Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2598 · P5196

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

FlawlessDog Couples Cube Screen Savers by FlawlessDog.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #137125

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Frame 1
delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (preloader == undefined) { var preloader = null; } delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (loaderbar == undefined) { var loaderbar = null; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { preloader.loaderbar._xscale = int(((100 * this.getBytesLoaded()) / this.getBytesTotal()) + 0.5); trace(int(((100 * this.getBytesLoaded()) / this.getBytesTotal()) + 0.5)); if (int(((100 * this.getBytesLoaded()) / this.getBytesTotal()) + 0.5) >= 100) { preloader._visible = false; gotoAndStop(5); delete this.onEnterFrame; } else { preloader._visible = true; } };
Frame 5
intro.alphaTo(100, 1, "linear", 0, function () { firstLoad = false; intro._alpha = 100; cubeAnima_v0._visible = true; cubeAnima_v0._y = -220; cubeAnima_v0.ySlideTo(400, 3, "easeoutbounce", 0, function () { gotoAndStop(7); }); });
Frame 6
cubeAnima_v2.alphaTo(0, 1, "linear", 4, function () { cubeAnima_v2._visible = false; cubeAnima_v0._visible = true; cubeAnima_v0._y = -220; cubeAnima_v0._alpha = 100; cubeAnima_v0.ySlideTo(400, 3, "easeoutbounce", 0, function () { gotoAndStop(7); }); });
Frame 7
cubeAnima_v0.alphaTo(0, 1, "linear", 4, function () { cubeAnima_v0._visible = false; cubeAnima_v1._visible = true; cubeAnima_v1._y = -220; cubeAnima_v1._alpha = 100; cubeAnima_v1.ySlideTo(400, 3, "easeoutbounce", 0, function () { gotoAndStop(8); }); });
Frame 8
cubeAnima_v1.alphaTo(0, 1, "linear", 4, function () { cubeAnima_v1._visible = false; cubeAnima_v2._visible = true; cubeAnima_v2._y = -220; cubeAnima_v2._alpha = 100; cubeAnima_v2.ySlideTo(400, 3, "easeoutbounce", 0, function () { gotoAndStop(6); }); });
Symbol 1 MovieClip Frame 1
_visible = false; stop();
Symbol 1 MovieClip Frame 2
if (!hasOwnProperty("_physicsInit")) { _physicsInit = true; _time = getTimer() / 1000; _birth = _time; _delta = 0; _age = 0; if (!hasOwnProperty("_fx")) { _fx = 0; } if (!hasOwnProperty("_fy")) { _fy = 0; } if (!hasOwnProperty("_fxscale")) { _fxscale = 0; } if (!hasOwnProperty("_fyscale")) { _fyscale = 0; } if (!hasOwnProperty("_frotation")) { _frotation = 0; } if (!hasOwnProperty("_falpha")) { _falpha = 0; } if (!hasOwnProperty("_vx")) { _vx = 0; } if (!hasOwnProperty("_vy")) { _vy = 0; } if (!hasOwnProperty("_vxscale")) { _vxscale = 0; } if (!hasOwnProperty("_vyscale")) { _vyscale = 0; } if (!hasOwnProperty("_vrotation")) { _vrotation = 0; } if (!hasOwnProperty("_valpha")) { _valpha = 0; } if (!hasOwnProperty("_ax")) { _ax = 0; } if (!hasOwnProperty("_ay")) { _ay = 0; } if (!hasOwnProperty("_axscale")) { _axscale = 0; } if (!hasOwnProperty("_ayscale")) { _ayscale = 0; } if (!hasOwnProperty("_arotation")) { _arotation = 0; } if (!hasOwnProperty("_aalpha")) { _aalpha = 0; } }
Symbol 1 MovieClip Frame 3
if (!hasOwnProperty("_physicsInit")) { (_target);// not popped call("/_phy:2"); } _tt = getTimer() / 1000; _delta = _tt - _time; _age = _tt - _birth; _time = _tt;
Symbol 1 MovieClip Frame 4
_ffx = (100 - (_fx * _delta)) / 100; _ffy = (100 - (_fy * _delta)) / 100; _ffxscale = (100 - (_fxscale * _delta)) / 100; _ffyscale = (100 - (_fyscale * _delta)) / 100; _ffrotation = (100 - (_frotation * _delta)) / 100; _ffalpha = (100 - (_falpha * _delta)) / 100; _vx_was = _vx; _vx = (_vx + (_ax * _delta)) * _ffx; _vy_was = _vy; _vy = (_vy + (_ay * _delta)) * _ffy; _vxscale_was = _vxscale; _vxscale = (_vxscale + (_axscale * _delta)) * _ffxscale; _vyscale_was = _vyscale; _vyscale = (_vyscale + (_ayscale * _delta)) * _ffyscale; _vrotation_was = _vrotation; _vrotation = (_vrotation + (_arotation * _delta)) * _ffrotation; _valpha_was = _valpha; _valpha = (_valpha + (_aalpha * _delta)) * _ffalpha; _x = (_x + (((_vx_was + _vx) * _delta) / 2)); _y = (_y + (((_vy_was + _vy) * _delta) / 2)); _xscale = (_xscale + (((_vxscale_was + _vxscale) * _delta) / 2)); _yscale = (_yscale + (((_vyscale_was + _vyscale) * _delta) / 2)); _rotation = (_rotation + (((_vrotation_was + _vrotation) * _delta) / 2)); _alpha = (_alpha + (((_valpha_was + _valpha) * _delta) / 2));
Symbol 2 MovieClip Frame 1
if (!hasOwnProperty("_load04BC05D0")) { _load04BC05D0 = true; tellTarget ("..") { preloader._visible = false; intro._alpha = 0; var v_count = 0; cubeAnima_v0._visible = false; cubeAnima_v1._visible = false; cubeAnima_v2._visible = false; Stage.scaleMode = "noScale"; Stage.align = "C"; _global.$createTweenController = function () { tellTarget ("..") { var tweenHolder = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("__tweenController__", 123432); tweenHolder.$_tweenPropList = new Array(); tweenHolder.$_tTime = getTimer(); tweenHolder.onEnterFrame = _global.$updateTweens; } }; ASSetPropFlags(_global, "$createTweenController", 1, 0); _global.$removeTweenController = function () { tellTarget ("..") { delete _root.__tweenController__.$_tweenPropList; delete _root.__tweenController__.$_tTime; delete _root.__tweenController__.onEnterFrame; _root.__tweenController__.removeMovieClip(); } }; ASSetPropFlags(_global, "$removeTweenController", 1, 0); _global.$addTween = function (mtarget, prop, propDest, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, extras) { tellTarget ("..") { delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (timeSeconds == undefined) { timeSeconds = 0; } delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (!((animType != undefined) && (animType != ""))) { animType = "easeOutExpo"; } delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (delay == undefined) { delay = 0; } if (typeof(prop) == "string") { var properties = [prop]; var oldProperties = [mtarget[prop]]; var newProperties = [propDest]; } else { var properties = []; var oldProperties = []; var newProperties = []; delete _global.__resolve; var i; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; for (i in prop) { oldProperties.push(mtarget[prop[i]]); } delete _global.__resolve; var i; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; for (i in prop) { properties.push(prop[i]); } delete _global.__resolve; var i; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; for (i in propDest) { newProperties.push(propDest[i]); } } var $_callback_assigned = false; delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (_root.__tweenController__ == undefined) { _global.$createTweenController(); } var tweenPropList = _root.__tweenController__.$_tweenPropList; var tTime = _root.__tweenController__.$_tTime; delete _global.__resolve; var i; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; for (i in oldProperties) { delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (!((newProperties[i] == undefined) || (mtarget.$_isTweenLocked))) { if (mtarget.$_tweenCount > 0) { var pti = 0; for ( ; pti < tweenPropList.length ; pti++) { if (!((tweenPropList[pti]._targ != mtarget) || (tweenPropList[pti]._prop != properties[i]))) { if ((tTime + (delay * 1000)) < tweenPropList[pti]._timeDest) { tweenPropList.splice(pti, 1); pti--; mtarget.$_tweenCount--; } } } } tweenPropList.push({_callback:($_callback_assigned ? undefined : (callback)), _timePaused:0, _isPaused:false, _delay:delay, _extras:extras, _extra2:extra2, _extra1:extra1, _animType:animType, _timeDest:tTime + (timeSeconds * 1000), _timeStart:tTime, _propDest:newProperties[i], _propStart:undefined, _targ:mtarget, _prop:properties[i]}); mtarget.$_tweenCount = ((mtarget.$_tweenCount > 0) ? (mtarget.$_tweenCount + 1) : 1); $_callback_assigned = true; } } ASSetPropFlags(mtarget, "$_tweenCount", 1, 0); } }; ASSetPropFlags(_global, "$addTween", 1, 0); _global.$updateTweens = function () { tellTarget ("..") { this.$_tTime = getTimer(); var tTime = this.$_tTime; var i = 0; for ( ; i < this.$_tweenPropList.length ; i++) { var objProp = this.$_tweenPropList[i]; delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._targ.toString() == undefined) { this.$_tweenPropList.splice(i, 1); i--; } else if (!((tTime < (objProp._timeStart + (objProp._delay * 1000))) || (objProp._isPaused))) { delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._propStart == undefined) { if (objProp._prop.substr(0, 10) == "__special_") { if (objProp._prop == "__special_mc_frame__") { objProp._propStart = objProp._targ._currentframe; } else if (objProp._prop == "__special_mc_ra__") { objProp._propStart = new Color(objProp._targ).getTransform().ra; } else if (objProp._prop == "__special_mc_rb__") { objProp._propStart = new Color(objProp._targ).getTransform().rb; } else if (objProp._prop == "__special_mc_ga__") { objProp._propStart = new Color(objProp._targ).getTransform().ga; } else if (objProp._prop == "__special_mc_gb__") { objProp._propStart = new Color(objProp._targ).getTransform().gb; } else if (objProp._prop == "__special_mc_ba__") { objProp._propStart = new Color(objProp._targ).getTransform().ba; } else if (objProp._prop == "__special_mc_bb__") { objProp._propStart = new Color(objProp._targ).getTransform().bb; } else if (objProp._prop == "__special_mc_aa__") { objProp._propStart = new Color(objProp._targ).getTransform().aa; } else if (objProp._prop == "__special_mc_ab__") { objProp._propStart = new Color(objProp._targ).getTransform().ab; } else if (objProp._prop == "__special_text_r__") { objProp._propStart = objProp._targ.textColor >> 16; } else if (objProp._prop == "__special_text_g__") { objProp._propStart = (objProp._targ.textColor & 65280) >> 8; } else if (objProp._prop == "__special_text_b__") { objProp._propStart = objProp._targ.textColor & 255; } else if (objProp._prop == "__special_sound_volume__") { objProp._propStart = objProp._targ.getVolume(); } else if (objProp._prop == "__special_sound_pan__") { objProp._propStart = objProp._targ.getPan(); } else if (objProp._prop == "__special_bst_t__") { objProp._propStart = 0; objProp._extras.__special_bst_ix__ = objProp._targ._x; objProp._extras.__special_bst_iy__ = objProp._targ._y; } else if (objProp._prop == "__special_blur_x__") { var j = 0; for ( ; j < objProp._targ.filters.length ; j++) { delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._targ.filters[j] instanceof flash.filters.BlurFilter) { objProp._propStart = objProp._targ.filters[j].blurX; } } delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._propStart == undefined) { objProp._propStart = 0; } } else if (objProp._prop == "__special_blur_y__") { var j = 0; for ( ; j < objProp._targ.filters.length ; j++) { delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._targ.filters[j] instanceof flash.filters.BlurFilter) { objProp._propStart = objProp._targ.filters[j].blurY; } } delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._propStart == undefined) { objProp._propStart = 0; } } else if (objProp._prop == "__special_blur_quality__") { var j = 0; for ( ; j < objProp._targ.filters.length ; j++) { delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._targ.filters[j] instanceof flash.filters.BlurFilter) { objProp._propStart = objProp._targ.filters[j].quality; } } delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._propStart == undefined) { objProp._propStart = 4; } } else if (objProp._prop == "__special_glow_color__") { var j = 0; for ( ; j < objProp._targ.filters.length ; j++) { delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._targ.filters[j] instanceof flash.filters.GlowFilter) { objProp._propStart = objProp._targ.filters[j].color; } } delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._propStart == undefined) { objProp._propStart = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; } } else if (objProp._prop == "__special_glow_alpha__") { var j = 0; for ( ; j < objProp._targ.filters.length ; j++) { delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._targ.filters[j] instanceof flash.filters.GlowFilter) { objProp._propStart = objProp._targ.filters[j].alpha; } } delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._propStart == undefined) { objProp._propStart = 1; } } else if (objProp._prop == "__special_glow_blurX__") { var j = 0; for ( ; j < objProp._targ.filters.length ; j++) { delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._targ.filters[j] instanceof flash.filters.GlowFilter) { objProp._propStart = objProp._targ.filters[j].blurX; } } delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._propStart == undefined) { objProp._propStart = 0; } } else if (objProp._prop == "__special_glow_blurY__") { var j = 0; for ( ; j < objProp._targ.filters.length ; j++) { delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._targ.filters[j] instanceof flash.filters.GlowFilter) { objProp._propStart = objProp._targ.filters[j].blurY; } } delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._propStart == undefined) { objProp._propStart = 0; } } else if (objProp._prop == "__special_glow_strength__") { var j = 0; for ( ; j < objProp._targ.filters.length ; j++) { delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._targ.filters[j] instanceof flash.filters.GlowFilter) { objProp._propStart = objProp._targ.filters[j].strength; } } delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._propStart == undefined) { objProp._propStart = 1; } } else if (objProp._prop == "__special_glow_quality__") { var j = 0; for ( ; j < objProp._targ.filters.length ; j++) { delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._targ.filters[j] instanceof flash.filters.GlowFilter) { objProp._propStart = objProp._targ.filters[j].quality; } } delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._propStart == undefined) { objProp._propStart = 4; } } else if (objProp._prop == "__special_glow_inner__") { var j = 0; for ( ; j < objProp._targ.filters.length ; j++) { delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._targ.filters[j] instanceof flash.filters.GlowFilter) { objProp._propStart = objProp._targ.filters[j].inner; } } delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._propStart == undefined) { objProp._propStart = false; } } else if (objProp._prop == "__special_glow_knockout__") { var j = 0; for ( ; j < objProp._targ.filters.length ; j++) { delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._targ.filters[j] instanceof flash.filters.GlowFilter) { objProp._propStart = objProp._targ.filters[j].knockout; } } delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._propStart == undefined) { objProp._propStart = false; } } else if (objProp._prop == "__special_bevel_distance__") { var j = 0; for ( ; j < objProp._targ.filters.length ; j++) { delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._targ.filters[j] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) { objProp._propStart = objProp._targ.filters[j].distance; } } delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._propStart == undefined) { objProp._propStart = 0; } } else if (objProp._prop == "__special_bevel_angle__") { var j = 0; for ( ; j < objProp._targ.filters.length ; j++) { delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._targ.filters[j] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) { objProp._propStart = objProp._targ.filters[j].angle; } } delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._propStart == undefined) { objProp._propStart = 45; } } else if (objProp._prop == "__special_bevel_highlightColor__") { var j = 0; for ( ; j < objProp._targ.filters.length ; j++) { delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._targ.filters[j] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) { objProp._propStart = objProp._targ.filters[j].highlightColor; } } delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._propStart == undefined) { objProp._propStart = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; } } else if (objProp._prop == "__special_bevel_highlightAlpha__") { var j = 0; for ( ; j < objProp._targ.filters.length ; j++) { delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._targ.filters[j] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) { objProp._propStart = objProp._targ.filters[j].highlightAlpha; } } delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._propStart == undefined) { objProp._propStart = 1; } } else if (objProp._prop == "__special_bevel_shadowColor__") { var j = 0; for ( ; j < objProp._targ.filters.length ; j++) { delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._targ.filters[j] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) { objProp._propStart = objProp._targ.filters[j].shadowColor; } } delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._propStart == undefined) { objProp._propStart = 0; } } else if (objProp._prop == "__special_bevel_shadowAlpha__") { var j = 0; for ( ; j < objProp._targ.filters.length ; j++) { delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._targ.filters[j] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) { objProp._propStart = objProp._targ.filters[j].shadowAlpha; } } delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._propStart == undefined) { objProp._propStart = 1; } } else if (objProp._prop == "__special_bevel_blurX__") { var j = 0; for ( ; j < objProp._targ.filters.length ; j++) { delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._targ.filters[j] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) { objProp._propStart = objProp._targ.filters[j].blurX; } } delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._propStart == undefined) { objProp._propStart = 0; } } else if (objProp._prop == "__special_bevel_blurY__") { var j = 0; for ( ; j < objProp._targ.filters.length ; j++) { delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._targ.filters[j] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) { objProp._propStart = objProp._targ.filters[j].blurY; } } delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._propStart == undefined) { objProp._propStart = 0; } } else if (objProp._prop == "__special_bevel_strength__") { var j = 0; for ( ; j < objProp._targ.filters.length ; j++) { delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._targ.filters[j] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) { objProp._propStart = objProp._targ.filters[j].strength; } } delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._propStart == undefined) { objProp._propStart = 1; } } else if (objProp._prop == "__special_bevel_quality__") { var j = 0; for ( ; j < objProp._targ.filters.length ; j++) { delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._targ.filters[j] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) { objProp._propStart = objProp._targ.filters[j].quality; } } delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._propStart == undefined) { objProp._propStart = 4; } } else if (objProp._prop == "__special_bevel_inner__") { var j = 0; for ( ; j < objProp._targ.filters.length ; j++) { delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._targ.filters[j] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) { objProp._propStart = objProp._targ.filters[j].inner; } } delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._propStart == undefined) { objProp._propStart = "inner"; } } else if (objProp._prop == "__special_bevel_knockout__") { var j = 0; for ( ; j < objProp._targ.filters.length ; j++) { delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._targ.filters[j] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) { objProp._propStart = objProp._targ.filters[j].knockout; } } delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._propStart == undefined) { objProp._propStart = false; } } else if (objProp._prop == "__special_dropshadow_distance__") { var j = 0; for ( ; j < objProp._targ.filters.length ; j++) { delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._targ.filters[j] instanceof flash.filters.DropShadowFilter) { objProp._propStart = objProp._targ.filters[j].distance; } } delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._propStart == undefined) { objProp._propStart = 0; } } else if (objProp._prop == "__special_dropshadow_angle__") { var j = 0; for ( ; j < objProp._targ.filters.length ; j++) { delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._targ.filters[j] instanceof flash.filters.DropShadowFilter) { objProp._propStart = objProp._targ.filters[j].angle; } } delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._propStart == undefined) { objProp._propStart = 45; } } else if (objProp._prop == "__special_dropshadow_color__") { var j = 0; for ( ; j < objProp._targ.filters.length ; j++) { delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._targ.filters[j] instanceof flash.filters.DropShadowFilter) { objProp._propStart = objProp._targ.filters[j].color; } } delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._propStart == undefined) { objProp._propStart = 0; } } else if (objProp._prop == "__special_dropshadow_alpha__") { var j = 0; for ( ; j < objProp._targ.filters.length ; j++) { delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._targ.filters[j] instanceof flash.filters.DropShadowFilter) { objProp._propStart = objProp._targ.filters[j].alpha; } } delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._propStart == undefined) { objProp._propStart = 0.4; } } else if (objProp._prop == "__special_dropshadow_blurX__") { var j = 0; for ( ; j < objProp._targ.filters.length ; j++) { delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._targ.filters[j] instanceof flash.filters.DropShadowFilter) { objProp._propStart = objProp._targ.filters[j].blurX; } } delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._propStart == undefined) { objProp._propStart = 0; } } else if (objProp._prop == "__special_dropshadow_blurY__") { var j = 0; for ( ; j < objProp._targ.filters.length ; j++) { delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._targ.filters[j] instanceof flash.filters.DropShadowFilter) { objProp._propStart = objProp._targ.filters[j].blurY; } } delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._propStart == undefined) { objProp._propStart = 0; } } else if (objProp._prop == "__special_dropshadow_strength__") { var j = 0; for ( ; j < objProp._targ.filters.length ; j++) { delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._targ.filters[j] instanceof flash.filters.DropShadowFilter) { objProp._propStart = objProp._targ.filters[j].strength; } } delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._propStart == undefined) { objProp._propStart = 1; } } else if (objProp._prop == "__special_dropshadow_quality__") { var j = 0; for ( ; j < objProp._targ.filters.length ; j++) { delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._targ.filters[j] instanceof flash.filters.DropShadowFilter) { objProp._propStart = objProp._targ.filters[j].quality; } } delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._propStart == undefined) { objProp._propStart = 5; } } else if (objProp._prop == "__special_dropshadow_inner__") { var j = 0; for ( ; j < objProp._targ.filters.length ; j++) { delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._targ.filters[j] instanceof flash.filters.DropShadowFilter) { objProp._propStart = objProp._targ.filters[j].inner; } } delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._propStart == undefined) { objProp._propStart = false; } } else if (objProp._prop == "__special_dropshadow_knockout__") { var j = 0; for ( ; j < objProp._targ.filters.length ; j++) { delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._targ.filters[j] instanceof flash.filters.DropShadowFilter) { objProp._propStart = objProp._targ.filters[j].knockout; } } delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._propStart == undefined) { objProp._propStart = false; } } else if (objProp._prop == "__special_dropshadow_hideObject__") { var j = 0; for ( ; j < objProp._targ.filters.length ; j++) { delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._targ.filters[j] instanceof flash.filters.DropShadowFilter) { objProp._propStart = objProp._targ.filters[j].hideObject; } } delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._propStart == undefined) { objProp._propStart = false; } } else { objProp._propStart = objProp._targ[objProp._prop]; } } else { objProp._propStart = objProp._targ[objProp._prop]; } } var endTime = (objProp._timeDest + (objProp._delay * 1000)); if (tTime >= endTime) { var newValue = objProp._propDest; } else { var newValue = _global.findTweenValue(objProp._propStart, objProp._propDest, objProp._timeStart, tTime - (objProp._delay * 1000), objProp._timeDest, objProp._animType, objProp._extra1, objProp._extra2); } objProp._targ[objProp._prop] = (objProp._extras.mustRound ? (Math.round(newValue)) : (newValue)); if (objProp._prop == "__special_mc_frame__") { objProp._targ.gotoAndStop(Math.round(newValue)); } else if (objProp._prop == "__special_mc_ra__") { new Color(objProp._targ).setTransform({ra:newValue}); } else if (objProp._prop == "__special_mc_rb__") { new Color(objProp._targ).setTransform({rb:newValue}); } else if (objProp._prop == "__special_mc_ga__") { new Color(objProp._targ).setTransform({ga:newValue}); } else if (objProp._prop == "__special_mc_gb__") { new Color(objProp._targ).setTransform({gb:newValue}); } else if (objProp._prop == "__special_mc_ba__") { new Color(objProp._targ).setTransform({ba:newValue}); } else if (objProp._prop == "__special_mc_bb__") { new Color(objProp._targ).setTransform({bb:newValue}); } else if (objProp._prop == "__special_mc_aa__") { new Color(objProp._targ).setTransform({aa:newValue}); } else if (objProp._prop == "__special_mc_ab__") { new Color(objProp._targ).setTransform({ab:newValue}); } if (objProp._prop == "__special_bst_t__") { var extras = objProp._extras; var po = _global.findPointOnCurve(extras.__special_bst_ix__, extras.__special_bst_iy__, extras.__special_bst_cx__, extras.__special_bst_cy__, extras.__special_bst_dx__, extras.__special_bst_dy__, newValue); if (objProp._extras.mustRound) { objProp._targ._x = Math.round(po.x); objProp._targ._y = Math.round(po.y); } else { objProp._targ._x = po.x; objProp._targ._y = po.y; } } if (!((typeof(objProp._targ) == "movieclip") || (objProp._prop != "__special_text_b__"))) { objProp._targ.textColor = ((objProp._targ.__special_text_r__ << 16) + (objProp._targ.__special_text_g__ << 8)) + objProp._targ.__special_text_b__; } if (objProp._prop == "__special_sound_volume__") { objProp._targ.setVolume(newValue); } if (objProp._prop == "__special_sound_pan__") { objProp._targ.setPan(newValue); } if (objProp._prop == "__special_blur_x__") { _global.$setFilterProperty(objProp._targ, "blur_blurX", newValue, objProp._extras); } if (objProp._prop == "__special_blur_y__") { _global.$setFilterProperty(objProp._targ, "blur_blurY", newValue, objProp._extras); } if (objProp._prop == "__special_blur_quality__") { _global.$setFilterProperty(objProp._targ, "blur_quality", newValue, objProp._extras); } if (objProp._prop == "__special_glow_color__") { _global.$setFilterProperty(objProp._targ, "glow_color", _global.findTweenColor(objProp, tTime), objProp._extras); } if (objProp._prop == "__special_glow_alpha__") { _global.$setFilterProperty(objProp._targ, "glow_alpha", newValue, objProp._extras); } if (objProp._prop == "__special_glow_blurX__") { _global.$setFilterProperty(objProp._targ, "glow_blurX", newValue, objProp._extras); } if (objProp._prop == "__special_glow_blurY__") { _global.$setFilterProperty(objProp._targ, "glow_blurY", newValue, objProp._extras); } if (objProp._prop == "__special_glow_strength__") { _global.$setFilterProperty(objProp._targ, "glow_strength", newValue, objProp._extras); } if (objProp._prop == "__special_glow_quality__") { _global.$setFilterProperty(objProp._targ, "glow_quality", newValue, objProp._extras); } if (objProp._prop == "__special_glow_inner__") { _global.$setFilterProperty(objProp._targ, "glow_inner", newValue, objProp._extras); } if (objProp._prop == "__special_glow_knockout__") { _global.$setFilterProperty(objProp._targ, "glow_knockout", newValue, objProp._extras); } if (objProp._prop == "__special_bevel_distance__") { _global.$setFilterProperty(objProp._targ, "bevel_distance", newValue, objProp._extras); } if (objProp._prop == "__special_bevel_angle__") { _global.$setFilterProperty(objProp._targ, "bevel_angle", newValue, objProp._extras); } if (objProp._prop == "__special_bevel_highlightColor__") { _global.$setFilterProperty(objProp._targ, "bevel_highlightColor", _global.findTweenColor(objProp, tTime), objProp._extras); } if (objProp._prop == "__special_bevel_highlightAlpha__") { _global.$setFilterProperty(objProp._targ, "bevel_highlightAlpha", newValue, objProp._extras); } if (objProp._prop == "__special_bevel_shadowColor__") { _global.$setFilterProperty(objProp._targ, "bevel_shadowColor", _global.findTweenColor(objProp, tTime), objProp._extras); } if (objProp._prop == "__special_bevel_shadowAlpha__") { _global.$setFilterProperty(objProp._targ, "bevel_shadowAlpha", newValue, objProp._extras); } if (objProp._prop == "__special_bevel_blurX__") { _global.$setFilterProperty(objProp._targ, "bevel_blurX", newValue, objProp._extras); } if (objProp._prop == "__special_bevel_blurY__") { _global.$setFilterProperty(objProp._targ, "bevel_blurY", newValue, objProp._extras); } if (objProp._prop == "__special_bevel_strength__") { _global.$setFilterProperty(objProp._targ, "bevel_strength", newValue, objProp._extras); } if (objProp._prop == "__special_bevel_quality__") { _global.$setFilterProperty(objProp._targ, "bevel_quality", newValue, objProp._extras); } if (objProp._prop == "__special_bevel_inner__") { _global.$setFilterProperty(objProp._targ, "bevel_inner", newValue, objProp._extras); } if (objProp._prop == "__special_bevel_knockout__") { _global.$setFilterProperty(objProp._targ, "bevel_knockout", newValue, objProp._extras); } if (objProp._prop == "__special_dropshadow_distance__") { _global.$setFilterProperty(objProp._targ, "dropshadow_distance", newValue, objProp._extras); } if (objProp._prop == "__special_dropshadow_angle__") { _global.$setFilterProperty(objProp._targ, "dropshadow_angle", newValue, objProp._extras); } if (objProp._prop == "__special_dropshadow_color__") { _global.$setFilterProperty(objProp._targ, "dropshadow_color", _global.findTweenColor(objProp, tTime), objProp._extras); } if (objProp._prop == "__special_dropshadow_alpha__") { _global.$setFilterProperty(objProp._targ, "dropshadow_alpha", newValue, objProp._extras); } if (objProp._prop == "__special_dropshadow_blurX__") { _global.$setFilterProperty(objProp._targ, "dropshadow_blurX", newValue, objProp._extras); } if (objProp._prop == "__special_dropshadow_blurY__") { _global.$setFilterProperty(objProp._targ, "dropshadow_blurY", newValue, objProp._extras); } if (objProp._prop == "__special_dropshadow_strength__") { _global.$setFilterProperty(objProp._targ, "dropshadow_strength", newValue, objProp._extras); } if (objProp._prop == "__special_dropshadow_quality__") { _global.$setFilterProperty(objProp._targ, "dropshadow_quality", newValue, objProp._extras); } if (objProp._prop == "__special_dropshadow_inner__") { _global.$setFilterProperty(objProp._targ, "dropshadow_inner", newValue, objProp._extras); } if (objProp._prop == "__special_dropshadow_knockout__") { _global.$setFilterProperty(objProp._targ, "dropshadow_knockout", newValue, objProp._extras); } if (objProp._prop == "__special_dropshadow_hideObject__") { _global.$setFilterProperty(objProp._targ, "dropshadow_hideObject", newValue, objProp._extras); } delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._targ.onTweenUpdate != undefined) { objProp._targ.onTweenUpdate(objProp._prop); } if (tTime >= endTime) { delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._targ.onTweenComplete != undefined) { objProp._targ.onTweenComplete(objProp._prop); } _global.$stopTween(objProp._targ, [objProp._prop], false); i--; delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (objProp._callback != undefined) { if (_global.backwardCallbackTweening) { var childMC = objProp._targ.createEmptyMovieClip("__child__", 122344); objProp._callback.apply(childMC, null); childMC.removeMovieClip(); } else { objProp._callback.apply(objProp._targ, null); } } } } } if (this.$_tweenPropList.length == 0) { _global.$removeTweenController(); } } }; ASSetPropFlags(_global, "$updateTween", 1, 0); _global.$stopTween = function (mtarget, props, wipeFuture) { tellTarget ("..") { var tweenPropList = _root.__tweenController__.$_tweenPropList; delete _global.__resolve; var _prop; var pti; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; for (pti in tweenPropList) { _prop = tweenPropList[pti]._prop; var i = 0; for ( ; !((i >= props.length) && (!((i < 1) && (delete _global.__resolve_global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolveprops == undefined)))) ; i++) { if (!((tweenPropList[pti]._targ != mtarget) || ((!((_prop == props[i]) || (delete _global.__resolve_global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolveprops == undefined))) || (!(wipeFuture || (getTimer() >= (tweenPropList[pti]._timeDest + (tweenPropList[pti]._delay * 1000)))))))) { if (_prop != "__special_mc_frame__") { if (_prop != "__special_mc_ra__") { if (_prop != "__special_mc_rb__") { if (_prop != "__special_mc_ga__") { if (_prop != "__special_mc_gb__") { if (_prop != "__special_mc_ba__") { if (_prop != "__special_mc_bb__") { if (_prop != "__special_mc_aa__") { if (_prop != "__special_mc_ab__") { if (_prop != "__special_sound_volume__") { if (_prop != "__special_bst_t__") { if (_prop != "__special_text_b__") { // unexpected jump delete mtarget[_prop]; // unexpected jump } } } } } } } } } } } } else { delete mtarget[_prop]; // unexpected jump delete mtarget.__special_text_r__; delete mtarget.__special_text_g__; delete mtarget.__special_text_b__; } tweenPropList.splice(pti, 1); } } } delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (props == undefined) { delete eval (mtarget.$_tweenCount); } else { mtarget.$_tweenCount = 0; delete _global.__resolve; var pti; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; for (pti in tweenPropList) { if (tweenPropList[pti]._targ == mtarget) { mtarget.$_tweenCount++; } } if (mtarget.$_tweenCount == 0) { delete mtarget.$_tweenCount; } } if (tweenPropList.length == 0) { _global.$removeTweenController(); } } }; ASSetPropFlags(_global, "$stopTween", 1, 0); _global.$setFilterProperty = function (mtarget, propName, propValue, extras) { tellTarget ("..") { delete _global.__resolve; var i; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; var applied = false; var newFilters = []; var i = 0; for ( ; i < mtarget.filters.length ; i++) { newFilters.push(mtarget.filters[i]); } if (propName.substr(0, 5) == "blur_") { i = 0; for ( ; i < mtarget.filters.length ; i++) { delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (newFilters[i] instanceof flash.filters.BlurFilter) { newFilters[i][propName.substr(5)] = propValue; applied = true; break; } } if (!applied) { delete _global.__resolve; var myFilter; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (propName == "blur_blurX") { myFilter = new flash.filters.BlurFilter(propValue, 0, 4); } if (propName == "blur_blurY") { myFilter = new flash.filters.BlurFilter(0, propValue, 4); } if (propName == "blur_quality") { myFilter = new flash.filters.BlurFilter(0, 0, propValue); } newFilters.push(myFilter); } } else if (propName.substr(0, 5) == "glow_") { i = 0; for ( ; i < mtarget.filters.length ; i++) { delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (newFilters[i] instanceof flash.filters.GlowFilter) { newFilters[i][propName.substr(5)] = propValue; applied = true; break; } } if (!applied) { delete _global.__resolve; var myFilter; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (propName == "glow_color") { myFilter = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(propValue, 1, 0, 0, 1, 4, false, false); } if (propName == "glow_alpha") { myFilter = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(16777215, propValue, 0, 0, 1, 4, false, false); } if (propName == "glow_blurX") { myFilter = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(16777215, 1, propValue, 0, 1, 4, false, false); } if (propName == "glow_blurY") { myFilter = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(16777215, 1, 0, propValue, 1, 4, false, false); } if (propName == "glow_strength") { myFilter = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(16777215, 1, 0, 0, propValue, 4, false, false); } if (propName == "glow_quality") { myFilter = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(16777215, 1, 0, 0, 1, propValue, false, false); } if (propName == "glow_inner") { myFilter = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(16777215, 1, 0, 0, 1, 4, propValue, false); } if (propName == "glow_knockout") { myFilter = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(16777215, 1, 0, 0, 1, 4, false, propValue); } newFilters.push(myFilter); } } else if (propName.substr(0, 6) == "bevel_") { i = 0; for ( ; i < mtarget.filters.length ; i++) { delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (newFilters[i] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) { newFilters[i][propName.substr(6)] = propValue; applied = true; break; } } if (!applied) { delete _global.__resolve; var myFilter; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (propName == "bevel_distance") { myFilter = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(propValue, 45, 16777215, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 4, "inner", false); } if (propName == "bevel_angle") { myFilter = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(0, propValue, 16777215, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 4, "inner", false); } if (propName == "bevel_highlightColor") { myFilter = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(0, 45, propValue, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 4, "inner", false); } if (propName == "bevel_highlightAlpha") { myFilter = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(0, 45, 16777215, propValue, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 4, "inner", false); } if (propName == "bevel_shadowColor") { myFilter = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(0, 45, 16777215, 1, propValue, 1, 0, 0, 1, 4, "inner", false); } if (propName == "bevel_shadowAlpha") { myFilter = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(0, 45, 16777215, 1, 0, propValue, 0, 0, 1, 4, "inner", false); } if (propName == "bevel_blurX") { myFilter = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(0, 45, 16777215, 1, 0, 1, propValue, 0, 1, 4, "inner", false); } if (propName == "bevel_blurY") { myFilter = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(0, 45, 16777215, 1, 0, 1, 0, propValue, 1, 4, "inner", false); } if (propName == "bevel_strength") { myFilter = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(0, 45, 16777215, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, propValue, 4, "inner", false); } if (propName == "bevel_quality") { myFilter = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(0, 45, 16777215, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, propValue, "inner", false); } if (propName == "bevel_inner") { myFilter = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(0, 45, 16777215, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 4, propValue, false); } if (propName == "bevel_knockout") { myFilter = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(0, 45, 16777215, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 4, "inner", propValue); } newFilters.push(myFilter); } } else if (propName.substr(0, 11) == "dropshadow_") { i = 0; for ( ; i < mtarget.filters.length ; i++) { delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (newFilters[i] instanceof flash.filters.DropShadowFilter) { newFilters[i][propName.substr(11)] = propValue; applied = true; break; } } if (!applied) { delete _global.__resolve; var myFilter; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (propName == "dropshadow_distance") { myFilter = new flash.filters.DropShadowFilter(propValue, 45, 0, 0.4, 0, 0, 1, 5, false, false, false); } if (propName == "dropshadow_angle") { myFilter = new flash.filters.DropShadowFilter(0, propValue, 0, 0.4, 0, 0, 1, 5, false, false, false); } if (propName == "dropshadow_color") { myFilter = new flash.filters.DropShadowFilter(0, 45, propValue, 0.4, 0, 0, 1, 5, false, false, false); } if (propName == "dropshadow_alpha") { myFilter = new flash.filters.DropShadowFilter(0, 45, 0, propValue, 0, 0, 1, 5, false, false, false); } if (propName == "dropshadow_blurX") { myFilter = new flash.filters.DropShadowFilter(0, 45, 0, 0.4, propValue, 0, 1, 5, false, false, false); } if (propName == "dropshadow_blurY") { myFilter = new flash.filters.DropShadowFilter(0, 45, 0, 0.4, 0, propValue, 1, 5, false, false, false); } if (propName == "dropshadow_strength") { myFilter = new flash.filters.DropShadowFilter(0, 45, 0, 0.4, 0, 0, propValue, 5, false, false, false); } if (propName == "dropshadow_quality") { myFilter = new flash.filters.DropShadowFilter(0, 45, 0, 0.4, 0, 0, 1, propValue, false, false, false); } if (propName == "dropshadow_inner") { myFilter = new flash.filters.DropShadowFilter(0, 45, 0, 0.4, 0, 0, 1, 5, propValue, false, false); } if (propName == "dropshadow_knockout") { myFilter = new flash.filters.DropShadowFilter(0, 45, 0, 0.4, 0, 0, 1, 5, false, propValue, false); } if (propName == "dropshadow_hideObject") { myFilter = new flash.filters.DropShadowFilter(0, 45, 0, 0.4, 0, 0, 1, 5, false, false, propValue); } newFilters.push(myFilter); } } else { trace(("MC TWEEN ### Error on $setFilterProperty: propName \"" + propName) + "\" is not valid."); return(undefined); } mtarget.filters = newFilters; } }; Sound.prototype.tween = function (prop, propDest, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { tellTarget ("..") { _global.$addTween(this, prop, propDest, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); } }; TextField.prototype.tween = Sound.prototype.tween; MovieClip.prototype.tween = TextField.prototype.tween; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "tween", 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "tween", 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, "tween", 1, 0); Sound.prototype.roundedTween = function (prop, propDest, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { tellTarget ("..") { _global.$addTween(this, prop, propDest, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {mustRound:true}); } }; TextField.prototype.roundedTween = Sound.prototype.roundedTween; MovieClip.prototype.roundedTween = TextField.prototype.roundedTween; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "roundedTween", 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "roundedTween", 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, "roundedTween", 1, 0); Sound.prototype.stopTween = function (props) { tellTarget ("..") { if (typeof(props) == "string") { props = [props]; } delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (props != undefined) { var i = 1; for ( ; i < arguments.length ; i++) { props.push(arguments[i]); } } _global.$stopTween(this, props, true); } }; TextField.prototype.stopTween = Sound.prototype.stopTween; MovieClip.prototype.stopTween = TextField.prototype.stopTween; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "stopTween", 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "stopTween", 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, "stopTween", 1, 0); Sound.prototype.pauseTween = function (props) { tellTarget ("..") { delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (props != undefined) { if (typeof(props) == "string") { props = [props]; } var i = 1; for ( ; i < Arguments.length ; i++) { props.push(Arguments[i]); } } var tweenPropList = _root.__tweenController__.$_tweenPropList; delete _global.__resolve; var mustPause; var pti; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; for (pti in tweenPropList) { if (!((tweenPropList[pti]._targ != this) || (tweenPropList[pti]._isPaused))) { delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (props != undefined) { mustPause = false; delete _global.__resolve; var i; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; for (i in props) { if (props[i] == tweenPropList[pti]._prop) { mustPause = true; // unexpected jump } } } delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (!((props != undefined) && (!mustPause))) { tweenPropList[pti]._isPaused = true; tweenPropList[pti]._timePaused = _root.__tweenController__.$_tTime; } } } } }; TextField.prototype.pauseTween = Sound.prototype.pauseTween; MovieClip.prototype.pauseTween = TextField.prototype.pauseTween; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "pauseTween", 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "pauseTween", 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, "pauseTween", 1, 0); Sound.prototype.resumeTween = function (props) { tellTarget ("..") { delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (props != undefined) { if (typeof(props) == "string") { props = [props]; } var i = 1; for ( ; i < Arguments.length ; i++) { props.push(Arguments[i]); } } var tweenPropList = _root.__tweenController__.$_tweenPropList; delete _global.__resolve; var mustResume; var offsetTime; var pti; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; for (pti in tweenPropList) { if (!((tweenPropList[pti]._targ != this) || (!tweenPropList[pti]._isPaused))) { delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (props != undefined) { mustResume = false; delete _global.__resolve; var i; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; for (i in props) { if (props[i] == tweenPropList[pti]._prop) { mustResume = true; // unexpected jump } } } delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (!((props != undefined) && (!mustResume))) { tweenPropList[pti]._isPaused = false; offsetTime = _root.__tweenController__.$_tTime - tweenPropList[pti]._timePaused; tweenPropList[pti]._timeStart = tweenPropList[pti]._timeStart + offsetTime; tweenPropList[pti]._timeDest = tweenPropList[pti]._timeDest + offsetTime; tweenPropList[pti]._timePaused = 0; } } } } }; TextField.prototype.resumeTween = Sound.prototype.resumeTween; MovieClip.prototype.resumeTween = TextField.prototype.resumeTween; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "resumeTween", 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "resumeTween", 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, "resumeTween", 1, 0); Sound.prototype.lockTween = function () { tellTarget ("..") { this.$_isTweenLocked = true; ASSetPropFlags(this, "this.$_isTweenLocked", 1, 0); } }; TextField.prototype.lockTween = Sound.prototype.lockTween; MovieClip.prototype.lockTween = TextField.prototype.lockTween; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "lockTween", 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "lockTween", 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, "lockTween", 1, 0); Sound.prototype.unlockTween = function () { tellTarget ("..") { delete eval (this.$_isTweenLocked); } }; TextField.prototype.unlockTween = Sound.prototype.unlockTween; MovieClip.prototype.unlockTween = TextField.prototype.unlockTween; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "unlockTween", 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "unlockTween", 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, "unlockTween", 1, 0); Sound.prototype.getTweens = function () { tellTarget ("..") { return(this.$_tweenCount); } }; TextField.prototype.getTweens = Sound.prototype.getTweens; MovieClip.prototype.getTweens = TextField.prototype.getTweens; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "getTweens", 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "getTweens", 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, "getTweens", 1, 0); Sound.prototype.isTweening = function () { tellTarget ("..") { return(((this.$_tweenCount > 0) ? true : false)); } }; TextField.prototype.isTweening = Sound.prototype.isTweening; MovieClip.prototype.isTweening = TextField.prototype.isTweening; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "isTweening", 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "isTweening", 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, "isTweening", 1, 0); TextField.prototype.alphaTo = function (propDest_a, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { tellTarget ("..") { _global.$addTween(this, "_alpha", propDest_a, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); } }; MovieClip.prototype.alphaTo = TextField.prototype.alphaTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "alphaTo", 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "alphaTo", 1, 0); MovieClip.prototype.frameTo = function (propDest_frame, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { tellTarget ("..") { _global.$addTween(this, "__special_mc_frame__", propDest_frame, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); } }; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "frameTo", 1, 0); TextField.prototype.resizeTo = function (propDest_width, propDest_height, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { tellTarget ("..") { _global.$addTween(this, ["_width", "_height"], [propDest_width, propDest_height], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); } }; MovieClip.prototype.resizeTo = TextField.prototype.resizeTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "resizeTo", 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "resizeTo", 1, 0); TextField.prototype.rotateTo = function (propDest_rotation, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { tellTarget ("..") { _global.$addTween(this, "_rotation", propDest_rotation, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); } }; MovieClip.prototype.rotateTo = TextField.prototype.rotateTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "rotateTo", 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "rotateTo", 1, 0); TextField.prototype.scaleTo = function (propDest_scale, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { tellTarget ("..") { _global.$addTween(this, ["_xscale", "_yscale"], [propDest_scale, propDest_scale], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); } }; MovieClip.prototype.scaleTo = TextField.prototype.scaleTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "scaleTo", 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "scaleTo", 1, 0); TextField.prototype.xScaleTo = function (propDest_scale, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { tellTarget ("..") { _global.$addTween(this, "_xscale", propDest_scale, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); } }; MovieClip.prototype.xScaleTo = TextField.prototype.xScaleTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "xScaleTo", 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "xScaleTo", 1, 0); TextField.prototype.yScaleTo = function (propDest_scale, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { tellTarget ("..") { _global.$addTween(this, "_yscale", propDest_scale, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); } }; MovieClip.prototype.yScaleTo = TextField.prototype.yScaleTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "yScaleTo", 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "yScaleTo", 1, 0); TextField.prototype.scrollTo = function (propDest_scroll, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { tellTarget ("..") { _global.$addTween(this, "scroll", propDest_scroll, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); } }; ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "scrollTo", 1, 0); TextField.prototype.slideTo = function (propDest_x, propDest_y, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { tellTarget ("..") { _global.$addTween(this, ["_x", "_y"], [propDest_x, propDest_y], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); } }; MovieClip.prototype.slideTo = TextField.prototype.slideTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "slideTo", 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "slideTo", 1, 0); TextField.prototype.roundedSlideTo = function (propDest_x, propDest_y, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { tellTarget ("..") { _global.$addTween(this, ["_x", "_y"], [propDest_x, propDest_y], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {mustRound:true}); } }; MovieClip.prototype.roundedSlideTo = TextField.prototype.roundedSlideTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "roundedSlideTo", 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "roundedSlideTo", 1, 0); TextField.prototype.xSlideTo = function (propDest_x, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { tellTarget ("..") { _global.$addTween(this, "_x", propDest_x, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); } }; MovieClip.prototype.xSlideTo = TextField.prototype.xSlideTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "xSlideTo", 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "xSlideTo", 1, 0); TextField.prototype.roundedXSlideTo = function (propDest_x, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { tellTarget ("..") { _global.$addTween(this, "_x", propDest_x, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {mustRound:true}); } }; MovieClip.prototype.roundedXSlideTo = TextField.prototype.roundedXSlideTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "roundedXSlideTo", 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "roundedXSlideTo", 1, 0); TextField.prototype.ySlideTo = function (propDest_y, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { tellTarget ("..") { _global.$addTween(this, "_y", propDest_y, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); } }; MovieClip.prototype.ySlideTo = TextField.prototype.ySlideTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "ySlideTo", 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "ySlideTo", 1, 0); TextField.prototype.roundedYSlideTo = function (propDest_y, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { tellTarget ("..") { _global.$addTween(this, "_y", propDest_y, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {mustRound:true}); } }; MovieClip.prototype.roundedYSlideTo = TextField.prototype.roundedYSlideTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "roundedYSlideTo", 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "roundedYSlideTo", 1, 0); TextField.prototype.bezierSlideTo = function (cpoint_x, cpoint_y, propDest_x, propDest_y, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { tellTarget ("..") { var extras = new Object(); extras.__special_bst_ix__ = undefined; extras.__special_bst_iy__ = undefined; extras.__special_bst_cx__ = cpoint_x; extras.__special_bst_cy__ = cpoint_y; extras.__special_bst_dx__ = propDest_x; extras.__special_bst_dy__ = propDest_y; _global.$addTween(this, "__special_bst_t__", 1, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, extras); } }; MovieClip.prototype.bezierSlideTo = TextField.prototype.bezierSlideTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "bezierSlideTo", 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "bezierSlideTo", 1, 0); TextField.prototype.roundedBezierSlideTo = function (cpoint_x, cpoint_y, propDest_x, propDest_y, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { tellTarget ("..") { var extras = new Object(); extras.__special_bst_ix__ = undefined; extras.__special_bst_iy__ = undefined; extras.__special_bst_cx__ = cpoint_x; extras.__special_bst_cy__ = cpoint_y; extras.__special_bst_dx__ = propDest_x; extras.__special_bst_dy__ = propDest_y; extras.mustRound = true; _global.$addTween(this, "__special_bst_t__", 1, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, extras); } }; MovieClip.prototype.roundedBezierSlideTo = TextField.prototype.roundedBezierSlideTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "roundedBezierSlideTo", 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "roundedBezierSlideTo", 1, 0); Sound.prototype.volumeTo = function (propDest_volume, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { tellTarget ("..") { _global.$addTween(this, "__special_sound_volume__", propDest_volume, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); } }; ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, "volumeTo", 1, 0); Sound.prototype.panTo = function (propDest_volume, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { tellTarget ("..") { _global.$addTween(this, "__special_sound_pan__", propDest_volume, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); } }; ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, "panTo", 1, 0); MovieClip.prototype.colorTo = function (propDest_color, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { tellTarget ("..") { if (propDest_color == null) { this.colorTransformTo(100, 0, 100, 0, 100, 0, undefined, undefined, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); } else { var new_r = (propDest_color >> 16); var new_g = ((propDest_color & 65280) >> 8); var new_b = (propDest_color & 255); this.colorTransformTo(0, new_r, 0, new_g, 0, new_b, undefined, undefined, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); } } }; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "colorTo", 1, 0); TextField.prototype.colorTo = function (propDest_color, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { tellTarget ("..") { var new_r = (propDest_color >> 16); var new_g = ((propDest_color & 65280) >> 8); var new_b = (propDest_color & 255); _global.$addTween(this, ["__special_text_r__", "__special_text_g__", "__special_text_b__"], [new_r, new_g, new_b], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); } }; ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "colorTo", 1, 0); MovieClip.prototype.colorTransformTo = function () { tellTarget ("..") { if (!((typeof(arguments[0]) != "object") || (delete _global.__resolve_global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolvearguments[0] == undefined))) { _global.$addTween(this, ["__special_mc_ra__", "__special_mc_rb__", "__special_mc_ga__", "__special_mc_gb__", "__special_mc_ba__", "__special_mc_bb__", "__special_mc_aa__", "__special_mc_ab__"], [arguments[0].ra, arguments[0].rb, arguments[0].ga, arguments[0].gb, arguments[0].ba, arguments[0].bb, arguments[0].aa, arguments[0].ab], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5], arguments[6]); } else { _global.$addTween(this, ["__special_mc_ra__", "__special_mc_rb__", "__special_mc_ga__", "__special_mc_gb__", "__special_mc_ba__", "__special_mc_bb__", "__special_mc_aa__", "__special_mc_ab__"], [arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5], arguments[6], arguments[7]], arguments[8], arguments[9], arguments[10], arguments[11], arguments[12], arguments[13]); } } }; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "colorTransformTo", 1, 0); TextField.prototype.blurTo = function () { tellTarget ("..") { if (!((typeof(arguments[0]) != "object") || (delete _global.__resolve_global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolvearguments[0] == undefined))) { _global.$addTween(this, ["__special_blur_x__", "__special_blur_y__", "__special_blur_quality__"], [arguments[0].blurX, arguments[0].blurY, arguments[0].quality], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5], arguments[6]); } else { _global.$addTween(this, ["__special_blur_x__", "__special_blur_y__", "__special_blur_quality__"], [arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2]], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5], arguments[6], arguments[7], arguments[8]); } } }; MovieClip.prototype.blurTo = TextField.prototype.blurTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "blurTo", 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "blurTo", 1, 0); TextField.prototype.glowTo = function () { tellTarget ("..") { if (!((typeof(arguments[0]) != "object") || (delete _global.__resolve_global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolvearguments[0] == undefined))) { _global.$addTween(this, ["__special_glow_color__", "__special_glow_alpha__", "__special_glow_blurX__", "__special_glow_blurY__", "__special_glow_strength__", "__special_glow_quality__", "__special_glow_inner__", "__special_glow_knockout__"], [arguments[0].color, arguments[0].alpha, arguments[0].blurX, arguments[0].blurY, arguments[0].strength, arguments[0].quality, arguments[0].inner, arguments[0].knockout], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5], arguments[6]); } else { _global.$addTween(this, ["__special_glow_color__", "__special_glow_alpha__", "__special_glow_blurX__", "__special_glow_blurY__", "__special_glow_strength__", "__special_glow_quality__", "__special_glow_inner__", "__special_glow_knockout__"], [arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5], arguments[6], arguments[7]], arguments[8], arguments[9], arguments[10], arguments[11], arguments[12], arguments[13]); } } }; MovieClip.prototype.glowTo = TextField.prototype.glowTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "glowTo", 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "glowTo", 1, 0); TextField.prototype.bevelTo = function () { tellTarget ("..") { if (!((typeof(arguments[0]) != "object") || (delete _global.__resolve_global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolvearguments[0] == undefined))) { _global.$addTween(this, ["__special_bevel_distance__", "__special_bevel_angle__", "__special_bevel_highlightColor__", "__special_bevel_highlightAlpha__", "__special_bevel_shadowColor__", "__special_bevel_shadowAlpha__", "__special_bevel_blurX__", "__special_bevel_blurY__", "__special_bevel_strength__", "__special_bevel_quality__", "__special_bevel_inner__", "__special_bevel_knockout__"], [arguments[0].distance, arguments[0].angle, arguments[0].highlightColor, arguments[0].highlightAlpha * 100, arguments[0].shadowColor, arguments[0].shadowAlpha * 100, arguments[0].blurX, arguments[0].blurY, arguments[0].strength, arguments[0].quality, arguments[0].inner, arguments[0].knockout], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5], arguments[6]); } else { _global.$addTween(this, ["__special_bevel_distance__", "__special_bevel_angle__", "__special_bevel_highlightColor__", "__special_bevel_highlightAlpha__", "__special_bevel_shadowColor__", "__special_bevel_shadowAlpha__", "__special_bevel_blurX__", "__special_bevel_blurY__", "__special_bevel_strength__", "__special_bevel_quality__", "__special_bevel_inner__", "__special_bevel_knockout__"], [arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5], arguments[6], arguments[7], arguments[8], arguments[9], arguments[10], arguments[11]], arguments[12], arguments[13], arguments[14], arguments[15], arguments[16], arguments[17]); } } }; MovieClip.prototype.bevelTo = TextField.prototype.bevelTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "bevelTo", 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "bevelTo", 1, 0); TextField.prototype.dropShadowTo = function () { tellTarget ("..") { if (!((typeof(arguments[0]) != "object") || (delete _global.__resolve_global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolvearguments[0] == undefined))) { _global.$addTween(this, ["__special_dropshadow_distance__", "__special_dropshadow_angle__", "__special_dropshadow_color__", "__special_dropshadow_alpha__", "__special_dropshadow_blurX__", "__special_dropshadow_blurY__", "__special_dropshadow_strength__", "__special_dropshadow_quality__", "__special_dropshadow_inner__", "__special_dropshadow_knockout__", "__special_dropshadow_hideObject__"], [arguments[0].distance, arguments[0].angle, arguments[0].color, arguments[0].alpha * 100, arguments[0].blurX, arguments[0].blurY, arguments[0].strength, arguments[0].quality, arguments[0].inner, arguments[0].knockout, arguments[0].hideObject], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5], arguments[6]); } else { _global.$addTween(this, ["__special_dropshadow_distance__", "__special_dropshadow_angle__", "__special_dropshadow_color__", "__special_dropshadow_alpha__", "__special_dropshadow_blurX__", "__special_dropshadow_blurY__", "__special_dropshadow_strength__", "__special_dropshadow_quality__", "__special_dropshadow_inner__", "__special_dropshadow_knockout__", "__special_dropshadow_hideObject__"], [arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5], arguments[6], arguments[7], arguments[8], arguments[9], arguments[10]], arguments[11], arguments[12], arguments[13], arguments[14], arguments[15], arguments[16]); } } }; MovieClip.prototype.dropShadowTo = TextField.prototype.dropShadowTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "dropShadowTo", 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "dropShadowTo", 1, 0); _global.findPointOnCurve = function (p1x, p1y, cx, cy, p2x, p2y, t) { tellTarget ("..") { return({y:p1y + (t * (((2 * (1 - t)) * (cy - p1y)) + (t * (p2y - p1y)))), x:p1x + (t * (((2 * (1 - t)) * (cx - p1x)) + (t * (p2x - p1x))))}); } }; ASSetPropFlags(_global, "findPointOnCurve", 1, 0); _global.findTweenColor = function (objProp, tTime) { tellTarget ("..") { var rrs = (objProp._propStart >> 16); var rrd = (objProp._propDest >> 16); var ggs = ((objProp._propStart >> 8) & 255); var ggd = ((objProp._propDest >> 8) & 255); var bbs = (objProp._propStart & 255); var bbd = (objProp._propDest & 255); var newR = Math.round(_global.findTweenValue(rrs, rrd, objProp._timeStart, tTime - (objProp._delay * 1000), objProp._timeDest, objProp._animType, objProp._extra1, objProp._extra2)); var newG = Math.round(_global.findTweenValue(ggs, ggd, objProp._timeStart, tTime - (objProp._delay * 1000), objProp._timeDest, objProp._animType, objProp._extra1, objProp._extra2)); var newB = Math.round(_global.findTweenValue(bbs, bbd, objProp._timeStart, tTime - (objProp._delay * 1000), objProp._timeDest, objProp._animType, objProp._extra1, objProp._extra2)); return(((newR << 16) + (newG << 8)) + newB); } }; _global.findTweenValue = function (_propStart, _propDest, _timeStart, _timeNow, _timeDest, _animType, _extra1, _extra2) { tellTarget ("..") { var t = (_timeNow - _timeStart); var b = _propStart; var c = (_propDest - _propStart); var d = (_timeDest - _timeStart); var a = _extra1; var p = _extra2; var s = _extra1; _animType.toLowerCase(); if (_animType.toLowerCase() != "linear") { if (_animType.toLowerCase() != "easeinquad") { if (_animType.toLowerCase() != "easeoutquad") { if (_animType.toLowerCase() != "easeinoutquad") { if (_animType.toLowerCase() != "easeoutinquad") { if (_animType.toLowerCase() != "easeincubic") { if (_animType.toLowerCase() != "easeoutcubic") { if (_animType.toLowerCase() != "easeinoutcubic") { if (_animType.toLowerCase() != "easeoutincubic") { if (_animType.toLowerCase() != "easeinquart") { if (_animType.toLowerCase() != "easeoutquart") { if (_animType.toLowerCase() != "easeinoutquart") { if (_animType.toLowerCase() != "easeoutinquart") { if (_animType.toLowerCase() != "easeinquint") { if (_animType.toLowerCase() != "easeoutquint") { if (_animType.toLowerCase() != "easeinoutquint") { if (_animType.toLowerCase() != "easeoutinquint") { if (_animType.toLowerCase() != "easeinsine") { if (_animType.toLowerCase() != "easeoutsine") { if (_animType.toLowerCase() != "easeinoutsine") { if (_animType.toLowerCase() != "easeoutinsine") { if (_animType.toLowerCase() != "easeinexpo") { if (_animType.toLowerCase() != "easeoutexpo") { if (_animType.toLowerCase() != "easeinoutexpo") { if (_animType.toLowerCase() != "easeoutinexpo") { if (_animType.toLowerCase() != "easeincirc") { if (_animType.toLowerCase() != "easeoutcirc") { if (_animType.toLowerCase() != "easeinoutcirc") { if (_animType.toLowerCase() != "easeoutincirc") { if (_animType.toLowerCase() != "easeinelastic") { if (_animType.toLowerCase() != "easeoutelastic") { if (_animType.toLowerCase() != "easeinoutelastic") { if (_animType.toLowerCase() != "easeoutinelastic") { if (_animType.toLowerCase() != "easeinback") { if (_animType.toLowerCase() != "easeoutback") { if (_animType.toLowerCase() != "easeinoutback") { if (_animType.toLowerCase() != "easeoutinback") { if (_animType.toLowerCase() != "easeinbounce") { if (_animType.toLowerCase() != "easeoutbounce") { if (_animType.toLowerCase() != "easeinoutbounce") { if (_animType.toLowerCase() != "easeoutinbounce") { // unexpected jump return(((c * t) / d) + b); t = t / d; return(((c * t) * t) + b); t = t / d; return((((-c) * t) * (t - 2)) + b); t = t / (d / 2); if (t < 1) { return((((c / 2) * t) * t) + b); } t--; return((((-c) / 2) * ((t * (t - 2))-1)) + b); if (t < (d / 2)) { return((findTweenValue(0, c, 0, t * 2, d, "easeOutQuad") * 0.5) + b); } return(((findTweenValue(0, c, 0, (t * 2) - d, d, "easeInQuad") * 0.5) + (c * 0.5)) + b); t = t / d; return((((c * t) * t) * t) + b); t = ((t / d)-1); return((c * (((t * t) * t)+1)) + b); t = t / (d / 2); if (t < 1) { return(((((c / 2) * t) * t) * t) + b); } t = t - 2; return(((c / 2) * (((t * t) * t) + 2)) + b); if (t < (d / 2)) { return((findTweenValue(0, c, 0, t * 2, d, "easeOutCubic") * 0.5) + b); } return(((findTweenValue(0, c, 0, (t * 2) - d, d, "easeInCubic") * 0.5) + (c * 0.5)) + b); t = t / d; return(((((c * t) * t) * t) * t) + b); t = ((t / d)-1); return(((-c) * ((((t * t) * t) * t)-1)) + b); t = t / (d / 2); if (t < 1) { return((((((c / 2) * t) * t) * t) * t) + b); } t = t - 2; return((((-c) / 2) * ((((t * t) * t) * t) - 2)) + b); if (t < (d / 2)) { return((findTweenValue(0, c, 0, t * 2, d, "easeOutQuart") * 0.5) + b); } return(((findTweenValue(0, c, 0, (t * 2) - d, d, "easeInQuart") * 0.5) + (c * 0.5)) + b); t = t / d; return((((((c * t) * t) * t) * t) * t) + b); t = ((t / d)-1); return((c * (((((t * t) * t) * t) * t)+1)) + b); t = t / (d / 2); if (t < 1) { return(((((((c / 2) * t) * t) * t) * t) * t) + b); } t = t - 2; return(((c / 2) * (((((t * t) * t) * t) * t) + 2)) + b); if (t < (d / 2)) { return((findTweenValue(0, c, 0, t * 2, d, "easeOutQuint") * 0.5) + b); } return(((findTweenValue(0, c, 0, (t * 2) - d, d, "easeInQuint") * 0.5) + (c * 0.5)) + b); return((((-c) * Math.cos((t / d) * (Math.PI / 2))) + c) + b); return((c * Math.sin((t / d) * (Math.PI / 2))) + b); return((((-c) / 2) * (Math.cos((Math.PI * t) / d) - 1)) + b); if (t < (d / 2)) { return((findTweenValue(0, c, 0, t * 2, d, "easeOutSine") * 0.5) + b); } return(((findTweenValue(0, c, 0, (t * 2) - d, d, "easeInSine") * 0.5) + (c * 0.5)) + b); return(((t == 0) ? b : ((c * Math.pow(2, 10 * ((t / d)-1))) + b))); return(((t == d) ? (b + c) : ((c * ((-Math.pow(2, (-10 * t) / d)) + 1)) + b))); if (t == 0) { return(b); } if (t == d) { return(b + c); } t = t / (d / 2); if (t < 1) { return(((c / 2) * Math.pow(2, 10 * (t - 1))) + b); } t--; return(((c / 2) * ((-Math.pow(2, -10 * t)) + 2)) + b); if (t == 0) { return(b); } if (t == d) { return(b + c); } t = t / (d / 2); if (t < 1) { return(((c / 2) * ((-Math.pow(2, -10 * t)) + 1)) + b); } return(((c / 2) * (Math.pow(2, 10 * (t - 2)) + 1)) + b); t = t / d; return(((-c) * (Math.sqrt(1 - (t * t)) - 1)) + b); t = ((t / d)-1); return((c * Math.sqrt(1 - (t * t))) + b); t = t / (d / 2); if (t < 1) { return((((-c) / 2) * (Math.sqrt(1 - (t * t)) - 1)) + b); } t = t - 2; return(((c / 2) * (Math.sqrt(1 - (t * t)) + 1)) + b); if (t < (d / 2)) { return((findTweenValue(0, c, 0, t * 2, d, "easeOutCirc") * 0.5) + b); } return(((findTweenValue(0, c, 0, (t * 2) - d, d, "easeInCirc") * 0.5) + (c * 0.5)) + b); if (t == 0) { return(b); } t = t / d; if (t == 1) { return(b + c); } if (!p) { p = d * 0.3; } if (!(a && (a >= Math.abs(c)))) { a = c; var s = (p / 4); } else { var s = ((p / (2 * Math.PI)) * Math.asin(c / a)); } t--; return((-((a * Math.pow(2, 10 * t)) * Math.sin((((t * d) - s) * (2 * Math.PI)) / p))) + b); if (t == 0) { return(b); } t = t / d; if (t == 1) { return(b + c); } if (!p) { p = d * 0.3; } if (!(a && (a >= Math.abs(c)))) { a = c; var s = (p / 4); } else { var s = ((p / (2 * Math.PI)) * Math.asin(c / a)); } return((((a * Math.pow(2, -10 * t)) * Math.sin((((t * d) - s) * (2 * Math.PI)) / p)) + c) + b); if (t == 0) { return(b); } t = t / (d / 2); if (t == 2) { return(b + c); } if (!p) { p = d * 0.45; } if (!(a && (a >= Math.abs(c)))) { a = c; var s = (p / 4); } else { var s = ((p / (2 * Math.PI)) * Math.asin(c / a)); } if (t < 1) { t--; return((-0.5 * ((a * Math.pow(2, 10 * t)) * Math.sin((((t * d) - s) * (2 * Math.PI)) / p))) + b); } t--; return(((((a * Math.pow(2, -10 * t)) * Math.sin((((t * d) - s) * (2 * Math.PI)) / p)) * 0.5) + c) + b); if (t < (d / 2)) { return((findTweenValue(0, c, 0, t * 2, d, "easeOutElastic") * 0.5) + b); } return(((findTweenValue(0, c, 0, (t * 2) - d, d, "easeInElastic") * 0.5) + (c * 0.5)) + b); delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (s == undefined) { s = 1.70158; } t = t / d; return((((c * t) * t) * (((s + 1) * t) - s)) + b); delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (s == undefined) { s = 1.70158; } t = ((t / d)-1); return((c * (((t * t) * (((s + 1) * t) + s))+1)) + b); delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (s == undefined) { s = 1.70158; } t = t / (d / 2); if (t < 1) { s = s * 1.525; return(((c / 2) * ((t * t) * (((s+1) * t) - s))) + b); } t = t - 2; s = s * 1.525; return(((c / 2) * (((t * t) * (((s+1) * t) + s)) + 2)) + b); if (t < (d / 2)) { return((findTweenValue(0, c, 0, t * 2, d, "easeOutBack") * 0.5) + b); } return(((findTweenValue(0, c, 0, (t * 2) - d, d, "easeInBack") * 0.5) + (c * 0.5)) + b); return((c - findTweenValue(0, c, 0, d - t, d, "easeOutBounce")) + b); t = t / d; if (t < 0.363636363636364) { return((c * ((7.5625 * t) * t)) + b); } if (t < 0.727272727272727) { t = t - 0.545454545454545; return((c * (((7.5625 * t) * t) + 0.75)) + b); } if (t < 0.909090909090909) { t = t - 0.818181818181818; return((c * (((7.5625 * t) * t) + 0.9375)) + b); } t = t - 0.954545454545455; return((c * (((7.5625 * t) * t) + 0.984375)) + b); if (t < (d / 2)) { return((findTweenValue(0, c, 0, t * 2, d, "easeInBounce") * 0.5) + b); } return(((findTweenValue(0, c, 0, (t * 2) - d, d, "easeOutBounce") * 0.5) + (c * 0.5)) + b); } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } else { return(((c * t) / d) + b); t = t / d; return(((c * t) * t) + b); t = t / d; return((((-c) * t) * (t - 2)) + b); t = t / (d / 2); if (t < 1) { return((((c / 2) * t) * t) + b); } t--; return((((-c) / 2) * ((t * (t - 2))-1)) + b); if (t < (d / 2)) { return((findTweenValue(0, c, 0, t * 2, d, "easeOutQuad") * 0.5) + b); } return(((findTweenValue(0, c, 0, (t * 2) - d, d, "easeInQuad") * 0.5) + (c * 0.5)) + b); t = t / d; return((((c * t) * t) * t) + b); t = ((t / d)-1); return((c * (((t * t) * t)+1)) + b); t = t / (d / 2); if (t < 1) { return(((((c / 2) * t) * t) * t) + b); } t = t - 2; return(((c / 2) * (((t * t) * t) + 2)) + b); if (t < (d / 2)) { return((findTweenValue(0, c, 0, t * 2, d, "easeOutCubic") * 0.5) + b); } return(((findTweenValue(0, c, 0, (t * 2) - d, d, "easeInCubic") * 0.5) + (c * 0.5)) + b); t = t / d; return(((((c * t) * t) * t) * t) + b); t = ((t / d)-1); return(((-c) * ((((t * t) * t) * t)-1)) + b); t = t / (d / 2); if (t < 1) { return((((((c / 2) * t) * t) * t) * t) + b); } t = t - 2; return((((-c) / 2) * ((((t * t) * t) * t) - 2)) + b); if (t < (d / 2)) { return((findTweenValue(0, c, 0, t * 2, d, "easeOutQuart") * 0.5) + b); } return(((findTweenValue(0, c, 0, (t * 2) - d, d, "easeInQuart") * 0.5) + (c * 0.5)) + b); t = t / d; return((((((c * t) * t) * t) * t) * t) + b); t = ((t / d)-1); return((c * (((((t * t) * t) * t) * t)+1)) + b); t = t / (d / 2); if (t < 1) { return(((((((c / 2) * t) * t) * t) * t) * t) + b); } t = t - 2; return(((c / 2) * (((((t * t) * t) * t) * t) + 2)) + b); if (t < (d / 2)) { return((findTweenValue(0, c, 0, t * 2, d, "easeOutQuint") * 0.5) + b); } return(((findTweenValue(0, c, 0, (t * 2) - d, d, "easeInQuint") * 0.5) + (c * 0.5)) + b); return((((-c) * Math.cos((t / d) * (Math.PI / 2))) + c) + b); return((c * Math.sin((t / d) * (Math.PI / 2))) + b); return((((-c) / 2) * (Math.cos((Math.PI * t) / d) - 1)) + b); if (t < (d / 2)) { return((findTweenValue(0, c, 0, t * 2, d, "easeOutSine") * 0.5) + b); } return(((findTweenValue(0, c, 0, (t * 2) - d, d, "easeInSine") * 0.5) + (c * 0.5)) + b); return(((t == 0) ? (b) : ((c * Math.pow(2, 10 * ((t / d)-1))) + b))); return(((t == d) ? (b + c) : ((c * ((-Math.pow(2, (-10 * t) / d)) + 1)) + b))); if (t == 0) { return(b); } if (t == d) { return(b + c); } t = t / (d / 2); if (t < 1) { return(((c / 2) * Math.pow(2, 10 * (t - 1))) + b); } t--; return(((c / 2) * ((-Math.pow(2, -10 * t)) + 2)) + b); if (t == 0) { return(b); } if (t == d) { return(b + c); } t = t / (d / 2); if (t < 1) { return(((c / 2) * ((-Math.pow(2, -10 * t)) + 1)) + b); } return(((c / 2) * (Math.pow(2, 10 * (t - 2)) + 1)) + b); t = t / d; return(((-c) * (Math.sqrt(1 - (t * t)) - 1)) + b); t = ((t / d)-1); return((c * Math.sqrt(1 - (t * t))) + b); t = t / (d / 2); if (t < 1) { return((((-c) / 2) * (Math.sqrt(1 - (t * t)) - 1)) + b); } t = t - 2; return(((c / 2) * (Math.sqrt(1 - (t * t)) + 1)) + b); if (t < (d / 2)) { return((findTweenValue(0, c, 0, t * 2, d, "easeOutCirc") * 0.5) + b); } return(((findTweenValue(0, c, 0, (t * 2) - d, d, "easeInCirc") * 0.5) + (c * 0.5)) + b); if (t == 0) { return(b); } t = t / d; if (t == 1) { return(b + c); } if (!p) { p = d * 0.3; } if (!(a && (a >= Math.abs(c)))) { a = c; var s = (p / 4); } else { var s = ((p / (2 * Math.PI)) * Math.asin(c / a)); } t--; return((-((a * Math.pow(2, 10 * t)) * Math.sin((((t * d) - s) * (2 * Math.PI)) / p))) + b); if (t == 0) { return(b); } t = t / d; if (t == 1) { return(b + c); } if (!p) { p = d * 0.3; } if (!(a && (a >= Math.abs(c)))) { a = c; var s = (p / 4); } else { var s = ((p / (2 * Math.PI)) * Math.asin(c / a)); } return((((a * Math.pow(2, -10 * t)) * Math.sin((((t * d) - s) * (2 * Math.PI)) / p)) + c) + b); if (t == 0) { return(b); } t = t / (d / 2); if (t == 2) { return(b + c); } if (!p) { p = d * 0.45; } if (!(a && (a >= Math.abs(c)))) { a = c; var s = (p / 4); } else { var s = ((p / (2 * Math.PI)) * Math.asin(c / a)); } if (t < 1) { t--; return((-0.5 * ((a * Math.pow(2, 10 * t)) * Math.sin((((t * d) - s) * (2 * Math.PI)) / p))) + b); } t--; return(((((a * Math.pow(2, -10 * t)) * Math.sin((((t * d) - s) * (2 * Math.PI)) / p)) * 0.5) + c) + b); if (t < (d / 2)) { return((findTweenValue(0, c, 0, t * 2, d, "easeOutElastic") * 0.5) + b); } return(((findTweenValue(0, c, 0, (t * 2) - d, d, "easeInElastic") * 0.5) + (c * 0.5)) + b); delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (s == undefined) { s = 1.70158; } t = t / d; return((((c * t) * t) * (((s + 1) * t) - s)) + b); delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (s == undefined) { s = 1.70158; } t = ((t / d)-1); return((c * (((t * t) * (((s + 1) * t) + s))+1)) + b); delete _global.__resolve; _global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve; if (s == undefined) { s = 1.70158; } t = t / (d / 2); if (t < 1) { s = s * 1.525; return(((c / 2) * ((t * t) * (((s+1) * t) - s))) + b); } t = t - 2; s = s * 1.525; return(((c / 2) * (((t * t) * (((s+1) * t) + s)) + 2)) + b); if (t < (d / 2)) { return((findTweenValue(0, c, 0, t * 2, d, "easeOutBack") * 0.5) + b); } return(((findTweenValue(0, c, 0, (t * 2) - d, d, "easeInBack") * 0.5) + (c * 0.5)) + b); return((c - findTweenValue(0, c, 0, d - t, d, "easeOutBounce")) + b); t = t / d; if (t < 0.363636363636364) { return((c * ((7.5625 * t) * t)) + b); } if (t < 0.727272727272727) { t = t - 0.545454545454545; return((c * (((7.5625 * t) * t) + 0.75)) + b); } if (t < 0.909090909090909) { t = t - 0.818181818181818; return((c * (((7.5625 * t) * t) + 0.9375)) + b); } t = t - 0.954545454545455; return((c * (((7.5625 * t) * t) + 0.984375)) + b); if (t < (d / 2)) { return((findTweenValue(0, c, 0, t * 2, d, "easeInBounce") * 0.5) + b); } return(((findTweenValue(0, c, 0, (t * 2) - d, d, "easeOutBounce") * 0.5) + (c * 0.5)) + b); if (t < (d / 2)) { return((findTweenValue(0, c, 0, t * 2, d, "easeOutBounce") * 0.5) + b); } return(((findTweenValue(0, c, 0, (t * 2) - d, d, "easeInBounce") * 0.5) + (c * 0.5)) + b); } trace(("MC TWEEN ### Error on transition: there's no \"" + _animType) + "\" animation type."); return(0); } }; ASSetPropFlags(_global, "findTweenValue", 1, 0); } } else { // unexpected jump } }; stop();
Symbol 7 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 16 MovieClip Frame 240
Symbol 21 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 33 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 34 MovieClip Frame 240
Symbol 38 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 52 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 53 MovieClip Frame 240
Symbol 63 MovieClip Frame 100

Library Items

Symbol 1 MovieClipUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 2 MovieClipUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 3 GraphicUsed by:4
Symbol 4 MovieClipUses:3Used by:7 20 32 37 51
Symbol 5 BitmapUsed by:6
Symbol 6 GraphicUses:5Used by:7 20 32 37 51
Symbol 7 MovieClipUses:4 6Used by:16
Symbol 8 BitmapUsed by:9
Symbol 9 GraphicUses:8Used by:12 14
Symbol 10 BitmapUsed by:11
Symbol 11 GraphicUses:10Used by:12 14
Symbol 12 ButtonUses:9 11Used by:13
Symbol 13 MovieClipUses:12Used by:16
Symbol 14 ButtonUses:11 9Used by:15
Symbol 15 MovieClipUses:14Used by:16
Symbol 16 MovieClipUses:7 13 15Used by:Timeline
Symbol 17 BitmapUsed by:18
Symbol 18 GraphicUses:17Used by:20
Symbol 19 GraphicUsed by:20 32 37 51
Symbol 20 ButtonUses:18 4 6 19Used by:21
Symbol 21 MovieClipUses:20Used by:34
Symbol 22 BitmapUsed by:23
Symbol 23 GraphicUses:22Used by:26 28
Symbol 24 BitmapUsed by:25
Symbol 25 GraphicUses:24Used by:26 28
Symbol 26 ButtonUses:23 25Used by:27
Symbol 27 MovieClipUses:26Used by:34
Symbol 28 ButtonUses:25 23Used by:29
Symbol 29 MovieClipUses:28Used by:34
Symbol 30 BitmapUsed by:31
Symbol 31 GraphicUses:30Used by:32
Symbol 32 ButtonUses:31 4 6 19Used by:33
Symbol 33 MovieClipUses:32Used by:34
Symbol 34 MovieClipUses:21 27 29 33Used by:Timeline
Symbol 35 BitmapUsed by:36
Symbol 36 GraphicUses:35Used by:37
Symbol 37 ButtonUses:36 4 6 19Used by:38
Symbol 38 MovieClipUses:37Used by:53
Symbol 39 BitmapUsed by:40
Symbol 40 GraphicUses:39Used by:43
Symbol 41 BitmapUsed by:42
Symbol 42 GraphicUses:41Used by:43 47
Symbol 43 ButtonUses:40 42Used by:44
Symbol 44 MovieClipUses:43Used by:53
Symbol 45 BitmapUsed by:46
Symbol 46 GraphicUses:45Used by:47
Symbol 47 ButtonUses:42 46Used by:48
Symbol 48 MovieClipUses:47Used by:53
Symbol 49 BitmapUsed by:50
Symbol 50 GraphicUses:49Used by:51
Symbol 51 ButtonUses:50 4 6 19Used by:52
Symbol 52 MovieClipUses:51Used by:53
Symbol 53 MovieClipUses:38 44 48 52Used by:Timeline
Symbol 54 BitmapUsed by:55
Symbol 55 GraphicUses:54Used by:56
Symbol 56 MovieClipUses:55Used by:Timeline
Symbol 57 GraphicUsed by:58
Symbol 58 MovieClipUses:57Used by:66
Symbol 59 GraphicUsed by:63
Symbol 60 GraphicUsed by:63
Symbol 61 GraphicUsed by:63
Symbol 62 GraphicUsed by:63
Symbol 63 MovieClipUses:59 60 61 62Used by:66
Symbol 64 GraphicUsed by:65
Symbol 65 MovieClipUses:64Used by:66
Symbol 66 MovieClipUses:58 63 65Used by:Timeline

Instance Names

"_phy"Frame 1Symbol 1 MovieClip
"cubeAnima_v0"Frame 1Symbol 16 MovieClip
"cubeAnima_v1"Frame 1Symbol 34 MovieClip
"cubeAnima_v2"Frame 1Symbol 53 MovieClip
"intro"Frame 1Symbol 56 MovieClip
"preloader"Frame 1Symbol 66 MovieClip
"blitzer_png"Symbol 13 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 12 Button
"blitzer_png"Symbol 15 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 14 Button
"_1bottom"Symbol 16 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 7 MovieClip
"_1left"Symbol 16 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 13 MovieClip
"_1back"Symbol 16 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 15 MovieClip
"_1right"Symbol 16 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 13 MovieClip
"_1top"Symbol 16 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 7 MovieClip
"_1front"Symbol 16 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 15 MovieClip
"_2bottom"Symbol 16 MovieClip Frame 61Symbol 7 MovieClip
"_2front"Symbol 16 MovieClip Frame 61Symbol 15 MovieClip
"_2left"Symbol 16 MovieClip Frame 61Symbol 13 MovieClip
"_2top"Symbol 16 MovieClip Frame 61Symbol 7 MovieClip
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Created: 8/2 -2019 23:48:30 Last modified: 8/2 -2019 23:48:30 Server time: 11/03 -2025 13:13:59