Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2574 · P5148

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Paper Killer.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #135235

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
movieClip 2 myfirst { #initclip function Dot() { this.color = new Color(this); this.color.setRGB(16775372); } function move() { ++this.age; this.relage = this.age / 12; R = 16711680; G = 255 - this.relage * 126; if (G < 0) { G = 0; } G <<= 8; B = 255 - this.relage * 1024; if (B < 0) { B = 0; } this.color.setRGB(R + G + B); this._x -= Math.random() * 5 - 2.5; this._y -= Math.random() * 4 + 2; this._alpha -= 2; this._xscale -= 2; if (this._alpha < 5) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } Dot.prototype = new MovieClip(); Object.registerClass('myfirst', Dot); Dot.prototype.onEnterFrame = move; #endinitclip frame 1 { } } frame 1 { mochi.as2.MochiAd.showPreGameAd({'id': '6a51e5a926beeb30', 'res': '700x350', 'background': 0, 'color': 14670292, 'outline': 328964, 'no_bg': true}); } frame 1 { function doSomething() {} function doSomething3() { getURL('', _blank); } function doSomething2() { getURL('', _blank); } MENU.customItems.push(Functioned2); MENU = new ContextMenu(); MENU.hideBuiltInItems(); Functioned = new ContextMenuItem('Actionscript/Story : Jacob Dzwinel', doSomething); Functioned1 = new ContextMenuItem('Graphic : RPG Maker, Google', doSomething); Functioned2 = new ContextMenuItem('Developed for', doSomething2); Functioned3 = new ContextMenuItem('Play More Games', doSomething3); MENU.customItems.push(Functioned); MENU.customItems.push(Functioned1); MENU.customItems.push(Functioned2); MENU.customItems.push(Functioned3); = MENU; stop(); } frame 1 { stop(); tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(3); } } frame 1 { } // unknown tag 88 length 63 movieClip 20 { } movieClip 23 { } movieClip 24 { frame 1 { _root.stop(); PercentLoaded = (_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 500; if (PercentLoaded != 500) { eval(bar)._xscale = PercentLoaded; } else { gotoAndStop('loaded'); } } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 3 { _root.gotoAndStop(2); } } // unknown tag 88 length 67 movieClip 27 { } movieClip 29 { } instance of movieClip 29 { onClipEvent (release) { getURL('', _blank); } } movieClip 57 { } movieClip 61 { } movieClip 62 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } } instance cursors of movieClip 62 { onClipEvent (load) { Mouse.hide(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _x = _root._xmouse; _y = _root._ymouse; updateafterevent(); } } movieClip 1958 __Packages.mochi.as2.MochiAd { #initclip if (!_global.mochi) { _global.mochi = new Object(); } if (!_global.mochi.as2) { _global.mochi.as2 = new Object(); } if (!_global.mochi.as2.MochiAd) { var v1 = function () {}; mochi.as2.MochiAd = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getVersion = function () { return mochi.as2.MochiServices.getVersion(); }; v1.showPreGameAd = function (options) { var v27 = {'clip': _root, 'ad_timeout': 3000, 'fadeout_time': 250, 'regpt': 'o', 'method': 'showPreloaderAd', 'color': 16747008, 'background': 16777161, 'outline': 13994812, 'no_progress_bar': false, 'ad_started': function () { this.clip.stop(); }, 'ad_finished': function () {; }, 'ad_failed': function () { trace('[MochiAd] Couldn\'t load an ad, make sure that your game\'s local security sandbox is configured for Access Network Only and that you are not using ad blocking software'); }, 'ad_loaded': function (width, height) {}, 'ad_skipped': function () {}, 'ad_progress': function (percent) {}}; options = mochi.as2.MochiAd._parseOptions(options, v27); if ('c862232051e0a94e1c3609b3916ddb17'.substr(0) == 'dfeada81ac97cde83665f81c12da7def') { options.ad_started(); options.ad_finished(); return undefined; } var clip = options.clip; var v24 = 11000; var v19 = options.ad_timeout; if (options.skip) { v19 = 0; } delete options.ad_timeout; var fadeout_time = options.fadeout_time; delete options.fadeout_time; if (!mochi.as2.MochiAd.load(options)) { options.ad_failed(); options.ad_finished(); return undefined; } options.ad_started(); var mc = clip._mochiad; mc.onUnload = function () { options.ad_finished(); }; var v15 = mochi.as2.MochiAd._getRes(options); var v5 = v15[0]; var v14 = v15[1]; mc._x = v5 * 0.5; mc._y = v14 * 0.5; var chk = mc.createEmptyMovieClip('_mochiad_wait', 3); chk._x = v5 * -0.5; chk._y = v14 * -0.5; var v7 = chk.createEmptyMovieClip('_mochiad_bar', 4); if (options.no_progress_bar) { v7._visible = false; delete options.no_progress_bar; } else { v7._x = 10; v7._y = v14 - 20; } var v23 = options.color; delete options.color; var v21 = options.background; delete options.background; var v25 = options.outline; delete options.outline; var v6 = v7.createEmptyMovieClip('_outline', 1); v6.beginFill(v21); v6.moveTo(0, 0); v6.lineTo(v5 - 20, 0); v6.lineTo(v5 - 20, 10); v6.lineTo(0, 10); v6.lineTo(0, 0); v6.endFill(); var v4 = v7.createEmptyMovieClip('_inside', 2); v4.beginFill(v23); v4.moveTo(0, 0); v4.lineTo(v5 - 20, 0); v4.lineTo(v5 - 20, 10); v4.lineTo(0, 10); v4.lineTo(0, 0); v4.endFill(); v4._xscale = 0; var v8 = v7.createEmptyMovieClip('_outline', 3); v8.lineStyle(0, v25, 100); v8.moveTo(0, 0); v8.lineTo(v5 - 20, 0); v8.lineTo(v5 - 20, 10); v8.lineTo(0, 10); v8.lineTo(0, 0); chk.ad_msec = v24; chk.ad_timeout = v19; chk.started = getTimer(); chk.showing = false; chk.last_pcnt = 0; chk.fadeout_time = fadeout_time; chk.fadeFunction = function () { var v2 = 100 * (1 - (getTimer() - this.fadeout_start) / this.fadeout_time); if (v2 > 0) { this._parent._alpha = v2; } else { var v3 = this._parent._parent; mochi.as2.MochiAd.unload(v3); delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; var sendHostProgress = false; = function (lc_name) { sendHostProgress = true; }; = options.ad_loaded; = options.ad_skipped; = function (msec) { var v2 =; v2.server_control = true; v2.started = getTimer(); v2.ad_msec = msec; }; = function (callbackID, arg) { mochi.as2.MochiAd.rpc(clip, callbackID, arg); }; mc.rpcTestFn = function (s) { trace('[MOCHIAD rpcTestFn] ' + s); return s; }; chk.onEnterFrame = function () { var v10 = this._parent._parent; var v3 = v10; for (;;) { if (!(!v3.getBytesTotal() && v3)) break; v3 = v3._parent; } if (!v3) { v3 = _root; } var v13 = this._parent._mochiad_ctr; var v7 = getTimer() - this.started; var v5 = false; var v6 = v3.getBytesTotal(); var v9 = v3.getBytesLoaded(); var v4 = 100 * v9 / v6; var v12 = 100 * v7 / chk.ad_msec; var v11 = this._mochiad_bar._inside; var v15 = Math.min(100, Math.min(v4 || 0, v12)); v15 = Math.max(this.last_pcnt, v15); this.last_pcnt = v15; v11._xscale = v15; options.ad_progress(v15); if (sendHostProgress) { mochi.as2.MochiAd.containerNotify(clip, {'id': 'hostLoadPcnt', 'pcnt': v4}, clip._mochiad._containerLCName); if (v4 == 100) { sendHostProgress = false; } } if (!chk.showing) { var v8 = v13.getBytesTotal(); if (v8 > 0 || typeof v8 == 'undefined') { chk.showing = true; chk.started = getTimer(); } else { if (v7 > chk.ad_timeout && v4 == 100) { options.ad_failed(); v5 = true; } } } if (v7 > chk.ad_msec) { v5 = true; } if (v6 > 0 && v9 >= v6 && v5) { if (this.server_control) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } else { this.fadeout_start = getTimer(); this.onEnterFrame = chk.fadeFunction; } } }; }; v1.showClickAwayAd = function (options) { var v10 = {'clip': _root, 'ad_timeout': 2000, 'fadeout_time': 250, 'regpt': 'o', 'method': 'showClickAwayAd', 'res': '300x250', 'no_bg': true, 'ad_started': function () {}, 'ad_finished': function () {}, 'ad_loaded': function (width, height) {}, 'ad_failed': function () { trace('[MochiAd] Couldn\'t load an ad, make sure that your game\'s local security sandbox is configured for Access Network Only and that you are not using ad blocking software'); }, 'ad_skipped': function () {}}; options = mochi.as2.MochiAd._parseOptions(options, v10); var clip = options.clip; var v9 = options.ad_timeout; delete options.ad_timeout; if (!mochi.as2.MochiAd.load(options)) { options.ad_failed(); options.ad_finished(); return undefined; } options.ad_started(); var v3 = clip._mochiad; v3.onUnload = function () { options.ad_finished(); }; var v5 = mochi.as2.MochiAd._getRes(options); var v11 = v5[0]; var v8 = v5[1]; v3._x = v11 * 0.5; v3._y = v8 * 0.5; var chk = v3.createEmptyMovieClip('_mochiad_wait', 3); chk.ad_timeout = v9; chk.started = getTimer(); chk.showing = false; = options.ad_loaded; = options.ad_skipped; = function (callbackID, arg) { mochi.as2.MochiAd.rpc(clip, callbackID, arg); }; v3.rpcTestFn = function (s) { trace('[MOCHIAD rpcTestFn] ' + s); return s; }; var v21 = false; chk.onEnterFrame = function () { var v5 = this._parent._mochiad_ctr; var v4 = getTimer() - this.started; var v2 = false; if (!chk.showing) { var v3 = v5.getBytesTotal(); if (v3 > 0 || typeof v3 == 'undefined') { v2 = true; chk.showing = true; chk.started = getTimer(); } else { if (v4 > chk.ad_timeout) { options.ad_failed(); v2 = true; } } } if (v2) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; }; v1.showInterLevelAd = function (options) { var v13 = {'clip': _root, 'ad_timeout': 2000, 'fadeout_time': 250, 'regpt': 'o', 'method': 'showTimedAd', 'ad_started': function () { this.clip.stop(); }, 'ad_finished': function () {; }, 'ad_failed': function () { trace('[MochiAd] Couldn\'t load an ad, make sure that your game\'s local security sandbox is configured for Access Network Only and that you are not using ad blocking software'); }, 'ad_loaded': function (width, height) {}, 'ad_skipped': function () {}}; options = mochi.as2.MochiAd._parseOptions(options, v13); var clip = options.clip; var v10 = 11000; var v12 = options.ad_timeout; delete options.ad_timeout; var fadeout_time = options.fadeout_time; delete options.fadeout_time; if (!mochi.as2.MochiAd.load(options)) { options.ad_failed(); options.ad_finished(); return undefined; } options.ad_started(); var mc = clip._mochiad; mc.onUnload = function () { options.ad_finished(); }; var v5 = mochi.as2.MochiAd._getRes(options); var v14 = v5[0]; var v11 = v5[1]; mc._x = v14 * 0.5; mc._y = v11 * 0.5; var chk = mc.createEmptyMovieClip('_mochiad_wait', 3); chk.ad_msec = v10; chk.ad_timeout = v12; chk.started = getTimer(); chk.showing = false; chk.fadeout_time = fadeout_time; chk.fadeFunction = function () { var v2 = 100 * (1 - (getTimer() - this.fadeout_start) / this.fadeout_time); if (v2 > 0) { this._parent._alpha = v2; } else { var v3 = this._parent._parent; mochi.as2.MochiAd.unload(v3); delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; = options.ad_loaded; = options.ad_skipped; = function (msec) { var v2 =; v2.server_control = true; v2.started = getTimer(); v2.ad_msec = msec - 250; }; = function (callbackID, arg) { mochi.as2.MochiAd.rpc(clip, callbackID, arg); }; mc.rpcTestFn = function (s) { trace('[MOCHIAD rpcTestFn] ' + s); return s; }; chk.onEnterFrame = function () { var v5 = this._parent._mochiad_ctr; var v4 = getTimer() - this.started; var v2 = false; if (!chk.showing) { var v3 = v5.getBytesTotal(); if (v3 > 0 || typeof v3 == 'undefined') { chk.showing = true; chk.started = getTimer(); } else { if (v4 > chk.ad_timeout) { options.ad_failed(); v2 = true; } } } if (v4 > chk.ad_msec) { v2 = true; } if (v2) { if (this.server_control) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } else { this.fadeout_start = getTimer(); this.onEnterFrame = this.fadeFunction; } } }; }; v1.showPreloaderAd = function (options) { trace('[MochiAd] DEPRECATED: showPreloaderAd was renamed to showPreGameAd in 2.0'); mochi.as2.MochiAd.showPreGameAd(options); }; v1.showTimedAd = function (options) { trace('[MochiAd] DEPRECATED: showTimedAd was renamed to showInterLevelAd in 2.0'); mochi.as2.MochiAd.showInterLevelAd(options); }; v1._allowDomains = function (server) { var v1 = ((server.split('/'))[2].split(':'))[0]; if ( { if ( {'*');; } if ( {'*');; } } return v1; }; v1.load = function (options) { var v12 = {'clip': _root, 'server': '', 'method': 'load', 'depth': 10333, 'id': '_UNKNOWN_'}; options = mochi.as2.MochiAd._parseOptions(options, v12); options.swfv = options.clip.getSWFVersion() || 6; options.mav = mochi.as2.MochiAd.getVersion(); var v6 = options.clip; if (!mochi.as2.MochiAd._isNetworkAvailable()) { return null; } if (v6._mochiad_loaded) { return null; } var v11 = options.depth; delete options.depth; var mc = v6.createEmptyMovieClip('_mochiad', v11); var v10 = mochi.as2.MochiAd._getRes(options); options.res = v10[0] + 'x' + v10[1]; options.server +=; delete; v6._mochiad_loaded = true; if (v6._url.indexOf('http') != 0) { trace('[MochiAd] NOTE: Security Sandbox Violation errors below are normal'); } var v4 = mc.createEmptyMovieClip('_mochiad_ctr', 1); for (var v7 in options) { v4[v7] = options[v7]; } var v9 = v4.server; delete v4.server; var v13 = mochi.as2.MochiAd._allowDomains(v9); mc.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._mochiad_ctr._url != this._url) { this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!this._mochiad_ctr) { delete this.onEnterFrame; mochi.as2.MochiAd.unload(this._parent); } }; } }; var v5 = new Object(); var v8 = ['', Math.floor((new Date()).getTime()), random(999999)].join('_'); = mc; = v8; v5.hostname = v13; v5.allowDomain = function (d) { return true; }; v5.allowInsecureDomain = v5.allowDomain; v5.connect(v8); = v5; = function (lc_name) { mc._containerLCName = lc_name; }; = v8; = getTimer(); if (!options.skip) { v4.loadMovie(v9 + '.swf', 'POST'); } return mc; }; v1.unload = function (clip) { if (typeof clip == 'undefined') { clip = _root; } if (clip.clip && clip.clip._mochiad) { clip = clip.clip; } if (!clip._mochiad) { return false; } mochi.as2.MochiAd.containerNotify(clip, {'id': 'unload'}, clip._mochiad._containerLCName); clip._mochiad.removeMovieClip(); delete clip._mochiad_loaded; delete clip._mochiad; return true; }; v1._isNetworkAvailable = function () { if ( { var v1 =; if (v1.sandboxType == 'localWithFile') { return false; } } return true; }; v1._getRes = function (options) { var v3 = options.clip.getBounds(); var v2 = 0; var v1 = 0; if (typeof options.res != 'undefined') { var v4 = options.res.split('x'); v2 = parseFloat(v4[0]); v1 = parseFloat(v4[1]); } else { v2 = v3.xMax - v3.xMin; v1 = v3.yMax - v3.yMin; } if (v2 == 0 || v1 == 0) { v2 = Stage.width; v1 = Stage.height; } return [v2, v1]; }; v1._parseOptions = function (options, defaults) { var v4 = {}; for (var v8 in defaults) { v4[v8] = defaults[v8]; } if (options) { for (v8 in options) { v4[v8] = options[v8]; } } if (_root.mochiad_options) { var v5 = _root.mochiad_options.split('&'); var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v5.length) { var v3 = v5[v2].split('='); v4[unescape(v3[0])] = unescape(v3[1]); ++v2; } } if ( == 'test') { trace('[MochiAd] WARNING: Using the MochiAds test identifier, make sure to use the code from your dashboard, not this example!'); } return v4; }; v1.rpc = function (clip, callbackID, arg) { switch ( { case 'setValue': mochi.as2.MochiAd.setValue(clip, arg.objectName, arg.value); break; case 'getValue': var v4 = mochi.as2.MochiAd.getValue(clip, arg.objectName); mochi.as2.MochiAd.containerRpcResult(clip, callbackID, v4, clip._mochiad._containerLCName); break; case 'runMethod': var v3 = mochi.as2.MochiAd.runMethod(clip, arg.method, arg.args); mochi.as2.MochiAd.containerRpcResult(clip, callbackID, v3, clip._mochiad._containerLCName); break; default: trace('[mochiads rpc] unknown rpc id: ' +; } }; v1.setValue = function (base, objectName, value) { var v2 = objectName.split('.'); var v1; v1 = 0; while (v1 < v2.length - 1) { if (base[v2[v1]] == undefined || base[v2[v1]] == null) { return undefined; } base = base[v2[v1]]; ++v1; } base[v2[v1]] = value; }; v1.getValue = function (base, objectName) { var v2 = objectName.split('.'); var v1; v1 = 0; while (v1 < v2.length - 1) { if (base[v2[v1]] == undefined || base[v2[v1]] == null) { return undefined; } base = base[v2[v1]]; ++v1; } return base[v2[v1]]; }; v1.runMethod = function (base, methodName, argsArray) { var v2 = methodName.split('.'); var v1; v1 = 0; while (v1 < v2.length - 1) { if (base[v2[v1]] == undefined || base[v2[v1]] == null) { return undefined; } base = base[v2[v1]]; ++v1; } if (typeof base[v2[v1]] == 'function') { return base[v2[v1]].apply(base, argsArray); } else { return undefined; } }; v1.containerNotify = function (clip, args, lcName) { var v1 =; if (v1.notify) { v1.notify(args); } else { (new LocalConnection()).send(lcName, 'notify', args); } }; v1.containerRpcResult = function (clip, callbackID, val, lcName) { var v1 =; if (v1.rpcResult) { v1.rpcResult(callbackID, val); } else { (new LocalConnection()).send(lcName, 'rpcResult', callbackID, val); } }; ASSetPropFlags(mochi.as2.MochiAd.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 1959 __Packages.mochi.as2.MochiEventDispatcher { #initclip if (!_global.mochi) { _global.mochi = new Object(); } if (!_global.mochi.as2) { _global.mochi.as2 = new Object(); } if (!_global.mochi.as2.MochiEventDispatcher) { var v1 = function () { this.eventTable = {}; }; mochi.as2.MochiEventDispatcher = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.buildDelegate = function (thisObject, thatObject) { var v2 = {'thisObject': thisObject, 'thatObject': thatObject}; if (thatObject != undefined) { var funct = (typeof thatObject == 'string') ? thisObject[thatObject] : thatObject; v2.delegate = function (args) {, args); }; return v2; } v2.delegate = thisObject; return v2; }; v2.compareDelegate = function (d_A, d_B) { if (d_A.thisObject != d_B.thisObject || d_A.thatObject != d_B.thatObject) { return false; } return true; }; v2.addEventListener = function (event, thisObject, thatObject) { this.removeEventListener(event, thisObject, thatObject); this.eventTable[event].push(this.buildDelegate(thisObject, thatObject)); }; v2.removeEventListener = function (event, thisObject, thatObject) { var v3 = this.buildDelegate(thisObject, thatObject); if (this.eventTable[event] == undefined) { this.eventTable[event] = []; return undefined; } for (var v4 in this.eventTable[event]) { if (!this.compareDelegate(this.eventTable[event][v4], v3)) { continue; } this.eventTable[event].splice(Number(v4), 1); } }; v2.triggerEvent = function (event, args) { if (this.eventTable[event] == undefined) { return undefined; } for (var v4 in this.eventTable[event]) { this.eventTable[event][v4].delegate(args); } }; ASSetPropFlags(mochi.as2.MochiEventDispatcher.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 1960 __Packages.mochi.as2.MochiServices { #initclip if (!_global.mochi) { _global.mochi = new Object(); } if (!_global.mochi.as2) { _global.mochi.as2 = new Object(); } if (!_global.mochi.as2.MochiServices) { var v1 = function () {}; mochi.as2.MochiServices = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.__get__id = function () { return mochi.as2.MochiServices._id; }; v1.__get__clip = function () { return mochi.as2.MochiServices._container; }; v1.__get__childClip = function () { return mochi.as2.MochiServices._clip; }; v1.getVersion = function () { return '3.9.1 as2'; }; v1.allowDomains = function (server) { var v1 = ((server.split('/'))[2].split(':'))[0]; if ( { if ( {'*');; } if ( {'*');; } } return v1; }; v1.__get__isNetworkAvailable = function () { if ( { var v1 =; if (v1.sandboxType == 'localWithFile') { return false; } } return true; }; v1.__set__comChannelName = function (val) { if (val != undefined) { if (val.length > 3) { mochi.as2.MochiServices._sendChannelName = val + '_fromgame'; mochi.as2.MochiServices.initComChannels(); } } return mochi.as2.MochiServices.__get__comChannelName(); }; v1.__get__connected = function () { return mochi.as2.MochiServices._connected; }; v1.connect = function (id, clip, onError) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.warnID(id, false); if (!mochi.as2.MochiServices._connected && mochi.as2.MochiServices._clip == undefined) { trace('MochiServices Connecting...'); mochi.as2.MochiServices._connecting = true; mochi.as2.MochiServices.init(id, clip); } if (onError != undefined) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.onError = onError; } else { if (mochi.as2.MochiServices.onError == undefined) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.onError = function (errorCode) { trace(errorCode); }; } } }; v1.disconnect = function () { if (mochi.as2.MochiServices._connected || mochi.as2.MochiServices._connecting) { mochi.as2.MochiServices._connected = false; mochi.as2.MochiServices._connecting = mochi.as2.MochiServices._connected; mochi.as2.MochiServices.flush(true); if (mochi.as2.MochiServices._clip != undefined) { mochi.as2.MochiServices._clip.removeMovieClip(); delete mochi.as2.MochiServices._clip; } mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannel.close(); } }; v1.init = function (id, clip) { mochi.as2.MochiServices._id = id; if (clip != undefined) { mochi.as2.MochiServices._container = clip; } else { mochi.as2.MochiServices._container = _root; } mochi.as2.MochiServices.loadCommunicator(id, mochi.as2.MochiServices._container); }; v1.loadCommunicator = function (id, clip) { var v6 = '_mochiservices_com_' + id; var v5 = new MovieClipLoader(); var v3 = {}; if (mochi.as2.MochiServices._clip != null) { return mochi.as2.MochiServices._clip; } if (!mochi.as2.MochiServices.__get__isNetworkAvailable()) { return null; } if ((mochi.as2.MochiServices.urlOptions()).servURL) { mochi.as2.MochiServices._servURL = (mochi.as2.MochiServices.urlOptions()).servURL; } var v4 = mochi.as2.MochiServices._servURL + mochi.as2.MochiServices._services; if ((mochi.as2.MochiServices.urlOptions()).servicesURL) { v4 = (mochi.as2.MochiServices.urlOptions()).servicesURL; } mochi.as2.MochiServices.allowDomains(v4); mochi.as2.MochiServices._clip = clip.createEmptyMovieClip(v6, 10336, false); mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannelName += Math.floor((new Date()).getTime()) + '_' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 99999); mochi.as2.MochiServices.listen(); if (v3.waitInterval != null) { clearInterval(v3.waitInterval); } v3.onLoadError = mochi.as2.MochiServices.loadError; v3.onLoadStart = function (target_mc) { this.isLoading = true; }; v3.onLoadComplete = function (target_mc) { target_mc.MochiServices = mochi.as2.MochiServices; }; v3.startTime = getTimer(); v3.wait = function () { if (getTimer() - this.startTime > 10000) { if (!this.isLoading) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.disconnect(); mochi.as2.MochiServices.onError.apply(null, ['IOError']); } clearInterval(this.waitInterval); } }; v3.waitInterval = setInterval(v3, 'wait', 1000); v5.addListener(v3); v5.loadClip(v4 + '?listenLC=' + mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannelName + '&mochiad_options=' + escape(_root.mochiad_options) + '&api_version=' + mochi.as2.MochiServices.getVersion(), mochi.as2.MochiServices._clip); mochi.as2.MochiServices._sendChannel = new LocalConnection(); mochi.as2.MochiServices._sendChannel._queue = []; return mochi.as2.MochiServices._clip; }; v1.loadError = function (target_mc, errorCode, httpStatus) { trace('MochiServices could not load.'); mochi.as2.MochiServices.disconnect(); mochi.as2.MochiServices.onError.apply(null, [errorCode]); }; v1.onStatus = function (infoObject) { if (infoObject.level !== 'error') { } else { mochi.as2.MochiServices._connected = false; mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannel.connect(mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannelName); } }; v1.listen = function () { mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannel = new LocalConnection(); mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannel.handshake = function (args) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.__set__comChannelName(args.newChannel); }; mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannel.allowDomain = function (d) { return true; }; mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannel.allowInsecureDomain = mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannel.allowDomain; mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannel._nextcallbackID = 0; mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannel._callbacks = {}; mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannel.connect(mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannelName); trace('Waiting for MochiAds services to connect...'); }; v1.initComChannels = function () { if (!mochi.as2.MochiServices._connected) { mochi.as2.MochiServices._sendChannel.onStatus = function (infoObject) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.onStatus(infoObject); }; mochi.as2.MochiServices._sendChannel.send(mochi.as2.MochiServices._sendChannelName, 'onReceive', {'methodName': 'handshakeDone'}); mochi.as2.MochiServices._sendChannel.send(mochi.as2.MochiServices._sendChannelName, 'onReceive', {'methodName': 'registerGame', 'id': mochi.as2.MochiServices._id, 'version': mochi.as2.MochiServices.getVersion()}); mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannel.onStatus = function (infoObject) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.onStatus(infoObject); }; mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannel.onReceive = function (pkg) { var v5 = pkg.callbackID; var v4 = this._callbacks[v5]; if (!v4) { return undefined; } var v2 = v4.callbackMethod; var v3 = v4.callbackObject; if (v3 && typeof v2 == 'string') { v2 = v3[v2]; } if (v2 != undefined) { v2.apply(v3, pkg.args); } delete this._callbacks[v5]; }; mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannel.onEvent = function (pkg) { switch ( { case 'services': mochi.as2.MochiServices.triggerEvent(pkg.event, pkg.args); break; case 'events': mochi.as2.MochiEvents.triggerEvent(pkg.event, pkg.args); break; case 'coins': mochi.as2.MochiCoins.triggerEvent(pkg.event, pkg.args); break; case 'social': mochi.as2.MochiSocial.triggerEvent(pkg.event, pkg.args); } }; mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannel.onError = function () { mochi.as2.MochiServices.onError.apply(null, ['IOError']); }; trace('[SERVICES_API] connected!'); mochi.as2.MochiServices._connecting = false; mochi.as2.MochiServices._connected = true; while (mochi.as2.MochiServices._sendChannel._queue.length > 0) { mochi.as2.MochiServices._sendChannel.send(mochi.as2.MochiServices._sendChannelName, 'onReceive', mochi.as2.MochiServices._sendChannel._queue.shift()); } } }; v1.flush = function (error) { var v1; var v2; while (mochi.as2.MochiServices._sendChannel._queue.length > 0) { v1 = mochi.as2.MochiServices._sendChannel._queue.shift(); false; if (v1.callbackID != null) { v2 = mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannel._callbacks[v1.callbackID]; } delete mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannel._callbacks[v1.callbackID]; if (error) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.handleError(v1.args, v2.callbackObject, v2.callbackMethod); } } }; v1.handleError = function (args, callbackObject, callbackMethod) { if (args != null) { if (args.onError != null) { args.onError.apply(null, ['NotConnected']); } if (args.options != null && args.options.onError != null) { args.options.onError.apply(null, ['NotConnected']); } } if (callbackMethod != null) { args = {}; args.error = true; args.errorCode = 'NotConnected'; if (callbackObject != null && typeof callbackMethod == 'string') { callbackObject[callbackMethod](args); } else { if (callbackMethod != null) { callbackMethod.apply(args); } } } }; v1.send = function (methodName, args, callbackObject, callbackMethod) { if (mochi.as2.MochiServices._connected) { mochi.as2.MochiServices._sendChannel.send(mochi.as2.MochiServices._sendChannelName, 'onReceive', {'methodName': methodName, 'args': args, 'callbackID': mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannel._nextcallbackID}); } else { if (mochi.as2.MochiServices._clip == undefined || !mochi.as2.MochiServices._connecting) { trace('Error: MochiServices not connected. Please call MochiServices.connect(). Function: ' + methodName); mochi.as2.MochiServices.handleError(args, callbackObject, callbackMethod); mochi.as2.MochiServices.flush(true); return undefined; } else { mochi.as2.MochiServices._sendChannel._queue.push({'methodName': methodName, 'args': args, 'callbackID': mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannel._nextcallbackID}); } } mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannel._callbacks[mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannel._nextcallbackID] = {'callbackObject': callbackObject, 'callbackMethod': callbackMethod}; ++mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannel._nextcallbackID; }; v1.urlOptions = function () { var v5 = {}; var v6; if (_root._url.indexOf('mochiad_options') != -1) { var v2 = _root._url.indexOf('mochiad_options') + 'mochiad_options'.length + 1; v6 = _root._url.substr(v2, _root._url.length); } else { if (_root.mochiad_options) { v6 = _root.mochiad_options; } } if (v6) { var v4 = _root.mochiad_options.split('&'); var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v4.length) { var v3 = v4[v2].split('='); v5[unescape(v3[0])] = unescape(v3[1]); ++v2; } } return v5; }; v1.warnID = function (bid, leaderboard) { bid = bid.toLowerCase(); if (bid.length != 16) { trace('WARNING: ' + (leaderboard ? 'board' : 'game') + ' ID is not the appropriate length'); return undefined; } else { if (bid == '1e113c7239048b3f') { if (leaderboard) { trace('WARNING: Using testing board ID'); } else { trace('WARNING: Using testing board ID as game ID'); } return undefined; } else { if (bid == '84993a1de4031cd8') { if (leaderboard) { trace('WARNING: Using testing game ID as board ID'); } else { trace('WARNING: Using testing game ID'); } return undefined; } } } var v1 = 0; while (v1 < bid.length) { switch (bid.charAt(v1)) { if (bid.charAt(v1) !== 'f') { } else { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': case 'a': break; case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': } default: trace('WARNING: Board ID contains illegal characters: ' + bid); return undefined; } ++v1; } }; v1.addLinkEvent = function (url, burl, btn, onClick) { var timeout = 1500; var t0 = getTimer(); var v2 = new Object(); v2.mav = mochi.as2.MochiServices.getVersion(); v2.swfv = btn.getSWFVersion() || 6; v2.swfurl = btn._url; v2.fv = System.capabilities.version; v2.os = System.capabilities.os; v2.lang = System.capabilities.language; v2.scres = System.capabilities.screenResolutionX + 'x' + System.capabilities.screenResolutionY; var s = '?'; var v3 = 0; for (var v6 in v2) { if (v3 != 0) { s += '&'; } ++v3; s = s + v6 + '=' + escape(v2[v6]); } if (!(mochi.as2.MochiServices.netupAttempted || mochi.as2.MochiServices._connected)) { var ping = btn.createEmptyMovieClip('ping', 777); var v7 = btn.createEmptyMovieClip('nettest', 778); mochi.as2.MochiServices.netupAttempted = true; ping.loadMovie('' + getTimer()); v7.onEnterFrame = function () { if (ping._totalframes > 0 && ping._totalframes == ping._framesloaded) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } else { if (getTimer() - t0 > timeout) { delete this.onEnterFrame; mochi.as2.MochiServices.netup = false; } } }; } var v4 = btn.createEmptyMovieClip('clk', 1001); v4._alpha = 0; v4.beginFill(1044735); v4.moveTo(0, 0); v4.lineTo(0, btn._height); v4.lineTo(btn._width, btn._height); v4.lineTo(btn._width, 0); v4.lineTo(0, 0); v4.endFill(); v4.onRelease = function () { if (mochi.as2.MochiServices.netup) { getURL(url + s, '_blank'); } else { getURL(burl, '_blank'); } if (onClick != undefined) { onClick(); } }; }; v1.setContainer = function (clip) {}; v1.stayOnTop = function (clip) {}; v1.addEventListener = function (eventType, thisObject, thatObject) { mochi.as2.MochiServices._dispatcher.addEventListener(eventType, thisObject, thatObject); }; v1.triggerEvent = function (eventType, args) { mochi.as2.MochiServices._dispatcher.triggerEvent(eventType, args); }; v1.removeEventListener = function (eventType, thisObject, thatObject) { mochi.as2.MochiServices._dispatcher.removeEventListener(eventType, thisObject, thatObject); }; v1.CONNECTED = 'onConnected'; v1._servURL = ''; v1._services = 'services.swf'; v1._mochiLC = 'MochiLC.swf'; v1._listenChannelName = '__ms_'; v1._connecting = false; v1._connected = false; v1.netup = true; v1.netupAttempted = false; v1._dispatcher = new mochi.as2.MochiEventDispatcher(); v1.addProperty('childClip', v1.__get__childClip, function () {}); v1.addProperty('clip', v1.__get__clip, function () {}); v1.addProperty('comChannelName', function () {}, v1.__set__comChannelName); v1.addProperty('connected', v1.__get__connected, function () {}); v1.addProperty('id', v1.__get__id, function () {}); v1.addProperty('isNetworkAvailable', v1.__get__isNetworkAvailable, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(mochi.as2.MochiServices.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 1961 __Packages.mochi.as2.MochiEvents { #initclip if (!_global.mochi) { _global.mochi = new Object(); } if (!_global.mochi.as2) { _global.mochi.as2 = new Object(); } if (!_global.mochi.as2.MochiEvents) { var v1 = function () {}; mochi.as2.MochiEvents = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getVersion = function () { return mochi.as2.MochiServices.getVersion(); }; v1.startSession = function (achievementID) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send('events_beginSession', {'achievementID': achievementID}, null, null); }; v1.setNotifications = function (clip, style) { var v2 = {}; for (var v3 in style) { v2[v3] = style[v3]; } v2.clip = clip; mochi.as2.MochiServices.send('events_setNotifications', v2, null, null); }; v1.addEventListener = function (eventType, thisObject, thatObject) { mochi.as2.MochiEvents._dispatcher.addEventListener(eventType, thisObject, thatObject); }; v1.triggerEvent = function (eventType, args) { mochi.as2.MochiEvents._dispatcher.triggerEvent(eventType, args); }; v1.removeEventListener = function (eventType, thisObject, thatObject) { mochi.as2.MochiEvents._dispatcher.removeEventListener(eventType, thisObject, thatObject); }; v1.startPlay = function (tag) { if (tag == undefined) { tag = 'gameplay'; } mochi.as2.MochiServices.send('events_setRoundID', {'tag': String(tag)}, null, null); }; v1.endPlay = function () { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send('events_clearRoundID', null, null, null); }; v1.trackEvent = function (tag, value) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send('events_trackEvent', {'tag': tag, 'value': value}, null, null); }; v1.ACHIEVEMENT_RECEIVED = 'AchievementReceived'; v1.ALIGN_TOP_LEFT = 'ALIGN_TL'; v1.ALIGN_TOP = 'ALIGN_T'; v1.ALIGN_TOP_RIGHT = 'ALIGN_TR'; v1.ALIGN_LEFT = 'ALIGN_L'; v1.ALIGN_CENTER = 'ALIGN_C'; v1.ALIGN_RIGHT = 'ALIGN_R'; v1.ALIGN_BOTTOM_LEFT = 'ALIGN_BL'; v1.ALIGN_BOTTOM = 'ALIGN_B'; v1.ALIGN_BOTTOM_RIGHT = 'ALIGN_BR'; v1.FORMAT_SHORT = 'ShortForm'; v1.FORMAT_LONG = 'LongForm'; v1._dispatcher = new mochi.as2.MochiEventDispatcher(); ASSetPropFlags(mochi.as2.MochiEvents.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 1962 __Packages.mochi.as2.MochiCoins { #initclip if (!_global.mochi) { _global.mochi = new Object(); } if (!_global.mochi.as2) { _global.mochi.as2 = new Object(); } if (!_global.mochi.as2.MochiCoins) { var v1 = function () {}; mochi.as2.MochiCoins = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getVersion = function () { return mochi.as2.MochiServices.getVersion(); }; v1.showStore = function (options) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send('coins_showStore', {'options': options}, null, null); }; v1.showItem = function (options) { if (options == undefined || typeof options.item != 'string') { trace('ERROR: showItem call must pass an Object with an item key'); return undefined; } mochi.as2.MochiServices.send('coins_showItem', {'options': options}, null, null); }; v1.showVideo = function (options) { if (options == undefined || typeof options.item != 'string') { trace('ERROR: showVideo call must pass an Object with an item key'); return undefined; } mochi.as2.MochiServices.send('coins_showVideo', {'options': options}, null, null); }; v1.getStoreItems = function () { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send('coins_getStoreItems'); }; v1.requestFunding = function (properties) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send('social_requestFunding', properties); }; v1.addEventListener = function (eventType, delegate) { mochi.as2.MochiCoins._dispatcher.addEventListener(eventType, delegate); }; v1.triggerEvent = function (eventType, args) { mochi.as2.MochiCoins._dispatcher.triggerEvent(eventType, args); }; v1.removeEventListener = function (eventType, delegate) { mochi.as2.MochiCoins._dispatcher.removeEventListener(eventType, delegate); }; v1.STORE_SHOW = 'StoreShow'; v1.STORE_HIDE = 'StoreHide'; v1.ITEM_OWNED = 'ItemOwned'; v1.ITEM_NEW = 'ItemNew'; v1.STORE_ITEMS = 'StoreItems'; v1.ERROR = 'Error'; v1.IO_ERROR = 'IOError'; v1.NO_USER = 'NoUser'; v1._dispatcher = new mochi.as2.MochiEventDispatcher(); ASSetPropFlags(mochi.as2.MochiCoins.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 1963 __Packages.mochi.as2.MochiSocial { #initclip if (!_global.mochi) { _global.mochi = new Object(); } if (!_global.mochi.as2) { _global.mochi.as2 = new Object(); } if (!_global.mochi.as2.MochiSocial) { var v1 = function () {}; mochi.as2.MochiSocial = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getVersion = function () { return mochi.as2.MochiServices.getVersion(); }; v1.showLoginWidget = function (options) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.setContainer(); mochi.as2.MochiServices.stayOnTop(); mochi.as2.MochiServices.send('social_showLoginWidget', {'options': options}); }; v1.hideLoginWidget = function () { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send('social_hideLoginWidget'); }; v1.requestLogin = function (properties) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send('social_requestLogin', properties); }; v1.getFriendsList = function (properties) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send('social_getFriendsList', properties); }; v1.postToStream = function (properties) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send('social_postToStream', properties); }; v1.inviteFriends = function (properties) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send('social_inviteFriends', properties); }; v1.requestFan = function (properties) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send('social_requestFan', properties); }; v1.saveUserProperties = function (properties) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send('social_saveUserProperties', properties); }; v1.addEventListener = function (eventType, delegate) { mochi.as2.MochiSocial._dispatcher.addEventListener(eventType, delegate); }; v1.triggerEvent = function (eventType, args) { mochi.as2.MochiSocial._dispatcher.triggerEvent(eventType, args); }; v1.removeEventListener = function (eventType, delegate) { mochi.as2.MochiSocial._dispatcher.removeEventListener(eventType, delegate); }; v1.LOGGED_IN = 'LoggedIn'; v1.LOGGED_OUT = 'LoggedOut'; v1.LOGIN_SHOW = 'LoginShow'; v1.LOGIN_HIDE = 'LoginHide'; v1.LOGIN_SHOWN = 'LoginShown'; v1.PROFILE_SHOW = 'ProfileShow'; v1.PROFILE_HIDE = 'ProfileHide'; v1.PROPERTIES_SAVED = 'PropertySaved'; v1.WIDGET_LOADED = 'WidgetLoaded'; v1.FRIEND_LIST = 'FriendsList'; v1.PROFILE_DATA = 'ProfileData'; v1.GAMEPLAY_DATA = 'GameplayData'; v1.ACTION_CANCELED = 'onCancel'; v1.ACTION_COMPLETE = 'onComplete'; v1.USER_INFO = 'UserInfo'; v1.ERROR = 'Error'; v1.IO_ERROR = 'IOError'; v1.NO_USER = 'NoUser'; v1.PROPERTIES_SIZE = 'PropertiesSize'; v1._dispatcher = new mochi.as2.MochiEventDispatcher(); ASSetPropFlags(mochi.as2.MochiSocial.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } frame 2 { PaperKiller = SharedObject.getLocal('paper'); tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 65 { } instance of movieClip 65 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.gotoAndStop('Menu'); } } frame 3 { _root.blocktransation = 0; _root.brightnesss = 6; _root.menuscreen._visible = false; _root.options._visible = false; name_txt.text =; _root.stagespart =; _root.timeseconds_txt =; _root.timeminutes_txt =; _root.timehours_txt =; } frame 3 { stop(); } movieClip 67 { frame 84 { stop(); } } movieClip 69 { frame 84 { stop(); } } movieClip 70 { frame 84 { stop(); } } movieClip 71 { frame 85 { stop(); } } // unknown tag 88 length 62 button 83 { on (release) { if ( != undefined) { _parent.gotoAndStop('menu3'); } else { _root.timeseconds_txt = 0; _root.timeminutes_txt = 0; _root.timehours_txt = 0; _parent.gotoAndStop('menu2'); } } } button 87 { on (release) { if ( != undefined) { _parent.gotoAndStop('menu3'); } } } button 91 { on (release) { _root.options._visible = true; } } button 95 { on (release) { getURL('', _blank); } } button 99 { on (release) { _parent.gotoAndStop('credits'); } } movieClip 100 { frame 85 { stop(); } } button 103 { on (release) { _root.options._visible = 0; } } // unknown tag 88 length 63 // unknown tag 88 length 60 movieClip 115 { } button 117 { on (release) { _root.options._visible = 0; } } movieClip 131 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.brightnesss = 1; } frame 2 { stop(); _root.brightnesss = 2; _parent._parent._root.jasnosc2._alpha = 90; _parent._parent._root.jasnosc1._alpha = 98; } frame 3 { stop(); _root.brightnesss = 3; _parent._parent._root.jasnosc2._alpha = 80; _parent._parent._root.jasnosc1._alpha = 95; } frame 4 { stop(); _root.brightnesss = 4; _parent._parent._root.jasnosc2._alpha = 70; _parent._parent._root.jasnosc1._alpha = 90; } frame 5 { stop(); _root.brightnesss = 5; _parent._parent._root.jasnosc2._alpha = 60; _parent._parent._root.jasnosc1._alpha = 88; } frame 6 { stop(); _root.brightnesss = 6; _parent._parent._root.jasnosc2._alpha = 50; _parent._parent._root.jasnosc1._alpha = 85; } frame 7 { stop(); _root.brightnesss = 7; _parent._parent._root.jasnosc2._alpha = 45; _parent._parent._root.jasnosc1._alpha = 83; } frame 8 { stop(); _root.brightnesss = 8; _parent._parent._root.jasnosc2._alpha = 40; _parent._parent._root.jasnosc1._alpha = 80; } frame 9 { stop(); _root.brightnesss = 9; _parent._parent._root.jasnosc2._alpha = 30; _parent._parent._root.jasnosc1._alpha = 78; } frame 10 { stop(); _root.brightnesss = 10; _parent._parent._root.jasnosc2._alpha = 20; _parent._parent._root.jasnosc1._alpha = 75; } frame 11 { stop(); _root.brightnesss = 11; _parent._parent._root.jasnosc2._visible = 1; _parent._parent._root.jasnosc2._alpha = 10; _parent._parent._root.jasnosc1._alpha = 72; } frame 12 { stop(); _root.brightnesss = 12; _parent._parent._root.jasnosc2._visible = 0; _parent._parent._root.jasnosc1._alpha = 70; } } movieClip 135 { frame 1 { stop(); _quality = 'BEST'; } frame 2 { stop(); _quality = 'MEDIUM'; } frame 3 { stop(); _quality = 'LOW'; } } button 139 { on (release) { tellTarget ('_root.options.graphicsson') { prevFrame(); } } } button 140 { on (release) { if (_root.brightnesss <= 11) { tellTarget ('_root.options.brightnesson') { nextFrame(); } } } } button 143 { on (release) { tellTarget ('_root.options.graphicsson') { nextFrame(); } } } button 144 { on (release) { if (_root.brightnesss >= 2) { tellTarget ('_root.options.brightnesson') { prevFrame(); } } } } movieClip 145 { frame 1 { if (_root.brightnesss == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.options.brightnesson') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.brightnesss == 2) { tellTarget ('_root.options.brightnesson') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.brightnesss == 3) { tellTarget ('_root.options.brightnesson') { gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_root.brightnesss == 4) { tellTarget ('_root.options.brightnesson') { gotoAndStop(4); } } if (_root.brightnesss == 5) { tellTarget ('_root.options.brightnesson') { gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_root.brightnesss == 6) { tellTarget ('_root.options.brightnesson') { gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_root.brightnesss == 7) { tellTarget ('_root.options.brightnesson') { gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_root.brightnesss == 8) { tellTarget ('_root.options.brightnesson') { gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_root.brightnesss == 9) { tellTarget ('_root.options.brightnesson') { gotoAndStop(9); } } if (_root.brightnesss == 10) { tellTarget ('_root.options.brightnesson') { gotoAndStop(10); } } if (_root.brightnesss == 11) { tellTarget ('_root.options.brightnesson') { gotoAndStop(11); } } if (_root.brightnesss == 12) { tellTarget ('_root.options.brightnesson') { gotoAndStop(12); } } } } button 146 { on (release) { _root.menuscreen._visible = 0; } } // unknown tag 88 length 63 button 157 { on (release) { getURL('', _blank); } } button 161 { on (release) { getURL('', _blank); } } button 165 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop('Menu'); } } movieClip 166 { } movieClip 170 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.blocktransation = 1; } frame 24 { if (_root.stagespart == 1) { _root.gotoAndPlay('stage1'); } if (_root.stagespart == 2) { _root.gotoAndPlay('stage2'); } if (_root.stagespart == 3) { _root.gotoAndPlay('stage3'); } if (_root.stagespart == 4) { _root.gotoAndPlay('stage4'); } if (_root.stagespart == 5) { _root.gotoAndPlay('stage5'); } if (_root.stagespart == 6) { _root.gotoAndPlay('stage6'); } if (_root.stagespart == 7) { _root.gotoAndPlay('stage7'); } if (_root.stagespart == 8) { _root.gotoAndPlay('stage8'); } } frame 40 { _root.blocktransation = 0; } } movieClip 173 { frame 33 { if (_root.timeseconds_txt <= 58) { = _parent._root.timeseconds_txt; = _parent._root.timeminutes_txt; = _parent._root.timehours_txt; _root.timeseconds_txt += 1; } else { _root.timeminutes_txt += 1; _root.timeseconds_txt = 0; } if (_root.timeminutes_txt >= 60) { = _parent._root.timeseconds_txt; = _parent._root.timeminutes_txt; = _parent._root.timehours_txt; _root.timehours_txt += 1; _root.timeminutes_txt = 0; _root.timeseconds_txt = 0; } } } movieClip 177 { } movieClip 178 { frame 85 { stop(); } } instance cursors of movieClip 62 { onClipEvent (load) { Mouse.hide(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _x = _root._xmouse; _y = _root._ymouse; updateafterevent(); } } frame 4 { stop(); } button 184 { on (release) { if (name_txt.text != '') { = name_txt.text; gotoAndPlay(5); } } } // unknown tag 88 length 62 frame 5 { stop(); name_txt.text =; } button 192 { on (release) { = name_txt.text; play(); _root.brightnesss = 6; if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation2') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } button 194 { on (release) { PaperKiller.clear(); _root.gotoAndStop('loadingcomplete'); } } // unknown tag 88 length 63 frame 6 { _root.blocktransation = 0; } movieClip 203 { } movieClip 222 { frame 1 { vai = random(100); if (vai == 1) { gotoAndPlay(3); } } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 3 { _root.restart(true, this._name); } frame 39 { if (this.hitTest(_root.remover)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } frame 49 { _root.gotoAndPlay('intro'); } frame 50 { stop(); } // unknown tag 88 length 62 button 228 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop('Menu'); } } instance cursors of movieClip 62 { onClipEvent (load) { Mouse.hide(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _x = _root._xmouse; _y = _root._ymouse; updateafterevent(); } } frame 51 { stop(); } movieClip 230 { frame 1 { d = 0.8; a = 4; c = 28; s = -1; r = 0; p = 0; enabled = true; DrawSpiral = function () { if (enabled) { var v2 = r + this.i * 2 * 3.141593 / c; this.lineTo(Math.cos(v2) * p, Math.sin(v2) * p); } }; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (enabled) { r += 0.1 * s; p = Math.pow(Math.abs(r), a) * d; if (spiral._width >= 805) { enabled = false; } } }; startNew = function () { r = 0; enabled = true; this.createEmptyMovieClip('spiral', 1); spiral._y = 0; spiral._x = 0; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < c) { var v3 = spiral.createEmptyMovieClip('line' + v2, v2); v3.i = v2; v3.onEnterFrame = DrawSpiral; v3.lineStyle(0, Math.floor(Math.random() * 1118481), random(100)); ++v2; } }; startNew(); } } instance spirala of movieClip 230 { onClipEvent (load) { skok = 100; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._rotation += 2; } } movieClip 234 { frame 224 {; } } button 237 { on (release) { getURL('', _blank); } } movieClip 240 { } movieClip 250 { } movieClip 256 { } movieClip 257 { } movieClip 258 { } movieClip 265 { } movieClip 269 { } frame 599 { _root.gotoAndStop('intro2'); } frame 600 { play(); } movieClip 271 { frame 63 { stop(); } } instance cursors of movieClip 62 { onClipEvent (load) { Mouse.hide(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _x = _root._xmouse; _y = _root._ymouse; updateafterevent(); } } frame 601 { stop(); } movieClip 281 { frame 30 { stop(); } } button 285 { on (release) { nextFrame(); } } frame 602 { stop(); } movieClip 289 { frame 30 { stop(); } } movieClip 291 { } frame 603 { stop(); } movieClip 297 { frame 32 { stop(); } } frame 604 { stop(); } movieClip 300 { frame 34 { stop(); } } frame 605 { play(); } // unknown tag 88 length 61 frame 779 { _root.gotoAndPlay('instructions'); } frame 780 { stop(); } movieClip 315 { } movieClip 323 { } button 325 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 8; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } movieClip 327 { } button 331 { on (keyPress '<Space>') { gotoAndStop(781); } } frame 781 { stop(); } movieClip 333 { frame 35 { _root.gotoAndPlay('stage1'); } } frame 782 { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(3); } } frame 782 { _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv7full = 0; _root.inv8full = 0; _root.trening = 0; _root.brightnesss = 6; _root.inv_battery = 0; _root.inv_latarka = 0; _root.inv_flashlight = 0; _root.inv_picklock = 0; _root.inv_patelnia = 0; _root.inv_klucz = 0; _root.inv_klucze = 0; _root.inv_policebat = 0; _root.inv_cd = 0; _root.inv_pieceofpaper1 = 0; _root.inv_pieceofpaper2 = 0; _root.inv_paper = 0; _root.inv_attickey = 0; _root.inv_rope = 0; _root.inv_hak = 0; _root.inv_hak_rope = 0; _root.kluczeon = 1; _root.policebaton = 1; _root.lampaon = 1; _root.schodynadrugiepietro = 0; _root.stuff_obrazkonia = 0; _root.blocktransation = 0; _root.levels = 0; _root.kontakton = 0; _root.rozbitaszafaon = 0; _root.elektronicznykod = 5; _root.opensafe1 = 0; _root.outside = 1; _root.dlugieswiatla = 0; _root.openoutside = 0; = 1; play(); } instance cursors of movieClip 62 { onClipEvent (load) { Mouse.hide(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _x = _root._xmouse; _y = _root._ymouse; updateafterevent(); } } frame 892 { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 892 { function restart(vero, nome) { if (vero) { _root[nome]._x = random(700); _root[nome]._y = random(30) - 380; } } i = 0; while (i <= 100) { drop.duplicateMovieClip('drop' + i, this.getNextHighestDepth()); ++i; } drop._visible = false; } frame 892 { _root.gotoAndPlay('outside00'); } frame 893 { _root.options._visible = 0; _root.stuff_instr = 0; _root.stuff_instr2 = 0; _root.menuscreen._visible = 0; if (_root.brightnesss == 2) { _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 90; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 98; } if (_root.brightnesss == 3) { _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 80; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 95; } if (_root.brightnesss == 4) { _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 70; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 90; } if (_root.brightnesss == 5) { _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 60; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 88; } if (_root.brightnesss == 6) { _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 50; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 85; } if (_root.brightnesss == 7) { _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 45; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 83; } if (_root.brightnesss == 8) { _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 40; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 80; } if (_root.brightnesss == 9) { _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 30; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 78; } if (_root.brightnesss == 10) { _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 20; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 75; } if (_root.brightnesss == 11) { _root.jasnosc2._visible = 1; _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 10; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 72; } if (_root.brightnesss == 12) { _root.jasnosc2._visible = 0; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 70; } } movieClip 339 { } movieClip 340 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 341 { } movieClip 343 { frame 1 { if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory1)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Battery'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory1)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Battery'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory1)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Battery'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory1)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Battery'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory1)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Battery'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory1)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Battery'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory2)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Torch'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory2)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Torch'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory2)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Torch'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory2)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Torch'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory2)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Torch'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory2)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Torch'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory3)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Torch'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory3)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Torch'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory3)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Torch'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory3)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Torch'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory3)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Torch'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory3)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Torch'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory4)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Picklock'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory4)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Picklock'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory4)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Picklock'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory4)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Picklock'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory4)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Picklock'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory4)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Picklock'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory5)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Basement Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory5)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Basement Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory5)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Basement Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory5)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Basement Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory5)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Basement Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory5)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Basement Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory6)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Pan'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory6)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Pan'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory6)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Pan'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory6)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Pan'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory6)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Pan'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory6)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Pan'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory7)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Policebat'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory7)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Policebat'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory7)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Policebat'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory7)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Policebat'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory7)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Policebat'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory7)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Policebat'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory8)) { _root.cursors.what = 'House Keys'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory8)) { _root.cursors.what = 'House Keys'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory8)) { _root.cursors.what = 'House Keys'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory8)) { _root.cursors.what = 'House Keys'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory8)) { _root.cursors.what = 'House Keys'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory8)) { _root.cursors.what = 'House Keys'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory9)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Piece of Paper'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory9)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Piece of Paper'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory9)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Piece of Paper'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory9)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Piece of Paper'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory9)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Piece of Paper'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory9)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Piece of Paper'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory10)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Piece of Paper'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory10)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Piece of Paper'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory10)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Piece of Paper'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory10)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Piece of Paper'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory10)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Piece of Paper'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory10)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Piece of Paper'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory11)) { _root.cursors.what = 'CD'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory11)) { _root.cursors.what = 'CD'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory11)) { _root.cursors.what = 'CD'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory11)) { _root.cursors.what = 'CD'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory11)) { _root.cursors.what = 'CD'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory11)) { _root.cursors.what = 'CD'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory12)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Paper Code'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory12)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Paper Code'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory12)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Paper Code'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory12)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Paper Code'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory12)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Paper Code'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory12)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Paper Code'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory13)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Attic Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory13)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Attic Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory13)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Attic Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory13)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Attic Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory13)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Attic Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory13)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Attic Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory14)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Rope'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory14)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Rope'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory14)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Rope'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory14)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Rope'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory14)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Rope'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory14)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Rope'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory15)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Hook'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory15)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Hook'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory15)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Hook'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory15)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Hook'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory15)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Hook'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory15)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Hook'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory16)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Rope&Hook'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory16)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Rope&Hook'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory16)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Rope&Hook'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory16)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Rope&Hook'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory16)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Rope&Hook'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory16)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Rope&Hook'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory17)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Lever'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory17)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Lever'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory17)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Lever'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory17)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Lever'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory17)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Lever'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory17)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Lever'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory18)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Revolver'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory18)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Revolver'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory18)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Revolver'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory18)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Revolver'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory18)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Revolver'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory18)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Revolver'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory19)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Puzzle'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory19)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Puzzle'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory19)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Puzzle'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory19)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Puzzle'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory19)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Puzzle'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory19)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Puzzle'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory20)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Button'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory20)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Button'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory20)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Button'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory20)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Button'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory20)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Button'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory20)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Button'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory21)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Bulb'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory21)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Bulb'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory21)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Bulb'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory21)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Bulb'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory21)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Bulb'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory21)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Bulb'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory22)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Knife'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory22)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Knife'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory22)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Knife'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory22)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Knife'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory22)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Knife'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory22)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Knife'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory23)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Padlock Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory23)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Padlock Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory23)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Padlock Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory23)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Padlock Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory23)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Padlock Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory23)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Padlock Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory24)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Room 110 Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory24)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Room 110 Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory24)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Room 110 Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory24)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Room 110 Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory24)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Room 110 Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory24)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Room 110 Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory25)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Beer'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory25)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Beer'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory25)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Beer'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory25)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Beer'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory25)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Beer'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory25)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Beer'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory26)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Money 1000$'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory26)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Money 1000$'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory26)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Money 1000$'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory26)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Money 1000$'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory26)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Money 1000$'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory26)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Money 1000$'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory27)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Dog Food'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory27)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Dog Food'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory27)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Dog Food'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory27)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Dog Food'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory27)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Dog Food'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory27)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Dog Food'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory28)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Poison'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory28)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Poison'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory28)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Poison'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory28)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Poison'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory28)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Poison'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory28)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Poison'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory29)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Poison Food'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory29)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Poison Food'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory29)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Poison Food'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory29)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Poison Food'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory29)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Poison Food'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory29)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Poison Food'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory30)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Room 130 Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory30)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Room 130 Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory30)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Room 130 Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory30)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Room 130 Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory30)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Room 130 Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory30)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Room 130 Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory31)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Zippo Lighter'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory31)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Zippo Lighter'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory31)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Zippo Lighter'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory31)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Zippo Lighter'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory31)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Zippo Lighter'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory31)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Zippo Lighter'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory32)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Bullet'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory32)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Bullet'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory32)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Bullet'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory32)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Bullet'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory32)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Bullet'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory32)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Bullet'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory33)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Screwdriver'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory33)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Screwdriver'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory33)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Screwdriver'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory33)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Screwdriver'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory33)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Screwdriver'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory33)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Screwdriver'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory34)) { _root.cursors.what = 'One Bullet Gun'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory34)) { _root.cursors.what = 'One Bullet Gun'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory34)) { _root.cursors.what = 'One Bullet Gun'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory34)) { _root.cursors.what = 'One Bullet Gun'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory34)) { _root.cursors.what = 'One Bullet Gun'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory34)) { _root.cursors.what = 'One Bullet Gun'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory35)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Gasoline'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory35)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Gasoline'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory35)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Gasoline'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory35)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Gasoline'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory35)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Gasoline'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory35)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Gasoline'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory36)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Coin'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory36)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Coin'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory36)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Coin'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory36)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Coin'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory36)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Coin'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory36)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Coin'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory37)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory37)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory37)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory37)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory37)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory37)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory38)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Money 100$'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory38)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Money 100$'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory38)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Money 100$'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory38)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Money 100$'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory38)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Money 100$'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory38)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Money 100$'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory39)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Train Ticket'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory39)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Train Ticket'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory39)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Train Ticket'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory39)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Train Ticket'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory39)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Train Ticket'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory39)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Train Ticket'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory40)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Cigarette'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory40)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Cigarette'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory40)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Cigarette'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory40)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Cigarette'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory40)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Cigarette'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory40)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Cigarette'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory41)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Cigarette'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory41)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Cigarette'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory41)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Cigarette'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory41)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Cigarette'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory41)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Cigarette'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory41)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Cigarette'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory42)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Book'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory42)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Book'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory42)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Book'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory42)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Book'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory42)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Book'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory42)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Book'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory43)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Coins'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory43)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Coins'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory43)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Coins'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory43)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Coins'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory43)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Coins'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory43)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Coins'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory44)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Coke'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory44)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Coke'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory44)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Coke'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory44)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Coke'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory44)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Coke'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory44)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Coke'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory45)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Pills'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory45)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Pills'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory45)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Pills'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory45)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Pills'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory45)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Pills'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory45)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Pills'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory46)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Toilet Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory46)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Toilet Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory46)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Toilet Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory46)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Toilet Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory46)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Toilet Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory46)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Toilet Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory47)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Poisoned Coke'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory47)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Poisoned Coke'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory47)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Poisoned Coke'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory47)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Poisoned Coke'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory47)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Poisoned Coke'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory47)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Poisoned Coke'; } } frame 2 { if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory1)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Battery'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory1)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Battery'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory1)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Battery'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory1)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Battery'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory1)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Battery'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory1)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Battery'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory2)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Torch'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory2)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Torch'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory2)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Torch'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory2)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Torch'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory2)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Torch'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory2)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Torch'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory3)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Torch'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory3)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Torch'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory3)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Torch'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory3)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Torch'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory3)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Torch'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory3)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Torch'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory4)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Picklock'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory4)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Picklock'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory4)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Picklock'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory4)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Picklock'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory4)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Picklock'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory4)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Picklock'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory5)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Basement Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory5)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Basement Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory5)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Basement Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory5)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Basement Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory5)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Basement Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory5)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Basement Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory6)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Pan'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory6)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Pan'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory6)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Pan'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory6)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Pan'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory6)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Pan'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory6)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Pan'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory7)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Policebat'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory7)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Policebat'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory7)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Policebat'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory7)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Policebat'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory7)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Policebat'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory7)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Policebat'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory8)) { _root.cursors.what = 'House Keys'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory8)) { _root.cursors.what = 'House Keys'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory8)) { _root.cursors.what = 'House Keys'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory8)) { _root.cursors.what = 'House Keys'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory8)) { _root.cursors.what = 'House Keys'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory8)) { _root.cursors.what = 'House Keys'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory9)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Piece of Paper'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory9)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Piece of Paper'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory9)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Piece of Paper'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory9)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Piece of Paper'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory9)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Piece of Paper'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory9)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Piece of Paper'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory10)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Piece of Paper'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory10)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Piece of Paper'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory10)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Piece of Paper'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory10)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Piece of Paper'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory10)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Piece of Paper'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory10)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Piece of Paper'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory11)) { _root.cursors.what = 'CD'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory11)) { _root.cursors.what = 'CD'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory11)) { _root.cursors.what = 'CD'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory11)) { _root.cursors.what = 'CD'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory11)) { _root.cursors.what = 'CD'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory11)) { _root.cursors.what = 'CD'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory12)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Paper Code'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory12)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Paper Code'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory12)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Paper Code'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory12)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Paper Code'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory12)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Paper Code'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory12)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Paper Code'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory13)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Attic Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory13)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Attic Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory13)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Attic Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory13)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Attic Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory13)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Attic Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory13)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Attic Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory14)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Rope'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory14)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Rope'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory14)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Rope'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory14)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Rope'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory14)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Rope'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory14)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Rope'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory15)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Hook'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory15)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Hook'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory15)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Hook'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory15)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Hook'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory15)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Hook'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory15)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Hook'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory16)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Rope&Hook'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory16)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Rope&Hook'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory16)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Rope&Hook'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory16)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Rope&Hook'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory16)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Rope&Hook'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory16)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Rope&Hook'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory17)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Lever'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory17)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Lever'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory17)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Lever'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory17)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Lever'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory17)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Lever'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory17)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Lever'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory18)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Revolver'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory18)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Revolver'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory18)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Revolver'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory18)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Revolver'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory18)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Revolver'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory18)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Revolver'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory19)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Puzzle'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory19)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Puzzle'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory19)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Puzzle'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory19)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Puzzle'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory19)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Puzzle'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory19)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Puzzle'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory20)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Button'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory20)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Button'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory20)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Button'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory20)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Button'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory20)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Button'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory20)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Button'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory21)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Bulb'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory21)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Bulb'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory21)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Bulb'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory21)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Bulb'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory21)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Bulb'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory21)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Bulb'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory22)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Knife'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory22)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Knife'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory22)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Knife'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory22)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Knife'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory22)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Knife'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory22)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Knife'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory23)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Padlock Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory23)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Padlock Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory23)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Padlock Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory23)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Padlock Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory23)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Padlock Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory23)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Padlock Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory24)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Room 110 Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory24)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Room 110 Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory24)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Room 110 Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory24)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Room 110 Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory24)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Room 110 Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory24)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Room 110 Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory25)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Beer'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory25)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Beer'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory25)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Beer'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory25)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Beer'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory25)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Beer'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory25)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Beer'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory26)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Money 1000$'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory26)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Money 1000$'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory26)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Money 1000$'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory26)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Money 1000$'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory26)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Money 1000$'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory26)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Money 1000$'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory27)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Dog Food'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory27)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Dog Food'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory27)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Dog Food'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory27)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Dog Food'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory27)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Dog Food'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory27)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Dog Food'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory28)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Poison'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory28)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Poison'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory28)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Poison'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory28)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Poison'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory28)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Poison'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory28)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Poison'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory29)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Poison Food'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory29)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Poison Food'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory29)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Poison Food'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory29)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Poison Food'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory29)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Poison Food'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory29)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Poison Food'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory30)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Room 130 Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory30)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Room 130 Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory30)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Room 130 Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory30)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Room 130 Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory30)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Room 130 Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory30)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Room 130 Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory31)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Zippo Lighter'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory31)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Zippo Lighter'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory31)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Zippo Lighter'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory31)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Zippo Lighter'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory31)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Zippo Lighter'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory31)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Zippo Lighter'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory32)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Bullet'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory32)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Bullet'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory32)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Bullet'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory32)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Bullet'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory32)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Bullet'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory32)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Bullet'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory33)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Screwdriver'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory33)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Screwdriver'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory33)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Screwdriver'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory33)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Screwdriver'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory33)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Screwdriver'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory33)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Screwdriver'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory34)) { _root.cursors.what = 'One Bullet Gun'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory34)) { _root.cursors.what = 'One Bullet Gun'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory34)) { _root.cursors.what = 'One Bullet Gun'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory34)) { _root.cursors.what = 'One Bullet Gun'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory34)) { _root.cursors.what = 'One Bullet Gun'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory34)) { _root.cursors.what = 'One Bullet Gun'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory35)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Gasoline'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory35)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Gasoline'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory35)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Gasoline'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory35)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Gasoline'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory35)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Gasoline'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory35)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Gasoline'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory36)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Coin'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory36)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Coin'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory36)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Coin'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory36)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Coin'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory36)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Coin'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory36)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Coin'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory37)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory37)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory37)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory37)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory37)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory37)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory38)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Money 100$'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory38)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Money 100$'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory38)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Money 100$'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory38)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Money 100$'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory38)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Money 100$'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory38)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Money 100$'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory39)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Train Ticket'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory39)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Train Ticket'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory39)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Train Ticket'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory39)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Train Ticket'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory39)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Train Ticket'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory39)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Train Ticket'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory40)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Cigarette'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory40)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Cigarette'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory40)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Cigarette'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory40)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Cigarette'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory40)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Cigarette'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory40)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Cigarette'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory41)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Cigarette'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory41)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Cigarette'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory41)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Cigarette'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory41)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Cigarette'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory41)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Cigarette'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory41)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Cigarette'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory42)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Book'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory42)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Book'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory42)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Book'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory42)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Book'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory42)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Book'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory42)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Book'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory43)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Coins'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory43)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Coins'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory43)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Coins'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory43)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Coins'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory43)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Coins'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory43)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Coins'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory44)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Coke'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory44)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Coke'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory44)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Coke'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory44)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Coke'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory44)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Coke'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory44)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Coke'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory45)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Pills'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory45)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Pills'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory45)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Pills'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory45)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Pills'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory45)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Pills'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory45)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Pills'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory46)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Toilet Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory46)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Toilet Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory46)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Toilet Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory46)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Toilet Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory46)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Toilet Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory46)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Toilet Key'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory47)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Poisoned Coke'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory47)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Poisoned Coke'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory47)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Poisoned Coke'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory47)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Poisoned Coke'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory47)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Poisoned Coke'; } if (_root.cursors.point.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory47)) { _root.cursors.what = 'Poisoned Coke'; } } } instance cursors of movieClip 62 { onClipEvent (load) { Mouse.hide(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _x = _root._xmouse; _y = _root._ymouse; updateafterevent(); } } frame 894 { function restart(vero, nome) { if (vero) { _root[nome]._x = random(700); _root[nome]._y = random(30) - 380; } } } frame 894 { stop(); if (_root.dlugieswiatla == 2) { tellTarget ('_root.samochodon') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } frame 894 { if (_root.stuff_instr == 0) { _root.instr._visible = 1; } if (_root.stuff_instr == 1) { _root.instr._visible = 0; } } movieClip 348 { } instance of movieClip 348 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { _root.info_txt = String('Dark forest'); } } movieClip 350 { } instance of movieClip 350 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { _root.info_txt = String(''); } } movieClip 356 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } instance samochodon of movieClip 356 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('i have just arrived, i need to have a look around.'); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.dlugieswiatla == 1) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.dlugieswiatla = 2; } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('High beam lights on, i should see more now'); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } movieClip 362 { } movieClip 364 { } movieClip 365 { } movieClip 366 { } movieClip 368 { } movieClip 370 { } movieClip 372 { } movieClip 374 { } movieClip 375 { } movieClip 376 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 382 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.outside = 2; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } movieClip 385 { frame 28 { stop(); } } movieClip 389 { frame 28 { stop(); } } movieClip 398 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.policebaton = 1; } frame 2 { stop(); _root.policebaton = 0; } } movieClip 400 { frame 1 { _root.kluczeon = 1; stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); _root.kluczeon = 0; } } // unknown tag 88 length 63 movieClip 409 { frame 20 { stop(); } } movieClip 410 { frame 20 { stop(); } } movieClip 431 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 433 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 437 { } movieClip 439 { } movieClip 441 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 443 { } movieClip 445 { } movieClip 448 { } movieClip 450 { } movieClip 452 { } movieClip 454 { } movieClip 455 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); if (_root.inv1full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.inv_battery = 1; _root.inv1._visible = 1; _root.inv1full = 1; = _root.inv_battery; = _root.inv1full; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.inv_battery = 1; _root.inv2._visible = 1; _root.inv2full = 1; = _root.inv_battery; = _root.inv2full; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.inv_battery = 1; _root.inv3._visible = 1; _root.inv3full = 1; = _root.inv_battery; = _root.inv3full; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.inv_battery = 1; _root.inv4._visible = 1; _root.inv4full = 1; = _root.inv_battery; = _root.inv4full; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.inv_battery = 1; _root.inv5._visible = 1; _root.inv5full = 1; = _root.inv_battery; = _root.inv5full; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 1 & _root.inv6full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.inv_battery = 1; _root.inv6._visible = 1; _root.inv6full = 1; = _root.inv_battery; = _root.inv6full; } } } } } } } } frame 3 { stop(); if (_root.inv1full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(3); _root.inv_latarka = 1; _root.inv1._visible = 1; _root.inv1full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(3); _root.inv_latarka = 1; _root.inv2._visible = 1; _root.inv2full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(3); _root.inv_latarka = 1; _root.inv3._visible = 1; _root.inv3full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(3); _root.inv_latarka = 1; _root.inv4._visible = 1; _root.inv4full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(3); _root.inv_latarka = 1; _root.inv5._visible = 1; _root.inv5full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 1 & _root.inv6full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(3); _root.inv_latarka = 1; _root.inv6._visible = 1; _root.inv6full = 1; } } } } } } } } frame 4 { stop(); if (_root.inv1full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(5); _root.inv_picklock = 1; _root.inv1._visible = 1; _root.inv1full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(5); _root.inv_picklock = 1; _root.inv2._visible = 1; _root.inv2full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(5); _root.inv_picklock = 1; _root.inv3._visible = 1; _root.inv3full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(5); _root.inv_picklock = 1; _root.inv4._visible = 1; _root.inv4full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(5); _root.inv_picklock = 1; _root.inv5._visible = 1; _root.inv5full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 1 & _root.inv6full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(5); _root.inv_picklock = 1; _root.inv6._visible = 1; _root.inv6full = 1; } } } } } } } } frame 5 { stop(); if (_root.inv1full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(6); _root.inv_klucz = 1; _root.inv_picklock = 3; _root.inv1._visible = 1; _root.inv1full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(6); _root.inv_klucz = 1; _root.inv_picklock = 3; _root.inv2._visible = 1; _root.inv2full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(6); _root.inv_klucz = 1; _root.inv_picklock = 3; _root.inv3._visible = 1; _root.inv3full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(6); _root.inv_klucz = 1; _root.inv_picklock = 3; _root.inv4._visible = 1; _root.inv4full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(6); _root.inv_klucz = 1; _root.inv_picklock = 3; _root.inv5._visible = 1; _root.inv5full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 1 & _root.inv6full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(6); _root.inv_klucz = 1; _root.inv_picklock = 3; _root.inv6._visible = 1; _root.inv6full = 1; } } } } } } } } frame 6 { stop(); if (_root.inv1full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.patelniaon') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(7); _root.inv_patelnia = 1; _root.inv1._visible = 1; _root.inv1full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.patelniaon') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(7); _root.inv_patelnia = 1; _root.inv2._visible = 1; _root.inv2full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.patelniaon') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(7); _root.inv_patelnia = 1; _root.inv3._visible = 1; _root.inv3full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.patelniaon') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(7); _root.inv_patelnia = 1; _root.inv4._visible = 1; _root.inv4full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.patelniaon') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(7); _root.inv_patelnia = 1; _root.inv5._visible = 1; _root.inv5full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 1 & _root.inv6full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.patelniaon') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(7); _root.inv_patelnia = 1; _root.inv6._visible = 1; _root.inv6full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } } } } } frame 7 { stop(); if (_root.inv1full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_policebat') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(8); _root.inv_policebat = 1; _root.inv1._visible = 1; _root.inv1full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_policebat') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(8); _root.inv_policebat = 1; _root.inv2._visible = 1; _root.inv2full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_policebat') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(8); _root.inv_policebat = 1; _root.inv3._visible = 1; _root.inv3full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_policebat') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(8); _root.inv_policebat = 1; _root.inv4._visible = 1; _root.inv4full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_policebat') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(8); _root.inv_policebat = 1; _root.inv5._visible = 1; _root.inv5full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 1 & _root.inv6full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_policebat') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(8); _root.inv_policebat = 1; _root.inv6._visible = 1; _root.inv6full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } } } } } frame 8 { stop(); if (_root.inv1full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_klucze') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(9); _root.inv_klucze = 1; _root.inv1._visible = 1; _root.inv1full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_klucze') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(9); _root.inv_klucze = 1; _root.inv2._visible = 1; _root.inv2full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_klucze') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(9); _root.inv_klucze = 1; _root.inv3._visible = 1; _root.inv3full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_klucze') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(9); _root.inv_klucze = 1; _root.inv4._visible = 1; _root.inv4full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_klucze') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(9); _root.inv_klucze = 1; _root.inv5._visible = 1; _root.inv5full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 1 & _root.inv6full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_klucze') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(9); _root.inv_klucze = 1; _root.inv6._visible = 1; _root.inv6full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } } } } } frame 9 { stop(); if (_root.inv1full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(10); _root.inv_pieceofpaper1 = 1; _root.inv1._visible = 1; _root.inv1full = 1; _root.inv_klucze = 3; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(10); _root.inv_pieceofpaper1 = 1; _root.inv2._visible = 1; _root.inv2full = 1; _root.inv_klucze = 3; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(10); _root.inv_pieceofpaper1 = 1; _root.inv3._visible = 1; _root.inv3full = 1; _root.inv_klucze = 3; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(10); _root.inv_pieceofpaper1 = 1; _root.inv4._visible = 1; _root.inv4full = 1; _root.inv_klucze = 3; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(10); _root.inv_pieceofpaper1 = 1; _root.inv5._visible = 1; _root.inv5full = 1; _root.inv_klucze = 3; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 1 & _root.inv6full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(10); _root.inv_pieceofpaper1 = 1; _root.inv6._visible = 1; _root.inv6full = 1; _root.inv_klucze = 3; } } } } } } } } frame 10 { stop(); if (_root.inv1full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(11); _root.inv_pieceofpaper2 = 1; _root.inv1._visible = 1; _root.opensafe1 = 2; _root.inv1full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(11); _root.inv_pieceofpaper2 = 1; _root.inv2._visible = 1; _root.opensafe1 = 2; _root.inv2full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(11); _root.inv_pieceofpaper2 = 1; _root.inv3._visible = 1; _root.opensafe1 = 2; _root.inv3full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(11); _root.inv_pieceofpaper2 = 1; _root.inv4._visible = 1; _root.opensafe1 = 2; _root.inv4full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(11); _root.inv_pieceofpaper2 = 1; _root.inv5._visible = 1; _root.opensafe1 = 2; _root.inv5full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 1 & _root.inv6full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(11); _root.inv_pieceofpaper2 = 1; _root.inv6._visible = 1; _root.opensafe1 = 2; _root.inv6full = 1; } } } } } } } } frame 11 { stop(); if (_root.inv1full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(12); _root.inv_cd = 1; _root.inv1._visible = 1; _root.inv1full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(12); _root.inv_cd = 1; _root.inv2._visible = 1; _root.inv2full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(12); _root.inv_cd = 1; _root.inv3._visible = 1; _root.inv3full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(12); _root.inv_cd = 1; _root.inv4._visible = 1; _root.inv4full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(12); _root.inv_cd = 1; _root.inv5._visible = 1; _root.inv5full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 1 & _root.inv6full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(12); _root.inv_cd = 1; _root.inv6._visible = 1; _root.inv6full = 1; } } } } } } } } frame 12 { stop(); if (_root.inv1full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(14); _root.inv_attickey = 2; _root.inv1._visible = 1; _root.inv1full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(14); _root.inv_attickey = 2; _root.inv2._visible = 1; _root.inv2full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(14); _root.inv_attickey = 2; _root.inv3._visible = 1; _root.inv3full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(14); _root.inv_attickey = 2; _root.inv4._visible = 1; _root.inv4full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(14); _root.inv_attickey = 2; _root.inv5._visible = 1; _root.inv5full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 1 & _root.inv6full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(14); _root.inv_attickey = 2; _root.inv6._visible = 1; _root.inv6full = 1; } } } } } } } } frame 13 { stop(); if (_root.inv1full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.rope') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(15); _root.inv_rope = 1; _root.inv1._visible = 1; _root.inv1full = 1; = _root.inv_rope; = _root.inv1full; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.rope') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(15); _root.inv_rope = 1; _root.inv2._visible = 1; _root.inv2full = 1; = _root.inv_rope; = _root.inv2full; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.rope') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(15); _root.inv_rope = 1; _root.inv3._visible = 1; _root.inv3full = 1; = _root.inv_rope; = _root.inv3full; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.rope') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(15); _root.inv_rope = 1; _root.inv4._visible = 1; _root.inv4full = 1; = _root.inv_rope; = _root.inv4full; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.rope') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(15); _root.inv_rope = 1; _root.inv5._visible = 1; _root.inv5full = 1; = _root.inv_rope; = _root.inv5full; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 1 & _root.inv6full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.rope') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(15); _root.inv_rope = 1; _root.inv6._visible = 1; _root.inv6full = 1; = _root.inv_rope; = _root.inv6full; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } } } } } frame 14 { stop(); if (_root.inv1full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.hak') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(16); _root.inv_hak = 1; _root.inv1._visible = 1; _root.inv1full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.hak') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(16); _root.inv_hak = 1; _root.inv2._visible = 1; _root.inv2full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.hak') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(16); _root.inv_hak = 1; _root.inv3._visible = 1; _root.inv3full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.hak') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(16); _root.inv_hak = 1; _root.inv4._visible = 1; _root.inv4full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.hak') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(16); _root.inv_hak = 1; _root.inv5._visible = 1; _root.inv5full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 1 & _root.inv6full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.hak') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(16); _root.inv_hak = 1; _root.inv6._visible = 1; _root.inv6full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } } } } } frame 15 { stop(); if (_root.inv1full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(18); _root.inv_lever = 1; _root.inv1._visible = 1; _root.inv1full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(18); _root.inv_lever = 1; _root.inv2._visible = 1; _root.inv2full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(18); _root.inv_lever = 1; _root.inv3._visible = 1; _root.inv3full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(18); _root.inv_lever = 1; _root.inv4._visible = 1; _root.inv4full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(18); _root.inv_lever = 1; _root.inv5._visible = 1; _root.inv5full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 1 & _root.inv6full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(18); _root.inv_lever = 1; _root.inv6._visible = 1; _root.inv6full = 1; } } } } } } } } frame 16 { stop(); if (_root.inv1full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_revolver') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(19); _root.inv_revolver = 1; _root.inv1._visible = 1; _root.inv1full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_revolver') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(19); _root.inv_revolver = 1; _root.inv2._visible = 1; _root.inv2full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_revolver') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(19); _root.inv_revolver = 1; _root.inv3._visible = 1; _root.inv3full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_revolver') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(19); _root.inv_revolver = 1; _root.inv4._visible = 1; _root.inv4full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_revolver') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(19); _root.inv_revolver = 1; _root.inv5._visible = 1; _root.inv5full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 1 & _root.inv6full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_revolver') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(19); _root.inv_revolver = 1; _root.inv6._visible = 1; _root.inv6full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } } } } } frame 17 { stop(); if (_root.inv1full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_worek') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(20); _root.inv_puzzle = 1; _root.inv1._visible = 1; _root.inv1full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_worek') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(20); _root.inv_puzzle = 1; _root.inv2._visible = 1; _root.inv2full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_worek') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(20); _root.inv_puzzle = 1; _root.inv3._visible = 1; _root.inv3full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_worek') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(20); _root.inv_puzzle = 1; _root.inv4._visible = 1; _root.inv4full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_worek') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(20); _root.inv_puzzle = 1; _root.inv5._visible = 1; _root.inv5full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 1 & _root.inv6full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_worek') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(20); _root.inv_puzzle = 1; _root.inv6._visible = 1; _root.inv6full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } } } } } frame 18 { stop(); if (_root.inv1full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_hammer') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(21); _root.inv_hammer = 1; _root.inv1._visible = 1; _root.inv1full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_hammer') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(21); _root.inv_hammer = 1; _root.inv2._visible = 1; _root.inv2full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_hammer') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(21); _root.inv_hammer = 1; _root.inv3._visible = 1; _root.inv3full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_hammer') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(21); _root.inv_hammer = 1; _root.inv4._visible = 1; _root.inv4full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_hammer') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(21); _root.inv_hammer = 1; _root.inv5._visible = 1; _root.inv5full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 1 & _root.inv6full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_hammer') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(21); _root.inv_hammer = 1; _root.inv6._visible = 1; _root.inv6full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } } } } } frame 19 { stop(); if (_root.inv1full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(22); _root.inv_zarowka = 1; _root.inv1._visible = 1; _root.inv1full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(22); _root.inv_zarowka = 1; _root.inv2._visible = 1; _root.inv2full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(22); _root.inv_zarowka = 1; _root.inv3._visible = 1; _root.inv3full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(22); _root.inv_zarowka = 1; _root.inv4._visible = 1; _root.inv4full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(22); _root.inv_zarowka = 1; _root.inv5._visible = 1; _root.inv5full = 1; } } } } } } if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 1 & _root.inv6full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(22); _root.inv_zarowka = 1; _root.inv6._visible = 1; _root.inv6full = 1; } } } frame 20 { stop(); if (_root.inv1full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(23); _root.inv_knife = 1; _root.inv1._visible = 1; _root.inv1full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(23); _root.inv_knife = 1; _root.inv2._visible = 1; _root.inv2full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(23); _root.inv_knife = 1; _root.inv3._visible = 1; _root.inv3full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(23); _root.inv_knife = 1; _root.inv4._visible = 1; _root.inv4full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(23); _root.inv_knife = 1; _root.inv5._visible = 1; _root.inv5full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 1 & _root.inv6full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(23); _root.inv_knife = 1; _root.inv6._visible = 1; _root.inv6full = 1; } } } } } } } } frame 21 { stop(); if (_root.inv1full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_keyy') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(24); _root.inv_keyy = 1; _root.inv1._visible = 1; _root.inv1full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_keyy') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(24); _root.inv_keyy = 1; _root.inv2._visible = 1; _root.inv2full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_keyy') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(24); _root.inv_keyy = 1; _root.inv3._visible = 1; _root.inv3full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_keyy') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(24); _root.inv_keyy = 1; _root.inv4._visible = 1; _root.inv4full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_keyy') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(24); _root.inv_keyy = 1; _root.inv5._visible = 1; _root.inv5full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 1 & _root.inv6full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_keyy') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(24); _root.inv_keyy = 1; _root.inv6._visible = 1; _root.inv6full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } } } } } frame 22 { stop(); if (_root.inv1full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_keyyy') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(25); _root.inv_keyyy = 1; _root.inv1._visible = 1; _root.inv1full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_keyyy') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(25); _root.inv_keyyy = 1; _root.inv2._visible = 1; _root.inv2full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_keyyy') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(25); _root.inv_keyyy = 1; _root.inv3._visible = 1; _root.inv3full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_keyyy') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(25); _root.inv_keyyy = 1; _root.inv4._visible = 1; _root.inv4full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_keyyy') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(25); _root.inv_keyyy = 1; _root.inv5._visible = 1; _root.inv5full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 1 & _root.inv6full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_keyyy') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(25); _root.inv_keyyy = 1; _root.inv6._visible = 1; _root.inv6full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } } } } } frame 23 { stop(); if (_root.inv1full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_beer') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(26); _root.inv_beer = 1; _root.inv1._visible = 1; _root.inv1full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_beer') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(26); _root.inv_beer = 1; _root.inv2._visible = 1; _root.inv2full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_beer') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(26); _root.inv_beer = 1; _root.inv3._visible = 1; _root.inv3full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_beer') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(26); _root.inv_beer = 1; _root.inv4._visible = 1; _root.inv4full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_beer') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(26); _root.inv_beer = 1; _root.inv5._visible = 1; _root.inv5full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 1 & _root.inv6full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_beer') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(26); _root.inv_beer = 1; _root.inv6._visible = 1; _root.inv6full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } } } } } frame 24 { stop(); if (_root.inv1full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(27); _root.inv_money = 1; _root.inv1._visible = 1; _root.inv1full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(27); _root.inv_money = 1; _root.inv2._visible = 1; _root.inv2full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(27); _root.inv_money = 1; _root.inv3._visible = 1; _root.inv3full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(27); _root.inv_money = 1; _root.inv4._visible = 1; _root.inv4full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(27); _root.inv_money = 1; _root.inv5._visible = 1; _root.inv5full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 1 & _root.inv6full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(27); _root.inv_money = 1; _root.inv6._visible = 1; _root.inv6full = 1; } } } } } } } } frame 25 { stop(); if (_root.inv1full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_dogfood') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(28); _root.inv_dogfood = 1; _root.inv1._visible = 1; _root.inv1full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_dogfood') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(28); _root.inv_dogfood = 1; _root.inv2._visible = 1; _root.inv2full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_dogfood') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(28); _root.inv_dogfood = 1; _root.inv3._visible = 1; _root.inv3full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_dogfood') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(28); _root.inv_dogfood = 1; _root.inv4._visible = 1; _root.inv4full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_dogfood') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(28); _root.inv_dogfood = 1; _root.inv5._visible = 1; _root.inv5full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 1 & _root.inv6full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_dogfood') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(28); _root.inv_dogfood = 1; _root.inv6._visible = 1; _root.inv6full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } } } } } frame 26 { stop(); if (_root.inv1full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(29); _root.inv_poison = 1; _root.inv1._visible = 1; _root.inv1full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(29); _root.inv_poison = 1; _root.inv2._visible = 1; _root.inv2full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(29); _root.inv_poison = 1; _root.inv3._visible = 1; _root.inv3full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(29); _root.inv_poison = 1; _root.inv4._visible = 1; _root.inv4full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(29); _root.inv_poison = 1; _root.inv5._visible = 1; _root.inv5full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 1 & _root.inv6full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(29); _root.inv_poison = 1; _root.inv6._visible = 1; _root.inv6full = 1; } } } } } } } } frame 27 { stop(); if (_root.inv1full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(31); _root.inv_keyyyy = 1; _root.inv1._visible = 1; _root.inv1full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(31); _root.inv_keyyyy = 1; _root.inv2._visible = 1; _root.inv2full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(31); _root.inv_keyyyy = 1; _root.inv3._visible = 1; _root.inv3full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(31); _root.inv_keyyyy = 1; _root.inv4._visible = 1; _root.inv4full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(31); _root.inv_keyyyy = 1; _root.inv5._visible = 1; _root.inv5full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 1 & _root.inv6full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(31); _root.inv_keyyyy = 1; _root.inv6._visible = 1; _root.inv6full = 1; } } } } } } } } frame 28 { stop(); if (_root.inv1full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_zippo') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(32); _root.inv_zippo = 1; _root.inv1._visible = 1; _root.inv1full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_zippo') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(32); _root.inv_zippo = 1; _root.inv2._visible = 1; _root.inv2full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_zippo') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(32); _root.inv_zippo = 1; _root.inv3._visible = 1; _root.inv3full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_zippo') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(32); _root.inv_zippo = 1; _root.inv4._visible = 1; _root.inv4full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_zippo') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(32); _root.inv_zippo = 1; _root.inv5._visible = 1; _root.inv5full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 1 & _root.inv6full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_zippo') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(32); _root.inv_zippo = 1; _root.inv6._visible = 1; _root.inv6full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } } } } } frame 29 { stop(); if (_root.inv1full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_bullet') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(33); _root.inv_bullet = 1; _root.inv1._visible = 1; _root.inv1full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_bullet') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(33); _root.inv_bullet = 1; _root.inv2._visible = 1; _root.inv2full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_bullet') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(33); _root.inv_bullet = 1; _root.inv3._visible = 1; _root.inv3full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_bullet') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(33); _root.inv_bullet = 1; _root.inv4._visible = 1; _root.inv4full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_bullet') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(33); _root.inv_bullet = 1; _root.inv5._visible = 1; _root.inv5full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 1 & _root.inv6full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_bullet') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(33); _root.inv_bullet = 1; _root.inv6._visible = 1; _root.inv6full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } } } } } frame 30 { stop(); if (_root.inv1full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_screwdriver') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(34); _root.inv_screwdriver = 1; _root.inv1._visible = 1; _root.inv1full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_screwdriver') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(34); _root.inv_screwdriver = 1; _root.inv2._visible = 1; _root.inv2full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_screwdriver') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(34); _root.inv_screwdriver = 1; _root.inv3._visible = 1; _root.inv3full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_screwdriver') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(34); _root.inv_screwdriver = 1; _root.inv4._visible = 1; _root.inv4full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_screwdriver') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(34); _root.inv_screwdriver = 1; _root.inv5._visible = 1; _root.inv5full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 1 & _root.inv6full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_screwdriver') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(34); _root.inv_screwdriver = 1; _root.inv6._visible = 1; _root.inv6full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } } } } } frame 31 { stop(); if (_root.inv1full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_fire') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(36); _root.inv_fire = 1; _root.inv1._visible = 1; _root.inv1full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_fire') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(36); _root.inv_fire = 1; _root.inv2._visible = 1; _root.inv2full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_fire') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(36); _root.inv_fire = 1; _root.inv3._visible = 1; _root.inv3full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_fire') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(36); _root.inv_fire = 1; _root.inv4._visible = 1; _root.inv4full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_fire') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(36); _root.inv_fire = 1; _root.inv5._visible = 1; _root.inv5full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 1 & _root.inv6full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_fire') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(36); _root.inv_fire = 1; _root.inv6._visible = 1; _root.inv6full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } } } } } frame 32 { stop(); if (_root.inv1full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(37); _root.inv_coin = 1; _root.inv1._visible = 1; _root.inv1full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(37); _root.inv_coin = 1; _root.inv2._visible = 1; _root.inv2full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(37); _root.inv_coin = 1; _root.inv3._visible = 1; _root.inv3full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(37); _root.inv_coin = 1; _root.inv4._visible = 1; _root.inv4full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(37); _root.inv_coin = 1; _root.inv5._visible = 1; _root.inv5full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 1 & _root.inv6full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(37); _root.inv_coin = 1; _root.inv6._visible = 1; _root.inv6full = 1; } } } } } } } } frame 33 { stop(); if (_root.inv1full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(38); _root.inv_keey = 1; _root.inv1._visible = 1; _root.inv1full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(38); _root.inv_keey = 1; _root.inv2._visible = 1; _root.inv2full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(38); _root.inv_keey = 1; _root.inv3._visible = 1; _root.inv3full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(38); _root.inv_keey = 1; _root.inv4._visible = 1; _root.inv4full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(38); _root.inv_keey = 1; _root.inv5._visible = 1; _root.inv5full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 1 & _root.inv6full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(38); _root.inv_keey = 1; _root.inv6._visible = 1; _root.inv6full = 1; } } } } } } } } frame 34 { stop(); if (_root.inv1full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_cash') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(39); _root.inv_cash = 1; _root.inv1._visible = 1; _root.inv1full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_cash') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(39); _root.inv_cash = 1; _root.inv2._visible = 1; _root.inv2full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_cash') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(39); _root.inv_cash = 1; _root.inv3._visible = 1; _root.inv3full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_cash') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(39); _root.inv_cash = 1; _root.inv4._visible = 1; _root.inv4full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_cash') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(39); _root.inv_cash = 1; _root.inv5._visible = 1; _root.inv5full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 1 & _root.inv6full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_cash') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(39); _root.inv_cash = 1; _root.inv6._visible = 1; _root.inv6full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } } } } } frame 35 { stop(); if (_root.inv1full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(40); _root.inv_ticket = 1; _root.inv1._visible = 1; _root.inv1full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(40); _root.inv_ticket = 1; _root.inv2._visible = 1; _root.inv2full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(40); _root.inv_ticket = 1; _root.inv3._visible = 1; _root.inv3full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(40); _root.inv_ticket = 1; _root.inv4._visible = 1; _root.inv4full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(40); _root.inv_ticket = 1; _root.inv5._visible = 1; _root.inv5full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 1 & _root.inv6full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(40); _root.inv_ticket = 1; _root.inv6._visible = 1; _root.inv6full = 1; } } } } } } } } frame 36 { stop(); if (_root.inv1full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_ciggarete') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(41); _root.inv_ciggarete = 1; _root.inv1._visible = 1; _root.inv1full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_ciggarete') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(41); _root.inv_ciggarete = 1; _root.inv2._visible = 1; _root.inv2full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_ciggarete') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(41); _root.inv_ciggarete = 1; _root.inv3._visible = 1; _root.inv3full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_ciggarete') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(41); _root.inv_ciggarete = 1; _root.inv4._visible = 1; _root.inv4full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_ciggarete') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(41); _root.inv_ciggarete = 1; _root.inv5._visible = 1; _root.inv5full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 1 & _root.inv6full == 0) { tellTarget ('_parent._parent.stuff_ciggarete') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(41); _root.inv_ciggarete = 1; _root.inv6._visible = 1; _root.inv6full = 1; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } } } } } frame 37 { stop(); if (_root.inv1full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(43); _root.inv_book = 1; _root.inv1._visible = 1; _root.inv1full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(43); _root.inv_book = 1; _root.inv2._visible = 1; _root.inv2full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(43); _root.inv_book = 1; _root.inv3._visible = 1; _root.inv3full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(43); _root.inv_book = 1; _root.inv4._visible = 1; _root.inv4full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(43); _root.inv_book = 1; _root.inv5._visible = 1; _root.inv5full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 1 & _root.inv6full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(43); _root.inv_book = 1; _root.inv6._visible = 1; _root.inv6full = 1; } } } } } } } } frame 38 { stop(); if (_root.inv1full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(44); _root.inv_coiins = 1; _root.inv1._visible = 1; _root.inv1full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(44); _root.inv_coiins = 1; _root.inv2._visible = 1; _root.inv2full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(44); _root.inv_coiins = 1; _root.inv3._visible = 1; _root.inv3full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(44); _root.inv_coiins = 1; _root.inv4._visible = 1; _root.inv4full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(44); _root.inv_coiins = 1; _root.inv5._visible = 1; _root.inv5full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 1 & _root.inv6full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(44); _root.inv_coiins = 1; _root.inv6._visible = 1; _root.inv6full = 1; } } } } } } } } frame 39 { stop(); if (_root.inv1full == 0) { _root.stuff_coke._visible = 0; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(45); _root.inv_coke = 1; _root.inv1._visible = 1; _root.inv1full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 0) { _root.stuff_coke._visible = 0; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(45); _root.inv_coke = 1; _root.inv2._visible = 1; _root.inv2full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 0) { _root.stuff_coke._visible = 0; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(45); _root.inv_coke = 1; _root.inv3._visible = 1; _root.inv3full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 0) { _root.stuff_coke._visible = 0; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(45); _root.inv_coke = 1; _root.inv4._visible = 1; _root.inv4full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 0) { _root.stuff_coke._visible = 0; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(45); _root.inv_coke = 1; _root.inv5._visible = 1; _root.inv5full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 1 & _root.inv6full == 0) { _root.stuff_coke._visible = 0; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(45); _root.inv_coke = 1; _root.inv6._visible = 1; _root.inv6full = 1; } } } } } } } } frame 40 { stop(); if (_root.inv1full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(46); _root.inv_pills = 1; _root.inv1._visible = 1; _root.inv1full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(46); _root.inv_pills = 1; _root.inv2._visible = 1; _root.inv2full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(46); _root.inv_pills = 1; _root.inv3._visible = 1; _root.inv3full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(46); _root.inv_pills = 1; _root.inv4._visible = 1; _root.inv4full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(46); _root.inv_pills = 1; _root.inv5._visible = 1; _root.inv5full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 1 & _root.inv6full == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(46); _root.inv_pills = 1; _root.inv6._visible = 1; _root.inv6full = 1; } } } } } } } } frame 41 { stop(); if (_root.inv1full == 0) { _root.instanceman.stuff_klucz._visible = 0; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(47); _root.inv_klucz2 = 1; _root.inv1._visible = 1; _root.inv1full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 0) { _root.instanceman.stuff_klucz._visible = 0; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(47); _root.inv_klucz2 = 1; _root.inv2._visible = 1; _root.inv2full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 0) { _root.instanceman.stuff_klucz._visible = 0; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(47); _root.inv_klucz2 = 1; _root.inv3._visible = 1; _root.inv3full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 0) { _root.instanceman.stuff_klucz._visible = 0; tellTarget ('_root.inv4') { gotoAndStop(47); _root.inv_klucz2 = 1; _root.inv4._visible = 1; _root.inv4full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 0) { _root.instanceman.stuff_klucz._visible = 0; tellTarget ('_root.inv5') { gotoAndStop(47); _root.inv_klucz2 = 1; _root.inv5._visible = 1; _root.inv5full = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv1full == 1 & _root.inv2full == 1 & _root.inv3full == 1 & _root.inv4full == 1 & _root.inv5full == 1 & _root.inv6full == 0) { _root.instanceman.stuff_klucz._visible = 0; tellTarget ('_root.inv6') { gotoAndStop(47); _root.inv_klucz2 = 1; _root.inv6._visible = 1; _root.inv6full = 1; } } } } } } } } } movieClip 458 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } } button 464 { on (release) { _root.options._visible = 1; } } button 468 { on (release) { _root.menuscreen._visible = 1; } } movieClip 471 { frame 21 { stop(); } } movieClip 472 { frame 20 { stop(); } } movieClip 473 { frame 20 { stop(); } } movieClip 475 { frame 20 { stop(); } } movieClip 477 { frame 20 { stop(); } } movieClip 479 { frame 20 { stop(); } } movieClip 480 { frame 20 { stop(); } } movieClip 481 { frame 20 { stop(); } } movieClip 484 { frame 20 { stop(); } } movieClip 486 { frame 20 { stop(); } } movieClip 487 { frame 20 { stop(); } } movieClip 489 { frame 20 { stop(); } } movieClip 491 { frame 20 { stop(); } } movieClip 493 { frame 20 { stop(); } } movieClip 495 { frame 20 { stop(); } } movieClip 497 { frame 20 { stop(); } } movieClip 499 { frame 20 { stop(); } } movieClip 501 { frame 20 { stop(); } } movieClip 502 { frame 20 { stop(); } } movieClip 504 { frame 20 { stop(); } } movieClip 506 { frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 508 { frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 511 { frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 514 { } movieClip 515 { frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 518 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 519 { frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 521 { } movieClip 522 { frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 525 { frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 526 { frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 527 { frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 529 { } movieClip 530 { frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 532 { } movieClip 533 { frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 535 { } movieClip 536 { frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 537 { frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 538 { frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 539 { frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 540 { frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 541 { frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 543 { frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 545 { } movieClip 546 { frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 547 { frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 548 { frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 549 { frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 550 { frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 552 { } movieClip 553 { frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 554 { frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } frame 19 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 21 { stop(); } frame 22 { stop(); } frame 23 { stop(); } frame 24 { stop(); } frame 25 { stop(); } frame 26 { stop(); } frame 27 { stop(); } frame 28 { stop(); } frame 29 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } frame 31 { stop(); } frame 32 { stop(); } frame 33 { stop(); } frame 34 { stop(); } frame 35 { stop(); } frame 36 { stop(); } frame 37 { stop(); } frame 38 { stop(); } frame 39 { stop(); } frame 40 { stop(); } frame 41 { stop(); } frame 42 { stop(); } frame 43 { stop(); } frame 44 { stop(); } frame 45 { stop(); } frame 46 { stop(); } frame 47 { stop(); } frame 48 { stop(); } } instance inv1 of movieClip 554 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (this.inventory14.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory15)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_hak_rope = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(17); } } if (this.inventory15.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory14)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_hak_rope = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(17); } } if (this.inventory9.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory10)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory9.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory10)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory9.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory10)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory9.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory10)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory9.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory10)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory10.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory9)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory10.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory9)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory10.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory9)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory10.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory9)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory10.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory9)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory1.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory2)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv_flashlight = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(4); } } if (this.inventory2.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory1)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv_flashlight = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(4); } } if (this.inventory2.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory1)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv_flashlight = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(4); } } if (this.inventory1.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory2)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv_flashlight = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(4); } } if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { if (this.inventory4.hitTest(_root.drzwi00)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_picklock = 2; _root.button00._visible = true; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('The door is open now'); } } } if (this.inventory12.hitTest(_root.obrazkonia.safe1)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv_paper = 2; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_attickey = 1; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Attic'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(11); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (_root.inv_hak_rope == 1) { if (this.inventory16.hitTest(_root.roof)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv_hak_rope = 2; _root.inv1full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.rope2') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } if (this.inventory3.hitTest(_root.blankscreen)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.gotoAndStop('level6'); _root.inv_flashlight = 2; _root.inv1full = 0; } if (this.inventory13.hitTest(_root.drabina1)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.gotoAndStop('level17'); _root.inv_attickey = 3; _root.inv1full = 0; } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi2)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.button1._visible = true; _root.inv_klucz = 2; } if (_root.inv_klucze == 1) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { _root.button4._visible = true; _root.inv_klucze = 2; } } if (_root.inv_cd == 1 & _root.kontakton == 2) { if (this.inventory11.hitTest(_root.komputer.komputer)) { _root.kontakton = 3; _root.inv_cd = 2; _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.komputer') { gotoAndStop(26); } } } if (_root.inv_policebat == 1) { if (this.inventory7.hitTest(_root.szafka3)) { _root.rozbitaszafaon = 1; _root.inv_policebat2 = 2; _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka3') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } if (_root.inv_patelnia == 1) { if (this.inventory6.hitTest(_root.szafka2)) { _root.kontakton = 1; _root.inv_patelnia = 2; _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka2') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.kropla') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (_root.inv_klucze == 2) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi4)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Piece of Paper'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(8); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('This key does not match'); } } tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } stopDrag(); _root.inv1._x = 28; _root.inv1._y = 323; } } instance inv2 of movieClip 554 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (this.inventory14.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory15)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_hak_rope = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(17); } } if (this.inventory15.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory14)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_hak_rope = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(17); } } if (this.inventory9.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory10)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory9.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory10)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory9.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory10)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory9.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory10)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory9.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory10)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory10.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory9)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory10.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory9)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory10.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory9)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory10.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory9)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory10.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory9)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory1.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory2)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv_flashlight = 1; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(4); _root.inv2full = 0; } } if (this.inventory2.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory1)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv_flashlight = 1; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(4); _root.inv2full = 0; } } if (this.inventory1.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory2)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv_flashlight = 1; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(4); _root.inv2full = 0; } } if (this.inventory2.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory1)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv_flashlight = 1; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(4); _root.inv2full = 0; } } if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_root.szafka1)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { _root.inv_picklock = 2; gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Door'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(4); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } if (this.inventory12.hitTest(_root.obrazkonia.safe1)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv_paper = 2; _root.inv_attickey = 1; _root.inv2full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Attic'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(11); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (_root.inv_hak_rope == 1) { if (this.inventory16.hitTest(_root.roof)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv_hak_rope = 2; _root.inv2full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.rope2') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } if (this.inventory3.hitTest(_root.blankscreen)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.gotoAndStop('level6'); _root.inv_flashlight = 2; _root.inv2full = 0; } if (_root.inv_cd == 1 & _root.kontakton == 2) { if (this.inventory11.hitTest(_root.komputer.komputer)) { _root.kontakton = 3; _root.inv_cd = 2; _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.komputer') { gotoAndStop(26); } } } if (this.inventory13.hitTest(_root.drabina1)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.gotoAndStop('level17'); _root.inv_attickey = 3; _root.inv2full = 0; } if (_root.inv_policebat == 1) { if (this.inventory7.hitTest(_root.szafka3)) { _root.rozbitaszafaon = 1; _root.inv_policebat2 = 2; _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka3') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } if (_root.inv_patelnia == 1) { if (this.inventory6.hitTest(_root.szafka2)) { _root.kontakton = 1; _root.inv_patelnia = 2; _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka2') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.kropla') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi2)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.button1._visible = true; _root.inv_klucz = 2; } if (_root.inv_klucze == 1) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { _root.button4._visible = true; _root.inv_klucze = 2; } } if (_root.inv_klucze == 2) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi4)) { _root.inv_klucze = 3; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Piece of Paper'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(8); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('This key does not match'); } } tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } stopDrag(); _root.inv2._x = 88; _root.inv2._y = 323; } } instance inv3 of movieClip 554 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (this.inventory9.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory10)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory9.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory10)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory9.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory10)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory9.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory10)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory9.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory10)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory10.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory9)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory10.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory9)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory10.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory9)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory10.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory9)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory10.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory9)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory1.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory2)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv_flashlight = 1; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(4); _root.inv3full = 0; } } if (this.inventory2.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory1)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv_flashlight = 1; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(4); _root.inv3full = 0; } } if (this.inventory2.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory1)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv_flashlight = 1; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(4); _root.inv3full = 0; } } if (this.inventory1.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory2)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv_flashlight = 1; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(4); _root.inv3full = 0; } } if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_root.szafka1)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { _root.inv_picklock = 2; gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Door'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(4); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } if (this.inventory12.hitTest(_root.obrazkonia.safe1)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv_paper = 2; _root.inv_attickey = 1; _root.inv3full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Attic'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(11); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (this.inventory3.hitTest(_root.blankscreen)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.gotoAndStop('level6'); _root.inv_flashlight = 2; _root.inv3full = 0; } if (this.inventory13.hitTest(_root.drabina1)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.gotoAndStop('level17'); _root.inv_attickey = 3; _root.inv3full = 0; } if (_root.inv_cd == 1 & _root.kontakton == 2) { if (this.inventory11.hitTest(_root.komputer.komputer)) { _root.kontakton = 3; _root.inv_cd = 2; _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.komputer') { gotoAndStop(26); } } } if (_root.inv_policebat == 1) { if (this.inventory7.hitTest(_root.szafka3)) { _root.rozbitaszafaon = 1; _root.inv_policebat2 = 2; _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka3') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } if (_root.inv_patelnia == 1) { if (this.inventory6.hitTest(_root.szafka2)) { _root.kontakton = 1; _root.inv_patelnia = 2; _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka2') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.kropla') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { _root.button4._visible = true; _root.inv_klucze = 2; } if (_root.inv_klucze == 2) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi4)) { _root.inv_klucze = 3; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Piece of Paper'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(8); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi2)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.button1._visible = true; _root.inv_klucz = 2; } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('This key does not match'); } } tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } stopDrag(); _root.inv3._x = 148; _root.inv3._y = 323; } } instance inv4 of movieClip 554 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (this.inventory9.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory10)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory9.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory10)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory9.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory10)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory9.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory10)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory9.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory10)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory10.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory9)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory10.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory9)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory10.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory9)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory10.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory9)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory10.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory9)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_root.szafka1)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { _root.inv_picklock = 2; gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Door'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(4); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } if (this.inventory12.hitTest(_root.obrazkonia.safe1)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv_paper = 2; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_attickey = 1; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Attic'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(11); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (this.inventory3.hitTest(_root.blankscreen)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.gotoAndStop('level6'); _root.inv_flashlight = 2; _root.inv4full = 0; } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi2)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.button1._visible = true; _root.inv_klucz = 2; } if (_root.inv_cd == 1 & _root.kontakton == 2) { if (this.inventory11.hitTest(_root.komputer.komputer)) { _root.kontakton = 3; _root.inv_cd = 2; _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.komputer') { gotoAndStop(26); } } } if (_root.inv_policebat == 1) { if (this.inventory7.hitTest(_root.szafka3)) { _root.rozbitaszafaon = 1; _root.inv_policebat2 = 2; _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka3') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } if (this.inventory13.hitTest(_root.drabina1)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.gotoAndStop('level17'); _root.inv_attickey = 3; _root.inv4full = 0; } if (_root.inv_patelnia == 1) { if (this.inventory6.hitTest(_root.szafka2)) { _root.kontakton = 1; _root.inv_patelnia = 2; _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka2') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.kropla') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (_root.inv_klucze == 1) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { _root.button4._visible = true; _root.inv_klucze = 2; } } if (_root.inv_klucze == 2) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi4)) { _root.inv_klucze = 3; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Piece of Paper'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(8); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('This key does not match'); } } tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } stopDrag(); _root.inv4._x = 208; _root.inv4._y = 323; } } instance inv5 of movieClip 554 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (this.inventory9.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory10)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory9.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory10)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory9.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory10)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory9.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory10)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory9.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory10)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory10.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory9)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory10.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory9)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory10.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory9)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory10.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory9)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory10.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory9)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_root.szafka1)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { _root.inv_picklock = 2; gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Door'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(4); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } if (this.inventory12.hitTest(_root.obrazkonia.safe1)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv_paper = 2; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_attickey = 1; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Attic'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(11); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (this.inventory3.hitTest(_root.blankscreen)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.gotoAndStop('level6'); _root.inv_flashlight = 2; _root.inv5full = 0; } if (this.inventory13.hitTest(_root.drabina1)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.gotoAndStop('level17'); _root.inv_attickey = 3; _root.inv5full = 0; } if (_root.inv_cd == 1 & _root.kontakton == 2) { if (this.inventory11.hitTest(_root.komputer.komputer)) { _root.kontakton = 3; _root.inv_cd = 2; _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.komputer') { gotoAndStop(26); } } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi2)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.button1._visible = true; _root.inv_klucz = 2; } if (_root.inv_policebat == 1) { if (this.inventory7.hitTest(_root.szafka3)) { _root.rozbitaszafaon = 1; _root.inv_policebat2 = 2; _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka3') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } if (_root.inv_patelnia == 1) { if (this.inventory6.hitTest(_root.szafka2)) { _root.kontakton = 1; _root.inv_patelnia = 2; _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka2') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.kropla') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (_root.inv_klucze == 1) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { _root.button4._visible = true; _root.inv_klucze = 2; } } if (_root.inv_klucze == 2) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi4)) { _root.inv_klucze = 3; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Piece of Paper'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(8); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('This key does not match'); } } tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } stopDrag(); _root.inv5._x = 268; _root.inv5._y = 323; } } instance inv6 of movieClip 554 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (this.inventory9.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory10)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory9.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory10)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory9.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory10)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory9.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory10)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory9.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory10)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory10.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory9)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory10.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory9)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory10.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory9)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory10.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory9)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory10.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory9)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_root.szafka1)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { _root.inv_picklock = 2; gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Door'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(4); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } if (this.inventory12.hitTest(_root.obrazkonia.safe1)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv_paper = 2; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_attickey = 1; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Attic'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(11); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (this.inventory3.hitTest(_root.blankscreen)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.gotoAndStop('level6'); _root.inv_flashlight = 2; _root.inv6full = 0; } if (_root.inv_policebat == 1) { if (this.inventory7.hitTest(_root.szafka3)) { _root.rozbitaszafaon = 1; _root.inv_policebat2 = 2; _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka3') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } if (_root.inv_patelnia == 1) { if (this.inventory6.hitTest(_root.szafka2)) { _root.kontakton = 1; _root.inv_patelnia = 2; _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka2') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.kropla') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi2)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.button1._visible = true; _root.inv_klucz = 2; } if (this.inventory13.hitTest(_root.drabina1)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.gotoAndStop('level17'); _root.inv_attickey = 3; _root.inv6full = 0; } if (_root.inv_cd == 1 & _root.kontakton == 2) { if (this.inventory11.hitTest(_root.komputer)) { _root.kontakton = 3; _root.inv_cd = 2; _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.komputer.komputer') { gotoAndStop(26); } } } if (_root.inv_klucze == 1) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { _root.button4._visible = true; _root.inv_klucze = 2; } } if (_root.inv_klucze == 2) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi4)) { _root.inv_klucze = 3; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Piece of Paper'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(8); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('This key does not match'); } } tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } stopDrag(); _root.inv6._x = 328; _root.inv6._y = 323; } } instance of movieClip 29 { onClipEvent (release) { getURL('', _blank); } } movieClip 556 { } movieClip 557 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.blocktransation = 1; } instance of movieClip 556 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._root.cursors.hitTest(this)) { tellTarget ('_parent._root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } frame 24 { if (_root.outside == 1) { _root.gotoAndStop('outside1'); tellTarget ('_root.trening1') { nextFrame(); } } if (_root.outside == 2) { _root.gotoAndStop('outside2'); tellTarget ('_root.trening1') { nextFrame(); } } if (_root.outside == 3) { _root.gotoAndStop('outside3'); tellTarget ('_root.trening1') { nextFrame(); } } if (_root.outside == 4) { _root.gotoAndStop('outside4'); tellTarget ('_root.trening1') { nextFrame(); } } if (_root.outside == 5) { _root.gotoAndStop('outside5'); } if (_root.outside == 6) { _root.gotoAndStop('stage2'); } if (_root.levels == 1) { _root.gotoAndStop('level1'); } if (_root.levels == 2) { _root.gotoAndStop('level2'); } if (_root.levels == 3) { _root.gotoAndStop('level3'); } if (_root.levels == 4) { _root.gotoAndStop('level4'); } if (_root.levels == 5) { _root.gotoAndStop('level5'); } if (_root.levels == 6) { _root.gotoAndStop('level6'); } if (_root.levels == 7) { _root.gotoAndStop('level7'); } if (_root.levels == 8) { _root.gotoAndStop('level8'); } if (_root.levels == 9) { _root.gotoAndStop('level9'); } if (_root.levels == 10) { _root.gotoAndStop('level10'); } if (_root.levels == 11) { _root.gotoAndStop('level11'); } if (_root.levels == 12) { _root.gotoAndStop('level12'); } if (_root.levels == 13) { _root.gotoAndStop('level13'); } if (_root.levels == 14) { _root.gotoAndStop('level14'); if (_root.opensafe1 == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Piece of Paper 2'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(10); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (_root.levels == 15) { _root.gotoAndStop('level15'); } if (_root.levels == 16) { _root.gotoAndStop('level16'); } if (_root.levels == 17) { _root.gotoAndStop('level17'); } if (_root.levels == 18) { _root.gotoAndStop('level18'); } if (_root.levels == 19) { _root.gotoAndStop('level19'); } if (_root.levels == 20) { _root.gotoAndStop('level20'); if (_root.police == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Jesus Christ!..'); } } else { if (_root.police == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I need to run to the basement, there is an entry to the tunnels'); } } } } if (_root.levels == 21) { _root.gotoAndStop('level21'); } if (_root.levels == 22) { _root.gotoAndPlay('stage3'); } if (_root.levels == 23) { _root.gotoAndStop('level23'); } if (_root.levels == 24) { _root.gotoAndPlay('level24'); } if (_root.levels == 25) { _root.gotoAndPlay('level25'); } if (_root.levels == 26) { _root.gotoAndPlay('level26'); } if (_root.levels == 27) { _root.gotoAndPlay('level27'); } if (_root.levels == 28) { _root.gotoAndPlay('level28'); } if (_root.levels == 29) { _root.gotoAndPlay('level29'); } if (_root.levels == 30) { _root.gotoAndPlay('stage4'); } if (_root.levels == 31) { _root.gotoAndPlay('level31'); } if (_root.levels == 32) { _root.gotoAndPlay('level32'); } if (_root.levels == 33) { _root.gotoAndPlay('level33'); } if (_root.levels == 34) { _root.gotoAndPlay('level34'); } if (_root.levels == 35) { _root.gotoAndPlay('level35'); } if (_root.levels == 36) { _root.gotoAndPlay('level36'); } if (_root.levels == 37) { _root.gotoAndPlay('level37'); } if (_root.levels == 38) { _root.gotoAndPlay('level38'); if ( == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Dog Here?'); } } } if (_root.levels == 39) { _root.gotoAndPlay('level39'); } if (_root.levels == 40) { _root.gotoAndPlay('level40'); } if (_root.levels == 41) { _root.gotoAndPlay('stage5'); } if (_root.levels == 42) { _root.gotoAndPlay('level42'); } if (_root.levels == 43) { _root.gotoAndPlay('level43'); } if (_root.levels == 44) { _root.gotoAndPlay('level44'); } if (_root.levels == 45) { _root.gotoAndPlay('level45'); } if (_root.levels == 46) { _root.gotoAndPlay('level45'); } if (_root.levels == 47) { _root.gotoAndPlay('level47'); } if (_root.levels == 48) { _root.gotoAndPlay('level48'); } if (_root.levels == 49) { _root.gotoAndPlay('level49'); } if (_root.levels == 50) { _root.gotoAndPlay('stage6'); } if (_root.levels == 51) { _root.gotoAndPlay('level51'); } if (_root.levels == 52) { _root.gotoAndPlay('level52'); } if (_root.levels == 53) { _root.gotoAndPlay('level53'); } if (_root.levels == 54) { _root.gotoAndPlay('level54'); } if (_root.levels == 55) { _root.gotoAndPlay('level55'); } if (_root.levels == 56) { _root.gotoAndPlay('level56'); } if (_root.levels == 57) { _root.gotoAndPlay('level57'); } if (_root.levels == 59) { _root.gotoAndPlay('level59'); } if (_root.levels == 58) { _root.gotoAndPlay('level58'); } if (_root.levels == 666) { _root.gotoAndPlay('stage7'); } if (_root.levels == 60) { _root.gotoAndPlay('level60'); } if (_root.levels == 61) { _root.gotoAndPlay('level61'); } if (_root.levels == 62) { _root.gotoAndPlay('level62'); } if (_root.levels == 63) { _root.gotoAndPlay('level63'); } if (_root.levels == 64) { _root.gotoAndPlay('level64'); } if (_root.levels == 65) { _root.gotoAndPlay('level65'); } if (_root.levels == 66) { _root.gotoAndPlay('level66'); } if (_root.levels == 67) { _root.gotoAndPlay('stage8start'); } } frame 40 { _root.blocktransation = 0; } frame 45 { tellTarget ('_parent._root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } // unknown tag 88 length 67 movieClip 561 { } movieClip 562 { } frame 895 { function restart(vero, nome) { if (vero) { _root[nome]._x = random(700); _root[nome]._y = random(30) - 380; } } } frame 895 { stop(); if (_root.dlugieswiatla == 2) { tellTarget ('_root.dlugieswiatlaon') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.inv_rope == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.rope') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } frame 895 { _root.stuff_instr = 1; if (_root.stuff_instr2 == 0) { _root.instr2._visible = 1; } if (_root.stuff_instr2 == 1) { _root.instr2._visible = 0; } } movieClip 568 { } movieClip 569 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } instance rope of movieClip 569 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.dlugieswiatla == 0 || _root.dlugieswiatla == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I can\'t see if its a rope or a snake/hosepipe. I need more light'); _root.dlugieswiatla = 1; = _root.dlugieswiatla; } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.dlugieswiatla == 2) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_rope == 0) { gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Rope'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(13); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } } movieClip 571 { } instance of movieClip 571 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('A fountain with Greek writing that i dont understand'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 573 { } instance of movieClip 573 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('A table with chairs around, someone likes sitting outside'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 575 { } instance of movieClip 575 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 575 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 575 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 577 { } instance of movieClip 577 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('It looks like someone is looking after these flowers/plants'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 577 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('It looks like someone is looking after these flowers/plants'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 579 { } instance of movieClip 579 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 580 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.outside = 3; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } on (rollOver) { _root.info_txt = String('Click Here move on'); } on (rollOver) { _root.info_txt = String('Go Here'); } } button 581 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.outside = 1; _root.stuff_instr2 = 1; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } movieClip 582 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 585 { } movieClip 586 { } frame 896 { function restart(vero, nome) { if (vero) { _root[nome]._x = random(700); _root[nome]._y = random(30) - 380; } } } frame 896 { stop(); if (_root.inv_hak == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.hak') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } frame 896 { _root.stuff_instr2 = 1; } movieClip 589 { } instance of movieClip 589 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('An empty car, the police officer must have gone inside'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 592 { } instance of movieClip 592 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 592 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 594 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } instance hak of movieClip 594 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_hak == 0) { gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Hook'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(14); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 597 { frame 34 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 599 { } movieClip 600 { } instance of movieClip 600 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('The bushes, looks like they\'ve been here for a long time'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 601 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.outside = 4; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } button 602 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.outside = 2; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } frame 897 { function restart(vero, nome) { if (vero) { _root[nome]._x = random(400) + 350; _root[nome]._y = random(30) - 380; } } } frame 897 { stop(); _root.button00._visible = false; if (_root.inv_picklock == 2) { _root.button00._visible = true; } if (_root.inv_hak_rope == 2) { tellTarget ('_root.rope2') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } movieClip 607 { } instance of movieClip 607 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Judging by what i see, the address is correct'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 609 { } instance of movieClip 609 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Its dark inside, i cant see anything'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 612 { } movieClip 613 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 612 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.outside = 5; = _root.outside; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } } movieClip 615 { } instance drzwi00 of movieClip 615 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('The door is shut, i need to find a way to get inside'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 616 { } movieClip 618 { } instance of movieClip 618 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Someone left the outside light on'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 621 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.outside = 3; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } movieClip 623 { } instance roof of movieClip 623 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { _root.info_txt = String('Roof'); } } button 624 { on (release) { if (_root.inv_picklock == 2) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.outside = 6; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } } frame 898 { function restart(vero, nome) { if (vero) { _root[nome]._x = random(630) - 70; _root[nome]._y = random(30) - 380; } } } frame 898 { stop(); if (_root.inv_picklock == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('A chest on the roof? very strange...'); } } } instance of movieClip 612 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.outside = 4; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 628 { } instance drzwi4 of movieClip 628 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_picklock == 0) { gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('PickLock'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(4); } tellTarget ('_target') { } else { _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Nothing here..'); gotoAndStop(2); } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 632 { } movieClip 633 { } movieClip 634 { } instance of movieClip 634 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Im too big to get inside the house through the chimney'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } frame 899 { = 2; } frame 899 { function restart(vero, nome) { if (vero) { _root[nome]._x = random(700) + 10000; _root[nome]._y = random(30) + 380; } } } frame 899 { stop(); } movieClip 638 { frame 36 { stop(); } } instance cursors of movieClip 62 { onClipEvent (load) { Mouse.hide(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _x = _root._xmouse; _y = _root._ymouse; updateafterevent(); } } frame 900 { stop(); } movieClip 643 { frame 35 { stop(); } } frame 901 { stop(); } movieClip 647 { frame 55 { stop(); } } button 648 { on (release) { nextFrame(); } } frame 902 { stop(); } movieClip 650 { frame 35 { _root.gotoAndPlay('stage2start'); } } frame 903 { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(3); } } frame 903 { function restart(vero, nome) { if (vero) { _root[nome]._x = random(700) + 10000; _root[nome]._y = random(30) + 380; } } } frame 903 { _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv7full = 0; _root.inv8full = 0; _root.inv_battery = 0; _root.inv_latarka = 0; _root.inv_flashlight = 0; _root.inv_picklock = 0; _root.inv_patelnia = 0; _root.inv_klucz = 0; _root.inv_klucze = 0; _root.inv_policebat = 0; _root.inv_cd = 0; _root.inv_pieceofpaper1 = 0; _root.inv_pieceofpaper2 = 0; _root.inv_paper = 0; _root.inv_attickey = 0; _root.inv_lever = 0; _root.inv_revolver = 0; _root.inv_puzzle = 0; _root.kluczeon = 1; _root.policebaton = 1; _root.lampaon = 1; _root.schodynadrugiepietro = 0; _root.stuff_obrazkonia = 0; _root.blocktransation = 0; _root.levels = 1; _root.kontakton = 0; _root.rozbitaszafaon = 0; _root.elektronicznykod = 5; _root.opensafe1 = 0; _root.outside = 0; _root.wireson = 0; _root.police = 0; play(); } movieClip 652 { } instance cursors of movieClip 62 { onClipEvent (load) { Mouse.hide(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _x = _root._xmouse; _y = _root._ymouse; updateafterevent(); } } frame 1013 { _root.gotoAndPlay('level0001'); tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 1014 { _root.options._visible = 0; _root.menuscreen._visible = 0; if (_root.brightnesss == 2) { _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 90; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 98; } if (_root.brightnesss == 3) { _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 80; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 95; } if (_root.brightnesss == 4) { _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 70; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 90; } if (_root.brightnesss == 5) { _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 60; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 88; } if (_root.brightnesss == 6) { _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 50; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 85; } if (_root.brightnesss == 7) { _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 45; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 83; } if (_root.brightnesss == 8) { _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 40; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 80; } if (_root.brightnesss == 9) { _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 30; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 78; } if (_root.brightnesss == 10) { _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 20; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 75; } if (_root.brightnesss == 11) { _root.jasnosc2._visible = 1; _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 10; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 72; } if (_root.brightnesss == 12) { _root.jasnosc2._visible = 0; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 70; } } instance cursors of movieClip 62 { onClipEvent (load) { Mouse.hide(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _x = _root._xmouse; _y = _root._ymouse; updateafterevent(); } } frame 1015 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 350 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { _root.info_txt = String(''); } } button 659 { on (release) { if (_root.police == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I just come in, I don\'t think I should leave so early'); } } } on (release) { if (_root.police == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I cant leave through the main door, the police will catch me'); } } } on (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } on (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 661 { on (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } on (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } on (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('A shoe rack, it looks like there is quiete a few people living in here'); } } } movieClip 664 { } instance of movieClip 664 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('A small palm tree, if i had not broken into the house, i would have taken it'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 666 { on (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('An old bookshelf, nothing i would be interested in'); } } on (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } on (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 669 { } instance of movieClip 669 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('An old paining from the Bible,nothing interesting'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 672 { on (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I can\'t be sat over here, i need to search the house'); } } on (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } on (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 676 { } movieClip 678 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 678 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.police == 1) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.police == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Damn, the police surrounded the house'); } } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.police == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('It started pouring outside, its better if i stay inside'); } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 678 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.police == 1) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.police == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Damn, the police surrounded the house'); } } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.police == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('It started pouring outside, its better if i stay inside'); } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 680 { } instance of movieClip 680 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I\'m not sure what it is, it loks like a bowl with Holy Water'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 682 { } instance of movieClip 682 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('There is no way i\'m going to leave my stuff in here'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 683 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 2; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } button 684 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 4; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } instance inv1 of movieClip 554 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (this.inventory9.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory10)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory9.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory10)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory9.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory10)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory9.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory10)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory9.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory10)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory10.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory9)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory10.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory9)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory10.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory9)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory10.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory9)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory10.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory9)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory1.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory2)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv_flashlight = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(4); } } if (this.inventory2.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory1)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv_flashlight = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(4); } } if (this.inventory2.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory1)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv_flashlight = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(4); } } if (this.inventory1.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory2)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv_flashlight = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(4); } } if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_root.szafka1)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { _root.inv_picklock = 2; gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Door'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(5); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } if (this.inventory12.hitTest(_root.obrazkonia.safe1)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv_paper = 2; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_attickey = 1; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Attic'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(12); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (this.inventory3.hitTest(_root.blankscreen)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.gotoAndStop('level6'); _root.inv_flashlight = 2; _root.inv1full = 0; } if (this.inventory17.hitTest(_root.stuff_lever)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv_lever = 2; _root.inv1full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.stuff_lever') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory13.hitTest(_root.drabina1)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv_attickey = 3; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.levels = 17; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi2)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.button1._visible = true; _root.inv_klucz = 2; } if (_root.inv_klucze == 1) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { _root.button4._visible = true; _root.inv_klucze = 2; } } if (_root.inv_cd == 1 & _root.kontakton == 2) { if (this.inventory11.hitTest(_root.komputer.komputer)) { _root.kontakton = 3; _root.inv_cd = 2; _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.komputer') { gotoAndStop(26); } } } if (_root.inv_policebat == 1) { if (this.inventory7.hitTest(_root.szafka3)) { _root.rozbitaszafaon = 1; _root.inv_policebat2 = 2; _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka3') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } if (_root.inv_patelnia == 1) { if (this.inventory6.hitTest(_root.szafka2)) { _root.kontakton = 1; _root.inv_patelnia = 2; _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka2') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.kropla') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (_root.inv_klucze == 2) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi4)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Piece of Paper'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(9); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('This key does not match'); } } stopDrag(); tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.inv1._x = 28; _root.inv1._y = 323; } } instance inv2 of movieClip 554 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (this.inventory9.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory10)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory9.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory10)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory9.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory10)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory9.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory10)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory9.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory10)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory10.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory9)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory10.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory9)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory10.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory9)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory10.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory9)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory10.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory9)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory1.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory2)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv_flashlight = 1; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(4); _root.inv2full = 0; } } if (this.inventory2.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory1)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv_flashlight = 1; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(4); _root.inv2full = 0; } } if (this.inventory1.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory2)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv_flashlight = 1; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(4); _root.inv2full = 0; } } if (this.inventory2.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory1)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv_flashlight = 1; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(4); _root.inv2full = 0; } } if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_root.szafka1)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { _root.inv_picklock = 2; gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Door'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(5); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } if (this.inventory12.hitTest(_root.obrazkonia.safe1)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv_paper = 2; _root.inv_attickey = 1; _root.inv2full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Attic'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(12); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (this.inventory3.hitTest(_root.blankscreen)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.gotoAndStop('level6'); _root.inv_flashlight = 2; _root.inv2full = 0; } if (_root.inv_cd == 1 & _root.kontakton == 2) { if (this.inventory11.hitTest(_root.komputer.komputer)) { _root.kontakton = 3; _root.inv_cd = 2; _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.komputer') { gotoAndStop(26); } } } if (this.inventory13.hitTest(_root.drabina1)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv_attickey = 3; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.levels = 17; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (_root.inv_policebat == 1) { if (this.inventory7.hitTest(_root.szafka3)) { _root.rozbitaszafaon = 1; _root.inv_policebat2 = 2; _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka3') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } if (_root.inv_patelnia == 1) { if (this.inventory6.hitTest(_root.szafka2)) { _root.kontakton = 1; _root.inv_patelnia = 2; _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka2') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.kropla') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi2)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.button1._visible = true; _root.inv_klucz = 2; } if (this.inventory17.hitTest(_root.stuff_lever)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv_lever = 2; _root.inv2full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.stuff_lever') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.inv_klucze == 1) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { _root.button4._visible = true; _root.inv_klucze = 2; } } if (_root.inv_klucze == 2) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi4)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Piece of Paper'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(9); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('This key does not match'); } } stopDrag(); tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.inv2._x = 88; _root.inv2._y = 323; } } instance inv3 of movieClip 554 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = 0; } onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (this.inventory9.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory10)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory9.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory10)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory9.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory10)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory9.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory10)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory9.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory10)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory10.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory9)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory10.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory9)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory10.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory9)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory10.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory9)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory10.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory9)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory1.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory2)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv_flashlight = 1; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(4); _root.inv3full = 0; } } if (this.inventory2.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory1)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv_flashlight = 1; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(4); _root.inv3full = 0; } } if (this.inventory2.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory1)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv_flashlight = 1; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(4); _root.inv3full = 0; } } if (this.inventory1.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory2)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv_flashlight = 1; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(4); _root.inv3full = 0; } } if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_root.szafka1)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { _root.inv_picklock = 2; gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Door'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(5); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } if (this.inventory12.hitTest(_root.obrazkonia.safe1)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv_paper = 2; _root.inv_attickey = 1; _root.inv3full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Attic'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(12); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (this.inventory3.hitTest(_root.blankscreen)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.gotoAndStop('level6'); _root.inv_flashlight = 2; _root.inv3full = 0; } if (this.inventory13.hitTest(_root.drabina1)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv_attickey = 3; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.levels = 17; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (_root.inv_cd == 1 & _root.kontakton == 2) { if (this.inventory11.hitTest(_root.komputer.komputer)) { _root.kontakton = 3; _root.inv_cd = 2; _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.komputer') { gotoAndStop(26); } } } if (_root.inv_policebat == 1) { if (this.inventory7.hitTest(_root.szafka3)) { _root.rozbitaszafaon = 1; _root.inv_policebat2 = 2; _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka3') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } if (_root.inv_patelnia == 1) { if (this.inventory6.hitTest(_root.szafka2)) { _root.kontakton = 1; _root.inv_patelnia = 2; _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka2') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.kropla') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { _root.button4._visible = true; _root.inv_klucze = 2; } if (_root.inv_klucze == 2) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi4)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Piece of Paper'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(9); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi2)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.button1._visible = true; _root.inv_klucz = 2; } if (this.inventory17.hitTest(_root.stuff_lever)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv_lever = 2; _root.inv3full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.stuff_lever') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('This key does not match'); } } stopDrag(); _root.inv3._x = 148; _root.inv3._y = 323; tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance inv4 of movieClip 554 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = 0; } onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (this.inventory9.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory10)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory9.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory10)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory9.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory10)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory9.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory10)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory9.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory10)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory10.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory9)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory10.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory9)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory10.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory9)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory10.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory9)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory10.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory9)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_root.szafka1)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { _root.inv_picklock = 2; gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Door'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(5); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } if (this.inventory12.hitTest(_root.obrazkonia.safe1)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv_paper = 2; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_attickey = 1; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Attic'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(12); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (this.inventory3.hitTest(_root.blankscreen)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.gotoAndStop('level6'); _root.inv_flashlight = 2; _root.inv4full = 0; } if (this.inventory17.hitTest(_root.stuff_lever)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv_lever = 2; _root.inv4full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.stuff_lever') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi2)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.button1._visible = true; _root.inv_klucz = 2; } if (_root.inv_cd == 1 & _root.kontakton == 2) { if (this.inventory11.hitTest(_root.komputer.komputer)) { _root.kontakton = 3; _root.inv_cd = 2; _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.komputer') { gotoAndStop(26); } } } if (_root.inv_policebat == 1) { if (this.inventory7.hitTest(_root.szafka3)) { _root.rozbitaszafaon = 1; _root.inv_policebat2 = 2; _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka3') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } if (this.inventory13.hitTest(_root.drabina1)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv_attickey = 3; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.levels = 17; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (_root.inv_patelnia == 1) { if (this.inventory6.hitTest(_root.szafka2)) { _root.kontakton = 1; _root.inv_patelnia = 2; _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka2') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.kropla') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (_root.inv_klucze == 1) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { _root.button4._visible = true; _root.inv_klucze = 2; } } if (_root.inv_klucze == 2) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi4)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Piece of Paper'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(9); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('This key does not match'); } } stopDrag(); _root.inv4._x = 208; _root.inv4._y = 323; tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance inv5 of movieClip 554 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (this.inventory9.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory10)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory9.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory10)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory9.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory10)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory9.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory10)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory9.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory10)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory10.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory9)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory10.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory9)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory10.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory9)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory10.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory9)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory10.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory9)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_root.szafka1)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { _root.inv_picklock = 2; gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Door'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(5); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } if (this.inventory12.hitTest(_root.obrazkonia.safe1)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv_paper = 2; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_attickey = 1; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Attic'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(12); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (this.inventory3.hitTest(_root.blankscreen)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.gotoAndStop('level6'); _root.inv_flashlight = 2; _root.inv5full = 0; } if (this.inventory17.hitTest(_root.stuff_lever)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv_lever = 2; _root.inv5full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.stuff_lever') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory13.hitTest(_root.drabina1)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv_attickey = 3; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.levels = 17; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (_root.inv_cd == 1 & _root.kontakton == 2) { if (this.inventory11.hitTest(_root.komputer.komputer)) { _root.kontakton = 3; _root.inv_cd = 2; _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.komputer') { gotoAndStop(26); } } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi2)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.button1._visible = true; _root.inv_klucz = 2; } if (_root.inv_policebat == 1) { if (this.inventory7.hitTest(_root.szafka3)) { _root.rozbitaszafaon = 1; _root.inv_policebat2 = 2; _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka3') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } if (_root.inv_patelnia == 1) { if (this.inventory6.hitTest(_root.szafka2)) { _root.kontakton = 1; _root.inv_patelnia = 2; _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka2') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.kropla') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (_root.inv_klucze == 1) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { _root.button4._visible = true; _root.inv_klucze = 2; } } if (_root.inv_klucze == 2) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi4)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Piece of Paper'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(9); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('This key does not match'); } } stopDrag(); _root.inv5._x = 268; _root.inv5._y = 323; tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance inv6 of movieClip 554 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (this.inventory9.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory10)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory9.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory10)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory9.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory10)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory9.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory10)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory9.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory10)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory10.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory9)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory10.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory9)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory10.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory9)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory10.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory9)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory10.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory9)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_root.szafka1)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { _root.inv_picklock = 2; gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Door'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(5); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } if (this.inventory12.hitTest(_root.obrazkonia.safe1)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv_paper = 2; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_attickey = 1; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Attic'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(12); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (this.inventory3.hitTest(_root.blankscreen)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.gotoAndStop('level6'); _root.inv_flashlight = 2; _root.inv6full = 0; } if (this.inventory17.hitTest(_root.stuff_lever)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv_lever = 2; _root.inv6full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.stuff_lever') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.inv_policebat == 1) { if (this.inventory7.hitTest(_root.szafka3)) { _root.rozbitaszafaon = 1; _root.inv_policebat2 = 2; _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka3') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } if (_root.inv_patelnia == 1) { if (this.inventory6.hitTest(_root.szafka2)) { _root.kontakton = 1; _root.inv_patelnia = 2; _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka2') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.kropla') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi2)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.button1._visible = true; _root.inv_klucz = 2; } if (this.inventory13.hitTest(_root.drabina1)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv_attickey = 3; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.levels = 17; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (_root.inv_cd == 1 & _root.kontakton == 2) { if (this.inventory11.hitTest(_root.komputer)) { _root.kontakton = 3; _root.inv_cd = 2; _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.komputer.komputer') { gotoAndStop(26); } } } if (_root.inv_klucze == 1) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { _root.button4._visible = true; _root.inv_klucze = 2; } } if (_root.inv_klucze == 2) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi4)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Piece of Paper'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(9); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('This key does not match'); } } stopDrag(); _root.inv6._x = 328; _root.inv6._y = 323; tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 29 { onClipEvent (release) { getURL('', _blank); } } frame 1016 { stop(); } // unknown tag 88 length 62 button 691 { on (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('A tall tree'); } } on (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } on (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 693 { on (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_battery == 0) { _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Charged Battery'); gotoAndStop(3); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } on (release) { if (_root.inv_battery == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Nothing here..'); gotoAndStop(2); } } } on (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } on (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 695 { } instance of movieClip 695 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Hmm, the tea is still hot'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 697 { } instance of movieClip 697 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.inv_flashlight == 2 & _root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 6; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 3; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } } movieClip 699 { } instance of movieClip 699 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('A lot of china, nothing i would like to take home with me'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 701 { } instance of movieClip 701 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('An extracted tooth and a lot of blood'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 702 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 1; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } frame 1017 { stop(); } button 705 { on (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('It looks like the light in the basement doesnt work'); } } on (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } on (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 707 { on (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('It\'s too dark to go ahead '); } } } movieClip 709 { } frame 1018 { stop(); } button 712 { on (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('It\'s look like light is broken'); } } } button 714 { on (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Polish national costumes, someone has chucked them into the basement'); } } on (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } on (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 716 { } instance of movieClip 716 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('A collection of old weapons, it looks like someone sharpens it regularily'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 717 { on (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('No way to sit here!'); } } on (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } on (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 719 { } instance of movieClip 719 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('A portrait of King Arthur in a gold frame'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 721 { } movieClip 724 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } button 725 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 7; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } frame 1019 { stop(); } frame 1019 { _root.button3._visible = false; if (_root.lampaon == 0) { _root.button3._visible = true; } if (_root.police == 1 & _root.inv_puzzle == 1 & _root.inv_revolver == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.downstairs') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } button 728 { on (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Lots of books on christian religion'); } } on (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } on (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 729 { on (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Nothing here..'); } } on (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } on (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 730 { on (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('The door is locked from inside'); } } on (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } on (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 732 { on (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Damn, it looks like blood'); } } on (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } on (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 736 { } movieClip 737 { } movieClip 738 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 736 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Enter to Sewage, it\'s locked'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } frame 2 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 737 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 22; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 740 { } instance of movieClip 740 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(4); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('A piece of newspaper with news about three women who went missing in woods and never came back home'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 742 { } instance of movieClip 742 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Some papers with texts in jewish'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 744 { } instance of movieClip 744 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Ropes and cables, nothing useful'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 721 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 721 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { _root.info_txt = String('Bulb'); } } button 745 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 6; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } button 746 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 8; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } button 747 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 10; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } frame 1020 { stop(); } frame 1020 { if (_root.inv_klucz != 2) { _root.button1._visible = false; } } button 750 { on (release) { if (_root.inv_klucz != 2) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I need a Key..'); } } } on (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } on (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 751 { on (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(4); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('The whole cupboard fuul of chilled beers, unfurtunately i have to go without them'); } } on (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } on (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 752 { on (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_picklock == 0) { gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('PickLock'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(4); } tellTarget ('_target') { } else { _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Nothing here..'); gotoAndStop(2); } } } on (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } on (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 754 { on (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Someone has been lighting the fireplace'); } } on (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } on (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 756 { } instance of movieClip 756 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('A wine collection from the 70s, never opened'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 756 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Old wines from 1870-1920'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 721 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { _root.info_txt = String('Bulb'); } } button 757 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 9; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } frame 1021 { stop(); } movieClip 762 { } instance of movieClip 762 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('A picture difficult to interpret'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 764 { } instance of movieClip 764 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Bags full of brown sugar imported from Africa'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 766 { } instance of movieClip 766 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('A bag with potatoes'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 768 { } instance of movieClip 768 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_lever == 0) { gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Part of Lever..'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(15); } tellTarget ('_target') { } else { _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Nothing Here..'); gotoAndStop(2); } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 770 { } instance of movieClip 770 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('The blood on the floor is leading to the room next door'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 771 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 8; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } frame 1022 { stop(); } frame 1022 { _root.button0._visible = false; _root.button2._visible = false; if (_root.inv_klucze >= 1) { tellTarget ('_root.stuff_klucze') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.inv_policebat >= 1) { tellTarget ('_root.stuff_policebat') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.lampaon == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.lampaonn') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.czarnetlo') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.button0._visible = true; _root.button2._visible = true; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } movieClip 775 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.lampaon = 1; } frame 2 { stop(); _root.lampaon = 0; } } instance lampaonn of movieClip 775 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.lampaon == 1) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.czarnetlo') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('My God!...'); } tellTarget ('_target') { } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 781 { } instance of movieClip 781 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.lampaon == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(4); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('The serial killer killed in the action KIA cannot boast about his sense of humor'); _root.button0._visible = true; _root.button2._visible = true; } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 783 { } instance of movieClip 783 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.lampaon == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('The note on the wall says \'he was not the right one\''); _root.button0._visible = true; _root.button2._visible = true; } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance stuff_policebat of movieClip 398 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.policebaton != 0 & _root.lampaon == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_policebat == 0) { gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('PoliceBat'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(7); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance stuff_klucze of movieClip 400 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.kluczeon != 0 & _root.lampaon == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_klucze == 0) { gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Keychain'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(8); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 789 { } instance of movieClip 789 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.lampaon == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(4); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('It looks like its the police officer who send the message on cb radio. his crushed head looks like its been hit with a hammer a few times'); _root.button0._visible = true; _root.button2._visible = true; } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 791 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } button 792 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 7; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } frame 1023 { stop(); } frame 1023 { _root.button4._visible = false; if (_root.inv_klucze >= 2) { _root.button4._visible = true; } } button 797 { on (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('An old dusted piano, it looks like no one has played it for ages'); } } on (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } on (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 798 { on (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('An empty cupboard'); } } on (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } on (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 799 { on (release) { if (_root.inv_picklock == 0 || _root.inv_picklock == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('It would help to have a spade now'); } } if (_root.inv_picklock == 3) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Nothing here..'); } } else { if (_root.inv_picklock == 2) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Door'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(5); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } on (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } on (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 801 { } instance of movieClip 801 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('A shopping list, there is only a hammer written on it'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 804 { } movieClip 805 { } instance drzwi3 of movieClip 805 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.inv_klucze != 2) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('There is someone next door, i need a key to get in there'); } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 807 { } instance of movieClip 807 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Old rusted helmets, someone is a collector'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 809 { } instance of movieClip 809 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I won\'t need a shovel here..'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 810 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 5; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } button 811 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 11; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } frame 1024 { stop(); } frame 1024 { if (_root.inv_patelnia == 1 || _root.patelnia == 2) { tellTarget ('_root.patelniaon') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } button 815 { on (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_latarka == 0) { _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Discharged torch'); gotoAndStop(3); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(3); } tellTarget ('_target') { } else { _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I had a look in here a while ago'); gotoAndStop(2); } } } on (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } on (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 816 { on (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Dishes and cutlery'); } } on (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } on (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 818 { on (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Lots of spices from around the world'); } } on (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } on (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 820 { on (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('A painting with flowers, nothing interesting'); } } on (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } on (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 822 { on (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Salt and pepper, nothing else'); } } on (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } on (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 824 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } instance patelniaon of movieClip 824 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_patelnia == 0) { gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Old Pan'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(6); } tellTarget ('_target') { } else { _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Nothing Here..'); gotoAndStop(2); } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 826 { } instance of movieClip 826 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('A barrel full of wine, has not been open for ages'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 826 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('A barrel full of wine, has not been open for ages'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 827 { on (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Nothing Here..'); } } on (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } on (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 829 { } instance of movieClip 829 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Bible, someone likes to pray during a meal'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 678 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.police == 1) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.police == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Damn, the police surrounded the house'); } } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.police == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('It started pouring outside, its better if i stay inside'); } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 678 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.police == 1) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.police == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Damn, the police surrounded the house'); } } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.police == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('It started pouring outside, its better if i stay inside'); } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 831 { } instance of movieClip 831 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 832 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 4; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } frame 1025 { stop(); } frame 1025 { if (_root.stuff_obrazkonia == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.obrazkonia') { gotoAndStop(21); } } if (_root.schodynadrugiepietro != 1) { _root.button5._visible = false; } } movieClip 836 { } instance of movieClip 836 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.schodynadrugiepietro != 1) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('A staircase to the second floor'); _root.schodynadrugiepietro = 1; _root.button5._visible = true; } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 837 { on (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Nothing Here..'); } } on (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } on (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 843 { } movieClip 847 { } movieClip 848 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 843 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('What TV is doing here?'); } } } frame 2 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 847 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 21; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } } movieClip 849 { } movieClip 850 { instance of movieClip 848 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Someone left the tv on'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } button 851 { on (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I don\'t have time to sit here'); } } on (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } on (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 855 { } movieClip 857 { } movieClip 858 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 855 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_parent._root.obrazkonia') { nextFrame(); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('The painting of a horse is not hang right'); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } frame 2 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 855 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_parent._root.obrazkonia') { nextFrame(); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Picture of Horse..'); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } frame 3 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 855 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_parent._root.obrazkonia') { nextFrame(); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Hmm..'); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } frame 4 { play(); _root.stuff_obrazkonia = 1; } frame 21 { stop(); } instance safe1 of movieClip 857 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.inv_attickey == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Safe. I need paper with code to open it'); } } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.inv_attickey == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Attic'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(12); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.inv_attickey == 2 || _root.inv_attickey == 3) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Safe. Nothing Inside..'); } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } button 859 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 12; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } frame 1026 { stop(); } instance drzwi4 of movieClip 628 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.inv_klucze == 0 || _root.inv_klucze == 1 || _root.inv_klucze == 2) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I need a key to open the chest'); } } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.inv_klucze == 3) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Nothing Here..'); } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 863 { } instance of movieClip 863 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I dont even want to look at your face at this time'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 865 { } instance of movieClip 865 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('The watch is showing ten o\'clock'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 867 { } instance of movieClip 867 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Someone is a big collector of old shields'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 868 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 14; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } button 869 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 13; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } frame 1027 { stop(); } frame 1027 { if (_root.rozbitaszafaon == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.szafka3') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } movieClip 873 { } instance of movieClip 873 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('It\'s family table I think..'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { _root.info_txt = String('Big Table'); } } movieClip 876 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } instance szafka3 of movieClip 876 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.rozbitaszafaon == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('A glass cupboard with CDs inside'); } } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.inv_cd == 1 || _root.inv_cd == 2) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Nothing Here..'); } } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.rozbitaszafaon == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_cd == 0) { gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('CD disk'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(11); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 878 { } instance of movieClip 878 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 878 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 880 { } instance of movieClip 880 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 882 { } instance of movieClip 882 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 884 { } instance of movieClip 884 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Nothing Here..'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 884 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Nothing Here..'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 886 { } instance of movieClip 886 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('A teddy bear, it looks like its a child\'s room'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 888 { } instance of movieClip 888 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Pictures of New York City'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 889 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 15; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } frame 1028 { stop(); } frame 1028 { if (_root.kontakton == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.szafka2') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.kropla') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (_root.kontakton == 2) { tellTarget ('_root.szafka2') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.kropla') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.wtyczka') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.komputer') { gotoAndStop(25); } tellTarget ('_target') { } tellTarget ('_target') { } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (_root.kontakton == 3) { tellTarget ('_root.szafka2') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.kropla') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.wtyczka') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.komputer') { gotoAndStop(26); } tellTarget ('_target') { } tellTarget ('_target') { } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } instance of movieClip 678 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.police == 1) { tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.police == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Damn, the police surrounded the house'); } } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.police == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('It started pouring outside, its better if i stay inside'); } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 895 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } instance szafka2 of movieClip 895 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Column'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 897 { } instance of movieClip 897 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Nothing in the cupboard, only a keypad and a mouse'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 898 { } movieClip 901 { } movieClip 902 { } movieClip 905 { } movieClip 908 { instance of movieClip 902 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.kontakton == 2) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('No internet - no fun'); } } } } } movieClip 909 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 898 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.kontakton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Computer is not working..'); } } } } frame 25 { stop(); } instance komputer of movieClip 905 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.kontakton == 2) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('No internet connection, no fun'); } } } } frame 26 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 908 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.kontakton == 3) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Electric code to the safe - 44455'); } } } } } movieClip 911 { } instance of movieClip 911 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Shot glasses, someone seems to like alcohol'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 911 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Shot glasses, someone seems to like alcohol'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 916 { } movieClip 918 { } movieClip 919 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } instance kropla of movieClip 919 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { _root.info_txt = String('Drop of water'); } } movieClip 921 { } instance of movieClip 921 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('The socket is soaked, i won\'t touch it'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 924 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } instance wtyczka of movieClip 924 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.kontakton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I won\'t put this plug in a socket, its all wet'); } } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.kontakton == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Nice!'); } tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.komputer') { gotoAndPlay(2); _root.kontakton = 2; } tellTarget ('_target') { } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 926 { } instance of movieClip 926 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('This bit should be downstairs in the kitchen'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 927 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 13; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } frame 1029 { stop(); } frame 1029 { _root.button5._visible = false; if (_root.inv_attickey == 3) { _root.button5._visible = true; } } movieClip 930 { } instance drabina1 of movieClip 930 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.inv_attickey != 3) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I need a key to get into the attic'); } } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.inv_attickey == 3 & _root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 17; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 932 { } instance of movieClip 932 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Crosses and beads, nothing useful'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 935 { } instance of movieClip 935 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('A pretty girl in the painting'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 938 { } instance of movieClip 938 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Blood is dripping from upstairs, i need to get in there immediately'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 940 { } instance of movieClip 940 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.opensafe1 == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Piece of Paper 2'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(10); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.opensafe1 == 2) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Nothing else can be taken from it'); } } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.opensafe1 == 0 & _root.inv_cd == 2) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 16; } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 941 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 12; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } button 942 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 17; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } frame 1030 { stop(); } frame 1030 { _root.elektronicznykod = String(' '); } button 949 { on (release) { if (_root.elektronicznykod == 44455) { _root.levels = 14; _root.opensafe1 = 1; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { _root.elektronicznykod = String(''); } } } movieClip 951 { } movieClip 952 { instance of movieClip 951 { onClipEvent (release) { _parent._parent.elektronicznykod += String('1'); } } instance of movieClip 951 { onClipEvent (release) { _parent._parent.elektronicznykod += String('2'); } } instance of movieClip 951 { onClipEvent (release) { _parent._parent.elektronicznykod += String('3'); } } instance of movieClip 951 { onClipEvent (release) { _parent._parent.elektronicznykod += String('4'); } } instance of movieClip 951 { onClipEvent (release) { _parent._parent.elektronicznykod += String('5'); } } instance of movieClip 951 { onClipEvent (release) { _parent._parent.elektronicznykod += String('6'); } } instance of movieClip 951 { onClipEvent (release) { _parent._parent.elektronicznykod += String('7'); } } instance of movieClip 951 { onClipEvent (release) { _parent._parent.elektronicznykod += String('8'); } } instance of movieClip 951 { onClipEvent (release) { _parent._parent.elektronicznykod += String('9'); } } instance of movieClip 951 { onClipEvent (release) { _parent._parent.elektronicznykod += String('0'); } } } frame 1031 { stop(); } frame 1031 { if (_root.wireson == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.wires2') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 350 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { _root.info_txt = String(''); } } movieClip 972 { } instance of movieClip 972 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(4); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Hmm, looks like the serial killer knew that someone would eventually come here'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 975 { } movieClip 977 { } movieClip 979 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 975 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('A rope, i need to check where it is exactly leading to'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 980 { instance of movieClip 826 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I don\'t want to see what\'s inside...'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 826 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I don\'t want to see what\'s inside...'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 826 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I dont even want to look whats inside'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 981 { } instance of movieClip 981 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { _root.info_txt = String('Lamp'); } } instance of movieClip 981 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { _root.info_txt = String('Lamp'); } } movieClip 983 { } instance of movieClip 983 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { _root.info_txt = String('Ladder'); } } button 984 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 18; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } button 985 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 14; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } button 986 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 19; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } frame 1032 { stop(); } frame 1032 { if (_root.wireson == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.wires1') { gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_root.inv_lever == 2 & _root.wireson == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.stuff_lever') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.inv_lever == 2 & _root.wireson == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.stuff_lever') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } movieClip 991 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } instance wires1 of movieClip 991 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 993 { } movieClip 995 { } movieClip 996 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 993 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('A jack, unfortunately i need to look for a lever so it can work'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } frame 2 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 995 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('What the hell?!'); _root.wireson = 1; } tellTarget ('_root.wires1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_root.stuff_lever') { gotoAndStop(3); } tellTarget ('_target') { } tellTarget ('_target') { } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } frame 3 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 995 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I heard a shot, ill better go and check it'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 998 { } instance of movieClip 998 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('A box with coal'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1000 { } instance of movieClip 1000 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('i dont know what is this machine used for, bur i think it supplies the power to the line upstairs'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1002 { } instance of movieClip 1002 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Pipes, nothing here'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1004 { } instance of movieClip 1004 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('A lot of carbon in cauldron'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 1005 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 17; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } frame 1033 { stop(); } frame 1033 { if (_root.wireson == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.wires3') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.wireson == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.drzwi01') { gotoAndStop(2); } } _root.button6._visible = false; if (_root.wireson == 1) { _root.button6._visible = true; } } movieClip 1008 { } instance of movieClip 1008 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(4); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Wire ends in this room. I need to get there'); } } } movieClip 1011 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } instance wires3 of movieClip 1011 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1013 { } movieClip 1015 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 1013 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('It\'s locked'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1017 { } instance of movieClip 1017 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Blood stain on the wall, all congealed'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { _root.info_txt = String('Blood'); } } movieClip 1019 { } instance of movieClip 1019 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Box of Carbon'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1021 { } instance of movieClip 1021 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Sickle, it won\'t help me'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1023 { } movieClip 1024 { } instance of movieClip 1024 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Empty boxes brought from Chine'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1026 { } instance of movieClip 1026 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('The clock doesnt work, looks like no one has preset it for ages'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { _root.info_txt = String('Clock'); } } button 1027 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 20; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } frame 1034 { stop(); } frame 1034 { stop(); if (_root.inv_revolver == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.stuff_revolver') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.inv_puzzle == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.stuff_worek') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } movieClip 1031 { } instance of movieClip 1031 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { _root.info_txt = String('Table'); } } movieClip 1037 { } instance of movieClip 1037 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(4); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('This trap was set by the killer,he wanted me to kill the victim instead, if the police finds me in here,they will blame me for it'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1039 { } instance of movieClip 1039 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Nothing Here..'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1040 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } instance stuff_worek of movieClip 1040 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Puzzles/Tips'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(17); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1042 { } movieClip 1044 { } instance of movieClip 1044 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('The machine drives the gun trigger,i am to blame for the whole situation'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1046 { } movieClip 1048 { } movieClip 1049 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 843 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('What TV is doing here?'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 1046 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Empty Revolver'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(16); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } frame 2 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 1048 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 21; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } } movieClip 1053 { } movieClip 1054 { } instance of movieClip 1054 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('The woman was under influence of medication, she was not able to shout'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 1055 { on (release) { if (_root.police == 1 & _root.inv_puzzle == 1) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 19; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } else { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I need to search for clues before i leave'); } } } } frame 1035 { stop(); } button 1070 { on (release) { play(); } } // unknown tag 88 length 63 // unknown tag 88 length 63 button 1081 { on (release) { play(); if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 20; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } // unknown tag 88 length 63 movieClip 1085 { instance of movieClip 843 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('What TV is doing here?'); } } } frame 26 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 843 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('What TV is doing here?'); } } } instance of movieClip 843 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('What TV is doing here?'); } } } frame 50 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 843 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('What TV is doing here?'); } } } instance of movieClip 843 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('What TV is doing here?'); } } } frame 73 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 843 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('What TV is doing here?'); } } } instance of movieClip 843 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('What TV is doing here?'); } } } frame 96 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 843 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('What TV is doing here?'); } } } frame 97 { _root.police = 1; } instance of movieClip 843 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('What TV is doing here?'); } } } } frame 1036 { function restart(vero, nome) { if (vero) { _root[nome]._x = random(700) + 10000; _root[nome]._y = random(30) + 380; } } } frame 1036 { stop(); } frame 1036 { = 3; } movieClip 1088 { frame 35 { stop(); } } instance cursors of movieClip 62 { onClipEvent (load) { Mouse.hide(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _x = _root._xmouse; _y = _root._ymouse; updateafterevent(); } } frame 1037 { stop(); } // unknown tag 88 length 62 movieClip 1093 { frame 40 { stop(); } } button 1094 { on (release) { nextFrame(); } } frame 1038 { stop(); } movieClip 1097 { frame 52 { stop(); } } movieClip 1098 { frame 35 { _root.gotoAndPlay('stage3start'); } } frame 1040 { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(3); } } frame 1040 { _root.inv1full = 1; _root.inv2full = 1; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv7full = 0; _root.inv8full = 0; _root.inv_battery = 0; _root.inv_latarka = 0; _root.inv_flashlight = 0; _root.inv_picklock = 0; _root.inv_patelnia = 0; _root.inv_klucz = 0; _root.inv_klucze = 0; _root.inv_policebat = 0; _root.inv_cd = 0; _root.inv_pieceofpaper1 = 0; _root.inv_pieceofpaper2 = 0; _root.inv_paper = 0; _root.inv_attickey = 0; _root.inv_lever = 0; _root.inv_revolver = 1; _root.inv_puzzle = 1; _root.inv_hammer = 0; _root.inv_zarowka = 0; _root.inv_knife = 0; _root.kluczeon = 1; _root.policebaton = 1; _root.lampaon = 1; _root.schodynadrugiepietro = 0; _root.stuff_obrazkonia = 0; _root.blocktransation = 0; _root.levels = 1; _root.kontakton = 0; _root.rozbitaszafaon = 0; _root.elektronicznykod = 5; _root.opensafe1 = 0; _root.outside = 0; _root.wireson = 0; _root.police = 0; _root.combination1 = 0; _root.combination2 = 0; _root.combination3 = 0; _root.combination4 = 0; _root.combination5 = 0; _root.combination6 = 0; _root.combination7 = 0; _root.combination8 = 0; _root.combination9 = 0; play(); } instance cursors of movieClip 62 { onClipEvent (load) { Mouse.hide(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _x = _root._xmouse; _y = _root._ymouse; updateafterevent(); } } frame 1150 { _root.gotoAndPlay('level000'); } frame 1151 { _root.options._visible = 0; _root.menuscreen._visible = 0; if (_root.brightnesss == 2) { _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 90; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 98; } if (_root.brightnesss == 3) { _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 80; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 95; } if (_root.brightnesss == 4) { _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 70; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 90; } if (_root.brightnesss == 5) { _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 60; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 88; } if (_root.brightnesss == 6) { _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 50; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 85; } if (_root.brightnesss == 7) { _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 45; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 83; } if (_root.brightnesss == 8) { _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 40; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 80; } if (_root.brightnesss == 9) { _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 30; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 78; } if (_root.brightnesss == 10) { _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 20; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 75; } if (_root.brightnesss == 11) { _root.jasnosc2._visible = 1; _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 10; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 72; } if (_root.brightnesss == 12) { _root.jasnosc2._visible = 0; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 70; } } frame 1151 { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Damn I lost keys somewhere..'); } } instance inv1 of movieClip 554 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (this.inventory20.hitTest(_root.akumulator)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_hammer = 2; tellTarget ('_root.akumulator') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory22.hitTest(_root.mostek)) { if (_root.combination9 == 2) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_knife = 2; if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 28; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I have to open the gate first'); } } } } if (this.inventory21.hitTest(_root.lampa02)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_zarowka = 2; tellTarget ('_root.lampa02') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_root.szafka1)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { _root.inv_picklock = 2; gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Door'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(4); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } if (this.inventory12.hitTest(_root.obrazkonia.safe1)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv_paper = 2; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_attickey = 1; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Attic'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(11); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (this.inventory3.hitTest(_root.blankscreen)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.gotoAndStop('level6'); _root.inv_flashlight = 2; _root.inv1full = 0; } if (this.inventory17.hitTest(_root.stuff_lever)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv_lever = 2; _root.inv1full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.stuff_lever') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory13.hitTest(_root.drabina1)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv_attickey = 3; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.levels = 17; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi2)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.button1._visible = true; _root.inv_klucz = 2; } if (_root.inv_klucze == 1) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { _root.button4._visible = true; _root.inv_klucze = 2; } } if (_root.inv_cd == 1 & _root.kontakton == 2) { if (this.inventory11.hitTest(_root.komputer.komputer)) { _root.kontakton = 3; _root.inv_cd = 2; _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.komputer') { gotoAndStop(26); } } } if (_root.inv_policebat == 1) { if (this.inventory7.hitTest(_root.szafka3)) { _root.rozbitaszafaon = 1; _root.inv_policebat2 = 2; _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka3') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } if (_root.inv_patelnia == 1) { if (this.inventory6.hitTest(_root.szafka2)) { _root.kontakton = 1; _root.inv_patelnia = 2; _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka2') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.kropla') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (_root.inv_klucze == 2) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi4)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Piece of Paper'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(8); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('This key does not match'); } } tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } stopDrag(); _root.inv1._x = 28; _root.inv1._y = 323; } } instance inv2 of movieClip 554 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (this.inventory20.hitTest(_root.akumulator)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_hammer = 2; tellTarget ('_root.akumulator') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory22.hitTest(_root.mostek)) { if (_root.combination9 == 2) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_knife = 2; if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 28; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I have to open the gate first'); } } } } if (this.inventory21.hitTest(_root.lampa02)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_zarowka = 2; tellTarget ('_root.lampa02') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory1.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory2)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv_flashlight = 1; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(4); _root.inv2full = 0; } } if (this.inventory2.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory1)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv_flashlight = 1; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(4); _root.inv2full = 0; } } if (this.inventory1.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory2)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv_flashlight = 1; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(4); _root.inv2full = 0; } } if (this.inventory2.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory1)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv_flashlight = 1; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(4); _root.inv2full = 0; } } if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_root.szafka1)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { _root.inv_picklock = 2; gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Door'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(4); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } if (this.inventory12.hitTest(_root.obrazkonia.safe1)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv_paper = 2; _root.inv_attickey = 1; _root.inv2full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Attic'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(11); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (this.inventory3.hitTest(_root.blankscreen)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.gotoAndStop('level6'); _root.inv_flashlight = 2; _root.inv2full = 0; } if (_root.inv_cd == 1 & _root.kontakton == 2) { if (this.inventory11.hitTest(_root.komputer.komputer)) { _root.kontakton = 3; _root.inv_cd = 2; _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.komputer') { gotoAndStop(26); } } } if (this.inventory13.hitTest(_root.drabina1)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv_attickey = 3; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.levels = 17; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (_root.inv_policebat == 1) { if (this.inventory7.hitTest(_root.szafka3)) { _root.rozbitaszafaon = 1; _root.inv_policebat2 = 2; _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka3') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } if (_root.inv_patelnia == 1) { if (this.inventory6.hitTest(_root.szafka2)) { _root.kontakton = 1; _root.inv_patelnia = 2; _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka2') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.kropla') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi2)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.button1._visible = true; _root.inv_klucz = 2; } if (this.inventory17.hitTest(_root.stuff_lever)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv_lever = 2; _root.inv2full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.stuff_lever') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.inv_klucze == 1) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { _root.button4._visible = true; _root.inv_klucze = 2; } } if (_root.inv_klucze == 2) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi4)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Piece of Paper'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(8); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('This key does not match'); } } tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } stopDrag(); _root.inv2._x = 88; _root.inv2._y = 323; } } instance inv3 of movieClip 554 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (this.inventory20.hitTest(_root.akumulator)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_hammer = 2; tellTarget ('_root.akumulator') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory22.hitTest(_root.mostek)) { if (_root.combination9 == 2) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_knife = 2; if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 28; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I have to open the gate first'); } } } } if (this.inventory21.hitTest(_root.lampa02)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_zarowka = 2; tellTarget ('_root.lampa02') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory12.hitTest(_root.obrazkonia.safe1)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv_paper = 2; _root.inv_attickey = 1; _root.inv3full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Attic'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(11); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (this.inventory3.hitTest(_root.blankscreen)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.gotoAndStop('level6'); _root.inv_flashlight = 2; _root.inv3full = 0; } if (this.inventory13.hitTest(_root.drabina1)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv_attickey = 3; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.levels = 17; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (_root.inv_cd == 1 & _root.kontakton == 2) { if (this.inventory11.hitTest(_root.komputer.komputer)) { _root.kontakton = 3; _root.inv_cd = 2; _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.komputer') { gotoAndStop(26); } } } if (_root.inv_policebat == 1) { if (this.inventory7.hitTest(_root.szafka3)) { _root.rozbitaszafaon = 1; _root.inv_policebat2 = 2; _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka3') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } if (_root.inv_patelnia == 1) { if (this.inventory6.hitTest(_root.szafka2)) { _root.kontakton = 1; _root.inv_patelnia = 2; _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka2') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.kropla') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { _root.button4._visible = true; _root.inv_klucze = 2; } if (_root.inv_klucze == 2) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi4)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Piece of Paper'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(8); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi2)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.button1._visible = true; _root.inv_klucz = 2; } if (this.inventory17.hitTest(_root.stuff_lever)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv_lever = 2; _root.inv3full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.stuff_lever') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('This key does not match'); } } tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } stopDrag(); _root.inv3._x = 148; _root.inv3._y = 323; } } instance inv4 of movieClip 554 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (this.inventory20.hitTest(_root.akumulator)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_hammer = 2; tellTarget ('_root.akumulator') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory22.hitTest(_root.mostek)) { if (_root.combination9 == 2) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_knife = 2; if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 28; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I have to open the gate first'); } } } } if (this.inventory21.hitTest(_root.lampa02)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_zarowka = 2; tellTarget ('_root.lampa02') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_root.szafka1)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { _root.inv_picklock = 2; gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Door'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(4); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } if (this.inventory12.hitTest(_root.obrazkonia.safe1)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv_paper = 2; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_attickey = 1; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Attic'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(11); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (this.inventory3.hitTest(_root.blankscreen)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.gotoAndStop('level6'); _root.inv_flashlight = 2; _root.inv4full = 0; } if (this.inventory17.hitTest(_root.stuff_lever)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv_lever = 2; _root.inv4full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.stuff_lever') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi2)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.button1._visible = true; _root.inv_klucz = 2; } if (_root.inv_cd == 1 & _root.kontakton == 2) { if (this.inventory11.hitTest(_root.komputer.komputer)) { _root.kontakton = 3; _root.inv_cd = 2; _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.komputer') { gotoAndStop(26); } } } if (_root.inv_policebat == 1) { if (this.inventory7.hitTest(_root.szafka3)) { _root.rozbitaszafaon = 1; _root.inv_policebat2 = 2; _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka3') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } if (this.inventory13.hitTest(_root.drabina1)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv_attickey = 3; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.levels = 17; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (_root.inv_patelnia == 1) { if (this.inventory6.hitTest(_root.szafka2)) { _root.kontakton = 1; _root.inv_patelnia = 2; _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka2') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.kropla') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (_root.inv_klucze == 1) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { _root.button4._visible = true; _root.inv_klucze = 2; } } if (_root.inv_klucze == 2) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi4)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Piece of Paper'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(8); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('This key does not match'); } } tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } stopDrag(); _root.inv4._x = 208; _root.inv4._y = 323; } } instance inv5 of movieClip 554 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (this.inventory20.hitTest(_root.akumulator)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_hammer = 2; tellTarget ('_root.akumulator') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory22.hitTest(_root.mostek)) { if (_root.combination9 == 2) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_knife = 2; if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 28; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I have to open the gate first'); } } } } if (this.inventory21.hitTest(_root.lampa02)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_zarowka = 2; tellTarget ('_root.lampa02') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_root.szafka1)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { _root.inv_picklock = 2; gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Door'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(4); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } if (this.inventory12.hitTest(_root.obrazkonia.safe1)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv_paper = 2; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_attickey = 1; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Attic'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(11); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (this.inventory3.hitTest(_root.blankscreen)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.gotoAndStop('level6'); _root.inv_flashlight = 2; _root.inv5full = 0; } if (this.inventory17.hitTest(_root.stuff_lever)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv_lever = 2; _root.inv5full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.stuff_lever') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory13.hitTest(_root.drabina1)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv_attickey = 3; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.levels = 17; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (_root.inv_cd == 1 & _root.kontakton == 2) { if (this.inventory11.hitTest(_root.komputer.komputer)) { _root.kontakton = 3; _root.inv_cd = 2; _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.komputer') { gotoAndStop(26); } } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi2)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.button1._visible = true; _root.inv_klucz = 2; } if (_root.inv_policebat == 1) { if (this.inventory7.hitTest(_root.szafka3)) { _root.rozbitaszafaon = 1; _root.inv_policebat2 = 2; _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka3') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } if (_root.inv_patelnia == 1) { if (this.inventory6.hitTest(_root.szafka2)) { _root.kontakton = 1; _root.inv_patelnia = 2; _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka2') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.kropla') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (_root.inv_klucze == 1) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { _root.button4._visible = true; _root.inv_klucze = 2; } } if (_root.inv_klucze == 2) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi4)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Piece of Paper'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(8); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('This key does not match'); } } tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } stopDrag(); _root.inv5._x = 268; _root.inv5._y = 323; } } instance inv6 of movieClip 554 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (this.inventory20.hitTest(_root.akumulator)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_hammer = 2; tellTarget ('_root.akumulator') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory22.hitTest(_root.mostek)) { if (_root.combination9 == 2) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_knife = 2; if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 28; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I have to open the gate first'); } } } } if (this.inventory9.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory10)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory9.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory10)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory9.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory10)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory9.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory10)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory9.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory10)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory10.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory9)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory10.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory9)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory10.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory9)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory10.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory9)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (this.inventory10.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory9)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_paper = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(13); } } if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_root.szafka1)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { _root.inv_picklock = 2; gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Door'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(4); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } if (this.inventory12.hitTest(_root.obrazkonia.safe1)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv_paper = 2; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_attickey = 1; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Attic'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(11); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (this.inventory3.hitTest(_root.blankscreen)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.gotoAndStop('level6'); _root.inv_flashlight = 2; _root.inv6full = 0; } if (this.inventory17.hitTest(_root.stuff_lever)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv_lever = 2; _root.inv6full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.stuff_lever') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.inv_policebat == 1) { if (this.inventory7.hitTest(_root.szafka3)) { _root.rozbitaszafaon = 1; _root.inv_policebat2 = 2; _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka3') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } if (_root.inv_patelnia == 1) { if (this.inventory6.hitTest(_root.szafka2)) { _root.kontakton = 1; _root.inv_patelnia = 2; _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka2') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.kropla') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi2)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.button1._visible = true; _root.inv_klucz = 2; } if (this.inventory13.hitTest(_root.drabina1)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv_attickey = 3; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.levels = 17; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (_root.inv_cd == 1 & _root.kontakton == 2) { if (this.inventory11.hitTest(_root.komputer)) { _root.kontakton = 3; _root.inv_cd = 2; _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.komputer.komputer') { gotoAndStop(26); } } } if (_root.inv_klucze == 1) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { _root.button4._visible = true; _root.inv_klucze = 2; } } if (_root.inv_klucze == 2) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi4)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Piece of Paper'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(8); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('This key does not match'); } } tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } stopDrag(); _root.inv6._x = 328; _root.inv6._y = 323; } } instance of movieClip 29 { onClipEvent (release) { getURL('', _blank); } } instance cursors of movieClip 62 { onClipEvent (load) { Mouse.hide(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _x = _root._xmouse; _y = _root._ymouse; updateafterevent(); } } frame 1152 { stop(); } frame 1152 { _root.inv1._visible = 1; _root.inv2._visible = 1; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(19); } tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(20); } } instance of movieClip 350 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { _root.info_txt = String(''); } } movieClip 1105 { } instance of movieClip 1105 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Police is looking for me, it\'s safer to stay here'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1108 { } instance of movieClip 1108 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Water looks contaminated.. Better not to swim here'); } } } movieClip 1110 { } instance of movieClip 1110 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Pipe. My hand is to big to put it here'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 1110 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Pipe, I can\'t put my hand inside'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 1108 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Water looks contaminated.. Better not to swim here'); } } } instance of movieClip 1108 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Water looks contaminated.. Better not to swim here'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1112 { } instance of movieClip 1112 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('No way to get there. Rooms are grating'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1115 { } button 1117 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 25; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } button 1118 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 24; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } frame 1153 { stop(); } frame 1153 { if (_root.combination8 == 2) { tellTarget ('_root.gateopen') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 1110 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Nothing inside, just shit'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 1110 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Pipe, I won\'t put my hand inside'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1123 { } movieClip 1125 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 1123 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Gate is closed, there should be lever somewhere'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1129 { } movieClip 1130 { } instance of movieClip 1130 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.combination5 != 2) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Boat, I have to open the gate first!'); } } else { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Let\'s cut the rope first..'); } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1132 { } instance of movieClip 1132 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1134 { } instance mostek of movieClip 1134 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Rope is tied too hard. I need to cut it somehow'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 1135 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 23; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } button 1136 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 27; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } frame 1154 { stop(); } frame 1154 { if (_root.inv_hammer == 1 || _root.inv_hammer == 2) { tellTarget ('_root.stuff_hammer') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 1110 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_zarowka == 0) { gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Ultraviolet Bulb'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(19); } tellTarget ('_target') { } else { } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Nothing Here'); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1144 { } movieClip 1146 { } instance of movieClip 1146 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('This stone is to heavy to pick it up'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1148 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } instance stuff_hammer of movieClip 1148 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Button'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(18); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 1149 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 26; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } frame 1155 { stop(); } frame 1155 { if (_root.combination9 != 2) { _root.combination1 = 0; _root.combination2 = 0; _root.combination3 = 0; _root.combination4 = 0; _root.combination5 = 0; _root.combination6 = 0; _root.combination7 = 0; _root.combination8 = 0; _root.combination9 = 0; } if (_root.inv_hammer == 2) { tellTarget ('_root.akumulator') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } movieClip 1154 { } instance of movieClip 1154 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I am not in mood to go ever lower..'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1156 { } instance of movieClip 1156 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.inv_hammer == 2 & _root.inv_zarowka == 3 & _root.combination9 == 1 & _root.combination8 == 1 & _root.combination7 == 0 & _root.combination6 == 1 & _root.combination5 == 0 & _root.combination4 == 1 & _root.combination3 == 1 & _root.combination2 == 1 & _root.combination1 == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Good Combination..'); _root.combination1 = 2; _root.combination2 = 2; _root.combination3 = 2; _root.combination4 = 2; _root.combination5 = 2; _root.combination6 = 2; _root.combination7 = 2; _root.combination8 = 2; _root.combination9 = 2; } } else { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Bad Combination..'); } } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.combination6 == 2) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Good Combination, Gate is now open'); } } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.inv_hammer != 2) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Panel is not working'); } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1160 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { gotoAndStop(1); } } instance of movieClip 1160 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.inv_hammer == 2 & _root.combination1 == 0) { tellTarget ('this') { nextFrame(); _root.combination1 = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv_hammer == 2 & _root.combination1 == 1) { tellTarget ('this') { nextFrame(); _root.combination1 = 0; } } } } } instance of movieClip 1160 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.inv_hammer == 2 & _root.combination2 == 0) { tellTarget ('this') { nextFrame(); _root.combination2 = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv_hammer == 2 & _root.combination2 == 1) { tellTarget ('this') { nextFrame(); _root.combination2 = 0; } } } } } instance of movieClip 1160 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.inv_hammer == 2 & _root.combination3 == 0) { tellTarget ('this') { nextFrame(); _root.combination3 = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv_hammer == 2 & _root.combination3 == 1) { tellTarget ('this') { nextFrame(); _root.combination3 = 0; } } } } } movieClip 1162 { } instance of movieClip 1162 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Broom. I am not that stupid to clean right now'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 1160 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.inv_hammer == 2 & _root.combination7 == 0) { tellTarget ('this') { nextFrame(); _root.combination7 = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv_hammer == 2 & _root.combination7 == 1) { tellTarget ('this') { nextFrame(); _root.combination7 = 0; } } } } } instance of movieClip 1160 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.inv_hammer == 2 & _root.combination8 == 0) { tellTarget ('this') { nextFrame(); _root.combination8 = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv_hammer == 2 & _root.combination8 == 1) { tellTarget ('this') { nextFrame(); _root.combination8 = 0; } } } } } instance of movieClip 1160 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.inv_hammer == 2 & _root.combination9 == 0) { tellTarget ('this') { nextFrame(); _root.combination9 = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv_hammer == 2 & _root.combination9 == 1) { tellTarget ('this') { nextFrame(); _root.combination9 = 0; } } } } } movieClip 1164 { } movieClip 1166 { } instance of movieClip 1166 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Flowers, Someone really cares about these'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 1160 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.inv_hammer == 2 & _root.combination4 == 0) { tellTarget ('this') { nextFrame(); _root.combination4 = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv_hammer == 2 & _root.combination4 == 1) { tellTarget ('this') { nextFrame(); _root.combination4 = 0; } } } } } instance of movieClip 1160 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.inv_hammer == 2 & _root.combination5 == 0) { tellTarget ('this') { nextFrame(); _root.combination5 = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv_hammer == 2 & _root.combination5 == 1) { tellTarget ('this') { nextFrame(); _root.combination5 = 0; } } } } } instance of movieClip 1160 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.inv_hammer == 2 & _root.combination6 == 0) { tellTarget ('this') { nextFrame(); _root.combination6 = 1; } } else { if (_root.inv_hammer == 2 & _root.combination6 == 1) { tellTarget ('this') { nextFrame(); _root.combination6 = 0; } } } } } movieClip 1167 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1169 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } instance akumulator of movieClip 1169 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.inv_hammer == 0 || _root.inv_hammer == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Power Button is missing..'); } } else { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Battery is on! Everything should work fine now'); } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 1170 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 25; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } frame 1156 { stop(); } frame 1156 { if (_root.inv_zarowka == 3) { tellTarget ('_root.lampa02') { gotoAndStop(3); } tellTarget ('_root.lampa01') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.mapaon') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.lighton') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.inv_zarowka == 2) { tellTarget ('_root.lampa02') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } button 1172 { on (release) { tellTarget ('_root.lampa01') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.lighton') { gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.inv_zarowka == 2) { _root.inv_zarowka = 3; tellTarget ('_root.lampa02') { gotoAndStop(3); } tellTarget ('_root.mapaon') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } on (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } on (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1174 { } movieClip 1175 { } movieClip 1177 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 1174 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Blank sheet, nothing interesting here'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } frame 2 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 1175 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Strange signs, I am not sure what\'s this..'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 1179 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } instance lampa02 of movieClip 1179 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1181 { } instance of movieClip 1181 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Some plates and bootles with water, nothing usefull'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1183 { } instance of movieClip 1183 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Nothing here...'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1184 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1186 { } instance of movieClip 1186 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_knife == 0) { gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Knife'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(20); } tellTarget ('_target') { } else { } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Nothing Here'); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1188 { } instance of movieClip 1188 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Fake swords made of plastic'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 1189 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 24; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } frame 1157 { stop(); } frame 1157 { _root.button010._visible = false; } instance of movieClip 1108 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Water looks contaminated.. Better not to swim here'); } } } instance of movieClip 1108 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Water looks contaminated.. Better not to swim here'); } } } instance of movieClip 1108 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Water looks contaminated.. Better not to swim here'); } } } instance of movieClip 1105 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Police is looking for me, it\'s safer to stay here'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 1112 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('No way to get there. Rooms are grating'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 1110 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Pipe. My hand is to big to put it here'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 1110 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Pipe. My hand is to big to put it here'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1193 { } instance of movieClip 1193 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Bag. Nothing inside, apart of dead mouses'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1194 { } movieClip 1195 { frame 85 { stop(); _parent._root.button010._visible = true; } } button 1196 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 29; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } frame 1158 { stop(); } movieClip 1200 { } movieClip 1202 { } instance of movieClip 1202 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('No sense to back there...'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1206 { } movieClip 1207 { } instance of movieClip 1207 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Bus station, great! Now I can run from here'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1209 { } movieClip 1210 { } instance of movieClip 1210 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 30; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } frame 1159 { stop(); } frame 1159 { = 4; } movieClip 1214 { frame 47 { stop(); } } instance cursors of movieClip 62 { onClipEvent (load) { Mouse.hide(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _x = _root._xmouse; _y = _root._ymouse; updateafterevent(); } } frame 1160 { stop(); } movieClip 1218 { frame 51 { stop(); } } frame 1161 { stop(); } movieClip 1222 { frame 41 { stop(); } } movieClip 1223 { frame 35 { _root.gotoAndPlay('stage4start'); } } frame 1163 { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(3); } } frame 1163 { _root.inv1full = 1; _root.inv2full = 1; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv7full = 0; _root.inv8full = 0; = 0; _root.energyoff = 0; _root.inv_battery = 0; _root.inv_latarka = 0; _root.inv_flashlight = 0; _root.inv_picklock = 0; _root.inv_patelnia = 0; _root.inv_klucz = 0; _root.inv_klucze = 0; _root.inv_policebat = 0; _root.inv_cd = 0; _root.inv_pieceofpaper1 = 0; _root.inv_pieceofpaper2 = 0; _root.inv_paper = 0; _root.inv_attickey = 0; _root.inv_lever = 0; _root.inv_revolver = 1; _root.inv_puzzle = 1; _root.inv_hammer = 0; _root.inv_zarowka = 0; _root.inv_knife = 0; _root.inv_keyy = 0; _root.inv_keyyy = 0; _root.inv_beer = 0; _root.inv_money = 0; _root.inv_poison = 0; _root.inv_dogfood = 0; _root.inv_keyyyy = 0; _root.kluczeon = 1; _root.policebaton = 1; _root.lampaon = 1; _root.schodynadrugiepietro = 0; _root.stuff_obrazkonia = 0; _root.blocktransation = 0; _root.levels = 1; _root.kontakton = 0; _root.rozbitaszafaon = 0; _root.elektronicznykod = 5; _root.opensafe1 = 0; _root.outside = 0; _root.wireson = 0; _root.police = 0; _root.combination1 = 0; _root.combination2 = 0; _root.combination3 = 0; _root.combination4 = 0; _root.combination5 = 0; _root.combination6 = 0; _root.combination7 = 0; _root.combination8 = 0; _root.combination9 = 0; = 4; play(); } instance cursors of movieClip 62 { onClipEvent (load) { Mouse.hide(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _x = _root._xmouse; _y = _root._ymouse; updateafterevent(); } } frame 1273 { _root.gotoAndPlay('level00001'); } frame 1274 { _root.options._visible = 0; _root.menuscreen._visible = 0; if (_root.brightnesss == 2) { _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 90; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 98; } if (_root.brightnesss == 3) { _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 80; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 95; } if (_root.brightnesss == 4) { _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 70; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 90; } if (_root.brightnesss == 5) { _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 60; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 88; } if (_root.brightnesss == 6) { _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 50; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 85; } if (_root.brightnesss == 7) { _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 45; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 83; } if (_root.brightnesss == 8) { _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 40; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 80; } if (_root.brightnesss == 9) { _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 30; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 78; } if (_root.brightnesss == 10) { _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 20; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 75; } if (_root.brightnesss == 11) { _root.jasnosc2._visible = 1; _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 10; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 72; } if (_root.brightnesss == 12) { _root.jasnosc2._visible = 0; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 70; } } frame 1274 { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Let\'s find a room for me, police should\'t find me here'); } } instance inv1 of movieClip 554 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (this.inventory24.hitTest(_root.door110)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.button110._visible = true; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_keyyy = 2; tellTarget ('_root.door110') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory28)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory28)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory28)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory28)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory28)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory27)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory27)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory27)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory27)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory27)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory1.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory2)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv_flashlight = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(4); } } if (this.inventory2.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory1)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv_flashlight = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(4); } } if (this.inventory2.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory1)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv_flashlight = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(4); } } if (this.inventory1.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory2)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv_flashlight = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(4); } } if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_root.szafka1)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { _root.inv_picklock = 2; gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Door'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(4); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } if (this.inventory12.hitTest(_root.obrazkonia.safe1)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv_paper = 2; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_attickey = 1; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Attic'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(11); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (this.inventory3.hitTest(_root.blankscreen)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.gotoAndStop('level6'); _root.inv_flashlight = 2; _root.inv1full = 0; } if (this.inventory17.hitTest(_root.stuff_lever)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv_lever = 2; _root.inv1full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.stuff_lever') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory13.hitTest(_root.drabina1)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv_attickey = 3; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.levels = 17; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi2)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.button1._visible = true; _root.inv_klucz = 2; } if (this.inventory23.hitTest(_root.padlock)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.stuff_gate') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.inv_keyy = 2; } } if (_root.inv_klucze == 1) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { _root.button4._visible = true; _root.inv_klucze = 2; } } if (_root.inv_cd == 1 & _root.kontakton == 2) { if (this.inventory11.hitTest(_root.komputer.komputer)) { _root.kontakton = 3; _root.inv_cd = 2; _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.komputer') { gotoAndStop(26); } } } if (_root.inv_policebat == 1) { if (this.inventory7.hitTest(_root.szafka3)) { _root.rozbitaszafaon = 1; _root.inv_policebat2 = 2; _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka3') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } if (_root.inv_patelnia == 1) { if (this.inventory6.hitTest(_root.szafka2)) { _root.kontakton = 1; _root.inv_patelnia = 2; _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka2') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.kropla') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (_root.inv_klucze == 2) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi4)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Piece of Paper'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(8); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (_root.inv_money == 1) { if (this.inventory26.hitTest(_root.portier)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Keys to door 130'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(27); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('This key does not match'); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest( { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Even if I give food to dog, it won\'t let me pass'); } } if (this.inventory29.hitTest( { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I should go back for a minute to let the dog eat all poison'); } tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 2; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } stopDrag(); _root.inv1._x = 28; _root.inv1._y = 323; } } instance inv2 of movieClip 554 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (this.inventory24.hitTest(_root.door110)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.button110._visible = true; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_keyyy = 2; tellTarget ('_root.door110') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory23.hitTest(_root.padlock)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.stuff_gate') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.inv_keyy = 2; } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory28)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(29); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory28)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(29); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory28)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(29); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory28)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(29); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory28)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(29); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory27)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(29); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory27)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(29); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory27)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(29); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory27)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(29); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory27)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(29); } } if (this.inventory1.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory2)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv_flashlight = 1; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(4); _root.inv2full = 0; } } if (this.inventory2.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory1)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv_flashlight = 1; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(4); _root.inv2full = 0; } } if (this.inventory1.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory2)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv_flashlight = 1; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(4); _root.inv2full = 0; } } if (this.inventory2.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory1)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv_flashlight = 1; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(4); _root.inv2full = 0; } } if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_root.szafka1)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { _root.inv_picklock = 2; gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Door'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(4); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } if (this.inventory12.hitTest(_root.obrazkonia.safe1)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv_paper = 2; _root.inv_attickey = 1; _root.inv2full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Attic'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(11); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (this.inventory3.hitTest(_root.blankscreen)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.gotoAndStop('level6'); _root.inv_flashlight = 2; _root.inv2full = 0; } if (_root.inv_cd == 1 & _root.kontakton == 2) { if (this.inventory11.hitTest(_root.komputer.komputer)) { _root.kontakton = 3; _root.inv_cd = 2; _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.komputer') { gotoAndStop(26); } } } if (this.inventory13.hitTest(_root.drabina1)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv_attickey = 3; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.levels = 17; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (_root.inv_policebat == 1) { if (this.inventory7.hitTest(_root.szafka3)) { _root.rozbitaszafaon = 1; _root.inv_policebat2 = 2; _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka3') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } if (_root.inv_patelnia == 1) { if (this.inventory6.hitTest(_root.szafka2)) { _root.kontakton = 1; _root.inv_patelnia = 2; _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka2') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.kropla') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi2)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.button1._visible = true; _root.inv_klucz = 2; } if (this.inventory17.hitTest(_root.stuff_lever)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv_lever = 2; _root.inv2full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.stuff_lever') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.inv_klucze == 1) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { _root.button4._visible = true; _root.inv_klucze = 2; } } if (_root.inv_klucze == 2) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi4)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Piece of Paper'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(8); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (_root.inv_money == 1) { if (this.inventory30.hitTest(_root.portier)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Keys to door 130'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(27); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('This key does not match'); } } tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } stopDrag(); _root.inv2._x = 88; _root.inv2._y = 323; } } instance inv3 of movieClip 554 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (this.inventory25.hitTest(_root.ludzik)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka2') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka2.tekst = String('Thanks, you are free to go'); _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_beer = 2; } } if (this.inventory30.hitTest(_root.door130)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.button130._visible = true; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_keyyyy = 2; tellTarget ('_root.door130') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory24.hitTest(_root.door110)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.button110._visible = true; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_keyyy = 2; tellTarget ('_root.door110') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory23.hitTest(_root.padlock)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.stuff_gate') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.inv_keyy = 2; } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory28)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory28)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory28)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory28)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory28)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory27)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory27)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory27)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory27)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory27)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_root.szafka1)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { _root.inv_picklock = 2; gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Door'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(4); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } if (this.inventory12.hitTest(_root.obrazkonia.safe1)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv_paper = 2; _root.inv_attickey = 1; _root.inv3full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Attic'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(11); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (this.inventory3.hitTest(_root.blankscreen)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.gotoAndStop('level6'); _root.inv_flashlight = 2; _root.inv3full = 0; } if (this.inventory13.hitTest(_root.drabina1)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv_attickey = 3; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.levels = 17; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (_root.inv_cd == 1 & _root.kontakton == 2) { if (this.inventory11.hitTest(_root.komputer.komputer)) { _root.kontakton = 3; _root.inv_cd = 2; _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.komputer') { gotoAndStop(26); } } } if (_root.inv_policebat == 1) { if (this.inventory7.hitTest(_root.szafka3)) { _root.rozbitaszafaon = 1; _root.inv_policebat2 = 2; _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka3') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } if (_root.inv_patelnia == 1) { if (this.inventory6.hitTest(_root.szafka2)) { _root.kontakton = 1; _root.inv_patelnia = 2; _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka2') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.kropla') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { _root.button4._visible = true; _root.inv_klucze = 2; } if (_root.inv_klucze == 2) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi4)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Piece of Paper'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(8); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi2)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.button1._visible = true; _root.inv_klucz = 2; } if (this.inventory17.hitTest(_root.stuff_lever)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv_lever = 2; _root.inv3full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.stuff_lever') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('This key does not match'); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest( { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Even if I give food to dog, it won\'t let me pass'); } } if (_root.inv_money == 1) { if (this.inventory26.hitTest(_root.portier)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Keys to door 130'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(27); _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory29.hitTest( { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I should go back for a minute to let the dog eat all poison'); } tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 2; _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } stopDrag(); _root.inv3._x = 148; _root.inv3._y = 323; } } instance inv4 of movieClip 554 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (this.inventory25.hitTest(_root.ludzik)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka2') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka2.tekst = String('Thanks, you are free to go'); _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_beer = 2; } } if (this.inventory30.hitTest(_root.door130)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.button130._visible = true; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_keyyyy = 2; tellTarget ('_root.door130') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory24.hitTest(_root.door110)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.button110._visible = true; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_keyyy = 2; tellTarget ('_root.door110') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory23.hitTest(_root.padlock)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.stuff_gate') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.inv_keyy = 2; } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory28)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory28)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory28)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory28)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory28)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory27)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory27)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory27)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory27)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory27)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_root.szafka1)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { _root.inv_picklock = 2; gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Door'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(4); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } if (this.inventory12.hitTest(_root.obrazkonia.safe1)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv_paper = 2; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_attickey = 1; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Attic'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(11); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (this.inventory3.hitTest(_root.blankscreen)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.gotoAndStop('level6'); _root.inv_flashlight = 2; _root.inv4full = 0; } if (this.inventory17.hitTest(_root.stuff_lever)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv_lever = 2; _root.inv4full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.stuff_lever') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi2)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.button1._visible = true; _root.inv_klucz = 2; } if (_root.inv_cd == 1 & _root.kontakton == 2) { if (this.inventory11.hitTest(_root.komputer.komputer)) { _root.kontakton = 3; _root.inv_cd = 2; _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.komputer') { gotoAndStop(26); } } } if (_root.inv_policebat == 1) { if (this.inventory7.hitTest(_root.szafka3)) { _root.rozbitaszafaon = 1; _root.inv_policebat2 = 2; _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka3') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } if (this.inventory13.hitTest(_root.drabina1)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv_attickey = 3; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.levels = 17; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (_root.inv_patelnia == 1) { if (this.inventory6.hitTest(_root.szafka2)) { _root.kontakton = 1; _root.inv_patelnia = 2; _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka2') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.kropla') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (_root.inv_klucze == 1) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { _root.button4._visible = true; _root.inv_klucze = 2; } } if (_root.inv_klucze == 2) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi4)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Piece of Paper'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(8); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('This key does not match'); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest( { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Even if I give food to dog, it won\'t let me pass'); } } if (_root.inv_money == 1) { if (this.inventory26.hitTest(_root.portier)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Keys to door 130'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(27); _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory29.hitTest( { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I should go back for a minute to let the dog eat all poison'); } tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 2; _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } stopDrag(); _root.inv4._x = 208; _root.inv4._y = 323; } } instance inv5 of movieClip 554 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (this.inventory25.hitTest(_root.ludzik)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka2') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka2.tekst = String('Thanks, you are free to go'); _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_beer = 2; } } if (this.inventory30.hitTest(_root.door130)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.button130._visible = true; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_keyyyy = 2; tellTarget ('_root.door130') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory24.hitTest(_root.door110)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.button110._visible = true; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_keyyy = 2; tellTarget ('_root.door110') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory23.hitTest(_root.padlock)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.stuff_gate') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.inv_keyy = 2; } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory28)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory28)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory28)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory28)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory28)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory27)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory27)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory27)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory27)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory27)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_root.szafka1)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { _root.inv_picklock = 2; gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Door'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(4); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } if (this.inventory12.hitTest(_root.obrazkonia.safe1)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv_paper = 2; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_attickey = 1; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Attic'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(11); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (this.inventory3.hitTest(_root.blankscreen)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.gotoAndStop('level6'); _root.inv_flashlight = 2; _root.inv5full = 0; } if (this.inventory17.hitTest(_root.stuff_lever)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv_lever = 2; _root.inv5full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.stuff_lever') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory13.hitTest(_root.drabina1)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv_attickey = 3; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.levels = 17; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (_root.inv_cd == 1 & _root.kontakton == 2) { if (this.inventory11.hitTest(_root.komputer.komputer)) { _root.kontakton = 3; _root.inv_cd = 2; _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.komputer') { gotoAndStop(26); } } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi2)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.button1._visible = true; _root.inv_klucz = 2; } if (_root.inv_policebat == 1) { if (this.inventory7.hitTest(_root.szafka3)) { _root.rozbitaszafaon = 1; _root.inv_policebat2 = 2; _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka3') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } if (_root.inv_patelnia == 1) { if (this.inventory6.hitTest(_root.szafka2)) { _root.kontakton = 1; _root.inv_patelnia = 2; _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka2') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.kropla') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (_root.inv_klucze == 1) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { _root.button4._visible = true; _root.inv_klucze = 2; } } if (_root.inv_klucze == 2) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi4)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Piece of Paper'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(8); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('This key does not match'); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest( { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Even if I give food to dog, it won\'t let me pass'); } } if (_root.inv_money == 1) { if (this.inventory26.hitTest(_root.portier)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Keys to door 130'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(27); _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory29.hitTest( { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I should go back for a minute to let the dog eat all poison'); } tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 2; _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } stopDrag(); _root.inv5._x = 268; _root.inv5._y = 323; } } instance inv6 of movieClip 554 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (this.inventory25.hitTest(_root.ludzik)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka2') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka2.tekst = String('Thanks, you are free to go'); _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_beer = 2; } } if (this.inventory30.hitTest(_root.door130)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.button130._visible = true; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_keyyyy = 2; tellTarget ('_root.door130') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory24.hitTest(_root.door110)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.button110._visible = true; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_keyyy = 2; tellTarget ('_root.door110') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory23.hitTest(_root.padlock)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.stuff_gate') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.inv_keyy = 2; } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory28)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(29); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory28)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(29); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory28)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(29); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory28)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(29); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory28)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(29); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory27)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(29); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory27)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(29); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory27)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(29); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory27)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(29); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory27)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(29); } } if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_root.szafka1)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { _root.inv_picklock = 2; gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Door'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(4); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } if (this.inventory12.hitTest(_root.obrazkonia.safe1)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv_paper = 2; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_attickey = 1; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Attic'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(11); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (this.inventory3.hitTest(_root.blankscreen)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.gotoAndStop('level6'); _root.inv_flashlight = 2; _root.inv6full = 0; } if (this.inventory17.hitTest(_root.stuff_lever)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv_lever = 2; _root.inv6full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.stuff_lever') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.inv_policebat == 1) { if (this.inventory7.hitTest(_root.szafka3)) { _root.rozbitaszafaon = 1; _root.inv_policebat2 = 2; _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka3') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } if (_root.inv_patelnia == 1) { if (this.inventory6.hitTest(_root.szafka2)) { _root.kontakton = 1; _root.inv_patelnia = 2; _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka2') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.kropla') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi2)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.button1._visible = true; _root.inv_klucz = 2; } if (this.inventory13.hitTest(_root.drabina1)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv_attickey = 3; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.levels = 17; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (_root.inv_cd == 1 & _root.kontakton == 2) { if (this.inventory11.hitTest(_root.komputer)) { _root.kontakton = 3; _root.inv_cd = 2; _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.komputer.komputer') { gotoAndStop(26); } } } if (_root.inv_klucze == 1) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { _root.button4._visible = true; _root.inv_klucze = 2; } } if (_root.inv_klucze == 2) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi4)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Piece of Paper'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(8); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (_root.inv_money == 1) { if (this.inventory26.hitTest(_root.portier)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Keys to Room 130'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(27); _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('This key does not match'); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest( { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Even if I give food to dog, it won\'t let me pass'); } } if (this.inventory29.hitTest( { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I should go back for a minute to let the dog eat all poison'); } tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 2; _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } stopDrag(); _root.inv6._x = 328; _root.inv6._y = 323; } } instance of movieClip 29 { onClipEvent (release) { getURL('', _blank); } } instance cursors of movieClip 62 { onClipEvent (load) { Mouse.hide(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _x = _root._xmouse; _y = _root._ymouse; updateafterevent(); } } frame 1275 { stop(); if (_root.energyoff == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.lampa1') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.lampa2') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.lampaoff') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.ludziki') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.inv_keyyy == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka2') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(4); _root.chmurka2.tekst = String('I saw what you did! Buy me a beer and I won\'t tell anybody about this what you did'); } } } frame 1275 { _root.inv1._visible = 1; _root.inv2._visible = 1; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(19); } tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(20); } } instance of movieClip 350 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka2') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1231 { } instance of movieClip 1231 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I just come in, I can\'t leave so early.'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 682 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Hanger, i am not leaving my clothes here'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 1232 { on (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I don\'t have time to sit here'); } } on (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } on (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1236 { } movieClip 1237 { } movieClip 1240 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1243 { } instance of movieClip 1243 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Just a bush in a pot..'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1246 { } instance of movieClip 1246 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('It\'s around 1 a.m.'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1249 { } movieClip 1251 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } instance ludziki of movieClip 1251 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Those guys won\'t help me now'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1253 { } instance ludzik of movieClip 1253 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.inv_keyyy == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I think he\'s waiting for someone'); } } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.inv_keyyy == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka2') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(4); _root.chmurka2.tekst = String('I saw what you did! Buy me a beer and I won\'t tell anybody'); } } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.inv_beer == 1 & _root.inv_keyy == 2) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka2') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(4); _root.chmurka2.tekst = String('I saw what you did! Buy me a beer and I won\'t tell anybody'); } } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.inv_beer == 2 & _root.inv_keyy == 2) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka2') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka2.tekst = String('Thanks, you are free to go'); } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1254 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } button 1255 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 33; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } button 1256 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 32; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } frame 1276 { stop(); if (_root.energyoff == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.lampa1') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.lampa2') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.lampaoff') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.ludziki') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.inv_keyyy == 1 || _root.inv_keyyy == 2) { tellTarget ('_root.stuff_keyyy') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.energyoff == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.lampaoff') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.lampa1') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.lampa2') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 350 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1261 { } instance of movieClip 1261 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I won\'t sit next to those people, i don\'t know them'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 1261 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I won\'t sit next to those people, i don\'t know them'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1263 { } instance of movieClip 1263 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Fireplace, it\'s quite nice climat here'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1265 { } movieClip 1267 { } movieClip 1268 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } instance stuff_keyyy of movieClip 1268 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.energyoff != 1) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Someone will notice that I want to steal those keys'); } } else { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_keyyy == 0) { gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Room 110'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(22); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1273 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } button 1274 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 31; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } frame 1277 { stop(); if (_root.energyoff == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.lampa1') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.lampa2') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.lampaoff') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.portier') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.energyoff == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.lampaoff') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.lampa1') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.lampa2') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1278 { } instance of movieClip 829 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Bible'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 884 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Nothing Here..'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 884 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Nothing Here..'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 1279 { on (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Briefcase with employees data'); } } on (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } on (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 1280 { on (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Some papers with hotel regulations'); } } on (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } on (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 1281 { on (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Nothing Inside'); } } on (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } on (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 1282 { on (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_poison == 0) { _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Poison'); gotoAndStop(3); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(26); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } on (release) { if (_root.inv_poison == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Nothing here..'); gotoAndStop(2); } } } on (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } on (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1284 { } instance of movieClip 1284 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Some old Grandpa in the picture'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1286 { } instance of movieClip 1286 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Picture of Grassland with boy running'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1287 { } movieClip 1289 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } instance portier of movieClip 1289 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.inv_keyyyy == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I don\'t have any money to pay for room'); } } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.inv_keyyyy == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I just bought a room number 130'); } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1291 { } movieClip 1293 { } instance of movieClip 1293 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Some documents here, i won\'t need these'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1295 { } instance of movieClip 1295 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Hotel book, it has all users data'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1297 { } instance of movieClip 1297 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Tea, i\'m not thirsty right now'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1299 { } instance of movieClip 1299 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Computer'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 1300 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 31; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } button 1301 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 34; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } frame 1278 { stop(); if (_root.energyoff == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.lampa1') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.lampa2') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.lampaoff') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.ludziki') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.energyoff == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.lampaoff') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.lampa1') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.lampa2') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 1305 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 36; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } button 1306 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 35; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } movieClip 1308 { } instance of movieClip 1308 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Stuffed poor Animal'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 1243 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Flower'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 1243 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Flower'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1310 { } movieClip 1312 { } movieClip 1314 { } movieClip 1316 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 1312 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.lampaon == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(4); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('From his ID outcome that he was a City Policeman and his name was George. I think he\'s the guy who I talked with on CB radio..'); _root.button0._visible = true; _root.button2._visible = true; } } } } frame 2 { stop(); } } instance ludziki of movieClip 1316 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Damn, Police! I can\'t be noticed by them!'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } frame 1279 { stop(); if (_root.inv_dogfood == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.stuff_dogfood') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.inv_keyy == 2) { tellTarget ('_root.stuff_gate') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.energyoff == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.lampaoff') { gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.energyoff == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.lampa1') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.lampa2') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.lampaoff') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 836 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Stairs on second floor'); } } } instance of movieClip 995 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Lights are off now'); _root.energyoff = 1; } tellTarget ('_root.lampa1') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } tellTarget ('_root.lampa2') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } tellTarget ('_root.lampaoff') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } // unknown tag 88 length 63 movieClip 1325 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } instance stuff_gate of movieClip 1325 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.inv_keyy == 1 || _root.inv_keyy == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('There is no way I can jump over this'); } } } } movieClip 1327 { } instance padlock of movieClip 1327 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Padlock, i need a key to open it'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance stuff_dogfood of movieClip 518 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_dogfood == 0) { _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Dog Food'); gotoAndStop(3); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(25); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 1328 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 34; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } frame 1280 { stop(); if (_root.energyoff == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.lampa1') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.lampa2') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.lampaoff') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.energyoff == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.lampaoff') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.lampa1') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.lampa2') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 836 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Stairs on second floor'); } } } instance drzwi00 of movieClip 615 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Door is locked. I need to find the way to get in'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance drzwi00 of movieClip 615 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Door is locked. I need to find the way to get in'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance drzwi00 of movieClip 615 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Door is locked. I need to find the way to get in'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 1336 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 37; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } frame 1281 { stop(); _root.button110._visible = false; _root.button130._visible = false; if (_root.energyoff == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.lampa1') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.lampa2') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.lampaoff') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.inv_keyyyy == 2) { tellTarget ('_root.door130') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.button130._visible = true; } } if (_root.inv_keyyy == 2) { tellTarget ('_root.door110') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.button110._visible = true; } } if (_root.energyoff == 2) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Hmm, Power is back..'); _root.energyoff = 3; } tellTarget ('_root.lampaoff') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (_root.energyoff == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.lampaoff') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.lampa1') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.lampa2') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1342 { } movieClip 1345 { } movieClip 1346 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance drzwi00 of movieClip 615 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Door is locked. I need to find the way to get in'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } frame 2 { stop(); } instance drzwi00 of movieClip 615 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Door is locked. I need to find the way to get in'); } } } } movieClip 1349 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance drzwi00 of movieClip 615 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Door is locked. I need to find the way to get in'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } frame 2 { stop(); } instance drzwi00 of movieClip 615 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Door is locked. I need to find the way to get in'); } } } } button 1350 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 38; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } button 1351 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 36; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } button 1352 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 39; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } button 1353 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0 & _root.inv_beer == 2) { _root.levels = 41; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } on (release) { if (_root.inv_beer == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I forgot about beer for guy from downstairs'); } } } } frame 1282 { stop(); if (_root.energyoff == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.lampa1') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.lampa2') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.lampaoff') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.inv_keyy != 0) { tellTarget ('_root.stuff_keyy') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.inv_dogfoodpotion == 2) { tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_root.energyoff == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.lampaoff') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.lampa1') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.lampa2') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1359 { } movieClip 1363 { } movieClip 1364 { } movieClip 1366 { } movieClip 1369 { } movieClip 1370 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 1364 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Dog looks dangerous, I should not come closer.'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } frame 2 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 1366 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Dog is eating, I should wait'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } frame 3 { stop(); = 1; } instance of movieClip 1369 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.inv_keyy == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Dog is dead, I should take keys fast'); } } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.inv_keyy == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Dog is dead'); } } } } } movieClip 1372 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } instance stuff_keyy of movieClip 1372 { onClipEvent (release) { if ( == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I have to manage with dog first to get keys'); } } } onClipEvent (release) { if ( == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_keyy == 0) { gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Padlock'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(21); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1373 { } instance of movieClip 1373 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Guard is sleeping, i can easily take his keys'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } frame 1283 { stop(); } movieClip 1378 { } instance of movieClip 1378 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Clothes, I should dress up sometimes..'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1380 { } instance of movieClip 1380 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Jars, plates.. nothing here'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1382 { } instance of movieClip 1382 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Paintings, nothing here.'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1384 { } instance of movieClip 1384 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('What a beautiful flower, I need to get one like this'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1386 { } instance of movieClip 1386 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('It\'s dark outside and it\'s raining'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 1387 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 40; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } button 1388 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 37; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); if (_root.energyoff == 1) { _root.energyoff = 2; } } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } frame 1284 { stop(); if (_root.inv_beer == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.stuff_beer') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } button 1391 { on (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Commode, nothing inside. I guess it\'s useless'); } } on (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } on (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 1392 { on (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Empty Cupboard..'); } } on (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } on (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 932 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_money == 0) { _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Money 1000$'); gotoAndStop(3); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(24); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.inv_money == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Nothing here..'); gotoAndStop(2); } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 1386 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('It\'s dark outside and it\'s raining'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 884 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Nothing Here..'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 884 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Nothing Here..'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1394 { } instance of movieClip 1394 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Glass of beer, I\'m not in mood to drink it'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1396 { } instance of movieClip 1396 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Some cute mascots, unfortunately useful'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1398 { } instance of movieClip 1398 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I won\'t sleep in someone\'s bed'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1400 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } instance stuff_beer of movieClip 1400 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_beer == 0) { _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Cold Beer'); gotoAndStop(3); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(23); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.inv_beer == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Nothing here..'); gotoAndStop(2); } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 1401 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 39; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } frame 1285 { stop(); } frame 1285 { = 5; } movieClip 1405 { frame 42 { stop(); } } instance cursors of movieClip 62 { onClipEvent (load) { Mouse.hide(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _x = _root._xmouse; _y = _root._ymouse; updateafterevent(); } } frame 1286 { stop(); } movieClip 1409 { frame 47 { stop(); } } movieClip 1410 { frame 35 { _root.gotoAndPlay('stage5start'); } } frame 1288 { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(3); } } frame 1288 { _root.inv1full = 1; _root.inv2full = 1; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv7full = 0; _root.inv8full = 0; _root.inv_battery = 0; _root.inv_latarka = 0; _root.inv_flashlight = 0; _root.inv_picklock = 0; _root.inv_patelnia = 0; _root.inv_klucz = 0; _root.inv_klucze = 0; _root.inv_policebat = 0; _root.inv_cd = 0; _root.inv_pieceofpaper1 = 0; _root.inv_pieceofpaper2 = 0; _root.inv_paper = 0; _root.inv_attickey = 0; _root.inv_lever = 0; _root.inv_revolver = 1; _root.inv_puzzle = 1; _root.inv_bullet = 0; _root.inv_zippo = 0; _root.inv_screwdriver = 0; _root.inv_reloadedgun = 0; _root.inv_fire = 0; _root.gasoline = 0; _root.kluczeon = 1; _root.policebaton = 1; _root.lampaon = 1; _root.schodynadrugiepietro = 0; _root.stuff_obrazkonia = 0; _root.blocktransation = 0; _root.levels = 1; _root.kontakton = 0; _root.rozbitaszafaon = 0; _root.elektronicznykod = 5; _root.opensafe1 = 0; _root.outside = 0; _root.wireson = 0; _root.police = 0; _root.lighton = 0; _root.ukladanka = 0; play(); } instance cursors of movieClip 62 { onClipEvent (load) { Mouse.hide(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _x = _root._xmouse; _y = _root._ymouse; updateafterevent(); } } frame 1398 { _root.gotoAndPlay('level000001'); } frame 1399 { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Finally a little peace..'); } } instance inv1 of movieClip 554 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (this.inventory33.hitTest(_root.wentyl)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_screwdriver = 2; tellTarget ('_root.wentyl') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory35.hitTest(_root.przycisk)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.gasoline == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.tlo2') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.gasoline = 1; } } } if (this.inventory35.hitTest(_root.przycisk2)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.gasoline == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.tlo') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.gasoline = 2; _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; } } } if (this.inventory31.hitTest(_root.tlo.benzine)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.gasoline == 2) { tellTarget ('_root.tlo') { gotoAndStop(3); _root.button10._visible = false; _root.gasoline = 3; } } } if (this.inventory31.hitTest(_root.stol)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.inv_bullet >= 1) { tellTarget ('_root.stol') { gotoAndStop(3); _root.inv_zippo = 2; } } } if (this.inventory18.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory32)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_reloadedgun = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(35); } } if (this.inventory18.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory32)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_reloadedgun = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(35); } } if (this.inventory18.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory32)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_reloadedgun = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(35); } } if (this.inventory18.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory32)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_reloadedgun = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(35); } } if (this.inventory18.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory32)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_reloadedgun = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(35); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory27)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory27)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory27)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory27)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory27)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory1.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory2)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv_flashlight = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(4); } } if (this.inventory2.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory1)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv_flashlight = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(4); } } if (this.inventory2.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory1)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv_flashlight = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(4); } } if (this.inventory1.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory2)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv_flashlight = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(4); } } if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_root.szafka1)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { _root.inv_picklock = 2; gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Door'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(4); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } if (this.inventory12.hitTest(_root.obrazkonia.safe1)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv_paper = 2; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_attickey = 1; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Attic'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(11); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (this.inventory3.hitTest(_root.blankscreen)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.gotoAndStop('level6'); _root.inv_flashlight = 2; _root.inv1full = 0; } if (this.inventory17.hitTest(_root.stuff_lever)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv_lever = 2; _root.inv1full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.stuff_lever') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory13.hitTest(_root.drabina1)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv_attickey = 3; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.levels = 17; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi2)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.button1._visible = true; _root.inv_klucz = 2; } if (this.inventory23.hitTest(_root.padlock)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.stuff_gate') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.inv_keyy = 2; } } if (_root.inv_klucze == 1) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { _root.button4._visible = true; _root.inv_klucze = 2; } } if (_root.inv_cd == 1 & _root.kontakton == 2) { if (this.inventory11.hitTest(_root.komputer.komputer)) { _root.kontakton = 3; _root.inv_cd = 2; _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.komputer') { gotoAndStop(26); } } } if (_root.inv_policebat == 1) { if (this.inventory7.hitTest(_root.szafka3)) { _root.rozbitaszafaon = 1; _root.inv_policebat2 = 2; _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka3') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } if (_root.inv_patelnia == 1) { if (this.inventory6.hitTest(_root.szafka2)) { _root.kontakton = 1; _root.inv_patelnia = 2; _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka2') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.kropla') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (_root.inv_klucze == 2) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi4)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Piece of Paper'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(8); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (_root.inv_money == 1) { if (this.inventory26.hitTest(_root.portier)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Keys to door 130'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(27); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('This key does not match'); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest( { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Even if I give food to dog, it won\'t let me pass'); } } if (this.inventory29.hitTest( { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I should go back for a minute to let the dog eat all poison'); } tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 2; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } stopDrag(); _root.inv1._x = 28; _root.inv1._y = 323; } } instance inv2 of movieClip 554 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (this.inventory33.hitTest(_root.wentyl)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_screwdriver = 2; tellTarget ('_root.wentyl') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory31.hitTest(_root.tlo.benzine)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.gasoline == 2) { tellTarget ('_root.tlo') { gotoAndStop(3); _root.button10._visible = false; _root.gasoline = 3; } } } if (this.inventory35.hitTest(_root.przycisk)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.gasoline == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.tlo2') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.gasoline = 1; } } } if (this.inventory35.hitTest(_root.przycisk2)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.gasoline == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.tlo') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.gasoline = 2; _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; } } } if (this.inventory31.hitTest(_root.stol)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.inv_bullet >= 1) { tellTarget ('_root.stol') { gotoAndStop(3); _root.inv_zippo = 2; } } } if (this.inventory19.hitTest(_root.stol)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_puzzle = 2; tellTarget ('_root.stol') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory32.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory18)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_reloadedgun = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(35); } } if (this.inventory18.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory32)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_reloadedgun = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(35); } } if (this.inventory18.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory32)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_reloadedgun = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(35); } } if (this.inventory18.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory32)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_reloadedgun = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(35); } } if (this.inventory18.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory32)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_reloadedgun = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(35); } } if (this.inventory1.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory2)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv_flashlight = 1; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(4); _root.inv2full = 0; } } if (this.inventory2.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory1)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv_flashlight = 1; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(4); _root.inv2full = 0; } } if (this.inventory1.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory2)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv_flashlight = 1; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(4); _root.inv2full = 0; } } if (this.inventory2.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory1)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv_flashlight = 1; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(4); _root.inv2full = 0; } } if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_root.szafka1)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { _root.inv_picklock = 2; gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Door'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(4); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } if (this.inventory12.hitTest(_root.obrazkonia.safe1)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv_paper = 2; _root.inv_attickey = 1; _root.inv2full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Attic'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(11); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (this.inventory3.hitTest(_root.blankscreen)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.gotoAndStop('level6'); _root.inv_flashlight = 2; _root.inv2full = 0; } if (_root.inv_cd == 1 & _root.kontakton == 2) { if (this.inventory11.hitTest(_root.komputer.komputer)) { _root.kontakton = 3; _root.inv_cd = 2; _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.komputer') { gotoAndStop(26); } } } if (this.inventory13.hitTest(_root.drabina1)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv_attickey = 3; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.levels = 17; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (_root.inv_policebat == 1) { if (this.inventory7.hitTest(_root.szafka3)) { _root.rozbitaszafaon = 1; _root.inv_policebat2 = 2; _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka3') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } if (_root.inv_patelnia == 1) { if (this.inventory6.hitTest(_root.szafka2)) { _root.kontakton = 1; _root.inv_patelnia = 2; _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka2') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.kropla') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi2)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.button1._visible = true; _root.inv_klucz = 2; } if (this.inventory17.hitTest(_root.stuff_lever)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv_lever = 2; _root.inv2full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.stuff_lever') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.inv_klucze == 1) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { _root.button4._visible = true; _root.inv_klucze = 2; } } if (_root.inv_klucze == 2) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi4)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Piece of Paper'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(8); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (_root.inv_money == 1) { if (this.inventory30.hitTest(_root.portier)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Keys to door 130'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(27); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('This key does not match'); } } tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } stopDrag(); _root.inv2._x = 88; _root.inv2._y = 323; } } instance inv3 of movieClip 554 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (this.inventory31.hitTest(_root.stol)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.inv_bullet >= 1) { tellTarget ('_root.stol') { gotoAndStop(3); _root.inv_zippo = 2; } } } if (this.inventory31.hitTest(_root.tlo.benzine)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.gasoline == 2) { tellTarget ('_root.tlo') { gotoAndStop(3); _root.button10._visible = false; _root.gasoline = 3; } } } if (this.inventory35.hitTest(_root.przycisk)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.gasoline == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.tlo2') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.gasoline = 1; } } } if (this.inventory35.hitTest(_root.przycisk2)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.gasoline == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.tlo') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.gasoline = 2; _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; } } } if (this.inventory33.hitTest(_root.wentyl)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_screwdriver = 2; tellTarget ('_root.wentyl') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory32.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory18)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_reloadedgun = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(35); } } if (this.inventory24.hitTest(_root.door110)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.button110._visible = true; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_keyyy = 2; tellTarget ('_root.door110') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory23.hitTest(_root.padlock)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.stuff_gate') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.inv_keyy = 2; } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory28)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory28)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory28)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory28)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory28)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory27)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory27)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory27)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory27)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory27)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_root.szafka1)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { _root.inv_picklock = 2; gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Door'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(4); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } if (this.inventory12.hitTest(_root.obrazkonia.safe1)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv_paper = 2; _root.inv_attickey = 1; _root.inv3full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Attic'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(11); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (this.inventory3.hitTest(_root.blankscreen)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.gotoAndStop('level6'); _root.inv_flashlight = 2; _root.inv3full = 0; } if (this.inventory13.hitTest(_root.drabina1)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv_attickey = 3; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.levels = 17; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (_root.inv_cd == 1 & _root.kontakton == 2) { if (this.inventory11.hitTest(_root.komputer.komputer)) { _root.kontakton = 3; _root.inv_cd = 2; _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.komputer') { gotoAndStop(26); } } } if (_root.inv_policebat == 1) { if (this.inventory7.hitTest(_root.szafka3)) { _root.rozbitaszafaon = 1; _root.inv_policebat2 = 2; _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka3') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } if (_root.inv_patelnia == 1) { if (this.inventory6.hitTest(_root.szafka2)) { _root.kontakton = 1; _root.inv_patelnia = 2; _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka2') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.kropla') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { _root.button4._visible = true; _root.inv_klucze = 2; } if (_root.inv_klucze == 2) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi4)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Piece of Paper'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(8); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi2)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.button1._visible = true; _root.inv_klucz = 2; } if (this.inventory17.hitTest(_root.stuff_lever)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv_lever = 2; _root.inv3full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.stuff_lever') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('This key does not match'); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest( { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Even if I give food to dog, it won\'t let me pass'); } } if (_root.inv_money == 1) { if (this.inventory26.hitTest(_root.portier)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Keys to door 130'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(27); _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory29.hitTest( { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I should go back for a minute to let the dog eat all poison'); } tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 2; _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } stopDrag(); _root.inv3._x = 148; _root.inv3._y = 323; } } instance inv4 of movieClip 554 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (this.inventory33.hitTest(_root.wentyl)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_screwdriver = 2; tellTarget ('_root.wentyl') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory31.hitTest(_root.tlo.benzine)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.gasoline == 2) { tellTarget ('_root.tlo') { gotoAndStop(3); _root.button10._visible = false; _root.gasoline = 3; } } } if (this.inventory35.hitTest(_root.przycisk)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.gasoline == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.tlo2') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.gasoline = 1; } } } if (this.inventory35.hitTest(_root.przycisk2)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.gasoline == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.tlo') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.gasoline = 2; _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; } } } if (this.inventory31.hitTest(_root.stol)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.inv_bullet >= 1) { tellTarget ('_root.stol') { gotoAndStop(3); _root.inv_zippo = 2; } } } if (this.inventory32.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory18)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_reloadedgun = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(35); } } if (this.inventory24.hitTest(_root.door110)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.button110._visible = true; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_keyyy = 2; tellTarget ('_root.door110') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory23.hitTest(_root.padlock)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.stuff_gate') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.inv_keyy = 2; } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory28)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory28)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory28)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory28)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory28)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory27)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory27)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory27)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory27)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory27)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_root.szafka1)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { _root.inv_picklock = 2; gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Door'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(4); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } if (this.inventory12.hitTest(_root.obrazkonia.safe1)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv_paper = 2; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_attickey = 1; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Attic'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(11); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (this.inventory3.hitTest(_root.blankscreen)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.gotoAndStop('level6'); _root.inv_flashlight = 2; _root.inv4full = 0; } if (this.inventory17.hitTest(_root.stuff_lever)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv_lever = 2; _root.inv4full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.stuff_lever') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi2)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.button1._visible = true; _root.inv_klucz = 2; } if (_root.inv_cd == 1 & _root.kontakton == 2) { if (this.inventory11.hitTest(_root.komputer.komputer)) { _root.kontakton = 3; _root.inv_cd = 2; _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.komputer') { gotoAndStop(26); } } } if (_root.inv_policebat == 1) { if (this.inventory7.hitTest(_root.szafka3)) { _root.rozbitaszafaon = 1; _root.inv_policebat2 = 2; _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka3') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } if (this.inventory13.hitTest(_root.drabina1)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv_attickey = 3; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.levels = 17; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (_root.inv_patelnia == 1) { if (this.inventory6.hitTest(_root.szafka2)) { _root.kontakton = 1; _root.inv_patelnia = 2; _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka2') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.kropla') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (_root.inv_klucze == 1) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { _root.button4._visible = true; _root.inv_klucze = 2; } } if (_root.inv_klucze == 2) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi4)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Piece of Paper'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(8); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('This key does not match'); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest( { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Even if I give food to dog, it won\'t let me pass'); } } if (_root.inv_money == 1) { if (this.inventory26.hitTest(_root.portier)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Keys to door 130'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(27); _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory29.hitTest( { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I should go back for a minute to let the dog eat all poison'); } tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 2; _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } stopDrag(); _root.inv4._x = 208; _root.inv4._y = 323; } } instance inv5 of movieClip 554 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (this.inventory33.hitTest(_root.wentyl)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_screwdriver = 2; tellTarget ('_root.wentyl') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory31.hitTest(_root.tlo.benzine)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.gasoline == 2) { tellTarget ('_root.tlo') { gotoAndStop(3); _root.button10._visible = false; _root.gasoline = 3; } } } if (this.inventory35.hitTest(_root.przycisk)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.gasoline == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.tlo2') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.gasoline = 1; } } } if (this.inventory35.hitTest(_root.przycisk2)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.gasoline == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.tlo') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.gasoline = 2; _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; } } } if (this.inventory31.hitTest(_root.stol)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.inv_bullet >= 1) { tellTarget ('_root.stol') { gotoAndStop(3); _root.inv_zippo = 2; } } } if (this.inventory32.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory18)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_reloadedgun = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(35); } } if (this.inventory24.hitTest(_root.door110)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.button110._visible = true; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_keyyy = 2; tellTarget ('_root.door110') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory23.hitTest(_root.padlock)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.stuff_gate') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.inv_keyy = 2; } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory28)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory28)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory28)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory28)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory28)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory27)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory27)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory27)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory27)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory27)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_root.szafka1)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { _root.inv_picklock = 2; gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Door'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(4); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } if (this.inventory12.hitTest(_root.obrazkonia.safe1)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv_paper = 2; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_attickey = 1; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Attic'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(11); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (this.inventory3.hitTest(_root.blankscreen)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.gotoAndStop('level6'); _root.inv_flashlight = 2; _root.inv5full = 0; } if (this.inventory17.hitTest(_root.stuff_lever)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv_lever = 2; _root.inv5full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.stuff_lever') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory13.hitTest(_root.drabina1)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv_attickey = 3; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.levels = 17; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (_root.inv_cd == 1 & _root.kontakton == 2) { if (this.inventory11.hitTest(_root.komputer.komputer)) { _root.kontakton = 3; _root.inv_cd = 2; _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.komputer') { gotoAndStop(26); } } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi2)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.button1._visible = true; _root.inv_klucz = 2; } if (_root.inv_policebat == 1) { if (this.inventory7.hitTest(_root.szafka3)) { _root.rozbitaszafaon = 1; _root.inv_policebat2 = 2; _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka3') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } if (_root.inv_patelnia == 1) { if (this.inventory6.hitTest(_root.szafka2)) { _root.kontakton = 1; _root.inv_patelnia = 2; _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka2') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.kropla') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (_root.inv_klucze == 1) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { _root.button4._visible = true; _root.inv_klucze = 2; } } if (_root.inv_klucze == 2) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi4)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Piece of Paper'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(8); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('This key does not match'); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest( { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Even if I give food to dog, it won\'t let me pass'); } } if (_root.inv_money == 1) { if (this.inventory26.hitTest(_root.portier)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Keys to door 130'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(27); _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory29.hitTest( { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I should go back for a minute to let the dog eat all poison'); } tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 2; _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } stopDrag(); _root.inv5._x = 268; _root.inv5._y = 323; } } instance inv6 of movieClip 554 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (this.inventory33.hitTest(_root.wentyl)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_screwdriver = 2; tellTarget ('_root.wentyl') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory31.hitTest(_root.tlo.benzine)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.gasoline == 2) { tellTarget ('_root.tlo') { gotoAndStop(3); _root.button10._visible = false; _root.gasoline = 3; } } } if (this.inventory35.hitTest(_root.przycisk)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.gasoline == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.tlo2') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.gasoline = 1; } } } if (this.inventory35.hitTest(_root.przycisk2)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.gasoline == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.tlo') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.gasoline = 2; _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; } } } if (this.inventory31.hitTest(_root.stol)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.inv_bullet >= 1) { tellTarget ('_root.stol') { gotoAndStop(3); _root.inv_zippo = 2; } } } if (this.inventory32.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory18)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_reloadedgun = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(35); } } if (this.inventory24.hitTest(_root.door110)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.button110._visible = true; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_keyyy = 2; tellTarget ('_root.door110') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory23.hitTest(_root.padlock)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.stuff_gate') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.inv_keyy = 2; } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory28)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(29); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory28)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(29); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory28)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(29); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory28)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(29); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory28)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(29); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory27)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(29); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory27)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(29); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory27)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(29); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory27)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(29); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory27)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(29); } } if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_root.szafka1)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { _root.inv_picklock = 2; gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Door'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(4); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } if (this.inventory12.hitTest(_root.obrazkonia.safe1)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv_paper = 2; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_attickey = 1; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Attic'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(11); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (this.inventory3.hitTest(_root.blankscreen)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.gotoAndStop('level6'); _root.inv_flashlight = 2; _root.inv6full = 0; } if (this.inventory17.hitTest(_root.stuff_lever)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv_lever = 2; _root.inv6full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.stuff_lever') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.inv_policebat == 1) { if (this.inventory7.hitTest(_root.szafka3)) { _root.rozbitaszafaon = 1; _root.inv_policebat2 = 2; _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka3') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } if (_root.inv_patelnia == 1) { if (this.inventory6.hitTest(_root.szafka2)) { _root.kontakton = 1; _root.inv_patelnia = 2; _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka2') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.kropla') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi2)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.button1._visible = true; _root.inv_klucz = 2; } if (this.inventory13.hitTest(_root.drabina1)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv_attickey = 3; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.levels = 17; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (_root.inv_cd == 1 & _root.kontakton == 2) { if (this.inventory11.hitTest(_root.komputer)) { _root.kontakton = 3; _root.inv_cd = 2; _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.komputer.komputer') { gotoAndStop(26); } } } if (_root.inv_klucze == 1) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { _root.button4._visible = true; _root.inv_klucze = 2; } } if (_root.inv_klucze == 2) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi4)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Piece of Paper'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(8); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (_root.inv_money == 1) { if (this.inventory26.hitTest(_root.portier)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Keys to Room 130'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(27); _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('This key does not match'); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest( { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Even if I give food to dog, it won\'t let me pass'); } } if (this.inventory29.hitTest( { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I should go back for a minute to let the dog eat all poison'); } tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 2; _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } stopDrag(); _root.inv6._x = 328; _root.inv6._y = 323; } } instance of movieClip 29 { onClipEvent (release) { getURL('', _blank); } } instance cursors of movieClip 62 { onClipEvent (load) { Mouse.hide(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _x = _root._xmouse; _y = _root._ymouse; updateafterevent(); } } frame 1400 { _root.options._visible = 0; _root.menuscreen._visible = 0; stop(); if (_root.inv_reloadedgun == 0) { _root.inv1._visible = 1; _root.inv1full = 1; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(19); } } if (_root.inv_puzzle == 1) { _root.inv2._visible = 1; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(20); } } if (_root.gasoline == 1 || _root.gasoline == 2) { tellTarget ('_root.tlo2') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.ukladanka == 3) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Damn! If I won\'t run they will catch me!'); _root.ukladanka = 4; } } if (_root.brightnesss == 2) { _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 90; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 98; } if (_root.brightnesss == 3) { _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 80; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 95; } if (_root.brightnesss == 4) { _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 70; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 90; } if (_root.brightnesss == 5) { _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 60; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 88; } if (_root.brightnesss == 6) { _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 50; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 85; } if (_root.brightnesss == 7) { _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 45; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 83; } if (_root.brightnesss == 8) { _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 40; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 80; } if (_root.brightnesss == 9) { _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 30; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 78; } if (_root.brightnesss == 10) { _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 20; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 75; } if (_root.brightnesss == 11) { _root.jasnosc2._visible = 1; _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 10; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 72; } if (_root.brightnesss == 12) { _root.jasnosc2._visible = 0; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 70; } } movieClip 1419 { } movieClip 1420 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } instance przycisk of movieClip 350 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 615 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.ukladanka == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I should not leave this room'); } } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.ukladanka == 2) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 48; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); _root.ukladanka = 3; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Police will get here soon, I have to find the way to get out'); } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1423 { } instance of movieClip 1423 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Chimney, no wood inside'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 1424 { on (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Commode, nothing inside. I guess it\'s useless'); } } on (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } on (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1426 { } instance of movieClip 1426 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Some not important documents..'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1428 { } instance of movieClip 1428 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Candles'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 1428 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Candles'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1430 { } instance of movieClip 1430 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Coca Cola. Already poured to glass, hmm..'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1432 { } instance of movieClip 1432 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Shield is hanging above door, very dangerous'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1434 { } instance of movieClip 1434 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Same green palm I saw in house'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1436 { } instance of movieClip 1436 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Same green palm I saw in house'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 1437 { on (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Empty Cupboard..'); } } on (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } on (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1439 { } instance of movieClip 1439 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Small lamp, I need something a little bigger'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 1440 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 43; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } frame 1401 { stop(); if (_root.inv_screwdriver >= 1) { tellTarget ('_root.stuff_screwdriver') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.gasoline == 2) { tellTarget ('_root.tlo') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.gasoline == 3) { _root.button10._visible = false; tellTarget ('_root.tlo') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } instance przycisk2 of movieClip 350 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1445 { } instance of movieClip 1445 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Kitchen Panel, very functional'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1450 { } movieClip 1451 { } movieClip 1462 { } movieClip 1463 { } movieClip 1475 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1476 { } movieClip 1477 { } movieClip 1478 { } movieClip 1479 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } button 1480 { on (release) { if (_root.inv_klucz != 2) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I need a Key..'); } } } on (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } on (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1482 { } instance of movieClip 1482 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Green robe with some sign on it..'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1484 { } instance of movieClip 1484 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I am not tired to get sleep right now...'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1486 { } instance of movieClip 884 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Nothing Here..'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1489 { } instance of movieClip 1489 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Sculpture of Mozart'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1490 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } instance stuff_screwdriver of movieClip 1490 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_screwdriver == 0) { gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Screwdriver'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(30); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.ukladanka <= 3) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I don\'t need screwdriver in this moment'); } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1492 { } instance of movieClip 1492 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Nothing interesting here...'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 1493 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 45; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } button 1494 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 42; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } button 1495 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 44; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } frame 1402 { stop(); if (_root.inv_fire == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.stuff_fire') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.inv_screwdriver == 2) { tellTarget ('_root.wentyl') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } movieClip 1500 { } instance of movieClip 1500 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Big mirror, i don\'t want to look at my face right now'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1502 { } instance of movieClip 1502 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Sink'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1504 { } instance of movieClip 1504 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Very nice bath, I should get a shower later'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1506 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } instance stuff_fire of movieClip 1506 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_fire == 0) { gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Gasoline'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(31); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.ukladanka <= 3) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Gasoline'); } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1508 { } instance of movieClip 1508 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Damn, there is no toilet paper here..'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1510 { } movieClip 1513 { } movieClip 1514 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 1510 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Ventilation. I think it\'s not working'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } frame 2 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 1513 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.inv_puzzle == 2) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I have to burn all evidence before I leave'); } } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.inv_zippo == 2) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Let\'s burn the room to prevent SWAT unit entrance'); } } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.gasoline == 3) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 50; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } button 1515 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 43; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } frame 1403 { stop(); if (_root.ukladanka == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I think someone knocked to my door..'); _root.ukladanka = 2; } } if (_root.inv_puzzle == 2) { tellTarget ('_root.stol') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.lighton == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.lampka') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.inv_zippo == 2) { tellTarget ('_root.stol') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } movieClip 1518 { } instance of movieClip 1428 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Candles'); } } } movieClip 1520 { } movieClip 1521 { } movieClip 1522 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 1520 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('This is what I was looking for!'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } frame 2 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 1521 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.lighton == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Turn the light on first'); } } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.lighton == 1 & _root.ukladanka == 0) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 46; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.lighton == 1 & _root.ukladanka >= 1) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 47; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } frame 3 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 1521 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Everything will burn, i can leave it'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 1524 { } movieClip 1526 { } movieClip 1527 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.lighton = 0; } instance of movieClip 1524 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Light is On!'); } tellTarget ('_root.lampka') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } frame 2 { stop(); _root.lighton = 1; } } movieClip 1529 { } movieClip 1531 { } instance of movieClip 1531 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Big Clock, it\'s around 2 a.m.'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1533 { } instance of movieClip 1533 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Agata Christe\'s books about serial killers'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 1428 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Candles'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1535 { } button 1536 { on (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Nothing here..'); } } on (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } on (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 884 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Nothing Here..'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } frame 1404 { stop(); _root.inv1._visible = 1; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(19); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I have to place every letter in correct order'); } if (_root.inv_zippo == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.stuff_zippo') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.inv_bullet == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.stuff_bullet') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance stuff_zippo of movieClip 431 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_zippo == 0) { gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Lighter'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(28); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance stuff_bullet of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_bullet == 0) { gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Bullet'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(29); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1542 { } movieClip 1544 { } movieClip 1548 { } movieClip 1549 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1550 { } instance litera12 of movieClip 1550 { onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { stopDrag(); } } movieClip 1554 { } movieClip 1555 { instance of movieClip 1554 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_parent._root.litera12)) { tellTarget ('_root.litera11.good') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.litera12.good') { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.letter11 = 1; _root.letter12 = 1; } else { tellTarget ('_root.litera11.good') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.litera12.good') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.letter11 = 0; _root.letter12 = 0; } } } } instance litera11 of movieClip 1555 { onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { stopDrag(); } } movieClip 1558 { instance of movieClip 1554 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_parent._root.litera11)) { tellTarget ('_root.litera10.good') { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.letter10 = 1; } else { tellTarget ('_root.litera10.good') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.letter10 = 0; } } } } instance litera10 of movieClip 1558 { onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { stopDrag(); } } movieClip 1561 { instance of movieClip 1554 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_parent._root.litera10)) { tellTarget ('_root.litera9.good') { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.letter9 = 1; } else { tellTarget ('_root.litera9.good') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.letter9 = 0; } } } } instance litera9 of movieClip 1561 { onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { stopDrag(); } } movieClip 1564 { instance of movieClip 1554 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_parent._root.litera9)) { tellTarget ('_root.litera8.good') { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.letter8 = 1; } else { tellTarget ('_root.litera8.good') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.letter8 = 0; } } } } instance litera8 of movieClip 1564 { onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { stopDrag(); } } movieClip 1567 { instance of movieClip 1554 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_parent._root.litera8)) { tellTarget ('_root.litera7.good') { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.letter7 = 1; } else { tellTarget ('_root.litera7.good') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.letter7 = 0; } } } } instance litera7 of movieClip 1567 { onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { stopDrag(); } } movieClip 1570 { instance of movieClip 1554 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_parent._root.litera7)) { tellTarget ('_root.litera6.good') { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.letter6 = 1; } else { tellTarget ('_root.litera6.good') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.letter6 = 0; } } } } instance litera6 of movieClip 1570 { onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { stopDrag(); } } movieClip 1573 { } instance litera5 of movieClip 1573 { onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { stopDrag(); } } movieClip 1576 { instance of movieClip 1554 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.litera5)) { tellTarget ('_root.litera4.good') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.litera5.good') { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.letter4 = 1; _root.letter5 = 1; } else { tellTarget ('_root.litera4.good') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.litera5.good') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.letter4 = 0; _root.letter5 = 0; } } } } instance litera4 of movieClip 1576 { onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { stopDrag(); } } movieClip 1579 { instance of movieClip 1554 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.litera4)) { tellTarget ('_root.litera3.good') { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.letter3 = 1; } else { tellTarget ('_root.litera3.good') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.letter3 = 0; } } } } instance litera3 of movieClip 1579 { onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { stopDrag(); } } movieClip 1582 { instance of movieClip 1554 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_parent._root.litera3)) { tellTarget ('_root.litera2.good') { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.letter2 = 1; } else { tellTarget ('_root.litera2.good') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.letter2 = 0; } } } } instance litera2 of movieClip 1582 { onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { stopDrag(); } } movieClip 1585 { instance of movieClip 1554 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_parent._root.litera2)) { tellTarget ('_root.litera1.good') { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.letter1 = 1; } else { tellTarget ('_root.litera1.good') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.letter1 = 0; } } } } instance litera1 of movieClip 1585 { onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { stopDrag(); } } movieClip 1588 { } instance litera14 of movieClip 1588 { onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { stopDrag(); } } movieClip 1591 { instance of movieClip 1554 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_parent._root.litera14)) { tellTarget ('_root.litera13.good') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.litera14.good') { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.letter13 = 1; } else { tellTarget ('_root.litera13.good') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.litera14.good') { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.letter13 = 0; } } } } instance litera13 of movieClip 1591 { onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { stopDrag(); } } movieClip 1593 { frame 1 { if (_root.letter1 == 1 & _root.letter2 == 1 & _root.letter3 == 1 & _root.letter4 == 1 & _root.letter5 == 1 & _root.letter6 == 1 & _root.letter7 == 1 & _root.letter8 == 1 & _root.letter9 == 1 & _root.letter10 == 1 & _root.letter11 == 1 & _root.letter12 == 1 & _root.letter13 == 1) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 47; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } frame 2 { if (_root.letter1 == 1 & _root.letter2 == 1 & _root.letter3 == 1 & _root.letter4 == 1 & _root.letter5 == 1 & _root.letter6 == 1 & _root.letter7 == 1 & _root.letter8 == 1 & _root.letter9 == 1 & _root.letter10 == 1 & _root.letter11 == 1 & _root.letter12 == 1 & _root.letter13 == 1) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 47; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } } frame 1405 { stop(); if (_root.ukladanka <= 2) { _root.ukladanka = 1; } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Train Station, 9:00a.m . I can\'t miss it'); } if (_root.inv_zippo == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.stuff_zippo') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.inv_bullet == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.stuff_bullet') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } frame 1406 { stop(); tellTarget ('_root.chmurka2') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka2.tekst = String('He\'s in this room. We are entering in 2 minutes'); } } instance drzwi00 of movieClip 615 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Door is locked. I need to find the way to get in'); } } } instance drzwi00 of movieClip 615 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Door is locked. I need to find the way to get in'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1600 { } movieClip 1602 { } movieClip 1604 { } button 1605 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 42; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } frame 1407 { stop(); } frame 1407 { = 6; } movieClip 1610 { frame 46 { stop(); } } instance cursors of movieClip 62 { onClipEvent (load) { Mouse.hide(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _x = _root._xmouse; _y = _root._ymouse; updateafterevent(); } } frame 1408 { stop(); } movieClip 1613 { frame 54 { stop(); } } button 1614 { on (release) { nextFrame(); } } movieClip 1615 { frame 35 { _root.gotoAndPlay('stage6start'); } } frame 1410 { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(3); } } frame 1410 { _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv7full = 0; _root.inv8full = 0; _root.inv_battery = 0; _root.inv_latarka = 0; _root.inv_flashlight = 0; _root.inv_picklock = 0; _root.inv_patelnia = 0; _root.inv_klucz = 0; _root.inv_klucze = 0; _root.inv_policebat = 0; _root.inv_cd = 0; _root.inv_pieceofpaper1 = 0; _root.inv_pieceofpaper2 = 0; _root.inv_paper = 0; _root.inv_attickey = 0; _root.inv_lever = 0; _root.inv_revolver = 0; _root.inv_puzzle = 0; _root.inv_coin = 0; _root.inv_keey = 0; _root.inv_cash = 0; _root.inv_ticket = 0; _root.inv_ciggarete = 0; _root.inv_smoke = 0; _root.train = 0; _root.kluczeon = 1; _root.policebaton = 1; _root.lampaon = 1; _root.schodynadrugiepietro = 0; _root.stuff_obrazkonia = 0; _root.blocktransation = 0; _root.levels = 1; _root.kontakton = 0; _root.rozbitaszafaon = 0; _root.elektronicznykod = 5; _root.opensafe1 = 0; _root.outside = 0; _root.wireson = 0; _root.police = 0; play(); } instance cursors of movieClip 62 { onClipEvent (load) { Mouse.hide(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _x = _root._xmouse; _y = _root._ymouse; updateafterevent(); } } frame 1520 { _root.gotoAndPlay('mission5'); } frame 1521 { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I have to get on the train!'); } } instance przycisk of movieClip 350 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka2') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance inv1 of movieClip 554 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (this.inventory33.hitTest(_root.wentyl)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_screwdriver = 2; tellTarget ('_root.wentyl') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory35.hitTest(_root.przycisk)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.gasoline == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.tlo2') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.gasoline = 1; } } } if (this.inventory35.hitTest(_root.przycisk2)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.gasoline == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.tlo') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.gasoline = 2; _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; } } } if (this.inventory31.hitTest(_root.tlo.benzine)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.gasoline == 2) { tellTarget ('_root.tlo') { gotoAndStop(3); _root.button10._visible = false; _root.gasoline = 3; } } } if (this.inventory31.hitTest(_root.stol)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.inv_bullet >= 1) { tellTarget ('_root.stol') { gotoAndStop(3); _root.inv_zippo = 2; } } } if (this.inventory18.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory32)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_reloadedgun = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(35); } } if (this.inventory18.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory32)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_reloadedgun = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(35); } } if (this.inventory18.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory32)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_reloadedgun = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(35); } } if (this.inventory18.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory32)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_reloadedgun = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(35); } } if (this.inventory18.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory32)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_reloadedgun = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(35); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory27)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory27)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory27)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory27)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory27)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory1.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory2)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv_flashlight = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(4); } } if (this.inventory2.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory1)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv_flashlight = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(4); } } if (this.inventory2.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory1)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv_flashlight = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(4); } } if (this.inventory1.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory2)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv_flashlight = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(4); } } if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_root.szafka1)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { _root.inv_picklock = 2; gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Door'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(4); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } if (this.inventory12.hitTest(_root.obrazkonia.safe1)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv_paper = 2; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_attickey = 1; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Attic'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(11); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (this.inventory3.hitTest(_root.blankscreen)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.gotoAndStop('level6'); _root.inv_flashlight = 2; _root.inv1full = 0; } if (this.inventory17.hitTest(_root.stuff_lever)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv_lever = 2; _root.inv1full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.stuff_lever') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory13.hitTest(_root.drabina1)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv_attickey = 3; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.levels = 17; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi2)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.button1._visible = true; _root.inv_klucz = 2; } if (this.inventory23.hitTest(_root.padlock)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.stuff_gate') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.inv_keyy = 2; } } if (_root.inv_klucze == 1) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { _root.button4._visible = true; _root.inv_klucze = 2; } } if (_root.inv_cd == 1 & _root.kontakton == 2) { if (this.inventory11.hitTest(_root.komputer.komputer)) { _root.kontakton = 3; _root.inv_cd = 2; _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.komputer') { gotoAndStop(26); } } } if (_root.inv_policebat == 1) { if (this.inventory7.hitTest(_root.szafka3)) { _root.rozbitaszafaon = 1; _root.inv_policebat2 = 2; _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka3') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } if (_root.inv_patelnia == 1) { if (this.inventory6.hitTest(_root.szafka2)) { _root.kontakton = 1; _root.inv_patelnia = 2; _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka2') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.kropla') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (_root.inv_klucze == 2) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi4)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Piece of Paper'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(8); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (_root.inv_money == 1) { if (this.inventory26.hitTest(_root.portier)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Keys to door 130'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(27); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('This key does not match'); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest( { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Even if I give food to dog, it won\'t let me pass'); } } if (this.inventory29.hitTest( { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I should go back for a minute to let the dog eat all poison'); } tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 2; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } stopDrag(); _root.inv1._x = 28; _root.inv1._y = 323; } } instance inv2 of movieClip 554 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (this.inventory36.hitTest(_root.blind)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_coin = 2; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka2') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka2.tekst = String('Thanks! Here, take this key which I found'); } } if (this.inventory38.hitTest(_root.ticketguy)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_cash = 2; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_ticket == 0) { gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Train Ticket'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(35); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory37.hitTest(_root.door)) { _root.button1._visible = true; _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_keey = 2; } if (this.inventory41.hitTest(_root.button2)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_smoke = 2; tellTarget ('_root.button2') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Great, it should bring the security guy here in a moment'); } } if (this.inventory31.hitTest(_root.tlo.benzine)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.gasoline == 2) { tellTarget ('_root.tlo') { gotoAndStop(3); _root.button10._visible = false; _root.gasoline = 3; } } } if (this.inventory35.hitTest(_root.przycisk)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.gasoline == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.tlo2') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.gasoline = 1; } } } if (this.inventory35.hitTest(_root.przycisk2)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.gasoline == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.tlo') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.gasoline = 2; _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; } } } if (this.inventory31.hitTest(_root.stol)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.inv_bullet >= 1) { tellTarget ('_root.stol') { gotoAndStop(3); _root.inv_zippo = 2; } } } if (this.inventory19.hitTest(_root.stol)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_puzzle = 2; tellTarget ('_root.stol') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory31.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory40)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_smoke = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(42); } } if (this.inventory31.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory40)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_smoke = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(42); } } if (this.inventory31.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory40)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_smoke = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(42); } } if (this.inventory31.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory40)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_smoke = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(42); } } if (this.inventory1.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory2)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv_flashlight = 1; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(4); _root.inv2full = 0; } } if (this.inventory2.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory1)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv_flashlight = 1; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(4); _root.inv2full = 0; } } if (this.inventory1.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory2)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv_flashlight = 1; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(4); _root.inv2full = 0; } } if (this.inventory2.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory1)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv_flashlight = 1; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(4); _root.inv2full = 0; } } if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_root.szafka1)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { _root.inv_picklock = 2; gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Door'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(4); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } if (this.inventory12.hitTest(_root.obrazkonia.safe1)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv_paper = 2; _root.inv_attickey = 1; _root.inv2full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Attic'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(11); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (this.inventory3.hitTest(_root.blankscreen)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.gotoAndStop('level6'); _root.inv_flashlight = 2; _root.inv2full = 0; } if (_root.inv_cd == 1 & _root.kontakton == 2) { if (this.inventory11.hitTest(_root.komputer.komputer)) { _root.kontakton = 3; _root.inv_cd = 2; _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.komputer') { gotoAndStop(26); } } } if (this.inventory13.hitTest(_root.drabina1)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv_attickey = 3; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.levels = 17; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (_root.inv_policebat == 1) { if (this.inventory7.hitTest(_root.szafka3)) { _root.rozbitaszafaon = 1; _root.inv_policebat2 = 2; _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka3') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } if (_root.inv_patelnia == 1) { if (this.inventory6.hitTest(_root.szafka2)) { _root.kontakton = 1; _root.inv_patelnia = 2; _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka2') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.kropla') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi2)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.button1._visible = true; _root.inv_klucz = 2; } if (this.inventory17.hitTest(_root.stuff_lever)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv_lever = 2; _root.inv2full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.stuff_lever') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.inv_klucze == 1) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { _root.button4._visible = true; _root.inv_klucze = 2; } } if (_root.inv_klucze == 2) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi4)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Piece of Paper'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(8); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (_root.inv_money == 1) { if (this.inventory30.hitTest(_root.portier)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Keys to door 130'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(27); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('This key does not match'); } } tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } stopDrag(); _root.inv2._x = 88; _root.inv2._y = 323; } } instance inv3 of movieClip 554 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (this.inventory36.hitTest(_root.blind)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_coin = 2; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka2') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka2.tekst = String('Thanks! Here, take this key which I found'); } } if (this.inventory38.hitTest(_root.ticketguy)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_cash = 2; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_ticket == 0) { gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Train Ticket'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(35); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory37.hitTest(_root.door)) { _root.button1._visible = true; _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_keey = 2; } if (this.inventory35.hitTest(_root.przycisk)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.gasoline == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.tlo2') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.gasoline = 1; } } } if (this.inventory35.hitTest(_root.przycisk2)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.gasoline == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.tlo') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.gasoline = 2; _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; } } } if (this.inventory33.hitTest(_root.wentyl)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_screwdriver = 2; tellTarget ('_root.wentyl') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory32.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory18)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_reloadedgun = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(35); } } if (this.inventory24.hitTest(_root.door110)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.button110._visible = true; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_keyyy = 2; tellTarget ('_root.door110') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory23.hitTest(_root.padlock)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.stuff_gate') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.inv_keyy = 2; } } if (this.inventory40.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory31)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_smoke = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(42); } } if (this.inventory41.hitTest(_root.button2)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_smoke = 2; tellTarget ('_root.button2') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Great, it should bring the security guy here in a moment'); } } if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_root.szafka1)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { _root.inv_picklock = 2; gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Door'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(4); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } if (this.inventory12.hitTest(_root.obrazkonia.safe1)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv_paper = 2; _root.inv_attickey = 1; _root.inv3full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Attic'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(11); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (this.inventory3.hitTest(_root.blankscreen)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.gotoAndStop('level6'); _root.inv_flashlight = 2; _root.inv3full = 0; } if (this.inventory13.hitTest(_root.drabina1)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv_attickey = 3; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.levels = 17; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (_root.inv_cd == 1 & _root.kontakton == 2) { if (this.inventory11.hitTest(_root.komputer.komputer)) { _root.kontakton = 3; _root.inv_cd = 2; _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.komputer') { gotoAndStop(26); } } } if (_root.inv_policebat == 1) { if (this.inventory7.hitTest(_root.szafka3)) { _root.rozbitaszafaon = 1; _root.inv_policebat2 = 2; _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka3') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } if (_root.inv_patelnia == 1) { if (this.inventory6.hitTest(_root.szafka2)) { _root.kontakton = 1; _root.inv_patelnia = 2; _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka2') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.kropla') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { _root.button4._visible = true; _root.inv_klucze = 2; } if (_root.inv_klucze == 2) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi4)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Piece of Paper'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(8); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi2)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.button1._visible = true; _root.inv_klucz = 2; } if (this.inventory17.hitTest(_root.stuff_lever)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv_lever = 2; _root.inv3full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.stuff_lever') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('This key does not match'); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest( { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Even if I give food to dog, it won\'t let me pass'); } } if (_root.inv_money == 1) { if (this.inventory26.hitTest(_root.portier)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Keys to door 130'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(27); _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory29.hitTest( { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I should go back for a minute to let the dog eat all poison'); } tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 2; _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } stopDrag(); _root.inv3._x = 148; _root.inv3._y = 323; } } instance inv4 of movieClip 554 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (this.inventory36.hitTest(_root.blind)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_coin = 2; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka2') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka2.tekst = String('Thanks! Here, take this key which I found'); } } if (this.inventory38.hitTest(_root.ticketguy)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_cash = 2; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_ticket == 0) { gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Train Ticket'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(35); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory41.hitTest(_root.button2)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_smoke = 2; tellTarget ('_root.button2') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Great, it should bring the security guy here in a moment'); } } if (this.inventory40.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory31)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_smoke = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(42); } } if (this.inventory37.hitTest(_root.door)) { _root.button1._visible = true; _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_keey = 2; } if (this.inventory31.hitTest(_root.tlo.benzine)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.gasoline == 2) { tellTarget ('_root.tlo') { gotoAndStop(3); _root.button10._visible = false; _root.gasoline = 3; } } } if (this.inventory35.hitTest(_root.przycisk)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.gasoline == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.tlo2') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.gasoline = 1; } } } if (this.inventory35.hitTest(_root.przycisk2)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.gasoline == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.tlo') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.gasoline = 2; _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; } } } if (this.inventory31.hitTest(_root.stol)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.inv_bullet >= 1) { tellTarget ('_root.stol') { gotoAndStop(3); _root.inv_zippo = 2; } } } if (this.inventory32.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory18)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_reloadedgun = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(35); } } if (this.inventory24.hitTest(_root.door110)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.button110._visible = true; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_keyyy = 2; tellTarget ('_root.door110') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory23.hitTest(_root.padlock)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.stuff_gate') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.inv_keyy = 2; } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory28)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory28)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory28)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory28)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory28)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory27)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory27)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory27)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory27)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory27)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_root.szafka1)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { _root.inv_picklock = 2; gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Door'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(4); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } if (this.inventory12.hitTest(_root.obrazkonia.safe1)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv_paper = 2; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_attickey = 1; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Attic'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(11); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (this.inventory3.hitTest(_root.blankscreen)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.gotoAndStop('level6'); _root.inv_flashlight = 2; _root.inv4full = 0; } if (this.inventory17.hitTest(_root.stuff_lever)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv_lever = 2; _root.inv4full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.stuff_lever') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi2)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.button1._visible = true; _root.inv_klucz = 2; } if (_root.inv_cd == 1 & _root.kontakton == 2) { if (this.inventory11.hitTest(_root.komputer.komputer)) { _root.kontakton = 3; _root.inv_cd = 2; _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.komputer') { gotoAndStop(26); } } } if (_root.inv_policebat == 1) { if (this.inventory7.hitTest(_root.szafka3)) { _root.rozbitaszafaon = 1; _root.inv_policebat2 = 2; _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka3') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } if (this.inventory13.hitTest(_root.drabina1)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv_attickey = 3; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.levels = 17; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (_root.inv_patelnia == 1) { if (this.inventory6.hitTest(_root.szafka2)) { _root.kontakton = 1; _root.inv_patelnia = 2; _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka2') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.kropla') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (_root.inv_klucze == 1) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { _root.button4._visible = true; _root.inv_klucze = 2; } } if (_root.inv_klucze == 2) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi4)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Piece of Paper'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(8); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('This key does not match'); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest( { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Even if I give food to dog, it won\'t let me pass'); } } if (_root.inv_money == 1) { if (this.inventory26.hitTest(_root.portier)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Keys to door 130'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(27); _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory29.hitTest( { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I should go back for a minute to let the dog eat all poison'); } tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 2; _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } stopDrag(); _root.inv4._x = 208; _root.inv4._y = 323; } } instance inv5 of movieClip 554 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (this.inventory33.hitTest(_root.wentyl)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_screwdriver = 2; tellTarget ('_root.wentyl') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory38.hitTest(_root.ticketguy)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_cash = 2; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_ticket == 0) { gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Train Ticket'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(35); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory41.hitTest(_root.button2)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_smoke = 2; tellTarget ('_root.button2') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Great, it should bring the security guy here in a moment'); } } if (this.inventory40.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory31)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_smoke = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(42); } } if (this.inventory37.hitTest(_root.door)) { _root.button1._visible = true; _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_keey = 2; } if (this.inventory31.hitTest(_root.tlo.benzine)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.gasoline == 2) { tellTarget ('_root.tlo') { gotoAndStop(3); _root.button10._visible = false; _root.gasoline = 3; } } } if (this.inventory35.hitTest(_root.przycisk)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.gasoline == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.tlo2') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.gasoline = 1; } } } if (this.inventory35.hitTest(_root.przycisk2)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.gasoline == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.tlo') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.gasoline = 2; _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; } } } if (this.inventory31.hitTest(_root.stol)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.inv_bullet >= 1) { tellTarget ('_root.stol') { gotoAndStop(3); _root.inv_zippo = 2; } } } if (this.inventory32.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory18)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_reloadedgun = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(35); } } if (this.inventory24.hitTest(_root.door110)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.button110._visible = true; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_keyyy = 2; tellTarget ('_root.door110') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory23.hitTest(_root.padlock)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.stuff_gate') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.inv_keyy = 2; } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory28)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory28)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory28)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory28)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory28)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory27)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory27)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory27)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory27)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory27)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_root.szafka1)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { _root.inv_picklock = 2; gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Door'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(4); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } if (this.inventory12.hitTest(_root.obrazkonia.safe1)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv_paper = 2; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_attickey = 1; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Attic'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(11); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (this.inventory3.hitTest(_root.blankscreen)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.gotoAndStop('level6'); _root.inv_flashlight = 2; _root.inv5full = 0; } if (this.inventory17.hitTest(_root.stuff_lever)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv_lever = 2; _root.inv5full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.stuff_lever') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory13.hitTest(_root.drabina1)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv_attickey = 3; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.levels = 17; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (_root.inv_cd == 1 & _root.kontakton == 2) { if (this.inventory11.hitTest(_root.komputer.komputer)) { _root.kontakton = 3; _root.inv_cd = 2; _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.komputer') { gotoAndStop(26); } } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi2)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.button1._visible = true; _root.inv_klucz = 2; } if (_root.inv_policebat == 1) { if (this.inventory7.hitTest(_root.szafka3)) { _root.rozbitaszafaon = 1; _root.inv_policebat2 = 2; _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka3') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } if (_root.inv_patelnia == 1) { if (this.inventory6.hitTest(_root.szafka2)) { _root.kontakton = 1; _root.inv_patelnia = 2; _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka2') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.kropla') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (_root.inv_klucze == 1) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { _root.button4._visible = true; _root.inv_klucze = 2; } } if (_root.inv_klucze == 2) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi4)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Piece of Paper'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(8); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('This key does not match'); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest( { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Even if I give food to dog, it won\'t let me pass'); } } if (_root.inv_money == 1) { if (this.inventory26.hitTest(_root.portier)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Keys to door 130'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(27); _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory29.hitTest( { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I should go back for a minute to let the dog eat all poison'); } tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 2; _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } stopDrag(); _root.inv5._x = 268; _root.inv5._y = 323; } } instance inv6 of movieClip 554 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (this.inventory33.hitTest(_root.wentyl)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_screwdriver = 2; tellTarget ('_root.wentyl') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory38.hitTest(_root.ticketguy)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_cash = 2; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_ticket == 0) { gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Train Ticket'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(35); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory41.hitTest(_root.button2)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_smoke = 2; tellTarget ('_root.button2') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Great, it should bring the security guy here in a moment'); } } if (this.inventory40.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory31)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_smoke = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(42); } } if (this.inventory31.hitTest(_root.tlo.benzine)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.gasoline == 2) { tellTarget ('_root.tlo') { gotoAndStop(3); _root.button10._visible = false; _root.gasoline = 3; } } } if (this.inventory35.hitTest(_root.przycisk)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.gasoline == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.tlo2') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.gasoline = 1; } } } if (this.inventory35.hitTest(_root.przycisk2)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.gasoline == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.tlo') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.gasoline = 2; _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; } } } if (this.inventory31.hitTest(_root.stol)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.inv_bullet >= 1) { tellTarget ('_root.stol') { gotoAndStop(3); _root.inv_zippo = 2; } } } if (this.inventory32.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory18)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_reloadedgun = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(35); } } if (this.inventory24.hitTest(_root.door110)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.button110._visible = true; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_keyyy = 2; tellTarget ('_root.door110') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory23.hitTest(_root.padlock)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.stuff_gate') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.inv_keyy = 2; } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory28)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(29); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory28)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(29); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory28)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(29); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory28)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(29); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory28)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(29); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory27)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(29); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory27)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(29); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory27)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(29); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory27)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(29); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory27)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(29); } } if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_root.szafka1)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { _root.inv_picklock = 2; gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Door'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(4); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } if (this.inventory12.hitTest(_root.obrazkonia.safe1)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv_paper = 2; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_attickey = 1; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Attic'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(11); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (this.inventory3.hitTest(_root.blankscreen)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.gotoAndStop('level6'); _root.inv_flashlight = 2; _root.inv6full = 0; } if (this.inventory17.hitTest(_root.stuff_lever)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv_lever = 2; _root.inv6full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.stuff_lever') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.inv_policebat == 1) { if (this.inventory7.hitTest(_root.szafka3)) { _root.rozbitaszafaon = 1; _root.inv_policebat2 = 2; _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka3') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } if (_root.inv_patelnia == 1) { if (this.inventory6.hitTest(_root.szafka2)) { _root.kontakton = 1; _root.inv_patelnia = 2; _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka2') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.kropla') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi2)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.button1._visible = true; _root.inv_klucz = 2; } if (this.inventory13.hitTest(_root.drabina1)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv_attickey = 3; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.levels = 17; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (_root.inv_cd == 1 & _root.kontakton == 2) { if (this.inventory11.hitTest(_root.komputer)) { _root.kontakton = 3; _root.inv_cd = 2; _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.komputer.komputer') { gotoAndStop(26); } } } if (_root.inv_klucze == 1) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { _root.button4._visible = true; _root.inv_klucze = 2; } } if (_root.inv_klucze == 2) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi4)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Piece of Paper'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(8); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (_root.inv_money == 1) { if (this.inventory26.hitTest(_root.portier)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Keys to Room 130'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(27); _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('This key does not match'); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest( { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Even if I give food to dog, it won\'t let me pass'); } } if (this.inventory29.hitTest( { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I should go back for a minute to let the dog eat all poison'); } tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 2; _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } stopDrag(); _root.inv6._x = 328; _root.inv6._y = 323; } } instance of movieClip 29 { onClipEvent (release) { getURL('', _blank); } } instance cursors of movieClip 62 { onClipEvent (load) { Mouse.hide(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _x = _root._xmouse; _y = _root._ymouse; updateafterevent(); } } frame 1522 { _root.options._visible = 0; _root.menuscreen._visible = 0; stop(); if (_root.train == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.trains') { gotoAndStop(114); } } _root.inv1._visible = 1; _root.inv1full = 1; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(35); } if (_root.inv_smoke < 1) { _root.inv2._visible = 1; _root.inv2full = 1; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(32); } } if (_root.gasoline == 1 || _root.gasoline == 2) { tellTarget ('_root.tlo2') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.ukladanka == 3) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Damn! If I won\'t run they will catch me!'); _root.ukladanka = 4; } } if (_root.brightnesss == 2) { _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 90; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 98; } if (_root.brightnesss == 3) { _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 80; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 95; } if (_root.brightnesss == 4) { _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 70; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 90; } if (_root.brightnesss == 5) { _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 60; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 88; } if (_root.brightnesss == 6) { _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 50; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 85; } if (_root.brightnesss == 7) { _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 45; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 83; } if (_root.brightnesss == 8) { _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 40; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 80; } if (_root.brightnesss == 9) { _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 30; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 78; } if (_root.brightnesss == 10) { _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 20; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 75; } if (_root.brightnesss == 11) { _root.jasnosc2._visible = 1; _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 10; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 72; } if (_root.brightnesss == 12) { _root.jasnosc2._visible = 0; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 70; } } movieClip 1623 { } movieClip 1626 { } movieClip 1628 { } instance of movieClip 1628 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Train'); } } } movieClip 1633 { } instance of movieClip 1633 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Nothing interesting here..'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1635 { } instance of movieClip 1635 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I don\'t have time to sit here'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1637 { } instance of movieClip 1637 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('A picture of running rabbit'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1640 { } instance of movieClip 1640 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Platform 1'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 1640 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Platform 1'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 1641 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 52; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } frame 1523 { stop(); } movieClip 1645 { } movieClip 1647 { } movieClip 1648 { } instance blind of movieClip 1648 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.inv_coin == 0 || _root.inv_coin == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Blind musician. I should give him some coins'); } } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.inv_coin == 2 & _root.inv_keey == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_coin == 2) { gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Security Room'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(33); } tellTarget ('_target') { } else { } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Blind Musician'); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1650 { } instance of movieClip 1650 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('He didn\'t earn anything. Sad'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 1633 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Nothing interesting here..'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 1635 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I can\'t rest here'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1654 { } instance of movieClip 1654 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Mexico? I should find Platform 4'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 1655 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 53; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } button 1656 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 51; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } frame 1524 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 1635 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Soiled sofa. I am not sitting here!'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1661 { } instance of movieClip 1661 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Food&Drink machine. I don\'t have any money'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1663 { } instance of movieClip 1663 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Pixel woman, modern art I think'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1665 { } instance of movieClip 1665 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Picture of Roses'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 1666 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 54; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } frame 1525 { stop(); } movieClip 1672 { } instance of movieClip 1672 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('A lot of books to read if i get bored'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1674 { } movieClip 1676 { } movieClip 1677 { } instance ticketguy of movieClip 1677 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I don\'t have any money to buy a ticket'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1679 { } movieClip 1681 { } instance of movieClip 1681 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Cash'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 1246 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('It\'s around 8 a.m.'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1683 { } instance of movieClip 1683 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I don\'t have time to sit here..'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 1654 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Mexico? I should find Platform 4'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 1684 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 58; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } button 1685 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 53; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } button 1686 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 55; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } frame 1526 { stop(); } frame 1526 { if (_root.inv_ciggarete >= 1) { _root.stuff_ciggarete._visible = false; } if (_root.inv_ciggarete == 0) { _root.stuff_ciggarete._visible = true; } } movieClip 1689 { } instance of movieClip 1689 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I won\'t read any book in this game..'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 1674 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Plant'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1691 { } instance of movieClip 1691 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('working Scanner'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1693 { } movieClip 1694 { } instance of movieClip 1694 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I think he\'s scaning something, I won\'t disturb him'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 1683 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I don\'t have time to sit here..'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1696 { } instance of movieClip 1696 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('i don\'t have any buisness on platform 2'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1698 { } instance of movieClip 1698 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Platform 2'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1701 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } instance stuff_ciggarete of movieClip 1701 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_ciggarete == 0) { gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Cigarette'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(36); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 1702 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 54; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } button 1703 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 56; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } movieClip 1706 { } instance of movieClip 1706 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Broom, nothing special'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } frame 1527 { stop(); } frame 1527 { if (_root.inv_smoke == 2) { _root.inv_smoke = 3; } } movieClip 1709 { } instance of movieClip 1709 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Empty drawers. Strange...'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1711 { } instance of movieClip 1711 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Bucket with water, I won\'t need it'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1713 { } instance of movieClip 1713 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Very cute cat mascot, i should\'t takie it'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1715 { } instance of movieClip 1715 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('This automat is broken'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1717 { } instance of movieClip 1717 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('A lot of food inside, I should have this one in home'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1719 { } instance of movieClip 1719 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('A lot of shoes, nothing interesting'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1721 { } instance of movieClip 1721 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I don\'t really know what\'s this'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1723 { } instance of movieClip 1723 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Platform 3'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1724 { } instance of movieClip 1724 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I should find platform 4 first'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 1725 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 57; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } frame 1528 { stop(); } frame 1528 { if (_root.inv_smoke == 3) { _root.policeman._visible = true; } if (_root.inv_smoke <= 2) { _root.policeman._visible = false; } if (_root.inv_smoke >= 3) { tellTarget ('_root.button2') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } movieClip 1729 { } instance of movieClip 1729 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Locked drawers. I have to find something to open it'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1731 { } instance of movieClip 1731 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I won\'t sit on orange sofa'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1733 { } instance of movieClip 1733 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I won\'t sit on orange sofa'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1735 { } instance of movieClip 1735 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Piece of Newspaper about Paper Killer'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1737 { } instance of movieClip 1737 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Some mixture. I won\'t drink it'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1739 { } instance of movieClip 1739 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('More books.. When I will find any Porn Movies?'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1741 { } instance of movieClip 1741 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('it\'s my Platform number 4'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1743 { } instance of movieClip 1743 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Smoking is not allowed here..'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1744 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } instance policeman of movieClip 1744 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I can now get inside Security room!'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1747 { } movieClip 1752 { } movieClip 1754 { } movieClip 1755 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } button 1756 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0 & _root.inv_ticket == 1) { _root.levels = 666; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } else { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I should buy a ticket first'); } } } } frame 1529 { stop(); } frame 1529 { if (_root.inv_keey == 2) { _root.button1._visible = true; } if (_root.inv_keey < 2) { _root.button1._visible = false; } if (_root.inv_smoke == 3) { _root.policeman._visible = false; } } movieClip 1760 { } instance door of movieClip 1760 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.inv_smoke < 3) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I can\'t get inside when Cop is looking'); } } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.inv_smoke == 3) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I need to find a key'); } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1762 { } movieClip 1764 { } instance of movieClip 1764 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Some movies which i haven\'t seen before'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 1674 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Nothing Here, just a plant'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 1674 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Nothing Here, just a plant'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 1674 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_coin == 0) { gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Coin'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(32); } tellTarget ('_target') { } else { } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Nothing Here'); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1766 { } instance of movieClip 1766 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Glass Table'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1768 { } instance of movieClip 1768 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Old computer which allow you to check mail'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1770 { } instance of movieClip 1770 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Pretty flowers'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1772 { } instance of movieClip 1772 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Strange kinds of wines'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance policeman of movieClip 1744 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I need to divert his attention.'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 1774 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0 & _root.inv_smoke == 3) { _root.levels = 59; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } frame 1530 { stop(); } frame 1530 { if (_root.inv_cash >= 1) { _root.stuff_cash._visible = false; } } movieClip 1777 { } instance of movieClip 1777 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Some books about Police History'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1779 { } instance of movieClip 1779 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Locked wardrobe, I don\'t have a key'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1781 { } instance of movieClip 1781 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I think Police hide something precious here'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1783 { } movieClip 1785 { } instance of movieClip 1785 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Not logged in, i need password'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1787 { } instance of movieClip 1787 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Some papers with data'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1789 { } movieClip 1791 { } instance of movieClip 1791 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Some documents and other stuff'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1793 { } instance of movieClip 1793 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Nothing interesting here, just a picture'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1795 { } instance of movieClip 1795 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Security Guy is sleeping, I should not wake him up'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance stuff_cash of movieClip 441 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_cash == 0) { gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('100$'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(34); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 1796 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 58; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } frame 1531 { function restart(vero, nome) { if (vero) { _root[nome]._x = random(700) + 10000; _root[nome]._y = random(30) + 380; } } } frame 1531 { stop(); } frame 1531 { = 7; } movieClip 1800 { frame 45 { stop(); } } instance cursors of movieClip 62 { onClipEvent (load) { Mouse.hide(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _x = _root._xmouse; _y = _root._ymouse; updateafterevent(); } } frame 1532 { stop(); } movieClip 1804 { frame 53 { stop(); } } frame 1533 { stop(); } movieClip 1808 { frame 50 { stop(); } } movieClip 1809 { frame 35 { _root.gotoAndPlay('stage7start'); } } frame 1535 { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(3); } } frame 1535 { _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv7full = 0; _root.inv8full = 0; _root.inv_battery = 0; _root.inv_latarka = 0; _root.inv_flashlight = 0; _root.inv_picklock = 0; _root.inv_patelnia = 0; _root.inv_klucz = 0; _root.inv_klucze = 0; _root.inv_policebat = 0; _root.inv_cd = 0; _root.inv_pieceofpaper1 = 0; _root.inv_pieceofpaper2 = 0; _root.inv_paper = 0; _root.inv_attickey = 0; _root.inv_lever = 0; _root.inv_revolver = 0; _root.inv_puzzle = 0; _root.inv_book = 0; _root.inv_coiins = 0; _root.inv_coke = 0; _root.inv_klucz2 = 0; _root.inv_pills = 0; _root.kluczeon = 1; _root.policebaton = 1; _root.lampaon = 1; _root.schodynadrugiepietro = 0; _root.stuff_obrazkonia = 0; _root.blocktransation = 0; _root.levels = 1; _root.kontakton = 0; _root.rozbitaszafaon = 0; _root.elektronicznykod = 5; _root.opensafe1 = 0; _root.outside = 0; _root.wireson = 0; _root.police = 0; play(); } instance cursors of movieClip 62 { onClipEvent (load) { Mouse.hide(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _x = _root._xmouse; _y = _root._ymouse; updateafterevent(); } } frame 1645 { _root.gotoAndPlay('mission6'); } instance inv1 of movieClip 554 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (this.inventory33.hitTest(_root.wentyl)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_screwdriver = 2; tellTarget ('_root.wentyl') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory35.hitTest(_root.przycisk)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.gasoline == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.tlo2') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.gasoline = 1; } } } if (this.inventory35.hitTest(_root.przycisk2)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.gasoline == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.tlo') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.gasoline = 2; _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; } } } if (this.inventory31.hitTest(_root.tlo.benzine)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.gasoline == 2) { tellTarget ('_root.tlo') { gotoAndStop(3); _root.button10._visible = false; _root.gasoline = 3; } } } if (this.inventory31.hitTest(_root.stol)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.inv_bullet >= 1) { tellTarget ('_root.stol') { gotoAndStop(3); _root.inv_zippo = 2; } } } if (this.inventory18.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory32)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_reloadedgun = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(35); } } if (this.inventory18.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory32)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_reloadedgun = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(35); } } if (this.inventory18.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory32)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_reloadedgun = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(35); } } if (this.inventory18.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory32)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_reloadedgun = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(35); } } if (this.inventory18.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory32)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_reloadedgun = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(35); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory27)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory27)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory27)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory27)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory27)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory1.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory2)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv_flashlight = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(4); } } if (this.inventory2.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory1)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv_flashlight = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(4); } } if (this.inventory2.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory1)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv_flashlight = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(4); } } if (this.inventory1.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory2)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv_flashlight = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(4); } } if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_root.szafka1)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { _root.inv_picklock = 2; gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Door'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(4); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } if (this.inventory12.hitTest(_root.obrazkonia.safe1)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv_paper = 2; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_attickey = 1; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Attic'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(11); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (this.inventory3.hitTest(_root.blankscreen)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.gotoAndStop('level6'); _root.inv_flashlight = 2; _root.inv1full = 0; } if (this.inventory17.hitTest(_root.stuff_lever)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv_lever = 2; _root.inv1full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.stuff_lever') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory13.hitTest(_root.drabina1)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv_attickey = 3; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.levels = 17; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi2)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.button1._visible = true; _root.inv_klucz = 2; } if (this.inventory23.hitTest(_root.padlock)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.stuff_gate') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.inv_keyy = 2; } } if (_root.inv_klucze == 1) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { _root.button4._visible = true; _root.inv_klucze = 2; } } if (_root.inv_cd == 1 & _root.kontakton == 2) { if (this.inventory11.hitTest(_root.komputer.komputer)) { _root.kontakton = 3; _root.inv_cd = 2; _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.komputer') { gotoAndStop(26); } } } if (_root.inv_policebat == 1) { if (this.inventory7.hitTest(_root.szafka3)) { _root.rozbitaszafaon = 1; _root.inv_policebat2 = 2; _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka3') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } if (_root.inv_patelnia == 1) { if (this.inventory6.hitTest(_root.szafka2)) { _root.kontakton = 1; _root.inv_patelnia = 2; _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka2') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.kropla') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (_root.inv_klucze == 2) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi4)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Piece of Paper'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(8); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (_root.inv_money == 1) { if (this.inventory26.hitTest(_root.portier)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Keys to door 130'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(27); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('This key does not match'); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest( { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Even if I give food to dog, it won\'t let me pass'); } } if (this.inventory29.hitTest( { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I should go back for a minute to let the dog eat all poison'); } tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 2; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } stopDrag(); _root.inv1._x = 28; _root.inv1._y = 323; } } instance inv2 of movieClip 554 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (this.inventory36.hitTest(_root.blind)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_coin = 2; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka2') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka2.tekst = String('Thanks! Here, take this key which I found'); } } if (this.inventory42.hitTest(_root.gosciu)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_book = 2; tellTarget ('_root.gosciu') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_coiins == 0) { gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Coins'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(38); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory43.hitTest(_root.drugguy)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_coiins = 2; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_pills == 0) { gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Deadly Pills'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(40); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory38.hitTest(_root.ticketguy)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_cash = 2; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_ticket == 0) { gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Train Ticket'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(35); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory46.hitTest(_root.doors)) { _root.entrance._visible = true; _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_klucz2 = 2; } if (this.inventory47.hitTest(_root.stolik)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_coke = 2; _root.stuff_coke._visible = 1; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I should back here in a minute'); } } if (this.inventory31.hitTest(_root.tlo.benzine)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.gasoline == 2) { tellTarget ('_root.tlo') { gotoAndStop(3); _root.button10._visible = false; _root.gasoline = 3; } } } if (this.inventory35.hitTest(_root.przycisk)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.gasoline == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.tlo2') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.gasoline = 1; } } } if (this.inventory35.hitTest(_root.przycisk2)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.gasoline == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.tlo') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.gasoline = 2; _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; } } } if (this.inventory31.hitTest(_root.stol)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.inv_bullet >= 1) { tellTarget ('_root.stol') { gotoAndStop(3); _root.inv_zippo = 2; } } } if (this.inventory19.hitTest(_root.stol)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_puzzle = 2; tellTarget ('_root.stol') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory44.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory45)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_poisoncoke = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(48); } } if (this.inventory44.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory45)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_poisoncoke = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(48); } } if (this.inventory44.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory45)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_poisoncoke = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(48); } } if (this.inventory44.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory45)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_poisoncoke = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(48); } } if (this.inventory45.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory44)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_poisoncoke = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(48); } } if (this.inventory45.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory44)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_poisoncoke = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(48); } } if (this.inventory45.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory44)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_poisoncoke = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(48); } } if (this.inventory45.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory44)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_poisoncoke = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(48); } } if (this.inventory1.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory2)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv_flashlight = 1; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(4); _root.inv2full = 0; } } if (this.inventory2.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory1)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv_flashlight = 1; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(4); _root.inv2full = 0; } } if (this.inventory1.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory2)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv_flashlight = 1; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(4); _root.inv2full = 0; } } if (this.inventory2.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory1)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv_flashlight = 1; tellTarget ('_root.inv3') { gotoAndStop(4); _root.inv2full = 0; } } if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_root.szafka1)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { _root.inv_picklock = 2; gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Door'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(4); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } if (this.inventory12.hitTest(_root.obrazkonia.safe1)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv_paper = 2; _root.inv_attickey = 1; _root.inv2full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Attic'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(11); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (this.inventory3.hitTest(_root.blankscreen)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.gotoAndStop('level6'); _root.inv_flashlight = 2; _root.inv2full = 0; } if (_root.inv_cd == 1 & _root.kontakton == 2) { if (this.inventory11.hitTest(_root.komputer.komputer)) { _root.kontakton = 3; _root.inv_cd = 2; _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.komputer') { gotoAndStop(26); } } } if (this.inventory13.hitTest(_root.drabina1)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv_attickey = 3; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.levels = 17; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (_root.inv_policebat == 1) { if (this.inventory7.hitTest(_root.szafka3)) { _root.rozbitaszafaon = 1; _root.inv_policebat2 = 2; _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka3') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } if (_root.inv_patelnia == 1) { if (this.inventory6.hitTest(_root.szafka2)) { _root.kontakton = 1; _root.inv_patelnia = 2; _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka2') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.kropla') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi2)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.button1._visible = true; _root.inv_klucz = 2; } if (this.inventory17.hitTest(_root.stuff_lever)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv_lever = 2; _root.inv2full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.stuff_lever') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.inv_klucze == 1) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { _root.button4._visible = true; _root.inv_klucze = 2; } } if (_root.inv_klucze == 2) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi4)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Piece of Paper'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(8); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (_root.inv_money == 1) { if (this.inventory30.hitTest(_root.portier)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Keys to door 130'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(27); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('This key does not match'); } } tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } stopDrag(); _root.inv2._x = 88; _root.inv2._y = 323; } } instance inv3 of movieClip 554 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (this.inventory36.hitTest(_root.blind)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_coin = 2; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka2') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka2.tekst = String('Thanks! Here, take this key which I found'); } } if (this.inventory43.hitTest(_root.drugguy)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_coiins = 2; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_pills == 0) { gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Deadly Pills'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(40); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory42.hitTest(_root.gosciu)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_book = 2; tellTarget ('_root.gosciu') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_coiins == 0) { gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Coins'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(38); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory38.hitTest(_root.ticketguy)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_cash = 2; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_ticket == 0) { gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Train Ticket'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(35); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory46.hitTest(_root.doors)) { _root.entrance._visible = true; _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_klucz2 = 2; } if (this.inventory47.hitTest(_root.stolik)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_coke = 2; _root.stuff_coke._visible = 1; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I should back here in a minute'); } } if (this.inventory45.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory44)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_poisoncoke = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(48); } } if (this.inventory47.hitTest(_root.stolik)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_coke = 2; _root.stuff_coke._visible = 1; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I should back here in a minute'); } } if (this.inventory45.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory44)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_poisoncoke = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(48); } } if (this.inventory45.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory44)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_poisoncoke = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(48); } } if (this.inventory45.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory44)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_poisoncoke = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(48); } } if (this.inventory44.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory45)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_poisoncoke = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(48); } } if (this.inventory44.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory45)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_poisoncoke = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(48); } } if (this.inventory44.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory45)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_poisoncoke = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(48); } } if (this.inventory44.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory45)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_poisoncoke = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(48); } } if (this.inventory37.hitTest(_root.door)) { _root.button1._visible = true; _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_keey = 2; } if (this.inventory35.hitTest(_root.przycisk)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.gasoline == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.tlo2') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.gasoline = 1; } } } if (this.inventory35.hitTest(_root.przycisk2)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.gasoline == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.tlo') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.gasoline = 2; _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; } } } if (this.inventory33.hitTest(_root.wentyl)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_screwdriver = 2; tellTarget ('_root.wentyl') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory32.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory18)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_reloadedgun = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(35); } } if (this.inventory24.hitTest(_root.door110)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.button110._visible = true; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_keyyy = 2; tellTarget ('_root.door110') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory23.hitTest(_root.padlock)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.stuff_gate') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.inv_keyy = 2; } } if (this.inventory40.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory31)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_smoke = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(42); } } if (this.inventory41.hitTest(_root.button2)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_smoke = 2; tellTarget ('_root.button2') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Great, it should bring the security guy here in a moment'); } } if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_root.szafka1)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { _root.inv_picklock = 2; gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Door'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(4); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } if (this.inventory12.hitTest(_root.obrazkonia.safe1)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv_paper = 2; _root.inv_attickey = 1; _root.inv3full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Attic'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(11); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (this.inventory3.hitTest(_root.blankscreen)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.gotoAndStop('level6'); _root.inv_flashlight = 2; _root.inv3full = 0; } if (this.inventory13.hitTest(_root.drabina1)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv_attickey = 3; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.levels = 17; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (_root.inv_cd == 1 & _root.kontakton == 2) { if (this.inventory11.hitTest(_root.komputer.komputer)) { _root.kontakton = 3; _root.inv_cd = 2; _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.komputer') { gotoAndStop(26); } } } if (_root.inv_policebat == 1) { if (this.inventory7.hitTest(_root.szafka3)) { _root.rozbitaszafaon = 1; _root.inv_policebat2 = 2; _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka3') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } if (_root.inv_patelnia == 1) { if (this.inventory6.hitTest(_root.szafka2)) { _root.kontakton = 1; _root.inv_patelnia = 2; _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka2') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.kropla') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { _root.button4._visible = true; _root.inv_klucze = 2; } if (_root.inv_klucze == 2) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi4)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Piece of Paper'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(8); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi2)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.button1._visible = true; _root.inv_klucz = 2; } if (this.inventory17.hitTest(_root.stuff_lever)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv_lever = 2; _root.inv3full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.stuff_lever') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('This key does not match'); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest( { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Even if I give food to dog, it won\'t let me pass'); } } if (_root.inv_money == 1) { if (this.inventory26.hitTest(_root.portier)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Keys to door 130'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(27); _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory29.hitTest( { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I should go back for a minute to let the dog eat all poison'); } tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 2; _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } stopDrag(); _root.inv3._x = 148; _root.inv3._y = 323; } } instance inv4 of movieClip 554 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (this.inventory36.hitTest(_root.blind)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_coin = 2; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka2') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka2.tekst = String('Thanks! Here, take this key which I found'); } } if (this.inventory43.hitTest(_root.drugguy)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_coiins = 2; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_pills == 0) { gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Deadly Pills'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(40); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory46.hitTest(_root.doors)) { _root.entrance._visible = true; _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_klucz2 = 2; } if (this.inventory45.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory44)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_poisoncoke = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(48); } } if (this.inventory47.hitTest(_root.stolik)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_coke = 2; _root.stuff_coke._visible = 1; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I should back here in a minute'); } } if (this.inventory47.hitTest(_root.stolik)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_coke = 2; _root.stuff_coke._visible = 1; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I should back here in a minute'); } } if (this.inventory45.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory44)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_poisoncoke = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(48); } } if (this.inventory45.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory44)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_poisoncoke = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(48); } } if (this.inventory45.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory44)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_poisoncoke = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(48); } } if (this.inventory44.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory45)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_poisoncoke = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(48); } } if (this.inventory44.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory45)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_poisoncoke = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(48); } } if (this.inventory44.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory45)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_poisoncoke = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(48); } } if (this.inventory44.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory45)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_poisoncoke = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(48); } } if (this.inventory42.hitTest(_root.gosciu)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_book = 2; tellTarget ('_root.gosciu') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_coiins == 0) { gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Coins'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(38); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory38.hitTest(_root.ticketguy)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_cash = 2; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_ticket == 0) { gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Train Ticket'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(35); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory41.hitTest(_root.button2)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_smoke = 2; tellTarget ('_root.button2') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Great, it should bring the security guy here in a moment'); } } if (this.inventory40.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory31)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_smoke = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(42); } } if (this.inventory37.hitTest(_root.door)) { _root.button1._visible = true; _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_keey = 2; } if (this.inventory31.hitTest(_root.tlo.benzine)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.gasoline == 2) { tellTarget ('_root.tlo') { gotoAndStop(3); _root.button10._visible = false; _root.gasoline = 3; } } } if (this.inventory35.hitTest(_root.przycisk)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.gasoline == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.tlo2') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.gasoline = 1; } } } if (this.inventory35.hitTest(_root.przycisk2)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.gasoline == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.tlo') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.gasoline = 2; _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; } } } if (this.inventory31.hitTest(_root.stol)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.inv_bullet >= 1) { tellTarget ('_root.stol') { gotoAndStop(3); _root.inv_zippo = 2; } } } if (this.inventory32.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory18)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_reloadedgun = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(35); } } if (this.inventory24.hitTest(_root.door110)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.button110._visible = true; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_keyyy = 2; tellTarget ('_root.door110') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory23.hitTest(_root.padlock)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.stuff_gate') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.inv_keyy = 2; } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory28)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory28)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory28)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory28)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory28)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory27)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory27)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory27)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory27)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory27)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_root.szafka1)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { _root.inv_picklock = 2; gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Door'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(4); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } if (this.inventory12.hitTest(_root.obrazkonia.safe1)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv_paper = 2; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_attickey = 1; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Attic'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(11); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (this.inventory3.hitTest(_root.blankscreen)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.gotoAndStop('level6'); _root.inv_flashlight = 2; _root.inv4full = 0; } if (this.inventory17.hitTest(_root.stuff_lever)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv_lever = 2; _root.inv4full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.stuff_lever') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi2)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.button1._visible = true; _root.inv_klucz = 2; } if (_root.inv_cd == 1 & _root.kontakton == 2) { if (this.inventory11.hitTest(_root.komputer.komputer)) { _root.kontakton = 3; _root.inv_cd = 2; _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.komputer') { gotoAndStop(26); } } } if (_root.inv_policebat == 1) { if (this.inventory7.hitTest(_root.szafka3)) { _root.rozbitaszafaon = 1; _root.inv_policebat2 = 2; _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka3') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } if (this.inventory13.hitTest(_root.drabina1)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv_attickey = 3; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.levels = 17; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (_root.inv_patelnia == 1) { if (this.inventory6.hitTest(_root.szafka2)) { _root.kontakton = 1; _root.inv_patelnia = 2; _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka2') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.kropla') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (_root.inv_klucze == 1) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { _root.button4._visible = true; _root.inv_klucze = 2; } } if (_root.inv_klucze == 2) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi4)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Piece of Paper'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(8); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('This key does not match'); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest( { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Even if I give food to dog, it won\'t let me pass'); } } if (_root.inv_money == 1) { if (this.inventory26.hitTest(_root.portier)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Keys to door 130'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(27); _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory29.hitTest( { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I should go back for a minute to let the dog eat all poison'); } tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 2; _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } stopDrag(); _root.inv4._x = 208; _root.inv4._y = 323; } } instance inv5 of movieClip 554 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (this.inventory33.hitTest(_root.wentyl)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_screwdriver = 2; tellTarget ('_root.wentyl') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory46.hitTest(_root.doors)) { _root.entrance._visible = true; _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_klucz2 = 2; } if (this.inventory47.hitTest(_root.stolik)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_coke = 2; _root.stuff_coke._visible = 1; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I should back here in a minute'); } } if (this.inventory45.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory44)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_poisoncoke = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(48); } } if (this.inventory47.hitTest(_root.stolik)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_coke = 2; _root.stuff_coke._visible = 1; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I should back here in a minute'); } } if (this.inventory45.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory44)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_poisoncoke = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(48); } } if (this.inventory45.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory44)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_poisoncoke = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(48); } } if (this.inventory45.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory44)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_poisoncoke = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(48); } } if (this.inventory44.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory45)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_poisoncoke = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(48); } } if (this.inventory44.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory45)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_poisoncoke = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(48); } } if (this.inventory44.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory45)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_poisoncoke = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(48); } } if (this.inventory44.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory45)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_poisoncoke = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(48); } } if (this.inventory43.hitTest(_root.drugguy)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_coiins = 2; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_pills == 0) { gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Deadly Pills'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(40); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory42.hitTest(_root.gosciu)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_book = 2; tellTarget ('_root.gosciu') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_coiins == 0) { gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Coins'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(38); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory38.hitTest(_root.ticketguy)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_cash = 2; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_ticket == 0) { gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Train Ticket'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(35); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory41.hitTest(_root.button2)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_smoke = 2; tellTarget ('_root.button2') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Great, it should bring the security guy here in a moment'); } } if (this.inventory40.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory31)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_smoke = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(42); } } if (this.inventory37.hitTest(_root.door)) { _root.button1._visible = true; _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_keey = 2; } if (this.inventory31.hitTest(_root.tlo.benzine)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.gasoline == 2) { tellTarget ('_root.tlo') { gotoAndStop(3); _root.button10._visible = false; _root.gasoline = 3; } } } if (this.inventory35.hitTest(_root.przycisk)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.gasoline == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.tlo2') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.gasoline = 1; } } } if (this.inventory35.hitTest(_root.przycisk2)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.gasoline == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.tlo') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.gasoline = 2; _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; } } } if (this.inventory31.hitTest(_root.stol)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.inv_bullet >= 1) { tellTarget ('_root.stol') { gotoAndStop(3); _root.inv_zippo = 2; } } } if (this.inventory32.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory18)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_reloadedgun = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(35); } } if (this.inventory24.hitTest(_root.door110)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.button110._visible = true; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_keyyy = 2; tellTarget ('_root.door110') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory23.hitTest(_root.padlock)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.stuff_gate') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.inv_keyy = 2; } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory28)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory28)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory28)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory28)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory28)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory27)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory27)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory27)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory27)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv6.inventory27)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(30); } } if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_root.szafka1)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { _root.inv_picklock = 2; gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Door'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(4); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } if (this.inventory12.hitTest(_root.obrazkonia.safe1)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv_paper = 2; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_attickey = 1; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Attic'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(11); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (this.inventory3.hitTest(_root.blankscreen)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.gotoAndStop('level6'); _root.inv_flashlight = 2; _root.inv5full = 0; } if (this.inventory17.hitTest(_root.stuff_lever)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv_lever = 2; _root.inv5full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.stuff_lever') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory13.hitTest(_root.drabina1)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv_attickey = 3; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.levels = 17; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (_root.inv_cd == 1 & _root.kontakton == 2) { if (this.inventory11.hitTest(_root.komputer.komputer)) { _root.kontakton = 3; _root.inv_cd = 2; _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.komputer') { gotoAndStop(26); } } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi2)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.button1._visible = true; _root.inv_klucz = 2; } if (_root.inv_policebat == 1) { if (this.inventory7.hitTest(_root.szafka3)) { _root.rozbitaszafaon = 1; _root.inv_policebat2 = 2; _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka3') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } if (_root.inv_patelnia == 1) { if (this.inventory6.hitTest(_root.szafka2)) { _root.kontakton = 1; _root.inv_patelnia = 2; _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka2') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.kropla') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (_root.inv_klucze == 1) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { _root.button4._visible = true; _root.inv_klucze = 2; } } if (_root.inv_klucze == 2) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi4)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Piece of Paper'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(8); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('This key does not match'); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest( { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Even if I give food to dog, it won\'t let me pass'); } } if (_root.inv_money == 1) { if (this.inventory26.hitTest(_root.portier)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Keys to door 130'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(27); _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory29.hitTest( { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I should go back for a minute to let the dog eat all poison'); } tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 2; _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } stopDrag(); _root.inv5._x = 268; _root.inv5._y = 323; } } instance inv6 of movieClip 554 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = 0; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (press) { startDrag(this, false); tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (this.inventory33.hitTest(_root.wentyl)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_screwdriver = 2; tellTarget ('_root.wentyl') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory43.hitTest(_root.drugguy)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_coiins = 2; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_pills == 0) { gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Deadly Pills'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(40); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory42.hitTest(_root.gosciu)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_book = 2; tellTarget ('_root.gosciu') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_coiins == 0) { gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Coins'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(38); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory38.hitTest(_root.ticketguy)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_cash = 2; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_ticket == 0) { gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Train Ticket'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(35); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory41.hitTest(_root.button2)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_smoke = 2; tellTarget ('_root.button2') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Great, it should bring the security guy here in a moment'); } } if (this.inventory40.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory31)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_smoke = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(42); } } if (this.inventory31.hitTest(_root.tlo.benzine)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.gasoline == 2) { tellTarget ('_root.tlo') { gotoAndStop(3); _root.button10._visible = false; _root.gasoline = 3; } } } if (this.inventory35.hitTest(_root.przycisk)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.gasoline == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.tlo2') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.gasoline = 1; } } } if (this.inventory35.hitTest(_root.przycisk2)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.gasoline == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.tlo') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.gasoline = 2; _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; } } } if (this.inventory31.hitTest(_root.stol)) { if (_root.ukladanka == 4 & _root.inv_bullet >= 1) { tellTarget ('_root.stol') { gotoAndStop(3); _root.inv_zippo = 2; } } } if (this.inventory32.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory18)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_reloadedgun = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(35); } } if (this.inventory24.hitTest(_root.door110)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.button110._visible = true; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_keyyy = 2; tellTarget ('_root.door110') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.inventory23.hitTest(_root.padlock)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.stuff_gate') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.inv_keyy = 2; } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory28)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(29); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory28)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(29); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory28)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(29); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory28)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(29); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory28)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(29); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv1.inventory27)) { _root.inv1._visible = false; _root.inv1full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(29); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv3.inventory27)) { _root.inv3._visible = false; _root.inv3full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(29); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv4.inventory27)) { _root.inv4._visible = false; _root.inv4full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(29); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv5.inventory27)) { _root.inv5._visible = false; _root.inv5full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(29); } } if (this.inventory28.hitTest(_root.inv2.inventory27)) { _root.inv2._visible = false; _root.inv2full = 0; _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 1; tellTarget ('this') { gotoAndStop(29); } } if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_root.szafka1)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_picklock == 1) { _root.inv_picklock = 2; gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Door'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(4); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } if (this.inventory12.hitTest(_root.obrazkonia.safe1)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv_paper = 2; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.inv_attickey = 1; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Attic'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(11); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (this.inventory3.hitTest(_root.blankscreen)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.gotoAndStop('level6'); _root.inv_flashlight = 2; _root.inv6full = 0; } if (this.inventory17.hitTest(_root.stuff_lever)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv_lever = 2; _root.inv6full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.stuff_lever') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.inv_policebat == 1) { if (this.inventory7.hitTest(_root.szafka3)) { _root.rozbitaszafaon = 1; _root.inv_policebat2 = 2; _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka3') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } if (_root.inv_patelnia == 1) { if (this.inventory6.hitTest(_root.szafka2)) { _root.kontakton = 1; _root.inv_patelnia = 2; _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.szafka2') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_root.kropla') { gotoAndStop(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi2)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.button1._visible = true; _root.inv_klucz = 2; } if (this.inventory13.hitTest(_root.drabina1)) { _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv_attickey = 3; _root.inv6full = 0; _root.levels = 17; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } if (_root.inv_cd == 1 & _root.kontakton == 2) { if (this.inventory11.hitTest(_root.komputer)) { _root.kontakton = 3; _root.inv_cd = 2; _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; tellTarget ('_root.komputer.komputer') { gotoAndStop(26); } } } if (_root.inv_klucze == 1) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { _root.button4._visible = true; _root.inv_klucze = 2; } } if (_root.inv_klucze == 2) { if (this.inventory8.hitTest(_root.drzwi4)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Piece of Paper'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(8); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (_root.inv_money == 1) { if (this.inventory26.hitTest(_root.portier)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Keys to Room 130'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(27); _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } if (this.inventory5.hitTest(_root.drzwi3)) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('This key does not match'); } } if (this.inventory27.hitTest( { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Even if I give food to dog, it won\'t let me pass'); } } if (this.inventory29.hitTest( { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I should go back for a minute to let the dog eat all poison'); } tellTarget ('') { gotoAndStop(2); _root.inv_dogfoodpotion = 2; _root.inv6._visible = false; _root.inv6full = 0; } tellTarget ('_target') { } } tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } stopDrag(); _root.inv6._x = 328; _root.inv6._y = 323; } } instance of movieClip 29 { onClipEvent (release) { getURL('', _blank); } } instance cursors of movieClip 62 { onClipEvent (load) { Mouse.hide(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _x = _root._xmouse; _y = _root._ymouse; updateafterevent(); } } frame 1647 { stop(); } frame 1647 { _root.options._visible = 0; _root.menuscreen._visible = 0; stop(); if (_root.train == 1) { tellTarget ('_root.trains') { gotoAndStop(114); } } _root.inv1._visible = 1; _root.inv1full = 1; tellTarget ('_root.inv1') { gotoAndStop(35); } if (_root.inv_smoke < 1) { _root.inv2._visible = 1; _root.inv2full = 1; tellTarget ('_root.inv2') { gotoAndStop(32); } } if (_root.gasoline == 1 || _root.gasoline == 2) { tellTarget ('_root.tlo2') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.ukladanka == 3) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Damn! If I won\'t run they will catch me!'); _root.ukladanka = 4; } } if (_root.brightnesss == 2) { _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 90; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 98; } if (_root.brightnesss == 3) { _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 80; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 95; } if (_root.brightnesss == 4) { _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 70; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 90; } if (_root.brightnesss == 5) { _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 60; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 88; } if (_root.brightnesss == 6) { _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 50; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 85; } if (_root.brightnesss == 7) { _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 45; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 83; } if (_root.brightnesss == 8) { _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 40; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 80; } if (_root.brightnesss == 9) { _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 30; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 78; } if (_root.brightnesss == 10) { _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 20; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 75; } if (_root.brightnesss == 11) { _root.jasnosc2._visible = 1; _root.jasnosc2._alpha = 10; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 72; } if (_root.brightnesss == 12) { _root.jasnosc2._visible = 0; _root.jasnosc1._alpha = 70; } } frame 1647 { if (_root.inv_book == 2) { tellTarget ('_root.gosciu') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } movieClip 1820 { } movieClip 1821 { } movieClip 1824 { } movieClip 1826 { } instance przycisk of movieClip 350 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka2') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1828 { } instance of movieClip 1828 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I am not leaving my clothes here..'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 1828 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I am not leaving my clothes here..'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1830 { } instance of movieClip 1830 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I don\'t have time to sit here'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1832 { } instance of movieClip 1832 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I don\'t have time to sit here'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1834 { } instance of movieClip 1834 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I don\'t have time to sit here'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1835 { } instance of movieClip 1835 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I don\'t have time to sit here'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1837 { } instance of movieClip 1837 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I don\'t have time to sit here'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1839 { } instance of movieClip 1839 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I don\'t have time to sit here'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1841 { } movieClip 1843 { } movieClip 1844 { } movieClip 1846 { } movieClip 1847 { } movieClip 1848 { frame 1 { stop(); stop(); } instance of movieClip 1844 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('He will give me some money if i bring him a book'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } frame 2 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 1847 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I think he\'s happy that he got this book'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 1850 { } instance of movieClip 1850 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Vase, nothing usefull'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1852 { } instance of movieClip 1852 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Candles'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1854 { } instance of movieClip 1854 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Diffuse Beer'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1856 { } instance of movieClip 1856 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Beer'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1858 { } instance of movieClip 1858 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Bankomat, no card with me'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1859 { } instance of movieClip 1859 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('This guy is bored'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 1860 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 61; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } frame 1648 { stop(); } movieClip 1863 { } movieClip 1865 { } instance of movieClip 1830 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I don\'t have time to sit here'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 1837 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I don\'t have time to sit here'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 1839 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I don\'t have time to sit here'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1867 { } instance of movieClip 1867 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Automat, I don\'t have any money'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1869 { } instance of movieClip 1869 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Small tree'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1871 { } instance of movieClip 1871 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Kettle'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1873 { } instance of movieClip 1873 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Broken plate'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1875 { } movieClip 1876 { } instance of movieClip 1876 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('This guy is trying to buy something'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 1877 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 62; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } button 1878 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 60; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } frame 1649 { stop(); } movieClip 1880 { } instance of movieClip 1880 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Doors are locked, i don\'t think i will find something useful here'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1882 { } instance of movieClip 1882 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Locked'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1884 { } instance of movieClip 1884 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Some towels and plates'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1886 { } instance of movieClip 1886 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Glass of water'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1888 { } instance of movieClip 1888 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Wines'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1890 { } instance of movieClip 1890 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Glass of cold beer'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1892 { } instance of movieClip 1892 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Kettle'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1894 { } movieClip 1895 { } movieClip 1897 { } movieClip 1899 { } instance of movieClip 1899 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Hot pots'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1901 { } instance of movieClip 1901 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('two kinds of butter'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1903 { } instance of movieClip 1903 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Fish'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1905 { } movieClip 1906 { } instance drugguy of movieClip 1906 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.inv_pills == 0) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('This guy is selling some drugs'); } } else { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I just bought pills from this guy'); } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 1907 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 63; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } frame 1650 { stop(); } frame 1650 { if (_root.inv_klucz2 < 2) { _root.entrance._visible = 0; } else { _root.entrance._visible = 1; } } instance of movieClip 1830 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I don\'t have time to sit here'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 1832 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I don\'t have time to sit here'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 1837 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I don\'t have time to sit here'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance doors of movieClip 1760 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Door is locked, strange..'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1910 { } instance of movieClip 1910 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_book == 0) { gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Book'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(37); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1912 { } instance of movieClip 1912 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Glasses with Kamikaze Vodka'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1914 { } instance of movieClip 1914 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Plate'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 1915 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 65; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } button 1916 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 64; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } movieClip 1919 { } instance of movieClip 1919 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Toilet'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } frame 1651 { stop(); } frame 1651 { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('My God!..'); } } movieClip 1922 { } movieClip 1924 { } movieClip 1939 { } button 1941 { on (release) { if (_root.blocktransation == 0) { _root.levels = 67; tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ('_root.transation1') { gotoAndPlay(2); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } } frame 1652 { stop(); } frame 1652 { if (_root.inv_coke == 1) { _root.stuff_coke._visible = 0; } if (_root.inv_coke == 2) { _root.stuff_coke._visible = 0; tellTarget ('_root.instanceman') { gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.inv_klucz2 >= 1) { _root.instanceman.stuff_klucz._visible = 0; } } movieClip 1943 { } instance of movieClip 1869 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Tree'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 1869 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Tree'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 1869 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Tree'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1945 { } instance of movieClip 1945 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Another automat'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1947 { } instance stuff_coke of movieClip 450 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_coke == 0) { gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Coke'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(39); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1949 { } movieClip 1950 { } movieClip 1951 { } movieClip 1952 { } movieClip 1953 { frame 1 { stop(); stop(); } instance of movieClip 1950 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('This guy has the key to the toilet'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } frame 2 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 1951 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('He\'s sleeping, let\'s take the key'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance stuff_klucz of movieClip 1952 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.inv_klucz2 == 0) { gotoAndStop(3); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('Key to Toilet'); } tellTarget ('_root.chmurka.przedmiot') { gotoAndStop(41); } tellTarget ('_target') { } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 1954 { } instance of movieClip 1954 { onClipEvent (release) { tellTarget ('_root.chmurka') { gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); _root.chmurka.tekst = String('I won\'t interup them, they are talking'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { tellTarget ('_root.cursors') { gotoAndStop(1); } } } frame 1653 { stop(); stopAllSounds(); } // unknown tag 88 length 62 movieClip 1957 { frame 52 { stop(); } }
Created: 9/2 -2019 15:18:24 Last modified: 9/2 -2019 15:18:24 Server time: 05/11 -2024 10:44:51