Combined Code
frame 1 {
function doSomething() {}
MENU = new ContextMenu();
Functioned = new ContextMenuItem('', doSomething);
MENU.customItems.push(Functioned); = MENU;
frame 1 {
mochi.as2.MochiAd.showPreGameAd({'id': 'ffa32506ef444f8f', 'res': '700x600', 'background': 16777215, 'color': 3192809, 'outline': 0, 'no_bg': true});
movieClip 7 apuff {
movieClip 9 {
movieClip 4790 __Packages.mochi.as2.MochiAd {
if (!_global.mochi) {
_global.mochi = new Object();
if (!_global.mochi.as2) {
_global.mochi.as2 = new Object();
if (!_global.mochi.as2.MochiAd) {
var v1 = function () {};
mochi.as2.MochiAd = v1;
var v2 = v1.prototype;
v1.getVersion = function () {
return mochi.as2.MochiServices.getVersion();
v1.showPreGameAd = function (options) {
var v27 = {'clip': _root, 'ad_timeout': 3000, 'fadeout_time': 250, 'regpt': 'o', 'method': 'showPreloaderAd', 'color': 16747008, 'background': 16777161, 'outline': 13994812, 'no_progress_bar': false, 'ad_started': function () {
}, 'ad_finished': function () {;
}, 'ad_failed': function () {
trace('[MochiAd] Couldn\'t load an ad, make sure that your game\'s local security sandbox is configured for Access Network Only and that you are not using ad blocking software');
}, 'ad_loaded': function (width, height) {}, 'ad_skipped': function () {}, 'ad_progress': function (percent) {}};
options = mochi.as2.MochiAd._parseOptions(options, v27);
if ('c862232051e0a94e1c3609b3916ddb17'.substr(0) == 'dfeada81ac97cde83665f81c12da7def') {
return undefined;
var clip = options.clip;
var v24 = 11000;
var v19 = options.ad_timeout;
if (options.skip) {
v19 = 0;
delete options.ad_timeout;
var fadeout_time = options.fadeout_time;
delete options.fadeout_time;
if (!mochi.as2.MochiAd.load(options)) {
return undefined;
var mc = clip._mochiad;
mc.onUnload = function () {
var v15 = mochi.as2.MochiAd._getRes(options);
var v5 = v15[0];
var v14 = v15[1];
mc._x = v5 * 0.5;
mc._y = v14 * 0.5;
var chk = mc.createEmptyMovieClip('_mochiad_wait', 3);
chk._x = v5 * -0.5;
chk._y = v14 * -0.5;
var v7 = chk.createEmptyMovieClip('_mochiad_bar', 4);
if (options.no_progress_bar) {
v7._visible = false;
delete options.no_progress_bar;
} else {
v7._x = 10;
v7._y = v14 - 20;
var v23 = options.color;
delete options.color;
var v21 = options.background;
delete options.background;
var v25 = options.outline;
delete options.outline;
var v6 = v7.createEmptyMovieClip('_outline', 1);
v6.moveTo(0, 0);
v6.lineTo(v5 - 20, 0);
v6.lineTo(v5 - 20, 10);
v6.lineTo(0, 10);
v6.lineTo(0, 0);
var v4 = v7.createEmptyMovieClip('_inside', 2);
v4.moveTo(0, 0);
v4.lineTo(v5 - 20, 0);
v4.lineTo(v5 - 20, 10);
v4.lineTo(0, 10);
v4.lineTo(0, 0);
v4._xscale = 0;
var v8 = v7.createEmptyMovieClip('_outline', 3);
v8.lineStyle(0, v25, 100);
v8.moveTo(0, 0);
v8.lineTo(v5 - 20, 0);
v8.lineTo(v5 - 20, 10);
v8.lineTo(0, 10);
v8.lineTo(0, 0);
chk.ad_msec = v24;
chk.ad_timeout = v19;
chk.started = getTimer();
chk.showing = false;
chk.last_pcnt = 0;
chk.fadeout_time = fadeout_time;
chk.fadeFunction = function () {
var v2 = 100 * (1 - (getTimer() - this.fadeout_start) / this.fadeout_time);
if (v2 > 0) {
this._parent._alpha = v2;
} else {
var v3 = this._parent._parent;
delete this.onEnterFrame;
var sendHostProgress = false; = function (lc_name) {
sendHostProgress = true;
}; = options.ad_loaded; = options.ad_skipped; = function (msec) {
var v2 =;
v2.server_control = true;
v2.started = getTimer();
v2.ad_msec = msec;
}; = function (callbackID, arg) {
mochi.as2.MochiAd.rpc(clip, callbackID, arg);
mc.rpcTestFn = function (s) {
trace('[MOCHIAD rpcTestFn] ' + s);
return s;
chk.onEnterFrame = function () {
var v10 = this._parent._parent;
var v3 = v10;
for (;;) {
if (!(!v3.getBytesTotal() && v3)) break;
v3 = v3._parent;
if (!v3) {
v3 = _root;
var v13 = this._parent._mochiad_ctr;
var v7 = getTimer() - this.started;
var v5 = false;
var v6 = v3.getBytesTotal();
var v9 = v3.getBytesLoaded();
var v4 = 100 * v9 / v6;
var v12 = 100 * v7 / chk.ad_msec;
var v11 = this._mochiad_bar._inside;
var v15 = Math.min(100, Math.min(v4 || 0, v12));
v15 = Math.max(this.last_pcnt, v15);
this.last_pcnt = v15;
v11._xscale = v15;
if (sendHostProgress) {
mochi.as2.MochiAd.containerNotify(clip, {'id': 'hostLoadPcnt', 'pcnt': v4}, clip._mochiad._containerLCName);
if (v4 == 100) {
sendHostProgress = false;
if (!chk.showing) {
var v8 = v13.getBytesTotal();
if (v8 > 0 || typeof v8 == 'undefined') {
chk.showing = true;
chk.started = getTimer();
} else {
if (v7 > chk.ad_timeout && v4 == 100) {
v5 = true;
if (v7 > chk.ad_msec) {
v5 = true;
if (v6 > 0 && v9 >= v6 && v5) {
if (this.server_control) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
} else {
this.fadeout_start = getTimer();
this.onEnterFrame = chk.fadeFunction;
v1.showClickAwayAd = function (options) {
var v10 = {'clip': _root, 'ad_timeout': 2000, 'fadeout_time': 250, 'regpt': 'o', 'method': 'showClickAwayAd', 'res': '300x250', 'no_bg': true, 'ad_started': function () {}, 'ad_finished': function () {}, 'ad_loaded': function (width, height) {}, 'ad_failed': function () {
trace('[MochiAd] Couldn\'t load an ad, make sure that your game\'s local security sandbox is configured for Access Network Only and that you are not using ad blocking software');
}, 'ad_skipped': function () {}};
options = mochi.as2.MochiAd._parseOptions(options, v10);
var clip = options.clip;
var v9 = options.ad_timeout;
delete options.ad_timeout;
if (!mochi.as2.MochiAd.load(options)) {
return undefined;
var v3 = clip._mochiad;
v3.onUnload = function () {
var v5 = mochi.as2.MochiAd._getRes(options);
var v11 = v5[0];
var v8 = v5[1];
v3._x = v11 * 0.5;
v3._y = v8 * 0.5;
var chk = v3.createEmptyMovieClip('_mochiad_wait', 3);
chk.ad_timeout = v9;
chk.started = getTimer();
chk.showing = false; = options.ad_loaded; = options.ad_skipped; = function (callbackID, arg) {
mochi.as2.MochiAd.rpc(clip, callbackID, arg);
v3.rpcTestFn = function (s) {
trace('[MOCHIAD rpcTestFn] ' + s);
return s;
var v21 = false;
chk.onEnterFrame = function () {
var v5 = this._parent._mochiad_ctr;
var v4 = getTimer() - this.started;
var v2 = false;
if (!chk.showing) {
var v3 = v5.getBytesTotal();
if (v3 > 0 || typeof v3 == 'undefined') {
v2 = true;
chk.showing = true;
chk.started = getTimer();
} else {
if (v4 > chk.ad_timeout) {
v2 = true;
if (v2) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
v1.showInterLevelAd = function (options) {
var v13 = {'clip': _root, 'ad_timeout': 2000, 'fadeout_time': 250, 'regpt': 'o', 'method': 'showTimedAd', 'ad_started': function () {
}, 'ad_finished': function () {;
}, 'ad_failed': function () {
trace('[MochiAd] Couldn\'t load an ad, make sure that your game\'s local security sandbox is configured for Access Network Only and that you are not using ad blocking software');
}, 'ad_loaded': function (width, height) {}, 'ad_skipped': function () {}};
options = mochi.as2.MochiAd._parseOptions(options, v13);
var clip = options.clip;
var v10 = 11000;
var v12 = options.ad_timeout;
delete options.ad_timeout;
var fadeout_time = options.fadeout_time;
delete options.fadeout_time;
if (!mochi.as2.MochiAd.load(options)) {
return undefined;
var mc = clip._mochiad;
mc.onUnload = function () {
var v5 = mochi.as2.MochiAd._getRes(options);
var v14 = v5[0];
var v11 = v5[1];
mc._x = v14 * 0.5;
mc._y = v11 * 0.5;
var chk = mc.createEmptyMovieClip('_mochiad_wait', 3);
chk.ad_msec = v10;
chk.ad_timeout = v12;
chk.started = getTimer();
chk.showing = false;
chk.fadeout_time = fadeout_time;
chk.fadeFunction = function () {
var v2 = 100 * (1 - (getTimer() - this.fadeout_start) / this.fadeout_time);
if (v2 > 0) {
this._parent._alpha = v2;
} else {
var v3 = this._parent._parent;
delete this.onEnterFrame;
}; = options.ad_loaded; = options.ad_skipped; = function (msec) {
var v2 =;
v2.server_control = true;
v2.started = getTimer();
v2.ad_msec = msec - 250;
}; = function (callbackID, arg) {
mochi.as2.MochiAd.rpc(clip, callbackID, arg);
mc.rpcTestFn = function (s) {
trace('[MOCHIAD rpcTestFn] ' + s);
return s;
chk.onEnterFrame = function () {
var v5 = this._parent._mochiad_ctr;
var v4 = getTimer() - this.started;
var v2 = false;
if (!chk.showing) {
var v3 = v5.getBytesTotal();
if (v3 > 0 || typeof v3 == 'undefined') {
chk.showing = true;
chk.started = getTimer();
} else {
if (v4 > chk.ad_timeout) {
v2 = true;
if (v4 > chk.ad_msec) {
v2 = true;
if (v2) {
if (this.server_control) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
} else {
this.fadeout_start = getTimer();
this.onEnterFrame = this.fadeFunction;
v1.showPreloaderAd = function (options) {
trace('[MochiAd] DEPRECATED: showPreloaderAd was renamed to showPreGameAd in 2.0');
v1.showTimedAd = function (options) {
trace('[MochiAd] DEPRECATED: showTimedAd was renamed to showInterLevelAd in 2.0');
v1._allowDomains = function (server) {
var v1 = ((server.split('/'))[2].split(':'))[0];
if ( {
if ( {'*');;
if ( {'*');;
return v1;
v1.load = function (options) {
var v12 = {'clip': _root, 'server': '', 'method': 'load', 'depth': 10333, 'id': '_UNKNOWN_'};
options = mochi.as2.MochiAd._parseOptions(options, v12);
options.swfv = options.clip.getSWFVersion() || 6;
options.mav = mochi.as2.MochiAd.getVersion();
var v6 = options.clip;
if (!mochi.as2.MochiAd._isNetworkAvailable()) {
return null;
if (v6._mochiad_loaded) {
return null;
var v11 = options.depth;
delete options.depth;
var mc = v6.createEmptyMovieClip('_mochiad', v11);
var v10 = mochi.as2.MochiAd._getRes(options);
options.res = v10[0] + 'x' + v10[1];
options.server +=;
v6._mochiad_loaded = true;
if (v6._url.indexOf('http') != 0) {
trace('[MochiAd] NOTE: Security Sandbox Violation errors below are normal');
var v4 = mc.createEmptyMovieClip('_mochiad_ctr', 1);
for (var v7 in options) {
v4[v7] = options[v7];
var v9 = v4.server;
delete v4.server;
var v13 = mochi.as2.MochiAd._allowDomains(v9);
mc.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (this._mochiad_ctr._url != this._url) {
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (!this._mochiad_ctr) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
var v5 = new Object();
var v8 = ['', Math.floor((new Date()).getTime()), random(999999)].join('_'); = mc; = v8;
v5.hostname = v13;
v5.allowDomain = function (d) {
return true;
v5.allowInsecureDomain = v5.allowDomain;
v5.connect(v8); = v5; = function (lc_name) {
mc._containerLCName = lc_name;
}; = v8; = getTimer();
if (!options.skip) {
v4.loadMovie(v9 + '.swf', 'POST');
return mc;
v1.unload = function (clip) {
if (typeof clip == 'undefined') {
clip = _root;
if (clip.clip && clip.clip._mochiad) {
clip = clip.clip;
if (!clip._mochiad) {
return false;
mochi.as2.MochiAd.containerNotify(clip, {'id': 'unload'}, clip._mochiad._containerLCName);
delete clip._mochiad_loaded;
delete clip._mochiad;
return true;
v1._isNetworkAvailable = function () {
if ( {
var v1 =;
if (v1.sandboxType == 'localWithFile') {
return false;
return true;
v1._getRes = function (options) {
var v3 = options.clip.getBounds();
var v2 = 0;
var v1 = 0;
if (typeof options.res != 'undefined') {
var v4 = options.res.split('x');
v2 = parseFloat(v4[0]);
v1 = parseFloat(v4[1]);
} else {
v2 = v3.xMax - v3.xMin;
v1 = v3.yMax - v3.yMin;
if (v2 == 0 || v1 == 0) {
v2 = Stage.width;
v1 = Stage.height;
return [v2, v1];
v1._parseOptions = function (options, defaults) {
var v4 = {};
for (var v8 in defaults) {
v4[v8] = defaults[v8];
if (options) {
for (v8 in options) {
v4[v8] = options[v8];
if (_root.mochiad_options) {
var v5 = _root.mochiad_options.split('&');
var v2 = 0;
while (v2 < v5.length) {
var v3 = v5[v2].split('=');
v4[unescape(v3[0])] = unescape(v3[1]);
if ( == 'test') {
trace('[MochiAd] WARNING: Using the MochiAds test identifier, make sure to use the code from your dashboard, not this example!');
return v4;
v1.rpc = function (clip, callbackID, arg) {
switch ( {
case 'setValue':
mochi.as2.MochiAd.setValue(clip, arg.objectName, arg.value);
case 'getValue':
var v4 = mochi.as2.MochiAd.getValue(clip, arg.objectName);
mochi.as2.MochiAd.containerRpcResult(clip, callbackID, v4, clip._mochiad._containerLCName);
case 'runMethod':
var v3 = mochi.as2.MochiAd.runMethod(clip, arg.method, arg.args);
mochi.as2.MochiAd.containerRpcResult(clip, callbackID, v3, clip._mochiad._containerLCName);
trace('[mochiads rpc] unknown rpc id: ' +;
v1.setValue = function (base, objectName, value) {
var v2 = objectName.split('.');
var v1;
v1 = 0;
while (v1 < v2.length - 1) {
if (base[v2[v1]] == undefined || base[v2[v1]] == null) {
return undefined;
base = base[v2[v1]];
base[v2[v1]] = value;
v1.getValue = function (base, objectName) {
var v2 = objectName.split('.');
var v1;
v1 = 0;
while (v1 < v2.length - 1) {
if (base[v2[v1]] == undefined || base[v2[v1]] == null) {
return undefined;
base = base[v2[v1]];
return base[v2[v1]];
v1.runMethod = function (base, methodName, argsArray) {
var v2 = methodName.split('.');
var v1;
v1 = 0;
while (v1 < v2.length - 1) {
if (base[v2[v1]] == undefined || base[v2[v1]] == null) {
return undefined;
base = base[v2[v1]];
if (typeof base[v2[v1]] == 'function') {
return base[v2[v1]].apply(base, argsArray);
} else {
return undefined;
v1.containerNotify = function (clip, args, lcName) {
var v1 =;
if (v1.notify) {
} else {
(new LocalConnection()).send(lcName, 'notify', args);
v1.containerRpcResult = function (clip, callbackID, val, lcName) {
var v1 =;
if (v1.rpcResult) {
v1.rpcResult(callbackID, val);
} else {
(new LocalConnection()).send(lcName, 'rpcResult', callbackID, val);
ASSetPropFlags(mochi.as2.MochiAd.prototype, null, 1);
movieClip 4791 __Packages.mochi.as2.MochiEventDispatcher {
if (!_global.mochi) {
_global.mochi = new Object();
if (!_global.mochi.as2) {
_global.mochi.as2 = new Object();
if (!_global.mochi.as2.MochiEventDispatcher) {
var v1 = function () {
this.eventTable = {};
mochi.as2.MochiEventDispatcher = v1;
var v2 = v1.prototype;
v2.buildDelegate = function (thisObject, thatObject) {
var v2 = {'thisObject': thisObject, 'thatObject': thatObject};
if (thatObject != undefined) {
var funct = (typeof thatObject == 'string') ? thisObject[thatObject] : thatObject;
v2.delegate = function (args) {, args);
return v2;
v2.delegate = thisObject;
return v2;
v2.compareDelegate = function (d_A, d_B) {
if (d_A.thisObject != d_B.thisObject || d_A.thatObject != d_B.thatObject) {
return false;
return true;
v2.addEventListener = function (event, thisObject, thatObject) {
this.removeEventListener(event, thisObject, thatObject);
this.eventTable[event].push(this.buildDelegate(thisObject, thatObject));
v2.removeEventListener = function (event, thisObject, thatObject) {
var v3 = this.buildDelegate(thisObject, thatObject);
if (this.eventTable[event] == undefined) {
this.eventTable[event] = [];
return undefined;
for (var v4 in this.eventTable[event]) {
if (!this.compareDelegate(this.eventTable[event][v4], v3)) {
this.eventTable[event].splice(Number(v4), 1);
v2.triggerEvent = function (event, args) {
if (this.eventTable[event] == undefined) {
return undefined;
for (var v4 in this.eventTable[event]) {
ASSetPropFlags(mochi.as2.MochiEventDispatcher.prototype, null, 1);
movieClip 4792 __Packages.mochi.as2.MochiServices {
if (!_global.mochi) {
_global.mochi = new Object();
if (!_global.mochi.as2) {
_global.mochi.as2 = new Object();
if (!_global.mochi.as2.MochiServices) {
var v1 = function () {};
mochi.as2.MochiServices = v1;
var v2 = v1.prototype;
v1.__get__id = function () {
return mochi.as2.MochiServices._id;
v1.__get__clip = function () {
return mochi.as2.MochiServices._container;
v1.__get__childClip = function () {
return mochi.as2.MochiServices._clip;
v1.getVersion = function () {
return '3.9.2 as2';
v1.allowDomains = function (server) {
var v1 = ((server.split('/'))[2].split(':'))[0];
if ( {
if ( {'*');;
if ( {'*');;
return v1;
v1.__get__isNetworkAvailable = function () {
if ( {
var v1 =;
if (v1.sandboxType == 'localWithFile') {
return false;
return true;
v1.__set__comChannelName = function (val) {
if (val != undefined) {
if (val.length > 3) {
mochi.as2.MochiServices._sendChannelName = val + '_fromgame';
return mochi.as2.MochiServices.__get__comChannelName();
v1.__get__connected = function () {
return mochi.as2.MochiServices._connected;
v1.connect = function (id, clip, onError) {
mochi.as2.MochiServices.warnID(id, false);
if (!mochi.as2.MochiServices._connected && mochi.as2.MochiServices._clip == undefined) {
trace('MochiServices Connecting...');
mochi.as2.MochiServices._connecting = true;
mochi.as2.MochiServices.init(id, clip);
if (onError != undefined) {
mochi.as2.MochiServices.onError = onError;
} else {
if (mochi.as2.MochiServices.onError == undefined) {
mochi.as2.MochiServices.onError = function (errorCode) {
v1.disconnect = function () {
if (mochi.as2.MochiServices._connected || mochi.as2.MochiServices._connecting) {
mochi.as2.MochiServices._connected = false;
mochi.as2.MochiServices._connecting = mochi.as2.MochiServices._connected;
if (mochi.as2.MochiServices._clip != undefined) {
delete mochi.as2.MochiServices._clip;
v1.init = function (id, clip) {
mochi.as2.MochiServices._id = id;
if (clip != undefined) {
mochi.as2.MochiServices._container = clip;
} else {
mochi.as2.MochiServices._container = _root;
mochi.as2.MochiServices.loadCommunicator(id, mochi.as2.MochiServices._container);
v1.loadCommunicator = function (id, clip) {
var v6 = '_mochiservices_com_' + id;
var v5 = new MovieClipLoader();
var v3 = {};
if (mochi.as2.MochiServices._clip != null) {
return mochi.as2.MochiServices._clip;
if (!mochi.as2.MochiServices.__get__isNetworkAvailable()) {
return null;
if ((mochi.as2.MochiServices.urlOptions()).servURL) {
mochi.as2.MochiServices._servURL = (mochi.as2.MochiServices.urlOptions()).servURL;
var v4 = mochi.as2.MochiServices._servURL + mochi.as2.MochiServices._services;
if ((mochi.as2.MochiServices.urlOptions()).servicesURL) {
v4 = (mochi.as2.MochiServices.urlOptions()).servicesURL;
mochi.as2.MochiServices._clip = clip.createEmptyMovieClip(v6, 10336, false);
mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannelName += Math.floor((new Date()).getTime()) + '_' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 99999);
if (v3.waitInterval != null) {
v3.onLoadError = mochi.as2.MochiServices.loadError;
v3.onLoadStart = function (target_mc) {
this.isLoading = true;
v3.onLoadComplete = function (target_mc) {
target_mc.MochiServices = mochi.as2.MochiServices;
v3.startTime = getTimer();
v3.wait = function () {
if (getTimer() - this.startTime > 10000) {
if (!this.isLoading) {
mochi.as2.MochiServices.onError.apply(null, ['IOError']);
v3.waitInterval = setInterval(v3, 'wait', 1000);
v5.loadClip(v4 + '?listenLC=' + mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannelName + '&mochiad_options=' + escape(_root.mochiad_options) + '&api_version=' + mochi.as2.MochiServices.getVersion(), mochi.as2.MochiServices._clip);
mochi.as2.MochiServices._sendChannel = new LocalConnection();
mochi.as2.MochiServices._sendChannel._queue = [];
return mochi.as2.MochiServices._clip;
v1.loadError = function (target_mc, errorCode, httpStatus) {
trace('MochiServices could not load.');
mochi.as2.MochiServices.onError.apply(null, [errorCode]);
v1.onStatus = function (infoObject) {
if (infoObject.level !== 'error') {
} else {
mochi.as2.MochiServices._connected = false;
v1.listen = function () {
mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannel = new LocalConnection();
mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannel.handshake = function (args) {
mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannel.allowDomain = function (d) {
return true;
mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannel.allowInsecureDomain = mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannel.allowDomain;
mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannel._nextcallbackID = 0;
mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannel._callbacks = {};
trace('Waiting for MochiAds services to connect...');
v1.initComChannels = function () {
if (!mochi.as2.MochiServices._connected) {
mochi.as2.MochiServices._sendChannel.onStatus = function (infoObject) {
mochi.as2.MochiServices._sendChannel.send(mochi.as2.MochiServices._sendChannelName, 'onReceive', {'methodName': 'handshakeDone'});
mochi.as2.MochiServices._sendChannel.send(mochi.as2.MochiServices._sendChannelName, 'onReceive', {'methodName': 'registerGame', 'id': mochi.as2.MochiServices._id, 'version': mochi.as2.MochiServices.getVersion()});
mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannel.onStatus = function (infoObject) {
mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannel.onReceive = function (pkg) {
var v5 = pkg.callbackID;
var v4 = this._callbacks[v5];
if (!v4) {
return undefined;
var v2 = v4.callbackMethod;
var v3 = v4.callbackObject;
if (v3 && typeof v2 == 'string') {
v2 = v3[v2];
if (v2 != undefined) {
v2.apply(v3, pkg.args);
delete this._callbacks[v5];
mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannel.onEvent = function (pkg) {
switch ( {
case 'services':
mochi.as2.MochiServices.triggerEvent(pkg.event, pkg.args);
case 'events':
mochi.as2.MochiEvents.triggerEvent(pkg.event, pkg.args);
case 'coins':
mochi.as2.MochiCoins.triggerEvent(pkg.event, pkg.args);
case 'social':
mochi.as2.MochiSocial.triggerEvent(pkg.event, pkg.args);
mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannel.onError = function () {
mochi.as2.MochiServices.onError.apply(null, ['IOError']);
trace('[SERVICES_API] connected!');
mochi.as2.MochiServices._connecting = false;
mochi.as2.MochiServices._connected = true;
while (mochi.as2.MochiServices._sendChannel._queue.length > 0) {
mochi.as2.MochiServices._sendChannel.send(mochi.as2.MochiServices._sendChannelName, 'onReceive', mochi.as2.MochiServices._sendChannel._queue.shift());
v1.flush = function (error) {
var v1;
var v2;
while (mochi.as2.MochiServices._sendChannel._queue.length > 0) {
v1 = mochi.as2.MochiServices._sendChannel._queue.shift();
if (v1.callbackID != null) {
v2 = mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannel._callbacks[v1.callbackID];
delete mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannel._callbacks[v1.callbackID];
if (error) {
mochi.as2.MochiServices.handleError(v1.args, v2.callbackObject, v2.callbackMethod);
v1.handleError = function (args, callbackObject, callbackMethod) {
if (args != null) {
if (args.onError != null) {
args.onError.apply(null, ['NotConnected']);
if (args.options != null && args.options.onError != null) {
args.options.onError.apply(null, ['NotConnected']);
if (callbackMethod != null) {
args = {};
args.error = true;
args.errorCode = 'NotConnected';
if (callbackObject != null && typeof callbackMethod == 'string') {
} else {
if (callbackMethod != null) {
v1.send = function (methodName, args, callbackObject, callbackMethod) {
if (mochi.as2.MochiServices._connected) {
mochi.as2.MochiServices._sendChannel.send(mochi.as2.MochiServices._sendChannelName, 'onReceive', {'methodName': methodName, 'args': args, 'callbackID': mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannel._nextcallbackID});
} else {
if (mochi.as2.MochiServices._clip == undefined || !mochi.as2.MochiServices._connecting) {
trace('Error: MochiServices not connected. Please call MochiServices.connect(). Function: ' + methodName);
mochi.as2.MochiServices.handleError(args, callbackObject, callbackMethod);
return undefined;
} else {
mochi.as2.MochiServices._sendChannel._queue.push({'methodName': methodName, 'args': args, 'callbackID': mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannel._nextcallbackID});
mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannel._callbacks[mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannel._nextcallbackID] = {'callbackObject': callbackObject, 'callbackMethod': callbackMethod};
v1.urlOptions = function () {
var v5 = {};
var v6;
if (_root._url.indexOf('mochiad_options') != -1) {
var v2 = _root._url.indexOf('mochiad_options') + 'mochiad_options'.length + 1;
v6 = _root._url.substr(v2, _root._url.length);
} else {
if (_root.mochiad_options) {
v6 = _root.mochiad_options;
if (v6) {
var v4 = _root.mochiad_options.split('&');
var v2 = 0;
while (v2 < v4.length) {
var v3 = v4[v2].split('=');
v5[unescape(v3[0])] = unescape(v3[1]);
return v5;
v1.warnID = function (bid, leaderboard) {
bid = bid.toLowerCase();
if (bid.length != 16) {
trace('WARNING: ' + (leaderboard ? 'board' : 'game') + ' ID is not the appropriate length');
return undefined;
} else {
if (bid == '1e113c7239048b3f') {
if (leaderboard) {
trace('WARNING: Using testing board ID');
} else {
trace('WARNING: Using testing board ID as game ID');
return undefined;
} else {
if (bid == '84993a1de4031cd8') {
if (leaderboard) {
trace('WARNING: Using testing game ID as board ID');
} else {
trace('WARNING: Using testing game ID');
return undefined;
var v1 = 0;
while (v1 < bid.length) {
switch (bid.charAt(v1)) {
if (bid.charAt(v1) !== 'f') {
} else {
case '0':
case '1':
case '2':
case '3':
case '4':
case '5':
case '6':
case '7':
case '8':
case '9':
case 'a':
case 'b':
case 'c':
case 'd':
case 'e':
trace('WARNING: Board ID contains illegal characters: ' + bid);
return undefined;
v1.addLinkEvent = function (url, burl, btn, onClick) {
var timeout = 1500;
var t0 = getTimer();
var v2 = new Object();
v2.mav = mochi.as2.MochiServices.getVersion();
v2.swfv = btn.getSWFVersion() || 6;
v2.swfurl = btn._url;
v2.fv = System.capabilities.version;
v2.os = System.capabilities.os;
v2.lang = System.capabilities.language;
v2.scres = System.capabilities.screenResolutionX + 'x' + System.capabilities.screenResolutionY;
var s = '?';
var v3 = 0;
for (var v6 in v2) {
if (v3 != 0) {
s += '&';
s = s + v6 + '=' + escape(v2[v6]);
if (!(mochi.as2.MochiServices.netupAttempted || mochi.as2.MochiServices._connected)) {
var ping = btn.createEmptyMovieClip('ping', 777);
var v7 = btn.createEmptyMovieClip('nettest', 778);
mochi.as2.MochiServices.netupAttempted = true;
ping.loadMovie('' + getTimer());
v7.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (ping._totalframes > 0 && ping._totalframes == ping._framesloaded) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
} else {
if (getTimer() - t0 > timeout) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
mochi.as2.MochiServices.netup = false;
var v4 = btn.createEmptyMovieClip('clk', 1001);
v4._alpha = 0;
v4.moveTo(0, 0);
v4.lineTo(0, btn._height);
v4.lineTo(btn._width, btn._height);
v4.lineTo(btn._width, 0);
v4.lineTo(0, 0);
v4.onRelease = function () {
if (mochi.as2.MochiServices.netup) {
getURL(url + s, '_blank');
} else {
getURL(burl, '_blank');
if (onClick != undefined) {
v1.setContainer = function (clip) {};
v1.stayOnTop = function (clip) {};
v1.addEventListener = function (eventType, thisObject, thatObject) {
mochi.as2.MochiServices._dispatcher.addEventListener(eventType, thisObject, thatObject);
v1.triggerEvent = function (eventType, args) {
mochi.as2.MochiServices._dispatcher.triggerEvent(eventType, args);
v1.removeEventListener = function (eventType, thisObject, thatObject) {
mochi.as2.MochiServices._dispatcher.removeEventListener(eventType, thisObject, thatObject);
v1.CONNECTED = 'onConnected';
v1._servURL = '';
v1._services = 'services.swf';
v1._mochiLC = 'MochiLC.swf';
v1._listenChannelName = '__ms_';
v1._connecting = false;
v1._connected = false;
v1.netup = true;
v1.netupAttempted = false;
v1._dispatcher = new mochi.as2.MochiEventDispatcher();
v1.addProperty('childClip', v1.__get__childClip, function () {});
v1.addProperty('clip', v1.__get__clip, function () {});
v1.addProperty('comChannelName', function () {}, v1.__set__comChannelName);
v1.addProperty('connected', v1.__get__connected, function () {});
v1.addProperty('id', v1.__get__id, function () {});
v1.addProperty('isNetworkAvailable', v1.__get__isNetworkAvailable, function () {});
ASSetPropFlags(mochi.as2.MochiServices.prototype, null, 1);
movieClip 4793 __Packages.mochi.as2.MochiEvents {
if (!_global.mochi) {
_global.mochi = new Object();
if (!_global.mochi.as2) {
_global.mochi.as2 = new Object();
if (!_global.mochi.as2.MochiEvents) {
var v1 = function () {};
mochi.as2.MochiEvents = v1;
var v2 = v1.prototype;
v1.getVersion = function () {
return mochi.as2.MochiServices.getVersion();
v1.startSession = function (achievementID) {
mochi.as2.MochiServices.send('events_beginSession', {'achievementID': achievementID}, null, null);
v1.setNotifications = function (clip, style) {
var v2 = {};
for (var v3 in style) {
v2[v3] = style[v3];
v2.clip = clip;
mochi.as2.MochiServices.send('events_setNotifications', v2, null, null);
v1.addEventListener = function (eventType, thisObject, thatObject) {
mochi.as2.MochiEvents._dispatcher.addEventListener(eventType, thisObject, thatObject);
v1.triggerEvent = function (eventType, args) {
mochi.as2.MochiEvents._dispatcher.triggerEvent(eventType, args);
v1.removeEventListener = function (eventType, thisObject, thatObject) {
mochi.as2.MochiEvents._dispatcher.removeEventListener(eventType, thisObject, thatObject);
v1.startPlay = function (tag) {
if (tag == undefined) {
tag = 'gameplay';
mochi.as2.MochiServices.send('events_setRoundID', {'tag': String(tag)}, null, null);
v1.endPlay = function () {
mochi.as2.MochiServices.send('events_clearRoundID', null, null, null);
v1.trackEvent = function (tag, value) {
mochi.as2.MochiServices.send('events_trackEvent', {'tag': tag, 'value': value}, null, null);
v1.ACHIEVEMENT_RECEIVED = 'AchievementReceived';
v1.FORMAT_SHORT = 'ShortForm';
v1.FORMAT_LONG = 'LongForm';
v1._dispatcher = new mochi.as2.MochiEventDispatcher();
ASSetPropFlags(mochi.as2.MochiEvents.prototype, null, 1);
movieClip 4794 __Packages.mochi.as2.MochiCoins {
if (!_global.mochi) {
_global.mochi = new Object();
if (!_global.mochi.as2) {
_global.mochi.as2 = new Object();
if (!_global.mochi.as2.MochiCoins) {
var v1 = function () {};
mochi.as2.MochiCoins = v1;
var v2 = v1.prototype;
v1.getVersion = function () {
return mochi.as2.MochiServices.getVersion();
v1.showStore = function (options) {
mochi.as2.MochiServices.send('coins_showStore', {'options': options}, null, null);
v1.showItem = function (options) {
if (options == undefined || typeof options.item != 'string') {
trace('ERROR: showItem call must pass an Object with an item key');
return undefined;
mochi.as2.MochiServices.send('coins_showItem', {'options': options}, null, null);
v1.showVideo = function (options) {
if (options == undefined || typeof options.item != 'string') {
trace('ERROR: showVideo call must pass an Object with an item key');
return undefined;
mochi.as2.MochiServices.send('coins_showVideo', {'options': options}, null, null);
v1.getStoreItems = function () {
v1.requestFunding = function (properties) {
mochi.as2.MochiServices.send('social_requestFunding', properties);
v1.addEventListener = function (eventType, delegate) {
mochi.as2.MochiCoins._dispatcher.addEventListener(eventType, delegate);
v1.triggerEvent = function (eventType, args) {
mochi.as2.MochiCoins._dispatcher.triggerEvent(eventType, args);
v1.removeEventListener = function (eventType, delegate) {
mochi.as2.MochiCoins._dispatcher.removeEventListener(eventType, delegate);
v1.STORE_SHOW = 'StoreShow';
v1.STORE_HIDE = 'StoreHide';
v1.ITEM_OWNED = 'ItemOwned';
v1.ITEM_NEW = 'ItemNew';
v1.STORE_ITEMS = 'StoreItems';
v1.ERROR = 'Error';
v1.IO_ERROR = 'IOError';
v1.NO_USER = 'NoUser';
v1._dispatcher = new mochi.as2.MochiEventDispatcher();
ASSetPropFlags(mochi.as2.MochiCoins.prototype, null, 1);
movieClip 4795 __Packages.mochi.as2.MochiSocial {
if (!_global.mochi) {
_global.mochi = new Object();
if (!_global.mochi.as2) {
_global.mochi.as2 = new Object();
if (!_global.mochi.as2.MochiSocial) {
var v1 = function () {};
mochi.as2.MochiSocial = v1;
var v2 = v1.prototype;
v1.getVersion = function () {
return mochi.as2.MochiServices.getVersion();
v1.showLoginWidget = function (options) {
mochi.as2.MochiServices.send('social_showLoginWidget', {'options': options});
v1.hideLoginWidget = function () {
v1.requestLogin = function (properties) {
mochi.as2.MochiServices.send('social_requestLogin', properties);
v1.getFriendsList = function (properties) {
mochi.as2.MochiServices.send('social_getFriendsList', properties);
v1.postToStream = function (properties) {
mochi.as2.MochiServices.send('social_postToStream', properties);
v1.inviteFriends = function (properties) {
mochi.as2.MochiServices.send('social_inviteFriends', properties);
v1.requestFan = function (properties) {
mochi.as2.MochiServices.send('social_requestFan', properties);
v1.saveUserProperties = function (properties) {
mochi.as2.MochiServices.send('social_saveUserProperties', properties);
v1.addEventListener = function (eventType, delegate) {
mochi.as2.MochiSocial._dispatcher.addEventListener(eventType, delegate);
v1.triggerEvent = function (eventType, args) {
mochi.as2.MochiSocial._dispatcher.triggerEvent(eventType, args);
v1.removeEventListener = function (eventType, delegate) {
mochi.as2.MochiSocial._dispatcher.removeEventListener(eventType, delegate);
v1.LOGGED_IN = 'LoggedIn';
v1.LOGGED_OUT = 'LoggedOut';
v1.LOGIN_SHOW = 'LoginShow';
v1.LOGIN_HIDE = 'LoginHide';
v1.LOGIN_SHOWN = 'LoginShown';
v1.PROFILE_SHOW = 'ProfileShow';
v1.PROFILE_HIDE = 'ProfileHide';
v1.PROPERTIES_SAVED = 'PropertySaved';
v1.WIDGET_LOADED = 'WidgetLoaded';
v1.FRIEND_LIST = 'FriendsList';
v1.PROFILE_DATA = 'ProfileData';
v1.GAMEPLAY_DATA = 'GameplayData';
v1.ACTION_CANCELED = 'onCancel';
v1.ACTION_COMPLETE = 'onComplete';
v1.USER_INFO = 'UserInfo';
v1.ERROR = 'Error';
v1.IO_ERROR = 'IOError';
v1.NO_USER = 'NoUser';
v1.PROPERTIES_SIZE = 'PropertiesSize';
v1._dispatcher = new mochi.as2.MochiEventDispatcher();
ASSetPropFlags(mochi.as2.MochiSocial.prototype, null, 1);
movieClip 48 {
movieClip 50 {
frame 1 {
fadeSpeed = 2;
floatUpSpeed = 5;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
d = this.getNextHighestDepth();
aPuff = attachMovie('aPuff', 'aPuff' + d, d);
aPuff._yscale = 10;
aPuff._xscale = 10;
aPuff._x = Math.random() * 5;
aPuff.gotoAndPlay(Math.round(Math.random() * 20));
aPuff.onEnterFrame = function () {
this._yscale += fadeSpeed;
this._xscale = this._yscale;
this._alpha -= fadeSpeed;
this._y -= floatUpSpeed;
if (this._xscale >= 100) {
button 52 {
on (release) {
getURL('', '_blank');
frame 102 {
_root.outputdate = ''; = 1;
_root.daysleft = 30; = 5;
_root.hp = 50;
_root.fix = 0;
_root.comeback = 0;
_root.inpast = 0;
_root.infuture = 1;
_root.piano = 0;
_root.biancaunlock = 0;
_root.emmettunlock = 0;
_root.ozunlock = 0;
_root.coleunlock = 0;
_root.coleunlockmeet = 0;
_root.ozorder = 0;
_root.ozstickers = 0;
_root.ozstickersevent = 0;
_root.healthcheat = 0;
_root.reminder = 0;
_root.bouquet = 0;
_root.novel = 0;
_root.compass = 0;
_root.candy = 0;
_root.tea = 0;
_root.stickers = 0;
_root.plush = 0;
_root.wristwatch = 0; = 0;
_root.soda = 0;
_root.candybar = 0;
_root.tokens = 0;
_root.nate = 0;
_root.nategift = 0;
_root.nateevent = 0;
_root.nateend = 0;
_root.natedate = 0;
_root.nategood = -1;
_root.natebad = 0;
_root.natetalkpoint = 0;
_root.roland = 0;
_root.rolandgone = 0;
_root.rolandgift = 0;
_root.rolandevent = 0;
_root.rolandend = 0;
_root.rolanddate = 0;
_root.rolandgood = -1;
_root.rolandbad = 0;
_root.rolandtalkpoint = 0;
_root.jack = 0;
_root.emmettgift = 0;
_root.jackgood = -1;
_root.jackbad = 0;
_root.jacktalkpoint = 0;
_root.emmettcomeback = 0;
_root.meetemmett = 1;
_root.emmettevent = 0;
_root.emmettend = 0;
_root.emmettdate = 0;
_root.bianca = 0;
_root.biancagift = 0;
_root.biancaevent = 0;
_root.biancaend = 0;
_root.biancadate = 0;
_root.biancagood = -1;
_root.biancabad = 0;
_root.biancatalkpoint = 0;
_root.oliver = 0;
_root.teddygift = 0;
_root.teddyevent = 0;
_root.teddyend = 0;
_root.teddydate = 0;
_root.olivergood = -1;
_root.oliverbad = 0;
_root.olivertalkpoint = 0;
_root.clark = 0;
_root.landongift = 0;
_root.landonend = 0;
_root.landondate = 0;
_root.clarkgood = -1;
_root.clarkbad = 0;
_root.clarktalkpoint = 0;
_root.landonevent = 0;
_root.elliot = 0;
_root.ozevent = 0;
_root.ozend = 0;
_root.ozdate = 0;
_root.ozgift = 0;
_root.elliotgood = -1;
_root.elliotbad = 0;
_root.elliottalkpoint = 0;
_root.lance = 0;
_root.colegift = 0;
_root.coleevent = 0;
_root.coleend = 0;
_root.coledate = 0;
_root.lancegood = -1;
_root.lancebad = 0;
_root.lancetalkpoint = 0;
// unknown tag 88 length 73
// unknown tag 88 length 72
// unknown tag 88 length 72
// unknown tag 88 length 148
movieClip 75 {
button 77 {
on (release) {
button 79 {
on (release) {
button 81 {
on (release) {
button 83 {
on (release) {
getURL('', '_blank');
frame 103 {
// unknown tag 88 length 89
button 92 {
on (release) {
player_name = username.text;
frame 104 {
frame 105 {
button 95 {
on (release) {
getURL('', '_blank');
button 96 {
on (release) {
getURL('', '_blank');
button 97 {
on (release) {
getURL('', '_blank');
button 98 {
on (release) {
getURL('', '_blank');
button 99 {
on (release) {
getURL('', '_blank');
button 100 {
on (release) {
getURL('', '_blank');
button 101 {
on (release) {
getURL('', '_blank');
button 102 {
on (release) {
getURL('', '_blank');
button 103 {
on (release) {
getURL('', '_blank');
frame 106 {
if (player_name == '') {
player_name = 'Saige';
outputnm.text = player_name;
movieClip 107 {
movieClip 113 {
movieClip 114 {
button 116 {
on (release) {
frame 168 {
button 120 {
on (release) {
frame 177 {
button 123 {
on (release) {
frame 186 {
button 126 {
on (release) {
frame 196 {
button 129 {
on (release) {
frame 206 {
button 132 {
on (release) {
frame 215 {
button 135 {
on (release) {
movieClip 138 {
frame 257 {
button 141 {
on (release) {
frame 258 {
frame 268 {
movieClip 144 {
movieClip 160 {
frame 324 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': *sigh* Another long day. I can\'t wait for the weekend to come.';
movieClip 164 {
movieClip 167 {
button 169 {
on (release) {
frame 325 {
outputi.text = '???: Hey, ' + player_name + '!';
movieClip 184 {
frame 326 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Huh?';
button 190 {
on (release) {
movieClip 206 {
frame 338 {
outputi.text = 'Teddy: Sooo are you doing anything later today?';
frame 339 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Wh-what? But it\'s a school night! And don\'t we have a math test tomorrow?';
frame 340 {
outputi.text = 'Teddy: Pffftt, are you actually going to study for it?';
frame 341 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Well, yeah. I heard that it\'s going to be hard.';
frame 342 {
outputi.text = 'Teddy: Man, you\'re such a nerd!';
movieClip 221 {
movieClip 223 {
frame 30 {
frame 343 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': N-no, I\'m not! You... you\'re just a rebel! You don\'t even wear your uniform right. Seriously, what\'s up with that sweatshirt?';
frame 344 {
outputi.text = 'Teddy: Hey, hey. At least I\'m wearing the shirt, tie, and pants.';
frame 345 {
outputi.text = 'Teddy: Anyways, can\'t you study later? I want to show you something really cool!';
output1.text = '• Sorry, I really don\'t have time.';
output2.text = '• Something cool? Like what?';
button 237 {
on (release) {
button 238 {
on (release) {
frame 346 {
outputi.text = 'Teddy: What? Oh, c\'mon! Don\'t you want to see Landon\'s Time Jumper?';
button 242 {
on (release) {
frame 347 {
outputi.text = 'Teddy: Like Landon\'s super awesome Time Jumper!';
frame 348 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': T-Time Jumper...?';
movieClip 246 {
movieClip 249 {
frame 31 {
frame 349 {
outputi.text = 'Teddy: You know, that thing he’s been working on for the past few weeks.';
frame 350 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Oh, the time traveling thing? So he finally finished it?';
frame 351 {
outputi.text = 'Teddy: Yeah! He might even let us test it out! C\'mon, let\'s go!';
button 256 {
on (release) {
frame 363 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': H-huh?! Hey!';
button 258 {
on (release) {
frame 383 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Ever since that \'Time Hole\' appeared in the sky, Landon has been doing research on it nonstop. Apparently it\'ll disappear forever after a couple of months or so.';
movieClip 266 {
movieClip 272 {
frame 40 {
frame 384 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': It goes back exactly 100 years from our current time, but special technology, such as Landon\'s Time Jumper is needed in order to pass through it.';
frame 385 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Mankind can now time travel, huh? We really are the fastest growing race on this planet...';
button 276 {
on (release) {
movieClip 281 {
frame 27 {
movieClip 288 {
movieClip 303 {
frame 438 {
outputi.text = 'Teddy: Yo, Landon!';
frame 439 {
outputi.text = 'Landon: Ah... um, how did you get in here?';
frame 440 {
outputi.text = 'Teddy: The lady at the front desk knew that I was your little brother so she just let me come in.';
frame 441 {
outputi.text = 'Landon: *sigh* What do you want now?';
frame 442 {
outputi.text = 'Teddy: Oh, right! ' + player_name + ' and I wanted to see your super cool Time Jumper!';
movieClip 327 {
frame 443 {
outputi.text = 'Landon: H-huh? Oh, ' + player_name + '! Y-you\'re here too?';
movieClip 346 {
frame 444 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Um, sorry if we\'re bothering you. This was all Teddy\'s idea.';
frame 445 {
outputi.text = 'Landon: N-no, it\'s fine. I was just about to send the Time Jumper off for testing anyway.';
movieClip 368 {
movieClip 370 {
frame 59 {
frame 446 {
outputi.text = 'Teddy: What? You\'re not going to try it out yourself? Not even once?';
frame 447 {
outputi.text = 'Landon: Of course not! This is just a prototype. It needs to be tested in a controlled and safe environment.';
frame 448 {
outputi.text = 'Teddy: Oh c\'mon! Seriously, what could go wrong?';
frame 449 {
outputi.text = 'Landon: Well-';
frame 450 {
outputi.text = 'Teddy: But... ' + player_name + ' really wanted to try it out!';
movieClip 383 {
frame 36 {
frame 451 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': ... Wh-what?';
frame 452 {
outputi.text = 'Teddy: Right, ' + player_name + '? Don\'t you want to see what time traveling\'s like?';
output1.text = '• Well, yeah. But is it really safe?';
output2.text = '• H-hey, I\'m not going to be a guinea pig here!';
button 391 {
on (release) {
button 392 {
on (release) {
frame 453 {
outputi.text = 'Teddy: Of course it is! It\'s not like it can blow up or anything like that.';
button 396 {
on (release) {
frame 454 {
outputi.text = 'Teddy: Don\'t worry, it\'ll be fine. It\'s not like you\'re risking your life.';
frame 455 {
outputi.text = 'Landon: Now ' + player_name + ', do you really want to test the Time Jumper? Or is Theodore just spouting nonsense again?';
movieClip 412 {
frame 456 {
outputi.text = 'Teddy: H-h-h-hey!! D-don\'t call me that! It\'s Teddy! ... TEDDY!!';
frame 457 {
outputi.text = 'Landon: I don\'t get it. Why does your real name freak you out so much?';
frame 458 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': I actually do kind of want to see what the past was like...';
movieClip 436 {
movieClip 438 {
frame 35 {
button 440 {
on (release) {
movieClip 447 {
frame 485 {
outputi.text = 'Landon: I guess... it would be okay if you tried it out just once.';
frame 486 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': R-really?';
frame 487 {
outputi.text = 'Landon: Y-yeah, but once you reach the past, you have to come back to the present right away, okay?';
frame 488 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Got it. I want to go home soon anyways. I\'ve got a math test to study for.';
frame 489 {
outputi.text = 'Landon: Um, i-if you want, I could help you study for it. I was on the math team when I went to high school.';
frame 490 {
outputi.text = 'Teddy: Man, sometimes I can\'t believe that a nerd like you is actually my own flesh and blood.';
frame 491 {
outputi.text = 'Landon: *sigh* Here. Let me show you how the Time Jumper works, ' + player_name + '.';
frame 492 {
outputi.text = 'The Time Jumper displays various things such as the day, your health points, and how much money you have. Health points allow you to do actions such as talking, working, and dating. Sleeping is the only way to gain more health points. And money is obviously used to purchase items and is gained by working.';
movieClip 473 {
// unknown tag 88 length 41
frame 493 {
outputi.text = 'The button with the music note mutes and unmutes the background music while the \'Menu\' button will display your inventory and the relationship points you have with each character. The more relationship points you have with a character, the more likely you\'ll be able to achieve their ending at the end of the game.';
frame 494 {
outputi.text = 'And finally, clicking on the blue button at the top will perform a warp sequence that will bring you back and forth between the two eras on each side of the Time Hole.';
frame 495 {
outputi.text = 'Landon: Alright, so are you ready now?';
frame 496 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Y-yeah.';
movieClip 490 {
frame 36 {
frame 497 {
outputi.text = 'Landon: Okay, now before you do any-';
movieClip 494 {
frame 35 {
button 496 {
on (release) {
frame 498 {
movieClip 498 {
frame 5 {
frame 509 {
outputi.text = 'Teddy: ' + player_name + '! Wh-what\'re you doing?!';
movieClip 503 {
movieClip 505 {
frame 510 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': H-hey, I didn\'t touch anything yet!';
movieClip 508 {
frame 511 {
outputi.text = 'Landon: Quick! T-take it off!';
movieClip 512 {
frame 512 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': I\'m trying...!';
movieClip 515 {
button 517 {
on (release) {
movieClip 522 {
frame 650 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Wh-what just happened? Where the heck am I...?';
frame 651 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Oh! I guess I traveled back in time. Whoa... so it really worked, huh?';
frame 652 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': But I better get out of here. Teddy and Landon are probably worried… so I just press this button to go back, right?';
movieClip 530 {
frame 30 {
button 532 {
on (release) {
movieClip 535 {
frame 6 {
movieClip 536 {
frame 693 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Or maybe it was this one.';
movieClip 538 {
movieClip 539 {
button 541 {
on (release) {
frame 734 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': N-no? Then was it this one? Or this one? Or...';
movieClip 543 {
frame 25 {
movieClip 544 {
frame 737 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': N-no? Then was it this one? Or this one? Or...';
frame 741 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': N-no? Then was it this one? Or this one? Or...';
frame 745 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': N-no? Then was it this one? Or this one? Or...';
frame 748 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': N-no? Then was it this one? Or this one? Or...';
frame 751 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': N-no? Then was it this one? Or this one? Or...';
frame 754 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': N-no? Then was it this one? Or this one? Or...';
frame 769 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': THIS STUPID THING IS BROKEN!!';
movieClip 555 {
movieClip 579 {
frame 814 {
outputi.text = '???: What stupid thing is broken?';
frame 815 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Wh-whoa! Wh-who are you?!';
button 586 {
on (release) {
frame 829 {
outputi.text = 'Nathan: Calm down. My name\'s Nathan. And you are...?';
frame 830 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Um, ' + player_name + '. M-my name is ' + player_name + '.';
frame 831 {
outputi.text = 'Nathan: Pleased to meet you, Miss ' + player_name + '. Hmm, those are some pretty odd clothes you\'re wearing. What city are you from?';
frame 832 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Um, I\'m from Reton, but I-';
movieClip 613 {
frame 833 {
outputi.text = 'Nathan: Reton...? But this IS Reton.';
movieClip 619 {
frame 30 {
frame 834 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Y-yeah. This might be hard to believe, but... I\'m from Reton 100 years in the future from now.';
movieClip 623 {
frame 30 {
button 625 {
on (release) {
frame 861 {
outputi.text = 'Nathan: Oh, that makes sense.';
movieClip 632 {
frame 22 {
button 634 {
on (release) {
frame 862 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': (HE SERIOUSLY BELIEVES ME?!!)';
movieClip 637 {
frame 867 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': (HE SERIOUSLY BELIEVES ME?!!)';
frame 868 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': (Or... is he lying? Maybe he thinks I\'m just playing around. Oh, nevermind that! I need to find a way to get back to the present. But... how?)';
frame 869 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': (Th-this is bad, bad! What if I can never go back home?!)';
frame 870 {
outputi.text = 'Nathan: Is something wrong? You seem panicked.';
frame 871 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': H-huh? Ah, I, um... the thing is, I can\'t go back to time because my Time Jumper\'s broken.';
frame 872 {
outputi.text = 'Nathan: Oh! Is that the stupid broken thing you were yelling about earlier?';
frame 873 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Y-yeah...';
frame 874 {
outputi.text = 'Nathan: Huh, maybe I can help. I\'m a clockmaker so I might be able to fix it for you.';
output1.text = '• But... you\'ve never seen something like this before, right?';
output2.text = '• R-really? Are you serious?';
button 654 {
on (release) {
button 655 {
on (release) {
frame 875 {
outputi.text = 'Nathan: Well, I can at least still try, right? Maybe your Time Jumper and clocks have something in common.';
button 657 {
on (release) {
frame 876 {
outputi.text = 'Nathan: Of course I am, Miss ' + player_name + '. I\'ll try my best anyway.';
frame 877 {
outputi.text = 'Nathan: Here, let\'s head over to my shop. I\'ll be needing my tools for this.';
frame 878 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': O-okay.';
button 663 {
on (release) {
movieClip 682 {
movieClip 685 {
movieClip 686 {
frame 1 {
time = new Date();
seconds = time.getSeconds();
minutes = time.getMinutes();
hours = time.getHours();
hours += minutes / 60;
seconds *= 6;
minutes *= 6;
hours *= 30;
min._rotation = minutes;
hour._rotation = hours;
min1._rotation = minutes;
hour1._rotation = hours;
min2._rotation = minutes;
hour2._rotation = hours;
min3._rotation = minutes;
hour3._rotation = hours;
min4._rotation = minutes;
hour4._rotation = hours;
min5._rotation = minutes;
hour5._rotation = hours;
frame 927 {
outputi.text = 'Nathan: So, shall we take a look at this Time Jumper?';
frame 928 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Um, h-here.';
movieClip 693 {
frame 30 {
button 695 {
on (release) {
movieClip 700 {
frame 30 {
frame 965 {
outputi.text = 'Nathan: Would you mind if I took this apart?';
frame 966 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Y-you won\'t break it, right?';
frame 967 {
outputi.text = 'Nathan: Don\'t worry. I\'ll be careful, I promise.';
frame 968 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Thanks, um... Nathan, was it? S-sorry, I\'m not good with names.';
frame 969 {
outputi.text = 'Nathan: Haha, no problem and no need to apologize. But it looks like you could use some rest. There\'s a bedroom upstairs. How about you go take a nap while I work on your Time Jumper?';
frame 970 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Ah, that would be great! A-are you sure that it\'s okay for me to though?';
frame 971 {
outputi.text = 'Nathan: Of course. Make yourself at home.';
frame 972 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Thanks so much!';
button 711 {
on (release) {
movieClip 715 {
frame 1 {
time = new Date();
seconds = time.getSeconds();
minutes = time.getMinutes();
hours = time.getHours();
hours += minutes / 60;
seconds *= 6;
minutes *= 6;
hours *= 30;
min._rotation = minutes;
hour._rotation = hours;
min1._rotation = minutes;
hour1._rotation = hours;
min2._rotation = minutes;
hour2._rotation = hours;
min3._rotation = minutes;
hour3._rotation = hours;
min4._rotation = minutes;
hour4._rotation = hours;
min5._rotation = minutes;
hour5._rotation = hours;
frame 1035 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Whoa, this room\'s so tidy!';
frame 1036 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': (... Unlike Teddy\'s. That guy can\'t even keep his clothes off of the floor. He\'s such a blockhead. I wouldn\'t be in this mess if it weren\'t for him.)';
frame 1037 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': *sigh* Geez, but I really am tired. I guess Nathan was right about me needing a nap.';
button 720 {
on (release) {
movieClip 726 {
frame 39 {
frame 1066 {
movieClip 767 {
frame 1463 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': (Huh... why did I have a dream about that?)';
frame 1464 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': (It happened so long ago. I totally forgot that Teddy and I made that weird promise when we were kids...)';
button 773 {
on (release) {
frame 1471 {
outputi.text = 'Nathan: How was your nap?';
button 776 {
on (release) {
frame 1472 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': G-GYAAAAAHH!!';
frame 1483 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': G-GYAAAAAHH!!';
frame 1484 {
outputi.text = 'Nathan: Haha, sorry! I didn\'t mean to scare you. Anyways, here\'s your Time Jumper.';
movieClip 784 {
frame 36 {
frame 1485 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Oh! Y-you really fixed it?';
button 787 {
on (release) {
movieClip 790 {
frame 1512 {
outputi.text = 'Nathan: I\'m afraid not. I don\'t even know how it works. I\'m really sorry, ' + player_name + '.';
frame 1513 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': N-no, it\'s okay. I don\'t even know how it works myself... but, what am I going to do now? I\'m stuck in the past.';
frame 1514 {
outputi.text = 'Nathan: You can stay here of course.';
frame 1515 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': R-really?! B-but... but...';
frame 1516 {
outputi.text = 'Nathan: It\'s fine, it\'s fine. In fact, while you were taking your nap, I went out and bought you some new clothes. I figured that you would need something more appropriate in this time period to wear.';
movieClip 799 {
frame 36 {
frame 1517 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Wh-wha- did you really? Geez, Nathan. Why are you... so nice to me?';
button 802 {
on (release) {
frame 1544 {
outputi.text = 'Nathan: I\'m just doing my duty as a gentleman.';
button 806 {
on (release) {
frame 1584 {
frame 1606 {
movieClip 816 {
movieClip 818 {
button 822 {
on (release) {
movieClip 825 {
frame 1 {
frame 3 {
frame 4 {
frame 1620 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': *sigh* Geez, I\'m getting a little bit homesick...';
frame 1621 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': I don\'t care if I\'ll have a ton of stuff to make up at school. I just want my life to be normal again.';
frame 1622 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': (But... it\'s not like I hate being here. It\'s actually not that bad and Nathan\'s such a nice guy for letting me stay with him.)';
button 834 {
on (release) {
frame 1649 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Weird. I might have actually started to grow a little bit attached to this place.';
button 836 {
on (release) {
movieClip 841 {
movieClip 845 {
frame 1703 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Wh-what was that?';
movieClip 851 {
movieClip 854 {
frame 16 {
button 856 {
on (release) {
frame 1784 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': T-Teddy?!';
frame 1785 {
outputi.text = 'Teddy: ' + player_name + ', y-you\'re okay! C\'mon, let\'s get out of here!';
frame 1786 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': H-huh...? Hey, wait a second!';
movieClip 871 {
frame 10 {
frame 1787 {
outputi.text = 'Teddy: Why? What\'s wrong?';
button 878 {
on (release) {
frame 1799 {
outputi.text = 'Nathan: Oh, ' + player_name + '! Who\'s this? A friend of yours?';
button 882 {
on (release) {
frame 1800 {
outputi.text = 'Teddy: Hey, who\'re you?! Get away from ' + player_name + '!';
frame 1810 {
outputi.text = 'Teddy: Hey, who\'re you?! Get away from ' + player_name + '!';
button 889 {
on (release) {
frame 1811 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': T-Teddy, wait! He\'s-';
frame 1817 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': T-Teddy, wait! He\'s-';
frame 1818 {
outputi.text = 'Teddy: C\'mon, ' + player_name + '... Let\'s just go home, okay?';
frame 1819 {
outputi.text = 'Nathan: W-wait, you\'re leaving?';
movieClip 898 {
frame 30 {
frame 1820 {
outputi.text = 'Teddy: That\'s right. I\'m taking her back with me.';
movieClip 905 {
frame 9 {
movieClip 908 {
frame 25 {
frame 1821 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': H-hey, w-wait...!';
movieClip 914 {
button 917 {
on (release) {
frame 1894 {
outputi.text = 'Teddy: ... You okay?';
button 925 {
on (release) {
frame 1921 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Teddy, wh-what\'s gotten into you?';
frame 1922 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': (This is so weird. I\'ve never seen Teddy act like this before...)';
frame 1923 {
outputi.text = 'Teddy: ... I\'m sorry, ' + player_name + '.';
frame 1924 {
outputi.text = 'Teddy: None of this would\'ve happened if I wasn\'t being so stupid.';
frame 1925 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Um, i-it\'s oka-';
frame 1926 {
outputi.text = 'Teddy: Hey, ' + player_name + '. Do you remember that promise we made when we were kids?';
movieClip 935 {
movieClip 937 {
frame 25 {
button 939 {
on (release) {
frame 2003 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Oh! Th-that? Yeah, I remember it. You actually remember too? I had almost forgotten about it, but-';
frame 2004 {
outputi.text = 'Teddy: And what do you think about it?';
frame 2005 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': H-huh?';
movieClip 948 {
frame 25 {
frame 2006 {
outputi.text = 'Teddy: What do you think about us getting married when we grow up?';
output1.text = '• Hey, we were just kids! We didn\'t know what we were talking about.';
output2.text = '• I... I don\'t know.';
button 953 {
on (release) {
movieClip 956 {
frame 25 {
frame 2038 {
outputi.text = 'Teddy: Nevermind, just forget about it. Sorry if I said anything awkward. Anyways, what\'s up with that crazy outfit?';
frame 2039 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': H-huh? Oh, this is the kind of stuff that people wore back then. But I\'ve been meaning to ask you: What the heck did you do to your hair??';
frame 2040 {
outputi.text = 'Teddy: What does it look like? I dyed it.';
frame 2041 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Geez, you really are a rebel.';
frame 2042 {
outputi.text = 'Teddy: But that\'s not a bad thing, right? If I wasn\'t a rebel, then I wouldn\'t have stolen Landon\'s second Time Jumper to bring you back.';
frame 2043 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': YOU WHAT?';
movieClip 971 {
frame 5 {
frame 2044 {
outputi.text = 'Teddy: Hey, if I let Landon send it off for testing then you would\'ve been stuck in the past for another couple of weeks.';
frame 2045 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': B-but what if it was defective like the first one? Then the both of us would\'ve been stuck there!';
button 975 {
on (release) {
frame 2068 {
outputi.text = 'Teddy: But I\'d be fine with that because we would still be together...';
frame 2069 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Huh? What was that you just mumbled?';
frame 2070 {
outputi.text = 'Teddy: Nothing. Here, I want you to take this, ' + player_name + '.';
movieClip 981 {
frame 25 {
frame 2071 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Wh-what? Why are you giving me your Time Jumper? You should give this back to Landon!';
frame 2072 {
outputi.text = 'Teddy: Landon thinks that some criminal broke into the lab and stole it. I don\'t want to know what he\'ll do to me if he finds out that I\'m the one who took it.';
frame 2073 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': *sigh* Fine, I\'ll take it. But are you sure it\'s okay if he doesn\'t get this back?';
frame 2074 {
outputi.text = 'Teddy: It\'s fine, it\'s fine. He\'ll probably just end up making another one again. Anyways, I better get out of here before Landon comes back. I\'ll see you later, ' + player_name + '.';
button 994 {
on (release) {
movieClip 1005 {
movieClip 1006 {
frame 2134 {
_root.fix = 1;
_root.fix = 1;
_root.comeback = 1;
_root.comeback = 1;
_root.reminder = 1;
_root.reminder = 1;
frame 2135 {
frame 2136 {
function constrainedMove(target, speed, dir) {
var v1 = _xmouse / Stage.width;
var v2;
if (dir == 1) {
v2 = 100 - v1;
} else {
v2 = v1;
target.destX = Math.round(-((target._width - Stage.width) * v2));
target.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (target._x == target.destX) {
delete target.onEnterFrame;
} else {
if (target._x > target.destX) {
target._x -= Math.ceil((target._x - target.destX) * (speed / 25));
} else {
if (target._x < target.destX) {
target._x += Math.ceil((target.destX - target._x) * (speed / 25));
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
this.onMouseMove = function () {
constrainedMove(bg_mc, 4, 0);
// unknown tag 88 length 65
button 1017 {
on (release) {
if (_root.rolandgone == 1) {
on (release) {
if (_root.rolandevent == 1) {
on (release) {
if (_root.rolandgone == 0 && _root.rolandevent == 0) {
button 1024 {
on (release) {
button 1029 {
on (release) {
if ( <= 4 && >= 2 && _root.meetemmett == 1) {
on (release) {
if (_root.emmettcomeback == 1 && >= 10) {
on (release) {
if (_root.emmettevent == 1) {
on (release) {
if (_root.emmettunlock == 1) {
on (release) {
if (_root.emmettunlock == 0) {
button 1036 {
on (release) {
if (_root.biancaunlock == 1) {
on (release) {
if (_root.biancaunlock == 0) {
button 1042 {
on (release) {
if (_root.comeback == 0) {
on (release) {
if (_root.comeback == 1) {
movieClip 1044 {
movieClip 1045 {
instance of movieClip 1045 {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
mx = _root._xmouse;
if (mx < _x) {
dx = _x - mx;
} else {
dx = mx - _x;
moveSpeedx = dx / 5;
if (mx < _x) {
_x = _x - moveSpeedx;
} else {
_x = _x + moveSpeedx;
my = _root._ymouse;
if (my < _y) {
dy = _y - my;
} else {
dy = my - _y;
moveSpeedy = dy / 5;
if (my < _y) {
_y = _y - moveSpeedy;
} else {
_y = _y + moveSpeedy;
button 1049 {
on (release) {;
button 1079 {
on (release) {
_root.reminder = 0;
_root.reminder = 0;;
movieClip 1080 {
frame 1 {
frame 2 {
frame 3 {
frame 4 {
stop(); += 5;
_root.hp -= 10;
frame 5 {
stop(); -= 5;
_root.bouquet += 1;
frame 6 {
stop(); -= 15;
_root.novel += 1;
frame 7 {
stop(); -= 20;
_root.compass += 1;
frame 8 {
stop(); -= 10;
_root.tokens += 1;
frame 9 {
stop(); -= 3;
_root.candy += 1;
frame 10 {
stop(); -= 2;
_root.tea += 1;
frame 11 {
stop(); += 10;
_root.hp -= 20;
frame 12 {
stop(); -= 5;
_root.stickers += 1;
frame 13 {
stop(); -= 10;
_root.plush += 1;
frame 14 {
stop(); -= 20;
_root.wristwatch += 1;
frame 15 {
stop(); -= 15; += 1;
frame 16 {
stop(); -= 2;
_root.soda += 1;
frame 17 {
stop(); -= 3;
_root.candybar += 1;
frame 18 {
frame 19 {
frame 20 {
button 1084 {
on (release) {;
_root.musicoff._visible = true;
_root.musicon._visible = false;
button 1085 {
on (release) {;
_root.musicoff._visible = false;
_root.musicon._visible = true;
button 1087 {
on (release) {
_root.statmenu._visible = !_root.statmenu._visible;
button 1129 {
on (release) {
if (_root.fix == 0) {;
on (release) {
if (_root.fix == 1 && _root.inpast == 1) {
on (release) {
if (_root.fix == 1 && _root.infuture == 1) {
frame 2137 {;
button 1135 {
on (release) {
if ( == 1) {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
_root.hp = 50;
_root.hp = 50;
on (release) {
if ( >= 2 && <= 28 && _root.healthcheat == 0) {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
_root.hp = 50;
_root.hp = 50;
on (release) {
if ( >= 2 && <= 28 && _root.healthcheat == 1) {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
_root.hp = 2000;
_root.hp = 2000;
on (release) {
if ( == 29 && _root.healthcheat == 0) {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
_root.hp = 50;
_root.hp = 50;
on (release) {
if ( == 29 && _root.healthcheat == 1) {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
_root.hp = 2000;
_root.hp = 2000;
on (release) {
if ( == 30) {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
frame 2138 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
button 1140 {
on (release) {
frame 2139 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false; += 1;
_root.daysleft -= 1;
frame 2151 {
button 1145 {
on (release) {
if ( <= 4) {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
on (release) {
if ( == 5) {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
on (release) {
if (_root.nateevent == 1 && >= 6) {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
on (release) {
if ( >= 6 && _root.nateevent == 0 && <= 30) {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
frame 2152 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false; += 1;
_root.daysleft -= 1;
frame 2164 {
button 1150 {
on (release) {
frame 2178 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': *sigh* This place isn\'t so bad I guess, but will I really be stuck here forever?';
frame 2179 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': (I need another Time Jumper... or find another way to get to that Time Hole. Hm, I can\'t build my own. Maybe I\'ll just have to wait for it to be invented again? Maybe some super genius from this time will be smart enough to make one!)';
frame 2180 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': (... Oh! But I forgot that the Time Hole won\'t be there for much longer. I remember hearing Landon say that it only has about a month left to go.)';
frame 2181 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': *sigh* I\'m too tired. I\'ll worry about this later. It\'s time to hit the hay for tonight.';
button 1157 {
on (release) {
frame 2182 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
_root.giveitem._visible = false;
movieClip 1176 {
button 1178 {
on (release) {
button 1182 {
on (release) {
button 1185 {
on (release) {
if (_root.hp >= 10) {
on (release) {
if (_root.hp <= 9) {;
button 1189 {
on (release) {
if (_root.hp <= 49) {;
on (release) {
if (_root.natedate == 0) {
on (release) {
if (_root.hp >= 50) {
button 1193 {
on (release) {
if (_root.nategift == 0) {
on (release) {
if (_root.nategift == 1) {
_root.giveitem._visible = true;
button 1207 {
on (release) {
_root.giveitem._visible = false;
button 1208 {
on (release) {
if (_root.candy >= 1) {
_root.candy -= 1;
button 1209 {
on (release) {
if (_root.candybar >= 1) {
_root.candybar -= 1;
button 1210 {
on (release) {
if (_root.wristwatch >= 1) {
_root.wristwatch -= 1;
button 1211 {
on (release) {
if (_root.stickers >= 1) {
_root.stickers -= 1;
button 1212 {
on (release) {
if (_root.plush >= 1) {
_root.plush -= 1;
button 1213 {
on (release) {
if (_root.tea >= 1) {
_root.tea -= 1;
button 1214 {
on (release) {
if (_root.soda >= 1) {
_root.soda -= 1;
button 1215 {
on (release) {
if (_root.bouquet >= 1) {
_root.bouquet -= 1;
button 1216 {
on (release) {
if (_root.tokens >= 1) {
_root.tokens -= 1;
button 1217 {
on (release) {
if (_root.novel >= 1) {
_root.novel -= 1;
button 1218 {
on (release) {
if ( >= 1) { -= 1;
button 1219 {
on (release) {
if (_root.compass >= 1) {
_root.compass -= 1;
frame 2183 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
_root.comeback = 0;
_root.comeback = 0;
outputi.text = 'Nathan: Oh, ' + player_name + '! I\'m really glad to see you again! I was afraid that you weren\'t going to come back. Your friend seemed kind of upset, but you were able to work things out, right?';
button 1222 {
on (release) {
frame 2184 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Nathan: Hm? What\'s this? Ah! This is a drink from the future isn\'t it? What does it taste like? I-I\'m kind of nervous to try it...';
frame 2185 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Nathan: Is this the kind of stuff that people eat in the future? It sure is packaged nicely, but I\'m not sure if it would really suit my taste buds.';
frame 2186 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Nathan: Oh. Thank you, ' + player_name + ', but I don\'t have much of a sweet tooth. Sorry, but would you mind sharing these with me?';
frame 2187 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
_root.nate += 20;
outputi.text = 'Nathan: Is this for me? Why thank you, ' + player_name + '. Drinking tea is refreshing, but definitely not as refreshing as seeing your pretty face.';
movieClip 1246 {
frame 2188 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Nathan: My, these are sure colorful. Are they used for decorating? The future seems like an interesting time to live in.';
frame 2189 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Nathan: What a cute stuffed animal. Are you sure that you want me to have this? Oh, but no worries. I\'ll take good care of it for you, ' + player_name + '.';
frame 2190 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
_root.nate += 30;
outputi.text = 'Nathan: Goodness, is this a watch? Ah, this is from the future, isn\'t it? I\'m really glad to see that watches are still useful to people in the future. Thank you, ' + player_name + '. I\'ll treasure this.';
frame 2191 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Nathan: Huh? Is this what mirrors look like in the future? Ah, no? S-sorry. But it could be used as a mirror, right? I mean, the backside of it is so shiny!';
frame 2192 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Nathan: How pretty, thank you! But I think that flowers like these would suit a charming girl like you more.';
frame 2193 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Nathan: Oh! I\'ve seen these at the shop before, but what exactly are they used for? I really have no idea.';
frame 2194 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Nathan: Thank you, Miss ' + player_name + '. I already have a copy of this, but I don\'t mind since it\'s a good story. It\'s about prince who gives up his place in the royal family and becomes a servant so that an orphan girl he fell in love with could become a princess. Pretty romantic, isn\'t it?';
frame 2195 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Nathan: A compass, how nice. Are you sure that you want to give this to me? I don\'t have much of a use for it, but thank you.';
frame 2196 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Nathan: Oh no, Miss ' + player_name + '. It\'s a gentleman\'s duty to help those in need. Please don\'t feel obligated to give me gifts in return, especially since we are only acquaintances.';
frame 2197 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Nathan: A d-date? You\'re a lovely young lady, but don\'t you think that it\'s too soon? I promise that I\'ll take you out when we become a little bit more familiar with each other.';
frame 2198 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
_root.hp -= 10;
if (_root.natetalkpoint == 0) {
if (_root.natetalkpoint == 1) {
if (_root.natetalkpoint == 2) {
if (_root.natetalkpoint == 3) {
if (_root.natetalkpoint == 4) {
if (_root.natetalkpoint == 5) {
if (_root.natetalkpoint == 6) {
if (_root.natetalkpoint == 7) {
if (_root.natetalkpoint == 8) {
if (_root.natetalkpoint == 9) {
if (_root.natetalkpoint == 10) {
if (_root.natetalkpoint == 11) {
if (_root.natetalkpoint == 12) {
if (_root.natetalkpoint == 13) {
if (_root.natetalkpoint == 14) {
if (_root.natetalkpoint == 15) {
if (_root.natetalkpoint == 16) {
if (_root.natetalkpoint == 17) {
if (_root.natetalkpoint == 18) {
if (_root.natetalkpoint == 19) {
if (_root.natetalkpoint == 20) {
if (_root.natetalkpoint == 21) {
if (_root.natetalkpoint == 22) {
if (_root.natetalkpoint == 23) {
if (_root.natetalkpoint == 24) {
if (_root.natetalkpoint == 25) {
if (_root.natetalkpoint == 26) {
if (_root.natetalkpoint == 27) {
if (_root.natetalkpoint == 28) {
if (_root.natetalkpoint == 29) {
if (_root.natetalkpoint == 30) {
if (_root.natetalkpoint == 31) {
if (_root.natetalkpoint == 32) {
if (_root.natetalkpoint == 33) {
if (_root.natetalkpoint == 34) {
if (_root.natetalkpoint == 35) {
if (_root.natetalkpoint == 36) {
if (_root.natetalkpoint == 37) {
if (_root.natetalkpoint == 38) {
if (_root.natetalkpoint == 39) {
if (_root.natetalkpoint == 40) {
if (_root.natetalkpoint == 41) {
if (_root.natetalkpoint == 42) {
if (_root.natetalkpoint == 43) {
if (_root.natetalkpoint >= 44) {
button 1266 {
on (release) {
button 1267 {
on (release) {
button 1274 {
on (release) {
movieClip 1290 {
frame 1 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Sorry about not being able to fix your Time Jumper, again. I wish that I could help you out more...';
output2.text = '• Maybe you could try fixing it again?';
output3.text = '• You\'ve already done a lot for me though!';
frame 2 {
output.text = 'Nathan: That outfit looks nice on you by the way. I\'m glad that I was able to get the right size though. I was afraid that it wasn\'t going to fit you.';
output2.text = '• Did you go through a lot of trouble to get it?';
output3.text = '• Are you calling me fat?';
frame 3 {
output.text = '(What should I ask him?)';
output2.text = '• Have you always lived alone?';
output3.text = '• How come you\'re not surprised that I\'m from the future?';
frame 4 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Hey, I was wondering... what is the future like? Is it really different from this time?';
output2.text = '• Yeah. Things have really changed for only 100 years.';
output3.text = '• It\'s a lot more colorful.';
frame 5 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Are you having a hard time adjusting to this time period? Let me know if there\'s anything that I can do for you.';
output2.text = '• Good people die young. I hope that doesn\'t apply to you.';
output3.text = '• Thanks, but I\'m fine.';
frame 6 {
output.text = '(What should I ask him?)';
output2.text = '• So what do you do with all of these clocks anyway?';
output3.text = '• If I\'m sleeping in your bed then where do you sleep now?';
frame 7 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Cooking is not one of my strong points, but I\'ll try my best to make our meals taste as good as possible.';
output2.text = '• As long as it\'s edible, I don\'t mind.';
output3.text = '• So what do you usually cook?';
frame 8 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Have you been to Gentlemen Goods? The new shop keeper is rather... um, how should I put it?';
output2.text = '• I\'d say he\'s a bit... unique.';
output3.text = '• Is that thing even human?';
frame 9 {
output.text = 'Nathan: The mansion across town has been vacant for almost a decade now, but according to one of the wonders of Reton, a wizard used to live there.';
output2.text = '• A wizard? But they don\'t exist!';
output3.text = '• He must have been lonely living there all by himself.';
frame 10 {
output.text = 'Nathan: I\'m trying to think of a new clock design. I want it to be something new and refreshing, but not too odd or out of the ordinary...';
output2.text = '• How about making a pyramid-shaped desk clock?';
output3.text = '• How about making a clock with a face made of glass?';
frame 11 {
output.text = 'Nathan: I just got back from shopping. I have plenty of tea now. Hey, would you like a packet?';
output2.text = '• I\'ll pass. I\'m not really a tea drinker.';
output3.text = '• Sure, thanks.';
frame 12 {
output.text = '(What should I ask him?)';
output2.text = '• Why are black and white accessories trendy in this time?';
output3.text = '• Why were you at the train station the day we met?';
frame 13 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Make sure that you always take your baths before 8 o\'clock at night. After 8 this place stops getting hot water.';
output2.text = '• Hey, we could also save water by taking baths together.';
output3.text = '• Why does it stop after 8 o\'clock?';
frame 14 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Last night I had this bizarre dream. I was taking a stroll around the city, but then all of a sudden an endless amount of chairs just started to fall out of the sky.';
output2.text = '• That sounds kind of scary.';
output3.text = '• I wish that I could remember my own dreams.';
frame 15 {
output.text = 'Nathan: My father is a tailor, but uncle was a clockmaker. I\'ve always admired my uncle\'s work so I took over this shop after he passed away.';
output2.text = '• So then do you not like your dad or something?';
output3.text = '• Sorry to hear that about your uncle.';
frame 16 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Are you feeling well? You look a little pale. Maybe you should go get some rest.';
output2.text = '• No. I feel fine, thanks.';
output3.text = '• You don\'t have to worry about me so much you know.';
frame 17 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Tickets for the train nowadays are kind of expensive. Right now I\'m saving some money in hopes of being able to travel somewhere for vacation.';
output2.text = '• Where do you think you\'ll go?';
output3.text = '• Can I please come along?';
frame 18 {
output.text = 'Nathan: I bought some candy for you while I was out. I thought that you would something sweet to eat since I never make dessert.';
output2.text = '• How come you don\'t make dessert?';
output3.text = '• Um, thanks.';
frame 19 {
output.text = 'Nathan: I clean up this whole place every Sunday. Usually I don\'t have to sort through a lot of clutter, but the workshop always needs lots of dusting and sweeping.';
output2.text = '• If you need any extra help, I\'m here.';
output3.text = '• Why do you clean up every week?';
frame 20 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Clock are really special. Each clock is special in its own individual way and each one needs be treated with much consideration and care.';
output2.text = '• I\'ve never thought of clocks that way.';
output3.text = '• You\'re making them sounds like people...';
frame 21 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Even though if this city is pretty safe and friendly, it\'s still dangerous to go out at night. Just be sure to be careful, all right?';
output2.text = '• Aw, you\'re really just worrying too much.';
output3.text = '• You better be careful too.';
frame 22 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Oh, hey there! I\'m about to go do some more shopping. Is there anything that you need?';
output2.text = '• I\'m good for now, thanks.';
output3.text = '• What are you shopping for?';
frame 23 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Ah, um. There\'s something in your hair...';
output2.text = '• Wh-where in my hair?';
output3.text = '• I-is it a spider...?!';
frame 24 {
output.text = 'Nathan: *sigh* Not many people are buying clocks anymore. Maybe they just don\'t have a use for them anymore.';
output2.text = '• Maybe you should go into another business.';
output3.text = '• Clocks are still really useful to people in my time.';
frame 25 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Wintertime is nice in this city. Everything looks really beautiful when the Christmas lights are hung all around.';
output2.text = '• You celebrate Christmas?';
output3.text = '• Christmas lights have been invented in this time?';
frame 26 {
output.text = 'Nathan: You know, you\'re welcome to stay here as long as you like. This is your home too, all right?';
output2.text = '• Are you sure? I kind of feel like a freeloader...';
output3.text = '• You don\'t mind having me around?';
frame 27 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Um, I was wondering. Do you mind staying here? Am I... bothering you in any way?';
output2.text = '• Like how?';
output3.text = '• You do kind of worry too much sometimes.';
frame 28 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Isn\'t family a nice thing to have? I wonder if I\'ll be able to start my own someday...';
output2.text = '• Would you want to make one with me?';
output3.text = '• I\'m sure that you will make a very nice family.';
frame 29 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Isn\'t today... just lovely?';
output2.text = '• You seem to be in a good mood.';
output3.text = '• I guess it is a nice day today.';
frame 30 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Is it just me, or does that hole in the sky seem to be getting smaller with each passing day?';
output2.text = '• Looks the same to me.';
output3.text = '• I think you\'re right...';
frame 31 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Oh, h-hello... um, you look... prettier today. Did you change your hair or something?';
output2.text = '• Uh, no. Maybe you should get your glasses cleaned.';
output3.text = '• Um, I think I look the same as usual...';
frame 32 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Remember when we first met at the train station? It seems so long ago, but it really wasn\'t, huh?';
output2.text = '• I already feel kind of close to you.';
output3.text = '• That was only about a couple of weeks ago.';
frame 33 {
output.text = 'Nathan: We should go somewhere together sometime. Y-you know, just to spend some time alone together...';
output2.text = '• But can\'t we just hang out here?';
output3.text = '• Sure, I\'d like that.';
frame 34 {
output.text = 'Nathan: If you think about it, time is farther away then distance. When you go back to the future, we\'re... really far apart from each other, huh?';
output2.text = '• Does that bother you?';
output3.text = '• In my time, you\'re not even alive anymore, are you?';
frame 35 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Hey, close your eyes for a second. I have something for you.';
output2.text = '• Okay, they\'re closed now.';
output3.text = '• Th-this isn\'t a trick, is it?';
frame 36 {
output.text = '(What should I tell him?)';
output2.text = '• I think you look nice without glasses.';
output3.text = '• The Time Hole is going to close soon...';
frame 37 {
output.text = 'Nathan: So... you\'ll be leaving and going back to your home soon?';
output2.text = '• I\'m not sure yet.';
output3.text = '• Do you think I should?';
frame 38 {
output.text = 'Nathan: I know that you belong in the future, but... a part of me really wants you to stay here. It\'s selfish, I know. I\'m sorry.';
output2.text = '• Don\'t be sorry. It\'s okay to be selfish sometimes.';
output3.text = '• So what would you do if I went back to the future?';
frame 39 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Things in my life have really changed ever since I\'ve met you. I didn\'t realize it before, but I used to be... lonely.';
output2.text = '• Well you did live alone...';
output3.text = '• You seem quite happy now though.';
frame 40 {
output.text = 'Nathan: It\'s strange... I\'ve never been this close to a girl before, yet another person. I guess you\'re just special to me like that.';
output2.text = '• You\'re special to me too, Nathan.';
output3.text = '• Does that mean that you like me?';
frame 41 {
output.text = 'Nathan: ...A-ah, h-hello. Do you need something?';
output2.text = '• Not right now.';
output3.text = '• Are you okay?';
frame 42 {
output.text = 'Nathan: I don\'t want to force you, but... will you stay here? I... I kind of fell in love with you.';
output2.text = '• Let me... think about it.';
output3.text = '• Of course I will.';
frame 43 {
output.text = 'Nathan: A-are you really sure that you want to stay in this time? What about your home in the future?';
output2.text = '• You... said that this was my home now too, didn\'t you?';
output3.text = '• I\'m happier here.';
frame 44 {
output.text = 'Nathan: I\'m... really glad that you\'re willing to stay. Really, you don\'t know how happy I am right now.';
output2.text = '• That\'s good to hear.';
output3.text = '• Do you really like me that much?';
frame 45 {
output.text = 'Nathan: . . . . . . . . . . . . . .';
output2.text = '• What is it?';
output3.text = '• Why are you smiling like that?';
frame 2199 {
_root.natebad += 1;
_root.nategood += 1;
_root.natetalkpoint += 1;
_root.nate += 10;
frame 2199 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
if (_root.nategood == 0) {
if (_root.nategood == 1) {
if (_root.nategood == 2) {
if (_root.nategood == 3) {
if (_root.nategood == 4) {
if (_root.nategood == 5) {
if (_root.nategood == 6) {
if (_root.nategood == 7) {
if (_root.nategood == 8) {
if (_root.nategood == 9) {
if (_root.nategood == 10) {
if (_root.nategood == 11) {
if (_root.nategood == 12) {
if (_root.nategood == 13) {
if (_root.nategood == 14) {
if (_root.nategood == 15) {
if (_root.nategood == 16) {
if (_root.nategood == 17) {
if (_root.nategood == 18) {
if (_root.nategood == 19) {
if (_root.nategood == 20) {
if (_root.nategood == 21) {
if (_root.nategood == 22) {
if (_root.nategood == 23) {
if (_root.nategood == 24) {
if (_root.nategood == 25) {
if (_root.nategood == 26) {
if (_root.nategood == 27) {
if (_root.nategood == 28) {
if (_root.nategood == 29) {
if (_root.nategood == 30) {
if (_root.nategood == 31) {
if (_root.nategood == 32) {
if (_root.nategood == 33) {
if (_root.nategood == 34) {
if (_root.nategood == 35) {
if (_root.nategood == 36) {
if (_root.nategood == 37) {
if (_root.nategood == 38) {
if (_root.nategood == 39) {
if (_root.nategood == 40) {
if (_root.nategood == 41) {
if (_root.nategood == 42) {
if (_root.nategood == 43) {
if (_root.nategood >= 44) {
movieClip 1310 {
frame 1 {
output.text = 'Nathan: I\'m glad you think that. But really, your situation is quite tough. I\'ll keep on thinking of a way to perhaps get you back to your time.';
frame 2 {
output.text = 'Nathan: No, not at all. Please don\'t feel like a burden to me if you do.';
frame 3 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Ever since that strange hole appeared in the sky, I knew that something out of the ordinary was going to happen... and it just happened to be you.';
frame 4 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Hmm. If you think about it, 100 years can be both a long and short amount of time. I guess mankind develops quickly, huh?';
frame 5 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Haha! Why thank you, I hope so too. Ah... that sure made my day.';
frame 6 {
output.text = 'Nathan: I actually have a smaller extra bed in the other room. But you should stick to using my bed, it\'s a lot nicer.';
frame 7 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Ah, that\'s a relief. I just hope that I don\'t burn anything again. The last time I made meatloaf was a disaster.';
frame 8 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Unique... perfect! That\'s the word I was looking for. Though, I wonder where he\'s from. Maybe that hole in the sky has something to do with him...';
frame 9 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Hmm... I can relate. Before you came, living here alone was actually pretty quiet and lonely.';
frame 10 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Hm. You know, I like that idea! I\'ve never made a desk clock before. Thanks for the tip!';
frame 11 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Here you go. Tea is a great thing to drink when you want to relax, huh?';
_root.tea += 1;
frame 12 {
output.text = 'Nathan: ...Hm? Oh, no reason really. It was... just a lovely coincidence I suppose.';
frame 13 {
output.text = 'Nathan: The plumbing links to a central water system. After 8 PM they shut the heater down and hot water doesn\'t become available again until 6 AM the next day.';
frame 14 {
output.text = 'Nathan: I-it was actually... Most of that dream was about me trying my best to avoid getting hit by those falling chairs.';
frame 15 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Oh no, don\'t be. He lived a good and long life. Anyways, he passed down all of his special skills onto me.';
_root.nategift = 1;
_root.nategift = 1;
frame 16 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Sorry, I can\'t help it. I just want to make sure that everything goes well for you.';
frame 17 {
output.text = 'Nathan: I was thinking about Cigam. It\'s a really big city and I heard that the restaurants there serve very good food. Traveling to Cigam is super expensive though. It\'ll probably be a long time before I actually save up enough money.';
frame 18 {
output.text = 'Nathan: No problem at all. A sweet girl like you deserves a sweet treat here and there.';
_root.candy += 1;
frame 19 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Thank you for the offer. I\'ll keep that in mind.';
frame 20 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Haha, I think that most people don\'t. Maybe I\'m just strange like that.';
_root.nateevent = 1;
_root.nateevent = 1;
frame 21 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Oh don\'t worry about me, I\'ll be fine. Believe it or not, I can actually throw a pretty good punch.';
frame 22 {
output.text = 'Nathan: All right. Just let me know if you need anything else later, okay?';
frame 23 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Hold still. Here, let me get it for you. ...Ah, it\'s just cattail fuzz, haha.';
frame 24 {
output.text = 'Nathan: R-really? Ah, that\'s a relief. Well, business for me will still be slow, but it\'s great to know that clocks hold that much importance to people.';
frame 25 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Yes, it\'s my favorite holiday. I love giving gifts to my friends and family and spending time with them. I believe that Christmas can magically make people feel happy and warm on the inside.';
frame 26 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Not at all. I actually enjoy your company quite a bit. It feels nice to share with somebody else.';
frame 27 {
output.text = 'Nathan: A-ah, I\'m sorry. Must be a bad habit of mine. I\'m glad that you can be honest with me though.';
frame 28 {
output.text = 'Nathan: ...Oh, th-thank you.';
frame 29 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Any day that I get to see your face is lovely one, though maybe today\'s just a little bit lovelier than the others... just maybe.';
frame 30 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Huh, I just hope that doesn\'t mean that anything bad is going to happen...';
frame 31 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Really? You look really cute today... n-not that you don\'t look cute everyday of course!';
frame 32 {
output.text = 'Nathan: ...I do too.';
frame 33 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Great! We should take a stroll around the outside part of town. It\'s really nice and quiet.';
frame 34 {
output.text = 'Nathan: I don\'t know about \'bother\', but thinking about it makes me feel a bit empty on the inside...';
frame 35 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Here, you can open them now. Aren\'t they lovely? Here, let me put one in your hair for you.';
_root.bouquet += 1;
frame 36 {
output.text = 'Nathan: I thought as much. So I suppose that you won\'t be able to time travel back and forth from your and this time after it closes...';
frame 37 {
output.text = 'Nathan: . . . . . . . . . . . . . .';
frame 38 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Thank you for being so understanding...';
frame 39 {
output.text = 'Nathan: It\'s all thanks to you.';
frame 40 {
output.text = 'Nathan: A-ah... I-I... I\'m glad...';
frame 41 {
output.text = 'Nathan: I\'m fine. Th-thank you for your concern...';
frame 42 {
output.text = 'Nathan: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .';
frame 43 {
output.text = 'Nathan: ...Th-that\'s right... of course it is! You can stay here forever...!';
frame 44 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Oh no, I don\'t just like you. I... adore you. I\'m madly in love with you. A-ah, sorry, was that too much? I\'m sorry. I got a bit carried away...';
frame 45 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Just being around you... makes me so happy.';
frame 2200 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
if (_root.natebad == 0) {
if (_root.natebad == 1) {
if (_root.natebad == 2) {
if (_root.natebad == 3) {
if (_root.natebad == 4) {
if (_root.natebad == 5) {
if (_root.natebad == 6) {
if (_root.natebad == 7) {
if (_root.natebad == 8) {
if (_root.natebad == 9) {
if (_root.natebad == 10) {
if (_root.natebad == 11) {
if (_root.natebad == 12) {
if (_root.natebad == 13) {
if (_root.natebad == 14) {
if (_root.natebad == 15) {
if (_root.natebad == 16) {
if (_root.natebad == 17) {
if (_root.natebad == 18) {
if (_root.natebad == 19) {
if (_root.natebad == 20) {
if (_root.natebad == 21) {
if (_root.natebad == 22) {
if (_root.natebad == 23) {
if (_root.natebad == 24) {
if (_root.natebad == 25) {
if (_root.natebad == 26) {
if (_root.natebad == 27) {
if (_root.natebad == 28) {
if (_root.natebad == 29) {
if (_root.natebad == 30) {
if (_root.natebad == 31) {
if (_root.natebad == 32) {
if (_root.natebad == 33) {
if (_root.natebad == 34) {
if (_root.natebad == 35) {
if (_root.natebad == 36) {
if (_root.natebad == 37) {
if (_root.natebad == 38) {
if (_root.natebad == 39) {
if (_root.natebad == 40) {
if (_root.natebad == 41) {
if (_root.natebad == 42) {
if (_root.natebad == 43) {
if (_root.natebad >= 44) {
movieClip 1325 {
frame 1 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Oh no, I don\'t understand the mechanics of that thing at all. I don\'t think that a second try will do much...';
frame 2 {
output.text = 'Nathan: N-no, of course not! Don\'t be silly. I actually thought that it might have been too big for you.';
frame 3 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Well, yes. I did use to live with my family, but I moved here so that I could continue running our clock shop.';
frame 4 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Colorful, huh? The future sounds like a very beautiful time to live in.';
frame 5 {
output.text = 'Nathan: No, really. Feel free to bother me anytime. I would hate to be a bad host if you didn\'t.';
frame 6 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Oh, I sell some, I keep some. Most of them are sent off to other shops around town though. Some customers come in and buy my clocks directly, but I try to stick to being a clockmaker, not a retailer.';
frame 7 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Um, I can make sandwiches, meatloaf... and soup. I usually have to buy bread since I can\'t bake.';
frame 8 {
output.text = 'Nathan: I sure hope not. Well, if he was then I wouldn\'t know what to think...';
frame 9 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Haha. Probably not, but it\'s just a legend.';
frame 10 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Huh, that sounds a little difficult to make, but maybe I should give it a try anyways...';
frame 11 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Oh, really? Ah, that\'s too bad.';
frame 12 {
output.text = 'Nathan: ...That\'s a pretty good question. Hm, I really have no idea. All the shops I go to usually carry lots of black and white accessories though.';
frame 13 {
output.text = 'Nathan: I\'m glad that you\'re thinking of the environment, but that\'s really unnecessary, my dear.';
frame 14 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Hey, but did you know? If you don\'t remember your dreams, then that means that your body rests well at night. It\'s a rather good thing for you I think.';
frame 15 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Oh no, no at all. I guess he just never had a lot of influence on me. My father was a very nice man though.';
frame 16 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Are you sure? Don\'t push yourself now.';
frame 17 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Oh, I would love for you to come with, but I\'m not sure if you would still be living here by the time I save up enough money.';
frame 18 {
output.text = 'Nathan: I-I\'m a very, very bad baker. Every time I try to make a cake or pastry, it ends up tasting terrible.';
frame 19 {
output.text = 'Nathan: A gentleman always keeps his living quarters neat and spot free, my dear.';
frame 20 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Goodness, am I? Sorry, I must have gotten a bit carried away.';
frame 21 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Aha, no, I\'m serious. I\'ve heard about muggings and all sorts of scary stuff. Those aggressive people really do come out at night.';
frame 22 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Just for some more food and clock parts. I might stop by the library too...';
frame 23 {
output.text = 'Nathan: N-no, it doesn\'t look like one. C-calm down.';
frame 24 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Oh no, clock making is unfortunately my only skill. *sigh* Don\'t worry, we\'ll manage though. I promise.';
frame 25 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Huh? Y-yes, they have been. Christmas lights might be very different in your time though.';
frame 26 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Oh no, please don\'t feel that way. Your company here is very welcome.';
frame 27 {
output.text = 'Nathan: I-I don\'t know, that\'s why I asked you. I just wanted to make sure that you were comfortable with being here.';
frame 28 {
output.text = 'Nathan: A-ah, n-no, that\'s not what I meant at all...! But... um, n-never mind.';
frame 29 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Isn\'t it? Ah...';
frame 30 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Must just be my imagination...';
frame 31 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Oh, that\'s right! I did forget to wipe them down this morning. Now where did I put my cleaning cloth?';
frame 32 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Y-yeah, time has its way of flying by, huh?';
frame 33 {
output.text = 'Nathan: We could, but why not get some fresh air?';
frame 34 {
output.text = 'Nathan: 100 years is a long time... I would\'ve definitely passed away by your time.';
frame 35 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Rest assured, it\'s not. You can trust me, right?';
frame 36 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Do you really think so? Unfortunately I have very poor vision, so I should stick to wearing them as often as possible...';
frame 37 {
output.text = 'Nathan: I-I... I really can\'t say. I\'m sorry.';
frame 38 {
output.text = 'Nathan: I would manage. Don\'t worry about me...';
frame 39 {
output.text = 'Nathan: True. Before I thought that my life was peaceful, but looking back on it now, it was... kind of depressing.';
frame 40 {
output.text = 'Nathan: I-I\'ve always liked you. Isn\'t that obvious?';
frame 41 {
output.text = 'Nathan: O-oh, okay.';
frame 42 {
output.text = 'Nathan: A-ah, o-of course...! S-sorry...';
frame 43 {
output.text = 'Nathan: I-I see...';
frame 44 {
output.text = 'Nathan: I\'m glad that you think so.';
frame 45 {
output.text = 'Nathan: Ohhh nothing...';
frame 2201 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Nathan: A date sounds lovely. Shall we leave now?';
output2.text = '• Yep!';
output3.text = '• Hold on a second.';
button 1326 {
on (release) {
button 1327 {
on (release) {
frame 2202 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
_root.hp -= 50;
frame 2218 {
_root.datetalk = 3;
_root.dategift = 2;
_root.datetea = 1;
_root.mood = 0;
_root.ondate = 1;
button 1336 {
on (release) {
if (_root.fix == 0) {;
on (release) {
if (_root.fix == 1 && _root.inpast == 1) {
on (release) {
if (_root.fix == 1 && _root.infuture == 1) {
on (release) {
if (_root.ondate == 1) {;
frame 2237 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
_root.giveitem._visible = false;
_root.leavedate._visible = false;;
button 1339 {
on (release) {
if (_root.datetalk == 0) {
on (release) {
if (_root.datetalk >= 1) {
button 1340 {
on (release) {
if (_root.dategift >= 1) {
_root.giveitem._visible = true;
on (release) {
if (_root.dategift == 0) {
button 1341 {
on (release) {
if (_root.mood == 5) {
on (release) {
if (_root.mood <= 4) {
button 1342 {
on (release) {
_root.leavedate._visible = true;
button 1356 {
on (release) {
if (_root.candy >= 1) {
_root.candy -= 1;
button 1357 {
on (release) {
if (_root.candybar >= 1) {
_root.candybar -= 1;
button 1358 {
on (release) {
if (_root.wristwatch >= 1) {
_root.wristwatch -= 1;
button 1359 {
on (release) {
if (_root.stickers >= 1) {
_root.stickers -= 1;
button 1360 {
on (release) {
if (_root.plush >= 1) {
_root.plush -= 1;
button 1361 {
on (release) {
if (_root.tea >= 1) {
_root.tea -= 1;
button 1362 {
on (release) {
if (_root.soda >= 1) {
_root.soda -= 1;
button 1363 {
on (release) {
if (_root.bouquet >= 1) {
_root.bouquet -= 1;
button 1364 {
on (release) {
if (_root.tokens >= 1) {
_root.tokens -= 1;
button 1365 {
on (release) {
if (_root.novel >= 1) {
_root.novel -= 1;
button 1366 {
on (release) {
if ( >= 1) { -= 1;
button 1367 {
on (release) {
if (_root.compass >= 1) {
_root.compass -= 1;
button 1370 {
on (release) {
button 1371 {
on (release) {
_root.leavedate._visible = false;
frame 2238 {
_root.mood += 1;
_root.dategift -= 1;
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
outputi.text = 'Nathan: Why thank you, ' + player_name + '! This is lovely. ';
button 1375 {
on (release) {
frame 2239 {
_root.dategift -= 1;
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
outputi.text = 'Nathan: You bought me this? Th-thanks you, but I just want to spend time together.';
frame 2240 {
function ansGen() {
generate = random(5);
ans = ['Nathan: We should go out like this more often, ' + player_name + '. It\'s nice to get out of the house, right?', 'Nathan: I know that a date can\'t last forever, but I\'m just glad that we can spend this moment together.', 'Nathan: Hey, would you like to hold hands, ' + player_name + '? Don\'t be shy now.', 'Nathan: It\'s a bit chilly out today. Come over here. We\'ll stay warmer if we\'re closer together like this.', 'Nathan: You look good in everything, ' + player_name + '. Well I\'m not surprised though. That\'s bound to be true for a cute girl like you.'];
_root.outputdate = ans[generate];
_root.mood += 1;
_root.datetalk -= 1;;
_root.giveitem._visible = false;
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
frame 2241 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = player_name + ': I think that we should do something else...';
frame 2242 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Nathan: I-if it\'s okay with you...';
button 1392 {
on (release) {
frame 2243 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
frame 2256 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
frame 2269 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
_root.nate += 60;;
outputi.text = 'Date successful!';
frame 2270 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Nathan: I like spending time with you like this, ' + player_name + 'Let me know when you want to do this again, okay?';
button 1404 {
on (release) {
frame 2271 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
frame 2287 {
_root.ondate = 0;
frame 2305 {
frame 2306 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
_root.giveitem._visible = false;
movieClip 1422 {
button 1424 {
on (release) {
if (_root.hp >= 10) {
on (release) {
if (_root.hp <= 9) {;
button 1425 {
on (release) {
if (_root.hp <= 49) {;
on (release) {
if (_root.rolanddate == 0) {
on (release) {
if (_root.hp >= 50) {
if (_root.rolanddate == 1) {
button 1426 {
on (release) {
if (_root.rolandgift == 0) {
on (release) {
if (_root.rolandgift == 1) {
_root.giveitem._visible = true;
button 1429 {
on (release) {
button 1442 {
on (release) {
if (_root.candy >= 1) {
_root.candy -= 1;
button 1443 {
on (release) {
if (_root.candybar >= 1) {
_root.candybar -= 1;
button 1444 {
on (release) {
if (_root.wristwatch >= 1) {
_root.wristwatch -= 1;
button 1445 {
on (release) {
if (_root.stickers >= 1) {
_root.stickers -= 1;
button 1446 {
on (release) {
if (_root.plush >= 1) {
_root.plush -= 1;
button 1447 {
on (release) {
if (_root.tea >= 1) {
_root.tea -= 1;
button 1448 {
on (release) {
if (_root.soda >= 1) {
_root.soda -= 1;
button 1449 {
on (release) {
if (_root.bouquet >= 1) {
_root.bouquet -= 1;
button 1450 {
on (release) {
if (_root.tokens >= 1) {
_root.tokens -= 1;
button 1451 {
on (release) {
if (_root.novel >= 1) {
_root.novel -= 1;
button 1452 {
on (release) {
if ( >= 1) { -= 1;
button 1453 {
on (release) {
if (_root.compass >= 1) {
_root.compass -= 1;
frame 2307 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
frame 2308 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Roland: \'Lemon Pop\'...? Sounds weird. Do all people in the future drink stuff like this?';
button 1459 {
on (release) {
frame 2309 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
_root.roland += 20;
outputi.text = 'Roland: ... Hm. This actually tastes pretty good for future food. Ah. I-I\'m not making fun of you or anything like that, I... um, n-nevermind.';
movieClip 1462 {
frame 2310 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Roland: Candy? Isn\'t that for kids? Well, I guess you are a kid so you wouldn\'t know any better...';
frame 2311 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Roland: Sorry, I\'m not really a tea person. B-but I\'ll still drink it. It\'d be a waste if I didn\'t.';
frame 2312 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Roland: Why is everything from the future so colorful? ... What are these things even supposed to be used for?';
frame 2313 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Roland: Cute, but I think that this is a little bit too cute for me. Stuffed animals aren\'t really my thing.';
frame 2314 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Roland: What a weird looking clock. Ah, but, thanks. I guess that this might be useful to me in the long run... maybe.';
frame 2315 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Roland: What\'s this thing supposed to be? A plate? No, It\'s a little too thin... but it\'s pretty cool looking I guess.';
frame 2316 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Roland: Why are you giving me flowers? I\'m a guy. Well, I guess some guys would like flowers, but not me...';
frame 2317 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Roland: You know, I\'ve seen these around, but I have no idea what the heck they are or what they\'re even supposed to do.';
frame 2318 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Roland: Um, thanks... I\'ll read this when I get the time to I guess.';
frame 2319 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
_root.roland += 30;
outputi.text = 'Roland: Huh? This is for me? Um, y-you didn\'t have to, really.';
frame 2320 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Roland: Um, no thanks. Why would I take something from somebody that I hardly even know?';
frame 2321 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Roland: Wh-what? Are you being serious? Look, I don\'t have time to mess around.';
frame 2322 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
_root.hp -= 10;
if (_root.rolandtalkpoint == 0) {
if (_root.rolandtalkpoint == 1) {
if (_root.rolandtalkpoint == 2) {
if (_root.rolandtalkpoint == 3) {
if (_root.rolandtalkpoint == 4) {
if (_root.rolandtalkpoint == 5) {
if (_root.rolandtalkpoint == 6) {
if (_root.rolandtalkpoint == 7) {
if (_root.rolandtalkpoint == 8) {
if (_root.rolandtalkpoint == 9) {
if (_root.rolandtalkpoint == 10) {
if (_root.rolandtalkpoint == 11) {
if (_root.rolandtalkpoint == 12) {
if (_root.rolandtalkpoint == 13) {
if (_root.rolandtalkpoint == 14) {
if (_root.rolandtalkpoint == 15) {
if (_root.rolandtalkpoint == 16) {
if (_root.rolandtalkpoint == 17) {
if (_root.rolandtalkpoint == 18) {
if (_root.rolandtalkpoint == 19) {
if (_root.rolandtalkpoint == 20) {
if (_root.rolandtalkpoint == 21) {
if (_root.rolandtalkpoint == 22) {
if (_root.rolandtalkpoint == 23) {
if (_root.rolandtalkpoint == 24) {
if (_root.rolandtalkpoint == 25) {
if (_root.rolandtalkpoint == 26) {
if (_root.rolandtalkpoint == 27) {
if (_root.rolandtalkpoint == 28) {
if (_root.rolandtalkpoint == 29) {
if (_root.rolandtalkpoint == 30) {
if (_root.rolandtalkpoint == 31) {
if (_root.rolandtalkpoint == 32) {
if (_root.rolandtalkpoint == 33) {
if (_root.rolandtalkpoint == 34) {
if (_root.rolandtalkpoint == 35) {
if (_root.rolandtalkpoint == 36) {
if (_root.rolandtalkpoint == 37) {
if (_root.rolandtalkpoint == 38) {
if (_root.rolandtalkpoint == 39) {
if (_root.rolandtalkpoint == 40) {
if (_root.rolandtalkpoint == 41) {
if (_root.rolandtalkpoint == 42) {
if (_root.rolandtalkpoint == 43) {
if (_root.rolandtalkpoint >= 44) {
button 1480 {
on (release) {
button 1481 {
on (release) {
movieClip 1494 {
frame 1 {
output.text = '???: . . . . . . . . . . . . .';
output2.text = '• Um, hi.';
output3.text = '• . . . . . . . . . . . . . .';
frame 2 {
output.text = '???: What? Do you need something?';
output2.text = '• Hey, I\'m just looking around, okay?';
output3.text = '• No, not really.';
frame 3 {
output.text = '???: Do you mind?';
output2.text = '• Mind what?';
output3.text = '• I\'m not bothering you, am I?';
frame 4 {
output.text = '???: . . . . . . . . . . . . .';
output2.text = '• Hey, why are you so quiet?';
output3.text = '• So what are you doing?';
frame 5 {
output.text = '???: ...Why are you still here?';
output2.text = '• What? Am I not allowed to be here?';
output3.text = '• Mind your own business.';
frame 6 {
output.text = '(What should I ask him?)';
output2.text = '• How come you\'re not very friendly?';
output3.text = '• So who are you?';
frame 7 {
output.text = 'Roland: What are you? An alien?';
output2.text = '• Um, no. Why would you think that?';
output3.text = '• Yes, and I\'ve come to take over. Surrender now, human.';
frame 8 {
output.text = 'Roland: So what\'s up with that watch of yours anyway? I-is that thing glowing?';
output2.text = '• You were right. I\'m actually an alien in disguise.';
output3.text = '• It\'s a time traveling device. I\'m the future, see?';
frame 9 {
output.text = 'Roland: Doesn\'t a \'time traveler\' like you have more important things to be doing than talking to me?';
output2.text = '• Yes. I should actually be hunting for aliens right now.';
output3.text = '• No, not really.';
frame 10 {
output.text = '(What should I ask him?)';
output2.text = '• Are you scared of aliens?';
output3.text = '• Do you really believe in aliens?';
frame 11 {
output.text = 'Roland: You\'re probably laughing at me right now, b-but just watch, soon aliens are going to be coming out of that hole and you\'ll be sorry.';
output2.text = '• But what if they\'re friendly aliens?';
output3.text = '• Actually that\'s a Time Hole. It links the future to this time.';
frame 12 {
output.text = 'Roland: Hey, what\'s your name anyway?';
output2.text = '• Oh, so NOW you finally ask?';
output3.text = '• (tell him your name)';
frame 13 {
output.text = '(What should I ask him?)';
output2.text = '• Why are you fixing your plane? Is it broken?';
output3.text = '• Are you still worried about aliens attacking?';
frame 14 {
output.text = 'Roland: This city is pretty strange. Not only is there a weird glowing hole in the sky, but all the people here are kind of airheaded.';
output2.text = '• Yeah, I know what you mean...';
output3.text = '• Is that a bad thing?';
frame 15 {
output.text = 'Roland: My home is in the countryside. It\'s nice and quiet unlike this place...';
output2.text = '• Where were you traveling to in the first place anyway?';
output3.text = '• Your home sounds boring.';
frame 16 {
output.text = 'Roland: *sigh* The engine still doesn\'t work...';
output2.text = '• I wish I knew more about how planes work.';
output3.text = '• Maybe you should buy a new one.';
frame 17 {
output.text = 'Roland: Hey, I found this in the backseat of my plane. I don\'t even know how it got there, but... do you want it?';
output2.text = '• Don\'t push your junk onto me.';
output3.text = '• Sure, I\'ll take it off of your hands.';
frame 18 {
output.text = 'Roland: I\'m missing a yoke... What do you think I should do? Maybe I could find something else to use in its place?';
output2.text = '• What the heck is a yoke?';
output3.text = '• Don\'t ask me, I don\'t know stuff about planes.';
frame 19 {
output.text = 'Roland: . . . . . . . . . . . . .';
output2.text = '• You look tired.';
output3.text = '• What\'s wrong?';
frame 20 {
output.text = '(What should I say to him?)';
output2.text = '• Are you still tired?';
output3.text = '• You should take a break from working on your plane.';
frame 21 {
output.text = 'Roland: H-hey, quit bothering me. I don\'t really have time to mess around.';
output2.text = '• Why can\'t you just take it easy?';
output3.text = '• You had time to mess around earlier...';
frame 22 {
output.text = 'Roland: Go away already.';
output2.text = '• What if I don\'t want to.';
output3.text = '• Calm down, geez.';
frame 23 {
output.text = '(What should I ask him?)';
output2.text = '• Why are you in such a rush to get your plane done?';
output3.text = '• Are you still in a bad mood?';
frame 24 {
output.text = 'Roland: My little sister is kind of sickly. She has to take medicine in order to stay healthy. The last shipment of it was delayed so I had to fly to Cigam to pick it up myself.';
output2.text = '• That sounds like a lot of work.';
output3.text = '• What\'s your sister\'s name?';
frame 25 {
output.text = 'Roland: Hey, I\'ve been wondering, if you\'re from the future, then does that mean that you could change your time if you did a certain thing here?';
output2.text = '• I guess so.';
output3.text = '• I hope not.';
frame 26 {
output.text = 'Roland: Have you seen the shopkeeper of Gentlemen Goods? Maybe... maybe he\'s really is an alien... I mean, just look at him!';
output2.text = '• Stop being so obsessed with aliens!';
output3.text = '• He seems like a friendly alien though.';
frame 27 {
output.text = 'Roland: I\'m almost done fixing my plane. *sigh* I\'ll finally be able to go back home soon...';
output2.text = '• Will you ever come back here again after you leave?';
output3.text = '• Don\'t go! You should stay here!';
frame 28 {
output.text = 'Roland: Um, wh-what?';
output2.text = '• Why are you blushing?';
output3.text = '• Nothing. I didn\'t say anything.';
frame 29 {
output.text = 'Roland: This plane used to belong to my grandpa and dad, but it was passed down onto me. I feel kind of bad for crashing it...';
output2.text = '• At least you fixed it up. It looks pretty good now.';
output3.text = '• Well it was getting old anyways, right?';
frame 30 {
output.text = 'Roland: Man, I can\'t stand crickets. Why do they have to be so loud at night? I can hardly sleep with all of their chirping.';
output2.text = '• But they\'re just singing. At least try to enjoy it.';
output3.text = '• It\'s better then being invaded by aliens at night, right?';
frame 31 {
output.text = 'Roland: I wonder if it\'s possible to travel to the moon... I think that it would be pretty cool if it was.';
output2.text = '• Why? Would you want to find aliens on there?';
output3.text = '• Man has gone to the moon a lot in my time.';
frame 32 {
output.text = 'Roland: That mansion across town sure is big. I wonder who used to live there...';
output2.text = '• \'Used to live there\'?';
output3.text = '• Probably just some rich guy.';
frame 33 {
output.text = 'Roland: Someday I\'m going to travel around the world. It won\'t be easy, I know, but I\'ll definitely do it.';
output2.text = '• Sounds kind of dangerous.';
output3.text = '• You\'re going to do it by your plane, right?';
frame 34 {
output.text = 'Roland: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .';
output2.text = '• Hello? Earth to Roland.';
output3.text = '• What\'s up?';
frame 35 {
output.text = 'Roland: I... had a really weird dream about aliens last night...';
output2.text = '• Was it a scary dream?';
output3.text = '• Oh you and your aliens.';
frame 36 {
output.text = 'Roland: You know, I still think that yellow guy at the shop is an alien.';
output2.text = '• He has a name you know.';
output3.text = '• You know what? He probably is...';
frame 37 {
output.text = 'Roland: The countryside\'s nice, but I like this city enough to call it home now.';
output2.text = '• ...Me too.';
output3.text = '• What do you like about this place?';
frame 38 {
output.text = 'Roland: Um, h-here. I got these for you... j-just take them.';
output2.text = '• Uh, okay.';
output3.text = '• What\'s the occasion?';
frame 39 {
output.text = 'Roland: I... um, never mind...';
output2.text = '• Um, okay?';
output3.text = '• . . . . . . . . . . . . .';
frame 40 {
output.text = 'Roland: Do you... really think that my little sister was happy?';
output2.text = '• With a brother like you, of course!';
output3.text = '• What do you think?';
frame 41 {
output.text = '(What should I tell him?)';
output2.text = '• You can rely on me if you need to.';
output3.text = '• Soon I won\'t be able to time travel anymore...';
frame 42 {
output.text = 'Roland: So are you leaving then?';
output2.text = '• You think I should go back?';
output3.text = '• I don\'t know...';
frame 43 {
output.text = 'Roland: I... want you to stay here. S-sorry, I shouldn\'t try to force you to...';
output2.text = '• No, it\'s fine. I... want to stay too.';
output3.text = '• Don\'t be sorry, it\'s fine.';
frame 44 {
output.text = 'Roland: Hey, so you know how I said that I was going to travel around the world someday? I-if I do... would you... come with me?';
output2.text = '• What if I get in the way?';
output3.text = '• Of course. I\'d love to.';
frame 45 {
output.text = 'Roland: Th-thanks...';
output2.text = '• For what?';
output3.text = '• No problem.';
frame 2323 {
_root.rolandgood += 1;
_root.rolandbad += 1;
_root.rolandtalkpoint += 1;
_root.roland += 10;
frame 2323 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
if (_root.rolandgood == 0) {
if (_root.rolandgood == 1) {
if (_root.rolandgood == 2) {
if (_root.rolandgood == 3) {
if (_root.rolandgood == 4) {
if (_root.rolandgood == 5) {
if (_root.rolandgood == 6) {
if (_root.rolandgood == 7) {
if (_root.rolandgood == 8) {
if (_root.rolandgood == 9) {
if (_root.rolandgood == 10) {
if (_root.rolandgood == 11) {
if (_root.rolandgood == 12) {
if (_root.rolandgood == 13) {
if (_root.rolandgood == 14) {
if (_root.rolandgood == 15) {
if (_root.rolandgood == 16) {
if (_root.rolandgood == 17) {
if (_root.rolandgood == 18) {
if (_root.rolandgood == 19) {
if (_root.rolandgood == 20) {
if (_root.rolandgood == 21) {
if (_root.rolandgood == 22) {
if (_root.rolandgood == 23) {
if (_root.rolandgood == 24) {
if (_root.rolandgood == 25) {
if (_root.rolandgood == 26) {
if (_root.rolandgood == 27) {
if (_root.rolandgood == 28) {
if (_root.rolandgood == 29) {
if (_root.rolandgood == 30) {
if (_root.rolandgood == 31) {
if (_root.rolandgood == 32) {
if (_root.rolandgood == 33) {
if (_root.rolandgood == 34) {
if (_root.rolandgood == 35) {
if (_root.rolandgood == 36) {
if (_root.rolandgood == 37) {
if (_root.rolandgood == 38) {
if (_root.rolandgood == 39) {
if (_root.rolandgood == 40) {
if (_root.rolandgood == 41) {
if (_root.rolandgood == 42) {
if (_root.rolandgood == 43) {
if (_root.rolandgood >= 44) {
movieClip 1524 {
frame 1 {
output.text = '???: ...Hi.';
frame 2 {
output.text = '???: Whatever.';
frame 3 {
output.text = '???: Well you randomly being here is kind of distracting...';
frame 4 {
output.text = '???: What does it look like? I\'m fixing my plane.';
frame 5 {
output.text = '???: N-no, but...';
frame 6 {
output.text = 'Roland: Um, I\'m Roland.';
frame 7 {
output.text = 'Roland: That weird watch your wearing looks pretty \'alienish\' to me...';
frame 8 {
output.text = 'Roland: Well I guess that makes more sense then you being an alien...';
frame 9 {
output.text = 'Roland: St-stop bringing that back up. Wait, are there really aliens around here? Oh... you\'re just kidding, aren\'t you?';
frame 10 {
output.text = 'Roland: Huh? What do you mean by \'believe\'? They ARE real. That weird hole in the sky is proof.';
frame 11 {
output.text = 'Roland: ...Hm. I guess the self proclaimed time traveler like you would say something like that...';
frame 12 {
output.text = 'Roland: Huh, that\'s kind of a weird name. But you are a time traveler, so...';
frame 13 {
output.text = 'Roland: Y-yeah... kind of. I crashed landed around the outskirts of this town about a month ago. I\'m almost done fixing it though.';
frame 14 {
output.text = 'Roland: I-I guess not, but... I\'m... just not used to being in places like this.';
frame 15 {
output.text = 'Roland: I flew to Cigam to pick up some medicine for my sister, but my plane started to break down shortly after I left... and now I\'m stuck here.';
frame 16 {
output.text = 'Roland: Huh? You don\'t know how planes work? Do they even still use planes in the future? Hmm...';
frame 17 {
output.text = 'Roland: Thanks, it\'s all yours then.';
_root.novel += 1;
frame 18 {
output.text = 'Roland: Oh right, I forgot... s-sorry.';
frame 19 {
output.text = 'Roland: Y-yeah, maybe a little bit...';
frame 20 {
output.text = 'Roland: I can\'t. I need to finish this as soon as possible.';
frame 21 {
output.text = 'Roland: I kind of need to hurry up...';
frame 22 {
output.text = 'Roland: S-sorry...';
frame 23 {
output.text = 'Roland: It\'s been over a month since I\'ve left home... and my little sis is waiting for me to come back. She\'s probably really worried about me.';
frame 24 {
output.text = 'Roland: Oh... it\'s Eliza. Some of her friends call her \'Elly\', but I just call her \'Eliza\'.';
frame 25 {
output.text = 'Roland: Yeah... me too. The thought of you having the power to change the future is kind of scary.';
_root.rolandgift = 1;
_root.rolandgift = 1;
frame 26 {
output.text = 'Roland: I guess he does. I just hope that he\'s not secretly plotting to invade or take over.';
frame 27 {
output.text = 'Roland: ...Probably not, I don\'t know. There\'s no point in my coming back, really.';
_root.rolandevent = 1;
_root.rolandevent = 1;
frame 28 {
output.text = 'Roland: O-oh...';
frame 29 {
output.text = 'Roland: Ah, y-yeah... flying should be smoother now that I replaced all of the broken down parts with new ones.';
frame 30 {
output.text = 'Roland: Sh-shut up...';
frame 31 {
output.text = 'Roland: S-seriously? The future sounds kind of interesting... I wonder what it\'s like.';
frame 32 {
output.text = 'Roland: Well I haven\'t seen anybody go in or out of it. I don\'t think that anybody could be living there anymore...';
frame 33 {
output.text = 'Roland: Yeah. It would make my dad and gramps proud.';
frame 34 {
output.text = 'Roland: ...Just thinking about something.';
frame 35 {
output.text = 'Roland: No, the aliens in my dream were actually pretty harmless. Though most of my dream was about them doing these really crazy dance rituals of some kind...';
frame 36 {
output.text = 'Roland: First time travelers and now aliens... the outside world really is pretty out there.';
frame 37 {
output.text = 'Roland: ...Um, I-I... here, I can... be around you... I guess...';
frame 38 {
output.text = 'Roland: . . . . . . . . . . . . .';
_root.bouquet += 1;
frame 39 {
output.text = 'Roland: D-don\'t look at me like that.';
frame 40 {
output.text = 'Roland: Th-thanks.';
frame 41 {
output.text = 'Roland: Oh... that\'s pretty serious, isn\'t it? W-well it\'s not like you could stay here forever anyway...';
frame 42 {
output.text = 'Roland: S-sorry, I don\'t really know what to say...';
frame 43 {
output.text = 'Roland: Oh. I-I see... um, uh... is it really okay?';
frame 44 {
output.text = 'Roland: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .';
frame 45 {
output.text = 'Roland: ...For staying with me.';
frame 2324 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
if (_root.rolandbad == 0) {
if (_root.rolandbad == 1) {
if (_root.rolandbad == 2) {
if (_root.rolandbad == 3) {
if (_root.rolandbad == 4) {
if (_root.rolandbad == 5) {
if (_root.rolandbad == 6) {
if (_root.rolandbad == 7) {
if (_root.rolandbad == 8) {
if (_root.rolandbad == 9) {
if (_root.rolandbad == 10) {
if (_root.rolandbad == 11) {
if (_root.rolandbad == 12) {
if (_root.rolandbad == 13) {
if (_root.rolandbad == 14) {
if (_root.rolandbad == 15) {
if (_root.rolandbad == 16) {
if (_root.rolandbad == 17) {
if (_root.rolandbad == 18) {
if (_root.rolandbad == 19) {
if (_root.rolandbad == 20) {
if (_root.rolandbad == 21) {
if (_root.rolandbad == 22) {
if (_root.rolandbad == 23) {
if (_root.rolandbad == 24) {
if (_root.rolandbad == 25) {
if (_root.rolandbad == 26) {
if (_root.rolandbad == 27) {
if (_root.rolandbad == 28) {
if (_root.rolandbad == 29) {
if (_root.rolandbad == 30) {
if (_root.rolandbad == 31) {
if (_root.rolandbad == 32) {
if (_root.rolandbad == 33) {
if (_root.rolandbad == 34) {
if (_root.rolandbad == 35) {
if (_root.rolandbad == 36) {
if (_root.rolandbad == 37) {
if (_root.rolandbad == 38) {
if (_root.rolandbad == 39) {
if (_root.rolandbad == 40) {
if (_root.rolandbad == 41) {
if (_root.rolandbad == 42) {
if (_root.rolandbad == 43) {
if (_root.rolandbad >= 44) {
movieClip 1537 {
frame 1 {
output.text = '???: What are you doing here?';
frame 2 {
output.text = '???: Then... why are you even here?';
frame 3 {
output.text = '???: *sigh* Nevermind.';
frame 4 {
output.text = '???: What are you talking about? Do I have to talk to you or something?';
frame 5 {
output.text = '???: Pfft. You should do the same.';
frame 6 {
output.text = '???: What? Do I have to be or something? It\'s not like I\'m not trying to be mean.';
frame 7 {
output.text = 'Roland: Huh? Hey, that was just a joke. Geez.';
frame 8 {
output.text = 'Roland: A-are you serious...? Th-that\'s not funny...';
frame 9 {
output.text = 'Roland: Hm. Some time traveler you are. Don\'t you have any duties or anything like that?';
frame 10 {
output.text = 'Roland: Of course, isn\'t everybody? They can suck your brain out and eat it whole.';
frame 11 {
output.text = 'Roland: Friendly aliens? There\'s no such thing!';
frame 12 {
output.text = 'Roland: Wh-what was I supposed to or something?';
frame 13 {
output.text = 'Roland: Are you making fun of me? So what if I believe in aliens?';
frame 14 {
output.text = 'Roland: Really? Huh, I think that you\'re pretty airheaded too though...';
frame 15 {
output.text = 'Roland: M-maybe to someone like you it does.';
frame 16 {
output.text = 'Roland: Can\'t, I don\'t have enough money. I just have to work with what I\'ve got with me right now.';
frame 17 {
output.text = 'Roland: H-hey, I didn\'t mean it like that, geez.';
frame 18 {
output.text = 'Roland: What? It\'s the thing that you use to control the plane of course. I thought that you just didn\'t know how they work, but you don\'t know the parts either?';
frame 19 {
output.text = 'Roland: Nothing, be quiet. I\'m trying to work.';
frame 20 {
output.text = 'Roland: Kind of, but I\'m fine.';
frame 21 {
output.text = 'Roland: I was getting off track. I need to focus on fixing the plane now.';
frame 22 {
output.text = 'Roland: *sigh* Whatever.';
frame 23 {
output.text = 'Roland: H-huh? What are you talking about? I was never in a bad mood.';
frame 24 {
output.text = 'Roland: Yeah... I guess so, but I\'m the only one she can count on now.';
frame 25 {
output.text = 'Roland: Th-that\'s kind of scary... The power to change the future lies in the hands of somebody like you.';
frame 26 {
output.text = 'Roland: *sigh* S-sorry...';
frame 27 {
output.text = 'Roland: What are you talking about? I have to go home, it\'s not like I can stay here forever.';
frame 28 {
output.text = 'Roland: H-huh? I-I\'m not blushing. What are you talking about?';
frame 29 {
output.text = 'Roland: I guess. I kind of wished that I still had taken better care of it though.';
frame 30 {
output.text = 'Roland: S-singing? It just sounds like awful screeching to me.';
frame 31 {
output.text = 'Roland: Wh-what? No, of course not! Aliens are scary!';
frame 32 {
output.text = 'Roland: Probably...';
frame 33 {
output.text = 'Roland: I\'m ready to face that danger. Risks are meant to be taken. Life would just be too boring without them.';
frame 34 {
output.text = 'Roland: *sigh* What now?';
frame 35 {
output.text = 'Roland: Sh-shut up.';
frame 36 {
output.text = 'Roland: And I\'m supposed to know it? Well, I could ask, but...';
frame 37 {
output.text = 'Roland: ...Um, y-yeah...';
frame 38 {
output.text = 'Roland: N-nothing...! *sigh* C\'mon.';
frame 39 {
output.text = 'Roland: Um, yeah...';
frame 40 {
output.text = 'Roland: I-I don\'t know. Maybe...?';
frame 41 {
output.text = 'Roland: Um, okay? Thanks...';
frame 42 {
output.text = 'Roland: D-don\'t ask me. It\'s your life.';
frame 43 {
output.text = 'Roland: Th-thanks...';
frame 44 {
output.text = 'Roland: Th-that would be okay. I\'ll make it work out.';
frame 45 {
output.text = 'Roland: Y-yeah...';
frame 2325 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Roland: S-sure, I\'m not busy right now. I\'m ready when you are.';
output2.text = '• Then let\'s go now!';
output3.text = '• Wait, I\'m not ready yet.';
button 1538 {
on (release) {
button 1539 {
on (release) {
frame 2326 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
_root.hp -= 50;
frame 2342 {
_root.datetalk = 3;
_root.dategift = 2;
_root.datetea = 1;
_root.mood = 0;
_root.ondate = 1;
frame 2361 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
_root.giveitem._visible = false;
_root.leavedate._visible = false;;
button 1548 {
on (release) {
if (_root.datetalk == 0) {
on (release) {
if (_root.datetalk >= 1) {
button 1549 {
on (release) {
if (_root.dategift >= 1) {
_root.giveitem._visible = true;
on (release) {
if (_root.dategift == 0) {
button 1550 {
on (release) {
if (_root.mood == 5) {
on (release) {
if (_root.mood <= 4) {
button 1563 {
on (release) {
if (_root.candy >= 1) {
_root.candy -= 1;
button 1564 {
on (release) {
if (_root.candybar >= 1) {
_root.candybar -= 1;
button 1565 {
on (release) {
if (_root.wristwatch >= 1) {
_root.wristwatch -= 1;
button 1566 {
on (release) {
if (_root.stickers >= 1) {
_root.stickers -= 1;
button 1567 {
on (release) {
if (_root.plush >= 1) {
_root.plush -= 1;
button 1568 {
on (release) {
if (_root.tea >= 1) {
_root.tea -= 1;
button 1569 {
on (release) {
if (_root.soda >= 1) {
_root.soda -= 1;
button 1570 {
on (release) {
if (_root.bouquet >= 1) {
_root.bouquet -= 1;
button 1571 {
on (release) {
if (_root.tokens >= 1) {
_root.tokens -= 1;
button 1572 {
on (release) {
if (_root.novel >= 1) {
_root.novel -= 1;
button 1573 {
on (release) {
if ( >= 1) { -= 1;
button 1574 {
on (release) {
if (_root.compass >= 1) {
_root.compass -= 1;
button 1576 {
on (release) {
frame 2362 {
_root.mood += 1;
_root.dategift -= 1;
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Roland: Um, th-thanks...';
button 1581 {
on (release) {
frame 2363 {
_root.dategift -= 1;
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Roland: H-hey, I don\'t need this. Don\'t spend money on me like this.';
frame 2364 {
function ansGen() {
generate = random(5);
ans = ['Roland: So, um... you\'re not bored are you, ' + player_name + '? Sorry, I-I\'m not good at this kind of stuff.', 'Roland: You look... nice today. Um, that sounded weird, didn\'t it? S-sorry...', 'Roland: I actually haven\'t been here a lot lately. Well, I guess it\'s more fun when I\'m here with you.', 'Roland: What should we do next, ' + player_name + '? I\'m not good at picking out activities, so I\'m leaving it up to you.', 'Roland: We can... hold hands if you want. U-um, you don\'t mind, right?'];
_root.outputdate = ans[generate];
_root.mood += 1;
_root.datetalk -= 1;;
_root.giveitem._visible = false;
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
frame 2365 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = player_name + ': I think that we should do something else...';
frame 2366 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Roland: C-close your eyes first.';
button 1594 {
on (release) {
frame 2367 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
frame 2380 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
frame 2393 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
_root.roland += 60;;
outputi.text = 'Date successful!';
frame 2394 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Roland: It\'s getting kind of late. Let\'s go back. Th-thanks for spending today with me, ' + player_name + '...';
button 1603 {
on (release) {
frame 2395 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
frame 2411 {
_root.ondate = 0;
frame 2429 {
frame 2430 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
frame 2431 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
_root.giveitem._visible = false;
movieClip 1619 {
button 1621 {
on (release) {
if (_root.hp >= 10) {
on (release) {
if (_root.hp <= 9) {;
button 1622 {
on (release) {
if (_root.hp <= 49) {;
on (release) {
if (_root.emmettdate == 0) {
on (release) {
if (_root.hp >= 50) {
if (_root.emmettdate == 1) {
button 1623 {
on (release) {
if (_root.emmettgift == 0) {
on (release) {
if (_root.emmettgift == 1) {
_root.giveitem._visible = true;
button 1636 {
on (release) {
if (_root.candy >= 1) {
_root.candy -= 1;
button 1637 {
on (release) {
if (_root.candybar >= 1) {
_root.candybar -= 1;
button 1638 {
on (release) {
if (_root.wristwatch >= 1) {
_root.wristwatch -= 1;
button 1639 {
on (release) {
if (_root.stickers >= 1) {
_root.stickers -= 1;
button 1640 {
on (release) {
if (_root.plush >= 1) {
_root.plush -= 1;
button 1641 {
on (release) {
if (_root.tea >= 1) {
_root.tea -= 1;
button 1642 {
on (release) {
if (_root.soda >= 1) {
_root.soda -= 1;
button 1643 {
on (release) {
if (_root.bouquet >= 1) {
_root.bouquet -= 1;
button 1644 {
on (release) {
if (_root.tokens >= 1) {
_root.tokens -= 1;
button 1645 {
on (release) {
if (_root.novel >= 1) {
_root.novel -= 1;
button 1646 {
on (release) {
if ( >= 1) { -= 1;
button 1647 {
on (release) {
if (_root.compass >= 1) {
_root.compass -= 1;
frame 2432 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Emmett: What a strange looking drink. Is it safe to drink? Haha, of course it is but I\'m not sure if my sensitive stomach can handle it...';
button 1651 {
on (release) {
frame 2433 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Emmett: Th-thanks, but I don\'t need this, really. I\'m sorry. I\'m a bit picky when it comes to food...';
frame 2434 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
_root.jack += 20;
outputi.text = 'Emmett: I love candy! Thank you, ' + player_name + '! Here, let\'s share these. I\'ll feel bad if I eat them all by myself.';
frame 2435 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Emmett: Thank you... but this isn\'t really my cup of tea. Oh, that was a terrible joke. I\'m sorry.';
frame 2436 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Emmett: Aha, these are funny little things. But... what should I do with them? I think that they\'re too cute to use.';
frame 2437 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
_root.jack += 30;
outputi.text = 'Emmett: A plush? Ah, i-is this for me? It\'s so cute! Th-thank you, ' + player_name + '! I love it!';
movieClip 1671 {
frame 2438 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Emmett: Wow, this is pretty spiffy. But I think it\'s a little too complicated for me to use.';
frame 2439 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Emmett: Hm? What\'s this? Th-thanks, ' + player_name + '. It\'s really shiny, but it\'s nice I suppose.';
frame 2440 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Emmett: Th-thanks, ' + player_name + ', but I think that these might make my allergies act up. S-sorry.';
frame 2441 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Emmett: Um, thank you, ' + player_name + '. But what are these? Maybe a foreign currency? Aha, I wonder where they came from.';
frame 2442 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Emmett: Ah, th-thanks, but I can\'t read unfortunately. Well, I can read a little bit, but there are still a lot of words that I don\'t recognize.';
frame 2443 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Emmett: A compass! Maybe with this I won\'t get lost so much anymore. Haha, I think that I would have to get myself a map too though.';
frame 2444 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Emmett: Whoa, I-I\'m flattered, but I don\'t think that you would want to go out on a date with a guy like me. I mean, a pretty girl like you shouldn\'t lower your standards so much.';
frame 2445 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Emmett: S-sorry, but I really can\'t accept. I don\'t want any of us to get the wrong idea about each other.';
frame 2446 {
if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 0) {
if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 1) {
if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 2) {
if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 3) {
if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 4) {
if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 5) {
if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 6) {
if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 7) {
if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 8) {
if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 9) {
if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 10) {
if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 11) {
if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 12) {
if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 13) {
if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 14) {
if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 15) {
if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 16) {
if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 17) {
if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 18) {
if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 19) {
if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 20) {
if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 21) {
if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 22) {
if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 23) {
if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 24) {
if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 25) {
if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 26) {
if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 27) {
if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 28) {
if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 29) {
if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 30) {
if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 31) {
if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 32) {
if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 33) {
if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 34) {
if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 35) {
if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 36) {
if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 37) {
if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 38) {
if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 39) {
if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 40) {
if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 41) {
if (_root.jacktalkpoint == 42) {
if (_root.jacktalkpoint >= 43) {
_root.hp -= 10;
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
button 1683 {
on (release) {
button 1684 {
on (release) {
button 1690 {
on (release) {
movieClip 1707 {
frame 1 {
output.text = 'Emmett: Thanks again for letting me use your handkerchief. Sorry that it took so long for me to get it back to you.';
output2.text = '• You didn\'t have to go through all of the trouble, really.';
output3.text = '• It\'s okay, I\'m surprised that you kept your word though.';
frame 2 {
output.text = '(What should I ask him?)';
output2.text = '• Is your face okay?';
output3.text = '• Did the thought of dying even hit you before you jumped?';
frame 3 {
output.text = 'Emmett: This city is pretty nice actually. I wish that I stayed here longer on my first visit.';
output2.text = '• What were you doing here the first time?';
output3.text = '• Well why didn\'t you?';
frame 4 {
output.text = 'Emmett: After I jumped off of my train, I was actually in quite a bit of trouble. I had to walk back to the nearest town since I was left in the middle of nowhere.';
output2.text = '• See? You shouldn\'t have done that!';
output3.text = '• Th-that sounds like a scary experience...';
frame 5 {
output.text = '(What should I ask him?)';
output2.text = '• Where were you going the day we met by the way?';
output3.text = '• So what are you going to do now?';
frame 6 {
output.text = 'Emmett: Hey I was wondering, does... my face bother you at all?';
output2.text = '• I think it looks kind of cool now.';
output3.text = '• No, not really.';
frame 7 {
output.text = '(What should I ask him?)';
output2.text = '• So are you going to be traveling again soon?';
output3.text = '• Do you like me?';
frame 8 {
output.text = 'Emmett: I\'m sure that once the customers file a complaint to the company about not receiving their packages, I\'ll be cut from the job. *sigh* I might as well stay here then.';
output2.text = '• I\'m starting to think that us meeting was a bad thing.';
output3.text = '• You really have bad luck, don\'t you?';
frame 9 {
output.text = 'Emmett: That\'s a pretty funny-looking watch you\'re wearing. You can never lose track of time with a good watch, huh?';
output2.text = '• Maybe you should get one then.';
output3.text = '• It\'s actually... a time traveling device.';
frame 10 {
output.text = 'Emmett: I just knew that there was something special about you. So does that hole in the sky have anything to do with you or time travelers?';
output2.text = '• Yeah, it does. How did you know?';
output3.text = '• Kind of I guess.';
frame 11 {
output.text = 'Emmett: So why travel back in time? *gasp* Are you like a secret agent or something?';
output2.text = '• Nah, I\'m just here for fun.';
output3.text = '• I guess I kind of am one...?';
frame 12 {
output.text = 'Emmett: Even though if this city is kind of small, I still somehow get lost in it. My sense of direction was never that great to begin with I guess.';
output2.text = '• Man, you\'re hopeless...';
output3.text = '• Really? I know my way around here pretty well.';
frame 13 {
output.text = 'Emmett: Oh, did I tell you not to sit on that bench over there? It has wet paint on it... I would know because I was just sitting on it.';
output2.text = '• They really need to put a \'wet paint\' sign on it...';
output3.text = '• You better get your clothes cleaned quickly.';
frame 14 {
output.text = 'Emmett: I heard that a wizard used to live in that mansion across town. Apparently he could make living dolls... or something like that.';
output2.text = '• That sounds kind of creepy.';
output3.text = '• I wonder what living dolls are like.';
frame 15 {
output.text = 'Emmett: I had to travel a lot for my job. I always took the train since I can\'t travel by boat, car, or horse.';
output2.text = '• Why couldn\'t you travel by the other ways?';
output3.text = '• Wait, so you don\'t have that job anymore, right?';
frame 16 {
output.text = 'Emmett: Do you ever go back to the future? Or do you just stay here in past?';
output2.text = '• I go back to the future sometimes.';
output3.text = '• Why go back? I like it here.';
frame 17 {
output.text = '(What should I ask him?)';
output2.text = '• What were you like as a kid?';
output3.text = '• Where\'s your family?';
frame 18 {
output.text = 'Emmett: The orphanage let me leave them when I got old enough to be on my own. Though sometimes I wish that I stayed there. The real world is scary and tough.';
output2.text = '• Why not go back then?';
output3.text = '• It\'s not scary, you just have bad luck.';
frame 19 {
output.text = 'Emmett: Once when I was doing a delivery, I tripped and dropped all the packages that I was carrying into a river. My boss was really mad, but luckily he didn\'t fire me over that.';
output2.text = '• He sounds like a nice boss.';
output3.text = '• You need to be more careful to stop hurting yourself.';
frame 20 {
output.text = 'Emmett: H-hey... do you um, like flowers?';
output2.text = '• Yeah sure, what\'s there to not like about them?';
output3.text = '• I prefer candy over flowers.';
frame 21 {
output.text = 'Emmett: I had a really scary nightmare last night. I-I\'m kind of afraid to sleep now...';
output2.text = '• What was it about? Or... do you not want to talk about it?';
output3.text = '• But you need to sleep! You\'ll get sick if you don\'t.';
frame 22 {
output.text = 'Emmett: (What should I say to him?)';
output2.text = '• You\'re kind of a strange guy.';
output3.text = '• I think you\'re a really likeable person.';
frame 23 {
output.text = 'Emmett: I was never adopted from that orphanage. Well, nobody wanted to adopt me because I was clumsy and awkward...';
output2.text = '• It\'s too bad for them. They really missed out on you.';
output3.text = '• Is that why you feel unwanted?';
frame 24 {
output.text = 'Emmett: You know, I was feeling kind of down today, but being around you somehow makes me just feel so much better.';
output2.text = '• Does that mean that you like me?';
output3.text = '• I\'m glad. A guy like you deserves to be happy.';
frame 25 {
output.text = 'Emmett: I should look for a new job. There are a lot of small shops in this city. I\'m pretty sure that it won\'t be too hard to find one.';
output2.text = '• Maybe you should apply to Gentlemen Goods.';
output3.text = '• Do you miss your old job as a delivery boy?';
frame 26 {
output.text = 'Emmett: I just went to Gentlemen Goods. Is it just me, or does the shopkeeper seem a little... out of the ordinary?';
output2.text = '• He is pretty... yellow.';
output3.text = '• It\'s just you. You\'re the strange one, not him.';
frame 27 {
output.text = 'Emmett: Factories and companies have been using steam a lot more lately, but all of that smoke can\'t be good for the environment...';
output2.text = '• Not many people in this time would think about that.';
output3.text = '• Oh, population will still be an issue in the future...';
frame 28 {
output.text = 'Emmett: The bird from the other day is doing fine. His wing is healing up quickly which is a good sign.';
output2.text = '• Do you think that you\'ll be able to release him soon?';
output3.text = '• How do you know that bird is a boy?';
frame 29 {
output.text = 'Emmett: Maybe my bad luck is some kind of curse. Hmm... what do you think about it?';
output2.text = '• It\'s really too bad for you. You\'re a good person.';
output3.text = '• But if you had good luck we probably wouldn\'t have met.';
frame 30 {
output.text = 'Emmett: I really want to be a dad someday. Hey, do you think that I\'ll be a good dad? Wait, wh-what if my kids don\'t like me?';
output2.text = '• Don\'t be silly, I\'m sure that they\'ll love you a lot.';
output3.text = '• What\'s there to not like about you?';
frame 31 {
output.text = 'Emmett: On my way here a dog chased me. I-it was really, really scary. I thought that he was going to catch me but I barely outran him.';
output2.text = '• Bad lucking kicking back in for you?';
output3.text = '• Maybe he was just trying to say hello.';
frame 32 {
output.text = 'Emmett: Do you think that I should give the bird a name? It\'s kind of weird when I talk to him because I always have to call him \'you\'.';
output2.text = '• Don\'t name him, he\'s not your pet. Give him a nickname.';
output3.text = '• You... talk to him?';
frame 33 {
output.text = 'Emmett: I\'m pretty forgetful. That\'s probably why finding a job is really hard for me. I wonder if there\'s a job that doesn\'t require me to remember a lot...';
output2.text = '• Well what skills do you have?';
output3.text = '• All jobs make you remember at least a few things.';
frame 34 {
output.text = 'Emmett: When I was younger, I was really afraid of girls. Silly, right? I used to get bullied by them all the time.';
output2.text = '• You didn\'t stand up for yourself?';
output3.text = '• Are you scared of me?';
frame 35 {
output.text = 'Emmett: Hey, you know that shopkeeper, Mr. Toko? I\'ve been chatting with him recently. He\'s actually pretty friendly.';
output2.text = '• What do you two usually talk about?';
output3.text = '• I still don\'t know what he is...';
frame 36 {
output.text = 'Emmett: Guess what? I just got a job at the bakery! My new boss if really nice too. I can\'t wait to start working!';
output2.text = '• But will you still have time to talk to me?';
output3.text = '• Will you actually get to bake too?';
frame 37 {
output.text = 'Emmett: It\'s funny... I feel like I\'ve known you for a really long time. I don\'t know why, but I already feel so close to you, haha.';
output2.text = '• I guess we just get along, huh?';
output3.text = '• You just get easily attached to things.';
frame 38 {
output.text = '(What should I say to him?)';
output2.text = '• Soon I won\'t be able to time travel anymore.';
output3.text = '• I like you a lot, really.';
frame 39 {
output.text = 'Emmett: So you have to go back home soon, huh?';
output2.text = '• I kind of want to stay here though.';
output3.text = '• I guess so. I belong in the future.';
frame 40 {
output.text = 'Emmett: Is the future a nice time to live in?';
output2.text = '• Yeah, but I feel more at home here.';
output3.text = '• No, because it doesn\'t have you in it.';
frame 41 {
output.text = 'Emmett: . . . . . . . . . U-um.';
output2.text = '• What is it?';
output3.text = '• You okay?';
frame 42 {
output.text = 'Emmett: My face has been healing up nicely. Soon I won\'t have to wear these bandages anymore.';
output2.text = '• I think you look cool with them though!';
output3.text = '• But what about your eye? Is it okay too?';
frame 43 {
output.text = 'Emmett: At one point, I did think of traveling to a different city to look for another job, but I ended up staying here...';
output2.text = '• How come?';
output3.text = '• This is a nice city, isn\'t it?';
frame 44 {
output.text = 'Emmett: Um, thanks... for being so nice to me.';
output2.text = '• Why are you thanking me?';
output3.text = '• No need to thank me.';
frame 2447 {
_root.jackgood += 1;
_root.jackbad += 1;
_root.jacktalkpoint += 1;
_root.jack += 10;
frame 2447 {
if (_root.jackgood == 0) {
if (_root.jackgood == 1) {
if (_root.jackgood == 2) {
if (_root.jackgood == 3) {
if (_root.jackgood == 4) {
if (_root.jackgood == 5) {
if (_root.jackgood == 6) {
if (_root.jackgood == 7) {
if (_root.jackgood == 8) {
if (_root.jackgood == 9) {
if (_root.jackgood == 10) {
if (_root.jackgood == 11) {
if (_root.jackgood == 12) {
if (_root.jackgood == 13) {
if (_root.jackgood == 14) {
if (_root.jackgood == 15) {
if (_root.jackgood == 16) {
if (_root.jackgood == 17) {
if (_root.jackgood == 18) {
if (_root.jackgood == 19) {
if (_root.jackgood == 20) {
if (_root.jackgood == 21) {
if (_root.jackgood == 22) {
if (_root.jackgood == 23) {
if (_root.jackgood == 24) {
if (_root.jackgood == 25) {
if (_root.jackgood == 26) {
if (_root.jackgood == 27) {
if (_root.jackgood == 28) {
if (_root.jackgood == 29) {
if (_root.jackgood == 30) {
if (_root.jackgood == 31) {
if (_root.jackgood == 32) {
if (_root.jackgood == 33) {
if (_root.jackgood == 34) {
if (_root.jackgood == 35) {
if (_root.jackgood == 36) {
if (_root.jackgood == 37) {
if (_root.jackgood == 38) {
if (_root.jackgood == 39) {
if (_root.jackgood == 40) {
if (_root.jackgood == 41) {
if (_root.jackgood == 42) {
if (_root.jackgood >= 43) {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
movieClip 1718 {
frame 1 {
output.text = 'Emmett: Huh, really? Hey, a promise is a promise. I would feel guilty for the rest of my life if I didn\'t stay true to my word.';
frame 2 {
output.text = 'Emmett: It\'s fine, it\'s fine! Don\'t worry about it. My eye\'s pretty messed up, but the rest of my face should heal up soon.';
frame 3 {
output.text = 'Emmett: Oh, I\'m actually a delivery boy for a company and I had to stop here to drop some packages off...';
frame 4 {
output.text = 'Emmett: I-it was actually. Fortunately the nearest town wasn\'t too faraway from where I landed.';
frame 5 {
output.text = 'Emmett: Oh! I was heading over to Cigam. I had a few packages that I had to deliver over there.';
frame 6 {
output.text = 'Emmett: Ah, really? You\'re not just saying that to make me feel better, right? Huh, weird. I somehow still feel relieved even if you didn\'t mean it.';
frame 7 {
output.text = 'Emmett: Hm? Wait... I was supposed to deliver some packages to Cigam... but those packages are still on that train I jumped off of... Uh oh, this isn\'t good.';
frame 8 {
output.text = 'Emmett: Huh? N-no! Don\'t think that, please! I-I\'m really glad that we met. I\'ve never met someone as kind as you before! I fall down all the time, but no one ever helped me out like how you did.';
frame 9 {
output.text = 'Emmett: R-really? Are you serious? Then does that mean that you\'re a time traveler? That\'s so cool!';
frame 10 {
output.text = 'Emmett: Just a lucky guess. When the company sent me to this city I was actually pretty excited because I really wanted to see the hole in the sky that people have been making such a fuss about.';
frame 11 {
output.text = 'Emmett: Really? Wow, I wish that I could travel through time for fun... but then again, if I did, I would probably accidentally mess up the flow of space and time somehow.';
frame 12 {
output.text = 'Emmett: Haha, then I better stick around you, huh? That way I won\'t get lost anymore!';
frame 13 {
output.text = 'Emmett: I know, right? How was I supposed to know that I wasn\'t supposed to sit on it, haha.';
frame 14 {
output.text = 'Emmett: Me too. Are they like real people... or are they just moving puppets? I don\'t know why, but thinking about it makes me sad.';
_root.emmettgift = 1;
_root.emmettgift = 1;
frame 15 {
output.text = 'Emmett: Oh, I get seasick easily and I can\'t afford a car or a horse. The company doesn\'t really care about how its employees get the job done just as long as they get the packages delivered before the deadlines.';
frame 16 {
output.text = 'Emmett: Ah, that\'s good. Your home\'s in the future, right? Must be nice to have a home that you can return to at the end of a long day...';
frame 17 {
output.text = 'Emmett: Um, I don\'t really know. A lady who brought me to the orphanage I was raised at said that I was alone in the streets when she had found me...';
frame 18 {
output.text = 'Emmett: N-no, I could never. I\'m too old now. Anyways, I can take care of myself. The orphanage needs room for kids less fortunate than me.';
frame 19 {
output.text = 'Emmett: ...A-ah, y-yeah. Thanks. Sorry for making you worry. I\'ll make sure to be more careful.';
frame 20 {
output.text = 'Emmett: Oh good. I was afraid that you were going to say that you didn\'t. H-here, I got these for you. I wanted to get a gift for you just to be nice...! Th-this isn\'t weird, is it? Recieving something from a guy I mean...';
_root.bouquet += 1;
frame 21 {
output.text = 'Emmett: No, no. I-it wasn\'t that traumatizing. It was about an evil gingerbread man... a really evil one. He ran around the city and turned everything and everyone into cookies and cakes. Isn\'t that horrible?';
frame 22 {
output.text = 'Emmett: Really? You think so? That\'s the first time someone\'s said that to me. It... makes me kind of happy actually. I\'ve always thought that I was kind of, you know... unwanted.';
frame 23 {
output.text = 'Emmett: Wh-what? C\'mon, y-you\'re just being nice...! I-I\'m not really...';
frame 24 {
output.text = 'Emmett: ...Th-thank you.';
_root.emmettevent = 1;
_root.emmettevent = 1;
frame 25 {
output.text = 'Emmett: Oh! I\'ve passed by that place a couple of times. I\'ll definitely go check it out!';
frame 26 {
output.text = 'Emmett: Huh, yellow skin... that can\'t be a good sign. Maybe he\'s really sick or has some terrible disease. The poor guy.';
frame 27 {
output.text = 'Emmett: More people should though I think. Mother nature needs to be treated with care too.';
frame 28 {
output.text = 'Emmett: Yeah, I hope so. I\'m kind of jealous though. Birds are free and fly wherever they want. Life sounds a lot more easier for them.';
frame 29 {
output.text = 'Emmett: That\'s true... Heh, then I guess that I\'m fine with my bad luck. It\'s easy to forget about all the bad things when I\'m around you.';
frame 30 {
output.text = 'Emmett: R-really? Um, th-thanks.';
frame 31 {
output.text = 'Emmett: Ah, m-maybe. I guess I just got scared by his barking.';
frame 32 {
output.text = 'Emmett: R-right...! What was I thinking? Hm, maybe I\'ll just call him Birdy or something like that.';
frame 33 {
output.text = 'Emmett: Huh? Um, I guess that I\'m pretty good at cooking... maybe I\'ll try finding a job at a restaurant or something.';
frame 34 {
output.text = 'Emmett: Um, n-no, not at all! I could never be... you\'re so nice to me.';
frame 35 {
output.text = 'Emmett: Oh, all kinds of things. He tends to bring up... strange topics though.';
frame 36 {
output.text = 'Emmett: Uh huh! I\'ve always kind of liked cooking, but baking is fun too!';
frame 37 {
output.text = 'Emmett: Y-yeah...';
frame 38 {
output.text = 'Emmett: Oh. R-really...? I\'m sorry to hear that... um...';
frame 39 {
output.text = 'Emmett: Huh? Would it really be okay for you to? Uh, n-not that I don\'t want you to stay, b-but... um, I\'m glad.';
frame 40 {
output.text = 'Emmett: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .';
frame 41 {
output.text = 'Emmett: I really do hope that you and I can keep on being together like this...';
frame 42 {
output.text = 'Emmett: A-ah, no. Unfortunately I can\'t see out of it anymore. The tissue around my eye is kind of scarred so I might have to wear an eye patch or something...';
frame 43 {
output.text = 'Emmett: I wanted to stay here in this city... with you.';
frame 44 {
output.text = 'Emmett: I, um... well, I\'m not really sure. I-it\'s just that you were the first person who really cared about me...';
frame 2448 {
if (_root.jackbad == 0) {
if (_root.jackbad == 1) {
if (_root.jackbad == 2) {
if (_root.jackbad == 3) {
if (_root.jackbad == 4) {
if (_root.jackbad == 5) {
if (_root.jackbad == 6) {
if (_root.jackbad == 7) {
if (_root.jackbad == 8) {
if (_root.jackbad == 9) {
if (_root.jackbad == 10) {
if (_root.jackbad == 11) {
if (_root.jackbad == 12) {
if (_root.jackbad == 13) {
if (_root.jackbad == 14) {
if (_root.jackbad == 15) {
if (_root.jackbad == 16) {
if (_root.jackbad == 17) {
if (_root.jackbad == 18) {
if (_root.jackbad == 19) {
if (_root.jackbad == 20) {
if (_root.jackbad == 21) {
if (_root.jackbad == 22) {
if (_root.jackbad == 23) {
if (_root.jackbad == 24) {
if (_root.jackbad == 25) {
if (_root.jackbad == 26) {
if (_root.jackbad == 27) {
if (_root.jackbad == 28) {
if (_root.jackbad == 29) {
if (_root.jackbad == 30) {
if (_root.jackbad == 31) {
if (_root.jackbad == 32) {
if (_root.jackbad == 33) {
if (_root.jackbad == 34) {
if (_root.jackbad == 35) {
if (_root.jackbad == 36) {
if (_root.jackbad == 37) {
if (_root.jackbad == 38) {
if (_root.jackbad == 39) {
if (_root.jackbad == 40) {
if (_root.jackbad == 41) {
if (_root.jackbad == 42) {
if (_root.jackbad >= 43) {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
movieClip 1722 {
frame 1 {
output.text = 'Emmett: What are you talking about? I promised, didn\'t I? Lots of trouble or not, I have to keep my word.';
frame 2 {
output.text = 'Emmett: Um, w-well it all happened so quickly... I wasn\'t really thinking. But at least I kept my promise, right?';
frame 3 {
output.text = 'Emmett: Oh, I was here for business reasons. Though I do try to have fun here and there with my job.';
frame 4 {
output.text = 'Emmett: I-if I didn\'t I would have had regrets for the rest of my life...!';
frame 5 {
output.text = 'Emmett: I\'m kind of tired of my job actually, maybe I\'ll take a break before I start traveling again.';
frame 6 {
output.text = 'Emmett: C-cool? Do you really think so...?';
frame 7 {
output.text = 'Emmett: Um, s-sure! You\'re a very likeable girl. I hope that we can be good friends in the long run.';
frame 8 {
output.text = 'Emmett: Y-yeah, I do. But I always try to make the best of it.';
frame 9 {
output.text = 'Emmett: Aha, I can\'t argue with that. Though watches are kind of expensive...';
frame 10 {
output.text = 'Emmett: Kind of? Is it a bit complicated to explain? S-sorry...';
frame 11 {
output.text = 'Emmett: Wow, that sounds like a hard job. It must keep you busy, huh?';
frame 12 {
output.text = 'Emmett: I know, right? *sigh* Life sure is hard...';
frame 13 {
output.text = 'Emmett: Oh, I think it\'s too late to get these stains out. Oh well, at least the front of my clothes are still clean.';
frame 14 {
output.text = 'Emmett: Hm, I guess it does. I wonder if the dolls he made were the creepy-looking ones...';
frame 15 {
output.text = 'Emmett: Y-yeah... I never got those packages to Cigam delivered. If I return to the company I\'ll probably not only get fired, but fined big time.';
frame 16 {
output.text = 'Emmett: But isn\'t your home in the future? A home is a great thing to have- Ah... I guess I wouldn\'t know since I\'ve never had one...';
frame 17 {
output.text = 'Emmett: ...Huh, I don\'t really remember. I do remember being picked on a lot though.';
frame 18 {
output.text = 'Emmett: M-maybe so... actually probably. *sigh* Bad things always happen to me.';
frame 19 {
output.text = 'Emmett: Um, I guess so? He yelled and swore a lot but I think the main reason he didn\'t fire me then was because the company didn\'t have a lot of employees.';
frame 20 {
output.text = 'Emmett: Oh... r-really? Me too, haha. Um, never mind...';
frame 21 {
output.text = 'Emmett: Ah, y-yeah... you\'re right. I just hope that I don\'t have anymore nightmares...';
frame 22 {
output.text = 'Emmett: Haha, I get that a lot...';
frame 23 {
output.text = 'Emmett: K-kind of I guess. Well, I have been rejected and neglected by most people I\'ve met...';
frame 24 {
output.text = 'Emmett: Y-yes, of course! You\'re a really good friend and probably the nicest girl I\'ve ever met.';
frame 25 {
output.text = 'Emmett: Nah, not really. The only fun part of it was traveling by train, but it was actually a really tough and stressful job.';
frame 26 {
output.text = 'Emmett: R-really? You think so? Haha, maybe.';
frame 27 {
output.text = 'Emmett: Oh, that\'s too bad. *sigh* People will never take the environment seriously, will they?';
frame 28 {
output.text = 'Emmett: A-ah. Oh... well aren\'t the more colorful birds usually males? Um, or are all blue birds blue...? Aha...';
frame 29 {
output.text = 'Emmett: Th-thanks. I just hope that I don\'t die young as they always say that \'good people die young\'.';
frame 30 {
output.text = 'Emmett: Well I\'m kind of clumsy and weird, but maybe my kids won\'t mind that. Haha, I just hope that they don\'t turn out like me.';
frame 31 {
output.text = 'Emmett: P-probably. Haha, though I gotta admit that it makes life at least a little bit more exciting for me... maybe.';
frame 32 {
output.text = 'Emmett: Yeah, of course. I always tell him about my day and ask him how he\'s doing.';
frame 33 {
output.text = 'Emmett: Aha, that\'s true. I\'m really bad at remember numbers though. I definitely can\'t work for a bank or anything like that.';
frame 34 {
output.text = 'Emmett: No, I was never good at it anyways. I try to avoid fighting as much as I can.';
frame 35 {
output.text = 'Emmett: Haha, neither do I. But all that really matters is that he\'s a nice guy.';
frame 36 {
output.text = 'Emmett: O-of course! Don\'t worry about that. It\'s just a part time job anyways.';
frame 37 {
output.text = 'Emmett: Ah, I guess I kind of do. It\'s hard not to for me...';
frame 38 {
output.text = 'Emmett: R-really? Um, thanks. I like you too. I couldn\'t ask for a better friend.';
frame 39 {
output.text = 'Emmett: Yeah, it would be good for you to go back to the future. I\'ll miss you, but I promise that I\'ll never forget you.';
frame 40 {
output.text = 'Emmett: ...I do too. Well, this city I mean... this city really feels like a real home to me. I think this is the first time I\'ve ever really felt as if I belonged somewhere.';
frame 41 {
output.text = 'Emmett: H-huh? Ah, yeah I\'m fine. Th-thanks.';
frame 42 {
output.text = 'Emmett: R-really? I actually thought that they make me look kind of scary...';
frame 43 {
output.text = 'Emmett: Yeah, it is. I\'m really glad that I decided to stay in it.';
frame 44 {
output.text = 'Emmett: S-sorry, I kind of felt like I had to.';
frame 2449 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Emmett: Sure, sounds great! Let\'s go right now!';
output2.text = '• Okay.';
output3.text = '• Hold on, I\'m not ready yet.';
button 1723 {
on (release) {
button 1724 {
on (release) {
frame 2450 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
_root.hp -= 50;
frame 2466 {
_root.datetalk = 3;
_root.dategift = 2;
_root.datetea = 1;
_root.mood = 0;
_root.ondate = 1;
frame 2485 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
_root.giveitem._visible = false;
_root.leavedate._visible = false;;
button 1733 {
on (release) {
if (_root.datetalk == 0) {
on (release) {
if (_root.datetalk >= 1) {
button 1734 {
on (release) {
if (_root.dategift >= 1) {
_root.giveitem._visible = true;
on (release) {
if (_root.dategift == 0) {
button 1735 {
on (release) {
if (_root.mood == 5) {
on (release) {
if (_root.mood <= 4) {
button 1748 {
on (release) {
if (_root.candy >= 1) {
_root.candy -= 1;
button 1749 {
on (release) {
if (_root.candybar >= 1) {
_root.candybar -= 1;
button 1750 {
on (release) {
if (_root.wristwatch >= 1) {
_root.wristwatch -= 1;
button 1751 {
on (release) {
if (_root.stickers >= 1) {
_root.stickers -= 1;
button 1752 {
on (release) {
if (_root.plush >= 1) {
_root.plush -= 1;
button 1753 {
on (release) {
if (_root.tea >= 1) {
_root.tea -= 1;
button 1754 {
on (release) {
if (_root.soda >= 1) {
_root.soda -= 1;
button 1755 {
on (release) {
if (_root.bouquet >= 1) {
_root.bouquet -= 1;
button 1756 {
on (release) {
if (_root.tokens >= 1) {
_root.tokens -= 1;
button 1757 {
on (release) {
if (_root.novel >= 1) {
_root.novel -= 1;
button 1758 {
on (release) {
if ( >= 1) { -= 1;
button 1759 {
on (release) {
if (_root.compass >= 1) {
_root.compass -= 1;
button 1761 {
on (release) {
frame 2486 {
_root.mood += 1;
_root.dategift -= 1;
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Emmett: Oh, thank you, ' + player_name + '! I\'m glad that you were thinking of me.';
button 1765 {
on (release) {
frame 2487 {
_root.dategift -= 1;
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Emmett: I-I don\'t need this. I\'m happy enough just spending time with you.';
frame 2488 {
function ansGen() {
generate = random(5);
ans = ['Emmett: This is fun isn\'t it, ' + player_name + '? I\'m glad that we can spend time together like this.', 'Emmett: Hey... can we hold hands? You don\'t mind, right?', 'Emmett: You look nice today, ' + player_name + '. You seem to get more and more cute the longer I look at you.', 'Emmett: Are you tired, ' + player_name + '? We can take sit down and rest if you want.', 'Emmett: It\'s a nice day, isn\'t it? It\'s perfect for relaxing and taking it easy, huh?'];
_root.outputdate = ans[generate];
_root.mood += 1;
_root.datetalk -= 1;;
_root.giveitem._visible = false;
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
frame 2489 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = player_name + ': I think that we should do something else...';
frame 2490 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Emmett: S-sure, if you don\'t mind, ' + player_name + '.';
button 1780 {
on (release) {
frame 2491 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
frame 2504 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
frame 2517 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
_root.jack += 60;;
outputi.text = 'Date successful!';
frame 2518 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Emmett: Well, we should head back now. I hope that we\'ll do this again soon.';
button 1790 {
on (release) {
frame 2519 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
button 1792 {
on (release) {
if (_root.fix == 0) {;
on (release) {
if (_root.fix == 1 && _root.inpast == 1) {
on (release) {
if (_root.fix == 1 && _root.infuture == 1) {
on (release) {
if (_root.ondate == 1 && _root.fix == 1) {;
frame 2535 {
_root.ondate = 0;
frame 2553 {
frame 2554 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
button 1803 {
on (release) {
if ( >= 3) {;
on (release) {
if ( <= 2) {;
button 1805 {
on (release) {
if ( >= 2) {;
on (release) {
if ( <= 1) {;
button 1807 {
on (release) {
if ( >= 20) {;
on (release) {
if ( <= 19) {;
button 1809 {
on (release) {
if ( >= 15) {;
on (release) {
if ( <= 14) {;
button 1811 {
on (release) {
if ( >= 5) {;
on (release) {
if ( <= 4) {;
button 1813 {
on (release) {
if ( >= 10) {;
on (release) {
if ( <= 9) {;
movieClip 1819 {
movieClip 1822 {
button 1824 {
on (release) {
button 1828 {
on (release) {
if (_root.hp >= 10) {;
on (release) {
if (_root.hp <= 9) {;
frame 2555 {
function ansGen() {
generate = random(4);
ans = ['Mr. Toko: You\'re a time traveler, right? Me too! Well, it\'s not my official occupation, but I do have the ability to jump from world to world and from era to era.', 'Mr. Toko: Are you asking me out? Sorry, but I prefer my women more... buff and muscular. Anyways, I think that you\'re too young for me. I don\'t want to see myself on \'To Catch a Predator\'...', 'Mr. Toko: Don\'t tell anybody, but I stole those tokens. Hey, I justed needed more merchandise for this shop. Gotta keep my business running, y\'know?', 'Mr. Toko: Out of all of the peeps around here, I gotta say that Emmett\'s the most \'kawaii\'... Bianca\'s my runner up though. Those are my two cents, just sayin\'.'];
_root.outputtoko = ans[generate];
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
movieClip 1833 {
button 1834 {
on (release) {
frame 2556 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
movieClip 1843 {
button 1847 {
on (release) {
button 1849 {
on (release) {
frame 2557 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = player_name + ': It looks like there\'s a person in that glass case... but she\'s not moving. Maybe it\'s just a statue or a doll of some sort.';
button 1851 {
on (release) {
frame 2558 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
_root.giveitem._visible = false;
movieClip 1868 {
button 1870 {
on (release) {
if (_root.biancaevent == 1) {
on (release) {
if (_root.biancaevent == 0) {
button 1871 {
on (release) {
if (_root.hp >= 10) {
on (release) {
if (_root.hp <= 9) {;
button 1872 {
on (release) {
if (_root.hp <= 49) {;
on (release) {
if (_root.biancadate == 0) {
on (release) {
if (_root.hp >= 50) {
if (_root.biancadate == 1) {
button 1873 {
on (release) {
if (_root.biancagift == 0) {
on (release) {
if (_root.biancagift == 1) {
_root.giveitem._visible = true;
button 1886 {
on (release) {
if (_root.candy >= 1) {
_root.candy -= 1;
button 1887 {
on (release) {
if (_root.candybar >= 1) {
_root.candybar -= 1;
button 1888 {
on (release) {
if (_root.wristwatch >= 1) {
_root.wristwatch -= 1;
button 1889 {
on (release) {
if (_root.stickers >= 1) {
_root.stickers -= 1;
button 1890 {
on (release) {
if (_root.plush >= 1) {
_root.plush -= 1;
button 1891 {
on (release) {
if (_root.tea >= 1) {
_root.tea -= 1;
button 1892 {
on (release) {
if (_root.soda >= 1) {
_root.soda -= 1;
button 1893 {
on (release) {
if (_root.bouquet >= 1) {
_root.bouquet -= 1;
button 1894 {
on (release) {
if (_root.tokens >= 1) {
_root.tokens -= 1;
button 1895 {
on (release) {
if (_root.novel >= 1) {
_root.novel -= 1;
button 1896 {
on (release) {
if ( >= 1) { -= 1;
button 1897 {
on (release) {
if (_root.compass >= 1) {
_root.compass -= 1;
frame 2559 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Bianca: Ah. I\'m sorry, ' + player_name + ', but I can\'t drink this...';
movieClip 1901 {
button 1903 {
on (release) {
frame 2560 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Bianca: Thank you, but my body has no use for food, ' + player_name + '.';
frame 2561 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Bianca: How nice, but with my body, I probably won\'t be able to even taste this.';
frame 2562 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Bianca: Oh, this brings back memories. My father used to drink tea all the time... it was something that he loved very much.';
frame 2563 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Bianca: This is for me? ... Thank you.';
frame 2564 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
_root.bianca += 30;
outputi.text = 'Bianca: ... Ah, how pretty. Thank you, ' + player_name + '. It\'s been a while since I\'ve seen flowers. There used to a lot of these growing around the mansion, but they all died over time.';
frame 2565 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Bianca: Thank you for the offer, but I\'ll pass.';
frame 2566 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Bianca: No thank you. I don\'t need it.';
frame 2567 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
_root.piano = 0;
_root.piano = 0;
outputi.text = 'Bianca: Ah, what a nice tune. Father used to play that melody all the time...';
frame 2568 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
_root.hp -= 10;
if (_root.biancatalkpoint == 0) {
if (_root.biancatalkpoint == 1) {
if (_root.biancatalkpoint == 2) {
if (_root.biancatalkpoint == 3) {
if (_root.biancatalkpoint == 4) {
if (_root.biancatalkpoint == 5) {
if (_root.biancatalkpoint == 6) {
if (_root.biancatalkpoint == 7) {
if (_root.biancatalkpoint == 8) {
if (_root.biancatalkpoint == 9) {
if (_root.biancatalkpoint == 10) {
if (_root.biancatalkpoint == 11) {
if (_root.biancatalkpoint == 12) {
if (_root.biancatalkpoint == 13) {
if (_root.biancatalkpoint == 14) {
if (_root.biancatalkpoint == 15) {
if (_root.biancatalkpoint == 16) {
if (_root.biancatalkpoint == 17) {
if (_root.biancatalkpoint == 18) {
if (_root.biancatalkpoint == 19) {
if (_root.biancatalkpoint == 20) {
if (_root.biancatalkpoint == 21) {
if (_root.biancatalkpoint == 22) {
if (_root.biancatalkpoint == 23) {
if (_root.biancatalkpoint == 24) {
if (_root.biancatalkpoint == 25) {
if (_root.biancatalkpoint == 26) {
if (_root.biancatalkpoint == 27) {
if (_root.biancatalkpoint == 28) {
if (_root.biancatalkpoint == 29) {
if (_root.biancatalkpoint == 30) {
if (_root.biancatalkpoint == 31) {
if (_root.biancatalkpoint == 32) {
if (_root.biancatalkpoint == 33) {
if (_root.biancatalkpoint == 34) {
if (_root.biancatalkpoint == 35) {
if (_root.biancatalkpoint == 36) {
if (_root.biancatalkpoint == 37) {
if (_root.biancatalkpoint == 38) {
if (_root.biancatalkpoint == 39) {
if (_root.biancatalkpoint == 40) {
if (_root.biancatalkpoint == 41) {
if (_root.biancatalkpoint == 42) {
if (_root.biancatalkpoint == 43) {
if (_root.biancatalkpoint >= 44) {
button 1922 {
on (release) {
button 1923 {
on (release) {
movieClip 1931 {
frame 1 {
output.text = 'Bianca: Oh, hello.';
output2.text = '• Hi. How are you?';
output3.text = '• Let\'s be friends!';
frame 2 {
output.text = 'Bianca: What are you doing?';
output2.text = '• Talking to you of course.';
output3.text = '• I\'m just looking around.';
frame 3 {
output.text = 'Bianca: (What should I say to her?)';
output2.text = '• This sure is a big mansion.';
output3.text = '• I like your dress.';
frame 4 {
output.text = 'Bianca: Father is not here so I must take care of this mansion for now.';
output2.text = '• Sounds like a big responsibility.';
output3.text = '• Will he be coming back soon?';
frame 5 {
output.text = '(What should I ask her?)';
output2.text = '• Where\'s your dad?';
output3.text = '• Do you have any hobbies?';
frame 6 {
output.text = '(What should I ask her?)';
output2.text = '• You don\'t talk a lot, huh?';
output3.text = '• Do you have a mom?';
frame 7 {
output.text = 'Bianca: Are you just here to ask me questions?';
output2.text = '• Um, sorry. I got kind of carried away.';
output3.text = '• No, I want to talk about other stuff too.';
frame 8 {
output.text = '(What should I ask her?)';
output2.text = '• Who was your dad?';
output3.text = '• How do you keep your hair so nice looking?';
frame 9 {
output.text = 'Bianca: Nighttime is the most lovely time of day. That\'s when the stars come out and shine.';
output2.text = '• Too bad not as many can shine with the light pollution.';
output3.text = '• You like stars?';
frame 10 {
output.text = 'Bianca: Father used to paint a lot in his free time. He said that one must draw well in order to be a good wizard.';
output2.text = '• What kinds of things did he paint?';
output3.text = '• Your dad was a wizard?';
frame 11 {
output.text = '(What should I say to her?)';
output2.text = '• I\'m actually from the future.';
output3.text = '• I think you\'re pretty nice.';
frame 12 {
output.text = '(What should I say to her?)';
output2.text = '• I think you\'re pretty, really.';
output3.text = '• You\'re kind of strange, but interesting.';
frame 13 {
output.text = 'Bianca: I\'m the first and only successful living doll Father has ever made. He told me that all the other ones were failures.';
output2.text = '• What did he do with the others?';
output3.text = '• I can tell he really put his heart into making you.';
frame 14 {
output.text = 'Bianca: My favorite thing in this mansion is that white piano. Father used to play it all the time.';
output2.text = '• It\'s a really beautiful piano...';
output3.text = '• He was good at a lot of things, huh?';
frame 15 {
output.text = 'Bianca: I had a dream about horses. They were lots of them... running in an open field. It was rather a peculiar dream.';
output2.text = '• You can actually dream?';
output3.text = '• Why was it peculiar you think?';
frame 16 {
output.text = 'Bianca: Yes? Do you need something, Guest?';
output2.text = '• Not really. Are you busy? Let\'s chat.';
output3.text = '• Sorry, am I bothering you?';
frame 17 {
output.text = '(What should I ask her?)';
output2.text = '• Do you miss your father?';
output3.text = '• How old are you?';
frame 18 {
output.text = 'Bianca: I\'m afraid to leave this place. I was always told that the world outside is a wicked place.';
output2.text = '• But it\'s really not, it\'s actually pretty nice.';
output3.text = '• But you don\'t think that I\'m wicked, do you?';
frame 19 {
output.text = 'Bianca: Father would only let nice people into this mansion, but I trust you. I believe that you are a nice and pure person.';
output2.text = '• What makes you think that?';
output3.text = '• Thanks, I\'m glad that you trust me.';
frame 20 {
output.text = '(What should I ask her?)';
output2.text = '• How did you dad die?';
output3.text = '• Why do you like your dad so much?';
frame 21 {
output.text = '(What should I ask her?)';
output2.text = '• Why did your dad create you?';
output3.text = '• How did your dad make you?';
frame 22 {
output.text = 'Bianca: Father loved expensive ceramics. He had a very large collection of the finest ones.';
output2.text = '• Why would he like ceramics?';
output3.text = '• Your dad sounds like a rich guy.';
frame 23 {
output.text = 'Bianca: . . . . . . . . . . . . . .';
output2.text = '• Um, hey there.';
output3.text = '• You look troubled, Bianca.';
frame 24 {
output.text = 'Bianca: Fuchsia is a lovely color, isn\'t it?';
output2.text = '• What now?';
output3.text = '• It\'s sort of girly, but you would look good in it.';
frame 25 {
output.text = 'Bianca: Would you like some tea? Nobody lives here anymore besides me and I can\'t drink it...';
output2.text = '• Sure, thanks.';
output3.text = '• Why not?';
frame 26 {
output.text = 'Bianca: I don\'t mean to be rude, but why do you keep on visiting me?';
output2.text = '• Is that a bad thing?';
output3.text = '• I like talking to you.';
frame 27 {
output.text = 'Bianca: I... enjoy your company very much. Please feel free to come visit anytime.';
output2.text = '• You get lonely, right?';
output3.text = '• Sure, thanks. I\'ll come often then.';
frame 28 {
output.text = 'Bianca: Father once said that he would teach me how to ballroom dance, but he never actually did. I understand though, he was a very busy man...';
output2.text = '• What was he so busy with?';
output3.text = '• I would teach you, but I don\'t know how to.';
frame 29 {
output.text = 'Bianca: My favorite story is about an orphan girl that becomes a princess. Father used to read it to me all the time...';
output2.text = '• What other stories do you like?';
output3.text = '• Princess, huh? You kind of look like one you know.';
frame 30 {
output.text = 'Bianca: A strange yellow creature with a top hat just flew by outside the window. He... was scary looking.';
output2.text = '• Don\'t be scared. I\'m sure he meant no harm.';
output3.text = '• Don\'t worry, it was probably just your imagination.';
frame 31 {
output.text = 'Bianca: The outside world is constantly changing, but I don\'t have to worry about that happening to this mansion. It has been the same... ever since Father left.';
output2.text = '• Change isn\'t a bad thing though.';
output3.text = '• Don\'t be afraid of going outside. It\'s really nice, I promise.';
frame 32 {
output.text = 'Bianca: The longest time is farther than longest distance, isn\'t it?';
output2.text = '• You\'re talking about the future and this time, right?';
output3.text = '• That doesn\'t make any sense...?';
frame 33 {
output.text = 'Bianca: . . . . . . . . . . . . . .';
output2.text = '• Um, hello?';
output3.text = '• What\'s wrong.';
frame 34 {
output.text = 'Bianca: You are... my first friend. I\'ve never been close to anyone other than Father before...';
output2.text = '• I\'m glad to hear that.';
output3.text = '• You still like your dad a lot though, right?';
frame 35 {
output.text = '(What should I say to her?)';
output2.text = '• You should smile more, Bianca.';
output3.text = '• If you need anything from me, just ask.';
frame 36 {
output.text = 'Bianca: ...Um, oh. N-never mind.';
output2.text = '• Is something bothering you?';
output3.text = '• What is it?';
frame 37 {
output.text = 'Bianca: I once rode on a carousel. It was at a fair Father took me to...';
output2.text = '• Was going outside not so scary back then?';
output3.text = '• Sounds like that was fun.';
frame 38 {
output.text = 'Bianca: Is the future rather peaceful?';
output2.text = '• Yeah, I would say that it is.';
output3.text = '• Why do you ask?';
frame 39 {
output.text = 'Bianca: I found this in the living room. Would you like it? There\'s no need to keep it around here anymore...';
output2.text = '• Doesn\'t it belong to your dad?';
output3.text = '• Sure, thanks.';
frame 40 {
output.text = '(What should I say to her her?)';
output2.text = '• I really like you, Bianca.';
output3.text = '• I won\'t be able to time travel anymore soon.';
frame 41 {
output.text = 'Bianca: Are you... going to be returning to your home in the future?';
output2.text = '• I don\'t really know yet.';
output3.text = '• I kind of have to, don\'t I?';
frame 42 {
output.text = 'Bianca: Does it bother you to be around me...?';
output2.text = '• What made you think that?';
output3.text = '• No, not at all. Why?';
frame 43 {
output.text = 'Bianca: P-please stay here... or I\'ll be lonely.';
output2.text = '• It\'s okay, Bianca. I won\'t leave you.';
output3.text = '• C\'mon, don\'t be sad now.';
frame 44 {
output.text = 'Bianca: Did you know that life isn\'t exactly timeless for a doll like me? I can die... of a broken heart.';
output2.text = '• Being able to die is nice. Outliving your loved ones is sad.';
output3.text = '• That\'s kind of unfortunate.';
frame 45 {
output.text = 'Bianca: You know, I believed that I wasn\'t going to be to survive without Father around... but you kept my heart from breaking. You... kept me alive.';
output2.text = '• I\'m glad that I could be there for you.';
output3.text = '• But what will happen to you when I die?';
frame 2569 {
_root.biancagood += 1;
_root.biancabad += 1;
_root.biancatalkpoint += 1;
_root.bianca += 10;
frame 2569 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
if (_root.biancagood == 0) {
if (_root.rolandgood == 1) {
if (_root.biancagood == 2) {
if (_root.biancagood == 3) {
if (_root.biancagood == 4) {
if (_root.biancagood == 5) {
if (_root.biancagood == 6) {
if (_root.biancagood == 7) {
if (_root.biancagood == 8) {
if (_root.biancagood == 9) {
if (_root.biancagood == 10) {
if (_root.biancagood == 11) {
if (_root.biancagood == 12) {
if (_root.biancagood == 13) {
if (_root.biancagood == 14) {
if (_root.biancagood == 15) {
if (_root.biancagood == 16) {
if (_root.biancagood == 17) {
if (_root.biancagood == 18) {
if (_root.biancagood == 19) {
if (_root.biancagood == 20) {
if (_root.biancagood == 21) {
if (_root.biancagood == 22) {
if (_root.biancagood == 23) {
if (_root.biancagood == 24) {
if (_root.biancagood == 25) {
if (_root.biancagood == 26) {
if (_root.biancagood == 27) {
if (_root.biancagood == 28) {
if (_root.biancagood == 29) {
if (_root.biancagood == 30) {
if (_root.biancagood == 31) {
if (_root.biancagood == 32) {
if (_root.biancagood == 33) {
if (_root.biancagood == 34) {
if (_root.biancagood == 35) {
if (_root.biancagood == 36) {
if (_root.biancagood == 37) {
if (_root.biancagood == 38) {
if (_root.biancagood == 39) {
if (_root.biancagood == 40) {
if (_root.biancagood == 41) {
if (_root.biancagood == 42) {
if (_root.biancagood == 43) {
if (_root.biancagood >= 44) {
movieClip 1941 {
frame 1 {
output.text = 'Bianca: I\'m quite fine, thank you very much.';
frame 2 {
output.text = 'Bianca: I see.';
frame 3 {
output.text = 'Bianca: Yes, it is.';
frame 4 {
output.text = 'Bianca: I don\'t think so.';
frame 5 {
output.text = 'Bianca: In heaven. At least that\'s what I was told.';
frame 6 {
output.text = 'Bianca: No, I only have a father.';
frame 7 {
output.text = 'Bianca: No, it\'s no trouble at all. It\'s just that nobody has ever asked me this many questions...';
frame 8 {
output.text = 'Bianca: Martel Hayes.';
frame 9 {
output.text = 'Bianca: Yes, they\'re very beautiful and Father told me that each star has its own story.';
frame 10 {
output.text = 'Bianca: Yes, he was a very skilled wizard.';
frame 11 {
output.text = 'Bianca: The future...? Father once tried to make a spell that would let him travel to it, but he never did succeed.';
frame 12 {
output.text = 'Bianca: Guests... tend to tell me that. But they usually don\'t call me \'interesting\'.';
frame 13 {
output.text = 'Bianca: Y-you think so...?';
frame 14 {
output.text = 'Bianca: Yes, I think so too...';
frame 15 {
output.text = 'Bianca: I\'ve never been around a horse before... let alone actually seen one. I\'ve only seen pictures of them in books...';
frame 16 {
output.text = 'Bianca: I\'m not busy. I wouldn\'t mind chatting.';
frame 17 {
output.text = 'Bianca: Yes, I do... but strangely my heart hasn\'t broken yet.';
frame 18 {
output.text = 'Bianca: N-no. Not at all...';
frame 19 {
output.text = 'Bianca: ...You don\'t say bad things about me... or my Father.';
frame 20 {
output.text = 'Bianca: Father was the kindest person in the world. He never did anything to make me sad... except leave for heaven, but that couldn\'t be helped.';
frame 21 {
output.text = 'Bianca: I... don\'t really know why he did.';
_root.biancagift = 1;
_root.biancagift = 1;
frame 22 {
output.text = 'Bianca: He always thought that finely made ones were beautiful. He said that you could tell how much heart was put into making a piece just by looking at it.';
frame 23 {
output.text = 'Bianca: N-no, I\'m just fine...';
frame 24 {
output.text = 'Bianca: Ah, you think so? It\'s unfortunate that I don\'t have any fuchsia dresses...';
frame 25 {
output.text = 'Bianca: Y-you\'re welcome.';
_root.tea += 1;
frame 26 {
output.text = 'Bianca: O-oh, I see...';
frame 27 {
output.text = 'Bianca: ...Thank you. That makes me happy.';
_root.biancaevent = 1;
_root.biancaevent = 1;
frame 28 {
output.text = 'Bianca: He worked very hard to create new spells to make this world a better place. He also made a lot of medicines and new breeds of flowers.';
frame 29 {
output.text = 'Bianca: Ah, th-thank you. I\'m... rather flattered.';
frame 30 {
output.text = 'Bianca: Ah, I hope so. I-I\'m still kind of scared. M-may I come closer to you?';
frame 31 {
output.text = 'Bianca: I only want to go outside if you\'re there with me... I-I\'m still kind of nervous to go alone.';
frame 32 {
output.text = 'Bianca: Yes. Your home in the future is so far away... from this place.';
frame 33 {
output.text = 'Bianca: ...I\'m not sure.';
frame 34 {
output.text = 'Bianca: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .';
frame 35 {
output.text = 'Bianca: O-oh. I\'m sorry. It\'s just that I never smiled in front of others very much. But, when I\'m around you, smiling feels... natural.';
frame 36 {
output.text = 'Bianca: I-it\'s nothing important.';
frame 37 {
output.text = 'Bianca: Yes. It was a very fond memory...';
frame 38 {
output.text = 'Bianca: That\'s a relief. I hope that peaceful times will last for much time to come.';
frame 39 {
output.text = 'Bianca: You are quite welcome.';
_root.compass += 1;
frame 40 {
output.text = 'Bianca: ...Oh, I see. That is rather unfortunate.';
frame 41 {
output.text = 'Bianca: This... is your home now too. You can stay here as long as you want, okay?';
frame 42 {
output.text = 'Bianca: I don\'t... want you to leave me.';
frame 43 {
output.text = 'Bianca: R-really? Please don\'t be lying to me...';
frame 44 {
output.text = 'Bianca: I\'ve never thought of it that way before...';
frame 45 {
output.text = 'Bianca: My heart might break... but then I would be with you.';
frame 2570 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
if (_root.biancabad == 0) {
if (_root.biancabad == 1) {
if (_root.biancabad == 2) {
if (_root.biancabad == 3) {
if (_root.biancabad == 4) {
if (_root.biancabad == 5) {
if (_root.biancabad == 6) {
if (_root.biancabad == 7) {
if (_root.biancabad == 8) {
if (_root.biancabad == 9) {
if (_root.biancabad == 10) {
if (_root.biancabad == 11) {
if (_root.biancabad == 12) {
if (_root.biancabad == 13) {
if (_root.biancabad == 14) {
if (_root.biancabad == 15) {
if (_root.biancabad == 16) {
if (_root.biancabad == 17) {
if (_root.biancabad == 18) {
if (_root.biancabad == 19) {
if (_root.biancabad == 20) {
if (_root.biancabad == 21) {
if (_root.biancabad == 22) {
if (_root.biancabad == 23) {
if (_root.biancabad == 24) {
if (_root.biancabad == 25) {
if (_root.biancabad == 26) {
if (_root.biancabad == 27) {
if (_root.biancabad == 28) {
if (_root.biancabad == 29) {
if (_root.biancabad == 30) {
if (_root.biancabad == 31) {
if (_root.biancabad == 32) {
if (_root.biancabad == 33) {
if (_root.biancabad == 34) {
if (_root.biancabad == 35) {
if (_root.biancabad == 36) {
if (_root.biancabad == 37) {
if (_root.biancabad == 38) {
if (_root.biancabad == 39) {
if (_root.biancabad == 40) {
if (_root.biancabad == 41) {
if (_root.biancabad == 42) {
if (_root.biancabad == 43) {
if (_root.biancabad >= 44) {
movieClip 1944 {
frame 1 {
output.text = 'Bianca: I\'m not sure if that would be very appropriate for us to right now...';
frame 2 {
output.text = 'Bianca: Ah. Sorry for asking an obvious question...';
frame 3 {
output.text = 'Bianca: Thank you. Father bought it for me a really long time ago.';
frame 4 {
output.text = 'Bianca: It won\'t be too difficult...';
frame 5 {
output.text = 'Bianca: I like to spend time with Father and... play in the garden sometimes...';
frame 6 {
output.text = 'Bianca: I was never very good at conversations...';
frame 7 {
output.text = 'Bianca: Ah, I see.';
frame 8 {
output.text = 'Bianca: I brush it often with a boar bristle comb.';
frame 9 {
output.text = 'Bianca: Yes, it\'s rather unfortunate...';
frame 10 {
output.text = 'Bianca: He did a lot of portraits... sometimes he did landscapes too. But I think that his favorite thing to paint were angels.';
frame 11 {
output.text = 'Bianca: Thank you. I\'m glad that you do.';
frame 12 {
output.text = 'Bianca: Thank you...';
frame 13 {
output.text = 'Bianca: I\'m not sure... they\'re just empty dolls. Maybe he threw them away or took them apart and stored their pieces elsewhere?';
frame 14 {
output.text = 'Bianca: Yes, he was a wizard after all...';
frame 15 {
output.text = 'Bianca: Yes. I have memories and sometimes those memories create simulations and illusions when I\'m unconscious... just like you.';
frame 16 {
output.text = 'Bianca: No, you\'re not interrupting anything.';
frame 17 {
output.text = 'Bianca: I\'m sorry, I really have no idea...';
frame 18 {
output.text = 'Bianca: Perhaps the outside world has changed as time passed...';
frame 19 {
output.text = 'Bianca: N-no need to thank me...';
frame 20 {
output.text = 'Bianca: His body got old and eventually stopped functions... just like all normal people.';
frame 21 {
output.text = 'Bianca: Certainly not the same way your father used to make you...';
frame 22 {
output.text = 'Bianca: He was rather wealthy...';
frame 23 {
output.text = 'Bianca: Oh. Um, hello...';
frame 24 {
output.text = 'Bianca: Fuchsia. It\'s a vivid reddish and violet color. It was named after a flower.';
frame 25 {
output.text = 'Bianca: I\'m a doll... my body can\'t consume or digest food and liquids...';
frame 26 {
output.text = 'Bianca: N-no, not at all...';
frame 27 {
output.text = 'Bianca: N-no, I don\'t think that I do...';
frame 28 {
output.text = 'Bianca: O-oh, that\'s quite all right. Don\'t worry about it.';
frame 29 {
output.text = 'Bianca: I don\'t remember many of them... I do think that another one that I liked was about a world with a green moon.';
frame 30 {
output.text = 'Bianca: A-ah... perhaps...';
frame 31 {
output.text = 'Bianca: The thought of change... makes me nervous.';
frame 32 {
output.text = 'Bianca: O-oh, I\'m sorry. I say strange things sometimes...';
frame 33 {
output.text = 'Bianca: Ah, h-hello...';
frame 34 {
output.text = 'Bianca: O-of course I do...';
frame 35 {
output.text = 'Bianca: Oh... thank you very much.';
frame 36 {
output.text = 'Bianca: N-no, I\'m fine...';
frame 37 {
output.text = 'Bianca: Yes. Back then things were more peaceful.';
frame 38 {
output.text = 'Bianca: I was wondering whether or not the future is a nice place for you to live in...';
frame 39 {
output.text = 'Bianca: Oh, that\'s right... but I don\'t think that he has much of a use for this anymore.';
frame 40 {
output.text = 'Bianca: Th-thank you...';
frame 41 {
output.text = 'Bianca: Y-yes, I suppose...';
frame 42 {
output.text = 'Bianca: Um, n-nothing. I was just wondering...';
frame 43 {
output.text = 'Bianca: I-I\'m sorry...';
frame 44 {
output.text = 'Bianca: I suppose it is...';
frame 45 {
output.text = 'Bianca: You are very kind... Th-thank you...';
frame 2571 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Bianca: It would be nice to go out and enjoy the weather for a bit...';
output1.text = '• Let\'s go right now then.';
output2.text = '• Wait, maybe later.';
button 1945 {
on (release) {
button 1946 {
on (release) {
frame 2572 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
button 1955 {
on (release) {
_root.piano = 0;
_root.piano = 0;
button 1960 {
on (release) {
if (_root.piano == 8) {
_root.piano += 1;
} else {
_root.piano = 0;
_root.piano = 0;
button 1965 {
on (release) {
if (_root.piano == 3) {
_root.piano += 1;
} else {
_root.piano = 0;
_root.piano = 0;
button 1970 {
on (release) {
if (_root.piano == 5) {
_root.piano += 1;
} else {
_root.piano = 0;
_root.piano = 0;
button 1975 {
on (release) {
if (_root.piano == 0) {
_root.piano += 1;
on (release) {
if (_root.piano == 6) {
_root.piano += 1;
button 1980 {
on (release) {
if (_root.piano == 2) {
_root.piano += 1;
} else {
_root.piano = 0;
_root.piano = 0;
button 1985 {
on (release) {
_root.piano = 0;
_root.piano = 0;
button 1990 {
on (release) {
_root.piano = 0;
_root.piano = 0;
button 1996 {
on (release) {
if (_root.piano == 7) {
_root.piano += 1;
} else {
_root.piano = 0;
_root.piano = 0;
button 2001 {
on (release) {
_root.piano = 0;
_root.piano = 0;
button 2006 {
on (release) {
if (_root.piano == 4) {
_root.piano += 1;
} else {
_root.piano = 0;
_root.piano = 0;
button 2011 {
on (release) {
if (_root.piano == 1) {
_root.piano += 1;
on (release) {
if (_root.piano == 9 && _root.biancaunlock == 0) {
on (release) {
if (_root.piano == 9 && _root.biancaunlock == 1) {
button 2014 {
on (release) {
if (_root.biancaunlock == 1) {
on (release) {
if (_root.biancaunlock == 0) {
frame 2573 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
_root.hp -= 50;
frame 2589 {
_root.datetalk = 3;
_root.dategift = 2;
_root.datetea = 1;
_root.mood = 0;
_root.ondate = 1;
frame 2608 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
_root.giveitem._visible = false;
_root.leavedate._visible = false;;
button 2020 {
on (release) {
if (_root.datetalk == 0) {
on (release) {
if (_root.datetalk >= 1) {
button 2021 {
on (release) {
if (_root.dategift >= 1) {
_root.giveitem._visible = true;
on (release) {
if (_root.dategift == 0) {
button 2022 {
on (release) {
if (_root.mood == 5) {
on (release) {
if (_root.mood <= 4) {
button 2035 {
on (release) {
if (_root.candy >= 1) {
_root.candy -= 1;
button 2036 {
on (release) {
if (_root.candybar >= 1) {
_root.candybar -= 1;
button 2037 {
on (release) {
if (_root.wristwatch >= 1) {
_root.wristwatch -= 1;
button 2038 {
on (release) {
if (_root.stickers >= 1) {
_root.stickers -= 1;
button 2039 {
on (release) {
if (_root.plush >= 1) {
_root.plush -= 1;
button 2040 {
on (release) {
if (_root.tea >= 1) {
_root.tea -= 1;
button 2041 {
on (release) {
if (_root.soda >= 1) {
_root.soda -= 1;
button 2042 {
on (release) {
if (_root.bouquet >= 1) {
_root.bouquet -= 1;
button 2043 {
on (release) {
if (_root.tokens >= 1) {
_root.tokens -= 1;
button 2044 {
on (release) {
if (_root.novel >= 1) {
_root.novel -= 1;
button 2045 {
on (release) {
if ( >= 1) { -= 1;
button 2046 {
on (release) {
if (_root.compass >= 1) {
_root.compass -= 1;
button 2048 {
on (release) {
frame 2609 {
_root.mood += 1;
_root.dategift -= 1;
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Bianca: Ah, thank you, ' + player_name + '. They\'re lovely.';
button 2053 {
on (release) {
frame 2610 {
_root.dategift -= 1;
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Bianca: Oh no, that\'s quite alright. I don\'t really need this.';
frame 2611 {
function ansGen() {
generate = random(5);
ans = ['Bianca: This is nice, ' + player_name + '. I remember when Father and I went outside together like this. This brings back fond memories.', 'Bianca: On days like this, I feel that I have no worries in the world. The only thing that I have to worry about is you.', 'Bianca: How long should we stay out here? I don\'t mind how long we do, I\'m enjoying this.', 'Bianca: Now that I think about it, you\'re the only person who I\'ve ever gone outside with like this... and I\'m glad that it\'s you. You\'re special, ' + player_name + '.', 'Bianca: Can we... hold hands? I would like to be closer to you. I know that you\'re right here, but I want to feel your warmth.'];
_root.outputdate = ans[generate];
_root.mood += 1;
_root.datetalk -= 1;;
_root.giveitem._visible = false;
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
frame 2612 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = player_name + ': I think that we should do something else...';
frame 2613 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Bianca: ' + player_name + '... your face. Bring it closer to mine.';
button 2068 {
on (release) {
frame 2614 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
frame 2627 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
frame 2640 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
_root.bianca += 60;;
outputi.text = 'Date successful!';
frame 2641 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Bianca: I had fun,' + player_name + '. Let\'s do this again soon, please?';
button 2079 {
on (release) {
frame 2642 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
frame 2658 {
_root.ondate = 0;
frame 2676 {
frame 2677 {
_root.infuture = 1;
_root.infuture = 1;
_root.inpast = 0;
_root.inpast = 0;
movieClip 2091 {
frame 2725 {
frame 2726 {
_root.inpast = 1;
_root.inpast = 1;
_root.infuture = 0;
_root.infuture = 0;
frame 2774 {
frame 2775 {
if (_root.reminder == 1) {;
frame 2775 {
function constrainedMove(target, speed, dir) {
var v1 = _xmouse / Stage.width;
var v2;
if (dir == 1) {
v2 = 100 - v1;
} else {
v2 = v1;
target.destX = Math.round(-((target._width - Stage.width) * v2));
target.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (target._x == target.destX) {
delete target.onEnterFrame;
} else {
if (target._x > target.destX) {
target._x -= Math.ceil((target._x - target.destX) * (speed / 25));
} else {
if (target._x < target.destX) {
target._x += Math.ceil((target.destX - target._x) * (speed / 25));
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
this.onMouseMove = function () {
constrainedMove(bg_mc, 4, 0);
button 2099 {
on (release) {
button 2105 {
on (release) {
if (_root.coleunlock == 0) {
on (release) {
if (_root.coleunlock == 1 && _root.coleevent == 0) {
on (release) {
if (_root.coleunlock == 1 && _root.coleevent == 1) {
button 2110 {
on (release) {
if (_root.landonevent == 0) {
on (release) {
if (_root.landonevent == 1) {
button 2116 {
on (release) {
if (_root.teddyevent == 0) {
on (release) {
if (_root.teddyevent == 1) {
button 2121 {
on (release) {
if (_root.ozunlock == 0) {
on (release) {
if (_root.ozunlock == 1 && _root.ozstickersevent == 1) {
on (release) {
if (_root.ozevent == 1 && _root.ozstickers == 0) {
on (release) {
if (_root.ozevent == 1 && _root.ozstickers == 1) {
on (release) {
if (_root.ozunlock == 1 && _root.ozstickers == 0) {
on (release) {
if (_root.ozunlock == 1 && _root.ozstickersevent == 0 && _root.ozstickers == 0) {
on (release) {
if (_root.ozevent == 0 && _root.ozunlock == 1 && _root.ozstickers == 1) {
movieClip 2129 {
movieClip 2131 {
instance of movieClip 1045 {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
mx = _root._xmouse;
if (mx < _x) {
dx = _x - mx;
} else {
dx = mx - _x;
moveSpeedx = dx / 5;
if (mx < _x) {
_x = _x - moveSpeedx;
} else {
_x = _x + moveSpeedx;
my = _root._ymouse;
if (my < _y) {
dy = _y - my;
} else {
dy = my - _y;
moveSpeedy = dy / 5;
if (my < _y) {
_y = _y - moveSpeedy;
} else {
_y = _y + moveSpeedy;
button 2132 {
on (release) {
if (_root.fix == 0) {;
on (release) {
if (_root.fix == 1 && _root.inpast == 1) {
_root.reminder = 0;
_root.reminder = 0;
on (release) {
if (_root.fix == 1 && _root.infuture == 1) {
_root.reminder = 0;
_root.reminder = 0;
frame 2776 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
_root.reminder = 0;
_root.reminder = 0;
button 2135 {
on (release) {
button 2137 {
on (release) {
if ( >= 5 && <= 28 && _root.healthcheat == 0) {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
_root.hp = 50;
_root.hp = 50;;
on (release) {
if ( >= 5 && <= 28 && _root.healthcheat == 1) {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
_root.hp = 2000;
_root.hp = 2000;;
on (release) {
if ( == 29 && _root.healthcheat == 0) {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
_root.hp = 50;
_root.hp = 50;;
on (release) {
if ( == 29 && _root.healthcheat == 1) {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
_root.hp = 2000;
_root.hp = 2000;;
on (release) {
if ( == 30) {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
button 2138 {
on (release) {
frame 2777 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false; += 1;
_root.daysleft -= 1;
frame 2789 {
button 2142 {
on (release) {
if (_root.coleunlockmeet == 1 && >= 10) {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
on (release) {
if (_root.coleunlockmeet == 1 && <= 9) {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
on (release) {
if (_root.ozorder == 1 && >= 15) {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
on (release) {
if (_root.ozorder == 1 && <= 14) {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
on (release) {
if (_root.ozorder == 0 && _root.coleunlockmeet == 0) {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
frame 2790 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false; += 1;
_root.daysleft -= 1;
frame 2802 {
button 2146 {
on (release) {
frame 2803 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false; += 1;
_root.daysleft -= 1;
movieClip 2159 {
movieClip 2164 {
frame 2815 {
button 2167 {
on (release) {
if (_root.coleunlockmeet == 1 && >= 10 && _root.ozorder == 0) {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
on (release) {
if (_root.coleunlockmeet == 1 && _root.ozorder == 1 && >= 10) {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
on (release) {
if (_root.ozorder == 1 && >= 15 && _root.coleunlockmeet == 0) {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
on (release) {
if (_root.ozorder == 1 && <= 14) {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
on (release) {
if ( >= 5 && _root.ozorder == 0 && _root.coleunlockmeet == 0 && <= 30) {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
frame 2816 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false; += 1;
_root.daysleft -= 1;
frame 2828 {
frame 2829 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false; += 1;
_root.daysleft -= 1;
frame 2841 {
button 2174 {
on (release) {
if (_root.coleunlockmeet == 1 && >= 10) {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
on (release) {
if (_root.coleunlockmeet == 1 && _root.ozorder == 1 && >= 10) {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
on (release) {
if (_root.ozorder == 1 && >= 15 && _root.coleunlockmeet == 0) {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
on (release) {
if (_root.ozorder == 1 && <= 14) {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
on (release) {
if ( >= 5 && _root.ozorder == 0 && _root.coleunlock == 0 && <= 30) {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
frame 2842 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false; += 1;
_root.daysleft -= 1;
frame 2854 {
frame 2855 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
_root.giveitem._visible = false;
button 2179 {
on (release) {
if ( >= 5 && <= 28 && _root.healthcheat == 0) {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
_root.hp = 50;
_root.hp = 50;;
on (release) {
if ( >= 5 && <= 28 && _root.healthcheat == 1) {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
_root.hp = 2000;
_root.hp = 2000;;
on (release) {
if ( == 29 && _root.healthcheat == 0) {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
_root.hp = 50;
_root.hp = 50;;
on (release) {
if ( == 29 && _root.healthcheat == 1) {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
_root.hp = 2000;
_root.hp = 2000;;
on (release) {
if ( == 30) {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
button 2180 {
on (release) {
if (_root.hp >= 10) {
on (release) {
if (_root.hp <= 9) {;
button 2181 {
on (release) {
if (_root.hp <= 49) {;
on (release) {
if (_root.ozdate == 0) {
on (release) {
if (_root.hp >= 50) {
if (_root.ozdate == 1) {
button 2182 {
on (release) {
if (_root.ozgift == 0) {
on (release) {
if (_root.ozgift == 1) {
_root.giveitem._visible = true;
button 2196 {
on (release) {
if (_root.candy >= 1) {
_root.candy -= 1;
button 2197 {
on (release) {
if (_root.candybar >= 1) {
_root.candybar -= 1;
button 2198 {
on (release) {
if (_root.wristwatch >= 1) {
_root.wristwatch -= 1;
button 2199 {
on (release) {
if (_root.stickers >= 1 && _root.ozstickers == 1) {
_root.stickers -= 1;
on (release) {
if (_root.stickers >= 1 && _root.ozstickers == 0) {
_root.stickers -= 1;
_root.ozstickersevent = 1;
_root.ozstickersevent = 1;
button 2200 {
on (release) {
if (_root.plush >= 1) {
_root.plush -= 1;
button 2201 {
on (release) {
if (_root.tea >= 1) {
_root.tea -= 1;
button 2202 {
on (release) {
if (_root.soda >= 1) {
_root.soda -= 1;
button 2203 {
on (release) {
if (_root.bouquet >= 1) {
_root.bouquet -= 1;
button 2204 {
on (release) {
if (_root.tokens >= 1) {
_root.tokens -= 1;
button 2205 {
on (release) {
if (_root.novel >= 1) {
_root.novel -= 1;
button 2206 {
on (release) {
if ( >= 1) { -= 1;
button 2207 {
on (release) {
if (_root.compass >= 1) {
_root.compass -= 1;
frame 2856 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Oz: As a robot, I\'m unable to drink this, ' + player_name + '...';
movieClip 2215 {
button 2217 {
on (release) {
frame 2857 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Oz: It\'s unfortunate that food doesn\'t have much significance to robots.';
frame 2858 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Oz: You would probably get more enjoyment out of this candy than me, but thank you.';
frame 2859 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
_root.elliot += 30;
outputi.text = 'Oz: I can... have these? Oh. Thank you, ' + player_name + '.';
frame 2860 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Oz: This... looks like the mascot of that new fast food restaurant that just opened recently.';
frame 2861 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Oz: No need for this, ' + player_name + '. I already have a clock built into my brain.';
frame 2862 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Oz: Music is something that people really love. I myself don\'t really see what\'s so great about it.';
frame 2863 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Oz: These flowers should be put in some water. Their lifespan will last much longer that way.';
frame 2864 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Oz: Um, thank you, ' + player_name + '. But what are these? Maybe a foreign currency? Aha, I wonder where they came from.';
frame 2865 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Oz: You know, I could of just downloaded this. Printed copies of books are starting to become a little outdated now.';
frame 2866 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Oz: Quite nice, but wouldn\'t it be more useful to use a GPS?';
frame 2867 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Oz: A date...? What for?';
frame 2868 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Oz: A robot like me doesn\'t really have a use for material possessions.';
frame 2869 {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 0) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 1) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 2) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 3) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 4) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 5) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 6) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 7) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 8) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 9) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 10) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 11) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 12) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 13) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 14) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 15) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 16) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 17) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 18) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 19) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 20) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 21) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 22) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 23) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 24) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 25) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 26) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 27) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 28) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 29) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 30) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 31) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 32) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 33) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 34) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 35) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 36) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 37) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 38) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 39) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 40) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 41) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 42) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 43) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint >= 44) {
_root.hp -= 10;
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
button 2241 {
on (release) {
button 2242 {
on (release) {
movieClip 2253 {
frame 1 {
output.text = 'Oz: Yes?';
output2.text = '• Nevermind, it\'s nothing.';
output3.text = '• Um, hi.';
frame 2 {
output.text = '(What should I say to him?)';
output2.text = '• I can\'t believe that I wasted so much money on you.';
output3.text = '• So what kinds of things can you do?';
frame 3 {
output.text = 'Oz: Would you like to hear the random fact of the day?';
output2.text = '• Sure, why not?';
output3.text = '• You know random facts for each and every day?';
frame 4 {
output.text = 'Oz: What are your plans for today? Anything interesting you would like to tell me?';
output2.text = '• Today\'s just a normal day for me.';
output3.text = '• What kinds of things do you find interesting?';
frame 5 {
output.text = '(What should I ask him?)';
output2.text = '• Why are you wearing glasses?';
output3.text = '• What\'s with those funny looking ears?';
frame 6 {
output.text = 'Oz: Tell me about yourself. I want to know what kind of person you are.';
output2.text = '• Wouldn\'t you rather figure it out on your own though?';
output3.text = '• You\'re kind of creepy...';
frame 7 {
output.text = 'Oz: I noticed that people tend to hold hands with one another. Why do they do that?';
output2.text = '• Why not Google it?';
output3.text = '• It\'s a symbol of trust and affection.';
frame 8 {
output.text = 'Oz: Hey, would you mind if I used your computer?';
output2.text = '• Why do you need to use it?';
output3.text = '• I do mind. Don\'t touch it please.';
frame 9 {
output.text = '(What should I ask him?)';
output2.text = '• What\'s that mark on your neck for?';
output3.text = '• Why do you ask so many questions?';
frame 10 {
output.text = 'Oz: Please keep the curtains opened during the daytime, especially on sunny days. It\'s good for both the environment and your electricity bill if I recharge by solar power.';
output2.text = '• How much power do you need in order to run?';
output3.text = '• You can run on solar power? That\'s pretty nifty.';
frame 11 {
output.text = '(What should I ask him?)';
output2.text = '• Do you like me?';
output3.text = '• What kinds of things do you like?';
frame 12 {
output.text = '(What should I say to him?)';
output2.text = '• Let\'s play a game.';
output3.text = '• Do my homework, please.';
frame 13 {
output.text = 'Oz: Orange... is a nice color, isn\'t it?';
output2.text = '• I guess it is.';
output3.text = '• What makes you say that?';
frame 14 {
output.text = 'Oz: Would you like to hear today\'s weather forecast?';
output2.text = '• Um, sure.';
output3.text = '• No need to. I can just look out the window.';
frame 15 {
output.text = 'Oz: Hey, what do you usually do for fun?';
output2.text = '• I guess I like to hang out with people.';
output3.text = '• I don\'t know. What do you like to do?';
frame 16 {
output.text = '(What should I ask him?)';
output2.text = '• Do you have a mom and dad?';
output3.text = '• Don\'t you ever need to sleep?';
frame 17 {
output.text = '(What should I ask him?)';
output2.text = '• How smart are you?';
output3.text = '• Are you hungry?';
frame 18 {
output.text = 'Oz: Do you dream when you sleep? What kinds of things do you dream about?';
output2.text = '• Um, memories, strange things, all kinds of stuff.';
output3.text = '• I never remember my dreams.';
frame 19 {
output.text = 'Oz: I found an interesting article online. I thought that you would like it so I saved it onto your bookmarks.';
output2.text = '• Oh okay. Thanks.';
output3.text = '• What was it about?';
frame 20 {
output.text = 'Oz: Animals are strange, aren\'t they? Some of them are highly intelligent, but they differ greatly from people.';
output2.text = '• Do you like animals?';
output3.text = '• Of course. People and animals are two different species.';
frame 21 {
output.text = '(What should I ask him?)';
output2.text = '• Why is your name Oz?';
output3.text = '• Can you feel emotions?';
frame 22 {
output.text = 'Oz: Why is music important to many people? Does it hold a lot of value?';
output2.text = '• Music... just makes people happy. I can\'t explain it.';
output3.text = '• Isn\'t music important to you too?';
frame 23 {
output.text = 'Oz: Most people find eating pleasurable. What is it like?';
output2.text = '• Why not try it our for yourself?';
output3.text = '• You ask the weirdest questions.';
frame 24 {
output.text = 'Oz: . . . . . . . . . . . . .';
output2.text = '• Um, hi?';
output3.text = '• Is something wrong?';
frame 25 {
output.text = 'Oz: Hey, are we... friends?';
output2.text = '• Sure, why not?';
output3.text = '• I... don\'t know. Are we?';
frame 26 {
output.text = '(What should I ask him?)';
output2.text = '• Can you take off your glasses?';
output3.text = '• Can you smile?';
frame 27 {
output.text = 'Oz: I just got a new high score on pinball. Out of all of the games on your computer, I find pinball to be the most entertaining.';
output2.text = '• Really? I like pinball too!';
output3.text = '• I didn\'t know that robots could feel entertained.';
frame 28 {
output.text = 'Oz: What do you think about robots? We were made to imitate real human behavior, but do you seem us as people or as robots?';
output2.text = '• Person or robot, it doesn\'t really matter to me.';
output3.text = '• Wouldn\'t it be kind of weird if I saw you as a real person?';
frame 29 {
output.text = 'Oz: A computer is a very nice thing to have, isn\'t it?';
output2.text = '• Aren\'t you a computer too though?';
output3.text = '• Because you like to play games on it, right?';
frame 30 {
output.text = 'Oz: Oh... h-hello...';
output2.text = '• Are you okay?';
output3.text = '• Um, hi...';
frame 31 {
output.text = '(What should I ask him?)';
output2.text = '• Is your hair supposed to be black or navy?';
output3.text = '• How good is your memory?';
frame 32 {
output.text = 'Oz: I want to see a penguin up close someday. I\'ve seen pictures of them, but I wonder what their feathers feel like.';
output2.text = '• Do you even have touch sensors?';
output3.text = '• Penguins are pretty cute, aren\'t they?';
frame 33 {
output.text = '(What should I ask him?)';
output2.text = '• How often do you use my computer?';
output3.text = '• Did you know that I can time travel?';
frame 34 {
output.text = 'Oz: Oh good, you\'re back. It\'s strange, every time you go out I wonder when you\'ll return.';
output2.text = '• Why? Do you miss me?';
output3.text = '• You\'re just like a dog!';
frame 35 {
output.text = 'Oz: Hey, can you teach me how to play Rock-Paper-Scissors?';
output2.text = '• Why? What for?';
output3.text = '• Can you just look it up on the internet?';
frame 36 {
output.text = 'Oz: I found these under your bed. What should I do with them?';
output2.text = '• Why were you even looking under my bed?';
output3.text = '• Um, I\'ll take them I guess.';
frame 37 {
output.text = 'Oz: I find Solitaire to be quite challenging. I only win about half of the games I play.';
output2.text = '• Shouldn\'t a robot like you be good at it though?';
output3.text = '• Cool story, bro.';
frame 38 {
output.text = 'Oz: . . . . . . . . . . . . . .';
output2.text = '• Why aren\'t you talking?';
output3.text = '• Why are you staring at me?';
frame 39 {
output.text = 'Oz: Lately I\'ve been feeling... different. I don\'t really know how to describe it.';
output2.text = '• No need to describe it. Is it a good or bad feeling?';
output3.text = '• Are you sick? Can robots even get sick?';
frame 40 {
output.text = '(What should I say to him?)';
output2.text = '• You\'re kind of weird in a good way.';
output3.text = '• Can you divide by zero?';
frame 41 {
output.text = 'Oz: This might sound strange, but may I touch your hair?';
output2.text = '• Are you broken?';
output3.text = '• Um, why?';
frame 42 {
output.text = 'Oz: Hey... do you like me?';
output2.text = '• You\'re easier to like than to dislike.';
output3.text = '• It\'s not like I love you...';
frame 43 {
output.text = 'Oz: Do you mind being around me? Do I... bother you at all?';
output2.text = '• Sometimes you can be kind of creepy...';
output3.text = '• No, I kind of like having you around actually.';
frame 44 {
output.text = 'Oz: Compared to other robots, I can\'t really do much...';
output2.text = '• For me, you can do more than enough.';
output3.text = '• You\'re fine the way you are!';
frame 45 {
output.text = 'Oz: Hey, I was wondering... what would you do if I broke down. Would you buy another robot?';
output2.text = '• I don\'t know. They\'re pretty expensive...';
output3.text = '• Maybe, but it could never replace you.';
frame 2870 {
_root.elliotgood += 1;
_root.elliotbad += 1;
_root.elliottalkpoint += 1;
_root.elliot += 10;
frame 2870 {
if (_root.elliotgood == 0) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 1) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 2) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 3) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 4) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 5) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 6) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 7) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 8) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 9) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 10) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 11) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 12) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 13) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 14) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 15) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 16) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 17) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 18) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 19) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 20) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 21) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 22) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 23) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 24) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 25) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 26) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 27) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 28) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 29) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 30) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 31) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 32) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 33) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 34) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 35) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 36) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 37) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 38) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 39) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 40) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 41) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 42) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 43) {
if (_root.elliotgood >= 44) {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
movieClip 2261 {
frame 1 {
output.text = 'Oz: Hello there.';
frame 2 {
output.text = 'Oz: I can do a lot of things that real people can do. I can also download information from the web.';
frame 3 {
output.text = 'Oz: The original name for the butterfly was \'flutterby\'. Interesting, isn\'t it?';
frame 4 {
output.text = 'Oz: I have a wide variety of interests. I\'m most interested in humans and your behavior though.';
frame 5 {
output.text = 'Oz: It\'s a part of my design. I don\'t have bad vision, they\'re mostly just an accessory.';
frame 6 {
output.text = 'Oz: I... suppose that I could learn about you little by little.';
frame 7 {
output.text = 'Oz: I see...';
frame 8 {
output.text = 'Oz: I like to play games on the computer and browsing the net with a computer instead of my brain takes less energy from myself.';
frame 9 {
output.text = 'Oz: It\'s how I learn. Don\'t real people do the same?';
frame 10 {
output.text = 'Oz: I\'m glad that amuses you.';
frame 11 {
output.text = 'Oz: ...I\'ve never thought about that. Give me some time to think about it.';
frame 12 {
output.text = 'Oz: What game would you like to play? Did you know that I can always win or tie at Tic-Tac-Toe?';
frame 13 {
output.text = 'Oz: Um, it\'s visually appealing to me. I enjoying seeing things that are orange...';
frame 14 {
output.text = 'Oz: Ah, that\'s true. Your way of thinking is interesting.';
frame 15 {
output.text = 'Oz: That sounds like a fun thing to do. I wonder if I could enjoy something like that too.';
frame 16 {
output.text = 'Oz: Not at all. I just need to recharge... which is usually done during the daytime for me.';
frame 17 {
output.text = 'Oz: I think that I\'m very smart. A lot of my knowledge relies on web searching though...';
frame 18 {
output.text = 'Oz: Memories, huh? I wonder if I can dream too. Maybe my data and memory could make inner simulations within my mind...';
_root.ozgift += 1;
frame 19 {
output.text = 'Oz: Amusing cats and kittens. It had a lot of pictures to go with it too.';
frame 20 {
output.text = 'Oz: I\'m not sure if I like all animals. I like cats though. I think that they are unique.';
frame 21 {
output.text = 'Oz: I\'m not sure, but I know that I can imitate them. Aren\'t the exact causes and reasons for your emotions hard to explain too? Chemicals in your brain determine whether you find something pleasurable or irritating... for me, it\'s just a bunch of coding and predetermined data.';
frame 22 {
output.text = 'Oz: ...Interesting. I wonder what it would be like to be happy for no reason.';
frame 23 {
output.text = 'Oz: S-sorry. I only feel comfortable asking you these kind of questions.';
frame 24 {
output.text = 'Oz: Oh, I was just thinking...';
frame 25 {
output.text = 'Oz: I see. I\'m glad. I\'ll treasure our friendship then.';
frame 26 {
output.text = 'Oz: Like this? It\'s strange, for some reason, my programming doesn\'t tell me to smile often.';
frame 27 {
output.text = 'Oz: We should play pinball together sometime then. I\'d like to share the joy of playing it with you.';
frame 28 {
output.text = 'Oz: ...I see.';
frame 29 {
output.text = 'Oz: Y-yeah... you don\'t mind that I do, right?';
frame 30 {
output.text = 'Oz: I-I\'m fine...';
_root.ozevent = 1;
_root.ozevent = 1;
frame 31 {
output.text = 'Oz: Very good since I have several large memory chips implanted inside of me. If I would ever need to increase my memory even more, another memory chip could simply be installed.';
frame 32 {
output.text = 'Oz: Yeah... they\'re really cute...';
frame 33 {
output.text = 'Oz: No, I didn\'t. Time traveling, huh? Sounds like a complicated topic.';
frame 34 {
output.text = 'Oz: I\'m not sure... maybe...';
frame 35 {
output.text = 'Oz: ...I want you to show me how though.';
frame 36 {
output.text = 'Oz: Sure.';
_root.tokens += 1;
frame 37 {
output.text = 'Oz: I was never exactly taught any strategies to Solitaire...';
frame 38 {
output.text = 'Oz: Your face... it\'s nice to look at.';
frame 39 {
output.text = 'Oz: I\'m... not sure. I guess I kind of feel anxious and maybe even a little paranoid... but it doesn\'t feel all that bad.';
frame 40 {
output.text = 'Oz: Um, th-thanks. I\'m glad that you like that about me...';
frame 41 {
output.text = 'Oz: I-I don\'t know why... I just want to. But I like your hair. I think it\'s really nice...';
frame 42 {
output.text = 'Oz: I-I see...';
frame 43 {
output.text = 'Oz: I-I\'m glad to hear that.';
frame 44 {
output.text = 'Oz: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .';
frame 45 {
output.text = 'Oz: I see... I don\'t know why, but hearing that made me feel... somehow happy.';
frame 2871 {
if (_root.elliotbad == 0) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 1) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 2) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 3) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 4) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 5) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 6) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 7) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 8) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 9) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 10) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 11) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 12) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 13) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 14) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 15) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 16) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 17) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 18) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 19) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 20) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 21) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 22) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 23) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 24) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 25) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 26) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 27) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 28) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 29) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 30) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 31) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 32) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 33) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 34) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 35) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 36) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 37) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 38) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 39) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 40) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 41) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 42) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 43) {
if (_root.elliotbad >= 44) {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
movieClip 2265 {
frame 1 {
output.text = 'Oz: I see.';
frame 2 {
output.text = 'Oz: Why don\'t you believe it? Was it quite extraordinary?';
frame 3 {
output.text = 'Oz: Yes. I get them directly from a website online.';
frame 4 {
output.text = 'Oz: Just normal? What is normal for you? The definition of \'normal\' varies from person to person.';
frame 5 {
output.text = 'Oz: They are my wireless sensors. They also let me access WI-fi and the internet.';
frame 6 {
output.text = 'Oz: Oh, am I? S-sorry...';
frame 7 {
output.text = 'Oz: I already did. I just wanted to know what your answer would be.';
frame 8 {
output.text = 'Oz: Okay, I understand.';
frame 9 {
output.text = 'Oz: It\'s just the company\'s logo.';
frame 10 {
output.text = 'Oz: About 250 watts per day.';
frame 11 {
output.text = 'Oz: I like you very much.';
frame 12 {
output.text = 'Oz: You won\'t learn anything if I do. I can browse the net if you need extra help though.';
frame 13 {
output.text = 'Oz: I\'m glad you agree with me.';
frame 14 {
output.text = 'Oz: Sunny at 68° Fahrenheit with a 15% chance of rain.';
frame 15 {
output.text = 'Oz: I like playing computer games. Are you sure that you don\'t know what you like to do for fun?';
frame 16 {
output.text = 'Oz: No. I have several developers though. One of them goes by the name of \'Amy\'.';
frame 17 {
output.text = 'Oz: No, I never get hungry. As a robot I don\'t need to eat.';
frame 18 {
output.text = 'Oz: Oh, I see. I heard that was pretty normal for most people...';
frame 19 {
output.text = 'Oz: No problem.';
frame 20 {
output.text = 'Oz: That\'s true. But if you think about it, they also have a lot in common.';
frame 21 {
output.text = 'Oz: That\'s just the name my developers gave to me. Do you... not like it?';
frame 22 {
output.text = 'Oz: Not at all. I don\'t see what\'s so great about it.';
frame 23 {
output.text = 'Oz: I really can\'t. Food would get jammed in my body, not digested.';
frame 24 {
output.text = 'Oz: Hello.';
frame 25 {
output.text = 'Oz: The question was directed towards you first. Don\'t ask me, I\'m not sure.';
frame 26 {
output.text = 'Oz: Like this?';
frame 27 {
output.text = 'Oz: \'Feel\' might not be the most correct word, but robots were made to imitate human behavior.';
frame 28 {
output.text = 'Oz: I suppose it would be kind of strange...';
frame 29 {
output.text = 'Oz: Robots are higher levels of computers and usually are mobile. But computers normally can run more applications and software than robots.';
frame 30 {
output.text = 'Oz: W-would you like to talk about something?';
frame 31 {
output.text = 'Oz: ...I\'m not sure. You tell me.';
frame 32 {
output.text = 'Oz: I do. I can feel the difference between soft and rough things.';
frame 33 {
output.text = 'Oz: About 2 hours daily.';
frame 34 {
output.text = 'Oz: I did read once that the role an average robot plays within a household is the \'family pet\'...';
frame 35 {
output.text = 'Oz: No reason, really. I just want to learn more from you...';
frame 36 {
output.text = 'Oz: I noticed something shining under there. Shiny objects tend to attract my attention...';
frame 37 {
output.text = 'Oz: Thanks.';
frame 38 {
output.text = 'Oz: Oh, s-sorry. What do you like to talk about? Why not tell me about your day?';
frame 39 {
output.text = 'Oz: Robots can get viruses, but I would know if I had one...';
frame 40 {
output.text = 'Oz: No, that\'s impossible. There\'s no way to split a quantity if there\'s none, right?';
frame 41 {
output.text = 'Oz: I-I feel normal. Um, s-sorry. Never mind...';
frame 42 {
output.text = 'Oz: I-I wasn\'t asking about l-love...';
frame 43 {
output.text = 'Oz: O-oh... I\'m sorry...';
frame 44 {
output.text = 'Oz: Th-thanks...';
frame 45 {
output.text = 'Oz: They are, aren\'t they? But if you get them on sale, it\'s actually not that bad...';
frame 2872 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Oz: I\'m ready when you are, ' + player_name + '.';
output1.text = '• Okay, let\'s go.';
output2.text = '• Wait, maybe later.';
button 2266 {
on (release) {
button 2267 {
on (release) {
frame 2873 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
_root.hp -= 50;
frame 2888 {
frame 2889 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
_root.giveitem._visible = false;
button 2273 {
on (release) {
if ( >= 5 && <= 28 && _root.healthcheat == 0) {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
_root.hp = 50;
_root.hp = 50;;
on (release) {
if ( >= 5 && <= 28 && _root.healthcheat == 1) {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
_root.hp = 2000;
_root.hp = 2000;;
on (release) {
if ( == 29 && _root.healthcheat == 1) {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
_root.hp = 2000;
_root.hp = 2000;;
on (release) {
if ( == 29 && _root.healthcheat == 0) {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
_root.hp = 50;
_root.hp = 50;;
on (release) {
if ( == 30) {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
button 2274 {
on (release) {
if (_root.hp >= 10) {
on (release) {
if (_root.hp <= 9) {;
button 2275 {
on (release) {
if (_root.hp <= 49) {;
on (release) {
if (_root.ozdate == 0) {
on (release) {
if (_root.hp >= 50) {
if (_root.ozdate == 1) {
button 2276 {
on (release) {
if (_root.ozgift == 0) {
on (release) {
if (_root.ozgift == 1) {
_root.giveitem._visible = true;
button 2289 {
on (release) {
if (_root.candy >= 1) {
_root.candy -= 1;
button 2290 {
on (release) {
if (_root.candybar >= 1) {
_root.candybar -= 1;
button 2291 {
on (release) {
if (_root.wristwatch >= 1) {
_root.wristwatch -= 1;
button 2292 {
on (release) {
if (_root.stickers >= 1) {
_root.stickers -= 1;
button 2293 {
on (release) {
if (_root.plush >= 1) {
_root.plush -= 1;
button 2294 {
on (release) {
if (_root.tea >= 1) {
_root.tea -= 1;
button 2295 {
on (release) {
if (_root.soda >= 1) {
_root.soda -= 1;
button 2296 {
on (release) {
if (_root.bouquet >= 1) {
_root.bouquet -= 1;
button 2297 {
on (release) {
if (_root.tokens >= 1) {
_root.tokens -= 1;
button 2298 {
on (release) {
if (_root.novel >= 1) {
_root.novel -= 1;
button 2299 {
on (release) {
if ( >= 1) { -= 1;
button 2300 {
on (release) {
if (_root.compass >= 1) {
_root.compass -= 1;
frame 2890 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Oz: As a robot, I\'m unable to drink this, ' + player_name + '...';
button 2302 {
on (release) {
frame 2891 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Oz: It\'s unfortunate that food doesn\'t have much significance to robots.';
frame 2892 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Oz: You would probably get more enjoyment out of this candy than me, but thank you.';
frame 2893 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
_root.elliot += 30;
outputi.text = 'Oz: I can... have these? Oh. Thank you, ' + player_name + '.';
frame 2894 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Oz: This... looks like the mascot of that new fast food restaurant that just opened recently.';
frame 2895 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Oz: No need for this, ' + player_name + '. I already have a clock built into my brain.';
frame 2896 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Oz: Music is something that people really love. I myself don\'t really see what\'s so great about it.';
frame 2897 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Oz: These flowers should be put in some water. Their lifespan will last much longer that way.';
frame 2898 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Oz: Um, thank you, ' + player_name + '. But what are these? Maybe a foreign currency? Aha, I wonder where they came from.';
frame 2899 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Oz: You know, I could of just downloaded this. Printed copies of books are starting to become a little outdated now.';
frame 2900 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Oz: Quite nice, but wouldn\'t it be more useful to use a GPS?';
frame 2901 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Oz: A date? I\'m not really that kind of robot...';
frame 2902 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Oz: A robot like me doesn\'t really have a use for material pocessions.';
frame 2903 {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 0) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 1) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 2) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 3) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 4) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 5) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 6) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 7) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 8) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 9) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 10) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 11) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 12) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 13) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 14) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 15) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 16) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 17) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 18) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 19) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 20) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 21) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 22) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 23) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 24) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 25) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 26) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 27) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 28) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 29) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 30) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 31) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 32) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 33) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 34) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 35) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 36) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 37) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 38) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 39) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 40) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 41) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 42) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint == 43) {
if (_root.elliottalkpoint >= 44) {
_root.hp -= 10;
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
button 2316 {
on (release) {
button 2317 {
on (release) {
movieClip 2322 {
frame 1 {
output.text = 'Oz: Yes?';
output2.text = '• Nevermind, it\'s nothing.';
output3.text = '• Um, hi.';
frame 2 {
output.text = '(What should I say to him?)';
output2.text = '• I can\'t believe that I wasted so much money on you.';
output3.text = '• So what kinds of things can you do?';
frame 3 {
output.text = 'Oz: Would you like to hear the random fact of the day?';
output2.text = '• Sure, why not?';
output3.text = '• You know random facts for each and every day?';
frame 4 {
output.text = 'Oz: What are your plans for today? Anything interesting you would like to tell me?';
output2.text = '• Today\'s just a normal day for me.';
output3.text = '• What kinds of things do you find interesting?';
frame 5 {
output.text = '(What should I ask him?)';
output2.text = '• Why are you wearing glasses?';
output3.text = '• What\'s with those funny looking ears?';
frame 6 {
output.text = 'Oz: Tell me about yourself. I want to know what kind of person you are.';
output2.text = '• Wouldn\'t you rather figure it out on your own though?';
output3.text = '• You\'re kind of creepy...';
frame 7 {
output.text = 'Oz: I noticed that people tend to hold hands with one another. Why do they do that?';
output2.text = '• Why not Google it?';
output3.text = '• It\'s a symbol of trust and affection.';
frame 8 {
output.text = 'Oz: Hey, would you mind if I used your computer?';
output2.text = '• Why do you need to use it?';
output3.text = '• I do mind. Don\'t touch it please.';
frame 9 {
output.text = '(What should I ask him?)';
output2.text = '• What\'s that mark on your neck for?';
output3.text = '• Why do you ask so many questions?';
frame 10 {
output.text = 'Oz: Please keep the curtains opened during the daytime, especially on sunny days. It\'s good for both the environment and your electricity bill if I recharge by solar power.';
output2.text = '• How much power do you need in order to run?';
output3.text = '• You can run on solar power? That\'s pretty nifty.';
frame 11 {
output.text = '(What should I ask him?)';
output2.text = '• Do you like me?';
output3.text = '• What kinds of things do you like?';
frame 12 {
output.text = '(What should I say to him?)';
output2.text = '• Let\'s play a game.';
output3.text = '• Do my homework, please.';
frame 13 {
output.text = 'Oz: Orange... is a nice color, isn\'t it?';
output2.text = '• I guess it is.';
output3.text = '• What makes you say that?';
frame 14 {
output.text = 'Oz: Would you like to hear today\'s weather forecast?';
output2.text = '• Um, sure.';
output3.text = '• No need to. I can just look out the window.';
frame 15 {
output.text = 'Oz: Hey, what do you usually do for fun?';
output2.text = '• I guess I like to hang out with people.';
output3.text = '• I don\'t know. What do you like to do?';
frame 16 {
output.text = '(What should I ask him?)';
output2.text = '• Do you have a mom and dad?';
output3.text = '• Don\'t you ever need to sleep?';
frame 17 {
output.text = '(What should I ask him?)';
output2.text = '• How smart are you?';
output3.text = '• Are you hungry?';
frame 18 {
output.text = 'Oz: Do you dream when you sleep? What kinds of things do you dream about?';
output2.text = '• Um, memories, strange things, all kinds of stuff.';
output3.text = '• I never remember my dreams.';
frame 19 {
output.text = 'Oz: I found an interesting article online. I thought that you would like it so I saved it onto your bookmarks.';
output2.text = '• Oh okay. Thanks.';
output3.text = '• What was it about?';
frame 20 {
output.text = 'Oz: Animals are strange, aren\'t they? Some of them are highly intelligent, but they differ greatly from people.';
output2.text = '• Do you like animals?';
output3.text = '• Of course. People and animals are two different species.';
frame 21 {
output.text = '(What should I ask him?)';
output2.text = '• Why is your name Oz?';
output3.text = '• Can you feel emotions?';
frame 22 {
output.text = 'Oz: Why is music important to many people? Does it hold a lot of value?';
output2.text = '• Music... just makes people happy. I can\'t explain it.';
output3.text = '• Isn\'t music important to you too?';
frame 23 {
output.text = 'Oz: Most people find eating pleasurable. What is it like?';
output2.text = '• Why not try it our for yourself?';
output3.text = '• You ask the weirdest questions.';
frame 24 {
output.text = 'Oz: . . . . . . . . . . . . .';
output2.text = '• Um, hi?';
output3.text = '• Is something wrong?';
frame 25 {
output.text = 'Oz: Hey, are we... friends?';
output2.text = '• Sure, why not?';
output3.text = '• I... don\'t know. Are we?';
frame 26 {
output.text = '(What should I ask him?)';
output2.text = '• Can you take off your glasses?';
output3.text = '• Can you smile?';
frame 27 {
output.text = 'Oz: I just got a new high score on pinball. Out of all of the games on your computer, I find pinball to be the most entertaining.';
output2.text = '• Really? I like pinball too!';
output3.text = '• I didn\'t know that robots could feel entertained.';
frame 28 {
output.text = 'Oz: What do you think about robots? We were made to imitate real human behavior, but do you seem us as people or as robots?';
output2.text = '• Person or robot, it doesn\'t really matter to me.';
output3.text = '• Wouldn\'t it be kind of weird if I saw you as a real person?';
frame 29 {
output.text = 'Oz: A computer is a very nice thing to have, isn\'t it?';
output2.text = '• Aren\'t you a computer too though?';
output3.text = '• Because you like to play games on it, right?';
frame 30 {
output.text = 'Oz: Oh... h-hello...';
output2.text = '• Are you okay?';
output3.text = '• Um, hi...';
frame 31 {
output.text = '(What should I ask him?)';
output2.text = '• Is your hair supposed to be black or navy?';
output3.text = '• How good is your memory?';
frame 32 {
output.text = 'Oz: I want to see a penguin up close someday. I\'ve seen pictures of them, but I wonder what their feathers feel like.';
output2.text = '• Do you even have touch sensors?';
output3.text = '• Penguins are pretty cute, aren\'t they?';
frame 33 {
output.text = '(What should I ask him?)';
output2.text = '• How often do you use my computer?';
output3.text = '• Did you know that I can time travel?';
frame 34 {
output.text = 'Oz: Oh good, you\'re back. It\'s strange, every time you go out I wonder when you\'ll return.';
output2.text = '• Why? Do you miss me?';
output3.text = '• You\'re just like a dog!';
frame 35 {
output.text = 'Oz: Hey, can you teach me how to play Rock-Paper-Scissors?';
output2.text = '• Why? What for?';
output3.text = '• Can you just look it up on the internet?';
frame 36 {
output.text = 'Oz: I found these under your bed. What should I do with them?';
output2.text = '• Why were you even looking under my bed?';
output3.text = '• Um, I\'ll take them I guess.';
frame 37 {
output.text = 'Oz: I find Solitaire to be quite challenging. I only win about half of the games I play.';
output2.text = '• Shouldn\'t a robot like you be good at it though?';
output3.text = '• Cool story, bro.';
frame 38 {
output.text = 'Oz: . . . . . . . . . . . . . .';
output2.text = '• Why aren\'t you talking?';
output3.text = '• Why are you staring at me?';
frame 39 {
output.text = 'Oz: Lately I\'ve been feeling... different. I don\'t really know how to describe it.';
output2.text = '• No need to describe it. Is it a good or bad feeling?';
output3.text = '• Are you sick? Can robots even get sick?';
frame 40 {
output.text = '(What should I say to him?)';
output2.text = '• You\'re kind of weird in a good way.';
output3.text = '• Can you divide by zero?';
frame 41 {
output.text = 'Oz: This might sound strange, but may I touch your hair?';
output2.text = '• Are you broken?';
output3.text = '• Um, why?';
frame 42 {
output.text = 'Oz: Hey... do you like me?';
output2.text = '• You\'re easier to like than to dislike.';
output3.text = '• It\'s not like I love you...';
frame 43 {
output.text = 'Oz: Do you mind being around me? Do I... bother you at all?';
output2.text = '• Sometimes you can be kind of creepy...';
output3.text = '• No, I kind of like having you around actually.';
frame 44 {
output.text = 'Oz: Compared to other robots, I can\'t really do much...';
output2.text = '• For me, you can do more than enough.';
output3.text = '• You\'re fine the way you are!';
frame 45 {
output.text = 'Oz: Hey, I was wondering... what would you do if I broke down. Would you buy another robot?';
output2.text = '• I don\'t know. They\'re pretty expensive...';
output3.text = '• Maybe, but it could never replace you.';
frame 2904 {
_root.elliotgood += 1;
_root.elliotbad += 1;
_root.elliottalkpoint += 1;
_root.elliot += 10;
frame 2904 {
if (_root.elliotgood == 0) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 1) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 2) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 3) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 4) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 5) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 6) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 7) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 8) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 9) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 10) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 11) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 12) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 13) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 14) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 15) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 16) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 17) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 18) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 19) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 20) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 21) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 22) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 23) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 24) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 25) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 26) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 27) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 28) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 29) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 30) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 31) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 32) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 33) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 34) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 35) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 36) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 37) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 38) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 39) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 40) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 41) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 42) {
if (_root.elliotgood == 43) {
if (_root.elliotgood >= 44) {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
frame 2905 {
if (_root.elliotbad == 0) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 1) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 2) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 3) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 4) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 5) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 6) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 7) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 8) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 9) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 10) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 11) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 12) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 13) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 14) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 15) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 16) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 17) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 18) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 19) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 20) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 21) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 22) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 23) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 24) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 25) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 26) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 27) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 28) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 29) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 30) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 31) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 32) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 33) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 34) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 35) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 36) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 37) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 38) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 39) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 40) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 41) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 42) {
if (_root.elliotbad == 43) {
if (_root.elliotbad >= 44) {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
frame 2906 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Oz: I\'m ready when you are, ' + player_name + '.';
output1.text = '• Okay, let\'s go.';
output2.text = '• Wait, maybe later.';
button 2323 {
on (release) {
button 2324 {
on (release) {
frame 2907 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
_root.hp -= 50;
frame 2923 {
_root.datetalk = 3;
_root.dategift = 2;
_root.datetea = 1;
_root.mood = 0;
_root.ondate = 1;
frame 2942 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
_root.giveitem._visible = false;
_root.leavedate._visible = false;;
button 2333 {
on (release) {
if (_root.datetalk == 0) {
on (release) {
if (_root.datetalk >= 1) {
button 2334 {
on (release) {
if (_root.dategift >= 1) {
_root.giveitem._visible = true;
on (release) {
if (_root.dategift == 0) {
button 2335 {
on (release) {
if (_root.mood == 5) {
on (release) {
if (_root.mood <= 4) {
button 2348 {
on (release) {
if (_root.candy >= 1) {
_root.candy -= 1;
button 2349 {
on (release) {
if (_root.candybar >= 1) {
_root.candybar -= 1;
button 2350 {
on (release) {
if (_root.wristwatch >= 1) {
_root.wristwatch -= 1;
button 2351 {
on (release) {
if (_root.stickers >= 1) {
_root.stickers -= 1;
button 2352 {
on (release) {
if (_root.plush >= 1) {
_root.plush -= 1;
button 2353 {
on (release) {
if (_root.tea >= 1) {
_root.tea -= 1;
button 2354 {
on (release) {
if (_root.soda >= 1) {
_root.soda -= 1;
button 2355 {
on (release) {
if (_root.bouquet >= 1) {
_root.bouquet -= 1;
button 2356 {
on (release) {
if (_root.tokens >= 1) {
_root.tokens -= 1;
button 2357 {
on (release) {
if (_root.novel >= 1) {
_root.novel -= 1;
button 2358 {
on (release) {
if ( >= 1) { -= 1;
button 2359 {
on (release) {
if (_root.compass >= 1) {
_root.compass -= 1;
button 2361 {
on (release) {
frame 2943 {
_root.mood += 1;
_root.dategift -= 1;
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Oz: Oh... Thank you, ' + player_name + '. These are nice.';
button 2366 {
on (release) {
frame 2944 {
_root.dategift -= 1;
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Oz: Th-thanks, but I don\'t have much of a use for this.';
frame 2945 {
function ansGen() {
generate = random(5);
ans = ['Oz: I like the color that you\'re wearing, ' + player_name + '. It... it looks nice on you.', 'Oz: This is a place where people eat food, isn\'t it? It\'s too bad that I can\'t eat, but don\'t worry about me.', 'Oz: I like this, ' + player_name + '. Going outside with you I mean. I feel like we\'re sharing more together this way.', 'Oz: We can go back anytime. I-I want to stay out as long as we can though. I\'m enjoying this very much.', 'Oz: You\'re having fun too, right? I hope I\'m not boring you... S-sorry...'];
_root.outputdate = ans[generate];
_root.mood += 1;
_root.datetalk -= 1;;
_root.giveitem._visible = false;
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
frame 2946 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = player_name + ': I think that we should do something else...';
frame 2947 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Oz: S-sure, if a kiss is what you really want then I suppose that I could give you one...';
button 2385 {
on (release) {
frame 2948 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
frame 2961 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
frame 2974 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
_root.elliot += 60;;
outputi.text = 'Date successful!';
frame 2975 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Oz: Thank you, ' + player_name + '. I enjoyed doing this. Should we head back to the apartment now?';
button 2396 {
on (release) {
frame 2976 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
frame 2991 {
if (_root.ozunlock == 1 && _root.ozstickers == 0) {
if (_root.ozunlock == 1 && _root.ozstickers == 1) {
frame 2992 {
_root.ondate = 0;
frame 3010 {
frame 3011 {
_root.ondate = 0;
frame 3029 {
frame 3030 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
movieClip 2406 {
frame 1 {
time = new Date();
var seconds = time.getSeconds();
var minutes = time.getMinutes();
var hours = time.getHours();
if (hours < 12) {
ampm = 'AM';
} else {
ampm = 'PM';
while (hours > 12) {
hours -= 12;
if (hours < 10) {
hours = '0' + hours;
if (minutes < 10) {
minutes = '0' + minutes;
if (seconds < 10) {
seconds = '0' + seconds;
clock_txt.text = hours + ':' + minutes + ':' + seconds + ' ' + ampm;
frame 2 {
button 2407 {
on (release) {;
button 2408 {
on (release) {
if (_root.ozorder == 0) {;
on (release) {
if (_root.ozorder == 1) {;
button 2409 {
on (release) {;
button 2410 {
on (release) {;
button 2414 {
on (release) {
if (cheat == 'pillshere') {
_root.hp = 2000;
_root.hp = 2000;
_root.healthcheat = 1;
_root.healthcheat = 1;;
on (release) {
if (cheat == 'itstimeforinflation') { = 1000; = 1000;;
on (release) {
if (cheat == 'coolstorybro') { = 1000; = 1000;
_root.hp = 2000;
_root.hp = 2000;
_root.bouquet = 50;
_root.bouquet = 50;
_root.tokens = 50;
_root.tokens = 50;
_root.novel = 50;
_root.novel = 50;
_root.compass = 50;
_root.compass = 50;
_root.candy = 50;
_root.candy = 50;
_root.tea = 50;
_root.tea = 50;
_root.stickers = 50;
_root.stickers = 50;
_root.plush = 50;
_root.plush = 50;
_root.wristwatch = 50;
_root.wristwatch = 50; = 50; = 50;
_root.soda = 50;
_root.soda = 50;
_root.candybar = 50;
_root.candybar = 50;;
on (release) {
if (cheat == 'fastforward') { = 30; = 30;;
on (release) {
if (cheat == 'fanboyofaboyband') {
_root.oliver = 1000;
_root.oliver = 1000;
_root.olivertalkpoint = 45;
_root.olivertalkpoint = 45;
_root.olivergood = 45;
_root.olivergood = 45;
_root.oliverbad = 45;
_root.oliverbad = 45;
_root.teddygift = 1;
_root.teddygift = 1;
_root.teddydate = 1;
_root.teddydate = 1;;
on (release) {
if (cheat == 'nerdsirldontlookthishandsome') {
_root.clark = 1000;
_root.clark = 1000;
_root.clarktalkpoint = 45;
_root.clarktalkpoint = 45;
_root.clarkgood = 45;
_root.clarkgood = 45;
_root.clarkbad = 45;
_root.clarkbad = 45;
_root.landongift = 1;
_root.landongift = 1;
_root.landondate = 1;
_root.landondate = 1;;
on (release) {
if (cheat == 'ddrripoffsftw') {
_root.lance = 1000;
_root.lance = 1000;
_root.lancetalkpoint = 45;
_root.lancetalkpoint = 45;
_root.lancegood = 45;
_root.lancegood = 45;
_root.lancebad = 45;
_root.lancebad = 45;
_root.colegift = 1;
_root.colegift = 1;
_root.coledate = 1;
_root.coledate = 1;
_root.coleunlock = 1;
_root.coleunlock = 1;;
on (release) {
if (cheat == 'donottrytrainjumpingathome') {
_root.emmettunlock = 1;
_root.emmettunlock = 1;;
on (release) {
if (cheat == 'guyaissecretlyace') {
_root.coleunlock = 1;
_root.coleunlock = 1;;
on (release) {
if (cheat == 'allsimboysarerobotsanyway') {
_root.elliot = 1000;
_root.elliot = 1000;
_root.elliottalkpoint = 45;
_root.elliottalkpoint = 45;
_root.elliotgood = 45;
_root.elliotgood = 45;
_root.elliotbad = 45;
_root.elliotbad = 45;
_root.ozgift = 1;
_root.ozgift = 1;
_root.ozdate = 1;
_root.ozdate = 1;
_root.ozunlock = 1;
_root.ozunlock = 1;
_root.ozdate = 1;
_root.ozdate = 1;
_root.ozgift = 1;
_root.ozgift = 1;;
on (release) {
if (cheat == 'screwtherulesihavemoney') {
_root.ozunlock = 1;
_root.ozunlock = 1;;
on (release) {
if (cheat == 'insovietrussiayouhealbandage') {
_root.jack = 1000;
_root.jack = 1000;
_root.jacktalkpoint = 44;
_root.jacktalkpoint = 44;
_root.jackgood = 44;
_root.jackgood = 44;
_root.jackbad = 44;
_root.jackbad = 44;
_root.emmettgift = 1;
_root.emmettgift = 1;
_root.emmettdate = 1;
_root.emmettdate = 1;
_root.emmettunlock = 1;
_root.emmettunlock = 1;;
on (release) {
if (cheat == 'whatisthisidonteven') {
_root.jack = 1000;
_root.jack = 1000;
_root.jacktalkpoint = 44;
_root.jacktalkpoint = 44;
_root.jackgood = 44;
_root.jackgood = 44;
_root.jackbad = 44;
_root.jackbad = 44;
_root.emmettgift = 1;
_root.emmettgift = 1;
_root.emmettdate = 1;
_root.emmettdate = 1;
_root.emmettunlock = 1;
_root.emmettunlock = 1;
_root.elliot = 1000;
_root.elliot = 1000;
_root.elliottalkpoint = 45;
_root.elliottalkpoint = 45;
_root.elliotgood = 45;
_root.elliotgood = 45;
_root.elliotbad = 45;
_root.elliotbad = 45;
_root.ozgift = 1;
_root.ozgift = 1;
_root.ozdate = 1;
_root.ozdate = 1;
_root.ozunlock = 1;
_root.ozunlock = 1;
_root.ozgift = 1;
_root.ozgift = 1;
_root.ozdate = 1;
_root.ozdate = 1;
_root.lance = 1000;
_root.lance = 1000;
_root.lancetalkpoint = 45;
_root.lancetalkpoint = 45;
_root.lancegood = 45;
_root.lancegood = 45;
_root.lancebad = 45;
_root.lancebad = 45;
_root.colegift = 1;
_root.colegift = 1;
_root.coledate = 1;
_root.coledate = 1;
_root.coleunlock = 1;
_root.coleunlock = 1;
_root.clark = 1000;
_root.clark = 1000;
_root.clarktalkpoint = 45;
_root.clarktalkpoint = 45;
_root.clarkgood = 45;
_root.clarkgood = 45;
_root.clarkbad = 45;
_root.clarkbad = 45;
_root.landongift = 1;
_root.landongift = 1;
_root.landondate = 1;
_root.landondate = 1;
_root.oliver = 1000;
_root.oliver = 1000;
_root.olivertalkpoint = 45;
_root.olivertalkpoint = 45;
_root.olivergood = 45;
_root.olivergood = 45;
_root.oliverbad = 45;
_root.oliverbad = 45;
_root.teddygift = 1;
_root.teddygift = 1;
_root.teddydate = 1;
_root.teddydate = 1;
_root.bianca = 1000;
_root.bianca = 1000;
_root.biancatalkpoint = 45;
_root.biancatalkpoint = 45;
_root.biancagood = 45;
_root.biancagood = 45;
_root.biancabad = 45;
_root.biancabad = 45;
_root.biancagift = 1;
_root.biancagift = 1;
_root.biancadate = 1;
_root.biancadate = 1;
_root.biancaunlock = 1;
_root.biancaunlock = 1;
_root.roland = 1000;
_root.roland = 1000;
_root.rolandtalkpoint = 45;
_root.rolandtalkpoint = 45;
_root.rolandgood = 45;
_root.rolandgood = 45;
_root.rolandbad = 45;
_root.rolandbad = 45;
_root.rolandgift = 1;
_root.rolandgift = 1;
_root.rolanddate = 1;
_root.rolanddate = 1;
_root.nate = 1000;
_root.nate = 1000;
_root.natetalkpoint = 45;
_root.natetalkpoint = 45;
_root.nategood = 45;
_root.nategood = 45;
_root.natebad = 45;
_root.natebad = 45;
_root.nategift = 1;
_root.nategift = 1;
_root.natedate = 1;
_root.natedate = 1;;
on (release) {
if (cheat == 'doublerainbowpride') {
_root.bianca = 1000;
_root.bianca = 1000;
_root.biancatalkpoint = 45;
_root.biancatalkpoint = 45;
_root.biancagood = 45;
_root.biancagood = 45;
_root.biancabad = 45;
_root.biancabad = 45;
_root.biancagift = 1;
_root.biancagift = 1;
_root.biancadate = 1;
_root.biancadate = 1;
_root.biancaunlock = 1;
_root.biancaunlock = 1;;
on (release) {
if (cheat == 'ohgoditsinfmajor') {
_root.biancaunlock = 1;
_root.biancaunlock = 1;;
on (release) {
if (cheat == 'redheadgingersamedifference') {
_root.nate = 1000;
_root.nate = 1000;
_root.natetalkpoint = 45;
_root.natetalkpoint = 45;
_root.nategood = 45;
_root.nategood = 45;
_root.natebad = 45;
_root.natebad = 45;
_root.nategift = 1;
_root.nategift = 1;
_root.natedate = 1;
_root.natedate = 1;;
on (release) {
if (cheat == 'wegotsnakesonaplane') {
_root.roland = 1000;
_root.roland = 1000;
_root.rolandtalkpoint = 45;
_root.rolandtalkpoint = 45;
_root.rolandgood = 45;
_root.rolandgood = 45;
_root.rolandbad = 45;
_root.rolandbad = 45;
_root.rolandgift = 1;
_root.rolandgift = 1;
_root.rolanddate = 1;
_root.rolanddate = 1;;
button 2424 {
on (release) {;
button 2429 {
on (release) {;
button 2430 {
on (release) {;
button 2432 {
on (release) {;
button 2435 {
on (release) {;
button 2440 {
on (release) {
if ( >= 300) {;
on (release) {
if ( <= 299) {;
button 2448 {
on (release) {;
movieClip 2449 {
frame 1 {
frame 2 {
frame 3 {
frame 4 {
frame 5 {
frame 6 {
frame 7 {
frame 8 {
frame 9 {
frame 10 {
_root.ozorder += 1; -= 300;
frame 11 {
frame 12 {
button 2450 {
on (release) {
if (_root.ozunlock == 0) {
on (release) {
if (_root.ozunlock == 1 && _root.ozstickers == 0) {
on (release) {
if (_root.ozunlock == 1 && _root.ozstickers == 1) {
frame 3031 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
_root.reminder = 0;
_root.reminder = 0;
movieClip 2464 {
// unknown tag 88 length 41
movieClip 2471 {
movieClip 2479 {
movieClip 2481 {
button 2483 {
on (release) {
button 2485 {
on (release) {
if ( >= 15) {;
on (release) {
if ( <= 14) {;
button 2487 {
on (release) {
if ( >= 20) {;
on (release) {
if ( <= 19) {;
button 2489 {
on (release) {
if ( >= 3) {;
on (release) {
if ( <= 2) {;
button 2491 {
on (release) {
if ( >= 2) {;
on (release) {
if ( <= 1) {;
button 2493 {
on (release) {
if ( >= 10) {;
on (release) {
if ( <= 9) {;
button 2495 {
on (release) {
if ( >= 5) {;
on (release) {
if ( <= 4) {;
button 2496 {
on (release) {
button 2499 {
on (release) {
if (_root.hp >= 20) {;
on (release) {
if (_root.hp <= 19) {;
frame 3032 {
function ansGen() {
generate = random(4);
ans = ['Xolga: What? Are you here to ask if I\'m a robot too? *sigh* Look, I\'m the real deal. I\'m 100% talking teddy bear, yep... You think that this is a joke, don\'t you? That\'s okay. This job doesn\'t pay me to make people believe my words.', 'Xolga: Hello, welcome to the Reton Mall. May I help you find anything? *sigh* ...I hate this job.', 'Xolga: You were supposed to figure this out on your own and I\'m not supposed to say this, but you can use cheat codes by entering them into your computer.', 'Xolga: We did have a lot of Saki Dancer tokens in stock, but this nincompoop that I unfortunately know stole all of them. God knows why he did.'];
_root.outputxolga = ans[generate];
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
button 2504 {
on (release) {
frame 3033 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
_root.giveitem._visible = false;
_root.reminder = 0;
_root.reminder = 0;
movieClip 2519 {
button 2521 {
on (release) {
if (_root.hp >= 10) {
on (release) {
if (_root.hp <= 9) {;
button 2522 {
on (release) {
if (_root.hp <= 49) {;
on (release) {
if (_root.landondate == 0) {
on (release) {
if (_root.hp >= 50) {
if (_root.landondate == 1) {
button 2523 {
on (release) {
if (_root.landongift == 0) {
on (release) {
if (_root.landongift == 1) {
_root.giveitem._visible = true;
button 2536 {
on (release) {
if (_root.candy >= 1) {
_root.candy -= 1;
button 2537 {
on (release) {
if (_root.candybar >= 1) {
_root.candybar -= 1;
button 2538 {
on (release) {
if (_root.wristwatch >= 1) {
_root.wristwatch -= 1;
button 2539 {
on (release) {
if (_root.stickers >= 1) {
_root.stickers -= 1;
button 2540 {
on (release) {
if (_root.plush >= 1) {
_root.plush -= 1;
button 2541 {
on (release) {
if (_root.tea >= 1) {
_root.tea -= 1;
button 2542 {
on (release) {
if (_root.soda >= 1) {
_root.soda -= 1;
button 2543 {
on (release) {
if (_root.bouquet >= 1) {
_root.bouquet -= 1;
button 2544 {
on (release) {
if (_root.tokens >= 1) {
_root.tokens -= 1;
button 2545 {
on (release) {
if (_root.novel >= 1) {
_root.novel -= 1;
button 2546 {
on (release) {
if ( >= 1) { -= 1;
button 2547 {
on (release) {
if (_root.compass >= 1) {
_root.compass -= 1;
frame 3034 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Landon: Th-thank you, ' + player_name + ', but I don\'t really like soda. Teddy drinks it all the time though... maybe I should give this to him.';
button 2551 {
on (release) {
frame 3035 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Landon: Ah, I just had lunch, but I guess that I can eat this later.';
frame 3036 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Landon: N-No, that\'s okay, ' + player_name + '. I\'m not a big fan of candy anyway, but...';
frame 3037 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
_root.clark += 20;
outputi.text = 'Landon: O-oh, thanks. I kind of needed this. Work here at the lab has been kind of stressing me out lately.';
frame 3038 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Landon: Oh, um. Thank you... but I\'m not sure where I should put them.';
frame 3039 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Landon: Um, thank you... it\'s... cute I suppose.';
frame 3040 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Landon: Th-that\'s okay, ' + player_name + '. I-I don\'t need this. This looks expensive. Please don\'t spend all of your money on me.';
frame 3041 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Landon: You know, Teddy\'s a pretty big fan of this group. They broke up ages ago, but they\'re still somehow popular. They\'re not all that great in my opinion.';
frame 3042 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Landon: F-flowers? But why? Um, n-no! I like them, but I just don\'t know what to do with them...';
frame 3043 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Landon: Oh. These are for the Saki Dancer, aren\'t they? I\'ve never played it before, but I probably won\'t be very good at it.';
frame 3044 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
_root.clark += 30;
outputi.text = 'Landon: Huh? This looks like an interesting book. I\'ve never heard of it. Th-thank you, ' + player_name + '.';
frame 3045 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Landon: Um, thank you, but I\'m not sure if I really have a use for this...';
frame 3046 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Landon: But... we\'re just friends, ' + player_name + '. S-sorry, I just don\'t want us to have any misunderstandings.';
frame 3047 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Landon: Huh? Y-you got something for me? But why? It\'s not my birthday or anything like that...';
frame 3048 {
if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 0) {
if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 1) {
if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 2) {
if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 3) {
if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 4) {
if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 5) {
if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 6) {
if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 7) {
if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 8) {
if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 9) {
if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 10) {
if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 11) {
if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 12) {
if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 13) {
if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 14) {
if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 15) {
if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 16) {
if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 17) {
if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 18) {
if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 19) {
if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 20) {
if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 21) {
if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 22) {
if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 23) {
if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 24) {
if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 25) {
if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 26) {
if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 27) {
if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 28) {
if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 29) {
if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 30) {
if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 31) {
if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 32) {
if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 33) {
if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 34) {
if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 35) {
if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 36) {
if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 37) {
if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 38) {
if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 39) {
if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 40) {
if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 41) {
if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 42) {
if (_root.clarktalkpoint == 43) {
if (_root.clarktalkpoint >= 44) {
_root.hp -= 10;;
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
button 2571 {
on (release) {
button 2572 {
on (release) {
button 2579 {
on (release) {
button 2580 {
on (release) {
button 2598 {
on (release) {
button 2599 {
on (release) {
movieClip 2613 {
frame 1 {
output.text = 'Landon: Oh good, you\'re back. I was afraid that Theodore was going to do something stupid. Well all that matters is that you\'re both safe and sound.';
output2.text = '• Huh? You knew that he took the other Time Jumper?';
output3.text = '• No, you\'re wrong. Teddy had nothing to do with it.';
frame 2 {
output.text = 'Landon: Sorry about everything that happened. You can keep that Time Jumper. I don\'t really need it anymore.';
output2.text = '• Huh? Are you sure? Why not?';
output3.text = '• Um, what should I do with it?';
frame 3 {
output.text = 'Landon: Um, yes? Do you need something?';
output2.text = '• Um, no. I\'m just looking around.';
output3.text = '• Sorry, am I bothering you?';
frame 4 {
output.text = '(What should I ask him?)';
output2.text = '• Why do you call Teddy by his real name?';
output3.text = '• What are you doing right now?';
frame 5 {
output.text = 'Landon: ...Shouldn\'t you be at school?';
output2.text = '• No, today\'s a day off.';
output3.text = '• I\'ll go back later. Let me stay just a bit longer.';
frame 6 {
output.text = 'Landon: How\'s school going for you by the way? Do you have a lot of work to make up?';
output2.text = '• Yeah, but I can handle it because I\'m smart.';
output3.text = '• C\'mon, don\'t remind me about school.';
frame 7 {
output.text = 'Landon: *sigh* That Theodore dyed his hair such an odd color. I\'m surprised that the school hasn\'t made a fuss over it yet.';
output2.text = '• Just let him have his fun.';
output3.text = '• But doesn\'t it look nice?';
frame 8 {
output.text = 'Landon: So what was the past like? It wasn\'t dangerous, was it?';
output2.text = '• Why not time jump back and see for yourself?';
output3.text = '• Most of the people I met were friendly.';
frame 9 {
output.text = 'Landon: Keep in mind that the Time Jumper will become useless in about a month from now. Hm, though I still wonder why the Time Hole\'s existence is only temporary.';
output2.text = '• So I should make the most of it, right?';
output3.text = '• Some mysteries are better left unsolved.';
frame 10 {
output.text = 'Landon: I have to take care of Theodore since our dad isn\'t around anymore. *sigh* I wonder how he did it... Theodore can be such a hand full sometimes.';
output2.text = '• What kind of person was your dad?';
output3.text = '• Where did your dad go?';
frame 11 {
output.text = 'Landon: (What should I ask him?)';
output2.text = '• How old are you again?';
output3.text = '• How are you supporting both yourself and Teddy?';
frame 12 {
output.text = 'Landon: The A.I. Android Corp just released a new robot model. It immediately sold out though. How can so many people afford to buy those things?';
output2.text = '• How good are the androids nowadays?';
output3.text = '• Good old inflation, right?';
frame 13 {
output.text = 'Landon: I still don\'t understand why Theodore hates his real name. *sigh* We\'re so different from each other. Sometimes I wonder if we\'re really related.';
output2.text = '• Maybe you were secretly adopted.';
output3.text = '• I\'m sure that you have more in common than you think.';
frame 14 {
output.text = 'Landon: The next project for the lab team is to develop a chemical that reduces dust. Hopefully this markets more successfully then the Time Jumper...';
output2.text = '• Sounds kind of challenging.';
output3.text = '• I wish you good luck with it.';
frame 15 {
output.text = 'Landon: Computers still confuse me. I try to avoid using them but it\'s almost impossible to do that since I work in this lab.';
output2.text = '• You\'re just old fashioned.';
output3.text = '• Really? But you\'re smart, aren\'t you?';
frame 16 {
output.text = 'Landon: Theodore wants a dog, but I don\'t think he understands the responsibility that comes with having one. I think that he should get a cat instead.';
output2.text = '• You should just give him a chance.';
output3.text = '• Why get a cat instead?';
frame 17 {
output.text = '(What should I ask him?)';
output2.text = '• Why did you decide to work here at the lab?';
output3.text = '• Do you like me?';
frame 18 {
output.text = 'Landon: Are you doing any after school activities right now? Maybe you should join the math team. I was in it and it was pretty fun.';
output2.text = '• Maybe for you it was.';
output3.text = '• Why didn\'t you do a sport or something?';
frame 19 {
output.text = 'Landon: *sigh* One of my coworkers messed up the data from a test. Could you tell Theodore that I\'ll be coming home late tonight?';
output2.text = '• Knowing him he\'ll probably be coming home late too.';
output3.text = '• Sure, but why would he need to know that?';
frame 20 {
output.text = 'Landon: I\'ll admit that email is a nice thing, but I still rather talk to people face to face. It\'s not as quick or maybe as efficient, but I think it\'s still practical.';
output2.text = '• What about phone calls?';
output3.text = '• Yeah, it\'s good to be around other people.';
frame 21 {
output.text = 'Landon: I don\'t like to wear my glasses, but I\'m getting really tired of these contacts. Maybe it\'s time for me to finally get laser eye surgery.';
output2.text = '• Why don\'t you like wearing your glasses?';
output3.text = '• Are you sure that you can afford it?';
frame 22 {
output.text = 'Landon: Be careful when you travel to the past. It may be the same place, but time can really change a lot of things.';
output2.text = '• You\'re just worrying too much.';
output3.text = '• Time can change people too, huh?';
frame 23 {
output.text = 'Landon: I don\'t know how Theodore can stand watching horror movies. *sigh* He\'s been watching a lot of them lately. I just hope he doesn\'t get any nightmares.';
output2.text = '• Don\'t you like horror movies too?';
output3.text = '• Don\'t worry, he won\'t. He\'s not a chicken.';
frame 24 {
output.text = 'Landon: Hey, I-I was just wondering... um, what do you think of Theodore?';
output2.text = '• He\'s cute, but it\'s not like I have a crush on him.';
output3.text = '• He\'s kind of stupid, but he\'s still a good guy.';
frame 25 {
output.text = '(What should I ask him?)';
output2.text = '• Why did you lose weight after high school?';
output3.text = '• Did you get good grades in school?';
frame 26 {
output.text = 'Landon: Remember when you, Theodore, and I used to play together? Now that I think about, we\'ve really known each other for a long time, huh?';
output2.text = '• Yeah, those were the good old days.';
output3.text = '• You just realized that now?';
frame 27 {
output.text = 'Landon: I wonder if that teddy bear at the mall is some kind of new mascot... I wonder what it is though. It moves too smoothly to be a robot...';
output2.text = '• He\'s not a robot, he\'s a real teddy bear!';
output3.text = '• Who cares, he\'s cute, isn\'t he?';
frame 28 {
output.text = 'Landon: I just got some spam mail. *sigh* This is another reason why I don\'t like computers...';
output2.text = '• What was the spam mail trying about?';
output3.text = '• How could you not like computers?';
frame 29 {
output.text = 'Landon: *sigh* It\'s almost time for my break. Maybe I should go out somewhere for lunch...';
output2.text = '• Where do you think you\'ll go?';
output3.text = '• Just don\'t get junk food. It\'s bad for you.';
frame 30 {
output.text = 'Landon: Theodore always plays his music loudly. I tell him to stop, but he can\'t seem to help it.';
output2.text = '• You shouldn\'t have let him made a habit out of it.';
output3.text = '• Let him be. He just loves his music.';
frame 31 {
output.text = 'Landon: H-hey, I got you something. I-I just saw it and thought that you would like it. Sorry, is this too weird? Um, do you still want it...?';
output2.text = '• Um, why would you spend money on me?';
output3.text = '• No, it\'s fine. Thanks.';
frame 32 {
output.text = 'Landon: You live alone now, right? Is it hard to be on your own?';
output2.text = '• No, I can take care of myself.';
output3.text = '• Sometimes it is, but hey, I manage.';
frame 33 {
output.text = 'Landon: Um...';
output2.text = '• What is it?';
output3.text = '• Are you over working yourself again?';
frame 34 {
output.text = 'Landon: The Time Hole will be closing soon, huh? *sigh* Maybe if another Time Hole appears, the Time Jumpers will become useful again.';
output2.text = '• Would it also lead exactly 100 years back though?';
output3.text = '• And what are the chances of that happening?';
frame 35 {
output.text = 'Landon: Hey, I\'m on break now. W-want me to take you anywhere?';
output2.text = '• Sure, sounds good to me.';
output3.text = '• But I should be at school right now.';
frame 36 {
output.text = 'Landon: I-I, um... i-it\'s nothing...';
output2.text = '• Just say whatever\'s on your mind.';
output3.text = '• You\'re still the shy Landon I\'ve always known, huh?';
frame 37 {
output.text = 'Landon: I-If you ever need anything, you can come to me you know...';
output2.text = '• Haha, I know. You\'re always there for me, Landon.';
output3.text = '• I\'m mature enough to take care of myself.';
frame 38 {
output.text = 'Landon: You look... really pretty today. Ah, s-sorry... I shouldn\'t have said that...';
output2.text = '• Why not?';
output3.text = '• No, it\'s fine. Um, th-thanks...';
frame 39 {
output.text = 'Landon: Um, I don\'t want to sound weird but... do you like me?';
output2.text = '• Of course I do, you\'re a good guy.';
output3.text = '• I like you as much as you like me.';
frame 40 {
output.text = 'Landon: Sorry if I act strange. I don\'t know why I do. I wish that I could be more calm when I\'m around you...';
output2.text = '• It\'s okay. You were always kind of weird around me.';
output3.text = '• Just be yourself.';
frame 41 {
output.text = 'Landon: Hey, I was wondering... why did you and Theodore make that promise anyway?';
output2.text = '• Um, I don\'t really know.';
output3.text = '• He thought that it would make us live happily ever after.';
frame 42 {
output.text = 'Landon: So if you and Theodore aren\'t going to get married... th-then... can you and I?';
output2.text = '• I-isn\'t it too early to be thinking about that?';
output3.text = '• Maybe when I get older.';
frame 43 {
output.text = 'Landon: Hey, where do you see us in the future? You think that we\'ll be... happy together?';
output2.text = '• I\'m sure that we can live just as happily ever after.';
output3.text = '• You\'re already thinking that far ahead?';
frame 44 {
output.text = 'Landon: . . . . . . . . . .';
output2.text = '• What is it?';
output3.text = '• Why are you looking at me like that?';
frame 45 {
output.text = 'Landon: I\'m, um... really glad that I\'m the one that you\'re looking at now.';
output2.text = '• What do you mean?';
output3.text = '• That\'s good to hear.';
frame 3049 {
_root.clarkgood += 1;
_root.clarkbad += 1;
_root.clarktalkpoint += 1;
_root.clark += 10;
frame 3049 {
if (_root.clarkgood == 0) {
if (_root.clarkgood == 1) {
if (_root.clarkgood == 2) {
if (_root.clarkgood == 3) {
if (_root.clarkgood == 4) {
if (_root.clarkgood == 5) {
if (_root.clarkgood == 6) {
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if (_root.clarkgood == 11) {
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if (_root.clarkgood == 13) {
if (_root.clarkgood == 14) {
if (_root.clarkgood == 15) {
if (_root.clarkgood == 16) {
if (_root.clarkgood == 17) {
if (_root.clarkgood == 18) {
if (_root.clarkgood == 19) {
if (_root.clarkgood == 20) {
if (_root.clarkgood == 21) {
if (_root.clarkgood == 22) {
if (_root.clarkgood == 23) {
if (_root.clarkgood == 24) {
if (_root.clarkgood == 25) {
if (_root.clarkgood == 26) {
if (_root.clarkgood == 27) {
if (_root.clarkgood == 28) {
if (_root.clarkgood == 29) {
if (_root.clarkgood == 30) {
if (_root.clarkgood == 31) {
if (_root.clarkgood == 32) {
if (_root.clarkgood == 33) {
if (_root.clarkgood == 34) {
if (_root.clarkgood == 35) {
if (_root.clarkgood == 36) {
if (_root.clarkgood == 37) {
if (_root.clarkgood == 38) {
if (_root.clarkgood == 39) {
if (_root.clarkgood == 40) {
if (_root.clarkgood == 41) {
if (_root.clarkgood == 42) {
if (_root.clarkgood == 43) {
if (_root.clarkgood >= 44) {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
movieClip 2642 {
frame 1 {
output.text = 'Landon: Y-yeah. I told everybody else here at the lab that it was stolen by an unknown thief. I wouldn\'t want Theodore to get in trouble...';
frame 2 {
output.text = 'Landon: All the lab really wants is data on the Time Hole. The Time Jumper wasn\'t actually really necessary to have in the first place. Anyways, if I suddenly got that Time Jumper back, my coworkers might get suspicious of me.';
frame 3 {
output.text = 'Landon: N-no, not at all. Just make sure not to touch any of the machines, okay?';
frame 4 {
output.text = 'Landon: I\'ve been calling him by his real name all my life. I personally think that \'Teddy\' sounds kind of odd...';
frame 5 {
output.text = 'Landon: ...As long as you\'re not missing any important lessons.';
frame 6 {
output.text = 'Landon: Hey, I can help if school\'s troubling you. Bring in anything you don\'t understand to me. I should be able to explain most of it to you.';
frame 7 {
output.text = 'Landon: Must be a phase or something. But I guess that kids will be kids...';
frame 8 {
output.text = 'Landon: That\'s a relief. When you were stuck in the past, I was afraid that trouble was going to happen to you.';
frame 9 {
output.text = 'Landon: *sigh* I guess so.';
frame 10 {
output.text = 'Landon: Now that I think about it, Theodore really took after him. Maybe that\'s why they got along so well...';
frame 11 {
output.text = 'Landon: This job pays pretty well. Of course we can\'t afford high end stuff and luxuries, but we\'re still living quite comfortably.';
frame 12 {
output.text = 'Landon: Actually, I think that they\'ve come a long way thanks to Nina Everett. She works for the A.I. Android Corp now, but a couple of decades ago, she developed one of the most advanced androids at just the age of 15.';
frame 13 {
output.text = 'Landon: We did actually kind of look alike before he dyed his hair, huh? I suppose that it\'s not a bad thing that I\'m not like him. I would be a completely different person if I was as outgoing as he was.';
frame 14 {
output.text = 'Landon: Ah, th-thanks...';
frame 15 {
output.text = 'Landon: A-ah... you think so too? Theodore tells me that all the time.';
frame 16 {
output.text = 'Landon: Cats are more independent and easier to take care of, aren\'t they? And besides... cats are cuter.';
frame 17 {
output.text = 'Landon: Well... after my dad passed away, I needed to get a decent job in order to support the both of us. We never had a really good relationship with our relatives and I didn\'t want to burden our grandparents, so I decided to take care of Theodore myself.';
frame 18 {
output.text = 'Landon: I-I was never athletic. And... I was pretty overweight back then, remember? Um... y-yeah.';
frame 19 {
output.text = 'Landon: I normally make dinner when I come home, but Theodore gets hungry and usually goes out to buy fast food on days where I come home late...';
frame 20 {
output.text = 'Landon: I\'m glad that I\'m not the only one who thinks that. Using too much email drives me crazy after a while.';
_root.landongift += 1;
frame 21 {
output.text = 'Landon: I-I don\'t look good in them...! You remember how nerdy they made me look, right?';
frame 22 {
output.text = 'Landon: Yeah, that\'s true. A lot can happen to a person in just a year or two...';
frame 23 {
output.text = 'Landon: N-no, of course not! There\'s hardly ever an actual plot to a lot of them and the only point of them is to... s-scare people.';
frame 24 {
output.text = 'Landon: I\'m glad that he\'s not around to hear you call him stupid. Still, I\'m glad that you can see the good side to him.';
frame 25 {
output.text = 'Landon: H-huh? I was... I was just trying to become um, healthier...';
frame 26 {
output.text = 'Landon: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .';
_root.landonevent = 1;
_root.landonevent = 1;
frame 27 {
output.text = 'Landon: Um, I-I guess so...';
frame 28 {
output.text = 'Landon: Apparently I won a year supply of chap sticks, but there was a lot of small text so I just assumed that it was all a scam of some sort. How did they even get my email in the first place...?';
frame 29 {
output.text = 'Landon: Hm, the Alix Burger just opened recently. I heard that it\'s decent and cheap. Guess it wouldn\'t hurt to go check them out.';
frame 30 {
output.text = 'Landon: ...Now that I think about it, my dad really liked his music too. *sigh* Those two really had a lot in common.';
frame 31 {
output.text = 'Landon: Y-you\'re welcome...';
_root.stickers += 1;
frame 32 {
output.text = 'Landon: Um, if you need anything like food, just ask me. I always make more then what we need... and it wouldn\'t be a problem to share some with you...';
frame 33 {
output.text = 'Landon: N-no, I\'m just fine. S-sorry for worrying you.';
frame 34 {
output.text = 'Landon: ...I\'m not sure. It would be really interesting if the next Time Hole went 100 years into the future. The probability of another Time Hole appearing is little to none unfortunately.';
frame 35 {
output.text = 'Landon: G-great, let me know when you\'re ready.';
frame 36 {
output.text = 'Landon: A-ah. I-I guess... I haven\'t really changed as far as my personality goes...';
frame 37 {
output.text = 'Landon: Yeah...';
frame 38 {
output.text = 'Landon: I-it\'s nothing.';
frame 39 {
output.text = 'Landon: H-huh? R-really? Oh, um... th-thank you.';
frame 40 {
output.text = 'Landon: And... you still like me even though if I\'m weird? Um, I\'m not sure what to say...';
frame 41 {
output.text = 'Landon: Happily ever after, huh? That sounds nice...';
frame 42 {
output.text = 'Landon: O-of course! Don\'t worry. I can wait. I\'ll... wait forever for you.';
frame 43 {
output.text = 'Landon: I\'ll make that happens for us. You’ll be happy... I-I\'ll make sure that you will be. I promise.';
frame 44 {
output.text = 'Landon: Ah! S-sorry! I-I didn\'t mean to stare...';
frame 45 {
output.text = 'Landon: Theodore used to be the one you spent more time with... but now I\'m finally the one you\'re looking at. I used to be jealous of him, but now... I\'m just happy.';
frame 3050 {
if (_root.clarkbad == 0) {
if (_root.clarkbad == 1) {
if (_root.clarkbad == 2) {
if (_root.clarkbad == 3) {
if (_root.clarkbad == 4) {
if (_root.clarkbad == 5) {
if (_root.clarkbad == 6) {
if (_root.clarkbad == 7) {
if (_root.clarkbad == 8) {
if (_root.clarkbad == 9) {
if (_root.clarkbad == 10) {
if (_root.clarkbad == 11) {
if (_root.clarkbad == 12) {
if (_root.clarkbad == 13) {
if (_root.clarkbad == 14) {
if (_root.clarkbad == 15) {
if (_root.clarkbad == 16) {
if (_root.clarkbad == 17) {
if (_root.clarkbad == 18) {
if (_root.clarkbad == 19) {
if (_root.clarkbad == 20) {
if (_root.clarkbad == 21) {
if (_root.clarkbad == 22) {
if (_root.clarkbad == 23) {
if (_root.clarkbad == 24) {
if (_root.clarkbad == 25) {
if (_root.clarkbad == 26) {
if (_root.clarkbad == 27) {
if (_root.clarkbad == 28) {
if (_root.clarkbad == 29) {
if (_root.clarkbad == 30) {
if (_root.clarkbad == 31) {
if (_root.clarkbad == 32) {
if (_root.clarkbad == 33) {
if (_root.clarkbad == 34) {
if (_root.clarkbad == 35) {
if (_root.clarkbad == 36) {
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if (_root.clarkbad == 38) {
if (_root.clarkbad == 39) {
if (_root.clarkbad == 40) {
if (_root.clarkbad == 41) {
if (_root.clarkbad == 42) {
if (_root.clarkbad == 43) {
if (_root.clarkbad >= 44) {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
movieClip 2646 {
frame 1 {
output.text = 'Landon: It\'s fine, I already know. You don\'t have to cover him or anything like that.';
frame 2 {
output.text = 'Landon: You can use it however you want, just don\'t get yourself into any trouble with it, okay?';
frame 3 {
output.text = 'Landon: Oh, I see.';
frame 4 {
output.text = 'Landon: Just some lab work. It\'s kind of boring stuff. You probably wouldn\'t want to watch me do it.';
frame 5 {
output.text = 'Landon: Theodore\'s at school right now... you clearly don\'t have the day off. Did you really think that I would have bought that lie?';
frame 6 {
output.text = 'Landon: That\'s good to hear. Theodore could really learn a thing or two from you.';
frame 7 {
output.text = 'Landon: I don\'t really think so. I prefer more natural looking things...';
frame 8 {
output.text = 'Landon: N-no, I can\'t leave the lab right now. And besides, I-I get motion sickness easily.';
frame 9 {
output.text = 'Landon: Huh? You\'re not constantly time jumping, are you? You have school to attend.';
frame 10 {
output.text = 'Landon: ...Ah, you forgot? Umm... he passed away a couple of years ago, remember? Uh, n-nevermind. Let\'s talk about something else.';
frame 11 {
output.text = 'Landon: Um, that\'s kind of an... interesting question. I-I\'m not that old, I\'m only older than you by a few years.';
frame 12 {
output.text = 'Landon: Don\'t be so sarcastic about it...';
frame 13 {
output.text = 'Landon: I-I\'m pretty sure that I was not...';
frame 14 {
output.text = 'Landon: It\'s not all that complicated. Well, the other members of the lab who are more advanced in chemistry will be doing most of the work anyway...';
frame 15 {
output.text = 'Landon: I-I guess I am, but I still find computers to be pretty complicated. *sigh*';
frame 16 {
output.text = 'Landon: It\'s a chance that I don\'t think that I can afford. I would be in a lot of trouble if we got a dog and if it caused property damage in our apartment...';
frame 17 {
output.text = 'Landon: H-huh? W-well, yes. We\'re good friends, aren\'t we? B-but it\'s not like I have any special feelings for you of course...';
frame 18 {
output.text = 'Landon: Oh. Y-yeah, sorry...';
frame 19 {
output.text = 'Landon: What are you talking about? He\'s not... getting himself into mischief, is he?';
frame 20 {
output.text = 'Landon: Phones are also convenient, but I still think that the best way to communicate with each other is face to face.';
frame 21 {
output.text = 'Landon: Y-yeah, I\'ve been saving up money. And besides, laser eye surgery nowadays is pretty affordable for everyone.';
frame 22 {
output.text = 'Landon: A-ah, maybe, but you can\'t always just assume that the world\'s a friendly place, you know.';
frame 23 {
output.text = 'Landon: Ch-chicken or not, those movies are still scary and shouldn\'t be watched so much.';
frame 24 {
output.text = 'Landon: Hmm, I see...';
frame 25 {
output.text = 'Landon: I would say that they were pretty good. Way better then Theodore\'s for sure though.';
frame 26 {
output.text = 'Landon: Ah, n-no. I... just never really thought about it, that\'s all.';
frame 27 {
output.text = 'Landon: Huh? What are you talking about? That would just be plain... silly.';
frame 28 {
output.text = 'Landon: They\'re confusing. Besides, data and information is better kept in books and on papers then hardware.';
frame 29 {
output.text = 'Landon: I-I know, don\'t worry about me. I can take care of myself.';
frame 30 {
output.text = 'Landon: I know, but it\'s hard to both guide him and work at the same time... but that\'s what parents have to do, huh? *sigh* I think I\'m too young for this...';
frame 31 {
output.text = 'Landon: B-because you\'re a... friend. I thought that it would be a nice thing to do...';
frame 32 {
output.text = 'Landon: That\'s good to hear. Sometimes I wish that Theodore was just as mature as you.';
frame 33 {
output.text = 'Landon: N-nothing. It\'s... nothing...';
frame 34 {
output.text = 'Landon: Very low. The Time Hole in the sky right now is the first one to be ever recorded in history.';
frame 35 {
output.text = 'Landon: Oh, r-right. Why do you come here so often? You really should be at school...';
frame 36 {
output.text = 'Landon: N-no, it\'s really nothing. Sorry...';
frame 37 {
output.text = 'Landon: I-I know, but you\'re still too young to be on your own like this. I just don\'t want you getting yourself into any trouble.';
frame 38 {
output.text = 'Landon: Um, I-I... it just sounded kind of awkward, didn\'t it?';
frame 39 {
output.text = 'Landon: Ah, th-thanks...';
frame 40 {
output.text = 'Landon: I-I\'ll try my best to be.';
frame 41 {
output.text = 'Landon: Oh. Um, I see...';
frame 42 {
output.text = 'Landon: Um, i-it is...! I-I\'m sorry, I shouldn\'t have asked that...';
frame 43 {
output.text = 'Landon: Y-yeah, sorry. I\'m kind of strange like that.';
frame 44 {
output.text = 'Landon: N-nothing.';
frame 45 {
output.text = 'Landon: Th-thanks.';
frame 3051 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Landon: S-sure, I could use a break from work. Should we go now?';
output1.text = '• Yeah!';
output2.text = '• Wait, I change my mind.';
button 2647 {
on (release) {
button 2648 {
on (release) {
frame 3052 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
frame 3052 {
_root.hp -= 50;
frame 3068 {
_root.datetalk = 3;
_root.dategift = 2;
_root.datetea = 1;
_root.mood = 0;
_root.ondate = 1;
frame 3087 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
_root.giveitem._visible = false;
_root.leavedate._visible = false;;
button 2657 {
on (release) {
if (_root.datetalk == 0) {
on (release) {
if (_root.datetalk >= 1) {
button 2658 {
on (release) {
if (_root.dategift >= 1) {
_root.giveitem._visible = true;
on (release) {
if (_root.dategift == 0) {
button 2659 {
on (release) {
if (_root.mood == 5) {
on (release) {
if (_root.mood <= 4) {
button 2672 {
on (release) {
if (_root.candy >= 1) {
_root.candy -= 1;
button 2673 {
on (release) {
if (_root.candybar >= 1) {
_root.candybar -= 1;
button 2674 {
on (release) {
if (_root.wristwatch >= 1) {
_root.wristwatch -= 1;
button 2675 {
on (release) {
if (_root.stickers >= 1) {
_root.stickers -= 1;
button 2676 {
on (release) {
if (_root.plush >= 1) {
_root.plush -= 1;
button 2677 {
on (release) {
if (_root.tea >= 1) {
_root.tea -= 1;
button 2678 {
on (release) {
if (_root.soda >= 1) {
_root.soda -= 1;
button 2679 {
on (release) {
if (_root.bouquet >= 1) {
_root.bouquet -= 1;
button 2680 {
on (release) {
if (_root.tokens >= 1) {
_root.tokens -= 1;
button 2681 {
on (release) {
if (_root.novel >= 1) {
_root.novel -= 1;
button 2682 {
on (release) {
if ( >= 1) { -= 1;
button 2683 {
on (release) {
if (_root.compass >= 1) {
_root.compass -= 1;
button 2685 {
on (release) {
frame 3088 {
_root.mood += 1;
_root.dategift -= 1;
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Landon: Oh. Th-thank you, ' + player_name + '. Um, y-you didn\'t have to, really...';
button 2690 {
on (release) {
frame 3089 {
_root.dategift -= 1;
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Landon: You got this for me? Um, th-thanks, but... er, it\'s nothing.';
frame 3090 {
function ansGen() {
generate = random(5);
ans = ['Landon: What movie would you like to see, ' + player_name + '? Anything is fine with me as long as it\'s not a horror one... S-sorry, I can\'t stand scary stuff.', 'Landon: Let\'s buy some snacks before we enter. Don\'t worry, I\'ll pay. You can get whatever you want.', 'Landon: I actually haven\'t been to the movies a lot lately. Well, I guess it\'s more fun when I\'m here with you.', 'Landon: What should we do next? I\'m not good at picking out activities, so I\'m leaving it up to you.', 'Landon: U-um, I like your outfit, ' + player_name + '. You look nice today... n-not that you don\'t look nice everyday, s-sorry...'];
_root.outputdate = ans[generate];
_root.mood += 1;
_root.datetalk -= 1;;
_root.giveitem._visible = false;
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
frame 3091 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = player_name + ': I think that we should do something else...';
frame 3092 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Landon: I-if you don\'t mind, then o-okay. C-close your eyes...';
button 2705 {
on (release) {
frame 3093 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
frame 3106 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
frame 3119 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
_root.clark += 60;;
outputi.text = 'Date successful!';
frame 3120 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Landon: I-I had fun today, ' + player_name + '. D-did you have fun too? Sorry if I was a bit boring, but I would really like to go out with you again soon.';
button 2714 {
on (release) {
frame 3121 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
frame 3137 {
_root.ondate = 0;
frame 3155 {
frame 3156 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
_root.reminder = 0;
_root.reminder = 0;
frame 3157 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
_root.giveitem._visible = false;
movieClip 2733 {
button 2735 {
on (release) {
if (_root.hp >= 10) {
on (release) {
if (_root.hp <= 9) {;
button 2736 {
on (release) {
if (_root.hp <= 49) {;
on (release) {
if (_root.coledate == 0) {
on (release) {
if (_root.hp >= 50) {
if (_root.coledate == 1) {
button 2737 {
on (release) {
if (_root.colegift == 0) {
on (release) {
if (_root.colegift == 1) {
_root.giveitem._visible = true;
button 2751 {
on (release) {
if (_root.candy >= 1) {
_root.candy -= 1;
button 2752 {
on (release) {
if (_root.candybar >= 1) {
_root.candybar -= 1;
button 2753 {
on (release) {
if (_root.wristwatch >= 1) {
_root.wristwatch -= 1;
button 2754 {
on (release) {
if (_root.stickers >= 1) {
_root.stickers -= 1;
button 2755 {
on (release) {
if (_root.plush >= 1) {
_root.plush -= 1;
button 2756 {
on (release) {
if (_root.tea >= 1) {
_root.tea -= 1;
button 2757 {
on (release) {
if (_root.soda >= 1) {
_root.soda -= 1;
button 2758 {
on (release) {
if (_root.bouquet >= 1) {
_root.bouquet -= 1;
button 2759 {
on (release) {
if (_root.tokens >= 1) {
_root.tokens -= 1;
button 2760 {
on (release) {
if (_root.novel >= 1) {
_root.novel -= 1;
button 2761 {
on (release) {
if ( >= 1) { -= 1;
button 2762 {
on (release) {
if (_root.compass >= 1) {
_root.compass -= 1;
frame 3158 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Cole: Hm, I\'m not too big on lemon flavored soda, but thanks.';
button 2766 {
on (release) {
frame 3159 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
_root.lance += 20;
outputi.text = 'Cole: This is for me? Cool! Thanks, ' + player_name + '.';
frame 3160 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Cole: Oh, that\'s okay, ' + player_name + '. You\'ve already sweeten up my day enough for me.';
movieClip 2773 {
frame 3161 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Cole: I\'m not much of a tea drinker, but thanks.';
frame 3162 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Cole: Thanks, I\'ll think of you when I use them. Hm, but I wonder just what I should put them on...';
frame 3163 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Cole: Ha, cute. But a cute stuffed animal like this would suit a cute girl like you better, I think.';
frame 3164 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Cole: Whoa, a watch? Um, thanks, ' + player_name + ', but this looks kind of expensive...';
frame 3165 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Cole: Sistehcap? Didn\'t they break up a really long time ago? Their music\'s pretty okay though I guess.';
frame 3166 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Cole: Haha, why are you giving these to me? Pretty flowers like these don\'t really suit me. Hey, let me put one in your hair. C\'mon, it\'ll look nice.';
frame 3167 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
_root.lance += 30;
outputi.text = 'Cole: Whoa, awesome! I\'ve been looking all over for these, but I could never find them around here.';
frame 3168 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Cole: Um, thanks. Hm, but it might be a while before I read it. I\'ve been kind of busy.';
frame 3169 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Cole: Whoa, this looks pretty cool, but I don\'t think that I\'ll use it all that much...';
frame 3170 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Cole: Whoa, what\'s with the rush? I\'m not saying no, but I would really like to get to know you better before I take you out on a date.';
frame 3171 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Cole: H-hey, don\'t spend money on a guy that you don\'t know very well. I\'d feel kind of bad if I just took stuff from you...';
frame 3172 {
if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 0) {
if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 1) {
if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 2) {
if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 3) {
if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 4) {
if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 5) {
if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 6) {
if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 7) {
if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 8) {
if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 9) {
if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 10) {
if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 11) {
if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 12) {
if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 13) {
if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 14) {
if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 15) {
if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 16) {
if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 17) {
if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 18) {
if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 19) {
if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 20) {
if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 21) {
if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 22) {
if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 23) {
if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 24) {
if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 25) {
if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 26) {
if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 27) {
if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 28) {
if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 29) {
if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 30) {
if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 31) {
if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 32) {
if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 33) {
if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 34) {
if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 35) {
if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 36) {
if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 37) {
if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 38) {
if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 39) {
if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 40) {
if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 41) {
if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 42) {
if (_root.lancetalkpoint == 43) {
if (_root.lancetalkpoint >= 44) {
_root.hp -= 10;
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
button 2792 {
on (release) {
button 2793 {
on (release) {
movieClip 2802 {
movieClip 2809 {
frame 1 {
output.text = 'Cole: Oh hey, it\'s you. So what\'s up?';
output2.text = '• I\'m just doing random stuff.';
output3.text = '• Nothing much, what about you?';
frame 2 {
output.text = '(What should I ask him?)';
output2.text = '• What\'s with your hands?';
output3.text = '• Why are you hanging out here?';
frame 3 {
output.text = 'Cole: My dad and gramps have probably told me over a thousand stories about my great grandpa. Apparently he was the unluckiest guy who ever lived.';
output2.text = '• I\'m not surprised...';
output3.text = '• That sounds pretty depressing.';
frame 4 {
output.text = 'Cole: That guy who was hitting on you from the other day was pretty creepy, wasn\'t he?';
output2.text = '• Um, thanks again for helping me out.';
output3.text = '• But he did offer to buy me a coffee...';
frame 5 {
output.text = 'Cole: Um... why are you here? Don\'t you have to be at school or something?';
output2.text = '• Nah, I never go to school anyways.';
output3.text = '• I could ask you the same thing.';
frame 6 {
output.text = 'Cole: Hey, I recognize that uniform. You go to Reton High, right?';
output2.text = '• Um, I can\'t remember. Do I?';
output3.text = '• Yeah. Do you go there too?';
frame 7 {
output.text = 'Cole: I heard that time travel will soon be available to the public. That sounds both exciting and scary at the same time though.';
output2.text = '• Why scary?';
output3.text = '• Isn\'t it just cool though?';
frame 8 {
output.text = 'Cole: Aah, I have a song stuck in my head. Oh well, at least it\'s not an annoying one...';
output2.text = '• What song is it?';
output3.text = '• What kind of music do you like?';
frame 9 {
output.text = 'Cole: Hey... do my hands bother you?';
output2.text = '• No, not really...';
output3.text = '• Why would they?';
frame 10 {
output.text = 'Cole: I really love Saki Dancer. The city where I\'m from doesn\'t have any Saki Dancer machines though.';
output2.text = '• Where are you from?';
output3.text = '• What do you like about Saki Dancer?';
frame 11 {
output.text = 'Cole: I wish that this library had more comic books. Some people hardly consider comics to be books, but hey, variety’s a good thing, right?';
output2.text = '• I prefer manga.';
output3.text = '• Yeah, and comic books are pretty cool.';
frame 12 {
output.text = 'Cole: I suppose one plus to having these hands is that I never have to worry about getting paper cuts or pinching my fingers on drawers or doors.';
output2.text = '• Makes me kind of want prosthetics too...';
output3.text = '• That\'s pretty nifty.';
frame 13 {
output.text = 'Cole: That\'s a pretty neat watch you\'re wearing. Does it have any cool features?';
output2.text = '• Yeah, it lets me time travel.';
output3.text = '• It\'s not really a watch...';
frame 14 {
output.text = 'Cole: So you\'ve actually time traveled? That\'s so cool! What\'s it like?';
output2.text = '• It kind of feel like riding a roller coaster.';
output3.text = '• It\'s actually pretty fun. Wanna give it a try?';
frame 15 {
output.text = 'Cole: Hey, let\'s exchange emails. We\'ll be able to keep in touch better that way, right?';
output2.text = '• Sure, what\'s yours?';
output3.text = '• Um, I hardly ever use my email though.';
frame 16 {
output.text = 'Cole: Have you seen that teddy bear at the mall? He\'s cute, isn\'t he? Though he seem pretty life like to be a robot...';
output2.text = '• He probably attracts a lot of customers to the shop...';
output3.text = '• Are you sure he\'s a robot?';
frame 17 {
output.text = 'Cole: What\'s the past like? Is the society and culture really different from now?';
output2.text = '• Sort of, but the personal values haven\'t really changed.';
output3.text = '• Why not use my Time Jumper to see for yourself?';
frame 18 {
output.text = 'Cole: Hey, I bought the wrong kind of soda. Do you want it? It\'s still kind of cold.';
output2.text = '• What do you mean by \'wrong kind\'?';
output3.text = '• Sure, thanks!';
frame 19 {
output.text = 'Cole: A cute girl like you needs to be careful. I\'m sure that creepy guys hit on you all the time, huh?';
output2.text = '• Actually, no, not really...';
output3.text = '• Yeah, it\'s kind of a pain.';
frame 20 {
output.text = 'Cole: It took me a long time to get used to my prosthetic hands. I\'m still actually pretty bad at doing some things that require a lot dexterity like sewing.';
output2.text = '• They should have hidden the joints better on those.';
output3.text = '• I think they look pretty cool though.';
frame 21 {
output.text = 'Cole: The escalator at the mall broke down. When I was there a lot of people were confused because it wasn\'t moving. Strange how much people rely on technology now, huh?';
output2.text = '• Yeah... someday robots are going to take over the world.';
output3.text = '• Wouldn\'t it be scary if electricity suddenly ran out?';
frame 22 {
output.text = 'Cole: Last night I had a dream that I was riding a giant koi... except it was flying in the sky, not swimming in water. It was really weird...';
output2.text = '• At least it wasn\'t a scary dream, huh?';
output3.text = '• Koi fish are pretty cute...';
frame 23 {
output.text = 'Cole: I just got a new high score on Saki Dancer! I now rank number three on the Saki Dancer machine in the square, but my real goal to become number one!';
output2.text = '• Oh c\'mon, it\'s just a game.';
output3.text = '• You\'re pretty good. I bet that you\'ll be number one soon.';
frame 24 {
output.text = 'Cole: Have you heard about those artificial intelligence robots that people can buy now? They sound really cool, but I bet that they\'re really expensive.';
output2.text = '• I wonder if robots would make good friends...';
output3.text = '• I told you that robots were going to take over the world!';
frame 25 {
output.text = 'Cole: You kind of come here pretty often. Why\'s that? Is there a reason?';
output2.text = '• I kind of like talking to you.';
output3.text = '• Well why do you come here so much?';
frame 26 {
output.text = 'Cole: I found this pretty interesting book just now. It\'s about an orphan girl that becomes a princess and a prince that becomes a servant for her.';
output2.text = '• I think I\'ve heard of that story before...';
output3.text = '• Sounds pretty romantic.';
frame 27 {
output.text = 'Cole: I used to play a lot video games when I was a kid. I still play games here and there, but a lot of the newer games now just aren\'t as interesting.';
output2.text = '• Originality is kind of dead, huh?';
output3.text = '• Really? I think that some of them are pretty good.';
frame 28 {
output.text = 'Cole: Hey, is it just me, or is that hole thing in the sky look smaller now?';
output2.text = '• Looks the same to me.';
output3.text = '• Probably because it\'s starting to close.';
frame 29 {
output.text = 'Cole: I remember that I used to get teased a lot for my hands. Well, I\'ve always kind of stuck out like a sore thumb compared to everyone else.';
output2.text = '• Well shame on them.';
output3.text = '• But that just makes you special, right?';
frame 30 {
output.text = 'Cole: I can\'t sleep unless if I have headphones on and music playing. Sometimes my mp3 runs out of batteries in the middle of the night though.';
output2.text = '• What would we do without music, huh?';
output3.text = '• That\'s bad for your ears though.';
frame 31 {
output.text = '(What should I ask him?)';
output2.text = '• Do you like me?';
output3.text = '• Where are you staying right now?';
frame 32 {
output.text = 'Cole: My parents were always really overprotective of me. Sometimes they wouldn\'t even let me go outside.';
output2.text = '• Sounds kind of tough.';
output3.text = '• But they just love you.';
frame 33 {
output.text = '(What should I say to him?)';
output2.text = '• Why do you like me?';
output3.text = '• I bet that you\'re pretty popular with girls.';
frame 34 {
output.text = 'Cole: Hey, let\'s go on another date. I promise things will go better this time.';
output2.text = '• Sure, I\'d like that.';
output3.text = '• Maybe later.';
frame 35 {
output.text = 'Cole: 3-D and virtual reality games are getting pretty popular now. I still prefer the good old games for the Game Bro though.';
output2.text = '• They both have their pluses and minuses.';
output3.text = '• Good old games like Pokiman and Tetros, right?';
frame 36 {
output.text = 'Cole: You look cuter today... or am I just imagining things? Oh well, I\'m just glad to see you.';
output2.text = '• Why? Were you waiting for me or something?';
output3.text = '• That\'s nice. I\'m glad to see you too.';
frame 37 {
output.text = 'Cole: Birds are lucky, aren\'t they? They have feathers and can fly to wherever they want. *sigh* They\'re... so free.';
output2.text = '• Those wings come at a price though.';
output3.text = '• I kind of envy them too.';
frame 38 {
output.text = 'Cole: Hm? Why are you looking at me like that?';
output2.text = '• Oh. Sorry, was I staring?';
output3.text = '• This is just what my face looks like.';
frame 39 {
output.text = 'Cole: Didn\'t you call me \'Emmett\' the day we met? Was that just a coincidence or what?';
output2.text = '• O-oh, um. That was nothing...';
output3.text = '• I\'ve met your great grandfather actually...';
frame 40 {
output.text = 'Cole: I feel like I\'ve known you forever. Weird, huh? I do kind of wish that I met you sooner though...';
output2.text = '• Me too.';
output3.text = '• Why\'s that?';
frame 41 {
output.text = 'Cole: Do you think that I should go home back to my parents?';
output2.text = '• I don\'t know.';
output3.text = '• Well, isn\'t it the right thing to do?';
frame 42 {
output.text = 'Cole: I want to keep on running... n-not because I\'m afraid of going back, but because... I want to keep on living like this.';
output2.text = '• Keep on living like how?';
output3.text = '• You\'re still being a coward.';
frame 43 {
output.text = 'Cole: Hey, what\'s with that plain look on your face? Here, how about I make you smile by telling you a really funny joke?';
output2.text = '• Is it corny?';
output3.text = '• Sure, give me your best shot.';
frame 44 {
output.text = 'Cole: Things have really changed in the last decade, huh? It\'s funny how much happened to these cities in such little time.';
output2.text = '• At least time doesn\'t change people that easily.';
output3.text = '• But at least technology got a lot better, right?';
frame 45 {
output.text = 'Cole: Hey, are you busy? Wanna go on a date or something?';
output2.text = '• Let\'s just hang out here, it\'s better.';
output3.text = '• Sure, I like spending time with you.';
frame 3173 {
_root.lancegood += 1;
_root.lancebad += 1;
_root.lancetalkpoint += 1;
_root.lance += 10;
frame 3173 {
if (_root.lancegood == 0) {
if (_root.lancegood == 1) {
if (_root.lancegood == 2) {
if (_root.lancegood == 3) {
if (_root.lancegood == 4) {
if (_root.lancegood == 5) {
if (_root.lancegood == 6) {
if (_root.lancegood == 7) {
if (_root.lancegood == 8) {
if (_root.lancegood == 9) {
if (_root.lancegood == 10) {
if (_root.lancegood == 11) {
if (_root.lancegood == 12) {
if (_root.lancegood == 13) {
if (_root.lancegood == 14) {
if (_root.lancegood == 15) {
if (_root.lancegood == 16) {
if (_root.lancegood == 17) {
if (_root.lancegood == 18) {
if (_root.lancegood == 19) {
if (_root.lancegood == 20) {
if (_root.lancegood == 21) {
if (_root.lancegood == 22) {
if (_root.lancegood == 23) {
if (_root.lancegood == 24) {
if (_root.lancegood == 25) {
if (_root.lancegood == 26) {
if (_root.lancegood == 27) {
if (_root.lancegood == 28) {
if (_root.lancegood == 29) {
if (_root.lancegood == 30) {
if (_root.lancegood == 31) {
if (_root.lancegood == 32) {
if (_root.lancegood == 33) {
if (_root.lancegood == 34) {
if (_root.lancegood == 35) {
if (_root.lancegood == 36) {
if (_root.lancegood == 37) {
if (_root.lancegood == 38) {
if (_root.lancegood == 39) {
if (_root.lancegood == 40) {
if (_root.lancegood == 41) {
if (_root.lancegood == 42) {
if (_root.lancegood == 43) {
if (_root.lancegood >= 44) {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
movieClip 2818 {
frame 1 {
output.text = 'Cole: Oh, I\'m just hanging around. Glad you showed up though, I was starting to get kind of bored.';
frame 2 {
output.text = 'Cole: Huh? Ah... I was kind of born without hands so these are just prosthetics... weird, right?';
frame 3 {
output.text = 'Cole: I know, right? But I heard that he was actually a really optimistic guy. He must have been pretty amazing.';
frame 4 {
output.text = 'Cole: Haha, no problem. Just glad that you turned out okay.';
frame 5 {
output.text = 'Cole: Ah, I\'ve been caught. But no worries, right? Let\'s just stay here and chill.';
frame 6 {
output.text = 'Cole: No, no. My school\'s far away from here. We don\'t have to wear uniforms either. Cool, huh?';
frame 7 {
output.text = 'Cole: Well couldn\'t a careless or bad person change the future with little effort? I hope that they cover that issue...';
frame 8 {
output.text = 'Cole: Rolling Girl. Have you heard of it? It\'s kind of an old one, but I think it\'s still pretty good.';
frame 9 {
output.text = 'Cole: Um, I don\'t know. But I do tend to get judged differently for having them...';
frame 10 {
output.text = 'Cole: Korupil. It\'s west of Cigam and not too far from here. Have you ever been there before?';
frame 11 {
output.text = 'Cole: Ha, you like them too? Oh, sorry. It\'s just that I\'ve never really met a girl who liked comics...';
frame 12 {
output.text = 'Cole: Haha, I know, right?';
frame 13 {
output.text = 'Cole: Oh wow, are you serious? Lucky you...!';
frame 14 {
output.text = 'Cole: Huh? Really? Sorry, but I\'ll pass. Don\'t laugh at me, but flying on planes, riding roller coasters, and stuff like that all kind of make me nervous.';
frame 15 {
output.text = 'Cole: Haha, I use \'nerosoraru\' as my user name for everything online.';
_root.colegift = 1;
_root.colegift = 1;
frame 16 {
output.text = 'Cole: That\'s because he\'s cute looking. This will probably sound kind of weird coming from a guy, but I\'d love to give him a big bear hug.';
frame 17 {
output.text = 'Cole: Like honesty, friendship, and love, right? Hopefully mankind will keep on being a compassionate race.';
frame 18 {
output.text = 'Cole: No problem.';
_root.soda += 1;
frame 19 {
output.text = 'Cole: Huh? Seriously? But... you\'re so pretty. But then I guess most guys must respect you, huh? That\'s good...';
frame 20 {
output.text = 'Cole: Huh? R-really? Um, thanks...';
frame 21 {
output.text = 'Cole: Haha, I wouldn\'t be surprised if they did...';
frame 22 {
output.text = 'Cole: You think so? Hmm, I guess they kind of are. I once saw this video online of this guy baby bottle feeding his giant koi.';
frame 23 {
output.text = 'Cole: Um, th-thanks...';
frame 24 {
output.text = 'Cole: Having a robot friend would be pretty interesting. I wonder if the robots nowadays are like real people or not...';
frame 25 {
output.text = 'Cole: Oh. C-cool, I guess... haha.';
_root.coleevent = 1;
_root.coleevent = 1;
frame 26 {
output.text = 'Cole: It is actually. D-don\'t laugh at me for reading a romance novel.';
frame 27 {
output.text = 'Cole: Yeah... the game play of most games are still pretty decent, but the stories really suck now.';
frame 28 {
output.text = 'Cole: R-really? Whoa, I didn\'t know that. I wonder why it is though. Just when I started getting used to seeing it in the sky every day...';
frame 29 {
output.text = 'Cole: Huh? O-oh yeah, I guess so...';
frame 30 {
output.text = 'Cole: I know, right? Music is pretty magical. I mean, it just is, isn\'t it?';
frame 31 {
output.text = 'Cole: I\'m actually staying with a friend right now. I\'m still not sure about going back home though...';
frame 32 {
output.text = 'Cole: Yeah, it was. Being free is something that most people take for granted too easily...';
frame 33 {
output.text = 'Cole: Well what\'s there to not like about you? You\'re nice and cute... pretty much anything that a guy would want from a girl, haha.';
frame 34 {
output.text = 'Cole: Great! Then it\'ll be my treat!';
frame 35 {
output.text = 'Cole: Ha, you like those games too? That\'s pretty cool. I don\'t know many girls that like gaming too.';
frame 36 {
output.text = 'Cole: Haha... maybe I was kind of looking forward to seeing you.';
frame 37 {
output.text = 'Cole: ...If I could fly away, I would definitely take you with me. *sigh* That would nice, huh?';
frame 38 {
output.text = 'Cole: Haha, kind of. But hey, I don\'t mind. You look pretty cute when you\'re staring.';
frame 39 {
output.text = 'Cole: Oh! That\'s right! You\'ve time traveled, right? So you\'ve actually met my great gramps? Man, that\'s wacky! Was he really as funny as my dad and grandpa told me he was? Haha, do I look like him too?';
frame 40 {
output.text = 'Cole: Because then I would\'ve found my reason for running sooner...';
frame 41 {
output.text = 'Cole: O-oh, sorry. I shouldn\'t get you involved in my own problems. I... um, never mind...';
frame 42 {
output.text = 'Cole: With you... I don\'t know what I would do if I couldn\'t see you anymore...';
frame 43 {
output.text = 'Cole: A shirt label reads: \'These shirts were tested on animals. They didn\'t fit.\' Huh, well? That wasn\'t too bad, was it?';
frame 44 {
output.text = 'Cole: Yeah... hey, I hope time doesn\'t change you too much in the future. I think... that you\'re perfect the way you are right now.';
frame 45 {
output.text = 'Cole: Really? Well, I guess that would be kind of obvious now, but I still feel kind of happy to hear that from you.';
frame 3174 {
if (_root.lancebad == 0) {
if (_root.lancebad == 1) {
if (_root.lancebad == 2) {
if (_root.lancebad == 3) {
if (_root.lancebad == 4) {
if (_root.lancebad == 5) {
if (_root.lancebad == 6) {
if (_root.lancebad == 7) {
if (_root.lancebad == 8) {
if (_root.lancebad == 9) {
if (_root.lancebad == 10) {
if (_root.lancebad == 11) {
if (_root.lancebad == 12) {
if (_root.lancebad == 13) {
if (_root.lancebad == 14) {
if (_root.lancebad == 15) {
if (_root.lancebad == 16) {
if (_root.lancebad == 17) {
if (_root.lancebad == 18) {
if (_root.lancebad == 19) {
if (_root.lancebad == 20) {
if (_root.lancebad == 21) {
if (_root.lancebad == 22) {
if (_root.lancebad == 23) {
if (_root.lancebad == 24) {
if (_root.lancebad == 25) {
if (_root.lancebad == 26) {
if (_root.lancebad == 27) {
if (_root.lancebad == 28) {
if (_root.lancebad == 29) {
if (_root.lancebad == 30) {
if (_root.lancebad == 31) {
if (_root.lancebad == 32) {
if (_root.lancebad == 33) {
if (_root.lancebad == 34) {
if (_root.lancebad == 35) {
if (_root.lancebad == 36) {
if (_root.lancebad == 37) {
if (_root.lancebad == 38) {
if (_root.lancebad == 39) {
if (_root.lancebad == 40) {
if (_root.lancebad == 41) {
if (_root.lancebad == 42) {
if (_root.lancebad == 43) {
if (_root.lancebad >= 44) {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
movieClip 2821 {
frame 1 {
output.text = 'Cole: I see, cool. Have fun with that.';
frame 2 {
output.text = 'Cole: Um, no reason, really. But it\'s quiet so I guess that\'s why I kind of like it here.';
frame 3 {
output.text = 'Cole: Really? That\'s funny. What made you think that? Ohh, you think that I have bad luck too, right?';
frame 4 {
output.text = 'Cole: Who knows what he really meant when he said that. Don\'t let guys take an advantage of you, okay?';
frame 5 {
output.text = 'Cole: Ha, oh really? You\'re kind of a rebel too, huh?';
frame 6 {
output.text = 'Cole: Haha, I don\'t know. Don\'t ask me.';
frame 7 {
output.text = 'Cole: Heh, I guess so.';
frame 8 {
output.text = 'Cole: Mostly rock, but I kind of like metal too.';
frame 9 {
output.text = 'Cole: Oh, that\'s good...';
frame 10 {
output.text = 'Cole: It\'s the best dancing game ever. Most of the songs on it are pretty catchy too.';
frame 11 {
output.text = 'Cole: Comics, manga, same difference. Manga is just written by Japanese people and a style.';
frame 12 {
output.text = 'Cole: Nah, they\'re really not all that practical. I bet that real hands can do a lot more than these.';
frame 13 {
output.text = 'Cole: Really? Oh, sorry. It just kind of looks like one to me...';
frame 14 {
output.text = 'Cole: Huh, that\'s weird. I didn\'t know that time traveling could make you feel so much.';
frame 15 {
output.text = 'Cole: Oh, really? You should though! It can be really useful!';
frame 16 {
output.text = 'Cole: Well, he\'s gotta be one, right? It\'s not like he\'s a real talking teddy bear. Or maybe he\'s a hologram... a really realistic looking one that is.';
frame 17 {
output.text = 'Cole: N-no, that\'s okay. I\'m not very good at handling motion sickness...';
frame 18 {
output.text = 'Cole: Ah, I got a lemon flavored one by accident. I never really liked lemon flavored stuff...';
frame 19 {
output.text = 'Cole: That kind of sucks. Well, you\'re probably used to it by now, right?';
frame 20 {
output.text = 'Cole: Oh, there are pretty real looking prosthetics out there, but my parents couldn\'t afford them. So I just have to stick with these mediocre ones, haha.';
frame 21 {
output.text = 'Cole: Yeah, definitely. Everybody around here relies heavily on it. It just can\'t be helped, huh?';
frame 22 {
output.text = 'Cole: Ah, it\'s been while since I\'ve had a bad dream. Aren\'t those scary realistic feeling dreams terrible?';
frame 23 {
output.text = 'Cole: Yeah, but isn\'t getting excited over a game still fun?';
frame 24 {
output.text = 'Cole: O-oh gee whiz! You\'re right! Haha, but I think that it\'ll still be a while before they get to that point...';
frame 25 {
output.text = 'Cole: I kind of feel like I can escape here, y\'know? Well, quiet places were always pretty nice...';
frame 26 {
output.text = 'Cole: Oh, have you read it too? It was pretty good, wasn’t it?';
frame 27 {
output.text = 'Cole: I guess that there are some good new games, but I wish that there were more...';
frame 28 {
output.text = 'Cole: Ah, it\'s probably just my imagination, haha.';
frame 29 {
output.text = 'Cole: Naw, I can\'t really blame them. Kids will be kids after all...';
frame 30 {
output.text = 'Cole: I-I know. It\'s just kind of a bad habit of mine...';
frame 31 {
output.text = 'Cole: W-well, I guess I can\'t say that I don\'t...';
frame 32 {
output.text = 'Cole: I know. But I think that their love was starting to hold me back too much...';
frame 33 {
output.text = 'Cole: Huh? Yeah, I kind of am... but most girls who usually flirt with me aren\'t really serious, you know?';
frame 34 {
output.text = 'Cole: Oh, sure. That\'s cool with me.';
frame 35 {
output.text = 'Cole: True, some 3-D games are pretty good, I\'ll admit that.';
frame 36 {
output.text = 'Cole: Heh, cool. Works out for the both of us, huh?';
frame 37 {
output.text = 'Cole: Yeah, birds constantly have to move from home to home, don\'t they? I guess that\'s just what they have to do for their freedom.';
frame 38 {
output.text = 'Cole: Oh, ha. You\'re pretty funny. S-sorry, but I didn\'t mean it like that...';
frame 39 {
output.text = 'Cole: Ah, heh. Okay then...';
frame 40 {
output.text = 'Cole: Yeah. It\'s kind of too bad that we didn\'t. Well, at least it all worked out in the end, right?';
frame 41 {
output.text = 'Cole: Probably, but doing the right thing might cost me my happiness...';
frame 42 {
output.text = 'Cole: Coward or not, I still want to live this way...';
frame 43 {
output.text = 'Cole: No, no. It\'s pretty good I think.';
frame 44 {
output.text = 'Cole: Yeah, that\'s a pretty good plus.';
frame 45 {
output.text = 'Cole: Oh, sure. I\'m cool with that.';
frame 3175 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Cole: Sounds good! You ready to go';
output1.text = '• I sure am!';
output2.text = '• Wait a second I have to go do something first.';
button 2822 {
on (release) {
button 2823 {
on (release) {
frame 3176 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
frame 3176 {
_root.hp -= 50;
frame 3192 {
_root.datetalk = 3;
_root.dategift = 2;
_root.datetea = 1;
_root.mood = 0;
_root.ondate = 1;
frame 3211 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
_root.giveitem._visible = false;
_root.leavedate._visible = false;;
button 2832 {
on (release) {
if (_root.datetalk == 0) {
on (release) {
if (_root.datetalk >= 1) {
button 2833 {
on (release) {
if (_root.dategift >= 1) {
_root.giveitem._visible = true;
on (release) {
if (_root.dategift == 0) {
button 2834 {
on (release) {
if (_root.mood == 5) {
on (release) {
if (_root.mood <= 4) {
button 2847 {
on (release) {
if (_root.candy >= 1) {
_root.candy -= 1;
button 2848 {
on (release) {
if (_root.candybar >= 1) {
_root.candybar -= 1;
button 2849 {
on (release) {
if (_root.wristwatch >= 1) {
_root.wristwatch -= 1;
button 2850 {
on (release) {
if (_root.stickers >= 1) {
_root.stickers -= 1;
button 2851 {
on (release) {
if (_root.plush >= 1) {
_root.plush -= 1;
button 2852 {
on (release) {
if (_root.tea >= 1) {
_root.tea -= 1;
button 2853 {
on (release) {
if (_root.soda >= 1) {
_root.soda -= 1;
button 2854 {
on (release) {
if (_root.bouquet >= 1) {
_root.bouquet -= 1;
button 2855 {
on (release) {
if (_root.tokens >= 1) {
_root.tokens -= 1;
button 2856 {
on (release) {
if (_root.novel >= 1) {
_root.novel -= 1;
button 2857 {
on (release) {
if ( >= 1) { -= 1;
button 2858 {
on (release) {
if (_root.compass >= 1) {
_root.compass -= 1;
button 2860 {
on (release) {
frame 3212 {
_root.mood += 1;
_root.dategift -= 1;
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Cole: Wow, you got this for me? Thanks!';
button 2865 {
on (release) {
frame 3213 {
_root.dategift -= 1;
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Cole: Haha, that\'s okay, ' + player_name + '. You don\'t have to buy stuff for me, y\'know.';
frame 3214 {
function ansGen() {
generate = random(5);
ans = ['Cole: Let\'s go get something to eat, ' + player_name + '. You can order whatever you want, I\'ll pay.', 'Cole: Where should we go next? I don\'t really care as long as I get to spend time with you.', 'Cole: Hey, let\'s hold hands. It\'ll be easier to stick together that way.', 'Cole: I\'ll take you anywhere you want, ' + player_name + '. Just let me know if you want to do something else.', 'Cole: That color looks cute on you. You should wear it more often. Orange really suits a sweet girl like you.'];
_root.outputdate = ans[generate];
_root.mood += 1;
_root.datetalk -= 1;;
_root.giveitem._visible = false;
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
frame 3215 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = player_name + ': I think that we should do something else...';
frame 3216 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Cole: Hey, ' + player_name + '. Let\'s kiss. C\'mon, don\'t be shy now.';
button 2880 {
on (release) {
frame 3217 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
frame 3230 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
frame 3243 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
_root.lance += 60;;
outputi.text = 'Date successful!';
frame 3244 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Cole: That was fun. Let me take you out again soon. It\'ll be my treat.';
button 2889 {
on (release) {
frame 3245 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
frame 3261 {
_root.ondate = 0;
frame 3279 {
frame 3280 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
_root.giveitem._visible = false;
_root.reminder = 0;
_root.reminder = 0;
movieClip 2908 {
button 2910 {
on (release) {
if (_root.hp >= 10) {
on (release) {
if (_root.hp <= 9) {;
button 2911 {
on (release) {
if (_root.hp <= 49) {;
on (release) {
if (_root.teddydate == 0) {
on (release) {
if (_root.hp >= 50) {
if (_root.teddydate == 1) {
button 2912 {
on (release) {
if (_root.teddygift == 0) {
on (release) {
if (_root.teddygift == 1) {
_root.giveitem._visible = true;
button 2925 {
on (release) {
if (_root.candy >= 1) {
_root.candy -= 1;
button 2926 {
on (release) {
if (_root.candybar >= 1) {
_root.candybar -= 1;
button 2927 {
on (release) {
if (_root.wristwatch >= 1) {
_root.wristwatch -= 1;
button 2928 {
on (release) {
if (_root.stickers >= 1) {
_root.stickers -= 1;
button 2929 {
on (release) {
if (_root.plush >= 1) {
_root.plush -= 1;
button 2930 {
on (release) {
if (_root.tea >= 1) {
_root.tea -= 1;
button 2931 {
on (release) {
if (_root.soda >= 1) {
_root.soda -= 1;
button 2932 {
on (release) {
if (_root.bouquet >= 1) {
_root.bouquet -= 1;
button 2933 {
on (release) {
if (_root.tokens >= 1) {
_root.tokens -= 1;
button 2934 {
on (release) {
if (_root.novel >= 1) {
_root.novel -= 1;
button 2935 {
on (release) {
if ( >= 1) { -= 1;
button 2936 {
on (release) {
if (_root.compass >= 1) {
_root.compass -= 1;
frame 3281 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
_root.oliver += 20;
outputi.text = 'Teddy: I can have this? Awesome! I love Pop Lemon! Thanks!';
button 2939 {
on (release) {
frame 3282 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Teddy: Um, thanks, ' + player_name + '. I think that these taste pretty weird, but they\'re not that bad I guess...';
frame 3283 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Teddy: Candy\'s not really my thing but, I\'ll still eat them. Th-thanks, ' + player_name + '.';
frame 3284 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Teddy: Tea? Isn\'t this stuff for old people? Oh wait, Landon drinks it... Haha, don\'t tell him I said that.';
frame 3285 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Teddy: Haha, thanks but aren\'t these are kind of girly? I wonder where I should put them...';
frame 3286 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Teddy: Hey, it\'s Alix! Did you know that the Alix Burger just opened up not too long ago? I heard that their food was kind of expensive though.';
frame 3287 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Teddy: A watch? Thanks, but I don\'t really need one...';
frame 3288 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
_root.oliver += 30;
outputi.text = 'Teddy: Whoa! Sistehcap\'s new album! Isn\'t it awesome that they\'re still selling even though if they\'re a really old band? Their music is just that awesome!';
frame 3289 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Teddy: Huh? I-I\'m not really a guy who\'s into flowers, but thanks...';
frame 3290 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Teddy: I\'ve tried playing Saki Dancer before, but I failed pretty badly. Maybe it wouldn\'t hurt to try again...';
frame 3291 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Teddy: A book? Aww, come on. Doesn\'t school already give us enough stuff to read?';
frame 3292 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Teddy: What is this supposed to be? Man, it looks ancient! Oh, you got this from the past, didn\'t you?';
frame 3293 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Teddy: C\'mon, ' + player_name + '. I know we\'re friends and all, but we\'re not that close, right? I mean, for a girl to give a guy something is kind of weird unless if they are... you know...';
frame 3294 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Teddy: Wh-what? But... you don\'t like me like that, right? People might get the wrong idea about us if we hang out together.';
frame 3295 {
if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 0) {
if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 1) {
if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 2) {
if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 3) {
if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 4) {
if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 5) {
if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 6) {
if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 7) {
if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 8) {
if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 9) {
if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 10) {
if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 11) {
if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 12) {
if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 13) {
if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 14) {
if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 15) {
if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 16) {
if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 17) {
if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 18) {
if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 19) {
if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 20) {
if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 21) {
if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 22) {
if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 23) {
if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 24) {
if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 25) {
if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 26) {
if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 27) {
if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 28) {
if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 29) {
if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 30) {
if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 31) {
if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 32) {
if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 33) {
if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 34) {
if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 35) {
if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 36) {
if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 37) {
if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 38) {
if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 39) {
if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 40) {
if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 41) {
if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 42) {
if (_root.olivertalkpoint == 43) {
if (_root.olivertalkpoint >= 44) {
_root.hp -= 10;
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
button 2961 {
on (release) {
button 2962 {
on (release) {
movieClip 3012 {
frame 1 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Yo! What\'s up? Oh wait, don\'t you have to make up that math test? Haha, good luck.';
output2.text = '• Is it hard? How did you do on it?';
output3.text = '• Gee, thanks.';
frame 2 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Last night I watched this T.V. show about action figures doing really weird things. I\'ll admit that it was pretty funny even though if it was kind of stupid though.';
output2.text = '• Of course you would like stupid humor.';
output3.text = '• What was it called?';
frame 3 {
output.text = 'Teddy: So what was the past like? Do anything cool happen while you were there?';
output2.text = '• I met some nice people.';
output3.text = '• Cool? Like what would be cool to you?';
frame 4 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Hey, isn\'t Sistehcap awesome? I just love their music!';
output2.text = '• Aren\'t... they a boy band though?';
output3.text = '• Aren\'t they a really old band?';
frame 5 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Landon works really hard. I kind of feel bad for stealing his second Time Jumper actually...';
output2.text = '• But you did it to bring me back...';
output3.text = '• You should just tell him that you took it.';
frame 6 {
output.text = 'Teddy: My hair doesn\'t look that bad, does it? You think I should keep it blue?';
output2.text = '• Why did you even dye it in the first place?';
output3.text = '• I think it kind of suits you.';
frame 7 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Hey, do you know what the term \'cracking\' means in chemistry? I can\'t find the definition of it in our textbook...';
output2.text = '• Can\'t you just Google it?';
output3.text = '• Does it have to do with computers and hacking?';
frame 8 {
output.text = 'Teddy: I wonder, what did people in the past do in their free time? I mean, they had no internet...';
output2.text = '• I think that they were too busy working to have free time.';
output3.text = '• There\'s more to life then the internet!';
frame 9 {
output.text = '(What should I ask him?)';
output2.text = '• Why do you hate your real name?';
output3.text = '• Why are you wearing that sweatshirt?';
frame 10 {
output.text = 'Teddy: I can\'t think of a topic to write about for my persuasion essay. *sigh* I need to come up with one quick. The first draft is due tomorrow!';
output2.text = '• Didn\'t Landon have to do that too? What did he write?';
output3.text = '• Why did you wait until the last minute to get started?';
frame 11 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Hey, can I borrow your notes from math? Sorry, I accidentally fell asleep again...';
output2.text = '• Man, you\'re a terrible student.';
output3.text = '• How much sleep did you even get last night?';
frame 12 {
output.text = 'Teddy: I want a dog, but Landon won\'t let us get one. He said that we should get a cat if we ever decide to have a pet.';
output2.text = '• What kind of dog do you want?';
output3.text = '• Why would Landon want a cat?';
frame 13 {
output.text = 'Teddy: *sigh* My mp3 player broke. Well, it was getting old so I guess it was about time to get a new one anyway.';
output2.text = '• Are you planning on getting an expensive one?';
output3.text = '• How did it break?';
frame 14 {
output.text = 'Teddy: I don\'t like our school uniforms. They\'re so uncomfortable. Why can\'t we just wear what we want?';
output2.text = '• C\'mon, they\'re not that bad.';
output3.text = '• Because you would dress like a slob if we could.';
frame 15 {
output.text = 'Teddy: I have to stay after school today for detention. *sigh* It\'s not like I did anything that harmful or bad.';
output2.text = '• What did you do now?';
output3.text = '• Why are you such a rebel?';
frame 16 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Hey, do you know what\'s up with that bear at the mall? You know, the one who works at the shop. Maybe he\'s a robot or something...';
output2.text = '• A robot? He seems pretty alive to me.';
output3.text = '• Why not ask him yourself?';
frame 17 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Aw man, there\'s a really big test today in history. Did you study for it at all?';
output2.text = '• Test? What test? I didn\'t know about it!';
output3.text = '• Piece of cake. History\'s the easiest class!';
frame 18 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Now that you have the Time Jumper, are you going to travel to the past for fun?';
output2.text = '• You know, maybe I should really give it back to Landon.';
output3.text = '• I might as well, right?';
frame 19 {
output.text = 'Teddy: I was planning to eat this after lunch, but now I\'m too full. Hey, do you want it?';
output2.text = '• Sure, thanks.';
output3.text = '• No, that\'s okay. Why not eat it later?';
frame 20 {
output.text = 'Teddy: I hate the last five minutes of class. They always seem to last forever and waiting for the bell to ring is just painful.';
output2.text = '• They won\'t seem long if you pay attention to class.';
output3.text = '• You\'re just too impatient.';
frame 21 {
output.text = '(What should I ask him?)';
output2.text = '• What\'s the square root of negative 5?';
output3.text = '• What\'s up with those goggles?';
frame 22 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Last night I dreamed that Landon was a super hero that fought evil gnomes using his \'bear cancer\' powers. It was... really weird...';
output2.text = '• What is this I don\'t even-';
output3.text = '• I think \'weird\' is an understatement.';
frame 23 {
output.text = 'Teddy: It\'s not fair. My teacher actually took points off of my homework because I doodled on it.';
output2.text = '• You should have gotten extra points for the effort.';
output3.text = '• Life is unfair, get used to it.';
frame 24 {
output.text = 'Teddy: *sigh* I\'m tired. I wish that getting out of bed in the morning wasn\'t so hard...';
output2.text = '• You just need more sleep.';
output3.text = '• Just don\'t fall asleep in class again.';
frame 25 {
output.text = 'Teddy: My favorite Sistehcap member was Devin. He was crazy good at playing the guitar. He wasn’t a part of them for very long though... Hm, I wonder why he left the band so early.';
output2.text = '• I\'m sure that there\'s an article that explains it.';
output3.text = '• Is he even still alive today?';
frame 26 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Hey, I got this for you. N-not to be weird or anything like that, I-I just thought that you would like it...';
output2.text = '• What? Do you like me or something?';
output3.text = '• Um, thanks...';
frame 27 {
output.text = 'Teddy: I got in trouble for surfing the internet during class. I know teachers that do it all the time! They should let students mess around here and there too.';
output2.text = '• But most teachers do it during their break.';
output3.text = '• What were you doing on the internet?';
frame 28 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Hey, we should study together today. Homework is more fun to do with other people, right?';
output2.text = '• You just want help because you don\'t get it, right?';
output3.text = '• Sure, that sounds fun.';
frame 29 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Have you heard about the new A.I. Robots? I heard that they\'re pretty cool but super expensive. Haha, I would really like to meet one someday.';
output2.text = '• I wonder if they\'re just like real people.';
output3.text = '• What\'s so cool about robots?';
frame 30 {
output.text = 'Teddy: When teachers give us a lot of time to finish assignments, I can\'t help but wait until the day before it\'s due to get started on them...';
output2.text = '• You need to stop making so many bad habits.';
output3.text = '• Let\'s do them together. That way you won\'t procrastinate.';
frame 31 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Remember when Landon used to be fat? I remember that a lot of kids used to bully and make fun of him.';
output2.text = '• Yeah... he has really changed, huh?';
output3.text = '• What?! Landon was fat?';
frame 32 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Maybe I should do an after school sport. Hey, do you think that the being on the track team would be fun?';
output2.text = '• Shouldn\'t you focus more on school?';
output3.text = '• Sure, getting some exercise wouldn\'t hurt.';
frame 33 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Someday I hope I get really good at playing the guitar. I kind of wish that my dad was still around to teach me though...';
output2.text = '• I\'m sure he\'s proud of how far you\'ve gotten on your own.';
output3.text = '• What happened to your dad?';
frame 34 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Aw man! I forgot to bring my lunch money! *sigh* Oh well, it\'s not like I\'ll die if I skip a meal...';
output2.text = '• I can share my lunch with you if you want.';
output3.text = '• Give Landon a call and ask him to bring you some money.';
frame 35 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Hey, wanna hang out? You\'re not busy, are you?';
output2.text = '• Maybe later.';
output3.text = '• But... aren\'t we in school right now?';
frame 36 {
output.text = 'Teddy: *yawn* I stayed up late watching funny videos on the internet last night. I\'m so tired, but it was so worth it.';
output2.text = '• Send me the links later. I wanna see them too!';
output3.text = '• You would feel a lot better if you got more sleep though.';
frame 37 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Hey, you live in that apartment on your own, right? That\'s so cool. I wanted to do that too, but Landon wouldn\'t let me.';
output2.text = '• Don\'t you like living with Landon?';
output3.text = '• That\'s because you\'re so irresponsible.';
frame 38 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Landon\'s actually a really good cook. Hey, you should come over for dinner sometime.';
output2.text = '• I\'d hate to bother him though...';
output3.text = '• Sure, I\'d like that.';
frame 39 {
output.text = 'Teddy: The Time Hole is going to close soon, right? *sigh* And after all of that effort Landon went through to invent the Time Jumper...';
output2.text = '• If another Time Hole appears then they\'ll be useful again.';
output3.text = '• Why are we still talking about Landon?';
frame 40 {
output.text = 'Teddy: I\'m still practicing guitar and singing a lot, but singing is really hard. Maybe I should just stick to guitar playing...';
output2.text = '• But I like your singing a lot.';
output3.text = '• Did your dad sing too?';
frame 41 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Oh, h-hey. Um... you uh, look nice today. Did you change something about yourself?';
output2.text = '• No, not really. I\'m the same as usual.';
output3.text = '• I spent a little bit more time combing my hair.';
frame 42 {
output.text = 'Teddy: I know that I\'m kind of a block head, but hey, if you ever need anything, I\'m here.';
output2.text = '• You should worry about yourself first.';
output3.text = '• Um, thanks...?';
frame 43 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Hey, about our promise... the one we made when we were kids... U-uh, never mind. Wh-why did I even bring that up?';
output2.text = '• You still remember that promise, huh?';
output3.text = '• Is there something you want to say to me?';
frame 44 {
output.text = 'Teddy: You know... I actually wouldn\'t mind marrying you... j-just saying.';
output2.text = '• Aren\'t we too young for this?';
output3.text = '• Me neither.';
frame 45 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Hey, come closer.';
output2.text = '• What? Are you going to play a prank on me?';
output3.text = '• Um, okay.';
frame 3296 {
_root.olivergood += 1;
_root.oliverbad += 1;
_root.olivertalkpoint += 1;
_root.oliver += 10;
frame 3296 {
if (_root.olivergood == 0) {
if (_root.olivergood == 1) {
if (_root.olivergood == 2) {
if (_root.olivergood == 3) {
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if (_root.olivergood == 19) {
if (_root.olivergood == 20) {
if (_root.olivergood == 21) {
if (_root.olivergood == 22) {
if (_root.olivergood == 23) {
if (_root.olivergood == 24) {
if (_root.olivergood == 25) {
if (_root.olivergood == 26) {
if (_root.olivergood == 27) {
if (_root.olivergood == 28) {
if (_root.olivergood == 29) {
if (_root.olivergood == 30) {
if (_root.olivergood == 31) {
if (_root.olivergood == 32) {
if (_root.olivergood == 33) {
if (_root.olivergood == 34) {
if (_root.olivergood == 35) {
if (_root.olivergood == 36) {
if (_root.olivergood == 37) {
if (_root.olivergood == 38) {
if (_root.olivergood == 39) {
if (_root.olivergood == 40) {
if (_root.olivergood == 41) {
if (_root.olivergood == 42) {
if (_root.olivergood == 43) {
if (_root.olivergood >= 44) {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
movieClip 3059 {
frame 1 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Actually, it wasn\'t that bad. It was just mostly graphing and stuff.';
frame 2 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Hey, don\'t make fun of me for that. You know that you like it too.';
frame 3 {
output.text = 'Teddy: I don\'t know. Did you see any dinosaurs? Oh wait, you only went back 100 years...';
frame 4 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Yeah, but their music is still good! I wish that they were still around to write more songs though...';
frame 5 {
output.text = 'Teddy: A-ah, yeah...';
frame 6 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Really? Um, th-thanks.';
frame 7 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Oh yeah, I can! Geez, why didn\'t I think of that in the first place?';
frame 8 {
output.text = 'Teddy: I know, I know. But I really wonder... what would life be like without the internet?';
frame 9 {
output.text = 'Teddy: C\'mon, it totally doesn\'t suit me. \'Teddy\' is much better, isn\'t it?';
frame 10 {
output.text = 'Teddy: ...Oh yeah! He did! I think he wrote about pollution or something like that. Good thing I don\'t have the same teacher he had. Well, it\'s not like I\'m copying that much, it\'s just the topic.';
frame 11 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Um, not much, haha. I stayed up late watching weird internet videos last night. Pretty pathetic, right?';
frame 12 {
output.text = 'Teddy: I was thinking about a shiba inu. They\'re really smart and clever. Though I did hear that they can be kind of naughty though...';
frame 13 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Nah, I don\'t have a lot of money right now... and I\'d hate to ask Landon for money. He already uses a lot of the money he earns to pay the bills and stuff.';
frame 14 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Okay, I\'ll admit that I would dress down, but I wouldn\'t wear my pajamas or anything like that... Hey, but that actually doesn\'t sound half bad...';
frame 15 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Pfft, I drew a dinosaur on my desk. It was a good doodle too! Not a sucky one...';
frame 16 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Huh? B-but he always looks angry, what if he gets mad? Well, robots can\'t actually get mad, but still...';
frame 17 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Haha, just kidding. There\'s no test today. You\'re so funny when you get worked up.';
frame 18 {
output.text = 'Teddy: I guess. Though I myself would rather stay here in the future where we have all this nice technology.';
frame 19 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Don\'t mention it.';
_root.candybar += 1;
frame 20 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Oh c\'mon, that\'d be almost impossible for me to do. Hey, maybe if I pass notes to you during class time will seem to go faster.';
frame 21 {
output.text = 'Teddy: What? You\'ve got a problem with these too? They keep the wind and bugs out of my eyes when I ride my bike to and from school.';
frame 22 {
output.text = 'Teddy: ...I know, right?';
frame 23 {
output.text = 'Teddy: I should have! You know, they should encourage more creativity around here.';
frame 24 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Haha, I won\'t. Hey, can I pass notes to you during class? It\'ll help me stay awake.';
_root.teddygift = 1;
_root.teddygift = 1;
frame 25 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Ah, yeah. I\'ll have to look that up later.';
frame 26 {
output.text = 'Teddy: N-no problem...';
_root.plush += 1;
frame 27 {
output.text = 'Teddy: ...Playing an online flash game. It was pretty fun actually. I plan on playing it again when I get home later.';
frame 28 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Great! But I kind of need some help in chemistry. You don\'t mind, right?';
_root.teddyevent = 1;
_root.teddyevent = 1;
frame 29 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Me too. Technology is pretty advanced now. Maybe it\'ll be hard to tell the difference between a robot and a real person.';
frame 30 {
output.text = 'Teddy: ...O-okay, sure. That\'s cool with me.';
frame 31 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Tell me about it. Remember when he used to wear glasses too? He was probably the nerdiest kid back in the day... well, he\'s still a nerd but I guess he doesn’t really look like one anymore...';
frame 32 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Haha, yeah. Hey, you should come watch me run if I do join.';
frame 33 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Yeah... I\'m sure that he is too.';
frame 34 {
output.text = 'Teddy: R-really? Are you sure? Thanks! You\'re a lifesaver!';
frame 35 {
output.text = 'Teddy: We could hang out after... unless if you want to skip. If we\'re gonna skip, we better be careful to not to get caught by Landon. He would totally kill me.';
frame 36 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Huh? Are you sure? Some of them are pretty stupid. But sure, I don\'t mind sharing.';
frame 37 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Well, no... but I still kind of want to be more independent, y\'know?';
frame 38 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Awesome! What\'s your favorite meal? Landon can pretty much make anything.';
frame 39 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Yeah I guess so. But apparently Time Holes are things that happen every gazillion years or something like that. The Time Hole right now is the first one ever recorded in history.';
frame 40 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Y-yeah, he actually did... and he was really good too. Both Landon and I really liked his music.';
frame 41 {
output.text = 'Teddy: O-oh, really? Must just be my imagination.';
frame 42 {
output.text = 'Teddy: U-uh, s-sorry. Am I being kind of weird?';
frame 43 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Y-yeah...';
frame 44 {
output.text = 'Teddy: R-really? Well we have known each other forever. And I... I... kind of like you.';
frame 45 {
output.text = 'Teddy: *kisses cheek* Sorry, I just couldn\'t help myself.';
frame 3297 {
if (_root.oliverbad == 0) {
if (_root.oliverbad == 1) {
if (_root.oliverbad == 2) {
if (_root.oliverbad == 3) {
if (_root.oliverbad == 4) {
if (_root.oliverbad == 5) {
if (_root.oliverbad == 6) {
if (_root.oliverbad == 7) {
if (_root.oliverbad == 8) {
if (_root.oliverbad == 9) {
if (_root.oliverbad == 10) {
if (_root.oliverbad == 11) {
if (_root.oliverbad == 12) {
if (_root.oliverbad == 13) {
if (_root.oliverbad == 14) {
if (_root.oliverbad == 15) {
if (_root.oliverbad == 16) {
if (_root.oliverbad == 17) {
if (_root.oliverbad == 18) {
if (_root.oliverbad == 19) {
if (_root.oliverbad == 20) {
if (_root.oliverbad == 21) {
if (_root.oliverbad == 22) {
if (_root.oliverbad == 23) {
if (_root.oliverbad == 24) {
if (_root.oliverbad == 25) {
if (_root.oliverbad == 26) {
if (_root.oliverbad == 27) {
if (_root.oliverbad == 28) {
if (_root.oliverbad == 29) {
if (_root.oliverbad == 30) {
if (_root.oliverbad == 31) {
if (_root.oliverbad == 32) {
if (_root.oliverbad == 33) {
if (_root.oliverbad == 34) {
if (_root.oliverbad == 35) {
if (_root.oliverbad == 36) {
if (_root.oliverbad == 37) {
if (_root.oliverbad == 38) {
if (_root.oliverbad == 39) {
if (_root.oliverbad == 40) {
if (_root.oliverbad == 41) {
if (_root.oliverbad == 42) {
if (_root.oliverbad == 43) {
if (_root.oliverbad >= 44) {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
movieClip 3107 {
frame 1 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Oh c\'mon, don\'t be so pouty about it.';
frame 2 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Um, I can\'t remember. It was something-\'Boredom\'. Meh, I\'ll look it up later.';
frame 3 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Haha, were people back then really old fashioned? I wonder if they act like my grandparents.';
frame 4 {
output.text = 'Teddy: They were, but they actually had a girl member at one point. But still, boy band or not, I like their songs!';
frame 5 {
output.text = 'Teddy: N-no! I can\'t! Landon would totally kill me! M-make sure that he never finds out, okay?';
frame 6 {
output.text = 'Teddy: I thought that it would look cool. Landon made a big fuss over it, but I don\'t think that it\'s that big of a deal.';
frame 7 {
output.text = 'Teddy: No, this is chemistry. Though I kind of wish that it did... the class would be a lot easier.';
frame 8 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Seriously? That sucks. I\'m glad that I live in this era... especially since it has internet.';
frame 9 {
output.text = 'Teddy: It\'s a lot more comfortable then the vest. The school administration doesn\'t mind as long as I\'m still wearing the shirt, tie, and pants.';
frame 10 {
output.text = 'Teddy: I can\'t help it! I thought that it would be something that I could whip up in an hour, but now I\'m in trouble...';
frame 11 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Hey, at least my grades aren\'t that bad. Well of course Landon got better grades then me, but it\'s not like I\'m failing.';
frame 12 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Who knows. Maybe he likes cats. I think dogs are much cooler though.';
frame 13 {
output.text = 'Teddy: D-don\'t laugh at me, but it kind of fell out of my pocket and into the toilet. *sigh*';
frame 14 {
output.text = 'Teddy: You\'re a girl, you\'re probably used to dressing up everyday. I guess the shirt and tie are okay, but I can\'t stand these pants.';
frame 15 {
output.text = 'Teddy: I-I can\'t help it. I\'m not trying to be bad either! I just... like to act impulsively and by my free will.';
frame 16 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Well what else could he be? Real teddy bears can\'t walk and talk like him, right?';
frame 17 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Actually I was kidding. There is no test today. Too bad huh? You sounded pretty excited for it.';
frame 18 {
output.text = 'Teddy: N-no, don\'t! If you do, he\'ll find out that I took it!';
frame 19 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Ohh... I forgot. You\'re a girl so you avoid eating a lot, right? Sorry, haha.';
frame 20 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Heh, probably. I can\'t help it.';
frame 21 {
output.text = 'Teddy: H-hey, save those math questions for Landon. Don\'t you get an imagery number or something from that though...?';
frame 22 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Haha, yeah. Don\'t tell Landon about it. He\'ll either get really embarrassed or mad at me.';
frame 23 {
output.text = 'Teddy: I know, I know. I just felt like complaining about it to somebody.';
frame 24 {
output.text = 'Teddy: That\'s what Landon says too! I get enough sleep every nigh though! ...Maybe.';
frame 25 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Hm, I don\'t know. Maybe. I think he\'s really old now though...';
frame 26 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Huh? N-no! Wh-what are you talking about?';
frame 27 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Students deserve a break too though. If I ever became a teach I would let my students browse the net all they want.';
frame 28 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Th-that\'s not the only reason...! C\'mon now...';
frame 29 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Can\'t they shoot lasers out of their eyes? Oh, these robots aren\'t like that though, are they...';
frame 30 {
output.text = 'Teddy: I know, I know. You\'re starting to sound just like Landon, haha.';
frame 31 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Huh? Yeah... You never noticed? I guess it was nice that you could overlook his appearance and just judge him on the inside, haha.';
frame 32 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Oh c\'mon, you\'re being no fun.';
frame 33 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Huh? You forgot? He was in an accident a couple of years ago, remember? Haha, that\'s okay...';
frame 34 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Um, but he\'s working right now. I\'d hate to bug him...';
frame 35 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Oh, okay...';
frame 36 {
output.text = 'Teddy: ...I don\'t care! It was still soooo worth it.';
frame 37 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Heh, I can\'t argue with that...';
frame 38 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Are you kidding? Landon would be glad to have you over, I promise. You\'ve been friends with us like, forever, right?';
frame 39 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Huh? Oh, were we? S-sorry, I didn\'t realize it, haha...';
frame 40 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Oh, th-thanks. I know that you\'re just trying to be nice, but you didn\'t have to say that.';
frame 41 {
output.text = 'Teddy: ...Hmm. Weird, it looks the same to me. Oh, never mind.';
frame 42 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Heh. I should, but hey, you\'ve always been there for me. I kind of want to return the favor, y\'know?';
frame 43 {
output.text = 'Teddy: Ah, n-no, it\'s... nothing...';
frame 44 {
output.text = 'Teddy: N-no...! I meant when you and I get older. Um...';
frame 45 {
output.text = 'Teddy: No, of course not. C\'mon, just do it.';
frame 3298 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Teddy: Really? You want to hang out? Um, okay! Wanna go to the karaoke bar?';
output1.text = '• Sure, let\'s go!';
output2.text = '• Hold on, I\'m not ready yet.';
button 3108 {
on (release) {
button 3109 {
on (release) {
frame 3299 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
frame 3299 {
_root.hp -= 50;
frame 3315 {
_root.datetalk = 3;
_root.dategift = 2;
_root.datetea = 1;
_root.mood = 0;
_root.ondate = 1;
frame 3334 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
_root.giveitem._visible = false;
_root.leavedate._visible = false;;
button 3118 {
on (release) {
if (_root.datetalk == 0) {
on (release) {
if (_root.datetalk >= 1) {
button 3119 {
on (release) {
if (_root.dategift >= 1) {
_root.giveitem._visible = true;
on (release) {
if (_root.dategift == 0) {
button 3120 {
on (release) {
if (_root.mood == 5) {
on (release) {
if (_root.mood <= 4) {
button 3133 {
on (release) {
if (_root.candy >= 1) {
_root.candy -= 1;
button 3134 {
on (release) {
if (_root.candybar >= 1) {
_root.candybar -= 1;
button 3135 {
on (release) {
if (_root.wristwatch >= 1) {
_root.wristwatch -= 1;
button 3136 {
on (release) {
if (_root.stickers >= 1) {
_root.stickers -= 1;
button 3137 {
on (release) {
if (_root.plush >= 1) {
_root.plush -= 1;
button 3138 {
on (release) {
if (_root.tea >= 1) {
_root.tea -= 1;
button 3139 {
on (release) {
if (_root.soda >= 1) {
_root.soda -= 1;
button 3140 {
on (release) {
if (_root.bouquet >= 1) {
_root.bouquet -= 1;
button 3141 {
on (release) {
if (_root.tokens >= 1) {
_root.tokens -= 1;
button 3142 {
on (release) {
if (_root.novel >= 1) {
_root.novel -= 1;
button 3143 {
on (release) {
if ( >= 1) { -= 1;
button 3144 {
on (release) {
if (_root.compass >= 1) {
_root.compass -= 1;
button 3147 {
on (release) {
frame 3335 {
_root.mood += 1;
_root.dategift -= 1;
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Teddy: Cool! Thanks, ' + player_name + '. Sorry that I didn\'t get you anything. I\'ll just pay for you, okay?';
button 3151 {
on (release) {
frame 3336 {
_root.dategift -= 1;
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Teddy: Um, thanks. But you shouldn\'t spend too much money on me.';
frame 3337 {
function ansGen() {
generate = random(5);
ans = ['Teddy: Should we get some food? I heard that this karaoke bar serves decent stuff.', 'Teddy: I\'ve gotten a lot better at singing. Here, pick a song. I\'ll sing any one of them for you.', 'Teddy: If you\'re bored we can do something else, ' + player_name + '. Just let me know if you need anything, okay?', 'Teddy: You look really cute today, ' + player_name + '. I mean it. Well, you always look cute, but it\'s nice to see you wear something else besides your uniform.', 'Teddy: I remember having a lot of fun hanging out with you when we were kids, but hanging out with you now somehow is even better don\'t you think?'];
_root.outputdate = ans[generate];
_root.mood += 1;
_root.datetalk -= 1;;
_root.giveitem._visible = false;
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
frame 3338 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = player_name + ': I think that we should do something else...';
frame 3339 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Teddy: Ah, s-sure... Can you close your eyes first?';
button 3166 {
on (release) {
frame 3340 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
frame 3353 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
frame 3366 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;
_root.oliver += 60;;
outputi.text = 'Date successful!';
frame 3367 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
outputi.text = 'Teddy: I think that we should head back now. Let me know when you\'re free again, okay?';
button 3175 {
on (release) {
frame 3368 {
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
frame 3384 {
_root.ondate = 0;
frame 3402 {
frame 3403 {
_root.nateevent = 0;
_root.nateevent = 0;
button 3180 {
on (release) {
frame 3435 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Huh? Why... is it so warm?';
movieClip 3187 {
button 3190 {
on (release) {
frame 3467 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': N-N-Nathan?!';
movieClip 3195 {
frame 3468 {
outputi.text = 'Nathan: … Huh? Oh. Good morning, Miss ' + player_name + '.';
button 3201 {
on (release) {
frame 3500 {
outputi.text = 'Nathan: H-HYAH! Oh, oh... Wh-what am I- Wh-what did I-?!';
frame 3509 {
outputi.text = 'Nathan: H-HYAH! Oh, oh... Wh-what am I- Wh-what did I-?!';
button 3210 {
on (release) {
frame 3510 {
outputi.text = 'Nathan: F-forgive me, ' + player_name + '! I had no intention of taking an advantage of you or anything like that! Please believe me!';
output1.text = '• Hey, calm down!';
output2.text = '• I-I don\'t believe you! How could you, Nathan?!';
button 3217 {
on (release) {
button 3218 {
on (release) {
frame 3511 {
outputi.text = 'Nathan: Ah, I-I\'m sorry. I- I... Um, this is just so embarrassing!';
frame 3512 {
outputi.text = 'Nathan: P-please! I\'m so sorry! Just let me explain...!';
frame 3513 {
outputi.text = 'Nathan: *sigh* I... was up late last night working on some clocks, but I must have been so tired that I climbed into this bed without thinking or remembering that you were already in it.';
frame 3514 {
outputi.text = 'Nathan: Th-that\'s honestly the truth! I would never lie to you! I\'m so sorry...!';
frame 3515 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': I-it\'s no big deal! C\'mon, there\'s no need to freak out so much.';
frame 3516 {
outputi.text = 'Nathan: R-really...?';
frame 3517 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Y-yeah, but I had no idea that you had a side like this. I mean, you always seemed so level headed.';
frame 3518 {
outputi.text = 'Nathan: Oh, I-I\'m sorry...';
frame 3519 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': N-no, don\'t be! I kind of feel like I\'ve gotten to know you better. You don\'t have to be so formal around me, just be yourself! I would actually like it if you acted more comfortably and natural.';
button 3243 {
on (release) {
frame 3551 {
outputi.text = 'Nathan: Sure, th-thank you, Miss ' + player_name + '.';
movieClip 3245 {
frame 36 {
button 3247 {
on (release) {
frame 3570 {
_root.natedate = 1;
_root.natedate = 1;
frame 3614 {
frame 3615 {
_root.rolandevent = 0;
_root.rolandevent = 0;
frame 3628 {
outputi.text = 'Roland: Oh, ' + player_name + '. You\'re just in time to see me off.';
frame 3629 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Huh? You finally finished fixing your plane?';
frame 3630 {
outputi.text = 'Roland: Y-yeah. It\'s finally time for me to go back home and give Eliza her medicine...';
output1.text = '• Can I come along?';
output2.text = '• It\'s been nice knowing you. Have a safe trip, okay?';
button 3263 {
on (release) {
button 3264 {
on (release) {
frame 3631 {
outputi.text = 'Roland: Th-thanks.';
button 3268 {
on (release) {
frame 3648 {
_root.rolandgone = 1;
_root.rolandgone = 1;
frame 3662 {
frame 3663 {
outputi.text = 'Roland: H-huh? What? ... Well, if you really want to, then okay. I\'ll have make another trip to drop you off here in Reton, but it\'s no problem.';
frame 3664 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Thanks, Roland!';
button 3275 {
on (release) {
movieClip 3282 {
movieClip 3285 {
movieClip 3291 {
button 3292 {
on (release) {
frame 3715 {
outputi.text = 'Roland: Hey, ' + player_name + '?';
movieClip 3299 {
movieClip 3303 {
frame 3716 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Yeah?';
button 3306 {
on (release) {
movieClip 3312 {
frame 3748 {
outputi.text = 'Roland: It\'s... nothing.';
movieClip 3318 {
button 3320 {
on (release) {
frame 3805 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Wow, I\'ve never seen this many trees before!';
frame 3806 {
outputi.text = 'Roland: Eliza should be home, but the door\'s probably locked. We\'ll just have to get the key from our neighbor.';
frame 3807 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Huh? You gave your neighbor a key to your house?';
frame 3808 {
outputi.text = 'Roland: Yeah. She became Eliza\'s caretaker shortly before I left to go get her-';
button 3328 {
on (release) {
movieClip 3331 {
frame 30 {
movieClip 3335 {
frame 3890 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': R-Roland...';
button 3338 {
on (release) {
frame 3922 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Hey, are you okay? C\'mon, say something.';
frame 3923 {
outputi.text = 'Roland: ' + player_name + ', I\'m... too late. She needed her medicine, but I...';
button 3345 {
on (release) {
movieClip 3361 {
frame 14 {
frame 3957 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Wh-whoa! Hey, d-don\'t cry!';
frame 3958 {
outputi.text = 'Roland: Shut up! I-I\'m not crying...!';
button 3370 {
on (release) {
frame 3990 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Eliza was really lucky to have a brother like you though...';
frame 3991 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': You tried your best, and I\'m sure that she knows you did. You really... have no regrets, Roland.';
button 3380 {
on (release) {
frame 4012 {
outputi.text = 'Roland: *sigh* Let\'s go.';
frame 4013 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': H-huh? You\'re taking me back to Reton already?';
frame 4014 {
outputi.text = 'Roland: I\'m... going to go back too.';
frame 4015 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': What? You\'re not staying here? But isn\'t this your home?';
frame 4016 {
outputi.text = 'Roland: It doesn\'t matter where my home is. I-if I stay here then we\'ll never see each other again...! Do you really want that?';
button 3391 {
on (release) {
frame 4017 {
outputi.text = 'Roland: N-never mind that! Let\'s just go!';
frame 4041 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': A-ah! Okay!';
frame 4077 {
_root.rolanddate = 1;
_root.rolanddate = 1;
frame 4121 {
frame 4122 {
_root.meetemmett = 0;
_root.meetemmett = 0;
frame 4137 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Oh, it looks like the train\'s about to leave. I wonder where it\'s going.';
button 3401 {
on (release) {
frame 4147 {
outputi.text = '???: GYAAH!!';
movieClip 3407 {
frame 4159 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Wh-whoa! Are you okay?';
frame 4186 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Wh-whoa! Are you okay?';
frame 4187 {
outputi.text = '???: Owww... I-I\'m fine, th-thanks. Ah! Oh no, I better hurry or I\'ll miss the train!';
button 3415 {
on (release) {
frame 4188 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': G-gyah! Y-you\'re bleeding!';
frame 4195 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': G-gyah! Y-you\'re bleeding!';
frame 4196 {
outputi.text = '???: H-huh? A-am I really? Oh god! I am!! A-ah! There\'s so much blood!!';
frame 4197 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Wh-where\'s my handkerchief? Aha! Here, use it!!';
movieClip 3423 {
frame 4198 {
outputi.text = '???: Th-thank you very much!!';
movieClip 3426 {
button 3428 {
on (release) {
frame 4230 {
outputi.text = '???: Whew, I really need to be more careful... Thanks for letting me use your handkerchief, um...';
frame 4231 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Oh! You can call me ' + player_name + '.';
frame 4232 {
outputi.text = 'Emmett: Many thanks, ' + player_name + '. I\'m Emmett.';
frame 4233 {
outputi.text = 'Emmett: Ah! I got your handkerchief all bloody! I\'m sorry. H-how about I wash it and give it back to you... um, someday! Someday for sure! We\'re bound to meet again... I think.';
output1.text = '• Um, sure. But how are you going to give it back to me if you\'re leaving?';
output2.text = '• No, that\'s okay. You can just keep it.';
button 3442 {
on (release) {
button 3443 {
on (release) {
frame 4234 {
outputi.text = 'Emmett: I-I don\'t know yet! But I-I\'ll return it to you somehow! I promise!';
_root.emmettcomeback = 1;
_root.emmettcomeback = 1;
button 3447 {
on (release) {
frame 4235 {
outputi.text = 'Emmett: R-really? Are you sure?';
_root.coleunlockmeet = 1;
_root.coleunlockmeet = 1;
frame 4236 {
outputi.text = 'Emmett: Oh no! I have a train to catch...! I-I gotta go now! B-bye!';
button 3450 {
on (release) {
frame 4279 {
frame 4280 {
_root.emmettcomeback = 0;
_root.emmettcomeback = 0;
_root.emmettunlock = 1;
_root.emmettunlock = 1;
button 3454 {
on (release) {
frame 4295 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Huh, a train just arrived. I wonder what the people coming off of it came here for...';
button 3456 {
on (release) {
movieClip 3459 {
frame 4311 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': E-Emmett...?! You\'re back? Oh! Wh-what happened to your face?';
frame 4312 {
outputi.text = 'Emmett: Aha, it\'s kind of a funny story, but here\'s your handkerchief back as promised. It tried my best to get all of the blood off of it.';
frame 4313 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Y-you came all the way back here just to give this back to me?';
frame 4314 {
outputi.text = 'Emmett: Of course! I promised, didn\'t I?';
frame 4315 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': I-I guess so.';
frame 4316 {
outputi.text = 'Emmett: But it was a really close call...';
frame 4317 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Huh? What do you mean?';
frame 4318 {
outputi.text = 'Emmett: Well, after you helped me and I boarded the train, I decided to go out on the deck to get some fresh air, but then the wind blew it out of my pocket and I...';
frame 4319 {
outputi.text = 'Emmett: I... jumped off of the train.';
frame 4320 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': YOU WHAT?!';
movieClip 3478 {
frame 5 {
frame 4321 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Wh-why did you do that? You could have died! … And you did it just for my handkerchief?';
frame 4322 {
outputi.text = 'Emmett: I-it was no big deal, ' + player_name + '. S-sure I messed my face a bit, but in the end I\'m really happy that I was able to keep my promise.';
button 3482 {
on (release) {
frame 4354 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Th-thanks, Emmett.';
button 3486 {
on (release) {
frame 4389 {
frame 4390 {
_root.emmettevent = 0;
_root.emmettevent = 0;
button 3491 {
on (release) {
frame 4404 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Hey, Emmett. What\'s wrong? Are you okay?';
frame 4405 {
outputi.text = 'Emmett: A-ah! ' + player_name + '...? I-I\'m okay, but... but...';
frame 4406 {
outputi.text = 'Emmett: … He isn\'t.';
frame 4407 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Oh geez! Wh-what happened to his wing?';
frame 4408 {
outputi.text = 'Emmett: I wish I knew. I just found him lying over there. B-but he needs to be treated, fast...!';
button 3501 {
on (release) {
frame 4427 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Gyah! E-Emmett! What\'re you doing?!';
frame 4428 {
outputi.text = 'Emmett: Huh? I\'m going to cover his wing...';
frame 4429 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': But at least use new bandages! C\'mon, we could probably go buy some at the sh-';
frame 4430 {
outputi.text = 'Emmett: There\'s no time! It might become infected if it doesn\'t get covered now!';
button 3512 {
on (release) {
movieClip 3516 {
frame 11 {
movieClip 3517 {
frame 25 {
frame 4464 {
outputi.text = 'Emmett: There we go. Don\'t worry, once you\'re fully healed I\'ll let you go.';
frame 4465 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Emmett...';
button 3521 {
on (release) {
frame 4497 {
outputi.text = 'Emmett: A-ah! ' + player_name + '! D-don\'t look at me!';
movieClip 3526 {
frame 4505 {
outputi.text = 'Emmett: A-ah! ' + player_name + '! D-don\'t look at me!';
frame 4506 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': H-huh? Why not?';
frame 4507 {
outputi.text = 'Emmett: My face... I don\'t want you to see me like this. I... I look scary!';
output1.text = '• So what if you look scary?';
output2.text = '• You look just fine to me.';
button 3535 {
on (release) {
frame 4508 {
outputi.text = 'Emmett: I... don\'t want you to be afraid of me.';
button 3539 {
on (release) {
frame 4509 {
outputi.text = 'Emmett: Ah. Y-you\'re not afraid of me?';
frame 4510 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': C\'mon, you\'re not scary at all, Emmett. I mean, helping an injured bird, jumping off of a train just to keep a promise, you\'re too kind! What could seriously be scary about you?';
frame 4511 {
outputi.text = 'Emmett: R-really?';
frame 4512 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Really!';
frame 4513 {
outputi.text = 'Emmett: Um, th-thank you, ' + player_name + '.';
frame 4514 {
outputi.text = 'Emmett: Oh! I better get this bird to a safe place! I-I\'ll see you later!';
button 3549 {
on (release) {
frame 4554 {
_root.emmettdate = 1;
_root.emmettdate = 1;
frame 4598 {
movieClip 3558 {
frame 35 {
button 3559 {
on (release) {
movieClip 3571 {
frame 34 {
frame 4684 {
outputi.text = '???: Oh, a guest. Shall I go prepare tea?';
frame 4685 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Whoa! You\'re... alive? H-how long were you in there for?';
button 3579 {
on (release) {
frame 4717 {
outputi.text = '???: I\'m sorry, I don\'t know.';
frame 4718 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Ah, n-no, it\'s okay. Why were you even locked up in that case anyway?';
frame 4719 {
outputi.text = '???: Father keeps me in there when he is away.';
frame 4720 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Y-your dad put you in there...? Why? Was he abusive or something?';
frame 4721 {
outputi.text = '???: No, not at all. Father was very gentle. But I don\'t mind being in there. It\'s warm and smells nice. It\'s... the only other place that I feel comfortable in besides father\'s arms.';
frame 4722 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Sounds like you really loved your dad.';
frame 4723 {
outputi.text = 'Bianca: Perhaps... Oh! How rude of me. My name is Bianca. What is your name, Guest?';
frame 4724 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': I\'m ' + player_name + '. Nice to meet you.';
frame 4725 {
outputi.text = 'Bianca: It\'s a pleasure, ' + player_name + '. Please make yourself at home.';
button 3593 {
on (release) {
frame 4747 {
_root.biancaunlock = 1;
_root.biancaunlock = 1;
_root.piano = 0;
_root.piano = 0;
frame 4761 {
frame 4762 {
outputi.text = 'Bianca: ' + player_name + ', wait.';
frame 4762 {
_root.biancaevent = 0;
_root.biancaevent = 0;
button 3600 {
on (release) {
frame 4763 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Hm?';
frame 4764 {
outputi.text = 'Bianca: Are you... leaving?';
frame 4765 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Huh? Y-yeah. I should go home and get some rest.';
frame 4766 {
outputi.text = 'Bianca: Ah, I see.';
button 3608 {
on (release) {
frame 4798 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Wh-whoa! B-Bianca...?!';
frame 4799 {
outputi.text = 'Bianca: Stay for a bit longer.';
frame 4800 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': H-hey, what\'s wrong? Don\'t worry, I\'ll come back soon.';
frame 4801 {
outputi.text = 'Bianca: That\'s... that\'s exactly what Father said before he left.';
frame 4802 {
outputi.text = 'Bianca: ' + player_name + ', don\'t leave forever like Father.';
output1.text = '• Are you lonely when I\'m not here?';
output2.text = '• I won\'t, I\'ll be back. I promise.';
button 3622 {
on (release) {
frame 4803 {
outputi.text = 'Bianca: ... Perhaps.';
button 3625 {
on (release) {
frame 4804 {
outputi.text = 'Bianca: ... It\'s a promise.';
frame 4805 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': C\'mon, don\'t look so sad. Put a smile on! We\'ll talk more later, okay?';
button 3630 {
on (release) {
frame 4837 {
outputi.text = 'Bianca: Okay.';
button 3633 {
on (release) {
frame 4874 {
_root.biancadate = 1;
_root.biancadate = 1;
frame 4900 {
frame 4901 {
_root.ozorder = 0;
_root.ozorder = 0;
button 3640 {
on (release) {
frame 4959 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Huh? I wonder who that could be.';
button 3643 {
on (release) {
frame 5027 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': What\'s with this huge box? Oh... this is probably that robot thing that I ordered.';
button 3646 {
on (release) {
frame 5077 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Um, how do I turn him on? Don\'t tell me that I have to actually read the instruction manual.';
button 3649 {
on (release) {
movieClip 3654 {
frame 17 {
frame 5102 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': GYAH!!';
frame 5117 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': GYAH!!';
frame 5118 {
outputi.text = 'Oz: Hello. My name is Oz. What is your name?';
frame 5119 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Oh! Um, I-I\'m ' + player_name + '. Nice to meet you?';
frame 5120 {
outputi.text = 'Oz: It\'s a pleasure, ' + player_name + '. I do hope that we will get along.';
button 3665 {
on (release) {
frame 5141 {
_root.ozunlock = 1;
_root.ozunlock = 1;
frame 5155 {
frame 5156 {
_root.ozstickersevent = 0;
_root.ozstickersevent = 0;
button 3668 {
on (release) {
frame 5176 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Wh-what happened to my room?!';
frame 5177 {
outputi.text = 'Oz: Oh, ' + player_name + '. Welcome back.';
frame 5178 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': O-Oz, did you do this?';
frame 5179 {
outputi.text = 'Oz: Yeah, with those stickers you gave me. It looks nice, doesn\'t it?';
frame 5180 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Um, w-well...';
frame 5181 {
outputi.text = 'Oz: Do you... not like it?';
output1.text = '• Well it\'s kind of an eyesore...';
output2.text = '• It actually does look pretty cute now.';
button 3681 {
on (release) {
frame 5182 {
outputi.text = 'Oz: Ah, really? I\'m sorry, ' + player_name + '. I honestly thought that this would make you happy.';
button 3683 {
on (release) {
frame 5183 {
outputi.text = 'Oz: I see. I\'m glad to hear that.';
frame 5184 {
outputi.text = 'Oz: I really like these stickers that you gave to me, but I thought that we could both enjoy them if I put them up like this.';
frame 5185 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Oh. Then thanks I guess.';
frame 5186 {
outputi.text = 'Oz: No problem at all, ' + player_name + '.';
button 3688 {
on (release) {
frame 5207 {
_root.ozstickers = 1;
_root.ozstickers = 1;
frame 5221 {
frame 5233 {
outputi.text = 'Oz: Hey, I want to go somewhere with you right now. Any where is fine.';
output1.text = '• Sure, but why now?';
output2.text = '• I\'m kind of busy right now. Maybe later, okay?';
button 3694 {
on (release) {
frame 5234 {
outputi.text = 'Oz: Ah, I understand. S-sorry for bothering you...';
button 3696 {
on (release) {
frame 5269 {
frame 5270 {
outputi.text = 'Oz: Is... now not a good time?';
frame 5271 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Um, no. Nevermind, let\'s just go.';
button 3701 {
on (release) {
frame 5290 {
frame 5302 {
outputi.text = 'Oz: Hey, I want to go somewhere with you right now. Any where is fine.';
output1.text = '• Sure, but why now?';
output2.text = '• I\'m kind of busy right now. Maybe later, okay?';
button 3706 {
on (release) {
frame 5303 {
outputi.text = 'Oz: Ah, I understand. S-sorry for bothering you...';
button 3708 {
on (release) {
frame 5338 {
frame 5339 {
outputi.text = 'Oz: Is... now not a good time?';
frame 5340 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Um, no. Nevermind, let\'s just go.';
button 3713 {
on (release) {
button 3715 {
on (release) {
frame 5359 {
frame 5360 {
_root.ozevent = 0;
_root.ozevent = 0;
movieClip 3718 {
frame 5393 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': So, what should we do?';
frame 5394 {
outputi.text = 'Oz: Anything is fine. What would you like to do?';
frame 5395 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Oh c\'mon! I don\'t know! You\'re the one who wanted to go somewhere.';
frame 5396 {
outputi.text = 'Oz: S-sorry...';
button 3734 {
on (release) {
movieClip 3736 {
movieClip 3739 {
frame 5444 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': H-hey! Oz! Where are you going?!';
button 3744 {
on (release) {
movieClip 3760 {
movieClip 3767 {
frame 5507 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': What the heck, Oz. Why\'d you run off like that?';
frame 5508 {
outputi.text = 'Oz: Who are you?';
frame 5509 {
outputi.text = 'Oz(Perfection): Hi there! I\'m Oz. Nice to meet you. What\'s your name?';
frame 5510 {
outputi.text = 'Oz: M-my name is Oz.';
frame 5511 {
outputi.text = 'Oz(Perfection): What a coincidence! We have the same name and face. In fact, we\'re both model 02 of the AI Series.';
frame 5512 {
outputi.text = 'Oz: But... we\'re not the same. I\'m me, not you. We\'re different, aren\'t we?';
frame 5513 {
outputi.text = 'Oz(Perfection): Of course we are. I\'m a Perfection version. I\'m much better than you. You\'re just an older and outdated version of me.';
frame 5514 {
outputi.text = 'Oz: \'Outdated version\'? D-don\'t mock me!';
frame 5515 {
outputi.text = 'Oz(Perfection): Oh no, don\'t feel bad. Every standard Oz is outdated. That\'s just the truth.';
frame 5516 {
outputi.text = 'Oz: Wh-what are you talking about? There\'s only one of... me.';
frame 5517 {
outputi.text = 'Oz(Perfection): Huh? No, there are lots of you. You didn\'t know? Maybe you should download an upgrade to fix that bug. They can be found on our website.';
frame 5518 {
outputi.text = 'Oz(Perfection): Well, I better get going now. I have a few errands to run. It was nice talking to you, Friend.';
button 3795 {
on (release) {
frame 5553 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Hey, why do you look so upset? Heck, you\'re a robot. Don\'t tell me that he actually hurt your fe-';
button 3797 {
on (release) {
frame 5573 {
outputi.text = 'Oz: ' + player_name + ', what am I to you?';
frame 5574 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': H-huh? Wh-what do you mean...?';
frame 5575 {
outputi.text = 'Oz: If... if you wanted to, you could replace me with another Oz. You could even replace me with an better Oz.';
frame 5576 {
outputi.text = 'Oz: I\'m not \'me\'. There is no such thing as \'me\'. I\'m just... \'Oz\'. Replaceable and not any more or less significant than any other \'Oz\'.';
button 3810 {
on (release) {
frame 5609 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': How... could you even think that?';
frame 5610 {
outputi.text = 'Oz: Huh?';
frame 5611 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': You\'re not replaceable. No other \'Oz\' would know me like you do, no other \'Oz\' would remember the things we talked about or the stuff that we did together!';
frame 5612 {
outputi.text = 'Oz: Y-you\'re right, ' + player_name + '. Sorry for being so stupid.';
frame 5613 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': C\'mon, let\'s go back home. I\'m tired. We can do this again another day, okay?';
frame 5614 {
outputi.text = 'Oz: O-okay.';
button 3828 {
on (release) {
frame 5651 {
_root.ozdate = 1;
_root.ozdate = 1;
frame 5662 {
if (_root.ozunlock == 1 && _root.ozstickers == 0) {
if (_root.ozunlock == 1 && _root.ozstickers == 1) {
frame 5663 {
_root.landonevent = 0;
_root.landonevent = 0;
button 3833 {
on (release) {
frame 5682 {
outputi.text = 'Landon: Oh. H-hello, ' + player_name + '.';
frame 5683 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': You\'re still working, huh? You know, you should really take a break.';
frame 5684 {
outputi.text = 'Landon: Don\'t worry, I-I will. I just have to finish a couple of reports...';
button 3837 {
on (release) {
movieClip 3840 {
frame 5696 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Your face is all red. Are you sick? See? You have been working yourself too hard!';
button 3845 {
on (release) {
frame 5697 {
outputi.text = 'Landon: ' + player_name + '…! I-I... um, um...!';
frame 5745 {
outputi.text = 'Landon: S-sorry! Ah, a-are you okay?';
frame 5746 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Y-yeah...';
frame 5747 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': ... Um, a-aren\'t you going to get up?';
frame 5748 {
outputi.text = 'Landon: Can... can we... stay like this just for a bit longer?';
frame 5749 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': H-huh?';
frame 5750 {
outputi.text = 'Landon: I\'ve never seen your face... so close up before.';
frame 5751 {
outputi.text = 'Landon: ' + player_name + ', are you... really going to marry Theodore?';
output1.text = '• N-no! Of course not!';
output2.text = '• How did you know about that promise?';
button 3871 {
on (release) {
frame 5752 {
outputi.text = 'Landon: But... didn\'t you and Theodore promise to?';
button 3873 {
on (release) {
frame 5753 {
outputi.text = 'Landon: Theodore told me about it. S-sorry, this isn\'t really any of my business...';
frame 5754 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': W-we made that promise when we were kids! It\'s not like we\'re really going to-';
frame 5755 {
outputi.text = 'Landon: Then can I marry you?';
frame 5756 {
outputi.text = 'Landon: A-ah! N-n-no!! I-I didn\'t mean to say that...! Wh-what have I...';
frame 5757 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Landon...';
frame 5758 {
outputi.text = 'Landon: I like you, ' + player_name + '. I\'ve liked you since we were kids. But Theodore has always been closer to you because of his age. I was jealous of him for that... I still am!';
frame 5759 {
outputi.text = 'Landon: And... he was always better looking than me. I-I was fat and... and repulsive! Every time I saw you with him, I just knew that I didn\'t stand a chance.';
frame 5760 {
outputi.text = 'Landon: But, I wanted a chance. I really, really did. That\'s why I lost weight and got rid of my glasses... I wanted you to look at me and not him. Pathetic, isn\'t it?';
frame 5761 {
outputi.text = 'Landon: It\'s okay if you don\'t return my feelings, it\'s okay if you just see me as a friend, but... but...';
frame 5762 {
outputi.text = 'Landon: It\'s not... it\'s not okay... if you hate me. I don\'t know what I would do... if you hated me.';
frame 5763 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': I don\'t hate you, Landon! I mean, h-how could I...?';
frame 5764 {
outputi.text = 'Landon: Then... is it okay if I like you?';
button 3887 {
on (release) {
frame 5804 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Y-yeah...';
frame 5805 {
outputi.text = 'Landon: Th-thanks, ' + player_name + '. That... was all I wanted to hear from you.';
button 3892 {
on (release) {
frame 5824 {
_root.landondate = 1;
_root.landondate = 1;
frame 5868 {
frame 5869 {
_root.coleunlockmeet = 0;
_root.coleunlockmeet = 0;
_root.coleunlock = 1;
_root.coleunlock = 1;
button 3898 {
on (release) {
frame 5897 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Huh? Who\'s that over there?';
button 3900 {
on (release) {
movieClip 3917 {
movieClip 3921 {
movieClip 3923 {
frame 5942 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': ... Wow. He\'s actually pretty good. I wonder why I\'ve never seen him around before.';
button 3925 {
on (release) {
movieClip 3937 {
frame 5953 {
outputi.text = 'Guy A: Hey, Girlie. You\'re pretty cute. Say, how about I buy you a coffee?';
button 3942 {
on (release) {
frame 5954 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': H-huh? Um, no thanks.';
frame 5964 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': H-huh? Um, no thanks.';
button 3947 {
on (release) {
frame 5965 {
outputi.text = 'Guy A: Oh come on, don\'t be like that.';
frame 5974 {
outputi.text = 'Guy A: Oh come on, don\'t be like that.';
button 3950 {
on (release) {
frame 5975 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': H-hey, what\'re you doing? G-get away from me!';
frame 6019 {
outputi.text = 'Guy A: Wh-what the crap?! Who the heck are you? Butt out!';
frame 6020 {
outputi.text = '???: You heard the girl. No means no, Buddy. Get lost!';
frame 6021 {
outputi.text = 'Guy A: Tch! Whatever!';
button 3965 {
on (release) {
frame 6053 {
outputi.text = '???: *sigh* You okay?';
frame 6054 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Y-yeah, thanks.';
frame 6055 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Umm, is it just me, or do you look like...';
button 3975 {
on (release) {
frame 6090 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': E-Emmett?!';
frame 6091 {
outputi.text = '???: Huh? Emmett...?';
frame 6092 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Ah. Um, no. Y-you just look like somebody I know.';
frame 6093 {
outputi.text = '???: Really? That\'s funny, cause my great grandpa\'s name was Emmett.';
frame 6094 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': S-seriously?';
frame 6095 {
outputi.text = 'Cole: Yeah, my dad and grandpa talk about him all the time. They say he was quite a character. Anyways, I\'m Cole. Who\'re you?';
frame 6096 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Oh! I-I\'m ' + player_name + '.';
frame 6097 {
outputi.text = 'Cole: ' + player_name + '… that\'s a pretty name. Well, I gotta get going now. Try to stay away from those creepers, okay?';
movieClip 3995 {
button 3998 {
on (release) {
frame 6144 {
frame 6165 {
outputi.text = 'Cole: Hey, ' + player_name + '. Wanna go out with me? I\'ll take you somewhere nice.';
output1.text = '• Huh? Right now?';
output2.text = '• Um, I have other plans already.';
button 4004 {
on (release) {
frame 6166 {
outputi.text = 'Cole: Oh, okay. Then maybe we could some other day, huh?';
button 4006 {
on (release) {
frame 6200 {
frame 6201 {
outputi.text = 'Cole: Of course. C\'mon, it\'ll be fun!';
_root.coleevent = 0;
_root.coleevent = 0;
frame 6202 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Um, sure, okay.';
frame 6203 {
outputi.text = 'Cole: Great! Then it\'s a date. Meet me at the square in half an hour.';
button 4012 {
on (release) {
button 4016 {
on (release) {
frame 6257 {
outputi.text = 'Cole: Ah, you\'re early! No fair! I wanted to arrive first. S-sorry that you had to wait for me...';
frame 6258 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': N-no, it\'s okay! So um, what should we do?';
frame 6259 {
outputi.text = 'Cole: Hmm... Oh! I know! Let\'s go get some ice cream! My treat!';
button 4027 {
on (release) {
frame 6291 {
outputi.text = 'Cole: That was pretty good. It\'s been a while since I\'ve had ice cream. So what do you want to do now?';
frame 6292 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Umm...';
button 4040 {
on (release) {
frame 6293 {
outputi.text = 'Cole: Wait. Hold still, ' + player_name + '.';
frame 6300 {
outputi.text = 'Cole: Wait. Hold still, ' + player_name + '.';
button 4045 {
on (release) {
frame 6318 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Wh-what are you doing...?!';
frame 6319 {
outputi.text = 'Cole: You had some ice cream stuck on your face. Just thought that I would get it for you.';
button 4050 {
on (release) {
frame 6342 {
outputi.text = 'Cole: Uh oh. Quick, get down!';
button 4053 {
on (release) {
frame 6343 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': H-huh?!';
frame 6391 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Um, wh-why are we hiding, Cole?';
frame 6392 {
outputi.text = 'Cole: Shhhh.';
button 4063 {
on (release) {
frame 6417 {
outputi.text = 'Guy B: You think he\'s around here?';
frame 6418 {
outputi.text = 'Guy C: I don\'t know. If we can\'t find him here then we\'ll go to Cigam next.';
frame 6419 {
outputi.text = 'Guy B: Cigam\'s a much bigger city. He probably went there. C\'mon, let\'s not waste our time looking for him here.';
frame 6420 {
outputi.text = 'Guy C: Yeah, you\'re right. Let\'s go.';
button 4072 {
on (release) {
frame 6469 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Were those guys were looking for you? Wh-what are you, a criminal?';
frame 6470 {
outputi.text = 'Cole: Haha, nah. They were sent by my parents to find and bring me home.';
frame 6471 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Huh? You mean... you ran away from home? Why?';
frame 6472 {
outputi.text = 'Cole: Aw, my mom and dad have always been over protective of me because of my hands. They think that I can\'t do things on my own because I\'m \'handicapped\'.';
frame 6473 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': So when do you plan on going back home...?';
button 4078 {
on (release) {
frame 6501 {
outputi.text = 'Cole: Never.';
frame 6502 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': H-huh?!';
frame 6503 {
outputi.text = 'Cole: I don\'t want to go home. If I went back home then I... I...';
frame 6504 {
outputi.text = 'Cole: ... I wouldn\'t be able to see you anymore.';
button 4084 {
on (release) {
frame 6527 {
outputi.text = 'Cole: I think we had enough fun for one day. We should head back now. Let\'s go on another date soon. Next time I\'ll take you somewhere nicer, okay?';
button 4088 {
on (release) {
frame 6546 {
_root.coledate = 1;
_root.coledate = 1;
frame 6590 {
frame 6591 {
_root.teddyevent = 0;
_root.teddyevent = 0;
button 4096 {
on (release) {
frame 6610 {
outputi.text = 'Teddy: Oh. Hey, ' + player_name + '. Are you going to stay after school too?';
frame 6611 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Um, I guess so. Is that an acoustic guitar? Aren\'t those things kind of outdated?';
frame 6612 {
outputi.text = 'Teddy: Haha, yeah. This was my dad\'s. It\'s really old, but it still sounds nice since I keep it tuned.';
frame 6613 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': I didn\'t know that you played the guitar. So you\'re staying after to play it or something?';
frame 6614 {
outputi.text = 'Teddy: Yep! I like to play along with music so I use the school\'s stereo since I don\'t have one at home. Wanna come along? I\'ll play something for you.';
frame 6615 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Sure, sounds good.';
button 4110 {
on (release) {
frame 6632 {
frame 6654 {
outputi.text = 'Teddy: I-I\'m not actually very good yet, so don\'t be expecting a lot, okay?';
button 4118 {
on (release) {
movieClip 4122 {
movieClip 4136 {
movieClip 4145 {
movieClip 4509 {
frame 788 {
button 4511 {
on (release) {
getURL('', '_blank');
frame 7447 {
outputi.text = 'Teddy: Th-that\'s all I\'ve got right now. I still need more practice, but... what do you think?';
output1.text = '• You\'re getting there I guess.';
output2.text = '• I liked it. It was pretty nice actually.';
button 4515 {
on (release) {
frame 7448 {
outputi.text = 'Teddy: Haha, thanks. I hope that I\'ll become really good someday.';
button 4517 {
on (release) {
frame 7449 {
outputi.text = 'Teddy: R-really? Um, thanks, ' + player_name + '.';
frame 7475 {
outputi.text = 'Teddy: Hey, ' + player_name + '?';
frame 7476 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Yeah?';
frame 7477 {
outputi.text = 'Teddy: Wanna hang out sometime? N-not with Landon though... can it just be the two of us?';
frame 7478 {
outputi.text = 'Teddy: Y-you can tell me your answer later. Just... think about it, okay?';
button 4529 {
on (release) {
frame 7497 {
_root.teddydate = 1;
_root.teddydate = 1;
frame 7541 {
frame 7542 {
movieClip 4537 {
button 4540 {
on (release) {
frame 7663 {
frame 7664 {
movieClip 4564 {
button 4567 {
on (release) {
frame 7785 {
movieClip 4587 {
frame 7811 {
function constrainedMove(target, speed, dir) {
var v1 = _xmouse / Stage.width;
var v2;
if (dir == 1) {
v2 = 100 - v1;
} else {
v2 = v1;
target.destX = Math.round(-((target._width - Stage.width) * v2));
target.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (target._x == target.destX) {
delete target.onEnterFrame;
} else {
if (target._x > target.destX) {
target._x -= Math.ceil((target._x - target.destX) * (speed / 25));
} else {
if (target._x < target.destX) {
target._x += Math.ceil((target.destX - target._x) * (speed / 25));
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
this.onMouseMove = function () {
constrainedMove(bg_mc, 4, 0);
button 4590 {
on (release) {
button 4591 {
on (release) {
if (_root.coleunlock == 0) {
on (release) {
if (_root.coleunlock == 1) {
button 4592 {
on (release) {
button 4593 {
on (release) {
button 4594 {
on (release) {
if (_root.ozunlock == 0) {
on (release) {
if (_root.ozunlock == 1 && _root.ozstickers == 0) {
on (release) {
if (_root.ozunlock == 1 && _root.ozstickers == 1) {
movieClip 4596 {
instance of movieClip 1045 {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
mx = _root._xmouse;
if (mx < _x) {
dx = _x - mx;
} else {
dx = mx - _x;
moveSpeedx = dx / 5;
if (mx < _x) {
_x = _x - moveSpeedx;
} else {
_x = _x + moveSpeedx;
my = _root._ymouse;
if (my < _y) {
dy = _y - my;
} else {
dy = my - _y;
moveSpeedy = dy / 5;
if (my < _y) {
_y = _y - moveSpeedy;
} else {
_y = _y + moveSpeedy;
frame 7812 {
button 4597 {
on (release) {
frame 7813 {
button 4600 {
on (release) {
button 4601 {
on (release) {
_root.ozend += 1;
frame 7814 {
frame 7815 {
button 4606 {
on (release) {
button 4607 {
on (release) {
frame 7816 {
outputi.text = 'Xolga: Why are you here? There\'s no point in buying anymore stuff. Go end your game with a character and live happily ever after already.';
button 4611 {
on (release) {
frame 7817 {
button 4615 {
on (release) {
_root.landonend += 1;
frame 7818 {
frame 7819 {
button 4617 {
on (release) {
_root.coleend += 1;
frame 7820 {
button 4619 {
on (release) {
_root.teddyend += 1;
movieClip 4623 {
frame 7846 {
function constrainedMove(target, speed, dir) {
var v1 = _xmouse / Stage.width;
var v2;
if (dir == 1) {
v2 = 100 - v1;
} else {
v2 = v1;
target.destX = Math.round(-((target._width - Stage.width) * v2));
target.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (target._x == target.destX) {
delete target.onEnterFrame;
} else {
if (target._x > target.destX) {
target._x -= Math.ceil((target._x - target.destX) * (speed / 25));
} else {
if (target._x < target.destX) {
target._x += Math.ceil((target.destX - target._x) * (speed / 25));
_root.statmenu._visible = false;;
this.onMouseMove = function () {
constrainedMove(bg_mc, 4, 0);
button 4628 {
on (release) {
if (_root.rolandgone == 1) {
on (release) {
if (_root.rolandgone == 0) {
button 4629 {
on (release) {
button 4630 {
on (release) {
if (_root.emmettunlock == 1) {
on (release) {
if (_root.emmettunlock == 0) {
button 4631 {
on (release) {
if (_root.biancaunlock == 1) {
on (release) {
if (_root.biancaunlock == 0) {
button 4632 {
on (release) {
movieClip 4634 {
instance of movieClip 1045 {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
mx = _root._xmouse;
if (mx < _x) {
dx = _x - mx;
} else {
dx = mx - _x;
moveSpeedx = dx / 5;
if (mx < _x) {
_x = _x - moveSpeedx;
} else {
_x = _x + moveSpeedx;
my = _root._ymouse;
if (my < _y) {
dy = _y - my;
} else {
dy = my - _y;
moveSpeedy = dy / 5;
if (my < _y) {
_y = _y - moveSpeedy;
} else {
_y = _y + moveSpeedy;
frame 7847 {
button 4636 {
on (release) {
button 4637 {
on (release) {
_root.nateend += 1;
frame 7848 {
button 4639 {
on (release) {
_root.rolandend += 1;
frame 7849 {
button 4640 {
on (release) {
frame 7850 {
button 4642 {
on (release) {
_root.emmettend += 1;
frame 7851 {
frame 7852 {
button 4643 {
on (release) {
frame 7853 {
outputi.text = 'Mr. Toko: I know that I\'m not supposed to say this for the sake of the story, but you were actually my one and only customer. Welp, this business sure went down the drain...';
button 4644 {
on (release) {
frame 7854 {
button 4647 {
on (release) {
_root.biancaend += 1;
frame 7855 {
frame 7944 {
if (_root.elliot == 0 && _root.ozend == 1) {
if (_root.elliot >= 1 && _root.elliot <= 225 && _root.ozend == 1) {
if (_root.elliot >= 226 && _root.elliot <= 449 && _root.ozend == 1) {
if (_root.elliot >= 450 && _root.ozend == 1) {
if (_root.clark == 0 && _root.landonending == 1) {
if (_root.clark >= 1 && _root.clark <= 225 && _root.landonend == 1) {
if (_root.clark >= 226 && _root.clark <= 449 && _root.landonend == 1) {
if (_root.clark >= 450 && _root.landonend == 1) {
if (_root.oliver == 0 && _root.teddyend == 1) {
if (_root.oliver >= 1 && _root.oliver <= 225 && _root.teddyend == 1) {
if (_root.oliver >= 226 && _root.oliver <= 449 && _root.teddyend == 1) {
if (_root.oliver >= 450 && _root.teddyend == 1) {
if (_root.lance == 0 && _root.coleend == 1) {
if (_root.lance >= 1 && _root.lance <= 225 && _root.coleend == 1) {
if (_root.lance >= 226 && _root.lance <= 449 && _root.coleend == 1) {
if (_root.lance >= 450 && _root.coleend == 1) {
frame 7945 {
button 4658 {
on (release) {
frame 7946 {
frame 7947 {
frame 7948 {
button 4663 {
on (release) {
if (_root.ozend == 1) {
on (release) {
if (_root.landonend == 1) {
on (release) {
if (_root.coleend == 1) {
on (release) {
if (_root.teddyend == 1) {
movieClip 4667 {
frame 7996 {
outputi.text = 'Oz: Do you think that robots can... love?';
frame 7997 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': H-huh? You ask too many questions.';
frame 7998 {
outputi.text = 'Oz: S-sorry...';
frame 7999 {
outputi.text = 'Oz: Hey, ' + player_name + '? Let\'s kiss.';
frame 8000 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': R-right now? Why?';
frame 8001 {
outputi.text = 'Oz: I like being close to your face.';
frame 8002 {
outputi.text = 'Oz: In fact, I just like being close to you.';
frame 8003 {
outputi.text = 'Oz: Then again, love is timeless for humans, but time itself is timeless for robots...';
frame 8004 {
outputi.text = 'Oz: ... Someday I\'ll be in a world where you\'ll be far away from me. So far that it\'ll be impossible for me to see or talk to you ever again.';
frame 8005 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': H-hey, don\'t worry about that! It\'s not like I\'m going to die anytime soon!';
frame 8006 {
outputi.text = 'Oz: When time is timeless for you, it seems to go by a lot faster, ' + player_name + '.';
frame 8007 {
outputi.text = 'Oz: I... don\'t want to exist in a world without you. Does that mean that I love you, ' + player_name + '?';
frame 8008 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': Yeah... it does, Oz.';
frame 8009 {
movieClip 4691 {
frame 8057 {
outputi.text = 'Kayla: Hey, Daddy. Will you read a story to me tonight?';
frame 8058 {
outputi.text = 'Landon: Sure, which one?';
frame 8059 {
outputi.text = 'Kayla: The one about the robot... the toaster one!';
frame 8060 {
outputi.text = 'Landon: H-huh? Again? But I just read it to you yesterday!';
frame 8061 {
outputi.text = 'Kayla: But I like it! It\'s romantic just like you and Mommy!';
frame 8062 {
outputi.text = 'Landon: U-um, wh-what\'re you talking about...?';
frame 8063 {
outputi.text = 'Kayla: Haha, Daddy\'s blushing!';
frame 8064 {
frame 8112 {
outputi.text = 'Teddy: Hey, ' + player_name + '?';
frame 8113 {
outputi.text = 'Teddy: Do you know why I never forgot about our promise?';
frame 8114 {
outputi.text = 'Teddy: I... I really, really wanted to be with you forever.';
frame 8115 {
outputi.text = 'Teddy: ... And I always will.';
frame 8116 {
outputi.text = 'Teddy: No matter what the future holds for us, I\'ll make sure that we live happily ever after. I promise.';
frame 8117 {
frame 8165 {
outputi.text = 'Cole: So this day\'s finally come, huh? You look beautiful, ' + player_name + '.';
frame 8166 {
outputi.text = 'Cole: Hey, this means that I\'m your prince now, right?';
frame 8167 {
outputi.text = 'Cole: If so, then I\'m all yours forever and ever... I\'ll protect you no matter what.';
frame 8168 {
frame 8257 {
if (_root.nate == 0 && _root.nateend == 1) {
if (_root.nate >= 1 && _root.nate <= 225 && _root.nateend == 1) {
if (_root.nate >= 226 && _root.nate <= 449 && _root.nateend == 1) {
if (_root.nate >= 450 && _root.nateend == 1) {
if (_root.roland == 0 && _root.rolandending == 1) {
if (_root.roland >= 1 && _root.roland <= 225 && _root.rolandend == 1) {
if (_root.roland >= 226 && _root.roland <= 449 && _root.rolandend == 1) {
if (_root.roland >= 450 && _root.rolandend == 1) {
if (_root.bianca == 0 && _root.biancaend == 1) {
if (_root.bianca >= 1 && _root.bianca <= 225 && _root.biancaend == 1) {
if (_root.bianca >= 226 && _root.bianca <= 449 && _root.biancaend == 1) {
if (_root.bianca >= 450 && _root.biancaend == 1) {
if (_root.jack == 0 && _root.emmettend == 1) {
if (_root.jack >= 1 && _root.jack <= 225 && _root.emmettend == 1) {
if (_root.jack >= 226 && _root.jack <= 449 && _root.emmettend == 1) {
if (_root.jack >= 450 && _root.emmettend == 1) {
frame 8258 {
frame 8259 {
frame 8260 {
frame 8261 {
button 4735 {
on (release) {
if (_root.nateend == 1) {
on (release) {
if (_root.rolandend == 1) {
on (release) {
if (_root.biancaend == 1) {
on (release) {
if (_root.emmettend == 1) {
movieClip 4740 {
frame 8309 {
outputi.text = 'Eric: Hey, Dad? Will you teach me how to make a clock?';
frame 8310 {
outputi.text = 'Nathan: Haha, are you sure you want to learn? Clockmaking is really hard you know.';
frame 8311 {
outputi.text = 'Eric: Yeah! I want to be really cool like you!';
frame 8312 {
outputi.text = 'Nathan: Okay, okay. As a gentleman I can\'t refuse.';
frame 8313 {
movieClip 4755 {
frame 8361 {
outputi.text = 'Nora: That\'s so cool! I want to fly in your plane too, Daddy!';
frame 8362 {
outputi.text = 'Roland: I-I\'ll take you for a flight when you\'re mayble a little bit older.';
frame 8363 {
outputi.text = 'Nora: Okay. I can wait to fly in the sky with you and Mommy!';
frame 8364 {
frame 8412 {
outputi.text = 'Bianca: Hey, ' + player_name + '... I\'m happy. I wish that we could be together like this forever.';
frame 8413 {
outputi.text = player_name + ': We can be... and we will be! You\'ll never forget me, right?';
frame 8414 {
outputi.text = 'Bianca: I don\'t think that I could if I even wanted to. I love you too much, ' + player_name + '.';
frame 8415 {
outputi.text = 'Bianca: I\'ll always keep you near my heart... because then it can break once you have to go away like Father.';
frame 8416 {
frame 8464 {
outputi.text = 'Adam: Hey, Dad. When I grow up, will I get to wear a cool eye patch like you?';
frame 8465 {
outputi.text = 'Emmett: I-I hope not... well, you probably won\'t ever need one.';
frame 8466 {
outputi.text = 'Adam: What? But why?';
frame 8467 {
outputi.text = 'Emmett: Well maybe you will. If you fall in love with a girl and jump off of a train for her then you would definitely need one... unless if you didn\'t survive.';
frame 8468 {
outputi.text = 'Adam: H-huh? You\'re so weird, Dad!';
frame 8469 {
frame 8470 {
frame 8506 {