Frame 2
function slideDescription(html) {
if (html != "") {
_root.caption.textField.textArea.htmlText = html;
} else {
_root.caption.textField.textArea.htmlText = _DESCRIPTION_DEFAULT_TEXT;
function _switchHelp() {
if (isInitialized) {
_root.howtouse.textarea.text = _HOWTOUSE_DEFAULT_TEXT;
_root.howtouse._visible = !_root.howtouse._visible;
function _switchCaption() {
if (isInitialized) {
_root.caption._visible = !_root.caption._visible;
function _switchGUISlideCounts() {
if (isInitialized) {
_root.guiPageCount._visible = !_root.guiPageCount._visible;
function _refreshGUI() {
if (isInitialized) {
function onDoubleClick() {
if (clickN == 0) {
intervalId = setInterval(_root, "_countClick", duration);
clickN = clickN + 1;
function _countClick() {
if (clickN == 2) {
clickN = 0;
function _enumSlideList() {
slideWidth = new Array(_root.slide._totalframes + 1);
slideHeight = new Array(_root.slide._totalframes + 1);
slideDefaultScaleFact = new Array(_root.slide._totalframes + 1);
slideWidth[0] = (slideHeight[0] = (slideDefaultScaleFact[0] = 0));
i = 1;
for ( ; _root.slide._totalframes >= i ; i++) {
slideWidth[i] = _root.slide._width;
slideHeight[i] = _root.slide._height;
if (0 >= slideWidth[i]) {
slideWidth[i] = 1;
if (0 >= slideHeight[i]) {
slideHeight[i] = 1;
if (!((Stage.width >= slideWidth[i]) && (Stage.height >= slideHeight[i]))) {
if (Stage.width < Stage.height) {
if (slideWidth[i] >= Stage.width) {
if (slideHeight[i] >= Stage.height) {
if ((Stage.width / slideWidth[i]) >= (Stage.height / slideHeight[i])) {
if ((Stage.height / slideHeight[i]) >= (Stage.width / slideWidth[i])) {
slideDefaultScaleFact[i] = Stage.width / slideWidth[i];
} else {
slideDefaultScaleFact[i] = Stage.height / slideHeight[i];
} else {
slideDefaultScaleFact[i] = Stage.width / slideWidth[i];
} else {
slideDefaultScaleFact[i] = Stage.width / slideWidth[i];
} else {
slideDefaultScaleFact[i] = Stage.height / slideHeight[i];
} else if (slideWidth[i] >= Stage.width) {
if (slideHeight[i] >= Stage.height) {
if ((Stage.width / slideWidth[i]) >= (Stage.height / slideHeight[i])) {
if ((Stage.height / slideHeight[i]) >= (Stage.width / slideWidth[i])) {
slideDefaultScaleFact[i] = Stage.width / slideWidth[i];
} else {
slideDefaultScaleFact[i] = Stage.height / slideHeight[i];
} else {
slideDefaultScaleFact[i] = Stage.width / slideWidth[i];
} else {
slideDefaultScaleFact[i] = Stage.width / slideWidth[i];
} else {
slideDefaultScaleFact[i] = Stage.height / slideHeight[i];
} else {
slideDefaultScaleFact[i] = 1;
function _resetSlide() {
_scaleStep = 0;
function _calcPosition() {
_root.guiPageCount.lblPages.text = (parseInt(_root.slide._currentframe) + " / ") + parseInt(_root.slide._totalframes);
function _Back() {
function _Forward() {
function _imgOffscreenStrayOffset() {
if (_root.slide._x < ((_root.slide._width - ((_root.guiBackPage._x + _root.guiBackPage._width) * 2)) * -1)) {
_root.slide._x = (_root.slide._width - ((_root.guiBackPage._x + _root.guiBackPage._width) * 2)) * -1;
if ((Stage.width - ((Stage.width - _root.guiForwardPage._x) * 2)) < _root.slide._x) {
_root.slide._x = Stage.width - ((Stage.width - _root.guiForwardPage._x) * 2);
if (_root.slide._y < ((_root.slide._height - ((_root.guiBackPage._x + _root.guiBackPage._width) * 2)) * -1)) {
_root.slide._y = (_root.slide._height - ((_root.guiBackPage._x + _root.guiBackPage._width) * 2)) * -1;
if ((Stage.height - ((Stage.width - _root.guiForwardPage._x) * 2)) < _root.slide._y) {
_root.slide._y = Stage.height - ((Stage.width - _root.guiForwardPage._x) * 2);
function _imgScaleSizeDefault() {
_root.slide._xscale = (_root.slide._yscale = _root.slideDefaultScaleFact[_root.slide._currentframe] * 100);
function _imgScaleSize(scaleFact) {
var oldScaleFact = (_root.slide._xscale / 100);
_root.slide._xscale = (_root.slide._yscale = scaleFact * 100);
_root.slide._x = _root.slide._x - (((scaleFact / oldScaleFact) * _root._xmouse) - _root._xmouse);
_root.slide._y = _root.slide._y - (((scaleFact / oldScaleFact) * _root._ymouse) - _root._ymouse);
function _incScaleStep() {
if (_scaleStep >= 4) {
_scaleStep = 0;
function _applyScaleStep() {
if (_scaleStep == 0) {
if (_scaleStep == 1) {
if (_scaleStep == 2) {
if (_scaleStep == 3) {
function _imgCentering() {
_root.slide._x = (Stage.width / 2) - (_root.slide._width / 2);
_root.slide._y = (Stage.height / 2) - (_root.slide._height / 2);
var _SLIDE_DESCRIPTION = new Array("", "\n \u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u672C\u5F53\u306B\u3044\u3044\u306E\uFF1F\u3000\u30EA\u30E7\u30A6\u3061\u3083\u3093\u3002\n\n <font color='#FFFF00'>\u50D5\u304C\u30B9\u30FC\u304F\u3093\u306B\u30C0\u30E1\u3063\u3066\u8A00\u3063\u305F\u3053\u3068\u3001\u3042\u3063\u305F\u304B\uFF1F</font>\n\n \u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u306A\u3044\u3002\n\n <font color='#FFFF00'>\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30D5\u30C3\u3002\u3044\u3044\u8DA3\u5473\u3057\u3066\u308B\u3058\u3083\u306A\u3044\u304B\u3002\u65E9\u304F\u3084\u308D\u3046\u305C\u3002</font>", "\n <font color='#FFFF00'>\u50D5\u306E\u304A\u3061\u3093\u3061\u3093\u306A\u3089\u3082\u3046\u3088\u304F\u6FE1\u308C\u3066\u308B\u3002\u3000\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u3055\u3001\u9060\u616E\u3059\u308B\u306A\u3088\u3002</font>\n\n \u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u3042\u3063\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u3042\u3063\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u3042\u3046\u3045\u3063\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u3002\n\n \u4FFA\u306E\u30A2\u30CA\u30EB\u306B\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30EA\u30E7\u30A6\u3061\u3083\u3093\u306E\u304A\u3061\u3093\u3061\u3093\u304C\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u3002\n\n <font color='#FFFF00'>\u5927\u4E08\u592B\u3060\u3063\u3066\u3002\u3000\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u50D5\u304C\u30AD\u30EC\u30A4\u306B\u3057\u3066\u3001\u3057\u3063\u304B\u308A\u307B\u3050\u3057\u3066\u304A\u3044\u305F\u3093\u3060\u304B\u3089\u3002\n\n \u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u305D\u306E\u307E\u307E\u8170\u3092\u4E0B\u308D\u3057\u3066\u3002\u305D\u3057\u3066\u3001\u4E0A\u4E0B\u306B\u8170\u3092\u632F\u308B\u3093\u3060\u305E\u3002</font>\n\n \u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u3046\u3046\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30EA\u30E7\u30A6\u3061\u3083\u3093\u3001\u4FE1\u3058\u308B\u3088\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u3002", "\n \u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u3075\u3046\u3045\u3063\uFF1F\uFF01\u3000\u3093\u304F\u3063\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\uFF01\u3000\u3093\u3063\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\uFF01\n\n \u3042\u3063\u3001\u3042\u3063\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u6C17\u6301\u3061\u3044\u3044\u3088\u30EA\u30E7\u30A6\u3061\u3083\u3093\u306E\u304A\u3061\u3093\u3061\u3093\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\uFF01\n\n <font color='#FFFF00'>\u3075\u3075\u3075\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u3044\u3044\u58F0\u3060\u3059\u306D\u3001\u30B9\u30FC\u304F\u3093\u3002\n\n \u3042\u306E\u9803\u3068\u5909\u308F\u3093\u306D\u30FC\u306A\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u3002</font>\n\n \u30EA\u30E7\u30A6\u3061\u3083\u3093\u3082\u3001\u5909\u308F\u3063\u3066\u306A\u3044\u3088\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u3002\u4FFA\u304C\u30EA\u30E7\u30A6\u3061\u3083\u3093\u597D\u304D\u306A\u3053\u3068\u3001\n\n \u3061\u3083\u3093\u3068\u308F\u304B\u3063\u3066\u76F8\u624B\u3057\u3066\u304F\u308C\u308B\u306E\u304C\u3001\u3046\u308C\u3057\u304F\u3066\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u3002\n\n <font color='#FFFF00'>\u4F55\u8A00\u3063\u3066\u3093\u3060\u3088\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u304A\u524D\u3092\u6700\u521D\u306B\u53CB\u9054\u306B\u3057\u305F\u306E\u306F\u50D5\u3060\u304B\u3089\u306A\u3002\n\n \u30B9\u30FC\u304F\u3093\u304C\u559C\u3076\u3053\u3068\u3092\u3057\u3066\u3042\u3052\u308B\u306E\u304C\u3001\u50D5\u306E\u5F79\u76EE\u3060\u3088\u3002</font>", "\n \u306F\u3042\u3063\u3001\u306F\u3042\u3063\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30BA\u30DC\u30C3\u30BA\u30DC\u30C3\u3066\u304A\u3061\u3093\u3061\u3093\u5165\u308B\u3088\u3046\u306B\u306A\u3063\u3066\u304D\u305F\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u3063\u3002\n\n \u4FFA\u306E\u30A2\u30CA\u30EB\u3093\u4E2D\u30C8\u30ED\u30C8\u30ED\u3057\u3066\u304D\u305F\u3088\u30EA\u30E7\u30A6\u3061\u3083\u3093\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u3002\n\n <font color='#FFFF00'>\u88F8\u306E\u30B9\u30FC\u304F\u3093\u3082\u305A\u3063\u3068\u898B\u3066\u3066\u30A8\u30ED\u3044\u3051\u3069\u3001\u5B66\u30E9\u30F3\u3060\u3051\u3060\u3068\u3082\u3063\u3068\u30A8\u30ED\u3044\u3088\u3002\n\n \u4F53\u3082\u304A\u3061\u3093\u3061\u3093\u3082\u7ACB\u6D3E\u3060\u3057\u3001\u30A2\u30CA\u30EB\u306F\u30AD\u30E5\u30C3\u3068\u3057\u307E\u3063\u3066\u6C17\u6301\u3061\u3044\u3044\u3057\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u3002</font>\n\n \u3042\u308A\u304C\u3068\u3046\u3001\u30EA\u30E7\u30A6\u3061\u3083\u3093\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u3002\u307E\u305F\u3044\u3064\u304B\u3001\u4ECA\u5EA6\u306F\u4FFA\u304C\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u3002\n\n \u30EA\u30E7\u30A6\u3061\u3083\u3093\u6C17\u6301\u3088\u304F\u3055\u305B\u3066\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u3042\u3052\u308B\u304B\u3089\u306D\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u3002\n\n \u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u3042\u3063\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u3042\u3063\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u3082\u3046\u305D\u308D\u305D\u308D\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30A4\u30AF\u30C3\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u3002\n\n <font color='#FFFF00'>\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u308F\u304B\u3063\u305F\u305C\u30EA\u30E7\u30A6\u3061\u3083\u3093\u3002\u4E00\u7DD2\u306B\u30A4\u3053\u3046\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u3002</font>", "\n<font size='42'> \u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u3044\u3001\u3044\u3063\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30A4\u30A4\u30AF\u30C3\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\n\n \u30A4\u30AF\u30C3\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\uFF01\u3000\u30A4\u30AF\u30A6\u30A5\u30C3\uFF01\uFF01\n </font>\n<font color='#FFFF00' size='42'> \u3059\u3001\u30B9\u30FC\u304F\u3093\u50D5\u3082\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\uFF01\n\n \u3093\u3093\u3063\uFF01\u3000\u3046\u3042\u3042\u3041\u3063\uFF01\uFF01</font>\n\n\n\n <b>\u203B\u30A4\u30E9\u30B9\u30C8\u306B\u66F8\u304B\u308C\u305F\u5185\u5BB9\u306B\u9593\u9055\u3044\u304C\u3042\u3063\u305F\u305F\u3081\u4FEE\u6B63\u3002</b>", "\n <font color='#FFFF00'>\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u3075\u3075\u3063\u3002\u7CBE\u6DB2\u306E\u91CF\u591A\u3044\u306A\u3002\u96C4\u306E\u5302\u3044\u304C\u3059\u3054\u3044\u3088\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u3002</font>\n\n \u30EA\u30E7\u30A6\u3061\u3083\u3093\u3053\u305D\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u4FFA\u306E\u304A\u306A\u304B\u3093\u4E2D\u3001\u3059\u3054\u304F\u71B1\u3044\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u3002\n\n \u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30EA\u30E7\u30A6\u3061\u3083\u3093\u306E\u4E2D\u51FA\u3057\u3001\u3068\u3063\u3066\u3082\u6C17\u6301\u3061\u3088\u304B\u3063\u305F\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u3002\n\n <font color='#FFFF00'>\u3042\u308A\u304C\u3068\u3046\u3001\u30B9\u30FC\u304F\u3093\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u3002\u304A\u3063\u3001\u3082\u3046\u3059\u3050\u671D\u3060\u306A\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u3002</font>\n\n \u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u306D\u3047\u30EA\u30E7\u30A6\u3061\u3083\u3093\u3001\u4ECA\u65E5\u571F\u66DC\u3060\u3057\u3001\u4E88\u5B9A\u3082\u7121\u3044\u3063\u3066\u8A00\u3063\u3066\u305F\u3088\u306D\u3002\n\n \u3060\u304B\u3089\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u5F8C\u534A\u65E5\u304F\u3089\u3044\u30BB\u30C3\u30AF\u30B9\u3057\u3088\u3046\u3088\u3002\u3082\u3063\u3068\u72AF\u3057\u3066\u307B\u3057\u3044\u3088\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u3002\n\n <font color='#FFFF00'>\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u307E\u3063\u305F\u304F\u3001\u7D76\u502B\u3060\u306A\u3041\u30B9\u30FC\u304F\u3093\u306F\u3002\u30D1\u30D1\u3084\u304A\u59C9\u3061\u3083\u3093\u306B\u6012\u3089\u308C\u308B\u305E\u30FC\u3002\n\n \u307E\u3041\u3044\u3044\u3088\u3001\u50D5\u3067\u3044\u3044\u306A\u3089\u30FB\u30FB\u30FB\u3002\u305F\u3063\u3077\u308A\u98F2\u307E\u305B\u305F\u308A\u3001\u4E2D\u51FA\u3057\u3057\u3066\u3042\u3052\u308B\u3002</font>", "");
var _LANG_MODE = "en";
var _GUI_SCALE_LOADER = 250;
var _GUI_SCALE = 150;
var _GUI_MARGIN = 8;
var _GUI_BG_ALPHA = 60;
var _HOWTOUSE_FONT = "_sans";
var _CAPTION_FONT = "_sans";
if (_LANG_MODE != "ja") {
var _APP_NAME = "SlideShow Flash";
var _APP_AUTHOR = "Developed by aonan.";
var _APP_COPYRIGHT = "Copyright(C)Since 2012 aonan All rights reserved.";
} else {
var _APP_NAME = "SlideShow Flash";
var _APP_AUTHOR = "Developed by aonan.";
var _APP_COPYRIGHT = "Copyright(C)Since 2012 aonan All rights reserved.";
var _APP_MAJOR_VER = 3;
var _APP_MINOR_VER = 5;
if (_LANG_MODE != "ja") {
var _MENU_ITEM_NAME_1 = "How to use";
var _MENU_ITEM_NAME_2 = "Toggle Slide Description";
var _MENU_ITEM_NAME_3 = "Toggle Slide Counts";
var _MENU_ITEM_NAME_4 = "Reset the slide";
} else {
var _MENU_ITEM_NAME_1 = "\u4F7F\u3044\u65B9";
var _MENU_ITEM_NAME_2 = "\u30B9\u30E9\u30A4\u30C9\u306E\u8AAC\u660E\u306E\u8868\u793A\u5207\u66FF";
var _MENU_ITEM_NAME_3 = "\u30B9\u30E9\u30A4\u30C9 \u30AB\u30A6\u30F3\u30C8\u306E\u8868\u793A\u5207\u66FF";
var _MENU_ITEM_NAME_4 = "\u30B9\u30E9\u30A4\u30C9\u3092\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8\u3059\u308B";
if (_LANG_MODE != "ja") {
var _DESCRIPTION_DEFAULT_TEXT = "No description.";
} else {
var _DESCRIPTION_DEFAULT_TEXT = "\u8AAC\u660E\u304C\u3042\u308A\u307E\u305B\u3093\u3002";
if (_LANG_MODE != "ja") {
var _HOWTOUSE_DEFAULT_TEXT = (((((((((((((((("\n <font color='#00ff00' size='24'><b>" + _MENU_ITEM_NAME_1) + " ") + _APP_NAME) + " ") + _APP_VERSION) + "</b></font>\n\n ") + _APP_NAME) + " is a simple slide show which operates by Flash. \n This <font color='#00ffff'><b>[ ") + _MENU_ITEM_NAME_1) + " ]</b></font> can be erased by click the item of the same name in a context menu. \n\n <font color='#00ff00'><b>1. </b></font>If one of the both ends of this screen is pointed at with a mouse, the button which can click for moving a slide will appear. The far left button you can return to the previous slide. The far right button you can proceed to the next slide. Vertical movement synchronizes with a mouse so that it may be easy to click this button. \n\n <font color='#00ff00'><b>2. </b></font>The display under a center is Slide Counts. Click <font color='#00ffff'><b>[ ") + _MENU_ITEM_NAME_3) + " ]</b></font> of a context menu and it changes a display and un-displaying. The contents of a display mean <font color='#00ffff'><b>[ Number of the slide you are looking at now / The number of all slides ]</b></font>. Others, Slide Counts can be moved by dragging.\n\n <font color='#00ff00'><b>3. </b></font>Is displayed in the center of the slide. You click on the slide can be moved to a good viewing position by dragging. <font color='#ffff00'>(When a slide overflows out of a screen, a position may be corrected automatically. Moreover, while carrying out reduced display <b>(Later)</b>, centering of the slide is carried out by movement between slides. )</font> In addition, if a slide is double-clicked, a slide is expandable in order of reduced display <font color='#ffff00'>(It fits in this screen. When it does not correspond to a reduced display, it becomes the same as an absolute size display, and centering also of a reduced display and the absolute size display is carried out. )</font>, an absolute size display, a double display, and a 4 time display. Expansion of a slide is applied to all the slides. Moreover, a slide will return before one, if a mouse wheel is turned to the back. Conversely, if a mouse wheel is turned to the front, it will move to the next. \n\n <font color='#00ff00'><b>4. </b></font>A context menu has the following functions besides the display of version information, a maker's name, and the copyright notation other than the contents introduced above. \n\n <font color='#00ff00'><b>4-1. </b></font>If it clicks <font color='#00ffff'><b>[ ") + _MENU_ITEM_NAME_2) + " ]</b></font>, explanation of the slide seen now can be seen. Moreover, it can also move to the slide of before or the next, looking at explanation. <font color='#ffff00'>(You can not move with the mouse wheel. Also, You can not even drag. )</font> When you close explanation, please click the item of the same name of a context menu. \n\n <font color='#00ff00'><b>4-2. </b></font>Centering is carried out after returning the slide seen now to a reduced display or an absolute size display, if it clicks <font color='#00ffff'><b>[ ") + _MENU_ITEM_NAME_4) + " ]</b></font>. This setup is applied to all the slides. \n");
} else {
var _HOWTOUSE_DEFAULT_TEXT = (((((((((((((((("\n\u3000 <font color='#00ff00' size='24'><b>" + _APP_NAME) + " ") + _APP_VERSION) + " \u306E ") + _MENU_ITEM_NAME_1) + "</b></font>\n\n\u3000 ") + _APP_NAME) + " \u306F\u3001\u7C21\u5358\u306A\u30B9\u30E9\u30A4\u30C9\u30B7\u30E7\u30FCFlash\u3067\u3059\u3002\n\u3000 \u3053\u306E<font color='#00ffff'><b>\u300C") + _MENU_ITEM_NAME_1) + "\u300D</b></font>\u306F\u3001\u30B3\u30F3\u30C6\u30AD\u30B9\u30C8\u30E1\u30CB\u30E5\u30FC\u306B\u3042\u308B\u540C\u3058\u540D\u524D\u306E\u9805\u76EE\u3092\u30AF\u30EA\u30C3\u30AF\u3059\u308B\u4E8B\u3067\u6D88\u3059\u4E8B\u304C\u3067\u304D\u307E\u3059\u3002\n\n\u3000 <font color='#00ff00'><b>1. </b></font>\u30DE\u30A6\u30B9\u3067\u3053\u306E\u753B\u9762\u306E\u4E21\u7AEF\u306E\u3069\u3061\u3089\u304B\u3092\u30DD\u30A4\u30F3\u30C8\u3059\u308B\u3068\u3001\u30B9\u30E9\u30A4\u30C9\u3092\u79FB\u52D5\u3059\u308B\u305F\u3081\u306E\u30AF\u30EA\u30C3\u30AF\u3067\u304D\u308B\u30DC\u30BF\u30F3\u304C\u73FE\u308C\u307E\u3059\u3002\u5DE6\u7AEF\u306E\u30DC\u30BF\u30F3\u306F\u524D\u306E\u30B9\u30E9\u30A4\u30C9\u3078\u623B\u308A\u3001\u53F3\u7AEF\u306E\u30DC\u30BF\u30F3\u306F\u6B21\u306E\u30B9\u30E9\u30A4\u30C9\u3078\u9032\u307F\u307E\u3059\u3002\u3053\u306E\u30DC\u30BF\u30F3\u306F\u30AF\u30EA\u30C3\u30AF\u3057\u3084\u3059\u3044\u3088\u3046\u306B\u3001\u7E26\u306E\u79FB\u52D5\u306F\u30DE\u30A6\u30B9\u3068\u540C\u671F\u3057\u307E\u3059\u3002\n\n\u3000 <font color='#00ff00'><b>2. </b></font>\u4E2D\u592E\u4E0B\u306E\u8868\u793A\u306F\u3001\u30B9\u30E9\u30A4\u30C9 \u30AB\u30A6\u30F3\u30C8\u3067\u3059\u3002\u30B3\u30F3\u30C6\u30AD\u30B9\u30C8\u30E1\u30CB\u30E5\u30FC\u306E<font color='#00ffff'><b>\u300C") + _MENU_ITEM_NAME_3) + "\u300D</b></font>\u3092\u30AF\u30EA\u30C3\u30AF\u3059\u308B\u4E8B\u3067\u8868\u793A\u30FB\u975E\u8868\u793A\u3092\u5207\u308A\u66FF\u3048\u307E\u3059\u3002\u5185\u5BB9\u306F<font color='#00ffff'><b>\u300C\u4ECA\u898B\u3066\u3044\u308B\u30B9\u30E9\u30A4\u30C9\u306E\u756A\u53F7 / \u5168\u3066\u306E\u30B9\u30E9\u30A4\u30C9\u306E\u679A\u6570\u300D</b></font>\u3092\u610F\u5473\u3057\u307E\u3059\u3002\u307E\u305F\u3001\u30C9\u30E9\u30C3\u30B0\u3067\u79FB\u52D5\u51FA\u6765\u307E\u3059\u3002\n\n\u3000 <font color='#00ff00'><b>3. </b></font>\u4E2D\u592E\u306B\u30B9\u30E9\u30A4\u30C9\u304C\u8868\u793A\u3055\u308C\u307E\u3059\u3002\u30B9\u30E9\u30A4\u30C9\u306F\u30AF\u30EA\u30C3\u30AF\u3057\u305F\u4E0A\u3067\u3001\u30C9\u30E9\u30C3\u30B0\u3057\u3066\u898B\u3084\u3059\u3044\u4F4D\u7F6E\u306B\u79FB\u52D5\u3067\u304D\u307E\u3059<font color='#ffff00'>\uFF08\u753B\u9762\u5916\u3078\u306F\u307F\u51FA\u3057\u305F\u5834\u5408\u3001\u30B9\u30E9\u30A4\u30C9\u306B\u3088\u3063\u3066\u306F\u4F4D\u7F6E\u304C\u81EA\u52D5\u7684\u306B\u4FEE\u6B63\u3055\u308C\u307E\u3059\u3002\u307E\u305F\u3001\u7E2E\u5C0F\u8868\u793A<b>\uFF08\u5F8C\u8FF0\uFF09</b>\u4E2D\u3067\u306F\u30B9\u30E9\u30A4\u30C9\u9593\u306E\u79FB\u52D5\u3067\u30BB\u30F3\u30BF\u30EA\u30F3\u30B0\u3055\u308C\u307E\u3059\uFF09</font>\u3002\u305D\u306E\u4ED6\u3001\u30C0\u30D6\u30EB\u30AF\u30EA\u30C3\u30AF\u3059\u308B\u4E8B\u3067\u7E2E\u5C0F\u8868\u793A<font color='#ffff00'>\uFF08\u753B\u9762\u5185\u306B\u5408\u308F\u305B\u307E\u3059\u3002\u5BFE\u5FDC\u3059\u308B\u8868\u793A\u304C\u7121\u3044\u5834\u5408\u306F\u5B9F\u5BF8\u8868\u793A\u3068\u540C\u3058\u306B\u306A\u308A\u3001\u3069\u3061\u3089\u3082\u30BB\u30F3\u30BF\u30EA\u30F3\u30B0\u3055\u308C\u307E\u3059\uFF09</font>\u3001\u5B9F\u5BF8\u8868\u793A\u30012\u500D\u30014\u500D\u3067\u62E1\u5927\u51FA\u6765\u307E\u3059\u3002\u62E1\u5927\u306F\u5168\u3066\u306E\u30B9\u30E9\u30A4\u30C9\u306B\u9069\u7528\u3055\u308C\u307E\u3059\u3002\u307E\u305F\u3001\u30DE\u30A6\u30B9\u30DB\u30A4\u30FC\u30EB\u3092\u5965\u3078\u56DE\u3059\u3068\u524D\u306E\u30B9\u30E9\u30A4\u30C9\u3078\u623B\u308A\u3001\u624B\u524D\u3078\u56DE\u3059\u3068\u6B21\u306E\u30B9\u30E9\u30A4\u30C9\u3078\u9032\u3080\u3053\u3068\u3082\u3067\u304D\u307E\u3059\u3002\n\n\u3000 <font color='#00ff00'><b>4. </b></font>\u30B3\u30F3\u30C6\u30AD\u30B9\u30C8\u30E1\u30CB\u30E5\u30FC\u306B\u306F\u3001\u4E0A\u8A18\u3067\u7D39\u4ECB\u3057\u305F\u4ED6\u306B\u3001\u30D0\u30FC\u30B8\u30E7\u30F3\u60C5\u5831\u3084\u88FD\u4F5C\u8005\u540D\u3001\u8457\u4F5C\u6A29\u8868\u8A18\u306E\u8868\u793A\u306E\u4ED6\u3001\u4EE5\u4E0B\u306E\u6A5F\u80FD\u304C\u3042\u308A\u307E\u3059\u3002\n\n\u3000 \u3000 <font color='#00ff00'><b>4-1. </b></font><font color='#00ffff'><b>\u300C") + _MENU_ITEM_NAME_2) + "\u300D</b></font>\u3092\u30AF\u30EA\u30C3\u30AF\u3059\u308B\u3068\u3001\u4ECA\u898B\u3066\u3044\u308B\u30B9\u30E9\u30A4\u30C9\u306E\u8AAC\u660E\u3092\u898B\u308B\u3053\u3068\u304C\u3067\u304D\u307E\u3059\u3002\u8AAC\u660E\u3092\u898B\u306A\u304C\u3089\u3001\u524D\u307E\u305F\u306F\u6B21\u306E\u30B9\u30E9\u30A4\u30C9\u3078\u79FB\u52D5\u3059\u308B\u4E8B\u3082\u3067\u304D\u307E\u3059<font color='#ffff00'>\uFF08\u30DE\u30A6\u30B9\u30DB\u30A4\u30FC\u30EB\u3067\u306F\u79FB\u52D5\u51FA\u6765\u307E\u305B\u3093\u3001\u307E\u305F\u30B9\u30E9\u30A4\u30C9\u306E\u30C9\u30E9\u30C3\u30B0\u3082\u3067\u304D\u307E\u305B\u3093\uFF09</font>\u3002\u8AAC\u660E\u3092\u9589\u3058\u308B\u6642\u306F\u30B3\u30F3\u30C6\u30AD\u30B9\u30C8\u30E1\u30CB\u30E5\u30FC\u306B\u3042\u308B\u540C\u3058\u540D\u524D\u306E\u9805\u76EE\u3092\u30AF\u30EA\u30C3\u30AF\u3059\u308B\u4E8B\u3067\u6D88\u3059\u4E8B\u304C\u3067\u304D\u307E\u3059\u3002\n\n\u3000 \u3000 <font color='#00ff00'><b>4-2. </b></font><font color='#00ffff'><b>\u300C") + _MENU_ITEM_NAME_4) + "\u300D</b></font>\u3092\u30AF\u30EA\u30C3\u30AF\u3059\u308B\u3068\u3001\u4ECA\u898B\u3066\u3044\u308B\u30B9\u30E9\u30A4\u30C9\u3092\u7E2E\u5C0F\u307E\u305F\u306F\u5B9F\u5BF8\u8868\u793A\u3078\u623B\u3057\u3066\u304B\u3089\u3001\u30BB\u30F3\u30BF\u30EA\u30F3\u30B0\u3057\u307E\u3059\u3002\u3053\u306E\u8A2D\u5B9A\u306F\u5168\u3066\u306E\u30B9\u30E9\u30A4\u30C9\u306B\u9069\u7528\u3055\u308C\u307E\u3059\u3002\n");
var isInitialized = false;
var slideWidth = eval("undefined");
var slideHeight = eval("undefined");
var slideDefaultScaleFact = eval("undefined");
var _scaleStep = 0;
var duration = 300;
var clickN = 0;
var intervalId = 0;
var __mouse_obj = new Object();
_root.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (isInitialized) {
var mX = _root._xmouse;
var mY = _root._ymouse;
if (!((mX < (_root.guiBackPage._x + _root.guiBackPage._width)) || (_root.guiForwardPage._x < mX))) {
_root.guiBackPage._visible = false;
_root.guiForwardPage._visible = false;
} else {
if ((mY >= (_root.guiBackPage._height / 2)) && (mY < (Stage.height - (_root.guiBackPage._height / 2)))) {
_root.guiBackPage._y = mY - (_root.guiBackPage._height / 2);
if ((mY >= (_root.guiForwardPage._height / 2)) && (mY < (Stage.height - (_root.guiForwardPage._height / 2)))) {
_root.guiForwardPage._y = mY - (_root.guiForwardPage._height / 2);
if (1 >= _root.slide._currentframe) {
_root.guiBackPage._visible = false;
} else {
_root.guiBackPage._visible = true;
if (_root.slide._currentframe >= _root.slide._totalframes) {
_root.guiForwardPage._visible = false;
} else {
_root.guiForwardPage._visible = true;
if (_root.slide._currentframe >= (_root._SLIDE_DESCRIPTION.length - 1)) {
} else {
__mouse_obj.onMouseWheel = function (delta, scrollTarget) {
if ((isInitialized && (!_root.howtouse._visible)) && (!_root.caption._visible)) {
if (0 >= delta) {
if (delta < 0) {
} else {
var menu_cm = new ContextMenu();
menu_cm.builtInItems.forward_back = false;
menu_cm.builtInItems.loop = false; = false;
menu_cm.builtInItems.print = true;
menu_cm.builtInItems.quality = true;
menu_cm.builtInItems.rewind = false;
menu_cm.builtInItems.zoom = false;
var menu_item_1 = new ContextMenuItem();
menu_item_1.caption = _MENU_ITEM_NAME_1;
menu_item_1.enabled = true;
menu_item_1.separatorBefore = false;
menu_item_1.visible = true;
menu_item_1.onSelect = function () {
var menu_item_2 = new ContextMenuItem();
menu_item_2.caption = _MENU_ITEM_NAME_2;
menu_item_2.enabled = true;
menu_item_2.separatorBefore = true;
menu_item_2.visible = true;
menu_item_2.onSelect = function () {
var menu_item_3 = new ContextMenuItem();
menu_item_3.caption = _MENU_ITEM_NAME_3;
menu_item_3.enabled = true;
menu_item_3.separatorBefore = false;
menu_item_3.visible = true;
menu_item_3.onSelect = function () {
var menu_item_4 = new ContextMenuItem();
menu_item_4.caption = _MENU_ITEM_NAME_4;
menu_item_4.enabled = true;
menu_item_4.separatorBefore = true;
menu_item_4.visible = true;
menu_item_4.onSelect = function () {
var menu_item_5 = new ContextMenuItem();
menu_item_5.caption = (_APP_NAME + " ") + _APP_VERSION;
menu_item_5.enabled = false;
menu_item_5.separatorBefore = true;
menu_item_5.visible = true;
menu_item_5.onSelect = function () {
var menu_item_6 = new ContextMenuItem();
menu_item_6.caption = _APP_AUTHOR;
menu_item_6.enabled = false;
menu_item_6.separatorBefore = false;
menu_item_6.visible = true;
menu_item_6.onSelect = function () {
var menu_item_7 = new ContextMenuItem();
menu_item_7.caption = _APP_COPYRIGHT;
menu_item_7.enabled = false;
menu_item_7.separatorBefore = false;
menu_item_7.visible = true;
menu_item_7.onSelect = function () {
menu_cm.customItems = [menu_item_1, menu_item_2, menu_item_3, menu_item_4, menu_item_5, menu_item_6, menu_item_7]; = menu_cm;
Instance of Symbol 19962 MovieClip [slide] "slide" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (mouseMove) {
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
on (press) {
if ((!_root.howtouse._visible) && (!_root.caption._visible)) {
_root.slide.startDrag(false, (this._width - ((_root.guiBackPage._x + _root.guiBackPage._width) * 2)) * -1, (this._height - ((_root.guiBackPage._x + _root.guiBackPage._width) * 2)) * -1, Stage.width - ((Stage.width - _root.guiForwardPage._x) * 2), Stage.height - ((Stage.width - _root.guiForwardPage._x) * 2));
on (release, releaseOutside) {
Instance of Symbol 19966 MovieClip [caption] "caption" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 19958 MovieClip [guiPageCount] "guiPageCount" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
var _quotWidth = (Stage.width / (_GUI_PAGECOUNT_WIDTH * (parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) / 100)));
var _quotHeight = (Stage.height / ((_GUI_PAGECOUNT_HEIGHT + _root._GUI_MARGIN) * (parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) / 100)));
if (1 < _quotWidth) {
this._x = (Stage.width / 2) - ((_GUI_PAGECOUNT_WIDTH * (parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) / 100)) / 2);
this._xscale = parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE);
if (1 < _quotHeight) {
this._y = Stage.height - ((_GUI_PAGECOUNT_HEIGHT + _root._GUI_MARGIN) * (parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) / 100));
this._yscale = parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE);
if (_quotWidth < 1) {
this._x = (Stage.width / 2) - (((_GUI_PAGECOUNT_WIDTH * (parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) / 100)) * _quotWidth) / 2);
this._xscale = parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) * _quotWidth;
if (_quotHeight < 1) {
this._y = Stage.height - (((_GUI_PAGECOUNT_HEIGHT + _root._GUI_MARGIN) * (parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) / 100)) * _quotHeight);
this._yscale = parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) * _quotHeight;
onClipEvent (mouseMove) {
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.howtouse._visible) {
this.startDrag(false, 0, 0, Stage.width - this._width, Stage.height - this._height);
on (release, releaseOutside) {
Instance of Symbol 19956 MovieClip [guiBackPage] "guiBackPage" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
var _quotWidth = (Stage.width / ((((this._width + _root._GUI_MARGIN) * (parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) / 100)) + this._width) * (parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) / 100)));
var _quotHeight = (Stage.height / ((Stage.height / 2) * (parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) / 100)));
if (1 < _quotWidth) {
this._x = _root._GUI_MARGIN * (parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) / 100);
this._xscale = parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE);
if (1 < _quotHeight) {
this._y = (Stage.height / 2) - ((this._height * (parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) / 100)) / 2);
this._yscale = parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE);
if (_quotWidth < 1) {
this._x = (_root._GUI_MARGIN / (parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) / 100)) * _quotHeight;
this._xscale = parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) * _quotWidth;
if (_quotHeight < 1) {
this._y = (Stage.height / 2) - (((this._height * (parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) / 100)) * _quotHeight) / 2);
this._yscale = parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) * _quotHeight;
Instance of Symbol 19960 MovieClip [guiForwardPage] "guiForwardPage" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
var _quotWidth = (Stage.width / ((((this._width + _root._GUI_MARGIN) * (parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) / 100)) + this._width) * (parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) / 100)));
var _quotHeight = (Stage.height / ((Stage.height / 2) * (parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) / 100)));
if (1 < _quotWidth) {
this._x = Stage.width - ((this._width + _root._GUI_MARGIN) * (parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) / 100));
this._xscale = parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE);
if (1 < _quotHeight) {
this._y = (Stage.height / 2) - ((this._height * (parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) / 100)) / 2);
this._yscale = parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE);
if (_quotWidth < 1) {
this._x = Stage.width - (((this._width + _root._GUI_MARGIN) * (parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) / 100)) * _quotWidth);
this._xscale = parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) * _quotWidth;
if (_quotHeight < 1) {
this._y = (Stage.height / 2) - (((this._height * (parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) / 100)) * _quotHeight) / 2);
this._yscale = parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) * _quotHeight;
Instance of Symbol 19964 MovieClip [howtouse] "howtouse" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 19996 MovieClip [processor] "processor" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
_root.slide._visible = (_root.guiPageCount._visible = true);
this._visible = false;
_root.isInitialized = true;
Frame 3
Symbol 19998 MovieClip [loader] Frame 1
this.createTextField("lblLoaderMsg", 0, 0, 0, Stage.width, Stage.height);
this.lblLoaderMsg.selectable = false;
var text_format = new TextFormat();
text_format.align = "center";
text_format.font = "_sans";
text_format.size = 32;
text_format.color = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */;
this.lblLoaderMsg.text = "";
testmode = false;
if (_url.indexOf("file://") != -1) {
testmode = true;
total = _root.getBytesTotal();
if (testmode) {
total = 1000000 /* 0x0F4240 */;
Symbol 19998 MovieClip [loader] Frame 2
if (!testmode) {
loaded = _root.getBytesLoaded();
} else {
loaded = loaded + 8888;
if (loaded >= total) {
loaded = 0;
sindo = int((loaded / total) * 100);
this.lblLoaderMsg.text = ((((("\nNow Loading... \n\n" + int(loaded / 1000)) + "KB / ") + int(total / 1000)) + "KB (") + sindo) + "%)";
Symbol 19998 MovieClip [loader] Frame 3
Symbol 20000 Button
on (press) {
on () {
Symbol 19958 MovieClip [guiPageCount] Frame 1
this.lineStyle(1, 0, 0);
this.beginFill(0, _root._GUI_BG_ALPHA);
this.moveTo(0, 0);
this.lineTo(0, this._GUI_PAGECOUNT_HEIGHT);
this.lineTo(this._GUI_PAGECOUNT_WIDTH, 0);
this.createTextField("lblPages", 0, 0, 0, this._GUI_PAGECOUNT_WIDTH, this._GUI_PAGECOUNT_HEIGHT);
this.lblPages.selectable = false;
var text_format = new TextFormat();
text_format.align = "center";
text_format.font = "_sans";
text_format.size = 16;
text_format.color = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */;
this.lblPages.text = "0000 / 0000";
Symbol 20001 Button
on (press) {
on () {
Symbol 19964 MovieClip [howtouse] Frame 1
this.lineStyle(1, 0, 0);
this.beginFill(0, _root._GUI_BG_ALPHA);
this.moveTo(0, 0);
this.lineTo(0, Stage.height);
this.lineTo(Stage.width, Stage.height);
this.lineTo(Stage.width, 0);
Instance of Symbol 19968 MovieClip [テキストエリア(使い方用)] "textField" in Symbol 19964 MovieClip [howtouse] Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
this._x = 0;
this._y = 0;
Symbol 19966 MovieClip [caption] Frame 1
this.lineStyle(1, 0, 0);
this.beginFill(0, _root._GUI_BG_ALPHA);
this.moveTo(0, 0);
this.lineTo(0, Stage.height);
this.lineTo(Stage.width, Stage.height);
this.lineTo(Stage.width, 0);
Instance of Symbol 19978 MovieClip [テキストエリア(スライドの説明用)] "textField" in Symbol 19966 MovieClip [caption] Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
this._x = 0;
this._y = 0;
Symbol 19968 MovieClip [テキストエリア(使い方用)] Frame 1
width = Stage.width;
height = Stage.height;
createTextField("textArea", -16370, 0, 0, width, height);
with (textArea) {
background = false;
backgroundColor = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */;
border = false;
borderColor = 14540253 /* 0xDDDDDD */;
selectable = true;
type = "dynamic";
multiline = true;
textColor = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */;
wordWrap = true;
condenseWhite = false;
html = true;
mouseWheelEnabled = true;
var text_format = new TextFormat();
text_format.align = "left";
text_format.font = _root._HOWTOUSE_FONT;
text_format.size = _root._HOWTOUSE_FONTSIZE * (parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) / 100);
text_format.color = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */;
htmlText = _root._HOWTOUSE_DEFAULT_TEXT;
textArea.onChanged = function () {
textArea.onSetFocus = function (oldFocus) {
textArea.onKillFocus = function (newFocus) {
onEnterFrame = function () {
lineStyle(2, 10066329, 100);
if (textArea.background) {
beginFill(textArea.backgroundColor, 100);
moveTo(width + 1, 0);
lineTo(width + 1, height + 1);
lineTo(0, height + 1);
lineTo(0, 0);
lineStyle(2, 14540253, 100);
moveTo(width + 1, height + 1);
lineTo(0, height + 1);
lineStyle(2, 10066329, 100);
moveTo(0, 0);
lineTo(width + 1, 0);
Instance of Symbol 19976 MovieClip [縦スクロールバー(使い方用)] "vertical" in Symbol 19968 MovieClip [テキストエリア(使い方用)] Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
var bodyColor = 16579836;
var targetTextArea = _parent.textArea;
var width = 15;
Instance of Symbol 19974 MovieClip [横スクロールバー(使い方用)] "horizontal" in Symbol 19968 MovieClip [テキストエリア(使い方用)] Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
var bodyColor = 16579836;
var targetTextArea = _parent.textArea;
var height = 15;
Symbol 19968 MovieClip [テキストエリア(使い方用)] Frame 2
var check = function () {
var change = false;
if (1 >= textArea.maxscroll) {
if (vertical.visible) {
textArea._width = width;
change = true;
vertical.visible = false;
} else if (vertical.visible == false) {
textArea._width = width - vertical.width;
change = true;
vertical.visible = true;
if (1 >= textArea.maxhscroll) {
if (horizontal.visible) {
textArea._height = height;
change = true;
horizontal.visible = false;
} else if (horizontal.visible == false) {
textArea._height = height - horizontal.height;
change = true;
horizontal.visible = true;
if (change) {
var setting = function () {
if (1 >= textArea.maxscroll) {
} else {
if (1 >= textArea.maxhscroll) {
} else {
void.onEnterFrame = function () {
Symbol 19968 MovieClip [テキストエリア(使い方用)] Frame 3
Instance of Symbol 19970 MovieClip [やじるし(使い方用)] "upward" in Symbol 19974 MovieClip [横スクロールバー(使い方用)] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
bodyColor = _parent.bodyColor();
if (bodyColor == eval("undefined")) {
bodyColor = 16250871 /* 0xF7F7F7 */;
color = _parent.color();
if (color == eval("undefined")) {
color = 8947848 /* 0x888888 */;
defaultDrow = function () {
var m = {matrixType:"box", x:x, y:y, w:w, h:h, r:(90 * Math.PI) / 180};
lineStyle(1, 16777215, 100);
lineGradientStyle("linear", [color, color], [80, 8], [0, 255], m, "pad", "linearRGB", 0);
beginFill(bodyColor, 100);
lineStyle(0, 16777215, 100);
beginFill(color, 100);
frame = function () {
moveTo(x, y);
lineTo((x + h) - c, y);
lineTo(x + h, y + c);
lineTo(x + h, (y + w) - c);
lineTo((x + h) - c, y + w);
lineTo(x, y + w);
arrow = function () {
moveTo(x + ((h * 2) / 3), y + ((w * 1) / 4));
lineTo(x + ((h * 2) / 3), y + ((w * 3) / 4));
lineTo(x + ((h * 1) / 4), y + ((w * 1) / 2));
create = function () {
y = _parent.targetTextArea._height;
x = 0;
c = 2;
w = _parent.height;
h = _parent.height - 1;
delete = function () {
onMouseDown = function () {
if (over) {
down = true;
onMouseUp = function () {
down = false;
over = false;
filters = new Array();
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (!(_parent.visible && (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)))) {
if (over) {
filters = new Array();
over = false;
} else if (over != true) {
var param = (new flash.filters.GlowFilter());
param.color = 5635925 /* 0x55FF55 */;
param.alpha = 0.5;
param.blurX = 2;
param.blurY = 2;
param.strength = 2;
param.quality = 1;
param.inner = true;
param.knockout = false;
filters = new Array(param);
over = true;
if (!down) {
downCount = 0;
} else {
if ((downCount == 1) || (8 < downCount)) {
_parent.targetTextArea.hscroll = _parent.targetTextArea.hscroll - 10;
if (downCount == 1) {
var color_mtx = [0.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.99, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0];
var ColorMatrixFilter = (new flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter(color_mtx));
filters = [param, ColorMatrixFilter];
Instance of Symbol 19970 MovieClip [やじるし(使い方用)] "downward" in Symbol 19974 MovieClip [横スクロールバー(使い方用)] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
bodyColor = _parent.bodyColor();
if (bodyColor == eval("undefined")) {
bodyColor = 16250871 /* 0xF7F7F7 */;
color = _parent.color();
if (color == eval("undefined")) {
color = 8947848 /* 0x888888 */;
defaultDrow = function () {
var m = {matrixType:"box", x:x, y:y, w:h, h:w, r:(90 * Math.PI) / 180};
lineStyle(1, 16777215, 100);
lineGradientStyle("linear", [color, color], [80, 8], [0, 255], m, "pad", "linearRGB", 0);
beginFill(bodyColor, 100);
lineStyle(0, 16777215, 100);
beginFill(color, 100);
frame = function () {
moveTo(x, y);
lineTo((x + h) + c, y);
lineTo(x + h, y + c);
lineTo(x + h, (y + w) - c);
lineTo((x + h) + c, y + w);
lineTo(x, y + w);
arrow = function () {
moveTo(x + ((h * 2) / 3), y + ((w * 1) / 4));
lineTo(x + ((h * 2) / 3), y + ((w * 3) / 4));
lineTo(x + ((h * 1) / 4), y + ((w * 1) / 2));
create = function () {
y = _parent.targetTextArea._height;
x = _parent.targetTextArea._width;
c = 2;
w = _parent.height;
h = (_parent.height * -1) + 1;
delete = function () {
onMouseDown = function () {
if (over) {
down = true;
onMouseUp = function () {
down = false;
over = false;
filters = new Array();
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (!(_parent.visible && (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)))) {
if (over) {
filters = new Array();
over = false;
} else if (over != true) {
var param = (new flash.filters.GlowFilter());
param.color = 5635925 /* 0x55FF55 */;
param.alpha = 0.5;
param.blurX = 2;
param.blurY = 2;
param.strength = 2;
param.quality = 1;
param.inner = true;
param.knockout = false;
filters = new Array(param);
over = true;
if (!down) {
downCount = 0;
} else {
if ((downCount == 1) || (8 < downCount)) {
_parent.targetTextArea.hscroll = _parent.targetTextArea.hscroll + 10;
if (downCount == 1) {
var color_mtx = [0.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.99, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0];
var ColorMatrixFilter = (new flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter(color_mtx));
filters = [param, ColorMatrixFilter];
Instance of Symbol 19970 MovieClip [やじるし(使い方用)] "bar" in Symbol 19974 MovieClip [横スクロールバー(使い方用)] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
bodyColor = _parent.bodyColor();
if (bodyColor == eval("undefined")) {
bodyColor = 16250871 /* 0xF7F7F7 */;
color = _parent.color();
if (color == eval("undefined")) {
color = 8947848 /* 0x888888 */;
setting = function () {
minSize = 10;
maxSize = (_parent.targetTextArea._width - (_parent.height * 2)) - 1;
c = 1;
h = _parent.height - 3;
visline = _parent.targetTextArea._width;
alline = visline + _parent.targetTextArea.maxhscroll;
hpar = visline / alline;
w = maxSize * hpar;
if (w < 10) {
w = 10;
move = maxSize - w;
oneScroll = move / (_parent.targetTextArea.maxhscroll - 1);
_y = _parent.targetTextArea._height + 2;
_x = _parent.height + 1;
xper = (_parent.targetTextArea.hscroll - 1) / (_parent.targetTextArea.maxhscroll - 1);
if (1 < xper) {
xper = 1;
x = move * xper;
var m = {matrixType:"box", x:x, y:y, w:w, h:h, r:(90 * Math.PI) / 180};
lineStyle(1, 16777215, 100);
lineGradientStyle("linear", [color, color], [8, 80], [0, 255], m, "pad", "linearRGB", 0);
beginFill(bodyColor, 80);
moveTo(x + 0, c);
lineTo(x + c, 0);
lineTo((x + w) - c, 0);
lineTo(x + w, c);
lineTo(x + w, h - c);
lineTo((x + w) - c, h);
lineTo(x + c, h);
lineTo(x + 0, h - c);
lineStyle(1, color, 50);
moveTo((x + (w / 2)) - 1, (h * 1) / 4);
lineTo((x + (w / 2)) - 1, (h * 3) / 4);
moveTo((x + (w / 2)) + 3, (h * 1) / 4);
lineTo((x + (w / 2)) + 3, (h * 3) / 4);
moveTo((x + (w / 2)) + 1, (h * 1) / 4);
lineTo((x + (w / 2)) + 1, (h * 3) / 4);
moveTo((x + (w / 2)) - 3, (h * 1) / 4);
lineTo((x + (w / 2)) - 3, (h * 3) / 4);
delete = function () {
onMouseDown = function () {
if (_parent.visible && (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true))) {
startScroll = _xmouse;
down = true;
if (avover) {
avdown = true;
if (blover) {
bldown = true;
onMouseUp = function () {
down = false;
avdown = true;
bldown = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (!down) {
} else {
while ((oneScroll < (startScroll - _xmouse)) && (0 < _xmouse)) {
_parent.targetTextArea.hscroll = _parent.targetTextArea.hscroll - 1;
startScroll = startScroll - oneScroll;
while (((startScroll - _xmouse) < (oneScroll * -1)) && (maxSize >= _xmouse)) {
_parent.targetTextArea.hscroll = _parent.targetTextArea.hscroll + 1;
startScroll = startScroll + oneScroll;
if (!((((_parent.visible && (0 < _ymouse)) && (_ymouse < h)) && (0 < _xmouse)) && (_xmouse < x))) {
avdown = false;
avover = false;
} else if (avover == false) {
avover = true;
if (!avdown) {
avdownCount = 0;
} else {
if ((avdownCount == 1) || (8 < avdownCount)) {
_parent.targetTextArea.hscroll = _parent.targetTextArea.hscroll - visline;
if (!((((_parent.visible && (0 < _ymouse)) && (_ymouse < h)) && ((x + w) < _xmouse)) && (_xmouse < maxSize))) {
bldown = false;
blover = false;
} else if (blover == false) {
blover = true;
if (!bldown) {
bldownCount = 0;
} else {
if ((bldownCount == 1) || (8 < bldownCount)) {
_parent.targetTextArea.hscroll = _parent.targetTextArea.hscroll + visline;
Symbol 19974 MovieClip [横スクロールバー(使い方用)] Frame 1
var visible = false;
createScrollBar = function () {
lineStyle(2, 15658734, 100);
moveTo(2, targetTextArea._height + 2);
lineTo(2, targetTextArea._height + height);
lineTo(_parent.width, targetTextArea._height + height);
lineTo(_parent.width, targetTextArea._height + 2);
lineTo(2, targetTextArea._height + 2);
deleteScrollBar = function () {
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (visible) {
Symbol 19974 MovieClip [横スクロールバー(使い方用)] Frame 2
Instance of Symbol 19970 MovieClip [やじるし(使い方用)] "upward" in Symbol 19976 MovieClip [縦スクロールバー(使い方用)] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
bodyColor = _parent.bodyColor();
if (bodyColor == eval("undefined")) {
bodyColor = 16250871 /* 0xF7F7F7 */;
color = _parent.color();
if (color == eval("undefined")) {
color = 8947848 /* 0x888888 */;
create = function () {
x = _parent.targetTextArea._width + 1;
y = 1;
c = 2;
w = _parent.width;
h = _parent.width - 1;
var m = {matrixType:"box", x:x, y:y, w:w, h:h, r:Math.PI / 180};
lineStyle(1, 16777215, 100);
lineGradientStyle("linear", [color, color], [80, 8], [0, 255], m, "pad", "linearRGB", 0);
beginFill(bodyColor, 100);
moveTo(x, y);
lineTo(x, (y + h) - c);
lineTo(x + c, y + h);
lineTo((x + w) - c, y + h);
lineTo(x + w, (y + h) - c);
lineTo(x + w, y);
lineStyle(0, 16777215, 100);
beginFill(color, 100);
moveTo(x + ((w * 1) / 4), y + ((h * 2) / 3));
lineTo(x + ((w * 3) / 4), y + ((h * 2) / 3));
lineTo(x + ((w * 1) / 2), y + ((h * 1) / 4));
delete = function () {
onMouseDown = function () {
if (over) {
down = true;
onMouseUp = function () {
down = false;
over = false;
filters = new Array();
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (!(_parent.visible && (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)))) {
if (over) {
filters = new Array();
over = false;
} else if (over != true) {
var param = (new flash.filters.GlowFilter());
param.color = 5635925 /* 0x55FF55 */;
param.alpha = 0.5;
param.blurX = 2;
param.blurY = 2;
param.strength = 2;
param.quality = 1;
param.inner = true;
param.knockout = false;
filters = new Array(param);
over = true;
if (!down) {
downCount = 0;
} else {
if ((downCount == 1) || (8 < downCount)) {
if (downCount == 1) {
var color_mtx = [0.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.99, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0];
var ColorMatrixFilter = (new flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter(color_mtx));
filters = [param, ColorMatrixFilter];
Instance of Symbol 19970 MovieClip [やじるし(使い方用)] "downward" in Symbol 19976 MovieClip [縦スクロールバー(使い方用)] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
bodyColor = _parent.bodyColor();
if (bodyColor == eval("undefined")) {
bodyColor = 16250871 /* 0xF7F7F7 */;
color = _parent.color();
if (color == eval("undefined")) {
color = 8947848 /* 0x888888 */;
create = function () {
x = _parent.targetTextArea._width + 1;
y = _parent.targetTextArea._height;
c = 2;
w = _parent.width;
h = (_parent.width * -1) + 1;
defaultDrow = function () {
var m = {matrixType:"box", x:x, y:y, w:w, h:h, r:Math.PI / 180};
lineStyle(1, 16777215, 100);
lineGradientStyle("linear", [color, color], [80, 8], [0, 255], m, "pad", "linearRGB", 0);
beginFill(bodyColor, 100);
lineStyle(0, 16777215, 100);
beginFill(color, 100);
frame = function () {
moveTo(x, y);
lineTo(x, (y + h) + c);
lineTo(x + c, y + h);
lineTo((x + w) - c, y + h);
lineTo(x + w, (y + h) + c);
lineTo(x + w, y);
arrow = function () {
moveTo(x + ((w * 1) / 4), y + ((h * 2) / 3));
lineTo(x + ((w * 3) / 4), y + ((h * 2) / 3));
lineTo(x + ((w * 1) / 2), y + ((h * 1) / 4));
delete = function () {
onMouseDown = function () {
if (over) {
down = true;
onMouseUp = function () {
down = false;
over = false;
filters = new Array();
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (!(_parent.visible && (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)))) {
if (over) {
filters = new Array();
over = false;
} else if (over != true) {
var param = (new flash.filters.GlowFilter());
param.color = 5635925 /* 0x55FF55 */;
param.alpha = 0.5;
param.blurX = 2;
param.blurY = 2;
param.strength = 2;
param.quality = 1;
param.inner = true;
param.knockout = false;
filters = new Array(param);
over = true;
if (!down) {
downCount = 0;
} else {
if ((downCount == 1) || (8 < downCount)) {
if (downCount == 1) {
var color_mtx = [0.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.99, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0];
var ColorMatrixFilter = (new flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter(color_mtx));
filters = [param, ColorMatrixFilter];
Instance of Symbol 19970 MovieClip [やじるし(使い方用)] "bar" in Symbol 19976 MovieClip [縦スクロールバー(使い方用)] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
bodyColor = _parent.bodyColor();
if (bodyColor == eval("undefined")) {
bodyColor = 16250871 /* 0xF7F7F7 */;
color = _parent.color();
if (color == eval("undefined")) {
color = 8947848 /* 0x888888 */;
setting = function () {
minSize = 10;
maxSize = (_parent.targetTextArea._height - (_parent.width * 2)) - 1;
c = 1;
w = _parent.width - 3;
visline = _parent.targetTextArea.bottomScroll - (_parent.targetTextArea.scroll - 1);
alline = visline + _parent.targetTextArea.maxscroll;
hpar = visline / alline;
h = maxSize * hpar;
if (h < 10) {
h = 10;
move = maxSize - h;
oneScroll = move / (_parent.targetTextArea.maxscroll - 1);
_x = _parent.targetTextArea._width + 2;
_y = _parent._width;
yper = (_parent.targetTextArea.scroll - 1) / (_parent.targetTextArea.maxscroll - 1);
if (1 < yper) {
yper = 1;
y = move * yper;
var m = {matrixType:"box", x:x, y:y, w:w, h:h, r:Math.PI / 180};
lineStyle(1, 16777215, 100);
lineGradientStyle("linear", [color, color], [8, 80], [0, 255], m, "pad", "linearRGB", 0);
beginFill(bodyColor, 80);
moveTo(c, y + 0);
lineTo(0, y + c);
lineTo(0, (y + h) - c);
lineTo(c, y + h);
lineTo(w - c, y + h);
lineTo(w, (y + h) - c);
lineTo(w, y + c);
lineTo(w - c, y + 0);
lineStyle(1, color, 50);
moveTo((w * 1) / 4, (y + (h / 2)) - 1);
lineTo((w * 3) / 4, (y + (h / 2)) - 1);
moveTo((w * 1) / 4, (y + (h / 2)) + 3);
lineTo((w * 3) / 4, (y + (h / 2)) + 3);
moveTo((w * 1) / 4, (y + (h / 2)) + 1);
lineTo((w * 3) / 4, (y + (h / 2)) + 1);
moveTo((w * 1) / 4, (y + (h / 2)) - 3);
lineTo((w * 3) / 4, (y + (h / 2)) - 3);
delete = function () {
onMouseDown = function () {
if (_parent.visible && (this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true))) {
startScroll = _ymouse;
down = true;
if (avover) {
avdown = true;
if (blover) {
bldown = true;
onMouseUp = function () {
down = false;
avdown = true;
bldown = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (down) {
while ((oneScroll < (startScroll - _ymouse)) && (0 < _ymouse)) {
startScroll = startScroll - oneScroll;
while (((startScroll - _ymouse) < (oneScroll * -1)) && (maxSize >= _ymouse)) {
startScroll = startScroll + oneScroll;
if (!((((_parent.visible && (0 < _xmouse)) && (_xmouse < w)) && (0 < _ymouse)) && (_ymouse < y))) {
avdown = false;
avover = false;
} else if (avover == false) {
avover = true;
if (!avdown) {
avdownCount = 0;
} else {
if ((avdownCount == 1) || (8 < avdownCount)) {
_parent.targetTextArea.scroll = _parent.targetTextArea.scroll - visline;
if (!((((_parent.visible && (0 < _xmouse)) && (_xmouse < w)) && ((y + h) < _ymouse)) && (_ymouse < maxSize))) {
bldown = false;
blover = false;
} else if (blover == false) {
blover = true;
if (!bldown) {
bldownCount = 0;
} else {
if ((bldownCount == 1) || (8 < bldownCount)) {
_parent.targetTextArea.scroll = _parent.targetTextArea.scroll + visline;
Symbol 19976 MovieClip [縦スクロールバー(使い方用)] Frame 1
visible = false;
createScrollBar = function () {
lineStyle(2, 15658734, 100);
moveTo(targetTextArea._width + 2, 2);
lineTo(targetTextArea._width + width, 2);
lineTo(targetTextArea._width + width, _parent.height);
lineTo(targetTextArea._width + 2, _parent.height);
lineTo(targetTextArea._width + 2, 2);
deleteScrollBar = function () {
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (visible) {
Symbol 19976 MovieClip [縦スクロールバー(使い方用)] Frame 2
Symbol 19978 MovieClip [テキストエリア(スライドの説明用)] Frame 1
width = Stage.width;
height = Stage.height;
createTextField("textArea", -16370, 0, 0, width, height);
with (textArea) {
background = false;
backgroundColor = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */;
border = false;
borderColor = 14540253 /* 0xDDDDDD */;
selectable = true;
type = "dynamic";
multiline = true;
textColor = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */;
wordWrap = true;
condenseWhite = false;
html = true;
mouseWheelEnabled = true;
var text_format = new TextFormat();
text_format.align = "left";
text_format.font = _root._CAPTION_FONT;
text_format.size = _root._CAPTION_FONTSIZE * (parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) / 100);
text_format.color = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */;
textArea.onChanged = function () {
textArea.onSetFocus = function (oldFocus) {
textArea.onKillFocus = function (newFocus) {
onEnterFrame = function () {
lineStyle(2, 10066329, 100);
if (textArea.background) {
beginFill(textArea.backgroundColor, 100);
moveTo(width + 1, 0);
lineTo(width + 1, height + 1);
lineTo(0, height + 1);
lineTo(0, 0);
lineStyle(2, 14540253, 100);
moveTo(width + 1, height + 1);
lineTo(0, height + 1);
lineStyle(2, 10066329, 100);
moveTo(0, 0);
lineTo(width + 1, 0);
Instance of Symbol 19986 MovieClip [縦スクロールバー(スライドの説明用)] "vertical" in Symbol 19978 MovieClip [テキストエリア(スライドの説明用)] Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
var bodyColor = 16579836;
var targetTextArea = _parent.textArea;
var width = 15;
Instance of Symbol 19984 MovieClip [横スクロールバー(スライドの説明用)] "horizontal" in Symbol 19978 MovieClip [テキストエリア(スライドの説明用)] Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
var bodyColor = 16579836;
var targetTextArea = _parent.textArea;
var height = 15;
Symbol 19978 MovieClip [テキストエリア(スライドの説明用)] Frame 2
var check = function () {
var change = false;
if (1 >= textArea.maxscroll) {
if (vertical.visible) {
textArea._width = width;
change = true;
vertical.visible = false;
} else if (vertical.visible == false) {
textArea._width = width - vertical.width;
change = true;
vertical.visible = true;
if (1 >= textArea.maxhscroll) {
if (horizontal.visible) {
textArea._height = height;
change = true;
horizontal.visible = false;
} else if (horizontal.visible == false) {
textArea._height = height - horizontal.height;
change = true;
horizontal.visible = true;
if (change) {
var setting = function () {
if (1 >= textArea.maxscroll) {
} else {
if (1 >= textArea.maxhscroll) {
} else {
void.onEnterFrame = function () {
Symbol 19978 MovieClip [テキストエリア(スライドの説明用)] Frame 3
Instance of Symbol 19980 MovieClip [やじるし(スライドの説明用)] "upward" in Symbol 19984 MovieClip [横スクロールバー(スライドの説明用)] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
bodyColor = _parent.bodyColor();
if (bodyColor == eval("undefined")) {
bodyColor = 16250871 /* 0xF7F7F7 */;
color = _parent.color();
if (color == eval("undefined")) {
color = 8947848 /* 0x888888 */;
defaultDrow = function () {
var m = {matrixType:"box", x:x, y:y, w:w, h:h, r:(90 * Math.PI) / 180};
lineStyle(1, 16777215, 100);
lineGradientStyle("linear", [color, color], [80, 8], [0, 255], m, "pad", "linearRGB", 0);
beginFill(bodyColor, 100);
lineStyle(0, 16777215, 100);
beginFill(color, 100);
frame = function () {
moveTo(x, y);
lineTo((x + h) - c, y);
lineTo(x + h, y + c);
lineTo(x + h, (y + w) - c);
lineTo((x + h) - c, y + w);
lineTo(x, y + w);
arrow = function () {
moveTo(x + ((h * 2) / 3), y + ((w * 1) / 4));
lineTo(x + ((h * 2) / 3), y + ((w * 3) / 4));
lineTo(x + ((h * 1) / 4), y + ((w * 1) / 2));
create = function () {
y = _parent.targetTextArea._height;
x = 0;
c = 2;
w = _parent.height;
h = _parent.height - 1;
delete = function () {
onMouseDown = function () {
if (over) {
down = true;
onMouseUp = function () {
down = false;
over = false;
filters = new Array();
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (!(_parent.visible && (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)))) {
if (over) {
filters = new Array();
over = false;
} else if (over != true) {
var param = (new flash.filters.GlowFilter());
param.color = 5635925 /* 0x55FF55 */;
param.alpha = 0.5;
param.blurX = 2;
param.blurY = 2;
param.strength = 2;
param.quality = 1;
param.inner = true;
param.knockout = false;
filters = new Array(param);
over = true;
if (!down) {
downCount = 0;
} else {
if ((downCount == 1) || (8 < downCount)) {
_parent.targetTextArea.hscroll = _parent.targetTextArea.hscroll - 10;
if (downCount == 1) {
var color_mtx = [0.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.99, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0];
var ColorMatrixFilter = (new flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter(color_mtx));
filters = [param, ColorMatrixFilter];
Instance of Symbol 19980 MovieClip [やじるし(スライドの説明用)] "downward" in Symbol 19984 MovieClip [横スクロールバー(スライドの説明用)] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
bodyColor = _parent.bodyColor();
if (bodyColor == eval("undefined")) {
bodyColor = 16250871 /* 0xF7F7F7 */;
color = _parent.color();
if (color == eval("undefined")) {
color = 8947848 /* 0x888888 */;
defaultDrow = function () {
var m = {matrixType:"box", x:x, y:y, w:h, h:w, r:(90 * Math.PI) / 180};
lineStyle(1, 16777215, 100);
lineGradientStyle("linear", [color, color], [80, 8], [0, 255], m, "pad", "linearRGB", 0);
beginFill(bodyColor, 100);
lineStyle(0, 16777215, 100);
beginFill(color, 100);
frame = function () {
moveTo(x, y);
lineTo((x + h) + c, y);
lineTo(x + h, y + c);
lineTo(x + h, (y + w) - c);
lineTo((x + h) + c, y + w);
lineTo(x, y + w);
arrow = function () {
moveTo(x + ((h * 2) / 3), y + ((w * 1) / 4));
lineTo(x + ((h * 2) / 3), y + ((w * 3) / 4));
lineTo(x + ((h * 1) / 4), y + ((w * 1) / 2));
create = function () {
y = _parent.targetTextArea._height;
x = _parent.targetTextArea._width;
c = 2;
w = _parent.height;
h = (_parent.height * -1) + 1;
delete = function () {
onMouseDown = function () {
if (over) {
down = true;
onMouseUp = function () {
down = false;
over = false;
filters = new Array();
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (!(_parent.visible && (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)))) {
if (over) {
filters = new Array();
over = false;
} else if (over != true) {
var param = (new flash.filters.GlowFilter());
param.color = 5635925 /* 0x55FF55 */;
param.alpha = 0.5;
param.blurX = 2;
param.blurY = 2;
param.strength = 2;
param.quality = 1;
param.inner = true;
param.knockout = false;
filters = new Array(param);
over = true;
if (!down) {
downCount = 0;
} else {
if ((downCount == 1) || (8 < downCount)) {
_parent.targetTextArea.hscroll = _parent.targetTextArea.hscroll + 10;
if (downCount == 1) {
var color_mtx = [0.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.99, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0];
var ColorMatrixFilter = (new flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter(color_mtx));
filters = [param, ColorMatrixFilter];
Instance of Symbol 19980 MovieClip [やじるし(スライドの説明用)] "bar" in Symbol 19984 MovieClip [横スクロールバー(スライドの説明用)] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
bodyColor = _parent.bodyColor();
if (bodyColor == eval("undefined")) {
bodyColor = 16250871 /* 0xF7F7F7 */;
color = _parent.color();
if (color == eval("undefined")) {
color = 8947848 /* 0x888888 */;
setting = function () {
minSize = 10;
maxSize = (_parent.targetTextArea._width - (_parent.height * 2)) - 1;
c = 1;
h = _parent.height - 3;
visline = _parent.targetTextArea._width;
alline = visline + _parent.targetTextArea.maxhscroll;
hpar = visline / alline;
w = maxSize * hpar;
if (w < 10) {
w = 10;
move = maxSize - w;
oneScroll = move / (_parent.targetTextArea.maxhscroll - 1);
_y = _parent.targetTextArea._height + 2;
_x = _parent.height + 1;
xper = (_parent.targetTextArea.hscroll - 1) / (_parent.targetTextArea.maxhscroll - 1);
if (1 < xper) {
xper = 1;
x = move * xper;
var m = {matrixType:"box", x:x, y:y, w:w, h:h, r:(90 * Math.PI) / 180};
lineStyle(1, 16777215, 100);
lineGradientStyle("linear", [color, color], [8, 80], [0, 255], m, "pad", "linearRGB", 0);
beginFill(bodyColor, 80);
moveTo(x + 0, c);
lineTo(x + c, 0);
lineTo((x + w) - c, 0);
lineTo(x + w, c);
lineTo(x + w, h - c);
lineTo((x + w) - c, h);
lineTo(x + c, h);
lineTo(x + 0, h - c);
lineStyle(1, color, 50);
moveTo((x + (w / 2)) - 1, (h * 1) / 4);
lineTo((x + (w / 2)) - 1, (h * 3) / 4);
moveTo((x + (w / 2)) + 3, (h * 1) / 4);
lineTo((x + (w / 2)) + 3, (h * 3) / 4);
moveTo((x + (w / 2)) + 1, (h * 1) / 4);
lineTo((x + (w / 2)) + 1, (h * 3) / 4);
moveTo((x + (w / 2)) - 3, (h * 1) / 4);
lineTo((x + (w / 2)) - 3, (h * 3) / 4);
delete = function () {
onMouseDown = function () {
if (_parent.visible && (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true))) {
startScroll = _xmouse;
down = true;
if (avover) {
avdown = true;
if (blover) {
bldown = true;
onMouseUp = function () {
down = false;
avdown = true;
bldown = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (!down) {
} else {
while ((oneScroll < (startScroll - _xmouse)) && (0 < _xmouse)) {
_parent.targetTextArea.hscroll = _parent.targetTextArea.hscroll - 1;
startScroll = startScroll - oneScroll;
while (((startScroll - _xmouse) < (oneScroll * -1)) && (maxSize >= _xmouse)) {
_parent.targetTextArea.hscroll = _parent.targetTextArea.hscroll + 1;
startScroll = startScroll + oneScroll;
if (!((((_parent.visible && (0 < _ymouse)) && (_ymouse < h)) && (0 < _xmouse)) && (_xmouse < x))) {
avdown = false;
avover = false;
} else if (avover == false) {
avover = true;
if (!avdown) {
avdownCount = 0;
} else {
if ((avdownCount == 1) || (8 < avdownCount)) {
_parent.targetTextArea.hscroll = _parent.targetTextArea.hscroll - visline;
if (!((((_parent.visible && (0 < _ymouse)) && (_ymouse < h)) && ((x + w) < _xmouse)) && (_xmouse < maxSize))) {
bldown = false;
blover = false;
} else if (blover == false) {
blover = true;
if (!bldown) {
bldownCount = 0;
} else {
if ((bldownCount == 1) || (8 < bldownCount)) {
_parent.targetTextArea.hscroll = _parent.targetTextArea.hscroll + visline;
Symbol 19984 MovieClip [横スクロールバー(スライドの説明用)] Frame 1
var visible = false;
createScrollBar = function () {
lineStyle(2, 15658734, 100);
moveTo(2, targetTextArea._height + 2);
lineTo(2, targetTextArea._height + height);
lineTo(_parent.width, targetTextArea._height + height);
lineTo(_parent.width, targetTextArea._height + 2);
lineTo(2, targetTextArea._height + 2);
deleteScrollBar = function () {
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (visible) {
Symbol 19984 MovieClip [横スクロールバー(スライドの説明用)] Frame 2
Instance of Symbol 19980 MovieClip [やじるし(スライドの説明用)] "upward" in Symbol 19986 MovieClip [縦スクロールバー(スライドの説明用)] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
bodyColor = _parent.bodyColor();
if (bodyColor == eval("undefined")) {
bodyColor = 16250871 /* 0xF7F7F7 */;
color = _parent.color();
if (color == eval("undefined")) {
color = 8947848 /* 0x888888 */;
create = function () {
x = _parent.targetTextArea._width + 1;
y = 1;
c = 2;
w = _parent.width;
h = _parent.width - 1;
var m = {matrixType:"box", x:x, y:y, w:w, h:h, r:Math.PI / 180};
lineStyle(1, 16777215, 100);
lineGradientStyle("linear", [color, color], [80, 8], [0, 255], m, "pad", "linearRGB", 0);
beginFill(bodyColor, 100);
moveTo(x, y);
lineTo(x, (y + h) - c);
lineTo(x + c, y + h);
lineTo((x + w) - c, y + h);
lineTo(x + w, (y + h) - c);
lineTo(x + w, y);
lineStyle(0, 16777215, 100);
beginFill(color, 100);
moveTo(x + ((w * 1) / 4), y + ((h * 2) / 3));
lineTo(x + ((w * 3) / 4), y + ((h * 2) / 3));
lineTo(x + ((w * 1) / 2), y + ((h * 1) / 4));
delete = function () {
onMouseDown = function () {
if (over) {
down = true;
onMouseUp = function () {
down = false;
over = false;
filters = new Array();
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (!(_parent.visible && (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)))) {
if (over) {
filters = new Array();
over = false;
} else if (over != true) {
var param = (new flash.filters.GlowFilter());
param.color = 5635925 /* 0x55FF55 */;
param.alpha = 0.5;
param.blurX = 2;
param.blurY = 2;
param.strength = 2;
param.quality = 1;
param.inner = true;
param.knockout = false;
filters = new Array(param);
over = true;
if (!down) {
downCount = 0;
} else {
if ((downCount == 1) || (8 < downCount)) {
if (downCount == 1) {
var color_mtx = [0.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.99, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0];
var ColorMatrixFilter = (new flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter(color_mtx));
filters = [param, ColorMatrixFilter];
Instance of Symbol 19980 MovieClip [やじるし(スライドの説明用)] "downward" in Symbol 19986 MovieClip [縦スクロールバー(スライドの説明用)] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
bodyColor = _parent.bodyColor();
if (bodyColor == eval("undefined")) {
bodyColor = 16250871 /* 0xF7F7F7 */;
color = _parent.color();
if (color == eval("undefined")) {
color = 8947848 /* 0x888888 */;
create = function () {
x = _parent.targetTextArea._width + 1;
y = _parent.targetTextArea._height;
c = 2;
w = _parent.width;
h = (_parent.width * -1) + 1;
defaultDrow = function () {
var m = {matrixType:"box", x:x, y:y, w:w, h:h, r:Math.PI / 180};
lineStyle(1, 16777215, 100);
lineGradientStyle("linear", [color, color], [80, 8], [0, 255], m, "pad", "linearRGB", 0);
beginFill(bodyColor, 100);
lineStyle(0, 16777215, 100);
beginFill(color, 100);
frame = function () {
moveTo(x, y);
lineTo(x, (y + h) + c);
lineTo(x + c, y + h);
lineTo((x + w) - c, y + h);
lineTo(x + w, (y + h) + c);
lineTo(x + w, y);
arrow = function () {
moveTo(x + ((w * 1) / 4), y + ((h * 2) / 3));
lineTo(x + ((w * 3) / 4), y + ((h * 2) / 3));
lineTo(x + ((w * 1) / 2), y + ((h * 1) / 4));
delete = function () {
onMouseDown = function () {
if (over) {
down = true;
onMouseUp = function () {
down = false;
over = false;
filters = new Array();
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (!(_parent.visible && (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)))) {
if (over) {
filters = new Array();
over = false;
} else if (over != true) {
var param = (new flash.filters.GlowFilter());
param.color = 5635925 /* 0x55FF55 */;
param.alpha = 0.5;
param.blurX = 2;
param.blurY = 2;
param.strength = 2;
param.quality = 1;
param.inner = true;
param.knockout = false;
filters = new Array(param);
over = true;
if (!down) {
downCount = 0;
} else {
if ((downCount == 1) || (8 < downCount)) {
if (downCount == 1) {
var color_mtx = [0.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.99, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0];
var ColorMatrixFilter = (new flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter(color_mtx));
filters = [param, ColorMatrixFilter];
Instance of Symbol 19980 MovieClip [やじるし(スライドの説明用)] "bar" in Symbol 19986 MovieClip [縦スクロールバー(スライドの説明用)] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
bodyColor = _parent.bodyColor();
if (bodyColor == eval("undefined")) {
bodyColor = 16250871 /* 0xF7F7F7 */;
color = _parent.color();
if (color == eval("undefined")) {
color = 8947848 /* 0x888888 */;
setting = function () {
minSize = 10;
maxSize = (_parent.targetTextArea._height - (_parent.width * 2)) - 1;
c = 1;
w = _parent.width - 3;
visline = _parent.targetTextArea.bottomScroll - (_parent.targetTextArea.scroll - 1);
alline = visline + _parent.targetTextArea.maxscroll;
hpar = visline / alline;
h = maxSize * hpar;
if (h < 10) {
h = 10;
move = maxSize - h;
oneScroll = move / (_parent.targetTextArea.maxscroll - 1);
_x = _parent.targetTextArea._width + 2;
_y = _parent._width;
yper = (_parent.targetTextArea.scroll - 1) / (_parent.targetTextArea.maxscroll - 1);
if (1 < yper) {
yper = 1;
y = move * yper;
var m = {matrixType:"box", x:x, y:y, w:w, h:h, r:Math.PI / 180};
lineStyle(1, 16777215, 100);
lineGradientStyle("linear", [color, color], [8, 80], [0, 255], m, "pad", "linearRGB", 0);
beginFill(bodyColor, 80);
moveTo(c, y + 0);
lineTo(0, y + c);
lineTo(0, (y + h) - c);
lineTo(c, y + h);
lineTo(w - c, y + h);
lineTo(w, (y + h) - c);
lineTo(w, y + c);
lineTo(w - c, y + 0);
lineStyle(1, color, 50);
moveTo((w * 1) / 4, (y + (h / 2)) - 1);
lineTo((w * 3) / 4, (y + (h / 2)) - 1);
moveTo((w * 1) / 4, (y + (h / 2)) + 3);
lineTo((w * 3) / 4, (y + (h / 2)) + 3);
moveTo((w * 1) / 4, (y + (h / 2)) + 1);
lineTo((w * 3) / 4, (y + (h / 2)) + 1);
moveTo((w * 1) / 4, (y + (h / 2)) - 3);
lineTo((w * 3) / 4, (y + (h / 2)) - 3);
delete = function () {
onMouseDown = function () {
if (_parent.visible && (this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true))) {
startScroll = _ymouse;
down = true;
if (avover) {
avdown = true;
if (blover) {
bldown = true;
onMouseUp = function () {
down = false;
avdown = true;
bldown = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (down) {
while ((oneScroll < (startScroll - _ymouse)) && (0 < _ymouse)) {
startScroll = startScroll - oneScroll;
while (((startScroll - _ymouse) < (oneScroll * -1)) && (maxSize >= _ymouse)) {
startScroll = startScroll + oneScroll;
if (!((((_parent.visible && (0 < _xmouse)) && (_xmouse < w)) && (0 < _ymouse)) && (_ymouse < y))) {
avdown = false;
avover = false;
} else if (avover == false) {
avover = true;
if (!avdown) {
avdownCount = 0;
} else {
if ((avdownCount == 1) || (8 < avdownCount)) {
_parent.targetTextArea.scroll = _parent.targetTextArea.scroll - visline;
if (!((((_parent.visible && (0 < _xmouse)) && (_xmouse < w)) && ((y + h) < _ymouse)) && (_ymouse < maxSize))) {
bldown = false;
blover = false;
} else if (blover == false) {
blover = true;
if (!bldown) {
bldownCount = 0;
} else {
if ((bldownCount == 1) || (8 < bldownCount)) {
_parent.targetTextArea.scroll = _parent.targetTextArea.scroll + visline;
Symbol 19986 MovieClip [縦スクロールバー(スライドの説明用)] Frame 1
visible = false;
createScrollBar = function () {
lineStyle(2, 15658734, 100);
moveTo(targetTextArea._width + 2, 2);
lineTo(targetTextArea._width + width, 2);
lineTo(targetTextArea._width + width, _parent.height);
lineTo(targetTextArea._width + 2, _parent.height);
lineTo(targetTextArea._width + 2, 2);
deleteScrollBar = function () {
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (visible) {
Symbol 19986 MovieClip [縦スクロールバー(スライドの説明用)] Frame 2
Symbol 19996 MovieClip [processor] Frame 1
this.createTextField("lblProcessingMsg", 0, 0, 0, Stage.width, Stage.height);
this.lblProcessingMsg.selectable = false;
var text_format = new TextFormat();
text_format.align = "center";
text_format.font = "_sans";
text_format.size = 32;
text_format.color = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */;
this.lblProcessingMsg.text = "\nProcessing...";