setMovieClipProp(, this); if ((CMain.__get__Game()).isInsideScreen(this.x, this.y, this.x, this.y + (this.yMax - this.y)) == false) { this.Kill(); } }; ASSetPropFlags(obj.character.object.TBG_Hashigo.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 259 __Packages.obj.character.object.TOil { #initclip if (!_global.obj) { _global.obj = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character) { _global.obj.character = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character.object) { _global.obj.character.object = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character.object.TOil) { var v1 = function () { super(); this.priority = CData.PRIO_OBJECT; }; obj.character.object.TOil = v1; obj.character.object.TOil extends obj.character.TCharacter; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.Initialize = function (arg_x, arg_y) { super(); this.SetCharacterType('DeathArea'); this.x = arg_x; this.y = arg_y; = (CMain.__get__Game()).MCManager.createMovieClip('OBJECT_OIL', CData.DEPTH_ENEMY); this.FrameController_Init(); this.setAction(this.act_Normal); this.act_Normal(); }; v2.act_Normal = function () { if (this.Count == 0) { this.FrameController_changeFrame('Normal'); } var v4 = CMain.getTask_Priority(CData.PRIO_ENEMY, null, 'Taru'); var v5 = v4.length; var v3 = 0; while (v3 < v5) { var v2 = v4[v3]; if (obj.stage.CHitTest.hitTest_Common(this.x, this.y - 6, v2)) { v2.Kill(); this.setAction(this.act_Falling); this.act_Falling(); return undefined; } v2 = null; ++v3; } v4 = null; obj.TObject.setMovieClipProp(, this); if ((CMain.__get__Game()).isInsideScreen(this.x, this.y, this.x, this.y) == false) { this.Kill(); } }; v2.act_Falling = function () { this.rotation += 10; if (this.rotation >= 80) { this.setAction(this.act_Fall); this.act_Fall(); } obj.TObject.setMovieClipProp(, this); if ((CMain.__get__Game()).isInsideScreen(this.x, this.y, this.x, this.y) == false) { this.Kill(); } }; v2.act_Fall = function () { if (this.Count == 0) { (CMain.__get__SE()).play('SE_FIRE'); this.rotation = 80; obj.character.TCharacter.settingCharacter(new obj.character.enemy.TGroundFire(1), this.x - 32, this.y - 15); } var v4 = CMain.getTask_Priority(CData.PRIO_ENEMY, null, 'Taru'); var v5 = v4.length; var v3 = 0; while (v3 < v5) { var v2 = v4[v3]; if (v2.TaruType == 3) { if (obj.stage.CHitTest.hitTest_Common(this.x, this.y - 6, v2)) { this.setAction(this.act_Rebirth); this.act_Rebirth(); return undefined; } } v2 = null; ++v3; } v4 = null; obj.TObject.setMovieClipProp(, this); if ((CMain.__get__Game()).isInsideScreen(this.x, this.y, this.x, this.y) == false) { this.Kill(); } }; v2.act_Rebirth = function () { if (this.Count == 0) { this.FrameController_changeFrame('Rolling'); (CMain.__get__Game()).Wait(4); (CMain.__get__SE()).play('SE_HANSYA'); this.rotation = 80; this.vy = -14; } this.rotation += 45; if (this.Count % 2 == 0) { ++this.vy; ++this.x; } if (this.vy > 0) { if (obj.stage.CHitTest.hitTest_MapCommon(this.x, this.y + this.vy)) { this.setAction(this.act_Rebirth_2); this.act_Rebirth_2(); return undefined; } } this.y += this.vy; obj.TObject.setMovieClipProp(, this); }; v2.act_Rebirth_2 = function () { if (this.Count == 0) { (CMain.__get__SE()).play('SE_FIRE'); this.rotation = 110; obj.character.TCharacter.settingCharacter(new obj.character.enemy.TGroundFire(2), this.x - 15, this.y - 13); } obj.TObject.setMovieClipProp(, this); }; ASSetPropFlags(obj.character.object.TOil.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 260 __Packages.obj.character.enemy.TGroundFire { #initclip if (!_global.obj) { _global.obj = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character) { _global.obj.character = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character.enemy) { _global.obj.character.enemy = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character.enemy.TGroundFire) { var v1 = function (arg_type) { super(); this.priority = CData.PRIO_ENEMY; this.type = arg_type; }; obj.character.enemy.TGroundFire = v1; obj.character.enemy.TGroundFire extends obj.character.TCharacter; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.Initialize = function (arg_x, arg_y) { super(); this.SetCharacterType('DeathArea'); this.$Type_Sub = 'GroundFire'; this.x = arg_x; this.y = arg_y; = (CMain.__get__Game()).MCManager.createMovieClip('ENEMY_GROUND_FIRE', CData.DEPTH_ENEMY2); this.FrameController_Init(); this.FrameController_changeFrame('Fire_' + this.type); this.init_Width =; this.state = 0;'RECT', 'RECT', 0); = 0; =;; this.setAction(this.act_Main); this.act_Main(); }; v2.act_Main = function () { if (this.state == 0) { += 25; if ( >= this.init_Width) {; this.state = 1; } } obj.TObject.setMovieClipProp(, this); }; ASSetPropFlags(obj.character.enemy.TGroundFire.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 261 __Packages.obj.character.enemy.TDK { #initclip if (!_global.obj) { _global.obj = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character) { _global.obj.character = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character.enemy) { _global.obj.character.enemy = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character.enemy.TDK) { var v1 = function () { super(); this.priority = CData.PRIO_ENEMY; }; obj.character.enemy.TDK = v1; obj.character.enemy.TDK extends obj.character.TCharacter; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.Initialize = function (arg_x, arg_y) { super(); this.SetCharacterType('DeathArea'); this.$Type_Sub = 'DK'; this.x = arg_x; this.y = arg_y; this.initX = arg_x; this.initY = arg_y; this.vx = 0; this.vy = 0; this.state = 0; = (CMain.__get__Game()).MCManager.createMovieClip('ENEMY_DK', CData.DEPTH_OBJECT3); this.FrameController_Init(); this.FrameController_changeFrame('Wait'); this.setAction(this.act_Wait); this.act_Wait(); }; v2.act_Wait = function () { if (this.Count == 0) { this.FrameController_changeFrame('Wait'); this.local_Count = 0; } var v3 = (CMain.__get__Game()).getPlayerX(); var v2 = (CMain.__get__Game()).getPlayerY(); if (v2 <= obj.character.enemy.TDK.BORDERLINE_SHORTCUT_Y && ((CMain.__get__Game()).getPlayer()).isHashigo()) { this.setAction(this.act_AimThrow); this.act_AimThrow(); return undefined; } switch (this.state) { case 0: if (obj.character.enemy.TDK.BORDERLINE_2F < v2) { this.setAction(this.act_Act1); this.act_Act1(); return undefined; } break; case 1: if (v2 <= obj.character.enemy.TDK.BORDERLINE_4F_Y) { this.state = 2; return undefined; } this.setAction(this.act_Act2); this.act_Act2(); return undefined; case 2: this.setAction(this.act_Act3); this.act_Act3(); return undefined; break; case 2.5: if (this.Count > 300 && v2 <= obj.character.enemy.TDK.BORDERLINE_3F) { this.state = 3; } break; case 3: if (v2 <= obj.character.enemy.TDK.BORDERLINE_5F_Y) { this.state = 4; return undefined; } this.setAction(this.act_Act4); this.act_Act4(); return undefined; case 4: if (v2 <= obj.character.enemy.TDK.BORDERLINE_6F_Y) { this.state = 5; return undefined; } this.setAction(this.act_Act5); this.act_Act5(); return undefined; case 5: if (v2 <= obj.character.enemy.TDK.BORDERLINE_SHORTCUT_Y && ((CMain.__get__Game()).getPlayer()).isHashigo()) { this.setAction(this.act_AimThrow); this.act_AimThrow(); return undefined; } this.setAction(this.act_Act6); this.act_Act6(); return undefined; } if (this.Count % 20 == 19) { (CMain.__get__SE()).play('SE_TARU'); if (this.local_Count % 2 == 0) { this.FrameController_changeFrame('Uho_1'); } else { if (this.local_Count % 2 == 1) { this.FrameController_changeFrame('Uho_2'); } } ++this.local_Count; } obj.TObject.setMovieClipProp(, this); }; v2.act_Throw = function () { var v2 = 13; if (this._Action == this.act_Act4) { v2 = 5; } if (this.Count == v2 * 0) { this.FrameController_changeFrame('Catch_1'); } else { if (this.Count == v2 * 1) { this.FrameController_changeFrame('Catch_2_2'); } else { if (this.Count == v2 * 2) { var v3; if (common.CCommon.randomGet(0, 2) == 0) { this.FrameController_changeFrame('Catch_2_1'); v3 = new obj.character.enemy.TTaru(1); v3.Initialize(this.x, this.y - 3, 1, 0); } else { this.FrameController_changeFrame('Catch_3'); v3 = new obj.character.enemy.TTaru(0); v3.Initialize(this.x + 26, this.y - 7, 1, 0); } CMain.registerTask(v3, CData.PRIO_ENEMY); v3 = null; } else { if (this.Count == v2 * 4) { this.setAction(this.act_Wait); this.act_Wait(); } } } } obj.TObject.setMovieClipProp(, this); }; v2.act_vThrow = function () { if (this.Count == 0) { this.local_Count = 0; } var v2 = 7; if (this.Count == v2 * 0 + 1) { this.FrameController_changeFrame('Catch_1'); } else { if (this.Count == v2 * 1) { this.FrameController_changeFrame('Catch_2_2'); } else { if (this.Count == v2 * 2) { this.FrameController_changeFrame('Catch_3'); var v3; v3 = new obj.character.enemy.TSpring(); v3.Initialize(this.x + 26, this.y - 7, common.CCommon.randomGet(1, 2), -common.CCommon.randomGet(4, 6)); CMain.registerTask(v3, CData.PRIO_ENEMY); v3 = null; } else { if (this.Count == v2 * 4) { ++this.local_Count; if (this.local_Count >= 3) { this.setAction(this.act_Wait); this.act_Wait(); } else { this.Count = v2 * 0; } } } } } obj.TObject.setMovieClipProp(, this); }; v2.act_AimThrow = function () { var v2 = 3; if (this.Count == v2 * 1) { this.FrameController_changeFrame('Catch_1'); } else { if (this.Count == v2 * 2) { this.FrameController_changeFrame('Catch_2_2'); } else { if (this.Count == v2 * 3) { this.FrameController_changeFrame('Catch_3'); var v3 = new obj.character.enemy.TTaru(0); var v4 = common.CCommon.getAngle(this.x + 26, this.y - 7, (CMain.__get__Game()).getPlayerX(), (CMain.__get__Game()).getPlayerY() - (35 + common.CCommon.randomGet(-10, 10))); v3.Initialize(this.x + 26, this.y - 7, common.CCommon.getVectorX(v4, 7), common.CCommon.getVectorY(v4, 20)); CMain.registerTask(v3, CData.PRIO_ENEMY); v3 = null; } else { if (this.Count == v2 * 4) { this.Count = 0; } } } } obj.TObject.setMovieClipProp(, this); }; v2.act_fastThrow = function () { if (this.Count == 0) { this.local_Count = 0; } if (this.local_Count >= 10) { this.setAction(this.act_Wait); this.act_Wait(); return undefined; } var v2 = 5; if (this.Count == v2) { this.FrameController_changeFrame('Catch_1'); } else { if (this.Count == v2 * 2) { this.FrameController_changeFrame('Catch_2_2'); } else { if (this.Count == v2 * 3) { this.FrameController_changeFrame('Catch_3'); var v3 = new obj.character.enemy.TTaru(0); v3.Initialize(this.x + 26, this.y - 7, 1, 0); CMain.registerTask(v3, CData.PRIO_ENEMY); v3 = null; ++this.local_Count; } else { if (this.Count == v2 * 4) { this.Count = 1; return undefined; } } } } obj.TObject.setMovieClipProp(, this); }; v2.act_Act1 = function () { var v2 = 18; if (this.Count == v2 * 1) { this.FrameController_changeFrame('Catch_1'); } else { if (this.Count == v2 * 2) { this.FrameController_changeFrame('Catch_2_2'); } else { if (this.Count == v2 * 3) { this.FrameController_changeFrame('Catch_2_1'); var v3 = new obj.character.enemy.TTaru(100); v3.Initialize(this.x, this.y - 3, 1, 0); CMain.registerTask(v3, CData.PRIO_ENEMY); v3 = null; } else { if (this.Count == v2 * 5) { this.state = 1; this.setAction(this.act_Wait); this.act_Wait(); } } } } obj.TObject.setMovieClipProp(, this); }; v2.act_Act2 = function () { if (this.Count == 0) { this.FrameController_changeFrame('Wait'); this.local_Count = 0; } if (this.Count % 10 == 9) { if (this.local_Count == 2) { if (common.CCommon.randomGet(0, 1) == 0) { this.setAction(this.act_Throw); this.act_Throw(); return undefined; } } else { if (this.local_Count == 3) { this.setAction(this.act_Throw); this.act_Throw(); return undefined; } } (CMain.__get__SE()).play('SE_TARU'); if (this.local_Count % 2 == 0) { this.FrameController_changeFrame('Uho_1'); } else { if (this.local_Count % 2 == 1) { this.FrameController_changeFrame('Uho_2'); } } ++this.local_Count; } obj.TObject.setMovieClipProp(, this); }; v2.act_Act3 = function () { var v2 = 30; if (this.Count == v2 * 0) { this.FrameController_changeFrame('Catch_1'); } else { if (this.Count == v2 * 1) { this.FrameController_changeFrame('Catch_2_3'); (CMain.__get__SE()).play('SE_TARU'); (CMain.__get__Game()).Wait(6); CMain.registerTask(new obj.effect.TScreenEffect(200), CData.PRIO_SCREEN); } else { if (this.Count == v2 * 1 + 1) { this.FrameController_changeFrame('Catch_2_3'); this.Count = v2 * 1; if ((CMain.__get__Game()).getPlayerX() <= obj.character.enemy.TDK.BORDERLINE_4F_X) { if ((CMain.__get__Game()).getPlayerY() <= obj.character.enemy.TDK.BORDERLINE_4F_Y) { this.Count = v2 * 2 - 1; } } } else { if (this.Count == v2 * 2) { this.FrameController_changeFrame('Catch_3'); var v3 = new obj.character.enemy.TTaru(3); v3.Initialize(this.x + 26, this.y - 7, 1, -4); CMain.registerTask(v3, CData.PRIO_ENEMY); v3 = null; } else { if (this.Count == v2 * 4) { this.state = 2.5; this.setAction(this.act_Wait); this.act_Wait(); } } } } } obj.TObject.setMovieClipProp(, this); }; v2.act_Act4 = function () { if (this.Count == 0) { this.FrameController_changeFrame('Wait'); } if (this.Count > 30) { this.setAction(this.act_vThrow); this.act_vThrow(); return undefined; } obj.TObject.setMovieClipProp(, this); }; v2.act_Act5 = function () { if (this.Count == 0) { this.FrameController_changeFrame('Wait'); this.local_Count = 0; } if (this.Count % 6 == 5) { if (this.local_Count == 2) { if (common.CCommon.randomGet(0, 1) == 0) { this.setAction(this.act_Throw); this.act_Throw(); return undefined; } } else { if (this.local_Count == 3) { this.setAction(this.act_Throw); this.act_Throw(); return undefined; } } (CMain.__get__SE()).play('SE_TARU'); if (this.local_Count % 2 == 0) { this.FrameController_changeFrame('Uho_1'); } else { if (this.local_Count % 2 == 1) { this.FrameController_changeFrame('Uho_2'); } } ++this.local_Count; } obj.TObject.setMovieClipProp(, this); }; v2.act_Act6 = function () { if (this.Count == 0) { this.local_Count = 0; } var v2 = 4; if (this.Count == v2) { this.FrameController_changeFrame('Catch_1'); } else { if (this.Count == v2 * 2) { this.FrameController_changeFrame('Catch_2_2'); } else { if (this.Count == v2 * 3) { if (common.CCommon.getDistance(this.x, this.y, (CMain.__get__Game()).getPlayerX(), (CMain.__get__Game()).getPlayerY()) > 50) { this.FrameController_changeFrame('Catch_3'); var v3 = new obj.character.enemy.TTaru(this.local_Count >= 5 ? 400 : 300); v3.Initialize(this.x + 26, this.y - 7, 1, 0); CMain.registerTask(v3, CData.PRIO_ENEMY); v3 = null; } } else { if (this.Count == v2 * 4) { ++this.local_Count; this.Count = 1; return undefined; } } } } obj.TObject.setMovieClipProp(, this); }; v2.act_Huttobi = function () { if (this.Count == 0) { CMain.registerTask(new obj.effect.TScreenEffect(200, null, 5), CData.PRIO_SCREEN); (CMain.__get__Screen()).flash(30); (CMain.__get__Game()).Wait(20); this.SetCharacterType(''); this.$Type_Sub = ''; return undefined; } else { if (this.Count < 2) { return undefined; } } if (this.Count == 2) { this.FrameController_changeFrame('Death'); CMain.registerTask(new obj.effect.TScreenEffect(200, null, 2), CData.PRIO_SCREEN); (CMain.__get__Game()).Wait(3); this.vx = -15; this.vy = -2; (CMain.__get__SE()).play('SE_HOMERUN'); this.local_Count = 15; } if (this.Count % 2 == 0) { (CMain.__get__Game()).Wait(7); var v2 = new obj.character.effect.TSmoke(); v2.Initialize(this.x, this.y); CMain.registerTask(v2); v2 = null; } this.xscale += this.local_Count; this.yscale += this.local_Count; this.x += this.vx; this.y += this.vy; this.rotation -= 90; obj.TObject.setMovieClipProp(, this); if (!(CMain.__get__Game()).isScreenIn(this.x, this.y, this.x, this.y)) { Switch.On(CData.SWITCH_DK); (CMain.__get__Game()).Wait(10); this.Kill(); } }; v2.HitHammer = function (arg_hammerType) { if (arg_hammerType == 100) { var v2 = new obj.character.effect.THammerEffect(); v2.Initialize(this.x, this.y - 6, 10000); CMain.registerTask(v2, CData.PRIO_EFFECT_A); v2 = null; this.setAction(this.act_Huttobi); this.act_Huttobi(); return 1; } else { return 2; } }; v2.Kill = function () { super.Kill(); }; v1.BORDERLINE_2F = 258; v1.BORDERLINE_3F = 211; v1.BORDERLINE_4F_Y = 172; v1.BORDERLINE_4F_Y_2 = 182; v1.BORDERLINE_4F_Y_3 = 197; v1.BORDERLINE_4F_X = 145; v1.BORDERLINE_5F_Y = 133; v1.BORDERLINE_6F_Y = 94; v1.BORDERLINE_SHORTCUT_Y = 82; ASSetPropFlags(obj.character.enemy.TDK.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 262 __Packages.obj.character.enemy.TTaru { #initclip if (!_global.obj) { _global.obj = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character) { _global.obj.character = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character.enemy) { _global.obj.character.enemy = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character.enemy.TTaru) { var v1 = function (arg_type) { super(); this.type = arg_type; }; obj.character.enemy.TTaru = v1; obj.character.enemy.TTaru extends obj.character.TCharacter; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get__TaruType = function () { return this.type; }; v2.Initialize = function (arg_x, arg_y, arg_vx, arg_vy) { super(); this.SetCharacterType('DeathArea'); this.$Type_Sub = 'Taru'; this.x = arg_x; this.y = arg_y; this.initX = arg_x; this.initY = arg_y; this.isBig = false; if (this.type == 401 || this.type == 3) { if (this.type == 401) { this.type = 400; } this.isBig = true; } this.ladder_fall = false; if (this.isBig == false && obj.character.enemy.TTaru.COUNT_LADDER_FALL <= 3) { if (common.CCommon.randomGet(0, 1) == 0) { ++obj.character.enemy.TTaru.COUNT_LADDER_FALL; this.ladder_fall = true; } } this.vx = arg_vx; this.vy = arg_vy; this.init_vx = this.vx; this.init_vy = this.vy; this.local_xscale = 100; this.local_yscale = 100; this.is_getScore = false; this.state = -1; this.$muki = this.vx < 0 ? -1 : 1; var v3 = 'ENEMY_TARU'; if (this.type == 400) { v3 = 'ENEMY_TARU2'; } = (CMain.__get__Game()).MCManager.createMovieClip(v3, CData.DEPTH_OBJECT); this.FrameController_Init(); if (this.type == 0 || this.type == 3 || this.type == 4 || this.type == 300 || this.type == 400) { this.setAction(this.act_Normal); this.act_Normal(); } else { if (this.type == 1 || this.type == 100) { this.setAction(this.act_Fall); this.act_Fall(); } } }; v2.act_Normal = function () { if (this.Count == 0) { this.FrameController_changeFrame('Rolling'); this.local_Count = 0; this.prev_air = this.$air; if (this.isBig) { this.local_xscale = 200; this.local_yscale = 200; } } if (this.state == -1 || this.state == 0) { this.vx = this.init_vx * this.$muki; if (this.state != -1 && (this.$air == true && this.Count % 2 == 0)) { this.vx = 0; } this.vy = Math.min(this.vy + 1, 3); this.setX(this.x + this.vx); if (this.$air == false) { if (this.prev_air == true) { if (this.type == 4) { this.setAction(this.act_Fall); this.act_Fall(); return undefined; } if (this.state == -1) { this.state = 0; } else { if (this.type != 300 && this.type != 400) { this.state = 1; } } } else { if (this.Count % 5 == 0 && this.ladder_fall && common.CCommon.randomGet(0, 1) == 0) { var v4 = CMain.getTask_Priority(CData.PRIO_OBJECT, 'Rope'); var v5 = v4.length; var v3 = 0; while (v3 < v5) { var v2 = v4[v3]; if (obj.stage.CHitTest.hitTest_Common(this.x, this.y + 3, v2)) { this.x = v2.getCenterX(); this.local_Count = v2.yMax; this.state = 3; break; } ++v3; } v2 = null; v4 = null; } } } } else { if (this.state == 1) { if (this.isBig) { (CMain.__get__SE()).play('SE_TARU'); ((CMain.__get__Game()).getPlayer()).setHashigo(null); (CMain.__get__Game()).Wait(6); CMain.registerTask(new obj.effect.TScreenEffect(200), CData.PRIO_SCREEN); } this.$muki *= -1; this.vx = this.init_vx * this.$muki; this.vy = -4; this.setX(this.x + this.vx); this.state = 2; } else { if (this.state == 2) { this.vx = this.init_vx * this.$muki; if (this.Count % 2 == 0) { this.vy += obj.character.enemy.TTaru.SPEED_GRAVITY; } this.setX(this.x + this.vx); if (this.$air == false) { this.vy = -2; this.state = -1; } } else { if (this.state == 3) { this.FrameController_changeFrame('Fall'); this.setY(this.y + 1); if (this.local_Count <= this.y) { this.FrameController_changeFrame('Rolling'); this.$muki *= -1; this.$air = true; this.state = -1; } } } } } this.prev_air = this.$air; if (this.state != 3) { this.MapCollision('Taru', null, null, obj.character.enemy.TTaru.HIT_BOTTOM); } this.xscale = this.local_xscale * this.$muki; this.yscale = this.local_yscale; obj.TObject.setMovieClipProp(, this); if (!(CMain.__get__Game()).isScreenIn(this.x, this.y, this.x, this.y)) { this.Kill(); } }; v2.act_Fall = function () { if (this.Count == 0) { this.FrameController_changeFrame('Fall'); this.local_Count = 10; this.prev_air = this.$air; } this.vy = Math.min(this.vy + obj.character.enemy.TTaru.SPEED_GRAVITY, obj.character.enemy.TTaru.SPEED_GRAVITY); this.setX(this.x + this.vx); if (this.local_Count <= 0) { this.MapCollision('Taru', null, null, obj.character.enemy.TTaru.HIT_BOTTOM); if (this.$air == false) { this.vx = common.CCommon.randomGet(0, 1) * this.$muki; if (this.type == 100) { this.$muki = 1; this.vx = 1; } else { if (this.type == 4) { this.vx = 0; } } if ((CMain.__get__Game()).getScreenY(this.y) >= 258) { this.$muki = 1; this.state = 1; this.type = 1; this.setAction(this.act_Normal); this.act_Normal(); return undefined; } this.vy = -obj.character.enemy.TTaru.SPEED_GRAVITY * 2; this.local_Count = 10; } } else { this.$air = true; this.setY(this.y + this.vy); } --this.local_Count; this.prev_air = this.$air; this.xscale = this.local_xscale * this.$muki; this.yscale = this.local_yscale; obj.TObject.setMovieClipProp(, this); if (!(CMain.__get__Game()).isScreenIn(this.x, this.y, this.x, this.y)) { this.Kill(); } }; v2.act_Huttobi = function () { if (this.Count == 0) { this.SetCharacterType(''); this.$Type_Sub = ''; return undefined; } else { if (this.Count < 2) { return undefined; } } if (this.Count == 2) { CMain.registerTask(new obj.effect.TScreenEffect(200, null, 2), CData.PRIO_SCREEN); (CMain.__get__Game()).Wait(3); this.vx = common.CCommon.randomGet(-15, 15); this.vy = -common.CCommon.randomGet(11, 18); (CMain.__get__SE()).play('SE_HOMERUN'); this.local_Count = common.CCommon.randomGet(15, 30); } if (this.Count % 2 == 0) { var v2 = new obj.character.effect.TSmoke(); v2.Initialize(this.x, this.y); CMain.registerTask(v2); v2 = null; } this.xscale += this.local_Count; this.yscale += this.local_Count; this.x += this.vx; this.y += this.vy; this.rotation += 20; obj.TObject.setMovieClipProp(, this); if (!(CMain.__get__Game()).isScreenIn(this.x, this.y, this.x, this.y)) { this.Kill(); } }; v2.HitHammer = function (arg_hammerType) { if (this.type == 400 && arg_hammerType != 100) { this.accelX(5 * this.$muki * -1); return 2; } var v3 = this.isBig ? 5000 : 500; if (v3 == 500) { if (arg_hammerType == 3 || arg_hammerType == 4) { v3 = 1000; } } var v2 = new obj.character.effect.THammerEffect(); v2.Initialize(this.x, this.y - 6, v3); CMain.registerTask(v2, CData.PRIO_EFFECT_A); v2 = null; if (this.isBig) { (CMain.__get__Game()).Wait(17); CMain.registerTask(new obj.effect.TScreenEffect(200, null, 16), CData.PRIO_SCREEN); (CMain.__get__Screen()).flash(23); this.Kill(); return 1; } if (arg_hammerType == 100) { this.setAction(this.act_Huttobi); this.act_Huttobi(); return 0; } this.Kill(); return 0; }; v2.Kill = function () { if (this.ladder_fall == true) { --obj.character.enemy.TTaru.COUNT_LADDER_FALL; } super.Kill(); }; v1.getScore = function (arg_taru) { if (arg_taru.is_getScore == true) { return undefined; } (CMain.__get__SE()).play('SE_SCORE'); (CMain.__get__Game()).getScore(100, arg_taru.x, arg_taru.y - 5); arg_taru.is_getScore = true; }; v1.SPEED_GRAVITY = 3; v1.HIT_BOTTOM = {'x': 0, 'y': 0}; v1.COUNT_LADDER_FALL = 0; v2.addProperty('TaruType', v2.__get__TaruType, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(obj.character.enemy.TTaru.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 263 __Packages.obj.effect.TScreenEffect { #initclip if (!_global.obj) { _global.obj = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.effect) { _global.obj.effect = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.effect.TScreenEffect) { var v1 = function (arg_type, arg_color, arg_speed) { super(); this.type = arg_type; this.speed = (isNaN(arg_speed) == true) ? 5 : arg_speed; var v6; switch (this.type) { case 0: case 1: this.alpha = 0; break; case 2: case 3: this.alpha = 100; break; case 4: case 5: break; case 6: case 7: case 200: = (CMain.__get__MCManager()).createEmptyMovieClip(CData.DEPTH_SCREEN2); common.CCommon.setMovieClipPosition(, 0, 0); this.bmp_data = new flash.display.BitmapData(CData.SCREEN_W, CData.SCREEN_H, false, 0); if (this.type == 7) { this.bmp_data.draw((CMain.__get__MCManager()).__get__root(), new flash.geom.Matrix(), obj.effect.TScreenEffect.NEGA_CTF); this.type = 6; } else { this.bmp_data.draw((CMain.__get__MCManager()).__get__root()); } if (this.type == 10 && arg_speed == null) { this.speed = 3; }, 0); break; case 9: this.alpha = 80; break; case 10: = (CMain.__get__MCManager()).createEmptyMovieClip(CData.DEPTH_BG); common.CCommon.setMovieClipPosition(, 0, 0); this.Fill(arg_color); } if (arg_type != 6 && arg_type != 10 && arg_type != 200) { = (CMain.__get__MCManager()).createEmptyMovieClip(CData.DEPTH_SCREEN); common.CCommon.setMovieClipPosition(, 0, 0); this.Fill(arg_color); } this.setAction(this.act_Main); this.act_Main(); }; obj.effect.TScreenEffect = v1; obj.effect.TScreenEffect extends obj.TObject; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.act_Main = function () { switch (this.type) { case 0: case 1: this.alpha += this.speed; if (100 < this.alpha) { this.Kill(); (this.type == 0) ? (CMain.__get__Screen()).whiteFill() : (CMain.__get__Screen()).blackFill(); return undefined; } break; case 2: case 3: this.alpha -= this.speed; if (this.alpha < 0) { this.Kill(); return undefined; } break; case 9: if (this.Count % 3 == 0) { this.visible = !this.visible; } if (this.Count >= this.speed) { this.Kill(); return undefined; } break; case 99:'rect', 'mc_mask', 1); common.CCommon.setMovieClipPosition(, 0, 0); = CData.SCREEN_W; = CData.SCREEN_H;; this.type = 100; break; case 100: common.CCommon.setMovieClipPosition(, 0, + this.speed); if ( > CData.SCREEN_H) { this.Kill(); return undefined; } break; case 200: this.x = common.CCommon.randomGet(-3, 3); this.y = common.CCommon.randomGet(-3, 3); if (this.Count >= this.speed) { this.Kill(); return undefined; } } obj.TObject.setMovieClipProp(, this); }; v2.Fill = function (arg_color) {;, 100);, 0);, CData.SCREEN_H);, CData.SCREEN_H);, 0);, 0);; }; v2.Kill = function () { this.bmp_data.dispose(); this.bmp_data = null; super.Kill(); }; v1.NEGA_CTF = new flash.geom.ColorTransform(-1, -1, -1, 1, 255, 255, 255, 255); ASSetPropFlags(obj.effect.TScreenEffect.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 264 __Packages.obj.character.effect.TSmoke { #initclip if (!_global.obj) { _global.obj = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character) { _global.obj.character = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character.effect) { _global.obj.character.effect = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character.effect.TSmoke) { var v1 = function () { super(); }; obj.character.effect.TSmoke = v1; obj.character.effect.TSmoke extends obj.character.TCharacter; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.Initialize = function (arg_x, arg_y) { super(); this.x = arg_x; this.y = arg_y; = (CMain.__get__Game()).MCManager.createMovieClip('EFFECT_SMOKE', CData.DEPTH_EFFECT); this.FrameController_Init(); this.alpha = 60; var v3 = common.CCommon.randomGet(70, 160); this.yscale = v3; this.xscale = this.yscale; this.setAction(this.act_Main); this.act_Main(true); }; v2.act_Main = function (arg_Init) { if (this.Count >= obj.character.effect.TSmoke.COUNT_DEATH) { this.Kill(); return undefined; } obj.TObject.setMovieClipProp(, this); }; v1.COUNT_DEATH = 6; ASSetPropFlags(obj.character.effect.TSmoke.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 265 __Packages.obj.character.effect.THammerEffect { #initclip if (!_global.obj) { _global.obj = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character) { _global.obj.character = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character.effect) { _global.obj.character.effect = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character.effect.THammerEffect) { var v1 = function () { super(); }; obj.character.effect.THammerEffect = v1; obj.character.effect.THammerEffect extends obj.character.TCharacter; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.Initialize = function (arg_x, arg_y, arg_score) { super(); this.$PauseException = CData.PRIO_EFFECT_A; this.x = arg_x; this.y = arg_y; this.score = arg_score; = (CMain.__get__Game()).MCManager.createMovieClip('EFFECT_HAMMER_EFFECT', CData.DEPTH_EFFECT); this.FrameController_Init(); this.setAction(this.act_Main); this.act_Main(true); }; v2.act_Main = function (arg_Init) { if (arg_Init) { this.FrameController_changeFrame('Main', false); (CMain.__get__SE()).play('SE_HAMMER_HIT'); (CMain.__get__Game()).SubPause(CData.PRIO_EFFECT_A); } if (this.Count >= obj.character.effect.THammerEffect.COUNT_DEATH) { (CMain.__get__Game()).SubPause(null); (CMain.__get__Game()).getScore(this.score, this.x, this.y - 7); this.Kill(); return undefined; } obj.TObject.setMovieClipProp(, this); }; v1.COUNT_DEATH = 41; ASSetPropFlags(obj.character.effect.THammerEffect.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 266 __Packages.obj.character.enemy.TSpring { #initclip if (!_global.obj) { _global.obj = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character) { _global.obj.character = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character.enemy) { _global.obj.character.enemy = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character.enemy.TSpring) { var v1 = function (arg_type) { super(); this.type = arg_type; }; obj.character.enemy.TSpring = v1; obj.character.enemy.TSpring extends obj.character.TCharacter; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.Initialize = function (arg_x, arg_y, arg_vx, arg_vy) { super(); this.SetCharacterType('DeathArea'); this.$Type_Sub = 'Spring'; this.x = arg_x; this.y = arg_y; this.initX = arg_x; this.initY = arg_y; this.vx = arg_vx; this.vy = arg_vy; this.state = 0; this.$muki = this.vx < 0 ? -1 : 1; = (CMain.__get__Game()).MCManager.createMovieClip('ENEMY_SPRING', CData.DEPTH_OBJECT); this.FrameController_Init(); this.setAction(this.act_Main); this.act_Main(); }; v2.act_Main = function () { if (this.Count == 0) { this.FrameController_changeFrame('Main', false, true); this.local_Count = this.Count; this.$air = true; } if (this.Count % 2 == 0) { this.vy += Math.min(obj.character.enemy.TSpring.SPEED_GRAVITY, 3); } if ((this.state == 0 || this.state == 1) && this.Count > this.local_Count + 10) { if (this.$air == false) { this.local_Count = this.Count; if (common.CCommon.randomGet(0, 1) == 0 && this.state != 0) { this.vx = 0; this.vy = 0; (CMain.__get__SE()).play('SE_SPRING_2'); this.state = 2; } else { this.FrameController_changeFrame('Main', false, true); this.vy = -obj.character.enemy.TSpring.SPEED_SPRING; (CMain.__get__SE()).play('SE_SPRING_1'); this.state = 1; } } this.MapCollision('Taru', null, null, obj.character.enemy.TSpring.HIT_BOTTOM); } else { if (this.state == 2) { this.y += obj.character.enemy.TSpring.SPEED_FALL; } else { this.x += this.vx; this.y += this.vy; } } obj.TObject.setMovieClipProp(, this); if ((CMain.__get__Game()).isScreenOut_Bottom(this.y) || (CMain.__get__Game()).isScreenOut_Left(this.x) || (CMain.__get__Game()).isScreenOut_Right(this.x)) { this.Kill(); } }; v1.SPEED_GRAVITY = 1; v1.SPEED_SPRING = 4; v1.SPEED_FALL = 4; v1.HIT_BOTTOM = {'x': 0, 'y': 0}; ASSetPropFlags(obj.character.enemy.TSpring.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 267 __Packages.Switch { #initclip if (!_global.Switch) { var v1 = function () {}; _global.Switch = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.Initialize = function () { trace('Switch 初期化'); delete Switch.switchs; Switch.switchs = null; Switch.switchs = new Array(); var v1 = 0; while (v1 <= Switch.SWITCHS_COUNT) { Switch.Off(v1); ++v1; } }; v1.s = function (i) { return Switch.switchs[i]; }; v1.On = function (i) { Switch.switchs[i] = 1; }; v1.Off = function (i) { Switch.switchs[i] = 0; }; v1.Reverse = function (i) { Switch.switchs[i] = (Switch.switchs[i] == 0) ? 1 : 0; }; v1.SWITCHS_COUNT = 50; ASSetPropFlags(_global.Switch.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 268 __Packages.obj.character.object.TObject_BG { #initclip if (!_global.obj) { _global.obj = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character) { _global.obj.character = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character.object) { _global.obj.character.object = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character.object.TObject_BG) { var v1 = function (arg_type) { super(); this.type = arg_type; this.priority = CData.PRIO_BG; }; obj.character.object.TObject_BG = v1; obj.character.object.TObject_BG extends obj.character.TCharacter; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.Initialize = function (arg_x, arg_y, arg_xMin, arg_yMin, arg_xMax, arg_yMax) { super(); this.x = arg_x; this.y = arg_y; this.xMin = arg_xMin; this.yMin = arg_yMin; this.xMax = arg_xMax; this.yMax = arg_yMax; = (CMain.__get__Game()).MCManager.createMovieClip(this.type, CData.DEPTH_OBJECT3); this.setAction(this.act_Main); this.act_Main(); }; v2.act_Main = function () { obj.TObject.setMovieClipProp(, this); }; ASSetPropFlags(obj.character.object.TObject_BG.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 269 __Packages.obj.character.object.TItem { #initclip if (!_global.obj) { _global.obj = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character) { _global.obj.character = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character.object) { _global.obj.character.object = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character.object.TItem) { var v1 = function () { super(); this.SetCharacterType('Item'); }; obj.character.object.TItem = v1; obj.character.object.TItem extends obj.character.TCharacter; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get__n = function () { return this.$n; }; v2.__get__pickup = function () { return this.$pickup; }; v2.__get__itemType = function () {}; v2.PickUp = function () { this.$pickup = true; this.Kill(); }; v2.addProperty('itemType', v2.__get__itemType, function () {}); v2.addProperty('n', v2.__get__n, function () {}); v2.addProperty('pickup', v2.__get__pickup, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(obj.character.object.TItem.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 270 __Packages.obj.character.object.TOnigiri { #initclip if (!_global.obj) { _global.obj = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character) { _global.obj.character = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character.object) { _global.obj.character.object = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character.object.TOnigiri) { var v1 = function (n) { super(); this.$n = n; this.priority = CData.PRIO_OBJECT; }; obj.character.object.TOnigiri = v1; obj.character.object.TOnigiri extends obj.character.object.TItem; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get__itemType = function () { return 'Score'; }; v2.Initialize = function (arg_x, arg_y) { super(); if (this.__get__pickup() == true) { this.Kill(); return undefined; } this.x = arg_x; this.y = arg_y; this.type = 0; = (CMain.__get__Game()).MCManager.createMovieClip('OBJECT_ONIGIRI', CData.DEPTH_ITEM); this.FrameController_Init(); this.FrameController_changeFrame('Normal'); this.setAction(this.act_Main); this.act_Main(); }; v2.act_Main = function () { if (this.type == 0) { var v4 = CMain.getTask_Priority(CData.PRIO_ENEMY, 'DeathArea', 'GroundFire'); var v5 = v4.length; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v5) { var v3 = v4[v2]; if (obj.stage.CHitTest.hitTest_Common(this.x, this.y + 15, v3)) { this.FrameController_changeFrame('Yaki'); this.$n = 1000; this.type = 1; } ++v2; } } obj.TObject.setMovieClipProp(, this); }; v2.addProperty('itemType', v2.__get__itemType, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(obj.character.object.TOnigiri.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 271 __Packages.obj.character.object.TFakeGround { #initclip if (!_global.obj) { _global.obj = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character) { _global.obj.character = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character.object) { _global.obj.character.object = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character.object.TFakeGround) { var v1 = function (arg_type) { super(); this.type = arg_type; this.priority = CData.PRIO_OBJECT; }; obj.character.object.TFakeGround = v1; obj.character.object.TFakeGround extends obj.character.TCharacter; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.Initialize = function (arg_x, arg_y, arg_xMin, arg_yMin, arg_xMax, arg_yMax) { super(); this.SetCharacterType('Cloud'); this.x = arg_x; this.y = arg_y; = (CMain.__get__Game()).MCManager.createMovieClip('OBJECT_FAKEGROUND', CData.DEPTH_BASE); = true; this.setAction(this.act_Main); this.act_Main(); }; v2.act_Main = function () { if (this.Count == 0) { this.SetCharacterType('Cloud'); this.rotation = 0; this.local_Count = 0; } if (this.type == 0) { if (this.$hit_Player == true) { this.setAction(this.act_Fall); this.act_Fall(); } } else { if (this.type == 1) { if (this.$hit_Object.enabled == true) { if (this.$hit_Object.Type_Sub == 'Taru') { if (this.$hit_Object.TaruType == 3) { this.setAction(this.act_Fall); this.act_Fall(); } } } } else { if (this.type == 2) { if (this.$hit_Player == true) { ++this.local_Count; if (this.local_Count > 30) { this.setAction(this.act_Open); this.act_Open(); } } else { this.local_Count = 0; } } } } obj.TObject.setMovieClipProp(, this); }; v2.act_Fall = function () { if (this.Count == 0) { this.SetCharacterType(''); } this.y += 3; if (this.Count > 4) { this.Kill(); return undefined; } obj.TObject.setMovieClipProp(, this); }; v2.act_Open = function () { if (this.Count == 0) { this.SetCharacterType(''); this.local_Count = 0; } this.rotation += 20; if (this.rotation > 50) { this.rotation = 50; ++this.local_Count; if (this.local_Count > 15) { this.setAction(this.act_Main); this.act_Main(); return undefined; } } else { this.local_Count = 0; } obj.TObject.setMovieClipProp(, this); }; ASSetPropFlags(obj.character.object.TFakeGround.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 272 __Packages.obj.character.object.TTarus { #initclip if (!_global.obj) { _global.obj = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character) { _global.obj.character = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character.object) { _global.obj.character.object = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character.object.TTarus) { var v1 = function (arg_type) { super(); this.type = arg_type; this.priority = CData.PRIO_BG; }; obj.character.object.TTarus = v1; obj.character.object.TTarus extends obj.character.TCharacter; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.Initialize = function (arg_x, arg_y, arg_xMin, arg_yMin, arg_xMax, arg_yMax) { super(); this.x = arg_x; this.y = arg_y; this.initX = arg_x; this.xMin = arg_xMin; this.yMin = arg_yMin; this.xMax = arg_xMax; this.yMax = arg_yMax; = (CMain.__get__Game()).MCManager.createMovieClip('OBJECT_TARUS', CData.DEPTH_BG); this.setAction(this.act_Main); this.act_Main(); }; v2.act_Main = function () { if (Switch.s(CData.SWITCH_DK)) { this.setAction(this.act_Gura); this.act_Gura(); return undefined; } obj.TObject.setMovieClipProp(, this); if ((CMain.__get__Game()).isInsideScreen(this.xMin, this.yMin, this.xMax, this.yMax) == false) { this.Kill(); } }; v2.act_Gura = function () { if (this.Count % 2 == 0 && this.Count > 20) { this.x = this.initX + common.CCommon.randomGet(-2, 2); } if (this.Count > 60) { (CMain.__get__SE()).play('SE_TARU'); (CMain.__get__Game()).Wait(4); CMain.registerTask(new obj.effect.TScreenEffect(200), CData.PRIO_SCREEN); var v2; v2 = new obj.character.enemy.TTaru(0); v2.Initialize(this.x + 28, this.y - 13, 1, -7); CMain.registerTask(v2, CData.PRIO_ENEMY); v2 = null; v2 = new obj.character.enemy.TTaru(0); v2.Initialize(this.x + 12, this.y - 3, 1, -3); CMain.registerTask(v2, CData.PRIO_ENEMY); v2 = null; v2 = new obj.character.enemy.TTaru(0); v2.Initialize(this.x - 10, this.y, 1, -6); CMain.registerTask(v2, CData.PRIO_ENEMY); v2 = null; v2 = new obj.character.enemy.TTaru(0); v2.Initialize(this.x - 28, this.y - 2, 1, -7); CMain.registerTask(v2, CData.PRIO_ENEMY); v2 = null; this.setAction(this.act_ClearWait); this.act_ClearWait(); return undefined; } obj.TObject.setMovieClipProp(, this); }; v2.act_ClearWait = function () { if (this.Count == 0) { (CMain.__get__Game()).MCManager.removeMovieClip(; this.visible = false; } if (this.Count == 199) { (CMain.__get__Game()).Wait(30); } if (this.Count == 200) { Switch.On(CData.SWITCH_GAMECLEAR); this.Kill(); } }; ASSetPropFlags(obj.character.object.TTarus.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 273 __Packages.obj.character.object.THammer { #initclip if (!_global.obj) { _global.obj = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character) { _global.obj.character = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character.object) { _global.obj.character.object = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character.object.THammer) { var v1 = function (arg_type) { super(); this.type = arg_type; this.priority = CData.PRIO_OBJECT; }; obj.character.object.THammer = v1; obj.character.object.THammer extends obj.character.TCharacter; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.Initialize = function (arg_x, arg_y) { super(); this.SetCharacterType('Hammer'); this.x = arg_x; this.y = arg_y; this.ref_Target = null; = (CMain.__get__Game()).MCManager.createMovieClip('OBJECT_HAMMER', CData.DEPTH_ITEM); this.FrameController_Init(); if (this.type == 3 || this.type == 4) { this.setAction(this.act_Fake); this.act_Fake(); return undefined; } this.setAction(this.act_Wait); this.act_Wait(); }; v2.act_Wait = function () { if (this.Count == 0) { this.FrameController_changeFrame('Normal'); this.state = -1; } if (this.type == 2) { if (((CMain.__get__Game()).__get__playerStatus()).__get__gold() >= 7) { (CMain.__get__Screen()).flash(10); var v2 = new obj.character.effect.THammerEffect(); v2.Initialize(this.x, this.y - 6, 5000); CMain.registerTask(v2, CData.PRIO_EFFECT_A); v2 = null; this.type = 100; (CMain.__get__MCManager()).removeMovieClip(; = (CMain.__get__Game()).MCManager.createMovieClip('OBJECT_SUPERHAMMER', CData.DEPTH_ITEM); } } if (this.ref_Target.enabled == true) { if (this.type == 100) { (CMain.__get__Screen()).flash(3); } this.setAction(this.act_Swing); this.act_Swing(); return undefined; } obj.TObject.setMovieClipProp(, this); if ((CMain.__get__Game()).isInsideScreen(this.x, this.y, this.x, this.y) == false) { this.Kill(); } }; v2.act_Fake = function () { if (this.Count == 0) { this.FrameController_changeFrame('Fake'); this.vx = (this.type == 3) ? -obj.character.object.THammer.SPEED_X_FAKE : obj.character.object.THammer.SPEED_X_FAKE; this.vy = -obj.character.object.THammer.SPEED_Y_FAKE; } this.rotation += this.vx < 0 ? -45 : 45; this.vy = Math.min(this.vy + 1, 2); this.setX(this.x + this.vx); if (this.Count % 3 == 0) { this.setY(this.y + 1); } obj.TObject.setMovieClipProp(, this); var v4 = CMain.getTask_Priority(CData.PRIO_ENEMY, null, 'Taru'); var v5 = v4.length; var v3 = 0; while (v3 < v5) { var v2 = v4[v3]; if (obj.stage.CHitTest.hitTest_Common(this.x, this.y, v2)) { v2.HitHammer(this.type); } v2 = null; ++v3; } v4 = null; if ((CMain.__get__Game()).isInsideScreen(this.x, this.y, this.x, this.y) == false) { this.Kill(); } }; v2.act_Swing = function () { if (this.Count == 0) { this.FrameController_changeFrame('Normal'); (CMain.__get__Game()).startHammerTime(); this.local_Count = 0; this.temp_Flag = false; } if (this.ref_Target.enabled == true) { if (this.state != -1) { this.xscale = 100 * this.ref_Target.__get__muki(); if (this.state == 1) { this.rotation = 0; this.x = this.ref_Target.x; this.y = this.ref_Target.y - 15; this.temp_Flag = false; } else { if (this.state == 2) { if (this.ref_Target.__get__muki() == 1) { this.rotation = 90; this.x = this.ref_Target.x + 4; } else { this.rotation = -90; this.x = this.ref_Target.x - 4; } this.y = this.ref_Target.y - 9; if (this.type == 1) { if (this.local_Count != 0) { ++this.local_Count; if (this.local_Count > 10) { this.FrameController_changeFrame('Normal_2'); obj.character.TCharacter.settingCharacter(new obj.character.object.THammer((this.ref_Target.__get__muki() == -1) ? 3 : 4), this.x, this.y - 12); this.type = 5; } } } } } } } if (this.ref_Target.enabled != true || this.Count > obj.character.object.THammer.COUNT_ENDSWING) { this.Kill(); return undefined; } var v7 = CMain.getTask_Priority(CData.PRIO_ENEMY, 'DeathArea'); var v8 = v7.length; var v3 = 0; while (v3 < v8) { var v2 = v7[v3]; if (v2.Type_Sub == 'Taru' || v2.Type_Sub == 'DK') { var v5 = this._getHitTest_X(); var v6 = this._getHitTest_Y(); if (obj.stage.CHitTest.hitTest_Common(v5, v6, v2)) { if (this.type != 5) { var v4 = v2.HitHammer(this.type); if (v4 == 1) { this.Kill(); } else { if (v4 == 2) { this.ref_Target.HammerReflect(); } } if (this.local_Count == 0) { ++this.local_Count; } } else { if (this.temp_Flag == false) { (CMain.__get__SE()).play('SE_MARIO_POKO'); this.temp_Flag = true; } } } } ++v3; } v2 = null; v7 = null; obj.TObject.setMovieClipProp(, this); }; v2.Swing = function (arg_target, arg_state) { this.state = arg_state; this.ref_Target = arg_target; }; v2._getHitTest_X = function () { if (this._Action != this.act_Swing) { return null; } var v2 = null; if (this.state == 1) { v2 = this.x; return v2; } if (this.state == 2) { if (this.rotation == 90) { v2 = this.x + 12; return v2; } v2 = this.x - 12; } return v2; }; v2._getHitTest_Y = function () { if (this._Action != this.act_Swing) { return null; } var v2 = null; if (this.state == 1) { v2 = this.y - 12; return v2; } if (this.state == 2) { v2 = this.y; } return v2; }; v2.Kill = function () { if (this._Action == this.act_Swing) { (CMain.__get__Game()).endHammerTime(); } this.ref_Target = null; super.Kill(); }; v1.COUNT_ENDSWING = 400; v1.SPEED_X_FAKE = 7; v1.SPEED_Y_FAKE = 5; ASSetPropFlags(obj.character.object.THammer.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 274 __Packages.obj.character.player.TPlayCharacter { #initclip if (!_global.obj) { _global.obj = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character) { _global.obj.character = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character.player) { _global.obj.character.player = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character.player.TPlayCharacter) { var v1 = function (arg_muki) { super(); this.SetCharacterType('Player'); }; obj.character.player.TPlayCharacter = v1; obj.character.player.TPlayCharacter extends obj.character.TCharacter; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.Main = function () { return super.Main(); }; v2.isPosing = function () {}; v2.isAlive = function () {}; v2.isHashigo = function () {}; v2.setHashigo = function () {}; v2.SpringJump = function () {}; v2.Lock = function () {}; v2.UnLock = function () {}; v2.forcePose = function () {}; v2.HammerReflect = function () {}; v2.Kill = function () { super.Kill(); }; ASSetPropFlags(obj.character.player.TPlayCharacter.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 275 __Packages.obj.character.object.TCoins { #initclip if (!_global.obj) { _global.obj = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character) { _global.obj.character = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character.object) { _global.obj.character.object = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character.object.TCoins) { var v1 = function (arg_n, arg_coinList) { super(); this.$n = arg_n; this.coinList = arg_coinList; this.priority = CData.PRIO_OBJECT; }; obj.character.object.TCoins = v1; obj.character.object.TCoins extends obj.character.object.TItem; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get__itemType = function () { return 'Coins'; }; v2.Initialize = function (arg_x, arg_y) { super(); this.x = arg_x; this.y = arg_y; = (CMain.__get__Game()).MCManager.createEmptyMovieClip(CData.DEPTH_ITEM); var v5 = this.coinList.length; var v3 = 0; while (v3 < v5) { var v4 ='OBJECT_10YEN', 'coin_' + v3, v3); v4._x = this.coinList[v3][0]; v4._y = this.coinList[v3][1]; this.coinList[v3][3] = v4; v4.cacheAsBitmap = true; ++v3; } this.setAction(this.act_Main); this.act_Main(); }; v2.act_Main = function () { obj.TObject.setMovieClipProp(, this); }; v2.PickUp = function (arg_x, arg_y) { var v3 = this.coinList.length; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v3) { if (common.CCommon.getDistance(arg_x - this.x, arg_y - this.y, this.coinList[v2][0], this.coinList[v2][1]) <= 10) { (CMain.__get__Game()).getScore(this.$n, this.x + this.coinList[v2][0], this.y + this.coinList[v2][1]); this.coinList[v2][3].removeMovieClip(); this.coinList.splice(v2, 1); if (this.coinList.length == 0) { this.Kill(); return undefined; } break; } ++v2; } }; v2.Kill = function () { delete this.coinList; this.coinList = null; super.Kill(); }; v2.addProperty('itemType', v2.__get__itemType, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(obj.character.object.TCoins.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 276 __Packages.system.TScreenManager { #initclip if (!_global.system) { _global.system = new Object(); } if (!_global.system.TScreenManager) { var v1 = function () { super(); this.ref_Fill = null; this.ref_Fade = null; this.ref_BG = null; }; system.TScreenManager = v1; system.TScreenManager extends CTask; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.slideIn = function (arg_speed) { if (this.ref_Fade.enabled == true) { return undefined; } this.ref_Fade = null; }; v2.whiteIn = function (arg_speed) { if (this.ref_Fade.enabled == true) { return undefined; } this.ref_Fade = null; this.clearFill(); this.ref_Fade = CMain.registerTask(new obj.effect.TScreenEffect(2, 16777215, arg_speed), CData.PRIO_SCREEN); }; v2.fadeIn = function (arg_speed) { if (this.ref_Fade.enabled == true) { return undefined; } this.ref_Fade = null; this.clearFill(); this.ref_Fade = CMain.registerTask(new obj.effect.TScreenEffect(3, 0, arg_speed), CData.PRIO_SCREEN); }; v2.whiteOut = function (arg_speed) { if (this.ref_Fade.enabled == true) { return undefined; } this.ref_Fade = null; this.ref_Fade = CMain.registerTask(new obj.effect.TScreenEffect(0, 16777215, arg_speed), CData.PRIO_SCREEN); }; v2.fadeOut = function (arg_speed) { if (this.ref_Fade.enabled == true) { return undefined; } this.ref_Fade = null; this.ref_Fade = CMain.registerTask(new obj.effect.TScreenEffect(1, 0, arg_speed), CData.PRIO_SCREEN); }; v2.captFill = function () { if (this.ref_Fade.enabled == true) { return undefined; } this.ref_Fade = null; this.ref_Fill = CMain.registerTask(new obj.effect.TScreenEffect(6), CData.PRIO_SCREEN); }; v2.whiteFill = function () { if (this.ref_Fade.enabled == true) { return undefined; } this.ref_Fade = null; this.clearFill(); this.ref_Fill = CMain.registerTask(new obj.effect.TScreenEffect(4, 16777215), CData.PRIO_SCREEN); }; v2.blackFill = function () { if (this.ref_Fade.enabled == true) { return undefined; } this.ref_Fade = null; this.clearFill(); this.ref_Fill = CMain.registerTask(new obj.effect.TScreenEffect(5, 0), CData.PRIO_SCREEN); }; v2.slideClear = function (arg_speed) { if (this.ref_Fade.enabled == true) { return undefined; } this.ref_Fade = null; if (this.ref_Fill.enabled != true) { return undefined; } this.ref_Fill.type = 99; if (arg_speed == null) { 0; } else { this.ref_Fill.speed = arg_speed; } undefined; this.ref_Fade = this.ref_Fill; this.ref_Fill = null; }; v2.clearFill = function () { if (this.ref_Fill.enabled != true) { return undefined; } this.ref_Fill.Kill(); this.ref_Fill = null; }; v2.flash = function (arg_timer) { var v1 = new obj.effect.TScreenEffect(9, 16777215); CMain.registerTask(v1, CData.PRIO_SCREEN); v1.speed = (arg_timer == null) ? 1 : arg_timer; }; v2.setBG = function (arg_color) { this.ref_BG = CMain.registerTask(new obj.effect.TScreenEffect(10, arg_color), CData.PRIO_SCREEN); }; v2.changeBGColor = function (arg_color) { this.ref_BG.Fill(arg_color); }; v2.setScreenFrame = function () { if (this.ref_Frame instanceof MovieClip) { return undefined; } this.ref_Frame = (CMain.__get__root()).attachMovie('SCREEN_FRAME', 'mc_frame', (CMain.__get__root()).getNextHighestDepth()); this.ref_Frame._x = 0; this.ref_Frame._y = 0; CData.setButton_gotoSite(this.ref_Frame.Button_Link); this.ref_Frame.attachMovie('OBJ_FRAME_JUMPBUTTON', 'OBJ_JUMPBUTTON', 0); this.ref_Frame.OBJ_JUMPBUTTON._x = 362; this.ref_Frame.OBJ_JUMPBUTTON._y = 553; this.ref_Frame.OBJ_JUMPBUTTON.useHand = true; this.ref_Frame.OBJ_JUMPBUTTON.onRelease = function () { this.useHand = !this.useHand; }; this.ref_Frame.attachMovie('OBJ_FRAME_STICK', 'OBJ_STICK', 1); this.ref_Frame.OBJ_STICK._x = 187; this.ref_Frame.OBJ_STICK._y = 549; this.ref_Frame.OBJ_STICK.useHand = true; this.ref_Frame.OBJ_STICK.onRelease = function () { this.useHand = !this.useHand; }; this.setAction(this.act_UpdateFrameStick); this.act_UpdateFrameStick(); }; v2.clearScreenFrame = function () { (CMain.__get__MCManager()).removeMovieClip(this.ref_Frame); this.ref_Frame = null; }; v2.act_UpdateFrameStick = function () { if (this.ref_Frame instanceof MovieClip == false) { this.setAction(null); return undefined; } var v2 = (CMain.__get__KeyState()).getKeyState(); switch (true) { this.ref_Frame.OBJ_STICK.gotoAndStop('Stand'); case v2.Down.LEFT: this.ref_Frame.OBJ_STICK.gotoAndStop('Left'); break; case v2.Down.RIGHT: this.ref_Frame.OBJ_STICK.gotoAndStop('Right'); break; case v2.Down.UP: this.ref_Frame.OBJ_STICK.gotoAndStop('Up'); break; case v2.Down.DOWN: this.ref_Frame.OBJ_STICK.gotoAndStop('Down'); } this.ref_Frame.OBJ_STICK.Hand._visible = this.ref_Frame.OBJ_STICK.useHand; var v3 = 'Release'; if (v2.Down.A || v2.Down.A2) { v3 = 'Down'; } if (v2.Down.START) { v3 = 'Down_Start'; } this.ref_Frame.OBJ_JUMPBUTTON.gotoAndStop(v3); this.ref_Frame.OBJ_JUMPBUTTON.Hand._visible = this.ref_Frame.OBJ_JUMPBUTTON.useHand; v2 = null; }; v2.setBitmapScreen = function () { if (this.ref_BmpScreen instanceof MovieClip) { return undefined; } this.ref_BmpScreen = (CMain.__get__root()).createEmptyMovieClip('mc_bmpscreen', (CMain.__get__root()).getNextHighestDepth()); = new BitmapScreen(this.ref_BmpScreen, CData.SCREEN_W, CData.SCREEN_H, false); this.ref_BmpScreen._xscale = (CData.STAGE_W / CData.SCREEN_W) * 100; this.ref_BmpScreen._yscale = (CData.STAGE_H / CData.SCREEN_H) * 100; this.updateBitmapScreen(); }; v2.updateBitmapScreen = function () { if (this.ref_BmpScreen instanceof MovieClip == false) { return undefined; }; }; v2.clearBitmapScreen = function () { if (this.ref_BmpScreen instanceof MovieClip == false) { return undefined; }; delete; (CMain.__get__MCManager()).removeMovieClip(this.ref_BmpScreen); this.ref_BmpScreen = null; }; v2.isFade = function () { return this.ref_Fade.enabled == true; }; v2.Kill = function () { this.ref_Fade.Kill(); this.ref_Fill.Kill(); this.ref_BG.Kill(); delete this.ref_Fade; delete this.ref_Fill; delete this.ref_BG; this.clearScreenFrame(); this.clearBitmapScreen(); super.Kill(); }; ASSetPropFlags(system.TScreenManager.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 277 __Packages.BitmapScreen { #initclip if (!_global.BitmapScreen) { var v1 = function (arg_target, arg_w, arg_h, arg_transparent, arg_fillColor) { this.$target = arg_target; this.$bmp_data = new flash.display.BitmapData(arg_w, arg_h, arg_transparent, arg_fillColor); this.$target.attachBitmap(this.$bmp_data, 0); }; _global.BitmapScreen = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.draw = function (source, fill) { if (source instanceof MovieClip == false) { return undefined; } this.$bmp_data.draw(source, new flash.geom.Matrix(), (fill == true) ? BitmapScreen.$fill : null); }; v2.dispose = function () { this.$bmp_data.dispose(); this.$bmp_data = null; this.$target = null; }; v1.$fill = new flash.geom.ColorTransform(1, 1, 1, 1, 255, 255, 255, 0); ASSetPropFlags(_global.BitmapScreen.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 278 __Packages.system.TMCManager { #initclip if (!_global.system) { _global.system = new Object(); } if (!_global.system.TMCManager) { var v1 = function (target) { super(); this.ref_Target = target.createEmptyMovieClip('depths', 0); }; system.TMCManager = v1; system.TMCManager extends CTask; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get__root = function () { return this.ref_Target; }; v2._createNewDepths = function (depth) { if (this.ref_Target.getInstanceAtDepth(depth) instanceof MovieClip) { trace('!error: TMCManager._createNewDepths - 既に存在する深度'); return null; } var v2 = this.ref_Target.createEmptyMovieClip('depths_' + depth, depth); v2._depth = system.TMCManager.DEPTH_MIN; return v2; }; v2._setDepthsDepth = function (depth) { var v2 = this.ref_Target.getInstanceAtDepth(depth); var v3 = v2._depth; while (v2.getInstanceAtDepth(v2._depth) instanceof MovieClip == true) { ++v2._depth; if (v2._depth == system.TMCManager.DEPTH_REMOVE) { continue; } if (v3 == v2._depth) { return null; } if (system.TMCManager.DEPTH_MAX < v2._depth) { v2._depth = system.TMCManager.DEPTH_MIN; } } return v2._depth; }; v2.createEmptyMovieClip = function (depth) { if (isNaN(depth) == true) { return null; } var v3 = this.ref_Target.getInstanceAtDepth(depth); if (v3 instanceof MovieClip == false) { v3 = this._createNewDepths(depth); } var v4 = this._setDepthsDepth(depth); var v2 = v3.createEmptyMovieClip('mc_' + v4, v4); v2._y = -99999; v2._x = -99999; return v2; }; v2.createMovieClip = function (Linkage, depth) { if (Linkage == null || isNaN(depth) == true) { return null; } var v3 = this.ref_Target.getInstanceAtDepth(depth); if (v3 instanceof MovieClip == false) { v3 = this._createNewDepths(depth); } var v4 = this._setDepthsDepth(depth); var v2 = v3.attachMovie(Linkage, 'mc_' + v4, v4); v2._y = -99999; v2._x = -99999; return v2; }; v2.getDepths = function (depth) { return this.ref_Target['depths_' + depth]; }; v2.removeMovieClip = function (target) { target.swapDepths(system.TMCManager.DEPTH_REMOVE); target.removeMovieClip(); }; v2.createSystemMovieClip = function () {}; v2.setMask = function () { (this.__get__root()).scrollRect = null; (this.__get__root()).scrollRect = new flash.geom.Rectangle(0, 0, CData.SCREEN_W, CData.SCREEN_H); }; v2.setScale_x1 = function () { this.ref_Target._xscale = 100; this.ref_Target._yscale = 100; this.ref_Target._x = CData.FRAME_X; this.ref_Target._y = CData.FRAME_Y; }; v2.setScale_x2 = function () { this.ref_Target._xscale = 200; this.ref_Target._yscale = 200; this.ref_Target._x = 0; this.ref_Target._y = 0; }; = function () { this.ref_Target._visible = true; }; v2.hide = function () { this.ref_Target._visible = false; }; v2.Kill = function () { this.ref_Target.removeMovieClip(); this.ref_Target = null; super.Kill(); }; v2.showDepthsList = function () { var v2 = ''; for (var v3 in this.ref_Target) { if (this.ref_Target[v3] instanceof MovieClip == false) { return undefined; } v2 += this.ref_Target[v3]._name + ' : ' + this.ref_Target[v3].getDepth() + '\n'; } trace(v2); }; v1.DEPTH_MIN = -1000; v1.DEPTH_MAX = 1048574; v1.DEPTH_REMOVE = 1048575; v2.addProperty('root', v2.__get__root, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(system.TMCManager.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 279 __Packages.system.TBGMManager { #initclip if (!_global.system) { _global.system = new Object(); } if (!_global.system.TBGMManager) { var v1 = function () { super(); this.ref_TargetMC = (CMain.__get__MCManager()).createEmptyMovieClip(CData.DEPTH_ETC); this.$volume = system.TBGMManager.DEFAULT_VOLUME; this._soundobjInit(); this.$loops = system.TBGMManager.DEFAULT_LOOPS; this.$pausePos = 0; this.$status = 'WAIT'; this.setAction(this.act_Main); }; system.TBGMManager = v1; system.TBGMManager extends CTask; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get__CurrentBGM = function () { return this.$nowURL; }; v2.act_Main = function () { if (this.$status == 'LOADING') { if (this.soundObj.__get__status() != 1) { if (this.soundObj.__get__status() == 2) { this._start(true); return true; } this.$status = 'WAIT'; } } return true; }; = function (arg_url, arg_load, arg_loops, arg_isCache) { if (this.$status == 'PLAY' && this.$nowURL == arg_url) { return undefined; } if (this.$status == 'LOADING') { trace('- 外部mp3の再生準備中 -'); return undefined; } this.stop(); this.$loops = (isNaN(arg_loops) == true) ? system.TBGMManager.DEFAULT_LOOPS : arg_loops; this.$pausePos = 0; this.$nowURL = arg_url; if (arg_load == true) { } else { this._soundobjInit(); this.soundObj.attachSound(arg_url); this._start(false); } }; v2.stop = function () { if (this.$status == 'STOP') { return undefined; } this.soundObj.stop(); this.$status = 'STOP'; }; v2.pause = function () { if (this.$status == 'PAUSE') { return undefined; } this.$pausePos = this.soundObj.position; this.soundObj.stop(); this.$status = 'PAUSE'; }; v2.setVolume = function (val) { if (val == null) { val = system.TBGMManager.DEFAULT_VOLUME; } this.$volume = val; this.soundObj.setVolume(this.$volume); }; v2.Kill = function () { (CMain.__get__MCManager()).removeMovieClip(this.ref_TargetMC); delete this.soundObj; super.Kill(); }; v2._start = function (arg_skip) { var v2 = (arg_skip == true) ? 0.0224 : 0; this.soundObj.start(v2, this.$loops); this.$status = 'PLAY'; }; v2._soundobjInit = function () { delete this.soundObj; this.soundObj = null; this.soundObj = new SoundLoader(this.ref_TargetMC); this.soundObj.onSoundComplete = this.stop; this.setVolume(this.$volume); }; v1.DEFAULT_LOOPS = 99999; v1.DEFAULT_VOLUME = 60; v2.addProperty('CurrentBGM', v2.__get__CurrentBGM, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(system.TBGMManager.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 280 __Packages.SoundLoader { #initclip if (!_global.SoundLoader) { var v1 = function (arg_target) { super(arg_target); this.$status = 0; }; _global.SoundLoader = v1; _global.SoundLoader extends Sound; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get__status = function () { return this.$status; }; v2.__set__status = function (val) { this.$status = val; return undefined; return this.__get__status(); }; v2.loadSound = function (arg_url, arg_streaming) { this.$status = 1; super.loadSound(arg_url, arg_streaming); }; v2.onLoad = function (success) { if (success) { this.$status = 2; } else { this.$status = 3; } }; v2.addProperty('status', v2.__get__status, v2.__set__status); ASSetPropFlags(_global.SoundLoader.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 281 __Packages.system.TSEManager { #initclip if (!_global.system) { _global.system = new Object(); } if (!_global.system.TSEManager) { var v1 = function () { super(); this.ref_TargetMC = (CMain.__get__MCManager()).createEmptyMovieClip(CData.DEPTH_ETC); this.$current_Channel = 0; var v4 = system.TSEManager.DEFAULT_VOLUME; this.soundObjList = new Array(); var v3 = 0; while (v3 <= system.TSEManager.CHANNELS) { this.soundObjList[v3] = new Sound(this.ref_TargetMC); ++v3; } this.setVolumeAll(v4); }; system.TSEManager = v1; system.TSEManager extends CTask; var v2 = v1.prototype; = function (arg_name, arg_channel) { if (arg_channel > system.TSEManager.CHANNELS) { trace(system.TSEManager.CHANNELS + 'チャンネルまでみたいだよ。'); } if (arg_channel == null) { arg_channel = this.$current_Channel++; if (this.$current_Channel > system.TSEManager.CHANNELS) { this.$current_Channel = 0; } } this.soundObjList[arg_channel].attachSound(arg_name); this.soundObjList[arg_channel].start(); }; v2.stop = function (arg_channel) { this.soundObjList[arg_channel].stop(); }; v2.stopAll = function (arg_channel) { var v2 = 0; while (v2 < system.TSEManager.CHANNELS) { this.soundObjList[v2].stop(); ++v2; } }; v2.setVolume = function (arg_vol, arg_channel) { if (arg_vol == null) { arg_vol = system.TSEManager.DEFAULT_VOLUME; } this.$volume = arg_vol; this.soundObjList[arg_channel].setVolume(this.$volume); }; v2.setVolumeAll = function (arg_vol) { if (arg_vol == null) { arg_vol = system.TSEManager.DEFAULT_VOLUME; } this.$volume = arg_vol; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < system.TSEManager.CHANNELS) { this.soundObjList[v2].setVolume(this.$volume); ++v2; } }; v2.setAllVolume = function (arg_volume, arg_channel) { var v2 = 0; while (v2 < system.TSEManager.CHANNELS) { this.soundObjList[v2].stop(); ++v2; } }; v2.Kill = function () { (CMain.__get__MCManager()).removeMovieClip(this.ref_TargetMC); var v3 = 0; while (v3 < system.TSEManager.CHANNELS) { delete this.soundObjList[v3]; ++v3; } this.soundObjList = null; delete this.soundObjList; super.Kill(); }; v1.CHANNELS = 2; v1.DEFAULT_VOLUME = 60; ASSetPropFlags(system.TSEManager.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 282 __Packages.system.TMainGameManager { #initclip if (!_global.system) { _global.system = new Object(); } if (!_global.system.TMainGameManager) { var v1 = function (target) { super(); }; system.TMainGameManager = v1; system.TMainGameManager extends CTask; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get__Map = function () { return this.Map_Current; }; v2.__get__Camera_xMin = function () { return this.$Camera_xMin; }; v2.__get__Camera_xMax = function () { return this.$Camera_xMax; }; v2.__get__Camera_yMin = function () { return this.$Camera_yMin; }; v2.__get__Camera_yMax = function () { return this.$Camera_yMax; }; v2.__get__playerStatus = function () { return this.$playerStatus; }; v2.act_Intro = function () { if (this.Count == 0) { (CMain.__get__BGM()).stop(); (CMain.__get__Screen()).blackFill(); this.Pause(true); } if (this.Count == 20) { (CMain.__get__Screen()).clearFill(); (CMain.__get__BGM()).play('BGM_STAGE_INTRO', false, 0); } if (this.Count > 140) { this.Pause(false); (CMain.__get__BGM()).stop(); this.enabledBGM = true; this.setAction(this.act_Main); this.act_Main(); return undefined; } }; v2.act_Main = function () { if ((CMain.__get__Event()).isRunEventScene()) { this.MCManager.hide(); return undefined; } else {; } var v2 = (CMain.__get__KeyState()).getKeyState(); if (v2.Push.START && this.isSubPause() == null) { if (this.$Pause == false) { this.stopBGM(); (CMain.__get__SE()).stopAll(); (CMain.__get__SE()).play('SE_PAUSE'); this.Pause(true); this.count_Pause = this.Count; } else { if (this.Count - 50 > this.count_Pause) { (CMain.__get__SE()).stopAll(); (CMain.__get__SE()).play('SE_PAUSE'); this.enabledBGM = true; this.Pause(false); } } } if (this.$Pause == true) { return undefined; } if (this.$WaitCount > 0) { --this.$WaitCount; } this.playBGM(); this.task_Update.state = 1; }; v2.Update = function () { this.MapScroll(); this.Map_Current.UpdateMapImage(); if (Switch.s(CData.SWITCH_GAMECLEAR)) { (CMain.__get__Event()).StartEventScene('LAST'); } }; v2.Wait = function (c) { this.$WaitCount = c; }; v2.endScene = function () { CData.writeSaveData(); CMain.AllKillPriority(CData.PRIO_SYSTEM2_GAME); CMain.AllKillPriority(CData.PRIO_PLAYCHAR); CMain.AllKillPriority(CData.PRIO_ENEMY); CMain.AllKillPriority(CData.PRIO_ENEMY2); CMain.AllKillPriority(CData.PRIO_OBJECT); CMain.AllKillPriority(CData.PRIO_ATK); CMain.AllKillPriority(CData.PRIO_EFFECT_A); CMain.AllKillPriority(CData.PRIO_EFFECT_B); CMain.AllKillPriority(CData.PRIO_BG); CMain.AllKillPriority(CData.PRIO_SCROLL); this.Map_Current.Kill(); this.Map_Current = null; delete this.Map_Current; this.ref_Player.Kill(); this.ref_Player = null; delete this.ref_Player; this.$playerStatus.Kill(); this.$playerStatus = null; this.Map_ObjectTable.clear(); delete this.Map_ObjectTable; this.MCManager.Kill(); this.MCManager = null; delete this.MCManager; delete this.$scroll_LockPos; this.$scroll_LockPos = null; (CMain.__get__MCManager()).removeMovieClip(this.ref_Base); this.ref_Status.Kill(); this.ref_Status = null; this.task_Update.Kill(); this.task_Update = null; for (var v2 in this) { this[v2].Kill(); this[v2] = null; } (CMain.__get__BGM()).stop(); (CMain.__get__SE()).stopAll(); this.setAction(null); (CMain.__get__Screen()).blackFill(); this.toTitle = true; }; v2.Initialize = function () { Switch.Initialize(); this.toTitle = false; this.Map_ObjectTable = new obj.stage.CObjectTable(); this.task_Update.Kill(); this.task_Update = CMain.registerTask(new system.TMainGameManager2(), CData.PRIO_SCROLL); this.ref_Base = (CMain.__get__MCManager()).createEmptyMovieClip(CData.DEPTH_BASE); common.CCommon.setMovieClipPosition(this.ref_Base, 0, 0); this.MCManager = new system.TMCManager(this.ref_Base); this.retryPoint = null; delete this.retryPoint; this.retryPoint = new Object(); this.$scroll_LockPos = null; this.$scroll_LockPos = new Object(); this.$scroll_LockPos.xMin = 0; this.$scroll_LockPos.yMin = 0; this.$scroll_LockPos.xMax = 0; this.$scroll_LockPos.yMax = 0; this.$playerStatus.Kill(); this.$playerStatus = null; this.$playerStatus = new obj.character.player.CPlayerStatus(); this.$playerStatus.Initialize(); this.ref_Status = new obj.character.system.TStatus(); CMain.registerTask(this.ref_Status, CData.PRIO_SYSTEM_GAME); this.Pause(false); this.SubPause(null); this.setAction(this.act_Main); }; v2.MapInitialize = function (mapData, arg_px, arg_py) { Switch.Initialize(); CData.writeSaveData(); (CMain.__get__Screen()).blackFill(); this.Map_ObjectTable.clear(); CMain.AllKillPriority(CData.PRIO_SYSTEM2_GAME); CMain.AllKillPriority(CData.PRIO_PLAYCHAR); CMain.AllKillPriority(CData.PRIO_ENEMY); CMain.AllKillPriority(CData.PRIO_ENEMY2); CMain.AllKillPriority(CData.PRIO_OBJECT); CMain.AllKillPriority(CData.PRIO_ATK); CMain.AllKillPriority(CData.PRIO_EFFECT_A); CMain.AllKillPriority(CData.PRIO_EFFECT_B); CMain.AllKillPriority(CData.PRIO_BG); this.Map_Current.Kill(); this.Map_Current = null; delete this.Map_Current; this.Map_Current = mapData; this.Map_Current.Initialize(); this.Map_Current.setClip(this.MCManager.createEmptyMovieClip(CData.DEPTH_BASE)); common.CCommon.setMovieClipPosition(this.Map_Current.__get__Clip(), 0, 0); this.Map_xMin = this.Map_Current.xMin; this.Map_yMin = this.Map_Current.yMin; this.Map_xMax = this.Map_Current.xMax; this.Map_yMax = this.Map_Current.yMax; (CMain.__get__SE()).stopAll(); this.stopBGM(); this.setDefaultMainBGM(system.TMainGameManager.DEFAULT_BGM_MAIN); if (this.Map_Current.__get__bgm() != null) { this.setDefaultMainBGM(this.Map_Current.__get__bgm()); } this.state_BGM = 1; (CMain.__get__Screen()).changeBGColor((this.Map_Current.__get__BGColor() == null) ? 0 : this.Map_Current.__get__BGColor()); this.Map_Current.loadObject(); this.Pause(false); this.SubPause(null); this.Scrolling = false; this.playerDead = false; this.$playerStatus.clearItems(); this.Wait(0); this.$Camera_xMin = 0; this.$Camera_yMin = 0; this.$Camera_xMax = 0; this.$Camera_xMin = 0; var v3 = isNaN(arg_px) ? this.Map_Current.startX : arg_px; var v2 = isNaN(arg_py) ? this.Map_Current.startY : arg_py; if (!isNaN(v3)) { 0; } else { v3 = 0; } undefined; if (!isNaN(v2)) { 0; } else { v2 = 0; } undefined; this.setRetryPoint(v3, v2); this.setPlayChara(v3, v2); this.MapScroll(true); this.ref_Status.Main(); (CMain.__get__Screen()).clearFill(); this.Update(); this.Map_ObjectTable.setInsideObject(this.$Camera_xMin, this.$Camera_yMin, this.$Camera_xMax, this.$Camera_yMax); this.setAction(this.act_Intro); this.act_Intro(); }; v2.MapChange = function (mapData, arg_x, arg_y) { this.ref_Player.Kill(); this.MapInitialize(mapData, arg_x, arg_y); }; v2.MapScroll = function (arg_init) { var v4 = this.Map_Current.__get__xMin(); var v5 = this.Map_Current.__get__yMin(); var v2 = this.Map_Current.__get__xMax(); var v3 = this.Map_Current.__get__yMax(); this.Map_xMin = v4; this.Map_yMin = v5; this.Map_xMax = v2; this.Map_yMax = v3; this.$Camera_xMin = this.Map_xMin; this.$Camera_yMin = this.Map_yMin; this.$Camera_xMax = this.Map_xMax; this.$Camera_yMax = this.Map_yMax; (this.MCManager.__get__root())._x = -this.$Camera_xMin; (this.MCManager.__get__root())._y = -this.$Camera_yMin; }; v2.createPlayChara = function () { this.ref_Player.Kill(); this.ref_Player = null; delete this.ref_Player; this.ref_Player = new obj.character.player.TOwata(); }; v2.setPlayChara = function (arg_x, arg_y) { if (this.ref_Player == null) { this.createPlayChara(); } this.ref_Player.Initialize(arg_x, arg_y); CMain.registerTask(this.ref_Player, CData.PRIO_PLAYCHAR); }; v2.deathPlayChara = function () { this.ref_Player.Kill(); this.$playerStatus.gain_Lives(-1); this.$playerStatus.clearItems(); this.MapChange(this.Map_Current, this.retryPoint.x, this.retryPoint.y); }; v2.getPlayerMuki = function () { return this.ref_Player.__get__muki(); }; v2.setRetryPoint = function (arg_x, arg_y) { this.retryPoint.x = arg_x; this.retryPoint.y = arg_y; }; v2.PickupItem = function (item, arg_x, arg_y) { switch (item.__get__itemType()) { case 'Coins': this.$playerStatus.gain_Gold(1); (CMain.__get__SE()).play('SE_SCORE'); item.PickUp(arg_x, arg_y); break; case 'Coin': this.$playerStatus.gain_Gold(1); this.getScore(item.__get__n(), item.x, item.y); (CMain.__get__SE()).play('SE_SCORE'); item.PickUp(); break; case 'Score': (CMain.__get__SE()).play('SE_SCORE'); this.getScore(item.__get__n(), item.x, item.y); item.PickUp(); } }; v2.getScore = function (arg_score, arg_x, arg_y) { if (arg_score == null) { return undefined; } var v2 = new obj.character.effect.TScore(); v2.Initialize(arg_x, arg_y, arg_score); CMain.registerTask(v2, CData.PRIO_EFFECT_A); v2 = null; this.$playerStatus.gain_Score(arg_score); }; v2.startHammerTime = function () { this.state_BGM = 2; }; v2.endHammerTime = function () { this.state_BGM = 1; }; v2.Pause = function (val) { this.$Pause = val; }; v2.SubPause = function (val) { this.$SubPause = val; }; v2.isPause = function () { return (CMain.__get__Event()).isRunEventScene() || this.Scrolling == true || this.$Pause == true || (CMain.__get__Screen()).isFade() || this.$WaitCount > 0; }; v2.isSubPause = function () { return this.$SubPause; }; v2.stopBGM = function () { (CMain.__get__BGM()).stop(); this.enabledBGM = false; }; label 8900: v2.playBGM = function () { if (this.isPause()) { return undefined; } if (this.enabledBGM == false) { (CMain.__get__BGM()).stop(); return undefined; } switch (this.state_BGM) { case 0: default: goto 8900; case 1: //Invalid switch } if (this.defaultMainBGM == '') { (CMain.__get__BGM()).stop(); } else { (CMain.__get__BGM()).play(this.defaultMainBGM); } goto 8900; case 0: (CMain.__get__BGM()).play('BGM_HAMMER'); }; v2.setDefaultMainBGM = function (str) { if (str == null) { this.defaultMainBGM = system.TMainGameManager.DEFAULT_BGM_MAIN; return undefined; } this.defaultMainBGM = str; }; v2.registerObject = function (data) { this.Map_ObjectTable.registerObject(data); }; v2.getPlayerX = function () { return this.ref_Player.x; }; v2.getPlayerY = function () { return this.ref_Player.y; }; v2.getScreenX = function (arg_x) { return arg_x - this.$Camera_xMin; }; v2.getScreenY = function (arg_y) { return arg_y - this.$Camera_yMin; }; v2.isScreenOut_Left = function (arg_x) { return arg_x <= this.Map_xMin; }; v2.isScreenOut_Right = function (arg_x) { return this.Map_xMax <= arg_x; }; v2.isScreenOut_Bottom = function (arg_y) { return this.Map_yMax <= arg_y; }; v2.getCenterX = function () { return this.$Camera_xMin + CData.SCREEN_W / 2; }; v2.getPlayer = function () { return this.ref_Player; }; v2.isInsideScreen = function (arg_xMin, arg_yMin, arg_xMax, arg_yMax) { return arg_xMin < this.$Camera_xMax + CData.OBJECT_VISIBLE_AREA.WIDTH && this.$Camera_xMin - CData.OBJECT_VISIBLE_AREA.WIDTH < arg_xMax && arg_yMin < this.$Camera_yMax + CData.OBJECT_VISIBLE_AREA.HEIGHT && this.$Camera_yMin - CData.OBJECT_VISIBLE_AREA.HEIGHT < arg_yMax; }; v2.isScreenIn = function (arg_xMin, arg_yMin, arg_xMax, arg_yMax) { return arg_xMin < this.$Camera_xMax && this.$Camera_xMin < arg_xMax && arg_yMin < this.$Camera_yMax && this.$Camera_yMin < arg_yMax; }; v2.Kill = function () {}; v1.DEFAULT_BGM_MAIN = 'BGM_STAGE1'; v1.SCROLL_LENGTH = 16; v1.SCROLL_SPEED = 10; v2.addProperty('Camera_xMax', v2.__get__Camera_xMax, function () {}); v2.addProperty('Camera_xMin', v2.__get__Camera_xMin, function () {}); v2.addProperty('Camera_yMax', v2.__get__Camera_yMax, function () {}); v2.addProperty('Camera_yMin', v2.__get__Camera_yMin, function () {}); v2.addProperty('Map', v2.__get__Map, function () {}); v2.addProperty('playerStatus', v2.__get__playerStatus, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(system.TMainGameManager.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 283 __Packages.obj.stage.CObjectTable { #initclip if (!_global.obj) { _global.obj = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.stage) { _global.obj.stage = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.stage.CObjectTable) { var v1 = function () { this.objectTable = new Object(); this.visibleObjectList = new Array(); }; obj.stage.CObjectTable = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.setInsideObject = function (arg_Camera_xMin, arg_Camera_yMin, arg_Camera_xMax, arg_Camera_yMax) { var v13 = obj.stage.CObjectTable.pixelsToAreas_w(arg_Camera_xMin - CData.OBJECT_VISIBLE_AREA.WIDTH); var v16 = obj.stage.CObjectTable.pixelsToAreas_w(arg_Camera_yMin - CData.OBJECT_VISIBLE_AREA.HEIGHT); var v12 = obj.stage.CObjectTable.pixelsToAreas_h(arg_Camera_xMax + CData.OBJECT_VISIBLE_AREA.WIDTH); var v14 = obj.stage.CObjectTable.pixelsToAreas_h(arg_Camera_yMax + CData.OBJECT_VISIBLE_AREA.HEIGHT); var v3; var v2; var v6 = v16; while (v6 <= v14) { var v4 = v13; while (v4 <= v12) { v3 = this._getArea(v4, v6); if (v3 == undefined) { } else { v2 = null; for (var v11 in v3) { v2 = v3[v11]; if (v2.isAppearance() == false) { continue; } if (v2.isInsideScreen(arg_Camera_xMin, arg_Camera_yMin, arg_Camera_xMax, arg_Camera_yMax)) { v2.InstitutionObject(); this.visibleObjectList.push(v2); this._deleteObjectList(v2); } } } ++v4; } ++v6; } var v15 = this.visibleObjectList.length; v2 = null; var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v15) { v2 = this.visibleObjectList[v5]; if (v2.CheckUpdate(arg_Camera_xMin, arg_Camera_yMin, arg_Camera_xMax, arg_Camera_yMax)) { this.visibleObjectList.splice(v5, 1); --v5; this.registerObject(v2); } ++v5; } }; v2.registerObject = function (arg_data) { var v6 = obj.stage.CObjectTable.pixelsToAreas_w(arg_data.xMin); var v8 = obj.stage.CObjectTable.pixelsToAreas_h(arg_data.yMin); var v5 = obj.stage.CObjectTable.pixelsToAreas_w(arg_data.xMax); var v7 = obj.stage.CObjectTable.pixelsToAreas_h(arg_data.yMax); var v2; var v3; v3 = v8; while (v3 <= v7) { v2 = v6; while (v2 <= v5) { this._addObjectList(v2, v3, arg_data); ++v2; } ++v3; } }; v2._addObjectList = function (arg_areaX, arg_areaY, table_obj) { if (this._getArea(arg_areaX, arg_areaY) == undefined) { this._createArea(arg_areaX, arg_areaY); } delete (this._getArea(arg_areaX, arg_areaY))['obj_' + table_obj.x + '_' + table_obj.y]; (this._getArea(arg_areaX, arg_areaY))['obj_' + table_obj.x + '_' + table_obj.y] = null; (this._getArea(arg_areaX, arg_areaY))['obj_' + table_obj.x + '_' + table_obj.y] = table_obj; }; v2._deleteObjectList = function (table_obj) { var v6 = obj.stage.CObjectTable.pixelsToAreas_w(table_obj.xMin); var v8 = obj.stage.CObjectTable.pixelsToAreas_h(table_obj.yMin); var v5 = obj.stage.CObjectTable.pixelsToAreas_w(table_obj.xMax); var v7 = obj.stage.CObjectTable.pixelsToAreas_h(table_obj.yMax); var v2; var v3; v3 = v8; while (v3 <= v7) { v2 = v6; while (v2 <= v5) { delete (this._getArea(v2, v3))['obj_' + table_obj.x + '_' + table_obj.y]; ++v2; } ++v3; } }; v2._createArea = function (arg_x, arg_y) { this.objectTable[arg_x + '_' + arg_y] = new Object(); }; v2._getArea = function (arg_x, arg_y) { return this.objectTable[arg_x + '_' + arg_y]; }; v1.pixelsToAreas_w = function (pixels) { return Math.floor(pixels / CData.SCREEN_W); }; v1.pixelsToAreas_h = function (pixels) { return Math.floor(pixels / CData.SCREEN_H); }; v2.isInsideScreen = function (arg_data) {}; v2.clear = function () { for (var v5 in this.objectTable) { for (var v3 in this.objectTable[v5]) { this.objectTable[v5][v3].task.Kill(); delete this.objectTable[v5][v3]; } delete this.objectTable[v5]; } var v4 = this.visibleObjectList.length; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v4) { this.visibleObjectList[v2].task.Kill(); this.visibleObjectList[v2] = null; ++v2; } this.visibleObjectList.splice(0, v4); }; ASSetPropFlags(obj.stage.CObjectTable.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 284 __Packages.obj.character.player.CPlayerStatus { #initclip if (!_global.obj) { _global.obj = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character) { _global.obj.character = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character.player) { _global.obj.character.player = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character.player.CPlayerStatus) { var v1 = function () {}; obj.character.player.CPlayerStatus = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get__lives = function () { return this.$lives; }; v2.__get__score = function () { return this.$score; }; v2.__get__gold = function () { return this.$gold; }; v2.Initialize = function () { this.$lives = obj.character.player.CPlayerStatus.INIT_LIVES; this.$score = 0; this.$gold = 0; }; v2.clearItems = function () { this.$gold = 0; }; v2.gain_Lives = function (n) { if (isNaN(n) == true) { return undefined; } this.$lives += n; this.$lives = this.$lives; }; v2.gain_Score = function (n) { if (isNaN(n) == true) { return undefined; } this.$score += n; if (CData.save_obj.HIGHSCORE < this.$score) { CData.save_obj.HIGHSCORE = this.$score; } }; v2.gain_Gold = function (n) { if (isNaN(n) == true) { return undefined; } this.$gold += n; }; v2.Kill = function () {}; v1.INIT_LIVES = 0; v2.addProperty('gold', v2.__get__gold, function () {}); v2.addProperty('lives', v2.__get__lives, function () {}); v2.addProperty('score', v2.__get__score, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(obj.character.player.CPlayerStatus.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 285 __Packages.obj.character.system.TStatus { #initclip if (!_global.obj) { _global.obj = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character) { _global.obj.character = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character.system) { _global.obj.character.system = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character.system.TStatus) { var v1 = function () { super(); this.x = 0; this.y = 0; var v3 = 0; = (CMain.__get__MCManager()).createEmptyMovieClip(CData.DEPTH_TEXT); common.CCommon.setMovieClipPosition(, 0, 0); this.text_Lives = CMain.registerTask(new obj.system.TText('', this.x, this.y), CData.PRIO_TEXT); this.text_Score = CMain.registerTask(new obj.system.TText('', this.x, this.y), CData.PRIO_TEXT); this.icon_Lives ='ICON_LIVES', 'icon_lives', v3++); this.icon_Lives._x = obj.character.system.TStatus.BASE_X + 4; this.icon_Lives._y = obj.character.system.TStatus.BASE_Y + 20 + 4; this.text_Lives.x = obj.character.system.TStatus.BASE_X + 11; this.text_Lives.y = obj.character.system.TStatus.BASE_Y + 20; this.text_Score.x = obj.character.system.TStatus.BASE_X + 0; this.text_Score.y = obj.character.system.TStatus.BASE_Y + 0; this.setAction(this.act_Update); this.act_Update(); }; obj.character.system.TStatus = v1; obj.character.system.TStatus extends obj.character.TCharacter; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.act_Update = function () { this.text_Lives.__set__text('*' + ((CMain.__get__Game()).__get__playerStatus()).__get__lives()); this.text_Score.__set__text('<font color=\'#F70950\'>SCORE</font>'); this.text_Score.text += ' <font color=\'#F70950\'>HIGHSCORE</font>\n'; this.text_Score.text += this._ConvertDigit(((CMain.__get__Game()).__get__playerStatus()).__get__score()) + ' ' + this._ConvertDigit(CData.save_obj.HIGHSCORE); this.text_Score.act_Update(); }; v2._ConvertDigit = function (arg_val) { var v1 = ''; v1 = String(Math.abs(arg_val)); while (v1.length < 6) { v1 = '0' + v1; } if (arg_val < 0) { v1 = '-' + v1; } return v1; }; v2.Kill = function () { this.text_Lives.Kill(); this.text_Score.Kill(); this.text_Lives = null; this.text_Score = null; super.Kill(); }; v1.BASE_X = 8; v1.BASE_Y = 5; v1.INTERVAL_SCORE = 100; ASSetPropFlags(obj.character.system.TStatus.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 286 __Packages.system.TMainGameManager2 { #initclip if (!_global.system) { _global.system = new Object(); } if (!_global.system.TMainGameManager2) { var v1 = function () { super(); this.state = 0; this.setAction(this.act_Main); }; system.TMainGameManager2 = v1; system.TMainGameManager2 extends CTask; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.act_Main = function () { if (this.state !== 1) { } else { (CMain.__get__Game()).Update(); } this.state = 0; }; ASSetPropFlags(system.TMainGameManager2.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 287 __Packages.obj.character.player.TOwata { #initclip if (!_global.obj) { _global.obj = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character) { _global.obj.character = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character.player) { _global.obj.character.player = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character.player.TOwata) { var v1 = function (arg_muki) { super(arg_muki); }; obj.character.player.TOwata = v1; obj.character.player.TOwata extends obj.character.player.TPlayCharacter; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.Initialize = function (arg_x, arg_y) { super(); this.$PauseException = CData.PRIO_PLAYCHAR; this.x = arg_x; this.y = arg_y; this.$state = obj.character.player.TOwata.STATE_NORMAL; this.$muki = 1; this.$air = false; this.airStartY = 0; this.vx = 0; this.vy = 0; this.vy_jump = 0; this.count_Common = 0; this.hit_Rope = null; this.$hit_Cloud = null; this.hit_DeathArea = null; this.hit_Hammer = null; this.backJump = false; this.nowPosing = null; this.death = false; var v3 = (CData.OWATA_L == true) ? 'PLAYCHAR_OWATA2' : 'PLAYCHAR_OWATA'; = (CMain.__get__Game()).MCManager.createMovieClip(v3, CData.DEPTH_PLAYCHAR); this.FrameController_Init(); this.FrameController_changeFrame('Stand'); obj.TObject.setMovieClipProp(, this); this.setAction(this.act_Main); }; v2.act_Main = function (arg_Init) { if (this.$state != obj.character.player.TOwata.STATE_JUMP) { this.vy = Math.min(this.vy + obj.character.TCharacter.SPEED_GRAVITY, obj.character.TCharacter.SPEED_MAXGRAVITY); } var v7 = 0; var v10 = 0; if (arg_Init != true) { var v5 = (CMain.__get__KeyState()).getKeyState(); } if (v5.Push.SPECIAL5) { (CMain.__get__Screen()).updateBitmapScreen(); } if (this.$state == obj.character.player.TOwata.STATE_NORMAL) { if (this.$air == false) { var v11 = this.$muki; var v8 = true; if (v5.Down.LEFT) { this.$muki = -1; if (this.vx != 0 && CData.OWATA_L) { if (this.Count % 13 == 0) { this.vx = -obj.character.player.TOwata.SPEED_WALK; } } else { this.vx = -obj.character.player.TOwata.SPEED_WALK; } } else { if (v5.Down.RIGHT) { this.$muki = 1; if (this.vx != 0 && CData.OWATA_L) { if (this.Count % 13 == 0) { this.vx = obj.character.player.TOwata.SPEED_WALK; } } else { this.vx = obj.character.player.TOwata.SPEED_WALK; } } else { v8 = false; if (CData.OWATA_L) { if (this.Count % 13 == 0) { this.vx = 0; } } else { this.vx = 0; } } } if (v8 == true && this.vx != 0) { this.FrameController_changeFrame('Walk'); if (this.Count % 13 == 0) { (CMain.__get__SE()).play('SE_WALK_' + common.CCommon.randomGet(1, 4)); } } else { this.FrameController_changeFrame('Stand'); } if (v5.Push.A || v5.Push.A2) { this.$muki = v11; this.$state = obj.character.player.TOwata.STATE_JUMP_INIT; } if (v5.Push.SPECIAL1) { this.$state = obj.character.player.TOwata.STATE_POSING_INIT; } if (this.$hit_Cloud.enabled == true) { if (this.$hit_Cloud.Type_Sub == 'MoveLock') { this.FrameController_changeFrame('Stand'); this.vx = 0; } } if (this.hit_Rope.enabled == true) { if (v5.Down.LEFT == false && v5.Down.RIGHT == false && (v5.Push.UP || v5.Push.DOWN)) { this.vx = 0; this.vy = 0; this.$state = obj.character.player.TOwata.STATE_ROPE; } } if (this.hit_Hammer.enabled == true) { this.$state = obj.character.player.TOwata.STATE_HAMMER; } } else { this.airStartY = this.y; this.$state = obj.character.player.TOwata.STATE_FALL; this.vx = 0; } if (this.isDead()) { this.setAction(this.act_Death); this.act_Death(); return undefined; } } else { if (this.$state == obj.character.player.TOwata.STATE_HAMMER || this.$state == obj.character.player.TOwata.STATE_HAMMER_REFLECT) { if (this.hit_Hammer.enabled == false) { this.$state = obj.character.player.TOwata.STATE_NORMAL; } else { if (this.$state == obj.character.player.TOwata.STATE_HAMMER_REFLECT) { this.FrameController_changeFrame('Hammer_1'); this.hit_Hammer.Swing(this, 1); this.vx = 0; ++this.count_Common; if (this.count_Common > 10) { this.$state = obj.character.player.TOwata.STATE_HAMMER; } } else { if (this.$air == false) { if (v5.Down.LEFT) { this.$muki = -1; this.vx = -obj.character.player.TOwata.SPEED_WALK; } else { if (v5.Down.RIGHT) { this.$muki = 1; this.vx = obj.character.player.TOwata.SPEED_WALK; } else { this.vx = 0; } } if (this.vx != 0) { if (this.Count % 13 == 0) { (CMain.__get__SE()).play('SE_WALK_' + common.CCommon.randomGet(1, 4)); } } } else { this.airStartY = this.y; this.$state = obj.character.player.TOwata.STATE_FALL; this.vx = 0; } if (this.Count % 6 < 3) { this.FrameController_changeFrame('Hammer_1'); this.hit_Hammer.Swing(this, 1); } else { if (this.Count % 6 < 6) { this.FrameController_changeFrame('Hammer_2'); this.hit_Hammer.Swing(this, 2); } } } } if (this.isDead()) { this.setAction(this.act_Death); this.act_Death(); return undefined; } } else { if (this.$state == obj.character.player.TOwata.STATE_JUMP_INIT || this.$state == obj.character.player.TOwata.STATE_JUMP_INIT2) { if (this.$state == obj.character.player.TOwata.STATE_JUMP_INIT2) { if (v5.Down.LEFT) { this.$muki = -1; this.vx = -obj.character.player.TOwata.SPEED_WALK; } else { if (v5.Down.RIGHT) { this.$muki = 1; this.vx = obj.character.player.TOwata.SPEED_WALK; } } } this.FrameController_changeFrame('Jump'); (CMain.__get__SE()).stopAll(); (CMain.__get__SE()).play('SE_JUMP_' + common.CCommon.randomGet(1, 2)); this.airStartY = this.y; this.vy_jump = -obj.character.player.TOwata.SPEED_JUMP; this.vy = this.vy_jump; this.count_Common = 0; this.$air = true; this.$state = obj.character.player.TOwata.STATE_JUMP; this.backJump = this.$muki == -1 && 0 < this.vx || this.$muki == 1 && this.vx < 0; } else { if (this.$state == obj.character.player.TOwata.STATE_JUMP) { this.vy = this.vy_jump; if (this.backJump) { if (this.count_Common % 2 == 0) { this.vx = obj.character.player.TOwata.SPEED_WALK * this.$muki * -1; } else { this.vx = 0; } } if (this.count_Common % 4 == 0) { ++this.vy_jump; } ++this.count_Common; if (this.isDead()) { this.setAction(this.act_Death); this.act_Death(); return undefined; } if (this.$air == false) { this.onGround(); } } else { if (this.$state == obj.character.player.TOwata.STATE_FALL) { this.vx = 0; this.FrameController_changeFrame('Stand'); if (this.isDead()) { this.setAction(this.act_Death); this.act_Death(); return undefined; } if (this.$air == false) { this.onGround(); } } else { if (this.$state == obj.character.player.TOwata.STATE_ONGROUND) { this.FrameController_changeFrame('OnGround'); if (this.count_Common == 0) { this.vx = 0; } if (this.count_Common >= 1) { this.$state = obj.character.player.TOwata.STATE_NORMAL; } ++this.count_Common; } else { if (this.$state == obj.character.player.TOwata.STATE_ROPE) { if (this.hit_Rope.enabled != true) { this.airStartY = this.y; this.$state = obj.character.player.TOwata.STATE_FALL; } else { this.x = this.hit_Rope.getCenterX(); this.hit_Rope.hitPlayer(); this.vx = 0; this.vy = 0; if (v5.Down.UP) { this.vy = -obj.character.player.TOwata.SPEED_WALK; } else { if (v5.Down.DOWN) { this.vy = obj.character.player.TOwata.SPEED_WALK; } } var v9 = this.hit_Rope.getHashigoY(this.y, this.y + this.vy); if (v9 == null) { this.hit_Rope = null; return undefined; } this.vy = v9 - this.y; if (obj.stage.CHitTest.hitTest_Rope(this.x + obj.character.player.TOwata.HIT_WALL.x, this.y + this.vy + obj.character.player.TOwata.HIT_BOTTOM.y, this.hit_Rope) == false) { if (obj.stage.CHitTest.hitTest_MapCommon(this.x + obj.character.player.TOwata.HIT_WALL.x, this.y + obj.character.player.TOwata.HIT_BOTTOM.y)) { this.$state = obj.character.player.TOwata.STATE_NORMAL; } else { this.vy = 0; } } if (this.vy != 0) { if (this.Count % 23 == 0) { (CMain.__get__SE()).play('SE_WALK_' + common.CCommon.randomGet(1, 4)); } this.FrameController_changeFrame('Hashigo_Move'); } else { this.FrameController_changeFrame('Hashigo_Stop'); } if (this.$air == false) { if (v5.Push.LEFT || v5.Push.RIGHT) { this.$state = obj.character.player.TOwata.STATE_NORMAL; } } } if (this.isDead()) { this.setAction(this.act_Death); this.act_Death(); return undefined; } } else { if (this.$state == obj.character.player.TOwata.STATE_POSING_INIT) { this.count_Common = obj.character.player.TOwata.COUNT_POSING; this.vx = 0; this.vy = 0; this.$muki = 1; this.FrameController_changeFrame('Posing_Owata'); this.$state = obj.character.player.TOwata.STATE_POSING; } else { if (this.$state == obj.character.player.TOwata.STATE_POSING) { this.vx = 0; --this.count_Common; if (this.count_Common < 0) { this.$state = (this.$air == false) ? obj.character.player.TOwata.STATE_NORMAL : obj.character.player.TOwata.STATE_FALL; } if (this.isDead()) { this.setAction(this.act_Death); this.act_Death(); return undefined; } } else { if (this.$state == obj.character.player.TOwata.STATE_LOCK) { this.FrameController_changeFrame('Stand'); this.vx = 0; if (this.isDead()) { this.setAction(this.act_Death); this.act_Death(); return undefined; } } } } } } } } } } } if (this.$air == false && this.$hit_Cloud.enabled == true) { v7 = this.$hit_Cloud.vx; } this.vx += v7; this.vy += v10; this.hit_Rope = null; this.hit_DeathArea = null; this.$hit_Cloud = null; this.MapCollision((this.$state == obj.character.player.TOwata.STATE_ROPE) ? 'Player_Hashigo' : 'Player', obj.character.player.TOwata.HIT_WALL, obj.character.player.TOwata.HIT_TOP, obj.character.player.TOwata.HIT_BOTTOM); var v4 = CMain.getTask_Priority(CData.PRIO_OBJECT); var v6 = v4.length; var v3 = 0; while (v3 < v6) { var v2 = v4[v3]; switch (v2.Type) { case 'Hammer': if (this.hit_Hammer.enabled != true) { if (obj.stage.CHitTest.hitTest_Common(this.x, this.y + obj.character.player.TOwata.HIT_WALL.y, v2)) { this.hit_Hammer = v2; } } break; case 'Rope': if (obj.stage.CHitTest.hitTest_Rope(this.x, this.y + obj.character.player.TOwata.HIT_BOTTOM.y + 1, v2)) { this.setHashigo(v2); } break; case 'Item': if (obj.stage.CHitTest.hitTest_Common(this.x, this.y - 7, v2)) { (CMain.__get__Game()).PickupItem(v2, this.x, this.y - 7); } break; case 'DeathArea': if (obj.stage.CHitTest.hitTest_Common(this.x, this.y - 7, v2)) { this.hit_DeathArea = v2; v2.hitPlayer(); } } ++v3; } false; v4 = null; v4 = CMain.getTask_Priority(CData.PRIO_ENEMY); v6 = v4.length; v3 = 0; while (v3 < v6) { v2 = v4[v3]; if (v2.Type !== 'DeathArea') { } else { if (obj.stage.CHitTest.hitTest_Common(this.x, this.y - 7, v2)) { this.hit_DeathArea = v2; v2.hitPlayer(); } else { if (obj.stage.CHitTest.hitTest_Common(this.x, this.y + obj.character.player.TOwata.HIT_BOTTOM.y, v2)) { this.hit_DeathArea = v2; v2.hitPlayer(); } } if (v2.Type_Sub == 'Taru') { if (this.$state == obj.character.player.TOwata.STATE_JUMP) { if (obj.stage.CHitTest.hitTest_Common(this.x, this.y + obj.character.player.TOwata.HIT_BOTTOM.y + 10, v2)) { obj.character.enemy.TTaru.getScore(v2); } } } } ++v3; } v4 = null; if (this.hit_DeathArea.enabled == true) { this.death = true; } if ((CMain.__get__Game()).isScreenOut_Left(this.x)) { this.x = (CMain.__get__Game()).Map_xMin; } if ((CMain.__get__Game()).isScreenOut_Right(this.x)) { this.x = (CMain.__get__Game()).Map_xMax; } this.xscale = 100 * this.$muki; obj.TObject.setMovieClipProp(, this); }; v2.act_Death = function (arg_type) { if (this.Count == 0) { (CMain.__get__Game()).stopBGM(); (CMain.__get__SE()).stopAll(); (CMain.__get__SE()).play('SE_DEATH'); (CMain.__get__Game()).SubPause(CData.PRIO_PLAYCHAR); this.FrameController_changeFrame('Death_1'); } if (this.Count % 5 == 0) { } if (this.Count == 60) { this.xscale = 100; this.FrameController_changeFrame('Death_2'); } if (this.Count == 134) { this.visible = false; var v3 = new obj.character.effect.TThiun(); v3.Initialize(this.x, this.y - 5); } var v2 = (CMain.__get__KeyState()).getKeyState(); if (this.Count == 200 || v2.Push.START) { (CMain.__get__Game()).deathPlayChara(); } v2 = null; obj.TObject.setMovieClipProp(, this); }; v2.isDead = function () { if (CData.MUTEKI_MODE == true) { return false; } if (this.death == true) { return true; } if (this.hit_DeathArea.enabled == true) { return true; } if ((CMain.__get__Game()).isScreenOut_Bottom(this.y)) { if (this.$state != obj.character.player.TOwata.STATE_ROPE) { return true; } else { this.y = (CMain.__get__Game()).Map_yMin; this.hit_Rope.y = (CMain.__get__Game()).Map_yMin; obj.TObject.setMovieClipProp(null, this.hit_Rope); } } if ((this.$state == obj.character.player.TOwata.STATE_JUMP || this.$state == obj.character.player.TOwata.STATE_FALL) && this.$air == false) { if (this.y - this.airStartY > obj.character.player.TOwata.FALL_DEATH_LENGTH) { return true; } } }; v2.forcePose = function (arg_pose) { this.nowPosing = arg_pose; this.$state = obj.character.player.TOwata.STATE_POSING_INIT; }; v2.isPosing = function () { return this.nowPosing; }; v2.isHashigo = function () { return this.$state == obj.character.player.TOwata.STATE_ROPE; }; v2.setHashigo = function (arg_target) { this.hit_Rope = arg_target; }; v2.isAlive = function () { return this._Action != this.act_Death; }; v2.onGround = function () { this.$state = obj.character.player.TOwata.STATE_ONGROUND; this.count_Common = 0; }; v2.Lock = function () { this.$state = obj.character.player.TOwata.STATE_LOCK; }; v2.UnLock = function () { this.$state = obj.character.player.TOwata.STATE_NORMAL; }; v2.Kill = function () { this.hit_Hammer = null; this.hit_Rope = null; this.hit_DeathArea = null; super.Kill(); }; v2.accelY = function (arg_vy) { if (arg_vy < 0) { this.airStartY = this.y; this.$air = true; } this.$state = obj.character.player.TOwata.STATE_JUMP; super.accelY(arg_vy); }; v2.HammerReflect = function () { if (this.$state != obj.character.player.TOwata.STATE_HAMMER) { return undefined; } (CMain.__get__Screen()).flash(2); (CMain.__get__SE()).play('SE_HANSYA2'); (CMain.__get__Game()).Wait(4); this.accelX(obj.character.player.TOwata.SPEED_HAMMER_REFLECT * this.$muki * -1); this.$state = obj.character.player.TOwata.STATE_HAMMER_REFLECT; this.count_Common = 0; }; v1.PRIORITY = CData.PRIO_PLAYCHAR; v1.STATE_NORMAL = 0; v1.STATE_JUMP_INIT = 1; v1.STATE_JUMP_INIT2 = -1; v1.STATE_JUMP = 2; v1.STATE_BACKJUMP = 200; v1.STATE_ONGROUND = 900; v1.STATE_FALL = 3; v1.STATE_ROPE = 31; v1.STATE_HAMMER = 40; v1.STATE_POSING_INIT = 50; v1.STATE_POSING = 51; v1.STATE_HAMMER_REFLECT = 80; v1.STATE_LOCK = 100; v1.COUNT_POSING = 40; v1.FALL_DEATH_LENGTH = 14; v1.SPEED_WALK = 1; v1.SPEED_JUMP = 3; v1.SPEED_HAMMER_REFLECT = 7; v1.HIT_TOP = {'x': 0, 'y': -14}; v1.HIT_WALL = {'x': 0, 'y': -8}; v1.HIT_WALL2 = {'x': 0, 'y': -10}; v1.HIT_BOTTOM = {'x': 0, 'y': 0}; ASSetPropFlags(obj.character.player.TOwata.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 288 __Packages.obj.character.effect.TThiun { #initclip if (!_global.obj) { _global.obj = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character) { _global.obj.character = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character.effect) { _global.obj.character.effect = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character.effect.TThiun) { var v1 = function () { super(); }; obj.character.effect.TThiun = v1; obj.character.effect.TThiun extends obj.character.TCharacter; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.Initialize = function (arg_x, arg_y, arg_vx, arg_vy) { this.$PauseException = CData.PRIO_PLAYCHAR; this.x = arg_x; this.y = arg_y; if (arg_vx == 0 && arg_vy == 0 || isNaN(arg_vx + arg_vy)) { var v2 = CMain.registerTask(new obj.character.effect.TThiun(), CData.PRIO_EFFECT_B); v2.Initialize(this.x, this.y, 0, -1); v2 = null; v2 = CMain.registerTask(new obj.character.effect.TThiun(), CData.PRIO_EFFECT_B); v2.Initialize(this.x, this.y, 2, -2); v2 = null; v2 = CMain.registerTask(new obj.character.effect.TThiun(), CData.PRIO_EFFECT_B); v2.Initialize(this.x, this.y, 1, 0); v2 = null; v2 = CMain.registerTask(new obj.character.effect.TThiun(), CData.PRIO_EFFECT_B); v2.Initialize(this.x, this.y, 2, 2); v2 = null; v2 = CMain.registerTask(new obj.character.effect.TThiun(), CData.PRIO_EFFECT_B); v2.Initialize(this.x, this.y, 0, 1); v2 = null; v2 = CMain.registerTask(new obj.character.effect.TThiun(), CData.PRIO_EFFECT_B); v2.Initialize(this.x, this.y, -2, 2); v2 = null; v2 = CMain.registerTask(new obj.character.effect.TThiun(), CData.PRIO_EFFECT_B); v2.Initialize(this.x, this.y, -1, 0); v2 = null; v2 = CMain.registerTask(new obj.character.effect.TThiun(), CData.PRIO_EFFECT_B); v2.Initialize(this.x, this.y, -2, -2); v2 = null; (CMain.__get__SE()).play('SE_THIUN', 0); this.Kill(); } else { = (CMain.__get__Game()).MCManager.createMovieClip('EFFECT_THIUN', CData.DEPTH_EFFECT); this.vx = arg_vx; this.vy = arg_vy; this.FrameController_Init(); this.FrameController_changeFrame('Main'); this.setAction(this.act_Main); } }; v2.act_Main = function () { if (this.vx == -2 && this.vy == -2 || this.vx == 2 && this.vy == -2 || this.vx == 2 && this.vy == 2 || this.vx == -2 && this.vy == 2) { if (this.Count % 3 == 2) { this.x += this.vx; this.y += this.vy; } } else { this.x += this.vx; this.y += this.vy; } obj.TObject.setMovieClipProp(, this); if ((CMain.__get__Game()).isInsideScreen(this.x, this.y, this.x, this.y) == false || this.Count > 150) { this.Kill(); } }; ASSetPropFlags(obj.character.effect.TThiun.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 289 __Packages.obj.character.effect.TScore { #initclip if (!_global.obj) { _global.obj = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character) { _global.obj.character = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character.effect) { _global.obj.character.effect = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.character.effect.TScore) { var v1 = function () { super(); }; obj.character.effect.TScore = v1; obj.character.effect.TScore extends obj.character.TCharacter; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.Initialize = function (arg_x, arg_y, arg_score) { super(); this.x = arg_x; this.y = arg_y; = (CMain.__get__Game()).MCManager.createMovieClip('EFFECT_SCORE', CData.DEPTH_EFFECT); this.FrameController_Init(); this.FrameController_changeFrame('s' + String(arg_score)); this.setAction(this.act_Main); this.act_Main(); }; v2.act_Main = function () { if (this.Count > 24) { this.Kill(); return undefined; } obj.TObject.setMovieClipProp(, this); }; ASSetPropFlags(obj.character.effect.TScore.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 290 __Packages.system.TEventSceneManager { #initclip if (!_global.system) { _global.system = new Object(); } if (!_global.system.TEventSceneManager) { var v1 = function () { super(); }; system.TEventSceneManager = v1; system.TEventSceneManager extends CTask; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.StartEventScene = function (arg_name) { if (arg_name == null) { return undefined; } if (this.isRunEventScene()) { this.EndEventScene(); } var v2; if (arg_name !== 'LAST') { } else { v2 = new obj.event.TEventScene_Last(); } if (v2 != null) { CMain.registerTask(v2, CData.PRIO_EVENTSCENE); this.ref_CurrentEvScene = v2; } }; v2.EndEventScene = function () { this.ref_CurrentEvScene.Kill(); this.ref_CurrentEvScene = null; }; v2.isRunEventScene = function () { return this.ref_CurrentEvScene.enabled == true; }; v2.Kill = function () { this.EndEventScene(); }; ASSetPropFlags(system.TEventSceneManager.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 291 __Packages.obj.event.TEventScene { #initclip if (!_global.obj) { _global.obj = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.event) { _global.obj.event = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.event.TEventScene) { var v1 = function () { super(); this.Initialize(); }; obj.event.TEventScene = v1; obj.event.TEventScene extends obj.TObject; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.Main = function () { var v3 = super.Main(); ++this.currentFrame; this.ref_EventSceneMC.gotoAndStop(this.currentFrame); return false; }; v2.createClip = function (arg_name) { (CMain.__get__MCManager()).removeMovieClip(this.ref_EventSceneMC); this.currentFrame = 1; this.local_Count = this.Count; this.ref_EventSceneMC = (CMain.__get__MCManager()).createMovieClip(arg_name, CData.DEPTH_EVENTSCENE); this.ref_EventSceneMC.stop(); this.ref_EventSceneMC._x = 0; this.ref_EventSceneMC._y = 0; }; v2.setFrame = function (arg_frame) { if (isNaN(arg_frame) == true) { arg_frame = this.currentFrame; } this.currentFrame = arg_frame - 1; }; v2.Kill = function () { if (this.ref_EventSceneMC != null) { (CMain.__get__MCManager()).removeMovieClip(this.ref_EventSceneMC); } super.Kill(); }; ASSetPropFlags(obj.event.TEventScene.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 292 __Packages.obj.event.TEventScene_Last { #initclip if (!_global.obj) { _global.obj = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.event) { _global.obj.event = new Object(); } if (!_global.obj.event.TEventScene_Last) { var v1 = function () { super(); this.setAction(this.act_Wait); this.act_Wait(); }; obj.event.TEventScene_Last = v1; obj.event.TEventScene_Last extends obj.event.TEventScene; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.Initialize = function () { this.createClip('EVENTSCENE_LAST'); }; v2.act_Wait = function () { if (this.Count == 0) { (CMain.__get__SE()).stopAll(); (CMain.__get__BGM()).stop(); (CMain.__get__Screen()).blackFill(); } if (this.Count > 50) { (CMain.__get__Screen()).clearFill(); this.setAction(this.act_Main); this.act_Main(); return undefined; } this.setFrame(); }; v2.act_Main = function () { if (this.currentFrame == 1 || this.currentFrame == 2) { if (this.local_Count == this.Count - 1) { (CMain.__get__SE()).stopAll(); (CMain.__get__BGM()).stop(); (CMain.__get__SE()).play('SE_STAGECLEAR'); } this.setFrame(); if (this.Count < 100) { } else { if (this.Count % 50 == 0) { this.setFrame(2); CMain.registerTask(new obj.effect.TScreenEffect(200, null, 3), CData.PRIO_SCREEN); (CMain.__get__SE()).play('SE_TARU'); } else { if (this.Count > 200) { this.local_Count = this.Count; this.setFrame(3); } } } } if (this.currentFrame == 3) { if (this.local_Count == this.Count - 1) { (CMain.__get__Game()).Wait(4); CMain.registerTask(new obj.effect.TScreenEffect(200, null, 20), CData.PRIO_SCREEN); (CMain.__get__SE()).play('SE_TARU'); } if (this.Count - this.local_Count < 70) { this.setFrame(); } else { this.local_Count = this.Count; this.setFrame(4); } } if (this.currentFrame == 4) { if (this.Count - this.local_Count < 50) { this.setFrame(); } else { (CMain.__get__SE()).play('SE_SPRING_2'); this.setFrame(5); } } if (this.currentFrame == 52) { (CMain.__get__SE()).play('SE_THIUN'); } if (this.currentFrame == 130) { (CMain.__get__Screen()).fadeOut(1); this.local_Count = this.Count; } if (this.currentFrame == 131) { if (this.Count - this.local_Count < 200) { this.setFrame(); } else { (CMain.__get__Screen()).clearFill(); this.setAction(this.act_GameClear); this.act_GameClear(); } } }; v2.act_GameClear = function () { if (this.Count == 0) { this.createClip('EVENTSCENE_GAMECLEAR'); } if (this.currentFrame == 205) { CMain.registerTask(new obj.effect.TScreenEffect(200, null, 5), CData.PRIO_SCREEN); (CMain.__get__SE()).play('SE_TARU'); this.local_Count = this.Count; } if (this.currentFrame == 206) { if (this.Count - this.local_Count < 10) { this.setFrame(); } } if (this.currentFrame == 460) { (CMain.__get__SE()).play('SE_JUMP_' + String(common.CCommon.randomGet(1, 2))); } if (this.currentFrame == 475) { (CMain.__get__SE()).play('SE_TARU'); } if (this.currentFrame == 498) { (CMain.__get__BGM()).play('BGM_GAMECLEAR'); } if (this.currentFrame == 564) { var v2 = (CMain.__get__KeyState()).getKeyState(); if (v2.Push.START) { (CMain.__get__BGM()).stop(); this.local_Count = this.Count; if (CData.OWATA_L) { (CMain.__get__Event()).EndEventScene(); (CMain.__get__Game()).endScene(); return undefined; } } else { this.setFrame(); } } if (this.currentFrame == 565) { if (this.Count - this.local_Count < 30) { this.setFrame(); } else { (CMain.__get__SE()).play('SE_SCORE'); } } if (this.currentFrame == 566) { this.setFrame(); v2 = (CMain.__get__KeyState()).getKeyState(); if (v2.Push.START) { (CMain.__get__Event()).EndEventScene(); (CMain.__get__Game()).endScene(); return undefined; } } }; ASSetPropFlags(obj.event.TEventScene_Last.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip }
Created: 23/2 -2019 05:03:06 Last modified: 23/2 -2019 05:03:06 Server time: 03/01 -2025 01:20:34