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This is the info page for
Flash #130886

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
movieClip 2 star { } movieClip 6 kick { } movieClip 11 dot { } frame 1 { function setState(str) { statetimer = 35 + umbreon.speechb._txt.length / 5; if (state != str) { curState.state = str; state = str; for (var v2 in states[str]) { curState[v2] = states[str][v2]; } umbreon.head.eyes.gotoAndPlay(curState.eye); umbreon.head.mouth.gotoAndPlay(curState.mouth); umbreon.head.blush.gotoAndPlay(curState.blush); umbreon.head.eyes.lp._x = lpx + curState.lpx; umbreon.head.eyes.lp._y = lpy + curState.lpy; umbreon.head.eyes.rp._x = rpx + curState.rpx; umbreon.head.eyes.rp._y = rpy + curState.rpy; if (umbreon.f_arm._currentlabel != curState.arm) { umbreon.f_arm.gotoAndPlay(umbreon.f_arm._currentlabel + '2' + curState.arm); } } } function breastup() { breathe = curState.breathe; } function breastdown() { breathe = -curState.breathe; } function writePhrase(n) { umbreon.speechb._alpha = 0; umbreon.speechb._txt.text = n; speechtimer = umbreon.speechb._txt.length * 2.5; } gotoAndStop(1); var starID = 0; var sextra = 0; var size = 1; var totalsize = 1; var moonsuck = false; var moonreset = 0; var glowing = 50; var glowsize = 0; var glowchange = 1; var breathe = 1; var updown = 0; var statetimer = 0; var states = new Object(); var curState = new Object(); var _state = ''; var backupState = ''; var lpx = umbreon.head.eyes.lp._x; var rpx = umbreon.head.eyes.rp._x; var lpy = umbreon.head.eyes.lp._y; var rpy = umbreon.head.eyes.rp._y; var lbooblimit = umbreon.l_breast._x; var rbooblimit = umbreon.r_breast._x; var question = 'start'; var answered = false; var nextquestion = 100; var armframes = 0; var statetimer2 = 35; var babykick = 0; var kickID = 0; var dotnumber = 1 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 11); var dotID = dotnumber; var makedots = false; var dotdestroy = 0; var starsspinning = 0; var birthmeter = 0; states.test = {'eye': 'wide', 'mouth': 'wide', 'blush': 'noblush', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 2, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 2, 'breathe': 0.2, 'arm': 'down'}; states.test2 = {'eye': 'nervous', 'mouth': 'down', 'blush': 'noblush', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 2, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 2, 'breathe': 0.2, 'arm': 'breast'}; states.unimpressed = {'eye': 'mad', 'mouth': 'down', 'blush': 'noblush', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 2, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 2, 'breathe': 0.2, 'arm': 'breast'}; = {'eye': 'nervous', 'mouth': 'down', 'blush': 'noblush', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0, 'breathe': 0.2, 'arm': 'down'}; states.surprised = {'eye': 'wide', 'mouth': 'wide', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0, 'breathe': 0.6, 'arm': 'breast'}; states.niceboobs = {'eye': 'sad', 'mouth': 'smile', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 3, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 3, 'breathe': 0.3, 'arm': 'breast'}; states.anxiousbelly = {'eye': 'glare', 'mouth': 'o', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': 2, 'lpy': 5, 'rpx': -2, 'rpy': 5, 'breathe': 0.3, 'arm': 'belly'}; states.anxiousboobs = {'eye': 'sad', 'mouth': 'bite', 'blush': 'noblush', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 3, 'rpx': -2, 'rpy': 5, 'breathe': 0.3, 'arm': 'breast'}; states.anxious = {'eye': 'wide', 'mouth': 'bite', 'blush': 'noblush', 'lpx': 5, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 8, 'rpy': 0, 'breathe': 0.3, 'arm': 'belly'}; states.worriedboobs = {'eye': 'glare', 'mouth': 'o', 'blush': 'noblush', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0, 'breathe': 0.4, 'arm': 'breast'}; states.madbelly = {'eye': 'small', 'mouth': 'open', 'blush': 'noblush', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0, 'breathe': 0.4, 'arm': 'belly'}; states.lamejoke = {'eye': 'sad', 'mouth': 'chat', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0, 'breathe': 0.4, 'arm': 'down'}; states.rolleyes = {'eye': 'glare', 'mouth': 'down', 'blush': 'noblush', 'lpx': 3, 'lpy': -4, 'rpx': 3, 'rpy': -4, 'breathe': 0.4, 'arm': 'down'}; states.sillyyou = {'eye': 'eh?', 'mouth': 'chat', 'blush': 'noblush', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0, 'breathe': 0.4, 'arm': 'belly'}; states.worriedbelly = {'eye': 'nervous', 'mouth': 'wide', 'blush': 'noblush', 'lpx': -2, 'lpy': 4, 'rpx': -2, 'rpy': 4, 'breathe': 0.4, 'arm': 'belly'}; states.pleasedbelly = {'eye': 'sad', 'mouth': 'chat', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': -4, 'lpy': 4, 'rpx': -4, 'rpy': 4, 'breathe': 0.4, 'arm': 'belly'}; states.yaybelly = {'eye': 'shut', 'mouth': 'chat', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': -4, 'lpy': 4, 'rpx': -4, 'rpy': 4, 'breathe': 0.4, 'arm': 'belly'}; states.despise = {'eye': 'mad', 'mouth': 'open', 'blush': 'noblush', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0, 'breathe': 0.4, 'arm': 'down'}; states.matteroffact = {'eye': 'shut', 'mouth': 'open', 'blush': 'noblush', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0, 'breathe': 0.4, 'arm': 'down'}; states.madboobs = {'eye': 'small', 'mouth': 'open', 'blush': 'noblush', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0, 'breathe': 0.4, 'arm': 'breast'}; states.bigbelly = {'eye': 'wide', 'mouth': 'bite', 'blush': 'noblush', 'lpx': -2, 'lpy': 4, 'rpx': -2, 'rpy': 4, 'breathe': 0.4, 'arm': 'belly'}; states.disgusted = {'eye': 'shut', 'mouth': 'down', 'blush': 'noblush', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0, 'breathe': 0.4, 'arm': 'breast'}; states.sly = {'eye': 'small', 'mouth': 'chat', 'blush': 'noblush', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0, 'breathe': 0.2, 'arm': 'down'}; states.sadbelly = {'eye': 'sad', 'mouth': 'open', 'blush': 'noblush', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0, 'breathe': 0.4, 'arm': 'belly'}; states.shockedbelly = {'eye': 'wide', 'mouth': 'wide', 'blush': 'noblush', 'lpx': -3, 'lpy': 3, 'rpx': -4, 'rpy': 3, 'breathe': 0.6, 'arm': 'belly'}; states.suspicious = {'eye': 'eh?', 'mouth': 'open', 'blush': 'noblush', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0, 'breathe': 0.4, 'arm': 'down'}; states.hey = {'eye': 'glare', 'mouth': 'wide', 'blush': 'noblush', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0, 'breathe': 0.2, 'arm': 'down'}; states.nicebelly = {'eye': 'nervous', 'mouth': 'smile', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': 3, 'lpy': -4, 'rpx': 3, 'rpy': -4, 'breathe': 0.2, 'arm': 'down'}; states.grinning = {'eye': 'shut', 'mouth': 'chat', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': 3, 'lpy': -4, 'rpx': 3, 'rpy': -4, 'breathe': 0.2, 'arm': 'down'}; states.lovebelly = {'eye': 'shut', 'mouth': 'smile', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': 3, 'lpy': -4, 'rpx': 3, 'rpy': -4, 'breathe': 0.2, 'arm': 'belly'}; states.sadbelly = {'eye': 'nervous', 'mouth': 'down', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': -1, 'lpy': 5, 'rpx': -4, 'rpy': 5, 'breathe': 0.3, 'arm': 'belly'}; states.pain = {'eye': 'pain', 'mouth': 'wide', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': -1, 'lpy': 5, 'rpx': -4, 'rpy': 5, 'breathe': 0.3, 'arm': 'belly'}; umbreon.belly.onPress = function () { if (starsspinning == dotnumber && totalsize > 598) { setState('shockedbelly'); backupState = 'anxiousbelly'; writePhrase('What was that!? I\'m all wet!'); birthmeter = 1; } else { if (totalsize < 200) { setState('yaybelly'); writePhrase('Feel that? No? Good, it means there\'s nothing in there! My plan to avoid surprise pregnancy is working'); } else { if (totalsize < 400) { setState('shockedbelly'); writePhrase('That feels hard. Oh no, My plan to avoid surprise pregnancy may not have worked!'); } else { setState('sillyyou'); writePhrase('Why are you poking my belly? It feels funny.'); } } } }; umbreon.l_breast.onPress = function () { if (totalsize < 100) { writePhrase('Hey! Leave my boobs alone. This is what I get for trying to prevent surprise pregnancy via clothes removal'); setState('hey'); } else { if (totalsize < 500) { writePhrase('Ouch! Hey, these are more sensitive when they grow you know!?'); setState('hey'); } else { writePhrase('I wish you\'d stop poking me there.'); setState('disgusted'); } } }; umbreon.r_breast.onPress = umbreon.l_breast.onPress; setState('rest'); backupState = 'rest'; writePhrase('What are you doing here?'); umbreon.r_breast.fakeboob.alpha = 0; umbreon.belly.stop(); umbreon.r_breast.stop(); umbreon.l_breast.stop(); umbron.f_leg.stop(); umbreon.l_breast.fakeboob.stop(); umbreon.r_breast.fakeboob.stop(); panel._visible = true; panel.swapDepths(umbreon.getDepth() + 100); grow = function () { size += Math.floor((totalsize - size) / 10); }; moon.moon.onPress = function () { starsspinning = 0; if (moonreset < 1) { moonreset = 130; setState('test2'); } if (totalsize > 594) { dotdestroy = 16; dotnumber = 1 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 11); dotID = dotnumber; makedots = false; moonreset = 30; } }; panel.onEnterFrame = function () { if (birthmeter < 1) { this.swapDepths(umbreon.getDepth() + 100); } else { this.swapDepths(umbreon.getDepth() - 100 - birthmeter * 100); } if (nextquestion == 100) { panel.flirt_b._txt.text = '<Wolf whistle> Hey there cutie!'; panel.comfort_b._txt.text = 'Are you okay? You seem upset.'; panel.joke_b._txt.text = 'Why so nervous?.'; panel.truth_b._txt.text = 'Hi there. Did you know you\'re pregnant?.'; panel.mock_b._txt.text = 'You wuss. Why are you on a cliffside naked?.'; } else { if (nextquestion == 200) { panel.flirt_b._txt.text = 'They only make you cuter doll.'; panel.comfort_b._txt.text = 'Do they hurt at all?.'; panel.joke_b._txt.text = 'Oh good, I just ran out of milk.'; panel.truth_b._txt.text = 'Breast growth is an early sign that you\'re pregnant, which you are.'; panel.mock_b._txt.text = 'Ha Ha, your surgeon messed up big time.'; } else { if (nextquestion == 300) { panel.flirt_b._txt.text = 'There\'s nothing cuter than a preggy! Especially when it\'s you.'; panel.comfort_b._txt.text = 'Pregnant? Well even if that\'s true, I\'m sure it won\'t be so bad.'; panel.joke_b._txt.text = 'Better call in work then, now you can get maternity leave.'; panel.truth_b._txt.text = 'Your body is making it obvious. There\'s nothing else it could be.'; panel.mock_b._txt.text = 'The whales called, they want thier blubber back.'; } else { if (nextquestion == 400) { panel.flirt_b._txt.text = 'Yeah it was me. But only because it makes you even more cute.'; panel.comfort_b._txt.text = 'I\'m sorry. I didn\'t mean to upset you. I thought you\'d like it.'; panel.joke_b._txt.text = ' It wasn\'t me! It was the one-armed man!'; panel.truth_b._txt.text = 'Yes it was me. I enjoy this sort of thing.'; panel.mock_b._txt.text = 'You only just worked it out? You\'re as smart as you are thin.'; } else { if (nextquestion == 500) { panel.flirt_b._txt.text = 'Hey, more to love, both of you and little yous.'; panel.comfort_b._txt.text = 'Just try and look on the bright side. Isn\'t it exciting at all?'; panel.joke_b._txt.text = 'Multiples!? I\'m gonna need a bigger baby book.'; panel.truth_b._txt.text = 'You are due to have triplets. I have a machine that tells me so.'; panel.mock_b._txt.text = 'I hope it\'s just one really big baby! That would be hilarious.'; } else { if (nextquestion == 600) { panel.flirt_b._txt.text = 'I knew you\'d love it sooner or later. Just like I love it.'; panel.comfort_b._txt.text = 'Aww, it\'s lovely to see you finally start to accept this.'; panel.joke_b._txt.text = 'Hey, you could sell your story to the news dept.'; panel.truth_b._txt.text = 'Many women say they love being pregnant. It isn\'t really surprising.'; panel.mock_b._txt.text = 'You like this!? Are you suicidal or something?.'; } else { if (nextquestion == 700) { panel.flirt_b._txt.text = 'Mmm, babe. I just can\'t get enough of you.'; panel.comfort_b._txt.text = 'You seem to really love this. I knew you would.'; panel.joke_b._txt.text = 'It\'s a good thing too. any bigger and you might explode.'; panel.truth_b._txt.text = 'Unfortunately, at this size, you are likely to go into labour soon.'; panel.mock_b._txt.text = 'Get away from me! Walking bomb!.'; } } } } } } } if (panel.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true)) { if (panel._y > 230) { panel._y -= (panel._y - 230) / 5; } } else { if (panel._y < 550) { panel._y += (550 - panel._y) / 5; } } }; panel.flirt_b.onPress = function () { question = 'flirt'; answered = true; if (totalsize < 100) { writePhrase('<sigh> Yes I know I\'m naked. Better safe than sorry.'); setState('rolleyes'); } else { if (totalsize < 200) { writePhrase('Well, they are kind of nice. But still, This could mean I\'m...'); setState('niceboobs'); } else { if (totalsize < 300) { writePhrase('Really? ... but that\'s not the point, I\'m terrified of being pregnant.'); setState('anxiousbelly'); } else { if (totalsize < 400) { writePhrase('Well you could have at least asked me first. I don\'t want to be pregnant.'); setState('madbelly'); } else { if (totalsize < 500) { writePhrase('Do you really think so? How on earth am I going to take care of more than one child!?'); setState('anxiousbelly'); } else { if (totalsize < 600) { writePhrase('Well, I guess it is very nice, but I\'d still rather not be pregnant.'); setState('sillyyou'); } else { writePhrase('Apparently the powers that be can\'t either. I just hope this goes away before I give birth.'); setState('sillyyou'); } } } } } } }; panel.comfort_b.onPress = function () { question = 'comfort'; answered = true; if (totalsize < 100) { writePhrase('Oh it\'s nothing. I\'m just afraid of that surprise impregnation thing going around. Not going to get me! that\'s why I\'m naked on this cliff.'); setState('anxious'); } else { if (totalsize < 200) { writePhrase('<Gasp!> They are a bit sore. I have a bad feeling about this.'); setState('anxiousboobs'); } else { if (totalsize < 300) { writePhrase('Not so bad!? It\'s my biggest fear! gaining wieght, not walking properly, morning sickness, wierd cravings and giving birth above all else. Then, of course, I have to care for them! What\'s "Good" about that?!.'); setState('surprised'); } else { if (totalsize < 400) { writePhrase('Thought I\'d like it!? I\'m stripped down in the middle of no-where for the sake of avoiding this! Are you retarded or something!?.'); setState('madbelly'); } else { if (totalsize < 500) { writePhrase('How can I be excited when I just keep getting bigger. I\'m not ready to raise children.'); setState('worriedbelly'); } else { if (totalsize < 600) { writePhrase('Well, it\'s a work in progress, but, there\'s something magical about all of this. I didn\'t even have any morning sickness.'); setState('pleasedbelly'); } else { writePhrase('You know what? I do! Thank you so much for helping me enjoy pregnancy instead of fearing it.'); setState('yaybelly'); } } } } } } }; panel.joke_b.onPress = function () { question = 'joke'; answered = true; if (totalsize < 100) { writePhrase('Because I heard about how Suicune got surprise impregnated, and lots of other pokemon and.. oh wait, Dark night reference, right?..'); setState('surprised'); } else { if (totalsize < 200) { writePhrase('Milk!? oh don\'t even say that! If I\'m making milk, it means I\'m pregnant! I\'m terrified of becoming pregnant. '); setState('anxiousboobs'); } else { if (totalsize < 300) { writePhrase('I\'d rather work than bear children. From what I\'ve heard being a mother is a job on it\'s own.'); setState('anxious'); } else { if (totalsize < 400) { writePhrase('Will you stop joking around! At least take some damn resposibilty! I mean, look what you\'ve done to me!.'); setState('despise'); } else { if (totalsize < 500) { writePhrase('This is no time for jokes! This is serious, how am I going to prepare myself for multiples?'); setState('worriedbelly'); } else { if (totalsize < 600) { writePhrase('That\'s not a bad idea, except I\'d need to find some clothes that fit first. I think you\'ll agree that\'s not going to be easy.'); setState('lamejoke'); } else { writePhrase('Explode!? You mean those rumours are true!? oh wait, you were joking..'); setState('surprised'); } } } } } } }; panel.truth_b.onPress = function () { question = 'truth'; answered = true; if (totalsize < 100) { writePhrase('WHAT!? But I can\'t be! I\'ve been so careful! I\'ve even stripped of all my clothes and am living on this cliff incase they can trap food or clothes somehow.'); setState('surprised'); } else { if (totalsize < 200) { writePhrase('You\'re right, oh no! Maybe there\'s another explaination. C\'mon, think! Don\'t do this to me body!'); setState('anxiousboobs'); } else { if (totalsize < 300) { writePhrase('No!No!No!, oh, but how could I be pregnant just like that? I really don\'t want to be pregnant.'); setState('worriedbelly'); } else { if (totalsize < 400) { writePhrase('I knew it! A pregnancy lover! Well you may as well come and rub my belly then. It\'s not as though I can stop you.'); setState('rolleyes'); } else { if (totalsize < 500) { writePhrase('Triplets!? I guess it could be worse, but seriously!? Three!? I can\'t deal with that!'); setState('surprised'); } else { if (totalsize < 600) { writePhrase('Well, I can kind of see why, a little, maybe.'); setState('anxiousbelly'); } else { writePhrase('Labour!? uh oh! I\'d almost forgotten! I need to start making plans!'); setState('surprised'); } } } } } } }; panel.mock_b.onPress = function () { question = 'mock'; answered = true; if (totalsize < 100) { writePhrase('Even if it\'s wussy it\'s still better than wearing booby trapped clothes. You know? The kind that causes spontaneous pregnancy?'); setState('matteroffact'); } else { if (totalsize < 200) { writePhrase('My boobs are not fake! Do you really think I\'d trust anyone to handle my lady bits? They might try to inflate them.'); setState('despise'); } else { if (totalsize < 300) { writePhrase('Oh ha ha. You know what? I\'m happy I\'m pregnant in that case.'); setState('disgusted'); } else { if (totalsize < 400) { writePhrase('Hmph, you know, most people would apologise, not give further insult.'); setState('disgusted'); } else { if (totalsize < 500) { writePhrase('On second thought, multiples will be just fine!'); setState('bigbelly'); } else { if (totalsize < 600) { writePhrase('Considering you did this too me, I\'m going to enjoy it just to rub it in your face!'); setState('sly'); } else { writePhrase('<Gasp!> I\'m going to explode!? Wait.. never mind.'); setState('surprised'); } } } } } } }; onEnterFrame = function () { if (Math.random() > 0.9 && statetimer < 2) { statetimer = 4; umbreon.head.eyes.gotoAndPlay('blink'); } if (babykick > 0) { babykick -= 1; } if (size < totalsize - 5 || size > totalsize + 5) { } if (statetimer > 0) { statetimer -= 1; } else { setState(backupState); } if (totalsize >= nextquestion) { if (answered == false) { question = 'ignore'; } if (nextquestion == 100) { backupState = 'anxiousboobs'; if (question == 'flirt') { writePhrase('I get it, you were calling me a cutie because my boobs were growing, right?'); setState('worriedboobs'); } else { if (question == 'comfort') { writePhrase('Now I have reason to be worried. I\'m sure my breasts are growing.'); setState('worriedboobs'); } else { if (question == 'joke') { writePhrase('Um, as long as were trying to lighten the mood, "why so breastgrowth?"'); setState('lamejoke'); } else { if (question == 'truth') { writePhrase('Uh oh, I think you might be right. I can feel growth in my boobs.'); setState('anxiousboobs'); } else { if (question == 'mock') { writePhrase('Well, as long as you\'re being brutally honest with me, maybe you\'d care to offer an explaination as to why my breasts are growing.'); setState('madboobs'); } else { if (question == 'ignore') { writePhrase('Um, I don\'t mean to intrude on your silence but, Do my boobs look bigger to you? I\'m sure they\'re growing.'); setState('anxiousboobs'); } } } } } } } else { if (nextquestion == 200) { backupState = 'sadbelly'; if (question == 'flirt') { writePhrase('Sorry to dissapoint you, but I only had big boobs because I\'m pregnant. Now I have a belly too.'); setState('worriedbelly'); } else { if (question == 'comfort') { writePhrase('They\'ve stopped hurting, but now my belly is growing. I knew it! I\'m pregnant!'); setState('sadbelly'); } else { if (question == 'joke') { writePhrase('My belly is growing! It IS milk! Oh no I\'m pregnant!'); setState('shockedbelly'); } else { if (question == 'truth') { writePhrase('Oh No! You were right! I must be pregnant!'); setState('sadbelly'); } else { if (question == 'mock') { writePhrase('You want proof my breasts are real?! Explain the belly! It can only mean that I\'m pregnant!'); setState('madbelly'); } else { if (question == 'ignore') { writePhrase('EEEK! Hey! Over here!Help me! I\'m pregnant and growing way too fast.'); setState('surprised'); } } } } } } } else { if (nextquestion == 300) { backupState = 'unimpressed'; if (question == 'flirt') { writePhrase('Hang on. You did this to me! You wanted to make me pregnant because you think it makes me cute right?'); setState('suspicious'); } else { if (question == 'comfort') { writePhrase('I think you\'re just trying to comfort me so I don\'t attack you for doing this to me! it was you wasn\'t it?!'); setState('unimpressed'); } else { if (question == 'joke') { writePhrase('Hang on- Maternity leave? You planned this! You\'re the one behing- THIS! Aren\'t you!?'); setState('madbelly'); } else { if (question == 'truth') { writePhrase('You- you did this didn\'t you.<sigh> At least you were honest about it.'); setState('sadbelly'); } else { if (question == 'mock') { writePhrase('I think you\'re the one behind this! If so, you\'ve got some nerve saying that to me when YOU caused it.'); setState('despise'); } else { if (question == 'ignore') { writePhrase('Hey, don\'t ignore me. I know this is your doing.'); setState('hey'); } } } } } } } else { if (nextquestion == 400) { backupState = 'bigbelly'; if (question == 'flirt') { writePhrase('I know this must be great for you, but for me it just keeps getting more scary! I think i\'m carrying multiples in here!'); setState('anxiousbelly'); } else { if (question == 'comfort') { writePhrase('Not that I\'m complaining. But how did you think I\'d enjoy a multiple pregnancy? You\'ve basically multiplied the difficulty at least two fold!'); setState('suspicious'); } else { if (question == 'joke') { writePhrase('Would this so-called "one-armed man" like to claim some responsibility for impregnating me with multiples?'); setState('suspicious'); } else { if (question == 'truth') { writePhrase('I suppose it would be fair to say you enjoy multiple pregnancies too!? With this much kicking, there has to be more than one in there.'); setState('bigbelly'); } else { if (question == 'mock') { writePhrase('I\'m smart enough to know there isn\'t just one baby though.'); setState('madbelly'); } else { if (question == 'ignore') { writePhrase('If you\'d care to pay some attention, I\'m quite sure I\'m due to have multiples here.'); setState('rolleyes'); } } } } } } } else { if (nextquestion == 500) { backupState = 'nicebelly'; if (question == 'flirt') { writePhrase('Y\'know? I\'m starting to understand your point of view, this is.. Nice.'); setState('pleasedbelly'); } else { if (question == 'comfort') { writePhrase('Actually, I think I\'m starting to see the bright side after all. I feel quite divine suddenly.'); setState('nicebelly'); } else { if (question == 'joke') { writePhrase('If you do happen to have a baby book on hand, can I borrow it? I want to record my feelings- my strangely happy feelings.'); setState('lamejoke'); } else { if (question == 'truth') { writePhrase('Can that machine measure pleasure too? I feel strangely warm and fuzzy inside.'); setState('lamejoke'); } else { if (question == 'mock') { writePhrase('Even if this IS just one gigantic baby, I\'m kind of enjoying it\'s growth inside me.'); setState('sly'); } else { if (question == 'ignore') { writePhrase('It looks like you don\'t care, but for what it\'s worth, I\'m starting to enjoy this.'); setState('nicebelly'); } } } } } } } else { if (nextquestion == 600) { backupState = 'nicebelly'; if (question == 'flirt') { writePhrase('As long as your loving me being pregnant, come and rub my tummy. I won\'t mind.'); setState('grinning'); } else { if (question == 'comfort') { writePhrase('Thank you so much for supporting me through this. You can rub my tummy in return if you like.'); setState('pleasedbelly'); } else { if (question == 'joke') { writePhrase('This just in, pregnant Umbreon is in love with her unborn babies!'); setState('lamejoke'); } else { if (question == 'truth') { writePhrase('I can completely understand those women now. Thank you so much for helping me conquer my fear of pregnancy.'); setState('pleasedbelly'); } else { if (question == 'mock') { writePhrase('The last thing I want is suicide at this point. I\'m too excited to see my babies.'); setState('disgusted'); } else { if (question == 'ignore') { writePhrase('Your loss. I\'ll just enjoy being massively pregnant in peace if you want nothing to do with it.'); setState('lovebelly'); } } } } } } } } } } } } nextquestion += 100; answered = false; } if (umbreon.f_arm._currentlabel == 'down2belly' || umbreon.f_arm._currentlabel == 'down2breast') { umbreon.f_arm.yellow._rotation += armframes + armframes * 2; umbreon.f_arm.yellow._x -= armframes; } else { if (umbreon.f_arm._currentlabel == 'belly2down' || umbreon.f_arm._currentlabel == 'breast2down') { umbreon.f_arm.yellow._rotation -= armframes + armframes * 2; umbreon.f_arm.yellow._x += armframes; } } panel.flirt_b._visible = !answered; panel.comfort_b._visible = !answered; panel.joke_b._visible = !answered; panel.truth_b._visible = !answered; panel.mock_b._visible = !answered; if (umbreon.f_arm._currentlabel == 'breast') { umbreon.fakehand._visible = true; } else { umbreon.fakehand._visible = false; } if (speechtimer > 0) { speechtimer -= 1; if (umbreon.speechb._alpha < 100) { umbreon.speechb._alpha += 10; } } else { if (umbreon.speechb._alpha > 0) { umbreon.speechb._alpha -= 10; } } if (umbreon.l_breast._x > lbooblimit) { umbreon.l_breast._x = lbooblimit; } if (umbreon.r_breast._x > rbooblimit) { umbreon.r_breast._x = rbooblimit; } umbreon.l_breast._yscale += breathe; umbreon.l_breast._xscale += breathe; umbreon.l_breast._x -= breathe / 5; umbreon.r_breast._yscale += breathe; umbreon.r_breast._xscale += breathe; umbreon.r_breast._x -= breathe / 5; updown += breathe; if (updown > 1) { breastdown(); } if (updown < -1) { breastup(); } glowsize += glowchange; if (glowsize > 12) { glowchange = -1; } else { if (glowsize < 6) { glowchange = 1; } } var v5 = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(16776960, moonreset, glowsize, glowsize, 1, 1); var v7 = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(16776960, 100, glowsize, glowsize, 1, 1); umbreon.head.l_ear.yellow.filters = [v5]; umbreon.head.r_ear.yellow.filters = [v5]; umbreon.tail.yellow.filters = [v5]; umbreon.f_arm.yellow.filters = [v5]; umbreon.f_leg.yellow.filters = [v5]; umbreon.belly.gotoAndStop(Math.floor((size - 100) * 1.2) - babykick); umbreon.l_breast.gotoAndStop(size); umbreon.r_breast.gotoAndStop(size); umbreon.l_breast.fakeboob.gotoAndStop(size); umbreon.r_breast.fakeboob.gotoAndStop(size); if (totalsize > 600) { totalsize = 600; } if (totalsize < 1) { totalsize = 1; } if (size != totalsize) { if (size < 100) { } grow(); } else { if (starsspinning < 1) { umbreon.r_breast.fakeboob.filters = []; umbreon.l_breast.fakeboob.filters = []; umbreon.filters = []; } } if (moonreset > 0) { moonreset -= 1; } if (moonreset == 1) { starID = 0; if (totalsize < 598) { umbreon.belly.filters = []; } if (starsspinning < 1) { umbreon.r_breast.fakeboob.filters = []; umbreon.l_breast.fakeboob.filters = []; umbreon.filters = []; } } if (totalsize > 597) { umbreon.belly.filters = [v7]; } if (starID < 20) { starID += 1; sextra += 1; var v4 = attachMovie('star', 'star' + starID, starID); v4._x = Math.random() * 650 + 150; v4._y = Math.random() * 320; v4._xscale = Math.random() * 40 + 20; v4._yscale = v4._xscale; v4._rotation += Math.random() * 90 - 45; var clicked = false; var starlife = 101; v4.swapDepths(umbreon); } v4.onPress = function () { if (totalsize > 597 && clicked == false) { starsspinning += 1; clicked = true; } if (moonreset < 1) { starlife = -this._xscale; this.swapDepths(umbreon.getDepth() + sextra); if (starID == 20) { sextra -= 1; } } }; v4.onEnterFrame = function () { if (birthmeter > 1) { starlife = birthmeter; } if (umbreon.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true) && starlife > 100) { removeMovieClip(this); } if (umbreon.b_leg.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) { totalsize += 0.14; var v2 = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(107180470, moonreset, 20, 20, 0.5, 1); var v3 = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(0, moonreset, 40, 40, 1, 1); if (size > 100) { umbreon.belly.filters = [v2]; } umbreon.r_breast.fakeboob.filters = [v2]; umbreon.l_breast.fakeboob.filters = [v2]; umbreon.filters = [v3]; if (this.getDepth() < umbreon.getDepth()) { } } else { if (moonreset > 0 && this.starlife > 100) { starsspinning -= 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } if (starlife < 80) { starlife += 1; this._rotation += 80 - starlife; this._xscale += this._xscale / (starlife - 80); this._yscale += this._xscale / (starlife - 80); if (moonreset > 0 && totalsize < 599) { if (this._x < umbreon.belly._x + 530) { this._x += (umbreon.belly._x + 530 - this._x) / 7; } else { this._x -= (this._x - (umbreon.belly._x + 530)) / 7; } if (this._y < umbreon.belly._y + 370) { this._y += (umbreon.belly._y + 370 - this._y) / 7; } else { this._y -= (this._y - (umbreon.belly._y + 370)) / 7; } } } else { if (starlife < 100) { starsspinning -= 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } }; kickID += 1; if (totalsize * 20 * Math.random() < totalsize - 150) { var v6 = umbreon.belly.attachMovie('kick', 'kick' + kickID, kickID); time = 0; v6.swapDepths(umbreon.f_arm); v6._x = umbreon.belly._x + 110 - totalsize * 0.08 - totalsize * 0.02 * Math.random(); v6._y = umbreon.belly._y + 20 - totalsize / 1000 + 20 * Math.random(); babykick = 7; } v6.onEnterFrame = function () { this._alpha = 45; if (time == 0) { this._rotation = 90 * Math.random() - 45; time = 1; } else { if (time < 8) { time += 1; } else { removeMovieClip(this); time = 0; } } }; if (starsspinning < 0) { starsspinning = 0; } else { if (starsspinning > 0) { umbreon.belly.filters = [v7]; } } if (makedots == false && totalsize > 598 && dotID > 0 && dotdestroy < 1) { var v3 = moon.attachMovie('dot', 'dot' + dotID, dotID); umbreon.belly.filters = [bglow]; if (dotID == 12) { v3._x = 40 + moon._x; v3._y = 40 + moon._y - 70; } else { if (dotID == 11) { v3._x = 40 + moon._x - 40; v3._y = 40 + moon._y - 60; } else { if (dotID == 10) { v3._x = 40 + moon._x - 60; v3._y = 40 + moon._y - 40; } else { if (dotID == 9) { v3._x = 40 + moon._x - 70; v3._y = 40 + moon._y; } else { if (dotID == 8) { v3._x = 40 + moon._x - 60; v3._y = 40 + moon._y + 40; } else { if (dotID == 7) { v3._x = 40 + moon._x - 40; v3._y = 40 + moon._y + 60; } else { if (dotID == 6) { v3._x = 40 + moon._x - 0; v3._y = 40 + moon._y + 70; } else { if (dotID == 5) { v3._x = 40 + moon._x + 40; v3._y = 40 + moon._y + 60; } else { if (dotID == 4) { v3._x = 40 + moon._x + 60; v3._y = 40 + moon._y + 40; } else { if (dotID == 3) { v3._x = 40 + moon._x + 70; v3._y = 40 + moon._y + 0; } else { if (dotID == 2) { v3._x = 40 + moon._x + 60; v3._y = 40 + moon._y - 40; } else { if (dotID == 1) { v3._x = 40 + moon._x + 40; v3._y = 40 + moon._y - 60; } } } } } } } } } } } } dotID -= 1; } v3.onEnterFrame = function () { if (dotdestroy == 15) { removeMovieClip(this); } }; if (dotdestroy > 0) { dotdestroy -= 1; } if (birthmeter > 0) { birthmeter += 1; moon.moon.enabled = false; } if (birthmeter == 90) { setState('pain'); writePhrase('arrg!!'); } else { if (birthmeter == 130) { setState('bigbelly'); writePhrase('That\'s a contraction! I\'m going into labour.'); } else { if (birthmeter == 190) { setState('sly'); ambulance.swapDepths(_root.getNextHighestDepth()); writePhrase('It\'s a good thing I\'m so paranoid, I\'ve got the ambulance on speed dial incase this happens'); } else { if (birthmeter > 230 && birthmeter < 300) { if (ambulance._currentlabel != 'screech') { ambulance.gotoAndPlay('screech'); } if (ambulance._x > 100) { ambulance._x -= (ambulance._x - 100) / 10; } } else { if (birthmeter > 320) { ambulance._x -= birthmeter - 320; umbreon._visible = false; } } } } } if (ambulance._x < -800) { ambulance._x = 800; gotoAndStop(2); } }; } movieClip 14 { } movieClip 16 { } movieClip 19 { } movieClip 20 { } movieClip 22 { } movieClip 29 { } movieClip 38 { } movieClip 51 { } movieClip 54 { } movieClip 55 { } movieClip 58 { } movieClip 81 { frame 1 { _currentlabel = 'down'; } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 3 { _currentlabel = 'down2belly'; _root.armframes = 1.5; } frame 7 { _currentlabel = 'belly'; } frame 8 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 9 { _currentlabel = 'belly2breast'; } frame 11 { _currentlabel = 'breast'; } frame 12 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 13 { _currentlabel = 'breast2belly'; } frame 15 { _currentlabel = 'belly'; } frame 16 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 17 { _currentlabel = 'belly2down'; _root.armframes = 1.5; } frame 21 { _currentlabel = 'down'; } frame 22 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 23 { _currentlabel = 'down2breast'; _root.armframes = 0.9; } frame 29 { _currentlabel = 'breast'; } frame 30 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 31 { _currentlabel = 'breast2down'; _root.armframes = 0.9; } frame 37 { _currentlabel = 'down'; } frame 38 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } } movieClip 83 { } movieClip 89 { frame 1 { _currentlabel = 'noblush'; } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 3 { _currentlabel = 'blush'; } frame 22 { _currentlabel = 'noblush'; } frame 23 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } } movieClip 93 { } movieClip 95 { } movieClip 122 { frame 1 { _currentlabel = 'glare'; } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 3 { _currentlabel = 'small'; } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 5 { _currentlabel = 'wide'; } frame 6 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 7 { _currentlabel = 'mad'; } frame 8 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 9 { _currentlabel = 'sad'; } frame 10 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 11 { _currentlabel = 'nervous'; } frame 12 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 13 { _currentlabel = 'eh?'; } frame 14 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 15 { _currentlabel = 'shut'; } frame 16 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 17 { _currentlabel = 'pain'; } frame 18 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 21 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } } movieClip 131 { frame 1 { _currentlabel = 'down'; } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 3 { _currentlabel = 'grin'; } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 5 { _currentlabel = 'smile'; } frame 6 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 7 { _currentlabel = 'wide'; } frame 8 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 9 { _currentlabel = 'open'; } frame 10 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 11 { _currentlabel = 'chat'; } frame 12 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 13 { _currentlabel = 'o'; } frame 14 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 15 { _currentlabel = 'bite'; } frame 16 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } } movieClip 134 { } movieClip 135 { } movieClip 139 { } movieClip 140 { } movieClip 141 { } // unknown tag 88 length 148 movieClip 145 { } movieClip 152 { } movieClip 163 { } movieClip 165 { } movieClip 166 { } movieClip 168 { } movieClip 170 { } // unknown tag 88 length 155 movieClip 176 { } movieClip 178 { } movieClip 180 { } movieClip 182 { } movieClip 184 { } movieClip 185 { } // unknown tag 88 length 153 // unknown tag 88 length 78 movieClip 195 { frame 1 { _currentlabel = 'flat'; } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 3 { _currentlabel = 'screech'; } } frame 2 { function changetext(n) { doctors.dbub._txt.text = dspeech[n]; } var st = 0; var ds = 1; var dspeech = new Array(); dspeech[1] = 'What\'s going on doctor?'; dspeech[2] = 'It\'s another one of those surprise instant pregnancies!'; dspeech[3] = 'You mean like Suicune, and then when she got her freinds to come and look they got pregnant too!?'; dspeech[4] = 'Yes, a very similar case nurse! although this girl appears to have been going through all efforts to avoid it.'; dspeech[5] = 'All efforts?'; dspeech[6] = 'Yes. she stripped off all her clothes and went to a mountain top. No-one knows how this happened to her.'; dspeech[7] = 'Gee, at least Suicune had a chance.'; dspeech[8] = 'No-one has a chance nurse. Not until we know what\'s causing this. It\'s almost as though some one is causing this for amusement.'; dspeech[9] = 'How could this be happening?'; dspeech[10] = 'We don\'t know. We may never know. We must stay vigilant, any woman, any where, could be next.'; dspeech[11] = '.......'; dspeech[12] = '....... Uh.. nurse?'; dspeech[13] = 'What?';;;; doctors.dbub.gotoAndStop(2); tempstar._visible = false; doctors.dbub.nb.onPress = function () { ds += 1; if (doctors.dbub._currentframe == 1) { doctors.dbub.gotoAndStop(2); if (ds < 11) {; } } else { doctors.dbub.gotoAndStop(1); if (ds < 11) {; } } }; onEnterFrame = function () {; st += 1; changetext(ds); if (ds == 11 || ds == 12) { doctors.dbub.gotoAndStop(1); } if (ds == 11) {; } else { if (ds == 12) {; } else { if (ds == 13) {;; } else { if (ds > 13) { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } if ((ds == 10 || ds == 11) && < 300) { += 4; += 4; -= 16; if ( < 135 && > 170) { + 3); } } else { if (ds > 11) { = 100; = 100; = 0; if ( < 200) { + 1); } } } if (doctors._x > 400) { doctors._x = 400; } if (windows.w1._x > 800) { windows.w1._x -= 1000; } if (windows.w2._x > 800) { windows.w2._x -= 1000; } if (gurney._x > 150) { gurney._x -= 12; windows.w1._x += 10; windows.w2._x += 10; doctors._x += 12; } else { if (gurney._x < 150) { gurney._x -= 15; } else { if (gurney._x < 100) { doctors._x += 15; windows.w1._x += 5; windows.w2._x += 5; gurney._x -= 15; } else { if (gurney._x < -100) { windows.w1._x -= 10; windows.w2._x -= 10; doctors._x -= 15; } } } } }; } movieClip 198 { } movieClip 199 { } movieClip 200 { } movieClip 209 { } movieClip 214 { } movieClip 215 { } movieClip 220 { } movieClip 221 { } movieClip 227 { } movieClip 230 { } movieClip 231 { } movieClip 233 { } movieClip 236 { } movieClip 238 { } frame 3 { nextb.onPress = function () { gotoAndStop(4); }; } movieClip 245 { } frame 4 { function setState(str) { statetimer = 35 + speechb2._txt.length / 5; if (state != str) { curState.state = str; state = str; for (var v2 in states[str]) { curState[v2] = states[str][v2]; } hourglass.head.eyes.gotoAndPlay(curState.eye); hourglass.head.mouth.gotoAndPlay(curState.mouth); hourglass.head.blush.gotoAndPlay(curState.blush); hourglass.head.eyes.lp._x = lpx + curState.lpx; hourglass.head.eyes.lp._y = lpy + curState.lpy; hourglass.head.eyes.rp._x = rpx + curState.rpx; hourglass.head.eyes.rp._y = rpy + curState.rpy; } } function writePhrase(n) { speechb2._alpha = 0; speechb2._txt.text = n; speechtimer = speechb2._txt.length * 2.5; } var breastsize = 1; var hipsize = 1; var hipgrowth = 0; var breastgrowth = 0; var speechtimer = 20; var statetimer = 0; var states = new Object(); var curState = new Object(); var _state = ''; var backupState = ''; var started = false; var lpx = hourglass.head.eyes.lp._x; var rpx = hourglass.head.eyes.rp._x; var lpy = hourglass.head.eyes.lp._y; var rpy = hourglass.head.eyes.rp._y; var breathrate = 1; var breathswitch = 0.2; states.happy = {'eye': 'nervous', 'mouth': 'smile', 'blush': 'noblush', 'lpx': -2, 'lpy': 2, 'rpx': -2, 'rpy': 2}; states.nhappy = {'eye': 'wide', 'mouth': 'smile', 'blush': 'noblush', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 2, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 2}; states.hey = {'eye': 'mad', 'mouth': 'wide', 'blush': 'noblush', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 2, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 2}; states.benny = {'eye': 'glare', 'mouth': 'chat', 'blush': 'noblush', 'lpx': 1, 'lpy': -1, 'rpx': 1, 'rpy': -1}; states.shock = {'eye': 'wide', 'mouth': 'wide', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 4, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 4}; hourglass.hips.gotoAndStop(hipsize); hourglass.breasts.gotoAndStop(breastsize); setState('happy'); writePhrase('Aren\'t they beautiful?'); backupState = 'happy'; var bglow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(107180470, 100, 20, 20, 0.5, 1); var yellowglow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(16776960, 100, 35, 35, 1, 1); hourglass.breasts.onPress = function () { if (breastsize < 170) { writePhrase('They didn\'t have any gowns that fit me okay?!'); } else { writePhrase('*grumble* I\'m going to have to call the taylor again.'); } setState('hey'); }; onMouseUp = function () { hourglass.hips.filters = []; hourglass.breasts.filters = []; hipgrowth = 0; breastgrowth = 0; }; reset.onPress = function () { _root.gotoAndStop(1); }; benny.onPress = function () { writePhrase('That\'s Benny, he doesn\'t seem to be very active.'); setState('benny'); }; hilda.onPress = function () { writePhrase('That\'s Hilda, she has her Mummys hair.'); setState('benny'); hipgrowth = 1; }; brenda.onPress = function () { writePhrase('That\'s Brenda, she\'s the smallest but has the most energy.'); setState('benny'); breastgrowth = 1; }; onEnterFrame = function () { if (breastsize > 170 && breastgrowth == 1) { writePhrase('What the!? Not my boobs again! Stop it girls, I\'m too big as it is.'); setState('shock'); } if (hipsize > 170 && hipgrowth == 1) { writePhrase('Since when did my thighs look like this!? This just isn\'t fair!'); setState('shock'); } hourglass.breasts.gotoAndStop(breastsize); hourglass.hips.gotoAndStop(hipsize); hourglass.breasts._xscale = 135 + breathrate; hourglass.breasts._yscale = 135 + breathrate; hourglass.breasts._x = 30 + -breathrate; breathrate += breathswitch; onMouseMove = function () { if (breastgrowth == 1) { if (brenda.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) == true) { hourglass.breasts.filters = [bglow]; if (breastsize < 201) { breastsize += 1; } } } if (hipgrowth == 1) { if (hilda.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) == true) { hourglass.hips.filters = [bglow]; if (hipsize < 201) { hipsize += 1; } } } }; if (breathrate > 4 || breathrate < -4) { breathswitch = -breathswitch; } if (statetimer > 0) { statetimer -= 1; } else { setState(backupState); } if (speechtimer > 0) { speechtimer -= 1; if (speechb2._alpha < 100) { speechb2._alpha += 10; } } else { if (speechb2._alpha > 0) { speechb2._alpha -= 10; } } }; } movieClip 251 { } movieClip 264 { } movieClip 265 { } movieClip 269 { } movieClip 277 { } movieClip 278 { } movieClip 286 { } movieClip 287 { } movieClip 293 { } movieClip 294 { } movieClip 300 { }
Created: 21/2 -2019 21:00:26 Last modified: 21/2 -2019 21:00:26 Server time: 11/03 -2025 13:11:50