Combined Code
movieClip 1 {
frame 1 {
_visible = false;
frame 2 {
// An attempt to read a value from empty stack
tellTarget ('undefined') {
_time = getTimer() / 1000;
_birth = _time;
_delta = 0;
_age = 0;
frame 3 {
// An attempt to read a value from empty stack
tellTarget ('undefined') {
_tt = getTimer() / 1000;
_delta = _tt - _time;
_age = _tt - _birth;
_time = _tt;
frame 4 {
// An attempt to read a value from empty stack
tellTarget ('undefined') {
_ffx = (100 - _fx * _delta) / 100;
_ffy = (100 - _fy * _delta) / 100;
_ffxscale = (100 - _fxscale * _delta) / 100;
_ffyscale = (100 - _fyscale * _delta) / 100;
_ffrotation = (100 - _frotation * _delta) / 100;
_ffalpha = (100 - _falpha * _delta) / 100;
_vx = (_vx + _ax * _delta) * _ffx;
_vy = (_vy + _ay * _delta) * _ffy;
_vxscale = (_vxscale + _axscale * _delta) * _ffxscale;
_vyscale = (_vyscale + _ayscale * _delta) * _ffyscale;
_vrotation = (_vrotation + _arotation * _delta) * _ffrotation;
_valpha = (_valpha + _aalpha * _delta) * _ffalpha;
if (_vx) {
_x = _x + _vx * _delta;
if (_vy) {
_y = _y + _vy * _delta;
if (_vxscale) {
_xscale = _xscale + _vxscale * _delta;
if (_vyscale) {
_yscale = _yscale + _vyscale * _delta;
if (_vrotation) {
_rotation = _rotation + _vrotation * _delta;
if (_valpha) {
_alpha = _alpha + _valpha * _delta;
movieClip 4 {
frame 1 {
if (!_load02EDE178) {
_load02EDE178 = 1;
tellTarget ('..') {
Unknown action: 0xfe
Unknown action: 0xff
var tenHrTotalMsec;
Unknown action: 0xff
var tenHrhr;
Unknown action: 0xff
var tenHrmin;
Unknown action: 0xff
var tenHrminSeg;
Unknown action: 0xff
var tenHrminVal;
Unknown action: 0xff
var tenHrsec;
Unknown action: 0xff
var tenHrsecSeg;
Unknown action: 0xff
var tenHrsecVal;
Unknown action: 0xff
var tenHrmsec;
Unknown action: 0xfe
movieClip 9 {
movieClip 11 {
TEXTWRAPPER = function () {};
TEXTWRAPPER.prototype = new MovieClip();
TEXTWRAPPER.prototype.addProperty('menu', function () {
}, function (x) { = x;
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return this._text.borderColor;
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return this._text.htmlText;
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this._text.htmlText = x;
TEXTWRAPPER.prototype.addProperty('maxChars', function () {
return this._text.maxChars;
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this._text.maxChars = x;
TEXTWRAPPER.prototype.addProperty('mouseWheelEnabled', function () {
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this._text.mouseWheelEnabled = x;
TEXTWRAPPER.prototype.addProperty('multiline', function () {
return this._text.multiline;
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this._text.multiline = x;
TEXTWRAPPER.prototype.addProperty('password', function () {
return this._text.password;
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this._text.password = x;
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this._text.scroll = x;
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return this._text.stylesheet;
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return this._text.textColor;
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this._text.textColor = x;
TEXTWRAPPER.prototype.addProperty('type', function () {
return this._text.type;
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this._text.type = x;
TEXTWRAPPER.prototype.addProperty('variable', function () {
return this._text.variable;
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this._text.variable = x;
TEXTWRAPPER.prototype.addProperty('_width', function () {
return this._text._width;
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this._text._width = x;
TEXTWRAPPER.prototype.addProperty('wordWrap', function () {
return this._text.wordWrap;
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this._text.wordWrap = x;
TEXTWRAPPER.prototype.addProperty('length', function () {
return this._text.length;
}, null);
TEXTWRAPPER.prototype.addProperty('maxhscroll', function () {
return this._text.maxhscroll;
}, null);
TEXTWRAPPER.prototype.addProperty('maxscroll', function () {
return this._text.maxscroll;
}, null);
TEXTWRAPPER.prototype.addProperty('textHeight', function () {
return this._text.textHeight;
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TEXTWRAPPER.prototype.addProperty('textWidth', function () {
return this._text.textWidth;
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TEXTWRAPPER.prototype.addListener = function (a) {
return this._text.addListener(a);
TEXTWRAPPER.prototype.getNewTextFormat = function () {
return this._text.getNewTextFormat();
TEXTWRAPPER.prototype.getTextFormat = function () {
return this._text.getTextFormat.apply(this._text, arguments);
TEXTWRAPPER.prototype.removeListener = function (a) {
return this._text.removeListener(a);
TEXTWRAPPER.prototype.removeTextField = function () {
return this._text.removeTextField();
TEXTWRAPPER.prototype.replaceSel = function (a) {
return this._text.replaceSel(a);
TEXTWRAPPER.prototype.replaceText = function (a, b, c) {
return this._text.replaceText(a, b, c);
TEXTWRAPPER.prototype.setNewTextFormat = function (a) {
return this._text.setNewTextFormat(a);
TEXTWRAPPER.prototype.setTextFormat = function () {
return this._text.setTextFormat.apply(this._text, arguments);
BUTTONWRAPPER.prototype.addProperty('enabled', function () {
return this._button.enabled;
}, function (x) {
this._button.enabled = x;
BUTTONWRAPPER.prototype.addProperty('trackAsMenu', function () {
return this._button.trackAsMenu;
}, function (x) {
this._button.trackAsMenu = x;
BUTTONWRAPPER.prototype.addProperty('useHandCursor', function () {
return this._button.useHandCursor;
}, function (x) {
this._button.useHandCursor = x;
movieClip 12 {
frame 1 {
if (!_load) {
_load = 1;
tellTarget ('..') {
if (..:tenHrsec == undefined) {
..:tenHrsec = text;
movieClip 13 _d {
Object.registerClass('_d', TEXTWRAPPER);
frame 1 {
text = ..:tenHrsec;
frame 2 {
movieClip 15 {
frame 1 {
if (!_load) {
_load = 1;
tellTarget ('..') {
if (..:tenHrmin == undefined) {
..:tenHrmin = text;
movieClip 16 _10 {
Object.registerClass('_10', TEXTWRAPPER);
frame 1 {
text = ..:tenHrmin;
frame 2 {
movieClip 18 {
frame 1 {
if (!_load) {
_load = 1;
tellTarget ('..') {
if (..:tenHrhr == undefined) {
..:tenHrhr = text;
movieClip 19 _13 {
Object.registerClass('_13', TEXTWRAPPER);
frame 1 {
text = ..:tenHrhr;
frame 2 {
movieClip 33 {
movieClip 37 {
movieClip 40 {
frame 2 {
Unknown action: 0xfe
Unknown action: 0xff
zoneTime = new Date();
Unknown action: 0xff
zoneMSec = zoneTime.getMilliseconds();
Unknown action: 0xff
zoneSec = zoneTime.getSeconds();
Unknown action: 0xff
zoneMin = zoneTime.getMinutes();
Unknown action: 0xff
zoneHr = zoneTime.getHours();
Unknown action: 0xff
tenHrTotalMsec = zoneHr * 3600000 + zoneMin * 60000 + zoneSec * 1000 + zoneMSec * 1;
Unknown action: 0xfe
frame 3 {
Unknown action: 0xfe
Unknown action: 0xff
tenHrhr = int(tenHrTotalMsec / 8640000);
Unknown action: 0xfe
frame 4 {
Unknown action: 0xfe
Unknown action: 0xff
tenHrminSeg = (tenHrTotalMsec % 8640000) / 86400;
Unknown action: 0xff
tenHrminVal = int((tenHrTotalMsec % 8640000) / 86400);
Unknown action: 0xff
if (9 < tenHrminVal) {
Unknown action: 0xff
tenHrmin = tenHrminVal;
} else {
Unknown action: 0xff
tenHrmin = '0' add tenHrminVal;
Unknown action: 0xfe
frame 5 {
Unknown action: 0xfe
Unknown action: 0xff
tenHrsecSeg = (tenHrTotalMsec % 8640000) / 864;
Unknown action: 0xff
tenHrsecVal = int((tenHrTotalMsec % 8640000) / 864 % 100);
Unknown action: 0xff
if (9 < tenHrsecVal) {
Unknown action: 0xff
tenHrsec = tenHrsecVal;
} else {
Unknown action: 0xff
tenHrsec = '0' add tenHrsecVal;
Unknown action: 0xfe
frame 6 {
Unknown action: 0xfe
Unknown action: 0xff
hourHand._rotation = tenHrTotalMsec / 240000;
Unknown action: 0xff
minHand._rotation = tenHrminSeg * 3.6;
Unknown action: 0xff
secHand._rotation = tenHrsecSeg * 3.6;
Unknown action: 0xfe
frame 7 {
Unknown action: 0xfe
Unknown action: 0xff
Unknown action: 0xfe
frame 8 {
Unknown action: 0xfe
Unknown action: 0xff
Unknown action: 0xfe