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Flash #134659

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

<p align="center"><font face="a_StamperRg&Bt" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">purchased</font></p>


<p align="left"><font face="a_StamperRg&Bt" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">purchased</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="a_StamperRg&Bt" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">purchased</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="a_StamperRg&Bt" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">purchased</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="a_StamperRg&Bt" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">purchased</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="a_StamperRg&Bt" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">purchased</font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Segoe UI" size="25" color="#008fdd" letterSpacing="1.800000" kerning="0"><i>99%</i></font></p>



Ready for the gaming Challenge


v 1.0 Developed by Firefly


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Num Turrets:

Num Jeeps:

Num Tanks:

Num Helics:

Num Bazookas:




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Already Purchased




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Accuracy Bonus:

Headshot Bonus:


Total Money:


Legshot Bonus:

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ActionScript [AS3]

Section 1
//aim2_76 (battlefield5_fla.aim2_76) package battlefield5_fla { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; public dynamic class aim2_76 extends MovieClip { public function aim2_76(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package battlefield5_fla
Section 2
//bazAmmo_92 (battlefield5_fla.bazAmmo_92) package battlefield5_fla { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; public dynamic class bazAmmo_92 extends MovieClip { public var rocket_mc:MovieClip; public function bazAmmo_92(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 3, frame4); } function frame3(){ this.visible = false; if (!root.isPause){ if (root != null){ if (parent.parent != null){ if (parent != null){ if ((((parent.parent.parent.gOver == false)) && ((parent.parent.visible == true)))){ this.x = 49; this.y = 1; }; }; }; }; }; } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame4(){ if (root != null){ if (parent.parent != null){ if (parent != null){ if ((((parent.parent.parent.gOver == false)) && ((parent.parent.parent.shopOn == false)))){ parent.gotoAndPlay("shoot"); gotoAndStop(1); }; }; }; }; } function frame2(){ stop(); if (!root.isPause){ if (parent.parent.getChildByName("bazBodyMask").visible == true){; }; }; } } }//package battlefield5_fla
Section 3
//bazookaAnim_91 (battlefield5_fla.bazookaAnim_91) package battlefield5_fla { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; public dynamic class bazookaAnim_91 extends MovieClip { public var bazAmmo:MovieClip; public var bazX:uint; public var mcFireGun:MovieClip; public var bFire:Boolean; public var deadSwitch:Boolean; public function bazookaAnim_91(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 21, frame22, 26, frame27, 48, frame49, 57, frame58, 87, frame88, 97, frame98, 127, frame128, 131, frame132, 160, frame161); } public function activateBazAmmo():void{ mcFireGun.gotoAndPlay(2); bazAmmo.visible = true; bazAmmo.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveBazAmmo); } function frame88(){ stop(); if (root != null){ if (!deadSwitch){ parent.parent.deadUnits++; parent.parent.levelMoney = (parent.parent.levelMoney + 25); parent.visible = false; deadSwitch = true; bazAmmo.gotoAndStop(1); bazAmmo.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveBazAmmo); }; }; } public function stopBazAmmo():void{ bazAmmo.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveBazAmmo); bazAmmo.gotoAndStop(1); } function frame98(){ if ((((parent.getChildByName("bazBodyMask").visible == true)) && ((parent.parent.gOver == false)))){ if (parent.parent.wallDemageBazookas > 0){ parent.parent.wallDemageBazookas = (parent.parent.wallDemageBazookas - parent.parent.bazookaDemage); }; parent.getChildByName("bazBodyMask").visible = false; }; } function frame1(){ bazAmmo.visible = false; } function frame22(){ gotoAndPlay("run"); } public function moveBazAmmo(_arg1:Event):void{ if (!root.isPause){ if (root != null){ if ((((((parent.parent.gOver == false)) && ((parent.visible == true)))) && ((parent.parent.shopOn == false)))){ bazAmmo.x = (bazAmmo.x + bazX); bazAmmo.y = (bazAmmo.y - 1); bazX = (bazX + 3); if (bazAmmo.hitTestObject(parent.parent.wall_mc)){ bazAmmo.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveBazAmmo); bazAmmo.gotoAndPlay(2); }; }; }; }; } function frame27(){ deadSwitch = false; if (root != null){ if ((((parent.parent.gOver == false)) && ((parent.visible == true)))){ if (!root.isPause){ activateBazAmmo(); }; }; }; bazX = 3; bFire = true; stop(); } function frame128(){ stop(); if (root != null){ parent.parent.deadUnits++; parent.parent.headshotsNum++; parent.parent.levelMoney = (parent.parent.levelMoney + 25); parent.parent.levelMoney = (parent.parent.levelMoney + 50); parent.parent.headshotBonus = (parent.parent.headshotBonus + 30); parent.visible = false; bazAmmo.gotoAndStop(1); bazAmmo.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveBazAmmo); }; } function frame161(){ stop(); if (root != null){ parent.parent.deadUnits++; parent.parent.legshotsNum++; parent.parent.levelMoney = (parent.parent.levelMoney + 25); parent.visible = false; bazAmmo.gotoAndStop(1); bazAmmo.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveBazAmmo); }; } function frame49(){ if (root != null){ if (parent.getChildByName("bazBodyMask").visible == true){ gotoAndPlay("shoot"); } else { gotoAndStop("deathComplete"); }; }; } function frame132(){ if (root != null){ if ((((parent.getChildByName("bazBodyMask").visible == true)) && ((parent.parent.gOver == false)))){ if (parent.parent.wallDemageBazookas > 0){ parent.parent.wallDemageBazookas = (parent.parent.wallDemageBazookas - parent.parent.bazookaDemage); }; parent.getChildByName("bazBodyMask").visible = false; }; }; } function frame58(){ if (root != null){ if ((((parent.getChildByName("bazBodyMask").visible == true)) && ((parent.parent.gOver == false)))){ if (parent.parent.wallDemageBazookas > 0){ parent.parent.wallDemageBazookas = (parent.parent.wallDemageBazookas - parent.parent.bazookaDemage); }; bazAmmo.visible = false; stopBazAmmo(); parent.getChildByName("bazBodyMask").visible = false; }; }; } } }//package battlefield5_fla
Section 4
//bazookaHealth_113 (battlefield5_fla.bazookaHealth_113) package battlefield5_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class bazookaHealth_113 extends MovieClip { public var bazHealthMask:MovieClip; } }//package battlefield5_fla
Section 5
//bg_mc_44 (battlefield5_fla.bg_mc_44) package battlefield5_fla { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; public dynamic class bg_mc_44 extends MovieClip { public function bg_mc_44(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package battlefield5_fla
Section 6
//Credits_mc_79 (battlefield5_fla.Credits_mc_79) package battlefield5_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Credits_mc_79 extends MovieClip { public var mainMenu:MovieClip; } }//package battlefield5_fla
Section 7
//debrieGr_89 (battlefield5_fla.debrieGr_89) package battlefield5_fla { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; public dynamic class debrieGr_89 extends MovieClip { public function debrieGr_89(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ } } }//package battlefield5_fla
Section 8
//fire_48 (battlefield5_fla.fire_48) package battlefield5_fla { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; public dynamic class fire_48 extends MovieClip { public function fire_48(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package battlefield5_fla
Section 9
//fire2_50 (battlefield5_fla.fire2_50) package battlefield5_fla { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; public dynamic class fire2_50 extends MovieClip { public function fire2_50(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package battlefield5_fla
Section 10
//fire3_51 (battlefield5_fla.fire3_51) package battlefield5_fla { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; public dynamic class fire3_51 extends MovieClip { public function fire3_51(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package battlefield5_fla
Section 11
//fire4_52 (battlefield5_fla.fire4_52) package battlefield5_fla { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; public dynamic class fire4_52 extends MovieClip { public function fire4_52(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package battlefield5_fla
Section 12
//fire5_53 (battlefield5_fla.fire5_53) package battlefield5_fla { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; public dynamic class fire5_53 extends MovieClip { public function fire5_53(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package battlefield5_fla
Section 13
//fire6_54 (battlefield5_fla.fire6_54) package battlefield5_fla { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; public dynamic class fire6_54 extends MovieClip { public function fire6_54(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package battlefield5_fla
Section 14
//game_mc_43 (battlefield5_fla.game_mc_43) package battlefield5_fla { import*; import fl.transitions.*; import flash.display.*; import fl.transitions.easing.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; public dynamic class game_mc_43 extends MovieClip { public var moreGames_btn:SimpleButton; public var deadJeeps:uint; public var shootingSpeedSingle:uint; public var jeepSd:JeepSound; public var bazookaSd:BazookaSound; public var legshotsNum:uint; public var soldiersDestination:Array; public var buyedWeapon:uint; public var turretsHealthArr:Array; public var solHealth:uint; public var demSolLegs:Number; public var wall_mc:MovieClip; public var wallDemageJeeps:uint; public var jeepDemage:uint; public var ammoTimerSingle:Timer; public var speed:uint; public var helicopterDemage:uint; public var helicopterNum:int; public var wallAttackTimerSoldier:Timer; public var helicoptersTime:int; public var startTank:uint; public var helicoptersZ:Array; public var turretNum:int; public var solTime:Timer; public var deadTurrets:uint; public var wallAttackTimerTurret:Timer; public var solMTimer:Timer; public var volumeLevel:SoundTransform; public var gameOver_mc:MovieClip; public var ctrl_Level:SoundChannel; public var jeepPartNum:uint; public var deadHelicopters:uint; public var sortTanksArr:Array; public var aimForce:Boolean; public var ammo_mc:MovieClip; public var turTime:Timer; public var debries:Array; public var helicopterFlySd:HelicopterFlySound; public var gameBrightnessNormal:ColorTransform; public var maxSoldiers:uint; public var tanksZ:Array; public var destHelicopterNum:uint; public var wallAttackTimerBazooka:Timer; public var wallHealth:int; public var bazookas:Array; public var soldierIsDead:Boolean; public var solMusicNum:int; public var angle; public var rewind_btn:SimpleButton; public var sortJeepsArr:Array; public var tankSd:TankSound; public var tanks:Array; public var level_sd:Sound; public var currentWeapon:int; public var maxElement:uint; public var sortSoldiersArr:Array; public var destTurNum:uint; public var currentGun:uint; public var buyedWeaponsArray:Array; public var tank_mc:Tank; public var ammoTimer:Timer; public var destSolNum:uint; public var jeepHealth:uint; public var helicopterHealth:uint; public var reloadTimer:Timer; public var tanksNum_txt:TextField; public var demBazLegs:Number; public var destTankNum:uint; public var wallAttackTimerTank:Timer; public var deadBazookas:uint; public var demJeep:Number; public var jeep_mc:Jeep; public var levelNum:uint; public var deadUnits:uint; public var soldier_mc:Soldier; public var destJeepNum:uint; public var turrets:Array; public var bazTime:Timer; public var soldierDemage:uint; public var soldiersTime:uint; public var wallSwitch:uint; public var tweenDown:Tween; public var tkName:uint; public var tweenAlpha:Tween; public var demSolBody:Number; public var turretIsDead:Boolean; public var sName:uint; public var sortBazookasArr:Array; public var maxTanks:uint; public var soldiersNum_txt:TextField; public var startHelicopter:uint; public var gOver:Boolean; public var demSolHead:Number; public var bazookaIsDead:Boolean; public var headshotsNum:uint; public var wallAttackTimerHelicopter:Timer; public var bullet_mc:Bullet; public var bazPartNum:uint; public var bazookasDestination:Array; public var mSwitch:Boolean; public var radiusX; public var radiusY; public var sortHelicopterArr:Array; public var jeeps:Array; public var levelNum_txt:TextField; public var bulletsNum:uint; public var reloadingTime:uint; public var sortTurretsArr:Array; public var jName:uint; public var gunShop_mc:MovieClip; public var trName:uint; public var wallDemageSoldiers:uint; public var bName:uint; public var soldiersHealthArr:Array; public var tankNum:int; public var debriesTimer:Timer; public var tankPartNum:uint; public var maxAmmo:int; public var bazHealth:uint; public var maxBazookas:uint; public var elementsNow:uint; public var demTur:Number; public var tweenUp:Tween; public var helicoptersHealthArr:Array; public var tankIsDead:Boolean; public var radians:Number; public var jeepsTime:int; public var wall_txt:TextField; public var jeepNum:int; public var turretDemage:uint; public var turretsDestination:Array; public var shootingSpeed:uint; public var startJeep:uint; public var destBazNum:uint; public var bazookasTime:int; public var demBazBody:Number; public var soldierNum:int; public var reload_sd:Reload; public var helicopterPartNum:uint; public var bazookaDemage:uint; public var startSoldier:uint; public var bazooka_mc:Bazooka; public var deadTanks:uint; public var allBullets:uint; public var helicTime:Timer; public var tankTime:Timer; public var debrieNum:uint; public var currentAngle:Number; public var allLevelUnits:uint; public var wallDemageTurrets:uint; public var jeepsHealthArr:Array; public var demBazHead:Number; public var turretsTime:int; public var wallDemageTanks:uint; public var solSounds:uint; public var solPartNum:uint; public var tankDemage:uint; public var target_mc:Target; public var maxJeeps:uint; public var jeepTime:Timer; public var helicoptersDestination:Array; public var bazookasNum_txt:TextField; public var demTank:Number; public var hName:uint; public var helicoptersNum_txt:TextField; public var helicopter_mc:Helicopter; public var ammoElement_mc:AmmoElement; public var solDebrieNum:uint; public var startBazooka:uint; public var tanksTime:int; public var turretsZ:Array; public var turretsNum_txt:TextField; public var soldiers:Array; public var turPartNum:uint; public var turret_mc:Turret; public var soldiersZ:Array; public var gameBrigthness:ColorTransform; public var wallDemageHelicopters:uint; public var helicopterIsDead:Boolean; public var debriesTimerSingle:Timer; public var turretSd:TurretSound; public var jeepsNum_txt:TextField; public var soldierSd:SoldierSound; public var shopOn:Boolean; public var wallHealth_txt:TextField; public var maxHelicopters:uint; public var switch1:Boolean; public var wallAttackTimerJeep:Timer; public var jeepIsDead:Boolean; public var switch3:Boolean; public var helicopters:Array; public var switch2:Boolean; public var maxTurrets:uint; public var levelMoney:int; public var tanksDestination:Array; public var tanksHealthArr:Array; public var gunHolder_mc:MovieClip; public var reloading:Boolean; public var deadSoldiers:uint; public var demHelic:Number; public var wallDemageBazookas:uint; public var jeepsDestination:Array; public var bazookasHealthArr:Array; public var weaponNum:uint; public var turHealth:uint; public var bg_mc:MovieClip; public var totalMoney:int; public var wallDemage:uint; public var bazookasZ:Array; public var startTurret:uint; public var jeepsZ:Array; public var bazookaNum:int; public var tankHealth:uint; public function game_mc_43(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 3, frame4); } public function reloadAmmo():void{; addAmmo(); reloading = false; reloadTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, reloadAmmo); if (!shopOn){ stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, holdAmmo); stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, downAmmo); }; } public function startAgain(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ solTime.reset(); solTime.start(); } public function moveTurret(_arg1:Event):void{ if (!root.isPause){ if (root.isGame){ if ( > turretsDestination[destTurNum]){ = ( - 1); = ( - 0.05); = ( = ( - 0.0005)); } else {"shoot");, moveTurret); wallAttackTimerTurret.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, attackWallTurret); wallAttackTimerTurret.start(); wallDemageTurrets = (wallDemageTurrets + turretDemage); trace("Turret is firing the wall"); destTurNum++; }; }; }; } public function holdAmmo(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:uint; var _local3:uint; var _local4:uint; var _local5:uint; var _local6:uint; var _local7:uint; ammoTimer.reset(); ammoTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, removeAmmo); ammoTimerSingle.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, removeAmmo); ammoTimerSingle.reset(); _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < soldiers.length) { soldiers[_local2].removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, hitSoldier); _local2++; }; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < bazookas.length) { bazookas[_local3].removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, hitBazooka); _local3++; }; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < turrets.length) { turrets[_local4].removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, hitTurret); _local4++; }; _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < jeeps.length) { jeeps[_local5].removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, hitJeep); _local5++; }; _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < tanks.length) { tanks[_local6].removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, hitTank); _local6++; }; _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < helicopters.length) { helicopters[_local7].removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, hitHelicopter); _local7++; }; shrinkTarget(); } public function startMovingSoldier(_arg1:Event):void{ addChild(soldiers[soldierNum]); soldiers[soldierNum].addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveSoldier); soldierNum++; } public function deactivateAim(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{ if (!root.isPause){ if (levelNum != 2){ if (_arg1.keyCode == 32){ if (!shopOn){ stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, moveTarget); stage.addEventListener(Event.MOUSE_LEAVE, mouseLeaveHandler); stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, circMove); stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, activateAim); stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, deactivateAim); moveTargetSingle(); circleMoveSingle(); target_mc.visible = true; gunHolder_mc.visible = true; }; }; }; }; } public function attackWallTank(_arg1:Event):void{ if (gOver == false){ if (!root.isPause){ if (wallHealth > 0){ wallHealth = (wallHealth - (wallDemageTanks + (5 * root.wallPlus))); wallHealth_txt.text = String(wallHealth); } else { gameOver(); }; }; }; } public function createSoldiers():void{ var _local1:uint; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < soldiersTime) { soldier_mc = new Soldier(); soldier_mc.x = ((Math.random() * 125) + stage.stageWidth); soldier_mc.y = ((Math.random() * 100) + 290); = ("soldier" + _local1); soldiers.push(soldier_mc); soldiersDestination[_local1] = ((Math.random() * 200) + 355); solHealth = (soldiers[_local1].getChildByName("soldiersHealth").getChildAt(1).scaleX * 100); soldiersHealthArr.push(solHealth); _local1++; }; } public function startMovingTank(_arg1:Event):void{ addChild(tanks[tankNum]); tanks[tankNum].addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveTank); tankNum++; } public function startMovingBazooka(_arg1:Event):void{ addChild(bazookas[bazookaNum]); bazookas[bazookaNum].addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveBazooka); bazookaNum++; } public function moveTank(_arg1:Event):void{ if (!root.isPause){ if (root.isGame){ if ( > tanksDestination[destTankNum]){ = ( - 1.5); = ( - 0.05); = ( = ( - 0.0005)); } else {, moveTank);"shoot"); wallAttackTimerTank.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, attackWallTank); wallAttackTimerTank.start(); wallDemageTanks = (wallDemageTanks + tankDemage); destTankNum++; }; }; }; } function frame1(){ gameBrigthness = new ColorTransform(); gameBrigthness.redOffset = -100; gameBrigthness.greenOffset = -100; gameBrigthness.blueOffset = -100; gameBrightnessNormal = new ColorTransform(); gameBrightnessNormal.redOffset = 0; gameBrightnessNormal.greenOffset = 0; gameBrightnessNormal.blueOffset = 0; if (levelNum == 0){ wallHealth = 1000; if (root.isHard == false){ soldiersTime = 8; bazookasTime = 1; turretsTime = 0; jeepsTime = 0; tanksTime = 0; helicoptersTime = 0; } else { if (root.isHard){ soldiersTime = 15; bazookasTime = 3; turretsTime = 0; jeepsTime = 0; tanksTime = 0; helicoptersTime = 0; }; }; } else { if (levelNum != 0){ soldiersTime = ((levelNum + 8) + Math.sqrt(Math.pow(Math.floor((root.hardMult - (Math.random() * 3))), 2))); bazookasTime = (levelNum + Math.sqrt(Math.pow(Math.floor((root.hardMult - (Math.random() * 3))), 2))); turretsTime = ((levelNum - 2) + Math.sqrt(Math.pow(Math.floor((root.hardMult - (Math.random() * 3))), 2))); jeepsTime = ((levelNum - 3) + Math.sqrt(Math.pow(Math.floor((root.hardMult - (Math.random() * 3))), 2))); tanksTime = ((levelNum - 4) + Math.sqrt(Math.pow(Math.floor((root.hardMult - (Math.random() * 3))), 2))); helicoptersTime = ((levelNum - 5) + Math.sqrt(Math.pow(Math.floor((root.hardMult - (Math.random() * 3))), 2))); }; }; root.isGame = true; trace(("LEVEL NUM : " + levelNum)); trace(("SOLDIERS TIME : " + soldiersTime)); trace(("BAZOOKAS TIME : " + bazookasTime)); trace(("TURRERS TIME : " + turretsTime)); trace(("JEEPS TIME : " + jeepsTime)); trace(("TANKS TIME : " + tanksTime)); trace(("HELICOPTERS TIME : " + helicoptersTime)); levelNum++; } public function killSoldier(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (sName < soldiers.length){ removeChild(getChildByName(("soldier" + sName))); sName++; }; if (bName < bazookas.length){ removeChild(getChildByName(("bazooka" + bName))); bName++; }; if (trName < turrets.length){ removeChild(getChildByName(("turret" + trName))); trName++; }; if (jName < jeeps.length){ removeChild(getChildByName(("jeep" + jName))); jName++; }; if (tkName < tanks.length){ removeChild(getChildByName(("tank" + tkName))); tkName++; }; if (hName < helicopters.length){ removeChild(getChildByName(("helicopter" + hName))); hName++; }; } public function startMovingTurret(_arg1:Event):void{ addChild(turrets[turretNum]); turrets[turretNum].addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveTurret); turretNum++; } public function circleMoveSingle():void{ var _local1:*; var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:*; currentAngle = -((((mouseX - (stage.stageWidth / 2)) / 5) + 180)); radians = ((currentAngle * Math.PI) / 180); gunHolder_mc.x = ((stage.stageWidth / 2) + (radiusX * Math.sin(radians))); gunHolder_mc.y = (600 + (radiusY * Math.cos(radians))); _local1 = (mouseX - gunHolder_mc.x); _local2 = (mouseY - gunHolder_mc.y); _local3 = Math.sqrt(((_local1 * _local1) + (_local2 * _local2))); _local4 = Math.atan2(_local2, _local1); if (mouseY < 375){ gunHolder_mc.rotation = ((_local4 * 180) / Math.PI); gunHolder_mc.y = (gunHolder_mc.y + (-(_local3) / 5)); } else { gunHolder_mc.rotation = -90; gunHolder_mc.y = (mouseY + 100); }; } public function moveSoldier(_arg1:Event):void{ if (!root.isPause){ if (root.isGame){ if ( > soldiersDestination[destSolNum]){ = ( - 2); = ( - 0.15); = ( = ( - 0.0015)); } else {, moveSoldier);"shoot"); wallAttackTimerSoldier.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, attackWallSoldier); wallAttackTimerSoldier.start(); wallDemageSoldiers = (wallDemageSoldiers + soldierDemage); destSolNum++; }; }; }; } public function moreGames(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:String; var _local3:URLRequest; _local2 = ""; _local3 = new URLRequest(_local2); navigateToURL(_local3, "_blank"); } function frame2(){ level_sd = new LevelSound(); solMusicNum = 0; ctrl_Level =; volumeLevel = ctrl_Level.soundTransform; solMTimer = new Timer(2500); solMTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, playSolMusic); if (levelNum == 3){ this.transform.colorTransform = gameBrigthness; }; aimForce = true; if (levelNum == 1){ buyedWeaponsArray = new Array(); buyedWeaponsArray.push(0); }; if (levelNum == 1){ buyedWeapon++; }; stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, selectWeapon); stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, activateAim); stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, activateAimForce); wallAttackTimerSoldier = new Timer(500); wallAttackTimerBazooka = new Timer(1000); wallAttackTimerTurret = new Timer(3000); wallAttackTimerJeep = new Timer(2000); wallAttackTimerTank = new Timer(5000); wallAttackTimerHelicopter = new Timer(5000); wallHealth_txt.visible = true; wall_txt.visible = true; wallHealth_txt.text = String(wallHealth); stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, destroyWall); checkDemage(); target_mc = new Target(); addChild(target_mc); addChild(gunHolder_mc); target_mc.visible = false; target_mc.mouseEnabled = false; target_mc.mouseChildren = false; Mouse.hide(); stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, moveTarget); stage.addEventListener(Event.MOUSE_LEAVE, mouseLeaveHandler); stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, circMove); radiusX = 270; radiusY = 100; angle = 0; circleMoveSingle(); reload_sd = new Reload(); reloadingTime = 500; shootingSpeed = 100; shootingSpeedSingle = 1; ammoTimer = new Timer(shootingSpeed, maxAmmo); ammoTimerSingle = new Timer(shootingSpeedSingle, 1); reloadTimer = new Timer(reloadingTime, 1); reloading = false; weaponNum = 0; bulletsNum = 0; allBullets = 0; debries = new Array(); debrieNum = 0; speed = 10; debriesTimer = new Timer(shootingSpeed); debriesTimerSingle = new Timer(shootingSpeedSingle, 1); setAmmo(); stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, downAmmo); stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, reloadOnDemand); addAmmo(); stop(); solTime = new Timer(500, soldiersTime); bazTime = new Timer(1000, bazookasTime); turTime = new Timer(1000, turretsTime); jeepTime = new Timer(1500, jeepsTime); tankTime = new Timer(3000, tanksTime); helicTime = new Timer(4000, helicoptersTime); if (soldiersTime > 0){ solTime.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, createSoldiersNum); solTime.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, startMovingSoldier); solTime.start(); }; if (bazookasTime > 0){ bazTime.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, createBazookasNum); bazTime.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, startMovingBazooka); bazTime.start(); } else { bazookasTime = -1; }; if (turretsTime > 0){ turTime.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, createTurretsNum); turTime.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, startMovingTurret); turTime.start(); } else { turretsTime = -2; }; if (jeepsTime > 0){ jeepTime.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, createJeepsNum); jeepTime.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, startMovingJeep); jeepTime.start(); } else { jeepsTime = -3; }; if (tanksTime > 0){ tankTime.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, createTanksNum); tankTime.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, startMovingTank); tankTime.start(); } else { tanksTime = -4; }; if (helicoptersTime > 0){ helicTime.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, createHelicoptersNum); helicTime.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, startMovingHelicopter); helicTime.start(); } else { helicoptersTime = -5; }; startSoldier = 0; startBazooka = 0; startTurret = 0; startJeep = 0; startTank = 0; startHelicopter = 0; levelNum_txt.text = String(levelNum); stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, shopHandler); soldiers = new Array(); soldiersHealthArr = new Array(); solPartNum = 0; soldierIsDead = false; soldiersDestination = new Array(); destSolNum = 0; soldierNum = 0; sortSoldiersArr = new Array(); soldiersZ = new Array(); soldierDemage = 1; maxSoldiers = 20; solDebrieNum = 0; soldierSd = new SoldierSound(); bazookas = new Array(); bazookasHealthArr = new Array(); bazPartNum = 0; bazookaIsDead = false; bazookasDestination = new Array(); destBazNum = 0; bazookaNum = 0; sortBazookasArr = new Array(); bazookasZ = new Array(); bazookaDemage = 3; maxBazookas = 20; bazookaSd = new BazookaSound(); turrets = new Array(); turretsHealthArr = new Array(); turPartNum = 0; turretIsDead = false; turretsDestination = new Array(); destTurNum = 0; turretNum = 0; sortTurretsArr = new Array(); turretsZ = new Array(); turretDemage = 10; maxTurrets = 20; turretSd = new TurretSound(); jeeps = new Array(); jeepsHealthArr = new Array(); jeepPartNum = 0; jeepIsDead = false; jeepsDestination = new Array(); destJeepNum = 0; jeepNum = 0; sortJeepsArr = new Array(); jeepsZ = new Array(); jeepDemage = 15; maxJeeps = 20; jeepSd = new JeepSound(); tanks = new Array(); tanksHealthArr = new Array(); tankPartNum = 0; tankIsDead = false; tanksDestination = new Array(); destTankNum = 0; tankNum = 0; sortTanksArr = new Array(); tanksZ = new Array(); tankDemage = 50; maxTanks = 20; tankSd = new TankSound(); helicopters = new Array(); helicoptersHealthArr = new Array(); helicopterPartNum = 0; helicopterIsDead = false; helicoptersDestination = new Array(); destHelicopterNum = 0; helicopterNum = 0; sortHelicopterArr = new Array(); helicoptersZ = new Array(); helicopterDemage = 50; maxHelicopters = 20; helicopterFlySd = new HelicopterFlySound(); if ((((((((((((soldiersTime > 0)) && ((bazookasTime > 0)))) && ((turretsTime > 0)))) && ((jeepsTime > 0)))) && ((tanksTime > 0)))) && ((helicoptersTime > 0)))){ allLevelUnits = (((((soldiersTime + bazookasTime) + turretsTime) + jeepsTime) + tanksTime) + helicoptersTime); } else { if ((((((((((soldiersTime > 0)) && ((bazookasTime > 0)))) && ((turretsTime > 0)))) && ((jeepsTime > 0)))) && ((tanksTime > 0)))){ allLevelUnits = ((((soldiersTime + bazookasTime) + turretsTime) + jeepsTime) + tanksTime); } else { if ((((((((soldiersTime > 0)) && ((bazookasTime > 0)))) && ((turretsTime > 0)))) && ((jeepsTime > 0)))){ allLevelUnits = (((soldiersTime + bazookasTime) + turretsTime) + jeepsTime); } else { if ((((((soldiersTime > 0)) && ((bazookasTime > 0)))) && ((turretsTime > 0)))){ allLevelUnits = ((soldiersTime + bazookasTime) + turretsTime); } else { if ((((soldiersTime > 0)) && ((bazookasTime > 0)))){ allLevelUnits = (soldiersTime + bazookasTime); } else { if (soldiersTime > 0){ allLevelUnits = soldiersTime; }; }; }; }; }; }; trace(("All Level Units" + allLevelUnits)); createSoldiers(); createBazookas(); createTurrets(); createJeeps(); createTanks(); createHelicopters(); sName = 0; trName = 0; tkName = 0; jName = 0; hName = 0; bName = 0; } function frame3(){ stop(); root.isGame = false; rewind_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, rewind); moreGames_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, moreGames); trace(("Soldiers Length" + soldiers.length)); } function frame4(){ stop(); gOver = true; gameOver_mc.tryAgain_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, backToGame); gameOver_mc.mainMenu.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, backToWelcome); gameOver_mc.moreGames_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, moreGamesOver); gameOver_mc.tryAgain_mc.buttonMode = true; gameOver_mc.mainMenu.buttonMode = true; gameOver_mc.moreGames_btn.buttonMode = true; } public function levelDownTrigger():void{ stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, levelDown); } public function checkDemage():void{ if ((((wallHealth <= 1000)) && ((wallHealth > 750)))){ bg_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if ((((wallHealth < 750)) && ((wallHealth > 500)))){ bg_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } else { if ((((wallHealth < 500)) && ((wallHealth > 300)))){ bg_mc.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if ((((wallHealth < 300)) && ((wallHealth > 150)))){ bg_mc.gotoAndStop(4); } else { if ((((wallHealth < 150)) && ((wallHealth > 0)))){ bg_mc.gotoAndStop(5); }; }; }; }; }; } public function rewind(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:int; var _local3:int; var _local4:int; var _local5:int; var _local6:int; var _local7:int; root.WNum = (root.ar_Weapons.length - 1); root.gunSelectHolder.gotoAndStop((root.ar_Weapons[root.WNum] + 1)); mSwitch = false; root.downMusic(); gunShop_mc.winDownTimer.stop(); _local2 = (soldiers.length - 1); while (_local2 >= 0) { if (getChildByName(("soldier" + _local2)) != null){ removeChild(getChildByName(("soldier" + _local2))); soldiers.pop(); }; _local2--; }; _local3 = (bazookas.length - 1); while (_local3 >= 0) { if (getChildByName(("bazooka" + _local3)) != null){ removeChild(getChildByName(("bazooka" + _local3))); bazookas.pop(); }; _local3--; }; _local4 = (turrets.length - 1); while (_local4 >= 0) { if (getChildByName(("turret" + _local4)) != null){ removeChild(getChildByName(("turret" + _local4))); turrets.pop(); }; _local4--; }; _local5 = (jeeps.length - 1); while (_local5 >= 0) { if (getChildByName(("jeep" + _local5)) != null){ removeChild(getChildByName(("jeep" + _local5))); jeeps.pop(); }; _local5--; }; _local6 = (tanks.length - 1); while (_local6 >= 0) { if (getChildByName(("jeep" + _local5)) != null){ removeChild(getChildByName(("tank" + _local6))); tanks.pop(); }; _local6--; }; _local7 = (helicopters.length - 1); while (_local7 >= 0) { if (getChildByName(("jeep" + _local5)) != null){ removeChild(getChildByName(("helicopter" + _local7))); helicopters.pop(); }; _local7--; }; allBullets = 0; headshotsNum = 0; legshotsNum = 0; levelMoney = 0; accuracy = 0; solDebrieNum = 0; shopOn = false; parent.gunSelectHolder.visible = true; root.curFrame = 0; parent.second = false; parent.checkActivity(); gunShop_mc.winDownTrigger(); wallAttackTimerSoldier.stop(); wallAttackTimerBazooka.stop(); wallAttackTimerTurret.stop(); wallAttackTimerJeep.stop(); wallAttackTimerTank.stop(); wallAttackTimerHelicopter.stop(); root.addZoom(); gotoAndPlay("initGame"); } public function moveTarget(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (!root.isPause){ moveTargetSingle(); }; } public function gun1Fire():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:uint; var _local3:uint; var _local4:uint; var _local5:uint; var _local6:uint; var _local7:uint; var _local8:uint; if (!gOver){ if (debrieNum < maxAmmo){ bullet_mc = new Bullet(); if (root.ar_Weapons[root.WNum] == 0){ _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < bullet_mc.numChildren) { bullet_mc.getChildAt(_local2).visible = false; _local2++; }; bullet_mc.getChildAt(0).visible = true;; } else { if (root.ar_Weapons[root.WNum] == 1){ _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < bullet_mc.numChildren) { bullet_mc.getChildAt(_local3).visible = false; _local3++; }; bullet_mc.getChildAt(1).visible = true;; } else { if (root.ar_Weapons[root.WNum] == 2){ _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < bullet_mc.numChildren) { bullet_mc.getChildAt(_local4).visible = false; _local4++; }; bullet_mc.getChildAt(2).visible = true;; } else { if (root.ar_Weapons[root.WNum] == 3){ _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < bullet_mc.numChildren) { bullet_mc.getChildAt(_local5).visible = false; _local5++; }; bullet_mc.getChildAt(3).visible = true;; } else { if (root.ar_Weapons[root.WNum] == 4){ _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < bullet_mc.numChildren) { bullet_mc.getChildAt(_local6).visible = false; _local6++; }; bullet_mc.getChildAt(4).visible = true;; } else { if (root.ar_Weapons[root.WNum] == 5){ _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < bullet_mc.numChildren) { bullet_mc.getChildAt(_local7).visible = false; _local7++; }; bullet_mc.getChildAt(5).visible = true;; } else { if (root.ar_Weapons[root.WNum] == 6){ _local8 = 0; while (_local8 < bullet_mc.numChildren) { bullet_mc.getChildAt(_local8).visible = false; _local8++; }; bullet_mc.getChildAt(6).visible = true;; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; addChild(bullet_mc); = ("debrie" + debrieNum); debries.push(bullet_mc); if (debrieNum < maxAmmo){ debries[debrieNum].x = (mouseX + (((Math.random() * debrieNum) * 4) * (Math.round(Math.random()) - Math.round(Math.random())))); debries[debrieNum].y = (mouseY + (((Math.random() * debrieNum) * 4) * (Math.round(Math.random()) - Math.round(Math.random())))); } else { debries[debrieNum].x = (mouseX + (Math.random() * 30)); debries[debrieNum].y = (mouseY + (Math.random() * 30)); }; maxElement = (debries.length - 1); _local1 = (debries.length - 1); while (_local1 >= 0) { debries[_local1].alpha = (debries[_local1].alpha - (speed / 100)); debries[_local1].scaleX = (debries[_local1].scaleX - (speed / 100)); debries[_local1].scaleY = (debries[_local1].scaleY - (speed / 100)); _local1--; }; debrieNum++; } else { debriesClear(); }; }; } public function createBazookasNum(_arg1:Event):void{ bazookasNum_txt.text = String(startBazooka); startBazooka++; } public function moveBazooka(_arg1:Event):void{ if (!root.isPause){ if (root.isGame){ if ( > bazookasDestination[destBazNum]){ = ( - 2); = ( - 0.15); = ( = ( - 0.0015)); } else {, moveBazooka);"shoot"); wallAttackTimerBazooka.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, attackWallBazooka); wallAttackTimerBazooka.start(); wallDemageBazookas = (wallDemageBazookas + bazookaDemage); destBazNum++; }; }; }; } public function backToGame(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:int; var _local3:int; var _local4:int; var _local5:int; var _local6:int; var _local7:int; levelNum = 0; parent.curFrame = 0; second = false; parent.zoomForce = true; gOver = false; mSwitch = false; parent.addZoom(); root.gunSelectHolder.visible = true; wallSwitch = 0; _local2 = (soldiers.length - 1); while (_local2 >= 0) { if (getChildByName(("soldier" + _local2)) != null){ removeChild(getChildByName(("soldier" + _local2))); soldiers.pop(); }; _local2--; }; _local3 = (bazookas.length - 1); while (_local3 >= 0) { if (getChildByName(("bazooka" + _local3)) != null){ removeChild(getChildByName(("bazooka" + _local3))); bazookas.pop(); }; _local3--; }; _local4 = (turrets.length - 1); while (_local4 >= 0) { if (getChildByName(("turret" + _local4)) != null){ removeChild(getChildByName(("turret" + _local4))); turrets.pop(); }; _local4--; }; _local5 = (jeeps.length - 1); while (_local5 >= 0) { if (getChildByName(("jeep" + _local5)) != null){ removeChild(getChildByName(("jeep" + _local5))); jeeps.pop(); }; _local5--; }; _local6 = (tanks.length - 1); while (_local6 >= 0) { if (getChildByName(("tank" + _local6)) != null){ removeChild(getChildByName(("tank" + _local6))); tanks.pop(); }; _local6--; }; _local7 = (helicopters.length - 1); while (_local7 >= 0) { if (getChildByName(("helicopter" + _local7)) != null){ removeChild(getChildByName(("helicopter" + _local7))); helicopters.pop(); }; _local7--; }; gotoAndPlay("initGame"); } public function createHelicopters():void{ var _local1:uint; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < helicoptersTime) { helicopter_mc = new Helicopter(); helicopter_mc.x = ((Math.random() * 100) + stage.stageWidth); helicopter_mc.y = ((Math.random() * 50) + 25); = ("helicopter" + _local1); helicopters.push(helicopter_mc); helicoptersDestination[_local1] = ((Math.random() * 125) + 275); helicopterHealth = (helicopters[_local1].getChildByName("helicopterHealth_mc").getChildAt(1).scaleX * 100); helicoptersHealthArr.push(helicopterHealth); _local1++; }; } public function createTurrets():void{ var _local1:uint; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < turretsTime) { turret_mc = new Turret(); turret_mc.x = ((Math.random() * 100) + stage.stageWidth); turret_mc.y = ((Math.random() * 80) + 250); = ("turret" + _local1); turrets.push(turret_mc); turretsDestination[_local1] = ((Math.random() * 100) + 400); turHealth = (turrets[_local1].getChildByName("turretHealth_mc").getChildAt(1).scaleX * 100); turretsHealthArr.push(turHealth); _local1++; }; } public function destroyWall(_arg1:Event):void{ if ((((wallHealth < 750)) && ((wallHealth > 500)))){ if (wallSwitch == 0){ bg_mc.nextFrame(); wallSwitch++; }; } else { if ((((wallHealth < 500)) && ((wallHealth > 300)))){ if (wallSwitch == 1){ bg_mc.nextFrame(); wallSwitch++; }; } else { if ((((wallHealth < 300)) && ((wallHealth > 150)))){ if (wallSwitch == 2){ bg_mc.nextFrame(); wallSwitch++; }; } else { if ((((wallHealth < 150)) && ((wallHealth > 0)))){ if (wallSwitch == 3){ bg_mc.nextFrame(); wallSwitch++; }; }; }; }; }; } public function growTargetSingle():void{ var _local1:*; var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:*; if (!root.isPause){ _local1 = new Tween(target_mc.tPart1_mc, "y", Regular.easeOut, target_mc.tPart1_mc.y, (target_mc.tPart1_mc.y - 15), 5, false); _local2 = new Tween(target_mc.tPart2_mc, "y", Regular.easeOut, target_mc.tPart2_mc.y, (target_mc.tPart2_mc.y + 15), 5, false); _local3 = new Tween(target_mc.tPart3_mc, "x", Regular.easeOut, target_mc.tPart3_mc.x, (target_mc.tPart1_mc.x + 15), 5, false); _local4 = new Tween(target_mc.tPart4_mc, "x", Regular.easeOut, target_mc.tPart4_mc.x, (target_mc.tPart1_mc.x - 15), 5, false); _local1.addEventListener(TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH, shrinkTargetSingle); }; } public function attackWallSoldier(_arg1:Event):void{ if (gOver == false){ if (!root.isPause){ if (wallHealth > 0){ wallHealth = (wallHealth - (wallDemageSoldiers + (1 * root.wallPlus))); wallHealth_txt.text = String(wallHealth); } else { gameOver(); }; }; }; } public function shrinkTarget():void{ new Tween(target_mc.tPart1_mc, "y", Regular.easeOut, target_mc.tPart1_mc.y, -4.7, 10, false); new Tween(target_mc.tPart2_mc, "y", Regular.easeOut, target_mc.tPart2_mc.y, 4.7, 10, false); new Tween(target_mc.tPart3_mc, "x", Regular.easeOut, target_mc.tPart3_mc.x, 4.6, 10, false); new Tween(target_mc.tPart4_mc, "x", Regular.easeOut, target_mc.tPart4_mc.x, -4.6, 10, false); } public function createTurretsNum(_arg1:Event):void{ turretsNum_txt.text = String(startTurret); startTurret++; } public function debriesOn():void{ if (!gOver){ if (!root.isPause){ if (root.ar_Weapons[root.WNum] == 0){ gun1Fire(); stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, debriesOff); }; if (root.ar_Weapons[root.WNum] == 1){ gun1Fire(); stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, debriesOff); }; if (root.ar_Weapons[root.WNum] == 2){ gun1Fire(); stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, debriesOff); }; if (root.ar_Weapons[root.WNum] == 3){ gun1Fire(); stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, debriesOff); }; if (root.ar_Weapons[root.WNum] == 4){ gun1Fire(); stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, debriesOff); }; if (root.ar_Weapons[root.WNum] == 5){ gun1Fire(); stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, debriesOff); }; }; }; } public function createTanks():void{ var _local1:uint; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < tanksTime) { tank_mc = new Tank(); tank_mc.x = ((Math.random() * 100) + stage.stageWidth); tank_mc.y = ((Math.random() * 80) + 300); = ("tank" + _local1); tanks.push(tank_mc); tanksDestination[_local1] = ((Math.random() * 150) + 350); tankHealth = (tanks[_local1].getChildByName("tankHealth_mc").getChildAt(1).scaleX * 100); tanksHealthArr.push(tankHealth); _local1++; }; } public function levelUp(_arg1:Event):void{ if (volumeLevel.volume <= 0.5){ volumeLevel.volume = (volumeLevel.volume + 0.025); ctrl_Level.soundTransform = volumeLevel; } else { stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, levelUp); }; } public function attackWallBazooka(_arg1:Event):void{ if (gOver == false){ if (!root.isPause){ if (wallHealth > 0){ wallHealth = (wallHealth - (wallDemageBazookas + (3 * root.wallPlus))); wallHealth_txt.text = String(wallHealth); } else { gameOver(); }; }; }; } public function debriesClear():void{ var _local1:int; debrieNum = 0; _local1 = (debries.length - 1); while (_local1 >= 0) { debries.shift(); removeChild(getChildByName(("debrie" + _local1))); _local1--; }; } public function hitJeep(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:int; _local2 ="jeepHealth").getChildAt(1); if ("bodyMask").visible == true){ _local3 = (debries.length - 1); while (_local3 >= 0) { if (debries[_local3].hitTestObject("bodyMask"))){ if (_local2.scaleX > 0){ _local2.scaleX = (_local2.scaleX - demJeep); } else { if (_local2.scaleX <= 0){ _local2.scaleX = 0;, hitJeep);, moveJeep);"jeepAnim_mc").gotoAndPlay("die"); }; }; }; _local3--; }; }; } public function removeAmmo(_arg1:Event):void{ if (!gOver){ if (!root.isPause){ if (ammo_mc.numChildren > 0){ ammo_mc.removeChild(ammo_mc.getChildAt((ammo_mc.numChildren - 1))); growTarget(); debriesOn(); } else { if (ammo_mc.numChildren == 0){ debriesClear(); reloadTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, reloadAmmoEvent); reloadTimer.start(); stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, downAmmo); shrinkTarget(); }; }; allBullets++; }; }; } public function circMove(_arg1:Event):void{ if (!root.isPause){ circleMoveSingle(); }; } public function attackWallHelicopter(_arg1:Event):void{ if (gOver == false){ if (!root.isPause){ if (wallHealth > 0){ wallHealth = (wallHealth - (wallDemageHelicopters + (10 * root.wallPlus))); wallHealth_txt.text = String(wallHealth); } else { gameOver(); }; }; }; } public function reloadOnDemand(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{ if (!root.isPause){ if (_arg1.keyCode == 82){ if (!reloading){ clearAmmo(); reloading = true; reloadTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, reloadAmmoEvent); reloadTimer.start(); stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, downAmmo); debriesClear(); }; }; }; } public function playSolMusic(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ if (solMusicNum > 1){; }; } public function shrinkTargetSingle(_arg1:TweenEvent):void{ shrinkTarget(); } public function createBazookas():void{ var _local1:uint; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < bazookasTime) { bazooka_mc = new Bazooka(); bazooka_mc.x = ((Math.random() * 100) + stage.stageWidth); bazooka_mc.y = ((Math.random() * 50) + 275); = ("bazooka" + _local1); bazookas.push(bazooka_mc); bazookasDestination[_local1] = ((Math.random() * 100) + 400); bazHealth = (bazookas[_local1].getChildByName("bazookasHealth").getChildAt(1).scaleX * 100); bazookasHealthArr.push(bazHealth); trace(bazookas[_local1].getChildAt(4).getChildAt(1).name); _local1++; }; } public function mouseLeaveHandler(_arg1:Event):void{ target_mc.visible = false; } public function selectWeapon(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{ if (!root.isPause){ if (levelNum != 2){ if (root.WNum > 0){ if (_arg1.keyCode == 40){ root.WNum--; root.gunSelectHolder.gotoAndStop((root.ar_Weapons[root.WNum] + 1)); gunHolder_mc.gotoAndStop((root.ar_Weapons[root.WNum] + 1)); clearAmmo(); setAmmo(); addAmmo(); ammoTimer = new Timer(shootingSpeed, maxAmmo); ammoTimer.reset(); }; }; if (root.WNum < (root.ar_Weapons.length - 1)){ if (_arg1.keyCode == 38){ root.WNum++; root.gunSelectHolder.gotoAndStop((root.ar_Weapons[root.WNum] + 1)); gunHolder_mc.gotoAndStop((root.ar_Weapons[root.WNum] + 1)); clearAmmo(); setAmmo(); addAmmo(); ammoTimer = new Timer(shootingSpeed, maxAmmo); ammoTimer.reset(); }; }; }; }; } public function levelDown(_arg1:Event):void{ if (volumeLevel.volume > 0){ volumeLevel.volume = (volumeLevel.volume - 0.025); ctrl_Level.soundTransform = volumeLevel; } else { stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, levelDown); }; } public function setAmmo():void{ if (root.ar_Weapons[root.WNum] == 0){ maxAmmo = 15; shootingSpeed = 100; demSolHead = 1; demSolBody = (0.05 - (root.healthMult * 10)); demSolLegs = (0.005 - (root.healthMult * 10)); demBazHead = 0.8; demBazBody = (0.05 - (root.healthMult * 10)); demBazLegs = (0.001 - (root.healthMult * 10)); demTurret = (0.003 - (root.healthMult * 10)); demJeep = (0.005 - (root.healthMult * 10)); demTank = (0.001 - (root.healthMult * 10)); demHelic = (0.003 - (root.healthMult * 10)); } else { if (root.ar_Weapons[root.WNum] == 1){ maxAmmo = 25; shootingSpeed = 100; demSolHead = 1; demSolBody = (0.07 - (root.healthMult * 10)); demSolLegs = (0.01 - (root.healthMult * 10)); demBazHead = 0.8; demBazBody = (0.08 - (root.healthMult * 10)); demBazLegs = (0.08 - (root.healthMult * 10)); demTurret = (0.01 - (root.healthMult * 10)); demJeep = (0.01 - (root.healthMult * 10)); demTank = (0.007 - root.healthMult); demHelic = (0.005 - root.healthMult); } else { if (root.ar_Weapons[root.WNum] == 2){ maxAmmo = 15; shootingSpeed = 100; demSolHead = (1 - (root.healthMult * 10)); demSolBody = (0.5 - (root.healthMult * 10)); demSolLegs = (1 - (root.healthMult * 10)); demBazHead = 1; demBazBody = (0.3 - (root.healthMult * 10)); demBazLegs = (0.05 - (root.healthMult * 10)); demTurret = (0.05 - (root.healthMult * 10)); demJeep = (0.03 - (root.healthMult * 10)); demTank = (0.05 - (root.healthMult * 10)); demHelic = (0.08 - (root.healthMult * 10)); } else { if (root.ar_Weapons[root.WNum] == 3){ maxAmmo = 25; shootingSpeed = 200; demSolHead = 1; demSolBody = (0.3 - (root.healthMult * 10)); demSolLegs = (0.5 - (root.healthMult * 10)); demBazHead = 1; demBazBody = (0.3 - (root.healthMult * 10)); demBazLegs = (0.5 - (root.healthMult * 10)); demTurret = (0.01 - (root.healthMult * 10)); demJeep = (0.05 - (root.healthMult * 10)); demTank = (0.01 - (root.healthMult * 10)); demHelic = (0.05 - (root.healthMult * 10)); } else { if (root.ar_Weapons[root.WNum] == 4){ maxAmmo = 35; shootingSpeed = 100; demSolHead = 1; demSolBody = (0.1 - (root.healthMult * 100)); demSolLegs = (0.03 - (root.healthMult * 10)); demBazHead = 1; demBazBody = (0.05 - (root.healthMult * 10)); demBazLegs = (0.03 - (root.healthMult * 10)); demTurret = (0.008 - (root.healthMult * 10)); demJeep = (0.03 - (root.healthMult * 100)); demTank = (0.005 - (root.healthMult * 10)); demHelic = (0.003 - (root.healthMult * 10)); } else { if (root.ar_Weapons[root.WNum] == 5){ maxAmmo = 50; shootingSpeed = 100; demSolHead = 1; demSolBody = (1 - (root.healthMult * 100)); demSolLegs = (0.1 - (root.healthMult * 100)); demBazHead = (1 - (root.healthMult * 100)); demBazBody = (1 - (root.healthMult * 100)); demBazLegs = (0.05 - (root.healthMult * 100)); demTurret = (0.5 - (root.healthMult * 10)); demJeep = (0.3 - (root.healthMult * 10)); demTank = (0.1 - (root.healthMult * 10)); demHelic = (0.5 - (root.healthMult * 10)); }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function runMusic():void{ if (solMusicNum <= 10){ solMusicNum++; solMTimer.delay = (2500 / solMusicNum); }; } public function hitTurret(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:int; _local2 ="turretHealth_mc").getChildAt(1); if ("bodyMask").visible == true){ _local3 = (debries.length - 1); while (_local3 >= 0) { if (debries[_local3].hitTestObject("bodyMask"))){ if (_local2.scaleX > 0){ _local2.scaleX = (_local2.scaleX - demTurret); } else { if (_local2.scaleX <= 0){ _local2.scaleX = 0;, hitTurret);, moveTurret);"turAnim_mc").gotoAndPlay("die"); }; }; }; _local3--; }; }; } public function hitSoldier(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:int; _local2 ="soldiersHealth").getChildAt(1); if (gOver == false){ if ("bodyMask").visible == true){ _local3 = (debries.length - 1); while (_local3 >= 0) { if (debries[_local3].hitTestObject("headMask"))){ if (_local2.scaleX > 0){ _local2.scaleX = (_local2.scaleX - demSolHead); } else { if (_local2.scaleX <= 0){ _local2.scaleX = 0;, hitSoldier);, moveSoldier);"guy").gotoAndPlay("headShot"); }; }; } else { if (debries[_local3].hitTestObject("bodyMask"))){ if (_local2.scaleX > 0){ _local2.scaleX = (_local2.scaleX - demSolBody); } else { if ((((_local2.scaleX <= 0)) && (!(( == null))))){ _local2.scaleX = 0;, hitSoldier);, moveSoldier);"guy").gotoAndPlay("die"); }; }; } else { if (debries[_local3].hitTestObject("legsMask"))){ if (_local2.scaleX > 0){ _local2.scaleX = (_local2.scaleX - demSolLegs); } else { if (_local2.scaleX <= 0){ _local2.scaleX = 0;, hitSoldier);, moveSoldier);"guy").gotoAndPlay("legShot"); }; }; }; }; }; _local3--; }; }; }; } public function attackWallJeep(_arg1:Event):void{ if (gOver == false){ if (!root.isPause){ if (wallHealth > 0){ wallHealth = (wallHealth - (wallDemageJeeps + (5 * root.wallPlus))); wallHealth_txt.text = String(wallHealth); } else { gameOver(); }; }; }; } public function createHelicoptersNum(_arg1:Event):void{ helicoptersNum_txt.text = String(startHelicopter); startHelicopter++; } public function moveHelicopter(_arg1:Event):void{ if (!root.isPause){ if (root.isGame){ if ( > helicoptersDestination[destHelicopterNum]){ = ( - 3); = ( - 0.2); = ( = ( - 0.0005)); } else {, moveHelicopter);"shoot"); wallAttackTimerHelicopter.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, attackWallHelicopter); wallAttackTimerHelicopter.start(); wallDemageHelicopters = (wallDemageHelicopters + helicopterDemage); destHelicopterNum++; }; }; }; } public function downAmmo(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:uint; var _local3:uint; var _local4:uint; var _local5:uint; var _local6:uint; var _local7:uint; ammoTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, removeAmmo); ammoTimer.start(); ammoTimerSingle.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, removeAmmo); ammoTimerSingle.start(); stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, holdAmmo); _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < soldiers.length) { soldiers[_local2].addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, hitSoldier); _local2++; }; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < bazookas.length) { bazookas[_local3].addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, hitBazooka); _local3++; }; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < turrets.length) { turrets[_local4].addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, hitTurret); _local4++; }; _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < jeeps.length) { jeeps[_local5].addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, hitJeep); _local5++; }; _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < tanks.length) { tanks[_local6].addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, hitTank); _local6++; }; _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < helicopters.length) { helicopters[_local7].addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, hitHelicopter); _local7++; }; } public function moveJeep(_arg1:Event):void{ if (!root.isPause){ if (root.isGame){ if ( > jeepsDestination[destJeepNum]){ = ( - 1.5); = ( - 0.1); = ( = ( - 0.001)); } else {, moveJeep);"shoot"); wallAttackTimerJeep.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, attackWallJeep); wallAttackTimerJeep.start(); wallDemageJeeps = (wallDemageJeeps + jeepDemage); destJeepNum++; }; }; }; } public function backToMain():void{ levelNum = 0; parent.curFrame = 0; second = false; parent.zoomForce = true; gOver = false; parent.addZoom(); } public function startMovingJeep(_arg1:Event):void{ addChild(jeeps[jeepNum]); jeeps[jeepNum].addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveJeep); jeepNum++; } public function restoreSelection(_arg1:TweenEvent):void{ stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, selectWeapon); } public function createJeeps():void{ var _local1:uint; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < jeepsTime) { jeep_mc = new Jeep(); jeep_mc.x = ((Math.random() * 100) + stage.stageWidth); jeep_mc.y = ((Math.random() * 80) + 300); = ("jeep" + _local1); jeeps.push(jeep_mc); jeepsDestination[_local1] = ((Math.random() * 100) + 350); jeepHealth = (jeeps[_local1].getChildByName("jeepHealth").getChildAt(1).scaleX * 100); jeepsHealthArr.push(jeepHealth); _local1++; }; } public function activateAimForce(_arg1:Event):void{ if (!root.isPause){ if ((((levelNum == 2)) && ((aimForce == true)))){ if (!shopOn){ stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, moveTarget); stage.removeEventListener(Event.MOUSE_LEAVE, mouseLeaveHandler); stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, circMove); stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, deactivateAim); stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, activateAim); target_mc.visible = false; gunHolder_mc.visible = false; }; aimForce = false; }; }; } public function clearAmmo():void{ var _local1:int; _local1 = (ammo_mc.numChildren - 1); while (_local1 >= 0) { ammo_mc.removeChild(ammo_mc.getChildAt(_local1)); _local1--; }; } public function hitBazooka(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:int; if (gOver == false){ _local2 ="bazookasHealth").getChildAt(1); if ("bazBodyMask").visible == true){ _local3 = (debries.length - 1); while (_local3 >= 0) { if (debries[_local3].hitTestObject("bazHeadMask"))){ if (_local2.scaleX > 0){ _local2.scaleX = (_local2.scaleX - demBazHead); } else { if (_local2.scaleX <= 0){ _local2.scaleX = 0;, hitBazooka);, moveBazooka);"bazookaAnim").gotoAndPlay("headShot"); }; }; } else { if (debries[_local3].hitTestObject("bazBodyMask"))){ if (_local2.scaleX > 0){ _local2.scaleX = (_local2.scaleX - demBazBody); } else { if (_local2.scaleX <= 0){ _local2.scaleX = 0;, hitBazooka);, moveBazooka);"bazookaAnim").gotoAndPlay("die"); }; }; } else { if (debries[_local3].hitTestObject("bazLegsMask"))){ if (_local2.scaleX > 0){ _local2.scaleX = (_local2.scaleX - demBazLegs); } else { if (_local2.scaleX <= 0){ _local2.scaleX = 0;, hitBazooka);, moveBazooka);"bazookaAnim").gotoAndPlay("legShot"); }; }; }; }; }; _local3--; }; }; }; } public function reloadAmmoEvent(_arg1:Event):void{ if (!gOver){ reloadAmmo(); }; } public function debriesOff(_arg1:Event):void{ debriesClear(); } public function gotoShop():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; var _local3:int; var _local4:int; var _local5:int; var _local6:int; trace(("DEAD UNITS : " + deadUnits)); solMTimer.delay = 2500; solMTimer.stop(); stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, moveTarget); stage.removeEventListener(Event.MOUSE_LEAVE, mouseLeaveHandler); stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, circMove); stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, downAmmo); stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, reloadOnDemand); wallAttackTimerSoldier.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, attackWallSoldier); wallAttackTimerBazooka.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, attackWallBazooka); wallAttackTimerTurret.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, attackWallTurret); wallAttackTimerJeep.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, attackWallJeep); wallAttackTimerTank.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, attackWallTank); wallAttackTimerHelicopter.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, attackWallHelicopter); solTime.reset(); turTime.reset(); jeepTime.reset(); tankTime.reset(); _local1 = (soldiers.length - 1); while (_local1 >= 0) { removeChild(getChildByName(("soldier" + _local1))); soldiers.pop(); _local1--; }; _local2 = (bazookas.length - 1); while (_local2 >= 0) { removeChild(getChildByName(("bazooka" + _local2))); bazookas.pop(); _local2--; }; _local3 = (turrets.length - 1); while (_local3 >= 0) { removeChild(getChildByName(("turret" + _local3))); turrets.pop(); _local3--; }; _local4 = (jeeps.length - 1); while (_local4 >= 0) { removeChild(getChildByName(("jeep" + _local4))); jeeps.pop(); _local4--; }; _local5 = (tanks.length - 1); while (_local5 >= 0) { removeChild(getChildByName(("tank" + _local5))); tanks.pop(); _local5--; }; _local6 = (helicopters.length - 1); while (_local6 >= 0) { removeChild(getChildByName(("helicopter" + _local6))); helicopters.pop(); _local6--; }; removeChild(gunHolder_mc); removeChild(target_mc);; shopOn = true; parent.gunSelectHolder.visible = false; ammoTimerSingle.stop(); ammoTimer.stop(); stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, activateAim); stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, deactivateAim); parent.shopFrame(); parent.spaceDown = false; wallDemage = 0; wallDemageSoldiers = 0; wallDemageBazookas = 0; wallDemageTurrets = 0; wallDemageJeeps = 0; wallDemageTanks = 0; wallDemageHelicopters = 0; deadUnits = 0; this.transform.colorTransform = gameBrightnessNormal; levelDownTrigger(); gotoAndStop("shop"); } public function createTanksNum(_arg1:Event):void{ tanksNum_txt.text = String(startTank); startTank++; } public function addAmmo():void{ var _local1:uint; if (!gOver){ _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < maxAmmo) { ammoElement_mc = new AmmoElement(); ammo_mc.addChild(ammoElement_mc); ammoElement_mc.x = (ammoElement_mc.x + (ammoElement_mc.width * _local1)); = ("ammoElement" + _local1); _local1++; }; }; } public function hitTank(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:int; _local2 ="tankHealth_mc").getChildAt(1); if ("bodyMask").visible == true){ _local3 = (debries.length - 1); while (_local3 >= 0) { if (debries[_local3].hitTestObject("bodyMask"))){ if (_local2.scaleX > 0){ _local2.scaleX = (_local2.scaleX - demTank); } else { if (_local2.scaleX <= 0){ _local2.scaleX = 0;, hitTank);, moveTank);"tankAnim_mc").gotoAndPlay("die"); }; }; }; _local3--; }; }; } public function stopMusic():void{ if (solMusicNum > 1){ solMusicNum--; }; } public function startMovingHelicopter(_arg1:Event):void{ addChild(helicopters[helicopterNum]); helicopters[helicopterNum].addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveHelicopter); helicopterNum++; } public function backToWelcome(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ backToWelcomeSingle(); } public function createJeepsNum(_arg1:Event):void{ jeepsNum_txt.text = String(startJeep); startJeep++; } public function activateAim(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{ if (!root.isPause){ if (levelNum != 2){ if (_arg1.keyCode == 32){ if (!shopOn){ stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, moveTarget); stage.removeEventListener(Event.MOUSE_LEAVE, mouseLeaveHandler); stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, circMove); stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, deactivateAim); stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, activateAim); target_mc.visible = false; gunHolder_mc.x = mouseX; gunHolder_mc.y = mouseY; setChildIndex(gunHolder_mc, (this.numChildren - 2)); gunHolder_mc.visible = false; }; }; }; }; } public function moreGamesOver(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ root.moreGamesMain(); } public function levelUpTrigger():void{ stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, levelUp); } public function shopHandler(_arg1:Event):void{ if (deadUnits >= allLevelUnits){ stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, shopHandler); gotoShop(); deadUnits = 0; }; } public function growTarget():void{ if (!root.isPause){ target_mc.tPart1_mc.y = (target_mc.tPart1_mc.y - 1.5); target_mc.tPart2_mc.y = (target_mc.tPart2_mc.y + 1.5); target_mc.tPart3_mc.x = (target_mc.tPart3_mc.x + 1.5); target_mc.tPart4_mc.x = (target_mc.tPart4_mc.x - 1.5); }; } public function hitSoldierSingle(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ } public function backToWelcomeSingle():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; var _local3:int; var _local4:int; var _local5:int; var _local6:int; root.wasCredits = false; root.upMusic(); ctrl_Level.stop(); levelNum = 0; parent.curFrame = 0; second = false; parent.zoomForce = true; gOver = false; parent.addZoom(); root.gunSelectHolder.visible = true; wallSwitch = 0; _local1 = (soldiers.length - 1); while (_local1 >= 0) { removeChild(getChildByName(("soldier" + _local1))); soldiers.pop(); _local1--; }; _local2 = (bazookas.length - 1); while (_local2 >= 0) { removeChild(getChildByName(("bazooka" + _local2))); bazookas.pop(); _local2--; }; _local3 = (turrets.length - 1); while (_local3 >= 0) { removeChild(getChildByName(("turret" + _local3))); turrets.pop(); _local3--; }; _local4 = (jeeps.length - 1); while (_local4 >= 0) { removeChild(getChildByName(("jeep" + _local4))); jeeps.pop(); _local4--; }; _local5 = (tanks.length - 1); while (_local5 >= 0) { removeChild(getChildByName(("tank" + _local5))); tanks.pop(); _local5--; }; _local6 = (helicopters.length - 1); while (_local6 >= 0) { removeChild(getChildByName(("helicopter" + _local6))); helicopters.pop(); _local6--; }; parent.gotoAndStop("mainMenu"); } public function moveTargetSingle():void{ setChildIndex(target_mc, (this.numChildren - 2)); setChildIndex(gunHolder_mc, (this.numChildren - 1)); target_mc.visible = true; target_mc.x = mouseX; target_mc.y = mouseY; } public function attackWallTurret(_arg1:Event):void{ if (gOver == false){ if (!root.isPause){ if (wallHealth > 0){ wallHealth = (wallHealth - (wallDemageTurrets + (5 * root.wallPlus))); wallHealth_txt.text = String(wallHealth); } else { gameOver(); }; }; }; } public function hitHelicopter(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:int; _local2 ="helicopterHealth_mc").getChildAt(1); if ("bodyMask").visible == true){ _local3 = (debries.length - 1); while (_local3 >= 0) { if (debries[_local3].hitTestObject("bodyMask"))){ if (_local2.scaleX > 0){ _local2.scaleX = (_local2.scaleX - demHelic); } else { if (_local2.scaleX <= 0){ _local2.scaleX = 0;, hitHelicopter);, moveHelicopter);"helicAnim_mc").gotoAndPlay("die"); }; }; }; _local3--; }; }; } public function gameOver():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; var _local3:int; var _local4:int; var _local5:int; var _local6:int; var _local7:uint; solMTimer.stop(); gOver = true; root.isGame = false; stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, moveTarget); stage.removeEventListener(Event.MOUSE_LEAVE, mouseLeaveHandler); stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, circMove); stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, downAmmo); stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, reloadOnDemand); stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, activateAim); stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, deactivateAim); if (target_mc != null){ removeChild(target_mc); }; if (gunHolder_mc != null){ removeChild(gunHolder_mc); };; allBullets = 0; headshotsNum = 0; legshotsNum = 0; levelMoney = 0; accuracy = 0; shopOn = false; solTime.reset(); turTime.reset(); jeepTime.reset(); tankTime.reset(); helicTime.reset(); bazTime.reset(); levelNum = 0; buyedWeapon = 0; parent.gunSelectHolder.visible = false; wallDemage = 0; wallDemageSoldiers = 0; wallDemageBazookas = 0; wallDemageTurrets = 0; wallDemageJeeps = 0; wallDemageTanks = 0; wallDemageHelicopters = 0; deadUnits = 0; wallHealth = 1000; totalMoney = 0; ammoTimerSingle.stop(); ammoTimer.stop(); parent.shopFrame(); parent.spaceDown = false; parent.curFrame = 0; wallHealth = 0; wallHealth_txt.text = "0"; _local1 = (soldiers.length - 1); while (_local1 >= 0) { wallAttackTimerSoldier.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, attackWallSoldier); wallAttackTimerSoldier.stop(); soldiers[_local1].guy.gotoAndStop(1); _local1--; }; _local2 = (bazookas.length - 1); while (_local2 >= 0) { wallAttackTimerBazooka.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, attackWallBazooka); bazookas[_local2].bazookaAnim.bazAmmo.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, bazookas[_local2].bazookaAnim.moveBazAmmo); bazookas[_local2].bazookaAnim.bazAmmo.gotoAndStop(1); wallAttackTimerBazooka.stop(); _local2--; }; _local3 = (turrets.length - 1); while (_local3 >= 0) { wallAttackTimerTurret.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, attackWallTurret); wallAttackTimerTurret.stop(); turrets[_local3].turAnim_mc.gotoAndStop(1); _local3--; }; _local4 = (jeeps.length - 1); while (_local4 >= 0) { wallAttackTimerJeep.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, attackWallJeep); wallAttackTimerJeep.stop(); jeeps[_local4].jeepAnim_mc.gotoAndStop(1); _local4--; }; _local5 = (tanks.length - 1); while (_local5 >= 0) { wallAttackTimerTank.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, attackWallTank); wallAttackTimerTank.stop(); tanks[_local5].tankAnim_mc.gotoAndStop(1); _local5--; }; _local6 = (helicopters.length - 1); while (_local6 >= 0) { wallAttackTimerHelicopter.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, attackWallHelicopter); wallAttackTimerHelicopter.stop(); helicopters[_local6].helicAnim_mc.gotoAndStop(1); _local6--; }; _local7 = 1; while (_local7 < (wall_mc.numChildren - 1)) { wall_mc.getChildAt(_local7).gotoAndStop(3); _local7++; }; this.transform.colorTransform = gameBrightnessNormal; gotoAndStop("gameOver"); } public function createSoldiersNum(_arg1:Event):void{ soldiersNum_txt.text = String(startSoldier); startSoldier++; } } }//package battlefield5_fla
Section 15
//gameOver_mc_69 (battlefield5_fla.gameOver_mc_69) package battlefield5_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class gameOver_mc_69 extends MovieClip { public var moreGames_btn:MovieClip; public var tryAgain_mc:MovieClip; public var mainMenu:MovieClip; } }//package battlefield5_fla
Section 16
//gr_Firebazuka_101 (battlefield5_fla.gr_Firebazuka_101) package battlefield5_fla { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; public dynamic class gr_Firebazuka_101 extends MovieClip { public function gr_Firebazuka_101(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 16, frame17); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame17(){ stop(); } } }//package battlefield5_fla
Section 17
//gunHolder_mc_47 (battlefield5_fla.gunHolder_mc_47) package battlefield5_fla { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; public dynamic class gunHolder_mc_47 extends MovieClip { public var fire_mc:MovieClip; public function gunHolder_mc_47(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ gotoAndStop((root.ar_Weapons[root.WNum] + 1)); } } }//package battlefield5_fla
Section 18
//gunSelectHolder_72 (battlefield5_fla.gunSelectHolder_72) package battlefield5_fla { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; public dynamic class gunSelectHolder_72 extends MovieClip { public function gunSelectHolder_72(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package battlefield5_fla
Section 19
//helicopterAnim_mc_116 (battlefield5_fla.helicopterAnim_mc_116) package battlefield5_fla { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; public dynamic class helicopterAnim_mc_116 extends MovieClip { public var helicAnimElement:MovieClip; public var deadSwitch:Boolean; public function helicopterAnim_mc_116(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 3, frame4, 4, frame5, 17, frame18, 18, frame19, 28, frame29); } public function flySd(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ if (parent.parent.gOver == false){; }; } function frame18(){ gotoAndPlay("shoot"); } function frame1(){ } function frame19(){ if (root != null){ if ((((parent.getChildByName("bodyMask").visible == true)) && ((parent.parent.gOver == false)))){ parent.getChildByName("bodyMask").visible = false; }; }; } function frame4(){ gotoAndPlay("run"); } function frame5(){ deadSwitch = false; } function frame29(){ stop(); if (root != null){ if (parent.parent != null){ if (parent != null){ if ((((parent.parent.gOver == false)) && ((parent.parent.shopOn == false)))){ if (!deadSwitch){ if (parent.parent.wallDemageHelicopters > 0){ parent.parent.wallDemageHelicopters = (parent.parent.wallDemageHelicopters - parent.parent.helicopterDemage); }; parent.parent.deadUnits++; parent.parent.levelMoney = (parent.parent.levelMoney + 150); parent.visible = false; }; }; }; }; }; } } }//package battlefield5_fla
Section 20
//helicopterHealth_119 (battlefield5_fla.helicopterHealth_119) package battlefield5_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class helicopterHealth_119 extends MovieClip { public var helicopterHealthMask:MovieClip; } }//package battlefield5_fla
Section 21
//instructions_mc_39 (battlefield5_fla.instructions_mc_39) package battlefield5_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class instructions_mc_39 extends MovieClip { public var startGame_btn:MovieClip; } }//package battlefield5_fla
Section 22
//jeepAnim_mc_128 (battlefield5_fla.jeepAnim_mc_128) package battlefield5_fla { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; public dynamic class jeepAnim_mc_128 extends MovieClip { public var jeepAnimElement:MovieClip; public var deadSwitch:Boolean; public function jeepAnim_mc_128(){ addFrameScript(14, frame15, 15, frame16, 62, frame63, 63, frame64, 76, frame77); } function frame64(){ if ((((parent.getChildByName("bodyMask").visible == true)) && ((parent.parent.gOver == false)))){ parent.getChildByName("bodyMask").visible = false; }; } function frame77(){ stop(); if (root != null){ if (parent.parent != null){ if (parent != null){ if ((((parent.parent.gOver == false)) && ((parent.parent.shopOn == false)))){ if (!deadSwitch){ if (parent.parent.wallDemageJeeps > 0){ parent.parent.wallDemageJeeps = (parent.parent.wallDemageJeeps - parent.parent.jeepDemage); }; parent.parent.deadJeeps++; parent.parent.deadUnits++; parent.parent.levelMoney = (parent.parent.levelMoney + 75); parent.visible = false; deadSwitch = true; }; }; }; }; }; } function frame15(){ gotoAndPlay("run"); } function frame16(){ deadSwitch = false; if (root != null){ if (parent.parent != null){ if (parent != null){ if (parent.parent.gOver == false){; }; }; }; }; } function frame63(){ gotoAndPlay("shoot"); } } }//package battlefield5_fla
Section 23
//jeepHealth_131 (battlefield5_fla.jeepHealth_131) package battlefield5_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class jeepHealth_131 extends MovieClip { public var jeepHealthMask:MovieClip; } }//package battlefield5_fla
Section 24
//logo_mc_2 (battlefield5_fla.logo_mc_2) package battlefield5_fla { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; public dynamic class logo_mc_2 extends MovieClip { public var loading_mc:MovieClip; public var link_btn:SimpleButton; public function logo_mc_2(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 89, frame90); } function frame90(){ stop(); root.nextFrame(); } function frame1(){ stop(); link_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoWeb); } public function gotoWeb(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ } } }//package battlefield5_fla
Section 25
//MainTimeline (battlefield5_fla.MainTimeline) package battlefield5_fla { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; public dynamic class MainTimeline extends MovieClip { public var nigthVision_cmf:ColorMatrixFilter; public var volumeAmbient:SoundTransform; public var selectabl_arr:Array; public var isGame:Boolean; public var bf:BlurFilter; public var bm:Bitmap; public var amount:Number; public var dMap:BitmapData; public var welcomeScreen:MovieClip; public var second:Boolean; public var preloader:MovieClip; public var pause_mc:MovieClip; public var wallPlus:uint; public var bdHolder:MovieClip; public var infrared_cf:ConvolutionFilter; public var ctrl_Ambient:SoundChannel; public var nigthVision_cf:ConvolutionFilter; public var hardMult:uint; public var infrared_cmf:ColorMatrixFilter; public var aim_mc:MovieClip; public var zoomForce:Boolean; public var our_btn:SimpleButton; public var isPause:Boolean; public var game_mc:MovieClip; public var space:Boolean; public var curFrame:int; public var playerName:String; public var termalHeat_cmf:ColorMatrixFilter; public var gunSelectHolder:MovieClip; public var ambient_sd:Sound; public var credits_mc:MovieClip; public var hard_mc:MovieClip; public var wasCredits:Boolean; public var toolTip_mc:MovieClip; public var termalHeat_cf:ConvolutionFilter; public var mLogo_mc:MovieClip; public var ar_Weapons:Array; public var WNum:Number; public var healthMult:uint; public var instructions:MovieClip; public var wPrice_arr:Array; public var mask_mc:MovieClip; public var name_mc:MovieClip; public var black_mc:MovieClip; public var normal_mc:MovieClip; public function MainTimeline(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 3, frame4, 4, frame5, 5, frame6, 6, frame7); } public function shopFrame():void{ deactivateZoomSingle(); stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, activateZoom); stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, deactivateZoom); space = false; } public function addZoom():void{ stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, activateZoom); stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, deactivateZoom); } public function checkActivity():void{ stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, activateZoom); stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, deactivateZoom); stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, drawScene); space = false; } public function moreGamesMain():void{ var _local1:String; var _local2:URLRequest; _local1 = ""; _local2 = new URLRequest(_local1); navigateToURL(_local2, "_blank"); } public function showTooltip(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ toolTip_mc.visible = true; } public function buyWeapon(_arg1:Number):void{ if (ar_Weapons.indexOf(_arg1) == -1){ ar_Weapons.push(_arg1); }; } public function upMusic():void{ stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, ambientUp); } public function logoLink(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:String; var _local3:URLRequest; _local2 = ""; _local3 = new URLRequest(_local2); navigateToURL(_local3, "_blank"); } public function hideTooltip(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ toolTip_mc.visible = false; } function frame2(){ ambient_sd = new Ambient(); if (!wasCredits){ ctrl_Ambient =, 0xFFFF); volumeAmbient = ctrl_Ambient.soundTransform; wasCredits = true; }; stop(); welcomeScreen.play_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playGame); welcomeScreen.credits_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, creditsScreen); welcomeScreen.moreGames_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, moreGames); welcomeScreen.gamingNews_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gamingNews); welcomeScreen.logo_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, logoLink); mLogo_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, moreGames); welcomeScreen.play_btn.buttonMode = true; welcomeScreen.credits_btn.buttonMode = true; welcomeScreen.moreGames_btn.buttonMode = true; welcomeScreen.gamingNews_btn.buttonMode = true; welcomeScreen.logo_mc.buttonMode = true; mLogo_mc.buttonMode = true; } function frame3(){ name_mc.okName_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoInstructions); name_mc.okName_btn.buttonMode = true; } public function deactivateZoom(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{ if (!root.isPause){ if (game_mc.levelNum != 2){ if (_arg1.keyCode == 32){ if (space){ stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, deactivateZoom); stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, activateZoom); deactivateZoomSingle(); }; }; }; }; } function frame5(){ pause_mc.visible = false; stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, pauseOn); ar_Weapons = new Array(); wPrice_arr = ["Purchased", 1500, 3000, 5000, 8300, 10000]; selectabl_arr = [false, true, true, true, true, true]; WNum = 0; ar_Weapons.push(0); stop(); zoomForce = true; dMap = new BitmapData(650, 450, false, 0); bf = new BlurFilter(3, 3, 1); nigthVision_cmf = new ColorMatrixFilter([1.3, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0.5, -0.1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0.3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]); nigthVision_cf = new ConvolutionFilter(3, 3, new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 1.3, 0, 0, 0, 1.3), 0); infrared_cmf = new ColorMatrixFilter([2, 1.5, -5, 0, 45, 0.3, -0.15, 1, 0, -28, 0, 0.3, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]); infrared_cf = new ConvolutionFilter(3, 3, new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), 0); termalHeat_cmf = new ColorMatrixFilter([4, 1.5, -3.5, 0, 0, 1.3, 0, -1.5, 0, 0, -0.4, 0, 1.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]); termalHeat_cf = new ConvolutionFilter(3, 3, new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), 0); bm = new Bitmap(dMap); bdHolder.scaleX = 1.5; bdHolder.scaleY = 1.5; bm.smoothing = true; black_mc.visible = false; stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, activateZoom); stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, activateZoomForce); trace(("CURRENT FRAME : " + curFrame)); } function frame6(){ stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, activateZoomForce); } function frame7(){ toolTip_mc.visible = false; credits_mc.mainMenu.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, backToMain); our_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, toFirefly); our_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, showTooltip); our_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, hideTooltip); credits_mc.mainMenu.buttonMode = true; } function frame1(){ stop(); this.loaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, loading); } public function moreGames(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ moreGamesMain(); } public function pauseOn(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{ if (_arg1.keyCode == 27){ if (!isPause){ if (isGame){ pauseOnSingle(); }; } else { if (isPause){ if (isGame){ pauseOffSingle(); }; }; }; }; } function frame4(){ normal_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, normalMode); hard_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, hardMode); normal_mc.buttonMode = true; hard_mc.buttonMode = true; } public function backToMain(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ gotoAndStop("mainMenu"); } public function downMusic():void{ stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, ambientDown); } public function gotoInstructions(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (name_mc.name_txt.text == ""){ playerName = "Player1"; } else { playerName = name_mc.name_txt.text; }; nextFrame(); trace(playerName); } public function fadeMusic():void{ stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, ambientDown); } public function activateZoomForce(_arg1:Event):void{ if (!root.isPause){ if ((((game_mc.levelNum == 2)) && ((zoomForce == true)))){ curFrame = 2; activateZoomSingle(); second = true; space = false; zoomForce = false; }; }; } public function normalMode(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ fadeMusic(); root.wallPlus = 0; root.isHard = false; root.hardMult = 1; root.healthMult = 0; play(); } public function pauseOnSingle():void{ var _local1:uint; var _local2:uint; trace("Pause is ON"); pause_mc.visible = true; isPause = true; game_mc.solMTimer.stop();; while (_local1 < game_mc.soldiers.length) { if (game_mc.getChildByName(("soldier" + _local1)) != null){ game_mc.getChildByName(("soldier" + _local1)).guy.stop(); }; _local1++; }; while (_local2 < game_mc.bazookas.length) { if (game_mc.getChildByName(("bazooka" + _local2)) != null){ game_mc.getChildByName(("bazooka" + _local2)).bazookaAnim.stop(); }; _local2++; }; } public function hardMode(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ fadeMusic(); root.wallPlus = 1; root.isHard = true; root.hardMult = 2; root.healthMult = 0.0005; play(); } public function loading(_arg1:ProgressEvent):void{ trace("dasdasd"); amount = (_arg1.bytesLoaded / _arg1.bytesTotal); preloader.logo2_mc.loading_mc.loader_txt.text = Math.round((String(amount) * 100)); preloader.logo2_mc.loading_mc.bar_mc.scaleX = amount; if (amount == 1){; }; } public function playGame(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ nextFrame(); } public function activateZoomSingle():void{ if (!root.isPause){ stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, drawScene); stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, deactivateZoom); trace("ZOOM ACTIVATED"); space = true; }; } public function pauseOffSingle():void{ var _local1:uint; var _local2:uint; var _local3:uint; var _local4:uint; pause_mc.visible = false; isPause = false; if (isGame){ Mouse.hide(); game_mc.solMTimer.reset(); game_mc.solMTimer.start(); while (_local1 < game_mc.soldiers.length) { if (game_mc.getChildByName(("soldier" + _local1)) != null){ game_mc.getChildByName(("soldier" + _local1)); }; _local1++; }; while (_local2 < game_mc.bazookas.length) { if (game_mc.getChildByName(("bazooka" + _local2)) != null){ game_mc.getChildByName(("bazooka" + _local2)); }; _local2++; }; while (_local3 < game_mc.bazookas.length) { if (game_mc.bazookas[_local3].bazookaAnim.bFire == true){ game_mc.bazookas[_local3]; }; _local3++; }; _local4 = 1; while (_local4 < game_mc.wall_mc.numChildren) { if (game_mc.wall_mc.numChildren > 1){ }; _local4++; }; }; } public function ambientUp(_arg1:Event):void{ if (volumeAmbient.volume < 1){ volumeAmbient.volume = (volumeAmbient.volume + 0.05); ctrl_Ambient.soundTransform = volumeAmbient; } else { stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, ambientUp); }; } public function hideMask():void{ mask_mc.visible = false; } public function ambientDown(_arg1:Event):void{ if (volumeAmbient.volume >= 0.1){ volumeAmbient.volume = (volumeAmbient.volume - 0.025); ctrl_Ambient.soundTransform = volumeAmbient; } else { stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, ambientDown); }; } public function activateZoom(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{ if (!root.isPause){ if (_arg1.keyCode == 32){ if (!space){ trace("ZOOM EVENT"); activateZoomSingle(); second = true; curFrame = 2; }; }; }; } public function toFirefly(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:String; var _local3:URLRequest; _local2 = ""; _local3 = new URLRequest(_local2); navigateToURL(_local3, "_blank"); } public function removePL():void{ stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, pauseOn); game_mc.solMTimer.stop(); } public function deactivateZoomSingle():void{ if (!root.isPause){ trace(("LEVEL NUM IS : " + game_mc.levelNum)); stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, drawScene); mask_mc.stopDrag(); bdHolder.visible = false; mask_mc.visible = false; aim_mc.visible = false; black_mc.visible = false; curFrame = 2; second = true; space = false; trace("ZOOM DEACTIVATED"); }; } public function gamingNews(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:String; var _local3:URLRequest; _local2 = ""; _local3 = new URLRequest(_local2); navigateToURL(_local3, "_blank"); } public function creditsScreen(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ gotoAndStop("credits"); } public function drawScene(_arg1:Event):void{ if (!root.isPause){ if (!game_mc.shopOn){ if (second){ mask_mc.startDrag(); bdHolder.visible = true; mask_mc.visible = true; black_mc.visible = true; aim_mc.visible = true; stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, deactivateZoom); second = false; }; if (curFrame == 2){ bdHolder.mask = mask_mc; mask_mc.startDrag(true); bdHolder.addChild(bm); curFrame++; }; if (curFrame == 3){ dMap.draw(game_mc); bdHolder.x = (-(mouseX) * 0.5); bdHolder.y = (-(mouseY) * 0.5); mask_mc.x = mouseX; mask_mc.y = mouseY; aim_mc.x = mouseX; aim_mc.y = mouseY; if (game_mc.levelNum == 3){ dMap.applyFilter(dMap, dMap.rect, new Point(0, 0), nigthVision_cmf); dMap.applyFilter(dMap, dMap.rect, new Point(0, 0), nigthVision_cf); }; }; }; } else { if (root.isPause){ mask_mc.stopDrag(); }; }; } } }//package battlefield5_fla
Section 26
//mcdeathbazuka_102 (battlefield5_fla.mcdeathbazuka_102) package battlefield5_fla { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; public dynamic class mcdeathbazuka_102 extends MovieClip { public function mcdeathbazuka_102(){ addFrameScript(12, frame13); } function frame13(){ stop(); } } }//package battlefield5_fla
Section 27
//mcrifleman_die_152 (battlefield5_fla.mcrifleman_die_152) package battlefield5_fla { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; public dynamic class mcrifleman_die_152 extends MovieClip { public function mcrifleman_die_152(){ addFrameScript(15, frame16); } function frame16(){ stop(); } } }//package battlefield5_fla
Section 28
//message_mc_58 (battlefield5_fla.message_mc_58) package battlefield5_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class message_mc_58 extends MovieClip { public var noWeapon_mc:MovieClip; public var oneW_mc:MovieClip; public var alreadyP_mc:MovieClip; public var purchased_mc:MovieClip; public var lowMoney_mc:MovieClip; } }//package battlefield5_fla
Section 29
//NameEnter_mc_37 (battlefield5_fla.NameEnter_mc_37) package battlefield5_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class NameEnter_mc_37 extends MovieClip { public var okName_btn:MovieClip; public var name_txt:TextField; } }//package battlefield5_fla
Section 30
//pause_mc_77 (battlefield5_fla.pause_mc_77) package battlefield5_fla { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; public dynamic class pause_mc_77 extends MovieClip { public var back_btn:SimpleButton; public var moreGames_btn:SimpleButton; public var backPause_btn:SimpleButton; public var instructions_btn:SimpleButton; public var main_btn:SimpleButton; public function pause_mc_77(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2); } public function backToPause(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ prevFrame(); } function frame1(){ stop(); main_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goMain); instructions_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goIns); back_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goBack); moreGames_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, moreGames); } function frame2(){ backPause_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, backToPause); } public function moreGames(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ root.moreGamesMain(); } public function goMain(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ parent.removePL(); parent.isGame = false; parent.pauseOffSingle(); root.wasCredits = false; root.upMusic(); root.game_mc.ctrl_Level.stop(); root.game_mc.ammoTimer.stop(); root.game_mc.ammoTimerSingle.stop(); root.game_mc.backToMain(); root.game_mc.levelDownTrigger(); stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, root.game_mc.downAmmo); stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, root.game_mc.reloadOnDemand); root.gotoAndStop("mainMenu"); } public function goIns(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ nextFrame(); } public function goBack(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ parent.pauseOffSingle(); } } }//package battlefield5_fla
Section 31
//preloader_1 (battlefield5_fla.preloader_1) package battlefield5_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class preloader_1 extends MovieClip { public var logo2_mc:MovieClip; } }//package battlefield5_fla
Section 32
//shop_mc_57 (battlefield5_fla.shop_mc_57) package battlefield5_fla { import*; import fl.transitions.*; import flash.display.*; import fl.transitions.easing.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; public dynamic class shop_mc_57 extends MovieClip { public var headshots_txt:TextField; public var levelNum_txt:TextField; public var toBuy_arr:Array; public var accuracy_txt:TextField; public var volumeWinLevel:SoundTransform; public var numJeeps_txt:TextField; public var ctrl_winLevel:SoundChannel; public var numTurrets_txt:TextField; public var headshotBonus_txt:TextField; public var price_txt:TextField; public var weaponIconHolder:Sprite; public var buyed_arr:Array; public var message_mc:MovieClip; public var buyWeapon_btn:MovieClip; public var winLevel_sd:Sound; public var legshotBonus:uint; public var accuracy:Number; public var numSoldiers_txt:TextField; public var acuracyBonus:Number; public var numTanks_txt:TextField; public var legshotBonus_txt:TextField; public var wIcon_arr:Array; public var noWeapon:uint; public var winDownTimer:Timer; public var weaponIconContainer:WeaponIconHolder; public var levelMoney_txt:TextField; public var fadeTween:Tween; public var accuracyBonus_txt:TextField; public var headshotBonus:uint; public var wLimit:Boolean; public var totalMoney_txt:TextField; public var scrollTween:Tween; public var wallRecover_mc:MovieClip; public var weapon_arr:Array; public var legshots_txt:TextField; public var levelMoney:uint; public var totalMoney:int; public function shop_mc_57(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } public function addScrollUp(_arg1:TweenEvent):void{ weaponIconContainer.arrowUp.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, scrollWeapon); } public function selectWeapon(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:uint; if (_arg1.currentTarget.selectabl){ price_txt.text = String(_arg1.currentTarget.wPrice); _arg1.currentTarget.gunPrice_txt.text = String(_arg1.currentTarget.wPrice); while (_local2 < weaponIconHolder.numChildren) { weapon_arr[_local2].select = false; weapon_arr[_local2].gotoAndStop(1); _local2++; }; _arg1.currentTarget.gotoAndStop(2); = true; }; } public function buyWeapon(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:uint; while (_local2 < weaponIconHolder.numChildren) { if (weapon_arr[_local2].select){ if ((((((weapon_arr[_local2].wPrice <= parent.totalMoney)) && ((wLimit == false)))) && (!((weapon_arr[_local2].wPrice == "Purchased"))))){ root.buyWeapon(weapon_arr[_local2].numer); parent.totalMoney = (parent.totalMoney - weapon_arr[_local2].wPrice); weapon_arr[_local2].wPrice = "Purchased"; root.wPrice_arr[_local2] = "Purchased"; root.selectabl_arr[_local2] = false; weapon_arr[_local2].selectabl = false; weapon_arr[_local2].select = false; weapon_arr[_local2].gotoAndStop(1); buyed_arr.push(toBuy_arr[_local2]); totalMoney_txt.text = (String(parent.totalMoney) + "$"); price_txt.text = "Purchased"; fadeFunc(message_mc.purchased_mc); wLimit = true; } else { if (wLimit){ trace("Only one buy per level allowed"); fadeFunc(message_mc.oneW_mc); } else { if (weapon_arr[_local2].wPrice == "Purchased"){ trace("Already Purchased"); fadeFunc(message_mc.alreadyP_mc); } else { if (weapon_arr[_local2].wPrice > parent.totalMoney){ trace("No money - no honey, loverboy!"); fadeFunc(message_mc.lowMoney_mc); }; }; }; }; } else { if (!weapon_arr[_local2].select){ noWeapon++; }; }; if (noWeapon >= 6){ trace("Please, select a weapon!"); fadeFunc(message_mc.noWeapon_mc); break; }; _local2++; }; noWeapon = 0; } function frame1(){ winLevel_sd = new WinLevel(); winDownTimer = new Timer(7000, 1); winDownTimer.start(); winDownTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, upLevel); ctrl_winLevel =; volumeWinLevel = ctrl_winLevel.soundTransform; wIcon_arr = [{className:WIcon1}, {className:WIcon2}, {className:WIcon3}, {className:WIcon4}, {className:WIcon5}, {className:WIcon6}]; weapon_arr = new Array(); weaponIconHolder = new Sprite(); totalMoney = parent.totalMoney; toBuy_arr = new Array(); buyed_arr = new Array(); buyWeapon_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, buyWeapon); buyWeapon_btn.buttonMode = true; wallRecover_mc.buttonMode = true; trace(totalMoney); weaponIconContainer.arrowUp.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, scrollWeapon); weaponIconContainer.arrowDown.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, scrollWeapon); wallRecover_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, recoverWall); wallRecover_mc.buttonMode = true; hideMeassages(); createWIcons(); levelMoney = parent.levelMoney; accuracy = ((parent.soldiersTime / parent.allBullets) * 100); accuracyBonus = (Math.round((accuracy * 100)) / 100); headshotBonus = (parent.headshotsNum * 20); legshotBonus = (parent.legshotsNum * 5); totalMoney = (totalMoney + (((levelMoney + headshotBonus) + legshotBonus) + accuracyBonus)); parent.totalMoney = (parent.totalMoney + totalMoney); numSoldiers_txt.text = (((String(parent.soldiersTime) + " of ") + String(parent.soldiersTime)) + " Soldiers"); if (parent.turretsTime > 0){ numTurrets_txt.text = (((String(parent.turretsTime) + " of ") + String(parent.turretsTime)) + " Turrets"); } else { numTurrets_txt.text = "0 of 0 Turrets"; }; if (parent.jeepsTime > 0){ numJeeps_txt.text = (((String(parent.jeepsTime) + " of ") + String(parent.jeepsTime)) + "Jeeps"); } else { numJeeps_txt.text = "0 of 0 Jeeps"; }; if (parent.tanksTime > 0){ numTanks_txt.text = (((String(parent.tanksTime) + " of ") + String(parent.tanksTime)) + " Tanks"); } else { numTanks_txt.text = "0 of 0 Tanks"; }; levelNum_txt.text = String(parent.levelNum); accuracy_txt.text = (String((Math.round((accuracy * 100)) / 100)) + "% Accuracy"); headshots_txt.text = (String(parent.headshotsNum) + " Headshots"); legshots_txt.text = (String(parent.legshotsNum) + " Legshots"); levelMoney_txt.text = (String(levelMoney) + "$"); accuracyBonus_txt.text = (String(accuracyBonus) + "$"); headshotBonus_txt.text = (String(headshotBonus) + "$"); legshotBonus_txt.text = (String(legshotBonus) + "$"); totalMoney_txt.text = (String(parent.totalMoney) + "$"); } public function addScrollDown(_arg1:TweenEvent):void{ weaponIconContainer.arrowDown.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, scrollWeapon); } public function createWIcons():void{ var _local1:MovieClip; var _local2:MovieClip; var _local3:Class; var _local4:uint; while (_local4 < 6) { _local3 = Class(wIcon_arr[_local4].className); _local1 = new (_local3); _local2 = new (_local3); _local1.buyed = false; _local1.wPrice = root.wPrice_arr[_local4]; _local1.gunPrice_txt.text = root.wPrice_arr[_local4]; = false; _local1.selectabl = root.selectabl_arr[_local4]; _local1.numer = _local4; = ("wIcon" + _local4); _local1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, selectWeapon); _local1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, checkSelection); _local1.x = 0; _local1.y = ((_local1.height + 10) * _local4); weapon_arr.push(_local1); toBuy_arr.push(_local2); weaponIconHolder.addChild(weapon_arr[_local4]); _local4++; }; weaponIconHolder.x = 15; weaponIconHolder.y = 20; weaponIconContainer.addChild(weaponIconHolder); weaponIconHolder.mask = weaponIconContainer.mask_mc; buyed_arr.push(toBuy_arr[0]); trace(("toBuy has : " + toBuy_arr)); } public function fadeOut(_arg1:TweenEvent):void{ fadeTween = new Tween(_arg1.currentTarget.obj, "alpha", Regular.easeOut, 1, 0, 15, false); } public function winDownTrigger():void{ stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, winLevelDown); } public function scrollWeapon(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (_arg1.currentTarget == weaponIconContainer.arrowUp){ if (weaponIconHolder.y <= -20){ trace(weaponIconHolder.y); scrollTween = new Tween(weaponIconHolder, "y", Regular.easeOut, weaponIconHolder.y, (weaponIconHolder.y + 85), 10, false); weaponIconContainer.arrowUp.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, scrollWeapon); scrollTween.addEventListener(TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH, addScrollUp); }; } else { if (_arg1.currentTarget == weaponIconContainer.arrowDown){ if (weaponIconHolder.y >= -235){ trace(weaponIconHolder.y); scrollTween = new Tween(weaponIconHolder, "y", Regular.easeOut, weaponIconHolder.y, (weaponIconHolder.y - 85), 10, false); weaponIconContainer.arrowDown.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, scrollWeapon); scrollTween.addEventListener(TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH, addScrollDown); }; }; }; } public function recoverWall(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((parent.wallHealth < 1000)) && ((parent.totalMoney > 0)))){ parent.wallHealth = (parent.wallHealth + 25); parent.totalMoney = (parent.totalMoney - 20); parent.wallHealth_txt.text = parent.wallHealth; totalMoney_txt.text = (String(parent.totalMoney) + "$"); }; if (parent.wallHealth >= 1000){ parent.wallHealth = 1000; parent.wallHealth_txt.text = parent.wallHealth; }; if (parseFloat(totalMoney_txt.text) <= 0){ parent.totalMoney = 0; totalMoney_txt.text = parent.totalMoney; }; } public function checkSelection(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ trace(; if ( == true){ trace(_arg1.currentTarget.wPrice); }; } public function fadeFunc(_arg1:MovieClip):void{ fadeTween = new Tween(_arg1, "alpha", Regular.easeOut, 0, 1, 15, false); fadeTween.addEventListener(TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH, fadeOut); } public function hideMeassages():void{ var _local1:uint; while (_local1 < message_mc.numChildren) { message_mc.getChildAt(_local1).alpha = 0; _local1++; }; } public function upLevel(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ winDownTrigger(); root.upMusic(); } public function winLevelDown(_arg1:Event):void{ if (volumeWinLevel.volume >= 0){ volumeWinLevel.volume = (volumeWinLevel.volume - 0.025); ctrl_winLevel.soundTransform = volumeWinLevel; } else { stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, winLevelDown); }; } } }//package battlefield5_fla
Section 33
//sprite63_3 (battlefield5_fla.sprite63_3) package battlefield5_fla { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; public dynamic class sprite63_3 extends MovieClip { public var loader_txt:TextField; public var bar_mc:MovieClip; public function sprite63_3(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package battlefield5_fla
Section 34
//tankAnim_mc_134 (battlefield5_fla.tankAnim_mc_134) package battlefield5_fla { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; public dynamic class tankAnim_mc_134 extends MovieClip { public var deadSwitch:Boolean; public function tankAnim_mc_134(){ addFrameScript(9, frame10, 10, frame11, 130, frame131, 131, frame132, 141, frame142); } function frame10(){ gotoAndPlay("run"); } function frame11(){ deadSwitch = false; if (parent.parent.gOver == false){; }; } function frame131(){ gotoAndPlay("shoot"); } function frame132(){ if ((((parent.getChildByName("bodyMask").visible == true)) && ((parent.parent.gOver == false)))){ parent.getChildByName("bodyMask").visible = false; }; } function frame142(){ stop(); if ((((parent.parent.gOver == false)) && ((parent.parent.shopOn == false)))){ if (!deadSwitch){ if (parent.parent.wallDemageTanks > 0){ parent.parent.wallDemageTanks = (parent.parent.wallDemageTanks - parent.parent.tankDemage); }; parent.parent.deadUnits++; parent.parent.levelMoney = (parent.parent.levelMoney + 100); deadSwitch = true; parent.visible = false; }; }; } } }//package battlefield5_fla
Section 35
//tankHealth_137 (battlefield5_fla.tankHealth_137) package battlefield5_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class tankHealth_137 extends MovieClip { public var helicopterHealthMask:MovieClip; } }//package battlefield5_fla
Section 36
//turAnim_mc_140 (battlefield5_fla.turAnim_mc_140) package battlefield5_fla { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; public dynamic class turAnim_mc_140 extends MovieClip { public var deadSwitch:Boolean; public var turAnimElement:MovieClip; public function turAnim_mc_140(){ addFrameScript(13, frame14, 14, frame15, 86, frame87, 87, frame88, 101, frame102); } function frame87(){ gotoAndPlay("shoot"); } function frame88(){ if (root != null){ if (parent.parent != null){ if (parent != null){ if ((((parent.parent.gOver == false)) && ((parent.parent.shopOn == false)))){ if (parent.parent.wallDemageTurrets > 0){ parent.parent.wallDemageTurrets = (parent.parent.wallDemageTurrets - parent.parent.turretDemage); parent.getChildByName("bodyMask").visible = false; }; }; }; }; }; } function frame14(){ gotoAndPlay("run"); } function frame102(){ stop(); if (root != null){ if (parent.parent != null){ if (parent != null){ if (this != null){ if ((((parent.parent.gOver == false)) && ((parent.parent.shopOn == false)))){ if (!deadSwitch){ parent.parent.deadUnits++; parent.parent.levelMoney = (parent.parent.levelMoney + 50); deadSwitch = true; parent.visible = false; }; }; }; }; }; }; } function frame15(){ deadSwitch = false; if (root != null){ if (parent.parent != null){ if (parent != null){ if (parent.parent.gOver == false){; }; }; }; }; } } }//package battlefield5_fla
Section 37
//turretHealth_143 (battlefield5_fla.turretHealth_143) package battlefield5_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class turretHealth_143 extends MovieClip { public var turHealthMask:MovieClip; } }//package battlefield5_fla
Section 38
//wall_mc_46 (battlefield5_fla.wall_mc_46) package battlefield5_fla { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; public dynamic class wall_mc_46 extends MovieClip { public function wall_mc_46(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ } } }//package battlefield5_fla
Section 39
//WelcomeScreen_mc_29 (battlefield5_fla.WelcomeScreen_mc_29) package battlefield5_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class WelcomeScreen_mc_29 extends MovieClip { public var moreGames_btn:MovieClip; public var credits_btn:MovieClip; public var gamingNews_btn:MovieClip; public var logo_mc:MovieClip; public var play_btn:MovieClip; } }//package battlefield5_fla
Section 40
//Regular (fl.transitions.easing.Regular) package fl.transitions.easing { public class Regular { public static function easeOut(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number):Number{ _arg1 = (_arg1 / _arg4); return ((((-(_arg3) * _arg1) * (_arg1 - 2)) + _arg2)); } public static function easeIn(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number):Number{ _arg1 = (_arg1 / _arg4); return ((((_arg3 * _arg1) * _arg1) + _arg2)); } public static function easeInOut(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number):Number{ _arg1 = (_arg1 / (_arg4 / 2)); if (_arg1 < 1){ return (((((_arg3 / 2) * _arg1) * _arg1) + _arg2)); }; --_arg1; return ((((-(_arg3) / 2) * ((_arg1 * (_arg1 - 2)) - 1)) + _arg2)); } } }//package fl.transitions.easing
Section 41
//Tween (fl.transitions.Tween) package fl.transitions { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; public class Tween extends EventDispatcher { private var _position:Number;// = NAN public var prevTime:Number;// = NAN public var prevPos:Number;// = NAN public var isPlaying:Boolean;// = false public var begin:Number;// = NAN private var _fps:Number;// = NAN private var _time:Number;// = NAN public var change:Number;// = NAN private var _finish:Number;// = NAN public var looping:Boolean;// = false private var _intervalID:uint;// = 0 public var func:Function; private var _timer:Timer;// = null private var _startTime:Number;// = NAN public var prop:String;// = "" private var _duration:Number;// = NAN public var obj:Object;// = null public var useSeconds:Boolean;// = false protected static var _mc:MovieClip = new MovieClip(); public function Tween(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String, _arg3:Function, _arg4:Number, _arg5:Number, _arg6:Number, _arg7:Boolean=false){ isPlaying = false; obj = null; prop = ""; func = function (_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number):Number{ return ((((_arg3 * _arg1) / _arg4) + _arg2)); }; begin = NaN; change = NaN; useSeconds = false; prevTime = NaN; prevPos = NaN; looping = false; _duration = NaN; _time = NaN; _fps = NaN; _position = NaN; _startTime = NaN; _intervalID = 0; _finish = NaN; _timer = null; super(); if (!arguments.length){ return; }; this.obj = _arg1; this.prop = _arg2; this.begin = _arg4; this.position = _arg4; this.duration = _arg6; this.useSeconds = _arg7; if ((_arg3 is Function)){ this.func = _arg3; }; this.finish = _arg5; this._timer = new Timer(100); this.start(); } public function continueTo(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ this.begin = this.position; this.finish = _arg1; if (!isNaN(_arg2)){ this.duration = _arg2; }; this.start(); } public function stop():void{ this.stopEnterFrame(); this.dispatchEvent(new TweenEvent(TweenEvent.MOTION_STOP, this._time, this._position)); } private function fixTime():void{ if (this.useSeconds){ this._startTime = (getTimer() - (this._time * 1000)); }; } public function set FPS(_arg1:Number):void{ var _local2:Boolean; _local2 = this.isPlaying; this.stopEnterFrame(); this._fps = _arg1; if (_local2){ this.startEnterFrame(); }; } public function get finish():Number{ return ((this.begin + this.change)); } public function get duration():Number{ return (this._duration); } protected function startEnterFrame():void{ var _local1:Number; if (isNaN(this._fps)){ _mc.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, this.onEnterFrame, false, 0, true); } else { _local1 = (1000 / this._fps); this._timer.delay = _local1; this._timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, this.timerHandler, false, 0, true); this._timer.start(); }; this.isPlaying = true; } public function set time(_arg1:Number):void{ this.prevTime = this._time; if (_arg1 > this.duration){ if (this.looping){ this.rewind((_arg1 - this._duration)); this.update(); this.dispatchEvent(new TweenEvent(TweenEvent.MOTION_LOOP, this._time, this._position)); } else { if (this.useSeconds){ this._time = this._duration; this.update(); }; this.stop(); this.dispatchEvent(new TweenEvent(TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH, this._time, this._position)); }; } else { if (_arg1 < 0){ this.rewind(); this.update(); } else { this._time = _arg1; this.update(); }; }; } protected function stopEnterFrame():void{ if (isNaN(this._fps)){ _mc.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, this.onEnterFrame); } else { this._timer.stop(); }; this.isPlaying = false; } public function getPosition(_arg1:Number=NaN):Number{ if (isNaN(_arg1)){ _arg1 = this._time; }; return (this.func(_arg1, this.begin, this.change, this._duration)); } public function set finish(_arg1:Number):void{ this.change = (_arg1 - this.begin); } public function set duration(_arg1:Number):void{ this._duration = ((_arg1)<=0) ? Infinity : _arg1; } public function setPosition(_arg1:Number):void{ this.prevPos = this._position; if (this.prop.length){ this.obj[this.prop] = (this._position = _arg1); }; this.dispatchEvent(new TweenEvent(TweenEvent.MOTION_CHANGE, this._time, this._position)); } public function resume():void{ this.fixTime(); this.startEnterFrame(); this.dispatchEvent(new TweenEvent(TweenEvent.MOTION_RESUME, this._time, this._position)); } public function fforward():void{ this.time = this._duration; this.fixTime(); } protected function onEnterFrame(_arg1:Event):void{ this.nextFrame(); } public function get position():Number{ return (this.getPosition(this._time)); } public function yoyo():void{ this.continueTo(this.begin, this.time); } public function nextFrame():void{ if (this.useSeconds){ this.time = ((getTimer() - this._startTime) / 1000); } else { this.time = (this._time + 1); }; } protected function timerHandler(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ this.nextFrame(); _arg1.updateAfterEvent(); } public function get FPS():Number{ return (this._fps); } public function rewind(_arg1:Number=0):void{ this._time = _arg1; this.fixTime(); this.update(); } public function set position(_arg1:Number):void{ this.setPosition(_arg1); } public function get time():Number{ return (this._time); } private function update():void{ this.setPosition(this.getPosition(this._time)); } public function start():void{ this.rewind(); this.startEnterFrame(); this.dispatchEvent(new TweenEvent(TweenEvent.MOTION_START, this._time, this._position)); } public function prevFrame():void{ if (!this.useSeconds){ this.time = (this._time - 1); }; } } }//package fl.transitions
Section 42
//TweenEvent (fl.transitions.TweenEvent) package fl.transitions { import*; public class TweenEvent extends Event { public var time:Number;// = NAN public var position:Number;// = NAN public static const MOTION_START:String = "motionStart"; public static const MOTION_STOP:String = "motionStop"; public static const MOTION_LOOP:String = "motionLoop"; public static const MOTION_CHANGE:String = "motionChange"; public static const MOTION_FINISH:String = "motionFinish"; public static const MOTION_RESUME:String = "motionResume"; public function TweenEvent(_arg1:String, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Boolean=false, _arg5:Boolean=false){ time = NaN; position = NaN; super(_arg1, _arg4, _arg5); this.time = _arg2; this.position = _arg3; } override public function clone():Event{ return (new TweenEvent(this.type, this.time, this.position, this.bubbles, this.cancelable)); } } }//package fl.transitions
Section 43
//missile_explosion_192 (main_fla.missile_explosion_192) package main_fla { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; public dynamic class missile_explosion_192 extends MovieClip { public function missile_explosion_192(){ addFrameScript(26, frame27); } function frame27(){; } } }//package main_fla
Section 44
//Aim (Aim) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; public dynamic class Aim extends MovieClip { public function Aim(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 45
//Ambient (Ambient) package { import*; public dynamic class Ambient extends Sound { } }//package
Section 46
//AmmoElement (AmmoElement) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class AmmoElement extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 47
//Bazooka (Bazooka) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Bazooka extends MovieClip { public var bazLegsMask:MovieClip; public var bazHeadMask:MovieClip; public var bazookaAnim:MovieClip; public var bazookasHealth:MovieClip; public var bazBodyMask:MovieClip; } }//package
Section 48
//BazookaSound (BazookaSound) package { import*; public dynamic class BazookaSound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 49
//BodyMask (BodyMask) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class BodyMask extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 50
//Bullet (Bullet) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Bullet extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 51
//DebrieSoldier (DebrieSoldier) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; public dynamic class DebrieSoldier extends MovieClip { public var debriePart:MovieClip; public var debriesTimer:Timer; public function DebrieSoldier(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3); } public function randomMove(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ if (!root.isPause){ debriePart.x = ((Math.random() * parent.getChildAt(0).width) / 2); debriePart.y = (((Math.random() * parent.getChildAt(0).height) / 2) - 80); }; } function frame3(){ if (this != null){ if (debriesTimer != null){ debriesTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, randomMove); }; this.visible = false; }; } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame2(){ stop(); debriesTimer = new Timer(250); debriesTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, randomMove); debriesTimer.start(); } } }//package
Section 52
//Gun1 (Gun1) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; public dynamic class Gun1 extends MovieClip { public var gunInerAim1_mc:Aim; public function Gun1(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 53
//Gun2 (Gun2) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Gun2 extends MovieClip { public var gunInnerAim2_mc:Aim; } }//package
Section 54
//Gun3 (Gun3) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Gun3 extends MovieClip { public var gunInnerAim3_mc:Aim; } }//package
Section 55
//Gun4 (Gun4) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Gun4 extends MovieClip { public var gunInnerAim4_mc:Aim; public var gunInner4_mc:MovieClip; } }//package
Section 56
//Gun5 (Gun5) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Gun5 extends MovieClip { public var gunInnerAim5_mc:Aim; public var gunInner5_mc:MovieClip; } }//package
Section 57
//Gun6 (Gun6) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Gun6 extends MovieClip { public var gunInnerAim6_mc:Aim; } }//package
Section 58
//GunHolder (GunHolder) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class GunHolder extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 59
//GunIcon1 (GunIcon1) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class GunIcon1 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 60
//GunIcon2 (GunIcon2) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class GunIcon2 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 61
//GunIcon3 (GunIcon3) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class GunIcon3 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 62
//GunIcon4 (GunIcon4) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class GunIcon4 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 63
//GunIcon5 (GunIcon5) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class GunIcon5 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 64
//GunIcon6 (GunIcon6) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class GunIcon6 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 65
//Guy (Guy) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; public dynamic class Guy extends MovieClip { public var myPoint:Point; public var debrie_mc:MovieClip; public var deadSwitch:Boolean; public function Guy(){ addFrameScript(11, frame12, 12, frame13, 69, frame70, 74, frame75, 119, frame120, 132, frame133, 170, frame171, 175, frame176, 213, frame214); } function frame70(){ if (!root.isPause){ if (root != null){ if (parent.parent != null){ if (parent != null){ if (this != null){ if (parent.parent.gOver == false){ parent.parent.stopMusic(); gotoAndPlay("shoot"); }; }; }; }; }; }; } function frame75(){ if (root != null){ if (parent.parent.solMusicNum != undefined){ if (parent.parent.solMusicNum > 1){ parent.parent.solMusicNum--; parent.parent.solMTimer.delay = (1000 / parent.parent.solMusicNum); }; }; if ((((parent.parent.gOver == false)) && ((parent.parent.shopOn == false)))){ if (parent.parent.wallDemageSoldiers > 0){ parent.parent.wallDemageSoldiers--; }; parent.getChildByName("bodyMask").visible = false; if ((((parent.parent.wall_mc.numChildren > 1)) && (!((parent.parent.wall_mc.debrieSolArr[parent.parent.solDebrieNum] == null))))){ trace(("WALL CHILD IS : " + parent.parent.wall_mc.debrieSolArr[parent.parent.solDebrieNum].name)); parent.parent.wall_mc.debrieSolArr[parent.parent.solDebrieNum].gotoAndStop(3); parent.parent.wall_mc.debrieSolArr[parent.parent.solDebrieNum].visible = false; parent.parent.solDebrieNum++; trace(("solDebrieNum : " + parent.parent.solDebrieNum)); }; }; }; } function frame171(){ stop(); if (root != null){ if ((((parent.parent.gOver == false)) && ((parent.parent.shopOn == false)))){ parent.parent.deadUnits++; parent.parent.headshotsNum++; parent.parent.levelMoney = (parent.parent.levelMoney + 10); parent.parent.headshotBonus = (parent.parent.headshotBonus + 30); parent.visible = false; trace(("Wall demage soldiers is : " + parent.parent.wallDemageSoldiers)); }; }; } function frame176(){ if (root != null){ if (parent.parent.solMusicNum != undefined){ if (parent.parent.solMusicNum > 1){ parent.parent.solMusicNum--; parent.parent.solMTimer.delay = (1000 / parent.parent.solMusicNum); }; }; if ((((parent.parent.gOver == false)) && ((parent.parent.shopOn == false)))){ if (parent.parent.wallDemageSoldiers > 0){ parent.parent.wallDemageSoldiers--; }; parent.getChildByName("bodyMask").visible = false; if ((((parent.parent.wall_mc.numChildren > 1)) && (!((parent.parent.wall_mc.debrieSolArr[parent.parent.solDebrieNum] == null))))){ trace(("WALL CHILD IS : " + parent.parent.wall_mc.debrieSolArr[parent.parent.solDebrieNum].name)); parent.parent.wall_mc.debrieSolArr[parent.parent.solDebrieNum].gotoAndStop(3); parent.parent.wall_mc.debrieSolArr[parent.parent.solDebrieNum].visible = false; parent.parent.solDebrieNum++; trace(("solDebrieNum : " + parent.parent.solDebrieNum)); }; }; }; } function frame214(){ stop(); if (root != null){ if ((((parent.parent.gOver == false)) && ((parent.parent.shopOn == false)))){ trace(("GOVER == " + parent.parent.gOver)); parent.parent.deadUnits++; parent.parent.legshotsNum++; parent.parent.levelMoney = (parent.parent.levelMoney + 10); parent.visible = false; }; }; } function frame12(){ gotoAndPlay("run"); } function frame13(){ myPoint = new Point(0, 0); deadSwitch = false; if (root != null){ if (!root.isPause){ if (parent.parent.gOver == false){ parent.gotoAndStop(2); debrie_mc.x = ((parent.parent.wall_mc.x - parent.x) + (parent.parent.wall_mc.width * (Math.random() * -1))); debrie_mc.y = ((parent.parent.wall_mc.y - parent.y) - (parent.parent.wall_mc.height * (Math.random() * -1))); if (!parent.parent.mSwitch){ parent.parent.solMTimer.start(); parent.parent.mSwitch = true; }; parent.parent.runMusic(); }; } else { if (root.isPause){ stop(); }; }; }; } function frame120(){ stop(); if (root != null){ if ((((parent.parent.gOver == false)) && ((parent.parent.shopOn == false)))){ if (!deadSwitch){ parent.parent.deadUnits++; parent.parent.levelMoney = (parent.parent.levelMoney + 10); parent.visible = false; deadSwitch = true; if ((((parent.parent.wall_mc.numChildren > 1)) && (!((parent.parent.wall_mc.debrieSolArr[parent.parent.solDebrieNum] == null))))){ trace(("WALL CHILD IS : " + parent.parent.wall_mc.debrieSolArr[parent.parent.solDebrieNum].name)); parent.parent.wall_mc.debrieSolArr[parent.parent.solDebrieNum].gotoAndStop(3); parent.parent.solDebrieNum++; trace(("solDebrieNum : " + parent.parent.solDebrieNum)); }; }; }; }; } function frame133(){ if (root != 0){ if (parent.parent.solMusicNum != undefined){ if (parent.parent.solMusicNum > 1){ parent.parent.solMusicNum--; parent.parent.solMTimer.delay = (1000 / parent.parent.solMusicNum); }; }; if ((((parent.parent.gOver == false)) && ((parent.parent.shopOn == false)))){ if (parent.parent.wallDemageSoldiers > 0){ parent.parent.wallDemageSoldiers--; }; if (parent != null){ parent.getChildByName("bodyMask").visible = false; }; if ((((parent.parent.wall_mc.numChildren > 1)) && (!((parent.parent.wall_mc.debrieSolArr[parent.parent.solDebrieNum] == null))))){ trace(("WALL CHILD IS : " + parent.parent.wall_mc.debrieSolArr[parent.parent.solDebrieNum].name)); parent.parent.wall_mc.debrieSolArr[parent.parent.solDebrieNum].gotoAndStop(3); parent.parent.wall_mc.debrieSolArr[parent.parent.solDebrieNum].visible = false; parent.parent.solDebrieNum++; trace(("solDebrieNum : " + parent.parent.solDebrieNum)); }; }; }; } } }//package
Section 66
//HeadMask (HeadMask) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class HeadMask extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 67
//HealthMask (HealthMask) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class HealthMask extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 68
//Helicopter (Helicopter) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Helicopter extends MovieClip { public var helicopterHealth_mc:MovieClip; public var bodyMask:MovieClip; public var helicAnim_mc:MovieClip; } }//package
Section 69
//HelicopterFlySound (HelicopterFlySound) package { import*; public dynamic class HelicopterFlySound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 70
//IinBullet4 (IinBullet4) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class IinBullet4 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 71
//InBullet1 (InBullet1) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class InBullet1 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 72
//InBullet2 (InBullet2) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class InBullet2 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 73
//InBullet3 (InBullet3) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class InBullet3 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 74
//InBullet5 (InBullet5) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class InBullet5 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 75
//InBullet6 (InBullet6) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class InBullet6 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 76
//Jeep (Jeep) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Jeep extends MovieClip { public var jeepHealth:MovieClip; public var bodyMask:MovieClip; public var jeepAnim_mc:MovieClip; } }//package
Section 77
//JeepSound (JeepSound) package { import*; public dynamic class JeepSound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 78
//LegsMask (LegsMask) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class LegsMask extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 79
//LevelSound (LevelSound) package { import*; public dynamic class LevelSound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 80
//Reload (Reload) package { import*; public dynamic class Reload extends Sound { } }//package
Section 81
//Shot1 (Shot1) package { import*; public dynamic class Shot1 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 82
//Soldier (Soldier) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; public dynamic class Soldier extends MovieClip { public var headMask:MovieClip; public var guy:Guy; public var legsMask:MovieClip; public var bodyMask:MovieClip; public var soldiersHealth:SoldierHealth; public function Soldier(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 83
//SoldierHealth (SoldierHealth) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class SoldierHealth extends MovieClip { public var solHealthMask:MovieClip; } }//package
Section 84
//SoldierSound (SoldierSound) package { import*; public dynamic class SoldierSound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 85
//Tank (Tank) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Tank extends MovieClip { public var tankAnim_mc:MovieClip; public var tankHealth_mc:MovieClip; public var bodyMask:MovieClip; } }//package
Section 86
//TankSound (TankSound) package { import*; public dynamic class TankSound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 87
//Target (Target) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Target extends MovieClip { public var tPart3_mc:MovieClip; public var tPart1_mc:MovieClip; public var tPart4_mc:MovieClip; public var tPart2_mc:MovieClip; } }//package
Section 88
//Turret (Turret) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Turret extends MovieClip { public var turAnim_mc:MovieClip; public var turretHealth_mc:MovieClip; public var bodyMask:MovieClip; } }//package
Section 89
//TurretSound (TurretSound) package { import*; public dynamic class TurretSound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 90
//Weapon1 (Weapon1) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Weapon1 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 91
//Weapon2 (Weapon2) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Weapon2 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 92
//Weapon3 (Weapon3) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Weapon3 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 93
//Weapon4 (Weapon4) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Weapon4 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 94
//Weapon5 (Weapon5) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Weapon5 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 95
//Weapon6 (Weapon6) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Weapon6 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 96
//WeaponIconHolder (WeaponIconHolder) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class WeaponIconHolder extends Sprite { public var arrowDown:MovieClip; public var arrowUp:MovieClip; public var mask_mc:MovieClip; } }//package
Section 97
//WIcon1 (WIcon1) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; public dynamic class WIcon1 extends MovieClip { public var gunPrice_txt:TextField; public function WIcon1(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 98
//WIcon2 (WIcon2) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; public dynamic class WIcon2 extends MovieClip { public var gunPrice_txt:TextField; public function WIcon2(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 99
//WIcon3 (WIcon3) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; public dynamic class WIcon3 extends MovieClip { public var gunPrice_txt:TextField; public function WIcon3(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 100
//WIcon4 (WIcon4) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; public dynamic class WIcon4 extends MovieClip { public var gunPrice_txt:TextField; public function WIcon4(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 101
//WIcon5 (WIcon5) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; public dynamic class WIcon5 extends MovieClip { public var gunPrice_txt:TextField; public function WIcon5(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 102
//WIcon6 (WIcon6) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; public dynamic class WIcon6 extends MovieClip { public var gunPrice_txt:TextField; public function WIcon6(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 103
//WinLevel (WinLevel) package { import*; public dynamic class WinLevel extends Sound { } }//package

Library Items

Symbol 1 Sound {TurretSound}
Symbol 2 Sound {TankSound}
Symbol 3 Sound {SoldierSound}
Symbol 4 Sound {Reload}
Symbol 5 Sound {WinLevel}
Symbol 6 Sound {Ambient}
Symbol 7 Sound {JeepSound}
Symbol 8 Sound {HelicopterFlySound}
Symbol 9 Sound {BazookaSound}
Symbol 10 Sound {LevelSound}
Symbol 11 Sound {Shot1}Used by:486
Symbol 12 BitmapUsed by:13 217
Symbol 13 GraphicUses:12Used by:17
Symbol 14 FontUsed by:15 16 20 24 28 32 36 440 468 469 478 479 510 511 512 514 516 518 520 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543
Symbol 15 EditableTextUses:14Used by:17
Symbol 16 TextUses:14Used by:17 21 25 29 33 37
Symbol 17 MovieClip {WIcon6}Uses:13 15 16
Symbol 18 BitmapUsed by:19 215
Symbol 19 GraphicUses:18Used by:21
Symbol 20 EditableTextUses:14Used by:21
Symbol 21 MovieClip {WIcon5}Uses:19 20 16
Symbol 22 BitmapUsed by:23 213
Symbol 23 GraphicUses:22Used by:25
Symbol 24 EditableTextUses:14Used by:25
Symbol 25 MovieClip {WIcon4}Uses:23 24 16
Symbol 26 BitmapUsed by:27 211
Symbol 27 GraphicUses:26Used by:29
Symbol 28 EditableTextUses:14Used by:29
Symbol 29 MovieClip {WIcon3}Uses:27 28 16
Symbol 30 BitmapUsed by:31 209
Symbol 31 GraphicUses:30Used by:33
Symbol 32 EditableTextUses:14Used by:33
Symbol 33 MovieClip {WIcon2}Uses:31 32 16
Symbol 34 BitmapUsed by:35 219
Symbol 35 GraphicUses:34Used by:37
Symbol 36 EditableTextUses:14Used by:37
Symbol 37 MovieClip {WIcon1}Uses:35 36 16
Symbol 38 GraphicUsed by:39
Symbol 39 MovieClip {InBullet6}Uses:38Used by:50
Symbol 40 GraphicUsed by:41
Symbol 41 MovieClip {InBullet5}Uses:40Used by:50
Symbol 42 GraphicUsed by:43
Symbol 43 MovieClip {IinBullet4}Uses:42Used by:50
Symbol 44 GraphicUsed by:45
Symbol 45 MovieClip {InBullet3}Uses:44Used by:50
Symbol 46 GraphicUsed by:47
Symbol 47 MovieClip {InBullet2}Uses:46Used by:50
Symbol 48 GraphicUsed by:49
Symbol 49 MovieClip {InBullet1}Uses:48Used by:50
Symbol 50 MovieClip {Bullet}Uses:39 41 43 45 47 49
Symbol 51 MovieClip {Weapon6}
Symbol 52 MovieClip {Weapon5}
Symbol 53 MovieClip {Weapon4}
Symbol 54 MovieClip {Weapon3}
Symbol 55 MovieClip {Weapon2}
Symbol 56 MovieClip {Weapon1}
Symbol 57 MovieClip {GunHolder}
Symbol 58 BitmapUsed by:59 86 499
Symbol 59 GraphicUses:58Used by:60
Symbol 60 MovieClipUses:59Used by:63
Symbol 61 GraphicUsed by:62
Symbol 62 MovieClip {Aim}Uses:61Used by:63 67 71 75 79 87
Symbol 63 MovieClip {Gun6}Uses:60 62
Symbol 64 BitmapUsed by:65 85 496
Symbol 65 GraphicUses:64Used by:66
Symbol 66 MovieClipUses:65Used by:67
Symbol 67 MovieClip {Gun5}Uses:66 62
Symbol 68 BitmapUsed by:69 84 493
Symbol 69 GraphicUses:68Used by:70
Symbol 70 MovieClipUses:69Used by:71
Symbol 71 MovieClip {Gun4}Uses:70 62
Symbol 72 BitmapUsed by:73 83 490
Symbol 73 GraphicUses:72Used by:74
Symbol 74 MovieClipUses:73Used by:75
Symbol 75 MovieClip {Gun3}Uses:74 62
Symbol 76 BitmapUsed by:77 82 487
Symbol 77 GraphicUses:76Used by:78
Symbol 78 MovieClipUses:77Used by:79
Symbol 79 MovieClip {Gun2}Uses:78 62
Symbol 80 BitmapUsed by:81 482
Symbol 81 GraphicUses:80Used by:87
Symbol 82 GraphicUses:76Used by:87
Symbol 83 GraphicUses:72Used by:87
Symbol 84 GraphicUses:68Used by:87
Symbol 85 GraphicUses:64Used by:87
Symbol 86 GraphicUses:58Used by:87
Symbol 87 MovieClip {Gun1}Uses:81 62 82 83 84 85 86
Symbol 88 GraphicUsed by:89
Symbol 89 MovieClipUses:88Used by:96
Symbol 90 GraphicUsed by:91
Symbol 91 MovieClipUses:90Used by:96
Symbol 92 GraphicUsed by:93
Symbol 93 MovieClipUses:92Used by:96
Symbol 94 GraphicUsed by:95
Symbol 95 MovieClipUses:94Used by:96
Symbol 96 MovieClip {Target}Uses:89 91 93 95
Symbol 97 BitmapUsed by:98
Symbol 98 GraphicUses:97Used by:99
Symbol 99 MovieClip {AmmoElement}Uses:98
Symbol 100 GraphicUsed by:161
Symbol 101 BitmapUsed by:102
Symbol 102 GraphicUses:101Used by:103
Symbol 103 MovieClipUses:102Used by:161
Symbol 104 BitmapUsed by:105
Symbol 105 GraphicUses:104Used by:106
Symbol 106 MovieClipUses:105Used by:161
Symbol 107 BitmapUsed by:108
Symbol 108 GraphicUses:107Used by:109
Symbol 109 MovieClipUses:108Used by:161
Symbol 110 BitmapUsed by:111
Symbol 111 GraphicUses:110Used by:112
Symbol 112 MovieClipUses:111Used by:161
Symbol 113 BitmapUsed by:114
Symbol 114 GraphicUses:113Used by:115
Symbol 115 MovieClipUses:114Used by:161
Symbol 116 BitmapUsed by:117
Symbol 117 GraphicUses:116Used by:118
Symbol 118 MovieClipUses:117Used by:161
Symbol 119 BitmapUsed by:120
Symbol 120 GraphicUses:119Used by:161
Symbol 121 ShapeTweeningUsed by:123
Symbol 122 GraphicUsed by:123
Symbol 123 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.debrieGr_89}Uses:121 122Used by:161 338
Symbol 124 BitmapUsed by:125 126 127 128 129 130 131
Symbol 125 GraphicUses:124Used by:161
Symbol 126 GraphicUses:124Used by:161
Symbol 127 GraphicUses:124Used by:161
Symbol 128 GraphicUses:124Used by:161
Symbol 129 GraphicUses:124Used by:161
Symbol 130 GraphicUses:124Used by:161
Symbol 131 GraphicUses:124Used by:161
Symbol 132 BitmapUsed by:133
Symbol 133 GraphicUses:132Used by:134
Symbol 134 MovieClipUses:133Used by:156
Symbol 135 BitmapUsed by:136
Symbol 136 GraphicUses:135Used by:137
Symbol 137 MovieClipUses:136Used by:156
Symbol 138 BitmapUsed by:139
Symbol 139 GraphicUses:138Used by:140
Symbol 140 MovieClipUses:139Used by:156
Symbol 141 BitmapUsed by:142
Symbol 142 GraphicUses:141Used by:143
Symbol 143 MovieClipUses:142Used by:156
Symbol 144 BitmapUsed by:145
Symbol 145 GraphicUses:144Used by:146
Symbol 146 MovieClipUses:145Used by:156
Symbol 147 BitmapUsed by:148
Symbol 148 GraphicUses:147Used by:149
Symbol 149 MovieClipUses:148Used by:156
Symbol 150 BitmapUsed by:151
Symbol 151 GraphicUses:150Used by:152
Symbol 152 MovieClipUses:151Used by:156
Symbol 153 BitmapUsed by:154
Symbol 154 GraphicUses:153Used by:155
Symbol 155 MovieClipUses:154Used by:156
Symbol 156 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.mcrifleman_die_152}Uses:134 137 140 143 146 149 152 155Used by:161
Symbol 157 ShapeTweeningUsed by:161
Symbol 158 GraphicUsed by:161
Symbol 159 ShapeTweeningUsed by:161
Symbol 160 ShapeTweeningUsed by:161
Symbol 161 MovieClip {Guy}Uses:100 103 106 109 112 115 118 120 123 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 156 157 158 159 160Used by:173
Symbol 162 GraphicUsed by:165 336
Symbol 163 GraphicUsed by:164 174 335
Symbol 164 MovieClipUses:163Used by:165
Symbol 165 MovieClip {SoldierHealth}Uses:162 164Used by:173
Symbol 166 GraphicUsed by:167 170
Symbol 167 MovieClipUses:166Used by:173
Symbol 168 MovieClipUsed by:173
Symbol 169 MovieClipUsed by:173
Symbol 170 MovieClip {BodyMask}Uses:166Used by:173
Symbol 171 MovieClip {LegsMask}Used by:173
Symbol 172 MovieClip {HeadMask}Used by:173
Symbol 173 MovieClip {Soldier}Uses:161 165 167 168 169 170 171 172
Symbol 174 MovieClip {HealthMask}Uses:163
Symbol 175 BitmapUsed by:176
Symbol 176 GraphicUses:175Used by:177
Symbol 177 MovieClipUses:176Used by:179
Symbol 178 GraphicUsed by:179
Symbol 179 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.turAnim_mc_140}Uses:177 178Used by:186
Symbol 180 GraphicUsed by:181
Symbol 181 MovieClipUses:180Used by:186
Symbol 182 GraphicUsed by:185
Symbol 183 GraphicUsed by:184 195 206 232 566
Symbol 184 MovieClipUses:183Used by:185
Symbol 185 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.turretHealth_143}Uses:182 184Used by:186
Symbol 186 MovieClip {Turret}Uses:179 181 185
Symbol 187 BitmapUsed by:188
Symbol 188 GraphicUses:187Used by:189
Symbol 189 MovieClipUses:188Used by:191
Symbol 190 GraphicUsed by:191
Symbol 191 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.tankAnim_mc_134}Uses:189 190Used by:197
Symbol 192 GraphicUsed by:193
Symbol 193 MovieClipUses:192Used by:197
Symbol 194 GraphicUsed by:196 233
Symbol 195 MovieClipUses:183Used by:196
Symbol 196 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.tankHealth_137}Uses:194 195Used by:197
Symbol 197 MovieClip {Tank}Uses:191 193 196
Symbol 198 BitmapUsed by:199
Symbol 199 GraphicUses:198Used by:200
Symbol 200 MovieClipUses:199Used by:202
Symbol 201 GraphicUsed by:202
Symbol 202 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.jeepAnim_mc_128}Uses:200 201Used by:208
Symbol 203 GraphicUsed by:204
Symbol 204 MovieClipUses:203Used by:208
Symbol 205 GraphicUsed by:207
Symbol 206 MovieClipUses:183Used by:207
Symbol 207 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.jeepHealth_131}Uses:205 206Used by:208
Symbol 208 MovieClip {Jeep}Uses:202 204 207
Symbol 209 GraphicUses:30Used by:210 555
Symbol 210 MovieClip {GunIcon2}Uses:209
Symbol 211 GraphicUses:26Used by:212 555
Symbol 212 MovieClip {GunIcon3}Uses:211
Symbol 213 GraphicUses:22Used by:214 555
Symbol 214 MovieClip {GunIcon4}Uses:213
Symbol 215 GraphicUses:18Used by:216 555
Symbol 216 MovieClip {GunIcon5}Uses:215
Symbol 217 GraphicUses:12Used by:218 555
Symbol 218 MovieClip {GunIcon6}Uses:217
Symbol 219 GraphicUses:34Used by:220 555
Symbol 220 MovieClip {GunIcon1}Uses:219
Symbol 221 BitmapUsed by:222
Symbol 222 GraphicUses:221Used by:227
Symbol 223 BitmapUsed by:224
Symbol 224 GraphicUses:223Used by:227
Symbol 225 BitmapUsed by:226
Symbol 226 GraphicUses:225Used by:227
Symbol 227 MovieClipUses:222 224 226Used by:229
Symbol 228 GraphicUsed by:229
Symbol 229 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.helicopterAnim_mc_116}Uses:227 228Used by:234
Symbol 230 GraphicUsed by:231
Symbol 231 MovieClipUses:230Used by:234
Symbol 232 MovieClipUses:183Used by:233
Symbol 233 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.helicopterHealth_119}Uses:194 232Used by:234
Symbol 234 MovieClip {Helicopter}Uses:229 231 233
Symbol 235 BitmapUsed by:236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261
Symbol 236 GraphicUses:235Used by:262
Symbol 237 GraphicUses:235Used by:262
Symbol 238 GraphicUses:235Used by:262
Symbol 239 GraphicUses:235Used by:262
Symbol 240 GraphicUses:235Used by:262
Symbol 241 GraphicUses:235Used by:262
Symbol 242 GraphicUses:235Used by:262
Symbol 243 GraphicUses:235Used by:262
Symbol 244 GraphicUses:235Used by:262
Symbol 245 GraphicUses:235Used by:262
Symbol 246 GraphicUses:235Used by:262
Symbol 247 GraphicUses:235Used by:262
Symbol 248 GraphicUses:235Used by:262
Symbol 249 GraphicUses:235Used by:262
Symbol 250 GraphicUses:235Used by:262
Symbol 251 GraphicUses:235Used by:262
Symbol 252 GraphicUses:235Used by:262
Symbol 253 GraphicUses:235Used by:262
Symbol 254 GraphicUses:235Used by:262
Symbol 255 GraphicUses:235Used by:262
Symbol 256 GraphicUses:235Used by:262
Symbol 257 GraphicUses:235Used by:262
Symbol 258 GraphicUses:235Used by:262
Symbol 259 GraphicUses:235Used by:262
Symbol 260 GraphicUses:235Used by:262
Symbol 261 GraphicUses:235Used by:262
Symbol 262 MovieClip {main_fla.missile_explosion_192}Uses:236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261Used by:266
Symbol 263 BitmapUsed by:264
Symbol 264 GraphicUses:263Used by:265
Symbol 265 MovieClipUses:264Used by:266
Symbol 266 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.bazAmmo_92}Uses:265 262Used by:330
Symbol 267 GraphicUsed by:330
Symbol 268 BitmapUsed by:269
Symbol 269 GraphicUses:268Used by:270
Symbol 270 MovieClipUses:269Used by:330
Symbol 271 BitmapUsed by:272
Symbol 272 GraphicUses:271Used by:273
Symbol 273 MovieClipUses:272Used by:330
Symbol 274 BitmapUsed by:275
Symbol 275 GraphicUses:274Used by:276
Symbol 276 MovieClipUses:275Used by:330
Symbol 277 BitmapUsed by:278
Symbol 278 GraphicUses:277Used by:279
Symbol 279 MovieClipUses:278Used by:330
Symbol 280 BitmapUsed by:281
Symbol 281 GraphicUses:280Used by:282
Symbol 282 MovieClipUses:281Used by:330
Symbol 283 BitmapUsed by:284
Symbol 284 GraphicUses:283Used by:285
Symbol 285 MovieClipUses:284Used by:330
Symbol 286 BitmapUsed by:287
Symbol 287 GraphicUses:286Used by:330
Symbol 288 BitmapUsed by:289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302
Symbol 289 GraphicUses:288Used by:303
Symbol 290 GraphicUses:288Used by:303
Symbol 291 GraphicUses:288Used by:303
Symbol 292 GraphicUses:288Used by:303
Symbol 293 GraphicUses:288Used by:303
Symbol 294 GraphicUses:288Used by:303
Symbol 295 GraphicUses:288Used by:303
Symbol 296 GraphicUses:288Used by:303
Symbol 297 GraphicUses:288Used by:303
Symbol 298 GraphicUses:288Used by:303
Symbol 299 GraphicUses:288Used by:303
Symbol 300 GraphicUses:288Used by:303
Symbol 301 GraphicUses:288Used by:303
Symbol 302 GraphicUses:288Used by:303
Symbol 303 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.gr_Firebazuka_101}Uses:289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302Used by:330
Symbol 304 BitmapUsed by:305
Symbol 305 GraphicUses:304Used by:306
Symbol 306 MovieClipUses:305Used by:325
Symbol 307 BitmapUsed by:308
Symbol 308 GraphicUses:307Used by:309
Symbol 309 MovieClipUses:308Used by:325
Symbol 310 BitmapUsed by:311
Symbol 311 GraphicUses:310Used by:312
Symbol 312 MovieClipUses:311Used by:325
Symbol 313 BitmapUsed by:314
Symbol 314 GraphicUses:313Used by:315
Symbol 315 MovieClipUses:314Used by:325
Symbol 316 BitmapUsed by:317
Symbol 317 GraphicUses:316Used by:318
Symbol 318 MovieClipUses:317Used by:325
Symbol 319 BitmapUsed by:320
Symbol 320 GraphicUses:319Used by:321
Symbol 321 MovieClipUses:320Used by:325
Symbol 322 BitmapUsed by:323
Symbol 323 GraphicUses:322Used by:324
Symbol 324 MovieClipUses:323Used by:325
Symbol 325 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.mcdeathbazuka_102}Uses:306 309 312 315 318 321 324Used by:330
Symbol 326 ShapeTweeningUsed by:330
Symbol 327 GraphicUsed by:330
Symbol 328 ShapeTweeningUsed by:330
Symbol 329 ShapeTweeningUsed by:330
Symbol 330 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.bazookaAnim_91}Uses:266 267 270 273 276 279 282 285 287 303 325 326 327 328 329Used by:337
Symbol 331 MovieClipUsed by:337
Symbol 332 GraphicUsed by:333
Symbol 333 MovieClipUses:332Used by:337
Symbol 334 MovieClipUsed by:337
Symbol 335 MovieClipUses:163Used by:336
Symbol 336 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.bazookaHealth_113}Uses:162 335Used by:337
Symbol 337 MovieClip {Bazooka}Uses:330 331 333 334 336
Symbol 338 MovieClip {DebrieSoldier}Uses:123
Symbol 339 GraphicUsed by:340
Symbol 340 MovieClipUses:339Used by:343
Symbol 341 GraphicUsed by:342
Symbol 342 MovieClipUses:341Used by:343
Symbol 343 MovieClip {WeaponIconHolder}Uses:340 342Used by:546
Symbol 344 GraphicUsed by:415
Symbol 345 GraphicUsed by:346
Symbol 346 MovieClipUses:345Used by:352
Symbol 347 GraphicUsed by:352
Symbol 348 FontUsed by:349
Symbol 349 EditableTextUses:348 350Used by:352
Symbol 350 FontUsed by:349 351
Symbol 351 TextUses:350Used by:352
Symbol 352 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.sprite63_3}Uses:346 347 349 351Used by:414
Symbol 353 GraphicUsed by:354
Symbol 354 ButtonUses:353Used by:414
Symbol 355 GraphicUsed by:356
Symbol 356 MovieClipUses:355Used by:357
Symbol 357 MovieClipUses:356Used by:370
Symbol 358 GraphicUsed by:363
Symbol 359 GraphicUsed by:360
Symbol 360 MovieClipUses:359Used by:363 378
Symbol 361 GraphicUsed by:362
Symbol 362 MovieClipUses:361Used by:363 378
Symbol 363 MovieClipUses:358 360 362Used by:370
Symbol 364 GraphicUsed by:369
Symbol 365 GraphicUsed by:369
Symbol 366 GraphicUsed by:369
Symbol 367 GraphicUsed by:369
Symbol 368 GraphicUsed by:369
Symbol 369 MovieClipUses:364 365 366 367 368Used by:370
Symbol 370 MovieClipUses:357 363 369Used by:380
Symbol 371 GraphicUsed by:372
Symbol 372 MovieClipUses:371Used by:380
Symbol 373 GraphicUsed by:374
Symbol 374 MovieClipUses:373Used by:379
Symbol 375 GraphicUsed by:376
Symbol 376 MovieClipUses:375Used by:379
Symbol 377 GraphicUsed by:378
Symbol 378 MovieClipUses:377 360 362Used by:379
Symbol 379 MovieClipUses:374 376 378Used by:380
Symbol 380 MovieClipUses:370 372 379Used by:381
Symbol 381 MovieClipUses:380Used by:414
Symbol 382 BitmapUsed by:383
Symbol 383 GraphicUses:382Used by:389
Symbol 384 GraphicUsed by:389
Symbol 385 ShapeTweeningUsed by:388
Symbol 386 ShapeTweeningUsed by:388
Symbol 387 GraphicUsed by:388
Symbol 388 MovieClipUses:385 386 387Used by:389
Symbol 389 MovieClipUses:383 384 388Used by:414
Symbol 390 BitmapUsed by:391
Symbol 391 GraphicUses:390Used by:396
Symbol 392 GraphicUsed by:396
Symbol 393 ShapeTweeningUsed by:395
Symbol 394 GraphicUsed by:395
Symbol 395 MovieClipUses:393 394Used by:396
Symbol 396 MovieClipUses:391 392 395Used by:414
Symbol 397 BitmapUsed by:398
Symbol 398 GraphicUses:397Used by:403
Symbol 399 GraphicUsed by:403
Symbol 400 ShapeTweeningUsed by:402
Symbol 401 GraphicUsed by:402
Symbol 402 MovieClipUses:400 401Used by:403
Symbol 403 MovieClipUses:398 399 402Used by:414
Symbol 404 ShapeTweeningUsed by:414
Symbol 405 GraphicUsed by:406
Symbol 406 MovieClipUses:405Used by:414
Symbol 407 GraphicUsed by:414
Symbol 408 FontUsed by:409
Symbol 409 TextUses:408Used by:410
Symbol 410 MovieClipUses:409Used by:414
Symbol 411 FontUsed by:412
Symbol 412 TextUses:411Used by:413
Symbol 413 MovieClipUses:412Used by:414
Symbol 414 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.logo_mc_2}Uses:352 354 381 389 396 403 404 406 407 410 413Used by:415
Symbol 415 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.preloader_1}Uses:344 414Used by:Timeline
Symbol 416 BitmapUsed by:417
Symbol 417 GraphicUses:416Used by:434
Symbol 418 GraphicUsed by:419
Symbol 419 MovieClipUses:418Used by:434
Symbol 420 GraphicUsed by:421
Symbol 421 MovieClipUses:420Used by:434
Symbol 422 GraphicUsed by:423
Symbol 423 MovieClipUses:422Used by:434
Symbol 424 GraphicUsed by:425
Symbol 425 MovieClipUses:424Used by:434
Symbol 426 GraphicUsed by:429
Symbol 427 FontUsed by:428 464 465 466 467 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477
Symbol 428 TextUses:427Used by:429
Symbol 429 MovieClipUses:426 428Used by:434
Symbol 430 GraphicUsed by:433
Symbol 431 FontUsed by:432
Symbol 432 TextUses:431Used by:433
Symbol 433 MovieClipUses:430 432Used by:434
Symbol 434 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.WelcomeScreen_mc_29}Uses:417 419 421 423 425 429 433Used by:Timeline
Symbol 435 BitmapUsed by:436
Symbol 436 GraphicUses:435Used by:437
Symbol 437 MovieClipUses:436Used by:554  Timeline
Symbol 438 BitmapUsed by:439
Symbol 439 GraphicUses:438Used by:443
Symbol 440 EditableTextUses:14Used by:443
Symbol 441 GraphicUsed by:442
Symbol 442 MovieClipUses:441Used by:443
Symbol 443 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.NameEnter_mc_37}Uses:439 440 442Used by:Timeline
Symbol 444 BitmapUsed by:445
Symbol 445 GraphicUses:444Used by:448
Symbol 446 GraphicUsed by:447
Symbol 447 MovieClipUses:446Used by:448
Symbol 448 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.instructions_mc_39}Uses:445 447Used by:Timeline
Symbol 449 GraphicUsed by:450 451
Symbol 450 MovieClipUses:449Used by:Timeline
Symbol 451 MovieClipUses:449Used by:Timeline
Symbol 452 BitmapUsed by:453
Symbol 453 GraphicUses:452Used by:462
Symbol 454 BitmapUsed by:455
Symbol 455 GraphicUses:454Used by:462
Symbol 456 BitmapUsed by:457
Symbol 457 GraphicUses:456Used by:462
Symbol 458 BitmapUsed by:459
Symbol 459 GraphicUses:458Used by:462
Symbol 460 BitmapUsed by:461
Symbol 461 GraphicUses:460Used by:462
Symbol 462 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.bg_mc_44}Uses:453 455 457 459 461Used by:554
Symbol 463 MovieClipUsed by:554
Symbol 464 EditableTextUses:427Used by:554
Symbol 465 EditableTextUses:427Used by:554
Symbol 466 EditableTextUses:427Used by:554
Symbol 467 EditableTextUses:427Used by:554
Symbol 468 EditableTextUses:14Used by:554
Symbol 469 TextUses:14Used by:554
Symbol 470 TextUses:427Used by:554
Symbol 471 TextUses:427Used by:554
Symbol 472 TextUses:427Used by:554
Symbol 473 TextUses:427Used by:554
Symbol 474 EditableTextUses:427Used by:554
Symbol 475 TextUses:427Used by:554
Symbol 476 EditableTextUses:427Used by:554
Symbol 477 TextUses:427Used by:554
Symbol 478 EditableTextUses:14Used by:554
Symbol 479 EditableTextUses:14Used by:554
Symbol 480 GraphicUsed by:481
Symbol 481 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.wall_mc_46}Uses:480Used by:554
Symbol 482 GraphicUses:80Used by:502
Symbol 483 BitmapUsed by:484
Symbol 484 GraphicUses:483Used by:485
Symbol 485 MovieClipUses:484Used by:486 489 492 495 498 501
Symbol 486 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.fire_48}Uses:485 11Used by:502
Symbol 487 GraphicUses:76Used by:502
Symbol 488 SoundUsed by:489
Symbol 489 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.fire2_50}Uses:485 488Used by:502
Symbol 490 GraphicUses:72Used by:502
Symbol 491 SoundUsed by:492
Symbol 492 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.fire3_51}Uses:485 491Used by:502
Symbol 493 GraphicUses:68Used by:502
Symbol 494 SoundUsed by:495
Symbol 495 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.fire4_52}Uses:485 494Used by:502
Symbol 496 GraphicUses:64Used by:502
Symbol 497 SoundUsed by:498
Symbol 498 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.fire5_53}Uses:485 497Used by:502
Symbol 499 GraphicUses:58Used by:502
Symbol 500 SoundUsed by:501
Symbol 501 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.fire6_54}Uses:485 500Used by:502
Symbol 502 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.gunHolder_mc_47}Uses:482 486 487 489 490 492 493 495 496 498 499 501Used by:554
Symbol 503 GraphicUsed by:554
Symbol 504 GraphicUsed by:505
Symbol 505 ButtonUses:504Used by:554
Symbol 506 GraphicUsed by:507
Symbol 507 ButtonUses:506Used by:554
Symbol 508 BitmapUsed by:509
Symbol 509 GraphicUses:508Used by:546
Symbol 510 TextUses:14Used by:546
Symbol 511 EditableTextUses:14Used by:546
Symbol 512 TextUses:14Used by:513
Symbol 513 MovieClipUses:512Used by:522
Symbol 514 TextUses:14Used by:515
Symbol 515 MovieClipUses:514Used by:522
Symbol 516 TextUses:14Used by:517
Symbol 517 MovieClipUses:516Used by:522
Symbol 518 TextUses:14Used by:519
Symbol 519 MovieClipUses:518Used by:522
Symbol 520 TextUses:14Used by:521
Symbol 521 MovieClipUses:520Used by:522
Symbol 522 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.message_mc_58}Uses:513 515 517 519 521Used by:546
Symbol 523 GraphicUsed by:524
Symbol 524 MovieClipUses:523Used by:546
Symbol 525 EditableTextUses:14Used by:546
Symbol 526 EditableTextUses:14Used by:546
Symbol 527 EditableTextUses:14Used by:546
Symbol 528 EditableTextUses:14Used by:546
Symbol 529 TextUses:14Used by:546
Symbol 530 TextUses:14Used by:546
Symbol 531 TextUses:14Used by:546
Symbol 532 TextUses:14Used by:546
Symbol 533 EditableTextUses:14Used by:546
Symbol 534 TextUses:14Used by:546
Symbol 535 EditableTextUses:14Used by:546
Symbol 536 EditableTextUses:14Used by:546
Symbol 537 EditableTextUses:14Used by:546
Symbol 538 EditableTextUses:14Used by:546
Symbol 539 EditableTextUses:14Used by:546
Symbol 540 EditableTextUses:14Used by:546
Symbol 541 EditableTextUses:14Used by:546
Symbol 542 TextUses:14Used by:546
Symbol 543 EditableTextUses:14Used by:546
Symbol 544 GraphicUsed by:545
Symbol 545 MovieClipUses:544Used by:546
Symbol 546 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.shop_mc_57}Uses:509 510 511 522 343 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 545Used by:554
Symbol 547 BitmapUsed by:548
Symbol 548 GraphicUses:547Used by:553
Symbol 549 GraphicUsed by:550
Symbol 550 MovieClipUses:549Used by:553 572
Symbol 551 GraphicUsed by:552
Symbol 552 MovieClipUses:551Used by:553
Symbol 553 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.gameOver_mc_69}Uses:548 550 552Used by:554
Symbol 554 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.game_mc_43}Uses:462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 481 502 503 437 505 507 546 553Used by:Timeline
Symbol 555 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.gunSelectHolder_72}Uses:219 209 211 213 215 217Used by:Timeline
Symbol 556 GraphicUsed by:557
Symbol 557 MovieClipUses:556Used by:Timeline
Symbol 558 MovieClipUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 559 GraphicUsed by:560
Symbol 560 MovieClipUses:559Used by:Timeline
Symbol 561 GraphicUsed by:563
Symbol 562 GraphicUsed by:563
Symbol 563 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.aim2_76}Uses:561 562Used by:Timeline
Symbol 564 BitmapUsed by:565
Symbol 565 GraphicUses:564Used by:569
Symbol 566 ButtonUses:183Used by:569
Symbol 567 BitmapUsed by:568
Symbol 568 GraphicUses:567Used by:569
Symbol 569 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.pause_mc_77}Uses:565 566 568Used by:Timeline
Symbol 570 BitmapUsed by:571
Symbol 571 GraphicUses:570Used by:572
Symbol 572 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.Credits_mc_79}Uses:571 550Used by:Timeline
Symbol 573 GraphicUsed by:574
Symbol 574 ButtonUses:573Used by:Timeline
Symbol 575 GraphicUsed by:578
Symbol 576 FontUsed by:577
Symbol 577 EditableTextUses:576Used by:578
Symbol 578 MovieClipUses:575 577Used by:Timeline

Instance Names

"preloader"Frame 1Symbol 415 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.preloader_1}
"welcomeScreen"Frame 2Symbol 434 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.WelcomeScreen_mc_29}
"mLogo_mc"Frame 2Symbol 437 MovieClip
"name_mc"Frame 3Symbol 443 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.NameEnter_mc_37}
"instructions"Frame 4Symbol 448 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.instructions_mc_39}
"normal_mc"Frame 4Symbol 450 MovieClip
"hard_mc"Frame 4Symbol 451 MovieClip
"game_mc"Frame 5Symbol 554 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.game_mc_43}
"gunSelectHolder"Frame 5Symbol 555 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.gunSelectHolder_72}
"black_mc"Frame 5Symbol 557 MovieClip
"bdHolder"Frame 5Symbol 558 MovieClip
"mask_mc"Frame 5Symbol 560 MovieClip
"aim_mc"Frame 5Symbol 563 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.aim2_76}
"pause_mc"Frame 5Symbol 569 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.pause_mc_77}
"credits_mc"Frame 7Symbol 572 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.Credits_mc_79}
"our_btn"Frame 7Symbol 574 Button
"toolTip_mc"Frame 7Symbol 578 MovieClip
"gunPrice_txt"Symbol 17 MovieClip {WIcon6} Frame 1Symbol 15 EditableText
"gunPrice_txt"Symbol 21 MovieClip {WIcon5} Frame 1Symbol 20 EditableText
"gunPrice_txt"Symbol 25 MovieClip {WIcon4} Frame 1Symbol 24 EditableText
"gunPrice_txt"Symbol 29 MovieClip {WIcon3} Frame 1Symbol 28 EditableText
"gunPrice_txt"Symbol 33 MovieClip {WIcon2} Frame 1Symbol 32 EditableText
"gunPrice_txt"Symbol 37 MovieClip {WIcon1} Frame 1Symbol 36 EditableText
"gunInnerAim6_mc"Symbol 63 MovieClip {Gun6} Frame 1Symbol 62 MovieClip {Aim}
"gunInner5_mc"Symbol 67 MovieClip {Gun5} Frame 1Symbol 66 MovieClip
"gunInnerAim5_mc"Symbol 67 MovieClip {Gun5} Frame 1Symbol 62 MovieClip {Aim}
"gunInner4_mc"Symbol 71 MovieClip {Gun4} Frame 1Symbol 70 MovieClip
"gunInnerAim4_mc"Symbol 71 MovieClip {Gun4} Frame 1Symbol 62 MovieClip {Aim}
"gunInnerAim3_mc"Symbol 75 MovieClip {Gun3} Frame 1Symbol 62 MovieClip {Aim}
"gunInnerAim2_mc"Symbol 79 MovieClip {Gun2} Frame 1Symbol 62 MovieClip {Aim}
"gunInerAim1_mc"Symbol 87 MovieClip {Gun1} Frame 1Symbol 62 MovieClip {Aim}
"tPart1_mc"Symbol 96 MovieClip {Target} Frame 1Symbol 89 MovieClip
"tPart2_mc"Symbol 96 MovieClip {Target} Frame 1Symbol 91 MovieClip
"tPart3_mc"Symbol 96 MovieClip {Target} Frame 1Symbol 93 MovieClip
"tPart4_mc"Symbol 96 MovieClip {Target} Frame 1Symbol 95 MovieClip
"debrie_mc"Symbol 161 MovieClip {Guy} Frame 13Symbol 123 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.debrieGr_89}
"solHealthMask"Symbol 165 MovieClip {SoldierHealth} Frame 1Symbol 164 MovieClip
"guy"Symbol 173 MovieClip {Soldier} Frame 1Symbol 161 MovieClip {Guy}
"soldiersHealth"Symbol 173 MovieClip {Soldier} Frame 1Symbol 165 MovieClip {SoldierHealth}
"bodyMask"Symbol 173 MovieClip {Soldier} Frame 1Symbol 167 MovieClip
"legsMask"Symbol 173 MovieClip {Soldier} Frame 1Symbol 168 MovieClip
"headMask"Symbol 173 MovieClip {Soldier} Frame 1Symbol 169 MovieClip
"bodyMask"Symbol 173 MovieClip {Soldier} Frame 2Symbol 170 MovieClip {BodyMask}
"legsMask"Symbol 173 MovieClip {Soldier} Frame 2Symbol 171 MovieClip {LegsMask}
"headMask"Symbol 173 MovieClip {Soldier} Frame 2Symbol 172 MovieClip {HeadMask}
"turAnimElement"Symbol 179 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.turAnim_mc_140} Frame 1Symbol 177 MovieClip
"turHealthMask"Symbol 185 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.turretHealth_143} Frame 1Symbol 184 MovieClip
"turAnim_mc"Symbol 186 MovieClip {Turret} Frame 1Symbol 179 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.turAnim_mc_140}
"bodyMask"Symbol 186 MovieClip {Turret} Frame 1Symbol 181 MovieClip
"turretHealth_mc"Symbol 186 MovieClip {Turret} Frame 1Symbol 185 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.turretHealth_143}
"helicopterHealthMask"Symbol 196 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.tankHealth_137} Frame 1Symbol 195 MovieClip
"tankAnim_mc"Symbol 197 MovieClip {Tank} Frame 1Symbol 191 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.tankAnim_mc_134}
"bodyMask"Symbol 197 MovieClip {Tank} Frame 1Symbol 193 MovieClip
"tankHealth_mc"Symbol 197 MovieClip {Tank} Frame 1Symbol 196 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.tankHealth_137}
"jeepAnimElement"Symbol 202 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.jeepAnim_mc_128} Frame 1Symbol 200 MovieClip
"jeepHealthMask"Symbol 207 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.jeepHealth_131} Frame 1Symbol 206 MovieClip
"jeepAnim_mc"Symbol 208 MovieClip {Jeep} Frame 1Symbol 202 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.jeepAnim_mc_128}
"bodyMask"Symbol 208 MovieClip {Jeep} Frame 1Symbol 204 MovieClip
"jeepHealth"Symbol 208 MovieClip {Jeep} Frame 1Symbol 207 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.jeepHealth_131}
"helicAnimElement"Symbol 229 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.helicopterAnim_mc_116} Frame 1Symbol 227 MovieClip
"helicopterHealthMask"Symbol 233 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.helicopterHealth_119} Frame 1Symbol 232 MovieClip
"helicAnim_mc"Symbol 234 MovieClip {Helicopter} Frame 1Symbol 229 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.helicopterAnim_mc_116}
"bodyMask"Symbol 234 MovieClip {Helicopter} Frame 1Symbol 231 MovieClip
"helicopterHealth_mc"Symbol 234 MovieClip {Helicopter} Frame 1Symbol 233 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.helicopterHealth_119}
"rocket_mc"Symbol 266 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.bazAmmo_92} Frame 1Symbol 265 MovieClip
"bazAmmo"Symbol 330 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.bazookaAnim_91} Frame 1Symbol 266 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.bazAmmo_92}
"mcFireGun"Symbol 330 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.bazookaAnim_91} Frame 27Symbol 303 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.gr_Firebazuka_101}
"bazHealthMask"Symbol 336 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.bazookaHealth_113} Frame 1Symbol 335 MovieClip
"bazookaAnim"Symbol 337 MovieClip {Bazooka} Frame 1Symbol 330 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.bazookaAnim_91}
"bazLegsMask"Symbol 337 MovieClip {Bazooka} Frame 1Symbol 331 MovieClip
"bazBodyMask"Symbol 337 MovieClip {Bazooka} Frame 1Symbol 333 MovieClip
"bazHeadMask"Symbol 337 MovieClip {Bazooka} Frame 1Symbol 334 MovieClip
"bazookasHealth"Symbol 337 MovieClip {Bazooka} Frame 1Symbol 336 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.bazookaHealth_113}
"debriePart"Symbol 338 MovieClip {DebrieSoldier} Frame 2Symbol 123 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.debrieGr_89}
"arrowDown"Symbol 343 MovieClip {WeaponIconHolder} Frame 1Symbol 340 MovieClip
"arrowUp"Symbol 343 MovieClip {WeaponIconHolder} Frame 1Symbol 340 MovieClip
"mask_mc"Symbol 343 MovieClip {WeaponIconHolder} Frame 1Symbol 342 MovieClip
"bar_mc"Symbol 352 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.sprite63_3} Frame 1Symbol 346 MovieClip
"loader_txt"Symbol 352 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.sprite63_3} Frame 1Symbol 349 EditableText
"loading_mc"Symbol 414 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.logo_mc_2} Frame 1Symbol 352 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.sprite63_3}
"link_btn"Symbol 414 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.logo_mc_2} Frame 1Symbol 354 Button
"logo2_mc"Symbol 415 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.preloader_1} Frame 1Symbol 414 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.logo_mc_2}
"credits_btn"Symbol 434 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.WelcomeScreen_mc_29} Frame 1Symbol 419 MovieClip
"play_btn"Symbol 434 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.WelcomeScreen_mc_29} Frame 1Symbol 421 MovieClip
"moreGames_btn"Symbol 434 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.WelcomeScreen_mc_29} Frame 1Symbol 423 MovieClip
"gamingNews_btn"Symbol 434 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.WelcomeScreen_mc_29} Frame 1Symbol 425 MovieClip
"logo_mc"Symbol 434 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.WelcomeScreen_mc_29} Frame 1Symbol 429 MovieClip
"name_txt"Symbol 443 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.NameEnter_mc_37} Frame 1Symbol 440 EditableText
"okName_btn"Symbol 443 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.NameEnter_mc_37} Frame 1Symbol 442 MovieClip
"startGame_btn"Symbol 448 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.instructions_mc_39} Frame 1Symbol 447 MovieClip
"fire_mc"Symbol 502 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.gunHolder_mc_47} Frame 1Symbol 486 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.fire_48}
"fire_mc"Symbol 502 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.gunHolder_mc_47} Frame 2Symbol 489 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.fire2_50}
"fire_mc"Symbol 502 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.gunHolder_mc_47} Frame 3Symbol 492 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.fire3_51}
"fire_mc"Symbol 502 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.gunHolder_mc_47} Frame 4Symbol 495 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.fire4_52}
"fire_mc"Symbol 502 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.gunHolder_mc_47} Frame 5Symbol 498 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.fire5_53}
"fire_mc"Symbol 502 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.gunHolder_mc_47} Frame 6Symbol 501 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.fire6_54}
"lowMoney_mc"Symbol 522 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.message_mc_58} Frame 1Symbol 513 MovieClip
"noWeapon_mc"Symbol 522 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.message_mc_58} Frame 1Symbol 515 MovieClip
"purchased_mc"Symbol 522 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.message_mc_58} Frame 1Symbol 517 MovieClip
"oneW_mc"Symbol 522 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.message_mc_58} Frame 1Symbol 519 MovieClip
"alreadyP_mc"Symbol 522 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.message_mc_58} Frame 1Symbol 521 MovieClip
"price_txt"Symbol 546 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.shop_mc_57} Frame 1Symbol 511 EditableText
"message_mc"Symbol 546 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.shop_mc_57} Frame 1Symbol 522 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.message_mc_58}
"weaponIconContainer"Symbol 546 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.shop_mc_57} Frame 1Symbol 343 MovieClip {WeaponIconHolder}
"buyWeapon_btn"Symbol 546 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.shop_mc_57} Frame 1Symbol 524 MovieClip
"levelMoney_txt"Symbol 546 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.shop_mc_57} Frame 1Symbol 525 EditableText
"accuracyBonus_txt"Symbol 546 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.shop_mc_57} Frame 1Symbol 526 EditableText
"headshotBonus_txt"Symbol 546 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.shop_mc_57} Frame 1Symbol 527 EditableText
"levelNum_txt"Symbol 546 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.shop_mc_57} Frame 1Symbol 528 EditableText
"totalMoney_txt"Symbol 546 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.shop_mc_57} Frame 1Symbol 533 EditableText
"numSoldiers_txt"Symbol 546 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.shop_mc_57} Frame 1Symbol 535 EditableText
"numTurrets_txt"Symbol 546 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.shop_mc_57} Frame 1Symbol 536 EditableText
"numJeeps_txt"Symbol 546 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.shop_mc_57} Frame 1Symbol 537 EditableText
"numTanks_txt"Symbol 546 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.shop_mc_57} Frame 1Symbol 538 EditableText
"accuracy_txt"Symbol 546 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.shop_mc_57} Frame 1Symbol 539 EditableText
"headshots_txt"Symbol 546 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.shop_mc_57} Frame 1Symbol 540 EditableText
"legshotBonus_txt"Symbol 546 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.shop_mc_57} Frame 1Symbol 541 EditableText
"legshots_txt"Symbol 546 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.shop_mc_57} Frame 1Symbol 543 EditableText
"wallRecover_mc"Symbol 546 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.shop_mc_57} Frame 1Symbol 545 MovieClip
"mainMenu"Symbol 553 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.gameOver_mc_69} Frame 1Symbol 550 MovieClip
"moreGames_btn"Symbol 553 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.gameOver_mc_69} Frame 1Symbol 550 MovieClip
"tryAgain_mc"Symbol 553 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.gameOver_mc_69} Frame 1Symbol 552 MovieClip
"bg_mc"Symbol 554 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.game_mc_43} Frame 2Symbol 462 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.bg_mc_44}
"ammo_mc"Symbol 554 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.game_mc_43} Frame 2Symbol 463 MovieClip
"soldiersNum_txt"Symbol 554 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.game_mc_43} Frame 2Symbol 464 EditableText
"turretsNum_txt"Symbol 554 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.game_mc_43} Frame 2Symbol 465 EditableText
"jeepsNum_txt"Symbol 554 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.game_mc_43} Frame 2Symbol 466 EditableText
"tanksNum_txt"Symbol 554 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.game_mc_43} Frame 2Symbol 467 EditableText
"levelNum_txt"Symbol 554 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.game_mc_43} Frame 2Symbol 468 EditableText
"helicoptersNum_txt"Symbol 554 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.game_mc_43} Frame 2Symbol 474 EditableText
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"wall_txt"Symbol 554 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.game_mc_43} Frame 2Symbol 478 EditableText
"wallHealth_txt"Symbol 554 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.game_mc_43} Frame 2Symbol 479 EditableText
"wall_mc"Symbol 554 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.game_mc_43} Frame 2Symbol 481 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.wall_mc_46}
"gunHolder_mc"Symbol 554 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.game_mc_43} Frame 2Symbol 502 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.gunHolder_mc_47}
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"moreGames_btn"Symbol 554 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.game_mc_43} Frame 3Symbol 507 Button
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"shootComplete"Symbol 191 MovieClip {battlefield5_fla.tankAnim_mc_134} Frame 131
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Created: 9/2 -2019 20:46:57 Last modified: 9/2 -2019 20:46:57 Server time: 03/01 -2025 01:32:31