Frame 1
function getText(str) {
var _local1 = LOCALE[str];
if (_local1 == undefined) {
function fadeIn() {
if (this._alpha < 100) {
this._alpha = this._alpha + 25;
} else {
this._alpha = 100;
delete this.onEnterFrame;
function fadeOut() {
if (this._alpha > 0) {
this._alpha = this._alpha - 25;
} else {
this._alpha = 0;
this._visible = false;
delete this.onEnterFrame;
function updateDateTime() {
if (new Date().getUTCSeconds() == 0) { = (now = new Date());
newTL = true;
function resetDateTime() { = (now = new Date());
TInfo._visible = true;
TInfo.onEnterFrame = fadeIn;
function lockDateTime() {
TInfo.lockText_mc.txt.text = getText("Time locked");
updateID = setInterval(updateDateTime, 1000); = (lockDT = true);
function unlockDateTime() {
TInfo.lockText_mc.txt.text = getText("Time unlocked"); = (lockDT = false);
function showMap() {
LInfo._visible = true;
LInfo.onEnterFrame = fadeIn;
function hideMap() {
LInfo.onEnterFrame = fadeOut;
function getLocation() {
if (flash.external.ExternalInterface.available) {"getLocation");
function resetLocation() { = (p = ANG_90); = (h = 0);
l = 38 * RADS;
lon = 0;
function resetSky() {
x = (y = (z = (kx = (ky = (ss = 0)))));
scan = false;
newTL = true;
function toggleCons() {
if (scan) {
} = (TInfo.Options.TickCon._visible = (drawCon = !drawCon));
if (drawCon) {
Con._visible = true;
Con._alpha = 0;
Con.onEnterFrame = fadeIn;
} else {
Con.onEnterFrame = fadeOut;
function toggleDaylight() {
if (scan) {
} = (TInfo.Options.TickDay._visible = (drawDay = !drawDay));
if (daylight_mc == undefined) {
createEmptyMovieClip("daylight_mc", getNextHighestDepth());
daylight_mc.onEnterFrame = function () {
skyRatio = skyRatio + ((iSun.skyRatio / 8) * (drawDay ? 1 : -1));
if (skyRatio >= iSun.skyRatio) {
skyRatio = iSun.skyRatio;
if (skyRatio <= 0) {
skyRatio = 0;
skyColor.setRGB(mixColor((drawDay ? (SKY_COLOR1) : 0), SKY_COLOR2, skyRatio));
bgc = mixColor(GROUND_COLOR1, GROUND_COLOR2, skyRatio);
bgcl = mixColor(skyColor.getRGB(), bgc, (skyRatio / 2) + 0.25);
if ((skyRatio == iSun.skyRatio) || (skyRatio == 0)) {
function toggleFullScreen() {
if (Stage.displayState == "fullScreen") {
Stage.displayState = "normal";
} else {
Stage.displayState = "fullScreen";
function goToLocation(value) {
var _local1 = value.split(",");
var _local3 = parseInt(_local1[0]);
var _local2 = parseInt(_local1[1]);
l = (90 - _local3) * RADS;
lon = _local2;
function setLocation(value) {
Click._visible = showPrompt;
Click._alpha = (showPrompt ? 100 : 0);
var LOCALE = {};
var COMPASS_POINTS = ["West", "SW", "South", "SE", "East", "NE", "North", "NW"];
var MONTHS = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"];
Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
Stage.showMenu = false;
var CANVAS_WIDTH = 800;
var CANVAS_HEIGHT = 600;
var DEGS = 57.2957795130823;
var RADS = (Math.PI/180);
var ANG_90 = (Math.PI/2);
var ANG_360 = (Math.PI*2);
var at2 = Math.atan2;
var sin = Math.sin;
var cos = Math.cos;
var round = Math.round;
var abs = Math.abs;
var floor = Math.floor;
var ceil = Math.ceil;
var atan = Math.atan;
var tan = Math.tan;
var sqrt = Math.sqrt;
var updateID = 0;
flash.external.ExternalInterface.addCallback("setLocation", _root, setLocation);
var showPrompt = true;
var _so = SharedObject.getLocal("neavePlanetarium");
if (isNaN(Number(plat))) {
if ( == undefined) { = 52;
l = 38 * RADS;
} else {
l = (90 - * RADS;
showPrompt = false;
} else {
plat = Number(plat);
if (plat < -90) {
plat = -90;
if (plat > 90) {
plat = 90;
} = plat;
l = (90 - plat) * RADS;
showPrompt = false;
if (isNaN(Number(plon))) {
if ( == undefined) { = (lon = 0);
} else {
lon =;
showPrompt = false;
} else {
plon = Number(plon);
plon = plon % 360;
if (plon < -180) {
plon = plon + 360;
if (plon > 180) {
plon = plon - 360;
} = plon;
lon = plon;
showPrompt = false;
if ( == undefined) { = (lockDT = true);
} else {
lockDT =;
if ( == undefined) { = (drawCon = true);
} else {
drawCon =;
if ( == undefined) { = (drawDay = true);
} else {
drawDay =;
Frame 2
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if ((getBytesLoaded() == getBytesTotal()) && (starData != undefined)) {
gotoAndPlay ("loaded");
delete this.onEnterFrame;
pc_txt.text = ((getText("Loading...") + " ") + Math.round((getBytesLoaded() / getBytesTotal()) * 100)) + "%";
Frame 3
var starData = [[["Andromeda", 1.5, 38.5], [[0, 3, 1, 2], [0, 13, 7, 4]], [823.2, 290526, 2.06, "B", "Sirrah", 97], [10943.9, 353714, 2.06, "M", "Mirach", 199], [20353.9, 421947, 2.26, "K", "Almaak", 350], [3919.6, 305140, 3.27, "K", "Sadiradra", 101], [13759.5, 483742, 3.57, "K"], [230155.2, 421934, 3.62, "B"], [233733.8, 462730, 3.82, "G"], [5645.1, 382958, 3.87, "A"], [4720.3, 241602, 4.06, "K"], [13647.8, 412420, 4.09, "F"], [234024.4, 442002, 4.14, "B"], [10930.1, 471431, 4.25, "B"], [233808.1, 431605, 4.29, "B"], [3652.8, 334310, 4.36, "B"], [3833.3, 291843, 4.37, "G"], [5712.4, 232504, 4.42, "G"], [1819.6, 364707, 4.52, "A"], [231232.9, 492423, 4.52, "F"], [4948.8, 410444, 4.53, "B"], [1705.4, 384054, 4.61, "A"], [230410.9, 500308, 4.65, "K"], [22537.3, 501643, 4.71, "K"], [20829.2, 375133, 4.82, "A"], [12739.2, 452425, 4.83, "F"], [21313.2, 441355, 4.83, "K"], [20354.7, 421951, 4.84, "B"], [231744.6, 490055, 4.85, "M"], [12220.3, 453144, 4.88, "K", "Adhil", 196], [14034.7, 403437, 4.94, "B"], [234602, 462513, 4.95, "G"], [13920.9, 442310, 4.98, "G"]], [["Antlia", 10, -34.5], [[1, 3, 0, 2]], [102709.1, -310404, 4.25, "K", "Alpha Antliae", 366], [92914.7, -355706, 4.51, "K"], [105643, -370816, 4.6, "K"], [94412.1, -274610, 4.79, "A"]], [["Apus", 16, -76], [[0, 3, 1, 2]], [144751.6, -790241, 3.83, "K", "Alpha Apodis", 411], [163327.1, -785349, 3.89, "G"], [164304.4, -773103, 4.24, "K"], [162020.7, -784145, 4.68, "M"], [172159.5, -674613, 4.78, "K"], [141813.6, -810027, 4.91, "A"]], [["Aquarius", 21, 3], [[3, 2, 8, 4, 12, 9, 17, 6, 1, 0, 5], [1, 10, 13]], [213133.4, -53416, 2.91, "G", "Sadalsuud", 610], [220546.9, 1911, 2.96, "G", "Sadalmelik", 759], [225438.9, -154915, 3.27, "A", "Skat", 160], [230926.7, -211021, 3.66, "K"], [225236.8, -73447, 3.74, "M", "Hydor", 392], [204740.5, -92945, 3.77, "A", "Albali", 230], [222139.3, -12314, 3.84, "A", "Sadachbia", 158], [232258.1, -200602, 3.97, "K"], [224935.4, -133533, 4.01, "M"], [223521.3, 703, 4.02, "B"], [221649.9, -74700, 4.16, "G", "Ancha", 191], [231553.4, -90516, 4.21, "K"], [231419.3, -60256, 4.22, "M"], [220626.1, -135211, 4.27, "B"], [231754.1, -91057, 4.39, "B"], [232602.7, -203831, 4.39, "K"], [204744.1, -50140, 4.42, "M"], [222850, 112, 4.42, "F"], [230640.8, -234435, 4.47, "G"], [234243.2, -143242, 4.49, "B"], [210935.5, -112218, 4.51, "G"], [222849.6, 113, 4.59, "F"], [222516.5, 12239, 4.66, "B"], [213745, -75115, 4.69, "A"], [220318.7, -20919, 4.69, "B"], [224335.2, -184950, 4.69, "K"], [230954.7, -222727, 4.69, "G"], [233316.5, -205452, 4.71, "A"], [205239.1, -85900, 4.73, "A"], [223038.7, -104041, 4.82, "A"], [234145.7, -174859, 4.82, "G"], [231857.6, -93638, 4.98, "A"], [233947, -141318, 5, "F"]], [["Aquila", 20, -11.5], [[9, 5, 4, 7, 3, 6, 0, 1, 2, 4], [2, 8]], [195046.9, 85206, 0.77, "A", "Altair", 16.8], [194615.5, 103648, 2.72, "K", "Tarazed", 461], [190524.5, 135148, 2.99, "A", "Deneb El Okab", 83.2], [201118.2, 4917, 3.23, "B", "Tseen Foo", 287], [192529.8, 30653, 3.36, "F", "Denebokab", 50.1], [190614.8, -45257, 3.44, "B", "Al Thalimain", 125], [195518.7, 62424, 3.71, "G", "Alshain", 44.7], [195228.3, 9020, 3.9, "F", "Bezek", 1180], [185937.3, 150406, 4.02, "K", "Deneb El Okab", 154], [190140.7, -54420, 4.02, "K", "Bered", 149], [203820.2, -10619, 4.32, "G"], [193643.2, -11711, 4.36, "B"], [193405.3, 72244, 4.45, "K"], [192631, 2019, 4.66, "F"], [195414.8, 82741, 4.71, "K"], [203643.5, -23259, 4.89, "K"], [202938.9, -25308, 4.91, "K"], [193653.4, -70139, 4.95, "B"], [201416.5, 151151, 4.95, "A"]], [["Ara", 17.5, -53], [[5, 1, 0, 3, 2, 7, 1], [3, 4], [2, 6]], [172517.9, -553147, 2.85, "K", "Karnot Mizbeach", 603], [173150.4, -495234, 2.95, "B", "Tchou", 242], [165837.1, -555924, 3.13, "K", "Korban", 574], [172523.5, -562239, 3.34, "B", "Zadok", 1140], [173105.9, -604101, 3.62, "B", "Tseen Yin", 187], [180637.7, -500530, 3.66, "B"], [164947, -590229, 3.76, "K"], [165935, -530938, 4.06, "K"], [173539.4, -463020, 4.59, "A"], [174023.4, -492456, 4.77, "F"]], [["Aries", 2, 20], [[2, 0, 1, 8]], [20710.3, 232745, 2, "K", "Hamal", 65.9], [15438.3, 204829, 2.64, "A", "Sheratan", 59.6], [24959, 271538, 3.63, "B", "Bharani", 159], [31137.7, 194336, 4.35, "K", "Botein", 168], [24754.5, 291450, 4.51, "K"], [25912.6, 212025, 4.63, "A"], [25912.6, 212025, 4.63, "A"], [24327, 274226, 4.66, "B"], [15331.8, 191737, 4.75, "A", "Mesarthim", 204], [15755.7, 233546, 4.79, "F"], [15331.7, 191745, 4.83, "B"], [31454, 210240, 4.89, "A"], [20925.3, 255624, 4.98, "F"]], [["Auriga", 6, 42], [[0, 2, 3, 1, 4, 6, 5, 0]], [51641.3, 455953, 0.08, "G", "Capella", 42.2], [52617.5, 283627, 1.65, "B", "El Nath", 131], [55931.7, 445651, 1.9, "A", "Menkalinan", 82.1], [55943.2, 371245, 2.62, "A", "Bogardus", 173], [45659.6, 330958, 2.69, "K", "Hassaleh", 512], [50158.1, 434924, 2.99, "F", "Almaaz", -2000], [50630.8, 411404, 3.17, "B", "Hoedus II", 219], [55931.6, 541705, 3.72, "K", "Prijipati", 140], [50228.6, 410433, 3.75, "K", "Hoedus I", 790], [55129.3, 390855, 3.97, "K"], [55956.1, 455613, 4.26, "M"], [61522.6, 292953, 4.35, "G"], [54910.4, 391052, 4.52, "G"], [51810.6, 332218, 4.54, "K"], [51908.4, 400557, 4.71, "G"], [55102.4, 371820, 4.74, "M"], [53243.6, 321131, 4.76, "B"], [45237.9, 364211, 4.78, "K"], [63919.8, 422920, 4.79, "K"], [51325.6, 382904, 4.86, "A"], [71139.3, 391914, 4.9, "K"], [62453.8, 491717, 4.91, "K"], [45915.3, 375325, 4.94, "A"], [52439.1, 372308, 4.99, "K"], [55450.7, 554225, 4.99, "A"], [50640.6, 513552, 5, "F"]], [["Bo\u00F6tes", 15, 30], [[8, 13, 1, 0, 6, 3, 5, 4, 2, 0, 24]], [141539.6, 191057, -0.04, "K", "Arcturus", 36.7], [135441, 182352, 2.68, "G", "Muphrid", 37], [144459.1, 270427, 2.7, "K", "Izar", 210], [143204.6, 381829, 3.03, "A", "Seginus", 85.2], [151530.1, 331853, 3.47, "G"], [150156.6, 402326, 3.5, "G", "Nekkar", 219], [143149.7, 302217, 3.58, "K"], [142511.7, 515103, 4.05, "F", "Asellus Primus", 47.5], [134928.5, 154752, 4.07, "K"], [141622.9, 460518, 4.18, "A"], [152429.3, 372238, 4.31, "F", "Alkalurops", 121], [144108.8, 134342, 4.43, "A"], [143440.7, 294442, 4.46, "F"], [134715.7, 172724, 4.5, "F"], [141328.9, 514724, 4.54, "A", "Asellus Tertius", 155], [150426.7, 265651, 4.54, "K"], [145123.2, 190604, 4.55, "G"], [144514.4, 165752, 4.6, "G"], [141609.8, 512202, 4.75, "A", "Asellus Secundus", 97.2], [150347.3, 473916, 4.76, "F"], [144325.3, 263140, 4.81, "M"], [150206.4, 250029, 4.81, "K"], [141023.9, 250530, 4.83, "F"], [144108.8, 134342, 4.83, "A"], [141945.1, 161825, 4.86, "K"], [144138.7, 80942, 4.86, "G"], [134942.7, 211551, 4.91, "K"], [150718, 245209, 4.93, "F"], [144043.5, 162506, 4.94, "B"]], [["Caelum", 5, -39], [[0, 2]], [44033.6, -415150, 4.45, "F", "Alpha Caeli", 65.7], [50424.3, -352900, 4.55, "K"], [44203.5, -370840, 5, "F"], [43050.1, -445714, 5, "B"]], [["Camelopardalis", 5, 67], [[4, 0, 2, 5, 3, 1]], [50325.1, 602632, 4.03, "G", "Beta Camelopardalis", -1000], [32904, 595640, 4.21, "B", "CS Camelopardalis", -4300], [45403, 662034, 4.29, "O", "Alpha Camelopardalis", -6900], [34931.3, 653134, 4.39, "M"], [45717.1, 534508, 4.47, "A"], [35021.5, 711957, 4.55, "A"], [70003.9, 765839, 4.55, "K"], [31959.3, 653908, 4.74, "B"], [61850.8, 691912, 4.76, "A"], [34602.3, 632042, 4.78, "A"], [73104.5, 822442, 4.92, "M"], [35725.4, 630420, 4.95, "B"], [35708.3, 610632, 4.99, "K"], [40427.2, 590920, 5, "F"], [50608.5, 585821, 5, "B"]], [["Cancer", 8.5, 20], [[0, 1, 4, 2], [1, 3]], [81630.9, 91108, 3.52, "K", "Tarf", 290], [84441, 180915, 3.94, "K", "Asellus Australis", 136], [84641.8, 284536, 4.02, "G", "Decapoda", 298], [85829.2, 115128, 4.25, "A", "Acubens", 174], [84317.1, 212806, 4.66, "A", "Asellus Borealis", 158]], [["Canes Venatici", 13, 41], [[0, 1]], [125601.6, 381906, 2.9, "A", "Chara", 110], [123344.5, 412127, 4.26, "G", "Asterion", 27.4], [133427.2, 490057, 4.7, "A"], [131732.5, 403421, 4.73, "F"], [122401.4, 513344, 4.8, "G"], [133727.5, 361741, 4.82, "A"]], [["Canis Major", 7, -22], [[1, 2, 6, 0, 3], [2, 4]], [64508.9, -164258, -1.46, "A", "Sirius (Dog Star)", 8.6], [65837.5, -285820, 1.5, "B", "Adhara", 430.6], [70823.4, -262335, 1.84, "F", "Wezen", 1791.2], [62241.9, -175722, 1.98, "B", "Mirzam", 499.2], [72405.6, -291811, 2.45, "B", "Aludra", -3000], [62018.7, -300348, 3.02, "B", "Furud", 336], [70301.4, -235000, 3.02, "B"], [70143.1, -275606, 3.47, "K"], [71448.6, -264622, 3.85, "B"], [65407.8, -241102, 3.87, "K"], [63641, -191522, 3.95, "K"], [64950.4, -323031, 3.96, "B"], [65411.3, -120219, 4.07, "K"], [70345.4, -153800, 4.12, "B", "Muliphein", 402], [63151.3, -232506, 4.33, "B"], [65608.1, -170315, 4.37, "B"], [71842.4, -245715, 4.4, "O"], [63753.3, -181415, 4.43, "K"], [62810.1, -323449, 4.48, "B"], [63503.3, -225753, 4.54, "A"], [71415.1, -262109, 4.66, "B"], [65537.3, -200811, 4.68, "F"], [65332.8, -201327, 4.83, "B"], [71840.3, -243332, 4.98, "O"], [65606.6, -140237, 5, "G"]], [["Canis Minor", 7.5, 22], [[0, 1]], [73918.1, 51330, 0.38, "F", "Procyon", 11.4], [72709, 81721, 2.9, "B", "Gomeisa", 170], [72809.7, 85532, 4.32, "K"], [72947.7, 120024, 4.54, "K"], [72538.8, 91634, 4.99, "G"]], [["Capricornus", 21, -20], [[2, 1, 7, 6, 10, 4, 12, 0, 3, 9, 5, 1]], [214702.3, -160738, 2.87, "A", "Deneb Algedi", 38.6], [202100.6, -144653, 3.08, "F", "Dabih", 328], [201803.2, -123242, 3.57, "G", "Algedi Secunda", 109], [214005.4, -163945, 3.68, "F", "Nashira", 139], [212639.9, -222441, 3.74, "G", "Marakk", 398], [210556.7, -171358, 4.07, "A", "Dorsum", 158], [205149.2, -265509, 4.11, "K", "Baten Algiedi", 628], [204605.6, -251616, 4.14, "F", "Pazan", 47.9], [201738.8, -123030, 4.24, "G", "Algiedi Prima", 690], [212214.7, -165005, 4.28, "G"], [210707.6, -250021, 4.5, "M"], [212843.3, -214826, 4.51, "G"], [213704.7, -192758, 4.68, "B"], [214239.4, -185159, 4.73, "G"], [202039.7, -124533, 4.76, "B", "Alshat", 272], [202851.5, -174849, 4.78, "F", "Bos", 98.7], [210424.2, -195118, 4.84, "A", "Armus", 158]], [["Carina", 9, -60], [[0, 8, 2, 3, 7, 4, 6, 1, 5]], [62357.2, -524144, -0.72, "F", "Canopus", 312.6], [91312.1, -694302, 1.68, "A", "Miaplacidus", 111.1], [82230.8, -593034, 1.86, "K", "Avior", 631.8], [91705.4, -591631, 2.25, "A", "Aspidiske", 690], [104257.4, -642340, 2.76, "B", "Vathorz Posterior", 439], [94706.1, -650418, 2.96, "A"], [101344.3, -700216, 3.32, "B"], [101705, -611956, 3.39, "K"], [75646.7, -525856, 3.47, "B"]], [["Cassiopeia", 1, 63], [[1, 0, 2, 3, 4]], [4030.4, 563215, 2.23, "K", "Schedir", 229], [910.6, 590859, 2.27, "F", "Caph", 47], [5642.4, 604300, 2.47, "B", "Marj", 613], [12548.9, 601407, 2.68, "A", "Ruchbah", 99.4], [15423.6, 634013, 3.38, "B", "Segin", 442], [4906, 574858, 3.44, "G", "Achird", 19.4], [3658.2, 535349, 3.66, "B"], [20326, 722517, 3.98, "A"], [3259.9, 625555, 4.16, "B"], [11106.1, 550900, 4.33, "A", "Marfak", 137], [22903.9, 672409, 4.52, "A"], [4443.5, 481704, 4.54, "B"], [20157.3, 705426, 4.54, "A"], [235423, 572958, 4.54, "G"], [5639.7, 591052, 4.63, "G"], [13355.9, 591356, 4.71, "G"], [3146.3, 543120, 4.73, "B"], [12556, 680748, 4.74, "K"], [4203.8, 503045, 4.8, "B"], [5500, 585822, 4.83, "K"], [230636.8, 592512, 4.85, "B"], [234703.4, 583907, 4.87, "K"], [235900.4, 554518, 4.88, "B"], [4850, 505806, 4.89, "B"], [4328, 470129, 4.94, "A"], [12004.8, 581354, 4.98, "F"], [232450.2, 621659, 4.98, "M"], [15559.9, 684107, 4.99, "B"]], [["Centaurus", 13, -45], [[11, 5, 12, 9, 6, 4, 3, 17, 7, 18, 16, 10], [0, 4, 1], [2, 12, 8]], [143936.2, -605007, -0.01, "G", "Rigil Kentaurus (Alpha Centauri)", 4.36], [140349.4, -602222, 0.61, "B", "Hadar (Beta Centauri)", 525], [140640.8, -362212, 2.06, "K", "Menkent", 60.9], [124130.9, -485734, 2.17, "A", "Muhlifain", 130], [133953.2, -532759, 2.3, "B", "Birdun", 376], [143530.3, -420928, 2.31, "B", "Marfikent", 308], [135532.3, -471718, 2.55, "B", "Alnair", 384], [120821.5, -504320, 2.6, "B", "Ma Wei", 395], [132035.7, -364244, 2.75, "A", "Alhakim", 58.6], [134936.9, -422826, 3.04, "B", "Kabkent Prima", 527], [113546.8, -630111, 3.13, "B", "Ma Ti", 410], [145909.6, -420615, 3.13, "B", "Ke Kwan", 539], [134930.2, -414116, 3.41, "B", "Kabkent Secunda", 475], [135816.2, -420603, 3.83, "B", "Kabkent Tertia", 465], [123742.1, -483228, 3.86, "A"], [135840.7, -444813, 3.87, "B"], [112100.4, -542927, 3.89, "B"], [122802.3, -501351, 3.91, "B"], [121139.1, -522206, 3.96, "B"], [142033.3, -375307, 4.05, "A"], [134926.6, -342702, 4.19, "M"], [134541.2, -330237, 4.23, "F"], [130654.5, -495422, 4.27, "B"], [140143.3, -453612, 4.34, "F"], [140602.7, -411046, 4.36, "B"], [135149.5, -325940, 4.56, "B"], [135312.4, -315539, 4.73, "B"], [130333.1, -493138, 4.85, "A"]], [["Cepheus", 22, 70], [[0, 2, 1, 5, 3, 0], [6, 8, 3], [9, 4, 0]], [211834.7, 623508, 2.44, "A", "Alderamin", 48.8], [233920.8, 773757, 3.21, "K", "Errai", 45], [212839.5, 703339, 3.23, "B", "Alfirk", 595], [221051.2, 581205, 3.35, "K", "Tsao Fu", 726], [204517.3, 615020, 3.43, "K"], [224940.7, 661202, 3.52, "K"], [222910.2, 582455, 3.75, "F"], [214330.3, 584648, 4.08, "M", "Garnet Sidus", -5000], [221501.9, 570237, 4.19, "F"], [202934.8, 625939, 4.22, "A"], [214526.8, 610715, 4.29, "A"], [220347.3, 643741, 4.29, "A", "Alkurhah", 100], [200853.2, 774241, 4.39, "B"], [230753.8, 752316, 4.41, "G"], [214155.2, 711842, 4.56, "K"], [213755.1, 620455, 4.73, "B"], [231837.4, 680642, 4.75, "K"], [220948.3, 722029, 4.79, "G"]], [["Cetus", 1.5, -11], [[4, 1, 18, 12, 13, 4, 10, 2, 8, 7, 3, 6, 0, 5, 8]], [4335.3, -175912, 2.04, "K", "Diphda", 96], [30216.7, 40523, 2.53, "M", "Menkar", 220], [21920.7, -25839, 3.04, "M", "Mira", 418], [10835.3, -101056, 3.45, "K"], [24318, 31409, 3.47, "A", "Kaffaljidhma", 82], [14404, -155615, 3.5, "G"], [1925.6, -84926, 3.56, "K", "Deneb Kaitos Shemali", 95.8], [12401.3, -81101, 3.6, "K"], [15127.5, -102006, 3.73, "K", "Baten Kaitos", 260], [20000.2, -210440, 4, "M"], [23928.9, 1943, 4.07, "B"], [24407.3, -135132, 4.25, "B"], [24456.5, 100651, 4.27, "F"], [22809.5, 82736, 4.28, "B"], [21259.9, 85048, 4.37, "G"], [1438.3, -185558, 4.44, "M"], [344.3, -172010, 4.55, "B"], [14935, -104111, 4.67, "F"], [25942.8, 85427, 4.7, "B"], [23205.1, -151441, 4.75, "F"], [4411.3, -103634, 4.76, "K"], [5300.4, -10840, 4.77, "M"], [31921.6, 32213, 4.83, "G"], [23933.7, -115220, 4.84, "F"], [15640.1, -223136, 4.85, "K"], [23552.4, 53536, 4.86, "G"], [1115.8, -152805, 4.89, "F"], [22556.9, -121726, 4.89, "B"], [12537.1, -143556, 4.9, "K"], [430, -103035, 4.94, "K"]], [["Chamaeleon", 10.5, -79], [[0, 3, 4, 2, 1, 0]], [81831.7, -765511, 4.07, "F", "Alpha Chamaeleontis", 63.5], [103528.1, -783627, 4.11, "M"], [121820.7, -791843, 4.26, "B"], [82038.7, -772904, 4.35, "K"], [104546.6, -803224, 4.45, "B"], [115937.3, -781318, 4.91, "B"]], [["Circinus", 15, -60], [[1, 0, 2]], [144230.3, -645831, 3.19, "A", "Alpha Circini", 53.5], [151730.8, -584804, 4.07, "A"], [152322.6, -591915, 4.51, "B"], [151738.8, -633638, 4.86, "K"]], [["Columba", 5.5, -35], [[2, 6, 5, 1, 0, 3], [1, 4]], [53938.9, -340427, 2.64, "B", "Phaet", 268], [55057.5, -354606, 3.12, "K", "Wazn", 86], [62206.7, -332611, 3.85, "G", "Ghusn Al Zaitun", 237], [53112.7, -352814, 3.87, "K"], [55908.7, -424855, 3.96, "K"], [55732.2, -351700, 4.36, "B"], [61633, -350826, 4.37, "K"], [51729, -345343, 4.83, "K"], [55306.8, -334805, 4.87, "B"], [55529.8, -370715, 4.97, "K"]], [["Coma Berenices", 13, 22], [[1, 0, 2]], [131152.3, 275241, 4.26, "G", "Beta Comae Berenices", 30], [130959.6, 173145, 4.32, "F", "Alpha Comae Berenices", 47], [122656.2, 281606, 4.36, "K"], [122042.9, 174734, 4.74, "G"], [125855.4, 172433, 4.78, "M"], [130710.6, 273729, 4.8, "K"], [122230.2, 255046, 4.81, "G"], [123451, 223745, 4.81, "A"], [125319.3, 211425, 4.9, "G"], [130016.4, 304706, 4.9, "G"], [125141.8, 273226, 4.94, "G"], [121620.5, 235643, 4.95, "G"], [122624, 271605, 4.95, "F"], [122659.3, 264932, 5, "A"]], [["Corona Australis", 19, -40], [[5, 3, 0, 1, 2, 6]], [191001.6, -392027, 4.1, "K", "Beta Coronae Australis", 508], [190928.2, -375416, 4.11, "A", "Alfecca Meridiana", 130], [190625, -370346, 4.23, "F"], [190820.8, -402948, 4.59, "K"], [183330.1, -421845, 4.64, "G"], [190306.7, -420543, 4.75, "B"], [185843.3, -370626, 4.87, "F"], [180649.9, -432530, 4.92, "A"]], [["Corona Borealis", 16, 31], [[3, 1, 0, 2, 5, 4, 9]], [153441.2, 264253, 2.23, "A", "Gemma", 74.7], [152749.7, 290620, 3.68, "F", "Nusakan", 114], [154244.5, 261744, 3.84, "B"], [153255.7, 312132, 4.14, "B"], [155735.2, 265240, 4.15, "K"], [154935.6, 260406, 4.63, "G"], [160858.2, 362927, 4.76, "K"], [155113.8, 353926, 4.82, "K"], [162205.7, 305332, 4.85, "K"], [160126.6, 295104, 4.99, "A"]], [["Corvus", 12, -18], [[4, 3, 0, 2, 1, 3]], [121548.3, -173231, 2.59, "B", "Gienah Ghurab"], [123423.2, -232348, 2.65, "G", "Kraz", 140], [122951.8, -163056, 2.95, "B", "Algorab", 87], [121007.4, -223711, 3, "K", "Minkar", 303], [120824.7, -244344, 4.02, "F", "Alchiba", 48.2], [123204.1, -161146, 4.31, "F"]], [["Crater", 11, -16], [[4, 6, 0, 2, 5, 8], [0, 1, 3, 2]], [111920.4, -144643, 3.56, "G", "Labrum", 195], [105946.4, -181756, 4.08, "K", "Alkes", 174], [112452.8, -174103, 4.08, "A"], [111139.4, -224933, 4.48, "A"], [113640.8, -94808, 4.7, "B"], [114445.7, -182103, 4.73, "G"], [112436.5, -105134, 4.83, "K"], [112322.1, -184648, 5, "F"], [115601, -170903, 5, "A"]], [["Crux (Southern Cross)", 12.5, -60], [[0, 3], [1, 2]], [124743.3, -594119, 1.25, "B", "Mimosa", 352.4], [122635.9, -630556, 1.33, "B", "Acrux", 320], [123109.9, -570647, 1.63, "M", "Gacrux", 87.9], [121508.6, -584456, 2.8, "B", "Decrux", 364], [122121.5, -602404, 3.59, "K", "Juxta", 384], [125435.6, -571040, 4.03, "B"], [121826.1, -640011, 4.04, "B"], [120652.8, -643649, 4.15, "F"], [120301.5, -631846, 4.33, "A"], [125439.1, -590847, 4.62, "B"], [124537.8, -605852, 4.69, "K"], [120419.2, -630956, 4.72, "B"]], [["Cygnus", 20.5, 45], [[0, 1, 11, 4], [5, 2, 1, 3, 23, 9, 8]], [204125.8, 451649, 1.25, "A", "Deneb", 3227.7], [202213.6, 401524, 2.2, "F", "Sadr", -1300], [204612.6, 335813, 2.46, "K", "Gienah", 72.1], [194458.4, 450751, 2.87, "B", "Ruc", 171], [193043.2, 275735, 3.08, "K", "Albireo", 385], [211256.1, 301337, 3.2, "G"], [210455.8, 435540, 3.72, "K"], [211447.4, 380244, 3.72, "F"], [191706, 532207, 3.77, "G"], [192942.2, 514347, 3.79, "A"], [201337.8, 464429, 3.79, "K"], [195618.3, 350500, 3.89, "K"], [205710.3, 411002, 3.94, "A"], [201528.2, 474252, 3.98, "K"], [202923.6, 302207, 4.01, "F"], [213358.8, 453531, 4.02, "G"], [204539.6, 304311, 4.22, "K"], [195033.8, 325451, 4.23, "S"], [211724.9, 392341, 4.23, "B"], [214647.5, 491835, 4.23, "B"], [201323.8, 563404, 4.3, "A"], [202351.5, 321125, 4.43, "K"], [211755, 345349, 4.43, "B"], [193626.4, 501316, 4.48, "F"], [204724.4, 362927, 4.53, "B"], [210636, 473854, 4.55, "K"], [203354.1, 351503, 4.61, "K"], [214205.6, 511123, 4.67, "B", "Azelfafage", 1680], [193922.5, 300912, 4.69, "G"], [214408.5, 284434, 4.73, "F"], [193146.2, 342711, 4.74, "B"], [205949.5, 473116, 4.74, "B"], [205314.7, 442314, 4.78, "B"], [201747.1, 380159, 4.81, "B"], [201317.9, 464857, 4.83, "A"], [204856.2, 460651, 4.84, "B"], [194416.5, 372116, 4.89, "G"], [213446.5, 383203, 4.9, "K"], [195537.7, 522620, 4.92, "A"], [200925.5, 365023, 4.93, "B"], [195551.6, 382912, 4.94, "B"], [203003.4, 485706, 4.95, "B"], [192407.5, 293717, 4.97, "B"], [201431.9, 364823, 4.97, "A"], [194625.5, 334340, 4.99, "F"], [211827, 435646, 5, "O"]], [["Delphinus", 21, 13], [[2, 0, 1, 3, 4, 0]], [203732.9, 143543, 3.63, "F", "Rotanev", 97], [203938.2, 155443, 3.77, "B", "Sualocin", 241], [203312.7, 111812, 4.03, "B", "Deneb Duldim", 359], [204639.4, 160727, 4.27, "K"], [204327.5, 150428, 4.43, "A"], [203518.4, 144027, 4.68, "A"]], [["Dorado", 5, -64], [[2, 0, 5, 1, 4], [1, 3]], [43359.8, -550242, 3.27, "A", "Alpha Doradus", 176], [53337.5, -622924, 3.76, "F", "Beta Doradus", 1038], [41601.6, -512912, 4.25, "F", "GAmma Doradus", 66], [54446.5, -654408, 4.35, "A", "Delta Doradus", 145], [55405.9, -630528, 4.65, "K"], [50530.6, -572822, 4.72, "F"], [51345.4, -671108, 4.83, "K"]], [["Draco", 17, 65], [[8, 0, 2, 26, 8, 3, 9, 14, 6, 16, 4, 1, 12, 5, 7, 11, 10]], [175636.3, 512920, 2.23, "K", "Etamin", 148], [162359.3, 613051, 2.74, "G", "Booboo", 88], [173025.8, 521805, 2.79, "G", "Rastaban", 361], [191233.1, 673942, 3.07, "G", "Altais", 100], [170847.1, 654253, 3.17, "B", "Aldhibah", 300], [152455.6, 585757, 3.29, "K", "Ed Asich", 103], [182103.2, 724358, 3.57, "F", "Batentaban Borealis", 26.3], [140423.2, 642233, 3.65, "A", "Thuban", 309], [175331.6, 565221, 3.75, "K", "Grumium", 111], [194810.3, 701604, 3.83, "G", "Tyl", 147], [113124.2, 691952, 3.84, "M", "Giausar", 334], [123328.9, 694717, 3.87, "B", "Ketu", 498], [160153.2, 583355, 4.01, "F"], [182045.3, 712016, 4.22, "A"], [191532.8, 732120, 4.45, "K"], [200248.9, 675225, 4.51, "K"], [174156.2, 720856, 4.58, "F", "Dziban", 72], [192040, 654252, 4.59, "A"], [135125.8, 644323, 4.65, "M"], [185111.9, 592318, 4.66, "G"], [193221.5, 693940, 4.68, "K", "Alsafi", 18.8], [183234.3, 570244, 4.77, "F"], [173656.9, 684529, 4.8, "F"], [182558.9, 653349, 4.82, "K"], [185423.7, 711750, 4.82, "K"], [164055, 643520, 4.83, "K"], [173215.9, 551022, 4.87, "A", "Kuma", 100], [173210.4, 551103, 4.88, "A"], [165601.6, 650805, 4.89, "F"], [123443.9, 700118, 4.94, "K"], [123006.6, 691204, 4.95, "M"], [182354.4, 584802, 4.98, "A"], [191355.1, 574218, 4.99, "K"], [162758.8, 684605, 5, "A"]], [["Equuleus", 21, 8], [[0, 3, 1, 2, 0]], [211549.3, 51452, 3.92, "G", "Kitalpha", 186], [211428.8, 100025, 4.49, "F", "Pherasauval", 60], [211020.5, 100753, 4.69, "F"], [212253.6, 64840, 5, "A"]], [["Eridanus", 4, -25], [[0, 8, 5, 21, 37, 18, 3, 22, 33, 25, 19, 6, 14, 10, 32, 35, 20, 23, 7, 17, 31, 12, 9, 4, 29, 2, 16, 13, 15, 27, 1, 24]], [13742.9, -571412, 0.46, "B", "Achernar", 143.7], [50750.9, -50511, 2.79, "A", "Cursa", 89], [35801.7, -133031, 2.95, "M", "Zaurak", 221], [25815.6, -401817, 3.42, "A", "Acamar", 161], [34314.8, -94548, 3.54, "K", "Rana", 29.4], [21630.6, -513044, 3.56, "B"], [41753.6, -334754, 3.56, "B"], [31930.9, -214528, 3.69, "M", "Liberfluus", 258], [15557.4, -513632, 3.7, "G"], [33255.8, -92730, 3.73, "K", "Al Sadirah", 10.5], [43533, -303345, 3.82, "G", "Theemim", 209], [43810.7, -141815, 3.87, "K", "Sceptrum", 109], [25625.6, -85353, 3.89, "K", "Azha", 121], [43619.1, -32109, 3.93, "B"], [42402.1, -340101, 3.96, "K"], [44530.1, -31517, 4.02, "B"], [41151.9, -65016, 4.04, "F", "Beid", 125], [30223.5, -233728, 4.09, "A"], [24040, -395119, 4.11, "K"], [34927.2, -361200, 4.17, "G"], [34650.8, -231459, 4.23, "F"], [22659.1, -474214, 4.25, "B"], [31953.2, -430418, 4.26, "G"], [33347.2, -213759, 4.27, "B"], [50908.7, -84515, 4.27, "B"], [34835.8, -373713, 4.3, "A"], [44026.4, -194018, 4.32, "M"], [45253.6, -52710, 4.39, "F"], [25816.2, -401816, 4.42, "A"], [34608.4, -120606, 4.42, "M"], [41516.3, -73910, 4.43, "K", "Keid", 16.5], [24506.1, -183421, 4.47, "F"], [43330.6, -294600, 4.51, "K"], [33705.7, -401628, 4.57, "K"], [35342.6, -243645, 4.65, "B"], [35955.4, -240059, 4.66, "B"], [33037, -50431, 4.73, "B"], [23947.9, -425330, 4.74, "A"], [25102.2, -210015, 4.75, "K", "Angetenar", 183], [35417.4, -25717, 4.79, "G"], [45955.7, -123215, 4.79, "F"], [31549.9, -84911, 4.8, "A", "Zibal", 120], [50126.3, -71026, 4.81, "B"], [41423.6, -101523, 4.87, "K"], [31822.1, -223041, 4.88, "G"], [43152.6, 239, 4.91, "K"]], [["Fornax", 3, -31], [[0, 1, 2]], [31204.2, -285914, 3.87, "F", "Fornacis", 46], [24905.4, -322422, 4.46, "G"], [20429.4, -291749, 4.69, "B"], [23350.6, -281357, 4.9, "B"], [34214.9, -315618, 5, "B"]], [["Gemini", 7, 22], [[6, 2, 11, 7, 8, 0, 1, 16, 18, 4, 3, 5]], [74518.9, 280134, 1.14, "K", "Pollux", 33.7], [73435.9, 315318, 1.58, "A", "Castor", 49.8], [63742.7, 162357, 1.93, "A", "Alhena", 104.8], [62257.6, 223049, 2.88, "M", "Tejat Posterior", 230], [64355.9, 250752, 2.98, "G", "Mebsuta", 903], [61452.6, 223024, 3.28, "M", "Propus", 349], [64517.3, 125344, 3.36, "F", "Alzirr", 57], [72007.3, 215856, 3.53, "F", "Wasat", 59], [74426.8, 242353, 3.57, "G", "Al Kirkab", 143], [71805.5, 163225, 3.58, "A", "Kebash", 94.3], [65247.3, 335740, 3.6, "A", "Nageba", 206], [70406.5, 203413, 3.79, "F", "Mekbuda", 1168], [72543.5, 274753, 3.79, "G", "Yin-Yang", 326], [73555.3, 265344, 4.06, "M"], [62857.7, 201243, 4.15, "B"], [60407.2, 231548, 4.16, "G", "Propus", 151], [72906.6, 314704, 4.18, "F"], [74318.7, 285300, 4.28, "K"], [71108.3, 301443, 4.41, "K"], [64359.2, 131340, 4.49, "K"], [65438.6, 131040, 4.65, "F"], [74607.4, 183036, 4.88, "K"], [73909.9, 343504, 4.9, "F"], [80331, 274739, 4.94, "K"], [75329.7, 264557, 4.97, "A"], [71322.2, 160932, 5, "M"]], [["Grus", 22, -44], [[2, 9, 10, 5, 6, 1, 3, 7], [0, 1, 4, 8]], [220813.9, -465740, 1.74, "B", "Al Na'ir", 101.4], [224240, -465305, 2.1, "M", "Gruid", 170], [215355.6, -372154, 3.01, "B", "Al Dhanab", 203], [224833.2, -511901, 3.49, "A"], [231021.5, -451448, 3.9, "K"], [222916.1, -432945, 3.97, "G"], [222945.4, -434458, 4.11, "M"], [230052.8, -524515, 4.12, "G"], [230652.7, -433114, 4.28, "F"], [220606.8, -393236, 4.46, "K"], [221536.9, -412048, 4.79, "G"], [224330, -412452, 4.85, "K"], [224537.8, -533000, 4.85, "K"]], [["Hercules", 18, 29], [[17, 13, 16, 6, 1, 0, 8], [0, 5], [1, 14, 2, 20, 4, 7, 10], [6, 3, 22, 12, 9], [3, 14]], [163013.1, 212922, 2.77, "G", "Kornephoros", 148], [164117.1, 313610, 2.81, "G", "Rutilicus", 35.2], [171501.8, 245021, 3.14, "A", "Sarin", 78.5], [171502.7, 364833, 3.16, "K", "Fudail", 367], [174627.5, 274315, 3.42, "G", "Melqart", 27.4], [171438.8, 142325, 3.48, "M", "Rasalgethi", 380], [164253.7, 385520, 3.53, "G", "Sophian", 112], [175745.8, 291452, 3.7, "G"], [162155.1, 190911, 3.75, "A"], [173927.8, 460023, 3.8, "B"], [180732.5, 284545, 3.83, "B"], [182341.8, 214611, 3.84, "K"], [175615.1, 371502, 3.86, "K"], [161944.3, 461848, 3.89, "B"], [170017.3, 305535, 3.92, "A"], [184539.6, 203247, 4.19, "F"], [163406.1, 422613, 4.2, "B"], [160846.1, 445606, 4.26, "B"], [180845.4, 204852, 4.36, "B"], [184701.2, 181053, 4.36, "A"], [173044.2, 260638, 4.41, "K", "Maasym", 367], [175830.1, 301122, 4.41, "F"], [172340.9, 370845, 4.52, "B"], [162524.9, 140200, 4.57, "B", "Kajam", 235], [185444.8, 223843, 4.59, "G"], [155240.4, 422706, 4.62, "F"], [171740.2, 371729, 4.65, "A"], [180003.3, 164503, 4.67, "K"], [160247.8, 460212, 4.76, "B"], [164914.1, 455900, 4.82, "A"], [171719.4, 330600, 4.82, "B"], [163236.2, 112917, 4.84, "K"], [163844.7, 485542, 4.9, "M"], [170522.6, 124427, 4.91, "A"], [182017.8, 215741, 4.95, "M"], [180130.3, 213544, 4.96, "A"], [181154.1, 312419, 4.97, "M"], [160804.4, 170249, 5, "G", "Marfik", 166]], [["Horologium", 3, -53], [[0, 9, 6, 4, 3, 2]], [41400.1, -421740, 3.85, "K", "Alpha Horologii", 117], [41050.5, -415937, 4.93, "A"], [25847.8, -640416, 4.98, "A"], [30336.9, -594415, 5, "F"], [24039.6, -543260, 5, "F"], [24901.4, -624824, 5, "A"], [23724.3, -523235, 5, "A"], [41916.7, -441604, 5, "K"], [22454, -601842, 5, "F"], [24233.2, -504803, 5, "G"]], [["Hydra", 10, -26], [[4, 34, 1, 13, 6, 3, 8, 7, 11, 0, 10, 9, 2, 5, 12, 18, 14, 2]], [92735.2, -83931, 1.98, "K", "Alphard", 177.2], [131855.2, -231018, 3, "G", "Dhanab Al Shuja", 132], [85523.6, 55644, 3.11, "G", "Hydrobius", 151], [104937.4, -161137, 3.11, "K", "Sherasiph", 138], [140622.2, -264056, 3.27, "K", "Sataghni", 101], [84646.5, 62508, 3.38, "G", "Ashlesha", 135], [113300.1, -315127, 3.54, "G"], [101035.2, -122115, 3.61, "K"], [102605.4, -165011, 3.81, "K"], [91421.8, 21851, 3.88, "B"], [93951.3, -10834, 3.91, "K"], [95128.6, -145048, 4.12, "G"], [83739.3, 54213, 4.16, "A"], [115254.5, -335428, 4.28, "B"], [84313.4, 32355, 4.3, "B"], [84622.5, -133252, 4.32, "G"], [84825.9, 55016, 4.36, "A"], [145017.2, -275737, 4.41, "K"], [83845.4, 32029, 4.44, "K", "Minchir", 353], [93158.9, -11105, 4.57, "A"], [92908.8, -24608, 4.6, "F"], [100507.4, -130353, 4.6, "B"], [114012.7, -344441, 4.7, "B"], [142305.7, -274514, 4.77, "K"], [91946.3, -115830, 4.79, "G"], [92028.9, -93321, 4.8, "G"], [84143.2, -155636, 4.88, "G"], [103834.9, -165236, 4.91, "G"], [110519.9, -271736, 4.94, "F"], [144600, -252635, 4.94, "F"], [130903.2, -230705, 4.95, "K"], [90558.3, 50532, 4.97, "K"], [142810.3, -292930, 4.97, "B"], [84001.4, -122832, 4.98, "K"], [132942.8, -231653, 5, "M"]], [["Hydrus", 3, -72], [[0, 1, 2, 0]], [2545.3, -771516, 2.8, "G", "Beta Hydri", 24.4], [15846.2, -613412, 2.86, "F", "Head of Hydrus", 71.3], [34714.5, -741421, 3.24, "M"], [22145.1, -683934, 4.09, "A"], [23935.5, -681601, 4.11, "B"], [15456.1, -673851, 4.69, "G"], [25028.7, -750401, 4.75, "K"], [24532.6, -673700, 4.84, "A"]], [["Indus", 21, -53], [[0, 2, 3], [2, 1]], [203734, -471729, 3.11, "K", "Al Nair", 101], [205448.5, -582715, 3.65, "K"], [211951.9, -532659, 4.39, "A"], [215755, -545934, 4.4, "F"], [204402.2, -515516, 4.51, "A", "Eta Indi", 78.8], [220321.3, -564710, 4.69, "K"], [204928.9, -461337, 4.89, "K"]], [["Lacerta", 22, 45], [[3, 0, 8, 2, 7, 6, 5, 1]], [223117.4, 501657, 3.77, "A", "Alpha Lacertae", 102], [221558.1, 374456, 4.13, "K"], [222931.8, 474225, 4.36, "M"], [222333.5, 521345, 4.43, "G"], [224030.8, 441635, 4.46, "K"], [221352.7, 394254, 4.5, "K"], [223029.1, 430725, 4.51, "B"], [222101.5, 463212, 4.57, "B"], [222430.9, 492835, 4.57, "B"], [223722.3, 513243, 4.63, "A"], [223915.6, 390301, 4.88, "O"], [225202, 431845, 4.94, "M"], [225626, 494401, 4.99, "K"], [220602, 450052, 5, "K"]], [["Leo", 11, 17], [[3, 8, 0, 5, 1, 2, 3, 6, 11, 4]], [100822.3, 115802, 1.35, "B", "Regulus", 77.5], [114903.5, 143419, 2.14, "A", "Denebola", 36.2], [111406.4, 203125, 2.56, "A", "Zosma", 57.7], [101958.3, 195030, 2.61, "K", "Algieba", 126], [94551, 234627, 2.98, "G", "Ras Elased Australis", 251], [111414.3, 152546, 3.34, "A", "Chertan", 170], [101641.3, 232502, 3.44, "F", "Adhafera", 260], [94109, 95332, 3.52, "A", "Subra", 116], [100719.9, 164545, 3.52, "A"], [101958.6, 195025, 3.8, "G"], [103248.6, 91824, 3.85, "B"], [95245.8, 260025, 3.88, "K", "Rasalas", 133], [112355.4, 103145, 3.94, "F"], [112108.1, 60146, 4.05, "B"], [113656.9, 4926, 4.3, "G"], [93143.1, 225804, 4.31, "K", "Alterf", 336], [100754.2, 95951, 4.37, "K"], [110219.7, 201047, 4.42, "A"], [92439.2, 261056, 4.46, "K"], [111639.6, -33906, 4.47, "A"], [105536.7, 244459, 4.5, "A"], [114759.1, 201308, 4.53, "A"], [110501, 72010, 4.63, "F"], [111512.2, 230544, 4.63, "M"], [100012.7, 80239, 4.7, "M"], [110149.6, -22904, 4.74, "M"], [113018.8, -30013, 4.77, "K"], [101944.1, 192815, 4.79, "F"], [110033.6, 33703, 4.84, "K"], [112756.2, 25122, 4.95, "G"], [93156.7, 111759, 4.97, "K"], [110044.7, 60605, 4.99, "A"], [93712.6, 65009, 5, "K"]], [["Leo Minor", 10, 35], [[0, 1, 2]], [105318.6, 341253, 3.83, "K", "Praecipua", 98], [102752.9, 364226, 4.21, "G"], [100725.7, 351441, 4.48, "A"], [93413.3, 362351, 4.55, "G"], [103843.2, 315834, 4.71, "G"], [102554.8, 334746, 4.74, "F"]], [["Lepus", 5, -20], [[6, 4, 0, 3], [0, 1, 2], [1, 5, 7]], [53243.7, -174920, 2.58, "F", "Arneb", -1300], [52814.7, -204534, 2.84, "G", "Nihal", 159.2], [50527.6, -222216, 3.19, "K"], [51255.8, -161220, 3.31, "B"], [54657.3, -144919, 3.55, "A", "Zeta Leporis", 70.2], [54427.8, -222654, 3.6, "F"], [55624.2, -141004, 3.71, "F", "Nulla Pambu", 70.3], [55119.2, -205245, 3.81, "G"], [51934.4, -131037, 4.29, "B"], [51313.8, -125630, 4.36, "B"], [51217.8, -115209, 4.45, "B"], [60609.3, -145607, 4.67, "A"], [60459, -162904, 4.93, "A"]], [["Libra", 15, -14], [[0, 1, 2, 0, 5, 6, 11], [2, 3, 4]], [151700.3, -92259, 2.61, "B", "Zuben Eschamali", 160], [145052.6, -160231, 2.75, "A", "Zuben Elgenubi", 77.2], [150404.1, -251655, 3.29, "M", "Brachium", 292], [153701.4, -280806, 3.58, "K"], [153839.3, -294640, 3.66, "B"], [153531.5, -144722, 3.91, "G", "Zuben Hakraki", 152], [155349.4, -164346, 4.15, "G"], [145710.9, -42047, 4.49, "F"], [151213.2, -194730, 4.54, "A"], [153410.6, -100353, 4.62, "K"], [154156.7, -194044, 4.74, "M"], [155811.3, -141646, 4.88, "B"], [150058.3, -83108, 4.92, "B", "Zuben Elakribi", 304], [145100.9, -21757, 4.94, "G"], [152411.8, -101920, 4.94, "F"], [154016.8, -234905, 4.96, "K"]], [["Lupus", 15, -42], [[13, 6, 2, 3, 8, 10], [3, 1, 0, 5, 9, 4, 2]], [144155.7, -472317, 2.3, "B", "Men", 550], [145831.8, -430802, 2.68, "B", "Kekouan", 523], [153508.3, -411000, 2.78, "B", "Thusia", 567], [152122.2, -403852, 3.22, "B", "Hilasmus", 510], [152240.8, -444122, 3.37, "B"], [151217, -520557, 3.41, "G"], [160007.2, -382349, 3.41, "B"], [141924.1, -460328, 3.55, "B"], [152148.3, -361541, 3.56, "K"], [151156, -484416, 3.87, "B"], [155057.4, -333738, 3.95, "B"], [143753.1, -492532, 4.05, "B"], [150850.5, -451647, 4.05, "B"], [160635.4, -364808, 4.23, "B"], [151831.9, -475230, 4.27, "B"], [145138.3, -433431, 4.32, "B"], [153803.1, -423402, 4.33, "K"], [151749.7, -300855, 4.34, "G"], [142610.7, -452246, 4.35, "A"], [143236.8, -502725, 4.42, "B"], [152309.2, -365130, 4.54, "B"], [142608.1, -451317, 4.56, "B"], [153945.9, -342442, 4.67, "G"], [150507.1, -470304, 4.72, "B"], [154240.9, -344238, 4.75, "B"], [150507.1, -470304, 4.82, "B"], [151437.2, -313109, 4.91, "F"], [152208.2, -475540, 5, "F"]], [["Lynx", 8, 45], [[0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 4, 5]], [92103.2, 342333, 3.13, "K", "Elvashak", 222], [91850.6, 364809, 3.82, "A", "Maculosa", 122], [90038.8, 414700, 3.96, "F"], [82250.1, 431117, 4.25, "K", "Mabsuthat", 389], [65716.5, 582521, 4.35, "G"], [61937.3, 590039, 4.48, "A"], [72642.8, 491242, 4.64, "A"], [80827.4, 513024, 4.84, "A"], [64614.1, 592630, 4.87, "A"], [65737, 450539, 4.9, "A"], [61754.9, 613055, 4.98, "M"], [74300.4, 584237, 4.99, "A"]], [["Lyra", 19, 36], [[10, 0, 6, 2, 1, 4, 6], [0, 5]], [183656.2, 384701, 0.03, "A", "Vega", 25.3], [185856.5, 324122, 3.24, "B", "Sulafat", 635], [185004.7, 332146, 3.45, "B", "Sheliak", 881], [185520, 435646, 4.04, "M"], [185430.1, 365356, 4.3, "M"], [181951.6, 360352, 4.33, "K"], [184446.3, 373618, 4.36, "A"], [191622, 380801, 4.36, "K"], [191345.4, 390846, 4.39, "B", "Aladfar", 1040], [190000.8, 320844, 4.93, "K"], [184422.8, 393645, 5, "A"]], [["Microscopium", 21, -35], [[2, 1, 0, 3]], [210117.4, -321528, 4.67, "G", "Gamma Microscopii", 223], [211756.2, -321021, 4.71, "A"], [212045.5, -404835, 4.82, "A"], [204958, -334648, 4.9, "G", "Alpha Microscopii", 380]], [["Monoceros", 7, -4], [[2, 0, 3, 1, 4], [3, 6, 5, 7]], [62848.9, -70159, 3.76, "B", "Cerastes", 691], [74114.8, -93304, 3.93, "K", "Lucida", 144], [61451.3, -61629, 3.98, "K", "Tempestris", 644], [71151.8, 2934, 4.15, "A", "Kartajan", 375], [80835.6, -25902, 4.34, "G"], [62346, 43534, 4.44, "A"], [64751.6, 22444, 4.47, "K"], [63254.2, 71958, 4.5, "A"], [64058.6, 95344, 4.66, "O"], [80113.2, -12333, 4.68, "K"], [64719.8, 80214, 4.77, "K"], [71013.6, -41414, 4.92, "K"], [75944.1, -34047, 4.93, "K"], [60150.3, -103553, 4.95, "B"], [70254.6, -41421, 4.99, "B"]], [["Musca", 12.5, -71], [[1, 0, 5, 3], [2, 0, 4]], [123711, -690808, 2.69, "B", "Myia", 306], [124616.9, -680629, 3.05, "B", "Diptera", 311], [130216.3, -713256, 3.62, "K"], [114536.4, -664343, 3.64, "A"], [123228, -720758, 3.87, "B"], [121734.2, -675738, 4.11, "M"], [114814.4, -664853, 4.72, "K"], [131514.9, -675341, 4.8, "B"]], [["Norma", 16, -52], [[1, 0, 3]], [161950.3, -500920, 4.02, "G", "Gamma Normae", 127], [162711, -473318, 4.47, "B"], [160331.9, -574631, 4.63, "A"], [160312.7, -491347, 4.65, "G"], [160629.3, -451023, 4.72, "A"], [161328.6, -543750, 4.94, "G"], [163404.8, -440243, 4.94, "B"], [161700.8, -500405, 4.99, "F"]], [["Octans", 21, -80], [[0, 1, 2, 0]], [214128.6, -772324, 3.76, "K", "Nu Octantis", 69], [224603.3, -812254, 4.15, "A"], [142654.8, -834004, 4.32, "K", "Delta Octantis", 279], [135.8, -770357, 4.78, "K"], [210846, -885723, 5, "F", "Polaris Australis", 270]], [["Ophiuchus", 17, -10], [[16, 34, 7, 14, 19, 1, 2, 6, 3, 5, 0, 4, 1], [4, 10, 12, 13], [8, 10]], [173456, 123336, 2.08, "A", "Ras Alhague", 46.7], [171022.6, -154329, 2.43, "A", "Sabik", 84.1], [163709.4, -103402, 2.56, "O", "Fieht", 458], [161420.6, -34140, 2.74, "M", "Yed Prior", 170], [174328.3, 43402, 2.77, "K", "Cebalrai", 82], [165740, 92230, 3.2, "K", "Helkath", 86], [161819.2, -44133, 3.24, "G", "Yed Posterior", 108], [172200.5, -245958, 3.27, "B", "Imad", 563], [175901.5, -94625, 3.34, "K", "Sinistra", 153], [180720.9, 93350, 3.73, "A", "Phorbaceus", 83], [174753.5, 24226, 3.75, "A", "Al Durajah", 95], [163054.7, 15902, 3.82, "A", "Marfic", 166], [180038.6, 25553, 3.97, "B", "Fellah", -1400], [180527.2, 22958, 4.03, "K"], [172622.1, -241031, 4.17, "A"], [163108.2, -163646, 4.28, "G"], [172721.2, -295201, 4.29, "F"], [172630.8, 40825, 4.34, "K"], [165400.4, 100955, 4.38, "B"], [172100.1, -210646, 4.39, "F"], [162701.3, -182723, 4.42, "B"], [163208, -212759, 4.45, "A"], [180145.1, 11819, 4.45, "A"], [162406.1, -200215, 4.5, "K"], [173750.6, -80708, 4.62, "B"], [162748.1, -82218, 4.63, "A"], [180015.7, 42207, 4.64, "B"], [180718.3, 84402, 4.64, "G"], [164949.9, -104659, 4.65, "F"], [171636.6, 2643, 4.73, "K"], [173124.8, -235746, 4.81, "B"], [170103.5, -41321, 4.82, "K"], [182052, 32238, 4.86, "G"], [174325.7, -214100, 4.87, "F"], [171613.7, -263236, 5, "K"]], [["Orion", 5.5, 4], [[0, 5, 4, 1, 11, 2, 6, 10, 0], [2, 25, 26, 13, 12, 8, 21, 33], [1, 17, 27, 32], [27, 24, 23]], [51432.2, -81206, 0.12, "B", "Rigel", 772.5], [55510.3, 72425, 0.5, "M", "Betelgeuse", 427.3], [52507.8, 62059, 1.64, "B", "Bellatrix", 242.9], [53612.7, -10207, 1.7, "B", "Alnilam (Orion's Belt)", 1341.6], [54045.5, -15634, 2.05, "O", "Alnitak (Orion's Belt)", -800], [54745.3, -94011, 2.06, "B", "Saiph", -700], [53200.3, 1757, 2.23, "B", "Mintaka (Orion's Belt)", -900], [53525.9, -55436, 2.77, "O", "Nair Al Saif", -1300], [44950.3, 65741, 3.19, "F", "Tabit", 26.3], [52428.6, -22349, 3.36, "B", "Saif Al Jabbar", -900], [51736.3, -65040, 3.6, "B"], [53508.2, 95603, 3.66, "O", "Meissa", -1100], [45112.3, 53618, 3.69, "B"], [45415, 22626, 3.72, "B"], [53844.7, -23600, 3.81, "O"], [45622.2, 133052, 4.07, "K"], [53654.3, 91726, 4.09, "K"], [60423, 90851, 4.12, "A"], [52356.8, -74829, 4.14, "G"], [53047, 55653, 4.2, "B"], [54045.5, -15634, 4.21, "B"], [45036.7, 85401, 4.36, "A"], [53449.2, 92922, 4.41, "B"], [55422.9, 201634, 4.41, "G"], [60734.3, 144606, 4.42, "B"], [51317.4, 25140, 4.46, "K"], [45832.8, 14251, 4.47, "K"], [61156.4, 141231, 4.48, "B"], [53911.1, 40717, 4.57, "B"], [52650.2, 30544, 4.59, "B"], [53523.1, -45018, 4.59, "B"], [53155.8, -71806, 4.62, "B"], [60355.2, 200818, 4.63, "B"], [45453.7, 100903, 4.65, "A"], [50434.1, 152414, 4.68, "A"], [52943.9, -10532, 4.71, "K"], [52145.7, 2257, 4.73, "B"], [45231.9, 141502, 4.74, "S"], [55226.4, 15119, 4.78, "K"], [53853, -71247, 4.8, "A"], [50941.9, 153550, 4.82, "F"], [54228.6, 12829, 4.91, "K"], [52444.8, 15047, 4.95, "B"], [61203.3, 160750, 4.95, "B"], [52249.9, 33240, 5, "B"]], [["Pavo", 19.5, -65], [[0, 1, 4, 5, 3, 8, 9, 6, 2, 1, 7]], [202538.8, -564407, 1.94, "B", "Peacock", 183.1], [204457.4, -661211, 3.42, "A", "Beta Pavonis", 137], [200843.2, -661056, 3.56, "G", "Delta Pavonis", 19.9], [174543.9, -644326, 3.62, "K"], [200035.4, -725438, 3.96, "A"], [184302.1, -712542, 4.01, "K"], [185212.9, -621116, 4.22, "B"], [212626.7, -652159, 4.22, "F"], [180834.7, -634006, 4.35, "A"], [182313.5, -612938, 4.36, "K"], [185657, -671401, 4.44, "F"], [183122.3, -621642, 4.64, "B"], [203534.7, -603454, 4.76, "F"], [203735.2, -613148, 4.88, "F"]], [["Pegasus", 22, 19], [[0, 2, 3, 4, 0], [2, 5, 9, 12], [2, 7, 10, 15, 11], [3, 13, 6, 8, 1]], [823.2, 290526, 2.06, "B", "Sirrah", 97], [214411.1, 95230, 2.39, "K", "Enif", -700], [230346.4, 280458, 2.42, "M", "Scheat", 199], [230445.6, 151219, 2.49, "B", "Markab", 140], [1314.1, 151101, 2.83, "B", "Algenib", 335], [224300.1, 301317, 2.94, "G", "Matar", 215], [224127.6, 104953, 3.4, "B", "Homam", 142], [225000.1, 243606, 3.48, "G", "Sadalbari", 108], [221011.9, 61152, 3.53, "A", "Biham", 96.6], [220700.6, 252042, 3.76, "F"], [224631.8, 233356, 3.95, "G"], [212205.1, 194816, 4.08, "K"], [214438.6, 253842, 4.13, "F", "Jih", 115], [224641.5, 121022, 4.19, "F"], [220959.2, 331042, 4.29, "F"], [214430.6, 172100, 4.34, "G"], [232522.7, 232415, 4.4, "F"], [230700.2, 92434, 4.52, "M"], [232909.2, 124538, 4.55, "G"], [212956.8, 233820, 4.57, "M"], [232038.2, 234425, 4.6, "A", "Salm", 167], [235745.5, 250829, 4.66, "M"], [230706.6, 252806, 4.76, "G"], [222751.5, 44144, 4.79, "K"], [224145.3, 291827, 4.79, "A"], [1436.1, 201224, 4.8, "M"], [222119.2, 281950, 4.81, "B"], [220540.7, 50331, 4.84, "K"], [225513.6, 84858, 4.9, "A"], [234359.4, 292142, 4.93, "K"], [233357.1, 311932, 4.98, "K"]], [["Perseus", 4, 42], [[0, 4, 7, 15], [10, 2, 12, 3, 5, 0, 9, 1, 6, 18]], [32419.3, 495141, 1.79, "F", "Mirphak", 591.7], [30810.1, 405721, 2.12, "B", "Algol", 92.8], [35407.9, 315301, 2.85, "B", "Adid Australis", 540], [35751.2, 400037, 2.89, "B", "Seid", 262], [30447.7, 533023, 2.93, "G"], [34255.4, 474715, 3.01, "B", "Basel", 527], [30510.5, 385025, 3.39, "M", "Gorgonea Tertia", 317], [25041.8, 555344, 3.76, "M", "Miram", 1331], [34511.6, 423443, 3.77, "F"], [30929.7, 445127, 3.8, "K"], [34419.1, 321718, 3.83, "B", "Atik", -1400], [25415.4, 524545, 3.95, "G"], [35857.8, 354728, 4.04, "O", "Menkib", -1600], [40839.6, 474245, 4.04, "B"], [30904, 493648, 4.05, "G"], [14339.6, 504120, 4.07, "B"], [24411.9, 491343, 4.12, "F"], [41453.8, 482434, 4.14, "G"], [25034.9, 381907, 4.23, "F"], [33629.3, 481134, 4.23, "B"], [43641.3, 411553, 4.25, "K"], [40635, 502105, 4.29, "A"], [33034.4, 475943, 4.36, "K"], [25130.8, 350335, 4.53, "K"], [31117.3, 393642, 4.63, "K", "Gorgonea Quarta", 305], [32922, 493032, 4.67, "B"], [25845.6, 393946, 4.7, "A", "Gorgonea Secunda", 362], [41453.3, 402902, 4.71, "G"], [42133.1, 462956, 4.85, "B"], [24214.9, 401138, 4.91, "F"], [25903.6, 351059, 4.93, "K"], [42024.6, 343400, 4.93, "G"], [32126.5, 431947, 4.95, "A"], [34222.5, 335754, 4.97, "B"]], [["Phoenix", 0.5, -49], [[6, 2, 1, 0, 3, 7, 4, 1]], [2617, -421822, 2.39, "K", "Ankaa", 77], [10605, -464308, 3.31, "G", "Beta Phoenicis", 198], [12821.9, -431906, 3.41, "M"], [924.6, -454451, 3.88, "K"], [10823, -551445, 3.92, "B"], [2612.1, -434048, 3.94, "A"], [13115, -490422, 3.95, "K"], [4321.2, -572747, 4.36, "A"], [15338.7, -461810, 4.41, "M"], [4119.5, -460506, 4.59, "G"], [233504.5, -423655, 4.71, "A"], [3124.9, -484813, 4.77, "A"], [11511.1, -453154, 4.96, "F"]], [["Pictor", 5, -49], [[0, 2, 1]], [64811.4, -615629, 3.27, "A", "Alpha Pictoris", 99], [54717.1, -510359, 3.85, "A", "Beta Pictoris", 62.9], [54949.6, -561000, 4.51, "K"], [61017.9, -545807, 4.81, "B"]], [["Pisces", 1, 11], [[12, 18, 16, 0, 4, 7, 10, 19, 5, 9, 2, 3, 6, 23, 1, 21, 11, 22, 3]], [13128.9, 152045, 3.62, "G", "Kullat Nunu", 294], [231709.9, 31656, 3.69, "K", "Simmah", 131], [235918.6, 65148, 4.01, "F", "Vernalis", 106], [233957, 53735, 4.13, "F"], [14523.6, 90928, 4.26, "G", "Torcularis Septentrionalis", 142], [10256.5, 75324, 4.28, "K"], [232758, 62244, 4.28, "K"], [20202.7, 24549, 4.33, "A", "Alrischa", 139], [157.5, -60051, 4.41, "M"], [4840.9, 73506, 4.43, "K"], [14125.8, 52915, 4.44, "K"], [234202.7, 14648, 4.5, "A"], [11139.6, 300523, 4.51, "K"], [230352.5, 34912, 4.53, "B", "Fum Al Samakah", 492], [520.1, -54227, 4.61, "K"], [15333.3, 31115, 4.62, "K"], [11344.8, 243501, 4.65, "K"], [11127.1, 210205, 4.66, "G"], [11927.9, 271551, 4.76, "A"], [13011.1, 60838, 4.84, "K"], [235840.3, -33322, 4.86, "G"], [232655.9, 11520, 4.94, "A"], [234623.5, 32913, 4.95, "F"], [232020.5, 52253, 5, "K"]], [["Piscis Austrinus", 22, -30], [[0, 1, 13, 12, 9, 4, 6, 3, 5, 2, 0]], [225739, -293720, 1.16, "A", "Fomalhaut", 25.1], [224039.3, -270237, 4.17, "B"], [225556.8, -323223, 4.21, "G"], [223130.3, -322046, 4.29, "A"], [214456.7, -330133, 4.34, "A"], [225231.5, -325232, 4.46, "A"], [220822.9, -325919, 4.5, "A"], [221008.7, -323255, 4.92, "F"], [220825.9, -340238, 4.99, "M"], [214744.2, -305354, 5.02, "A"], [230329.8, -344459, 5, "A"], [220955.7, -340054, 5, "A"], [220050.2, -282714, 5, "B"], [221418.7, -274601, 5, "B"]], [["Puppis", 7.5, -38], [[0, 2, 6, 12, 1, 4, 3, 10, 5, 0]], [80335, -400011, 2.25, "O", "Naos", -1400], [71708.5, -370551, 2.7, "K", "Ahadi", -1100], [80732.6, -241815, 2.81, "F", "Tureis", 63], [64956.1, -503653, 2.93, "K", "El Rehla", 183], [63745.6, -431145, 3.17, "B", "Kaimana", 423], [72913.8, -431805, 3.25, "K", "Hadir", 184], [74917.6, -245135, 3.34, "G", "Asmidiske", 1347], [74348.4, -285718, 3.96, "A"], [75651.5, -225249, 4.2, "F"], [80901.5, -191442, 4.4, "B"], [71332.2, -443826, 4.42, "M", "L2 Puppis", -200], [74805.1, -255614, 4.5, "B"], [73849.3, -264807, 4.5, "B", "Markab", 454], [74332.3, -282440, 4.59, "K"], [81116.2, -125537, 4.72, "G"], [81319.9, -154718, 4.99, "G"]], [["Pyxis", 9, -29], [[1, 0, 2]], [84335.5, -331111, 3.68, "B", "Al Sumut", -1300], [84006.2, -351829, 3.97, "G", "Beta Pyxidis", 388], [85031.9, -274236, 4.01, "K"], [90802.8, -255130, 4.58, "K"], [92312.1, -285002, 4.69, "G"], [92129.6, -255756, 4.72, "M"], [83942.5, -293340, 4.89, "G"], [85531.5, -274055, 4.89, "A"]], [["Reticulum", 4, -62], [[0, 2, 4, 1, 0]], [41425.5, -622826, 3.35, "G", "Alpha Reticuli", 163], [34412, -644826, 3.85, "K", "Beta Reticuli", 100], [41628.9, -591807, 4.44, "K", "Epsilon Reticuli", 59], [40053.8, -620934, 4.51, "M"], [35844.7, -612401, 4.56, "M"], [32922.6, -625616, 4.72, "F"], [40118.2, -610444, 4.97, "K"]], [["Sagitta", 19.5, 18], [[0, 1, 2], [1, 3]], [195845.3, 192932, 3.47, "M", "Gamma Sagittae", 274], [194723.2, 183203, 3.82, "M"], [194005.7, 180050, 4.37, "G", "Sham", 620], [194102.9, 172833, 4.37, "G"], [194858.6, 190831, 5, "A"]], [["Sagittarius", 19, -26], [[14, 16, 15], [16, 18, 21, 19, 22, 9, 1, 11, 5, 13], [11, 10], [9, 2, 8, 1], [8, 4, 12], [4, 3, 0, 7], [3, 6, 20]], [182410.3, -342305, 1.85, "B", "Kaus Australis", 144.6], [185515.8, -261748, 2.02, "B", "Nunki", 224.2], [190236.6, -295249, 2.6, "A", "Ascella", 89.1], [182059.6, -294941, 2.7, "K", "Kaus Media", 306], [182758.1, -252518, 2.81, "K", "Kaus Borealis", 77.3], [190945.7, -210125, 2.89, "F", "Albaldah", 440], [180548.4, -302527, 2.99, "K", "Alnasl", -1500], [181737.5, -364542, 3.11, "M", "Sephdar", 149], [184539.3, -265927, 3.17, "B", "Nanto", 231], [190656.3, -274014, 3.32, "K", "Hecatebolus", 120], [185743.7, -210624, 3.51, "K", "Nergal", -2300], [190440.9, -214430, 3.77, "G"], [181345.7, -210332, 3.86, "B", "Polis", -3000], [192140.3, -175050, 3.93, "F"], [192353, -403658, 3.97, "B", "Rukbat", 170], [192238.2, -442732, 4.01, "B", "Arkab Prior", 378], [195515.5, -415206, 4.13, "K"], [192313.1, -444759, 4.29, "F", "Arkab Posterior", 139], [195944.1, -351635, 4.37, "B"], [195656.7, -271012, 4.52, "K", "Terebellum", 77.6], [174733.5, -274951, 4.54, "F"], [200239.4, -274236, 4.58, "M"], [193642.3, -245301, 4.6, "B"], [192143.5, -155718, 4.61, "B"], [180501.2, -293448, 4.69, "F"], [195550.3, -261758, 4.7, "G"], [175947.5, -234858, 4.76, "B"], [182520.9, -203230, 4.81, "K"], [185410.1, -224442, 4.83, "K", "Ain Al Rami", -1850], [195857.1, -261144, 4.83, "G"], [191532.3, -251524, 4.85, "F"], [194621.6, -194540, 4.86, "K"], [191738, -185711, 4.96, "G"], [181143.3, -234204, 4.98, "K"], [185507, -224017, 4.99, "K"]], [["Scorpius", 17, -33], [[1, 5, 11, 2, 13, 15, 12, 3, 8, 0, 10, 4], [18, 6, 4, 9, 16]], [162924.4, -262555, 0.96, "M", "Antares", 603.7], [173336.4, -370613, 1.63, "B", "Shaula", 702.6], [173719, -425952, 1.87, "F", "Sargas", 271.9], [165009.7, -341736, 2.29, "K", "Wei", 65], [160019.9, -223718, 2.32, "B", "Dschubba", -400], [174229.1, -390148, 2.41, "B", "Girtab", 464], [160526.1, -194819, 2.62, "B", "Acrab", 530], [173045.7, -371745, 2.69, "B", "Lesath", 519], [163552.9, -281258, 2.82, "B", "Alniyat", 430], [155851, -260651, 2.89, "B", "Vrischika", 459], [162111.2, -253534, 2.89, "B", "Alniyat", 735], [174735, -400737, 3.03, "F", "Apollyon", -1800], [165152.1, -380251, 3.08, "B"], [171209.1, -431421, 3.33, "F"], [165220, -380103, 3.57, "B"], [165434.9, -422141, 3.62, "K"], [155653, -291250, 3.88, "B"], [160648.3, -204009, 3.96, "B"], [161159.6, -192738, 4.01, "B", "Jabbah", 437], [160724.2, -205207, 4.32, "G"], [162038.1, -241010, 4.55, "A"], [155336.6, -251938, 4.59, "B"], [161218.1, -275535, 4.59, "B"], [155058.6, -254505, 4.64, "B"], [165359.6, -422143, 4.73, "B"], [160422, -112223, 4.77, "F"], [163012.4, -250654, 4.79, "B"], [175011, -400526, 4.81, "A"], [160526.4, -194807, 4.92, "B"], [161159.9, -100351, 4.94, "A"]], [["Sculptor", 0, -32], [[0, 3, 2, 1]], [5836.3, -292128, 4.31, "B", "Alpha Sculptoris", 680], [233258.2, -374907, 4.37, "B", "Beta Sculptoris", 178], [231849.4, -323155, 4.41, "K"], [234855.5, -280749, 4.57, "A"], [2755.7, -330026, 4.81, "M"]], [["Scutum", 18.5, -10], [[1, 0, 2], [0, 3]], [183512.3, -81439, 3.85, "K", "Ioannina", 174], [184710.4, -44453, 4.22, "G", "Beta Scuti", 690], [182339.4, -85604, 4.68, "G"], [182911.7, -143357, 4.7, "A"], [184216.3, -90309, 4.72, "F"], [185703.6, -55046, 4.83, "K"], [184331.2, -81631, 4.9, "G"]], [["Serpens (Caput)", 16, 10], [[1, 3, 0, 4, 2, 5, 6, 2]], [154416, 62532, 2.65, "K", "Unukalhai", 73.2], [154937.1, -32549, 3.53, "A", "Leiolepis", 156], [154611.2, 152518, 3.67, "A", "Chow", 153], [155048.9, 42840, 3.71, "A"], [153448.1, 103221, 3.8, "F", "Qin", 210], [155627.1, 153942, 3.85, "F"], [154844.3, 180829, 4.09, "M"], [154626.5, 72111, 4.43, "G"], [154133, 194013, 4.52, "A"], [155115.8, 205840, 4.76, "K"], [162204.3, 10145, 4.82, "F"], [160217.7, 224816, 4.83, "A"]], [["Serpens (Cauda)", 18, -5], [[5, 0, 2, 1, 3]], [182118.5, -25356, 3.26, "K", "Tang", 61.8], [173735.1, -152355, 3.54, "F"], [174124.8, -125231, 4.26, "A"], [172049.5, -125048, 4.33, "A", "Nu Serpentis", 193], [180028.8, -34125, 4.62, "F"], [185613.1, 41213, 4.62, "A", "Alya", 132]], [["Sextans", 10, -3], [[2, 1, 0, 3]], [100756.2, -2218, 4.49, "A", "Alpha Sextantis", 287], [103017.5, -3813, 5, "B"], [102928.7, -24421, 5, "B"], [95230.4, -80618, 5, "A"]], [["Taurus", 4, 19], [[1, 23, 6, 12, 9], [3, 0, 4, 9, 5, 11, 7]], [43555.2, 163033, 0.85, "K", "Aldebaran", 65.1], [52617.5, 283627, 1.65, "B", "El Nath", 131], [34729, 240618, 2.87, "B", "Alcyone (Pleiades)", 440], [53738.6, 210833, 3, "B", "Tien Kwan", 417], [42839.7, 155215, 3.4, "A", "Phaeo", 153], [40040.8, 122925, 3.47, "B", "Elthor", 370], [42836.9, 191049, 3.53, "G", "Ain", 155], [32448.7, 90144, 3.6, "G", "Atirsagne", 212], [34909.7, 240312, 3.63, "B", "Atlas (Pleiades)", 381], [41947.5, 153739, 3.65, "K", "Hyadum I", 154], [34452.5, 240648, 3.7, "B", "Electra (Pleiades)", 440], [32710.1, 94358, 3.74, "B", "Ushakaron", 222], [42256, 173233, 3.76, "K", "Hyadum II", 153], [42834.4, 155744, 3.84, "K"], [34549.5, 242204, 3.87, "B", "Maia (Pleiades)", 360], [40309.3, 55922, 3.91, "A"], [33052.3, 125612, 4.11, "K"], [34619.5, 235654, 4.18, "B", "Merope (Pleiades)", 440], [42522.1, 221738, 4.22, "A"], [43539.2, 100939, 4.25, "A"], [43809.4, 123039, 4.27, "A"], [33652.3, 2406, 4.28, "F"], [42618.4, 224849, 4.28, "A"], [44214.6, 225725, 4.28, "B"], [41532, 85332, 4.29, "B"], [42529.3, 175541, 4.29, "A"], [34512.4, 242802, 4.3, "B", "Taygeta (Pleiades)", 440], [40441.7, 220455, 4.36, "K"], [53212.7, 183539, 4.38, "M"], [42620.7, 153706, 4.49, "F"], [55319.6, 273644, 4.58, "A"], [50305.7, 213524, 4.64, "A"], [43350.8, 145040, 4.65, "A"], [42636.4, 144249, 4.69, "G"], [43916.4, 155505, 4.69, "A"], [34911.2, 240812, 4.77, "B", "Pleione (Pleiades)", 440], [42405.7, 172638, 4.8, "A"], [55759.6, 255714, 4.82, "B"], [41356.3, 91549, 4.84, "G"], [54117.7, 163202, 4.86, "B"], [54900.9, 243403, 4.86, "G"], [52738, 215613, 4.88, "B"], [54932.9, 123904, 4.91, "B"], [41715.6, 203443, 4.94, "A"], [51916.5, 220547, 4.94, "G"], [42021.2, 272103, 4.95, "K"], [42826.3, 162135, 4.97, "K"], [52425.4, 172300, 4.99, "F"], [50727, 183842, 5, "G"]], [["Telescopium", 19, -51], [[1, 0, 2]], [182658.3, -455806, 3.51, "B", "Alpha Telescopii", 249], [182849.8, -490415, 4.13, "G"], [181113.7, -455715, 4.53, "K"], [185827.6, -525618, 4.87, "A"], [193512.8, -480557, 4.9, "K"], [200723.1, -525251, 4.94, "M"], [183145.3, -455454, 4.96, "B"]], [["Triangulum", 2, 32], [[0, 1, 2, 0]], [20932.5, 345914, 3, "A", "Deltotum", 124], [15304.8, 293444, 3.41, "F", "Mothallah", 64.1], [21718.8, 335050, 4.01, "A"], [21703.2, 341328, 4.87, "G"], [21222.2, 301811, 4.94, "G"]], [["Triangulum Australe", 16, -66], [[0, 1, 2, 0]], [164839.9, -690140, 1.92, "K", "Atria", 415.3], [155508.4, -632550, 2.85, "F", "Beta Trianguli Australis", 40], [151854.6, -684046, 2.89, "A", "Gamma Trianguli Australis", 183], [161526.2, -634108, 3.85, "G"], [153643.1, -661902, 4.11, "K"], [162828.1, -700504, 4.91, "F"]], [["Tucana", 23.5, -64], [[4, 0, 1, 3, 2, 5, 1]], [221830.1, -601535, 2.86, "K", "Alpha Tucanae", 199], [231725.7, -581408, 3.99, "F"], [2004.2, -645230, 4.23, "F"], [3132.7, -625730, 4.37, "B"], [222720, -645800, 4.48, "B"], [235955, -653438, 4.5, "B"], [3133.6, -625757, 4.54, "A"], [223300, -615857, 4.81, "M"], [11546.2, -685234, 4.86, "F"], [235735.2, -641755, 5, "A"]], [["Ursa Major", 11, 55], [[2, 3, 0, 10, 1, 4, 5, 10], [1, 15, 11], [4, 9, 8], [9, 14], [5, 16, 13, 20], [16, 6, 7], [6, 12]], [125401.7, 555735, 1.77, "A", "Alioth", 80.9], [110343.6, 614503, 1.79, "K", "Dubhe", 123.6], [134732.3, 491848, 1.86, "B", "Alkaid", 100.6], [132355.5, 545531, 2.27, "A", "Mizar", 79], [110150.4, 562256, 2.37, "A", "Merak", 79.4], [115349.8, 534141, 2.44, "A", "Phecda", 83.6], [110939.7, 442954, 3.01, "K", "Ta Tsun", 147], [102219.7, 412958, 3.05, "M", "Tania Australis"], [85912.4, 480230, 3.14, "A", "Talitha", 47.7], [93251.3, 514038, 3.17, "F", "Sarir", 44], [121525.5, 570157, 3.31, "A", "Megrez", 81.4], [83015.8, 604305, 3.36, "G", "Muscida", 184], [101705.7, 425452, 3.45, "A", "Tania Borealis", 134], [111828.7, 330539, 3.48, "K", "Alula Borealis", 421], [90337.5, 470924, 3.6, "A"], [93131.7, 630343, 3.67, "F"], [114603, 474646, 3.71, "K"], [95059.3, 590219, 3.8, "F"], [132356.3, 545518, 3.95, "A"], [132513.4, 545917, 4.01, "A", "Alcor", 79], [111810.9, 313145, 4.41, "G", "Alula Australis", 27.3], [90852.2, 513616, 4.48, "A"], [93449.4, 520305, 4.5, "A"], [118000, 465166, 4.5, "A", "Megan's Star"], [93428.8, 694949, 4.56, "G"], [95206.3, 540351, 4.59, "A"], [84012.9, 641941, 4.6, "K", "Muscida", 252], [134044.1, 544054, 4.66, "M"], [91055, 633049, 4.67, "A"], [105358.7, 431124, 4.71, "A"], [90232.7, 673747, 4.76, "M"], [111907.8, 381108, 4.78, "A"], [91023.1, 670804, 4.8, "F"], [91611.3, 540118, 4.83, "A"], [103037.5, 555850, 4.84, "F"], [111810.9, 313145, 4.87, "G"], [130043.7, 562159, 4.93, "F"], [112249.5, 432858, 4.99, "G"]], [["Ursa Minor", 15, 78], [[0, 6, 3, 5, 1, 2, 8, 5]], [23150.5, 891551, 2.02, "F", "Polaris (Pole Star)", 431.2], [145042.2, 740920, 2.08, "K", "Kochab", 126], [152043.6, 715002, 3.05, "A", "Pherkad", 480], [164557.8, 820214, 4.23, "G", "Urodelus", 347], [142731.4, 754145, 4.25, "K"], [154403.3, 774740, 4.32, "A", "Alifa Al Farkadain", 376], [173212.5, 863511, 4.36, "A", "Yildun", 183], [140850.8, 773251, 4.82, "K"], [161730.2, 754519, 4.95, "F", "Alasco", 97], [153124.7, 772057, 4.96, "K"]], [["Vela", 9, -47], [[0, 1, 3, 6, 4, 11, 12, 7, 2, 14, 15, 0]], [80931.9, -472012, 1.78, "O", "Regor", 840.2], [84442.2, -544230, 1.96, "A", "Koo She", 79.8], [90759.7, -432557, 2.21, "K", "Suhail", 573], [92206.8, -550038, 2.5, "B", "Markab", 539], [104646.1, -492512, 2.69, "G", "Peregrini", 116], [93113.3, -570204, 3.13, "K", "Marut", 238], [95651.7, -543404, 3.54, "B", "Tseen Ke", 1929], [93041.9, -402800, 3.6, "F"], [84017.6, -525519, 3.62, "B", "Xestus", 495], [90409.3, -470552, 3.75, "K"], [84037.6, -463856, 3.77, "F"], [103718.3, -481332, 3.84, "A"], [101444.3, -420719, 3.85, "A"], [84601.7, -460230, 3.87, "A"], [84424, -423858, 4.05, "G"], [83738.6, -425921, 4.11, "A"], [80929.2, -472044, 4.27, "B"], [103918.4, -553612, 4.29, "G"], [93649.7, -492119, 4.34, "A"], [110009.3, -421333, 4.37, "A"], [90005.4, -411514, 4.45, "F"], [102054.8, -560236, 4.5, "B"], [95140.7, -463252, 4.58, "G"], [101936.8, -550146, 4.59, "K"], [91545.1, -372447, 4.63, "F"], [85619.3, -524325, 4.68, "B"], [84113.1, -471902, 4.74, "A"], [82231.7, -482925, 4.79, "B"], [102219.6, -413900, 4.82, "K"], [84225.4, -530651, 4.83, "B"], [100856.3, -514841, 4.85, "B"], [103122.2, -534258, 4.89, "F"], [91536.8, -383412, 4.92, "K"], [84947.7, -451829, 4.94, "A"], [91104.4, -445205, 4.99, "B"], [83443.6, -495639, 5, "K"], [93408.8, -511519, 5, "B"]], [["Virgo", 13, -3], [[7, 10, 12, 0, 2, 13, 6], [2, 3, 1], [3, 5, 14, 0], [5, 8, 4]], [132511.5, -110941, 0.98, "B", "Spica", 262.1], [130210.5, 105733, 2.83, "G", "Vindemiatrix", 102], [133441.5, 3546, 3.37, "A", "Heze", 73.2], [125536.1, 32351, 3.38, "M", "Auva", 202], [115041.6, 14553, 3.61, "F", "Zavijava", 35.6], [124139.5, -12658, 3.65, "F", "Porrima"], [144614.9, 15334, 3.72, "A"], [144303.5, -53930, 3.88, "F", "Rijl Al Awwa", 60.9], [121954.3, -4000, 3.89, "A", "Zaniah", 250], [114551.5, 63146, 4.03, "M"], [141600.8, -60002, 4.08, "F", "Syrma", 69.8], [120512.5, 84359, 4.12, "G"], [141253.7, -101625, 4.19, "K"], [140138.7, 13240, 4.26, "A"], [130956.9, -53220, 4.38, "A"], [150254, 20528, 4.4, "K"], [141906.5, -132216, 4.52, "A", "Khambalia", 187], [120052.3, 63651, 4.66, "A"], [123914.7, -75944, 4.66, "K"], [133157.8, -61521, 4.69, "M"], [131824.2, -181841, 4.74, "G"], [132727.1, -155825, 4.76, "K"], [125421.1, -93220, 4.79, "M"], [131736.2, 52812, 4.8, "M"], [142812.1, -21341, 4.81, "G"], [114517, 81530, 4.85, "A"], [124153, 101408, 4.88, "A"], [133407.8, 33932, 4.94, "A"], [122020.9, 31845, 4.96, "K"], [134952.2, -180803, 4.97, "K"], [132825.7, 134643, 4.98, "G"]], [["Volans", 8, -68], [[4, 0, 5, 2, 1, 3, 5]], [82544.3, -660813, 3.77, "K", "Beta Volantis", 108], [70845, -702957, 3.78, "K"], [74149.3, -723622, 3.95, "K"], [71649.8, -675727, 3.98, "F"], [90226.9, -662346, 4, "A"], [80755.9, -683702, 4.35, "B"]], [["Vulpecula", 20, 25], [[2, 0, 5]], [192842.2, 243954, 4.44, "M", "Anser", 297], [201546, 274851, 4.52, "K"], [195327.6, 240447, 4.58, "B"], [205207.6, 270549, 4.59, "G"], [200106, 274513, 4.64, "A"], [191612.9, 212326, 4.77, "B"], [203831.2, 211204, 4.82, "A"], [204452.4, 251615, 4.91, "K"], [195104, 223636, 4.95, "B"], [193434.8, 194624, 5, "B"]]];
Frame 4
function mixColor(c1, c2, ratio) {
var _local1 = c1 >> 16;
var _local3 = (c1 >> 8) & 255;
var _local2 = c1 & 255;
var _local8 = c2 >> 16;
var _local11 = (c2 >> 8) & 255;
var _local10 = c2 & 255;
var _local5 = _local1 + ((_local8 - _local1) * ratio);
var _local12 = _local3 + ((_local11 - _local3) * ratio);
var _local4 = _local2 + ((_local10 - _local2) * ratio);
return(((_local5 << 16) | (_local12 << 8)) | _local4);
function raRads(r) {
var _local1 = int(r / 10000);
var _local2 = int((r - (_local1 * 10000)) / 100);
var _local4 = (r - (_local1 * 10000)) - (_local2 * 100);
return((((_local1 + (_local2 / 60)) + (_local4 / 3600)) * 15) * RADS);
function raHMS(r) {
var _local1 = int(r / 10000);
var _local2 = int((r - (_local1 * 10000)) / 100);
var _local4 = (r - (_local1 * 10000)) - (_local2 * 100);
return({h:_local1, m:_local2, s:_local4});
function raHMSPlanet(r) {
var _local1 = int(r / 15);
var _local2 = int(((r / 15) - _local1) * 60);
return({h:_local1, m:_local2, s:0});
function decRads(d) {
var _local1 = abs(d);
var _local5 = d / _local1;
var _local2 = int(_local1 / 10000);
var _local3 = int((_local1 - (_local2 * 10000)) / 100);
var _local4 = (_local1 - (_local2 * 10000)) - (_local3 * 100);
return((((_local2 + (_local3 / 60)) + (_local4 / 3600)) * RADS) * _local5);
function decDMS(d) {
var _local1 = abs(d);
var _local9 = d / _local1;
var _local2 = int(_local1 / 10000);
var _local3 = int((_local1 - (_local2 * 10000)) / 100);
var _local5 = (_local1 - (_local2 * 10000)) - (_local3 * 100);
return({d:_local2, m:_local3, s:_local5, pos:d >= 0});
function decDMSPlanet(d) {
var _local1 = abs(d);
var _local8 = d / _local1;
var _local2 = int(_local1);
var _local4 = int((_local1 - _local2) * 60);
return({d:_local2, m:_local4, s:0, pos:d >= 0});
function localToParent(l, p) {
if ((l == undefined) || (p == undefined)) {
var _local7 = 0;
var _local6 = 0;
var _local1 = l;
while (_local1 != p) {
var _local2 = _local1._parent._rotation * RADS;
var _local4 = cos(_local2);
var _local3 = sin(_local2);
var _local5 = ((((_local1._x + _local7) * _local4) - ((_local1._y + _local6) * _local3)) * _local1._parent._xscale) / 100;
_local6 = ((((_local1._x + _local7) * _local3) + ((_local1._y + _local6) * _local4)) * _local1._parent._yscale) / 100;
_local7 = _local5;
_local1 = _local1._parent;
return({x:_local7, y:_local6});
function drawConLine(n, fade) {
if (n == undefined) {
var _local3 = conLines[n];
if (fade == undefined) {
var _local5 = Con[n];
_local5.lineStyle(1, 3359863);
} else {
var _local5 = Con[n].Fade;
_local5.lineStyle(1, 6719743);
if (fade) {
if (_local5._alpha < 50) {
_local5._alpha = 0;
_local5._visible = true;
_local5.onEnterFrame = fadeIn;
} else {
if (_local5._alpha == 100) {
_local5._alpha = 225;
_local5.onEnterFrame = fadeOut;
for (var _local6 in _local3) {
var _local4 = false;
if (_local3[_local6][0]._parent._visible) {
var _local1 = localToParent(_local3[_local6][0], Seg);
_local5.moveTo(_local1.x, _local1.y);
_local4 = true;
var _local2 = 1;
while (_local2 < _local3[_local6].length) {
if (_local3[_local6][_local2]._parent._visible) {
var _local1 = localToParent(_local3[_local6][_local2], Seg);
if (_local4) {
_local5.lineTo(_local1.x, _local1.y);
} else {
_local5.moveTo(_local1.x, _local1.y);
_local4 = true;
} else {
_local4 = false;
function drawConLines() {
for (var _local1 in conLines) {
function showSky() {
if (newTL) {
setPlanetsPos(); = round(90 - (l * DEGS)); = lon;
cl = cos(l);
sl = sin(l);
} else {
if (scan) {
if (ss < 6) {
ss = ss + 0.5;
} else {
ss = 6;
} else if (ss > 0) {
ss = ss - 2;
} else {
ss = 0;
if ((kx != 0) || (ky != 0)) {
var hv = (kx * 0.025);
var pv = (ky * 0.025);
} else {
var hv = ((ScanBtn._xmouse * ss) * 0.001875);
var pv = ((ScanBtn._ymouse * ss) * 0.001875);
if (hv > 0.05) {
hv = 0.05;
if (hv < -0.05) {
hv = -0.05;
if (pv > 0.04) {
pv = 0.04;
if (pv < -0.04) {
pv = -0.04;
h = h - hv;
p = p + pv;
if (p < 0) {
p = 0;
} else if (p > ANG_90) {
p = ANG_90;
cp = cos(p);
sp = sin(p);
if (h < Math.PI) {
h = h + ANG_360;
if (h > Math.PI) {
h = h - ANG_360;
ch = cos(h);
sh = sin(h);
Seg._y = (Con._y = int(Seg.Y + ((Seg.TALL * p) / Math.PI)));
for (var i in Seg) {
Si = Seg[i];
if (Si == Seg.BG) {
if (newTL) {
r = Si.r;
d = Si.d;
z = sin(d);
cd = cos(d);
if (Si.con == "Compass") {
x = cos(r) * cd;
y = sin(r) * cd;
} else {
yrTxt = now.getFullYear();
monTxt = MONTHS[now.getMonth()] + ".";
dayTxt = now.getDate();
hrTxt = twoDig(now.getHours());
minTxt = twoDig(now.getMinutes());
var now0h = Date.UTC(now.getUTCFullYear(), now.getUTCMonth(), now.getUTCDate());
var k = ((now0h - 946728000000) / 3155760000000);
var gst = (24110.54841 + ((8640184.812866 + ((0.093104 - (6.2E-6 * k)) * k)) * k));
var ut = ((now.getUTCHours() - 7) + (now.getUTCMinutes() / 60));
var t = ((((((gst / 3600) + (ut * 1.002738)) % 24) * 15) + lon) * RADS);
x = cos(r - t) * cd;
y = sin(r - t) * cd;
y1 = (y * cl) - (z * sl);
z = (z * cl) + (y * sl);
y = y1;
if ((Si.con == "Anchor") && (Si.d1)) {
var d1 = Si.d1;
x = x * d1;
y = y * d1;
z = z * d1;
Si.a = x;
Si.b = y;
Si.c = z;
} else {
with (Si) {
x = a;
y = b;
z = c;
n = Si.dn;
y1 = (y * ch) - (x * sh);
z1 = Number(z * cp) + Number(y1 * sp);
if ((((Si.con == "Anchor") || (Si.con == "Compass")) || ( == "Sun")) || ((cv < (z1 * 2)) && (-0.25 < z))) {
div = scale / (Number(z1) + 1);
Si._x = (x = (Number(x * ch) + Number(y * sh)) * div);
Si._y = (y = ((y1 * cp) - (z * sp)) * div);
Si._visible = true;
if (Si.con == "Planet") {
if ( == "Sun") {
Si.skyRatio = (z + 0.1) / 0.2;
if (Si.skyRatio < 0) {
Si.skyRatio = 0;
if (Si.skyRatio > 1) {
Si.skyRatio = 1;
if (drawDay && (newTL)) {
skyRatio = Si.skyRatio;
if (z < -0.1) {
} else if (z > 0.1) {
} else {
skyColor.setRGB(mixColor(SKY_COLOR1, SKY_COLOR2, skyRatio));
bgc = mixColor(GROUND_COLOR1, GROUND_COLOR2, skyRatio);
bgcl = mixColor(skyColor.getRGB(), bgc, (skyRatio / 2) + 0.25);
} else {
Si._xscale = (Si._yscale = 148 - (48 * z1));
if (i < iAnchor) {
Si._rotation = Number(at2(Seg[n].xn - x, y - Seg[n].yn) * DEGS) + Number(Seg[n].w);
} else if (i < (iStar - 1)) {
Si.xn = x;
Si.yn = y;
if (x || (y)) {
var xn = (x - Seg[134].xn);
var yn = (y - Seg[134].yn);
var xs = (x - Seg[144].xn);
var ys = (y - Seg[144].yn);
Si.w = (((Number(xs * xs) + Number(ys * ys)) <= (Number(xn * xn) + Number(yn * yn))) ? 180 : 0);
if (Si.Txt._visible) {
Si.Txt._rotation = -Si._rotation;
Si.Txt._xscale = (Si.Txt._yscale = (1000000 / Si._xscale) / Seg._xscale);
} else {
Si._visible = false;
if ((Si.con == "Compass") && (z1 < -0.35)) {
Si._visible = false;
if (drawCon) {
if (newTL) {
newTL = false;
} else if (ss == 0) { = p; = h; = now;
delete onEnterFrame;
function drawHorizon() {
with (Seg) {
if (p > 0.55) {
var os = [];
for (var i in bgList) {
var mc = bgList[i];
if (mc._visible) {
var ox = os[0]._x;
BG.lineStyle(2, (drawDay ? (bgcl) : 2236962));
BG.moveTo(os[0]._x, os[0]._y);
for (var i in os) {
var mc = os[i];
if (mc._x > ox) {
BG.lineTo(sl, sb);
BG.lineTo(sr, sb);
BG.lineTo(mc._x, mc._y);
ox = mc._x;
BG._visible = true;
function setTL() {
if (!scan) {
newTL = true;
if (Click._visible) {
Click.onEnterFrame = fadeOut;
function twoDig(n) {
return(((n < 10) ? ("0" + n) : (n)));
function sOver() {
if (scan) {
drawConLine(this._parent.con, true);
var _local14 = localToParent(this._parent, Seg);
NInfo._x = int(Seg._x + _local14.x);
NInfo._y = int(Seg._y + _local14.y);
NInfo._visible = true;
NInfo.onEnterFrame = fadeIn;
var _local9 = ( =;
var _local6 = this._parent.mag;
_local6 = int(_local6 * 100) / 100;
var _local7 =;
_local7 = int(_local7 * 100) / 100;
var _local13 = this._parent.r0;
var _local10 = ((this._parent.con == "Planet") ? (raHMSPlanet(_local13)) : (raHMS(_local13)));
var _local12 = ((((getText("RA") + ": ") + _local10.h) + "h ") + _local10.m) + "m ";
if (this._parent.con != "Planet") {
_local12 = _local12 + ((Math.round(_local10.s * 10) / 10) + "s");
var _local11 = this._parent.d0;
var _local8 = ((this._parent.con == "Planet") ? (decDMSPlanet(_local11)) : (decDMS(_local11)));
var _local15 = (((((getText("Dec") + ": ") + (_local8.pos ? "+" : "-")) + _local8.d) + "\u00B0 ") + _local8.m) + "' ";
if (this._parent.con != "Planet") {
_local15 = _local15 + ((Math.round(_local8.s * 10) / 10) + "\"");
var _local4 = [];
if (this._parent.con == "Planet") {
if (_local9 == "Moon") {
var _local5 = this._parent.phase;
_local5 = Math.round(_local5 * 1000) / 10;
if (this._parent.elong < 0) {
if (_local5 <= 1) {
_local4.push(((getText("New Moon") + " (") + _local5) + "%)");
} else if (_local5 < 49) {
_local4.push(((getText("Waning Crescent") + " (") + _local5) + "%)");
} else if (_local5 <= 51) {
_local4.push(((getText("Last Quarter") + " (") + _local5) + "%)");
} else if (_local5 < 99) {
_local4.push(((getText("Waning Gibbous") + " (") + _local5) + "%)");
} else {
_local4.push(((getText("Full Moon") + " (") + _local5) + "%)");
} else if (_local5 <= 1) {
_local4.push(((getText("New Moon") + " (") + _local5) + "%)");
} else if (_local5 < 49) {
_local4.push(((getText("Waxing Crescent") + " (") + _local5) + "%)");
} else if (_local5 <= 51) {
_local4.push(((getText("First Quarter") + " (") + _local5) + "%)");
} else if (_local5 < 99) {
_local4.push(((getText("Waxing Gibbous") + " (") + _local5) + "%)");
} else {
_local4.push(((getText("Full Moon") + " (") + _local5) + "%)");
} else if (_local9 != "Sun") {
_local4.push((getText("Magnitude:") + " ") + ((_local6 > 0) ? ("+" + _local6) : (_local6)));
if ((_local7 != "") && (_local7 != 0)) {
_local4.push((((getText("Distance") + ": ") + _local7) + " ") + getText("AU"));
} else {
_local4.push((getText("Constellation") + ": ") + getText(this._parent.con));
_local4.push((getText("Magnitude") + ": ") + ((_local6 > 0) ? ("+" + _local6) : (_local6)));
if ((_local7 != "") && (_local7 != 0)) {
_local4.push((((getText("Distance") + ": ") + _local7) + " ") + getText("LY"));
var _local2 = 1;
while (_local2 < 7) {
var _local3 = _local4[_local2 - 1];
if (_local3 == undefined) {
_local3 = "";
NInfo["txt" + _local2]._alpha = (((_local3.indexOf(getText("RA")) != -1) || (_local3.indexOf(getText("Dec")) != -1)) ? 75 : 100);
NInfo["txt" + _local2].text = _local3;
function sOut() {
NInfo.onEnterFrame = fadeOut;
if (scan) {
drawConLine(this._parent.con, false);
SKY_COLOR1 = 527380 /* 0x080C14 */;
SKY_COLOR2 = 5601228 /* 0x5577CC */;
GROUND_COLOR2 = 1118481 /* 0x111111 */;
MOON_COLOR1 = 1317417 /* 0x141A29 */;
MOON_COLOR2 = 6719709 /* 0x6688DD */;
skyRatio = (x = (y = (z = (kx = (ky = (ss = 0))))));
bgc = (bgcl = 0);
if (isNaN(Number(palt))) {
if ( == undefined) { = (p = ANG_90);
} else {
p =;
} else { = (p = (90 - Number(palt)) * RADS);
if (isNaN(Number(pazi))) {
if ( == undefined) { = (h = 0);
} else {
h =;
} else { = (h = (180 - Number(pazi)) * RADS);
if (isNaN(Number(pt))) {
if (( == undefined) || ( == undefined)) { = (now = new Date());
} else {
now =;
} else {
var pty = Number(pt.substr(0, 4));
var ptm = (Number(pt.substr(4, 2)) - 1);
var ptd = Number(pt.substr(6, 2));
var pth = Number(pt.substr(8, 2));
var ptn = Number(pt.substr(10, 2)); = (now = new Date(Date.UTC(pty, ptm, ptd, pth, ptn, 0, 0)));
view = 50 * RADS;
cv = cos(view);
sv = sin(view);
scale = (360 * (1 + cv)) / sv;
timeStep = 0.0490873852123405;
starStep = 0.0654498469497874;
Frame 5
function setPlanetsPos() {
var _local5 = (now.getHours() + (now.getTimezoneOffset() / 60)) + ((now.getMinutes() + (now.getSeconds() / 60)) / 60);
eph = new Ephemerides(now.getFullYear(), now.getMonth() + 1, now.getDate(), _local5);
var _local4 = iPlanets;
while (_local4 < (iPlanets + 10)) {
var _local3 = PLANET_NAMES[_local4 - iPlanets];
var _local1 = eph[_local3];
var _local2 = Seg[_local4];
_local2.r0 = _local1.RA;
_local2.d0 = _local1.Dec;
_local2.r = (_local1.RA * RADS) - (ANG_360 / 24);
_local2.d = _local1.Dec * RADS; = _local1.rg;
_local2.mag = _local1.mag;
if (_local3 == "Moon") {
_local2.phase = _local1.phase;
_local2.elong = _local1.elong;
if ((_local3 != "Sun") && (_local3 != "Moon")) {
_local2._width = (_local2._height = (6 - ((_local1.mag > 0) ? 0 : (_local1.mag))) / 2);
function setMoonPhase() {
if (iMoon.elong > 0) {
iMoon.gotoAndStop(Math.floor(iMoon.phase * 17) + 1);
} else {
iMoon.gotoAndStop(Math.floor(iMoon.phase * 17) + 1);
var _local1 = localToParent(iMoon, Seg);
var _local2 = localToParent(iSun, Seg);
iMoon._rotation = at2(_local2.y - _local1.y, _local2.x - _local1.x) * DEGS;
moonColor.setRGB(mixColor(MOON_COLOR1, MOON_COLOR2, skyRatio));
function Ephemerides(y, m, D, UTC, Epoch) {
this.y = y;
this.m = m;
this.D = D;
this.UTC = UTC;
with (Math) {
this.d =, m, D, UTC);
this.ecl = Ephemerides.obliquity(this.d);
this.lon_corr = 0;
for (planet in Ephemerides.Planets) {
this[planet] = new Object();
if (planet != "Pluto") {
for (element in Ephemerides.Elements) {
this[planet][element] = Ephemerides[planet][element](this.d);
if (((element == "M") || (element == "N")) || (element == "w")) {
this[planet][element] = posDegs(this[planet][element]);
for (planet in Ephemerides.Planets) {
with (this[planet]) {
Ephemerides[planet].position(this, planet);
if (Ephemerides[planet].perturbation) {
if (planet != "Sun") {
this[planet].xh = (r * cos(RADS * lonecl)) * cos(RADS * latecl);
this[planet].yh = (r * sin(RADS * lonecl)) * cos(RADS * latecl);
this[planet].zh = r * sin(RADS * latecl);
if (planet == "Moon") {
this[planet].xg = xh;
this[planet].yg = yh;
this[planet].zg = zh;
} else {
this[planet].xg = xh + this.Sun.xs;
this[planet].yg = yh + this.Sun.ys;
this[planet].zg = zh;
this[planet].xe = xg;
this[planet].ye = (yg * cos(RADS * this.ecl)) - (zg * sin(RADS * this.ecl));
this[planet].ze = (yg * sin(RADS * this.ecl)) + (zg * cos(RADS * this.ecl));
this[planet].RA = posDegs(DEGS * at2(ye, xe));
this[planet].Dec = DEGS * at2(ze, sqrt((xe * xe) + (ye * ye)));
this[planet].rg = sqrt(((xg * xg) + (yg * yg)) + (zg * zg));
if (Ephemerides[planet].d) {
this[planet].d = Ephemerides[planet].d(r);
if (planet != "Moon") {
var s = this.Sun.r;
var R = rg;
this[planet].elong = DEGS * acos((((s * s) + (R * R)) - (r * r)) / ((2 * s) * R));
if ((lonecl > (this.Sun.lonecl + 180)) || ((lonecl > (this.Sun.lonecl - 180)) && (lonecl < this.Sun.lonecl))) {
this[planet].elong = this[planet].elong * -1;
this[planet].FV = DEGS * acos((((r * r) + (R * R)) - (s * s)) / ((2 * r) * R));
if (planet == "Saturn") {
var los = lonecl;
var las = latecl;
var ir = 28.06;
var Nr = (169.51 + (3.82E-5 * this.d));
var B = asin((sin(RADS * las) * cos(RADS * ir)) - ((cos(RADS * las) * sin(RADS * ir)) * sin(RADS * (los - Nr))));
var ring_magn = ((-2.6 * sin(abs(B))) + (1.2 * pow(sin(B), 2)));
this[planet].mag = Ephemerides[planet].mag(r, R, FV, ring_magn);
} else if (planet != "Pluto") {
this[planet].mag = Ephemerides[planet].mag(r, R, FV);
} else {
this[planet].mag = 14;
} else {
var mlon = lonecl;
var mlat = latecl;
var slon = this.Sun.lonecl;
this[planet].elong = DEGS * acos(cos(RADS * (slon - mlon)) * cos(RADS * mlat));
if ((mlon > (slon + 180)) || ((mlon > (slon - 180)) && (mlon < slon))) {
this[planet].elong = this[planet].elong * -1;
this[planet].FV = 180 - elong;
this[planet].phase = (1 + cos(RADS * FV)) / 2;
var PLANET_NAMES = new Array("Sun", "Moon", "Venus", "Mercury", "Mars", "Jupiter", "Saturn", "Uranus", "Neptune", "Pluto");
var PLANET_COLOR = new Array(16777062, 16777215, 16772863, 14535850, 15628083, 16772812, 16777164, 13430527, 12312063, 13421755);
var eph;
intDiv = function (a, b) {
return((((a > 0) == (b > 0)) ? (floor(a / b)) : (ceil(a / b))));
posDegs = function (a) {
return(((a < 0) ? (360 + (a % 360)) : (a % 360)));
log10 = function (a) {
return(Math.log(a) / Math.LN10);
}; = function (y, m, D, UT) {
return((((((367 * y) - intDiv(7 * (y + intDiv(m + 9, 12)), 4)) + intDiv(275 * m, 9)) + D) - 730530) + (UT / 24));
Ephemerides.obliquity = function (d) {
return(23.4393 - (3.563E-7 * d));
Ephemerides.eccentricAnomaly = function (M, e, E0) {
var _local1 = E0 - (((E0 - ((DEGS * e) * sin(RADS * E0))) - M) / (1 - (e * cos(RADS * E0))));
return(((abs(_local1 - E0) < 1E-5) ? (_local1) : (Ephemerides.eccentricAnomaly(M, e, _local1))));
Ephemerides.Elements = new Object();
Ephemerides.Elements.N = "";
Ephemerides.Elements.i = "";
Ephemerides.Elements.w = "";
Ephemerides.Elements.a = "";
Ephemerides.Elements.e = "";
Ephemerides.Elements.M = "";
Ephemerides.Planets = new Object();
Ephemerides.Planets.Venus = true;
Ephemerides.Venus = new Object();
Ephemerides.Venus.N = function (d) {
return(76.6799 + (2.4659E-5 * d));
Ephemerides.Venus.i = function (d) {
return(3.3946 + (2.75E-8 * d));
Ephemerides.Venus.w = function (d) {
return(54.891 + (1.38374E-5 * d));
Ephemerides.Venus.a = function (d) {
Ephemerides.Venus.e = function (d) {
return(0.006773 - (1.302E-9 * d));
Ephemerides.Venus.M = function (d) {
return(48.0052 + (1.6021302244 * d));
Ephemerides.Planets.Mercury = true;
Ephemerides.Mercury = new Object();
Ephemerides.Mercury.N = function (d) {
return(48.3313 + (3.24587E-5 * d));
Ephemerides.Mercury.i = function (d) {
return(7.0047 + (5E-8 * d));
Ephemerides.Mercury.w = function (d) {
return(29.1241 + (1.01444E-5 * d));
Ephemerides.Mercury.a = function (d) {
Ephemerides.Mercury.e = function (d) {
return(0.205635 + (5.59E-10 * d));
Ephemerides.Mercury.M = function (d) {
return(168.6562 + (4.0923344368 * d));
Ephemerides.Planets.Mars = true;
Ephemerides.Mars = new Object();
Ephemerides.Mars.N = function (d) {
return(49.5574 + (2.11081E-5 * d));
Ephemerides.Mars.i = function (d) {
return(1.8497 - (1.78E-8 * d));
Ephemerides.Mars.w = function (d) {
return(286.5016 + (2.92961E-5 * d));
Ephemerides.Mars.a = function (d) {
Ephemerides.Mars.e = function (d) {
return(0.093405 + (2.516E-9 * d));
Ephemerides.Mars.M = function (d) {
return(18.6021 + (0.5240207766 * d));
Ephemerides.Planets.Jupiter = true;
Ephemerides.Jupiter = new Object();
Ephemerides.Jupiter.N = function (d) {
return(100.4542 + (2.76854E-5 * d));
Ephemerides.Jupiter.i = function (d) {
return(1.303 - (1.557E-7 * d));
Ephemerides.Jupiter.w = function (d) {
return(273.8777 + (1.64505E-5 * d));
Ephemerides.Jupiter.a = function (d) {
Ephemerides.Jupiter.e = function (d) {
return(0.048498 + (4.469E-9 * d));
Ephemerides.Jupiter.M = function (d) {
return(19.895 + (0.0830853001 * d));
Ephemerides.Planets.Saturn = true;
Ephemerides.Saturn = new Object();
Ephemerides.Saturn.N = function (d) {
return(113.6634 + (2.3898E-5 * d));
Ephemerides.Saturn.i = function (d) {
return(2.4886 - (1.081E-7 * d));
Ephemerides.Saturn.w = function (d) {
return(339.3939 + (2.97661E-5 * d));
Ephemerides.Saturn.a = function (d) {
Ephemerides.Saturn.e = function (d) {
return(0.055546 - (9.499E-9 * d));
Ephemerides.Saturn.M = function (d) {
return(316.967 + (0.0334442282 * d));
Ephemerides.Planets.Uranus = true;
Ephemerides.Uranus = new Object();
Ephemerides.Uranus.N = function (d) {
return(74.0005 + (1.3978E-5 * d));
Ephemerides.Uranus.i = function (d) {
return(0.7733 + (1.9E-8 * d));
Ephemerides.Uranus.w = function (d) {
return(96.6612 + (3.0565E-5 * d));
Ephemerides.Uranus.a = function (d) {
return(19.18171 - (1.55E-8 * d));
Ephemerides.Uranus.e = function (d) {
return(0.047318 + (7.45E-9 * d));
Ephemerides.Uranus.M = function (d) {
return(142.5905 + (0.011725806 * d));
Ephemerides.Planets.Neptune = true;
Ephemerides.Neptune = new Object();
Ephemerides.Neptune.N = function (d) {
return(131.7806 + (3.0173E-5 * d));
Ephemerides.Neptune.i = function (d) {
return(1.77 - (2.55E-7 * d));
Ephemerides.Neptune.w = function (d) {
return(272.8461 - (6.027E-6 * d));
Ephemerides.Neptune.a = function (d) {
return(30.05826 + (3.313E-8 * d));
Ephemerides.Neptune.e = function (d) {
return(0.008606 + (2.15E-9 * d));
Ephemerides.Neptune.M = function (d) {
return(260.2471 + (0.005995147 * d));
Ephemerides.Planets.Pluto = true;
Ephemerides.Pluto = new Object();
Ephemerides.Planets.Moon = true;
Ephemerides.Moon = new Object();
Ephemerides.Moon.N = function (d) {
return(125.1228 - (0.0529538083 * d));
Ephemerides.Moon.i = function (d) {
Ephemerides.Moon.w = function (d) {
return(318.0634 + (0.1643573223 * d));
Ephemerides.Moon.a = function (d) {
Ephemerides.Moon.e = function (d) {
Ephemerides.Moon.M = function (d) {
return(115.3654 + (13.0649929509 * d));
Ephemerides.Planets.Sun = true;
Ephemerides.Sun = new Object();
Ephemerides.Sun.N = function (d) {
Ephemerides.Sun.i = function (d) {
Ephemerides.Sun.w = function (d) {
return(282.9404 + (4.70935E-5 * d));
Ephemerides.Sun.a = function (d) {
Ephemerides.Sun.e = function (d) {
return(0.016709 - (1.151E-9 * d));
Ephemerides.Sun.M = function (d) {
return(356.047 + (0.9856002585 * d));
Ephemerides.Sun.position = function (eph, planet) {
with (eph.Sun) {
eph.Sun.E = Ephemerides.eccentricAnomaly(M, e, M + (((DEGS * e) * sin(RADS * M)) * (1 + (e * cos(RADS * M)))));
eph.Sun.xv = cos(RADS * E) - e;
eph.Sun.yv = sqrt(1 - (e * e)) * sin(RADS * E);
eph.Sun.v = DEGS * at2(yv, xv);
eph.Sun.r = sqrt((xv * xv) + (yv * yv));
eph.Sun.lonecl = posDegs((v + w) + eph.lon_corr);
eph.Sun.latecl = 0;
eph.Sun.xs = r * cos(RADS * lonecl);
eph.Sun.ys = r * sin(RADS * lonecl);
eph.Sun.xe = xs; = ys * cos(RADS * eph.ecl);
eph.Sun.ze = ys * sin(RADS * eph.ecl);
eph.Sun.RA = posDegs(DEGS * at2(ye, xe));
eph.Sun.Dec = DEGS * at2(ze, sqrt((xe * xe) + (ye * ye)));
eph.Sun.d = Ephemerides.Sun.d(r);
Ephemerides.Moon.position = function (eph, planet) {
with (eph[planet]) {
eph[planet].E = Ephemerides.eccentricAnomaly(M, e, M + (((DEGS * e) * sin(RADS * M)) * (1 + (e * cos(RADS * M)))));
eph[planet].xv = a * (cos(RADS * E) - e);
eph[planet].yv = a * (sqrt(1 - (e * e)) * sin(RADS * E));
eph[planet].v = DEGS * at2(yv, xv);
eph[planet].r = sqrt((xv * xv) + (yv * yv));
eph[planet].xh = r * ((cos(RADS * N) * cos(RADS * (v + w))) - ((sin(RADS * N) * sin(RADS * (v + w))) * cos(RADS * i)));
eph[planet].yh = r * ((sin(RADS * N) * cos(RADS * (v + w))) + ((cos(RADS * N) * sin(RADS * (v + w))) * cos(RADS * i)));
eph[planet].zh = r * (sin(RADS * (v + w)) * sin(RADS * i));
eph[planet].lonecl = posDegs((DEGS * at2(yh, xh)) + eph.lon_corr);
eph[planet].latecl = DEGS * at2(zh, sqrt((xh * xh) + (yh * yh)));
Ephemerides.Mercury.position = Ephemerides.Moon.position;
Ephemerides.Venus.position = Ephemerides.Moon.position;
Ephemerides.Mars.position = Ephemerides.Moon.position;
Ephemerides.Jupiter.position = Ephemerides.Moon.position;
Ephemerides.Saturn.position = Ephemerides.Moon.position;
Ephemerides.Uranus.position = Ephemerides.Moon.position;
Ephemerides.Neptune.position = Ephemerides.Moon.position;
Ephemerides.Pluto.position = function (eph, planet) {
with (eph.Pluto) {
eph.Pluto.S = 50.03 + (0.033459652 * eph.d);
eph.Pluto.P = 238.95 + (0.003968789 * eph.d);
eph.Pluto.lonecl = posDegs((((((((((((((((238.9508 + (0.00400703 * eph.d)) - (19.799 * sin(RADS * P))) + (19.848 * cos(RADS * P))) + (0.897 * sin(RADS * (2 * P)))) - (4.956 * cos(RADS * (2 * P)))) + (0.61 * sin(RADS * (3 * P)))) + (1.211 * cos(RADS * (3 * P)))) - (0.341 * sin(RADS * (4 * P)))) - (0.19 * cos(RADS * (4 * P)))) + (0.128 * sin(RADS * (5 * P)))) - (0.034 * cos(RADS * (5 * P)))) - (0.038 * sin(RADS * (6 * P)))) + (0.031 * cos(RADS * (6 * P)))) + (0.02 * sin(RADS * (S - P)))) - (0.01 * cos(RADS * (S - P)))) + eph.lon_corr);
eph.Pluto.latecl = ((((((((((((-3.9082 - (5.453 * sin(RADS * P))) - (14.975 * cos(RADS * P))) + (3.527 * sin(RADS * (2 * P)))) + (1.673 * cos(RADS * (2 * P)))) - (1.051 * sin(RADS * (3 * P)))) + (0.328 * cos(RADS * (3 * P)))) + (0.179 * sin(RADS * (4 * P)))) - (0.292 * cos(RADS * (4 * P)))) + (0.019 * sin(RADS * (5 * P)))) + (0.1 * cos(RADS * (5 * P)))) - (0.031 * sin(RADS * (6 * P)))) - (0.026 * cos(RADS * (6 * P)))) + (0.011 * cos(RADS * (S - P)));
eph.Pluto.r = (((((40.72 + (6.68 * sin(RADS * P))) + (6.9 * cos(RADS * P))) - (1.18 * sin(RADS * (2 * P)))) - (0.03 * cos(RADS * (2 * P)))) + (0.15 * sin(RADS * (3 * P)))) - (0.14 * cos(RADS * (3 * P)));
Ephemerides.Moon.perturbation = function (eph, planet) {
var _local4 = eph.Sun.M;
var _local2 = eph.Moon.M;
var _local6 = eph.Moon.N;
var _local9 = eph.Sun.w;
var _local10 = eph.Moon.w;
var _local8 = _local4 + _local9;
var _local7 = (_local2 + _local10) + _local6;
var _local1 = _local7 - _local8;
var _local5 = _local7 - _local6;
eph.Moon.lonecl = eph.Moon.lonecl + ((((((((((((-(1.274 * sin(RADS * (_local2 - (2 * _local1))))) + (0.658 * sin(RADS * (2 * _local1)))) - (0.186 * sin(RADS * _local4))) - (0.059 * sin(RADS * ((2 * _local2) - (2 * _local1))))) - (0.057 * sin(RADS * ((_local2 - (2 * _local1)) + _local4)))) + (0.053 * sin(RADS * (_local2 + (2 * _local1))))) + (0.046 * sin(RADS * ((2 * _local1) - _local4)))) + (0.041 * sin(RADS * (_local2 - _local4)))) - (0.035 * sin(RADS * _local1))) - (0.031 * sin(RADS * (_local2 + _local4)))) - (0.015 * sin(RADS * ((2 * _local5) - (2 * _local1))))) + (0.011 * sin(RADS * (_local2 - (4 * _local1)))));
eph.Moon.latecl = eph.Moon.latecl + (((((-(0.173 * sin(RADS * (_local5 - (2 * _local1))))) - (0.055 * sin(RADS * ((_local2 - _local5) - (2 * _local1))))) - (0.046 * sin(RADS * ((_local2 + _local5) - (2 * _local1))))) + (0.033 * sin(RADS * (_local5 + (2 * _local1))))) + (0.017 * sin(RADS * ((2 * _local2) + _local5))));
eph.Moon.r = eph.Moon.r + ((-(0.58 * cos(RADS * (_local2 - (2 * _local1))))) - (0.46 * cos(RADS * (2 * _local1))));
Ephemerides.Jupiter.perturbation = function (eph, planet) {
var _local2 = eph.Jupiter.M;
var _local1 = eph.Saturn.M;
eph.Jupiter.lonecl = eph.Jupiter.lonecl + (((((((-(0.332 * sin(RADS * (((2 * _local2) - (5 * _local1)) - 67.6)))) - (0.056 * sin(RADS * (((2 * _local2) - (2 * _local1)) + 21)))) + (0.042 * sin(RADS * (((3 * _local2) - (5 * _local1)) + 21)))) - (0.036 * sin(RADS * (_local2 - (2 * _local1))))) + (0.022 * cos(RADS * (_local2 - _local1)))) + (0.023 * sin(RADS * (((2 * _local2) - (3 * _local1)) + 52)))) - (0.016 * sin(RADS * ((_local2 - (5 * _local1)) - 69))));
Ephemerides.Saturn.perturbation = function (eph, planet) {
var _local2 = eph.Jupiter.M;
var _local1 = eph.Saturn.M;
eph.Saturn.lonecl = eph.Saturn.lonecl + (((((0 + (0.812 * sin(RADS * (((2 * _local2) - (5 * _local1)) - 67.6)))) - (0.229 * cos(RADS * (((2 * _local2) - (4 * _local1)) - 2)))) + (0.119 * sin(RADS * ((_local2 - (2 * _local1)) - 3)))) + (0.046 * sin(RADS * (((2 * _local2) - (6 * _local1)) - 69)))) + (0.014 * sin(RADS * ((_local2 - (3 * _local1)) + 32))));
eph.Saturn.latecl = eph.Saturn.latecl + ((-(0.02 * cos(RADS * (((2 * _local2) - (4 * _local1)) - 2)))) + (0.018 * sin(RADS * (((2 * _local2) - (6 * _local1)) - 49))));
Ephemerides.Uranus.perturbation = function (eph, planet) {
var _local4 = eph.Jupiter.M;
var _local3 = eph.Saturn.M;
var _local1 = eph.Uranus.M;
eph.Uranus.lonecl = eph.Uranus.lonecl + (((0 + (0.04 * sin(RADS * ((_local3 - (2 * _local1)) + 6)))) + (0.035 * sin(RADS * ((_local3 - (3 * _local1)) + 33)))) - (0.015 * sin(RADS * ((_local4 - _local1) + 20))));
Ephemerides.Sun.d = function (r) {
return(1919.26 / r);
Ephemerides.Moon.d = function (r) {
return(112422 / r);
Ephemerides.Mercury.d = function (r) {
return(6.74 / r);
Ephemerides.Venus.d = function (r) {
return(16.92 / r);
Ephemerides.Mars.d = function (r) {
return(9.36 / r);
Ephemerides.Jupiter.d = function (r) {
return(196.94 / r);
Ephemerides.Saturn.d = function (r) {
return(165.6 / r);
Ephemerides.Uranus.d = function (r) {
return(65.8 / r);
Ephemerides.Neptune.d = function (r) {
return(62.2 / r);
Ephemerides.Pluto.d = function (r) {
return(8.2 / r);
Ephemerides.Mercury.mag = function (r, r2, FV) {
with (Math) {
return(((-0.36 + (5 * log10(r * r2))) + (0.027 * FV)) + (2.2E-13 * pow(FV, 6)));
Ephemerides.Venus.mag = function (r, r2, FV) {
with (Math) {
return(((-4.34 + (5 * log10(r * r2))) + (0.013 * FV)) + (4.2E-7 * pow(FV, 3)));
Ephemerides.Mars.mag = function (r, r2, FV) {
with (Math) {
return((-1.51 + (5 * log10(r * r2))) + (0.016 * FV));
Ephemerides.Jupiter.mag = function (r, r2, FV) {
with (Math) {
return((-9.25 + (5 * log10(r * r2))) + (0.014 * FV));
Ephemerides.Saturn.mag = function (r, r2, FV, ring_magn) {
with (Math) {
return(((-9 + (5 * log10(r * r2))) + (0.044 * FV)) + ring_magn);
Ephemerides.Uranus.mag = function (r, r2, FV) {
with (Math) {
return((-7.15 + (5 * log10(r * r2))) + (0.001 * FV));
Ephemerides.Neptune.mag = function (r, r2, FV) {
with (Math) {
return((-6.9 + (5 * log10(r * r2))) + (0.001 * FV));
Frame 6
Seg._visible = false;
Seg.TALL = 160;
Seg._y = (Con._y = Seg.Y + Seg.TALL);
ss = 0;
ScanBtn.enabled = false;
ScanBtn.onPress = function () {
if (LInfo._visible) {
if (Click._visible) {
Click.onEnterFrame = fadeOut;
scan = !scan;
if (scan) {
link_mc._visible = (NInfo._visible = false);
LInfo.onEnterFrame = (TInfo.onEnterFrame = fadeOut);
onEnterFrame = showSky;
} else {
link_mc._visible = link_mc.vis;
TInfo._alpha = -100;
TInfo._visible = true;
TInfo.onEnterFrame = fadeIn;
Si = Seg.createEmptyMovieClip(0, 0);
Si.r = 0;
Si.d = ANG_90;
Si.dn = 145;
Si.numStars = 1;
Si.attachMovie("Star", "Txt", 0);
col = new Color(Si.Txt);
Si.Txt.attachMovie("Compass", "Txt", 0);
Si.Txt.Txt.pole_txt.text = getText("Celestial\nNorth");
Si.Txt.con = "Compass";
var i = 0;
while (i < 12) {
var j = 1;
while (j < 12) {
var thisSeg = ((i * 11) + j);
Si = Seg.createEmptyMovieClip(thisSeg, thisSeg);
Si.r = (i * Math.PI) / 6;
Si.d = ((6 - j) * Math.PI) / 12;
Si.dn = j + 133;
Si.numStars = 0;
i = thisSeg + 1;
Si = Seg.createEmptyMovieClip(i, i);
Si.r = 0;
Si.d = -ANG_90;
Si.dn = 146;
Si.numStars = 1;
Si.attachMovie("Star", "Txt", 0);
col = new Color(Si.Txt);
Si.Txt.attachMovie("Compass", "Txt", 0);
Si.Txt.Txt.pole_txt.text = getText("Celestial\nSouth");
Si.Txt.con = "Compass";
iAnchor = i;
i = iAnchor;
while (i < (iAnchor + 11)) {
Si = Seg.createEmptyMovieClip(i, i);
Si.con = "Anchor";
Si.r = 0;
Si.d = ANG_90;
Si.d1 = 1 / sin((((i - iAnchor) + 7) * Math.PI) / 12);
Si = Seg.createEmptyMovieClip(i, i);
Si.con = "Anchor";
Si.r = Math.PI;
Si.d = 1.30899693899575;
Si = Seg.createEmptyMovieClip(i, i);
Si.con = "Anchor";
Si.r = Math.PI;
Si.d = -1.30899693899575;
iPlanets = i;
var dayNum;
i = iPlanets;
while (i < (iPlanets + 10)) {
var pName = PLANET_NAMES[i - iPlanets];
if (pName == "Sun") {
iSun = (Si = Seg.attachMovie("Sun", i, i));
} else if (pName == "Moon") {
iMoon = (Si = Seg.attachMovie("Moon", i, i));
} else {
Si = Seg.attachMovie("Star", i, i);
} = pName;
Si.con = "Planet";
var Btn = Si.attachMovie("StarBtn", "Btn", 0);
Btn.tabEnabled = false;
Btn.onRollOver = sOver;
Btn.onRollOut = (Btn.onDragOut = sOut);
Btn.onPress = ScanBtn.onPress;
col = new Color(Si.Rim);
col.setRGB(PLANET_COLOR[i - iPlanets]);
col = new Color(Si.Btn);
col.setRGB(PLANET_COLOR[i - iPlanets]);
Si = Seg.attachMovie("Up", i, i, {con:"Compass", r:0, d:ANG_90});
iStar = i;
Seg.createEmptyMovieClip("BG", iStar);
var bgList = new Array();
var j = 0;
while (j < 16) {
i = (iStar + j) + 1;
if ((j % 2) == 0) {
Si = Seg.attachMovie("CompassPoint", i, i);
Si.attachMovie("Compass", "Txt", 0);
Si.Txt.compass_txt.text = COMPASS_POINTS[int(j / 2)];
} else {
Si = Seg.createEmptyMovieClip(i, i);
Si.con = "Compass";
Si.r = (j * Math.PI) / 8;
Si.d = 0;
Frame 7
function loadCons() {
var _local1 = unescape(starData[i][0][0]);
var _local26 = new Array();
var _local31 = starData[i].length;
var _local32 = 2;
while (_local32 < _local31) {
var _local18 = starData[i][_local32][0];
var _local10 = starData[i][_local32][1];
var _local4 = raRads(_local18);
var _local3 = decRads(_local10);
var _local28 = int((_local4 * 6) / Math.PI);
var _local8 = int((((6 - _local3) * 12) / Math.PI) - 16.5);
if (!_local8) {
thisSeg = 0;
} else if (_local8 == 12) {
thisSeg = 133;
} else {
thisSeg = (_local28 * 11) + _local8;
var _local21 = sin(_local3);
var _local19 = cos(_local3);
var _local25 = cos(_local4) * _local19;
var _local23 = sin(_local4) * _local19;
var _local12 = Seg[thisSeg].r - 1.30899693899575;
var _local17 = ANG_90 - Seg[thisSeg].d;
var _local15 = cos(_local12);
var _local14 = sin(_local12);
var _local24 = cos(_local17);
var _local22 = sin(_local17);
var _local13 = (_local23 * _local15) - (_local25 * _local14);
var _local27 = (_local21 * _local24) + (_local13 * _local22);
var _local20 = scale / (_local27 + 1);
var _local9 = Seg[thisSeg].numStars++;
var _local11 = starData[i][_local32][2];
var _local7 = starData[i][_local32][3];
var _local16 = starData[i][_local32][4];
var _local5 = starData[i][_local32][5];
Si = Seg[thisSeg].attachMovie("Star", _local9, _local9, {spec:_local7});
if (_local16 != undefined) { = _local16;
Si.con = _local1;
Si.mag = _local11; = ((_local5 == undefined) ? "" : (((_local5 < 0) ? ("~ " + abs(_local5)) : (_local5))));
Si.r = _local4;
Si.r0 = _local18;
Si.d = _local3;
Si.d0 = _local10;
var _local2 = Seg[thisSeg][_local9].attachMovie("StarBtn", "Btn", 0);
_local2.tabEnabled = false;
_local2.onRollOver = sOver;
_local2.onRollOut = (_local2.onDragOut = sOut);
_local2.onPress = ScanBtn.onPress;
Si._width = (Si._height = (6 - _local11) / 2);
Si._x = ((_local25 * _local15) + (_local23 * _local14)) * _local20;
Si._y = ((_local13 * _local24) - (_local21 * _local22)) * _local20;
for (var _local30 in specType) {
if (_local7 == specType[_local30]) {
col = new Color(Si.Rim);
if (Si.Btn) {
col = new Color(Si.Btn);
var _local6 = starData[i][1];
conLines[_local1] = new Array();
for (_local32 in _local6) {
conLines[_local1][_local32] = new Array();
for (var _local30 in _local6[_local32]) {
conLines[_local1][_local32][_local30] = _local6[_local32][_local30];
for (_local32 in conLines[_local1]) {
for (var _local30 in conLines[_local1][_local32]) {
conLines[_local1][_local32][_local30] = _local26[conLines[_local1][_local32][_local30]];
Con.createEmptyMovieClip(_local1, i);
Con[_local1].createEmptyMovieClip("Fade", 0);
Con[_local1].Fade._alpha = 0;
specType = new Array("O", "B", "A", "F", "G", "K", "M");
specBase = new Array(7833855, 11184895, 14540287, 16777215, 16777164, 16764057, 16746615);
conLines = new Object();
var i = starData.length;
while (i--) {
Frame 8
Click.tabIndex = 0;
delete specType;
delete specBase;
delete compass;
delete thisSeg;
Seg._visible = true;
NInfo._visible = false;
x = (y = (z = (kx = (ky = (ss = 0)))));
newTL = true;
scan = false;
ScanBtn.enabled = true;
ScanBtn.tabEnabled = false;
NInfo._visible = true;
Click._alpha = -150;
Click.onEnterFrame = fadeIn;
Click.click_txt.text = getText("Click the sky to explore...");
skyColor = new Color(SkyBG);
moonColor = new Color(iMoon.dark_mc);
LInfo._visible = showPrompt;
var mainEvents = new Object();
mainEvents.onResize = function () {
var _local2 = Stage.width || (CANVAS_WIDTH);
var _local1 = Stage.height || (CANVAS_HEIGHT);
TInfo._y = (Math.round((CANVAS_HEIGHT - _local1) / 2) + _local1) - (_local1 * 0.1);
var _local4 = Seg._xscale;
var _local3 = Seg._yscale;
if ((_local2 / _local1) > (((_local2 / CANVAS_WIDTH) * 100) / ((_local1 / CANVAS_HEIGHT) * 100))) {
Seg._xscale = (_local2 / CANVAS_WIDTH) * 100;
if (Seg._xscale < 100) {
Seg._xscale = 100;
Seg._yscale = Seg._xscale;
} else {
Seg._yscale = (_local1 / CANVAS_HEIGHT) * 100;
if (Seg._yscale < 100) {
Seg._yscale = 100;
Seg._xscale = Seg._yscale;
} = ((_local2 / -2) * Seg._xscale) / 100; = ((_local2 / 2) * Seg._xscale) / 100; = (((_local1 / 2) * Seg._yscale) / 100) + 2;
if ((_local4 != Seg._xscale) || (_local3 != Seg._yscale)) {
SkyBG._width = (ScanBtn._width = _local2 + 2);
SkyBG._height = (ScanBtn._height = _local1 + 2);
if ( {
} else {
var keyEvents = new Object();
keyEvents.onKeyDown = function () {
switch (Key.getCode()) {
case 37 :
kx = -1;
case 39 :
kx = 1;
case 38 :
ky = -1;
case 40 :
ky = 1;
case 67 :
case 83 :
case 70 :
if (((kx != 0) || (ky != 0)) && (!scan)) {
switch (Key.getAscii()) {
case 76 :
if (l > 0) {
l = l - RADS;
if (l < 0) {
l = 0;
case 108 :
if (l < Math.PI) {
l = l + RADS;
if (l > Math.PI) {
l = Math.PI;
case 75 :
if (lon < -179) {
lon = 180;
case 107 :
if (lon > 180) {
lon = -179;
case 121 :
TInfo.keyPressed = true;
case 89 :
TInfo.keyPressed = true;
case 109 :
TInfo.keyPressed = true;
case 77 :
TInfo.keyPressed = true;
case 100 :
TInfo.keyPressed = true;
case 68 :
TInfo.keyPressed = true;
case 104 :
TInfo.keyPressed = true;
case 72 :
TInfo.keyPressed = true;
case 110 :
TInfo.keyPressed = true;
case 78 :
TInfo.keyPressed = true;
keyEvents.onKeyUp = function () {
switch (Key.getCode()) {
case 37 :
case 39 :
kx = 0;
case 38 :
case 40 :
ky = 0;
if (((kx == 0) && (ky == 0)) && (scan)) {
ss = 0;
switch (Key.getAscii()) {
case 121 :
case 89 :
case 109 :
case 77 :
case 100 :
case 68 :
case 104 :
case 72 :
case 110 :
case 78 :
TInfo.keyPressed = false;
Symbol 8 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_parent._parent._parent._parent._parent.scan) {
Symbol 8 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 21 MovieClip [Moon] Frame 1
Symbol 25 MovieClip [Compass] Frame 1
Symbol 60 MovieClip Frame 1
function setLoc() {
Loc._x = _parent.lon + MX;
Loc._y = Math.round(_parent.l * _parent.DEGS) + mt;
function updateMap() {
var _local4 = int(this._xmouse);
var _local3 = int(this._ymouse - 1);
if (_local4 < ml) {
_local4 = ml;
if (_local4 > mr) {
_local4 = mr;
if (_local3 < mt) {
_local3 = mt;
if (_local3 > mb) {
_local3 = mb;
Loc._x = _local4;
Loc._y = _local3;
_parent.lon = _local4 - MX;
_parent.l = ((_local3 - MY) + 90) * _parent.RADS;
locate_txt.text = _parent.getText("Set to my location");
done_txt.text = _parent.getText("Done");
var locateLine = this.createEmptyMovieClip("locateLine_mc", this.getNextHighestDepth());
locateLine._x = locate_txt._x + 3;
locateLine._y = locate_txt._y + 15;
locateLine.lineStyle(1, 0);
locateLine.lineTo(locate_txt.textWidth, 0);
var doneLine = this.createEmptyMovieClip("doneLine_mc", this.getNextHighestDepth());
doneLine._x = (done_txt._x + done_txt._width) - 1;
doneLine._y = done_txt._y + 15;
doneLine.lineStyle(1, 0);
doneLine.lineTo(-done_txt.textWidth, 0);
var MX = map_btn._x;
var MY = map_btn._y;
var ml = (MX - 179);
var mr = (MX + 180);
var mt = (MY - 90);
var mb = (MY + 90);
bg_mc.useHandCursor = false;
bg_mc.onPress = function () {
map_btn.onPress = function () {
if (_parent.scan) {
onMouseMove = updateMap;
map_btn.onRelease = (map_btn.onReleaseOutside = function () {
delete onMouseMove;
locate_btn.onRelease = function () {
if (_parent.scan) {
locate_btn._visible = flash.external.ExternalInterface.available;
done_btn.onRelease = function () {
if (_parent.scan) {
Symbol 71 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 88 MovieClip Frame 1
function stopDateTime() {
_visible = true;
_alpha = 100;
delete onEnterFrame;
function minuteUp() {
if (_parent.scan || (keyPressed)) {
p = MAX;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if ((p == MAX) || (p == 0)) {
with (_parent) {
now.setUTCMinutes(now.getUTCMinutes() - 1);
if (p > 0) {
function minuteDown() {
if (_parent.scan || (keyPressed)) {
p = MAX;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if ((p == MAX) || (p == 0)) {
with (_parent) {
now.setUTCMinutes(now.getUTCMinutes() + 1);
if (p > 0) {
function hourUp() {
if (_parent.scan || (keyPressed)) {
p = MAX;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if ((p == MAX) || (p == 0)) {
with (_parent) {
now.setUTCHours(now.getUTCHours() - 1);
if (p > 0) {
function hourDown() {
if (_parent.scan || (keyPressed)) {
p = MAX;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if ((p == MAX) || (p == 0)) {
with (_parent) {
now.setUTCHours(now.getUTCHours() + 1);
if (p > 0) {
function dayUp() {
if (_parent.scan || (keyPressed)) {
p = MAX;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if ((p == MAX) || (p == 0)) {
with (_parent) {
now.setUTCDate(now.getUTCDate() - 1);
if (p > 0) {
function dayDown() {
if (_parent.scan || (keyPressed)) {
p = MAX;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if ((p == MAX) || (p == 0)) {
with (_parent) {
now.setUTCDate(now.getUTCDate() + 1);
if (p > 0) {
function monthUp() {
if (_parent.scan || (keyPressed)) {
p = MAX;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if ((p == MAX) || (p == 0)) {
with (_parent) {
now.setUTCMonth(now.getUTCMonth() - 1);
if (p > 0) {
function monthDown() {
if (_parent.scan || (keyPressed)) {
p = MAX;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if ((p == MAX) || (p == 0)) {
with (_parent) {
now.setUTCMonth(now.getUTCMonth() + 1);
if (p > 0) {
function yearUp() {
if (_parent.scan || (keyPressed)) {
p = MAX;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if ((p == MAX) || (p == 0)) {
with (_parent) {
now.setUTCFullYear(now.getUTCFullYear() - 1);
if (p > 0) {
function yearDown() {
if (_parent.scan || (keyPressed)) {
p = MAX;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if ((p == MAX) || (p == 0)) {
with (_parent) {
now.setUTCFullYear(now.getUTCFullYear() + 1);
if (p > 0) {
title_btn.onRelease = function () {
hit_btn.tabEnabled = (hit_btn.useHandCursor = false);
var p = 0;
var MAX = 8;
var keyPressed = false;
minUp_btn.onPress = minuteDown;
minDn_btn.onPress = minuteUp;
hrUp_btn.onPress = hourDown;
hrDn_btn.onPress = hourUp;
dayUp_btn.onPress = dayDown;
dayDn_btn.onPress = dayUp;
monUp_btn.onPress = monthDown;
monDn_btn.onPress = monthUp;
yrUp_btn.onPress = yearDown;
yrDn_btn.onPress = yearUp;
minUp_btn.onRelease = (minUp_btn.onReleaseOutside = (minDn_btn.onRelease = (minDn_btn.onReleaseOutside = (hrUp_btn.onRelease = (hrUp_btn.onReleaseOutside = (hrDn_btn.onRelease = (hrDn_btn.onReleaseOutside = (dayUp_btn.onRelease = (dayUp_btn.onReleaseOutside = (dayDn_btn.onRelease = (dayDn_btn.onReleaseOutside = (monUp_btn.onRelease = (monUp_btn.onReleaseOutside = (monDn_btn.onRelease = (monDn_btn.onReleaseOutside = (yrUp_btn.onRelease = (yrUp_btn.onReleaseOutside = (yrDn_btn.onRelease = (yrDn_btn.onReleaseOutside = stopDateTime)))))))))))))))))));
lock_mc.Y = lock_mc._y;
lock_btn.onRollOver = function () {
lockText_mc._visible = true;
lockText_mc.onEnterFrame = _parent.fadeIn;
lock_btn.onRollOut = (map_btn.onDragOut = function () {
lockText_mc.onEnterFrame = _parent.fadeOut;
lock_btn.onPress = function () {
lock_mc._y = lock_mc.Y + 3;
lock_btn.onRelease = function () {
lock_mc._y = lock_mc.Y;
with (_parent) {
lockDT = !lockDT;
if (lockDT) {
} else {
lock_btn.onReleaseOutside = function () {
lock_mc._y = lock_mc.Y;
consText_mc.txt.text = _parent.getText("Constellations");
cons_btn.onRollOver = function () {
consText_mc._visible = true;
consText_mc.onEnterFrame = _parent.fadeIn;
cons_btn.onRollOut = (cons_btn.onDragOut = function () {
consText_mc.onEnterFrame = _parent.fadeOut;
cons_btn.onRelease = _parent.toggleCons;
mapText_mc.txt.text = _parent.getText("Location");
map_btn.onRollOver = function () {
mapText_mc._visible = true;
mapText_mc.onEnterFrame = _parent.fadeIn;
map_btn.onRollOut = (map_btn.onDragOut = function () {
mapText_mc.onEnterFrame = _parent.fadeOut;
map_btn.onRelease = function () {
with (_parent) {
if (LInfo._visible) {
} else {
dayText_mc.txt.text = _parent.getText("Daylight");
day_btn.onRollOver = function () {
dayText_mc._visible = true;
dayText_mc.onEnterFrame = _parent.fadeIn;
day_btn.onRollOut = (day_btn.onDragOut = function () {
dayText_mc.onEnterFrame = _parent.fadeOut;
day_btn.onRelease = _parent.toggleDaylight;