Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2598 · P5196

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Barak and Gakuto [1-3] by anthony2008 (Furry YaoiBishiBishonenMaleElvesHiroBoyGuyMuscleFlashBondage).swf

This is the info page for
Flash #144032

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)


MDA Menu

MDA CombBox

MDA Menu2 (Horizontal)

freeText V.3.01

<p align="center"><font face="_sans" size="15" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0"> Dieses Programm benötigt den Flash Player 8++</font></p><p align="center"><font face="_sans" size="15" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0">Bitte laden Sie die neuste Version des Flash-Players.</font></p><p align="center"></p><p align="center"><font face="_sans" size="15" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0">This programm needs the Flash-Player 8++</font></p><p align="center"><font face="_sans" size="15" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0">Please download the new Player</font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="_sans" size="10" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0">download Flash-Player</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Verdana" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0">0 %</font></p>



ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
function goAnthony() { var _local1 = {}; _local1.position = "200*200"; _local1.backColor = "#333333"; _local1.borderColor = "#CC0000"; _local1.label = "About"; _local1.window = true; _local1.species = "boxWithBorder"; _local1.textColor = "#FFFFFF"; _local1.linkColor = "#CC0000"; _local1.fontSize = 14; _local1.width = 380; _local1.text = "made with DAZ|Studio, Garageband and Flash\r<A HREF=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><B></B></A>"; tiefe++; f_mc = win_mc.attachMovie("freeText_mc", "f_" + tiefe, tiefe); f_mc.setTextObject(_local1); trace(f_mc); } var ver = System.capabilities.version.split(" ").join(",").split(","); stop(); test = false; if (Number(ver[1] > 7)) { test = true; this.onEnterFrame = function () { var _local2 = Math.floor((this.getBytesLoaded() / this.getBytesTotal()) * 100); this.balken_mc._xscale = _local2; this.prozent_txt.text = _local2 + " %"; if (_local2 > 99) { delete this.onEnterFrame; play(); } }; if (test) { infoText_txt._visible = false; d_txt._visible = false; download__mc._visible = false; } } download__mc.onRelease = function () { getURL (""); }; fscommand ("allowscale", "false"); var tiefe = 100; var win_mc = this; var cm = new ContextMenu(); cm.hideBuiltInItems(); var menuItem_cmi = new ContextMenuItem("about", goAnthony); cm.customItems.push(menuItem_cmi); = cm; var p_hauptschrift = "Lucida Grande"; var p_fontEinbetten = true; var s_embedFonts = true; var p_colorButtons = {}; = "#000000"; p_colorButtons.disabled = "#000000"; p_colorButtons.heightLight = "#CC0000"; p_colorButtons.heightLight_G = "#990000"; p_colorButtons.norm = "#444444"; p_colorButtons.norm_G = "#00000"; p_colorButtons.over = "#FF0000"; p_colorButtons.over_G = "#CC0000"; = "#CC0000"; p_colorButtons.player = "#FF0000"; var p_colorButtonsFont = {}; p_colorButtonsFont.border = "#222222"; = "#FFFFFF"; p_colorButtonsFont.disabled = "#333333"; p_colorButtonsFont.fontSize = "10"; p_colorButtonsFont.heightLight = "#000000"; p_colorButtonsFont.norm = "#FF0000"; p_colorButtonsFont.over = "#FFCC00"; = "#FFFFFF"; g_einstellungen = {}; g_einstellungen.fadeOut = false; _root.color_stage = "#000000"; _root.stage_width = 1022; _root.stage_height = 609; _root.menu_width = 912; message_obj = {}; message_obj.fonsSize = 15; message_obj.textColor = "#FFFFFF"; message_obj.width = 500;
Frame 2
function simpleClon(obj) { var _local2 = {}; for (var _local3 in obj) { _local2[_local3] = obj[_local3]; } return(_local2); } function traceObjectSimple(o) { if (System.capabilities.playerType == "External") { for (var _local2 in o) { trace((_local2 + ": ") + o[_local2]); } } } function farbMc(mc, dieFarbe) { if (dieFarbe == undefined) { trace(mc + ": farbe nicht definiert[farbMc]"); return(undefined); } if (mc == undefined) { trace(dieFarbe + ": mc nicht definiert[farbMc]"); return(undefined); } var _local2 = changeToNumber(dieFarbe); var _local4 = new Color(mc); _local4.setRGB(_local2); } function replaceString(texto) { if (typeof(texto) != "string") { _root.traceMessage(texto + " ist kein string [replaceString]"); return(texto); } var _local4; var _local7; var _local5; var _local3 = ""; var _local6 = ""; var _local8 = ""; _local4 = arguments[1]; if (_local4 == undefined) { return(texto); } _local7 = arguments[2]; if (_local7 == undefined) { return(texto); } if (_local4.length == 1) { return(texto.split(_local4).join(_local7)); } _local5 = texto.indexOf(_local4); if (_local5 == -1) { return(texto); } _local3 = texto; do { _local5 = _local3.indexOf(_local4); _local6 = _local3.substring(0, _local5); _local3 = _local3.substring(_local5 + _local4.length); _local8 = _local8 + (_local6 + _local7); } while (_local3.indexOf(_local4) != -1); _local8 = _local8 + _local3; return(_local8); } function changeToNumber(dieFarbe) { var _local1 = Number(dieFarbe); var _local4 = _local1.toString(); if (_local4 != "NaN") { var _local2 = dieFarbe; } else { var _local2 = replaceString(dieFarbe, "#", "0x"); } return(_local2); } function clearRGB(mc) { var _local1 = new Color(mc); _local1.setTransform({ra:100, ga:100, ba:100, rb:0, gb:0, bb:0}); } function machElement(url, animation, animation_duration, image_duration, aktuellesLabel, texto) { ElementZahler++; var _local2 = {}; = "image_" + ElementZahler; _local2.type = "object"; _local2.species = "swf"; _local2.url = url; _local2.animation = animation; _local2.animation_duration = animation_duration; _local2.image_duration = image_duration; _local2.label = aktuellesLabel; _local2.text = texto; this[] = _local2; alle_Bilder_array.push(_local2); } ch.mda.core.PresenterSounds.initialize(); com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.simpleSetup(com.mosesSupposes.fuse.Shortcuts, com.mosesSupposes.fuse.PennerEasing); ch.mda.core.Effects.initialize(); ch.mda.util.DrawUtil.initialize(); Array.prototype.shuffle = function () { var _local5 = this.length; var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _local5) { var _local3 = Math.floor(Math.random() * _local5); var _local4 = this[_local2]; this[_local2] = this[_local3]; this[_local3] = _local4; _local2++; } }; ASSetPropFlags(Array.prototype, "shuffle", 1); Array.prototype.sortBy = function (key) { var _local4 = function (a, b) { var _local2 = ((typeof(a[key]) == "string") ? (a[key].toLowerCase()) : (a[key])); var _local1 = ((typeof(b[key]) == "string") ? (b[key].toLowerCase()) : (b[key])); if (_local2 < _local1) { return(-1); } if (_local2 > _local1) { return(1); } return(0); }; this.sort(_local4); }; Array.prototype.sortByUp = function (key) { var _local4 = function (a, b) { var _local2 = ((typeof(a[key]) == "string") ? (a[key].toLowerCase()) : (a[key])); var _local1 = ((typeof(b[key]) == "string") ? (b[key].toLowerCase()) : (b[key])); if (_local2 > _local1) { return(-1); } if (_local2 < _local1) { return(1); } return(0); }; this.sort(_local4); }; ASSetPropFlags(Array.prototype, "sortBy", 1); ASSetPropFlags(Array.prototype, "sortByUp", 1); _global.farbMc = farbMc; ElementZahler = 0; alle_Bilder_array = new Array(); var p_colorButtons2 = simpleClon(p_colorButtons); p_colorButtons2.norm = "#999999"; var p_colorButtonsFont2 = simpleClon(p_colorButtonsFont); p_colorButtonsFont2.norm = "#CCCCCC"; this.soundControl_mc.slider_mc.setColors(p_colorButtons, p_colorButtonsFont2); stage_mc.mask_mc._width = _root.stage_width; stage_mc.mask_mc._height = _root.stage_height; projector_mc.stage_mc.back_mc._width = _root.stage_width; projector_mc.stage_mc.back_mc._height = _root.stage_height; var abstand = 5; projector_mc.freeMenu_cb._y = _root.stage_height + abstand; projector_mc.leiste_mc._y = _root.stage_height + abstand; this.projector_mc.messageText_mc._y = (_root.stage_height + abstand) + 30; soundControl_mc._y = _root.stage_height + abstand;
Frame 3
var a = {}; a.text = "<A HREF=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><B></B></A>"; a.fontSize = 11; a.textDecoration = "none"; a.linkColor = "#FFFFFF"; a.shadow = "#620101"; a.selectable = false; a_txt.setTextObject(a); machElement("p1", "rgb", 6, 3, "1", "<B>Barak and Gakuto I</B>"); machElement("p2", "rgb", 6, 3, "2", "Pictures and Sound: anthony-art"); machElement("p3", "rgb", 6, 3, "3", "Made with DAZ|Studio, Flash and Garageband"); machElement("p4", "rgb", 6, 3, "4", "$"); machElement("p5", "rgb", 6, 3, "5", "$"); machElement("p6", "rgb", 6, 3, "6", "$"); projector_mc.initMe(); var mc_mc = this; var meinSound = _global.playSound(mc_mc, "t_and_m.mp3", 80, 100000, true); stop();
Frame 5
Symbol 13 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 13 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 14 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); _parent.state_mc._visible = true;
Symbol 14 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 14 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 14 MovieClip Frame 5
stop(); _parent.state_mc._visible = false;
Symbol 15 MovieClip [FreeRadioButton_mc] Frame 1
#initclip 35 Object.registerClass("FreeRadioButton_mc", ch.mda.FreeRadioButton); #endinitclip
Symbol 15 MovieClip [FreeRadioButton_mc] Frame 3
Symbol 20 MovieClip [closeSmall_pb] Frame 1
#initclip 25 Object.registerClass("closeSmall_pb", ch.mda.FreeButton); #endinitclip stop(); this.setSymbolMovie(this.pfeil_mc);
Symbol 21 MovieClip [freeList_pb] Frame 1
#initclip 26 Object.registerClass("freeList_pb", ch.mda.FreeButton); #endinitclip stop();
Symbol 29 MovieClip Frame 1
function setSkins() { if (_parent.c_scrollTrackVisible) { var _local3 = new Color(scrollTrack_mc); _local3.setRGB(_parent.c_scrollTrack); } else { scrollTrack_mc._visible = false; } this._width = _parent.c_scrollWidth; if (_parent.c_horizontal) { this._x = this._x + (16 - _parent.c_scrollWidth); } } this.useHandCursor = false; setSkins(); this.onPress = function () { if ((this._parent.enabled == false) || (this._parent.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse) == false)) { return(undefined); } if (((this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse) && (!this._parent.drag.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse))) && (!this._parent.button_up.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse))) && (!this._parent.button_down.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse))) { if (_parent._ymouse < this._parent.drag._y) { this._parent.pageUp(); this._parent.scrollDelay = true; this._parent.delayTimer = setInterval(this._parent, "clearDelay", 300); this._parent.scrolling = "PAGEUP"; } else { this._parent.pageDown(); this._parent.scrollDelay = true; this._parent.delayTimer = setInterval(this._parent, "clearDelay", 300); this._parent.scrolling = "PAGEDOWN"; } } }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._parent.scrolling = false; this._parent.clearDelay(); }; this.onRelease = function () { this._parent.scrolling = false; this._parent.clearDelay(); }; stop();
Symbol 30 MovieClip [ultimateScroller_button_down] Frame 1
this.useHandCursor = false; this._focusRect = false; setSkins(); this.onPress = function () { if (this._parent.enabled == false) { gotoAndStop ("disabled"); return(undefined); } this._parent.scrollDown(); this._parent.scrollDelay = true; this._parent.delayTimer = setInterval(this._parent, "clearDelay", 300); this._parent.scrolling = "DOWN"; gotoAndStop ("down"); updateAfterEvent(); }; this.onRelease = (this.onReleaseOutside = function () { if (this._parent.enabled == false) { gotoAndStop ("disabled"); return(undefined); } this._parent.scrolling = false; this._parent.clearDelay(); gotoAndStop ("up"); updateAfterEvent(); }); this.setSkins = function () { this.drawButtons(); }; this.drawButtons = function () { w = _parent.c_scrollWidth; h = 16; arrowX = w / 2; arrowY = h / 2; x = 0; y = 0; this.createEmptyMovieClip("buttonG", 1000); switch (this._currentframe) { case 1 : if (_parent.c_buttonsVisible) { this.buttonG.createEmptyMovieClip("darkshadow_mc", 1000); with (this.buttonG.darkshadow_mc) { beginFill(_parent._parent._parent.c_darkshadow); lineStyle(); moveTo(x, y); lineTo(x + w, y); lineTo(x + w, y + h); lineTo(x, y + h); lineTo(x, y); endFill(); } w = w - 1; h = h - 1; this.buttonG.createEmptyMovieClip("highlight3d_mc", 1001); with (this.buttonG.highlight3d_mc) { beginFill(_parent._parent._parent.c_highlight3d); lineStyle(); moveTo(x, y); lineTo(x + w, y); lineTo(x + w, y + h); lineTo(x, y + h); lineTo(x, y); endFill(); } x = x + 1; y = y + 1; w = w - 1; h = h - 1; this.buttonG.createEmptyMovieClip("shadow_mc", 1002); with (this.buttonG.shadow_mc) { beginFill(_parent._parent._parent.c_shadow); lineStyle(); moveTo(x, y); lineTo(x + w, y); lineTo(x + w, y + h); lineTo(x, y + h); lineTo(x, y); endFill(); } w = w - 1; h = h - 1; this.buttonG.createEmptyMovieClip("highlight_mc", 1003); with (this.buttonG.highlight_mc) { beginFill(_parent._parent._parent.c_highlight); lineStyle(); moveTo(x, y); lineTo(x + w, y); lineTo(x + w, y + h); lineTo(x, y + h); lineTo(x, y); endFill(); } x = x + 1; y = y + 1; w = w - 1; h = h - 1; this.buttonG.createEmptyMovieClip("face_mc", 1004); with (this.buttonG.face_mc) { beginFill(_parent._parent._parent.c_face); lineStyle(); moveTo(x, y); lineTo(x + w, y); lineTo(x + w, y + h); lineTo(x, y + h); lineTo(x, y); endFill(); } } if (_parent.c_arrowsVisible) { this.buttonG.attachMovie("arrow", "arrow_mc", 1005, {_x:arrowX, _y:arrowY}); if (!_parent.c_arrowDefaultColor) { var tmp = new Color(this.buttonG.arrow_mc); tmp.setRGB(this._parent.c_arrow); } } break; case 2 : if (_parent.c_buttonsVisible) { this.buttonG.createEmptyMovieClip("shadow_mc", 1000); with (this.buttonG.shadow_mc) { beginFill(_parent._parent._parent.c_shadow); lineStyle(); moveTo(x, y); lineTo(x + w, y); lineTo(x + w, y + h); lineTo(x, y + h); lineTo(x, y); endFill(); } x = x + 1; y = y + 1; w = w - 2; h = h - 2; this.buttonG.createEmptyMovieClip("face_mc", 1004); with (this.buttonG.face_mc) { beginFill(_parent._parent._parent.c_face); lineStyle(); moveTo(x, y); lineTo(x + w, y); lineTo(x + w, y + h); lineTo(x, y + h); lineTo(x, y); endFill(); } } if (_parent.c_arrowsVisible) { this.buttonG.attachMovie("arrow", "arrow_mc", 1005, {_x:arrowX, _y:arrowY}); if (!_parent.c_arrowDefaultColor) { var tmp = new Color(this.buttonG.arrow_mc); tmp.setRGB(this._parent.c_arrow); } } break; case 3 : if (_parent.c_buttonsVisible) { this.buttonG.createEmptyMovieClip("darkshadow_mc", 1000); with (this.buttonG.darkshadow_mc) { beginFill(_parent._parent._parent.c_darkshadow); lineStyle(); moveTo(x, y); lineTo(x + w, y); lineTo(x + w, y + h); lineTo(x, y + h); lineTo(x, y); endFill(); } w = w - 1; h = h - 1; this.buttonG.createEmptyMovieClip("highlight3d_mc", 1001); with (this.buttonG.highlight3d_mc) { beginFill(_parent._parent._parent.c_highlight3d); lineStyle(); moveTo(x, y); lineTo(x + w, y); lineTo(x + w, y + h); lineTo(x, y + h); lineTo(x, y); endFill(); } x = x + 1; y = y + 1; w = w - 1; h = h - 1; this.buttonG.createEmptyMovieClip("shadow_mc", 1002); with (this.buttonG.shadow_mc) { beginFill(_parent._parent._parent.c_shadow); lineStyle(); moveTo(x, y); lineTo(x + w, y); lineTo(x + w, y + h); lineTo(x, y + h); lineTo(x, y); endFill(); } w = w - 1; h = h - 1; this.buttonG.createEmptyMovieClip("highlight_mc", 1003); with (this.buttonG.highlight_mc) { beginFill(_parent._parent._parent.c_highlight); lineStyle(); moveTo(x, y); lineTo(x + w, y); lineTo(x + w, y + h); lineTo(x, y + h); lineTo(x, y); endFill(); } x = x + 1; y = y + 1; w = w - 1; h = h - 1; this.buttonG.createEmptyMovieClip("face_mc", 1004); with (this.buttonG.face_mc) { beginFill(_parent._parent._parent.c_face); lineStyle(); moveTo(x, y); lineTo(x + w, y); lineTo(x + w, y + h); lineTo(x, y + h); lineTo(x, y); endFill(); } } if (!_parent.c_arrowsVisible) { break; } this.buttonG.attachMovie("arrow", "arrow_mc", 1005, {_x:arrowX, _y:arrowY}); if (!_parent.c_useDisabledColor) { break; } var tmp = new Color(this.buttonG.arrow_mc); tmp.setRGB(this._parent.c_foregroundDisabled); } delete x; delete y; delete w; delete h; }; stop();
Symbol 30 MovieClip [ultimateScroller_button_down] Frame 2
setSkins(); stop();
Symbol 30 MovieClip [ultimateScroller_button_down] Frame 3
setSkins(); stop();
Symbol 31 MovieClip [ultimateScroller_button_left] Frame 1
this.useHandCursor = false; this._focusRect = false; setSkins(); this.onPress = function () { if (this._parent.enabled == false) { gotoAndStop ("disabled"); return(undefined); } this._parent.scrollUp(); this._parent.scrollDelay = true; this._parent.delayTimer = setInterval(this._parent, "clearDelay", 300); this._parent.scrolling = "UP"; gotoAndStop ("down"); updateAfterEvent(); }; this.onRelease = (this.onReleaseOutside = function () { if (this._parent.enabled == false) { gotoAndStop ("disabled"); return(undefined); } this._parent.scrolling = false; this._parent.clearDelay(); gotoAndStop ("up"); updateAfterEvent(); }); this.setSkins = function () { this.drawButtons(); }; this.drawButtons = function () { w = 16; h = _parent.c_scrollWidth; arrowX = w / 2; arrowY = h / 2; x = 0; y = 0; this.createEmptyMovieClip("buttonG", 1000); this.buttonG._rotation = 90; this.buttonG._x = 16; switch (this._currentframe) { case 1 : if (_parent.c_buttonsVisible) { this.buttonG.createEmptyMovieClip("darkshadow_mc", 1000); with (this.buttonG.darkshadow_mc) { beginFill(_parent._parent._parent.c_darkshadow); lineStyle(); moveTo(x, y); lineTo(x + w, y); lineTo(x + w, y + h); lineTo(x, y + h); lineTo(x, y); endFill(); } w = w - 1; h = h - 1; this.buttonG.createEmptyMovieClip("highlight3d_mc", 1001); with (this.buttonG.highlight3d_mc) { beginFill(_parent._parent._parent.c_highlight3d); lineStyle(); moveTo(x, y); lineTo(x + w, y); lineTo(x + w, y + h); lineTo(x, y + h); lineTo(x, y); endFill(); } x = x + 1; y = y + 1; w = w - 1; h = h - 1; this.buttonG.createEmptyMovieClip("shadow_mc", 1002); with (this.buttonG.shadow_mc) { beginFill(_parent._parent._parent.c_shadow); lineStyle(); moveTo(x, y); lineTo(x + w, y); lineTo(x + w, y + h); lineTo(x, y + h); lineTo(x, y); endFill(); } w = w - 1; h = h - 1; this.buttonG.createEmptyMovieClip("highlight_mc", 1003); with (this.buttonG.highlight_mc) { beginFill(_parent._parent._parent.c_highlight); lineStyle(); moveTo(x, y); lineTo(x + w, y); lineTo(x + w, y + h); lineTo(x, y + h); lineTo(x, y); endFill(); } x = x + 1; y = y + 1; w = w - 1; h = h - 1; this.buttonG.createEmptyMovieClip("face_mc", 1004); with (this.buttonG.face_mc) { beginFill(_parent._parent._parent.c_face); lineStyle(); moveTo(x, y); lineTo(x + w, y); lineTo(x + w, y + h); lineTo(x, y + h); lineTo(x, y); endFill(); } } if (_parent.c_arrowsVisible) { this.buttonG.attachMovie("arrow", "arrow_mc", 1005, {_x:arrowX, _y:arrowY, _rotation:90, _xscale:-100, _yscale:100}); if (!_parent.c_arrowDefaultColor) { var tmp = new Color(this.buttonG.arrow_mc); tmp.setRGB(this._parent.c_arrow); } } break; case 2 : if (_parent.c_buttonsVisible) { this.buttonG.createEmptyMovieClip("shadow_mc", 1000); with (this.buttonG.shadow_mc) { beginFill(_parent._parent._parent.c_shadow); lineStyle(); moveTo(x, y); lineTo(x + w, y); lineTo(x + w, y + h); lineTo(x, y + h); lineTo(x, y); endFill(); } x = x + 1; y = y + 1; w = w - 2; h = h - 2; this.buttonG.createEmptyMovieClip("face_mc", 1004); with (this.buttonG.face_mc) { beginFill(_parent._parent._parent.c_face); lineStyle(); moveTo(x, y); lineTo(x + w, y); lineTo(x + w, y + h); lineTo(x, y + h); lineTo(x, y); endFill(); } } if (_parent.c_arrowsVisible) { this.buttonG.attachMovie("arrow", "arrow_mc", 1005, {_x:arrowX, _y:arrowY, _rotation:90, _xscale:-100, _yscale:100}); if (!_parent.c_arrowDefaultColor) { var tmp = new Color(this.buttonG.arrow_mc); tmp.setRGB(this._parent.c_arrow); } } break; case 3 : if (_parent.c_buttonsVisible) { this.buttonG.createEmptyMovieClip("darkshadow_mc", 1000); with (this.buttonG.darkshadow_mc) { beginFill(_parent._parent._parent.c_darkshadow); lineStyle(); moveTo(x, y); lineTo(x + w, y); lineTo(x + w, y + h); lineTo(x, y + h); lineTo(x, y); endFill(); } w = w - 1; h = h - 1; this.buttonG.createEmptyMovieClip("highlight3d_mc", 1001); with (this.buttonG.highlight3d_mc) { beginFill(_parent._parent._parent.c_highlight3d); lineStyle(); moveTo(x, y); lineTo(x + w, y); lineTo(x + w, y + h); lineTo(x, y + h); lineTo(x, y); endFill(); } x = x + 1; y = y + 1; w = w - 1; h = h - 1; this.buttonG.createEmptyMovieClip("shadow_mc", 1002); with (this.buttonG.shadow_mc) { beginFill(_parent._parent._parent.c_shadow); lineStyle(); moveTo(x, y); lineTo(x + w, y); lineTo(x + w, y + h); lineTo(x, y + h); lineTo(x, y); endFill(); } w = w - 1; h = h - 1; this.buttonG.createEmptyMovieClip("highlight_mc", 1003); with (this.buttonG.highlight_mc) { beginFill(_parent._parent._parent.c_highlight); lineStyle(); moveTo(x, y); lineTo(x + w, y); lineTo(x + w, y + h); lineTo(x, y + h); lineTo(x, y); endFill(); } x = x + 1; y = y + 1; w = w - 1; h = h - 1; this.buttonG.createEmptyMovieClip("face_mc", 1004); with (this.buttonG.face_mc) { beginFill(_parent._parent._parent.c_face); lineStyle(); moveTo(x, y); lineTo(x + w, y); lineTo(x + w, y + h); lineTo(x, y + h); lineTo(x, y); endFill(); } } if (!_parent.c_arrowsVisible) { break; } this.buttonG.attachMovie("arrow", "arrow_mc", 1005, {_x:arrowX, _y:arrowY, _rotation:90, _xscale:-100, _yscale:100}); if (!_parent.c_useDisabledColor) { break; } var tmp = new Color(this.buttonG.arrow_mc); tmp.setRGB(this._parent.c_foregroundDisabled); } delete x; delete y; delete w; delete h; }; stop();
Symbol 31 MovieClip [ultimateScroller_button_left] Frame 2
setSkins(); stop();
Symbol 31 MovieClip [ultimateScroller_button_left] Frame 3
setSkins(); stop();
Symbol 32 MovieClip [ultimateScroller_button_right] Frame 1
this.useHandCursor = false; this._focusRect = false; setSkins(); this.onPress = function () { if (this._parent.enabled == false) { gotoAndStop ("disabled"); return(undefined); } this._parent.scrollDown(); this._parent.scrollDelay = true; this._parent.delayTimer = setInterval(this._parent, "clearDelay", 300); this._parent.scrolling = "DOWN"; gotoAndStop ("down"); updateAfterEvent(); }; this.onRelease = (this.onReleaseOutside = function () { if (this._parent.enabled == false) { gotoAndStop ("disabled"); return(undefined); } this._parent.scrolling = false; this._parent.clearDelay(); gotoAndStop ("up"); updateAfterEvent(); }); this.setSkins = function () { this.drawButtons(); }; this.drawButtons = function () { w = 16; h = _parent.c_scrollWidth; arrowX = w / 2; arrowY = h / 2; x = 0; y = 0; this.createEmptyMovieClip("buttonG", 1000); this.buttonG._rotation = 90; this.buttonG._x = 16; switch (this._currentframe) { case 1 : if (_parent.c_buttonsVisible) { this.buttonG.createEmptyMovieClip("darkshadow_mc", 1000); with (this.buttonG.darkshadow_mc) { beginFill(_parent._parent._parent.c_darkshadow); lineStyle(); moveTo(x, y); lineTo(x + w, y); lineTo(x + w, y + h); lineTo(x, y + h); lineTo(x, y); endFill(); } w = w - 1; h = h - 1; this.buttonG.createEmptyMovieClip("highlight3d_mc", 1001); with (this.buttonG.highlight3d_mc) { beginFill(_parent._parent._parent.c_highlight3d); lineStyle(); moveTo(x, y); lineTo(x + w, y); lineTo(x + w, y + h); lineTo(x, y + h); lineTo(x, y); endFill(); } x = x + 1; y = y + 1; w = w - 1; h = h - 1; this.buttonG.createEmptyMovieClip("shadow_mc", 1002); with (this.buttonG.shadow_mc) { beginFill(_parent._parent._parent.c_shadow); lineStyle(); moveTo(x, y); lineTo(x + w, y); lineTo(x + w, y + h); lineTo(x, y + h); lineTo(x, y); endFill(); } w = w - 1; h = h - 1; this.buttonG.createEmptyMovieClip("highlight_mc", 1003); with (this.buttonG.highlight_mc) { beginFill(_parent._parent._parent.c_highlight); lineStyle(); moveTo(x, y); lineTo(x + w, y); lineTo(x + w, y + h); lineTo(x, y + h); lineTo(x, y); endFill(); } x = x + 1; y = y + 1; w = w - 1; h = h - 1; this.buttonG.createEmptyMovieClip("face_mc", 1004); with (this.buttonG.face_mc) { beginFill(_parent._parent._parent.c_face); lineStyle(); moveTo(x, y); lineTo(x + w, y); lineTo(x + w, y + h); lineTo(x, y + h); lineTo(x, y); endFill(); } } if (_parent.c_arrowsVisible) { this.buttonG.attachMovie("arrow", "arrow_mc", 1005, {_x:arrowX, _y:arrowY, _rotation:270, _xscale:-100, _yscale:100}); if (!_parent.c_arrowDefaultColor) { var tmp = new Color(this.buttonG.arrow_mc); tmp.setRGB(this._parent.c_arrow); } } break; case 2 : if (_parent.c_buttonsVisible) { this.buttonG.createEmptyMovieClip("shadow_mc", 1000); with (this.buttonG.shadow_mc) { beginFill(_parent._parent._parent.c_shadow); lineStyle(); moveTo(x, y); lineTo(x + w, y); lineTo(x + w, y + h); lineTo(x, y + h); lineTo(x, y); endFill(); } x = x + 1; y = y + 1; w = w - 2; h = h - 2; this.buttonG.createEmptyMovieClip("face_mc", 1004); with (this.buttonG.face_mc) { beginFill(_parent._parent._parent.c_face); lineStyle(); moveTo(x, y); lineTo(x + w, y); lineTo(x + w, y + h); lineTo(x, y + h); lineTo(x, y); endFill(); } } if (_parent.c_arrowsVisible) { this.buttonG.attachMovie("arrow", "arrow_mc", 1005, {_x:arrowX, _y:arrowY, _rotation:270, _xscale:-100, _yscale:100}); if (!_parent.c_arrowDefaultColor) { var tmp = new Color(this.buttonG.arrow_mc); tmp.setRGB(this._parent.c_arrow); } } break; case 3 : if (_parent.c_buttonsVisible) { this.buttonG.createEmptyMovieClip("darkshadow_mc", 1000); with (this.buttonG.darkshadow_mc) { beginFill(_parent._parent._parent.c_darkshadow); lineStyle(); moveTo(x, y); lineTo(x + w, y); lineTo(x + w, y + h); lineTo(x, y + h); lineTo(x, y); endFill(); } w = w - 1; h = h - 1; this.buttonG.createEmptyMovieClip("highlight3d_mc", 1001); with (this.buttonG.highlight3d_mc) { beginFill(_parent._parent._parent.c_highlight3d); lineStyle(); moveTo(x, y); lineTo(x + w, y); lineTo(x + w, y + h); lineTo(x, y + h); lineTo(x, y); endFill(); } x = x + 1; y = y + 1; w = w - 1; h = h - 1; this.buttonG.createEmptyMovieClip("shadow_mc", 1002); with (this.buttonG.shadow_mc) { beginFill(_parent._parent._parent.c_shadow); lineStyle(); moveTo(x, y); lineTo(x + w, y); lineTo(x + w, y + h); lineTo(x, y + h); lineTo(x, y); endFill(); } w = w - 1; h = h - 1; this.buttonG.createEmptyMovieClip("highlight_mc", 1003); with (this.buttonG.highlight_mc) { beginFill(_parent._parent._parent.c_highlight); lineStyle(); moveTo(x, y); lineTo(x + w, y); lineTo(x + w, y + h); lineTo(x, y + h); lineTo(x, y); endFill(); } x = x + 1; y = y + 1; w = w - 1; h = h - 1; this.buttonG.createEmptyMovieClip("face_mc", 1004); with (this.buttonG.face_mc) { beginFill(_parent._parent._parent.c_face); lineStyle(); moveTo(x, y); lineTo(x + w, y); lineTo(x + w, y + h); lineTo(x, y + h); lineTo(x, y); endFill(); } } if (!_parent.c_arrowsVisible) { break; } this.buttonG.attachMovie("arrow", "arrow_mc", 1005, {_x:arrowX, _y:arrowY, _rotation:270, _xscale:-100, _yscale:100}); if (!_parent.c_useDisabledColor) { break; } var tmp = new Color(this.buttonG.arrow_mc); tmp.setRGB(_parent.c_foregroundDisabled); } delete x; delete y; delete w; delete h; }; stop();
Symbol 32 MovieClip [ultimateScroller_button_right] Frame 2
setSkins(); stop();
Symbol 32 MovieClip [ultimateScroller_button_right] Frame 3
setSkins(); stop();
Symbol 33 MovieClip [ultimateScroller_button_up] Frame 1
this.useHandCursor = false; setSkins(); this.onPress = function () { if (this._parent.enabled == false) { gotoAndStop ("disabled"); return(undefined); } this._parent.scrollUp(); this._parent.scrollDelay = true; this._parent.delayTimer = setInterval(this._parent, "clearDelay", 300); this._parent.scrolling = "UP"; gotoAndStop ("down"); updateAfterEvent(); }; this.onRelease = (this.onReleaseOutside = function () { if (this._parent.enabled == false) { gotoAndStop ("disabled"); return(undefined); } this._parent.scrolling = false; this._parent.clearDelay(); gotoAndStop ("up"); updateAfterEvent(); }); this.setSkins = function () { this.drawButtons(); }; this.drawButtons = function () { w = _parent.c_scrollWidth; h = 16; arrowX = w / 2; arrowY = h / 2; x = 0; y = 0; this.createEmptyMovieClip("buttonG", 1000); switch (this._currentframe) { case 1 : if (_parent.c_buttonsVisible) { this.buttonG.createEmptyMovieClip("darkshadow_mc", 1000); with (this.buttonG.darkshadow_mc) { beginFill(_parent._parent._parent.c_darkshadow); lineStyle(); moveTo(x, y); lineTo(x + w, y); lineTo(x + w, y + h); lineTo(x, y + h); lineTo(x, y); endFill(); } w = w - 1; h = h - 1; this.buttonG.createEmptyMovieClip("highlight3d_mc", 1001); with (this.buttonG.highlight3d_mc) { beginFill(_parent._parent._parent.c_highlight3d); lineStyle(); moveTo(x, y); lineTo(x + w, y); lineTo(x + w, y + h); lineTo(x, y + h); lineTo(x, y); endFill(); } x = x + 1; y = y + 1; w = w - 1; h = h - 1; this.buttonG.createEmptyMovieClip("shadow_mc", 1002); with (this.buttonG.shadow_mc) { beginFill(_parent._parent._parent.c_shadow); lineStyle(); moveTo(x, y); lineTo(x + w, y); lineTo(x + w, y + h); lineTo(x, y + h); lineTo(x, y); endFill(); } w = w - 1; h = h - 1; this.buttonG.createEmptyMovieClip("highlight_mc", 1003); with (this.buttonG.highlight_mc) { beginFill(_parent._parent._parent.c_highlight); lineStyle(); moveTo(x, y); lineTo(x + w, y); lineTo(x + w, y + h); lineTo(x, y + h); lineTo(x, y); endFill(); } x = x + 1; y = y + 1; w = w - 1; h = h - 1; this.buttonG.createEmptyMovieClip("face_mc", 1004); with (this.buttonG.face_mc) { beginFill(_parent._parent._parent.c_face); lineStyle(); moveTo(x, y); lineTo(x + w, y); lineTo(x + w, y + h); lineTo(x, y + h); lineTo(x, y); endFill(); } } if (_parent.c_arrowsVisible) { this.buttonG.attachMovie("arrow", "arrow_mc", 1005, {_x:arrowX, _y:arrowY, _rotation:-180, _xscale:-100, _yscale:100}); if (!_parent.c_arrowDefaultColor) { var tmp = new Color(this.buttonG.arrow_mc); tmp.setRGB(this._parent.c_arrow); } } break; case 2 : if (_parent.c_buttonsVisible) { this.buttonG.createEmptyMovieClip("shadow_mc", 1000); with (this.buttonG.shadow_mc) { beginFill(_parent._parent._parent.c_shadow); lineStyle(); moveTo(x, y); lineTo(x + w, y); lineTo(x + w, y + h); lineTo(x, y + h); lineTo(x, y); endFill(); } x = x + 1; y = y + 1; w = w - 2; h = h - 2; this.buttonG.createEmptyMovieClip("face_mc", 1004); with (this.buttonG.face_mc) { beginFill(_parent._parent._parent.c_face); lineStyle(); moveTo(x, y); lineTo(x + w, y); lineTo(x + w, y + h); lineTo(x, y + h); lineTo(x, y); endFill(); } } if (_parent.c_arrowsVisible) { this.buttonG.attachMovie("arrow", "arrow_mc", 1005, {_x:arrowX, _y:arrowY, _rotation:-180, _xscale:-100, _yscale:100}); if (!_parent.c_arrowDefaultColor) { var tmp = new Color(this.buttonG.arrow_mc); tmp.setRGB(this._parent.c_arrow); } } break; case 3 : if (_parent.c_buttonsVisible) { this.buttonG.createEmptyMovieClip("darkshadow_mc", 1000); with (this.buttonG.darkshadow_mc) { beginFill(_parent._parent._parent.c_darkshadow); lineStyle(); moveTo(x, y); lineTo(x + w, y); lineTo(x + w, y + h); lineTo(x, y + h); lineTo(x, y); endFill(); } w = w - 1; h = h - 1; this.buttonG.createEmptyMovieClip("highlight3d_mc", 1001); with (this.buttonG.highlight3d_mc) { beginFill(_parent._parent._parent.c_highlight3d); lineStyle(); moveTo(x, y); lineTo(x + w, y); lineTo(x + w, y + h); lineTo(x, y + h); lineTo(x, y); endFill(); } x = x + 1; y = y + 1; w = w - 1; h = h - 1; this.buttonG.createEmptyMovieClip("shadow_mc", 1002); with (this.buttonG.shadow_mc) { beginFill(_parent._parent._parent.c_shadow); lineStyle(); moveTo(x, y); lineTo(x + w, y); lineTo(x + w, y + h); lineTo(x, y + h); lineTo(x, y); endFill(); } w = w - 1; h = h - 1; this.buttonG.createEmptyMovieClip("highlight_mc", 1003); with (this.buttonG.highlight_mc) { beginFill(_parent._parent._parent.c_highlight); lineStyle(); moveTo(x, y); lineTo(x + w, y); lineTo(x + w, y + h); lineTo(x, y + h); lineTo(x, y); endFill(); } x = x + 1; y = y + 1; w = w - 1; h = h - 1; this.buttonG.createEmptyMovieClip("face_mc", 1004); with (this.buttonG.face_mc) { beginFill(_parent._parent._parent.c_face); lineStyle(); moveTo(x, y); lineTo(x + w, y); lineTo(x + w, y + h); lineTo(x, y + h); lineTo(x, y); endFill(); } } if (!_parent.c_arrowsVisible) { break; } this.buttonG.attachMovie("arrow", "arrow_mc", 1005, {_x:arrowX, _y:arrowY, _rotation:-180, _xscale:-100, _yscale:100}); if (!_parent.c_useDisabledColor) { break; } var tmp = new Color(this.buttonG.arrow_mc); tmp.setRGB(this._parent.c_foregroundDisabled); } delete x; delete y; delete w; delete h; }; stop();
Symbol 33 MovieClip [ultimateScroller_button_up] Frame 2
setSkins(); stop();
Symbol 33 MovieClip [ultimateScroller_button_up] Frame 3
setSkins(); stop();
Symbol 34 MovieClip [ultimateScroller_drag] Frame 1
function setSkins() { var _local2 = new Color(face_mc); _local2.setRGB(this._parent.c_face); _local2 = new Color(shadow_mc); _local2.setRGB(this._parent.c_shadow); _local2 = new Color(darkshadow_mc); _local2.setRGB(this._parent.c_darkshadow); _local2 = new Color(highlight_mc); _local2.setRGB(this._parent.c_highlight); _local2 = new Color(highlight3d_mc); _local2.setRGB(this._parent.c_highlight3d); } if (this._parent.c_horizontal == true) { this._rotation = 90; tmp = h; h = w; w = tmp; x = 0; y = -16; delete tmp; } else { this._rotation = 0; x = 0; y = 0; } this.createEmptyMovieClip("darkshadow_mc", 1000); with (this.darkshadow_mc) { beginFill(_parent._parent.c_darkshadow); lineStyle(); moveTo(x, y); lineTo(x + w, y); lineTo(x + w, y + h); lineTo(x, y + h); lineTo(x, y); endFill(); } w = w - 1; h = h - 1; this.createEmptyMovieClip("highlight3d_mc", 1001); with (this.highlight3d_mc) { beginFill(_parent._parent.c_highlight3d); lineStyle(); moveTo(x, y); lineTo(x + w, y); lineTo(x + w, y + h); lineTo(x, y + h); lineTo(x, y); endFill(); } x = x + 1; y = y + 1; w = w - 1; h = h - 1; this.createEmptyMovieClip("shadow_mc", 1002); with (this.shadow_mc) { beginFill(_parent._parent.c_shadow); lineStyle(); moveTo(x, y); lineTo(x + w, y); lineTo(x + w, y + h); lineTo(x, y + h); lineTo(x, y); endFill(); } w = w - 1; h = h - 1; this.createEmptyMovieClip("highlight_mc", 1003); with (this.highlight_mc) { beginFill(_parent._parent.c_highlight); lineStyle(); moveTo(x, y); lineTo(x + w, y); lineTo(x + w, y + h); lineTo(x, y + h); lineTo(x, y); endFill(); } x = x + 1; y = y + 1; w = w - 1; h = h - 1; this.createEmptyMovieClip("face_mc", 1004); with (this.face_mc) { beginFill(_parent._parent.c_face); lineStyle(); moveTo(x, y); lineTo(x + w, y); lineTo(x + w, y + h); lineTo(x, y + h); lineTo(x, y); endFill(); } delete x; delete y; delete w; delete h;
Symbol 37 MovieClip [ultimateScroller] Frame 1
#initclip 36 function ultimateScrollerClass() { this.initialize(); } ultimateScrollerClass.prototype = new MovieClip(); ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.scrollUp = function () { if (this.enabled == false) { return(undefined); } if (this.c_horizontal) { if (this.targetClip._x < this.scrollBottom) { var _local4 = (((this.targetClip._x + this.scrollAmount) < this.scrollBottom) ? (this.targetClip._x + this.scrollAmount) : (this.scrollBottom)); var _local2 = (((_local4 - this.scrollBottom) * 100) / (this.scrollBottom - this.scrollTop)) * -1; this.drag._y = Math.floor(this.dragTop - (((this.dragTop - this.dragBottom) / 100) * _local2)); this.syncTargetPos(); } } else if (this.targetClip._y < this.scrollTop) { var _local3 = (((this.targetClip._y + this.scrollAmount) < this.scrollTop) ? (this.targetClip._y + this.scrollAmount) : (this.scrollTop)); var _local2 = (((_local3 - this.scrollTop) * 100) / (this.scrollTop - this.scrollBottom)) * -1; this.drag._y = Math.floor(this.dragTop - (((this.dragTop - this.dragBottom) / 100) * _local2)); this.syncTargetPos(); } }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.scrollDown = function () { if (this.enabled == false) { return(undefined); } if (this.c_horizontal == true) { if (this.targetClip._x > this.scrollTop) { var _local4 = (((this.targetClip._x - this.scrollAmount) > this.scrollTop) ? (this.targetClip._x - this.scrollAmount) : (this.scrollTop)); var _local2 = (((_local4 - this.scrollBottom) * 100) / (this.scrollBottom - this.scrollTop)) * -1; this.drag._y = Math.ceil(this.dragTop - (((this.dragTop - this.dragBottom) / 100) * _local2)); this.syncTargetPos(); } } else if (this.targetClip._y > this.scrollBottom) { var _local3 = (((this.targetClip._y - this.scrollAmount) > this.scrollBottom) ? (this.targetClip._y - this.scrollAmount) : (this.scrollBottom)); var _local2 = (((_local3 - this.scrollTop) * 100) / (this.scrollTop - this.scrollBottom)) * -1; this.drag._y = Math.ceil(this.dragTop - (((this.dragTop - this.dragBottom) / 100) * _local2)); this.syncTargetPos(); } }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.pageUp = function () { var _local2 = this.c_scrollAmount; this.c_scrollAmount = int(this.h); this.scrollUp(); this.c_scrollAmount = _local2; }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.pageDown = function () { var _local2 = this.c_scrollAmount; this.c_scrollAmount = int(this.h); this.scrollDown(); this.c_scrollAmount = _local2; }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.scrollToTop = function () { if (this.enabled == false) { return(undefined); } this.drag._y = this.dragTop; this.syncTargetPos(); }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.scrollToBottom = function () { if (this.enabled == false) { return(undefined); } this.drag._y = this.dragBottom; this.syncTargetPos(); }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.getScrollPosition = function () { return(this.drag._y); }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.setScrollPosition = function (scrollPos) { this.drag._y = scrollPos; }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.setDragHeight = function (usrHeight) { this.c_dragHeight = usrHeight; if (usrHeight > (this.track_mc._height - 48)) { usrHeight = this.track_mc._height - 48; } else if (usrHeight < 2) { usrHeight = 2; } this.dragHeight = usrHeight; var btnDrag = this.attachMovie("ultimateScroller_drag", "drag", 5, {_x:0, _y:16, w:this.c_scrollWidth, h:this.dragHeight}); btnDrag.useHandCursor = false; this.dragTop = 16; this.dragBottom = (this.h - 16) - this.dragHeight; if (this.scrollTo != null) { btnDrag._y = ((this.scrollTo > this.dragBottom) ? (this.dragBottom) : (this.scrollTo)); var _local3 = this.c_easing; this.c_easing = "none"; this.syncTargetPos(); this.c_easing = _local3; } btnDrag.onMouseDown = function () { if (this._parent.enabled == false) { return(undefined); } if (btnDrag.hitTest(_level0._xmouse, _level0._ymouse)) { btnDrag.startDrag(false, 0, this._parent.dragTop, 0, this._parent.dragBottom); this._parent.dragging = true; updateAfterEvent(); } }; btnDrag.onMouseUp = function () { btnDrag.stopDrag(); this._parent.dragging = false; updateAfterEvent(); }; if (!this.c_dragVisible) { this.drag._visible = false; } }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.initialize = function () { this.setDefaults(); this.enabled = false; if (this.c_horizontal == true) { this._rotation = -90; this._xscale = -100; this._y = int(this._y + 16); if (this.size == null) { this.setSize(this._width); } else { this.setSize(this.size); } } else { this._rotation = 0; this._xscale = 100; if (this.size == null) { this.setSize(this._height); } else { this.setSize(this.size); } } if (this._targetInstanceName.length > 0) { var _local2 = this._parent[this._targetInstanceName]; this.initX = _local2._x; this.initY = _local2._y; this.initW = _local2._width; this.initH = _local2._height; this.setTarget(_local2); } else { this.setEnabled(false); } }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.setDefaults = function () { if (this.c_horizontal == null) { if (this.horizontal == null) { this.c_horizontal = false; } else { this.c_horizontal = Boolean(this.horizontal); delete this.horizontal; } } if (this.c_buffer == null) { if (this.buffer == null) { this.c_buffer = 10; } else { this.c_buffer = int(this.buffer); delete this.buffer; } } if (this.c_scrollAmount == null) { if (this.scrollAmount == null) { this.c_scrollAmount = 40; } else { this.c_scrollAmount = int(this.scrollAmount); delete this.scrollAmount; } } if (this.c_easing == null) { if (this.easing == null) { this.c_easing = "none"; } else { this.c_easing = this.easing; delete this.easing; } } if (this.c_useMask == null) { if (this.useMask == null) { this.c_useMask = false; } else { this.c_useMask = Boolean(this.useMask); delete this.useMask; } } if (this.c_dragVisible == null) { if (this.dragVisible == null) { this.c_dragVisible = true; } else { this.c_dragVisible = Boolean(this.dragVisible); delete this.dragVisible; } } if (this.c_dragAuto == null) { if (this.dragHeightAuto == null) { this.c_dragAuto = true; } else { this.c_dragAuto = Boolean(this.dragHeightAuto); delete this.dragHeightAuto; } } if (this.c_scrollTrackVisible == null) { if (this.scrollTrackVisible == null) { this.c_scrollTrackVisible = true; } else { this.c_scrollTrackVisible = Boolean(this.scrollTrackVisible); delete this.scrollTrackVisible; } } if (this.c_buttonsVisible == null) { if (this.buttonsVisible == null) { this.c_buttonsVisible = true; } else { this.c_buttonsVisible = Boolean(this.buttonsVisible); delete this.buttonsVisible; } } if (this.c_arrowsVisible == null) { if (this.arrowsVisible == null) { this.c_arrowsVisible = true; } else { this.c_arrowsVisible = Boolean(this.arrowsVisible); delete this.arrowsVisible; } } if (this.c_arrowDefaultColor == null) { if (this.arrowDefaultColor == null) { this.c_arrowDefaultColor = false; } else { this.c_arrowDefaultColor = Boolean(this.arrowDefaultColor); delete this.arrowDefaultColor; } } if (this.c_scrollWidth == null) { if (this.scrollWidth == null) { this.c_scrollWidth = 16; } else { this.c_scrollWidth = int(this.scrollWidth); delete this.scrollWidth; } } if (this.c_useDisabledColor == null) { if (this.useDisabledColor == null) { this.c_useDisabledColor = true; } else { this.c_useDisabledColor = Boolean(this.useDisabledColor); delete this.useDisabledColor; } } if (this.c_scrollSide == null) { if (this.scrollSide == null) { this.c_scrollSide = "right"; } else { this.c_scrollSide = String(this.scrollSide); delete this.scrollSide; } } if (this.c_face == null) { if (this.face == null) { this.c_face = 14078926 /* 0xD6D3CE */; } else { this.c_face = this.face; delete this.face; } } if (this.c_shadow == null) { if (this.shadow == null) { this.c_shadow = 8684164 /* 0x848284 */; } else { this.c_shadow = this.shadow; delete this.shadow; } } if (this.c_darkshadow == null) { if (this.darkshadow == null) { this.c_darkshadow = 4342082 /* 0x424142 */; } else { this.c_darkshadow = this.darkshadow; delete this.darkshadow; } } if (this.c_highlight == null) { if (this.highlight == null) { this.c_highlight = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; } else { this.c_highlight = this.highlight; delete this.highlight; } } if (this.c_highlight3d == null) { if (this.highlight3d == null) { this.c_highlight3d = 14078926 /* 0xD6D3CE */; } else { this.c_highlight3d = this.highlight3d; } } if (this.c_arrow == null) { if (this.arrow == null) { this.c_arrow = 0; } else { this.c_arrow = this.arrow; delete this.arrow; } } if (this.c_foregroundDisabled == null) { if (this.foregroundDisabled == null) { this.c_foregroundDisabled = 10066329 /* 0x999999 */; } else { this.c_foregroundDisabled = this.foregroundDisabled; delete this.foregroundDisabled; } } if (this.c_scrollTrack == null) { if (this.scrollTrack == null) { this.c_scrollTrack = 15066078 /* 0xE5E3DE */; } else { this.c_scrollTrack = this.scrollTrack; delete this.scrollTrack; } } if (this.c_borderColorTop == null) { if (this.borderColorTop == null) { this.c_borderColorTop = 0; } else { this.c_borderColorTop = this.borderColorTop; delete this.borderColorTop; } } if (this.c_borderColorBottom == null) { if (this.borderColorBottom == null) { this.c_borderColorBottom = 0; } else { this.c_borderColorBottom = this.borderColorBottom; delete this.borderColorBottom; } } if (this.c_borderColorLeft == null) { if (this.borderColorLeft == null) { this.c_borderColorLeft = 0; } else { this.c_borderColorLeft = this.borderColorLeft; delete this.borderColorLeft; } } if (this.c_borderColorRight == null) { if (this.borderColorRight == null) { this.c_borderColorRight = 0; } else { this.c_borderColorRight = this.borderColorRight; delete this.borderColorRight; } } if (this.scrollTarget != null) { this.setTarget(this.scrollTarget); delete this.scrollTarget; } }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.setEnabled = function (e) { this.enabled = e; if (this.enabled) { this.button_up.gotoAndStop("up"); this.button_down.gotoAndStop("up"); } else { this.button_up.gotoAndStop("disabled"); this.button_down.gotoAndStop("disabled"); this.drag.removeMovieClip(); } this.button_up.setSkins(); this.drag.setSkins(); this.button_down.setSkins(); }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.clearDelay = function () { clearInterval(this.delayTimer); this.scrollDelay = false; }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.resetPositions = function () { this.targetClip._x = this.initX; this.targetClip._y = this.initY; this.drag._y = this.dragTop; }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.drawMask = function () { var mx = 0; var my = 0; var mwidth = 0; var mheight = 0; this.resetPositions(); if (this.c_horizontal == true) { mwidth = this.track_mc._height - 0.5; mheight = this._y - this.targetClip._y; mx = this._x; my = this.targetClip._y; } else if (this.c_scrollSide eq "right") { mwidth = this._x - this.targetClip._x; mheight = this.h - 0.5; mx = this.targetClip._x - 1.5; my = this._y; } else { var bWidth = ((((this.targetClip._x + this.targetClip._width) - this._x) - this._width) + 16.5); mwidth = (((this.targetClip._x + this.targetClip._width) - this._x) - this._width) + 3; mheight = this.h - 0.5; mx = this.targetClip._x - 0.5; my = this._y; } this.maskObj.removeMovieClip(); this.maskObj = this._parent.createEmptyMovieClip(this.targetClip._name + "_mask", ((this.targetClip.getDepth() + 44496) + random(1774)) + (random(4) + 1), {_x:this.targetClip._x, _y:this.targetClip._y}); with (this.maskObj) { beginFill(16711680); lineStyle(0); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(mwidth, 0); lineTo(mwidth, mheight); lineTo(0, mheight); lineTo(0, 0); endFill(); } this.maskObj._x = mx; this.maskObj._y = my; this.maskObj._alpha = 0; this.targetClip.setMask(this.maskObj); }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.drawBorder = function () { this.resetPositions(); if (this.c_horizontal == true) { var bWidth = (this.h + 1); var bHeight = (((this._y - this.targetClip._y) + 1.5) - (16 - this.c_scrollWidth)); var bX = (this._x - 0.5); var bY = (this.targetClip._y - 1); } else if (this.c_scrollSide eq "right") { if (this.c_borderStyle == "3d") { var bWidth = (((this._x - this.targetClip._x) + this.c_scrollWidth) + 4); var bHeight = (this.h + 1.5); var bX = (this.targetClip._x - 3); var bY = (this._y - 0.5); } else { var bWidth = (((this._x - this.targetClip._x) + this.c_scrollWidth) + 2); var bHeight = (this.h + 1.5); var bX = (this.targetClip._x - 1.5); var bY = (this._y - 1); } } else if (this.c_borderStyle == "3d") { var bWidth = (((this.targetClip._x + this.targetClip._width) - this._x) + 4); var bHeight = (this.h + 1.5); var bX = (this._x - 2.5); var bY = (this._y - 1); } else { var bWidth = (((this.targetClip._x + this.targetClip._width) - this._x) + 2); var bHeight = (this.h + 1.5); var bX = (this._x - 1); var bY = (this._y - 1); } this.borderObj.removeMovieClip(); this.borderObj = this._parent.createEmptyMovieClip(this.targetClip._name + "_border", ((this.targetClip.getDepth() + 55596) + random(622)) + (random(9) + 2), {_x:this.targetClip._x, _y:this.targetClip._y}); switch (String(this.c_borderStyle)) { case "line" : with (this.borderObj) { lineStyle(1, this.c_borderColorT); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(bWidth, 0); lineStyle(1, this.c_borderColorR); lineTo(bWidth, bHeight); lineStyle(1, this.c_borderColorB); lineTo(0, bHeight); lineStyle(1, this.c_borderColorL); lineTo(0, 0); } break; case "3d" : bWidth = bWidth + 1; bHeight = bHeight + 3; bX = bX + 1; bY = bY - 1; with (this.borderObj) { lineStyle(2, this.c_shadow); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(bWidth, 0); lineStyle(0.75, this.c_highlight3d); lineTo(bWidth, bHeight); lineTo(0, bHeight); lineStyle(2, this.c_shadow); lineTo(0, 0); } break; } this.borderObj._width = bWidth + 0.5; this.borderObj._height = bHeight + 0.5; this.borderObj._x = bX + 0.5; this.borderObj._y = bY + 0.5; delete bWidth; delete bHeight; delete bX; delete bY; }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.syncTargetPos = function () { var _local2 = ((this.drag._y - 16) * 100) / (this.dragBottom - this.dragTop); if (this.c_horizontal == true) { if (this.c_easing ne "none") { switch (this.c_easing) { case "high" : var _local3 = 8; break; case "med" : _local3 = 6; break; case "low" : _local3 = 4; } this.easeTo(int(this.scrollBottom - (((this.scrollBottom - this.scrollTop) / 100) * _local2)), this.targetClip._y, _local3); } else { this.targetClip._x = int(this.scrollBottom - (((this.scrollBottom - this.scrollTop) / 100) * _local2)); } } else if (this.c_easing ne "none") { switch (this.c_easing) { case "high" : var _local3 = 8; break; case "med" : _local3 = 6; break; case "low" : _local3 = 4; } this.easeTo(this.targetClip._x, int(this.scrollTop - (((this.scrollTop - this.scrollBottom) / 100) * _local2)), _local3); } else { this.targetClip._y = int(this.scrollTop - (((this.scrollTop - this.scrollBottom) / 100) * _local2)); } }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.onEnterFrame = function () { if ((this.initW != this.targetClip._width) || (this.initH != this.targetClip._height)) { this.setSize(this.h); } if (this.enabled == false) { return(undefined); } this.syncTargetPos(); if (this.scrollDelay == true) { return(undefined); } if (this.scrolling eq "DOWN") { this.scrollDown(); } if (this.scrolling eq "UP") { this.scrollUp(); } if (this.scrolling eq "PAGEDOWN") { this.pageDown(); } if (this.scrolling eq "PAGEUP") { this.pageUp(); } }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.onUnload = function () { this.maskObj.removeMovieClip(); this.borderObj.removeMovieClip(); }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.easeTo = function (tx, ty, speed) { this.easeMov.removeMovieClip(); if ((this.targetClip._x == tx) && (this.targetClip._y == ty)) { return(undefined); } var _local3 = this.createEmptyMovieClip("easeMov", 99945); var scroller = this; var oldY = scroller.targetClip._y; var oldX = scroller.targetClip._x; _local3.onEnterFrame = function () { if (scroller.c_horizontal == true) { var _local3 = (((scroller.targetClip._x - tx) < 0) ? ((scroller.targetClip._x - tx) * -1) : (scroller.targetClip._x - tx)); var _local2 = (tx - oldX) / speed; if ((_local2 < 0) and (_local2 > -1)) { _local2 = -1; } if ((_local2 > 0) and (_local2 < 1)) { _local2 = 1; } newX = oldX + _local2; oldX = newX; scroller.targetClip._x = int(newX); } else { var _local3 = (((scroller.targetClip._y - ty) < 0) ? ((scroller.targetClip._y - ty) * -1) : (scroller.targetClip._y - ty)); var _local2 = (ty - oldY) / speed; if ((_local2 < 0) and (_local2 > -1)) { _local2 = -1; } if ((_local2 > 0) and (_local2 < 1)) { _local2 = 1; } newY = oldY + _local2; oldY = newY; scroller.targetClip._y = int(newY); } updateAfterEvent(); if (_local3 < 1) { scroller.targetClip._x = int(scroller.targetClip._x); scroller.targetClip._y = int(scroller.targetClip._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } }; delete scroller; }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.getHorizontal = function () { return(this.c_horizontal); }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.setHorizontal = function (p) { this.c_horizontal = Boolean(p); if (this.h) { this._rotation = -90; this._xscale = -100; this.setSize(this._width); } else { this._rotation = 0; this._xscale = 100; this.setSize(this._height); } }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.getTarget = function () { return(this.targetClip); }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.setTarget = function (t) { if (this.drag._y != undefined) { this.scrollTo = this.drag._y; } else { this.scrollTo = null; } this.resetPositions(); if (eval (t)) { this.targetClip = t; this.targetClip._x = int(this.targetClip._x); this.targetClip._y = int(this.targetClip._y); this.initX = int(this.targetClip._x); this.initY = int(this.targetClip._y); this.initH = this.targetClip._height; this.initW = this.targetClip._width; if (this.c_horizontal == true) { this.targetClip._x = this.initX; this._x = int(this._x); this._y = int(this._y); } else { this.targetClip._y = this.initY; this._x = int(this._x); this._y = int(this._y); } if (this.c_useMask) { this.drawMask(); } if (this.c_borderStyle ne "none") { this.drawBorder(); } if (this.c_horizontal == true) { this.scrollBottom = int(this.targetClip._x); this.scrollTop = int(this.targetClip._x) - Math.ceil((this.targetClip._width - (this._width - (this.c_buffer + 2))) - (this._x - this.targetClip._x)); this.visiblePercent = (this.h * 100) / (this.targetClip._width - (this._x - this.targetClip._x)); if (this.scrollTop >= this.scrollBottom) { this.setEnabled(false); return(undefined); } } else { this.scrollTop = int(this.targetClip._y); this.scrollBottom = (Math.ceil((this.targetClip._height - (this.h - (this.c_buffer + 2))) * -1) + this.scrollTop) + (this._y - this.targetClip._y); this.visiblePercent = (this.h * 100) / (this.targetClip._height - (this._y - this.targetClip._y)); if (this.scrollTop <= this.scrollBottom) { this.setEnabled(false); return(undefined); } } this.setEnabled(true); this.drawDrag(); if (!this.c_dragVisible) { this.drag._visible = false; } } else { delete this.targetClip; this.setEnabled(false); } delete btnDrag; }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.drawDrag = function () { this.dragHeight = ((this.h - 32) / 100) * this.visiblePercent; this.dragHeight = ((this.dragHeight > int(this.h - 34)) ? (int(this.h - 34)) : (int(this.dragHeight))); this.dragHeight = ((this.dragHeight < 6) ? 6 : (int(this.dragHeight))); if (!this.c_dragAuto) { if (this.c_dragHeight > (this.track_mc._height - 48)) { this.c_dragHeight = this.track_mc._height - 48; } else if (this.c_dragHeight < 2) { this.c_dragHeight = 2; } this.dragHeight = this.c_dragHeight; } var btnDrag = this.attachMovie("ultimateScroller_drag", "drag", 5, {_x:0, _y:16, w:this.c_scrollWidth, h:this.dragHeight}); btnDrag.useHandCursor = false; this.dragTop = 16; this.dragBottom = (this.h - 16) - this.dragHeight; if (this.scrollTo != null) { btnDrag._y = ((this.scrollTo > this.dragBottom) ? (this.dragBottom) : (this.scrollTo)); var _local2 = this.c_easing; this.c_easing = "none"; this.syncTargetPos(); this.c_easing = _local2; } btnDrag.onMouseDown = function () { if (this._parent.enabled == false) { return(undefined); } if (btnDrag.hitTest(_level0._xmouse, _level0._ymouse)) { btnDrag.startDrag(false, 0, this._parent.dragTop, 0, this._parent.dragBottom); this._parent.dragging = true; updateAfterEvent(); } }; btnDrag.onMouseUp = function () { btnDrag.stopDrag(); this._parent.dragging = false; updateAfterEvent(); }; }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.getSize = function () { return(this.h); }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.setSize = function (s) { this.h = ((s <= 55) ? 55 : (int(s))); this._xscale = (this._yscale = 100); this.track_mc._height = this.h; if (this.c_horizontal == true) { this.attachMovie("ultimateScroller_button_left", "button_up", 1, {_x:0, _y:0}); this.button_up.gotoAndStop(3); this.attachMovie("ultimateScroller_button_right", "button_down", 2, {_x:0, _y:this.h - 16}); this.button_down.gotoAndStop(3); } else { this.attachMovie("ultimateScroller_button_up", "button_up", 1, {_x:0, _y:0}); this.button_up.gotoAndStop(3); this.attachMovie("ultimateScroller_button_down", "button_down", 2, {_x:0, _y:this.h - 16}); this.button_down.gotoAndStop(3); } if (this.targetClip) { this.setTarget(this.targetClip); } else { this.setEnabled(false); } }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.getBuffer = function () { return(this.c_buffer); }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.setBuffer = function (p) { this.c_buffer = int(p); }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.getEasing = function () { return(this.c_easing); }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.setEasing = function (p) { this.c_easing = String(p); }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.getScrollAmount = function () { return(this.c_scrollAmount); }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.setScrollAmount = function (p) { this.c_scrollAmount = int(p); }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.getUseMask = function () { return(this.c_useMask); }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.setUseMask = function (p) { this.c_useMask = Boolean(p); if (this.c_useMask && (eval (this.targetClip._name))) { this.drawMask(); } else { var tmp = eval (this.targetClip._name + "_mask"); tmp.removeMovieClip(); delete tmp; } }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.getScrollTrackVisible = function () { return(this.c_scrollTrackVisible); }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.setScrollTrackVisible = function (p) { this.c_scrollTrackVisible = Boolean(p); }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.getButtonsVisible = function () { return(this.c_buttonsVisible); }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.setButtonsVisible = function (p) { this.c_buttonsVisible = Boolean(p); }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.getArrowsVisible = function () { return(this.c_arrowsVisible); }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.setArrowsVisible = function (p) { this.c_arrowsVisible = Boolean(p); }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.getArrowDefaultColor = function () { return(this.c_arrowDefaultColor); }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.setArrowDefaultColor = function (p) { this.c_arrowDefaultColor = Boolean(p); }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.getUseDisabledColor = function () { return(this.c_useDisabledColor); }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.setUseDisabledColor = function (p) { this.c_useDisabledColor = Boolean(p); }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.getScrollWidth = function () { return(this.c_scrollWidth); }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.setScrollWidth = function (p) { this.c_scrollWidth = int(p); this.drawDrag(); this.drawBorder(); }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.getDragVisible = function () { return(this.c_dragVisible); }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.setDragVisible = function (p) { this.c_dragVisible = Boolean(p); if (this.c_dragVisible) { this.drag._visible = true; } else { this.drag._visible = false; } }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.getDragHeightAuto = function () { return(this.c_dragAuto); }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.setDragHeightAuto = function (p) { this.c_dragAuto = Boolean(p); this.drawDrag(); }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.getScrollSide = function () { return(this.c_scrollSide); }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.setScrollSide = function (p) { this.c_scrollSide = String(p); this.drawMask(); this.drawBorder(); }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.getBorderStyle = function () { return(this.c_borderStyle); }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.setBorderStyle = function (p) { this.c_borderStyle = p.toLowerCase(); var tmp = eval (this.targetClip._name + "_border"); tmp.removeMovieClip(); if ((this.c_borderStyle ne "none") && (eval (this.targetClip._name))) { this.drawBorder(); } delete tmp; }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.getFace = function () { return(this.c_face); }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.setFace = function (p) { this.c_face = p; this.button_up.setSkins(); this.drag.setSkins(); this.button_down.setSkins(); this.track_mc.setSkins(); }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.getShadow = function () { return(this.c_shadow); }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.setShadow = function (p) { this.c_shadow = p; this.button_up.setSkins(); this.drag.setSkins(); this.button_down.setSkins(); this.track_mc.setSkins(); if ((this.c_borderStyle ne "none") && (eval (this.targetClip._name))) { this.drawBorder(); } }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.getDarkshadow = function () { return(this.c_darkshadow); }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.setDarkshadow = function (p) { this.c_darkshadow = p; this.button_up.setSkins(); this.drag.setSkins(); this.button_down.setSkins(); this.track_mc.setSkins(); }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.getHighlight = function () { return(this.c_highlight); }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.setHighlight = function (p) { this.c_highlight = p; this.button_up.setSkins(); this.drag.setSkins(); this.button_down.setSkins(); this.track_mc.setSkins(); }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.getHighlight3d = function () { return(this.c_highlight3d); }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.setHighlight3d = function (p) { this.c_highlight3d = p; this.button_up.setSkins(); this.drag.setSkins(); this.button_down.setSkins(); this.track_mc.setSkins(); if ((this.c_borderStyle ne "none") && (eval (this.targetClip._name))) { this.drawBorder(); } }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.getArrow = function () { return(this.c_arrow); }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.setArrow = function (p) { this.c_arrow = p; this.button_up.setSkins(); this.button_down.setSkins(); }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.getForegroundDisabled = function () { return(this.c_foregroundDisabled); }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.setForegroundDisabled = function (p) { this.c_foregroundDisabled = p; this.button_up.setSkins(); this.drag.setSkins(); this.button_down.setSkins(); this.track_mc.setSkins(); }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.getScrollTrack = function () { return(this.c_scrollTrack); }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.setScrollTrack = function (p) { this.c_scrollTrack = p; this.track_mc.setSkins(); }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.getBorderColorTop = function () { return(this.c_borderColorT); }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.setBorderColorTop = function (p) { this.c_borderColorT = p; if (eval (this.targetClip._name) && (this.c_borderStyle eq "line")) { this.drawBorder(); } }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.getBorderColorBottom = function () { return(this.c_borderColorB); }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.setBorderColorBottom = function (p) { this.c_borderColorB = p; if (eval (this.targetClip._name) && (this.c_borderStyle eq "line")) { this.drawBorder(); } }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.getBorderColorLeft = function () { return(this.c_borderColorL); }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.setBorderColorLeft = function (p) { this.c_borderColorL = p; if (eval (this.targetClip._name) && (this.c_borderStyle eq "line")) { this.drawBorder(); } }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.getBorderColorRight = function () { return(this.c_borderColorR); }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.setBorderColorRight = function (p) { this.c_borderColorR = p; if (eval (this.targetClip._name) && (this.c_borderStyle eq "line")) { this.drawBorder(); } }; ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.addProperty("horizontal", ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.getHorizontal, ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.setHorizontal); ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.addProperty("scrollTarget", ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.getTarget, ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.setTarget); ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.addProperty("size", ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.getSize, ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.setSize); ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.addProperty("scrollBuffer", ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.getBuffer, ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.setBuffer); ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.addProperty("scrollAmount", ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.getScrollAmount, ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.setScrollAmount); ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.addProperty("easing", ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.getEasing, ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.setEasing); ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.addProperty("useMask", ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.getUseMask, ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.setUseMask); ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.addProperty("dragVisible", ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.getDragVisible, ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.setDragVisible); ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.addProperty("dragHeightAuto", ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.getDragHeightAuto, ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.setDragHeightAuto); ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.addProperty("scrollSide", ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.getScrollSide, ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.setScrollSide); ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.addProperty("borderStyle", ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.getBorderStyle, ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.setBorderStyle); ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.addProperty("face", ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.getFace, ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.setFace); ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.addProperty("shadow", ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.getShadow, ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.setShadow); ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.addProperty("darkshadow", ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.getDarkshadow, ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.setDarkshadow); ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.addProperty("highlight", ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.getHighlight, ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.setHighlight); ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.addProperty("highlight3d", ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.getHighlight3d, ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.setHighlight3d); ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.addProperty("arrow", ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.getArrow, ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.setArrow); ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.addProperty("foregroundDisabled", ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.getForegroundDisabled, ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.setForegroundDisabled); ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.addProperty("scrollTrack", ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.getScrollTrack, ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.setScrollTrack); ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.addProperty("borderColorTop", ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.getBorderColorTop, ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.setBorderColorTop); ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.addProperty("borderColorBottom", ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.getBorderColorBottom, ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.setBorderColorBottom); ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.addProperty("borderColorLeft", ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.getBorderColorLeft, ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.setBorderColorLeft); ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.addProperty("borderColorRight", ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.getBorderColorRight, ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.setBorderColorRight); ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.addProperty("scrollTrackVisible", ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.getScrollTrackVisible, ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.setScrollTrackVisible); ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.addProperty("buttonsVisible", ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.getButtonsVisible, ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.setButtonsVisible); ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.addProperty("arrowsVisible", ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.getArrowsVisible, ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.setArrowsVisible); ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.addProperty("arrowDefaultColor", ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.getArrowDefaultColor, ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.setArrowDefaultColor); ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.addProperty("scrollWidth", ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.getScrollWidth, ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.setScrollWidth); ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.addProperty("useDisabledColor", ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.getUseDisabledColor, ultimateScrollerClass.prototype.setUseDisabledColor); Object.registerClass("ultimateScroller", ultimateScrollerClass); #endinitclip
Symbol 38 MovieClip [freeMenu_cb] Frame 1
#initclip 28 Object.registerClass("freeMenu_cb", ch.mda.freeListBox); #endinitclip this.setType("Menu");
Symbol 38 MovieClip [freeMenu_cb] Frame 2
fakeScroller_mc._visible = false; stop();
Instance of Symbol 37 MovieClip [ultimateScroller] "fakeScroller_mc" in Symbol 38 MovieClip [freeMenu_cb] Frame 2
//component parameters onClipEvent (construct) { _targetInstanceName = ""; c_horizontal = false; c_buffer = 16; c_scrollAmount = 40; c_easing = "none"; c_scrollSide = "right"; c_dragAuto = true; c_dragHeight = 16; c_scrollWidth = 16; c_useMask = false; c_borderStyle = "none"; c_face = 14078926 /* 0xD6D3CE */; c_shadow = 8684164 /* 0x848284 */; c_darkshadow = 4342082 /* 0x424142 */; c_highlight = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; c_highlight3d = 14078926 /* 0xD6D3CE */; c_arrow = 0; c_foregroundDisabled = 10066329 /* 0x999999 */; c_scrollTrack = 15066078 /* 0xE5E3DE */; c_borderColorT = 0; c_borderColorB = 0; c_borderColorL = 0; c_borderColorR = 0; c_dragVisible = true; c_scrollTrackVisible = true; c_buttonsVisible = true; c_arrowsVisible = true; c_arrowDefaultColor = false; c_useDisabledColor = true; }
Symbol 40 MovieClip [freeComBox_cb] Frame 1
#initclip 29 Object.registerClass("freeComBox_cb", ch.mda.freeListBox); #endinitclip this.setType("CombBox");
Symbol 40 MovieClip [freeComBox_cb] Frame 2
fakeScroller_mc._visible = false; stop();
Instance of Symbol 37 MovieClip [ultimateScroller] "fakeScroller_mc" in Symbol 40 MovieClip [freeComBox_cb] Frame 2
//component parameters onClipEvent (construct) { _targetInstanceName = ""; c_horizontal = false; c_buffer = 16; c_scrollAmount = 40; c_easing = "none"; c_scrollSide = "right"; c_dragAuto = true; c_dragHeight = 16; c_scrollWidth = 16; c_useMask = false; c_borderStyle = "none"; c_face = 14078926 /* 0xD6D3CE */; c_shadow = 8684164 /* 0x848284 */; c_darkshadow = 4342082 /* 0x424142 */; c_highlight = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; c_highlight3d = 14078926 /* 0xD6D3CE */; c_arrow = 0; c_foregroundDisabled = 10066329 /* 0x999999 */; c_scrollTrack = 15066078 /* 0xE5E3DE */; c_borderColorT = 0; c_borderColorB = 0; c_borderColorL = 0; c_borderColorR = 0; c_dragVisible = true; c_scrollTrackVisible = true; c_buttonsVisible = true; c_arrowsVisible = true; c_arrowDefaultColor = false; c_useDisabledColor = true; }
Symbol 61 MovieClip Frame 1
dragger_mc.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(false, 0, 0, 100, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { _parent.onEnvent(this._x); }; }; dragger_mc.onRelease = function () { stopDrag(); delete this.onEnterFrame; this._parent._visible = false; _global.playSound(_root, "switsch.AIFF", 100, false, false); };
Symbol 62 MovieClip [simpleSlider_mc] Frame 1
#initclip 30 function simpleSlider() { this.value = 80; this.hit_mc.onRollOver = function () { this._parent.leiste_mc._visible = true; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!this._parent.leiste_mc.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, false)) { this._parent.leiste_mc._visible = false; delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; }; this.t = {}; this.t.fontSize = 9; this.t.text = 80; this.t.species = "plainText"; this.t.selectable = false; this.volume_txt = this.attachMovie("freeText_mc", "v_mc", 100); this.volume_txt._y = 3; this.volume_txt.setTextObject(this.t); } simpleSlider.prototype = new MovieClip(); simpleSlider.prototype.hideLeiste = function () { this.leiste_mc._visible = false; }; simpleSlider.prototype.getValue = function () { return(this.value); }; simpleSlider.prototype.setValue = function (v) { this.value = v; this.volume_txt.text = this.value; this.leiste_mc._x = value; }; simpleSlider.prototype.setChangeHandler = function (handler, mc) { this.changeHandler = handler; this.ClickObj = ((arguments.length < 2) ? _parent : (mc)); }; simpleSlider.prototype.onEnvent = function (v) { this.value = v; this.volume_txt.text = this.value; this.ClickObj[this.changeHandler](this); }; simpleSlider.prototype.setColors = function (p_obj, p_obj_font) { trace("slider ====" + p_obj.norm); if (p_obj != undefined) { _root.farbMc(this.b_mc, p_obj.norm); trace("slider ====" + p_obj_font.border); _root.farbMc(this.hit_mc, p_obj.heightLight); _root.farbMc(this.pfeil_mc, p_obj_font.heightLight); _root.farbMc(this.r_mc, p_obj_font.border); this.t.textColor = p_obj_font.norm; trace("slider ====" + p_obj_font.norm); this.volume_txt.setTextObject(this.t); } }; Object.registerClass("simpleSlider_mc", simpleSlider); #endinitclip ASSetPropFlags(simpleSlider, ["", ""], 7);
Symbol 62 MovieClip [simpleSlider_mc] Frame 2
this.leiste_mc._visible = false; stop();
Symbol 65 MovieClip [sound_pb] Frame 1
#initclip 31 Object.registerClass("sound_pb", ch.mda.FreeButton); #endinitclip this.setColorObject(_root.p_colorButtons, _root.p_colorButtonsFont); deco_mc._width = this.back_mc._width; deco_mc._height = this.back_mc._height / 2; deco_mc._y = this.back_mc._height / 2; deco_mc.swapDepths(2); this.setSymbolMovie(this.pfeil_mc);
Symbol 65 MovieClip [sound_pb] Frame 2
Symbol 66 MovieClip [soundControl_mc] Frame 1
#initclip 32 Object.registerClass("soundControl_mc", ch.mda.core.SoundControl); #endinitclip this.sound_pb.setSize(20, 20);
Symbol 67 MovieClip [mini_pb] Frame 1
#initclip 33 Object.registerClass("mini_pb", ch.mda.FreeButton); #endinitclip stop(); this.setColorObjFertig(_root.EditorFarbenFertig, _root.EditorFarbenFertigText);
Symbol 69 MovieClip [freeMenu2_cb] Frame 1
#initclip 27 Object.registerClass("freeMenu2_cb", ch.mda.freeListBox); #endinitclip this.setType("Menu2");
Symbol 69 MovieClip [freeMenu2_cb] Frame 2
fakeScroller_mc._visible = false; stop();
Symbol 72 MovieClip [freeText_mc] Frame 1
#initclip 34 Object.registerClass("freeText_mc", ch.mda.FreeText); #endinitclip
Symbol 93 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class ch.mda.FreeButton extends MovieClip { var container_mc, tiefe, breite, isEnabled, setColorObject, noAnimation, hatShine, visit, $corner, shine_time, back_mc, rand_mc, hoehe, mask_mc, hatCorner, hatCustomFace, clickHandler, ClickObj, _parent, rollHandler, RollObj, rollOutHandler, RollOutObj, pressHandler, PressObj, myListener, normColor, overColor, pressColor, clickColor, disabledColor, normFontColor, overFontColor, pressFontColor, clickFontColor, disabledFontColor, heightLightColor, heightLightFontColor, BehaltNormColor, BehaltNormFontColor, borderColor, meinAlpha, hatShadow, shadowColor, normColor_G, overColor_G, pressColor_G, clickColor_G, disabledColor_G, heightLightColor_G, BehaltNormColor_G, gradient, shineBisClick, separator_mc, label, myFontSize, myBold, fontEmbed, myAlign, label_txt, customFont, symbolMovie, hatSymbolMovie, hatTip, meinTip, shine_mc, ButtonData, hatHightLight, meinSound, meinSoundPfad, meinePosition, visit_mc; function FreeButton () { super(); container_mc = this; container_mc.fake_txt._visible = false; container_mc.tabChildren = false; var _local5 = container_mc._width; container_mc._xscale = 100; var _local4 = container_mc._height; container_mc._yscale = 100; tiefe = 100; if (breite == undefined) { setSize(_local5, _local4, 0, undefined, false); } isEnabled = true; setColor("0xF1F1F1", "0x666666", "0x333333", "0xCC0000", "0xF4FCFF", "0x333333", "0xFFFFFF", "0xFFFFFF", "0xFFFFFF", "0xCCCCCC", "0x999999"); setColorObject = setColorObj; if (container_mc.colorTo == undefined) { noAnimation = false; } var _local3 = "init ch.mda.FreeButton: " + this; if (System.capabilities.playerType == "External") { trace(_local3); } hatShine = false; container_mc.setPostion = setPosition; visit = false; $corner = 0; shine_time = 2; } function setSize(b, h, corner, line, wert) { $corner = corner; if (ch.mda.util.DrawUtil.drawRectFill == undefined) { container_mc.b_mc._width = b; container_mc.b_mc._height = h; container_mc.r_mc._width = b; container_mc.r_mc._height = h; back_mc = container_mc.b_mc; rand_mc = container_mc.r_mc; } else { container_mc.b_mc._visible = false; container_mc.r_mc._visible = false; } if (container_mc.face_mc == undefined) { if (back_mc._visible) { back_mc.removeMovieClip(); } if (rand_mc._visible) { rand_mc.removeMovieClip(); } container_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("back_mc", 1); tiefe++; container_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("rand_mc", tiefe); breite = b; hoehe = h; ch.mda.util.DrawUtil.drawRectCorner(back_mc, 0, 0, breite, hoehe, corner, "fill"); if (line == undefined) { line = 1; } ch.mda.util.MovieUtil.removeMc(mask_mc); if ((corner == undefined) || (corner == 0)) { ch.mda.util.DrawUtil.drawRectCorner(rand_mc, 0, 0, breite, hoehe, corner, "line", line); hatCorner = false; } else { hatCorner = true; tiefe++; mask_mc = container_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("m" + tiefe, tiefe); ch.mda.util.DrawUtil.drawRectCorner(mask_mc, 0, 0, breite, hoehe, corner, "fill"); back_mc.setMask(mask_mc); if (line == undefined) { line = 1; } ch.mda.util.DrawUtil.drawRectCorner(rand_mc, 0, 0, breite, hoehe, corner, "line", line); } } else { container_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("back_mc", 1); tiefe++; back_mc._alpha = 0; breite = b; hoehe = h; trace("hat custom face"); container_mc.face_mc._width = b; container_mc.face_mc._height = h; hatCustomFace = true; } init(); if (wert != false) { initFarben(); } } function setClickHandler(handler, mc) { clickHandler = handler; ClickObj = ((arguments.length < 2) ? (_parent) : (mc)); } function setRollHandler(handler, mc) { rollHandler = handler; RollObj = ((arguments.length < 2) ? (container_mc._parent) : (mc)); } function setOutHandler(handler, mc) { rollOutHandler = handler; RollOutObj = ((arguments.length < 2) ? (container_mc._parent) : (mc)); } function setPressHandler(handler, mc) { pressHandler = handler; PressObj = ((arguments.length < 2) ? (container_mc._parent) : (mc)); } function removeClickHandler() { clickHandler = undefined; ClickObj = undefined; } function removeOutHandler() { rollOutHandler = undefined; RollOutObj = undefined; } function removeRollHandler() { rollHandler = undefined; RollObj = undefined; } function removePressHandler() { pressHandler = undefined; PressObj = undefined; } function addListener(listener) { myListener = listener; } function removeListener() { myListener = undefined; } function setEnabled(wert) { delete container_mc.onEnterFrame; stopShine(); isEnabled = wert; container_mc.enabled = wert; if (wert == false) { setColorDisabled(); } else { var _local2 = noAnimation; noAnimation = true; setColorNorm(); noAnimation = _local2; } } function getEnabled() { return(isEnabled); } function setFocusEnabled(wert) { container_mc.tabChildren = wert; } function setColor(norm, over, pressC, clickC, disabled, normFont, overFont, pressFont, clickFont, disabledFont, borderColor) { if (norm == undefined) { return(undefined); } normColor = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(norm, "#", "0x"); overColor = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(over, "#", "0x"); pressColor = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(pressC, "#", "0x"); clickColor = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(clickC, "#", "0x"); disabledColor = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(disabled, "#", "0x"); normFontColor = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(normFont, "#", "0x"); overFontColor = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(overFont, "#", "0x"); pressFontColor = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(pressFont, "#", "0x"); clickFontColor = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(clickFont, "#", "0x"); disabledFontColor = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(disabledFont, "#", "0x"); borderColor = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(borderColor, "#", "0x"); heightLightColor = "0xCC0000"; heightLightFontColor = "0xFFFFFF"; BehaltNormColor = normColor; BehaltNormFontColor = normFontColor; initFarben(); } function setColorObj(back, font) { if (back == undefined) { return(undefined); } normColor = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(back.norm, "#", "0x"); overColor = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(back.over, "#", "0x"); pressColor = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(, "#", "0x"); clickColor = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(, "#", "0x"); disabledColor = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(back.disabled, "#", "0x"); normFontColor = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(font.norm, "#", "0x"); overFontColor = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(font.over, "#", "0x"); pressFontColor = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(, "#", "0x"); clickFontColor = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(, "#", "0x"); disabledFontColor = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(font.disabled, "#", "0x"); borderColor = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(font.border, "#", "0x"); if (back.heightLight != undefined) { heightLightColor = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(back.heightLight, "#", "0x"); } if (font.heightLight != undefined) { heightLightFontColor = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(font.heightLight, "#", "0x"); } BehaltNormColor = normColor; BehaltNormFontColor = normFontColor; if (back.alpha != undefined) { meinAlpha = Number(back.alpha); } if (font.alpha != undefined) { meinAlpha = Number(font.alpha); } if (font.shadow != undefined) { hatShadow = true; shadowColor = font.shadow; } if (back.norm_G != undefined) { normColor_G = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(back.norm_G, "#", "0x"); if (back.over_G != undefined) { overColor_G = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(back.over_G, "#", "0x"); } else { overColor_G = overColor; } if (back.press_G != undefined) { pressColor_G = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(back.press_G, "#", "0x"); } else { pressColor_G = pressColor; } if (back.click_G != undefined) { clickColor_G = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(back.click_G, "#", "0x"); } else { clickColor_G = clickColor; } if (back.disabled_G != undefined) { disabledColor_G = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(back.disabled_G, "#", "0x"); } else { disabledColor_G = disabledColor; } if (back.heightLight_G != undefined) { heightLightColor_G = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(back.heightLight_G, "#", "0x"); } else { heightLightColor_G = heightLightColor; } BehaltNormColor_G = normColor_G; gradient = true; } else { gradient = null; } if (back.separator != undefined) { var _local4 = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(back.separatorColor, "#", "0x"); drawSeparator(Number(back.separator), _local4); } if (font.hideBorder == "true") { removeBorder(true); } if (hatShine) { hatShine = false; initFarben(); shine(shineBisClick); } else { initFarben(); } } function setColorObjFertig(back, font) { if (back == undefined) { return(undefined); } normColor = back.norm; overColor = back.over; pressColor =; clickColor =; disabledColor = back.disabled; normFontColor = font.norm; overFontColor = font.over; pressFontColor =; clickFontColor =; disabledFontColor = font.disabled; borderColor = font.border; if (back.heightLight != undefined) { heightLightColor = back.heightLight; } if (font.heightLight != undefined) { heightLightFontColor = font.heightLight; } if (back.alpha != undefined) { meinAlpha = Number(back.alpha); } if (font.alpha != undefined) { meinAlpha = Number(font.alpha); } BehaltNormColor = normColor; BehaltNormFontColor = normFontColor; if (font.shadow != undefined) { hatShadow = true; shadowColor = font.shadow; } if (back.norm_G != undefined) { normColor_G = back.norm_G; if (back.over_G != undefined) { overColor_G = back.over_G; } else { overColor_G = overColor; } if (back.press_G != undefined) { pressColor_G = back.press_G; } else { pressColor_G = pressColor; } if (back.click_G != undefined) { clickColor_G = back.click_G; } else { clickColor_G = clickColor; } if (back.disabled_G != undefined) { disabledColor_G = back.disabled_G; } else { disabledColor_G = disabledColor; } if (back.heightLight_G != undefined) { heightLightColor_G = back.heightLight_G; } else { heightLightColor_G = heightLightColor; } BehaltNormColor_G = normColor_G; gradient = true; } else { gradient = null; } if (back.separator != undefined) { drawSeparator(Number(back.separator), back.separatorColor); } if (font.hideBorder == true) { removeBorder(true); } initFarben(); } function drawSeparator(sep, farbe) { if (sep == undefined) { return(undefined); } tiefe++; separator_mc = container_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("sep", tiefe); separator_mc.r_mc = separator_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("r", 1); separator_mc.l_mc = separator_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("l", 2); ch.mda.util.DrawUtil.drawVerticalLine(separator_mc.r_mc, hoehe, Number(sep)); ch.mda.util.DrawUtil.drawVerticalLine(separator_mc.l_mc, hoehe, Number(sep)); separator_mc.l_mc._x = breite; if (farbe == undefined) { farbe = borderColor; } buttfarbMc(separator_mc, farbe); } function removeSeparatorRight() { separator_mc.r_mc._visible = false; } function removeSeparatorLeft() { separator_mc.l_mc._visible = false; } function removeBorder(value) { if (value == false) { rand_mc._visible = true; } else { rand_mc._visible = false; } } function setLabel(l, s, b, align, $fontEmbed) { label = l; if (s != undefined) { var _local3 = Number(s); } else { var _local3 = 14; } if (b != undefined) { var _local10 = b; } else { var _local10 = false; } myFontSize = _local3; myBold = _local10; if (container_mc.l_txt != undefined) { container_mc.l_txt.removeTextField(); if (container_mc.s_txt != undefined) { container_mc.s_txt.removeTextField(); } } fontEmbed = true; if ($fontEmbed == false) { fontEmbed = false; } if (((_root.p_fontEinbetten == false) || (_root.p_fontEinbetten == undefined)) || (_root.s_embedFonts == "false")) { fontEmbed = false; } if (fontEmbed == undefined) { if ((_root.p_fontEinbetten == false) || (_root.p_fontEinbetten == undefined)) { fontEmbed = false; } } var _local5 = breite - 10; var _local6 = 5; var _local7 = "<p>"; if (align == undefined) { _local7 = "<p align=\"CENTER\">"; _local5 = breite; _local6 = 0; } else if (align == "RIGHT") { _local7 = "<p align=\"RIGHT\">"; } else if (align == "LEFT") { _local7 = "<p>"; } else { _local7 = "<p align=\"CENTER\">"; _local5 = breite; _local6 = 0; } myAlign = _local7; var _local11 = _local3 + Math.floor(_local3 / 2); if (!fontEmbed) { _local11 = _local3 + _local3; } container_mc.createTextField("l_txt", 100078, _local6, 5, _local5, _local11); label_txt = container_mc.l_txt; label_txt.autoSize = "none"; label_txt.background = false; if (fontEmbed == false) { var _local8 = "Verdana"; if (_root.p_fontErsatz != undefined) { _local8 = _root.p_fontErsatz; } label_txt.embedFonts = false; } else { var _local8 = _root.p_hauptschrift; if (customFont != undefined) { _local8 = customFont; } label_txt.embedFonts = true; } if (_local10 == false) { var _local9 = ((((((_local7 + "<font face=\"") + _local8) + "\" size=\"") + _local3) + "\">") + label) + "</font></p>"; } else { var _local9 = ((((((_local7 + "<font face=\"") + _local8) + "\" size=\"") + _local3) + "\"><b>") + label) + "</b></font></p>"; } label_txt.html = true; label_txt.htmlText = _local9; s = Math.round((hoehe - label_txt._height) / 2); if (!fontEmbed) { s = s + Math.round(_local3 / 3); } label_txt._y = s; if (hatShadow) { container_mc.createTextField("s_txt", 100077, _local6 + 1, label_txt._y + 1, _local5, label_txt._height); container_mc.s_txt.embedFonts = label_txt.embedFonts; container_mc.s_txt.html = true; container_mc.s_txt.autoSize = false; container_mc.s_txt.htmlText = _local9; container_mc.s_txt._y = s + 1; if (container_mc.s_txt.embedFonts) { ch.mda.util.TextFieldUtil.textRendering(container_mc.s_txt); } } ch.mda.util.TextFieldUtil.textRendering(label_txt); initFarben(); } function getLabel() { return(label); } function setSymbolMovie(mc) { if (mc == undefined) { return(undefined); } removeSymbolMovie(); var _local3; if (mc._parent.tiefe == undefined) { mc._parent.tiefe = 100; } mc._parent.tiefe++; _local3 = mc._parent.tiefe; mc.duplicateMovieClip("sm" + _local3, _local3); symbolMovie = mc._parent["sm" + _local3]; mc._visible = false; hatSymbolMovie = true; initFarben(); return(symbolMovie); } function removeSymbolMovie() { symbolMovie.removeMovieClip(); hatSymbolMovie = false; } function setTip(tip, tipOjb) { hatTip = true; meinTip = tip; } function removeTip() { hatTip = false; meinTip = "$"; } function setCustomFont(font, $fontEmbed) { customFont = font; if ($fontEmbed != false) { fontEmbed = true; } } function removeCustomFont(font) { customFont = undefined; } function shine(value, time) { if (time != undefined) { shine_time = time; } if (!hatShine) { if (value != undefined) { shineBisClick = true; } hatShine = true; doShine(); } } function doShine() { var mc = container_mc; container_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("shine_mc", 2); ch.mda.util.DrawUtil.drawRectCorner(shine_mc, 0, 0, breite, hoehe, $corner, "fill"); buttfarbMc(shine_mc, heightLightColor); shine_mc._alpha = 0; buttfarbMc(label_txt, normFontColor); if (mc.hatSymbolMovie) { buttfarbMc(symbolMovie, normFontColor); } var shineOut = function () { mc.shine_mc.alphaTo(0, 4, "easeOutSine", this.shine_time, shineOn); if (mc.label_txt != undefined) { mc.label_txt.colorTo(mc.normFontColor, 2, "easeOutSine", this.shine_time); } if (mc.hatSymbolMovie) { mc.symbolMovie.colorTo(mc.normFontColor, 2, "easeOutSine", this.shine_time); } }; var shineOn = function () { mc.shine_mc.alphaTo(100, 4, "easeOutSine", this.shine_time, shineOut); if (mc.label_txt != undefined) { mc.label_txt.colorTo(mc.heightLightFontColor, 2, "easeOutSine", this.shine_time); } if (mc.hatSymbolMovie) { mc.symbolMovie.colorTo(mc.heightLightFontColor, 2, "easeOutSine", this.shine_time); } }; shineOn(); } function stopShine() { if (shineBisClick) { shineBisClick = undefined; } shine_mc.stopTween(); ch.mda.util.MovieUtil.removeMc(shine_mc); if (label_txt != undefined) { label_txt.stopTween(); } if (hatSymbolMovie) { symbolMovie.stopTween(); } hatShine = false; } function setData(data) { ButtonData = data; } function getData() { return(ButtonData); } function setHightLight(farbe, farbe2, farbe_G) { if (farbe == undefined) { normColor = heightLightColor; normFontColor = heightLightFontColor; } else { normColor = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(farbe, "#", "0x"); normFontColor = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(farbe2, "#", "0x"); } if (gradient) { if (farbe_G != undefined) { heightLightColor_G = farbe_G; } normColor_G = heightLightColor_G; } hatHightLight = true; initFarben(); if (hatCustomFace) { container_mc.face_mc.gotoAndStop(6); } } function removeHightlight() { if (hatHightLight) { hatHightLight = undefined; normColor = BehaltNormColor; normFontColor = BehaltNormFontColor; normColor_G = BehaltNormColor_G; initFarben(); } hatHightLight = undefined; } function removeHightLight() { removeHightlight(); } function setButtonSound(sound, pfad, volume) { meinSound = sound; meinSoundPfad = pfad; if (meinSound == "click") { meinSoundPfad = _root.soundHalter_mc; } if (volume != undefined) { soundVolume = volume; } } function setPosition(position) { if (position != undefined) { if (typeof(position) == "string") { var _local3 = position.split("*"); meinePosition = {x:Number(_local3[0]), y:Number(_local3[1])}; } else if (position instanceof MovieClip) { getPosition(position); } else if (position instanceof TextField) { getPosition(position); } else if (position.x != undefined) { meinePosition = position; } } container_mc._x = meinePosition.x; container_mc._y = meinePosition.y; } function setAnimations(wert) { if ((wert == "false") || (wert == false)) { noAnimation = false; } else if ((wert == "true") || (wert == true)) { noAnimation = undefined; } } function getPosition(ref_mc) { var _local2 = {}; if (ref_mc != undefined) { _local2.x = Math.floor(ref_mc._x); _local2.y = Math.floor((ref_mc._y + ref_mc._height) + abstandHohe); return(_local2); } return({x:container_mc._x, y:container_mc._y}); } function setVisit(value, frame) { visit = value; if (visit) { tiefe++; if (visit_mc == undefined) { tiefe++; visit_mc = container_mc.attachMovie("symbol_visit_mc", "v_mc", tiefe); visit_mc.gotoAndStop(frame); visit_mc._x = (breite - visit_mc._width) - 2; visit_mc._y = 2; } visit_mc._visible = true; initFarben(); } else if (visit_mc != undefined) { visit_mc._visible = false; } } function initFarben() { delete container_mc.onEnterFrame; if (hatCustomFace) { container_mc.face_mc.gotoAndStop(1); buttfarbMc(label_txt, normFontColor); } else { if (gradient) { ch.mda.util.ColorUtil.clearRGB(back_mc); ch.mda.util.MovieUtil.removeMc(back_mc.norm_mc); ch.mda.util.MovieUtil.removeMc(back_mc.over_mc); ch.mda.util.MovieUtil.removeMc(back_mc.press_mc); ch.mda.util.MovieUtil.removeMc(back_mc.click_mc); ch.mda.util.MovieUtil.removeMc(back_mc.disable_mc); ch.mda.util.MovieUtil.removeMc(back_mc.hight_mc); back_mc.tiefe = 100; var _local2 = back_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("norm_mc", back_mc.tiefe); ch.mda.util.ColorUtil.simpleGradient(_local2, normColor, normColor_G, breite, hoehe, "linear"); _local2 = back_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("over_mc", ++back_mc.tiefe); ch.mda.util.ColorUtil.simpleGradient(_local2, overColor, overColor_G, breite, hoehe, "linear"); _local2 = back_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("press_mc", ++back_mc.tiefe); ch.mda.util.ColorUtil.simpleGradient(_local2, pressColor, pressColor_G, breite, hoehe, "linear"); _local2 = back_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("click_mc", ++back_mc.tiefe); ch.mda.util.ColorUtil.simpleGradient(_local2, clickColor, clickColor_G, breite, hoehe, "linear"); _local2 = back_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("disable_mc", ++back_mc.tiefe); ch.mda.util.ColorUtil.simpleGradient(_local2, disabledColor, disabledColor_G, breite, hoehe, "linear"); _local2 = back_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("hight_mc", ++back_mc.tiefe); ch.mda.util.ColorUtil.simpleGradient(_local2, heightLightColor, heightLightColor_G, breite, hoehe, "linear"); back_mc.norm_mc.swapDepths(++back_mc.tiefe); } else { buttfarbMc(back_mc, normColor); } buttfarbMc(rand_mc, borderColor); if (meinAlpha != undefined) { back_mc._alpha = meinAlpha; } if (hatHightLight) { back_mc._alpha = 100; } } if (label_txt != undefined) { buttfarbMc(label_txt, normFontColor); } if (hatSymbolMovie) { buttfarbMc(symbolMovie, normFontColor); } if (isEnabled == false) { setEnabled(false); } if (hatShadow) { container_mc.s_txt._visible = true; buttfarbMc(container_mc.s_txt, shadowColor); } if (visit) { buttfarbMc(visit_mc, normFontColor); } } function setColorNorm() { if (hatCustomFace) { container_mc.face_mc.gotoAndStop(1); buttfarbMc(label_txt, normFontColor); } else { if (shineBisClick) { return(undefined); } back_mc.stopTween(); label_txt.stopTween(); if (noAnimation == undefined) { if (gradient) { back_mc.norm_mc.swapDepths(++back_mc.tiefe); back_mc.norm_mc._alpha = 0; back_mc.norm_mc.alphaTo(100, 0.5, "easeOutSine"); } else { back_mc.colorTo(normColor, 0.5, "easeOutSine"); } if (label_txt != undefined) { label_txt.colorTo(normFontColor, 0.5, "easeOutSine"); } if (hatSymbolMovie) { symbolMovie.colorTo(normFontColor, 0.5, "easeOutSine"); } if (visit) { visit_mc.colorTo(normFontColor, 0.5, "easeOutSine"); } } else { if (gradient) { back_mc.norm_mc.swapDepths(++back_mc.tiefe); } else { buttfarbMc(back_mc, normColor); } if (label_txt != undefined) { buttfarbMc(label_txt, normFontColor); } if (hatSymbolMovie) { buttfarbMc(symbolMovie, normFontColor); } if (visit) { buttfarbMc(visit_mc, normFontColor); } } if (meinAlpha != undefined) { back_mc._alpha = Number(meinAlpha); } } } function setAlpha(wert) { if (wert) { meinAlpha = Number(wert); } else { meinAlpha = undefined; } } function setColorOver() { if (hatCustomFace) { container_mc.face_mc.gotoAndStop(2); buttfarbMc(label_txt, overFontColor); } else { if (shineBisClick) { return(undefined); } stopShine(); if (noAnimation == undefined) { if (gradient) { back_mc.over_mc.swapDepths(++back_mc.tiefe); back_mc.over_mc._alpha = 0; back_mc.over_mc.alphaTo(100, 0.5, "easeOutSine"); } else { back_mc.colorTo(overColor, 0.5, "easeOutSine"); } if (label_txt != undefined) { label_txt.colorTo(overFontColor, 0.5, "easeOutSine"); } if (hatSymbolMovie) { symbolMovie.colorTo(overFontColor, 0.5, "easeOutSine"); } if (visit) { visit_mc.colorTo(overFontColor, 0.5, "easeOutSine"); } } else { if (gradient) { back_mc.over_mc.swapDepths(++back_mc.tiefe); } else { buttfarbMc(back_mc, overColor); } if (label_txt != undefined) { buttfarbMc(label_txt, overFontColor); } if (hatSymbolMovie) { buttfarbMc(symbolMovie, overFontColor); } } back_mc._alpha = 100; } } function setColorPress() { if (shineBisClick) { return(undefined); } stopShine(); if (hatCustomFace) { container_mc.face_mc.gotoAndStop(3); buttfarbMc(label_txt, pressFontColor); } else if (gradient) { back_mc.press_mc.swapDepths(++back_mc.tiefe); } else { buttfarbMc(back_mc, pressColor); } if (label_txt != undefined) { label_txt.stopTween(); buttfarbMc(label_txt, pressFontColor); } if (hatSymbolMovie) { symbolMovie.stopTween(); buttfarbMc(symbolMovie, pressFontColor); } if (visit) { visit_mc.stopTween(); buttfarbMc(visit_mc, pressFontColor); } } function setColorClick() { if (shineBisClick) { shineBisClick = undefined; } stopShine(); if (gradient) { back_mc.click_mc.swapDepths(++back_mc.tiefe); } else { buttfarbMc(back_mc, clickColor); } if (label_txt != undefined) { buttfarbMc(label_txt, clickFontColor); } if (hatSymbolMovie) { buttfarbMc(symbolMovie, clickFontColor); } if (visit) { visit_mc.stopTween(); buttfarbMc(visit_mc, clickFontColor); } var z = 0; container_mc.onEnterFrame = function () { z++; if (z > 5) { if (this.hatCustomFace) { this.container_mc.face_mc.gotoAndStop(1); this.buttfarbMc(this.label_txt, this.normFontColor); } else { if (this.gradient) { this.back_mc.norm_mc.swapDepths(++this.back_mc.tiefe); } else { this.buttfarbMc(this.back_mc, this.normColor); } if (this.label_txt != undefined) { this.buttfarbMc(this.label_txt, this.normFontColor); } if (this.hatSymbolMovie) { this.buttfarbMc(this.symbolMovie, this.normFontColor); } } delete this.container_mc.onEnterFrame; } }; } function setColorDisabled() { back_mc.stopTween(); label_txt.stopTween(); if (hatCustomFace) { container_mc.face_mc.gotoAndStop(5); buttfarbMc(label_txt, disabledFontColor); } else { back_mc.stopTween(); if (gradient) { back_mc.disable_mc.swapDepths(++back_mc.tiefe); } else { buttfarbMc(back_mc, disabledColor); } } if (label_txt != undefined) { label_txt.stopTween(); buttfarbMc(label_txt, disabledFontColor); } if (hatSymbolMovie) { symbolMovie.stopTween(); buttfarbMc(symbolMovie, disabledFontColor); } if (visit) { visit_mc.stopTween(); buttfarbMc(visit_mc, disabledFontColor); } } function init() { container_mc.onPress = function () { if (this.hatHightLight == undefined) { this.setColorPress(); } if (this.pressHandler != undefined) { this.PressObj[this.pressHandler](this.container_mc); } if ( != undefined) {; } }; container_mc.onRelease = function () { if (this.waitAtClick) { trace("click zu schnell " + this.container_mc.isEnabled); return(undefined); } this.waitAtClick = true; var z = 0; var m_c = this.container_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("l", this.container_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); m_c.wirt = this.container_mc; this.setColorClick(); m_c.onEnterFrame = function () { z++; if (z == 8) { m_c.wirt.waitAtClick = false; delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; _global.removeTip(); if (this.clickHandler != undefined) { this.ClickObj[this.clickHandler](this.container_mc); } if (this.meinSound != undefined) { _global.playSound(this.meinSoundPfad, this.meinSound, this.soundVolume, 1); } if ( != undefined) {; } }; container_mc.onRollOver = function () { if (this.hatHightLight == undefined) { this.setColorOver(); } if (this.rollHandler != undefined) { this.RollObj[this.rollHandler](this.container_mc); } this._parent.aktiverButton = this.container_mc; if (this.hatTip) { _global.setTip(this.container_mc, this.meinTip, this.tipOjb); } else if (this.myListener.tip != undefined) { _global.setTip(this.container_mc, this.myListener.tip, this.tipOjb); } if (this.myListener.rollOver != undefined) { this.myListener.rollOver(this.container_mc); } }; container_mc.onRollOut = function () { if (this.hatHightLight == undefined) { this.setColorNorm(); } if (this.rollOutHandler != undefined) { this.RollOutObj[this.rollOutHandler](this.container_mc); } if (this.myListener.rollOut != undefined) { this.myListener.rollOut(this.container_mc); } _global.removeTip(); }; } var soundVolume = 100; var abstandHohe = 10; var classMember = "Button"; function buttfarbMc(mc, farbe) { if (farbe == undefined) { return(undefined); } var _local1 = new Color(mc); _local1.setRGB(farbe); } }
Symbol 94 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class ch.mda.util.DrawUtil { function DrawUtil () { } static function initialize() { _root.drawRectCorner = drawRectCorner; _root.drawRectLine = drawRectLine; _root.drawRectLine1 = drawRectLine1; _root.drawRectFill = drawRectFill; _root.drawRectFillPos = drawRectFillPos; _root.drawOvalFill = drawOvalFill; _root.goldenerSchnitt = goldenerSchnitt; _root.doGoldenRatio = doGoldenRatio; _root.drawHorizontalLine = drawHorizontalLine; _root.drawVerticalLine = drawVerticalLine; trace("init util [ch.mda.util.DrawUtil]"); } static function drawRectLine(mc, w, h) { var _local2 = 0; var _local1 = 0; mc.lineStyle(0); mc.moveTo(_local2, _local1); mc.lineTo(_local2 + w, _local1); mc.lineTo(_local2 + w, _local1 + h); mc.lineTo(_local2, _local1 + h); mc.lineTo(_local2, _local1); } static function drawRectLine1(mc, w, h) { var _local2 = 0; var _local1 = 0; mc.lineStyle(1); mc.moveTo(_local2, _local1); mc.lineTo(_local2 + w, _local1); mc.lineTo(_local2 + w, _local1 + h); mc.lineTo(_local2, _local1 + h); mc.lineTo(_local2, _local1); } static function drawRectFill(mc, w, h) { var _local3 = 0; var _local2 = 0; mc.lineStyle(0); mc.moveTo(_local3, _local2); mc.beginFill(0); mc.lineTo(_local3 + w, _local2); mc.lineTo(_local3 + w, _local2 + h); mc.lineTo(_local3, _local2 + h); mc.lineTo(_local3, _local2); mc.endFill(); } static function drawRectFillPos(mc, w, h, x, y) { mc.lineStyle(0); mc.moveTo(x, y); mc.beginFill(0); mc.lineTo(x + w, y); mc.lineTo(x + w, y + h); mc.lineTo(x, y + h); mc.lineTo(x, y); mc.endFill(); } static function drawOvalFill(mc, radius, yRadius) { var _local7 = 0; var _local6 = 0; if (arguments.length < 3) { return(undefined); } var _local5; var _local16; var _local15; var _local2; var _local4; var _local11; var _local10; var _local9; var _local8; if (yRadius == undefined) { yRadius = radius; } _local5 = (Math.PI/4); _local16 = radius / Math.cos(_local5 / 2); _local15 = yRadius / Math.cos(_local5 / 2); _local2 = 0; mc.moveTo(_local7 + radius, _local6); mc.beginFill(0); var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < 8) { _local2 = _local2 + _local5; _local4 = _local2 - (_local5 / 2); _local9 = _local7 + (Math.cos(_local4) * _local16); _local8 = _local6 + (Math.sin(_local4) * _local15); _local11 = _local7 + (Math.cos(_local2) * radius); _local10 = _local6 + (Math.sin(_local2) * yRadius); mc.curveTo(_local9, _local8, _local11, _local10); _local3++; } mc.endFill(); } static function drawOval(mc, radius, yRadius, line) { var _local7 = 0; var _local6 = 0; if (line == undefined) { line = 0; } if (arguments.length < 3) { return(undefined); } var _local5; var _local16; var _local15; var _local2; var _local4; var _local11; var _local10; var _local9; var _local8; if (yRadius == undefined) { yRadius = radius; } _local5 = (Math.PI/4); _local16 = radius / Math.cos(_local5 / 2); _local15 = yRadius / Math.cos(_local5 / 2); _local2 = 0; mc.lineStyle(line); mc.moveTo(_local7 + radius, _local6); var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < 8) { _local2 = _local2 + _local5; _local4 = _local2 - (_local5 / 2); _local9 = _local7 + (Math.cos(_local4) * _local16); _local8 = _local6 + (Math.sin(_local4) * _local15); _local11 = _local7 + (Math.cos(_local2) * radius); _local10 = _local6 + (Math.sin(_local2) * yRadius); mc.curveTo(_local9, _local8, _local11, _local10); _local3++; } } static function drawStarFill(mc, points, innerRadius, outerRadius, angle) { var _local9 = 0; var _local8 = 0; if (arguments.length < 3) { return(undefined); } if (angle == undefined) { angle = 0; } var _local13 = Math.abs(points); if (_local13 > 2) { var _local4; var _local11; var _local3; var _local2; var _local6; var _local5; _local4 = (Math.PI*2) / points; _local11 = _local4 / 2; _local3 = (angle / 180) * Math.PI; trace(_local3); mc.moveTo(_local9 + (Math.cos(_local3) * outerRadius), _local8 - (Math.sin(_local3) * outerRadius)); mc.beginFill(0); _local2 = 1; while (_local2 <= _local13) { _local6 = _local9 + (Math.cos((_local3 + (_local4 * _local2)) - _local11) * innerRadius); _local5 = _local8 - (Math.sin((_local3 + (_local4 * _local2)) - _local11) * innerRadius); mc.lineTo(_local6, _local5); trace(_local3); _local6 = _local9 + (Math.cos(_local3 + (_local4 * _local2)) * outerRadius); _local5 = _local8 - (Math.sin(_local3 + (_local4 * _local2)) * outerRadius); mc.lineTo(_local6, _local5); _local2++; } mc.endFill(); } } static function drawStarLine(mc, points, innerRadius, outerRadius, angle, line) { var _local8 = 0; var _local7 = 0; if (line == undefined) { line = 0; } if (arguments.length < 3) { return(undefined); } if (angle == undefined) { angle = 0; } var _local13 = Math.abs(points); if (_local13 > 2) { var _local4; var _local11; var _local3; var _local2; var _local6; var _local5; _local4 = (Math.PI*2) / points; _local11 = _local4 / 2; _local3 = (angle / 180) * Math.PI; trace(_local3); mc.lineStyle(line); mc.moveTo(_local8 + (Math.cos(_local3) * outerRadius), _local7 - (Math.sin(_local3) * outerRadius)); _local2 = 1; while (_local2 <= _local13) { _local6 = _local8 + (Math.cos((_local3 + (_local4 * _local2)) - _local11) * innerRadius); _local5 = _local7 - (Math.sin((_local3 + (_local4 * _local2)) - _local11) * innerRadius); mc.lineTo(_local6, _local5); trace(_local3); _local6 = _local8 + (Math.cos(_local3 + (_local4 * _local2)) * outerRadius); _local5 = _local7 - (Math.sin(_local3 + (_local4 * _local2)) * outerRadius); mc.lineTo(_local6, _local5); _local2++; } } } static function drawRectCorner(mc, x, y, w, h, cornerRadius, modus, line) { if (modus == "fill") { mc.beginFill(0); } else { mc.lineStyle(line); } if (arguments.length < 4) { return(undefined); } if (cornerRadius > 0) { var _local3; var _local4; var _local9; var _local8; var _local11; var _local10; if (cornerRadius > (Math.min(w, h) / 2)) { cornerRadius = Math.min(w, h) / 2; } _local3 = (Math.PI/4); mc.moveTo(x + cornerRadius, y); mc.lineTo((x + w) - cornerRadius, y); _local4 = -1.5707963267949; _local9 = ((x + w) - cornerRadius) + ((Math.cos(_local4 + (_local3 / 2)) * cornerRadius) / Math.cos(_local3 / 2)); _local8 = (y + cornerRadius) + ((Math.sin(_local4 + (_local3 / 2)) * cornerRadius) / Math.cos(_local3 / 2)); _local11 = ((x + w) - cornerRadius) + (Math.cos(_local4 + _local3) * cornerRadius); _local10 = (y + cornerRadius) + (Math.sin(_local4 + _local3) * cornerRadius); mc.curveTo(_local9, _local8, _local11, _local10); _local4 = _local4 + _local3; _local9 = ((x + w) - cornerRadius) + ((Math.cos(_local4 + (_local3 / 2)) * cornerRadius) / Math.cos(_local3 / 2)); _local8 = (y + cornerRadius) + ((Math.sin(_local4 + (_local3 / 2)) * cornerRadius) / Math.cos(_local3 / 2)); _local11 = ((x + w) - cornerRadius) + (Math.cos(_local4 + _local3) * cornerRadius); _local10 = (y + cornerRadius) + (Math.sin(_local4 + _local3) * cornerRadius); mc.curveTo(_local9, _local8, _local11, _local10); mc.lineTo(x + w, (y + h) - cornerRadius); _local4 = _local4 + _local3; _local9 = ((x + w) - cornerRadius) + ((Math.cos(_local4 + (_local3 / 2)) * cornerRadius) / Math.cos(_local3 / 2)); _local8 = ((y + h) - cornerRadius) + ((Math.sin(_local4 + (_local3 / 2)) * cornerRadius) / Math.cos(_local3 / 2)); _local11 = ((x + w) - cornerRadius) + (Math.cos(_local4 + _local3) * cornerRadius); _local10 = ((y + h) - cornerRadius) + (Math.sin(_local4 + _local3) * cornerRadius); mc.curveTo(_local9, _local8, _local11, _local10); _local4 = _local4 + _local3; _local9 = ((x + w) - cornerRadius) + ((Math.cos(_local4 + (_local3 / 2)) * cornerRadius) / Math.cos(_local3 / 2)); _local8 = ((y + h) - cornerRadius) + ((Math.sin(_local4 + (_local3 / 2)) * cornerRadius) / Math.cos(_local3 / 2)); _local11 = ((x + w) - cornerRadius) + (Math.cos(_local4 + _local3) * cornerRadius); _local10 = ((y + h) - cornerRadius) + (Math.sin(_local4 + _local3) * cornerRadius); mc.curveTo(_local9, _local8, _local11, _local10); mc.lineTo(x + cornerRadius, y + h); _local4 = _local4 + _local3; _local9 = (x + cornerRadius) + ((Math.cos(_local4 + (_local3 / 2)) * cornerRadius) / Math.cos(_local3 / 2)); _local8 = ((y + h) - cornerRadius) + ((Math.sin(_local4 + (_local3 / 2)) * cornerRadius) / Math.cos(_local3 / 2)); _local11 = (x + cornerRadius) + (Math.cos(_local4 + _local3) * cornerRadius); _local10 = ((y + h) - cornerRadius) + (Math.sin(_local4 + _local3) * cornerRadius); mc.curveTo(_local9, _local8, _local11, _local10); _local4 = _local4 + _local3; _local9 = (x + cornerRadius) + ((Math.cos(_local4 + (_local3 / 2)) * cornerRadius) / Math.cos(_local3 / 2)); _local8 = ((y + h) - cornerRadius) + ((Math.sin(_local4 + (_local3 / 2)) * cornerRadius) / Math.cos(_local3 / 2)); _local11 = (x + cornerRadius) + (Math.cos(_local4 + _local3) * cornerRadius); _local10 = ((y + h) - cornerRadius) + (Math.sin(_local4 + _local3) * cornerRadius); mc.curveTo(_local9, _local8, _local11, _local10); mc.lineTo(x, y + cornerRadius); _local4 = _local4 + _local3; _local9 = (x + cornerRadius) + ((Math.cos(_local4 + (_local3 / 2)) * cornerRadius) / Math.cos(_local3 / 2)); _local8 = (y + cornerRadius) + ((Math.sin(_local4 + (_local3 / 2)) * cornerRadius) / Math.cos(_local3 / 2)); _local11 = (x + cornerRadius) + (Math.cos(_local4 + _local3) * cornerRadius); _local10 = (y + cornerRadius) + (Math.sin(_local4 + _local3) * cornerRadius); mc.curveTo(_local9, _local8, _local11, _local10); _local4 = _local4 + _local3; _local9 = (x + cornerRadius) + ((Math.cos(_local4 + (_local3 / 2)) * cornerRadius) / Math.cos(_local3 / 2)); _local8 = (y + cornerRadius) + ((Math.sin(_local4 + (_local3 / 2)) * cornerRadius) / Math.cos(_local3 / 2)); _local11 = (x + cornerRadius) + (Math.cos(_local4 + _local3) * cornerRadius); _local10 = (y + cornerRadius) + (Math.sin(_local4 + _local3) * cornerRadius); mc.curveTo(_local9, _local8, _local11, _local10); } else { mc.moveTo(x, y); mc.lineTo(x + w, y); mc.lineTo(x + w, y + h); mc.lineTo(x, y + h); mc.lineTo(x, y); } if (modus == "fill") { mc.endFill(); } } static function goldenerSchnitt(wert) { var _local3 = Math.floor(wert / 1.618); var _local1 = wert - _local3; return({minor:_local1, major:_local3}); } static function doGoldenRatio(breite, hohe, mc1, m2, mc3) { var _local4 = goldenerSchnitt(breite).minor; var _local7 = goldenerSchnitt(breite).major; var _local1 = goldenerSchnitt(hohe).minor; var _local3 = goldenerSchnitt(hohe).major; mc1._width = breite; mc1._height = _local1; m2._y = _local1; m2._width = _local4; m2._height = _local3; mc3._y = _local1; mc3._x = _local4; mc3._width = _local7; mc3._height = _local3; } static function drawCross(mc, w, h) { var _local1; if (w < h) { _local1 = w / 4; } else { _local1 = h / 4; } var _local3 = 3 * _local1; var _local2 = _local1; var _local7 = (-(1.5 * _local1)) + _local1; var _local5 = (-(_local1 / 2)) - _local1; drawRectFillPos(mc, _local2, _local3, _local7, _local5); var _local6 = (-(_local1 / 2)) - _local1; var _local4 = (-(1.5 * _local1)) + _local1; drawRectFillPos(mc, _local3, _local2, _local6, _local4); } static function drawHorizontalLine(mc, h, line) { var _local1 = 0; var _local3 = 0; mc.lineStyle(line); mc.moveTo(_local1, _local3); mc.lineTo(h, _local1); } static function drawVerticalLine(mc, w, line) { var _local1 = 0; var _local3 = 0; mc.lineStyle(line); mc.moveTo(_local1, _local3); mc.lineTo(_local1, w); } }
Symbol 95 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class ch.mda.util.MovieUtil { function MovieUtil () { } static function initialize() { _root.toLocal = toLocal; _root.toGlobal = toGlobal; _root.removeMc = removeMc; _root.testMc = testMc; _root.stopMc = stopMc; _root.playMc = playMc; _root.stopOrPlay = stopOrPlay; _root.makeBitmapSmoothed = makeBitmapSmoothed; _root.BipmapHit = BipmapHit; trace("init util [ch.mda.util.MovieUtil]"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_root.toLocal", "clip:MovieClip, x:Number, y:Number", "Object", "none", " ch.mda.util.MovieUtil"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_root.toGlobal", "clip:MovieClip, x:Number, y:Number", "Object", "none", " ch.mda.util.MovieUtil"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_root.removeMc", "o_mc:MovieClip", "undefined", "none", " ch.mda.util.MovieUtil"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_root.testMc", "o_mc:MovieClip", "Boolean", "none", " ch.mda.util.MovieUtil"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_root.playMc", "mc:MovieClip", "nothing", "none", " ch.mda.util.MovieUtil"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_root.playMc", "mc:MovieClip", "nothing", "none", " ch.mda.util.MovieUtil"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_root.stopOrPlay", "mc:MovieClip, command:Boolean", "nothing", "none", " ch.mda.util.MovieUtil"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_root.makeBitmapSmoothed", "source_mc:MovieClip, target_mc:MovieClip, $tiefe:Number, $fillColor:Number", "MovieClip", "none", " ch.mda.util.MovieUtil"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_root.BipmapHit", "_mc1:MovieClip, _mc2:MovieClip, _thresh:Number", "Boolean", "none", " ch.mda.util.MovieUtil"); } function orientar(mc, x, y) { mc.difx = mc._x - x; mc.dify = mc._y - y; var _local2 = Math.atan2(mc.dify, mc.difx); _local2 = (_local2 * 180) / Math.PI; _local2 = _local2 - 90; mc._rotation = _local2; } static function toLocal(clip, x, y) { var _local1 = {}; _local1.x = x; _local1.y = y; clip.globalToLocal(_local1); return({x:_local1.x, y:_local1.y}); } static function toGlobal(clip, x, y) { var _local1 = {}; _local1.x = x; _local1.y = y; clip.localToGlobal(_local1); return({x:_local1.x, y:_local1.y}); } static function removeMc(o_mc) { if (testMc(o_mc)) { o_mc.removeMovieClip(); return(undefined); } return(undefined); } static function testMc(o_mc) { if (o_mc._totalframes == undefined) { return(false); } return(true); } static function stopMc(mc) { for (var _local2 in mc) { if (typeof(mc[_local2]) == "movieclip") { mc[_local2].stop(); stopMc(mc[_local2]); } } } static function playMc(mc) { for (var _local2 in mc) { if (typeof(mc[_local2]) == "movieclip") { mc[_local2].play(); playMc(mc[_local2]); } } } static function stopOrPlay(mc, command) { if (command) { playMc(mc); } else { stopMc(mc); } } static function makeBitmapSmoothed(source_mc, target_mc, $tiefe, $fillColor) { if ($fillColor == undefined) { $fillColor = 0; } var _local3 = new flash.display.BitmapData(source_mc._width, source_mc._height, true, $fillColor); if ($tiefe == undefined) { $tiefe = target_mc.getNextHighestDepth(); } var _local1 = target_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("bmc" + $tiefe, $tiefe); _local1.attachBitmap(_local3, _local1.getNextHighestDepth(), "auto", true); _local3.draw(source_mc); return(_local1); } static function BipmapHit(_mc1, _mc2, _thresh) { if (_thresh == undefined) { _thresh = 1; } var _local1 = (_thresh ? (_thresh) : 1); _local1 = Math.max(_local1, 0); _local1 = Math.min(_local1, 255); var _local4 = new flash.display.BitmapData(_mc1._width, _mc1._height, true, 0); _local4.draw(_mc1); var _local5 = new flash.display.BitmapData(_mc2._width, _mc2._height, true, 0); _local5.draw(_mc2); return(_local4.hitTest(new flash.geom.Point(_mc1._x, _mc1._y), _local1, _local5, new flash.geom.Point(_mc2._x, _mc2._y), _local1)); } }
Symbol 96 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class ch.mda.core.listFunctions { function listFunctions () { } static function listMe(function_name, arg, re, vari, klasse) { var _local2 = {}; _local2.function_name = function_name; _local2.function_arguments = arg; _local2.function__return = re; _local2.variable = vari; _local2.presenter_class = klasse; _root.all_presenter_functions_array.push(_local2); } static function showBericht(field) { _root.all_presenter_functions_array.sortBy(field); var _local5 = ""; var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _root.all_presenter_functions_array.length) { var _local3 = "\r"; if (field == "function_name") { _local3 = ("function_name: " + _root.all_presenter_functions_array[_local2].function_name) + newline; _local3 = _local3 + (("function_arguments: " + _root.all_presenter_functions_array[_local2].function_arguments) + newline); _local3 = _local3 + (("function__return: " + _root.all_presenter_functions_array[_local2].function__return) + newline); _local3 = _local3 + (("variable: " + _root.all_presenter_functions_array[_local2].variable) + newline); _local3 = _local3 + (("presenter_class: " + _root.all_presenter_functions_array[_local2].presenter_class) + newline); } if (field == "variable") { _local3 = ("variable: " + _root.all_presenter_functions_array[_local2].variable) + newline; _local3 = _local3 + (("function_name: " + _root.all_presenter_functions_array[_local2].function_name) + newline); _local3 = _local3 + (("function_arguments: " + _root.all_presenter_functions_array[_local2].function_arguments) + newline); _local3 = _local3 + (("function__return: " + _root.all_presenter_functions_array[_local2].function__return) + newline); _local3 = _local3 + (("presenter_class: " + _root.all_presenter_functions_array[_local2].presenter_class) + newline); } if (field == "presenter_class") { _local3 = ("presenter_class: " + _root.all_presenter_functions_array[_local2].presenter_class) + newline; _local3 = _local3 + (("function_name: " + _root.all_presenter_functions_array[_local2].function_name) + newline); _local3 = _local3 + (("function_arguments: " + _root.all_presenter_functions_array[_local2].function_arguments) + newline); _local3 = _local3 + (("function__return: " + _root.all_presenter_functions_array[_local2].function__return) + newline); _local3 = _local3 + (("variable: " + _root.all_presenter_functions_array[_local2].variable) + newline); } _local5 = _local5 + (_local3 + newline); _local2++; } _root.traceMessage(_local5); return(_local5); } }
Symbol 97 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class ch.mda.util.StringUtil { function StringUtil () { } static function initialize() { _global.replaceString = replaceString; _global.stringToBoolean = stringToBoolean; _global.checkStringToNumber = checkStringToNumber; _root.checkStringToNumber = checkStringToNumber; _root.removeHTML = removeHTML; _root.testHTML = testHTML; _root.hasHTML = hasHTML; _root.rTrim = rTrim; _root.lTrim = lTrim; _root.Trim = Trim; _root.trim = Trim; trace("init util [ch.mda.util.StringUtil]"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_global.replaceString", "texto:String,arg_search, arg_replace", "String", "none", "ch.mda.util.StringUtil"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_global.stringToBoolean ", "value", "Boolean or undefined ", "none", "ch.mda.util.StringUtil"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_root.checkStringToNumber", "value", "Boolean", "none", "ch.mda.util.StringUtil"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_root.removeHTML", "(htmlCode:String", "String", "none", "ch.mda.util.StringUtil"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_root.testHTML", "(htmlCode:String", "Boolean", "none", "ch.mda.util.StringUtil"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_root.hasHTML", "(htmlCode:String", "Boolean", "none", "ch.mda.util.StringUtil"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_root.rTrim", "(value:String", "String", "none", "ch.mda.util.StringUtil"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_root.lTrim", "(value:String", "String", "none", "ch.mda.util.StringUtil"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_root.Trim", "(value:String", "String", "none", "ch.mda.util.StringUtil"); } static function replaceString(texto) { if (typeof(texto) != "string") { _root.traceMessage(texto + " ist kein string [replaceString]"); return(texto); } var _local4; var _local7; var _local5; var _local3 = ""; var _local6 = ""; var _local8 = ""; _local4 = arguments[1]; if (_local4 == undefined) { return(texto); } _local7 = arguments[2]; if (_local7 == undefined) { return(texto); } if (_local4.length == 1) { return(texto.split(_local4).join(_local7)); } _local5 = texto.indexOf(_local4); if (_local5 == -1) { return(texto); } _local3 = texto; do { _local5 = _local3.indexOf(_local4); _local6 = _local3.substring(0, _local5); _local3 = _local3.substring(_local5 + _local4.length); _local8 = _local8 + (_local6 + _local7); } while (_local3.indexOf(_local4) != -1); _local8 = _local8 + _local3; return(_local8); } static function stringToBoolean(s) { if (s == "true") { return(true); } if (s == "false") { return(false); } if (typeof(s) == "boolean") { return(s); } return(undefined); } static function checkStringToNumber(z) { if (z == undefined) { return(false); } if (isNaN(z)) { return(false); } if (typeof(z) == "number") { return(true); } if (typeof(z) == "boolean") { return(false); } if (typeof(z) == "object") { return(false); } if (typeof(z) == "movieclip") { return(false); } var _local2 = Number(z); if (_local2.toString() == "NaN") { return(false); } return(true); } static function removeHTML(htmlCode) { if (htmlCode == undefined) { return(""); } if (typeof(htmlCode) != "string") { return(htmlCode); } if (testHTML(htmlCode) == false) { return(htmlCode); } var _local3 = htmlCode.indexOf("<"); var _local4 = htmlCode.indexOf(">"); var _local2 = ""; _local2 = _local2 + htmlCode.substr(0, _local3); htmlCode = htmlCode.substr(_local4 + 1); _local2 = _local2 + removeHTML(htmlCode); return(_local2); } static function testHTML(htmlCode) { if (htmlCode == undefined) { return(false); } if (typeof(htmlCode) != "string") { return(true); } var _local4 = new Array("font", "b", "i", "u", "a", "p", "br", "li", "img"); var _local12 = htmlCode.split("<"); var _local14 = htmlCode.split(">"); var _local9; if (_local12.length != _local14.length) { _local9 = true; } else if (_local12.length == 1) { return(false); } var _local10 = htmlCode.indexOf("<"); var _local8 = htmlCode.indexOf(">"); var _local7 = htmlCode.indexOf("/"); if (_local7 <= _local8) { if ((_local7 != -1) && (htmlCode.charAt(_local7 - 1) == "<")) { var _local11 = htmlCode.indexOf(" ", _local7); if ((_local11 != -1) && (_local11 < _local8)) { _local9 = true; } } } var _local3 = htmlCode.substr(_local10 + 1, _local8 - (_local10 + 1)); _local3 = _local3.toLowerCase(); if (_local3.indexOf("/") == -1) { if (_local3.indexOf(" ") != -1) { _local3 = _local3.substr(0, _local3.indexOf(" ")); } var _local6 = false; var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _local4.length) { if (_local4[_local2] == _local3) { _local6 = true; } _local2++; } if (!_local6) { _local9 = true; } } if (_local9) { var _local13 = ("Alert: HTML Tag incorrect: " + htmlCode) + "\n\n"; trace(_local13); _root.traceObject(_local13); return(false); } return(true); } static function hasHTML(htmlCode) { if (htmlCode == undefined) { return(false); } if (typeof(htmlCode) != "string") { return(false); } var _local1 = (Number = htmlCode.indexOf("<")); if (_local1 == -1) { trace("kein Html"); return(false); } return(true); } static function rTrim(input) { var _local3 = input.length; var _local1 = _local3; while (_local1 > 0) { if (input.charCodeAt(_local1 - 1) > 32) { return(input.substring(0, _local1)); } _local1--; } return(""); } static function lTrim(input) { var _local3 = input.length; var _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local3) { if (input.charCodeAt(_local1) > 32) { return(input.substring(_local1)); } _local1++; } return(""); } static function Trim(input) { var _local1 = input; _local1 = lTrim(_local1); _local1 = rTrim(_local1); return(_local1); } }
Symbol 98 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class ch.mda.util.TextFieldUtil { function TextFieldUtil () { } static function initialize() { _root.machFontDisplay = machFontDisplay; _global.typewriter = typewriter; _root.textRendering = textRendering; _root.showInput = showInput; _root.dropTextShadow = dropTextShadow; trace("init util [ch.mda.util.TextFieldUtil]"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_root.machFontDisplay", "textfield_txt:TextField", "nothing ", "none", "ch.mda.util.TextFieldUtil"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_global.typewriter", "movie, texto, textfield, zahl, func, song", "nothing ", "none", "ch.mda.util.TextFieldUtil"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_root.textRendering", "textField_txt:TextField", "nothing ", "none", "ch.mda.util.TextFieldUtil"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_root.showInput", "tf:TextField, mc:MovieClip, killhandler:String, changeHandler:String", "nothing ", "none", "ch.mda.util.TextFieldUtil"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_root.dropTextShadow", "(txtField, color, value:Number", "nothing ", "none", "ch.mda.util.TextFieldUtil"); } static function machFontDisplay(textfield_txt) { var _local2 = textfield_txt.getTextFormat(); if (_root.p_fontEinbetten == false) { textfield_txt.embedFonts = false; _local2.font = _root.p_fontReplace; textfield_txt.setTextFormat(_local2); } else { textfield_txt.embedFonts = true; _local2.font = _root.p_hauptschrift; textfield_txt.setTextFormat(_local2); textRendering(); } } static function showInput(tf, mc, killhandler, changeHandler) { tf.background = true; tf.border = true; tf.onSetFocus = function () { this.backgroundColor = "OxFFFFCC"; }; tf.onKillFocus = function () { this.backgroundColor = "OxFFFFFF"; if (mc != undefined) { if (killhandler != undefined) { mc[killhandler](); } } }; if (changeHandler != undefined) { tf.onChanged = function () { mc[changeHandler](); }; } } static function typewriter(movie, texto, textfield, zahl, func, song) { movie.fertig = false; var introZahl = 0; textfield.htmlText = ""; if (zahl == undefined) { zahl = 6; } var la = (texto.length + 1); var soundZahl = 0; textfield.html = true; movie.onEnterFrame = function () { if (introZahl < la) { textfield.htmlText = texto.substr(0, introZahl); introZahl = introZahl + zahl; if (song != undefined) { if (soundZahl == 0) { _global.playSound(movie, song, 100); } soundZahl++; if (soundZahl > 6) { soundZahl = 0; } } } if (introZahl >= la) { textfield.htmlText = texto; delete movie.onEnterFrame; movie.fertig = true; if (func != undefined) { movie[func](); } } }; } static function textRendering(textField_txt) { textField_txt.antiAliasType = "advanced"; textField_txt.gridFitType = "subpixel"; } static function dropTextShadow(txtField, color, value) { ch.mda.util.ColorUtil.dropShadow(txtField, color, value); } }
Symbol 99 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class ch.mda.util.ColorUtil { function ColorUtil () { } static function initialize() { _global.farbMc = farbMc; _global.clearRGB = clearRGB; _root.dropShadow = dropShadow; _root.testHex = testHex; _root.getDesaturationFilter = getDesaturationFilter; trace("init util [ch.mda.util.StringUtil]"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_global.farbMc", "mc:movieclip, color", "nothing ", "none", "ch.mda.util.ColorUtil"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_global.clearRGB", "mc:movieclip", "nothing ", "none", "ch.mda.util.ColorUtil"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_root.dropShadow", "mc, color, value:Number", "nothing ", "none", "ch.mda.util.ColorUtil"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_root.testHex", "test:String", "Boolean ", "none", "none", "ch.mda.util.ColorUtil"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_root.getDesaturationFilte", "t:Number", "BitmapFilter", "none", "ch.mda.util.ColorUtil"); } static function farbMc(mc, dieFarbe) { if (dieFarbe == undefined) { _root.traceMessage(mc + ": farbe nicht definiert[farbMc]"); return(undefined); } if (mc == undefined) { _root.traceMessage(dieFarbe + ": mc nicht definiert[farbMc]"); return(undefined); } var _local3 = changeToNumber(dieFarbe); var _local5 = new Color(mc); _local5.setRGB(_local3); } static function changeToNumber(dieFarbe) { var _local1 = Number(dieFarbe); var _local4 = _local1.toString(); if (_local4 != "NaN") { var _local2 = dieFarbe; } else { var _local2 = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(dieFarbe, "#", "0x"); } return(_local2); } static function clearRGB(mc) { var _local1 = new Color(mc); _local1.setTransform({ra:100, ga:100, ba:100, rb:0, gb:0, bb:0}); } static function toHExNumber(color) { var _local1 = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(color, "#", "0x"); var _local2 = parseInt(_local1, 16); return(_local2); } static function RGBtoHEX(farbe) { if (_root.tiefe == undefined) { _root.tiefe = 100; } _root.tiefe++; var _local4 = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("prov_mc" + _root.tiefe, _root.tiefe); var _local5 = new Color(_local4); _local5.setRGB(farbe); var _local3 = _local5.getTransform(); var _local2 = {r:_local3.rb,,}; _local4.removeMovieClip(); if (_local2.r < 0) { _local2.r = 0; } if (_local2.g < 0) { _local2.g = 0; } if (_local2.b < 0) { _local2.b = 0; } var _local7 = ((_local2.r.toString(16).length < 2) ? ("0" + _local2.r.toString(16).toUpperCase()) : (_local2.r.toString(16).toUpperCase())); var _local8 = ((_local2.g.toString(16).length < 2) ? ("0" + _local2.g.toString(16).toUpperCase()) : (_local2.g.toString(16).toUpperCase())); var _local6 = ((_local2.b.toString(16).length < 2) ? ("0" + _local2.b.toString(16).toUpperCase()) : (_local2.b.toString(16).toUpperCase())); return((("#" + _local7) + _local8) + _local6); } static function dropShadow(mc, color, value) { if (value == undefined) { value = 3; } if (color == undefined) { color = 3355443 /* 0x333333 */; } color = Number(changeToNumber(color)); var _local1 = new flash.filters.DropShadowFilter(); _local1.blurX = value; _local1.blurY = value; _local1.distance = value; _local1.angle = 35; _local1.quality = 3; _local1.alpha = 0.5; _local1.color = color; _local1.strength = 1; mc.filters = [_local1]; } static function removeShadow(mc) { mc.filters = []; } static function testHex(test) { var _local1 = test.substring(0, 1); if (_local1 == "#") { return(true); } return(false); } static function simpleGradient(mc, f1, f2, wSize, hSize, fype) { if (mc == undefined) { _root.traceMessage("mc undefined [simpleGradient]"); return(undefined); } if (f1 == undefined) { _root.traceMessage(mc + " f1 undefined [simpleGradient]"); } if (f2 == undefined) { _root.traceMessage(mc + " f2 undefined [simpleGradient]"); } clearRGB(mc); mc.clear(); var _local3 = "linear"; if (fype != undefined) { _local3 = fype; } var _local8 = [changeToNumber(f1), changeToNumber(f2)]; var _local4 = [100, 100]; var _local9 = [0, 255]; var _local6 = {matrixType:"box", x:0, y:0, w:wSize, h:hSize, r:(Math.PI/2)}; mc.lineStyle(0, 16777215, 0); mc.beginGradientFill(_local3, _local8, _local4, _local9, _local6); mc.lineTo(wSize, 0); mc.lineTo(wSize, hSize); mc.lineTo(0, hSize); mc.lineTo(0, 0); mc.endFill(); } static function getDesaturationFilter(t) { t = ((t == undefined) ? 1 : (t)); var _local3 = 0.212671; var _local4 = 0.71516; var _local2 = 0.072169; return(new flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter([((t * _local3) + 1) - t, t * _local4, t * _local2, 0, 0, t * _local3, ((t * _local4) + 1) - t, t * _local2, 0, 0, t * _local3, t * _local4, ((t * _local2) + 1) - t, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0])); } }
Symbol 100 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class ch.mda.freeListBox extends MovieClip { var container_mc, tiefe, align, borderColor, buttonHoehe, menuSpace, fontSize, behalteWidth, behalteHeight, fake_mc, fake_txt, fake_main_pb, mausListener, scrollerbreite, keyListener, $listenType, liste_array, weitMe, main_mc, changeHandler, ChangeObj, _parent, rollHandler, RollObj, rollOutHandler, RollOutObj, pressHandler, PressObj, behalteIndex, aktivesItemIndex, aktiverButton, showScollbar, myScrollBar, movie_array, farbObject, farbObjectText, listenType, main_pb, label, noAnimation, rows, meineHoehe, meineBreite, ListArrow, tipObject, farbObjectMain, rand_mc, back_mc, farbObjectMainText, isRedering, freeListArrow_mc, realHoehe; function freeListBox () { super(); container_mc = this; aktiv = true; tiefe = 100; align = "LEFT"; borderColor = "#CCCCCC"; buttonHoehe = 17; menuSpace = 5; fontSize = 11; behalteWidth = container_mc._width; container_mc._xscale = 100; behalteHeight = container_mc._height; container_mc._yscale = 100; setSize(behalteWidth, behalteHeight); fake_mc._visible = false; fake_txt._visible = false; fake_main_pb._visible = false; mausListener = new Object(); = container_mc; scrollerbreite = 16; mausListener.onMouseMove = function () { if (, _root._ymouse, false) == false) {; } }; keyListener = new Object(); = container_mc; keyListener.onKeyDown = function () { if (, _root._ymouse, false)) { var _local3 = Key.getCode(); if (Key.isDown(38)) { _local3 = "UP"; } if (Key.isDown(40)) { _local3 = "DOWN"; } if (_local3 != "") {; } } }; trace("init ch.mda.freeListBox: " + container_mc); if ($listenType != undefined) { setType($listenType); } } function addItem($label, $data, icon, $tip) { if (liste_array == undefined) { liste_array = new Array(); } liste_array.push({label:$label, data:$data, icon:icon, tip:$tip}); weitMe = true; renderListe(); } function addItemAt(index, $label, $data, icon, $tip) { var _local2 = liste_array.slice(0, index); var _local3 = liste_array.slice(index, liste_array.length); _local2.push({label:$label, data:$data, icon:icon, tip:$tip}); liste_array = new Array(); liste_array = _local2.concat(_local3); renderListe(); } function removeAll() { liste_array = new Array(); main_mc.removeMovieClip(); setSelectedIndex(null); renderListe(); } function removeItemAt(index) { liste_array.splice(index, 1); renderListe(); } function replaceItemAt(index, $label, $data) { var _local2 = liste_array[index]; liste_array[index] = {label:$label, data:$data}; renderListe(); return(_local2); } function setDataProvider(dataProvider_array) { if (dataProvider_array[0].label == undefined) { trace("label ist nicht definniert"); var _local5 = new Array(); var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < dataProvider_array.length) { _local5.push({label:dataProvider_array[_local2]}); _local2++; } } else { trace("label ist ok"); var _local5 = dataProvider_array; } liste_array = _local5; weitMe = true; renderListe(); } function setChangeHandler(handler, mc) { changeHandler = handler; ChangeObj = ((arguments.length < 2) ? (_parent) : (mc)); } function setRollHandler(handler, mc) { rollHandler = handler; RollObj = ((arguments.length < 2) ? (_parent) : (mc)); } function setOutHandler(handler, mc) { rollOutHandler = handler; RollOutObj = ((arguments.length < 2) ? (_parent) : (mc)); } function setPressHandler(handler, mc) { pressHandler = handler; PressObj = ((arguments.length < 2) ? (_parent) : (mc)); } function setSelectedIndex(index) { if (index == null) { behalteIndex = undefined; deselectList(); return(undefined); } behalteIndex = index; if (index > (liste_array.length - 1)) { return(undefined); } if (index < 0) { return(undefined); } deselectList(index); aktivesItemIndex = index; if (changeHandler != undefined) { ChangeObj[changeHandler](this); } if (aktiverButton == undefined) { if (showScollbar) { var _local4 = myScrollBar; var _local9 = liste_array.length * buttonHoehe; var _local5 = index * buttonHoehe; var _local6 = ch.mda.util.mathUtil.percentValue(_local9, _local5); var _local7 = _local4.dragBottom - _local4.dragTop; var _local8 = ch.mda.util.mathUtil.numberPercentValue(_local7, _local6); myScrollBar.setScrollPosition(_local8 + 16); } } if (aktiverButton == undefined) { aktiverButton = movie_array[index]; } aktiverButton.aktiv = true; aktiverButton.setHightLight(farbObject.heightLight, farbObjectText.heightLight); aktiverButton.enabled = false; if (listenType == "CombBox") { trace("comBoyx"); main_pb.setHightLight(farbObject.heightLight, farbObjectText.heightLight); main_pb.setLabel(aktiverButton.label, fontSize, bold, align, fontEmbed); } if (listenType == "Menu2") { aktiverButton.enabled = false; main_pb.setLabel(aktiverButton.label, fontSize, bold, align, fontEmbed); } var zzz = 0; var _local3 = aktiverButton.createEmptyMovieClip("tempi_mc", aktiverButton.getNextHighestDepth()); _local3.meinWirt = aktiverButton; _local3.listenType = listenType; _local3.content_mc = this; _local3.onEnterFrame = function () { zzz++; if (this.meinWirt.aktiv) { this.meinWirt.setHightLight(this.farbObject.heightLight, this.farbObjectText.heightLight); } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (zzz > 12) { if (this.listenType != "Menu2") { this.meinWirt.enabled = true; } this.content_mc.aktiverButton = undefined; this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } function sortItemsBy(fieldName, order) { if (order == "ASC") { ch.mda.util.ArrayUtil.sortBy(fieldName, liste_array); } else if (order == "DESC") { ch.mda.util.ArrayUtil.sortByUp(fieldName, liste_array); } else { ch.mda.util.ArrayUtil.sortByUp("label", liste_array); } weitMe = true; renderListe(); } function setType(type, $label) { if (listenType != undefined) { trace((this + " schon gesetzt") + listenType); return(undefined); } if ($label != undefined) { label = $label; } if (type == "CombBox") { listenType = type; label = "please choose..."; noAnimation = false; } else if (type == "ListBox") { listenType = type; label = ""; noAnimation = undefined; Key.addListener(keyListener); container_mc.onUnload = function () { Key.removeListener(this.keyListener); }; } else if (type == "Menu") { listenType = type; label = "Menu"; noAnimation = false; } else if (type == "Menu2") { listenType = type; label = ""; noAnimation = undefined; } else { trace("falscher Pararmeter: " + type); } setSize(behalteWidth, behalteHeight); } function setRowCount($rows) { rows = $rows; meineHoehe = rows * buttonHoehe; } function setMenuSpace($menuSpace) { menuSpace = $menuSpace; } function setSize(width, height, $buttonHoehe) { meineBreite = width; if (height != undefined) { meineHoehe = height; } if ($buttonHoehe != undefined) { buttonHoehe = $buttonHoehe; main_pb.setSize(width, buttonHoehe); trace("setSize "); ListArrow._height = buttonHoehe; ListArrow._width = buttonHoehe; ListArrow._x = meineBreite - buttonHoehe; } renderListe(); } function setButtonHeight(hoehe) { buttonHoehe = hoehe; ListArrow._height = buttonHoehe; ListArrow._width = buttonHoehe; ListArrow._x = meineBreite - buttonHoehe; renderListe(); } function setTipObject(obj) { tipObject = obj; } function setLabel($label, $fontSize, $bold, $align, $fontEmbed) { if ($label != undefined) { label = $label; } if ($fontSize != undefined) { fontSize = $fontSize; } if ($bold != undefined) { bold = $bold; } if ($align != undefined) { align = $align; } if ($fontEmbed != undefined) { fontEmbed = $fontEmbed; } main_pb.setLabel(label, fontSize, bold, align, fontEmbed); } function setFontEmbed(f) { fontEmbed = f; } function setPopUpDirect(value) { renderUp = value; } function setEnabled(value) { aktiv = value; if ((listenType == "ListBox") || (listenType == "Menu2")) { var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < movie_array.length) { movie_array[_local2].setEnabled(value); _local2++; } } else { main_pb.setEnabled(value); } } function setFontSize($fontSize) { fontSize = $fontSize; } function getItemAt(index) { return(liste_array[index]); } function getSelectedIndex() { if (aktivesItemIndex != undefined) { return(aktivesItemIndex); } trace("nothing selected"); return(null); } function getSelectedItem() { if (aktivesItemIndex != undefined) { return(liste_array[aktivesItemIndex]); } trace("nothing selected"); return(null); } function getValue() { var _local2 = getSelectedIndex(); if (liste_array[_local2].data == undefined) { return(liste_array[_local2].label); } return(liste_array[_local2].data); } function getLength() { return(liste_array.length); } function getEnabled() { return(aktiv); } function getLabel() { return(getSelectedItem().label); } function getButton(index) { return(movie_array[index]); } function setColorObject($farbObject, $farbObjectText) { if ($farbObject.norm == undefined) { return(undefined); } farbObject = {}; farbObject.norm = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString($farbObject.norm, "#", "0x"); farbObject.over = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString($farbObject.over, "#", "0x"); = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString($, "#", "0x"); = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString($, "#", "0x"); farbObject.disabled = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString($farbObject.disabled, "#", "0x"); if ($farbObject.alpha != undefined) { farbObject.alpha = Number($farbObject.alpha); } if ($farbObject.norm_G != undefined) { farbObject.norm_G = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString($farbObject.norm_G, "#", "0x"); } if ($farbObject.over_G != undefined) { farbObject.over_G = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString($farbObject.over_G, "#", "0x"); } if ($farbObject.press_G != undefined) { farbObject.press_G = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString($farbObject.press_G, "#", "0x"); } farbObjectText = {}; farbObjectText.norm = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString($farbObjectText.norm, "#", "0x"); farbObjectText.over = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString($farbObjectText.over, "#", "0x"); = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString($, "#", "0x"); = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString($, "#", "0x"); farbObjectText.disabled = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString($farbObjectText.disabled, "#", "0x"); farbObjectText.border = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString($farbObjectText.border, "#", "0x"); farbObject.heightLight = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString($farbObject.heightLight, "#", "0x"); trace("====llist mein"); if ($farbObject.heightLight_G != undefined) { farbObject.heightLight_G = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString($farbObject.heightLight_G, "#", "0x"); } farbObjectText.heightLight = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString($farbObjectText.heightLight, "#", "0x"); } function setColorObjectMain($farbObjectMain, $farbObjectMainText) { if ($farbObjectMain.norm == undefined) { return(undefined); } farbObject = {}; farbObjectMain.norm = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString($farbObjectMain.norm, "#", "0x"); farbObjectMain.over = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString($farbObjectMain.over, "#", "0x"); = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString($, "#", "0x"); = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString($, "#", "0x"); farbObjectMain.disabled = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString($farbObjectMain.disabled, "#", "0x"); if ($farbObjectMain.alpha != undefined) { farbObject.alpha = Number($farbObjectMain.alpha); } if ($farbObjectMain.norm_G != undefined) { farbObject.norm_G = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString($farbObjectMain.norm_G, "#", "0x"); } if ($farbObjectMain.over_G != undefined) { farbObject.over_G = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString($farbObjectMain.over_G, "#", "0x"); } if ($farbObjectMain.press_G != undefined) { farbObject.press_G = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString($farbObjectMain.press_G, "#", "0x"); } farbObjectText = {}; farbObjectText.norm = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString($farbObjectMainText.norm, "#", "0x"); farbObjectText.over = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString($farbObjectMainText.over, "#", "0x"); = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString($, "#", "0x"); = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString($, "#", "0x"); farbObjectText.disabled = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString($farbObjectMainText.disabled, "#", "0x"); farbObjectText.border = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString($farbObjectMainText.border, "#", "0x"); farbObject.heightLight = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString($farbObjectMain.heightLight, "#", "0x"); trace("liste farben"); if ($farbObjectMain.heightLight_G != undefined) { trace($farbObjectMain.heightLight_G); farbObject.heightLight_G = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString($farbObjectMain.heightLight_G, "#", "0x"); trace(farbObject.heightLight_G); } farbObjectText.heightLight = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString($farbObjectMainText.heightLight, "#", "0x"); } function setBorderColor(f) { borderColor = f; } function setAnimations(value) { noAnimation = value; } function deselectList(aktiver) { var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < movie_array.length) { if (_local2 != aktiver) { movie_array[_local2].removeHightlight(); movie_array[_local2].aktiv = false; } if (aktiv) { movie_array[_local2].enabled = true; } _local2++; } aktivesItemIndex = undefined; } function myClickHandler(a_pb) { if (listenType == "CombBox") { hideList(); main_pb.setLabel(a_pb.label, fontSize, bold, align, fontEmbed); } if (listenType == "Menu") { hideList(); } aktiverButton = a_pb; setSelectedIndex(a_pb.indexNumber); } function showList() { main_mc._visible = true; rand_mc._visible = main_mc._visible; back_mc._visible = main_mc._visible; Mouse.addListener(mausListener); if ((listenType == "CombBox") || (listenType == "Menu")) { if (showScollbar) { myScrollBar._visible = true; myScrollBar.scrollToTop(); } } } function hideList() { main_mc._visible = false; rand_mc._visible = main_mc._visible; back_mc._visible = main_mc._visible; Mouse.removeListener(mausListener); if ((listenType == "CombBox") || (listenType == "Menu")) { myScrollBar._visible = false; } } function myKeyListener(key) { if (aktivesItemIndex != undefined) { if (key == "DOWN") { var _local4 = aktivesItemIndex + 1; setSelectedIndex(_local4); } else if (key == "UP") { var _local4 = aktivesItemIndex - 1; setSelectedIndex(_local4); } } var _local2; if ((key > 64) && (key < 91)) { switch (key) { case 65 : _local2 = "a"; break; case 66 : _local2 = "b"; break; case 67 : _local2 = "c"; break; case 68 : _local2 = "d"; break; case 69 : _local2 = "e"; break; case 70 : _local2 = "f"; break; case 71 : _local2 = "g"; break; case 72 : _local2 = "h"; break; case 73 : _local2 = "i"; break; case 74 : _local2 = "j"; break; case 75 : _local2 = "k"; break; case 76 : _local2 = "l"; break; case 77 : _local2 = "m"; break; case 78 : _local2 = "n"; break; case 79 : _local2 = "o"; break; case 80 : _local2 = "p"; break; case 81 : _local2 = "q"; break; case 82 : _local2 = "r"; break; case 83 : _local2 = "s"; break; case 84 : _local2 = "t"; break; case 85 : _local2 = "u"; break; case 86 : _local2 = "v"; break; case 87 : _local2 = "w"; break; case 88 : _local2 = "x"; break; case 89 : _local2 = "y"; break; case 90 : _local2 = "z"; } if (_local2 != undefined) { setPerString(_local2); } } } function setPerString(s) { var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < liste_array.length) { var _local3 = liste_array[_local2].label.substring(0, 1).toLowerCase(); if (_local3 == s) { setSelectedIndex(_local2); break; } _local2++; } } function setColorAutomat() { if ((_root.p_colorButtons != undefined) || (_root.p_listenButtons != undefined)) { if (_root.p_listenButtons != undefined) { setColorObjectMain(_root.p_listenButtons, _root.p_listenButtonsFont); var _local4 = ch.mda.util.ObjectUtil.simpleClon(_root.p_listenButtons); var _local3 = ch.mda.util.ObjectUtil.simpleClon(_root.p_listenButtonsFont); } else { setColorObjectMain(_root.p_colorButtons, _root.p_colorButtonsFont); var _local4 = ch.mda.util.ObjectUtil.simpleClon(_root.p_colorButtons); var _local3 = ch.mda.util.ObjectUtil.simpleClon(_root.p_colorButtonsFont); if (listenType != "Menu2") { _local4.norm = "0xFFFFFF"; _local3.norm = "0x000000"; _local3.border = "0xFFFFFF"; } } setColorObject(_local4, _local3); } else { farbObjectMain = {}; farbObjectMain.norm = "0xF1F1F1"; farbObjectMain.over = "0x666666"; = "0x333333"; = "0xCC0000"; farbObjectMain.disabled = "0xF4FCFF"; farbObjectMainText = {}; (farbObjectMainText.norm = "0x333333"); (farbObjectMainText.over = "0xFFFFFF"); ( = "0xFFFFFF"); ( = "0xFFFFFF"); farbObjectMainText.disabled = "0xCCCCCC"; farbObjectMainText.border = "0x999999"; farbObjectMain.heightLight = main_pb.heightLightColor; farbObjectMainText.heightLight = main_pb.heightLightFontColor; farbObject = ch.mda.util.ObjectUtil.simpleClon(farbObjectMain); farbObjectText = ch.mda.util.ObjectUtil.simpleClon(farbObjectMainText); if (listenType != "Menu2") { farbObject.norm = "0xFFFFFF"; farbObjectText.norm = "0x000000"; farbObjectText.border = "0xFFFFFF"; } } } function renderListe() { var i = 0; while (i < movie_array.length) { movie_array[i].removeMovieClip(); i++; } if (listenType == undefined) { return(undefined); } aktivesItemIndex = undefined; isRedering = true; myScrollBar.scrollToTop(); if (rand_mc) { rand_mc.removeMovieClip(); main_mc.removeMovieClip(); back_mc.removeMovieClip(); } if (farbObject.norm == undefined) { setColorAutomat(); } rand_mc = container_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("r_mc", 5555556); back_mc = container_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("b_mc", 7); ch.mda.util.ColorUtil.farbMc(rand_mc, borderColor); ch.mda.util.ColorUtil.farbMc(back_mc, farbObject.norm); if (farbObject.alpha != undefined) { back_mc._alpha = farbObject.alpha; } tiefe++; main_mc = container_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("m_mc", tiefe); main_mc.tiefe = 1; if ((listenType == "CombBox") || (listenType == "Menu")) { if (main_pb == undefined) { main_pb = container_mc.attachMovie("freeList_pb", "m_pb", 2); main_pb.setSize(meineBreite, buttonHoehe); } back_mc._visible = false; if (renderUp) { main_mc._y = -buttonHoehe; } else { main_mc._y = buttonHoehe; } var _local2 = meineHoehe - buttonHoehe; ch.mda.util.DrawUtil.drawRectLine(rand_mc, meineBreite, _local2); ch.mda.util.DrawUtil.drawRectFill(back_mc, meineBreite, _local2); main_mc._visible = false; if (freeListArrow_mc != undefined) { main_pb.setSymbolMovie(freeListArrow_mc); } ListArrow = main_pb.symbolMovie; ListArrow._height = buttonHoehe; ListArrow._width = buttonHoehe; ListArrow._x = meineBreite - buttonHoehe; trace("ListArrow: " + ListArrow); main_pb._visible = true; main_pb.setLabel(label, fontSize, bold, align, fontEmbed); if (listenType == "CombBox") { main_pb.setPressHandler("showList"); if (liste_array[0].label != undefined) { main_pb.setLabel(liste_array[0].label, fontSize, bold, align, fontEmbed); } } if (listenType == "Menu") { main_pb.setRollHandler("showList"); } } if ((listenType == "ListBox") || (listenType == "Menu2")) { main_mc._y = 0; main_pb._visible = false; if (listenType == "ListBox") { ch.mda.util.DrawUtil.drawRectLine(rand_mc, meineBreite, meineHoehe); ch.mda.util.DrawUtil.drawRectFill(back_mc, meineBreite, meineHoehe); } ListArrow._visible = false; } rand_mc._y = main_mc._y; back_mc._y = main_mc._y; rand_mc._visible = main_mc._visible; back_mc._visible = main_mc._visible; if (liste_array == undefined) { return(undefined); } if (liste_array.length == 0) { return(undefined); } if (weitMe) { weitMe = true; var zz = 0; back_mc.onEnterFrame = function () { zz++; if (zz > 2) { this.weitMe = undefined; this.renderListe(); delete this.back_mc.onEnterFrame; } }; } else { return(undefined); } movie_array = new Array(); main_mc.tiefe = 1; var lange = (liste_array.length - 1); var i = 0; realHoehe = (lange + 1) * buttonHoehe; if (realHoehe <= meineHoehe) { showScollbar = false; } else if (realHoehe > meineHoehe) { showScollbar = true; } if (listenType == "Menu2") { showScollbar = false; } if (showScollbar) { machScroll(renderUp); } else if (!showScollbar) { if ((listenType == "Menu") || (listenType == "CombBox")) { rand_mc._height = realHoehe; back_mc._height = realHoehe; } removeScoll(); } if (lange > 6) { container_mc.onEnterFrame = function () { this.renderButtons(i, lange); i++; if (i <= lange) { this.renderButtons(i, lange); i++; } if (i <= lange) { this.renderButtons(i, lange); i++; } if (i <= lange) { this.renderButtons(i, lange); i++; } if (i <= lange) { this.renderButtons(i, lange); i++; } if (i > lange) { if (this.behalteIndex != undefined) { this.setSelectedIndex(this.behalteIndex); } this.isRedering = false; delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; } else { var i = 0; while (i < liste_array.length) { renderButtons(i, lange); i++; } if (behalteIndex != undefined) { setSelectedIndex(behalteIndex); } isRedering = false; } } function renderButtons(i, lange) { main_mc.tiefe++; var _local5 = {_y:i * buttonHoehe}; if (listenType == "Menu2") { if (i == 0) { _local5 = {_x:0}; } else { _local5 = {_x:(i * meineBreite) + (i * menuSpace)}; } } var _local2 = main_mc.attachMovie("freeList_pb", "lb" + main_mc.tiefe, main_mc.tiefe, _local5); movie_array.push(_local2); _local2.setClickHandler("myClickHandler", container_mc); _local2.setRollHandler(rollHandler, RollObj); _local2.setOutHandler(rollOutHandler, RollOutObj); _local2.setPressHandler(pressHandler, PressObj); _local2.setData(liste_array[i].data); _local2.setColorObjFertig(farbObject, farbObjectText); _local2.setAnimations(noAnimation); if (liste_array[i].tip != undefined) { if (tipObject != undefined) { _local2.setTip(liste_array[i].tip, tipObject); } else { _local2.setTip(liste_array[i].tip); } } _local2.indexNumber = i; realHoehe = (lange + 1) * buttonHoehe; if (realHoehe <= meineHoehe) { var _local4 = meineBreite; _local2.setSize(meineBreite, buttonHoehe); } else if (realHoehe > meineHoehe) { var _local4 = meineBreite - buttonHoehe; _local2.setSize(meineBreite - scrollerbreite, buttonHoehe); } if (liste_array[i].icon != undefined) { _local2.tiefe++; var _local6 = {_x:_local4 + 5, _y:2}; _local2.attachMovie(liste_array[i].icon, "icon", _local2.tiefe); } if (listenType == "Menu2") { _local2.setSize(meineBreite, buttonHoehe); } _local2.setLabel(liste_array[i].label, fontSize, bold, align, fontEmbed); } function machScroll(up) { if (myScrollBar == undefined) { tiefe++; myScrollBar = container_mc.attachMovie("ultimateScroller", "scroller", 5555555); } else { tiefe++; } myScrollBar._x = meineBreite - scrollerbreite; myScrollBar.face = 15658734 /* 0xEEEEEE */; myScrollBar.scrollTrack = 12303291 /* 0xBBBBBB */; myScrollBar.scrollAmount = buttonHoehe; myScrollBar.useMask = true; if ((listenType == "CombBox") || (listenType == "Menu")) { myScrollBar._visible = false; if (renderUp) { myScrollBar._y = -buttonHoehe; } else { myScrollBar._y = buttonHoehe; } myScrollBar.scrollTarget = main_mc; } else if (listenType == "ListBox") { main_mc._y = 0; myScrollBar._visible = true; myScrollBar._y = 0; } myScrollBar.scrollTarget = main_mc; myScrollBar.size = rand_mc._height; } function removeScoll() { if (myScrollBar != undefined) { myScrollBar.targetClip.setMask(null); myScrollBar.borderObj.removeMovieClip(); myScrollBar._visible = false; } } function keepHightlight(button_mc) { trace(button_mc); trace(button_mc.aktiv); if (button_mc.aktiv) { trace("bin aktiv"); button_mc.setHightLight(farbObject.heightLight, farbObjectText.heightLight); } RollObj[rollHandler](); } var aktiv = true; var bold = false; var fontEmbed = true; var renderUp = false; }
Symbol 101 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class ch.mda.util.mathUtil { function mathUtil () { } static function initialize() { _global.percentValue = percentValue; _global.numberPercentValue = numberPercentValue; _global.percentValueRaw = percentValueRaw; _global.numberPercentValueRaw = numberPercentValueRaw; _root.percentValue = percentValue; _root.numberPercentValue = numberPercentValue; _root.percentValueRaw = percentValueRaw; _root.numberPercentValueRaw = numberPercentValueRaw; _root.randomNumbers = randomNumbers; _root.myDistance = myDistance; _root.conterScale = conterScale; _root.randomBetween = randomBetween; _root.addZeros = addZeros; trace("init util [ch.mda.util.mathUtil]"); } static function percentValue(gesamt, teil) { var _local1 = Math.floor((teil / gesamt) * 100); return(_local1); } static function percentValueRaw(gesamt, teil) { var _local1 = (teil / gesamt) * 100; return(_local1); } static function numberPercentValue(gesamt, percent) { var _local1 = Math.floor((gesamt / 100) * percent); return(_local1); } static function numberPercentValueRaw(gesamt, percent) { var _local1 = (gesamt / 100) * percent; return(_local1); } static function myDistance(x1, y1, x2, y2) { var _local1 = new Object(); _local1.distx = x2 - x1; _local1.disty = y2 - y1; _local1.distance = Math.sqrt((_local1.distx * _local1.distx) + (_local1.disty * _local1.disty)); return(_local1.distance); } static function conterScale(mc1, mc2, prozent) { if (prozent == undefined) { prozent = mc1._xscale; } else { mc1._xscale = prozent; mc1._yscale = prozent; } var _local2 = Math.round((1 / prozent) * 10000); mc2._xscale = _local2; mc2._yscale = _local2; } static function randomBetween(pmin, pmax) { return(pmin + Math.floor(Math.random() * ((pmax - pmin) + 1))); } static function addZeros(zahl, digits) { var _local2 = zahl + ""; var _local3 = ""; var _local1 = _local2.length; while (_local1 < digits) { _local3 = _local3 + "0"; _local1++; } _local3 = _local3 + _local2; return(_local3); } static function randomNumbers(startNummer, anzahl) { var _local5 = new Array(); var _local4 = new Array(); var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < startNummer) { _local5[_local2] = _local2 + 1; var _local3 = true; while (_local3) { var _local1 = int(random(startNummer)); if (_local4[_local1] == undefined) { _local4[_local1] = _local5[_local2]; _local3 = false; } } _local2++; } _local4 = _local4.slice(0, anzahl); return(_local4); } }
Symbol 102 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class ch.mda.util.ArrayUtil { function ArrayUtil () { } static function initialize() { trace("init util [ch.mda.util.ArrayUtil]"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("ch.mda.util.ArrayUtil.sortBy", "key, arr", "nothing", "none", "ch.mda.util.ArrayUtil"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("ch.mda.util.ArrayUtil.sortByUp", "key, arr", "nothing", "none", "ch.mda.util.ArrayUtil"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("ch.mda.util.ArrayUtil.simpleClon", "a_array", "Array", "none", "ch.mda.util.ArrayUtil"); } static function sortBy(key, arr) { var _local3 = function (a, b) { var _local2 = ((typeof(a[key]) == "string") ? (a[key].toLowerCase()) : (a[key])); var _local1 = ((typeof(b[key]) == "string") ? (b[key].toLowerCase()) : (b[key])); if (_local2 < _local1) { return(-1); } if (_local2 > _local1) { return(1); } return(0); }; arr.sort(_local3); } static function sortByUp(key, arr) { var _local3 = function (a, b) { var _local2 = ((typeof(a[key]) == "string") ? (a[key].toLowerCase()) : (a[key])); var _local1 = ((typeof(b[key]) == "string") ? (b[key].toLowerCase()) : (b[key])); if (_local2 > _local1) { return(-1); } if (_local2 < _local1) { return(1); } return(0); }; arr.sort(_local3); } static function simpleClon(a_array) { var _local1 = new Array(); _local1 = _local1.concat(a_array); return(_local1); } }
Symbol 103 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class ch.mda.util.ObjectUtil { function ObjectUtil () { } static function initialize() { _root.simpleClon = simpleClon; _root.traceObjectSimple = traceObjectSimple; _root.cloneObject = cloneObject; _root.clearAllInterval = clearAllInterval; _root.doAfterTime = doAfterTime; trace("init util [ch.mda.util.ObjectUtil]"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_root.simpleClon", "obj:Object", "Object", "none", "ch.mda.util.ObjectUtil"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_root.traceObjectSimple", "obj:Object", "none", "none", "ch.mda.util.ObjectUtil"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_root.cloneObject", "obj:Object", "none", "none", "ch.mda.util.ObjectUtil"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_root.clearAllInterval", "no arguments", "none", "none", "ch.mda.util.ObjectUtil"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_root.doAfterTime", "mc:MovieClip, time:Number, funk:Function", "Bolean", "none", "ch.mda.util.ObjectUtil"); } static function simpleClon(obj) { if (obj instanceof Array) { trace("ist ein array"); return(ch.mda.util.ArrayUtil.simpleClon(obj)); } var _local2 = {}; for (var _local3 in obj) { _local2[_local3] = obj[_local3]; } return(_local2); } static function traceObjectSimple(o) { if (System.capabilities.playerType == "External") { for (var _local2 in o) { trace((_local2 + ": ") + o[_local2]); } } } static function cloneObject(obj) { var _local4 = {}; for (var _local5 in obj) { if (typeof(obj[_local5]) == "object") { if (obj[_local5] instanceof Array) { _local4[_local5] = new Array(); var _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < obj[_local5].length) { var _local3 = cloneObject(obj[_local5][_local1]); _local4[_local5].push(_local3); _local1++; } } else { _local4[_local5] = cloneObject(obj[_local5]); } } else { _local4[_local5] = obj[_local5]; } } return(_local4); } static function clearAllInterval() { var _local3 = function () { var _local2 = 1; while (_local2 < (clearIntervaller + 1)) { clearInterval(_local2); _local2++; } trace((("last interval: " + clearIntervaller) + " killed: ") + _local2); _root.traceMessage("last interval: " + clearIntervaller, "killed: " + _local2); }; var clearIntervaller = setInterval(_local3, 10); } static function doAfterTime(mc, time, funk) { var _local3 = function () { _root.traceMessage((("start interval called: " + getTimer()) + " ms.") + mc._name, time, funk); clearInterval(intervalID); if (mc._visible) { funk(); _root.traceMessage((("made interval called: " + getTimer()) + " ms.") + mc._name, time, funk); return(true); } _root.traceMessage((("not made interval called: " + getTimer()) + " ms.") + mc._name, time, funk); return(false); }; var _local2 = time * 1000; var intervalID = setInterval(_local3, _local2); } }
Symbol 104 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class ch.mda.core.SoundControl extends MovieClip { var oberSound, meinVol, lister_array, stop, slider_mc, behalt, durchstreich_mc, sound_pb; function SoundControl () { super(); _root.soundControl_mc = this; _global.soundzustand = true; oberSound = new Sound(); meinVol = 80; lister_array = new Array(); var _local5 = "ch.mda.core.SoundControl: " + this; if (System.capabilities.playerType == "External") { trace(_local5); } (stop());// not popped ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_root.soundControl_mc.setSoundState", "value:Boolean", "nothing ", "_global.soundzustand", "ch.mda.core.SoundControle"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_root.soundControl_mc.addListener", "mc:MovieClip", "nothing ", "none", "ch.mda.core.SoundControle"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_root.soundControl_mc.removeListener", "mc:MovieClip", "nothing ", "none", "ch.mda.core.SoundControle"); } function machLaut() { meinVol = slider_mc.getValue(); oberSound.setVolume(meinVol); } function mikro() { if (_global.soundzustand) { setSoundState(false); } else { setSoundState(true); } if (_global.soundzustand) { _global.soundClick(100); if (behalt != undefined) { ch.mda.core.PresenterSounds.playSound(_root.soundControl_mc.behalt.wo,, _root.soundControl_mc.behalt.lautstark, _root.soundControl_mc.behalt.loop, true); } } else if (!_global.soundzustand) { var _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < lister_array.length) { lister_array[_local4].setSoundState(false); _local4++; } } } function setSoundState(value) { _global.soundzustand = value; if (_global.soundzustand) { slider_mc.setEnabled(true); durchstreich_mc._visible = false; } else { slider_mc.setEnabled(false); durchstreich_mc._visible = true; stopAllSounds(); } } function addListener(mc) { lister_array.push(mc); } function removeListener(mc) { var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < lister_array.length) { if (lister_array[_local2] == mc) { lister_array.splice(_local2, 1); break; } _local2++; } } function onLoad() { sound_pb.setClickHandler("mikro", this); sound_pb.setTip(_root.t_soundinfo); durchstreich_mc._visible = false; slider_mc.setChangeHandler("machLaut", this); } }
Symbol 105 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class ch.mda.core.PresenterSounds { function PresenterSounds () { } static function initialize() { _global.playSound = playSound; _global.soundClick = soundClick; _global.soundAlert = soundAlert; _global.soundGood = soundGood; _global.soundFlop = soundFlop; trace("init core [ch.mda.core.PresenterSounds]"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_global.playSound", "wo:MovieClip, song:String, lautstark:Number, loop:Number, merken:Boolean, machstop:Boolean", "Sound", "none", "ch.mda.core.PresenterSounds"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_global.soundClick", "no arguments", "nothing", "none", "ch.mda.core.PresenterSounds"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_global.soundAlert", "no arguments", "nothing", "none", "ch.mda.core.PresenterSounds"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_global.soundGood", "no arguments", "nothing", "none", "ch.mda.core.PresenterSounds"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_global.soundFlop", "no arguments", "nothing", "none", "ch.mda.core.PresenterSounds"); } static function playSound(wo, song, lautstark, loop, merken, machstop) { if (_global.soundzustand) { _root.soundControl_mc.meinVol = _root.soundControl_mc.slider_mc.getValue(); if (lautstark == undefined) { lautstark = _root.soundControl_mc.meinVol; } if (loop == undefined) { loop = 1; } if (merken == undefined) { merken = false; } if (machstop == undefined) { machstop = false; } if (machstop) { stopAllSounds(); _root.soundControl_mc.letzterSound.stop(); } if (wo.tiefe == undefined) { wo.tiefe = 10000; } wo.tiefe++; var _local3 = wo.createEmptyMovieClip("s" + wo.tiefe, wo.tiefe); _local3.meinSound = new Sound(_local3); _local3.meinSound.attachSound(song); var _local4 = _root.soundControl_mc.meinVol / 100; _local3.meinSound.setVolume(lautstark * _local4); _local3.meinSound.start(0, loop); trace((((((("soundClass: " + song) + " laut: ") + (lautstark * _local4)) + " mc: ") + _local3) + " tiefe: ") + wo.tiefe); if (merken) { _root.soundControl_mc.behalt = {wo:wo, song:song, lautstark:lautstark, loop:loop}; } _root.soundControl_mc.letzterSound = _root.soundControl_mc.meinSound; return(_local3.meinSound); } } static function soundClick(laut) { if (laut == undefined) { laut = 100; } playSound(_root.soundHalter_mc, "click", laut, 1); } static function soundAlert(laut) { if (laut == undefined) { laut = 100; } playSound(_root.soundHalter_mc, "alert", laut, 1); } static function soundGood(laut) { if (laut == undefined) { laut = 100; } playSound(_root.soundHalter_mc, "harfe", laut, 1); } static function soundFlop(laut) { if (laut == undefined) { laut = 100; } playSound(_root.soundHalter_mc, "flopp", laut, 1); } }
Symbol 106 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class ch.mda.FreeText extends MovieClip { var container_mc, fake_mc, myFontErsatz, scrollerBreite, tiefe, boxAbstand, linkColorOver, linkColor, id, obj, meinePositions, species, hatBox, textFarbe, boxTextFarbe, hatBorder, meinSize, borderFarbe, meineBreite, fontEinbetten, fontPlain, meinText, myFont, hatScroll, $hoehe, winText_mc, meinTextfeld_txt, my_styleSheet, textShadow, hatLabel, labelColor, labelWinText_mc, createEmptyMovieClip, meinLabel_txt, label_styleSheet, labelBack_mc, $randLabel_mc, backFarbe, $back_mc, $rand_mc, myScrollBar, hatDelay, hatTween, dInterval, meinTextFormat, c_btn, sInterval, abstandHohe, label; function FreeText () { super(); container_mc = this; resettMich(); fake_mc._visible = false; container_mc.back_mc._visible = false; container_mc.rand_mc._visible = false; myFontErsatz = "Verdana"; scrollerBreite = 15; tiefe = 100; boxAbstand = 8; var _local3 = "init ch.mda.FreeText: " + container_mc; if (System.capabilities.playerType == "External") { trace(_local3); } linkColorOver = "#FF0000"; linkColor = "#0000FF"; } function setText(content, breite, position, c_species, fontSize, textColor, backColor, borderColor, maxHoehe, minHoehe, fontEinbinden, selectable, animation, typewriter, label, $labelColor, delay, window, $obj) { resettMich(); id =; obj = $obj; var _local33; if (content == "$") { return(undefined); } if (content == undefined) { trace(container_mc + ": kein Text"); return(undefined); } if (obj.boxSpace != undefined) { boxAbstand = Number(obj.boxSpace); } container_mc._visible = true; if (position != undefined) { if (typeof(position) == "string") { var _local20 = position.split("*"); meinePositions = {x:Number(_local20[0]), y:Number(_local20[1])}; } else if (position instanceof MovieClip) { meinePositions = getPosition(position); } else if (position instanceof TextField) { meinePositions = getPosition(position); } else if (position.x != undefined) { meinePositions = position; } container_mc._x = meinePositions.x; container_mc._y = meinePositions.y; } else { meinePositions = {x:container_mc._x, y:container_mc._y}; } if (c_species != undefined) { species = c_species; } if (species == "plainText") { hatBox = false; } if (species == "box") { hatBox = true; textFarbe = boxTextFarbe; } if (species == "boxWithBorder") { hatBox = true; hatBorder = true; } if (species == "bubble") { hatBox = true; hatBorder = false; } if (fontSize != undefined) { meinSize = Number(fontSize); } if (obj.textSize != undefined) { meinSize = Number(obj.textSize); } if (textColor != undefined) { textFarbe = textColor; } if (borderColor != undefined) { borderFarbe = borderColor; } var _local42 = 0; var _local39 = 0; if (breite != undefined) { meineBreite = Number(breite); } if (hatBox) { var _local12 = meineBreite - boxAbstand; } else { var _local12 = meineBreite; } if ((_root.p_fontEinbetten == false) || (_root.p_fontEinbetten == undefined)) { fontEinbetten = false; } if (_root.s_embedFonts == false) { fontEinbetten = false; } else if (_root.s_embedFonts == true) { fontEinbetten = true; } if (fontEinbinden == "false") { fontEinbetten = false; } else if (fontEinbinden == "true") { fontEinbetten = true; } if (_root.p_fontErsatz != undefined) { myFontErsatz = _root.p_fontErsatz; } if (_root.s_fontReplacement != undefined) { myFontErsatz = _root.s_fontReplacement; } fontPlain = _root.p_hauptschrift; if (obj.fontReplacement != undefined) { myFontErsatz = obj.fontReplacement; fontPlain = obj.fontReplacement; } meinText = content; if (fontEinbetten) { myFont = fontPlain; } else { myFont = myFontErsatz; } if (maxHoehe != undefined) { hatScroll = true; $hoehe = Number(maxHoehe); var _local12 = _local12 - scrollerBreite; } else { hatScroll = false; $hoehe = 24; } tiefe++; winText_mc = container_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("w", tiefe); winText_mc.jump = function (wert) { var _local2 = wert.split("*"); if (_local2[1] == undefined) { _local2 = wert.split("|"); } _global.jumpChapter(_local2[0], Number(_local2[1])); }; var _local27 = 10; winText_mc.createTextField("t_txt", 2, 0, 0, _local12, _local27); meinTextfeld_txt = winText_mc.t_txt; if (hatScroll) { meinTextfeld_txt.autoSize = "left"; } else { meinTextfeld_txt.autoSize = "left"; } meinTextfeld_txt.multiline = true; meinTextfeld_txt.wordWrap = true; meinTextfeld_txt.html = true; if (_root.s_selectable == "false") { meinTextfeld_txt.selectable = false; } else if (selectable == false) { meinTextfeld_txt.selectable = false; } else if (selectable == "false") { meinTextfeld_txt.selectable = false; } meinTextFormat = new TextFormat(); meinTextFormat.leading = 2; if (obj.leading != undefined) { meinTextFormat.leading = Number(obj.leading); } if (fontEinbetten) { meinTextfeld_txt.embedFonts = true; ch.mda.util.TextFieldUtil.textRendering(meinTextfeld_txt); } else if (fontEinbetten == false) { meinTextfeld_txt.embedFonts = false; } if (obj.html == "false") { meinTextFormat.font = fontPlain; meinTextFormat.size = Number(meinSize); meinTextFormat.color = Number(ch.mda.util.StringUtil.replaceString(textFarbe, "#", "0x")); meinTextfeld_txt.html = false; meinTextfeld_txt.text = content; meinTextfeld_txt.setTextFormat(meinTextFormat); } else { if (_root.p_mainColors.linkColorOver != undefined) { linkColorOver = _root.p_mainColors.linkColorOver; } if (obj.linkColorOver != undefined) { linkColorOver = obj.linkColorOver; } if (_root.p_mainColors.linkColor != undefined) { linkColor = _root.p_mainColors.linkColor; } if (obj.linkColor != undefined) { linkColor = obj.linkColor; } my_styleSheet = new TextField.StyleSheet(); var _local7 = ("a:hover{ color: " + linkColorOver) + ";}"; var _local17 = "underline"; if (_root.p_textDecoration != undefined) { _local17 = _root.p_textDecoration; } if ((obj.textDecoration == "none") || (obj.textDecoration == "false")) { _local17 = "none"; } _local7 = _local7 + (((("a{ color: " + linkColor) + "; text-decoration: ") + _local17) + ";}"); _local7 = _local7 + "body {"; _local7 = _local7 + (("font-family: " + myFont) + ";"); _local7 = _local7 + (("fontSize: " + meinSize) + ";"); _local7 = _local7 + (("color: " + textFarbe) + ";"); if (obj.textAlign != undefined) { _local7 = _local7 + (("text-align: " + obj.textAlign) + ";"); } _local7 = _local7 + "}"; if (my_styleSheet.parseCSS(_local7)) { meinTextfeld_txt.styleSheet = my_styleSheet; meinText = ("<body>" + content) + "</body>"; } meinTextfeld_txt.htmlText = meinText; meinTextfeld_txt.setTextFormat(meinTextFormat); } if (ch.mda.util.ColorUtil.testHex(obj.shadow)) { if (obj.shadowBlur == undefined) { winText_mc.createTextField("t1_txt", 1, 1, 1, _local12, $hoehe); winText_mc.t1_txt.selectable = false; winText_mc.t1_txt.multiline = true; winText_mc.t1_txt.wordWrap = true; winText_mc.t1_txt.html = true; winText_mc.t1_txt.autoSize = "left"; winText_mc.t1_txt.setTextFormat(meinTextFormat); if (fontEinbetten) { winText_mc.t1_txt.embedFonts = true; } else if (fontEinbetten == false) { winText_mc.t1_txt.embedFonts = false; } winText_mc.t1_txt.styleSheet = my_styleSheet; winText_mc.t1_txt.htmlText = meinText; ch.mda.util.TextFieldUtil.textRendering(winText_mc.t1_txt); ch.mda.util.ColorUtil.farbMc(winText_mc.t1_txt, obj.shadow); var _local29 = true; textShadow = winText_mc.t1_txt; } else { v = Number(obj.shadowBlur); ch.mda.util.ColorUtil.dropShadow(meinTextfeld_txt, obj.shadow, v); } } var _local8 = Math.round(winText_mc._height); if (typewriter != undefined) { if (typewriter != false) { if (typewriter != "false") { meinTextfeld_txt.htmlText = ""; } } } var _local4 = 0; if (label != undefined) { if (label != "undefined") { if (label != "$") { hatLabel = true; if (ch.mda.util.ColorUtil.testHex($labelColor)) { labelColor = $labelColor; } if (obj.species == "boxWithBorder") { } labelWinText_mc = createEmptyMovieClip("w1", 1000); labelWinText_mc.createTextField("l_txt", 20, 6, 1, meineBreite - 4, 11); meinLabel_txt = labelWinText_mc.l_txt; meinLabel_txt.autoSize = "left"; meinLabel_txt.multiline = true; meinLabel_txt.wordWrap = true; meinLabel_txt.html = true; if (_root.s_selectable == "false") { meinLabel_txt.selectable = false; } else if (selectable == false) { meinLabel_txt.selectable = false; } var meinTextFormat = new TextFormat(); meinTextFormat.leading = 2; meinLabel_txt.setTextFormat(meinTextFormat); if (fontEinbetten) { meinLabel_txt.embedFonts = true; } else if (fontEinbetten == false) { meinLabel_txt.embedFonts = false; } label_styleSheet = new TextField.StyleSheet(); var _local7 = "body {"; _local7 = _local7 + (("font-family: " + myFont) + ";"); _local7 = _local7 + (("fontSize: " + meinSize) + ";"); _local7 = _local7 + (("color: " + labelColor) + ";"); _local7 = _local7 + "}"; if (label_styleSheet.parseCSS(_local7)) { meinLabel_txt.styleSheet = label_styleSheet; var _local32 = ("<body>" + label) + "</body>"; } meinLabel_txt.htmlText = _local32; ch.mda.util.TextFieldUtil.textRendering(meinLabel_txt); if (ch.mda.util.ColorUtil.testHex(obj.labelShadow)) { if (obj.shadowBlur == undefined) { labelWinText_mc.createTextField("l2_txt", 1, 7, 2, meineBreite - 4, 11); labelWinText_mc.l2_txt.autoSize = "left"; labelWinText_mc.l2_txt.multiline = true; labelWinText_mc.l2_txt.wordWrap = true; labelWinText_mc.l2_txt.html = true; labelWinText_mc.l2_txt.selectable = false; if (fontEinbetten) { labelWinText_mc.l2_txt.embedFonts = true; } else if (fontEinbetten == false) { labelWinText_mc.l2_txt.embedFonts = false; } labelWinText_mc.l2_txt.styleSheet = label_styleSheet; labelWinText_mc.l2_txt.htmlText = label; labelWinText_mc.l2_txt.setTextFormat(meinTextFormat); ch.mda.util.TextFieldUtil.textRendering(labelWinText_mc.l2_txt); ch.mda.util.ColorUtil.farbMc(labelWinText_mc.l2_txt, obj.labelShadow); } else { v = Number(obj.shadowBlur); ch.mda.util.ColorUtil.dropShadow(meinLabel_txt, obj.labelShadow, v); } } _local4 = Math.round(labelWinText_mc._height); meinTextfeld_txt._y = 2; winText_mc._y = _local4; winText_mc.lineStyle(1, 0, 0); winText_mc.lineTo(0, 10); tiefe++; container_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("labelBack_mc", tiefe); ch.mda.util.DrawUtil.drawRectFill(labelBack_mc, meineBreite, _local4); var _local18 = borderFarbe; if (obj.backColorLabel != undefined) { ch.mda.util.ColorUtil.farbMc(labelBack_mc, obj.backColorLabel); $randLabel_mc = labelWinText_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("rand_mc", 10); ch.mda.util.DrawUtil.drawRectLine($randLabel_mc, meineBreite, _local4); ch.mda.util.ColorUtil.farbMc($randLabel_mc, borderFarbe); _local18 = obj.backColorLabel; } else { ch.mda.util.ColorUtil.farbMc(labelBack_mc, borderFarbe); } if (obj.backColorLabel_G != undefined) { ch.mda.util.ColorUtil.simpleGradient(labelBack_mc, _local18, obj.backColorLabel_G, meineBreite, _local4); } } } } if (hatBox) { if (backColor != undefined) { backFarbe = backColor; } var _local34 = boxAbstand / 2; if (_local8 > 30) { _local34 = (boxAbstand / 2) + boxAbstand; } container_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("$back_mc", 1); if (species == "bubble") { var _local24 = ch.mda.util.ColorUtil.changeToNumber(backFarbe); var _local22 = _local24; if (obj.backColor_G != undefined) { _local22 = ch.mda.util.ColorUtil.changeToNumber(obj.backColor_G); } var _local36 = ch.mda.util.ColorUtil.changeToNumber(borderFarbe); var _local31 = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.checkStringToNumber(obj.bubble_startX); var _local26; if (_local31) { _local26 = Number(obj.bubble_startX); } var _local35; var _local30 = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.checkStringToNumber(obj.bubble_endY); if (_local30) { _local35 = Number(obj.bubble_endY); } var _local14 = _local8 - 10; if (hatLabel) { _local14 = _local14 + _local4; } var _local21 = 2; if (obj.lineStyle != undefined) { _local21 = Number(obj.lineStyle); } drawBallon($back_mc, meineBreite - 20, _local14, _local24, _local22, _local36, _local21, _local26, _local35); if (obj.bubble_top == "true") { $back_mc._yscale = -100; $back_mc._y = _local8 + 10; if (hatLabel) { $back_mc._y = $back_mc._y + _local4; } } } else { ch.mda.util.DrawUtil.drawRectFill($back_mc, meineBreite, _local8 + _local34, backFarbe); ch.mda.util.ColorUtil.farbMc($back_mc, backFarbe); } if (obj.alpha != undefined) { var _local37 = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.checkStringToNumber(obj.alpha); if (_local37) { $back_mc._alpha = Number(obj.alpha); } } if (minHoehe != undefined) { minHoehe = Number(minHoehe); if ($back_mc._height < minHoehe) { $back_mc._height = minHoehe; } } meinTextfeld_txt._x = boxAbstand / 2; meinTextfeld_txt._y = boxAbstand / 2; if (_local29) { winText_mc.t1_txt._x = (boxAbstand / 2) + 1; winText_mc.t1_txt._y = (boxAbstand / 2) + 1; } if (ch.mda.util.ColorUtil.testHex(obj.shadowBox)) { var v = 5; if (obj.shadowBoxBlur != undefined) { v = Number(obj.shadowBoxBlur); } ch.mda.util.ColorUtil.dropShadow(container_mc, obj.shadowBox, v); } } if (hatScroll) { $back_mc._height = $hoehe; } if (obj.backColor_G != undefined) { if (species != "bubble") { ch.mda.util.ColorUtil.simpleGradient($back_mc, backFarbe, obj.backColor_G, $back_mc._width, $back_mc._height); } } if (hatBorder) { container_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("$rand_mc", 98765543); ch.mda.util.DrawUtil.drawRectLine($rand_mc, $back_mc._width, $back_mc._height); ch.mda.util.ColorUtil.farbMc($rand_mc, borderFarbe); if (hatLabel) { if (obj.species == "boxWithBorder") { $back_mc._y = _local4; $rand_mc._y = _local4; } } } if (hatScroll) { if (meinTextfeld_txt._height > $hoehe) { trace(container_mc + " scoller wird gesetzt"); if (myScrollBar == undefined) { tiefe++; myScrollBar = container_mc.attachMovie("ultimateScroller", "scroller", tiefe); } else { tiefe++; myScrollBar._visible = true; myScrollBar.swapDepths(tiefe); } myScrollBar._y = $back_mc._y; myScrollBar._x = meineBreite - (scrollerBreite - 1); myScrollBar.scrollWidth = scrollerBreite; myScrollBar.face = 15658734 /* 0xEEEEEE */; myScrollBar.scrollTrack = 16053492 /* 0xF4F4F4 */; var h = $back_mc._height; if (h == undefined) { h = $hoehe; } if ($back_mc._height < 60) { $back_mc._height = 60; $rand_mc._height = $back_mc._height; } myScrollBar.size = h; myScrollBar.useMask = true; myScrollBar.scrollTarget = winText_mc; } } container_mc._alpha = 100; if (delay != undefined) { if (delay != "undefined") { if (delay != "false") { if (delay != false) { var _local19 = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.checkStringToNumber(delay); if (_local19) { hatDelay = true; } } } } } if (animation != undefined) { if (animation != false) { if (animation != "false") { if (animation != "undefined") { container_mc._visible = false; var _local19 = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.checkStringToNumber(animation); if (_local19) { var _local23 = Number(animation); } else { var _local23 = 2; } if (hatDelay == false) { if (obj.displayOnEvent != "true") { machTween(_local23); } } else { hatTween = _local23; } } } } } if (typewriter != undefined) { if (typewriter != false) { if (typewriter != "false") { if (typewriter != "undefined") { var _local19 = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.checkStringToNumber(typewriter); if (_local19) { var _local23 = Number(typewriter); if (_local19 == 0) { _local23 = 1; } } else { var _local23 = 1; } if (hatDelay == false) { machTypeWriter(_local23); } else { _local33 = _local23; } } } } } if (hatDelay) { if (obj.displayOnEvent != "true") { container_mc._visible = false; var mc = container_mc; var d = Number(delay); var c = 0; var h = hatTween; var t = _local33; var _local28 = function () { c = c + 500; if ((c / 1000) >= d) { clearInterval(dInt); mc._visible = true; if (h != undefined) { mc.machTween(h); } if (t != undefined) { mc.machTypeWriter(t); } } }; dInterval = setInterval(_local28, 500); var dInt = dInterval; } } if ((window == "true") || (window == true)) { if (label != undefined) { treatAsWindow(true); } } if (obj.rotation != undefined) { container_mc._rotation = Number(obj.rotation); } if (obj.displayOnEvent == "true") { container_mc._alpha = 0; _root.content_mc.buildDisplayList(container_mc, "displayOnEvent"); _root.navigations_mc.navi_pb.stopShine(); _root.navigations_mc.navi_pb.shine(); } else { moreTweens(); } } function setTextObject(s) { var _local6 = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.checkStringToNumber(s.width); if (_local6) { var _local5 = Number(s.width); } _local6 = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.checkStringToNumber(s.height); if (_local6) { var _local8 = Number(s.height); } _local6 = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.checkStringToNumber(s.heightAbs); if (_local6) { var _local7 = Number(s.heightAbs); } var _local4 = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.stringToBoolean(s.selectable); for (var _local3 in s) { if (s[_local3] == "") { delete s[_local3]; } if (s[_local3] == "undefined") { s[_local3] = undefined; } } setText(s.text, _local5, s.position, s.species, s.fontSize, s.textColor, s.backColor, s.borderColor, _local8, _local7, s.embedFonts, _local4, s.animation, s.typeWriter, s.label, s.labelColor, s.delay, s.window, s); } function setTextFormat(t) { setTextObject(t); container_mc._visible = false; } function changeText(content, label) { if (obj.html == "false") { meinTextfeld_txt.text = content; meinTextfeld_txt.setTextFormat(meinTextFormat); } else { meinText = ("<body>" + content) + "</body>"; meinTextfeld_txt.htmlText = meinText; } if (label != undefined) { if (label != "$") { var _local3 = ("<body>" + label) + "</body>"; meinLabel_txt.htmlText = _local3; } } } function set text(content) { changeText(content); //return(text); } function setInput(wert) { if (wert) { meinTextfeld_txt.type = "input"; meinTextfeld_txt.selectable = true; } else { meinTextfeld_txt.type = "dynamic"; } } function setSelectable(wert) { meinTextfeld_txt.selectable = wert; } function getText() { return(meinTextfeld_txt.text); } function get text() { var _local2 = getText(); return(_local2); } function getTextfeld() { return(meinTextfeld_txt); } function getHTMLText() { return(meinTextfeld_txt.htmlText); } function treatAsWindow(wert) { meinLabel_txt.selectable = false; var _local4 = Math.floor((labelBack_mc._height - 14) / 2); var _local3 = {_x:container_mc._width - 20, _y:_local4}; var _local2 = labelBack_mc.getDepth() + 100; c_btn = container_mc.attachMovie("closeSmall_pb", "close_btn", _local2, _local3); c_btn.setClickHandler("removeMich", container_mc); if ((wert == false) || (wert == undefined)) { } else { labelBack_mc.onPress = function () { this._parent.startDrag(false, 160, 100, 1022 - this._parent._width, 600); this._parent._parent.tiefe++; this._parent.swapDepths(this._parent._parent.tiefe); }; labelBack_mc.onRelease = function () { (this.stopDrag());// not popped }; labelBack_mc.onReleaseOutside = function () { (this.stopDrag());// not popped }; } } function removeMich() { container_mc._visible = false; container_mc._x = meinePositions.x; container_mc._y = meinePositions.y; container_mc.removeMovieClip(); } function displayOnEvent() { var _local2 = 1; if (obj.animation != undefined) { if (obj.animation != "true") { if (obj.animation != "false") { _local2 = Number(obj.animation); } } } machTween(_local2); moreTweens(); } function resettMich() { if (sInterval != undefined) { clearInterval(sInterval); } if (dInterval != undefined) { clearInterval(dInterval); } meinText = undefined; $back_mc.removeMovieClip(); $rand_mc.removeMovieClip(); delete my_styleSheet; delete label_styleSheet; meinePositions = {x:container_mc._x, y:container_mc._y}; meineBreite = 280; ch.mda.core.componentStandarts.makeToStandard(container_mc, "meineBreite", _root.s_secondColumWidth); textFarbe = "#000000"; ch.mda.core.componentStandarts.makeToStandard(container_mc, "textFarbe", _root.s_textColor); boxTextFarbe = "#000000"; ch.mda.core.componentStandarts.makeToStandard(container_mc, "boxTextFarbe", _root.s_boxTextColor); backFarbe = "#F4F4F4"; ch.mda.core.componentStandarts.makeToStandard(container_mc, "backFarbe", _root.s_boxColor); borderFarbe = "#666666"; ch.mda.core.componentStandarts.makeToStandard(container_mc, "borderFarbe", _root.s_boxBorderColor); meinSize = 15; ch.mda.core.componentStandarts.makeToStandard(container_mc, "meinSize", _root.s_fontSize); species = "plainText"; abstandHohe = 10; ch.mda.core.componentStandarts.makeToStandard(container_mc, "abstandHohe", _root.s_spacing); $hoehe = 24; container_mc._visible = false; fontEinbetten = true; hatDelay = false; labelColor = "#FFFFFF"; ch.mda.core.componentStandarts.makeToStandard(container_mc, "labelColor", _root.s_boxLabelColor); if (hatLabel) { labelBack_mc.removeMovieClip(); labelWinText_mc.removeMovieClip(); c_btn.removeMovieClip(); } label = undefined; hatLabel = undefined; if (hatScroll) { if (myScrollBar != undefined) { trace("mache weg " + myScrollBar); myScrollBar.targetClip.setMask(null); myScrollBar.borderObj.removeMovieClip(); myScrollBar._visible = false; } } hatScroll = false; winText_mc.removeMovieClip(); textShadow = undefined; container_mc._rotation = 0; hatTween = undefined; } function getPosition(ref_mc) { var _local2 = {}; if (ref_mc != undefined) { _local2.x = Math.round(ref_mc._x); _local2.y = Math.round((ref_mc._y + ref_mc._height) + abstandHohe); return(_local2); } return({x:container_mc._x, y:container_mc._y}); } function machTween(zahl) { container_mc._visible = true; container_mc._alpha = 0; container_mc.alphaTo(100, zahl, "easeInOutQuad"); } function machTypeWriter(zahler) { if (textShadow != undefined) { textShadow._visible = false; var sh = textShadow; } var _local2 = function () { ti_txt.htmlText = texto.substring(0, count); count = count + zahler; if (count > texto.length) { clearInterval(sInt); ti_txt.htmlText = texto; sh._visible = true; } trace(count); }; var count = (meinText.indexOf(">") + 1); var zahler = zahler; var ti_txt = meinTextfeld_txt; var texto = meinText; sInterval = setInterval(_local2, 100); var sInt = sInterval; } function moreTweens() { ch.mda.util.tweenUtils.moreTweens(container_mc, obj, meinePositions); delete container_mc.onEnterFrame; } function onUnload() { clearInterval(sInterval); clearInterval(dInterval); delete my_styleSheet; delete label_styleSheet; container_mc.stopTween(); } function drawBallon(m_mc, bTxtW, bTxtH, backColor1, backColor2, borderColor, line, startX, endY) { if (startX == undefined) { startX = 25; } if (endY == undefined) { endY = 30; } trace("startX: " + startX); trace("endY: " + endY); var fillType = "linear"; var colors = [backColor1, backColor2]; var alphas = [100, 100]; var ratios = [0, 255]; var matrix = {matrixType:"box", x:0, y:0, w:bTxtW, h:bTxtH + 20, r:(Math.PI/2)}; with (m_mc) { m_mc.beginGradientFill(fillType, colors, alphas, ratios, matrix); lineStyle(line, borderColor, 100); moveTo(20, 0); lineTo(bTxtW, 0); curveTo(bTxtW + 20, 0, bTxtW + 20, 20); lineTo(bTxtW + 20, bTxtH); curveTo(bTxtW + 20, bTxtH + 20, bTxtW, bTxtH + 20); lineTo(30, bTxtH + 20); lineTo(startX, bTxtH + endY); lineTo(20, bTxtH + 20); lineTo(20, bTxtH + 20); curveTo(0, bTxtH + 20, 0, bTxtH); lineTo(0, 20); curveTo(0, 0, 20, 0); endFill(); } } }
Symbol 107 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class ch.mda.core.componentStandarts { function componentStandarts () { } static function makeToStandard(customer, variable, zielwert) { if ((zielwert != undefined) && (zielwert != "undefined")) { customer[variable] = zielwert; } } }
Symbol 108 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class ch.mda.util.tweenUtils { function tweenUtils () { } static function machTween(container_mc, obj) { if (obj.animation != undefined) { if (obj.animation != "false") { var _local3 = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.checkStringToNumber(obj.animation); if (_local3) { var _local5 = Number(obj.animation); } else { var _local5 = 3; } if (obj.delay == undefined) { var _local4 = 0.2; } else { var _local4 = Number(obj.delay); } container_mc._visible = true; container_mc._alpha = 0; container_mc.alphaTo(100, _local5, "easeInQuad", _local4); } } } static function moreTweens(container_mc, obj, meinePosition) { if (obj.delay == undefined) { var _local3 = 0.2; } else { var _local3 = Number(obj.delay); } if (obj.tweenX != undefined) { if (obj.tweenXStart == undefined) { var _local7 = 1022 + container_mc._width; } else { var _local7 = Number(obj.tweenXStart); } var _local9 = meinePosition.x; container_mc._x = _local7; container_mc.tween("_x", _local9, Number(obj.tweenX), "easeInQuad", _local3); } if (obj.tweenY != undefined) { if (obj.tweenYStart == undefined) { var _local6 = 700 + container_mc._height; } else { var _local6 = Number(obj.tweenYStart); } var _local8 = meinePosition.y; container_mc._y = _local6; container_mc.tween("_y", _local8, Number(obj.tweenY), "easeInQuad", _local3); } if (obj.tweenScale != undefined) { if (obj.tweenScaleStart == undefined) { var _local5 = 0; } else { var _local5 = Number(obj.tweenScaleStart); } var _local9 = 100; container_mc._xscale = _local5; container_mc._yscale = _local5; container_mc.scaleTo(_local9, Number(obj.tweenScale), "easeInQuad", _local3); } if (obj.tweenRotate != undefined) { if (obj.tweenRotateStart == undefined) { var _local10 = -90; } else { var _local10 = Number(obj.tweenRotateStart); } var _local9 = 0; container_mc._rotation = _local10; container_mc.tween("_rotation", _local9, Number(obj.tweenRotate), "easeInQuad", _local3); } if (obj.alphaAnimation != undefined) { var _local4 = {}; _local4.animation = obj.alphaAnimation; _local4.delay = obj.delay; machTween(container_mc, _local4); } } static function doDelay(container_mc, obj) { var mc = container_mc; if (obj.delay != undefined) { if (obj.delay != "undefined") { if (obj.delay != "false") { if (obj.delay != false) { var _local4 = ch.mda.util.StringUtil.checkStringToNumber(obj.delay); if (_local4) { container_mc._visible = false; var d = Number(obj.delay); var c = 0; var _local3 = function () { c = c + 500; if ((c / 1000) >= d) { mc._visible = true; clearInterval(dasInterval); } }; var dasInterval = setInterval(_local3, 500); container_mc.onUnload = function () { clearInterval(dasInterval); }; return(dasInterval); } } } } } } }
Symbol 109 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class ch.mda.FreeRadioButton extends MovieClip { static var isRadio; var container_mc, radioGroup, label, state, tiefe, face_mc, hit_mc, label_mc, radio_array, clickHandler, ClickObj, _parent, rollHandler, RollObj, rollOutHandler, RollOutObj, pressHandler, PressObj, myListener, breite, hoehe, state_mc, isEnabled, ButtonData, hatTip, meinTip, tipObject; function FreeRadioButton () { super(); container_mc = this; container_mc.fake_txt._visible = false; radioGroup = "radioGroup"; label = "radioButton"; state = false; isRadio = true; tiefe = 100; var _local4 = container_mc._width; container_mc._xscale = 100; var _local3 = container_mc._height; container_mc._yscale = 100; tiefe = 100; setSize(_local4, _local3, false); initialize(); trace("init FreeRadioButton: " + container_mc); } function initialize() { face_mc._visible = true; var _local4 = hit_mc._width; var _local3 = hit_mc._height; container_mc.hitArea = hit_mc; container_mc._xscale = 100; container_mc._yscale = 100; setSize(_local4, _local3); hit_mc._visible = false; if (label_mc == undefined) { label_mc = container_mc.attachMovie("freeText_mc", "l_mc", 3459606); } setLabel(label, 11, false, "#000000", true); container_mc.onRelease = function () { this.face_mc.gotoAndStop(4); this.setState(!this.state); _global.removeTip(); trace(this.clickHandler); trace(this.ClickObj); if (this.clickHandler != undefined) { this.ClickObj[this.clickHandler](this.container_mc); } if (this.meinSound != undefined) { _global.playSound(this.meinSoundPfad, this.meinSound, this.soundVolume, 1); } if ( != undefined) {; } }; container_mc.onPress = function () { this.face_mc.gotoAndStop(3); if (this.pressHandler != undefined) { this.PressObj[this.pressHandler](this.container_mc); } if ( != undefined) {; } }; container_mc.onRollOver = function () { this.face_mc.gotoAndStop(2); if (this.hatTip) { _global.setTip(this.container_mc, this.meinTip, this.tipObject); } else if (this.myListener.tip != undefined) { _global.setTip(this.container_mc, this.myListener.tip, this.tipObject); } if (this.rollHandler != undefined) { this.RollObj[this.rollHandler](this.container_mc); } if (this.myListener.rollOver != undefined) { this.myListener.rollOver(this.container_mc); } }; container_mc.onRollOut = function () { this.face_mc.gotoAndStop(1); if (this.rollOutHandler != undefined) { this.RollOutObj[this.rollOutHandler](this.container_mc); } if (this.myListener.rollOut != undefined) { this.myListener.rollOut(this.container_mc); } _global.removeTip(); }; } function setChangeHandler(h, mc) { if (mc == undefined) { mc = container_mc._parent; } setClickHandler(h, mc); buildGroup(); var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < radio_array.length) { if (radio_array[_local2].clickHandler == undefined) { return(radio_array[_local2].setClickHandler(h, mc)); } _local2++; } } function setClickHandler(handler, mc) { clickHandler = handler; ClickObj = ((arguments.length < 2) ? (_parent) : (mc)); } function setRollHandler(handler, mc) { rollHandler = handler; RollObj = ((arguments.length < 2) ? (container_mc._parent) : (mc)); } function setOutHandler(handler, mc) { rollOutHandler = handler; RollOutObj = ((arguments.length < 2) ? (container_mc._parent) : (mc)); } function setPressHandler(handler, mc) { pressHandler = handler; PressObj = ((arguments.length < 2) ? (container_mc._parent) : (mc)); } function removeClickHandler() { clickHandler = undefined; ClickObj = undefined; } function removeOutHandler() { rollOutHandler = undefined; RollOutObj = undefined; } function removeRollHandler() { rollHandler = undefined; RollObj = undefined; } function removePressHandler() { pressHandler = undefined; PressObj = undefined; } function addListener(listener) { myListener = listener; } function removeListener() { myListener = undefined; } function removeChangeHandler() { removeClickHandler(); } function setLabel(l, s, b, textColor, $fontEmbed) { label = l; var _local2 = {}; if (b) { _local2.text = ("<B>" + label) + "</B>"; } else { _local2.text = label; } _local2.selectable = "false"; if (s == undefined) { s = 11; } _local2.fontSize = s; _local2.fontEmbed = $fontEmbed; _local2.textColor = textColor; _local2.width = breite - (face_mc._width + 4); _local2.position = {x:face_mc._width + 4, y:0}; _local2.species = "plainText"; label_mc.setTextObject(_local2); } function setSize(b, h) { breite = b; hoehe = h; } function setGroup(group) { radioGroup = group; } function buildGroup() { radio_array = new Array(); for (var _local3 in container_mc._parent) { var _local2 = container_mc._parent[_local3]; if (_local2 != this) { if (_local2.radioGroup == radioGroup) { radio_array.push(_local2); } } } } function getGroup() { var _local2 = ch.mda.util.ArrayUtil.simpleClon(radio_array); _local2.push(this); return(_local2); } function getGroupName() { return(radioGroup); } function setGroupName(value) { radioGroup = value; } function getState() { return(state); } function setState(value, sender) { state = value; var _local3 = state.toString(); state_mc.gotoAndStop(_local3); face_mc.gotoAndStop(1); buildGroup(); if (state) { face_mc.gotoAndStop(2); if (radio_array.length > 0) { container_mc.enabled = false; } } else if (!getEnabled()) { container_mc.enabled = true; } if (sender) { return(undefined); } var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < radio_array.length) { if (radio_array[_local2].getEnabled()) { radio_array[_local2].face_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } if (radio_array.length == 1) { radio_array[_local2].setState(!state, true); } else if (state) { radio_array[_local2].setState(false, true); } _local2++; } } function setValue(value) { setData(value); } function getEnabled() { return(isEnabled); } function setEnabled(wert) { isEnabled = wert; container_mc.enabled = wert; if (!wert) { face_mc.gotoAndStop(5); } else { face_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } } function getLabel() { return(label); } function getValue() { if (state) { return(getMyValue()); } buildGroup(); var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < radio_array.length) { if (radio_array[_local2].state) { return(radio_array[_local2].getMyValue()); } _local2++; } return("unselected"); } function setData(data) { ButtonData = data; } function getData() { return(ButtonData); } function getMyValue() { if (ButtonData == undefined) { return(getLabel()); } return(getData()); } function setTip(tip, tipObj) { hatTip = true; meinTip = tip; tipObject = tipObj; } }
Symbol 110 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class ch.mda.core.Effects { function Effects () { } static function initialize() { _root.myTransition = myTransition; trace("init core [ch.mda.core.Effects]"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("_root.myTransition", "new_mc:MovieClip, time:Number, animType:String, callback:Function", "nothing ", "none", "ch.mda.core.Effects"); ch.mda.core.listFunctions.listMe("ch.mda.core.Effects.setzKacheln", "mc:MovieClip, zahlX:Number, zahlY:Number, w:Number, h:Number", "Array", "none", "ch.mda.core.Effects"); } static function myTransition(new_mc, time, animType, callback) { if (animType == "rgb") { rgb_Transition(new_mc, time, callback); return(undefined); } if (animType == "bw") { bw_Transition(new_mc, time, callback); return(undefined); } if (animType == "mosaik") { Mosaik_Transition(new_mc, time, callback); return(undefined); } if (animType == "transform") { myColorTransform(new_mc, time, callback); return(undefined); } var _local6 = animType.split("*"); if (_local6[0] == "bw") { bw_Transition(new_mc, time, callback, _local6[1]); myTransition(new_mc, time / 2, _local6[1]); return(undefined); } if (new_mc.tiefe == undefined) { new_mc.tiefe = 100; } new_mc.tiefe++; var wennFertig = function () { new_mc.setMask(null); new_mc.maske_mc.removeMovieClip(); callback(); }; var _local2 = new_mc._width; var _local1 = new_mc._height; if (new_mc.target_width != undefined) { _local2 = new_mc.target_width; } if (new_mc.target_height != undefined) { _local1 = new_mc.target_height; } if (animType == "wipe_right") { new_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("maske_mc", new_mc.tiefe); ch.mda.util.DrawUtil.drawRectFill(new_mc.maske_mc, _local2, _local1); new_mc.setMask(new_mc.maske_mc); new_mc.maske_mc._x = _local2; new_mc.maske_mc.tween("_x", 0, time, "easeInQuad", 0, wennFertig); } else if (animType == "wipe_left") { new_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("maske_mc", new_mc.tiefe); ch.mda.util.DrawUtil.drawRectFill(new_mc.maske_mc, _local2, _local1); new_mc.setMask(new_mc.maske_mc); new_mc.maske_mc._x = -_local2; new_mc.maske_mc.tween("_x", 0, time, "easeInQuad", 0, wennFertig); } else if (animType == "wipe_up") { new_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("maske_mc", new_mc.tiefe); ch.mda.util.DrawUtil.drawRectFill(new_mc.maske_mc, _local2, _local1); new_mc.setMask(new_mc.maske_mc); new_mc.maske_mc._y = -_local1; new_mc.maske_mc.tween("_y", 0, time, "easeInQuad", 0, wennFertig); } else if (animType == "wipe_down") { new_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("maske_mc", new_mc.tiefe); ch.mda.util.DrawUtil.drawRectFill(new_mc.maske_mc, _local2, _local1); new_mc.setMask(new_mc.maske_mc); new_mc.maske_mc._y = _local1; new_mc.maske_mc.tween("_y", 0, time, "easeInQuad", 0, wennFertig); } else if (animType == "center_horizontal") { new_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("maske_mc", new_mc.tiefe); new_mc.maske_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("m1", 10); new_mc.maske_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("m2", 20); ch.mda.util.DrawUtil.drawRectFill(new_mc.maske_mc.m1, _local2 / 2, _local1); ch.mda.util.DrawUtil.drawRectFill(new_mc.maske_mc.m2, _local2 / 2, _local1); new_mc.setMask(new_mc.maske_mc); new_mc.maske_mc.m1._x = (-_local2) / 2; new_mc.maske_mc.m2._x = _local2; new_mc.maske_mc.m1.tween("_x", 0, time, "easeInQuad", 0, wennFertig); new_mc.maske_mc.m2.tween("_x", _local2 / 2, time, "easeInQuad", 0); } else if (animType == "center_vertical") { new_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("maske_mc", new_mc.tiefe); new_mc.maske_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("m1", 10); new_mc.maske_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("m2", 20); ch.mda.util.DrawUtil.drawRectFill(new_mc.maske_mc.m1, _local2, _local1 / 2); ch.mda.util.DrawUtil.drawRectFill(new_mc.maske_mc.m2, _local2, _local1 / 2); new_mc.maske_mc.m1._y = (-_local1) / 2; new_mc.maske_mc.m2._y = _local1; new_mc.setMask(new_mc.maske_mc); new_mc.maske_mc.m1.tween("_y", 0, time, "easeInQuad", 0, wennFertig); new_mc.maske_mc.m2.tween("_y", _local1 / 2, time, "easeInQuad", 0); } else if (animType == "rotation") { new_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("maske_mc", new_mc.tiefe); ch.mda.util.DrawUtil.drawRectFill(new_mc.maske_mc, _local2, _local1); new_mc.maske_mc._rotation = -90; new_mc.setMask(new_mc.maske_mc); new_mc.maske_mc.tween("_rotation", 0, time, "easeInQuad", 0, wennFertig); } else if (animType == "circle") { new_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("maske_mc", new_mc.tiefe); ch.mda.util.DrawUtil.drawOvalFill(new_mc.maske_mc, _local2 / 2, _local1 / 2); new_mc.maske_mc._x = _local2 / 2; new_mc.maske_mc._y = _local1 / 2; new_mc.maske_mc._xscale = 0; new_mc.maske_mc._yscale = 0; new_mc.setMask(new_mc.maske_mc); new_mc.maske_mc.scaleTo(130, time, "easeInQuad", 0, wennFertig); } else if (animType == "cross") { new_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("maske_mc", new_mc.tiefe); ch.mda.util.DrawUtil.drawCross(new_mc.maske_mc, _local2, _local1); new_mc.maske_mc._x = _local2 / 2; new_mc.maske_mc._y = _local1 / 2; new_mc.setMask(new_mc.maske_mc); var _local5 = 400; new_mc.maske_mc._xscale = _local5; new_mc.maske_mc._yscale = _local5; if (new_mc.maske_mc._width < _local2) { new_mc.maske_mc._width = _local2; _local5 = new_mc.maske_mc._xscale; } if (new_mc.maske_mc._height < _local1) { new_mc.maske_mc._height = _local1; _local5 = new_mc.maske_mc._yscale; } new_mc.maske_mc._xscale = 0; new_mc.maske_mc._yscale = 0; new_mc.maske_mc.scaleTo(_local5, time, "easeInQuad", 0, wennFertig); } else if (animType == "star") { new_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("maske_mc", new_mc.tiefe); ch.mda.util.DrawUtil.drawStarFill(new_mc.maske_mc, 5, _local2 / 2, _local1 / 2); new_mc.maske_mc._x = _local2 / 2; new_mc.maske_mc._y = _local1 / 2; new_mc.maske_mc._xscale = 0; new_mc.maske_mc._yscale = 0; new_mc.setMask(new_mc.maske_mc); new_mc.maske_mc.tween("_rotation", 180, time, "linear", 0); new_mc.maske_mc.scaleTo(150, time, "easeInQuad", 0, wennFertig); } else if (animType == "pixelate") { new_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("maske_mc", new_mc.tiefe); var w = (_local2 / 10); var h = (_local1 / 10); var alleM_array = setzKacheln(new_mc.maske_mc, 10, 10, w, h); new_mc.setMask(new_mc.maske_mc); var _local8 = function () { var _local1 = random(alleM_array.length); ch.mda.util.DrawUtil.drawRectFillPos(new_mc.maske_mc, w, h, alleM_array[_local1].x, alleM_array[_local1].y); alleM_array.splice(_local1, 1); if (alleM_array.length < 1) { clearInterval(dInt); wennFertig(); } }; var _local9 = (time * 1000) / alleM_array.length; var dInt = setInterval(_local8, _local9); new_mc.onUnload = function () { clearInterval(dInt); }; } } static function setzKacheln(mc, zahlX, zahlY, w, h) { var _local8; var _local9; _local8 = 100; _local9 = 0; var _local7 = new Array(); var _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < zahlY) { var _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < zahlX) { _local8 = _local8 + 10; _local9++; var _local2 = (w / 2) + (_local6 * w); var _local1 = (h / 2) + (_local5 * h); _local7.push({x:_local2, y:_local1}); _local6++; } _local5++; } mc._x = (-w) / 2; mc._y = (-h) / 2; return(_local7); } static function rgb_Transition(mc_mc, time, callback) { var _local1 = new flash.display.BitmapData(mc_mc._width, mc_mc._height, true, 0); _local1.draw(mc_mc); var _local2 = mc_mc._parent._parent; var s_mc = _local2.createEmptyMovieClip("so_mc" + _local2.getNextHighestDepth(), _local2.getNextHighestDepth()); var mask_mc = _local2.createEmptyMovieClip("so2_mc" + _local2.getNextHighestDepth(), _local2.getNextHighestDepth()); ch.mda.util.DrawUtil.drawRectFill(mask_mc, _local2.back_mc._width, _local2.back_mc._height); mask_mc._x = mc_mc._x; mask_mc._y = mc_mc._y; s_mc.setMask(mask_mc); s_mc._x = mc_mc._x; s_mc._y = mc_mc._y; mc_mc._visible = false; var _local3 = s_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("kanal1", s_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); var _local6 = s_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("kanal2", s_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); var _local5 = s_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("kanal3", s_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); var _local10 = new flash.display.BitmapData(_local1.width, _local1.height, true, 4278190080); var _local9 = new flash.display.BitmapData(_local1.width, _local1.height, true, 4278190080); var _local8 = new flash.display.BitmapData(_local1.width, _local1.height, true, 4278190080); _local10.copyChannel(_local1, _local1.rectangle, new flash.geom.Point(0, 0), 1, 1); _local9.copyChannel(_local1, _local1.rectangle, new flash.geom.Point(0, 0), 2, 2); _local8.copyChannel(_local1, _local1.rectangle, new flash.geom.Point(0, 0), 4, 4); _local3.attachBitmap(_local10, 1, "auto", true); _local6.attachBitmap(_local9, 1, "auto", true); _local5.attachBitmap(_local8, 1, "auto", true); var _local7 = "lighten"; _local6.blendMode = _local7; _local5.blendMode = _local7; _local3._alpha = 0; _local3._y = -_local3._height; _local6._x = -_local3._width; _local5._y = _local3._height + 5; var _local11 = function () { s_mc.removeMovieClip(); mask_mc.removeMovieClip(); mc_mc._visible = true; callback(); }; var _local4 = time / 3; _local3.alphaTo(100, _local4, "easeInQuad", 0); _local3.tween("_y", 0, _local4, "easeInQuad", 0); _local5.tween("_y", 0, _local4, "easeInQuad", _local4); _local6.tween("_x", 0, _local4, "easeInQuad", _local4 * 2, _local11); } static function bw_Transition(mc_mc, time, callback) { function wennFertig() { s_mc.onEnterFrame = function () { z = z - plus; if (z <= 0) { this.filters = [ch.mda.util.ColorUtil.getDesaturationFilter(0)]; callback(); delete this.onEnterFrame; this.removeMovieClip(); } this.filters = [ch.mda.util.ColorUtil.getDesaturationFilter(z)]; }; } var s_mc = ch.mda.util.MovieUtil.makeBitmapSmoothed(mc_mc, mc_mc); s_mc._x = mc_mc._x; s_mc._y = mc_mc._y; mc_mc._alpha = 99; var z = 1; var _local3 = time / 3; var _local5 = 2 * _local3; s_mc.filters = [ch.mda.util.ColorUtil.getDesaturationFilter(z)]; var plus = (1 / (time * 24)); mc_mc.alphaTo(100, _local3, "easeInQuad", 0, wennFertig); } static function Mosaik_Transition(mc_mc, time, callback) { var s_mc = mc_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("so_mc", mc_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); s_mc._x = mc_mc._x; s_mc._y = mc_mc._y; var mosaik = 30; var _local1 = (time * 1000) / mosaik; var _local2 = function () { mosaik = mosaik - 1; if (mosaik <= 0) { callback(); s_mc.removeMovieClip(); clearInterval(myInterval); } else { s_mc.removeMovieClip(); var s_mc = mc_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("so_mc", mc_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); ch.mda.core.Effects.fMosaik(mosaik, mc_mc, s_mc); } }; fMosaik(mosaik, mc_mc, s_mc); var myInterval = setInterval(_local2, _local1); } static function fMosaik(mosaik, mc_mc, ziel_mc) { var _local4 = mc_mc._parent._parent; var _local3 = new flash.display.BitmapData(_local4.back_mc._width, _local4.back_mc._height, true, 0); _local3.draw(mc_mc); var _local2 = new flash.display.BitmapData(_local3.width / mosaik, _local3.height / mosaik); _local2.draw(_local3, new flash.geom.Matrix(1 / mosaik, 0, 0, 1 / mosaik, 0, 0), null, null, null, false); _local3 = new flash.display.BitmapData(_local2.width * mosaik, _local2.height * mosaik); _local3.draw(_local2, new flash.geom.Matrix(mosaik, 0, 0, mosaik, 0, 0), null, null, null, false); ziel_mc.attachBitmap(_local3, 1); } static function myColorTransform(mc_mc, time, callback) { var s_mc = ch.mda.util.MovieUtil.makeBitmapSmoothed(mc_mc, mc_mc._parent); s_mc._x = mc_mc._x; s_mc._y = mc_mc._y; var fertig = function () { s_mc.removeMovieClip(); callback(); }; var _local4 = function () { s_mc.colorTransformTo(100, 0, 100, 0, 100, 255, 100, 0, mal, "easeOutSine", 0, weiter2); }; var weiter2 = function () { s_mc.colorTransformTo(100, 0, 100, 0, 100, 0, 100, 0, mal, "easeOutSine", 0, fertig); }; var mal = (time / 4); var _local2 = {rb:255}; var _local3 = new Color(s_mc); _local3.setTransform(_local2); s_mc.colorTransformTo(100, 0, 100, 255, 100, 0, 100, 0, mal, "easeOutSine", mal, _local4); } }
Symbol 111 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class com.mosesSupposes.fuse.Shortcuts { function Shortcuts () { } static function initialize() { if (shortcuts == null) { initShortcuts(); } } static function doShortcut(obj, methodName) { initialize(); var _local5 = shortcuts[methodName]; if (_local5 == undefined) { if (typeof(obj) == "movieclip") { _local5 = mcshortcuts[methodName]; } } if (_local5 == undefined) { return(null); } obj = arguments.shift(); methodName = String(arguments.shift()); if (!(obj instanceof Array)) { obj = [obj]; } var _local3 = ""; for (var _local6 in obj) { var _local2 = String(_local5.apply(obj[_local6], arguments)); if ((_local2 != null) && (_local2.length > 0)) { if (_local3.length > 0) { _local3 = (_local2 + "|") + _local3; } else { _local3 = _local2; } } } return(((_local3 == "") ? null : (_local3))); } static function addShortcutsTo() { initialize(); var _local5 = function (o, so) { for (var _local5 in so) { var _local2 = so[_local5]; if (_local2.getter || (_local2.setter)) { o.addProperty(_local5, _local2.getter, _local2.setter); _global.ASSetPropFlags(o, _local5, 3, 1); } else { o[_local5] = _local2; _global.ASSetPropFlags(o, _local5, 7, 1); } } }; for (var _local7 in arguments) { var _local4 = arguments[_local7]; if ((_local4 == MovieClip.prototype) || (typeof(_local4) == "movieclip")) { _local5(_local4, mcshortcuts); } _local5(_local4, shortcuts); } } static function removeShortcutsFrom() { initialize(); var _local5 = function (o, so) { for (var _local5 in so) { _global.ASSetPropFlags(o, _local5, 0, 2); var _local2 = so[_local5]; if (_local2.getter || (_local2.setter)) { o.addProperty(_local5, null, null); } delete o[_local5]; } }; for (var _local7 in arguments) { var _local3 = arguments[_local7]; if ((_local3 == MovieClip.prototype) || (typeof(_local3) == "movieclip")) { _local5(_local3, mcshortcuts); } _local5(_local3, shortcuts); } } static function parseStringTypeCallback(callbackStr) { var evaluate = function (val) { var first = val.charAt(0); if ((first == val.slice(-1)) && ((first == "\"") || (first == "'"))) { return(val.slice(1, -1)); } if (val == "true") { return(Object(true)); } if (val == "false") { return(Object(false)); } if (val == "null") { return(Object(null)); } if (_global.isNaN(Number(val)) == false) { return(Object(Number(val))); } return(Object(eval (val))); }; var trimWhite = function (str) { while (str.charAt(0) == " ") { str = str.slice(1); } while (str.slice(-1) == " ") { str = str.slice(0, -1); } return(str); }; var evaluateList = function (list) { var _local11 = []; var _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < list.length) { var _local3 = list[_local4]; _local3 = trimWhite(_local3); var _local5 = (_local3.charAt(0) == "{") && ((_local3.indexOf("}") > -1) || (_local3.indexOf(":") > -1)); var _local10 = _local3.charAt(0) == "["; if ((_local5 || (_local10)) == true) { var _local6 = ((_local5 == true) ? ({}) : ([])); var _local2 = _local4; while (_local2 < list.length) { if (_local2 == _local4) { _local3 = _local3.slice(1); } var _local1; var _local8 = (_local1.slice(-1) == ((_local5 == true) ? "}" : "]")) || (_local2 == (list.length - 1)); if (_local8 == true) { _local1 = _local1.slice(0, -1); } if ((_local5 == true) && (_local1.indexOf(":") > -1)) { var _local7 = _local1.split(":"); _local6[trimWhite(_local7[0])] = evaluate(trimWhite(_local7[1])); } else if (_local10 == true) { _local6.push(evaluate(trimWhite(_local1))); } if (_local8 == true) { _local11.push(_local6); _local4 = _local2; break; } _local2++; } } else { _local11.push(evaluate(trimWhite(_local3))); } _local4++; } return(_local11); }; var parts = callbackStr.split("("); var p0 = parts[0]; var p1 = parts[1]; return({func:p0.slice(p0.lastIndexOf(".") + 1), scope:eval (p0.slice(0, p0.lastIndexOf("."))), args:evaluateList(p1.slice(0, p1.lastIndexOf(")")).split(","))}); } static function initShortcuts() { shortcuts = new Object(); var methods = {alphaTo:"_alpha", scaleTo:"_scale", sizeTo:"_size", rotateTo:"_rotation", brightnessTo:"_brightness", brightOffsetTo:"_brightOffset", contrastTo:"_contrast", colorTo:"_tint", tintPercentTo:"_tintPercent", colorResetTo:"_colorReset", invertColorTo:"_invertColor"}; var _local4 =; var _local7 = {blur:1, blurX:1, blurY:1, strength:1, shadowAlpha:1, highlightAlpha:1, angle:1, distance:1, alpha:1, color:1}; for (var _local9 in _local4) { if (_local7[_local4[_local9].split("_")[1]] === 1) { methods[_local4[_local9] + "To"] = _local4[_local9]; } } var _local8 = {__resolve:function (name) { var propName = methods[name]; return(function () { var _local4 =, new Array(this, propName).concat(arguments)); return(_local4); }); }}; var _local5 = {__resolve:function (name) { var _local3 = {setter:function (v) {, ((name == "_tintString") ? "_tint" : (name)), v, 0); }}; switch (name) { case "_colorReset" : _local3.getter = function () { return(100 -; }; break; case "_colorTransform" : _local3.getter = function () { return(Color(new Color(this)).getTransform()); }; break; case "_fade" : _local3.getter = function () { return(this._alpha); }; break; case "_size" : _local3.getter = function () { return(((this._width == this._height) ? (this._width) : null)); }; break; case "_scale" : _local3.getter = function () { return(((this._xscale == this._yscale) ? (this._xscale) : null)); }; break; default : _local3.getter = function () { return([name.slice(1)]); }; } return(_local3); }}; for (var _local9 in methods) { shortcuts[_local9] = _local8[_local9]; if ((_local9 != "alphaTo") && (_local9 != "rotateTo")) { shortcuts[methods[_local9]] = _local5[methods[_local9]]; } } shortcuts._tintString = _local5._tintString; shortcuts._colorTransform = _local5._colorTransform; shortcuts._fade = _local5._fade; shortcuts.tween = function (props, endVals, seconds, ease, delay, callback) { if ((arguments.length == 1) && (typeof(props) == "object")) { return(com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.doTween({target:this, action:props})); } return(com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.doTween(this, props, endVals, seconds, ease, delay, callback)); }; shortcuts.removeTween = (shortcuts.stopTween = function (props) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.removeTween(this, props); }); shortcuts.removeAllTweens = (shortcuts.stopAllTweens = function () { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.removeTween("ALL"); }); shortcuts.isTweening = function (prop) { return(com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.isTweening(this, prop)); }; shortcuts.getTweens = function () { return(com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.getTweens(this)); }; shortcuts.lockTween = function () { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.lockTween(this, true); }; shortcuts.unlockTween = function () { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.lockTween(this, false); }; shortcuts.isTweenLocked = function () { return(com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.isTweenLocked(this)); }; shortcuts.isTweenPaused = function (prop) { return(com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.isTweenPaused(this, prop)); }; shortcuts.pauseTween = function (props) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.pauseTween(this, props); }; shortcuts.resumeTween = (shortcuts.unpauseTween = function (props) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.unpauseTween(this, props); }); shortcuts.pauseAllTweens = function () { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.pauseTween("ALL"); }; shortcuts.resumeAllTweens = (shortcuts.unpauseAllTweens = function () { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.unpauseTween("ALL"); }); shortcuts.ffTween = function (props) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.ffTween(this, props); }; shortcuts.rewTween = function (props, suppressStartEvents) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.rewTween(this, props, false, suppressStartEvents); }; shortcuts.rewAndPauseTween = function (props, suppressStartEvents) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.rewTween(this, props, true, suppressStartEvents); }; shortcuts.skipTweenTo = function (seconds, props) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.skipTweenTo(seconds, this, props); }; shortcuts.bezierTo = function (destX, destY, controlX, controlY, seconds, ease, delay, callback) { return(com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.doTween(this, "_bezier_", {x:destX, y:destY, controlX:controlX, controlY:controlY}, seconds, ease, delay, callback)); }; shortcuts.colorTransformTo = function (ra, rb, ga, gb, ba, bb, aa, ab, seconds, ease, delay, callback) { return(com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.doTween(this, "_colorTransform", {ra:ra, rb:rb, ga:ga, gb:gb, ba:ba, bb:bb, aa:aa, ab:ab}, seconds, ease, delay, callback)); }; shortcuts.tintTo = function (rgb, percent, seconds, ease, delay, callback) { return(com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.doTween(this, "_tint", {tint:rgb, percent:percent}, seconds, ease, delay, callback)); }; shortcuts.slideTo = function (destX, destY, seconds, ease, delay, callback) { return(com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.doTween(this, "_x,_y", [destX, destY], seconds, ease, delay, callback)); }; shortcuts.fadeIn = function (seconds, ease, delay, callback) { return(com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.doTween(this, "_fade", 100, seconds, ease, delay, callback)); }; shortcuts.fadeOut = function (seconds, ease, delay, callback) { return(com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.doTween(this, "_fade", 0, seconds, ease, delay, callback)); }; mcshortcuts = new Object(); mcshortcuts._frame = {getter:function () { return(this._currentframe); }, setter:function (v) { this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(v)); }}; mcshortcuts.frameTo = function (endframe, seconds, ease, delay, callback) { return(com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.doTween(this, "_frame", ((endframe != undefined) ? (endframe) : (this._totalframes)), seconds, ease, delay, callback)); }; } static var registryKey = "shortcuts"; static var shortcuts = null; static var mcshortcuts = null; }
Symbol 112 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon { static var logOutput; function FuseKitCommon () { } static function _cts() { return("|_tint|_tintPercent|_brightness|_brightOffset|_contrast|_invertColor|_colorReset|_colorTransform|"); } static function _resetTo100() { return("|_alpha|_contrast|_invertColor|_tintPercent|_xscale|_yscale|_scale|"); } static function _resetTo0() { return("|_brightness|_brightOffset|_colorReset|_rotation|"); } static function _underscoreable() { return(_cts() + "_frame|_x|_y|_xscale|_yscale|_scale|_width|_height|_size|_rotation|_alpha|_fade|_visible|"); } static function _cbprops() { return("|skipLevel|cycles|roundResults|extra1|extra2|func|scope|args|startfunc|startscope|startargs|updfunc|updscope|updargs|"); } static function _fuseEvents() { return("|onStart|onStop|onPause|onResume|onAdvance|onComplete|"); } static function _fuseprops() { return("|command|label|delay|event|eventparams|target|addTarget|trigger|startAt|ease|easing|seconds|duration|time|"); } static function _validateFuseCommand(c, inGroup, hasArg, outputLevel, simple) { var _local1 = false; var _local2 = false; switch (c) { case "start" : case "stop" : case "pause" : case "resume" : case "setStartProps" : if (inGroup != true) { _local1 = true; } break; case "delay" : case "trigger" : if (simple == true) { if (hasArg == true) { _local1 = true; } } else { _local2 = true; } inGroup = false; break; case "skipTo" : if (!((hasArg == true) && (inGroup != true))) { break; } _local1 = true; } if ((outputLevel > 0) && (_local1 == false)) { error("109", c, inGroup, _local2); } return(_local1); } static function output(s) { if (typeof(logOutput) == "function") { logOutput(s); } else { trace(s); } } static function error(errorCode) { var _local3 = arguments[1]; var _local4 = arguments[2]; var _local6 = arguments[3]; if (VERBOSE != true) { output(("[FuseKitCommon#" + errorCode) + "]"); return(undefined); } var _local2 = ""; var _local5 = newline; switch (errorCode) { case "001" : _local2 = _local2 + "** ERROR: When using simpleSetup to extend prototypes, you must pass the Shortcuts class. **"; _local2 = _local2 + (_local5 + " import com.mosesSupposes.fuse.*;"); _local2 = _local2 + ((_local5 + " ZigoEngine.simpleSetup(Shortcuts);") + _local5); break; case "002" : _local2 = _local2 + "** ZigoEngine.doShortcut: shortcuts missing. Use the setup commands: import com.mosesSupposes.fuse.*; ZigoEngine.register(Shortcuts); **"; break; case "003" : _local2 = _local2 + ((_local5 + "*** Error: DO NOT use #include \"\" with this version of ZigoEngine! ***") + _local5); break; case "004" : _local2 = _local2 + (("** ZigoEngine.doTween - too few arguments [" + _local3) + "]."); if (Boolean(_local4) == true) { _local2 = _local2 + " If you are trying to use Object Syntax without Fuse, pass FuseItem in your register() or simpleSetup() call. **"; } else { _local2 = _local2 + " Object syntax call failed. **"; } break; case "005" : _local2 = _local2 + (((("** ZigoEngine.doTween - missing targets[" + _local3) + "] and/or props[") + _local4) + "] **"); break; case "006" : _local2 = _local2 + (("** Error: easing shortcut string not recognized (\"" + _local3) + "\"). You may need to pass the in PennerEasing class during register or simpleSetup. **"); break; case "007" : _local2 = _local2 + (((("- ZigoEngine: Target locked [" + _local3) + "], ignoring tween call [") + _local4) + "]"); break; case "008" : _local2 = _local2 + "** You must register the Shortcuts class in order to use easy string-type callback parsing. **"; break; case "009" : _local2 = _local2 + (("** ZigoEngine: A callback parameter \"" + _local3) + "\" was not recognized. **"); break; case "010" : _local2 = _local2 + ((((("** " + ((_local3 == true) ? "ZigoEngine" : "FuseItem")) + " unable to parse ") + ((_local4 == 1) ? "callback[" : (String(_local4) + " callbacks["))) + _local6) + "]. Try using the syntax {scope:this, func:\"myFunction\"} **"); break; case "011" : _local2 = _local2 + (((("- ZigoEngine: Callbacks discarded via skipLevel 2 option [" + _local3) + "|") + _local4) + "]."); break; case "012" : _local2 = _local2 + (((((("- Engine set props or ignored no-change tween on: " + _local3) + ", props passed:[") + _local4) + "], endvals passed:[") + _local6) + "]"); break; case "013" : _local2 = _local2 + (((((("- Engine added tween on:\n\ttargets:[" + _local3) + "]\n\tprops:[") + _local4) + "]\n\tendvals:[") + _local6) + "]"); break; case "014" : _local2 = _local2 + "** Error: easing function passed is not usable with this engine. Functions need to follow the Robert Penner model. **"; break; case "015" : _local2 = _local2 + "** Error: The CustomEasing class must be passed during setup (register or simpleSetup) to use custom easing Arrays. **"; break; case "016" : _local2 = _local2 + (("[ ZigoEngine.TIME_MULTIPLIER: " + String(Number(Number(_local3) * 100))) + "% ]"); break; case "101" : _local2 = _local2 + "** ERROR: Fuse simpleSetup was removed in version 2.0! **"; _local2 = _local2 + (_local5 + " You must now use the following commands:"); _local2 = _local2 + ((_local5 + _local5) + "\timport com.mosesSupposes.fuse.*;"); _local2 = _local2 + (_local5 + "\tZigoEngine.simpleSetup(Shortcuts, PennerEasing, Fuse);"); _local2 = _local2 + ((_local5 + "Note that PennerEasing is optional, and FuseFMP is also accepted. (FuseFMP.simpleSetup is run automatically if included.)") + _local5); break; case "102" : _local2 = _local2 + (((("** Fuse " + _local3) + " index or label not found (") + _local4) + ") or out of range. **"); break; case "103" : _local2 = _local2 + (((("** Fuse skipTo (" + _local3) + ") ignored - targets the current index (") + _local4) + "). **"); break; case "104" : _local2 = _local2 + (("** Fuse fastForward index out of play range (" + _local3) + ") - skipTo has been called instead. **"); break; case "105" : _local2 = _local2 + "** An unsupported Array method was called on Fuse. **"; break; case "106" : _local2 = _local2 + "** ERROR: You have not set up Fuse correctly. **"; _local2 = _local2 + (_local5 + "You must now use the following commands (PennerEasing is optional)."); _local2 = _local2 + (_local5 + "\timport com.mosesSupposes.fuse.*;"); _local2 = _local2 + ((_local5 + "\tZigoEngine.simpleSetup(Shortcuts, PennerEasing, Fuse);") + _local5); break; case "107" : _local2 = _local2 + "** Fuse :: id not found - Aborting open(). **"; break; case "108" : _local2 = _local2 + "** Fuse.startRecent: No recent Fuse found to start! **"; break; case "109" : _local2 = _local2 + (("** Command \"" + _local3) + "\" discarded. "); if (_local4 == true) { _local2 = _local2 + "Not allowed within a group. **"; } else if (_local6 == true) { _local2 = _local2 + (("Not supported in Object Syntax, use the " + _local3) + " property instead. **"); } else { _local2 = _local2 + "The command may be unrecognized or missing an argument. **"; } break; case "110" : _local2 = _local2 + (((("** " + _local3) + " illegal Fuse property discarded:\"") + _local4) + "\". Bezier keywords other than x and y cannot be set as start values. **"); break; case "112" : _local2 = _local2 + "** Fuse: missing com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine! Cannot tween. **"; break; case "113" : _local2 = _local2 + "** FuseItem: A callback has been discarded. Actions with a command may only contain: label, delay, scope, args. **"; break; case "115" : _local2 = _local2 + ((_local3 + " overlapping prop discarded: ") + _local4); break; case "116" : _local2 = _local2 + ("** FuseItem Error: Delays within groups (arrays) and start/update callbacks are not supported when using Fuse without ZigoEngine. Although you need to restructure your Fuse, it should be possible to achieve the same results. **" + _local5); break; case "117" : _local2 = _local2 + (("** " + _local3) + ": infinite cycles are not allowed within Fuses - discarded. **"); break; case "118" : _local2 = _local2 + ((("** " + _local3) + ": No targets found!") + ((_local4 == true) ? " [Unable to set start props] **" : " [Skipping tween parameters in this action] **")); break; case "119" : _local2 = _local2 + ((((("** " + _local3) + ": ") + ((_local4 == 1) ? "" : (_local4 + " actions in the group"))) + " missing targets") + ((_local6 == true) ? " during setStartProps **" : " **")); break; case "120" : _local2 = _local2 + (((("** " + _local3) + ": conflict with \"") + _local4) + "\". Property might be doubled within a grouped-action array. **"); break; case "121" : _local2 = _local2 + "** Fuse timecode formatting requires \"00:\" formatting (example:\"01:01:33\" yields 61.33 seconds.) **"; break; case "122" : _local2 = _local2 + (("** Event \"" + _local3) + "\" reserved by Fuse. **"); break; case "123" : _local2 = _local2 + (("** A Fuse event parameter failed in " + _local3) + " **"); break; case "124" : _local2 = _local2 + (((("** " + _local3) + ": trigger:") + _local4) + " ignored - only one trigger is allowed per action **"); break; case "125" : _local2 = _local2 + (_local3 + " Warning - fastForward hit an item during its tween cycle, may malfunction."); break; case "201" : _local2 = _local2 + (("**** FuseFMP cannot initialize argument " + _local3) + " (BitmapFilters cannot be applied to this object type) ****"); break; case "202" : _local2 = _local2 + (((("** FuseFMP error: A " + _local3) + " could not be created for ") + _local4) + " **"); break; case "203" : _local2 = _local2 + (("** FuseFMP.setFilterProps - too few arguments passed (" + _local3) + ") - minimum 2 required. **"); break; case "204" : _local2 = _local2 + (("** FuseFMP.setFilterProps could not locate the filter passed. (" + _local3) + ") **"); } output(_local2); } static function parseCallback(callback, targets, outputLevel, callerIsEngine, addprefix) { if (callback._vcb == true) { return(callback); } var validCBs = {_vcb:true,, cycles:1}; if (callback == undefined) { return(validCBs); } var cbErrors = []; if (typeof(callback) == "object") { if (((callback.skipLevel != undefined) && (typeof(callback.skipLevel) == "number")) && (callback.skipLevel != { if ((callback.skipLevel >= 0) && (callback.skipLevel <= 2)) { validCBs.skipLevel = callback.skipLevel; } } if (callback.cycles != undefined) { if ((typeof(callback.cycles) == "number") && (callback.cycles > -1)) { validCBs.cycles = callback.cycles; } else if (callback.cycles.toUpperCase() == "LOOP") { validCBs.cycles = 0; } } if (callback.extra1 != undefined) { validCBs.extra1 = callback.extra1; } if (callback.extra2 != undefined) { validCBs.extra2 = callback.extra2; } if ((callback.roundResults === true) || (callback.roundResults === false)) { validCBs.roundResults = callback.roundResults; } } else { callback = {func:callback}; } var prefixes = ["start", "upd", ""]; var easyfuncparse =; for (var i in prefixes) { var prefix = prefixes[i]; var fstr = callback[prefix + "func"]; if (((fstr != undefined) && (typeof(fstr) == "string")) && (fstr.indexOf("(") > -1)) { if (easyfuncparse != undefined) { var efc = easyfuncparse(fstr); if (efc.func != undefined) { callback[prefix + "scope"] = efc.scope; callback[prefix + "func"] = efc.func; callback[prefix + "args"] = efc.args; } } else if (outputLevel > 0) { error("008"); } } } var basescope = callback.scope; for (var i in callback) { var fi = i.toLowerCase().indexOf("func"); if (fi > -1) { var prefix = i.slice(0, fi); var func = callback[i]; var args = callback[prefix + "args"]; var scope = ((callback[prefix + "scope"] == undefined) ? (basescope) : (callback[prefix + "scope"])); if ((typeof(func) == "string") && (scope[func] == undefined)) { for (var j in targets) { var targ = targets[j]; if (typeof(targ[func]) == "function") { scope = targ; break; } if (typeof(targ._parent[func]) == "function") { scope = targ._parent; break; } } if ((scope == undefined) && (_level0[func] != undefined)) { scope = _level0; } if ((scope == undefined) && (_global[func] != undefined)) { scope = _global; } } if (typeof(func) != "function") { if (typeof(scope[String(func)]) == "function") { func = scope[String(func)]; } else { func = eval (String(func)); } } if (func == undefined) { cbErrors.push(String((((((((addprefix == null) ? (i) : (addprefix + i)) + ":") + ((typeof(callback[i]) == "string") ? (("\"" + callback[i]) + "\"") : (callback[i]))) + "/") + prefix) + "scope:") + scope)); } else { if ((args != undefined) && (!(args instanceof Array))) { args = [args]; } if (prefix == "") { prefix = "end"; } validCBs[prefix] = {s:scope, f:func, a:args}; if (callerIsEngine == true) { validCBs[prefix].id = ++cbTicker; } if (prefix == "start") { validCBs.start.fired = false; } } } else if (_cbprops().indexOf(("|" + i) + "|") == -1) { error("009", i); } } if ((cbErrors.length > 0) && (outputLevel > 0)) { if (outputLevel > 0) { error("010", callerIsEngine, cbErrors.length, cbErrors.toString()); } } return(validCBs); } static var VERSION = "Fuse Kit 2.1.4 Copyright (c) 2006 Moses Gunesch, under MIT Open Source License"; static var VERBOSE = true; static var ALL = "ALL"; static var ALLCOLOR = "ALLCOLOR"; static var cbTicker = 0; }
Symbol 113 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine { static var extensions, updateTime, tweenHolder, instance, _listeners, broadcastMessage, updateIntId; function ZigoEngine () { } static function addListener(handler) { AsBroadcaster.initialize(com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine); addListener(handler); } static function removeListener(handler) { } static function isPlaying() { return(_playing); } static function simpleSetup(shortcutsClass) { if (arguments.length > 0) { register.apply(com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine, arguments); } _global.ZigoEngine = com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine; if (extensions.fuse != undefined) { _global.Fuse = extensions.fuse; } if (extensions.fuseFMP != undefined) { extensions.fuseFMP.simpleSetup(); } initialize(MovieClip.prototype, Button.prototype, TextField.prototype); if (extensions.shortcuts == undefined) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("001"); } } static function register(classReference) { if (extensions == undefined) { extensions = {}; } var _local3 = "|fuse|fuseItem|fuseFMP|shortcuts|pennerEasing|customEasing|"; for (var _local4 in arguments) { var _local2 = arguments[_local4].registryKey; if ((extensions[_local2] == undefined) && (_local3.indexOf(("|" + _local2) + "|") > -1)) { extensions[_local2] = arguments[_local4]; if ((_local2 == "fuseFMP") || (_local2 == "shortcuts")) { Object(extensions[_local2]).initialize(); } } } } static function initialize(target) { if (arguments.length > 0) { initializeTargets.apply(com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine, arguments); if (extensions.shortcuts != undefined) { extensions.shortcuts.addShortcutsTo.apply(extensions.shortcuts, arguments); } } } static function deinitialize(target) { if ((arguments.length == 0) || (target == null)) { arguments.push(MovieClip.prototype, Button.prototype, TextField.prototype); } deinitializeTargets.apply(com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine, arguments); if (extensions.shortcuts != undefined) { extensions.shortcuts.removeShortcutsFrom.apply(extensions.shortcuts, arguments); } } static function getUpdateInterval() { return(updateTime); } static function setUpdateInterval(time) { if (_playing) { setup(true); updateTime = time; setup(); } else { updateTime = time; } } static function getControllerDepth() { return(tweenHolder.getDepth()); } static function setControllerDepth(depth) { if ((depth == null) || (_global.isNaN(depth) == true)) { depth = 6789; } if (Object(tweenHolder).proof != null) { tweenHolder.swapDepths(depth); } else { tweenHolder = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("ZigoEnginePulse", depth); } } static function doShortcut(targets, methodName) { if (extensions.shortcuts == undefined) { if (OUTPUT_LEVEL > 0) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("002"); } return(null); } return(extensions.shortcuts.doShortcut.apply(extensions.shortcuts, arguments)); } static function doTween(targets, props, endvals, seconds, ease, delay, callback) { if (extensions.fuse.addBuildItem(arguments) == true) { return(null); } if (TIME_MULTIPLIER != prevTimeMult) { TIME_MULTIPLIER = Math.abs(TIME_MULTIPLIER); if (_global.isNaN(TIME_MULTIPLIER) == true) { TIME_MULTIPLIER = 1; } if (OUTPUT_LEVEL > 0) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("016", TIME_MULTIPLIER); } prevTimeMult = TIME_MULTIPLIER; } if ((instance == undefined) || ((Object(tweenHolder).proof == undefined) && (updateTime == undefined))) { if ((MovieClip.prototype.tween != null) && (typeof(_global.$tweenManager) == "object")) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("003"); } instance = new com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZManager(); _playing = false; } var _local4 = instance.paramsObj(targets, props, endvals, true); var _local7 = ((([0] == null) || ( == 0)) ? undefined : (; if ((( == undefined) || (_local7 == undefined)) || (arguments.length < 3)) { if (((extensions.fuseItem != null) && (arguments.length == 1)) && (typeof(arguments[0]) == "object")) { return(extensions.fuseItem.doTween(arguments[0])); } if (OUTPUT_LEVEL > 0) { if (arguments.length < 3) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("004", (((arguments.length == 1) && (arguments[0] == null)) ? "1 (null)" : (String(arguments.length))), Boolean(extensions.fuseItem == null)); } else { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("005", _local7.toString(),; } } return(null); } if (_playing != true) { setup(); } if ((seconds == null) || (_global.isNaN(seconds) == true)) { seconds = DURATION || 1; } else if (seconds < 0.01) { seconds = 0; } seconds = seconds * TIME_MULTIPLIER; if (((delay < 0.01) || (delay == null)) || (_global.isNaN(delay) == true)) { delay = 0; } delay = delay * TIME_MULTIPLIER; var _local12 = com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.parseCallback(callback, _local7, OUTPUT_LEVEL, true); var _local9; if (typeof(ease) == "function") { if (typeof(Function(ease).call(null, 1, 1, 1, 1)) == "number") { _local9 = Function(ease); } else if (OUTPUT_LEVEL > 0) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("014", ease); } } else if ((ease == null) || (ease == "")) { if (EASING instanceof Function) { _local9 = Function(EASING); } else if (extensions.pennerEasing != undefined) { ease = EASING; } } if ((typeof(ease) == "string") && (ease != "")) { if (extensions.pennerEasing[ease] != undefined) { _local9 = extensions.pennerEasing[ease]; } else if (OUTPUT_LEVEL > 0) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("006", ease); } } else if (ease instanceof Array) { if (extensions.customEasing != undefined) { _local12.extra1 = ease; if (typeof(ease[0]) == "number") { _local9 = extensions.customEasing.precalced; } else { _local9 = extensions.customEasing.fromCurve; } } else if (OUTPUT_LEVEL > 0) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("015", ease); } } if (typeof(_local9) != "function") { _local9 = function (t, b, c, d) { t = (t / d) - 1; return((c * (((((t * t) * t) * t) * t) + 1)) + b); }; } if (_listeners.length > 0) {, "onTweenAdd", _local7,,, seconds, _local9, delay, _local12); } var _local6 = ""; for (var _local13 in _local7) { var _local3 = _local7[_local13]; if (_local3.__zigoID__ == null) { initializeTargets(_local3); } else if (instance.getStatus("locked", _local3) == true) { if (OUTPUT_LEVEL > 0) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("007", ((_local3._name != undefined) ? (_local3._name) : (_local3.toString())),; } continue; } var _local5 = instance.addTween(_local3,,, seconds, _local9, delay, _local12); _local6 = ((_local5 == null) ? "|" : (_local5 + "|")) + _local6; } _local6 = _local6.slice(0, -1); return((((_local6 == "") || (_local6 == "|")) ? null : (_local6))); } static function removeTween(targs, props) { instance.removeTween(targs, props); } static function isTweening(targ, prop) { return(Boolean(instance.getStatus("active", targ, prop))); } static function getTweens(targ) { if (instance == undefined) { return(0); } return(Number(instance.getStatus("count", targ))); } static function lockTween(targ, setLocked) { instance.alterTweens("lock", targ, setLocked == true); } static function isTweenLocked(targ) { return(Boolean(instance.getStatus("locked", targ))); } static function ffTween(targs, props, suppressEndEvents) { instance.alterTweens("ff", targs, props, null, suppressEndEvents); } static function skipTweenTo(seconds, targs, props) { instance.alterTweens("skipTo", targs, props, false, false, seconds); } static function rewTween(targs, props, pauseFlag, suppressStartEvents) { instance.alterTweens("rewind", targs, props, pauseFlag, suppressStartEvents); } static function isTweenPaused(targ, prop) { return(Boolean(instance.getStatus("paused", targ, prop))); } static function pauseTween(targs, props) { instance.alterTweens("pause", targs, props); } static function unpauseTween(targs, props) { instance.alterTweens("unpause", targs, props); } static function resumeTween(targs, props) { instance.alterTweens("unpause", targs, props); } static function setColorByKey(targetObj, type, amt, rgb) { new Color(targetObj).setTransform(getColorTransObj(type, amt, rgb)); } static function getColorTransObj(type, amt, rgb) { switch (type) { case "brightness" : var _local3 = 100 - Math.abs(amt); var _local4 = ((amt > 0) ? (255 * (amt / 100)) : 0); return({ra:_local3, rb:_local4, ga:_local3, gb:_local4, ba:_local3, bb:_local4}); case "brightOffset" : return({ra:100, rb:255 * (amt / 100), ga:100, gb:255 * (amt / 100), ba:100, bb:255 * (amt / 100)}); case "contrast" : return({ra:amt, rb:128 - (1.28 * amt), ga:amt, gb:128 - (1.28 * amt), ba:amt, bb:128 - (1.28 * amt)}); case "invertColor" : return({ra:100 - (2 * amt), rb:amt * 2.55, ga:100 - (2 * amt), gb:amt * 2.55, ba:100 - (2 * amt), bb:amt * 2.55}); case "tint" : if (rgb == null) { break; } var _local5; if (typeof(rgb) == "string") { if (rgb.charAt(0) == "#") { rgb = rgb.slice(1); } rgb = ((rgb.charAt(1).toLowerCase() != "x") ? ("0x" + rgb) : (rgb)); } _local5 = Number(rgb); return({ra:100 - amt, rb:(_local5 >> 16) * (amt / 100), ga:100 - amt, gb:((_local5 >> 8) & 255) * (amt / 100), ba:100 - amt, bb:(_local5 & 255) * (amt / 100)}); } return({rb:0, ra:100, gb:0, ga:100, bb:0, ba:100}); } static function getColorKeysObj(targOrTransObj) { var _local1 = ((targOrTransObj.ra != undefined) ? (targOrTransObj) : (new Color(targOrTransObj).getTransform())); var _local6 = (_local1.ra == && ( ==; var _local8 = (_local1.rb == && ( ==; var _local3 = {tintPercent:Number(((_local6 == true) ? (100 - _local1.ra) : 0))}; if (_local3.tintPercent != 0) { var _local5 = 100 / _local3.tintPercent; _local3.tint = (((_local1.rb * _local5) << 16) | (( * _local5) << 8)) | ( * _local5); var _local2 = _local3.tint.toString(16); var _local4 = 6 - _local2.length; while ((_local4--) > 0) { _local2 = "0" + _local2; } _local3.tintString = "0x" + _local2.toUpperCase(); } if ((_local6 == true) && (_local8 == true)) { if (_local1.ra < 0) { _local3.invertColor = _local1.rb * 0.392156862745098; } else if ((_local1.ra == 100) && (_local1.rb != 0)) { _local3.brightOffset = _local1.rb * 0.392156862745098; } if (_local1.ra != 100) { if ((_local1.rb == 0) || ((_local1.rb != 0) && (((255 * ((100 - _local1.ra) / 100)) - _local1.rb) <= 1))) { _local3.brightness = ((_local1.rb != 0) ? (100 - _local1.ra) : (_local1.ra - 100)); } if (((128 - (1.28 * _local1.ra)) - _local1.rb) <= 1) { _local3.contrast = _local1.ra; } } } return(_local3); } static function initializeTargets() { for (var _local5 in arguments) { var _local4 = arguments[_local5]; if ((((_local4 == MovieClip.prototype) || (_local4 == Button.prototype)) || (_local4 == TextField.prototype)) || (_local4 == Object.prototype)) { if (_local4.oldAddListener == undefined) { if (_local4 == TextField.prototype) { _local4.oldAddListener = _local4.addListener; _global.ASSetPropFlags(_local4, "oldAddListener", 7, 1); } _local4.addListener = function (o) { if (this.__zigoID__ == undefined) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.initializeTargets(this); } if (this instanceof TextField) { Function(this.oldAddListener).call(this, o); } else { this.addListener(o); } }; if (_local4 == MovieClip.prototype) { _global.ASSetPropFlags(_local4, "addListener", 7, 1); } } } else if (_local4.__zigoID__ == undefined) { _local4.__zigoID__ = zigoIDs; _global.ASSetPropFlags(_local4, "__zigoID__", 7, 1); zigoIDs++; if ((_local4._listeners == null) || (_local4.addListener == null)) { AsBroadcaster.initialize(_local4); } } } } static function deinitializeTargets() { for (var _local4 in arguments) { var _local3 = arguments[_local4]; if (_local3.__zigoID__ != undefined) { _global.ASSetPropFlags(_local3, "__zigoID__,_listeners,broadcastMessage,addListener,removeListener", 0, 2); delete _local3.__zigoID__; delete _local3._listeners; delete _local3.broadcastMessage; delete _local3.addListener; delete _local3.removeListener; } if (_local3.oldAddListener != undefined) { _global.ASSetPropFlags(_local3, "oldAddListener", 0, 2); _local3.addListener = _local3.oldAddListener; delete _local3.oldAddListener; } } } static function __mgrRelay(inst, method, args) { if (inst == instance) { Function(com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine[method]).apply(com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine, args); } } static function setup(deinitFlag) { if (deinitFlag == true) { _playing = false; clearInterval(updateIntId); delete tweenHolder.onEnterFrame; return(undefined); } instance.cleanUp(); clearInterval(updateIntId); delete updateIntId; if ((updateTime != null) && (updateTime > 0)) { updateIntId = setInterval(instance, "update", updateTime); } else { if (Object(tweenHolder).proof == null) { setControllerDepth(6789); Object(tweenHolder).proof = 1; } var _inst = instance; tweenHolder.onEnterFrame = function () {; }; } _playing = true; = getTimer(); } static var VERSION = com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.VERSION + ", ZigoEngine based on concepts by L.Zigo"; static var EASING = "easeOutQuint"; static var DURATION = 1; static var TIME_MULTIPLIER = 1; static var ROUND_RESULTS = false; static var OUTPUT_LEVEL = 1; static var AUTOSTOP = false; static var SKIP_LEVEL = 0; static var _playing = false; static var zigoIDs = 0; static var prevTimeMult = 1; }
Symbol 114 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZManager { var tweens, now; function ZManager () { tweens = {}; numTweens = 0; } function addTween(obj, props, endvals, seconds, ease, delay, callback) { var _local24 = ((callback.skipLevel == undefined) ? 0 : (callback.skipLevel)); var _local44 = ((callback.cycles == undefined) ? 1 : (callback.cycles)); var _local30 = callback.extra1; var _local29 = callback.extra2; var _local23 = []; var _local14 =; var _local43 = String(("|" + _local14.getAllShortcuts().join("|")) + "|"); var _local42 = com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon._cts(); var _local25 = ""; var _local28 = ""; var _local22 = obj.__zigoID__; var _local7 = tweens[String(_local22)]; if ((_local7 != undefined) && (com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.AUTOSTOP == true)) { if (obj._listeners.length > 0) { for (var _local40 in _local7.props) { _local23.unshift(_local40); } } _local7.numProps = 0; cleanUp(true); } for (var _local47 in props) { var _local5 = props[_local47]; var _local4 = endvals[_local47]; var _local15 = 0; if (_local5 == "_fade") { _local5 = "_alpha"; _local15 = ((_local4 < 50) ? -1 : 1); } var _local16 = _local42.indexOf(("|" + _local5) + "|") > -1; var _local18 = _local7.colorProp; if (_local7 != undefined) { if ((_local16 == true) && (_local18 != undefined)) { _local23.unshift(_local18); delete _local7.props[_local18]; delete _local7.colorProp; _local7.numProps--; } else if (_local7.props[_local5] != undefined) { _local23.unshift(_local5); delete _local7[_local5]; _local7.numProps--; } } var _local3 = {c:-1, fmp:-1, complex:-1}; var _local11 = ((_local24 == 0) && ((seconds + delay) == 0)) || ((_local24 > 0) && (seconds == 0)); var _local10 = false; var _local13 = (_local14 != undefined) && (_local43.indexOf(("|" + _local5) + "|") > -1); var _local19 = (_local5.toLowerCase().indexOf("colors") > -1) && (_local4 instanceof Array); var _local27 = ((_local13 == true) && (_local5.indexOf("lor") > -1)) && (_local5.charAt(2) != "l"); if (_local13 == true) { _local3.fmp = _local14; = _local14.getFilterProp(obj, _local5, true); _local3.special = true; } if (((_local16 == true) || (_local19 == true)) || (_local27 && (_local11 == false))) { _local3.complex = 1; if (_local16 == true) { _local3.c = new Color(obj); = Color(_local3.c).getTransform(); var _local17 = ((((_local5 == "_tint") || (_local5 == "_tintPercent")) || (_local5 == "_colorReset")) ? "tint" : (_local5.slice(1))); var _local9 = null; var _local12 = null; if (_local5 != "_colorTransform") { if (_local17 == "tint") { if (typeof(_local4) == "object") { _local12 = _local4.tint; _local9 = ((_global.isNaN(_local4.percent) == true) ? 100 : (_local4.percent)); } else if ((_local5 == "_tintPercent") || (_local5 == "_colorReset")) { var _local20 = com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.getColorKeysObj(obj).tintPercent; if (_local5 == "_colorReset") { _local9 = Math.min(_local20, 100 - Math.abs(Number(_local4))); } else { _local9 = ((typeof(_local4) == "string") ? ((_local20 || 0) + Number(_local4)) : Number(_local4)); } _local9 = Math.max(0, Math.min(_local9, 100)); _local12 = com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.getColorKeysObj(obj).tint || 0; } else { _local12 = _local4; _local9 = 100; } } else { _local9 = ((typeof(_local4) == "string") ? ((com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.getColorKeysObj(obj)[_local17] || 0) + Number(_local4)) : (_local4)); } _local4 = com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.getColorTransObj(_local17, _local9, _local12); } if (_local11 == true) { if (_local5 == "_colorTransform") { Color(_local3.c).setTransform(_local4); } else { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.setColorByKey(obj, _local17, _local9, _local12); } } else { var _local21 = getChangeObj(, _local4, false, false); =; if (_local21.changed == true) { _local10 = true; } } } else if (_local11 == true) { _local14.setFilterProp(obj, _local5, _local4); } else if (_local19 == true) { _local3.c = 2; = []; for (var _local40 in _local4) { if (_local4[_local40] != null) { if ( == null) { = []; }[_local40] = com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.getColorTransObj("tint", 100, (([_local40] == null) ? obj[_local5][_local40] :[_local40])); var _local21 = getChangeObj([_local40], com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.getColorTransObj("tint", 100, _local4[_local40]), true, false);[_local40] =; if (_local21.changed == true) { _local10 = true; } } } } else { _local3.c = 1; = com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.getColorTransObj("tint", 100,; var _local21 = getChangeObj(, com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.getColorTransObj("tint", 100, _local4), true, false); =; if (_local21.changed == true) { _local10 = true; } } } else if (_local5 == "_bezier_") { removeTween(obj, "_x,_y", true); if (_local11 == true) { if ((_local4.x != null) && (_global.isNaN(Number(_local4.x)) == false)) { obj._x = ((typeof(_local4.x) == "string") ? (obj._x + Number(_local4.x)) : (_local4.x)); } if ((_local4.y != null) && (_global.isNaN(Number(_local4.y)) == false)) { obj._y = ((typeof(_local4.y) == "string") ? (obj._y + Number(_local4.y)) : (_local4.y)); } } else { _local3.special = true; = 0; = 1; = {sx:obj._x, sy:obj._y}; if ((_local4.x == null) || (_global.isNaN(Number(_local4.x)))) { _local4.x =; } if ((_local4.y == null) || (_global.isNaN(Number(_local4.y)))) { _local4.y =; } = ((typeof(_local4.x) == "string") ? (Number(_local4.x)) : (_local4.x -; if (_global.isNaN( == true) { _local3.bx.chx = 0; } = ((typeof(_local4.y) == "string") ? (Number(_local4.y)) : (_local4.y -; if (_global.isNaN( == true) { _local3.bx.chy = 0; } if ((_local4.controlX == null) || (_global.isNaN(Number(_local4.controlX)))) { = + ( / 2); } else { = ((typeof(_local4.controlX) == "string") ? ( + Number(_local4.controlX)) : (_local4.controlX)); } if ((_local4.controlY == null) || (_global.isNaN(Number(_local4.controlY)))) { = + ( / 2); } else { = ((typeof(_local4.controlY) == "string") ? ( + Number(_local4.controlY)) : (_local4.controlY)); } = -; = -; _local10 = ( + != 0; } } else { if (typeof(_local4) == "object") { _local3.complex = ((_local4 instanceof Array) ? 0 : 1); } if ((_local5 == "_x") || (_local5 == "_y")) { removeTween(obj, "_bezier_", true); } if ((_local5 == "_frame") && (typeof(obj) == "movieclip")) { = obj._currentframe; _local3.special = true; } else if (_local13 == false) { if (_local3.complex > -1) { = ((_local3.complex == 0) ? ([]) : ({})); for (var _local40 in _local4) {[_local40] = obj[_local5][_local40]; } } else { = obj[_local5]; } } if (_local11 == true) { if (_local13 == true) { _local14.setFilterProp(obj, _local5, ((typeof(_local4) == "string") ? ( + Number(_local4)) : (_local4))); } else if (_local3.complex > -1) { for (var _local40 in _local4) { if ((_local4[_local40] != null) && (_global.isNaN(Number(_local4[_local40])) == false)) { obj[_local5][_local40] = ((typeof(_local4[_local40]) == "string") ? ([_local40] + Number(_local4[_local40])) : _local4[_local40]); if (_global.isNaN(obj[_local5][_local40]) == true) { obj[_local5][_local40] = 0; } } } } else { obj[_local5] = ((typeof(_local4) == "string") ? ( + Number(_local4)) : (_local4)); if (_local15 == 1) { obj._visible = true; } else if (_local15 == -1) { obj._visible = false; } } } else if (_local3.complex > -1) { var _local21 = getChangeObj(, _local4, _local13, _local3.complex == 0); =; if (_local21.changed == true) { _local10 = true; } } else { if ((_local4 == null) || (_global.isNaN(Number(_local4)))) { _local4 =; } = ((typeof(_local4) == "string") ? (Number(_local4)) : (Number(_local4) -; if (_global.isNaN( == true) { = 0; } _local10 = != 0; } } if (((_local24 == 0) && ((_local10 == true) || (_local11 == false))) || ((_local10 == true) && (_local11 == false))) { if ((_local3.complex > -1) && (!(_local3.c === 2))) { = []; = []; } _local3.ts = now + (delay * 1000); = -1; _local3.d = seconds * 1000; _local3.ef = ease; _local3.sf = false; _local3.cycles = _local44; if (_local30 != undefined) { _local3.e1 = _local30; } if (_local29 != undefined) { _local3.e2 = _local29; } _local3.v = _local15; if (callback.start != undefined) { = callback.start; } if (callback.upd != undefined) { _local3.ucb = callback.upd; } if (callback.end != undefined) { _local3.ecb = callback.end; } if (callback.roundResults != undefined) { _local3.rr = callback.roundResults; } if (tweens[String(_local22)] == undefined) { _local7 = (tweens[String(_local22)] = {numProps:0, locked:false, targ:obj, targID:String(("\"" + ((obj._name != undefined) ? (obj._name) : (obj.toString()))) + "\""), targZID:_local22, props:{}}); numTweens++; } if (_local16 == true) { _local7.colorProp = _local5; } _local7.props[_local5] = _local3; _local7.numProps++; _local25 = (_local5 + ",") + _local25; _local28 = (((typeof(_local4) == "string") ? (("\"" + _local4) + "\"") : (_local4)) + ",") + _local28; } _local3 = undefined; } if ((_local7 == undefined) || (_local7.numProps <= 0)) { cleanUp(); } if ((_local23.length > 0) && (com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine._listeners.length > 0)) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.broadcastMessage("onTweenInterrupt", {target:obj, props:_local23, __zigoID__:_local22, during:"add"}); } if (_local25 == "") { if (_local24 == 2) { if (com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.OUTPUT_LEVEL == 2) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("011", ((obj._name != undefined) ? (obj._name) : (obj.toString())), props.toString()); } } else { var _local48 = obj._listeners.length > 0; if (_local48 == true) { obj.broadcastMessage("onTweenStart", {target:obj, props:props}); } if (callback.start != undefined) { callback.start.f.apply(callback.start.s, callback.start.a); } if (_local48 == true) { obj.broadcastMessage("onTweenUpdate", {target:obj, props:props}); } if (callback.upd != undefined) { callback.upd.f.apply(callback.upd.s, callback.upd.a); } if (_local48 == true) { obj.broadcastMessage("onTweenEnd", {target:obj, props:props}); } if (callback.end != undefined) { callback.end.f.apply(callback.end.s, callback.end.a); } } cleanUp(); } if (com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.OUTPUT_LEVEL == 2) { if (_local25 == "") { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("012", ((obj._name != undefined) ? (obj._name) : (obj.toString())), props.toString(), endvals.toString()); } else { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.error("013", ((obj._name != undefined) ? (obj._name) : (obj.toString())), _local25.slice(0, -1), _local28.slice(0, -1)); } } return(((_local25 == "") ? null : (_local25.slice(0, -1)))); } function removeTween(targs, props, noInit) { var _local4 = {}; var _local12 = paramsObj(targs, props); if (_local12.none == true) { return(undefined); } var _local16 = _local12.all; var _local17 = _local12.allprops; var _local9 = ((_local16 == true) ? (tweens) : (Object(; var _local8 = false; for (var _local20 in _local9) { var _local3 = ((_local16 == true) ? (_local20) : (String(_local9[_local20].__zigoID__))); var _local2 = tweens[_local3]; var _local6 = ((_local17 == true) ? (_local2.props) : (_local12.props)); for (var _local14 in _local6) { var _local5 = (_local14 == com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.ALLCOLOR) && (_local2.colorProp != undefined); if ((_local2.props[_local14] != undefined) || (_local5 == true)) { if (_local4[_local3] == null) { _local4[_local3] = []; } _local4[_local3].unshift(_local14); if ((_local14 == _local2.colorProp) || (_local5 == true)) { delete _local2.props[_local2.colorProp]; delete _local2.colorProp; } else { delete _local2.props[_local14]; } _local2.numProps--; if (_local2.numProps <= 0) { _local8 = true; break; } } } } if (com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine._listeners.length > 0) { for (var _local19 in _local4) { var _local7 = tweens[_local19].targ; com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.broadcastMessage("onTweenInterrupt", {target:((typeof(_local7.addProperty) == "function") ? (_local7) : (("[MISSING(\"" + tweens[_local19].targID) + "\")]")), props:_local4[_local19], __zigoID__:tweens[_local19].targZID, during:((noInit == true) ? "add" : "remove")}); } } if (_local8 == true) { cleanUp(noInit); } } function alterTweens(type, targs, props, pauseFlag, noEvents, skipTo) { if (type == "lock") { tweens[String(targs.__zigoID__)].locked = props; return(undefined); } var _local11 = paramsObj(targs, props); if (_local11.none == true) { return(undefined); } var _local14 = _local11.all; var _local15 = _local11.allprops; var _local9 = ((_local14 == true) ? (tweens) : (Object(; var _local8 = 0; for (var _local16 in _local9) { var _local7 = ((_local14 == true) ? (_local16) : (String(_local9[_local16].__zigoID__))); var _local5 = tweens[_local7]; var _local4 = ((_local15 == true) ? (_local5.props) : (_local11.props)); if (_local4.ALLCOLOR == true) { _local4[_local5.colorProp] = true; delete _local4.ALLCOLOR; } for (var _local10 in _local4) { _local8++; var _local2 = _local5.props[_local10]; if (type == "rewind") { if (pauseFlag == true) { = now; } _local2.ts = now; if (noEvents != true) { _local2.sf = false; if ( != undefined) { = false; } } } else if (type == "ff") { if (noEvents == true) { _local2.suppressEnd = true; } _local2.o = true; = -1; _local2.ts = now - _local2.d; } else if (type == "skipTo") { _local2.ts = Math.min(now, (_local2.ts + (now - _local2.ts)) - (skipTo * 1000)); } else if (type == "pause") { if ( == -1) { = now; } } else if (type == "unpause") { if ( != -1) { _local2.ts = now - ( - _local2.ts); = -1; } } } } if ((type == "ff") && (_local8 > 0)) { update(); } else if ((type == "rewind") && (_local8 > 0)) { update(true); } } function getStatus(type, targ, param) { if (targ == null) { return(null); } var _local8 = String(targ).toUpperCase() == com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.ALL; var _local4 = tweens[String(targ.__zigoID__)]; switch (type) { case "paused" : var _local2 = _local4.props; if (param != null) { if (_local2[String(param)] == undefined) { return(false); } return(Boolean(_local2[String(param)].pt != -1)); } for (var _local6 in _local2) { if (_local2[_local6].pt != -1) { return(true); } } return(false); case "active" : if (param == null) { return(Boolean(_local4 != undefined)); } if (String(param).toUpperCase() == com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.ALLCOLOR) { return(Boolean(_local4.colorProp != undefined)); } return(Boolean(_local4.props[String(param)] != undefined)); case "count" : if (!_local8) { return(_local4.numProps); } var _local3 = 0; for (var _local6 in tweens) { _local3 = _local3 + tweens[_local6].numProps; } return(_local3); case "locked" : return(_local4.locked); } } function update(force) { var _local22 = {}; var _local24 = {}; var _local23 = {}; var _local15 = {}; var _local13 = {}; var _local14 = {}; var _local26 = false; var _local20 = com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.ROUND_RESULTS; for (var _local35 in tweens) { var _local12 = tweens[_local35]; var _local5 = _local12.targ; var _local34 = _local12.props; var _local21 = _local5._listeners.length > 0; if (_local5.__zigoID__ == undefined) { _local26 = true; if (com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine._listeners.length > 0) { var _local25 = []; for (var _local30 in _local34) { _local25.unshift(_local30); } com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.broadcastMessage("onTweenInterrupt", {target:((typeof(_local5.addProperty) == "function") ? (_local5) : (("[MISSING:" + _local12.targID) + "]")), props:_local25, __zigoID__:_local12.targZID, during:"update"}); } continue; } for (var _local30 in _local34) { var _local3 = _local34[_local30]; if (((_local3.ts > now) || ( != -1)) && (force != true)) { continue; } var _local9 = now >= (_local3.ts + _local3.d); if (_local3.complex == -1) { var _local6; if (_local9 == true) { _local6 = +; if ((_local3.cycles > 1) || (_local3.cycles == 0)) { if (_local3.cycles > 1) { _local3.cycles--; } = _local6; =; _local3.ts = now; _local9 = false; } } else { _local6 = _local3.ef(now - _local3.ts,,, _local3.d, _local3.e1, _local3.e2); } if (_global.isNaN(_local6) == false) { if ((_local30 != "_bezier_") && ((_local3.rr == true) || ((_local20 == true) && (!(_local3.rr === false))))) { _local6 = Math.round(Number(_local6)); } if (_local3.special != true) { _local5[_local30] = _local6; } else if (_local3.fmp != -1) { _local3.fmp.setFilterProp(_local5, _local30, _local6); } else if (_local30 == "_bezier_") { var _local10 =; var _local18 = + (_local6 * (((2 * (1 - _local6)) * _local10.ctrlx) + (_local6 * _local10.chx))); var _local17 = + (_local6 * (((2 * (1 - _local6)) * _local10.ctrly) + (_local6 * _local10.chy))); if ((_local3.rr == true) || ((_local20 == true) && (!(_local3.rr === false)))) { _local18 = Math.round(Number(_local18)); _local17 = Math.round(Number(_local17)); } _local5._x = _local18; _local5._y = _local17; } else if (_local30 == "_frame") { MovieClip(_local5).gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(_local6)); } } } else { var _local16 = (_local9 == true) && ((_local3.cycles > 1) || (_local3.cycles == 0)); var _local7 = []; for (var _local27 in { var _local4 = ((_local3.complex == 0) ? ([]) : ({})); for (var _local28 in[_local27]) { var _local8 =[_local27][_local28]; var _local11 =[_local27][_local28]; if (_local9 == true) { _local4[_local28] = _local11 + _local8; if (_local16 == true) {[_local27][_local28] = -_local8; } } else { _local4[_local28] = _local3.ef(now - _local3.ts, _local11, _local8, _local3.d, _local3.e1, _local3.e2); } if (_global.isNaN(_local4[_local28]) == false) { if ((_local3.rr == true) || ((_local20 == true) && (!(_local3.rr === false)))) { _local4[_local28] = Math.round(_local4[_local28]); } } if ((_local3.fmp == -1) && (_local3.c == -1)) { _local5[_local30][_local28] = _local4[_local28]; } } _local7.push(_local4); if ((_local3.fmp == -1) && (_local3.c == 2)) { _local5[_local30][_local27] = Number(((_local4.rb << 16) | ( << 8)) |; } } if (_local3.fmp != -1) { if (_local3.c == 1) { _local3.fmp.setFilterProp(_local5, _local30, ((_local7[0].rb << 16) | (_local7[0].gb << 8)) | _local7[0].bb); } else if (_local3.c == 2) { var _local19 = []; for (var _local28 in _local7) { _local19.unshift(((_local7[_local28].rb << 16) | (_local7[_local28].gb << 8)) | _local7[_local28].bb); } _local3.fmp.setFilterProp(_local5, _local30, _local19); } else { _local3.fmp.setFilterProp(_local5, _local30, _local7[0]); } } else if (_local3.c != -1) { _local3.c.setTransform(_local7[0]); } if (_local16 == true) { if (_local3.cycles > 1) { _local3.cycles--; } _local9 = false; _local3.ts = now; = _local7; } } if (_local3.sf == false) { if (_local3.v != 0) { _local5._visible = true; } if (_local21 == true) { if (_local15[_local35] == undefined) { _local15[_local35] = [_local5, []]; } _local15[_local35][1].unshift(_local30); } _local3.sf = true; } if ( == false) { _local22[String(] =; = true; } if (_local21 == true) { if (_local13[_local35] == undefined) { _local13[_local35] = [_local5, []]; } _local13[_local35][1].unshift(_local30); } if (_local3.ucb != undefined) { _local24[String(] = _local3.ucb; } if (_local9 == true) { if (_local3.v === -1) { _local5._visible = false; } if (_local3.suppressEnd != true) { if (_local21 == true) { if (_local14[_local35] == undefined) { _local14[_local35] = [_local5, []]; } _local14[_local35][1].unshift(_local30); } if (_local3.ecb != undefined) { _local23[String(] = _local3.ecb; } } delete _local34[_local30]; if (_local30 == _local12.colorProp) { delete _local12.colorProp; } _local12.numProps--; if (_local12.numProps <= 0) { _local26 = true; } } delete _local3.suppressEnd; } } for (var _local35 in _local15) { _local15[_local35][0].broadcastMessage("onTweenStart", {target:_local15[_local35][0], props:_local15[_local35][1]}); } for (var _local35 in _local22) { _local22[_local35].f.apply(_local22[_local35].s, _local22[_local35].a); } for (var _local35 in _local13) { _local13[_local35][0].broadcastMessage("onTweenUpdate", {target:_local13[_local35][0], props:_local13[_local35][1]}); } for (var _local35 in _local24) { _local24[_local35].f.apply(_local24[_local35].s, _local24[_local35].a); } for (var _local35 in _local14) { _local14[_local35][0].broadcastMessage("onTweenEnd", {target:_local14[_local35][0], props:_local14[_local35][1]}); } for (var _local35 in _local23) { _local23[_local35].f.apply(_local23[_local35].s, _local23[_local35].a); } if (_local26) { cleanUp(); } now = getTimer(); } function cleanUp(noInit) { for (var _local4 in tweens) { var _local2 = tweens[_local4].targ; if ((tweens[_local4].numProps <= 0) || (_local2.__zigoID__ == undefined)) { if ((((_local2 != undefined) && (_local2.tween == undefined)) && (noInit != true)) && (_local2._listeners.length <= 0)) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.deinitializeTargets(_local2); } delete tweens[_local4]; numTweens--; } } if (numTweens <= 0) { numTweens = 0; delete tweens; tweens = {}; if (noInit != true) { com.mosesSupposes.fuse.ZigoEngine.__mgrRelay(this, "setup", [true]); } } } function paramsObj(targs, props, endvals, retainFade) { var _local6 = {}; _local6.all = String(targs).toUpperCase() == com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.ALL; _local6.none = Boolean(targs == null); if (_local6.all == true) { = [null]; } else { = ((targs instanceof Array) ? (targs) : ([targs])); for (var _local11 in { var _local7 =[_local11]; if ((_local7 == null) || (!((typeof(_local7) == "object") || (typeof(_local7) == "movieclip")))) {, 1); } } } _local6.allprops = props == null; var _local1; var _local4; var _local3 = {}; if (_local6.allprops == false) { if ((typeof(props) == "string") && ((String(props).indexOf(" ") > -1) || (String(props).indexOf(",") > -1))) { props = String(props.split(" ").join("")).split(","); } _local1 = ((props instanceof Array) ? (props.slice()) : ([props])); if (endvals != undefined) { if ((typeof(endvals) == "string") && ((String(endvals).indexOf(" ") > -1) || (String(endvals).indexOf(",") > -1))) { endvals = String(endvals.split(" ").join("")).split(","); } _local4 = ((endvals instanceof Array) ? (endvals.slice()) : ([endvals])); while (_local4.length < _local1.length) { _local4.push(_local4[_local4.length - 1]); } _local4.splice(_local1.length, _local4.length - _local1.length); } for (var _local11 in _local1) { var _local2 = Number(_local11); if ((_local1[_local11] != "_scale") && (_local1[_local11] != "_size")) { if (_local3[_local1[_local11]] == undefined) { if ((_local1[_local11] == "_fade") && (retainFade != true)) { _local1[_local11] = "_alpha"; } if (String(_local1[_local11]).toUpperCase() == com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.ALLCOLOR) { _local1[_local11] = com.mosesSupposes.fuse.FuseKitCommon.ALLCOLOR; } _local3[_local1[_local11]] = true; } else { _local1.splice(_local2, 1); _local4.splice(_local2, 1); } } else { var _local8 = String(_local1.splice(_local2, 1)[0]); var _local5 = _local4.splice(_local2, 1)[0]; if (_local8 == "_scale") { if (_local3._xscale == undefined) { _local1.splice(_local2, 0, "_xscale"); _local4.splice(_local2, 0, _local5); _local3._xscale = true; _local2++; } if (_local3._yscale == undefined) { _local1.splice(_local2, 0, "_yscale"); _local4.splice(_local2, 0, _local5); _local3._yscale = true; } } if (_local8 == "_size") { if (_local3._width == undefined) { _local1.splice(_local2, 0, "_width"); _local4.splice(_local2, 0, _local5); _local3._width = true; _local2++; } if (_local3._yscale == undefined) { _local1.splice(_local2, 0, "_height"); _local4.splice(_local2, 0, _local5); _local3._height = true; } } } } for (var _local11 in _local1) { if (((_local1[_local11] == "_xscale") && (_local3._width == true)) || ((_local1[_local11] == "_yscale") && (_local3._height == true))) { _local1.splice(Number(_local11), 1); _local4.splice(Number(_local11), 1); delete _local3[_local1[_local11]]; } } } = _local1; = _local4; _local6.props = _local3; return(_local6); } function getChangeObj(ps, ep, isFMP, useArray) { var _local3 = {map:((useArray == true) ? ([]) : ({})), changed:false}; for (var _local7 in ep) { if ((((((isFMP == true) && (_local7.charAt(1) == "b")) || (ep[_local7] != ps[_local7])) || (useArray == true)) && (ep[_local7] != null)) && (_global.isNaN(Number(ep[_local7])) == false)) {[_local7] = ((typeof(ep[_local7]) == "string") ? (Number(ep[_local7])) : (ep[_local7] - ps[_local7])); if (_global.isNaN([_local7]) == true) {[_local7] = 0; } else if ([_local7] != 0) { _local3.changed = true; } } } return(_local3); } var numTweens = 0; }
Symbol 115 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class com.mosesSupposes.fuse.PennerEasing { function PennerEasing () { } static function linear(t, b, c, d) { return(((c * t) / d) + b); } static function easeInQuad(t, b, c, d) { t = t / d; return(((c * t) * t) + b); } static function easeOutQuad(t, b, c, d) { t = t / d; return((((-c) * t) * (t - 2)) + b); } static function easeInOutQuad(t, b, c, d) { t = t / (d / 2); if (t < 1) { return((((c / 2) * t) * t) + b); } t--; return((((-c) / 2) * ((t * (t - 2)) - 1)) + b); } static function easeInExpo(t, b, c, d) { return(((t == 0) ? (b) : ((c * Math.pow(2, 10 * ((t / d) - 1))) + b))); } static function easeOutExpo(t, b, c, d) { return(((t == d) ? (b + c) : ((c * ((-Math.pow(2, (-10 * t) / d)) + 1)) + b))); } static function easeInOutExpo(t, b, c, d) { if (t == 0) { return(b); } if (t == d) { return(b + c); } t = t / (d / 2); if (t < 1) { return(((c / 2) * Math.pow(2, 10 * (t - 1))) + b); } t--; return(((c / 2) * ((-Math.pow(2, -10 * t)) + 2)) + b); } static function easeOutInExpo(t, b, c, d) { if (t == 0) { return(b); } if (t == d) { return(b + c); } t = t / (d / 2); if (t < 1) { return(((c / 2) * ((-Math.pow(2, -10 * t)) + 1)) + b); } return(((c / 2) * (Math.pow(2, 10 * (t - 2)) + 1)) + b); } static function easeInElastic(t, b, c, d, a, p) { var _local5; if (t == 0) { return(b); } t = t / d; if (t == 1) { return(b + c); } if (!p) { p = d * 0.3; } if ((!a) || (a < Math.abs(c))) { a = c; _local5 = p / 4; } else { _local5 = (p / (Math.PI*2)) * Math.asin(c / a); } t = t - 1; return((-((a * Math.pow(2, 10 * t)) * Math.sin((((t * d) - _local5) * (Math.PI*2)) / p))) + b); } static function easeOutElastic(t, b, c, d, a, p) { var _local5; if (t == 0) { return(b); } t = t / d; if (t == 1) { return(b + c); } if (!p) { p = d * 0.3; } if ((!a) || (a < Math.abs(c))) { a = c; _local5 = p / 4; } else { _local5 = (p / (Math.PI*2)) * Math.asin(c / a); } return((((a * Math.pow(2, -10 * t)) * Math.sin((((t * d) - _local5) * (Math.PI*2)) / p)) + c) + b); } static function easeInOutElastic(t, b, c, d, a, p) { var _local5; if (t == 0) { return(b); } t = t / (d / 2); if (t == 2) { return(b + c); } if (!p) { p = d * 0.45; } if ((!a) || (a < Math.abs(c))) { a = c; _local5 = p / 4; } else { _local5 = (p / (Math.PI*2)) * Math.asin(c / a); } if (t < 1) { t = t - 1; return((-0.5 * ((a * Math.pow(2, 10 * t)) * Math.sin((((t * d) - _local5) * (Math.PI*2)) / p))) + b); } t = t - 1; return(((((a * Math.pow(2, -10 * t)) * Math.sin((((t * d) - _local5) * (Math.PI*2)) / p)) * 0.5) + c) + b); } static function easeOutInElastic(t, b, c, d, a, p) { var _local5; if (t == 0) { return(b); } t = t / (d / 2); if (t == 2) { return(b + c); } if (!p) { p = d * 0.45; } if ((!a) || (a < Math.abs(c))) { a = c; _local5 = p / 4; } else { _local5 = (p / (Math.PI*2)) * Math.asin(c / a); } if (t < 1) { return(((0.5 * ((a * Math.pow(2, -10 * t)) * Math.sin((((t * d) - _local5) * (Math.PI*2)) / p))) + (c / 2)) + b); } return(((c / 2) + (0.5 * ((a * Math.pow(2, 10 * (t - 2))) * Math.sin((((t * d) - _local5) * (Math.PI*2)) / p)))) + b); } static function easeInBack(t, b, c, d, s) { if (s == undefined) { s = 1.70158; } t = t / d; return((((c * t) * t) * (((s + 1) * t) - s)) + b); } static function easeOutBack(t, b, c, d, s) { if (s == undefined) { s = 1.70158; } t = (t / d) - 1; return((c * (((t * t) * (((s + 1) * t) + s)) + 1)) + b); } static function easeInOutBack(t, b, c, d, s) { if (s == undefined) { s = 1.70158; } t = t / (d / 2); if (t < 1) { s = s * 1.525; return(((c / 2) * ((t * t) * (((s + 1) * t) - s))) + b); } t = t - 2; s = s * 1.525; return(((c / 2) * (((t * t) * (((s + 1) * t) + s)) + 2)) + b); } static function easeOutInBack(t, b, c, d, s) { if (s == undefined) { s = 1.70158; } t = t / (d / 2); if (t < 1) { t--; s = s * 1.525; return(((c / 2) * (((t * t) * (((s + 1) * t) + s)) + 1)) + b); } t--; s = s * 1.525; return(((c / 2) * (((t * t) * (((s + 1) * t) - s)) + 1)) + b); } static function easeOutBounce(t, b, c, d) { t = t / d; if (t < 0.363636363636364) { return((c * ((7.5625 * t) * t)) + b); } if (t < 0.727272727272727) { t = t - 0.545454545454545; return((c * (((7.5625 * t) * t) + 0.75)) + b); } if (t < 0.909090909090909) { t = t - 0.818181818181818; return((c * (((7.5625 * t) * t) + 0.9375)) + b); } t = t - 0.954545454545455; return((c * (((7.5625 * t) * t) + 0.984375)) + b); } static function easeInBounce(t, b, c, d) { return((c - easeOutBounce(d - t, 0, c, d)) + b); } static function easeInOutBounce(t, b, c, d) { if (t < (d / 2)) { return((easeInBounce(t * 2, 0, c, d) * 0.5) + b); } return(((easeOutBounce((t * 2) - d, 0, c, d) * 0.5) + (c * 0.5)) + b); } static function easeOutInBounce(t, b, c, d) { if (t < (d / 2)) { return((easeOutBounce(t * 2, 0, c, d) * 0.5) + b); } return(((easeInBounce((t * 2) - d, 0, c, d) * 0.5) + (c * 0.5)) + b); } static function easeInCubic(t, b, c, d) { t = t / d; return((((c * t) * t) * t) + b); } static function easeOutCubic(t, b, c, d) { t = (t / d) - 1; return((c * (((t * t) * t) + 1)) + b); } static function easeInOutCubic(t, b, c, d) { t = t / (d / 2); if (t < 1) { return(((((c / 2) * t) * t) * t) + b); } t = t - 2; return(((c / 2) * (((t * t) * t) + 2)) + b); } static function easeOutInCubic(t, b, c, d) { t = t / (d / 2); t--; return(((c / 2) * (((t * t) * t) + 1)) + b); } static function easeInQuart(t, b, c, d) { t = t / d; return(((((c * t) * t) * t) * t) + b); } static function easeOutQuart(t, b, c, d) { t = (t / d) - 1; return(((-c) * ((((t * t) * t) * t) - 1)) + b); } static function easeInOutQuart(t, b, c, d) { t = t / (d / 2); if (t < 1) { return((((((c / 2) * t) * t) * t) * t) + b); } t = t - 2; return((((-c) / 2) * ((((t * t) * t) * t) - 2)) + b); } static function easeOutInQuart(t, b, c, d) { t = t / (d / 2); if (t < 1) { t--; return((((-c) / 2) * ((((t * t) * t) * t) - 1)) + b); } t--; return(((c / 2) * ((((t * t) * t) * t) + 1)) + b); } static function easeInQuint(t, b, c, d) { t = t / d; return((((((c * t) * t) * t) * t) * t) + b); } static function easeOutQuint(t, b, c, d) { t = (t / d) - 1; return((c * (((((t * t) * t) * t) * t) + 1)) + b); } static function easeInOutQuint(t, b, c, d) { t = t / (d / 2); if (t < 1) { return(((((((c / 2) * t) * t) * t) * t) * t) + b); } t = t - 2; return(((c / 2) * (((((t * t) * t) * t) * t) + 2)) + b); } static function easeOutInQuint(t, b, c, d) { t = t / (d / 2); t--; return(((c / 2) * (((((t * t) * t) * t) * t) + 1)) + b); } static function easeInSine(t, b, c, d) { return((((-c) * Math.cos((t / d) * (Math.PI/2))) + c) + b); } static function easeOutSine(t, b, c, d) { return((c * Math.sin((t / d) * (Math.PI/2))) + b); } static function easeInOutSine(t, b, c, d) { return((((-c) / 2) * (Math.cos((Math.PI * t) / d) - 1)) + b); } static function easeOutInSine(t, b, c, d) { t = t / (d / 2); if (t < 1) { return(((c / 2) * Math.sin((Math.PI * t) / 2)) + b); } t--; return((((-c) / 2) * (Math.cos((Math.PI * t) / 2) - 2)) + b); } static function easeInCirc(t, b, c, d) { t = t / d; return(((-c) * (Math.sqrt(1 - (t * t)) - 1)) + b); } static function easeOutCirc(t, b, c, d) { t = (t / d) - 1; return((c * Math.sqrt(1 - (t * t))) + b); } static function easeInOutCirc(t, b, c, d) { t = t / (d / 2); if (t < 1) { return((((-c) / 2) * (Math.sqrt(1 - (t * t)) - 1)) + b); } t = t - 2; return(((c / 2) * (Math.sqrt(1 - (t * t)) + 1)) + b); } static function easeOutInCirc(t, b, c, d) { t = t / (d / 2); if (t < 1) { t--; return(((c / 2) * Math.sqrt(1 - (t * t))) + b); } t--; return(((c / 2) * (2 - Math.sqrt(1 - (t * t)))) + b); } static var registryKey = "pennerEasing"; }
Symbol 116 MovieClip [__Packages.DistortImage] Frame 0
class DistortImage { var _mc, texture, _vseg, _hseg, _w, _h, _aMcs, _p, _tri, _xMin, _yMin, _xMax, _yMax, _hsLen, _vsLen; function DistortImage (mc, ptexture, vseg, hseg) { _mc = mc; if (ptexture instanceof flash.display.BitmapData) { texture = ptexture; } else if (ptexture instanceof MovieClip) { texture = new flash.display.BitmapData(ptexture._width, ptexture._height, true, 0); texture.draw(ptexture); } else { throw new Error("Second argument in DistortImage class must be a BitmapData object or a Movieclip"); } _vseg = vseg || 0; _hseg = hseg || 0; _w = texture.width; _h = texture.height; _aMcs = new Array(); _p = new Array(); _tri = new Array(); __init(); } function setTransform(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) { var _local13 = _w; var _local12 = _h; var _local8 = x3 - x0; var _local10 = y3 - y0; var _local9 = x2 - x1; var _local11 = y2 - y1; var _local7 = _p.length; while (_local7-- , _local7 > -1) { var _local3 = _p[_local7]; var _local4 = (_local3.x - _xMin) / _local13; var _local2 = (_local3.y - _yMin) / _local12; var _local6 = x0 + (_local2 * _local8); var _local5 = y0 + (_local2 * _local10); = _local6 + (_local4 * ((x1 + (_local2 * _local9)) - _local6)); = _local5 + (_local4 * ((y1 + (_local2 * _local11)) - _local5)); } __render(); } function __init(Void) { _p = new Array(); _tri = new Array(); var _local3; var _local2; var _local12 = _w / 2; var _local11 = _h / 2; _xMin = (_yMin = 0); _xMax = _w; _yMax = _h; _hsLen = _w / (_hseg + 1); _vsLen = _h / (_vseg + 1); var _local8; var _local7; var _local6; var _local5; var _local4; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < (_hseg + 2)) { _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < (_vseg + 2)) { _local8 = _local3 * _hsLen; _local7 = _local2 * _vsLen; _p.push({x:_local8, y:_local7, sx:_local8, sy:_local7}); _local2++; } _local3++; } _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < (_vseg + 1)) { _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < (_hseg + 1)) { _local6 = _p[_local2 + (_local3 * (_hseg + 2))]; _local5 = _p[(_local2 + (_local3 * (_hseg + 2))) + 1]; _local4 = _p[_local2 + ((_local3 + 1) * (_hseg + 2))]; __addTriangle(_local6, _local5, _local4); _local6 = _p[(_local2 + ((_local3 + 1) * (_vseg + 2))) + 1]; _local5 = _p[_local2 + ((_local3 + 1) * (_vseg + 2))]; _local4 = _p[(_local2 + (_local3 * (_vseg + 2))) + 1]; __addTriangle(_local6, _local5, _local4); _local2++; } _local3++; } __render(); } function __addTriangle(p0, p1, p2) { var _local4; var _local3; var _local11; var _local5; var _local6; var _local10; var _local2 = {}; _local4 = p0.x; _local3 = p0.y; _local11 = p1.x; _local5 = p1.y; _local6 = p2.x; _local10 = p2.y; _local2.tx = (-_local3) * (_w / (_local5 - _local3)); _local2.ty = (-_local4) * (_h / (_local6 - _local4)); _local2.a = (_local2.d = 0); _local2.b = _h / (_local6 - _local4); _local2.c = _w / (_local5 - _local3); _tri.push([p0, p1, p2, _local2]); } function __render(Void) { var _local14; var _local9; var _local6; var _local5; var _local8; var _local7; var _local10 = 1 / _h; var _local11 = 1 / _w; var _local3 = _mc; _local3.clear(); var _local4; var _local2 = {}; var _local13 = {}; var _local12 = _tri.length; while (_local12-- , _local12 > -1) { _local4 = _tri[_local12]; _local9 = _local4[0]; _local6 = _local4[1]; _local5 = _local4[2]; _local13 = _local4[3]; _local8 =; _local2.a = ( - _local8) * _local11; _local7 =; _local2.b = ( - _local7) * _local11; _local2.c = ( - _local8) * _local10; _local2.d = ( - _local7) * _local10; _local2.tx = _local8; _local2.ty = _local7; _local2 = __concat(_local2, _local13); _local3.beginBitmapFill(texture, _local2, false, false); _local3.moveTo(_local8, _local7); _local3.lineTo(,; _local3.lineTo(,; _local3.endFill(); } } function __concat(m1, m2) { var _local2 = {}; _local2.a = m1.c * m2.b; _local2.b = m1.d * m2.b; _local2.c = m1.a * m2.c; _local2.d = m1.b * m2.c; _local2.tx = ((m1.a * m2.tx) + (m1.c * m2.ty)) + m1.tx; _local2.ty = ((m1.b * m2.tx) + (m1.d * m2.ty)) + m1.ty; return(_local2); } }
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 1
fake_mc._visible = false;
Symbol 86 MovieClip Frame 1
function initMe() { alleMovie_array = new Array(); var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _root.alle_Bilder_array.length) { var _local4 = this.content_mc.attachMovie(_root.alle_Bilder_array[_local3].url, "b" + c_tiefe, c_tiefe); _local4.bild_obj = _root.alle_Bilder_array[_local3]; alleMovie_array.push(_local4); _local4._alpha = 0; trace(_local4); trace(_root.alle_Bilder_array[_local3].url); c_tiefe++; _local3++; } tiefe = c_tiefe; } function beamBild(arrayZahl) { trace("beamBild " + arrayZahl); if (t_object != null) { t_object.t1_mc.stopAllTweens(); t_object.t1_mc.removeMovieClip(); t_object.t2_mc.removeMovieClip(); t_object = null; } aktiv = true; clearInterval(_root.miniInterVal); alter_mc.stopTween(); neuer_mc.stopTween(); neuer_mc._x = 0; neuer_mc._y = 0; var _local3 = Number(neuer_mc.bild_obj.animation_duration); if (_root.g_einstellungen.fadeOut) { neuer_mc.alphaTo(0, _local3, "easeInQuad", 0, alterAnimationFertig); } neuer_mc.afterNeuer(_local3); alter_mc = neuer_mc; neuer_mc = alleMovie_array[arrayZahl]; neuer_mc.clearMyInterval(); neuer_mc._xscale = 100; neuer_mc._yscale = 100; neuer_mc._x = 0; neuer_mc._y = 0; if (alter_mc == neuer_mc) { alter_mc.stopTween(); alter_mc = undefined; } this.bild_obj_alter = this.bild_obj; this.bild_obj = neuer_mc.bild_obj; neuer_mc._alpha = 0; neuer_mc._visible = true; renderMovie(arrayZahl); } function renderMovie(arrayZahl) { trace((("projector render" + arrayZahl) + " tiefe") + tiefe); tiefe++; neuer_mc.swapDepths(tiefe); _parent.aktuellesBild_mc = neuer_mc; neuer_mc._alpha = 0; var _local5 = Number(this.bild_obj.animation_duration); trace("duration" + _local5); var _local6 = "easeOutQuad"; var _local11 = this; _parent.setMessageText(this.bild_obj); if (this.bild_obj.animation == "false") { neuer_mc._alpha = 100; wennAnimationFertig(); } else if (this.bild_obj.animation == "alpha") { neuer_mc._alpha = 0; neuer_mc.alphaTo(100, _local5, "linear", 0, wennAnimationFertig); } else if (this.bild_obj.animation == "scale") { neuer_mc._alpha = 100; neuer_mc._xscale = 0; neuer_mc._yscale = 0; neuer_mc.tween("_xscale", 100, _local5, _local6, 0); neuer_mc.tween("_yscale", 100, _local5, _local6, 0, wennAnimationFertig); } else if (this.bild_obj.animation == "scaleCenter") { neuer_mc._alpha = 100; var _local10 = neuer_mc._x; var _local9 = neuer_mc._y; neuer_mc._x = back_mc._width / 2; neuer_mc._y = back_mc._height / 2; neuer_mc._xscale = 0; neuer_mc._yscale = 0; neuer_mc.tween("_xscale", 100, _local5, _local6, 0); neuer_mc.tween("_yscale", 100, _local5, _local6); neuer_mc.tween("_x", _local10, _local5, _local6); neuer_mc.tween("_y", _local9, _local5, _local6, 0, wennAnimationFertig); } else if (this.bild_obj.animation == "scaleX") { neuer_mc._alpha = 100; neuer_mc._xscale = 0; neuer_mc.tween("_xscale", 100, _local5, _local6, 0, wennAnimationFertig); } else if (this.bild_obj.animation == "scaleY") { neuer_mc._alpha = 100; neuer_mc._yscale = 0; neuer_mc.tween("_yscale", 100, _local5, "linear", 0, wennAnimationFertig); } else if (this.bild_obj.animation == "random") { neuer_mc._alpha = 0; var _local8 = random(this._parent.alleTransisString_array.length); machTransi(neuer_mc, _local5, this._parent.alleTransisString_array[_local8]); } else if (this.bild_obj.animation == "cube3D") { var _local7; if (alter_mc == undefined) { _local7 = this.createEmptyMovieClip("superTemp_mc", 1); _local7.createEmptyMovieClip("s_mc", 1); _root.drawRectFill(_local7.s, back_mc._width, back_mc._width); _global.farbMc(_local7.s, _root.color_stage); } else { _local7 = alter_mc; } t_object = cubeTransition(neuer_mc, _local7, _local5, wennAnimationFertig, neuer_mc._width, neuer_mc._height); superTemp_mc.removeMovieClip(); _root.miniInterVal = setInterval(callbackNeuer, 100); } else { neuer_mc._alpha = 0; machTransi(neuer_mc, _local5, this.bild_obj.animation); } animationOut(alter_mc, this.bild_obj_alter); } function callbackNeuer() { trace("Intervall aufgerufen "); neuer_mc._alpha = 100; clearInterval(_root.miniInterVal); } function setSize(w, h) { this.createEmptyMovieClip("rand_mc", 100000); _root.drawRectLine(this.rand_mc, w, h); this.back_mc._width = w; this.back_mc._height = h; this.maske_mc._width = w; this.maske_mc._height = h; } function raumAuf(neuer) { neuer_mc.openProgramm(); var _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < alleMovie_array.length) { if (alleMovie_array[_local4] != neuer) { alleMovie_array[_local4].closeProgramm(); alleMovie_array[_local4].stop(); if (alleMovie_array[_local4] != alter_mc) { alleMovie_array[_local4]._visible = false; alleMovie_array[_local4].stopTween(); } } _local4++; } this.geladen = true; if (_parent.g_einstellungen.displayOnEventShow == "false") { _root.navigations_mc.navi_pb.stopShine(); } } function stopDisplay() { var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < alleMovie_array.length) { alleMovie_array[_local2].closeProgramm(); alleMovie_array[_local2].stop(); alleMovie_array[_local2].stopTween(); if (contentBild_mc[o] != neuer_mc) { alleMovie_array[_local2]._alpha = 0; } _local2++; } aktiv = false; _parent.last_mc = neuer_mc; } function restartMe() { aktiv = true; var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < alleMovie_array.length) { alleMovie_array[_local2]._visible = false; alleMovie_array[_local2]._alpha = 0; alleMovie_array[_local2].stopTween(); clearInterval(_root.miniInterVal); _local2++; } } function cubeTransition(mc_1_mc, mc_2_mc, time, callback, weite, hoehe) { var w = weite; var h = hoehe; var temp_back_mc = mc_1_mc._parent._parent.createEmptyMovieClip("tb_mc", mc_1_mc._parent._parent.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.drawRectFill(temp_back_mc, w, h); _global.farbMc(temp_back_mc, _root.color_stage); trace((((("parent? " + _root.color_stage) + " temp:") + temp_back_mc._name) + "_global.farbMc ") + _global.farbMc); var temp_mc = mc_1_mc._parent._parent.createEmptyMovieClip("t_mc", mc_1_mc._parent._parent.getNextHighestDepth()); temp_mc.start_mc = temp_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("s_mc", 2); temp_mc.end_mc = temp_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("e_mc", 1); _root.drawRectFill(temp_mc.start_mc, w, h); _root.drawRectFill(temp_mc.end_mc, w, h); var d_end = new DistortImage(temp_mc.start_mc, mc_2_mc, 3, 3); var d_start = new DistortImage(temp_mc.end_mc, mc_1_mc, 3, 3); temp_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("p1", temp_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); temp_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("p2", temp_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); temp_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("p3", temp_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); temp_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("p4", temp_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); temp_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("p5", temp_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); temp_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("p6", temp_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); var _local9 = w / 40; var _local5 = w / 40; temp_mc.p1._x = 0; temp_mc.p1._y = 0; temp_mc.p2._x = w; temp_mc.p2._y = 0; temp_mc.p3._x = w; temp_mc.p3._y = h; temp_mc.p4._x = 0; temp_mc.p4._y = h; temp_mc.p5._x = w; temp_mc.p5._y = _local5; temp_mc.p6._x = w; temp_mc.p6._y = h - _local5; var _local10 = function () { temp_mc.tween("_xscale", 100, time / 2, "easeOutQuad"); temp_mc.tween("_yscale", 100, time / 2, "easeOutQuad"); temp_mc.tween("_x", 0, time / 2, "easeOutQuad"); temp_mc.tween("_y", 0, time / 2, "easeOutQuad"); }; temp_mc.tween("_xscale", 90, time / 2, "easeInQuad", 0, _local10); temp_mc.tween("_yscale", 90, time / 2, "easeInQuad"); temp_mc.tween("_x", _local9, time / 2, "easeInQuad"); temp_mc.tween("_y", _local5, time / 2, "easeInQuad"); mc_1_mc._visible = false; mc_2_mc._visible = false; var _local4 = Math.floor(h / 10); var _local6 = function () { temp_back_mc.removeMovieClip(); temp_mc.removeMovieClip(); mc_1_mc._visible = true; mc_2_mc._visible = true; callback(); }; temp_mc.p1.tween("_y", _local4, time, "easeInQuad", 0); temp_mc.p4.tween("_y", h - _local4, time, "easeInQuad"); temp_mc.p2.tween("_x", -1, time, "easeInOutQuad", 0, _local6); var _local8 = function () { temp_mc.p2.tween("_y", -1, time / 2, "easeOutQuad"); }; temp_mc.p2.tween("_y", -_local4, time / 2, "easeInQuad", 0, _local8); temp_mc.p3.tween("_x", -1, time, "easeInOutQuad"); var _local7 = function () { temp_mc.p3.tween("_y", h + 1, time / 2, "easeOutQuad"); }; temp_mc.p3.tween("_y", h + _local4, time / 2, "easeInQuad", 0, _local7); temp_mc.p5.tween("_y", 0, time, "easeInQuad", 0); temp_mc.p6.tween("_y", h, time, "easeInQuad"); var x0; var y0; var x1; var y1; var x2; var y2; var x3; var y3; var Sx0; var Sy0; var Sx1; var Sy1; var Sx2; var Sy2; var Sx3; var Sy3; temp_mc.onEnterFrame = function () { x0 = Math.round(this.p1._x); y0 = Math.round(this.p1._y); x1 = Math.round(this.p2._x); y1 = Math.round(this.p2._y); x2 = Math.round(this.p3._x); y2 = Math.round(this.p3._y); x3 = Math.round(this.p4._x); y3 = Math.round(this.p4._y); d_end.setTransform(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3); Sx0 = Math.round(this.p2._x) - 1; Sy0 = Math.round(this.p2._y); Sx1 = w; Sy1 = Math.round(temp_mc.p5._y); Sx2 = w; Sy2 = Math.round(temp_mc.p6._y); Sx3 = Math.round(this.p3._x) - 1; Sy3 = Math.round(this.p3._y); d_start.setTransform(Sx0, Sy0, Sx1, Sy1, Sx2, Sy2, Sx3, Sy3); }; return({t1_mc:temp_mc, t2_mc:temp_back_mc}); } function animationOut(outerAlt_mc, b_obj) { if (b_obj.animationOut == undefined) { return(undefined); } if (outerAlt_mc == undefined) { return(undefined); } if (this.bild_obj.animation == "cube3D") { return(undefined); } if (_parent.g_einstellungen.fadeOut == "true") { if (firstTimeFad) { _root.traceObject("Projector: fadeOut + animationOut schliessen sich aus..."); } firstTimeFad = false; return(undefined); } var _local5 = Number(b_obj.animation_duration); var _local7 = "easeOutQuad"; var _local9 = this; var alter = outer_mc; var _local11 = outerAlt_mc._x; var _local10 = outerAlt_mc._y; var _local6 = function () { alter._visible = false; }; if (b_obj.animationOut == "false") { outerAlt_mc.alphaTo(100, _local5, "linear", 0, _local6); } else if (b_obj.animationOut == "alpha") { outerAlt_mc.alphaTo(0, _local5, "linear", 0, _local6); } else if (b_obj.animationOut == "scale") { outerAlt_mc.tween("_xscale", 0, _local5, _local7, 0); outerAlt_mc.tween("_yscale", 0, _local5, _local7, 0, _local6); } else if (b_obj.animationOut == "scaleCenter") { outerAlt_mc.tween("_xscale", 0, _local5, _local7, 0); outerAlt_mc.tween("_yscale", 0, _local5, _local7); outerAlt_mc.tween("_x", back_mc._width / 2, _local5, _local7); outerAlt_mc.tween("_y", back_mc._height / 2, _local5, _local7, 0, _local6); } else if (b_obj.animationOut == "scaleX") { outerAlt_mc.tween("_xscale", 0, _local5, _local7, 0, _local6); } else if (b_obj.animationOut == "scaleY") { outerAlt_mc.tween("_yscale", 0, _local5, "linear", 0, _local6); } else { outerAlt_mc.alphaTo(100, _local5, "linear", 0, _local6); } } var t_object; var firstTimeFad = true; var c_tiefe = 100; wennAnimationFertig = function () { t_object = null; if (aktiv) { raumAuf(neuer_mc); } trace("animation fertig"); }; machTransi = function (zielmovie, time, TransiWert) { zielmovie.target_width = back_mc._width; zielmovie.target_height = back_mc._height; _root.myTransition(zielmovie, time, TransiWert, wennAnimationFertig); _root.miniInterVal = setInterval(callbackNeuer, 100); }; stop();
Symbol 88 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 88 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 90 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 90 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 91 MovieClip Frame 1
function setFarben() { this.GID = _parent.GID; this.play_pb.setColorObject(_root.p_colorButtons, _root.p_colorButtonsFont); this.play_pb.setSymbolMovie(this.pfeil_mc); this._visible = true; } stop(); playMeStopMe = function () { if (this.play_pb.symbolMovie._currentframe == 1) { _parent.machAutoPlay = false; clearInterval(_parent.meinIntervall); this.play_pb.symbolMovie.gotoAndStop(2); } else if (this.play_pb.symbolMovie._currentframe == 2) { _parent.machAutoPlay = true; _parent.nextBild(); this.play_pb.symbolMovie.gotoAndStop(1); } }; this.play_pb.setClickHandler("playMeStopMe"); setFarben(); this.play_pb.setButtonSound("click"); over = function () { var _local3 = {}; _local3.fontSize = 11; _local3.selectable = false; _local3.textColor = _root.message_obj.textColor; _local3.width = 60; if (this.play_pb.symbolMovie._currentframe == 1) { _local3.text = "STOP"; } else if (this.play_pb.symbolMovie._currentframe == 2) { _local3.text = "PLAY"; } info_txt.setTextObject(_local3); }; out = function () { aaa.text = " "; info_txt.setTextObject(aaa); }; this.play_pb.setRollHandler("over"); this.play_pb.setOutHandler("out");
Symbol 92 MovieClip Frame 1
function bildWahl() { clearInterval(meinIntervall); current = freeMenu_cb.getSelectedIndex(); stage_mc.beamBild(current); var _local2 = _root.alle_Bilder_array[current].image_duration + _root.alle_Bilder_array[current].animation_duration; if (machAutoPlay) { meinIntervall = doNext(_local2, nextBild); } abspieler(_local2, current); } function doNext(time, funk) { var _local2 = function () { trace(((("start interval called: " + getTimer()) + " time:.") + "") + time); clearInterval(intervalID); funk(); }; var _local1 = time * 1000; var intervalID = setInterval(_local2, _local1); return(intervalID); } function nextBild() { if (current < (_root.alle_Bilder_array.length - 1)) { freeMenu_cb.setSelectedIndex(current + 1); } else { freeMenu_cb.setSelectedIndex(0); } } function initMe() { var _local3 = _root.menu_width / _root.alle_Bilder_array.length; w = Math.floor(_local3) - 4; freeMenu_cb.setSize(w, 80, 22); buttonweite = w; var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _root.alle_Bilder_array.length) { freeMenu_cb.addItem(_root.alle_Bilder_array[_local2].label); _local2++; } stage_mc.initMe(); freeMenu_cb.setSelectedIndex(0); } function setMessageText(obj) { var _local2 = _root.message_obj; _local2.text = obj.text; messageText_mc.setTextObject(_local2); } function abspieler(time, index) { var _local4 = freeMenu_cb.getButton(index); trace("button: " + _local4); var leiste_mc = _local4.createEmptyMovieClip("leiste_mc", _local4.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.drawRectFill(leiste_mc, buttonweite - 2, 2); leiste_mc._y = _local4._height - 4; leiste_mc._x = 1; _global.farbMc(leiste_mc, _root.p_colorButtons.player); trace("time: " + time); trace("akte_mc._width " + _local4._width); leiste_mc._xscale = 0; var _local5 = function () { leiste_mc.removeMovieClip(); }; leiste_mc.tween("_xscale", 100, time, "linear", 0, _local5); leiste_mc.onEnterFrame = function () { if (index != current) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } alleTransisString_array = new Array(); alleTransisString_array.push("wipe_left"); alleTransisString_array.push("wipe_right"); alleTransisString_array.push("center_horizontal"); alleTransisString_array.push("wipe_up"); alleTransisString_array.push("wipe_down"); alleTransisString_array.push("center_vertical"); alleTransisString_array.push("rotation"); alleTransisString_array.push("circle"); alleTransisString_array.push("star"); alleTransisString_array.push("cross"); alleTransisString_array.push("pixelate"); alleTransisString_array.push("cube3D"); var machAutoPlay = true; current = 0; freeMenu_cb.setColorObject(_root.p_colorButtons, _root.p_colorButtonsFont); freeMenu_cb.setLabel("label", _root.p_colorButtonsFont.fontSize, true); var meinIntervall; freeMenu_cb.setChangeHandler("bildWahl");

Library Items

Symbol 1 Sound [t_and_m.mp3]
Symbol 2 Sound [click]
Symbol 3 GraphicUsed by:4 60
Symbol 4 MovieClip [_back_mc]Uses:3Used by:15 20 21 61 62 65 67 72 85 86 92  Timeline
Symbol 5 FontUsed by:6 26 39 68 70 75 78
Symbol 6 EditableTextUses:5Used by:15
Symbol 7 GraphicUsed by:14
Symbol 8 GraphicUsed by:14
Symbol 9 GraphicUsed by:14
Symbol 10 GraphicUsed by:14
Symbol 11 GraphicUsed by:13
Symbol 12 GraphicUsed by:13
Symbol 13 MovieClipUses:11 12Used by:14 15
Symbol 14 MovieClipUses:7 8 9 10 13Used by:15
Symbol 15 MovieClip [FreeRadioButton_mc]Uses:4 6 14 13
Symbol 16 GraphicUsed by:17
Symbol 17 MovieClip [_rand_mc]Uses:16Used by:20 21 22 25 62 65 67 72
Symbol 18 GraphicUsed by:19
Symbol 19 MovieClipUses:18Used by:20 66
Symbol 20 MovieClip [closeSmall_pb]Uses:4 17 19
Symbol 21 MovieClip [freeList_pb]Uses:4 17Used by:38 40 69
Symbol 22 MovieClipUses:17Used by:38 40 69
Symbol 23 GraphicUsed by:24 88 89
Symbol 24 MovieClipUses:23Used by:25 62
Symbol 25 MovieClip [freeListArrow_mc]Uses:17 24Used by:38 40 69
Symbol 26 EditableTextUses:5Used by:38
Symbol 27 GraphicUsed by:28
Symbol 28 MovieClipUses:27Used by:29
Symbol 29 MovieClipUses:28Used by:37
Symbol 30 MovieClip [ultimateScroller_button_down]Used by:37
Symbol 31 MovieClip [ultimateScroller_button_left]Used by:37
Symbol 32 MovieClip [ultimateScroller_button_right]Used by:37
Symbol 33 MovieClip [ultimateScroller_button_up]Used by:37
Symbol 34 MovieClip [ultimateScroller_drag]Used by:37
Symbol 35 GraphicUsed by:36
Symbol 36 MovieClip [arrow]Uses:35Used by:37
Symbol 37 MovieClip [ultimateScroller]Uses:29 30 31 32 33 34 36Used by:38 40
Symbol 38 MovieClip [freeMenu_cb]Uses:21 22 25 26 37
Symbol 39 EditableTextUses:5Used by:40
Symbol 40 MovieClip [freeComBox_cb]Uses:21 22 25 39 37
Symbol 41 BitmapUsed by:42
Symbol 42 GraphicUses:41Used by:43
Symbol 43 MovieClip [p6]Uses:42
Symbol 44 BitmapUsed by:45
Symbol 45 GraphicUses:44Used by:46
Symbol 46 MovieClip [p5]Uses:45
Symbol 47 BitmapUsed by:48
Symbol 48 GraphicUses:47Used by:49
Symbol 49 MovieClip [p4]Uses:48
Symbol 50 BitmapUsed by:51
Symbol 51 GraphicUses:50Used by:52
Symbol 52 MovieClip [p3]Uses:51
Symbol 53 BitmapUsed by:54
Symbol 54 GraphicUses:53Used by:55
Symbol 55 MovieClip [p2]Uses:54
Symbol 56 BitmapUsed by:57
Symbol 57 GraphicUses:56Used by:58
Symbol 58 MovieClip [p1]Uses:57
Symbol 59 GraphicUsed by:61
Symbol 60 MovieClipUses:3Used by:61
Symbol 61 MovieClipUses:4 59 60Used by:62
Symbol 62 MovieClip [simpleSlider_mc]Uses:4 17 24 61Used by:66
Symbol 63 GraphicUsed by:64
Symbol 64 MovieClipUses:63Used by:65
Symbol 65 MovieClip [sound_pb]Uses:4 17 64Used by:66
Symbol 66 MovieClip [soundControl_mc]Uses:65 62 19Used by:Timeline
Symbol 67 MovieClip [mini_pb]Uses:4 17Used by:91
Symbol 68 EditableTextUses:5Used by:69
Symbol 69 MovieClip [freeMenu2_cb]Uses:21 22 25 68Used by:92
Symbol 70 EditableTextUses:5Used by:71
Symbol 71 MovieClipUses:70Used by:72
Symbol 72 MovieClip [freeText_mc]Uses:4 17 71Used by:91 92  Timeline
Symbol 73 GraphicUsed by:74
Symbol 74 MovieClipUses:73Used by:Timeline
Symbol 75 EditableTextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 76 GraphicUsed by:77
Symbol 77 MovieClipUses:76Used by:Timeline
Symbol 78 EditableTextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 79 FontUsed by:80
Symbol 80 EditableTextUses:79Used by:Timeline
Symbol 93 MovieClip []
Symbol 94 MovieClip []
Symbol 95 MovieClip []
Symbol 96 MovieClip []
Symbol 97 MovieClip []
Symbol 98 MovieClip []
Symbol 99 MovieClip []
Symbol 100 MovieClip []
Symbol 101 MovieClip []
Symbol 102 MovieClip []
Symbol 103 MovieClip []
Symbol 104 MovieClip []
Symbol 105 MovieClip []
Symbol 106 MovieClip []
Symbol 107 MovieClip []
Symbol 108 MovieClip []
Symbol 109 MovieClip []
Symbol 110 MovieClip []
Symbol 111 MovieClip []
Symbol 112 MovieClip []
Symbol 113 MovieClip []
Symbol 114 MovieClip []
Symbol 115 MovieClip []
Symbol 116 MovieClip [__Packages.DistortImage]
Symbol 81 FontUsed by:82
Symbol 82 EditableTextUses:81Used by:Timeline
Symbol 83 FontUsed by:84
Symbol 84 EditableTextUses:83Used by:Timeline
Symbol 85 MovieClipUses:4Used by:86
Symbol 86 MovieClipUses:4 85Used by:92
Symbol 87 GraphicUsed by:88
Symbol 88 MovieClipUses:87 23Used by:90
Symbol 89 MovieClipUses:23Used by:90
Symbol 90 MovieClipUses:88 89Used by:91
Symbol 91 MovieClipUses:67 90 72Used by:92
Symbol 92 MovieClipUses:4 86 72 69 91Used by:Timeline

Instance Names

"soundHalter_mc"Frame 1Symbol 4 MovieClip [_back_mc]
"back_mc"Frame 1Symbol 74 MovieClip
"infoText_txt"Frame 1Symbol 75 EditableText
"download__mc"Frame 1Symbol 77 MovieClip
"d_txt"Frame 1Symbol 78 EditableText
"s_mc"Frame 1Symbol 77 MovieClip
"prozent_txt"Frame 1Symbol 80 EditableText
"balken_mc"Frame 1Symbol 77 MovieClip
"font_txt"Frame 2Symbol 82 EditableText
"font_txt"Frame 2Symbol 84 EditableText
"projector_mc"Frame 2Symbol 92 MovieClip
"a_txt"Frame 2Symbol 72 MovieClip [freeText_mc]
"soundControl_mc"Frame 2Symbol 66 MovieClip [soundControl_mc]
"state_mc"Symbol 14 MovieClip Frame 5Symbol 13 MovieClip
"hit_mc"Symbol 15 MovieClip [FreeRadioButton_mc] Frame 1Symbol 4 MovieClip [_back_mc]
"fake_txt"Symbol 15 MovieClip [FreeRadioButton_mc] Frame 1Symbol 6 EditableText
"face_mc"Symbol 15 MovieClip [FreeRadioButton_mc] Frame 1Symbol 14 MovieClip
"state_mc"Symbol 15 MovieClip [FreeRadioButton_mc] Frame 1Symbol 13 MovieClip
"b_mc"Symbol 20 MovieClip [closeSmall_pb] Frame 1Symbol 4 MovieClip [_back_mc]
"r_mc"Symbol 20 MovieClip [closeSmall_pb] Frame 1Symbol 17 MovieClip [_rand_mc]
"pfeil_mc"Symbol 20 MovieClip [closeSmall_pb] Frame 1Symbol 19 MovieClip
"b_mc"Symbol 21 MovieClip [freeList_pb] Frame 1Symbol 4 MovieClip [_back_mc]
"r_mc"Symbol 21 MovieClip [freeList_pb] Frame 1Symbol 17 MovieClip [_rand_mc]
"f1_mc"Symbol 22 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 17 MovieClip [_rand_mc]
"f2_mc"Symbol 25 MovieClip [freeListArrow_mc] Frame 1Symbol 17 MovieClip [_rand_mc]
"pfeil_mc"Symbol 25 MovieClip [freeListArrow_mc] Frame 1Symbol 24 MovieClip
"scrollTrack_mc"Symbol 29 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 28 MovieClip
"track_mc"Symbol 37 MovieClip [ultimateScroller] Frame 1Symbol 29 MovieClip
"fake_main_pb"Symbol 38 MovieClip [freeMenu_cb] Frame 1Symbol 21 MovieClip [freeList_pb]
"fake_mc"Symbol 38 MovieClip [freeMenu_cb] Frame 1Symbol 22 MovieClip
"freeListArrow_mc"Symbol 38 MovieClip [freeMenu_cb] Frame 1Symbol 25 MovieClip [freeListArrow_mc]
"fake_txt"Symbol 38 MovieClip [freeMenu_cb] Frame 1Symbol 26 EditableText
"fakeScroller_mc"Symbol 38 MovieClip [freeMenu_cb] Frame 2Symbol 37 MovieClip [ultimateScroller]
"fake_main_pb"Symbol 40 MovieClip [freeComBox_cb] Frame 1Symbol 21 MovieClip [freeList_pb]
"fake_mc"Symbol 40 MovieClip [freeComBox_cb] Frame 1Symbol 22 MovieClip
"freeListArrow_mc"Symbol 40 MovieClip [freeComBox_cb] Frame 1Symbol 25 MovieClip [freeListArrow_mc]
"fake_txt"Symbol 40 MovieClip [freeComBox_cb] Frame 1Symbol 39 EditableText
"fakeScroller_mc"Symbol 40 MovieClip [freeComBox_cb] Frame 2Symbol 37 MovieClip [ultimateScroller]
"back2_mc"Symbol 61 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 4 MovieClip [_back_mc]
"back_mc"Symbol 61 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 4 MovieClip [_back_mc]
"lin_mc"Symbol 61 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 4 MovieClip [_back_mc]
"dragger_mc"Symbol 61 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 60 MovieClip
"b_mc"Symbol 62 MovieClip [simpleSlider_mc] Frame 1Symbol 4 MovieClip [_back_mc]
"hit_mc"Symbol 62 MovieClip [simpleSlider_mc] Frame 1Symbol 4 MovieClip [_back_mc]
"r_mc"Symbol 62 MovieClip [simpleSlider_mc] Frame 1Symbol 17 MovieClip [_rand_mc]
"pfeil_mc"Symbol 62 MovieClip [simpleSlider_mc] Frame 1Symbol 24 MovieClip
"leiste_mc"Symbol 62 MovieClip [simpleSlider_mc] Frame 2Symbol 61 MovieClip
"b_mc"Symbol 65 MovieClip [sound_pb] Frame 1Symbol 4 MovieClip [_back_mc]
"r_mc"Symbol 65 MovieClip [sound_pb] Frame 1Symbol 17 MovieClip [_rand_mc]
"pfeil_mc"Symbol 65 MovieClip [sound_pb] Frame 1Symbol 64 MovieClip
"sound_pb"Symbol 66 MovieClip [soundControl_mc] Frame 1Symbol 65 MovieClip [sound_pb]
"slider_mc"Symbol 66 MovieClip [soundControl_mc] Frame 1Symbol 62 MovieClip [simpleSlider_mc]
"durchstreich_mc"Symbol 66 MovieClip [soundControl_mc] Frame 1Symbol 19 MovieClip
"b_mc"Symbol 67 MovieClip [mini_pb] Frame 1Symbol 4 MovieClip [_back_mc]
"r_mc"Symbol 67 MovieClip [mini_pb] Frame 1Symbol 17 MovieClip [_rand_mc]
"fake_main_pb"Symbol 69 MovieClip [freeMenu2_cb] Frame 1Symbol 21 MovieClip [freeList_pb]
"fake_mc"Symbol 69 MovieClip [freeMenu2_cb] Frame 1Symbol 22 MovieClip
"freeListArrow_mc"Symbol 69 MovieClip [freeMenu2_cb] Frame 1Symbol 25 MovieClip [freeListArrow_mc]
"fake_txt"Symbol 69 MovieClip [freeMenu2_cb] Frame 1Symbol 68 EditableText
"fake_txt"Symbol 71 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 70 EditableText
"back_mc"Symbol 72 MovieClip [freeText_mc] Frame 1Symbol 4 MovieClip [_back_mc]
"rand_mc"Symbol 72 MovieClip [freeText_mc] Frame 1Symbol 17 MovieClip [_rand_mc]
"fake_mc"Symbol 72 MovieClip [freeText_mc] Frame 1Symbol 71 MovieClip
"fake_mc"Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 4 MovieClip [_back_mc]
"back_mc"Symbol 86 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 4 MovieClip [_back_mc]
"content_mc"Symbol 86 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 85 MovieClip
"stopp_symbol_mc"Symbol 90 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 88 MovieClip
"navi_pfeil_mc"Symbol 90 MovieClip Frame 2Symbol 89 MovieClip
"play_pb"Symbol 91 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 67 MovieClip [mini_pb]
"pfeil_mc"Symbol 91 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 90 MovieClip
"info_txt"Symbol 91 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 72 MovieClip [freeText_mc]
"mask_mc"Symbol 92 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 4 MovieClip [_back_mc]
"stage_mc"Symbol 92 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 86 MovieClip
"messageText_mc"Symbol 92 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 72 MovieClip [freeText_mc]
"freeMenu_cb"Symbol 92 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 69 MovieClip [freeMenu2_cb]
"leiste_mc"Symbol 92 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 91 MovieClip

Special Tags

FileAttributes (69)Timeline Frame 1Access local files only, Metadata not present, AS1/AS2.
Protect (24)Timeline Frame 10 bytes ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 1 as "t_and_m.mp3"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 2 as "click"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 4 as "_back_mc"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 15 as "FreeRadioButton_mc"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 17 as "_rand_mc"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20 as "closeSmall_pb"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 21 as "freeList_pb"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 25 as "freeListArrow_mc"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 30 as "ultimateScroller_button_down"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 31 as "ultimateScroller_button_left"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 32 as "ultimateScroller_button_right"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 33 as "ultimateScroller_button_up"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 34 as "ultimateScroller_drag"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 36 as "arrow"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 37 as "ultimateScroller"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 38 as "freeMenu_cb"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 40 as "freeComBox_cb"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 43 as "p6"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 46 as "p5"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 49 as "p4"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 52 as "p3"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 55 as "p2"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 58 as "p1"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 62 as "simpleSlider_mc"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 65 as "sound_pb"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 66 as "soundControl_mc"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 67 as "mini_pb"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 69 as "freeMenu2_cb"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 72 as "freeText_mc"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 93 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 94 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 95 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 96 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 97 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 98 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 99 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 100 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 101 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 102 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 103 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 104 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 105 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 106 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 107 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 108 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 109 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 110 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 111 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 112 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 113 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 114 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 115 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 116 as "__Packages.DistortImage"


"false"Symbol 13 MovieClip Frame 1
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"up"Symbol 30 MovieClip [ultimateScroller_button_down] Frame 1
"down"Symbol 30 MovieClip [ultimateScroller_button_down] Frame 2
"disabled"Symbol 30 MovieClip [ultimateScroller_button_down] Frame 3
"up"Symbol 31 MovieClip [ultimateScroller_button_left] Frame 1
"down"Symbol 31 MovieClip [ultimateScroller_button_left] Frame 2
"disabled"Symbol 31 MovieClip [ultimateScroller_button_left] Frame 3
"up"Symbol 32 MovieClip [ultimateScroller_button_right] Frame 1
"down"Symbol 32 MovieClip [ultimateScroller_button_right] Frame 2
"disabled"Symbol 32 MovieClip [ultimateScroller_button_right] Frame 3
"up"Symbol 33 MovieClip [ultimateScroller_button_up] Frame 1
"down"Symbol 33 MovieClip [ultimateScroller_button_up] Frame 2
"disabled"Symbol 33 MovieClip [ultimateScroller_button_up] Frame 3
Created: 27/10 -2018 04:11:57 Last modified: 27/10 -2018 04:11:57 Server time: 11/03 -2025 13:13:28