Frame 1
function declare() {
loadVariables ("getcode.php?rannum=" + random(100000), recvar);
gameover = 0;
pausegame = 0;
shottime = 0;
airbombcount = 0;
bombshellcount = 0;
curweap = "candles";
ammo = 999;
cometcount = 0;
bombcount = 0;
bombsleft = 3;
babastcount = 0;
astsounds = new Array("astsound1link", "astsound2link", "astsound3link");
bombshellcols = new Array(65535, 16777215, 65280, 65535, 16774758, 16776960, 10092288, 10092441, 10092543, 6750207, 3407871, 6724095, 16764006, 16751052, 10079334, 10066431, 6750105, 6750003, 16750848, 6736998, 13434675, 16764057);
greys = new Array(8947848, 14540253, 13421772, 12303291, 11184810);
blues = new Array(6684927, 6697983, 6711039, 6724095, 6737151, 6750207);
yellows = new Array(16776960, 16777011, 16777062, 16777113, 16777164);
reds = new Array(16711680, 10027008, 13369344, 6684672, 10040115, 13382451);
oranges = new Array(16750848, 16763904, 13395456, 13408563, 16737792, 13408563);
greens = new Array(52224, 39168, 26112, 39270, 39321, 3394560);
items = new Array("airbombs", "comets", "fountains", "sparklers", "bombshells", "power", "health", "bomb", "ammo");
gamelevels = new Array(0, 0, 20, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000);
gamelevel = 1;
avespeedx = 0;
avespeedy = 0;
numasts = 3;
clustersize = 4;
clusterspace = 5;
damage = 0;
score = 0;
go = 0;
deletecount = 0;
angles = new Array();
i = 0;
j = 90;
while (90 >= i) {
angles[i] = j;
i = i + 1;
j = j - 1;
points = 1;
pointcount = 0;
partnum = 0;
expnum = 0;
shotcount = 0;
astcount = 0;
asttrack = new Array(numasts);
newcode = 0;
function findOpen() {
place = 0;
if (astcount < gamelevels[gamelevel + 1]) {
l = 0;
while (l < asttrack.length) {
if (!asttrack[l]) {
asttrack[l] = 1;
place = l;
astcount = astcount + 1;
l = asttrack.length;
l = l + 1;
function sparkleOut(p, c) {
rannum = random(4000);
_root.attachMovie("sparklelink", "bigspark" + rannum, 53420 + rannum);
sparktemp = eval ("_root.bigspark" + rannum);
spcol = new Color(sparktemp);
sparktemp._x = p._x;
sparktemp._y = p._y;
sparktemp._rotation = random(360);
i = i + 1;
function shotpos(shottemp, isbomb) {
if (((curweap != "sparklers") && (curweap != "fountains")) && (!isbomb)) {
shottemp._visible = false;
attachMovie("speedglowlink", "speedg", 405502);
if (isbomb) {
shottemp.isbomb = 1;
shottemp.ang = angle;
shottemp.blowx = _xmouse;
shottemp.blowy = _ymouse;
shit = (Math.PI/180) * angle;
if (curweap == "fountains") {
shottemp._x = cannon._x;
shottemp._y = cannon._y;
} else if (curweap == "sparklers") {
shottemp._x = cannon._x;
shottemp._y = cannon._y;
} else {
shottemp._x = cannon._x + (37 * Math.sin(shit));
shottemp._y = cannon._y - (37 * Math.cos(shit));
if (shotcount == 20) {
shotcount = 1;
} else {
shotcount = shotcount + 1;
function changeWeap(t) {
_root.attachMovie("weapshowlink", "weapsh", 37833);
_root.weapsh._x = 375;
_root.weapsh._y = 25;
if (t == "health") {
damage = damage - 50;
if (damage < 0) {
damage = 0;
_root.weapsh.weapshowin.weapout = "HEALTH +50";
} else if (t == "ammo") {
ammo = ammo + 100;
_root.weapsh.weapshowin.weapout = "AMMO +100";
} else if (t == "power") {
powerupout = "POINTS X 2";
pointcount = 300;
points = 2;
_root.weapsh.weapshowin.weapout = "POINTS x2";
} else if (t == "bomb") {
bombsleft = bombsleft + 1;
_root.weapsh.weapshowin.weapout = "BIG BOMBS +1";
} else if (t == "comets") {
curweap = t;
ammo = 100;
_root.weapsh.weapshowin.weapout = "COMETS";
} else if (t == "airbombs") {
curweap = t;
ammo = 50;
_root.weapsh.weapshowin.weapout = "AIR BOMBS";
} else if (t == "fountains") {
curweap = t;
ammo = 250;
_root.weapsh.weapshowin.weapout = "FOUNTAINS";
} else if (t == "sparklers") {
curweap = t;
ammo = 250;
_root.weapsh.weapshowin.weapout = "SPARKLERS";
} else if (t == "bombshells") {
curweap = t;
ammo = 50;
_root.weapsh.weapshowin.weapout = "BOMB SHELLS";
function removeAst(p, t) {
if ((((0 < p._x) && (p._x < 750)) && (0 < p._y)) && (p._y < 550)) {
astexpsound = new Sound(_root);
if (p.level == 1) {
m = 0;
while (m < asttrack.length) {
if (_root["ast" + m].parent == p.num) {
_root["ast" + m].parent = -1;
_root["ast" + m].level = 0;
if (t == "bound") {
asttrack[m] = 0;
_root["ast" + m].removeMovieClip();
m = m + 1;
if (t != "bound") {
if (p.dropitem == 1) {
n = 1;
while (n < 5) {
if (p.dropitem == 1) {
sparkleOut(p, blues[random(blues.length)]);
} else {
sparkleOut(p, yellows[random(yellows.length)]);
n = n + 1;
p.parent = -1;
p.level = 0;
asttrack[p.num] = 0;
function bombshot() {
if (0 < bombsleft) {
attachMovie("bigbomblink", "bomb" + bombcount, 2500 + bombcount);
shotpos(_root["bomb" + bombcount], 1);
bigbombsound = new Sound(_root);
bombcount = bombcount + 1;
bombsleft = bombsleft - 1;
function outOfAmmo() {
attachMovie("weapshowlink", "weapsh", 37833);
weapsh._x = 375;
weapsh._y = 25;
weapsh.weapshowin.weapout = "OUT OF AMMO";
function shoot() {
if (go) {
if (curweap == "candles") {
attachMovie("candlelink", "shot" + shotcount, 2000 + shotcount);
shottemp = eval ("_root.shot" + shotcount);
myColorTransform = new Object();
myColorTransform.ra = 100;
myColorTransform.rb = random(255); = 100; = random(255); = 100; = random(255);
myColorTransform.aa = 100;
myColorTransform.ab = 0;
rancol = random(999999);
candcol = new Color(shottemp.candleballin.candleback);
shottemp._xscale = 50;
shottemp._yscale = 50;
} else if (curweap == "airbombs") {
if (0 < ammo) {
attachMovie("lightinlink", "light" + shotcount, 2000 + shotcount);
shottemp = eval ("_root.light" + shotcount);
ammo = ammo - 1;
} else {
curweap = "candles";
ammo = 999;
} else if (curweap == "fountains") {
if (0 < ammo) {
attachMovie("fountainlink", "shot", 2000);
shottemp = _root.shot;
fountainsound = new Sound(shottemp);
ammo = ammo - 1;
} else {
curweap = "candles";
ammo = 999;
} else if (curweap == "sparklers") {
if (0 < ammo) {
attachMovie("sparklerlink", "shot", 2000);
shottemp = _root.shot;
sparklersound = new Sound(shottemp);
ammo = ammo - 1;
} else {
curweap = "candles";
ammo = 999;
} else if (curweap == "bombshells") {
if (0 < ammo) {
attachMovie("bombshelluplink", "shot" + shotcount, 2000 + shotcount);
shottemp = eval ("_root.shot" + shotcount);
ammo = ammo - 1;
} else {
curweap = "candles";
ammo = 999;
} else if (0 < ammo) {
attachMovie("shotlink", "shot" + shotcount, 2000 + shotcount);
shottemp = eval ("_root.shot" + shotcount);
ammo = ammo - 1;
} else {
curweap = "candles";
ammo = 999;
function pause() {
if (pausegame) {
go = 0;
} else if (Math.round((damage / 140) * 100) >= 100) {
goversound = new Sound(_root);
gameover = 1;
attachMovie("gametextlink", "gametext", 18450);
gametext.finalscore = scoreout;
gametext.newcode = newcode;
earth = "100%";
go = 0;
i = 1;
while (i < asttrack.length) {
_root["ast" + i].removeMovieClip();
i = i + 1;
} else {
go = 1;
function gameEvent(t) {
if (!gameover) {
if (go) {
if (astcount >= gamelevels[gamelevel + 1]) {
clear = 0;
i = 1;
while (i < asttrack.length) {
if (asttrack[i] == 1) {
clear = 1;
i = i + 1;
if (!clear) {
goversound = new Sound(_root);
pausegame = 1;
gamelevel = gamelevel + 1;
avespeedx = avespeedx + 1;
numasts = numasts + 2;
asttrack = new Array(numasts);
attachMovie("weapshowlink", "weapsh", 37833);
weapsh._x = 375;
weapsh._y = 25;
weapsh.weapshowin.weapout = "LEVEL " + gamelevel;
if (points == 2) {
if (0 < pointcount) {
pointcount = pointcount - 1;
} else {
powerupout = "NONE";
points = 1;
weaponout = curweap;
ammoout = ammo;
levelout = gamelevel;
bombs = bombsleft;
dropped = astcount;
nextlevel = gamelevels[gamelevel + 1] - dropped;
damageout = damage + "/140";
earth = Math.round((damage / 140) * 100) + "%";
ground.groundin._y = (damage / 3) + 15;
scoreout = score;
astcounter = astcount;
astsize = 1 + random(5);
if (random(100) < 1) {
if (place) {
if (curweap == "candles") {
titem = items[random(items.length - 1)];
} else {
titem = items[random(items.length)];
attachMovie("itemlink", "ast" + place, 12300 + place);
ast = eval ("_root.ast" + place);
ast.dropitem = 1;
ast.item = titem;
ast._xscale = 25;
ast._yscale = 25;
ast.vint = 0;
ast.time = 0;
ast.num = place;
ast.level = 0;
parent = -1;
ast.xoffset = 0;
ast.yoffset = 2;
ast._x = 20 + random(730);
ast._y = 1;
par = place;
open = 0;
c = 0;
while (c < asttrack.length) {
if (!asttrack[c]) {
open = open + 1;
c = c + 1;
if (open >= astsize) {
f = 0;
while (f < astsize) {
if (place) {
attachMovie("astlink", "ast" + place, 12300 + place);
ast = eval ("_root.ast" + place);
ast._xscale = 100 + random(100);
ast._yscale = 100 + random(100);
ast.num = place;
ast.vint = 5 + random(15);
ast.time = 0;
if (f == 0) {
ast.level = 1;
ast.parent = -1;
ast.xoffset = ((-1 * avespeedx) / 2) + random(avespeedx + 1);
ast.yoffset = avespeedy;
ast._x = -50 + random(800);
ast._y = 1;
par = place;
} else {
ast.level = 2;
ast.parent = par;
ast.xoffset = -5 + random(10);
if (ast.xoffset == 0) {
ast.xoffset = 1;
ast.yoffset = -5 + random(10);
if (ast.yoffset == 0) {
ast.yoffset = 1;
ast._x = _root["ast" + par]._x;
ast._y = _root["ast" + par]._y;
f = f + 1;
} else {
f = astsize;
st = Math.pow(Math.abs(cannon._xmouse), 2) + Math.pow(Math.abs(cannon._ymouse), 2);
hyp = Math.sqrt(st);
sinA = cannon._ymouse / hyp;
a = Math.abs(Math.asin(sinA) * 57.2957795130823);
angle = angles[Math.round(a)];
if (cannon._xmouse < 0) {
angle = angle * -1;
_root.cannon.guntop._rotation = angle;
function buildAst(p, t) {
p.partarray = new Array();
p.smattach = 0;
i = 0;
smran = 5;
while (i < smran) {
p.partarray[i] = partnum;
p.attachMovie("astinlink", "part" + partnum, 85000 + partnum);
part = eval ("p.part" + partnum);
astcol = new Color(part);
part._xscale = 10 + random(10);
part._yscale = 10 + random(10);
part.xoffset = -4 + random(8);
part.yoffset = -4 + random(8);
part._x = part.xoffset;
part._y = part.yoffset;
i = i + 1;
partnum = partnum + 1;
function buildExp(p) {
i = 0;
while (i < p.partarray.length) {
_root.attachMovie("expinlink", "exp" + expnum, 15200 + expnum);
exp = eval ("_root.exp" + expnum);
comppart = p.partarray[i];
cpart = eval ("p.part" + comppart);
exp.xscale = 3 + random(10);
exp.yscale = 3 + random(10);
exp._x = p._x;
exp._y = p._y;
exp._xscale = cpart._xscale;
exp._yscale = cpart._yscale;
exp.xoffset = cpart.xoffset;
exp.yoffset = cpart.yoffset;
exp.alpha = 10 + random(5);
i = i + 1;
expnum = expnum + 1;
function checkAst(p, t) {
if (go) {
if (p.level == 2) {
t._x = p.xoffset;
t._y = p.yoffset;
p._x = _root["ast" + p.parent]._x;
p._y = _root["ast" + p.parent]._y;
p._rotation = _root["ast" + p.parent]._rotation;
} else if (p.level == 1) {
v = Math.sqrt(19.6 * (p._y + 50));
p._rotation = p._rotation + (p.xoffset + p.yoffset);
p._x = p._x + p.xoffset;
p._y = p._y + (v / (20 - p.yoffset));
} else if (p.dropitem) {
p._rotation = p._rotation + (p.xoffset + p.yoffset);
p._x = p._x + p.xoffset;
p._y = p._y + p.yoffset;
} else {
p.time = p.time + 1;
v = -9.8 * p.time;
p._rotation = p._rotation + (p.xoffset + p.yoffset);
p._x = p._x + p.xoffset;
p._y = p._y - (p.vint + (v / (20 - p.yoffset)));
if ((p._x < 0) || (750 < p._x)) {
p._visible = false;
} else {
p._visible = true;
if (((600 < p._y) || (p._x < -50)) || (800 < p._x)) {
if ((((600 < p._y) && (0 < p._x)) && (p._x < 750)) && (!p.dropitem)) {
damage = damage + 10;
removeAst(p, "bound");
function shotLoad(p, t) {
p.shit = (Math.PI/180) * p.ang;
speedg._x = p._x;
speedg._y = p._y;
speedg._xscale = 20;
speedg._yscale = 20;
if (p.isbomb) {
p.speed = 30;
} else {
p.speed = 0;
p.shotgo = 0;
p.time = 0;
p.otherang = (Math.PI/180) * (180 - (90 + p.ang));
p.dim = Math.sin(p.otherang);
p.dist = p.blow / p.dim;
p.blastcount = 0;
p._rotation = p.ang;
function blastEffect(p, t) {
attachMovie("blastlink", "blast" + blastcount, 180040 + blastcount);
_root["blast" + blastcount]._x = p._x;
_root["blast" + blastcount]._y = p._y;
blastcount = blastcount + 1;
function shotHit(p, t) {
if (t == "candles") {
blastEffect(p, t);
if (t == "comets") {
attachMovie("comethitlink", "comethitbound" + cometcount, 5050 + cometcount);
_root["comethitbound" + cometcount].dirx = p.speed * Math.sin(p.shit);
_root["comethitbound" + cometcount].diry = p.speed * Math.cos(p.shit);
_root["comethitbound" + cometcount]._x = p._x;
_root["comethitbound" + cometcount]._y = p._y;
cometcount = cometcount + 1;
if (t == "bombs") {
attachMovie("bomblink", "bomb" + bombcount, 5100 + bombcount);
_root["bomb" + bombcount].dirx = p.speed * Math.sin(p.shit);
_root["bomb" + bombcount].diry = p.speed * Math.cos(p.shit);
_root["bomb" + bombcount]._x = p._x;
_root["bomb" + bombcount]._y = p._y;
bombcount = bombcount + 1;
if (t == "bombshells") {
attachMovie("bombshelllink", "bombshell" + bombshellcount, 5100 + bombshellcount);
_root["bombshell" + bombshellcount].dirx = p.speed * Math.sin(p.shit);
_root["bombshell" + bombshellcount].diry = p.speed * Math.cos(p.shit);
_root["bombshell" + bombshellcount]._x = p._x;
_root["bombshell" + bombshellcount]._y = p._y;
blastEffect(p, t);
bombshellcount = bombshellcount + 1;
if (t == "airbombs") {
i = 1;
while ((2 + random(2)) >= i) {
_root.attachMovie("stlink", "star" + airbombcount, 5100 + airbombcount);
startemp = eval ("" + airbombcount);
startemp._x = p._x + (-40 + random(80));
startemp._y = p._y + (-40 + random(80));
startemp._xscale = startemp._xscale + (random(40) + 40);
startemp._yscale = startemp._yscale + (random(40) + 40);
i = i + 1;
airbombcount = airbombcount + 1;
function shotEvent(p, t) {
if ((((p.shotgo == 0) && (t != "bombs")) && (t != "fountains")) && (t != "sparklers")) {
p.shit = (Math.PI/180) * angle;
p.ang = angle;
p._x = cannon._x + (37 * Math.sin(p.shit));
p._y = cannon._y - (37 * Math.cos(p.shit));
if (t == "candles") {
ssound = "candlesoundlink";
sp = 3;
} else if (t == "airbombs") {
ssound = "airbombsoundlink";
sp = 3;
} else if (t == "comets") {
ssound = "cometsoundlink";
sp = 3;
} else if (t == "bombshells") {
ssound = "bombshellsoundlink";
sp = 3;
} else {
sp = 3;
if (p.speed < 20) {
speedg._xscale = speedg._xscale + (3 * sp);
speedg._yscale = speedg._yscale + (3 * sp);
p.speed = p.speed + (1 * sp);
speedg._x = cannon._x + (40 * Math.sin(p.shit));
speedg._y = cannon._y - (40 * Math.cos(p.shit));
p.q = 1;
} else {
if (p.q) {
shotsound = new Sound(p);
p.q = 0;
p._visible = true;
p.time = p.time + 1;
if ((((t == "comets") || (t == "bombs")) || (t == "candles")) || (t == "bombshells")) {
v = -9.8 * p.time;
p._x = p._x + ((p.speed * 2) * Math.sin(p.shit));
p._y = p._y - (((p.speed * 2) * Math.cos(p.shit)) + (v / 10));
if (t == "airbombs") {
v = -9.8 * p.time;
posy = Math.SIN((Math.PI/180) * (p.time * 75));
p._x = p._x + (((p.speed * 2) * Math.sin(p.shit)) + (posy * 5));
p._y = p._y - (((p.speed * 2) * Math.cos(p.shit)) + (v / 10));
airbombcount = airbombcount + 1;
attachMovie("lightlink", "airbomb" + airbombcount, 6200 + airbombcount);
_root["airbomb" + airbombcount]._x = p._x;
_root["airbomb" + airbombcount]._y = p._y;
if (((p._x < 0) || (750 < p._x)) || (600 < p._y)) {
k = 0;
while (k < asttrack.length) {
if (p.hitTest(_root["ast" + k])) {
score = score + (10 * points);
shotHit(p, t);
buildExp(_root["ast" + k]);
removeAst(_root["ast" + k]);
k = k + 1;
function cometExp(p) {
k = 0;
while (asttrack.length >= k) {
if (p.hitTest(_root["ast" + k])) {
score = score + (10 * points);
buildExp(_root["ast" + k]);
removeAst(_root["ast" + k]);
k = k + 1;
Instance of Symbol 173 MovieClip "ground" in Frame 1
onClipEvent (mouseDown) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
onClipEvent (keyDown) {
if (Key.getCode() == 66) {
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
Instance of Symbol 181 MovieClip in Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
offset = 0;
fcount = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
curtime = (getTimer() - offset) / 1000;
frate = Math.ceil(fcount / curtime);
Instance of Symbol 182 MovieClip "recvar" in Frame 1
onClipEvent (data) {
_parent.newcode = (codein * 34) + 6;
Instance of Symbol 18 MovieClip "sparkler" in Symbol 19 MovieClip [sparklerrlink] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_parent._rotation = random(360);
ran = 5 + random(10);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + random(15));
_parent._xscale = _parent._xscale - ran;
_parent._yscale = _parent._yscale - ran;
_rotation = (_rotation + 10);
_root.sparkleOut(_parent, 16777215);
if (0 >= _parent._yscale) {
Instance of Symbol 21 MovieClip in Symbol 24 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_alpha = (random(50) + 50);
Instance of Symbol 23 MovieClip in Symbol 24 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + random(20));
_alpha = (random(50) + 50);
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip "star" in Symbol 25 MovieClip [stlink] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
glowtime = 1;
_alpha = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.sparkleOut(_parent, 16777215);
if (glowtime < 4) {
_alpha = (_alpha + 40);
_xscale = (_xscale + 10);
_yscale = (_yscale + 10);
} else {
_alpha = (_alpha - 30);
_xscale = (_xscale + 10);
_yscale = (_yscale + 10);
if (0 >= _alpha) {
glowtime = glowtime + 1;
Instance of Symbol 27 MovieClip "square" in Symbol 28 MovieClip [squarelink] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + random(5));
_xscale = (_xscale - random(50));
if (0 >= _xscale) {
Instance of Symbol 29 MovieClip in Symbol 30 MovieClip [sparklelink] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + random(15));
_xscale = (_xscale - 10);
_yscale = (_yscale - 10);
if (0 >= _xscale) {
Instance of Symbol 32 MovieClip in Symbol 33 MovieClip [lightlink] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_alpha = (_alpha - 30);
if (0 >= _alpha) {
Instance of Symbol 33 MovieClip [lightlink] in Symbol 34 MovieClip [lightinlink] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
time = 1;
_root.shotload(_parent, "airbombs");
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
_parent.shotgo = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.shotEvent(_parent, "airbombs");
Symbol 37 MovieClip [tracerLink] Frame 5
Instance of Symbol 39 MovieClip "flare" in Symbol 40 MovieClip [fireUpLink] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_parent._x = _parent._x + 10;
_parent._y = _parent._y - 10;
point = new Object();
point.x = _x;
point.y = _y;
_root.attachMovie("sparkleLink", "sparkleBunch" + _root.SDcount, 15000 + _root.SDcount);
sparkleName = eval ("_root.sparkleBunch" + _root.SDcount);
sparkleName._y = point.y;
sparkleName._x = point.x - 10;
tailCol = new Color(sparkleName);
coltrans = new Object();
coltrans = {ra:0, rb:153, ga:0, gb:153, ba:0, bb:153, aa:100, ab:0};
_root.SDcount = _root.SDcount + 1;
if (point.y < 120) {
_root.attachMovie("fireworkLink", "firework" + _root.SDcount, 2400 + _root.SDcount);
_root["firework" + _root.SDcount]._x = point.x;
_root["firework" + _root.SDcount]._y = point.y;
Symbol 41 MovieClip [fireworkLink] Frame 1
function Flare() {
i = 1;
while (18 >= i) {
attachMovie("arm01link", "armInstance" + armCount, 10000 + armCount);
tempvar = eval ("armInstance" + armCount);
tempvar._rotation = 20 * armCount;
armCount = armCount + 1;
i = i + 1;
_root.attachMovie("comethitlink", "comethitbound", 500100);
armCount = 1;
Symbol 41 MovieClip [fireworkLink] Frame 2
Instance of Symbol 44 MovieClip "arm01" in Symbol 45 MovieClip [arm01link] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
para = 0;
spread = 5;
traceCount = 1;
col = new Color(arm01);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
tempvar = para / spread;
_y = (tempvar * tempvar);
_x = para;
_xscale = (_xscale - 10);
_yscale = (_yscale - 10);
coltrans = new Object();
coltrans = {ra:0, rb:0, ga:0, gb:0, ba:0, bb:170, aa:100, ab:0};
para = para + spread;
if (0 >= _yscale) {
Symbol 47 MovieClip Frame 1
_xscale = (_xscale - 7);
_yscale = (_yscale - 7);
if (0 >= _yscale) {
Symbol 47 MovieClip Frame 2
_xscale = (_xscale - 7);
_yscale = (_yscale - 7);
if (0 >= _yscale) {
Symbol 49 MovieClip [allLink] Frame 1
point = new Object();
point.x = _xmouse;
point.y = _ymouse;
origMouseX = point.x;
origMouseY = point.y;
attachMovie("fireUpLink", "flareout", 23015);
Instance of Symbol 51 MovieClip in Symbol 52 MovieClip [shotlink] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_root.shotLoad(_parent, "comets");
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
_parent.shotgo = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.shotEvent(_parent, "comets");
Instance of Symbol 53 MovieClip in Symbol 54 MovieClip [astlink] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_root.buildAst(_parent, this);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.checkAst(_parent, this);
Instance of Symbol 59 MovieClip in Symbol 60 MovieClip [comethitlink] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
cometCount = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (cometCount < 20) {
_root.attachMovie("cometfraylink", "cometfray" + cometCount, 10500 + cometCount);
tempvar = eval ("_root.cometfray" + cometCount);
tempvar._x = _parent._x;
tempvar._y = _parent._y;
cometCount = cometCount + 1;
_parent._x = _parent._x + _parent.dirx;
_parent._y = _parent._y - _parent.diry;
_parent._xscale = _parent._xscale - 10;
_parent._yscale = _parent._yscale - 10;
if (_parent._xscale < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 59 MovieClip in Symbol 61 MovieClip [cometfraylink] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
xran = -5 + random(10);
yran = -5 + random(10);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_parent._xscale = _parent._xscale - 10;
_parent._yscale = _parent._yscale - 10;
if (_parent._xscale < 0) {
_parent._x = _parent._x + xran;
_parent._y = _parent._y + yran;
Instance of Symbol 63 MovieClip in Symbol 64 MovieClip [blastlink] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_parent._xscale = _parent._xscale + 25;
_parent._yscale = _parent._yscale + 25;
if (100 < _parent._xscale) {
Instance of Symbol 66 MovieClip in Symbol 67 MovieClip [bomblink] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_parent._xscale = _parent._xscale + 50;
_parent._yscale = _parent._yscale + 50;
_parent._alpha = _parent._alpha - 5;
if (_parent._alpha < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 69 MovieClip in Symbol 70 MovieClip [bigbomblink] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_root.shotLoad(_parent, "bombs");
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.shotEvent(_parent, "bombs");
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip in Symbol 71 MovieClip [expinlink] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_parent._x = _parent._x + (_parent.xoffset * 5);
_parent._y = _parent._y + (_parent.yoffset * 5);
_parent._xscale = _parent._xscale - _parent.xscale;
_parent._yscale = _parent._yscale - _parent.xscale;
_parent._alpha = _parent._alpha - _parent.alpha;
if (_parent._alpha < 0) {
Symbol 94 Button
on (release) {
getURL ((((((("scorein.php?rannum=" + random(100000)) + "&username=") + username) + "&finalscore=") + finalscore) + "&codein=") + newcode, _self, "GET");
Instance of Symbol 98 MovieClip "candleballin" in Symbol 99 MovieClip [candlelink] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_root.shotLoad(_parent, "candles");
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
_parent.shotgo = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.shotEvent(_parent, "candles");
Instance of Symbol 100 MovieClip in Symbol 101 MovieClip [fountainlink] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.curweap == "fountains") {
if (0 < _root.ammo) {
_root.ammo = _root.ammo - 1;
_parent.ang = _root.angle;
i = 0;
while (i < (4 + random(8))) {
rannum = random(5000);
_root.attachMovie("fountain1link", "fountain1" + rannum, 450400 + rannum);
_root["fountain1" + rannum]._xscale = 100 + random(100);
_root["fountain1" + rannum]._yscale = _root["fountain1" + rannum]._xscale;
shit = (Math.PI/180) * _root.angle;
_root["fountain1" + rannum]._x = _parent._x + (37 * Math.sin(shit));
_root["fountain1" + rannum]._y = _parent._y - (37 * Math.cos(shit));
_root["fountain1" + rannum].ang = _parent.ang;
i = i + 1;
if (_root.shottime == 0) {
rannum = random(5000);
_root.attachMovie("fountain2link", "fountain2" + rannum, 450400 + rannum);
_root["fountain2" + rannum]._x = _parent._x + (37 * Math.sin(shit));
_root["fountain2" + rannum]._y = _parent._y - (37 * Math.cos(shit));
_root["fountain2" + rannum].ang = _parent.ang;
_root.shottime = 5;
if (0 < _root.shottime) {
_root.shottime = _root.shottime - 1;
} else {
} else {
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
Instance of Symbol 29 MovieClip in Symbol 102 MovieClip [fountain1link] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_root.shotload(_parent, "fountains");
_rotation = random(360);
_xscale = 0;
_yscale = 0;
anyCol = new Object();
anyCol.ra = 100;
anyCol.rb = 0; = 0; = 0; = 0; = 0;
anyCol.aa = 100;
anyCol.ab = 0;
candcol = new Color(this);
ran = random(20);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { = + 25; = + 10;
_parent.shit = (Math.PI/180) * (_parent.ang + (-15 + random(30)));
_parent._x = _parent._x + (30 * Math.sin(_parent.shit));
_parent._y = _parent._y - (30 * Math.cos(_parent.shit));
_rotation = (_rotation + ran);
_xscale = (_xscale + (10 + ran));
_yscale = (_yscale + (10 + ran));
if (100 < _yscale) {
Instance of Symbol 104 MovieClip in Symbol 105 MovieClip [fountain2link] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_root.shotload(_parent, "fountains");
_xscale = 1;
_yscale = 1;
ran = random(5);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_parent.shit = (Math.PI/180) * (_parent.ang + (-15 + random(30)));
_root.cometExp(_parent, this);
_parent._x = _parent._x + (50 * Math.sin(_parent.shit));
_parent._y = _parent._y - (50 * Math.cos(_parent.shit));
_xscale = (_xscale + (8 + ran));
_yscale = (_yscale + (8 + ran));
i = 0;
while (i < 5) {
rannum = random(5000);
_root.attachMovie("fountain3link", "fountain3" + rannum, 544300 + rannum);
temp = eval ("_root.fountain3" + rannum);
temp._x = _parent._x;
temp._y = _parent._y;
i = i + 1;
if (70 < _yscale) {
_root.blastEffect(_parent, "fountains");
Instance of Symbol 27 MovieClip in Symbol 106 MovieClip [fountain3link] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_parent._rotation = random(360);
ran = random(10);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + (10 + ran));
if (50 < _x) {
Instance of Symbol 108 MovieClip in Symbol 109 MovieClip [sparklerlink] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_root.attachMovie("sparklerballlink", "sparklerball", 18022);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.curweap == "sparklers") {
if (0 < _root.ammo) {
_root.ammo = _root.ammo - 1;
_root.sparklerball._x = _root.cannon._x + _root.cannon._xmouse;
_root.sparklerball._y = _root.cannon._y + _root.cannon._ymouse;
shit = (Math.PI/180) * _root.angle;
_parent._x = _root.cannon._x + (45 * Math.sin(shit));
_parent._y = _root.cannon._y - (45 * Math.cos(shit));
_parent._rotation = Math.atan((-_root.cannon._xmouse) / _root.cannon._ymouse) / (Math.PI/180);
_height = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(Math.abs(_root.cannon._xmouse - (45 * Math.sin(shit))), 2) + Math.pow(Math.abs(_root.cannon._ymouse + (45 * Math.cos(shit))), 2));
rannum = random(500);
_root.attachMovie("sparklerrlink", "sparklerr" + rannum, 78500 + rannum);
sparkler = _root["sparklerr" + rannum];
sparkler._x = _root.cannon._x + _root.cannon._xmouse;
sparkler._y = _root.cannon._y + _root.cannon._ymouse;
} else {
} else {
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
Instance of Symbol 110 MovieClip in Symbol 111 MovieClip [sparklerballlink] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
Symbol 117 MovieClip [weapshowlink] Frame 40
_root.pausegame = 0;
Instance of Symbol 118 MovieClip in Symbol 119 MovieClip [itemlink] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
ranlink = _parent.item + "itemlink";
_parent.attachMovie(ranlink, "newitem", 906670);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.checkAst(_parent, this);
Instance of Symbol 121 MovieClip "bombshellcol" in Symbol 122 MovieClip [bombshell1link] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
time = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
time = time + 1;
v = -9.8 * time;
_parent._rotation = _parent._rotation + 20;
_parent._x = _parent._x + _parent.initx;
_parent._y = _parent._y - (_parent.inity + (v / 15));
_parent._xscale = _parent._xscale - 3;
_parent._yscale = _parent._yscale - 3;
_parent._alpha = _parent._alpha - 7;
if (_parent._alpha < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 123 MovieClip in Symbol 124 MovieClip [bombshelllink] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
sth = _root.bombshellcols[random(_root.bombshellcols.length)];
ran = random(500);
_root.attachMovie("bombshellhitlink", "bombshellhit" + ran, 40930 + ran);
_root["bombshellhit" + ran]._x = _parent._x;
_root["bombshellhit" + ran]._y = _parent._y - 40;
i = 0;
while (i < 30) {
rannum = random(500);
_root.attachMovie("bombshell1link", "bombshell" + rannum, 550400 + rannum);
bombshell = eval ("_root.bombshell" + rannum);
thiscol = new Color(bombshell.bombshellcol);
bombshell.initx = -10 + random(20);
bombshell.inity = random(20);
bombshell._x = _parent._x;
bombshell._y = _parent._y;
bombshell._xscale = 60;
bombshell._yscale = 60;
i = i + 1;
Instance of Symbol 126 MovieClip in Symbol 127 MovieClip [bombshelluplink] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_root.shotload(_parent, "bombshells");
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.shotEvent(_parent, "bombshells");
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
_parent.shotgo = 1;
Instance of Symbol 129 MovieClip in Symbol 130 MovieClip [bombshelllink2] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_parent._xscale = _parent._xscale - 60;
_parent._yscale = _parent._yscale - 60;
if (_parent._xscale < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 131 MovieClip in Symbol 132 MovieClip [bombshellhitlink] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_parent._xscale = _parent._xscale + 20;
_parent._yscale = _parent._yscale + 20;
if (300 < _parent._xscale) {
Symbol 170 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 180 Button
on (release) {
fcount = 0;
offset = getTimer();
Symbol 191 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 199 Button
on (release) {
_root.go = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < _root.asttrack.length) {
_root["ast" + i].removeMovieClip();
_root.asttrack[i] = 0;
i = i + 1;
Symbol 203 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("fireworks-hiscores.php", "_parent");
Symbol 229 MovieClip Frame 1