Archived flashes:
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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #130561

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
movieClip 2 normalbullet { } movieClip 5 { } movieClip 6 enemy1 { } // unknown tag 88 length 63 button 13 { on (release) { _root.reset(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 14 lend { frame 27 { stop(); } } frame 1 { function levelEnd() { stopAllSounds(); player.blocked = true; eval(blackscreen)._visible = 1; var v2 = _root.attachMovie('lend', 'lend', _root.getNextHighestDepth()); v2._x = Stage.width / 2; v2._y = Stage.height / 2; } function reset() { player.blocked = false; player.levelEnded = false; player.lives = maxLives; player.enemytime = 65; eval(blackscreen)._visible = 0; score = 0; player.shoot = maxShoot; player.kitty._x = 0; player.kitty._y = 0; } totalenemycount = 1; score = 0; upgraded = 0; eval(blackscreen)._visible = 0; maxLives = 1; } movieClip 21 { } movieClip 22 { } instance player of movieClip 22 { onClipEvent (load) { speed = 20; shoot = maxShoot; maxShoot = 20; counter = 0; ecounter = 0; enemytimer = 0; enemytime = 65; enemyID = 0; enemySpeed = 10; autoShoot = false; lives = 1; blocked = false; levelEnded = false; bulletType = 'normalbullet'; bulletspeed = 30; r = _width / 2; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.scoreBar.htmlText = _root.score; if (lives <= 0 && !levelEnded) { _root.levelEnd(); levelEnded = true; } if (blocked) { i = 0; while (i <= ecounter) { _root['enemy' + i].removeMovieClip(); ++i; } i = 0; while (i <= counter) { _root['bullet' + i].removeMovieClip(); ++i; } } if (!blocked) { ++enemytimer; if (enemytimer > enemytime) { enemytimer = 0; enemyID = random(_root.totalenemycount) + 1; enemyY = random(Stage.height - 150) + 50; var enemyMC = _root.attachMovie('enemy' + enemyID, 'enemy' + ecounter, _root.getNextHighestDepth()); ++ecounter; enemyMC._y = enemyY; enemyMC._x = Stage.width + 70; enemyMC.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._x < -50) { this.removeMovieClip(); _root.score -= 500; --lives; ++enemytime; } this._x -= enemySpeed; i = 0; while (i <= counter) { if (_root.player['bullet' + i].hitTest(this.hitbox)) { loadMovie('', this); loadMovie('', _root.player['bullet' + i]); _root.score += 100; if (enemytime > 20) { --enemytime; } } ++i; } }; } ++shoot; if (Key.isDown(38)) { kitty._y -= speed; } if (Key.isDown(40)) { kitty._y += speed; } if (kitty._y < -320) { kitty._y += speed; } if (kitty._y > 200) { kitty._y -= speed; } if (Key.isDown(20)) { if (autoshoot) { autoshoot = false; } else { autoshoot = true; } } if (autoshoot ? shoot >= maxShoot : (Key.isDown(32) && shoot >= maxShoot)) { shoot = 0; var bulletMC = attachMovie(bulletType, 'bullet' + counter, getNextHighestDepth()); ++counter; bulletMC._y = kitty._y; bulletMC._x = kitty._x + 125; bulletMC.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._x > 1000) { this.removeMovieClip(); } this._x += bulletspeed; }; } } } } movieClip 25 { } movieClip 29 { }
Created: 22/2 -2019 03:43:38 Last modified: 22/2 -2019 03:43:38 Server time: 14/11 -2024 17:16:17