Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2594 · P5188

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #137036

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
movieClip 2 { } movieClip 6 { } movieClip 8 bakudan { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 2 { onClipEvent (load) { velX = 3; velY = 3; time = 0; mukiX = 1; mukiY = 0; damage = 0; kidou = -8; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { hanteix1 = (this.getBounds(_root)).xMin; hanteix2 = (this.getBounds(_root)).xMax; hanteiy1 = (this.getBounds(_root)).yMin; hanteiy2 = (this.getBounds(_root)).yMax; if (time == 0) { mukiX = (this._parent._rotation >= 3 && this._parent._rotation <= 5) + (this._parent._rotation >= 6 && this._parent._rotation <= 8) * 2; mukiY = (this._parent._rotation == 1 || this._parent._rotation == 4 || this._parent._rotation == 7) + (this._parent._rotation == 2 || this._parent._rotation == 5 || this._parent._rotation == 8) * 2; } ++time; this._parent._x += ((mukiX == 1) - (mukiX == 2)) * velX * (1 - (mukiY >= 1) * 0.3); this._parent._y += ((mukiY == 1) - (mukiY == 2)) * velY * (1 - (mukiX >= 1) * 0.3); this._parent._y += kidou; kidou += 0.2; if (kidou >= 8) { this._parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } } frame 2 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 6 { onClipEvent (load) { var muteki = new Array(); i = 1; while (i < 100) { muteki[i] = new Array(); muteki[i] = 0; ++i; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.main.player.main.HP > 0 && this._parent.hitTest(_root.main.player.main.hantei)) { _root.main.player.main.HP -= 1; _root.main.player.main.damage = 1; _root.main.attachMovie('hit', ['hit' + i], 100 + i); _root.main['hit' + i]._x = this._parent._x; _root.main['hit' + i]._y = this._parent._y; } if (this._currentframe >= this._totalframes) { this._parent.removeMovieClip(); } } } } movieClip 10 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 27 { } movieClip 29 fpearl { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 10 { onClipEvent (load) { velX = 9; velY = -6; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { hanteix1 = (this.getBounds(_root)).xMin; hanteix2 = (this.getBounds(_root)).xMax; hanteiy1 = (this.getBounds(_root)).yMin; hanteiy2 = (this.getBounds(_root)).yMax; muki = (this._parent._xscale > 0) - (this._parent._xscale < 0); if (velX != 0) { this._parent._x += velX * muki; this._parent._y += velY; this._parent._rotation += 30 * muki; velY += 1; } i = 1; while (i < 100) { if (_root.main['enemy' + i].main.HP > 0 && this._parent.hitTest(_root.main['enemy' + i].main.hantei)) { _root.main['enemy' + i].main.HP -= 1; _root.main['enemy' + i].main.damage = 1; _root.main.attachMovie('hit', ['hit' + i], 200 + i); _root.main['hit' + i]._x = this._parent._x; _root.main['hit' + i]._y = this._parent._y; this._parent.removeMovieClip(); } ++i; } if (this._parent.hitTest(_root.koudou) == 0) { this._parent.removeMovieClip(); } if (_root.main.chikei.hitTest((hanteix1 + hanteix2) / 2, hanteiy2, true)) { velX = 0; velY = 0; this._parent._rotation = 0; this._parent.gotoAndPlay('2'); } } } frame 2 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 27 { onClipEvent (load) { var muteki = new Array(); i = 1; while (i < 100) { muteki[i] = new Array(); muteki[i] = 0; ++i; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { i = 1; while (i < 100) { if (_root.main['enemy' + i].main.HP > 0 && this._parent.hitTest(_root.main['enemy' + i].main.hantei) && muteki[i] == 0) { _root.main['enemy' + i].main.HP -= 1; _root.main['enemy' + i].main.damage = 1; muteki[i] = 1; _root.main.attachMovie('hit', ['hit' + i], 100 + i); _root.main['hit' + i]._x = this._parent._x; _root.main['hit' + i]._y = this._parent._y; } ++i; } if (this._currentframe >= this._totalframes) { this._parent.removeMovieClip(); } } } } movieClip 30 firepearl { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 10 { onClipEvent (load) { velX = 7; velY = 7; time = 0; mukiX = 1; mukiY = 0; damage = 0; kidou = -2; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { hanteix1 = (this.getBounds(_root)).xMin; hanteix2 = (this.getBounds(_root)).xMax; hanteiy1 = (this.getBounds(_root)).yMin; hanteiy2 = (this.getBounds(_root)).yMax; if (time == 0) { mukiX = (this._parent._rotation >= 3 && this._parent._rotation <= 5) + (this._parent._rotation >= 6 && this._parent._rotation <= 8) * 2; mukiY = (this._parent._rotation == 1 || this._parent._rotation == 4 || this._parent._rotation == 7) + (this._parent._rotation == 2 || this._parent._rotation == 5 || this._parent._rotation == 8) * 2; } ++time; this._parent._x += ((mukiX == 1) - (mukiX == 2)) * velX * (1 - (mukiY >= 1) * 0.3); this._parent._y += ((mukiY == 1) - (mukiY == 2)) * velY * (1 - (mukiX >= 1) * 0.3); this._parent._y += kidou; kidou += 0.2; if (kidou >= 6) { this._parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } } frame 2 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 27 { onClipEvent (load) { var muteki = new Array(); i = 1; while (i <= 60) { muteki[i] = new Array(); muteki[i] = 0; ++i; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { i = 1; while (i <= 60) { if (_root.main['enemy' + i].main.HP > 0 && this._parent.hitTest(_root.main['enemy' + i].main.hantei)) { _root.main['enemy' + i].main.HP -= 1; _root.main['enemy' + i].main.damage = 1; _root.main.attachMovie('hit', ['hit' + i], 100 + i); _root.main['hit' + i]._x = this._parent._x; _root.main['hit' + i]._y = this._parent._y; } if (_root.main['satou' + i].main.HP > 0 && this._parent.hitTest(_root.main['satou' + i].main.hantei)) { _root.main['satou' + i].main.HP -= 1; _root.main['satou' + i].main.damage = 1; ++_root.main.player.main.gosya; _root.main.attachMovie('hit', ['hit' + i], 100 + i); _root.main['hit' + i]._x = this._parent._x; _root.main['hit' + i]._y = this._parent._y; } ++i; } if (this._currentframe >= this._totalframes) { this._parent.removeMovieClip(); } } } } movieClip 32 { } movieClip 33 laser { instance of movieClip 32 { onClipEvent (load) { velX = 50; velY = 0; time = 0; mukiX = 1; mukiY = 0; damage = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { hanteix1 = (this.getBounds(_root)).xMin; hanteix2 = (this.getBounds(_root)).xMax; hanteiy1 = (this.getBounds(_root)).yMin; hanteiy2 = (this.getBounds(_root)).yMax; ++time; this._parent._x += velX; if (_root.main.player.main.HP > 0 && this._parent.hitTest(_root.main.player.main.hantei)) { _root.main.player.main.HP -= 1; _root.main.player.main.damage = 1; } if (this._parent.hitTest(_root.sotowaku) == 0 || _root.main.chikei1.hitTest((hanteix1 + hanteix2) / 2, (hanteiy1 + hanteiy2) / 2, true) || time >= 50) { this._parent.removeMovieClip(); } } } } movieClip 37 { } movieClip 40 tekidan { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 37 { onClipEvent (load) { velX = 8; velY = 8; time = 0; mukiX = 1; mukiY = 0; damage = 0; var muteki = new Array(); i = 1; while (i <= 60) { muteki[i] = new Array(); muteki[i] = 0; ++i; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { hanteix1 = (this.getBounds(_root)).xMin; hanteix2 = (this.getBounds(_root)).xMax; hanteiy1 = (this.getBounds(_root)).yMin; hanteiy2 = (this.getBounds(_root)).yMax; if (time == 0) { mukiX = (this._parent._rotation >= 3 && this._parent._rotation <= 5) + (this._parent._rotation >= 6 && this._parent._rotation <= 8) * 2; mukiY = (this._parent._rotation == 1 || this._parent._rotation == 4 || this._parent._rotation == 7) + (this._parent._rotation == 2 || this._parent._rotation == 5 || this._parent._rotation == 8) * 2; } ++time; this._parent._x += ((mukiX == 1) - (mukiX == 2)) * velX * (1 - (mukiY >= 1) * 0.3); this._parent._y += ((mukiY == 1) - (mukiY == 2)) * velY * (1 - (mukiX >= 1) * 0.3); if (damage == 1) { i = 1; while (i <= 60) { if (_root.main['enemy' + i].main.HP > 0 && this._parent.hitTest(_root.main['enemy' + i].main.hantei) && muteki[i] == 0) { _root.main['enemy' + i].main.HP -= 1; _root.main['enemy' + i].main.damage = 1; muteki[i] = 1; _root.main.attachMovie('hit', ['hit' + i], 100 + i); _root.main['hit' + i]._x = this._parent._x; _root.main['hit' + i]._y = this._parent._y; this._parent.removeMovieClip(); } ++i; } } if (_root.main.player.main.HP > 0 && this._parent.hitTest(_root.main.player.main.hantei) && damage == 0) { _root.main.player.main.HP -= 1; _root.main.player.main.damage = 1; _root.main.attachMovie('hit', ['hit' + i], 100 + i); _root.main['hit' + i]._x = this._parent._x; _root.main['hit' + i]._y = this._parent._y; this._parent.removeMovieClip(); } i = 1; while (i <= 2) { if (_root.main.player.main.dousa['hantei' + i].hitTest(this) && damage == 0) { damage = 1; velX = -velX; velY = -velY; time = 1; _root.main.attachMovie('hit', 'hit', 100); _root.main.hit._x = this._parent._x; _root.main.hit._y = this._parent._y; this._parent.gotoAndStop(2); } ++i; } if (this._parent.hitTest(_root.sotowaku) == 0 || _root.main.chikei1.hitTest((hanteix1 + hanteix2) / 2, (hanteiy1 + hanteiy2) / 2, true) || time >= 90) { this._parent.removeMovieClip(); } } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 41 dan { instance of movieClip 37 { onClipEvent (load) { velX = 15; velY = 15; time = 0; mukiX = 1; mukiY = 0; var muteki = new Array(); i = 1; while (i <= 60) { muteki[i] = new Array(); muteki[i] = 0; ++i; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { hanteix1 = (this.getBounds(_root)).xMin; hanteix2 = (this.getBounds(_root)).xMax; hanteiy1 = (this.getBounds(_root)).yMin; hanteiy2 = (this.getBounds(_root)).yMax; if (time == 0) { mukiX = (this._parent._rotation >= 3 && this._parent._rotation <= 5) + (this._parent._rotation >= 6 && this._parent._rotation <= 8) * 2; mukiY = (this._parent._rotation == 1 || this._parent._rotation == 4 || this._parent._rotation == 7) + (this._parent._rotation == 2 || this._parent._rotation == 5 || this._parent._rotation == 8) * 2; } ++time; this._parent._x += ((mukiX == 1) - (mukiX == 2)) * velX * (1 - (mukiY >= 1) * 0.3); this._parent._y += ((mukiY == 1) - (mukiY == 2)) * velY * (1 - (mukiX >= 1) * 0.3); i = 1; while (i <= 60) { if (_root.main['enemy' + i].main.HP > 0 && this._parent.hitTest(_root.main['enemy' + i].main.hantei) && muteki[i] == 0) { _root.main['enemy' + i].main.HP -= 1; _root.main['enemy' + i].main.damage = 1; muteki[i] = 1; _root.main.attachMovie('hit', ['hit' + i], 100 + i); _root.main['hit' + i]._x = this._parent._x; _root.main['hit' + i]._y = this._parent._y; this._parent.removeMovieClip(); } if (_root.main['satou' + i].main.HP > 0 && this._parent.hitTest(_root.main['satou' + i].main.hantei) && muteki[i] == 0) { _root.main['satou' + i].main.HP -= 1; _root.main['satou' + i].main.damage = 1; muteki[i] = 1; ++_root.main.player.main.gosya; _root.main.attachMovie('hit', ['hit' + i], 100 + i); _root.main['hit' + i]._x = this._parent._x; _root.main['hit' + i]._y = this._parent._y; this._parent.removeMovieClip(); } ++i; } if (this._parent.hitTest(_root.sotowaku) == 0 || _root.main.chikei1.hitTest((hanteix1 + hanteix2) / 2, (hanteiy1 + hanteiy2) / 2, true) || time >= 60) { this._parent.removeMovieClip(); } } } } movieClip 46 { } movieClip 47 hit { instance of movieClip 46 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._currentframe >= 10) { this._parent.removeMovieClip(); } } } } movieClip 51 { } movieClip 53 tekidan2 { instance main of movieClip 51 { onClipEvent (load) { maai = this._parent._x - _root.main.player._x; maaiY = this._parent._y - _root.main.player._y + _root.main.player._height / 2; velX = -maai * 0.02; velY = -maaiY * 0.02; damage = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { hanteix1 = (this.getBounds(_root)).xMin; hanteix2 = (this.getBounds(_root)).xMax; hanteiy1 = (this.getBounds(_root)).yMin; hanteiy2 = (this.getBounds(_root)).yMax; muki = (this._parent._xscale > 0) - (this._parent._xscale < 0); this._parent._x += velX; this._parent._y += velY; if (_root.main.player.main.HP > 0 && this._parent.hitTest(_root.main.player.main.hantei)) { _root.main.player.main.HP -= 1; _root.main.player.main.damage = 1; damage = 1; } i = 1; while (i <= 4) { if (_root.main.player.main.dousa['hantei' + i].hitTest(this)) { damage = 1; } ++i; } if (damage == 1) { _root.main.attachMovie('hit', 'hit', 100); _root.main.hit._x = this._parent._x; _root.main.hit._y = this._parent._y; this._parent.removeMovieClip(); } if (_root.main._currentframe >= 20 || this._parent.hitTest(_root.sotowaku) == 0 || _root.main.chikei.hitTest((hanteix1 + hanteix2) / 2, (hanteiy1 + hanteiy2) / 2, true)) { this._parent.removeMovieClip(); } } } } movieClip 55 aura { instance of movieClip 37 { onClipEvent (load) { velX = 30; velY = 30; time = 0; mukiX = 1; mukiY = 0; var muteki = new Array(); i = 1; while (i <= 60) { muteki[i] = new Array(); muteki[i] = 0; ++i; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { hanteix1 = (this.getBounds(_root)).xMin; hanteix2 = (this.getBounds(_root)).xMax; hanteiy1 = (this.getBounds(_root)).yMin; hanteiy2 = (this.getBounds(_root)).yMax; if (time == 0) { mukiX = (this._parent._rotation >= 3 && this._parent._rotation <= 5) + (this._parent._rotation >= 6 && this._parent._rotation <= 8) * 2; mukiY = (this._parent._rotation == 1 || this._parent._rotation == 4 || this._parent._rotation == 7) + (this._parent._rotation == 2 || this._parent._rotation == 5 || this._parent._rotation == 8) * 2; } ++time; this._parent._x += ((mukiX == 1) - (mukiX == 2)) * velX * (1 - (mukiY >= 1) * 0.3); this._parent._y += ((mukiY == 1) - (mukiY == 2)) * velY * (1 - (mukiX >= 1) * 0.3); i = 1; while (i <= 60) { if (_root.main['enemy' + i].main.HP > 0 && this._parent.hitTest(_root.main['enemy' + i].main.hantei) && muteki[i] == 0) { _root.main['enemy' + i].main.HP -= 2; _root.main['enemy' + i].main.damage = 1; muteki[i] = 1; _root.main.attachMovie('hit', ['hit' + i], 100 + i); _root.main['hit' + i]._x = this._parent._x; _root.main['hit' + i]._y = this._parent._y; } if (_root.main['satou' + i].main.HP > 0 && this._parent.hitTest(_root.main['satou' + i].main.hantei) && muteki[i] == 0) { _root.main['satou' + i].main.HP -= 2; _root.main['satou' + i].main.damage = 1; muteki[i] = 1; ++_root.main.player.main.gosya; _root.main.attachMovie('hit', ['hit' + i], 100 + i); _root.main['hit' + i]._x = this._parent._x; _root.main['hit' + i]._y = this._parent._y; } ++i; } if (this._parent.hitTest(_root.sotowaku) == 0 || _root.main.chikei1.hitTest((hanteix1 + hanteix2) / 2, (hanteiy1 + hanteiy2) / 2, true) || time >= 60) { this._parent.removeMovieClip(); } } } } movieClip 58 剣 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } frame 1 { stop(); miss = 0; } movieClip 61 { } movieClip 73 { } movieClip 322 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { gotoAndStop('stop10'); } frame 48 { gotoAndPlay('run10'); } frame 80 { gotoAndStop('stop20'); } frame 98 { gotoAndPlay('run20'); } frame 101 { stop(); } frame 130 { gotoAndStop('stop01'); } frame 147 { gotoAndPlay('run01'); } frame 151 { stop(); } frame 180 { gotoAndStop('stop02'); } frame 197 { gotoAndPlay('run02'); } frame 201 { stop(); } frame 230 { gotoAndStop('stop11'); } frame 249 { gotoAndPlay('run11'); } frame 280 { gotoAndStop('stop21'); } frame 298 { gotoAndPlay('run21'); } frame 301 { stop(); } frame 330 { gotoAndStop('stop12'); } frame 347 { gotoAndPlay('run12'); } frame 380 { gotoAndStop('stop22'); } frame 397 { gotoAndPlay('run22'); } } // unknown tag 88 length 38 // unknown tag 88 length 22 // unknown tag 88 length 19 button 330 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop('opening'); } } button 335 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop('htp'); } } button 339 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop('sozai'); } } // unknown tag 88 length 35 // unknown tag 88 length 73 movieClip 345 { } movieClip 355 { } // unknown tag 88 length 120 // unknown tag 88 length 22 // unknown tag 88 length 22 button 381 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop('title'); } } movieClip 392 { } button 398 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop('men' +; } } // unknown tag 88 length 120 movieClip 422 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } } movieClip 423 { frame 60 { stop(); } } // unknown tag 88 length 76 movieClip 427 { } movieClip 432 { } movieClip 433 { } movieClip 444 { } movieClip 445 { } movieClip 447 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 448 { instance of movieClip 447 { } } // unknown tag 88 length 69 movieClip 453 { } movieClip 455 { } movieClip 456 { } movieClip 457 { instance of movieClip 73 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { hanteix1 = (this._parent.getBounds(_root)).xMin; hanteix2 = (this._parent.getBounds(_root)).xMax; hanteiy1 = (this._parent.getBounds(_root)).yMin; hanteiy2 = (this._parent.getBounds(_root)).yMax; i = 1; while (i <= 2) { if (_root.main.player.main.dousa['hantei' + i].hitTest(this) && this._parent._parent.damage == 0) { this._parent._parent.HP -= 3; this._parent._parent.damage = 1; _root.main.attachMovie('hit', ['hit' + i], 100 + i); _root.main['hit' + i]._x = this._parent._parent._parent._x; _root.main['hit' + i]._y = this._parent._parent._parent._y - this._parent._parent._parent._height / 2; } ++i; } if (this._parent._parent.damage > 0 || this._parent._parent.HP <= 0) { this._parent._parent.gotoAndStop('damage'); } } } } movieClip 491 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { this._parent.attack = 0; gotoAndStop('stop10'); } frame 47 { gotoAndPlay('run10'); } frame 80 { this._parent.attack = 0; gotoAndStop('stop20'); } frame 97 { gotoAndPlay('run20'); } frame 101 { stop(); } frame 130 { this._parent.attack = 0; gotoAndStop('stop11'); } frame 147 { gotoAndPlay('run11'); } frame 180 { this._parent.attack = 0; gotoAndStop('stop21'); } frame 197 { gotoAndPlay('run21'); } frame 201 { stop(); } frame 229 { this._parent.attack = 0; gotoAndStop('stop01'); } frame 247 { gotoAndPlay('run01'); } frame 251 { stop(); } frame 280 { this._parent.attack = 0; gotoAndStop('stop02'); } frame 297 { gotoAndPlay('run02'); } frame 301 { stop(); } frame 330 { this._parent.attack = 0; gotoAndStop('stop12'); } frame 347 { gotoAndPlay('run12'); } frame 380 { this._parent.attack = 0; gotoAndStop('stop22'); } frame 397 { gotoAndPlay('run22'); } } movieClip 495 { } movieClip 496 { instance of movieClip 73 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._parent._parent.velX = 0; this._parent._parent.velY = 0; this._parent._parent.gamen = 0; this._parent._parent._parent._x = this._parent._parent.defX; this._parent._parent._parent._y = this._parent._parent.defY; if (this._parent._parent._parent.hitTest(_root.koudou) && this._parent._parent._parent.hitTest(_root.sotowaku) == 0) { this._parent._parent.gamen = 1; this._parent._parent.damage = 0; this._parent._parent.attack = 0; this._parent._parent.HP = this._parent._parent.MAXHP; this._parent._parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 497 { frame 1 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndStop('stop' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 2 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndPlay('run' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 3 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndStop('stop' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 4 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndPlay('run' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 5 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndStop('stop' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 6 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndPlay('run' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 7 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndStop('stop' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 8 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndPlay('run' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 9 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndStop('stop' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 10 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndPlay('run' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 11 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndStop('stop' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 12 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndPlay('run' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 13 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndStop('stop' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 14 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndPlay('run' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 15 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndStop('stop' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 16 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndPlay('run' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 25 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } frame 31 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 495 { onClipEvent (load) { time = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { ++time; if (time >= 30) { if (this._parent.HP > 0) { this._parent.damage = 0; this._parent._parent.attack = 0; this._parent.gotoAndStop('stop'); } else { this._parent.gamen = 0; this._parent.gotoAndStop('gamengai'); } } } } frame 32 { stop(); } } movieClip 498 { instance main of movieClip 497 { onClipEvent (load) { velX = 0; velY = 0; defX = this._parent._x; defY = this._parent._y; xpower = 2; ypower = 2; attack = 0; damage = 0; MAXHP = 1; HP = MAXHP; mukiX = 2; mukiY = 0; gamen = 1; time = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { hanteix1 = (this.hantei.getBounds(_root)).xMin; hanteix2 = (this.hantei.getBounds(_root)).xMax; hanteiy1 = (this.hantei.getBounds(_root)).yMin; hanteiy2 = (this.hantei.getBounds(_root)).yMax; hanteix15 = hanteix2 - (hanteix2 - hanteix1) / 2; hanteiy15 = hanteiy2 - (hanteiy2 - hanteiy1) / 2; if (gamen == 1) { ++time; if (time >= 30) { time = 0; } if (attack == 0 && damage == 0 && time == 0) { velX = ((Math.random() < 0.25) - (Math.random() < 0.25)) * xpower; velY = ((Math.random() < 0.25) - (Math.random() < 0.25)) * ypower; } if (damage > 0) { velX = 0; velY = 0; gotoAndStop('damage'); } else { if (velX != 0 || velY != 0) { mukiX = (velX > 0) + (velX < 0) * 2; mukiY = (velY > 0) + (velY < 0) * 2; gotoAndStop('walk' + mukiX + mukiY); } else { if (attack == 0) { mukiX = (this._parent._x + 50 < _root.main.player._x) + (this._parent._x - 50 > _root.main.player._x) * 2; mukiY = (this._parent._y + 50 < _root.main.player._y) + (this._parent._y - 50 > _root.main.player._y) * 2; if (mukiX == 0 && mukiY == 0 || mukiX > 2 || mukiY > 2) { mukiX = 0; mukiY = 1; } gotoAndStop('stop' + mukiX + mukiY); } } } if (Math.random() < 0.01 && attack == 0 && damage == 0 && this.dousa.gun != null) { i = 1; while (i <= 10) { if (_root.main['tekidan' + i] == null) { _root.main.attachMovie('tekidan', 'tekidan' + i, 500 + i); _root.main['tekidan' + i]._x = this._parent._x + (this.dousa.gun._x - this._x) * this._xscale * 0.01; _root.main['tekidan' + i]._y = this._parent._y + (this.dousa.gun._y - this._y) * this._yscale * 0.01; _root.main['tekidan' + i]._rotation = (mukiX == 0) * mukiY + (mukiX == 1) * (mukiY + 3) + (mukiX == 2) * (mukiY + 6); i += 10; } ++i; } } i = 1; while (i <= 2) { if (velX > 0 && (_root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix2, hanteiy15, true) || _root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix2, hanteiy1, true) && velY < 0 || _root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix2, hanteiy2, true) && velY > 0)) { velX = 0; } if (velX < 0 && (_root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix1, hanteiy15, true) || _root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix1, hanteiy1, true) && velY < 0 || _root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix1, hanteiy2, true) && velY > 0)) { velX = 0; } if (velY > 0 && (_root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix15, hanteiy2, true) || _root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix1, hanteiy2, true) && velX < 0 || _root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix2, hanteiy2, true) && velX > 0)) { velY = 0; } if (velY < 0 && (_root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix15, hanteiy1, true) || _root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix1, hanteiy1, true) && velX < 0 || _root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix2, hanteiy1, true) && velX > 0)) { velY = 0; } ++i; } this._parent._x += velX; this._parent._y += velY; } if (this._parent.hitTest(_root.sotowaku) == 0) { gamen = 0; attack = 0; gotoAndStop('taiki'); } else { if (HP > 0 && gamen == 0 && this._parent.hitTest(_root.sotowaku)) { gamen = 1; } } } } } movieClip 566 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { this._parent.attack = 0; gotoAndStop('stop10'); } frame 47 { gotoAndPlay('run10'); } frame 80 { this._parent.attack = 0; gotoAndStop('stop20'); } frame 97 { gotoAndPlay('run20'); } frame 101 { stop(); } frame 130 { this._parent.attack = 0; gotoAndStop('stop11'); } frame 147 { gotoAndPlay('run11'); } frame 180 { this._parent.attack = 0; gotoAndStop('stop21'); } frame 197 { gotoAndPlay('run21'); } frame 201 { stop(); } frame 229 { this._parent.attack = 0; gotoAndStop('stop01'); } frame 247 { gotoAndPlay('run01'); } frame 251 { stop(); } frame 280 { this._parent.attack = 0; gotoAndStop('stop02'); } frame 297 { gotoAndPlay('run02'); } frame 301 { stop(); } frame 330 { this._parent.attack = 0; gotoAndStop('stop12'); } frame 347 { gotoAndPlay('run12'); } frame 380 { this._parent.attack = 0; gotoAndStop('stop22'); } frame 397 { gotoAndPlay('run22'); } } movieClip 570 { } movieClip 571 { frame 1 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndStop('stop' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 2 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndPlay('run' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 3 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndStop('stop' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 4 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndPlay('run' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 5 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndStop('stop' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 6 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndPlay('run' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 7 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndStop('stop' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 8 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndPlay('run' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 9 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndStop('stop' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 10 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndPlay('run' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 11 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndStop('stop' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 12 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndPlay('run' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 13 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndStop('stop' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 14 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndPlay('run' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 15 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndStop('stop' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 16 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndPlay('run' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 25 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndPlay('sword' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 30 { stop(); } frame 31 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 570 { onClipEvent (load) { time = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { ++time; if (time >= 30) { if (this._parent.HP > 0) { this._parent.damage = 0; this._parent._parent.attack = 0; this._parent.gotoAndStop('stop'); } else { this._parent.gamen = 0; this._parent.gotoAndStop('gamengai'); } } } } frame 32 { stop(); } } movieClip 572 { instance main of movieClip 571 { onClipEvent (load) { velX = 0; velY = 0; defX = this._parent._x; defY = this._parent._y; xpower = 2; ypower = 2; attack = 0; damage = 0; MAXHP = 2; HP = MAXHP; mukiX = 2; mukiY = 0; gamen = 1; time = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { hanteix1 = (this.hantei.getBounds(_root)).xMin; hanteix2 = (this.hantei.getBounds(_root)).xMax; hanteiy1 = (this.hantei.getBounds(_root)).yMin; hanteiy2 = (this.hantei.getBounds(_root)).yMax; hanteix15 = hanteix2 - (hanteix2 - hanteix1) / 2; hanteiy15 = hanteiy2 - (hanteiy2 - hanteiy1) / 2; maaiX = Math.abs(this._parent._x - _root.main.player._x); maaiY = Math.abs(this._parent._y - _root.main.player._y); if (gamen == 1) { ++time; if (time >= 30) { time = 0; } if (Math.random() < 0.01 && attack == 0 && damage == 0 && maaiX <= 400 && maaiY <= 300) { gotoAndStop('bomb'); attack = 1; velX = 0; velY = 0; } if (attack >= 1 && damage == 0) { velX = 0; velY = 0; ++attack; if (attack >= 19) { attack = 0; } } if (attack == 11 && damage == 0 && this.dousa.gun != null) { i = 1; while (i <= 5) { if (_root.main['tekidan' + i] == null) { _root.main.attachMovie('bakudan', 'tekidan' + i, 500 + i); _root.main['tekidan' + i]._x = this._parent._x + (this.dousa.gun._x - this._x) * this._xscale * 0.01; _root.main['tekidan' + i]._y = this._parent._y + (this.dousa.gun._y - this._y) * this._yscale * 0.01; _root.main['tekidan' + i]._rotation = (mukiX == 0) * mukiY + (mukiX == 1) * (mukiY + 3) + (mukiX == 2) * (mukiY + 6); i += 5; } ++i; } } if (attack == 0 && damage == 0 && time == 0) { velX = ((Math.random() < 0.25) - (Math.random() < 0.25)) * xpower; velY = ((Math.random() < 0.25) - (Math.random() < 0.25)) * ypower; } if (damage > 0) { velX = 0; velY = 0; gotoAndStop('damage'); } else { if (velX != 0 || velY != 0) { mukiX = (velX > 0) + (velX < 0) * 2; mukiY = (velY > 0) + (velY < 0) * 2; gotoAndStop('walk' + mukiX + mukiY); } else { if (attack == 0) { mukiX = (this._parent._x + 50 < _root.main.player._x) + (this._parent._x - 50 > _root.main.player._x) * 2; mukiY = (this._parent._y + 50 < _root.main.player._y) + (this._parent._y - 50 > _root.main.player._y) * 2; if (mukiX == 0 && mukiY == 0 || mukiX > 2 || mukiY > 2) { mukiX = 0; mukiY = 1; } gotoAndStop('stop' + mukiX + mukiY); } } } i = 1; while (i <= 2) { if (velX > 0 && (_root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix2, hanteiy15, true) || _root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix2, hanteiy1, true) && velY < 0 || _root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix2, hanteiy2, true) && velY > 0)) { velX = 0; } if (velX < 0 && (_root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix1, hanteiy15, true) || _root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix1, hanteiy1, true) && velY < 0 || _root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix1, hanteiy2, true) && velY > 0)) { velX = 0; } if (velY > 0 && (_root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix15, hanteiy2, true) || _root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix1, hanteiy2, true) && velX < 0 || _root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix2, hanteiy2, true) && velX > 0)) { velY = 0; } if (velY < 0 && (_root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix15, hanteiy1, true) || _root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix1, hanteiy1, true) && velX < 0 || _root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix2, hanteiy1, true) && velX > 0)) { velY = 0; } ++i; } this._parent._x += velX; this._parent._y += velY; } if (this._parent.hitTest(_root.sotowaku) == 0) { gamen = 0; attack = 0; gotoAndStop('taiki'); } else { if (HP > 0 && gamen == 0 && this._parent.hitTest(_root.sotowaku)) { gamen = 1; } } } } } movieClip 661 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { this._parent.attack = 0; gotoAndStop('stop10'); } frame 47 { gotoAndPlay('run10'); } frame 80 { this._parent.attack = 0; gotoAndStop('stop20'); } frame 97 { gotoAndPlay('run20'); } frame 101 { stop(); } frame 130 { this._parent.attack = 0; gotoAndStop('stop11'); } frame 147 { gotoAndPlay('run11'); } frame 180 { this._parent.attack = 0; gotoAndStop('stop21'); } frame 197 { gotoAndPlay('run21'); } frame 201 { stop(); } frame 229 { this._parent.attack = 0; gotoAndStop('stop01'); } frame 247 { gotoAndPlay('run01'); } frame 251 { stop(); } frame 280 { this._parent.attack = 0; gotoAndStop('stop02'); } frame 297 { gotoAndPlay('run02'); } frame 301 { stop(); } frame 330 { this._parent.attack = 0; gotoAndStop('stop12'); } frame 347 { gotoAndPlay('run12'); } frame 380 { this._parent.attack = 0; gotoAndStop('stop22'); } frame 397 { gotoAndPlay('run22'); } } movieClip 665 { } movieClip 666 { frame 1 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndStop('stop' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 2 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndPlay('run' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 3 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndStop('stop' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 4 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndPlay('run' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 5 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndStop('stop' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 6 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndPlay('run' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 7 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndStop('stop' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 8 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndPlay('run' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 9 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndStop('stop' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 10 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndPlay('run' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 11 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndStop('stop' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 12 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndPlay('run' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 13 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndStop('stop' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 14 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndPlay('run' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 15 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndStop('stop' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 16 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndPlay('run' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 25 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndPlay('sword' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 30 { stop(); } frame 31 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 665 { onClipEvent (load) { time = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { ++time; if (time >= 30) { if (this._parent.HP > 0) { this._parent.damage = 0; this._parent._parent.attack = 0; this._parent.gotoAndStop('stop'); } else { this._parent.gamen = 0; this._parent.gotoAndStop('gamengai'); } } } } frame 32 { stop(); } } movieClip 667 { instance main of movieClip 666 { onClipEvent (load) { velX = 0; velY = 0; defX = this._parent._x; defY = this._parent._y; xpower = 6; ypower = 6; attack = 0; damage = 0; MAXHP = 3; HP = MAXHP; mukiX = 2; mukiY = 0; gamen = 1; time = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { hanteix1 = (this.hantei.getBounds(_root)).xMin; hanteix2 = (this.hantei.getBounds(_root)).xMax; hanteiy1 = (this.hantei.getBounds(_root)).yMin; hanteiy2 = (this.hantei.getBounds(_root)).yMax; hanteix15 = hanteix2 - (hanteix2 - hanteix1) / 2; hanteiy15 = hanteiy2 - (hanteiy2 - hanteiy1) / 2; maaiX = Math.abs(this._parent._x - _root.main.player._x); maaiY = Math.abs(this._parent._y - _root.main.player._y); if (gamen == 1) { ++time; if (time >= 12) { time = 0; } if (Math.random() < 0.1 && attack == 0 && damage == 0 && maaiX <= 150 && maaiY <= 150) { mukiX = (this._parent._x + 50 < _root.main.player._x) + (this._parent._x - 50 > _root.main.player._x) * 2; mukiY = (this._parent._y + 50 < _root.main.player._y) + (this._parent._y - 50 > _root.main.player._y) * 2; if (mukiX == 0 && mukiY == 0 || mukiX > 2 || mukiY > 2) { mukiX = 0; mukiY = 1; } gotoAndStop('sword'); attack = 1; velX = 0; velY = 0; } if (attack >= 1 && damage == 0) { velX = 0; velY = 0; ++attack; i = 1; while (i <= 4) { if (this.dousa['hantei' + i].hitTest(_root.main.player.main.hantei) && _root.main.player.main.damage == 0) { _root.main.player.main.HP -= 2; _root.main.player.main.damage = 1; _root.main.attachMovie('hit', ['hit' + i], 100 + i); _root.main['hit' + i]._x = _root.main.player._x; _root.main['hit' + i]._y = _root.main.player._y - _root.main.player._height / 2; } ++i; } if (attack >= 19) { attack = 0; } } if (attack == 0 && damage == 0 && time == 0) { velX = ((Math.random() < 0.4) - (Math.random() < 0.4)) * xpower; velY = ((Math.random() < 0.4) - (Math.random() < 0.4)) * ypower; } if (damage > 0) { velX = 0; velY = 0; gotoAndStop('damage'); } else { if (velX != 0 || velY != 0) { mukiX = (velX > 0) + (velX < 0) * 2; mukiY = (velY > 0) + (velY < 0) * 2; gotoAndStop('walk' + mukiX + mukiY); } else { if (attack == 0) { mukiX = (this._parent._x + 50 < _root.main.player._x) + (this._parent._x - 50 > _root.main.player._x) * 2; mukiY = (this._parent._y + 50 < _root.main.player._y) + (this._parent._y - 50 > _root.main.player._y) * 2; if (mukiX == 0 && mukiY == 0 || mukiX > 2 || mukiY > 2) { mukiX = 0; mukiY = 1; } gotoAndStop('stop' + mukiX + mukiY); } } } i = 1; while (i <= 2) { if (velX > 0 && (_root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix2, hanteiy15, true) || _root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix2, hanteiy1, true) && velY < 0 || _root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix2, hanteiy2, true) && velY > 0)) { velX = 0; } if (velX < 0 && (_root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix1, hanteiy15, true) || _root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix1, hanteiy1, true) && velY < 0 || _root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix1, hanteiy2, true) && velY > 0)) { velX = 0; } if (velY > 0 && (_root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix15, hanteiy2, true) || _root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix1, hanteiy2, true) && velX < 0 || _root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix2, hanteiy2, true) && velX > 0)) { velY = 0; } if (velY < 0 && (_root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix15, hanteiy1, true) || _root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix1, hanteiy1, true) && velX < 0 || _root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix2, hanteiy1, true) && velX > 0)) { velY = 0; } ++i; } this._parent._x += velX; this._parent._y += velY; } if (this._parent.hitTest(_root.sotowaku) == 0) { gamen = 0; attack = 0; gotoAndStop('taiki'); } else { if (HP > 0 && gamen == 0 && this._parent.hitTest(_root.sotowaku)) { gamen = 1; } } } } } movieClip 674 { } // unknown tag 88 length 73 movieClip 677 { instance of movieClip 674 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { i = 1; while (i <= 50) { if (this['laser' + i] == null) { this.attachMovie('laser', 'laser' + i, 500 + i); this['laser' + i]._x = this._x; this['laser' + i]._y = this._y; this['laser' + i]._rotation = (mukiX == 0) * mukiY + (mukiX == 1) * (mukiY + 3) + (mukiX == 2) * (mukiY + 6); i += 50; } ++i; } } } } movieClip 707 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { this._parent.attack = 0; gotoAndStop('stop10'); } frame 47 { gotoAndPlay('run10'); } frame 80 { this._parent.attack = 0; gotoAndStop('stop20'); } frame 97 { gotoAndPlay('run20'); } frame 101 { stop(); } frame 130 { this._parent.attack = 0; gotoAndStop('stop11'); } frame 147 { gotoAndPlay('run11'); } frame 180 { this._parent.attack = 0; gotoAndStop('stop21'); } frame 197 { gotoAndPlay('run21'); } frame 201 { stop(); } frame 229 { this._parent.attack = 0; gotoAndStop('stop01'); } frame 247 { gotoAndPlay('run01'); } frame 251 { stop(); } frame 280 { this._parent.attack = 0; gotoAndStop('stop02'); } frame 297 { gotoAndPlay('run02'); } frame 301 { stop(); } frame 330 { this._parent.attack = 0; gotoAndStop('stop12'); } frame 347 { gotoAndPlay('run12'); } frame 380 { this._parent.attack = 0; gotoAndStop('stop22'); } frame 397 { gotoAndPlay('run22'); } } movieClip 708 { frame 1 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndStop('stop' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 2 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndPlay('run' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 3 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndStop('stop' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 4 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndPlay('run' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 5 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndStop('stop' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 6 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndPlay('run' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 7 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndStop('stop' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 8 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndPlay('run' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 9 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndStop('stop' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 10 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndPlay('run' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 11 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndStop('stop' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 12 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndPlay('run' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 13 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndStop('stop' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 14 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndPlay('run' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 15 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndStop('stop' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 16 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndPlay('run' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 21 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndStop('tame' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 22 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndStop('sword' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 25 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } frame 31 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndPlay('dead'); } instance dousa of movieClip 707 { onClipEvent (load) { time = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { ++time; if (time >= 30) { if (this._parent.HP > 0) { this._parent.damage = 0; this._parent._parent.attack = 0; this._parent.gotoAndStop('stop'); } else { this._parent.gamen = 0; this._parent.gotoAndStop('gamengai'); } } } } frame 32 { stop(); } } movieClip 709 { instance main of movieClip 708 { onClipEvent (load) { velX = 0; velY = 0; defX = this._parent._x; defY = this._parent._y; xpower = 0.3; ypower = 0.3; attack = 0; damage = 0; MAXHP = 1; HP = MAXHP; mukiX = 2; mukiY = 0; gamen = 1; time = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { hanteix1 = (this.hantei.getBounds(_root)).xMin; hanteix2 = (this.hantei.getBounds(_root)).xMax; hanteiy1 = (this.hantei.getBounds(_root)).yMin; hanteiy2 = (this.hantei.getBounds(_root)).yMax; hanteix15 = hanteix2 - (hanteix2 - hanteix1) / 2; hanteiy15 = hanteiy2 - (hanteiy2 - hanteiy1) / 2; maaiX = Math.abs(this._parent._x - _root.main.player._x); maaiY = Math.abs(this._parent._y - _root.main.player._y); if (gamen == 1) { ++time; if (time >= 30) { time = 0; } if (attack >= 1 && damage == 0) { ++attack; if (attack == 60) { gotoAndStop('laser'); } if (attack >= 120) { attack = 0; } } if (Math.random() < 0.01 && attack == 0 && damage == 0 && maaiX <= 500 && maaiY <= 400) { gotoAndStop('tame'); attack = 1; } if (attack == 0 && damage == 0 && time == 0) { velX = ((Math.random() < 0.1) - (Math.random() < 0.1)) * xpower; velY = ((Math.random() < 0.1) - (Math.random() < 0.1)) * ypower; } if (damage > 0) { velX = 0; velY = 0; gotoAndStop('damage'); } else { if (attack == 0) { mukiX = (this._parent._x + 50 < _root.main.player._x) + (this._parent._x - 50 > _root.main.player._x) * 2; mukiY = (this._parent._y + 50 < _root.main.player._y) + (this._parent._y - 50 > _root.main.player._y) * 2; if (mukiX == 0 && mukiY == 0 || mukiX > 2 || mukiY > 2) { mukiX = 0; mukiY = 1; } gotoAndStop('stop' + mukiX + mukiY); } } i = 1; while (i <= 2) { if (velX > 0 && (_root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix2, hanteiy15, true) || _root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix2, hanteiy1, true) && velY < 0 || _root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix2, hanteiy2, true) && velY > 0)) { velX = 0; } if (velX < 0 && (_root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix1, hanteiy15, true) || _root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix1, hanteiy1, true) && velY < 0 || _root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix1, hanteiy2, true) && velY > 0)) { velX = 0; } if (velY > 0 && (_root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix15, hanteiy2, true) || _root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix1, hanteiy2, true) && velX < 0 || _root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix2, hanteiy2, true) && velX > 0)) { velY = 0; } if (velY < 0 && (_root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix15, hanteiy1, true) || _root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix1, hanteiy1, true) && velX < 0 || _root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix2, hanteiy1, true) && velX > 0)) { velY = 0; } ++i; } this._parent._x += velX; this._parent._y += velY; } if (this._parent.hitTest(_root.sotowaku) == 0) { gamen = 0; attack = 0; gotoAndStop('taiki'); } else { if (HP > 0 && gamen == 0 && this._parent.hitTest(_root.sotowaku)) { gamen = 1; } } } } } movieClip 711 { } movieClip 714 { } movieClip 715 { frame 1 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndStop('stop' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 11 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndPlay('run' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 12 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndPlay('run' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 13 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndPlay('run' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 14 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndPlay('run' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 15 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndPlay('run' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 16 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndPlay('run' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 17 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndPlay('run' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 18 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndPlay('run' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 21 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndPlay('sword' + mukiX + mukiY); } frame 31 { stop(); } frame 32 { stop(); } frame 33 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 714 { onClipEvent (load) { time = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { ++time; if (time >= 30) { this._parent.HP = this._parent.MAXHP; this._parent.damage = 0; this._parent.attack = 0; this._parent.gotoAndStop('stop'); } } } } movieClip 716 { instance main of movieClip 715 { onClipEvent (load) { velX = 0; velY = 0; playerID = 0; xpower = 3; ypower = 3; key_a = 1; key_b = 1; tame_a = 0; tame_b = 0; attack = 0; damage = 0; gosya = 0; MAXHP = 1; HP = MAXHP; menkuri = 0; mukiX = 1; mukiY = 0; time = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { hanteix1 = (this.hantei.getBounds(_root)).xMin; hanteix2 = (this.hantei.getBounds(_root)).xMax; hanteiy1 = (this.hantei.getBounds(_root)).yMin + 50; hanteiy2 = (this.hantei.getBounds(_root)).yMax; hanteix15 = hanteix2 - (hanteix2 - hanteix1) / 2; hanteiy15 = hanteiy2 - (hanteiy2 - hanteiy1) / 2; ++time; velX = 0; velY = 0; if (damage >= 1) { ++damage; gotoAndStop('dead'); } else { if (gosya >= 1) { ++gosya; gotoAndStop('gosya'); } else { if (attack == 0 && damage == 0 && menkuri == 0) { velX = (Key.isDown(39) - Key.isDown(37)) * xpower; velY = (Key.isDown(40) - Key.isDown(38)) * ypower; } if (menkuri > 0) { ++menkuri; gotoAndStop('clear'); } if (velX != 0 || velY != 0) { mukiX = (velX > 0) + (velX < 0) * 2; mukiY = (velY > 0) + (velY < 0) * 2; gotoAndStop('walk' + mukiX + mukiY); } else { if (attack == 0 && menkuri == 0) { gotoAndStop('stop'); } } if (attack != 0 && damage == 0) { velX = 0; velY = 0; --attack; if (attack == 34 && _root.main.aura == null) { _root.main.attachMovie('aura', 'aura', 7); _root.main.aura._x = this._parent._x; _root.main.aura._y = this._parent._y - 70; _root.main.aura._rotation = (mukiX == 0) * mukiY + (mukiX == 1) * (mukiY + 3) + (mukiX == 2) * (mukiY + 6); } if (attack < 0) { attack = 0; } } if (Key.isDown(88) && key_b == 0 && attack == 0 && damage == 0 && menkuri == 0) { gotoAndStop('sword'); attack = 19; velX = 0; velY = 0; } if (Key.isDown(88) == 0 && key_b == 1 && tame_b >= 90 && attack == 0 && damage == 0 && menkuri == 0) { gotoAndStop('sword'); attack = 40; velX = 0; velY = 0; } if (Key.isDown(90) && key_a == 0 && attack == 0 && damage == 0 && menkuri == 0 && this.dousa.gun != null) { i = 1; while (i <= 3) { if (_root.main['dan' + i] == null) { _root.main.attachMovie('dan', 'dan' + i, 2 + i); _root.main['dan' + i]._x = this._parent._x + (this.dousa.gun._x - this._x) * this._xscale * 0.01; _root.main['dan' + i]._y = this._parent._y + (this.dousa.gun._y - this._y) * this._yscale * 0.01; _root.main['dan' + i]._rotation = (mukiX == 0) * mukiY + (mukiX == 1) * (mukiY + 3) + (mukiX == 2) * (mukiY + 6); i = 4; } ++i; } } if (Key.isDown(90) == 0 && key_a == 1 && tame_a >= 90 && attack == 0 && damage == 0 && menkuri == 0 && this.dousa.gun != null) { gotoAndStop('stop'); attack = 30; velX = 0; velY = 0; if (_root.main.firepearl == null) { _root.main.attachMovie('firepearl', 'firepearl', 6); _root.main.firepearl._x = this._parent._x + (this.dousa.gun._x - this._x) * this._xscale * 0.01; _root.main.firepearl._y = this._parent._y + (this.dousa.gun._y - this._y) * this._yscale * 0.01; _root.main.firepearl._rotation = (mukiX == 0) * mukiY + (mukiX == 1) * (mukiY + 3) + (mukiX == 2) * (mukiY + 6); } } if (Key.isDown(90) && key_a == 1 && attack == 0 && damage == 0 && menkuri == 0 && _root.main.firepearl == null) { ++tame_a; tame_b = 0; } else { if (Key.isDown(88) && key_b == 1 && attack == 0 && damage == 0 && menkuri == 0) { tame_a = 0; ++tame_b; } else { tame_a = 0; tame_b = 0; } } } } i = 1; while (i <= 2) { if (velX > 0 && (_root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix2, hanteiy15, true) || _root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix2, hanteiy1, true) && velY < 0 || _root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix2, hanteiy2, true) && velY > 0)) { velX = 0; } if (velX < 0 && (_root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix1, hanteiy15, true) || _root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix1, hanteiy1, true) && velY < 0 || _root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix1, hanteiy2, true) && velY > 0)) { velX = 0; } if (velY > 0 && (_root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix15, hanteiy2, true) || _root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix1, hanteiy2, true) && velX < 0 || _root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix2, hanteiy2, true) && velX > 0)) { velY = 0; } if (velY < 0 && (_root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix15, hanteiy1, true) || _root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix1, hanteiy1, true) && velX < 0 || _root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix2, hanteiy1, true) && velX > 0)) { velY = 0; } ++i; } if (menkuri == 0 && time >= 60 && this._parent.hitTest(_root.sotowaku) == 0) { menkuri = 1; } this._parent._x += velX; this._parent._y += velY; key_a = Key.isDown(90); key_b = Key.isDown(88); } } } movieClip 726 { frame 1 { stopAllSounds(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stopAllSounds(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stopAllSounds(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 31 { stopAllSounds(); } frame 32 { stop(); } frame 33 { stopAllSounds(); } frame 34 { stop(); } frame 35 { stopAllSounds(); } frame 36 { stop(); } } movieClip 729 { } movieClip 730 { } movieClip 731 { instance of movieClip 73 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { hanteix1 = (this._parent.getBounds(_root)).xMin; hanteix2 = (this._parent.getBounds(_root)).xMax; hanteiy1 = (this._parent.getBounds(_root)).yMin; hanteiy2 = (this._parent.getBounds(_root)).yMax; i = 1; while (i <= 2) { if (_root.main.player.main.dousa['hantei' + i].hitTest(this) && this._parent._parent.damage == 0) { this._parent._parent.HP -= 3; this._parent._parent.damage = 1; _root.main.attachMovie('hit', ['hit' + i], 100 + i); _root.main['hit' + i]._x = this._parent._parent._parent._x; _root.main['hit' + i]._y = this._parent._parent._parent._y - this._parent._parent._parent._height / 2; ++_root.main.player.main.gosya; } ++i; } if (this._parent._parent.damage > 0 || this._parent._parent.HP <= 0) { this._parent._parent.gotoAndStop('damage'); } } } } movieClip 736 { } movieClip 738 { } movieClip 739 { frame 31 { stop(); } frame 32 { stop(); } } movieClip 740 { instance main of movieClip 739 { onClipEvent (load) { velX = 0; velY = 0; defX = this._parent._x; defY = this._parent._y; xpower = 2; ypower = 2; attack = 0; damage = 0; MAXHP = 1; HP = MAXHP; mukiX = 2; mukiY = 0; gamen = 1; time = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { hanteix1 = (this.hantei.getBounds(_root)).xMin; hanteix2 = (this.hantei.getBounds(_root)).xMax; hanteiy1 = (this.hantei.getBounds(_root)).yMin; hanteiy2 = (this.hantei.getBounds(_root)).yMax; hanteix15 = hanteix2 - (hanteix2 - hanteix1) / 2; hanteiy15 = hanteiy2 - (hanteiy2 - hanteiy1) / 2; if (gamen == 1) { ++time; if (time >= 30) { time = 0; } if (damage > 0) { velX = 0; velY = 0; gotoAndStop('damage'); } else { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } } movieClip 743 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 29 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } frame 31 { stop(); } } movieClip 744 { instance main of movieClip 743 { onClipEvent (load) { velX = 0; velY = 0; defX = this._parent._x; defY = this._parent._y; xpower = 2; ypower = 2; attack = 0; damage = 0; MAXHP = 1; HP = MAXHP; mukiX = 2; mukiY = 0; gamen = 1; time = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { hanteix1 = (this.hantei.getBounds(_root)).xMin; hanteix2 = (this.hantei.getBounds(_root)).xMax; hanteiy1 = (this.hantei.getBounds(_root)).yMin; hanteiy2 = (this.hantei.getBounds(_root)).yMax; hanteix15 = hanteix2 - (hanteix2 - hanteix1) / 2; hanteiy15 = hanteiy2 - (hanteiy2 - hanteiy1) / 2; if (gamen == 1) { ++time; if (time >= 30) { time = 0; } if (attack == 0 && damage == 0 && time == 0) { velX = ((Math.random() < 0.25) - (Math.random() < 0.25)) * xpower; velY = ((Math.random() < 0.25) - (Math.random() < 0.25)) * ypower; } if (damage > 0) { velX = 0; velY = 0; gotoAndStop('damage'); } else { if (velX != 0 || velY != 0) { mukiX = (velX > 0) + (velX < 0) * 2; mukiY = (velY > 0) + (velY < 0) * 2; gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (attack == 0) { mukiX = (this._parent._x + 50 < _root.main.player._x) + (this._parent._x - 50 > _root.main.player._x) * 2; mukiY = (this._parent._y + 50 < _root.main.player._y) + (this._parent._y - 50 > _root.main.player._y) * 2; if (mukiX == 0 && mukiY == 0 || mukiX > 2 || mukiY > 2) { mukiX = 0; mukiY = 1; } gotoAndStop(1); } } } i = 1; while (i <= 2) { if (velX > 0 && (_root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix2, hanteiy15, true) || _root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix2, hanteiy1, true) && velY < 0 || _root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix2, hanteiy2, true) && velY > 0)) { velX = 0; } if (velX < 0 && (_root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix1, hanteiy15, true) || _root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix1, hanteiy1, true) && velY < 0 || _root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix1, hanteiy2, true) && velY > 0)) { velX = 0; } if (velY > 0 && (_root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix15, hanteiy2, true) || _root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix1, hanteiy2, true) && velX < 0 || _root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix2, hanteiy2, true) && velX > 0)) { velY = 0; } if (velY < 0 && (_root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix15, hanteiy1, true) || _root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix1, hanteiy1, true) && velX < 0 || _root.main['chikei' + i].hitTest(hanteix2, hanteiy1, true) && velX > 0)) { velY = 0; } ++i; } this._parent._x += velX; this._parent._y += velY; } if (this._parent.hitTest(_root.sotowaku) == 0) { gamen = 0; gotoAndStop('taiki'); } else { if (HP > 0 && gamen == 0 && this._parent.hitTest(_root.sotowaku)) { gamen = 1; } } } } } movieClip 746 { } movieClip 768 { } movieClip 769 { } movieClip 772 { } movieClip 773 { } movieClip 775 { } movieClip 776 { } movieClip 780 { } movieClip 784 { } movieClip 787 { } movieClip 796 { frame 30 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 43 { gotoAndPlay(31); } } movieClip 797 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndPlay(31); } } movieClip 798 { instance main of movieClip 797 { onClipEvent (load) { velX = 0; velY = 0; defX = this._parent._x; defY = this._parent._y; xpower = 2; ypower = 2; attack = 0; damage = 0; MAXHP = 1; HP = MAXHP; mukiX = 2; mukiY = 0; gamen = 1; time = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { hanteix1 = (this.hantei.getBounds(_root)).xMin; hanteix2 = (this.hantei.getBounds(_root)).xMax; hanteiy1 = (this.hantei.getBounds(_root)).yMin; hanteiy2 = (this.hantei.getBounds(_root)).yMax; hanteix15 = hanteix2 - (hanteix2 - hanteix1) / 2; hanteiy15 = hanteiy2 - (hanteiy2 - hanteiy1) / 2; if (gamen == 1) { ++time; if (time >= 30) { time = 0; } if (damage > 0) { velX = 0; velY = 0; gotoAndStop('damage'); } else { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } } movieClip 801 { } movieClip 804 { } movieClip 806 { } movieClip 807 { } movieClip 809 { } movieClip 810 { } movieClip 811 { } movieClip 813 { } movieClip 816 { } movieClip 819 { frame 30 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 43 { gotoAndPlay(31); } } movieClip 820 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); dousa.gotoAndPlay(31); } } movieClip 821 { instance main of movieClip 820 { onClipEvent (load) { velX = 0; velY = 0; defX = this._parent._x; defY = this._parent._y; xpower = 2; ypower = 2; attack = 0; damage = 0; MAXHP = 1; HP = MAXHP; mukiX = 2; mukiY = 0; gamen = 1; time = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { hanteix1 = (this.hantei.getBounds(_root)).xMin; hanteix2 = (this.hantei.getBounds(_root)).xMax; hanteiy1 = (this.hantei.getBounds(_root)).yMin; hanteiy2 = (this.hantei.getBounds(_root)).yMax; hanteix15 = hanteix2 - (hanteix2 - hanteix1) / 2; hanteiy15 = hanteiy2 - (hanteiy2 - hanteiy1) / 2; if (gamen == 1) { ++time; if (time >= 30) { time = 0; } if (damage > 0) { velX = 0; velY = 0; gotoAndStop('damage'); } else { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } } movieClip 824 { } movieClip 825 { } movieClip 826 { } movieClip 829 { } movieClip 832 { } movieClip 833 { } button 836 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop('men' +; } } // unknown tag 88 length 35 movieClip 851 { } // unknown tag 88 length 82 movieClip 862 { } movieClip 875 { frame 240 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 241 { stop(); } } movieClip 879 { frame 1 { stop(); } } // unknown tag 88 length 79 movieClip 921 { frame 1 { miss = this._parent.miss; gosya = this._parent.gosya; i = 1; while (i <= 9) { this['miss' + i] = this._parent['miss' + i]; this['gosya' + i] = this._parent['gosya' + i]; ++i; } } frame 12000 { stop(); } } movieClip 922 { frame 1 { miss = 0; men = 1; } instance of movieClip 322 { onClipEvent (load) { key_x = 1; key_z = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(90) && key_z == 0) { this._parent.gotoAndStop('opening'); } else { if (Key.isDown(88) && key_x == 0) { this._parent.gotoAndStop('htp'); } } key_x = Key.isDown(88); key_z = Key.isDown(90); } } frame 2 { stop(); var miss = new Array(); var gosya = new Array(); i = 1; while (i <= 9) { this['miss' + i] = 0; this['gosya' + i] = 0; miss[i] = new Array(); miss[i] = 0; gosya[i] = new Array(); gosya[i] = 0; ++i; } _x = 0; _y = 0; miss = 0; gosya = 0; imamiss = 0; imagosya = 0; men = 1; cyukei = 0; } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); _x = 0; _y = 0; ++miss; } instance of movieClip 392 { onClipEvent (load) { key_x = 1; key_z = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(90) && key_z == 0 || Key.isDown(88) && key_x == 0) { this._parent.gotoAndStop('men' +; } key_x = Key.isDown(88); key_z = Key.isDown(90); } } frame 6 { stop(); _x = 0; _y = 0; imamiss = 0; imagosya = 0; } instance of movieClip 322 { onClipEvent (load) { key_x = 1; key_z = 1; wait = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(90) && key_z == 0 || Key.isDown(88) && key_x == 0 || wait >= 180) { this._parent.gotoAndStop('men' +; } key_x = Key.isDown(88); key_z = Key.isDown(90); ++wait; } } instance of movieClip 423 { onClipEvent (load) { this.moji.gotoAndStop(; } } instance of movieClip 322 { onClipEvent (load) { key_x = 1; key_z = 1; wait = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(90) && key_z == 0 || Key.isDown(88) && key_x == 0 || wait >= 600) { this._parent.gotoAndStop('title'); } key_x = Key.isDown(88); key_z = Key.isDown(90); ++wait; } } frame 10 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 322 { onClipEvent (load) { key_x = 1; key_z = 1; wait = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(90) && key_z == 0 || Key.isDown(88) && key_x == 0 || wait >= 600) { this._parent.gotoAndStop('clear'); } key_x = Key.isDown(88); key_z = Key.isDown(90); ++wait; } } frame 11 { stop(); fieldX = 800; fieldY = 2000; } instance sound of movieClip 726 { onClipEvent (load) { if ( >= 8) { gotoAndPlay('stage8'); } else { if ( >= 5) { gotoAndPlay('stage5'); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._currentframe <= 10) { if (this._parent.player.main.menkuri >= 1) { gotoAndPlay('clear'); } if (this._parent.player.main.damage >= 1) { gotoAndPlay('dead'); } if (this._parent.player.main.gosya >= 1) { gotoAndPlay('gosya'); } } } } frame 12 { stop(); fieldX = 1340; fieldY = 1710; } frame 13 { stop(); fieldX = 2100; fieldY = 1800; } frame 14 { stop(); fieldX = 2400; fieldY = 1500; } frame 15 { stop(); fieldX = 2800; fieldY = 1200; } frame 16 { stop(); fieldX = 3300; fieldY = 1900; } frame 17 { stop(); fieldX = 3700; fieldY = 2900; } frame 18 { stop(); fieldX = 4000; fieldY = 1600; } frame 19 { stop(); fieldX = 3100; fieldY = 2000; } frame 31 { stop(); _x = 0; _y = 0; ++miss[men]; ++imamiss; ++miss; } instance of movieClip 73 { onClipEvent (load) { key_x = 1; key_z = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(90) && key_z == 0 || Key.isDown(88) && key_x == 0) { this._parent.gotoAndStop('men' +; } key_x = Key.isDown(88); key_z = Key.isDown(90); } } frame 32 { stop(); _x = 0; _y = 0; ++miss[men]; ++imamiss; ++miss; } frame 33 { stop(); _x = 0; _y = 0; ++miss[men]; ++imamiss; ++miss; } frame 34 { stop(); _x = 0; _y = 0; ++gosya[men]; ++imagosya; ++gosya; } frame 35 { stop(); _x = 0; _y = 0; ++gosya[men]; ++imagosya; ++gosya; } frame 36 { stop(); _x = 0; _y = 0; ++gosya[men]; ++imagosya; ++gosya; } frame 37 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 879 { onClipEvent (load) { key_a = 0; key_b = 0; key_c = 0; miss = this._parent.miss; gosya = this._parent.gosya; i = 1; while (i <= 9) { this['miss' + i] = this._parent['miss' + i]; this['gosya' + i] = this._parent['gosya' + i]; ++i; } if ((miss + gosya) % 2 == 1) { gotoAndStop(31); } else { gotoAndStop(1); } if (miss + gosya >= 100) { this.head.gotoAndStop(241); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (miss + gosya <= 20 && key_a == 0 && Key.isDown(68)) { if (_currentframe <= 30) { gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 30); } else { gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 30); } } if (miss + gosya <= 20 && key_c == 0 && Key.isDown(70)) { if (this.head._currentframe <= 240) { this.head.gotoAndStop(241); } else { this.head.gotoAndPlay(1); } } if (miss + gosya <= 0 && key_b == 0 && Key.isDown(78)) { if (_currentframe == 30 || _currentframe == 60) { gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 29); } else { gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 29); } } key_a = Key.isDown(68); key_b = Key.isDown(78); key_c = Key.isDown(70); } } instance of movieClip 921 { onClipEvent (load) { key_x = 1; key_z = 1; wait = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (wait >= 7200 && (key_x == 1 || key_z == 1)) { this._parent.gotoAndStop('title'); } key_x = Key.isDown(88); key_z = Key.isDown(90); ++wait; if (_y > -2700) { _y = _y - 0.5; } } } } instance main of movieClip 922 { onClipEvent (load) { var scr_x = 0; var scr_y = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_currentframe >= 11 && _currentframe <= 19) { scr_x = this.player._x * (_xscale * 0.01) - 400; scr_y = this.player._y * (_yscale * 0.01) - 100 - 300; if (scr_x < 0) { scr_x = 0; } if (scr_x > this.fieldX * (_xscale * 0.01) - 800) { scr_x = this.fieldX * (_xscale * 0.01) - 800; } if (scr_y < 0) { scr_y = 0; } if (scr_y > this.fieldY * (_yscale * 0.01) - 600) { scr_y = this.fieldY * (_yscale * 0.01) - 600; } _x = -scr_x; _y = -scr_y; if (this.player.main.damage > 200) { this.gotoAndStop('gaov' + (1 + this.miss % 3)); } if (this.player.main.gosya > 200) { this.gotoAndStop('gosya' + (1 + this.gosya % 3)); } if (this.player.main.menkuri > 200) { this['miss' + men] = imamiss; this['gosya' + men] = imagosya; if (men >= 9) { this.gotoAndStop('ending'); } else { ++men; this.gotoAndStop('clear'); } } } else { _xscale = 100; _yscale = 100; _x = 0; _y = 0; } } } movieClip 924 { }
Created: 9/2 -2019 00:24:17 Last modified: 9/2 -2019 00:24:17 Server time: 20/11 -2024 15:24:25