Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2598 · P5196

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

'Unaware...' or 'Krystal Visit's Earth' OC Slideshow (FLASH) by xtreme7 (MacroMicroCanidVulpine StarfoxStompPawCrushWaltermatthauAhdamnitHerewegoagain).swf

This is the info page for
Flash #139836

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)




<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="18" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0">watch again</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="18" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0">play</font></p>

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 3
stop(); _global.showboolean = 0; _global.havemusic = 1; _global.autoplay = 1; _global.autorepeat = 1; _global.showbutton = 1; _global.enableurl = 1; _global.continueplay = 1; _global.total_images = 6; _global.flash_width = 900; _global.flash_height = 700; _global.thumnail_width = 120; _global.thumnail_height = 90; _global.frame_rate = 25; _global.show_title = 0; _global.album_title = "Documents"; _global.url_target = 0; _global.title_0 = "Krystal Stomp OC"; _global.title_1 = "hjujhu"; _global.title_2 = "fdsfsd"; _global.title_3 = "ghh"; _global.title_4 = "kmkj"; _global.title_5 = "hhhhhh"; _global.url_0 = ""; _global.url_1 = ""; _global.url_2 = ""; _global.url_3 = ""; _global.url_4 = ""; _global.url_5 = ""; _global.trans_id_0 = 3; _global.trans_id_1 = 3; _global.trans_id_2 = 29; _global.trans_id_3 = 20; _global.trans_id_4 = 29; _global.trans_id_5 = 28; _global.trans_0 = 2; _global.trans_1 = 2; _global.trans_2 = 2; _global.trans_3 = 2; _global.trans_4 = 2; _global.trans_5 = 2; _global.show_0 = 2; _global.show_1 = 2; _global.show_2 = 2; _global.show_3 = 2; _global.show_4 = 2; _global.show_5 = 2; _global.file_0 = "images\\0.jpg"; _global.file_1 = "images\\1.jpg"; _global.file_2 = "images\\2.jpg"; _global.file_3 = "images\\3.jpg"; _global.file_4 = "images\\4.jpg"; _global.file_5 = "images\\5.jpg";
Symbol 703 MovieClip [mask_full_photo] Frame 1
var mask_total = 0; photo_width = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoWidth(); photo_height = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoHeight(); transitionDuration = _parent._parent.control.getCurrentTransitionFrames(); var delScale = (100 / transitionDuration); var mask_num = 0; this.createEmptyMovieClip("mask2_mc", 1); with (mask2_mc) { beginFill(15728640); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(photo_width, 0); lineTo(photo_width, photo_height); lineTo(0, photo_height); lineTo(0, 0); endFill(); } onEnterFrame = function () { with (mask2_mc) { _x = 0; _y = 0; _xscale = 100; _yscale = 100; delete this.onEnterFrame; } };
Symbol 704 MovieClip [mask_28] Frame 1
function maskTransition() { with (_parent._parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = 100; } with (this.mask2_mc) { _x = photo_width / 2; _y = ((photo_height / 2) * (100 - (i * delScale))) / 100; _xscale = i * delScale; _yscale = i * delScale; } i++; if (i > transitionDuration) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } } photo_width = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoWidth(); photo_height = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoHeight(); transitionDuration = _parent._parent.control.getCurrentTransitionFrames(); var delScale = (100 / transitionDuration); var left; var top; var right; var bottom; left = (-photo_width) / 2; top = 0; right = photo_width / 2; bottom = photo_height; var midX = (((right - left) / 2) + left); var midY = (((bottom - top) / 2) + top); var radius = (2 * (midY - top)); var hLeft = (midX - radius); var hTop = (midY - radius); var startY = int(hTop + ((double(midY - hTop) * 2) / 5)); var px = new Array(61); var py = new Array(61); var angle = 0; k = 0; while (k <= 30) { xt = hLeft + (Math.cos(angle) * radius); yt = startY - (Math.sin(angle) * radius); px[k] = xt; py[k] = yt; angle = angle + 0.1309; k++; } px[30] = midX; py[30] = py[29] + ((5 * (midX - px[29])) / 6); k = 31; while (k < 60) { px[k] = (2 * midX) - px[60 - k]; py[k] = py[60 - k]; k++; } this.createEmptyMovieClip("mask2_mc", 1); with (mask2_mc) { beginFill(15728640); moveTo(px[0], py[0]); k = 1; while (k < 60) { lineTo(px[k], py[k]); k++; } lineTo(px[0], py[0]); endFill(); } i = 0; onEnterFrame = maskTransition;
Symbol 705 MovieClip [mask_27] Frame 1
function draw_mask(mask, a, b, c, d) { var _local1 = mask; var _local2 = b; var _local3 = a; _local1.clear(); _local1.lineStyle(0, 0); _local1.moveTo(_local3, _local2); _local1.beginFill(0); _local1.lineTo(_local3, d); _local1.lineTo(c, d); _local1.lineTo(c, _local2); _local1.lineTo(_local3, _local2); _local1.endFill(); } photo_width = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoWidth(); photo_height = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoHeight(); transitionDuration = _parent._parent.control.getCurrentTransitionFrames(); var delScale = (100 / transitionDuration); var mask_num = 0; var mask_total = 19; var temp_height = new Array(20); k = 0; while (k <= 19) { var mask_mc = this.createEmptyMovieClip("block" + k, k); temp_height[k] = 1 + random(10); draw_mask(eval ("block" + k), 0, 0, ((photo_width * 1) / 20) + 1, photo_height); setProperty("block" + k, _x , (photo_width * k) / 20); setProperty("block" + k, _y , 0); setProperty("block" + k, _yscale , 0); k++; } onEnterFrame = function () { with (_parent._parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = 100; } if (mask_num < 21) { k = 0; while (k <= 19) { c = eval (("block" + k) + "._yscale"); if (c < 100) { setProperty("block" + k, _yscale , (mask_num * 5) + (temp_height[k] * 4)); } k++; } mask_num++; } else { mask_num = 0; delete onEnterFrame; } };
Symbol 706 MovieClip [mask_26] Frame 1
function draw_round_mask(mask, radius, a, b) { var _local1 = radius; var _local2 = b; var _local3 = a; mask.clear(); mask.lineStyle(0, 0); mask.moveTo(_local3, _local2 + _local1); mask.beginFill(0); mask.curveTo(_local3 + _local1, _local2 + _local1, _local3 + _local1, _local2); mask.curveTo(_local3 + _local1, _local2 - _local1, _local3, _local2 - _local1); mask.curveTo(_local3 - _local1, _local2 - _local1, _local3 - _local1, _local2); mask.curveTo(_local3 - _local1, _local2 + _local1, _local3, _local2 + _local1); mask.endFill(); } photo_width = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoWidth(); photo_height = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoHeight(); transitionDuration = _parent._parent.control.getCurrentTransitionFrames(); var delScale = (100 / transitionDuration); var mask_num = 0; var radius = 80; var seg = Math.floor(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(radius, 2) / 2)); var x_num = Math.ceil(photo_width / seg); var y_num = Math.ceil(photo_height / seg); var mask_total = ((x_num * y_num) - 1); k = 0; while (k < y_num) { l = 0; while (l < x_num) { var mask_mc = this.createEmptyMovieClip("block" + ((k * x_num) + l), (k * x_num) + l); draw_round_mask(mask_mc, radius, 0, 0); mask_mc._x = seg * l; mask_mc._y = seg * k; mask_mc._xscale = 0; mask_mc._yscale = 0; l++; } k++; } onEnterFrame = function () { with (_parent._parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = 100; } if (mask_num < 34) { k = 0; while (k < y_num) { l = 0; while (l < x_num) { setProperty("block" + ((k * x_num) + l), _xscale , mask_num * 3); setProperty("block" + ((k * x_num) + l), _yscale , mask_num * 3); l++; } k++; } mask_num++; } else { mask_num = 0; delete onEnterFrame; } };
Symbol 707 MovieClip [mask_25] Frame 1
function draw_mask(mask, a, b, c, d) { var _local1 = mask; var _local2 = b; var _local3 = a; _local1.clear(); _local1.lineStyle(0, 0); _local1.moveTo(_local3, _local2); _local1.beginFill(0); _local1.lineTo(_local3, d); _local1.lineTo(c, d); _local1.lineTo(c, _local2); _local1.lineTo(_local3, _local2); _local1.endFill(); } photo_width = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoWidth(); photo_height = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoHeight(); transitionDuration = _parent._parent.control.getCurrentTransitionFrames(); var delScale = (100 / transitionDuration); var mask_num = 0; var mask_total = 0; mask_w = photo_width; mask_h = photo_height; var mask_mc = this.createEmptyMovieClip("block0", 0); mask_mc.clear(); mask_mc.lineStyle(0, 0); mask_mc.moveTo(0, -mask_h); mask_mc.beginFill(0); mask_mc.lineTo(-mask_w, 0); mask_mc.lineTo(0, mask_h); mask_mc.lineTo(mask_w, 0); mask_mc.lineTo(0, -mask_h); mask_mc.endFill(); mask_mc._x = mask_w / 2; mask_mc._y = mask_h / 2; mask_mc._xscale = 0; mask_mc._yscale = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { with (_parent._parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = 100; } if (mask_num < 21) { mask_mc._xscale = mask_num * 5; mask_mc._yscale = mask_num * 5; mask_num++; } else { mask_num = 0; delete onEnterFrame; } };
Symbol 708 MovieClip [mask_24] Frame 1
function draw_mask(mask, a, b, c, d) { var _local1 = mask; var _local2 = b; var _local3 = a; _local1.clear(); _local1.lineStyle(0, 0); _local1.moveTo(_local3, _local2); _local1.beginFill(0); _local1.lineTo(_local3, d); _local1.lineTo(c, d); _local1.lineTo(c, _local2); _local1.lineTo(_local3, _local2); _local1.endFill(); } photo_width = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoWidth(); photo_height = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoHeight(); transitionDuration = _parent._parent.control.getCurrentTransitionFrames(); var delScale = (100 / transitionDuration); var mask_num = 0; var mask_total = 3; var mask_mc140 = this.createEmptyMovieClip("block0", 0); draw_mask(mask_mc140, 0, 0, photo_width / 2, photo_height / 2); with (mask_mc140) { _x = 0; _y = 0; _xscale = 0; _yscale = 0; } var mask_mc141 = this.createEmptyMovieClip("block1", 1); draw_mask(mask_mc141, 0, 0, photo_height / 2, photo_width / 2); with (mask_mc141) { _x = photo_width; _y = 0; _rotation = 90; _xscale = 0; _yscale = 0; } var mask_mc142 = this.createEmptyMovieClip("block2", 2); draw_mask(mask_mc142, 0, 0, photo_width / 2, photo_height / 2); with (mask_mc142) { _x = photo_width; _y = photo_height; _rotation = 180; _xscale = 0; _yscale = 0; } var mask_mc143 = this.createEmptyMovieClip("block3", 3); draw_mask(mask_mc143, 0, 0, photo_height / 2, photo_width / 2); with (mask_mc143) { _x = 0; _y = photo_height; _rotation = -90; _xscale = 0; _yscale = 0; } onEnterFrame = function () { with (_parent._parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = 100; } if (mask_num < 21) { mask_mc140._xscale = mask_num * 5; mask_mc140._yscale = mask_num * 5; mask_mc141._xscale = mask_num * 5; mask_mc141._yscale = mask_num * 5; mask_mc142._xscale = mask_num * 5; mask_mc142._yscale = mask_num * 5; mask_mc143._xscale = mask_num * 5; mask_mc143._yscale = mask_num * 5; mask_num++; } else { mask_num = 0; delete onEnterFrame; } };
Symbol 709 MovieClip [mask_23] Frame 1
function draw_mask(mask, a, b, c, d) { var _local1 = mask; var _local2 = b; var _local3 = a; _local1.clear(); _local1.lineStyle(0, 0); _local1.moveTo(_local3, _local2); _local1.beginFill(0); _local1.lineTo(_local3, d); _local1.lineTo(c, d); _local1.lineTo(c, _local2); _local1.lineTo(_local3, _local2); _local1.endFill(); } photo_width = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoWidth(); photo_height = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoHeight(); transitionDuration = _parent._parent.control.getCurrentTransitionFrames(); var delScale = (100 / transitionDuration); var mask_num = 0; var mask_total = 0; var scale_num = 18; var mask_mc11 = this.createEmptyMovieClip("block0", 0); draw_mask(mask_mc11, 0, 0, photo_height, photo_width); with (mask_mc11) { _x = 0; _y = photo_height; _rotation = -90; _xscale = 0; _yscale = 0; } onEnterFrame = function () { with (_parent._parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = 100; } if (mask_num < scale_num) { mask_mc11._xscale = mask_num * 6; mask_mc11._yscale = mask_num * 6; mask_num++; } else { mask_num = 0; delete onEnterFrame; } };
Symbol 710 MovieClip [mask_22] Frame 1
function draw_mask(mask, a, b, c, d) { var _local1 = mask; var _local2 = b; var _local3 = a; _local1.clear(); _local1.lineStyle(0, 0); _local1.moveTo(_local3, _local2); _local1.beginFill(0); _local1.lineTo(_local3, d); _local1.lineTo(c, d); _local1.lineTo(c, _local2); _local1.lineTo(_local3, _local2); _local1.endFill(); } photo_width = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoWidth(); photo_height = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoHeight(); transitionDuration = _parent._parent.control.getCurrentTransitionFrames(); var delScale = (100 / transitionDuration); var mask_num = 0; var mask_total = 0; var scale_num = 18; var mask_mc10 = this.createEmptyMovieClip("block0", 0); draw_mask(mask_mc10, 0, 0, photo_height, photo_width); with (mask_mc10) { _x = photo_width; _y = 0; _rotation = 90; _xscale = 0; _yscale = 0; } onEnterFrame = function () { with (_parent._parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = 100; } if (mask_num < scale_num) { mask_mc10._xscale = mask_num * 6; mask_mc10._yscale = mask_num * 6; mask_num++; } else { mask_num = 0; delete onEnterFrame; } };
Symbol 711 MovieClip [mask_21] Frame 1
function draw_mask(mask, a, b, c, d) { var _local1 = mask; var _local2 = b; var _local3 = a; _local1.clear(); _local1.lineStyle(0, 0); _local1.moveTo(_local3, _local2); _local1.beginFill(0); _local1.lineTo(_local3, d); _local1.lineTo(c, d); _local1.lineTo(c, _local2); _local1.lineTo(_local3, _local2); _local1.endFill(); } photo_width = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoWidth(); photo_height = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoHeight(); transitionDuration = _parent._parent.control.getCurrentTransitionFrames(); var delScale = (100 / transitionDuration); var mask_num = 0; var mask_total = 0; var scale_num = 18; var mask_mc9 = this.createEmptyMovieClip("block0", 0); draw_mask(mask_mc9, 0, 0, photo_width, photo_height); with (mask_mc9) { _x = photo_width; _y = photo_height; _rotation = 180; _xscale = 0; _yscale = 0; } onEnterFrame = function () { with (_parent._parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = 100; } if (mask_num < scale_num) { mask_mc9._xscale = mask_num * 6; mask_mc9._yscale = mask_num * 6; mask_num++; } else { mask_num = 0; delete onEnterFrame; } };
Symbol 712 MovieClip [mask_20] Frame 1
photo_width = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoWidth(); photo_height = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoHeight(); transitionDuration = _parent._parent.control.getCurrentTransitionFrames(); var delScale = (100 / transitionDuration); var mask_num = 0; var dia_line = Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(photo_width * 1, 2) + Math.pow(photo_height * 1, 2))); var dia_radian = Math.atan(((photo_height * 1) / photo_width) * 1); var dia_angle = ((180 * dia_radian) / 3.141593); var seg_x = ((11 * Math.cos(dia_radian)) / Math.cos((3.141593 * (90 - (2 * dia_angle))) / 180)); var seg_y = ((11 * Math.sin(dia_radian)) / Math.cos((3.141593 * (90 - (2 * dia_angle))) / 180)); var mask_total = Math.ceil((photo_width * 1) / seg_x); onEnterFrame = function () { with (_parent._parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = 100; } if (mask_num <= mask_total) { mc = this.attachMovie("block", "block" + mask_num, mask_num); mc._x = ((-mask_num) * seg_x) + ((photo_width * 1) / 2); mc._y = (((-mask_num) * seg_y) + ((photo_height * 3) / 2)) + 11; mc._rotation = -90 - dia_angle; mc._yscale = Math.ceil((dia_line * 110) / mc._height); mask_num++; } else { mask_num = 0; delete onEnterFrame; } };
Symbol 713 MovieClip [mask_19] Frame 1
photo_width = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoWidth(); photo_height = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoHeight(); transitionDuration = _parent._parent.control.getCurrentTransitionFrames(); var delScale = (100 / transitionDuration); var mask_num = 0; var dia_line = Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(photo_width * 1, 2) + Math.pow(photo_height * 1, 2))); var dia_radian = Math.atan(((photo_height * 1) / photo_width) * 1); var dia_angle = ((180 * dia_radian) / 3.141593); var seg_x = ((11 * Math.cos(dia_radian)) / Math.cos((3.141593 * (90 - (2 * dia_angle))) / 180)); var seg_y = ((11 * Math.sin(dia_radian)) / Math.cos((3.141593 * (90 - (2 * dia_angle))) / 180)); var mask_total = Math.ceil((photo_width * 1) / seg_x); onEnterFrame = function () { with (_parent._parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = 100; } if (mask_num <= mask_total) { mc = this.attachMovie("block", "block" + mask_num, mask_num); mc._x = ((mask_num * seg_x) - ((photo_width * 1) / 2)) - 11; mc._y = ((-mask_num) * seg_y) + ((photo_height * 1) / 2); mc._rotation = -90 + dia_angle; mc._yscale = Math.ceil((dia_line * 110) / mc._height); mask_num++; } else { mask_num = 0; delete onEnterFrame; } };
Symbol 714 MovieClip [mask_18] Frame 1
photo_width = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoWidth(); photo_height = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoHeight(); transitionDuration = _parent._parent.control.getCurrentTransitionFrames(); var delScale = (100 / transitionDuration); var mask_num = 0; var dia_line = Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(photo_width * 1, 2) + Math.pow(photo_height * 1, 2))); var dia_radian = Math.atan(((photo_height * 1) / photo_width) * 1); var dia_angle = ((180 * dia_radian) / 3.141593); var seg_x = ((11 * Math.cos(dia_radian)) / Math.cos((3.141593 * (90 - (2 * dia_angle))) / 180)); var seg_y = ((11 * Math.sin(dia_radian)) / Math.cos((3.141593 * (90 - (2 * dia_angle))) / 180)); var mask_total = Math.ceil((photo_width * 1) / seg_x); onEnterFrame = function () { with (_parent._parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = 100; } if (mask_num <= mask_total) { mc = this.attachMovie("block", "block" + mask_num, mask_num); mc._x = ((-mask_num) * seg_x) + ((photo_width * 3) / 2); mc._y = ((mask_num * seg_y) + ((photo_height * 1) / 2)) - 11; mc._rotation = 90 + dia_angle; mc._yscale = Math.ceil((dia_line * 110) / mc._height); mask_num++; } else { mask_num = 0; delete onEnterFrame; } };
Symbol 715 MovieClip [mask_17] Frame 1
photo_width = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoWidth(); photo_height = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoHeight(); transitionDuration = _parent._parent.control.getCurrentTransitionFrames(); var delScale = (100 / transitionDuration); var mask_num = 0; var dia_line = Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(photo_width * 1, 2) + Math.pow(photo_height * 1, 2))); var dia_radian = Math.atan(((photo_height * 1) / photo_width) * 1); var dia_angle = ((180 * dia_radian) / 3.141593); var seg_x = ((11 * Math.cos(dia_radian)) / Math.cos((3.141593 * (90 - (2 * dia_angle))) / 180)); var seg_y = ((11 * Math.sin(dia_radian)) / Math.cos((3.141593 * (90 - (2 * dia_angle))) / 180)); var mask_total = Math.ceil((photo_width * 1) / seg_x); onEnterFrame = function () { with (_parent._parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = 100; } if (mask_num <= mask_total) { mc = this.attachMovie("block", "block" + mask_num, mask_num); mc._x = (mask_num * seg_x) + ((photo_width * 1) / 2); mc._y = ((mask_num * seg_y) - ((photo_height * 1) / 2)) - 11; mc._rotation = 90 - dia_angle; mc._yscale = Math.ceil((dia_line * 110) / mc._height); mask_num++; } else { mask_num = 0; delete onEnterFrame; } };
Symbol 716 MovieClip [mask_16] Frame 1
photo_width = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoWidth(); photo_height = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoHeight(); transitionDuration = _parent._parent.control.getCurrentTransitionFrames(); var delScale = (100 / transitionDuration); var mask_num = 0; var mask_total = (Math.floor(((photo_height * 1) + 45) / 11) + 1); onEnterFrame = function () { with (_parent._parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = 100; } if (mask_num <= mask_total) { mc = this.attachMovie("block", "block" + mask_num, mask_num); mc._x = 0; mc._y = ((mask_total - 4) - mask_num) * 11; mc._yscale = Math.ceil((photo_width * 100) / mc._height); mc._rotation = -90; mask_num++; } else { mask_num = 0; delete onEnterFrame; } };
Symbol 717 MovieClip [mask_15] Frame 1
photo_width = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoWidth(); photo_height = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoHeight(); transitionDuration = _parent._parent.control.getCurrentTransitionFrames(); var delScale = (100 / transitionDuration); var mask_num = 0; var mask_total = (Math.floor(((photo_height * 1) + 45) / 11) + 1); onEnterFrame = function () { with (_parent._parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = 100; } if (mask_num <= mask_total) { mc = this.attachMovie("block", "block" + mask_num, mask_num); mc._x = photo_width; mc._y = mask_num * 11; mc._yscale = Math.ceil((photo_width * 100) / mc._height); mc._rotation = 90; mask_num++; } else { mask_num = 0; delete onEnterFrame; } };
Symbol 718 MovieClip [mask_14] Frame 1
photo_width = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoWidth(); photo_height = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoHeight(); transitionDuration = _parent._parent.control.getCurrentTransitionFrames(); var delScale = (100 / transitionDuration); var mask_total = (Math.floor(((photo_width * 1) + 45) / 11) + 1); var mask_num = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { with (_parent._parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = 100; } if (mask_num <= mask_total) { mc = this.attachMovie("block", "block" + mask_num, mask_num); mc._x = ((mask_total - 4) - mask_num) * 11; mc._y = photo_height; mc._rotation = 180; mc._yscale = Math.ceil((photo_height * 100) / mc._height); mask_num++; } else { mask_num = 0; delete onEnterFrame; } };
Symbol 719 MovieClip [mask_13] Frame 1
function draw_mask(mask, a, b, c, d) { var _local1 = mask; var _local2 = b; var _local3 = a; _local1.clear(); _local1.lineStyle(0, 0); _local1.moveTo(_local3, _local2); _local1.beginFill(0); _local1.lineTo(_local3, d); _local1.lineTo(c, d); _local1.lineTo(c, _local2); _local1.lineTo(_local3, _local2); _local1.endFill(); } var mask_total = 0; photo_width = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoWidth(); photo_height = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoHeight(); transitionDuration = _parent._parent.control.getCurrentTransitionFrames(); var delScale = (100 / transitionDuration); var mask_num = 0; var mask_mc = this.createEmptyMovieClip("block0", 0); draw_mask(mask_mc, 0, 0, photo_width, photo_height); mask_mc._x = photo_width / 2; mask_mc._y = photo_height / 2; mask_mc._xscale = 0; mask_mc._yscale = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { with (_parent._parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = 100; } if (mask_num < transitionDuration) { mask_mc._xscale = mask_num * 5; mask_mc._yscale = mask_num * 5; mask_mc._x = (photo_width / 2) - (((photo_width * mask_num) * 5) / 200); mask_mc._y = (photo_height / 2) - (((photo_height * mask_num) * 5) / 200); mask_num++; } else { delete onEnterFrame; } };
Symbol 720 MovieClip [mask_12] Frame 1
function maskTransition() { with (_parent._parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = 100; } k = 0; while (k < m) { arrayCount = clipArray.length; nIndex = random(arrayCount); setProperty(clipArray[nIndex], _xscale , 100); setProperty(clipArray[nIndex], _yscale , 100); clipArray.splice(nIndex, 1); k++; } i++; if (i > transitionDuration) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } } slide_count = 20; i = 0; photo_width = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoWidth(); photo_height = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoHeight(); transitionDuration = _parent._parent.control.getCurrentTransitionFrames(); delScale = 100 / transitionDuration; this.createEmptyMovieClip("mask2_mc", 1); with (mask2_mc) { beginFill(15728640); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(Math.ceil(photo_width / slide_count), 0); lineTo(Math.ceil(photo_width / slide_count), Math.ceil(photo_height / slide_count)); lineTo(0, Math.ceil(photo_height / slide_count)); lineTo(0, 0); endFill(); } var clipArray = new Array(); j = 0; while (j < slide_count) { k = 0; while (k < slide_count) { duplicateMovieClip ("mask2_mc", (("mask_mc_" + j) + "_") + k, ((j * slide_count) + k) + 3); setProperty((("mask_mc_" + j) + "_") + k, _x , (photo_width / slide_count) * j); setProperty((("mask_mc_" + j) + "_") + k, _y , (photo_height / slide_count) * k); setProperty((("mask_mc_" + j) + "_") + k, _xscale , 0); setProperty((("mask_mc_" + j) + "_") + k, _yscale , 0); clipArray[(j * slide_count) + k] = (("mask_mc_" + j) + "_") + k; k++; } j++; } arrayCount = clipArray.length; m = Math.round((arrayCount / transitionDuration) + 0.5); if (m < 1) { m = 1; } onEnterFrame = maskTransition;
Symbol 721 MovieClip [mask_11] Frame 1
function maskTransition() { with (_parent._parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = 100; } mask2_mc._xscale = 100; mask2_mc._yscale = i * delScale; j = 0; while (j < slide_count) { setProperty("mask_mc_" + j, _xscale , 100); setProperty("mask_mc_" + j, _yscale , i * delScale); j++; } i++; if (i > transitionDuration) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } } slide_count = 16; i = 0; photo_width = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoWidth(); photo_height = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoHeight(); transitionDuration = _parent._parent.control.getCurrentTransitionFrames(); delScale = 100 / transitionDuration; this.createEmptyMovieClip("mask2_mc", 1); with (mask2_mc) { beginFill(15728640); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(photo_width, 0); lineTo(photo_width, (photo_height / slide_count) + 0.5); lineTo(0, (photo_height / slide_count) + 0.5); lineTo(0, 0); endFill(); } j = 1; while (j < slide_count) { duplicateMovieClip ("mask2_mc", "mask_mc_" + j, j + 2); setProperty("mask_mc_" + j, _x , 0); setProperty("mask_mc_" + j, _y , (photo_height / slide_count) * j); j++; } onEnterFrame = maskTransition;
Symbol 722 MovieClip [mask_10] Frame 1
function maskTransition() { with (_parent._parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = 100; } mask2_mc._xscale = i * delScale; mask2_mc._yscale = 100; j = 0; while (j < slide_count) { setProperty("mask_mc_" + j, _xscale , i * delScale); setProperty("mask_mc_" + j, _yscale , 100); j++; } i++; if (i > transitionDuration) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } } slide_count = 16; i = 0; photo_width = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoWidth(); photo_height = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoHeight(); transitionDuration = _parent._parent.control.getCurrentTransitionFrames(); delScale = 100 / transitionDuration; this.createEmptyMovieClip("mask2_mc", 1); with (mask2_mc) { beginFill(15728640); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo((photo_width / slide_count) + 0.5, 0); lineTo((photo_width / slide_count) + 0.5, photo_height); lineTo(0, photo_height); lineTo(0, 0); endFill(); } j = 1; while (j < slide_count) { duplicateMovieClip ("mask2_mc", "mask_mc_" + j, j + 2); setProperty("mask_mc_" + j, _x , (photo_width / slide_count) * j); setProperty("mask_mc_" + j, _y , 0); j++; } onEnterFrame = maskTransition;
Symbol 723 MovieClip [mask_9] Frame 1
function maskTransition() { with (_parent._parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = 100; } with (this.mask2_mc) { _y = ((photo_height / 2) * (100 - (i * delScale))) / 100; _xscale = 100; _yscale = i * delScale; } i++; if (i > transitionDuration) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } } i = 0; photo_width = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoWidth(); photo_height = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoHeight(); transitionDuration = _parent._parent.control.getCurrentTransitionFrames(); delScale = 100 / transitionDuration; this.createEmptyMovieClip("mask2_mc", 1); with (mask2_mc) { beginFill(15728640); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(photo_width, 0); lineTo(photo_width, photo_height); lineTo(0, photo_height); lineTo(0, 0); endFill(); } onEnterFrame = maskTransition;
Symbol 724 MovieClip [mask_8] Frame 1
function maskTransition() { with (_parent._parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = 100; } with (this.mask2_mc) { _x = ((photo_width / 2) * (100 - (i * delScale))) / 100; _xscale = i * delScale; _yscale = 100; } i++; if (i > transitionDuration) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } } i = 0; photo_width = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoWidth(); photo_height = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoHeight(); transitionDuration = _parent._parent.control.getCurrentTransitionFrames(); delScale = 100 / transitionDuration; this.createEmptyMovieClip("mask2_mc", 1); with (mask2_mc) { beginFill(15728640); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(photo_width, 0); lineTo(photo_width, photo_height); lineTo(0, photo_height); lineTo(0, 0); endFill(); } onEnterFrame = maskTransition;
Symbol 725 MovieClip [mask_7] Frame 1
function maskTransition() { with (_parent._parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = 100; } with (this.mask2_mc) { _xscale = 100; _yscale = i * delScale; } with (this.mask3_mc) { _xscale = 100; _yscale = i * delScale; _y = (photo_height / 2) + ((photo_height * (100 - (i * delScale))) / 200); } i++; if (i > transitionDuration) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } } i = 0; photo_width = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoWidth(); photo_height = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoHeight(); transitionDuration = _parent._parent.control.getCurrentTransitionFrames(); delScale = 100 / transitionDuration; this.createEmptyMovieClip("mask2_mc", 1); with (mask2_mc) { beginFill(15728640); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(photo_width, 0); lineTo(photo_width, photo_height / 2); lineTo(0, photo_height / 2); lineTo(0, 0); endFill(); } duplicateMovieClip (mask2_mc, "mask3_mc", 2); onEnterFrame = maskTransition;
Symbol 726 MovieClip [mask_6] Frame 1
function maskTransition() { with (_parent._parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = 100; } with (this.mask2_mc) { _xscale = i * delScale; _yscale = 100; } with (this.mask3_mc) { _xscale = i * delScale; _yscale = 100; _x = ((photo_width * (100 - (i * delScale))) / 200) + (photo_width / 2); } i++; if (i > transitionDuration) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } } i = 0; photo_width = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoWidth(); photo_height = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoHeight(); transitionDuration = _parent._parent.control.getCurrentTransitionFrames(); delScale = 100 / transitionDuration; this.createEmptyMovieClip("mask2_mc", 1); with (mask2_mc) { beginFill(15728640); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(photo_width / 2, 0); lineTo(photo_width / 2, photo_height); lineTo(0, photo_height); lineTo(0, 0); endFill(); } duplicateMovieClip (mask2_mc, "mask3_mc", 2); onEnterFrame = maskTransition;
Symbol 727 MovieClip [mask_5] Frame 1
function maskTransition() { with (_parent._parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = 100; } with (this.mask2_mc) { _xscale = 100; _yscale = i * delScale; _y = (photo_height * (100 - (i * delScale))) / 100; } i++; if (i > transitionDuration) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } } i = 0; photo_width = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoWidth(); photo_height = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoHeight(); transitionDuration = _parent._parent.control.getCurrentTransitionFrames(); delScale = 100 / transitionDuration; this.createEmptyMovieClip("mask2_mc", 1); with (mask2_mc) { beginFill(15728640); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(photo_width, 0); lineTo(photo_width, photo_height); lineTo(0, photo_height); lineTo(0, 0); endFill(); } onEnterFrame = maskTransition;
Symbol 728 MovieClip [mask_4] Frame 1
function maskTransition() { with (_parent._parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = 100; } with (this.mask2_mc) { _x = (photo_width * (100 - (i * delScale))) / 100; _xscale = i * delScale; _yscale = 100; } i++; if (i > transitionDuration) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } } i = 0; photo_width = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoWidth(); photo_height = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoHeight(); transitionDuration = _parent._parent.control.getCurrentTransitionFrames(); delScale = 100 / transitionDuration; this.createEmptyMovieClip("mask2_mc", 1); with (mask2_mc) { beginFill(15728640); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(photo_width, 0); lineTo(photo_width, photo_height); lineTo(0, photo_height); lineTo(0, 0); endFill(); } onEnterFrame = maskTransition;
Symbol 729 MovieClip [mask_3] Frame 1
function maskTransition() { with (_parent._parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = 100; } with (this.mask2_mc) { _xscale = 100; _yscale = i * delScale; } i++; if (i > transitionDuration) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } } i = 0; photo_width = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoWidth(); photo_height = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoHeight(); transitionDuration = _parent._parent.control.getCurrentTransitionFrames(); delScale = 100 / transitionDuration; this.createEmptyMovieClip("mask2_mc", 1); with (mask2_mc) { beginFill(15728640); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(photo_width, 0); lineTo(photo_width, photo_height); lineTo(0, photo_height); lineTo(0, 0); endFill(); } onEnterFrame = maskTransition;
Symbol 730 MovieClip [mask_2] Frame 1
function maskTransition() { with (_parent._parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = 100; } with (this.mask2_mc) { _xscale = i * delScale; _yscale = 100; } i++; if (i > transitionDuration) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } } i = 0; photo_width = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoWidth(); photo_height = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoHeight(); transitionDuration = _parent._parent.control.getCurrentTransitionFrames(); delScale = 100 / transitionDuration; this.createEmptyMovieClip("mask2_mc", 1); with (mask2_mc) { beginFill(15728640); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(photo_width, 0); lineTo(photo_width, photo_height); lineTo(0, photo_height); lineTo(0, 0); endFill(); } onEnterFrame = maskTransition;
Symbol 731 MovieClip [mask_1] Frame 1
function maskTransition() { with (_parent._parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = 100; } this.mask1_mc._xscale = i * delScale; this.mask1_mc._yscale = i * delScale; i++; if (i > transitionDuration) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } } i = 0; photo_width = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoWidth(); photo_height = _parent._parent.control.getPhotoHeight(); transitionDuration = _parent._parent.control.getCurrentTransitionFrames(); this.createEmptyMovieClip("mask1_mc", 1); mask1_mc.beginFill(15728640); mask1_mc.moveTo(0, 0); mask1_mc.lineTo(photo_width, 0); mask1_mc.lineTo(photo_width, photo_height); mask1_mc.lineTo(0, photo_height); mask1_mc.lineTo(0, 0); mask1_mc.endFill(); delScale = 100 / transitionDuration; onEnterFrame = maskTransition;
Symbol 734 MovieClip [block] Frame 6
Symbol 701 MovieClip Frame 1
function clipEnterFrame() { var _local1 = _parent; _local1.loader_mc._x = Stage.width / 2; _local1.loader_mc._y = Stage.height / 2; frame_loaded = _local1._framesloaded; if (frame_loaded >= total_to_load) { _local1.loader_mc._x = Stage.width + 100; _local1.loader_mc._y = Stage.height + 100; _local1.loader_mc._alpha = 0; _local1.loader_mc.removeMovieClip(); delete this.onEnterFrame; _local1.gotoAndPlay(3); } } var total_to_load = 3; _parent.createEmptyMovieClip("loader_mc", 5500); _parent.loader_mc.attachMovie("loading", "loading1", 5501); onEnterFrame = clipEnterFrame;
Instance of Symbol 746 MovieClip in Symbol 747 MovieClip [soundControl] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _root.soundstatus = "on"; _root.mySound = new Sound(_level0); _root.mySound2 = new Sound(_level1); _root.mySound3 = new Sound(_level2); _root.mySound4 = new Sound(_level3); _root.mySound5 = new Sound(_level4); maxvolume = 100; minvolume = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.soundstatus == "on") && (_parent._parent.control.currentPhoto <= (_parent._parent.control.getTotalPhotos() - 1))) { step = 5; } if ((_root.soundstatus == "off") || (_parent._parent.control.currentPhoto == (_parent._parent.control.getTotalPhotos() - 1))) { step = -5; } maxvolume = maxvolume + step; if (maxvolume > 100) { maxvolume = 100; } if (maxvolume < 0) { maxvolume = 0; _parent._parent.music_mc.stop(); } _root.mySound.setVolume(maxvolume); _root.mySound2.setVolume(maxvolume); _root.mySound3.setVolume(maxvolume); _root.mySound4.setVolume(maxvolume); _root.mySound5.setVolume(maxvolume); }
Symbol 748 MovieClip [control] Frame 1
function getPhotoX() { return(photo_x); } function getPhotoY() { return(photo_y); } function getPhotoWidth() { return(_global.flash_width); } function getPhotoHeight() { return(_global.flash_height); } function ShowPhotoInformation() { imageTitle.text = GetCurrentPhotoTitle(); imageDesc.text = GetCurrentPhotoDesc(); } function ShowLoadingInformation() { myLoader._alpha = 100; myLoader._y = getPhotoHeight() / 2; myLoader._x = getPhotoWidth() / 2; } function HideLoadingInformation() { myLoader._y = -1000; myLoader._alpha = 0; } photo_x = 0; photo_y = 0; function setAllInfo() { photo_frame._width = getPhotoWidth(); photo_frame._height = getPhotoHeight(); } function addloader() { attachMovie("loading", "myLoader", 10); } function getCurrentTransitionID() { transID = eval ("_global.trans_id_" + currentPhoto); return(transID); } function getCurrentMaskID() { transID = eval ("_global.trans_id_" + currentPhoto); if ((transID <= 0) || (transID > total_mask)) { transID = random(total_mask) + 1; } if (transID <= 0) { transID = 1; } if (transID > total_mask) { transID = total_mask; } return(transID); } function getTotalPhotos() { return(_global.total_images); } function GetCurrentPhotoTitle() { return(eval ("_global.title_" + currentPhoto)); } function GetCurrentPhotoDesc() { return(eval ("_global.desc_" + currentPhoto)); } function getCurrentPhotoDuration() { showTime = eval ("_global.show_" + currentPhoto); transitionTime = eval ("_global.trans_" + currentPhoto); frameRate = _global.frame_rate; return((showTime + transitionTime) * 1000); } function getCurrentTransitionDuration() { transitionTime = eval ("_global.trans_" + currentPhoto); return(transitionTime * 1000); } function getCurrentTransitionFrames() { transitionFrames = eval ("_global.trans_" + currentPhoto); return(transitionFrames * _global.frame_rate); } function getCurrentShowDuration() { showTime = eval ("_global.show_" + currentPhoto); return(showTime * 1000); } function showCurrentPhoto() { _parent.gotoAndStop((currentPhoto + 1) + FramePhotoBegin); _parent.createEmptyMovieClip("mc_current_photo", 2 + DepthWorking); duplicateMovieClip ("_parent.mc_" + currentPhoto, "mc_current_photo", 2 + DepthWorking); if (_global.enableurl == 1) { _parent.mc_current_photo.onRelease = gotoURL; } transitionID = getCurrentTransitionID(); if (transitionID == 0) { transDispatch = random(2); } else if (transitionID > 28) { transDispatch = 1; } else { transDispatch = 0; } if (transDispatch == 1) { _parent.createEmptyMovieClip("mask_mc", 3 + DepthWorking); _parent.mask_mc.attachMovie("mask_full_photo", "mask_clip_mc", 4 + DepthWorking); setProperty("_parent.mask_mc", _x , getPhotoX()); setProperty("_parent.mask_mc", _y , getPhotoY()); setProperty("_parent.mask_mc", _xscale , 100); setProperty("_parent.mask_mc", _yscale , 100); _parent.mc_current_photo.setMask(_parent.mask_mc); with (_parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = 0; _x = getPhotoX(); _y = getPhotoY(); _width = getPhotoWidth(); _height = getPhotoHeight(); } ShowPhotoInformation(); MotionCount = 0; trans_ID = transitionID; if (trans_ID > 28) { trans_ID = trans_ID - 28; } showPhotoWithMotionInterval = setInterval(showPhotoWithMotion, 1000 / _global.frame_rate); } else { maskID = getCurrentMaskID(); _parent.createEmptyMovieClip("mask_mc", 3 + DepthWorking); _parent.mask_mc.attachMovie("mask_" + maskID, "mask_clip_mc", 4 + DepthWorking); setProperty("_parent.mask_mc", _x , getPhotoX()); setProperty("_parent.mask_mc", _y , getPhotoY()); _parent.mc_current_photo.setMask(_parent.mask_mc); with (_parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = 0; _x = getPhotoX(); _y = getPhotoY(); _width = getPhotoWidth(); _height = getPhotoHeight(); } ShowPhotoInformation(); showPhotoInterval = setInterval(showPhotoWithDuration, getCurrentPhotoDuration()); } } function transitionCurrentPhoto() { if (MotionCount == 0) { transitionID = trans_ID; if (transitionID == 0) { trans_ID = random(23) + 1; } else { trans_ID = transitionID; if ((trans_ID > 24) || (trans_ID < 0)) { trans_ID = random(23) + 1; } } } transitionCurrentPhotoWithID(trans_ID); } function transitionCurrentPhotoWithID(transitionID) { var _local1 = transitionID; _local1 = _local1 - 1; switch (_local1) { case 0 : transitionAlpha(); return; case 1 : transitionMoveLeftToRight(false); return; case 2 : transitionMoveLeftToRight(true); return; case 3 : transitionMoveRightToLeft(false); return; case 4 : transitionMoveRightToLeft(true); return; case 5 : transitionMoveTopToBottom(false); return; case 6 : transitionMoveTopToBottom(true); return; case 7 : transitionMoveBottomToTop(false); return; case 8 : transitionMoveBottomToTop(true); return; case 9 : transitionStretchLeftToRight(false); return; case 10 : transitionStretchLeftToRight(true); return; case 11 : transitionStretchVerticalCenter(false); return; case 12 : transitionStretchVerticalCenter(true); return; case 13 : transitionStretchRightToLeft(false); return; case 14 : transitionStretchRightToLeft(true); return; case 15 : transitionStretchTopToBottom(false); return; case 16 : transitionStretchTopToBottom(true); return; case 17 : transitionStretchHorizontalCenter(false); return; case 18 : transitionStretchHorizontalCenter(true); return; case 19 : transitionStretchBottomToTop(false); return; case 20 : transitionStretchBottomToTop(true); return; case 21 : transitionStretchCenter(false); return; case 22 : transitionStretchCenter(true); return; default : transitionAlpha(); } } function transitionAlpha() { with (_parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = (100 * MotionCount) / getCurrentTransitionFrames(); if (_alpha > 100) { _alpha = 100; } } } function transitionStretchCenter(bAlpha) { with (_parent.mc_current_photo) { if (bAlpha) { _alpha = (100 * MotionCount) / getCurrentTransitionFrames(); if (_alpha > 100) { _alpha = 100; } } else { _alpha = 100; } _x = getPhotoX() + ((getPhotoWidth() / 2) * (1 - (MotionCount / getCurrentTransitionFrames()))); _y = getPhotoY() + ((getPhotoHeight() / 2) * (1 - (MotionCount / getCurrentTransitionFrames()))); _xscale = (100 * MotionCount) / getCurrentTransitionFrames(); _yscale = (100 * MotionCount) / getCurrentTransitionFrames(); if (_yscale > 100) { _yscale = 100; } if (_xscale > 100) { _xscale = 100; } if (_x < getPhotoX()) { _x = getPhotoX(); } if (_y < getPhotoY()) { _y = getPhotoY(); } } } function transitionStretchTopToBottom(bAlpha) { with (_parent.mc_current_photo) { if (bAlpha) { _alpha = (100 * MotionCount) / getCurrentTransitionFrames(); if (_alpha > 100) { _alpha = 100; } } else { _alpha = 100; } _x = getPhotoX(); _y = getPhotoY(); _xscale = 100; _yscale = (100 * MotionCount) / getCurrentTransitionFrames(); if (_yscale > 100) { _yscale = 100; } } } function transitionStretchHorizontalCenter(bAlpha) { with (_parent.mc_current_photo) { if (bAlpha) { _alpha = (100 * MotionCount) / getCurrentTransitionFrames(); if (_alpha > 100) { _alpha = 100; } } else { _alpha = 100; } _x = getPhotoX(); _y = getPhotoY() + ((getPhotoHeight() / 2) * (1 - (MotionCount / getCurrentTransitionFrames()))); _xscale = 100; _yscale = (100 * MotionCount) / getCurrentTransitionFrames(); if (_yscale > 100) { _yscale = 100; } if (_y < getPhotoY()) { _y = getPhotoY(); } } } function transitionStretchBottomToTop(bAlpha) { with (_parent.mc_current_photo) { if (bAlpha) { _alpha = (100 * MotionCount) / getCurrentTransitionFrames(); if (_alpha > 100) { _alpha = 100; } } else { _alpha = 100; } _x = getPhotoX(); _y = getPhotoY() + (getPhotoHeight() * (1 - (MotionCount / getCurrentTransitionFrames()))); _xscale = 100; _yscale = (100 * MotionCount) / getCurrentTransitionFrames(); if (_yscale > 100) { _yscale = 100; } if (_y < getPhotoY()) { _y = getPhotoY(); } } } function transitionStretchLeftToRight(bAlpha) { with (_parent.mc_current_photo) { if (bAlpha) { _alpha = (100 * MotionCount) / getCurrentTransitionFrames(); if (_alpha > 100) { _alpha = 100; } } else { _alpha = 100; } _x = getPhotoX(); _y = getPhotoY(); _xscale = 0; _xscale = (100 * MotionCount) / getCurrentTransitionFrames(); if (_xscale > 100) { _xscale = 100; } } } function transitionStretchVerticalCenter(bAlpha) { with (_parent.mc_current_photo) { if (bAlpha) { _alpha = (100 * MotionCount) / getCurrentTransitionFrames(); if (_alpha > 100) { _alpha = 100; } } else { _alpha = 100; } _x = getPhotoX() + ((getPhotoWidth() / 2) * (1 - (MotionCount / getCurrentTransitionFrames()))); _xscale = (100 * MotionCount) / getCurrentTransitionFrames(); if (_xscale > 100) { _xscale = 100; } if (_x < getPhotoX()) { _x = getPhotoX(); } } } function transitionStretchRightToLeft(bAlpha) { with (_parent.mc_current_photo) { if (bAlpha) { _alpha = (100 * MotionCount) / getCurrentTransitionFrames(); if (_alpha > 100) { _alpha = 100; } } else { _alpha = 100; } _xscale = (100 * MotionCount) / getCurrentTransitionFrames(); if (_xscale > 100) { _xscale = 100; } _x = getPhotoX() + (getPhotoWidth() * (1 - (MotionCount / getCurrentTransitionFrames()))); if (_x < getPhotoX()) { _x = getPhotoX(); } } } function transitionMoveLeftToRight(bAlpha) { with (_parent.mc_current_photo) { if (bAlpha) { _alpha = (100 * MotionCount) / getCurrentTransitionFrames(); if (_alpha > 100) { _alpha = 100; } } else { _alpha = 100; } _x = getPhotoX() + (getPhotoWidth() * ((MotionCount / getCurrentTransitionFrames()) - 1)); _y = getPhotoY(); } } function transitionMoveRightToLeft(bAlpha) { with (_parent.mc_current_photo) { if (bAlpha) { _alpha = (100 * MotionCount) / getCurrentTransitionFrames(); if (_alpha > 100) { _alpha = 100; } } else { _alpha = 100; } _y = getPhotoY(); _x = getPhotoX() + (getPhotoWidth() * (1 - (MotionCount / getCurrentTransitionFrames()))); if (_x <= getPhotoX()) { _x = getPhotoX(); } } } function transitionMoveTopToBottom(bAlpha) { with (_parent.mc_current_photo) { if (bAlpha) { _alpha = (100 * MotionCount) / getCurrentTransitionFrames(); if (_alpha > 100) { _alpha = 100; } } else { _alpha = 100; } _x = getPhotoX(); _y = getPhotoY() + (getPhotoHeight() * ((MotionCount / getCurrentTransitionFrames()) - 1)); if (_y >= getPhotoY()) { _y = getPhotoY(); } } } function transitionMoveBottomToTop(bAlpha) { with (_parent.mc_current_photo) { if (bAlpha) { _alpha = (100 * MotionCount) / getCurrentTransitionFrames(); if (_alpha > 100) { _alpha = 100; } } else { _alpha = 100; } _x = getPhotoX(); _y = getPhotoY() + (getPhotoHeight() * (1 - (MotionCount / getCurrentTransitionFrames()))); if (_y <= getPhotoY()) { _y = getPhotoY(); } } } function showPhotoWithMotion() { transitionCurrentPhoto(); MotionCount++; if (MotionCount > getCurrentTransitionFrames()) { with (_parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = 100; } clearInterval(showPhotoWithMotionInterval); showPhotoInterval = setInterval(showPhotoWithDuration, getCurrentShowDuration()); } } function showCurrentPhotoNoTransition() { _parent.mc_current_photo.removeMovieClip(); _parent.mask_mc.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndStop((currentPhoto + 1) + FramePhotoBegin); _parent.createEmptyMovieClip("mc_current_photo", 2 + DepthWorking); duplicateMovieClip ("_parent.mc_" + currentPhoto, "mc_current_photo", 2 + DepthWorking); with (_parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = 100; _x = getPhotoX(); _y = getPhotoY(); _width = getPhotoWidth(); _height = getPhotoHeight(); } if (_global.enableurl == 1) { _parent.mc_current_photo.onRelease = gotoURL; } _parent.mc_current_photo.setMask(null); ShowPhotoInformation(); if (_global.continueplay == 1) { showPhotoInterval = setInterval(showPhotoWithDuration, getCurrentPhotoDuration()); } } function showCurrentPhotoNoTransitionPlay() { _parent.mc_current_photo.removeMovieClip(); _parent.mask_mc.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndStop((currentPhoto + 1) + FramePhotoBegin); _parent.createEmptyMovieClip("mc_current_photo", 2 + DepthWorking); duplicateMovieClip ("_parent.mc_" + currentPhoto, "mc_current_photo", 2 + DepthWorking); with (_parent.mc_current_photo) { _alpha = 100; _x = getPhotoX(); _y = getPhotoY(); _width = getPhotoWidth(); _height = getPhotoHeight(); } if (_global.enableurl == 1) { _parent.mc_current_photo.onRelease = gotoURL; } _parent.mc_current_photo.setMask(null); ShowPhotoInformation(); if (_global.continueplay == 1) { showPhotoInterval = setInterval(showPhotoWithDuration, 800); } } function showPhotoWithDuration() { var _local1 = _parent; _local1.mc_current_photo.setMask(null); _local1.mask_mc.removeMovieClip(); if (_local1.prev_photo != null) { removeMovieClip("_parent.prev_photo"); } duplicateMovieClip (_local1.mc_current_photo, "_parent.prev_photo", DepthWorking + 1); setProperty("_parent.prev_photo", _alpha , 100); setProperty("_parent.prev_photo", _x , getPhotoX()); setProperty("_parent.prev_photo", _y , getPhotoY()); setProperty("_parent.prev_photo", _width , getPhotoWidth()); setProperty("_parent.prev_photo", _height , getPhotoHeight()); removeMovieClip("_parent.mc_current_photo"); clearInterval(showPhotoInterval); ShowNextPhoto(); } function ShowNextPhoto() { ClearAllTimer(); currentPhoto++; if (currentPhoto == getTotalPhotos()) { if (_global.autorepeat == 1) { _parent.music_mc.gotoAndPlay(1); currentPhoto = 0; loadingInterval = setInterval(LoadingPhoto, 200); } else { showRepeat(); } } else { loadingInterval = setInterval(LoadingPhoto, 200); } } function AutoPlay() { showPhotoWithDuration(); } function showPhoto(nWhich) { ClearAllTimer(); currentPhoto = nWhich; if (currentPhoto == getTotalPhotos()) { currentPhoto = 0; } if (currentPhoto < 0) { currentPhoto = 0; } loadingInterval = setInterval(LoadingPhotoNoTransition, 200); } function ShowNextPhotoManual() { _parent.playButton.removeMovieClip(); _parent.replayButton.removeMovieClip(); if (currentPhoto >= (getTotalPhotos() - 1)) { currentPhoto = 0; } else { currentPhoto++; } if (_global.continueplay == 0) { stop_play.gotoAndStop(2); } else { stop_play.gotoAndStop(1); } ClearAllTimer(); loadingInterval = setInterval(LoadingPhotoNoTransition, 200); } function ShowPrevPhoto() { _parent.playButton.removeMovieClip(); _parent.replayButton.removeMovieClip(); if (currentPhoto <= 0) { currentPhoto = getTotalPhotos() - 1; } else { currentPhoto--; } if (_global.continueplay == 0) { stop_play.gotoAndStop(2); } else { stop_play.gotoAndStop(1); } ClearAllTimer(); loadingInterval = setInterval(LoadingPhotoNoTransition, 200); } function LoadingPhotoNoTransition() { var _local1 = _parent; infoText.text = (((("Photo to Show:" + currentPhoto) + " Frame loaded:") + _local1._framesloaded) + "/") + _local1._totalframes; if (_local1._framesloaded >= (currentPhoto + FramePhotoBegin)) { clearInterval(loadingInterval); HideLoadingInformation(); showCurrentPhotoNoTransition(); } else { ShowLoadingInformation(); } } function LoadingPhotoNoTransitionPlay() { var _local1 = _parent; infoText.text = (((("Photo to Show:" + currentPhoto) + " Frame loaded:") + _local1._framesloaded) + "/") + _local1._totalframes; if (_local1._framesloaded >= (currentPhoto + FramePhotoBegin)) { clearInterval(loadingInterval); HideLoadingInformation(); showCurrentPhotoNoTransitionPlay(); } else { ShowLoadingInformation(); } } function LoadingPhotoNoTransitionPlay() { var _local1 = _parent; infoText.text = (((("Photo to Show:" + currentPhoto) + " Frame loaded:") + _local1._framesloaded) + "/") + _local1._totalframes; if (_local1._framesloaded >= (currentPhoto + FramePhotoBegin)) { clearInterval(loadingInterval); HideLoadingInformation(); showCurrentPhotoNoTransitionPlay(); } else { ShowLoadingInformation(); } } function LoadingPhoto() { var _local1 = _parent; infoText.text = (((("Photo to Show:" + currentPhoto) + " Frame loaded:") + _local1._framesloaded) + "/") + _local1._totalframes; if (_local1._framesloaded >= (currentPhoto + FramePhotoBegin)) { clearInterval(loadingInterval); HideLoadingInformation(); showCurrentPhoto(); } else { ShowLoadingInformation(); } } function enterFrameFunction() { var _local1 = _parent; addloader(); setAllInfo(); setDecoration(); infoText.text = (("Frame loaded:" + _local1._framesloaded) + "/") + _local1._totalframes; if (_local1._framesloaded >= (currentPhoto + FramePhotoBegin)) { delete this.onEnterFrame; HideLoadingInformation(); if (_global.autoplay == 1) { showCurrentPhoto(); } else { showPlay(); } } else { ShowLoadingInformation(); } } function ClearAllTimer() { clearInterval(loadingInterval); clearInterval(showPhotoInterval); clearInterval(showPhotoWithMotionInterval); } function setWholeFlashMask() { _parent.createEmptyMovieClip("mask_whole_mc", 100 + DepthWorking); with (_parent.mask_whole_mc) { beginFill(10485760); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(_global.flash_width, 0); lineTo(_global.flash_width, _global.flash_height); lineTo(0, _global.flash_height); lineTo(0, 0); endFill(); _x = 0; _y = 0; } _parent.setMask(_parent.mask_whole_mc); } function setDecoration() { _parent.decoration_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("mask_decoration_mc", 96 + DepthWorking); with (_parent.decoration_mc.mask_decoration_mc) { beginFill(10485760); moveTo(getPhotoX(), getPhotoY()); lineTo(getPhotoX() + getPhotoWidth(), getPhotoY()); lineTo(getPhotoX() + getPhotoWidth(), getPhotoY() + getPhotoHeight()); lineTo(getPhotoX(), getPhotoY() + getPhotoHeight()); lineTo(getPhotoX(), getPhotoY()); endFill(); } _parent.decoration_mc.swapDepths(95 + DepthWorking); _parent.decoration_mc._alpha = 50; _parent.decoration_mc.setMask(_parent.decoration_mc.mask_decoration_mc); } function GetCurrentPhotoURL() { return(eval ("_global.url_" + currentPhoto)); } function gotoURL() { targetArray = ["_blank", "_parent", "_self", "_top"]; urlIndex = _global.url_target % 4; _root.getURL(GetCurrentPhotoURL(), targetArray[urlIndex]); } function showRepeat() { var _local1 = _parent; stop_play.gotoAndStop(2); _local1.attachMovie("replayButton", "replayButton", 5500, {_x:getPhotoX() + (getPhotoWidth() / 2), _y:getPhotoX() + (getPhotoHeight() / 2), _alpha:50}); _local1.replayButton.onRelease = function () { _parent.music_mc.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.soundstatus = "on"; stop_play.gotoAndStop(1); this.removeMovieClip(); currentPhoto = 0; loadingInterval = setInterval(LoadingPhoto, 200); }; } function showPlay() { var _local1 = _parent; _local1.music_mc.stop(); _root.soundstatus = "off"; _local1.attachMovie("playButton", "playButton", 5500, {_x:getPhotoX() + (getPhotoWidth() / 2), _y:getPhotoY() + (getPhotoHeight() / 2), _alpha:50}); _local1.playButton.onRelease = function () { _root.soundstatus = "on"; stop_play.gotoAndStop(1); this.removeMovieClip();; if (_global.continueplay == 1) { loadingInterval = setInterval(LoadingPhotoNoTransitionPlay, 200); } else { loadingInterval = setInterval(LoadingPhoto, 200); } }; } var currentPhoto = 0; var trans_ID = 0; var MotionCount = 0; currentPhoto = 0; FramePhotoBegin = 3; DepthWorking = 5000; prev_photo = null; total_mask = 28; setWholeFlashMask(); onEnterFrame = enterFrameFunction;
Symbol 749 MovieClip Frame 1
_parent.attachMovie("control", "control", 5200); _parent.attachMovie("soundControl", "soundControl", 5030); _parent.soundControl._y = -1000; _parent.soundControl._x = -1000;

Library Items

Symbol 1 BitmapUsed by:2
Symbol 2 GraphicUses:1Used by:8
Symbol 3 FontUsed by:4 5 6
Symbol 4 EditableTextUses:3Used by:7
Symbol 5 EditableTextUses:3Used by:7
Symbol 6 EditableTextUses:3Used by:7
Symbol 7 MovieClipUses:4 5 6Used by:8
Symbol 8 MovieClip [loading]Uses:2 7
Symbol 703 MovieClip [mask_full_photo]
Symbol 704 MovieClip [mask_28]
Symbol 705 MovieClip [mask_27]
Symbol 706 MovieClip [mask_26]
Symbol 707 MovieClip [mask_25]
Symbol 708 MovieClip [mask_24]
Symbol 709 MovieClip [mask_23]
Symbol 710 MovieClip [mask_22]
Symbol 711 MovieClip [mask_21]
Symbol 712 MovieClip [mask_20]
Symbol 713 MovieClip [mask_19]
Symbol 714 MovieClip [mask_18]
Symbol 715 MovieClip [mask_17]
Symbol 716 MovieClip [mask_16]
Symbol 717 MovieClip [mask_15]
Symbol 718 MovieClip [mask_14]
Symbol 719 MovieClip [mask_13]
Symbol 720 MovieClip [mask_12]
Symbol 721 MovieClip [mask_11]
Symbol 722 MovieClip [mask_10]
Symbol 723 MovieClip [mask_9]
Symbol 724 MovieClip [mask_8]
Symbol 725 MovieClip [mask_7]
Symbol 726 MovieClip [mask_6]
Symbol 727 MovieClip [mask_5]
Symbol 728 MovieClip [mask_4]
Symbol 729 MovieClip [mask_3]
Symbol 730 MovieClip [mask_2]
Symbol 731 MovieClip [mask_1]
Symbol 732 ShapeTweeningUsed by:734
Symbol 733 GraphicUsed by:734
Symbol 734 MovieClip [block]Uses:732 733
Symbol 701 MovieClipUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 735 MovieClipUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 737 GraphicUsed by:741 744
Symbol 738 FontUsed by:739 742
Symbol 739 EditableTextUses:738Used by:741
Symbol 740 GraphicUsed by:741
Symbol 741 MovieClip [replayButton]Uses:737 739 740
Symbol 742 EditableTextUses:738Used by:744
Symbol 743 GraphicUsed by:744
Symbol 744 MovieClip [playButton]Uses:737 742 743
Symbol 745 GraphicUsed by:746
Symbol 746 MovieClipUses:745Used by:747
Symbol 747 MovieClip [soundControl]Uses:746
Symbol 748 MovieClip [control]
Symbol 753 BitmapUsed by:755
Symbol 755 GraphicUses:753Used by:754
Symbol 749 MovieClipUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 751 MovieClipUses:SS1Used by:Timeline
Symbol 754 MovieClipUses:755Used by:Timeline
Symbol 756 BitmapUsed by:758
Symbol 758 GraphicUses:756Used by:757
Symbol 757 MovieClipUses:758Used by:Timeline
Symbol 759 BitmapUsed by:761
Symbol 761 GraphicUses:759Used by:760
Symbol 760 MovieClipUses:761Used by:Timeline
Symbol 762 BitmapUsed by:764
Symbol 764 GraphicUses:762Used by:763
Symbol 763 MovieClipUses:764Used by:Timeline
Symbol 765 BitmapUsed by:767
Symbol 767 GraphicUses:765Used by:766
Symbol 766 MovieClipUses:767Used by:Timeline
Symbol 768 BitmapUsed by:770
Symbol 770 GraphicUses:768Used by:769
Symbol 769 MovieClipUses:770Used by:Timeline
Streaming Sound 1Used by:Symbol 751 MovieClip

Instance Names

"ctrl_mc"Frame 3Symbol 749 MovieClip
"music_mc"Frame 3Symbol 751 MovieClip
"mc_0"Frame 3Symbol 754 MovieClip
"mc_1"Frame 4Symbol 757 MovieClip
"mc_2"Frame 5Symbol 760 MovieClip
"mc_3"Frame 6Symbol 763 MovieClip
"mc_4"Frame 7Symbol 766 MovieClip
"mc_5"Frame 8Symbol 769 MovieClip

Special Tags

FileAttributes (69)Timeline Frame 1Access network only, Metadata not present, AS1/AS2.
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 8 as "loading"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 703 as "mask_full_photo"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 704 as "mask_28"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 705 as "mask_27"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 706 as "mask_26"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 707 as "mask_25"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 708 as "mask_24"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 709 as "mask_23"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 710 as "mask_22"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 711 as "mask_21"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 712 as "mask_20"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 713 as "mask_19"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 714 as "mask_18"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 715 as "mask_17"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 716 as "mask_16"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 717 as "mask_15"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 718 as "mask_14"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 719 as "mask_13"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 720 as "mask_12"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 721 as "mask_11"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 722 as "mask_10"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 723 as "mask_9"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 724 as "mask_8"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 725 as "mask_7"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 726 as "mask_6"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 727 as "mask_5"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 728 as "mask_4"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 729 as "mask_3"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 730 as "mask_2"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 731 as "mask_1"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 734 as "block"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 3Symbol 741 as "replayButton"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 3Symbol 744 as "playButton"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 3Symbol 747 as "soundControl"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 3Symbol 748 as "control"
Created: 28/10 -2018 02:45:09 Last modified: 28/10 -2018 02:45:09 Server time: 11/03 -2025 09:55:04