Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2596 · P5191

Happy New Year!

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Rockman vs. Woodman.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #142175

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 68 MovieClip "_DWPreloader" in Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = 0; this.external_script = ""; if (!this.code_loaded) { if (this.external_script.length) { _parent._DWCodeSprite.loadMovie(this.external_script); } this.code_loaded = true; } else { var total = ((100 * _parent.getBytesTotal()) / 100); var loaded = _parent.getBytesLoaded(); if (total < loaded) { loaded = total; } if (this.external_script.length) { loaded = loaded + _parent._DWCodeSprite.getBytesLoaded(); total = total + _parent._DWCodeSprite.getBytesTotal(); } var progress = ((loaded * 100) / total); if ((progress >= 100) && (!this._DW_disabled)) { progress = 100; if (this.external_script.length) { _parent._DWCodeSprite._DWInitExternal(); _parent._ILMEventObject.prototype.__DW_root = _parent; }; } _DW_Progress = progress; _DW_ProgressBar._xscale = progress; } }
Frame 2
function _DWInit() { _DW_2A = null; _DW_2B = null; _DW_2C = null; _DW_2D = null; _DW_2E = null; _DW_2F = 400; _DW_30 = new Array(); _DW_31 = null; _DW_32 = null; _DW_33 = null; _DW_34 = 100; _DW_waiting_for_page = 0; _DW_bookmarks = new Array(); _DW_bookmarks.current_bookmark = 0; _DW_bookmarks.multiple_bookmarks = 0; _DW_bookmarks_cookie = null; _DW_35 = null; } function _DWInitPublication(name, double_click, normal_cursor, busy_cursor, reset, reset_page, reset_chapter, exit_page, exit_chapter, exit_time, drcm, frame_rate, multiple_bookmarks) { _DWInit(); _DW_2F = double_click; _DW_frame_rate = frame_rate; _DW_bookmarks.multiple_bookmarks = multiple_bookmarks; _DW_publication = new Object(); _DW_publication._DW_name = name; _DW_publication._DW_1 = 0; _DW_publication._DW_2 = 1; _DW_publication._DW_code = 0; _DW_publication._DW_3 = "Publication"; _DW_publication._DW_object = new _ILMTreeObject(_DW_publication); _DW_publication._DW_normal_cursor = normal_cursor; _DW_publication._DW_busy_cursor = busy_cursor; _DW_publication._DW_exit_page = exit_page; _DW_publication._DW_exit_chapter = exit_chapter; _DW_publication._DW_exit_time = exit_time; _DW_publication._DW_page_variables = new Object(); _DW_publication._DW_0 = new Array(); if (drcm) { fscommand ("showmenu", "false"); } _DWLoadBookmarks(); } function _DWLoadBookmarks() { _DW_bookmarks_cookie = null; getURL("FSCommand:LoadBookmarks", ""); var update = new Object(); update.Update = _DWLoadBookmarksUpdate; _DWAddUpdate(update); } function _DWLoadBookmarksUpdate() { if (_DW_bookmarks_cookie == null) { return(undefined); } Print(("cookie loaded=" + _DW_bookmarks_cookie) + newline); var bookmarks = new Array(); var unescaped_pages = unescape(_DW_bookmarks_cookie); bookmarks = unescaped_pages.split(","); var i = 0; while (i < bookmarks.length) { var bookmark = new Object(); i++; bookmark.chapter_code = parseInt(bookmarks[i]); i++; bookmark.index = parseInt(bookmarks[i]); bookmark.page_name = unescape(bookmarks[i]); _root._DW_bookmarks.push(bookmark); i++; } _DWRemoveUpdate(this); } function _DWSaveBookmarks() { var bookmarks = new String(); var i = 0; while (i < _root._DW_bookmarks.length) { bookmarks = bookmarks + (_root._DW_bookmarks[i].chapter_code + ","); bookmarks = bookmarks + (_root._DW_bookmarks[i].index + ","); bookmarks = bookmarks + escape(_root._DW_bookmarks[i].page_name); if (i != (_root._DW_bookmarks.length - 1)) { bookmarks = bookmarks + ","; } i++; } getURL("FSCommand:SaveBookmarks", bookmarks); } function _DWCheckFlashVersion() { var player_version = _root.$version; var major_version = player_version.charAt(player_version.indexOf(" ") + 1); if (major_version >= "5") { play(); } } function _DWInitChapter(code, name, panel, first_index, total_pages) { var chapter = new Object(); chapter._DW_name = name; chapter._DW_1 = 0; chapter._DW_2 = 2; chapter._DW_code = code; chapter._DW_3 = "Chapter"; chapter._DW_object = new _ILMTreeObject(chapter); chapter._DW_8 = panel; chapter._DW_6 = first_index; chapter._DW_7 = total_pages; _DW_publication._DW_0.push(chapter); if (panel == (-2)) { chapter._DW_8 = 0; } if (_DW_30[chapter._DW_8] == undefined) { var view = new Object(); view._DW_8 = chapter._DW_8; view._DW_9 = null; view._DW_view = ((panel == (-2)) ? (this) : (this["Panel" + chapter._DW_8])); view._DW_A = new Array(); view._DW_B = view._DW_A.push(((panel == (-2)) ? 2 : 1)); _DW_30[chapter._DW_8] = view; } chapter._DW_view = _DW_30[chapter._DW_8]; } function _DWFindChapter(code) { var chapters = _DW_publication._DW_0; var i = 0; while (i < chapters.length) { if (chapters[i]._DW_code == code) { return(chapters[i]); } i++; } } function _DWInitPage(page, name, code, chapter_code, page_index, show_for, next_page, next_chapter, right, bottom) { if (page._name.substring(0, 7) == "_DWNull") { return(undefined); } page._DW_name = name; page._DW_1 = 0; page._DW_2 = 4; page._DW_code = code; page._DW_3 = "Page"; var obj = _DW_publication._DW_page_variables[code]; if (obj == undefined) { obj = _DWGetNewScriptObject(page); _DW_publication._DW_page_variables[code] = obj; } page._DW_object = obj; page._DW_chapter = _DWFindChapter(chapter_code); page._DW_C = page_index; page._DW_D = show_for; page._DW_E = next_page; page._DW_F = next_chapter; page._DW_10 = 0; page._DW_11 = 0; page._DW_12 = right; page._DW_13 = bottom; page._DW_delay = 0; } function _DWInitVariables(obj, variables) { if (obj._DW_3 == undefined) { return(undefined); } obj._DW_variables = variables; _DWResetVariables(obj, false); } function _DWResetVariables(obj, force) { var list = obj._DW_object; var variables = obj._DW_variables; var i = 0; while (i < variables.length) { if (((!variables[i + 2]) || (list[variables[i]] == undefined)) || (force)) { list[variables[i]] = variables[i + 1]; } i = i + 3; } _DWUpdateVariableCallbacks(null); } function _DWStartPage(page) { if (page._DW_3 == undefined) { return(undefined); } if (page._DW_delay) { page._DW_start_delayed = true; return(undefined); } _DWSetCursor(null); _DW_9 = page; page._DW_chapter._DW_view._DW_9 = page; _DWTriggerEvents(page, "PreShow"); var transition = page._DW_show; if (transition) { page._visible = false; page._DW_visible = 1; _DWSyncTransition(true, page, transition); transition._visible = true; transition.gotoAndPlay(1); } else { _DWShowPageComplete(page); } } function _DWShowPageComplete(page) { _DWInitialisePageObjectVariables(page); var children = page._DW_0; if (children) { var i = 0; while (i < children.length) { _DWStartObject(children[i]); i++; } } var script_children = page._DW_script_children; if (script_children) { var i = 0; while (i < script_children.length) { script_children[i].StartObject(); i++; } } if (page._DW_D != (-1)) { var goto_action = new Object(); goto_action.CallAction = _DWActionGotoPage; goto_action.chapter = page._DW_F; = page._DW_E; goto_action.time = getTimer() + page._DW_D; _DWAddAction(goto_action); } _DWTriggerEvents(page, "OnShow"); var i = 0; while (true) { if (typeof(page._DW_object["__DWGlobalCode" + i]) == "function") { page._DW_object["__DWGlobalCode" + i](); } else { break; } i++; } if (i) { _DWUpdateVariableCallbacks(); } _DWInitActions(page); } function _DWHidePageComplete(page) { var view = page._DW_chapter._DW_view; view._DW_view.gotoAndStop(view._DW_2D); } function _DWGetVariable(name, obj) { var page = _DWGetPage(obj); var vars = (page && (page._DW_object)); if ((vars != undefined) && (vars[name] != undefined)) { return(vars[name]); } vars = _DW_publication._DW_object; if ((vars != undefined) && (vars[name] != undefined)) { return(vars[name]); } return(""); } function _DWSetVariable(name, value, obj) { var page = _DWGetPage(obj); var vars = (page && (page._DW_object)); if ((vars != undefined) && (vars[name] != undefined)) { vars[name] = value; } else { vars = _DW_publication._DW_object; vars[name] = value; } _DWUpdateVariableCallbacks(name); } function _DWGetPage(obj) { while (obj) { if (obj._DW_3 == "Page") { return(obj); } obj = obj._parent; } } function _DWGetChapter(obj) { return(_DWGetPage(obj)._DW_chapter); } function _DWAddVariableCallback(callback, variable) { var pos = _DW_31; while (pos) { if (pos == callback) { return(undefined); } pos = pos.callback_next; } callback.callback_next = _DW_31; _DW_31 = callback; } function _DWUpdateVariableCallbacks(name) { var pos = _DW_31; while (pos) { var callback = pos; pos = pos.callback_next; callback.VariableChanged(name, this); } } function _DWTick() { if (_DW_waiting_for_page == 2) { return(undefined); } if (_DW_waiting_for_page) { if (_framesloaded >= _DW_waiting_for_page) { this.gotoAndStop(_DW_waiting_for_page); _DW_waiting_for_page = 0; _DWSetCursor(null); } else { _DWDoUpdate(); _DWUpdateCursor(); return(undefined); } } _DWDoActions(); _DWDoUpdate(); _DWDoActions(); _DWDoActions(); _DWCheckInputFocus(); _DWUpdateCursor(); } function _DWMouseMove() { if (_DW_waiting_for_page) { return(undefined); } if (_DW_35) { _DWMouseMoveEvent(_DW_35); } else { var i = 0; while (i < _DW_30.length) { _DWMouseMoveEvent(_DW_30[i]._DW_9); i++; } } } function _DWMouseMoveEvent(obj) { if (obj == null) { return(undefined); } var children = (_DW_35 ? null : (obj._DW_0)); if (children) { var i = (children.length - 1); while (i >= 0) { var child = children[i]; if ((child._DW_visible != 2) || (!child._DW_enabled)) { } else { _DWMouseMoveEvent(child); var hit = child.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, child._DW_transparent); if (hit != child._DW_hit) { child._DW_hit = hit; if (hit) { _DWEnter(child); } else { _DWLeave(child); } } } i--; } } _DWTriggerEvents(obj, "OnMouseMove"); _DWTriggerMouseScriptEvent(obj, "mousemove"); } function _DWEnter(obj) { with (obj) { if (!_DW_enabled) { return(undefined); } _DWSetAppearance(obj, (((obj._DW_3 == "Button") && (obj._DW_button_down)) ? 6 : 2)); _DW_state = "Over"; _DWTriggerEvents(obj, "OnMouseOver"); if (obj._DW_over_cursor) { _DWSetCursor(obj._DW_over_cursor); } } } function _DWLeave(obj) { with (obj) { if (!_DW_enabled) { return(undefined); } if ((obj._DW_3 == "Button") && (obj._DW_button_mode == 0)) { _DWButtonUp(obj); } _DWSetAppearance(obj, (((obj._DW_3 == "Button") && (obj._DW_button_down)) ? 5 : 1)); _DW_state = "Normal"; _DWTriggerEvents(obj, "OnMouseOut"); _DW_auto_handle = -1; if (obj._DW_over_cursor || (obj._DW_down_cursor)) { _DWSetCursor(null); } } } function _DWMouseDown() { if (_DW_waiting_for_page) { return(undefined); } if (_DW_35) { _DWMouseDownEvent(_DW_35); } else { var i = 0; while (i < _DW_30.length) { _DWMouseDownEvent(_DW_30[i]._DW_9); i++; } } } function _DWMouseDownEvent(obj) { var children = (_DW_35 ? null : (obj._DW_0)); var trigger = "OnLeftDown"; if (Key.isDown(16)) { trigger = trigger + "S"; } if (Key.isDown(17)) { trigger = trigger + "C"; } if (Key.isDown(18)) { trigger = trigger + "A"; } if (children) { var i = (children.length - 1); while (i >= 0) { var child = children[i]; if (((child._DW_visible != 2) || (!child._DW_enabled)) || (!child.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, child._DW_transparent))) { } else { if (!_DWMouseDownEvent(child)) { return(false); } if (child._DW_3 == "Button") { if (child._DW_button_mode == 0) { if (!child._DW_button_down) { _DWButtonDown(child); } } else if (child._DW_button_mode == 1) { if (child._DW_button_down) { child._DW_button_pressed = true; } else { _DWButtonDown(child); } } else if (!child._DW_button_down) { var j = (children.length - 1); while (j >= 0) { if (j == i) { } else { var other_child = children[j]; if (((other_child._DW_3 == "Button") && (other_child._DW_button_mode == 2)) && (other_child._DW_button_group == child._DW_button_group)) { _DWButtonUp(other_child); } } j--; } _DWButtonDown(child); } } else { _DWSetAppearance(child, 3); } child._DW_state = "Down"; if (child._DW_auto_repeat) { var action = new Object(); action.CallAction = _DWActionAutoRepeat; action.object = child; action.time = getTimer() + 400; action.handle = ++child._DW_auto_handle; action.trigger = trigger; _DWAddAction(action); } if (!child._DW_pass_clicks) { return(false); } } i--; } } _DWTriggerEvents(obj, trigger); _DWTriggerMouseScriptEvent(obj, "lmousedown"); if (obj._DW_down_cursor) { _DWSetCursor(obj._DW_down_cursor); } return(true); } function _DWMouseUp() { if (_DW_waiting_for_page) { return(undefined); } var double_click; if (_DW_2E && ((getTimer() - _DW_2E) < _DW_2F)) { double_click = true; _DW_2E = null; } else { double_click = false; _DW_2E = getTimer(); } if (_DW_35) { _DWMouseUpEvent(_DW_35); } else { var i = 0; while (i < _DW_30.length) { _DWMouseUpEvent(_DW_30[i]._DW_9, double_click); i++; } } } function _DWMouseUpEvent(obj, double_click) { var children = (_DW_35 ? null : (obj._DW_0)); if (children) { var i = (children.length - 1); while (i >= 0) { var child = children[i]; if (((child._DW_visible != 2) || (!child._DW_enabled)) || (!child.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, child._DW_transparent))) { } else { if (!_DWMouseUpEvent(child, double_click)) { return(false); } if (child._DW_state != "Down") { } else { if (child._DW_3 == "Button") { if (child._DW_button_mode == 0) { _DWButtonUp(child); } else if (child._DW_button_mode == 1) { if (child._DW_button_pressed) { _DWButtonUp(child); } } } else { _DWSetAppearance(child, 2); } child._DW_state = "Over"; child._DW_auto_handle = -1; if (!child._DW_pass_clicks) { return(false); } } } i--; } } _DWTriggerMouseScriptEvent(obj, "lmouseup"); if ((obj._DW_3 != "Page") && (obj._DW_state != "Down")) { return(true); } var trigger = (double_click ? "OnLeftDouble" : "OnLeftClick"); if (Key.isDown(16)) { trigger = trigger + "S"; } if (Key.isDown(17)) { trigger = trigger + "C"; } if (Key.isDown(18)) { trigger = trigger + "A"; } _DWTriggerEvents(obj, trigger); if (obj._DW_down_cursor) { _DWSetCursor(obj._DW_over_cursor); } trigger = (double_click ? "ldclick" : "lclick"); _DWTriggerMouseScriptEvent(obj, trigger); return(true); } function _DWKeyDown() { if (_DW_waiting_for_page) { return(undefined); } if (_DW_32 == null) { var i = 0; while (i < _DW_30.length) { _DWKeyDownEvent(_DW_30[i]._DW_9); i++; } } else { _DWInputKey(false); } } function _DWKeyUp() { if (_DW_waiting_for_page) { return(undefined); } if (_DW_32 != null) { _DWInputKey(true); } } function _DWInputKey(up) { var keys = [8, 9, 13, 20, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 45, 46]; var is_key = false; var i = 0; while (i < keys.length) { if (Key.getCode() == keys[i]) { is_key = true; } i++; } if (is_key == up) { var obj = eval (_DW_32); _DWKeyDownEvent(obj); } } function _DWKeyDownEvent(obj) { var children = obj._DW_0; if (children) { var i = (children.length - 1); while (i >= 0) { var child = children[i]; if ((child._DW_visible != 2) || (!child._DW_enabled)) { } else { _DWKeyDownEvent(child); } i--; } } var trigger = ("Key" + new Number(Key.getCode()).toString(16)); if (Key.isDown(16)) { trigger = trigger + "S"; } if (Key.isDown(17)) { trigger = trigger + "C"; } _DWTriggerEvents(obj, trigger); return(true); } function _DWButtonDown(button) { if (!button._DW_button_down) { _DWOffsetChildren(button, button._DW_button_offset); } button._DW_button_down = true; button._DW_button_pressed = false; _DWSetAppearance(button, ((button._DW_state == "Normal") ? 5 : 6)); _DWUpdateButtonVar(button); } function _DWButtonUp(button) { if (button._DW_button_down) { _DWOffsetChildren(button, -button._DW_button_offset); } button._DW_button_down = false; button._DW_button_pressed = false; _DWSetAppearance(button, ((button._DW_state == "Normal") ? 1 : 2)); _DWUpdateButtonVar(button); } function _DWUpdateButtonVar(button) { if (button._DW_button_var.length) { _DWSetVariable(button._DW_button_var, button._DW_button_down, button); } if ((button._DW_button_mode == 2) && (button._DW_button_down)) { var g = button._DW_button_group; button._DW_group_index = 0; _DWGetRadioIndex(_DWGetPage(button), button); _DWSetVariable(("RADIO_GROUP_" + g) + "_ID", button._DW_group_index, button); _DWSetVariable(("RADIO_GROUP_" + g) + "_NAME", button._DW_name, button); } } function _DWGetRadioIndex(obj, button) { var children = obj._DW_0; var i = 0; while (i < children.length) { var child = children[i]; if (child == button) { return(true); } if ((child._DW_button_mode == 2) && (child._DW_button_group == button._DW_button_group)) { button._DW_group_index++; button._DW_group_index; } if (_DWGetRadioIndex(child, button)) { return(true); } i++; } } function _DWOffsetChildren(obj, offset) { var children = obj._DW_0; if (children) { var i = (children.length - 1); while (i >= 0) { var child = children[i]; child._x = child._x + offset; child._y = child._y + offset; i--; } } if (obj._DWIMAGE) { obj._DWIMAGE._x = obj._DWIMAGE._x + offset; obj._DWIMAGE._y = obj._DWIMAGE._y + offset; } } function _DWAddUpdate(update) { var pos = _DW_2B; while (pos) { if (pos == update) { return(undefined); } pos = pos.update_next; } update.update_next = _DW_2B; _DW_2B = update; } function _DWRemoveUpdate(update) { if (_DW_2B == update) { _DW_2B = _DW_2B.update_next; return(undefined); } var pos = _DW_2B; while (pos.update_next) { if (pos.update_next == update) { pos.update_next = pos.update_next.update_next; return(undefined); } pos = pos.update_next; } } function _DWDoUpdate() { var pos = _DW_2B; while (pos) { var update = pos; pos = pos.update_next; update.Update(this); } } function _DWAddAction(action) { if ((!_DW_2A) || (action.time < _DW_2A.time)) { = _DW_2A; _DW_2A = action; } else { var pos = _DW_2A; while ( && ( < action.time)) { pos =; } =; = action; } } function _DWDoActions() { var time = getTimer(); while (_DW_2A && (time >= _DW_2A.time)) { var action = _DW_2A; _DW_2A =; action.CallAction(action); } } function _DWActionShow(action) { _DWShowObject(action.object); } function _DWActionHide(action) { _DWHideObject(action.object); } function _DWActionGotoPage(action) { _DWGotoPage(, action.chapter); } function _DWActionAutoRepeat(action) { var obj = action.object; if (((action.handle == obj._DW_auto_handle) && (obj._DW_state == "Down")) && (!_DW_drag_object)) { _DWTriggerEvents(obj, action.trigger); action.time = getTimer() + 100; _DWAddAction(action); } } function _DWSetCursor(cursor) { if (!cursor) { cursor = _DW_publication._DW_normal_cursor; } if (_DW_33 != cursor) { if (_DW_33) { _DW_33._visible = false; } else { Mouse.hide(); } _DW_33 = cursor; if (_DW_33) { _DW_33._visible = true; } else {; } } } function _DWUpdateCursor() { if (_DW_33) { _DW_33.x = _root._xmouse; _DW_33.y = _root._ymouse; this.globalToLocal(_DW_33); _DW_33._x = _DW_33.x; _DW_33._y = _DW_33.y; } } function Print(text) { var obj = this; while (obj && (!obj._DWInitPublication)) { obj = obj._parent; } obj._DWPRINTTEXT = obj._DWPRINTTEXT + text; } function _DWTriggerEvents(obj, trigger) { var actions = obj._DWActions; if (actions == undefined) { return(undefined); } var i = 0; while (i < actions.length) { actions[i].Trigger(trigger); i++; } } function _DWInitActions(obj) { _DWInitCloseActions(obj, false, obj); } function _DWCloseActions(obj) { _DWInitCloseActions(obj, true, obj); } function _DWInitCloseActions(obj, close, host) { var actions = obj._DWActions; var i = 0; while (i < actions.length) { actions[i].InitClose(close, host); i++; } var text = obj._DW_text; if (!text) { return(undefined); } var line_index = 0; while (line_index < text.length) { var line = text[line_index]; var item_index = 0; while (item_index < line.length) { if (line[item_index + 2] & 268435456) { var tag_number = line[item_index + 3][1]; var actions = obj[("_DWLink" + tag_number) + "_DWActions"]; var i = 0; while (i < actions.length) { actions[i].InitClose(close, host); i++; } } item_index = item_index + 4; } line_index++; } } function _DWGotoPage(index, chapter_code) { var view = _DWFindChapter(chapter_code)._DW_view; if ((view._DW_B + 1) < view._DW_A.length) { view._DW_A.splice(view._DW_B + 1); } view._DW_B = view._DW_A.push(index) - 1; return(_DWDoGotoPage(view, index, chapter_code)); } function _DWShowPage(index, chapter_code) { var view = _DWFindChapter(chapter_code)._DW_view; if ((_framesloaded >= (index + 1)) || (_framesloaded == _totalframes)) { if (view._DW_view._currentframe == (index + 1)) { view._DW_view.gotoAndStop(index + 2); } view._DW_view.gotoAndStop(index + 1); } else { _DW_waiting_for_page = index + 1; _DWSetCursor(_DW_publication._DW_busy_cursor); } } function _DWGoBackPage(chapter_code) { var view = _DWFindChapter(chapter_code)._DW_view; if (view._DW_B == 0) { return(0); } var index = view._DW_A[--view._DW_B]; return(_DWDoGotoPage(view, index, chapter_code)); } function _DWGoNextPage(chapter_code) { var view = _DWFindChapter(chapter_code)._DW_view; if (view._DW_B == (view._DW_A.length - 1)) { return(0); } var index = view._DW_A[++view._DW_B]; return(_DWDoGotoPage(view, index, chapter_code)); } function _DWGoRandomPage(chapter_code) { var chapter = _DWFindChapter(chapter_code); chapter._DW_random_pages = new Array(); _DW_Reshuffle(chapter._DW_random_pages, chapter._DW_7, chapter._DW_view._DW_9._DW_C); chapter._DW_random_pages.index = 0; _DWGoNextRandomPage(chapter_code); } function _DWGoNextRandomPage(chapter_code) { var chapter = _DWFindChapter(chapter_code); if (!chapter._DW_random_pages) { _DWGoRandomPage(chapter_code); } var current_index = chapter._DW_view._DW_9._DW_C; var random = chapter._DW_random_pages; while (true) { random.index++; random.index; if (random.index >= random.length) { _DW_Reshuffle(random, random.length, -1); random.index = 0; } if ((random.length == 1) || (random[random.index] != current_index)) { return(_DWGotoPage(chapter._DW_6 + (random[random.index] * 2), chapter_code)); } } } function _DWDoGotoPage(view, index, chapter_code) { var current_page = view._DW_9; _DWStopObject(current_page); _DWDestroyPageObjectVariables(current_page._DW_object, current_page); _DW_2A = null; _DWStopAllSounds(true, 0); if (current_page._DW_hide) { with (current_page) { _visible = false; _DW_visible = 3; view._DW_2D = index + 1; _DWSyncTransition(false, current_page, _DW_hide); _DW_hide._visible = true; _DW_hide.gotoAndPlay(1); } } else { _DWShowPage(index, chapter_code); } return(0); } function _DWSetBookmark(host) { var page = _DWGetPage(host); var chapter = page._DW_chapter; var view = chapter._DW_view._DW_view; var bookmark = new Object(); bookmark.chapter_code = chapter._DW_code; bookmark.index = view._currentframe - 1; bookmark.page_name = page._DW_name; _DW_bookmarks.current_bookmark = _DW_bookmarks.length; _DWAddBookmark(bookmark); return(0); } function _DWBookmarkExists(bookmark_index) { var i = 0; while (i < _DW_bookmarks.length) { if (_DW_bookmarks[i].index == bookmark_index) { return(true); } i++; } return(false); } function _DWGetBookmarkPage(bookmark_index) { return(_DW_bookmarks[bookmark_index].page_name); } function _DWAddBookmark(bookmark) { if (!_DWBookmarkExists(bookmark.index)) { if (_DW_bookmarks.multiple_bookmarks) { _DW_bookmarks.push(bookmark); } else { _DW_bookmarks.length = 0; _DW_bookmarks.push(bookmark); } } _DWSaveBookmarks(); return(0); } function _DWShowBookmarkDialog(host) { = host; _DWBookmarkSprite.loadMovie("Bookmark_Dialog.swf"); return(0); } function _DWGotoBookmark() { if (0 < _DW_bookmarks.length) { var bookmark = _DW_bookmarks[0]; _DWGotoPage(bookmark.index, bookmark.chapter_code); } return(0); } function _DWClearBookmark(host) { var page = _DWGetPage(host); var chapter = page._DW_chapter; var view = chapter._DW_view._DW_view; var bookmark_index = (view._currentframe - 1); var index = 0; while (index < _DW_bookmarks.length) { if (_DW_bookmarks[index].index == bookmark_index) { if (index == 0) { _DW_bookmarks.shift(); } else if (index == (_DW_bookmarks.length - 1)) { _DW_bookmarks.pop(); } else { _DW_bookmarks.splice(index, 1); } break; } index++; } return(0); } function _DWStopSound(snd, fade_out_frame, synch_end) { var current_frame = (snd._currentframe - snd._DW_sound_start_frame); var end_frame = (current_frame + fade_out_frame); if (fade_out_frame && ((end_frame - fade_out_frame) < snd._DW_sound_end_frame)) { snd._DW_sound_fade_in_frame = 0; snd._DW_sound_fade_out_frame = current_frame; snd._DW_sound_end_frame = end_frame; snd._DW_sound_repeat_index = 0; snd._DW_sound_repeat = 0; } else { snd.stop(); _DWRemoveUpdate(snd._DW_sound_updater); if (synch_end) { _DWSynchEndSound(snd); } if (snd._DW_sound_callback) { var callback = snd._DW_sound_callback; snd._DW_sound_callback = null; callback.Notify(0); } } return(0); } function _DWStopAllSounds(page_exit, fade_out_frame) { var obj = _DW_2B; while (obj) { var sound = obj; obj = obj.update_next; if (sound.snd) { if ((!page_exit) || (sound.snd._DW_sound_stop_page_exit)) { _DWStopSound(sound.snd, fade_out_frame, false); } } } return(0); } function _DWSetAllSoundVolumes(host, volume, adjust_volume) { if (typeof(volume) == "string") { volume = _DWGetVariable(volume, host); } if (adjust_volume) { _DW_34 = _DW_34 + volume; } else { _DW_34 = volume; } if (_DW_34 < 0) { _DW_34 = 0; } if (100 < _DW_34) { _DW_34 = 100; } return(0); } function _DWSynchEndSound(snd) { var trigger = ((("SynchEnd" + _DWFormatHex(2, 2)) + _DWFormatHex(0, 2)) + _DWFormatHex(snd._DW_code, 8)); var page = _DWGetPage(snd._DW_sound_host); _DWSendTrigger(page, trigger); } function _DWExitPublication() { var page = _DW_publication._DW_exit_page; if (page != (-1)) { var view = _DWFindChapter(_DW_publication._DW_exit_chapter)._DW_view; if (view._DW_view._currentframe != (page + 1)) { _DWGotoPage(page, _DW_publication._DW_exit_chapter); var exit_time = _DW_publication._DW_exit_time; if (exit_time != (-1)) { var exit_action = new Object(); exit_action.CallAction = _DWExitPublication; exit_action.time = getTimer() + exit_time; _DWAddAction(exit_action); } return(0); } } getURL("FSCommand:quit", ""); getURL("FSCommand:ExitPublication", "true"); return(0); } function _DWEvent(triggers, actions) { this.triggers = triggers; this.actions = actions; } function _DW_39(trigger) { var i = 0; while (i < this.triggers.length) { if ((this.triggers[i] == trigger) || ((typeof(trigger) == "object") && (trigger.Match(this.triggers[i])))) { this.actions.Go(null); return(undefined); } i++; } } function _DW_3A(close, host) { var i = 0; while (i < this.triggers.length) { if (this.triggers[i].InitClose) { this.triggers[i].InitClose(close, host); } i++; } this.actions.InitClose(close, host); } function _DWActionList() { this.length = arguments.length; var i = 0; while (i < this.length) { this[i] = arguments[i]; i++; } this.state = 0; } function _DW_3B(callback) { if (this.state != 0) { return(0); } this.pos = 0; this.callback = callback; return(this.Run()); } function _DW_3C() { while (this.pos < this.length) { this.state = this[this.pos].Go(this); this.pos++; this.pos; if (this.state == 1) { return(1); } } this.state = 0; return(0); } function _DW_3D(status) { if (status == 0) { if (this.Run() == 1) { return(undefined); } if (this.callback) { var callback = this.callback; this.callback = null; callback.Notify(0); } } } function _DW_3E(close, host) { var i = 0; while (i < this.length) { this[i].InitClose(close, host); i++; } } function _DWMultiAction(func) { this.Construct(arguments, 0); } function _DW_3F(args, num) { this.func = args[0]; var i = 1; while (num >= i) { this["arg" + i] = args[i]; i++; } this.targets = new Array(); var i = (num + 1); while (i < args.length) { this.targets[(i - num) - 1] = args[i]; i++; } } function _DW_40(callback) { this.time = getTimer(); _DWAddAction(this); this.callback = callback; return(1); } function _DW_41(target) { return(this.func(target, this)); } function _DW_42() { this.running = this.targets.length; var i = 0; while (i < this.targets.length) { var result = this.Call(this.targets[i]); if (result == 0) { this.Notify(0); } i++; } } function _DW_43(status) { if (status == 0) { if (((--this.running) == 0) && (this.callback)) { var callback = this.callback; this.callback = null; callback.Notify(0); } } } function _DW_44(close, host) { = (close ? null : (host)); if (this.targets[0] == null) { this.targets[0] = host; } } function _DWMultiAction1() { this.Construct(arguments, 1); } function _DW_45(target) { return(this.func(target, this.arg1, this)); } function _DWMultiAction6() { this.Construct(arguments, 6); } function _DWMultiAction_Call6(target) { return(this.func(target, this.arg1, this.arg2, this.arg3, this.arg4, this.arg5, this.arg6, this)); } function _DWAnimateMove(obj, time, repeat, at_end, relative, speed_type, x, y, callback) { var ID = (((x != null) ? 1 : 0) | ((y != null) ? 2 : 0)); var move = new _DWAnimation(ID, time, repeat, at_end, relative, speed_type, callback); move.x = x; move.y = y; move.Update = _DWAnimation_MoveUpdate; _DW_36(obj).Add(move); return(1); } function _DWAnimateScale(obj, time, repeat, at_end, relative, speed_type, x, y, callback) { var ID = (((x != null) ? 32 : 0) | ((y != null) ? 64 : 0)); var scale = new _DWAnimation(ID, time, repeat, at_end, relative, speed_type, callback); scale.x = x; scale.y = y; scale.Update = _DWAnimation_ScaleUpdate; _DW_36(obj).Add(scale); return(1); } function _DWAnimateRotate(obj, time, repeat, at_end, relative, speed_type, angle, callback) { if (!relative) { var clockwise = (0 < angle); angle = Math.abs(angle); if (180 < angle) { angle = angle - 360; } var current = obj._rotation; if (clockwise) { while (current >= angle) { angle = angle + 360; } } else { while (angle >= current) { angle = angle - 360; } } } var rotate = new _DWAnimation(16, time, repeat, at_end, relative, speed_type, callback); rotate.angle = angle; rotate.Update = _DWAnimation_RotateUpdate; _DW_36(obj).Add(rotate); return(1); } function _DWAnimateFade(obj, time, repeat, at_end, relative, speed_type, alpha, callback) { var fade = new _DWAnimation(2048, time, repeat, at_end, relative, speed_type, callback); fade.alpha = alpha; fade.Update = _DWAnimation_FadeUpdate; _DW_36(obj).Add(fade); return(1); } function _DWAnimateReset(obj, time, speed_type, flags, callback) { var reset = new _DWAnimation(flags, time, 1, 0, false, speed_type, callback); reset.Update = _DWAnimation_ResetUpdate; _DW_36(obj).Add(reset); return(1); } function _DWAnimateStop(obj, flags, callback) { var controller = obj._DW_4; if (controller) { controller.Remove(flags); } return(0); } function _DWAnimation(id, time, repeat, at_end, relative, speed_function, callback) { = id; if (0 >= time) { time = 10; } this.time = time; this.repeat = repeat; this.at_end = at_end; this.relative = relative; this.speed_function = speed_function; this.callback = callback; } function _DW_63(obj) { this.init_x = obj._x; this.init_y = obj._y; this.init_xscale = obj._xscale; this.init_yscale = obj._yscale; this.init_rotation = obj._rotation; this.init_alpha = obj._alpha; this.start = getTimer(); this.pause_time = false; this.done = false; } function _DW_64(obj) { if (this.callback) { this.callback.Notify(0); } } function _DW_65(obj) { this.pause_time = getTimer(); } function _DW_66(obj) { if (this.pause_time) { this.start = this.start + (getTimer() - this.pause_time); this.pause_time = 0; } } function _DW_68(obj) { obj._DW_4.Remove(; } function _DW_67() { var time = ((this.pause_time ? (this.pause_time) : (getTimer())) - this.start); var trip = Math.floor(time / this.time); var delta = ((time % this.time) / this.time); var pos = this.speed_function(delta, this.speed_type); if (this.at_end == 1) { if ((trip >= (this.repeat * 2)) && (this.repeat != (-1))) { pos = 0; this.done = true; } else if (trip % 2) { pos = 1 - pos; } } else if ((trip >= this.repeat) && (this.repeat != (-1))) { pos = ((this.at_end == 0) ? ((this.relative ? (this.repeat) : 1)) : 0); this.done = true; } else if (this.at_end == 0) { if (this.relative) { pos = pos + trip; } else if (0 < trip) { pos = 1; } } return(pos); } function _DWAnimation_MoveUpdate(obj) { var pos = this.GetPos(); if (this.relative) { if (this.x != null) { obj._x = this.init_x + (this.x * pos); } if (this.y != null) { obj._y = this.init_y + (this.y * pos); } } else { if (this.x != null) { obj._x = (this.init_x * (1 - pos)) + (this.x * pos); } if (this.y != null) { obj._y = (this.init_y * (1 - pos)) + (this.y * pos); } } _DW_37(obj); if (this.done) { this.Finished(obj); } } function _DWAnimation_ScaleUpdate(obj) { var pos = this.GetPos(); var sx; var sy; if (this.relative) { sx = this.init_xscale + (this.x * pos); sy = this.init_yscale + (this.y * pos); } else { sx = (this.init_xscale * (1 - pos)) + (this.x * pos); sy = (this.init_yscale * (1 - pos)) + (this.y * pos); } if (sx < 0) { sx = 0; } if (sy < 0) { sy = 0; } if (this.x != null) { obj._xscale = sx; } if (this.y != null) { obj._yscale = sy; } _DW_37(obj); if (this.done) { this.Finished(obj); } } function _DWAnimation_RotateUpdate(obj) { var pos = this.GetPos(); if (this.relative) { obj._rotation = this.init_rotation + (this.angle * pos); } else { obj._rotation = (this.init_rotation * (1 - pos)) + (this.angle * pos); } _DW_37(obj); if (this.done) { this.Finished(obj); } } function _DWAnimation_FadeUpdate(obj) { var pos = this.GetPos(); var alpha; if (this.relative) { alpha = this.init_alpha + (this.alpha * pos); } else { alpha = (this.init_alpha * (1 - pos)) + (this.alpha * pos); } if (100 < alpha) { alpha = 100; } if (alpha < 0) { alpha = 0; } obj._alpha = alpha; _DW_37(obj); if (this.done) { this.Finished(obj); } } function _DWAnimation_ResetUpdate(obj) { var pos = this.GetPos(); if ( & 1) { obj._x = (this.init_x * (1 - pos)) + (obj._DW_x * pos); } if ( & 2) { obj._y = (this.init_y * (1 - pos)) + (obj._DW_y * pos); } if ( & 32) { obj._xscale = (this.init_xscale * (1 - pos)) + (obj._DW_xscale * pos); } if ( & 64) { obj._yscale = (this.init_yscale * (1 - pos)) + (obj._DW_yscale * pos); } if ( & 16) { obj._rotation = (this.init_rotation * (1 - pos)) + (obj._DW_rotation * pos); } if ( & 2048) { obj._alpha = (this.init_alpha * (1 - pos)) + (obj._DW_alpha * pos); } _DW_37(obj); if (this.done) { this.Finished(obj); } } function _DW_37(obj) { var children = obj._DW_0; if (!children) { return(undefined); } var i = 0; while (i < children.length) { var child = children[i]; if (child._DW_fix_page) { child._x = child._DW_x - (obj._x - obj._DW_x); child._y = child._DW_y - (obj._y - obj._DW_y); } i++; } } function _DWConstantSpeed(pos) { return(pos); } function _DWAnimationController(obj) { this.list = null; this.object = obj; obj._DW_4 = this; _DWAddUpdate(this); } function _DW_69(animation) { this.Remove(; = this.list; this.list = animation; animation.Play(this.object); } function _DW_6A(id) { var remove_list = null; while (this.list && ( & id)) { this.list.remove_next = remove_list; remove_list = this.list; this.list =; } var pos = this.list; while ( { if ( & id) { = remove_list; remove_list =; =; } else { pos =; } } while (remove_list) { remove_list.Stop(this.object); remove_list = remove_list.remove_next; } } function _DW_6B() { var pos = this.list; while (pos) { pos.Update(this.object); pos =; } } function _DW_36(obj) { if (obj._DW_4) { return(obj._DW_4); } var controller = new _DWAnimationController(obj); return(controller); } function _DWGotoLayer(obj, layer) { if (obj._DW_layer == undefined) { obj._DW_layer = 0; } if (obj._DW_layer == layer) { return(0); } var sib_array = _DW_38(obj._parent, obj); var obj_index = sib_array.obj_index; var total = sib_array.length; if (obj._DW_layer < layer) { while (obj_index < (total - 1)) { if (layer < sib_array[obj_index + 1]._DW_layer) { break; } obj_index++; var obj_above = sib_array[obj_index]; obj.swapDepths(obj_above); var temp = obj._DW_depth; obj._DW_depth = obj_above._DW_depth; obj_above._DW_depth = temp; } } else { while (obj_index >= 1) { if (layer >= sib_array[obj_index - 1]._DW_layer) { break; } obj_index--; var obj_below = sib_array[obj_index]; obj.swapDepths(obj_below); var temp = obj._DW_depth; obj._DW_depth = obj_below._DW_depth; obj_below._DW_depth = temp; } } obj._DW_layer = layer; return(0); } function _DW_38(parent, obj) { var child_array = new Array(); var children = parent._DW_0; var total = children.length; var i = 0; while (i < total) { child_array[i] = children[i]; if (child_array[i]._DW_layer == undefined) { child_array[i]._DW_layer = 0; } i++; } var changed = true; child_array.obj_index = -1; while (changed) { changed = false; child_array.obj_index = total - 1; var i = 1; while (i < total) { if (child_array[i]._DW_depth < child_array[i - 1]._DW_depth) { var temp = child_array[i - 1]; child_array[i - 1] = child_array[i]; child_array[i] = temp; changed = true; } if (child_array[i - 1] == obj) { child_array.obj_index = i - 1; } i++; } } if (child_array[child_array.obj_index] != obj) { Print("BIG STUFF UP!\n"); } return(child_array); } function _DWInitObject(obj, name, subclass, code, show_after, show_for, transparent, pass_clicks, auto_repeat, fix_page, left, top, right, bottom, depth) { obj._DW_name = name; obj._DW_1 = 1; obj._DW_2 = subclass; obj._DW_code = code; obj._DW_3 = _DWGetGraphicalObjectType(subclass); obj._DW_object = _DWGetNewScriptObject(obj); obj._DW_show_after = show_after; obj._DW_D = show_for; obj._DW_transparent = transparent; obj._DW_pass_clicks = pass_clicks; obj._DW_auto_repeat = auto_repeat; obj._DW_fix_page = fix_page; obj._DW_10 = left; obj._DW_11 = top; obj._DW_12 = right; obj._DW_13 = bottom; obj._DW_depth = depth; obj._DW_state = "Normal"; obj._DW_appearances = new Object(); obj._DW_appearances[1] = 2; obj._DW_appearance_frame = 0; obj._DW_enabled = true; obj._DW_hit = false; obj._DW_auto_handle = -1; obj._DW_x = obj._x; obj._DW_y = obj._y; obj._DW_xscale = obj._xscale; obj._DW_yscale = obj._yscale; obj._DW_rotation = obj._rotation; obj._DW_alpha = obj._alpha; if (obj._parent._DW_0 == undefined) { obj._parent._DW_0 = new Array(); } obj._parent._DW_0.push(obj); } function _DWGetGraphicalObjectType(subclass) { if (subclass == 1) { return("Frame"); } if (subclass == 2) { return("Button"); } if (subclass == 3) { return("Image"); } if (subclass == 4) { return("Text"); } if (subclass == 5) { return("Video"); } if (subclass == 8) { return("Slideshow"); } if (subclass == 10) { return("Vector"); } if (subclass == 11) { return("Path"); } if (subclass == 16) { return("Scrollbar"); } if (subclass == 17) { return("Browser"); } if (subclass == 18) { return("Frameset"); } if (subclass == 30) { return("Frameset"); } return("Unknown"); } function _DWInitAppearances(obj) { var apps = obj._DW_appearances; var i = 1; while (i < arguments.length) { apps[arguments[i]] = arguments[i + 1]; i = i + 2; } } function _DWInitTransition(obj, type, action, sprite) { if (!action) { obj["_DW_" + type] = sprite; } sprite.stop(); sprite._visible = false; sprite._DW_object = obj; sprite._DW_3 = type; } function _DWStartObject(obj) { if (obj._DW_visible == undefined) { _DWInitActions(obj); } obj._DW_visible = 0; if (obj._parent._DW_3 == "Frameset") { obj._visible = false; } else if (obj._DW_show_after) { obj._visible = false; if (obj._DW_show_after != (-1)) { var show_action = new Object(); show_action.CallAction = _DWActionShow; show_action.object = obj; show_action.time = getTimer() + obj._DW_show_after; _DWAddAction(show_action); } } else { _DWShowObject(obj); } var i = 0; while (true) { if (typeof(obj._DW_object["__DWGlobalCode" + i]) == "function") { obj._DW_object["__DWGlobalCode" + i](); } else { return; } i++; } } function _DWSetAppearance(obj, appearance) { var index = obj._DW_appearances[appearance]; if (index == undefined) { index = 1; } if (obj._DW_appearance_frame != index) { obj.gotoAndStop(obj._DW_appearance_frame + 1); obj.gotoAndStop(index); obj._DW_appearance_frame = index; } if (obj._DW_transparency) { var transparency = obj._DW_transparency[appearance]; if (transparency != undefined) { obj._alpha = transparency; } } if (obj._DW_stretch) { var stretch_x = obj._DW_stretch[2 * appearance]; var stretch_y = obj._DW_stretch[(2 * appearance) + 1]; if ((stretch_x != undefined) && (stretch_y != undefined)) { obj._xscale = stretch_x; obj._yscale = stretch_y; } } if (obj._DW_sub_objects) { var hide_unknown = obj._DW_sub_objects[2 * appearance]; var objects = obj._DW_sub_objects[(2 * appearance) + 1]; var children = obj._DW_0; if (children) { var i = 0; while (i < children.length) { var child = children[i]; var hide = hide_unknown; var j = 0; while (j < objects.length) { if (objects[j] == child) { hide = !objects[j + 1]; break; } j = j + 2; } if (hide) { _DWHideObject(child); } else { _DWShowObject(child); } i++; } } } } function _DWShowObject(obj, transition, callback, bodge) { if (((obj._parent._DW_3 == "Frameset") && (callback)) && (!bodge)) { return(_DWFrameSetShowFrame(obj, transition, callback)); } if (typeof(transition) == "string") { transition = obj._parent[obj._name + transition]; } else if (typeof(transition) != "object") { transition = obj._DW_show; if (!transition) { transition = obj._DW_textshow; } } if ((obj._DW_visible == 2) || (obj._DW_visible == 1)) { return(0); } if (obj._DW_visible == 3) { var transition = obj._DW_transition; transition.stop(); transition._visible = false; if (transition._DW_transition_callback) { transition._DW_transition_callback.Notify(0); } obj._visible = true; obj._DW_visible = 2; return(0); } _DWTriggerEvents(obj, "PreShow"); obj._x = obj._DW_x; obj._y = obj._DW_y; obj._xscale = obj._DW_xscale; obj._yscale = obj._DW_yscale; obj._rotation = obj._DW_rotation; obj._alpha = obj._DW_alpha; if (obj._DW_fix_page) { obj._x = obj._DW_x - (obj._parent._x - obj._parent._DW_x); obj._y = obj._DW_y - (obj._parent._y - obj._parent._DW_y); } _DWSetAppearance(obj, (((obj._DW_3 == "Button") && (obj._DW_button_down)) ? 5 : 1)); if (transition) { obj._DW_transition = transition; obj._visible = false; obj._DW_visible = 1; _DWSyncTransition(true, obj, transition); transition._visible = true; transition.gotoAndPlay(1); transition._DW_transition_callback = callback; return(1); } obj._visible = true; obj._DW_visible = 2; _DWShowObjectComplete(obj); return(0); } function _DWShowObjectComplete(obj) { Print("_DWShowObjectComplete \n"); var children = obj._DW_0; if (children) { var i = 0; while (i < children.length) { _DWStartObject(children[i]); i++; } } var script_children = obj._DW_script_children; if (script_children) { var i = 0; while (i < script_children.length) { script_children[i].StartObject(); i++; } } if (obj._DW_D != (-1)) { var hide_action = new Object(); hide_action.CallAction = _DWActionHide; hide_action.object = obj; hide_action.time = getTimer() + obj._DW_D; _DWAddAction(hide_action); } if (obj._DW_3 == "Text") { if (obj._DW_set_focus) { Selection.setFocus(obj + "._DWTEXT"); } } _DWTriggerEvents(obj, "OnShow"); if (i) { _DWUpdateVariableCallbacks(); } } function _DWHideObject(obj, transition, callback, bodge) { if (((obj._parent._DW_3 == "Frameset") && (callback)) && (!bodge)) { return(0); } if (transition != undefined) { if (obj._DW_texthide) { var transition_in = transition; transition = obj._DW_texthide; transition._DW_ObjectHideTransition = obj._parent[obj._name + transition_in]; } else { transition = obj._parent[obj._name + transition]; } } else { transition = obj._DW_texthide; if (!transition) { transition = obj._DW_hide; } else { transition._DW_ObjectHideTransition = null; } } if ((obj._DW_visible == 0) || (obj._DW_visible == 3)) { return(0); } if (obj._DW_visible == 1) { var transition = obj._DW_transition; transition.stop(); transition._visible = false; if (transition._DW_transition_callback) { transition._DW_transition_callback.Notify(0); } obj._visible = false; obj._DW_visible = 0; return(0); } _DWTriggerEvents(obj, "PreHide"); _DWAnimateStop(obj, 4294967295); if (transition) { obj._DW_transition = transition; transition._x = obj._x; transition._y = obj._y; transition._xscale = obj._xscale; transition._yscale = obj._yscale; transition._rotation = obj._rotation; transition._alpha = obj._alpha; obj._visible = false; obj._DW_visible = 3; _DWSyncTransition(false, obj, transition); transition._visible = true; transition.gotoAndPlay(1); transition._DW_transition_callback = callback; return(1); } obj._visible = false; obj._DW_visible = 0; _DWHideObjectComplete(obj); return(0); } function _DWHideObjectComplete(obj) { _DWTriggerEvents(obj, "OnHide"); } function _DWEnableObject(obj) { obj._DW_enabled = true; _DWSetAppearance(obj, (((obj._DW_3 == "Button") && (obj._DW_button_down)) ? 5 : 1)); return(0); } function _DWDisableObject(obj) { obj._DW_enabled = false; _DWSetAppearance(obj, (((obj._DW_3 == "Button") && (obj._DW_button_down)) ? 7 : 4)); return(0); } function _DWStopObject(obj) { var controller = obj._DW_4; if (controller) { _DWRemoveUpdate(controller); obj._DW_4 = null; } _DWCloseActions(obj); var children = obj._DW_0; if (children) { var i = 0; while (i < children.length) { _DWStopObject(children[i]); i++; } } var script_children = obj._DW_script_children; if (script_children) { var i = 0; while (i < script_children.length) { script_children[i].StopObject(); i++; } } } function _DWTransitionComplete(transition) { Print(("_DWTransitionComplete: " + transition._DW_3) + newline); transition.stop(); transition._visible = false; if ((transition._DW_3 == "show") || (transition._DW_3 == "textshow")) { text_transition = null; var obj = transition._DW_object; if (transition._DW_3 == "show") { text_transition = obj._DW_textshow; Print(("text_transition = " + text_transition) + newline); } if (((transition._DW_3 == "show") && (!text_transition)) || (transition._DW_3 == "textshow")) { obj._visible = true; obj._DW_visible = 2; if (obj._DW_3 == "Page") { _DWShowPageComplete(obj); } else { _DWShowObjectComplete(obj); } if (transition._DW_transition_callback) { transition._DW_transition_callback.Notify(0); } return; } obj._DW_transition = text_transition; _DWSyncTransition(true, obj, text_transition); text_transition._visible = true; text_transition.gotoAndPlay(1); text_transition._DW_transition_callback = transition._DW_transition_callback; return(1); } if ((transition._DW_3 == "hide") || (transition._DW_3 == "texthide")) { Print(("transition._DW_transition_callback = " + transition._DW_transition_callback) + newline); var obj = transition._DW_object; var obj_transition = null; if (transition._DW_3 == "texthide") { obj_transition = transition._DW_ObjectHideTransition; if (!obj_transition) { obj_transition = obj._DW_hide; } } if ((transition._DW_3 == "hide") || (obj_transition == null)) { obj._visible = false; obj._DW_visible = 0; if (obj._DW_3 == "Page") { _DWHidePageComplete(obj); } else { _DWHideObjectComplete(obj); } Print(("transition._DW_transition_callback = " + transition._DW_transition_callback) + newline); if (transition._DW_transition_callback) { transition._DW_transition_callback.Notify(0); } } else { obj._DW_transition = obj_transition; _DWSyncTransition(false, obj, obj_transition); obj_transition._visible = true; obj_transition.gotoAndPlay(1); obj_transition._DW_transition_callback = transition._DW_transition_callback; return(1); } } } function _DWSyncTransition(show, obj, transition) { if (typeof(transition) == "object") { var children = obj._DW_0; if (children && (show)) { var i = 0; while (i < children.length) { var child = children[i]; child._visible = !(child._DW_show || (child._DW_show_after)); _DWSyncTransition(show, child, transition); i++; } } return(undefined); } var j = 0; var trans_obj; while (true) { j++; var trans_obj = transition["_DWNull" + j]; if (!trans_obj) { return; } _DWSyncTransitionChildren(show, obj, trans_obj); } } function _DWSyncTransitionChildren(show, obj, transition) { var children = obj._DW_0; if (children) { var i = 0; while (i < children.length) { var child = children[i]; var trans_child = transition[child._name]; if (child._DW_show) { transition[child._DW_show._name]._visible = false; } if (child._DW_hide) { transition[child._DW_hide._name]._visible = false; } if (show) { trans_child._visible = !(child._DW_show || (child._DW_show_after)); } else { trans_child._visible = child._visible; trans_child._x = child._x; trans_child._y = child._y; trans_child._xscale = child._xscale; trans_child._yscale = child._yscale; trans_child._rotation = child._rotation; trans_child._alpha = child._alpha; } _DWSyncTransitionChildren(show, child, trans_child); i++; } } } function _DWFrameSetShowFrame(frame, transition, callback) { var frameset = frame._parent; if (frameset._DW_current_frame == frame) { return(0); } _DWHideObject(frameset._DW_current_frame); frameset._DW_current_frame = frame; return(_DWShowObject(frame, transition, callback, true)); } function _DWPlaySlideshow(obj) { return(_DWPlayFromSlideshowFrame(obj, 0)); } function _DWStopSlideshow(obj) { if (!obj._DW_19) { return(0); } obj._DW_19 = false; obj._DW_1F = -1; var place_index = ((obj._DW_1C * 2) + 1); var transition = obj._DW_17[place_index]; if (transition) { _DWSlideTransitionComplete(transition); } return(0); } function _DWPauseSlideshow(obj) { _DWStopSlideshow(obj); return(0); } function _DWResumeSlideshow(obj) { return(_DWPlayFromSlideshowFrame(obj, obj._DW_1C)); } function _DWPlayFromSlideshowFrame(obj, slide_index) { if (obj._DW_19) { return(0); } obj._DW_19 = true; obj._DW_1D = 0; if (obj._DW_15) { obj._DW_20.index = 0; _DW_Reshuffle(obj._DW_20, obj._DW_18, -1); slide_index = obj._DW_20[slide_index]; } if ((slide_index < 0) || (slide_index >= obj._DW_18)) { slide_index = 0; } if (obj._DW_1C != slide_index) { _DWDisplayFrame(obj, slide_index, true); } else { var time = obj._DW_17[slide_index * 2]; obj._DW_1F = getTimer() + time; } return(0); } function _DWGotoSlideshowFrame(obj, frame) { if (obj._DW_1A) { return(0); } if ((frame >= 0) && (frame < obj._DW_18)) { _DWDisplayFrame(obj, frame, false); } return(0); } function _DWDisplayFrame(obj, frame_index, ignore_transition) { if ((frame_index >= obj._DW_18) || (obj._DW_1A)) { return(undefined); } obj._DW_21 = obj._DW_1C; obj._DW_1C = frame_index; var transition = obj._DW_17[(obj._DW_1C * 2) + 1]; if (transition && (!ignore_transition)) { transition._visible = true; obj._DW_1A = true; obj._DW_1F = -1; if (transition.has_previous) { var remove_index = ((obj._DW_21 * 2) + 2); obj._DW_Slides.gotoAndStop(remove_index); } transition.gotoAndPlay(1); } else { if (obj._DW_21 != (-1)) { var remove_index = ((obj._DW_21 * 2) + 2); obj._DW_Slides.gotoAndStop(remove_index); } var place_index = ((obj._DW_1C * 2) + 1); obj._DW_Slides.gotoAndStop(place_index); if (obj._DW_19) { var time = obj._DW_17[frame_index * 2]; obj._DW_1F = getTimer() + time; if (transition) { obj._DW_1F = obj._DW_1F + (transition._totalframes * 50); } } } } function _DWSlideTransitionComplete(transition) { transition.stop(); transition._visible = false; var obj = transition.slideshow; if (obj._DW_21 != (-1)) { var remove_index = ((obj._DW_21 * 2) + 2); obj._DW_Slides.gotoAndStop(remove_index); } var place_index = ((obj._DW_1C * 2) + 1); obj._DW_Slides.gotoAndStop(place_index); obj._DW_1A = false; if (obj._DW_slideshow_callback) { var callback = obj._DW_slideshow_callback; obj._DW_slideshow_callback = null; callback.Notify(0); } if (obj._DW_19) { var time = obj._DW_17[obj._DW_1C * 2]; obj._DW_1F = getTimer() + time; } } function _DW_Reshuffle(vector, length, start_index) { var old_first = vector[0]; var old_last = vector[length - 1]; var i; i = 0; while (i < length) { vector[i] = i; i++; } i = 0; if ((start_index >= 0) && (start_index < length)) { vector[0] = start_index; vector[start_index] = 0; i = 1; } while (i < (length - 1)) { var swap = (i + (Math.floor(Math.random() * length) % (length - i))); var temp = vector[i]; vector[i] = vector[swap]; vector[swap] = temp; i++; } if (((old_first == vector[length - 1]) || (old_last == vector[0])) && (start_index == (-1))) { var temp = vector[0]; vector[0] = vector[length - 1]; vector[length - 1] = temp; } } function _DWUpdateHTML(obj) { var text = obj._DW_text; var html = ""; var line_index = 0; while (line_index < text.length) { var line = text[line_index]; var opt = line[6]; var align; if (opt & 536870912) { align = "center"; } else if (opt & 1073741824) { align = "right"; } else { align = "left"; } var spacing = 2; var font_size = line[5]; html = html + (("<P ALIGN=\"" + align) + "\">"); html = html + (((((((("<TEXTFORMAT LEFTMARGIN=\"" + line[0]) + "\" RIGHTMARGIN=\"") + line[1]) + "\" LEADING=\"") + line[2]) + "\" INDENT=\"") + line[3]) + "\">"); var item_index = 4; while (item_index < line.length) { var font_name = line[item_index]; var font_size = (line[item_index + 1] * 1.333); var options = line[item_index + 2]; var text_item = line[item_index + 3]; var tag_number = text_item[1]; if (tag_number != null) { text_item = text_item[0]; } if (text_item != " ") { var html_str; if (options & 134217728) { _DWAddVariableCallback(obj, text_item); html_str = _DWParseHTMLTags(_DWGetVariable(text_item, obj)); } else { html_str = text_item; } if (options & 67108864) { html_str = ("<B>" + html_str) + "</B>"; } if (options & 33554432) { html_str = ("<I>" + html_str) + "</I>"; } if (options & 16777216) { html_str = ("<U>" + html_str) + "</U>"; } var font_colour = (options & 16777215); html_str = ((((((("<FONT FACE=\"" + font_name) + "\" SIZE=\"") + Math.floor(font_size)) + "\" COLOR=\"#") + font_colour.toString(16)) + "\">") + html_str) + "</FONT>"; if (options & 268435456) { html_str = _DWInsertHypertextTags(html_str, obj, tag_number); } html = html + html_str; } else { html = html + "<FONT SIZE=\"20\"> </FONT>"; } item_index = item_index + 4; } html = html + "</TEXTFORMAT></P>"; line_index++; } obj._DWTEXT = html; } function _DWParseHTMLTags(text) { var new_text = ""; var chr; text = text + ""; var idx = 0; while (idx < text.length) { chr = text.charAt(idx); if (chr == "<") { new_text = new_text + "&lt;"; } else if (chr == ">") { new_text = new_text + "&gt;"; } else if (chr == "&") { new_text = new_text + "&amp;"; } else if (chr == "\"") { new_text = new_text + "&quot;"; } else { new_text = new_text + chr; } idx++; } return(new_text); } function _DWInsertHypertextTags(text, obj, tag) { tag = (obj + ":") + tag; var new_text = (((((("<A HREF=\"asfunction:" + this) + "._DWHyperTextClicked, ") + tag) + "\">") + text) + "</A>"); return(new_text); } function _DWHyperTextClicked(id) { var pos = id.indexOf(":", 0); var tag = id.substr(pos + 1); id = "_root" + id.substr(8, pos - 8); var textobj = eval (id); var actions = textobj[("_DWLink" + tag) + "_DWActions"]; var i = 0; while (i < actions.length) { actions[i].Trigger("OnLeftClick"); i++; } } function _DWCheckInputFocus() { var new_focus = Selection.getFocus(); if (new_focus != null) { var idx = new_focus.lastIndexOf("."); new_focus = new_focus.substr(0, idx); } if (new_focus != _DW_32) { var obj = eval (_DW_32); if ((!obj._DW_update_every_char) && (obj._DW_3 == "Text")) { if (obj._DWTEXT != _DWGetVariable(obj._DW_text_variable, obj)) { _DWSetVariable(obj._DW_text_variable, obj._DWTEXT, obj); } } if (obj._DW_kill_focus_enter) { _DWTriggerEvents(obj, "Keyd"); } _DW_32 = new_focus; } } function _DWGetTimePosition(obj) { if (obj._DW_video_type == "GIF") { var position = 0; var i = 0; while (i < obj._DW_video_start_index) { position = position + obj._DW_17[i]; i++; } return(position); } if (obj._DW_video_type == "SWF") { return(((obj._DW_Frames._currentframe - 1) * 1000) / _DW_framerate); } } function _DWGetTimeLength(obj) { return(obj._DW_video_time_length); } function _DWVideoIsPlaying(obj) { return(obj._DW_video_playing); } function _DWStopVideoPlaying(obj, reset, synch) { obj._DW_video_reset_at_end = reset; _DWStopVideo(obj, synch); return(0); } function _DWStopVideo(obj, synch) { if (obj._DW_video_reset_at_end) { _DWSeekVideo(obj, "start"); } if (!obj._DW_video_playing) { return(0); } obj._DW_video_playing = false; if (synch) { _DWSynchEnd(obj); } if (obj._DW_video_display_play) { obj._DW_Frames._visible = false; } if (obj._DW_video_type == "SWF") { obj._DW_Frames.stop(); } obj._DW_video_timeout = -1; return(0); } function _DWSeekVideo(obj, action, amount) { if (action == "start") { _DWGotoVideoFrame(obj, 0); } else if (action == "end") { _DWGotoVideoFrame(obj, obj._DW_video_frame_length); } else if ((action == "forward") || (action == "backward")) { var current_time = _DWGetTimePosition(obj); _DWGotoVideoTime(obj, current_time + amount); } return(0); } function _DWGotoVideoFrame(obj, frame) { if ((frame >= 0) && (obj._DW_video_frame_length >= frame)) { obj._DW_video_timeout = -1; _DWDisplayVideoFrame(obj, frame); } } function _DWPlayVideoFromTime(obj, from_time, to_time, synch) { if ((from_time >= obj._DW_video_time_length) || (obj._DW_video_time_length < to_time)) { return(0); } var seek_from_time = 0; var seek_from_index = 0; if (obj._DW_video_type == "GIF") { if (0 < from_time) { while (seek_from_time < from_time) { seek_from_time = seek_from_time + obj._DW_17[seek_from_index]; seek_from_index++; } } if (0 < to_time) { var seek_to_time = seek_from_time; var seek_to_index = seek_from_index; while (seek_to_time < to_time) { seek_to_time = seek_to_time + obj._DW_17[seek_to_index]; seek_to_index++; } } else { seek_to_index = obj._DW_video_frame_length; } } if (obj._DW_video_type == "SWF") { if (from_time >= 0) { seek_from_index = Math.floor((from_time * _DW_frame_rate) / 1000); } else { seek_from_index = obj._DW_Frames._currentframe - 1; } if (to_time >= 0) { seek_to_index = Math.floor((to_time * _DW_frame_rate) / 1000); } else { seek_to_index = obj._DW_video_frame_length; } } obj._DW_video_end_index = seek_to_index; obj._DW_video_reset_at_end = false; _DWPlayFromVideoFrame(obj, seek_from_index, synch); return(0); } function _DWPlayFromVideoFrame(obj, from_index, synch) { if (obj._DW_video_playing) { return(0); } obj._DW_video_playing = true; if (synch) { _DWSynchStart(obj); } if (obj._DW_video_display_play) { obj._DW_Frames._visible = true; } if ((from_index < 0) || (from_index >= obj._DW_video_frame_length)) { from_index = 0; } if (obj._DW_video_type == "GIF") { if (obj._DW_video_start_index != from_index) { _DWDisplayVideoFrame(obj, from_index); } else { var time = obj._DW_17[from_index]; obj._DW_video_timeout = getTimer() + time; } } if (obj._DW_video_type == "SWF") { obj._DW_Frames.gotoAndPlay(from_index + 1); } } function _DWGotoVideoTime(obj, time) { if ((time >= 0) && (obj._DW_video_time_length >= time)) { if (obj._DW_video_type == "GIF") { var seek_time = 0; var video_frame = 0; while (seek_time < time) { seek_time = seek_time + obj._DW_17[video_frame]; video_frame++; } _DWGotoVideoFrame(obj, video_frame); } if (obj._DW_video_type == "SWF") { _DWGotoVideoFrame(obj, Math.floor((time * _DW_frame_rate) / 1000)); } } return(0); } function _DWDisplayVideoFrame(obj, frame_index) { obj._DW_video_start_index = frame_index; if (obj._DW_video_type == "GIF") { if (obj._DW_video_frame_length < frame_index) { return(undefined); } obj._DW_Frames.gotoAndStop(frame_index + 1); if (obj._DW_video_playing) { var time = obj._DW_17[frame_index]; obj._DW_video_timeout = getTimer() + time; } } if (obj._DW_video_type == "SWF") { if (obj._DW_video_playing) { obj._DW_Frames.gotoAndPlay(frame_index + 1); } else { obj._DW_Frames.gotoAndStop(frame_index + 1); } } } function _DWSynchStart(obj) { var trigger = ((("SynchStart" + _DWFormatHex(obj._DW_1, 2)) + _DWFormatHex(obj._DW_2, 2)) + _DWFormatHex(obj._DW_code, 8)); _DWSendTrigger(_DWGetPage(obj), trigger); } function _DWSynchEnd(obj) { var trigger = ((("SynchEnd" + _DWFormatHex(obj._DW_1, 2)) + _DWFormatHex(obj._DW_2, 2)) + _DWFormatHex(obj._DW_code, 8)); _DWSendTrigger(_DWGetPage(obj), trigger); } function _DWFormatHex(number, digits) { var string = (number.toString(16) + ""); while (string.length < digits) { string = "0" + string; } return(string); } function _DWSendTrigger(obj, trigger) { if (obj == null) { return(undefined); } _DWTriggerEvents(obj, trigger); var children = obj._DW_0; if (!children) { return(undefined); } var i = (children.length - 1); while (i >= 0) { var child = children[i]; _DWSendTrigger(child, trigger); i--; } } function _DWInitScriptFunctions(obj, func, name) { var i = 1; while (i < arguments.length) { obj._DW_object[arguments[i + 1]] = arguments[i]; i = i + 2; } } function _DWScriptAction(obj, func) { obj._DW_object[func](); _DWUpdateVariableCallbacks(); return(0); } function _DWGetScriptPage(chapter_code) { return(_DWFindChapter(chapter_code)._DW_view._DW_9._DW_object); } function _DWGetNewScriptObject(obj) { var type = obj._DW_3; if (type == "Button") { return(new _ILMButton(obj)); } if (type == "Page") { return(new _ILMPage(obj)); } if (type == "Slideshow") { return(new _ILMSlideshow(obj)); } if (type == "Text") { return(new _ILMText(obj)); } if (type == "Video") { return(new _ILMVideo(obj)); } if (type == "Frameset") { return(new _ILMFrameSet(obj)); } if (type == "Publication") { return(new _ILMGlobal(obj)); } return(new _ILMGraphicalObject(obj)); } function _DWInitialisePageObjectVariables(page) { var queue = new Array(); var start = 0; var end = 1; queue[0] = page; var page_obj = page._DW_object; while (start < end) { start++; var obj = queue[start]; var children = obj._DW_0; if (children) { var i = 0; while (i < children.length) { var child = children[i]; if ((child._DW_3 == "Text") && (child._parent._DW_3 == "Button")) { } else { var name = child._DW_name; if (page_obj[name] == undefined) { page_obj[name] = child._DW_object; } end++; queue[end] = child; } i++; } } } } function _DWDestroyPageObjectVariables(page_obj, obj) { var children = obj._DW_0; if (children) { var i = 0; while (i < children.length) { var child = children[i]; var name = child._DW_name; if (page_obj[name]) { (delete page_obj[name]);// not popped } _DWDestroyPageObjectVariables(page_obj, child); i++; } } } function _ILMEventObject(sprite) { this.__DW_sprite = sprite; } function _DW_6C(name, func) { var event_array = _DWGetEventArray(this.__DW_sprite); var pos = event_array.length; pos++; event_array.next_ID++; event_array[pos] = event_array.next_ID; pos++; event_array[pos] = name; pos++; event_array[pos] = func; } function _DW_6D(ID) { var event_array = _DWGetEventArray(this.__DW_sprite); var i = 0; while (i < event_array.length) { if (event_array[i] == ID) { event_array.splice(i, 3); return(undefined); } i = i + 3; } } function _DW_6E(name) { _DWTriggerEvents(this.__DW_sprite, name); } function _DWGetEventArray(obj, name) { var events = obj._DW_events; if (!events) { events = new Array(); events.next_ID = 1; obj._DW_events = events; } return(events); } function _DWTriggerScriptEvent(obj, name, param) { var event_array = obj._DW_events; if (!event_array) { return(undefined); } var i = 1; while (i < event_array.length) { if (event_array[i] == name) { obj._DW_object.__DW_temp = event_array[i + 1]; obj._DW_object.__DW_temp(param); } i = i + 3; } if (name != "mousemove") { _DWUpdateVariableCallbacks(); } } function _DWTriggerMouseScriptEvent(obj, name) { var params = new Object(); params.x = _root._xmouse; params.y = _root._ymouse; _DWTriggerScriptEvent(obj, name, params); } function _ILMTreeObject(sprite) { this._ILMEventObject(sprite); } function _DW_6F() { var sprite = this.__DW_sprite; if (sprite._DW_1 != 0) { return(sprite._parent._DW_object); } if (sprite._DW_2 == 2) { return(_DW_publication._DW_object); } if (sprite._DW_2 == 4) { return(sprite._DW_chapter._DW_object); } return(null); } function _DW_70() { var sprite = this.__DW_sprite; var children = sprite._DW_0; if (children && (0 < children.length)) { return(children[0]._DW_object); } return(null); } function _DW_71(child) { var sprite = this.__DW_sprite; var children = sprite._DW_0; if (children) { var i = 0; while (i < (children.length - 1)) { if (children[i]._DW_object == child) { return(children[i + 1]._DW_object); } i++; } } return(null); } function _DW_72() { var sprite = this.__DW_sprite; var children = sprite._DW_0; if (children) { return(children.length); } return(0); } function _DW_73(index) { var sprite = this.__DW_sprite; var children = sprite._DW_0; if (children) { if ((index >= 0) && (index < children.length)) { return(children[index]._DW_object); } } return(null); } function _DW_74(name) { var sprite = this.__DW_sprite; var children = sprite._DW_0; if (children) { var i = 0; while (i < children.length) { if (children[i]._DW_name == name) { return(children[i]._DW_object); } i++; } } return(null); } function _DW_75(name) { var sprite = this.__DW_sprite; var children = sprite._DW_0; if (children) { var i = 0; while (i < children.length) { if (children[i]._DW_name == name) { return(children[i]._DW_object); } var find = children[i]._DW_object.FindDescendant(name); if (find) { return(find); } i++; } } return(null); } function _DW_76() { return(this.__DW_sprite._DW_name); } function _DW_77() { var sprite = this.__DW_sprite; return((("Object" + _DWFormatHex(sprite._DW_1, 2)) + _DWFormatHex(sprite._DW_2, 4)) + _DWFormatHex(sprite._DW_code, 8)); } function _DW_78() { return(this.__DW_sprite._DW_3); } function _ILMGraphicalObject(sprite) { this._ILMTreeObject(sprite); } function _DW_79() { var page = _DWGetPage(this.__DW_sprite)._DW_object; var persist = page._persistent; if (persist == undefined) { persist = new Object(); page._persistent = persist; } var ID = this.GetUniqueObjectID(); var obj = persist[ID]; if (obj == undefined) { obj = new Object(); persist[ID] = obj; } return(obj); } function _DW_7A() { return(this.__DW_sprite._visible); } function _DW_7B() { _DWShowObject(this.__DW_sprite); } function _DW_7C() { _DWHideObject(this.__DW_sprite); } function _DW_7D(enable) { if (enable) { _DWEnableObject(this.__DW_sprite); } else { _DWDisableObject(this.__DW_sprite); } } function _DW_7E() { return(this.__DW_sprite._DW_enabled); } function _DW_7F() { var parent = this.GetParent(); var position = new Object(); if (parent.GetType() == "Page") { position.x = this.__DW_sprite._x; position.y = this.__DW_sprite._y; } else { position.x = parent.GetXPosition() + this.__DW_sprite._x; position.y = parent.GetYPosition() + this.__DW_sprite._y; } return(position); } function _DW_80() { return(this.GetPosition().x); } function _DW_81() { return(this.GetPosition().y); } function _DW_82() { var s = this.__DW_sprite; return(s._DW_12 - s._DW_10); } function _DW_83() { var s = this.__DW_sprite; return(s._DW_13 - s._DW_11); } function _DW_84(x, y, t) { var parent = this.GetParent(); if (parent.GetType() != "Page") { var parent_pos = parent.GetPosition(); if (x != null) { x = x - parent_pos.x; } if (y != null) { y = y - parent_pos.y; } } _DWAnimateMove(this.__DW_sprite, t * 1000, 1, 0, false, _DWConstantSpeed, x, y); } function _DW_85(x, t) { this.SetPosition(x, null, t); } function _DW_86(y, t) { this.SetPosition(null, y, t); } function _DW_87(x, y, t) { _DWAnimateMove(this.__DW_sprite, t * 1000, 1, 0, true, _DWConstantSpeed, x, y); } function _DW_88(x, t) { this.Move(x, null, t); } function _DW_89(y, t) { this.Move(null, y, t); } function _DW_8A(alpha, time) { if (time) { _DWAnimateFade(this.__DW_sprite, time * 1000, 1, 0, false, _DWConstantSpeed, alpha); } else { this.__DW_sprite._alpha = alpha; } } function _DW_8B(alpha, time) { var transparency = (this.__DW_sprite._alpha + (-alpha)); if (time) { _DWAnimateFade(this.__DW_sprite, time * 1000, 1, 0, false, _DWConstantSpeed, transparency); } else { this.__DW_sprite._alpha = transparency; } } function _DW_8C(angle, direction, time) { if (this.__DW_sprite._rotation == Math.abs(angle)) { return(undefined); } if (time) { angle = Maths.abs(angle); if (angle == 0) { angle = 360; } if (!direction) { angle = -angle; } _DWAnimateRotate(this.__DW_sprite, time * 1000, 1, 0, false, _DWConstantSpeed, rotation_angle); } else { this.__DW_sprite._rotation = angle; } } function _DW_8D(angle, time) { if (time) { _DWAnimateRotate(this.__DW_sprite, time * 1000, 1, 0, true, _DWConstantSpeed, angle); } else { this.__DW_sprite._rotation = this.__DW_sprite._rotation + angle; } } function _DW_8E(h, v, t) { if (h != null) { h = h * 100; } if (v != null) { v = v * 100; } if (!t) { if (h != null) { this.__DW_sprite._xscale = h; } if (v != null) { this.__DW_sprite._yscale = v; } } else { _DWAnimateScale(this.__DW_sprite, t * 1000, 1, 0, false, _DWConstantSpeed, h, v); } } function _DW_8F(h, t) { this.SetScale(h, null, t); } function _DW_90(v, t) { this.SetScale(null, v, t); } function _DW_91(h, v, t) { if (h != null) { h = h * 100; } if (v != null) { v = v * 100; } _DWAnimateScale(this.__DW_sprite, t * 1000, 1, 0, true, _DWConstantSpeed, h, v); } function _DW_92(h, t) { this.Scale(h, null, t); } function _DW_93(v, t) { this.Scale(null, v, t); } function _DW_94(code) { _DWAnimateStop(this.__DW_sprite, _DWAnimationCode(code)); } function _DW_95(code, t) { _DWAnimateReset(this.__DW_sprite, t * 1000, _DWConstantSpeed, _DWAnimationCode(code)); } function _DWAnimationCode(code) { var codes = ["rotate", 16, "scale", 96, "scaleh", 32, "scalev", 64, "move", 3, "movex", 1, "movey", 2, "fade", 2048, "path", 19, "all", 4294967295]; var value = code.split("|"); var result = 0; var i = 0; while (i < value.length) { var j = 0; while (j < codes.length) { if (value[i].toLowerCase() == codes[j]) { result = result | codes[j + 1]; break; } j = j + 2; } i++; } return(result); } function _DW_96(obj) { return(this.__DW_sprite.hitTest(obj.__DW_sprite)); } function _DW_97() { var l = this.__DW_sprite._DW_layer; return((l ? 0 : (l))); } function _DW_98(l) { _DWGotoLayer(this.__DW_sprite, l); } function _DW_99() { return(_DWGetPage(this.__DW_sprite)._DW_object); } function _DW_9A() { _DW_35 = this.__DW_sprite; } function _DW_9B() { _DW_35 = null; } function _ILMButton(sprite) { this._ILMGraphicalObject(sprite); } function _ILMButton_SetState(down) { if (down) { _DWButtonDown(this.__DW_sprite); } else { _DWButtonUp(this.__DW_sprite); } } function _ILMButton_GetState() { return(this.__DW_sprite._DW_button_down); } function _ILMFrameSet(sprite) { this._ILMGraphicalObject(sprite); } function _DW_9C() { var cf = this.__DW_sprite._DW_current_frame; if (!cf) { return(-2); } var ch = this.__DW_sprite._DW_0; var i = 0; while (i < ch.length) { if (ch[i] == cf) { return((ch.length - 1) - i); } i++; } return(-2); } function _DW_9D() { this.ToFrame(this.GetFrame() + 1); } function _DW_9E() { this.ToFrame(this.GetFrame() - 1); } function _DW_9F() { var ch = this.__DW_sprite._DW_0; if (ch) { this.ToFrame(ch.length - 1); } } function _DW_A0() { this.ToFrame(0); } function _DW_A1(n) { var ch = this.__DW_sprite._DW_0; if (((!ch) || (n < 0)) || (n >= ch.length)) { return(undefined); } _DWShowObject(ch[(ch.length - 1) - n], null, 1); } function _ILMSlideshow(sprite) { this._ILMGraphicalObject(sprite); } function _DW_A2(slide) { if (slide) { _DWPlayFromSlideshowFrame(this.__DW_sprite, slide); } else { _DWPlaySlideshow(this.__DW_sprite); } } function _DW_A3() { _DWStopSlideshow(this.__DW_sprite); } function _DW_A4() { _DWPauseSlideshow(this.__DW_sprite); } function _DW_A5() { _DWResumeSlideshow(this.__DW_sprite); } function _DW_A6() { return(this.__DW_sprite._DW_19); } function _DW_A7(slide) { return(_DWGotoSlideshowFrame(this.__DW_sprite, slide)); } function _DW_A8() { return(this.__DW_sprite._DW_1C); } function _DW_A9() { return(this.__DW_sprite._DW_18); } function _ILMText(sprite) { this._ILMGraphicalObject(sprite); } function _DW_AA() { } function _DW_AB() { var new_text = ""; text = this.__DW_sprite._DWTEXT; var i = 0; while (i < text.length) { var chr = text.charAt(i); if (chr == "<") { i = text.indexOf(">", i); } else if (chr == "&") { var end = text.indexOf(";", i); var ent = text.substring(i + 1, end); i = end; if (ent == "amp") { new_text = new_text + "&"; } if (ent == "gt") { new_text = new_text + ">"; } if (ent == "lt") { new_text = new_text + "<"; } if (ent == "quot") { new_text = new_text + "\""; } } else { new_text = new_text + chr; } i++; } return(new_text); } function _DW_AC(text) { var s = this.__DW_sprite; s._DW_text.length = 1; var l = s._DW_text[0]; l.length = 8; l[7] = _DWParseHTMLTags(text); _DWUpdateHTML(s); } function _ILMVideo(sprite) { this._ILMGraphicalObject(sprite); } function _DW_AD(from_time, to_time, synch) { _DWPlayVideoFromTime(this.__DW_sprite, from_time * 1000, to_time * 1000, synch); } function _DW_AE(reset, synch) { _DWStopVideoPlaying(this.__DW_sprite, reset, synch); } function _DW_AF() { var is_playing = _DWVideoIsPlaying(this.__DW_sprite); return(is_playing); } function _DW_B0(position) { if (position == (-1)) { _DWSeekVideo(this.__DW_sprite, "end", 0); } else { _DWPlayVideoFromTime(this.__DW_sprite, position * 1000, -1, true); } } function _DW_B1() { var position = (_DWGetTimePosition(this.__DW_sprite) / 1000); return(position); } function _DW_B2() { var length = (_DWGetTimeLength(this.__DW_sprite) / 1000); return(length); } function _DW_B3(action, amount) { var seek_amount = amount; if (action == "backward") { seek_amount = seek_amount * (-1); } seek_amount = seek_amount * 1000; _DWSeekVideo(this.__DW_sprite, action, seek_amount); } function _ILMGlobal(sprite) { this._ILMTreeObject(sprite); this.Debug = new _ILMDebug(); } function _DW_B4() { var pub = this; while (pub) { if (pub.GetType() == "Publication") { return(pub); } pub = pub.GetParent(); } } function _DW_B5() { _DWExitPublication(); } function _DW_B6() { getURL("FSCommand:quit", ""); getURL("FSCommand:ExitPublication", "true"); } function _DW_B7(page) { } function _DW_B8() { var chapter = _DWGetChapter(this.__DW_sprite); var page_index = (chapter._DW_view._DW_view._currentframe + 1); var chapter_index = chapter._DW_code; if (page_index < chapter._DW_view._DW_view._totalframes) { _DWGotoPage(page_index, chapter_index); } } function _DW_B9() { var chapter = _DWGetChapter(this.__DW_sprite); var page_index = (chapter._DW_view._DW_view._currentframe - 3); var chapter_index = chapter._DW_code; if (0 < page_index) { _DWGotoPage(page_index, chapter_index); } } function _DW_BA() { _DWGoNextPage(_DWGetChapter(this.__DW_sprite)._DW_code); } function _DW_BB() { _DWGoBackPage(_DWGetChapter(this.__DW_sprite)._DW_code); } function _DW_BC() { _DWGoRandomPage(_DWGetChapter(this.__DW_sprite)._DW_code); } function _DW_BD() { _DWGoNextRandomPage(_DWGetChapter(this.__DW_sprite)._DW_code); } function _DW_BE() { return(getTimer() / 1000); } function _DW_BF(volume, fade, device, channel) { if (device.toLowerCase() == "wave") { _DWSetAllSoundVolumes(this.__DW_sprite, volume, false); } } function _DW_C0() { return(_DW_34); } function _DW_C1(u, w) { getURL(u, w); } function _DW_C2() { _DWResetVariables(this.GetPublication().__DW_sprite, true); } function _ILMGlobal_IsKeyPressed() { var i = 0; while (i < arguments.length) { var arg = arguments[i]; if (typeof(arg) == "string") { if (1 < arg.length) { arg = Key[arg]; } else { arg.toUpperCase(); arg = arg.charCodeAt(0); } } if (Key.isDown(arg)) { return(true); } i++; } return(false); } function _ILMPage(sprite) { this._ILMGlobal(sprite); } function _DW_C3() { var view = this.__DW_sprite._DW_chapter._DW_view; if (view._DW_9 == this.__DW_sprite) { return(view); } return(null); } function _DW_C4() { _DWSetBookmark(this.__DW_sprite); } function _DW_C5() { _DWClearBookmark(this.__DW_sprite); } function _DW_C6() { _DWGotoBookmark(); } function _DW_C7() { _DWShowBookmarkDialog(this.__DW_sprite); } function _DW_C8() { return(_DWGetBookmarkPage(0)); } function _DW_C9() { return(_DWGetBookmarkPage(_DW_bookmarks.current_bookmark + 1)); } function _DW_CA(bookmark_index) { return(_DWGetBookmarkPage(bookmark_index - 1)); } function _DW_CB() { _DWResetVariables(this.__DW_sprite, true); } function _DW_CC() { var position = new Object(); position.x = _root._xmouse; position.y = _root._ymouse; this.__DW_sprite.globalToLocal(position); return(position); } function _ILMDebug() { } function _ILMDebug_trace(text) { _root.Print(text); } _DWPubReseter.prototype.Update = _DWPubReseter_Update; _DWEvent.prototype.Trigger = _DW_39; _DWEvent.prototype.InitClose = _DW_3A; _DWActionList.prototype.Go = _DW_3B; _DWActionList.prototype.Run = _DW_3C; _DWActionList.prototype.Notify = _DW_3D; _DWActionList.prototype.InitClose = _DW_3E; _DWMultiAction.prototype.Construct = _DW_3F; _DWMultiAction.prototype.Go = _DW_40; _DWMultiAction.prototype.Call = _DW_41; _DWMultiAction.prototype.CallAction = _DW_42; _DWMultiAction.prototype.Notify = _DW_43; _DWMultiAction.prototype.InitClose = _DW_44; _DWMultiAction1.prototype = new _DWMultiAction(); _DWMultiAction1.prototype.Call = _DW_45; _DWMultiAction2.prototype = new _DWMultiAction(); _DWMultiAction2.prototype.Call = _DWMultiAction_Call2; _DWMultiAction3.prototype = new _DWMultiAction(); _DWMultiAction3.prototype.Call = _DWMultiAction_Call3; _DWMultiAction4.prototype = new _DWMultiAction(); _DWMultiAction4.prototype.Call = _DWMultiAction_Call4; _DWMultiAction5.prototype = new _DWMultiAction(); _DWMultiAction5.prototype.Call = _DWMultiAction_Call5; _DWMultiAction6.prototype = new _DWMultiAction(); _DWMultiAction6.prototype.Call = _DWMultiAction_Call6; _DWMultiAction7.prototype = new _DWMultiAction(); _DWMultiAction7.prototype.Call = _DWMultiAction_Call7; _DWMultiAction8.prototype = new _DWMultiAction(); _DWMultiAction8.prototype.Call = _DWMultiAction_Call8; _DWMultiAction9.prototype = new _DWMultiAction(); _DWMultiAction9.prototype.Call = _DWMultiAction_Call9; _DWMultiAction10.prototype = new _DWMultiAction(); _DWMultiAction10.prototype.Call = _DWMultiAction_Call10; _DWActionDelay.prototype.Go = _DW_46; _DWActionDelay.prototype.Update = _DW_47; _DWActionDelay.prototype.InitClose = _DW_48; _DWActionGroup.prototype.Go = _DW_49; _DWActionGroup.prototype.Notify = _DW_4A; _DWActionGroup.prototype.InitClose = _DW_4B; _DWActionLoop.prototype.Go = _DW_4C; _DWActionLoop.prototype.Notify = _DW_4D; _DWActionLoop.prototype.Update = _DW_4E; _DWActionLoop.prototype.DoNext = _DW_4F; _DWActionLoop.prototype.InitClose = _DW_50; _DWActionCondition.prototype.Go = _DW_51; _DWActionCondition.prototype.InitClose = _DW_52; _DWTickerTrigger.prototype.InitClose = _DW_53; _DWTickerTrigger.prototype.Update = _DW_54; _DWDropTrigger.prototype.Match = _DW_55; _DWCollisionTrigger.prototype.InitClose = _DW_56; _DWCollisionTrigger.prototype.Update = _DW_57; _DWVariableTrigger.prototype.InitClose = _DWVariableTrigger_InitClose; _DWVariableTrigger.prototype.VariableChanged = _DWVariableTrigger_VariableChanged; _DWTimeline.prototype.StartObject = _DW_58; _DWTimeline.prototype.StopObject = _DW_59; _DWTimeline.prototype.Update = _DW_5A; _DWTimeline.prototype.Start = _DW_5B; _DWTimeline.prototype.Stop = _DW_5C; _DWTimelineTrack.prototype.Run = _DW_5D; _DWTimelineTrack.prototype.Stop = _DW_5E; _DWTimelineTrack.prototype.Kill = _DW_5F; _DWTimelineTrack.prototype.Scan = _DW_60; _DWTimelineTrack.prototype.Notify = _DW_61; _DWAnimationPath.prototype.GetPoint = _DW_62; _DWAnimation.prototype.Play = _DW_63; _DWAnimation.prototype.Stop = _DW_64; _DWAnimation.prototype.Pause = _DW_65; _DWAnimation.prototype.Resume = _DW_66; _DWAnimation.prototype.GetPos = _DW_67; _DWAnimation.prototype.Finished = _DW_68; _DWAnimationController.prototype.Add = _DW_69; _DWAnimationController.prototype.Remove = _DW_6A; _DWAnimationController.prototype.Update = _DW_6B; _DWScrollAngleTransition.prototype.stop = _DWScrollAngleTransition_stop; _DWScrollAngleTransition.prototype.gotoAndPlay = _DWScrollAngleTransition_gotoAndPlay; _DWScrollAngleTransition.prototype.Update = _DWScrollAngleTransition_Update; _DWScrollAngleTransition.prototype.IntersectEdge = _DWScrollAngleTransition_IntersectEdge; _DW_drag_object = null; _ILMEventObject.prototype._ILMEventObject = _ILMEventObject; _ILMEventObject.prototype.RegisterEventHandler = _DW_6C; _ILMEventObject.prototype.UnregisterEventHandler = _DW_6D; _ILMEventObject.prototype.TriggerComponentEvent = _DW_6E; _ILMEventObject.prototype.__DW_root = this; _ILMTreeObject.prototype = new _ILMEventObject(); _ILMTreeObject.prototype._ILMTreeObject = _ILMTreeObject; _ILMTreeObject.prototype.GetParent = _DW_6F; _ILMTreeObject.prototype.GetFirstChild = _DW_70; _ILMTreeObject.prototype.GetNextChild = _DW_71; _ILMTreeObject.prototype.GetNumberChildren = _DW_72; _ILMTreeObject.prototype.GetChild = _DW_73; _ILMTreeObject.prototype.FindChild = _DW_74; _ILMTreeObject.prototype.FindDescendant = _DW_75; _ILMTreeObject.prototype.GetName = _DW_76; _ILMTreeObject.prototype.GetUniqueObjectID = _DW_77; _ILMTreeObject.prototype.GetType = _DW_78; _ILMGraphicalObject.prototype = new _ILMTreeObject(); _ILMGraphicalObject.prototype._ILMGraphicalObject = _ILMGraphicalObject; _ILMGraphicalObject.prototype.GetPersistentObject = _DW_79; _ILMGraphicalObject.prototype.IsShowing = _DW_7A; _ILMGraphicalObject.prototype.Show = _DW_7B; _ILMGraphicalObject.prototype.Hide = _DW_7C; _ILMGraphicalObject.prototype.Enable = _DW_7D; _ILMGraphicalObject.prototype.IsEnabled = _DW_7E; _ILMGraphicalObject.prototype.GetPosition = _DW_7F; _ILMGraphicalObject.prototype.GetXPosition = _DW_80; _ILMGraphicalObject.prototype.GetYPosition = _DW_81; _ILMGraphicalObject.prototype.GetWidth = _DW_82; _ILMGraphicalObject.prototype.GetHeight = _DW_83; _ILMGraphicalObject.prototype.SetPosition = _DW_84; _ILMGraphicalObject.prototype.SetXPosition = _DW_85; _ILMGraphicalObject.prototype.SetYPosition = _DW_86; _ILMGraphicalObject.prototype.SetPositionX = _DW_85; _ILMGraphicalObject.prototype.SetPositionY = _DW_86; _ILMGraphicalObject.prototype.Move = _DW_87; _ILMGraphicalObject.prototype.MoveX = _DW_88; _ILMGraphicalObject.prototype.MoveY = _DW_89; _ILMGraphicalObject.prototype.SetTransparency = _DW_8A; _ILMGraphicalObject.prototype.Fade = _DW_8B; _ILMGraphicalObject.prototype.SetRotation = _DW_8C; _ILMGraphicalObject.prototype.Rotate = _DW_8D; _ILMGraphicalObject.prototype.SetScale = _DW_8E; _ILMGraphicalObject.prototype.SetScaleH = _DW_8F; _ILMGraphicalObject.prototype.SetScaleV = _DW_90; _ILMGraphicalObject.prototype.Scale = _DW_91; _ILMGraphicalObject.prototype.ScaleH = _DW_92; _ILMGraphicalObject.prototype.ScaleV = _DW_93; _ILMGraphicalObject.prototype.StopAnimation = _DW_94; _ILMGraphicalObject.prototype.ResetAnimation = _DW_95; _ILMGraphicalObject.prototype.IsObjectIntersecting = _DW_96; _ILMGraphicalObject.prototype.GetLayer = _DW_97; _ILMGraphicalObject.prototype.SetLayer = _DW_98; _ILMGraphicalObject.prototype.GetPage = _DW_99; _ILMGraphicalObject.prototype.CaptureMouse = _DW_9A; _ILMGraphicalObject.prototype.ReleaseMouse = _DW_9B; _ILMButton.prototype = new _ILMGraphicalObject(); _ILMButton.prototype.SetState = _ILMButton_SetState; _ILMButton.prototype.GetState = _ILMButton_GetState; _ILMFrameSet.prototype = new _ILMGraphicalObject(); _ILMFrameSet.prototype.GetFrame = _DW_9C; _ILMFrameSet.prototype.Forward = _DW_9D; _ILMFrameSet.prototype.Backward = _DW_9E; _ILMFrameSet.prototype.ToStart = _DW_9F; _ILMFrameSet.prototype.ToEnd = _DW_A0; _ILMFrameSet.prototype.ToFrame = _DW_A1; _ILMSlideshow.prototype = new _ILMGraphicalObject(); _ILMSlideshow.prototype.Play = _DW_A2; _ILMSlideshow.prototype.Stop = _DW_A3; _ILMSlideshow.prototype.Pause = _DW_A4; _ILMSlideshow.prototype.Continue = _DW_A5; _ILMSlideshow.prototype.IsPlaying = _DW_A6; _ILMSlideshow.prototype.GotoSlide = _DW_A7; _ILMSlideshow.prototype.GetSlide = _DW_A8; _ILMSlideshow.prototype.GetSlideCount = _DW_A9; _ILMText.prototype = new _ILMGraphicalObject(); _ILMText.prototype.SetSelection = _DW_AA; _ILMText.prototype.GetSelectionText = _DW_AB; _ILMText.prototype.ReplaceSelection = _DW_AC; _ILMVideo.prototype = new _ILMGraphicalObject(); _ILMVideo.prototype.Play = _DW_AD; _ILMVideo.prototype.Stop = _DW_AE; _ILMVideo.prototype.IsPlaying = _DW_AF; _ILMVideo.prototype.Go = _DW_B0; _ILMVideo.prototype.GetPosition = _DW_B1; _ILMVideo.prototype.GetLength = _DW_B2; _ILMVideo.prototype.Seek = _DW_B3; _ILMGlobal.prototype = new _ILMTreeObject(); _ILMGlobal.prototype._ILMGlobal = _ILMGlobal; _ILMGlobal.prototype.GetPublication = _DW_B4; _ILMGlobal.prototype.ExitPublication = _DW_B5; _ILMGlobal.prototype.ReallyExitPublication = _DW_B6; _ILMGlobal.prototype.GotoPage = _DW_B7; _ILMGlobal.prototype.GotoForwardPage = _DW_B8; _ILMGlobal.prototype.GotoBackwardPage = _DW_B9; _ILMGlobal.prototype.GotoNextPage = _DW_BA; _ILMGlobal.prototype.GotoPreviousPage = _DW_BB; _ILMGlobal.prototype.GotoRandomPage = _DW_BC; _ILMGlobal.prototype.GotoNextRandomPage = _DW_BD; _ILMGlobal.prototype.TimeGetSeconds = _DW_BE; _ILMGlobal.prototype.SetVolume = _DW_BF; _ILMGlobal.prototype.GetVolume = _DW_C0; _ILMGlobal.prototype.LaunchURL = _DW_C1; _ILMGlobal.prototype.ResetVariables = _DW_C2; _ILMGlobal.prototype.IsKeyPressed = _ILMGlobal_IsKeyPressed; _ILMPage.prototype = new _ILMGlobal(); _ILMPage.prototype._ILMPage = _ILMPage; _ILMPage.prototype.GetView = _DW_C3; _ILMPage.prototype.SetBookmark = _DW_C4; _ILMPage.prototype.ClearBookmark = _DW_C5; _ILMPage.prototype.GotoBookmark = _DW_C6; _ILMPage.prototype.ShowBookmarkDialog = _DW_C7; _ILMPage.prototype.GetFirstBookmark = _DW_C8; _ILMPage.prototype.GetNextBookmark = _DW_C9; _ILMPage.prototype.GetBookmarkPage = _DW_CA; _ILMPage.prototype.ResetVars = _DW_CB; _ILMPage.prototype.GetMousePosition = _DW_CC; _ILMDebug.prototype.trace = _ILMDebug_trace; Cursor2._visible = false; _DWInitPublication("t1", 400, null, Cursor2, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, true, 20, false); _DWInitVariables(_DW_publication, ["SCORE_VALUE", 0, false, "SCORE_VALUE_TOTAL", 0, false, "SCORE_VALUE_PERCENT", 0, false, "SCORE_CORRECT", 0, false, "SCORE_INCORRECT", 0, false, "SCORE_TOTAL", 0, false, "SCORE_PERCENT", 0, false, "CHAPTER_PASSWORD", "", false, "PUBLICATION_TIME", 0, false, "SYSTEM_TIME_YEAR", 0, false, "SYSTEM_TIME_MONTH", 0, false, "SYSTEM_TIME_DATE", 0, false, "SYSTEM_TIME_DAY", 0, false, "SYSTEM_TIME_HOUR", 0, false, "SYSTEM_TIME_MINUTE", 0, false, "SYSTEM_TIME_SECOND", 0, false, "SYSTEM_TIME_12HOUR", 0, false, "SYSTEM_TIME_AMPM", 0, false, "SYSTEM_DATE_FULL", "", false, "SYSTEM_WIN_DIR", "", false, "SYSTEM_WINSYS_DIR", "", false, "SYSTEM_DOCUMENTS_DIR", "", false, "SYSTEM_PROGRAMS_DIR", "", false, "SYSTEM_USERNAME", "", false, "SYSTEM_PUBLICATION_DIR", "", false, "SYSTEM_CD_DRIVE", "", false, "SYSTEM_TEMP_DIR", "", false, "PUBLICATION_TITLE", "", false, "PUBLICATION_PAGE_TITLE", "", false, "LOGIN_USER_NAME", "", false, "LOGIN_LEVEL_VALUE", "", false, "LOGIN_LEVEL_NAME", "", false, "RADIO_GROUP_1_ID", 0, false, "RADIO_GROUP_1_NAME", "", false, "RADIO_GROUP_2_ID", 0, false, "RADIO_GROUP_2_NAME", "", false, "RADIO_GROUP_3_ID", 0, false, "RADIO_GROUP_3_NAME", "", false, "RADIO_GROUP_4_ID", 0, false, "RADIO_GROUP_4_NAME", "", false]); _DWInitChapter(1, "Chapter 1", -2, 2, 1);
Instance of Symbol 64 MovieClip "_DWTickerSprite" in Frame 2
onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _parent._DWMouseMove(); } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _parent._DWMouseDown(); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { _parent._DWMouseUp(); } onClipEvent (keyDown) { _parent._DWKeyDown(); } onClipEvent (keyUp) { _parent._DWKeyUp(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _parent._DWTick(); }
Frame 3
Frame 4
Symbol 65 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 8 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 15 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 20 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 24 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 28 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 32 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 36 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 40 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 44 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 13 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 48 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 6 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 53 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 58 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 62 MovieClip Frame 4
stop(); _parent._parent._DWTransitionComplete(this);
Symbol 1 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); _parent._DWInitPage(this, "Page 1", 1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 800, 600); _parent._DWInitObject(Uwoodman, "woodman", 1, 1, 0, -1, false, true, false, false, -290, -265, 290, 265, 4); _parent._DWInitAppearances(Uwoodman, 1, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 4, 1); with (_parent) { Uwoodman._DWActions = []; } _parent._DWInitObject(Uwoodman.UImage1, "Image 1", 3, 1, 0, -1, false, true, false, false, -220, -230, 220, 230, 10); _parent._DWInitAppearances(Uwoodman.UImage1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 4, 1); with (_parent) { Uwoodman.UImage1._DWActions = []; } _parent._DWInitObject(Uwoodman.UFrame3, "Frame 3", 1, 3, 0, -1, false, true, false, false, -190, -195, 190, 195, 15); _parent._DWInitAppearances(Uwoodman.UFrame3, 1, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 4, 1); with (_parent) { Uwoodman.UFrame3._DWActions = [new _DWEvent(["OnShow"], new _DWActionList(new _DWMultiAction6(_DWAnimateRotate, 500, -1, 0, true, _DWConstantSpeed, 90, Uwoodman.UFrame3)))]; } _parent._DWInitObject(Uwoodman.UFrame3.UImage22, "Image 2 (2)", 3, 4, 0, -1, false, true, false, false, -55, -55, 55, 55, 10); _parent._DWInitAppearances(Uwoodman.UFrame3.UImage22, 1, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 4, 1); with (_parent) { Uwoodman.UFrame3.UImage22._DWActions = []; } _parent._DWInitObject(Uwoodman.UFrame3.UImage23, "Image 2 (3)", 3, 6, 0, -1, false, true, false, false, -55, -55, 55, 55, 15); _parent._DWInitAppearances(Uwoodman.UFrame3.UImage23, 1, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 4, 1); with (_parent) { Uwoodman.UFrame3.UImage23._DWActions = []; } _parent._DWInitObject(Uwoodman.UFrame3.UImage24, "Image 2 (4)", 3, 7, 0, -1, false, true, false, false, -55, -55, 55, 55, 20); _parent._DWInitAppearances(Uwoodman.UFrame3.UImage24, 1, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 4, 1); with (_parent) { Uwoodman.UFrame3.UImage24._DWActions = []; } _parent._DWInitObject(Uwoodman.UFrame3.UImage25, "Image 2 (5)", 3, 8, 0, -1, false, true, false, false, -55, -55, 55, 55, 25); _parent._DWInitAppearances(Uwoodman.UFrame3.UImage25, 1, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 4, 1); with (_parent) { Uwoodman.UFrame3.UImage25._DWActions = []; } _parent._DWInitObject(Uwoodman.UFrame3.UImage28, "Image 2 (8)", 3, 13, 0, -1, false, true, false, false, -55, -55, 55, 55, 30); _parent._DWInitAppearances(Uwoodman.UFrame3.UImage28, 1, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 4, 1); with (_parent) { Uwoodman.UFrame3.UImage28._DWActions = []; } _parent._DWInitObject(Uwoodman.UFrame3.UImage27, "Image 2 (7)", 3, 12, 0, -1, false, true, false, false, -55, -55, 55, 55, 35); _parent._DWInitAppearances(Uwoodman.UFrame3.UImage27, 1, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 4, 1); with (_parent) { Uwoodman.UFrame3.UImage27._DWActions = []; } _parent._DWInitObject(Uwoodman.UFrame3.UImage26, "Image 2 (6)", 3, 9, 0, -1, false, true, false, false, -55, -55, 55, 55, 40); _parent._DWInitAppearances(Uwoodman.UFrame3.UImage26, 1, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 4, 1); with (_parent) { Uwoodman.UFrame3.UImage26._DWActions = []; } _parent._DWInitObject(Uwoodman.UFrame3.UImage2, "Image 2", 3, 2, 0, -1, false, true, false, false, -55, -55, 55, 55, 45); _parent._DWInitAppearances(Uwoodman.UFrame3.UImage2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 4, 1); with (_parent) { Uwoodman.UFrame3.UImage2._DWActions = []; } _parent._DWInitObject(Uwoodman.UImage12, "Image 1 (2)", 3, 15, 0, -1, false, true, false, false, -75, -40, 75, 40, 20); _parent._DWInitAppearances(Uwoodman.UImage12, 1, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 4, 1); with (_parent) { Uwoodman.UImage12._DWActions = []; } _parent._DWInitObject(Urockman, "rockman", 1, 2, 0, -1, false, true, false, false, -240, -254, 240, 254, 9); _parent._DWInitAppearances(Urockman, 1, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 4, 1); with (_parent) { Urockman._DWActions = []; } _parent._DWInitObject(Uleaf, "leaf", 3, 17, 0, -1, false, true, false, false, -55, -55, 55, 55, 14); _parent._DWInitAppearances(Uleaf, 1, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 4, 1); _parent._DWInitTransition(Uleaf, "hide", false, this._DWTransition_Uleaf_hide); function __DWScriptAction() { with (this.__DW_root._DW_publication._DW_object) { with (this.__DW_root._DWGetScriptPage(1)) { rockman.MoveX(-150, 1, false); woodman.MoveX(120, 1, false); leaf.Hide(); } } } with (_parent) { Uleaf._DWActions = [new _DWEvent(["OnLeftClick"], new _DWActionList(new _DWMultiAction1(_DWScriptAction, "__DWScriptAction", Uleaf)))]; } _parent._DWInitScriptFunctions(Uleaf, __DWScriptAction, "__DWScriptAction"); with (_parent) { this._DWActions = []; } _parent._DWStartPage(this);

Library Items

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Symbol 5 BitmapUsed by:4
Symbol 4 GraphicUses:5Used by:3
Symbol 3 MovieClipUses:4Used by:1
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Symbol 9 GraphicUsed by:8
Symbol 12 BitmapUsed by:11
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Symbol 8 MovieClipUses:9 10Used by:6
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Symbol 16 GraphicUsed by:15
Symbol 19 BitmapUsed by:18 23 27 31 35 39 43 47 61
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Symbol 17 MovieClipUses:18Used by:15
Symbol 15 MovieClipUses:16 17Used by:13
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Symbol 23 GraphicUses:19Used by:22
Symbol 22 MovieClipUses:23Used by:20
Symbol 20 MovieClipUses:21 22Used by:13
Symbol 25 GraphicUsed by:24
Symbol 27 GraphicUses:19Used by:26
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Symbol 24 MovieClipUses:25 26Used by:13
Symbol 29 GraphicUsed by:28
Symbol 31 GraphicUses:19Used by:30
Symbol 30 MovieClipUses:31Used by:28
Symbol 28 MovieClipUses:29 30Used by:13
Symbol 33 GraphicUsed by:32
Symbol 35 GraphicUses:19Used by:34
Symbol 34 MovieClipUses:35Used by:32
Symbol 32 MovieClipUses:33 34Used by:13
Symbol 37 GraphicUsed by:36
Symbol 39 GraphicUses:19Used by:38
Symbol 38 MovieClipUses:39Used by:36
Symbol 36 MovieClipUses:37 38Used by:13
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Symbol 43 GraphicUses:19Used by:42
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Symbol 48 MovieClipUses:49 50Used by:6
Symbol 6 MovieClipUses:7 8 13 48Used by:1
Symbol 54 GraphicUsed by:53
Symbol 57 BitmapUsed by:56
Symbol 56 GraphicUses:57Used by:55
Symbol 55 MovieClipUses:56Used by:53
Symbol 53 MovieClipUses:54 55Used by:1
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Symbol 61 GraphicUses:19Used by:60
Symbol 60 MovieClipUses:61Used by:58
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Instance Names

"_DWPreloader"Frame 1Symbol 68 MovieClip
"_DWTickerSprite"Frame 2Symbol 64 MovieClip
"Cursor2"Frame 2Symbol 65 MovieClip
"UPage1"Frame 3Symbol 1 MovieClip
"_DWIMAGE"Symbol 8 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 10 MovieClip
"_DWIMAGE"Symbol 15 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 17 MovieClip
"_DWIMAGE"Symbol 20 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 22 MovieClip
"_DWIMAGE"Symbol 24 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 26 MovieClip
"_DWIMAGE"Symbol 28 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 30 MovieClip
"_DWIMAGE"Symbol 32 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 34 MovieClip
"_DWIMAGE"Symbol 36 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 38 MovieClip
"_DWIMAGE"Symbol 40 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 42 MovieClip
"_DWIMAGE"Symbol 44 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 46 MovieClip
"UImage22"Symbol 13 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 15 MovieClip
"UImage23"Symbol 13 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 20 MovieClip
"UImage24"Symbol 13 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 24 MovieClip
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"UImage28"Symbol 13 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 32 MovieClip
"UImage27"Symbol 13 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 36 MovieClip
"UImage26"Symbol 13 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 40 MovieClip
"UImage2"Symbol 13 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 44 MovieClip
"_DWIMAGE"Symbol 48 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 50 MovieClip
"UImage1"Symbol 6 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 8 MovieClip
"UFrame3"Symbol 6 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 13 MovieClip
"UImage12"Symbol 6 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 48 MovieClip
"_DWIMAGE"Symbol 53 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 55 MovieClip
"_DWIMAGE"Symbol 58 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 60 MovieClip
"_DWNull0"Symbol 62 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 58 MovieClip
"Uwoodman"Symbol 1 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 6 MovieClip
"Urockman"Symbol 1 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 53 MovieClip
"Uleaf"Symbol 1 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 58 MovieClip
"_DWTransition_Uleaf_hide"Symbol 1 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 62 MovieClip
Created: 27/10 -2018 16:50:13 Last modified: 27/10 -2018 16:50:13 Server time: 02/01 -2025 23:45:25