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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Sky Warrior.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #10772

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)



Rapid Fire

Full Armor

+50% armor

+20 rockets

<p align="left"><font face="_sans" size="14" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0">PORTUGUES</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="_sans" size="14" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0">RUSSIAN</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="_sans" size="14" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0">DEUTSCH</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="_sans" size="14" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0">FRANCAIS</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="_sans" size="14" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0">ESPANOL</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="_sans" size="14" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0">ENGLISN</font></p>




The Macromedia Flash help system contains a great deal of information and resources that describe the full range of Flash authoring capabilities and the ActionScript language. Many online resources are also available to help you learn Flash. This document is intended to help you navigate these resources and find the information that is most helpful to you in realizing your goals with Flash.

The Macromedia Flash help system contains a great deal of information and resources that describe the full range of Flash authoring capabilities and the ActionScript language. Many online resources are also available to help you learn Flash. This document is intended to help you navigate these resources and find the information that is most helpful to you in realizing your goals with Flash.

<p align="right"><font face="Radio Stars" size="16" color="#d3daa4" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0">Sample test</font></p>


<p align="right"><font face="Radio Stars" size="16" color="#d3daa4" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0">Sample test</font></p>


You have Completed the Game!

<p align="right"><font face="Radio Stars" size="16" color="#d3daa4" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0">Sample test</font></p>



<p align="center"><font face="Radio Stars" size="14" color="#d3daa4" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0">Sample test</font></p><p align="center"><font face="Radio Stars" size="14" color="#d3daa4" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0">Sample test</font></p>

Text Bar

The Macromedia Flash help system contains a great deal of information and resources that describe the full range of Flash authoring capabilities and the ActionScript language. Many online resources are also available to help you learn Flash. This document is intended to help you navigate these resources and find the information that is most helpful to you in realizing your goals with Flash.

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
fscommand ("showmenu", "false"); _global.openSite = function () { getURL ("", "_blank"); };
Instance of Symbol 33 MovieClip in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { t = _root.getBytesTotal(); l = _root.getBytesLoaded(); bar._xscale = (100 * l) / t; p = Math.round((1000 * l) / t) / 10; if (p == Math.floor(p)) { p = p + ".0"; } p = p + "%"; tf.text = p; if (t > 0) { if ((l < t) && (_alpha < 100)) { _alpha = (_alpha + 5); } if ((l == t) && (_alpha > 0)) { _alpha = (_alpha - 5); } } }
Frame 4
Instance of Symbol 36 MovieClip in Frame 4
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; state = 0; _root.stop(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { l = _root.getBytesLoaded(); t = _root.getBytesTotal(); if (state == 0) { _alpha = (_alpha + 5); if (_alpha >= 100) { _alpha = 100; state = 1; startPause = getTimer(); } } else if ((((state == 1) && (t == l)) && (l > 10)) && ((getTimer() - startPause) > 2500)) { this._alpha = this._alpha - 5; if (_alpha < 0) { _root.gotoAndStop("lang"); } } }
Frame 6
_global.language_pre = "en"; _root.nextFrame();
Frame 7
function globalStart() { debug("Try to start game"); if (_global.settingsLoaded === true) { debug("STARTING GAME"); _global.slidingBg = true; _global.maxLevelItem = 0; _global.currLevel = _global.levels["level_" + levelNum]; var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _global.currLevel.level.length) { _global.currLevel.level[_local3].parsedYOffset = parseFloat(_global.currLevel.level[_local3].yoffset); _local3++; } _global.gameOver = false; _global.gameInProcess = true; if (_global.levelNum == 1) { _global.fullRezults = {killed:0, survived:0, items:0, shots:0, hits:0}; } _global.rezults = {killed:0, survived:0, items:0, shots:0, hits:0}; _global.staticObjects = new Array(); _global.bonusObjects = new Array(); _global.bulletObjects = new Array(); _global.enemyObjects = new Array(); _global.splashedObjects = new Array(); = 0; = 0; = 0; = 0; = 0; = 0;"queue", "queue",; _global.PI2 = 57.2957795130823; _root.clockEFid = _global.queue.addFunc(clockAdder, _root, 5); _root.changeBGSpeedEFid = _global.queue.addFunc(changeBGSpeed,, 15);, 400);, 1);;, playerS.speed); var _local4 = (_global.noSet(currLevel.playerArmor) ? (playerS.maxArmor) : (currLevel.playerArmor)); var _local5 = (_global.noSet(currLevel.playerShield) ? (playerS.maxShield) : (currLevel.playerShield));, playerS.gun, undefined, _local4, playerS.withoutBase, _local5, playerS.maxShield, playerS.maxArmor, playerS.shadow);, playerS.weapons[0].shotsTime, 0, playerS.weapons[0].bulletType, playerS.weapons[0].bulletSpeed, playerS.weapons[0].bulletTopLevel, playerS.weapons[0].amount, playerS.weapons[0].flySteps, playerS.weapons[0].flyMinScale, playerS.weapons[0].flyDistance, playerS.weapons[0].bulletDamage, playerS.weapons[0].splashDamage, playerS.weapons[0].damageRadius, playerS.weapons[0].splashDelay); _local3 = 1; while (_local3 < currLevel.playerAvailableWeapons) {, playerS.weapons[_local3].shotsTime, 0, playerS.weapons[_local3].bulletType, playerS.weapons[_local3].bulletSpeed, playerS.weapons[_local3].bulletTopLevel, playerS.weapons[_local3].amount, playerS.weapons[_local3].flySteps, playerS.weapons[_local3].flyMinScale, playerS.weapons[_local3].flyDistance, playerS.weapons[_local3].bulletDamage, playerS.weapons[_local3].splashDamage, playerS.weapons[_local3].damageRadius, playerS.weapons[_local3].splashDelay); _local3++; } _root.gui.rockets.gotoAndStop(1); if (playerS.weapons[1].amount != 0) { if (playerS.weapons[1].bulletType == "rocket") { _root.gui.rockets.gotoAndStop(2); } if (playerS.weapons[1].bulletType == "rocket2") { _root.gui.rockets.gotoAndStop(3); } if (playerS.weapons[1].amount != -100) { = playerS.weapons[1].amount; } } = false;; if (!_global.noSet(playerS.soundKills)) { = playerS.soundKills; } bg.oEF2 = mainOEF; _root.bgEFid = _global.queue.addFunc(,, 90); _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _global.currLevel.level.length) { if (!_global.noSet(_global.currLevel.level[_local3].tank)) { _global.maxLevelItem = Math.max(_global.maxLevelItem, _global.currLevel.level[_local3].yoffset); } _local3++; } debug("\u041C\u0430\u043A\u0441\u0438\u043C\u0430\u043B\u044C\u043D\u044B\u0439 \u043E\u0431\u044A\u0435\u043A\u0442 " + _global.maxLevelItem); setProgressBar(0, _global.maxLevelItem); _global.maxLevelItem = _global.maxLevelItem + 0.5; _root.wndComplete._visible = false; _root.wndPause._visible = false; _root.bossBar._visible = false; _global.sound.width = 550; _global.queue.addFunc(sound.oEF, sound, 95); = _global.envS.newObjectYOffset; if (_global.envS.debug != 1) { _root.bottomRuler._visible = ( = (_root.tfTimer._visible = (_root.error._visible = false))); } _global.gameTimeStart = getTimer(); _global.keyGetter = new Object(); keyGetter.onKeyDown = makePause; keyGetter.onMouseWheel = changeWeaponByMouse; Key.addListener(_global.keyGetter); Mouse.addListener(_global.keyGetter); _global.levelCompleteDelayCounter = 0; _global.usingBar = (( == 0) ? false : true); = _global.usingBar; _root.fastZone._visible = (_root.slowZone._visible = false); if ((!_global.noSet(_global.currLevel.playerX)) && (!_global.noSet(_global.currLevel.playerY))) { trace("\u043F\u043E \u0443\u0440\u043E\u0432\u043D\u044E");, -_global.currLevel.playerY); } else { trace("\u043F\u043E \u0434\u0435\u0444\u043E\u043B\u0442\u0443");, -playerS.startY); } _root.gui._visible = true; _global.levelTime = 0; _global.levelTimeS = getTimer(); _root.textBar1._visible = (_root.textBar2._visible = (_root.textBar3._visible = false)); _root.textBar1.setBarAction = (_root.textBar2.setBarAction = (_root.textBar3.setBarAction = _global.setBarAction)); } else { debug("XML data not loaded yet"); } } function endGameOutput() { _root.wndComplete.flag = true; with (_root.wndComplete) { _visible = true; var ttz = _global.envS["textZ_" + language_pre]; title_mc.title.text = ttz.gameCompleteTitle; tf1_.htmlText = ("<p align=\"right\">" + ttz.completeString1) + "</p>"; tf2_.htmlText = ("<p align=\"right\">" + ttz.completeString2) + "</p>"; tf1.text = _global.fullRezults.killed; tf2.text = _global.fullRezults.survived; tf3.text = _global.fullRezults.items; var p = (Math.round((1000 * _global.fullRezults.hits) / _global.fullRezults.shots) / 10); if (isNaN(p)) { p = 0; } tf5.text = p + " %"; } } System.useCodepage = true; fscommand ("trapallkeys", true); trace("init"); _root.depth = 0; _global.isChild = function (arr, item) { var _local2 = false; for (var _local3 in arr) { if (arr[_local3] == item) { _local2 = _local3; break; } } return(_local2); }; _global.changeDebugText = function () { debug(); }; _global.debug = function (str) { if (str == undefined) { str = ""; } clearInterval(_root.debugInt); _root.tf_debug.text = str; if (str != "") { if (_global.envS.debug == 1) { trace(str); } _root.debugInt = setInterval(changeDebugText, 5000); _global.debugLog = _global.debugLog + (str + newline); } }; _global.debugLog = ""; debug(); _global.drawRect = function (target, x1, y1, x2, y2) { target.moveTo(x1, y1); target.lineTo(x2, y1); target.lineTo(x2, y2); target.lineTo(x1, y2); target.lineTo(x1, y1); }; _global.trim = function (str) { str = String(str); var _local2 = -1; do { _local2++; var a = str.charAt(_local2); } while ((((a == " ") || (a == newline)) || (a == "\r")) || (a == "\t")); var _local3 = str.length; do { _local3--; var a = str.charAt(_local3); } while ((((a == " ") || (a == newline)) || (a == "\r")) || (a == "\t")); str = str.substring(_local2, _local3 + 1); if (String(parseFloat(str)) == str) { str = parseFloat(str); } return(str); }; _global.alphaIn = function () { this._alpha = this._alpha + 5; if (this._alpha > 100) { this._alpha = 100; delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; _global.alphaOut = function () { this.step++; if (this.step > this.maxStep) { this._alpha = this._alpha - 5; if (this._alpha < 0) { this._alpha = 0; delete this.onEnterFrame; } } }; _global.noSet = function (a) { if (a == undefined) { return(true); } if (a == null) { return(true); } if (String(a) == "") { return(true); } if (a == "undefined") { return(true); } if ((typeof(a) == "number") && (isNaN(a))) { return(true); } return(false); }; XML.prototype.ignoreWhite = true; _global.settingsLoaded = false; fscommand ("trapallkeys", true); _focusrect = false; fscommand ("showmenu", false); createXML = function () { var _local3 = new XML(str); _global.settingsLoaded = true; debug("Settings loaded; parsing..."); var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _local3.firstChild.childNodes.length) { foo = _local3.firstChild.childNodes[_local2]; parseXMLtoVars(foo, _global); _local2++; } }; _global.xmlErrors = new Array("A CDATA section was not properly terminated.", "The XML declaration was not properly terminated.", "The DOCTYPE declaration was not properly terminated.", "A comment was not properly terminated.", "An XML element was malformed.", "Out of memory.", "An attribute value was not properly terminated.", "A start-tag was not matched with an end-tag.", "An end-tag was encountered without a matching start-tag."); parseXMLtoVars = function (xml, target) { if (xml.nodeName == "var") { var _local5 = xml.attributes.value; if (_global.noSet(_local5) && (xml.nodeValue == null)) { if (xml.childNodes.length == 1) { _local5 = xml.firstChild.nodeValue; } else { _local5 = xml.childNodes.join(""); } } if (String(parseFloat(_local5)) == _local5) { _local5 = parseFloat(_local5); } if ( != null) { target[] = _local5; // unexpected jump } return(_local5); } if (xml.nodeName == "array") { target[] = new Array(); var _local4 = target[]; var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < xml.childNodes.length) { _local4.push(parseXMLtoVars(xml.childNodes[_local3])); _local3++; } } else if (xml.nodeName == "object") { var _local4 = new Object(); for (var _local3 in xml.attributes) { if (_local3 != "name") { parseXMLtoVars(new XML(((("<var name=\"" + _local3) + "\"\tvalue=\"") + xml.attributes[_local3]) + "\" />").firstChild, _local4); } } var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < xml.childNodes.length) { parseXMLtoVars(xml.childNodes[_local3], _local4); _local3++; } if ( != null) { target[] = _local4; } else { return(_local4); } } }; str = ""; str = str + "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"windows-1251\"?>"; str = str + "<settings>"; str = str + "<object name=\"envS\">"; str = str + "<object name=\"playerOffset\">"; str = str + "<var name=\"top\" value=\"100\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"bottom\" value=\"15\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"left\" value=\"15\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"right\" value=\"15\" />"; str = str + "</object>"; str = str + "<object name=\"bulletOffset\">"; str = str + "<var name=\"top\" value=\"-10\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"bottom\" value=\"-10\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"left\" value=\"-10\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"right\" value=\"-10\" />"; str = str + "</object>"; str = str + "<object name=\"enemyOffset\">"; str = str + "<var name=\"top\" value=\"-150\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"bottom\" value=\"-150\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"left\" value=\"-150\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"right\" value=\"-150\" />"; str = str + "</object>"; str = str + "<object name=\"allOffset\">"; str = str + "<var name=\"top\" value=\"-150\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"bottom\" value=\"-480\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"left\" value=\"-400\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"right\" value=\"-400\" />"; str = str + "</object>"; str = str + "<object name=\"blinks\">"; str = str + "<object name=\"hit\" color=\"#FF0000\" amount=\"40\" times=\"5\" step=\"2\" />"; str = str + "<object name=\"shield\" color=\"#0066cc\" amount=\"40\" times=\"3\" step=\"2\" />"; str = str + "<object name=\"takebonus\" color=\"#FFFFFF\" amount=\"40\" times=\"5\" step=\"3\" />"; str = str + "</object> "; str = str + "<object name=\"textZ_en\">"; str = str + "<var name=\"intro\" ><b>How to Play:</b><br /> - You need to get to the end of the level destroying as many enemy units on your way as possible.<br /> - Pick up bonuses and health packs - they are going to help you on your mission.<br /><b>Controls:</b><br />- The space commando is controlled by the arrow keys \u201Cleft\u201D, \u201Cright\u201D, \u201Cup\u201D and \u201Cdown\u201D, or keys \u201CW\u201D, \u201CA\u201D, \u201CS\u201D & \u201CD\u201D.<br />- Use the mouse cursor to aim.<br />- Use left mouse key to fire.<br /> - To choose alternative weapons (if available), use keys \"1\", \"2\" \"3\", or the mouse wheel, or directly the mouse cursor. </var>"; str = str + "<var name=\"completeString1\" >Enemies Kills :</var>"; str = str + "<var name=\"completeString2\" >Enemies survived :</var>"; str = str + "<var name=\"completeString3\" >Structures Destroyed :</var>"; str = str + "<var name=\"completeString4\" >Shots :</var>"; str = str + "<var name=\"completeString5\" >Accuracy :</var>"; str = str + "<var name=\"playerDiedTitle\" >Game Over</var>"; str = str + "<var name=\"levelCompleteTitle\" >Level Completed!</var>"; str = str + "<var name=\"gameCompleteTitle\" >You have Completed the Game!</var>"; str = str + "<var name=\"gamePausedTitle\" >Pause</var>"; str = str + "<var name=\"gamePausedString\" ><br /><br /><br /><b>Return to the game?</b></var>"; str = str + "</object>"; str = str + "<var name=\"screenSpeed\" value=\"3\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"screenFastSpeed\" value=\"3\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"screenSlowSpeed\" value=\"3\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"screenSpeedFactorUp\" value=\"1.05\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"screenSpeedFactorDown\" value=\"0.95\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"debug\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"lazerDebug\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"soundDebug\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"multipleFireAngle\" value=\"15\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"newObjectYOffset\" value=\"-100\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"splashTests\" value=\"5\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"levelCompleteDelay\" value=\"100\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"defaultRotation\" value=\"180\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"soundKills\" value=\"eexplode\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"autoAimDistance\" value=\"50\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"SolarX\" value=\"275\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"SolarXFactor\" value=\"0.85\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"SolarY\" value=\"400\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"SolarYFactor\" value=\"0.9\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"prolog\" >PROLOGUE\n\n"; str = str + " 1943. The forces of Nazi Germany are suffering one defeat after another. The best Wehrmacht soldiers and elite SS troops, frozen in the Russian steppe, are no longer advancing. It is becoming clear - the Third Reich will lose the war...\n"; str = str + " On the Fuhrer's orders, the Nazis are erecting a secret base - base 211 - in one of the remotest and most inaccessible corners of our planet, the Antarctic, in the heart of the Queen Maud Land.\n The Temple of Darkness, created to destroy the thin layer between our world and the world of shadows. In the bowels of the temple, hidden below vast slabs of Antarctic ice, the Black Mages of the SS are staging a series of sinister ancient rituals in a desperate bid to win the support of the Demonic Forces of Chaos, and with their help, to bring all the free peoples on Earth to their knees!"; str = str + "\n In those days, Darkness failed to respond to their desperate call. The Third Reich fell, but its ruins hid the unturned roots of Evil...\n"; str = str + " The dark order did not melt away after Germany's defeat, and decades later their successors completed their predecessors' work - the Gates of Hell were thrown wide open...</var>"; str = str + "<var name=\"epilog\" >EPILOGUE\n\n"; str = str + "Washington. CIA headquarters. Two years later.\n\n"; str = str + "\" I decided to finish the diary of this remarkable man. I will neither divulge my name or rank. I will say only that I am one of those analysts studying this entire this horrid story and its consequences...\n"; str = str + " A few days after the successful completion of the Antarctic operation, the Forces of Chaos cracked. The possessed started coming to - the demonic force that had filled them with venom and hatred started to take leave of them. The people who broke free from the grasps of demons failed to understand where they were or what was happening. It was as if they were coming to from a coma or a deeply drugged state. Some of them suffered permanent memory loss and are still unable to recall their names or where they are from.\n"; str = str + " The world is slowly coming back to life. The horrific wretches who broke out from the underworld either vanished or were destroyed. I suspect that some of them found cover in the nadirs of the secret lab.\n"; str = str + " Slowly, theories are starting to emerge about the causes of this tragedy. Surreal kinds of theories. And although these theories are filled with unexplained holes, most people accept them for the truth. We have supported and will continue to support such theories. No one is trying to disclose the full truth. The ruling authorities have no need for religious fervor. And people do not need it, either - people want to go back again to their calm, familiar lives...\"</var>"; str = str + "</object> "; str = str + "<object name=\"playerS\">"; str = str + "<var name=\"speed\" value=\"4\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"speedFactor\" value=\"6\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"rotationFactor\" value=\"1\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"base\" value=\"plane1_base\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"gun\" value=\"player_gun\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"maxArmor\" value=\"100\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"maxShield\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"recoil\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"recoilLength\" value=\"1\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"startX\" value=\"275\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"startY\" value=\"100\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"withoutBase\" value=\"1\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"soundKills\" value=\"eexplode\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"shadow\" value=\"plane1_shadow\" />"; str = str + "<array name=\"weapons\">"; str = str + "<object>"; str = str + "<var name=\"bulletType\" value=\"playerShoot2\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"bulletSpeed\" value=\"20\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"bulletDamage\" value=\"10\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"shotsTime\" value=\"5\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"splashDamage\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"damageRadius\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"splashDelay\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"flySteps\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"flyMinScale\" value=\"20\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"amount\" value=\"-100\" />"; str = str + "</object>"; str = str + "<object>"; str = str + "<var name=\"bulletType\" value=\"rocket\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"bulletSpeed\" value=\"15\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"bulletDamage\" value=\"50\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"shotsTime\" value=\"12\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"splashDamage\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"damageRadius\" value=\"200\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"splashDelay\" value=\"2\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"flySteps\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"flyMinScale\" value=\"20\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"amount\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "</object>"; str = str + "</array>"; str = str + "</object>"; str = str + "<object name=\"standingUnits\">"; str = str + "<object name=\"village1\">"; str = str + "<var name=\"linkage\" value=\"village1\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"armor\" value=\"50\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"splashDamage\" value=\"10\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"damageRadius\" value=\"50\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"splashDelay\" value=\"6\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"top\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreHit\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreSplash\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreDirect\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"immortal\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "</object>"; str = str + "<object name=\"village2\">"; str = str + "<var name=\"linkage\" value=\"village2\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"armor\" value=\"50\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"splashDamage\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"damageRadius\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"splashDelay\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"top\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreHit\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreSplash\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreDirect\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"immortal\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "</object>"; str = str + "<object name=\"village3\">"; str = str + "<var name=\"linkage\" value=\"village3\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"armor\" value=\"50\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"splashDamage\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"damageRadius\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"splashDelay\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"top\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreHit\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreSplash\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreDirect\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"immortal\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "</object>"; str = str + "<object name=\"village4\">"; str = str + "<var name=\"linkage\" value=\"village4\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"armor\" value=\"50\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"splashDamage\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"damageRadius\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"splashDelay\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"top\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreHit\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreSplash\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreDirect\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"immortal\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "</object>"; str = str + "<object name=\"village5\">"; str = str + "<var name=\"linkage\" value=\"village5\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"armor\" value=\"50\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"splashDamage\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"damageRadius\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"splashDelay\" value=\"0\" />"; 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str = str + "<var name=\"flySteps\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"flyMinScale\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"flyDistance\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"cannonAngle\" value=\"t\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"splashDamage\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"damageRadius\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"bulletSpeed\" value=\"6\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"bulletDamage\" value=\"25\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"reloadingTime\" value=\"50\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"clip\" value=\"2\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"shotsTime\" value=\"4\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"ai\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"withoutBase\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreHit\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreSplash\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreDirect\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"orientToPath\" value=\"move\" />"; str = str + "</object>"; str = str + "<object name=\"bunker_rocket_gun2\">"; 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str = str + "<var name=\"ai\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"withoutBase\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreHit\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreSplash\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreDirect\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"orientToPath\" value=\"move\" />"; str = str + "</object>"; str = str + "<object name=\"heavy_tank_rocket\">"; str = str + "<var name=\"base\" value=\"tank_base\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"gun\" value=\"rocket_gun\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"armor\" value=\"80\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"bulletType\" value=\"rocket\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"cannonTimeOffset\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"flySteps\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"flyMinScale\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"flyDistance\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"cannonAngle\" value=\"t\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"splashDamage\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"damageRadius\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"bulletSpeed\" value=\"7\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"bulletDamage\" value=\"30\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"reloadingTime\" value=\"50\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"clip\" value=\"2\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"shotsTime\" value=\"4\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"ai\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"withoutBase\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreHit\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreSplash\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreDirect\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"orientToPath\" value=\"move\" />"; str = str + "</object>"; str = str + "<object name=\"boss_heli_part1\">"; str = str + "<var name=\"top\" value=\"1\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"shadow\" value=\"boss_heli_shadow\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"base\" value=\"boss_heli_base\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"gun\" value=\"gun_2, gun_2, gun_1, gun_1, gun_1, gun_1, gun_1, gun_1, gun_2, gun_2\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"bulletType\" value=\"rocket, rocket, rocket,rocket,rocket, rocket,rocket,rocket, rocket2,rocket2\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"cannonTimeOffset\" value=\"-130, -110, -70,-70,-70, -50,-50,-50, -30, -30\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"flySteps\" value=\"0, 0, 0,0,0, 0,0,0, 0,0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"flyMinScale\" value=\"0, 0, 0,0,0, 0,0,0, 0,0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"flyDistance\" value=\"0, 0, 0,0,0, 0,0,0, 0,0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"cannonAngle\" value=\"h0, h0, h0,h25,h-25, h0,h25,h-25, h0,h0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"splashDamage\" value=\"0, 0, 0,0,0, 0,0,0, 0,0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"damageRadius\" value=\"0, 0, 0,0,0, 0,0,0, 0,0\"/>"; str = str + "<var name=\"bulletSpeed\" value=\"6, 6, 6,6,6, 6,6,6, 6,6\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"bulletDamage\" value=\"25, 25, 25,25,25, 25,25,25, 50,50\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"reloadingTime\" value=\"150, 150, 150, 150,150, 150,150,150, 150, 150\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"clip\" value=\"2, 2, 1,1,1, 1,1,1, 3,3\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"shotsTime\" value=\"2, 2, 1,1,1, 1,1,1, 6,6\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"bulletDir\" value=\" d, d, d,d,d, d,d,d, d,d\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"bulletFactor\" value=\"1, 1, 1,1,1, 1,1,1, 30,30\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"armor\" value=\"8000\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"ai\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"withoutBase\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreHit\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreSplash\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreDirect\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"orientToPath\" value=\"shoot\" />"; str = str + "</object>"; str = str + "<object name=\"boss_heli_part2\">"; str = str + "<var name=\"top\" value=\"1\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"shadow\" value=\"boss_heli_shadow\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"base\" value=\"boss_heli_base\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"gun\" value=\"gun_2, gun_2, gun_1, gun_1, gun_1, gun_1, gun_1, gun_1, gun_2, gun_2, gun_1\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"bulletType\" value=\"rocket2, rocket2, rocket,rocket,rocket, rocket,rocket,rocket, rocket2,rocket2, EnemyShoot\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"cannonTimeOffset\" value=\"-60, -80, 0, 10000,10000, 0,10000,10000, 10000, 10000, -40\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"flySteps\" value=\"0, 0, 0,0,0, 0,0,0, 0,0, 0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"flyMinScale\" value=\"0, 0, 0,0,0, 0,0,0, 0,0, 0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"flyDistance\" value=\"0, 0, 0,0,0, 0,0,0, 0,0, 0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"cannonAngle\" value=\"t, t, h90,h25,h-25, h-90,h25,h-25, h0,h0, t\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"splashDamage\" value=\"0, 0, 0,0,0, 0,0,0, 0,0, 0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"damageRadius\" value=\"0, 0, 0,0,0, 0,0,0, 0,0, 0\"/>"; str = str + "<var name=\"bulletSpeed\" value=\"8, 8, 10,6,6, 10,6,6, 6,6, 10\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"bulletDamage\" value=\"25, 25, 25,25,25, 25,25,25, 50,50, 10\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"reloadingTime\" value=\"100, 100, 200, 100,100, 200,100,100, 150, 150, 100\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"clip\" value=\"1, 1, 2,2,2, 2,2,2, 3,3, 3\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"shotsTime\" value=\"2, 2, 6,30,30, 6,30,30, 6,6, 2\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"bulletDir\" value=\" d, d, a,d,d, a,d,d, d,d, s\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"bulletFactor\" value=\"1, 1, 20,10,10, 20,10,10, 30,30, 1\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"armor\" value=\"5000\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"ai\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"withoutBase\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreHit\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreSplash\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreDirect\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"orientToPath\" value=\"shoot\" />"; str = str + "</object>"; str = str + "<object name=\"boss_building\">"; str = str + "<var name=\"top\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"base\" value=\"boss_building\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"gun\" value=\"rocket_gun\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"bulletType\" value=\"rocket\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"cannonTimeOffset\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"flySteps\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"flyMinScale\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"flyDistance\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"cannonAngle\" value=\"t\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"splashDamage\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"damageRadius\" value=\"0\"/>"; str = str + "<var name=\"bulletSpeed\" value=\"8\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"bulletDamage\" value=\"25\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"reloadingTime\" value=\"48\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"clip\" value=\"2\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"shotsTime\" value=\"12\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"bulletDir\" value=\" d\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"bulletFactor\" value=\"1\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"armor\" value=\"9000\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"ai\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"withoutBase\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreHit\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreSplash\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreDirect\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"orientToPath\" value=\"way\" />"; str = str + "</object>"; 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str = str + "<var name=\"clip\" value=\"4, 3, 3, 2, 2\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"shotsTime\" value=\"4, 6, 6, 6, 6\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"bulletDir\" value=\" d, d, d, a, a\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"bulletFactor\" value=\"1, 1, 1, 25, 25\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"armor\" value=\"18000\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"ai\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"withoutBase\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreHit\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreSplash\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreDirect\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"orientToPath\" value=\"way\" />"; str = str + "</object>"; str = str + "<object name=\"plane_boss\">"; str = str + "<var name=\"top\" value=\"1\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"shadow\" value=\"evilfighter_shad\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"base\" value=\"boss_jetfighter\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"gun\" value=\"gun_1, gun_1, gun_1, gun_1, gun_1, gun_1, gun_1, gun_1, gun_1, gun_1, gun_1, gun_1, gun_1\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"armor\" value=\"10000\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"bulletType\" value=\"EnemyShoot, rocket, rocket, rocket, rocket, rocket, rocket, EnemyShoot, EnemyShoot, EnemyShoot, EnemyShoot, EnemyShoot, EnemyShoot\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"cannonTimeOffset\" value=\"-180, -110, -110, -65, -65, -15, -15, -180, -180, -180, -180, -180, -180\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"flySteps\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"flyMinScale\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"flyDistance\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"cannonAngle\" value=\"h180, h200, h160, h200, h160, h200, h160, h225, h135, h225, h135, h225, h135\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"splashDamage\" value=\"0, 0, 0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"damageRadius\" value=\"0, 0, 0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"bulletSpeed\" value=\"17, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10,10, 19, 17, 19, 17, 19, 17\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"bulletDamage\" value=\"5, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20,20, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"reloadingTime\" value=\"220, 250, 250, 250, 250, 250, 250, 720, 720, 970, 970 , 1220, 1220\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"clip\" value=\"7, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"shotsTime\" value=\"5, 25, 25, 1, 1, 1, 1, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"ai\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"withoutBase\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreHit\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreSplash\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreDirect\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"bulletDir\" value=\"d, s, s, a, a, s, s, d, d, d, d, d, d\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"bulletFactor\" value=\"1, 7, 7, 15, 15, 7, 7, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,1\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"orientToPath\" value=\"way\" />"; str = str + "</object>"; str = str + "<object name=\"plane_boss_fake\">"; str = str + "<var name=\"top\" value=\"1\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"shadow\" value=\"plane2_shadow\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"base\" value=\"plane2_base\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"gun\" value=\"gun_1, gun_1\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"armor\" value=\"1000\" />"; 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str = str + "<var name=\"shotsTime\" value=\"12\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"bulletDir\" value=\" d\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"bulletFactor\" value=\"1\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"armor\" value=\"9000\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"ai\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"withoutBase\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreHit\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreSplash\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"ignoreDirect\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"orientToPath\" value=\"way\" />"; str = str + "</object>"; str = str + "</object> "; str = str + "<object name=\"movingUnits\">"; str = str + "<object name=\"boss_heli_way\">"; str = str + "<var name=\"mainObj\" value=\"boss_heli_part1\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"way\" value=\"line_way\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"xratio\" value=\"50\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"yratio\" value=\"100\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"mratio\" value=\"9\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"rotate\" value=\"0\" />"; 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str = str + "<var name=\"movedWayYSpeed\" value=\"2\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"thereCanBeOnlyOne\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"dieImmediatly\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "</object> "; str = str + "<object name=\"plane_boss_way\">"; str = str + "<var name=\"mainObj\" value=\"plane_boss\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"way\" value=\"bcircle_way\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"xratio\" value=\"110\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"yratio\" value=\"110\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"mratio\" value=\"20\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"rotate\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"factor\" value=\"1\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"xoffset\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"startFrame\" value=\"1\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"endFrame\" value=\"-1\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"wayCycle\" value=\"3\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"rotatedByWay\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"movedWay\" value=\"1\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"movedWayOffset\" value=\"60\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"movedWayXSpeed\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"movedWayYSpeed\" value=\"5\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"thereCanBeOnlyOne\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"dieImmediatly\" value=\"0\" />"; str = str + "</object> "; str = str + "</object> "; str = str + "<object name=\"levels\">"; str = str + "<object name=\"level_1\">"; str = str + "<var name=\"comment1_en\" >CHAPTER 1: The Plague\n\n"; str = str + "Alaska. Modern times.\n"; str = str + "From the diary of Jack Hammer, senior lieutenant of the US Air Force\n\n"; str = str + "\" February 2.\n"; str = str + " This plague is spreading like wildfire in a droughty summer. The quarantine zone keeps growing, but this doesn't seem to help matters much... Pretty soon, the whole state will have to be isolated.\n"; str = str + " Panic is growing despite all the authorities\u2019 assurances. The locals are trying to flee the region before it falls into the quarantine zone. The ones that had somewhere to go left here a long time ago...\n Like always, the government is trying to keep everything secret. Even from the military personnel, to say nothing about the civilians.\n"; str = str + " An hour ago we received orders to deliver an air strike against a small town in the heart of the infected lands. The Secretary of Defense himself signed the orders. It seems that things are going badly indeed if they decided to wipe this thing out by force. In either case, I doubt if there is anyone left alive in that little town... \"</var>"; str = str + "<var name=\"playerX\" value=\"100\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"playerY\" value=\"100\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"playerArmor\" value=\"100\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"playerAvailableWeapons\" value=\"2\" />"; str = str + "<array name=\"level\">"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"10.4\" command=\"textBar2\" text=\"Tip: destroy the oil tankers.\" interval=\"5000\" color=\"00ff00\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"1.0\" xoffset=\"0\" object=\"stone4\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"1.0\" xoffset=\"150\" object=\"stone2\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"1.0\" xoffset=\"400\" object=\"stone2\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"1.0\" xoffset=\"500\" object=\"stone3\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"1.1\" xoffset=\"400\" object=\"tower\" armor=\"30\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"1.1\" xoffset=\"150\" object=\"tower\" armor=\"30\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"1.3\" xoffset=\"475\" object=\"tree3\"/>"; 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Yesterday, I saw one of the infected prisoners. It was an 11-year-old girl. She was being kept in a steel cage, in chains... I looked into her eyes. They radiated reason and hatred, but they had no soul...\n"; str = str + "This plague does not kill people! It drives them into a state of... Hm... Madness and Fury.\n"; str = str + "The infantrymen are calling this diabolism. These guys in the infantry got the raw end of the deal - they stared into their enemies' eyes. Many went crazy...\n"; str = str + "Men, women, even children... And when the plague reached their soldiers, our own arms were turned against us. And so, the war started... But against whom?\"</var>"; str = str + "<var name=\"playerX\" value=\"100\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"playerY\" value=\"100\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"playerArmor\" value=\"100\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"playerAvailableWeapons\" value=\"2\" />"; str = str + "<array name=\"level\">"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"1.4\" xoffset=\"220\" tank=\"line_way\" mainObj=\"medium_tank\" rotate=\"90\" mratio=\"4\" cannonTimeOffset=\"0, 0,0\" reloadingTime=\"25\" endFrame=\"200\" wayCycle=\"1\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"1.4\" xoffset=\"320\" tank=\"line_way\" mainObj=\"medium_tank\" rotate=\"90\" mratio=\"4\" cannonTimeOffset=\"25, 0,0\" reloadingTime=\"25\" endFrame=\"200\" wayCycle=\"1\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"1.6\" bonus=\"weaponAdder\" xoffset=\"275\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"1.5\" xoffset=\"275\" object=\"wall\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"1.9\" xoffset=\"220\" tank=\"line_way\" mainObj=\"medium_tank\" rotate=\"0\" mratio=\"4\" cannonTimeOffset=\"0 0,0\" reloadingTime=\"50\" endFrame=\"2\" wayCycle=\"1\" cannonAngle=\"h0\"/>"; 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The scientists, who had compared the plague's symptoms to animal madness, are now just scratching their heads.\n"; str = str + " The infected, or the possessed, as we call them, are not like mad animals that are ready to tear anyone to shreds. They are able to hold down their defenses, to plan and deliver counterattacks. Their army is made up of creatures that know no fear, pain or fatigue. It is an army possessed by some evil spirit. An army capable of destroying this world!\n"; str = str + " I don't know who these possessed are or what caused them to appear, and I doubt that anyone knows the answer. But I know one thing, these are not people anymore, these are something else entirely...\n"; str = str + " Many refuse to believe that this plague had natural causes. More and more people are talking about God, and with him, the Devil...\"</var>"; str = str + "<var name=\"playerX\" value=\"100\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"playerY\" value=\"100\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"playerArmor\" value=\"100\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"playerAvailableWeapons\" value=\"2\" />"; str = str + "<array name=\"level\">"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"3.3\" command=\"textBar2\" text=\"DANGER!\" interval=\"4000\" color=\"ff0000\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"3.5\" command=\"textBar3\" text=\"THE BOSS IS COMING!\" interval=\"3000\" color=\"ff0000\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"11.35\" command=\"textBar2\" text=\"You will never break me, you mortal! \" interval=\"5000\" color=\"ff0000\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"11.55\" command=\"textBar3\" text=\"We will soon meet again, and you will die! \" interval=\"4000\" color=\"ff0000\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"22.7\" command=\"textBar2\" text=\"DANGER!\" interval=\"4000\" color=\"ff0000\"/>"; 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The holy father appeared crazy. He wandered about the camp and shrieked things about the End of the World, Armageddon, Angels and Demons. He went about for hours like that, until he collapsed with fatigue. Everyone thought that he had gone mad. I thought the same thing. I have never been a deeply religious man. But these recent events have caused many of us to reconsider our beliefs. Even the most stubborn ones...\n"; str = str + " One such event occurred to me today. During another mission sortie, my attack plane came under fire from a chopper. I have been around the army for a few years now, but I have never come across anything like this before. I shattered his cockpit to pieces with my very first shots, but it was empty! And... I could swear, he was talking to me. I heard his voice in my head! I felt the pure hatred he felt for me with my skin... What was it? A craft possessed by demons? Evil forces? Or maybe I've simply gone mad?\n"; str = str + " Right, it\u2019s time to get some sleep. Tomorrow promises to be another hot day.\"</var>"; str = str + "<var name=\"playerX\" value=\"100\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"playerY\" value=\"100\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"playerArmor\" value=\"100\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"playerAvailableWeapons\" value=\"2\" />"; str = str + "<array name=\"level\">"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"6.5\" command=\"textBar2\" text=\"Tip: Destroy the tank to gain fire rate bonus!\" interval=\"4000\" color=\"00ff00\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"22.6\" command=\"textBar2\" text=\"Objective: Destroy the nuclear power plant.\" interval=\"5000\" color=\"00ff00\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"1.0\" xoffset=\"-50\" object=\"forest\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"1.0\" xoffset=\"450\" object=\"forest\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"1.8\" xoffset=\"50\" object=\"forest\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"2.6\" xoffset=\"-50\" object=\"forest\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"2.6\" xoffset=\"450\" object=\"forest\"/>"; 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str = str + "From the diary of Jack Hammer\n\n"; str = str + "\" February 25.\n"; str = str + " We are completely surrounded and cut off from the rest of the world. Our munitions and fuel supplies are running low. I heard rumors about a few cases of suicides. We've had no communication link for a few days now. We have been left to our own devices.\n"; str = str + " The last piece of news that we heard was that the wretches had broken through the blockade ring just southwest of our positions. So who knows, maybe it's not us who are cut off from the rest of the world - maybe there is no rest of the world left?! Perhaps we are all that's left of humanity! A few hundred people...\n"; str = str + " Military rank no longer means a thing. At a general meeting of those of us who have not gone completely numb to what's happening, we decided to try and break through to Anchorage - one of Alaska's largest port cities. Perhaps we'll be able to locate some survivors there, or to establish contact with them.\n"; str = str + "Us Americans are a strong-willed nation! And we will fight! Fight until the bitter end! These demons, or whoever they are, will yet be sorry they every got involved with us! And no matter how small, hope springs eternal!\"</var>"; str = str + "<var name=\"playerX\" value=\"100\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"playerY\" value=\"100\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"playerArmor\" value=\"100\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"playerAvailableWeapons\" value=\"2\" />"; str = str + "<array name=\"level\">"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"9.0\" command=\"textBar2\" text=\"DANGER!\" interval=\"4000\" color=\"ff0000\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"9.2\" command=\"textBar3\" text=\"THE BOSS IS COMING!\" interval=\"3000\" color=\"ff0000\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"1.0\" bonus=\"weaponAdder\" xoffset=\"225\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"1.0\" bonus=\"weaponAdder\" xoffset=\"325\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"1.1\" bonus=\"weaponAdder\" xoffset=\"275\"/> "; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"1.5\" xoffset=\"0\" object=\"stone4\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"1.5\" xoffset=\"150\" object=\"stone2\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"1.5\" xoffset=\"400\" object=\"stone2\"/>"; 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It was a tortuous journey. And not everyone made it alive - almost half our men were left resting forever on Alaska's snowy plains. All the lands around us are under undivided control of the demonic forces of Chaos, turning the locals and soldiers that have been called to their defense into their personal slaves. With every day, Darkness is gaining force. The world is dying out and being reborn in the embrace of the Damned.\n"; str = str + " Ever more powerful enactments of Evil and its ways are standing in our paths. Our infantry is telling horrid tales... I thank God that I am a pilot - from up above, you can't see even half the horror that they have to meet face to face. Today, our advanced detachments reached the outskirts of Anchorage. Tomorrow, they will enter the city. My mission is to provide them with air support.\"</var>"; str = str + "<var name=\"playerX\" value=\"100\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"playerY\" value=\"100\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"playerArmor\" value=\"100\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"playerAvailableWeapons\" value=\"2\" />"; str = str + "<array name=\"level\">"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"1.55\" bonus=\"fireRate\" xoffset=\"325\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"7.25\" bonus=\"weaponAdder\" xoffset=\"450\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"11.0\" bonus=\"weaponAdder\" xoffset=\"50\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"11.0\" bonus=\"rocket1\" xoffset=\"450\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"10.0\" bonus=\"rocket1\" xoffset=\"275\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"17.2\" bonus=\"fireRate\" xoffset=\"400\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"17.3\" bonus=\"fullHealth\" xoffset=\"450\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"27.9\" bonus=\"fullHealth\" xoffset=\"225\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"27.9\" bonus=\"weaponAdder\" xoffset=\"325\"/>"; 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In Anchorage, we came across some detachments of the regular US Army. They are holding down the airport and the seaport. And, unlike us, they have open communications with the military command.\n"; str = str + " They told us the latest news. The forces of Chaos are spreading from Alaska across the globe. International relations have been torn. Some of the countries immediately fell to the advances of Darkness - and there, civilization came to an end. Other countries are blaming each other for using new types of psychotropic weapons and of unleashing war. Humanity has failed to unite in the face of a common enemy. Some of them even failed to see...\n"; str = str + " The United States has managed to preserve its sovereignty, even though the shadow has descended on all its states. Major cities have turned into the bulwarks of civilization.\n"; str = str + " Yesterday, we received our evacuation orders. It was thought that there were no people left in Alaska besides the ones holding down Anchorage. Our appearance there came as a surprise to everyone.\n"; str = str + " But the evacuation will only start tomorrow, if there is anyone left to evacuate... The soldiers call it Wrathwind - an attack plane under the demon's spell. It appeared a few days before us and managed to deliver more damage to our outpost than all the wretches combined. And since I am the only pilot left in all of Alaska, tonight I will get a chance to meet it up in the skies...\u201D</var>"; str = str + "<var name=\"playerX\" value=\"100\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"playerY\" value=\"100\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"playerArmor\" value=\"100\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"playerAvailableWeapons\" value=\"2\" />"; str = str + "<array name=\"level\">"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"1.1\" bonus=\"weaponAdder\" xoffset=\"275\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"1.0\" bonus=\"rocket1\" xoffset=\"225\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"1.0\" bonus=\"rocket1\" xoffset=\"325\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"11.55\" bonus=\"fullHealth\" xoffset=\"225\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"11.55\" bonus=\"weaponAdder\" xoffset=\"325\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"18.7\" bonus=\"weaponAdder\" xoffset=\"150\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"18.7\" bonus=\"fireRate\" xoffset=\"450\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"22.4\" bonus=\"fullHealth\" xoffset=\"225\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"22.4\" bonus=\"fireRate\" xoffset=\"325\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"33.0\" bonus=\"rocket1\" xoffset=\"50\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"38.0\" bonus=\"fullHealth\" xoffset=\"500\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"43.0\" bonus=\"rocket1\" xoffset=\"50\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"48.0\" bonus=\"rocket1\" xoffset=\"500\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"53.0\" bonus=\"fullHealth\" xoffset=\"50\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"13.7\" command=\"textBar2\" text=\"Wrathwind: I fill your fear, you mortal!\" interval=\"4000\" color=\"ff0000\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"14.7\" command=\"textBar2\" text=\"DANGER!\" interval=\"4000\" color=\"ff0000\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"14.9\" command=\"textBar3\" text=\"THE BOSS IS COMING!\" interval=\"3000\" color=\"ff0000\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"19.0\" command=\"textBar1\" text=\"Wrathwind: Did you really think that little worm \" interval=\"4500\" color=\"ff0000\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"19.0\" command=\"textBar2\" text=\"was the Champion of the Damned?!\" interval=\"4500\" color=\"ff0000\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"23.2\" command=\"textBar1\" text=\"Wrathwind: Get ready to meet a real opponent!\" interval=\"4500\" color=\"ff0000\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"23.2\" command=\"textBar2\" text=\"Say goodbye to your pitiful life, you mortal!\" interval=\"4500\" color=\"ff0000\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"24.7\" command=\"textBar2\" text=\"DANGER!\" interval=\"4000\" color=\"ff0000\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"24.9\" command=\"textBar3\" text=\"THE BOSS IS COMING!\" interval=\"3000\" color=\"ff0000\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"13.5\" command=\"slideConstant\" factor=\"1.05\" limit=\"5\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"19.0\" command=\"slideConstant\" factor=\"0.95\" limit=\"3\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"24.0\" command=\"slideConstant\" factor=\"1.05\" limit=\"5\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"15.5\" xoffset=\"75\" tank=\"boss_heli_way\" mainObj=\"plane_boss_fake\" movedWayYSpeed=\"5\" movedWayOffset=\"40\" xratio=\"70\" mratio=\"15\" bossBar=\"1\" loot=\"fullHealth\"/>"; 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str = str + "<object yoffset=\"33.0\" object=\"clouds_middle\" xoffset=\"0\" top=\"1\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"34.0\" object=\"clouds_middle\" xoffset=\"0\" top=\"1\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"35.0\" object=\"clouds_middle\" xoffset=\"0\" top=\"1\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"36.0\" object=\"clouds_middle\" xoffset=\"0\" top=\"1\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"37.0\" object=\"clouds_middle\" xoffset=\"0\" top=\"1\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"38.0\" object=\"clouds_middle\" xoffset=\"0\" top=\"1\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"39.0\" object=\"clouds_middle\" xoffset=\"0\" top=\"1\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"40.0\" object=\"clouds_end\" xoffset=\"0\" top=\"1\"/>"; str = str + "</array>"; str = str + "</object>"; str = str + "<object name=\"level_8\">"; str = str + "<var name=\"comment1_en\" >Chapter 8: The dark heart of the Antarctic\n\n"; str = str + "Queen Maud Land. July 27.\n"; str = str + "From the diary of Jack Hammer\n\n"; str = str + "\" I have completely abandoned my diary - I was too preoccupied with other things over the past few months. And, most likely, this entry will be my last.\n"; str = str + " We sailed from the Anchorage port to San Francisco, and from there we were moved to Washington.\n"; str = str + " Chaos and Ruins reign all around us. Pockets of civilization are slowly but surely being extinguished. It is only a matter of time before all of Earth falls under the onslaught of Demonic Forces.\n"; str = str + " In Washington, we were presented to the President and a number of other powerful officials. They lifted the veil of secrecy before us as to the hidden causes of all these horrific events...\n"; str = str + "Thus, I discovered about a secret CIA department that was studying the occult inheritance of the Third Reich, about the secret black order created by the fascists, and about the Temple of Darkness hidden below vast slabs of Antarctic ice. All of this reminds me of Stephen King novels...\n"; str = str + " I still fail to understand many things, there are many questions to which I have no answers. For example, why did this all start in Alaska, if the epicenter of this Evil is in Antarctica? But I am certain of one thing - no one is burning with desire to supply us with the answers, if anyone knows them at all.\n"; str = str + " The military command has develop a plan for an operation - we will deliver a strike against the very heart of Evil. Base 211 must be erased from the face of the Earth, just as the devil worshippers hidden inside it. Without their support, the Gates of Hell will slam shut, and... No one knows what will happen then. No one is even sure that this will help, but we have no other hope.\n"; str = str + " Base 211 has four entrances. I have to deliver a strike against the most northern one. My three other mates will blow up the other three. We are not deluding ourselves with false hope of making it back out - this is a one-way ticket. The entire South Pole rests under the cover Evil. I only hope that I have the time to complete my mission, before I take leave of my senses...\n"; str = str + " I only regret one thing, that I am not fated to learn the end of my story. Perhaps, one day, my diary will help shed light on all of these terrible events.\n"; str = str + "And remember \u2013 no matter how small, hope springs eternal!\"</var>"; str = str + "<var name=\"playerX\" value=\"100\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"playerY\" value=\"100\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"playerArmor\" value=\"100\" />"; str = str + "<var name=\"playerAvailableWeapons\" value=\"2\" />"; str = str + "<array name=\"level\">"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"6.7\" bonus=\"fireRate\" xoffset=\"225\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"6.7\" bonus=\"fireRate\" xoffset=\"325\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"6.8\" bonus=\"fullHealth\" xoffset=\"275\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"13.0\" bonus=\"fullHealth\" xoffset=\"175\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"13.1\" bonus=\"weaponAdder\" xoffset=\"475\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"13.7\" bonus=\"rocket1\" xoffset=\"200\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"13.7\" bonus=\"rocket1\" xoffset=\"350\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"13.7\" bonus=\"rocket1\" xoffset=\"275\"/>"; 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str = str + "<object yoffset=\"4.45\" xoffset=\"450\" tank=\"line_way\" mainObj=\"plane_light_h0_fire\" rotate=\"90\" mratio=\"4\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"4.65\" xoffset=\"300\" tank=\"line_way\" mainObj=\"plane_light_h0_fire\" rotate=\"90\" mratio=\"4\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"4.75\" xoffset=\"50\" tank=\"line_way\" mainObj=\"plane_light_h0_fire\" rotate=\"90\" mratio=\"4\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"4.85\" xoffset=\"450\" tank=\"line_way\" mainObj=\"plane_light_h0_fire\" rotate=\"90\" mratio=\"4\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"5.05\" xoffset=\"275\" tank=\"line_way\" mainObj=\"plane_light_h0_fire\" rotate=\"90\" mratio=\"4\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"5.15\" xoffset=\"70\" tank=\"line_way\" mainObj=\"plane_light_h0_fire\" rotate=\"90\" mratio=\"4\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"5.25\" xoffset=\"300\" tank=\"line_way\" mainObj=\"plane_light_h0_fire\" rotate=\"90\" mratio=\"4\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"5.35\" xoffset=\"50\" tank=\"line_way\" mainObj=\"plane_light_h0_fire\" rotate=\"90\" mratio=\"4\"/>"; 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str = str + "<object yoffset=\"7.3\" xoffset=\"-100\" object=\"okop\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"7.3\" xoffset=\"650\" object=\"okop\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"7.45\" xoffset=\"500\" object=\"bunker\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"7.45\" xoffset=\"500\" tank=\"line_way\" mainObj=\"bunker_rocket_gun\" reloadingTime=\"30\" endFrame=\"1\" wayCycle=\"1\" cannonTimeOffset=\"20\" cannonAngle=\"t\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"7.45\" xoffset=\"50\" object=\"bunker\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"7.45\" xoffset=\"50\" tank=\"line_way\" mainObj=\"bunker_rocket_gun\" reloadingTime=\"30\" endFrame=\"1\" wayCycle=\"1\" cannonTimeOffset=\"20\" cannonAngle=\"t\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"7.3\" xoffset=\"225\" tank=\"line_way\" mainObj=\"heavy_tank\" rotate=\"90\" mratio=\"3\" cannonTimeOffset=\"30\" reloadingTime=\"60\" endFrame=\"300\" wayCycle=\"1\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"7.3\" xoffset=\"325\" tank=\"line_way\" mainObj=\"heavy_tank\" rotate=\"90\" mratio=\"3\" cannonTimeOffset=\"0\" reloadingTime=\"30\" endFrame=\"300\" wayCycle=\"1\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"8.2\" xoffset=\"0\" object=\"fence\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"8.2\" xoffset=\"50\" object=\"fence\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"8.2\" xoffset=\"100\" object=\"fence\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"8.2\" xoffset=\"150\" object=\"fence\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"8.2\" xoffset=\"200\" object=\"fence\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"8.2\" xoffset=\"250\" object=\"fence\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"8.2\" xoffset=\"300\" object=\"fence\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"8.2\" xoffset=\"350\" object=\"fence\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"8.2\" xoffset=\"400\" object=\"fence\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"8.2\" xoffset=\"450\" object=\"fence\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"8.2\" xoffset=\"500\" object=\"fence\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"8.4\" xoffset=\"75\" object=\"tower\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"8.4\" xoffset=\"275\" object=\"tower\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"8.4\" xoffset=\"475\" object=\"tower\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"8.65\" xoffset=\"75\" tank=\"line_way\" mainObj=\"heavy_tank\" rotate=\"0\" mratio=\"3\" cannonTimeOffset=\"30\" reloadingTime=\"60\" endFrame=\"2\" wayCycle=\"1\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"8.65\" xoffset=\"425\" tank=\"line_way\" mainObj=\"heavy_tank\" rotate=\"180\" mratio=\"3\" cannonTimeOffset=\"0\" reloadingTime=\"30\" endFrame=\"2\" wayCycle=\"1\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"8.6\" xoffset=\"200\" tank=\"line_way\" mainObj=\"medium_tank\" rotate=\"0\" mratio=\"3\" cannonTimeOffset=\"30\" reloadingTime=\"60\" endFrame=\"2\" wayCycle=\"1\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"8.6\" xoffset=\"300\" tank=\"line_way\" mainObj=\"medium_tank\" rotate=\"180\" mratio=\"3\" cannonTimeOffset=\"0\" reloadingTime=\"30\" endFrame=\"2\" wayCycle=\"1\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"8.8\" xoffset=\"0\" object=\"fence\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"8.8\" xoffset=\"50\" object=\"fence\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"8.8\" xoffset=\"100\" object=\"fence\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"8.8\" xoffset=\"150\" object=\"fence\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"8.8\" xoffset=\"200\" object=\"fence\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"8.8\" xoffset=\"250\" object=\"fence\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"8.8\" xoffset=\"300\" object=\"fence\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"8.8\" xoffset=\"350\" object=\"fence\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"8.8\" xoffset=\"400\" object=\"fence\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"8.8\" xoffset=\"450\" object=\"fence\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"8.8\" xoffset=\"500\" object=\"fence\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"9.4\" xoffset=\"50\" object=\"stone2\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"9.4\" xoffset=\"125\" object=\"stone3\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"9.4\" xoffset=\"200\" object=\"stone4\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"9.4\" xoffset=\"275\" object=\"stone2\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"9.4\" xoffset=\"350\" object=\"stone3\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"9.4\" xoffset=\"425\" object=\"stone4\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"9.4\" xoffset=\"500\" object=\"stone2\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"9.6\" xoffset=\"75\" object=\"bunker\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"9.6\" xoffset=\"75\" tank=\"line_way\" mainObj=\"bunker_rocket_gun\" reloadingTime=\"60\" endFrame=\"1\" wayCycle=\"1\" cannonTimeOffset=\"0\" cannonAngle=\"t\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"9.6\" xoffset=\"475\" object=\"bunker\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"9.6\" xoffset=\"475\" tank=\"line_way\" mainObj=\"bunker_rocket_gun\" reloadingTime=\"60\" endFrame=\"1\" wayCycle=\"1\" cannonTimeOffset=\"0\" cannonAngle=\"t\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"9.8\" xoffset=\"225\" object=\"bunker\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"9.8\" xoffset=\"225\" tank=\"line_way\" mainObj=\"bunker_rocket_gun\" reloadingTime=\"60\" endFrame=\"1\" wayCycle=\"1\" cannonTimeOffset=\"30\" cannonAngle=\"t\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"9.8\" xoffset=\"325\" object=\"bunker\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"9.8\" xoffset=\"325\" tank=\"line_way\" mainObj=\"bunker_rocket_gun\" reloadingTime=\"60\" endFrame=\"1\" wayCycle=\"1\" cannonTimeOffset=\"30\" cannonAngle=\"t\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"9.9\" xoffset=\"500\" object=\"tower\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"9.9\" xoffset=\"50\" object=\"radar\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"10.8\" xoffset=\"275\" tank=\"line_way\" mainObj=\"medium_tank\" rotate=\"90\" mratio=\"4\" cannonTimeOffset=\"0\" reloadingTime=\"40\" endFrame=\"175\" wayCycle=\"1\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"11.0\" xoffset=\"150\" tank=\"line_way\" mainObj=\"heavy_tank\" rotate=\"90\" mratio=\"4\" cannonTimeOffset=\"20\" reloadingTime=\"40\" endFrame=\"175\" wayCycle=\"1\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"11.1\" xoffset=\"375\" tank=\"line_way\" mainObj=\"medium_tank\" rotate=\"90\" mratio=\"4\" cannonTimeOffset=\"20\" reloadingTime=\"40\" endFrame=\"175\" wayCycle=\"1\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"11.2\" xoffset=\"450\" tank=\"line_way\" mainObj=\"medium_tank\" rotate=\"90\" mratio=\"4\" cannonTimeOffset=\"20\" reloadingTime=\"40\" endFrame=\"175\" wayCycle=\"1\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"11.3\" xoffset=\"50\" tank=\"line_way\" mainObj=\"medium_tank\" rotate=\"90\" mratio=\"4\" cannonTimeOffset=\"20\" reloadingTime=\"40\" endFrame=\"175\" wayCycle=\"1\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"11.4\" xoffset=\"200\" tank=\"line_way\" mainObj=\"medium_tank\" rotate=\"90\" mratio=\"4\" cannonTimeOffset=\"0\" reloadingTime=\"40\" endFrame=\"175\" wayCycle=\"1\" />"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"11.4\" xoffset=\"400\" tank=\"line_way\" mainObj=\"heavy_tank_rocket\" rotate=\"90\" mratio=\"4\" cannonTimeOffset=\"0\" reloadingTime=\"40\" endFrame=\"175\" wayCycle=\"1\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"11.8\" xoffset=\"275\" tank=\"line_way\" mainObj=\"medium_tank\" rotate=\"90\" mratio=\"4\" cannonTimeOffset=\"0\" reloadingTime=\"40\" endFrame=\"175\" wayCycle=\"1\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"12.0\" xoffset=\"150\" tank=\"line_way\" mainObj=\"heavy_tank\" rotate=\"90\" mratio=\"4\" cannonTimeOffset=\"20\" reloadingTime=\"40\" endFrame=\"175\" wayCycle=\"1\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"12.1\" xoffset=\"375\" tank=\"line_way\" mainObj=\"medium_tank\" rotate=\"90\" mratio=\"4\" cannonTimeOffset=\"20\" reloadingTime=\"40\" endFrame=\"175\" wayCycle=\"1\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"12.2\" xoffset=\"450\" tank=\"line_way\" mainObj=\"medium_tank\" rotate=\"90\" mratio=\"4\" cannonTimeOffset=\"20\" reloadingTime=\"40\" endFrame=\"175\" wayCycle=\"1\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"12.3\" xoffset=\"75\" tank=\"line_way\" mainObj=\"medium_tank\" rotate=\"90\" mratio=\"4\" cannonTimeOffset=\"20\" reloadingTime=\"40\" endFrame=\"175\" wayCycle=\"1\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"12.4\" xoffset=\"200\" tank=\"line_way\" mainObj=\"medium_tank\" rotate=\"90\" mratio=\"4\" cannonTimeOffset=\"0\" reloadingTime=\"40\" endFrame=\"175\" wayCycle=\"1\" />"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"12.4\" xoffset=\"400\" tank=\"line_way\" mainObj=\"heavy_tank_rocket\" rotate=\"90\" mratio=\"4\" cannonTimeOffset=\"0\" reloadingTime=\"40\" endFrame=\"175\" wayCycle=\"1\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"12.5\" xoffset=\"0\" object=\"stone1\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"12.6\" xoffset=\"75\" object=\"stone1\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"12.7\" xoffset=\"150\" object=\"stone1\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"12.9\" xoffset=\"300\" object=\"stone1\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"12.9\" xoffset=\"350\" object=\"stone3\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"12.9\" xoffset=\"450\" object=\"stone2\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"13.2\" xoffset=\"0\" object=\"stone2\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"13.25\" xoffset=\"75\" object=\"stone3\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"13.3\" xoffset=\"150\" object=\"stone4\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"13.3\" xoffset=\"500\" object=\"tower\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"13.2\" xoffset=\"400\" object=\"radar\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"14.7\" xoffset=\"260\" tank=\"boss_building_way\" mainObj=\"boss_base211\" bossBar=\"1\" armor=\"5000\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"15.2\" command=\"slideConstant\" factor=\"0.9\" limit=\"0\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"13.8\" command=\"textBar2\" text=\"DANGER!\" interval=\"4000\" color=\"ff0000\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"14.0\" command=\"textBar3\" text=\"THE BOSS IS COMING!\" interval=\"3000\" color=\"ff0000\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"14.7\" xoffset=\"0\" object=\"stone1\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"14.85\" xoffset=\"525\" object=\"stone4\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"14.25\" xoffset=\"275\" object=\"okop\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"14.55\" xoffset=\"150\" object=\"bunker\" armor=\"1000\" splashDamage=\"5000\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"14.55\" xoffset=\"150\" tank=\"line_way\" mainObj=\"bunker_rocket_gun2\" reloadingTime=\"80\" endFrame=\"1\" wayCycle=\"1\" cannonTimeOffset=\"20\" cannonAngle=\"h0\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"14.55\" xoffset=\"225\" object=\"bunker\" armor=\"1000\" splashDamage=\"5000\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"14.55\" xoffset=\"225\" tank=\"line_way\" mainObj=\"bunker_rocket_gun2\" reloadingTime=\"80\" endFrame=\"1\" wayCycle=\"1\" cannonTimeOffset=\"30\" cannonAngle=\"h0\" loot=\"rocket1\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"14.55\" xoffset=\"300\" object=\"bunker\" armor=\"1000\" splashDamage=\"5000\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"14.55\" xoffset=\"300\" tank=\"line_way\" mainObj=\"bunker_rocket_gun2\" reloadingTime=\"80\" endFrame=\"1\" wayCycle=\"1\" cannonTimeOffset=\"40\" cannonAngle=\"h0\" loot=\"miniHealth\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"14.55\" xoffset=\"375\" object=\"bunker\" armor=\"1000\" splashDamage=\"5000\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"14.55\" xoffset=\"375\" tank=\"line_way\" mainObj=\"bunker_rocket_gun2\" reloadingTime=\"80\" endFrame=\"1\" wayCycle=\"1\" cannonTimeOffset=\"50\" cannonAngle=\"h0\" loot=\"rocket1\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"14.55\" xoffset=\"450\" object=\"bunker\" armor=\"1000\" splashDamage=\"5000\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"14.55\" xoffset=\"450\" tank=\"line_way\" mainObj=\"bunker_rocket_gun2\" reloadingTime=\"80\" endFrame=\"1\" wayCycle=\"1\" cannonTimeOffset=\"60\" cannonAngle=\"h0\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"14.95\" xoffset=\"475\" object=\"bunker\" armor=\"1000\" splashDamage=\"5000\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"14.95\" xoffset=\"475\" tank=\"line_way\" mainObj=\"bunker_rocket_gun2\" reloadingTime=\"80\" endFrame=\"1\" wayCycle=\"1\" cannonTimeOffset=\"10\" cannonAngle=\"t\" />"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"14.95\" xoffset=\"75\" object=\"bunker\" armor=\"1000\" splashDamage=\"5000\"/>"; str = str + "<object yoffset=\"14.95\" xoffset=\"75\" tank=\"line_way\" mainObj=\"bunker_rocket_gun2\" reloadingTime=\"80\" endFrame=\"1\" wayCycle=\"1\" cannonTimeOffset=\"-50\" cannonAngle=\"t\" />"; str = str + "</array>"; str = str + "</object>"; str = str + "</object>"; str = str + "</settings>"; debug("Loading main settings XML file..."); createXML(); _global.allowToStart = false; mainOEF = function () { if (_global.gameInProcess) { var dt = Math.round((getTimer() - gameTimeStart) / 1000); var st = (dt % 60); if (st < 10) { st = "0" + st; } var tt = Math.floor(dt / 60); _root.tfTimer.text = (tt + ":") + st; _global.levelTime = _global.levelTime + (getTimer() - _global.levelTimeS); var dt = Math.round(_global.levelTime / 1000); var st = (dt % 60); if (st < 10) { st = "0" + st; } var tt = Math.floor(dt / 60); if (tt < 10) { tt = "0" + tt; } _root.gui.time.text = (tt + ":") + st; } _global.levelTimeS = getTimer(); var xp =; var yp =; var i = 0; while (i < bonusObjects.length) { var dx = (bonusObjects[i]._x - xp); var dy = (bonusObjects[i]._y - yp); var d = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if (d < 40) {[i].bonusType); var bar =; var name ="bonus_anim_" + bonusObjects[i].bonusType, "b" + bar, bar); name._alpha = 70; name._x = bonusObjects[i]._x; name._y = bonusObjects[i]._y; bonusObjects[i].onEnterFrame = getOff; bonusObjects.splice(i, 1); } i++; } var pointZFlag = false; i = 0; for ( ; i < bulletObjects.length ; i++) { var foo = bulletObjects[i]; var point1 = new Object(); (point1.x = foo.p1._x); (point1.y = foo.p1._y); var point2 = new Object(); (point2.x = foo.p2._x); (point2.y = foo.p2._y); foo.localToGlobal(point1); foo.localToGlobal(point2); var killFlag = false; if (foo.flySteps != 0) { var ll = (_global.clock - foo.startClock); if (ll == (foo.flySteps - 1)) { killFlag = true; } if (!killFlag) { continue; } } else { if (killFlag) { makeSplash(foo, point1, foo.object == 1, foo.object != 1); } if (foo.object == 1) { if ((foo.type == "lazer") || (foo.type == "lazer2")) { var flag = true; var n = 0; var points = new Array(); var sina = Math.sin(foo.fireAngle); var cosa = Math.cos(foo.fireAngle); if (_global.envS.debug) { if (_global.envS.lazerDebug && (!pointZFlag)) { if (_global.noSet(_root.pointZ)) { _root.createEmptyMovieClip("pointZ", _root.getNextHighestDepth()); } _root.pointZ.clear(); pointZFlag = true; _root.pointZ.lineStyle(1, 16711935); } } while (flag) { n++; var pointObj = {x:(Math.round(((10 * n) * 10) * cosa) / 10) + foo._x, y:((Math.round(((10 * n) * 10) * sina) / 10) + + foo._y}; if (pointObj.y < (0 + foo.offsetTop)) { flag = false; } if (pointObj.y > (400 - foo.offsetBottom)) { flag = false; } if (pointObj.x < (0 + foo.offsetLeft)) { flag = false; } if (pointObj.x > (550 - foo.offsetRight)) { flag = false; } if (_global.envS.debug && (_global.envS.lazerDebug)) { drawRect(_root.pointZ, pointObj.x - 3, pointObj.y - 3, pointObj.x + 3, pointObj.y + 3); } if (flag) { points.push(pointObj); } } var staticObjectsTests = new Array(); var staticObjectsHits = new Array(); var j = 0; while (j < staticObjects.length) { if (!staticObjects[j].ignoreHit) { staticObjectsTests.push(staticObjects[j]); } j++; } var j = 0; while (j < staticObjectsTests.length) { var g = 0; while (g < points.length) { if (staticObjectsTests[j].body.hitTest(points[g].x, points[g].y, true)) { if (_global.envS.debug && (_global.envS.lazerDebug)) { _root.pointZ.beginFill(16711680); drawRect(_root.pointZ, points[g].x - 3, points[g].y - 3, points[g].x + 3, points[g].y + 3); _root.pointZ.endFill(); } staticObjectsHits.push(staticObjectsTests[j]); staticObjectsTests.splice(j, 1); j--; break; } g++; } j++; } var j = 0; while (j < staticObjectsHits.length) { var name = staticObjectsHits[j]; debug("lazer damage = " + foo.damage); var klop = name.armor; name.changeArmor(-foo.damage); debug((((((((("static object " + name) + " health = ") + name.armor) + " (") + klop) + "), obj splash damage = ") + name.splashDamage) + ", radius = ") + name.damageRadius); _global.rezults.hits++; if (name.armor <= 0) { checkSplash(name); } j++; } var enemyObjectsTests = new Array(); var enemyObjectsHits = new Array(); var j = 0; while (j < enemyObjects.length) { if (!enemyObjects[j].ignoreHit) { enemyObjectsTests.push(enemyObjects[j]); } j++; } var j = 0; while (j < enemyObjectsTests.length) { var g = 0; while (g < points.length) { if (enemyObjectsTests[j].body.hitTest(points[g].x, points[g].y, true)) { if (_global.envS.debug && (_global.envS.lazerDebug)) { _root.pointZ.beginFill(65280); drawRect(_root.pointZ, points[g].x - 3, points[g].y - 3, points[g].x + 3, points[g].y + 3); _root.pointZ.endFill(); } enemyObjectsHits.push(enemyObjectsTests[j]); enemyObjectsTests.splice(j, 1); j--; break; } g++; } j++; } var j = 0; while (j < enemyObjectsHits.length) { var name = enemyObjectsHits[j]; debug("lazer damage = " + foo.damage); var klop = name.armor; if ((name.thereCanBeOnlyOne == 0) || ((name.thereCanBeOnlyOne == 1) && (enemyObjects.length == 1))) { name.changeArmor(-foo.damage); _global.rezults.hits++; } debug((((((((("static object " + name) + " health = ") + name.armor) + " (") + klop) + "), obj splash damage = ") + name.splashDamage) + ", radius = ") + name.damageRadius); j++; } foo.removeFromArray(); foo.outQueue(); i--; } else { var flag = false; var j = 0; while (j < staticObjects.length) { if (staticObjects[j].ignoreHit) { } else { var hit1 = false; var hit2 = false; hit1 = staticObjects[j].body.hitTest(point1.x, point1.y, true); if (!hit1) { hit2 = staticObjects[j].body.hitTest(point2.x, point2.y, true); } if (hit1 || (hit2)) { var name = staticObjects[j]; debug("rocket damage to standing = " + foo.damage); var klop = name.armor; name.changeArmor(-foo.damage); debug((((((((("static object " + name) + " health = ") + name.armor) + " (") + klop) + "), obj splash damage = ") + name.splashDamage) + ", radius = ") + name.damageRadius); if (!killFlag) { _global.rezults.hits++; makeSplash(foo, point1); foo.kill(); i--; } if (name.armor <= 0) { flag = true; } break; } } j++; } if (flag) { checkSplash(name); } var j = 0; while (j < enemyObjects.length) { if (enemyObjects[j].ignoreHit) { } else { var hit1 = false; var hit2 = false; hit1 = enemyObjects[j].body.hitTest(point1.x, point1.y, true); if (!hit1) { hit2 = enemyObjects[j].body.hitTest(point2.x, point2.y, true); } if (hit1 || (hit2)) { var name = enemyObjects[j]; debug((("rocket damage to enemy = " + foo.damage) + " ~ ") + foo); klop = name.armor; if ((name.thereCanBeOnlyOne == 0) || ((name.thereCanBeOnlyOne == 1) && (enemyObjects.length == 1))) { name.changeArmor(-foo.damage); if (!killFlag) { _global.rezults.hits++; makeSplash(foo, point1); } debug((((((((("static object " + name) + " health = ") + name.armor) + " (") + klop) + "), obj splash damage = ") + name.splashDamage) + ", radius = ") + name.damageRadius); } else { debug("IGNORING"); } if (!killFlag) { foo.kill(); i--; } break; } } j++; } } } else if (foo.object == 0) { var hit1 = false; var hit2 = false; hit1 =, point1.y, true); if (!hit1) { hit2 =, point2.y, true); } if (hit1 || (hit2)) { debug("\u0418\u0413\u0420\u041E\u041A \u041F\u041E\u0412\u0420\u0415\u0416\u0414\u0415\u041D! \u0443\u0440\u043E\u043D " + foo.damage);; foo.kill(); i--; } } if (foo.init && (killFlag)) { foo.kill(); i--; } } } if ( > 0) { var ppointz = new Array(); var j = 0; while (!_global.noSet(["p" + j])) { var obj = {["p" + j]._x,["p" + j]._y};; ppointz.push(obj); j++; } var i = 0; while (i < enemyObjects.length) { if (enemyObjects[i].ignoreDirect) { } else if (!enemyObjects[i].top) { } else { name = enemyObjects[i]; if ( { debug(((("test for collision with enemy " + name) + " (") + name.hitBody) + ")"); var hit = false; var j = 0; while (j < ppointz.length) { hit = hit | name.hitBody.hitTest(ppointz[j].x, ppointz[j].y, true); if (hit) { break; } j++; } if (hit) { debug("\u0418\u0413\u0420\u041E\u041A \u0421\u041E\u0423\u0414\u0410\u0420\u0418\u041B\u0421\u042F \u0421 \u0412\u0420\u0410\u0413\u041E\u041C! \u0443\u0440\u043E\u043D " + name.armor);; if ((name.thereCanBeOnlyOne == 0) || ((name.thereCanBeOnlyOne == 1) && (enemyObjects.length == 1))) { name.changeArmor(-10000000); } } } } i++; } } i = 0; while (i < splashedObjects.length) { splashedObjects[i].delay--; i++; } var len = splashedObjects.length; i = 0; while (i < len) { var name = splashedObjects[i]; if ((name.delay <= 0) && (name.obj.armor > 0)) { name.obj.changeArmor(-name.dmg); splashedObjects.splice(i, 1); i--; len--; if ((name.obj.armor <= 0) && (name.spl)) { checkSplash(name.obj); } } i++; } oldMainSegment = mainSegment; mainSegment = Math.floor( / 20) / 20; setProgressBar(mainSegment, _global.maxLevelItem); if ((((mainSegment >= _global.maxLevelItem) || ((!slidingBg) && (slidingLimit == 0))) && (enemyObjects.length == 0)) || (_global.gameOver)) { if ((++_global.levelCompleteDelayCounter) < _global.envS.levelCompleteDelay) { return(undefined); } stopAllEngines(); with (_root.wndComplete) { _visible = true; var ttz = _global.envS["textZ_" + language_pre]; tf1_.htmlText = ("<p align=\"right\">" + ttz.completeString1) + "</p>"; tf2_.htmlText = ("<p align=\"right\">" + ttz.completeString2) + "</p>"; tf3_.htmlText = ("<p align=\"right\">" + ttz.completeString3) + "</p>"; tf4_.htmlText = ("<p align=\"right\">" + ttz.completeString4) + "</p>"; tf5_.htmlText = ("<p align=\"right\">" + ttz.completeString5) + "</p>"; tf1.text = _global.rezults.killed; tf2.text = _global.rezults.survived; tf3.text = _global.rezults.items; var p = (Math.round((1000 * _global.rezults.hits) / _global.rezults.shots) / 10); if (isNaN(p)) { p = 0; } tf5.text = p + " %"; if (_global.gameOver) { title_mc.title.text = ttz.playerDiedTitle; _global.levelNum--; } else { title_mc.title.text = ttz.levelCompleteTitle; _global.fullRezults.killed = _global.fullRezults.killed + _global.rezults.killed; _global.fullRezults.survived = _global.fullRezults.survived + _global.rezults.survived; _global.fullRezults.items = _global.fullRezults.items + _global.rezults.items; } } } else if (mainSegment != oldMainSegment) { klopStr = "======================================="; var mainSegment_ss = String(mainSegment); var i = 0; while (i < _global.currLevel.level.length) { var foo = _global.currLevel.level[i]; var vary = foo.parsedYOffset; if ((vary == mainSegment) || (String(vary) == mainSegment_ss)) { if (!_global.noSet(foo.tank)) { var newTank = new Object(); for (var a in foo) { newTank[a] = foo[a]; } var tankCurve = movingUnits[newTank.tank]; for (a in tankCurve) { if (_global.noSet(newTank[a])) { newTank[a] = tankCurve[a]; } } var tankMain = mainUnits[newTank.mainObj]; for (a in tankMain) { if (_global.noSet(newTank[a])) { newTank[a] = tankMain[a]; } } var cont = (( == 1) ? (this.topEnemyMC) : (this.enemyMC)); var bar = (cont.depth++); var name = cont.attachMovie("enemy", "e" + bar, 1000000 - bar); name.moveTo(((newTank.factor == -1) ? (550 - newTank.xoffset) : (newTank.xoffset)), (-this._y) + _global.envS.newObjectYOffset); if (newTank.way != "") { if (newTank.way == "player") { name.setMotion(newTank.way, newTank.speed, newTank.followPlayer); } else { name.setMotion(newTank.way, newTank.mratio, newTank.xratio, newTank.yratio, newTank.rotate, newTank.factor, newTank.startFrame, newTank.endFrame, newTank.wayCycle, newTank.rotatedByWay, newTank.orientToPath); } } else { name.setMotion((_global.noSet(newTank.xspeed) ? 0 : (newTank.xspeed)), (_global.noSet(newTank.yspeed) ? 0 : (newTank.yspeed))); } name.initTank(newTank.base, newTank.gun, this.player, newTank.armor, newTank.withoutBase, newTank.bossBar,, newTank.shadow, newTank.noInitRotate, newTank.loot); name.initGun(newTank.reloadingTime, newTank.shotsTime, newTank.clip, newTank.bulletType, newTank.bulletSpeed, newTank.bulletDir, newTank.bulletFactor, newTank.bulletTopLevel, newTank.amount, newTank.flySteps, newTank.flyMinScale, newTank.flyDistance, newTank.bulletDamage, newTank.cannonAngle, newTank.cannonTimeOffset,, newTank.splashDamage, newTank.damageRadius, newTank.splashDelay); name.initFlags(newTank.ignoreHit, newTank.ignoreSplash, newTank.ignoreDirect, newTank.immortal); if (newTank.movedWay == 1) { name.initWayMotion(newTank.movedWayOffset, newTank.movedWayXSpeed, newTank.movedWayYSpeed); } if (!_global.noSet(newTank.thereCanBeOnlyOne)) { name.thereCanBeOnlyOne = newTank.thereCanBeOnlyOne; } if (!_global.noSet(newTank.dieImmediatly)) { if (newTank.dieImmediatly == 0) { name.dieImmediatly = false; } if (newTank.dieImmediatly == 1) { name.dieImmediatly = true; } } if (!_global.noSet(newTank.soundKills)) { name.soundKills = newTank.soundKills; } name.inQueue(); } else if (!_global.noSet(foo.object)) { var newObj = new Object(); for (var a in foo) { newObj[a] = foo[a]; } var objParams = standingUnits[newObj.object]; for (a in objParams) { if (_global.noSet(newObj[a])) { newObj[a] = objParams[a]; } } var cont = (( == 1) ? (this.envTop) : (this.env)); var bar = (cont.depth++); cont.attachMovie(newObj.linkage, "o" + bar, 1000000 - bar); var name = cont["o" + bar]; name.initArmor(newObj.armor); name.setMotion(0, 0); name.moveTo(newObj.xoffset, (-this._y) + _global.envS.newObjectYOffset); name.initSplash(newObj.splashDamage, newObj.damageRadius, newObj.splashDelay); name.initFlags(newObj.ignoreHit, newObj.ignoreSplash, newObj.ignoreDirect, newObj.immortal); name.inQueue(); for (a in newObj) { name[a] = newObj[a]; } } else if (!_global.noSet(foo.bonus)) { var bar = this.bnz.getNextHighestDepth(); var name = this.bnz.attachMovie("bonus_" + foo.bonus, "b" + bar, bar); bonusObjects.push(name); name._x = foo.xoffset; name._y = (-this._y) + _global.envS.newObjectYOffset; name.bonusType = foo.bonus; } else if (!_global.noSet(foo.command)) { if (foo.command == "slideConstant") { _global.slidingBg = false; _global.slidingfactor = foo.factor; _global.slidingLimit = foo.limit; } if (foo.command == "slideNormal") { _global.slidingBg = true; } if (foo.command == "printMessage") { trace(foo.message); } if (foo.command == "textBar1") { _root.textBar1.setBarAction(foo.text, foo.color, foo.interval, foo.alphaDelta); } if (foo.command == "textBar2") { _root.textBar2.setBarAction(foo.text, foo.color, foo.interval, foo.alphaDelta); } if (foo.command == "textBar3") { _root.textBar3.setBarAction(foo.text, foo.color, foo.interval, foo.alphaDelta); } } } i++; } } }; _global.clock = 0; clockAdder = function () { _global.clock++; }; changeBGSpeed = function () { if (_global.scrollBG_debugFlag === true) { return(undefined); } if (!_global.slidingBg) { = * slidingfactor; if (slidingfactor > 1) { if ( > slidingLimit) { = slidingLimit; } } if (slidingfactor < 1) { if ( < slidingLimit) { = slidingLimit; } } } else if (_global.gameInProcess) { if (!_global.noSet(_global.currLevel.screenSpeed)) { = _global.currLevel.screenSpeed; return(undefined); } var _local6 =; var _local5 = +; var _local7 = _root.fastZone.hitTest(_local6, _local5, 1); var _local8 = _root.slowZone.hitTest(_local6, _local5, 1); var _local3 = _global.envS.screenSpeed; if (_local7) { _local3 = _global.envS.screenFastSpeed; } if (_local8) { _local3 = _global.envS.screenSlowSpeed; } if (_local3 != { if (_local3 > { var _local4 = * _global.envS.screenSpeedFactorUp; if (_local4 > _local3) { _local4 = _local3; } } if (_local3 < { var _local4 = * _global.envS.screenSpeedFactorDown; if (_local4 < _local3) { _local4 = _local3; } } if ((_local3 == 0) && (_local4 < 0.1)) { var _local4 = 0; } if ((_local3 > 0) && (_local4 < 0.1)) { var _local4 = 0.1; } = _local4; } } }; _global.checkSplash = function (obj, flag, flag2) { var _local9 = splashedObjects.length; if (_global.noSet(obj)) { return(undefined); } if (_global.noSet(flag)) { flag = true; } if (_global.noSet(flag2)) { flag2 = true; } if (flag2) { var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < staticObjects.length) { if (staticObjects[_local3].ignoreSplash) { } else if (checkSplashOne(obj, staticObjects[_local3])) { splashedObjects.push({obj:staticObjects[_local3], from:obj._name, dmg:obj.splashDamage, delay:obj.splashDelay, spl:true}); } _local3++; } _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < enemyObjects.length) { if (enemyObjects[_local3].ignoreSplash) { } else if (enemyObjects[_local3].top) { } else if (checkSplashOne(obj, enemyObjects[_local3])) { splashedObjects.push({obj:enemyObjects[_local3], from:obj._name, dmg:obj.splashDamage, delay:obj.splashDelay, spl:false}); } _local3++; } } if (false && (flag)) { if (checkSplashOne(obj, { splashedObjects.push({, from:obj._name, dmg:obj.splashDamage, delay:obj.splashDelay, spl:false}); } } var _local4 = ""; var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < splashedObjects.length) { _local4 = _local4 + (((((((_local3 + ": obj=") + splashedObjects[_local3].obj) + ", damage=") + splashedObjects[_local3].dmg) + ", from=") + splashedObjects[_local3].from) + ((_local3 == (splashedObjects.length - 1)) ? "" : newline)); _local3++; } }; checkSplashOne = function (a, b) { if (a == b) { return(undefined); } if (!a.spl.hitTest(b.body)) { return(undefined); } var _local7 = _global.envS.splashTests; var _local5 = {x:a.spl._x, y:a.spl._y}; a.localToGlobal(_local5); var _local8 = {x:b.body._x, y:b.body._y}; b.localToGlobal(_local8); dx = _local5.x - _local8.x; dy = _local5.y - _local8.y; d = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); al = Math.atan2(dy, dx); al = al - (((5 / PI2) * (_local7 - 1)) / 2); if (d < (a.damageRadius / 2)) { return(true); } i = 0; while (i < _local7) { var _local4 = _local5.x - ((Math.cos(al) * a.damageRadius) / 2); var _local3 = _local5.y - ((Math.sin(al) * a.damageRadius) / 2); al = al + (5 / PI2); if (b.body.hitTest(_local4, _local3, true)) { return(true); } i++; } return(false); }; _global.setProgressBar = function (now, all) { if (!usingBar) { return(undefined); } now = now - 1; all = all - 1; var _local2 = (100 * now) / all; if (_local2 > 100) { _local2 = 100; } if (_local2 < 1) { _local2 = 1; }; }; _global.makePause = function (flag) { if (_global.gameOver) { return(undefined); } if ((Key.isDown(27) || (Key.isDown(80))) || (flag)) { if (_global.gameInProcess) { _global.gameInProcess = false; _root.wndPause._visible = true; } else { _global.gameInProcess = true; _root.wndPause._visible = false; _global.levelTimeS = getTimer(); } } if (_global.envS.debug == 1) { if (Key.isDown(8)) { if (_global.noSet(_global.scrollBG_debugFlag)) { _global.scrollBG_debugFlag = false; } _global.scrollBG_debugFlag = !_global.scrollBG_debugFlag; if (_global.scrollBG_debugFlag) {, 0); } } } }; _global.changeWeaponByMouse = function (dir) { if (_global.gameInProcess) { if (dir == 0) { return(undefined); } dir = ((dir > 0) ? -1 : 1); var _local3 =[0].currentGun + dir; if (_local3 >=[0].gunZ.length) { _local3 = 0; } if (_local3 < 0) { _local3 =[0].gunZ.length - 1; } if ([0].changeGun(_local3)) { _root.lbar.weaponSelector.gotoAndStop(_local3 + 1); } oldTab = Key.isToggled(9); } }; _global.explodePause = function () { if (_global.noSet(this.delay)) { this.delay = 0; } if ((++this.delay) >= this.maxDelay) {; if (!_global.noSet( { if (((this.oldx != || (this.oldy != || (this.oldr != { var _local3 = {x:this.target_mc._x, y:this.target_mc._y}; this.target_mc._parent.localToGlobal(_local3); this._parent.globalToLocal(_local3); this._x = _local3.x; this._y = _local3.y; this.oldx =; this.oldy =; this.oldr =; } } if (this._currentframe == 6) { if (this.destroyer) { if (this.destroyTarget.gunHolder != this.destroyTarget) { this.destroyTarget.gunHolder.removeMovieClip(); } this.destroyTarget.shadow.removeMovieClip(); this.destroyTarget.shadow.unloadMovie(); this.destroyTarget.removeMovieClip(); this.destroyTarget.unloadMovie(); delete this.onEnterFrame; } } } }; _global.stopAllEngines = function () { if (!_global.noSet(_root.pointZ)) { _root.pointZ.clear(); } Key.removeListener(_global.keyGetter); Mouse.removeListener(_global.keyGetter); delete _global.keyGetter; _global.gameInProcess = false; _global.queue.clear(); _global.queue.removeMovieClip(); delete _global.queue; }; _global.getOff = function () { this._yscale = this._yscale + ((-2 - this._yscale) / 3); this._xscale = this._yscale; if (this._xscale <= 0) { delete this.onEnterFrame; this.removeMovieClip(); } }; _global.getOn = function () { this._yscale = this._yscale + ((100 - this._yscale) / 6); this._alpha = (this._xscale = this._yscale); if (this._yscale >= 98) { this._alpha = (this._xscale = (this._yscale = 100)); delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; _global.makeSplash = function (shot, point, enemyFlag, playerFlag) { if (_global.noSet(enemyFlag)) { enemyFlag = true; } if (_global.noSet(playerFlag)) { playerFlag = true; } if ((shot.splashDamage == 0) || (_global.noSet(shot.splashDamage))) { return(undefined); } var _local5 =; var _local7 = _local5.depth++; var _local3 = _local5.attachMovie("userSplash", "sf" + _local7, 1000000 - _local7); _local3.initArmor(1); _local3.setMotion(0, 0); var _local6 = {x:point.x, y:point.y}; _local5.globalToLocal(_local6); _local3.moveTo(_local6.x, _local6.y); _local3.initSplash(shot.splashDamage, shot.damageRadius, shot.splashDelay, true); checkSplash(_local3, playerFlag, enemyFlag); if (_global.envS.debug != 1) { _local3.spl._visible = false; } }; _global.makeBreef = function (done) { if (done == true) { if (this.mode == 1) { while (this.currText < 3) { if (this.currText == 1) { var _local4 = this.breefText1; var _local5 = _root.wnd.intro1; } if (this.currText == 2) { var _local4 = this.breefText2; var _local5 = _root.wnd.intro2; } while (this.step < _local4.length) { do { var str = _local4.charAt(++this.step); } while (str == "\r"); if (str == "|") { str = newline; } _local5.text = _local5.text + str; } this.currText++; this.step = -1; this.step2 = 0; } this.mode = 2; } } else if (this.mode == 1) { if (this.currText == 1) { var _local4 = this.breefText1; var _local5 = _root.wnd.intro1; } if (this.currText == 2) { var _local4 = this.breefText2; var _local5 = _root.wnd.intro2; } if (_global.noSet(this.step)) { this.step = -1; } if (_global.noSet(this.step2)) { this.step2 = 0; } this.step2++; if (this.step2 >= this.delay) { this.step2 = 0; do { var str = _local4.charAt(++this.step); } while (str == "\r"); if (str == "|") { str = newline; } _local5.text = _local5.text + str; if (Math.random() < 0.5) {"type"); } } if (this.step >= _local4.length) { if (this.currText == 1) { this.currText = 2; this.step = -1; this.step2 = 0; } else { this.mode = 2; } } } }; _root.prebreefFunc = function () { stop(); = 100;; = false; _root.gui.adder.gotoAndStop(1); _root.gui.fireRate.gotoAndStop(1); _root.gui.double.gotoAndStop(1); _root.gui.speed.gotoAndStop(1); _global.levelNum++; if (!_global.noSet(_global.levels["level_" + levelNum])) { wnd.levelNum.text = _global.levelNum; wnd.breefText1 = prepareText(_global.levels["level_" + levelNum]["comment1_" + language_pre]); wnd.breefText2 = prepareText(_global.levels["level_" + levelNum]["comment2_" + language_pre]); if (_global.noSet(wnd.breefText1) || (wnd.breefText1 == "")) { wnd.breefText1 = _global.levels["level_" + levelNum]["comment_" + language_pre]; } if (_global.noSet(wnd.breefText1)) { wnd.breefText1 = ""; } if (_global.noSet(wnd.breefText2)) { wnd.breefText2 = ""; } wnd.currText = 1; var _local3 = _global.levels["level_" + levelNum].typerDelay; if (_global.noSet(_local3)) { _local3 = 0; } _root.wnd.delay = _local3; _root.wnd.intro1.text = wnd.breefText1; _root.wnd.mode = 2; if (_root.wnd.intro1.maxscroll == 1) { _root.wnd.slider._visible = false; } } }; _global.makeDie = function (mc, forward, double) { if (_global.noSet(forward)) { forward = false; } if (_global.noSet(double)) { double = false; } mc.forward = forward; mc.r = Math.round((Math.random() * 5) + 5); if (Math.random() < 0.5) { mc.r = mc.r * -1; } if (double) { mc.k = 1.02; } else { mc.k = 1.05; } if (double) { mc.k2 = 40; } else { mc.k2 = 15; } mc.onEnterFrame = dieAnimation; }; _global.dieAnimation = function () { if (this.forward) { this._parent._parent.speedX = this._parent._parent.speedX * this.k; this._parent._parent.speedY = this._parent._parent.speedY * this.k; } else { this._parent._parent.speedX = this._parent._parent.speedX + ((-this._parent._parent.speedX) / 50); this._parent._parent.speedY = this._parent._parent.speedY + ((-this._parent._parent.speedY) / 50); } this._parent._parent._x = this._parent._parent._x + this._parent._parent.speedX; this._parent._parent._y = this._parent._parent._y + this._parent._parent.speedY; this._parent._rotation = this._parent._rotation + this.r; this._parent._parent.SolarXFactor = this._parent._parent.SolarXFactor + ((1 - this._parent._parent.SolarXFactor) / this.k2); this._parent._parent.SolarYFactor = this._parent._parent.SolarYFactor + ((1 - this._parent._parent.SolarYFactor) / this.k2); this._parent._parent.moveShadow(); }; _global.getAngleDelta = function (a, b, c) { while (a > 180) { a = a - 360; } while (a < -180) { a = a + 360; } var _local7 = b - 360; var _local6 = b; var _local5 = b + 360; var _local11 = _local7 - a; var _local10 = _local6 - a; var _local9 = _local5 - a; var _local4 = Math.abs(_local11); var _local3 = Math.abs(_local10); var _local8 = Math.abs(_local9); var _local2 = Math.min(_local4, _local3); _local2 = Math.min(_local2, _local8); if (_local2 == _local4) { var _local13 = _local7; } if (_local2 == _local3) { var _local13 = _local6; } if (_local2 == _local8) { var _local13 = _local5; } return((_local13 - a) / c); }; _global.setBarAction = function (text, col, length, ad) { var _local3 =; if (!_global.noSet(col)) { _local3.color = parseInt("0x" + col, 16);; } = text; this.len = length; this.s = 0; this._alpha = 0; this._visible = true; this.onEnterFrame = textBarAction; if (!noSet(ad)) { this.alphaDelta = ad; } else { this.alphaDelta = 5; } }; _global.textBarAction = function () { if (this.s == 0) { this._alpha = this._alpha + this.alphaDelta; if (this._alpha >= 100) { this.s = 1; this._alpha = 100; this.timeStart = getTimer(); } } else if (this.s == 1) { if ((getTimer() - this.timeStart) > this.len) { this.s = 2; } } else if (this.s == 2) { this._alpha = this._alpha - this.alphaDelta; if (this._alpha <= 0) { this._visible = false; delete this.s; delete this.onEnterFrame; } } }; _global.prepareText = function (inText) { var _local4 = ""; var _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < inText.length) { var _local2 = inText.charAt(_local1); if (_local2 != "\r") { _local4 = _local4 + _local2; } _local1++; } return(_local4); }; nextFrame();
Frame 8
stop(); _global.levelNum = 0;
Instance of Symbol 558 MovieClip "btn_sound" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) { if (!sound.enable) { gotoAndStop (2); } }
Frame 9
stop(); if (noNewGame) { playBtn._visible = false; }
Frame 10
_root.wnd_prolog.intro1.text = prepareText(_global.envS.prolog); if (_root.wnd_prolog.intro1.maxscroll == 1) { _root.wnd_prolog.slider._visible = false; }
Frame 11
Frame 12
stop(); wnd_epilog._visible = false; if (_global.levels["level_" + levelNum] != undefined) { _global.allowToStart = true; globalStart(); }
Symbol 7 MovieClip Frame 1
if (!((_global.envS.debug == 1) && (_global.envS.markerDebug == 1))) { _visible = false; }
Symbol 12 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 16 MovieClip [boss_jetfighter] Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 7 MovieClip "ex2" in Symbol 16 MovieClip [boss_jetfighter] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { delay = 10; }
Instance of Symbol 7 MovieClip "ex3" in Symbol 16 MovieClip [boss_jetfighter] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { delay = 20; }
Instance of Symbol 7 MovieClip "ex4" in Symbol 16 MovieClip [boss_jetfighter] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { delay = 30; }
Instance of Symbol 7 MovieClip "ex5" in Symbol 16 MovieClip [boss_jetfighter] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { delay = 50; }
Symbol 16 MovieClip [boss_jetfighter] Frame 2
makeDie(dd, true, true);
Symbol 16 MovieClip [boss_jetfighter] Frame 10
Symbol 21 MovieClip Frame 40
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 27 Button
on (press) { openSite(); }
Symbol 87 MovieClip [explode] Frame 2"eexplode", sx);
Symbol 87 MovieClip [explode] Frame 25
stop(); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 88 MovieClip [player] Frame 1
#initclip 64 Object.registerClass("player", playerClass); #endinitclip
Symbol 89 MovieClip [enemy] Frame 1
#initclip 15 Object.registerClass("enemy", enemyClass); #endinitclip
Symbol 90 MovieClip [bullet] Frame 1
#initclip 16 Object.registerClass("bullet", bulletClass); #endinitclip
Symbol 91 MovieClip [queue] Frame 1
#initclip 17 Object.registerClass("queue", queue); #endinitclip
Instance of Symbol 8 MovieClip in Symbol 98 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _parent._parent.stop(); pp = (Math.random() * 50) + 50; step = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { step++; if (step >= pp) {; } }
Symbol 120 MovieClip Frame 10
stop(); _parent.kill();
Symbol 121 MovieClip [userSplash] Frame 1
#initclip 18 Object.registerClass("userSplash", splashedObject); #endinitclip stop();
Symbol 121 MovieClip [userSplash] Frame 16
Symbol 130 MovieClip [rocket] Frame 1
#initclip 19 Object.registerClass("rocket", bulletClass); #endinitclip
Symbol 160 MovieClip [player_base] Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 7 MovieClip "ex2" in Symbol 160 MovieClip [player_base] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { delay = 20; }
Symbol 160 MovieClip [player_base] Frame 2
stop(); makeDie(dd);
Symbol 161 MovieClip [player_gun] Frame 1
#initclip 20 Object.registerClass("player_gun", cannon); #endinitclip
Instance of Symbol 7 MovieClip "ex2" in Symbol 166 MovieClip [tank_base] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { delay = 6; }
Symbol 174 MovieClip [heli2_base] Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 7 MovieClip "ex2" in Symbol 174 MovieClip [heli2_base] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { delay = 20; }
Symbol 174 MovieClip [heli2_base] Frame 2
stop(); makeDie(dd);
Symbol 184 MovieClip [oil] Frame 1
#initclip 21 Object.registerClass("oil", splashedObject); #endinitclip stop();
Symbol 184 MovieClip [oil] Frame 16
Symbol 196 MovieClip [gun_pzrk] Frame 1
#initclip 22 Object.registerClass("gun_pzrk", cannon); #endinitclip
Symbol 197 MovieClip [gun_1] Frame 1
#initclip 23 Object.registerClass("gun_1", cannon); #endinitclip
Symbol 198 MovieClip [gun_2] Frame 1
#initclip 24 Object.registerClass("gun_2", cannon); #endinitclip
Symbol 199 MovieClip [gun_3] Frame 1
#initclip 25 Object.registerClass("gun_3", cannon); #endinitclip
Symbol 204 MovieClip [tower] Frame 1
#initclip 26 Object.registerClass("tower", splashedObject); #endinitclip stop();
Symbol 204 MovieClip [tower] Frame 16
Symbol 208 MovieClip [heli_pad] Frame 1
#initclip 27 Object.registerClass("heli_pad", splashedObject); #endinitclip stop();
Symbol 213 MovieClip [wall] Frame 1
#initclip 28 Object.registerClass("wall", splashedObject); #endinitclip stop();
Symbol 213 MovieClip [wall] Frame 2
Symbol 216 MovieClip [fence] Frame 1
#initclip 29 Object.registerClass("fence", splashedObject); #endinitclip stop();
Symbol 255 MovieClip [radar] Frame 1
#initclip 30 Object.registerClass("radar", splashedObject); #endinitclip stop();
Symbol 255 MovieClip [radar] Frame 16
Symbol 263 MovieClip [bunker] Frame 1
#initclip 31 Object.registerClass("bunker", splashedObject); #endinitclip stop();
Symbol 263 MovieClip [bunker] Frame 11
Symbol 275 MovieClip [plane2_base] Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 7 MovieClip "ex2" in Symbol 275 MovieClip [plane2_base] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { delay = 20; }
Symbol 275 MovieClip [plane2_base] Frame 2
stop(); makeDie(dd, true);
Symbol 297 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 301 MovieClip [plane1_base] Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 7 MovieClip "ex2" in Symbol 301 MovieClip [plane1_base] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { delay = 20; }
Symbol 301 MovieClip [plane1_base] Frame 2
makeDie(dd, true);
Symbol 301 MovieClip [plane1_base] Frame 10
Symbol 304 MovieClip [rocket2] Frame 1
#initclip 32 Object.registerClass("rocket2", bulletClass); #endinitclip
Symbol 317 MovieClip [boss_heli_base] Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 7 MovieClip "ex2" in Symbol 317 MovieClip [boss_heli_base] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { delay = 10; }
Instance of Symbol 7 MovieClip "ex3" in Symbol 317 MovieClip [boss_heli_base] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { delay = 20; }
Instance of Symbol 7 MovieClip "ex4" in Symbol 317 MovieClip [boss_heli_base] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { delay = 30; }
Instance of Symbol 7 MovieClip "ex5" in Symbol 317 MovieClip [boss_heli_base] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { delay = 50; }
Symbol 317 MovieClip [boss_heli_base] Frame 2
makeDie(dd, true, true);
Symbol 317 MovieClip [boss_heli_base] Frame 10
Symbol 326 MovieClip [boss_tank_base] Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 7 MovieClip "ex2" in Symbol 326 MovieClip [boss_tank_base] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { delay = 10; }
Instance of Symbol 7 MovieClip "ex3" in Symbol 326 MovieClip [boss_tank_base] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { delay = 20; }
Instance of Symbol 7 MovieClip "ex4" in Symbol 326 MovieClip [boss_tank_base] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { delay = 30; }
Instance of Symbol 7 MovieClip "ex5" in Symbol 326 MovieClip [boss_tank_base] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { delay = 50; }
Symbol 330 MovieClip [tank_gun] Frame 1
#initclip 33 Object.registerClass("tank_gun", cannon); #endinitclip
Symbol 344 MovieClip [city1] Frame 1
#initclip 34 Object.registerClass("city1", splashedObject); #endinitclip stop();
Symbol 348 MovieClip [city2] Frame 1
#initclip 35 Object.registerClass("city2", splashedObject); #endinitclip stop();
Symbol 352 MovieClip [city3] Frame 1
#initclip 36 Object.registerClass("city3", splashedObject); #endinitclip
Symbol 356 MovieClip [city4] Frame 1
#initclip 37 Object.registerClass("city4", splashedObject); #endinitclip
Symbol 359 MovieClip [tree1] Frame 1
#initclip 38 Object.registerClass("tree1", splashedObject); #endinitclip
Symbol 362 MovieClip [tree2] Frame 1
#initclip 39 Object.registerClass("tree2", splashedObject); #endinitclip
Symbol 365 MovieClip [tree3] Frame 1
#initclip 40 Object.registerClass("tree3", splashedObject); #endinitclip
Symbol 371 MovieClip [village1] Frame 1
#initclip 41 Object.registerClass("village1", splashedObject); #endinitclip stop();
Symbol 371 MovieClip [village1] Frame 16
Symbol 377 MovieClip [village2] Frame 1
#initclip 42 Object.registerClass("village2", splashedObject); #endinitclip stop();
Symbol 377 MovieClip [village2] Frame 16
Symbol 383 MovieClip [village3] Frame 1
#initclip 43 Object.registerClass("village3", splashedObject); #endinitclip stop();
Symbol 383 MovieClip [village3] Frame 16
Symbol 389 MovieClip [village4] Frame 1
#initclip 44 Object.registerClass("village4", splashedObject); #endinitclip stop();
Symbol 389 MovieClip [village4] Frame 16
Symbol 395 MovieClip [village5] Frame 1
#initclip 45 Object.registerClass("village5", splashedObject); #endinitclip stop();
Symbol 395 MovieClip [village5] Frame 16
Symbol 401 MovieClip [village6] Frame 1
#initclip 46 Object.registerClass("village6", splashedObject); #endinitclip stop();
Symbol 401 MovieClip [village6] Frame 16
Symbol 405 MovieClip [stone1] Frame 1
#initclip 47 Object.registerClass("stone1", splashedObject); #endinitclip
Symbol 409 MovieClip [stone2] Frame 1
#initclip 48 Object.registerClass("stone2", splashedObject); #endinitclip
Symbol 413 MovieClip [stone3] Frame 1
#initclip 49 Object.registerClass("stone3", splashedObject); #endinitclip
Symbol 417 MovieClip [stone4] Frame 1
#initclip 50 Object.registerClass("stone4", splashedObject); #endinitclip
Symbol 421 MovieClip Frame 1
if (!((_global.envS.debug == 1) && (_global.envS.markerDebug == 1))) { _visible = false; }
Symbol 428 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_currentframe == 1) { stop(); }
Symbol 428 MovieClip Frame 5
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 428 MovieClip Frame 15
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 431 MovieClip [playerShoot2] Frame 1
#initclip 51 Object.registerClass("playerShoot2", bulletClass); #endinitclip
Symbol 436 MovieClip [EnemyShoot] Frame 1
#initclip 52 Object.registerClass("EnemyShoot", bulletClass); #endinitclip
Symbol 439 MovieClip [tree_fall] Frame 1
#initclip 53 Object.registerClass("tree_fall", splashedObject); #endinitclip
Symbol 443 MovieClip [forest] Frame 1
#initclip 54 Object.registerClass("forest", splashedObject); #endinitclip
Instance of Symbol 7 MovieClip "ex2" in Symbol 448 MovieClip [med_base] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { delay = 4; }
Symbol 452 MovieClip [med_gun] Frame 1
#initclip 55 Object.registerClass("med_gun", cannon); #endinitclip
Symbol 456 MovieClip [rocket_gun] Frame 1
#initclip 56 Object.registerClass("rocket_gun", cannon); #endinitclip
Instance of Symbol 7 MovieClip "ex5" in Symbol 460 MovieClip [boss_building] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { delay = 15; }
Instance of Symbol 7 MovieClip "ex6" in Symbol 460 MovieClip [boss_building] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { delay = 30; }
Instance of Symbol 7 MovieClip "ex7" in Symbol 460 MovieClip [boss_building] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { delay = 30; }
Instance of Symbol 7 MovieClip "ex8" in Symbol 460 MovieClip [boss_building] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { delay = 35; }
Instance of Symbol 7 MovieClip "ex9" in Symbol 460 MovieClip [boss_building] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { delay = 40; }
Instance of Symbol 7 MovieClip "ex9" in Symbol 460 MovieClip [boss_building] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { delay = 50; }
Instance of Symbol 7 MovieClip "ex10" in Symbol 460 MovieClip [boss_building] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { delay = 65; }
Instance of Symbol 7 MovieClip "ex11" in Symbol 460 MovieClip [boss_building] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { delay = 730; }
Instance of Symbol 7 MovieClip "ex2" in Symbol 460 MovieClip [boss_building] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { delay = 10; }
Instance of Symbol 7 MovieClip "ex3" in Symbol 460 MovieClip [boss_building] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { delay = 10; }
Instance of Symbol 7 MovieClip "ex4" in Symbol 460 MovieClip [boss_building] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { delay = 15; }
Symbol 461 MovieClip [giant_heli_pad] Frame 1
#initclip 57 Object.registerClass("giant_heli_pad", splashedObject); #endinitclip
Symbol 468 MovieClip Frame 1
_visible = false;
Symbol 472 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 475 MovieClip [nuke] Frame 1
#initclip 58 Object.registerClass("nuke", splashedObject); #endinitclip stop();
Symbol 475 MovieClip [nuke] Frame 15
Symbol 481 MovieClip [autoExplodePoint] Frame 1
#initclip 59 Object.registerClass("autoExplodePoint", autoExplode); #endinitclip
Symbol 481 MovieClip [autoExplodePoint] Frame 2
Symbol 481 MovieClip [autoExplodePoint] Frame 17
Symbol 485 MovieClip [clouds] Frame 1
#initclip 60 Object.registerClass("clouds", splashedObject); #endinitclip stop();
Symbol 489 MovieClip [clouds_down] Frame 1
#initclip 61 Object.registerClass("clouds_down", splashedObject); #endinitclip stop();
Symbol 493 MovieClip [clouds_top] Frame 1
#initclip 62 Object.registerClass("clouds_top", splashedObject); #endinitclip stop();
Symbol 498 MovieClip [okop] Frame 1
#initclip 63 Object.registerClass("okop", splashedObject); #endinitclip
Symbol 505 MovieClip [bonus_anim_weaponAdder] Frame 36
Symbol 508 MovieClip [bonus_anim_fireRate] Frame 36
Symbol 512 MovieClip [bonus_anim_fullHealth] Frame 36
Symbol 515 MovieClip [bonus_anim_miniHealth] Frame 36
Symbol 518 MovieClip [bonus_anim_rocket1] Frame 36
Symbol 673 MovieClip [__Packages.checkedObject] Frame 0
class checkedObject extends MovieClip { var _x, _y, ticket, removeMovieClip, unloadMovie; function checkedObject () { super(); offsetTop =; offsetBottom = _global.envS.allOffset.bottom; offsetLeft = _global.envS.allOffset.left; offsetRight = _global.envS.allOffset.right; x = Math.round(_x); y = Math.round(_y); } function check() { if (_global.noSet(x) || (_global.noSet(y))) { kill(); } if (y < (( + offsetTop)) { if (offReaction == "die") { kill(); } if (offReaction == "stand") { y = ( + offsetTop; } } if (y > ((( + 400) - offsetBottom)) { if (offReaction == "die") { kill(); } if (offReaction == "stand") { y = (( + 400) - offsetBottom; } } if (x < (0 + offsetLeft)) { if (offReaction == "die") { kill(); } if (offReaction == "stand") { x = 0 + offsetLeft; } } if (x > (550 - offsetRight)) { if (offReaction == "die") { kill(); } if (offReaction == "stand") { x = 550 - offsetRight; } } } function inQueue(a) { if (!init) { if (_global.noSet(a)) { a = 50; } ticket = _global.queue.addFunc(oEF, this, a); init = true; } } function outQueue() { if (init) { _global.queue.remove(ticket); init = false; } } function oEF() { if (!init) { return(undefined); } check(); } function kill() { outQueue(); if (!deathFromOutside) { removeMovieClip(); unloadMovie(); } } var offsetTop = 0; var offsetBottom = 0; var offsetLeft = 0; var offsetRight = 0; var offReaction = "die"; var x = 0; var y = 0; var init = false; var deathFromOutside = false; var dieImmediatly = false; }
Symbol 674 MovieClip [__Packages.movingObject] Frame 0
class movingObject extends checkedObject { var wayLinkage, y, x, _parent, way, attachMovie, line, createEmptyMovieClip, check, _x, _y; function movingObject () { super(); } function setMotion(a, b, xr, yr, r, f, sf, ef, wc, rbw, otp) { if (typeof(a) == "string") { if (a == "player") { wayMode = false; wayLinkage = ""; var _local10 = {x:x, y:y}; _parent.localToGlobal(_local10); var _local9 = {,};; var _local19 = _local9.x - _local10.x; var _local17 = _local9.y - _local10.y; var _local13 = Math.atan2(_local17, _local19); speedXY = parseFloat(b); trace((("SPEEDX=" + speedXY) + "\t") + b); if (_global.noSet(speedXY)) { speedXY = 1; } speedX = speedXY * Math.cos(_local13); speedY = speedXY * Math.sin(_local13); xr = parseInt(xr); if (xr == 1) { followPlayer = true; } } else { if (_global.noSet(a)) { return(undefined); } wayLinkage = a; if (!_global.noSet(b)) { wayRatio = b; } if (!_global.noSet(xr)) { xratio = xr; } if (!_global.noSet(yr)) { yratio = yr; } if (!_global.noSet(r)) { rotate = r / _global.PI2; } if (!_global.noSet(f)) { factor = f; } if (!_global.noSet(sf)) { startFrame = sf; } if (!_global.noSet(ef)) { endFrame = ef; } if (!_global.noSet(wc)) { wayCycle = wc; } if (!_global.noSet(rbw)) { rotatedByWay = ((rbw == 1) ? true : false); } if (!_global.noSet(otp)) { orientToPath = otp; } way = attachMovie(wayLinkage, "way", 100); line = createEmptyMovieClip("line", 101); line.createEmptyMovieClip("l", 1); line._visible = false; line.l.lineStyle(0, 16711680); line.l.moveTo(0, 0); line.l.lineTo(100, 0); firstStep = startFrame; if (!_global.noSet(way)) { var _local4 = way.klop._x; _local4 = _local4 * factor; var _local5 = way.klop._y; if (xratio != 100) { _local4 = _local4 * (xratio / 100); } if (yratio != 100) { _local5 = _local5 * (yratio / 100); } if (rotate != 0) { var _local11 = Math.sqrt((_local4 * _local4) + (_local5 * _local5)); var _local12 = Math.atan2(_local5, _local4); var _local16 = _local11 * Math.cos(rotate + _local12); var _local15 = _local11 * Math.sin(rotate + _local12); } else { var _local16 = _local4; var _local15 = _local5; } way.x = _local16; way._x = way.x; way.y = _local15; way._y = way.y; } if (endFrame == -1) { endFrame = way._totalframes; } if (endFrame < startFrame) { var _local18 = startFrame; startFrame = endFrame; endFrame = _local18; wayDir = -1; } way._xscale = (line._xscale = factor * xratio); way._yscale = (line._yscale = yratio); way._rotation = (line._rotation = r); if (_global.envS.debug != 1) { way._visible = false; } wayMode = true; } } else { if (!_global.noSet(a)) { speedX = a; } if (!_global.noSet(b)) { speedY = b; } wayMode = false; } initMove = true; if (wayMode) { oEF(); } oEF(); } function initWayMotion(mwo, sx, sy) { movedWay = true; movedWayOffset = mwo; movedWayCount = 0; movedWayXSpeed = sx; movedWayYSpeed = sy; } function oEF() { if (initMove) { if (wayMode) { var _local5 = way._currentframe + (wayDir * wayRatio); if ((wayDir > 0) && (_local5 > endFrame)) { wayPassed = true; if (wayCycle == 1) { _local5 = endFrame; } if (wayCycle == 2) { wayDir = wayDir * -1; _local5 = _local5 + (_local5 - endFrame); } if (wayCycle == 3) { _local5 = startFrame + (_local5 - endFrame); } } if ((wayDir < 0) && (_local5 < startFrame)) { wayPassed = true; if (wayCycle == 1) { _local5 = startFrame; } if (wayCycle == 2) { wayDir = wayDir * -1; _local5 = startFrame + (startFrame - _local5); } if (wayCycle == 3) { _local5 = endFrame - (startFrame - _local5); } } if (firstStep != 0) { _local5 = firstStep; } firstStep = 0; var _local17 = way.klop._x; var _local16 = way.klop._y; way.gotoAndStop(_local5); var _local6 = way.klop._x - _local17; _local6 = _local6 * factor; var _local11 = way.klop._y - _local16; if (xratio != 100) { _local6 = _local6 * (xratio / 100); } if (yratio != 100) { _local11 = _local11 * (yratio / 100); } if (rotate != 0) { var _local10 = Math.sqrt((_local6 * _local6) + (_local11 * _local11)); var _local12 = Math.atan2(_local11, _local6); speedX = _local10 * Math.cos(rotate + _local12); speedY = _local10 * Math.sin(rotate + _local12); } else { speedX = _local6; speedY = _local11; } var _local14 = 0; var _local13 = 0; if (movedWay) { if ((++movedWayCount) > movedWayOffset) { speedX = speedX + movedWayXSpeed; _local14 = -movedWayXSpeed; if ((movedWayYSpeed == 0) || (_global.noSet(movedWayYSpeed))) { _local11 =; } else { _local11 = -movedWayYSpeed; } speedY = speedY + _local11; _local13 = -_local11; } } if ((orientToPath == "way") || (orientToPath == "shoot")) { line.l._rotation = way.klop._rotation; var _local7 = line.getRect(this); baseRotateCount = Math.atan2(_local7.yMax + _local7.yMin, _local7.xMax + _local7.xMin) * _global.PI2; if (wayDir == -1) { baseRotateCount = baseRotateCount + 180; } } else if (orientToPath == "move") { baseRotateCount = Math.atan2(speedY, speedX) * _global.PI2; } } else if (followPlayer) { var _local9 = {x:x, y:y}; _parent.localToGlobal(_local9); var _local8 = {,};; var _local19 = _local8.x - _local9.x; var _local18 = _local8.y - _local9.y; var _local15 = Math.atan2(_local18, _local19); speedX = speedXY * Math.cos(_local15); speedY = speedXY * Math.sin(_local15); baseRotateCount = Math.atan2(speedY, speedX) * _global.PI2; } else { baseRotateCount = Math.atan2(speedY, speedX) * _global.PI2; } x = x + speedX; y = y + speedY; if (wayMode) { way.x = way.x - (speedX + _local14); way._x = way.x; way.y = way.y - (speedY + _local13); way._y = way.y; } } super.oEF(); redraw(); } function moveTo(a, b) { if (_global.noSet(a)) { a = 0; } if (_global.noSet(b)) { b = 0; } x = a; y = b; check(); redraw(); } function moveBy(a, b) { x = x + a; y = y + b; check(); redraw(); } function redraw() { _x = Math.round(x); _y = Math.round(y); } var initMove = false; var speedX = 0; var speedY = 0; var speedXY = 0; var wayMode = false; var wayRatio = 1; var rotatedByWay = true; var followPlayer = false; var xratio = 100; var yratio = 100; var rotate = 0; var baseRotateCount = 0; var factor = 1; var startFrame = 1; var endFrame = -1; var wayCycle = 1; var wayDir = 1; var firstStep = 1; var movedWay = false; var movedWayOffset = 0; var movedWayCount = 0; var movedWayXSpeed = 0; var movedWayYSpeed = 0; var wayPassed = false; var orientToPath = "move"; }
Symbol 675 MovieClip [__Packages.damagableObject] Frame 0
class damagableObject extends movingObject { var blinkObject, bar, createEmptyMovieClip, bar1, bar2, x; function damagableObject () { super(); if (_global.envS.debug == 1) { initBar(); } blinkObject = this; } function initArmor(a) { startArmor = (armor = a); } function initFlags(ih, is, id, im) { ignoreHit = ((ih == 1) ? true : false); ignoreSplash = ((is == 1) ? true : false); ignoreDirect = ((id == 1) ? true : false); immortal = ((im == 1) ? true : false); } function initBar() { bar = createEmptyMovieClip("bar", 3); bar1 = bar.createEmptyMovieClip("bar1", 2); bar.beginFill(16711680); _global.drawRect(bar, -15, -2, 15, 2); bar.endFill(); bar1.lineStyle(0, 0); _global.drawRect(bar1, -15, -2, 15, 2); bar._y = -20; bar2 = bar.createEmptyMovieClip("bar2", 1); bar2.beginFill(65280); _global.drawRect(bar2, 0, -2, 30, 2); bar2.endFill(); bar2._x = -15; } function changeArmor(delta) { if (!live) { return(undefined); } armor = armor + delta; if (delta < 0) { startBlink("hit"); } if (armor > startArmor) { armor = startArmor; } showArmor(); if (armor <= 0) { armor = 0; live = false; showArmor(); destroy(); } } function showArmor() { if (_global.envS.debug == 1) { bar2._xscale = (100 * armor) / startArmor; } } function destroy(flag) { if (soundKills != "none") { if (_global.noSet(soundKills)) {, x, flag); } else { var _local3 = soundKills.split(","); if (_local3.length == 0) { _local3 = [soundKills]; } var _local4 = Math.floor(Math.random() * _local3.length);[_local4]), x, flag); } } stopBlink(); if (_global.envS.debug == 1) { bar._visible = false; } live = false; } function oEF() { if (blinkFlag) { var _local5 = Math.floor(blinkCounter / blinkStep); blinkCounter++; var _local4 = Math.floor(blinkCounter / blinkStep); if (_local5 != _local4) { var _local3 = {ra:100, ga:100, ba:100, aa:100, rb:0, gb:0, bb:0, ab:0}; if ((_local4 % 2) == 1) { _local3.ra = ( = ( = 100 - blinkAmount)); _local3.rb = Math.round((blinkColorR * blinkAmount) / 100); = Math.round((blinkColorG * blinkAmount) / 100); = Math.round((blinkColorB * blinkAmount) / 100); } new Color(blinkObject).setTransform(_local3); } if (blinkCounter > ((2 * blinkStep) * blinkTimes)) { blinkFlag = false; } } super.oEF(); } function startBlink(col) { blinkColor = _global.envS.blinks[col].color; blinkColorR = parseInt(blinkColor.substr(1, 2), 16); blinkColorG = parseInt(blinkColor.substr(3, 2), 16); blinkColorB = parseInt(blinkColor.substr(5, 2), 16); blinkAmount = _global.envS.blinks[col].amount; blinkTimes = _global.envS.blinks[col].times; blinkStep = _global.envS.blinks[col].step; blinkCounter = 0; blinkFlag = true; } function stopBlink() { if (blinkFlag) { var _local2 = {ra:100, ga:100, ba:100, aa:100, rb:0, gb:0, bb:0, ab:0}; new Color(blinkObject).setTransform(_local2); blinkFlag = false; } } var live = true; var armor = 0; var startArmor = 0; var blinkColor = "#000000"; var blinkColorR = 0; var blinkColorG = 0; var blinkColorB = 0; var blinkAmount = 0; var blinkTimes = 0; var blinkCounter = 0; var blinkFlag = false; var blinkStep = 0; var directDamage = 0; var soundKills = ""; var ignoreHit = false; var ignoreSplash = false; var ignoreDirect = false; var immortal = false; var notCount = 0; }
Symbol 676 MovieClip [__Packages.tankClass] Frame 0
class tankClass extends damagableObject { var live, base, attachMovie, body, hitBody, _parent, gunHolder, _name, getDepth, _x, _y, cannons, blinkObject, target, shadow, initArmor, x, y, orientToPath, baseRotation, baseRotateCount, rotatedByWay, speedX, speedY, _ymouse, _xmouse, deathFromOutside, initMove, outQueue; function tankClass () { super(); } function initTank(a, b, c, ar, wb, bb, tp, sha, norot, lo) { if (!live) { return(undefined); } if (bb === 1) { bossBarFlag = true; } if (tp === 1) { top = true; } if (!_global.noSet(lo)) { loot = lo; } if (bossBarFlag) { _root.bossBar._visible = true; = 100; _root.bossBar._alpha = 0; _root.bossBar.onEnterFrame = _global.alphaIn; } base = attachMovie(a, "base", 1); body = base.body; hitBody = base.hitBody; if (_global.noSet(hitBody)) { hitBody = base.body; } body._visible = false; hitBody._visible = false; var _local8 = (top ? (_parent._parent.topEnemyMC2) : (_parent._parent.enemyMC2)); if (_global.noSet(_local8)) { gunHolder = this; } else { gunHolder = _local8.createEmptyMovieClip(_name + "_gun", getDepth()); } norot = ((norot == 1) ? true : false); if (!norot) { base._rotation = _global.envS.defaultRotation; } gunHolder._x = _x; gunHolder._y = _y; cannons = new Array(); var _local5 = b.split(","); if (_global.noSet(_local5)) { _local5 = new Array(); _local5.push(b); } var _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _local5.length) { _local5[_local4] = _global.trim(_local5[_local4]); cannons[_local4] = gunHolder.attachMovie(_local5[_local4], "gun" + _local4, _local4 + 2, {parent:this, myNum:_local4}); _local4++; } if (wb == 1) { withoutBaseFlag = true; } if (withoutBaseFlag) { blinkObject = gunHolder; } target = c; if ((!_global.noSet(sha)) && (top)) { shadowStr = sha; _local8 = _parent._parent.shadows; if (_global.noSet(_local8)) { _local8 = _parent.shadows; } shadow = _local8.attachMovie(shadowStr, _name + "_sh", getDepth()); SolarX = _global.envS.SolarX; SolarY = _global.envS.SolarY; SolarXFactor = _global.envS.SolarXFactor; SolarYFactor = _global.envS.SolarYFactor; shadow._rotation = base._rotation; } rotateGun(); rotateBase(); initArmor(ar); } function initGun(t, mt, c, bt, bs, dd, br, tl, am, fs, fm, fd, bd, to, ca) { if (!live) { return(undefined); } var _local15 = t.split(","); if (_global.noSet(_local15)) { _local15 = new Array(); _local15.push(t); } var _local5 = mt.split(","); if (_global.noSet(_local5)) { _local5 = new Array(); _local5.push(mt); } var _local11 = c.split(","); if (_global.noSet(_local11)) { _local11 = new Array(); _local11.push(c); } var _local4 = bt.split(","); if (_global.noSet(_local4)) { _local4 = new Array(); _local4.push(bt); } var _local17 = bs.split(","); if (_global.noSet(_local17)) { _local17 = new Array(); _local17.push(bs); } var _local12 = dd.split(","); if (_global.noSet(_local12)) { _local12 = new Array(); _local12.push(dd); } var _local18 = br.split(","); if (_global.noSet(_local18)) { _local18 = new Array(); _local18.push(br); } var _local6 = tl.split(","); if (_global.noSet(_local6)) { _local6 = new Array(); _local6.push(tl); } var _local13 = am.split(","); if (_global.noSet(_local13)) { _local13 = new Array(); _local13.push(am); } var _local9 = fs.split(","); if (_global.noSet(_local9)) { _local9 = new Array(); _local9.push(fs); } var _local7 = fm.split(","); if (_global.noSet(_local7)) { _local7 = new Array(); _local7.push(fm); } var _local14 = fd.split(","); if (_global.noSet(_local14)) { _local14 = new Array(); _local14.push(fd); } var _local10 = bd.split(","); if (_global.noSet(_local10)) { _local10 = new Array(); _local10.push(bd); } var _local8 = ca.split(","); if (_global.noSet(_local8)) { _local8 = new Array(); _local8.push(ca); } var _local16 = to.split(","); if (_global.noSet(_local16)) { _local16 = new Array(); _local16.push(to); } var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local4.length) { cannons[_local3].initGun(); cannons[_local3].addGun(_global.trim(_local15[_local3]), _global.trim(_local5[_local3]), _global.trim(_local11[_local3]), _global.trim(_local4[_local3]), _global.trim(_local17[_local3]), _global.trim(_local12[_local3]), _global.trim(_local18[_local3]), _global.trim(_local6[_local3]), _global.trim(_local13[_local3]), _global.trim(_local9[_local3]), _global.trim(_local7[_local3]), _global.trim(_local14[_local3]), _global.trim(_local10[_local3]), _global.trim(_local8[_local3]), _global.trim(_local16[_local3])); _local3++; } rotateGun(); } function addGun(t, mt, c, bt, bs, dd, br, tl, am, fs, fm, fd, bd, to, ca) { if (!live) { return(undefined); } var _local15 = t.split(","); if (_global.noSet(_local15)) { _local15 = new Array(); _local15.push(t); } var _local5 = mt.split(","); if (_global.noSet(_local5)) { _local5 = new Array(); _local5.push(mt); } var _local11 = c.split(","); if (_global.noSet(_local11)) { _local11 = new Array(); _local11.push(c); } var _local4 = bt.split(","); if (_global.noSet(_local4)) { _local4 = new Array(); _local4.push(bt); } var _local17 = bs.split(","); if (_global.noSet(_local17)) { _local17 = new Array(); _local17.push(bs); } var _local12 = dd.split(","); if (_global.noSet(_local12)) { _local12 = new Array(); _local12.push(dd); } var _local18 = br.split(","); if (_global.noSet(_local18)) { _local18 = new Array(); _local18.push(br); } var _local6 = tl.split(","); if (_global.noSet(_local6)) { _local6 = new Array(); _local6.push(tl); } var _local13 = am.split(","); if (_global.noSet(_local13)) { _local13 = new Array(); _local13.push(am); } var _local9 = fs.split(","); if (_global.noSet(_local9)) { _local9 = new Array(); _local9.push(fs); } var _local7 = fm.split(","); if (_global.noSet(_local7)) { _local7 = new Array(); _local7.push(fm); } var _local14 = fd.split(","); if (_global.noSet(_local14)) { _local14 = new Array(); _local14.push(fd); } var _local10 = bd.split(","); if (_global.noSet(_local10)) { _local10 = new Array(); _local10.push(bd); } var _local8 = ca.split(","); if (_global.noSet(_local8)) { _local8 = new Array(); _local8.push(ca); } var _local16 = to.split(","); if (_global.noSet(_local16)) { _local16 = new Array(); _local16.push(to); } var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local4.length) { cannons[_local3].addGun(_global.trim(_local15[_local3]), _global.trim(_local5[_local3]), _global.trim(_local11[_local3]), _global.trim(_local4[_local3]), _global.trim(_local17[_local3]), _global.trim(_local12[_local3]), _global.trim(_local18[_local3]), _global.trim(_local6[_local3]), _global.trim(_local13[_local3]), _global.trim(_local9[_local3]), _global.trim(_local7[_local3]), _global.trim(_local14[_local3]), _global.trim(_local10[_local3]), _global.trim(_local8[_local3]), _global.trim(_local16[_local3])); _local3++; } } function oEF() { var _local4 = x; var _local3 = y; super.oEF(); gunHolder._x = _x; gunHolder._y = _y; rotateBase(); rotateGun(); moveShadow(); } function moveShadow() { if (!_global.noSet(shadow)) { shadow._x = ((_x - SolarX) * SolarXFactor) + SolarX; shadow._y = ((((_y - SolarY) + * SolarYFactor) - + SolarY; shadow._rotation = base._rotation; } } function rotateBase() { if ((!_global.noSet(target)) && (orientToPath == "shoot")) { var _local4 = {x:target._x, y:target._y}; target._parent.localToGlobal(_local4); var _local3 = {x:x, y:y}; _parent.localToGlobal(_local3); var _local5 = cannons[0].cannonAngleType; switch (_local5) { case "t" : baseRotation = ((Math.atan2(_local4.y - _local3.y, _local4.x - _local3.x) * _global.PI2) + cannons[0].cannonAngle) + 90; break; case "w" : baseRotation = (baseRotateCount + cannons[0].cannonAngle) + 90; break; case "h" : baseRotation = cannons[0].cannonAngle + 180; } if (rotatedByWay) { base._rotation = baseRotation; } gunHolder._rotation = base._rotation; } else if (!((speedX == 0) && (speedY == 0))) { baseRotation = baseRotateCount + 90; if (rotatedByWay) { base._rotation = baseRotation; } gunHolder._rotation = base._rotation; } } function rotateGun() { if (_global.noSet(target)) { var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < cannons.length) { cannons[_local3]._rotation = (Math.atan2(_ymouse - cannons[_local3]._y, _xmouse - cannons[_local3]._x) * _global.PI2) + 90; _local3++; } } else { var _local6 = {x:target._x, y:target._y}; target._parent.localToGlobal(_local6); var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < cannons.length) { var _local4 = {x:cannons[_local3]._x, y:cannons[_local3]._y}; gunHolder.localToGlobal(_local4); var _local5 = cannons[_local3].cannonAngleType; switch (_local5) { case "t" : cannons[_local3]._rotation = (((Math.atan2(_local6.y - _local4.y, _local6.x - _local4.x) * _global.PI2) - gunHolder._rotation) + cannons[_local3].cannonAngle) + 90; break; case "w" : cannons[_local3]._rotation = ((baseRotateCount - gunHolder._rotation) + cannons[_local3].cannonAngle) + 90; break; case "h" : cannons[_local3]._rotation = (cannons[_local3].cannonAngle - gunHolder._rotation) + 180; } _local3++; } } } function bang(obj) { if (!live) { return(false); } var _local4 = false; var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < cannons.length) { var _local3 = cannons[_local2].bang(obj); _local4 = _local4 || (_local3); _local2++; } return(_local4); } function destroy(flag) { if (loot != "") { var _local11 =; var _local5 ="bonus_" + loot, "b" + _local11, _local11); _global.bonusObjects.push(_local5); _local5._x = _x; _local5._y = _y; _local5.bonusType = loot; _local5._alpha = (_local5._xscale = (_local5._yscale = 2)); _local5.onEnterFrame = _global.getOn; } if (top) { var _local10 =; } else { var _local10 =; } var _local7 = 1; var _local8 = _local10.getNextHighestDepth(); var _local9 = base; if (_global.noSet(_local9.ex1)) { _local9 = cannons[0]; } while (!_global.noSet(_local9["ex" + _local7])) { var _local6 = _local9["ex" + _local7]; var _local5 = _local10.attachMovie("explode", "fx" + _local8, _local8); _local5._rotation = ((_local6._rotation == 0) ? (Math.random() * 360) : (_local6._rotation)); = this; _local5.target_mc = _local6; _local5._xscale = (_local5._yscale = _local6._xscale * 10); if (_global.noSet(_local6.delay)) { _local6.delay = 0; } _local5.gotoAndStop(1); _local5.maxDelay = _local6.delay; _local5.onEnterFrame = _global.explodePause; _local8++; _local7++; } _local5.destroyer = true; _local5.destroyTarget = this; deathFromOutside = true; super.destroy(flag); if (!deathFromOutside) { shadow.removeMovieClip(); } kill(); } function kill() { shadow.removeMovieClip(); if (bossBarFlag) { _root.bossBar.step = 0; _root.bossBar.maxStep = 30; _root.bossBar._alpha = 100; _root.bossBar.onEnterFrame = _global.alphaOut; } if (gunHolder != this) { var _local6 = cannons[0]._currentframe; var _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < cannons.length) { cannons[_local5].gotoAndPlay("die"); _local5++; } if ((cannons[0]._currentframe == 1) || (cannons[0]._currentframe == _local6)) { gunHolder.removeMovieClip(); } super.kill(); } else { initMove = false; var _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < cannons.length) { cannons[_local5].gotoAndPlay("die"); _local5++; } } base.gotoAndPlay("die"); outQueue(); } function changeGun(newWeapon) { cannons[0].changeGun(newWeapon); } function changeArmor(delta) { super.changeArmor(delta); if (bossBarFlag) { = (100 * armor) / startArmor; } } var armor = 0; var startArmor = 0; var thereCanBeOnlyOne = 0; var withoutBaseFlag = false; var bossBarFlag = false; var top = false; var shadowStr = ""; var SolarX = 275; var SolarY = 200; var SolarXFactor = 1; var SolarYFactor = 1; var dieImmediatly = true; var loot = ""; }
Symbol 677 MovieClip [__Packages.enemyClass] Frame 0
class enemyClass extends tankClass { var offsetTop, offsetBottom, offsetLeft, offsetRight, cannons, wayPassed, bang, armor; function enemyClass () { super(); _global.enemyObjects.push(this); offsetTop =; offsetBottom = _global.envS.enemyOffset.bottom; offsetLeft = _global.envS.enemyOffset.left; offsetRight = _global.envS.enemyOffset.right; } function initGun(t, mt, c, bt, bs, dd, br, tl, am, fs, fm, fd, bd, ba, to, ai, sd, dr, del) { super.initGun(t, mt, c, bt, bs, dd, br, tl, am, fs, fm, fd, bd, to, ba); if (!_global.noSet(ai)) { = ai; } if ((!_global.noSet(sd)) && (sd != 0)) { var _local7 = sd.split(","); if (_global.noSet(_local7)) { _local7 = new Array(); _local7.push(sd); } var _local5 = dr.split(","); if (_global.noSet(_local5)) { _local5 = new Array(); _local5.push(dr); } var _local6 = del.split(","); if (_global.noSet(_local6)) { _local6 = new Array(); _local6.push(del); } var _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < cannons.length) { cannons[_local4].initSplash(_local7[_local4], _local5[_local4], _local6[_local4]); _local4++; } } } function oEF() { super.oEF(); if (wayPassed) { ai = 0; } if (ai == 0) { bang(0); } } function kill() { if (armor <= 0) { _global.rezults.killed++; } else { _global.rezults.survived++; } var _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _global.enemyObjects.length) { if (_global.enemyObjects[_local4] == this) { _global.enemyObjects.splice(_local4, 1); break; } _local4++; } super.kill(); } var ai = 0; }
Symbol 678 MovieClip [__Packages.bulletClass] Frame 0
class bulletClass extends movingObject { var offsetTop, offsetBottom, offsetLeft, offsetRight, autoAimDistance, y, x, _xscale, _yscale, target, _rotation, _x, _y, speedX, speedY; function bulletClass () { super(); _global.bulletObjects.push(this); offsetTop =; offsetBottom = _global.envS.bulletOffset.bottom; offsetLeft = _global.envS.bulletOffset.left; offsetRight = _global.envS.bulletOffset.right; startClock = _global.clock; autoAimDistance = _global.envS.autoAimDistance; if (_global.noSet(autoAimDistance)) { autoAimDistance = 50; } } function set damage(d) { if (d >= 0) { __damage = d; } //return(damage); } function get damage() { return(__damage); } function check() { super.check(); if (y < (( + offsetTop)) { kill(); } if (y > ((( + 400) - offsetBottom)) { kill(); } if (x < (0 + offsetLeft)) { kill(); } if (x > (550 - offsetRight)) { kill(); } } function removeFromArray() { var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _global.bulletObjects.length) { if (_global.bulletObjects[_local3] == this) { _global.bulletObjects.splice(_local3, 1); break; } _local3++; } } function kill() { removeFromArray(); super.kill(); } function oEF() { if (flySteps != 0) { var _local8 = (_global.clock - startClock) + 1; var _local9 = (Math.PI / (flySteps - 1)) * (_local8 - 1); _xscale = (_yscale = Math.round(10 * ((Math.sin(_local9) * (100 - flyMinScale)) + flyMinScale)) / 10); } else if (bulletDir != "d") { if (bulletDir == "a") { tx = target._x; ty = target._y; } var _local4 = _rotation; var _local6 = tx - _x; var _local5 = ty - _y; var _local7 = Math.sqrt((_local6 * _local6) + (_local5 * _local5)); var _local10 = Math.atan2(_local5, _local6) * _global.PI2; _local4 = _local4 + _global.getAngleDelta(_local4 + 90, _local10, bulletFactor); _rotation = _local4; _local4 = _local4 / _global.PI2; speedX = (-bulletSpeed) * Math.sin(_local4); speedY = bulletSpeed * Math.cos(_local4); if ((_local7 < autoAimDistance) && (bulletDir == "s")) { bulletDir = "d"; } } if (_global.clock != startClock) { super.oEF(); } } var __damage = 0; var startClock = 0; var flySteps = 0; var flyMinScale = 0; var bulletDir = "d"; var tx = 0; var ty = 0; var bulletSpeed = 0; var bulletFactor = 5; }
Symbol 679 MovieClip [__Packages.queue] Frame 0
class queue extends MovieClip { function queue () { super(); actions = new Array(); newActions = new Array(); _global.queue = this; } function addFunc(func, obj, priority) { ticket++; if (_global.noSet(priority)) { priority = 50; } newActions.push({func:func, obj:obj, pr:priority, ticket:ticket}); sync = false; return(ticket); } function remove(t) { var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < actions.length) { if (actions[_local2].ticket == t) { actions.splice(_local2, 1); return(true); } _local2++; } _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < newActions.length) { if (newActions[_local2].ticket == t) { newActions.splice(_local2, 1); return(true); } _local2++; } trace((("*****************NOT removed\t" + t) + "\t") + actions.length); return(false); } function clear() { delete actions; delete newActions; actions = new Array(); newActions = new Array(); ticket = 0; sync = true; } function onEnterFrame() { if (_global.gameInProcess) { if (!sync) { while (newActions.length > 0) { actions.push(newActions.pop()); } actions.sortOn("pr", Array.NUMERIC); sync = true; } var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < actions.length) { var _local4 = actions.length; actions[_local3][_local3].obj); if (actions.length != _local4) { _local3--; } _local3++; } } } var actions = new Array(); var newActions = new Array(); var ticket = 0; var sync = true; }
Symbol 680 MovieClip [__Packages.splashedObject] Frame 0
class splashedObject extends damagableObject { var hitBody, body, spl, splashDamage, damageRadius, splashDelay, _xscale, _yscale, gotoAndPlay, armor, notCount; function splashedObject () { super(); _global.staticObjects.push(this); if (_global.noSet(hitBody)) { hitBody = body; } body._visible = false; hitBody._visible = false; if (_global.envS.debug != 1) { spl._visible = false; } } function initSplash(sd, dr, delay, flag) { if (_global.noSet(flag)) { flag = false; } splashDamage = sd; damageRadius = dr; splashDelay = delay; if (!flag) { spl._xscale = (spl._yscale = dr); } else { _xscale = (_yscale = dr); } } function destroy() { _global.debug(this + ": \u0411\u0410\u0428\u041D\u042F \u0413\u0418\u0411\u041D\u0415\u0422!"); super.destroy(); gotoAndPlay("destroy"); var _local9 = 1; var _local10 =; while (!_global.noSet(this["p" + _local9])) { var _local6 = this["p" + _local9]; var _local8 = _local10.getNextHighestDepth(); var _local5 = _local10.attachMovie("explode", "fx" + _local8, _local8); _local5._rotation = _local6._rotation; _local5._xscale = _local6._xscale; _local5._yscale = _local6._yscale; = this; _local5.target_mc = _local6; if (_global.noSet(_local6.delay)) { _local6.delay = 0; } _local5.gotoAndStop(1); _local5.maxDelay = _local6.delay; _local5.onEnterFrame = _global.explodePause; _local9++; } var _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < _global.staticObjects.length) { if (_global.staticObjects[_local7] == this) { _global.staticObjects.splice(_local7, 1); break; } _local7++; } } function kill() { if (armor <= 0) { if (notCount != 1) { _global.rezults.items++; } } var _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _global.staticObjects.length) { if (_global.staticObjects[_local4] == this) { _global.staticObjects.splice(_local4, 1); break; } _local4++; } super.kill(); } }
Symbol 681 MovieClip [__Packages.cannon] Frame 0
class cannon extends MovieClip { var myNum, parent, _x, _y, fires, gunZ, _rotation, localToGlobal; function cannon () { super(); var _local4 = myNum + 1; var _local5 = parent.base["head" + _local4]; if (_global.noSet(_local5) && (_local4 == 1)) { _local5 = parent.base.head; } if (_global.noSet(_local5)) { _global.debug((("CANNOT FIND CANNON MOUNT POINT FOR TANK " + parent) + " CANNON N ") + _local4); } else { _x = _local5._x; _y = _local5._y; } fires = new Array(); fireNum = 1; _local4 = 0; _local4++; while (this["shoot" + _local4]) { fires.push(this["shoot" + _local4]); } } function initGun() { gunZ = new Array(); currentGun = 0; } function addGun(t, mt, c, bt, bs, dd, br, tl, am, fs, fm, fd, bd, ca, to) { gunZ.push(new weapon(this, gunZ.length)); gunZ[gunZ.length - 1].init(t, mt, c, bt, bs, dd, br, tl, am, fs, fm, fd, bd, to); if (_global.noSet(ca)) { ca = "t"; } cannonAngleType = ca.charAt(0); if (((cannonAngleType != "t") && (cannonAngleType != "w")) && (cannonAngleType != "h")) { cannonAngleType = "t"; } cannonAngle = parseFloat(ca.substr(1, 100)); if (_global.noSet(cannonAngle)) { cannonAngle = 0; } } function bang(obj) { return(gunZ[currentGun].bang(obj)); } function makeBang(bt, bs, dm, bulletDir, bulletFactor, obj, gunObj, angle) { var _local9; var _local13; if (_global.noSet(angle)) { angle = 0; _local9 = 0; _local13 = 0; } else if (angle == 3000) { _local9 = 4; _local13 = 0; angle = 0; } else if (angle == -3000) { _local9 = -4; _local13 = 0; angle = 0; } else { _local9 = angle; _local13 = -20; angle = 0; } var _local22 = fireNum; if (fires.length > 1) { fireNum++; } if (fireNum > fires.length) { fireNum = 1; } var _local11 = fireNum; if (obj == 1) { if (fireNum == 3) { _local11 = (fireNum = 1); } if (currentGun == 0) { fireNum = _local22; _local11 = 3; } } if (gunObj.bulletTopLevel == 0) { var _local18 =; } if (gunObj.bulletTopLevel == 1) { var _local18 =; } var _local21 = _local18.getNextHighestDepth(); var _local4 = _local18.attachMovie(bt, "f" + _local21, _local21); var _local19 = ((_rotation - 90) + angle) + parent.gunHolder._rotation; var _local6 = _local19 / _global.PI2; _local4._rotation = _local19 - 90; var _local8 = {x:fires[_local11 - 1]._x, y:fires[_local11 - 1]._y}; localToGlobal(_local8); var _local12 = {x:_local8.x, y:_local8.y}; _local4._parent.globalToLocal(_local8); _local4.moveTo(_local8.x + _local9, _local8.y - _local13); _local4.flySteps = gunObj.flySteps; _local4.flyMinScale = gunObj.flyMinScale; _local4.inQueue(60); if (gunObj.flySteps == 0) { _local4.setMotion(bs * Math.cos(_local6), bs * Math.sin(_local6)); if ((cannonAngleType != "t") && (bulletDir != "d")) { _local4.bulletDir = bulletDir; if (!_global.noSet(bulletFactor)) { _local4.bulletFactor = bulletFactor; } =; _local4.tx =; _local4.ty =; _local4.bulletSpeed = bs; } } else { _local4._rotation = 0; if (obj == 1) { var _local15 = _root._xmouse - _local12.x; var _local14 = _root._ymouse - _local12.y; var _local20 = Math.sqrt((_local15 * _local15) + (_local14 * _local14)); _local6 = Math.atan2(_local14, _local15); var _local23 = ((parent.base._xmouse > 0) ? 1 : -1); _local6 = _local6 + ((_local23 * angle) / _global.PI2); _local4.setMotion((_local20 * Math.cos(_local6)) / (gunObj.flySteps - 1), (_local20 * Math.sin(_local6)) / (gunObj.flySteps - 1)); } if (obj == 0) { if (cannonAngleType == "t") { var _local16 = {,}; _local4._parent.localToGlobal(_local16); _local4.setMotion((_local16.x - _local12.x) / (gunObj.flySteps - 1), (_local16.y - _local12.y) / (gunObj.flySteps - 1)); } else { bs = gunObj.flyDistance / (gunObj.flySteps - 1); _local4.setMotion(bs * Math.cos(_local6), bs * Math.sin(_local6)); } } } _local4.damage = dm; _local4.object = obj; _local4.type = bt; _local4.fireAngle = _local6; if ((gunObj.splashDamage != 0) && (!_global.noSet(gunObj.splashDamage))) { _local4.splashDamage = gunObj.splashDamage * (gunObj.nuke ? 2 : 1); _local4.damageRadius = gunObj.damageRadius * (gunObj.nuke ? 2 : 1); _local4.splashDelay = gunObj.splashDelay; } } function changeGun(newWeapon) { if (newWeapon == currentGun) { return(true); } if (newWeapon >= gunZ.length) { _global.debug(("Cannot change weapon to " + newWeapon) + ", not inited"); return(false); } currentGun = newWeapon; return(true); } function initSplash(sd, dr, del) { gunZ[gunZ.length - 1].initSplash(sd, dr, del); } var fireNum = 1; var cannonAngleType = "t"; var cannonAngle = 0; var currentGun = 0; }
Symbol 682 MovieClip [__Packages.weapon] Frame 0
class weapon { var myObj, bulletSpeed; function weapon (target, nu) { myObj = target; myNum = nu; empty = true; multiple = 1; } function initSplash(sd, dr, del) { splashDamage = sd; damageRadius = dr; splashDelay = del; } function init(t, mt, c, bt, bs, dd, br, tl, am, fs, fm, fd, bd, to) { if (_global.noSet(bt)) { return(undefined); } if (_global.noSet(to)) { to = 0; } flySteps = parseInt(fs); if (_global.noSet(flySteps)) { flySteps = 0; } flyMinScale = parseInt(fm); if (_global.noSet(flyMinScale)) { flyMinScale = 0; } flyDistance = parseInt(fd); if (_global.noSet(flyDistance)) { flyDistance = 100; } empty = false; startReloadTime = (reloadTime = t); startReloadMicroTime = (reloadMicroTime = mt); clip = c; if (!_global.noSet(bt)) { bulletType = bt; } if (!_global.noSet(bs)) { bulletSpeed = bs; } if (_global.noSet(am)) { amount = -100; } else { amount = am; } if (!_global.noSet(tl)) { bulletTopLevel = tl; } if ((bulletTopLevel != 0) && (bulletTopLevel != 1)) { bulletTopLevel = 0; } if (_global.noSet(dd)) { bulletDir = "d"; } else { bulletDir = dd; } if (!_global.noSet(br)) { bulletFactor = br; } damage = bd; reload = true; to = parseInt(to); if (_global.noSet(to)) { to = 0; } bangTime = _global.clock + to; } function bang(obj) { if (empty) { return(false); } if ((reloadMicroTime == reloadTime) && (reloadTime == 0)) { return(false); } if ((!reload) && ((_global.clock - bangTime) < reloadMicroTime)) { return(false); } if (reload && ((_global.clock - bangTime) < reloadTime)) { return(false); } if (amount == 0) { return(false); } if (reload) { reload = false; shootCount = 0; } shootCount++; var _local6 = "s_" + bulletType; if ((bulletType == "rocket1") || (bulletType == "rocket2")) { _local6 = "s_rocket"; } if (bulletType == "playerShoot") { _local6 = "s_shoot"; }, myObj.parent._x); if (shootCount == clip) { reload = true; } bangTime = _global.clock; var _local4 = damage * (doubleDamage ? 2 : 1); if (amount > 0) { amount--; } if ((obj == 1) && (myNum == 1)) { = amount; } if (multiple == 1) { myObj.makeBang(bulletType, bulletSpeed, _local4, bulletDir, bulletFactor, obj, this); } else if (multiple == 3) { myObj.makeBang(bulletType, bulletSpeed, _local4, bulletDir, bulletFactor, obj, this, 15); myObj.makeBang(bulletType, bulletSpeed, _local4, bulletDir, bulletFactor, obj, this, -15); } else if (multiple == 5) { myObj.makeBang(bulletType, bulletSpeed, _local4, bulletDir, bulletFactor, obj, this); myObj.makeBang(bulletType, bulletSpeed, _local4, bulletDir, bulletFactor, obj, this, 15); myObj.makeBang(bulletType, bulletSpeed, _local4, bulletDir, bulletFactor, obj, this, -15); } else if (multiple == 7) { myObj.makeBang(bulletType, bulletSpeed, _local4, bulletDir, bulletFactor, obj, this, 3000); myObj.makeBang(bulletType, bulletSpeed, _local4, bulletDir, bulletFactor, obj, this, -3000); myObj.makeBang(bulletType, bulletSpeed, _local4, bulletDir, bulletFactor, obj, this, 15); myObj.makeBang(bulletType, bulletSpeed, _local4, bulletDir, bulletFactor, obj, this, -15); } return(true); } var empty = true; var bulletType = "gunshot"; var flySteps = 0; var flyMinScale = 0; var flyDistance = 100; var amount = -100; var bulletDir = "d"; var bulletFactor = 5; var bulletTopLevel = 0; var reloadTime = 0; var startReloadTime = 0; var reloadMicroTime = 0; var startReloadMicroTime = 0; var clip = 0; var reload = false; var multiple = 1; var doubleDamage = false; var doubleSpeed = false; var shootCount = 0; var bangTime = 0; var damage = 0; var myNum = 0; var splashDamage = 0; var damageRadius = 0; var splashDelay = 0; var nuke = false; }
Symbol 683 MovieClip [__Packages.autoExplode] Frame 0
class autoExplode extends splashedObject { var explodeTimer, changeArmor, kill; function autoExplode () { super(); } function oEF() { super.oEF(); if (_global.noSet(explodeTimer)) { return(undefined); } explodeTimer--; if (explodeTimer <= 0) { _global.checkSplash(this); changeArmor(-100000); kill(); } } }
Symbol 684 MovieClip [__Packages.playerClass] Frame 0
class playerClass extends tankClass { var offsetTop, offsetBottom, offsetLeft, offsetRight, offReaction, playerBaseRotation, base, shadow, cannons, bar, startArmor, x, speedX, _parent, speedY, y, moveBy, gunHolder, init, initMove, armor, startBlink, live; function playerClass () { super(); offsetTop =; offsetBottom = _global.envS.playerOffset.bottom; offsetLeft = _global.envS.playerOffset.left; offsetRight = _global.envS.playerOffset.right; offReaction = "stand"; oldTab = Key.isToggled(9); speedFactor = _global.playerS.speedFactor; rotationFactor = _global.playerS.rotationFactor; } function setMotion(a, b) { super.setMotion(0, 0); startBaseSpeedX = (baseSpeedX = a); startBaseSpeedY = (baseSpeedY = b); playerBaseRotation = (shadow._rotation = (realRotation = (base._rotation = -_global.envS.defaultRotation))); } function initTank(a, b, c, ar, wb, sh, msh, mar, sha) { shield = sh; maxShield = msh; super.initTank(a, b, c, ar, wb, false, 1, sha); var _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < cannons.length) { cannons[_local4]._y = cannons[_local4]._y * -1; _local4++; } if (_global.envS.debug == 1) { bar._y = 20; } startArmor = Math.max(mar, ar); showArmor(); } function oEF() { var _local14 = cannons[0].currentGun; if ((Key.isDown(49) || (Key.isDown(90))) || (Key.isDown(46))) { if (cannons[0].changeGun(0)) { _root.lbar.weaponSelector.gotoAndStop(1); if (cannons[0].currentGun != _local14) {"changeWeapon", x, true); } } } if ((Key.isDown(50) || (Key.isDown(88))) || (Key.isDown(35))) { if (cannons[0].changeGun(1)) { _root.lbar.weaponSelector.gotoAndStop(2); if (cannons[0].currentGun != _local14) {"changeWeapon", x, true); } } } speedX = (_parent._xmouse - x) / speedFactor; speedY = (_parent._ymouse - y) / speedFactor; var _local9 = Math.floor(speedX / 3) + 6; if (_local9 < 1) { _local9 = 1; } if (_local9 > base.vis._totalframes) { _local9 = base.vis._totalframes; } base.vis.gotoAndStop(_local9); shadow.vis.gotoAndStop(_local9); if ((Math.abs(speedX) > 0.5) || (Math.abs(speedY) > 0.5)) { if ((_global.clock % 2) == 0) { var _local11 =; var _local10 ="tile", "t" + _local11, _local11); _local10._x = x; _local10._y = y; } } if (recoilTimer < _global.playerS.recoilLength) { recoilTimer++; var _local13 = recoilAngle / _global.PI2; var _local12 = _global.playerS.recoil * Math.cos((Math.PI * recoilTimer) / ((2 * _global.playerS.recoilLength) + 1)); moveBy((_local12 * Math.cos(_local13)) / recoilTimer, (_local12 * Math.sin(_local13)) / recoilTimer); } super.oEF(); shadow._rotation = (base._rotation = 0); gunHolder._rotation = 0; var _local15 = cannons[0]._rotation; cannons[0]._rotation = base._rotation; if (!(init && (initMove))) { return(undefined); } if (_global.gameInProcess) { if (Key.isDown(32)) { } if (autoFire) { if (bang(1)) { recoilAngle = _local15 + 90; recoilTimer = 0; _global.rezults.shots++; } if (cannons[0].changeGun(1)) { if (bang(1)) { _global.rezults.shots++; } cannons[0].changeGun(0); } } } var _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < cannons[0].gunZ.length) { var _local5 = cannons[0].gunZ[_local7]; if (_local5.reload) { var _local6 = 100 * ((_global.clock - _local5.bangTime) / _local5.reloadTime); } else { var _local6 = 100 * ((_global.clock - _local5.bangTime) / _local5.reloadMicroTime); } if (_local6 > 100) { var _local6 = 100; } var _local8 = _root.lbar["w" + _local7].ico; if ((_local6 < 100) || (_local8._currentframe <= 50)) { _local8.gotoAndPlay(Math.ceil(_local6 / 2)); } _local7++; } } function check() { super.check(); } function initGun(t, mt, c, bt, bs, tl, am, fs, fm, fd, bd, sd, dr, del) { super.initGun(t, mt, c, bt, bs, "d", undefined, tl, am, fs, fm, fd, bd); if ((!_global.noSet(sd)) && (sd != 0)) { var _local7 = sd.split(","); if (_global.noSet(_local7)) { _local7 = new Array(); _local7.push(sd); } var _local5 = dr.split(","); if (_global.noSet(_local5)) { _local5 = new Array(); _local5.push(dr); } var _local6 = del.split(","); if (_global.noSet(_local6)) { _local6 = new Array(); _local6.push(del); } var _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < cannons.length) { cannons[_local4].initSplash(_local7[_local4], _local5[_local4], _local6[_local4]); _local4++; } } showWeapon(cannons[0].gunZ.length - 1); } function addGun(t, mt, c, bt, bs, tl, am, fs, fm, fd, bd, sd, dr, del) { super.addGun(t, mt, c, bt, bs, "d", undefined, tl, am, fs, fm, fd, bd); if ((!_global.noSet(sd)) && (sd != 0)) { var _local7 = sd.split(","); if (_global.noSet(_local7)) { _local7 = new Array(); _local7.push(sd); } var _local5 = dr.split(","); if (_global.noSet(_local5)) { _local5 = new Array(); _local5.push(dr); } var _local6 = del.split(","); if (_global.noSet(_local6)) { _local6 = new Array(); _local6.push(del); } var _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < cannons.length) { cannons[_local4].initSplash(_local7[_local4], _local5[_local4], _local6[_local4]); _local4++; } } showWeapon(cannons[0].gunZ.length - 1); } function showWeapon(n) { var _local3 = cannons[0].gunZ[n]; _root.lbar["w" + n].gotoAndStop((("on" + (_local3.doubleDamage ? "dbl" : "")) + (_local3.nuke ? "nuke" : "")) + (_local3.triple ? "tri" : "")); } function onMouseDown() { if (_global.gameInProcess) { autoFire = true; } } function onMouseUp() { if (_global.gameInProcess) { autoFire = false; } } function bang(obj) { var _local3 = super.bang(obj); if ((_local3 && (cannons[0].currentGun == 1)) && (cannons[0].gunZ[1].nuke)) { cannons[0].gunZ[1].nuke = false; cannons[0].gunZ[1].bulletType = "rocket"; showWeapon(1); } return(_local3); } function showArmor() { super.showArmor(); = Math.round((100 * armor) / startArmor); } function changeShield(delta) { shield = shield + delta; if (shield > maxShield) { shield = maxShield; } if (shield < 0) { shield = 0; } if (delta > 0) { startBlink("shield"); } } function changeArmor(delta) { if (!live) { return(undefined); } if (delta < 0) { var _local3 = Math.ceil(delta / 2); if ((-_local3) > shield) { _local3 = -shield; } var _local4 = delta - _local3; changeShield(_local3); } else { var _local3 = 0; var _local4 = delta; } super.changeArmor(_local4); } function destroy() { _global.gameOver = true; super.destroy(true); } function applyBonus(type) { startBlink("takebonus"); switch (type) { case "speed" :"upgrade", x); baseSpeedX = startBaseSpeedX * 2; baseSpeedY = startBaseSpeedY * 2; _root.gui.speed.gotoAndStop(2); break; case "miniHealth" :"upgrade2", x); changeArmor(startArmor / 2); showArmor(); break; case "fullHealth" :"upgrade2", x); changeArmor(startArmor); showArmor(); break; case "weaponAdder" :"upgrade", x); cannons[0].gunZ[0].multiple = cannons[0].gunZ[0].multiple + 2; if (cannons[0].gunZ[0].multiple > 7) { cannons[0].gunZ[0].multiple = 7; } showWeapon(0); _root.gui.adder.gotoAndStop(cannons[0].gunZ[0].multiple); break; case "double" :"upgrade", x); cannons[0].gunZ[0].nuke = true; cannons[0].gunZ[0].doubleDamage = true; cannons[0].gunZ[0].bulletType = "ball_fire"; showWeapon(0); _root.gui.double.gotoAndStop(2); break; case "fireRate" :"upgrade", x); var _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < cannons.length) { var _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < cannons[_local5].gunZ.length) { cannons[_local5].gunZ[_local4].reloadTime = cannons[_local5].gunZ[_local4].reloadTime - (cannons[_local5].gunZ[_local4].startReloadTime / 4); cannons[_local5].gunZ[_local4].reloadMicroTime = cannons[_local5].gunZ[_local4].reloadMicroTime - (cannons[_local5].gunZ[_local4].startReloadMicroTime / 4); if (cannons[_local5].gunZ[_local4].reloadTime < (cannons[_local5].gunZ[_local4].startReloadTime / 2)) { cannons[_local5].gunZ[_local4].reloadTime = cannons[_local5].gunZ[_local4].startReloadTime / 2; cannons[_local5].gunZ[_local4].reloadMicroTime = cannons[_local5].gunZ[_local4].startReloadMicroTime / 2; } trace((("start reload time:" + cannons[_local5].gunZ[_local4].startReloadTime) + " current: ") + cannons[_local5].gunZ[_local4].reloadTime); _local4++; } _local5++; } _root.gui.fireRate.gotoAndStop(2); showWeapon(0); break; case "rocket1" :"upgrade2", x); cannons[0].gunZ[1].amount = cannons[0].gunZ[1].amount + 20; _root.gui.rockets.gotoAndStop(2); = cannons[0].gunZ[1].amount; cannons[0].gunZ[1].bulletType = "rocket"; cannons[0].gunZ[1].doubleDamage = false; break; case "rocket2" :"upgrade2", x); cannons[0].gunZ[1].amount = 20; _root.gui.rockets.gotoAndStop(3); = 20; cannons[0].gunZ[1].bulletType = "rocket2"; cannons[0].gunZ[1].doubleDamage = true; } } var playerDx = 0; var playerDy = 0; var baseSpeedX = 0; var baseSpeedY = 0; var startBaseSpeedX = 0; var startBaseSpeedY = 0; var speedFactor = 0; var rotationFactor = 0; var realRotation = 0; var rotSign = 0; var shield = 0; var maxShield = 0; var recoilTimer = 10; var recoilAngle = 0; var oldTab = false; var autoFire = false; }
Symbol 685 MovieClip [__Packages.soundCollector] Frame 0
class soundCollector extends MovieClip { var col, getNextHighestDepth, createEmptyMovieClip; function soundCollector () { super(); col = new Array(); var _local8 = 0; while (_local8 < arrayLength) { var _local5 = getNextHighestDepth(); var _local6 = createEmptyMovieClip("mc_" + _local5, _local5); var _local4 = new Sound(_local6); _local4.onSoundComplete = scomplete; var _local7 = {mc:_local6, snd:_local4, free:true, cont:false, pri:false}; = _local7; col.push(_local7); _local8++; } _global.sound = this; } function set width(w) { if (w >= 0) { __width = w; } //return(width); } function get width() { return(__width); } function set volume(v) { if (v >= 0) { __volume = v; } //return(volume); } function get volume() { return(__volume); } function set enable(e) { __enable = e; if (!__enable) { var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < arrayLength) { col[_local2].snd.stop(); _local2++; } } //return(enable); } function get enable() { return(__enable); } function play(linkage, xpos, priority, num, volume) { if (_global.envS.debug && (_global.envS.soundDebug)) { _global.debug((("Sound collector: sound: " + linkage) + ", xpos=") + xpos); } if (!__enable) { return(undefined); } if (_global.noSet(priority)) { priority = false; } if (_global.noSet(num)) { num = 1; } if (num == -1) { num = 1000000000 /* 0x3B9ACA00 */; } var _local13 = false; var _local5 = -1; var _local6 = 0; var _local7 = -1; var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < arrayLength) { if (col[_local3].free || (_global.noSet(col[_local3].snd.position))) { col[_local3].free = true; _local5 = _local3; break; } if (!col[_local3].pri) { var _local4 = col[_local3].snd.position / col[_local3].snd.duration; if (_local4 > _local6) { _local6 = _local4; _local7 = _local3; } } _local3++; } if (_local5 == -1) { if (priority) { if (_global.envS.debug && (_global.envS.soundDebug)) { _global.debug(((((("Sound collector: all slots busy, using slot " + _local7) + " (") + col[_local7].linkage) + ": ") + (col[_local7].snd.position / col[_local7].snd.duration)) + ")"); } _local5 = _local7; col[_local5].snd.stop(); } else if (_global.envS.debug && (_global.envS.soundDebug)) { _global.debug("Sound collector: all slots busy, this sound skipping because of their low priority"); } } if (_local5 != -1) { if (_global.envS.debug && (_global.envS.soundDebug)) { _global.debug("Sound collector: using slot: " + _local5); } var _local8 = col[_local5]; _local8.snd.attachSound(linkage); _local8.snd.setVolume(this.volume); = undefined; if (!_global.noSet(xpos)) { if (typeof(xpos) == "number") { _local8.snd.setPan(calcPan(xpos)); } if (typeof(xpos) == "movieclip") { = xpos; } } else { _local8.snd.setPan(0); } _local8.snd.start(0, num); = false; _local8.linkage = linkage; _local8.pri = priority; } } function stop(linkage) { var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < arrayLength) { if (col[_local2].linkage == linkage) { col[_local2].snd.stop(); col[_local2].free = true; } _local2++; } } function scomplete() { var _local2 = this; = true; } function oEF() { var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < arrayLength) { if (!_global.noSet(col[_local3].target)) { col[_local3].snd.setPan(calcPan(col[_local3].target._x)); } _local3++; } } function calcPan(xpos) { return((((100 * xpos) / __width) * 2) - 100); } var arrayLength = 8; var __volume = 100; var __width = 100; var __enable = true; }
Symbol 686 MovieClip [__Packages.bgClass] Frame 0
class bgClass extends movingObject { var _y, bg1, bg2; function bgClass () { super(); } function check() { if ((bg1._y + _y) > 400) { bg1._y = bg1._y - 2400; } if ((bg2._y + _y) > 400) { bg2._y = bg2._y - 2400; } } function oEF() { super.oEF(); } }
Symbol 522 Button
on (press) { _global.language_pre = "pt"; _root.nextFrame(); }
Symbol 524 Button
on (press) { _global.language_pre = "ru"; _root.nextFrame(); }
Symbol 526 Button
on (press) { _global.language_pre = "de"; _root.nextFrame(); }
Symbol 528 Button
on (press) { _global.language_pre = "fr"; _root.nextFrame(); }
Symbol 530 Button
on (press) { _global.language_pre = "es"; _root.nextFrame(); }
Symbol 532 Button
on (press) { _global.language_pre = "en"; _root.nextFrame(); }
Symbol 534 MovieClip [#soundz] Frame 1
#initclip 65 Object.registerClass("#soundz", soundCollector); #endinitclip
Symbol 541 Button
on (release) { _root.noNewGame = false;"menu"); _root.gotoAndStop("prolog"); }
Symbol 546 Button
on (release) { _root.noNewGame = true;"menu"); _root.gotoAndStop("help"); }
Symbol 551 Button
on (press) {"menu"); openSite(); }
Symbol 555 Button
on (press) { this._parent.soundOff(); this.gotoAndStop(2); }
Symbol 557 Button
on (press) { this._parent.soundOn(); this.gotoAndStop(1); }
Symbol 558 MovieClip Frame 1
this.stop(); _root.soundStarter.gotoAndPlay("start"); sound.enable = true;
Symbol 558 MovieClip Frame 2
this.stop(); _root.soundStarter.gotoAndPlay("stop"); sound.enable = false;
Symbol 560 MovieClip Frame 1
_visible = false;
Symbol 560 MovieClip Frame 3
if (!sound.enable) { gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 560 MovieClip Frame 7
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 560 MovieClip Frame 12
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 567 Button
on (release) {"menu"); gotoAndStop ("menu"); }
Symbol 596 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 596 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 596 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 604 Button
on (release) {"menu"); _root.gotoAndStop("game"); }
Symbol 609 Button
on (press) { d = 1; } on (release, releaseOutside) { d = 0; }
Symbol 618 Button
on (press) { _parent.drag = true; startDrag (this, false, 0, 0, 0, _parent.l._height); } on (release, releaseOutside) { _parent.drag = false; stopDrag(); }
Symbol 624 Button
on (press) { d = -1; } on (release, releaseOutside) { d = 0; }
Symbol 627 MovieClip Frame 1
_x = 275; _y = 200;
Instance of Symbol 625 MovieClip "slider" in Symbol 627 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { l._visible = false; d = 0; Mouse.removeListener(_root.obj); delete _root.obj; _root.obj = new Object(); _root.obj.onMouseWheel = function (d) { _root.wnd_prolog.intro1.scroll = _root.wnd_prolog.intro1.scroll - (d / 3); }; Mouse.addListener(_root.obj); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (drag) { _parent.intro1.scroll = ((b._y * (_parent.intro1.maxscroll - 1)) / l._height) + 1; } else { _parent.intro1.scroll = _parent.intro1.scroll + d; b._y = (l._height * (_parent.intro1.scroll - 1)) / (_parent.intro1.maxscroll - 1); } }
Symbol 633 Button
on (release) { if (mode == 1) {"menu"); this.f = makeBreef; this.f(true); delete this.f; } else if (mode == 2) { Mouse.removeListener(_root.obj); delete _root.obj;"menu"); _root.gotoAndStop("level"); } }
Symbol 634 MovieClip Frame 1
_x = 275; _y = 200;
Instance of Symbol 625 MovieClip "slider" in Symbol 634 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { l._visible = false; d = 0; Mouse.removeListener(_root.obj); delete _root.obj; _root.obj = new Object(); _root.obj.onMouseWheel = function (d) { _root.wnd.intro1.scroll = _root.wnd.intro1.scroll - (d / 3); }; Mouse.addListener(_root.obj); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (drag) { _parent.intro1.scroll = ((b._y * (_parent.intro1.maxscroll - 1)) / l._height) + 1; } else { _parent.intro1.scroll = _parent.intro1.scroll + d; b._y = (l._height * (_parent.intro1.scroll - 1)) / (_parent.intro1.maxscroll - 1); } }
Symbol 636 MovieClip [#BGfull] Frame 1
#initclip 66 Object.registerClass("#BGfull", bgClass); #endinitclip
Symbol 642 Button
on (release) {"menu"); if (_global.levels["level_" + (levelNum + 1)] != undefined) { _root.gotoAndStop("game"); } else if (!flag) { _visible = false; _root.wnd_epilog._visible = true; _root.wnd_epilog.intro1.text = prepareText(_global.envS.epilog); if (_root.wnd_epilog.intro1.maxscroll == 1) { _root.wnd_epilog.slider._visible = false; } } else { openSite(); _root.gotoAndStop("menu"); } }
Symbol 648 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 651 MovieClip Frame 1
_x = 275; _y = 200;
Symbol 656 Button
on (release) { stopAllEngines(); _root.gotoAndStop("menu");"menu"); }
Symbol 657 Button
on (release) {"menu"); keyGetter.onKeyDown(true); }
Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1
_x = 275; _y = 200; ttz = _global.envS["textZ_" + language_pre]; title.text = ttz.gamePausedTitle; tf.htmlText = ttz.gamePausedString;
Symbol 670 Button
on (release) {"menu"); _visible = false; _root.wndComplete._visible = true; _root.endGameOutput(); }
Symbol 672 MovieClip Frame 1
_x = 275; _y = 200;
Instance of Symbol 625 MovieClip "slider" in Symbol 672 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { l._visible = false; d = 0; Mouse.removeListener(_root.obj); delete _root.obj; _root.obj = new Object(); _root.obj.onMouseWheel = function (d) { _root.wnd_epilog.intro1.scroll = _root.wnd_epilog.intro1.scroll - (d / 3); }; Mouse.addListener(_root.obj); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (drag) { _parent.intro1.scroll = ((b._y * (_parent.intro1.maxscroll - 1)) / l._height) + 1; } else { _parent.intro1.scroll = _parent.intro1.scroll + d; b._y = (l._height * (_parent.intro1.scroll - 1)) / (_parent.intro1.maxscroll - 1); } }

Library Items

Symbol 1 GraphicUsed by:2 459
Symbol 2 MovieClipUses:1Used by:16
Symbol 3 BitmapUsed by:4
Symbol 4 GraphicUses:3Used by:5
Symbol 5 MovieClipUses:4Used by:16
Symbol 6 GraphicUsed by:7
Symbol 7 MovieClipUses:6Used by:8 16 160 166 174 184 204 213 255 263 275 301 317 326 371 377 383 389 395 401 448 460
Symbol 8 MovieClipUses:7Used by:12 88 89 90 91 93 95 97 98 123 125 160 177 301 338 340 448 495 534 596 636
Symbol 9 ShapeTweeningUsed by:12
Symbol 10 ShapeTweeningUsed by:12
Symbol 11 GraphicUsed by:12 428
Symbol 12 MovieClipUses:8 9 10 11Used by:16 130 161 166 174 196 197 198 199 275 301 304 317 326 330 456 460
Symbol 13 BitmapUsed by:14
Symbol 14 GraphicUses:13Used by:15
Symbol 15 MovieClipUses:14Used by:16
Symbol 16 MovieClip [boss_jetfighter]Uses:2 5 12 7 15Used by:Timeline
Symbol 17 GraphicUsed by:579  Timeline
Symbol 18 GraphicUsed by:23 27 136 162 167 178 200 209 256 268 280 310 322 444 655  Timeline
Symbol 19 GraphicUsed by:23
Symbol 20 GraphicUsed by:21
Symbol 21 MovieClipUses:20Used by:23
Symbol 22 GraphicUsed by:23
Symbol 23 MovieClipUses:18 19 21 22Used by:Timeline
Symbol 24 FontUsed by:25 626 628 671
Symbol 25 EditableTextUses:24Used by:Timeline
Symbol 26 GraphicUsed by:27
Symbol 27 ButtonUses:26 18Used by:Timeline
Symbol 28 FontUsed by:29
Symbol 29 EditableTextUses:28Used by:33
Symbol 30 GraphicUsed by:33
Symbol 31 GraphicUsed by:32
Symbol 32 MovieClipUses:31Used by:33
Symbol 33 MovieClipUses:29 30 32Used by:Timeline
Symbol 34 BitmapUsed by:35
Symbol 35 GraphicUses:34Used by:36
Symbol 36 MovieClipUses:35Used by:Timeline
Symbol 37 BitmapUsed by:38
Symbol 38 GraphicUses:37Used by:87
Symbol 39 ShapeTweeningUsed by:42
Symbol 40 ShapeTweeningUsed by:42
Symbol 41 GraphicUsed by:42
Symbol 42 MovieClipUses:39 40 41Used by:87
Symbol 43 BitmapUsed by:44
Symbol 44 GraphicUses:43Used by:87
Symbol 45 BitmapUsed by:46
Symbol 46 GraphicUses:45Used by:87
Symbol 47 BitmapUsed by:48
Symbol 48 GraphicUses:47Used by:87
Symbol 49 BitmapUsed by:50
Symbol 50 GraphicUses:49Used by:87
Symbol 51 BitmapUsed by:52
Symbol 52 GraphicUses:51Used by:87
Symbol 53 BitmapUsed by:54
Symbol 54 GraphicUses:53Used by:87
Symbol 55 BitmapUsed by:56
Symbol 56 GraphicUses:55Used by:87
Symbol 57 BitmapUsed by:58
Symbol 58 GraphicUses:57Used by:87
Symbol 59 BitmapUsed by:60
Symbol 60 GraphicUses:59Used by:87
Symbol 61 BitmapUsed by:62
Symbol 62 GraphicUses:61Used by:87
Symbol 63 BitmapUsed by:64
Symbol 64 GraphicUses:63Used by:87
Symbol 65 BitmapUsed by:66
Symbol 66 GraphicUses:65Used by:87
Symbol 67 BitmapUsed by:68
Symbol 68 GraphicUses:67Used by:87
Symbol 69 BitmapUsed by:70
Symbol 70 GraphicUses:69Used by:87
Symbol 71 BitmapUsed by:72
Symbol 72 GraphicUses:71Used by:87
Symbol 73 BitmapUsed by:74
Symbol 74 GraphicUses:73Used by:87
Symbol 75 BitmapUsed by:76
Symbol 76 GraphicUses:75Used by:87
Symbol 77 BitmapUsed by:78
Symbol 78 GraphicUses:77Used by:87
Symbol 79 BitmapUsed by:80
Symbol 80 GraphicUses:79Used by:87
Symbol 81 BitmapUsed by:82
Symbol 82 GraphicUses:81Used by:87
Symbol 83 BitmapUsed by:84
Symbol 84 GraphicUses:83Used by:87
Symbol 85 BitmapUsed by:86
Symbol 86 GraphicUses:85Used by:87
Symbol 87 MovieClip [explode]Uses:38 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86Used by:Timeline
Symbol 88 MovieClip [player]Uses:8Used by:636  Timeline
Symbol 89 MovieClip [enemy]Uses:8Used by:Timeline
Symbol 90 MovieClip [bullet]Uses:8Used by:Timeline
Symbol 91 MovieClip [queue]Uses:8Used by:Timeline
Symbol 92 GraphicUsed by:93
Symbol 93 MovieClip [circle_way]Uses:92 8Used by:Timeline
Symbol 94 GraphicUsed by:95
Symbol 95 MovieClip [line_way]Uses:94 8Used by:Timeline
Symbol 96 GraphicUsed by:97
Symbol 97 MovieClip [sin_way]Uses:96 8Used by:Timeline
Symbol 98 MovieClipUses:8Used by:103 108 113 135 309
Symbol 99 BitmapUsed by:100
Symbol 100 GraphicUses:99Used by:103
Symbol 101 ShapeTweeningUsed by:103
Symbol 102 GraphicUsed by:103
Symbol 103 MovieClip [bonus_miniHealth]Uses:98 100 101 102Used by:Timeline
Symbol 104 BitmapUsed by:105
Symbol 105 GraphicUses:104Used by:108
Symbol 106 ShapeTweeningUsed by:108
Symbol 107 GraphicUsed by:108
Symbol 108 MovieClip [bonus_fullHealth]Uses:98 105 106 107Used by:Timeline
Symbol 109 BitmapUsed by:110
Symbol 110 GraphicUses:109Used by:113
Symbol 111 ShapeTweeningUsed by:113
Symbol 112 GraphicUsed by:113
Symbol 113 MovieClip [bonus_fireRate]Uses:98 110 111 112Used by:Timeline
Symbol 114 GraphicUsed by:115 466 478
Symbol 115 MovieClipUses:114Used by:121 184 204 213 255 263 371 377 383 389 395 401
Symbol 116 ShapeTweeningUsed by:120
Symbol 117 ShapeTweeningUsed by:120
Symbol 118 ShapeTweeningUsed by:120
Symbol 119 GraphicUsed by:120 472
Symbol 120 MovieClipUses:116 117 118 119Used by:121
Symbol 121 MovieClip [userSplash]Uses:115 120Used by:Timeline
Symbol 122 GraphicUsed by:123
Symbol 123 MovieClip [bcircle_way]Uses:122 8Used by:Timeline
Symbol 124 GraphicUsed by:125
Symbol 125 MovieClip [tang_way]Uses:124 8Used by:Timeline
Symbol 126 BitmapUsed by:127
Symbol 127 GraphicUses:126Used by:130
Symbol 128 GraphicUsed by:129
Symbol 129 MovieClipUses:128Used by:130 304
Symbol 130 MovieClip [rocket]Uses:127 129 12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 131 BitmapUsed by:132
Symbol 132 GraphicUses:131Used by:135
Symbol 133 ShapeTweeningUsed by:135
Symbol 134 GraphicUsed by:135
Symbol 135 MovieClip [bonus_weaponAdder]Uses:98 132 133 134Used by:Timeline
Symbol 136 MovieClipUses:18Used by:160
Symbol 137 BitmapUsed by:138
Symbol 138 GraphicUses:137Used by:139
Symbol 139 MovieClipUses:138Used by:160
Symbol 140 BitmapUsed by:141
Symbol 141 GraphicUses:140Used by:156
Symbol 142 BitmapUsed by:143
Symbol 143 GraphicUses:142Used by:156
Symbol 144 BitmapUsed by:145
Symbol 145 GraphicUses:144Used by:156
Symbol 146 BitmapUsed by:147
Symbol 147 GraphicUses:146Used by:156
Symbol 148 BitmapUsed by:149
Symbol 149 GraphicUses:148Used by:156
Symbol 150 BitmapUsed by:151
Symbol 151 GraphicUses:150Used by:156
Symbol 152 BitmapUsed by:153
Symbol 153 GraphicUses:152Used by:156
Symbol 154 BitmapUsed by:155
Symbol 155 GraphicUses:154Used by:156
Symbol 156 MovieClipUses:141 143 145 147 149 151 153 155Used by:160 174 317
Symbol 157 BitmapUsed by:158
Symbol 158 GraphicUses:157Used by:159
Symbol 159 MovieClipUses:158Used by:160
Symbol 160 MovieClip [player_base]Uses:136 139 156 8 7 159Used by:Timeline
Symbol 161 MovieClip [player_gun]Uses:12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 162 MovieClipUses:18Used by:166
Symbol 163 BitmapUsed by:164
Symbol 164 GraphicUses:163Used by:165
Symbol 165 MovieClipUses:164Used by:166
Symbol 166 MovieClip [tank_base]Uses:162 165 12 7Used by:Timeline
Symbol 167 MovieClipUses:18Used by:174
Symbol 168 BitmapUsed by:169
Symbol 169 GraphicUses:168Used by:170
Symbol 170 MovieClipUses:169Used by:174
Symbol 171 BitmapUsed by:172
Symbol 172 GraphicUses:171Used by:173
Symbol 173 MovieClipUses:172Used by:174
Symbol 174 MovieClip [heli2_base]Uses:167 170 156 12 7 173Used by:Timeline
Symbol 175 GraphicUsed by:176
Symbol 176 MovieClipUses:175Used by:177
Symbol 177 MovieClip [empty_base]Uses:176 8Used by:Timeline
Symbol 178 MovieClipUses:18Used by:184
Symbol 179 BitmapUsed by:180
Symbol 180 GraphicUses:179Used by:181
Symbol 181 MovieClipUses:180Used by:184
Symbol 182 BitmapUsed by:183
Symbol 183 GraphicUses:182Used by:184 204 255 371 377 383 389 395 401
Symbol 184 MovieClip [oil]Uses:178 181 115 7 183Used by:Timeline
Symbol 185 BitmapUsed by:186
Symbol 186 GraphicUses:185Used by:187
Symbol 187 MovieClipUses:186Used by:188
Symbol 188 MovieClip [heli2_shadow]Uses:187Used by:Timeline
Symbol 189 BitmapUsed by:190
Symbol 190 GraphicUses:189Used by:191
Symbol 191 MovieClipUses:190Used by:192
Symbol 192 MovieClip [player_shadow]Uses:191Used by:Timeline
Symbol 193 BitmapUsed by:194
Symbol 194 GraphicUses:193Used by:195
Symbol 195 MovieClipUses:194Used by:196
Symbol 196 MovieClip [gun_pzrk]Uses:12 195Used by:Timeline
Symbol 197 MovieClip [gun_1]Uses:12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 198 MovieClip [gun_2]Uses:12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 199 MovieClip [gun_3]Uses:12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 200 MovieClipUses:18Used by:204
Symbol 201 BitmapUsed by:202
Symbol 202 GraphicUses:201Used by:203
Symbol 203 MovieClipUses:202Used by:204 383
Symbol 204 MovieClip [tower]Uses:200 203 115 7 183Used by:Timeline
Symbol 205 BitmapUsed by:206
Symbol 206 GraphicUses:205Used by:207 461
Symbol 207 MovieClipUses:206Used by:208
Symbol 208 MovieClip [heli_pad]Uses:207Used by:Timeline
Symbol 209 MovieClipUses:18Used by:213
Symbol 210 BitmapUsed by:211
Symbol 211 GraphicUses:210Used by:212
Symbol 212 MovieClipUses:211Used by:213
Symbol 213 MovieClip [wall]Uses:209 212 115 7Used by:Timeline
Symbol 214 BitmapUsed by:215
Symbol 215 GraphicUses:214Used by:216
Symbol 216 MovieClip [fence]Uses:215Used by:Timeline
Symbol 217 GraphicUsed by:218
Symbol 218 MovieClipUses:217Used by:255
Symbol 219 BitmapUsed by:220
Symbol 220 GraphicUses:219Used by:221
Symbol 221 MovieClipUses:220Used by:255
Symbol 222 BitmapUsed by:223
Symbol 223 GraphicUses:222Used by:254
Symbol 224 BitmapUsed by:225
Symbol 225 GraphicUses:224Used by:254
Symbol 226 BitmapUsed by:227
Symbol 227 GraphicUses:226Used by:254
Symbol 228 BitmapUsed by:229
Symbol 229 GraphicUses:228Used by:254
Symbol 230 BitmapUsed by:231
Symbol 231 GraphicUses:230Used by:254
Symbol 232 BitmapUsed by:233
Symbol 233 GraphicUses:232Used by:254
Symbol 234 BitmapUsed by:235
Symbol 235 GraphicUses:234Used by:254
Symbol 236 BitmapUsed by:237
Symbol 237 GraphicUses:236Used by:254
Symbol 238 BitmapUsed by:239
Symbol 239 GraphicUses:238Used by:254
Symbol 240 BitmapUsed by:241
Symbol 241 GraphicUses:240Used by:254
Symbol 242 BitmapUsed by:243
Symbol 243 GraphicUses:242Used by:254
Symbol 244 BitmapUsed by:245
Symbol 245 GraphicUses:244Used by:254
Symbol 246 BitmapUsed by:247
Symbol 247 GraphicUses:246Used by:254
Symbol 248 BitmapUsed by:249
Symbol 249 GraphicUses:248Used by:254
Symbol 250 BitmapUsed by:251
Symbol 251 GraphicUses:250Used by:254
Symbol 252 BitmapUsed by:253
Symbol 253 GraphicUses:252Used by:254
Symbol 254 MovieClipUses:223 225 227 229 231 233 235 237 239 241 243 245 247 249 251 253Used by:255
Symbol 255 MovieClip [radar]Uses:218 221 254 115 7 183Used by:Timeline
Symbol 256 MovieClipUses:18Used by:263
Symbol 257 BitmapUsed by:258
Symbol 258 GraphicUses:257Used by:259
Symbol 259 MovieClipUses:258Used by:263
Symbol 260 BitmapUsed by:261
Symbol 261 GraphicUses:260Used by:262
Symbol 262 MovieClipUses:261Used by:263
Symbol 263 MovieClip [bunker]Uses:256 259 115 7 262Used by:Timeline
Symbol 264 BitmapUsed by:265
Symbol 265 GraphicUses:264Used by:266
Symbol 266 MovieClipUses:265Used by:267
Symbol 267 MovieClip [plane2_shadow]Uses:266Used by:Timeline
Symbol 268 MovieClipUses:18Used by:275
Symbol 269 BitmapUsed by:270
Symbol 270 GraphicUses:269Used by:271
Symbol 271 MovieClipUses:270Used by:275
Symbol 272 BitmapUsed by:273
Symbol 273 GraphicUses:272Used by:274
Symbol 274 MovieClipUses:273Used by:275
Symbol 275 MovieClip [plane2_base]Uses:268 271 12 7 274Used by:Timeline
Symbol 276 BitmapUsed by:277
Symbol 277 GraphicUses:276Used by:278
Symbol 278 MovieClipUses:277Used by:279
Symbol 279 MovieClip [plane1_shadow]Uses:278Used by:Timeline
Symbol 280 MovieClipUses:18Used by:301
Symbol 281 BitmapUsed by:282
Symbol 282 GraphicUses:281Used by:297
Symbol 283 BitmapUsed by:284
Symbol 284 GraphicUses:283Used by:297
Symbol 285 BitmapUsed by:286
Symbol 286 GraphicUses:285Used by:297
Symbol 287 BitmapUsed by:288
Symbol 288 GraphicUses:287Used by:297
Symbol 289 BitmapUsed by:290
Symbol 290 GraphicUses:289Used by:297
Symbol 291 BitmapUsed by:292
Symbol 292 GraphicUses:291Used by:297
Symbol 293 BitmapUsed by:294
Symbol 294 GraphicUses:293Used by:297
Symbol 295 BitmapUsed by:296
Symbol 296 GraphicUses:295Used by:297
Symbol 297 MovieClipUses:282 284 286 288 290 292 294 296Used by:301
Symbol 298 BitmapUsed by:299
Symbol 299 GraphicUses:298Used by:300
Symbol 300 MovieClipUses:299Used by:301
Symbol 301 MovieClip [plane1_base]Uses:8 280 297 12 7 300Used by:Timeline
Symbol 302 BitmapUsed by:303
Symbol 303 GraphicUses:302Used by:304
Symbol 304 MovieClip [rocket2]Uses:303 129 12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 305 BitmapUsed by:306 593
Symbol 306 GraphicUses:305Used by:309
Symbol 307 ShapeTweeningUsed by:309
Symbol 308 GraphicUsed by:309
Symbol 309 MovieClip [bonus_rocket1]Uses:98 306 307 308Used by:Timeline
Symbol 310 MovieClipUses:18Used by:317
Symbol 311 BitmapUsed by:312
Symbol 312 GraphicUses:311Used by:313
Symbol 313 MovieClipUses:312Used by:317
Symbol 314 BitmapUsed by:315
Symbol 315 GraphicUses:314Used by:316
Symbol 316 MovieClipUses:315Used by:317
Symbol 317 MovieClip [boss_heli_base]Uses:310 313 156 12 7 316Used by:Timeline
Symbol 318 BitmapUsed by:319
Symbol 319 GraphicUses:318Used by:320
Symbol 320 MovieClipUses:319Used by:321
Symbol 321 MovieClip [boss_heli_shadow]Uses:320Used by:Timeline
Symbol 322 MovieClipUses:18Used by:326
Symbol 323 BitmapUsed by:324
Symbol 324 GraphicUses:323Used by:325
Symbol 325 MovieClipUses:324Used by:326
Symbol 326 MovieClip [boss_tank_base]Uses:322 325 12 7Used by:Timeline
Symbol 327 BitmapUsed by:328
Symbol 328 GraphicUses:327Used by:329
Symbol 329 MovieClipUses:328Used by:330
Symbol 330 MovieClip [tank_gun]Uses:12 329Used by:Timeline
Symbol 331 Sound [s_rocket]Used by:338
Symbol 332 Sound [eexplode]Used by:338
Symbol 333 Sound [upgrade]Used by:338
Symbol 334 Sound [upgrade2]Used by:338
Symbol 335 Sound [s_playerShoot2]Used by:338
Symbol 336 Sound [menu]Used by:338
Symbol 337 Sound [s_EnemyShoot]Used by:338
Symbol 338 MovieClipUses:8 331 332 333 334 335 336 337Used by:Timeline
Symbol 339 GraphicUsed by:340
Symbol 340 MovieClip [tack_way]Uses:339 8Used by:Timeline
Symbol 341 BitmapUsed by:342
Symbol 342 GraphicUses:341Used by:343
Symbol 343 MovieClipUses:342Used by:344
Symbol 344 MovieClip [city1]Uses:343Used by:Timeline
Symbol 345 BitmapUsed by:346
Symbol 346 GraphicUses:345Used by:347
Symbol 347 MovieClipUses:346Used by:348
Symbol 348 MovieClip [city2]Uses:347Used by:Timeline
Symbol 349 BitmapUsed by:350
Symbol 350 GraphicUses:349Used by:351
Symbol 351 MovieClipUses:350Used by:352
Symbol 352 MovieClip [city3]Uses:351Used by:Timeline
Symbol 353 BitmapUsed by:354 457
Symbol 354 GraphicUses:353Used by:355
Symbol 355 MovieClipUses:354Used by:356
Symbol 356 MovieClip [city4]Uses:355Used by:Timeline
Symbol 357 BitmapUsed by:358
Symbol 358 GraphicUses:357Used by:359
Symbol 359 MovieClip [tree1]Uses:358Used by:Timeline
Symbol 360 BitmapUsed by:361
Symbol 361 GraphicUses:360Used by:362
Symbol 362 MovieClip [tree2]Uses:361Used by:Timeline
Symbol 363 BitmapUsed by:364
Symbol 364 GraphicUses:363Used by:365
Symbol 365 MovieClip [tree3]Uses:364Used by:Timeline
Symbol 366 GraphicUsed by:367
Symbol 367 MovieClipUses:366Used by:371
Symbol 368 BitmapUsed by:369
Symbol 369 GraphicUses:368Used by:370
Symbol 370 MovieClipUses:369Used by:371
Symbol 371 MovieClip [village1]Uses:367 370 115 7 183Used by:Timeline
Symbol 372 GraphicUsed by:373
Symbol 373 MovieClipUses:372Used by:377
Symbol 374 BitmapUsed by:375
Symbol 375 GraphicUses:374Used by:376
Symbol 376 MovieClipUses:375Used by:377
Symbol 377 MovieClip [village2]Uses:373 376 115 7 183Used by:Timeline
Symbol 378 GraphicUsed by:379
Symbol 379 MovieClipUses:378Used by:383
Symbol 380 BitmapUsed by:381
Symbol 381 GraphicUses:380Used by:382
Symbol 382 MovieClipUses:381Used by:383
Symbol 383 MovieClip [village3]Uses:379 382 115 7 183 203Used by:Timeline
Symbol 384 GraphicUsed by:385
Symbol 385 MovieClipUses:384Used by:389
Symbol 386 BitmapUsed by:387
Symbol 387 GraphicUses:386Used by:388
Symbol 388 MovieClipUses:387Used by:389
Symbol 389 MovieClip [village4]Uses:385 388 115 7 183Used by:Timeline
Symbol 390 GraphicUsed by:391
Symbol 391 MovieClipUses:390Used by:395
Symbol 392 BitmapUsed by:393
Symbol 393 GraphicUses:392Used by:394
Symbol 394 MovieClipUses:393Used by:395
Symbol 395 MovieClip [village5]Uses:391 394 115 7 183Used by:Timeline
Symbol 396 GraphicUsed by:397
Symbol 397 MovieClipUses:396Used by:401
Symbol 398 BitmapUsed by:399
Symbol 399 GraphicUses:398Used by:400
Symbol 400 MovieClipUses:399Used by:401
Symbol 401 MovieClip [village6]Uses:397 400 115 7 183Used by:Timeline
Symbol 402 BitmapUsed by:403
Symbol 403 GraphicUses:402Used by:404
Symbol 404 MovieClipUses:403Used by:405
Symbol 405 MovieClip [stone1]Uses:404Used by:Timeline
Symbol 406 BitmapUsed by:407
Symbol 407 GraphicUses:406Used by:408
Symbol 408 MovieClipUses:407Used by:409
Symbol 409 MovieClip [stone2]Uses:408Used by:Timeline
Symbol 410 BitmapUsed by:411
Symbol 411 GraphicUses:410Used by:412
Symbol 412 MovieClipUses:411Used by:413
Symbol 413 MovieClip [stone3]Uses:412Used by:Timeline
Symbol 414 BitmapUsed by:415
Symbol 415 GraphicUses:414Used by:416
Symbol 416 MovieClipUses:415Used by:417
Symbol 417 MovieClip [stone4]Uses:416Used by:Timeline
Symbol 418 ShapeTweeningUsed by:431
Symbol 419 GraphicUsed by:431
Symbol 420 GraphicUsed by:421
Symbol 421 MovieClipUses:420Used by:422 481
Symbol 422 MovieClipUses:421Used by:428
Symbol 423 GraphicUsed by:428
Symbol 424 GraphicUsed by:428
Symbol 425 GraphicUsed by:428
Symbol 426 ShapeTweeningUsed by:428
Symbol 427 ShapeTweeningUsed by:428
Symbol 428 MovieClipUses:422 423 424 425 426 427 11Used by:431 436 452
Symbol 429 ShapeTweeningUsed by:431
Symbol 430 GraphicUsed by:431
Symbol 431 MovieClip [playerShoot2]Uses:418 419 428 429 430Used by:Timeline
Symbol 432 ShapeTweeningUsed by:436
Symbol 433 GraphicUsed by:436
Symbol 434 ShapeTweeningUsed by:436
Symbol 435 GraphicUsed by:436
Symbol 436 MovieClip [EnemyShoot]Uses:432 433 428 434 435Used by:Timeline
Symbol 437 BitmapUsed by:438
Symbol 438 GraphicUses:437Used by:439
Symbol 439 MovieClip [tree_fall]Uses:438Used by:Timeline
Symbol 440 BitmapUsed by:441
Symbol 441 GraphicUses:440Used by:442
Symbol 442 MovieClipUses:441Used by:443
Symbol 443 MovieClip [forest]Uses:442Used by:Timeline
Symbol 444 MovieClipUses:18Used by:448
Symbol 445 BitmapUsed by:446
Symbol 446 GraphicUses:445Used by:447
Symbol 447 MovieClipUses:446Used by:448
Symbol 448 MovieClip [med_base]Uses:444 447 8 7Used by:Timeline
Symbol 449 BitmapUsed by:450
Symbol 450 GraphicUses:449Used by:451
Symbol 451 MovieClipUses:450Used by:452
Symbol 452 MovieClip [med_gun]Uses:451 428Used by:Timeline
Symbol 453 BitmapUsed by:454
Symbol 454 GraphicUses:453Used by:455
Symbol 455 MovieClipUses:454Used by:456
Symbol 456 MovieClip [rocket_gun]Uses:455 12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 457 GraphicUses:353Used by:458
Symbol 458 MovieClipUses:457Used by:460
Symbol 459 MovieClipUses:1Used by:460
Symbol 460 MovieClip [boss_building]Uses:458 7 459 12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 461 MovieClip [giant_heli_pad]Uses:206Used by:Timeline
Symbol 462 GraphicUsed by:463
Symbol 463 MovieClipUses:462Used by:475
Symbol 464 BitmapUsed by:465
Symbol 465 GraphicUses:464Used by:475
Symbol 466 MovieClipUses:114Used by:475
Symbol 467 GraphicUsed by:468 560
Symbol 468 MovieClipUses:467Used by:475
Symbol 469 ShapeTweeningUsed by:472
Symbol 470 ShapeTweeningUsed by:472
Symbol 471 ShapeTweeningUsed by:472
Symbol 472 MovieClipUses:469 470 471 119Used by:475
Symbol 473 BitmapUsed by:474
Symbol 474 GraphicUses:473Used by:475
Symbol 475 MovieClip [nuke]Uses:463 465 466 468 472 474Used by:Timeline
Symbol 476 GraphicUsed by:477
Symbol 477 MovieClipUses:476Used by:481
Symbol 478 MovieClipUses:114Used by:481
Symbol 479 BitmapUsed by:480
Symbol 480 GraphicUses:479Used by:481
Symbol 481 MovieClip [autoExplodePoint]Uses:477 478 421 480Used by:Timeline
Symbol 482 BitmapUsed by:483
Symbol 483 GraphicUses:482Used by:484
Symbol 484 MovieClipUses:483Used by:485
Symbol 485 MovieClip [clouds]Uses:484Used by:Timeline
Symbol 486 BitmapUsed by:487
Symbol 487 GraphicUses:486Used by:488
Symbol 488 MovieClipUses:487Used by:489
Symbol 489 MovieClip [clouds_down]Uses:488Used by:Timeline
Symbol 490 BitmapUsed by:491
Symbol 491 GraphicUses:490Used by:492
Symbol 492 MovieClipUses:491Used by:493
Symbol 493 MovieClip [clouds_top]Uses:492Used by:Timeline
Symbol 494 GraphicUsed by:495
Symbol 495 MovieClip [tang_way2]Uses:494 8Used by:Timeline
Symbol 496 BitmapUsed by:497
Symbol 497 GraphicUses:496Used by:498
Symbol 498 MovieClip [okop]Uses:497Used by:Timeline
Symbol 499 BitmapUsed by:500
Symbol 500 GraphicUses:499Used by:501
Symbol 501 MovieClip [evilfighter_shad]Uses:500Used by:Timeline
Symbol 502 FontUsed by:503 506 510 513 516
Symbol 503 TextUses:502Used by:504
Symbol 504 MovieClipUses:503Used by:505
Symbol 505 MovieClip [bonus_anim_weaponAdder]Uses:504Used by:Timeline
Symbol 506 TextUses:502Used by:507
Symbol 507 MovieClipUses:506Used by:508
Symbol 508 MovieClip [bonus_anim_fireRate]Uses:507Used by:Timeline
Symbol 509 FontUsed by:510 643 645 647 649 658 659
Symbol 510 TextUses:502 509Used by:511
Symbol 511 MovieClipUses:510Used by:512
Symbol 512 MovieClip [bonus_anim_fullHealth]Uses:511Used by:Timeline
Symbol 513 TextUses:502Used by:514
Symbol 514 MovieClipUses:513Used by:515
Symbol 515 MovieClip [bonus_anim_miniHealth]Uses:514Used by:Timeline
Symbol 516 TextUses:502Used by:517
Symbol 517 MovieClipUses:516Used by:518
Symbol 518 MovieClip [bonus_anim_rocket1]Uses:517Used by:Timeline
Symbol 673 MovieClip [__Packages.checkedObject]
Symbol 674 MovieClip [__Packages.movingObject]
Symbol 675 MovieClip [__Packages.damagableObject]
Symbol 676 MovieClip [__Packages.tankClass]
Symbol 677 MovieClip [__Packages.enemyClass]
Symbol 678 MovieClip [__Packages.bulletClass]
Symbol 679 MovieClip [__Packages.queue]
Symbol 680 MovieClip [__Packages.splashedObject]
Symbol 681 MovieClip [__Packages.cannon]
Symbol 682 MovieClip [__Packages.weapon]
Symbol 683 MovieClip [__Packages.autoExplode]
Symbol 684 MovieClip [__Packages.playerClass]
Symbol 685 MovieClip [__Packages.soundCollector]
Symbol 686 MovieClip [__Packages.bgClass]
Symbol 519 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 520 FontUsed by:521 523 525 527 529 531
Symbol 521 EditableTextUses:520Used by:522
Symbol 522 ButtonUses:521Used by:533
Symbol 523 EditableTextUses:520Used by:524
Symbol 524 ButtonUses:523Used by:533
Symbol 525 EditableTextUses:520Used by:526
Symbol 526 ButtonUses:525Used by:533
Symbol 527 EditableTextUses:520Used by:528
Symbol 528 ButtonUses:527Used by:533
Symbol 529 EditableTextUses:520Used by:530
Symbol 530 ButtonUses:529Used by:533
Symbol 531 EditableTextUses:520Used by:532
Symbol 532 ButtonUses:531Used by:533
Symbol 533 MovieClipUses:522 524 526 528 530 532Used by:Timeline
Symbol 534 MovieClip [#soundz]Uses:8Used by:Timeline
Symbol 535 BitmapUsed by:536 599
Symbol 536 GraphicUses:535Used by:552
Symbol 537 BitmapUsed by:538
Symbol 538 GraphicUses:537Used by:541
Symbol 539 BitmapUsed by:540
Symbol 540 GraphicUses:539Used by:541
Symbol 541 ButtonUses:538 540Used by:552
Symbol 542 BitmapUsed by:543
Symbol 543 GraphicUses:542Used by:546
Symbol 544 BitmapUsed by:545
Symbol 545 GraphicUses:544Used by:546
Symbol 546 ButtonUses:543 545Used by:552
Symbol 547 BitmapUsed by:548
Symbol 548 GraphicUses:547Used by:551
Symbol 549 BitmapUsed by:550
Symbol 550 GraphicUses:549Used by:551
Symbol 551 ButtonUses:548 550Used by:552
Symbol 552 MovieClipUses:536 541 546 551Used by:Timeline
Symbol 553 GraphicUsed by:555
Symbol 554 GraphicUsed by:555 557
Symbol 555 ButtonUses:553 554Used by:558
Symbol 556 GraphicUsed by:557
Symbol 557 ButtonUses:556 554Used by:558
Symbol 558 MovieClipUses:555 557Used by:Timeline
Symbol 559 Sound [music]Used by:560
Symbol 560 MovieClipUses:467 559Used by:Timeline
Symbol 561 BitmapUsed by:562
Symbol 562 GraphicUses:561Used by:Timeline
Symbol 563 BitmapUsed by:564
Symbol 564 GraphicUses:563Used by:567 656
Symbol 565 BitmapUsed by:566
Symbol 566 GraphicUses:565Used by:567 656
Symbol 567 ButtonUses:564 566Used by:Timeline
Symbol 568 BitmapUsed by:569
Symbol 569 GraphicUses:568Used by:635  Timeline
Symbol 570 BitmapUsed by:571
Symbol 571 GraphicUses:570Used by:580
Symbol 572 ShapeTweeningUsed by:579
Symbol 573 BitmapUsed by:574
Symbol 574 GraphicUses:573Used by:575
Symbol 575 MovieClipUses:574Used by:579
Symbol 576 BitmapUsed by:577
Symbol 577 GraphicUses:576Used by:578
Symbol 578 MovieClipUses:577Used by:579
Symbol 579 MovieClipUses:572 575 578 17Used by:580
Symbol 580 MovieClipUses:571 579Used by:597
Symbol 581 BitmapUsed by:582
Symbol 582 GraphicUses:581Used by:588
Symbol 583 GraphicUsed by:584
Symbol 584 MovieClipUses:583Used by:588
Symbol 585 BitmapUsed by:586
Symbol 586 GraphicUses:585Used by:587
Symbol 587 MovieClipUses:586Used by:588
Symbol 588 MovieClipUses:582 584 587Used by:597
Symbol 589 FontUsed by:590 591 592 643 644 645 646 649 650 659
Symbol 590 EditableTextUses:589Used by:597
Symbol 591 EditableTextUses:589Used by:596
Symbol 592 TextUses:589Used by:596
Symbol 593 GraphicUses:305Used by:596
Symbol 594 BitmapUsed by:595
Symbol 595 GraphicUses:594Used by:596
Symbol 596 MovieClipUses:8 591 592 593 595Used by:597
Symbol 597 MovieClipUses:580 588 590 596Used by:Timeline
Symbol 598 BitmapUsed by:599 641
Symbol 599 GraphicUses:598 535Used by:627 634 672
Symbol 600 BitmapUsed by:601
Symbol 601 GraphicUses:600Used by:604 642 657 670
Symbol 602 BitmapUsed by:603
Symbol 603 GraphicUses:602Used by:604 642 657 670
Symbol 604 ButtonUses:601 603Used by:627
Symbol 605 BitmapUsed by:606
Symbol 606 GraphicUses:605Used by:609
Symbol 607 BitmapUsed by:608
Symbol 608 GraphicUses:607Used by:609
Symbol 609 ButtonUses:606 608Used by:625
Symbol 610 BitmapUsed by:611
Symbol 611 GraphicUses:610Used by:625
Symbol 612 GraphicUsed by:613
Symbol 613 MovieClipUses:612Used by:625
Symbol 614 BitmapUsed by:615
Symbol 615 GraphicUses:614Used by:618
Symbol 616 BitmapUsed by:617
Symbol 617 GraphicUses:616Used by:618
Symbol 618 ButtonUses:615 617Used by:619
Symbol 619 MovieClipUses:618Used by:625
Symbol 620 BitmapUsed by:621
Symbol 621 GraphicUses:620Used by:624
Symbol 622 BitmapUsed by:623
Symbol 623 GraphicUses:622Used by:624
Symbol 624 ButtonUses:621 623Used by:625
Symbol 625 MovieClipUses:609 611 613 619 624Used by:627 634 672
Symbol 626 EditableTextUses:24Used by:627
Symbol 627 MovieClipUses:599 604 625 626Used by:Timeline
Symbol 628 EditableTextUses:24Used by:634
Symbol 629 BitmapUsed by:630
Symbol 630 GraphicUses:629Used by:633
Symbol 631 BitmapUsed by:632
Symbol 632 GraphicUses:631Used by:633
Symbol 633 ButtonUses:630 632Used by:634
Symbol 634 MovieClipUses:599 628 633 625Used by:Timeline
Symbol 635 MovieClipUses:569Used by:636
Symbol 636 MovieClip [#BGfull]Uses:635 8 88Used by:Timeline
Symbol 637 GraphicUsed by:638
Symbol 638 MovieClipUses:637Used by:Timeline
Symbol 639 GraphicUsed by:640
Symbol 640 MovieClipUses:639Used by:Timeline
Symbol 641 GraphicUses:598Used by:651 660
Symbol 642 ButtonUses:601 603Used by:651
Symbol 643 EditableTextUses:509 589Used by:651
Symbol 644 EditableTextUses:589Used by:651
Symbol 645 EditableTextUses:509 589Used by:651
Symbol 646 EditableTextUses:589Used by:651
Symbol 647 EditableTextUses:509Used by:648
Symbol 648 MovieClipUses:647Used by:651
Symbol 649 EditableTextUses:509 589Used by:651
Symbol 650 EditableTextUses:589Used by:651
Symbol 651 MovieClipUses:641 642 643 644 645 646 648 649 650Used by:Timeline
Symbol 652 BitmapUsed by:653
Symbol 653 GraphicUses:652Used by:654
Symbol 654 MovieClipUses:653Used by:655
Symbol 655 MovieClipUses:18 654Used by:Timeline
Symbol 656 ButtonUses:564 566Used by:660
Symbol 657 ButtonUses:601 603Used by:660
Symbol 658 EditableTextUses:509Used by:660
Symbol 659 EditableTextUses:509 589Used by:660
Symbol 660 MovieClipUses:641 656 657 658 659Used by:Timeline
Symbol 661 GraphicUsed by:665
Symbol 662 GraphicUsed by:663
Symbol 663 MovieClipUses:662Used by:665
Symbol 664 GraphicUsed by:665
Symbol 665 MovieClipUses:661 663 664Used by:Timeline
Symbol 666 GraphicUsed by:669
Symbol 667 FontUsed by:668
Symbol 668 EditableTextUses:667Used by:669
Symbol 669 MovieClipUses:666 668Used by:Timeline
Symbol 670 ButtonUses:601 603Used by:672
Symbol 671 EditableTextUses:24Used by:672
Symbol 672 MovieClipUses:599 670 625 671Used by:Timeline

Instance Names

"error"Frame 2Symbol 25 EditableText
"soundz"Frame 7Symbol 534 MovieClip [#soundz]
"btn_sound"Frame 8Symbol 558 MovieClip
"soundStarter"Frame 8Symbol 560 MovieClip
"gui"Frame 10Symbol 597 MovieClip
"wnd_prolog"Frame 10Symbol 627 MovieClip
"wnd"Frame 11Symbol 634 MovieClip
"bg"Frame 12Symbol 636 MovieClip [#BGfull]
"fastZone"Frame 12Symbol 638 MovieClip
"slowZone"Frame 12Symbol 640 MovieClip
"wndComplete"Frame 12Symbol 651 MovieClip
"allProgress"Frame 12Symbol 655 MovieClip
"wndPause"Frame 12Symbol 660 MovieClip
"bossBar"Frame 12Symbol 665 MovieClip
"textBar1"Frame 12Symbol 669 MovieClip
"textBar2"Frame 12Symbol 669 MovieClip
"textBar3"Frame 12Symbol 669 MovieClip
"wnd_epilog"Frame 12Symbol 672 MovieClip
"body"Symbol 16 MovieClip [boss_jetfighter] Frame 1Symbol 2 MovieClip
"head"Symbol 16 MovieClip [boss_jetfighter] Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"head2"Symbol 16 MovieClip [boss_jetfighter] Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"head3"Symbol 16 MovieClip [boss_jetfighter] Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"head4"Symbol 16 MovieClip [boss_jetfighter] Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"head5"Symbol 16 MovieClip [boss_jetfighter] Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"head6"Symbol 16 MovieClip [boss_jetfighter] Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"head7"Symbol 16 MovieClip [boss_jetfighter] Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"head8"Symbol 16 MovieClip [boss_jetfighter] Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"head9"Symbol 16 MovieClip [boss_jetfighter] Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"head10"Symbol 16 MovieClip [boss_jetfighter] Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"head11"Symbol 16 MovieClip [boss_jetfighter] Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"head12"Symbol 16 MovieClip [boss_jetfighter] Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"head13"Symbol 16 MovieClip [boss_jetfighter] Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"ex2"Symbol 16 MovieClip [boss_jetfighter] Frame 1Symbol 7 MovieClip
"ex1"Symbol 16 MovieClip [boss_jetfighter] Frame 1Symbol 7 MovieClip
"ex3"Symbol 16 MovieClip [boss_jetfighter] Frame 1Symbol 7 MovieClip
"ex4"Symbol 16 MovieClip [boss_jetfighter] Frame 1Symbol 7 MovieClip
"ex5"Symbol 16 MovieClip [boss_jetfighter] Frame 1Symbol 7 MovieClip
"dd"Symbol 16 MovieClip [boss_jetfighter] Frame 2Symbol 15 MovieClip
"tf"Symbol 33 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 29 EditableText
"bar"Symbol 33 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 32 MovieClip
"klop"Symbol 93 MovieClip [circle_way] Frame 1Symbol 8 MovieClip
"klop"Symbol 95 MovieClip [line_way] Frame 1Symbol 8 MovieClip
"klop"Symbol 97 MovieClip [sin_way] Frame 1Symbol 8 MovieClip
"spl"Symbol 121 MovieClip [userSplash] Frame 1Symbol 115 MovieClip
"blow"Symbol 121 MovieClip [userSplash] Frame 1Symbol 120 MovieClip
"klop"Symbol 123 MovieClip [bcircle_way] Frame 1Symbol 8 MovieClip
"klop"Symbol 125 MovieClip [tang_way] Frame 1Symbol 8 MovieClip
"p1"Symbol 130 MovieClip [rocket] Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"p2"Symbol 130 MovieClip [rocket] Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"body"Symbol 160 MovieClip [player_base] Frame 1Symbol 136 MovieClip
"head"Symbol 160 MovieClip [player_base] Frame 1Symbol 8 MovieClip
"head2"Symbol 160 MovieClip [player_base] Frame 1Symbol 8 MovieClip
"head3"Symbol 160 MovieClip [player_base] Frame 1Symbol 8 MovieClip
"ex1"Symbol 160 MovieClip [player_base] Frame 1Symbol 7 MovieClip
"ex2"Symbol 160 MovieClip [player_base] Frame 1Symbol 7 MovieClip
"dd"Symbol 160 MovieClip [player_base] Frame 2Symbol 159 MovieClip
"shoot3"Symbol 161 MovieClip [player_gun] Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"shoot1"Symbol 161 MovieClip [player_gun] Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"shoot2"Symbol 161 MovieClip [player_gun] Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"body"Symbol 166 MovieClip [tank_base] Frame 1Symbol 162 MovieClip
"head"Symbol 166 MovieClip [tank_base] Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"ex1"Symbol 166 MovieClip [tank_base] Frame 1Symbol 7 MovieClip
"ex2"Symbol 166 MovieClip [tank_base] Frame 1Symbol 7 MovieClip
"body"Symbol 174 MovieClip [heli2_base] Frame 1Symbol 167 MovieClip
"head"Symbol 174 MovieClip [heli2_base] Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"head2"Symbol 174 MovieClip [heli2_base] Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"ex1"Symbol 174 MovieClip [heli2_base] Frame 1Symbol 7 MovieClip
"ex2"Symbol 174 MovieClip [heli2_base] Frame 1Symbol 7 MovieClip
"dd"Symbol 174 MovieClip [heli2_base] Frame 2Symbol 173 MovieClip
"body"Symbol 177 MovieClip [empty_base] Frame 1Symbol 176 MovieClip
"head"Symbol 177 MovieClip [empty_base] Frame 1Symbol 8 MovieClip
"body"Symbol 184 MovieClip [oil] Frame 1Symbol 178 MovieClip
"spl"Symbol 184 MovieClip [oil] Frame 1Symbol 115 MovieClip
"p2"Symbol 184 MovieClip [oil] Frame 2Symbol 7 MovieClip
"p1"Symbol 184 MovieClip [oil] Frame 2Symbol 7 MovieClip
"shoot1"Symbol 196 MovieClip [gun_pzrk] Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"shoot1"Symbol 197 MovieClip [gun_1] Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"shoot1"Symbol 198 MovieClip [gun_2] Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"shoot2"Symbol 198 MovieClip [gun_2] Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"shoot1"Symbol 199 MovieClip [gun_3] Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"shoot2"Symbol 199 MovieClip [gun_3] Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"shoot3"Symbol 199 MovieClip [gun_3] Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"body"Symbol 204 MovieClip [tower] Frame 1Symbol 200 MovieClip
"spl"Symbol 204 MovieClip [tower] Frame 1Symbol 115 MovieClip
"p1"Symbol 204 MovieClip [tower] Frame 2Symbol 7 MovieClip
"body"Symbol 213 MovieClip [wall] Frame 1Symbol 209 MovieClip
"spl"Symbol 213 MovieClip [wall] Frame 1Symbol 115 MovieClip
"p1"Symbol 213 MovieClip [wall] Frame 2Symbol 7 MovieClip
"body"Symbol 255 MovieClip [radar] Frame 1Symbol 218 MovieClip
"spl"Symbol 255 MovieClip [radar] Frame 1Symbol 115 MovieClip
"p2"Symbol 255 MovieClip [radar] Frame 2Symbol 7 MovieClip
"p1"Symbol 255 MovieClip [radar] Frame 2Symbol 7 MovieClip
"body"Symbol 263 MovieClip [bunker] Frame 1Symbol 256 MovieClip
"spl"Symbol 263 MovieClip [bunker] Frame 1Symbol 115 MovieClip
"p1"Symbol 263 MovieClip [bunker] Frame 2Symbol 7 MovieClip
"body"Symbol 275 MovieClip [plane2_base] Frame 1Symbol 268 MovieClip
"head"Symbol 275 MovieClip [plane2_base] Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"head2"Symbol 275 MovieClip [plane2_base] Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"ex2"Symbol 275 MovieClip [plane2_base] Frame 1Symbol 7 MovieClip
"ex1"Symbol 275 MovieClip [plane2_base] Frame 1Symbol 7 MovieClip
"dd"Symbol 275 MovieClip [plane2_base] Frame 2Symbol 274 MovieClip
"p0"Symbol 301 MovieClip [plane1_base] Frame 1Symbol 8 MovieClip
"p1"Symbol 301 MovieClip [plane1_base] Frame 1Symbol 8 MovieClip
"p5"Symbol 301 MovieClip [plane1_base] Frame 1Symbol 8 MovieClip
"p4"Symbol 301 MovieClip [plane1_base] Frame 1Symbol 8 MovieClip
"p3"Symbol 301 MovieClip [plane1_base] Frame 1Symbol 8 MovieClip
"p2"Symbol 301 MovieClip [plane1_base] Frame 1Symbol 8 MovieClip
"body"Symbol 301 MovieClip [plane1_base] Frame 1Symbol 280 MovieClip
"vis"Symbol 301 MovieClip [plane1_base] Frame 1Symbol 297 MovieClip
"head"Symbol 301 MovieClip [plane1_base] Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"ex2"Symbol 301 MovieClip [plane1_base] Frame 1Symbol 7 MovieClip
"ex1"Symbol 301 MovieClip [plane1_base] Frame 1Symbol 7 MovieClip
"dd"Symbol 301 MovieClip [plane1_base] Frame 2Symbol 300 MovieClip
"p1"Symbol 304 MovieClip [rocket2] Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"p2"Symbol 304 MovieClip [rocket2] Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"body"Symbol 317 MovieClip [boss_heli_base] Frame 1Symbol 310 MovieClip
"head"Symbol 317 MovieClip [boss_heli_base] Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"head2"Symbol 317 MovieClip [boss_heli_base] Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"head3"Symbol 317 MovieClip [boss_heli_base] Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"head4"Symbol 317 MovieClip [boss_heli_base] Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"head5"Symbol 317 MovieClip [boss_heli_base] Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"head6"Symbol 317 MovieClip [boss_heli_base] Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"head7"Symbol 317 MovieClip [boss_heli_base] Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"head8"Symbol 317 MovieClip [boss_heli_base] Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"head9"Symbol 317 MovieClip [boss_heli_base] Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"head10"Symbol 317 MovieClip [boss_heli_base] Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"head11"Symbol 317 MovieClip [boss_heli_base] Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"ex2"Symbol 317 MovieClip [boss_heli_base] Frame 1Symbol 7 MovieClip
"ex1"Symbol 317 MovieClip [boss_heli_base] Frame 1Symbol 7 MovieClip
"ex3"Symbol 317 MovieClip [boss_heli_base] Frame 1Symbol 7 MovieClip
"ex4"Symbol 317 MovieClip [boss_heli_base] Frame 1Symbol 7 MovieClip
"ex5"Symbol 317 MovieClip [boss_heli_base] Frame 1Symbol 7 MovieClip
"dd"Symbol 317 MovieClip [boss_heli_base] Frame 2Symbol 316 MovieClip
"body"Symbol 326 MovieClip [boss_tank_base] Frame 1Symbol 322 MovieClip
"head4"Symbol 326 MovieClip [boss_tank_base] Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"head3"Symbol 326 MovieClip [boss_tank_base] Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"head2"Symbol 326 MovieClip [boss_tank_base] Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"head5"Symbol 326 MovieClip [boss_tank_base] Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"head"Symbol 326 MovieClip [boss_tank_base] Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"ex2"Symbol 326 MovieClip [boss_tank_base] Frame 1Symbol 7 MovieClip
"ex1"Symbol 326 MovieClip [boss_tank_base] Frame 1Symbol 7 MovieClip
"ex3"Symbol 326 MovieClip [boss_tank_base] Frame 1Symbol 7 MovieClip
"ex4"Symbol 326 MovieClip [boss_tank_base] Frame 1Symbol 7 MovieClip
"ex5"Symbol 326 MovieClip [boss_tank_base] Frame 1Symbol 7 MovieClip
"shoot1"Symbol 330 MovieClip [tank_gun] Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"klop"Symbol 340 MovieClip [tack_way] Frame 1Symbol 8 MovieClip
"body"Symbol 371 MovieClip [village1] Frame 1Symbol 367 MovieClip
"spl"Symbol 371 MovieClip [village1] Frame 1Symbol 115 MovieClip
"p1"Symbol 371 MovieClip [village1] Frame 2Symbol 7 MovieClip
"body"Symbol 377 MovieClip [village2] Frame 1Symbol 373 MovieClip
"spl"Symbol 377 MovieClip [village2] Frame 1Symbol 115 MovieClip
"p1"Symbol 377 MovieClip [village2] Frame 2Symbol 7 MovieClip
"body"Symbol 383 MovieClip [village3] Frame 1Symbol 379 MovieClip
"spl"Symbol 383 MovieClip [village3] Frame 1Symbol 115 MovieClip
"p1"Symbol 383 MovieClip [village3] Frame 2Symbol 7 MovieClip
"body"Symbol 389 MovieClip [village4] Frame 1Symbol 385 MovieClip
"spl"Symbol 389 MovieClip [village4] Frame 1Symbol 115 MovieClip
"p1"Symbol 389 MovieClip [village4] Frame 2Symbol 7 MovieClip
"body"Symbol 395 MovieClip [village5] Frame 1Symbol 391 MovieClip
"spl"Symbol 395 MovieClip [village5] Frame 1Symbol 115 MovieClip
"p1"Symbol 395 MovieClip [village5] Frame 2Symbol 7 MovieClip
"body"Symbol 401 MovieClip [village6] Frame 1Symbol 397 MovieClip
"spl"Symbol 401 MovieClip [village6] Frame 1Symbol 115 MovieClip
"p1"Symbol 401 MovieClip [village6] Frame 2Symbol 7 MovieClip
"p1"Symbol 431 MovieClip [playerShoot2] Frame 1Symbol 428 MovieClip
"p2"Symbol 431 MovieClip [playerShoot2] Frame 1Symbol 428 MovieClip
"p1"Symbol 436 MovieClip [EnemyShoot] Frame 1Symbol 428 MovieClip
"p2"Symbol 436 MovieClip [EnemyShoot] Frame 1Symbol 428 MovieClip
"body"Symbol 448 MovieClip [med_base] Frame 1Symbol 444 MovieClip
"hitBody"Symbol 448 MovieClip [med_base] Frame 1Symbol 444 MovieClip
"head"Symbol 448 MovieClip [med_base] Frame 1Symbol 8 MovieClip
"ex1"Symbol 448 MovieClip [med_base] Frame 1Symbol 7 MovieClip
"ex2"Symbol 448 MovieClip [med_base] Frame 1Symbol 7 MovieClip
"shoot1"Symbol 452 MovieClip [med_gun] Frame 1Symbol 428 MovieClip
"shoot2"Symbol 456 MovieClip [rocket_gun] Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"shoot1"Symbol 456 MovieClip [rocket_gun] Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"ex5"Symbol 460 MovieClip [boss_building] Frame 1Symbol 7 MovieClip
"ex6"Symbol 460 MovieClip [boss_building] Frame 1Symbol 7 MovieClip
"ex7"Symbol 460 MovieClip [boss_building] Frame 1Symbol 7 MovieClip
"ex8"Symbol 460 MovieClip [boss_building] Frame 1Symbol 7 MovieClip
"ex9"Symbol 460 MovieClip [boss_building] Frame 1Symbol 7 MovieClip
"ex9"Symbol 460 MovieClip [boss_building] Frame 1Symbol 7 MovieClip
"ex10"Symbol 460 MovieClip [boss_building] Frame 1Symbol 7 MovieClip
"ex11"Symbol 460 MovieClip [boss_building] Frame 1Symbol 7 MovieClip
"body"Symbol 460 MovieClip [boss_building] Frame 1Symbol 459 MovieClip
"head"Symbol 460 MovieClip [boss_building] Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"ex1"Symbol 460 MovieClip [boss_building] Frame 1Symbol 7 MovieClip
"ex2"Symbol 460 MovieClip [boss_building] Frame 1Symbol 7 MovieClip
"ex3"Symbol 460 MovieClip [boss_building] Frame 1Symbol 7 MovieClip
"ex4"Symbol 460 MovieClip [boss_building] Frame 1Symbol 7 MovieClip
"body"Symbol 475 MovieClip [nuke] Frame 1Symbol 463 MovieClip
"spl"Symbol 475 MovieClip [nuke] Frame 1Symbol 466 MovieClip
"p1"Symbol 475 MovieClip [nuke] Frame 2Symbol 468 MovieClip
"p2"Symbol 475 MovieClip [nuke] Frame 2Symbol 468 MovieClip
"body"Symbol 481 MovieClip [autoExplodePoint] Frame 1Symbol 477 MovieClip
"spl"Symbol 481 MovieClip [autoExplodePoint] Frame 1Symbol 478 MovieClip
"p1"Symbol 481 MovieClip [autoExplodePoint] Frame 3Symbol 421 MovieClip
"klop"Symbol 495 MovieClip [tang_way2] Frame 1Symbol 8 MovieClip
"bar"Symbol 580 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 579 MovieClip
"bar"Symbol 588 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 584 MovieClip
"topEnemyMC"Symbol 596 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 8 MovieClip
"tf"Symbol 596 MovieClip Frame 2Symbol 591 EditableText
"progress"Symbol 597 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 580 MovieClip
"health"Symbol 597 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 588 MovieClip
"time"Symbol 597 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 590 EditableText
"rockets"Symbol 597 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 596 MovieClip
"l"Symbol 625 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 613 MovieClip
"b"Symbol 625 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 619 MovieClip
"slider"Symbol 627 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 625 MovieClip
"intro1"Symbol 627 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 626 EditableText
"intro1"Symbol 634 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 628 EditableText
"slider"Symbol 634 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 625 MovieClip
"bg1"Symbol 636 MovieClip [#BGfull] Frame 1Symbol 635 MovieClip
"bg2"Symbol 636 MovieClip [#BGfull] Frame 1Symbol 635 MovieClip
"tiles"Symbol 636 MovieClip [#BGfull] Frame 1Symbol 8 MovieClip
"env"Symbol 636 MovieClip [#BGfull] Frame 1Symbol 8 MovieClip
"splashez"Symbol 636 MovieClip [#BGfull] Frame 1Symbol 8 MovieClip
"enemyMC"Symbol 636 MovieClip [#BGfull] Frame 1Symbol 8 MovieClip
"enemyMC2"Symbol 636 MovieClip [#BGfull] Frame 1Symbol 8 MovieClip
"envTop"Symbol 636 MovieClip [#BGfull] Frame 1Symbol 8 MovieClip
"shadows"Symbol 636 MovieClip [#BGfull] Frame 1Symbol 8 MovieClip
"bnz"Symbol 636 MovieClip [#BGfull] Frame 1Symbol 8 MovieClip
"bnzFX"Symbol 636 MovieClip [#BGfull] Frame 1Symbol 8 MovieClip
"shots"Symbol 636 MovieClip [#BGfull] Frame 1Symbol 8 MovieClip
"fx"Symbol 636 MovieClip [#BGfull] Frame 1Symbol 8 MovieClip
"topEnemyMC"Symbol 636 MovieClip [#BGfull] Frame 1Symbol 8 MovieClip
"topEnemyMC2"Symbol 636 MovieClip [#BGfull] Frame 1Symbol 8 MovieClip
"player"Symbol 636 MovieClip [#BGfull] Frame 1Symbol 88 MovieClip [player]
"shotsTop"Symbol 636 MovieClip [#BGfull] Frame 1Symbol 8 MovieClip
"fxTop"Symbol 636 MovieClip [#BGfull] Frame 1Symbol 8 MovieClip
"title"Symbol 648 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 647 EditableText
"tf1_"Symbol 651 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 643 EditableText
"tf1"Symbol 651 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 644 EditableText
"tf2_"Symbol 651 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 645 EditableText
"tf2"Symbol 651 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 646 EditableText
"title_mc"Symbol 651 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 648 MovieClip
"tf3_"Symbol 651 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 649 EditableText
"tf3"Symbol 651 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 650 EditableText
"bar"Symbol 655 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 654 MovieClip
"title"Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 658 EditableText
"tf"Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 659 EditableText
"bar"Symbol 665 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 663 MovieClip
"tf"Symbol 669 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 668 EditableText
"slider"Symbol 672 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 625 MovieClip
"intro1"Symbol 672 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 671 EditableText

Special Tags

FileAttributes (69)Timeline Frame 1Access local files only, Metadata not present, AS1/AS2.
Protect (24)Timeline Frame 10 bytes ""
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 93 as "circle_way"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 97 as "sin_way"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 103 as "bonus_miniHealth"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 108 as "bonus_fullHealth"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 113 as "bonus_fireRate"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 121 as "userSplash"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 123 as "bcircle_way"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 125 as "tang_way"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 130 as "rocket"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 135 as "bonus_weaponAdder"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 160 as "player_base"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 161 as "player_gun"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 166 as "tank_base"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 174 as "heli2_base"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 177 as "empty_base"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 184 as "oil"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 188 as "heli2_shadow"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 192 as "player_shadow"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 196 as "gun_pzrk"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 197 as "gun_1"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 198 as "gun_2"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 199 as "gun_3"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 204 as "tower"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 208 as "heli_pad"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 213 as "wall"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 216 as "fence"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 255 as "radar"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 263 as "bunker"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 267 as "plane2_shadow"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 275 as "plane2_base"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 279 as "plane1_shadow"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 301 as "plane1_base"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 304 as "rocket2"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 309 as "bonus_rocket1"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 317 as "boss_heli_base"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 321 as "boss_heli_shadow"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 326 as "boss_tank_base"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 330 as "tank_gun"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 331 as "s_rocket"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 332 as "eexplode"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 333 as "upgrade"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 334 as "upgrade2"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 335 as "s_playerShoot2"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 336 as "menu"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 337 as "s_EnemyShoot"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 340 as "tack_way"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 344 as "city1"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 348 as "city2"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 352 as "city3"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 356 as "city4"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 359 as "tree1"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 362 as "tree2"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 365 as "tree3"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 371 as "village1"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 377 as "village2"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 383 as "village3"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 389 as "village4"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 395 as "village5"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 401 as "village6"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 405 as "stone1"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 409 as "stone2"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 413 as "stone3"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 417 as "stone4"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 431 as "playerShoot2"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 436 as "EnemyShoot"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 439 as "tree_fall"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 443 as "forest"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 448 as "med_base"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 452 as "med_gun"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 456 as "rocket_gun"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 460 as "boss_building"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 461 as "giant_heli_pad"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 475 as "nuke"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 481 as "autoExplodePoint"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 485 as "clouds"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 489 as "clouds_down"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 493 as "clouds_top"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 495 as "tang_way2"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 498 as "okop"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 501 as "evilfighter_shad"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 505 as "bonus_anim_weaponAdder"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 508 as "bonus_anim_fireRate"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 512 as "bonus_anim_fullHealth"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 515 as "bonus_anim_miniHealth"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 518 as "bonus_anim_rocket1"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 673 as "__Packages.checkedObject"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 674 as "__Packages.movingObject"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 675 as "__Packages.damagableObject"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 676 as "__Packages.tankClass"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 677 as "__Packages.enemyClass"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 678 as "__Packages.bulletClass"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 679 as "__Packages.queue"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 680 as "__Packages.splashedObject"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 681 as "__Packages.cannon"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 682 as "__Packages.weapon"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 683 as "__Packages.autoExplode"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 684 as "__Packages.playerClass"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 685 as "__Packages.soundCollector"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 686 as "__Packages.bgClass"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 7Symbol 534 as "#soundz"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 8Symbol 559 as "music"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 12Symbol 636 as "#BGfull"


"lang"Frame 6
"init"Frame 7
"menu"Frame 8
"help"Frame 9
"prolog"Frame 10
"game"Frame 11
"level"Frame 12
"die"Symbol 16 MovieClip [boss_jetfighter] Frame 2
"destroy"Symbol 121 MovieClip [userSplash] Frame 2
"die"Symbol 160 MovieClip [player_base] Frame 2
"die"Symbol 174 MovieClip [heli2_base] Frame 2
"destroy"Symbol 184 MovieClip [oil] Frame 2
"destroy"Symbol 204 MovieClip [tower] Frame 2
"destroy"Symbol 213 MovieClip [wall] Frame 2
"destroy"Symbol 255 MovieClip [radar] Frame 2
"destroy"Symbol 263 MovieClip [bunker] Frame 2
"die"Symbol 275 MovieClip [plane2_base] Frame 2
"die"Symbol 301 MovieClip [plane1_base] Frame 2
"die"Symbol 317 MovieClip [boss_heli_base] Frame 2
"destroy"Symbol 371 MovieClip [village1] Frame 2
"destroy"Symbol 377 MovieClip [village2] Frame 2
"destroy"Symbol 383 MovieClip [village3] Frame 2
"destroy"Symbol 389 MovieClip [village4] Frame 2
"destroy"Symbol 395 MovieClip [village5] Frame 2
"destroy"Symbol 401 MovieClip [village6] Frame 2
"shoot"Symbol 428 MovieClip Frame 2
"playerShoot"Symbol 428 MovieClip Frame 2
"rocket"Symbol 428 MovieClip Frame 6
"destroy"Symbol 475 MovieClip [nuke] Frame 2
"destroy"Symbol 481 MovieClip [autoExplodePoint] Frame 3
"start"Symbol 560 MovieClip Frame 5
"stop"Symbol 560 MovieClip Frame 10
Created: 8/6 -2019 01:27:53 Last modified: 8/6 -2019 01:27:53 Server time: 14/11 -2024 06:42:47