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Dragocorn Species Ref.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #140466

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

tailtip is prehensile.

wings are delicate

horns are hollow
and smooth.

male horns are
plated with gold and
ivory in finery.

male horns are sharper

male wings are longer

it is harder for males to grow back
wings or gills.

females may wear
jewlery on
their gills to
shorten them.


more than two genders, but male and female are the most common.

males can have
leaf tailtips too

females normally paler and in the cooler spectrum of color. lots of
purples, blues and greens. other colors show up but not very often.

wings can be either very transparent in
paler individuals or much like a stained
glass window on more colorful beings.

gills are always very very pale

hooves are solid and can be used as effective weapons

tail is prehensile

both wings and gills grow
back if removed.

horns help

legs are digitigrade and perfect
for an amphibious lifestyle.

males are taller and longer of gill than females, also on the warmer end of the color spectrum,
again, this is a generalization. males pattern up in breeding season, this is called finery.

everyone gets free white pasties!

wings are longer and more
useful for flight,

gills are fluffier to add
surface area

males hair tends to be

horns and hooves are
always darkest, gills and
wings lightest.

male's sharp tail is hardened
and  filed to one or more points

there are countless bodytypes, patterns and colors, these are just basic/average dragocorn rules,
not laws set in stone as far as bodytype or coloration. I do however, add white pasties to all.

they were having a sale on them. females have crosses
or pluses, males have squares, diamonds or hearts.

horns vary in thickness

wings can be a bunch of different
colors as long as they are insect
type wings.

bellybutton is a cross. it doesn't always
show up or matter. it comes from
their birthing, which is live passing of
an egg that hatches immediately.

other symbols
are okay.

hair is normally
long. short hair
has to protect the
neck and delicate
connective tissue

that attaches
the wings to
the back.

healing poultice is
a species secret.

females also entery finery, however they simply become larger and more aggresive.

dragocorns can
have patterns out of
finery, but they are

female dragocorn bits have all the
normal human parts. however,
instead of three teirs of internal
muscles, they have six. also, the clit
is prehensile and averages at
around an inch in most individuals.

male dragocorns have most
of  the normal human parts,
however, they have a
smooth, muscled and pointed
penis, which is prehensile
and can be used to
manipulate objects.
dragocorn testicles are
generally small and smooth,
webbed into the skin under
their penis.

dragocorns as a species tend to be polyamourus. some couples or individuals prefer one partner or
another, but dragocorns are very open and borderline apathethic as a species as to who any one
individual wants to pair with. like the majority of  dragocorns are male or female, also the majority
are heterosexual or bisexual, so continuety of the species isn't a huge issue. even mating with other
species that can produce offspring is accpeted, however many belive that it is cruel to the offpring
who might have to choose a culture to belong to. the dragocorn planet is mostly saltwater

with vast, shallow shelves and bays that dragocorns live on. dragocorns need
salt water to lay eggs, but can give birth anywhere to a number of eggs that
varies between one and four, but the eggs only hatch in saltwater into fully
formed offspring. eggs can survive for up to a week without saltwater on dry
land, and up to a year without it in freshwater. brackish water hattches them.

dragocorn babies are smaller, complete adults with horns, small wings, gills, and hooves.
it takes about a week for them to shed their hatch wings and grow in new ones. they are not
self suffishent until about fifteen, and normally stay with their family until their twenties.

baby dragocorns are born as an egg in saltwater, rise to the surface and hatch. at hatching
they are developmentally about 1 and allready know how to swim and hold their breath.

adults normally keep resoviors of saltwater in their horns, this is plenty to
hatch an egg in case a female gives birth on land or in freshwater.

baby dragocorns reach sexual maturity around 13-25. it varies wildly and depends a lot upon
the father's genetic history.  age of consent for dragocorns is 18, however trust pacts can only
be made once both/all partners are at least twenty. dragocorn society is stable and small,
and births normally occur between ages 18-40.  dragocorns live an average of 150 healthy

eggs are mostly opaque

they do not
gain physical
gender until
they are at
least 5.

eggs have an internal shell of webbing to protect the baby and facilitate easier birthing.

work in progress!
Thanks for your patience.

male in finery

males in finery have a furry
fringe on their wing-tops
and display exotic patterns
and colors. some wear
jewlery, others plate theitr
horns with ivory or gold.
their irises and scolera turn
one color each.

males in finery have wider set horns and larger
wings, lower overall bodyweight and may or
may not shed their gills for a short while.

horns can be shed, but it takes
them  while to grow back.
they will grow back the same
size as they were before

finery is a heat-like period in which dragocorns generally color up for breeding. dragocorns have
more than two genders, and sexual preferance is personal, so there are bi/gay/lesbian/ect.
dragocorns that entery finery for one another. socially,  dragocorns don't really care who you are
boning, so to speak, and do not even have a traditional marriage to speak of- instead they have
trust pacts which link their estates and bond them spiritually.

dragocorns are called
thou, thee or they.

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
Frame 2
Frame 3
Frame 4
Frame 5
Frame 6
Frame 7
Frame 8
Symbol 4 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (5); }
Symbol 5 Button
on (release) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 7 Button
on (release) { prevFrame(); }
Symbol 65 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (1); }

Library Items

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Special Tags

FileAttributes (69)Timeline Frame 1Access local files only, Metadata not present, AS1/AS2.
Created: 10/8 -2019 00:21:52 Last modified: 10/8 -2019 00:21:52 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:28:39