Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2596 · P5192

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #10439

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

<P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="_sans" SIZE="12" COLOR="#000000"> </FONT></P>

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
function dateTimeParser(dateTimeIn) { var dateTimeOut; dateTimeOut = Date.convertTime(dateTimeIn, "milliseconds", "hours"); if (dateTimeOut == 24) { dateTimeOut = (Date.convertTime(dateTimeIn, "milliseconds", "days") + " ") + ltxt("LC_DAY"); } else if ((dateTimeOut > 24) && (dateTimeOut < 168)) { dateTimeOut = (Date.convertTime(dateTimeIn, "milliseconds", "days") + " ") + ltxt("LC_DAYS"); } else if (dateTimeOut < 1) { if (parseInt(dateTimeOut) == 1) { dateTimeOut = (dateTimeOut + " ") + ltxt("LC_HOUR"); } else { dateTimeOut = (Date.convertTime(dateTimeOut, "hours", "minutes") + " ") + ltxt("LC_MINUTES"); } } else if (dateTimeOut == 168) { dateTimeOut = (Date.convertTime(dateTimeIn, "milliseconds", "weeks") + " ") + ltxt("WEEK"); } else if (dateTimeOut >= 168) { dateTimeOut = (Date.convertTime(dateTimeIn, "milliseconds", "weeks") + " ") + ltxt("WEEKS"); } else { dateTimeOut = (dateTimeOut + " ") + ltxt("LC_HOURS"); } return(dateTimeOut); } function calcRoundEndTime(genericTourney) { var roundCounter = 0; var roundCalc = new Array(); var roundEndTime; var numRounds; var numRoundCounter; if (genericTourney.type == Tourney.TYPE.KNOCKOUT) { numRounds = genericTourney.playoffRounds; numRoundCounter = numRounds; roundCounter = 0; while (roundCounter <= numRounds) { roundCalc[roundCounter] = numRoundCounter; numRoundCounter--; roundCounter++; } roundEndTime = genericTourney.startDate + (genericTourney.roundLength * roundCalc[genericTourney.currentRound]); } else { var tCurrentRound = genericTourney.currentRound; if (genericTourney.type == Tourney.TYPE.LEAGUE) { trace2("League"); if (genericTourney.playoffs) { trace2("League playoffs"); tCurrentRound = ((genericTourney.roundCount + genericTourney.playoffRounds) - genericTourney.currentRound) - 1; } } trace2("curr round: " + tCurrentRound); roundEndTime = genericTourney.startDate + (genericTourney.roundLength * (tCurrentRound + 1)); } return(new Date(roundEndTime)); } function inTourneyClubs(atour) { var homeClubId = atour.club1; var awayClubId = atour.club2; if (userProfile.clubId == homeClubId) { if (atour.hostClubStatus != "open") { return(false); } return(true); } if (userProfile.clubId == awayClubId) { if (atour.oppClubStatus != "open") { return(false); } return(true); } return(false); } function calcWinningPercentage(aplayerstatsIn) { if (isNaN( || (isNaN(aplayerstatsIn.wins))) { return(""); } var gamesPlayed = parseInt(; var wins = parseInt(aplayerstatsIn.wins); var winPerc = (wins / gamesPlayed); if (isNaN(winPerc)) { return("0.000"); } if (winPerc < 1) { if (winPerc == 0) { winPerc = "0.000"; } else { winPerc = main.toFixed(winPerc, 3, false); } } else { winPerc = main.toFixed(winPerc, 3, true); } return(winPerc); } function calcPoints(aplayerstatsIn) { if (isNaN( || (isNaN(aplayerstatsIn.wins))) { return(""); } var wins = parseInt(aplayerstatsIn.wins); var draws = parseInt(aplayerstatsIn.ties); return((wins * 3) + draws); } function calcTourneyEndDate(genericTourney) { var numRounds = genericTourney.roundCount; var gameEndTime = (genericTourney.startDate + (genericTourney.roundLength * numRounds)); var gameEnd = new Date(gameEndTime); var gameEndStr = ((gameEnd.getAbbrMonthString() + " ") + gameEnd.getDate()); return(gameEndStr); } function calcRoundFinishTime(genericTourney, nextRound) { var currentRound = genericTourney.currentRound; if (nextRound) { currentRound = currentRound + 1; } if (currentRound == 0) { currentRound = 1; } var roundEnd = new Date(genericTourney.startDate + (currentRound * genericTourney.roundLength)); var minutes = ((roundEnd.getMinutes() < 10) ? ("0" + roundEnd.getMinutes()) : (roundEnd.getMinutes())); var roundEndStr = ((((((((roundEnd.get12Hours() + ":") + minutes) + " ") + (roundEnd.isAM() ? (ltxt("AM")) : (ltxt("PM")))) + ", ") + roundEnd.getAbbrMonthString()) + " ") + roundEnd.getDate()); return(roundEndStr); } function calcRoundStartTime(genericTourney, nextRound) { var currentRound = genericTourney.currentRound; if (nextRound) { currentRound = currentRound + 1; } if (currentRound == 0) { currentRound = 1; } var roundStart = ((genericTourney.startDate + (currentRound * genericTourney.roundLength)) - genericTourney.roundLength); var now = new Date(); if (!nextRound) { if (roundStart < now.getTime()) { return(0); } } roundStart = new Date(roundStart); var minutes = ((roundStart.getMinutes() < 10) ? ("0" + roundStart.getMinutes()) : (roundStart.getMinutes())); var roundEndStr = ((((((((roundStart.get12Hours() + ":") + minutes) + " ") + (roundStart.isAM() ? (ltxt("AM")) : (ltxt("PM")))) + ", ") + roundStart.getAbbrMonthString()) + " ") + roundStart.getDate()); return(roundEndStr); } function callJS(functionName, params) { var arrParams = new Array(); var i = 1; while (i < arguments.length) { arrParams[i - 1] = arguments[i]; i++; } var p = arrParams.join("','"); var js = (((("javascript:" + functionName) + "('") + p) + "')"); if (_root.bBrowserHost != null) { getURL (js); } } function callJS1(functionName, params) { var arrParams = new Array(); var i = 1; while (i < arguments.length) { arrParams[i - 1] = arguments[i]; i++; } var p = arrParams.join("','"); p = ("'" + p) + "'"; if (_root.bBrowserHost != null) { fscommand (functionName, p); } else { trace2("NULL BROWSER HOST"); } } function setParent(childObj) { trace(childObj._name); var o = childObj._parent; trace(typeof(o)); if (typeof(o) == "movieclip") { if (o._name != "") { str_mcPath = (o._name + "/") + str_mcPath; } setParent(o); } } function callJS2(strRetVariableName, strFunction, params) { var mc = this._name; if (mc != "") { str_mcPath = this._name; setParent(this); mc = "/" + str_mcPath; strRetVariableName = (mc + ":") + strRetVariableName; } var arrParams = new Array(); var i = 1; while (i < arguments.length) { arrParams[i - 2] = arguments[i]; i++; } var p = arrParams.join("','"); p = ((((((("\"" + _root.flashObjectId) + "\",\"") + strRetVariableName) + "\",\"") + strFunction) + "('") + p) + "')\""; if (_root.bBrowserHost != null) { fscommand ("setValueFromJSFunction", p); } } function getPogoAuthUrl(url, params) { var currentDate = new Date(); var strUrl = (((((((((((((((gblHostURL + url) + "?site=") + main.gblSite) + "&game=") + _root.gblGameSite) + "&lkey=") + _global.lkey) + "&calltime=") + currentDate.toString()) + "&sku=") + _root.gameSKU) + "&locale=") + _global.gameLanguage) + "&") + params); return(strUrl); } function getNodeValue(xmlString, nodeName1, nodeName2) { var i = xmlString.indexOf(("<" + nodeName1) + ">"); if (i == -1) { return(""); } if (nodeName2 != null) { i = xmlString.indexOf(("<" + nodeName2) + ">", i); if (i == -1) { return(""); } i = i + (nodeName2.length + 2); var j = xmlString.indexOf(("</" + nodeName2) + ">", i); } else { i = i + (nodeName1.length + 2); var j = xmlString.indexOf(("</" + nodeName1) + ">", i); } var str = xmlString.substring(i, j); if (str.length < 1) { return(""); } var n = 0; while (n < (encTable.length / 2)) { var nindex = str.indexOf(encTable[n * 2]); while (nindex != -1) { str = (str.slice(0, nindex) + encTable[(n * 2) + 1]) + str.slice(nindex + encTable[n * 2].length, str.length); nindex = str.indexOf(encTable[n * 2]); } n++; } return(str); } function getInstallFolder() { var tmpStr = ""; tmpStr = unescape(_root._url); tmpStr = tmpStr.substr(0, tmpStr.lastIndexOf("\\")); tmpStr = tmpStr.substr(0, tmpStr.lastIndexOf("\\")); tmpStr = tmpStr.substr(0, tmpStr.lastIndexOf("\\") + 1); return(tmpStr); } function checkServerError(xml) { if (xml.childNodes[0].nodeName == "SERVER_ERROR") { var a = (xml.toString().indexOf("::") + 2); var b = xml.toString().indexOf(":", a); var ret = xml.toString().substring(a, b); main.trace2("Server Error " + ret); if (Number(ret) == 10008) { main.showConfirmDialog(ltxt("ESPN_NOTICE"), onSubscriptionOkCallBack, null, ""); } else { main.showAlertDialog(ltxt("SERVER_ERROR_" + ret)); } main.hideLoadingScreen(); if (Number(ret) == -1) { main.navigate(main.MI_LOGOFF); } return(Number(ret)); } return(0); } function onSubscriptionOkCallBack() { if (_global.gameLanguage == "pt2") { var Langcode = "pt_BR"; } else if (_global.gameLanguage == "cz") { var Langcode = "cs"; } else if (_global.gameLanguage == "es_mx") { var Langcode = "es_MX"; } else { var Langcode = _global.gameLanguage; } trace2((((((((_root.gblSubscriptionPageUrl + "?site=") + _root.gblSite) + "&game=") + _root.gblGameSite) + "&lkey=") + _global.lkey) + "&lang=") + Langcode); getURL ((((((((_root.gblSubscriptionPageUrl + "?site=") + _root.gblSite) + "&game=") + _root.gblGameSite) + "&lkey=") + _global.lkey) + "&lang=") + Langcode, "_new"); trace2("Lanch complete"); } function checkServerErrorStr(string) { if (string.indexOf("SERVER_ERROR") != -1) { var a = (string.indexOf("::") + 2); var b = string.indexOf(":", a); var ret = string.substring(a, b); main.trace2("Server Error " + ret); main.showAlertDialog(ltxt("SERVER_ERROR_" + ret)); main.hideLoadingScreen(); if (Number(ret) == -1) { main.navigate(main.MI_LOGOFF); } return(Number(ret)); } return(0); } function htmlEncode(str) { if (str.length < 1) { return(""); } var n = 1; while (n < encTable.length) { var nindex = str.indexOf(encTable[n]); while (nindex != -1) { str = (str.slice(0, nindex) + encTable[n - 1]) + str.slice(nindex + 1, str.length); nindex = str.indexOf(encTable[n], nindex + 1); } n = n + 2; } return(str); } function easoEncode(str) { trace2("easoEncode is being used; please remove!"); return(str); } function easoDecode(str) { trace2("easoDecode is being used; please remove!"); return(str); } function selectField(fieldName) { Selection.fieldName = fieldName; _selectFieldIntervalId = setInterval(selectFieldCallback, 300); } function selectFieldCallback() { clearInterval(_selectFieldIntervalId); Selection.setFocus(Selection.fieldName); Selection.getFocus(); } function addKeyListener(callbackFunction) { _keyListener.onKeyUp = function () { if (Key.getCode() == 13) { callbackFunction(); } }; Key.addListener(_keyListener); } function removeKeyListener() { Key.removeListener(_keyListener); } function toFixed(num, nDecimals, leadingZero) { if (isNan(num)) { return("0"); } if (nDecimals == 0) { return(Math.round(num)); } if (leadingZero == null) { leadingZero = true; } var zeroString = ""; var cnt = 0; while (cnt <= nDecimals) { zeroString = zeroString + "0"; cnt++; } if (Number(num) == 0) { var zeros = ((leadingZero ? "0." : ".") + zeroString); zeros = zeros.substring(0, (nDecimals + 1) + (leadingZero ? 1 : 0)); return(zeros); } var n1 = String(Math.round(num * Math.pow(10, nDecimals)) / Math.pow(10, nDecimals)); var cnt = n1.indexOf("."); if (cnt == -1) { cnt = n1.length; n1 = n1 + "."; } if ((((cnt == 1) && (Number(n1) < 1)) && (!leadingZero)) && (Number(n1) > 0)) { cnt = cnt - 1; n1 = n1.substr(1); } n1 = n1 + zeroString; cnt = cnt + (nDecimals + 1); return(n1.substr(0, cnt)); } function getHeadShotFromProfileObj(pObj) { var profileCard = parseInt(pObj.profileCard); if (profileCard < 0) { return("../../commonImages/cards/default.jpg"); } return(("../../commonImages/cards/" + profileCard) + "a.jpg"); } function getCardImageFromProfileObj(pObj) { var profileCard = parseInt(pObj.profileCard); if (profileCard < 0) { return("../../commonImages/cards/default.jpg"); } return(("../../commonImages/cards/" + profileCard) + ".jpg"); } var Tourney = _root.Tourney; var TourneyGame = _root.TourneyGame; var TourneyPlayer = _root.TourneyPlayer; var TourneyStats_NFL = _root.TourneyStats_NFL; var TourneyStats_TW = _root.TourneyStats_TW; var TourneyStats_FIFA = _root.TourneyStats_FIFA; var TourneyStats_WC = _root.TourneyStats_WC; var TourneyStats_NHL = _root.TourneyStats_NHL; var TourneyStats_MVP = _root.TourneyStats_MVP; var TourneyStats_NBA = _root.TourneyStats_NBA; var NextTourneyGame = _root.NextTourneyGame; var userTourneys = _global.userTourneys; var userMyTourneys = _global.userMyTourneys; var userNextTourneyGames = _global.userNextTourneyGames; var tourneyDM = _global.tourneyDM; var TOURNAMENT_MAX = 10; var TOURNAMENT_CREATE_MAX = 5; var LEAGUE_MAX = 10; var LEAGUE_CREATE_MAX = 5; var MAX_ROUNDS = 6; var regionLabelArray = new Array(ltxt("All"), "---", ltxt("AMERICAS"), ltxt("EUROPE"), ltxt("KOREA"), "---", ltxt("AUSTRALIA"), ltxt("AUSTRIA"), ltxt("BELGIUM"), ltxt("BRAZIL"), ltxt("CANADA"), ltxt("CZECH_REP"), ltxt("DENMARK"), ltxt("FINLAND"), ltxt("FRANCE"), ltxt("GERMANY"), ltxt("GREECE"), ltxt("HUNGARY"), ltxt("ICELAND"), ltxt("ISRAEL"), ltxt("ITALY"), ltxt("JAPAN"), ltxt("MEXICO"), ltxt("NETHERLANDS"), ltxt("NORWAY"), ltxt("POLAND"), ltxt("PORTUGAL"), ltxt("RUSSIA"), ltxt("SOUTH_KOREA"), ltxt("SPAIN"), ltxt("SWEDEN"), ltxt("SWITZERLAND"), ltxt("TURKEY"), ltxt("UNITED_KINGDOM"), ltxt("UNITED_STATES"), "---", ltxt("OTHER")); var regionDataArray = new Array("All", "---", "Americas", "Europe", "Korea", "---", "au", "at", "be", "br", "ca", "cz", "dk", "fi", "fr", "de", "gr", "hu", "is", "il", "it", "jp", "mx", "nl", "no", "pl", "pt", "ru", "kr", "es", "se", "ch", "tr", "uk", "us", "---", "Other"); var americasArray = new Array("Americas", "br", "ca", "mx", "us"); var europeArray = new Array("Europe", "at", "be", "cz", "dk", "fi", "fr", "de", "gr", "hu", "is", "it", "nl", "no", "pl", "pt", "ru", "es", "se", "ch", "tr", "uk"); var koreaArray = new Array("Korea", "kr"); var str_mcPath; var encTable = ["&amp;", "&", "&lt;", "<", "&gt;", ">", "&quot;", "\"", "&apos;", "'"]; _root.gblInstallFolder = getInstallFolder(); var _keyListener = new Object(); this._visible = false; var MOVIE_CLIP = this; var NUM_MOVIES = 4; var tCurrentLeague = null; var summaryLoaded = false; var scheduleLoaded = false; var treeLoaded = false; var statsLoaded = false; var settingsLoaded = false; var tabPaneLoaded = false; var playoffTabPaneLoaded = false; var movieCounter = 0; var showSchedFunc; var showStatsFunc; var playoffsOn = false; this.tabEnabled = false; this.tabChildren = false;
Instance of Symbol 152 Imported [easoTabSet] "tabPane" in Frame 1
//component parameters onClipEvent (initialize) { tabSetName = "myTabs"; bLocalizeLabels = true; arrTabLabels = []; arrTabLabels[0] = "TAB_SUMMARY"; arrTabLabels[1] = "TAB_SCHEDULE"; arrTabLabels[2] = "TAB_STATISTICS"; }
Instance of Symbol 153 Imported [easoButtonS] "btnClose" in Frame 1
//component parameters onClipEvent (initialize) { label = "BTN_CLOSE"; bLocalize = true; bcolor = "grey"; }
Instance of Symbol 156 Imported [easoButtonMedium] "btnBoards" in Frame 1
//component parameters onClipEvent (initialize) { label = "BTN_MESSAGE_BOARDS"; bLocalize = true; bcolor = "blue"; }
Instance of Symbol 152 Imported [easoTabSet] "tabPanePlayoffs" in Frame 1
//component parameters onClipEvent (initialize) { tabSetName = "myTabs"; bLocalizeLabels = true; arrTabLabels = []; arrTabLabels[0] = "TAB_SUMMARY"; arrTabLabels[1] = "TAB_SCHEDULE"; arrTabLabels[2] = "TAB_TREE"; arrTabLabels[3] = "TAB_STATISTICS"; }
Frame 2
function initDetails() { main.showLoadingScreen(); getPlayoffTabPane()._visible = false; getTabPane()._visible = false; background.onPress = function () { }; background._alpha = 50; btnBoards._visible = false; imgLock._visible = false; txtLeagueName.setFont(tfN7); txtRound.setFont(tfN1); lblTitle2.setFont(tfN10); lblTitle2.text = "LEAGUE DETAILS"; lblTitle.setFont(tfN10); lblTitle.text = "LEAGUE DETAILS"; getGameSettings(); } function gameDetailSettingsOnLoad() { hideAllMovies(); tCurrentLeague = _root.mcContent1.tSelectedLeague; this._visible = true; main.TourneyDM.getTourneyDetail(tCurrentLeague, _getlLeagueDetailCallBack); } function _getlLeagueDetailCallBack(bSuccess, refreshedLeague) { if (bSuccess) { tCurrentLeague = refreshedLeague; txtLeagueName.text =; txtLeagueName2.text =; fillDetails(); refreshLeagueData(); tabsOnClick(getTabPane().getSelectedTab()); } main.hideLoadingScreen(); } function movieHasLoaded(loadedMovie) { movieCounter++; if (movieCounter == NUM_MOVIES) { _root.mcContent1.movieHasLoaded("details"); hideAllMovies(); } } function getTabPane() { if (!tabPaneLoaded) { MOVIE_CLIP.tabPane._visible = false; MOVIE_CLIP.tabPane.onPressHandler = tabsOnClick; tabPaneLoaded = true; } return(MOVIE_CLIP.tabPane); } function getPlayoffTabPane() { if (!playoffTabPaneLoaded) { MOVIE_CLIP.tabPanePlayoffs._visible = false; MOVIE_CLIP.tabPanePlayoffs.onPressHandler = tabsOnClick; playoffTabPaneLoaded = true; } return(MOVIE_CLIP.tabPanePlayoffs); } function getSummary() { if (!summaryLoaded) { MOVIE_CLIP.createEmptyMovieClip("leagueSummary", 2); MOVIE_CLIP.leagueSummary.loadMovie("../../commonSWF/leagues/leagueSummary.swf"); MOVIE_CLIP.leagueSummary._visible = false; MOVIE_CLIP.leagueSummary._x = 109; MOVIE_CLIP.leagueSummary._y = 230; summaryLoaded = true; } return(MOVIE_CLIP.leagueSummary); } function getSchedule() { if (!scheduleLoaded) { MOVIE_CLIP.createEmptyMovieClip("leagueSchedule", 3); MOVIE_CLIP.leagueSchedule.loadMovie("../../commonSWF/leagues/leagueSchedule.swf"); MOVIE_CLIP.leagueSchedule._visible = false; MOVIE_CLIP.leagueSchedule._x = 109; MOVIE_CLIP.leagueSchedule._y = 230; scheduleLoaded = true; } return(MOVIE_CLIP.leagueSchedule); } function getTree() { if (!treeLoaded) { MOVIE_CLIP.createEmptyMovieClip("leagueTree", 4); MOVIE_CLIP.leagueTree.loadMovie("../../commonSWF/leagues/leaguePlayoffTree.swf"); MOVIE_CLIP.leagueTree._x = 109; MOVIE_CLIP.leagueTree._y = 230; MOVIE_CLIP.leagueTree._visible = false; treeLoaded = true; } return(MOVIE_CLIP.leagueTree); } function getStats() { if (!statsLoaded) { MOVIE_CLIP.createEmptyMovieClip("leagueStats", 5); MOVIE_CLIP.leagueStats.loadMovie("../leagues/leagueStats.swf"); MOVIE_CLIP.leagueStats._visible = false; MOVIE_CLIP.leagueStats._x = 109; MOVIE_CLIP.leagueStats._y = 230; statsLoaded = true; } return(MOVIE_CLIP.leagueStats); } function getGameSettings() { if (!settingsLoaded) { MOVIE_CLIP.createEmptyMovieClip("settingsDetail", 6); MOVIE_CLIP.settingsDetail.loadMovie(("../../" + main.gblGameId) + "/matchup/gameDetailSettings.swf"); MOVIE_CLIP.settingsDetail._x = 109; MOVIE_CLIP.settingsDetail._y = 348; MOVIE_CLIP.settingsDetail._visible = false; settingsLoaded = true; } return(MOVIE_CLIP.settingsDetail); } function tabsOnClick(selectedTab) { switch (selectedTab) { case 0 : showSummary(); return; case 1 : main.showLoadingScreen(); showSchedFunc = setInterval(showSchedule, 500); return; case 2 : if (playoffsOn) { showTree(); } else { tabsOnClick(3); } return; case 3 : main.showLoadingScreen(); showStatsFunc = setInterval(showStats, 500); return; default : getTabPane().selectTab(0); getPlayoffTabPane().selectTab(0); showSummary(); } } function hideAllMovies() { getTree()._visible = false; getSummary()._visible = false; getSchedule()._visible = false; getStats()._visible = false; getGameSettings()._visible = false; } function showSummary() { if (tCurrentLeague) { getSummary().showLeague(tCurrentLeague); hideAllMovies(); getSummary()._visible = true; getGameSettings()._visible = true; } } function showSchedule() { if (tCurrentLeague) { hideAllMovies(); clearInterval(showSchedFunc); getSchedule().setCurrentLeague(tCurrentLeague); getSchedule()._visible = true; } } function showTree() { if (tCurrentLeague) { hideAllMovies(); getTree().setCurrentLeague(tCurrentLeague); getTree()._visible = true; } } function showStats() { if (tCurrentLeague) { hideAllMovies(); clearInterval(showStatsFunc); getStats().setCurrentLeague(tCurrentLeague); getStats()._visible = true; } } function show() { this._visible = true; } function hide() { this._visible = false; } function getLeague() { return(tCurrentLeague); } function fillDetails() { (tCurrentLeague.isPrivate ? (imgLock.lockIt()) : (imgLock.unlockIt())); imgLock._visible = true; playoffsOn = false; if (tCurrentLeague.status == Tourney.STATUS.COMPLETED) { txtRound.text = "Status: Completed"; playoffsOn = true; } else if (tCurrentLeague.status == Tourney.STATUS.CREATED) { txtRound.text = "Not Started Yet"; } else if (!tCurrentLeague.playoffs) { txtRound.text = "Round: " + (tCurrentLeague.currentRound + 1); } else { switch (parseInt(tCurrentLeague.currentRound)) { case 0 : txtRound.text = "Playoff Round: Final"; break; case 1 : txtRound.text = "Playoff Round: Semi-Final"; break; default : txtRound.text = "Playoff Round: " + tCurrentLeague.currentRound; } if (tCurrentLeague.playoffRounds > 1) { playoffsOn = true; } } if (playoffsOn) { getPlayoffTabPane()._visible = true; getTabPane()._visible = false; } else { getPlayoffTabPane()._visible = false; getTabPane()._visible = true; } MOVIE_CLIP._visible = true; } function refreshLeagueData() { var agameSettingsObj = main.getGameFromFactory(); if (agameSettingsObj) { agameSettingsObj.updateByCSV(tCurrentLeague.gameSettings); } getGameSettings().setGameObject(agameSettingsObj); } stop(); initDetails(); btnBoards.onPress = function () { main.currentTourneyID =; main.navigate(main.MI_TOUR_MESSAGE_BOARDS); }; btnClose.onPress = function () { hide(); };
Symbol 11 MovieClip Frame 1
var component = _parent._parent; component.registerSkinElement(frame5, "face"); component.registerSkinElement(frame3, "shadow"); component.registerSkinElement(frame1, "darkshadow"); component.registerSkinElement(frame4, "highlight"); component.registerSkinElement(frame2, "highlight3D");
Symbol 17 MovieClip Frame 1
var component = _parent._parent; component.registerSkinElement(frame5, "face"); component.registerSkinElement(frame3, "shadow"); component.registerSkinElement(frame1, "darkshadow"); component.registerSkinElement(frame4, "highlight"); component.registerSkinElement(frame2, "highlight3D");
Symbol 23 MovieClip Frame 1
var component = _parent._parent; component.registerSkinElement(frame5, "face"); component.registerSkinElement(frame4, "shadow"); component.registerSkinElement(frame2, "darkshadow"); component.registerSkinElement(frame3, "highlight"); component.registerSkinElement(frame1, "highlight3D");
Symbol 29 MovieClip Frame 1
var component = _parent._parent; component.registerSkinElement(frame5, "face"); component.registerSkinElement(frame3, "shadow"); component.registerSkinElement(frame1, "darkshadow"); component.registerSkinElement(frame4, "highlight"); component.registerSkinElement(frame2, "highlight3D");
Symbol 30 MovieClip [fpb_states] Frame 1
Symbol 30 MovieClip [fpb_states] Frame 2
Symbol 30 MovieClip [fpb_states] Frame 3
Symbol 30 MovieClip [fpb_states] Frame 4
Symbol 34 MovieClip [FBoundingBoxSymbol] Frame 1
var component = _parent; component.registerSkinElement(boundingBox, "background"); stop();
Symbol 34 MovieClip [FBoundingBoxSymbol] Frame 2
component.registerSkinElement(boundingBox2, "backgroundDisabled"); stop();
Symbol 37 MovieClip [FPushButtonSymbol] Frame 1
#initclip 6 function FPushButtonClass() { this.init(); } FPushButtonClass.prototype = new FUIComponentClass(); Object.registerClass("FPushButtonSymbol", FPushButtonClass); FPushButtonClass.prototype.init = function () { super.setSize(this._width, this._height); this.boundingBox_mc.unloadMovie(); this.attachMovie("fpb_states", "fpbState_mc", 1); this.attachMovie("FLabelSymbol", "fLabel_mc", 2); this.attachMovie("fpb_hitArea", "fpb_hitArea_mc", 3); super.init(); this.btnState = false; this.setClickHandler(this.clickHandler); this._xscale = 100; this._yscale = 100; this.setSize(this.width, this.height); if (this.label != undefined) { this.setLabel(this.label); } this.ROLE_SYSTEM_PUSHBUTTON = 43; this.STATE_SYSTEM_PRESSED = 8; this.EVENT_OBJECT_STATECHANGE = 32778; this.EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE = 32780; this._accImpl.master = this; this._accImpl.stub = false; this._accImpl.get_accRole = this.get_accRole; this._accImpl.get_accName = this.get_accName; this._accImpl.get_accState = this.get_accState; this._accImpl.get_accDefaultAction = this.get_accDefaultAction; this._accImpl.accDoDefaultAction = this.accDoDefaultAction; }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.setHitArea = function (w, h) { var hit = this.fpb_hitArea_mc; this.hitArea = hit; hit._visible = false; hit._width = w; hit._height = ((arguments.length > 1) ? (h) : (hit._height)); }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.setSize = function (w, h) { w = ((w < 6) ? 6 : (w)); if (arguments.length > 1) { if (h < 6) { h = 6; } } super.setSize(w, h); this.setLabel(this.getLabel()); this.arrangeLabel(); this.setHitArea(w, h); this.boundingBox_mc._width = w; this.boundingBox_mc._height = h; this.drawFrame(); if (this.focused) { super.myOnSetFocus(); } this.initContentPos("fLabel_mc"); }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.arrangeLabel = function () { var label = this.fLabel_mc; var h = this.height; var w = (this.width - 2); var b = 1; this.fLabel_mc.setSize(w - (b * 4)); label._x = b * 3; label._y = (h / 2) - (label._height / 2); }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.getLabel = function () { return(this.fLabel_mc.labelField.text); }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.setLabel = function (label) { this.fLabel_mc.setLabel(label); this.txtFormat(); this.arrangeLabel(); if (Accessibility.isActive()) { Accessibility.sendEvent(this, 0, this.EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE); } }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.getEnabled = function () { return(this.enabled); }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.setEnabled = function (enable) { if (enable || (enable == undefined)) { this.gotoFrame(1); this.drawFrame(); this.flabel_mc.setEnabled(true); this.enabled = true; super.setEnabled(true); } else { this.gotoFrame(4); this.drawFrame(); this.flabel_mc.setEnabled(false); this.enabled = false; super.setEnabled(false); } }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.txtFormat = function () { var txtS = this.textStyle; var sTbl = this.styleTable; txtS.align = ((sTbl.textAlign.value == undefined) ? ((txtS.align = "center")) : undefined); txtS.leftMargin = ((sTbl.textLeftMargin.value == undefined) ? ((txtS.leftMargin = 1)) : undefined); txtS.rightMargin = ((sTbl.textRightMargin.value == undefined) ? ((txtS.rightMargin = 1)) : undefined); if (this.fLabel_mc._height > this.height) { super.setSize(this.width, this.fLabel_mc._height); } else { super.setSize(this.width, this.height); } this.fLabel_mc.labelField.setTextFormat(this.textStyle); this.setEnabled(this.enable); }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.drawFrame = function () { var b = 1; var x1 = 0; var y1 = 0; var x2 = this.width; var y2 = this.height; var mc_array = ["up_mc", "over_mc", "down_mc", "disabled_mc"]; var frame = mc_array[this.fpbState_mc._currentframe - 1]; var mc = "frame"; var i = 0; while (i < 6) { x1 = x1 + ((i % 2) * b); y1 = y1 + ((i % 2) * b); x2 = x2 - (((i + 1) % 2) * b); y2 = y2 - (((i + 1) % 2) * b); var w = (Math.abs(x1 - x2) + (2 * b)); var h = (Math.abs(y1 - y2) + (2 * b)); this.fpbState_mc[frame][mc + i]._width = w; this.fpbState_mc[frame][mc + i]._height = h; this.fpbState_mc[frame][mc + i]._x = x1 - b; this.fpbState_mc[frame][mc + i]._y = y1 - b; i++; } }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.setClickHandler = function (chng, obj) { this.handlerObj = ((arguments.length < 2) ? (this._parent) : (obj)); this.clickHandler = chng; }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.executeCallBack = function () { this.handlerObj[this.clickHandler](this); }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.initContentPos = function (mc) { this.incrVal = 1; this.initx = this[mc]._x - (this.getBtnState() * this.incrVal); this.inity = this[mc]._y - (this.getBtnState() * this.incrVal); this.togx = this.initx + this.incrVal; this.togy = this.inity + this.incrVal; }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.setBtnState = function (state) { this.btnState = state; if (state) { this.fLabel_mc._x = this.togx; this.fLabel_mc._y = this.togy; } else { this.fLabel_mc._x = this.initx; this.fLabel_mc._y = this.inity; } }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.getBtnState = function () { return(this.btnState); }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.myOnSetFocus = function () { this.focused = true; super.myOnSetFocus(); }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.onPress = function () { this.pressFocus(); this.fpbState_mc.gotoAndStop(3); this.drawFrame(); this.setBtnState(true); if (Accessibility.isActive()) { Accessibility.sendEvent(this, 0, this.EVENT_OBJECT_STATECHANGE, true); } }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.onRelease = function () { this.fpbState_mc.gotoAndStop(2); this.drawFrame(); this.executeCallBack(); this.setBtnState(false); if (Accessibility.isActive()) { Accessibility.sendEvent(this, 0, this.EVENT_OBJECT_STATECHANGE, true); } }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.onRollOver = function () { this.fpbState_mc.gotoAndStop(2); this.drawFrame(); }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.onRollOut = function () { this.fpbState_mc.gotoAndStop(1); this.drawFrame(); }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.onReleaseOutside = function () { this.setBtnState(false); this.fpbState_mc.gotoAndStop(1); this.drawFrame(); }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.onDragOut = function () { this.setBtnState(false); this.fpbState_mc.gotoAndStop(1); this.drawFrame(); }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.onDragOver = function () { this.setBtnState(true); this.fpbState_mc.gotoAndStop(3); this.drawFrame(); }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.myOnKeyDown = function () { if ((Key.getCode() == 32) && (this.pressOnce == undefined)) { this.onPress(); this.pressOnce = 1; } }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.myOnKeyUp = function () { if (Key.getCode() == 32) { this.onRelease(); this.pressOnce = undefined; } }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.get_accRole = function (childId) { return(this.master.ROLE_SYSTEM_PUSHBUTTON); }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.get_accName = function (childId) { return(this.master.getLabel()); }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.get_accState = function (childId) { if (this.pressOnce) { return(this.master.STATE_SYSTEM_PRESSED); } return(this.master.STATE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT); }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.get_accDefaultAction = function (childId) { return("Press"); }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.accDoDefaultAction = function (childId) { this.master.onPress(); this.master.onRelease(); }; #endinitclip boundingBox_mc._visible = false; deadPreview._visible = false;
Symbol 40 MovieClip [FLabelSymbol] Frame 1
#initclip 1 _global.FLabelClass = function () { if (this.hostComponent == undefined) { this.hostComponent = ((this._parent.controller == undefined) ? (this._parent) : (this._parent.controller)); } if (this.customTextStyle == undefined) { if (this.hostComponent.textStyle == undefined) { this.hostComponent.textStyle = new TextFormat(); } this.textStyle = this.hostComponent.textStyle; this.enable = true; } }; FLabelClass.prototype = new MovieClip(); Object.registerClass("FLabelSymbol", FLabelClass); FLabelClass.prototype.setLabel = function (label) { var val = this.hostComponent.styleTable.embedFonts.value; if (val != undefined) { this.labelField.embedFonts = val; } this.labelField.setNewTextFormat(this.textStyle); this.labelField.text = label; this.labelField._height = this.labelField.textHeight + 2; }; FLabelClass.prototype.setSize = function (width) { this.labelField._width = width; }; FLabelClass.prototype.setEnabled = function (enable) { this.enable = enable; var tmpColor = this.hostComponent.styleTable[(enable ? "textColor" : "textDisabled")].value; if (tmpColor == undefined) { tmpColor = (enable ? 0 : 8947848); } this.setColor(tmpColor); }; FLabelClass.prototype.getLabel = function () { return(this.labelField.text); }; FLabelClass.prototype.setColor = function (col) { this.labelField.textColor = col; }; #endinitclip
Symbol 42 MovieClip [FHighlightSymbol] Frame 1
var component = _parent.controller; component.registerSkinElement(highlight_mc, "selection"); stop();
Symbol 42 MovieClip [FHighlightSymbol] Frame 2
component.registerSkinElement(highlight_mc2, "selectionDisabled"); stop();
Symbol 42 MovieClip [FHighlightSymbol] Frame 3
component.registerSkinElement(highlight_mc3, "selectionUnfocused"); stop();
Symbol 43 MovieClip [FUIComponentSymbol] Frame 1
#initclip 2 function FUIComponentClass() { this.init(); } FUIComponentClass.prototype = new MovieClip(); FUIComponentClass.prototype.init = function () { this.enable = true; this.focused = false; this.useHandCursor = false; this._accImpl = new Object(); this._accImpl.stub = true; this.styleTable = new Array(); if (_global.globalStyleFormat == undefined) { _global.globalStyleFormat = new FStyleFormat(); globalStyleFormat.isGlobal = true; _global._focusControl = new Object(); _global._focusControl.onSetFocus = function (oldFocus, newFocus) { oldFocus.myOnKillFocus(); newFocus.myOnSetFocus(); }; Selection.addListener(_global._focusControl); } if (this._name != undefined) { this._focusrect = false; this.tabEnabled = true; this.focusEnabled = true; this.tabChildren = false; this.tabFocused = true; if (this.hostStyle == undefined) { globalStyleFormat.addListener(this); } else { this.styleTable = this.hostStyle; } this.deadPreview._visible = false; this.deadPreview._width = (this.deadPreview._height = 1); this.methodTable = new Object(); this.keyListener = new Object(); this.keyListener.controller = this; this.keyListener.onKeyDown = function () { this.controller.myOnKeyDown(); }; this.keyListener.onKeyUp = function () { this.controller.myOnKeyUp(); }; for (var i in this.styleFormat_prm) { this.setStyleProperty(i, this.styleFormat_prm[i]); } } }; FUIComponentClass.prototype.setEnabled = function (enabledFlag) { this.enable = ((arguments.length > 0) ? (enabledFlag) : true); this.tabEnabled = (this.focusEnabled = enabledFlag); if ((!this.enable) && (this.focused)) { Selection.setFocus(undefined); } }; FUIComponentClass.prototype.getEnabled = function () { return(this.enable); }; FUIComponentClass.prototype.setSize = function (w, h) { this.width = w; this.height = h; this.focusRect.removeMovieClip(); }; FUIComponentClass.prototype.setChangeHandler = function (chng, obj) { this.handlerObj = ((obj == undefined) ? (this._parent) : (obj)); this.changeHandler = chng; }; FUIComponentClass.prototype.invalidate = function (methodName) { this.methodTable[methodName] = true; this.onEnterFrame = this.cleanUI; }; FUIComponentClass.prototype.cleanUI = function () { if (this.methodTable.setSize) { this.setSize(this.width, this.height); } else { this.cleanUINotSize(); } this.methodTable = new Object(); delete this.onEnterFrame; }; FUIComponentClass.prototype.cleanUINotSize = function () { for (var funct in this.methodTable) { this[funct](); } }; FUIComponentClass.prototype.drawRect = function (x, y, w, h) { var inner = this.styleTable.focusRectInner.value; var outer = this.styleTable.focusRectOuter.value; if (inner == undefined) { inner = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; } if (outer == undefined) { outer = 0; } this.createEmptyMovieClip("focusRect", 1000); this.focusRect.controller = this; this.focusRect.lineStyle(1, outer); this.focusRect.moveTo(x, y); this.focusRect.lineTo(x + w, y); this.focusRect.lineTo(x + w, y + h); this.focusRect.lineTo(x, y + h); this.focusRect.lineTo(x, y); this.focusRect.lineStyle(1, inner); this.focusRect.moveTo(x + 1, y + 1); this.focusRect.lineTo((x + w) - 1, y + 1); this.focusRect.lineTo((x + w) - 1, (y + h) - 1); this.focusRect.lineTo(x + 1, (y + h) - 1); this.focusRect.lineTo(x + 1, y + 1); }; FUIComponentClass.prototype.pressFocus = function () { this.tabFocused = false; this.focusRect.removeMovieClip(); Selection.setFocus(this); }; FUIComponentClass.prototype.drawFocusRect = function () { this.drawRect(-2, -2, this.width + 4, this.height + 4); }; FUIComponentClass.prototype.myOnSetFocus = function () { this.focused = true; Key.addListener(this.keyListener); if (this.tabFocused) { this.drawFocusRect(); } }; FUIComponentClass.prototype.myOnKillFocus = function () { this.tabFocused = true; this.focused = false; this.focusRect.removeMovieClip(); Key.removeListener(this.keyListener); }; FUIComponentClass.prototype.executeCallBack = function () { this.handlerObj[this.changeHandler](this); }; FUIComponentClass.prototype.updateStyleProperty = function (styleFormat, propName) { this.setStyleProperty(propName, styleFormat[propName], styleFormat.isGlobal); }; FUIComponentClass.prototype.setStyleProperty = function (propName, value, isGlobal) { if (value == "") { return(undefined); } var tmpValue = parseInt(value); if (!isNaN(tmpValue)) { value = tmpValue; } var global = ((arguments.length > 2) ? (isGlobal) : false); if (this.styleTable[propName] == undefined) { this.styleTable[propName] = new Object(); this.styleTable[propName].useGlobal = true; } if (this.styleTable[propName].useGlobal || (!global)) { this.styleTable[propName].value = value; if (this.setCustomStyleProperty(propName, value)) { } else if (propName == "embedFonts") { this.invalidate("setSize"); } else if (propName.subString(0, 4) == "text") { if (this.textStyle == undefined) { this.textStyle = new TextFormat(); } var textProp = propName.subString(4, propName.length); this.textStyle[textProp] = value; this.invalidate("setSize"); } else { for (var j in this.styleTable[propName].coloredMCs) { var myColor = new Color(this.styleTable[propName].coloredMCs[j]); if (this.styleTable[propName].value == undefined) { var myTObj = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0", aa:"100", ab:"0"}; myColor.setTransform(myTObj); } else { myColor.setRGB(value); } } } this.styleTable[propName].useGlobal = global; } }; FUIComponentClass.prototype.registerSkinElement = function (skinMCRef, propName) { if (this.styleTable[propName] == undefined) { this.styleTable[propName] = new Object(); this.styleTable[propName].useGlobal = true; } if (this.styleTable[propName].coloredMCs == undefined) { this.styleTable[propName].coloredMCs = new Object(); } this.styleTable[propName].coloredMCs[skinMCRef] = skinMCRef; if (this.styleTable[propName].value != undefined) { var myColor = new Color(skinMCRef); myColor.setRGB(this.styleTable[propName].value); } }; _global.FStyleFormat = function () { this.nonStyles = {listeners:true, isGlobal:true, isAStyle:true, addListener:true, removeListener:true, nonStyles:true, applyChanges:true}; this.listeners = new Object(); this.isGlobal = false; if (arguments.length > 0) { for (var i in arguments[0]) { this[i] = arguments[0][i]; } } }; _global.FStyleFormat.prototype = new Object(); FStyleFormat.prototype.addListener = function () { var arg = 0; while (arg < arguments.length) { var mcRef = arguments[arg]; this.listeners[arguments[arg]] = mcRef; for (var i in this) { if (this.isAStyle(i)) { mcRef.updateStyleProperty(this, i.toString()); } } arg++; } }; FStyleFormat.prototype.removeListener = function (component) { this.listeners[component] = undefined; for (var prop in this) { if (this.isAStyle(prop)) { if (component.styleTable[prop].useGlobal == this.isGlobal) { component.styleTable[prop].useGlobal = true; var value = (this.isGlobal ? undefined : (globalStyleFormat[prop])); component.setStyleProperty(prop, value, true); } } } }; FStyleFormat.prototype.applyChanges = function () { var count = 0; for (var i in this.listeners) { var component = this.listeners[i]; if (arguments.length > 0) { var j = 0; while (j < arguments.length) { if (this.isAStyle(arguments[j])) { component.updateStyleProperty(this, arguments[j]); } j++; } } else { for (var j in this) { if (this.isAStyle(j)) { component.updateStyleProperty(this, j.toString()); } } } } }; FStyleFormat.prototype.isAStyle = function (name) { return((this.nonStyles[name] ? false : true)); }; #endinitclip
Symbol 55 MovieClip Frame 1
var component = _parent._parent; component.registerSkinElement(arrow_mc, "arrow"); component.registerSkinElement(face_mc, "face"); component.registerSkinElement(shadow_mc, "shadow"); component.registerSkinElement(darkshadow_mc, "darkshadow"); component.registerSkinElement(highlight_mc, "highlight"); component.registerSkinElement(highlight3D_mc, "highlight3D");
Symbol 65 MovieClip Frame 1
var component = _parent._parent; component.registerSkinElement(arrow_mc, "arrow"); component.registerSkinElement(face_mc, "face"); component.registerSkinElement(shadow_mc, "shadow"); component.registerSkinElement(darkshadow_mc, "darkshadow"); component.registerSkinElement(highlight_mc, "highlight"); component.registerSkinElement(highlight3D_mc, "highlight3D");
Symbol 74 MovieClip Frame 1
var component = _parent._parent; component.registerSkinElement(arrow_mc, "foregroundDisabled"); component.registerSkinElement(face_mc, "face"); component.registerSkinElement(shadow_mc, "shadow"); component.registerSkinElement(darkshadow_mc, "darkshadow"); component.registerSkinElement(highlight_mc, "highlight"); component.registerSkinElement(highlight3D_mc, "highlight3D");
Symbol 75 MovieClip [UpArrow] Frame 1
Symbol 75 MovieClip [UpArrow] Frame 2
Symbol 75 MovieClip [UpArrow] Frame 3
Symbol 81 MovieClip Frame 1
var component = _parent._parent; component.registerSkinElement(shadow_mc, "shadow"); component.registerSkinElement(darkshadow_mc, "darkshadow"); component.registerSkinElement(highlight_mc, "highlight"); component.registerSkinElement(highlight3D_mc, "highlight3D");
Symbol 88 MovieClip Frame 1
var component = _parent._parent; component.registerSkinElement(face_mc, "face"); component.registerSkinElement(shadow_mc, "shadow"); component.registerSkinElement(darkshadow_mc, "darkshadow"); component.registerSkinElement(highlight_mc, "highlight"); component.registerSkinElement(highlight3D_mc, "highlight3D");
Symbol 93 MovieClip Frame 1
var component = _parent._parent; component.registerSkinElement(highlight3D_mc, "highlight3D"); component.registerSkinElement(shadow_mc, "shadow"); component.registerSkinElement(darkshadow_mc, "darkshadow"); component.registerSkinElement(highlight_mc, "highlight");
Symbol 94 MovieClip [ScrollThumb] Frame 1
Symbol 102 MovieClip Frame 1
var component = _parent._parent; component.registerSkinElement(arrow_mc, "arrow"); component.registerSkinElement(face_mc, "face"); component.registerSkinElement(shadow_mc, "shadow"); component.registerSkinElement(darkshadow_mc, "darkshadow"); component.registerSkinElement(highlight_mc, "highlight"); component.registerSkinElement(highlight3D_mc, "highlight3D");
Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 1
var component = _parent._parent; component.registerSkinElement(arrow_mc, "arrow"); component.registerSkinElement(face_mc, "face"); component.registerSkinElement(shadow_mc, "shadow"); component.registerSkinElement(darkshadow_mc, "darkshadow"); component.registerSkinElement(highlight_mc, "highlight"); component.registerSkinElement(highlight3D_mc, "highlight3D");
Symbol 118 MovieClip Frame 1
var component = _parent._parent; component.registerSkinElement(arrow_mc, "foregroundDisabled"); component.registerSkinElement(face_mc, "face"); component.registerSkinElement(shadow_mc, "shadow"); component.registerSkinElement(darkshadow_mc, "darkshadow"); component.registerSkinElement(highlight_mc, "highlight"); component.registerSkinElement(highlight3D_mc, "highlight3D");
Symbol 119 MovieClip [DownArrow] Frame 1
Symbol 119 MovieClip [DownArrow] Frame 2
Symbol 119 MovieClip [DownArrow] Frame 3
Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 1
var component = _parent; component.registerSkinElement(track_mc, "scrollTrack");
Symbol 122 MovieClip [FScrollBarSymbol] Frame 1
#initclip 4 FScrollBarClass = function () { if (this._height == 4) { return(undefined); } this.init(); this.minPos = (this.maxPos = (this.pageSize = (this.largeScroll = 0))); this.smallScroll = 1; this.width = (this.horizontal ? (this._width) : (this._height)); this._xscale = (this._yscale = 100); this.setScrollPosition(0); this.tabEnabled = false; if (this._targetInstanceName.length > 0) { this.setScrollTarget(this._parent[this._targetInstanceName]); } this.tabChildren = false; this.setSize(this.width); }; FScrollBarClass.prototype = new FUIComponentClass(); FScrollBarClass.prototype.setHorizontal = function (flag) { if (this.horizontal && (!flag)) { this._xscale = 100; this._rotation = 0; } else if (flag && (!this.horizontal)) { this._xscale = -100; this._rotation = -90; } this.horizontal = flag; }; FScrollBarClass.prototype.setScrollProperties = function (pSize, mnPos, mxPos) { if (!this.enable) { return(undefined); } this.pageSize = pSize; this.minPos = Math.max(mnPos, 0); this.maxPos = Math.max(mxPos, 0); this.scrollPosition = Math.max(this.minPos, this.scrollPosition); this.scrollPosition = Math.min(this.maxPos, this.scrollPosition); if ((this.maxPos - this.minPos) <= 0) { this.scrollThumb_mc.removeMovieClip(); this.upArrow_mc.gotoAndStop(3); this.downArrow_mc.gotoAndStop(3); this.downArrow_mc.onPress = (this.downArrow_mc.onRelease = (this.downArrow_mc.onDragOut = null)); this.upArrow_mc.onPress = (this.upArrow_mc.onRelease = (this.upArrow_mc.onDragOut = null)); this.scrollTrack_mc.onPress = (this.scrollTrack_mc.onRelease = null); this.scrollTrack_mc.onDragOut = (this.scrollTrack_mc.onRollOut = null); this.scrollTrack_mc.useHandCursor = false; } else { var tmp = this.getScrollPosition(); this.upArrow_mc.gotoAndStop(1); this.downArrow_mc.gotoAndStop(1); this.upArrow_mc.onPress = (this.upArrow_mc.onDragOver = this.startUpScroller); this.upArrow_mc.onRelease = (this.upArrow_mc.onDragOut = this.stopScrolling); this.downArrow_mc.onPress = (this.downArrow_mc.onDragOver = this.startDownScroller); this.downArrow_mc.onRelease = (this.downArrow_mc.onDragOut = this.stopScrolling); this.scrollTrack_mc.onPress = (this.scrollTrack_mc.onDragOver = this.startTrackScroller); this.scrollTrack_mc.onRelease = this.stopScrolling; this.scrollTrack_mc.onDragOut = this.stopScrolling; this.scrollTrack_mc.onRollOut = this.stopScrolling; this.scrollTrack_mc.useHandCursor = false; this.attachMovie("ScrollThumb", "scrollThumb_mc", 3); this.scrollThumb_mc._x = 0; this.scrollThumb_mc._y = this.upArrow_mc._height; this.scrollThumb_mc.onPress = this.startDragThumb; this.scrollThumb_mc.controller = this; this.scrollThumb_mc.onRelease = (this.scrollThumb_mc.onReleaseOutside = this.stopDragThumb); this.scrollThumb_mc.useHandCursor = false; this.thumbHeight = (this.pageSize / ((this.maxPos - this.minPos) + this.pageSize)) * this.trackSize; this.thumbMid_mc = this.scrollThumb_mc.mc_sliderMid; this.thumbTop_mc = this.scrollThumb_mc.mc_sliderTop; this.thumbBot_mc = this.scrollThumb_mc.mc_sliderBot; this.thumbHeight = Math.max(this.thumbHeight, 6); this.midHeight = (this.thumbHeight - this.thumbTop_mc._height) - this.thumbBot_mc._height; this.thumbMid_mc._yScale = (this.midHeight * 100) / this.thumbMid_mc._height; this.thumbMid_mc._y = this.thumbTop_mc._height; this.thumbBot_mc._y = this.thumbTop_mc._height + this.midHeight; this.scrollTop = this.scrollThumb_mc._y; this.trackHeight = this.trackSize - this.thumbHeight; this.scrollBot = this.trackHeight + this.scrollTop; tmp = Math.min(tmp, this.maxPos); this.setScrollPosition(Math.max(tmp, this.minPos)); } }; FScrollBarClass.prototype.getScrollPosition = function () { return(this.scrollPosition); }; FScrollBarClass.prototype.setScrollPosition = function (pos) { this.scrollPosition = pos; if (this.scrollThumb_mc != undefined) { pos = Math.min(pos, this.maxPos); pos = Math.max(pos, this.minPos); } this.scrollThumb_mc._y = (((pos - this.minPos) * this.trackHeight) / (this.maxPos - this.minPos)) + this.scrollTop; this.executeCallBack(); }; FScrollBarClass.prototype.setLargeScroll = function (lScroll) { this.largeScroll = lScroll; }; FScrollBarClass.prototype.setSmallScroll = function (sScroll) { this.smallScroll = sScroll; }; FScrollBarClass.prototype.setEnabled = function (enabledFlag) { var wasEnabled = this.enable; if (enabledFlag && (!wasEnabled)) { this.enable = enabledFlag; if (this.textField != undefined) { this.setScrollTarget(this.textField); } else { this.setScrollProperties(this.pageSize, this.cachedMinPos, this.cachedMaxPos); this.setScrollPosition(this.cachedPos); } this.clickFilter = undefined; } else if ((!enabledFlag) && (wasEnabled)) { this.textField.removeListener(this); this.cachedPos = this.getScrollPosition(); this.cachedMinPos = this.minPos; this.cachedMaxPos = this.maxPos; if (this.clickFilter == undefined) { this.setScrollProperties(this.pageSize, 0, 0); } else { this.clickFilter = true; } this.enable = enabledFlag; } }; FScrollBarClass.prototype.setSize = function (hgt) { if (this._height == 1) { return(undefined); } this.width = hgt; this.scrollTrack_mc._yscale = 100; this.scrollTrack_mc._yscale = (100 * this.width) / this.scrollTrack_mc._height; if (this.upArrow_mc == undefined) { this.attachMovie("UpArrow", "upArrow_mc", 1); this.attachMovie("DownArrow", "downArrow_mc", 2); this.downArrow_mc.controller = (this.upArrow_mc.controller = this); this.upArrow_mc.useHandCursor = (this.downArrow_mc.useHandCursor = false); this.upArrow_mc._x = (this.upArrow_mc._y = 0); this.downArrow_mc._x = 0; } this.scrollTrack_mc.controller = this; this.downArrow_mc._y = this.width - this.downArrow_mc._height; this.trackSize = this.width - (2 * this.downArrow_mc._height); if (this.textField != undefined) { this.onTextChanged(); } else { this.setScrollProperties(this.pageSize, this.minPos, this.maxPos); } }; FScrollBarClass.prototype.scrollIt = function (inc, mode) { var delt = this.smallScroll; if (inc != "one") { delt = ((this.largeScroll == 0) ? (this.pageSize) : (this.largeScroll)); } var newPos = (this.getScrollPosition() + (mode * delt)); if (newPos > this.maxPos) { newPos = this.maxPos; } else if (newPos < this.minPos) { newPos = this.minPos; } this.setScrollPosition(newPos); }; FScrollBarClass.prototype.startDragThumb = function () { this.lastY = this._ymouse; this.onMouseMove = this.controller.dragThumb; }; FScrollBarClass.prototype.dragThumb = function () { this.scrollMove = this._ymouse - this.lastY; this.scrollMove = this.scrollMove + this._y; if (this.scrollMove < this.controller.scrollTop) { this.scrollMove = this.controller.scrollTop; } else if (this.scrollMove > this.controller.scrollBot) { this.scrollMove = this.controller.scrollBot; } this._y = this.scrollMove; var c = this.controller; c.scrollPosition = Math.round(((c.maxPos - c.minPos) * (this._y - c.scrollTop)) / c.trackHeight) + c.minPos; this.controller.isScrolling = true; updateAfterEvent(); this.controller.executeCallBack(); }; FScrollBarClass.prototype.stopDragThumb = function () { this.controller.isScrolling = false; this.onMouseMove = null; }; FScrollBarClass.prototype.startTrackScroller = function () { this.controller.trackScroller(); this.controller.scrolling = setInterval(this.controller, "scrollInterval", 500, "page", -1); }; FScrollBarClass.prototype.scrollInterval = function (inc, mode) { clearInterval(this.scrolling); if (inc == "page") { this.trackScroller(); } else { this.scrollIt(inc, mode); } this.scrolling = setInterval(this, "scrollInterval", 35, inc, mode); }; FScrollBarClass.prototype.trackScroller = function () { if ((this.scrollThumb_mc._y + this.thumbHeight) < this._ymouse) { this.scrollIt("page", 1); } else if (this.scrollThumb_mc._y > this._ymouse) { this.scrollIt("page", -1); } }; FScrollBarClass.prototype.stopScrolling = function () { this.controller.downArrow_mc.gotoAndStop(1); this.controller.upArrow_mc.gotoAndStop(1); clearInterval(this.controller.scrolling); }; FScrollBarClass.prototype.startUpScroller = function () { this.controller.upArrow_mc.gotoAndStop(2); this.controller.scrollIt("one", -1); this.controller.scrolling = setInterval(this.controller, "scrollInterval", 500, "one", -1); }; FScrollBarClass.prototype.startDownScroller = function () { this.controller.downArrow_mc.gotoAndStop(2); this.controller.scrollIt("one", 1); this.controller.scrolling = setInterval(this.controller, "scrollInterval", 500, "one", 1); }; FScrollBarClass.prototype.setScrollTarget = function (tF) { if (tF == undefined) { this.textField.removeListener(this); delete this.textField[(this.horizontal ? "hScroller" : "vScroller")]; if ((this.textField.hScroller != undefined) && (this.textField.vScroller != undefined)) { this.textField.unwatch("text"); this.textField.unwatch("htmltext"); } } this.textField = undefined; if (!(tF instanceof TextField)) { return(undefined); } this.textField = tF; this.textField[(this.horizontal ? "hScroller" : "vScroller")] = this; this.onTextChanged(); this.onChanged = function () { this.onTextChanged(); }; this.onScroller = function () { if (!this.isScrolling) { if (!this.horizontal) { this.setScrollPosition(this.textField.scroll); } else { this.setScrollPosition(this.textField.hscroll); } } }; this.textField.addListener(this);"text", this.callback);"htmlText", this.callback); }; FScrollBarClass.prototype.callback = function (prop, oldVal, newVal) { clearInterval(this.hScroller.synchScroll); clearInterval(this.vScroller.synchScroll); this.hScroller.synchScroll = setInterval(this.hScroller, "onTextChanged", 50); this.vScroller.synchScroll = setInterval(this.vScroller, "onTextChanged", 50); return(newVal); }; FScrollBarClass.prototype.onTextChanged = function () { if ((!this.enable) || (this.textField == undefined)) { return(undefined); } clearInterval(this.synchScroll); if (this.horizontal) { var pos = this.textField.hscroll; this.setScrollProperties(this.textField._width, 0, this.textField.maxhscroll); this.setScrollPosition(Math.min(pos, this.textField.maxhscroll)); } else { var pos = this.textField.scroll; var pageSize = (this.textField.bottomScroll - this.textField.scroll); this.setScrollProperties(pageSize, 1, this.textField.maxscroll); this.setScrollPosition(Math.min(pos, this.textField.maxscroll)); } }; FScrollBarClass.prototype.executeCallBack = function () { if (this.textField == undefined) { super.executeCallBack(); } else if (this.horizontal) { this.textField.hscroll = this.getScrollPosition(); } else { this.textField.scroll = this.getScrollPosition(); } }; Object.registerClass("FScrollBarSymbol", FScrollBarClass); #endinitclip
Symbol 123 MovieClip [DataProviderSymbol] Frame 1
#initclip 3 _global.DataProviderClass = function () { this.init(); }; DataProviderClass.prototype.init = function () { this.items = new Array(); this.uniqueID = 0; this.views = new Array(); }; DataProviderClass.prototype.addView = function (viewRef) { this.views.push(viewRef); var eventObj = {event:"updateAll"}; viewRef.modelChanged(eventObj); }; DataProviderClass.prototype.addItemAt = function (index, value) { if (index < this.getLength()) { this.items.splice(index, 0, "tmp"); } this.items[index] = new Object(); if (typeof(value) == "object") { this.items[index] = value; } else { this.items[index].label = value; } this.items[index].__ID__ = this.uniqueID++; var eventObj = {event:"addRows", firstRow:index, lastRow:index}; this.updateViews(eventObj); }; DataProviderClass.prototype.addItem = function (value) { this.addItemAt(this.getLength(), value); }; DataProviderClass.prototype.removeItemAt = function (index) { var tmpItm = this.items[index]; this.items.splice(index, 1); var eventObj = {event:"deleteRows", firstRow:index, lastRow:index}; this.updateViews(eventObj); return(tmpItm); }; DataProviderClass.prototype.removeAll = function () { this.items = new Array(); this.updateViews({event:"deleteRows", firstRow:0, lastRow:this.getLength() - 1}); }; DataProviderClass.prototype.replaceItemAt = function (index, itemObj) { if ((index < 0) || (index >= this.getLength())) { return(undefined); } var tmpID = this.getItemID(index); if (typeof(itemObj) == "object") { this.items[index] = itemObj; } else { this.items[index].label = itemObj; } this.items[index].__ID__ = tmpID; this.updateViews({event:"updateRows", firstRow:index, lastRow:index}); }; DataProviderClass.prototype.getLength = function () { return(this.items.length); }; DataProviderClass.prototype.getItemAt = function (index) { return(this.items[index]); }; DataProviderClass.prototype.getItemID = function (index) { return(this.items[index].__ID__); }; DataProviderClass.prototype.sortItemsBy = function (fieldName, order) { this.items.sortOn(fieldName); if (order == "DESC") { this.items.reverse(); } this.updateViews({event:"sort"}); }; DataProviderClass.prototype.updateViews = function (eventObj) { var i = 0; while (i < this.views.length) { this.views[i].modelChanged(eventObj); i++; } }; #endinitclip
Symbol 124 MovieClip [FSelectableItemSymbol] Frame 1
#initclip 8 function FSelectableItemClass() { this.init(); } FSelectableItemClass.prototype = new FUIComponentClass(); FSelectableItemClass.prototype.init = function () { if (this._name != "itemAsset") { this.highlighted = false; this.layoutContent(100); } }; FSelectableItemClass.prototype.drawItem = function (itmObj, selected) { this.displayContent(itmObj, selected); if ((this.highlighted != selected) || ((this.controller.focused != this.oldFocus) && (selected))) { this.setHighlighted(selected); } this.oldFocus = this.controller.focused; }; FSelectableItemClass.prototype.setSize = function (width, height) { var LOWEST_DEPTH = -16384; this.width = width; this.layoutContent(width); this.attachMovie("FHighlightSymbol", "highlight_mc", LOWEST_DEPTH); this.highlight_mc._x = 0.5; this.highlight_mc._width = width - 0.5; this.highlight_mc._height = height; this.highlight_mc.controller = this; this.highlight_mc._alpha = 0; this.highlight_mc.trackAsMenu = true; this.highlight_mc.onPress = function () { if (this.controller.enable) { this.controller.controller.clickHandler(this.controller.itemNum); } }; this.highlight_mc.onDragOver = function () { if (this.controller.controller.focused) { this.onPress(); } }; this.highlight_mc.useHandCursor = false; this.highlight_mc.trackAsMenu = true; }; FSelectableItemClass.prototype.setEnabled = function (enabledFlag) { this.enable = enabledFlag; this.fLabel_mc.setEnabled(enabledFlag); this.highlight_mc.gotoAndStop((enabledFlag ? "unfocused" : "disabled")); }; FSelectableItemClass.prototype.layoutContent = function (width) { this.attachMovie("FLabelSymbol", "fLabel_mc", 2, {hostComponent:this.controller}); this.fLabel_mc._x = 2; this.fLabel_mc._y = 0; this.fLabel_mc.setSize(width - 2); this.fLabel_mc.labelField.selectable = false; }; FSelectableItemClass.prototype.displayContent = function (itmObj, selected) { var tmpLabel = ""; if (itmObj.label != undefined) { tmpLabel = itmObj.label; } else if (typeof(itmObj) == "object") { for (var i in itmObj) { if (i != "__ID__") { tmpLabel = (itmObj[i] + ", ") + tmpLabel; } } tmpLabel = tmpLabel.substring(0, tmpLabel.length - 2); } else { tmpLabel = itmObj; } if (this.fLabel_mc.labelField.text != tmpLabel) { this.fLabel_mc.setLabel(tmpLabel); } var clr = (selected ? (this.controller.styleTable.textSelected.value) : (this.controller.styleTable.textColor.value)); if (clr == undefined) { clr = (selected ? 16777215 : 0); } this.fLabel_mc.setColor(clr); }; FSelectableItemClass.prototype.getItemIndex = function () { return(this.controller.getScrollPosition() + this.itemNum); }; FSelectableItemClass.prototype.getItemModel = function () { return(this.controller.getItemAt(this.getItemIndex())); }; FSelectableItemClass.prototype.getHostDataProvider = function () { return(this.controller.dataProvider); }; FSelectableItemClass.prototype.setHighlighted = function (flag) { fade = this.controller.styleTable.fadeRate.value; if (((fade == undefined) || (fade == 0)) || (!flag)) { this.highlight_mc._alpha = (flag ? 100 : 0); delete this.onEnterFrame; } else { this.fadeN = fade; this.fadeX = 1; this.highLight_mc._alpha = 20; this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.highLight_mc._alpha = (60 * Math.sqrt((this.fadeX++) / this.fadeN)) + 40; if (this.fadeX > this.fadeN) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; } this.highlighted = flag; }; #endinitclip
Symbol 125 MovieClip [FSelectableListSymbol] Frame 1
#initclip 5 function FSelectableListClass() { this.init(); } FSelectableListClass.prototype = new FUIComponentClass(); FSelectableListClass.prototype.init = function () { super.init(); this.enable = true; this.selected = new Array(); this.topDisplayed = (this.numDisplayed = 0); this.lastSelected = 0; this.tabChildren = false; if (this._name != undefined) { this.dataProvider = new DataProviderClass(); this.dataProvider.addView(this); } }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.addItemAt = function (index, label, data) { if ((index < 0) || (!this.enable)) { return(undefined); } this.dataProvider.addItemAt(index, {label:label, data:data}); }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.addItem = function (label, data) { if (!this.enable) { return(undefined); } this.dataProvider.addItem({label:label, data:data}); }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.removeItemAt = function (index) { this.selectHolder = this.getSelectedIndex(); var item = this.getItemAt(index); this.dataProvider.removeItemAt(index); return(item); }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.removeAll = function () { this.dataProvider.removeAll(); }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.replaceItemAt = function (index, newLabel, newData) { this.dataProvider.replaceItemAt(index, {label:newLabel, data:newData}); }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.sortItemsBy = function (fieldName, order) { this.lastSelID = this.dataProvider.getItemID(this.lastSelected); this.dataProvider.sortItemsBy(fieldName, order); }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.getLength = function () { return(this.dataProvider.getLength()); }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.getSelectedIndex = function () { for (var uniqueID in this.selected) { var tmpInd = this.selected[uniqueID].sIndex; if (tmpInd != undefined) { return(tmpInd); } } }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.getSelectedItem = function () { return(this.getItemAt(this.getSelectedIndex())); }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.getItemAt = function (index) { return(this.dataProvider.getItemAt(index)); }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.getEnabled = function () { return(this.enable); }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.getValue = function () { var item = this.getSelectedItem(); return((( == undefined) ? (item.label) : (; }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.setSelectedIndex = function (index, flag) { if (((index >= 0) && (index < this.getLength())) && (this.enable)) { this.clearSelected(); this.selectItem(index, true); this.lastSelected = index; this.invalidate("updateControl"); if (flag != false) { this.executeCallBack(); } } }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.setDataProvider = function (obj) { this.setScrollPosition(0); this.clearSelected(); if (obj instanceof Array) { this.dataProvider = new DataProviderClass(); var i = 0; while (i < obj.length) { var value = ((typeof(obj[i]) == "string") ? ({label:obj[i]}) : (obj[i])); this.dataProvider.addItem(value); i++; } } else { this.dataProvider = obj; } this.dataProvider.addView(this); }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.setItemSymbol = function (linkID) { this.tmpPos = this.getScrollPosition(); this.itemSymbol = linkID; this.invalidate("setSize"); this.setScrollPosition(this.tmpPos); }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.setEnabled = function (enabledFlag) { this.cleanUI(); super.setEnabled(enabledFlag); this.enable = enabledFlag; this.boundingBox_mc.gotoAndStop((this.enable ? "enabled" : "disabled")); var limit = Math.min(this.numDisplayed, this.getLength()); var i = 0; while (i < limit) { this.container_mc[("fListItem" + i) + "_mc"].setEnabled(this.enable); i++; } if (this.enable) { this.invalidate("updateControl"); } }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.updateControl = function () { var i = 0; while (i < this.numDisplayed) { this.container_mc[("fListItem" + i) + "_mc"].drawItem(this.getItemAt(this.topDisplayed + i), this.isSelected(this.topDisplayed + i)); i++; } }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.setSize = function (w, h) { super.setSize(w, h); this.boundingBox_mc._xscale = (this.boundingBox_mc._yscale = 100); this.boundingBox_mc._xscale = (this.width * 100) / this.boundingBox_mc._width; this.boundingBox_mc._yscale = (this.height * 100) / this.boundingBox_mc._height; var i = 0; while (i < this.numDisplayed) { this.container_mc.attachMovie(this.itemSymbol, ("fListItem" + i) + "_mc", 10 + i, {controller:this, itemNum:i}); var item_mc = this.container_mc[("fListItem" + i) + "_mc"]; var offset = ((this.scrollOffset == undefined) ? 0 : (this.scrollOffset)); item_mc.setSize(this.width - offset, this.itmHgt); item_mc._y = (this.itmHgt - 2) * i; i++; } this.updateControl(); }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.modelChanged = function (eventObj) { var firstRow = eventObj.firstRow; var lastRow = eventObj.lastRow; var event = eventObj.event; if (event == "addRows") { for (var i in this.selected) { if ((this.selected[i].sIndex != undefined) && (this.selected[i].sIndex >= firstRow)) { this.selected[i].sIndex = this.selected[i].sIndex + ((lastRow - firstRow) + 1); this.setSelectedIndex(this.selected[i].sIndex, false); } } } else if (event == "deleteRows") { if (firstRow == lastRow) { var index = firstRow; if (this.selectHolder == index) { this.selectionDeleted = true; } if (((this.topDisplayed + this.numDisplayed) >= this.getLength()) && (this.topDisplayed > 0)) { this.topDisplayed--; if (this.selectionDeleted && ((index - 1) >= 0)) { this.setSelectedIndex(index - 1, false); } } else if (this.selectionDeleted) { var len = this.getLength(); if (((index == (len - 1)) && (len > 1)) || (index > (len / 2))) { this.setSelectedIndex(index - 1, false); } else { this.setSelectedIndex(index, false); } } for (var i in this.selected) { if (this.selected[i].sIndex > firstRow) { this.selected[i].sIndex--; } } } else { this.clearSelected(); this.topDisplayed = 0; } } else if (event == "sort") { var len = this.getLength(); var i = 0; while (i < len) { if (this.isSelected(i)) { var id = this.dataProvider.getItemID(i); if (id == this.lastSelID) { this.lastSelected = i; } this.selected[String(id)].sIndex = i; } i++; } } this.invalidate("updateControl"); }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.measureItmHgt = function () { this.attachMovie(this.itemSymbol, "tmpItem_mc", 0, {controller:this}); this.tmpItem_mc.drawItem({label:"Sizer: PjtTopg"}, false); this.itmHgt = this.tmpItem_mc._height; this.tmpItem_mc.removeMovieClip(); }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.selectItem = function (index, selectedFlag) { if (selectedFlag && (!this.isSelected(index))) { this.selected[String(this.dataProvider.getItemID(index))] = {sIndex:index}; } else if (!selectedFlag) { delete this.selected[String(this.dataProvider.getItemID(index))]; } }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.isSelected = function (index) { return(this.selected[String(this.dataProvider.getItemID(index))].sIndex != undefined); }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.clearSelected = function () { for (var uniqueID in this.selected) { var index = this.selected[uniqueID].sIndex; if (((index != undefined) && (this.topDisplayed <= index)) && (index < (this.topDisplayed + this.numDisplayed))) { this.container_mc[("fListItem" + (index - this.topDisplayed)) + "_mc"].drawItem(this.getItemAt(index), false); } } delete this.selected; this.selected = new Array(); }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.selectionHandler = function (itemNum) { var tmpInd = (this.topDisplayed + itemNum); if (this.getItemAt(tmpInd == undefined)) { this.changeFlag = false; return(undefined); } this.changeFlag = true; this.clearSelected(); this.selectItem(tmpInd, true); this.container_mc[("fListItem" + itemNum) + "_mc"].drawItem(this.getItemAt(tmpInd), this.isSelected(tmpInd)); }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.moveSelBy = function (incr) { var itmNum = this.getSelectedIndex(); var newItm = (itmNum + incr); newItm = Math.max(0, newItm); newItm = Math.min(this.getLength() - 1, newItm); if (newItm == itmNum) { return(undefined); } if ((itmNum < this.topDisplayed) || (itmNum >= (this.topDisplayed + this.numDisplayed))) { this.setScrollPosition(itmNum); } if ((newItm >= (this.topDisplayed + this.numDisplayed)) || (newItm < this.topDisplayed)) { this.setScrollPosition(this.topDisplayed + incr); } this.selectionHandler(newItm - this.topDisplayed); }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.clickHandler = function (itmNum) { this.focusRect.removeMovieClip(); if (!this.focused) { this.pressFocus(); } this.selectionHandler(itmNum); this.onMouseUp = this.releaseHandler; }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.releaseHandler = function () { if (this.changeFlag) { this.executeCallBack(); } this.changeFlag = false; this.onMouseUp = undefined; }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.myOnSetFocus = function () { super.myOnSetFocus(); var i = 0; while (i < this.numDisplayed) { this.container_mc[("fListItem" + i) + "_mc"].highlight_mc.gotoAndStop("enabled"); i++; } }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.myOnKillFocus = function () { super.myOnKillFocus(); var i = 0; while (i < this.numDisplayed) { this.container_mc[("fListItem" + i) + "_mc"].highlight_mc.gotoAndStop("unfocused"); i++; } }; #endinitclip
Instance of Symbol 123 MovieClip [DataProviderSymbol] "dPAsset" in Symbol 125 MovieClip [FSelectableListSymbol] Frame 1
//component parameters onClipEvent (initialize) { }
Instance of Symbol 124 MovieClip [FSelectableItemSymbol] "ItemAsset" in Symbol 125 MovieClip [FSelectableListSymbol] Frame 1
//component parameters onClipEvent (initialize) { }
Symbol 126 MovieClip [FScrollSelectListSymbol] Frame 1
#initclip 7 function FScrollSelectListClass() { this.init(); } FScrollSelectListClass.prototype = new FSelectableListClass(); FScrollSelectListClass.prototype.getScrollPosition = function () { return(this.topDisplayed); }; FScrollSelectListClass.prototype.setScrollPosition = function (pos) { if (this.enable) { pos = Math.min(pos, this.getLength() - this.numDisplayed); pos = Math.max(pos, 0); this.scrollBar_mc.setScrollPosition(pos); } }; FScrollSelectListClass.prototype.setAutoHideScrollBar = function (flag) { this.permaScrollBar = !flag; this.setSize(this.width, this.height); }; FScrollSelectListClass.prototype.setEnabled = function (enabledFlag) { super.setEnabled(enabledFlag); this.scrollBar_mc.setEnabled(this.enable); }; FScrollSelectListClass.prototype.setSize = function (w, h) { var pos = this.getScrollPosition(); super.setSize(w, h); if (this.scrollBar_mc != undefined) { this.removed = true; } this.scrollBar_mc = undefined; this.initScrollBar(); this.setScrollPosition(pos); }; FScrollSelectListClass.prototype.modelChanged = function (eventObj) { super.modelChanged(eventObj); this.invalidate("initScrollBar"); }; FScrollSelectListClass.prototype.initScrollBar = function () { if ((!this.permaScrollBar) && (this.getLength() <= this.numDisplayed)) { if (this.removed) { this.scrollBar_mc.removeMovieClip(); this.scrollBar_mc = undefined; this.scrollOffset = undefined; this.invalidate("setSize"); } } else { if (this.scrollBar_mc == undefined) { this.container_mc.attachMovie("FScrollBarSymbol", "scrollBar_mc", 3000, {hostStyle:this.styleTable}); this.scrollBar_mc = this.container_mc.scrollBar_mc; this.scrollBar_mc.setChangeHandler("scrollHandler", this); this.scrollBar_mc.setSize(this.height); this.scrollBar_mc._x = this.width - this.scrollBar_mc._width; this.scrollBar_mc._y = 0; this.scrollBar_mc.setLargeScroll(this.numDisplayed - 1); this.scrollOffset = this.scrollBar_mc._width; this.invalidate("setSize"); } this.scrollBar_mc.setScrollProperties(this.numDisplayed, 0, this.getLength() - this.numDisplayed); } }; FScrollSelectListClass.prototype.scrollHandler = function (scrollBar) { var pos = scrollBar.getScrollPosition(); this.topDisplayed = pos; if (this.lastPosition != pos) { this.updateControl(); } this.lastPosition = pos; }; FScrollSelectListClass.prototype.clickHandler = function (itmNum) { super.clickHandler(itmNum); if ((this.dragScrolling == undefined) && (this.scrollBar_mc != undefined)) { this.dragScrolling = setInterval(this, "dragScroll", 15); } }; FScrollSelectListClass.prototype.releaseHandler = function () { clearInterval(this.dragScrolling); this.dragScrolling = undefined; super.releaseHandler(); }; FScrollSelectListClass.prototype.dragScroll = function () { clearInterval(this.dragScrolling); if (this.container_mc._ymouse < 0) { this.setScrollPosition(this.getScrollPosition() - 1); this.selectionHandler(0); this.scrollInterval = Math.max(25, (-23.8 * (-this.container_mc._ymouse)) + 500); this.dragScrolling = setInterval(this, "dragScroll", this.scrollInterval); } else if (this.container_mc._ymouse > ((this.itmHgt - 2) * this.numDisplayed)) { this.setScrollPosition(this.getScrollPosition() + 1); this.selectionHandler(this.numDisplayed - 1); this.scrollInterval = Math.max(25, (-23.8 * Math.abs((this.container_mc._ymouse - ((this.itmHgt - 2) * this.numDisplayed)) - 2)) + 500); this.dragScrolling = setInterval(this, "dragScroll", this.scrollInterval); } else { this.dragScrolling = setInterval(this, "dragScroll", 15); } }; FScrollSelectListClass.prototype.myOnKeyDown = function () { if (this.focused) { this.keyCodes = new Array(40, 38, 34, 33, 36, 35); this.keyIncrs = new Array(1, -1, this.numDisplayed - 1, -(this.numDisplayed - 1), -this.getLength(), this.getLength()); var i = 0; while (i < this.keyCodes.length) { if (Key.isDown(this.keyCodes[i])) { this.moveSelBy(this.keyIncrs[i]); return(undefined); } i++; } this.findInputText(); } }; FScrollSelectListClass.prototype.findInputText = function () { var tmpCode = Key.getAscii(); if ((tmpCode >= 33) && (tmpCode <= 126)) { this.findString(String.fromCharCode(tmpCode)); } }; FScrollSelectListClass.prototype.findString = function (str) { if (this.getLength() == 0) { return(undefined); } var itemNum = this.getSelectedIndex(); var jump = 0; var i = (itemNum + 1); while (i != itemNum) { var itmStr = this.getItemAt(i).label.substring(0, str.length); if ((str == itmStr) || (str.toUpperCase() == itmStr.toUpperCase())) { var jump = (i - itemNum); break; } if (i >= (this.getLength() - 1)) { i = -1; } i++; } if (jump != 0) { this.moveSelBy(jump); } }; #endinitclip
Instance of Symbol 122 MovieClip [FScrollBarSymbol] "scrollBarAsset" in Symbol 126 MovieClip [FScrollSelectListSymbol] Frame 1
//component parameters onClipEvent (initialize) { _targetInstanceName = ""; horizontal = false; } onClipEvent (load) { this._width = (this._height = 1); }
Instance of Symbol 125 MovieClip [FSelectableListSymbol] "superClassAsset" in Symbol 126 MovieClip [FScrollSelectListSymbol] Frame 1
//component parameters onClipEvent (initialize) { }
Symbol 127 MovieClip [FComboBoxItemSymbol] Frame 1
#initclip 10 function FComboBoxItemClass() { this.init(); } FComboBoxItemClass.prototype = new FSelectableItemClass(); Object.registerClass("FComboBoxItemSymbol", FComboBoxItemClass); FComboBoxItemClass.prototype.setSize = function (w, h) { super.setSize(w, h); this.highlight_mc.onRollOver = function () { this.controller.controller.selectionHandler(this.controller.itemNum); }; }; #endinitclip
Symbol 130 MovieClip [FComboBoxSymbol] Frame 1
#initclip 9 function FComboBoxClass() { _global._popUpLevel = ((_global._popUpLevel == undefined) ? 20000 : (_global._popUpLevel + 1)); this.superHolder = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("superHolder" + _popUpLevel, _popUpLevel); var testContainer = this.superHolder.createEmptyMovieClip("testCont", 20000); var testBox = testContainer.attachMovie("FBoundingBoxSymbol", "boundingBox_mc", 0); if (testBox._name == undefined) { this.superHolder.removeMovieClip(); this.superHolder = this._parent.createEmptyMovieClip("superHolder" + _popUpLevel, _popUpLevel); } else { testContainer.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.rowCount == undefined) { this.rowCount = 8; this.editable = false; } this.itemSymbol = "FComboBoxItemSymbol"; this.init(); this.permaScrollBar = false; this.proxyBox_mc.gotoAndStop(1); this.width = this._width; this.height = (this.proxyBox_mc._height * this._yscale) / 100; var i = 0; while (i < this.labels.length) { this.addItem(this.labels[i],[i]); i++; } this.lastSelected = 0; this.selectItem(0); this._xscale = (this._yscale = 100); this.opened = false; this.setSize(this.width); this.highlightTop(false); if (this.changeHandler.length > 0) { this.setChangeHandler(this.changeHandler); } this.onUnload = function () { this.superHolder.removeMovieClip(); }; this.setSelectedIndex(0, false); this.value = ""; this.focusEnabled = true; this.changeFlag = false; } FComboBoxClass.prototype = new FScrollSelectListClass(); Object.registerClass("FComboBoxSymbol", FComboBoxClass); FComboBoxClass.prototype.modelChanged = function (eventObj) { super.modelChanged(eventObj); var event = eventObj.event; if ((event == "addRows") || (event == "deleteRows")) { var diff = ((eventObj.lastRow - eventObj.firstRow) + 1); var mode = ((event == "addRows") ? 1 : -1); var len = this.getLength(); var lenBefore = (len - (mode * diff)); if ((this.rowCount > lenBefore) || (this.rowCount > len)) { this.invalidate("setSize"); } if (this.getSelectedIndex() == undefined) { this.setSelectedIndex(0, false); } } else if (event == "updateAll") { this.invalidate("setSize"); } }; FComboBoxClass.prototype.removeAll = function () { if (!this.enable) { return(undefined); } super.removeAll(); if (this.editable) { this.value = ""; } this.invalidate("setSize"); }; FComboBoxClass.prototype.setSize = function (w) { if ((((w == undefined) || (typeof(w) != "number")) || (w <= 0)) || (!this.enable)) { return(undefined); } this.proxyBox_mc._width = w; this.container_mc.removeMovieClip(); this.measureItmHgt(); this.container_mc = this.superHolder.createEmptyMovieClip("container", 3); this.container_mc.tabChildren = false; this.setPopUpLocation(this.container_mc); this.container_mc.attachMovie("FBoundingBoxSymbol", "boundingBox_mc", 0); this.boundingBox_mc = this.container_mc.boundingBox_mc; this.boundingBox_mc.component = this; this.registerSkinElement(this.boundingBox_mc.boundingBox, "background"); this.proxyBox_mc._height = this.itmHgt; this.numDisplayed = Math.min(this.rowCount, this.getLength()); if (this.numDisplayed < 3) { this.numDisplayed = Math.min(3, this.getLength()); } this.height = (this.numDisplayed * (this.itmHgt - 2)) + 2; super.setSize(w, this.height); this.attachMovie("DownArrow", "downArrow", 10); this.downArrow._y = 0; this.downArrow._width = this.itmHgt; this.downArrow._height = this.itmHgt; this.downArrow._x = this.proxyBox_mc._width - this.downArrow._width; this.setEditable(this.editable); this.container_mc._visible = this.opened; this.highlightTop(false); this.fader = this.superHolder.attachMovie("FBoundingBoxSymbol", "faderX", 4); this.registerSkinElement(this.fader.boundingBox, "background"); this.fader._width = this.width; this.fader._height = this.height; this.fader._visible = false; }; FComboBoxClass.prototype.setDataProvider = function (dp) { super.setDataProvider(dp); this.invalidate("setSize"); this.setSelectedIndex(0); }; FComboBoxClass.prototype.getValue = function () { if (this.editable) { return(this.fLabel_mc.getLabel()); } return(super.getValue()); }; FComboBoxClass.prototype.getRowCount = function () { return(this.rowCount); }; FComboBoxClass.prototype.setRowCount = function (count) { this.rowCount = ((this.getLength() > count) ? (Math.max(count, 3)) : (count)); this.setSize(this.width); var len = this.getLength(); if ((len - this.getScrollPosition()) < this.rowCount) { this.setScrollPosition(len - Math.min(this.rowCount, len)); this.invalidate("updateControl"); } }; FComboBoxClass.prototype.setEditable = function (editableFlag) { if (!this.enable) { return(undefined); } this.editable = editableFlag; if (!this.editable) { this.onPress = this.pressHandler; this.useHandCursor = false; this.trackAsMenu = true; this.attachMovie("FComboBoxItemSymbol", "fLabel_mc", 5, {controller:this, itemNum:-1}); this.fLabel_mc.onRollOver = undefined; this.fLabel_mc.setSize((this.width - this.itmHgt) + 1, this.itmHgt); this.topLabel = this.getSelectedItem(); this.fLabel_mc.drawItem(this.topLabel, false); this.highlightTop(false); } else { this.attachMovie("FLabelSymbol", "fLabel_mc", 5); this.fLabel_txt = this.fLabel_mc.labelField; this.fLabel_txt.type = "input"; this.fLabel_txt._x = 4; this.fLabel_txt.onSetFocus = this.onLabelFocus; this.fLabel_mc.setSize((this.width - this.itmHgt) - 3); delete this.onPress; this.fLabel_txt.onKillFocus = function () { this._parent._parent.myOnKillFocus(); }; this.fLabel_mc.setLabel(this.value); this.fLabel_txt.onChanged = function () { this._parent._parent.findInputText(); }; this.downArrow.onPress = this.buttonPressHandler; this.downArrow.useHandCursor = false; this.downArrow.trackAsMenu = true; } }; FComboBoxClass.prototype.setEnabled = function (enabledFlag) { enabledFlag = (((enabledFlag == undefined) || (typeof(enabledFlag) != "boolean")) ? true : (enabledFlag)); super.setEnabled(enabledFlag); this.registerSkinElement(this.boundingBox_mc.boundingBox, "background"); this.proxyBox_mc.gotoAndStop((this.enable ? "enabled" : "disabled")); this.downArrow.gotoAndStop((this.enable ? 1 : 3)); if (this.editable) { this.fLabel_txt.type = (enabledFlag ? "input" : "dynamic"); this.fLabel_txt.selectable = enabledFlag; } else if (enabledFlag) { this.fLabel_mc.drawItem(this.topLabel, false); this.setSelectedIndex(this.getSelectedIndex(), false); } this.fLabel_mc.setEnabled(this.enable); this.fLabel_txt.onSetFocus = (enabledFlag ? (this.onLabelFocus) : undefined); }; FComboBoxClass.prototype.setSelectedIndex = function (index, flag) { super.setSelectedIndex(index, flag); if (!this.editable) { this.topLabel = this.getSelectedItem(); this.fLabel_mc.drawItem(this.topLabel, false); } else { this.value = ((flag != undefined) ? "" : (this.getSelectedItem().label)); this.fLabel_mc.setLabel(this.value); } this.invalidate("updateControl"); }; FComboBoxClass.prototype.setValue = function (value) { if (this.editable) { this.fLabel_mc.setLabel(value); this.value = value; } }; FComboBoxClass.prototype.pressHandler = function () { this.focusRect.removeMovieClip(); if (this.enable) { if (!this.opened) { this.onMouseUp = this.releaseHandler; } else { this.onMouseUp = undefined; } this.changeFlag = false; if (!this.focused) { this.pressFocus(); this.clickFilter = (this.editable ? false : true); } if (!this.clickFilter) { this.openOrClose(!this.opened); } else { this.clickFilter = false; } } }; FComboBoxClass.prototype.clickHandler = function (itmNum) { if (!this.focused) { if (this.editable) { this.fLabel_txt.onKillFocus = undefined; } this.pressFocus(); } super.clickHandler(itmNum); this.selectionHandler(itmNum); this.onMouseUp = this.releaseHandler; }; FComboBoxClass.prototype.highlightTop = function (flag) { if (!this.editable) { this.fLabel_mc.drawItem(this.topLabel, flag); } }; FComboBoxClass.prototype.myOnSetFocus = function () { super.myOnSetFocus(); this.fLabel_mc.highlight_mc.gotoAndStop("enabled"); this.highlightTop(true); }; FComboBoxClass.prototype.drawFocusRect = function () { this.drawRect(-2, -2, this.width + 4, this._height + 4); }; FComboBoxClass.prototype.myOnKillFocus = function () { if (Selection.getFocus().indexOf("labelField") != -1) { return(undefined); } super.myOnKillFocus(); delete this.fLabel_txt.onKeyDown; this.openOrClose(false); this.highlightTop(false); }; FComboBoxClass.prototype.setPopUpLocation = function (mcRef) { mcRef._x = this._x; var point = {x:this._x, y:this._y + this.proxyBox_mc._height}; this._parent.localToGlobal(point); mcRef._parent.globalToLocal(point); mcRef._x = point.x; mcRef._y = point.y; if ((this.height + mcRef._y) >= Stage.height) { this.upward = true; mcRef._y = (point.y - this.height) - this.proxyBox_mc._height; } else { this.upward = false; } }; FComboBoxClass.prototype.openOrClose = function (flag) { if (this.getLength() == 0) { return(undefined); } this.setPopUpLocation(this.container_mc); if ((this.lastSelected != -1) && ((this.lastSelected < this.topDisplayed) || (this.lastSelected > (this.topDisplayed + this.numDisplayed)))) { super.moveSelBy(this.lastSelected - this.getSelectedIndex()); } if (!flag) { (this.downArrow.gotoAndStop(1));// not popped } else { (this.downArrow.gotoAndStop(2));// not popped } if (flag == this.opened) { return(undefined); } this.highlightTop(!flag); this.fadeRate = this.styleTable.popUpFade.value; if (((!flag) || (this.fadeRate == undefined)) || (this.fadeRate == 0)) { this.opened = (this.container_mc._visible = flag); return(undefined); } this.setPopUpLocation(this.fader); this.time = 0; this.const = 85 / Math.sqrt(this.fadeRate); this.fader._alpha = 85; this.container_mc._visible = (this.fader._visible = true); this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.fader._alpha = 100 - ((this.const * Math.sqrt(++this.time)) + 15); if (this.time >= this.fadeRate) { this.fader._visible = false; delete this.onEnterFrame; this.opened = true; } }; }; FComboBoxClass.prototype.fireChange = function () { this.lastSelected = this.getSelectedIndex(); if (!this.editable) { this.topLabel = this.getSelectedItem(); this.fLabel_mc.drawItem(this.topLabel, true); } else { this.value = this.getSelectedItem().label; this.fLabel_mc.setLabel(this.value); } this.executeCallback(); }; FComboBoxClass.prototype.releaseHandler = function () { var onCombo = this.boundingBox_mc.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse); if (this.changeFlag) { if (onCombo) { this.fireChange(); } this.openOrClose(!this.opened); } else if (onCombo) { this.openOrClose(false); } else { this.onMouseDown = function () { if ((!this.boundingBox_mc.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse)) && (!this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse))) { this.onMouseDown = undefined; this.openOrClose(false); } }; } this.changeFlag = false; this.onMouseUp = undefined; clearInterval(this.dragScrolling); this.dragScrolling = undefined; }; FComboBoxClass.prototype.moveSelBy = function (itemNum) { if (itemNum != 0) { super.moveSelBy(itemNum); if (this.editable) { this.setValue(this.getSelectedItem().label); } if (!this.opened) { if (this.changeFlag && (!this.isSelected(this.lastSelected))) { this.fireChange(); } } } }; FComboBoxClass.prototype.myOnKeyDown = function () { if (!this.focused) { return(undefined); } if (this.editable && (Key.isDown(13))) { this.setValue(this.fLabel_mc.getLabel()); this.executeCallback(); this.openOrClose(false); } else if ((Key.isDown(13) || (Key.isDown(32) && (!this.editable))) && (this.opened)) { if (this.getSelectedIndex() != this.lastSelected) { this.fireChange(); } this.openOrClose(false); this.fLabel_txt.hscroll = 0; } super.myOnKeyDown(); }; FComboBoxClass.prototype.findInputText = function () { if (!this.editable) { super.findInputText(); } }; FComboBoxClass.prototype.onLabelFocus = function () { this._parent._parent.tabFocused = false; this._parent._parent.focused = true; this.onKeyDown = function () { this._parent._parent.myOnKeyDown(); }; Key.addListener(this); }; FComboBoxClass.prototype.buttonPressHandler = function () { this._parent.pressHandler(); }; #endinitclip this.deadPreview._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 126 MovieClip [FScrollSelectListSymbol] "superClassAsset" in Symbol 130 MovieClip [FComboBoxSymbol] Frame 1
//component parameters onClipEvent (initialize) { }
Symbol 148 MovieClip Frame 1
function lockIt() { this.gotoAndStop(1); } function unlockIt() { this.gotoAndStop(2); } stop();

Library Items

Symbol 1 GraphicUsed by:2 78 82 83 92
Symbol 2 MovieClip [fpb_hitArea]Uses:1
Symbol 3 GraphicUsed by:4 5 12 13 18 19 20 21 24 25 41
Symbol 4 MovieClipUses:3Used by:11
Symbol 5 MovieClipUses:3Used by:11
Symbol 6 GraphicUsed by:7 8 14 15 26 27 120
Symbol 7 MovieClipUses:6Used by:11
Symbol 8 MovieClipUses:6Used by:11
Symbol 9 GraphicUsed by:10 16 22 28 44 62 79 80 86 87 89 95 107
Symbol 10 MovieClipUses:9Used by:11
Symbol 11 MovieClipUses:4 5 7 8 10Used by:30
Symbol 12 MovieClipUses:3Used by:17
Symbol 13 MovieClipUses:3Used by:17
Symbol 14 MovieClipUses:6Used by:17
Symbol 15 MovieClipUses:6Used by:17
Symbol 16 MovieClipUses:9Used by:17
Symbol 17 MovieClipUses:12 13 14 15 16Used by:30
Symbol 18 MovieClipUses:3Used by:23
Symbol 19 MovieClipUses:3Used by:23
Symbol 20 MovieClipUses:3Used by:23
Symbol 21 MovieClipUses:3Used by:23
Symbol 22 MovieClipUses:9Used by:23
Symbol 23 MovieClipUses:18 19 20 21 22Used by:30
Symbol 24 MovieClipUses:3Used by:29
Symbol 25 MovieClipUses:3Used by:29
Symbol 26 MovieClipUses:6Used by:29
Symbol 27 MovieClipUses:6Used by:29
Symbol 28 MovieClipUses:9Used by:29
Symbol 29 MovieClipUses:24 25 26 27 28Used by:30
Symbol 30 MovieClip [fpb_states]Uses:11 17 23 29
Symbol 31 GraphicUsed by:32
Symbol 32 MovieClipUses:31Used by:34
Symbol 33 GraphicUsed by:34
Symbol 34 MovieClip [FBoundingBoxSymbol]Uses:32 33Used by:37 130
Symbol 35 GraphicUsed by:36
Symbol 36 MovieClipUses:35Used by:37
Symbol 37 MovieClip [FPushButtonSymbol]Uses:34 36
Symbol 38 FontUsed by:39 151
Symbol 39 EditableTextUses:38Used by:40
Symbol 40 MovieClip [FLabelSymbol]Uses:39
Symbol 41 MovieClipUses:3Used by:42
Symbol 42 MovieClip [FHighlightSymbol]Uses:41
Symbol 43 MovieClip [FUIComponentSymbol]
Symbol 44 MovieClipUses:9Used by:55
Symbol 45 GraphicUsed by:46
Symbol 46 MovieClipUses:45Used by:55
Symbol 47 GraphicUsed by:48 68 98 113
Symbol 48 MovieClipUses:47Used by:55
Symbol 49 GraphicUsed by:50 69 99 114
Symbol 50 MovieClipUses:49Used by:55
Symbol 51 GraphicUsed by:52 57 67 100 104 112
Symbol 52 MovieClipUses:51Used by:55
Symbol 53 GraphicUsed by:54 56 66 101 103 111
Symbol 54 MovieClipUses:53Used by:55
Symbol 55 MovieClipUses:44 46 48 50 52 54Used by:75
Symbol 56 MovieClipUses:53Used by:65
Symbol 57 MovieClipUses:51Used by:65
Symbol 58 GraphicUsed by:59 105
Symbol 59 MovieClipUses:58Used by:65
Symbol 60 GraphicUsed by:61 106
Symbol 61 MovieClipUses:60Used by:65
Symbol 62 MovieClipUses:9Used by:65
Symbol 63 GraphicUsed by:64
Symbol 64 MovieClipUses:63Used by:65
Symbol 65 MovieClipUses:56 57 59 61 62 64Used by:75
Symbol 66 MovieClipUses:53Used by:74
Symbol 67 MovieClipUses:51Used by:74
Symbol 68 MovieClipUses:47Used by:74
Symbol 69 MovieClipUses:49Used by:74
Symbol 70 GraphicUsed by:71 115
Symbol 71 MovieClipUses:70Used by:74
Symbol 72 GraphicUsed by:73
Symbol 73 MovieClipUses:72Used by:74
Symbol 74 MovieClipUses:66 67 68 69 71 73Used by:75
Symbol 75 MovieClip [UpArrow]Uses:55 65 74
Symbol 76 GraphicUsed by:77
Symbol 77 MovieClipUses:76Used by:81
Symbol 78 MovieClipUses:1Used by:81
Symbol 79 MovieClipUses:9Used by:81
Symbol 80 MovieClipUses:9Used by:81
Symbol 81 MovieClipUses:77 78 79 80Used by:94
Symbol 82 MovieClipUses:1Used by:88
Symbol 83 MovieClipUses:1Used by:88
Symbol 84 GraphicUsed by:85
Symbol 85 MovieClipUses:84Used by:88
Symbol 86 MovieClipUses:9Used by:88
Symbol 87 MovieClipUses:9Used by:88
Symbol 88 MovieClipUses:82 83 85 86 87Used by:94
Symbol 89 MovieClipUses:9Used by:93
Symbol 90 GraphicUsed by:91
Symbol 91 MovieClipUses:90Used by:93
Symbol 92 MovieClipUses:1Used by:93
Symbol 93 MovieClipUses:89 91 92Used by:94
Symbol 94 MovieClip [ScrollThumb]Uses:81 88 93
Symbol 95 MovieClipUses:9Used by:102
Symbol 96 GraphicUsed by:97
Symbol 97 MovieClipUses:96Used by:102
Symbol 98 MovieClipUses:47Used by:102
Symbol 99 MovieClipUses:49Used by:102
Symbol 100 MovieClipUses:51Used by:102
Symbol 101 MovieClipUses:53Used by:102
Symbol 102 MovieClipUses:95 97 98 99 100 101Used by:119
Symbol 103 MovieClipUses:53Used by:110
Symbol 104 MovieClipUses:51Used by:110
Symbol 105 MovieClipUses:58Used by:110
Symbol 106 MovieClipUses:60Used by:110
Symbol 107 MovieClipUses:9Used by:110
Symbol 108 GraphicUsed by:109
Symbol 109 MovieClipUses:108Used by:110
Symbol 110 MovieClipUses:103 104 105 106 107 109Used by:119
Symbol 111 MovieClipUses:53Used by:118
Symbol 112 MovieClipUses:51Used by:118
Symbol 113 MovieClipUses:47Used by:118
Symbol 114 MovieClipUses:49Used by:118
Symbol 115 MovieClipUses:70Used by:118
Symbol 116 GraphicUsed by:117
Symbol 117 MovieClipUses:116Used by:118
Symbol 118 MovieClipUses:111 112 113 114 115 117Used by:119
Symbol 119 MovieClip [DownArrow]Uses:102 110 118
Symbol 120 MovieClipUses:6Used by:121
Symbol 121 MovieClipUses:120Used by:122
Symbol 122 MovieClip [FScrollBarSymbol]Uses:121Used by:126
Symbol 123 MovieClip [DataProviderSymbol]Used by:125
Symbol 124 MovieClip [FSelectableItemSymbol]Used by:125
Symbol 125 MovieClip [FSelectableListSymbol]Uses:123 124Used by:126
Symbol 126 MovieClip [FScrollSelectListSymbol]Uses:122 125Used by:130
Symbol 127 MovieClip [FComboBoxItemSymbol]Used by:130
Symbol 128 GraphicUsed by:129
Symbol 129 MovieClipUses:128Used by:130
Symbol 130 MovieClip [FComboBoxSymbol]Uses:126 127 34 129
Symbol 131 Imported [easoBackgroundCover]Used by:Timeline
Symbol 132 BitmapUsed by:133
Symbol 133 GraphicUses:132Used by:134
Symbol 134 MovieClipUses:133Used by:Timeline
Symbol 135 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 136 MovieClipUses:135Used by:137
Symbol 137 MovieClipUses:136Used by:Timeline
Symbol 138 GraphicUsed by:139
Symbol 139 MovieClipUses:138Used by:Timeline
Symbol 140 BitmapUsed by:141
Symbol 141 GraphicUses:140Used by:Timeline
Symbol 142 BitmapUsed by:143
Symbol 143 GraphicUses:142Used by:144
Symbol 144 MovieClipUses:143Used by:148
Symbol 145 BitmapUsed by:146
Symbol 146 GraphicUses:145Used by:147
Symbol 147 MovieClipUses:146Used by:148
Symbol 148 MovieClipUses:144 147Used by:Timeline
Symbol 149 FontUsed by:150 158
Symbol 150 EditableTextUses:149Used by:Timeline
Symbol 151 EditableTextUses:38Used by:Timeline
Symbol 152 Imported [easoTabSet]Used by:Timeline
Symbol 153 Imported [easoButtonS]Used by:Timeline
Symbol 154 FontUsed by:155
Symbol 155 EditableTextUses:154Used by:Timeline
Symbol 156 Imported [easoButtonMedium]Used by:Timeline
Symbol 157 Imported [button_refresh]Used by:Timeline
Symbol 158 EditableTextUses:149Used by:Timeline

Instance Names

"imgLock"Frame 1Symbol 148 MovieClip
"lblTitle2"Frame 1Symbol 150 EditableText
"txtRound"Frame 1Symbol 151 EditableText
"tabPane"Frame 1Symbol 152 Imported [easoTabSet]
"btnClose"Frame 1Symbol 153 Imported [easoButtonS]
"txtLeagueName"Frame 1Symbol 155 EditableText
"btnBoards"Frame 1Symbol 156 Imported [easoButtonMedium]
"btnRefresh"Frame 1Symbol 157 Imported [button_refresh]
"lblTitle"Frame 1Symbol 158 EditableText
"tabPanePlayoffs"Frame 1Symbol 152 Imported [easoTabSet]
"frame1"Symbol 11 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 4 MovieClip
"frame2"Symbol 11 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 5 MovieClip
"frame3"Symbol 11 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 7 MovieClip
"frame4"Symbol 11 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 8 MovieClip
"frame5"Symbol 11 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 10 MovieClip
"frame1"Symbol 17 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"frame2"Symbol 17 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 13 MovieClip
"frame3"Symbol 17 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 14 MovieClip
"frame4"Symbol 17 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 15 MovieClip
"frame5"Symbol 17 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 16 MovieClip
"frame1"Symbol 23 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 18 MovieClip
"frame2"Symbol 23 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 19 MovieClip
"frame3"Symbol 23 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 20 MovieClip
"frame4"Symbol 23 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 21 MovieClip
"frame5"Symbol 23 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 22 MovieClip
"frame1"Symbol 29 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 24 MovieClip
"frame2"Symbol 29 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 25 MovieClip
"frame3"Symbol 29 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 26 MovieClip
"frame4"Symbol 29 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 27 MovieClip
"frame5"Symbol 29 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 28 MovieClip
"up_mc"Symbol 30 MovieClip [fpb_states] Frame 1Symbol 11 MovieClip
"over_mc"Symbol 30 MovieClip [fpb_states] Frame 2Symbol 17 MovieClip
"down_mc"Symbol 30 MovieClip [fpb_states] Frame 3Symbol 23 MovieClip
"disabled_mc"Symbol 30 MovieClip [fpb_states] Frame 4Symbol 29 MovieClip
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"boundingBox2"Symbol 34 MovieClip [FBoundingBoxSymbol] Frame 2Symbol 32 MovieClip
"boundingBox_mc"Symbol 37 MovieClip [FPushButtonSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 34 MovieClip [FBoundingBoxSymbol]
"deadPreview"Symbol 37 MovieClip [FPushButtonSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 36 MovieClip
"labelField"Symbol 40 MovieClip [FLabelSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 39 EditableText
"highlight_mc"Symbol 42 MovieClip [FHighlightSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 41 MovieClip
"highlight_mc2"Symbol 42 MovieClip [FHighlightSymbol] Frame 2Symbol 41 MovieClip
"highlight_mc3"Symbol 42 MovieClip [FHighlightSymbol] Frame 3Symbol 41 MovieClip
"face_mc"Symbol 55 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 44 MovieClip
"arrow_mc"Symbol 55 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 46 MovieClip
"highlight_mc"Symbol 55 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 48 MovieClip
"shadow_mc"Symbol 55 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 50 MovieClip
"darkshadow_mc"Symbol 55 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 52 MovieClip
"highlight3D_mc"Symbol 55 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 54 MovieClip
"darkshadow_mc"Symbol 65 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 56 MovieClip
"highlight3D_mc"Symbol 65 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 57 MovieClip
"highlight_mc"Symbol 65 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 59 MovieClip
"shadow_mc"Symbol 65 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 61 MovieClip
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"highlight3D_mc"Symbol 74 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 66 MovieClip
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"highlight_mc"Symbol 74 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 68 MovieClip
"shadow_mc"Symbol 74 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 69 MovieClip
"face_mc"Symbol 74 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 71 MovieClip
"arrow_mc"Symbol 74 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 73 MovieClip
"up"Symbol 75 MovieClip [UpArrow] Frame 1Symbol 55 MovieClip
"down"Symbol 75 MovieClip [UpArrow] Frame 2Symbol 65 MovieClip
"disabled"Symbol 75 MovieClip [UpArrow] Frame 3Symbol 74 MovieClip
"highlight3D_mc"Symbol 81 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 77 MovieClip
"darkshadow_mc"Symbol 81 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 78 MovieClip
"highlight_mc"Symbol 81 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 79 MovieClip
"shadow_mc"Symbol 81 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 80 MovieClip
"highlight3D_mc"Symbol 88 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 82 MovieClip
"darkshadow_mc"Symbol 88 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 83 MovieClip
"shadow_mc"Symbol 88 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 85 MovieClip
"face_mc"Symbol 88 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 86 MovieClip
"highlight_mc"Symbol 88 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 87 MovieClip
"shadow_mc"Symbol 93 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 89 MovieClip
"darkshadow_mc"Symbol 93 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 91 MovieClip
"highlight3D_mc"Symbol 93 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 92 MovieClip
"mc_sliderTop"Symbol 94 MovieClip [ScrollThumb] Frame 1Symbol 81 MovieClip
"mc_sliderMid"Symbol 94 MovieClip [ScrollThumb] Frame 1Symbol 88 MovieClip
"mc_sliderBot"Symbol 94 MovieClip [ScrollThumb] Frame 1Symbol 93 MovieClip
"face_mc"Symbol 102 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 95 MovieClip
"arrow_mc"Symbol 102 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 97 MovieClip
"highlight_mc"Symbol 102 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 98 MovieClip
"shadow_mc"Symbol 102 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 99 MovieClip
"darkshadow_mc"Symbol 102 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 100 MovieClip
"highlight3D_mc"Symbol 102 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 101 MovieClip
"darkshadow_mc"Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 103 MovieClip
"highlight3D_mc"Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 104 MovieClip
"highlight_mc"Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 105 MovieClip
"shadow_mc"Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 106 MovieClip
"face_mc"Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 107 MovieClip
"arrow_mc"Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 109 MovieClip
"highlight3D_mc"Symbol 118 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 111 MovieClip
"darkshadow_mc"Symbol 118 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 112 MovieClip
"highlight_mc"Symbol 118 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 113 MovieClip
"shadow_mc"Symbol 118 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 114 MovieClip
"face_mc"Symbol 118 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 115 MovieClip
"arrow_mc"Symbol 118 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 117 MovieClip
"up"Symbol 119 MovieClip [DownArrow] Frame 1Symbol 102 MovieClip
"down"Symbol 119 MovieClip [DownArrow] Frame 2Symbol 110 MovieClip
"disabled"Symbol 119 MovieClip [DownArrow] Frame 3Symbol 118 MovieClip
"track_mc"Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 120 MovieClip
"scrollTrack_mc"Symbol 122 MovieClip [FScrollBarSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 121 MovieClip
"dPAsset"Symbol 125 MovieClip [FSelectableListSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 123 MovieClip [DataProviderSymbol]
"ItemAsset"Symbol 125 MovieClip [FSelectableListSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 124 MovieClip [FSelectableItemSymbol]
"scrollBarAsset"Symbol 126 MovieClip [FScrollSelectListSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 122 MovieClip [FScrollBarSymbol]
"superClassAsset"Symbol 126 MovieClip [FScrollSelectListSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 125 MovieClip [FSelectableListSymbol]
"superClassAsset"Symbol 130 MovieClip [FComboBoxSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 126 MovieClip [FScrollSelectListSymbol]
"itemAsset"Symbol 130 MovieClip [FComboBoxSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 127 MovieClip [FComboBoxItemSymbol]
"proxyBox_mc"Symbol 130 MovieClip [FComboBoxSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 34 MovieClip [FBoundingBoxSymbol]
"deadPreview"Symbol 130 MovieClip [FComboBoxSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 129 MovieClip

Special Tags

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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 40 as "FLabelSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 42 as "FHighlightSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 43 as "FUIComponentSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 75 as "UpArrow"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 94 as "ScrollThumb"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 119 as "DownArrow"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 122 as "FScrollBarSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 122 as "FScrollBarSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 123 as "DataProviderSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 124 as "FSelectableItemSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 125 as "FSelectableListSymbol"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 127 as "FComboBoxItemSymbol"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 130 as "FComboBoxSymbol"
ImportAssets (57)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 131 as "easoBackgroundCover" from "easoControls.swf"
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ImportAssets (57)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 153 as "easoButtonS" from "easoControls.swf"
ImportAssets (57)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 156 as "easoButtonMedium" from "easoControls.swf"
ImportAssets (57)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 157 as "button_refresh" from "easoCommonArt.swf"


#"Symbol_10"Symbol 2 MovieClip [fpb_hitArea] Frame 1
"up"Symbol 30 MovieClip [fpb_states] Frame 1
"over"Symbol 30 MovieClip [fpb_states] Frame 2
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"disabled"Symbol 30 MovieClip [fpb_states] Frame 4
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"Symbol_32"Symbol 40 MovieClip [FLabelSymbol] Frame 1
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"unfocused"Symbol 42 MovieClip [FHighlightSymbol] Frame 3
"Symbol_36"Symbol 43 MovieClip [FUIComponentSymbol] Frame 1
"Symbol_354"Symbol 123 MovieClip [DataProviderSymbol] Frame 1
Created: 8/6 -2019 11:38:08 Last modified: 8/6 -2019 11:38:08 Server time: 18/01 -2025 07:02:19