/disc/ · /res/ — /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/ | P0001 · P2574 · P5148 |
This is the info page for Flash #139760 |
Now Loading... |
(1) Back to previous picture. (2) Go to next picture. (3) Toggle zoom. (4) Number of the current image / Total number of images (5) If you are not the same size as the region in which the image to view the slideshow, you can move the image by dragging. (Which can be moved by dragging but there are some others. You can also hide the control that appears in the (1)-(4) from the context menu.) |
000/000 |
Processing... |
ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Frame 2function _showHelp() { _root.guiHelp._visible = true; } function _switchGUI() { _root.guiControl._visible = !_root.guiControl._visible; } function _enumSlideSizeList() { slideWidth = new Array(_root.slide._totalframes + 1); slideHeight = new Array(_root.slide._totalframes + 1); _root.slide.gotoAndStop(1); slideWidth[0] = (slideHeight[0] = 0); i = 1; for ( ; _root.slide._totalframes >= i ; i++) { slideWidth[i] = _root.slide._width; slideHeight[i] = _root.slide._height; _root.slide.nextFrame(); } _root.slide.gotoAndStop(1); } var slideWidth = eval("undefined"); var slideHeight = eval("undefined"); var isFullScale = 0; var _GUI_SCALE = 150; var _MENU_ITEM_NAME_1 = "How to use..."; var _MENU_ITEM_NAME_2 = "Show / Hide Controls..."; var _APP_NAME = "SlideShow Flash"; var _APP_AUTHOR = "Developed by aonan."; var _APP_COPYRIGHT = "Copyright(C)2012 aonan all rights reserved."; var _APP_MAJOR_VER = 2; var _APP_MINOR_VER = 5; var _APP_REVISION_VER = 0; var _APP_VERSION = ((_APP_MAJOR_VER + ".") + _APP_MINOR_VER); var menu_cm = new ContextMenu(); menu_cm.builtInItems.forward_back = false; menu_cm.builtInItems.loop = false; = false; menu_cm.builtInItems.print = true; menu_cm.builtInItems.quality = true; menu_cm.builtInItems.rewind = false; menu_cm.builtInItems.zoom = false; var menu_item_1 = new ContextMenuItem(); menu_item_1.caption = _MENU_ITEM_NAME_1; menu_item_1.enabled = true; menu_item_1.separatorBefore = false; menu_item_1.visible = true; menu_item_1.onSelect = function () { _showHelp(); }; var menu_item_2 = new ContextMenuItem(); menu_item_2.caption = _MENU_ITEM_NAME_2; menu_item_2.enabled = true; menu_item_2.separatorBefore = false; menu_item_2.visible = true; menu_item_2.onSelect = function () { _switchGUI(); }; var menu_item_3 = new ContextMenuItem(); menu_item_3.caption = (_APP_NAME + " ") + _APP_VERSION; menu_item_3.enabled = false; menu_item_3.separatorBefore = true; menu_item_3.visible = true; menu_item_3.onSelect = function () { }; var menu_item_4 = new ContextMenuItem(); menu_item_4.caption = _APP_AUTHOR; menu_item_4.enabled = false; menu_item_4.separatorBefore = false; menu_item_4.visible = true; menu_item_4.onSelect = function () { }; var menu_item_5 = new ContextMenuItem(); menu_item_5.caption = _APP_COPYRIGHT; menu_item_5.enabled = false; menu_item_5.separatorBefore = false; menu_item_5.visible = true; menu_item_5.onSelect = function () { }; menu_cm.customItems = [menu_item_1, menu_item_2, menu_item_3, menu_item_4, menu_item_5]; = menu_cm;Instance of Symbol 19954 MovieClip [guiHelp] "guiHelp" in Frame 3onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; var _quotWidth = (Stage.width / (this._width * (parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) / 100))); var _quotHeight = (Stage.height / (this._height * (parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) / 100))); if (1 < _quotWidth) { this._x = (Stage.width / 2) - ((this._width * (parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) / 100)) / 2); this._xscale = parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE); } if (1 < _quotHeight) { this._y = (Stage.height / 2) - ((this._height * (parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) / 100)) / 2); this._yscale = parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE); } if (_quotWidth < 1) { this._x = (Stage.width / 2) - (((this._width * (parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) / 100)) * _quotWidth) / 2); this._xscale = parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) * _quotWidth; } if (_quotHeight < 1) { this._y = (Stage.height / 2) - (((this._height * (parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) / 100)) * _quotHeight) / 2); this._yscale = parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) * _quotHeight; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { updateAfterEvent(); }Instance of Symbol 19956 MovieClip [guiControl] "guiControl" in Frame 3onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; var _quotWidth = (Stage.width / (this._width * (parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) / 100))); var _quotHeight = (Stage.height / (this._height * (parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) / 100))); if (1 < _quotWidth) { this._x = (Stage.width / 2) - ((this._width * (parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) / 100)) / 2); this._xscale = parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE); } if (1 < _quotHeight) { this._y = 0; this._yscale = parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE); } if (_quotWidth < 1) { this._x = (Stage.width / 2) - (((this._width * (parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) / 100)) * _quotWidth) / 2); this._xscale = parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) * _quotWidth; } if (_quotHeight < 1) { this._y = 0; this._yscale = parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) * _quotHeight; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { updateAfterEvent(); }Instance of Symbol 19958 MovieClip [slide] "slide" in Frame 3onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; this.gotoAndStop(1); } on (press) { this.startDrag(false, 0, 0, Stage.width - this._width, Stage.height - this._height); } on (release, releaseOutside) { this.stopDrag(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { updateAfterEvent(); }Instance of Symbol 19996 MovieClip [processor] "processor" in Frame 3onClipEvent (load) { _root._enumSlideSizeList(); _root.guiControl._calcImageScaleFact(); _root.guiControl._setImageScaleFact(); _root.guiControl._imgCentering(); _root.guiControl._Refresh(); _root.slide._visible = (_root.guiControl._visible = true); this._visible = false; }Frame 3stop();Symbol 20000 Buttonon (press) { this.startDrag(false, 0, 0, Stage.width - this._width, Stage.height - this._height); } on (release, releaseOutside) { this.stopDrag(); } on () { }Symbol 20001 Buttonon (press) { this.startDrag(false, 0, 0, Stage.width - this._width, Stage.height - this._height); } on (release, releaseOutside) { this.stopDrag(); } on () { }Symbol 20002 Buttonon (press) { this.startDrag(false, 0, 0, Stage.width - this._width, Stage.height - this._height); } on (release, releaseOutside) { this.stopDrag(); } on () { }Symbol 20003 Buttonon (release) { this._visible = false; } on () { }Symbol 20004 Buttonon (press) { this.startDrag(false, 0, 0, Stage.width - this._width, Stage.height - this._height); } on (release, releaseOutside) { this.stopDrag(); } on () { }Symbol 20005 Buttonon (release) { this._Back(); } on () { }Symbol 20006 Buttonon (press) { this.startDrag(false, 0, 0, Stage.width - this._width, Stage.height - this._height); } on (release, releaseOutside) { this.stopDrag(); } on () { }Symbol 20007 Buttonon (release) { this._Forward(); } on () { }Instance of Symbol 19962 MovieClip [btnReduce] "btnReduce" in Symbol 19956 MovieClip [guiControl] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; }Symbol 19956 MovieClip [guiControl] Frame 1function _Refresh() { _calcPosition(); } function _Back() { _root.slide.prevFrame(); _calcPosition(); if (!_root.isFullScale) { _recalcImageReduce(); } else { _recalcImageExpand(); } } function _Forward() { _root.slide.nextFrame(); _calcPosition(); if (!_root.isFullScale) { _recalcImageReduce(); } else { _recalcImageExpand(); } } function _imgExpand() { _resetImageScaleFact(); _imgCentering(); _switchExpandReduceBtn(); } function _imgReduce() { _calcImageScaleFact(); _setImageScaleFact(); _imgCentering(); _switchExpandReduceBtn(); } function _recalcImageExpand() { _resetImageScaleFact(); _imgCentering(); } function _recalcImageReduce() { _resetImageScaleFact(); _calcImageScaleFact(); _setImageScaleFact(); _imgCentering(); } function _calcPosition() { this.lblPages = (parseInt(_root.slide._currentframe) + "/") + parseInt(_root.slide._totalframes); } function _resetImageScaleFact() { _root.slide._width = _root.slideWidth[_root.slide._currentframe]; _root.slide._height = _root.slideHeight[_root.slide._currentframe]; } function _calcImageScaleFact() { _quotWidth = Stage.width / _root.slideWidth[_root.slide._currentframe]; _quotHeight = Stage.height / _root.slideHeight[_root.slide._currentframe]; } function _setImageScaleFact() { if ((_quotWidth < 1) || (_quotHeight < 1)) { if (_quotHeight >= _quotWidth) { if (_quotWidth >= _quotHeight) { _root.slide._width = _quotWidth * _root.slideWidth[_root.slide._currentframe]; _root.slide._height = _quotHeight * _root.slideHeight[_root.slide._currentframe]; } else { _root.slide._width = _root.slideWidth[_root.slide._currentframe]; if (_quotWidth < 1) { _root.slide._width = Stage.width; } _root.slide._height = _quotWidth * _root.slideHeight[_root.slide._currentframe]; } } else { _root.slide._width = _quotHeight * _root.slideWidth[_root.slide._currentframe]; _root.slide._height = _root.slideHeight[_root.slide._currentframe]; if (_quotHeight < 1) { _root.slide._height = Stage.height; } } } } function _imgCentering() { _root.slide._x = (Stage.width / 2) - (_root.slide._width / 2); _root.slide._y = (Stage.height / 2) - (_root.slide._height / 2); } function _switchExpandReduceBtn() { this.btnExpand._visible = this.btnReduce._visible; this.btnReduce._visible = !this.btnExpand._visible; _root.isFullScale = !_root.isFullScale; } var _quotWidth = 0; var _quotHeight = 0;Symbol 20008 Buttonon (release) { _parent._imgExpand(); } on () { }Symbol 20009 Buttonon (release) { _parent._imgReduce(); } on () { }
Library Items
Symbol 19966 Graphic | Used by:19998 20001 20004 19996 | |
Symbol 19993 Font | Used by:19994 | |
Symbol 19994 EditableText | Uses:19993 | Used by:19998 |
Symbol 19998 MovieClip [loader] | Uses:19966 19994 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 19963 Bitmap | Used by:19964 | |
Symbol 19964 Graphic | Uses:19963 | Used by:20000 |
Symbol 19968 Graphic | Used by:20005 | |
Symbol 19970 Graphic | Used by:20005 | |
Symbol 19972 Graphic | Used by:20007 | |
Symbol 19974 Graphic | Used by:20007 | |
Symbol 19976 Graphic | Used by:20003 | |
Symbol 19978 Graphic | Used by:20003 | |
Symbol 19980 Graphic | Used by:20008 | |
Symbol 19982 Graphic | Used by:20008 | |
Symbol 19984 Graphic | Used by:20009 | |
Symbol 19986 Graphic | Used by:20009 | |
Symbol 19987 Font | Used by:19988 | |
Symbol 19988 EditableText | Uses:19987 | Used by:20002 |
Symbol 19989 Font | Used by:19990 | |
Symbol 19990 EditableText | Uses:19989 | Used by:20006 |
Symbol 19991 Font | Used by:19992 | |
Symbol 19992 EditableText | Uses:19991 | Used by:19996 |
Symbol 1 Bitmap | Used by:2 | |
Symbol 2 Graphic | Uses:1 | Used by:19958 |
Symbol 3 Bitmap | Used by:4 | |
Symbol 4 Graphic | Uses:3 | Used by:19958 |
Symbol 5 Bitmap | Used by:6 | |
Symbol 6 Graphic | Uses:5 | Used by:19958 |
Symbol 7 Bitmap | Used by:8 | |
Symbol 8 Graphic | Uses:7 | Used by:19958 |
Symbol 9 Bitmap | Used by:10 | |
Symbol 10 Graphic | Uses:9 | Used by:19958 |
Symbol 11 Bitmap | Used by:12 | |
Symbol 12 Graphic | Uses:11 | Used by:19958 |
Symbol 13 Bitmap | Used by:14 | |
Symbol 14 Graphic | Uses:13 | Used by:19958 |
Symbol 15 Bitmap | Used by:16 | |
Symbol 16 Graphic | Uses:15 | Used by:19958 |
Symbol 17 Bitmap | Used by:18 | |
Symbol 18 Graphic | Uses:17 | Used by:19958 |
Symbol 19 Bitmap | Used by:20 | |
Symbol 20 Graphic | Uses:19 | Used by:19958 |
Symbol 21 Bitmap | Used by:22 | |
Symbol 22 Graphic | Uses:21 | Used by:19958 |
Symbol 23 Bitmap | Used by:24 | |
Symbol 24 Graphic | Uses:23 | Used by:19958 |
Symbol 25 Bitmap | Used by:26 | |
Symbol 26 Graphic | Uses:25 | Used by:19958 |
Symbol 27 Bitmap | Used by:28 | |
Symbol 28 Graphic | Uses:27 | Used by:19958 |
Symbol 29 Bitmap | Used by:30 | |
Symbol 30 Graphic | Uses:29 | Used by:19958 |
Symbol 31 Bitmap | Used by:32 | |
Symbol 32 Graphic | Uses:31 | Used by:19958 |
Symbol 33 Bitmap | Used by:34 | |
Symbol 34 Graphic | Uses:33 | Used by:19958 |
Symbol 20000 Button | Uses:19964 | Used by:19954 |
Symbol 20001 Button | Uses:19966 | Used by:19954 |
Symbol 20002 Button | Uses:19988 | Used by:19954 |
Symbol 20003 Button | Uses:19978 19976 | Used by:19954 |
Symbol 19954 MovieClip [guiHelp] | Uses:20000 20001 20002 20003 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 20004 Button | Uses:19966 | Used by:19956 |
Symbol 20005 Button | Uses:19968 19970 | Used by:19956 |
Symbol 20006 Button | Uses:19990 | Used by:19956 |
Symbol 20007 Button | Uses:19972 19974 | Used by:19956 |
Symbol 19956 MovieClip [guiControl] | Uses:20004 20005 19960 19962 20006 20007 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 19958 MovieClip [slide] | Uses:2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 20008 Button | Uses:19980 19982 | Used by:19960 |
Symbol 19960 MovieClip [btnExpand] | Uses:20008 | Used by:19956 |
Symbol 20009 Button | Uses:19984 19986 | Used by:19962 |
Symbol 19962 MovieClip [btnReduce] | Uses:20009 | Used by:19956 |
Symbol 19996 MovieClip [processor] | Uses:19966 19992 | Used by:Timeline |
Instance Names
"_PreLoader" | Frame 1 | Symbol 19998 MovieClip [loader] |
"guiHelp" | Frame 3 | Symbol 19954 MovieClip [guiHelp] |
"guiControl" | Frame 3 | Symbol 19956 MovieClip [guiControl] |
"slide" | Frame 3 | Symbol 19958 MovieClip [slide] |
"processor" | Frame 3 | Symbol 19996 MovieClip [processor] |
"ins_lblLoaderMsg" | Symbol 19998 MovieClip [loader] Frame 1 | Symbol 19994 EditableText |
"ins_lblHelpMsg" | Symbol 19954 MovieClip [guiHelp] Frame 1 | Symbol 20002 Button |
"btnExpand" | Symbol 19956 MovieClip [guiControl] Frame 1 | Symbol 19960 MovieClip [btnExpand] |
"btnReduce" | Symbol 19956 MovieClip [guiControl] Frame 1 | Symbol 19962 MovieClip [btnReduce] |
"ins_lblPages" | Symbol 19956 MovieClip [guiControl] Frame 1 | Symbol 20006 Button |
"ins_lblProcessingMsg" | Symbol 19996 MovieClip [processor] Frame 1 | Symbol 19992 EditableText |
Special Tags
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 19998 as "loader" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 19954 as "guiHelp" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 19956 as "guiControl" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 19958 as "slide" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 19960 as "btnExpand" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 19962 as "btnReduce" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 19996 as "processor" |
"↓ ここから先はカスタマイズ等、必要な時以外は編集しないでください ↓" | Frame 3 |
Dynamic Text Variables
lblLoaderMsg | Symbol 19994 EditableText | "Now Loading..." |
lblHelpMsg | Symbol 19988 EditableText | "(1) Back to previous picture. (2) Go to next picture. (3) Toggle zoom. (4) Number of the current image / Total number of images (5) If you are not the same size as the region in which the image to view the slideshow, you can move the image by dragging. (Which can be moved by dragging but there are some others. You can also hide the control that appears in the (1)-(4) from the context menu.)" |
lblPages | Symbol 19990 EditableText | "000/000" |
lblProcessingMsg | Symbol 19992 EditableText | "Processing..." |