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Flash #131547

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ActionScript [AS3]

Section 1
//Regular (fl.transitions.easing.Regular) package fl.transitions.easing { public class Regular { public static function easeOut(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number):Number{ _arg1 = (_arg1 / _arg4); return ((((-(_arg3) * _arg1) * (_arg1 - 2)) + _arg2)); } public static function easeIn(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number):Number{ _arg1 = (_arg1 / _arg4); return ((((_arg3 * _arg1) * _arg1) + _arg2)); } public static function easeInOut(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number):Number{ _arg1 = (_arg1 / (_arg4 / 2)); if (_arg1 < 1){ return (((((_arg3 / 2) * _arg1) * _arg1) + _arg2)); }; --_arg1; return ((((-(_arg3) / 2) * ((_arg1 * (_arg1 - 2)) - 1)) + _arg2)); } } }//package fl.transitions.easing
Section 2
//Tween (fl.transitions.Tween) package fl.transitions { import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.utils.*; public class Tween extends EventDispatcher { private var _position:Number;// = NAN public var prevTime:Number;// = NAN public var prevPos:Number;// = NAN public var isPlaying:Boolean;// = false public var begin:Number;// = NAN private var _fps:Number;// = NAN private var _time:Number;// = NAN public var change:Number;// = NAN private var _finish:Number;// = NAN public var looping:Boolean;// = false private var _intervalID:uint;// = 0 public var func:Function; private var _timer:Timer;// = null private var _startTime:Number;// = NAN public var prop:String;// = "" private var _duration:Number;// = NAN public var obj:Object;// = null public var useSeconds:Boolean;// = false protected static var _mc:MovieClip = new MovieClip(); public function Tween(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String, _arg3:Function, _arg4:Number, _arg5:Number, _arg6:Number, _arg7:Boolean=false){ isPlaying = false; obj = null; prop = ""; func = function (_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number):Number{ return ((((_arg3 * _arg1) / _arg4) + _arg2)); }; begin = NaN; change = NaN; useSeconds = false; prevTime = NaN; prevPos = NaN; looping = false; _duration = NaN; _time = NaN; _fps = NaN; _position = NaN; _startTime = NaN; _intervalID = 0; _finish = NaN; _timer = null; super(); if (!arguments.length){ return; }; this.obj = _arg1; this.prop = _arg2; this.begin = _arg4; this.position = _arg4; this.duration = _arg6; this.useSeconds = _arg7; if ((_arg3 is Function)){ this.func = _arg3; }; this.finish = _arg5; this._timer = new Timer(100); this.start(); } public function continueTo(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ this.begin = this.position; this.finish = _arg1; if (!isNaN(_arg2)){ this.duration = _arg2; }; this.start(); } public function stop():void{ this.stopEnterFrame(); this.dispatchEvent(new TweenEvent(TweenEvent.MOTION_STOP, this._time, this._position)); } private function fixTime():void{ if (this.useSeconds){ this._startTime = (getTimer() - (this._time * 1000)); }; } public function set FPS(_arg1:Number):void{ var _local2:Boolean; _local2 = this.isPlaying; this.stopEnterFrame(); this._fps = _arg1; if (_local2){ this.startEnterFrame(); }; } public function get finish():Number{ return ((this.begin + this.change)); } public function get duration():Number{ return (this._duration); } protected function startEnterFrame():void{ var _local1:Number; if (isNaN(this._fps)){ _mc.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, this.onEnterFrame, false, 0, true); } else { _local1 = (1000 / this._fps); this._timer.delay = _local1; this._timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, this.timerHandler, false, 0, true); this._timer.start(); }; this.isPlaying = true; } public function set time(_arg1:Number):void{ this.prevTime = this._time; if (_arg1 > this.duration){ if (this.looping){ this.rewind((_arg1 - this._duration)); this.update(); this.dispatchEvent(new TweenEvent(TweenEvent.MOTION_LOOP, this._time, this._position)); } else { if (this.useSeconds){ this._time = this._duration; this.update(); }; this.stop(); this.dispatchEvent(new TweenEvent(TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH, this._time, this._position)); }; } else { if (_arg1 < 0){ this.rewind(); this.update(); } else { this._time = _arg1; this.update(); }; }; } protected function stopEnterFrame():void{ if (isNaN(this._fps)){ _mc.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, this.onEnterFrame); } else { this._timer.stop(); }; this.isPlaying = false; } public function getPosition(_arg1:Number=NaN):Number{ if (isNaN(_arg1)){ _arg1 = this._time; }; return (this.func(_arg1, this.begin, this.change, this._duration)); } public function set finish(_arg1:Number):void{ this.change = (_arg1 - this.begin); } public function set duration(_arg1:Number):void{ this._duration = ((_arg1)<=0) ? Infinity : _arg1; } public function setPosition(_arg1:Number):void{ this.prevPos = this._position; if (this.prop.length){ this.obj[this.prop] = (this._position = _arg1); }; this.dispatchEvent(new TweenEvent(TweenEvent.MOTION_CHANGE, this._time, this._position)); } public function resume():void{ this.fixTime(); this.startEnterFrame(); this.dispatchEvent(new TweenEvent(TweenEvent.MOTION_RESUME, this._time, this._position)); } public function fforward():void{ this.time = this._duration; this.fixTime(); } protected function onEnterFrame(_arg1:Event):void{ this.nextFrame(); } public function get position():Number{ return (this.getPosition(this._time)); } public function yoyo():void{ this.continueTo(this.begin, this.time); } public function nextFrame():void{ if (this.useSeconds){ this.time = ((getTimer() - this._startTime) / 1000); } else { this.time = (this._time + 1); }; } protected function timerHandler(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ this.nextFrame(); _arg1.updateAfterEvent(); } public function get FPS():Number{ return (this._fps); } public function rewind(_arg1:Number=0):void{ this._time = _arg1; this.fixTime(); this.update(); } public function set position(_arg1:Number):void{ this.setPosition(_arg1); } public function get time():Number{ return (this._time); } private function update():void{ this.setPosition(this.getPosition(this._time)); } public function start():void{ this.rewind(); this.startEnterFrame(); this.dispatchEvent(new TweenEvent(TweenEvent.MOTION_START, this._time, this._position)); } public function prevFrame():void{ if (!this.useSeconds){ this.time = (this._time - 1); }; } } }//package fl.transitions
Section 3
//TweenEvent (fl.transitions.TweenEvent) package fl.transitions { import*; public class TweenEvent extends Event { public var time:Number;// = NAN public var position:Number;// = NAN public static const MOTION_START:String = "motionStart"; public static const MOTION_STOP:String = "motionStop"; public static const MOTION_LOOP:String = "motionLoop"; public static const MOTION_CHANGE:String = "motionChange"; public static const MOTION_FINISH:String = "motionFinish"; public static const MOTION_RESUME:String = "motionResume"; public function TweenEvent(_arg1:String, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Boolean=false, _arg5:Boolean=false){ time = NaN; position = NaN; super(_arg1, _arg4, _arg5); this.time = _arg2; this.position = _arg3; } override public function clone():Event{ return (new TweenEvent(this.type, this.time, this.position, this.bubbles, this.cancelable)); } } }//package fl.transitions
Section 4
//menubutton_3 (Spinball_fla.menubutton_3) package Spinball_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; public dynamic class menubutton_3 extends MovieClip { public function menubutton_3(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package Spinball_fla
Section 5
//soundToggle_2 (Spinball_fla.soundToggle_2) package Spinball_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; public dynamic class soundToggle_2 extends MovieClip { public function soundToggle_2(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package Spinball_fla
Section 6
//Ball (Ball) package { import flash.display.*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; public dynamic class Ball extends MovieClip { public function Ball(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 29, frame30); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame30(){ if (this.onLastFrame){ this.onLastFrame(); }; } } }//package
Section 7
//ButtonGreen (ButtonGreen) package { public dynamic class ButtonGreen extends Peg { } }//package
Section 8
//ButtonRed (ButtonRed) package { public dynamic class ButtonRed extends Peg { } }//package
Section 9
//CanCola (CanCola) package { public dynamic class CanCola extends Peg { } }//package
Section 10
//CanGinger (CanGinger) package { public dynamic class CanGinger extends Peg { } }//package
Section 11
//CanTuna (CanTuna) package { public dynamic class CanTuna extends Peg { } }//package
Section 12
//CapCola (CapCola) package { public dynamic class CapCola extends Peg { } }//package
Section 13
//CapCream (CapCream) package { public dynamic class CapCream extends Peg { } }//package
Section 14
//CapGinger (CapGinger) package { public dynamic class CapGinger extends Peg { } }//package
Section 15
//CapRoot (CapRoot) package { public dynamic class CapRoot extends Peg { } }//package
Section 16
//CollisionMap (CollisionMap) package { import flash.display.*; import flash.geom.*; public class CollisionMap { private var tiles:Object; private var tilesize:uint; private var tilesByClipName:Object; public function CollisionMap(_arg1:uint){ this.tilesize = _arg1; tiles = new Object(); tilesByClipName = new Object(); } public function register(_arg1:MovieClip):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:*; var _local5:*; var _local6:*; var _local7:*; var _local8:*; deregister(_arg1); tilesByClipName[] = new Array(); _local2 = tileIndex((_arg1.x - _arg1.radius)); _local3 = tileIndex((_arg1.x + _arg1.radius)); _local4 = tileIndex((_arg1.y - _arg1.radius)); _local5 = tileIndex((_arg1.y + _arg1.radius)); _local6 = _local2; while (_local6 <= _local3) { _local7 = _local4; while (_local7 <= _local5) { _local8 = addTile(_local6, _local7); _local8.addClip(_arg1); tilesByClipName[].push(_local8); _local7++; }; _local6++; }; } public function deregister(_arg1:MovieClip):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; _local2 = tilesByClipName[]; if (!_local2){ return; }; while (_local2.length) { _local3 = _local2.pop(); _local3.removeClip(_arg1); }; tilesByClipName[] = null; } private function getTile(_arg1, _arg2):CollisionMapTile{ return (tiles[((_arg1 + "_") + _arg2)]); } private function addTile(_arg1, _arg2):CollisionMapTile{ var _local3:*; _local3 = getTile(_arg1, _arg2); if (_local3){ return (_local3); }; _local3 = new CollisionMapTile(); tiles[((_arg1 + "_") + _arg2)] = _local3; return (_local3); } public function getClipsNearPoint(_arg1:Point, _arg2:Number):Array{ var _local3:*; var _local4:*; var _local5:*; var _local6:*; var _local7:*; var _local8:*; var _local9:*; var _local10:*; var _local11:*; var _local12:*; _local3 = tileIndex((_arg1.x - _arg2)); _local4 = tileIndex((_arg1.x + _arg2)); _local5 = tileIndex((_arg1.y - _arg2)); _local6 = tileIndex((_arg1.y + _arg2)); _local7 = new Array(); _local9 = _local3; while (_local9 <= _local4) { _local10 = _local5; while (_local10 <= _local6) { _local11 = getTile(_local9, _local10); if (!_local11){ } else { _local8 = _local11.getClips(); for (_local12 in _local8) { _local7.push(_local8[_local12]); }; }; _local10++; }; _local9++; }; return (_local7); } private function tileIndex(_arg1:Number):int{ return (Math.floor((_arg1 / tilesize))); } } }//package
Section 17
//CollisionMapTile (CollisionMapTile) package { import flash.display.*; public class CollisionMapTile { private var clips:Array; public function CollisionMapTile(){ clips = new Array(); } public function removeClip(_arg1:MovieClip):Boolean{ var _local2:*; for (_local2 in clips) { if (_arg1 != clips[_local2]){ } else { clips.splice(_local2, 1); return (true); }; }; return (false); } public function addClip(_arg1:MovieClip):void{ clips.push(_arg1); } public function getClips():Array{ return (clips.concat()); } } }//package
Section 18
//Game (Game) package { import flash.display.*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import fl.transitions.easing.*; import fl.transitions.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; public class Game extends MovieClip { protected var isDown:Array; public var space:MovieClip; protected var goal:MovieClip; protected var levelStartTime:uint; protected var pauseScreen:MovieClip; protected var startMarker:MovieClip; protected var levelPauseLength:uint;// = 0 protected var map:CollisionMap; protected var goalScreen:MovieClip; protected var startScreen:MovieClip; protected var records:SharedObject; public var currentLevel:uint;// = 1 public var resumeAudio:Boolean;// = true protected var levelFinishTime:uint; protected var levelPauseTime:uint; public var gamePaused:Boolean;// = false protected var exploreMode:String; protected var ball:MovieClip; public static const TOTAL_LEVELS:uint = 11; public static const sharedObjectID:String = "spinball"; public function Game():void{ currentLevel = 1; levelPauseLength = 0; gamePaused = false; resumeAudio = true; super(); init(); } protected function onKey(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{ var _local2:*; if ((((_arg1.keyCode == 80)) && ((_arg1.type == "keyUp")))){ if (gamePaused == false){ showPauseScreen(); levelPauseTime = getTimer(); gamePaused = true; if (parent.soundToggle.currentLabel == "ON"){ parent.stopMusic(); parent.soundToggle.gotoAndStop("OFF"); } else { resumeAudio = false; }; } else { hidePauseScreen(); _local2 = (getTimer() - levelPauseTime); levelPauseLength = (levelPauseLength + _local2); gamePaused = false; if (resumeAudio){ if (parent.soundToggle.currentLabel == "OFF"){ parent.soundToggle.gotoAndStop("ON"); parent.startMusic(); }; }; }; } else { switch (_arg1.type){ case "keyDown": isDown[_arg1.keyCode] = 1; break; default: isDown[_arg1.keyCode] = 0; break; }; }; } public function setupLevel():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:*; if (currentLevel == 1){ = new Array(); }; map = new CollisionMap(50); if (space.level){ space.removeChild(space.level); }; space.level = new (getDefinitionByName(("Level" + currentLevel))); space.addChild(space.level); _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < space.level.numChildren) { _local2 = space.level.getChildAt(_local1); if ((((_local2 is Peg)) || ((_local2 is Hole)))){ setRadius(_local2); map.register(_local2); if ((_local2 is Goal)){ goal = _local2; }; } else { if ((_local2 is StartMarker)){ startMarker = _local2; }; }; _local1++; }; exploreMode = "explore"; showStartScreen(); initBall(); levelPauseLength = 0; levelStartTime = getTimer(); } protected function init():void{ space.radius = 605; space.w = 0; records = SharedObject.getLocal(sharedObjectID); if (!{ = new Array(); }; if (!{ = new Array(); }; } protected function rad(_arg1:Number):Number{ return (((_arg1 * Math.PI) / 180)); } protected function showMenu(_arg1:MouseEvent=null):void{ hideGoalScreen(); parent.showTitleScreen(); } protected function zoomSpace():void{ var _local1:*; var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:*; var _local5:*; _local1 = (keyIsDown(Keyboard.UP) - keyIsDown(Keyboard.DOWN)); if (!_local1){ return; }; _local2 = 0.05; _local3 = (space.scaleX + (_local1 * _local2)); _local4 = 0.9; _local5 = 0.5; _local3 = Math.min(Math.max(_local5, _local3), _local4); space.scaleX = (space.scaleY = _local3); } protected function showStartScreen():void{ if (!startScreen){ startScreen = new StartScreen(); }; startScreen.level_tf.text = currentLevel; startScreen.level_tf.autoSize = "center"; addChild(startScreen); } protected function keyIsDown(_arg1:int):int{ return (int(isDown[_arg1])); } protected function initBall():void{ if (ball){ space.removeChild(ball); }; ball = new Ball(); space.addChild(ball); ball.radius = 16; ball.x = startMarker.x; ball.y = startMarker.y; ball.vx = 0; ball.vy = 0; ball.onLastFrame = function (){ if (this.completed){ showGoalScreen(); this.stop(); } else { resetBall(); }; }; resetBall(); } protected function deg(_arg1:Number):Number{ return (((_arg1 * 180) / Math.PI)); } protected function showGoalScreen():void{ if (!goalScreen){ goalScreen = new GoalScreen(); goalScreen.again_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, retryLevel); goalScreen.next_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, nextLevel); goalScreen.menu_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showMenu); }; goalScreen.time_tf.text = getTimeString(((levelFinishTime - levelStartTime) - levelPauseLength)); goalScreen.time_tf.autoSize = "center"; goalScreen.best_tf.text = getTimeString([currentLevel]); goalScreen.best_tf.autoSize = "center"; addChild(goalScreen); } public function getTimeString(_arg1:uint):String{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:*; var _local5:*; var _local6:*; var _local7:*; _local2 = (_arg1 / 1000); _local3 = Math.floor((_local2 / 60)); _local4 = _local3; if (_local4 < 10){ _local4 = ("0" + _local4); }; _local5 = (Math.floor(_local2) % 60); if (_local5 < 10){ _local5 = ("0" + _local5); }; _local6 = Math.floor(((_local2 % 1) * 100)); if (_local6 < 10){ _local6 = ("0" + _local6); }; _local7 = ((((_local4 + ":") + _local5) + ".") + _local6); return (_local7); } protected function hideGoalScreen():void{ if (goalScreen.stage){ removeChild(goalScreen); }; } protected function rotate(_arg1:MovieClip, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number):void{ var _local5:*; var _local6:*; var _local7:*; var _local8:*; var _local9:*; _local5 = (_arg1.x - _arg2); _local6 = (_arg1.y - _arg3); _local7 = rad(_arg4); _local8 = Math.cos(_local7); _local9 = Math.sin(_local7); _arg1.x = (_arg2 + ((_local5 * _local8) - (_local6 * _local9))); _arg1.y = (_arg3 + ((_local5 * _local9) + (_local6 * _local8))); _arg1.rotation = (_arg1.rotation + _arg4); } public function start():void{ if (!stage){ return; }; isDown = new Array(); stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, onKey); stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, onKey); stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); stage.focus = stage; } protected function rotateSpace():void{ var _local1:*; var _local2:*; var _local3:*; _local1 = (keyIsDown(Keyboard.RIGHT) - keyIsDown(Keyboard.LEFT)); _local2 = (0.75 + (0.75 * keyIsDown(Keyboard.SPACE))); _local3 = space.localToGlobal(new Point(ball.x, ball.y)); space.w = (space.w + (_local1 * _local2)); space.w = (space.w * 0.9); if (!_local1){ space.w = (space.w * 0.7); }; rotate(space, _local3.x, _local3.y, space.w); } protected function moveBall():void{ var _local1:*; var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:*; var _local5:*; var _local6:*; var _local7:*; var _local8:*; var _local9:*; var _local10:*; var _local11:*; var _local12:*; var _local13:*; var _local14:*; var _local15:*; var _local16:*; var _local17:*; ball.rotation = -(space.rotation); _local1 = 0.6; _local2 = rad((90 - space.rotation)); ball.vx = (ball.vx + (_local1 * Math.cos(_local2))); ball.vy = (ball.vy + (_local1 * Math.sin(_local2))); _local3 = 0.95; ball.vx = (ball.vx * _local3); ball.vy = (ball.vy * _local3); ball.x = (ball.x + ball.vx); ball.y = (ball.y + ball.vy); _local4 = (space.radius - ball.radius); _local5 = _local4; _local6 = 0.5; if (Math.abs(ball.x) > _local4){ ball.x = (sign(ball.x) * _local4); if (sign(ball.vx) == sign(ball.x)){ ball.vx = (ball.vx * -(_local6)); }; }; if (Math.abs(ball.y) > _local5){ ball.y = (sign(ball.y) * _local5); if (sign(ball.vy) == sign(ball.y)){ ball.vy = (ball.vy * -(_local6)); }; }; _local7 = new Object(); _local8 = map.getClipsNearPoint(new Point(ball.x, ball.y), ball.radius); while (_local8.length) { _local9 = _local8.pop(); if (_local7[]){ } else { _local7[] = true; _local10 = (ball.x - _local9.x); _local11 = (ball.y - _local9.y); _local12 = hyp(_local10, _local11); _local13 = (ball.radius + _local9.radius); if ((_local9 is Hole)){ _local13 = _local9.radius; if (_local12 < _local13){ ball.vx = 0; ball.vy = 0; _local14 = 5; ball.tweenX = new Tween(ball, "x", Regular.easeOut, ball.x, _local9.x, _local14); ball.tweenY = new Tween(ball, "y", Regular.easeOut, ball.y, _local9.y, _local14);; if ((_local9 is Goal)){ ball.completed = true; levelFinishTime = getTimer(); storeTime(currentLevel, ((levelFinishTime - levelStartTime) - levelPauseLength)); }; pause(); }; } else { if ((_local9 is Peg)){ if (_local12 < _local13){ _local15 = new R2((ball.x - _local9.x), (ball.y - _local9.y)).unit(); _local16 = new R2(ball.vx, ball.vy); ball.x = (ball.x + ((_local13 - _local12) * _local15.x)); ball.y = (ball.y + ((_local13 - _local12) * _local15.y)); _local17 =; if (_local17 < 0){ _local6 = 1.5; ball.vx = (ball.vx - ((_local6 * _local17) * _local15.x)); ball.vy = (ball.vy - ((_local6 * _local17) * _local15.y)); }; }; }; }; }; }; } protected function nextLevel(_arg1:MouseEvent=null):void{ hideGoalScreen(); if (currentLevel < TOTAL_LEVELS){ currentLevel++; setupLevel(); } else { parent.showGameOverScreen(); = new Array(); }; } protected function hyp(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):Number{ return (Math.sqrt(((_arg1 * _arg1) + (_arg2 * _arg2)))); } protected function hidePauseScreen():void{ if (pauseScreen.stage){ removeChild(pauseScreen); }; } public function getTotalTime():Number{ var _local1:*; var _local2:uint; _local1 = 0; _local2 = 1; while (_local2 <= TOTAL_LEVELS) { _local1 = (_local1 +[_local2]); _local2++; }; return (_local1); } public function resumegame():void{ stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); stage.focus = stage; } protected function panSpace(_arg1:Number=1):Boolean{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:*; var _local5:*; var _local6:*; var _local7:*; _local2 = (Math.atan2(ball.y, ball.x) + rad(space.rotation)); _local3 = hyp(ball.x, ball.y); _local4 = 400; _local5 = 300; _local6 = (_local4 - ((space.scaleX * _local3) * Math.cos(_local2))); _local7 = (_local5 - ((space.scaleY * _local3) * Math.sin(_local2))); space.x = (space.x + ((_local6 - space.x) / _arg1)); space.y = (space.y + ((_local7 - space.y) / _arg1)); return ((((Math.abs((_local6 - space.x)) < 0.5)) && ((Math.abs((_local7 - space.y)) < 0.5)))); } protected function storeTime(_arg1, _arg2):void{ var _local3:*;[_arg1] = _arg2; _local3 =[_arg1]; if ((((_local3 == undefined)) || ((_local3 > _arg2)))){[_arg1] = _arg2; }; } protected function explore():void{ ball.visible = false; if (keyIsDown(Keyboard.SPACE)){ exploreMode = "tween"; }; if (exploreMode == "tween"){ hideStartScreen(); ball.visible = true; if (panSpace(5)){ exploreMode = "off"; }; }; } protected function onEnterFrame(_arg1:Event):void{ if (exploreMode == "off"){ if (gamePaused == false){ rotateSpace(); moveBall(); zoomSpace(); panSpace(); }; } else { explore(); }; } protected function sign(_arg1:Number):int{ if (!_arg1){ return (1); }; return ((_arg1 / Math.abs(_arg1))); } protected function setRadius(_arg1:MovieClip):void{ if (_arg1.hit_mc){ _arg1.radius = ((_arg1.scaleX * _arg1.hit_mc.width) / 2); _arg1.hit_mc.visible = false; } else { _arg1.radius = (_arg1.width / 2); }; } protected function retryLevel(_arg1:MouseEvent=null):void{ hideGoalScreen(); setupLevel(); } protected function showPauseScreen():void{ if (!pauseScreen){ pauseScreen = new PauseScreen(); }; addChild(pauseScreen); } protected function hideStartScreen():void{ if (startScreen.stage){ removeChild(startScreen); }; } public function pausegame():void{ if (!stage){ return; }; stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, checkForResume); } protected function resetBall(){ if (ball.tweenX){ ball.tweenX.stop(); }; if (ball.tweenY){ ball.tweenY.stop(); }; ball.x = startMarker.x; ball.y = startMarker.y; ball.vx = (ball.vy = 0); ball.gotoAndStop(1); ball.completed = false; space.rotation = 0; space.scaleX = (space.scaleY = 0.5); space.w = 0; if (exploreMode == "off"){ panSpace(); } else { space.x = 400; space.y = 300; }; start(); } public function pause():void{ if (!stage){ return; }; stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, onKey); stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, onKey); stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); } } }//package
Section 19
//GameOverScreen (GameOverScreen) package { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class GameOverScreen extends MovieClip { public var time_tf:TextField; public var name_tf:TextField; public var submit_btn:SimpleButton; } }//package
Section 20
//Goal (Goal) package { public dynamic class Goal extends Hole { } }//package
Section 21
//GoalScreen (GoalScreen) package { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class GoalScreen extends MovieClip { public var next_btn:SimpleButton; public var time_tf:TextField; public var menu_btn:SimpleButton; public var best_tf:TextField; public var again_btn:SimpleButton; } }//package
Section 22
//Hole (Hole) package { import flash.display.*; public class Hole extends MovieClip { public var radius:Number; public var hit_mc:MovieClip; public function Hole():void{ } } }//package
Section 23
//Level1 (Level1) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level1 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 24
//Level10 (Level10) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level10 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 25
//Level11 (Level11) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level11 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 26
//Level2 (Level2) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level2 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 27
//Level3 (Level3) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level3 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 28
//Level4 (Level4) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level4 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 29
//Level5 (Level5) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level5 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 30
//Level6 (Level6) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level6 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 31
//Level7 (Level7) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level7 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 32
//Level8 (Level8) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level8 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 33
//Level9 (Level9) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level9 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 34
//PauseScreen (PauseScreen) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class PauseScreen extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 35
//Peg (Peg) package { import flash.display.*; public class Peg extends MovieClip { public var radius:Number; public var hit_mc:MovieClip; public function Peg():void{ } } }//package
Section 36
//R2 (R2) package { import flash.geom.*; public class R2 extends Point { public function R2(_arg1:Number=0, _arg2:Number=0):void{ this.x = _arg1; this.y = _arg2; } public function cross(_arg1:R2):Number{ return (((x * _arg1.y) - (y * _arg1.x))); } public function mag():Number{ return (Math.sqrt(((x * x) + (y * y)))); } public function sum(_arg1:R2):R2{ return (new R2((x + _arg1.x), (y + _arg1.y))); } public function unit():R2{ var _local1:*; _local1 = mag(); return (new R2((x / _local1), (y / _local1))); } public function dot(_arg1:R2):Number{ return (((x * _arg1.x) + (y * _arg1.y))); } public function scale(_arg1:Number):R2{ return (new R2((_arg1 * x), (_arg1 * y))); } public function perp():R2{ return (new R2(-(y), x)); } } }//package
Section 37
//Spinball (Spinball) package { import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import*; public class Spinball extends MovieClip { public var hsLoader:Loader; public var continueScreen:MovieClip; public var music:SoundChannel; public var game:MovieClip; public var titleScreen:MovieClip; public var soundToggle:MovieClip; public var hsConnection:LocalConnection; public var hsInfo:Object; public var gameOverScreen:MovieClip; public var menuBtn:MovieClip; public var loadScreen:MovieClip; public function Spinball():void{ stop(); preload(); } public function preload():void{ loaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onLoadProgress); loaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoadComplete); soundToggle.visible = false; menuBtn.visible = false; } public function startMusic():void{ if (music){ return; }; if (soundToggle.currentLabel == "OFF"){ return; }; music = new Sound(new URLRequest("spinball.mp3")).play(0, 1000); } public function toggleSound(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (soundToggle.currentLabel == "ON"){ stopMusic(); soundToggle.gotoAndStop("OFF"); } else { soundToggle.gotoAndStop("ON"); startMusic(); }; } public function onClickGameOver(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ switch ({ case gameOverScreen.submit_btn: submitScore(); break; }; } public function menubtn_over(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{"OVER"); } public function playSound(_arg1:String, _arg2:Number=1):void{ var _local3:*; var _local4:*; var _local5:*; _local3 = getDefinitionByName(_arg1); if (_local3){ _local4 = new (_local3).play(); _local5 = new SoundTransform(); _local5.volume = _arg2; _local4.soundTransform = _local5; }; } public function stopMusic():void{ if (!music){ return; }; music.stop(); music = null; } public function showContinueScreen():void{ continueScreen = new ContinueScreen(); continueScreen.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClickContinue); } public function submitScore():void{ var _local1:String; _local1 = gameOverScreen.name_tf.text; hsConnection.send("lc_example", "subscor", 590, _local1,, 0, hsInfo.t); showTitleScreen(); } public function showGameOverScreen():void{ gameOverScreen = new GameOverScreen(); gameOverScreen.time_tf.text = game.getTimeString(game.getTotalTime()); gameOverScreen.time_tf.autoSize = "center"; gameOverScreen.time_tf.restrict = "a-zA-Z0-9"; addChild(gameOverScreen); gameOverScreen.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClickGameOver); stage.focus = gameOverScreen.name_tf; hsInfo = new Object(); = game.getTotalTime(); hsInfo.t = game.getTimeString(; } public function goToMenu(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ showTitleScreen(); } public function menubtn_up(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{"UP"); } public function clearScreens():void{ stopMusic(); if (soundToggle){ soundToggle.visible = false; }; if (((titleScreen) && (titleScreen.stage))){ titleScreen.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClickTitle); removeChild(titleScreen); titleScreen = null; }; if (((game) && (game.stage))){ removeChild(game); game = null; }; if (((gameOverScreen) && (gameOverScreen.stage))){ gameOverScreen.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClickGameOver); removeChild(gameOverScreen); gameOverScreen = null; }; if (((continueScreen) && (continueScreen.stage))){ continueScreen.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClickContinue); removeChild(continueScreen); continueScreen = null; }; } public function onClickContinue(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ switch ({ case continueScreen.continue_btn: case continueScreen.new_btn: break; }; } public function showGame(_arg1:uint=1):void{ clearScreens(); startMusic(); game = new Game(); game.currentLevel = _arg1; game.setupLevel(); addChildAt(game, 0); game.start(); soundToggle.visible = true; menuBtn.visible = true; } public function onLoadComplete(_arg1:Event):void{ loaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onLoadProgress); loaderInfo.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoadComplete); gotoAndStop("MAIN"); showTitleScreen(); soundToggle.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, toggleSound); soundToggle.buttonMode = true; menuBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, goToMenu); menuBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, menubtn_over); menuBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, menubtn_up); menuBtn.buttonMode = true; hsConnection = new LocalConnection(); hsLoader = new Loader(); hsLoader.load(new URLRequest("/kids/games/loader2.swf")); } public function onLoadProgress(_arg1:ProgressEvent):void{ var _local2:*; _local2 = (loaderInfo.bytesLoaded / loaderInfo.bytesTotal); } public function showTitleScreen():void{ var _local1:*; clearScreens(); titleScreen = new TitleScreen(); addChild(titleScreen); titleScreen.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClickTitle); _local1 = SharedObject.getLocal(Game.sharedObjectID); if (((!( || (!({ titleScreen.continue_btn.mouseEnabled = false; titleScreen.continue_btn.alpha = 0.5; }; } public function setMusicVolume(_arg1:Number):void{ var _local2:*; if (!music){ return; }; _local2 = new SoundTransform(); _local2.volume = _arg1; music.soundTransform = _local2; } public function onClickTitle(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:*; if ( == titleScreen.new_btn){ showGame(); } else { if ( == titleScreen.continue_btn){ _local2 = SharedObject.getLocal(Game.sharedObjectID); _local3 =; _local4 = Math.min(_local3.length, Game.TOTAL_LEVELS); showGame(_local4); }; }; } } }//package
Section 38
//StartMarker (StartMarker) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class StartMarker extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 39
//StartScreen (StartScreen) package { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class StartScreen extends MovieClip { public var level_tf:TextField; } }//package
Section 40
//TitleScreen (TitleScreen) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class TitleScreen extends MovieClip { public var new_btn:SimpleButton; public var continue_btn:SimpleButton; } }//package
Section 41
//Trap (Trap) package { public dynamic class Trap extends Hole { } }//package

Library Items

Symbol 1 GraphicUsed by:5 70
Symbol 2 FontUsed by:3 4 6 7 8 9 16 18 39 41 45 47 51 53 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 63 64 67 68 69
Symbol 3 TextUses:2Used by:5
Symbol 4 TextUses:2Used by:5
Symbol 5 MovieClip {PauseScreen}Uses:1 3 4
Symbol 6 TextUses:2Used by:10
Symbol 7 TextUses:2Used by:10
Symbol 8 TextUses:2Used by:10
Symbol 9 TextUses:2Used by:10
Symbol 10 MovieClipUses:6 7 8 9Used by:Timeline
Symbol 11 GraphicUsed by:14
Symbol 12 GraphicUsed by:14
Symbol 13 GraphicUsed by:14
Symbol 14 MovieClip {Spinball_fla.soundToggle_2}Uses:11 12 13Used by:Timeline
Symbol 15 GraphicUsed by:19
Symbol 16 TextUses:2Used by:19
Symbol 17 GraphicUsed by:19
Symbol 18 TextUses:2Used by:19
Symbol 19 MovieClip {Spinball_fla.menubutton_3}Uses:15 16 17 18Used by:Timeline
Symbol 20 BitmapUsed by:21
Symbol 21 GraphicUses:20Used by:29
Symbol 22 GraphicUsed by:25
Symbol 23 BitmapUsed by:24 27
Symbol 24 GraphicUses:23Used by:25
Symbol 25 ButtonUses:22 24Used by:29
Symbol 26 GraphicUsed by:28
Symbol 27 GraphicUses:23Used by:28
Symbol 28 ButtonUses:26 27Used by:29
Symbol 29 MovieClip {TitleScreen}Uses:21 25 28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 30 GraphicUsed by:34
Symbol 31 BitmapUsed by:32
Symbol 32 GraphicUses:31Used by:33
Symbol 33 MovieClipUses:32Used by:34
Symbol 34 MovieClip {Game}Uses:30 33Used by:Timeline
Symbol 35 BitmapUsed by:36
Symbol 36 GraphicUses:35Used by:37
Symbol 37 MovieClip {Ball}Uses:36Used by:Timeline
Symbol 38 GraphicUsed by:49
Symbol 39 TextUses:2Used by:42
Symbol 40 GraphicUsed by:42
Symbol 41 TextUses:2Used by:42
Symbol 42 ButtonUses:39 40 41Used by:49
Symbol 43 FontUsed by:44 46 47 48 57 58 69
Symbol 44 EditableTextUses:43Used by:49
Symbol 45 TextUses:2Used by:49
Symbol 46 TextUses:43Used by:49
Symbol 47 EditableTextUses:2 43Used by:49
Symbol 48 TextUses:43Used by:49
Symbol 49 MovieClip {GameOverScreen}Uses:38 42 44 45 46 47 48Used by:Timeline
Symbol 50 GraphicUsed by:66
Symbol 51 TextUses:2Used by:54
Symbol 52 GraphicUsed by:54 62 65
Symbol 53 TextUses:2Used by:54
Symbol 54 ButtonUses:51 52 53Used by:66
Symbol 55 TextUses:2Used by:66
Symbol 56 TextUses:2Used by:66
Symbol 57 EditableTextUses:2 43Used by:66
Symbol 58 EditableTextUses:2 43Used by:66
Symbol 59 TextUses:2Used by:66
Symbol 60 TextUses:2Used by:62
Symbol 61 TextUses:2Used by:62
Symbol 62 ButtonUses:60 52 61Used by:66
Symbol 63 TextUses:2Used by:65
Symbol 64 TextUses:2Used by:65
Symbol 65 ButtonUses:63 52 64Used by:66
Symbol 66 MovieClip {GoalScreen}Uses:50 54 55 56 57 58 59 62 65Used by:Timeline
Symbol 67 TextUses:2Used by:70
Symbol 68 TextUses:2Used by:70
Symbol 69 EditableTextUses:2 43Used by:70
Symbol 70 MovieClip {StartScreen}Uses:1 67 68 69Used by:Timeline
Symbol 71 GraphicUsed by:72
Symbol 72 MovieClipUses:71Used by:74 79 82 85 88 91 94 97 100 103 106
Symbol 73 GraphicUsed by:74
Symbol 74 MovieClip {Goal}Uses:72 73Used by:86 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116
Symbol 75 GraphicUsed by:76
Symbol 76 MovieClip {StartMarker}Uses:75Used by:86 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116
Symbol 77 BitmapUsed by:78
Symbol 78 GraphicUses:77Used by:79
Symbol 79 MovieClip {CanGinger}Uses:72 78Used by:86 107 108 109 110 112 113 114
Symbol 80 BitmapUsed by:81
Symbol 81 GraphicUses:80Used by:82
Symbol 82 MovieClip {CapRoot}Uses:72 81Used by:86 107 108 109 110 112 113 114
Symbol 83 BitmapUsed by:84
Symbol 84 GraphicUses:83Used by:85
Symbol 85 MovieClip {CapCola}Uses:72 84Used by:86 107 108 109 110 112 113 114 116
Symbol 86 MovieClip {Level1}Uses:74 76 79 82 85Used by:Timeline
Symbol 87 GraphicUsed by:88
Symbol 88 MovieClip {Trap}Uses:72 87Used by:107 110 111 112 113 114 115 116
Symbol 89 BitmapUsed by:90
Symbol 90 GraphicUses:89Used by:91
Symbol 91 MovieClip {CapGinger}Uses:72 90Used by:107 109 112 113 114
Symbol 92 BitmapUsed by:93
Symbol 93 GraphicUses:92Used by:94
Symbol 94 MovieClip {CanCola}Uses:72 93Used by:107 109 112 113 114 116
Symbol 95 BitmapUsed by:96
Symbol 96 GraphicUses:95Used by:97
Symbol 97 MovieClip {ButtonRed}Uses:72 96Used by:107 108 113 114 116
Symbol 98 BitmapUsed by:99
Symbol 99 GraphicUses:98Used by:100
Symbol 100 MovieClip {ButtonGreen}Uses:72 99Used by:107 113 114
Symbol 101 BitmapUsed by:102
Symbol 102 GraphicUses:101Used by:103
Symbol 103 MovieClip {CanTuna}Uses:102 72Used by:107 114
Symbol 104 BitmapUsed by:105
Symbol 105 GraphicUses:104Used by:106
Symbol 106 MovieClip {CapCream}Uses:72 105Used by:107 109 111 112 113 114
Symbol 107 MovieClip {Level10}Uses:74 76 88 91 85 94 97 79 100 82 103 106Used by:Timeline
Symbol 108 MovieClip {Level2}Uses:74 76 97 82 85 79Used by:Timeline
Symbol 109 MovieClip {Level3}Uses:74 76 106 91 82 85 94 79Used by:Timeline
Symbol 110 MovieClip {Level4}Uses:74 76 88 82 85 79Used by:Timeline
Symbol 111 MovieClip {Level5}Uses:74 76 88 106Used by:Timeline
Symbol 112 MovieClip {Level6}Uses:74 76 88 82 85 106 91 94 79Used by:Timeline
Symbol 113 MovieClip {Level7}Uses:74 76 88 106 82 91 97 100 85 94 79Used by:Timeline
Symbol 114 MovieClip {Level8}Uses:74 76 88 91 85 94 97 100 79 106 82 103Used by:Timeline
Symbol 115 MovieClip {Level9}Uses:74 76 88Used by:Timeline
Symbol 116 MovieClip {Level11}Uses:76 74 88 85 97 94Used by:Timeline

Instance Names

"soundToggle"Frame 1Symbol 14 MovieClip {Spinball_fla.soundToggle_2}
"menuBtn"Frame 1Symbol 19 MovieClip {Spinball_fla.menubutton_3}
"new_btn"Symbol 29 MovieClip {TitleScreen} Frame 1Symbol 25 Button
"continue_btn"Symbol 29 MovieClip {TitleScreen} Frame 1Symbol 28 Button
"space"Symbol 34 MovieClip {Game} Frame 1Symbol 33 MovieClip
"submit_btn"Symbol 49 MovieClip {GameOverScreen} Frame 1Symbol 42 Button
"name_tf"Symbol 49 MovieClip {GameOverScreen} Frame 1Symbol 44 EditableText
"time_tf"Symbol 49 MovieClip {GameOverScreen} Frame 1Symbol 47 EditableText
"menu_btn"Symbol 66 MovieClip {GoalScreen} Frame 1Symbol 54 Button
"time_tf"Symbol 66 MovieClip {GoalScreen} Frame 1Symbol 57 EditableText
"best_tf"Symbol 66 MovieClip {GoalScreen} Frame 1Symbol 58 EditableText
"again_btn"Symbol 66 MovieClip {GoalScreen} Frame 1Symbol 62 Button
"next_btn"Symbol 66 MovieClip {GoalScreen} Frame 1Symbol 65 Button
"level_tf"Symbol 70 MovieClip {StartScreen} Frame 1Symbol 69 EditableText
"hit_mc"Symbol 74 MovieClip {Goal} Frame 1Symbol 72 MovieClip
"hit_mc"Symbol 79 MovieClip {CanGinger} Frame 1Symbol 72 MovieClip
"hit_mc"Symbol 82 MovieClip {CapRoot} Frame 1Symbol 72 MovieClip
"hit_mc"Symbol 85 MovieClip {CapCola} Frame 1Symbol 72 MovieClip
"hit_mc"Symbol 88 MovieClip {Trap} Frame 1Symbol 72 MovieClip
"hit_mc"Symbol 91 MovieClip {CapGinger} Frame 1Symbol 72 MovieClip
"hit_mc"Symbol 94 MovieClip {CanCola} Frame 1Symbol 72 MovieClip
"hit_mc"Symbol 97 MovieClip {ButtonRed} Frame 1Symbol 72 MovieClip
"hit_mc"Symbol 100 MovieClip {ButtonGreen} Frame 1Symbol 72 MovieClip
"hit_mc"Symbol 103 MovieClip {CanTuna} Frame 1Symbol 72 MovieClip
"hit_mc"Symbol 106 MovieClip {CapCream} Frame 1Symbol 72 MovieClip

Special Tags

FileAttributes (69)Timeline Frame 1Access local files only, Metadata not present, AS3.


"LOAD"Frame 1
"EXPORT"Frame 2
"MAIN"Frame 3
"ON"Symbol 14 MovieClip {Spinball_fla.soundToggle_2} Frame 1
"OFF"Symbol 14 MovieClip {Spinball_fla.soundToggle_2} Frame 6
"UP"Symbol 19 MovieClip {Spinball_fla.menubutton_3} Frame 1
"OVER"Symbol 19 MovieClip {Spinball_fla.menubutton_3} Frame 6
Created: 21/2 -2019 06:28:02 Last modified: 21/2 -2019 06:28:02 Server time: 14/11 -2024 06:35:36