Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2596 · P5191

Happy New Year!

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #134829

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)


Chalkboard Challenge

<p align="center"><font face="Trebuchet MS" size="30" color="#993300" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>points!</b></font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Trebuchet MS" size="17" color="#0099ff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>100%</b></font></p>

Total Correct:

<p align="left"><font face="Trebuchet MS" size="17" color="#0099ff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>1000%</b></font></p>



<p align="left"><font face="Trebuchet MS" size="17" color="#0099ff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>45</b></font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Trebuchet MS" size="17" color="#0099ff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>100 seconds</b></font></p>


How to Play

2+2 = 5-1


It’s your turn at the chalkboard…
Show the class how well you can do
math under pressure!



<p align="center"></p>








50 / 50

(50 / 50) / 50

((50 / 50) / 50) / 50


Which side is larger?











Indicate which side is larger by
pressing the greater than       ,
equal to        or less than

To respond quickly, use the arrows on
your keyboard.

Which side is larger?


13 + 6

Advance to the next level by correctly
answering five consecutive problems.

Being accurate and fast
helps you earn more time.


Get Ready!



ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1;
Symbol 111 MovieClip Frame 1
gotoAndStop (1);
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Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 16
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interface com.lumoslabs.framework.ManagedGame { }
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interface com.lumoslabs.framework.GameManager { }
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class implements com.lumoslabs.framework.ManagedGame { var target_mc, depth, xLoc, yLoc, container_mc, settings, game, manager; function GameContainer (target_mc, depth, x, y) { Stage.align = "TL"; Stage.scaleMode = "noScale"; this.target_mc = target_mc; this.depth = depth; xLoc = x; yLoc = y; setupContainerClip(); setDefaults(); com.lumoslabs.framework.GameRegistrar.registerGame(this); } function setupContainerClip() { container_mc.onEnterFrame = undefined; delete container_mc.onEnterFrame; container_mc.removeMovieClip(); container_mc = target_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("container_mc", depth); container_mc._x = xLoc; container_mc._y = yLoc; } function setDefaults() { } function init(obj) { initGame(obj); } function initGame(obj) { } function update(o, infoObj) { if (infoObj instanceof { reportPlay(); } else if (infoObj instanceof { reportReset(); } else if (infoObj instanceof { reportQuit(); } else if (infoObj instanceof { reportPromo(); } } function fetchData(obj) { } function finish(obj, str) { trace("GameContainer: Passing data"); reportData(obj); } function addSettings(gameSettings) { trace("GameContainer: Adding settings"); settings = gameSettings; } function start() { initGame(settings); } function help() {; } function mute() { game.toggleMute(); } function pause() { game.togglePause(); } function registerManager(newManager) { manager = newManager; } function removeManager() { delete manager; } function isPausable() { return(_isPausable); } function isFullScreen() { return(_isFullScreen); } function destroy() { } function reportPlay() { manager.onPlay(this); } function reportData(gameData) { manager.onData(this, gameData); } function reportReset() { manager.onReset(this); } function reportQuit() { trace("GameContainer: Calling report quit"); manager.onQuit(this); } function reportPromo() { manager.onPromo(this); } var _isPausable = false; var _isFullScreen = false; var result = new Object(); }
Symbol 191 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class com.lumoslabs.util.Observable { var observers; function Observable () { observers = new Array(); } function addObserver(o) { if (o == null) { return(false); } var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < observers.length) { if (observers[_local2] == o) { return(false); } _local2++; } observers.push(o); return(true); } function removeObserver(o) { var _local3 = observers.length; var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _local3) { if (observers[_local2] == o) { observers.splice(_local2, 1); return(true); } _local2++; } return(false); } function notifyObservers(infoObj) { if (infoObj == undefined) { infoObj = null; } if (!changed) { return(undefined); } var _local3 = observers.slice(0); clearChanged(); var _local2 = _local3.length - 1; while (_local2 >= 0) { _local3[_local2].update(this, infoObj); _local2--; } } function clearObservers() { observers = new Array(); } function setChanged() { changed = true; } function clearChanged() { changed = false; } function hasChanged() { return(changed); } function countObservers() { return(observers.length); } function getObservers() { return(observers.slice(0)); } var changed = false; }
Symbol 192 MovieClip [] Frame 0
interface com.lumoslabs.util.Observer { }
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class extends com.lumoslabs.util.Observable { var score, level, running, levelChanged, setChanged, bestScore, finalScoresArray, lives, trialsRemaining, startTime, notifyObservers, soundEffects; function Game () { super(); score = 0; level = 0; running = false; levelChanged = false; } function addPoints(points) { newPoints = points; score = score + newPoints; if (score < 0) { score = 0; } setChanged(); doUpdate(); } function getLevel() { return(level); } function getLevelChanged() { return(levelChanged); } function getScore() { return(score); } function updateBestScore() { if ((score > bestScore) || (isNaN(bestScore))) { bestScore = score; } } function getBestScore() { return(bestScore); } function pushFinalScore() { if (finalScoresArray == null) { finalScoresArray = new Array(); } finalScoresArray.push(score); } function getFinalScoresArray() { return(finalScoresArray); } function isRunning() { return(running); } function levelUp() { level = level + 1; setLevel(level); } function onClick(x, y) { } function setLevel(newLevel) { level = newLevel; levelChanged = true; setChanged(); doUpdate(); clearChanged(); } function setScore(newScore) { score = newScore; setChanged(); doUpdate(); } function setLives(lives) { this.lives = lives; } function getLives() { return(lives); } function changeLives(change) { lives = lives + change; } function setTrialsRemaining(trialsRemaining) { this.trialsRemaining = trialsRemaining; if (trialsRemaining == 0) { } setChanged(); doUpdate(); } function start() { startTime = getTimer(); running = true; setChanged(); doUpdate(); run(); } function stop() { running = false; } function restart() { reset(); start(); } function sendResults(resultObj) { var _local3 = new com.lumoslabs.util.ResultSet(resultObj); debug("results are:"); debug(_local3.toString()); var _local2 = new XML(); _local2.onLoad = com.lumoslabs.util.Delegate.create(this, resultsSent); debug("sending data to " + save_url); _local3.send(save_url, _local2); } function resultsSent(success) { if (success) { debug("transfer was successful"); } else { debug("transfer failed"); } } function debug(str) { setChanged(); notifyObservers(new; } function reset() { stop(); score = 0; newPoints = 0; level = 0; running = false; levelChanged = false; finalScoresArray = []; setChanged(); notifyObservers(new; } function clearChanged() { super.clearChanged(); levelChanged = false; } function doUpdate() { notifyObservers(new, level, running, levelChanged, newPoints, trialsRemaining)); } function run() { } function init(obj) { } function finish() { } function finalFinish() { trace("firing final event"); setChanged(); notifyObservers(new; } function help() { setChanged(); notifyObservers(new; } function getSounds() { return(soundEffects); } function toggleMute() { return(soundEffects.toggleMute()); } function togglePause() { return(false); } static var LEVEL_INCREMENT = 1000; var newPoints = 0; var save_url = "http://localhost/foo/"; static var EASY = 0; static var MEDIUM = 1; static var HARD = 2; static var TEST = 3; }
Symbol 194 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class { static var firstLoadedTarget; var all_sounds, context_mc, mute, pause, positiveFeedback, negativeFeedback, tier1Sound, tier2Sound, tier3Sound, tier4Sound, ambientSound; function SoundEffects (target) { if (firstLoadedTarget == undefined) { firstLoadedTarget = target; } all_sounds = []; firstLoadedTarget.createEmptyMovieClip("context_mc", firstLoadedTarget.getNextHighestDepth()); context_mc = firstLoadedTarget.context_mc; mute = false; pause = false; } function addSound(id) { var _local2 = new; _local2.attachSound(id); _local2.setVolume(volume); _local2.setMute(mute); _local2.setPause(pause); all_sounds.push(_local2); return(_local2); } function playFeedbackSound(isPositive) { if (isPositive) { positiveFeedback.start(0, 1); } else { negativeFeedback.start(0, 1); } } function playTieredFeedbackSound(tier) { if (tier == 1) { tier1Sound.start(0, 1); } else if (tier == 2) { tier2Sound.start(0, 1); } else if (tier == 3) { tier3Sound.start(0, 1); } else if (tier == 4) { tier4Sound.start(0, 1); } else { negativeFeedback.start(0, 1); } } function setAmbientSound(newSound) { ambientSound = newSound; ambientSound.loop = true; } function setTieredSounds(sound1, sound2, sound3, sound4) { tier1Sound = sound1; tier2Sound = sound2; tier3Sound = sound3; tier4Sound = sound4; } function setPositiveFeedbackSound(newSound) { positiveFeedback = newSound; } function setNegativeFeedbackSound(newSound) { negativeFeedback = newSound; } function startAmbientSound() { ambientSound.start(0, 1); } function stopAmbientSound() { ambientSound.stop(); } function stopAllSounds() { for (var _local2 in all_sounds) {[_local2]).stop(); } } function setMute(mute) { this.mute = mute; for (var _local3 in all_sounds) {[_local3]).setMute(mute); } } function toggleMute() { setMute(!mute); return(mute); } function destroy() { stopAllSounds(); if (ambientSound) { stopAmbientSound(); } context_mc.removeMovieClip(); } function setPause(pause) { this.pause = pause; for (var _local3 in all_sounds) {[_local3]).setPause(pause); } } function togglePause() { setPause(!pause); return(pause); } var volume = 40; }
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class extends Sound { var play, pause, mute, volume, loop, position; function GameSound () { if (arguments.length > 0) { super(arguments[0]); } else { super(); } play = false; pause = false; mute = false; volume = super.getVolume(); loop = false; } function start() { switch (arguments.length) { case 0 : super.start(); break; case 1 : super.start(arguments[0]); break; default : super.start(arguments[0], arguments[1]); } if (pause) { super.stop(); } play = true; } function stop() { if (arguments.length > 0) { super.stop(arguments[0]); } else { super.stop(); } play = false; pause = false; } function getVolume() { return(volume); } function setVolume(value) { super.setVolume(value); volume = super.getVolume(); if (mute) { super.setVolume(0); } } function getPlay() { return(play); } function setPause(pause) { if (pause) { doPause(); } else { unPause(); } } function setMute(mute) { this.mute = mute; if (mute) { super.setVolume(0); } else { super.setVolume(volume); } } function doPause() { if (!pause) { pause = true; if (play) { super.stop(); } } } function unPause() { if (pause) { pause = false; if (play) { super.start(position / 1000); } } } function onSoundComplete() { if (loop) { start(); } else { play = false; pause = false; } } }
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class com.lumoslabs.util.ResultSet { var resultXML; function ResultSet (resultObj) { buildXML(resultObj); } function buildXML(resultObj) { resultXML = new XML(); var _local9 = resultObj.session_id; if (!(delete resultObj.session_id)) { _local9 = _root.session_id; if (_local9 == undefined) { return(undefined); } } var _local8 = resultXML.createElement("session"); resultXML.appendChild(_local8); var _local10 = resultXML.createElement("id"); _local8.appendChild(_local10); _local10.appendChild(resultXML.createTextNode(_local9)); var _local6 = resultXML.createElement("game"); _local8.appendChild(_local6); var _local4; var _local5; for (var _local7 in resultObj) { trace((("adding node: " + _local7) + " value: ") + resultObj.prop); _local4 = resultXML.createElement(_local7); _local5 = resultXML.createTextNode(resultObj[_local7]); _local6.appendChild(_local4); _local4.appendChild(_local5); } trace(resultXML); } function toString() { return(resultXML.toString()); } function send(url, response) { resultXML.contentType = "text/xml"; } }
Symbol 197 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class com.lumoslabs.util.Delegate { function Delegate () { } static function create(scope, method) { var parameters_arr = arguments.slice(2); var _local2 = function () { method.apply(scope, arguments.concat(parameters_arr)); }; return(_local2); } }
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class { var text; function DebugOutput (output) { text = output; } }
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class { function ResetEvent () { } }
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class { var score, level, isRunning, levelUp, newPoints, trialCount; function GameState (s, l, r, lu, np, tc) { score = s; level = l; isRunning = r; levelUp = lu; newPoints = np; trialCount = tc; } }
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class { function FinalFinish () { } }
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class { function HelpEvent () { } }
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class com.lumoslabs.framework.GameRegistrar { static var currentManager; function GameRegistrar () { } static function registerGameManager(manager) { currentManager = manager; } static function registerGame(game) { if (currentManager != undefined) { currentManager.registerGame(game); } else { var _local1 = new com.lumoslabs.framework.ManagedGameAS3Proxy(); if (_local1.useGameManager()) { _local1.registerGame(game); } else { game.start(); } } } static function getGameManager() { return(currentManager); } static function waitingForGameRegistration() { return(currentManager != undefined); } }
Symbol 204 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class com.lumoslabs.framework.ManagedGameAS3Proxy implements com.lumoslabs.framework.GameManager { var muteCalled, _game; function ManagedGameAS3Proxy () {"*"); muteCalled = false; _root.flashId = "ManagedGame"; _root.as3Proxy = this; flx.external.FlashInterface.publish(_root, true); } function setResourcePath(resourcePath) { trace("ManagedGameAS3Proxy, setResourcePath\n"); com.lumoslabs.framework.ResourceHelper.setResourcePath(resourcePath); } function useGameManager() { var _local1 = + ".useGameManager"); if ((_local1 != null) && (_local1.status == "success")) { trace("ManagedGameAS3Proxy, FlashInterface manager found"); return(_local1.result); } trace("ManagedGameAS3Proxy, no FlashInterface manager found"); return(false); } function addSettings(settingsHash) { trace("ManagedGameAS3Proxy, addSettings"); _game.addSettings(settingsHash); } function start() { _game.start(); if (muteCalled) { _game.mute(); muteCalled = false; } } function onPauseClick() { _game.pause(); } function onHelpClick() {; } function onMuteClick() { muteCalled = true; _game.mute(); } function registerGame(game) { trace(("ManagedGameAS3Proxy, registerGame, game: " + game) + newline); _game = game; game.registerManager(this); + ".registerGame"); } function getContainerClip() { return(_root); } function onPlay(game) { + ".reportPlay"); } function onData(game, gameData) { + ".reportData", gameData); } function onReset(game) { } function onQuit(game) { muteCalled = false; + ".quit"); + ".reportQuit"); } function onPromo(game) { + ".reportPromo"); } function isPausable() { return(_game.isPausable()); } function isFullScreen() { return(_game.isFullScreen()); } function destroy() { _game.destroy(); } static var AS2_PROXY_ID = "root.as2Proxy"; }
Symbol 205 MovieClip [__Packages.flx.external.FlashInterface] Frame 0
class flx.external.FlashInterface extends Object { function FlashInterface () { super(); } static function addEventListener(event, listener) { var _local2 = getId(_root); setup(_local2); flashIdList[_local2].registry.addEventListener(event, listener);"addAVMListener", __swfID, _local2, event); } static function removeEventListener(event, listener) { var _local2 = getId(_root); setup(_local2); flashIdList[_local2].registry.removeEventListener(event, listener);"removeAVMListener", __swfID, _local2, event); } static function dispatchEvent(eventObject) {"dispatchAVMEvent", eventObject); } static function dispatchHandler(flashId, eventObject) { flashIdList[flashId].registry.dispatchEvent(eventObject); } static function register(id, target, overwrite) { var _local1 = getId(target); setup(_local1); if (overwrite) { flashIdList[_local1].registry[id] = target; return(true); } if (flashIdList[_local1].registry[id] == null) { flashIdList[_local1].registry[id] = target; return(true); } return(false); } static function unregister(flashId, id) { setup(flashId); if (flashIdList[flashId].registry[id]) { delete flashIdList[flashId].registry[id]; return(true); } return(false); } static function call(path) { var _local7 = path.split("."); var _local6 = _local7.shift().toString(); var _local5; var _local4; if (_local6 == "root") { _local4 = __swfID; _local5 = __swfID; } else { var _local3 = getSWFIds(); for (var _local8 in _local3) { if (_local3[_local8] == _local6) { _local4 = __swfID; _local5 = _local7.shift().toString(); break; } } if ((_local4 == null) || (_local5 == null)) { _local4 = _local6; _local5 = _local6; } } path = _local7.join("."); var _local2 = arguments.slice(1); for (var _local8 in _local2) { if (_local2[_local8] == "") { _local2[_local8] = "$empty"; } } return("getSWF('" + _local4) + "').callFlash_") + _local5, _local4, path, _local2)); } static function callHandler(flashId, path, args) { var _local6 = new Object(); = target; _local6.type = type; _local6.status = "error"; if (!flashIdList[flashId].swf) { _local6.message = "SWF has not been made public."; return(_local6); } var _local4 = path.split("."); var target = _local4[0].toString(); var type = _local4.pop().toString(); var _local2 = flashIdList[flashId].registry[target]; if (_local2 == null) { var _local5 = flashIdList[flashId].swf; var _local7 = _local4.length; var _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local7) { _local5 = _local5[_local4[_local1]]; _local1++; } if (_local5 == null) { _local6.message = "Target does not exist"; alert(1, flashId); return(_local6); } _local2 = _local5; } else { _local4.shift(); var _local7 = _local4.length; var _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local7) { _local2 = _local2[_local4[_local1]]; _local1++; } if (_local2 == null) { _local6.message = "Target does not exist"; return(_local6); } } for (var _local8 in args) { if (args[_local8] == "$empty") { args[_local8] = ""; } } if (typeof(_local2[type]) == "function") { _local6.result = _local2[type].apply(_local2, args); } else if (args.length < 1) { _local6.result = _local2[type]; } else { _local6.result = (_local2[type] = args[0]); } _local6.status = "success"; return(_local6); } static function alert() { trace(arguments.join(" : "));"alert", arguments.join(" : ")); } static function getId(control) { var _local1 = control; if (_local1.flashId == null) { _local1.flashId = __swfID; if (_local1.flashId == null) { _local1.flashId = getSWFName(_local1); } } return(_local1.flashId); } static function getSWFIds() { return(Array("getSWFIds"))); } static function getSWFName(control) { var _local1 = control._root._url.split("/").join("|").split("\\").join("|").split("|").pop(); if (_local1.indexOf("?") != -1) { _local1 = _local1.split("?").shift(); } _local1 = _local1.split(".swf").join("").split("#").shift(); return(unescape(_local1)); } static function getSWFId() { var _local2 = "swf" + (Math.random() * 999999); flash.external.ExternalInterface.addCallback(_local2, null, function () { }); var _local1 ="SWFInfo.locateSWF", _local2); if (!_local1) { _local1 ="eval", ((((("(window.SWFInfo = {locateSWF:function(swfUID) {var embedtags = document.getElementsByTagName('embed');var objecttags = document.getElementsByTagName('object');var swfobjects = new Array();for(var j=0; j<embedtags.length; j++)swfobjects.push(embedtags[j]);for(var k=0; k<objecttags.length; k++)swfobjects.push(objecttags[k]);for(var i=0; i<swfobjects.length; i++) {var name = swfobjects[i].name ? swfobjects[i].name : swfobjects[i].id;if(document[name] && document[name][swfUID]) {return name;}" + "}") + "return null;") + "}") + "}).locateSWF('") + _local2) + "');"); } trace("AS2 LOCATION: " + _local1); trace("AS2 swfUID:: " + _local2); var _local3 = (_local1 ? (String(_local1)) : null); return(_local3); } static function publish(root, makePublic) { var _local1 = getId(root); setup(_local1); if (makePublic) { flashIdList[_local1].swf = root; } else { delete flashIdList[_local1].swf; } } static function setupEIFunctions() { if (!staticInit) { staticInit = true; if ("eval", "$avms")) { return(undefined); } var _local1 = ""; _local1 = _local1 + "function getSWF(swfId)"; _local1 = _local1 + "{"; _local1 = _local1 + "\tif (navigator.appName.indexOf('Microsoft') != -1)"; _local1 = _local1 + "\t\treturn window[swfId];"; _local1 = _local1 + "\treturn document[swfId];"; _local1 = _local1 + "};"; _local1 = _local1 + "function getSWFIds()"; _local1 = _local1 + "{"; _local1 = _local1 + "\tvar list = new Array();"; _local1 = _local1 + "\tvar swfobjects = document.getElementsByTagName('embed');"; _local1 = _local1 + "\tfor(var i=0; i<swfobjects.length; i++)"; _local1 = _local1 + "\t\tlist.push(swfobjects[i].name ? swfobjects[i].name : swfobjects[i].id);"; _local1 = _local1 + "\tswfobjects = document.getElementsByTagName('object');"; _local1 = _local1 + "\tfor(i=0; i<swfobjects.length; i++)"; _local1 = _local1 + "\t\tlist.push(swfobjects[i].name ? swfobjects[i].name : swfobjects[i].id);"; _local1 = _local1 + "\treturn list;"; _local1 = _local1 + "};"; _local1 = _local1 + "var $avms = new Object();"; _local1 = _local1 + "function addAVMListener(swfId, flashId, event)"; _local1 = _local1 + "{"; _local1 = _local1 + "\tif($avms[event] == null)"; _local1 = _local1 + "\t\t$avms[event] = new Object();"; _local1 = _local1 + "\tif($avms[event][swfId] == null)"; _local1 = _local1 + "\t\t$avms[event][swfId] = new Object();"; _local1 = _local1 + "\t$avms[event][swfId][flashId] = event;"; _local1 = _local1 + "};"; _local1 = _local1 + "function removeAVMListener(swfId, flashId, event)"; _local1 = _local1 + "{"; _local1 = _local1 + "\tdelete $avms[event][swfId][flashId];"; _local1 = _local1 + "};"; _local1 = _local1 + "function dispatchAVMEvent(evt)"; _local1 = _local1 + "{"; _local1 = _local1 + "\tvar type = evt.type;"; _local1 = _local1 + "\tvar swfList = $avms[type];"; _local1 = _local1 + "\tfor(var e in swfList)"; _local1 = _local1 + "\t{"; _local1 = _local1 + "\t\tvar flashList = swfList[e];"; _local1 = _local1 + "\t\tfor(var f in flashList)"; _local1 = _local1 + "\t\t{"; _local1 = _local1 + "\t\t\tgetSWF(e)['dispatchFlash_' + f](f, evt);"; _local1 = _local1 + " \t\t}"; _local1 = _local1 + "\t}"; _local1 = _local1 + "};";"eval", _local1); } } static function setup(id) { setupEIFunctions(); if (id == null) { return(false); } if (flashIdList[id] == null) { flashIdList[id] = new Object(); flashIdList[id].dispatchHandler = dispatchHandler; flashIdList[id].callHandler = callHandler; flashIdList[id].registry = new Object();[id].registry); flash.external.ExternalInterface.addCallback("dispatchFlash_" + id, flashIdList[id], flashIdList[id].dispatchHandler); flash.external.ExternalInterface.addCallback("callFlash_" + id, flashIdList[id], flashIdList[id].callHandler); } return(true); } static var flashIdList = new Object(); static var staticInit = false; static var __swfID = getSWFId(); }
Symbol 206 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class { function EventDispatcher () { } static function _removeEventListener(queue, event, handler) { if (queue != undefined) { var _local4 = queue.length; var _local1; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local4) { var _local2 = queue[_local1]; if (_local2 == handler) { queue.splice(_local1, 1); return(undefined); } _local1++; } } } static function initialize(object) { if (_fEventDispatcher == undefined) { _fEventDispatcher = new; } object.addEventListener = _fEventDispatcher.addEventListener; object.removeEventListener = _fEventDispatcher.removeEventListener; object.dispatchEvent = _fEventDispatcher.dispatchEvent; object.dispatchQueue = _fEventDispatcher.dispatchQueue; } function dispatchQueue(queueObj, eventObj) { var _local7 = "__q_" + eventObj.type; var _local4 = queueObj[_local7]; if (_local4 != undefined) { var _local5; for (_local5 in _local4) { var _local1 = _local4[_local5]; var _local3 = typeof(_local1); if ((_local3 == "object") || (_local3 == "movieclip")) { if (_local1.handleEvent != undefined) { _local1.handleEvent(eventObj); } if (_local1[eventObj.type] != undefined) { if (exceptions[eventObj.type] == undefined) { _local1[eventObj.type](eventObj); } } } else { _local1.apply(queueObj, [eventObj]); } } } } function dispatchEvent(eventObj) { if ( == undefined) { = this; } this[eventObj.type + "Handler"](eventObj); dispatchQueue(this, eventObj); } function addEventListener(event, handler) { var _local3 = "__q_" + event; if (this[_local3] == undefined) { this[_local3] = new Array(); } _global.ASSetPropFlags(this, _local3, 1); _removeEventListener(this[_local3], event, handler); this[_local3].push(handler); } function removeEventListener(event, handler) { var _local2 = "__q_" + event; _removeEventListener(this[_local2], event, handler); } static var _fEventDispatcher = undefined; static var exceptions = {move:1, draw:1, load:1}; }
Symbol 207 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class com.lumoslabs.framework.ResourceHelper { static var resourcePath; function ResourceHelper () { } static function pathURL(path) { return(rootPath() + path); } static function setResourcePath(resourcePath) { com.lumoslabs.framework.ResourceHelper.resourcePath = resourcePath; } static function getResourcePath(path) { if (resourcePath == undefined) { resourcePath = getDefaultResourcePath(); } return((resourcePath + "/") + path); } static function getDefaultResourcePath() { var _local1; if ((System.capabilities.playerType == "External") || (System.capabilities.playerType == "StandAlone")) { _local1 = "../resources/"; } else { _local1 = pathURL("flash/resources/"); } return(_local1); } static function rootPath() { var _local2; if ( == "remote") { var _local3 = _root._url.indexOf("flash/"); return(_root._url.substr(0, _local3)); } _local2 = ""; return(_local2); } }
Symbol 208 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class { function PlayEvent () { } }
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class { function PromoEvent () { } }
Symbol 210 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class extends implements com.lumoslabs.util.Observer { var _isPausable, game, setupContainerClip, container_mc, finish; function ChalkboardChallengeContainer (target, depth, x, y, stageWidth, stageHeight) { super(target, depth, x, y); } function setDefaults() { _isPausable = true; } function initGame(params) { var _local2 = 45; if (params.time != undefined) { _local2 = Number(params.time); } else { trace("ChalkboardChallengeContainer, no time passed, default used: " + _local2); }; setupContainerClip(); game.clearObservers(); container_mc.onEnterFrame = undefined; delete container_mc.onEnterFrame; game = new, this, _local2); game.addObserver(this); var myGame =; myGame.init(); container_mc.onEnterFrame = function () { myGame.update(); }; } function handleResults(score, num_correct, num_tries, time, session_level) { var _local2 = new Object(); _local2.score = score; _local2.num_correct = num_correct; _local2.num_tries = num_tries; _local2.time = time; _local2.session_level = session_level; finish(_local2); } static function main() { var _local2 = new, 0, 0, 0, Stage.width, Stage.height); } }
Symbol 211 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class extends { var MC, gameContainer, trialTime, responseTime, inGrace, released, newResponse, correctResponse, updateFinished, pause, soundEffects, gameState, countIntID, gameTime, startTime, timeLeft, score, responses, rights, totals, correctTotals, times, level, consRights, trial, centerTrial, lastTrialTime, bottomTrial, topTrial, tally, tallyNum, response, endTime, pauseStart; function ChalkboardChallengeGame (container_mc, gameContainer, trialTime) { super(); MC = container_mc; this.gameContainer = gameContainer; this.trialTime = trialTime; responseTime = getTimer(); inGrace = false; released = true; newResponse = false; correctResponse = false; updateFinished = true; pause = false; soundEffects = new; Key.addListener(this); } function getSounds() { return(; } function clearAll() { stopShakeProblems(); MC.myScreenLayer.removeMovieClip(); MC.myTrialLayer.removeMovieClip(); getSounds().stopAllSounds(); Key.removeListener(this); } function init() { MC.createEmptyMovieClip("myScreenLayer", MC.getNextHighestDepth()); MC.myScreenLayer._x = WIDTH / 2; MC.myScreenLayer._y = HEIGHT / 2; MC.attachMovie("trialLayer", "myTrialLayer", MC.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:WIDTH / 2, _y:HEIGHT / 2}); initTrialLayerButtons(); MC.myTrialLayer._visible = false; initStart(); } function initStart() { gameState = "start"; MC.myScreenLayer.attachMovie("startScreen", "myScreen", 0); var owner = this; MC.myScreenLayer.myScreen.myHowToButton.onPress = function () {; }; MC.myScreenLayer.myScreen.myStartButton.onPress = function () { owner.clearStart(); owner.getSounds().stopIntroSound(); owner.initCount(); }; if (!getSounds().getIntroIsPlaying()) { getSounds().startIntroSound(); } } function clearStart() { MC.myScreenLayer.myScreen.removeMovieClip(); } function initCount() { gameState = "count"; MC.myScreenLayer.attachMovie("countScreen", "myScreen", 0); MC.myScreenLayer.myScreen.myScore.text = "0"; MC.myScreenLayer.myScreen.myLevel.text = "1"; MC.myScreenLayer.myScreen.myMeter.gotoAndStop(getMeterFrame(trialTime + GRACEPERIOD)); MC.myScreenLayer.myScreen.count.text = "3"; countIntID = setInterval(this, "countdown", 1000, 3); gameContainer.reportPlay(); } function countdown(secondsLeft) { clearInterval(countIntID); if (secondsLeft > 1) { MC.myScreenLayer.myScreen.count.text = secondsLeft - 1; countIntID = setInterval(this, "countdown", 1000, secondsLeft - 1); } else { clearCount(); initTrials(getTimer()); } } function clearCount() { clearInterval(countIntID); MC.myScreenLayer.myScreen.removeMovieClip(); } function initInstruct() { gameState = "instruct"; MC.myTrialLayer._visible = false; MC.myScreenLayer.attachMovie("helpScreen", "myScreen", 0); if (!getSounds().getIntroIsPlaying()) { getSounds().startIntroSound(); } doInstructScreen(1); } function clearInstruct() { inGrace = false; stopShakeProblems(); MC.myScreenLayer.myScreen.removeMovieClip(); } function initTrials(initTime) { gameState = "trials"; gameTime = initTime; startTime = initTime; timeLeft = trialTime + GRACEPERIOD; score = 0; responses = 0; rights = 0; totals = {greaterThan:0, equalTo:0, lessThan:0}; correctTotals = {greaterThan:0, equalTo:0, lessThan:0}; times = []; level = 1; consRights = 0; MC.myScreenLayer.attachMovie("trialScreen", "myScreen", 0); MC.myTrialLayer._visible = true; trial = new, consRights); initTrialLayer(); trial.displayTrial(centerTrial); lastTrialTime = getTimer(); pauseTrialLayer(pause); getSounds().startAmbientSound(); } function initTrialLayer() { centerTrial = MC.myTrialLayer.trial0; centerTrial._alpha = 100; centerTrial._y = 0; bottomTrial = MC.myTrialLayer.trial1; bottomTrial._alpha = 0; bottomTrial._y = 150; topTrial = MC.myTrialLayer.trial2; topTrial._alpha = 0; topTrial._y = -150; initTrialClip(centerTrial); initTrialClip(bottomTrial); initTrialClip(topTrial); MC.myTrialLayer.myScore.text = score; MC.myTrialLayer.myLevel.text = level; MC.myTrialLayer.myMeter.filter.clip.gotoAndStop(1); MC.myTrialLayer.myMeter.gotoAndStop(getMeterFrame(timeLeft)); tally = MC.myTrialLayer.tally0; tallyNum = 0; resetTally(); tally._alpha = 0; switchTally(); resetTally(); } function initTrialClip(clip) { clip.leftAns._visible = false; clip.rightAns._visible = false; = false; clip.bottomComp._visible = false; clip._xscale = 100; clip._yscale = 100; } function initTrialLayerButtons() { var owner = this; MC.myTrialLayer.myUpButton.onPress = function () { owner.buttonPress("equalTo", getTimer()); }; MC.myTrialLayer.myRightButton.onPress = function () { owner.buttonPress("lessThan", getTimer()); }; MC.myTrialLayer.myDownButton.onPress = function () { owner.buttonPress("equalTo", getTimer()); }; MC.myTrialLayer.myLeftButton.onPress = function () { owner.buttonPress("greaterThan", getTimer()); }; pauseTrialLayer(pause); } function buttonPress(button, buttonTime) { if (updateFinished) { updateFinished = false; responseTime = buttonTime; response = button; newResponse = true; trialResponse(); } } function clearTrials() { MC.myTrialLayer._visible = false; MC.myScreenLayer.myScreen.removeMovieClip(); getSounds().stopAllSounds(); } function saveResults(totalTime) { gameContainer.handleResults(score, rights, responses, totalTime * 1000, level); } function initResults() { stopShakeProblems(); gameState = "results"; var _local3 = Math.round((endTime - startTime) / 1000); var _local4 = new TextFormat("Trebuchet MS", 28, 6710886, true); var _local5 = new TextFormat("Trebuchet MS", 40, 6710886, true); var _local2; var _local6; if (responses == 0) { _local2 = 0; } else { _local2 = rights / responses; } MC.myScreenLayer.attachMovie("resultsScreen", "myScreen", 0); MC.myScreenLayer.myScreen.myScore.text = score + " points!"; MC.myScreenLayer.myScreen.myLastLevel.text = level; MC.myScreenLayer.myScreen.myAccuracy.text = Math.round(100 * _local2) + "%"; MC.myScreenLayer.myScreen.myRights.text = rights; MC.myScreenLayer.myScreen.myTotalTime.text = _local3 + " seconds"; saveResults(_local3); var owner = this; MC.myScreenLayer.myScreen.myDoneButton.onPress = function () { owner.stopSounds(); owner.finalFinish(); }; getSounds().startIntroSound(); } function stopSounds() { getSounds().stopAllSounds(); } function clearResults() { MC.myScreenLayer.myScreen.removeMovieClip(); } function update() { if ((!pause) && (gameState == "trials")) { if (timeLeft < 1) { endTime = getTimer(); clearTrials(); initResults(); } else { updateTimeLeft(getTimer()); } } } function updateTimeLeft(updateTime) { if ((updateTime - gameTime) > 1000) { gameTime = updateTime; timeLeft--; } if ((timeLeft <= TICKPERIOD) && (!getSounds().getTimerSoundIsPlaying())) { getSounds().playTimerSound(); } if ((timeLeft <= GRACEPERIOD) && (!inGrace)) { inGrace = true; shakeCenterProblems(); } MC.myTrialLayer.myTime.text = timeLeft; MC.myTrialLayer.myMeter.gotoAndStop(getMeterFrame(timeLeft)); } function shakeCenterProblems() { shakeProblem(centerTrial.rightProblem, "rightX0", "rightY0"); shakeProblem(centerTrial.leftProblem, "leftX0", "leftY0"); } function shakeBottomProblems() { shakeProblem(bottomTrial.rightProblem, "rightX0", "rightY0"); shakeProblem(bottomTrial.leftProblem, "leftX0", "leftY0"); } function stopShakeProblems() { stopShakeProblem(topTrial.rightProblem, "rightX0", "rightY0"); stopShakeProblem(topTrial.leftProblem, "leftX0", "leftY0"); stopShakeProblem(centerTrial.rightProblem, "rightX0", "rightY0"); stopShakeProblem(centerTrial.leftProblem, "leftX0", "leftY0"); stopShakeProblem(bottomTrial.rightProblem, "rightX0", "rightY0"); stopShakeProblem(bottomTrial.leftProblem, "leftX0", "leftY0"); } function shakeProblem(problemClip, x0Str, y0Str) { problemClip[x0Str] = problemClip._x; problemClip[y0Str] = problemClip._y; problemClip.onEnterFrame = com.lumoslabs.util.Delegate.create(this, shakeClip, problemClip, SHAKEFRAMES); } function stopShakeProblem(problemClip, x0Str, y0Str) { delete problemClip.onEnterFrame; problemClip._x = problemClip[x0Str]; problemClip._y = problemClip[y0Str]; } function shakeClip(clip, framesLeft) { var _local2 = (Math.random() * 2) * Math.PI; var _local3 = SHAKEDISPLACE * Math.cos(_local2); var _local4 = SHAKEDISPLACE * Math.sin(_local2); setShake(_local3, _local4, clip); clip.onEnterFrame = com.lumoslabs.util.Delegate.create(this, setReturnShake, -_local3, -_local4, clip, framesLeft); } function setShake(xDisplace, yDisplace, clip) { clip._x = clip._x + xDisplace; clip._y = clip._y + yDisplace; } function setReturnShake(xDisplace, yDisplace, clip, framesLeft) { setShake(xDisplace, yDisplace, clip); clip.onEnterFrame = com.lumoslabs.util.Delegate.create(this, shakeClip, clip, framesLeft - 1); } function getMeterFrame(time) { return(Math.max(1, Math.min((6 * (time - GRACEPERIOD)) + 1, 361))); } function doInstructScreen(frame) { MC.myScreenLayer.myScreen.gotoAndStop(frame); var owner = this; MC.myScreenLayer.myScreen.playButton.onRelease = function () { owner.clearInstruct(); owner.getSounds().stopIntroSound(); owner.initCount(); }; if (frame == 1) { MC.myScreenLayer.myScreen.forwardButton.onRelease = function () { owner.doInstructScreen(2); }; } else { MC.myScreenLayer.myScreen.backButton.onRelease = function () { owner.doInstructScreen(1); }; } } function onKeyUp() { released = true; } function onKeyDown() { if ((updateFinished && (released)) && (gameState == "trials")) { updateFinished = false; responseTime = getTimer(); switch (Key.getCode()) { case 38 : response = "equalTo"; newResponse = true; break; case 39 : response = "lessThan"; newResponse = true; break; case 40 : response = "equalTo"; newResponse = true; break; case 37 : response = "greaterThan"; newResponse = true; break; default : newResponse = false; updateFinished = true; } if (newResponse) { trialResponse(); released = false; } } } function trialResponse() { times.push(responseTime - lastTrialTime); responses++; totals[trial.getType()]++; if (inGrace) { stopShakeProblems(); shakeBottomProblems(); } if (response == trial.getType()) { rights++; correctTotals[trial.getType()]++; rightTrialResponse(); nextTrial(true); } else { wrongTrialResponse(); nextTrial(false); } } function nextTrial(lastTrialRight) { trial.displayAnswer(centerTrial, response); trial = new, consRights); trial.displayTrial(bottomTrial); centerTrial.yTween = new mx.transitions.Tween(centerTrial, "_y", mx.transitions.easing.Strong.easeOut, centerTrial._y, centerTrial._y - 125, 8, false); centerTrial.alphaTweenOut = new mx.transitions.Tween(centerTrial, "_alpha", mx.transitions.easing.Strong.easeOut, centerTrial._alpha, 100, 8, false); centerTrial.xscaleTween = new mx.transitions.Tween(centerTrial, "_xscale", mx.transitions.easing.Regular.easeOut, centerTrial._xscale, 75, 8, false); centerTrial.yscaleTween = new mx.transitions.Tween(centerTrial, "_yscale", mx.transitions.easing.Regular.easeOut, centerTrial._yscale, 75, 8, false); topTrial.yTween = new mx.transitions.Tween(topTrial, "_y", mx.transitions.easing.Regular.easeIn, topTrial._y, topTrial._y - 150, 8, false); topTrial.alphaTweenOut = new mx.transitions.Tween(topTrial, "_alpha", mx.transitions.easing.Regular.easeOut, topTrial._alpha, 0, 8, false); bottomTrial._y = 0; bottomTrial._alpha = 100; var owner = topTrial; var game = this; topTrial.alphaTweenOut.onMotionFinished = function () { owner._xscale = 100; owner._yscale = 100; owner._y = 110; game.newResponse = false; game.correctResponse = false; game.updateFinished = true; game.lastTrialTime = getTimer(); }; var _local2 = bottomTrial; bottomTrial = topTrial; topTrial = centerTrial; centerTrial = _local2; } function rightTrialResponse() { correctResponse = true; doLevelRight(); doScore(MULT[level - 1] * CSCORE);"positive"); = true; } function wrongTrialResponse() { timeLeft = timeLeft + WRONGTIME; doLevelWrong();"negative"); = true; } function doLevelRight() { consRights++; if (consRights == CONSLEVEL) { getSounds().playBonusSound(); consRights = 0; tally.gotoAndPlay(1); animateTally(); switchTally(); resetTally(); if (inGrace) { inGrace = false; timeLeft = RIGHTTIME + GRACEPERIOD; stopShakeProblems(); } else { timeLeft = timeLeft + RIGHTTIME; } if (timeLeft > TICKPERIOD) { getSounds().stopTimerSound(); } MC.myScreenLayer.myScreen.myMeter.gotoAndStop(getMeterFrame(timeLeft)); MC.myTrialLayer.myMeter.filter.clip.gotoAndPlay(1); if (level < MULT.length) { level++; MC.myTrialLayer.myLevel.text = level; } } else { getSounds().playFeedbackSound(true); tally["mark" + consRights].gotoAndPlay(1); } } function resetTally() { tally._xscale = 100; tally._yscale = 100; tally._y = 100; tally._alpha = 100; tally.gotoAndStop(1); var _local2 = 1; while (_local2 < 5) { tally["mark" + _local2].gotoAndStop(1); _local2++; } } function switchTally() { tallyNum = (tallyNum + 1) % 2; tally = MC.myTrialLayer["tally" + tallyNum]; } function animateTally() { tally.yTween = new mx.transitions.Tween(tally, "_y", mx.transitions.easing.Strong.easeOut, tally._y, tally._y - 30, 8, false); tally.alphaTweenOut = new mx.transitions.Tween(tally, "_alpha", mx.transitions.easing.Strong.easeOut, tally._alpha, 0, 16, false); tally.xscaleTween = new mx.transitions.Tween(tally, "_xscale", mx.transitions.easing.Regular.easeOut, tally._xscale, 75, 8, false); tally.yscaleTween = new mx.transitions.Tween(tally, "_yscale", mx.transitions.easing.Regular.easeOut, tally._yscale, 75, 8, false); } function doLevelWrong() { getSounds().stopBonusSound(); getSounds().playFeedbackSound(false); if (consRights > 0) { tally["mark" + consRights].gotoAndPlay(9); consRights--; } } function doScore(points) { score = score + points; MC.myTrialLayer.myScore.text = score; } function togglePause() { getSounds().togglePause(); setPause(!pause); return(pause); } function setPause(pause) { this.pause = pause; if (pause) { pauseStart = getTimer(); Key.removeListener(this); } else { lastTrialTime = lastTrialTime + (getTimer() - pauseStart); Key.addListener(this); } pauseTrialLayer(pause); } function pauseTrialLayer(pause) { MC.myTrialLayer.myUpButton.enabled = !pause; MC.myTrialLayer.myRightButton.enabled = !pause; MC.myTrialLayer.myDownButton.enabled = !pause; MC.myTrialLayer.myLeftButton.enabled = !pause; trial.setPause(pause, centerTrial); } function help() {; stopShakeProblems(); clearAny(); if (pause) { togglePause(); } initInstruct(); } function clearAny() { switch (gameState) { case "start" : clearStart(); break; case "instruct" : clearInstruct(); break; case "count" : clearCount(); break; case "trials" : clearTrials(); break; default : clearResults(); } } static var WIDTH = 640; static var HEIGHT = 480; static var TICKPERIOD = 10; static var GRACEPERIOD = 5; static var SHAKEFRAMES = 12; static var SHAKEDISPLACE = 2; static var CSCORE = 50; static var DELAY = 0; static var MULT = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16]; static var CONSLEVEL = 5; static var RIGHTTIME = 10; static var WRONGTIME = -4; }
Symbol 212 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class { var numOps, operators, operands, value, trialType; function ChalkboardChallengeTrial (level, consRights) { initLevel(level, consRights); setTrialTypeRandom(); initProblems(); generateProblems(); } function initLevel(level, consRights) { numOps = getNumOpsObject(level, consRights); maxDiff = LEVELS[level - 1].maxDiff; valRange = [maxDiff + 1, maxVal]; ops = LEVELS[level - 1].ops; } function getNumOpsObject(level, consRights) { var _local2 = LEVELS[level - 1].opsNum; if (Math.random() < 0.5) { return({left:getNumOps(_local2.left, consRights), right:getNumOps(_local2.right, consRights)}); } return({left:getNumOps(_local2.right, consRights), right:getNumOps(_local2.left, consRights)}); } function getNumOps(opsNum, consRights) { if (((opsNum % 1) > 0.3) && ((opsNum % 1) < 0.5)) { if ((consRights == 1) || (consRights == 3)) { return(Math.ceil(opsNum)); } return(Math.floor(opsNum)); } if (((opsNum % 1) > 0.7) && ((opsNum % 1) < 0.9)) { if (consRights == 2) { return(Math.floor(opsNum)); } return(Math.ceil(opsNum)); } return(opsNum); } function initProblems() { operators = {left:new Array(), right:new Array()}; operands = {left:new Array(), right:new Array()}; value = new Object(); } function setTrialTypeRandom() { var _local2 = Math.random(); if (_local2 < 0.45) { trialType = "greaterThan"; } else if (_local2 < 0.55) { trialType = "equalTo"; } else { trialType = "lessThan"; } } function generateProblems() { value.left = randomIntegerInside(valRange); if (trialType == "greaterThan") { value.right = randomNearWithin(value.left, -maxDiff, valRange); } else if (trialType == "equalTo") { value.right = value.left; } else { value.right = randomNearWithin(value.left, maxDiff, valRange); } if (generateProblem("left") && (generateProblem("right"))) { if (trialType == "equalTo") { if (sameProblems() || (reverseEqualTo())) { initProblems(); generateProblems(); // unexpected jump } return(true); } else { return(true); } } else { initProblems(); generateProblems(); } } function sameProblems() { return((((numOps.left > 0) || (numOps.right > 0)) && (sameOps())) && (operands.left.join() == operands.right.join())); } function sameOps() { return(operators.left.join() == operators.right.join()); } function reverseEqualTo() { return((((sameOps() && (numOps.left == 1)) && (numOps.right == 1)) && ((operators.left[0] == "+") || (operators.left[0] == "x"))) && (operands.left[0] == operands.right[1])); } function randomIntegerInside(aRange) { return(Math.floor(aRange[0] + (Math.random() * ((aRange[1] - aRange[0]) + 1)))); } function randomNearWithin(near, within, aRange) { var _local1 = near; while (_local1 == near) { if (within > 0) { _local1 = Math.floor((near + (Math.random() * within)) + 1); } else { _local1 = Math.ceil((near + (Math.random() * within)) - 1); } } return(_local1); } function isPrime(anInt) { var _local1 = 0; var _local2 = PRIMES.length - 1; var _local3; while (true) { if ((_local1 + 1) == _local2) { return((anInt == PRIMES[_local1]) || (anInt == PRIMES[_local2])); } _local3 = Math.round((_local1 + _local2) / 2); if (anInt > PRIMES[_local3]) { _local1 = _local3; } else { _local2 = _local3; } } } function findMaxIndex(anNum) { var _local2 = 0; var _local1 = PRIMES.length - 1; var _local3; while (true) { if ((_local2 + 1) == _local1) { if (anNum == PRIMES[_local1]) { return(_local1); } return(_local2); } _local3 = Math.round((_local2 + _local1) / 2); if (anNum > PRIMES[_local3]) { _local2 = _local3; } else { _local1 = _local3; } } } function generateProblem(side) { return(generate(operators[side], operands[side], value[side], numOps[side])); } function generate(anOps, anOperands, aValue, aNumOps) { if (aNumOps > 0) { var _local7 = getRanges(aValue, aNumOps); var _local2 = getPotentials(_local7, aValue); if (_local2 == undefined) { if (anOps.length == 0) { trace("failed to generate problem"); return(false); } return(generate(anOps, anOperands, operate(aValue, String(anOps.shift()), Number(anOperands.shift())), aNumOps + 1)); } anOps.unshift(_local2.op); anOperands.unshift(_local2.operand); return(generate(anOps, anOperands, _local2.value, aNumOps - 1)); } anOperands.unshift(aValue); return(true); } function getRanges(aValue, aNumOps) { var _local5 = [1, maxVal]; var _local6 = [1, maxVal]; var _local8 = [2, Math.round(aValue / 2)]; var _local7 = [1, maxVal]; var _local3 = []; var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < ops.length) { if (ops[_local2] == "+") { _local3.push(findAddRange(aValue, _local5)); } else if (ops[_local2] == "-") { _local3.push(findSubRange(aValue, _local6)); } else if (ops[_local2] == "x") { _local3.push(findMultArray(aValue, _local8)); } else { _local3.push(findDivRange(aValue, _local7)); } _local2++; } return(_local3); } function getPotentials(ranges, aValue) { var _local5 = []; var _local4 = []; var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < ranges.length) { if (ranges[_local2].length > 0) { _local5.push(ranges[_local2]); _local4.push(ops[_local2]); } _local2++; } if (_local4.length > 0) { var _local7 = _local4.join("").indexOf("/"); var _local6; if ((_local7 >= 0) && (Math.random() < DChance)) { _local6 = _local7; } else { _local6 = Math.floor(Math.random() * _local4.length); } var _local8 = _local4[_local6]; var _local9 = getOperand(_local8, _local5[_local6]); return({op:_local8, operand:_local9, value:inverseOperate(aValue, _local8, _local9)}); } return(undefined); } function getOperand(anOp, aRange) { if (anOp == "x") { return(aRange[Math.floor(Math.random() * aRange.length)]); } return(randomIntegerInside(aRange)); } function findAddRange(anInt, aRange) { var _local3 = anInt - aRange[1]; var _local2 = anInt - aRange[0]; return(findOperandRange(_local3, _local2, ASRange)); } function findSubRange(anInt, aRange) { var _local3 = aRange[0] - anInt; var _local2 = aRange[1] - anInt; return(findOperandRange(_local3, _local2, ASRange)); } function findMultArray(anInt, aRange) { var _local2 = powerSet(factor(anInt)); var _local3 = []; for (var _local6 in _local2) { if (isInside(_local2[_local6], MDRange) && (isInside(anInt / _local2[_local6], aRange))) { _local3.push(_local2[_local6]); } } return(_local3); } function findDivRange(anInt, aRange) { var _local2 = Math.ceil(aRange[0] / anInt); var _local3 = Math.floor(aRange[1] / anInt); return(findOperandRange(_local2, _local3, MDRange)); } function findOperandRange(min, max, aRange) { if ((min > aRange[1]) || (max < aRange[0])) { return([]); } return([Math.max(min, aRange[0]), Math.min(max, aRange[1])]); } function factor(anInt) { if (anInt == 1) { return([]); } return(factorHelper(anInt)); } function factorHelper(anInt) { if (isPrime(anInt)) { return([anInt]); } var _local5 = findMaxIndex(Math.sqrt(anInt)); var _local3; var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 <= _local5) { _local3 = anInt / PRIMES[_local2]; if ((_local3 % 1) == 0) { return([PRIMES[_local2]].concat(factorHelper(_local3))); } _local2++; } } function powerSet(anArray) { var _local4 = [].concat(anArray); var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < (anArray.length - 1)) { var _local1 = _local2 + 1; while (_local1 < anArray.length) { _local4.push(anArray[_local2] * anArray[_local1]); _local1++; } _local2++; } return(_local4); } function operate(operand1, operator, operand2) { switch (operator) { case "+" : return(operand1 + operand2); case "-" : return(operand1 - operand2); case "x" : return(operand1 * operand2); case "/" : return(operand1 / operand2); } } function inverseOperate(operand1, operator, operand2) { switch (operator) { case "+" : return(operand1 - operand2); case "-" : return(operand1 + operand2); case "x" : return(operand1 / operand2); case "/" : return(operand1 * operand2); } } function isInside(value, range) { return((range[0] <= value) && (value <= range[1])); } function getType() { return(trialType); } function toString(side) { var _local3 = operands[side].shift() + " "; var _local5 = operands[side].length; var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _local5) { _local3 = _local3 + ((operators[side].shift() + " ") + operands[side].shift()); if (_local2 < (numOps[side] - 1)) { _local3 = ("(" + _local3) + ") "; } _local2++; } return(_local3); } function displayTrial(clip) { clip.leftAns._visible = false; clip.rightAns._visible = false; = false; clip.topComp._visible = true; clip.bottomComp._visible = false; clip.leftProblem._visible = true; clip.rightProblem._visible = true; clip.topComp.gotoAndStop("question"); var _local3 = Math.max(3, Math.max(numOps.right + 1, numOps.left + 1)); clip.leftProblem.gotoAndStop(_local3); clip.rightProblem.gotoAndStop(_local3); clip.leftProblem.field.text = toString("left"); clip.rightProblem.field.text = toString("right"); } function displayAnswer(clip, response) { clip.topComp.gotoAndStop(response); if (response == trialType) {"positive"); clip.leftProblem._visible = false; clip.rightProblem._visible = false; clip.topComp._visible = false; } else {"negative"); clip.leftProblem._visible = true; clip.rightProblem._visible = true; clip.topComp._visible = true; } = true; clip.bottomComp.gotoAndStop(trialType); clip.bottomComp._visible = true; clip.leftAns.text = value.left; clip.leftAns._visible = true; clip.rightAns.text = value.right; clip.rightAns._visible = true; } function setPause(pause, clip) { clip.leftProblem._visible = !pause; clip.rightProblem._visible = !pause; } static var PRIMES = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97, 101, 103, 107, 109, 113, 127, 131, 137, 139, 149, 151, 157, 163, 167, 173, 179, 181, 191, 193, 197, 199, 211, 223, 227, 229, 233, 239, 241, 251, 257, 263, 269, 271, 277, 281, 283, 293, 307, 311, 313, 317, 331, 337, 347, 349, 353, 359, 367, 373, 379, 383, 389, 397, 401, 409, 419, 421, 431, 433, 439, 443, 449, 457, 461, 463, 467, 479, 487, 491, 499, 503, 509, 521, 523, 541, 547, 557, 563, 569, 571, 577, 587, 593, 599, 601, 607, 613, 617, 619, 631, 641, 643, 647, 653, 659, 661, 673, 677, 683, 691, 701, 709, 719, 727, 733, 739, 743, 751, 757, 761, 769, 773, 787, 797, 809, 811, 821, 823, 827, 829, 839, 853, 857, 859, 863, 877, 881, 883, 887, 907, 911, 919, 929, 937, 941, 947, 953, 967, 971, 977, 983, 991, 997, 1009]; static var ALLOPS = ["+", "-", "x", "/"]; static var LEVELS = [{opsNum:{left:0, right:0}, maxDiff:10, ops:[]}, {opsNum:{left:1, right:0}, maxDiff:10, ops:ALLOPS}, {opsNum:{left:1, right:0.4}, maxDiff:10, ops:ALLOPS}, {opsNum:{left:1, right:1}, maxDiff:10, ops:ALLOPS}, {opsNum:{left:1.4, right:1}, maxDiff:10, ops:ALLOPS}, {opsNum:{left:1.8, right:1}, maxDiff:10, ops:ALLOPS}, {opsNum:{left:2, right:1}, maxDiff:10, ops:ALLOPS}, {opsNum:{left:2, right:1.4}, maxDiff:10, ops:ALLOPS}, {opsNum:{left:2, right:1.8}, maxDiff:10, ops:ALLOPS}, {opsNum:{left:2, right:2}, maxDiff:10, ops:ALLOPS}, {opsNum:{left:2.4, right:2}, maxDiff:10, ops:ALLOPS}, {opsNum:{left:2.8, right:2}, maxDiff:10, ops:ALLOPS}, {opsNum:{left:3, right:2}, maxDiff:10, ops:ALLOPS}, {opsNum:{left:3, right:2.4}, maxDiff:10, ops:ALLOPS}, {opsNum:{left:3, right:2.8}, maxDiff:10, ops:ALLOPS}, {opsNum:{left:3, right:3}, maxDiff:10, ops:ALLOPS}]; var ops = ALLOPS; var maxVal = 30; var valRange = [6, 30]; var maxDiff = 5; var ASRange = [1, 10]; var MDRange = [2, 10]; var DChance = 0.5; }
Symbol 213 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class extends { var ticker_mc, setPositiveFeedbackSound, addSound, setNegativeFeedbackSound, timerSound, bonusSound, ambientSound, stopAmbientSound, context_mc, volume, all_sounds; function NBackSounds (target) { super(target);"ticker_mc",; ticker_mc =; attachSounds(); } function attachSounds() { setPositiveFeedbackSound(addSound("correct.wav")); setNegativeFeedbackSound(addSound("wrong.mp3")); timerSound = addTicker(TICKER_ID); bonusSound = addSound(BONUS_ID); } function destroy() { stopAllSounds(); if (ambientSound) { stopAmbientSound(); } context_mc.removeMovieClip(); ticker_mc.removeMovieClip(); } function addTicker(id) { var _local2 = new; _local2.attachSound(id); _local2.setVolume(volume); all_sounds.push(_local2); return(_local2); } function playBonusSound() { if (bonusSound.getPlay() == true) { return(undefined); } bonusSound.start(); } function stopBonusSound() { bonusSound.stop(BONUS_ID); } function playTimerSound() { timerSound.start(5, 1); } function stopTimerSound() { timerSound.stop(TICKER_ID); } function getTimerSoundIsPlaying() { return(timerSound.getPlay()); } function getBonusIsPlaying() { return(bonusSound.getPlay()); } static var BONUS_ID = "bonus.mp3"; static var TICKER_ID = "metronome.mp3"; }
Symbol 214 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class extends { var ambientSound, addSound, introSound; function ChalkboardChallengeSounds (target) { super(target); ambientSound.setVolume(25); setIntroSound(addSound("intro.mp3")); introSound.setVolume(25); } function setIntroSound(introSound) { this.introSound = introSound; introSound.loop = true; } function getIntroIsPlaying() { return(introSound.getPlay()); } function startIntroSound() { introSound.start(); } function stopIntroSound() { introSound.stop(); } }
Symbol 215 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.transitions.OnEnterFrameBeacon { function OnEnterFrameBeacon () { } static function init() { var _local4 = _global.MovieClip; if (!_root.__OnEnterFrameBeacon) { mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX.initialize(_local4); var _local3 = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("__OnEnterFrameBeacon", 9876); _local3.onEnterFrame = function () { _global.MovieClip.broadcastMessage("onEnterFrame"); }; } } static var version = ""; }
Symbol 216 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX { var _listeners; function BroadcasterMX () { } static function initialize(o, dontCreateArray) { if (o.broadcastMessage != undefined) { delete o.broadcastMessage; } o.addListener = mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX.prototype.addListener; o.removeListener = mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX.prototype.removeListener; if (!dontCreateArray) { o._listeners = new Array(); } } function addListener(o) { removeListener(o); if (broadcastMessage == undefined) { broadcastMessage = mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX.prototype.broadcastMessage; } return(_listeners.push(o)); } function removeListener(o) { var _local2 = _listeners; var _local3 = _local2.length; while (_local3--) { if (_local2[_local3] == o) { _local2.splice(_local3, 1); if (!_local2.length) { broadcastMessage = undefined; } return(true); } } return(false); } function broadcastMessage() { var _local5 = String(arguments.shift()); var _local4 = _listeners.concat(); var _local6 = _local4.length; var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local6) { _local4[_local3][_local5].apply(_local4[_local3], arguments); _local3++; } } static var version = ""; }
Symbol 217 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.transitions.Tween { var obj, prop, begin, useSeconds, _listeners, addListener, prevTime, _time, looping, _duration, broadcastMessage, isPlaying, _fps, prevPos, _pos, change, _intervalID, _startTime; function Tween (obj, prop, func, begin, finish, duration, useSeconds) { mx.transitions.OnEnterFrameBeacon.init(); if (!arguments.length) { return; } this.obj = obj; this.prop = prop; this.begin = begin; position = (begin); this.duration = (duration); this.useSeconds = useSeconds; if (func) { this.func = func; } this.finish = (finish); _listeners = []; addListener(this); start(); } function set time(t) { prevTime = _time; if (t > duration) { if (looping) { rewind(t - _duration); update(); broadcastMessage("onMotionLooped", this); } else { if (useSeconds) { _time = _duration; update(); } stop(); broadcastMessage("onMotionFinished", this); } } else if (t < 0) { rewind(); update(); } else { _time = t; update(); } //return(time); } function get time() { return(_time); } function set duration(d) { _duration = (((d == null) || (d <= 0)) ? (_global.Infinity) : (d)); //return(duration); } function get duration() { return(_duration); } function set FPS(fps) { var _local2 = isPlaying; stopEnterFrame(); _fps = fps; if (_local2) { startEnterFrame(); } //return(FPS); } function get FPS() { return(_fps); } function set position(p) { setPosition(p); //return(position); } function setPosition(p) { prevPos = _pos; obj[prop] = (_pos = p); broadcastMessage("onMotionChanged", this, _pos); updateAfterEvent(); } function get position() { return(getPosition()); } function getPosition(t) { if (t == undefined) { t = _time; } return(func(t, begin, change, _duration)); } function set finish(f) { change = f - begin; //return(finish); } function get finish() { return(begin + change); } function continueTo(finish, duration) { begin = position; this.finish = (finish); if (duration != undefined) { this.duration = (duration); } start(); } function yoyo() { continueTo(begin, time); } function startEnterFrame() { if (_fps == undefined) { _global.MovieClip.addListener(this); } else { _intervalID = setInterval(this, "onEnterFrame", 1000 / _fps); } isPlaying = true; } function stopEnterFrame() { if (_fps == undefined) { _global.MovieClip.removeListener(this); } else { clearInterval(_intervalID); } isPlaying = false; } function start() { rewind(); startEnterFrame(); broadcastMessage("onMotionStarted", this); } function stop() { stopEnterFrame(); broadcastMessage("onMotionStopped", this); } function resume() { fixTime(); startEnterFrame(); broadcastMessage("onMotionResumed", this); } function rewind(t) { _time = ((t == undefined) ? 0 : (t)); fixTime(); update(); } function fforward() { time = (_duration); fixTime(); } function nextFrame() { if (useSeconds) { time = ((getTimer() - _startTime) / 1000); } else { time = (_time + 1); } } function onEnterFrame() { nextFrame(); } function prevFrame() { if (!useSeconds) { time = (_time - 1); } } function toString() { return("[Tween]"); } function fixTime() { if (useSeconds) { _startTime = getTimer() - (_time * 1000); } } function update() { position = (getPosition(_time)); } static var version = ""; static var __initBeacon = mx.transitions.OnEnterFrameBeacon.init(); static var __initBroadcaster = mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX.initialize(mx.transitions.Tween.prototype, true); function func(t, b, c, d) { return(((c * t) / d) + b); } }
Symbol 218 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.transitions.easing.Strong { function Strong () { } static function easeIn(t, b, c, d) { t = t / d; return((((((c * t) * t) * t) * t) * t) + b); } static function easeOut(t, b, c, d) { t = (t / d) - 1; return((c * (((((t * t) * t) * t) * t) + 1)) + b); } static function easeInOut(t, b, c, d) { t = t / (d / 2); if (t < 1) { return(((((((c / 2) * t) * t) * t) * t) * t) + b); } t = t - 2; return(((c / 2) * (((((t * t) * t) * t) * t) + 2)) + b); } static var version = ""; }
Symbol 219 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.transitions.easing.Regular { function Regular () { } static function easeIn(t, b, c, d) { t = t / d; return(((c * t) * t) + b); } static function easeOut(t, b, c, d) { t = t / d; return((((-c) * t) * (t - 2)) + b); } static function easeInOut(t, b, c, d) { t = t / (d / 2); if (t < 1) { return((((c / 2) * t) * t) + b); } t--; return((((-c) / 2) * ((t * (t - 2)) - 1)) + b); } static var version = ""; }

Library Items

Symbol 1 Sound [wrong.mp3]
Symbol 2 Sound [metronome.mp3]
Symbol 3 Sound [intro.mp3]
Symbol 4 Sound [correct.wav]
Symbol 5 Sound [bonus.mp3]
Symbol 6 GraphicUsed by:7
Symbol 7 MovieClip [feedback_pos_mc]Uses:6
Symbol 8 GraphicUsed by:9
Symbol 9 MovieClip [feedback_neg_mc]Uses:8
Symbol 10 GraphicUsed by:11
Symbol 11 MovieClip [addition_mc]Uses:10
Symbol 12 GraphicUsed by:13
Symbol 13 MovieClip [division_mc]Uses:12
Symbol 14 GraphicUsed by:15
Symbol 15 MovieClip [multiplication_mc]Uses:14
Symbol 16 GraphicUsed by:17
Symbol 17 MovieClip [subtraction_mc]Uses:16
Symbol 18 GraphicUsed by:19
Symbol 19 MovieClipUses:18Used by:20
Symbol 20 MovieClip [backgroundPanel_mc]Uses:19
Symbol 21 GraphicUsed by:26
Symbol 22 FontUsed by:23 37 38 41 44 45 51 66 76 77 79 80 139 141 147 152 162 177 183 185 186
Symbol 23 TextUses:22Used by:26
Symbol 24 GraphicUsed by:26
Symbol 25 GraphicUsed by:26
Symbol 26 Button [done_btn]Uses:21 23 24 25Used by:49
Symbol 27 GraphicUsed by:49
Symbol 28 FontUsed by:29
Symbol 29 TextUses:28Used by:49 72
Symbol 30 BitmapUsed by:31 57 127 133 159 160 161 166 167 168 172 180
Symbol 31 GraphicUses:30Used by:34
Symbol 32 GraphicUsed by:34 72
Symbol 33 GraphicUsed by:34
Symbol 34 MovieClipUses:31 32 33Used by:49 74 179 187
Symbol 35 GraphicUsed by:36
Symbol 36 MovieClipUses:35Used by:49
Symbol 37 EditableTextUses:22Used by:49
Symbol 38 EditableTextUses:22Used by:49
Symbol 39 FontUsed by:40 42 43 46 84 85 138 140 163 164 173 177
Symbol 40 TextUses:39Used by:49
Symbol 41 EditableTextUses:22Used by:49
Symbol 42 TextUses:39Used by:49
Symbol 43 TextUses:39Used by:49
Symbol 44 EditableTextUses:22Used by:49
Symbol 45 EditableTextUses:22Used by:49
Symbol 46 TextUses:39Used by:49
Symbol 47 GraphicUsed by:48
Symbol 48 MovieClipUses:47Used by:49 72
Symbol 49 MovieClip [resultsScreen]Uses:27 29 34 26 36 37 38 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 48
Symbol 50 GraphicUsed by:56
Symbol 51 TextUses:22Used by:56
Symbol 52 GraphicUsed by:56
Symbol 53 GraphicUsed by:56
Symbol 54 GraphicUsed by:56
Symbol 55 GraphicUsed by:56
Symbol 56 Button [howto_btn]Uses:50 51 52 53 54 55Used by:72
Symbol 57 GraphicUses:30Used by:72
Symbol 58 FontUsed by:59 60 184
Symbol 59 TextUses:58Used by:72
Symbol 60 TextUses:58Used by:72
Symbol 61 FontUsed by:62
Symbol 62 TextUses:61Used by:72
Symbol 63 GraphicUsed by:72
Symbol 64 GraphicUsed by:72
Symbol 65 GraphicUsed by:71
Symbol 66 TextUses:22Used by:71
Symbol 67 GraphicUsed by:71
Symbol 68 GraphicUsed by:71
Symbol 69 GraphicUsed by:71
Symbol 70 GraphicUsed by:71
Symbol 71 Button [start_btn]Uses:65 66 67 68 69 70Used by:72 179
Symbol 72 MovieClip [startScreen]Uses:57 59 60 62 29 63 32 64 71 56 48
Symbol 73 GraphicUsed by:74 187
Symbol 74 MovieClip [trialScreen]Uses:73 34
Symbol 75 GraphicUsed by:78 81
Symbol 76 TextUses:22Used by:78
Symbol 77 EditableTextUses:22Used by:78
Symbol 78 MovieClip [score_mc]Uses:75 76 77
Symbol 79 EditableTextUses:22Used by:81
Symbol 80 TextUses:22Used by:81
Symbol 81 MovieClip [timer_mc]Uses:75 79 80
Symbol 82 GraphicUsed by:83
Symbol 83 MovieClipUses:82Used by:145
Symbol 84 EditableTextUses:39Used by:145
Symbol 85 EditableTextUses:39Used by:145
Symbol 86 BitmapUsed by:87
Symbol 87 GraphicUses:86Used by:92 179
Symbol 88 FontUsed by:89 90 91 93 94 95 96 97 98 116 126 128 131 134 165 169 170
Symbol 89 TextUses:88Used by:92
Symbol 90 TextUses:88Used by:92
Symbol 91 TextUses:88Used by:92
Symbol 92 MovieClipUses:87 89 90 91Used by:104
Symbol 93 EditableTextUses:88Used by:104
Symbol 94 EditableTextUses:88Used by:104
Symbol 95 EditableTextUses:88Used by:99
Symbol 96 EditableTextUses:88Used by:99
Symbol 97 EditableTextUses:88Used by:99
Symbol 98 EditableTextUses:88Used by:99
Symbol 99 MovieClipUses:95 96 97 98Used by:104
Symbol 100 GraphicUsed by:102
Symbol 101 GraphicUsed by:102
Symbol 102 MovieClipUses:100 101Used by:104
Symbol 103 GraphicUsed by:104
Symbol 104 MovieClipUses:92 93 94 99 102 103Used by:145
Symbol 105 GraphicUsed by:106
Symbol 106 MovieClipUses:105Used by:115
Symbol 107 BitmapUsed by:108
Symbol 108 GraphicUses:107Used by:115
Symbol 109 GraphicUsed by:112 115
Symbol 110 GraphicUsed by:111
Symbol 111 MovieClipUses:110Used by:112 115
Symbol 112 MovieClipUses:109 111Used by:115
Symbol 113 GraphicUsed by:115
Symbol 114 GraphicUsed by:115
Symbol 115 MovieClipUses:106 108 112 113 114 109 111Used by:145
Symbol 116 TextUses:88Used by:145
Symbol 117 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 118 GraphicUsed by:121
Symbol 119 BitmapUsed by:120 174
Symbol 120 GraphicUses:119Used by:121
Symbol 121 MovieClipUses:118 120Used by:125
Symbol 122 GraphicUsed by:125
Symbol 123 BitmapUsed by:124
Symbol 124 GraphicUses:123Used by:125
Symbol 125 MovieClipUses:121 122 124Used by:145
Symbol 126 TextUses:88Used by:145 187
Symbol 127 GraphicUses:30Used by:130 132
Symbol 128 TextUses:88Used by:130 179 187
Symbol 129 GraphicUsed by:130 132
Symbol 130 ButtonUses:127 128 129Used by:145
Symbol 131 TextUses:88Used by:132 179 187
Symbol 132 ButtonUses:127 131 129Used by:145
Symbol 133 GraphicUses:30Used by:136
Symbol 134 TextUses:88Used by:136 179 187
Symbol 135 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 136 ButtonUses:133 134 135Used by:145
Symbol 137 GraphicUsed by:145 187
Symbol 138 TextUses:39Used by:145 187
Symbol 139 EditableTextUses:22Used by:145
Symbol 140 TextUses:39Used by:145 187
Symbol 141 EditableTextUses:22Used by:145
Symbol 142 GraphicUsed by:143
Symbol 143 MovieClipUses:142Used by:145 187
Symbol 144 GraphicUsed by:145 187
Symbol 145 MovieClip [trialLayer]Uses:83 84 85 104 115 116 117 125 126 130 132 136 137 138 139 140 141 143 144
Symbol 146 GraphicUsed by:150
Symbol 147 TextUses:22Used by:150 179
Symbol 148 GraphicUsed by:150
Symbol 149 GraphicUsed by:150
Symbol 150 Button [backBtn]Uses:146 147 148 149Used by:179
Symbol 151 GraphicUsed by:155
Symbol 152 TextUses:22Used by:155 179
Symbol 153 GraphicUsed by:155
Symbol 154 GraphicUsed by:155
Symbol 155 Button [nextBtn]Uses:151 152 153 154Used by:179
Symbol 156 BitmapUsed by:157
Symbol 157 GraphicUses:156Used by:179
Symbol 158 GraphicUsed by:179
Symbol 159 GraphicUses:30Used by:179
Symbol 160 GraphicUses:30Used by:179
Symbol 161 GraphicUses:30Used by:179
Symbol 162 TextUses:22Used by:179
Symbol 163 TextUses:39Used by:179
Symbol 164 TextUses:39Used by:179
Symbol 165 TextUses:88Used by:179
Symbol 166 GraphicUses:30Used by:179
Symbol 167 GraphicUses:30Used by:179
Symbol 168 GraphicUses:30Used by:179
Symbol 169 TextUses:88Used by:179
Symbol 170 TextUses:88Used by:179
Symbol 171 GraphicUsed by:179
Symbol 172 GraphicUses:30Used by:179
Symbol 173 TextUses:39Used by:179
Symbol 174 GraphicUses:119Used by:175
Symbol 175 MovieClipUses:174Used by:179
Symbol 176 GraphicUsed by:179
Symbol 177 TextUses:22 39Used by:179
Symbol 178 GraphicUsed by:179
Symbol 179 MovieClip [helpScreen]Uses:157 71 158 34 159 134 160 128 161 131 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 87 169 170 147 155 171 172 173 175 176 177 150 178 152
Symbol 180 GraphicUses:30Used by:187
Symbol 181 GraphicUsed by:187
Symbol 182 GraphicUsed by:187
Symbol 183 EditableTextUses:22Used by:187
Symbol 184 TextUses:58Used by:187
Symbol 185 EditableTextUses:22Used by:187
Symbol 186 EditableTextUses:22Used by:187
Symbol 187 MovieClip [countScreen]Uses:73 34 126 180 128 181 131 134 182 183 184 137 138 185 140 186 143 144
Symbol 188 MovieClip []
Symbol 189 MovieClip []
Symbol 190 MovieClip []
Symbol 191 MovieClip []
Symbol 192 MovieClip []
Symbol 193 MovieClip []
Symbol 194 MovieClip []
Symbol 195 MovieClip []
Symbol 196 MovieClip []
Symbol 197 MovieClip []
Symbol 198 MovieClip []
Symbol 199 MovieClip []
Symbol 200 MovieClip []
Symbol 201 MovieClip []
Symbol 202 MovieClip []
Symbol 203 MovieClip []
Symbol 204 MovieClip []
Symbol 205 MovieClip [__Packages.flx.external.FlashInterface]
Symbol 206 MovieClip []
Symbol 207 MovieClip []
Symbol 208 MovieClip []
Symbol 209 MovieClip []
Symbol 210 MovieClip []
Symbol 211 MovieClip []
Symbol 212 MovieClip []
Symbol 213 MovieClip []
Symbol 214 MovieClip []
Symbol 215 MovieClip []
Symbol 216 MovieClip []
Symbol 217 MovieClip []
Symbol 218 MovieClip []
Symbol 219 MovieClip []

Instance Names

"myDoneButton"Symbol 49 MovieClip [resultsScreen] Frame 1Symbol 26 Button [done_btn]
"myScore"Symbol 49 MovieClip [resultsScreen] Frame 1Symbol 37 EditableText
"myRights"Symbol 49 MovieClip [resultsScreen] Frame 1Symbol 38 EditableText
"myAccuracy"Symbol 49 MovieClip [resultsScreen] Frame 1Symbol 41 EditableText
"myLastLevel"Symbol 49 MovieClip [resultsScreen] Frame 1Symbol 44 EditableText
"myTotalTime"Symbol 49 MovieClip [resultsScreen] Frame 1Symbol 45 EditableText
"myStartButton"Symbol 72 MovieClip [startScreen] Frame 1Symbol 71 Button [start_btn]
"myHowToButton"Symbol 72 MovieClip [startScreen] Frame 1Symbol 56 Button [howto_btn]
"myScore"Symbol 78 MovieClip [score_mc] Frame 1Symbol 77 EditableText
"myTime"Symbol 81 MovieClip [timer_mc] Frame 1Symbol 79 EditableText
"field"Symbol 99 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 95 EditableText
"field"Symbol 99 MovieClip Frame 2Symbol 96 EditableText
"field"Symbol 99 MovieClip Frame 3Symbol 97 EditableText
"field"Symbol 99 MovieClip Frame 4Symbol 98 EditableText
"topComp"Symbol 104 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 92 MovieClip
"bottomComp"Symbol 104 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 92 MovieClip
"rightAns"Symbol 104 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 93 EditableText
"leftAns"Symbol 104 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 94 EditableText
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"rightProblem"Symbol 104 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 99 MovieClip
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"mask"Symbol 115 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 106 MovieClip
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"mark3"Symbol 125 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 121 MovieClip
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"leftProblem"Symbol 145 MovieClip [trialLayer] Frame 1Symbol 85 EditableText
"trial0"Symbol 145 MovieClip [trialLayer] Frame 1Symbol 104 MovieClip
"trial2"Symbol 145 MovieClip [trialLayer] Frame 1Symbol 104 MovieClip
"trial1"Symbol 145 MovieClip [trialLayer] Frame 1Symbol 104 MovieClip
"myMeter"Symbol 145 MovieClip [trialLayer] Frame 1Symbol 115 MovieClip
"tally0"Symbol 145 MovieClip [trialLayer] Frame 1Symbol 125 MovieClip
"tally1"Symbol 145 MovieClip [trialLayer] Frame 1Symbol 125 MovieClip
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"myRightButton"Symbol 145 MovieClip [trialLayer] Frame 1Symbol 132 Button
"myLeftButton"Symbol 145 MovieClip [trialLayer] Frame 1Symbol 136 Button
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"myScore"Symbol 145 MovieClip [trialLayer] Frame 1Symbol 141 EditableText
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Special Tags

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"positive"Symbol 102 MovieClip Frame 2
Created: 9/2 -2019 18:56:35 Last modified: 9/2 -2019 18:56:35 Server time: 02/01 -2025 14:37:11