Frame 2
function send_challenge() {
loadVariablesNum (challenge_url, 0, "POST");
function send_results() {
loadVariablesNum (results_url, 0, "POST");
_focusrect = false;
Instance of Symbol 11 MovieClip "first_theme" in Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
function music() {
first_intro = new Sound("_root.first_theme");
first_intro.start(0, 999);
Instance of Symbol 13 MovieClip in Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
ifFrameLoaded (3) {
Instance of Symbol 27 MovieClip in Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.getBytesTotal() != _root.getBytesLoaded()) {
((i = i));// not popped
} else {
(this.gotoAndStop(2));// not popped
Frame 5
Instance of Symbol 44 MovieClip "script" in Frame 5
onClipEvent (load) {
function game1_arrays() {
var _local1 = _root;
_local1.place_check = new Array();
_local1.place_check[11] = 0;
_local1.place_check[21] = 1;
_local1.place_check[31] = 2;
_local1.place_check[41] = 3;
_local1.place_check[51] = 4;
_local1.place_check[61] = 5;
_local1.place_check[62] = 6;
_local1.place_check[63] = 7;
_local1.place_check[53] = 8;
_local1.place_check[43] = 9;
_local1.place_check[33] = 10;
_local1.place_check[23] = 11;
_local1.place_check[13] = 12;
_local1.place_check[12] = 13;
_local1.table = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
function game2_arrays() {
var _local1 = _root;
_local1.place_check = new Array();
_local1.place_check[11] = 0;
_local1.place_check[12] = 1;
_local1.place_check[13] = 2;
_local1.place_check[31] = 3;
_local1.place_check[41] = 4;
_local1.place_check[32] = 5;
_local1.place_check[42] = 6;
_local1.place_check[33] = 7;
_local1.place_check[43] = 8;
_local1.place_check[61] = 9;
_local1.place_check[62] = 10;
_local1.place_check[63] = 11;
_local1.table = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
function game3_arrays() {
var _local1 = _root;
_local1.place_check = new Array();
_local1.place_check[21] = 0;
_local1.place_check[31] = 1;
_local1.place_check[41] = 2;
_local1.place_check[51] = 3;
_local1.place_check[52] = 4;
_local1.place_check[62] = 5;
_local1.place_check[53] = 6;
_local1.place_check[43] = 7;
_local1.place_check[33] = 8;
_local1.place_check[23] = 9;
_local1.place_check[22] = 10;
_local1.place_check[12] = 11;
_local1.table = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
function game4_arrays() {
var _local1 = _root;
_local1.place_check = new Array();
_local1.place_check[21] = 0;
_local1.place_check[31] = 1;
_local1.place_check[41] = 2;
_local1.place_check[51] = 3;
_local1.place_check[32] = 4;
_local1.place_check[42] = 5;
_local1.place_check[12] = 6;
_local1.place_check[13] = 7;
_local1.place_check[23] = 8;
_local1.place_check[53] = 9;
_local1.place_check[63] = 10;
_local1.place_check[62] = 11;
_local1.table = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
function game5_arrays() {
var _local1 = _root;
_local1.place_check = new Array();
_local1.place_check[11] = 0;
_local1.place_check[21] = 1;
_local1.place_check[31] = 2;
_local1.place_check[41] = 3;
_local1.place_check[51] = 4;
_local1.place_check[61] = 5;
_local1.place_check[13] = 6;
_local1.place_check[23] = 7;
_local1.place_check[33] = 8;
_local1.place_check[43] = 9;
_local1.place_check[53] = 10;
_local1.place_check[63] = 11;
_local1.place_check[32] = 12;
_local1.place_check[42] = 13;
_local1.table = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
function game6_arrays() {
var _local1 = _root;
_local1.place_check = new Array();
_local1.place_check[11] = 0;
_local1.place_check[31] = 1;
_local1.place_check[41] = 2;
_local1.place_check[61] = 3;
_local1.place_check[12] = 4;
_local1.place_check[22] = 5;
_local1.place_check[32] = 6;
_local1.place_check[42] = 7;
_local1.place_check[52] = 8;
_local1.place_check[62] = 9;
_local1.place_check[13] = 10;
_local1.place_check[33] = 11;
_local1.place_check[43] = 12;
_local1.place_check[63] = 13;
_local1.table = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
function game7_arrays() {
var _local1 = _root;
_local1.place_check = new Array();
_local1.place_check[11] = 0;
_local1.place_check[21] = 1;
_local1.place_check[31] = 2;
_local1.place_check[41] = 3;
_local1.place_check[51] = 4;
_local1.place_check[61] = 5;
_local1.place_check[62] = 6;
_local1.place_check[63] = 7;
_local1.place_check[53] = 8;
_local1.place_check[43] = 9;
_local1.place_check[33] = 10;
_local1.place_check[23] = 11;
_local1.place_check[13] = 12;
_local1.place_check[12] = 13;
_local1.place_check[32] = 14;
_local1.place_check[42] = 15;
_local1.table = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
function game8_arrays() {
var _local1 = _root;
_local1.place_check = new Array();
_local1.place_check[11] = 0;
_local1.place_check[21] = 1;
_local1.place_check[31] = 2;
_local1.place_check[41] = 3;
_local1.place_check[51] = 4;
_local1.place_check[61] = 5;
_local1.place_check[12] = 6;
_local1.place_check[22] = 7;
_local1.place_check[52] = 8;
_local1.place_check[62] = 9;
_local1.place_check[13] = 10;
_local1.place_check[23] = 11;
_local1.place_check[33] = 12;
_local1.place_check[43] = 13;
_local1.place_check[53] = 14;
_local1.place_check[63] = 15;
_local1.table = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
function play_sound(name) {
function start_intro_music() {
s_intro = new Sound("_root.theme");
s_intro.start(0, 999);
function start_interlude_music() {
s_interlude = new Sound("_root.inter");
s_interlude.start(0, 999);
function xxxstart_ambience() {
s_amb1 = new Sound("_root.amb1");
s_amb1.start(0, 999);
s_amb2 = new Sound("_root.amb2");
s_amb2.start(0, 999);
function reset() {
var _local1 = _root;
((_local1.challenged == "true") ? (( = _local1.challengers_table - 1)) : ((f = f)));
_local1.display.total_score = 0;
_local1.game_table.gotoAndStop( + 1);
_local1.table_name =; = _local1.parties[ - 1];
_local1.next_game.redeal_mc.deals_left = 4;
function play_button() {
fade_intro_music = true;
fade_first_music = true;
function back_to_game() {
i = 1;
while (i <= {
eval ("_root.card" + i).card_button.gotoAndStop(1);
function help() {
i = 1;
while (i <= {
eval ("_root.card" + i).card_button.gotoAndStop(2);
(((_root.instructions._currentframe == 10) || (_root.instructions._currentframe == 5)) ? (_root.instructions.gotoAndStop(4)play_sound("generic")) : ((f = f)));
function credits() {
i = 1;
while (i <= {
eval ("_root.card" + i).card_button.gotoAndStop(2);
(((_root.instructions._currentframe == 10) || (_root.instructions._currentframe == 4)) ? (_root.instructions.gotoAndStop(5)play_sound("generic")) : ((f = f)));
function intro_credits() {
var _local1 = _root;
((_local1.instructions._currentframe != 7) ? ((_local1.temp_frame = _local1.instructions._currentframe)_local1.instructions.gotoAndStop(7)play_sound("generic")) : ((i = i)));
function main_menu() {
var _local1 = _root;
_local1.game_over = false;
_local1.display.total_score = 0; = "";
function good_girl() {
i = 1;
while (i <= _root.value.length) {
eval ("_root.card" + i).removeMovieClip();
_root.game_over = false;
_root.display.total_score = 0; = "";
function play_again() { = 1;
_root.game_over = false;
function reset_vars() {
var _local1 = _root;
_local1.matches = 0;
_local1.rnd = new Array();
_local1.stash = new Array(0, 0, 0);
_local1.hand = false;
_local1.d = 0;
_local1.sp = 0;
_local1.card_count = 0;
_local1.chance = 0; = 369;
function call_arrays() {
var _local1 = _root;
(( == 1) ? (game1_arrays()) : ((a = a)));
(( == 2) ? (game2_arrays()) : ((a = a)));
(( == 3) ? (game3_arrays()) : ((a = a)));
(( == 4) ? (game4_arrays()) : ((a = a)));
(( == 5) ? (game5_arrays()) : ((a = a)));
(( == 6) ? (game6_arrays()) : ((a = a)));
(( == 7) ? (game7_arrays()) : ((a = a)));
(( == 8) ? (game8_arrays()) : ((a = a)));
function next_game() {
fade_interlude_music = true; = _root.parties[ - 1];
_root.game_table.gotoAndStop( + 1);
_root.game_over = false;
_root.next_game.redeal_mc.deals_left = 4;
_root.matches = 0;
i = 1;
while (i <= {
eval ("_root.card" + i).card_button.gotoAndStop(1);
function clear_deck() {
c1 = 0;
while (c1 < 3) {
eval ("_root.card" + _root.stash[c1]).y = 540;
eval ("_root.card" + _root.stash[c1]).del = true;
eval ("_root.card" + _root.stash[c1]).go = true;
c2 = 0;
while (c2 < _root.table.length) {
eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[c2]).y = 540;
eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[c2]).del = true;
eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[c2]).go = true;
function deal() {
if ((_root.stash[_root.sp] == 0) && (_root.d < _root.value.length)) {
duplicateMovieClip ("_root.card", "card" + _root.rnd[_root.d], _root.rnd[_root.d]);
eval ("_root.card" + _root.rnd[_root.d]).l =[_root.rnd[_root.d] - 1];
eval ("_root.card" + _root.rnd[_root.d]).r = _root.rv[_root.rnd[_root.d] - 1];
eval ("_root.card" + _root.rnd[_root.d]).value = _root.value[_root.rnd[_root.d] - 1];
eval ("_root.card" + _root.rnd[_root.d]).left.gotoAndStop([_root.rnd[_root.d] - 1]);
eval ("_root.card" + _root.rnd[_root.d]).right.gotoAndStop(_root.rv[_root.rnd[_root.d] - 1]);
eval ("_root.card" + _root.rnd[_root.d]).gotoAndStop(_root.rnd[_root.d]);
eval ("_root.card" + _root.rnd[_root.d]).card.gotoAndStop(1);
eval ("_root.card" + _root.rnd[_root.d])._x =;
eval ("_root.card" + _root.rnd[_root.d])._y =;
eval ("_root.card" + _root.rnd[_root.d]).x = _root.stash_place[_root.sp];
eval ("_root.card" + _root.rnd[_root.d]).y = 369;
eval ("_root.card" + _root.rnd[_root.d]).swapDepths(999);
eval ("_root.card" + _root.rnd[_root.d]).piece = _root.rnd[_root.d];
eval ("_root.card" + _root.rnd[_root.d]).go = true;
_root.stash[_root.sp] = _root.rnd[_root.d];
_root.ready_to_deal = false;
function shuffle(amount) {
var _local1 = amount;
var _local2 = _root;
a = 1;
while (a < (_local1 + 2)) {
if (a <= _local1) {
i = int(Math.random() * _local1);
if (_local2.rnd[i] == undefined) {
_local2.rnd[i] = a;
} else {
} else {
function check_end() {
_root.game_over = true;
function results() {
i = 0;
while (i < _root.table.length) {
((eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[i]).card._currentframe == 2) ? ((_root.matches = _root.matches + 1)) : (i - i));
((eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[i]).card._currentframe == 2) ? ((_root.points = _root.points + eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[i]).value)) : (i - i));
((eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[i]).l == 5) ? ((_root.matches = _root.matches + 1)(_root.joker_penalty = _root.joker_penalty + 1)) : (i - i));
i = 1;
while (i <= {
eval ("_root.card" + i).card_button.gotoAndStop(2);
_root.next_game.redeal_mc.gotoAndStop(1); = 669;
temp_total = _root.matches;
temp_total = Math.min(temp_total, _root.table.length);
trace("joker " + _root.joker_penalty);
trace("_root.matches " + _root.matches);
trace("temp total " + temp_total);
trace("value " + _root.points);;
(((((temp_total == _root.table.length) && (_root.challenger != "true")) && (_root.challenged != "true")) && ( < 9)) ? (_root.next_game.gotoAndStop(2)play_sound("good_end")start_interlude_music()) : ((f = f)));
((((temp_total != _root.table.length) && (_root.challenger != "true")) && (_root.challenged != "true")) ? (_root.next_game.gotoAndStop(3)play_sound("end_game")) : ((f = f)));
(((((temp_total == _root.table.length) && (_root.challenger != "true")) && (_root.challenged != "true")) && ( == 9)) ? ("good_end")start_interlude_music()) : ((f = f)));
trace("game " +;
_root.next_game.you_got = ("You earned " + _root.points) + " points.";
if (_root.challenger != "true") {
((f = f));// not popped
} else {
(_root.next_game.gotoAndStop(4));// not popped
if (_root.challenged != "true") {
((f = f));// not popped
} else {
(_root.next_game.gotoAndStop(5));// not popped
c1 = 0;
while (c1 < 3) {
removeMovieClip(eval ("_root.card" + _root.stash[c1]));
((_root.challenged != "true") ? ((_root.display.total_score = _root.display.total_score + _root.points)) : ((i = i)));
_root.joker_penalty = 0;
_root.points = 0;
function redeal() {
((_root.challenged == "true") ? (tally()) : ((i = i)));
rd = 0;
while (rd < 4) {
if ((rd < 3) && (_root.chance <= 4)) {
eval ("_root.card" + _root.stash[rd]).y = 540;
eval ("_root.card" + _root.stash[rd]).del = true;
eval ("_root.card" + _root.stash[rd]).go = true;
_root.stash[rd] = 0;
if (rd == 3) {
_root.next_game.redeal_mc.deals_left = _root.next_game.redeal_mc.deals_left - (1 * (_root.next_game.redeal_mc.deals_left > 0));
_root.sp = 0;
function from_stash(piece) {
_root.fromDeck = true;
eval ("_root.card" + piece).startDrag();
eval ("_root.card" + piece)._x = _root._xmouse - (_root.card._width * 0.5);
eval ("_root.card" + piece)._y = _root._ymouse - (_root.card._height * 0.5);
eval ("_root.card" + piece).swapDepths(999);
_root.stash[_root.x - 2] = 0;
_root.hand = piece;
_root.sp = _root.x - 2;
_root.ready_to_deal = true;
function swapCard(piece) {
if ((_root.tx != _root.x) || (_root.ty != _root.y)) {
eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[]).x = _root.tempx;
eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[]).y = _root.tempy;
eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[]).go = true;
eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[]).swapDepths(998);
_root.table[_root.tempplace] = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[]).piece;
_root.hand = false;
function dropCard(piece, adj) {
if (_root.over != undefined) {
((_root.y < 4) ? ((y_adj = 0)(x_adj = 0)) : ((y_adj = 13)(x_adj = 5)));
eval ("_root.card" + piece).x = (_root.x * 77) + ((72 - x_adj) + (adj / 5));
eval ("_root.card" + piece).y = (((_root.y - 1) * 107) + (25 + adj)) + y_adj;
eval ("_root.card" + piece).go = true;
eval ("_root.c" +, 0, piece);
_root.table[] = piece;
if (( == "stash") && (_root.over == 0)) {
_root.stash[_root.x - 2] = piece;
delay = true;
if (( != "stash") && (_root.over == 0)) {
_root.hand = false;
_root.card_count = 0;
cc = 0;
while (cc < _root.table.length) {
_root.card_count = _root.card_count + (_root.table[cc] != 0);
if (_root.card_count == _root.table.length) {
function moveCard(piece) {
eval ("_root.card" + piece).startDrag();
eval ("_root.card" + piece)._x = _root._xmouse - (_root.card._width * 0.5);
eval ("_root.card" + piece)._y = _root._ymouse - (_root.card._height * 0.5);
_root.tempx = eval ("_root.card" + piece).x;
_root.tempy = eval ("_root.card" + piece).y;
_root.tx = _root.x;
_root.ty = _root.y;
_root.tempplace =;
eval ("_root.card" + piece).swapDepths(999);
_root.table[] = 0;
_root.hand = piece;
function dropCheck(piece) {
var _local1 = _root;
var _local2 = piece;
if ( != undefined) {
if ((((_local1.over > 0) && (_local1.fromDeck != true)) && (condition != 2)) && ( != "stash")) {
if ((_local1.over == 0) && ( != "stash")) {
_local1.fromDeck = false;
if (( == "stash") && (_local1.over == 0)) {
dropCard(_local2, 10);
function tally() {
i = 0;
while (i < _root.table.length) {
(((eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[i]).card._currentframe == 2) && (eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[i]).l != 5)) ? ((temp_tally = temp_tally + eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[i]).value)) : ((i = i)));
_root.display.total_score = temp_tally;
temp_tally = 0;
function happy_check() {
((_root.challenged == "true") ? (tally()) : ((i = i)));
function type_1(f, adj1, adj2, extra) {
joker = 0;
(your_left = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f]).l);
(your_right = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f]).r);
check_left = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f + adj1]).r;
check_right = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f + adj2]).l;
left = (your_left == check_left) && (your_left != undefined);
right = (your_right == check_right) && (your_right != undefined);
joker = joker + (check_left == 5);
joker = joker + (check_right == 5);
(((((left + right) + joker) == 2) && (eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f]).card._currentframe != 2)) ? (eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f]) : ((f = f)));
if (((left + right) + joker) != 2) {
(eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f]).card.gotoAndStop(1));// not popped
} else {
(eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f]).card.gotoAndStop(2));// not popped
function type_2(f, adj1, adj2, extra) {
joker = 0;
(your_down = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f]).l);
(your_up = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f]).r);
check_up = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f + adj1]).l;
check_down = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f + adj2]).r;
up = (your_up == check_up) && (your_up != undefined);
down = (your_down == check_down) && (your_down != undefined);
joker = joker + (check_up == 5);
joker = joker + (check_down == 5);
(((((up + down) + joker) == 2) && (eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f]).card._currentframe != 2)) ? (eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f]) : ((f = f)));
if (((up + down) + joker) != 2) {
(eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f]).card.gotoAndStop(1));// not popped
} else {
(eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f]).card.gotoAndStop(2));// not popped
function type_3(f, adj1, adj2, extra) {
joker = 0;
(your_down = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f]).l);
(your_right = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f]).r);
check_down = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f + adj1]).r;
check_right = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f + adj2]).l;
down = (your_down == check_down) && (your_down != undefined);
right = (your_right == check_right) && (your_right != undefined);
joker = joker + (check_down == 5);
joker = joker + (check_right == 5);
(((((right + down) + joker) == 2) && (eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f]).card._currentframe != 2)) ? (eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f]) : ((f = f)));
if (((right + down) + joker) != 2) {
(eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f]).card.gotoAndStop(1));// not popped
} else {
(eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f]).card.gotoAndStop(2));// not popped
function type_4(f, adj1, adj2, extra) {
joker = 0;
(your_down = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f]).l);
(your_left = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f]).l);
check_down = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f + adj1]).r;
check_left = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f + adj2]).r;
down = (your_down == check_down) && (your_down != undefined);
left = (your_left == check_left) && (your_left != undefined);
joker = joker + (check_down == 5);
joker = joker + (check_left == 5);
(((((left + down) + joker) == 2) && (eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f]).card._currentframe != 2)) ? (eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f]) : ((f = f)));
if (((left + down) + joker) != 2) {
(eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f]).card.gotoAndStop(1));// not popped
} else {
(eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f]).card.gotoAndStop(2));// not popped
function type_5(f, adj1, adj2, extra) {
joker = 0;
(your_up = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f]).r);
(your_left = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f]).l);
check_up = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f + adj1]).l;
check_left = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f + adj2]).r;
up = (your_up == check_up) && (your_up != undefined);
left = (your_left == check_left) && (your_left != undefined);
joker = joker + (check_up == 5);
joker = joker + (check_left == 5);
(((((up + left) + joker) == 2) && (eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f]).card._currentframe != 2)) ? (eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f]) : ((f = f)));
if (((up + left) + joker) != 2) {
(eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f]).card.gotoAndStop(1));// not popped
} else {
(eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f]).card.gotoAndStop(2));// not popped
function type_6(f, adj1, adj2, extra) {
joker = 0;
(your_up = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f]).r);
(your_right = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f]).r);
check_up = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f + adj1]).l;
check_right = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f + adj2]).l;
up = (your_up == check_up) && (your_up != undefined);
right = (your_right == check_right) && (your_right != undefined);
joker = joker + (check_up == 5);
joker = joker + (check_right == 5);
(((((up + right) + joker) == 2) && (eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f]).card._currentframe != 2)) ? (eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f]) : ((f = f)));
if (((up + right) + joker) != 2) {
(eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f]).card.gotoAndStop(1));// not popped
} else {
(eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f]).card.gotoAndStop(2));// not popped
function type_7(f, adj1, adj2, adj3, extra) {
joker = 0;
(your_down = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f]).l);
(your_up = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f]).r);
check_up = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f + adj1]).l;
check_down = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f + adj2]).r;
check_right = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f + adj3]).l;
up = (your_up == check_up) && (your_up != undefined);
down = (your_down == check_down) && (your_down != undefined);
right = (your_up == check_right) && (your_up != undefined);
joker = joker + (check_up == 5);
joker = joker + (check_down == 5);
joker = joker + (check_right == 5);
((((((up + down) + right) + joker) == 3) && (eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f]).card._currentframe != 2)) ? (eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f]) : ((f = f)));
if ((((up + down) + right) + joker) != 3) {
(eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f]).card.gotoAndStop(1));// not popped
} else {
(eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f]).card.gotoAndStop(2));// not popped
function type_8(f, adj1, adj2, adj3, extra) {
joker = 0;
(your_down = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f]).l);
(your_up = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f]).r);
check_up = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f + adj1]).l;
check_down = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f + adj2]).r;
check_left = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f + adj3]).r;
up = (your_up == check_up) && (your_up != undefined);
down = (your_down == check_down) && (your_down != undefined);
left = (your_down == check_left) && (your_up != undefined);
joker = joker + (check_up == 5);
joker = joker + (check_down == 5);
joker = joker + (check_left == 5);
((((((up + down) + left) + joker) == 3) && (eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f]).card._currentframe != 2)) ? (eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f]) : ((f = f)));
if ((((up + down) + left) + joker) != 3) {
(eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f]).card.gotoAndStop(1));// not popped
} else {
(eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f]).card.gotoAndStop(2));// not popped
function type_9(f, adj1, adj2, adj3, extra) {
joker = 0;
(your_down = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f]).l);
(your_up = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f]).r);
check_down = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f + adj1]).r;
check_left = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f + adj2]).r;
check_right = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f + adj3]).l;
left = (your_down == check_left) && (your_down != undefined);
right = (your_up == check_right) && (your_up != undefined);
down = (your_down == check_down) && (your_down != undefined);
joker = joker + (check_down == 5);
joker = joker + (check_left == 5);
joker = joker + (check_right == 5);
((((((left + right) + down) + joker) == 3) && (eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f]).card._currentframe != 2)) ? (eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f]) : ((f = f)));
if ((((left + right) + down) + joker) != 3) {
(eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f]).card.gotoAndStop(1));// not popped
} else {
(eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f]).card.gotoAndStop(2));// not popped
function type_10(f, adj1, adj2, adj3, extra) {
joker = 0;
(your_down = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f]).l);
(your_up = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f]).r);
(((your_down == 5) || (your_up == 5)) ? ((_root.joker_add = _root.joker_add + (1 * (_root.card_count == _root.table.length)))) : ((f = f)));
check_up = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f + adj1]).l;
check_left = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f + adj2]).r;
check_right = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f + adj3]).l;
left = (your_down == check_left) && (your_down != undefined);
right = (your_up == check_right) && (your_up != undefined);
up = (your_up == check_up) && (your_down != undefined);
joker = joker + (check_up == 5);
joker = joker + (check_left == 5);
joker = joker + (check_right == 5);
((((((left + right) + up) + joker) == 3) && (eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f]).card._currentframe != 2)) ? (eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f]) : ((f = f)));
if ((((left + right) + up) + joker) != 3) {
(eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f]).card.gotoAndStop(1));// not popped
} else {
(eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f]).card.gotoAndStop(2));// not popped
function type_11(f, adj1, adj2, adj3, adj4, extra) {
joker = 0;
(your_down = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f]).l);
(your_up = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f]).r);
check_up = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f + adj1]).l;
check_down = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f + adj2]).r;
check_left = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f + adj3]).r;
check_right = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f + adj4]).l;
left = (your_down == check_left) && (your_down != undefined);
right = (your_up == check_right) && (your_up != undefined);
up = (your_up == check_up) && (your_down != undefined);
down = (your_down == check_down) && (your_down != undefined);
joker = joker + (check_up == 5);
joker = joker + (check_down == 5);
joker = joker + (check_left == 5);
joker = joker + (check_right == 5);
(((((((left + right) + up) + down) + joker) == 4) && (eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f]).card._currentframe != 2)) ? (eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f]) : ((f = f)));
if (((((left + right) + up) + down) + joker) != 4) {
(eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f]).card.gotoAndStop(1));// not popped
} else {
(eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[f]).card.gotoAndStop(2));// not popped
function score_cards_deck(game) {
if (game == 1) {
f = 0;
while (f <= _root.table.length) {
(((((f == 1) || (f == 2)) || (f == 3)) || (f == 4)) ? (type_1(f, -1, 1, 10)) : ((f = f)));
(((((f == 8) || (f == 9)) || (f == 10)) || (f == 11)) ? (type_1(f, 1, -1, 10)) : ((f = f)));
((f == 13) ? (type_2(f, -13, -1, 10)) : ((f = f)));
((f == 6) ? (type_2(f, -1, 1, 10)) : ((f = f)));
((f == 0) ? (type_3(f, 13, 1, 10)) : ((f = f)));
((f == 5) ? (type_4(f, -1, 1, 10)) : ((f = f)));
((f == 7) ? (type_5(f, -1, 1, 10)) : ((f = f)));
((f == 12) ? (type_6(f, 1, -1, 10)) : ((f = f)));
(((f == _root.table.length) && (_root.card_count == _root.table.length)) ? (results()) : ((f = f)));
if (game == 2) {
f = 0;
while (f <= (_root.table.length + 1)) {
((f == 1) ? (type_2(f, -1, 1, 10)) : ((f = f)));
((f == 10) ? (type_2(f, -1, 1, 10)) : ((f = f)));
((f == 3) ? (type_3(f, 2, 1, 10)) : ((f = f)));
((f == 4) ? (type_4(f, 2, -1, 10)) : ((f = f)));
((f == 5) ? (type_7(f, -2, 2, 1, 10)) : ((f = f)));
((f == 6) ? (type_8(f, -2, 2, -1, 10)) : ((f = f)));
((f == 7) ? (type_6(f, -2, 1, 10)) : ((f = f)));
((f == 8) ? (type_5(f, -2, -1, 10)) : ((f = f)));
(((f == _root.table.length) && (_root.card_count == _root.table.length)) ? (results()) : ((f = f)));
my_adj = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[0]).l;
your_adj = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[1]).r;
((((your_adj == my_adj) || (your_adj == 5)) && (eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[0]).card._currentframe != 2)) ? (eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[0]) : ((f = f)));
eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[0]).card.gotoAndStop(((your_adj == my_adj) || (your_adj == 5)) + 1);
my_adj = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[2]).r;
your_adj = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[1]).l;
((((your_adj == my_adj) || (your_adj == 5)) && (eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[2]).card._currentframe != 2)) ? (eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[2]) : ((f = f)));
eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[2]).card.gotoAndStop(((your_adj == my_adj) || (your_adj == 5)) + 1);
my_adj = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[9]).l;
your_adj = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[10]).r;
((((your_adj == my_adj) || (your_adj == 5)) && (eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[9]).card._currentframe != 2)) ? (eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[9]) : ((f = f)));
eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[9]).card.gotoAndStop(((your_adj == my_adj) || (your_adj == 5)) + 1);
my_adj = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[11]).r;
your_adj = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[10]).l;
((((your_adj == my_adj) || (your_adj == 5)) && (eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[11]).card._currentframe != 2)) ? (eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[11]) : ((f = f)));
eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[11]).card.gotoAndStop(((your_adj == my_adj) || (your_adj == 5)) + 1);
if (game == 3) {
f = 0;
while (f <= (_root.table.length + 1)) {
((f == 0) ? (type_3(f, 10, 1, 10)) : ((f = f)));
(((f == 1) || (f == 2)) ? (type_1(f, -1, 1, 10)) : ((f = f)));
((f == 3) ? (type_4(f, 1, -1, 10)) : ((f = f)));
((f == 4) ? (type_7(f, -1, 2, 1, 10)) : ((f = f)));
((f == 6) ? (type_5(f, -2, 1, 10)) : ((f = f)));
(((f == 7) || (f == 8)) ? (type_1(f, 1, -1, 10)) : ((f = f)));
((f == 9) ? (type_6(f, 1, -1, 10)) : ((f = f)));
((f == 10) ? (type_8(f, -10, -1, 1, 10)) : ((f = f)));
(((f == _root.table.length) && (_root.card_count == _root.table.length)) ? (results()) : ((f = f)));
my_adj = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[11]).r;
your_adj = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[10]).l;
((((your_adj == my_adj) || (your_adj == 5)) && (eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[11]).card._currentframe != 2)) ? (eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[11]) : ((f = f)));
eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[11]).card.gotoAndStop(((your_adj == my_adj) || (your_adj == 5)) + 1);
my_adj = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[5]).l;
your_adj = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[4]).r;
((((your_adj == my_adj) || (your_adj == 5)) && (eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[5]).card._currentframe != 2)) ? (eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[5]) : ((f = f)));
eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[5]).card.gotoAndStop(((your_adj == my_adj) || (your_adj == 5)) + 1);
if (game == 4) {
f = 0;
while (f <= (_root.table.length + 1)) {
(((f == 1) || (f == 2)) ? (type_9(f, 3, -1, 1, 10)) : ((f = f)));
((f == 4) ? (type_6(f, -3, 1, 10)) : ((f = f)));
((f == 5) ? (type_5(f, -3, -1, 10)) : ((f = f)));
((f == 7) ? (type_6(f, -1, 1, 10)) : ((f = f)));
((f == 10) ? (type_5(f, 1, -1, 10)) : ((f = f)));
(((f == _root.table.length) && (_root.card_count == _root.table.length)) ? (results()) : ((f = f)));
my_adj = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[11]).l;
your_adj = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[10]).r;
((((your_adj == my_adj) || (your_adj == 5)) && (eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[11]).card._currentframe != 2)) ? (eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[11]) : ((f = f)));
eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[11]).card.gotoAndStop(((your_adj == my_adj) || (your_adj == 5)) + 1);
my_adj = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[9]).r;
your_adj = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[10]).l;
((((your_adj == my_adj) || (your_adj == 5)) && (eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[9]).card._currentframe != 2)) ? (eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[9]) : ((f = f)));
eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[9]).card.gotoAndStop(((your_adj == my_adj) || (your_adj == 5)) + 1);
my_adj = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[6]).l;
your_adj = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[7]).r;
((((your_adj == my_adj) || (your_adj == 5)) && (eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[6]).card._currentframe != 2)) ? (eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[6]) : ((f = f)));
eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[6]).card.gotoAndStop(((your_adj == my_adj) || (your_adj == 5)) + 1);
my_adj = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[8]).l;
your_adj = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[7]).r;
((((your_adj == my_adj) || (your_adj == 5)) && (eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[8]).card._currentframe != 2)) ? (eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[8]) : ((f = f)));
eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[8]).card.gotoAndStop(((your_adj == my_adj) || (your_adj == 5)) + 1);
my_adj = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[0]).r;
your_adj = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[1]).l;
((((your_adj == my_adj) || (your_adj == 5)) && (eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[0]).card._currentframe != 2)) ? (eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[0]) : ((f = f)));
eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[0]).card.gotoAndStop(((your_adj == my_adj) || (your_adj == 5)) + 1);
my_adj = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[3]).l;
your_adj = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[2]).r;
((((your_adj == my_adj) || (your_adj == 5)) && (eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[3]).card._currentframe != 2)) ? (eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[3]) : ((f = f)));
eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[3]).card.gotoAndStop(((your_adj == my_adj) || (your_adj == 5)) + 1);
if (game == 5) {
f = 0;
while (f <= (_root.table.length + 1)) {
(((((f == 1) || (f == 4)) || (f == 7)) || (f == 10)) ? (type_1(f, -1, 1, 10)) : ((f = f)));
(((f == 2) || (f == 3)) ? (type_9(f, 10, -1, 1, 10)) : ((f = f)));
(((f == 8) || (f == 9)) ? (type_10(f, 4, -1, 1, 10)) : ((f = f)));
((f == 12) ? (type_7(f, -10, -4, 1, 10)) : ((f = f)));
((f == 13) ? (type_8(f, -10, -4, -1, 10)) : ((f = f)));
(((f == _root.table.length) && (_root.card_count == _root.table.length)) ? (results()) : ((f = f)));
my_adj = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[0]).r;
your_adj = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[1]).l;
((((your_adj == my_adj) || (your_adj == 5)) && (eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[0]).card._currentframe != 2)) ? (eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[0]) : ((f = f)));
eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[0]).card.gotoAndStop(((your_adj == my_adj) || (your_adj == 5)) + 1);
my_adj = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[5]).l;
your_adj = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[4]).r;
((((your_adj == my_adj) || (your_adj == 5)) && (eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[5]).card._currentframe != 2)) ? (eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[5]) : ((f = f)));
eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[5]).card.gotoAndStop(((your_adj == my_adj) || (your_adj == 5)) + 1);
my_adj = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[6]).r;
your_adj = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[7]).l;
((((your_adj == my_adj) || (your_adj == 5)) && (eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[6]).card._currentframe != 2)) ? (eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[6]) : ((f = f)));
eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[6]).card.gotoAndStop(((your_adj == my_adj) || (your_adj == 5)) + 1);
my_adj = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[11]).l;
your_adj = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[10]).r;
((((your_adj == my_adj) || (your_adj == 5)) && (eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[11]).card._currentframe != 2)) ? (eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[11]) : ((f = f)));
eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[11]).card.gotoAndStop(((your_adj == my_adj) || (your_adj == 5)) + 1);
if (game == 6) {
f = 0;
while (f <= (_root.table.length + 1)) {
(((f == 5) || (f == 8)) ? (type_1(f, -1, 1, 10)) : ((f = f)));
(((f == 6) || (f == 7)) ? (type_11(f, -5, 5, -1, 1, 10)) : ((f = f)));
((f == 4) ? (type_7(f, -4, 6, 1, 10)) : ((f = f)));
((f == 9) ? (type_8(f, -6, 4, -1, 10)) : ((f = f)));
((f == 1) ? (type_3(f, 5, 1, 10)) : ((f = f)));
((f == 2) ? (type_4(f, 5, -1, 10)) : ((f = f)));
((f == 11) ? (type_6(f, -5, 1, 10)) : ((f = f)));
((f == 12) ? (type_5(f, -5, -1, 10)) : ((f = f)));
(((f == _root.table.length) && (_root.card_count == _root.table.length)) ? (results()) : ((f = f)));
my_adj = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[0]).l;
your_adj = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[4]).r;
((((your_adj == my_adj) || (your_adj == 5)) && (eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[0]).card._currentframe != 2)) ? (eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[0]) : ((f = f)));
eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[0]).card.gotoAndStop(((your_adj == my_adj) || (your_adj == 5)) + 1);
my_adj = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[3]).l;
your_adj = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[9]).r;
((((your_adj == my_adj) || (your_adj == 5)) && (eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[3]).card._currentframe != 2)) ? (eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[3]) : ((f = f)));
eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[3]).card.gotoAndStop(((your_adj == my_adj) || (your_adj == 5)) + 1);
my_adj = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[10]).r;
your_adj = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[4]).l;
((((your_adj == my_adj) || (your_adj == 5)) && (eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[10]).card._currentframe != 2)) ? (eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[10]) : ((f = f)));
eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[10]).card.gotoAndStop(((your_adj == my_adj) || (your_adj == 5)) + 1);
my_adj = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[13]).r;
your_adj = eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[9]).l;
((((your_adj == my_adj) || (your_adj == 5)) && (eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[13]).card._currentframe != 2)) ? (eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[13]) : ((f = f)));
eval ("_root.card" + _root.table[13]).card.gotoAndStop(((your_adj == my_adj) || (your_adj == 5)) + 1);
if (game == 7) {
f = 0;
while (f <= (_root.table.length + 1)) {
((f == 0) ? (type_3(f, 13, 1, 10)) : ((f = f)));
((f == 5) ? (type_4(f, 1, -1, 10)) : ((f = f)));
((f == 7) ? (type_5(f, -1, 1, 10)) : ((f = f)));
((f == 12) ? (type_6(f, 1, -1, 10)) : ((f = f)));
((f == 6) ? (type_2(f, -1, 1, 10)) : ((f = f)));
((f == 13) ? (type_2(f, -13, -1, 10)) : ((f = f)));
((f == 14) ? (type_2(f, -12, -4, 10)) : ((f = f)));
((f == 15) ? (type_2(f, -12, -6, 10)) : ((f = f)));
(((f == 1) || (f == 4)) ? (type_1(f, -1, 1, 10)) : ((f = f)));
(((f == 8) || (f == 11)) ? (type_1(f, 1, -1, 10)) : ((f = f)));
(((f == 2) || (f == 3)) ? (type_9(f, 12, -1, 1, 10)) : ((f = f)));
((f == 9) ? (type_10(f, 6, 1, -1, 10)) : ((f = f)));
((f == 10) ? (type_10(f, 4, 1, -1, 10)) : ((f = f)));
(((f == _root.table.length) && (_root.card_count == _root.table.length)) ? (results()) : ((f = f)));
if (game == 8) {
f = 0;
while (f <= (_root.table.length + 1)) {
((f == 0) ? (type_3(f, 6, 1, 10)) : ((f = f)));
((f == 5) ? (type_4(f, -1, 4, 10)) : ((f = f)));
((f == 10) ? (type_6(f, -4, 1, 10)) : ((f = f)));
((f == 15) ? (type_5(f, -6, -1, 10)) : ((f = f)));
(((((f == 2) || (f == 3)) || (f == 12)) || (f == 13)) ? (type_1(f, -1, 1, 10)) : ((f = f)));
((f == 1) ? (type_9(f, 6, -1, 1, 10)) : ((f = f)));
((f == 4) ? (type_9(f, 4, -1, 1, 10)) : ((f = f)));
((f == 11) ? (type_10(f, -4, -1, 1, 10)) : ((f = f)));
((f == 14) ? (type_10(f, -6, -1, 1, 10)) : ((f = f)));
((f == 6) ? (type_7(f, -6, 4, 1, 10)) : ((f = f)));
((f == 8) ? (type_7(f, -4, 6, 1, 10)) : ((f = f)));
((f == 7) ? (type_8(f, -6, 4, -1, 10)) : ((f = f)));
((f == 9) ? (type_8(f, -4, 6, -1, 10)) : ((f = f)));
(((f == _root.table.length) && (_root.card_count == _root.table.length)) ? (results()) : ((f = f)));
if (_root.challenged != "true") {
((f = f));// not popped
} else {
(_root.challengers_score = Number(_root.challengers_score));
(_root.challengers_table = Number(_root.challengers_table));
(_root.display.gotoAndStop(2));// not popped
_root.card.card.stop(); = new Array(5, 5, 5, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4);
_root.rv = new Array(5, 5, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4);
_root.value = new Array(0, 0, 0, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 25, 25, 25, 25);
_root.stash_place = new Array(223, 301, 379);
_root.parties = new Array("Happy Hour", "Pot Luck", "Big Buffet", "Fancy Feast", "Summer Picnic", "Cocktail Hour", "Dinner Date", "Champagne Brunch");
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
intro_volume = s_intro.getVolume();
intro_volume = intro_volume - (fade_intro_music == true);
((intro_volume <= 1) ? (s_intro.stop()(fade_intro_music = false)) : (s_intro.setVolume(intro_volume)));
first_volume = _root.first_theme.first_intro.getVolume();
first_volume = first_volume - (fade_first_music == true);
((first_volume <= 1) ? (_root.first_theme.first_intro.stop()(fade_first_music = false)) : (_root.first_theme.first_intro.setVolume(first_volume)));
interlude_volume = s_interlude.getVolume();
interlude_volume = interlude_volume - (fade_interlude_music == true);
((interlude_volume <= 1) ? (s_interlude.stop()(fade_interlude_music = false)) : (s_interlude.setVolume(interlude_volume)));
if (delay == true) {
if (d == 2) {
_root.hand = false;
d = 0;
delay = false;
_root.mstash = _root.stash.toString();
_root.mtable = _root.table.toString();
_root.mbonus_list = _root.bonus_list.toString();
_root.x = Math.floor((_root._xmouse - 72) / 77);
_root.y = Math.min(4, Math.floor((_root._ymouse - 28) / 107) + 1);
_root.ncard = _root.rnd[_root.d];
if (_root.y < 4) { = _root.place_check[(_root.x + 1) add _root.y];
_root.over = _root.table[];
} else { = "stash";
_root.over = _root.stash[_root.x - 2];
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip "cards" in Frame 5
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 501 MovieClip "card" in Frame 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (go == true) {
adj = _x - x;
opp = _y - y;
ae = (opp * opp) + (adj * adj);
distance = Math.abs(Math.sqrt(ae));
angle = int((Math.atan(opp / adj) / 0.0174) - (180 * (adj < 0)));
_x = (_x - (Math.cos(angle * 0.0174) * (distance * 0.5)));
_y = (_y - (Math.sin(angle * 0.0174) * (distance * 0.5)));
if ((del == true) && (distance < 2)) {
_root.hand = false;
_root.fromDeck = false;
if ((del != true) && (distance < 2)) {
_x = x;
_y = y;
go = false;
Symbol 9 MovieClip [externalFileHolder] Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 5 MovieClip "timer" in Symbol 9 MovieClip [externalFileHolder] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ( {
Instance of Symbol 8 MovieClip "slot" in Symbol 9 MovieClip [externalFileHolder] Frame 1
onClipEvent (data) {
adbgColor = new Color(adbg);
_parent.adbg._width = _parent._parent._parent.Ad_vars_Object._ad_width;
_parent.adbg._height = _parent._parent._parent.Ad_vars_Object._ad_height;
_parent.adbg._alpha = 100;
_parent.admask._width = _parent._parent._parent.Ad_vars_Object._ad_width;
_parent.admask._height = _parent._parent._parent.Ad_vars_Object._ad_height;
if (_parent._parent._parent.Ad_vars_Object._ad_params != null) {
ctString = new String(_parent._parent._parent.Ad_vars_Object._ad_params);
ctArray = ctString.split(",");
clickTAG = _parent._parent._parent.Ad_vars_Object._adparam_clickTAG;
shifting_i = 2;
array_i = ctArray.length;
downshift_i = array_i + 2;
assign_i = 2;
while (assign_i < downshift_i) {
this["clickTAG" + assign_i] = eval ("_parent._parent._parent.Ad_vars_Object._adparam_" + ctArray.shift());
_parent.referrer.isLoaded = true;
onClipEvent (mouseMove) {
if (_parent._parent._parent.Ad_vars_Object._ad_click_url != "") {
_parent.adbg.onRollOver = function () {
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
if (( != "") && (_parent.adbg.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, false))) {
getURL (, "_blank");
Symbol 26 Button
on (release) {;
Symbol 27 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 27 MovieClip Frame 2;
Symbol 32 MovieClip Frame 1
function aVO_onLoad(success) {
if (success) {
status = "loaded";
} else {
function die() {;
function parse_ADBG() {
Ad_Vars_Object._ad_bgtranslate = new String(unescape(Ad_Vars_Object._ad_bgcolor));
Ad_Vars_Object._ad_bgstripped = Ad_Vars_Object._ad_bgtranslate.substr(1, Ad_Vars_Object._ad_bgtranslate.length);
Ad_Vars_Object._ad_bgcolor = "0x" + Ad_Vars_Object._ad_bgstripped;
if (Ad_Vars_Object._ad_backdrop != null) {
Ad_Vars_Object._ad_bdtranslate = new String(unescape(Ad_Vars_Object._ad_backdrop));
Ad_Vars_Object._ad_bdstripped = Ad_Vars_Object._ad_bdtranslate.substr(1, Ad_Vars_Object._ad_bdtranslate.length);
Ad_Vars_Object._ad_backdrop = "0x" + Ad_Vars_Object._ad_bdstripped;
function Flash_Ads_Object() {
var _local1 = this;
_local1.timedScreenObject = new Object();
_local1.offScreenOffset = 1000;
_local1.curScreen = null;
function killFAO() {
delete myGameObject;
delete Ad_Vars_Object;
function Flash_Ads_Timer(screen, parent, endTime) {
var _local1 = this;
_local1.screen = screen; =;
_local1.parent = parent; = _local1;
_local1.endTime = endTime * 1000; = false;
Ad_Vars_Object = new LoadVars();
Ad_Vars_Object.onLoad = aVO_onLoad;
Flash_Ads_Object.prototype.getBitrate = function () {
bittime1 = int(getTimer() / 1000);
b_loaded = _root.getBytesLoaded();
bittime = (getTimer() / 1000) - bittime1;
bps = b_loaded / bittime;
if (bps >= 2500) {
connectspeed = "fast";
} else {
connectspeed = "slow";
Flash_Ads_Object.prototype.Continue = function () {
var _local1 = this;
if (_local1.curScreen != null) {
if (Ad_Vars_Object.adshown == true) {;
} else {
_local1.curScreen = _local1.timedScreenObject;
gotoAndStop ("displayAd");
Flash_Ads_Object.prototype.ExternalGraphicsAreLoaded = function () {
Ad_Vars_Object.adLoaded = true;
if (!this.timedScreenObject.isLoaded) {
Ad_Vars_Object.adLoaded = false;
Flash_Ads_Object.prototype.GetExternalParameters = function () {
var _local1 = this;
if (connectspeed == "fast") {
_local1.timedScreenObject.path = Ad_Vars_Object._ad_url;
_local1.timedScreenObject.duration = Ad_Vars_Object._ad_duration; = Ad_Vars_Object._ad_click_url;
} else if (connectspeed == "slow") {
_local1.timedScreenObject.path = Ad_Vars_Object._ad_url;
_local1.timedScreenObject.duration = Ad_Vars_Object._ad_duration; = Ad_Vars_Object._ad_click_url;
Flash_Ads_Object.prototype.LoadExternalGraphic = function (screen, depth) {
var _local1 = screen;
var _local2 = depth;
empty.attachMovie("externalFileHolder", "holder" + _local2, _local2); = empty["holder" + _local2]; = _local1;;
Flash_Ads_Object.prototype.MainMovieIsLoaded = function () {
if (_root.getBytesLoaded() == _root.getBytesTotal()) {
Flash_Ads_Object.prototype.PreloadExternalGraphics = function () {
var _local1 = this;
_local1.LoadExternalGraphic(_local1.timedScreenObject, 1); = _local1.offScreenOffset;
Flash_Ads_Object.prototype.RemoveScreen = function (screen) {
var _local1 = screen;;;
Flash_Ads_Object.prototype.ShowScreen = function (screen) {
var _local1 = screen;
if (Ad_Vars_Object._ad_width > Stage.width) {
wscaledown = true;
} else {
wscaledown = false;
if (Ad_Vars_Object._ad_height > Stage.height) {
hscaledown = true;
} else {
hscaledown = false;
if ((wscaledown == true) && (hscaledown == false)) {
wscaledownpct = (Stage.width / Ad_Vars_Object._ad_width) * 100; = Math.floor(Number(wscaledownpct)); = Math.floor(Number(wscaledownpct));
tempwidth =;
tempheight =; = (Stage.width / 2) - (tempwidth / 2); = (Stage.height / 2) - (tempheight / 2);
} else if ((hscaledown == true) && (wscaledown == false)) {
hscaledownpct = (Stage.width / Ad_Vars_Object._ad_height) * 100; = Math.floor(Number(hscaledownpct)); = Math.floor(Number(hscaledownpct));
tempwidth =;
tempheight =; = (Stage.width / 2) - (tempwidth / 2); = (Stage.height / 2) - (tempheight / 2);
} else if ((wscaledown == true) && (hscaledown == true)) {
wscaledownpct = (Stage.width / Ad_Vars_Object._ad_width) * 100;
hscaledownpct = (Stage.height / Ad_Vars_Object._ad_height) * 100;
if (wscaledownpct >= hscaledownpct) {
scaledownpct = wscaledownpct;
} else if (hscaledownpct > wscaledownpct) {
scaledownpct = hscaledownpct;
} = Math.floor(Number(scaledownpct)); = Math.floor(Number(scaledownpct));
tempwidth =;
tempheight =; = (Stage.width / 2) - (tempwidth / 2); = (Stage.height / 2) - (tempheight / 2);
} else if ((wscaledown == false) && (hscaledown == false)) { = (Stage.width / 2) - (Ad_Vars_Object._ad_width / 2); = (Stage.height / 2) - (Ad_Vars_Object._ad_height / 2);
delete wscaledown;
delete hscaledown;
delete wscaledownpct;
delete hscaledownpct;
delete scaledownpct;
delete tempwidth;
delete tempheight;
_local1.timer = new Flash_Ads_Timer(_local1, this, _local1.duration);
Flash_Ads_Timer.prototype.Start = function () { = true;
this.startTime = getTimer();
Flash_Ads_Timer.prototype.Tick = function () {
var _local1 = this;
if ((getTimer() - _local1.startTime) >= _local1.endTime) {
EndTimerAdapter(_local1.parent); = false;
EndTimerAdapter = function (parent) {
Ad_Vars_Object.adshown = true;
myGameObject = new Flash_Ads_Object();
Symbol 32 MovieClip Frame 2
ad_loadTimerStart = getTimer();
Symbol 32 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 32 MovieClip Frame 4
if (ad_Vars_Object.eof == 1) {
} else if (getTimer() > (ad_loadTimerStart + 5000)) {
} else {
Symbol 32 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 32 MovieClip Frame 6
if (myGameObject.MainMovieIsLoaded() && (ad_Vars_Object.eof == 1)) {
} else {
Symbol 32 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 32 MovieClip Frame 8
if (myGameObject.ExternalGraphicsAreLoaded()) {
} else {
Symbol 32 MovieClip Frame 9
if (Ad_vars_Object._ad_backdrop != null) {
adbdColor = new Color(adbd);
adbd._width = Stage.width;
adbd._height = Stage.height;
adbd._alpha = 100;
Symbol 44 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 44 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 44 MovieClip Frame 3
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 44 MovieClip Frame 4
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 44 MovieClip Frame 5
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 44 MovieClip Frame 6
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 44 MovieClip Frame 7
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 44 MovieClip Frame 8
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 44 MovieClip Frame 9
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 44 MovieClip Frame 10
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 44 MovieClip Frame 11
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 44 MovieClip Frame 12
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 47 Button
on (release) {;
Symbol 64 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 66 Button
on (release) {
((((_root.instructions._currentframe != 10) && (_root.instructions._currentframe != 4)) && (_root.instructions._currentframe != 5)) ? (_root.script.intro_credits()) : ((i = i)));
(((_root.instructions._currentframe == 10) || (_root.instructions._currentframe == 4)) ? (_root.script.credits()) : ((i = i)));
Symbol 74 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 82 MovieClip Frame 19
Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 49
Symbol 86 Button
on (release) {
_root.challenged = false;
_root.your_name = "";
_root.your_email = "";
_root.your_table = "";
_root.your_score = "";
_root.friends_name = "";
_root.friends_email = "";
Symbol 89 Button
on (release) { = 1;
_root.challenger = false;
_root.challenged = false;
Symbol 101 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 104 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 107 Button
on (release) {
f_and = 0;
y_and = 0;
y_start = 0;
f_start = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < _root.your_email.length) {
((_root.your_email.substr(i, 1) == "@") ? ((y_and = 1)) : ((f = f)));
((_root.your_email.substr(i, 1) == ".") ? ((y_dot = 1)(y_start = i)) : ((f = f)));
i = 0;
while (i < _root.friends_email.length) {
((_root.friends_email.substr(i, 1) == "@") ? ((f_and = 1)) : ((f = f)));
((_root.friends_email.substr(i, 1) == ".") ? ((f_dot = 1)(f_start = i)) : ((f = f)));
your_post = (_root.your_email.length - 1) - y_start;
friends_post = (_root.friends_email.length - 1) - f_start;
if (!((((((((your_post >= 2) && (friends_post >= 2)) && (y_and == 1)) && (f_and == 1)) && (y_dot == 1)) && (f_dot == 1)) && (_root.your_name.length > 0)) && (_root.friends_name.length > 0))) {
(this.gotoAndStop(6));// not popped
} else {
(_root.challenger = "true");
(_root.script.play_button());// not popped
Symbol 142 Button
on (release) {
_root.challenge_mode = true;
Symbol 147 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 148 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 151 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 163 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 166 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 167 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 167 MovieClip Frame 2
function swap(num) {
i = 1;
while (i <= 8) {
eval ("b" + i).gotoAndStop(1);
eval ("b" + num).gotoAndStop(2);
mini_table.gotoAndStop(num); = num;
Instance of Symbol 106 MovieClip "b8" in Symbol 167 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
num = 8;
Instance of Symbol 116 MovieClip "b7" in Symbol 167 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
num = 7;
Instance of Symbol 118 MovieClip "b6" in Symbol 167 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
num = 6;
Instance of Symbol 120 MovieClip "b5" in Symbol 167 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
num = 5;
Instance of Symbol 122 MovieClip "b4" in Symbol 167 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
num = 4;
Instance of Symbol 124 MovieClip "b3" in Symbol 167 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
num = 3;
Instance of Symbol 126 MovieClip "b2" in Symbol 167 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
num = 2;
Instance of Symbol 128 MovieClip "b1" in Symbol 167 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
num = 1;
Instance of Symbol 132 MovieClip "mini_table" in Symbol 167 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
Symbol 167 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.challengers_table = Number(_root.challengers_table);
table_temp = _root.challengers_table - 1;
Symbol 167 MovieClip Frame 4
if (!((_root.challenger == "true") || (_root.challenged == "true"))) {
(good_girl.gotoAndStop(2));// not popped
} else {
((i = i));// not popped
Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 180 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.game_over != true) {
if (_root.hand != false) {
if (((_root.hand == false) && (_root.over == _parent.piece)) && (_root.y < 4)) {
if ((_root.hand == false) && (_root.y == 4)) {
Symbol 181 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 501 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 505 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 508 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.game_over != true) {
Symbol 509 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 519 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 539 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 541 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 545 Button
on (release) {
_root.table_name =;
Symbol 549 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 552 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 552 MovieClip Frame 3
final_score = _root.display.total_score + ".";
progress_table.gotoAndStop( - 1);
Symbol 552 MovieClip Frame 4
final_score = _root.display.total_score + ".";
_root.your_score = _root.display.total_score;
_root.your_table =;
sent_message = ((("Your challenge has been sent to " + _root.friends_name) + " at ") + _root.friends_email) + ". Once your opponent has played, we\u2019ll let you know who came out on top!";
Symbol 552 MovieClip Frame 5
final_score = _root.display.total_score + ".";
_root.your_score = Number(_root.display.total_score);
((_root.challengers_score == _root.display.total_score) ? ((sent_message = ((("It\u2019s a tie! The results of this challenge have been sent to " + _root.challengers_name) + " at ") + _root.challengers_email) + ". Play again to determine who is the hostess with the mostest!")_root.script.play_sound("end_game")) : ((f = f)));
((_root.challengers_score > _root.display.total_score) ? ((sent_message = ((("You lost this round of Lifetime RSVP! Your event was fine, but it wasn't as fabulous as " + _root.challengers_name) + "'s party. Congratulations have been sent to ") + _root.challengers_email) + ".")_root.script.play_sound("end_game")) : ((f = f)));
((_root.challengers_score < _root.display.total_score) ? ((sent_message = ((("You won this round of Lifetime RSVP! Clearly, your party was the place to be. Will " + _root.challengers_name) + " be on your guest list next time? We\u2019ve sent our condolences to ") + _root.challengers_email) + ".")_root.script.play_sound("good_end")) : ((f = f)));