Combined Code
// unknown tag 88 length 70
movieClip 3 gialog {
movieClip 5 {
movieClip 7 {
movieClip 9 {
movieClip 11 {
movieClip 13 {
movieClip 15 {
movieClip 17 {
movieClip 19 {
movieClip 21 {
movieClip 30 {
movieClip 34 {
movieClip 35 {
movieClip 36 popup_obj {
movieClip 42 {
movieClip 43 {
movieClip 46 {
movieClip 47 {
movieClip 48 phrase_area {
frame 1 {
movieClip 52 {
movieClip 56 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 59 {
movieClip 62 {
movieClip 63 {
movieClip 65 {
movieClip 67 {
// unknown tag 88 length 138
movieClip 72 {
movieClip 75 btn_logo {
movieClip 76 {
frame 1 {
function drawPercent(per) {
per *= 100;
if (per > 100) {
per = 100;
tx = origx + per * 212 / 100;
preloader.movebar._x += (tx - preloader.movebar._x) / 5;
preloader.perc.text = int(per) + '%';
per2 = per;
var per2;
var li = 0;
var tx = 0;
var origx = preloader.movebar._x;
var per = 0;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (this.ispreview != 'preview') {
var v3 = _parent.getBytesLoaded() / _parent.getBytesTotal();
if (per2 > 99) {
if (li == 10) {
frame 26 {
movieClip 218 __Packages.SoundManager {
if (!_global.SoundManager) {
var v1 = function () {
this.sndMusic = new Sound(_root.music_switch);
this.sndSound = new Sound(_root.sound_switch);
_root.music_switch.onRelease = this.muteMusic;
_root.sound_switch.onRelease = this.muteSound;
this.sndMusic.onSoundComplete = this.repeatMusic;
this.sndSound.onSoundComplete = this.repeatSound;
_global.SoundManager = v1;
_global.SoundManager extends MovieClip;
var v2 = v1.prototype;
v2.addMusic = function (new_music, interval) {
if (interval != 0) {
_global.intID_music = setInterval(this.addingMusic, interval, new_music);
} else {;
v2.addSound = function (new_sound, interval, toRepeat) {
if (interval != 0) {
_global.intID_sound = setInterval(this.addingSound, interval, new_sound, toRepeat);
} else {, toRepeat);
v2.stopMusic = function () {;
v2.stopSound = function () {;
v2.dontRepeatSound = function () { = false;
v2.muteMusic = function () {
if (! {
_root.music_switch.gotoAndStop('_off'); = true;;
} else {
_root.music_switch.gotoAndStop('_on'); = false;;
trace('Music ' + !;
v2.muteSound = function () {
if (! {
_root.sound_switch.gotoAndStop('_off'); = true;;
} else {
_root.sound_switch.gotoAndStop('_on'); = false;;
trace('Sound ' + !;
v2.addingMusic = function (new_music) {
v2.repeatMusic = function () {
trace('repeat Music');;
v2.addingSound = function (new_sound, toRepeat) {
trace('adding Sound = ' + new_sound);; = toRepeat;;
v2.repeatSound = function () {
trace('repeat Sound ' +;
if ( {;
v2.musicVolume = 50;
v2.soundVolume = 100;
v2.isMusicMute = false;
v2.isSoundMute = false;
v2.toRepeatSound = false;
ASSetPropFlags(_global.SoundManager.prototype, null, 1);
movieClip 219 __Packages.Texts {
if (!_global.Texts) {
var v1 = function (myClip, myFont, xPos, yPos, myWidth, myAlig, myFrame, mySprite, myText) {
this.textObj = _root.attachMovie(myFont, myClip, mySprite);
this.textObj.txt = myText;
this.textObj._x = xPos;
this.textObj._y = yPos;
if (myWidth > 0) {
this.textObj.fld._width = myWidth;
if (!(myAlig eq '')) {
this.format = new TextFormat();
this.format.align = myAlig;
_global.Texts = v1;
var v2 = v1.prototype;
v2.pres = function () {
v2.over = function () {
v2.norm = function () {
v2.setMoney = function (myCurrency, mySeparator, myPosition, myMoney, myPrev) {
var v2 = '';
var v5 = 0;
var v3 = (String(myMoney)).length - 1;
while (v3 >= 0) {
v5 += 1;
if (v5 > 3) {
v5 = 1;
if (mySeparator eq 'SPACE') {
v2 += ' ';
} else {
v2 += mySeparator;
v2 += (String(myMoney)).charAt(v3);
myMoney = '';
v3 = 0;
while (v3 < (String(v2)).length) {
myMoney += (String(v2)).charAt((String(v2)).length - v3 - 1);
switch (String(myPosition)) {
case 'beginning':
this.rootClip[this.newObject].font.txt = myPrev + myCurrency + myMoney;
case 'end':
this.rootClip[this.newObject].font.txt = myPrev + myMoney + myCurrency;
this.rootClip[this.newObject].font.txt = myPrev + myCurrency + myMoney;
v2.textConfigure = function (myText) {
var v3 = myText.split('/n');
var v2 = '';
var v1 = 0;
while (v1 < v3.length) {
v2 += v3[v1];
if (v1 < v3.length - 1) {
v2 += '\n';
return v2;
v2.setText = function (myText) {
this.textObj.txt = this.textConfigure(myText);
v2.setAlign = function (myAlig) {
this.format.align = myAlig;
v2.setPosition = function (myX, myY) {
this.textObj._x = myX;
this.textObj._y = myY;
v2.setRotation = function (myRot) {
this.rootClip[this.newObject]._rotation = myRot;
v2.setWidth = function (myWidth) {
this.textObj.fld._width = myWidth;
v2.setVisible = function (myVis) {
this.textObj._visible = myVis;
v2.setAlpha = function (myAlpha) {
this.rootClip[this.newObject]._alpha = myAlpha;
v2.textObj = new Object();
ASSetPropFlags(_global.Texts.prototype, null, 1);
movieClip 220 __Packages.Strings {
if (!_global.Strings) {
var v1 = function () {
this.es_strList = new Object();
this.es_strList.scene_1_1 = 'Hermana, el paciente en la construcción nueve es terrible. ';
this.es_strList.scene_1_2 = 'Él dijo que le gusto mÃ. ';
this.es_strList.scene_1_3 = '¿Usted quiere decir Justin?';
this.es_strList.scene_1_4 = 'Él es un novelista. ';
this.es_strList.scene_1_5 = '¡Asà es!';
this.es_strList.scene_1_6 = '¿Pero, realmente le gusto m�';
this.es_strList.scene_1_7 = 'Quiero a alguien quiénes sólo se preocupan por mÃ. ';
this.es_strList.scene_1_8 = 'Fino. Averiguaré para usted. ';
this.es_strList.scene_1_9 = 'Muchas gracias. ';
this.es_strList.scene_1_10 = 'Mentiroso. ';
this.es_strList.scene_1_11 = 'Que...';
this.es_strList.scene_1_12 = '¿Quién es escribió \'la ayuda\' aqu�';
this.es_strList.scene_1_13 = '¿Bien? ¿Cómo siente usted? Mucho mejor adivino...';
this.es_strList.scene_1_14 = '¿Se opone usted si me siento aquà abajo?';
this.es_strList.scene_1_15 = 'Su molde. ';
this.es_strList.scene_1_16 = '¿Usted vino aquà para conseguir una pala, verdad? Y usted tiene una cámara de vÃdeo...';
this.es_strList.scene_1_17 = 'Esto es maravilloso. ';
this.es_strList.scene_1_18 = '¿Oye, puede usted capturarme?';
this.es_strList.scene_1_19 = 'soy la esperanza estoy bastante bien para esto...';
this.es_strList.scene_1_20 = '¿Van a empezar?';
this.es_strList.scene_1_21 = '¿Cómo era esto?';
this.es_strList.scene_1_22 = 'Bien, era asombroso. ';
this.es_strList.scene_1_23 = 'Muchas gracias. ';
this.es_strList.scene_1_24 = 'Ningún problema. Um...';
this.es_strList.scene_1_25 = '¿Quiere usted que yo sorba su gallo?';
this.es_strList.scene_1_26 = '¡Justin!!!';
this.es_strList.scene_1_27 = 'Maldito...';
this.en_strList = new Object();
this.en_strList.scene_1_1 = 'Sister, the patient in building nine is terrible.';
this.en_strList.scene_1_2 = 'He said he likes me.';
this.en_strList.scene_1_3 = 'You mean Justin?';
this.en_strList.scene_1_4 = 'He\'s a novelist.';
this.en_strList.scene_1_5 = 'That\'s right!';
this.en_strList.scene_1_6 = 'But, does he really like me?';
this.en_strList.scene_1_7 = 'I want someone who only care about me.';
this.en_strList.scene_1_8 = 'Fine. I\'ll find out for you.';
this.en_strList.scene_1_9 = 'Thank you so much.';
this.en_strList.scene_1_10 = 'Liar.';
this.en_strList.scene_1_11 = 'What the...';
this.en_strList.scene_1_12 = 'who\'s wrote \'help\' here?';
this.en_strList.scene_1_13 = 'Well? How do you feel? Much better i guess ...';
this.en_strList.scene_1_14 = 'Do you mind if I sit down here?';
this.en_strList.scene_1_15 = 'Your cast.';
this.en_strList.scene_1_16 = 'You came here to get a scoop, right? And you have a video camera...';
this.en_strList.scene_1_17 = 'This is wonderful.';
this.en_strList.scene_1_18 = 'Hey, can you capture me?';
this.en_strList.scene_1_19 = 'I\'m hope I\'m good enough for this ...';
this.en_strList.scene_1_20 = 'Let\'s get started?';
this.en_strList.scene_1_21 = 'How was it?';
this.en_strList.scene_1_22 = 'Well, it was amazing.';
this.en_strList.scene_1_23 = 'Thank you so much.';
this.en_strList.scene_1_24 = 'No problem. Um...';
this.en_strList.scene_1_25 = 'Do you want me to suck your cock?';
this.en_strList.scene_1_26 = 'Justin!!!';
this.en_strList.scene_1_27 = 'Damn...';
this.ru_strList = new Object();
this.ru_strList.scene_1_1 = 'СеÑтра, пациент в девÑтой палате проÑто ужаÑен.';
this.ru_strList.scene_1_2 = 'Он Ñказал, что Ñ ÐµÐ¼Ñƒ нравлюÑÑŒ.';
this.ru_strList.scene_1_3 = 'Ты имеешь в виду ДжюÑтин?';
this.ru_strList.scene_1_4 = 'Он – пиÑатель-романиÑÑ‚.';
this.ru_strList.scene_1_5 = 'Да, верно!';
this.ru_strList.scene_1_6 = 'Ðо на Ñамом ли деле Ñ ÐµÐ¼Ñƒ нравлюÑÑŒ?';
this.ru_strList.scene_1_7 = 'Мне нужен кто-то, кто бы заботилÑÑ Ð¾Ð±Ð¾ мне.';
this.ru_strList.scene_1_8 = 'Отлично. Я выÑÑню вÑе Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñ‚ÐµÐ±Ñ.';
this.ru_strList.scene_1_9 = 'Большое ÑпаÑибо.';
this.ru_strList.scene_1_10 = 'Лжец.';
this.ru_strList.scene_1_11 = 'Что за...';
this.ru_strList.scene_1_12 = 'Кто напиÑал «помогите» здеÑÑŒ?';
this.ru_strList.scene_1_13 = 'Ðу? Как Ð’Ñ‹ ÑÐµÐ±Ñ Ñ‡ÑƒÐ²Ñтвуете? Гораздо лучше, как Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð»Ð°Ð³Ð°ÑŽ ...';
this.ru_strList.scene_1_14 = 'Ð’Ñ‹ не возражаете, еÑли Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸ÑÑду здеÑÑŒ?';
this.ru_strList.scene_1_15 = 'Ваша повÑзка.';
this.ru_strList.scene_1_16 = 'Ð’Ñ‹ пришли Ñюда, чтобы раздобыть ÑенÑацию, верно? И у Ð’Ð°Ñ ÐµÑÑ‚ÑŒ видеокамера...';
this.ru_strList.scene_1_17 = 'Ðто замечательно.';
this.ru_strList.scene_1_18 = 'Ðй, Ð’Ñ‹ можете ÑнÑÑ‚ÑŒ Ð¼ÐµÐ½Ñ Ð½Ð° камеру?';
this.ru_strList.scene_1_19 = 'Я надеюÑÑŒ, Ñ Ñ Ñтим ÑправлюÑÑŒ ...';
this.ru_strList.scene_1_20 = 'Ðачнем?';
this.ru_strList.scene_1_21 = 'И как Ñто было?';
this.ru_strList.scene_1_22 = 'О да, Ñто было поразительно.';
this.ru_strList.scene_1_23 = 'Большое ÑпаÑибо.';
this.ru_strList.scene_1_24 = 'Ðе Ñтоит благодарноÑти. Хм...';
this.ru_strList.scene_1_25 = 'Ты хочешь, чтобы полаÑкала его Ñзыком?';
this.ru_strList.scene_1_26 = 'ДжюÑтин!!!';
this.ru_strList.scene_1_27 = 'Черт...';
this.fr_strList = new Object();
this.fr_strList.scene_1_1 = ' Sœur, le patient dans le bâtiment neuf se sent terrible.';
this.fr_strList.scene_1_2 = ' Il a dit qu\'il m\'aime.';
this.fr_strList.scene_1_3 = ' Tu veux dire Justin?';
this.fr_strList.scene_1_4 = ' Il est un romancier.';
this.fr_strList.scene_1_5 = ' C\'est ça!';
this.fr_strList.scene_1_6 = ' Mais, est-ce qu\'il m\'aime vraiment?';
this.fr_strList.scene_1_7 = ' Je veux quelqu\'un qui se soucie de moi.';
this.fr_strList.scene_1_8 = ' D\'accord. Je vais me renseigner pour toi.';
this.fr_strList.scene_1_9 = ' Merci beaucoup à toi.';
this.fr_strList.scene_1_10 = ' Menteuse.';
this.fr_strList.scene_1_11 = ' Qu\'est ce que ...';
this.fr_strList.scene_1_12 = ' Qui a écrit \'au secours\' là -bas?';
this.fr_strList.scene_1_13 = ' Alors? Comment vous sentez-vous? Beaucoup mieux, je pense...';
this.fr_strList.scene_1_14 = ' Ça vous dérange si je m\'assois ici?';
this.fr_strList.scene_1_15 = ' C\'est à vous de décider.';
this.fr_strList.scene_1_16 = ' Vous êtes venus ici pour obtenir de profit, n’est-ce pas? Et vous avez une caméra vidéo...';
this.fr_strList.scene_1_17 = ' C\'est merveilleux.';
this.fr_strList.scene_1_18 = ' Hé, peux-tu me photographier?';
this.fr_strList.scene_1_19 = ' J\'espère que je suis assez belle pour cela...';
this.fr_strList.scene_1_20 = ' Commençons-nous?';
this.fr_strList.scene_1_21 = ' C\'était comment?';
this.fr_strList.scene_1_22 = ' Eh bien, c\'était incroyable.';
this.fr_strList.scene_1_23 = ' Merci beaucoup à toi.';
this.fr_strList.scene_1_24 = ' Pas de problème. Um...';
this.fr_strList.scene_1_25 = ' Veux-tu que je suce ta bite?';
this.fr_strList.scene_1_26 = ' Justin!!!';
this.fr_strList.scene_1_27 = ' Merde...';
this.hu_strList = new Object();
this.hu_strList.scene_1_1 = 'Nővér, a kilences épületben fekvő beteg valami szörnyű.';
this.hu_strList.scene_1_2 = 'Azt mondta, hogy tetszem neki.';
this.hu_strList.scene_1_3 = 'Justinra gondol?';
this.hu_strList.scene_1_4 = 'RegényÃró.';
this.hu_strList.scene_1_5 = 'Ãgy van!';
this.hu_strList.scene_1_6 = 'De tényleg tetszem neki?';
this.hu_strList.scene_1_7 = 'Olyan férfira vágyom, aki törődik velem.';
this.hu_strList.scene_1_8 = 'Rendben. Utánajárok a kedvedért.';
this.hu_strList.scene_1_9 = 'Nagyon köszönöm.';
this.hu_strList.scene_1_10 = 'Hazug.';
this.hu_strList.scene_1_11 = 'Mi a...';
this.hu_strList.scene_1_12 = 'Ki Ãrta ide, hogy „segÃtségâ€?';
this.hu_strList.scene_1_13 = 'Szóval? Hogy érzi magát? Gondolom, sokkal jobban ...';
this.hu_strList.scene_1_14 = 'Nem bánja, ha leülök ide?';
this.hu_strList.scene_1_15 = 'Maga jön.';
this.hu_strList.scene_1_16 = 'Azért jött ide, hogy meglessen, ugye? Még kamerája is van...';
this.hu_strList.scene_1_17 = 'Ez csodálatos.';
this.hu_strList.scene_1_18 = 'Le tudna fotózni?';
this.hu_strList.scene_1_19 = 'Remélem, elég jó vagyok ehhez ...';
this.hu_strList.scene_1_20 = 'Kezdhetjük?';
this.hu_strList.scene_1_21 = 'Milyen volt?';
this.hu_strList.scene_1_22 = 'Hát, csodálatos.';
this.hu_strList.scene_1_23 = 'Nagyon köszönöm.';
this.hu_strList.scene_1_24 = 'SzÃvesen. Ööö...';
this.hu_strList.scene_1_25 = 'Szeretné, hogy leszopjam a farkát?';
this.hu_strList.scene_1_26 = 'Justin!!!';
this.hu_strList.scene_1_27 = 'A fenébe...';
this.it_strList = new Object();
this.it_strList.scene_1_1 = 'Infermiera, il paziente nell\'edificio numero 9 è terribile.';
this.it_strList.scene_1_2 = 'Lui ha detto che mi amava.';
this.it_strList.scene_1_3 = 'Stai parlando di Justin?';
this.it_strList.scene_1_4 = 'Lui è uno scrittore.';
this.it_strList.scene_1_5 = 'Esattamente!';
this.it_strList.scene_1_6 = 'Ma davvero mi ama?';
this.it_strList.scene_1_7 = 'Voglio qualcuno che mi ama davvero.';
this.it_strList.scene_1_8 = 'Vabbe. Te ne ho trovato uno.';
this.it_strList.scene_1_9 = 'Grazie mille.';
this.it_strList.scene_1_10 = 'Bugiardo.';
this.it_strList.scene_1_11 = 'Ma che...';
this.it_strList.scene_1_12 = 'chi ci ha scritto \'aiuto\' qui?';
this.it_strList.scene_1_13 = 'Allora? Come va? Meglio, penso...';
this.it_strList.scene_1_14 = 'Ti da fastidio se mi siedo qui?';
this.it_strList.scene_1_15 = 'Fallo pure.';
this.it_strList.scene_1_16 = 'Ci sei arrivato qui per ricevere una paletta, vero? E hai anche una camera...';
this.it_strList.scene_1_17 = 'Quest\'è meraviglioso.';
this.it_strList.scene_1_18 = 'Ehi, potresti scattare una foto di me?';
this.it_strList.scene_1_19 = 'Spero che sia abbastanza buona per questo...';
this.it_strList.scene_1_20 = 'Possiamo cominciarlo?';
this.it_strList.scene_1_21 = 'Com\'era?';
this.it_strList.scene_1_22 = 'Allora, era affascinante.';
this.it_strList.scene_1_23 = 'Grazie mille.';
this.it_strList.scene_1_24 = 'Di nienete. Um...';
this.it_strList.scene_1_25 = 'Voglio che Ti dia un pompino?';
this.it_strList.scene_1_26 = 'Justin!!!';
this.it_strList.scene_1_27 = 'Cazzo...';
this.pl_strList = new Object();
this.pl_strList.scene_1_1 = 'Siostro, pacjent w ósemce jest okropny.';
this.pl_strList.scene_1_2 = 'Powiedział, że mnie lubi.';
this.pl_strList.scene_1_3 = 'Chodzi ci o Justina?';
this.pl_strList.scene_1_4 = 'Jest pisarzem.';
this.pl_strList.scene_1_5 = 'To prawda!';
this.pl_strList.scene_1_6 = 'Czy on na pewno mnie lubi?';
this.pl_strList.scene_1_7 = 'Chcę tylko kogoś, komu będzie na mnie zależało.';
this.pl_strList.scene_1_8 = 'W porzÄ…dku, dowiem siÄ™.';
this.pl_strList.scene_1_9 = 'Wielkie dzięki.';
this.pl_strList.scene_1_10 = 'KÅ‚amczuch.';
this.pl_strList.scene_1_11 = 'Co do...';
this.pl_strList.scene_1_12 = 'kto tu napisał \'pomoc\'?';
this.pl_strList.scene_1_13 = 'No więc? Jak się czujesz? Chyba lepiej ...';
this.pl_strList.scene_1_14 = 'Czy mogę tu usiąść?';
this.pl_strList.scene_1_15 = 'Twój wybór.';
this.pl_strList.scene_1_16 = 'Szukasz sensacji? I masz kamerÄ™...';
this.pl_strList.scene_1_17 = 'To cudowne.';
this.pl_strList.scene_1_18 = 'Hej, możesz mnie złapać?';
this.pl_strList.scene_1_19 = 'Mam nadzieję, że jestem wystarczająco dobra ...';
this.pl_strList.scene_1_20 = 'Zaczynamy?';
this.pl_strList.scene_1_21 = 'Jak było?';
this.pl_strList.scene_1_22 = 'Cudownie.';
this.pl_strList.scene_1_23 = 'Wielkie dzięki.';
this.pl_strList.scene_1_24 = 'Nie ma za co. Um...';
this.pl_strList.scene_1_25 = 'Chcesz, żebym zrobiła ci loda?';
this.pl_strList.scene_1_26 = 'Justin!!!';
this.pl_strList.scene_1_27 = 'Cholera...';
this.de_strList = new Object();
this.de_strList.scene_1_1 = 'Schwester, der Patient in Zimmer neun ist schrecklich.';
this.de_strList.scene_1_2 = 'Er hat gesagt, ich gefalle ihm.';
this.de_strList.scene_1_3 = 'Meinst du Justin?';
this.de_strList.scene_1_4 = 'Er ist Romanautor.';
this.de_strList.scene_1_5 = 'So ist es!';
this.de_strList.scene_1_6 = 'Aber, hat er mich wirklich gern?';
this.de_strList.scene_1_7 = 'Ich will jemanden, der sich um mich bloß kümmert.';
this.de_strList.scene_1_8 = 'Gut. Ich werde es für Sie ausfinden.';
this.de_strList.scene_1_9 = 'Vielen Dank.';
this.de_strList.scene_1_10 = 'Lügner.';
this.de_strList.scene_1_11 = 'Was zum...';
this.de_strList.scene_1_12 = 'Wer hat hier „Hilfe“ geschrieben?';
this.de_strList.scene_1_13 = 'Nun? Wie fühlen Sie sich? Viel besser, glaube ich ...';
this.de_strList.scene_1_14 = 'Stört es Sie, wenn ich mich hier setzte?';
this.de_strList.scene_1_15 = 'Ihre Besetzung.';
this.de_strList.scene_1_16 = 'Sie sind hier gekommen, um einen guten Fang zu machen, nicht wahr? Und Sie haben eine Videokamera...';
this.de_strList.scene_1_17 = 'Es ist wunderschön.';
this.de_strList.scene_1_18 = 'He, können Sie mich aufnehmen?';
this.de_strList.scene_1_19 = 'Ich hoffe, ich bin gut genug dafür ...';
this.de_strList.scene_1_20 = 'Sollen wir anfangen?';
this.de_strList.scene_1_21 = 'Wie war es?';
this.de_strList.scene_1_22 = 'Also, es war erstaunlich.';
this.de_strList.scene_1_23 = 'Vielen Dank.';
this.de_strList.scene_1_24 = 'Kein Problem. Hm...';
this.de_strList.scene_1_25 = 'Möchtest du, dass ich deinen Freund liebkose?';
this.de_strList.scene_1_26 = 'Justin!!!';
this.de_strList.scene_1_27 = 'Teufel...';
this.ro_strList = new Object();
this.ro_strList.scene_1_1 = 'Soro, pacientul din cladirea numarul noua este ingrozitor.';
this.ro_strList.scene_1_2 = 'Mi-a spus ca ma place.';
this.ro_strList.scene_1_3 = 'Te referi la Justin?';
this.ro_strList.scene_1_4 = 'E scriitor.';
this.ro_strList.scene_1_5 = 'Asa e!';
this.ro_strList.scene_1_6 = 'Dar, ma place cu adevarat?';
this.ro_strList.scene_1_7 = 'Vreau pe cineva caruia sa ii pese de mine.';
this.ro_strList.scene_1_8 = 'Bine. Voi afla asta pentru tine';
this.ro_strList.scene_1_9 = 'Multumesc mult.';
this.ro_strList.scene_1_10 = 'Mincinosule.';
this.ro_strList.scene_1_11 = 'Ce naiba...';
this.ro_strList.scene_1_12 = 'Cine a scris aici \'ajutor\' ?';
this.ro_strList.scene_1_13 = 'Ei bine? Cum te simti? Presupun ca mult mai bine ...';
this.ro_strList.scene_1_14 = 'Te superi daca ma asez aici?';
this.ro_strList.scene_1_15 = 'Problema ta.';
this.ro_strList.scene_1_16 = 'Ai venit aici ca sa iei o lingurita, nu-i asa ? Si ai cu tine o camera video...';
this.ro_strList.scene_1_17 = 'E minunat.';
this.ro_strList.scene_1_18 = 'Hei, poti sa-mi faci o poza?';
this.ro_strList.scene_1_19 = 'Sper sa ma pricep la asa ceva ...';
this.ro_strList.scene_1_20 = 'Incepem?';
this.ro_strList.scene_1_21 = 'Cum a fost?';
this.ro_strList.scene_1_22 = 'Ei bine, a fost uimitor.';
this.ro_strList.scene_1_23 = 'Multumesc mult.';
this.ro_strList.scene_1_24 = 'Nici o problema. Hmm...';
this.ro_strList.scene_1_25 = 'Vrei sa-ti fac un oral?';
this.ro_strList.scene_1_26 = 'Justin!!!';
this.ro_strList.scene_1_27 = 'La naiba...';
this.bg_strList = new Object();
this.bg_strList.scene_1_1 = 'СетÑра, пациентът в Ñграда 9 е в ужаÑно ÑÑŠÑтоÑние.';
this.bg_strList.scene_1_2 = 'Той каза, че ме хареÑва.';
this.bg_strList.scene_1_3 = 'Имаш предвид ДжъÑтин?';
this.bg_strList.scene_1_4 = 'Той е пиÑател.';
this.bg_strList.scene_1_5 = 'Така е!';
this.bg_strList.scene_1_6 = 'Ðо дали наиÑтина ме хареÑва?';
this.bg_strList.scene_1_7 = 'ИÑкам нÑкой, който да го е грижа за мен.';
this.bg_strList.scene_1_8 = 'Добре. Ще разбера заради теб.';
this.bg_strList.scene_1_9 = 'Ð‘Ð»Ð°Ð³Ð¾Ð´Ð°Ñ€Ñ Ñ‚Ð¸ много.';
this.bg_strList.scene_1_10 = 'Лъжец.';
this.bg_strList.scene_1_11 = 'Какво по...';
this.bg_strList.scene_1_12 = 'кой е напиÑал ‘помощ’ тук?';
this.bg_strList.scene_1_13 = 'Е? Как Ñе чувÑтвашl? Предполагам, че много по-добре ...';
this.bg_strList.scene_1_14 = 'Имаш ли нещо против, ако Ñедна тук?';
this.bg_strList.scene_1_15 = 'Както иÑкаш.';
this.bg_strList.scene_1_16 = 'Дойде тук нарочно, нали? И имаш видео камера...';
this.bg_strList.scene_1_17 = 'Това е прекраÑно.';
this.bg_strList.scene_1_18 = 'Хей, може ли да ме Ñнимаш?';
this.bg_strList.scene_1_19 = 'ÐадÑвам Ñе, че Ñъм доÑтатъчно добре за това ...';
this.bg_strList.scene_1_20 = 'Да започваме?';
this.bg_strList.scene_1_21 = 'Как беше?';
this.bg_strList.scene_1_22 = 'Беше Ñтрахотно.';
this.bg_strList.scene_1_23 = 'Много ти благодарÑ.';
this.bg_strList.scene_1_24 = 'ÐÑма проблем, ами...';
this.bg_strList.scene_1_25 = 'ИÑкаш ли да ти духам?';
this.bg_strList.scene_1_26 = 'ДжъÑтин!!!';
this.bg_strList.scene_1_27 = 'По дÑволите...';
this.pt_strList = new Object();
this.pt_strList.scene_1_1 = 'Mana, o paciente no edifÃcio nove está péssimo.';
this.pt_strList.scene_1_2 = 'Ele disse que gosta de mim.';
this.pt_strList.scene_1_3 = 'Referes-te ao Justin?';
this.pt_strList.scene_1_4 = 'Ele é um escritor.';
this.pt_strList.scene_1_5 = 'Sim é!';
this.pt_strList.scene_1_6 = 'Mas, será que gosta mesmo de mim?';
this.pt_strList.scene_1_7 = 'Quero apenas alguém que goste de mim.';
this.pt_strList.scene_1_8 = 'Ok. Vou descobrir isso.';
this.pt_strList.scene_1_9 = 'Muito obrigado.';
this.pt_strList.scene_1_10 = 'Mentirosa.';
this.pt_strList.scene_1_11 = 'O quê...';
this.pt_strList.scene_1_12 = 'quem é que escreveu \'ajuda\' aqui?';
this.pt_strList.scene_1_13 = 'Então? Como te sentes? Muito melhor, acho eu ...';
this.pt_strList.scene_1_14 = 'Importaste que me sente aqui?';
this.pt_strList.scene_1_15 = 'O lugar é teu.';
this.pt_strList.scene_1_16 = 'Vieste aqui fazer testes, certo? E tens uma câmara de video...';
this.pt_strList.scene_1_17 = 'Isto é fantástico.';
this.pt_strList.scene_1_18 = 'Será que me podes filmar?';
this.pt_strList.scene_1_19 = 'Espero ser boa o suficiente para isto ...';
this.pt_strList.scene_1_20 = 'Vamos começar?';
this.pt_strList.scene_1_21 = 'Como foi?';
this.pt_strList.scene_1_22 = 'Bem, foi espectacular.';
this.pt_strList.scene_1_23 = 'Muito obrigado.';
this.pt_strList.scene_1_24 = 'Sem problema. Hmm...';
this.pt_strList.scene_1_25 = 'Queres que te chupe o caralho?';
this.pt_strList.scene_1_26 = 'Justin!!!';
this.pt_strList.scene_1_27 = 'Foda-se...';
this.sr_strList = new Object();
this.sr_strList.scene_1_1 = 'Sestro, pacijent u zgradi devet je užasno.';
this.sr_strList.scene_1_2 = 'Rekao je da mu se sviđam.';
this.sr_strList.scene_1_3 = 'Misliš Džastin?';
this.sr_strList.scene_1_4 = 'On je romanopisac.';
this.sr_strList.scene_1_5 = 'To je taÄno!';
this.sr_strList.scene_1_6 = 'Ali, da li mu se ja stvarno sviđam?';
this.sr_strList.scene_1_7 = 'Žalim nekoga ko može da se brine samo za mene.';
this.sr_strList.scene_1_8 = 'Fino. Potražiću ti to.';
this.sr_strList.scene_1_9 = 'Hvala mnogo.';
this.sr_strList.scene_1_10 = 'LažovÄino.';
this.sr_strList.scene_1_11 = 'Å ta bre...';
this.sr_strList.scene_1_12 = 'ko je napisao \'pomoć\' ovde?';
this.sr_strList.scene_1_13 = 'Pa? Kako se osećaš? Pretpostavljam mnogo bolje...';
this.sr_strList.scene_1_14 = 'Da li ti smeta ako sednem ovde?';
this.sr_strList.scene_1_15 = 'Tvoja uloga.';
this.sr_strList.scene_1_16 = 'Došao si ovde da njuškaš, zar ne? A imaš i kameru...';
this.sr_strList.scene_1_17 = 'Ovo je prelepo.';
this.sr_strList.scene_1_18 = 'Hej, možeš li da me slikaš?';
this.sr_strList.scene_1_19 = 'Nadam se da sam dovoljno dobra za ovo ...';
this.sr_strList.scene_1_20 = 'Da poÄnemo?';
this.sr_strList.scene_1_21 = 'Kako je bilo?';
this.sr_strList.scene_1_22 = 'Pa, bilo je divno.';
this.sr_strList.scene_1_23 = 'Hvala mnogo.';
this.sr_strList.scene_1_24 = 'Nema problema. Um...';
this.sr_strList.scene_1_25 = 'Da li želiš da ti ga popušim?';
this.sr_strList.scene_1_26 = 'Džastin!!!';
this.sr_strList.scene_1_27 = 'Sranje...';
this.ua_strList = new Object();
this.ua_strList.scene_1_1 = 'СеÑтро, пацієнт в дев’Ñтому корпуÑÑ– будує мені вічка.';
this.ua_strList.scene_1_2 = 'Він каже, що Ñ Ð¹Ð¾Ð¼Ñƒ подобаюÑÑŒ.';
this.ua_strList.scene_1_3 = 'Ти про ДжаÑтіна?';
this.ua_strList.scene_1_4 = 'Він пиÑьменник, начебто.';
this.ua_strList.scene_1_5 = 'Точно!';
this.ua_strList.scene_1_6 = 'Та чи Ñправді Ñ Ð¹Ð¾Ð¼Ñƒ подобаюÑÑŒ?';
this.ua_strList.scene_1_7 = 'Ðе хотілоÑÑ Ð± мені опинитиÑÑ Ñƒ ролі гумової лÑльки на одну ніч.';
this.ua_strList.scene_1_8 = 'Добре. Я з’ÑÑую, наÑкільки Ñерйозні його Ð¿Ð¾Ñ‡ÑƒÑ‚Ñ‚Ñ Ð´Ð¾ тебе.';
this.ua_strList.scene_1_9 = 'КраÑно дÑкую.';
this.ua_strList.scene_1_10 = 'Брехун.';
this.ua_strList.scene_1_11 = 'Якого...';
this.ua_strList.scene_1_12 = 'Хто це напиÑав \'допоможіть\' на Ñтіні?';
this.ua_strList.scene_1_13 = 'Як Ñправи? Як ÑамопочуттÑ? ВиглÑдаєш набагато краще...';
this.ua_strList.scene_1_14 = 'Ти не заперечуватимеш, коли Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸ÑÑду поруч?';
this.ua_strList.scene_1_15 = 'Твоє право.';
this.ua_strList.scene_1_16 = 'Ти шукаєш Ð½Ð°Ñ‚Ñ…Ð½ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñвоєї нової книги, чи не так? І в тебе Ñ” із Ñобою камера...';
this.ua_strList.scene_1_17 = 'Це чудово.';
this.ua_strList.scene_1_18 = 'Гей, а можеш знÑти мене?';
this.ua_strList.scene_1_19 = 'СподіваюÑÑŒ, Ñ Ð´Ð¾Ñтатньо гарна Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñ‚ÐµÐ±Ðµ...';
this.ua_strList.scene_1_20 = 'Почнімо?';
this.ua_strList.scene_1_21 = 'Як тобі?';
this.ua_strList.scene_1_22 = 'Що ж, це було неймовірно.';
this.ua_strList.scene_1_23 = 'Превелике тобі ÑпаÑибі.';
this.ua_strList.scene_1_24 = 'Без проблем. Ðм...';
this.ua_strList.scene_1_25 = 'Хочеш Ñ Ð² тебе відÑмокчу?';
this.ua_strList.scene_1_26 = 'ДжаÑтін!!!';
this.ua_strList.scene_1_27 = 'Дідько...';
this.cz_strList = new Object();
this.cz_strList.scene_1_1 = 'Sestři, pacient v budově devět je opravdu otravný.';
this.cz_strList.scene_1_2 = 'Řekl mi, že se mu lÃbÃm.';
this.cz_strList.scene_1_3 = 'MyslÃte Justina?';
this.cz_strList.scene_1_4 = 'Je spisovatel.';
this.cz_strList.scene_1_5 = 'Ano, to je on!';
this.cz_strList.scene_1_6 = 'Ale opravdu se mu lÃbÃm?';
this.cz_strList.scene_1_7 = 'Já chci někoho, kdo se bude o mě starat.';
this.cz_strList.scene_1_8 = 'Dobrá. ZjistÃm ti to.';
this.cz_strList.scene_1_9 = 'Mockrát děkuji.';
this.cz_strList.scene_1_10 = 'Lháři.';
this.cz_strList.scene_1_11 = 'Co to...';
this.cz_strList.scene_1_12 = 'Kdo tu napsal \'pomoc\'?';
this.cz_strList.scene_1_13 = 'Dobrá? Jak se cÃtÃte? MyslÃm, že je to mnohem lepÅ¡Ã ...';
this.cz_strList.scene_1_14 = 'Bude vám vadit, když si tu sednu?';
this.cz_strList.scene_1_15 = 'VaÅ¡e mÃsto.';
this.cz_strList.scene_1_16 = 'PÅ™iÅ¡el jste sem, abyste zÃskal materiál, že ano? A máte tu videokameru...';
this.cz_strList.scene_1_17 = 'To je skvělé.';
this.cz_strList.scene_1_18 = 'Můžete si mÄ› natoÄit?';
this.cz_strList.scene_1_19 = 'Doufám, že jsem na tohle dost dobrá ...';
this.cz_strList.scene_1_20 = 'ZaÄneme?';
this.cz_strList.scene_1_21 = 'Jaké to bylo?';
this.cz_strList.scene_1_22 = 'No bylo to úžasné.';
this.cz_strList.scene_1_23 = 'Děkuji mnohokrát.';
this.cz_strList.scene_1_24 = 'Rádo se stal. Hm...';
this.cz_strList.scene_1_25 = 'Chcete, abych vám vykouřila péro?';
this.cz_strList.scene_1_26 = 'Justine!!!';
this.cz_strList.scene_1_27 = 'Sakra...';
this.langList = new Object();
this.langList.en = 'Play'; = 'Play'; = 'Играть'; = 'Spielen'; = 'Jugar'; = 'Jouer'; = 'Play'; = 'Gioca!'; = 'Zagraj'; = 'Joacă';
this.gameNameList = new Object();
this.gameNameList.en = 'Horny Nurses: Photographer'; = 'Възбудени медицинÑки ÑеÑтри – Фотографът'; = 'ГорÑчие МедÑеÑтры – Фотограф'; = 'Geile Krankenschwester — Fotograf'; = 'Enfermera — Fotógrafo '; = 'Les infirmières lubriques — Un Photographe'; = 'Dögös nővérkék - A fotós'; = 'Infermiere Cattive - Fotografo'; = 'Napalone Pielęgniarki - Fotograf'; = 'Enfermeiras Tesudas - O Fotógrafo'; = 'Napaljene medicinske sestre - Fotograf'; = 'Збуджені МедÑеÑтри – ФотоÑеÑÑ–Ñ'; = 'Nadržené sestÅ™iÄky - Fotograf'; = 'Asistentele Excitate - Fotograful';
_global.Strings = v1;
_global.Strings extends MovieClip;
var v2 = v1.prototype;
ASSetPropFlags(_global.Strings.prototype, null, 1);
movieClip 221 __Packages.Buttons {
if (!_global.Buttons) {
var v1 = function (myList) {
this.buttonList = new Array();
var v5 = 0;
while (v5 < myList.length) {
this.buttonList[v5] = _root.attachMovie(myList[v5].obj, 'button_obj_' + v5, 150 + v5);
this.buttonList[v5]._x = myList[v5].area[0];
this.buttonList[v5]._y = myList[v5].area[1];
this.buttonList[v5].frame = myList[v5].frame;
this.buttonList[v5].url = myList[v5].url;
this.buttonList[v5].onRollOver = function () {
this.buttonList[v5].onRollOut = function () {
this.buttonList[v5].onDragOut = function () {
this.buttonList[v5].onRelease = function () {
if (!(this.url eq '')) {
this.getURL(this.url, 'blank');
if (this.frame != 0) {
_global.Buttons = v1;
_global.Buttons extends MovieClip;
var v2 = v1.prototype;
v2.kill = function () {
var v3 = 0;
while (v3 < this.buttonList.length) {
delete this.buttonList[v3].onRollOver;
delete this.buttonList[v3].onRollOut;
delete this.buttonList[v3].onDragOut;
delete this.buttonList[v3].onRelease;
delete this.buttonList;
delete _global.myButtons;
ASSetPropFlags(_global.Buttons.prototype, null, 1);
movieClip 222 __Packages.Waiting {
if (!_global.Waiting) {
var v1 = function (myFramesQty, myFrame, snd) {
this.framesQty = myFramesQty;
this.gotoFrame = myFrame;
this.counter = 0;
this.mySound = snd;
if (!(this.mySound eq '') and !(this.mySound eq undefined)) {
this.playSound(this.mySound, false);
_root.onEnterFrame = function () {
_global.myWaiting.counter += 1;
if (_global.myWaiting.counter >= _global.myWaiting.framesQty) {
_global.Waiting = v1;
_global.Waiting extends MovieClip;
var v2 = v1.prototype;
v2.playSound = function (soundName, loop) {
v2.kill = function () {
delete _root.onEnterFrame;
ASSetPropFlags(_global.Waiting.prototype, null, 1);
movieClip 223 __Packages.Popup {
if (!_global.Popup) {
var v1 = function (myList) {
this.popupObject = new Object();
this.popupObject = _root.attachMovie('popup_obj', 'popup_obj', 50);
this.popupObject.popup_1 = new Array(7);
this.popupObject.popup_1[2] =[1];
this.popupObject.popup_1[3] =[2];
this.popupObject.popup_1[6] =[0];
_root[this.popupObject.popup_1[6]]._visible = false;
if (_root[this.popupObject.popup_1[6]].arrow._y > 0) {
this.popupObject.popup_1[1] = _root[this.popupObject.popup_1[6]]._y + 30;
this.popupObject.popup_1[0] = _root[this.popupObject.popup_1[6]]._x - this.popupObject.popup_1[2] + 75;
this.popupObject.popup_1[4] = true;
this.popupObject.popup_1[5] = false;
} else {
if (_root[this.popupObject.popup_1[6]].arrow._y < 0) {
this.popupObject.popup_1[1] = _root[this.popupObject.popup_1[6]]._y - this.popupObject.popup_1[3] - 30;
this.popupObject.popup_1[0] = _root[this.popupObject.popup_1[6]]._x - 33;
this.popupObject.popup_1[4] = false;
this.popupObject.popup_1[5] = true;
} else {
if (_root[this.popupObject.popup_1[6]].arrow._y == 0) {
this.popupObject.popup_1[4] = false;
this.popupObject.popup_1[5] = false;
this.popupObject.popup_1[1] = _root[this.popupObject.popup_1[6]]._y;
this.popupObject.popup_1[0] = _root[this.popupObject.popup_1[6]]._x;
this.popupObject._x = this.popupObject.popup_1[0];
this.popupObject._y = this.popupObject.popup_1[1];
this.popupObject.frame = myList.frame;
this.popupObject.popup_1_2._width = this.popupObject.popup_1[2] - 40;
this.popupObject.popup_2_2._width = this.popupObject.popup_1[2] - 40;
this.popupObject.popup_3_2._width = this.popupObject.popup_1[2] - 40;
this.popupObject.popup_2_1._height = this.popupObject.popup_1[3] - 40;
this.popupObject.popup_2_2._height = this.popupObject.popup_1[3] - 40;
this.popupObject.popup_2_3._height = this.popupObject.popup_1[3] - 40;
this.popupObject.popup_1_3._x = this.popupObject.popup_1[2] - 20;
this.popupObject.popup_2_3._x = this.popupObject.popup_1[2] - 0;
this.popupObject.popup_3_3._x = this.popupObject.popup_1[2] - 20;
this.popupObject.popup_3_1._y = this.popupObject.popup_1[3] - 20;
this.popupObject.popup_3_2._y = this.popupObject.popup_1[3] - 0;
this.popupObject.popup_3_3._y = this.popupObject.popup_1[3] - 20;
_global.gameTexts.text_0.setPosition(this.popupObject.popup_1[0] + 10, this.popupObject.popup_1[1] + 15);
_global.gameTexts.text_0.setWidth(this.popupObject.popup_1[2] - 20);
this.popupObject.popup_arrow_up._x = this.popupObject.popup_1[2] - 90;
this.popupObject.popup_arrow_down._y = this.popupObject.popup_1[3] - 0;
this.popupObject.popup_button._x = this.popupObject.popup_1[2] - 50;
this.popupObject.popup_button._y = this.popupObject.popup_1[3] - 15;
this.popupObject.popup_arrow_up._visible = this.popupObject.popup_1[4];
this.popupObject.popup_arrow_down._visible = this.popupObject.popup_1[5];
this.popupObject.popup_button.onRollOver = function () {
this.popupObject.popup_button.onRollOut = function () {
this.popupObject.popup_button.onDragOut = function () {
this.popupObject.popup_button.onRelease = function () {
_global.Popup = v1;
_global.Popup extends MovieClip;
var v2 = v1.prototype;
v2.kill = function () {
delete this.popupObject.popup_button.onRollOver;
delete this.popupObject.popup_button.onRollOut;
delete this.popupObject.popup_button.onDragOut;
delete this.popupObject.popup_button.onRelease;
delete this.popupObject;
delete _global.myPopup;
ASSetPropFlags(_global.Popup.prototype, null, 1);
movieClip 224 __Packages.Shakehand {
if (!_global.Shakehand) {
var v1 = function (myList) {
this.datasList = myList;
this.datasList.dist = 0;
this.datasList.x = _root._xmouse;
this.datasList.y = _root._ymouse;
this.datasList.last_x = _root._xmouse;
this.datasList.last_y = _root._ymouse;
this.datasList.summ_x = 0;
this.datasList.summ_y = 0;
this.datasList.counter = 0;
if (this.datasList.gameOverFrame > 0) {
this.datasList.status = 500;
} else {
this.datasList.status = 0;
this.datasList.fr_jump = 0;
this.datasList.c_frame = _root.scene._currentframe;
this.datasList.m_frame = _root.scene._framesloaded;
if (this.datasList.gameOverFrame > 0) {
_root.counter.gotoAndStop(Math.floor(_root.counter._totalframes * 0.5));
} else {
this.popupList = new Object();
this.popupList = _root.attachMovie('popup_obj', 'popup_obj', 50);
this.popupList.popup_button._visible = false;
this.popupList.popup_arrow_up._visible = false;
this.popupList.popup_arrow_down._visible = false;
this.popupList._x = this.datasList.popup[0];
this.popupList._y = this.datasList.popup[1];
this.popupList.popup_1_2._width = this.datasList.popup[2] - 40;
this.popupList.popup_2_2._width = this.datasList.popup[2] - 40;
this.popupList.popup_3_2._width = this.datasList.popup[2] - 40;
this.popupList.popup_2_1._height = this.datasList.popup[3] - 40;
this.popupList.popup_2_2._height = this.datasList.popup[3] - 40;
this.popupList.popup_2_3._height = this.datasList.popup[3] - 40;
this.popupList.popup_1_3._x = this.datasList.popup[2] - 20;
this.popupList.popup_2_3._x = this.datasList.popup[2] - 0;
this.popupList.popup_3_3._x = this.datasList.popup[2] - 20;
this.popupList.popup_3_1._y = this.datasList.popup[3] - 20;
this.popupList.popup_3_2._y = this.datasList.popup[3] - 0;
this.popupList.popup_3_3._y = this.datasList.popup[3] - 20;
_global.gameTexts.text_0.setPosition(this.datasList.popup[0] + 10, this.datasList.popup[1] + 15);
_global.gameTexts.text_0.setWidth(this.datasList.popup[2] - 20);
this.interval = setInterval(this.actionWaiting, 30, this);
_global.Shakehand = v1;
_global.Shakehand extends MovieClip;
var v2 = v1.prototype;
v2.actionWaiting = function (obj) {
var v10 = _root._xmouse;
var v12 = _root._ymouse;
var v13 = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(v10 - obj.datasList.x, 2) + Math.pow(v12 - obj.datasList.y, 2));
this.datasList.status -= 1;
if (obj.datasList.dist <= v13) {
obj.datasList.dist = v13;
} else {
var v15 = Math.abs(obj.datasList.x - obj.datasList.last_x) * Math.cos(obj.datasList.angle * Math.PI / 180);
var v14 = Math.abs(obj.datasList.y - obj.datasList.last_y) * Math.sin(obj.datasList.angle * Math.PI / 180);
var v16 = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(v15, 2) + Math.pow(v14, 2));
var v9 = v16 / obj.datasList.counter * obj.datasList.difficulty;
if (v9 > 7 * obj.datasList.counter) {
v9 = 7 * obj.datasList.counter;
obj.datasList.status += Math.ceil(v9);
obj.datasList.counter = 0;
obj.datasList.dist = 0;
obj.datasList.x = v10;
obj.datasList.y = v12;
trace('Status = ' + obj.datasList.status);
var v5 = 100 * obj.datasList.status / 1000;
if (v5 > 100) {
v5 = 100;
var v7 = obj.datasList.soundList.length;
if (v7 > 0) {
if (v5 == 0) {;
_global.myShakehand.sound_current = -1;
} else {
if (v5 < 100) {
var v11 = Math.floor(v5 / (100 / v7));
if (_global.myShakehand.sound_current != v11 && v11 < v7) {
_global.myShakehand.sound_current = v11;[_global.myShakehand.sound_current], 0, true);
} else {
if (v5 >= 100) {;;
obj.datasList.fr_jump = Math.ceil(obj.datasList.maxFrameJump * v5 / 100) + obj.datasList.minFrameJump;
var v6 = obj.datasList.c_frame + obj.datasList.fr_jump;
if (v6 > obj.datasList.m_frame) {
v6 -= obj.datasList.m_frame;
obj.datasList.c_frame = v6;
if (int(499 * obj.datasList.status / 1000) + 1 > _root.counter._currentframe) {
} else {
if (int(499 * obj.datasList.status / 1000) + 1 < _root.counter._currentframe) {
obj.datasList.last_x = v10;
obj.datasList.last_y = v12;
if (obj.datasList.status > 0) {
var v8 = obj.datasList.status * 0.005 + 1;
if (v8 > 5) {
v8 = 5;
obj.datasList.status -= v8;
if (obj.datasList.status < 0) {
obj.datasList.status = 0;
if (obj.datasList.status == 0 && obj.datasList.gameOverFrame > 0) {
if (v5 >= 100) {
v2.kill = function () {
delete this.popupList;
delete _global.myShakehand;
v2.gameOver = function (frame) {
v2.sound_current = -1;
ASSetPropFlags(_global.Shakehand.prototype, null, 1);
movieClip 78 {
movieClip 80 {
movieClip 81 {
movieClip 84 counter {
movieClip 86 fn {
movieClip 88 fb {
// unknown tag 88 length 134
movieClip 94 {
frame 15 {
movieClip 97 btn_enter_room_1 {
movieClip 99 btn_enter_room_2 {
movieClip 100 btn_enter_room_3 {
// unknown tag 88 length 143
movieClip 105 btn_no {
movieClip 107 btn_yes {
movieClip 110 {
movieClip 113 btn_again {
movieClip 115 btn_more {
movieClip 117 button_play {
movieClip 120 {
movieClip 121 btn_next {
frame 8 {
_global.LanguageGame = 'de';
_global.OnlineGame = 'online';
_global.gameTexts = new Object();
_global.gameTexts.dialog_0 = new Texts('dialog_0', 'gialog', 10, 10, 0, 'left', 0, 1000, '');
_global.gameTexts.dialog_1 = new Texts('dialog_1', 'gialog', 10, 45, 0, 'left', 0, 1001, '');
_global.gameTexts.dialog_2 = new Texts('dialog_2', 'gialog', 10, 80, 0, 'left', 0, 1002, '');
_global.gameTexts.dialog_3 = new Texts('dialog_3', 'gialog', 10, 80, 0, 'left', 0, 1003, '');
_global.gameTexts.dialog_4 = new Texts('dialog_4', 'gialog', 10, 80, 0, 'left', 0, 1004, '');
_global.gameTexts.text_0 = new Texts('text_0', 'gialog', 10, 80, 0, 'left', 0, 1010, '');
_global.gameTexts.text_1 = new Texts('text_1', 'gialog', 10, 80, 0, 'left', 0, 1011, '');
_global.strings = new Strings();
_global.str = _global.strings[_global.LanguageGame + '_strList'];
_global.str2 = _global.strings.langList;
_global.gameName = _global.strings.gameNameList;
_global.haveOfficeSex = false;
_global.haveRoom_1Sex = false;
_global.haveRoom_2Sex = false;
_root.btn_logo.onRelease = function () {
getURL('' + _global.LanguageGame + '-Horny-Nurses:-Photographer-' + _global.OnlineGame, 'blank');
_root.sound = new Sound(_root.sound_switch);
_root.sound1 = new Sound(_root.music_switch);
_root.sound1.start(0, 100000); = new SoundManager();
_root.music_vol = 70;
_root.music_switch.onRelease = function () {
if (_root.music_vol == 70) {
_root.music_vol = 0;
} else {
_root.music_vol = 70;
_root.sound_vol = 50;
_root.sound_switch.onRelease = function () {
if (_root.sound_vol == 50) {
_root.sound_vol = 0;
} else {
_root.sound_vol = 50;
Stage.scaleMode = 'showAll';
_root.myButton_lol.onRelease = function () {
Stage.displayState = (Stage.displayState == 'normal') ? 'fullScreen' : 'normal';
movieClip 138 {
movieClip 141 {
frame 9 {
game_name.text = _global.gameName[_global.LanguageGame];
_global.buttonList = new Array({'area': [355, 294], 'obj': 'button_play', 'frame': 13, 'url': ''});
_global.myButtons = new Buttons(_global.buttonList);
movieClip 143 {
frame 57 {
movieClip 146 {
movieClip 148 {
movieClip 150 {
frame 13 {
_global.myWaiting = new Waiting(143, _currentframe + 1);
movieClip 153 {
frame 239 {
movieClip 156 {
frame 30 {
frame 14 {
_global.myPopup = new Popup({'cloud': ['mess_cloud', 250, 70], 'frame': _currentframe + 1, 'text': _global.str.scene_1_1});
movieClip 158 {
movieClip 159 {
frame 15 {
_global.myPopup = new Popup({'cloud': ['mess_cloud', 250, 70], 'frame': _currentframe + 1, 'text': _global.str.scene_1_2});
frame 16 {
_global.myPopup = new Popup({'cloud': ['mess_cloud', 250, 70], 'frame': _currentframe + 1, 'text': _global.str.scene_1_3});
frame 17 {
_global.myPopup = new Popup({'cloud': ['mess_cloud', 250, 70], 'frame': _currentframe + 1, 'text': _global.str.scene_1_4});
frame 18 {
_global.myPopup = new Popup({'cloud': ['mess_cloud', 250, 70], 'frame': _currentframe + 1, 'text': _global.str.scene_1_5});
movieClip 161 {
frame 53 {
frame 19 {
_global.myWaiting = new Waiting(99, _currentframe + 1);
movieClip 163 {
frame 186 {
frame 20 {
_global.myPopup = new Popup({'cloud': ['mess_cloud', 250, 70], 'frame': _currentframe + 1, 'text': _global.str.scene_1_6});
movieClip 165 {
frame 21 {
_global.myPopup = new Popup({'cloud': ['mess_cloud', 250, 70], 'frame': _currentframe + 1, 'text': _global.str.scene_1_7});
movieClip 167 {
frame 36 {
frame 22 {
_global.myWaiting = new Waiting(14, _currentframe + 1);
movieClip 169 {
frame 14 {
frame 15 {
frame 23 {
_global.soundList = new Array('solo');
_global.myShakehand = new Shakehand({'angle': 90, 'difficulty': 1, 'minFrameJump': 0, 'maxFrameJump': 3, 'soundList': _global.soundList, 'gameOverFrame': 0, 'frame': _currentframe + 2, 'popup': [500, 337, 200, 60, 'Shake your mouse up\'n\'down to make it faster']});
movieClip 171 {
frame 25 {
_global.myWaiting = new Waiting(348, _currentframe + 1);
movieClip 173 {
frame 348 {
frame 26 {
_global.soundList = new Array('sos_2');
_global.myShakehand = new Shakehand({'angle': 180, 'difficulty': 1, 'minFrameJump': 0, 'maxFrameJump': 3, 'soundList': _global.soundList, 'gameOverFrame': 0, 'frame': _currentframe + 2, 'popup': [500, 337, 200, 60, 'Shake your mouse left\'n\'right to make it faster']});
movieClip 175 {
frame 28 {
_global.myWaiting = new Waiting(19, _currentframe + 1);
movieClip 177 {
frame 97 {
frame 29 {
_global.myPopup = new Popup({'cloud': ['mess_cloud', 250, 70], 'frame': _currentframe + 1, 'text': _global.str.scene_1_8});
frame 30 {
_global.myPopup = new Popup({'cloud': ['mess_cloud', 250, 70], 'frame': _currentframe + 1, 'text': _global.str.scene_1_9});
movieClip 179 {
frame 25 {
frame 31 {
_global.soundList = new Array('solo');
_global.myShakehand = new Shakehand({'angle': 180, 'difficulty': 1, 'minFrameJump': 0, 'maxFrameJump': 2, 'soundList': _global.soundList, 'gameOverFrame': 0, 'frame': _currentframe + 2, 'popup': [500, 337, 200, 60, 'Shake your mouse left\'n\'right to make it faster']});
movieClip 181 {
frame 33 {
_global.myWaiting = new Waiting(43, _currentframe + 1);
movieClip 183 {
frame 89 {
frame 34 {
_global.myPopup = new Popup({'cloud': ['mess_cloud', 250, 70], 'frame': _currentframe + 1, 'text': _global.str.scene_1_10});
movieClip 185 {
frame 35 {
_global.myWaiting = new Waiting(198, _currentframe + 1);
movieClip 187 {
frame 265 {
frame 36 {
_global.myPopup = new Popup({'cloud': ['mess_cloud', 250, 70], 'frame': _currentframe + 1, 'text': _global.str.scene_1_11});
frame 37 {
_global.myPopup = new Popup({'cloud': ['mess_cloud', 250, 70], 'frame': _currentframe + 1, 'text': _global.str.scene_1_12});
movieClip 189 {
frame 38 {
_global.myWaiting = new Waiting(109, _currentframe + 1);
movieClip 191 {
frame 230 {
frame 39 {
_global.myPopup = new Popup({'cloud': ['mess_cloud', 250, 70], 'frame': _currentframe + 1, 'text': _global.str.scene_1_13});
frame 40 {
_global.myWaiting = new Waiting(43, _currentframe + 1);
movieClip 193 {
frame 125 {
frame 41 {
_global.myPopup = new Popup({'cloud': ['mess_cloud', 250, 70], 'frame': _currentframe + 1, 'text': _global.str.scene_1_14});
frame 42 {
_global.myPopup = new Popup({'cloud': ['mess_cloud', 250, 70], 'frame': _currentframe + 1, 'text': _global.str.scene_1_15});
frame 43 {
_global.myWaiting = new Waiting(196, _currentframe + 1);
movieClip 195 {
frame 310 {
frame 44 {
_global.myPopup = new Popup({'cloud': ['mess_cloud', 250, 70], 'frame': _currentframe + 1, 'text': _global.str.scene_1_16});
frame 45 {
_global.myWaiting = new Waiting(125, _currentframe + 1);
movieClip 197 {
frame 235 {
frame 46 {
_global.myPopup = new Popup({'cloud': ['mess_cloud', 250, 70], 'frame': _currentframe + 1, 'text': _global.str.scene_1_17});
frame 47 {
_global.myWaiting = new Waiting(215, _currentframe + 1);
movieClip 199 {
frame 285 {
frame 48 {
_global.myPopup = new Popup({'cloud': ['mess_cloud', 250, 70], 'frame': _currentframe + 1, 'text': _global.str.scene_1_18});
frame 49 {
_global.myWaiting = new Waiting(30, _currentframe + 1);
movieClip 201 {
frame 92 {
frame 50 {
_global.myPopup = new Popup({'cloud': ['mess_cloud', 250, 70], 'frame': _currentframe + 1, 'text': _global.str.scene_1_19});
frame 51 {
_global.myWaiting = new Waiting(113, _currentframe + 1);
movieClip 203 {
frame 145 {
frame 52 {
_global.myPopup = new Popup({'cloud': ['mess_cloud', 250, 70], 'frame': _currentframe + 1, 'text': _global.str.scene_1_20});
frame 53 {
_global.myWaiting = new Waiting(30, _currentframe + 1);
movieClip 206 {
frame 30 {
frame 54 {
_global.myWaiting = new Waiting(257, _currentframe + 1);
movieClip 208 {
frame 324 {
frame 55 {
_global.myPopup = new Popup({'cloud': ['mess_cloud', 250, 70], 'frame': _currentframe + 1, 'text': _global.str.scene_1_21});
frame 56 {
_global.myPopup = new Popup({'cloud': ['mess_cloud', 250, 70], 'frame': _currentframe + 1, 'text': _global.str.scene_1_22});
frame 57 {
_global.myWaiting = new Waiting(46, _currentframe + 1);
movieClip 210 {
frame 98 {
frame 58 {
_global.myPopup = new Popup({'cloud': ['mess_cloud', 250, 70], 'frame': _currentframe + 1, 'text': _global.str.scene_1_23});
frame 59 {
_global.myPopup = new Popup({'cloud': ['mess_cloud', 250, 70], 'frame': _currentframe + 1, 'text': _global.str.scene_1_24});
frame 60 {
_global.myWaiting = new Waiting(27, _currentframe + 1);
movieClip 212 {
frame 71 {
frame 61 {
_global.myPopup = new Popup({'cloud': ['mess_cloud', 250, 70], 'frame': _currentframe + 1, 'text': _global.str.scene_1_25});
frame 62 {
_global.myWaiting = new Waiting(260, _currentframe + 1);
movieClip 214 {
frame 352 {
frame 63 {
_global.myPopup = new Popup({'cloud': ['mess_cloud', 250, 70], 'frame': _currentframe + 1, 'text': _global.str.scene_1_26});
frame 64 {
_global.myPopup = new Popup({'cloud': ['mess_cloud', 250, 70], 'frame': _currentframe + 1, 'text': _global.str.scene_1_27});
frame 65 {
_global.myWaiting = new Waiting(30, 100);
frame 100 {
game_name.text = _global.gameName[_global.LanguageGame];
_global.buttonList = new Array({'area': [-20, 258], 'obj': 'btn_again', 'frame': 13, 'url': ''}, {'area': [-20, 206], 'obj': 'btn_more', 'frame': 0, 'url': '' + _global.LanguageGame + '-Horny-Nurses:-Photographer-' + _global.OnlineGame});
_global.myButtons = new Buttons(_global.buttonList);
movieClip 216 {
frame 57 {