| STORY LOOP FURRY PORN GAMES C SERVICES [?] [R] RND POPULAR | Archived flashes: 229923 |
/disc/ · /res/ — /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/ | P0001 · P2598 · P5196 |
![]() | This is the info page for Flash #135114 |
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Instructions |
Welcome to the Binary Game! The binary game is all about adding up combinations of numbers. The faster and better you are about adding up a eight special numbers the better you will score. |
QuickStart |
QuickStart |
How to Play Binary Math |
How to Play Binary Math |
A Bit About Binary Math |
A Bit About Binary Math |
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QuickStart |
If you’re familiar with binary math, bits, bytes, and how to add up numbers you can dive right in. The game requires you to either set the bits in a byte correctly to equal the number to the right OR it requires you to click when you see a blank area and punch in the answer presented by the bits on the left. The first two problems have unlimited time and should be easy. After that, more problems will flow, get harder, and appear faster. Once the screen fills up with unsolved problems the game is over. |
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To set a bit click it with your mouse. It will turn “on” (1) or “off” (0). |
In this example one bit is on and the rest are off. The value is set to 2 |
To solve a blank answer problem click the empty answer box and use the keypad to click in the correct decimal answer. In this example the answer is 64. |
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How to Play Binary Math |
The Binary Game To play the Binary Math Game you must master two simple tasks to solve the problems you are presented. The first two problems (one of each type) you will get you can take as much time as you want but after that the game will continuously give you problems to solve. If you're not fast enough the game will fill the screen with problems and once problems fill up the entire screen the game is over. |
The Main Game Screen The Binary Game screen has five main sections as illustrated: |
Problem Area This is where rows of problems are displayed. The darker row indicates the specific problem you’re working on and is based on where you have placed the mouse cursor over. Bit Value Bars The Bit Value Bars sit on the top and bottom of the problem area shows you what the numeric value is for each bit in a byte (128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, or 1). As you get better though the Bit Value Bars are going to go away! Score Area The score area shows your score, the number of lines left in the level and the level you've reached. Game Controls The game controls let you switch the music, turn the music off, pause the game, and exit the game. |
KeyPad The keypad pops up when a problem's answer is blank. You must add up the "on" bits and punch in the correct answer using the keypad to solve the problem. Answering Problems Each Problem has a row of 8-bits and an answer box to the right of them. If the answer box is filled in you must set the bits to the right to equal the answer given. Each time you click a bit it will either turn "on" or "off". "on" bits have a 1 in them. "off" bits have a 0 in them. The colors of the bits will change too depending on if they are on or off. |
When you have successfully turned on only the bits whose values equal the number asked for by the problem the line will disappear and your score will increase! You get a bonus score every time you’re so fast you clear all the problems on the board. WARNING!!! Sometimes the Binary Game turns bits on for a problem but they are the WRONG bits! You must turn them off and turn the right ones on to get the correct answer. NEVER trust that the right bits are turned on when they appear pre-set. If the box is blank. You must provide the decimal answer. |
Once you know the answer click on the blank answer area. A keypad will pop up. Using your mouse and the on-screen keypad punch in your answer. Hit the enter button on the keypad to submit the answer. |
Tip: The DEL key lets you delete your entry in case you realize you’re punching in the wrong answer. Tip: You may also use your keyboard to type the answers If the answer is correct the line will disappear and your score will increase! Binary Game Levels The game will increasingly get harder as your progress. Number combinations will be more complex, and the lines will appear faster and faster. Eventually the Bit Value Bars will disappear and at that point you’re completely on your own! The goal of The Binary Game is to get so good you can deal with ever harder problems and faster times. |
A Bit About Binary Math |
Before playing you must know some basics about binary math. Data and values are stored in bytes. A bit is a single part of a byte and is the smallest item assigned a value in a computer or device like a router. A bit is so small it can only have one of two values 0 (off) or 1 (on). If a bit is "on" it means the value = 1. If a bit is "off" it means the value = 0. A byte is value made up from eight individual bits. By combining the bits in a byte and turning various ones on or off we can easily represent in a byte ANY number between 0-255. Tip: By using multiple bytes (or bits) we can represent ever larger numbers. In this game though we're only dealing with 8 bits (thankfully!). |
The Values of Each Bit Think of a byte as having eight "slots" one for each bit. If we assign the numbers 128,64,32,16,8,4,2,1 to each open slot from right to left, then just by turning on or off the bit for each slot and adding up the values for each slot that is on we can create all the numbers between 0-255. Tip: To get a value of 0 simply never turn on any bit in a byte. To get a value of 255 turn all the bits on. Any number in between is achieved by setting only some of the bits are on or off. |
Examples of Binary Numbers The following examples show you how to write the numbers 2, 5, 32, 34, and 131 in binary. In each case 0 means the bit is off and 1 means the bit is on: Only the bit with the assigned value 2 is on |
Only the bits with assigned values 4 and 1 are turned on |
Only the bit with assigned value 32 is on |
Only The bits with assigned values 32 and 2 are on |
Only the bits with assigned values 128, 2, and 1 are on |
“Flipping the Bit” or “Setting the Bit” When programmers turn a bit on or off they commonly call this "Flipping the Bit" or “Setting the Bit” and in the Binary Game part of the goal is to set or flip on or off all the right bits in a byte to equal a specific number. Now that you know binary math lets learn how to play The Binary Game! |
Learn More! |
To read more about binary math visit these sites: The Binary Numeral System http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_numeral_system Pingala – an Indian Mathematician was the first to discuss binary numbers http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pingala Gottfried Leibenz perfected the modern day binary numeral system http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gottfried_Leibniz |
Pause game (P) |
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NO |
NO |
Loading Game |
Loading Game. |
Loading Game.. |
Loading Game... |
Please Wait |
Start |
Change Music |
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End Game |
Music Off |
Music On |
Pause game |
Pause game |
3 |
Lines Left |
Score |
Level |
128 |
64 |
32 |
16 |
8 |
4 |
2 |
1 |
2685 |
ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Frame 1function cargaJuego() { if (inicio != undefined) { cargado = _root.getBytesLoaded() - inicio; total = _root.getBytesTotal() - inicio; if ((((cargado >= total) && (cargado > 0)) && (cargado != undefined)) || (inicio == _root.getBytesTotal())) { clearInterval(idInt); _root.gotoAndStop(2); } if ((cargado >= 0) && (total > 0)) { porcentaje = Math.round((cargado * 100) / total) + "%"; por = Math.round((cargado * 100) / total); cc = Math.floor(por / 7.14); trace(cc); if (barra[cc]._currentframe == 1) { barra[cc].gotoAndPlay(2); } } } } function loadValues() { _root.nivel1Values = this.level1Values.split(","); _root.nivel2Values = this.level2Values.split(","); _root.nivel3Values = this.level3Values.split(","); _root.nivel4Values = this.level4Values.split(","); _root.nivel5Values = this.level5Values.split(","); _root.nivel6Values = this.level6Values.split(","); _root.nivel1 = this.level1.split(","); _root.nivel2 = this.level2.split(","); _root.nivel3 = this.level3.split(","); _root.nivel4 = this.level4.split(","); _root.nivel5 = this.level5.split(","); _root.nivel6 = this.level6.split(","); trace(_root.nivel6); } volumen = 100; porcentaje = 0; cargado = 0; inicio = _root.getBytesLoaded(); idInt = setInterval(cargaJuego, 100); stop(); var c = new LoadVars(); parametros = "data.txt"; c.load(parametros); c.onLoad = loadValues;Frame 2function sonido(nombre, cantidad) { mysoundob = new Sound(this); mysoundob.attachSound(nombre); mysoundob.setVolume(volumen); mysoundob.start(0, cantidad); } function sonidoMusic(nombre, cantidad) { labelMusic = "Track " + musicaT; mysoundob1.stop(); mysoundob1 = new Sound(this); mysoundob1.attachSound(nombre); mysoundob1.setVolume(volumen); mysoundob1.start(0, cantidad); } stop(); mysoundob.stop(); musicaT = 1; sonidoMusic("musica" + musicaT, 1000);Frame 3function iniciarNivel() { lasLineas = 0; _root.lineas = 1; _root.scoreParcial = 0; _root.lineasParciales = 0; _root.lineasTotales = 10 + (level * 5); lineas = 1; ldata = new Array(); if (level < 8) { tiempo = (7000 - (level * 800)) * 2; } else { tiempo = 6000; } if (tutorial == true) { ponerLinea2(); } else { ponerLinea(); ponerLinea(); ponerLinea(); } if (level >= 5) { magic._visible = true; clearInterval(idMagic); tiemp = 15000 / level; ocultar(); } _root.poneL = setInterval(ponerLinea, tiempo); } function ocultar() { if (ocultados <= 6) { ys = 0; while (ys < 2) { tt = random(8); while (magic["a" + tt]._visible == false) { tt = random(8); } magic["a" + tt]._visible = false; magic["b" + tt]._visible = false; ocultados = ocultados + 2; ys++; } } } function mostrar() { clearInterval(idMostrar); magic._visible = true; } function pausar() { _root.pausa = true; _root.attachMovie("gameOverMc", "pausaScreen", 10001); _root.pausaScreen.gotoAndStop(2); r = 0; while (r <= 200) { i = 0; while (i < 8) { _root[(r + "result") + 8]._visible = false; _root[(r + "box") + i]._visible = false; i++; } r++; } } function pausarEnd() { _root.pausa = true; r = 0; while (r <= 200) { i = 0; while (i < 8) { _root[(r + "result") + 8]._visible = false; _root[(r + "box") + i]._visible = false; i++; } r++; } } function borraTodo() { clearInterval(_root.poneL); delete _root.ldata; _root.ldata = new Array(); r = 0; while (r <= 200) { i = 0; while (i < 8) { _root[(r + "result") + 8].removeMovieClip(); _root[(r + "box") + i].clearInterval(pepeEli); _root[(r + "box") + i].removeMovieClip(); i++; } r++; } _root.fameOverScreen.removeMovieClip(); _root.levelComplete.removeMovieClip(); _root.pausaScreen.removeMovieClip(); _root.gotoAndStop(2); } function otroNivel() { clearInterval(potro); delete _root.ldata; pausa = false; _root.ldata = new Array(); clearInterval(_root.poneL); r = 0; while (r <= 200) { i = 0; while (i < 8) { _root[(r + "result") + 8].removeMovieClip(); _root[(r + "box") + i].clearInterval(pepeEli); _root[(r + "box") + i].removeMovieClip(); i++; } r++; } _root.level++; _root.lineas = 1; _root.scoreParcial = 0; _root.lineasParciales = 0; iniciarNivel(); intLcom = setInterval(borrame, 2000); } function borrame() { clearInterval(intCom); _root.levelComplete.removeMovieClip(); } function gameOver() { clearInterval(poneL); r = 0; while (r <= 20) { i = 0; while (i < 8) { _root[(r + "result") + 8].removeMovieClip(); _root[(r + "box") + i].clearInterval(pepeEli); _root[(r + "box") + i].removeMovieClip(); i++; } r++; } _root.attachMovie("gameOverMc", "fameOverScreen", 1000); sonido("gov", 1); } function valores() { if (level <= 6) { cualPor = random(100); min = 0; i = 0; while (i <= 5) { if ((cualPor > min) && (cualPor <= _root[("nivel" + level) + "Values"][i])) { indicePor = i + 1; } min = _root[("nivel" + level) + "Values"][i]; i++; } ty = random(_root["nivel" + indicePor].length); return(_root["nivel" + indicePor][ty]); } return(random(256)); } function convertir(decimal) { if (decimal != 0) { binario = ""; cociente = decimal; while (cociente != 1) { binario = String(cociente % 2) + binario; cociente = int(cociente / 2); } binario = String(cociente % 2) + binario; cociente = int(cociente / 2); return(binario); } return("0"); } function convertir2(binario) { suma = 0; i = 0; while (i < binario.length) { suma = suma + (Number(binario.charAt(i)) * Math.pow(2, (binario.length - 1) - i)); i++; } trace(suma); return(suma); } function colorea() { delete my_color; my_color = new Color(fondo); delete myColorTransform; myColorTransform = new Object(); myColorTransform.ra = random(200) - 100; myColorTransform.rb = 0; myColorTransform.ga = random(200) - 100; myColorTransform.gb = 0; myColorTransform.ba = random(200) - 100; myColorTransform.bb = 0; myColorTransform.aa = 100; myColorTransform.ab = 0; my_color.setTransform(myColorTransform); } function colorear2() { n = random(2); if (n == 0) { myColorTransform.ra = myColorTransform.ra + 2; } else { myColorTransform.ra = myColorTransform.ra - 2; } if (myColorTransform.ra > 100) { myColorTransform.ra = 100; } if (myColorTransform.ra < -100) { myColorTransform.ra = -100; } myColorTransform.rb = 0; n = random(2); if (n == 0) { myColorTransform.ga = myColorTransform.ga + 2; } else { myColorTransform.ga = myColorTransform.ga - 2; } if (myColorTransform.ga > 100) { myColorTransform.ga = 100; } if (myColorTransform.ga < -100) { myColorTransform.ga = -2; } myColorTransform.gb = 0; n = random(2); if (n == 0) { myColorTransform.ba = myColorTransform.ba + 10; } else { myColorTransform.ba = myColorTransform.ba - 10; } if (myColorTransform.ba > 100) { myColorTransform.ba = 100; } if (myColorTransform.ba < -100) { myColorTransform.ba = -100; } myColorTransform.bb = 0; myColorTransform.aa = 100; myColorTransform.ab = 0; my_color.setTransform(myColorTransform); } function ponerLinea() { if (tutorial == false) { lasLineas++; if (_root.pausa == false) { r = random(100); if (r < 75) { edit = true; noedit = false; } else { noedit = true; edit = false; } subirTodo(); i = 0; while (i < 8) { _root.attachMovie("caja", (lineas + "box") + i, i + (10 * lineas), {edit:edit, _x:18 + (53 * i), _y:640, valor:5, linea:lineas, posy:490}); ultPos = (i + 50) * i; ultProf = i + 1; i++; } if (noedit == false) { _root.attachMovie("resultado", (lineas + "result") + ultProf, ultProf + (10 * lineas), {edit:noedit, _x:ultPos + 50, _y:640, valor:valores(level), posy:490, linea:lineas}); } else { _root.attachMovie("resultado", (lineas + "result") + ultProf, ultProf + (10 * lineas), {edit:noedit, _x:ultPos + 50, _y:640, valor:"", posy:490, linea:lineas}); } mm = valores(level); while (mm == _root[(lineas + "result") + ultProf].valor) { mm = valores(level); } sss = convertir(mm); while (sss.length < 8) { sss = "0" + sss; } i = 0; while (i < 8) { _root[(lineas + "box") + i].valor = sss.charAt(i); i++; } trace("ss" + sss); delete obj; obj = {}; i = 0; while (i < 8) { obj["v" + i] = _root[(lineas + "box") + i].valor; i++; } obj.resultado = _root[(lineas + "result") + ultProf].valor; _root.ldata.push(obj); _root.lineas++; } } } function ponerLinea2() { lasLineas++; if (_root.pausa == false) { if (tut1 == false) { edit = true; noedit = false; tut1 = true; } else { noedit = true; edit = false; tut2 = true; } subirTodo(); i = 0; while (i < 8) { _root.attachMovie("caja", (lineas + "box") + i, i + (10 * lineas), {edit:edit, _x:18 + (53 * i), _y:640, valor:5, linea:lineas, posy:490}); ultPos = (i + 50) * i; ultProf = i + 1; i++; } if (noedit == false) { _root.attachMovie("resultado", (lineas + "result") + ultProf, ultProf + (10 * lineas), {edit:noedit, _x:ultPos + 50, _y:640, valor:34, posy:490, linea:lineas}); } else { _root.attachMovie("resultado", (lineas + "result") + ultProf, ultProf + (10 * lineas), {edit:noedit, _x:ultPos + 50, _y:640, valor:"", posy:490, linea:lineas}); } if ((tutorial == true) && (tut3 != true)) { mm = 2; } else { mm = valores(level); } while (mm == _root[(lineas + "result") + ultProf].valor) { mm = valores(level); } sss = convertir(mm); while (sss.length < 8) { sss = "0" + sss; } i = 0; while (i < 8) { _root[(lineas + "box") + i].valor = sss.charAt(i); i++; } trace("ss" + sss); delete obj; obj = {}; i = 0; while (i < 8) { obj["v" + i] = _root[(lineas + "box") + i].valor; i++; } obj.resultado = _root[(lineas + "result") + ultProf].valor; _root.ldata.push(obj); _root.lineas++; } } function subirTodo() { g = 1; while (g <= lineas) { i = 0; while (i < 8) { _root[(g + "box") + i].posy = _root[(g + "box") + i].posy - 65; ultProf = i + 1; i++; } _root[(g + "result") + ultProf].posy = _root[(g + "result") + ultProf].posy - 65; g++; } } function alterar(nombre, linea) { if (_root[nombre].valor == 0) { _root[nombre].valor = 1; sonido("1", 1); } else { _root[nombre].valor = 0; sonido("0", 1); } chequearLinea(linea); } function chequearLinea(linea) { trace("linea" + linea); cadena = ""; i = 0; while (i < 8) { cadena = cadena + _root[(linea + "box") + i].valor; i++; } v = convertir2(cadena); if (v == _root[(linea + "result") + 8].valor) { _root.score = _root.score + 100; _root.scoreParcial = _root.scoreParcial + 100; _root.mcsco.gotoAndPlay(2); lineasParciales++; sonido("bonus", 1); i = 0; while (i < 8) { _root[(linea + "box") + i].eliminar(i); i++; } _root[(linea + "result") + 8].removeMovieClip(); if (tutorial == true) { ponerLinea2(); if (tut3 == true) { tutorial = false; } if (tut2 == true) { tut3 = true; } } lasLineas--; if ((lasLineas == 0) && (tutorial == false)) { _root.attachMovie("bonuse", "bonusLoco", 1000); _root.score = _root.score + 1000; _root.scoreParcial = _root.scoreParcial + 1000; ponerLinea(); ponerLinea(); ponerLinea(); } ttInt = setInterval(auxiliar, 500, linea); if (_root.lineasParciales >= _root.lineasTotales) { _root.lineasParciales = 0; clearInterval(poneL); pausa = true; potro = setInterval(otroNivel, 1000); _root.attachMovie("lcomplete", "levelComplete", 1000); } return(true); } } function auxiliar(linea) { clearInterval(ttInt); t = 0; while (t < linea) { i = 0; while (i < 8) { _root[(t + "box") + i].posy = _root[(t + "box") + i].posy + 65; ultProf = i + 1; i++; } _root[(t + "result") + ultProf].posy = _root[(t + "result") + ultProf].posy + 65; t++; } } function ponerCalcu(nom, linea) { trace("pone"); _root.attachMovie("calcu", "calculadora", 1000, {_visible:false, cual:nom, linea:linea}); } score = 0; scoreA = 0; scoreParcial = 0; level = 1; pausa = false; ocultados = 0; trace(nivel1[2]); clearInterval(idMostrar); clearInterval(idOcultar); tutorial = true; tut1 = false; tut2 = false; iniciarNivel(); convertir(15); colorea(); clearInterval(colo); colo = setInterval(colorear2, 500); this.onEnterFrame = function () { lineasRestantes = _root.lineasTotales - _root.lineasParciales; };Instance of Symbol 277 MovieClip in Frame 3onClipEvent (load) { stop(); } on (rollOver) { _root.sonido("roolover", 1); if (_root.volumen == 100) { gotoAndStop (2); } else { gotoAndStop (3); } } on (rollOut) { if (_root.volumen == 100) { gotoAndStop (1); } else { gotoAndStop (4); } } on (release) { if (_root.volumen == 100) { gotoAndStop (4); _root.volumen = 0; } else { gotoAndStop (1); _root.volumen = 100; } _root.mysoundob.setVolume(_root.volumen); }Symbol 12 MovieClip [lcomplete] Frame 1function remover() { clearInterval(premove); _root.bonusLoco.removeMovieClip(); } premove = setInterval(remover, 2000);Symbol 15 MovieClip [bonuse] Frame 1function remover() { clearInterval(premove); _root.bonusLoco.removeMovieClip(); } premove = setInterval(remover, 2000);Symbol 26 MovieClip [gameOverMc] Frame 1stop();Instance of Symbol 17 MovieClip in Symbol 26 MovieClip [gameOverMc] Frame 1on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.removeMovieClip(); }Symbol 26 MovieClip [gameOverMc] Frame 2stop();Instance of Symbol 17 MovieClip in Symbol 26 MovieClip [gameOverMc] Frame 2on (release) { _root.pausa = false; r = 0; while (r <= 200) { i = 0; while (i < 8) { _root[(r + "result") + 8]._visible = true; trace("papap"); _root[(r + "box") + i]._visible = true; i++; } r++; } _parent.removeMovieClip(); }Instance of Symbol 23 MovieClip in Symbol 26 MovieClip [gameOverMc] Frame 2on (release) { _root.pausa = false; r = 0; while (r <= 200) { i = 0; while (i < 8) { _root[(r + "result") + 8]._visible = true; trace("papap"); _root[(r + "box") + i]._visible = true; i++; } r++; } _parent.removeMovieClip(); }Symbol 31 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 31 MovieClip Frame 10stop();Symbol 31 MovieClip Frame 20stop(); gotoAndStop (1);Symbol 34 MovieClip [caja] Frame 1this.onRollOver = function () { if ((((edit == true) && (_root.pausa == false)) && (elimina != true)) && (elimin != true)) { k = 0; while (k <= 10) { _root[(linea + "box") + k]._alpha = 80; k++; } } }; this.onRollOut = function () { if ((((edit == true) && (_root.pausa == false)) && (elimina != true)) && (elimin != true)) { k = 0; while (k <= 10) { _root[(linea + "box") + k]._alpha = 100; k++; } } }; function eliminar(ii) { elimin = true; pepeEli = setInterval(elimAux, ii * 100); } function elimAux() { clearInterval(pepeEli); elimina = true; } this.onRelease = function () { if ((((edit == true) && (_root.pausa == false)) && (elimina != true)) && (elimin != true)) { _root.alterar(_name, linea); } _root.calculadora.sacameTODO(); }; inc = 10; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if ((_y < 80) && (_root.gameOverScreen == undefined)) { _root.gameOver(); } if (elimina == true) { _alpha = (_alpha - 10); if ((_alpha % 2) == 0) { _visible = false; } else { _visible = true; } if (_alpha <= 10) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } if (valor == 1) { gotoAndStop (1); } else { gotoAndStop (2); } if (_y < posy) { _y = (_y + inc); } else if (_y > posy) { _y = (_y - inc); } if (Math.sqrt((posy - _y) + (posy - _y)) < 15) { _y = posy; inc = 10; } };Instance of Symbol 31 MovieClip in Symbol 34 MovieClip [caja] Frame 1onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_currentframe != 10) && (_parent.valor == 1)) { nextFrame(); } if ((_currentframe != 1) && (_parent.valor == 0)) { nextFrame(); } }Symbol 42 MovieClip [resultado] Frame 1inc = 10; marco._visible = false; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_y < posy) { _y = (_y + inc); } else if (_y > posy) { _y = (_y - inc); } if (Math.sqrt((posy - _y) + (posy - _y)) < 15) { _y = posy; } }; this.onRelease = function () { if ((edit == true) && (_root.calculadora == undefined)) { _root.ponerCalcu(_name, linea); marco._visible = true; k = 0; while (k <= 10) { _root[(linea + "box") + k]._alpha = 50; k++; } } };Symbol 48 Buttonon (release) { agregaPhoneNumber("9"); }Symbol 49 Buttonon (release) { agregaPhoneNumber("8"); }Symbol 50 Buttonon (release) { agregaPhoneNumber("7"); }Symbol 51 Buttonon (release) { agregaPhoneNumber("4"); }Symbol 52 Buttonon (release) { agregaPhoneNumber("5"); }Symbol 53 Buttonon (release) { agregaPhoneNumber("6"); }Symbol 54 Buttonon (release) { agregaPhoneNumber("3"); }Symbol 55 Buttonon (release) { _root.sonido("calc", 1); if (_root.chequearLinea(linea) == true) { trace("SACAR"); k = 0; while (k <= 10) { _root[(linea + "box") + k]._alpha = 100; k++; } this.removeMovieClip(); } else { cadena = ""; _root[cual].valor = cadena; _root[cual].marco._visible = false; k = 0; while (k <= 10) { _root[(linea + "box") + k]._alpha = 100; k++; } this.removeMovieClip(); } }Symbol 57 Buttonon (release) { borraPhoneNumber(); }Symbol 58 Buttonon (release) { agregaPhoneNumber("0"); }Symbol 59 Buttonon (release) { agregaPhoneNumber("2"); }Symbol 60 Buttonon (release) { agregaPhoneNumber("1"); }Symbol 73 MovieClip [calcu] Frame 1function agregaPhoneNumber(num) { if (cadena == "0") { cadena = ""; } cadena = cadena + num; _root[cual].valor = cadena; } function sacameTODO() { cadena = ""; _root[cual].valor = cadena; _root[cual].marco._visible = false; k = 0; while (k <= 10) { _root[(linea + "box") + k]._alpha = 100; k++; } this.removeMovieClip(); } function borraPhoneNumber() { cadena = cadena.substr(0, cadena.length - 1); if ((cadena.length == 0) || (cadena.length == undefined)) { cadena = "0"; } _root[cual].valor = cadena; } fscommand ("trapallkeys", true); Key.removeListener(this); Key.addListener(this); this.onKeyDown = function () { code = Key.getCode(); if (((code >= 48) && (code <= 57)) || ((code >= 96) && (code <= 105))) { if (code >= 96) { code = code - 48; } agregaPhoneNumber(String.fromCharCode(code)); } if (code == 13) { _root.sonido("calc", 1); if (_root.chequearLinea(linea) == true) { trace("SACAR"); k = 0; while (k <= 10) { _root[(linea + "box") + k]._alpha = 100; k++; } this.removeMovieClip(); } else { cadena = ""; _root[cual].valor = cadena; _root[cual].marco._visible = false; k = 0; while (k <= 10) { _root[(linea + "box") + k]._alpha = 100; k++; } this.removeMovieClip(); } } }; cadena = _root[cual].valor; cual_y = _root[cual]._y; this.onEnterFrame = function () { cual_y = _root[cual]._y; if (_x == 0) { _visible = false; } else { _visible = true; } if (cual_y > 400) { _y = (cual_y - 155); } else { _y = (cual_y + 45); } _x = (_root[cual]._x + 27); };Symbol 84 Buttonon (release) { gotoAndStop (2); }Symbol 87 Buttonon (release) { gotoAndStop (3); }Symbol 90 Buttonon (release) { gotoAndStop (4); }Symbol 93 Buttonon (release) { gotoAndStop (5); }Symbol 98 Buttonon (release) { gotoAndStop (1); }Symbol 106 Buttonon (release) { nextFrame(); }Symbol 123 Buttonon (release) { prevFrame(); }Symbol 124 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 124 MovieClip Frame 2stop();Symbol 158 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 158 MovieClip Frame 2stop();Symbol 158 MovieClip Frame 3stop();Symbol 158 MovieClip Frame 4stop();Symbol 158 MovieClip Frame 5stop();Symbol 158 MovieClip Frame 6stop();Symbol 158 MovieClip Frame 7stop();Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 2stop();Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 3stop();Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 4stop();Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 5stop();Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 6stop();Symbol 198 Buttonon (release) { getURL ("http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_numeral_system", _blank); }Symbol 199 Buttonon (release) { getURL ("http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pingala", _blank); }Symbol 200 Buttonon (release) { getURL ("http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gottfried_Leibniz", _blank); }Symbol 202 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 202 MovieClip Frame 2stop();Symbol 202 MovieClip Frame 3stop();Symbol 202 MovieClip Frame 4stop();Symbol 202 MovieClip Frame 5stop();Symbol 206 Buttonon (release) { this.removeMovieClip(); }Symbol 216 Buttonon (release) { _root.borraTodo(); this.removeMovieClip(); }Symbol 220 Buttonon (release) { _root.pausa = false; r = 0; while (r <= 200) { i = 0; while (i < 8) { _root[(r + "result") + 8]._visible = true; trace("papap"); _root[(r + "box") + i]._visible = true; i++; } r++; } this.removeMovieClip(); }Symbol 234 Buttonon (release) { if (_root.helpMC == undefined) { _root.gotoAndStop(3); } }Symbol 238 Buttonon (release) { if (_root.helpMC == undefined) { _root.attachMovie("help", "helpMC", 1000); } }Symbol 255 Buttonon (release) { if (_root.areyou == undefined) { _root.pausarEnd(); _root.attachMovie("yousure", "areyou", 10000); } }Symbol 271 MovieClip Frame 25gotoAndPlay(1 + random(24));Symbol 271 MovieClip Frame 26stop();Symbol 277 MovieClip Frame 1icon_g.gotoAndPlay(2);Symbol 277 MovieClip Frame 2icon_g.gotoAndPlay(2);Symbol 277 MovieClip Frame 3icon_g.gotoAndStop(26);Symbol 277 MovieClip Frame 4icon_g.gotoAndStop(26);Symbol 283 Buttonon (release) { if (_root.pausaScreen == undefined) { _root.pausar(); } }Symbol 297 Buttonon (release) { _root.musicaT = _root.musicaT - 1; if (_root.musicaT == 0) { _root.musicaT = 3; } _root.sonidoMusic("musica" + musicaT, 1000); }Symbol 298 Buttonon (release) { _root.musicaT = _root.musicaT + 1; if (_root.musicaT == 4) { _root.musicaT = 1; } _root.sonidoMusic("musica" + musicaT, 1000); }Symbol 328 MovieClip Frame 1this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.scoreA < _root.score) { _root.scoreA = _root.scoreA + 10; } };Symbol 329 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Instance of Symbol 328 MovieClip in Symbol 329 MovieClip Frame 1/* no clip actions */Instance of Symbol 328 MovieClip in Symbol 329 MovieClip Frame 19/* no clip actions */Instance of Symbol 328 MovieClip in Symbol 329 MovieClip Frame 31/* no clip actions */
Library Items
Symbol 1 Sound [musica3] | ||
Symbol 2 Sound [musica1] | ||
Symbol 3 Sound [musica2] | ||
Symbol 4 Sound [gov] | ||
Symbol 5 Sound [calc] | ||
Symbol 6 Sound [bonus] | ||
Symbol 7 Sound [1] | ||
Symbol 8 Sound [0] | ||
Symbol 9 Sound [roolover] | Used by:216 220 255 283 | |
Symbol 10 Bitmap | Used by:11 | |
Symbol 11 Graphic | Uses:10 | Used by:12 |
Symbol 12 MovieClip [lcomplete] | Uses:11 | |
Symbol 13 Font | Used by:14 18 21 22 30 38 39 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 76 81 82 85 86 88 89 91 92 94 95 96 99 102 104 105 117 119 121 125 159 193 212 213 214 217 218 219 222 223 224 225 227 230 242 249 250 256 276 278 282 284 285 290 291 300 302 304 306 308 310 312 314 327 | |
Symbol 14 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:15 |
Symbol 15 MovieClip [bonuse] | Uses:14 | |
Symbol 16 Graphic | Used by:17 | |
Symbol 17 MovieClip | Uses:16 | Used by:26 |
Symbol 18 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:26 |
Symbol 19 Bitmap | Used by:20 | |
Symbol 20 Graphic | Uses:19 | Used by:26 |
Symbol 21 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:23 |
Symbol 22 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:23 |
Symbol 23 MovieClip | Uses:21 22 | Used by:26 |
Symbol 24 Bitmap | Used by:25 | |
Symbol 25 Graphic | Uses:24 | Used by:26 |
Symbol 26 MovieClip [gameOverMc] | Uses:17 18 20 23 25 | |
Symbol 27 Graphic | Used by:34 | |
Symbol 28 Graphic | Used by:34 | |
Symbol 29 Graphic | Used by:31 234 238 | |
Symbol 30 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:31 |
Symbol 31 MovieClip | Uses:29 30 | Used by:34 |
Symbol 32 Graphic | Used by:33 | |
Symbol 33 MovieClip | Uses:32 | Used by:34 |
Symbol 34 MovieClip [caja] | Uses:27 28 31 33 | |
Symbol 35 Bitmap | Used by:36 210 | |
Symbol 36 Graphic | Uses:35 | Used by:37 255 |
Symbol 37 MovieClip | Uses:36 | Used by:42 255 |
Symbol 38 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:42 |
Symbol 39 EditableText | Uses:13 | Used by:42 |
Symbol 40 Graphic | Used by:41 | |
Symbol 41 MovieClip | Uses:40 | Used by:42 |
Symbol 42 MovieClip [resultado] | Uses:37 38 39 41 | |
Symbol 43 Graphic | Used by:73 | |
Symbol 44 Graphic | Used by:48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 57 58 59 60 | |
Symbol 45 Graphic | Used by:46 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 57 58 59 60 | |
Symbol 46 MovieClip | Uses:45 | Used by:48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 57 58 59 60 |
Symbol 47 Sound | Used by:48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 57 58 59 60 234 238 | |
Symbol 48 Button | Uses:44 46 45 47 | Used by:73 |
Symbol 49 Button | Uses:44 46 45 47 | Used by:73 |
Symbol 50 Button | Uses:44 46 45 47 | Used by:73 |
Symbol 51 Button | Uses:44 46 45 47 | Used by:73 |
Symbol 52 Button | Uses:44 46 45 47 | Used by:73 |
Symbol 53 Button | Uses:44 46 45 47 | Used by:73 |
Symbol 54 Button | Uses:44 46 45 47 | Used by:73 |
Symbol 55 Button | Uses:44 46 45 47 | Used by:73 |
Symbol 56 Graphic | Used by:73 | |
Symbol 57 Button | Uses:44 46 45 47 | Used by:73 |
Symbol 58 Button | Uses:44 46 45 47 | Used by:73 |
Symbol 59 Button | Uses:44 46 45 47 | Used by:73 |
Symbol 60 Button | Uses:44 46 45 47 | Used by:73 |
Symbol 61 Font | Used by:62 | |
Symbol 62 Text | Uses:61 | Used by:73 |
Symbol 63 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:73 |
Symbol 64 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:73 |
Symbol 65 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:73 |
Symbol 66 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:73 |
Symbol 67 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:73 |
Symbol 68 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:73 |
Symbol 69 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:73 |
Symbol 70 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:73 |
Symbol 71 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:73 |
Symbol 72 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:73 |
Symbol 73 MovieClip [calcu] | Uses:43 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 | |
Symbol 74 Graphic | Used by:75 | |
Symbol 75 MovieClip | Uses:74 | Used by:202 |
Symbol 76 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:202 237 238 |
Symbol 77 Font | Used by:79 126 128 133 135 140 153 162 167 190 194 | |
Symbol 78 Font | Used by:79 100 107 112 116 126 128 133 135 140 145 153 160 162 167 172 174 181 183 190 194 | |
Symbol 79 Text | Uses:77 78 | Used by:202 |
Symbol 80 Graphic | Used by:202 | |
Symbol 81 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:84 |
Symbol 82 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:84 |
Symbol 83 Graphic | Used by:84 87 90 93 | |
Symbol 84 Button | Uses:81 82 83 | Used by:202 |
Symbol 85 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:87 |
Symbol 86 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:87 |
Symbol 87 Button | Uses:85 86 83 | Used by:202 |
Symbol 88 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:90 |
Symbol 89 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:90 |
Symbol 90 Button | Uses:88 89 83 | Used by:202 |
Symbol 91 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:93 |
Symbol 92 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:93 |
Symbol 93 Button | Uses:91 92 83 | Used by:202 |
Symbol 94 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:98 |
Symbol 95 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:98 |
Symbol 96 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:98 |
Symbol 97 Graphic | Used by:98 106 123 | |
Symbol 98 Button | Uses:94 95 96 97 | Used by:202 |
Symbol 99 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:124 |
Symbol 100 Text | Uses:78 | Used by:124 |
Symbol 101 Graphic | Used by:124 | |
Symbol 102 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:106 |
Symbol 103 Graphic | Used by:106 | |
Symbol 104 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:106 |
Symbol 105 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:106 |
Symbol 106 Button | Uses:102 103 104 105 97 | Used by:124 158 192 |
Symbol 107 Text | Uses:78 | Used by:124 |
Symbol 108 Graphic | Used by:124 | |
Symbol 109 Bitmap | Used by:110 | |
Symbol 110 Graphic | Uses:109 | Used by:111 |
Symbol 111 MovieClip | Uses:110 | Used by:124 |
Symbol 112 Text | Uses:78 | Used by:124 |
Symbol 113 Bitmap | Used by:114 | |
Symbol 114 Graphic | Uses:113 | Used by:115 |
Symbol 115 MovieClip | Uses:114 | Used by:124 |
Symbol 116 Text | Uses:78 | Used by:124 |
Symbol 117 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:123 |
Symbol 118 Graphic | Used by:123 | |
Symbol 119 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:123 |
Symbol 120 Graphic | Used by:123 | |
Symbol 121 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:123 |
Symbol 122 Graphic | Used by:123 | |
Symbol 123 Button | Uses:117 118 119 120 121 122 97 | Used by:124 158 192 |
Symbol 124 MovieClip | Uses:99 100 101 106 107 108 111 112 115 116 123 | Used by:202 |
Symbol 125 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:158 |
Symbol 126 Text | Uses:77 78 | Used by:158 |
Symbol 127 Graphic | Used by:158 | |
Symbol 128 Text | Uses:77 78 | Used by:158 |
Symbol 129 Graphic | Used by:158 | |
Symbol 130 Bitmap | Used by:131 | |
Symbol 131 Graphic | Uses:130 | Used by:132 |
Symbol 132 MovieClip | Uses:131 | Used by:158 |
Symbol 133 Text | Uses:77 78 | Used by:158 |
Symbol 134 Graphic | Used by:158 | |
Symbol 135 Text | Uses:77 78 | Used by:158 |
Symbol 136 Graphic | Used by:158 | |
Symbol 137 Bitmap | Used by:138 | |
Symbol 138 Graphic | Uses:137 | Used by:139 |
Symbol 139 MovieClip | Uses:138 | Used by:158 |
Symbol 140 Text | Uses:78 77 | Used by:158 |
Symbol 141 Graphic | Used by:158 | |
Symbol 142 Bitmap | Used by:143 | |
Symbol 143 Graphic | Uses:142 | Used by:144 |
Symbol 144 MovieClip | Uses:143 | Used by:158 |
Symbol 145 Text | Uses:78 | Used by:158 |
Symbol 146 Graphic | Used by:158 | |
Symbol 147 Bitmap | Used by:148 | |
Symbol 148 Graphic | Uses:147 | Used by:149 |
Symbol 149 MovieClip | Uses:148 | Used by:158 |
Symbol 150 Bitmap | Used by:151 | |
Symbol 151 Graphic | Uses:150 | Used by:152 |
Symbol 152 MovieClip | Uses:151 | Used by:158 |
Symbol 153 Text | Uses:77 78 | Used by:158 |
Symbol 154 Graphic | Used by:158 | |
Symbol 155 Bitmap | Used by:156 | |
Symbol 156 Graphic | Uses:155 | Used by:157 |
Symbol 157 MovieClip | Uses:156 | Used by:158 |
Symbol 158 MovieClip | Uses:125 126 127 106 128 129 132 123 133 134 135 136 139 140 141 144 145 146 149 152 153 154 157 | Used by:202 |
Symbol 159 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:192 |
Symbol 160 Text | Uses:78 | Used by:192 |
Symbol 161 Graphic | Used by:192 | |
Symbol 162 Text | Uses:77 78 | Used by:192 |
Symbol 163 Graphic | Used by:192 | |
Symbol 164 Bitmap | Used by:165 | |
Symbol 165 Graphic | Uses:164 | Used by:166 |
Symbol 166 MovieClip | Uses:165 | Used by:192 |
Symbol 167 Text | Uses:77 78 | Used by:192 |
Symbol 168 Graphic | Used by:192 | |
Symbol 169 Bitmap | Used by:170 | |
Symbol 170 Graphic | Uses:169 | Used by:171 |
Symbol 171 MovieClip | Uses:170 | Used by:192 |
Symbol 172 Text | Uses:78 | Used by:192 |
Symbol 173 Graphic | Used by:192 | |
Symbol 174 Text | Uses:78 | Used by:192 |
Symbol 175 Bitmap | Used by:176 | |
Symbol 176 Graphic | Uses:175 | Used by:177 |
Symbol 177 MovieClip | Uses:176 | Used by:192 |
Symbol 178 Bitmap | Used by:179 | |
Symbol 179 Graphic | Uses:178 | Used by:180 |
Symbol 180 MovieClip | Uses:179 | Used by:192 |
Symbol 181 Text | Uses:78 | Used by:192 |
Symbol 182 Graphic | Used by:192 | |
Symbol 183 Text | Uses:78 | Used by:192 |
Symbol 184 Bitmap | Used by:185 | |
Symbol 185 Graphic | Uses:184 | Used by:186 |
Symbol 186 MovieClip | Uses:185 | Used by:192 |
Symbol 187 Bitmap | Used by:188 | |
Symbol 188 Graphic | Uses:187 | Used by:189 |
Symbol 189 MovieClip | Uses:188 | Used by:192 |
Symbol 190 Text | Uses:77 78 | Used by:192 |
Symbol 191 Graphic | Used by:192 | |
Symbol 192 MovieClip | Uses:159 160 161 106 162 163 166 123 167 168 171 172 173 174 177 180 181 182 183 186 189 190 191 | Used by:202 |
Symbol 193 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:201 |
Symbol 194 Text | Uses:78 77 | Used by:201 |
Symbol 195 Graphic | Used by:201 | |
Symbol 196 Graphic | Used by:198 199 200 | |
Symbol 197 Graphic | Used by:198 199 200 | |
Symbol 198 Button | Uses:196 197 | Used by:201 |
Symbol 199 Button | Uses:196 197 | Used by:201 |
Symbol 200 Button | Uses:196 197 | Used by:201 |
Symbol 201 MovieClip | Uses:193 194 195 198 199 200 | Used by:202 |
Symbol 202 MovieClip | Uses:75 76 79 80 84 87 90 93 98 124 158 192 201 | Used by:207 |
Symbol 203 Graphic | Used by:206 | |
Symbol 204 Graphic | Used by:206 | |
Symbol 205 Graphic | Used by:206 | |
Symbol 206 Button | Uses:203 204 205 | Used by:207 |
Symbol 207 MovieClip [help] | Uses:202 206 | |
Symbol 208 Bitmap | Used by:209 | |
Symbol 209 Graphic | Uses:208 | Used by:221 |
Symbol 210 Graphic | Uses:35 | Used by:211 216 220 283 |
Symbol 211 MovieClip | Uses:210 | Used by:216 220 277 283 Timeline |
Symbol 212 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:216 |
Symbol 213 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:216 |
Symbol 214 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:216 220 283 |
Symbol 215 Graphic | Used by:216 220 281 283 | |
Symbol 216 Button | Uses:211 212 213 210 214 215 9 | Used by:221 |
Symbol 217 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:220 |
Symbol 218 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:220 |
Symbol 219 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:220 |
Symbol 220 Button | Uses:211 217 218 219 210 214 215 9 | Used by:221 |
Symbol 221 MovieClip [yousure] | Uses:209 216 220 | |
Symbol 222 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:226 |
Symbol 223 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:226 |
Symbol 224 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:226 |
Symbol 225 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:226 |
Symbol 226 MovieClip | Uses:222 223 224 225 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 227 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 228 Bitmap | Used by:229 | |
Symbol 229 Graphic | Uses:228 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 230 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:233 234 |
Symbol 231 Bitmap | Used by:232 | |
Symbol 232 Graphic | Uses:231 | Used by:234 |
Symbol 233 MovieClip | Uses:230 | Used by:234 |
Symbol 234 Button | Uses:230 232 233 29 47 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 235 Bitmap | Used by:236 | |
Symbol 236 Graphic | Uses:235 | Used by:238 |
Symbol 237 MovieClip | Uses:76 | Used by:238 |
Symbol 238 Button | Uses:76 236 237 29 47 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 239 Bitmap | Used by:240 | |
Symbol 240 Graphic | Uses:239 | Used by:241 |
Symbol 241 MovieClip | Uses:240 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 242 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 243 Bitmap | Used by:244 | |
Symbol 244 Graphic | Uses:243 | Used by:245 |
Symbol 245 MovieClip | Uses:244 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 246 Bitmap | Used by:247 | |
Symbol 247 Graphic | Uses:246 | Used by:248 |
Symbol 248 MovieClip | Uses:247 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 249 EditableText | Uses:13 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 250 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:255 |
Symbol 251 Graphic | Used by:255 | |
Symbol 252 Bitmap | Used by:253 | |
Symbol 253 Graphic | Uses:252 | Used by:254 |
Symbol 254 MovieClip | Uses:253 | Used by:255 |
Symbol 255 Button | Uses:37 250 251 254 36 9 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 256 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:277 |
Symbol 257 Graphic | Used by:271 | |
Symbol 258 Graphic | Used by:271 | |
Symbol 259 Graphic | Used by:271 | |
Symbol 260 Graphic | Used by:271 | |
Symbol 261 Graphic | Used by:271 | |
Symbol 262 Graphic | Used by:271 | |
Symbol 263 Graphic | Used by:271 | |
Symbol 264 Graphic | Used by:271 | |
Symbol 265 Graphic | Used by:271 | |
Symbol 266 Graphic | Used by:271 | |
Symbol 267 Graphic | Used by:271 | |
Symbol 268 Graphic | Used by:271 | |
Symbol 269 Graphic | Used by:271 | |
Symbol 270 Graphic | Used by:271 | |
Symbol 271 MovieClip | Uses:257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 | Used by:277 |
Symbol 272 Bitmap | Used by:273 | |
Symbol 273 Graphic | Uses:272 | Used by:277 |
Symbol 274 Bitmap | Used by:275 | |
Symbol 275 Graphic | Uses:274 | Used by:277 |
Symbol 276 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:277 |
Symbol 277 MovieClip | Uses:211 256 271 273 275 276 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 278 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:283 |
Symbol 279 Bitmap | Used by:280 | |
Symbol 280 Graphic | Uses:279 | Used by:283 |
Symbol 281 MovieClip | Uses:215 | Used by:283 |
Symbol 282 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:283 |
Symbol 283 Button | Uses:211 278 215 280 281 282 210 214 9 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 284 EditableText | Uses:13 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 285 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 286 Bitmap | Used by:287 | |
Symbol 287 Graphic | Uses:286 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 288 MovieClip | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 289 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 290 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 291 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 292 Graphic | Used by:297 298 | |
Symbol 293 Bitmap | Used by:294 | |
Symbol 294 Graphic | Uses:293 | Used by:297 298 |
Symbol 295 Graphic | Used by:297 298 | |
Symbol 296 Graphic | Used by:297 298 | |
Symbol 297 Button | Uses:292 294 295 296 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 298 Button | Uses:292 294 295 296 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 299 Graphic | Used by:326 | |
Symbol 300 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:301 316 |
Symbol 301 MovieClip | Uses:300 | Used by:326 |
Symbol 302 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:303 317 |
Symbol 303 MovieClip | Uses:302 | Used by:326 |
Symbol 304 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:305 318 |
Symbol 305 MovieClip | Uses:304 | Used by:326 |
Symbol 306 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:307 319 |
Symbol 307 MovieClip | Uses:306 | Used by:326 |
Symbol 308 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:309 320 |
Symbol 309 MovieClip | Uses:308 | Used by:326 |
Symbol 310 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:311 321 |
Symbol 311 MovieClip | Uses:310 | Used by:326 |
Symbol 312 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:313 322 |
Symbol 313 MovieClip | Uses:312 | Used by:326 |
Symbol 314 Text | Uses:13 | Used by:315 323 |
Symbol 315 MovieClip | Uses:314 | Used by:326 |
Symbol 316 MovieClip | Uses:300 | Used by:326 |
Symbol 317 MovieClip | Uses:302 | Used by:326 |
Symbol 318 MovieClip | Uses:304 | Used by:326 |
Symbol 319 MovieClip | Uses:306 | Used by:326 |
Symbol 320 MovieClip | Uses:308 | Used by:326 |
Symbol 321 MovieClip | Uses:310 | Used by:326 |
Symbol 322 MovieClip | Uses:312 | Used by:326 |
Symbol 323 MovieClip | Uses:314 | Used by:326 |
Symbol 324 Bitmap | Used by:325 | |
Symbol 325 Graphic | Uses:324 | Used by:326 |
Symbol 326 MovieClip | Uses:299 301 303 305 307 309 311 313 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 325 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 327 EditableText | Uses:13 | Used by:328 |
Symbol 328 MovieClip | Uses:327 | Used by:329 |
Symbol 329 MovieClip | Uses:328 | Used by:Timeline |
Instance Names
"fondo" | Frame 3 | Symbol 241 MovieClip |
"magic" | Frame 3 | Symbol 326 MovieClip |
"mcsco" | Frame 3 | Symbol 329 MovieClip |
"marco" | Symbol 42 MovieClip [resultado] Frame 1 | Symbol 41 MovieClip |
"btn_send" | Symbol 73 MovieClip [calcu] Frame 1 | Symbol 55 Button |
"icon_g" | Symbol 277 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 271 MovieClip |
"a0" | Symbol 326 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 301 MovieClip |
"a1" | Symbol 326 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 303 MovieClip |
"a2" | Symbol 326 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 305 MovieClip |
"a3" | Symbol 326 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 307 MovieClip |
"a4" | Symbol 326 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 309 MovieClip |
"a5" | Symbol 326 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 311 MovieClip |
"a6" | Symbol 326 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 313 MovieClip |
"a7" | Symbol 326 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 315 MovieClip |
"b0" | Symbol 326 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 316 MovieClip |
"b1" | Symbol 326 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 317 MovieClip |
"b2" | Symbol 326 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 318 MovieClip |
"b3" | Symbol 326 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 319 MovieClip |
"b4" | Symbol 326 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 320 MovieClip |
"b5" | Symbol 326 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 321 MovieClip |
"b6" | Symbol 326 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 322 MovieClip |
"b7" | Symbol 326 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 323 MovieClip |
Special Tags
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 1 as "musica3" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 2 as "musica1" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 3 as "musica2" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 4 as "gov" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 5 as "calc" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 6 as "bonus" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 7 as "1" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 8 as "0" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 9 as "roolover" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 12 as "lcomplete" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 15 as "bonuse" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 26 as "gameOverMc" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 34 as "caja" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 42 as "resultado" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 73 as "calcu" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 207 as "help" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 9 as "roolover" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 9 as "roolover" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 221 as "yousure" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 3 | Symbol 9 as "roolover" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 3 | Symbol 9 as "roolover" |
Dynamic Text Variables
valor | Symbol 39 EditableText | "2" |
level | Symbol 249 EditableText | "3" |
lineasRestantes | Symbol 284 EditableText | "3" |
_root.scoreA | Symbol 327 EditableText | "2685" |