Archived flashes:
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Happy New Year!

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #143299

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Frame 1
Set("@estr", function () { return(flash.Boot.__string_rec(_local1, "xx")); }); var _local1 = new Object(); flash = _local1; var _local2 = _global.flash; for (_reg0 in _local2) { _local1[_reg0] = _local2[_reg0]; } ((GDK = function () { })).__name__ = ["GDK"]; _local1 = GDK /*register */.prototype; _local1.__class__ = GDK /*register */; GDK /*register */.deltaTime = function (max) { if (max == null) { max = 0.5; } var now = haxe.Timer.stamp(); var dt = (now - GDK.lastUpdate); if (dt > max) { dt = max; } GDK.lastUpdate = now; return(dt); }; GDK /*register */.setMainLoopLoop = null; GDK /*register */.textBoxRef = null; GDK /*register */.setMainLoopMan = function () { if (GDK.message != "") { if (!GDK.textBoxCreated) { GDK.textBoxsw = GDK.screenWidth(); GDK.textBoxsh = GDK.screenHeight(); GDK.textBoxHeight = GDK.textBoxsh / 22.4;, 0, GDK.textBoxsw, GDK.textBoxsh, 0, 0, 0, 128); * GDK.textBoxsw, 0.1 * GDK.textBoxsh, 0.9 * GDK.textBoxsw, 0.9 * GDK.textBoxsh, 0, 0, 127); GDK.text(0.15 * GDK.textBoxsw, 0.15 * GDK.textBoxsh, GDK.message, "left", GDK.textBoxHeight, 255, 255, 255);, (0.8 * GDK.textBoxsh) - (GDK.textBoxHeight * 3), GDK.textBoxsw, (0.8 * GDK.textBoxsh) - GDK.textBoxHeight, 255, 255, 255, 128); GDK.textBoxRef = GDK.textInternal(0, (0.8 * GDK.textBoxsh) - (GDK.textBoxHeight * 3), GDK.response, "left", GDK.textBoxHeight, 0, 0, 0, 255, "input"); flash.Selection.setFocus(GDK.textBoxRef); flash.Selection.setSelection(0, GDK.response.length);, (0.8 * GDK.textBoxsh) - GDK.textBoxHeight, GDK.textBoxsw * 0.5, GDK.textBoxsh, 0, 255, 0, 128); * 0.5, (0.8 * GDK.textBoxsh) - GDK.textBoxHeight, GDK.textBoxsw, GDK.textBoxsh, 255, 0, 0, 128); GDK.text(GDK.textBoxsw * 0.25, GDK.textBoxsh - (GDK.textBoxHeight * 3.3), "A", "center", GDK.textBoxHeight); GDK.text(GDK.textBoxsw * 0.75, GDK.textBoxsh - (GDK.textBoxHeight * 3.3), "C", "center", GDK.textBoxHeight); GDK.textBoxCreated = true; GDK.mOn = false; } var butstat = GDK.mouseClick(); if (!flash.Key.isDown(13)) { if ((GDK.textBoxLastMouse && (!butstat)) && (GDK.mouseY() >= ((0.8 * GDK.textBoxsh) - GDK.textBoxHeight))) { if (GDK.mouseX() >= (GDK.textBoxsw * 0.5)) { GDK.response = ""; } else { GDK.response = GDK.textBoxRef.text; } GDK.textBoxCreated = false; GDK.message = ""; } } else { GDK.response = GDK.textBoxRef.text; GDK.textBoxCreated = false; GDK.message = ""; } GDK.textBoxLastMouse = butstat; } else { GDK.cls(); GDK.setMainLoopLoop(); } }; GDK /*register */.setMainLoop = function (loop, framerate) { if (framerate == null) { framerate = 60; } GDK.setMainLoopLoop = loop; flash.Lib._root.onEnterFrame = GDK.setMainLoopMan; }; GDK /*register */.mouseClick = function () { if (GDK.mAdded == false) { GDK.mAdded = true; flash.Mouse.addListener({onMouseDown:function () { GDK.mOn = true; }, onMouseUp:function () { GDK.mOn = false; }}); } return(GDK.mOn); }; GDK /*register */.mouseX = function () { return(flash.Lib._root._xmouse); }; GDK /*register */.mouseY = function () { return(flash.Lib._root._ymouse); }; GDK /*register */.loadSound = function (name, number) { var snd = (new flash.Sound()); snd.attachSound(name); GDK.sounds[number] = snd; }; GDK /*register */.playSound = function (number) { var snd = GDK.sounds[number]; snd.onSoundComplete = null; snd.start(); }; GDK /*register */.loopSound = function (number) { var snd = GDK.sounds[number]; snd.onSoundComplete = function () { snd.start(); }; snd.start(); }; GDK /*register */.stopSound = function (number) { var snd = GDK.sounds[number]; snd.onSoundComplete = null; snd.stop(); }; GDK /*register */.loadImage = function (name, number) { GDK.images[number] = name; }; GDK /*register */.pasteImage = function (number, positionX, positionY, width, height, sX, sY, sWidth, sHeight, a) { var symb = flash.Lib._root.attachMovie(GDK.images[number], "clip" + GDK.clipnum, GDK.clipnum, {_x:positionX, _y:positionY}); var clipnum1 = GDK.clipnum; var usealpha = 255; GDK.clipnum++; if (!((width != null) && (height != null))) { if (width != null) { usealpha = width; } } else { var symw = symb._width; var symh = symb._height; if (!((((sX != null) && (sY != null)) && (sWidth != null)) && (sHeight != null))) { symb._xscale = (width / symw) * 100; symb._yscale = (height / symh) * 100; if (sX != null) { usealpha = sX; } } else { sWidth = Math.abs(sWidth); sHeight = Math.abs(sHeight); var symb2 = flash.Lib._root.createEmptyMovieClip("clip" + GDK.clipnum, GDK.clipnum); symb2.beginFill(16777215); symb2.moveTo(0, 0); symb2.lineTo(width, 0); symb2.lineTo(width, height); symb2.lineTo(0, height); symb2.endFill(); symb2._x = positionX; symb2._y = positionY; var tscX = (((symw / sWidth) * width) / symw); var tscY = (((symh / sHeight) * height) / symh); symb._x = positionX - (sX * tscX); symb._y = positionY - (sY * tscY); symb._xscale = tscX * 100; symb._yscale = tscY * 100; symb.setMask(symb2); GDK.instances[GDK.clipnum] = symb2; GDK.clipnum++; if (a != null) { usealpha = a; } } } symb._alpha = (usealpha * 100) / 255; GDK.instances[clipnum1] = symb; }; GDK /*register */.box = function (x1, y1, x2, y2, r, g, b, a) { if (r == null) { r = 255; } if (g == null) { g = 255; } if (b == null) { b = 255; } if (a == null) { a = 255; } var symb = flash.Lib._root.createEmptyMovieClip("clip" + GDK.clipnum, GDK.clipnum); symb.beginFill(((Math.floor(r) << 16) | (Math.floor(g) << 8)) | Math.floor(b), (a * 100) / 255); symb.moveTo(x1, y1); symb.lineTo(x2, y1); symb.lineTo(x2, y2); symb.lineTo(x1, y2); symb.endFill(); GDK.instances[GDK.clipnum] = symb; GDK.clipnum++; }; GDK /*register */.line = function (x1, y1, x2, y2, r, g, b, a) { if (r == null) { r = 255; } if (g == null) { g = 255; } if (b == null) { b = 255; } if (a == null) { a = 255; } var symb = flash.Lib._root.createEmptyMovieClip("clip" + GDK.clipnum, GDK.clipnum); symb.lineStyle(1, ((Math.floor(r) << 16) | (Math.floor(g) << 8)) | Math.floor(b), (a * 100) / 255); symb.moveTo(x1, y1); symb.lineTo(x2, y2); symb.lineStyle(); GDK.instances[GDK.clipnum] = symb; GDK.clipnum++; }; GDK /*register */.oval = function (x1, y1, x2, y2, r, g, b, a) { if (r == null) { r = 255; } if (g == null) { g = 255; } if (b == null) { b = 255; } if (a == null) { a = 255; } var centerX = ((x1 + x2) * 0.5); var centerY = ((y1 + y2) * 0.5); var xRadius = Math.abs(x2 - centerX); var yRadius = Math.abs(y2 - centerY); var sides = 64; var pi2 = (2 * Math.PI); var symb = flash.Lib._root.createEmptyMovieClip("clip" + GDK.clipnum, GDK.clipnum); symb.beginFill(((Math.floor(r) << 16) | (Math.floor(g) << 8)) | Math.floor(b), (a * 100) / 255); symb.moveTo(centerX + xRadius, centerY); var _g = 0; while (_g < sides) { _g++; var i = _g; var pointRatio = (i / sides); var radians = (pointRatio * pi2); var xSteps = Math.cos(radians); var ySteps = Math.sin(radians); var pointX = (centerX + (xSteps * xRadius)); var pointY = (centerY + (ySteps * yRadius)); symb.lineTo(pointX, pointY); } symb.endFill(); GDK.instances[GDK.clipnum] = symb; GDK.clipnum++; }; GDK /*register */.polygon = function (vlist, r, g, b, a) { if (r == null) { r = 255; } if (g == null) { g = 255; } if (b == null) { b = 255; } if (a == null) { a = 255; } var symb = flash.Lib._root.createEmptyMovieClip("clip" + GDK.clipnum, GDK.clipnum); symb.beginFill(((Math.floor(r) << 16) | (Math.floor(g) << 8)) | Math.floor(b), (a * 100) / 255); var thevert = vlist[0]; symb.moveTo(thevert[0], thevert[1]); var _g1 = 1; var _g = vlist.length; while (_g1 < _g) { _g1++; var i = _g1; thevert = vlist[i]; symb.lineTo(thevert[0], thevert[1]); } symb.endFill(); GDK.instances[GDK.clipnum] = symb; GDK.clipnum++; }; GDK /*register */.cls = function () { var _g1 = 0; var _g = GDK.clipnum; while (_g1 < _g) { _g1++; var i = _g1; GDK.instances[i].removeMovieClip(); } GDK.instances = new Array(); GDK.clipnum = 0; flash.Lib._root.clear(); }; GDK /*register */.screenWidth = function () { return(Math.floor(flash.Stage.width)); }; GDK /*register */.screenHeight = function () { return(Math.floor(flash.Stage.height)); }; GDK /*register */.progress = function () { return(flash.Lib._root.getBytesLoaded() / flash.Lib._root.getBytesTotal()); }; GDK /*register */.textInternal = function (positionX, positionY, txt, align, size, r, g, b, a, typ) { var mc = flash.Lib._root.createEmptyMovieClip("clip" + GDK.clipnum, GDK.clipnum); mc.createTextField("tf", 0, positionX, positionY, 0, 0); var myText = Reflect.getProperty(mc, "tf"); if (typ != "dynamic") { myText._width = flash.Stage.width - positionX; myText._height = size * 2; } else { myText.selectable = false; myText.autoSize = align; } if (size >= 100) { myText.setNewTextFormat(new flash.TextFormat("_sans", 100)); myText._xscale = size * 0.879; myText._yscale = size * 0.879; } else { myText.setNewTextFormat(new flash.TextFormat("_sans", size * 0.879)); } myText.type = typ; myText.textColor = ((Math.floor(r) << 16) | (Math.floor(g) << 8)) | Math.floor(b); myText._alpha = (a * 100) / 255; myText.border = false; myText.text = txt; GDK.instances[GDK.clipnum] = mc; GDK.clipnum++; return(myText); }; GDK /*register */.text = function (positionX, positionY, txt, align, size, r, g, b, a) { if (align == null) { align = "left"; } if (size == null) { size = 16; } if (r == null) { r = 255; } if (g == null) { g = 255; } if (b == null) { b = 255; } if (a == null) { a = 255; } var txtlines = Std.string(txt).split("\r").join(newline).split(newline); var _g1 = 0; var _g = txtlines.length; while (_g1 < _g) { _g1++; var i = _g1; GDK.textInternal(positionX, (size * i) + positionY, txtlines[i], align, size, r, g, b, a, "dynamic"); } }; ((LaserBlastin = function () { })).__name__ = ["LaserBlastin"]; _local1 = LaserBlastin /*register */.prototype; _local1.__class__ = LaserBlastin /*register */; LaserBlastin /*register */.main = function () { LaserBlastin.sw = GDK.screenWidth(); = GDK.screenHeight(); LaserBlastin.hsw = LaserBlastin.sw * 0.5; LaserBlastin.hsh = * 0.5; var _g = 0; while (_g < 150) { _g++; var i = _g; LaserBlastin.stars[i] = [(Math.random() * 2) - 1, (Math.random() * 2) - 1, Math.random()]; } GDK.loadImage("data/asteroid.png", 1); GDK.loadSound("data/music.mp3", 1); GDK.loadSound("data/hit.mp3", 2); GDK.loadSound("data/miss.mp3", 3); GDK.loadSound("data/impact.mp3", 4); GDK.loopSound(1); GDK.deltaTime(); GDK.setMainLoop(LaserBlastin.mainLoop); }; LaserBlastin /*register */.mainLoop = function () { var dt = GDK.deltaTime(); var loaded = GDK.progress(); if (loaded >= 1) { var cx = GDK.mouseX(); var cy = GDK.mouseY(); var mc = GDK.mouseClick(); var fire = false; if ((((((cx >= 0) && (cx < LaserBlastin.sw)) && (cy >= 0)) && (cy < && (mc)) && (!LaserBlastin.clickedLast)) { fire = true; LaserBlastin.firex = cx; LaserBlastin.firey = cy; } LaserBlastin.clickedLast = mc; var _g1 = 0; var _g = LaserBlastin.stars.length; while (_g1 < _g) { _g1++; var i = _g1; var sz = LaserBlastin.stars[i][2]; sz = sz + (LaserBlastin.starspeed * dt); if (sz > 1) { sz = 0; } LaserBlastin.stars[i][2] = sz; var sx = (((LaserBlastin.stars[i][0] * sz) * LaserBlastin.hsw) + LaserBlastin.hsw); var sy = (((LaserBlastin.stars[i][1] * sz) * LaserBlastin.hsh) + LaserBlastin.hsh); - sz, sy - sz, sx + sz, sy + sz, 255, 255, 255, 255 - ((255 * sz) * sz)); } if (LaserBlastin.gameMode != 0) { if (LaserBlastin.gameMode != 1) { if (LaserBlastin.gameMode == 2) {, 0, LaserBlastin.sw,, 255, 255, 0, LaserBlastin.laserbright * 255); LaserBlastin.laserbright = LaserBlastin.laserbright - dt; if (LaserBlastin.laserbright < 0) { LaserBlastin.laserbright = 0; GDK.loopSound(1); LaserBlastin.gameMode = 0; } } } else { LaserBlastin.flashing = LaserBlastin.flashing + (dt / 0.4); LaserBlastin.flashing = LaserBlastin.flashing - Math.floor(LaserBlastin.flashing); if (LaserBlastin.exprog < 1) { GDK.oval((LaserBlastin.exx - (LaserBlastin.exprog * 16)) - 16, (LaserBlastin.exy - (LaserBlastin.exprog * 16)) - 16, (LaserBlastin.exx + (LaserBlastin.exprog * 16)) + 16, (LaserBlastin.exy + (LaserBlastin.exprog * 16)) + 16, 255, 127 + (128 * LaserBlastin.exprog), 255 * LaserBlastin.exprog, 255 - (255 * LaserBlastin.exprog)); LaserBlastin.exprog = LaserBlastin.exprog + (dt * 2); } var asize = ( * 32); var tx = ( - (asize / 2)); var ty = (LaserBlastin.ay - (asize / 2)); GDK.pasteImage(1, tx, ty, asize, asize, Math.floor(LaserBlastin.flashing * 4) * 32, 0, 32, 32); if (fire) { LaserBlastin.laserbright = 1; if (!(((((asize >= 2) && (LaserBlastin.firex >= tx)) && (LaserBlastin.firey >= ty)) && (LaserBlastin.firex < (tx + asize))) && (LaserBlastin.firey < (ty + asize)))) { GDK.playSound(3); } else { LaserBlastin.score++; LaserBlastin.exprog = 0; LaserBlastin.exx = ( + LaserBlastin.firex) / 2; LaserBlastin.exy = (LaserBlastin.ay + LaserBlastin.firey) / 2; LaserBlastin.resetasteroid(); GDK.playSound(2); } } GDK.polygon([[LaserBlastin.firex, LaserBlastin.firey], [0, 214], [0, 224], [10, 224], [LaserBlastin.firex, LaserBlastin.firey], [256, 214], [256, 224], [246, 224]], 255, 0, 0, LaserBlastin.laserbright * 255); LaserBlastin.laserbright = LaserBlastin.laserbright - (dt * 2); if (LaserBlastin.laserbright < 0) { LaserBlastin.laserbright = 0; } = + (LaserBlastin.aspeed * dt); if ( > 1) { LaserBlastin.die(); } } } else { GDK.text(LaserBlastin.hsw, LaserBlastin.hsh - 40, "LASER\nBLASTIN'", "center", 40); if (fire) { GDK.stopSound(1); LaserBlastin.gameMode = 1; LaserBlastin.resetasteroid(); LaserBlastin.score = 0; } } GDK.text(0, 0, Std.string(LaserBlastin.score), "left", 28); } else {, 2, Math.floor(loaded * LaserBlastin.sw), 12, 255, 0, 0); } }; LaserBlastin /*register */.resetasteroid = function () { = (((Math.random() * 2) - 1) * (LaserBlastin.hsw - 32)) + LaserBlastin.hsw; LaserBlastin.ay = (((Math.random() * 2) - 1) * (LaserBlastin.hsh - 32)) + LaserBlastin.hsh; = 0; }; LaserBlastin /*register */.die = function () { LaserBlastin.exprog = 1; LaserBlastin.laserbright = 1; LaserBlastin.gameMode = 2; GDK.playSound(4); }; ((Reflect = function () { })).__name__ = ["Reflect"]; _local1 = Reflect /*register */.prototype; _local1.__class__ = Reflect /*register */; Reflect /*register */.findAccessor = function (c, name) { do { var getter = c.__properties__[name]; if (getter != null) { return(getter); } c = c.__super__; } while (c != null); return(null); }; Reflect /*register */.getProperty = function (o, field) { var getter = Reflect.findAccessor((, Class) ? (o) : (o.__class__)), "get_" + field); return(((getter != null) ? (o[getter].apply(o, [field])) : (o[field]))); }; ((Std = function () { })).__name__ = ["Std"]; _local1 = Std /*register */.prototype; _local1.__class__ = Std /*register */; Std /*register */.is = function (v, t) { return(flash.Boot.__instanceof(v, t)); }; Std /*register */.string = function (s) { return(flash.Boot.__string_rec(s, "")); }; ((flash.Boot = function () { })).__name__ = ["flash", "Boot"]; _local1 = (flash.Boot /* register */).prototype; _local1.__class__ = flash.Boot /* register */; (flash.Boot /* register */).__string_rec = function (o, s) { if (s.length >= 20) { return("<...>"); } var t = typeof(o); if (t != "movieclip") { if ((t == "function") && ((o.__name__ != null) || (o.__ename__ != null))) { t = "object"; } } else { t = "object"; } var $2; $2 = t; if (t != "object") { if ($2 != "function") { if ($2 != "string") { return(String(o)); if (o instanceof Array) { if (o.__enum__ != null) { if (o.length == 2) { return(o[0]); } var str = (o[0] + "("); s = s + " "; var _g1 = 2; var _g = o.length; while (_g1 < _g) { _g1++; var i = _g1; if (i == 2) { str = str + flash.Boot.__string_rec(o[i], s); } else { str = str + ("," + flash.Boot.__string_rec(o[i], s)); } } return(str + ")"); } var l = o.length; var i; var str = "["; s = s + " "; var _g = 0; while (_g < l) { _g++; var i1 = _g; str = str + (((i1 > 0) ? "," : "") + flash.Boot.__string_rec(o[i1], s)); } str = str + "]"; return(str); } var s2 = o.toString(); if ((((typeof(s2) == "string") || (s2 instanceof String)) && (s2 != "[object Object]")) && (s2 != "[type Function]")) { return(s2); } var k; var str = "{\n"; if (typeof(o) == "movieclip") { str = (("MC(" + Std.string(o._name)) + ") ") + str; } s = s + " "; var $3; $3 = new Array(); new Array(); for (_reg0 in o) { $3.push(_reg0); } var keys = $3; var $3; $3 = keys.iterator(); keys.iterator(); while ($3.hasNext()) { var k1 = $; if ((((k1 == "prototype") || (k1 == "__class__")) || (k1 == "__super__")) || (k1 == "__interfaces__")) { continue; } if (str.length != 2) { str = str + ",\n"; } str = str + (((s + k1) + " : ") + flash.Boot.__string_rec(o[k1], s)); } s = s.substring(4); if (str.length != 2) { str = str + newline; } str = str + (s + "}"); return(str); return("<function>"); } } } if (o instanceof Array) { if (o.__enum__ != null) { if (o.length == 2) { return(o[0]); } var str = (o[0] + "("); s = s + " "; var _g1 = 2; var _g = o.length; while (_g1 < _g) { _g1++; var i = _g1; if (i == 2) { str = str + flash.Boot.__string_rec(o[i], s); } else { str = str + ("," + flash.Boot.__string_rec(o[i], s)); } } return(str + ")"); } var l = o.length; var i; var str = "["; s = s + " "; var _g = 0; while (_g < l) { _g++; var i1 = _g; str = str + (((i1 > 0) ? "," : "") + flash.Boot.__string_rec(o[i1], s)); } str = str + "]"; return(str); } var s2 = o.toString(); if ((((typeof(s2) == "string") || (s2 instanceof String)) && (s2 != "[object Object]")) && (s2 != "[type Function]")) { return(s2); } var k; var str = "{\n"; if (typeof(o) == "movieclip") { str = (("MC(" + Std.string(o._name)) + ") ") + str; } s = s + " "; var $3; $3 = new Array(); new Array(); for (_reg0 in o) { $3.push(_reg0); } var keys = $3; var $3; $3 = keys.iterator(); keys.iterator(); while ($3.hasNext()) { var k1 = $; if ((((k1 == "prototype") || (k1 == "__class__")) || (k1 == "__super__")) || (k1 == "__interfaces__")) { continue; } if (str.length != 2) { str = str + ",\n"; } str = str + (((s + k1) + " : ") + flash.Boot.__string_rec(o[k1], s)); } s = s.substring(4); if (str.length != 2) { str = str + newline; } str = str + (s + "}"); return(str); return("<function>"); return(o); }; (flash.Boot /* register */).__closure = function (f, o) { var m = o[f]; if (m == null) { return(null); } var f2 = function () { var me = arguments.callee; return(me.f.apply(me.o, arguments)); }; f2.f = m; f2.o = o; return(f2); }; (flash.Boot /* register */).__interfLoop = function (cc, cl) { if (cc == null) { return(false); } var intf = cc.__interfaces__; var _g1 = 0; var _g = intf.length; while (_g1 < _g) { _g1++; var i = _g1; var i1 = intf[i]; if ((i1 == cl) || (flash.Boot.__interfLoop(i1, cl))) { return(true); } } return(flash.Boot.__interfLoop(cc.__super__, cl)); }; (flash.Boot /* register */).__instanceof = function (o, cl) { if (!cl) { return(false); } if (o instanceof cl) { if (cl == Array) { return(o.__enum__ == null); } return(true); } if (flash.Boot.__interfLoop(o.__class__, cl)) { return(true); } var _g = cl; var $2; $2 = _g; if (_g != Int) { if ($2 != Float) { if ($2 != Bool) { if ($2 != String) { if ($2 != Dynamic) { return(((o.__enum__ == cl) || ((cl == Class) && (o.__name__ != null))) || ((cl == Enum) && (o.__ename__ != null))); return(((typeof(o) == "number") && (Math.ceil(o) === (o % 2147483648))) && (!((o === true) || (o === false)))); return(typeof(o) == "number"); return((o === true) || (o === false)); return(typeof(o) == "string"); } } } } } return(((typeof(o) == "number") && (Math.ceil(o) === (o % 2147483648))) && (!((o === true) || (o === false)))); return(typeof(o) == "number"); return((o === true) || (o === false)); return(typeof(o) == "string"); return(true); }; (flash.Boot /* register */).getTrace = function () { var root = flash.Lib.current; var tf = root.__trace_txt; if (tf == null) { var w = flash.Stage.width; var h = flash.Stage.height; if (w == 0) { w = 800; } if (h == 0) { h = 600; } root.createTextField("__trace_txt", 1048500, 0, 0, w, h + 30); tf = root.__trace_txt; var format = tf.getTextFormat(); format.font = "_sans"; tf.setNewTextFormat(format); tf.selectable = false; tf.textColor = flash.Boot.def_color; root.__trace_lines = new Array(); } return(tf); }; (flash.Boot /* register */).__set_trace_color = function (rgb) { flash.Boot.getTrace().textColor = rgb; flash.Boot.def_color = rgb; }; (flash.Boot /* register */).__trace = function (v, inf) { var root = flash.Lib.current; var tf = flash.Boot.getTrace(); var s = (((inf.fileName + ((inf.lineNumber == null) ? "" : (":" + inf.lineNumber))) + ": ") + flash.Boot.__string_rec(v, "")); if ((inf != null) && (inf.customParams != null)) { var _g = 0; var _g1 = inf.customParams; while (_g < _g1.length) { var v1 = _g1[_g]; _g++; s = s + ("," + flash.Boot.__string_rec(v1, "")); } } var lines = root.__trace_lines.concat(s.split(newline)); tf.text = lines.join(newline); while ((lines.length > 1) && (tf.textHeight > flash.Stage.height)) { lines.shift(); tf.text = lines.join(newline); } root.__trace_lines = lines; }; (flash.Boot /* register */).__exc = function (v) { var s = ""; if (flash.Lib.onerror == null) { flash.Boot.__trace(flash.Boot.__string_rec(v, "") + s, {fileName:"(uncaught exception)"}); } else { flash.Lib.onerror(flash.Boot.__string_rec(v, ""), []); } }; (flash.Boot /* register */).__clear_trace = function () { var root = flash.Lib.current; root.__trace_txt.removeTextField(); root.__trace_lines = null; }; (flash.Boot /* register */).__init = function (current) { var g = _global; if (!g.haxeInitDone) { g.haxeInitDone = true; Array.prototype.copy = Array.prototype.slice; Array.prototype.insert = function (i, x) { this.splice(i, 0, x); }; Array.prototype.remove = function (obj) { var i = 0; var l = this.length; while (i < l) { if (this[i] == obj) { this.splice(i, 1); return(true); } i++; } return(false); }; Array.prototype.iterator = function () { return({cur:0, arr:this, hasNext:function () { return(this.cur < this.arr.length); }, next:function () { this.cur++; return(this.arr[this.cur]); }}); }; = function (f) { var ret = []; var i = 0; var l = this.length; while (i < l) { ret.push(f(this[i])); i++; } return(ret); }; Array.prototype.filter = function (f) { var ret = []; var i = 0; var l = this.length; while (i < l) { if (f(this[i])) { ret.push(this[i]); } i++; } return(ret); }; _global.ASSetPropFlags(Array.prototype, null, 7); var cca = String.prototype.charCodeAt; String.prototype.cca = cca; String.prototype.charCodeAt = function (i) { var x = this.cca(i); if (x <= 0) { return(null); } return(x); }; if (_global.flash == null) { _global.flash = {}; } } current.flash.Lib._global = _global; current.flash.Lib._root = _root; current.flash.Lib.current = current; current["@instanceof"] = flash.Boot.__instanceof; current["@closure"] = flash.Boot.__closure; if (_global.Stage.align == "") { _global.Stage.align = "LT"; } }; ((flash.Lib = function () { })).__name__ = ["flash", "Lib"]; _local1 = (flash.Lib /* register */).prototype; _local1.__class__ = flash.Lib /* register */; (flash.Lib /* register */)._root = null; (flash.Lib /* register */).current = null; (flash.Lib /* register */).onerror = null; _local1 = new Object(); flash._MovieClip = _local1; _local2 = _global.flash._MovieClip; for (_reg0 in _local2) { _local1[_reg0] = _local2[_reg0]; } _local1 = new Object(); flash.text = _local1; _local2 = _global.flash.text; for (_reg0 in _local2) { _local1[_reg0] = _local2[_reg0]; } _local1 = new Object(); haxe = _local1; _local2 = _global.haxe; for (_reg0 in _local2) { _local1[_reg0] = _local2[_reg0]; } ((haxe.Timer = function () { })).__name__ = ["haxe", "Timer"]; _local1 = (haxe.Timer /* register */).prototype; _local1.__class__ = haxe.Timer /* register */; (haxe.Timer /* register */).stamp = function () { return(getTimer() / 1000); }; flash.Boot; flash.Boot.__init(this); flash.Stage = _global.Stage; flash.Stage.align = "C"; Math.__name__ = ["Math"]; Math.NaN = Number.NaN; Math.NEGATIVE_INFINITY = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; Math.POSITIVE_INFINITY = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; Math.isFinite = function (i) { return(_global.isFinite(i)); }; Math.isNaN = function (i) { return(_global.isNaN(i)); }; var g = _global; g.Int = {__name__:["Int"]}; g.Bool = {__ename__:["Bool"]}; g.Dynamic = {__name__:["Dynamic"]}; g.Class = {__name__:["Class"]}; g.Enum = {}; g.Void = {__ename__:["Void"]}; g.Float = _global.Number; g.Float.__name__ = ["Float"]; Array.prototype.__class__ = Array; Array.__name__ = ["Array"]; String.prototype.__class__ = String; String.__name__ = ["String"]; g.ASSetPropFlags(Array.prototype, null, 7); flash.Key = _global.Key; flash.Key.addListener(flash.Key); flash.Mouse = _global.Mouse; flash.Mouse.addListener(flash.Mouse); flash.MovieClip = _global.MovieClip; flash.Selection = _global.Selection; flash.Sound = _global.Sound; flash.TextField = _global.TextField; flash.TextFormat = _global.TextFormat; flash.TextSnapshot = _global.TextSnapshot; flash.text.StyleSheet = _global.TextField.StyleSheet; try { GDK.lastUpdate = 0; GDK.message = ""; GDK.response = ""; GDK.textBoxCreated = false; GDK.textBoxLastMouse = false; GDK.textBoxsw = 0; GDK.textBoxsh = 0; GDK.textBoxHeight = 0; GDK.mOn = false; GDK.mAdded = false; GDK.sounds = new Array(); GDK.images = new Array(); GDK.instances = new Array(); GDK.clipnum = 0; LaserBlastin.sw = 0; = 0; LaserBlastin.hsw = 0; LaserBlastin.hsh = 0; LaserBlastin.stars = [[0, 0, 0]]; LaserBlastin.starspeed = 0.5; LaserBlastin.gameMode = 0; LaserBlastin.clickedLast = false; LaserBlastin.firex = 0; LaserBlastin.firey = 0; LaserBlastin.laserbright = 0; LaserBlastin.flashing = 0; = 0; LaserBlastin.ay = 0; = 0; LaserBlastin.aspeed = 1; LaserBlastin.exprog = 1; LaserBlastin.exx = 0; LaserBlastin.exy = 0; LaserBlastin.score = 0; flash.Boot.def_color = 0; flash.Boot.exception = null; LaserBlastin.main(); } catch(_local) { flash.Boot.__exc( /* Error999 */ ); }

Library Items

Symbol 2 BitmapUsed by:3
Symbol 3 GraphicUses:2Used by:1
Symbol 1 MovieClip [data/asteroid.png]Uses:3
Symbol 4 Sound [data/music.mp3]
Symbol 5 Sound [data/hit.mp3]
Symbol 6 Sound [data/miss.mp3]
Symbol 7 Sound [data/impact.mp3]

Special Tags

ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 1 as "data/asteroid.png"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 4 as "data/music.mp3"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 5 as "data/hit.mp3"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 6 as "data/miss.mp3"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 7 as "data/impact.mp3"
Created: 27/10 -2018 10:49:34 Last modified: 27/10 -2018 10:49:34 Server time: 03/01 -2025 00:03:07