Section 1
//MainTimeline (Micro_fla.MainTimeline)
package Micro_fla {
import flash.text.*;
import flash.display.*;
import adobe.utils.*;
import flash.accessibility.*;
import flash.errors.*;
import flash.external.*;
import flash.filters.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.printing.*;
import flash.system.*;
import flash.ui.*;
import flash.utils.*;
import flash.xml.*;
public dynamic class MainTimeline extends MovieClip {
public var loaded:int;
public var loadGuage:TextField;
public var restart_Btn:SimpleButton;
public var pokemonList:Array;
public var Apartment_Complex_Exits:Array;
public var Nightclub_Exits:Array;
public var loadbuttonTexts:Array;
public var Debug_Gamma_Exits:Array;
public var Mobile_Home_Park_Exits:Array;
public var percent:int;
public var thisActionArray:Array;
public var Password_Text:TextField;
public var navTest:TextField;
public var Jonathans_House_Exits:Array;
public var finishedDialog:TextField;
public var Ocean_Exits:Array;
public var i:int;
public var j:int;
public var k:int;
public var l:int;
public var newPassword:String;
public var s_button:SimpleButton;
public var mc_SizeMeter:MovieClip;
public var Parking_Lot_Exits:Array;
public var btn_Return:SimpleButton;
public var pcSize:Number;
public var buttonClicked:int;
public var metList:Array;
public var btn_LoadGame:SimpleButton;
public var Temple_Exits:Array;
public var Debug_Alpha_Exits:Array;
public var buttonIndex:int;
public var myFormat:TextFormat;
public var Changing_Stall_Exits:Array;
public var btn_Info:SimpleButton;
public var btn_Map:SimpleButton;
public var Womens_Room_Exits:Array;
public var pcHours:int;
public var currentLocationActions:Array;
public var Sidewalk_5_Exits:Array;
public var buttonTexts:Array;
public var Beach_Exits:Array;
public var Asters_Apartment_Exits:Array;
public var loadMinutes:int;
public var Priestess_Room_Exits:Array;
public var Tobias_Apartment_Exits:Array;
public var Debug_Var_Button:SimpleButton;
public var Lobby_Exits:Array;
public var loadmetList:Array;
public var dialogBox1;
public var Size_Button:SimpleButton;
public var textArray:Array;
public var Map:MovieClip;
public var dayChar:Array;
public var Shower_Stall_Exits:Array;
public var RioKendis_Home_Exits:Array;
public var Residential_Street_Exits:Array;
public var activeCharacterArray;
public var timedRandomChar:Array;
public var antActionArray:Array;
public var Hallway_2_Exits:Array;
public var playButton1:SimpleButton;
public var Viewmaster:MovieClip;
public var locIndex:int;
public var Robotics_Lab_Exits:Array;
public var dialogTest1:TextField;
public var dialogTest2:TextField;
public var dialogTest3:TextField;
public var dollActionArray:Array;
public var passwordActive;
public var Restroom_Exits:Array;
public var timePM:Boolean;
public var Debug_Beta_Exits:Array;
public var btn_Credits:SimpleButton;
public var activeButtons:int;
public var characterTimes:Array;
public var microGameData:SharedObject;
public var James_Home_Exits:Array;
public var Sidewalk_4_Exits:Array;
public var Zexs_House_Exits:Array;
public var tiberiumList:Array;
public var loadHours:int;
public var Janitor_Closet_Exits:Array;
public var SoraKoras_Apt_Exits:Array;
public var Prehistory_Exits:Array;
public var loadtimePM:Boolean;
public var locationList:Array;
public var loadSize:Number;
public var actionButtonClicked:int;
public var Umis_Mansion_Exits:Array;
public var activeCharacters;
public var workChar:Array;
public var Locker_Room_Exits:Array;
public var Hallway_1_Exits:Array;
public var Terrys_House_Exits:Array;
public var conversationIndex:String;
public var Teleportation_Lab_Exits:Array;
public var Zoo_Exits:Array;
public var Foreign_Farm_Exits:Array;
public var Action_Button_0:Act_Button;
public var Action_Button_3:Act_Button;
public var Alien_World_Exits:Array;
public var Action_Button_2:Act_Button;
public var Action_Button_4:Act_Button;
public var normalActionArray:Array;
public var inventoryArray:Array;
public var Action_Button_1:Act_Button;
public var itemList:Array;
public var Sidewalk_3_Exits:Array;
public var Action_Button_5:Act_Button;
public var Time_Warp_Button:SimpleButton;
public var Park_Exits:Array;
public var Button_1:Nav_Button;
public var Button_2:Nav_Button;
public var Button_3:Nav_Button;
public var Button_4:Nav_Button;
public var btn_Clear:MovieClip;
public var Button_5:Nav_Button;
public var Button_6:Nav_Button;
public var passDialog1:PassDialog;
public var Tarcals_Room_Exits:Array;
public var Unknown_Exits:Array;
public var btn_NewGame:SimpleButton;
public var Mens_Room_Exits:Array;
public var Weight_Room_Exits:Array;
public var randomChar:Array;
public var Harris_House_Exits:Array;
public var loadLocation:String;
public var giantActionArray:Array;
public var Call_Center_Exits:Array;
public var btn_Instructions:SimpleButton;
public var Shakos_Apartment_Exits:Array;
public var pcLocation:String;
public var mapDialog1;
public var Secret_Lab_Exits:Array;
public var loadactiveCharacters:Array;
public var pcTHours:int;
public var Animal_Testing_Exits:Array;
public var Nias_House_Exits:Array;
public var Karens_Apartment_Exits:Array;
public var buttonYspacing;
public var Debug_Room_Button:SimpleButton;
public var dialogNameTest:TextField;
public var rareChar:Array;
public var Sidewalk_2_Exits:Array;
public var timedChar:Array;
public var loadactiveCharacterArray:Array;
public var total:int;
public var uncommonChar:Array;
public var Boss_Office_Exits:Array;
public var Gym_Exits:Array;
public var Svetas_House_Exits:Array;
public var buttonX:int;
public var characterList:Array;
public var buttonY:int;
public var Location_Text:TextField;
public var loadTHours:int;
public var pcMinutes:int;
public var nightChar:Array;
public var halfActionArray:Array;
public var Restaurant_Exits:Array;
public var dialogProgress:int;
public var btn_Activate:MovieClip;
public var Bar_Exits:Array;
public var minishList:Array;
public var saveDialog1;
public var responseString:String;
public var Ray_Lab_Exits:Array;
public var Candis_Home_Exits:Array;
public var emptyString:String;
public var digimonList:Array;
public var Tanyas_Home_Exits:Array;
public var Dyns_Home_Exits:Array;
public var commonChar:Array;
public var Loris_Apartment_Exits:Array;
public var Button_Action:Nav_Button;
public var Sidewalk_1_Exits:Array;
public var Clock:TextField;
public function MainTimeline(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 7, frame8, 14, frame15, 20, frame21, 26, frame27, 36, frame37, 43, frame44, 51, frame52, 56, frame57);
public function setLocationText():void{
switch (pcLocation){
case "Debug_Alpha":
Location_Text.text = "Debug Alpha";
case "Debug_Beta":
Location_Text.text = "Debug Beta";
case "Debug_Gamma":
Location_Text.text = "Debug Gamma";
case "Ray_Lab":
Location_Text.text = "Ray Lab";
case "Hallway_1":
Location_Text.text = "Hallway 1";
case "Robotics_Lab":
Location_Text.text = "Robotics Lab";
case "Mens_Room":
Location_Text.text = "Men's Room";
case "Womens_Room":
Location_Text.text = "Women's Room";
case "Janitor_Closet":
Location_Text.text = "Janitor's Closet";
case "Lobby":
Location_Text.text = "Lobby";
case "Hallway_2":
Location_Text.text = "Hallway 2";
case "Call_Center":
Location_Text.text = "Call Center";
case "Animal_Testing":
Location_Text.text = "Animal Testing Lab";
case "Teleportation_Lab":
Location_Text.text = "Teleportation Lab";
case "Boss_Office":
Location_Text.text = "Boss's Office";
case "Secret_Lab":
Location_Text.text = "Secret Lab";
case "Parking_Lot":
Location_Text.text = "Parking Lot";
case "Beach":
Location_Text.text = "Beach";
case "Changing_Stall":
Location_Text.text = "Changing Stall";
case "Ocean":
Location_Text.text = "Ocean";
case "Sidewalk_1":
Location_Text.text = "Sidewalk 1";
case "Sidewalk_2":
Location_Text.text = "Sidewalk 2";
case "Sidewalk_3":
Location_Text.text = "Sidewalk 3";
case "Sidewalk_4":
Location_Text.text = "Sidewalk 4";
case "Sidewalk_5":
Location_Text.text = "Sidewalk 5";
case "Residential_Street":
Location_Text.text = "Residential Street";
case "Mobile_Home_Park":
Location_Text.text = "Mobile Home Park";
case "Apartment_Complex":
Location_Text.text = "Apartment Complex";
case "Bar":
Location_Text.text = "Bar";
case "Tarcals_Room":
Location_Text.text = "Tarcal's Room";
case "Nightclub":
Location_Text.text = "Nightclub";
case "Restroom":
Location_Text.text = "Restroom";
case "Gym":
Location_Text.text = "Gym";
case "Weight_Room":
Location_Text.text = "Weight Room";
case "Locker_Room":
Location_Text.text = "Locker Room";
case "Shower_Stall":
Location_Text.text = "Shower Stall";
case "Temple":
Location_Text.text = "Temple";
case "Park":
Location_Text.text = "Park";
case "Restaurant":
Location_Text.text = "Restaurant";
case "Jonathans_House":
Location_Text.text = "Jonathan's House";
case "Zexs_House":
Location_Text.text = "Zex's House";
case "Terrys_House":
Location_Text.text = "Terry's House";
case "Shakos_Apartment":
Location_Text.text = "Shako's Apartment";
case "Tanyas_Home":
Location_Text.text = "Tanya's Home";
case "Candis_Home":
Location_Text.text = "Candi's Home";
case "SoraKoras_Apt":
Location_Text.text = "Sora & Kora's Apt.";
case "Asters_Apartment":
Location_Text.text = "Aster's Apartment";
case "Dyns_Home":
Location_Text.text = "Dyn's Home";
case "Harris_House":
Location_Text.text = "Harris' House";
case "Nias_House":
Location_Text.text = "Nia's House";
case "Tobias_Apartment":
Location_Text.text = "Tobias' Apartment";
case "Loris_Apartment":
Location_Text.text = "Lori's Apartment";
case "James_Home":
Location_Text.text = "James' Home";
case "Umis_Mansion":
Location_Text.text = "Umi's Mansion";
case "Karens_Apartment":
Location_Text.text = "Karen's Apartment";
case "Svetas_House":
Location_Text.text = "Sveta's House";
case "RioKendis_Home":
Location_Text.text = "Rio & Kendi's Home";
case "Foreign_Farm":
Location_Text.text = "Foreign Farm";
case "Zoo":
Location_Text.text = "Zoo";
case "Prehistory":
Location_Text.text = "Prehistory";
case "Priestess_Room":
Location_Text.text = "Priestess' Room";
case "Alien_World":
Location_Text.text = "Alien World";
case "Unknown":
Location_Text.text = "Unknown Location";
Location_Text.text = "Error";
trace((("Location Text for " + pcLocation) + " Nonexistant"));
public function updateFinishedText(_arg1:Event):void{
finishedDialog.text = (((((("\"" + dialogTest1.text) + "\", \"") + dialogTest2.text) + "\", \"") + dialogTest3.text) + "\"");
public function startDialog():void{
Button_Action.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, hideActions);
Button_Action.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, setupActions);
dialogBox1.btn_Next.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, nextDialogPage);
s_button.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, saveGame);
dialogProgress = 0;
dialogBox1.dialogText.text = currentLocationActions[actionButtonClicked].dialog[dialogProgress];
dialogBox1.x = 25;
dialogBox1.y = 250;
public function getActionsForLocation():void{
thisActionArray = [];
currentLocationActions = [];
switch (pcSize){
case 60:
thisActionArray = giantActionArray;
case 6:
thisActionArray = normalActionArray;
case 3:
thisActionArray = halfActionArray;
case 0.5:
thisActionArray = dollActionArray;
case 0.05:
thisActionArray = antActionArray;
i = 0;
while (i < thisActionArray.length) {
switch (thisActionArray[i].area){
case "Sidewalk":
if ((((((((((pcLocation == "Sidewalk_1")) || ((pcLocation == "Sidewalk_2")))) || ((pcLocation == "Sidewalk_3")))) || ((pcLocation == "Sidewalk_4")))) || ((pcLocation == "Sidewalk_5")))){
if (thisActionArray[i].disabled != true){
switch (conversationIndex){
case "Start":
if (thisActionArray[i].index == "0"){
switch (thisActionArray[i].char){
case "NoChar":
j = 0;
while (j < activeCharacters.length) {
if (thisActionArray[i].char == activeCharacters[j]){
switch (thisActionArray[i].havemet){
case "N/A":
k = 0;
while (k < metList.length) {
if ((((metList[k][0] == thisActionArray[i].char)) && ((metList[k][1] == thisActionArray[i].havemet)))){
l = 0;
while (l < 6) {
if (thisActionArray[i].index == ((conversationIndex + "-") + l)){
switch (thisActionArray[i].char){
case "NoChar":
j = 0;
while (j < activeCharacters.length) {
if (thisActionArray[i].char == activeCharacters[j]){
switch (thisActionArray[i].havemet){
case "N/A":
k = 0;
while (k < metList.length) {
if ((((metList[k][0] == thisActionArray[i].char)) && ((metList[k][1] == thisActionArray[i].havemet)))){
if ((((thisActionArray[i].area == pcLocation)) && (!((thisActionArray[i].disabled == true))))){
switch (conversationIndex){
case "Start":
if (thisActionArray[i].index == "0"){
switch (thisActionArray[i].char){
case "NoChar":
j = 0;
while (j < activeCharacters.length) {
if (thisActionArray[i].char == activeCharacters[j]){
switch (thisActionArray[i].havemet){
case "N/A":
k = 0;
while (k < metList.length) {
if ((((metList[k][0] == thisActionArray[i].char)) && ((metList[k][1] == thisActionArray[i].havemet)))){
l = 0;
while (l < 6) {
if (thisActionArray[i].index == ((conversationIndex + "-") + l)){
switch (thisActionArray[i].char){
case "NoChar":
j = 0;
while (j < activeCharacters.length) {
if (thisActionArray[i].char == activeCharacters[j]){
switch (thisActionArray[i].havemet){
case "N/A":
k = 0;
while (k < metList.length) {
if ((((metList[k][0] == thisActionArray[i].char)) && ((metList[k][1] == thisActionArray[i].havemet)))){
if (currentLocationActions.length == 0){
trace("No actions for this size, area or characters");
if (currentLocationActions.length > 0){
} else {
if (currentLocationActions.length == 0){
function frame1(){
stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.SHOW_ALL;
loadGuage = new TextField();
playButton1 = new pButton();
myFormat = new TextFormat();
this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loading);
myFormat.bold = true;
myFormat.align = TextFormatAlign.CENTER;
myFormat.font = "Arial";
myFormat.color = 0xFF00;
myFormat.size = 30;
loadGuage.defaultTextFormat = myFormat;
loadGuage.width = 100;
loadGuage.x = 245;
loadGuage.y = 180;
function frame21(){
restart_Btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, restartGame);
function frame8(){
microGameData = SharedObject.getLocal("microGameData1");
btn_NewGame.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, startGame);
btn_LoadGame.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, loadGame);
btn_Instructions.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goInstructions);
btn_Credits.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goCredits);
btn_Info.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goInfo);
if (passwordActive != undefined){
} else {
passwordActive = new Array();
characterList = new Array("Apatosaur", "Aster", "Candi", "Chula", "Compsognathus", "Dog", "Dyn", "Harris", "James", "Jonathan", "Juuhai", "Karen", "Kendi", "Kerta", "Kora", "Krindako", "Lori", "Matrix", "Nia", "Rio", "Shadow", "Shako", "Sora", "Sveta", "Tanya", "Tarcal", "Terry", "Tobias", "Umi", "Wu", "Zex");
metList = new Array();
locationList = new Array("Ray_Lab", "Robotics_Lab", "Mens_Room", "Womens_Room", "Janitor_Closet", "Lobby", "Hallway_1", "Hallway_2", "Call_Center", "Animal_Testing", "Teleportation_Lab", "Boss_Office", "Secret_Lab", "Parking_Lot", "Sidewalk_1", "Sidewalk_2", "Sidewalk_3", "Sidewalk_4", "Sidewalk_5", "Mobile_Home_Park", "Residential_Street", "Apartment_Complex", "Bar", "Tarcals_Room", "Nightclub", "Restroom", "Temple", "Priestess_Room", "Beach", "Changing_Stall", "Ocean", "Gym", "Weight_Room", "Locker_Room", "Shower_Stall", "Park", "Restaurant", "Jonathans_House", "Zexs_House", "Terrys_House", "Shakos_Apartment", "Tanyas_Home", "Candis_Home", "SoraKoras_Apt", "Loris_Apartment", "Asters_Apartment", "Dyns_Home", "Harris_House", "Nias_House", "Tobias_Apartment", "James_Home", "Umis_Mansion", "Karens_Apartment", "Svetas_House", "RioKendis_Home", "Foreign_Farm", "Zoo", "Prehistory", "Alien_World", "Unknown");
digimonList = new Array("Renamon", "Guilmon", "Terriermon", "Veemon", "Hawkmon", "Armadillomon", "Wormmon", "Agumon", "Gabumon", "Palmon", "Biyomon", "Gomamon", "Tentomon", "Patamon", "Gatomon");
pokemonList = new Array("Blaziken", "Swampert", "Sceptile");
minishList = new Array();
tiberiumList = new Array("Tiberius");
itemList = new Array("D-iC", "Shrink_Ray", "Invulnerability_Potion");
characterTimes = new Array(["Debug_Alpha", ["Renamon", "Always"]], ["Debug_Beta"], ["Debug_Gamma"], ["Ray_Lab", ["Jonathan", "Timed", 9, 0, 17, 0], ["Tanya", "Timed", 19, 0, 19, 30]], ["Robotics_Lab", ["Shako", "Timed", 9, 0, 18, 0], ["Terry", "Timed", 8, 0, 17, 0], ["Matrix", "Timed", 18, 0, 8, 0], ["Tanya", "Timed", 18, 30, 19, 0]], ["Mens_Room", ["Tanya", "Timed", 17, 30, 18, 0], ["Jonathan", "Timed", 10, 30, 11, 0], ["Jonathan", "Timed", 15, 0, 15, 30], ["Harris", "Timed", 9, 0, 9, 30], ["Harris", "Timed", 2, 0, 2, 30], ["Aster", "Timed", 9, 0, 9, 30], ["Aster", "Timed", 14, 30, 15, 0], ["Sora", "Timed", 12, 30, 13, 0], ["Sora", "Timed", 15, 30, 16, 0], ["Dyn", "Timed", 19, 0, 19, 30], ["Dyn", "Timed", 23, 30, 24, 0]], ["Ladies_Room", ["Tanya", "Timed", 18, 0, 18, 30], ["Terry", "Timed", 11, 0, 11, 30], ["Terry", "Timed", 14, 30, 15, 0], ["Shako", "Timed", 9, 30, 10, 0], ["Shako", "Timed", 16, 0, 16, 30], ["Candi", "Timed", 10, 0, 10, 30], ["Candi", "Timed", 13, 30, 14, 0], ["Kora", "Timed", 12, 30, 13, 0], ["Kora", "Timed", 15, 30, 16, 0]], ["Janitor_Closet", ["Tanya", "Timed", 15, 0, 20, 0]], ["Lobby", ["Candi", "Timed", 9, 0, 17, 0], ["Tanya", "Timed", 17, 0, 17, 30]], ["Call_Center", ["Sora", "Timed", 9, 0, 18, 0], ["Kora", "Timed", 9, 0, 18, 0], ["Tanya", "Timed", 16, 30, 17, 0]], ["Animal_Testing", ["Aster", "Timed", 10, 0, 17, 0], ["Tanya", "Timed", 15, 0, 15, 30]], ["Teleportation_Lab", ["Dyn", "Timed", 19, 0, 3, 30], ["Tanya", "Timed", 16, 0, 16, 30]], ["Boss_Office", ["Harris", "Timed", 8, 0, 19, 0], ["Tanya", "Timed", 15, 30, 16, 0]], ["Hallway_1", ["Jonathan", "Work"], ["Terry", "Work"], ["Shako", "Work"], ["Candi", "Work"], ["Tanya", "Timed", 17, 0, 20, 0]], ["Hallway_2", ["Sora", "Work"], ["Kora", "Work"], ["Aster", "Work"], ["Dyn", "Work"], ["Harris", "Work"], ["Tanya", "Timed", 15, 0, 17, 0]], ["Secret_Lab", ["Kerta", "Rare"], ["Chula", "Always"]], ["Parking_Lot", ["Dog", "Always"], ["Juuhai", "Rare"]], ["Sidewalk_1", ["Juuhai", "Rare"]], ["Sidewalk_2", ["Juuhai", "Rare"]], ["Sidewalk_3", ["Juuhai", "Rare"]], ["Sidewalk_4", ["Juuhai", "Rare"]], ["Sidewalk_5", ["Juuhai", "Rare"]], ["Apartment_Complex"], ["Mobile_Home_Park"], ["Residential_Street"], ["Temple", ["Shadow", "Timed", 8, 0, 14, 0], ["Tobias", "Timed", 11, 0, 12, 30], ["Rio", "Timed", 12, 0, 15, 0], ["Kendi", "Timed", 13, 30, 19, 0], ["Tanya", "Timed", 9, 30, 11, 30]], ["Priestess_Room", ["Shadow", "Timed", 14, 0, 20, 0]], ["Park", ["Tobias", "Timed", 14, 0, 17, 0], ["Jonathan", "Timed", 7, 0, 8, 30], ["Sveta", "Timed", 19, 0, 22, 0], ["Tanya", "Timed", 6, 30, 9, 0], ["Zex", "Timed", 5, 20, 7, 30], ["Rio", "Timed", 9, 30, 11, 30], ["Lori", "Timed", 16, 30, 20, 30], ["Juuhai", "Rare"]], ["Beach", ["James", "Timed", 16, 0, 21, 0], ["Umi", "Timed", 13, 0, 20, 0], ["Zex", "Timed", 10, 30, 15, 30], ["Candi", "Timed", 17, 30, 20, 0], ["Shadow", "Timed", 22, 0, 3, 0], ["Karen", "Timed", 17, 30, 19, 30], ["Nia", "Timed", 15, 30, 19, 30], ["Dyn", "Timed", 12, 0, 16, 30], ["Juuhai", "Rare"]], ["Changing_Stall", ["James", "TimedRandom", 16, 0, 21, 0], ["Umi", "TimedRandom", 13, 0, 20, 0], ["Zex", "TimedRandom", 10, 30, 15, 30], ["Candi", "TimedRandom", 17, 30, 20, 0], ["Karen", "TimedRandom", 17, 30, 19, 30], ["Nia", "TimedRandom", 15, 30, 19, 30], ["Dyn", "TimedRandom", 12, 0, 16, 30]], ["Ocean", ["James", "TimedRandom", 16, 0, 21, 0], ["Umi", "TimedRandom", 13, 0, 20, 0], ["Zex", "TimedRandom", 10, 30, 15, 30], ["Candi", "TimedRandom", 17, 30, 20, 0], ["Karen", "TimedRandom", 17, 30, 19, 30], ["Nia", "TimedRandom", 15, 30, 19, 30], ["Dyn", "TimedRandom", 12, 0, 16, 30], ["Juuhai", "Rare"]], ["Bar", ["Terry", "Timed", 19, 0, 21, 30], ["Tarcal", "Always"], ["Tobias", "Timed", 19, 0, 21, 30], ["Umi", "Timed", 22, 0, 1, 0], ["Zex", "Timed", 16, 0, 22, 0], ["Jonathan", "Timed", 23, 30, 3, 30], ["Harris", "Timed", 23, 30, 2, 0], ["Shako", "Timed", 21, 30, 2, 30], ["Candi", "Timed", 23, 0, 2, 0]], ["Tarcals_Room", ["Tarcal", "Night"]], ["Nightclub", ["Sora", "Timed", 19, 0, 23, 0], ["Kora", "Timed", 19, 0, 23, 0], ["Shako", "Timed", 19, 0, 21, 0], ["Sveta", "Timed", 20, 0, 3, 0], ["Nia", "Timed", 20, 0, 2, 0], ["James", "Timed", 21, 0, 3, 0], ["Terry", "Timed", 22, 0, 1, 30]], ["Restroom", ["Sora", "TimedRandom", 19, 0, 23, 0], ["Kora", "TimedRandom", 19, 0, 23, 0], ["Shako", "TimedRandom", 19, 0, 21, 0], ["Sveta", "TimedRandom", 20, 0, 3, 0], ["Nia", "TimedRandom", 20, 0, 2, 0], ["James", "TimedRandom", 21, 0, 3, 0], ["Terry", "TimedRandom", 22, 0, 1, 30]], ["Gym", ["Rio", "TimedRandom", 16, 0, 2, 0], ["James", "TimedRandom", 10, 0, 13, 0], ["Aster", "TimedRandom", 18, 0, 21, 0], ["Kendi", "TimedRandom", 1, 0, 10, 0], ["Harris", "TimedRandom", 20, 30, 23, 0], ["Shadow", "TimedRandom", 4, 0, 7, 0], ["Karen", "Timed", 7, 0, 17, 0]], ["Weight_Room", ["Rio", "TimedRandom", 16, 0, 2, 0], ["James", "TimedRandom", 10, 0, 13, 0], ["Aster", "TimedRandom", 18, 0, 21, 0], ["Kendi", "TimedRandom", 1, 0, 10, 0], ["Harris", "TimedRandom", 20, 30, 23, 0], ["Shadow", "TimedRandom", 4, 0, 7, 0], ["Karen", "TimedRandom", 20, 0, 24, 30]], ["Locker_Room", ["Rio", "TimedRandom", 16, 0, 2, 0], ["James", "TimedRandom", 10, 0, 13, 0], ["Aster", "TimedRandom", 18, 0, 21, 0], ["Kendi", "TimedRandom", 1, 0, 10, 0], ["Harris", "TimedRandom", 20, 30, 23, 0], ["Shadow", "TimedRandom", 4, 0, 7, 0], ["Karen", "TimedRandom", 20, 0, 24, 30]], ["Shower_Stalls", ["Rio", "TimedRandom", 16, 0, 2, 0], ["James", "TimedRandom", 10, 0, 13, 0], ["Aster", "TimedRandom", 18, 0, 21, 0], ["Kendi", "TimedRandom", 1, 0, 10, 0], ["Harris", "TimedRandom", 20, 30, 23, 0], ["Shadow", "TimedRandom", 4, 0, 7, 0], ["Karen", "TimedRandom", 20, 0, 24, 30]], ["Restaurant", ["Tanya", "Timed", 12, 0, 14, 30], ["Tanya", "Timed", 20, 30, 23, 0], ["Umi", "Timed", 9, 0, 12, 0], ["Dyn", "Timed", 9, 30, 11, 30], ["Zex", "Timed", 8, 0, 10, 0], ["Tobias", "Timed", 6, 0, 10, 30], ["Kendi", "Timed", 10, 30, 1, 0], ["Sora", "Timed", 23, 30, 1, 30], ["Kora", "Timed", 23, 30, 1, 30], ["Aster", "Timed", 7, 0, 9, 30], ["Sveta", "Timed", 8, 0, 9, 30], ["Candi", "Timed", 20, 30, 22, 30], ["Nia", "Timed", 7, 30, 15, 0], ["Lori", "Timed", 7, 0, 16, 0]], ["Jonathans_House", ["Jonathan", "Timed", 4, 0, 6, 30], ["Jonathan", "Timed", 17, 30, 23, 0], ["Zex", "Uncommon"]], ["Zexs_House", ["Zex", "Timed", 23, 30, 5, 0], ["Jonathan", "Uncommon"]], ["Terrys_House", ["Terry", "Timed", 2, 0, 7, 30], ["Shako", "Uncommon"], ["Candi", "Uncommon"]], ["Shakos_Apartment", ["Shako", "Timed", 3, 0, 8, 30], ["Terry", "Uncommon"]], ["Tanyas_Home", ["Tanya", "Timed", 23, 30, 6, 0], ["Dyn", "Uncommon"]], ["Candis_Home", ["Candi", "Timed", 2, 30, 8, 30], ["Harris", "Uncommon"], ["Terry", "Uncommon"]], ["SoraKoras_Apt", ["Sora", "Timed", 2, 0, 8, 30], ["Kora", "Timed", 2, 0, 8, 30], ["Tobias", "Uncommon"], ["Lori", "Uncommon"]], ["Asters_Apartment", ["Aster", "Timed", 21, 30, 6, 30]], ["Dyns_Home", ["Dyn", "Timed", 4, 0, 9, 0], ["Tanya", "Uncommon"]], ["Harris_House", ["Harris", "Timed", 2, 30, 7, 30], ["Candi", "Uncommon"], ["Rio", "Uncommon"], ["Kendi", "Uncommon"]], ["Nias_House", ["Nia", "Timed", 2, 30, 7, 0], ["Umi", "Uncommon"]], ["Tobias_Apartment", ["Tobias", "Timed", 10, 0, 5, 30], ["Sora", "Uncommon"]], ["James_Home", ["James", "Timed", 3, 30, 9, 30], ["Sveta", "Uncommon"]], ["Umis_Mansion", ["Umi", "Timed", 1, 30, 8, 30], ["Nia", "Uncommon"]], ["Karens_Apartment", ["Karen", "Timed", 1, 0, 6, 30], ["Sveta", "Uncommon"]], ["Svetas_House", ["Sveta", "Timed", 3, 30, 7, 30], ["James", "Uncommon"], ["Karen", "Uncommon"]], ["RioKendis_Home", ["Rio", "Timed", 3, 0, 9, 0], ["Kendi", "Timed", 19, 30, 24, 30], ["Harris", "Uncommon"]], ["Loris_Apartment", ["Lori", "Timed", 23, 0, 6, 30], ["Sora", "Uncommon"]], ["Prehistory", ["Apatosaur", "Random"], ["Compsognathus", "Random"]], ["Foreign_Farm", ["Wu", "Night"], ["Krindako", "Rare"]], ["Zoo", ["Sveta", "Timed", 10, 0, 19, 0], ["Krindako", "Rare"]], ["Alien_World", ["Krindako", "Always"]], ["Unknown"]);
Debug_Alpha_Exits = ["Debug_Beta", "Ray_Lab", "Sidewalk_1", "Teleportation_Lab", "Beach", "Alien_World"];
Debug_Beta_Exits = ["Debug_Alpha", "Debug_Gamma", "Prehistory", "SoraKoras_Apt", "Zoo", "Unknown"];
Debug_Gamma_Exits = ["Debug_Beta", "Foreign_Farm", " ", " ", " ", "Secret_Lab"];
Ray_Lab_Exits = ["Hallway_1", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "];
Hallway_1_Exits = ["Ray_Lab", "Robotics_Lab", "Mens_Room", "Womens_Room", "Janitor_Closet", "Lobby"];
Robotics_Lab_Exits = ["Hallway_1", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "];
Mens_Room_Exits = ["Hallway_1", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "];
Womens_Room_Exits = ["Hallway_1", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "];
Lobby_Exits = ["Hallway_1", "Hallway_2", "Parking_Lot", " ", " ", " "];
Hallway_2_Exits = ["Lobby", "Call_Center", "Animal_Testing", "Teleportation_Lab", "Boss_Office", " "];
Call_Center_Exits = ["Hallway_2", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "];
Parking_Lot_Exits = ["Lobby", "Sidewalk_3", " ", " ", " ", " "];
Animal_Testing_Exits = ["Hallway_2", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "];
Boss_Office_Exits = ["Hallway_2", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "];
Teleportation_Lab_Exits = ["Hallway_2", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "];
Janitor_Closet_Exits = ["Hallway_1", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "];
Secret_Lab_Exits = ["Animal_Testing", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "];
Sidewalk_1_Exits = ["Bar", "Nightclub", "Sidewalk_2", "Apartment_Complex", " ", " "];
Sidewalk_2_Exits = ["Gym", "Restaurant", "Sidewalk_1", "Sidewalk_3", " ", " "];
Sidewalk_3_Exits = ["Parking_Lot", "Mobile_Home_Park", "Sidewalk_2", "Sidewalk_4", " ", " "];
Sidewalk_4_Exits = ["Park", "Sidewalk_3", "Sidewalk_5", " ", " ", " "];
Sidewalk_5_Exits = ["Beach", "Temple", "Residential_Street", "Sidewalk_4", " ", " "];
Residential_Street_Exits = ["Sidewalk_5", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "];
Mobile_Home_Park_Exits = ["Sidewalk_3", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "];
Apartment_Complex_Exits = ["Sidewalk_1", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "];
Park_Exits = ["Sidewalk_4", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "];
Temple_Exits = ["Priestess_Room", "Sidewalk_5", " ", " ", " ", " "];
Priestess_Room_Exits = ["Temple", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "];
Beach_Exits = ["Changing_Stall", "Ocean", "Sidewalk_5", " ", " ", " "];
Changing_Stall_Exits = ["Beach", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "];
Ocean_Exits = ["Beach", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "];
Bar_Exits = ["Tarcals_Room", "Sidewalk_1", " ", " ", " ", " "];
Tarcals_Room_Exits = ["Bar", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "];
Nightclub_Exits = ["Restroom", "Sidewalk_1", " ", " ", " ", " "];
Restroom_Exits = ["Nightclub", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "];
Gym_Exits = ["Weight_Room", "Locker_Room", "Sidewalk_2", " ", " ", " "];
Weight_Room_Exits = ["Gym", "Locker_Room", " ", " ", " ", " "];
Locker_Room_Exits = ["Gym", "Weight_Room", "Shower_Stall", " ", " ", " "];
Shower_Stall_Exits = ["Locker_Room", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "];
Restaurant_Exits = ["Sidewalk_2", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "];
Jonathans_House_Exits = ["Residential_Street", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "];
Zexs_House_Exits = ["Residential_Street", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "];
Terrys_House_Exits = ["Residential_Street", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "];
Shakos_Apartment_Exits = ["Apartment_Complex", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "];
Tanyas_Home_Exits = ["Mobile_Home_Park", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "];
Candis_Home_Exits = ["Residential_Street", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "];
SoraKoras_Apt_Exits = ["Apartment_Complex", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "];
Loris_Apartment_Exits = ["Apartment_Complex", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "];
Asters_Apartment_Exits = ["Apartment_Complex", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "];
Dyns_Home_Exits = ["Mobile_Home_Park", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "];
Harris_House_Exits = ["Residential_Street", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "];
Nias_House_Exits = ["Residential_Street", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "];
Tobias_Apartment_Exits = ["Apartment_Complex", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "];
James_Home_Exits = ["Mobile_Home_Park", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "];
Umis_Mansion_Exits = ["Sidewalk_5", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "];
Karens_Apartment_Exits = ["Apartment_Complex", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "];
Svetas_House_Exits = ["Residential_Street", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "];
RioKendis_Home_Exits = ["Residential_Street", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "];
Prehistory_Exits = [" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "];
Foreign_Farm_Exits = [" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "];
Zoo_Exits = [" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "];
Alien_World_Exits = [" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "];
Unknown_Exits = [" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "];
giantActionArray = new Array({area:"Unknown", index:"0", char:"NoChar", metyet:"N/A", choice:"Get your bearings.", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Only dimly aware of your existence and completely unable to move, you seem to have made a very bad mistake with the teleporter.", "After a short time, you determine that you have likely been teleported directly into solid rock. How you are still alive is anyone's guess.", "Unfortunately there is no way for you to escape as the maddening passage of time sets in. The years going by as life goes on above ground until one day you felt the touch of another being.", "After all these centuries trapped underground, you made an interesting discovery. You were over ten times your original height. Too bad they just thought you were a statue.", "Uncovered and standing up in a massive city square, you stand for thousands of years watching the world change and advance.", "Cities came and went as the elements slowly eroded your body until there was nothing left of the once great stone observer that the world had never known was alive."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:false, endgame:true, disabled:false, setmet:false});
normalActionArray = new Array({area:"Debug_Alpha", index:"0", char:"Renamon", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Ignore Me! (0)", delay:10, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Ignore this."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:false, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:"Lockout"}, {area:"Debug_Alpha", index:"0", char:"Renamon", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Ignore Me! (1)", delay:10, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Ignore this."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:false, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Debug_Alpha", index:"0", char:"NoChar", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Ignore Me! (2)", delay:10, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Ignore this."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:false, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Debug_Alpha", index:"0", char:"NoChar", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Ignore Me! (3)", delay:10, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Ignore this."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:false, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Debug_Alpha", index:"0", char:"NoChar", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Ignore Me! (4)", delay:10, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Ignore this."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:false, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Debug_Alpha", index:"0", char:"NoChar", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Ignore Me! (5)", delay:10, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Ignore this."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:false, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Ray_Lab", index:"0", char:"NoChar", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Test the shrink ray.", delay:10, sizemod:0.5, areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["You pick up the shrink ray and point it at the test target; a desktop computer. As you pull the trigger a strange sensation passes through your body, the strange energies of the ray somehow being conducted into your body.", "Several moments later you start to get dizzy, finding yourself no longer able to stand as everything around you starts to get bigger... Even your clothes!", "Your body getting smaller and smaller, you soon find yourself buried in a pile of your own clothing. Thankfully the effect seems to be slowing down to a stop, but your body already less than a foot tall.", "Climbing out of the pile and looking around the room, you estimate that you are now only six inches tall, making you as small as many children's toys. Not the best day at work, eh?"], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:false, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Teleportation_Lab", index:"0", char:"NoChar", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Play around with the teleporter.", delay:5, sizemod:"Random", areamod:"Random", dialog:["Heh... You just couldn't resist trying out the teleporter. After all, the lab reports said the thing was functional, albeit untested on living creatures. After running through the startup routine, you step onto the pad, the flow of electricity through the teleporter actually audible.", "You feel a sickening sensation as the teleporter activates, your body being taken apart bit by bit to be reassembled elsewhere. Everything seems to fade out, leaving you only dimly aware of your situation.", "Slowly you become aware of yourself being reassembled in a new environment, but something seems a bit off. Everything is a bit bigger than it should be, at least twice as big as before... Waitaminute... That means you've shrunk from the teleport!", "Things could have been worse though, you appear to be about three feet tall, still able to get around easily without much difficulty, but also standing out a fair amount when not hidden in a crowd."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:false, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Teleportation_Lab", index:"0", char:"NoChar", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Use the Teleporter to go on a vacation.", delay:5, sizemod:3, areamod:"Random", dialog:["Heh... You just couldn't resist trying out the teleporter. After all, the lab reports said the thing was functional, albeit untested on living creatures. After running through the startup routine, you step onto the pad, the flow of electricity through the teleporter actually audible.", "You feel a sickening sensation as the teleporter activates, your body being taken apart bit by bit to be reassembled elsewhere. Everything seems to fade out, leaving you only dimly aware of your situation.", "Slowly you become aware of yourself being reassembled in a new environment, but something seems a bit off. Everything is a bit bigger than it should be, at least twice as big as before... Waitaminute... That means you've shrunk from the teleport!", "Things could have been worse though, you appear to be about three feet tall, still able to get around easily without much difficulty, but also standing out a fair amount when not hidden in a crowd."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:false, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Ray_Lab", index:"0", char:"Jonathan", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Chat with Jonathan a bit.", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Jonathan looks up from his computer station. \"Heya Char. The new code has been downloaded to your project... That thing sure is a crazy idea, but I really want to see it work.\" Jonathan says, the rat smiling a bit as he goes back to typing on his computer.", "Jonathan was never really all that talkative, the slim gray rat keeping to himself most of the time. He rarely ever talked unless spoken to first. So far, you were the only one he ever spoke to on friendly terms, but at some point you planned on getting him out in the crowd."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:false, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:true}, {area:"Ray_Lab", index:"0", char:"Tanya", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Talk to the Janitor.", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["The janitor... Tanya, if you remember correctly, is walking around the room with a vaccuum. Cleaning the floors carefully and occasionally retrieving a dropped tool. After several moments she finally notices that you were talking to her, looking up from the floor.", "\"Oh sorry... Not many of the lab workers talk to me here. I guess I got a bit too used to it...\" She said with a slight grin, the wolf standing the vaccuum up and taking a quick break from cleaning.", "\"So... Have you seen that thing the girls in Robotics have been working on?\" She asked, pausing a moment before continuing on \"It's huge! I've even heard it talking! Gotta wonder why they added those extra parts though...\"", "Tanya grins as she grabs hold of the vacuum, saying \"Well it was nice chatting with you, but Harris will have my ass if I don't get back to work. Come to think of it, shouldn't you be working too?\""], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:false, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:true}, {area:"Robotics_Lab", index:"0", char:"Shako", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Chat with Shako.", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Shako seems to be ignoring you for the moment, furiously typing away at a diagnostic station plugged into the robot standing in the middle of the room. The robot's eyes seem to be blinking with blue light as it continually repeats an error message.", "\"Great! Just great! You just had to crash the day we have to show the boss our progress!\" She shouts, half talking to herself half angrily shouting at the robot. It doesn't seem like she is going to talk to you for the moment, maybe it's just better to leave her alone."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:false, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:true}, {area:"Robotics_Lab", index:"0", char:"Terry", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Talk to Terry.", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["\"Oh, hi Char. Come to see our prototype?\" Terry asks with a grin, gesturing over at a tall robot standing in the middle of the room. It looked... Strangely attractive to say the least, with some unusual additions of sexual organs to the base model.", " The fox seems a bit excited as she says \"Sorry but Matrix is offline at the moment. Her speech recognition program keeps crashing. Shako has been searching for the problem but hasn't made any progress.\"", "\"Oh yeah! Remember, don't mention the modifications we have made to Matrix to anyone. We don't want Taro coming down from corporate to shut us down. It was hard enough just getting Harris not to talk.\" She adds with a wink, getting back to work on the programming."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:false, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:true}, {area:"Robotics_Lab", index:"0", char:"Tanya", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Talk to Tanya for a minute.", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["The overweight wolf appears to be emptying the trash bins in the lab. Taking off her headphones for a few minutes when she notices you, she tosses the trash bag into her large wheeled trash can just outside in the hall.", "\"Well, Char... What do you think of that thing up there? Crazy, isn't it? They take a perfectly good robot and turn it into some sort of sexual joke. What in the world is going through their heads?\" She asks, staring at the overly-endowed robot. ", "You had to admit Tanya had a point. Why did they do that? Even not counting the breasts bigger than your head, that shaft was too big to even fit inside most of the furres you knew. ", "But then again, you had seen Tanya staring at that thing just like everyone else, even yourself. That thing was more a work of art than the construction robot it was supposed to be and the lab reports said it was fully capable of making it's own decisions.", "The black wolf shook her head, laughing a bit as she saw your expression and wandering off to finish cleaning the robotics lab, leaving you to stare at the robot alone."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:false, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:true}, {area:"Robotics_Lab", index:"0", char:"Matrix", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Try talking with the robot.", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["The large robot's eyes seem to be flashing blue. You hear a slightly computerised, yet female-sounding voice announce \"Error: Generic Interactive Personality Matrix status is nonfunctional. Please reinstall speech recognition software.\"", "The robot continues to repeat the same message whenever you speak to it. Guess conversation is pointless for the moment, but you do get a good chance to examine it's body.", "Rather tall, at least twice your height, and slightly resembling an oversized rabbit. The robot appears to have several parts of it's body made out of some facsimile for skin. Not that it's a bad thing since it is used mainly on the sexual organs that the techs added to it's body.", "While the robot does appear rather lovely, it's size tends to give you the impression that it could easily harm you by accident... Or even on purpose if Shako and Terry get the programming wrong again. "], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:false, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:true}, {area:"Lobby", index:"0", char:"Candi", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Talk to Candi for a bit.", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Waving hello to the secretary, a rather beautiful crimson dragoness. Candi was her name, a strangely fitting name for the dragoness who was eye-candy of the highest calibre.", "\"Hey Char. We've received a few calls about the stun weapons. Seems that they work well in tests, but tend to cause fires a lot.\" Candi said, leaning on her desk as she looked at her computer screen.", "Great... Those stun weapons were your ticket to a promotion, and they're lighting targets on fire now, you'll have to redesign them after your current project is finished.", "Candi seems to be staring at you as you think, the dragoness looking over your body as though she were checking you out. With a smile, you head off elsewhere and think about the possibility of getting a date with her sometime."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:false, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:true}, {area:"Call_Center", index:"0", char:"Sora", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Chat with the male skunk.", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["You notice that the Call Center is almost empty apart from a pair of skunks. Twins by the look of it, sitting in two call stations divided only by a row of filing cabinets. Walking up to one of them, the male... you think.", "It was pretty hard to tell because he was dressed in what appeared to be female clothing, identical to what the other skunk was wearing. Watching him set down the phone, just finishing with a call, you decide to start a conversation with him.", " \"Man, it's boring here. We only get a couple of calls a day, and usually the problems are as simple as pressing the wrong button.\" The skunk says in a male voice, confirming his sex to you.", "Leaning back in his chair, the skunk seemed to be drilling a hole in the side of a pen with a pair of scissors. You couldn't help wondering what he was doing as he slowly constructed something from the office supplies.", "\"My name is Sora, by the way. Feel free to stop by here any time. We really need the distraction\" The skunk said, sticking the ink tube from the pen through the hole he had drilled and then rummaging through his desk mumbling something about rubber bands."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:false, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:true}, {area:"Call_Center", index:"0", char:"Kora", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Chat with the female skunk.", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["You notice that the Call Center is almost empty apart from a pair of skunks. Twins by the look of it, sitting in two call stations divided only by a row of filing cabinets.", "Walking up to the one of them, a female by the looks of her chest, was barely distinguishable from her brother on the other side of the cabinets. She appeared to be bored out of her mind from a lack of calls, building something out of paperclips that reminded you of a catapult.", "Deciding to strike up a conversation with her since she doesn't have anything better to do, you walk up and get her attention, nearly causing her to fall back in her chair as you accidentally startle her.", "\"Oh. You're the one who keeps building all those fancy ray guns and stuff. My name's Kora and I had been hoping to meet you. Don't suppose you could build me one of those things, could ya?\" She asks with a giggle, looking like she was completely serious.", "\" It's okay, I know you can't. I just really wish they would let me and Sora do something else around here, Candi could probably do both our jobs easily since we usually only get three calls or so a day\" She says with a grin, tilting back in her chair.", "\"Just don't tell the boss, we like employment too much to go and lose it!\" Kora added, her tail twitching a bit as her phone rang. \"Sorry, but I gotta take this. Stop by again sometime, we could use the company down here.\""], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:false, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:true}, {area:"Animal_Testing", index:"0", char:"Aster", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Check out Aster's project.", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["In the Animal testing lab, apart from numerous lab animals, stood an eagle, silently mixing chemicals with various venoms. No one had any idea what Aster actually did, the male eagle just not being social.", "Watching him work for awhile, waiting for a good time to notify him of your presence knowing that startling Aster could be rather bad while he's still holding the flasks.", "After several minutes with no sign of stopping his work, Aster spoke up. \"Is there a reason you are here, Char?\" He asked, not even looking in your direction. After asking about his project, he replied \"Chemical body augmentation.\"", "The eagle did not go into any further detail, continuing to work on his project in silence, apparently quite done with talking to you."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:false, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:true}, {area:"Animal_Testing", index:"0", char:"NoChar", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Look at a suspicious book case.", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"Secret_Lab", dialog:["Looking at an out of place book case sitting in the middle of an otherwise empty wall, you start to wonder just why it was there. Filled mostly with research books and notes belonging to Aster, you browse the selection until you come across a book that looks out of place.", "Titled \"The Expanded Evil Overlord Guide to Being Dangerously Genre Savvy,\" The book is certainly enough to draw your attention. Reaching out to remove the book, you find that it wont come loose and only tilts slightly.", "Within moments you hear a mechanical grinding noise as the bookcase slides to the side, revealing a spiral staircase going down. A secret basement? Of course you can't resist going down to explore!"], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:false, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Teleportation_Lab", index:"0", char:"Dyn", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Have a quick chat with Dyn.", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Walking up to the teleporter, you see a male panda who appears to be plugging circuit boards into the large device. That thing looked ridiculously complicated, making your shrink-ray project look like a simple toy.", "The panda notices you as you look around the device, saying \"Hello. Please try not to touch anything, the equipment is very sensitive.\" Shutting a panel and turning to face you, he yawns out of exhaustion.", "\"I don't think I will ever get used to the night shift.\" He said, rubbing his dark-circled eyes with one hand. \"Hey, aren't you the guy from the Ray Lab?\" The panda asked as he turned to retrieve a potted plant and deposited it on the teleporter pad.", "\"I'm Dyn, the crazy guy who built this thing. Nice to meet the crazy guy who built the shrink ray, although I seem to have beat you to results...\" Dyn said, leaving you wondering what he meant as he started up the teleporter.", "A faint humming noise starts up, building to a near deafening level that caused the entire building to vibrate, explaining why the panda only works at night.", "With an odd fizzling noise the plant just seems to fade out, leaving nothing behind. Then another similar noise is heard, although neither you nor Dyn can find it's source at first.", "Dyn starts to look around the room, apparently knowing what he was looking for as he walks around the back of the teleporter and shouting \"Aha!\" Following Dyn, you find out exactly what he meant about results when you see a three inch tall plant partially embedded in the wall.", "\"The teleporter keeps shrinking test objects... It also tends to be horribly inaccurate with the destination.\" He said as he tugged the exposed portion of the plant loose and taking it over to a container on a nearby desk.", "\"Sorry, but I need to start examining this sample. This is the first one with a significant amount of sample material accessible. You should come back another time.\" The panda says, beginning his examination of what little of the shrunken plant there was availible."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:false, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:true}, {area:"Boss_Office", index:"0", char:"Harris", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Talk to your boss.", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["\"Oh, hey Char. I hear your project is coming along nicely. Can't wait to see the ray in action\" Harris, the rather buff horse, said to you as he leaned forward onto his desk.", "Grinning as he went through a pile of paperwork, most notably a diagram of that robot from the robotics lab that looked almost nothing like it actually does... So that's how they are getting away with it.", "\"Sorry, Char, but I have a mountain of projects to examine, why don't you go back and get some work done or something.\" He said, nodding towards the door in a friendly manner.", "While not the strictest boss, he certainly was a lot easier to get along with than what you would expect."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:false, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:true}, {area:"Secret_Lab", index:"0", char:"Chula", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Investigate the barrel of gelatin.", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Looking down in the barrel of what appeared to be some kind of purplish gelatin, all you could wonder was why someone would have a large plastic barrel full of it...", "Apart from the obvious biohazard signs there was a large one labeled \"Do not put food or limbs in this barrel.\" Well... You read the sign. With a small chuckle you take a candy bar from your pocket and drop it into the gelatin-like substance. ", "Watching the bar of chocolate slowly sink into the barrel, you start to see the reason for the warnings as the bar starts to dissolve in the substance.", "Well that was interesting, but there must be other things to do other than tossing your snacks into a barrel of acidic goo"], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:false, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:true}, {area:"Secret_Lab", index:"0", char:"Kerta", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Who is that working over there?", delay:10, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Strange. You didn't know there was a hidden lab in the building. Never seen anyone you didn't recognize in the main labs either, but right in front of you is a dragon that you have never seen before... At least you think it's a dragon... It doesn't look much like any dragon you have met before.", "Covered in blue fur and more than a bit shorter than any other dragon you've met, this individual is certainly an odd sight. While at first you had trouble figuring out it's sex through its lab coat you eventally conclude it is a female.", "She had not even noticed you being in the lab as she worked on constructing some sort of small spherical container. Approaching her from behind you peer over her shoulder and watch her insert a complicated circuit into a hatch in the container... then growl loudly!", "Feeling something moving underfoot you lift your leg and notice that you had been standing on her tail. The strange dragoness turned around quickly, her angry expression fading into confusion when she saw you. \"How did you get in here, Char?\" She asked, somehow knowing your name.", "Stumbling for an answer you eventually manage to spit out \"Found the switch.\" While she wasn't completely convinced, she did not seem too suspicious of your presence. \"Alright. Is there a reason you are down here in my lab?\" The dragoness asks... Wierd. She sounds familiar...", "The dragoness sighs, slipping off her goggles and tossing them aside. \"The part you requested won't be finished until next week anyways so if you don't have any reason to be here then leave.\" She told you in an annoyed tone... ", "Now you remember who she is! She's Kerta, the girl you order parts from over the phone! You had always thought she was in the lab at the corporate offices, Guess you were wrong. Best to leave her alone with her work.", "As you turn to leave you hear her say \"Don't tell anyone about me being here. Only Harris is supposed to know about my presence.\""], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:false, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:true}, {area:"Bar", index:"0", char:"Tarcal", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Talk with the bartender.", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["As you step up to the bar you catch sight of a gorgeous female wolf chatting with one of the customers. Gazing over her gray-furred body clothed in a semi-revealing shirt, you can't help feeling that you've seen her somewhere before.", "Listening in on her conversation with the customer, you hear her name is Tarcal and also catch the names of a few of the local drinks she serves. After a few moments she realizes you are there and steps over to you.", "\"Haven't seen you around before. What can I get ya?\" She asks you, her voice sounding oddly familiar as she clears a few glasses off the bar with a pleasant smile."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Bar", index:"0-0", char:"Tarcal", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Ask for a \"Killer Shrew\"", delay:10, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["As you request a Killer Shrew Tarcal's eyes widen. Not knowing exactly what you requested, it was most surprising when the wolf ducked down out of sight to mix the drink.", "\"Ya know... You are the first one to request one of these in almost a year. Last guy nearly killed himself with a single glass.\" Tarcal said as she sound of plastic being opened followed by a what you could've swore was a cereal box being emptied.", "The sound of a blender mixing the drink went on for almost a minute as you waited, worrying about what you had ordered. Laughing a little as she stands back up, setting a large glass in front of you full of some sort of disgusting-looking thick brownish goo.", "Strangest thing of all about the drink was the little wind up toy shrew sitting right on top of the drink, barely sinking into it at all. Tarcal laughs a little as you stare at the drink, getting out a camera to take your picture as you try it.", "\"Drink up.\" The bartender said with enthusiasm as she held up the camera. Lifting up the glass you tip it back, the brown goo taking several moments just to reach your lips.", "The moment that stuff hit your tongue you were overwhelmed by the sweetness of the drink, Tarcal's camera captured your shocked expression as everyone in the room let out a gasp.", "Tasting at least ten varieties of sugar, both natural and artificial, you nearly choked on the strange mixture. Of various flavors passing over your tongue the two most recognizable were chocolate and maple syrup, and there were many others that you just couldn't make out.", "Doing your best to finish the drink, your stomach simply refusing to take more than a few more sips before you started feeling a bit off. Setting the glass down, Tarcal quickly takes it away, noticing that you can't handle any more of it.", "Tarcal gives you a sympathetic look as she quickly disposes of the rest of the drink. \"Only person I ever saw finish one of those things works here. He still won't tell me where he got the recipe, but I'm not sure I want to know...\" She said with a thoughtful smile.", "The female wolf turns around to go serve another customer, the entire room still staring at you like you were crazy for ordering such a thing. Strange... You could've sworn you felt yourself gaining a few pounds as you walked away from the bar."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:false, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:true}, {area:"Bar", index:"0-2", char:"Tarcal", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Request a \"Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster\"", delay:720, sizemod:0.5, areamod:"Random", dialog:["Sure, you could order something normal, but where's the fun in that? Ordering a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster, knowing full well how strong the drink was likely to be, you grin as a few of the other patrons of the bar look at you strangely.", "Tarcal just smiles as she starts mixing the drink right before your eyes. \"I am obligated by law to inform you that I am not responsible for anything that might happen to you after consuming this drink... I hope you know your way home extremely well.\" She says, giggling a little.", "Putting the finishing touches on your drink, the wolf looks up at you like she was actually a little worried about your safety. \"Ya sure you want to drink this? Most people tend to wake up in a hospital after drinking one of these.\" Tarcal warns you, sliding the glass over across the bar.", "Ignoring the warnings of the pretty bartender, you down the drink in one gulp, giving you only a few moments of feeling like you had made a horrible mistake before you blacked out.", "You wake up to unfamiliar surroundings, your head pounding like a jackhammer. Looking around you realize that no less than a full day had passed while you were out, and though you couldn't remember what you did, you had a feeling you had done something very stupid.", "Doing a double-take, everything looked far bigger than it should! Coming to the realization of what you had likely done in the forgotten day, likely involving the prototype growth ray you were working on in the lab.", "Still... You have no idea how you got to where you are now or where your clothes are, not remembering any details of the trip at all. Guess you will have to find your own way back."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:false, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:true}, {area:"Gym", index:"0", char:"Karen", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Chat with the receptionist.", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Heading up to the receptionist's desk at the gym, you see a buff female orca sitting and reading a book. Noticing your presence, she sets down the book with a warm smile and looks up at you... At least she would be if she weren't taller than you even when sitting.", "\"Welcome to Bro's Gym, cutie. I'm Karen. Looking to get into shape? If so, you are welcome to tour the facilities and get to know some of the others who work here.\" She says to you with a grin.", "\"Just about everyone here is friendly and helpful, and we can help get you started on an exercise plan if you wish. Go ahead and take a look around if ya want.\" Karen says, leaning forward on her desk, her revealing clothes showing off her muscular, yet attractive body.", "Thanking Karen, you decide to take a bit of a look around the facility, noting that this should be a real great place to hang out after work, if only to get the opportunity to see more of this beauty."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:false, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:true}, {area:"Weight_Room", index:"0", char:"Rio", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Check out the buff orca.", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["You see a rather tall male orca jogging on a treadmill. Not quite twice your height and really buff, with muscles that make him look more like a work of art than a living creature. Smiling over at you when he sees you looking at him, he waves and says \"Hello.\"", "\"After a little while he steps off the treadmill to talk to you, his black and white markings showing through his sweaty tank top and proving a little bit distracting. \"Heh. Like what you see?\" He asks with a friendly laugh, patting your shoulder gently as he walked by.", "Grinning as he passed you on the way to the locker room. \"The name's Rio. If ya wanna exercise with me sometime, I'm usually here.\" Says to you cheerily as he enters the locker room, his muscular tail swaying gently in the air with every step as he turns a corner out of sight."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:false, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:true}, {area:"Weight_Room", index:"0", char:"James", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Talk with the dolphin.", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Over by some floor mats you catch sight of a dolphin. Wearing only a tight red speedo and sitting on a bench, he looked a bit bored, like he was waiting for someone. Having nothing better to do, you plop down on the bench next to him.", "The dolphin smiles as he looks over, looking up and down your body quickly. \"Hello there. You here for a little practice?\" He asks with a hopeful look, apparently a bit bored."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Weight_Room", index:"0-0", char:"James", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Wrestle with the dolphin.", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Grinning, the dolphin hops up and leads you over to the mats. \"Okay. Since you seem to be new here, I won't hold you to the rules. Just do your best to keep me pinned for ten seconds.\" He says happily, standing a few feet in front of you with his arms out.", "\"Ready. Go!\" He shouts and rushes you. Surprised, you do your best to pin the dolphin, falling down onto the mat as he does the same. He had surprising strength in him, easily overpowering you and very nearly pulling you into a bear hug and keeping you down.", "Managing to squirm free, you hop onto his back, using your weight to keep him down as his thick tail repeatedly bats your muzzle in an attempt to distract you. Straddling his body, you try not to think too much about the fin grinding against your crotch in an uncomfortable manner.", "Unfortunately, that proved to be enough of a distraction for him to push himself up off the mat, his body slowly growing slick from sweat due to the exertion. Flipping you backwards and doing a quick backwards roll, you quickly find yourself with a faceful of the dolphin's crotch.", "Squirming beneath him, you are eventually forced to admit defeat if only to avoid stimulating the dolphin and creating an extremely awkward situation. The dolphin was blushing a little as he got up off you, not having expected to land on you in such a manner.", "\"Heh... Sorry. I got a bit carried away. You're not too bad, really. A bit of practice and you might even be able to keep up with Rio.\" He said cheerfully as he looked away from you.", "\"The name's James. You should stop by here sometime at night. We have special tournaments in the back after dark... Just be aware that in those matches we don't wear clothes.\" He introduced himself, giving you a very unusual offer.", "Hmm... It just might be worth checking out, of course you might be able to pick up a new hobby... Then again, nude wrestling sounds pretty exciting even if you didn't participate.", "After a few moments, you realize that you probably have other stuff to do and head off as the friend he was waiting for arrived."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:false, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:true}, {area:"Weight_Room", index:"0-1", char:"James", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Turn him down.", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Politely, you turn down the dolphin, much to his disappointment. Not that you could provide much of a challenge, you had no clue how to wrestle anyways...", "The dolphin sighs as he looks up at the entrance. \"Too bad. Anyways... My name's James. If you ever want to learn a few moves, feel free to join me.\" He says, leaning back against the wall lazily to wait until whoever he was waiting for showed up.", "Leaving James be for now, you get back to wandering around the gym, checking out the facilities."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:false, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:true}, {area:"Weight_Room", index:"0", char:"Kendi", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Chat with the fat orca.", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["You see a rather fat orca on a weightlifting bench, pressing upwards of three hundred pounds. \"Oh hey there. Haven't seen you around before.\" The sweaty orca says, pushing the weights upwards with a grunt.", "Watching the overweight male bench pressing weights that were heavier than you was really something different. Finding it hard to beleive that the fat, yet somehow fit, orca could be so strong.", "The orca seems to notice you staring at him, chuckling quietly but not saying anything about it. \"I\"m actually co-owner of this place with my brother, Rio, so feel free to come by any time.\" He says with a grunt, setting the weight down and taking a quick break.", "\"Feel free to stop by anytime, I'll even tell Karen and Rio to ignore the fees\" He says with a wink of his eye. Seems he likes you for some reason.", "\"If you need any help, just ask me. The name's Kendi, by the way. Now if you don't mind, I have a lot of presses to do.\" He says to you with a smile then shifts his focus to his exercising."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:false, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:true}, {area:"Temple", index:"0", char:"Shadow", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Approach the Priestess.", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Checking out the local temple, you come across the Priestess, a rather serene-looking fox who appears to be meditating in front of a small altar to some god, the name of which slips your mind.", "Hearing your footsteps, she turns to look in your direction, unusually striking blue lines in her golden fur zigzagging from her face all the way down out of sight at her neck.", "Down on the back of her hands, you see similar markings, making you wonder if they cover her entire body. You had to admit she was pretty good looking even in those robes she wore.", "Talking to her seems to be fruitless as she only seems willing to answer simple yes or no questions with nods and shakes of her head, all other questions resulting in her tilting her head and frowning at you.", "Eventually, you notice a metal plate attached to a red bandana tied her neck. Looking closer, you see the plate is engraved with the words \"Shadow Mirror\" Seemingly a nametag of some sort.", "Eventually the priestess gives up and turns back and proceeds to ignore you, leaving you wondering if she had taken a vow of silence or something..."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:false, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:true}, {area:"Beach", index:"0", char:"Umi", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Check out the enormous female whale.", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Looking around the beach, you come across what at first sight appeared to be a fleshy blue-gray wall. Backing up a bit it becomes quite apparent that this is no wall, rather one of the biggest creatures on the planet.", "A female blue whale! About twenty feet from head to toe and so fat that you actually can't see over her belly, sunning herself on a towel right in front of you.", "Looking over this humongous whale, you notice that even with all that fat she manages to somehow stay attractive, probably helped by her equally humongous chest, which looked like it required specially fitted clothing just because such sizes likely aren't manufactured.", "Those enormous breasts looked even bigger thanks to her choice of swimwear, a top that was basically strings holding two strategically placed white triangles of fabric over her nipples, the strings tied tightly enough that it looked like the top might snap at any moment.", "Once she noticed your presence, she turned her head towards you and looked you over, nodding as if approving of your looks. \"Well hello there, shrimp.\" She says to you happily, rolling onto her side with a large grin, facing you as her blubbery belly jiggled from the movement.", "\"Mind being a sweetie and helping oil me up? There's a lot of places I just can't reach.\" She asks of you, pointing at her back. With someone her size, it could take a bit, but maybe you could get her name if you did this for her."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Beach", index:"0-0", char:"Umi", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Go ahead and help oil her up.", delay:30, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Always happy to please a lady, you decide to go ahead and help the whale out. Rolling onto her belly, she reaches into a small bag near her towel and passes a bottle of body oil to you, smiling as she gives you the okay to begin.", "Unsure of exactly how to begin, with the whale's back mostly out of your reach. You walk up close to her and reach up onto her back, leaning on the bulge of her belly sticking out on her side and trying to reach her back.", "After a few moments, an idea pops into your head and you grab hold of her rubbery skin and pull yourself up onto her back, the large female giggling a bit, seemingly okay with this.", "Straddling her back, just in front of her dorsal fin, you open the bottle and squirt plenty of oil out on her back, placing your palms in the slick puddle and spreading it out over her back and neck, carefully avoiding getting any of it in her blowhole.", "Her blue-gray skin sparkled in the sun wherever you spread the oil, giving the whale a beautiful sheen as well as making her more and more difficult to remain on top of, especially after you move down to her lower back.", "It seemed that some of the oil had gotten into your clothes as not matter where you tried to sit on her back, you just couldn't stay there, much to the whale's pleasure, as it was feeling like a relaxing massage to her.", "Even then, you managed to finish the job, stopping just at the top edge of her tail. \"Mmm... Thanks sweetie. You don't need to do anymore, I can get the rest myself.\" She says, the movement of her body as she talked causing you to slip right off and land on your back in the sand.", "\"My name is Umi, by the way. Maybe you can come out with me for a full day at the beach sometime.\" She says to you. It seems you have made a friend today, you smile and dust the sand off of your fur as you walk off to do other stuff."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:false, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:true}, {area:"Beach", index:"0-1", char:"Umi", havemet:"N/A", choice:"\"No way fatass!\"", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["The whale frowns at you, apparently a bit hurt by your reply. Suddenly, her arm shoots out grabbing you and pulling you into a bearhug. Not the worst thing to happen since you just got a faceful her cleavage, but it just seems to get steadily worse from that point onwards.", "Managing extract your head from between those breasts, each nearly as big as you, you see the whale grinning down at you as she rolls onto her stomach, her massive weight pinning you beneath her as her blubbery belly and giant boobs mold around your body.", "Completely concealed from all sight by her own, you had to admit that under other circumstances this would have been kind of fun, but the look she was giving you was just too creepy.", "Anyone who had even seen this just passed it off as you having an affectionate girlfriend but that couldn't be any further from the truth as you felt her large tongue licking all over your head, soaking it in sticky whale drool as the muscular appendage pressed againts you.", "Unsure of just what she was doing at the moment, there was just nothing you could do, you couldn't even breathe well enough to shout for help with several tons of whale fat pressing down on you.", "After a little while, you felt the weight on you start to decrease, yet your attempt to call out soon became blocked in another way as the whale opened her mouth wide, giving you a good look at it's moist pink insides before it completely enveloped your head.", "Any sounds you make are so muffled by the layer of flesh around you that no one can hear you shout, the darkness inside her maw leaving you unable to see a thing as well.", "With some rather strong sucking sounds, you felt powerful muscles tugging on your head, pulling your neck into her maw as what was happening started to sink in... SHE WAS EATING YOU!", "Unfortunately, it was just too late to do anything about it as she sucked your shoulders into her hungry maw, her cheeks bulging cutely, although no one could see them, as your nose pressed into her throat.", "Tight rippling muscle began to pull at your muzzle, starting to get a good enough grip to tug you deeper as her broad tongue slurped all over your belly, slickening your body to make swallowing you easier.", "The trip was agonizingly slow, your body almost too big for her to swallow as her powerful throat tugged and massaged your head as more and more of your body was fed into her mouth.", "Forced to bend once she got to your waistline, all that remained outside was your legs as you weakly tried to kick at her, your every struggle serving only to increase the pleasure of her meal.", "Finally as your legs and feet were pulled into her mouth, she closed her lips, sealing you completely within her blubbery body.", "The heat was almost unbearable inside the whale, comparable to a sauna in both temperature and humidity, as she rubbed your sensitive feet with her tongue, rough tastebuds tickling slightly while she took her time.", "A minute later, you found your descent almost cease completely as your nose pressed up against a tight ring of muscle. All it took to push you through was a single strong gulp and your journey was nearly complete.", "Your head forced into her hot sticky stomach, your head getting coated in stomach acids as you tried to breathe in the acrid air. Once your head was in, your entire body followed rather quickly.", "You were forced to curl up in the dark yet only slightly cramped environment, your body barely bulging out her belly as she lay on top of it.", "The whale relaxed happily on the beach, eventually rolling over onto her back as she digested you in plain sight, the occasional wiggling of her belly going unnoticed as her belly moved with each breath.", "The last thing you remember being her giggling, shaking you around in her belly.", "Having made a meal out of you in full public view without the slightest suspicion. In the end, all you managed to do was add a few pounds of blubber to her form."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:false, endgame:true, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Beach", index:"0", char:"Zex", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Approach the shark.", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Okay. This guy could make anyone nervous. standing at close to ten feet tall, this muscular great white shark is quite an imposing figure. With large, razor-sharp teeth and a large round gut that just screams that anything that moves it food to him.", "You've never actually heard of a shark turning on the other species so your nervousness is mostly without cause. There was still a certain dangerous elegance to his body, still appearing to be fully capable of swimming at high speed despite his fat white belly.", "Eventually working up the nerve to announce your presence to the large male, who was currently leaning against a tall wooden fence that divided the beach in two.", "You didn't know what was on the other side, neither did you care at the moment as the tall shark looked down at you with a toothy grin.", "\"Here for a bit of shark meat, shorty?\" The shark asks, quite up front with his intentions, although he makes no attempt to force the issue. It's certainly not every day you get propositioned blatantly by something twice your size.", "After a few moments of looking at your confused expression he spoke up once more, \"Hahaha... Don't get me wrong, I'd be happy to have a bit of fun with ya, but I'm just waiting on a friend at the moment.\" He said, taking a moment to look over the crowd.", "\"If you're interested, you can find me around here, the name's Zex.\" He says with a laugh as he watches you walk off. Well... That was certainly different, but at least he wasn't forcing you into anything."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:false, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:true}, {area:"Beach", index:"0", char:"Nia", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Talk with a peeping ouse boy.", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Upon noticing a short white mouse spying upon a sunbathing beauty on the beach, you decide to talk to him, and possibly scold him... or check out whatever he's looking at yourself.", "The boy notices you with a startled shout, turning to see you in all your intimidating adult self. \"AH! Don't sneak up on me like that!\" He says, trying not to get loud.", "You could see the boy's skin redden through his fur, blushing from being caught. You had to admit, he had good taste, spying upon a busty zebra that had her top off for sunbathing...", "Snapping back to reality, the boy was gone, having fled the site before you could do anything. Oh well... You tried at least and saw something pretty while you were at it. Promptly you decide to get out of there yourself, lest someone notice you too."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:false, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:true}, {area:"Nightclub", index:"0", char:"Sveta", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Chat up the big orca female.", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Upon approaching a rather fat orca female, you can't help wondering what she would be doing in a club like this. She certainly stood out in the crowd of oddly dressed teenagers, about twice as tall as everyone else here and dressed in the rather modest choice of overalls.", "At least, it would be modest, had she chosen to wear anything underneath, her almost completely exposed chest drawing a fair amount of attention.", "Even as you look her over, you see that she is already looking at you, apparently having spotted you as you walked up to her. \"Hiya there. My name's Sveta\" She says with a giggle as she looks you over.", "Leaning over you, Sveta gives you a good view down her overalls, letting you stare right into her cleavage as she grins.", "\"I'm usually here in the evenings. Feel free to meet up with me sometime... Cutie.\" She says to you, then walks off, laughing a little as she starts to tease others who had happened to be staring at her."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:false, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:true}, {area:"Restaurant", index:"0", char:"Tobias", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Join the 'gator with the pile of food.", delay:15, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Looking around the restaurant, you find that there just isn't an empty table to sit at. Weighing your options, you choose to join a large lone gator who happens to have no less than three plates piled high with everything from pancakes to cheeseburgers.", "Luckily this tubby reptile doesn't seem to mind as he seems to be occupied with making some sort of abomination of cooking, adding pancakes, a sausage pattie and maple syrup to a bacon double cheeseburger and shoving it into his mouth.", "Smiling as he looks up from his food, chewing and swallowing the food with a large gulp. It was almost hypnotic to watch as the large mass of food descended through his neck, his neck stretching around his meal which slowly disappeared into his chest.", "\"Hello there. Don't mind me, I'm just experimenting with food. Love to try new flavors and really just love to eat even more. The name's Tobias, care to try one of my creations?\" The gator offers happily.", "Politely turning him down, much to Tobias' disappointment, because really, most of the culinary concoctions looked extremely unhealthy. Introducing yourself, he seems positively delighted to meet you, shaking your hand with surprising strength.", "\"Sorry to say I don't have much time to talk, I gotta finish all this before my lunch break is over. Maybe we can chat a bit more some other time.\" Tobias says before returning to his gigantic meal. Not hard to guess where he got that belly from, huh?"], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:false, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:true}, {area:"Restaurant", index:"0", char:"Lori", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Chat with the gorgeous skunk waitress.", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Dialog pending. Had been finished but was lost thanks to \"Fucking Windows Update\""], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Restaurant", index:"0-0", char:"Lori", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Order a coffee", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Nothing here yet. She gives you a coffee"], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:false, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:true}, {area:"Restaurant", index:"0-1", char:"Lori", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Order the waitress.", delay:15, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Get the option to take Lori into the back for a quickie."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Sidewalk", index:"0", char:"Juuhai", havemet:"N/A", choice:"A giant monster is approaching!", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Well... This day couldn't possibly get any worse. The giant monster known as \"Juuhai\" seems to have picked today to go on a nice little rampage through this city, conveniently tossing your car over the horizon just as you silently begged it not to.", "Looking up at the towering hulk of a beast, you notice it's dragon-like features and remember that it was believed to have mutated from your typical dragon, not much different from the lab secretary...", "Not much resemblance to it's supposed origin left in the beastie, though. Even though it's presence scares you quite a bit, you continue to watch it for the moment, awestruck by the monster's size, and even moreso by it's appearance.", "The gigantic dragon monster was slightly chubby, likely from being able to eat pretty much anything it wanted. You had heard several stories of how it would appear and devour anything in sight, thousands of people finding an end in that giant's belly.", "Standing at over a few hundred feet tall, covered from head to toe to tailtip with rust-colored armor-like scales, there was little anyone could do to stop the beast but that never stopped the military from trying.", "You had always wondered why the news reports always excluded most of the monster's body from images they had shown, and as you lay your eyes upon it's body you start to realize why. Unlike movie monsters this one had exposed sexual organs!", "With a body out of someone's most twisted fantasies, sporting a set of boobs that could turn any male's head and a male package that dwarfed the bodies of even the largest creatures you had ever seen.", "Even then there seemed to be more as you got a glimpse of a dripping slit behind those giant swaying orbs, Juuhai was a full-fledged hermaphrodite! Shaking your head a bit, you try to focus on the matter at hand.", "Watching Juuhai stomp a rather large footprint into the pavement, you start to get the urge to do something, run, fight, hide, or just be curious, all options seem just a bit likely to end badly for you, although you had always been known for your disregard of danger..."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Sidewalk", index:"0-0", char:"Juuhai", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Be sensible and run for your life!", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["After watching that monstrosity tear up the landscape for a bit you finally run away, thankfully the monster heads off into another district, leaving only footprints behind...", "Well that and your car is missing, but you have insurance for this sorta thing. Sure sounded dumb at the time, but now... Not so much."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:false, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Sidewalk", index:"0-1", char:"Juuhai", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Go up to the monster.", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Even knowing just how dangerous this is, you just feel like you have to get closer to this giant. Walking closer and closer, you hear the whoosh of fighter jets in the sky as the attempt to take down the monster.", "Luckily the explosions distracted it enough for it to keep still and making this a lot easier for you. For the most part Juuhai stood in place, swiping claws at the aircraft as they zoomed by repeatedly, each pass followed by deafening explosions high above.", "Standing only a couple of feet away from the giant's huge clawed foot, you start to grasp just how big it is, with Juuhai's smallest claw over twice your height and even most of it's scales appearing bigger than your body.", "Hearing the impact of a pair of missiles on the monster's thick scales far above, you decide to do something before the military action causes Juuhai to accidentally step on you."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Sidewalk", index:"0-1-0", char:"Juuhai", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Try to get Juuhai's attention.", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["At a loss for what to do, you decide to try waving your arms and shouting at the giant dragon. Juuhai, completely focused on the attacking military aircraft, fails to notice you at all, it's armored body turning in preparation to take a step.", "Uh oh... It looks like Juuhai is turning in your direction! The dragon's gigantic foot, easily bigger than your house, lifts out of the footprint it made in the concrete, little bits of the pavement wedged and splatters of red on the rust-colored scales sticking to the tough scales.", "That foot moves through the air, over a dozen feet up, right until it is above you. \"Not good\" You think a moment before the the massive foot comes crashing down, Juuhai's toe forcing your body down to the ground.", "For a moment it seemed like those scales might give way, leaving you alive and pinned, but alive... At least until Juuhai shifted, all it's weight coming down upon you!", "With a sickening crunch as your bones splintered and were ground into dust beneath the giant's toe, your body ground into just another crimsin stain upon those tough scales. At least no one had seen your messy end..."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:false, endgame:true, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Sidewalk", index:"0-1-1", char:"Juuhai", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Get even closer. Try climbing that foot!", delay:10, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Nothing here right now.Sorry. Note: Player climbing monster."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Sidewalk", index:"0-1-2", char:"Juuhai", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Get out of there!", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Watching the monster of a dragon stomp about in clumsy attempts to dodge fire from several fighters, you feel it would be best to get away from here and just pretend that none of this is going on.", "While standard weapons always proved useless against those armored scales, eventually the monster would get tired of being shot at and leave, just like it had at pretty much every city it had shown up at. ", "Heading off away from the growing battle, you continue on with your everyday activities, the battle stopping not long after when the monster starts to leave."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:false, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Sidewalk", index:"0-2", char:"Juuhai", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Go get one of your prototype growth rays from the lab.", delay:10, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Running into the lab quickly, you pick up the growth ray that looks like something from a fifties sci-fi movie thanks to your co-worker, and a few tools to adjust the unconventional weapon's settings with.", "Still not sure what you are going to do with the ray, you run outside and point it at the gigantic dragon as you think of all the possibilities that could happen if something were to go wrong."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Sidewalk", index:"0-2-0", char:"Juuhai", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Don't think, shoot!", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Lives are at stake! You don't have time to fiddle with the settings beyond setting it to shrink and pointing the gun at the monster. Your heart races as your finger presses down on the trigger, yet the gun does not fire!", "A wave of energy passes through your body, feeling like a powerful electric shock and knocking you to your feet. The world seems to spin around you as everything starts to grow around you, the ray dropping down to the ground and busting into pieces.", "Looking up from the sidewalk, noticing a trash can that now appeared to be the size of a medium-sized building, only a few words come to mind. \"Well... Shit.\" You say to yourself as you stare up at Juuhai, the monster now so large that it couldn't see you if it tried."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Sidewalk", index:"0-2-0-0", char:"Juuhai", havemet:"N/A", choice:"No point in sticking around now.", delay:5, sizemod:0.5, areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Surprisingly, you find being the size of a children's toy to be a bit of a hamper on your ideas of taking on the monster and decide it would be best just to leave the area and maybe find some help.", "You can't help smiling as you walk off, realizing that there was a bit of irony in what just happened. You tried to take down a giant and suddenly found yourself so small that everyone was now a giant to you."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:false, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Sidewalk", index:"0-2-0-1", char:"Juuhai", havemet:"N/A", choice:"It's not walking now, go for a climb!", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Nothing here right now.Sorry. Note: Tiny player climbing monster. Remove sizemod after dialog"], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Sidewalk", index:"0-2-1", char:"Juuhai", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Check the device, then shoot!", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["While there was indeed a monster on the rampage, mad science cannot be rushed. Giving the gun's components a once over you find a rather important part had dislodged that would have resulted in the gun backfiring dangerously.", "Fixing the part back into place, you rig the growth ray to shrink instead of grow and set it to maximum. You then take aim for the crimson dragon nearby and fire, a beam of bright blue energy lancing out and striking Juuhai in the back.", "The effect was slow at first, the monster dwindling down in size from it's original height of about two hundred feet to a hundred, then fifty, and finally down to about ten feet.", "Juuhai's reaction to being shrunk was one of those priceless moments in life, watching the monster stare up at the buildings it had once towered over, completely confused by the change. ", "After a couple of minutes passed you were treated to the comical sight of a ten foot tall dragon terrorizing a trash can and a couple of cars, Juuhai tossing the nearly empty container across the street at a car then trying to beat another one flat."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Sidewalk", index:"0-2-1-0", char:"Juuhai", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Approach the shrunken monster.", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Nothing here right now, Sorry. Note: Player interacting with normal size Juuhai"], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Sidewalk", index:"0-2-1-1", char:"Juuhai", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Shoot it again for good measure.", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Grinning a little as you get a strange idea, you point the shrink ray at Juuhai once more and pull the trigger, watching as the beam strikes it once again. Soon the once great beast was no more than six inches tall, perfectly managable for you.", "You walk over to it and rather than having to chase the mini-dragon around, you find that it is just staring at you with a confused expression, that chubby, yet somewhat attractive body triggering all sorts of unusual thoughts in your mind."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Sidewalk", index:"0-2-1-1-0", char:"Juuhai", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Take it home! You always wanted a pet!", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Nothing here right now, Sorry. Note: Player abusing doll-size Juuhai"], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Sidewalk", index:"0-2-1-1-1", char:"Juuhai", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Stomping time!", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["An evil grin creeps across your face as you loom over Juuhai, getting an idea that was downright sadistic. Picking up your foot, you hold it above the shrunken monster and preparing to do to it what it had done to so many over the years.", "You bring your foot down upon it's chubby little body, forcing it to the ground as scales that once protected the dragon from full military assaults did nothing to protect it from your weight.", "Pressing down harder, you started to feel bones snapping in the crimson dragon's body, the creature letting out pitiful cries before you put your full weight into it. With a sickening crunch, the creature's torso and head become nothing more than a bloody pawprint on the sidewalk.", "Lifting your foot up, gore sticking to your foot, you start to walk off. Even though you enjoyed that little bit of power, you honestly did not have the stomach to stick around and look at the remains.", "So ends Juuhai's reign of terror, nothing more than a mangled mass of flesh on a sidewalk."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:false, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:"Lockout"}, {area:"Sidewalk", index:"0-2-1-1-2", char:"Juuhai", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Your stomach growls...", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Your stomach growls louldy, reminding you that you missed eating because of how busy you were today. As you look down at the confused formerly giant dragon your stomach gives you an idea that is just too tempting to pass up.", "It's not like anyone is going to miss a giant monster rampaging around town, after all. Grinning, you pick up the doll-sized pudgy dragon and give it a lick, your tongue running from it's belly, up over it's breasts and face.", "Hmm... Tastes salty. A bit like sweat, but not nearly as strong as you would expect. The lick provokes the little crimson dragon into struggling in your grip, tail thrashing about as it tries to force your hand open.", "You lift Juuhai up above you, opening your maw as wide as you can and lower the dragon's tail and legs down. Feeling those legs kicking around as Juuhai is lowered into your mouth, your tongue against it's backside as your maw is filled with it's plump body.", "No one said this was going to be easy, but you didn't want to shrink Juuhai again and turn your meal into nothing more than a crumb. ", "Spending a little time sucking on it's body, covering the crimson dragon in saliva to make this easier, you listen to it's confused cries as you prepare to swallow.", "Gulp! The little dragon's legs and tail are pulled into your throat, your mouth filling with the entirety of Juuhai's chubby torso. Rubbing the small bulge in your throat, muscles not quite strong enough to pull more of the dragon in like this, you swallow again.", "This time the dragon's rear slips into the tight embrace of your esophagus, muscles rippling to tug opon it's body. Another gulp and the belly slips into your throat, the most difficult part of all was going down so you didn't have to wory about choking.", "Somehow Juuhai's struggles made this feel good, all that wiggling in your mouth and throat as you gulped down more and more of it's body. Another swallow and you were able to close your mouth, enveloping the former monster in the hot confines of your maw.", "Your rough tongue rubbed all over the crimson dragon's face, smothering it with drool before one final gulp pulled the creature fully into your throat. Rubbing the large bulge in your neck, Juuhai descended slowly, vanishing down into your chest.", "At long last you felt it get squeezed into your stomach, the dragon's struggles kicking into overdrive as it thrashed about in your stomach acids. Slowly, but surely, those wonderful struggles died down as the monster passed out from lack of air.", "Having finished your unusual meal, you return the ray gun to the lab, thinking about making yourself one to keep on the sly in the future."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:false, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:"Lockout"}, {area:"Sidewalk", index:"0-2-1-2", char:"Juuhai", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Leave before it notices you.", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Watching the ten foot tall dragon trying to bash a car flat to little success, you feel your work is done. Rather than stick around for the whole hero schtick, you distance yourself from Juuhai and leave it to either the military or police.", "Feeling rather good about yourself for saving the city, you return the ray gun to the lab and by the time you had come back, the dragon had wandered off."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:false, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:"Lockout"}, {area:"Sidewalk", index:"0-2-2", char:"Juuhai", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Check the settings, then shoot yourself.", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Weighing the options, with special consideration to how pretty much everything fails when used on Juuhai, you point your growth ray at yourself, maximizing the settings.", "A wave of energy washes through your body, noticably nothing coming out of the barrel of the gun. It must have backfired, not that it matters much since you were the target in the first place.", "You rapidly begin to grow, your body expanding outwards at a slow pace. You feel a tightness around your finger, followed by a snap as the trigger guard on the gun breaks. It looks like the gun isn't growing with you, unfortunately.", "Before you grow too large, you set the growth ray down near the lab entrance as your body grows too big for your clothing, pants and shirt tearing as you approach fifteen feet tall, underpants following soon afterwards, leaving you completely nude.", "Twenty feet. Thirty feet. Forty feet. The process slows as you tower over the few people left nearby. Unfortunately it seems the ray just did not have the power to grow you much more than fifty feet, leaving you with far less height than you had expected.", "Looking back at Juuhai, the monster busy finishing off a group of tanks that had been shooting at it, you realize that you probably don't have a chance of defeating it, the monster still towering over you much like it towered over many buildings.", "It looks like you have a few choices at this point. You could still try to defeat the monster, you could try leading it out of the city as well, or you could just give up on your plan."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Sidewalk", index:"0-2-2-0", char:"Juuhai", havemet:"N/A", choices:"Fight Juuhai!", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Well... Everyone is entitled to making a very bad decision every now and then and it looks like this is it. Rushing down the streets, your paws crushing several abandoned vehicles and leaving prints in the concrete, you head straight for the monster.", "Attempting to tackle a humongous dragon four times your size, you knock it's leg out from under it, causing the giant to lose it's balance and fall upon a mall, crushing part of the building flat beneath it's large rear.", "Juuhai looks up from the rubble, confused as it sees something much larger than it is used to standing nearby. Rather than fighting back as you expected, it just stares at you, waiting for you to make a move."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Sidewalk", index:"0-2-2-0-0", char:"Juuhai", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Maybe this wasn't such a good idea.", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["As you look at the monster laying on the remains of that mall, the strange dragon looking back in confusion, you start to wonder if this thing is as bad as everyone has made it out to be...", "Of course, now that it's on the ground, you really have no clue what to do now. You put everything you had into that tackle and all you did was knock Juuhai to the ground, even that had almost not worked.", "Still intimidated by this monster, albeit less so now that you had closed the size gap a bit, you creep closer as it starts to stand back up. Unsure of what it will do, you try to look non-threatening as you notice just how sharp those teeth and claws look.", "Your head nearly up to it's knees, your eyes wander up over it's body. From Juuhai's giant sac to those enormous orbs upon it's chest. It was hard to not admit that this beast was attractive in some strange way...", "Shaking your head to rid yourself of the thoughts creeping into your mind, the knowledge that half the city could see you both and that you were already nude starting to embarass you now that you were thinking once again.", "The big beastie leaned forward, bending over until it's muzzle was only a couple of feet away, close enough to feel Juuhai breathe. It really did look kind of cute as it examined you, large eyes flicking around as it looked over every bit of your body."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Sidewalk", index:"0-2-2-0-0-0", char:"Juuhai", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Try petting the dragon.", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Taking a deep breath to calm yourself, you reach out and touch the larger giant. Feeling it's tough crimson scales as you look into Juuhai's eyes, you get the impression that you were dealing with a peaceful animal more than a rampaging beast.", "Juuhai looked like it was almost smiling as your fingers stroked it's cheek, letting out a soft growl and nuzzling you a little. It's a bit strange to see such a fierce beast known for trampling cities calmly rubbing it's muzzle up against your chest.", "The monster backed off a little, looking at you expectantly. After a few moments you try talking to it, but nothing you say gets anything more than a confused look from Juuhai. ", "Thinking back to some news reports on the creature, you remember some details that might explain it's behavior. It was believed that Juuhai had hatched as a somewhat normal dragon, then just grew and grew to this gigantic size.", "Perhaps it had never learned to speak... It did seem likely that there was no one to teach it since it originated from a city that had been leveled in a nuclear blast over twenty years ago.", "It might be possible to teach Juuhai to not attack the cities since it doesn't seem aggressive towards you. Not exactly what you had planned to do, but certainly an idea that could work."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Sidewalk", index:"0-2-2-0-0-0-0", char:"Juuhai", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Try to lead Juuhai out of the city.", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["You decide that no matter what you do, you should lead Juuhai outside the city first. There's no need to stay here where people can get hurt by this giant, plus you were a little nervous about walking around in the city and stepping on someone by accident.", "Reaching up to grab Juuhai's claw, you slowly start to walk away from the center of the city the same way you both came in, pulling on it's arm until it started to walk along beside you, carelessly stepping on houses and cars while you danced around them.", "Unfortunately, you hear a crunch beneath your foot as you step on a car. There's little you can do as you continue on, hoping that no one was in it at the time.", "So far the dragon seems fairly agreeable as he follows along, eventually stepping out onto an empty stretch of beach. Looking down at the tiny umbrellas and coolers laying around, everyone had left in a hurry when Juuhai arrived.", "Smiling a little, you kick a bunch of the equipment aside and sit down on the sand, your legs spread apart with your feet in the shallow water as the tiny little waves washed in and out.", "Looking up at Juuhai, you shout to get his attention. The crimson beast's head turns to look at you, growling softly at you then eventually settling down, crushing a large amount of abandoned beach umbrellas and a life guard hut beneath it's rear."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Sidewalk", index:"0-2-2-0-0-0-0-0", char:"Juuhai", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Try playing with Juuhai.", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Nothing here right now, Sorry. Note: Player gets opportunity to sex up the giant, or anger it into eating him"], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Sidewalk", index:"0-2-2-0-0-0-0-1", char:"Juuhai", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Befriend Juuhai.", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Nothing here right now, Sorry. Note: Player getting Juuhai's trust."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Sidewalk", index:"0-2-2-0-0-0-1", char:"Juuhai", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Try to establish a friendship with the giant.", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Nothing here right now, Sorry. Note: Player getting Juuhai's trust. Military interrupts, choice to help or hurt Juuhai"], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Sidewalk", index:"0-2-2-0-0-1", char:"Juuhai", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Run for it!", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["This was a bad idea. It was clear to you now that all this was a horrible mistake on your part. Turning around, you sprint off down the main street, crushing cars beneath your feet as Juuhai looks on.", "Unfortunately for you, the monster happens to be much faster than it looks as it took off after you. Ground shaking with every step it took, it got closer and closer until the impacts of it's footfalls threw off your balance, causing you to trip and fall with a loud thud.", "Next thing you know there's a humongous crash, a large weight settling down onto your back before you can recover. Trying to look up, you saw that Juuhai had jumped onto you as you heard a deep, rumbling sound, almost like a laugh...", "Barely able to move with this giant's weight holding you down, there is little you can do as you feel something large grinding against your thighs... It couldn't be... It would never fit! Juuhai seems to think you're it's mate!"], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Sidewalk", index:"0-2-2-0-0-1-0", char:"Juuhai", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Fight it!", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Nothing here right now, Sorry. Note: Player getting abused roughly, then eaten if kept up."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Sidewalk", index:"0-2-2-0-0-1-1", char:"Juuhai", havemet:"N/A", choice:"No point in resisting...", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Nothing here right now, Sorry. Note: Player getting a chance to mount Juuhai"], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Sidewalk", index:"0-2-2-0-1", char:"Juuhai", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Keep fighting", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Nothing here right now, Sorry. Note: Player getting wrestled to the ground and faceful of Juuhai's ass"], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Sidewalk", index:"0-2-2-1", char:"Juuhai", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Try to lead Juuhai away from the city.", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Nothing here right now, Sorry. Note: Player getting chased by playful Juuhai"], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Sidewalk", index:"0-2-2-2", char:"Juuhai", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Ignore the monster and have fun with your new size.", delay:5, sizemod:60, areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["No text yet. Note: Player leaving the area."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:false, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Sidewalk", index:"0-2-3", char:"Juuhai", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Just reverse the settings and shoot!", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Rather than going though the safety inspection on the prototype, you just flip the reverse switch and fire. A beam of unnusual energy streams out and hits the monster dragon's thigh, the strange energy enveloping it's body and...", "Juuhai starts to grow. Nice job breaking it hero. The giant's body accelerates upwards, growing bigger and bigger as the ray takes full effect. Growing dozens of feet per second, the rust-colored dragon soon dwarfs even the skyscrapers downtown.", "The edge of edge of the growing monster's feet getting close to you as the monster's head approached the clouds. Luckily you aren't flattened outright when the giant takes a step, your body underneath the crevice between two still growing multi-story building sized toes.", "While you are relatively safe, the dragon's growth continues for a bit longer, leveling out as it's head breaks through the cloudtops. Each foot now standing upon about a quarter of the city.", "The dragon lifts the foot over you, the suction of such a large object raising at such speed pulling you from the ground and flinging you into the center of the giant crater of a footprint, surviving only due to landing in a lake that had formed in the empty print.", "Your relief is short-lived, however, as the foot comes crashing back down, Juuhai's heel landing atop you and crushing your body into the bottom of the footprint... Congradulations on the growth ray, it worked, although not exactly as intended."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:false, endgame:true, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Beach", index:"0", char:"Juuhai", havemet:"N/A", choice:"There's a giant monster on the beach.", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["No dialog yet. Basically, run!"], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Unknown", index:"0", char:"NoChar", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Get your bearings.", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Coming around, you realize that you can't move at all! While able to see, you can't seem to control your eyes at all, your vision flitting around on it's own. You seem to be in a bedroom decorated as though it belonged to a female.", "Eventually the direction of where you are looking drifts to a bulky male orca sitting on the bed. The first thing you notice about him is how big he is, almost twice your height. Suddenly your eyes lock onto his crotch, noticing that he was completely nude... and aroused!", "The next thing you know, you are walking towards him, somehow unable to control your movement at all. Hearing him speak \"You sure do look pretty without those clothes on.\" You attempt to respond only to find that you can't speak either.", "Strangely, a moment later your mouth opens to speak, but it's not your voice that responds! Saying \"And you look... Bigger without yours.\" The next thing you know, the orca's foot-long cock is pressed agains your chest, warm flesh against your skin. It felt a little odd, and as your gaze shifted down you saw why...", "The orca's cock was nestled between a pair of dull gray breasts attached to your chest! Well... Perhaps not your chest... You appear to have been merged with someone's body, and not just any body, a female's body!", "Things got progressively worse for you as you were forced to", "SORRY, KERTA HAS NOT TYPED ANYMORE FOR THIS ONE! ALLCAPS IS A REMINDER TO SELF TO FINISH THIS ONE!!!!"], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false});
halfActionArray = new Array({area:"Beach", index:"0", char:"Umi", havemet:false, choice:"Ignore me!", delay:30, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Whose baby is this! IGNORE ME!"], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:false, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false});
dollActionArray = new Array({area:"Ray_Lab", index:"0", char:"NoChar", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Attempt to reverse the shrink ray.", delay:30, sizemod:0.05, areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Deciding to attempt to modify the shrink ray to reverse the shrinking process. It will be hard work, all but a few tools beyond your reach on the workbench. You manage to gather a couple of screwdrivers, a pair of cutters, and a pen from beneath a nearby desk and get to work.", "After prying open the casing and doing your best to rewire the ray, the task taking over half an hour at your size. You seem to have lucked out in one way, the backfiring of the ray meant that you didn't have to be in front of the gun to use it!", "Closing up the casing and adjusting the settings, you prepare yourself for your second attempt at using the ray. Closing your eyes and pulling the trigger, you feel your body become enveloped in the same energy as before, yet something seems off.", "As you open your eyes, all you see is this giant flat white plain with a towering structure next to you. Looking closer at the structure, you realise that it is the Ray Gun you just used!", "You've shrunk to about the size of an ant! Looking around, you realise that you have no chance of returning to normal without assistance, but it seems like an impossible task to get noticed at this size. Well, ya better get to work, shorty!"], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:false, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Ray_Lab", index:"0", char:"Jonathan", havemet:false, choice:"Go and get Jonathan's attention.", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Sorry. Nothing here yet"], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Ray_Lab", index:"0-0", char:"Jonathan", havemet:false, choice:"Climb up Jonathan's leg.", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Sorry. Nothing here yet"], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Ray_Lab", index:"0-1", char:"Jonathan", havemet:false, choice:"Heh... Climb up inside his pants and surprise him.", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Sorry. Nothing here yet"], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Ray_Lab", index:"0-2", char:"Jonathan", havemet:false, choice:"Just yell at him until he notices you.", delay:10, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Sorry. Nothing here yet"], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Mens_Room", index:"0", char:"Aster", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Approach Aster", delay:2, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["After waiting around for a little bit, you see an eagle walk into the restroom. Thinking a bit as you watch him step up to one of the urinals.", "You remember that his name is Aster and he works in the Animal Testing Lab. Hearing the sound of his pants unzipping, you can't help looking up before you remember where you were.", "It's difficult to believe what you are doing as you stroll up to the eagle's talons as he stands in front of the urinal, aiming his member and letting loose.", "Staring up at the towering eagle, partially in amazement and partially out of fear, you consider attempting to climb his body while he's still, or perhaps just enjoying the unusual view, if you are into that sort of thing."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Mens_Room", index:"0-0", char:"Aster", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Front and center for the view!", delay:1, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["You just can't stop yourself from staring at that cock, about the same size as your own body so far above as it releases the eagle's musky gold urine.", "It's hard to belive that you are just standing there watching him like this, basking in a strange aura of power the eagle gave off from just this simple act.", "As the stream above slowed to a trickle, he gave himself a few shakes, a few drops launching in your direction and one of them even landed upon your head!", "Letting out a yelp as the drop of musky urine soaks your head, Aster's head tilts down as he notices you. \"Huh?\" He grunts, crouching down with his flaccid shaft hanging free from his pants."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Mens_Room", index:"0-0-0", char:"Aster", havemet:false, choice:"Ask him for help.", delay:1, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Aster is fascinated and indulges Char"], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Mens_Room", index:"0-0-0", char:"Aster", havemet:true, choice:"Tell him the truth.", delay:1, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Aster is fascinated and indulges Char"], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Mens_Room", index:"0-0-1", char:"Aster", havemet:true, choice:"Try to make up excuses.", delay:1, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Aster is rough and uncaring"], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Mens_Room", index:"0-1", char:"Aster", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Forget that, get to climbing!", delay:1, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Sorry. Nothing here yet"], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Boss_Office", index:"0", char:"Harris", havemet:false, choice:"See if the Boss awake?", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["After wandering into your Boss's office, you see him napping in his chair, leaning back and snoring softly. Harris must have had a busy day.", "After giving it some thought you wonder if you should attempt to wake the sleeping horse to get some help or perhaps wait around until he wakes up."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Boss_Office", index:"0-0", char:"Harris", havemet:false, choice:"Go on and wake him up.", delay:10, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Sorry. Nothing here yet"], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Boss_Office", index:"0-1", char:"Harris", havemet:false, choice:"Wait around until he wakes up.", delay:30, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Having decided to wait around to see if Harris wakes up anytime soon, you make your way to the base of a nearby lamp and have a seat on it.", "Half an hour goes by with no change, then luckily something finally happens, although not what you expected.", "Candi, the secretary, enters the office and locks the door. Now why would she do that? That question is answered quite quickly as the red dragoness approaches Harris, spinning the horse's chair to face her. The sound of unzipping pants confirms something many employees had thought for some time, that Candi had a thing for the boss!", "While you didn't have a very good view of everything happening, Candi pulled out Harris' flaccid length and began to lick and suck on it even though he still slept!.", "Silently wishing that you could get that sort of wake up, you start thinking that it might be a good idea to reveal yourself before this goes too far."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Boss_Office", index:"0-1-0", char:"Harris", havemet:false, choice:"Stay out of the way.", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Char getting spotted by Harris when he wakes up"], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Boss_Office", index:"0-1-1", char:"Harris", havemet:false, choice:"Make yourself known to Candi", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["You approach Candi nervously, getting a good view of Harris' cock as it hardened from her attention. Nothing really could have prepared yourself for the sight of a giant dragon performing fellatio on an equally giant horse.", "Standing between Candi's knees, you start to shout at her to get her attention. At first it seems like she could not hear you, yet after a minute she realizes that someone is shouting and looks down.", "A surprised gasp from Candi tells you that she has seen you, although she quickly goes from surprised to angry as she realizes who you are.", "Candi angrily whispers to you, \"Just what do you think you are doing in here and how did you get so small?\""], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Boss_Office", index:"0-1-1-0", char:"Harris", havemet:false, choice:"\"I was trying to get help from Harris!", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Candi helps"], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Boss_Office", index:"0-1-1-1", char:"Harris", havemet:false, choice:"\"I wanted to watch, that's all!", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Candi forcibly makes Char participate"], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Boss_Office", index:"0-1-1-2", char:"Harris", havemet:false, choice:"\"I had an accident in the lab!", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Candi pockets Char and takes him home"], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Beach", index:"0", char:"Shadow", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Is that fox glowing?", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Walking out on the nearly empty beach, you only see a lone fox sitting in the the sand near the water, appearing to be meditating as the waves roll in and out.", "Dressed only in a one-piece bathing suit, you can see a strange blue glow coming from what appeared to be tatoos of some sort covering her body.", "The glow was even visible through the thin fabric stretched over her D-cup breasts, the curling lines tracing out the shape of those ample mounds with enough detail that she might as well be nude.", "While you knew your size might be an issue, and this strange silent beauty of the night was seriously creepy with that glow, you knew this was a good chance to get help. No one around to step on you and the fox certainly wasn't moving.", "You timidly approach her massive, muscular thigh, noticing that she appears to keep in shape as the moonlight helped you see the female's chiseled muscles and leaving you stunned by this otherworldly beauty."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Beach", index:"0-0", char:"Shadow", havemet:false, choice:"Talk to the strange beauty.", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Sorry. Nothing here yet."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Beach", index:"0-1", char:"Shadow", havemet:false, choice:"Climb up onto the fox's lap", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Gulping softly, you move in close to touch one of the glowing lines on the tall female's body. Immediately you feel something akin to a static shock passing through your body.", "Not giving up, you dig your fingers into the glowing fox's fur, avoiding the glowing lines as you quickly heave yourself up onto her thigh. The tall fox seemed to notice your presence, powerful thigh muscles flexing beneath you as you sat down on her soft fur.", "Looking up, you can barely see anything over the eerie fox's breasts until her bright blue eyes opened to peer down at you, literally, her eyes were glowing! Glowing that same unnatural blue as the lines covering her body.", "Tilting her head as she looked down at your small body, the fox stayed mysteriously silent. She was obviously confused by your appearance, reaching down to pick you up ever so gently, even pausing to let you climb up into her hand on your own.", "Climbing up onto her soft-skinned palm, sitting down as she lifted you up to her massive face, you started to feel an unnatural calm pass over your mind. Gazing into her large, glowing eyes, you felt like all your problems were really nothing.", "You almost forgot that you were less than six inches tall as that giant, beautiful fox gazed at you, looking far less serene as your height confused her thoughts."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Beach", index:"0-1-0", char:"Shadow", havemet:false, choice:"Declare the female's beauty!", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Looking up and down that beautiful body of the fox's, you just couldn't help falling in love with her appearance. A well-muscled beauty who could easily turn heads was more than you could handle.", "\"Did you know you are the most beautiful fox I have ever seen?\" You asked the tall female, causing her to giggle... Or at least she looked like she was giggling, there was no sound at all! ", "Confused by her strange silence, you just had to ask her \"Can you speak?\" The beautiful female shook her head, reaching up to pull a red bandana she wore to conceal her neck down a little, revealing a nasty looking scar on her throat.", "Nodding to her, unable to maintain a smile as you looked at the mark of what had likely been a horrible injury, you notice that there was a large metal plate attached to the bandana labeled \"Shadow Mirror\".", "While it certainly sounded strange, it seemed like something a glowing, mysterious fox would have for a name. \"Is that your name?\" You ask the female, pointing towards the plate.", "The fox nodded slowly with a smile, still giggling a bit from your earlier comment as she poked you with a finger, knocking you onto your back. \"My name is Char.\" You say, rubbing your chest where she poked you.", "Shadow smiled and tried to shake your hand with her finger, nearly knocking you over with the only greeting she could easily manage."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Beach", index:"0-1-0-0", char:"Shadow", havemet:false, choice:"Be friendly with the beautiful fox.", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["While you were certainly thinking of getting into Shadow's bathing suit, you weren't so sure that was a good idea. After all, she was a giant compared to you and honestly... Well... She could probably use you as a sex toy and still not be properly satisfied.", "The beautiful fox honestly didn't seem like she would go for that sort of thing either, sort of reminding you of a temple priest as you thought about how she had been meditating when you arrived.", "Smiling a little as you look up into her eerily glowing eyes, you say \"It's nice to meet you, Shadow.\" She smiled down at you as she lowered her hand down, giving you the opportunity to climb back down onto her well-toned thigh.", "Stepping down off her hand, you accidentally set foot on one of the thicker glowing lines on her body, collapsing with a yelp on top of it and shivering as you try to crawl off onto her normal golden-yellow fur.", "Whimpering softly as that strange electric sensation caused your entire body to tingle in an almost pleasurable way, you had to fight of your own arousal as you finally broke contact with that large patch of glowing blue fur.", "Gasping softly as you recovered, carefully hiding the tent in your pants as you looked up at the large female, you felt the need to ask so many questions of her. The only problem is she looked like she had a bunch of questions herself and she was incapable of speaking anyways."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Beach", index:"0-1-0-0-0", char:"Shadow", havemet:false, choice:"Try to form a friendship with the female.", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Sorry. Nothing here yet."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Beach", index:"0-1-0-0-1", char:"Shadow", havemet:false, choice:"Start asking her about her markings.", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Sorry. Nothing here yet."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Beach", index:"0-1-0-1", char:"Shadow", havemet:false, choice:"Be *really* friendly with the beautiful fox.", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["While you could just try to form a friendship with this female, you just weren't thinking with your brain at the moment. Hell... You probably weren't thinking at all. Something about this strong-looking beauty made you want her more than anything.", "Even the difference in your sizes did nothing to discourage you as you looked down at those boobs below, grinning like mad as you looked back up at her face. \"You ever do it with someone a tenth your size before?\" You asked the vulpine female.", "Shadow seemed shocked by your question, her glowing eyes widening as she looked at you. Slowly her expression turned to one of confusion as she looked at you like you were crazy.", "While you could just drop it there and claim it was a joke, you just couldn't resist and stated \"I'm serious. I would love to try to please a beautiful lady like you.\"", "Shadow didn't know how to react to your forwardness, looking both embarassed and thoughtful as she looked over your shrunken body, illuminated by the blue glow of her unusual markings and the pale white moonlight."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Beach", index:"0-1-0-1-0", char:"Shadow", havemet:false, choice:"Keep going, it looks like you still have a chance!", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Chuckling as you thought of more ways to entice the beautiful female, you switched approaches to see if you could get her to agree in another way.", "\"I'm sure a big, beautiful lady like you would love to have a tiny little male like me to do anything you want.\" You said to the female, trying your best not to sound too creepy. \"Someone who would live to please you and only you.\" You added with a smile.", "Shadow didn't seem like she knew what to do, staring at you as she thought over the offer. She looked like she may actually agree to the offer, her lips curling up into an amused smile as she started to imagine the possibilities.", "Her response definitely wasn't as expected as she bared her teeth to you, looking a bit like she was snarling at you silently, and pulled down the neck of her bathing suit to reveal a circular blue marking set in her cleavage, right between her breasts.", "She quickly shoved your little body between those massive furry mounds, pressing you right into that glowing patch of fur as that electric sensation passed through your body, causing you to convulse as those fatty mounds closed in around you.", "The bizarre sensations grew stronger as you were mashed into the glowing blue fur, completely enveloped in it as she mashed you roughly between her gigantic D-cups. The last thing you saw before her bathing suit snapped back into place was a mischievous grin.", "On the bright side, you had gotten exactly what you wanted, but on the darker side, she looked like she might not care too much for your wellbeing as she started to press her breasts together with her hands, rubbing and mashing them together around you.", "You actually wanted to shout for help as that bizarre electric sensation passing through your body caused your skin to tingle in an unending, almost pleasurable torture. ", "This treatment was getting you so aroused that all you could manage was a moan that was muffled to silence by the walls of fur and flesh, that nagging fear that she might accidentally crush you between those tits only enhancing the feeling.", "This treatment was getting you so aroused that all you could manage was a moan that was muffled to silence by the walls of fur and flesh, that nagging fear that she might accidentally crush you between those tits only enhancing the feeling.", " Before long, the fox's fluffy, soft fur rubbing against your clothed erection got to be too much, your body seizing up as you came powerfully, shooting your load into your underwear and through the fabric were it got rubbed into the female's fur.", "Unfortunately, she didn't let up there, continuing to torture you with this bizarre pleasure for several more minutes and leaving you crying out in the hopes that she would stop, the strange tingling building to the point where it felt like you were in a state of constant orgasm", "Tears started to stream from your eyes as you started to empty your balls completely, shooting more and more cum until there simply wasn't any more left, and even then you still felt like you were.", "You could feel Shadow's chest heaving as she silently giggled, seeming to be highly amused to have someone like you to torture like this.", "Her shocking markings bathing you in their light, letting you see the mess you had made, unable to stop crying out in pleasure as they somehow kept the level of pleasure you experienced from doing anything but going up.", "\"P-please st-stop.\" You barely managed to choke out as you were reduced to a quivering wreck, unable to do anything to stop the unbelievable sensations constantly going through your body.", "Shadow mercifully stopped squeezing you between her boobs, the sensations in your body dropping agonizingly slowly down to just the feeling of touching a light socket, keeping your cock painfully hard as she stretched the neck of her bathing suit out to look at you.", "She seemed unusually amused by your noticably moist and sticky pants, grinning widely as she finally plucked you out of her cleavage and set you atop her left breast on a spot without those otherworldly markings.", "Breathing heavily as you recover from the experience, unable to do anything more than look up at her grinning face, you think of what to say to her.", "Knowing how great that felt, yet a little afraid of going through that again, you aren't really sure about trying to convince her to actually let you anywhere near her pussy. Hell you aren't even sure you want to be anywhere near her after that experience."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Beach", index:"0-1-0-1-0-0", char:"Shadow", havemet:false, choice:"Admit that coming on to her like that was a mistake.", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Shadow grins and decides to be nice"], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Beach", index:"0-1-0-1-0-1", char:"Shadow", havemet:false, choice:"... Ask her to do more.", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialg:["Shadow used you as a dildo"], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Beach", index:"0-1-0-1-0-0", char:"Shadow", havemet:false, choice:"Try convincing the female to let you have some control.", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Looking up at the strange fox, memories of torturously being mashed between her breasts still fresh in your mind, you honestly still find yourself attracted to Shadow. You have no idea why, but such intense pleasure wasn't something you could just walk away from.", "Looking up into those beautiful glowing eyes, you felt that attraction growing. \"Shadow... That was amazing... But could you let me take charge? I don't want to be crushed.\" You ask the tall female.", "Unsure whether or not she was really interested in you that way, you still hoped she actually wanted to go further than just torturing you with her breasts. Thankfully, she didn't flip out or anything, but her grin sent chills down your spine.", "She nodded ever so slowly and sat you down upon the sand, looking around the beach once and, once satisfied, removed her one piece, freeing her breasts and letting you see the full extent of her markings.", "Stretching from head to toe, the stripes and lines twisting about over her body, there were circular markings on the backs of her hands, her thighs, her feet, and most noticably. her pussy. In fact, it looked like the eerie glow was actually brighter inside her slit.", "Grinning as she traced one of the lined from her left breast down and around her side to her back, she turned around to let you get a good look at that plump rear of hers. That was when you saw just how much trouble you were in.", "Shadow gripped each cheek and pulled them apart, her bushy tail lifting up to reveal her tight little hole to you as she started to lower herself down to the ground. Worst of all, it had the blue glow too! ", "Before you could do anything, the fox was kneeling with her rear just about an inch above the ground, right in front of you as she turned her head with an open-mouthed grin. It seemed like all her internal flesh had that glow, even her tongue glowed with that blue light! ", "Shadow seemed to be testing your willingness to participate as he bent forward, bringing her damp pussy into view as well, her lips parted ever so slightly to reveal that the light within there was even more intense than on the rest of her body.", "It looks like she was giving you the choice of how to please her, although neither option was all that appealing now that you saw that you were likely to get a similar experience as before. You weren't even sure you could handle another round like that!"], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Beach", index:"0-1-0-1-0-0-0", char:"Shadow", havemet:false, choice:"Run for it while you can!", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Okay. This was bad. No matter what, it looked like you were in for something worse than your first experience with the fox. You didn't think your sanity would survive another round of pleasure like that.", "Doing the only thing you could think of, you turned and ran!", "Shadow turned around, confused by the lack of action only to see you were running away as fast as your little legs could carry you. She let out a silent growl and gave chase... At a slow, leisurely pace!", "The fox just walked right up to you, lifting up her large left footpaw and lowering it right down onto your back. The moment it touched you, you fell down to the ground as it turned out her paw pads were completely blue like her markings.", "Shadow pinned your shrunken body to the ground, looking a bit hurt by your rejection as she roughly ground you into the sand with her footpaw. Even then, she didn't look like she was finished, plucking you six inch body up and giving you a slurp with her glowing tongue.", "You let out a cry of pleasure as tour skin tingles from contact with her tongue, but soon he had shoved your entire upper body into her cavernous glowing maw, sucking on your body like a piece of candy and exposing your body to a much more intense form of that electric sensation.", "Covering your body in saliva, Shadow managed to tear off your shirt with her teeth, grinning as she pulled you out of her maw and spit the tiny remains of the shirt onto the sand below.", "Flipping you over, she repeated her actions with your lower body and pants, taking care to give your loins several good long slurps to bring you to a state of constant orgasm once more, your balls convulsing powerfully as they tried to keep up with it. ", "After your earlier experience, all that you could manage was a few tiny drops of seed before you ran out, leaving you crying out until Shadow finally pulled you out of her hot, wet maw, lowering you down as you got the last bit of relief you ever would.", "Still holding you upside-down, Shadow brought you down between her legs, rubbing your footpaws against her moist, glowing folds. Going into a fit of laughter as the tingling sensation passed through your pads, the fox started to insert your body into her tight pussy. ", "Your body spreading her moist, hot folds as she slid you in up to your waist, your cock twitching as it was once again brought into direct contact with the blue markings, you screamed as you were subjected to the torturous pleasure once more.", "The only problem is that this time it just didn't stop! Her fingers pushed you in up to your chest, making sure your arms ended up inside her tight passage. You were trapped in place as she worked your shoulders in, your body a perfect fit for her cunt at this size.", "By the time she had you where she wanted you, your head was just barely visible between her folds, bathed in the female's musky fluids as she walked over to her spot on the beach to get dressed, cutting you off from all light that was not from her body.", "With each movement she made, her slippery walls rubbed and squeezed your body, intensifying this unnatural pleasure she gave. Soon you were crying as she at down, somehow managing to meditate even with you squirming helplessly to escape her folds.", "Minutes, then hours went by with you trapped in place. Shadow never letting you out even after she went home. She didn't even take you out when she fed you, making you eat directly out of her fingers whenever she felt like feeding you.", "The worst part of this was that the pleasure never, ever faded. You had been in a constant state of orgasm, seeping tiny amounts of seed into her pussy, and it still felt like it did the moment you first came! ", "No one ever noticed your weak, pitiful cries as you were constantly bathed in the female's juices, what little sounds you made always being muffled by the fox's thighs clamping down on you, pushing you all the way inside her body until you stopped.", "She never even took you out when she went to the restroom, making you watch as she relieved herself time and time again. After only two days, your mind had shattered to bits, leaving you as nothing more than a permanent sex toy of the fox.", "Shadow eventually found a male lover, and once that happened, she started to feed you his cum instead of normal food. You often got a face full of his musky balls whenever he fucked her ass.", "Every once in a while, Shadow would pull you out, only to insert you into her tight ass so her lover could have a turn at her pussy. You couldn't even care, too far gone to even think now.", "One day it finally ended when that cock shoved you fully into her ass, crushing you in the female's tight, suffocating colon and drowning you in his cum. You never even had any final thoughts as you died in a moment of someone else's passion."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:false, endgame:true, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Beach", index:"0-1-0-1-0-0-1", char:"Shadow", havemet:false, choice:"Go to her ass, it's glowing less!", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Sorry. Nothing here yet."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Beach", index:"0-1-0-1-0-0-2", char:"Shadow", havemet:false, choice:"You're a sucker for punishment, head to that cunt!", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Sorry. Nothing here yet."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Beach", index:"0-1-0-1-1", char:"Shadow", havemet:false, choice:"Give up and apologize before you scare her off.", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Sorry. Nothing here yet."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Beach", index:"0-1-1", char:"Shadow", havemet:false, choice:"Ask for her help.", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Sorry. Nothing here yet."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Beach", index:"0-2", char:"Shadow", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Leave the serene fox be. No need to bother her.", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["You sort of feel that this serene female doesn't need your problems. Not wanting to trouble her, you walk away to find someone else to get help from."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:false, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Beach", index:"0-3", char:"Shadow", havemet:true, choice:"Wow! It's Shadow, the Temple Priestess!", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["As you get closer to the giant female, you realize that you've seen those markings before. That fox was Shadow, the Temple priestess you met earlier!", "You look up at her beautiful body, finding her far more attractive when she wasn't wearing robes. Strangely, she seems to have noticed your presence near her, opening her striking blue eyes. Okay... This is creepy. Her eyes were glowing too!", "Shadow gazed down at your small body in confusion, unsure of what you were in the darkness. Before you could react, a large hand had wrapped around you, lifting yoy right up to her face.", "Recognition seemed to show on her face as she suddenly looked very surprised, recognizing you from your earlier visit to the temple and being caught off guard by your current stature.", "The tall female was amazingly gentle with you, her fingers wrapped around your belly and chest just tightly enough to keep you from falling. Looking up at her face, you felt the need to explain what had happened to you."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Beach", index:"0-3-0", char:"Shadow", havemet:true, choice:"Tell her about the shrink ray.", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Shadow holds on to Char for now, tries to visit lab the next day."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Beach", index:"0-3-1", char:"Shadow", havemet:true, choice:"Say you shrank yourself to a more appropriate size...for her!", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Gazing up into those otherworldly blue eyes, you start to feel like you were in the presence of true beauty. Before you even knew what you were saying, you opened your mouth to speak \"I shrank myself! I wanted to be the perfect size to worship a beauty like you!\"", "Shadow was taken aback by your explaination, normally used to being his on in public, but never by a six inch tall individual like you. You continued gazing into her eyes, desperately hoping she wouldn't take it the wrong way and be creeped out by you.", "\"Please! I'll do ANYTHING you want! I just want to be yours! Make me your pet, make me your slave, I don't care as long as I'm with you!\" You shout up to her, not really sure this was a good idea but hoping she would take you in and let you explore her body.", "Slowly the strange vulpine female started to smile, looking down at you with amusement as she thought of what to do with you. Her strange silence getting quite creepy as she waited to hear more."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Beach", index:"0-3-1-0", char:"Shadow", havemet:true, choice:"Suggest a nice footpaw massage.", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Looking up at the female's glowing eyes, you think of several ways you could serve this beauty. Not thinking she would go for some of the wilder ideas you had, you suggest something nice and simple.", "\"Would a fine lady like you want a nice paw massage?\" You ask Shadow with a grin, actually relishing the opportunity to get anywhere near paws that were almost big enough to cover your whole body.", "Fortunately for you, Shadow seemed to like the idea herself and lowered you down to the sand. Suddenly her whole body began to move, unfolding her crossed legs and stretching them out to either side of your body.", "Looking at the glowing lines on her muscular inner thighs, smiling as your gaze followed them up to where they passed beneath her bathing suit, you got a glimpse of a glowing vertical blue line right about where... Oh wow! Her female parts glowed too!", "Turning away quickly after Shadow noticed you staring, you walked down along her legs, admiring the beauty of her body as you approached her large paws, grinning a little as you stepped out from between her legs to see that her paw pads were also glowing.", "Well that was certainly interesting, but glowing or not, you were going to massage those big feet of Shadow's. As you stepped up to her left foot, the pale blue light of her pad illuminating your body, you discovered you could smell the strong scents of her feet even from several inches away.", "While not exactly unpleasant, the odor was overpowering due to the difference in size. Smelling strongly of sweat and of the lotion she frequently used to keep her skin soft, a strong blueberry scent that actually made your mouth water, it was like those paws of hers were perfect.", "Reaching out to touch her glowing skin, you slowly placed your hands upon the soft pad of her left foot. The moment you touched her, a strange tingling sensation passed through your arms, causing you to gasp and pull back.", "It was like you had just been shocked by a battery! As soon as you broke contact with her footpaw, the sensation faded to nothing, leaving you breathing heavily as you reached out to touch her again.", "The sensation returned as you made contact, Shadow's face grinning far above as she watched your reactions. It seemed that she knew exactly what you were feeling as you started to shake, nearly collapsing as you tried to place your whole body against her soft, wonderful skin.", "Weak in the knees from the tingling sensations running through your skin near every point of contact, you gasped in pleasure as your clothed package touched her skin. You could barely control yourself as you moaned weakly.", "Just touching that glowing blue skin was nearly enough to get you off right there, clouding your mind with pleasure as Shadow flexed her toes in encouragement, still waiting for her massage."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Beach", index:"0-3-1-0-0", char:"Shadow", havemet:true, choice:"Force yourself to keep going.", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Forcing yourself to ignore your arousal, you start to press your hands into the fox's glowing blue pads, rubbing them weakly as you try to overcome the constant tingling feelings passing through your body.", "Groaning as the tall fox smiled down at you, your hands rubbing her soft skin and getting a bit of her musky sweat upon your arms, you lean in to nuzzle Shadow's pawpad.", "Barely even able to continue despite your best efforts to ignore the highly pleasurable sensations touching her skin caused, you opened your mouth to lick over her pads.", "Shadow's pad tasted strongly of sweat mixed in with a small amount of earthy flavor from walking on the beach and a small hint of blueberry from the lotion she must apply frequently to keep her skin this heavenly soft.", "The faint blue glow lighting your body as that sensation passed through your tongue, just like licking a battery, you desperately tried to keep standing by leaning on her soft skin.", "You could feel Shadow's muscles flexing and quivering as you touched a sensitive spot. Pressing down a little harder, Shadow's entire leg twitched and slammed her paw right into you, sending you flying almost a foot backwards to land in the sand.", "Looking up at the fox with a groan as you stood back up, it looked like she was laughing silently. That was when it hit you that she was always quiet because she was a mute!", "You approach the giant female again, walking up between her legs, a little embarassed by your inability to give her a real paw massage with those unnatural electric sensations that filled your body whenever you touched those beautiful paws of hers.", "Shadow reaches down and picks you up, holding you up close to her face to plant a soft kiss upon your chest, shocking you again the moment her lips made contact with you.", "Every mark on her body was interconnected, with those spiral markings on her thighs, her forehead, her hands, and what possibly could be one in her cleavage, jusging by the glow inside her bathing suit.", "Brushing the spiral marking against you, you felt that same sensation you felt while touching her paw pad, leading you to believe that you would need to be careful around Shadow to avoid touching them. If only she could explain how it worked...", "Smiling a little as you look up into her glowing eyes, you wonder what to do now. \"Sorry I couldn't give you a better massage. That sensation is... Really distracting.\" You tell her as she giggles silently.", "As much as you wanted to try again, you felt it might be better to try to sind something else to do with the large foxy lady."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Beach", index:"0-3-1-0-0-0", char:"Shadow", havemet:true, choice:"Ask Shadow to choose something for you to do.", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Shadow strips you and slips you into her cleavage."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Beach", index:"0-3-1-0-0-1", char:"Shadow", havemet:true, choice:"Touch one of her markings. You know you want to.", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Shadow starts to torture you with her markings"], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Beach", index:"0-3-1-0-1", char:"Shadow", havemet:true, choice:"Give in and hump that paw!", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Mashed beneath her paw"], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Beach", index:"0-3-1-1", char:"Shadow", havemet:true, choice:"Get a little more personal; offer a breast massage!", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Sorry. Nothing here yet."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Beach", index:"0-3-1-2", char:"Shadow", havemet:true, choice:"Even more! Offer to be her pleasure slave!", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Sorry. Nothing here yet."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Beach", index:"0-3-1-3", char:"Shadow", havemet:true, choice:"Ass kisser? Now you're pushing it.", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Sorry. Nothing here yet."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Beach", index:"0-3-1-4", char:"Shadow", havemet:true, choice:"Suggest a nice small snack!?", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Sorry. Nothing here yet."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Beach", index:"0-3-2", char:"Shadow", havemet:true, choice:"Forget about being small. She's the one glowing!", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Sorry. Nothing here yet."], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:true, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false}, {area:"Unknown", index:"0", char:"NoChar", havemet:"N/A", choice:"Get your bearings.", delay:5, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["Char has merged with some guy's cock"], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:false, endgame:true, disabled:false, setmet:false});
antActionArray = new Array({area:"Debug_Alpha", index:"0", char:"Umi", havemet:false, choice:"Ignore this", delay:30, sizemod:"None", areamod:"NoMove", dialog:["!!!"], charframe:["NoFrame"], choices:false, endgame:false, disabled:false, setmet:false});
function frame15(){
i = 0;
j = 0;
k = 0;
l = 0;
buttonX = 457;
buttonY = 215;
buttonYspacing = 25;
pcSize = loadSize;
pcLocation = loadLocation;
pcHours = loadHours;
pcTHours = loadTHours;
pcMinutes = loadMinutes;
timePM = loadtimePM;
Clock.text = (((pcTHours + ":") + pcMinutes) + "PM");
emptyString = " ";
actionButtonClicked = 0;
dialogProgress = 0;
buttonTexts = loadbuttonTexts;
activeCharacterArray = loadactiveCharacterArray;
activeCharacters = loadactiveCharacters;
activeButtons = 0;
randomChar = new Array();
dayChar = new Array();
workChar = new Array();
nightChar = new Array();
timedChar = new Array();
rareChar = new Array();
uncommonChar = new Array();
commonChar = new Array();
timedRandomChar = new Array();
Location_Text.text = pcLocation;
i = 1;
while (i < 7) {
this[("Button_" + i)].buttonText.text = buttonTexts[(i - 1)];
Button_Action.buttonText.text = "Action";
Action_Button_0 = new Act_Button();
Action_Button_1 = new Act_Button();
Action_Button_2 = new Act_Button();
Action_Button_3 = new Act_Button();
Action_Button_4 = new Act_Button();
Action_Button_5 = new Act_Button();
Action_Button_0.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, actionClicked0);
Action_Button_1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, actionClicked1);
Action_Button_2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, actionClicked2);
Action_Button_3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, actionClicked3);
Action_Button_4.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, actionClicked4);
Action_Button_5.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, actionClicked5);
i = 0;
while (i < 6) {
this[("Action_Button_" + i)].x = 25;
this[("Action_Button_" + i)].y = (225 + (25 * i));
saveDialog1 = new PassDialog();
dialogBox1 = new DialogBox();
mapDialog1 = new MapDialog();
conversationIndex = "Start";
currentLocationActions = new Array();
thisActionArray = new Array();
inventoryArray = new Array(" ", " ", " ", " ");
s_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, saveGame);
Clock.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, clockUpdate);
Map.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, mapUpdate);
Time_Warp_Button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, timeWarp);
Debug_Var_Button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, listVars);
Size_Button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, cycleSizes);
Debug_Room_Button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goDebug);
Button_Action.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, setupActions);
btn_Map.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, openMapDialog);
public function setupActions2():void{
var _local1:int;
if (currentLocationActions.length != 0){
activeButtons = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < currentLocationActions.length) {
_local1 = i;
stage.addChild(this[("Action_Button_" + _local1)]);
this[("Action_Button_" + _local1)].buttonText.text = currentLocationActions[_local1].choice;
this[("Action_Button_" + _local1)].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, this[("actionClicked" + _local1)]);
switch (conversationIndex){
case "Start":
Button_Action.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, hideActions);
Button_Action.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, setupActions);
Button_Action.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, setupActions);
public function openPasswordDialog():void{
passDialog1.passDialogText.text = responseString;
passDialog1.btn_ClosePass.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, closePasswordDialog);
function frame37(){
btn_Return.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, returnMenu);
function frame44(){
btn_Return.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, returnMenu);
btn_Activate.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, checkPassword);
newPassword = new String();
responseString = new String();
passDialog1 = new PassDialog();
function frame27(){
btn_Return.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, returnMenu);
function frame52(){
btn_Return.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, returnMenu);
public function loadPasswordStuff():void{
var _local1:Array;
_local1 = new Array();
i = 0;
while (i < passwordActive.length) {
switch (passwordActive[i]){
case "Digimon":
k = 0;
while (k < digimonList.length) {
case "Pokemon":
k = 0;
while (k < pokemonList.length) {
case "Minish":
k = 0;
while (k < minishList.length) {
case "Tiberium":
k = 0;
while (k < tiberiumList.length) {
i = 0;
while (i < 5) {
switch (i){
case 0:
_local1 = giantActionArray;
case 1:
_local1 = normalActionArray;
case 2:
_local1 = halfActionArray;
case 3:
_local1 = dollActionArray;
case 4:
_local1 = antActionArray;
j = 0;
while (j < _local1.length) {
k = 0;
while (k < characterList.length) {
if (_local1[j].char == characterList[i]){
_local1[j].disabled = false;
trace((("################## \n Active Password List: \n" + passwordActive) + "\n ##################"));
trace((("################## \n Character List: \n" + characterList) + "\n ##################"));
function frame57(){
btn_Return.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, returnMenu3);
btn_Clear.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clearDialog);
finishedDialog.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, updateFinishedText);
textArray = new Array("Welcome to the dialog writing utility. This place only exists so Kerta can make sure the dialog is formatted to properly fit the text boxes.", "Before this was implemented Kerta tended to be a bit... verbose. This page proved necessary once it became apparent that that freakin' dragmathingy had written the boxes worth of text for a single box.", "Pay no attention to the dragon behind the curtain.");
dialogTest1.text = textArray[0];
dialogTest2.text = textArray[1];
dialogTest3.text = textArray[2];
public function timeAdvance():void{
switch (pcSize){
case 60:
trace("No time passes due to gigantic size.");
case 6:
trace("Little time passes due to your normal size.");
pcMinutes = (pcMinutes + 1);
case 3:
pcMinutes = (pcMinutes + 2);
trace("Two minutes pass due to your short stature");
case 0.5:
pcMinutes = (pcMinutes + 5);
trace("Five minutes pass due to your small size");
case 0.05:
pcMinutes = (pcMinutes + 15);
trace("Fifteen minutes pass thanks to your tiny body");
trace("timeAdvance error. Please repair");
public function loading(_arg1:Event):void{
loaded = this.stage.loaderInfo.bytesLoaded;
total = this.stage.loaderInfo.bytesTotal;
percent = ((loaded / total) * 100);
trace((((((("LoaderInfo: " + loaded) + " bytes loaded. ") + total) + " total bytes. ") + percent) + "%"));
loadGuage.text = (percent + "%");
if (loaded == total){
playButton1.x = 250.9;
playButton1.y = 266;
playButton1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goMenu);
this.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loading);
public function actionClicked5(_arg1:MouseEvent){
actionButtonClicked = 5;
public function mapUpdate(_arg1:Event):void{
switch (pcSize){
case 60:
case 6:
case 3:
case 0.5:
case 0.05:
public function actionClicked2(_arg1:MouseEvent){
actionButtonClicked = 2;
public function actionClicked3(_arg1:MouseEvent){
actionButtonClicked = 3;
public function actionClicked4(_arg1:MouseEvent){
actionButtonClicked = 4;
public function changeLocation2():void{
buttonTexts = this[(pcLocation + "_Exits")];
i = 0;
while (i <= 5) {
if (i <= buttonTexts.length){
buttonIndex = (i + 1);
if (currentLocationActions.length > 0){
Button_Action.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, setupActions);
} else {
Button_Action.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, setupActions);
public function actionClicked0(_arg1:MouseEvent){
actionButtonClicked = 0;
public function actionClicked1(_arg1:MouseEvent){
actionButtonClicked = 1;
public function hideActions(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
public function generateMetList():void{
i = 0;
while (i < characterList.length) {
metList[i] = new Array(characterList[i], false);
public function activateLocButtons():void{
Button_1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, changeArea1);
Button_2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, changeArea2);
Button_3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, changeArea3);
Button_4.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, changeArea4);
Button_5.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, changeArea5);
Button_6.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, changeArea6);
i = 1;
while (i < 7) {
if (this[("Button_" + i)].buttonText.text == " "){
this[("Button_" + i)].gotoAndStop("Inactive");
} else {
this[("Button_" + i)].gotoAndStop("Active");
public function getActiveCharacters():void{
var _local1:Array;
var _local2:int;
var _local3:int;
var _local4:*;
var _local5:Number;
var _local6:int;
var _local7:int;
var _local8:Array;
activeCharacters = [];
_local1 = [];
randomChar = [];
dayChar = [];
nightChar = [];
workChar = [];
timedChar = [];
rareChar = [];
timedRandomChar = [];
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < characterTimes.length) {
locIndex = _local2;
if (characterTimes[locIndex].indexOf(pcLocation) != -1){
activeCharacterArray = characterTimes[locIndex];
_local3 = 0;
_local4 = 1;
while (_local4 < activeCharacterArray.length) {
switch (activeCharacterArray[_local4][1]){
case "Work":
case "Random":
case "Day":
case "Night":
case "Always":
case "Timed":
case "TimedRandom":
case "Rare":
case "Uncommon":
case "Common":
trace(("Before timed: " + activeCharacters));
if (timedChar.length > 0){
_local5 = pcHours;
_local5 = (_local5 * 60);
_local5 = (_local5 + pcMinutes);
i = 0;
while (i < timedChar.length) {
_local6 = ((timedChar[i][2] * 60) + timedChar[i][3]);
_local7 = ((timedChar[i][4] * 60) + timedChar[i][5]);
if ((((((_local6 < _local7)) && ((_local6 <= _local5)))) && ((_local7 > _local5)))){
} else {
if ((((((_local6 > _local7)) && ((_local6 <= _local5)))) && ((_local5 <= 1500)))){
} else {
if ((((((_local6 > _local7)) && ((_local7 >= _local5)))) && ((_local5 >= 0)))){
} else {
trace("Timed character does not match schedule");
if (timedRandomChar.length > 0){
_local5 = pcHours;
_local8 = [];
_local5 = (_local5 * 60);
_local5 = (_local5 + pcMinutes);
i = 0;
while (i < timedRandomChar.length) {
_local6 = ((timedRandomChar[i][2] * 60) + timedRandomChar[i][3]);
_local7 = ((timedRandomChar[i][4] * 60) + timedRandomChar[i][5]);
if ((((((_local6 < _local7)) && ((_local6 <= _local5)))) && ((_local7 > _local5)))){
} else {
if ((((((_local6 > _local7)) && ((_local6 <= _local5)))) && ((_local5 <= 1500)))){
} else {
if ((((((_local6 > _local7)) && ((_local7 >= _local5)))) && ((_local5 >= 0)))){
} else {
trace("Timed Random character does not match schedule");
i = 0;
while (i < _local8.length) {
_local3 = Math.floor((Math.random() * 4));
if (_local3 == 1){
if ((((((workChar.length > 0)) && ((pcHours >= 7)))) && ((pcHours <= 18)))){
_local3 = Math.floor((Math.random() * workChar.length));
if (workChar[_local3] == "Sora"){
} else {
if (workChar[_local3] == "Kora"){
if ((((((((nightChar.length > 0)) && ((pcHours >= 18)))) && ((pcHours <= 24)))) || ((((((nightChar.length > 0)) && ((pcHours >= 0)))) && ((pcHours <= 6)))))){
_local3 = Math.floor((Math.random() * nightChar.length));
if (nightChar[_local3] == "Sora"){
} else {
if (nightChar[_local3] == "Kora"){
if ((((((dayChar.length > 0)) && ((pcHours >= 6)))) && ((pcHours <= 18)))){
_local3 = Math.floor((Math.random() * dayChar.length));
if (dayChar[_local3] == "Sora"){
} else {
if (dayChar[_local3] == "Kora"){
if (randomChar.length > 0){
_local3 = Math.floor((Math.random() * randomChar.length));
if (randomChar[_local3] == "Sora"){
} else {
if (randomChar[_local3] == "Kora"){
if (rareChar.length > 0){
_local3 = Math.floor((Math.random() * (rareChar.length * 10)));
if (_local3 < rareChar.length){
trace((("Event: " + rareChar[_local3]) + " --- Rare added!"));
if (rareChar[_local3] == "Sora"){
} else {
if (rareChar[_local3] == "Kora"){
if (uncommonChar.length > 0){
_local3 = Math.floor((Math.random() * (uncommonChar.length * 5)));
if (_local3 < rareChar.length){
trace((("Event: " + uncommonChar[_local3]) + " --- Uncommon added!"));
if (uncommonChar[_local3] == "Sora"){
} else {
if (uncommonChar[_local3] == "Kora"){
if (commonChar.length > 0){
_local3 = Math.floor((Math.random() * (commonChar.length * 2)));
if (_local3 < commonChar.length){
trace((("Event: " + commonChar[_local3]) + " --- Common added!"));
if (commonChar[_local3] == "Sora"){
} else {
if (commonChar[_local3] == "Kora"){
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < _local1.length) {
_local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < characterList.length) {
if (characterList[_local4] == _local1[_local2]){
trace((("Characters to Activate --- " + _local1) + " --- Characters to Activate"));
trace((("Characters to Activate --- " + activeCharacters) + " --- Characters to Activate"));
Viewmaster.box_Active.text = ("Active Characters:\n" + activeCharacters);
public function goInfo(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
btn_NewGame.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, startGame);
btn_LoadGame.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, loadGame);
btn_Instructions.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goInstructions);
btn_Credits.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goCredits);
btn_Info.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goInfo);
public function clearDialog(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
dialogTest1.text = "";
dialogTest2.text = "";
dialogTest3.text = "";
dialogNameTest.text = "";
navTest.text = "";
public function loadGame(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if ( == null){
trace("No save data detected");
} else {
if ( != null){
btn_NewGame.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, startGame);
btn_LoadGame.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, loadGame);
btn_Instructions.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goInstructions);
btn_Credits.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goCredits);
btn_Info.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goInfo);
loadSize =;
characterList =;
loadLocation =;
loadHours =;
loadTHours =;
loadMinutes =;
loadtimePM =;
loadactiveCharacterArray =;
loadactiveCharacters =;
loadbuttonTexts =;
loadmetList =;
i = 0;
while (i < {
giantActionArray[i].disabled =[i];
i = 0;
while (i < {
normalActionArray[i].disabled =[i];
i = 0;
while (i < {
halfActionArray[i].disabled =[i];
i = 0;
while (i < {
dollActionArray[i].disabled =[i];
i = 0;
while (i < {
antActionArray[i].disabled =[i];
public function endDialog():void{
var _local1:Number;
var _local2:Number;
switch (currentLocationActions[actionButtonClicked].endgame){
case false:
dialogBox1.btn_Next.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, nextDialogPage);
dialogBox1.dialogText.text = " ";
switch (currentLocationActions[actionButtonClicked].setmet){
case true:
l = 0;
while (l < metList.length) {
if (metList[l][0] == currentLocationActions[actionButtonClicked].char){
metList[l][1] = currentLocationActions[actionButtonClicked].setmet;
trace(("Met: " + currentLocationActions[actionButtonClicked].char));
switch (currentLocationActions[actionButtonClicked].sizemod){
case "None":
case "Random":
_local1 = Math.floor((Math.random() * 3));
switch (pcSize){
case 60:
switch (_local1){
case 0:
pcSize = 0.05;
case 1:
pcSize = 0.5;
case 2:
pcSize = 3;
case 3:
pcSize = 6;
case 6:
switch (_local1){
case 0:
pcSize = 0.05;
case 1:
pcSize = 0.5;
case 2:
pcSize = 3;
case 3:
pcSize = 60;
case 3:
switch (_local1){
case 0:
pcSize = 0.05;
case 1:
pcSize = 0.5;
case 2:
pcSize = 6;
case 3:
pcSize = 60;
case 0.5:
switch (_local1){
case 0:
pcSize = 0.05;
case 1:
pcSize = 3;
case 2:
pcSize = 6;
case 3:
pcSize = 60;
case 0.05:
switch (_local1){
case 0:
pcSize = 0.5;
case 1:
pcSize = 3;
case 2:
pcSize = 6;
case 3:
pcSize = 60;
trace(("Size randomizer activated. New Size = " + pcSize));
pcSize = currentLocationActions[actionButtonClicked].sizemod;
pcMinutes = (pcMinutes + currentLocationActions[actionButtonClicked].delay);
if (currentLocationActions[actionButtonClicked].setmet == "Lockout"){
l = 0;
while (l < giantActionArray.length) {
if (giantActionArray[l].char == currentLocationActions[actionButtonClicked].char){
giantActionArray[l].disabled = true;
l = 0;
while (l < halfActionArray.length) {
if (halfActionArray[l].char == currentLocationActions[actionButtonClicked].char){
halfActionArray[l].disabled = true;
l = 0;
while (l < normalActionArray.length) {
if (normalActionArray[l].char == currentLocationActions[actionButtonClicked].char){
normalActionArray[l].disabled = true;
l = 0;
while (l < dollActionArray.length) {
if (dollActionArray[l].char == currentLocationActions[actionButtonClicked].char){
dollActionArray[l].disabled = true;
l = 0;
while (l < antActionArray.length) {
if (antActionArray[l].char == currentLocationActions[actionButtonClicked].char){
antActionArray[l].disabled = true;
l = 0;
while (l < characterList.length) {
if (currentLocationActions[actionButtonClicked].char == characterList[l]){
characterList.splice(l, 1);
currentLocationActions[actionButtonClicked].disabled = true;
switch (currentLocationActions[actionButtonClicked].choices){
case true:
if (conversationIndex == "Start"){
conversationIndex = "0";
} else {
conversationIndex = (conversationIndex + ("-" + actionButtonClicked));
case false:
conversationIndex = "Start";
s_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, saveGame);
switch (currentLocationActions[actionButtonClicked].areamod){
case "NoMove":
Button_Action.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, setupActions);
case "Random":
_local2 = Math.floor((Math.random() * locationList.length));
pcLocation = locationList[_local2];
pcLocation = currentLocationActions[actionButtonClicked].areamod;
case true:
dialogBox1.btn_Next.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, nextDialogPage);
dialogBox1.dialogText.text = " ";
public function hideActions2():void{
i = 0;
while (i < activeButtons) {
this[("Action_Button_" + i)].buttonText.text = " ";
stage.removeChild(this[("Action_Button_" + i)]);
activeButtons = 0;
Button_Action.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, hideActions);
Button_Action.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, setupActions);
public function setDefaultVars():void{
loadSize = 6;
loadLocation = "Ray_Lab";
loadHours = 14;
loadTHours = 2;
loadMinutes = 30;
loadtimePM = true;
loadactiveCharacterArray = new Array();
loadactiveCharacters = new Array();
loadbuttonTexts = ["Hallway_1", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "];
public function goMenu(_arg1:Event):void{
playButton1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goMenu);
public function goDebug(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
pcLocation = "Debug_Alpha";
Location_Text.text = pcLocation;
buttonTexts = this[(pcLocation + "_Exits")];
i = 0;
while (i <= 5) {
if (i <= buttonTexts.length){
buttonIndex = (i + 1);
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].buttonText.text = buttonTexts[i];
public function clockUpdate(_arg1:Event):void{
if (pcMinutes >= 60){
pcHours = (pcHours + 1);
pcMinutes = (pcMinutes - 60);
if (pcHours > 24){
pcHours = (pcHours - 24);
if (pcHours < 13){
pcTHours = pcHours;
} else {
if (pcHours > 12){
pcTHours = (pcHours - 12);
if ((((pcHours > 11)) && ((pcHours < 24)))){
timePM = true;
} else {
timePM = false;
if (timePM == false){
if ((((pcTHours >= 10)) && ((pcMinutes < 10)))){
Clock.text = (((pcTHours + ":0") + pcMinutes) + "AM");
} else {
if ((((pcTHours < 10)) && ((pcMinutes >= 10)))){
Clock.text = (((("0" + pcTHours) + ":") + pcMinutes) + "AM");
} else {
if ((((pcTHours < 10)) && ((pcMinutes < 10)))){
Clock.text = (((("0" + pcTHours) + ":0") + pcMinutes) + "AM");
} else {
Clock.text = (((pcTHours + ":") + pcMinutes) + "AM");
if (timePM == true){
if ((((pcTHours >= 10)) && ((pcMinutes < 10)))){
Clock.text = (((pcTHours + ":0") + pcMinutes) + "PM");
} else {
if ((((pcTHours < 10)) && ((pcMinutes >= 10)))){
Clock.text = (((("0" + pcTHours) + ":") + pcMinutes) + "PM");
} else {
if ((((pcTHours < 10)) && ((pcMinutes < 10)))){
Clock.text = (((("0" + pcTHours) + ":0") + pcMinutes) + "PM");
} else {
Clock.text = (((pcTHours + ":") + pcMinutes) + "PM");
public function goCredits(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
btn_NewGame.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, startGame);
btn_LoadGame.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, loadGame);
btn_Instructions.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goInstructions);
btn_Credits.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goCredits);
btn_Info.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goInfo);
public function openMapDialog(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
mapDialog1.x = 0;
mapDialog1.y = 0;
mapDialog1.btn_CloseMap.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, closeMapDialog);
public function restartGame(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
public function goInstructions(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
btn_NewGame.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, startGame);
btn_LoadGame.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, loadGame);
btn_Instructions.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goInstructions);
btn_Credits.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goCredits);
btn_Info.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goInfo);
public function closeMapDialog(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
mapDialog1.btn_CloseMap.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, closeMapDialog);
public function returnMenu(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
btn_Return.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, returnMenu);
public function formatButtonText():void{
switch (buttonTexts[(buttonIndex - 1)]){
case " ":
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].buttonText.text = " ";
case "Debug_Alpha":
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].buttonText.text = "Debug Alpha";
case "Debug_Beta":
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].buttonText.text = "Debug Beta";
case "Debug_Gamma":
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].buttonText.text = "Debug Gamma";
case "Ray_Lab":
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].buttonText.text = "Ray Lab";
case "Hallway_1":
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].buttonText.text = "Hallway 1";
case "Robotics_Lab":
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].buttonText.text = "Robotics Lab";
case "Mens_Room":
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].buttonText.text = "Men's Room";
case "Womens_Room":
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].buttonText.text = "Women's Room";
case "Janitor_Closet":
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].buttonText.text = "Janitor's Closet";
case "Lobby":
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].buttonText.text = "Lobby";
case "Hallway_2":
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].buttonText.text = "Hallway 2";
case "Call_Center":
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].buttonText.text = "Call Center";
case "Animal_Testing":
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].buttonText.text = "Animal Testing Lab";
case "Teleportation_Lab":
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].buttonText.text = "Teleportation Lab";
case "Boss_Office":
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].buttonText.text = "Boss's Office";
case "Secret_Lab":
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].buttonText.text = "Secret Lab";
case "Parking_Lot":
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].buttonText.text = "Parking Lot";
case "Beach":
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].buttonText.text = "Beach";
case "Changing_Stall":
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].buttonText.text = "Changing Stall";
case "Sidewalk_1":
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].buttonText.text = "Sidewalk 1";
case "Sidewalk_2":
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].buttonText.text = "Sidewalk 2";
case "Sidewalk_3":
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].buttonText.text = "Sidewalk 3";
case "Sidewalk_4":
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].buttonText.text = "Sidewalk 4";
case "Sidewalk_5":
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].buttonText.text = "Sidewalk 5";
case "Residential_Street":
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].buttonText.text = "Residential Street";
case "Mobile_Home_Park":
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].buttonText.text = "Mobile Home Park";
case "Apartment_Complex":
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].buttonText.text = "Apartment Complex";
case "Ocean":
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].buttonText.text = "Ocean";
case "Bar":
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].buttonText.text = "Bar";
case "Tarcals_Room":
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].buttonText.text = "Tarcal's Room";
case "Nightclub":
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].buttonText.text = "Nightclub";
case "Restroom":
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].buttonText.text = "Restroom";
case "Gym":
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].buttonText.text = "Gym";
case "Weight_Room":
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].buttonText.text = "Weight Room";
case "Locker_Room":
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].buttonText.text = "Locker Room";
case "Shower_Stall":
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].buttonText.text = "Shower Stall";
case "Temple":
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].buttonText.text = "Temple";
case "Park":
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].buttonText.text = "Park";
case "Restaurant":
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].buttonText.text = "Restaurant";
case "Jonathans_House":
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].buttonText.text = "Jonathan's House";
case "Zexs_House":
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].buttonText.text = "Zex's House";
case "Terrys_House":
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].buttonText.text = "Terry's House";
case "Shakos_Apartment":
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].buttonText.text = "Shako's Apartment";
case "Tanyas_Home":
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].buttonText.text = "Tanya's Home";
case "Candis_Home":
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].buttonText.text = "Candi's Home";
case "SoraKoras_Apt":
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].buttonText.text = "Sora & Kora's Apt.";
case "Asters_Apartment":
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].buttonText.text = "Aster's Apartment";
case "Dyns_Home":
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].buttonText.text = "Dyn's Home";
case "Harris_House":
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].buttonText.text = "Harris' House";
case "Nias_House":
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].buttonText.text = "Nia's House";
case "Tobias_Apartment":
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].buttonText.text = "Tobias' Apartment";
case "James_Home":
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].buttonText.text = "James' Home";
case "Umis_Mansion":
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].buttonText.text = "Umi's Mansion";
case "Karens_Apartment":
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].buttonText.text = "Karen's Apartment";
case "Loris_Apartment":
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].buttonText.text = "Lori's Apartment";
case "Svetas_House":
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].buttonText.text = "Sveta's House";
case "RioKendis_Home":
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].buttonText.text = "Rio & Kendi's Home";
case "Foreign_Farm":
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].buttonText.text = "Foreign Farm";
case "Zoo":
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].buttonText.text = "Zoo";
case "Prehistory":
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].buttonText.text = "Prehistory";
case "Priestess_Room":
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].buttonText.text = "Priestess' Room";
case "Alien_World":
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].buttonText.text = "Alien World";
case "Unknown":
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].buttonText.text = "Unknown";
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].buttonText.text = "Error";
public function timeWarp(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
pcMinutes = (pcMinutes + 15);
if (currentLocationActions.length > 0){
Button_Action.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, setupActions);
} else {
Button_Action.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, setupActions);
public function saveGame(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
var _local2:SharedObject;
_local2 = SharedObject.getLocal("microGameData1"); = pcSize; = pcLocation; = pcHours; = pcTHours; = pcMinutes; = timePM; = characterList; = activeCharacterArray; = activeCharacters; = buttonTexts; = metList; = new Array("Null"); = new Array("Null"); = new Array("Null"); = new Array("Null"); = new Array("Null");
i = 0;
while (i < giantActionArray.length) {[i] = giantActionArray[i].disabled;
i = 0;
while (i < normalActionArray.length) {[i] = normalActionArray[i].disabled;
i = 0;
while (i < halfActionArray.length) {[i] = halfActionArray[i].disabled;
i = 0;
while (i < dollActionArray.length) {[i] = dollActionArray[i].disabled;
i = 0;
while (i < antActionArray.length) {[i] = antActionArray[i].disabled;
trace((microGameData.size + " Bytes Saved"));
saveDialog1.x = 0;
saveDialog1.y = 0;
saveDialog1.passDialogText.text = "Game Saved.\n Click Close to continue.";
saveDialog1.btn_ClosePass.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, closeSave);
public function cycleSizes(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
switch (pcSize){
case 60:
pcSize = 6;
trace((("Now Normal-Sized - " + normalActionArray.length) + " Actions implemented"));
case 6:
pcSize = 3;
trace((("Now Half-sized - " + halfActionArray.length) + " Actions implemented"));
case 3:
pcSize = 0.5;
trace((("Now doll-sized - " + dollActionArray.length) + " Actions implemented"));
case 0.5:
pcSize = 0.05;
trace((("Now Ant-Size - " + antActionArray.length) + " Actions implemented"));
case 0.05:
pcSize = 60;
trace((("Now Giant-Sized - " + giantActionArray.length) + " Actions implemented"));
public function nextDialogPage(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
trace(((dialogProgress + "/") + currentLocationActions[actionButtonClicked].dialog.length));
if (currentLocationActions[actionButtonClicked].dialog.length < (dialogProgress + 1)){
} else {
if (currentLocationActions[actionButtonClicked].dialog.length >= (dialogProgress + 1)){
dialogBox1.dialogText.text = currentLocationActions[actionButtonClicked].dialog[dialogProgress];
public function returnMenu3(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
btn_Return.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, returnMenu3);
btn_Clear.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clearDialog);
finishedDialog.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, updateFinishedText);
public function endGame():void{
Button_Action.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, setupActions);
Clock.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, clockUpdate);
Map.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, mapUpdate);
Time_Warp_Button.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, timeWarp);
Debug_Var_Button.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, listVars);
Size_Button.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, cycleSizes);
Debug_Room_Button.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goDebug);
s_button.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, saveGame);
dialogBox1.btn_Next.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, nextDialogPage);
trace("Game Over");
public function changeArea2(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
switch (Button_2.buttonText.text){
case " ":
trace("Time does not advance");
trace("Stop walking into walls");
buttonClicked = 2;
public function changeArea3(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
switch (Button_3.buttonText.text){
case " ":
trace("Time does not advance");
trace("Stop walking into walls");
buttonClicked = 3;
public function changeArea5(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
switch (Button_5.buttonText.text){
case " ":
trace("Time does not advance");
trace("Stop walking into walls");
buttonClicked = 5;
public function changeArea6(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
switch (Button_6.buttonText.text){
case " ":
trace("Time does not advance");
trace("Stop walking into walls");
buttonClicked = 6;
public function startGame(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
btn_NewGame.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, startGame);
btn_LoadGame.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, loadGame);
btn_Instructions.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goInstructions);
btn_Credits.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goCredits);
btn_Info.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goInfo);
public function changeArea1(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
switch (Button_1.buttonText.text){
case " ":
trace("Time does not advance");
trace("Stop walking into walls");
buttonClicked = 1;
public function changeLocation():void{
pcLocation = buttonTexts[(buttonClicked - 1)];
buttonTexts = this[(pcLocation + "_Exits")];
i = 0;
while (i <= 5) {
if (i <= buttonTexts.length){
buttonIndex = (i + 1);
switch (buttonTexts[i]){
case " ":
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].gotoAndStop("Inactive");
this[("Button_" + buttonIndex)].gotoAndStop("Active");
if (currentLocationActions.length > 0){
Button_Action.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, setupActions);
} else {
Button_Action.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, setupActions);
public function changeArea4(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
switch (Button_4.buttonText.text){
case " ":
trace("Time does not advance");
trace("Stop walking into walls");
buttonClicked = 4;
public function closeSave(_arg1:MouseEvent){
saveDialog1.btn_ClosePass.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, closeSave);
public function deactivateLocButtons():void{
Button_1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, changeArea1);
Button_2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, changeArea2);
Button_3.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, changeArea3);
Button_4.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, changeArea4);
Button_5.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, changeArea5);
Button_6.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, changeArea6);
i = 1;
while (i < 7) {
this[("Button_" + i)].gotoAndStop("Inactive");
public function activateCharacters():void{
var _local1:String;
var _local2:String;
_local1 = new String();
switch (pcLocation){
case "Debug_Alpha":
_local1 = "DBG1_";
case "Debug_Beta":
_local1 = "DBG2_";
case "Debug_Gamma":
_local1 = "DBG3_";
case "Ray_Lab":
_local1 = "RL_";
case "Hallway_1":
_local1 = "H1_";
case "Robotics_Lab":
_local1 = "RBL_";
case "Mens_Room":
_local1 = "MR_";
case "Womens_Room":
_local1 = "WR_";
case "Janitor_Closet":
_local1 = "JC_";
case "Lobby":
_local1 = "L_";
case "Hallway_2":
_local1 = "H2_";
case "Call_Center":
_local1 = "CC_";
case "Boss_Office":
_local1 = "BO_";
case "Animal_Testing":
_local1 = "AT_";
case "Teleportation_Lab":
_local1 = "TL_";
case "Secret_Lab":
_local1 = "SL_";
case "Parking_Lot":
_local1 = "PL_";
case "Sidewalk_1":
_local1 = "S1_";
case "Sidewalk_2":
_local1 = "S2_";
case "Sidewalk_3":
_local1 = "S3_";
case "Sidewalk_4":
_local1 = "S4_";
case "Sidewalk_5":
_local1 = "S5_";
case "Residential_Street":
_local1 = "RS_";
case "Mobile_Home_Park":
_local1 = "MHP_";
case "Bar":
_local1 = "BAR_";
case "Tarcals_Room":
_local1 = "TR_";
case "Nightclub":
_local1 = "NC_";
case "Restroom":
_local1 = "NCR_";
case "Gym":
_local1 = "G_";
case "Weight_Room":
_local1 = "WR_";
case "Locker_Room":
_local1 = "LR_";
case "Shower_Stall":
_local1 = "SS_";
case "Park":
_local1 = "P_";
case "Temple":
_local1 = "T_";
case "Beach":
_local1 = "BE_";
case "Changing_Stall":
_local1 = "CS_";
case "Ocean":
_local1 = "O_";
case "Restaurant":
_local1 = "R_";
case "Jonathans_House":
_local1 = "JH_";
case "Zexs_House":
_local1 = "ZH_";
case "Terrys_House":
_local1 = "TH_";
case "Shakos_Apartment":
_local1 = "SA_";
case "Tanyas_Home":
_local1 = "TNH_";
case "Candis_Home":
_local1 = "CH_";
case "SoraKoras_Apt":
_local1 = "SKA_";
case "Asters_Apartment":
_local1 = "AA_";
case "Dyns_Home":
_local1 = "DH_";
case "Harris_House":
_local1 = "HH_";
case "Nias_House":
_local1 = "NH_";
case "Tobias_Apartment":
_local1 = "TA_";
case "Loris_Apartment":
_local1 = "LA_";
case "James_Home":
_local1 = "JAH_";
case "Umis_Mansion":
_local1 = "UM_";
case "Karens_Apartment":
_local1 = "KA_";
case "Svetas_House":
_local1 = "SVH_";
case "RioKendis_Home":
_local1 = "RKH_";
case "Foreign_Farm":
_local1 = "FF_";
case "Zoo":
_local1 = "Z_";
case "Prehistory":
_local1 = "PRE_";
case "Alien_World":
_local1 = "AW_";
case "Unknown":
_local1 = "UN_";
case "Debug_Alpha":
_local1 = "DEBUG";
case "Debug_Beta":
_local1 = "DEBUG";
trace("Area does not have prefix yet");
_local2 = "";
if (activeCharacters.length > 0){
i = 1;
while (i <= activeCharacters.length) {
_local2 = (_local2 + activeCharacters[(i - 1)]);
} else {
_local2 = "Empty";
Viewmaster.gotoAndStop((_local1 + _local2));
trace((_local1 + _local2));
public function setupActions(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
public function checkPassword(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
newPassword = Password_Text.text.toLowerCase();
responseString = new String();
switch (newPassword){
case "dialogtest":
btn_Return.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, returnMenu);
btn_Activate.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, checkPassword);
responseString = "Good to see you again.";
switch (newPassword){
case "type here":
responseString = "That is not a password";
case "enter new password":
responseString = "That one is not a password either.";
case "password":
responseString = "Nice try.";
case "12345":
responseString = "Is that the combination to your luggage?";
case "my name is ru'ne snowforest.":
responseString = "Bullshit! Also, Tell Kerta how you figured that out. If you figured it out without going through the code, you may have just won a chance to have Kerta add a character of your creation to this flash.";
case "your name is ru'ne snowforest.":
responseString = "Tell Kerta how you figured that out. If you figured it out without going through the code, you may have just won a chance to have Kerta add a character of your creation to this flash.";
case "idkfa":
responseString = "Your memory serves you randomly. \n Too bad you don't carry weapons!";
case "code: omega delta theta supremo double cheeseburger with plutonium":
responseString = "Did you hack my flash or do you just have nothing better to do?";
case "matrix evolution!":
responseString = "The biggest dreamer... \n (Nothing exists to activate with this)";
case "master ball":
responseString = "It's Super Effective! \n (Nothing exists to activate with this)";
case "picolyte":
responseString = "Ting along, tong along! \n (Nothing exists to activate with this)";
case "kane lives!":
responseString = "Welcome back Commander. \n (Nothing exists to activate with this)";
responseString = "Get a real password.";
public function closePasswordDialog(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
passDialog1.btn_ClosePass.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, closePasswordDialog);
Password_Text.text = "Enter new password";
public function listVars(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
i = 0;
while (i < giantActionArray.length) {
giantActionArray[i].disabled = false;
i = 0;
while (i < normalActionArray.length) {
normalActionArray[i].disabled = false;
i = 0;
while (i < halfActionArray.length) {
halfActionArray[i].disabled = false;
i = 0;
while (i < dollActionArray.length) {
dollActionArray[i].disabled = false;
if (dollActionArray[i].char == "Jonathan"){
i = 0;
while (i < antActionArray.length) {
antActionArray[i].disabled = false;
i = 0;
while (i < currentLocationActions.length) {
currentLocationActions[i].disabled = false;
i = 0;
while (i < thisActionArray.length) {
thisActionArray[i].disabled = false;
k = 0;
while (k < metList.length) {
metList[k][1] = false;
conversationIndex = "Start";
s_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, saveGame);
Button_Action.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, setupActions);
trace("Re-enabled actions. Unlocked Locations");
}//package Micro_fla
Section 2
//ViewMaster_8 (Micro_fla.ViewMaster_8)
package Micro_fla {
import flash.text.*;
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ViewMaster_8 extends MovieClip {
public var box_Active:TextField;
}//package Micro_fla
Section 3
//Act_Button (Act_Button)
package {
import flash.text.*;
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class Act_Button extends MovieClip {
public var buttonText:TextField;
Section 4
//arialFont (arialFont)
package {
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class arialFont extends Font {
Section 5
//DialogBox (DialogBox)
package {
import flash.text.*;
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class DialogBox extends MovieClip {
public var btn_Next:SimpleButton;
public var dialogText:TextField;
Section 6
//Logo (Logo)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class Logo extends MovieClip {
Section 7
//MapDialog (MapDialog)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class MapDialog extends MovieClip {
public var btn_CloseMap:MovieClip;
Section 8
//Nav_Button (Nav_Button)
package {
import flash.text.*;
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class Nav_Button extends MovieClip {
public var buttonText:TextField;
Section 9
//OCR_A_Font (OCR_A_Font)
package {
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class OCR_A_Font extends Font {
Section 10
//PassDialog (PassDialog)
package {
import flash.text.*;
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class PassDialog extends MovieClip {
public var passDialogText:TextField;
public var btn_ClosePass:MovieClip;
Section 11
//pButton (pButton)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class pButton extends SimpleButton {
Section 12
//SegoeFont (SegoeFont)
package {
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class SegoeFont extends Font {