Frame 1
loadingbar.percent_loaded = 0;
Frame 5
function dealWithCollision(x1, y1, v1xi, v1yi, x2, y2, v2xi, v2yi) {
t1 = findThetaTan(v1xi, v1yi);
t2 = findThetaTan(v2xi, v2yi);
phi = findThetaTan(x2 - x1, y2 - y1);
v1xr = _root.v1 * Math.cos((t1 - phi) * _root.term);
v1yr = _root.v1 * Math.sin((t1 - phi) * _root.term);
v2xr = _root.v2 * Math.cos((t2 - phi) * _root.term);
v2yr = _root.v2 * Math.sin((t2 - phi) * _root.term);
v1fxr = v2xr;
v1fyr = v1yr;
v2fxr = v1fxr + (1 * (v1xr - v2xr));
v2fyr = v2yr;
if (_root.first_hit == 1) {
_root.first_hit = 0;
v1fxr = v1fxr + (_root.english_draw * (_root.v1 / 30));
v1fyr = v1fyr + (_root.english_side * (_root.v1 / 30));
_root.o1vx = (Math.cos(phi * term) * v1fxr) + (Math.cos((phi + 90) * term) * v1fyr);
_root.o1vy = (Math.sin(phi * term) * v1fxr) + (Math.sin((phi + 90) * term) * v1fyr);
_root.balls_vxArr[_root.ii] = (Math.cos(phi * term) * v2fxr) + (Math.cos((phi + 90) * term) * v2fyr);
_root.balls_vyArr[_root.ii] = (Math.sin(phi * term) * v2fxr) + (Math.sin((phi + 90) * term) * v2fyr);
function findThetaTan(xthing, ything) {
if (xthing < 0) {
t = 180 + (Math.atan(ything / xthing) / _root.term);
} else if ((0 < xthing) and (ything >= 0)) {
t = Math.atan(ything / xthing) / _root.term;
} else if ((0 < xthing) and (ything < 0)) {
t = 360 + (Math.atan(ything / xthing) / _root.term);
} else if ((xthing == 0) and (ything == 0)) {
t = 0;
} else if ((xthing == 0) and (ything >= 0)) {
t = 90;
} else {
t = 270;
function railcollision(angle) {
v1 = Math.sqrt((o1vx * o1vx) + (o1vy * o1vy));
phi = findThetaTan(o1vx, o1vy);
v1xr = _root.v1 * Math.cos(phi * _root.term);
v1yr = _root.v1 * Math.sin(phi * _root.term);
o1x = o1x - o1vx;
o1y = o1y - o1vy;
o1vx = (Math.cos(phi * term) * v1xr) + (Math.cos((phi + angle) * term) * v1yr);
o1vy = (Math.sin(phi * term) * v1xr) + (Math.sin((phi + angle) * term) * v1yr);
o1x = o1x + o1vx;
o1y = o1y + o1vy;
function checkpockets() {
if (_root.pockets_1.hitTest(_root.o1x, _root.o1y, true)) {
_root.o1x = 57;
_root.o1y = 134.3;
} else if (_root.pockets_2.hitTest(_root.o1x, _root.o1y, true)) {
_root.o1x = 274;
_root.o1y = 127.3;
} else if (_root.pockets_3.hitTest(_root.o1x, _root.o1y, true)) {
_root.o1x = 494.2;
_root.o1y = 134.3;
} else if (_root.pockets_4.hitTest(_root.o1x, _root.o1y, true)) {
_root.o1x = 492.2;
_root.o1y = 346.3;
} else if (_root.pockets_5.hitTest(_root.o1x, _root.o1y, true)) {
_root.o1x = 274;
_root.o1y = 352.3;
} else if (_root.pockets_6.hitTest(_root.o1x, _root.o1y, true)) {
_root.o1x = 57;
_root.o1y = 346.3;
function sunk() {
_root.o1x = 0;
_root.o1y = 0;
_root.o1vx = 0;
_root.o1vy = 0;
_root["ball_" + _root.i]._visible = false;
if (_root.i == 0) {
_root.scratch = 1;
_root.score = _root.score - (_root.rack_bonus + 200);
if (0 >= _root.score) {
_root.score = 0;
_root.run_bonus = 100;
_root.totalpenilty = ("(-" + (_root.rack_bonus + 200)) + ")";;
_root.last_shot = _root.last_shot + -250;
} else {
_root.score = _root.score + ((_root.rack_bonus + _root.run_bonus) + (_root.current_bonus * 10));
_root.run_bonus = _root.run_bonus + 100;
_root.term = (Math.PI/180);
gotoAndPlay (10);
Frame 10
game_duration = 3;
bonus_timer = 0.1666667;
_root.last_shot = 0;
_root.bonustimer.timer_sweeper._rotation = 0;
_root.bonustimer.cover1._visible = false;
_root.bonustimer.cover2._visible = true;
_root.bonus_timermessage = "100";
_root.current_bonus = 10;
_root.rack_bonus = 100;
score = 0;
rack_bonus = 0;
run_bonus = 0;
balls_in_thisshot = 0;
balls_in_total = 0;
firstshot = 1;
samplerArr = new Array(0.5, 1);
rail_angle_1._visible = false;
rail_angle_2._visible = false;
rail_angle_3._visible = false;
rail_angle_4._visible = false;
rail_angle_5._visible = false;
rail_angle_6._visible = false;
rail_angle_7._visible = false;
rail_angle_8._visible = false;
rail_angle_9._visible = false;
rail_angle_10._visible = false;
rail_angle_11._visible = false;
rail_angle_12._visible = false;
pockets_1._visible = false;
pockets_2._visible = false;
pockets_3._visible = false;
pockets_4._visible = false;
pockets_5._visible = false;
pockets_6._visible = false;
balls_xArr = new Array(100, 367, 403, 403, 421, 421, 438, 438, 403, 385, 385, 421, 421, 438, 438, 438);
balls_yArr = new Array(250, 228, 248, 208, 238, 218, 268, 228, 228, 238, 218, 258, 198, 248, 208, 188);
balls_vxArr = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
balls_vyArr = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
Frame 14
thebreak = 1;
rack_bonus = rack_bonus + 100;
run_bonus = 100;
Frame 22
i = 1;
while (9 >= i) {
name = "ball_" + i;
balls_xArr[i] = _root[name]._x;
balls_yArr[i] = _root[name]._y;
gotoAndPlay (25);
Frame 25
run_bonus = 100;
scratch = 0;
cue._visible = false;
ball_0._visible = true;
if ((firstshot == 1) || (thebreak == 1)) {
thebreak = 0;
ball_0.startDrag(true, 69, 147, 167, 334.5);
} else {
ball_0.startDrag(true, 69, 147, 482.9, 334.5);
english.english_marker._x = 0;
english.english_marker._y = 0;
_root.english_draw = 0;
_root.english_side = 0;
Frame 29
balls_in_thisshot = 0;
first_hit = 1;
cue._visible = true;
cue._x = ball_0._x;
cue._y = ball_0._y;
english.english_marker._x = 0;
english.english_marker._y = 0;
_root.english_draw = 0;
_root.english_side = 0;
_root.bonus_starttime = getTimer();
Frame 30
hit_tan = Math.abs(cue.cue_stick._y + 10) / 1.6;
if (hit_tan >= 40) {
hit_tan = 40;
power_meter.gotoAndStop(Math.floor(hit_tan / 2) + 1);
if (!Key.isDown(32)) {
x = cue._x;
y = cue._y;
x2 = _xmouse;
y2 = _ymouse;
xoffset = Math.abs(x - x2);
yoffset = Math.abs(y - y2);
tangent = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(xoffset, 2) + Math.pow(yoffset, 2));
angle = (Math.atan(yoffset / xoffset) * 180) / Math.PI;
if ((x2 >= x) and (y >= y2)) {
angle = 360 - angle;
} else if ((x >= x2) and (y2 >= y)) {
angle = 180 - angle;
} else if ((x >= x2) and (y >= y2)) {
angle = angle + 180;
cue._rotation = angle + 90;
if (oktodrag == 1) {
sx = cue._x;
sy = cue._y;
sx2 = _xmouse;
sy2 = _ymouse;
sxoffset = Math.abs(sx - sx2);
syoffset = Math.abs(sy - sy2);
stangent = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(sxoffset, 2) + Math.pow(syoffset, 2));
cue.cue_stick._y = -10 - (stangent - starttangent);
if (cue.cue_stick._y >= -10) {
cue.cue_stick._y = -10;
Frame 31
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Frame 34
i = 0;
while (9 >= i) {
o1x = balls_xArr[i];
o1y = balls_yArr[i];
o1vx = balls_vxArr[i];
o1vy = balls_vyArr[i];
ii = i + 1;
while (9 >= ii) {
o2x = balls_xArr[ii];
o2y = balls_yArr[ii];
o2vx = balls_vxArr[ii];
o2vy = balls_vyArr[ii];
if ((o2x != 0) || (o2x != 0)) {
if ((((o1vx != 0) || (o1vy != 0)) || (o2vx != 0)) || (o2vy != 0)) {
s = 0;
while (1 >= s) {
xoffset = Math.abs((o1x + (o1vx * samplerArr[s])) - (o2x + (o2vx * samplerArr[s])));
if (20 >= xoffset) {
yoffset = Math.abs((o1y + (o1vy * samplerArr[s])) - (o2y + (o2vy * samplerArr[s])));
if (20 >= yoffset) {
distoffset = Math.sqrt((xoffset * xoffset) + (yoffset * yoffset));
t_xoffset = Math.abs(o1x - o2x);
t_yoffset = Math.abs(o1y - o2y);
t_distoffset = Math.sqrt((t_xoffset * t_xoffset) + (t_yoffset * t_yoffset));
if ((20 >= distoffset) && (distoffset < t_distoffset)) {
v1 = Math.sqrt((o1vx * o1vx) + (o1vy * o1vy));
v2 = Math.sqrt((o2vx * o2vx) + (o2vy * o2vy));
newVelocities = dealWithCollision(o1x, o1y, o1vx, o1vy, o2x, o2y, o2vx, o2vy);
t = v1 + v2;
if ((t >= 20) && (sounds._currentframe == 1)) {
} else if ((t >= 5) && (sounds._currentframe == 1)) {
} else if (sounds._currentframe == 1) {
if ((((-0.2 < o1vx) && (o1vx < 0.2)) && (-0.2 < o1vy)) && (o1vy < 0.2)) {
balls_xArr[i] = o1x;
balls_yArr[i] = o1y;
balls_vxArr[i] = 0;
balls_vyArr[i] = 0;
} else {
o1vx = o1vx - (o1vx * 0.04);
o1vy = o1vy - (o1vy * 0.04);
o1x = o1x + o1vx;
o1y = o1y + o1vy;
if ((o1vx != 0) || (o1vy != 0)) {
inpocket = 0;
if ((o1y < 147) && (o1vy < 0)) {
if (((78.4 < o1x) && (o1x < 251.8)) || ((299.5 < o1x) && (o1x < 473.4))) {
o1y = 147;
o1vy = -o1vy;
v1 = Math.sqrt((o1vx * o1vx) + (o1vy * o1vy));
v2 = Math.sqrt((o2vx * o2vx) + (o2vy * o2vy));
t = v1 + v2;
if ((t >= 18) && (sounds._currentframe == 1)) {
} else if ((t >= 5) && (sounds._currentframe == 1)) {
} else if (sounds._currentframe == 1) {
} else if (_root.rail_angle_1.hitTest(o1x, o1y, true)) {
} else if (_root.rail_angle_2.hitTest(o1x, o1y, true)) {
} else if (_root.rail_angle_3.hitTest(o1x, o1y, true)) {
} else if (_root.rail_angle_4.hitTest(o1x, o1y, true)) {
} else {
temp = checkpockets();
} else if ((332 < o1y) && (0 < o1vy)) {
if (((78.4 < o1x) && (o1x < 251.8)) || ((299.5 < o1x) && (o1x < 473.4))) {
o1y = 332;
o1vy = -o1vy;
v1 = Math.sqrt((o1vx * o1vx) + (o1vy * o1vy));
v2 = Math.sqrt((o2vx * o2vx) + (o2vy * o2vy));
t = v1 + v2;
if ((t >= 18) && (sounds._currentframe == 1)) {
} else if ((t >= 5) && (sounds._currentframe == 1)) {
} else if (sounds._currentframe == 1) {
} else if (_root.rail_angle_7.hitTest(o1x, o1y, true)) {
} else if (_root.rail_angle_8.hitTest(o1x, o1y, true)) {
} else if (_root.rail_angle_9.hitTest(o1x, o1y, true)) {
} else if (_root.rail_angle_10.hitTest(o1x, o1y, true)) {
} else {
temp = checkpockets();
} else if (482.9 < o1x) {
if ((156.6 < o1y) && (o1y < 325)) {
o1x = 482.9;
o1vx = -o1vx;
v1 = Math.sqrt((o1vx * o1vx) + (o1vy * o1vy));
v2 = Math.sqrt((o2vx * o2vx) + (o2vy * o2vy));
t = v1 + v2;
if ((t >= 18) && (sounds._currentframe == 1)) {
} else if ((t >= 5) && (sounds._currentframe == 1)) {
} else if (sounds._currentframe == 1) {
} else if (_root.rail_angle_5.hitTest(o1x, o1y, true)) {
t = o1vx;
o1vx = o1vy;
o1vy = -t;
} else if (_root.rail_angle_6.hitTest(o1x, o1y, true)) {
t = o1vy;
o1vy = o1vx;
o1vx = -t;
} else {
temp = checkpockets();
} else if (o1x < 69.2) {
if ((156.6 < o1y) && (o1y < 325)) {
o1x = 69.2;
o1vx = -o1vx;
v1 = Math.sqrt((o1vx * o1vx) + (o1vy * o1vy));
v2 = Math.sqrt((o2vx * o2vx) + (o2vy * o2vy));
t = v1 + v2;
if ((t >= 18) && (sounds._currentframe == 1)) {
} else if ((t >= 5) && (sounds._currentframe == 1)) {
} else if (sounds._currentframe == 1) {
} else if (_root.rail_angle_11.hitTest(o1x, o1y, true)) {
t = o1vx;
o1vx = o1vy;
o1vy = -t;
} else if (_root.rail_angle_12.hitTest(o1x, o1y, true)) {
t = o1vy;
o1vy = o1vx;
o1vx = -t;
} else {
temp = checkpockets();
balls_xArr[i] = o1x;
balls_yArr[i] = o1y;
balls_vxArr[i] = o1vx;
balls_vyArr[i] = o1vy;
_root["ball_" + i]._x = balls_xArr[i];
_root["ball_" + i]._y = balls_yArr[i];
Frame 35
totalvelocity = 0;
i = 0;
while (9 >= i) {
if (balls_vxArr[i] != 0) {
totalvelocity = 1;
if (balls_vyArr[i] != 0) {
totalvelocity = 1;
if (totalvelocity == 0) {
if (balls_in_thisshot == 0) {
_root.run_bonus = 100;
if (balls_in_total == 9) {
balls_in_total = 0;
gotoAndPlay (14);
} else if (scratch == 1) {
gotoAndPlay (25);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (29);
} else {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Frame 41
if (0 < timer.timer_miliseconds) {
ball_0._visible = false;
Symbol 2 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.getBytesLoaded() >= _root.getBytesTotal()) {;
} else {
percent_loaded = (_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100;
bar._xscale = percent_loaded;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 16 MovieClip Frame 1
playnexttick = 10;
gameoverplayed = 0;
timer_miliseconds = (_root.game_duration * 60) * 1000;
timer = timer_miliseconds;
m = Math.floor((timer_miliseconds / 1000) / 60);
s = Math.floor((timer_miliseconds - ((m * 1000) * 60)) / 1000);
if (s < 10) {
s = "0" + s;
_root.timermessage = ((" " + m) + ":") + s;
timer_sweeper._rotation = 0;
cover1._visible = false;
cover2._visible = true;
Symbol 16 MovieClip Frame 2
timer_miliseconds = timer - (getTimer() - _root.starttime);
if (0 >= timer_miliseconds) {
_root.timermessage = "0:00";
timer_sweeper._rotation = 0;
if (gameoverplayed == 0) {
gameoverplayed = 1;
totalvelocity = 0;
i = 0;
while (9 >= i) {
if (_root.balls_vxArr[i] != 0) {
totalvelocity = 1;
if (_root.balls_vyArr[i] != 0) {
totalvelocity = 1;
if (totalvelocity == 0) {
} else {
m = Math.floor((timer_miliseconds / 1000) / 60);
s = Math.ceil((timer_miliseconds - ((m * 1000) * 60)) / 1000);
if ((m == 0) and (playnexttick == s)) {
if (s < 10) {
s = "0" + s;
_root.timermessage = ((" " + m) + ":") + s;
p = (timer - timer_miliseconds) / timer;
r = 360 * p;
timer_sweeper._rotation = r;
if (180 < r) {
cover1._visible = true;
cover2._visible = false;
Symbol 16 MovieClip Frame 3
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 16 MovieClip Frame 9
timer_miliseconds = timer_miliseconds - 1000;
_root.score = _root.score + 10;
if (0 >= timer_miliseconds) {
_root.timermessage = "0:00";
timer_sweeper._rotation = 0;
timer_bonus_display = "0";
gotoAndPlay (11);
} else {
m = Math.floor((timer_miliseconds / 1000) / 60);
s = Math.ceil((timer_miliseconds - ((m * 1000) * 60)) / 1000);
timer_bonus_display = Math.floor(timer_miliseconds / 100);
if (s < 10) {
s = "0" + s;
_root.timermessage = ((" " + m) + ":") + s;
p = (timer - timer_miliseconds) / timer;
r = 360 * p;
timer_sweeper._rotation = r;
if (180 < r) {
cover1._visible = true;
cover2._visible = false;
Symbol 16 MovieClip Frame 10
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 16 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 27 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 27 MovieClip Frame 2
timer_miliseconds = (_root.bonus_timer * 60) * 1000;
timer = timer_miliseconds;
m = Math.floor((timer_miliseconds / 1000) / 60);
s = Math.floor((timer_miliseconds - ((m * 1000) * 60)) / 1000);
_root.bonus_timermessage = (" " + s) + "0";
timer_sweeper._rotation = 0;
cover1._visible = false;
cover2._visible = true;
_root.current_bonus = s;
Symbol 27 MovieClip Frame 3
timer_miliseconds = timer - (getTimer() - _root.bonus_starttime);
if (0 >= timer_miliseconds) {
_root.bonus_timermessage = "00";
timer_sweeper._rotation = 0;
_root.current_bonus = 0;
} else {
m = Math.floor((timer_miliseconds / 1000) / 60);
s = Math.ceil((timer_miliseconds - ((m * 1000) * 60)) / 1000);
_root.bonus_timermessage = (" " + s) + "0";
p = (timer - timer_miliseconds) / timer;
r = 360 * p;
timer_sweeper._rotation = r;
if (180 < r) {
cover1._visible = true;
cover2._visible = false;
_root.current_bonus = s;
Symbol 27 MovieClip Frame 4
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 38 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 38 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 38 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 38 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 38 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 38 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 38 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 38 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 38 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 38 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 38 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 38 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 38 MovieClip Frame 13
Symbol 38 MovieClip Frame 14
Symbol 38 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 38 MovieClip Frame 16
Symbol 38 MovieClip Frame 17
Symbol 38 MovieClip Frame 18
Symbol 38 MovieClip Frame 19
Symbol 38 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 38 MovieClip Frame 21
Symbol 100 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (14);
Symbol 108 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 108 MovieClip Frame 4
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 108 MovieClip Frame 12
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 108 MovieClip Frame 17
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 108 MovieClip Frame 22
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 108 MovieClip Frame 40
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 108 MovieClip Frame 44
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 108 MovieClip Frame 49
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 108 MovieClip Frame 82
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 108 MovieClip Frame 87
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 108 MovieClip Frame 92
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 108 MovieClip Frame 98
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 115 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 115 MovieClip Frame 46
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 127 Button
on (press) {
this.english_marker._x = this._xmouse;
this.english_marker._y = this._ymouse;
_root.english_draw = (this.english_marker._y / 4) * -1;
_root.english_side = this.english_marker._x / 4;
Symbol 131 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (14);
Symbol 133 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 164 Button
on (press) {
allclear = 1;
i = 1;
while (9 >= i) {
xoffset = Math.abs(_root._xmouse - _root.balls_xArr[i]);
yoffset = Math.abs(_root._ymouse - _root.balls_yArr[i]);
distoffset = Math.sqrt((xoffset * xoffset) + (yoffset * yoffset));
if (20 >= distoffset) {
allclear = 0;
if (allclear == 1) {
_root.balls_xArr[0] = _root._xmouse;
_root.balls_yArr[0] = _root._ymouse;
if (_root.firstshot == 1) {
_root.firstshot = 0;
_root.starttime = getTimer();
} else {
Symbol 166 Button
on (press) {
allclear = 1;
i = 1;
while (9 >= i) {
xoffset = Math.abs(_root._xmouse - _root.balls_xArr[i]);
yoffset = Math.abs(_root._ymouse - _root.balls_yArr[i]);
distoffset = Math.sqrt((xoffset * xoffset) + (yoffset * yoffset));
if (20 >= distoffset) {
allclear = 0;
if (allclear == 1) {
_root.balls_xArr[0] = _root._xmouse;
_root.balls_yArr[0] = _root._ymouse;
if (_root.firstshot == 1) {
_root.firstshot = 0;
_root.starttime = getTimer();
} else {
Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 172 Button
on (press) {
_root.oktodrag = 1;
_root.starttangent = _root.tangent;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
hit_tan = Math.abs(cue_stick._y + 10) / 1.6;
if (hit_tan >= 40) {
hit_tan = 40;
x = _root.ball_0._x;
y = _root.ball_0._y;
x2 = _root.x2;
y2 = _root.y2;
hit_vx = x - x2;
hit_vy = y - y2;
if (hit_vx < 0) {
tx = -1;
} else {
tx = 1;
if (hit_vy < 0) {
ty = -1;
} else {
ty = 1;
hit_vtotal = Math.abs(hit_vx) + Math.abs(hit_vy);
xpercent = Math.abs(hit_vx) / hit_vtotal;
ypercent = Math.abs(hit_vy) / hit_vtotal;
if (1 < hit_tan) {
cue_stick._y = -10;
_root.oktodrag = 0;
_root.balls_vxArr[0] = (hit_tan * xpercent) * tx;
_root.balls_vyArr[0] = (hit_tan * ypercent) * ty;
_root.last_shot = 0;
_root.cue._visible = false;
} else {
_root.oktodrag = 0;
Symbol 175 Button
on (release) {
var gname = "pooljam";
var gscore = _root.score;
getURL ("index.php?act=Arcade&do=newscore", "_self", "POST");
Symbol 183 Button
on (release) {
var gname = "pooljam";
var gscore = _root.score;
getURL ("index.php?act=Arcade&do=newscore", "_self", "POST");