Frame 17
level = 0;
acct = 0;
_level0.rotat = random(2200);
rota = new array();
Frame 18
max_levels = 3;
level_time = new array();
level_time[1] = 60;
level_time[2] = 45;
level_time[3] = 60;
limit = level_time[level];
task = new array();
task[1] = "LEVEL 1. You must park your car in the highlighted space without hitting another vehicle.";
task[2] = "LEVEL 2. Some idiot has boxed your car in! Manoeuvre your car out and park in front of the car park office.";
task[3] = "LEVEL 3. You must park your car into the highlighted space. But be careful - there are icy patches on the ground!";
task_txt = task[level];
limit_txt = ("You have " + limit) + " seconds to complete this level.";
Frame 19
function get_cookie_txt() {
cookie_best1_txt = cookie_best1;
cookie_best2_txt = cookie_best2;
cookie_best3_txt = cookie_best3;
cookie_best4_txt = cookie_best4;
cookie_best5_txt = cookie_best5;
cookie_best_txt = cookie_best;
if (cookie_best == not_yet_done) {
cookie_best_txt = "N/A";
if (cookie_best1 == not_yet_done) {
cookie_best1_txt = "N/A";
if (cookie_best2 == not_yet_done) {
cookie_best2_txt = "N/A";
if (cookie_best3 == not_yet_done) {
cookie_best3_txt = "N/A";
if (cookie_best4 == not_yet_done) {
cookie_best4_txt = "N/A";
if (cookie_best5 == not_yet_done) {
cookie_best5_txt = "N/A";
game_id = "pp21";
exists = game_cooky.read_game_cookie(game_id);
trace((("game " + game_id) + " ") + exists);
not_yet_done = 9999;
if (exists == false) {
game_cooky.write_game_cookie(game_id, not_yet_done, not_yet_done, not_yet_done, not_yet_done, not_yet_done, not_yet_done, 0, 0);
f1 = not_yet_done;
f2 = not_yet_done;
f3 = not_yet_done;
f4 = not_yet_done;
f5 = not_yet_done;
f6 = not_yet_done;
f7 = 0;
f8 = 0;
f9 = 0;
cookie_best1 = f1;
cookie_best2 = f2;
cookie_best3 = f3;
cookie_best4 = f4;
cookie_best5 = f5;
cookie_best = f6;
cookie_played = f7;
cookie_completed = f8;
trace("cookie_best1 " + cookie_best1);
Frame 23
carstart1._visible = false;
carstart2._visible = false;
carstart3._visible = false;
carstart4._visible = false;
carstart5._visible = false;
function draw() {
if (!block) {
if ( == 0) { = 0.000174555555555556;
R = / Math.sin(;
} else {
R = / Math.sin(;
angle_needed = ((2 * speed) * 360) / (6.284 * R);
turn = angle_needed;
rangle =;
x1 =;
y1 =;
circle_x = x1 + (R * Math.cos((3.142 * / 180));
circle_y = y1 + (R * Math.sin((3.142 * / 180));
tx1 = x1 - circle_x;
ty1 = y1 - circle_y;
vx = tx1;
vy = ty1;
delta = ((-turn) * 3.142) / 180;
tick_x = (vx * math.cos(delta)) + (vy * math.sin(delta));
tick_y = (vy * math.cos(delta)) - (vx * math.sin(delta));
tick_x = tick_x + circle_x;
tick_y = tick_y + circle_y;
if (((last_R > 0) and (R < 0)) or ((last_R < 0) and (R > 0))) {
trace("t=" + t);
trace("rangle " +;
trace((("dangle " + + " last ") + last_d);
trace("angle needed " + angle_needed);
trace(" dist = " + math.sqrt((((x1 - tick_x) * (x1 - tick_x)) * (y1 - tick_y)) * (y1 - tick_y)));
trace((("R=" + R) + " last=") + last_r);
trace("car rot = " +;
trace((("x1/y1 " + x1) + " ") + y1);
trace((("circle x1/y1 " + circle_x) + " ") + circle_y);
trace("turn..." + turn);
trace((("new pos x1/y1 " + tick_x) + " ") + tick_y);
} else {
dist = math.sqrt((((x1 - tick_x) * (x1 - tick_x)) * (y1 - tick_y)) * (y1 - tick_y));
if (dist < 100) { = tick_x; = tick_y;
} else {
trace("t=" + t);
trace("rangle " +;
trace((("dangle " + + " last ") + last_d);
trace("angle needed " + angle_needed);
trace("BAD dist = " + math.sqrt((((x1 - tick_x) * (x1 - tick_x)) * (y1 - tick_y)) * (y1 - tick_y)));
trace((("R=" + R) + " last=") + last_r);
trace("car rot = " +;
trace((("x1/y1 " + x1) + " ") + y1);
trace((("circle x1/y1 " + circle_x) + " ") + circle_y);
trace("turn..." + turn);
trace((("new pos x1/y1 " + tick_x) + " ") + tick_y);
} = + turn;
last_R = R;
last_D =;
count = 1;
block = false;
t = 0;
Instance of Symbol 71 MovieClip "car" in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
function ok_position() {
answer = false;
ok1 = false;
ok2 = false;
if (level == 1) {
final_pos1 = "down";
final_pos2 = "dontcare";
if (level == 2) {
final_pos1 = "down";
final_pos2 = "dontcare";
if (level == 3) {
final_pos1 = "up";
final_pos2 = "down";
if (level == 4) {
final_pos1 = "up";
final_pos2 = "down";
if (level == 5) {
final_pos1 = "side";
final_pos2 = "dontcare";
if (final_pos1 == "side") {
ok1 = true;
if ((((final_pos1 == "up") and (_rotation > -10)) and (_rotation < 10)) or (((final_pos1 == "down") and ((_rotation > 170) and (_rotation < 180))) or ((_rotation > -180) and (_rotation < -170)))) {
ok1 = true;
if ((((final_pos2 == "up") and (_rotation > -10)) and (_rotation < 10)) or (((final_pos2 == "down") and ((_rotation > 170) and (_rotation < 180))) or ((_rotation > -180) and (_rotation < -170)))) {
ok2 = true;
if (final_pos1 == "dontcare") {
ok1 = true;
if (final_pos2 == "dontcare") {
ok2 = false;
answer = ok1 or ok2;
trace("start..." + _level0["carstart" + _level0.level]._x);
xdx = this._x - _level0["carstart" + _level0.level]._x;
xdy = this._y - _level0["carstart" + _level0.level]._y;
this._x = _level0["carstart" + _level0.level]._x;
this._y = _level0["carstart" + _level0.level]._y;
trace("start..." + this._x);
status = "playing";
pi_div_180 = 0.0174555555555556;
_rotation = 0;
l = 100;
turn = 4;
dangle = 0;
acc = 0.2;
lim = 60;
cmax = 14;
other_cars_max = 14;
ang = new array();
cross_dx = new array();
cross_dy = new array();
mag = new array();
trace("START " + _level0["carstart" + _level0.level]._x);
j = 1;
while (j <= cmax) {
mov1 = eval ("_level0.cross" + j);
cross_dx[j] = (xdx + _level0["carstart" + _level0.level]._x) - mov1._x;
cross_dy[j] = (xdy + _level0["carstart" + _level0.level]._y) - mov1._y;
mag[j] = math.sqrt((cross_dx[j] * cross_dx[j]) + (cross_dy[j] * cross_dy[j]));
ang[j] = -90 + ((Math.atan2(cross_dy[j], cross_dx[j]) * 180) / 3.142);
mov1._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_level0.fader._y > -600) {
_level0.fader._y = _level0.fader._y - 50;
if (status != "done") {
level = _level0.level;
if (level == 5) {
mov1 = _level0.light1;
mov1._x = _x;
mov1._y = _y;
mov1._rotation = _rotation;
if (check_this_cycle) {
count = 0;
j = 1;
while (j <= cmax) {
mov1 = eval ("_level0.cross" + j);
testx = _x + (mag[j] * Math.sin((_rotation + ang[j]) * pi_div_180));
testy = _y - (mag[j] * Math.cos((_rotation + ang[j]) * pi_div_180));
wheels = (((j == 6) or (j == 10)) or (j == 11)) or (j == 12);
if ((wheels and (_level0.level == 3)) and (_level0.ice1.hitTest(testx, testy, true) or _level0.ice2.hitTest(testx, testy, true))) {
this._rotation = this._rotation + ((dangle * _level0.speed) / 10);
mov =;
if (mov.hitTest(testx, testy, true) and (_level0.speed == 0)) {
i = 1;
while (i <= other_cars_max) {
mov = eval ("" + i);
if (mov.hitTest(testx, testy, true)) {
_level0.speed = 0;
status = "done";
if (status != "done") {
trace((((("count.." + count) + " ") + cmax) + " ") + _rotation);
if (((_level0.speed == 0) and (count == cmax)) and ok_position()) {
_level0.acct = _level0.acct + _level0.timer.timer_val;
status = "done";
_level0.eve = _level0.rotat - _level0.rota[1];
_level0.vel = _level0.rota[2] + _level0.rotat;
_level0.leve = _level0.rota[3] + (_level0.rotat * 2);
_level0.tation = 200 - _level0.rota[4];
_level0.toand = 10 + _level0.rota[5];
if (_level0.timer.timer_val >= _level0.level_time[level]) {
trace("too slow!");
status = "done";
check_this_cycle = !check_this_cycle;
if (Key.isDown(37) and (dangle > (-lim))) {
dangle = dangle - turn;
if (Key.isDown(39) and (dangle < lim)) {
dangle = dangle + turn;
kd = false;
ku = false;
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
if (_level0.speed > -2) {
_level0.speed = _level0.speed - acc;
kd = true;
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
if (_level0.speed < maxspeed) {
_level0.speed = _level0.speed + acc;
ku = true;
if (Key.isDown(32)) {
_level0.speed = 0;
if ((!kd) and (!ku)) {
if (_level0.speed > 0) {
_level0.speed = _level0.speed - 0.1;
if (_level0.speed < 0) {
_level0.speed = _level0.speed + 0.1;
if (Math.abs(_level0.speed) < 0.1) {
_level0.speed = 0;
if (last_dangle != dangle) {
rangle = dangle * pi_div_180;
this.wheel1._rotation = dangle / 2;
this.wheel4._rotation = dangle / 2;
last_dangle = dangle;
Instance of Symbol 90 MovieClip "timer" in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
function start_timer() {
start = getTimer();
state = "running";
function stop_timer() {
finish = getTimer();
state = "stopped";
state = "idle";
timer_val = "00.0";
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (state == "running") {
time_now = getTimer();
duration = (time_now - start) / 1000;
timer_val = int(duration * 10) / 10;
if (timer_val != last_timer_val) {
timer_val_txt = timer_val;
if (timer_val == int(timer_val)) {
timer_val_txt = timer_val_txt + ".0";
_level0.acct_txt = _level0.acct + timer_val;
if ((_level0.acct + timer_val) == int(_level0.acct + timer_val)) {
_level0.acct_txt = _level0.acct_txt + ".0";
_level0.rota[_level0.level] = timer_val;
last_timer_val = timer_val;
Frame 24
if (level == 1) {
gotoAndPlay (28);
if (level == 2) {
gotoAndPlay (35);
if (level == 3) {
gotoAndPlay (41);
if (level == 4) {
gotoAndPlay (23);
if (level == 5) {
gotoAndPlay (23);
trace("LEVEL = " + level);
Frame 28
carstart1._visible = false;
carstart2._visible = false;
carstart3._visible = false;
carstart4._visible = false;
carstart5._visible = false;
Frame 35
carstart1._visible = false;
carstart2._visible = false;
carstart3._visible = false;
carstart4._visible = false;
carstart5._visible = false;
Frame 41
carstart1._visible = false;
carstart2._visible = false;
carstart3._visible = false;
carstart4._visible = false;
carstart5._visible = false;
Frame 48
if (level >= max_levels) {
gotoAndPlay (55);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (18);
Frame 52
gotoAndPlay (3);
Frame 55
score = manager_rating;
players = "";
sct1 = _level0.rota[1];
sct2 = _level0.rota[2];
sct3 = _level0.rota[3];
sct4 = _level0.rota[4];
sct5 = _level0.rota[5];
Frame 56
Symbol 7 MovieClip Frame 1
doneLoading = 0;
Instance of Symbol 3 MovieClip "bkgd" in Symbol 7 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.doneLoading == 0) {
total = _parent._parent.getBytesTotal();
isloaded = _parent._parent.getBytesLoaded();
p = 100 * (isLoaded / total);
_parent.bytes = ((int(isloaded / 1000) add " KB of ") add int(total / 1000)) add " KB";
_parent.percent = int(p) add "% LOADED"; = p;
trace("....." + Number(p));
if (Number(p) >= Number(100)) {
_parent.doneLoading = 1;
} else {
Symbol 13 MovieClip Frame 7
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 16 MovieClip Frame 32
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 24 Button
on (keyPress "~") {
command = "init";
gotoAndPlay (55);
Symbol 27 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Symbol 30 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("");
Symbol 43 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Enter>") {
Symbol 50 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Enter>") {
if (level == 1) {
game_cooky.write_game_cookie(game_id, cookie_best1, cookie_best2, cookie_best3, cookie_best4, cookie_best5, cookie_best, cookie_played, cookie_completed);
Symbol 71 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 71 MovieClip Frame 8
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 79 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 84 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_level0.level == 5) {
if (_level0.acct < _level0.cookie_best) {
_level0.cookie_best = _level0.acct;
trace("best was..." + _level0["cookie_best" + _level0.level]);
cs = _level0.rota[_level0.level];
trace("this..." + cs);
if (cs < _level0["cookie_best" + _level0.level]) {
_level0["cookie_best" + _level0.level] = cs;
_level0.game_cooky.write_game_cookie(_level0.game_id, _level0.cookie_best1, _level0.cookie_best2, _level0.cookie_best3, _level0.cookie_best4, _level0.cookie_best5, _level0.cookie_best, _level0.cookie_played, _level0.cookie_completed);
_level0.game_cooky._visible = true;
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 21
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 55
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 56
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 82
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 83
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 84
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 117
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 118
Symbol 88 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 118 MovieClip Frame 17
Symbol 123 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Symbol 125 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (3);