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Flash #11361

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A Parting Shot II
By Jeffrey Louie
With many thanks to those who tested for me
Dyllen Woooo, Conrad, Rus the Bus, Lucas
And everyone else who helped out in their own special way
Updates at
Get these psp wallpapers at
The Serginator as Parthian
Calus as Ninja
Audio by Edgen

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Take command of Parthian.  An archer made
legendary by his skills with the bow.
A- walk left
D- walk right
W- jump
Mouse- aim.  Hold down and release left mouse
button to fire arrow.
Objective- To fulfill a promise...

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A Parting Shot II

Revision A

Ruled by a ruthless king.  Before he gained power, he promised to bring the people hapiness.  But when he
became king, no happiness was to be seen on anyones face, except for him and his army.

Hundreds of men, women, and their children fled the terror and corruption that plagued the empire.

They sought refuge in the distant forests, far west of the empire, hoping they could hide from the

Their plan was to resist and then to eventually overthrow him.

Alas, the king's control reached farther than they anticipated and they soon found themselves under
attack from the army.

Though the rebels fought bravely, killing many of the king's men, they could not beat them all.

They were defeated and in retaliation the king resorted to horrific measures, executing anyone who
opposed him.

All rebellion in the empire was crushed...

or so they thought.

A Parting Shot II

Men.  Though the king has killed our friends and family, I trust that will not stop you from continuing our
mission.  It is time for us to make him tremble when his empire begins crumbling around him.  Our brothers in
the north have taken the attention of the army and this should give you easier access to the city.  When it
happens, we will know what to do.  Good luck.

So your the one with a thousand gold coins on your head

The King would'nt pay that much for a mere rebel now would he?

Parthian: He keeps you fed and cozy, using our food and money.

Parthian: Do you know what he did to gain power?

Be that as it is, your not going to pass through these caves.

Parthian: We'll see about that...

Now I see why the king wants you so much

Parthian: ...

We know what your trying to do.  You think he'll let you simply take it?

Even if you get in through the old passageway,  you will be cornered in the castle.

There's no way out.

Parthian: I never said we would simply steal it.

What?  That means...  You can't intend to use it...

Parthian: The king has forced our hand

Have you thought abut the repercussions?  The cost?

You can't... uhh......

Parthian: We know what we're doing

Parthian:You again...

Parthian: What do you want?

I've come to stop you.

Parthian: It has to be done

You'd don't even know if it'll work

Parthian: It will work

You'd risk the lives of your people?


Tiredly, looking into the distance, Parthian could spot the towers of the king's castle...

Author Comments-
Congratulations!  You beat my game!  That means you're
either really good... Or you cheated.  Anyhow, I'm writing this
because I suppose my ending was kind of weak.  Yes, you did
get to see this background, but you can get that anyways on
my psp website.  So thats why I'm writing this, to tell you
what's next on my plate; only the winners get to know what
I'm going to make next (because if you beat the game, I'm
pretty sure you liked it, haha).  I was thinking about making a
defence game with this engine and story, but first I would
need an animator because I know my graphics in this game
were kind of weak.  Of course, this is a huge jump from my
first Parthian game (stickmen are weak) so you've got to give
me credit for that.  Since I don't feel like adding a scrollbar,
this commentary must end.  THANKS FOR PLAYING!!  I had lots
of fun making this.  Actually I didn't.  Figuring out the arrow
script was a pain in the ass...  And I still didn't get it right lol.
Thanks again, JEFF

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
function itemHandler1(obj, item) { getURL ("", "blank"); } function itemHandler2(obj, item) { getURL ("", "blank"); } function itemHandler3(obj, item) { if (_quality == "HIGH") { _quality = "MEDIUM"; } else if (_quality == "MEDIUM") { _quality = "LOW"; } else if (_quality == "LOW") { _quality = "HIGH"; } } var myMenu = new ContextMenu(); myMenu.hideBuiltInItems(); myMenu.customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("Visit Me!", itemHandler1)); myMenu.customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("PSP Flash Games!", itemHandler2)); myMenu.customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("Toggle Quality", itemHandler3)); myMenu.customItems[2].separatorBefore = true; = myMenu; percent = Math.round((getBytesLoaded() / getBytesTotal()) * 100); fakepercent = Math.round(((getBytesLoaded() - 600000) / (getBytesTotal() - 600000)) * 100); loadbar._xscale = fakepercent; function dirtsfunc() { if (random(2) == 0) { ds1_s.start(); } else { ds2_s.start(); } } function deathsfunc() { dsvar = random(4); if (dsvar == 0) { death1_s.start(); } else if (dsvar == 1) { death2_s.start(); } else if (dsvar == 2) { death3_s.start(); } else if (dsvar == 3) { death4_s.start(); } } function gsfunc() { gsvar = random(3); if (gsvar == 0) { grunt1_s.start(); } else if (gsvar == 1) { grunt2_s.start(); } else if (gsvar == 2) { grunt3_s.start(); } } function swfunc() { swvar = random(2); if (swvar == 0) { sw1_s.start(); } else if (swvar == 1) { sw2_s.start(); } } function attacksfunc() { attacksvar = random(2); if (attacksvar == 0) { attack_s.start(); } else if (attacksvar == 1) { go_s.start(); } } function herodeathsfunc() { hdsvar = random(3); if (hdsvar == 0) { herodeath1_s.start(); } else if (hdsvar == 1) { herodeath2_s.start(); } else if (hdsvar == 2) { herodeath3_s.start(); } } function herogruntfunc() { if (!herogrunt) { herogrunt = true; hgsvar = random(4); if (hgsvar == 0) { herogrunt1_s.start(); } else if (hgsvar == 1) { herogrunt2_s.start(); } else if (hgsvar == 2) { herogrunt3_s.start(); } else if (hgsvar == 3) { herogrunt4_s.start(); } setTimeout(resetherogrunt, 200 + random(100)); } } function resetherogrunt() { herogrunt = false; } this.createEmptyMovieClip("s1", 6001); var sbg1 = new Sound(s1); sbg1.attachSound("sbg1"); this.createEmptyMovieClip("s2", 6002); var sbg2 = new Sound(s2); sbg2.attachSound("sbg2"); this.createEmptyMovieClip("s3", 6003); var sbg3 = new Sound(s3); sbg3.attachSound("sbg3"); this.createEmptyMovieClip("s4", 6004); var sbg4 = new Sound(s4); sbg4.attachSound("sbg4"); this.createEmptyMovieClip("s5", 6005); var sbg5 = new Sound(s5); sbg5.attachSound("sbg5"); this.createEmptyMovieClip("s6", 6006); var sbg6 = new Sound(s6); sbg6.attachSound("sbg6"); this.createEmptyMovieClip("dirts1", 6007); var ds1_s = new Sound(dirts1); ds1_s.attachSound("dirtsplash1"); this.createEmptyMovieClip("dirts2", 6008); var ds2_s = new Sound(dirts2); ds2_s.attachSound("dirtsplash2"); this.createEmptyMovieClip("bloods", 6009); var bs_s = new Sound(bloods); bs_s.attachSound("bloodsplash"); this.createEmptyMovieClip("death1", 6010); var death1_s = new Sound(death1); death1_s.attachSound("death1"); this.createEmptyMovieClip("death2", 6011); var death2_s = new Sound(death2); death2_s.attachSound("death2"); this.createEmptyMovieClip("death3", 6012); var death3_s = new Sound(death3); death3_s.attachSound("death3"); this.createEmptyMovieClip("death4", 6013); var death4_s = new Sound(death4); death4_s.attachSound("death4"); this.createEmptyMovieClip("grunt1", 6014); var grunt1_s = new Sound(grunt1); grunt1_s.attachSound("grunt1"); this.createEmptyMovieClip("grunt2", 6015); var grunt2_s = new Sound(grunt2); grunt2_s.attachSound("grunt2"); this.createEmptyMovieClip("grunt3", 6016); var grunt3_s = new Sound(grunt3); grunt3_s.attachSound("grunt3"); this.createEmptyMovieClip("mclick", 6017); var mclick_s = new Sound(mclick); mclick_s.attachSound("mclick"); this.createEmptyMovieClip("bodyland", 6018); var bodyland_s = new Sound(bodyland); bodyland_s.attachSound("bodyland"); this.createEmptyMovieClip("swoosh1", 6019); var sw1_s = new Sound(swoosh1); sw1_s.attachSound("sw1"); this.createEmptyMovieClip("swoosh2", 6020); var sw2_s = new Sound(swoosh2); sw2_s.attachSound("sw2"); this.createEmptyMovieClip("ninjaspawn", 6021); var ns_s = new Sound(ninjaspawn); ns_s.attachSound("ninjaspawn"); this.createEmptyMovieClip("bowstretch", 6022); var bowstretch_s = new Sound(bowstretch); bowstretch_s.attachSound("bowstretch"); this.createEmptyMovieClip("bowsnap", 6023); var bowsnap_s = new Sound(bowsnap); bowsnap_s.attachSound("bowsnap"); this.createEmptyMovieClip("attack", 6024); var attack_s = new Sound(attack); attack_s.attachSound("attack"); this.createEmptyMovieClip("go", 6025); var go_s = new Sound(go); go_s.attachSound("go"); this.createEmptyMovieClip("bosscharge", 6026); var bosscharge_s = new Sound(bosscharge); bosscharge_s.attachSound("bosscharge"); this.createEmptyMovieClip("bossgrunt", 6027); var bossgrunt_s = new Sound(bossgrunt); bossgrunt_s.attachSound("bossgrunt"); this.createEmptyMovieClip("bossdeath", 6028); var bossdeath_s = new Sound(bossdeath); bossdeath_s.attachSound("bossdeath"); this.createEmptyMovieClip("ninjadie", 6029); var ninjadie_s = new Sound(ninjadie); ninjadie_s.attachSound("ninjadie"); this.createEmptyMovieClip("parthian_2", 6030); var parthian_2_s = new Sound(parthian_2); parthian_2_s.attachSound("parthian_2"); this.createEmptyMovieClip("parthian_3", 6031); var parthian_3_s = new Sound(parthian_3); parthian_3_s.attachSound("parthian_3"); this.createEmptyMovieClip("herodeath1", 6032); var herodeath1_s = new Sound(herodeath1); herodeath1_s.attachSound("herodeath1"); this.createEmptyMovieClip("herodeath2", 6033); var herodeath2_s = new Sound(herodeath2); herodeath2_s.attachSound("herodeath2"); this.createEmptyMovieClip("herodeath3", 6034); var herodeath3_s = new Sound(herodeath3); herodeath3_s.attachSound("herodeath3"); this.createEmptyMovieClip("herogrunt1", 6035); var herogrunt1_s = new Sound(herogrunt1); herogrunt1_s.attachSound("herogrunt1"); this.createEmptyMovieClip("herogrunt2", 6036); var herogrunt2_s = new Sound(herogrunt2); herogrunt2_s.attachSound("herogrunt2"); this.createEmptyMovieClip("herogrunt3", 6037); var herogrunt3_s = new Sound(herogrunt3); herogrunt3_s.attachSound("herogrunt3"); this.createEmptyMovieClip("herogrunt4", 6038); var herogrunt4_s = new Sound(herogrunt4); herogrunt4_s.attachSound("herogrunt4"); herogrunt = false; this.createEmptyMovieClip("ninjagrunt", 6039); var ninjagrunt_s = new Sound(ninjagrunt); ninjagrunt_s.attachSound("ninjagrunt");
Frame 2
if (percent >= 100) { play(); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Frame 3
Frame 4
stop(); function beginfun() { if (sbg6.getVolume() < 100) { sbg6.setVolume(sbg6.getVolume() + 10); } else { clearInterval(beginint); } } sbg6.start(0, 999); sbg6.setVolume(0); beginint = setInterval(beginfun, 75); sfocus = 6; dessfocus = 6;
Frame 5
Frame 6
_quality = "MEDIUM"; stop();
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [arrow] in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { xspd = (random(15) * 0.8) + 10; yspd = (random(15) * 0.8) + 10; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { yspd = yspd - 0.7; _x = (_x - (-xspd)); _y = (_y - yspd); _rotation = ((Math.atan2(yspd, -xspd) * 360) / (Math.PI*2)); if (_x > 1000) { _x = -100; _y = (random(200) + 50); xspd = (random(15) * 0.8) + 10; yspd = (random(15) * 0.8) + 10; } }
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [arrow] in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { xspd = (random(15) * 0.8) + 10; yspd = (random(15) * 0.8) + 10; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { yspd = yspd - 0.7; _x = (_x - (-xspd)); _y = (_y - yspd); _rotation = ((Math.atan2(yspd, -xspd) * 360) / (Math.PI*2)); if (_x > 1000) { _x = -100; _y = (random(200) + 50); xspd = (random(15) * 0.8) + 10; yspd = (random(15) * 0.8) + 10; } }
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [arrow] in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { xspd = (random(15) * 0.8) + 10; yspd = (random(15) * 0.8) + 10; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { yspd = yspd - 0.7; _x = (_x - (-xspd)); _y = (_y - yspd); _rotation = ((Math.atan2(yspd, -xspd) * 360) / (Math.PI*2)); if (_x > 1000) { _x = -100; _y = (random(200) + 50); xspd = (random(15) * 0.8) + 10; yspd = (random(15) * 0.8) + 10; } }
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [arrow] in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { xspd = (random(15) * 0.8) + 10; yspd = (random(15) * 0.8) + 10; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { yspd = yspd - 0.7; _x = (_x - xspd); _y = (_y - yspd); _rotation = ((Math.atan2(yspd, xspd) * 360) / (Math.PI*2)); if (_x < -300) { _x = 700; _y = (random(200) + 50); xspd = (random(15) * 0.8) + 10; yspd = (random(15) * 0.8) + 10; } }
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [arrow] in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { xspd = (random(15) * 0.8) + 10; yspd = (random(15) * 0.8) + 10; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { yspd = yspd - 0.7; _x = (_x - xspd); _y = (_y - yspd); _rotation = ((Math.atan2(yspd, xspd) * 360) / (Math.PI*2)); if (_x < -300) { _x = 700; _y = (random(200) + 50); xspd = (random(15) * 0.8) + 10; yspd = (random(15) * 0.8) + 10; } }
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [arrow] in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { xspd = (random(15) * 0.8) + 10; yspd = (random(15) * 0.8) + 10; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { yspd = yspd - 0.7; _x = (_x - xspd); _y = (_y - yspd); _rotation = ((Math.atan2(yspd, xspd) * 360) / (Math.PI*2)); if (_x < -300) { _x = 700; _y = (random(200) + 50); xspd = (random(15) * 0.8) + 10; yspd = (random(15) * 0.8) + 10; } }
Instance of Symbol 216 MovieClip in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.focus == 4) && (_alpha < 100)) { _alpha = (_alpha + 5); } else if ((_root.focus != 4) && (_alpha > 0)) { _alpha = (_alpha - 5); } }
Instance of Symbol 220 MovieClip in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.focus == 3) && (_alpha < 100)) { _alpha = (_alpha + 5); } else if ((_root.focus != 3) && (_alpha > 0)) { _alpha = (_alpha - 5); } }
Instance of Symbol 224 MovieClip in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.focus == 2) && (_alpha < 100)) { _alpha = (_alpha + 5); } else if ((_root.focus != 2) && (_alpha > 0)) { _alpha = (_alpha - 5); } }
Instance of Symbol 227 MovieClip in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.focus == 1) && (_alpha < 100)) { _alpha = (_alpha + 5); } else if ((_root.focus != 1) && (_alpha > 0)) { _alpha = (_alpha - 5); } }
Instance of Symbol 129 MovieClip [blacktrans] in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 100; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.focus == 0) && (_alpha >= 100)) {; } if ((_root.focus == 0) && (_alpha < 100)) { _alpha = (_alpha + 5); } else if ((_root.focus != 0) && (_alpha > 0)) { _alpha = (_alpha - 5); } }
Frame 7
function deadplayer(dir) { _root.herodeathsfunc(); hero.deathdir = dir; _root.attachMovie("box", "box1", 0); _root.attachMovie("box", "box2", 1); _root.box1._x = _root.hero._x - 10; _root.box1._y = _root.hero._y - 50; _root.box2._x = _root.hero._x + 10; _root.box2._y = _root.hero._y - 50; if (_root.box1._y > -500) { while (!_root[_root.hero.ground].hitTest(_root.box1._x, _root.box1._y, true)) { _root.box1._y++; } } else { _root.box1._y = _root.hero._y + 40; } if (_root.box2._y > -500) { while (!_root[_root.hero.ground].hitTest(_root.box2._x, _root.box2._y, true)) { _root.box2._y++; } } else { _root.box2._y = _root.hero._y + 40; } _root.hero.gslope = ((Math.atan2(_root.box2._y - _root.box1._y, 20) * 360) / (Math.PI*2)) + 90; _root.box1.removeMovieClip(); _root.box2.removeMovieClip(); _root.hero.alive = false; _root.attachMovie("bow", "bow", 1001); if (_root.hero._xscale > 0) { _root.bow._x = _root.hero._x + _root.hero.bow._x; _root.bow._rotation = _root.hero.bow._rotation; } else { _root.bow._x = _root.hero._x - _root.hero.bow._x; _root.bow._rotation = (-_root.hero.bow._rotation) + 180; } _root.bow._y = _root.hero._y + _root.hero.bow._y; _root.bow.grav = 0; _root.bow.stop(); _root.bow.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.grav < 20) { this.grav = this.grav + 1.2; } if (!, this._y, true)) { this._y = this._y + this.grav; } else if (Math.abs(_root.hero.gslope - this._rotation) > 180) { this._rotation = this._rotation + ((this._rotation - _root.hero.gslope) / 10); } else { this._rotation = this._rotation - ((this._rotation - _root.hero.gslope) / 2); } }; if (hero.allowfire) { firearrow(1, true); } setTimeout(_root.herodeath, 3000); } function newplayer() { _root.attachMovie("vcam", "vcam", 5000); _root.vcam._x = 600; _root.vcam._y = 100; _root.vcam.desscale = 100; _root.attachMovie("hero_mc", "hero", 1000); _root.hero._xscale = -100; _root.hero._x = 300; _root.hero._y = 150; _root.hero.alive = true; _root.hero.firepower = 0; _root.hero.allowfire = true; _root.hero.mouseactivate = false; _root.hero.fall = true; _root.hero.jump = 0; _root.hero.jumping = false; _root.hero.grav = 0; _root.hero.jumpkeyvar = true; hero.onEnterFrame = function () { function beginjump() { hero.grav = 0; hero.jumping = true; hero.falling = false; hero.jumpkeyvar = true; hero.jumpingallowed = false; } function allowjump() { hero.jumpingallowed = true; } if (this.alive) { if (((((this.legs._currentframe == 1) || (this.legs._currentframe == 20)) || (this.legs._currentframe == 40)) || (this.rightkey)) || (this.leftkey)) { if (this._x > (_root.levelright + (325 * Math.abs(_root.vcam._xscale / 100)))) { if (!_root.bossfight) { _root.levelend(); this.alive = false; } } else if ((this._x > (_root.levelright + (275 * Math.abs(_root.vcam._xscale / 100)))) && (!_root.bossfight)) { this._xscale = -100; } else if (_root._xmouse < this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } } this.xdis = Math.abs(_root._xmouse - this._x); this.ydis = _root._ymouse - this._y; this.radangle = Math.atan(this.ydis / this.xdis); this.degangle = (this.radangle * 360) / (Math.PI*2); if (this.leftkey || (this.rightkey)) { if (_root.bossfight) { this.invisnum = 300 * Math.abs(_root.vcam._xscale / 100); } else { this.invisnum = 400 * Math.abs(_root.vcam._xscale / 100); } if ((this.lastkey == "left") && (this._x > (_root.vcam._x - (300 * Math.abs(_root.vcam._xscale / 100))))) { this._x = this._x - this.spd; } else if ((this.lastkey == "right") && (this._x < (_root.vcam._x + this.invisnum))) { this._x = this._x + this.spd; } } else if (((this.legs._currentframe > 4) && (this.legs._currentframe < 16)) || ((this.legs._currentframe > 24) && (this.legs._currentframe < 36))) { if ((this.lastkey == "left") && (this._x > (_root.vcam._x - (300 * Math.abs(_root.vcam._xscale / 100))))) { this._x = this._x - this.spd; } else if ((this.lastkey == "right") && (this._x < (_root.vcam._x + (300 * Math.abs(_root.vcam._xscale / 100))))) { this._x = this._x + this.spd; } } if (this.legs.walk == "forward") { this.spd = 6.6; } else if (this.legs.walk == "backward") { this.spd = 4.4; } if (_root.mousedown && (this.allowfire)) { if (!this.bs_svar) { _root.bowstretch_s.start(); this.bs_svar = true; } this.mouseactivate = true; if (this.firepower < 15) { this.firepower++; } } if (((!_root.mousedown) && (this.allowfire)) && (this.mouseactivate)) { this.bs_svar = false; _root.bowstretch_s.stop(); _root.bowsnap_s.start(); if (this.barm2._rotation < -80) { firearrow(this.firepower, false); } else { firearrow(1, true); } this.mouseactivate = false; this.firepower = 1; resetpowerint = setInterval(resetpower, 450); this.allowfire = false; } if (_root.camfollow) { if ((this._x > _root.levelleft) && (this._x < _root.levelright)) { _root.vcam.desx = this._x; _root.vcam.lookdraw = 100; } else { _root.vcam.lookdraw = 0; } if (!this.alive) { _root.vcam._x = _root.vcam._x - ((_root.vcam._x - _root.vcam.desx) / 5); } else if (this._xscale > 0) { _root.vcam._x = _root.vcam._x - (((_root.vcam._x - _root.vcam.desx) + _root.vcam.lookdraw) / 15); } else if (this._xscale < 0) { _root.vcam._x = _root.vcam._x - (((_root.vcam._x - _root.vcam.desx) - _root.vcam.lookdraw) / 15); } if (this._y < 50) { _root.vcam._y = _root.vcam._y - ((_root.vcam._y - this._y) / 5); } else { _root.vcam._y = _root.vcam._y - ((_root.vcam._y - 150) / 15); } _root.vcam._xscale = _root.vcam._xscale - ((_root.vcam._xscale - _root.vcam.desscale) / 2); _root.vcam._yscale = _root.vcam._yscale - ((_root.vcam._yscale - _root.vcam.desscale) / 2); } else { _root.vcam._y = _root.vcam._y - ((_root.vcam._y - _root.vcam.desy) / 5); _root.vcam._x = _root.vcam._x - ((_root.vcam._x - _root.vcam.desx) / 5); _root.vcam._xscale = _root.vcam._xscale - ((_root.vcam._xscale - _root.vcam.desscale) / 5); _root.vcam._yscale = _root.vcam._yscale - ((_root.vcam._yscale - _root.vcam.desscale) / 5); } } else if (!alive) { hero.desrot = hero.gslope - 90; hero._rotation = hero._rotation - ((hero._rotation - hero.desrot) / 2); } if (Key.isDown(65)) { this.lastkey = "left"; this.leftkey = true; } else { this.leftkey = false; } if (Key.isDown(87)) { this.upkey = true; } else { this.upkey = false; } if (Key.isDown(68)) { this.lastkey = "right"; this.rightkey = true; } else { this.rightkey = false; } if ((hero.jump == 0) && (hero.grav > 7)) { hero.landanim = true; } if (hero.jumpkeyvar == true) { if (((hero.upkey && (hero.grav == 0)) && (hero.jumpingallowed == true)) && (hero.alive)) { hero.jumpanim = true; hero.jumpkeyvar = false; beginjump(); } } if (hero.jump < 7) { hero.jumpanim = false; } if (hero.jumping == true) { hero._y = hero._y - hero.jump; hero.jump = hero.jump - 2; hero.falling = false; } if (hero.jump < 0) { hero.jump = 0; hero.jumping = false; hero.falling = true; } if (hero.falling == true) { hero._y = hero._y + hero.grav; if (hero.grav < 15) { hero.grav = hero.grav + 2; } hero.jumping = false; } if (, hero._y + 40, true) && (hero.jumping == false)) { hero.ground = "gd"; hero.landanim = false; hero.falling = false; setTimeout(allowjump, 50); hero.grav = 0; hero.jump = 11; } else if (, hero._y + 40, true) && (hero.jumping == false)) { hero.ground = "pm"; hero.landanim = false; hero.falling = false; setTimeout(allowjump, 50); hero.grav = 0; hero.jump = 11; } else { hero.falling = true; } if (!hero.jumping) { while (, (hero._y + 40) + 5, true)) { hero._y = hero._y - 0.1; } while (, (hero._y + 40) + 5, true)) { hero._y = hero._y - 0.1; } } }; } function resetpower() { hero.allowfire = true; clearInterval(resetpowerint); } function onMouseDown() { mousedown = true; } function onMouseUp() { mousedown = false; } function newenemysword(en, xloc, yloc, spdfac, powerfac) { _root.attachMovie("enemy1", "enemy" + en, 600 + (en * 2)); _root["enemy" + en].weapontype = "weapon"; _root["enemy" + en]._x = xloc; _root["enemy" + en]._y = yloc; _root["enemy" + en].health = 100; _root["enemy" + en].spd = 7 * spdfac; _root["enemy" + en].powerfac = powerfac; _root["enemy" + en].alive = true; _root["enemy" + en].fall = true; _root["enemy" + en].jump = 0; _root["enemy" + en].jumping = false; _root["enemy" + en].grav = 0; _root["enemy" + en].jumpkeyvar = true; _root["enemy" + en].jumpingallowed = true; _root["enemy" + en].enum = en; _root["enemy" + en].onEnterFrame = function () { function ebeginjump(en) { _root["enemy" + en].grav = 0; _root["enemy" + en].jumping = true; _root["enemy" + en].falling = false; _root["enemy" + en].jumpkeyvar = true; _root["enemy" + en].jumpingallowed = false; } function eallowjump(en) { _root["enemy" + en].jumpingallowed = true; } if (this.alive) { if (_root.hero.alive) { this.hd = this._x - _root.hero._x; } else { this.hd = 9999; this.leftkey = false; this.rightkey = false; } if ((this.hd > 60) && (this.hd < 600)) { this.leftkey = true; this.rightkey = false; } else if ((this.hd < -60) && (this.hd > -600)) { this.rightkey = true; this.leftkey = false; } else if ((this.hd <= 60) && (this.hd >= -60)) { this.leftkey = false; this.rightkey = false; if (!this.attack) { this.attackstart(); } } if (((((this.legs._currentframe == 1) || (this.legs._currentframe == 20)) || (this.legs._currentframe == 40)) || (this.rightkey)) || (this.leftkey)) { if (_root.hero._x < this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } } this.xdis = -Math.abs(_root.hero._x - this._x); this.ydis = _root.hero._y - this._y; this.radangle = Math.atan(this.ydis / this.xdis); this.degangle = (this.radangle * 360) / (Math.PI*2); if (this.leftkey) { this.lastkey = "left"; this._x = this._x - this.spd; } else if (this.rightkey) { this.lastkey = "right"; this._x = this._x + this.spd; } else if (((this.legs._currentframe > 4) && (this.legs._currentframe < 16)) || ((this.legs._currentframe > 24) && (this.legs._currentframe < 36))) { if (this.lastkey == "left") { this._x = this._x - this.spd; } else if (this.lastkey == "right") { this._x = this._x + this.spd; } } } else if ((!this.alive) && (Math.abs(this.head.desx - this.head._x) > 1)) { if ((Math.abs(this.head.desx - this.head._x) < 1) && (Math.abs(this.head._x) > 10)) { } else { this.attack = false; this.desrot = this.gslope - 90; this._rotation = this._rotation - ((this._rotation - this.desrot) / 2); } } if ((this.jump == 0) && (this.grav > 7)) { this.landanim = true; } if (this.jumpkeyvar == true) { jpv = 0; while (jpv < 8) { if ((((this.legs.hitTest(_root["jp" + jpv]) && (_root["jp" + jpv].jpot)) && (this.grav == 0)) && (this.jumpingallowed == true)) && (this.alive)) { this.jumpanim = true; this.jumpkeyvar = false; ebeginjump(this.enum); } jpv++; } } if (this.jump < 7) { this.jumpanim = false; } if (this.jumping == true) { this._y = this._y - this.jump; this.jump = this.jump - 2; this.falling = false; } if (this.jump < 0) { this.jump = 0; this.jumping = false; this.falling = true; } if (this.falling == true) { this._y = this._y + this.grav; if (this.grav < 10) { this.grav = this.grav + 2; } this.jumping = false; } if (, this._y + 40, true) && (this.jumping == false)) { this.ground = "gd"; this.landanim = false; this.falling = false; setTimeout(eallowjump, 75, this.enum); this.grav = 0; this.jump = 11; } else if (, this._y + 40, true) && (this.jumping == false)) { this.ground = "pm"; this.landanim = false; this.falling = false; setTimeout(eallowjump, 75, this.enum); this.grav = 0; this.jump = 11; } else { this.falling = true; } if (!this.jumping) { while (, (this._y + 40) + 5, true)) { this._y = this._y - 0.1; } while (, (this._y + 40) + 5, true)) { this._y = this._y - 0.1; } } }; } function newenemyswordsp(en, xloc, yloc, spdfac, powerfac) { _root.attachMovie("enemy1", "enemy" + en, 600 + (en * 2)); _root["enemy" + en].weapontype = "weapon"; _root["enemy" + en]._x = xloc; _root["enemy" + en]._y = yloc; _root["enemy" + en].health = 100; _root["enemy" + en].spd = 7 * spdfac; _root["enemy" + en].powerfac = powerfac; _root["enemy" + en].alive = true; _root["enemy" + en].fall = true; _root["enemy" + en].jump = 0; _root["enemy" + en].jumping = false; _root["enemy" + en].grav = 0; _root["enemy" + en].jumpkeyvar = true; _root["enemy" + en].jumpingallowed = true; _root["enemy" + en].enum = en; _root["enemy" + en].onEnterFrame = function () { function ebeginjump(en) { _root["enemy" + en].grav = 0; _root["enemy" + en].jumping = true; _root["enemy" + en].falling = false; _root["enemy" + en].jumpkeyvar = true; _root["enemy" + en].jumpingallowed = false; } function eallowjump(en) { _root["enemy" + en].jumpingallowed = true; } if (this.alive) { if (_root.hero.alive) { this.hd = this._x - _root.hero._x; } else { this.hd = 9999; this.leftkey = false; this.rightkey = false; } if ((this.hd > 60) && (this.hd < 2000)) { this.leftkey = true; this.rightkey = false; } else if ((this.hd < -60) && (this.hd > -2000)) { this.rightkey = true; this.leftkey = false; } else if ((this.hd <= 60) && (this.hd >= -60)) { this.leftkey = false; this.rightkey = false; if (!this.attack) { this.attackstart(); } } if (((((this.legs._currentframe == 1) || (this.legs._currentframe == 20)) || (this.legs._currentframe == 40)) || (this.rightkey)) || (this.leftkey)) { if (_root.hero._x < this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } } this.xdis = -Math.abs(_root.hero._x - this._x); this.ydis = _root.hero._y - this._y; this.radangle = Math.atan(this.ydis / this.xdis); this.degangle = (this.radangle * 360) / (Math.PI*2); if (this.leftkey) { this.lastkey = "left"; this._x = this._x - this.spd; } else if (this.rightkey) { this.lastkey = "right"; this._x = this._x + this.spd; } else if (((this.legs._currentframe > 4) && (this.legs._currentframe < 16)) || ((this.legs._currentframe > 24) && (this.legs._currentframe < 36))) { if (this.lastkey == "left") { this._x = this._x - this.spd; } else if (this.lastkey == "right") { this._x = this._x + this.spd; } } } else if ((!this.alive) && (Math.abs(this.head.desx - this.head._x) > 1)) { if ((Math.abs(this.head.desx - this.head._x) < 1) && (Math.abs(this.head._x) > 10)) { } else { this.attack = false; this.desrot = this.gslope - 90; this._rotation = this._rotation - ((this._rotation - this.desrot) / 2); } } if (!this.alive) { if (this._alpha > 0) { this._alpha = this._alpha - 1; } else { clearInterval(this.heroint); clearInterval(this.legint); clearInterval(this.attackcheckint); this.removeMovieClip(); } } if ((this.jump == 0) && (this.grav > 7)) { this.landanim = true; } if (this.jumpkeyvar == true) { jpv = 0; while (jpv < 8) { if ((((this.legs.hitTest(_root["jp" + jpv]) && (_root["jp" + jpv].jpot)) && (this.grav == 0)) && (this.jumpingallowed == true)) && (this.alive)) { this.jumpanim = true; this.jumpkeyvar = false; ebeginjump(this.enum); } jpv++; } } if (this.jump < 7) { this.jumpanim = false; } if (this.jumping == true) { this._y = this._y - this.jump; this.jump = this.jump - 2; this.falling = false; } if (this.jump < 0) { this.jump = 0; this.jumping = false; this.falling = true; } if (this.falling == true) { this._y = this._y + this.grav; if (this.grav < 10) { this.grav = this.grav + 2; } this.jumping = false; } if (, this._y + 40, true) && (this.jumping == false)) { this.ground = "gd"; this.landanim = false; this.falling = false; setTimeout(eallowjump, 75, this.enum); this.grav = 0; this.jump = 11; } else if (, this._y + 40, true) && (this.jumping == false)) { this.ground = "pm"; this.landanim = false; this.falling = false; setTimeout(eallowjump, 75, this.enum); this.grav = 0; this.jump = 11; } else { this.falling = true; } if (!this.jumping) { while (, (this._y + 40) + 5, true)) { this._y = this._y - 0.1; } while (, (this._y + 40) + 5, true)) { this._y = this._y - 0.1; } } }; } function newenemyswordex(en, xloc, yloc, spdfac, powerfac) { _root.attachMovie("enemy3", "enemy" + en, 600 + (en * 2)); _root["enemy" + en].weapontype = "weapon"; _root["enemy" + en]._x = xloc; _root["enemy" + en]._y = yloc; _root["enemy" + en].health = 100; _root["enemy" + en].spd = 6.8 * spdfac; _root["enemy" + en].powerfac = powerfac; _root["enemy" + en].alive = true; _root["enemy" + en].fall = true; _root["enemy" + en].jump = 0; _root["enemy" + en].jumping = false; _root["enemy" + en].grav = 0; _root["enemy" + en].jumpkeyvar = true; _root["enemy" + en].jumpingallowed = true; _root["enemy" + en].enum = en; _root["enemy" + en].onEnterFrame = function () { function ebeginjump(en) { _root["enemy" + en].grav = 0; _root["enemy" + en].jumping = true; _root["enemy" + en].falling = false; _root["enemy" + en].jumpkeyvar = true; _root["enemy" + en].jumpingallowed = false; } function eallowjump(en) { _root["enemy" + en].jumpingallowed = true; } if (this.alive) { if (_root.hero.alive) { this.hd = this._x - _root.hero._x; } else { this.hd = 9999; this.leftkey = false; this.rightkey = false; } if ((this.hd > 70) && (this.hd < 600)) { this.leftkey = true; this.rightkey = false; } else if ((this.hd < -70) && (this.hd > -600)) { this.rightkey = true; this.leftkey = false; } else if ((this.hd <= 70) && (this.hd >= -70)) { this.leftkey = false; this.rightkey = false; if (!this.attack) { this.attackstart(); } } if (((((this.legs._currentframe == 1) || (this.legs._currentframe == 20)) || (this.legs._currentframe == 40)) || (this.rightkey)) || (this.leftkey)) { if (_root.hero._x < this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } } this.xdis = -Math.abs(_root.hero._x - this._x); this.ydis = _root.hero._y - this._y; this.radangle = Math.atan(this.ydis / this.xdis); this.degangle = (this.radangle * 360) / (Math.PI*2); if (this.leftkey) { this.lastkey = "left"; } else if (this.rightkey) { this.lastkey = "right"; } if (this.leftkey || (this.rightkey)) { if (this.lastkey == "left") { this._x = this._x - this.spd; } else if (this.lastkey == "right") { this._x = this._x + this.spd; } } else if (((this.legs._currentframe > 4) && (this.legs._currentframe < 16)) || ((this.legs._currentframe > 24) && (this.legs._currentframe < 36))) { if (this.lastkey == "left") { this._x = this._x - this.spd; } else if (this.lastkey == "right") { this._x = this._x + this.spd; } } } else if ((!alive) && (Math.abs(this.head.desx - this.head._x) > 1)) { if ((Math.abs(this.head.desx - this.head._x) < 1) && (Math.abs(this.head._x) > 10)) { } else { this.attack = false; this.desrot = this.gslope - 90; this._rotation = this._rotation - ((this._rotation - this.desrot) / 2); } } if ((this.jump == 0) && (this.grav > 7)) { this.landanim = true; } if (this.jumpkeyvar == true) { jpv = 0; while (jpv < 8) { if ((((this.legs.hitTest(_root["jp" + jpv]) && (_root["jp" + jpv].jpot)) && (this.grav == 0)) && (this.jumpingallowed == true)) && (this.alive)) { this.jumpanim = true; this.jumpkeyvar = false; ebeginjump(this.enum); } jpv++; } } if (this.jump < 7) { this.jumpanim = false; } if (this.jumping == true) { this._y = this._y - this.jump; this.jump = this.jump - 2; this.falling = false; } if (this.jump < 0) { this.jump = 0; this.jumping = false; this.falling = true; } if (this.falling == true) { this._y = this._y + this.grav; if (this.grav < 10) { this.grav = this.grav + 2; } this.jumping = false; } if (, this._y + 40, true) && (this.jumping == false)) { this.ground = "gd"; this.landanim = false; this.falling = false; setTimeout(eallowjump, 75, this.enum); this.grav = 0; this.jump = 11; } else if (, this._y + 40, true) && (this.jumping == false)) { this.ground = "pm"; this.landanim = false; this.falling = false; setTimeout(eallowjump, 75, this.enum); this.grav = 0; this.jump = 11; } else { this.falling = true; } if (!this.jumping) { while (, (this._y + 40) + 5, true)) { this._y = this._y - 0.1; } while (, (this._y + 40) + 5, true)) { this._y = this._y - 0.1; } } }; } function newenemypike(en, xloc, yloc, spdfac, powerfac) { _root.attachMovie("enemy2", "enemy" + en, 600 + (en * 2)); _root["enemy" + en].weapontype = "pike"; _root["enemy" + en]._x = xloc; _root["enemy" + en]._y = yloc; _root["enemy" + en].health = 125; _root["enemy" + en].spd = 5.5 * spdfac; _root["enemy" + en].powerfac = powerfac; _root["enemy" + en].alive = true; _root["enemy" + en].fall = true; _root["enemy" + en].jump = 0; _root["enemy" + en].jumping = false; _root["enemy" + en].grav = 0; _root["enemy" + en].jumpkeyvar = true; _root["enemy" + en].jumpingallowed = true; _root["enemy" + en].enum = en; _root["enemy" + en].onEnterFrame = function () { function ebeginjump(en) { _root["enemy" + en].grav = 0; _root["enemy" + en].jumping = true; _root["enemy" + en].falling = false; _root["enemy" + en].jumpkeyvar = true; _root["enemy" + en].jumpingallowed = false; } function eallowjump(en) { _root["enemy" + en].jumpingallowed = true; } if (this.alive) { if (_root.hero.alive) { this.hd = this._x - _root.hero._x; } else { this.hd = 9999; this.leftkey = false; this.rightkey = false; } if ((this.hd > 110) && (this.hd < 600)) { this.leftkey = true; this.rightkey = false; } else if ((this.hd < -110) && (this.hd > -600)) { this.rightkey = true; this.leftkey = false; } else if ((this.hd <= 110) && (this.hd >= -110)) { this.leftkey = false; this.rightkey = false; if (!this.attack) { this.attackstart(); } } if (((((this.legs._currentframe == 1) || (this.legs._currentframe == 20)) || (this.legs._currentframe == 40)) || (this.rightkey)) || (this.leftkey)) { if (_root.hero._x < this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } } this.xdis = -Math.abs(_root.hero._x - this._x); this.ydis = _root.hero._y - this._y; this.radangle = Math.atan(this.ydis / this.xdis); this.degangle = (this.radangle * 360) / (Math.PI*2); if (this.leftkey) { this.lastkey = "left"; } else if (this.rightkey) { this.lastkey = "right"; } if (this.leftkey || (this.rightkey)) { if (this.lastkey == "left") { this._x = this._x - this.spd; } else if (this.lastkey == "right") { this._x = this._x + this.spd; } } else if (((this.legs._currentframe > 4) && (this.legs._currentframe < 16)) || ((this.legs._currentframe > 24) && (this.legs._currentframe < 36))) { if (this.lastkey == "left") { this._x = this._x - this.spd; } else if (this.lastkey == "right") { this._x = this._x + this.spd; } } } else if ((!alive) && (Math.abs(this.head.desx - this.head._x) > 1)) { if ((Math.abs(this.head.desx - this.head._x) < 1) && (Math.abs(this.head._x) > 10)) { } else { this.attack = false; this.desrot = this.gslope - 90; this._rotation = this._rotation - ((this._rotation - this.desrot) / 2); } } if ((this.jump == 0) && (this.grav > 7)) { this.landanim = true; } if (this.jumpkeyvar == true) { jpv = 0; while (jpv < 8) { if ((((this.legs.hitTest(_root["jp" + jpv]) && (_root["jp" + jpv].jpot)) && (this.grav == 0)) && (this.jumpingallowed == true)) && (this.alive)) { this.jumpanim = true; this.jumpkeyvar = false; ebeginjump(this.enum); } jpv++; } } if (this.jump < 7) { this.jumpanim = false; } if (this.jumping == true) { this._y = this._y - this.jump; this.jump = this.jump - 2; this.falling = false; } if (this.jump < 0) { this.jump = 0; this.jumping = false; this.falling = true; } if (this.falling == true) { this._y = this._y + this.grav; if (this.grav < 10) { this.grav = this.grav + 2; } this.jumping = false; } if (, this._y + 40, true) && (this.jumping == false)) { this.ground = "gd"; this.landanim = false; this.falling = false; setTimeout(eallowjump, 75, this.enum); this.grav = 0; this.jump = 11; } else if (, this._y + 40, true) && (this.jumping == false)) { this.ground = "pm"; this.landanim = false; this.falling = false; setTimeout(eallowjump, 75, this.enum); this.grav = 0; this.jump = 11; } else { this.falling = true; } if (!this.jumping) { while (, (this._y + 40) + 5, true)) { this._y = this._y - 0.1; } while (, (this._y + 40) + 5, true)) { this._y = this._y - 0.1; } } }; } function newenemypikeex(en, xloc, yloc, spdfac, powerfac) { _root.attachMovie("enemy4", "enemy" + en, 600 + (en * 2)); _root["enemy" + en].weapontype = "pike"; _root["enemy" + en]._x = xloc; _root["enemy" + en]._y = yloc; _root["enemy" + en].health = 125; _root["enemy" + en].spd = 5 * spdfac; _root["enemy" + en].powerfac = powerfac; _root["enemy" + en].alive = true; _root["enemy" + en].fall = true; _root["enemy" + en].jump = 0; _root["enemy" + en].jumping = false; _root["enemy" + en].grav = 0; _root["enemy" + en].jumpkeyvar = true; _root["enemy" + en].jumpingallowed = true; _root["enemy" + en].enum = en; _root["enemy" + en].onEnterFrame = function () { function ebeginjump(en) { _root["enemy" + en].grav = 0; _root["enemy" + en].jumping = true; _root["enemy" + en].falling = false; _root["enemy" + en].jumpkeyvar = true; _root["enemy" + en].jumpingallowed = false; } function eallowjump(en) { _root["enemy" + en].jumpingallowed = true; } if (this.alive) { if (_root.hero.alive) { this.hd = this._x - _root.hero._x; } else { this.hd = 9999; this.leftkey = false; this.rightkey = false; } if ((this.hd > 110) && (this.hd < 600)) { this.leftkey = true; this.rightkey = false; } else if ((this.hd < -110) && (this.hd > -600)) { this.rightkey = true; this.leftkey = false; } else if ((this.hd <= 110) && (this.hd >= -110)) { this.leftkey = false; this.rightkey = false; if (!this.attack) { this.attackstart(); } } if (((((this.legs._currentframe == 1) || (this.legs._currentframe == 20)) || (this.legs._currentframe == 40)) || (this.rightkey)) || (this.leftkey)) { if (_root.hero._x < this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } } this.xdis = -Math.abs(_root.hero._x - this._x); this.ydis = _root.hero._y - this._y; this.radangle = Math.atan(this.ydis / this.xdis); this.degangle = (this.radangle * 360) / (Math.PI*2); if (this.leftkey) { this.lastkey = "left"; } else if (this.rightkey) { this.lastkey = "right"; } if (this.leftkey || (this.rightkey)) { if (this.lastkey == "left") { this._x = this._x - this.spd; } else if (this.lastkey == "right") { this._x = this._x + this.spd; } } else if (((this.legs._currentframe > 4) && (this.legs._currentframe < 16)) || ((this.legs._currentframe > 24) && (this.legs._currentframe < 36))) { if (this.lastkey == "left") { this._x = this._x - this.spd; } else if (this.lastkey == "right") { this._x = this._x + this.spd; } } } else if ((!alive) && (Math.abs(this.head.desx - this.head._x) > 1)) { if ((Math.abs(this.head.desx - this.head._x) < 1) && (Math.abs(this.head._x) > 10)) { } else { this.attack = false; this.desrot = this.gslope - 90; this._rotation = this._rotation - ((this._rotation - this.desrot) / 2); } } if ((this.jump == 0) && (this.grav > 7)) { this.landanim = true; } if (this.jumpkeyvar == true) { jpv = 0; while (jpv < 8) { if ((((this.legs.hitTest(_root["jp" + jpv]) && (_root["jp" + jpv].jpot)) && (this.grav == 0)) && (this.jumpingallowed == true)) && (this.alive)) { this.jumpanim = true; this.jumpkeyvar = false; ebeginjump(this.enum); } jpv++; } } if (this.jump < 7) { this.jumpanim = false; } if (this.jumping == true) { this._y = this._y - this.jump; this.jump = this.jump - 2; this.falling = false; } if (this.jump < 0) { this.jump = 0; this.jumping = false; this.falling = true; } if (this.falling == true) { this._y = this._y + this.grav; if (this.grav < 10) { this.grav = this.grav + 2; } this.jumping = false; } if (, this._y + 40, true) && (this.jumping == false)) { this.ground = "gd"; this.landanim = false; this.falling = false; setTimeout(eallowjump, 75, this.enum); this.grav = 0; this.jump = 11; } else if (, this._y + 40, true) && (this.jumping == false)) { this.ground = "pm"; this.landanim = false; this.falling = false; setTimeout(eallowjump, 75, this.enum); this.grav = 0; this.jump = 11; } else { this.falling = true; } if (!this.jumping) { while (, (this._y + 40) + 5, true)) { this._y = this._y - 0.1; } while (, (this._y + 40) + 5, true)) { this._y = this._y - 0.1; } } }; } function newenemyarcher(en, xloc, yloc, reloadspd) { _root.attachMovie("enemya", "enemy" + en, 600 + (en * 2)); _root["enemy" + en].weapontype = "bow"; _root["enemy" + en]._x = xloc; _root["enemy" + en]._y = yloc; _root["enemy" + en].health = 50; _root["enemy" + en].spd = 2.2; _root["enemy" + en].reloadspd = reloadspd; _root["enemy" + en].firepower = 0; _root["enemy" + en].allowfire = true; _root["enemy" + en].mouseactivate = false; _root["enemy" + en].alive = true; _root["enemy" + en].fall = true; _root["enemy" + en].jump = 0; _root["enemy" + en].jumping = false; _root["enemy" + en].grav = 0; _root["enemy" + en].jumpkeyvar = true; _root["enemy" + en].enum = en; _root["enemy" + en].jumpingallowed = true; _root["enemy" + en].enum = en; _root["enemy" + en].onEnterFrame = function () { function ebeginjump(en) { _root["enemy" + en].grav = 0; _root["enemy" + en].jumping = true; _root["enemy" + en].falling = false; _root["enemy" + en].jumpkeyvar = true; _root["enemy" + en].jumpingallowed = false; } function eallowjump(en) { _root["enemy" + en].jumpingallowed = true; } if (this.alive) { if (_root.hero.alive) { this.hd = this._x - _root.hero._x; } else { this.hd = 9999; } if (((Math.abs(this.hd) >= 110) && (Math.abs(this.hd) < 475)) && (this.allowfire)) { this.mousedown = true; this.leftkey = false; this.rightkey = false; } else if ((this.hd > 0) && (this.hd < 110)) { this.leftkey = false; this.rightkey = true; } else if ((this.hd < 0) && (this.hd > -110)) { this.rightkey = false; this.leftkey = true; } else { this.leftkey = false; this.rightkey = false; } if (((((this.legs._currentframe == 1) || (this.legs._currentframe == 20)) || (this.legs._currentframe == 40)) || (this.rightkey)) || (this.leftkey)) { if (_root.hero._x < this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } } this.xdis = -Math.abs(_root.hero._x - this._x); this.ydis = (_root.hero._y - this._y) - (Math.abs(_root.hero._x - this._x) / 5); this.radangle = Math.atan(this.ydis / this.xdis); this.degangle = (this.radangle * 360) / (Math.PI*2); if (this.leftkey) { this.lastkey = "left"; } else if (this.rightkey) { this.lastkey = "right"; } if (this.leftkey || (this.rightkey)) { if (this.lastkey == "left") { this._x = this._x - this.spd; } else if (this.lastkey == "right") { this._x = this._x + this.spd; } } else if (((this.legs._currentframe > 4) && (this.legs._currentframe < 16)) || ((this.legs._currentframe > 24) && (this.legs._currentframe < 36))) { if (this.lastkey == "left") { this._x = this._x - this.spd; } else if (this.lastkey == "right") { this._x = this._x + this.spd; } } if (this.mousedown && (this.allowfire)) { if (!this.bs_svar) { _root.bowstretch_s.start(); this.bs_svar = true; } this.mouseactivate = true; if (this.firepower < 15) { this.firepower = this.firepower + 0.5; } else { this.mousedown = false; } } if (((!this.mousedown) && (this.allowfire)) && (this.mouseactivate)) { this.bs_svar = false; _root.bowstretch_s.stop(); _root.bowsnap_s.start(); if (this.barm2._rotation < -80) { efirearrow(this.firepower, false, en); } else { efirearrow(1, true, en); } this.mouseactivate = false; this.firepower = 1; this.resetpowerint = setInterval(resetepower, 1200 * this.reloadspd, en); this.allowfire = false; } } else if ((!alive) && (Math.abs(this.head.desx - this.head._x) > 1)) { if ((Math.abs(this.head.desx - this.head._x) < 1) && (Math.abs(this.head._x) > 10)) { clearInterval(this.jumpint); } else { this.attack = false; this.desrot = this.gslope - 90; this._rotation = this._rotation - ((this._rotation - this.desrot) / 2); } } if (this.jump < 7) { this.jumpanim = false; } else if ((this.jump == 0) && (this.grav > 7)) { this.landanim = true; } if (this.jumpkeyvar == true) { jpv = 0; while (jpv < 8) { if ((((this.legs.hitTest(_root["jp" + jpv]) && (_root["jp" + jpv].jpot)) && (this.grav == 0)) && (this.jumpingallowed == true)) && (this.alive)) { this.jumpanim = true; this.jumpkeyvar = false; ebeginjump(this.enum); } jpv++; } } if (this.falling == true) { this._y = this._y + this.grav; if (this.grav < 10) { this.grav = this.grav + 2; } this.jumping = false; } else if (this.jump < 0) { this.jump = 0; this.jumping = false; this.falling = true; } else if (this.jumping == true) { this._y = this._y - this.jump; this.jump = this.jump - 2; this.falling = false; } if (, this._y + 40, true) && (this.jumping == false)) { this.ground = "gd"; this.landanim = false; this.jumpanim = false; this.falling = false; setTimeout(eallowjump, 75, this.enum); this.grav = 0; this.jump = 11; } else if (, this._y + 40, true) && (this.jumping == false)) { this.ground = "pm"; this.landanim = false; this.jumpanim = false; this.falling = false; setTimeout(eallowjump, 75, this.enum); this.grav = 0; this.jump = 11; } else { this.falling = true; } if (!this.jumping) { while (, (this._y + 40) + 5, true)) { this._y = this._y - 0.1; } while (, (this._y + 40) + 5, true)) { this._y = this._y - 0.1; } } }; } function resetepower(en) { _root["enemy" + en].allowfire = true; clearInterval(_root["enemy" + en].resetpowerint); } function deadenemy(en, dir, type) { deathsfunc(); _root["enemy" + en].deathdir = dir; _root["enemy" + en].stopattack = true; _root.attachMovie("box", "box1", 0); _root.attachMovie("box", "box2", 1); _root.box1._x = _root["enemy" + en]._x - 10; _root.box1._y = _root["enemy" + en]._y - 50; _root.box2._x = _root["enemy" + en]._x + 10; _root.box2._y = _root["enemy" + en]._y - 50; if (_root.box1._y > -500) { while (!_root[_root["enemy" + en].ground].hitTest(_root.box1._x, _root.box1._y, true)) { _root.box1._y++; } } else { _root.box1._y = _root["enemy" + en]._y + 40; } if (_root.box2._y > -500) { while (!_root[_root["enemy" + en].ground].hitTest(_root.box2._x, _root.box2._y, true)) { _root.box2._y++; } } else { _root.box1._y = _root["enemy" + en]._y + 40; } _root["enemy" + en].gslope = ((Math.atan2(_root.box2._y - _root.box1._y, 20) * 360) / (Math.PI*2)) + 90; _root.box1.removeMovieClip(); _root.box2.removeMovieClip(); _root["enemy" + en].alive = false; if (((_root["enemy" + en].weapontype == "weapon") || (_root["enemy" + en].weapontype == "pike")) || (_root["enemy" + en].weapontype == "axe")) { if (_root["enemy" + en].weapontype == "pike") { _root.attachMovie("pike", "weapon" + en, _root["enemy" + en].getDepth() - 1); } else if (_root["enemy" + en].weapontype == "axe") { _root.attachMovie("axe", "weapon" + en, _root["enemy" + en].getDepth() - 1); } else { _root.attachMovie("weapon", "weapon" + en, _root["enemy" + en].getDepth() - 1); } if (_root["enemy" + en]._xscale > 0) { _root["weapon" + en]._x = _root["enemy" + en]._x + _root["enemy" + en].weapon._x; _root["weapon" + en]._rotation = _root["enemy" + en].weapon._rotation; } else { _root["weapon" + en]._x = _root["enemy" + en]._x - _root["enemy" + en].weapon._x; _root["weapon" + en]._rotation = -_root["enemy" + en].weapon._rotation; } _root["weapon" + en]._yscale = _root["enemy" + en].weapon._yscale; _root["weapon" + en]._y = _root["enemy" + en]._y + _root["enemy" + en].weapon._y; } else if (_root["enemy" + en].weapontype == "bow") { _root.attachMovie("bow", "weapon" + en, _root["enemy" + en].getDepth() - 1); _root["weapon" + en].stop(); if (_root["enemy" + en]._xscale > 0) { _root["weapon" + en]._x = _root["enemy" + en]._x + _root["enemy" + en].bow._x; _root["weapon" + en]._rotation = _root["enemy" + en].bow._rotation; _root["weapon" + en]._xscale = _root["enemy" + en].bow._xscale; } else { _root["weapon" + en]._x = _root["enemy" + en]._x - _root["enemy" + en].bow._x; _root["weapon" + en]._rotation = -_root["enemy" + en].bow._rotation; _root["weapon" + en]._xscale = -_root["enemy" + en].bow._xscale; } _root["weapon" + en]._yscale = _root["enemy" + en].bow._yscale; _root["weapon" + en]._y = _root["enemy" + en]._y + _root["enemy" + en].bow._y; if (_root["enemy" + en].allowfire) { efirearrow(6, true, en); } } _root["weapon" + en].grav = 0; _root["weapon" + en].stop(); _root["weapon" + en].onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.grav < 20) { this.grav = this.grav + 1.2; } if (!, this._y - 10, true)) { this._y = this._y + this.grav; } else if ((this._rotation < 80) && (this._rotation > 0)) { this._rotation = this._rotation + 12; } else if (this._rotation > 100) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 12; } else if ((this._rotation > -80) && (this._rotation <= 0)) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 12; } else if (this._rotation < -100) { this._rotation = this._rotation + 12; } if ((this._x > ((_root.vcam._x + 50) + (((_root.vcam._xscale / 100) * 600) / 2))) || (this._x < ((_root.vcam._x - 50) - (((_root.vcam._xscale / 100) * 600) / 2)))) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } function bloodspatter(xloc, yloc, amount, xspd, yspd) { m = 0; while (m <= amount) { blc++; if (blc > 100) { blc = 0; } _root.attachMovie("blood", "blood" + blc, 1201 + blc); _root["blood" + blc]._x = xloc; _root["blood" + blc]._y = yloc; _root["blood" + blc].xspd = (((-xspd) / 3) + random(8)) - 4; _root["blood" + blc].yspd = (((-yspd) / 3) + random(8)) - 4; _root["blood" + blc]._alpha = 100; _root["blood" + blc].onEnterFrame = function () { this._x = this._x + this.xspd; this._y = this._y + this.yspd; this.yspd++; this._alpha = this._alpha - 6; if (this._alpha <= 20) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; m++; } } function dirtspatter(xloc, yloc, amount, xspd, yspd) { dirtsfunc(); m = 0; while (m <= amount) { blc++; if (blc > 100) { blc = 0; } _root.attachMovie("dirt", "dirt" + blc, 1201 + blc); _root["dirt" + blc]._x = xloc; _root["dirt" + blc]._y = yloc; _root["dirt" + blc].xspd = (((-xspd) / 2) + random(4)) - 2; _root["dirt" + blc].yspd = (((-yspd) / 2) - random(6)) + 2; _root["dirt" + blc]._alpha = 100; _root["dirt" + blc].onEnterFrame = function () { this._x = this._x + this.xspd; this._y = this._y + this.yspd; this.yspd++; this._alpha = this._alpha - 5; if (this._alpha <= 20) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; m++; } } blc = 0; function firearrow(power, death) { ai++; if (ai > 30) { ai = 0; } clearInterval(_root["arrow" + ai].arrowint); _root.attachMovie("arrow", "arrow" + ai, ai + 1100); if (_root.hero._xscale > 0) { _root["arrow" + ai]._x = _root.hero._x + _root.hero.sarrow._x; _root["arrow" + ai]._rotation = _root.hero.sarrow._rotation; } else { _root["arrow" + ai]._x = _root.hero._x - _root.hero.sarrow._x; _root["arrow" + ai]._rotation = (-_root.hero.sarrow._rotation) + 180; } _root["arrow" + ai]._y = _root.hero._y + _root.hero.sarrow._y; _root["arrow" + ai].radrot = ((_root["arrow" + ai]._rotation * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; if (!death) { _root["arrow" + ai].xspd = (Math.cos(_root["arrow" + ai].radrot) * (power + 3)) * 0.8; _root["arrow" + ai].yspd = (Math.sin(_root["arrow" + ai].radrot) * (power + 3)) * 0.9; } else { _root["arrow" + ai].xspd = (Math.cos(_root["arrow" + ai].radrot) * power) * 0.9; _root["arrow" + ai].yspd = (Math.sin(_root["arrow" + ai].radrot) * power) * 0.9; } _root["arrow" + ai].alive = true; _root["arrow" + ai].ihateflash = false; _root["arrow" + ai].power = power; _root["arrow" + ai].death = death; _root["arrow" + ai].arrowint = setInterval(arrowfunc, 30, ai); _root["arrow" + ai].onEnterFrame = function () { if ((this._x > ((_root.vcam._x + 50) + (((_root.vcam._xscale / 100) * 600) / 2))) || (this._x < ((_root.vcam._x - 50) - (((_root.vcam._xscale / 100) * 600) / 2)))) { _root.misses++; clearInterval(this.arrowint); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.sticky) { if (!this.ihateflash) { this.origexscale = _root["enemy" + this.enum]._xscale; this.ihateflash = true; this._x = this._x - (Math.cos(((this._rotation * 2) * Math.PI) / 360) * 38); this._y = this._y - (Math.sin(((this._rotation * 2) * Math.PI) / 360) * 38); this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; this.origx = this._x; this.origy = this._y; this.origrot = this._rotation; this.origex = _root["enemy" + this.enum]._x; this.origey = _root["enemy" + this.enum]._y; this.origerot = _root["enemy" + this.enum]._rotation; if (_root["enemy" + this.enum]._xscale > 0) { this.origalocx = _root["enemy" + this.enum][this.aloc]._x; } else { this.origalocx = -_root["enemy" + this.enum][this.aloc]._x; } this.origalocy = _root["enemy" + this.enum][this.aloc]._y; this.origalocrot = _root["enemy" + this.enum][this.aloc]._rotation; this.d1x = (this.origx - this.origex) - this.origalocx; this.d1y = (this.origy - this.origey) - this.origalocy; this.d1radrot = Math.atan2(this.d1y, this.d1x); this.d1degrot = ((this.d1radrot * 360) / 2) / Math.PI; this.d1hyp = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this.d1x, 2) + Math.pow(this.d1y, 2)); } if (_root["enemy" + this.enum]._xscale > 0) { this.funnyfactor = 1; } else { this.funnyfactor = -1; } this.newd1rot = this.origalocrot - _root["enemy" + this.enum][this.aloc]._rotation; this.newd2rot = this.origerot - _root["enemy" + this.enum]._rotation; this._rotation = (this.origrot - (this.funnyfactor * this.newd1rot)) - this.newd2rot; this.superx = (this.funnyfactor * _root["enemy" + this.enum][this.aloc]._x) + (Math.cos(this.d1radrot) * this.d1hyp); this.supery = _root["enemy" + this.enum][this.aloc]._y + (Math.sin(this.d1radrot) * this.d1hyp); this.d2radrot = Math.atan2(this.supery, this.superx); this.d2degrot = (((this.d2radrot * 360) / 2) / Math.PI) + _root["enemy" + this.enum]._rotation; this.finalrotation = ((this.d2degrot * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; this.d2hyp = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this.superx, 2) + Math.pow(this.supery, 2)); this._x = _root["enemy" + this.enum]._x + (Math.cos(this.finalrotation) * this.d2hyp); this._y = _root["enemy" + this.enum]._y + (Math.sin(this.finalrotation) * this.d2hyp); if (_root["enemy" + this.enum]._xscale != this.origexscale) { if (this._rotation < 0) { this.origrot = this.origrot - (2 * (this.origrot + 90)); } else { this.origrot = this.origrot - (2 * (this.origrot - 90)); } this.origexscale = _root["enemy" + this.enum]._xscale; } if (_root.bossfight) { this._alpha = this._alpha - 1; if (this._alpha < 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); clearInterval(this.arrowint); } } } }; } function arrowfunc(an) { if (_root["arrow" + an].alive) { _root["arrow" + an].radangle = ((_root["arrow" + an]._rotation * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; _root["arrow" + an].arrowtipx = _root["arrow" + an]._x - (Math.cos(_root["arrow" + an].radangle) * 40); _root["arrow" + an].arrowtipy = _root["arrow" + an]._y - (Math.sin(_root["arrow" + an].radangle) * 40); en = 0; while (en <= 15) { if ((_root["enemy" + en].shield.hitTest(_root["arrow" + an].arrowtipx, _root["arrow" + an].arrowtipy) && (_root["enemy" + en].alive)) && (!_root["arrow" + an].death)) { _root.misses++; _root.dirtsfunc(); _root.dirtspatter(_root["arrow" + an].arrowtipx, _root["arrow" + an].arrowtipy, 2, ((_root["arrow" + an].xspd / 2) * (-_root["enemy" + en]._xscale)) / 100, 10); _root["enemy" + en].shield._rotation = _root["enemy" + en].shield._rotation + 10; _root["arrow" + an].enum = en; _root["arrow" + an].aloc = "shield"; _root["arrow" + an].alive = false; _root["arrow" + an].sticky = true; } else if ((_root["enemy" + en].body.hitTest(_root["arrow" + an].arrowtipx, _root["arrow" + an].arrowtipy) && (_root["enemy" + en].alive)) && (!_root["arrow" + an].death)) { _root.hits++; _root.bs_s.start(); _root.bloodspatter(_root["arrow" + an].arrowtipx, _root["arrow" + an].arrowtipy, 5, _root["arrow" + an].xspd, _root["arrow" + an].yspd); _root["enemy" + en].head._rotation = _root["enemy" + en].head._rotation + 10; _root["enemy" + en].farm1._rotation = _root["enemy" + en].farm1._rotation + 10; _root["enemy" + en].barm1._rotation = _root["enemy" + en].barm1._rotation - 10; _root["enemy" + en].health = _root["enemy" + en].health - 60; if (_root["enemy" + en].health < 0) { if (_root["enemy" + en].weapontype == "axe") { _root.bossdeath_s.start(); } else { _root.deadenemy(en, 1); } } else if (_root["enemy" + en].weapontype == "axe") { _root.bossgrunt_s.start(); } else { _root.gsfunc(); } _root["arrow" + an].enum = en; _root["arrow" + an].aloc = "body"; _root["arrow" + an].alive = false; _root["arrow" + an].sticky = true; } else if ((_root["enemy" + en].head.hitTest(_root["arrow" + an].arrowtipx, _root["arrow" + an].arrowtipy) && (_root["enemy" + en].alive)) && (!_root["arrow" + an].death)) { _root.hits++; _root.headshots++; _root.bs_s.start(); _root.bloodspatter(_root["arrow" + an].arrowtipx, _root["arrow" + an].arrowtipy, 10, _root["arrow" + an].xspd, _root["arrow" + an].yspd); _root["enemy" + en].head._rotation = _root["enemy" + en].head._rotation + 20; _root["enemy" + en].health = _root["enemy" + en].health - 300; if (_root["enemy" + en].health < 0) { if (_root["enemy" + en].weapontype == "axe") { _root.bossdeath_s.start(); } _root.deadenemy(en, -1); } else if (_root["enemy" + en].weapontype == "axe") { _root.bossgrunt_s.start(); } else { _root.gsfunc(); } _root["arrow" + an].enum = en; _root["arrow" + an].aloc = "head"; _root["arrow" + an].alive = false; _root["arrow" + an].sticky = true; } else if ((_root["enemy" + en].legs.hitTest(_root["arrow" + an].arrowtipx, _root["arrow" + an].arrowtipy) && (_root["enemy" + en].alive)) && (!_root["arrow" + an].death)) { _root.bloodspatter(_root["arrow" + an].arrowtipx, _root["arrow" + an].arrowtipy, 1, _root["arrow" + an].xspd, _root["arrow" + an].yspd); _root["enemy" + en].head._rotation = _root["enemy" + en].head._rotation + 20; _root["enemy" + en].health = _root["enemy" + en].health - 2; if (_root["enemy" + en].health < 0) { _root.deadenemy(en, -1); } } en++; } if (!["arrow" + an].arrowtipx, _root["arrow" + an].arrowtipy, true)) { if (!_root["arrow" + an].death) { _root["arrow" + an].yspd = _root["arrow" + an].yspd - (4 / _root["arrow" + an].power); } else { _root["arrow" + an].yspd = _root["arrow" + an].yspd - 1.8; } _root["arrow" + an]._x = _root["arrow" + an]._x - _root["arrow" + an].xspd; _root["arrow" + an]._y = _root["arrow" + an]._y - _root["arrow" + an].yspd; _root["arrow" + an]._rotation = (Math.atan2(_root["arrow" + an].yspd, _root["arrow" + an].xspd) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); } else { _root.dirtspatter(_root["arrow" + an].arrowtipx, _root["arrow" + an].arrowtipy, 5, _root["arrow" + an].xspd / 2, 10); _root["arrow" + an].alive = false; } } else { clearInterval(_root["arrow" + an].arrowint); } updateAfterEvent(); } function efirearrow(power, death, en) { ai++; if (ai > 30) { ai = 0; } clearInterval(_root["arrow" + ai].arrowint); _root.attachMovie("arrow", "arrow" + ai, ai + 1100); if (_root["enemy" + en]._xscale > 0) { _root["arrow" + ai]._x = _root["enemy" + en]._x + _root["enemy" + en].sarrow._x; _root["arrow" + ai]._rotation = _root["enemy" + en].sarrow._rotation; } else { _root["arrow" + ai]._x = _root["enemy" + en]._x - _root["enemy" + en].sarrow._x; _root["arrow" + ai]._rotation = (-_root["enemy" + en].sarrow._rotation) + 180; } _root["arrow" + ai]._y = _root["enemy" + en]._y + _root["enemy" + en].sarrow._y; _root["arrow" + ai].radrot = ((_root["arrow" + ai]._rotation * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; if (!death) { _root["arrow" + ai].xspd = (Math.cos(_root["arrow" + ai].radrot) * (power + 3)) * 0.8; _root["arrow" + ai].yspd = (Math.sin(_root["arrow" + ai].radrot) * (power + 3)) * 0.9; } else { _root["arrow" + ai].xspd = (Math.cos(_root["arrow" + ai].radrot) * power) * 0.9; _root["arrow" + ai].yspd = (Math.sin(_root["arrow" + ai].radrot) * power) * 0.9; } _root["arrow" + ai].alive = true; _root["arrow" + ai].ihateflash = false; _root["arrow" + ai].power = power; _root["arrow" + ai].death = death; _root["arrow" + ai].arrowint = setInterval(earrowfunc, 30, ai); _root["arrow" + ai].onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.sticky) { if (!this.ihateflash) { this.origexscale = _root.hero._xscale; this.ihateflash = true; this._x = this._x - (Math.cos(((this._rotation * 2) * Math.PI) / 360) * 38); this._y = this._y - (Math.sin(((this._rotation * 2) * Math.PI) / 360) * 38); this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; this.origx = this._x; this.origy = this._y; this.origrot = this._rotation; this.origex = _root.hero._x; this.origey = _root.hero._y; this.origerot = _root.hero._rotation; if (_root.hero._xscale > 0) { this.origalocx = _root.hero[this.aloc]._x; } else { this.origalocx = -_root.hero[this.aloc]._x; } this.origalocy = _root.hero[this.aloc]._y; this.origalocrot = _root.hero[this.aloc]._rotation; this.d1x = (this.origx - this.origex) - this.origalocx; this.d1y = (this.origy - this.origey) - this.origalocy; this.d1radrot = Math.atan2(this.d1y, this.d1x); this.d1degrot = ((this.d1radrot * 360) / 2) / Math.PI; this.d1hyp = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this.d1x, 2) + Math.pow(this.d1y, 2)); } if (_root.hero._xscale > 0) { this.funnyfactor = 1; } else { this.funnyfactor = -1; } this.newd1rot = this.origalocrot - _root.hero[this.aloc]._rotation; this.newd2rot = this.origerot - _root.hero._rotation; this._rotation = (this.origrot - (this.funnyfactor * this.newd1rot)) - this.newd2rot; this.superx = (this.funnyfactor * _root.hero[this.aloc]._x) + (Math.cos(this.d1radrot) * this.d1hyp); this.supery = _root.hero[this.aloc]._y + (Math.sin(this.d1radrot) * this.d1hyp); this.d2radrot = Math.atan2(this.supery, this.superx); this.d2degrot = (((this.d2radrot * 360) / 2) / Math.PI) + _root.hero._rotation; this.finalrotation = ((this.d2degrot * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; this.d2hyp = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this.superx, 2) + Math.pow(this.supery, 2)); this._x = _root.hero._x + (Math.cos(this.finalrotation) * this.d2hyp); this._y = _root.hero._y + (Math.sin(this.finalrotation) * this.d2hyp); if (_root.hero._xscale != this.origexscale) { if (this._rotation < 0) { this.origrot = this.origrot - (2 * (this.origrot + 90)); } else { this.origrot = this.origrot - (2 * (this.origrot - 90)); } this.origexscale = _root.hero._xscale; } this._alpha = this._alpha - 2; if (this._alpha < 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } }; } function earrowfunc(an) { if (_root["arrow" + an].alive) { _root["arrow" + an].radangle = ((_root["arrow" + an]._rotation * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; _root["arrow" + an].arrowtipx = _root["arrow" + an]._x - (Math.cos(_root["arrow" + an].radangle) * 40); _root["arrow" + an].arrowtipy = _root["arrow" + an]._y - (Math.sin(_root["arrow" + an].radangle) * 40); if ((_root.hero.body.hitTest(_root["arrow" + an].arrowtipx, _root["arrow" + an].arrowtipy) && (_root.hero.alive)) && (!_root["arrow" + an].death)) { _root.bs_s.start; _root.bloodspatter(_root["arrow" + an].arrowtipx, _root["arrow" + an].arrowtipy, 5, _root["arrow" + an].xspd, _root["arrow" + an].yspd); _root.hero.head._rotation = _root.hero.head._rotation + 10; _root.hero.farm1._rotation = _root.hero.farm1._rotation + 10; _root.hero.barm1._rotation = _root.hero.barm1._rotation - 10; = - 30; if ( < 0) { _root.deadplayer(1); } else { _root.herogruntfunc(); } _root["arrow" + an].aloc = "body"; _root["arrow" + an].alive = false; _root["arrow" + an].sticky = true; } else if ((_root.hero.head.hitTest(_root["arrow" + an].arrowtipx, _root["arrow" + an].arrowtipy) && (_root.hero.alive)) && (!_root["arrow" + an].death)) { _root.bs_s.start; _root.bloodspatter(_root["arrow" + an].arrowtipx, _root["arrow" + an].arrowtipy, 5, _root["arrow" + an].xspd, _root["arrow" + an].yspd); _root.hero.head._rotation = _root.hero.head._rotation + 20; = - 500; if ( < 0) { _root.deadplayer(-1); } _root["arrow" + an].aloc = "head"; _root["arrow" + an].alive = false; _root["arrow" + an].sticky = true; } else if ((_root.hero.legs.hitTest(_root["arrow" + an].arrowtipx, _root["arrow" + an].arrowtipy) && (_root.hero.alive)) && (!_root["arrow" + an].death)) { _root.bloodspatter(_root["arrow" + an].arrowtipx, _root["arrow" + an].arrowtipy, 2, _root["arrow" + an].xspd, _root["arrow" + an].yspd); _root.hero.head._rotation = _root.hero.head._rotation + 20; = - 2; if ( < 0) { _root.deadplayer(-1); } } if (!["arrow" + an].arrowtipx, _root["arrow" + an].arrowtipy, true)) { if (!_root["arrow" + an].death) { _root["arrow" + an].yspd = _root["arrow" + an].yspd - (5 / _root["arrow" + an].power); } else { _root["arrow" + an].yspd = _root["arrow" + an].yspd - 1.8; } _root["arrow" + an]._x = _root["arrow" + an]._x - _root["arrow" + an].xspd; _root["arrow" + an]._y = _root["arrow" + an]._y - _root["arrow" + an].yspd; _root["arrow" + an]._rotation = (Math.atan2(_root["arrow" + an].yspd, _root["arrow" + an].xspd) * 360) / (Math.PI*2); } else { _root.dirtspatter(_root["arrow" + an].arrowtipx, _root["arrow" + an].arrowtipy, 5, _root["arrow" + an].xspd / 2, 10); _root["arrow" + an].alive = false; } } else { clearInterval(_root["arrow" + an].arrowint); } updateAfterEvent(); } ai = 0; function levelend() { if (_root.hero._x < 9999) { _root.herohealth =; } _root.attachMovie("blacktrans", "blacktrans", 5001); _root.blacktrans._alpha = 0; _root.blacktrans._xscale = 1000; _root.blacktrans._yscale = 1000; _root.blacktrans.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.fadeout) { this._alpha = this._alpha - 5; this._x = _root.vcam._x; this._y = _root.vcam._y; if (this._alpha <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else if (this._alpha >= 100) { clearInterval(_root.bosscheckint); clearInterval(_root.ninint); removeMovieClip(_root.vcam.bossbar); clearInterval(_root.vcam.fpscheck); clearInterval(_root.spawneint); clearInterval(_root.hero.heroint); clearInterval(_root.hero.legint); clearInterval(_root.hero.stringscriptvariable); removeMovieClip(_root.hero); removeMovieClip(_root.bow); removeMovieClip(_root.vcam); removeMovieClip(_root.jp1); removeMovieClip(_root.jp2); p = 0; while (p < 40) { clearInterval(_root["enemy" + p].heroint); clearInterval(_root["enemy" + p].legint); clearInterval(_root["enemy" + p].stringscriptvariable); clearInterval(_root["enemy" + p].attackcheckint); removeMovieClip(_root["enemy" + p]); removeMovieClip(_root["weapon" + p]); removeMovieClip(_root["bow" + p]); clearInterval(_root["ninja" + p].heroint); clearInterval(_root["ninja" + p].legint); clearInterval(_root["ninja" + p].attackcheckint); removeMovieClip(_root["ninja" + p]); p++; } q = 0; while (q <= 100) { clearInterval(_root["arrow" + q].arrowint); removeMovieClip(_root["arrow" + q]); q++; } _root.nextFrame(); this.fadeout = true; } else { this._x = _root.vcam._x; this._y = _root.vcam._y; this._alpha = this._alpha + 3; } }; } function herodeath() { doneitalready = false; ihatemakingvars = false; _root.attachMovie("blacktrans", "blacktrans", 5001); _root.blacktrans._alpha = 0; _root.blacktrans._xscale = 1000; _root.blacktrans._yscale = 1000; _root.blacktrans.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.fadeout) { if (!ihatemakingvars) { if (_root.desloc == "tryagain") { _root.gotoAndStop(100); } else if (_root.desloc == "menu") { _root.focus = 99; _root.gotoAndStop(6); } ihatemakingvars = true; } this._alpha = this._alpha - 5; this._x = _root.vcam._x; this._y = _root.vcam._y; if (this._alpha <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else if (this._alpha >= 100) { clearInterval(_root.bosscheckint); clearInterval(_root.ninint); removeMovieClip(_root.vcam.bossbar); clearInterval(_root.vcam.fpscheck); clearInterval(_root.spawneint); clearInterval(_root.hero.heroint); clearInterval(_root.hero.legint); clearInterval(_root.hero.stringscriptvariable); removeMovieClip(_root.hero); removeMovieClip(_root.bow); removeMovieClip(_root.vcam); removeMovieClip(_root.jp1); removeMovieClip(_root.jp2); p = 0; while (p < 40) { clearInterval(_root["enemy" + p].heroint); clearInterval(_root["enemy" + p].legint); clearInterval(_root["enemy" + p].stringscriptvariable); clearInterval(_root["enemy" + p].attackcheckint); removeMovieClip(_root["enemy" + p]); removeMovieClip(_root["weapon" + p]); removeMovieClip(_root["bow" + p]); clearInterval(_root["ninja" + p].heroint); clearInterval(_root["ninja" + p].legint); clearInterval(_root["ninja" + p].attackcheckint); removeMovieClip(_root["ninja" + p]); p++; } q = 0; while (q <= 100) { clearInterval(_root["arrow" + q].arrowint); removeMovieClip(_root["arrow" + q]); q++; } if (!doneitalready) { doneitalready = true; _root.attachMovie("deathscreen", "deathscreen", 5002); _root.deathscreen._x = _parent._x; _root.deathscreen._y = _parent._y; _root.deathscreen.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.deathscreen.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._currentframe == 60) { _root.blacktrans.fadeout = true; this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } } else { this._x = _root.vcam._x; this._y = _root.vcam._y; this._alpha = this._alpha + 5; } }; } herolives = 7; headshots = 0; hits = 0; misses = 0; stop(); function chgsnd1() { if (sfocus == dessfocus) { clearInterval(soundint1); } else if (_root["sbg" + sfocus].getVolume() > 0) { _root["sbg" + sfocus].setVolume(_root["sbg" + sfocus].getVolume() - 10); } else if (_root["sbg" + sfocus].getVolume() <= 0) { _root["sbg" + sfocus].stop(); _root["sbg" + dessfocus].start(0, 999); _root["sbg" + dessfocus].setVolume(0); clearInterval(soundint1); soundint2 = setInterval(chgsnd2, 50); } } function chgsnd2() { sfocus = dessfocus; if (_root["sbg" + dessfocus].getVolume() < 100) { _root["sbg" + dessfocus].setVolume(_root["sbg" + dessfocus].getVolume() + 10); } else { clearInterval(soundint2); } } dessfocus = 1; clearInterval(soundint1); var soundint1 = setInterval(chgsnd1, 50);
Frame 8
newplayer(); = 100; newenemyarcher(1, 1200, -200, 2); newenemysword(2, 1000, -200, 0.5, 0.5); newenemysword(3, 1700, -200, 0.5, 0.5); newenemysword(4, 2000, -200, 0.5, 0.5); newenemysword(5, 2400, -200, 0.5, 0.5); newenemyswordex(6, 2750, -200, 0.5, 0.5); newenemyarcher(7, 2650, -200, 2); levelleft = 0; levelright = 3000; camfollow = true; lastlevel = _currentframe; bossfight = false; stop(); dessfocus = 1; clearInterval(soundint1); var soundint1 = setInterval(chgsnd1, 50);
Instance of Symbol 318 MovieClip in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) { leveldistance = _root.levelright - _root.levelleft; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { percentage = (_root.vcam._x - _root.levelleft) / leveldistance; _x = (_root.vcam._x - (900 * percentage)); _y = _root.vcam._y; _xscale = _root.vcam._xscale; _yscale = _root.vcam._yscale; }
Frame 9
newplayer(); if (_root.herohealth < 80) { = _root.herohealth + 20; } else { = 100; } newenemyarcher(1, 1700, -200, 1.5); newenemysword(2, 1000, -200, 0.6, 0.5); newenemysword(3, 2000, -200, 0.6, 0.5); newenemysword(4, 2300, -200, 0.6, 0.5); newenemypikeex(5, 2400, -200, 0.6, 0.7); levelleft = 150; levelright = 2200; camfollow = true; lastlevel = _currentframe; bossfight = false; dessfocus = 1; clearInterval(soundint1); var soundint1 = setInterval(chgsnd1, 50);
Instance of Symbol 60 MovieClip [box] "jp2" in Frame 9
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (((_root.hero._y + 40) < this._y) && (_root.hero._x < this._x)) { this.jpot = true; } else { this.jpot = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 60 MovieClip [box] "jp1" in Frame 9
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (((_root.hero._y + 40) < this._y) && (_root.hero._x > this._x)) { this.jpot = true; } else { this.jpot = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 60 MovieClip [box] "trigger1" in Frame 9
onClipEvent (load) { allowable = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { function spawnnewe() { _root.newenemysword(7, _root.hero._x - 550, 0, 0.8, 0.3); } if ((!allowable) && (this.hitTest(_root.hero))) { _root.attacksfunc(); allowable = true; _root.newenemysword(6, _root.hero._x - 500, 0, 0.8, 0.3); setTimeout(spawnnewe, 4000); } }
Frame 10
newplayer(); if (_root.herohealth < 80) { = _root.herohealth + 20; } else { = 100; } newenemyswordex(14, 3000, 0, 0.7, 0.3); levelleft = 150; levelright = 3000; camfollow = true; lastlevel = _currentframe; bossfight = false; dessfocus = 1; clearInterval(soundint1); var soundint1 = setInterval(chgsnd1, 50);
Instance of Symbol 60 MovieClip [box] "trigger1" in Frame 10
onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; allowable = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { function spawnnewe() { _root.newenemysword(3, _root.hero._x - 500, 0, 0.8, 0.3); } if ((!allowable) && (this.hitTest(_root.hero))) { _root.trigger3.allowable = true; allowable = true; _root.newenemysword(1, _root.hero._x - 500, 0, 0.8, 0.3); _root.newenemyarcher(2, 1600, 200, 1.5); setTimeout(spawnnewe, 4000); } }
Instance of Symbol 60 MovieClip [box] "trigger2" in Frame 10
onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; allowable = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { function spawnnewe() { _root.newenemysword(10, _root.hero._x + 500, 0, 0.9, 0.3); _root.newenemyarcher(11, _root.hero._x + 500, 0, 1); } if ((!allowable) && (this.hitTest(_root.hero))) { _root.attacksfunc(); _root.trigger4.allowable = true; allowable = true; _root.newenemysword(6, _root.hero._x - 500, 0, 0.9, 0.3); _root.newenemypike(7, 2700, 200, 0.9, 0.5); _root.newenemypike(8, 2750, 200, 0.9, 0.5); _root.newenemyarcher(9, 2700, 0, 1.2); setTimeout(spawnnewe, 4000); } }
Instance of Symbol 60 MovieClip [box] "trigger3" in Frame 10
onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; allowable = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { function spawnnewe() { _root.newenemysword(5, _root.hero._x - 500, 300, 0.9, 0.3); } if ((!allowable) && (this.hitTest(_root.hero))) { _root.attacksfunc(); _root.trigger1.allowable = true; allowable = true; _root.newenemysword(1, 1200, 200, 0.8, 0.3); _root.newenemyarcher(2, 1200, 200, 1.5); _root.newenemyarcher(3, 1400, 0, 1.5); _root.newenemyarcher(4, 1800, 0, 1.5); setTimeout(spawnnewe, 4000); } }
Instance of Symbol 60 MovieClip [box] "trigger4" in Frame 10
onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; allowable = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { function spawnnewe() { _root.newenemyarcher(10, _root.hero._x - 500, 0, 1.5); } if ((!allowable) && (this.hitTest(_root.hero))) { _root.trigger2.allowable = true; allowable = true; _root.newenemysword(6, 2500, 200, 0.85, 0.3); _root.newenemysword(7, 2500, 200, 0.8, 0.3); _root.newenemyswordex(8, 2500, 200, 0.75, 0.5); setTimeout(spawnnewe, 2000); } }
Frame 11
function newenemyswordex(en, xloc, yloc, spdfac, powerfac) { _root.attachMovie("enemy3", "enemy" + en, 600 + (en * 2)); _root["enemy" + en].weapontype = "weapon"; _root["enemy" + en]._x = xloc; _root["enemy" + en]._y = yloc; _root["enemy" + en].health = 100; _root["enemy" + en].spd = 6.8 * spdfac; _root["enemy" + en].powerfac = powerfac; _root["enemy" + en].alive = true; _root["enemy" + en].fall = true; _root["enemy" + en].jump = 0; _root["enemy" + en].jumping = false; _root["enemy" + en].grav = 0; _root["enemy" + en].jumpkeyvar = true; _root["enemy" + en].jumpingallowed = true; _root["enemy" + en].enum = en; _root["enemy" + en].onEnterFrame = function () { function ebeginjump(en) { _root["enemy" + en].grav = 0; _root["enemy" + en].jumping = true; _root["enemy" + en].falling = false; _root["enemy" + en].jumpkeyvar = true; _root["enemy" + en].jumpingallowed = false; } function eallowjump(en) { _root["enemy" + en].jumpingallowed = true; } if (this.alive) { if (_root.hero.alive) { this.hd = this._x - _root.hero._x; } else { this.hd = 9999; this.leftkey = false; this.rightkey = false; } if ((this.hd > 70) && (this.hd < 2000)) { this.leftkey = true; this.rightkey = false; } else if ((this.hd < -70) && (this.hd > -2000)) { this.rightkey = true; this.leftkey = false; } else if ((this.hd <= 70) && (this.hd >= -70)) { this.leftkey = false; this.rightkey = false; if (!this.attack) { this.attackstart(); } } if (((((this.legs._currentframe == 1) || (this.legs._currentframe == 20)) || (this.legs._currentframe == 40)) || (this.rightkey)) || (this.leftkey)) { if (_root.hero._x < this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } } this.xdis = -Math.abs(_root.hero._x - this._x); this.ydis = _root.hero._y - this._y; this.radangle = Math.atan(this.ydis / this.xdis); this.degangle = (this.radangle * 360) / (Math.PI*2); if (this.leftkey) { this.lastkey = "left"; } else if (this.rightkey) { this.lastkey = "right"; } if (this.leftkey || (this.rightkey)) { if (this.lastkey == "left") { this._x = this._x - this.spd; } else if (this.lastkey == "right") { this._x = this._x + this.spd; } } else if (((this.legs._currentframe > 4) && (this.legs._currentframe < 16)) || ((this.legs._currentframe > 24) && (this.legs._currentframe < 36))) { if (this.lastkey == "left") { this._x = this._x - this.spd; } else if (this.lastkey == "right") { this._x = this._x + this.spd; } } } else if ((!alive) && (Math.abs(this.head.desx - this.head._x) > 1)) { if ((Math.abs(this.head.desx - this.head._x) < 1) && (Math.abs(this.head._x) > 10)) { } else { this.attack = false; this.desrot = this.gslope - 90; this._rotation = this._rotation - ((this._rotation - this.desrot) / 2); } } if (!this.alive) { if (this._alpha > 0) { this._alpha = this._alpha - 1; } else { clearInterval(this.heroint); clearInterval(this.legint); clearInterval(this.attackcheckint); this.removeMovieClip(); } } if ((this.jump == 0) && (this.grav > 7)) { this.landanim = true; } if (this.jumpkeyvar == true) { jpv = 0; while (jpv < 8) { if ((((this.legs.hitTest(_root["jp" + jpv]) && (_root["jp" + jpv].jpot)) && (this.grav == 0)) && (this.jumpingallowed == true)) && (this.alive)) { this.jumpanim = true; this.jumpkeyvar = false; ebeginjump(this.enum); } jpv++; } } if (this.jump < 7) { this.jumpanim = false; } if (this.jumping == true) { this._y = this._y - this.jump; this.jump = this.jump - 2; this.falling = false; } if (this.jump < 0) { this.jump = 0; this.jumping = false; this.falling = true; } if (this.falling == true) { this._y = this._y + this.grav; if (this.grav < 10) { this.grav = this.grav + 2; } this.jumping = false; } if (, this._y + 40, true) && (this.jumping == false)) { this.ground = "gd"; this.landanim = false; this.falling = false; setTimeout(eallowjump, 75, this.enum); this.grav = 0; this.jump = 11; } else if (, this._y + 40, true) && (this.jumping == false)) { this.ground = "pm"; this.landanim = false; this.falling = false; setTimeout(eallowjump, 75, this.enum); this.grav = 0; this.jump = 11; } else { this.falling = true; } if (!this.jumping) { while (, (this._y + 40) + 5, true)) { this._y = this._y - 0.1; } while (, (this._y + 40) + 5, true)) { this._y = this._y - 0.1; } } }; } function newenemypike(en, xloc, yloc, spdfac, powerfac) { _root.attachMovie("enemy2", "enemy" + en, 600 + (en * 2)); _root["enemy" + en].weapontype = "pike"; _root["enemy" + en]._x = xloc; _root["enemy" + en]._y = yloc; _root["enemy" + en].health = 125; _root["enemy" + en].spd = 5.5 * spdfac; _root["enemy" + en].powerfac = powerfac; _root["enemy" + en].alive = true; _root["enemy" + en].fall = true; _root["enemy" + en].jump = 0; _root["enemy" + en].jumping = false; _root["enemy" + en].grav = 0; _root["enemy" + en].jumpkeyvar = true; _root["enemy" + en].jumpingallowed = true; _root["enemy" + en].enum = en; _root["enemy" + en].onEnterFrame = function () { function ebeginjump(en) { _root["enemy" + en].grav = 0; _root["enemy" + en].jumping = true; _root["enemy" + en].falling = false; _root["enemy" + en].jumpkeyvar = true; _root["enemy" + en].jumpingallowed = false; } function eallowjump(en) { _root["enemy" + en].jumpingallowed = true; } if (this.alive) { if (_root.hero.alive) { this.hd = this._x - _root.hero._x; } else { this.hd = 9999; this.leftkey = false; this.rightkey = false; } if ((this.hd > 110) && (this.hd < 2000)) { this.leftkey = true; this.rightkey = false; } else if ((this.hd < -110) && (this.hd > -2000)) { this.rightkey = true; this.leftkey = false; } else if ((this.hd <= 110) && (this.hd >= -110)) { this.leftkey = false; this.rightkey = false; if (!this.attack) { this.attackstart(); } } if (((((this.legs._currentframe == 1) || (this.legs._currentframe == 20)) || (this.legs._currentframe == 40)) || (this.rightkey)) || (this.leftkey)) { if (_root.hero._x < this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } } this.xdis = -Math.abs(_root.hero._x - this._x); this.ydis = _root.hero._y - this._y; this.radangle = Math.atan(this.ydis / this.xdis); this.degangle = (this.radangle * 360) / (Math.PI*2); if (this.leftkey) { this.lastkey = "left"; } else if (this.rightkey) { this.lastkey = "right"; } if (this.leftkey || (this.rightkey)) { if (this.lastkey == "left") { this._x = this._x - this.spd; } else if (this.lastkey == "right") { this._x = this._x + this.spd; } } else if (((this.legs._currentframe > 4) && (this.legs._currentframe < 16)) || ((this.legs._currentframe > 24) && (this.legs._currentframe < 36))) { if (this.lastkey == "left") { this._x = this._x - this.spd; } else if (this.lastkey == "right") { this._x = this._x + this.spd; } } } else if ((!alive) && (Math.abs(this.head.desx - this.head._x) > 1)) { if ((Math.abs(this.head.desx - this.head._x) < 1) && (Math.abs(this.head._x) > 10)) { } else { this.attack = false; this.desrot = this.gslope - 90; this._rotation = this._rotation - ((this._rotation - this.desrot) / 2); } } if (!this.alive) { if (this._alpha > 0) { this._alpha = this._alpha - 1; } else { clearInterval(this.heroint); clearInterval(this.legint); clearInterval(this.attackcheckint); this.removeMovieClip(); } } if ((this.jump == 0) && (this.grav > 7)) { this.landanim = true; } if (this.jumpkeyvar == true) { jpv = 0; while (jpv < 8) { if ((((this.legs.hitTest(_root["jp" + jpv]) && (_root["jp" + jpv].jpot)) && (this.grav == 0)) && (this.jumpingallowed == true)) && (this.alive)) { this.jumpanim = true; this.jumpkeyvar = false; ebeginjump(this.enum); } jpv++; } } if (this.jump < 7) { this.jumpanim = false; } if (this.jumping == true) { this._y = this._y - this.jump; this.jump = this.jump - 2; this.falling = false; } if (this.jump < 0) { this.jump = 0; this.jumping = false; this.falling = true; } if (this.falling == true) { this._y = this._y + this.grav; if (this.grav < 10) { this.grav = this.grav + 2; } this.jumping = false; } if (, this._y + 40, true) && (this.jumping == false)) { this.ground = "gd"; this.landanim = false; this.falling = false; setTimeout(eallowjump, 75, this.enum); this.grav = 0; this.jump = 11; } else if (, this._y + 40, true) && (this.jumping == false)) { this.ground = "pm"; this.landanim = false; this.falling = false; setTimeout(eallowjump, 75, this.enum); this.grav = 0; this.jump = 11; } else { this.falling = true; } if (!this.jumping) { while (, (this._y + 40) + 5, true)) { this._y = this._y - 0.1; } while (, (this._y + 40) + 5, true)) { this._y = this._y - 0.1; } } }; } newplayer(); if (_root.herohealth < 80) { = _root.herohealth + 20; } else { = 100; } levelleft = 150; levelright = 2300; camfollow = true; lastlevel = _currentframe; bossfight = false; function begincin() { _root.attacksfunc(); _root.camfollow = false; _root.newenemysword(1, 2700, 200, 0.7, 0.1); _root.newenemysword(2, 2600, 200, 0.6, 0.1); _root.newenemysword(3, 2400, 200, 0.5, 0.1); _root.newenemysword(4, 2470, 200, 0.6, 0.1); cinint1 = setInterval(phase1, 40); } function phase1() { _root.enemy1.leftkey = true; _root.enemy2.leftkey = true; _root.enemy3.leftkey = true; _root.enemy4.leftkey = true; _root.vcam.desx = 2400; _root.vcam.desy = 150; if (_root.vcam._x > 2399) { _root.newenemysword(5, 0, 200, 0.7, 0.1); _root.newenemysword(6, 50, 200, 0.6, 0.1); _root.newenemysword(7, 200, 200, 0.5, 0.1); _root.newenemysword(8, 400, 200, 0.6, 0.1); clearInterval(cinint1); cinint2 = setInterval(phase2, 40); } updateAfterEvent(); } function phase2() { _root.enemy5.rightkey = true; _root.enemy6.rightkey = true; _root.enemy7.rightkey = true; _root.enemy8.rightkey = true; _root.vcam.desx = 200; _root.vcam.desy = 150; if (_root.vcam._x < 201) { _root.vcam.desx = 1200; _root.vcam.desy = 0; _root.vcam.desscale = 150; clearInterval(cinint2); setTimeout(resumegame, 1000); } updateAfterEvent(); } function resumegame() { p = 0; while (p < 10) { clearInterval(_root["enemy" + p].heroint); clearInterval(_root["enemy" + p].legint); clearInterval(_root["enemy" + p].stringscriptvariable); removeMovieClip(_root["enemy" + p]); removeMovieClip(_root["weapon" + p]); removeMovieClip(_root["bow" + p]); p++; } _root.parthian_2_s.start(); trigger2.allowable = true; _root.hero.jumpkeyvar = true; clearInterval(spawneint); spawneint = setInterval(spawne, 4000); } function spawne() { trigger2.cec++; if (!trigger2.finishedspawn) { if (random(2) == 0) { if (random(2) == 0) { _root.newenemyswordsp(trigger2.cec, 600, 200, 0.8, 0.3); } else { _root.newenemyswordsp(trigger2.cec, 1700, 200, 0.8, 0.3); } } else if (random(2) == 0) { if (random(2) == 0) { _root.newenemypike(trigger2.cec, 600, 200, 0.7, 0.4); } else { _root.newenemypike(trigger2.cec, 1700, 200, 0.7, 0.4); } } else if (random(2) == 0) { _root.attacksfunc(); _root.newenemyswordex(trigger2.cec, 600, 200, 0.7, 0.4); } else { _root.newenemyswordex(trigger2.cec, 1700, 200, 0.7, 0.4); } } if (trigger2.cec >= 13) { trigger2.finishedspawn = true; if (((!_root.enemy11.alive) && (!_root.enemy12.alive)) && (!_root.enemy13.alive)) { _root.camfollow = true; _root.vcam.desscale = 100; _root.bossfight = false; clearInterval(spawneint); } } } dessfocus = 1; clearInterval(soundint1); var soundint1 = setInterval(chgsnd1, 50);
Instance of Symbol 60 MovieClip [box] "trigger2" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) { finishedspawn = true; allowable = false; waitvar = false; cec = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((!allowable) && (this.hitTest(_root.hero))) { finishedspawn = false; cec = 1; _root.bossfight = true; if (!waitvar) { setTimeout(_root.begincin, 1000); waitvar = true; } _root.hero.mousedown = false; _root.hero.leftkey = false; _root.hero.rightkey = false; _root.hero.jumpkeyvar = false; } }
Frame 12
function newenemyswordex(en, xloc, yloc, spdfac, powerfac) { _root.attachMovie("enemy3", "enemy" + en, 600 + (en * 2)); _root["enemy" + en].weapontype = "weapon"; _root["enemy" + en]._x = xloc; _root["enemy" + en]._y = yloc; _root["enemy" + en].health = 100; _root["enemy" + en].spd = 6.8 * spdfac; _root["enemy" + en].powerfac = powerfac; _root["enemy" + en].alive = true; _root["enemy" + en].fall = true; _root["enemy" + en].jump = 0; _root["enemy" + en].jumping = false; _root["enemy" + en].grav = 0; _root["enemy" + en].jumpkeyvar = true; _root["enemy" + en].jumpingallowed = true; _root["enemy" + en].enum = en; _root["enemy" + en].onEnterFrame = function () { function ebeginjump(en) { _root["enemy" + en].grav = 0; _root["enemy" + en].jumping = true; _root["enemy" + en].falling = false; _root["enemy" + en].jumpkeyvar = true; _root["enemy" + en].jumpingallowed = false; } function eallowjump(en) { _root["enemy" + en].jumpingallowed = true; } if (this.alive) { if (_root.hero.alive) { this.hd = this._x - _root.hero._x; } else { this.hd = 9999; this.leftkey = false; this.rightkey = false; } if ((this.hd > 70) && (this.hd < 600)) { this.leftkey = true; this.rightkey = false; } else if ((this.hd < -70) && (this.hd > -600)) { this.rightkey = true; this.leftkey = false; } else if ((this.hd <= 70) && (this.hd >= -70)) { this.leftkey = false; this.rightkey = false; if (!this.attack) { this.attackstart(); } } if (((((this.legs._currentframe == 1) || (this.legs._currentframe == 20)) || (this.legs._currentframe == 40)) || (this.rightkey)) || (this.leftkey)) { if (_root.hero._x < this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } } this.xdis = -Math.abs(_root.hero._x - this._x); this.ydis = _root.hero._y - this._y; this.radangle = Math.atan(this.ydis / this.xdis); this.degangle = (this.radangle * 360) / (Math.PI*2); if (this.leftkey) { this.lastkey = "left"; } else if (this.rightkey) { this.lastkey = "right"; } if (this.leftkey || (this.rightkey)) { if (this.lastkey == "left") { this._x = this._x - this.spd; } else if (this.lastkey == "right") { this._x = this._x + this.spd; } } else if (((this.legs._currentframe > 4) && (this.legs._currentframe < 16)) || ((this.legs._currentframe > 24) && (this.legs._currentframe < 36))) { if (this.lastkey == "left") { this._x = this._x - this.spd; } else if (this.lastkey == "right") { this._x = this._x + this.spd; } } } else if ((!alive) && (Math.abs(this.head.desx - this.head._x) > 1)) { if ((Math.abs(this.head.desx - this.head._x) < 1) && (Math.abs(this.head._x) > 10)) { } else { this.attack = false; this.desrot = this.gslope - 90; this._rotation = this._rotation - ((this._rotation - this.desrot) / 2); } } if ((this.jump == 0) && (this.grav > 7)) { this.landanim = true; } if (this.jumpkeyvar == true) { jpv = 0; while (jpv < 8) { if ((((this.legs.hitTest(_root["jp" + jpv]) && (_root["jp" + jpv].jpot)) && (this.grav == 0)) && (this.jumpingallowed == true)) && (this.alive)) { this.jumpanim = true; this.jumpkeyvar = false; ebeginjump(this.enum); } jpv++; } } if (this.jump < 7) { this.jumpanim = false; } if (this.jumping == true) { this._y = this._y - this.jump; this.jump = this.jump - 2; this.falling = false; } if (this.jump < 0) { this.jump = 0; this.jumping = false; this.falling = true; } if (this.falling == true) { this._y = this._y + this.grav; if (this.grav < 10) { this.grav = this.grav + 2; } this.jumping = false; } if (, this._y + 40, true) && (this.jumping == false)) { this.ground = "gd"; this.landanim = false; this.falling = false; setTimeout(eallowjump, 75, this.enum); this.grav = 0; this.jump = 11; } else if (, this._y + 40, true) && (this.jumping == false)) { this.ground = "pm"; this.landanim = false; this.falling = false; setTimeout(eallowjump, 75, this.enum); this.grav = 0; this.jump = 11; } else { this.falling = true; } if (!this.jumping) { while (, (this._y + 40) + 5, true)) { this._y = this._y - 0.1; } while (, (this._y + 40) + 5, true)) { this._y = this._y - 0.1; } } }; } function newenemypike(en, xloc, yloc, spdfac, powerfac) { _root.attachMovie("enemy2", "enemy" + en, 600 + (en * 2)); _root["enemy" + en].weapontype = "pike"; _root["enemy" + en]._x = xloc; _root["enemy" + en]._y = yloc; _root["enemy" + en].health = 125; _root["enemy" + en].spd = 5.5 * spdfac; _root["enemy" + en].powerfac = powerfac; _root["enemy" + en].alive = true; _root["enemy" + en].fall = true; _root["enemy" + en].jump = 0; _root["enemy" + en].jumping = false; _root["enemy" + en].grav = 0; _root["enemy" + en].jumpkeyvar = true; _root["enemy" + en].jumpingallowed = true; _root["enemy" + en].enum = en; _root["enemy" + en].onEnterFrame = function () { function ebeginjump(en) { _root["enemy" + en].grav = 0; _root["enemy" + en].jumping = true; _root["enemy" + en].falling = false; _root["enemy" + en].jumpkeyvar = true; _root["enemy" + en].jumpingallowed = false; } function eallowjump(en) { _root["enemy" + en].jumpingallowed = true; } if (this.alive) { if (_root.hero.alive) { this.hd = this._x - _root.hero._x; } else { this.hd = 9999; this.leftkey = false; this.rightkey = false; } if ((this.hd > 110) && (this.hd < 600)) { this.leftkey = true; this.rightkey = false; } else if ((this.hd < -110) && (this.hd > -600)) { this.rightkey = true; this.leftkey = false; } else if ((this.hd <= 110) && (this.hd >= -110)) { this.leftkey = false; this.rightkey = false; if (!this.attack) { this.attackstart(); } } if (((((this.legs._currentframe == 1) || (this.legs._currentframe == 20)) || (this.legs._currentframe == 40)) || (this.rightkey)) || (this.leftkey)) { if (_root.hero._x < this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } } this.xdis = -Math.abs(_root.hero._x - this._x); this.ydis = _root.hero._y - this._y; this.radangle = Math.atan(this.ydis / this.xdis); this.degangle = (this.radangle * 360) / (Math.PI*2); if (this.leftkey) { this.lastkey = "left"; } else if (this.rightkey) { this.lastkey = "right"; } if (this.leftkey || (this.rightkey)) { if (this.lastkey == "left") { this._x = this._x - this.spd; } else if (this.lastkey == "right") { this._x = this._x + this.spd; } } else if (((this.legs._currentframe > 4) && (this.legs._currentframe < 16)) || ((this.legs._currentframe > 24) && (this.legs._currentframe < 36))) { if (this.lastkey == "left") { this._x = this._x - this.spd; } else if (this.lastkey == "right") { this._x = this._x + this.spd; } } } else if ((!alive) && (Math.abs(this.head.desx - this.head._x) > 1)) { if ((Math.abs(this.head.desx - this.head._x) < 1) && (Math.abs(this.head._x) > 10)) { } else { this.attack = false; this.desrot = this.gslope - 90; this._rotation = this._rotation - ((this._rotation - this.desrot) / 2); } } if ((this.jump == 0) && (this.grav > 7)) { this.landanim = true; } if (this.jumpkeyvar == true) { jpv = 0; while (jpv < 8) { if ((((this.legs.hitTest(_root["jp" + jpv]) && (_root["jp" + jpv].jpot)) && (this.grav == 0)) && (this.jumpingallowed == true)) && (this.alive)) { this.jumpanim = true; this.jumpkeyvar = false; ebeginjump(this.enum); } jpv++; } } if (this.jump < 7) { this.jumpanim = false; } if (this.jumping == true) { this._y = this._y - this.jump; this.jump = this.jump - 2; this.falling = false; } if (this.jump < 0) { this.jump = 0; this.jumping = false; this.falling = true; } if (this.falling == true) { this._y = this._y + this.grav; if (this.grav < 10) { this.grav = this.grav + 2; } this.jumping = false; } if (, this._y + 40, true) && (this.jumping == false)) { this.ground = "gd"; this.landanim = false; this.falling = false; setTimeout(eallowjump, 75, this.enum); this.grav = 0; this.jump = 11; } else if (, this._y + 40, true) && (this.jumping == false)) { this.ground = "pm"; this.landanim = false; this.falling = false; setTimeout(eallowjump, 75, this.enum); this.grav = 0; this.jump = 11; } else { this.falling = true; } if (!this.jumping) { while (, (this._y + 40) + 5, true)) { this._y = this._y - 0.1; } while (, (this._y + 40) + 5, true)) { this._y = this._y - 0.1; } } }; } newplayer(); if (_root.herohealth < 80) { = _root.herohealth + 20; } else { = 100; } _root.attachMovie("box", "jp1", 7000); _root.jp1._yscale = 500; _root.jp1._xscale = 5; _root.jp1._visible = false; _root.jp1.jpot = true; _root.jp1.onEnterFrame = function () { this._y = _root.hero._y; this._x = _root.hero._x + 100; }; _root.attachMovie("box", "jp2", 7001); _root.jp2._yscale = 500; _root.jp2._xscale = 5; _root.jp2._visible = false; _root.jp2.jpot = true; _root.jp2.onEnterFrame = function () { this._y = _root.hero._y; this._x = _root.hero._x + 300; }; newenemysword(1, 1100, 0, 0.8, 0.5); newenemysword(2, 1500, 0, 0.8, 0.5); newenemysword(3, 1700, 0, 0.8, 0.5); newenemysword(4, 2000, 0, 0.8, 0.5); newenemysword(5, 2200, 0, 0.8, 0.5); newenemypike(6, 1400, 0, 0.8, 0.5); newenemypike(7, 1650, 0, 0.8, 0.5); levelleft = 200; levelright = 3000; camfollow = true; lastlevel = _currentframe; bossfight = false; dessfocus = 1; clearInterval(soundint1); var soundint1 = setInterval(chgsnd1, 50);
Instance of Symbol 60 MovieClip [box] "trigger1" in Frame 12
onClipEvent (load) { allowable = false; waitvar = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { function begincin() { _root.camfollow = false; cinint1 = setInterval(phase1, 40); } function phase1() { _root.vcam.desx = 2900; _root.vcam.desy = 150; if (_root.vcam._x > 2899) { _root.camfollow = true; clearInterval(cinint1); cinint2 = setInterval(phase2, 40); } updateAfterEvent(); } function phase2() { _root.vcam.desx = 500; _root.vcam.desy = 150; if (_root.vcam._x < 550) { _root.parthian_3_s.start(); setTimeout(resumegame, 200); clearInterval(cinint2); } updateAfterEvent(); } function resumegame() { allowable = true; _root.hero.jumpkeyvar = true; _root.camfollow = true; } if ((!allowable) && (this.hitTest(_root.hero))) { if (!waitvar) { setTimeout(begincin, 1000); waitvar = true; } _root.hero.mousedown = false; _root.hero.leftkey = false; _root.hero.rightkey = false; _root.hero.jumpkeyvar = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 60 MovieClip [box] "trigger2" in Frame 12
onClipEvent (load) { allowable = false; waitvar = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { function begincin() { _root.levelend(); } if ((!allowable) && (this.hitTest(_root.hero))) { if (!waitvar) { setTimeout(begincin, 1000); waitvar = true; } _root.hero.mousedown = false; _root.hero.leftkey = false; _root.hero.rightkey = false; _root.hero.jumpkeyvar = false; } }
Frame 13
dessfocus = 1; clearInterval(soundint1); var soundint1 = setInterval(chgsnd1, 50);
Frame 14
function newenemybrute(en, xloc, yloc, spdfac, powerfac) { _root.attachMovie("enemyB1", "enemy" + en, 600 + (en * 2)); _root["enemy" + en].weapontype = "axe"; _root["enemy" + en]._x = xloc; _root["enemy" + en]._y = yloc; _root["enemy" + en].totalhealth = 8000; _root["enemy" + en].health = 8000; _root["enemy" + en].spd = 5 * spdfac; _root["enemy" + en].powerfac = powerfac; _root["enemy" + en].alive = true; _root["enemy" + en].fall = true; _root["enemy" + en].jump = 0; _root["enemy" + en].jumping = false; _root["enemy" + en].grav = 0; _root["enemy" + en].jumpkeyvar = true; _root["enemy" + en].jumpingallowed = true; _root["enemy" + en].enum = en; _root["enemy" + en].attacknumber = 0; _root.spawneint = setInterval(bspawne, 12000); _root["enemy" + en].onEnterFrame = function () { function ebeginjump(en) { _root["enemy" + en].grav = 0; _root["enemy" + en].jumping = true; _root["enemy" + en].falling = false; _root["enemy" + en].jumpkeyvar = true; _root["enemy" + en].jumpingallowed = false; } function eallowjump(en) { _root["enemy" + en].jumpingallowed = true; } if (this.alive) { if ( < (this.totalhealth / 10)) { this.spd = 7.5; } else if ( < (this.totalhealth / 2)) { this.spd = 6; } else if ( < (this.totalhealth / 1.5)) { this.spd = 5.5; } if (_root.hero.alive) { this.hd = this._x - _root.hero._x; } else { this.hd = 9999; this.leftkey = false; this.rightkey = false; } if ((this.hd > 100) && (this.hd < 1000)) { this.leftkey = true; this.rightkey = false; } else if ((this.hd < -100) && (this.hd > -1000)) { this.rightkey = true; this.leftkey = false; } else if ((this.hd <= 100) && (this.hd >= -100)) { this.leftkey = false; this.rightkey = false; if ((!this.attack) && (this.attacknumber < 5)) { this.attackstart(); } else if (!this.attack) { this.powercharge(); } } if (((((this.legs._currentframe == 1) || (this.legs._currentframe == 20)) || (this.legs._currentframe == 40)) || (this.rightkey)) || (this.leftkey)) { if ((!this.attack) && (this.weapon._rotation > -30)) { if (_root.hero._x < this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } } } this.xdis = -Math.abs(_root.hero._x - this._x); this.ydis = _root.hero._y - this._y; this.radangle = Math.atan(this.ydis / this.xdis); this.degangle = (this.radangle * 360) / (Math.PI*2); if (this.leftkey) { this.lastkey = "left"; } else if (this.rightkey) { this.lastkey = "right"; } if (!this.attack) { if (this.leftkey || (this.rightkey)) { if (this.lastkey == "left") { this._x = this._x - this.spd; } else if (this.lastkey == "right") { this._x = this._x + this.spd; } } else if (((this.legs._currentframe > 4) && (this.legs._currentframe < 16)) || ((this.legs._currentframe > 24) && (this.legs._currentframe < 36))) { if (this.lastkey == "left") { this._x = this._x - this.spd; } else if (this.lastkey == "right") { this._x = this._x + this.spd; } } } } else if ((!alive) && (Math.abs(this.head.desx - this.head._x) > 1)) { if ((Math.abs(this.head.desx - this.head._x) < 1) && (Math.abs(this.head._x) > 10)) { } else { this.attack = false; this.desrot = this.gslope - 90; this._rotation = this._rotation - ((this._rotation - this.desrot) / 2); } } if (this.jump < 7) { this.jumpanim = false; } else if ((this.jump == 0) && (this.grav > 7)) { this.landanim = true; } if (this.jumpkeyvar == true) { jpv = 0; while (jpv < 8) { if ((((this.legs.hitTest(_root["jp" + jpv]) && (_root["jp" + jpv].jpot)) && (this.grav == 0)) && (this.jumpingallowed == true)) && (this.alive)) { this.jumpanim = true; this.jumpkeyvar = false; ebeginjump(this.enum); } jpv++; } } if (this.falling == true) { this._y = this._y + this.grav; if (this.grav < 10) { this.grav = this.grav + 2; } this.jumping = false; } else if (this.jump < 0) { this.jump = 0; this.jumping = false; this.falling = true; } else if (this.jumping == true) { this._y = this._y - this.jump; this.jump = this.jump - 2; this.falling = false; } if (, this._y + 60, true) && (this.jumping == false)) { this.ground = "gd"; this.landanim = false; this.jumpanim = false; this.falling = false; setTimeout(eallowjump, 75, this.enum); this.grav = 0; this.jump = 11; } else if (, this._y + 60, true) && (this.jumping == false)) { this.ground = "pm"; this.landanim = false; this.jumpanim = false; this.falling = false; setTimeout(eallowjump, 75, this.enum); this.grav = 0; this.jump = 11; } else { this.falling = true; } if (!this.jumping) { while (, (this._y + 60) + 5, true)) { this._y = this._y - 0.1; } while (, (this._y + 60) + 5, true)) { this._y = this._y - 0.1; } } }; } function bspawne() { if ( < (_root.enemy1.totalhealth / 1.7)) { sc++; if (sc > 10) { sc = 2; } if (random(2) == 1) { _root.attacksfunc(); clearInterval(_root["enemy" + sc].heroint); clearInterval(_root["enemy" + sc].legint); clearInterval(_root["enemy" + sc].attackcheckint); removeMovieClip(_root["enemy" + sc]); newenemyswordsp(sc, _root.hero._x + 600, 200, 1, 0.3); } else { _root.attacksfunc(); clearInterval(_root["enemy" + sc].heroint); clearInterval(_root["enemy" + sc].legint); clearInterval(_root["enemy" + sc].attackcheckint); removeMovieClip(_root["enemy" + sc]); newenemyswordsp(sc, _root.hero._x - 600, 200, 1, 0.3); } } } sc = 2; function beginint() { _root.vcam.bossbarfunc(); bosscheckint = setInterval(boss1deathcheck, 200); } function boss1deathcheck() { if (( < 0) && (!_root.enemy1.allowable)) { _root.enemy1.allowable = true; _root.hero.mousedown = false; _root.hero.leftkey = false; _root.hero.rightkey = false; _root.hero.jumpkeyvar = false; setTimeout(_root.levelend, 3000); clearInterval(bosscheckint); } } newplayer(); if (_root.herohealth < 80) { = _root.herohealth + 20; } else { = 100; } levelleft = -100; levelright = 600; newenemybrute(1, 700, 190, 1, 1); setTimeout(beginint, 1000); camfollow = true; lastlevel = _currentframe; bossfight = true; dessfocus = 5; clearInterval(soundint1); var soundint1 = setInterval(chgsnd1, 50);
Instance of Symbol 318 MovieClip in Frame 14
onClipEvent (load) { leveldistance = _root.levelright - _root.levelleft; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { percentage = (_root.vcam._x - _root.levelleft) / leveldistance; _x = (_root.vcam._x - (900 * percentage)); _y = _root.vcam._y; _xscale = _root.vcam._xscale; _yscale = _root.vcam._yscale; }
Frame 15
dessfocus = 3; clearInterval(soundint1); var soundint1 = setInterval(chgsnd1, 50);
Frame 16
function camerafunction() { vcam.desscale = 75; } newplayer(); if (_root.herohealth < 80) { = _root.herohealth + 20; } else { = 100; } newenemysword(1, 1000, 0, 1, 0.5); newenemysword(2, 1500, 0, 1, 0.5); newenemysword(3, 2000, 0, 1, 0.5); newenemysword(4, 2000, 0, 1, 0.5); newenemysword(5, 2400, 0, 1, 0.5); newenemysword(6, 2750, 0, 1, 0.5); newenemysword(7, 2650, 0, 1, 0.5); levelleft = 200; levelright = 2700; camfollow = true; setTimeout(camerafunction, 100); lastlevel = _currentframe; bossfight = false; dessfocus = 2; clearInterval(soundint1); var soundint1 = setInterval(chgsnd1, 50);
Frame 17
function camerafunction() { vcam.desscale = 75; } newplayer(); if (_root.herohealth < 80) { = _root.herohealth + 20; } else { = 100; } newenemysword(1, 1000, 0, 1, 0.5); newenemysword(2, 1500, 0, 1, 0.5); newenemysword(3, 2000, 0, 1, 0.5); newenemysword(4, 2000, 0, 1, 0.5); newenemysword(5, 2400, 0, 1, 0.5); newenemysword(6, 2750, 0, 1, 0.5); newenemysword(7, 2650, 0, 1, 0.5); levelleft = 200; levelright = 2700; camfollow = true; setTimeout(camerafunction, 100); lastlevel = _currentframe; bossfight = false; dessfocus = 2; clearInterval(soundint1); var soundint1 = setInterval(chgsnd1, 50);
Instance of Symbol 60 MovieClip [box] "trigger1" in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) { allowable = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { function spawnnewe() { _root.newenemysword(9, _root.hero._x - 500, 0, 1, 0.5); } if ((!allowable) && (this.hitTest(_root.hero))) { _root.attacksfunc(); allowable = true; _root.newenemysword(8, _root.hero._x - 500, 0, 1, 0.5); setTimeout(spawnnewe, 4000); } }
Frame 18
function camerafunction() { vcam.desscale = 75; } newplayer(); if (_root.herohealth < 80) { = _root.herohealth + 20; } else { = 100; } levelleft = 100; levelright = 2600; newenemysword(1, 2000, -25, 0.9, 0.5); newenemysword(2, 2200, -25, 0.9, 0.5); newenemysword(3, 2400, -25, 0.9, 0.5); newenemysword(4, 2600, -50, 0.9, 0.5); newenemysword(5, 1600, -25, 0.9, 0.5); camfollow = true; setTimeout(camerafunction, 100); lastlevel = _currentframe; bossfight = false; dessfocus = 2; clearInterval(soundint1); var soundint1 = setInterval(chgsnd1, 50);
Instance of Symbol 60 MovieClip [box] in Frame 18
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero) && (!this.allowable)) { _root.bodyland_s.start(); this.allowable = true; _root.deadplayer(1); } ser = 0; while (ser <= 8) { if (this.hitTest(_root["enemy" + ser])) { _root.bodyland_s.start(); _root["enemy" + ser].alive = false; _root["enemy" + ser]._y = 1000; } ser++; } }
Instance of Symbol 60 MovieClip [box] "jp1" in Frame 18
onClipEvent (load) { this.jpot = true; }
Instance of Symbol 60 MovieClip [box] "jp2" in Frame 18
onClipEvent (load) { this.jpot = true; }
Instance of Symbol 60 MovieClip [box] "jp3" in Frame 18
onClipEvent (load) { this.jpot = true; }
Instance of Symbol 60 MovieClip [box] "jp4" in Frame 18
onClipEvent (load) { this.jpot = true; }
Instance of Symbol 60 MovieClip [box] "jp5" in Frame 18
onClipEvent (load) { this.jpot = true; }
Instance of Symbol 60 MovieClip [box] "jp6" in Frame 18
onClipEvent (load) { this.jpot = true; }
Instance of Symbol 60 MovieClip [box] "jp7" in Frame 18
onClipEvent (load) { this.jpot = true; }
Instance of Symbol 60 MovieClip [box] "trigger1" in Frame 18
onClipEvent (load) { allowable = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { function spawnnewe() { _root.newenemysword(7, _root.hero._x - 450, -100, 0.9, 0.3); } if ((!allowable) && (this.hitTest(_root.hero))) { attacksfunc(); allowable = true; _root.newenemysword(6, _root.hero._x - 450, -100, 0.9, 0.5); setTimeout(spawnnewe, 2000); } }
Frame 19
newplayer(); if (_root.herohealth < 80) { = _root.herohealth + 20; } else { = 100; } levelleft = 100; levelright = 2700; camfollow = true; lastlevel = _currentframe; bossfight = false; dessfocus = 2; clearInterval(soundint1); var soundint1 = setInterval(chgsnd1, 50);
Instance of Symbol 60 MovieClip [box] "trigger2" in Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) { allowable = false; waitvar = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { function begincin() { _root.levelend(); } if ((!allowable) && (this.hitTest(_root.hero))) { if (!waitvar) { _root.camfollow = false; _root.vcam.desx = 1325; _root.vcam.desy = 50; _root.vcam.desscale = 150; setTimeout(begincin, 2000); waitvar = true; } _root.hero.mousedown = false; _root.hero.leftkey = false; _root.hero.rightkey = false; _root.hero.jumpkeyvar = false; } }
Frame 20
dessfocus = 2; clearInterval(soundint1); var soundint1 = setInterval(chgsnd1, 50);
Frame 21
function camerafunction() { vcam.desscale = 75; } newplayer(); if (_root.herohealth < 80) { = _root.herohealth + 20; } else { = 100; } levelleft = 100; levelright = 2700; newenemysword(1, 1000, -150, 0.9, 0.5); newenemysword(2, 2000, -25, 0.9, 0.5); newenemysword(3, 2220, -25, 0.9, 0.5); camfollow = true; setTimeout(camerafunction, 100); lastlevel = _currentframe; bossfight = false; dessfocus = 2; clearInterval(soundint1); var soundint1 = setInterval(chgsnd1, 50);
Instance of Symbol 60 MovieClip [box] in Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero) && (!this.allowable)) { _root.bodyland_s.start(); this.allowable = true; _root.deadplayer(1); } ser = 0; while (ser <= 8) { if (this.hitTest(_root["enemy" + ser])) { _root.bodyland_s.start(); _root["enemy" + ser].alive = false; _root["enemy" + ser]._y = 1000; } ser++; } }
Instance of Symbol 60 MovieClip [box] "jp2" in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) { this.jpot = true; }
Instance of Symbol 60 MovieClip [box] "jp1" in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) { this.jpot = true; }
Instance of Symbol 60 MovieClip [box] "trigger1" in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) { allowable = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { function spawnnewe() { _root.newenemysword(5, _root.hero._x - 450, -100, 0.9, 0.3); } if ((!allowable) && (this.hitTest(_root.hero))) { _root.attacksfunc(); allowable = true; _root.newenemysword(4, _root.hero._x - 450, -100, 0.9, 0.5); setTimeout(spawnnewe, 3000); } }
Instance of Symbol 60 MovieClip [box] "jp3" in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) { this.jpot = true; }
Instance of Symbol 60 MovieClip [box] "jp4" in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) { this.jpot = true; }
Frame 22
function camerafunction() { vcam.desscale = 75; } newplayer(); if (_root.herohealth < 80) { = _root.herohealth + 20; } else { = 100; } newenemysword(1, 1000, 0, 1, 0.6); newenemysword(2, 1500, 0, 1, 0.6); newenemysword(3, 2000, 0, 1, 0.6); newenemysword(4, 2000, 0, 1, 0.6); newenemysword(5, 2400, 0, 1, 0.6); levelleft = 200; levelright = 2700; camfollow = true; setTimeout(camerafunction, 100); lastlevel = _currentframe; bossfight = false; dessfocus = 2; clearInterval(soundint1); var soundint1 = setInterval(chgsnd1, 50);
Instance of Symbol 60 MovieClip [box] "trigger2" in Frame 22
onClipEvent (load) { allowable = false; waitvar = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { function begincin() { _root.levelend(); } if ((!allowable) && (this.hitTest(_root.hero))) { if (!waitvar) { setTimeout(begincin, 1000); waitvar = true; } _root.hero.mousedown = false; _root.hero.leftkey = false; _root.hero.rightkey = false; _root.hero.jumpkeyvar = false; } }
Frame 23
dessfocus = 2; clearInterval(soundint1); var soundint1 = setInterval(chgsnd1, 50);
Frame 24
newplayer(); if (_root.herohealth < 80) { = _root.herohealth + 20; } else { = 100; } newenemysword(1, 1000, 0, 0.9, 0.6); newenemysword(2, 1500, 0, 0.9, 0.6); newenemysword(3, 2000, 0, 0.9, 0.6); newenemysword(4, 2400, 200, 0.9, 0.6); newenemyarcher(5, 2350, 0, 1.5); newenemyswordex(6, 1400, 0, 0.8, 0.9); levelleft = 200; levelright = 2700; camfollow = true; lastlevel = _currentframe; bossfight = false; dessfocus = 3; clearInterval(soundint1); var soundint1 = setInterval(chgsnd1, 50);
Instance of Symbol 60 MovieClip [box] "trigger1" in Frame 24
onClipEvent (load) { allowable = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((!allowable) && (this.hitTest(_root.hero))) { allowable = true; _root.newenemyswordex(7, _root.hero._x - 500, 200, 0.8, 0.6); _root.newenemyswordex(8, _root.hero._x + 500, 200, 0.8, 0.6); } }
Instance of Symbol 318 MovieClip in Frame 24
onClipEvent (load) { leveldistance = _root.levelright - _root.levelleft; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { percentage = (_root.vcam._x - _root.levelleft) / leveldistance; _x = (_root.vcam._x - (900 * percentage)); _y = _root.vcam._y; _xscale = _root.vcam._xscale; _yscale = _root.vcam._yscale; }
Frame 25
newplayer(); if (_root.herohealth < 80) { = _root.herohealth + 20; } else { = 100; } newenemyarcher(1, 1200, 0, 1.3); newenemyarcher(2, 1400, 0, 1.3); newenemyarcher(3, 2100, 0, 1.3); newenemyarcher(4, 2200, 200, 1.3); newenemysword(5, 1400, 200, 1, 0.6); newenemyarcher(10, 3000, 0, 1.3); levelleft = 200; levelright = 2800; camfollow = true; lastlevel = _currentframe; bossfight = false; dessfocus = 3; clearInterval(soundint1); var soundint1 = setInterval(chgsnd1, 50);
Instance of Symbol 60 MovieClip [box] "trigger1" in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) { allowable = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((!allowable) && (this.hitTest(_root.hero))) { allowable = true; _root.newenemyarcher(6, 1400, 0, 2); } }
Instance of Symbol 60 MovieClip [box] "trigger2" in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) { allowable = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((!allowable) && (this.hitTest(_root.hero))) { _root.attacksfunc(); allowable = true; _root.newenemyarcher(7, 2200, 0, 2); _root.newenemypikeex(8, _root.hero._x + 350, 200, 1, 0.8); _root.newenemypikeex(9, _root.hero._x + 400, 200, 1, 0.8); } }
Frame 26
newplayer(); if (_root.herohealth < 80) { = _root.herohealth + 20; } else { = 100; } newenemyarcher(1, 700, 200, 1.3); newenemyarcher(2, 1200, 200, 1.3); newenemyarcher(3, 2100, 200, 1.3); newenemyarcher(4, 2200, 200, 1.3); newenemyswordex(5, 1100, 200, 1, 1); newenemyswordex(6, 2000, 200, 1, 1); newenemyswordex(7, 1400, 200, 1, 1); newenemyarcher(8, 2700, 200, 1.3); newenemyarcher(9, 1250, 0, 1.3); newenemyarcher(10, 2100, 0, 1.3); levelleft = 200; levelright = 2700; camfollow = true; lastlevel = _currentframe; bossfight = false; dessfocus = 3; clearInterval(soundint1); var soundint1 = setInterval(chgsnd1, 50);
Frame 27
dessfocus = 3; clearInterval(soundint1); var soundint1 = setInterval(chgsnd1, 50);
Frame 28
function spawnninja1() { if ( > 0) { _root.ns_s.start(); attachMovie("ninja", "ninja1", 601); } ninja1.spd = ninspd; ninja1.alive = true; ninja1.grav = 0; _root.binstance1.blurX = 30; _root.binstance1.blurY = 30; ninja1.filters = [binstance1]; ninja1.fadein = true; ninja1.fadeout = false; ninja1._alpha = 0; if (random(nincha) == 0) { ninja1.discha = true; } else { ninja1.discha = false; } ninja1._x = random(800) - 100; ninja1._y = random(200); if (ninja1._x < hero._x) { ninja1._xscale = -100; } else { ninja1._xscale = 100; } ninja1.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._alpha > 50) { an = 0; while (an <= 30) { if (this.hitTest(_root["arrow" + an]) && (_root["arrow" + an].alive)) { _root.bloodspatter(_root["arrow" + an].arrowtipx, _root["arrow" + an].arrowtipy, 1, _root["arrow" + an].xspd, _root["arrow" + an].yspd); = - nindam; this.fadein = false; if (!this.fadeout) { _root.ninjagrunt_s.start(); } this.fadeout = true; } an++; } } if (this.fadein) { _root.binstance1.blurX = _root.binstance1.blurX - 2; _root.binstance1.blurY = _root.binstance1.blurY - 2; this._alpha = this._alpha + 3.33333333333333; this.filters = [_root.binstance1]; if (this.discha && (this._alpha >= 20)) { this.fadein = false; this.fadeout = true; } else if (this._alpha >= 100) { this.fadein = false; } } else if (this.fadeout) { _root.binstance1.blurX = _root.binstance1.blurX + 2; _root.binstance1.blurY = _root.binstance1.blurY + 2; this._alpha = this._alpha - 3.33333333333333; this.filters = [_root.binstance1]; if (this._alpha <= 0) { this.fadeout = false; clearInterval(this.heroint); clearInterval(this.legint); clearInterval(this.attackcheckint); this.removeMovieClip(); if ( > 0) { setTimeout(spawnninja1, ninstime); } } } if (this._alpha > 50) { if (_root.hero.alive) { this.hd = this._x - _root.hero._x; } else { this.hd = 9999; this.leftkey = false; this.rightkey = false; } if ((this.hd > 60) && (this.hd < 1200)) { this.leftkey = true; this.rightkey = false; } else if ((this.hd < -60) && (this.hd > -1200)) { this.rightkey = true; this.leftkey = false; } else if ((this.hd <= 60) && (this.hd >= -60)) { this.leftkey = false; this.rightkey = false; if (!this.attack) { this.attackstart(); } } if (((((this.legs._currentframe == 1) || (this.legs._currentframe == 10)) || (this.legs._currentframe == 20)) || (this.rightkey)) || (this.leftkey)) { if (_root.hero._x < this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } } this.xdis = -Math.abs(_root.hero._x - this._x); this.ydis = _root.hero._y - this._y; this.radangle = Math.atan(this.ydis / this.xdis); this.degangle = (this.radangle * 360) / (Math.PI*2); if (this.leftkey) { this.lastkey = "left"; } else if (this.rightkey) { this.lastkey = "right"; } if (this.leftkey || (this.rightkey)) { if (this.lastkey == "left") { this._x = this._x - this.spd; } else if (this.lastkey == "right") { this._x = this._x + this.spd; } } else if (((this.legs._currentframe > 2) && (this.legs._currentframe < 8)) || ((this.legs._currentframe > 12) && (this.legs._currentframe < 18))) { if (this.lastkey == "left") { this._x = this._x - this.spd; } else if (this.lastkey == "right") { this._x = this._x + this.spd; } } } if (, this._y + 40, true)) { this.falling = false; this.grav = 0; } else { this.falling = true; } if (this.falling) { this._y = this._y + this.grav; this.grav++; } while (, (this._y + 40) + 5, true)) { this._y = this._y - 0.1; } }; } function spawnninja2() { if ( > 0) { attachMovie("ninja", "ninja2", 602); } ninja2.spd = ninspd; ninja2.alive = true; ninja2.grav = 0; _root.binstance2.blurX = 30; _root.binstance2.blurY = 30; ninja2.filters = [binstance2]; ninja2.fadein = true; ninja2.fadeout = false; ninja2._alpha = 0; if (random(nincha) == 0) { ninja.discha = true; } else { ninja.discha = false; } ninja2._x = random(800) - 100; ninja2._y = random(200); if (ninja2._x < hero._x) { ninja2._xscale = -100; } else { ninja2._xscale = 100; } ninja2.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._alpha > 50) { an = 0; while (an <= 50) { if (this.hitTest(_root["arrow" + an]) && (_root["arrow" + an].alive)) { _root.bloodspatter(_root["arrow" + an].arrowtipx, _root["arrow" + an].arrowtipy, 1, _root["arrow" + an].xspd, _root["arrow" + an].yspd); = - nindam; this.fadein = false; if (!this.fadeout) { _root.ninjagrunt_s.start(); } this.fadeout = true; } an++; } } if (this.fadein) { _root.binstance2.blurX = _root.binstance2.blurX - 2; _root.binstance2.blurY = _root.binstance2.blurY - 2; this._alpha = this._alpha + 3.33333333333333; this.filters = [_root.binstance2]; if (this.discha && (this._alpha >= 20)) { this.fadein = false; this.fadeout = true; } else if (this._alpha >= 100) { this.fadein = false; } } else if (this.fadeout) { _root.binstance2.blurX = _root.binstance2.blurX + 2; _root.binstance2.blurY = _root.binstance2.blurY + 2; this._alpha = this._alpha - 3.33333333333333; this.filters = [_root.binstance2]; if (this._alpha <= 0) { this.fadeout = false; clearInterval(this.heroint); clearInterval(this.legint); clearInterval(this.attackcheckint); this.removeMovieClip(); if ( > 0) { setTimeout(spawnninja2, ninstime); } } } if (this._alpha > 50) { if (_root.hero.alive) { this.hd = this._x - _root.hero._x; } else { this.hd = 9999; this.leftkey = false; this.rightkey = false; } if ((this.hd > 60) && (this.hd < 1200)) { this.leftkey = true; this.rightkey = false; } else if ((this.hd < -60) && (this.hd > -1200)) { this.rightkey = true; this.leftkey = false; } else if ((this.hd <= 60) && (this.hd >= -60)) { this.leftkey = false; this.rightkey = false; if (!this.attack) { this.attackstart(); } } if (((((this.legs._currentframe == 1) || (this.legs._currentframe == 10)) || (this.legs._currentframe == 20)) || (this.rightkey)) || (this.leftkey)) { if (_root.hero._x < this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } } this.xdis = -Math.abs(_root.hero._x - this._x); this.ydis = _root.hero._y - this._y; this.radangle = Math.atan(this.ydis / this.xdis); this.degangle = (this.radangle * 360) / (Math.PI*2); if (this.leftkey) { this.lastkey = "left"; } else if (this.rightkey) { this.lastkey = "right"; } if (this.leftkey || (this.rightkey)) { if (this.lastkey == "left") { this._x = this._x - this.spd; } else if (this.lastkey == "right") { this._x = this._x + this.spd; } } else if (((this.legs._currentframe > 2) && (this.legs._currentframe < 8)) || ((this.legs._currentframe > 12) && (this.legs._currentframe < 18))) { if (this.lastkey == "left") { this._x = this._x - this.spd; } else if (this.lastkey == "right") { this._x = this._x + this.spd; } } } if (, this._y + 40, true)) { this.falling = false; this.grav = 0; } else { this.falling = true; } if (this.falling) { this._y = this._y + this.grav; this.grav++; } while (, (this._y + 40) + 5, true)) { this._y = this._y - 0.1; } }; } function spawnninja3() { if ( > 0) { attachMovie("ninja", "ninja3", 603); } ninja3.spd = ninspd; ninja3.alive = true; ninja3.grav = 0; _root.binstance3.blurX = 30; _root.binstance3.blurY = 30; ninja3.filters = [binstance3]; ninja3.fadein = true; ninja3.fadeout = false; ninja3._alpha = 0; if (random(nincha) == 0) { ninja.discha = true; } else { ninja.discha = false; } ninja3._x = random(800) - 100; ninja3._y = random(200); if (ninja3._x < hero._x) { ninja3._xscale = -100; } else { ninja3._xscale = 100; } ninja3.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._alpha > 50) { an = 0; while (an <= 50) { if (this.hitTest(_root["arrow" + an]) && (_root["arrow" + an].alive)) { _root.bloodspatter(_root["arrow" + an].arrowtipx, _root["arrow" + an].arrowtipy, 1, _root["arrow" + an].xspd, _root["arrow" + an].yspd); = - nindam; this.fadein = false; if (!this.fadeout) { _root.ninjagrunt_s.start(); } this.fadeout = true; } an++; } } if (this.fadein) { _root.binstance3.blurX = _root.binstance3.blurX - 2; _root.binstance3.blurY = _root.binstance3.blurY - 2; this._alpha = this._alpha + 3.33333333333333; this.filters = [_root.binstance3]; if (this.discha && (this._alpha >= 20)) { this.fadein = false; this.fadeout = true; } else if (this._alpha >= 100) { this.fadein = false; } } else if (this.fadeout) { _root.binstance3.blurX = _root.binstance3.blurX + 2; _root.binstance3.blurY = _root.binstance3.blurY + 2; this._alpha = this._alpha - 3.33333333333333; this.filters = [_root.binstance3]; if (this._alpha <= 0) { this.fadeout = false; clearInterval(this.heroint); clearInterval(this.legint); clearInterval(this.attackcheckint); this.removeMovieClip(); if ( > 0) { setTimeout(spawnninja3, ninstime); } } } if (this._alpha > 50) { if (_root.hero.alive) { this.hd = this._x - _root.hero._x; } else { this.hd = 9999; this.leftkey = false; this.rightkey = false; } if ((this.hd > 60) && (this.hd < 1200)) { this.leftkey = true; this.rightkey = false; } else if ((this.hd < -60) && (this.hd > -1200)) { this.rightkey = true; this.leftkey = false; } else if ((this.hd <= 60) && (this.hd >= -60)) { this.leftkey = false; this.rightkey = false; if (!this.attack) { this.attackstart(); } } if (((((this.legs._currentframe == 1) || (this.legs._currentframe == 10)) || (this.legs._currentframe == 20)) || (this.rightkey)) || (this.leftkey)) { if (_root.hero._x < this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } } this.xdis = -Math.abs(_root.hero._x - this._x); this.ydis = _root.hero._y - this._y; this.radangle = Math.atan(this.ydis / this.xdis); this.degangle = (this.radangle * 360) / (Math.PI*2); if (this.leftkey) { this.lastkey = "left"; } else if (this.rightkey) { this.lastkey = "right"; } if (this.leftkey || (this.rightkey)) { if (this.lastkey == "left") { this._x = this._x - this.spd; } else if (this.lastkey == "right") { this._x = this._x + this.spd; } } else if (((this.legs._currentframe > 2) && (this.legs._currentframe < 8)) || ((this.legs._currentframe > 12) && (this.legs._currentframe < 18))) { if (this.lastkey == "left") { this._x = this._x - this.spd; } else if (this.lastkey == "right") { this._x = this._x + this.spd; } } } if (, this._y + 40, true)) { this.falling = false; this.grav = 0; } else { this.falling = true; } if (this.falling) { this._y = this._y + this.grav; this.grav++; } while (, (this._y + 40) + 5, true)) { this._y = this._y - 0.1; } }; } function ninfunc() { if (( < 0) && (!_root.enemy1.allowable)) { _root.ninjadie_s.start(); ninja.fadeout = true; ninja2.fadeout = true; ninja3.fadeout = true; _root.enemy1.allowable = true; setTimeout(_root.levelend, 7000); clearInterval(ninint); } if (( / _root.enemy1.totalhealth) < 0.2) { nincha = 3; ninspd = 8; } else if (( / _root.enemy1.totalhealth) < 0.4) { ninstime = 300; nindam = 18; if (_root.enemy1.a2 == false) { _root.enemy1.a2 = true; spawnninja3(); } } else if (( / _root.enemy1.totalhealth) < 0.6) { ninstime = 400; } else if (( / _root.enemy1.totalhealth) < 0.8) { nindam = 25; if (_root.enemy1.a1 == false) { _root.enemy1.a1 = true; spawnninja2(); } } else if (( / _root.enemy1.totalhealth) < 0.9) { ninspd = 7; } } var binstance1 = (new flash.filters.BlurFilter(30, 30)); var binstance2 = (new flash.filters.BlurFilter(30, 30)); var binstance3 = (new flash.filters.BlurFilter(30, 30)); ninspd = 6; nincha = 10; ninstime = 500; nindam = 40; ninint = setInterval(ninfunc, 50); function beginint() { _root.vcam.bossbarfunc(); } newplayer(); if (_root.herohealth < 80) { = _root.herohealth + 20; } else { = 100; } attachMovie("box", "enemy1", 7000); _root.enemy1.totalhealth = 7000; = 7000; _root.enemy1.a1 = false; _root.enemy1.a2 = false; setTimeout(beginint, 1000); spawnninja1(); levelleft = 200; levelright = 3000; camfollow = false; vcam.desx = 300; vcam.desy = 100; vcam.desscale = 150; lastlevel = _currentframe; bossfight = true; dessfocus = 5; clearInterval(soundint1); var soundint1 = setInterval(chgsnd1, 50);
Frame 29
dessfocus = 3; clearInterval(soundint1); var soundint1 = setInterval(chgsnd1, 50);
Frame 30
focus = 99; gotoAndStop (6); dessfocus = 6; clearInterval(soundint1); var soundint1 = setInterval(chgsnd1, 50);
Frame 100
herohealth = 100; gotoAndStop(lastlevel);
Symbol 48 MovieClip [vcam] Frame 1
function camControl() { parentColor.setTransform(camColor.getTransform()); var _local4 = sX / this._width; var _local3 = sY / this._height; _parent._x = cX - (this._x * _local4); _parent._y = cY - (this._y * _local3); _parent._xscale = 100 * _local4; _parent._yscale = 100 * _local3; } function resetStage() { var _local2 = {ra:100, rb:0, ga:100, gb:0, ba:100, bb:0, aa:100, ab:0}; parentColor.setTransform(_local2); _parent._xscale = 100; _parent._yscale = 100; _parent._x = 0; _parent._y = 0; } this._visible = true; var oldMode = Stage.scaleMode; Stage.scaleMode = "exactFit"; var cX = (Stage.width / 2); var cY = (Stage.height / 2); var sX = Stage.width; var sY = Stage.height; Stage.scaleMode = oldMode; var camColor = new Color(this); var parentColor = new Color(_parent); this.onEnterFrame = camControl; camControl(); this.onUnload = resetStage; function framerate() { fr = omg * 2; omg = 0; } omg = 0; _root.onEnterFrame = function () { omg++; }; fpscheck = setInterval(framerate, 500); function bossbarfunc() { this.attachMovie("bossbar", "bossbar", 5003); bossbar.redbar._xscale = 0; bossbar._alpha = 0; bossbar._x = 0; bossbar._y = 117.6; bossbar.onEnterFrame = function () { if (bossbar._alpha < 100) { bossbar._alpha = bossbar._alpha + 3; } if (this._visible == true) { this.redbar.desxscale = ( / _root.enemy1.totalhealth) * 100; if (this.redbar.desxscale < 0) { this.redbar.desxscale = 0; } this.redbar._xscale = this.redbar._xscale - ((this.redbar._xscale - this.redbar.desxscale) / 5); } }; }
Instance of Symbol 41 MovieClip in Symbol 48 MovieClip [vcam] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 43 MovieClip in Symbol 48 MovieClip [vcam] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _yscale = 0; _alpha = 70; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { desyscale = ( / 100) * 100; if (desyscale < 0) { desyscale = 0; } _yscale = (_yscale - ((_yscale - desyscale) / 5)); }
Symbol 51 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 57 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 58 MovieClip Frame 1
if (this._parent.weapontype == "axe") { dlframe = 10; } else { dlframe = random(5) + 2; }
Instance of Symbol 51 MovieClip in Symbol 58 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = this._parent.a2._x; _y = this._parent.a2._y; _rotation = this._parent.a2._rotation; }
Instance of Symbol 57 MovieClip in Symbol 58 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = this._parent.a1._x; _y = this._parent.a1._y; _rotation = this._parent.a1._rotation; }
Instance of Symbol 51 MovieClip in Symbol 58 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = this._parent.a2._x; _y = this._parent.a2._y; _rotation = this._parent.a2._rotation; }
Instance of Symbol 57 MovieClip in Symbol 58 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = this._parent.a1._x; _y = this._parent.a1._y; _rotation = this._parent.a1._rotation; }
Symbol 60 MovieClip [box] Frame 1
_visible = false;
Symbol 61 MovieClip Frame 1
_visible = false;
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 76 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_parent._name == "hero") { stop(); } else if (((_parent._name == "ninja1") || (_parent._name == "ninja2")) || (_parent._name == "ninja3")) { gotoAndStop (8); } else if (_parent.weapontype == "axe") { gotoAndStop (7); } else { gotoAndStop(random(4) + 2); }
Symbol 92 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_parent._name == "hero") { stop(); } else if (((_parent._name == "ninja1") || (_parent._name == "ninja2")) || (_parent._name == "ninja3")) { gotoAndStop (6); } else if (_parent.weapontype == "axe") { gotoAndStop (5); } else { gotoAndStop(random(3) + 2); }
Symbol 93 MovieClip [enemy2] Frame 1
if (_name == "hero") { daframe = 1; } else { daframe = random(3) + 2; } function attackstart() { if (!stopattack) { _root.swfunc(); stopattack = true; attack = true; dehx = Math.abs(_x - _root.hero._x); dehy = -(_y - _root.hero._y); dehrot = Math.atan2(dehy, dehx); dehdegrot = ((((-dehrot) * 360) / 2) / Math.PI) - 90; random100 = (random(25) + 75) / 100; body.desx = -7 * random100; body.desrot = -30 * random100; head.desx = -18 * random100; farm1.desrot = -124 * random100; farm2.desrot = -132 * random100; weapon.desyscale = (150 * (random(20) + 80)) / 100; weapon.desrot = dehdegrot; barm1.desrot = 180 * random100; barm2.desyscale = 60 * random100; barm2.desrot = -90 * random100; attackcheckint = setInterval(attackcheck, 75); } } function attackcheck() { if (weapon.hitTest(_root.hero.body) && (_root.hero.alive)) { _root.herogruntfunc(); weaponyhit = (((_x - _root.hero._x) / Math.tan(((Math.abs(weapon._rotation) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360)) + weapon._y) + _y; _root.bloodspatter(_root.hero._x, weaponyhit, 1, ((Math.sin(((weapon._rotation * 2) * Math.PI) / 360) * 20) * (-_xscale)) / 100, Math.cos(((weapon._rotation * 2) * Math.PI) / 360) * 30); _root.hero.head._rotation = _root.hero.head._rotation + 10; _root.hero.farm1._rotation = _root.hero.farm1._rotation + 10; _root.hero.barm1._rotation = _root.hero.barm1._rotation + 10; = - (10 * powerfac); if ( < 0) { if (((_x < _root.hero._x) && (_root.hero._xscale > 0)) || ((_x > _root.hero._x) && (_root.hero._xscale < 0))) { _root.deadplayer(-1); } else if (((_x < _root.hero._x) && (_root.hero._xscale < 0)) || ((_x > _root.hero._x) && (_root.hero._xscale > 0))) { _root.deadplayer(1); } } } if (Math.abs(farm1._rotation - farm1.desrot) < 5) { attack = false; clearInterval(attackcheckint); setTimeout(allowattackint, 200); } } function allowattackint() { stopattack = false; } function bodyfunc() { if ((Math.abs(head._x - head.desx) < 1) && (head._y > 0)) { clearInterval(heroint); clearInterval(legint); clearInterval(attackcheckint); } if (legs._currentframe < 16) { bodybounce = false; } else if (legs._currentframe < 20) { bodybounce = true; } else if (legs._currentframe < 36) { bodybounce = false; } else if (legs._currentframe < 40) { bodybounce = true; } else { bodybounce = false; } if ((!alive) && (deathdir < 0)) { body.desx = 40; body.desy = 40; body.desrot = 87 + random5; } else if ((!alive) && (deathdir > 0)) { body.desx = -30; body.desy = 40; body.desrot = -87 + random6; } else if (jumpanim) { body.desy = body.origy + 12; } else if (landanim) { body.desy = body.origy + 12; } else if (bodybounce) { body.desy = body.origy + 3; } else { body.desy = body.origy; } if ((!attack) && (alive)) { body.desx = body.origx; body.desrot = -10; } if (alive) { body._x = body._x - ((body._x - body.desx) / 2); body._y = body._y - ((body._y - body.desy) / 2); body._rotation = body._rotation - ((body._rotation - body.desrot) / 3); } else { if (body.easevalue > 2) { body.easevalue = body.easevalue - 2; } body._x = body._x - ((body._x - body.desx) / body.easevalue); body._y = body._y - ((body._y - body.desy) / body.easevalue); body._rotation = body._rotation - ((body._rotation - body.desrot) / body.easevalue); } if ((!alive) && (deathdir < 0)) { head.desy = 40; head.desx = 65; } else if ((!alive) && (deathdir > 0)) { head.desy = 40; head.desx = -55; } else if (attack) { if (bodybounce) { head.desy = head.origy + 6; } else { head.desy = head.origy + 3; } } else if (jumpanim) { head.desy = head.origy + 10; } else if (landanim) { head.desy = head.origy + 10; } else if (bodybounce) { head.desx = head.origx; head.desy = head.origy + 3; } else { head.desx = head.origx; head.desy = head.origy; } if (alive) { head._x = head._x - ((head._x - head.desx) / 4); head._y = head._y - ((head._y - head.desy) / 3); } else { if (head.easevalue > 5) { head.easevalue = head.easevalue - 3; } head._x = head._x - ((head._x - head.desx) / head.easevalue); head._y = head._y - ((head._y - head.desy) / head.easevalue); } if (!alive) { head.desrot = body._rotation; } else if (Math.abs(degangle) < 20) { head.desrot = degangle; } head._rotation = head._rotation - ((head._rotation - head.desrot) / 5); farm1.bodyradrot = (((((-body._rotation) + 60) + 140) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; farm1._x = body._x + (Math.sin(farm1.bodyradrot) * 17); farm1._y = body._y + (Math.cos(farm1.bodyradrot) * 17); if (jumpanim) { farm1.bounce = -180; } else if (fallanim) { farm1.bounce = -180; } else if (bodybounce) { farm1.bounce = -170; } else { farm1.bounce = -170; } if (attack && (alive)) { farm1._rotation = farm1._rotation + ((farm1.desrot - farm1._rotation) / 2); } else if (alive) { farm1.desrot = farm1.bounce; if (farm1.desrot < -180) { farm1.desrot = -180; } farm1._rotation = farm1._rotation + ((farm1.desrot - farm1._rotation) / 5); } else if (deathdir < 0) { farm1.desrot = -95 + random7; farm1._rotation = farm1._rotation + ((farm1.desrot - farm1._rotation) / 15); } else if (deathdir > 0) { farm1.desrot = (-95 + random5) + (random11 * 2); farm1._rotation = farm1._rotation + ((farm1.desrot - farm1._rotation) / 15); } farm1radrot = ((((-farm1._rotation) + 180) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; farm2._y = (16 * Math.cos(farm1radrot)) + farm1._y; farm2._x = (16 * Math.sin(farm1radrot)) + farm1._x; if (bodybounce) { farm2.bounce = 8; } else { farm2.bounce = 0; } if (attack && (alive)) { farm2.movespd = 2; } else if (alive) { farm2.desrot = -140 + farm2.bounce; farm2.movespd = 5; } else if (deathdir < 0) { farm2.desrot = -120 + random5; farm2.movespd = 5; } else if (deathdir > 0) { farm2.desrot = (-85 + random7) + (random10 * 2); farm2.movespd = 5; } farm2._rotation = farm2._rotation + ((farm2.desrot - farm2._rotation) / farm2.movespd); if (attack && (alive)) { } else if (alive) { weapon.desyscale = 100; if (bodybounce) { weapon.desrot = -85 + random(5); } else { weapon.desrot = -85; } } else { weapon._visible = false; weapon._rotation = 180; weapon._y = head._y; weapon._x = head._x; } if (alive) { farm2radrot = ((((-farm2._rotation) + 180) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; barm2radrot = ((((-barm2._rotation) + 180) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; weapon.farm2y = (12 * Math.cos(farm2radrot)) + farm2._y; weapon.farm2x = (12 * Math.sin(farm2radrot)) + farm2._x; weapon.barm2y = (12 * Math.cos(barm2radrot)) + barm2._y; weapon.barm2x = (12 * Math.sin(barm2radrot)) + barm2._x; weapon._x = (weapon.farm2x + weapon.barm2x) / 2; weapon._y = (weapon.farm2y + weapon.barm2y) / 2; } weapon._yscale = weapon._yscale - ((weapon._yscale - weapon.desyscale) / 3); weapon._rotation = weapon._rotation - ((weapon._rotation - weapon.desrot) / 3); barm1.bodyradrot = ((((-body._rotation) + 160) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; barm1._x = body._x + (Math.sin(barm1.bodyradrot) * 19); barm1._y = body._y + (Math.cos(barm1.bodyradrot) * 19); if (!alive) { barm1.desyscale = 50 + random5; } else { barm1.desyscale = 59; } barm1._yscale = barm1._yscale + ((barm1.desyscale - barm1._yscale) / 3); if (jumpanim) { barm1.bounce = 10; } else if (bodybounce) { barm1.bounce = 6; } else { barm1.bounce = 0; } if (alive && (attack)) { } else if (alive) { barm1.desrot = 120; } else if ((!alive) && (deathdir < 0)) { barm1.desrot = (180 - random6) - (random10 * 2); } else if ((!alive) && (deathdir > 0)) { barm1.desrot = 170 - random8; } else { barm1.desrot = -125 + barm1.bounce; } if (!alive) { barm1._rotation = barm1._rotation + ((barm1.desrot - barm1._rotation) / 20); } else { barm1._rotation = barm1._rotation + ((barm1.desrot - barm1._rotation) / 5); } barm1radrot = ((((-barm1._rotation) + 180) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; barm2._y = (((barm1._yscale * 16) / 58) * Math.cos(barm1radrot)) + barm1._y; barm2._x = (((barm1._yscale * 16) / 58) * Math.sin(barm1radrot)) + barm1._x; if (jumpanim) { farm1.bounce = -15; } else if (bodybounce) { barm2.bounce = -6; } else { barm2.bounce = 0; } if (attack && (alive)) { barm2.movespd = 2; } else { barm2.desyscale = 63; barm2.desrot = barm2.bounce - 155; barm2.movespd = 5; } barm2._yscale = barm2._yscale + ((barm2.desyscale - barm2._yscale) / 3); barm2._rotation = barm2._rotation + ((barm2.desrot - barm2._rotation) / barm2.movespd); updateAfterEvent(); } function legfunc(framerate) { if (!alive) { rightkey = false; leftkey = false; if (deathdir < 0) { legs.desrot = 90; legs.desy = 50; } else if (deathdir > 0) { legs.desrot = -90; legs.desy = 35; } if (legs.easevalue > 5) { legs.easevalue = legs.easevalue - 3; } legs._rotation = legs._rotation - ((legs._rotation - legs.desrot) / legs.easevalue); legs._y = legs._y - ((legs._y - legs.desy) / legs.easevalue); if (framerate != 50) { clearInterval(legint); legint = setInterval(legfunc, 50, 50); } if (legs.deathtimer < 10) { legs.deathtimer++; } else if ((legs._currentframe == 10) || (legs._currentframe == 30)) { legs.stop(); } else if (legs._currentframe > 30) { legs.prevFrame(); } else { legs.nextFrame(); } } else if (jumping) { if (framerate != 100) { clearInterval(legint); legint = setInterval(legfunc, 100, 100); } } else if (framerate != 30) { clearInterval(legint); legint = setInterval(legfunc, 30, 30); } if (alive) { if (((legs._currentframe == 1) || (legs._currentframe == 20)) || (legs._currentframe == 40)) { legstop = true; } else { legstop = false; } if ((!rightkey) && (!leftkey)) { if (legstop == false) { legs.nextFrame(); } else { legs.stop(); } } else if (legs._currentframe == 40) { legs.gotoAndStop(1); } else { legs.nextFrame(); } } updateAfterEvent(); } clearInterval(heroint); clearInterval(legint); clearInterval(attackcheckint); random5 = random(5); random6 = random(6); random7 = random(7); random8 = random(8); random9 = random(9); random10 = random(50); random11 = random(50); body.origx = body._x; body.origy = body._y; body.easevalue = 30; head.origx = head._x; head.origy = head._y; head.origrot = head._rotation; head.desx = head.origx; head.desy = head.origy; head.easevalue = 40; farm1.origrot = farm1._rotation; farm2.origrot = farm2._rotation; barm1.origrot = barm1._rotation; barm2.origrot = barm2._rotation; legs.stop(); legs.easevalue = 40; legs.deathtimer = 0; var heroint = setInterval(bodyfunc, 50); var legint = setInterval(legfunc, 30, 30);
Instance of Symbol 69 MovieClip in Symbol 93 MovieClip [enemy2] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.farm2._x; this._y = this._parent.farm2._y; this._rotation = this._parent.farm2._rotation + 90; }
Instance of Symbol 76 MovieClip in Symbol 93 MovieClip [enemy2] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.farm1._x; this._y = this._parent.farm1._y; this._rotation = this._parent.farm1._rotation + 90; }
Instance of Symbol 85 MovieClip in Symbol 93 MovieClip [enemy2] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.head._x; this._y = this._parent.head._y; this._rotation = this._parent.head._rotation; }
Instance of Symbol 92 MovieClip in Symbol 93 MovieClip [enemy2] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.body._x; this._y = this._parent.body._y; this._rotation = this._parent.body._rotation; }
Instance of Symbol 76 MovieClip in Symbol 93 MovieClip [enemy2] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.barm1._x; this._y = this._parent.barm1._y; this._rotation = this._parent.barm1._rotation + 90; this._xscale = this._parent.barm1._yscale + 20; }
Instance of Symbol 69 MovieClip in Symbol 93 MovieClip [enemy2] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.barm2._x; this._y = this._parent.barm2._y; this._rotation = this._parent.barm2._rotation + 90; this._xscale = this._parent.barm2._yscale + 50; }
Symbol 97 MovieClip Frame 1
gotoAndStop(random(3) + 1);
Symbol 98 MovieClip [enemy4] Frame 1
if (_name == "hero") { daframe = 1; } else { daframe = random(3) + 2; } function attackstart() { if (!stopattack) { _root.swfunc(); stopattack = true; attack = true; dehx = Math.abs(_x - _root.hero._x); dehy = -(_y - _root.hero._y); dehrot = Math.atan2(dehy, dehx); dehdegrot = ((((-dehrot) * 360) / 2) / Math.PI) - 90; random100 = (random(25) + 75) / 100; body.desx = -7 * random100; body.desrot = -30 * random100; head.desx = -18 * random100; farm1.desrot = -124 * random100; shield.desrot = -15; weapon.desyscale = (150 * (random(20) + 80)) / 100; weapon.desrot = dehdegrot; barm1.desrot = 180 * random100; barm2.desyscale = 60 * random100; barm2.desrot = -90 * random100; attackcheckint = setInterval(attackcheck, 75); } } function attackcheck() { if (weapon.hitTest(_root.hero.body) && (_root.hero.alive)) { _root.herogruntfunc(); weaponyhit = (((_x - _root.hero._x) / Math.tan(((Math.abs(weapon._rotation) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360)) + weapon._y) + _y; _root.bloodspatter(_root.hero._x, weaponyhit, 1, ((Math.sin(((weapon._rotation * 2) * Math.PI) / 360) * 20) * (-_xscale)) / 100, Math.cos(((weapon._rotation * 2) * Math.PI) / 360) * 30); _root.hero.head._rotation = _root.hero.head._rotation + 10; _root.hero.farm1._rotation = _root.hero.farm1._rotation + 10; _root.hero.barm1._rotation = _root.hero.barm1._rotation + 10; = - (10 * powerfac); if ( < 0) { if (((_x < _root.hero._x) && (_root.hero._xscale > 0)) || ((_x > _root.hero._x) && (_root.hero._xscale < 0))) { _root.deadplayer(-1); } else if (((_x < _root.hero._x) && (_root.hero._xscale < 0)) || ((_x > _root.hero._x) && (_root.hero._xscale > 0))) { _root.deadplayer(1); } } } if (Math.abs(farm1._rotation - farm1.desrot) < 5) { attack = false; clearInterval(attackcheckint); setTimeout(allowattackint, 200); } } function allowattackint() { stopattack = false; } clearInterval(heroint); clearInterval(legint); clearInterval(attackcheckint); function bodyfunc() { if ((Math.abs(head._x - head.desx) < 1) && (head._y > 0)) { clearInterval(heroint); clearInterval(legint); clearInterval(attackcheckint); } if (legs._currentframe < 16) { bodybounce = false; } else if (legs._currentframe < 20) { bodybounce = true; } else if (legs._currentframe < 36) { bodybounce = false; } else if (legs._currentframe < 40) { bodybounce = true; } else { bodybounce = false; } if ((!alive) && (deathdir < 0)) { body.desx = 40; body.desy = 40; body.desrot = 87 + random5; } else if ((!alive) && (deathdir > 0)) { body.desx = -30; body.desy = 40; body.desrot = -87 + random6; } else if (jumpanim) { body.desy = body.origy + 12; } else if (landanim) { body.desy = body.origy + 12; } else if (bodybounce) { body.desy = body.origy + 3; } else { body.desy = body.origy; } if ((!attack) && (alive)) { body.desx = body.origx; body.desrot = -10; } if (alive) { body._x = body._x - ((body._x - body.desx) / 2); body._y = body._y - ((body._y - body.desy) / 2); body._rotation = body._rotation - ((body._rotation - body.desrot) / 3); } else { if (body.easevalue > 2) { body.easevalue = body.easevalue - 2; } body._x = body._x - ((body._x - body.desx) / body.easevalue); body._y = body._y - ((body._y - body.desy) / body.easevalue); body._rotation = body._rotation - ((body._rotation - body.desrot) / body.easevalue); } if ((!alive) && (deathdir < 0)) { head.desy = 40; head.desx = 65; } else if ((!alive) && (deathdir > 0)) { head.desy = 40; head.desx = -55; } else if (attack) { if (bodybounce) { head.desy = head.origy + 6; } else { head.desy = head.origy + 3; } } else if (jumpanim) { head.desy = head.origy + 10; } else if (landanim) { head.desy = head.origy + 10; } else if (bodybounce) { head.desx = head.origx; head.desy = head.origy + 3; } else { head.desx = head.origx; head.desy = head.origy; } if (alive) { head._x = head._x - ((head._x - head.desx) / 4); head._y = head._y - ((head._y - head.desy) / 3); } else { if (head.easevalue > 5) { head.easevalue = head.easevalue - 3; } head._x = head._x - ((head._x - head.desx) / head.easevalue); head._y = head._y - ((head._y - head.desy) / head.easevalue); } if (!alive) { head.desrot = body._rotation; } else if (Math.abs(degangle) < 20) { head.desrot = degangle; } head._rotation = head._rotation - ((head._rotation - head.desrot) / 5); farm1.bodyradrot = (((((-body._rotation) + 60) + 140) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; farm1._x = body._x + (Math.sin(farm1.bodyradrot) * 17); farm1._y = body._y + (Math.cos(farm1.bodyradrot) * 17); if (jumpanim) { farm1.bounce = -168; } else if (fallanim) { farm1.bounce = -158; } else if (bodybounce) { farm1.bounce = -148; } else { farm1.bounce = -138; } if (attack && (alive)) { farm1._rotation = farm1._rotation + ((farm1.desrot - farm1._rotation) / 2); } else if (alive) { farm1.desrot = farm1.bounce; if (farm1.desrot < -180) { farm1.desrot = -180; } farm1._rotation = farm1._rotation + ((farm1.desrot - farm1._rotation) / 5); } else if (deathdir < 0) { farm1.desrot = -95 + random7; farm1._rotation = farm1._rotation + ((farm1.desrot - farm1._rotation) / 15); } else if (deathdir > 0) { farm1.desrot = (-95 + random5) + (random11 * 2); farm1._rotation = farm1._rotation + ((farm1.desrot - farm1._rotation) / 15); } farm1radrot = ((((-farm1._rotation) + 180) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; shield._y = ((16 * Math.cos(farm1radrot)) + farm1._y) + 13; shield._x = ((16 * Math.sin(farm1radrot)) + farm1._x) + 5; if (bodybounce) { shield.bounce = 8; } else { shield.bounce = 0; } if (attack && (alive)) { shield.movespd = 2; } else if (alive) { shield.desrot = -10 + shield.bounce; shield.movespd = 5; } else if (deathdir < 0) { shield.desrot = 90 + random5; shield.movespd = 10; } else if (deathdir > 0) { shield.desrot = (90 + random7) + (random10 * 2); shield.movespd = 10; } shield._rotation = shield._rotation + ((shield.desrot - shield._rotation) / shield.movespd); if (attack && (alive)) { } else if (alive) { weapon.desyscale = 100; if (bodybounce) { weapon.desrot = -85 + random(5); } else { weapon.desrot = -85; } } else { weapon._visible = false; weapon._rotation = 180; weapon._y = head._y; weapon._x = head._x; } if (alive) { barm2radrot = ((((-barm2._rotation) + 180) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; weapon._y = (12 * Math.cos(barm2radrot)) + barm2._y; weapon._x = (12 * Math.sin(barm2radrot)) + barm2._x; } weapon._yscale = weapon._yscale - ((weapon._yscale - weapon.desyscale) / 3); weapon._rotation = weapon._rotation - ((weapon._rotation - weapon.desrot) / 3); barm1.bodyradrot = ((((-body._rotation) + 160) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; barm1._x = body._x + (Math.sin(barm1.bodyradrot) * 19); barm1._y = body._y + (Math.cos(barm1.bodyradrot) * 19); if (!alive) { barm1.desyscale = 50 + random5; } else { barm1.desyscale = 59; } barm1._yscale = barm1._yscale + ((barm1.desyscale - barm1._yscale) / 3); if (jumpanim) { barm1.bounce = 10; } else if (bodybounce) { barm1.bounce = 6; } else { barm1.bounce = 0; } if (alive && (attack)) { } else if (alive) { barm1.desrot = 120; } else if ((!alive) && (deathdir < 0)) { barm1.desrot = (180 - random6) - (random10 * 2); } else if ((!alive) && (deathdir > 0)) { barm1.desrot = 170 - random8; } else { barm1.desrot = -125 + barm1.bounce; } if (!alive) { barm1._rotation = barm1._rotation + ((barm1.desrot - barm1._rotation) / 20); } else { barm1._rotation = barm1._rotation + ((barm1.desrot - barm1._rotation) / 5); } barm1radrot = ((((-barm1._rotation) + 180) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; barm2._y = (((barm1._yscale * 16) / 58) * Math.cos(barm1radrot)) + barm1._y; barm2._x = (((barm1._yscale * 16) / 58) * Math.sin(barm1radrot)) + barm1._x; if (jumpanim) { farm1.bounce = -15; } else if (bodybounce) { barm2.bounce = -6; } else { barm2.bounce = 0; } if (attack && (alive)) { barm2.movespd = 2; } else { barm2.desyscale = 63; barm2.desrot = barm2.bounce - 155; barm2.movespd = 5; } barm2._yscale = barm2._yscale + ((barm2.desyscale - barm2._yscale) / 3); barm2._rotation = barm2._rotation + ((barm2.desrot - barm2._rotation) / barm2.movespd); updateAfterEvent(); } function legfunc(framerate) { if (!alive) { rightkey = false; leftkey = false; if (deathdir < 0) { legs.desrot = 90; legs.desy = 50; } else if (deathdir > 0) { legs.desrot = -90; legs.desy = 35; } if (legs.easevalue > 5) { legs.easevalue = legs.easevalue - 3; } legs._rotation = legs._rotation - ((legs._rotation - legs.desrot) / legs.easevalue); legs._y = legs._y - ((legs._y - legs.desy) / legs.easevalue); if (framerate != 50) { clearInterval(legint); legint = setInterval(legfunc, 50, 50); } if (legs.deathtimer < 10) { legs.deathtimer++; } else if ((legs._currentframe == 10) || (legs._currentframe == 30)) { legs.stop(); } else if (legs._currentframe > 30) { legs.prevFrame(); } else { legs.nextFrame(); } } else if (jumping) { if (framerate != 100) { clearInterval(legint); legint = setInterval(legfunc, 100, 100); } } else if (framerate != 30) { clearInterval(legint); legint = setInterval(legfunc, 30, 30); } if (alive) { if (((legs._currentframe == 1) || (legs._currentframe == 20)) || (legs._currentframe == 40)) { legstop = true; } else { legstop = false; } if ((!rightkey) && (!leftkey)) { if (legstop == false) { legs.nextFrame(); } else { legs.stop(); } } else if (legs._currentframe == 40) { legs.gotoAndStop(1); } else { legs.nextFrame(); } } updateAfterEvent(); } random5 = random(5); random6 = random(6); random7 = random(7); random8 = random(8); random9 = random(9); random10 = random(50); random11 = random(50); body.origx = body._x; body.origy = body._y; body.easevalue = 30; head.origx = head._x; head.origy = head._y; head.origrot = head._rotation; head.desx = head.origx; head.desy = head.origy; head.easevalue = 40; farm1.origrot = farm1._rotation; shield.origrot = farm2._rotation; barm1.origrot = barm1._rotation; barm2.origrot = barm2._rotation; legs.stop(); legs.easevalue = 40; legs.deathtimer = 0; var heroint = setInterval(bodyfunc, 50); var legint = setInterval(legfunc, 30, 30);
Instance of Symbol 76 MovieClip in Symbol 98 MovieClip [enemy4] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.farm1._x; this._y = this._parent.farm1._y; this._rotation = this._parent.farm1._rotation + 90; }
Instance of Symbol 85 MovieClip in Symbol 98 MovieClip [enemy4] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.head._x; this._y = this._parent.head._y; this._rotation = this._parent.head._rotation; }
Instance of Symbol 92 MovieClip in Symbol 98 MovieClip [enemy4] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.body._x; this._y = this._parent.body._y; this._rotation = this._parent.body._rotation; }
Instance of Symbol 76 MovieClip in Symbol 98 MovieClip [enemy4] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.barm1._x; this._y = this._parent.barm1._y; this._rotation = this._parent.barm1._rotation + 90; this._xscale = this._parent.barm1._yscale + 20; }
Instance of Symbol 69 MovieClip in Symbol 98 MovieClip [enemy4] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.barm2._x; this._y = this._parent.barm2._y; this._rotation = this._parent.barm2._rotation + 90; this._xscale = this._parent.barm2._yscale + 50; }
Instance of Symbol 97 MovieClip in Symbol 98 MovieClip [enemy4] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.shield._x; this._y = this._parent.shield._y; this._rotation = this._parent.shield._rotation; }
Symbol 99 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_parent._name == "hero") { dlframe = 1; } else { dlframe = 2; }
Instance of Symbol 51 MovieClip in Symbol 99 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = this._parent.a2._x; _y = this._parent.a2._y; _rotation = this._parent.a2._rotation; }
Instance of Symbol 57 MovieClip in Symbol 99 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = this._parent.a1._x; _y = this._parent.a1._y; _rotation = this._parent.a1._rotation; }
Instance of Symbol 51 MovieClip in Symbol 99 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = this._parent.a2._x; _y = this._parent.a2._y; _rotation = this._parent.a2._rotation; }
Instance of Symbol 57 MovieClip in Symbol 99 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = this._parent.a1._x; _y = this._parent.a1._y; _rotation = this._parent.a1._rotation; }
Instance of Symbol 60 MovieClip [box] "tstringloc" in Symbol 105 MovieClip [bow] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 60 MovieClip [box] "bstringloc" in Symbol 105 MovieClip [bow] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; }
Symbol 110 MovieClip [enemya] Frame 1
if (_name == "hero") { daframe = 1; } else { daframe = random(3) + 2; } function stringscript() { if (alive) { origbowradrot = Math.atan(bow.tstringloc._y / bow.tstringloc._x); origbowdegrot = (origbowradrot * 360) / (Math.PI*2); origbowhyp = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(bow.tstringloc._y, 2) + Math.pow(bow.tstringloc._x, 2)); upendpointangle = (Math.PI * (bow._rotation + origbowdegrot)) / 180; upendpointx = bow._x + (origbowhyp * Math.cos(upendpointangle)); upendpointy = bow._y + (origbowhyp * Math.sin(upendpointangle)); downendpointangle = (Math.PI * (bow._rotation - origbowdegrot)) / 180; downendpointx = bow._x + (origbowhyp * Math.cos(downendpointangle)); downendpointy = bow._y + (origbowhyp * Math.sin(downendpointangle)); } if (!alive) { stretchvalue = 1.2; despointx = (upendpointx + downendpointx) / 2; despointy = (upendpointy + downendpointy) / 2; } else if (allowfire && (barm2._rotation < -80)) { despointx = sarrow._x; despointy = sarrow._y; stretchvalue = 10; } else if (!allowfire) { stretchvalue = 1.2; despointx = (upendpointx + downendpointx) / 2; despointy = (upendpointy + downendpointy) / 2; } if (alive) { startpointx = startpointx - ((startpointx - despointx) / stretchvalue); startpointy = startpointy - ((startpointy - despointy) / stretchvalue); createEmptyMovieClip("upperstring", 5); upperstring.lineStyle(0, 0, 100); upperstring.moveTo(startpointx, startpointy); upperstring.lineTo(upendpointx, upendpointy); createEmptyMovieClip("downstring", 6); downstring.lineStyle(0, 0, 100); downstring.moveTo(startpointx, startpointy); downstring.lineTo(downendpointx, downendpointy); } else { removeMovieClip("upperstring"); removeMovieClip("downstring"); } updateAfterEvent(); } stringscriptvariable = setInterval(function () { stringscript(); }, 30); startpointx = 0; startpointy = 0; function bodyfunc() { if ((Math.abs(head._x - head.desx) < 1) && (head._y > 0)) { clearInterval(heroint); clearInterval(legint); clearInterval(stringscriptvariable); } if (legs._currentframe < 16) { bodybounce = false; } else if (legs._currentframe < 20) { bodybounce = true; } else if (legs._currentframe < 36) { bodybounce = false; } else if (legs._currentframe < 40) { bodybounce = true; } else { bodybounce = false; } if ((!alive) && (deathdir < 0)) { body.desx = 40; body.desy = 40; body.desrot = 87 + random5; } else if ((!alive) && (deathdir > 0)) { body.desx = -30; body.desy = 40; body.desrot = -87 + random6; } else if (jumpanim) { body.desy = body.origy + 12; } else if (landanim) { body.desy = body.origy + 12; } else if (bodybounce) { body.desy = body.origy + 3; } else { body.desy = body.origy; } if (alive) { body._x = body._x - ((body._x - body.desx) / 2); body._y = body._y - ((body._y - body.desy) / 2); body._rotation = body._rotation - ((body._rotation - body.desrot) / 2); } else { if (body.easevalue > 2) { body.easevalue = body.easevalue - 2; } body._x = body._x - ((body._x - body.desx) / body.easevalue); body._y = body._y - ((body._y - body.desy) / body.easevalue); body._rotation = body._rotation - ((body._rotation - body.desrot) / body.easevalue); } quiver.bodyradrot = ((((-body._rotation) + 145) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; quiver.desx = body._x + (Math.sin(quiver.bodyradrot) * 19); quiver.desy = body._y + (Math.cos(quiver.bodyradrot) * 19); quiver._x = quiver._x - ((quiver._x - quiver.desx) / 1.1); quiver._y = quiver._y - ((quiver._y - quiver.desy) / 1.1); quiver._rotation = body._rotation; if ((!alive) && (deathdir < 0)) { head.desy = 40; head.desx = 65; } else if ((!alive) && (deathdir > 0)) { head.desy = 40; head.desx = -55; } else if (jumpanim) { head.desy = head.origy + 10; } else if (landanim) { head.desy = head.origy + 10; } else if (bodybounce) { head.desy = head.origy + 3; } else { head.desy = head.origy; } if (alive) { head.desx = firepower / 5; head._x = head._x - ((head._x - head.desx) / 4); head._y = head._y - ((head._y - head.desy) / 3); } else { if (head.easevalue > 5) { head.easevalue = head.easevalue - 3; } head._x = head._x - ((head._x - head.desx) / head.easevalue); head._y = head._y - ((head._y - head.desy) / head.easevalue); } if (!alive) { head.desrot = body._rotation - 90; } else if ((aimangle < -75) && (aimangle > -115)) { head.desrot = aimangle; } else if (aimangle > -75) { head.desrot = -75; } else if (aimangle < -115) { head.desrot = -115; } head._rotation = head._rotation - ((head._rotation - head.desrot) / 5); aimangle = degangle - 90; if (aimangle > -50) { aimangle = -50; } else if (aimangle < -130) { aimangle = -130; } farm1.bodyradrot = (((((-body._rotation) + 60) + 140) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; farm1._x = body._x + (Math.sin(farm1.bodyradrot) * 17); farm1._y = body._y + (Math.cos(farm1.bodyradrot) * 17); if (jumpanim) { farm1.bounce = -60; } else if (fallanim) { farm1.bounce = -70; } else if (bodybounce) { farm1.bounce = -55; } else { farm1.bounce = -42; } if (alive) { farm1.desrot = ((farm1.bounce + aimangle) + firepower) - 10; if (farm1.desrot < -180) { farm1.desrot = -180; } farm1._rotation = farm1._rotation + ((farm1.desrot - farm1._rotation) / 5); } else if (deathdir < 0) { farm1.desrot = -95 + random7; farm1._rotation = farm1._rotation + ((farm1.desrot - farm1._rotation) / 15); } else if (deathdir > 0) { farm1.desrot = -95 + random5; farm1._rotation = farm1._rotation + ((farm1.desrot - farm1._rotation) / 15); } farm1radrot = ((((-farm1._rotation) + 180) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; farm2._y = (16 * Math.cos(farm1radrot)) + farm1._y; farm2._x = (16 * Math.sin(farm1radrot)) + farm1._x; if (bodybounce) { farm2.bounce = 8; } else { farm2.bounce = 0; } if (alive) { farm2.desrot = ((farm2.bounce + (aimangle * 0.6)) - firepower) + 10; } else if (deathdir < 0) { farm2.desrot = -120 + random5; } else if (deathdir > 0) { farm2.desrot = -85 + random7; } farm2._rotation = farm2._rotation + ((farm2.desrot - farm2._rotation) / 5); if (alive) { farm2radrot = ((((-farm2._rotation) + 180) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; if (allowfire) { bow.gotoAndStop(firepower + 5); if (firepower != 0) { bow.maxpower = firepower; } } else if (!allowfire) { if (bow.maxpower == 4) { bow.maxpower == 5; } else if (bow.maxpower > 5) { bow.maxpower = bow.maxpower - 6; } else if (bow.maxpower < 5) { bow.maxpower = bow.maxpower + 2; } bow.gotoAndStop(bow.maxpower); } bow._y = (17 * Math.cos(farm2radrot)) + farm2._y; bow._x = (17 * Math.sin(farm2radrot)) + farm2._x; if (bodybounce) { bow.desrot = (((farm2._rotation + farm1._rotation) / 2) + 87) + random(5); } else { bow.desrot = ((farm2._rotation + farm1._rotation) / 2) + 90; } } else { bow._visible = false; bow._rotation = 180; bow._y = head._y; bow._x = head._x; } bow._rotation = bow._rotation - ((bow._rotation - bow.desrot) / 3); barm1.bodyradrot = ((((-body._rotation) + 160) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; barm1._x = body._x + (Math.sin(barm1.bodyradrot) * 19); barm1._y = body._y + (Math.cos(barm1.bodyradrot) * 19); if (!alive) { barm1.desyscale = 50 + random5; } else if (allowfire) { barm1.desyscale = 20 + (firepower * 1.9); } else if (!allowfire) { barm1.desyscale = 30; } barm1._yscale = barm1._yscale + ((barm1.desyscale - barm1._yscale) / 3); if (jumpanim) { barm1.bounce = 10; } else if (bodybounce) { barm1.bounce = 6; } else { barm1.bounce = 0; } if ((!alive) && (deathdir < 0)) { barm1.desrot = 180 - random6; } else if ((!alive) && (deathdir > 0)) { barm1.desrot = 170 - random8; } else if (allowfire) { barm1.desrot = ((barm1.bounce + aimangle) + 180) + firepower; } else if (!allowfire) { barm1.desrot = barm1.bounce + 90; } if (!alive) { barm1._rotation = barm1._rotation + ((barm1.desrot - barm1._rotation) / 20); } else { barm1._rotation = barm1._rotation + ((barm1.desrot - barm1._rotation) / 5); } barm1radrot = ((((-barm1._rotation) + 180) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; barm2._y = (((barm1._yscale * 16) / 58) * Math.cos(barm1radrot)) + barm1._y; barm2._x = (((barm1._yscale * 16) / 58) * Math.sin(barm1radrot)) + barm1._x; if (allowfire) { barm2.desyscale = 75 - (firepower * 0.9); } else if (!allowfire) { barm2.desyscale = 50; } barm2._yscale = barm2._yscale + ((barm2.desyscale - barm2._yscale) / 3); if (jumpanim) { farm1.bounce = -15; } else if (bodybounce) { barm2.bounce = -6; } else { barm2.bounce = 0; } if (allowfire) { barm2.desrot = (barm2.bounce + barm2.origrot) + (firepower / 2); } else if (!allowfire) { barm2.desrot = barm2.bounce - 10; } barm2._rotation = barm2._rotation + ((barm2.desrot - barm2._rotation) / 5); if (alive) { barm2radrot = ((((-barm2._rotation) + 180) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; sarrow._y = (((barm2._yscale * 16) / 58) * Math.cos(barm2radrot)) + barm2._y; sarrow._x = (((barm2._yscale * 16) / 58) * Math.sin(barm2radrot)) + barm2._x; sarrow.xdis = bow._x - sarrow._x; sarrow.ydis = bow._y - sarrow._y; if (allowfire) { sarrow._visible = true; sarrow.desrotrad = Math.atan(sarrow.ydis / sarrow.xdis); sarrow.desrotdeg = (sarrow.desrotrad * 360) / (Math.PI*2); } else if (!allowfire) { sarrow._visible = false; sarrow._rotation = 180; } sarrow._rotation = sarrow._rotation - ((sarrow._rotation - sarrow.desrotdeg) / 3); } else { sarrow._visible = false; } updateAfterEvent(); } function legfunc(framerate) { if (!alive) { rightkey = false; leftkey = false; if (deathdir < 0) { legs.desrot = 90; legs.desy = 45; } else if (deathdir > 0) { legs.desrot = -90; legs.desy = 35; } if (legs.easevalue > 5) { legs.easevalue = legs.easevalue - 3; } legs._rotation = legs._rotation - ((legs._rotation - legs.desrot) / legs.easevalue); legs._y = legs._y - ((legs._y - legs.desy) / legs.easevalue); if (framerate != 50) { clearInterval(legint); legint = setInterval(legfunc, 50, 50); } } else if (jumping) { if (framerate != 100) { clearInterval(legint); legint = setInterval(legfunc, 100, 100); } } else if (framerate != 35) { clearInterval(legint); legint = setInterval(legfunc, 35, 35); } if (alive) { if (((legs._currentframe == 1) || (legs._currentframe == 20)) || (legs._currentframe == 40)) { legstop = true; } else { legstop = false; } } else if (!alive) { if (legs.deathtimer < 10) { legs.deathtimer++; } else if ((legs._currentframe == 10) || (legs._currentframe == 30)) { legs.stop(); } else if (legs._currentframe > 30) { legs.prevFrame(); } else { legs.nextFrame(); } } if (((!rightkey) && (!leftkey)) && (alive)) { if (legstop == false) { legs.prevFrame(); } else { legs.stop(); } } else if (legs._currentframe == 1) { legs.gotoAndStop(40); } else { legs.prevFrame(); } updateAfterEvent(); } random5 = random(5); random6 = random(6); random7 = random(7); random8 = random(8); random9 = random(9); random10 = random(10); body.origx = body._x; body.origy = body._y; body.easevalue = 30; head.origx = head._x; head.origy = head._y; head.desx = head.origx; head.desy = head.origy; head.easevalue = 40; farm1.origrot = farm1._rotation; farm2.origrot = farm2._rotation; barm1.origrot = barm1._rotation; barm2.origrot = barm2._rotation; legs.stop(); legs.easevalue = 40; legs.deathtimer = 0; bow.gotoAndStop(5); bow.string._visible = false; var heroint = setInterval(bodyfunc, 50); var legint = setInterval(legfunc, 30, 30);
Instance of Symbol 109 MovieClip in Symbol 110 MovieClip [enemya] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.quiver._x; this._y = this._parent.quiver._y; this._rotation = this._parent.quiver._rotation; }
Instance of Symbol 69 MovieClip in Symbol 110 MovieClip [enemya] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.farm2._x; this._y = this._parent.farm2._y; this._rotation = this._parent.farm2._rotation + 90; }
Instance of Symbol 76 MovieClip in Symbol 110 MovieClip [enemya] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.farm1._x; this._y = this._parent.farm1._y; this._rotation = this._parent.farm1._rotation + 90; }
Instance of Symbol 85 MovieClip in Symbol 110 MovieClip [enemya] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.head._x; this._y = this._parent.head._y; this._rotation = this._parent.head._rotation + 90; }
Instance of Symbol 92 MovieClip in Symbol 110 MovieClip [enemya] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.body._x; this._y = this._parent.body._y; this._rotation = this._parent.body._rotation; }
Instance of Symbol 76 MovieClip in Symbol 110 MovieClip [enemya] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this._yscale = -100; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.barm1._x; this._y = this._parent.barm1._y; this._rotation = this._parent.barm1._rotation + 90; this._xscale = this._parent.barm1._yscale + 20; }
Instance of Symbol 69 MovieClip in Symbol 110 MovieClip [enemya] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.barm2._x; this._y = this._parent.barm2._y; this._rotation = this._parent.barm2._rotation + 90; this._xscale = this._parent.barm2._yscale + 50; }
Symbol 120 Button
on (release) { if (_root.herolives > 0) { play(); _root.desloc = "tryagain"; _root.mclick_s.start(); } }
Symbol 123 Button
on (release) { play(); _root.desloc = "menu"; _root.mclick_s.start(); }
Symbol 130 MovieClip [deathscreen] Frame 1
if (_root.dessfocus != 4) { _root.dessfocus = 4; clearInterval(_root.soundint1); _root.soundint1 = setInterval(_root.chgsnd1, 50); } _root.herolives--; if (_root.herolives > 0) { tryagain._visible = true; deathtext.text = "YOU HAVE DIED..."; } else { tryagain._visible = false; deathtext.text = "GAME OVER..."; } death_lives.text = "Lives - " + _root.herolives; death_headshots.text = "Headshots - " + _root.headshots; death_hits.text = "Hits - " + _root.hits; death_misses.text = "Misses - " + _root.misses; tryagain = false;
Symbol 130 MovieClip [deathscreen] Frame 19
Symbol 130 MovieClip [deathscreen] Frame 20
Symbol 130 MovieClip [deathscreen] Frame 60
tryagain = true; gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 135 MovieClip Frame 1
dlframe = 11;
Instance of Symbol 57 MovieClip in Symbol 135 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = this._parent.a1._x; _y = this._parent.a1._y; _rotation = this._parent.a1._rotation; }
Instance of Symbol 57 MovieClip in Symbol 135 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = this._parent.b1._x; _y = this._parent.b1._y; _rotation = this._parent.b1._rotation; }
Instance of Symbol 51 MovieClip in Symbol 135 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = this._parent.a2._x; _y = this._parent.a2._y; _rotation = this._parent.a2._rotation; }
Instance of Symbol 51 MovieClip in Symbol 135 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = this._parent.b2._x; _y = this._parent.b2._y; _rotation = this._parent.b2._rotation; }
Symbol 138 MovieClip [ninja] Frame 1
daframe = 6; function attackstart() { if (!stopattack) { stopattack = true; attack = true; body.desx = -5; body.desrot = -30; head.desx = -18; farm1.desrot = -170; farm2.desrot = -170; weapon1.desrot = -180; weapon2.desrot = -100; barm1.desrot = -100; barm2.desyscale = 73; barm2.desrot = -80; attackcheckint = setInterval(attackcheck, 75); } } function attackcheck() { if ((weapon1.hitTest(_root.hero.body) && (_root.hero.alive)) && (_alpha > 70)) { _root.herogruntfunc(); weaponyhit = (((_x - _root.hero._x) / Math.tan(((Math.abs(weapon._rotation) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360)) + weapon._y) + _y; _root.bloodspatter(_root.hero._x, weaponyhit, 1, ((Math.sin(((weapon._rotation * 2) * Math.PI) / 360) * 20) * (-_xscale)) / 100, Math.cos(((weapon._rotation * 2) * Math.PI) / 360) * 30); _root.hero.head._rotation = _root.hero.head._rotation + 10; _root.hero.farm1._rotation = _root.hero.farm1._rotation + 10; _root.hero.barm1._rotation = _root.hero.barm1._rotation + 10; = - 6; if ( < 0) { if (((_x < _root.hero._x) && (_root.hero._xscale > 0)) || ((_x > _root.hero._x) && (_root.hero._xscale < 0))) { _root.deadplayer(-1); } else if (((_x < _root.hero._x) && (_root.hero._xscale < 0)) || ((_x > _root.hero._x) && (_root.hero._xscale > 0))) { _root.deadplayer(1); } } } if (Math.abs(farm1._rotation - farm1.desrot) < 5) { attack = false; clearInterval(attackcheckint); setTimeout(allowattackint, 100); } } function allowattackint() { stopattack = false; fadeout = true; } function bodyfunc() { if ((Math.abs(head._x - head.desx) < 1) && (head._y > 0)) { clearInterval(heroint); clearInterval(legint); clearInterval(attackcheckint); } if (legs._currentframe < 8) { bodybounce = false; } else if (legs._currentframe < 10) { bodybounce = true; } else if (legs._currentframe < 18) { bodybounce = false; } else if (legs._currentframe < 20) { bodybounce = true; } else { bodybounce = false; } if (jumpanim) { body.desy = body.origy + 12; } else if (landanim) { body.desy = body.origy + 12; } else if (bodybounce) { body.desy = body.origy + 3; } else { body.desy = body.origy; } if ((!attack) && (alive)) { body.desx = body.origx; body.desrot = -18; } if (alive) { body._x = body._x - ((body._x - body.desx) / 2); body._y = body._y - ((body._y - body.desy) / 2); body._rotation = body._rotation - ((body._rotation - body.desrot) / 3); } if (attack) { if (bodybounce) { head.desy = head.origy + 6; } else { head.desy = head.origy + 3; } } else if (jumpanim) { head.desy = head.origy + 10; } else if (landanim) { head.desy = head.origy + 10; } else if (bodybounce) { head.desx = head.origx; head.desy = head.origy + 3; } else { head.desx = head.origx; head.desy = head.origy; } if (alive) { head._x = head._x - ((head._x - head.desx) / 4); head._y = head._y - ((head._y - head.desy) / 3); } if (Math.abs(degangle) < 20) { head.desrot = degangle; } head._rotation = head._rotation - ((head._rotation - head.desrot) / 5); farm1.bodyradrot = (((((-body._rotation) + 60) + 140) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; farm1._x = body._x + (Math.sin(farm1.bodyradrot) * 17); farm1._y = body._y + (Math.cos(farm1.bodyradrot) * 17); if (jumpanim) { farm1.bounce = -178; } else if (fallanim) { farm1.bounce = -168; } else if (bodybounce) { farm1.bounce = -158; } else { farm1.bounce = -148; } if (attack && (alive)) { farm1._rotation = farm1._rotation + ((farm1.desrot - farm1._rotation) / 2); } else if (alive) { farm1.desrot = farm1.bounce; if (farm1.desrot < -180) { farm1.desrot = -180; } farm1._rotation = farm1._rotation + ((farm1.desrot - farm1._rotation) / 5); } farm1radrot = ((((-farm1._rotation) + 180) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; farm2._y = (16 * Math.cos(farm1radrot)) + farm1._y; farm2._x = (16 * Math.sin(farm1radrot)) + farm1._x; if (bodybounce) { farm2.bounce = 8; } else { farm2.bounce = 0; } if (attack && (alive)) { farm2.movespd = 2; } else if (alive) { farm2.desrot = -22 + farm2.bounce; farm2.movespd = 5; } farm2._rotation = farm2._rotation + ((farm2.desrot - farm2._rotation) / farm2.movespd); if (attack && (alive)) { } else if (alive) { weapon1.desyscale = 30; if (bodybounce) { weapon1.desrot = -10 + random(5); } else { weapon1.desrot = -10; } } if (alive) { farm2radrot = ((((-farm2._rotation) + 180) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; weapon1._y = (14 * Math.cos(farm2radrot)) + farm2._y; weapon1._x = (14 * Math.sin(farm2radrot)) + farm2._x; } weapon1._yscale = weapon1._yscale - ((weapon1._yscale - weapon1.desyscale) / 3); weapon1._rotation = weapon1._rotation - ((weapon1._rotation - weapon1.desrot) / 3); if (attack && (alive)) { } else if (alive) { weapon2.desyscale = 30; if (bodybounce) { weapon2.desrot = -80 + random(5); } else { weapon2.desrot = -80; } } if (alive) { barm2radrot = ((((-barm2._rotation) + 180) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; weapon2._y = (14 * Math.cos(barm2radrot)) + barm2._y; weapon2._x = (14 * Math.sin(barm2radrot)) + barm2._x; } weapon2._yscale = weapon2._yscale - ((weapon2._yscale - weapon2.desyscale) / 3); weapon2._rotation = weapon2._rotation - ((weapon2._rotation - weapon2.desrot) / 3); barm1.bodyradrot = ((((-body._rotation) + 160) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; barm1._x = body._x + (Math.sin(barm1.bodyradrot) * 19); barm1._y = body._y + (Math.cos(barm1.bodyradrot) * 19); barm1.desyscale = 60; barm1._yscale = barm1._yscale + ((barm1.desyscale - barm1._yscale) / 3); if (jumpanim) { barm1.bounce = 10; } else if (bodybounce) { barm1.bounce = 6; } else { barm1.bounce = 0; } if (alive && (attack)) { } else { barm1.desrot = -160 + barm1.bounce; } barm1._rotation = barm1._rotation + ((barm1.desrot - barm1._rotation) / 5); barm1radrot = ((((-barm1._rotation) + 180) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; barm2._y = (((barm1._yscale * 16) / 58) * Math.cos(barm1radrot)) + barm1._y; barm2._x = (((barm1._yscale * 16) / 58) * Math.sin(barm1radrot)) + barm1._x; if (jumpanim) { farm1.bounce = -15; } else if (bodybounce) { barm2.bounce = -6; } else { barm2.bounce = 0; } if (attack && (alive)) { barm2.movespd = 2; } else { barm2.desyscale = 63; barm2.desrot = barm2.bounce - 88; barm2.movespd = 5; } barm2._yscale = barm2._yscale + ((barm2.desyscale - barm2._yscale) / 3); barm2._rotation = barm2._rotation + ((barm2.desrot - barm2._rotation) / barm2.movespd); updateAfterEvent(); } function legfunc(framerate) { if (!alive) { if (deathdir < 0) { legs.desrot = 90; legs.desy = 50; } else if (deathdir > 0) { legs.desrot = -90; legs.desy = 35; } if (legs.easevalue > 5) { legs.easevalue = legs.easevalue - 3; } legs._rotation = legs._rotation - ((legs._rotation - legs.desrot) / legs.easevalue); legs._y = legs._y - ((legs._y - legs.desy) / legs.easevalue); if (framerate != 50) { clearInterval(legint); legint = setInterval(legfunc, 50, 50); } } else if (jumping) { if (framerate != 100) { clearInterval(legint); legint = setInterval(legfunc, 100, 100); } } else if ((!rightkey) && (!leftkey)) { if (framerate != 50) { clearInterval(legint); legint = setInterval(legfunc, 50, 50); } } else if (rightkey && (_xscale == -100)) { if (framerate != 50) { clearInterval(legint); legint = setInterval(legfunc, 50, 50); } } else if (leftkey && (_xscale == 100)) { if (framerate != 50) { clearInterval(legint); legint = setInterval(legfunc, 50, 50); } } if (alive) { if (((legs._currentframe == 1) || (legs._currentframe == 10)) || (legs._currentframe == 20)) { legstop = true; } else { legstop = false; } if ((!rightkey) && (!leftkey)) { if (legstop == false) { legs.nextFrame(); } else { legs.stop(); } } else if (legs._currentframe == 20) { legs.gotoAndStop(1); } else { legs.nextFrame(); } } else if (!alive) { rightkey = false; leftkey = false; if (legs.deathtimer < 10) { legs.deathtimer++; } else if ((legs._currentframe == 5) || (legs._currentframe == 15)) { legs.stop(); } else if (legs._currentframe >= 15) { legs.prevFrame(); } else { legs.nextFrame(); } } updateAfterEvent(); } random5 = random(5); random6 = random(6); random7 = random(7); random8 = random(8); random9 = random(9); random10 = random(50); random11 = random(50); body.origx = body._x; body.origy = body._y; body.easevalue = 30; head.origx = head._x; head.origy = head._y; head.origrot = head._rotation; head.desx = head.origx; head.desy = head.origy; head.easevalue = 40; farm1.origrot = farm1._rotation; farm2.origrot = farm2._rotation; barm1.origrot = barm1._rotation; barm2.origrot = barm2._rotation; legs.stop(); legs.easevalue = 40; legs.deathtimer = 0; var heroint = setInterval(bodyfunc, 50); var legint = setInterval(legfunc, 50, 50);
Instance of Symbol 69 MovieClip in Symbol 138 MovieClip [ninja] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.farm2._x; this._y = this._parent.farm2._y; this._rotation = this._parent.farm2._rotation + 90; }
Instance of Symbol 76 MovieClip in Symbol 138 MovieClip [ninja] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.farm1._x; this._y = this._parent.farm1._y; this._rotation = this._parent.farm1._rotation + 90; }
Instance of Symbol 85 MovieClip in Symbol 138 MovieClip [ninja] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.head._x; this._y = this._parent.head._y; this._rotation = this._parent.head._rotation; }
Instance of Symbol 92 MovieClip in Symbol 138 MovieClip [ninja] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.body._x; this._y = this._parent.body._y; this._rotation = this._parent.body._rotation; }
Instance of Symbol 76 MovieClip in Symbol 138 MovieClip [ninja] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this._yscale = -100; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.barm1._x; this._y = this._parent.barm1._y; this._rotation = this._parent.barm1._rotation + 90; this._xscale = this._parent.barm1._yscale + 20; }
Instance of Symbol 69 MovieClip in Symbol 138 MovieClip [ninja] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.barm2._x; this._y = this._parent.barm2._y; this._rotation = this._parent.barm2._rotation + 90; this._xscale = this._parent.barm2._yscale + 50; }
Symbol 139 MovieClip [hero_mc] Frame 1
if ((_root._currentframe >= 16) && (_root._currentframe <= 22)) { gotoAndStop (2); } else { stop(); } if (_name == "hero") { daframe = 1; } else { daframe = random(5) + 2; } function stringscript() { if (alive) { origbowradrot = Math.atan(bow.tstringloc._y / bow.tstringloc._x); origbowdegrot = (origbowradrot * 360) / (Math.PI*2); origbowhyp = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(bow.tstringloc._y, 2) + Math.pow(bow.tstringloc._x, 2)); upendpointangle = (Math.PI * (bow._rotation + origbowdegrot)) / 180; upendpointx = bow._x + (origbowhyp * Math.cos(upendpointangle)); upendpointy = bow._y + (origbowhyp * Math.sin(upendpointangle)); downendpointangle = (Math.PI * (bow._rotation - origbowdegrot)) / 180; downendpointx = bow._x + (origbowhyp * Math.cos(downendpointangle)); downendpointy = bow._y + (origbowhyp * Math.sin(downendpointangle)); } if (!alive) { stretchvalue = 1.2; despointx = (upendpointx + downendpointx) / 2; despointy = (upendpointy + downendpointy) / 2; } else if (allowfire && (barm2._rotation < -80)) { despointx = sarrow._x; despointy = sarrow._y; stretchvalue = 10; } else if (!allowfire) { stretchvalue = 1.2; despointx = (upendpointx + downendpointx) / 2; despointy = (upendpointy + downendpointy) / 2; } if (alive) { startpointx = startpointx - ((startpointx - despointx) / stretchvalue); startpointy = startpointy - ((startpointy - despointy) / stretchvalue); createEmptyMovieClip("upperstring", 5); upperstring.lineStyle(0, 0, 100); upperstring.moveTo(startpointx, startpointy); upperstring.lineTo(upendpointx, upendpointy); createEmptyMovieClip("downstring", 6); downstring.lineStyle(0, 0, 100); downstring.moveTo(startpointx, startpointy); downstring.lineTo(downendpointx, downendpointy); } else { removeMovieClip("upperstring"); removeMovieClip("downstring"); } updateAfterEvent(); } stringscriptvariable = setInterval(function () { stringscript(); }, 30); startpointx = 0; startpointy = 0; function bodyfunc() { if ((Math.abs(head._x - head.desx) < 1) && (head._y > 0)) { clearInterval(heroint); clearInterval(legint); clearInterval(stringscriptvariable); } if (legs._currentframe < 16) { bodybounce = false; } else if (legs._currentframe < 20) { bodybounce = true; } else if (legs._currentframe < 36) { bodybounce = false; } else if (legs._currentframe < 40) { bodybounce = true; } else { bodybounce = false; } if ((!alive) && (deathdir < 0)) { body.desx = 40; body.desy = 40; body.desrot = 87 + random5; } else if ((!alive) && (deathdir > 0)) { body.desx = -30; body.desy = 40; body.desrot = -87 + random6; } else if (jumpanim) { body.desy = body.origy + 12; } else if (landanim) { body.desy = body.origy + 12; } else if (bodybounce) { body.desy = body.origy + 3; } else { body.desy = body.origy; } if (alive) { body._x = body._x - ((body._x - body.desx) / 2); body._y = body._y - ((body._y - body.desy) / 2); body._rotation = body._rotation - ((body._rotation - body.desrot) / 2); } else { if (body.easevalue > 2) { body.easevalue = body.easevalue - 2; } body._x = body._x - ((body._x - body.desx) / body.easevalue); body._y = body._y - ((body._y - body.desy) / body.easevalue); body._rotation = body._rotation - ((body._rotation - body.desrot) / body.easevalue); } quiver.bodyradrot = ((((-body._rotation) + 145) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; quiver.desx = body._x + (Math.sin(quiver.bodyradrot) * 19); quiver.desy = body._y + (Math.cos(quiver.bodyradrot) * 19); quiver._x = quiver._x - ((quiver._x - quiver.desx) / 1.1); quiver._y = quiver._y - ((quiver._y - quiver.desy) / 1.1); quiver._rotation = body._rotation; if ((!alive) && (deathdir < 0)) { head.desy = 40; head.desx = 65; } else if ((!alive) && (deathdir > 0)) { head.desy = 40; head.desx = -55; } else if (jumpanim) { head.desy = head.origy + 10; } else if (landanim) { head.desy = head.origy + 10; } else if (bodybounce) { head.desy = head.origy + 3; } else { head.desy = head.origy; } if (alive) { head.desx = firepower / 5; head._x = head._x - ((head._x - head.desx) / 4); head._y = head._y - ((head._y - head.desy) / 3); } else { if (head.easevalue > 5) { head.easevalue = head.easevalue - 3; } head._x = head._x - ((head._x - head.desx) / head.easevalue); head._y = head._y - ((head._y - head.desy) / head.easevalue); } if (!alive) { head.desrot = body._rotation - 90; } else if ((aimangle < -75) && (aimangle > -115)) { head.desrot = aimangle; } else if (aimangle > -75) { head.desrot = -75; } else if (aimangle < -115) { head.desrot = -115; } head._rotation = head._rotation - ((head._rotation - head.desrot) / 5); aimangle = -(degangle + 90); if (aimangle > -50) { aimangle = -50; } else if (aimangle < -130) { aimangle = -130; } farm1.bodyradrot = (((((-body._rotation) + 60) + 140) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; farm1._x = body._x + (Math.sin(farm1.bodyradrot) * 17); farm1._y = body._y + (Math.cos(farm1.bodyradrot) * 17); if (jumpanim) { farm1.bounce = -60; } else if (fallanim) { farm1.bounce = -70; } else if (bodybounce) { farm1.bounce = -55; } else { farm1.bounce = -42; } if (alive) { farm1.desrot = ((farm1.bounce + aimangle) + firepower) - 10; if (farm1.desrot < -180) { farm1.desrot = -180; } farm1._rotation = farm1._rotation + ((farm1.desrot - farm1._rotation) / 5); } else if (deathdir < 0) { farm1.desrot = -95 + random7; farm1._rotation = farm1._rotation + ((farm1.desrot - farm1._rotation) / 15); } else if (deathdir > 0) { farm1.desrot = -95 + random5; farm1._rotation = farm1._rotation + ((farm1.desrot - farm1._rotation) / 15); } farm1radrot = ((((-farm1._rotation) + 180) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; farm2._y = (16 * Math.cos(farm1radrot)) + farm1._y; farm2._x = (16 * Math.sin(farm1radrot)) + farm1._x; if (bodybounce) { farm2.bounce = 8; } else { farm2.bounce = 0; } if (alive) { farm2.desrot = ((farm2.bounce + (aimangle * 0.6)) - firepower) + 10; } else if (deathdir < 0) { farm2.desrot = -120 + random5; } else if (deathdir > 0) { farm2.desrot = -85 + random7; } farm2._rotation = farm2._rotation + ((farm2.desrot - farm2._rotation) / 5); if (alive) { farm2radrot = ((((-farm2._rotation) + 180) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; if (allowfire) { bow.gotoAndStop(firepower + 5); if (firepower != 0) { bow.maxpower = firepower; } } else if (!allowfire) { if (bow.maxpower == 4) { bow.maxpower == 5; } else if (bow.maxpower > 5) { bow.maxpower = bow.maxpower - 6; } else if (bow.maxpower < 5) { bow.maxpower = bow.maxpower + 2; } bow.gotoAndStop(bow.maxpower); } bow._y = (17 * Math.cos(farm2radrot)) + farm2._y; bow._x = (17 * Math.sin(farm2radrot)) + farm2._x; if (bodybounce) { bow.desrot = (((farm2._rotation + farm1._rotation) / 2) + 87) + random(5); } else { bow.desrot = ((farm2._rotation + farm1._rotation) / 2) + 90; } } else { bow._visible = false; bow._rotation = 180; bow._y = head._y; bow._x = head._x; } bow._rotation = bow._rotation - ((bow._rotation - bow.desrot) / 3); barm1.bodyradrot = ((((-body._rotation) + 160) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; barm1._x = body._x + (Math.sin(barm1.bodyradrot) * 19); barm1._y = body._y + (Math.cos(barm1.bodyradrot) * 19); if (!alive) { barm1.desyscale = 50 + random5; } else if (allowfire) { barm1.desyscale = 20 + (firepower * 1.9); } else if (!allowfire) { barm1.desyscale = 30; } barm1._yscale = barm1._yscale + ((barm1.desyscale - barm1._yscale) / 3); if (jumpanim) { barm1.bounce = 10; } else if (bodybounce) { barm1.bounce = 6; } else { barm1.bounce = 0; } if ((!alive) && (deathdir < 0)) { barm1.desrot = 180 - random6; } else if ((!alive) && (deathdir > 0)) { barm1.desrot = 170 - random8; } else if (allowfire) { barm1.desrot = ((barm1.bounce + aimangle) + 180) + firepower; } else if (!allowfire) { barm1.desrot = barm1.bounce + 90; } if (!alive) { barm1._rotation = barm1._rotation + ((barm1.desrot - barm1._rotation) / 20); } else { barm1._rotation = barm1._rotation + ((barm1.desrot - barm1._rotation) / 5); } barm1radrot = ((((-barm1._rotation) + 180) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; barm2._y = (((barm1._yscale * 16) / 58) * Math.cos(barm1radrot)) + barm1._y; barm2._x = (((barm1._yscale * 16) / 58) * Math.sin(barm1radrot)) + barm1._x; if (allowfire) { barm2.desyscale = 75 - (firepower * 0.9); } else if (!allowfire) { barm2.desyscale = 50; } barm2._yscale = barm2._yscale + ((barm2.desyscale - barm2._yscale) / 3); if (jumpanim) { farm1.bounce = -15; } else if (bodybounce) { barm2.bounce = -6; } else { barm2.bounce = 0; } if (allowfire) { barm2.desrot = (barm2.bounce + barm2.origrot) + (firepower / 2); } else if (!allowfire) { barm2.desrot = barm2.bounce - 10; } barm2._rotation = barm2._rotation + ((barm2.desrot - barm2._rotation) / 5); if (alive) { barm2radrot = ((((-barm2._rotation) + 180) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; sarrow._y = (((barm2._yscale * 16) / 58) * Math.cos(barm2radrot)) + barm2._y; sarrow._x = (((barm2._yscale * 16) / 58) * Math.sin(barm2radrot)) + barm2._x; sarrow.xdis = bow._x - sarrow._x; sarrow.ydis = bow._y - sarrow._y; if (allowfire) { sarrow._visible = true; sarrow.desrotrad = Math.atan(sarrow.ydis / sarrow.xdis); sarrow.desrotdeg = (sarrow.desrotrad * 360) / (Math.PI*2); } else if (!allowfire) { sarrow._visible = false; sarrow._rotation = 180; } sarrow._rotation = sarrow._rotation - ((sarrow._rotation - sarrow.desrotdeg) / 3); } else { sarrow._visible = false; } updateAfterEvent(); } function legfunc(framerate) { if (!alive) { rightkey = false; leftkey = false; if (deathdir < 0) { legs.desrot = 90; legs.desy = 45; } else if (deathdir > 0) { legs.desrot = -90; legs.desy = 35; } if (legs.easevalue > 5) { legs.easevalue = legs.easevalue - 3; } legs._rotation = legs._rotation - ((legs._rotation - legs.desrot) / legs.easevalue); legs._y = legs._y - ((legs._y - legs.desy) / legs.easevalue); if (framerate != 45) { clearInterval(legint); legint = setInterval(legfunc, 45, 45); } } else if (jumping) { if (framerate != 100) { clearInterval(legint); legint = setInterval(legfunc, 100, 100); } } else if ((!rightkey) && (!leftkey)) { if (legs.walk == "forward") { if (framerate != 25) { clearInterval(legint); legint = setInterval(legfunc, 25, 25); } } else if (legs.walk == "backward") { if (framerate != 30) { clearInterval(legint); legint = setInterval(legfunc, 30, 30); } } } else if (rightkey && (_xscale == -100)) { legs.walk = "forward"; if (framerate != 25) { clearInterval(legint); legint = setInterval(legfunc, 25, 25); } } else if (rightkey && (_xscale == 100)) { legs.walk = "backward"; if (framerate != 30) { clearInterval(legint); legint = setInterval(legfunc, 30, 30); } } else if (leftkey && (_xscale == -100)) { legs.walk = "backward"; if (framerate != 30) { clearInterval(legint); legint = setInterval(legfunc, 30, 30); } } else if (leftkey && (_xscale == 100)) { legs.walk = "forward"; if (framerate != 25) { clearInterval(legint); legint = setInterval(legfunc, 25, 25); } } if (alive) { if (((legs._currentframe == 1) || (legs._currentframe == 20)) || (legs._currentframe == 40)) { legstop = true; } else { legstop = false; } } else if (!alive) { if (legs.deathtimer < 10) { legs.deathtimer++; } else if ((legs._currentframe == 10) || (legs._currentframe == 30)) { legs.stop(); } else if (legs._currentframe > 30) { legs.prevFrame(); } else { legs.nextFrame(); } } if (((!rightkey) && (!leftkey)) && (alive)) { if (legstop == false) { if (legs.walk == "forward") { legs.nextFrame(); } else if (legs.walk == "backward") { legs.prevFrame(); } } else { legs.stop(); } } else if (legs.walk == "forward") { if (legs._currentframe == 40) { legs.gotoAndStop(1); } else { legs.nextFrame(); } } else if (legs.walk == "backward") { if (legs._currentframe == 1) { legs.gotoAndStop(40); } else { legs.prevFrame(); } } updateAfterEvent(); } random5 = random(5); random6 = random(6); random7 = random(7); random8 = random(8); random9 = random(9); random10 = random(10); body.origx = body._x; body.origy = body._y; body.easevalue = 30; head.origx = head._x; head.origy = head._y; head.desx = head.origx; head.desy = head.origy; head.easevalue = 40; farm1.origrot = farm1._rotation; farm2.origrot = farm2._rotation; barm1.origrot = barm1._rotation; barm2.origrot = barm2._rotation; legs.stop(); legs.easevalue = 40; legs.deathtimer = 0; bow.gotoAndStop(5); bow.string._visible = false; var heroint = setInterval(bodyfunc, 50); var legint = setInterval(legfunc, 25, 25);
Instance of Symbol 109 MovieClip in Symbol 139 MovieClip [hero_mc] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.quiver._x; this._y = this._parent.quiver._y; this._rotation = this._parent.quiver._rotation; }
Instance of Symbol 69 MovieClip in Symbol 139 MovieClip [hero_mc] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.farm2._x; this._y = this._parent.farm2._y; this._rotation = this._parent.farm2._rotation + 90; }
Instance of Symbol 76 MovieClip in Symbol 139 MovieClip [hero_mc] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.farm1._x; this._y = this._parent.farm1._y; this._rotation = this._parent.farm1._rotation + 90; }
Instance of Symbol 85 MovieClip in Symbol 139 MovieClip [hero_mc] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.head._x; this._y = this._parent.head._y; this._rotation = this._parent.head._rotation + 90; }
Instance of Symbol 92 MovieClip in Symbol 139 MovieClip [hero_mc] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.body._x; this._y = this._parent.body._y; this._rotation = this._parent.body._rotation; }
Instance of Symbol 76 MovieClip in Symbol 139 MovieClip [hero_mc] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.barm1._x; this._y = this._parent.barm1._y; this._rotation = this._parent.barm1._rotation + 90; this._xscale = this._parent.barm1._yscale + 20; }
Instance of Symbol 69 MovieClip in Symbol 139 MovieClip [hero_mc] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.barm2._x; this._y = this._parent.barm2._y; this._rotation = this._parent.barm2._rotation + 90; this._xscale = this._parent.barm2._yscale + 50; }
Symbol 142 MovieClip [enemyB1] Frame 1
if (_name == "hero") { daframe = 1; } else if (weapontype == "axe") { daframe = 5; } else { daframe = random(5) + 2; } function attackstart() { if (!stopattack) { _root.swfunc(); attacknumber = attacknumber + 0.2; if (_root.hero._x < this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } stopattack = true; attack = true; if (_root.hero._y < (_y - 30)) { randomdif = 35; heightdif = 0; } else { randomdif = 25; heightdif = 75; } random100 = (random(randomdif) + heightdif) / 100; body.desx = -15 * random100; body.desrot = -30 * random100; head.desx = -35 * random100; farm1.desrot = -170 * random100; farm2.desrot = -170 * random100; weapon.desyscale = (100 * (random(20) + 80)) / 100; weapon.desrot = -180 * random100; barm1.desrot = -170 * random100; barm2.desyscale = 73 * random100; barm2.desrot = -140 * random100; attackcheckint = setInterval(attackcheck, 75, 5, 4); } } function powercharge() { if (!stopattack) { _root.bosscharge_s.start(); stopattack = true; attack = true; body.desx = 5; body.desrot = 20; head.desx = 15; farm1.desrot = -60; farm2.desrot = 20; weapon.desyscale = 100; weapon.desrot = 30; barm1.desrot = -70; barm2.desrot = -30; attackcheckint = setInterval(chargecheck, 75); } } function chargecheck() { if (Math.abs(farm1._rotation - farm1.desrot) < 1E-5) { clearInterval(attackcheckint); stopattack = false; powerattack(); } } function powerattack() { if (!stopattack) { _root.bosscharge_s.stop(); _root.bossgrunt_s.start(); _root.swfunc(); stopattack = true; body.desx = -15; body.desrot = -30; head.desx = -40; farm1.desrot = -170; farm2.desrot = -170; weapon.desyscale = 100; weapon.desrot = -180; barm1.desrot = -170; barm2.desrot = -160; attackcheckint = setInterval(attackcheck, 75, 1E-6, 50); } } function attackcheck(accuracy, damage) { if (weapon.hitTest(_root.hero.body) && (_root.hero.alive)) { _root.herogruntfunc(); weaponyhit = (((_x - _root.hero._x) / Math.tan(((Math.abs(weapon._rotation) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360)) + weapon._y) + _y; _root.bloodspatter(_root.hero._x, weaponyhit, 1, ((Math.sin(((weapon._rotation * 2) * Math.PI) / 360) * 20) * (-_xscale)) / 100, Math.cos(((weapon._rotation * 2) * Math.PI) / 360) * 30); _root.hero.head._rotation = _root.hero.head._rotation + 10; _root.hero.farm1._rotation = _root.hero.farm1._rotation + 10; _root.hero.barm1._rotation = _root.hero.barm1._rotation + 10; if (damage == 50) { if (Math.abs(farm1._rotation - farm1.desrot) > 5) { = - (damage * powerfac); } } else { = - (damage * powerfac); } if ( < 0) { if (((_x < _root.hero._x) && (_root.hero._xscale > 0)) || ((_x > _root.hero._x) && (_root.hero._xscale < 0))) { _root.deadplayer(-1); } else if (((_x < _root.hero._x) && (_root.hero._xscale < 0)) || ((_x > _root.hero._x) && (_root.hero._xscale > 0))) { _root.deadplayer(1); } } } if (Math.abs(farm1._rotation - farm1.desrot) < accuracy) { attack = false; if (damage == 50) { attacknumber = 0; } clearInterval(attackcheckint); setTimeout(allowattackint, 100); } } function allowattackint() { stopattack = false; } function bodyfunc() { if ((Math.abs(head._x - head.desx) < 1) && (head._y > 0)) { clearInterval(heroint); clearInterval(legint); clearInterval(attackcheckint); } if (legs._currentframe < 16) { bodybounce = false; } else if (legs._currentframe < 20) { bodybounce = true; } else if (legs._currentframe < 36) { bodybounce = false; } else if (legs._currentframe < 40) { bodybounce = true; } else { bodybounce = false; } if ((!alive) && (deathdir < 0)) { body.desx = 40; body.desy = 40; body.desrot = 87 + random5; } else if ((!alive) && (deathdir > 0)) { body.desx = -30; body.desy = 40; body.desrot = -87 + random6; } else if (jumpanim) { body.desy = body.origy + 12; } else if (landanim) { body.desy = body.origy + 12; } else if (bodybounce) { body.desy = body.origy + 3; } else { body.desy = body.origy; } if ((!attack) && (alive)) { body.desx = body.origx; body.desrot = -10; } if (alive) { body._x = body._x - ((body._x - body.desx) / 2); body._y = body._y - ((body._y - body.desy) / 2); body._rotation = body._rotation - ((body._rotation - body.desrot) / 3); } else { if (body.easevalue > 2) { body.easevalue = body.easevalue - 2; } body._x = body._x - ((body._x - body.desx) / body.easevalue); body._y = body._y - ((body._y - body.desy) / body.easevalue); body._rotation = body._rotation - ((body._rotation - body.desrot) / body.easevalue); } if ((!alive) && (deathdir < 0)) { head.desy = 40; head.desx = 65; } else if ((!alive) && (deathdir > 0)) { head.desy = 40; head.desx = -55; } else if (attack) { if (bodybounce) { head.desy = head.origy + 6; } else { head.desy = head.origy + 3; } } else if (jumpanim) { head.desy = head.origy + 10; } else if (landanim) { head.desy = head.origy + 10; } else if (bodybounce) { head.desx = head.origx; head.desy = head.origy + 3; } else { head.desx = head.origx; head.desy = head.origy; } if (alive) { head._x = head._x - ((head._x - head.desx) / 4); head._y = head._y - ((head._y - head.desy) / 3); } else { if (head.easevalue > 5) { head.easevalue = head.easevalue - 3; } head._x = head._x - ((head._x - head.desx) / head.easevalue); head._y = head._y - ((head._y - head.desy) / head.easevalue); } if (!alive) { head.desrot = body._rotation; } else if (Math.abs(degangle) < 20) { head.desrot = degangle; } head._rotation = head._rotation - ((head._rotation - head.desrot) / 5); farm1.bodyradrot = (((((-body._rotation) + 60) + 140) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; farm1._x = body._x + (Math.sin(farm1.bodyradrot) * 30); farm1._y = body._y + (Math.cos(farm1.bodyradrot) * 30); if (jumpanim) { farm1.bounce = -168; } else if (fallanim) { farm1.bounce = -158; } else if (bodybounce) { farm1.bounce = -148; } else { farm1.bounce = -138; } if (attack && (alive)) { farm1._rotation = farm1._rotation + ((farm1.desrot - farm1._rotation) / 2); } else if (alive) { farm1.desrot = farm1.bounce; if (farm1.desrot < -180) { farm1.desrot = -180; } farm1._rotation = farm1._rotation + ((farm1.desrot - farm1._rotation) / 5); } else if (deathdir < 0) { farm1.desrot = -95 + random7; farm1._rotation = farm1._rotation + ((farm1.desrot - farm1._rotation) / 15); } else if (deathdir > 0) { farm1.desrot = (-95 + random5) + (random11 * 2); farm1._rotation = farm1._rotation + ((farm1.desrot - farm1._rotation) / 15); } farm1radrot = ((((-farm1._rotation) + 180) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; farm2._y = (30 * Math.cos(farm1radrot)) + farm1._y; farm2._x = (30 * Math.sin(farm1radrot)) + farm1._x; if (bodybounce) { farm2.bounce = 8; } else { farm2.bounce = 0; } if (attack && (alive)) { farm2.movespd = 2; } else if (alive) { farm2.desrot = -22 + farm2.bounce; farm2.movespd = 5; } else if (deathdir < 0) { farm2.desrot = -120 + random5; farm2.movespd = 5; } else if (deathdir > 0) { farm2.desrot = (-85 + random7) + (random10 * 2); farm2.movespd = 5; } farm2._rotation = farm2._rotation + ((farm2.desrot - farm2._rotation) / farm2.movespd); if (attack && (alive)) { } else if (alive) { weapon.desyscale = 100; if (bodybounce) { weapon.desrot = -10 + random(5); } else { weapon.desrot = -10; } } else { weapon._visible = false; weapon._rotation = 180; weapon._y = head._y; weapon._x = head._x; } if (alive) { farm2radrot = ((((-farm2._rotation) + 180) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; barm2radrot = ((((-barm2._rotation) + 180) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; weapon.farm2y = (25 * Math.cos(farm2radrot)) + farm2._y; weapon.farm2x = (25 * Math.sin(farm2radrot)) + farm2._x; weapon.barm2y = (25 * Math.cos(barm2radrot)) + barm2._y; weapon.barm2x = (25 * Math.sin(barm2radrot)) + barm2._x; weapon._x = (weapon.farm2x + weapon.barm2x) / 2; weapon._y = (weapon.farm2y + weapon.barm2y) / 2; } weapon._yscale = weapon._yscale - ((weapon._yscale - weapon.desyscale) / 3); weapon._rotation = weapon._rotation - ((weapon._rotation - weapon.desrot) / 3); barm1.bodyradrot = ((((-body._rotation) + 160) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; barm1._x = body._x + (Math.sin(barm1.bodyradrot) * 30); barm1._y = body._y + (Math.cos(barm1.bodyradrot) * 30); if (jumpanim) { barm1.bounce = 10; } else if (bodybounce) { barm1.bounce = 6; } else { barm1.bounce = 0; } if (alive && (attack)) { } else if ((!alive) && (deathdir < 0)) { barm1.desrot = (180 - random6) - (random10 * 2); } else if ((!alive) && (deathdir > 0)) { barm1.desrot = 170 - random8; } else { barm1.desrot = -125 + barm1.bounce; } if (!alive) { barm1._rotation = barm1._rotation + ((barm1.desrot - barm1._rotation) / 20); } else { barm1._rotation = barm1._rotation + ((barm1.desrot - barm1._rotation) / 5); } barm1radrot = ((((-barm1._rotation) + 180) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; barm2._y = (25 * Math.cos(barm1radrot)) + barm1._y; barm2._x = (25 * Math.sin(barm1radrot)) + barm1._x; if (jumpanim) { farm1.bounce = -15; } else if (bodybounce) { barm2.bounce = -6; } else { barm2.bounce = 0; } if (attack && (alive)) { barm2.movespd = 2; } else { barm2.desrot = barm2.bounce - 52; barm2.movespd = 5; } barm2._rotation = barm2._rotation + ((barm2.desrot - barm2._rotation) / barm2.movespd); updateAfterEvent(); } function legfunc(framerate) { if (!alive) { rightkey = false; leftkey = false; if (deathdir < 0) { legs.desrot = 90; legs.desy = 50; } else if (deathdir > 0) { legs.desrot = -90; legs.desy = 35; } if (legs.easevalue > 5) { legs.easevalue = legs.easevalue - 3; } legs._rotation = legs._rotation - ((legs._rotation - legs.desrot) / legs.easevalue); legs._y = legs._y - ((legs._y - legs.desy) / legs.easevalue); if (framerate != 50) { clearInterval(legint); legint = setInterval(legfunc, 50, 50); } if (legs.deathtimer < 10) { legs.deathtimer++; } else if ((legs._currentframe == 10) || (legs._currentframe == 30)) { legs.stop(); } else if (legs._currentframe > 30) { legs.prevFrame(); } else { legs.nextFrame(); } } else if (jumping) { if (framerate != 100) { clearInterval(legint); legint = setInterval(legfunc, 100, 100); } } else if (framerate != 30) { clearInterval(legint); legint = setInterval(legfunc, 30, 30); } if (alive) { if (((legs._currentframe == 1) || (legs._currentframe == 20)) || (legs._currentframe == 40)) { legstop = true; } else { legstop = false; } if ((!rightkey) && (!leftkey)) { if (legstop == false) { legs.nextFrame(); } else { legs.stop(); } } else if (!attack) { if (legs._currentframe == 40) { legs.gotoAndStop(1); } else { legs.nextFrame(); } } } updateAfterEvent(); } random5 = random(5); random6 = random(6); random7 = random(7); random8 = random(8); random9 = random(9); random10 = random(50); random11 = random(50); body.origx = body._x; body.origy = body._y; body.easevalue = 30; head.origx = head._x; head.origy = head._y; head.origrot = head._rotation; head.desx = head.origx; head.desy = head.origy; head.easevalue = 40; farm1.origrot = farm1._rotation; farm2.origrot = farm2._rotation; barm1.origrot = barm1._rotation; barm2.origrot = barm2._rotation; legs.stop(); legs.easevalue = 40; legs.deathtimer = 0; var heroint = setInterval(bodyfunc, 50); var legint = setInterval(legfunc, 30, 30);
Instance of Symbol 58 MovieClip "legs" in Symbol 142 MovieClip [enemyB1] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_currentframe == 10) || (_currentframe == 30)) { this._parent.attacknumber++; } }
Instance of Symbol 69 MovieClip in Symbol 142 MovieClip [enemyB1] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.farm2._x; this._y = this._parent.farm2._y; this._rotation = this._parent.farm2._rotation + 90; }
Instance of Symbol 76 MovieClip in Symbol 142 MovieClip [enemyB1] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.farm1._x; this._y = this._parent.farm1._y; this._rotation = this._parent.farm1._rotation + 90; }
Instance of Symbol 85 MovieClip in Symbol 142 MovieClip [enemyB1] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.head._x; this._y = this._parent.head._y; this._rotation = this._parent.head._rotation; }
Instance of Symbol 92 MovieClip in Symbol 142 MovieClip [enemyB1] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.body._x; this._y = this._parent.body._y; this._rotation = this._parent.body._rotation; }
Instance of Symbol 76 MovieClip in Symbol 142 MovieClip [enemyB1] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this._yscale = -130; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.barm1._x; this._y = this._parent.barm1._y; this._rotation = this._parent.barm1._rotation + 90; this._xscale = this._parent.barm1._yscale + 30; }
Instance of Symbol 69 MovieClip in Symbol 142 MovieClip [enemyB1] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.barm2._x; this._y = this._parent.barm2._y; this._rotation = this._parent.barm2._rotation + 90; this._xscale = this._parent.barm2._yscale + 50; }
Symbol 143 MovieClip [enemy3] Frame 1
if (_name == "hero") { daframe = 1; } else { daframe = random(3) + 2; } function attackstart() { if (!stopattack) { _root.swfunc(); stopattack = true; attack = true; if (_root.hero._y < (_y - 30)) { randomdif = 35; heightdif = 20; } else { randomdif = 25; heightdif = 75; } random100 = (random(randomdif) + heightdif) / 100; body.desx = -5 * random100; body.desrot = -15 * random100; head.desx = -18 * random100; weapon.desyscale = (100 * (random(20) + 80)) / 100; weapon.desrot = -180 * random100; shield.desrot = -15; barm1.desrot = -170 * random100; barm2.desyscale = 73 * random100; barm2.desrot = -140 * random100; attackcheckint = setInterval(attackcheck, 100); } } function attackcheck() { if (weapon.hitTest(_root.hero.body) && (_root.hero.alive)) { _root.herogruntfunc(); weaponyhit = (((_x - _root.hero._x) / Math.tan(((Math.abs(weapon._rotation) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360)) + weapon._y) + _y; _root.bloodspatter(_root.hero._x, weaponyhit, 1, ((Math.sin(((weapon._rotation * 2) * Math.PI) / 360) * 20) * (-_xscale)) / 100, Math.cos(((weapon._rotation * 2) * Math.PI) / 360) * 30); _root.hero.head._rotation = _root.hero.head._rotation + 10; _root.hero.farm1._rotation = _root.hero.farm1._rotation + 10; _root.hero.barm1._rotation = _root.hero.barm1._rotation + 10; = - (7 * powerfac); if ( < 0) { if (((_x < _root.hero._x) && (_root.hero._xscale > 0)) || ((_x > _root.hero._x) && (_root.hero._xscale < 0))) { _root.deadplayer(-1); } else if (((_x < _root.hero._x) && (_root.hero._xscale < 0)) || ((_x > _root.hero._x) && (_root.hero._xscale > 0))) { _root.deadplayer(1); } } } if (Math.abs(farm1._rotation - farm1.desrot) < 5) { attack = false; clearInterval(attackcheckint); setTimeout(allowattackint, 100); } } function allowattackint() { stopattack = false; } function bodyfunc() { if ((Math.abs(head._x - head.desx) < 1) && (head._y > 0)) { clearInterval(heroint); clearInterval(legint); clearInterval(attackcheckint); } if (legs._currentframe < 16) { bodybounce = false; } else if (legs._currentframe < 20) { bodybounce = true; } else if (legs._currentframe < 36) { bodybounce = false; } else if (legs._currentframe < 40) { bodybounce = true; } else { bodybounce = false; } if ((!alive) && (deathdir < 0)) { body.desx = 40; body.desy = 40; body.desrot = 87 + random5; } else if ((!alive) && (deathdir > 0)) { body.desx = -30; body.desy = 40; body.desrot = -87 + random6; } else if (jumpanim) { body.desy = body.origy + 12; } else if (landanim) { body.desy = body.origy + 12; } else if (bodybounce) { body.desy = body.origy + 3; } else { body.desy = body.origy; } if ((!attack) && (alive)) { body.desx = body.origx; body.desrot = -10; } if (alive) { body._x = body._x - ((body._x - body.desx) / 2); body._y = body._y - ((body._y - body.desy) / 2); body._rotation = body._rotation - ((body._rotation - body.desrot) / 3); } else { if (body.easevalue > 2) { body.easevalue = body.easevalue - 2; } body._x = body._x - ((body._x - body.desx) / body.easevalue); body._y = body._y - ((body._y - body.desy) / body.easevalue); body._rotation = body._rotation - ((body._rotation - body.desrot) / body.easevalue); } if ((!alive) && (deathdir < 0)) { head.desy = 40; head.desx = 65; } else if ((!alive) && (deathdir > 0)) { head.desy = 40; head.desx = -55; } else if (attack) { if (bodybounce) { head.desy = head.origy + 6; } else { head.desy = head.origy + 3; } } else if (jumpanim) { head.desy = head.origy + 10; } else if (landanim) { head.desy = head.origy + 10; } else if (bodybounce) { head.desx = head.origx; head.desy = head.origy + 3; } else { head.desx = head.origx; head.desy = head.origy; } if (alive) { head._x = head._x - ((head._x - head.desx) / 4); head._y = head._y - ((head._y - head.desy) / 3); } else { if (head.easevalue > 5) { head.easevalue = head.easevalue - 3; } head._x = head._x - ((head._x - head.desx) / head.easevalue); head._y = head._y - ((head._y - head.desy) / head.easevalue); } if (!alive) { head.desrot = body._rotation; } else if (Math.abs(degangle) < 20) { head.desrot = degangle; } head._rotation = head._rotation - ((head._rotation - head.desrot) / 5); farm1.bodyradrot = (((((-body._rotation) + 60) + 140) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; farm1._x = body._x + (Math.sin(farm1.bodyradrot) * 17); farm1._y = body._y + (Math.cos(farm1.bodyradrot) * 17); if (jumpanim) { farm1.bounce = -168; } else if (fallanim) { farm1.bounce = -158; } else if (bodybounce) { farm1.bounce = -148; } else { farm1.bounce = -138; } if (attack && (alive)) { farm1._rotation = farm1._rotation + ((farm1.desrot - farm1._rotation) / 2); } else if (alive) { farm1.desrot = farm1.bounce; if (farm1.desrot < -180) { farm1.desrot = -180; } farm1._rotation = farm1._rotation + ((farm1.desrot - farm1._rotation) / 5); } else if (deathdir < 0) { farm1.desrot = -95 + random7; farm1._rotation = farm1._rotation + ((farm1.desrot - farm1._rotation) / 15); } else if (deathdir > 0) { farm1.desrot = (-95 + random5) + (random11 * 2); farm1._rotation = farm1._rotation + ((farm1.desrot - farm1._rotation) / 15); } farm1radrot = ((((-farm1._rotation) + 180) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; shield._y = ((16 * Math.cos(farm1radrot)) + farm1._y) + 13; shield._x = ((16 * Math.sin(farm1radrot)) + farm1._x) + 5; if (bodybounce) { shield.bounce = 8; } else { shield.bounce = 0; } if (attack && (alive)) { shield.movespd = 2; } else if (alive) { shield.desrot = -10 + shield.bounce; shield.movespd = 5; } else if (deathdir < 0) { shield.desrot = 90 + random5; shield.movespd = 10; } else if (deathdir > 0) { shield.desrot = (90 + random7) + (random10 * 2); shield.movespd = 10; } shield._rotation = shield._rotation + ((shield.desrot - shield._rotation) / shield.movespd); if (attack && (alive)) { } else if (alive) { weapon.desyscale = 100; if (bodybounce) { weapon.desrot = -10 + random(5); } else { weapon.desrot = -10; } } else { weapon._visible = false; weapon._rotation = 180; weapon._y = head._y; weapon._x = head._x; } if (alive) { barm2radrot = ((((-barm2._rotation) + 180) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; weapon._y = (12 * Math.cos(barm2radrot)) + barm2._y; weapon._x = (12 * Math.sin(barm2radrot)) + barm2._x; } weapon._yscale = weapon._yscale - ((weapon._yscale - weapon.desyscale) / 3); weapon._rotation = weapon._rotation - ((weapon._rotation - weapon.desrot) / 3); barm1.bodyradrot = ((((-body._rotation) + 160) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; barm1._x = body._x + (Math.sin(barm1.bodyradrot) * 19); barm1._y = body._y + (Math.cos(barm1.bodyradrot) * 19); if (!alive) { barm1.desyscale = 50 + random5; } else { barm1.desyscale = 60; } barm1._yscale = barm1._yscale + ((barm1.desyscale - barm1._yscale) / 3); if (jumpanim) { barm1.bounce = 10; } else if (bodybounce) { barm1.bounce = 6; } else { barm1.bounce = 0; } if (alive && (attack)) { } else if ((!alive) && (deathdir < 0)) { barm1.desrot = (180 - random6) - (random10 * 2); } else if ((!alive) && (deathdir > 0)) { barm1.desrot = 170 - random8; } else { barm1.desrot = -125 + barm1.bounce; } if (!alive) { barm1._rotation = barm1._rotation + ((barm1.desrot - barm1._rotation) / 20); } else { barm1._rotation = barm1._rotation + ((barm1.desrot - barm1._rotation) / 5); } barm1radrot = ((((-barm1._rotation) + 180) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; barm2._y = (((barm1._yscale * 16) / 58) * Math.cos(barm1radrot)) + barm1._y; barm2._x = (((barm1._yscale * 16) / 58) * Math.sin(barm1radrot)) + barm1._x; if (jumpanim) { farm1.bounce = -15; } else if (bodybounce) { barm2.bounce = -6; } else { barm2.bounce = 0; } if (attack && (alive)) { barm2.movespd = 2; } else { barm2.desyscale = 63; barm2.desrot = barm2.bounce - 52; barm2.movespd = 5; } barm2._yscale = barm2._yscale + ((barm2.desyscale - barm2._yscale) / 3); barm2._rotation = barm2._rotation + ((barm2.desrot - barm2._rotation) / barm2.movespd); updateAfterEvent(); } function legfunc(framerate) { if (!alive) { rightkey = false; leftkey = false; if (deathdir < 0) { legs.desrot = 90; legs.desy = 50; } else if (deathdir > 0) { legs.desrot = -90; legs.desy = 35; } if (legs.easevalue > 5) { legs.easevalue = legs.easevalue - 3; } legs._rotation = legs._rotation - ((legs._rotation - legs.desrot) / legs.easevalue); legs._y = legs._y - ((legs._y - legs.desy) / legs.easevalue); if (framerate != 50) { clearInterval(legint); legint = setInterval(legfunc, 50, 50); } if (legs.deathtimer < 10) { legs.deathtimer++; } else if ((legs._currentframe == 10) || (legs._currentframe == 30)) { legs.stop(); } else if (legs._currentframe > 30) { legs.prevFrame(); } else { legs.nextFrame(); } } else if (jumping) { if (framerate != 100) { clearInterval(legint); legint = setInterval(legfunc, 100, 100); } } else if (framerate != 20) { clearInterval(legint); legint = setInterval(legfunc, 20, 20); } if (alive) { if (((legs._currentframe == 1) || (legs._currentframe == 20)) || (legs._currentframe == 40)) { legstop = true; } else { legstop = false; } if ((!rightkey) && (!leftkey)) { if (legstop == false) { legs.nextFrame(); } else { legs.stop(); } } else if (legs._currentframe == 40) { legs.gotoAndStop(1); } else { legs.nextFrame(); } } updateAfterEvent(); } clearInterval(heroint); clearInterval(legint); clearInterval(attackcheckint); random5 = random(5); random6 = random(6); random7 = random(7); random8 = random(8); random9 = random(9); random10 = random(50); random11 = random(50); body.origx = body._x; body.origy = body._y; body.easevalue = 30; head.origx = head._x; head.origy = head._y; head.origrot = head._rotation; head.desx = head.origx; head.desy = head.origy; head.easevalue = 40; farm1.origrot = farm1._rotation; farm2.origrot = farm2._rotation; barm1.origrot = barm1._rotation; barm2.origrot = barm2._rotation; legs.stop(); legs.easevalue = 40; legs.deathtimer = 0; var heroint = setInterval(bodyfunc, 50); var legint = setInterval(legfunc, 20, 20);
Instance of Symbol 76 MovieClip in Symbol 143 MovieClip [enemy3] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.farm1._x; this._y = this._parent.farm1._y; this._rotation = this._parent.farm1._rotation + 90; }
Instance of Symbol 85 MovieClip in Symbol 143 MovieClip [enemy3] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.head._x; this._y = this._parent.head._y; this._rotation = this._parent.head._rotation; }
Instance of Symbol 92 MovieClip in Symbol 143 MovieClip [enemy3] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.body._x; this._y = this._parent.body._y; this._rotation = this._parent.body._rotation; }
Instance of Symbol 76 MovieClip in Symbol 143 MovieClip [enemy3] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this._yscale = -100; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.barm1._x; this._y = this._parent.barm1._y; this._rotation = this._parent.barm1._rotation + 90; this._xscale = this._parent.barm1._yscale + 20; }
Instance of Symbol 69 MovieClip in Symbol 143 MovieClip [enemy3] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.barm2._x; this._y = this._parent.barm2._y; this._rotation = this._parent.barm2._rotation + 90; this._xscale = this._parent.barm2._yscale + 50; }
Instance of Symbol 97 MovieClip in Symbol 143 MovieClip [enemy3] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.shield._x; this._y = this._parent.shield._y; this._rotation = this._parent.shield._rotation; }
Symbol 144 MovieClip [enemy1] Frame 1
if ((_root._currentframe >= 16) && (_root._currentframe <= 22)) { gotoAndStop (2); } else { stop(); } if (_name == "hero") { daframe = 1; } else { daframe = random(3) + 2; } function attackstart() { if (!stopattack) { _root.swfunc(); stopattack = true; attack = true; if (_root.hero._y < (_y - 30)) { randomdif = 35; heightdif = 0; } else { randomdif = 25; heightdif = 75; } random100 = (random(randomdif) + heightdif) / 100; body.desx = -7 * random100; body.desrot = -30 * random100; head.desx = -18 * random100; farm1.desrot = -170 * random100; farm2.desrot = -170 * random100; weapon.desyscale = (100 * (random(20) + 80)) / 100; weapon.desrot = -180 * random100; barm1.desrot = -170 * random100; barm2.desyscale = 73 * random100; barm2.desrot = -140 * random100; attackcheckint = setInterval(attackcheck, 75); } } function attackcheck() { if (weapon.hitTest(_root.hero.body) && (_root.hero.alive)) { _root.herogruntfunc(); weaponyhit = (((_x - _root.hero._x) / Math.tan(((Math.abs(weapon._rotation) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360)) + weapon._y) + _y; _root.bloodspatter(_root.hero._x, weaponyhit, 1, ((Math.sin(((weapon._rotation * 2) * Math.PI) / 360) * 20) * (-_xscale)) / 100, Math.cos(((weapon._rotation * 2) * Math.PI) / 360) * 30); _root.hero.head._rotation = _root.hero.head._rotation + 10; _root.hero.farm1._rotation = _root.hero.farm1._rotation + 10; _root.hero.barm1._rotation = _root.hero.barm1._rotation + 10; = - (7 * powerfac); if ( < 0) { if (((_x < _root.hero._x) && (_root.hero._xscale > 0)) || ((_x > _root.hero._x) && (_root.hero._xscale < 0))) { _root.deadplayer(-1); } else if (((_x < _root.hero._x) && (_root.hero._xscale < 0)) || ((_x > _root.hero._x) && (_root.hero._xscale > 0))) { _root.deadplayer(1); } } } if (Math.abs(farm1._rotation - farm1.desrot) < 5) { attack = false; clearInterval(attackcheckint); setTimeout(allowattackint, 100); } } function allowattackint() { stopattack = false; } function bodyfunc() { if ((Math.abs(head._x - head.desx) < 1) && (head._y > 0)) { clearInterval(heroint); clearInterval(legint); clearInterval(attackcheckint); } if (legs._currentframe < 16) { bodybounce = false; } else if (legs._currentframe < 20) { bodybounce = true; } else if (legs._currentframe < 36) { bodybounce = false; } else if (legs._currentframe < 40) { bodybounce = true; } else { bodybounce = false; } if (!alive) { if (deathdir < 0) { body.desx = 40; body.desy = 40; body.desrot = 87 + random5; } else { body.desx = -30; body.desy = 40; body.desrot = -87 + random6; } } else if (jumpanim || (landanim)) { body.desy = body.origy + 12; } else if (bodybounce) { body.desy = body.origy + 3; } else { body.desy = body.origy; } if ((!attack) && (alive)) { body.desx = body.origx; body.desrot = -10; } if (alive) { body._x = body._x - ((body._x - body.desx) / 2); body._y = body._y - ((body._y - body.desy) / 2); body._rotation = body._rotation - ((body._rotation - body.desrot) / 3); } else { if (body.easevalue > 2) { body.easevalue = body.easevalue - 2; } body._x = body._x - ((body._x - body.desx) / body.easevalue); body._y = body._y - ((body._y - body.desy) / body.easevalue); body._rotation = body._rotation - ((body._rotation - body.desrot) / body.easevalue); } if (!alive) { if (deathdir < 0) { head.desy = 40; head.desx = 65; } else { head.desy = 40; head.desx = -55; } } else if (attack) { if (bodybounce) { head.desy = head.origy + 6; } else { head.desy = head.origy + 3; } } else if (jumpanim || (landanim)) { head.desy = head.origy + 10; } else if (bodybounce) { head.desx = head.origx; head.desy = head.origy + 3; } else { head.desx = head.origx; head.desy = head.origy; } if (alive) { if (Math.abs(degangle) < 20) { head.desrot = degangle; } head._x = head._x - ((head._x - head.desx) / 4); head._y = head._y - ((head._y - head.desy) / 3); } else { head.desrot = body._rotation; if (head.easevalue > 5) { head.easevalue = head.easevalue - 3; } head._x = head._x - ((head._x - head.desx) / head.easevalue); head._y = head._y - ((head._y - head.desy) / head.easevalue); } head._rotation = head._rotation - ((head._rotation - head.desrot) / 5); farm1.bodyradrot = (((((-body._rotation) + 60) + 140) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; farm1._x = body._x + (Math.sin(farm1.bodyradrot) * 17); farm1._y = body._y + (Math.cos(farm1.bodyradrot) * 17); if (jumpanim) { farm1.bounce = -168; } else if (fallanim) { farm1.bounce = -158; } else if (bodybounce) { farm1.bounce = -148; } else { farm1.bounce = -138; } if (attack && (alive)) { farm1._rotation = farm1._rotation + ((farm1.desrot - farm1._rotation) / 2); } else if (alive) { farm1.desrot = farm1.bounce; if (farm1.desrot < -180) { farm1.desrot = -180; } farm1._rotation = farm1._rotation + ((farm1.desrot - farm1._rotation) / 5); } else if (deathdir < 0) { farm1.desrot = -95 + random7; farm1._rotation = farm1._rotation + ((farm1.desrot - farm1._rotation) / 15); } else if (deathdir > 0) { farm1.desrot = (-95 + random5) + (random11 * 2); farm1._rotation = farm1._rotation + ((farm1.desrot - farm1._rotation) / 15); } farm1radrot = ((((-farm1._rotation) + 180) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; farm2._y = (16 * Math.cos(farm1radrot)) + farm1._y; farm2._x = (16 * Math.sin(farm1radrot)) + farm1._x; if (bodybounce) { farm2.bounce = 8; } else { farm2.bounce = 0; } if (attack && (alive)) { farm2.movespd = 2; } else if (alive) { farm2.desrot = -22 + farm2.bounce; farm2.movespd = 5; } else if (deathdir < 0) { farm2.desrot = -120 + random5; farm2.movespd = 5; } else if (deathdir > 0) { farm2.desrot = (-85 + random7) + (random10 * 2); farm2.movespd = 5; } farm2._rotation = farm2._rotation + ((farm2.desrot - farm2._rotation) / farm2.movespd); if (attack && (alive)) { } else if (alive) { weapon.desyscale = 100; if (bodybounce) { weapon.desrot = -10 + random(5); } else { weapon.desrot = -10; } } else { weapon._visible = false; weapon._rotation = 180; weapon._y = head._y; weapon._x = head._x; } if (alive) { farm2radrot = ((((-farm2._rotation) + 180) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; barm2radrot = ((((-barm2._rotation) + 180) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; weapon.farm2y = (12 * Math.cos(farm2radrot)) + farm2._y; weapon.farm2x = (12 * Math.sin(farm2radrot)) + farm2._x; weapon.barm2y = (12 * Math.cos(barm2radrot)) + barm2._y; weapon.barm2x = (12 * Math.sin(barm2radrot)) + barm2._x; weapon._x = (weapon.farm2x + weapon.barm2x) / 2; weapon._y = (weapon.farm2y + weapon.barm2y) / 2; } weapon._yscale = weapon._yscale - ((weapon._yscale - weapon.desyscale) / 3); weapon._rotation = weapon._rotation - ((weapon._rotation - weapon.desrot) / 3); barm1.bodyradrot = ((((-body._rotation) + 160) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; barm1._x = body._x + (Math.sin(barm1.bodyradrot) * 19); barm1._y = body._y + (Math.cos(barm1.bodyradrot) * 19); if (!alive) { barm1.desyscale = 50 + random5; } else { barm1.desyscale = 60; } barm1._yscale = barm1._yscale + ((barm1.desyscale - barm1._yscale) / 3); if (jumpanim) { barm1.bounce = 10; } else if (bodybounce) { barm1.bounce = 6; } else { barm1.bounce = 0; } if (alive && (attack)) { } else if ((!alive) && (deathdir < 0)) { barm1.desrot = (180 - random6) - (random10 * 2); } else if ((!alive) && (deathdir > 0)) { barm1.desrot = 170 - random8; } else { barm1.desrot = -125 + barm1.bounce; } if (!alive) { barm1._rotation = barm1._rotation + ((barm1.desrot - barm1._rotation) / 20); } else { barm1._rotation = barm1._rotation + ((barm1.desrot - barm1._rotation) / 5); } barm1radrot = ((((-barm1._rotation) + 180) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; barm2._y = (((barm1._yscale * 16) / 58) * Math.cos(barm1radrot)) + barm1._y; barm2._x = (((barm1._yscale * 16) / 58) * Math.sin(barm1radrot)) + barm1._x; if (jumpanim) { farm1.bounce = -15; } else if (bodybounce) { barm2.bounce = -6; } else { barm2.bounce = 0; } if (attack && (alive)) { barm2.movespd = 2; } else { barm2.desyscale = 63; barm2.desrot = barm2.bounce - 52; barm2.movespd = 5; } barm2._yscale = barm2._yscale + ((barm2.desyscale - barm2._yscale) / 3); barm2._rotation = barm2._rotation + ((barm2.desrot - barm2._rotation) / barm2.movespd); updateAfterEvent(); } function legfunc(framerate) { if (!alive) { rightkey = false; leftkey = false; if (deathdir < 0) { legs.desrot = 90; legs.desy = 50; } else if (deathdir > 0) { legs.desrot = -90; legs.desy = 35; } if (legs.easevalue > 5) { legs.easevalue = legs.easevalue - 3; } legs._rotation = legs._rotation - ((legs._rotation - legs.desrot) / legs.easevalue); legs._y = legs._y - ((legs._y - legs.desy) / legs.easevalue); if (framerate != 50) { clearInterval(legint); legint = setInterval(legfunc, 50, 50); } if (legs.deathtimer < 10) { legs.deathtimer++; } else if ((legs._currentframe == 10) || (legs._currentframe == 30)) { legs.stop(); } else if (legs._currentframe > 30) { legs.prevFrame(); } else { legs.nextFrame(); } } else if (jumping) { if (framerate != 100) { clearInterval(legint); legint = setInterval(legfunc, 100, 100); } } else if (framerate != 20) { clearInterval(legint); legint = setInterval(legfunc, 20, 20); } if (alive) { if (((legs._currentframe == 1) || (legs._currentframe == 20)) || (legs._currentframe == 40)) { legstop = true; } else { legstop = false; } if ((!rightkey) && (!leftkey)) { if (legstop == false) { legs.nextFrame(); } else { legs.stop(); } } else if (legs._currentframe == 40) { legs.gotoAndStop(1); } else { legs.nextFrame(); } } updateAfterEvent(); } clearInterval(heroint); clearInterval(legint); clearInterval(attackcheckint); random5 = random(5); random6 = random(6); random7 = random(7); random8 = random(8); random9 = random(9); random10 = random(50); random11 = random(50); body.origx = body._x; body.origy = body._y; body.easevalue = 30; head.origx = head._x; head.origy = head._y; head.origrot = head._rotation; head.desx = head.origx; head.desy = head.origy; head.easevalue = 40; farm1.origrot = farm1._rotation; farm2.origrot = farm2._rotation; barm1.origrot = barm1._rotation; barm2.origrot = barm2._rotation; legs.stop(); legs.easevalue = 40; legs.deathtimer = 0; var heroint = setInterval(bodyfunc, 50); var legint = setInterval(legfunc, 20, 20);
Instance of Symbol 69 MovieClip in Symbol 144 MovieClip [enemy1] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.farm2._x; this._y = this._parent.farm2._y; this._rotation = this._parent.farm2._rotation + 90; }
Instance of Symbol 76 MovieClip in Symbol 144 MovieClip [enemy1] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.farm1._x; this._y = this._parent.farm1._y; this._rotation = this._parent.farm1._rotation + 90; }
Instance of Symbol 85 MovieClip in Symbol 144 MovieClip [enemy1] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.head._x; this._y = this._parent.head._y; this._rotation = this._parent.head._rotation; }
Instance of Symbol 92 MovieClip in Symbol 144 MovieClip [enemy1] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.body._x; this._y = this._parent.body._y; this._rotation = this._parent.body._rotation; }
Instance of Symbol 76 MovieClip in Symbol 144 MovieClip [enemy1] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this._yscale = -100; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.barm1._x; this._y = this._parent.barm1._y; this._rotation = this._parent.barm1._rotation + 90; this._xscale = this._parent.barm1._yscale + 20; }
Instance of Symbol 69 MovieClip in Symbol 144 MovieClip [enemy1] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.barm2._x; this._y = this._parent.barm2._y; this._rotation = this._parent.barm2._rotation + 90; this._xscale = this._parent.barm2._yscale + 50; }
Symbol 154 Button
on (release) { play(); }
Symbol 155 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "blank"); }
Symbol 184 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (74); }
Symbol 194 MovieClip Frame 75
Symbol 197 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "blank"); }
Symbol 198 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (81); }
Symbol 205 MovieClip Frame 81;
Symbol 205 MovieClip Frame 82;
Symbol 210 Button
on (release) { if (_alpha >= 100) { getURL ("", "blank"); } }
Symbol 211 Button
on (release) { if (_alpha >= 100) { getURL ("", "blank"); } }
Symbol 212 Button
on (release) { if (_alpha >= 100) { getURL ("", "blank"); } }
Symbol 213 Button
on (release) { if (_alpha >= 100) { getURL ("", "blank"); } }
Symbol 218 Button
on (release) { if (_alpha >= 100) { getURL ("", "blank"); } }
Symbol 222 Button
on (release) { if (_alpha >= 100) { if (_quality == "HIGH") { _quality = "MEDIUM"; } else if (_quality == "MEDIUM") { _quality = "LOW"; } else if (_quality == "LOW") { _quality = "HIGH"; } _root.mclick_s.start(); } }
Symbol 230 Button
on (release) { _root.focus = 0; _root.mclick_s.start(); }
Symbol 233 Button
on (release) { _root.focus = 1; _root.mclick_s.start(); }
Symbol 236 Button
on (release) { _root.focus = 2; _root.mclick_s.start(); }
Symbol 239 Button
on (release) { _root.focus = 3; _root.mclick_s.start(); }
Symbol 242 Button
on (release) { _root.focus = 4; _root.mclick_s.start(); }
Symbol 245 Button
on (press) { reversefade = true; }
Symbol 247 MovieClip Frame 1
function butfun() { adbut._visible = true; } adbut._visible = false; setTimeout(butfun, 1000);
Symbol 250 MovieClip Frame 1
function camControl() { parentColor.setTransform(camColor.getTransform()); var _local4 = sX / this._width; var _local3 = sY / this._height; _parent._x = cX - (this._x * _local4); _parent._y = cY - (this._y * _local3); _parent._xscale = 100 * _local4; _parent._yscale = 100 * _local3; } function resetStage() { var _local2 = {ra:100, rb:0, ga:100, gb:0, ba:100, bb:0, aa:100, ab:0}; parentColor.setTransform(_local2); _parent._xscale = 100; _parent._yscale = 100; _parent._x = 0; _parent._y = 0; } var oldMode = Stage.scaleMode; Stage.scaleMode = "exactFit"; var cX = (Stage.width / 2); var cY = (Stage.height / 2); var sX = Stage.width; var sY = Stage.height; Stage.scaleMode = oldMode; var camColor = new Color(this); var parentColor = new Color(_parent); this.onEnterFrame = camControl; camControl(); this.onUnload = resetStage;
Instance of Symbol 249 MovieClip in Symbol 250 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; }
Symbol 252 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (850); _parent.gotoAndPlay(851); }
Symbol 262 MovieClip Frame 1
function butfun() { adbut._visible = true; } adbut._visible = false; setTimeout(butfun, 9000);
Symbol 262 MovieClip Frame 900
Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 1
origrot = _rotation; gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1); _xscale = (_xscale + random(20)); _rotation = ((origrot - 10) + random(20));
Symbol 273 MovieClip Frame 1
origrot = _rotation; gotoAndStop(random(3) + 1); _xscale = (_xscale + random(20)); _rotation = ((origrot - 10) + random(20));
Symbol 277 MovieClip Frame 1
origrot = _rotation; gotoAndStop(random(3) + 1); _xscale = (_xscale + random(20)); _rotation = ((origrot - 10) + random(20));
Instance of Symbol 105 MovieClip [bow] in Symbol 287 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); }
Symbol 297 MovieClip Frame 1
daframe = 1; dlframe = 1;
Instance of Symbol 109 MovieClip in Symbol 297 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.quiver._x; this._y = this._parent.quiver._y; this._rotation = this._parent.quiver._rotation; }
Instance of Symbol 85 MovieClip in Symbol 297 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.head._x; this._y = this._parent.head._y; this._rotation = this._parent.head._rotation + 90; }
Instance of Symbol 69 MovieClip in Symbol 297 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.barm2._x; this._y = this._parent.barm2._y; this._rotation = this._parent.barm2._rotation + 90; this._xscale = this._parent.barm2._yscale + 50; }
Instance of Symbol 76 MovieClip in Symbol 297 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.farm1._x; this._y = this._parent.farm1._y; this._rotation = this._parent.farm1._rotation + 90; }
Instance of Symbol 92 MovieClip in Symbol 297 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.body._x; this._y = this._parent.body._y; this._rotation = this._parent.body._rotation; }
Instance of Symbol 76 MovieClip in Symbol 297 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.barm1._x; this._y = this._parent.barm1._y; this._rotation = this._parent.barm1._rotation + 90; this._xscale = this._parent.barm1._yscale + 20; }
Instance of Symbol 69 MovieClip in Symbol 297 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.barm2._x; this._y = this._parent.barm2._y; this._rotation = this._parent.barm2._rotation + 90; this._xscale = this._parent.barm2._yscale + 50; }
Symbol 297 MovieClip Frame 40
Instance of Symbol 301 MovieClip in Symbol 305 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.farm2._x; this._y = this._parent.farm2._y; this._rotation = this._parent.farm2._rotation + 90; }
Instance of Symbol 302 MovieClip in Symbol 305 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.farm1._x; this._y = this._parent.farm1._y; this._rotation = this._parent.farm1._rotation + 90; }
Instance of Symbol 303 MovieClip in Symbol 305 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.head._x; this._y = this._parent.head._y; this._rotation = this._parent.head._rotation + 90; }
Instance of Symbol 304 MovieClip in Symbol 305 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.body._x; this._y = this._parent.body._y; this._rotation = this._parent.body._rotation; }
Instance of Symbol 302 MovieClip in Symbol 305 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.barm1._x; this._y = this._parent.barm1._y; this._rotation = this._parent.barm1._rotation + 90; this._xscale = this._parent.barm1._yscale + 20; }
Instance of Symbol 301 MovieClip in Symbol 305 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.barm2._x; this._y = this._parent.barm2._y; this._rotation = this._parent.barm2._rotation + 90; this._xscale = this._parent.barm2._yscale + 50; }
Symbol 313 MovieClip Frame 1
function butfun() { adbut._visible = true; } adbut._visible = false; setTimeout(butfun, 1000);
Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.lastquality = _root._quality; _root._quality = "HIGH"; stop();
Instance of Symbol 247 MovieClip in Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 5; reversefade = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!reversefade) { if (_alpha < 100) { _alpha = (_alpha + 5); } } else if (_alpha < 0) {; } else { _alpha = (_alpha - 5); } }
Instance of Symbol 262 MovieClip in Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = _parent.vcam._x; _y = _parent.vcam._y; _xscale = _parent.vcam._xscale; _yscale = _parent.vcam._yscale; }
Instance of Symbol 144 MovieClip [enemy1] "enemy1" in Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 335
onClipEvent (load) { leftkey = true; alive = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = (_x - 5); }
Instance of Symbol 144 MovieClip [enemy1] "enemy2" in Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 335
onClipEvent (load) { leftkey = true; alive = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = (_x - 5); }
Instance of Symbol 144 MovieClip [enemy1] "enemy3" in Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 335
onClipEvent (load) { leftkey = true; alive = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = (_x - 5); }
Instance of Symbol 144 MovieClip [enemy1] "enemy4" in Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 335
onClipEvent (load) { leftkey = true; alive = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = (_x - 5); }
Instance of Symbol 144 MovieClip [enemy1] "enemy5" in Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 335
onClipEvent (load) { leftkey = true; alive = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = (_x - 5); }
Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 342
Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 447
clearInterval(hero.heroint); clearInterval(hero.legint); clearInterval(hero.stringscriptvariable); p = 0; while (p < 20) { clearInterval(this["enemy" + p].heroint); clearInterval(this["enemy" + p].legint); clearInterval(this["enemy" + p].stringscriptvariable); p++; }
Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 537
clearInterval(hero.heroint); clearInterval(hero.legint); clearInterval(hero.stringscriptvariable); p = 0; while (p < 20) { clearInterval(this["enemy" + p].heroint); clearInterval(this["enemy" + p].legint); clearInterval(this["enemy" + p].stringscriptvariable); p++; }
Instance of Symbol 144 MovieClip [enemy1] "enemy5" in Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 538
onClipEvent (load) { leftkey = true; alive = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (alive) { _x = (_x - 5); } }
Instance of Symbol 144 MovieClip [enemy1] "enemy6" in Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 538
onClipEvent (load) { leftkey = true; alive = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (alive) { _x = (_x - 5); } }
Instance of Symbol 144 MovieClip [enemy1] "enemy7" in Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 538
onClipEvent (load) { leftkey = true; alive = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (alive) { _x = (_x - 5); } }
Instance of Symbol 144 MovieClip [enemy1] "enemy8" in Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 538
onClipEvent (load) { leftkey = true; alive = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (alive) { _x = (_x - 5); } }
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [arrow] in Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 538
onClipEvent (load) { radrot = ((_rotation * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; xspd = (Math.cos(radrot) * random(10)) * 0.8; yspd = (Math.sin(radrot) * random(10)) * 0.8; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { yspd = yspd - 1; _x = (_x - xspd); _y = (_y - yspd); _rotation = ((Math.atan2(yspd, xspd) * 360) / (Math.PI*2)); }
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [arrow] in Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 538
onClipEvent (load) { radrot = ((_rotation * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; xspd = (Math.cos(radrot) * random(10)) * 0.8; yspd = (Math.sin(radrot) * random(10)) * 0.8; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { yspd = yspd - 1; _x = (_x - xspd); _y = (_y - yspd); _rotation = ((Math.atan2(yspd, xspd) * 360) / (Math.PI*2)); }
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [arrow] in Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 538
onClipEvent (load) { radrot = ((_rotation * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; xspd = (Math.cos(radrot) * random(10)) * 0.8; yspd = (Math.sin(radrot) * random(10)) * 0.8; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { yspd = yspd - 1; _x = (_x - xspd); _y = (_y - yspd); _rotation = ((Math.atan2(yspd, xspd) * 360) / (Math.PI*2)); }
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [arrow] in Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 538
onClipEvent (load) { radrot = ((_rotation * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; xspd = (Math.cos(radrot) * random(10)) * 0.8; yspd = (Math.sin(radrot) * random(10)) * 0.8; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { yspd = yspd - 1; _x = (_x - xspd); _y = (_y - yspd); _rotation = ((Math.atan2(yspd, xspd) * 360) / (Math.PI*2)); }
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [arrow] in Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 538
onClipEvent (load) { radrot = ((_rotation * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; xspd = (Math.cos(radrot) * random(10)) * 0.8; yspd = (Math.sin(radrot) * random(10)) * 0.8; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { yspd = yspd - 1; _x = (_x - xspd); _y = (_y - yspd); _rotation = ((Math.atan2(yspd, xspd) * 360) / (Math.PI*2)); }
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [arrow] in Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 538
onClipEvent (load) { radrot = ((_rotation * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; xspd = (Math.cos(radrot) * random(10)) * 0.8; yspd = (Math.sin(radrot) * random(10)) * 0.8; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { yspd = yspd - 1; _x = (_x - xspd); _y = (_y - yspd); _rotation = ((Math.atan2(yspd, xspd) * 360) / (Math.PI*2)); }
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [arrow] in Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 538
onClipEvent (load) { radrot = ((_rotation * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; xspd = (Math.cos(radrot) * random(10)) * 0.8; yspd = (Math.sin(radrot) * random(10)) * 0.8; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { yspd = yspd - 1; _x = (_x - xspd); _y = (_y - yspd); _rotation = ((Math.atan2(yspd, xspd) * 360) / (Math.PI*2)); }
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [arrow] in Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 538
onClipEvent (load) { radrot = ((_rotation * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; xspd = (Math.cos(radrot) * random(10)) * 0.8; yspd = (Math.sin(radrot) * random(10)) * 0.8; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { yspd = yspd - 1; _x = (_x - xspd); _y = (_y - yspd); _rotation = ((Math.atan2(yspd, xspd) * 360) / (Math.PI*2)); }
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [arrow] in Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 538
onClipEvent (load) { radrot = ((_rotation * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; xspd = (Math.cos(radrot) * random(10)) * 0.8; yspd = (Math.sin(radrot) * random(10)) * 0.8; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { yspd = yspd - 1; _x = (_x - xspd); _y = (_y - yspd); _rotation = ((Math.atan2(yspd, xspd) * 360) / (Math.PI*2)); }
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [arrow] in Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 538
onClipEvent (load) { radrot = ((_rotation * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; xspd = (Math.cos(radrot) * random(10)) * 0.8; yspd = (Math.sin(radrot) * random(10)) * 0.8; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { yspd = yspd - 1; _x = (_x - xspd); _y = (_y - yspd); _rotation = ((Math.atan2(yspd, xspd) * 360) / (Math.PI*2)); }
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [arrow] in Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 538
onClipEvent (load) { radrot = ((_rotation * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; xspd = (Math.cos(radrot) * random(10)) * 0.8; yspd = (Math.sin(radrot) * random(10)) * 0.8; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { yspd = yspd - 1; _x = (_x - xspd); _y = (_y - yspd); _rotation = ((Math.atan2(yspd, xspd) * 360) / (Math.PI*2)); }
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [arrow] in Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 538
onClipEvent (load) { radrot = ((_rotation * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; xspd = (Math.cos(radrot) * random(10)) * 0.8; yspd = (Math.sin(radrot) * random(10)) * 0.8; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { yspd = yspd - 1; _x = (_x - xspd); _y = (_y - yspd); _rotation = ((Math.atan2(yspd, xspd) * 360) / (Math.PI*2)); }
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [arrow] in Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 538
onClipEvent (load) { radrot = ((_rotation * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; xspd = (Math.cos(radrot) * random(10)) * 0.8; yspd = (Math.sin(radrot) * random(10)) * 0.8; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { yspd = yspd - 1; _x = (_x - xspd); _y = (_y - yspd); _rotation = ((Math.atan2(yspd, xspd) * 360) / (Math.PI*2)); }
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [arrow] in Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 538
onClipEvent (load) { radrot = ((_rotation * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; xspd = (Math.cos(radrot) * random(10)) * 0.8; yspd = (Math.sin(radrot) * random(10)) * 0.8; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { yspd = yspd - 1; _x = (_x - xspd); _y = (_y - yspd); _rotation = ((Math.atan2(yspd, xspd) * 360) / (Math.PI*2)); }
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [arrow] in Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 538
onClipEvent (load) { radrot = ((_rotation * 2) * Math.PI) / 360; xspd = (Math.cos(radrot) * random(10)) * 0.8; yspd = (Math.sin(radrot) * random(10)) * 0.8; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { yspd = yspd - 1; _x = (_x - xspd); _y = (_y - yspd); _rotation = ((Math.atan2(yspd, xspd) * 360) / (Math.PI*2)); }
Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 605
clearInterval(hero.heroint); clearInterval(hero.legint); clearInterval(hero.stringscriptvariable); p = 0; while (p < 20) { clearInterval(this["enemy" + p].heroint); clearInterval(this["enemy" + p].legint); clearInterval(this["enemy" + p].stringscriptvariable); p++; }
Instance of Symbol 105 MovieClip [bow] in Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 625
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); }
Instance of Symbol 144 MovieClip [enemy1] "enemy1" in Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 644
onClipEvent (load) { alive = true; }
Instance of Symbol 144 MovieClip [enemy1] "enemy2" in Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 644
onClipEvent (load) { alive = true; }
Instance of Symbol 143 MovieClip [enemy3] "enemy3" in Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 644
onClipEvent (load) { alive = true; }
Instance of Symbol 144 MovieClip [enemy1] "enemy10" in Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 706
onClipEvent (load) { leftkey = true; alive = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (alive) { _x = (_x - 5); } }
Instance of Symbol 144 MovieClip [enemy1] "enemy11" in Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 706
onClipEvent (load) { leftkey = true; alive = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (alive) { _x = (_x - 5); } }
Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 770
clearInterval(hero.heroint); clearInterval(hero.legint); clearInterval(hero.stringscriptvariable); p = 0; while (p < 20) { clearInterval(this["enemy" + p].heroint); clearInterval(this["enemy" + p].legint); clearInterval(this["enemy" + p].stringscriptvariable); p++; }
Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 808
Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 903
Instance of Symbol 313 MovieClip in Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 903
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 5; reversefade = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!reversefade) { if (_alpha < 100) { _alpha = (_alpha + 5); } } else if (_alpha < 0) {; } else { _alpha = (_alpha - 5); } }
Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 904
_root._quality = _root.lastquality; _root.levelend(); stop();
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip in Symbol 318 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = (25 + random(75)); }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip in Symbol 318 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = (25 + random(75)); }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip in Symbol 318 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = (25 + random(75)); }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip in Symbol 318 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = (25 + random(75)); }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip in Symbol 318 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = (25 + random(75)); }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip in Symbol 318 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = (25 + random(75)); }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip in Symbol 318 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = (25 + random(75)); }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip in Symbol 318 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = (25 + random(75)); }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip in Symbol 318 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = (25 + random(75)); }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip in Symbol 318 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = (25 + random(75)); }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip in Symbol 318 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = (25 + random(75)); }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip in Symbol 318 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = (25 + random(75)); }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip in Symbol 318 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = (25 + random(75)); }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip in Symbol 318 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = (25 + random(75)); }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip in Symbol 318 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = (25 + random(75)); }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip in Symbol 318 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = (25 + random(75)); }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip in Symbol 318 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = (25 + random(75)); }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip in Symbol 318 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = (25 + random(75)); }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip in Symbol 318 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = (25 + random(75)); }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip in Symbol 318 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = (25 + random(75)); }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip in Symbol 318 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = (25 + random(75)); }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip in Symbol 318 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = (25 + random(75)); }
Symbol 344 Button
on (press) { play(); }
Symbol 348 Button
on (press) { play(); _parent.gotoAndPlay(188); }
Symbol 351 MovieClip Frame 126
function butfun() { adbut._visible = true; } stop(); adbut._visible = false; setTimeout(butfun, 500);
Symbol 351 MovieClip Frame 127
function butfun() { adbut._visible = true; } stop(); adbut._visible = false; setTimeout(butfun, 500);
Symbol 351 MovieClip Frame 128
function butfun() { adbut._visible = true; } stop(); adbut._visible = false; setTimeout(butfun, 500);
Symbol 351 MovieClip Frame 129
function butfun() { adbut._visible = true; } stop(); adbut._visible = false; setTimeout(butfun, 500);
Symbol 351 MovieClip Frame 130
Instance of Symbol 105 MovieClip [bow] in Symbol 359 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); }
Symbol 362 MovieClip Frame 1
daframe = 1;
Instance of Symbol 109 MovieClip in Symbol 362 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.quiver._x; this._y = this._parent.quiver._y; this._rotation = this._parent.quiver._rotation; }
Instance of Symbol 85 MovieClip in Symbol 362 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.head._x; this._y = this._parent.head._y; this._rotation = this._parent.head._rotation + 90; }
Instance of Symbol 69 MovieClip in Symbol 362 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.barm2._x; this._y = this._parent.barm2._y; this._rotation = this._parent.barm2._rotation + 90; this._xscale = this._parent.barm2._yscale + 50; }
Instance of Symbol 76 MovieClip in Symbol 362 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.farm1._x; this._y = this._parent.farm1._y; this._rotation = this._parent.farm1._rotation + 90; }
Instance of Symbol 92 MovieClip in Symbol 362 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.body._x; this._y = this._parent.body._y; this._rotation = this._parent.body._rotation; }
Instance of Symbol 76 MovieClip in Symbol 362 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.barm1._x; this._y = this._parent.barm1._y; this._rotation = this._parent.barm1._rotation + 90; this._xscale = this._parent.barm1._yscale + 20; }
Instance of Symbol 69 MovieClip in Symbol 362 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.barm2._x; this._y = this._parent.barm2._y; this._rotation = this._parent.barm2._rotation + 90; this._xscale = this._parent.barm2._yscale + 50; }
Symbol 363 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.lastquality = _root._quality; _root._quality = "HIGH";
Instance of Symbol 351 MovieClip in Symbol 363 MovieClip Frame 10
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = _parent.vcam._x; _y = _parent.vcam._y; _xscale = _parent.vcam._xscale; _yscale = _parent.vcam._yscale; }
Instance of Symbol 250 MovieClip "vcam" in Symbol 363 MovieClip Frame 15
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { camControl(); }
Instance of Symbol 362 MovieClip "hero" in Symbol 363 MovieClip Frame 135
onClipEvent (load) { alive = true; degangle = 50; allowfire = true; firepower = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { degangle = degangle + 0.1; }
Instance of Symbol 142 MovieClip [enemyB1] "enemy1" in Symbol 363 MovieClip Frame 135
onClipEvent (load) { alive = true; weapontype = "axe"; }
Symbol 363 MovieClip Frame 187
Symbol 363 MovieClip Frame 214
clearInterval(hero.heroint); clearInterval(hero.legint); clearInterval(hero.stringscriptvariable); p = 0; while (p < 20) { clearInterval(this["enemy" + p].heroint); clearInterval(this["enemy" + p].legint); clearInterval(this["enemy" + p].stringscriptvariable); p++; } _root.lastquality = _root._quality; _root._quality = "HIGH"; _root.levelend();
Symbol 363 MovieClip Frame 233
Symbol 373 MovieClip Frame 1
if (death) { stop(); } else { play(); }
Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 11
function butfun() { adbut._visible = true; } stop(); adbut._visible = false; setTimeout(butfun, 500);
Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 12
function butfun() { adbut._visible = true; } stop(); adbut._visible = false; setTimeout(butfun, 500);
Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 13
function butfun() { adbut._visible = true; } stop(); adbut._visible = false; setTimeout(butfun, 500);
Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 14
function butfun() { adbut._visible = true; } stop(); adbut._visible = false; setTimeout(butfun, 500);
Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 15
function butfun() { adbut._visible = true; } stop(); adbut._visible = false; setTimeout(butfun, 500);
Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 16
function butfun() { adbut._visible = true; } stop(); adbut._visible = false; setTimeout(butfun, 500);
Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 17
function butfun() { adbut._visible = true; } stop(); adbut._visible = false; setTimeout(butfun, 500);
Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 18
function butfun() { adbut._visible = true; } stop(); adbut._visible = false; setTimeout(butfun, 500);
Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 19
function butfun() { adbut._visible = true; } stop(); adbut._visible = false; setTimeout(butfun, 500); this._parent.boss.death = true;
Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 20
function butfun() { adbut._visible = true; } stop(); adbut._visible = false; setTimeout(butfun, 500);
Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 21
function butfun() { adbut._visible = true; } stop(); adbut._visible = false; setTimeout(butfun, 500);
Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 22
function butfun() { adbut._visible = true; } stop(); adbut._visible = false; setTimeout(butfun, 1000);
Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 23
Symbol 388 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.lastquality = _root._quality; _root._quality = "HIGH";
Instance of Symbol 139 MovieClip [hero_mc] "hero" in Symbol 388 MovieClip Frame 9
onClipEvent (load) { alive = true; degangle = 50; allowfire = true; firepower = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { degangle = degangle + 0.1; }
Instance of Symbol 373 MovieClip "boss" in Symbol 388 MovieClip Frame 9
onClipEvent (load) { death = false; }
Instance of Symbol 387 MovieClip "st" in Symbol 388 MovieClip Frame 9
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = _parent.vcam._x; _y = _parent.vcam._y; _xscale = _parent.vcam._xscale; _yscale = _parent.vcam._yscale; }
Instance of Symbol 250 MovieClip "vcam" in Symbol 388 MovieClip Frame 18
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { camControl(); }
Symbol 388 MovieClip Frame 26
clearInterval(hero.heroint); clearInterval(hero.legint); clearInterval(hero.stringscriptvariable); p = 0; while (p < 20) { clearInterval(this["enemy" + p].heroint); clearInterval(this["enemy" + p].legint); clearInterval(this["enemy" + p].stringscriptvariable); p++; }
Symbol 388 MovieClip Frame 275
function moveon() { if (st._currentframe == 23) { play(); clearInterval(checkcinint); } } stop(); checkcinint = setInterval(moveon, 100);
Symbol 388 MovieClip Frame 329
_root._quality = _root.lastquality; _root.levelend(); stop();
Symbol 396 MovieClip Frame 1
origrot = _rotation; gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1); _xscale = (_xscale + random(20)); _rotation = ((origrot - 10) + random(20));
Symbol 419 MovieClip Frame 1
daframe = 1;
Instance of Symbol 109 MovieClip in Symbol 419 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.quiver._x; this._y = this._parent.quiver._y; this._rotation = this._parent.quiver._rotation; }
Instance of Symbol 85 MovieClip in Symbol 419 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.head._x; this._y = this._parent.head._y; this._rotation = this._parent.head._rotation + 90; }
Instance of Symbol 69 MovieClip in Symbol 419 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.barm2._x; this._y = this._parent.barm2._y; this._rotation = this._parent.barm2._rotation + 90; this._xscale = this._parent.barm2._yscale + 50; }
Instance of Symbol 76 MovieClip in Symbol 419 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.farm1._x; this._y = this._parent.farm1._y; this._rotation = this._parent.farm1._rotation + 90; }
Instance of Symbol 92 MovieClip in Symbol 419 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.body._x; this._y = this._parent.body._y; this._rotation = this._parent.body._rotation; }
Instance of Symbol 76 MovieClip in Symbol 419 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.barm1._x; this._y = this._parent.barm1._y; this._rotation = this._parent.barm1._rotation + 90; this._xscale = this._parent.barm1._yscale + 20; }
Instance of Symbol 69 MovieClip in Symbol 419 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = this._parent.barm2._x; this._y = this._parent.barm2._y; this._rotation = this._parent.barm2._rotation + 90; this._xscale = this._parent.barm2._yscale + 50; }
Symbol 419 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 420 MovieClip Frame 81
_root.levelend(); stop();
Symbol 429 MovieClip Frame 81
_root.levelend(); stop();
Symbol 462 MovieClip Frame 67
function butfun() { adbut._visible = true; } stop(); adbut._visible = false; setTimeout(butfun, 500);
Symbol 462 MovieClip Frame 68
function butfun() { adbut._visible = true; } stop(); adbut._visible = false; setTimeout(butfun, 500);
Symbol 462 MovieClip Frame 69
function butfun() { adbut._visible = true; } stop(); adbut._visible = false; setTimeout(butfun, 500);
Symbol 462 MovieClip Frame 70
function butfun() { adbut._visible = true; } stop(); adbut._visible = false; setTimeout(butfun, 500);
Symbol 462 MovieClip Frame 71
function butfun() { adbut._visible = true; } stop(); adbut._visible = false; setTimeout(butfun, 500);
Symbol 462 MovieClip Frame 72
function butfun() { adbut._visible = true; } stop(); adbut._visible = false; setTimeout(butfun, 500);
Symbol 462 MovieClip Frame 73
function butfun() { adbut._visible = true; } stop(); adbut._visible = false; setTimeout(butfun, 500);
Symbol 462 MovieClip Frame 74
function butfun() { adbut._visible = true; } stop(); adbut._visible = false; setTimeout(butfun, 500);
Symbol 462 MovieClip Frame 75
function butfun() { adbut._visible = true; } stop(); adbut._visible = false; setTimeout(butfun, 500);
Symbol 462 MovieClip Frame 76; stop();
Instance of Symbol 462 MovieClip in Symbol 464 MovieClip Frame 10
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = _parent.vcam._x; _y = _parent.vcam._y; _xscale = _parent.vcam._xscale; _yscale = _parent.vcam._yscale; }
Symbol 464 MovieClip Frame 45
Symbol 464 MovieClip Frame 77
Symbol 464 MovieClip Frame 87
_root.levelend(); stop();
Symbol 469 MovieClip Frame 116
Instance of Symbol 469 MovieClip in Symbol 479 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = _parent.vcam._x; _y = _parent.vcam._y; _xscale = _parent.vcam._xscale; _yscale = _parent.vcam._yscale; }
Instance of Symbol 475 MovieClip in Symbol 479 MovieClip Frame 10
onClipEvent (load) { death = false; }
Symbol 479 MovieClip Frame 46
Symbol 479 MovieClip Frame 136
function butfun() { adbut._visible = true; } stop(); adbut._visible = false; setTimeout(butfun, 1000);
Symbol 479 MovieClip Frame 176
_root.levelend(); stop();

Library Items

Symbol 1 Sound [sw2]
Symbol 2 Sound [sw1]
Symbol 3 Sound [sbg6]
Symbol 4 Sound [sbg5]
Symbol 5 Sound [sbg4]
Symbol 6 Sound [sbg3]
Symbol 7 Sound [sbg2]
Symbol 8 Sound [sbg1]
Symbol 9 Sound [ninjaspawn]
Symbol 10 Sound [ninjagrunt]
Symbol 11 Sound [ninjadie]
Symbol 12 Sound [mclick]
Symbol 13 Sound [herogrunt4]
Symbol 14 Sound [grunt3]
Symbol 15 Sound [herogrunt3]
Symbol 16 Sound [grunt2]
Symbol 17 Sound [herogrunt2]
Symbol 18 Sound [grunt1]
Symbol 19 Sound [herogrunt1]
Symbol 20 Sound [go]
Symbol 21 Sound [attack]
Symbol 22 Sound [dirtsplash2]
Symbol 23 Sound [dirtsplash1]
Symbol 24 Sound [death4]
Symbol 25 Sound [death3]
Symbol 26 Sound [herodeath3]
Symbol 27 Sound [death2]
Symbol 28 Sound [herodeath2]
Symbol 29 Sound [death1]
Symbol 30 Sound [herodeath1]
Symbol 31 Sound [bloodsplash]
Symbol 32 Sound [bowstretch]
Symbol 33 Sound [bowsnap]
Symbol 34 Sound [bodyland]
Symbol 35 Sound [bossgrunt]
Symbol 36 Sound [bossdeath]
Symbol 37 Sound [bosscharge]
Symbol 38 Sound [parthian_3]
Symbol 39 Sound [parthian_2]
Symbol 40 GraphicUsed by:41
Symbol 41 MovieClipUses:40Used by:48
Symbol 42 GraphicUsed by:43
Symbol 43 MovieClipUses:42Used by:48
Symbol 44 GraphicUsed by:48
Symbol 45 FontUsed by:46 47 117 118 121 124 125 126 127 150 151 192 209 217 221 225 228 229 231 232 234 235 237 238 240 241 243 244 478
Symbol 46 EditableTextUses:45Used by:48
Symbol 47 TextUses:45Used by:48
Symbol 48 MovieClip [vcam]Uses:41 43 44 46 47
Symbol 49 GraphicUsed by:51 286 287 288 289 291 297 298 305 359 362 373 416 419 463 475
Symbol 50 GraphicUsed by:51
Symbol 51 MovieClipUses:49 50Used by:58 99 135
Symbol 52 GraphicUsed by:57 285 286 287 288 289 297 298 305 359 362 419
Symbol 53 GraphicUsed by:57
Symbol 54 GraphicUsed by:57 291
Symbol 55 GraphicUsed by:57 373
Symbol 56 GraphicUsed by:57 416 463 475
Symbol 57 MovieClipUses:52 53 54 55 56Used by:58 99 135
Symbol 58 MovieClipUses:51 57Used by:93 98 142 143 144
Symbol 59 GraphicUsed by:60 61
Symbol 60 MovieClip [box]Uses:59Used by:93 98 105 110 135 138 139 142 143 144  Timeline
Symbol 61 MovieClipUses:59Used by:93 98 110 138 139 142 143 144
Symbol 62 GraphicUsed by:63
Symbol 63 MovieClip [pike]Uses:62Used by:93 98
Symbol 64 GraphicUsed by:69 285 286 287 288 289 298 301
Symbol 65 GraphicUsed by:69
Symbol 66 GraphicUsed by:69 291
Symbol 67 GraphicUsed by:69 370
Symbol 68 GraphicUsed by:69 370 416 463 473
Symbol 69 MovieClipUses:64 65 66 67 68Used by:93 98 110 138 139 142 143 144 297 362 419
Symbol 70 GraphicUsed by:76 285 286 287 288 289 298 302
Symbol 71 GraphicUsed by:76
Symbol 72 GraphicUsed by:76
Symbol 73 GraphicUsed by:76 291
Symbol 74 GraphicUsed by:76 373
Symbol 75 GraphicUsed by:76 416 463 475
Symbol 76 MovieClipUses:70 71 72 73 74 75Used by:93 98 110 138 139 142 143 144 297 362 419
Symbol 77 GraphicUsed by:85 286 287 288 289 298 303
Symbol 78 GraphicUsed by:85
Symbol 79 GraphicUsed by:85 291
Symbol 80 GraphicUsed by:85
Symbol 81 GraphicUsed by:85
Symbol 82 GraphicUsed by:85
Symbol 83 GraphicUsed by:85
Symbol 84 GraphicUsed by:85 416 463 474
Symbol 85 MovieClipUses:77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84Used by:93 98 110 138 139 142 143 144 297 362 419
Symbol 86 GraphicUsed by:92 286 287 288 289 298 304
Symbol 87 GraphicUsed by:92
Symbol 88 GraphicUsed by:92 291
Symbol 89 GraphicUsed by:92
Symbol 90 GraphicUsed by:92 373
Symbol 91 GraphicUsed by:92 416 463 475
Symbol 92 MovieClipUses:86 87 88 89 90 91Used by:93 98 110 138 139 142 143 144 297 362 419
Symbol 93 MovieClip [enemy2]Uses:58 60 61 63 69 76 85 92
Symbol 94 GraphicUsed by:97
Symbol 95 GraphicUsed by:97
Symbol 96 GraphicUsed by:97
Symbol 97 MovieClipUses:94 95 96Used by:98 143 291
Symbol 98 MovieClip [enemy4]Uses:58 60 61 63 76 85 92 69 97
Symbol 99 MovieClipUses:51 57Used by:110 139
Symbol 100 ShapeTweeningUsed by:105
Symbol 101 ShapeTweeningUsed by:105
Symbol 102 GraphicUsed by:103
Symbol 103 MovieClipUses:102Used by:105
Symbol 104 GraphicUsed by:105
Symbol 105 MovieClip [bow]Uses:100 101 60 103 104Used by:110 139 287 314 359
Symbol 106 GraphicUsed by:107
Symbol 107 MovieClip [arrow]Uses:106Used by:110 139 297 314 362 419  Timeline
Symbol 108 GraphicUsed by:109
Symbol 109 MovieClipUses:108Used by:110 139 297 362 419
Symbol 110 MovieClip [enemya]Uses:99 60 61 105 107 109 69 76 85 92
Symbol 111 GraphicUsed by:112
Symbol 112 MovieClip [blood]Uses:111
Symbol 113 GraphicUsed by:114
Symbol 114 MovieClip [dirt]Uses:113
Symbol 115 BitmapUsed by:116
Symbol 116 GraphicUses:115Used by:130
Symbol 117 EditableTextUses:45Used by:130
Symbol 118 TextUses:45Used by:120
Symbol 119 GraphicUsed by:120
Symbol 120 ButtonUses:118 119Used by:130
Symbol 121 TextUses:45Used by:123
Symbol 122 GraphicUsed by:123 154 194 230 233 236 242
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Symbol 125 EditableTextUses:45Used by:130
Symbol 126 EditableTextUses:45Used by:130
Symbol 127 EditableTextUses:45Used by:130
Symbol 128 GraphicUsed by:129
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Symbol 130 MovieClip [deathscreen]Uses:116 117 120 123 124 125 126 127 129
Symbol 131 GraphicUsed by:132
Symbol 132 MovieClipUses:131Used by:134
Symbol 133 GraphicUsed by:134
Symbol 134 MovieClip [bossbar]Uses:132 133
Symbol 135 MovieClipUses:60 57 51Used by:138
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Symbol 137 MovieClip [weapon]Uses:136Used by:138 143 144 285 286 288 289 291 298
Symbol 138 MovieClip [ninja]Uses:135 60 61 137 69 76 85 92
Symbol 139 MovieClip [hero_mc]Uses:99 60 61 109 69 76 85 92 107 105Used by:388
Symbol 140 GraphicUsed by:141
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Symbol 142 MovieClip [enemyB1]Uses:58 60 61 141 69 76 85 92Used by:363
Symbol 143 MovieClip [enemy3]Uses:58 60 61 137 76 85 92 69 97Used by:314
Symbol 144 MovieClip [enemy1]Uses:58 60 61 137 69 76 85 92Used by:314
Symbol 145 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 146 GraphicUsed by:147 155 197 210 211 212 213 218 222 239
Symbol 147 MovieClipUses:146Used by:Timeline
Symbol 148 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 149 GraphicUsed by:194 205  Timeline
Symbol 150 TextUses:45Used by:154
Symbol 151 TextUses:45Used by:154
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Symbol 155 ButtonUses:146Used by:194
Symbol 156 GraphicUsed by:194
Symbol 157 GraphicUsed by:194
Symbol 158 GraphicUsed by:194
Symbol 159 GraphicUsed by:194
Symbol 160 GraphicUsed by:194
Symbol 161 GraphicUsed by:194
Symbol 162 GraphicUsed by:194
Symbol 163 GraphicUsed by:194
Symbol 164 GraphicUsed by:194
Symbol 165 GraphicUsed by:194
Symbol 166 GraphicUsed by:194
Symbol 167 GraphicUsed by:194
Symbol 168 GraphicUsed by:194
Symbol 169 GraphicUsed by:194
Symbol 170 GraphicUsed by:194
Symbol 171 GraphicUsed by:194
Symbol 172 GraphicUsed by:194
Symbol 173 GraphicUsed by:194
Symbol 174 GraphicUsed by:194
Symbol 175 GraphicUsed by:194
Symbol 176 GraphicUsed by:194
Symbol 177 GraphicUsed by:194
Symbol 178 GraphicUsed by:194
Symbol 179 GraphicUsed by:194
Symbol 180 GraphicUsed by:194
Symbol 181 GraphicUsed by:184 198 245 252 344 348
Symbol 182 GraphicUsed by:184 198 245 252 344 348
Symbol 183 GraphicUsed by:184 198 245 252 344 348
Symbol 184 ButtonUses:181 182 183Used by:194
Symbol 185 GraphicUsed by:194
Symbol 186 GraphicUsed by:194
Symbol 187 GraphicUsed by:194
Symbol 188 GraphicUsed by:194
Symbol 189 GraphicUsed by:194
Symbol 190 GraphicUsed by:194
Symbol 191 GraphicUsed by:194
Symbol 192 TextUses:45Used by:193
Symbol 193 MovieClipUses:192Used by:194
Symbol 194 MovieClipUses:122 129 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 149 193 SS1Used by:Timeline
Symbol 195 GraphicUsed by:196
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Symbol 198 ButtonUses:181 182 183Used by:205
Symbol 199 GraphicUsed by:200
Symbol 200 MovieClipUses:199Used by:205
Symbol 201 GraphicUsed by:202
Symbol 202 MovieClipUses:201Used by:205
Symbol 203 GraphicUsed by:204
Symbol 204 MovieClipUses:203Used by:205
Symbol 205 MovieClipUses:149 196 197 198 200 202 204 SS2Used by:Timeline
Symbol 206 BitmapUsed by:207
Symbol 207 GraphicUses:206Used by:208
Symbol 208 MovieClipUses:207Used by:Timeline
Symbol 209 TextUses:45Used by:214 479
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Symbol 211 ButtonUses:146Used by:214 479
Symbol 212 ButtonUses:146Used by:214 479
Symbol 213 ButtonUses:146Used by:214 479
Symbol 214 MovieClipUses:209 210 211 212 213Used by:216
Symbol 215 GraphicUsed by:216
Symbol 216 MovieClipUses:214 215Used by:Timeline
Symbol 217 TextUses:45Used by:220
Symbol 218 ButtonUses:146Used by:220
Symbol 219 GraphicUsed by:220
Symbol 220 MovieClipUses:217 210 218 219Used by:Timeline
Symbol 221 TextUses:45Used by:224
Symbol 222 ButtonUses:146Used by:224
Symbol 223 GraphicUsed by:224
Symbol 224 MovieClipUses:221 222 223Used by:Timeline
Symbol 225 TextUses:45Used by:227
Symbol 226 GraphicUsed by:227
Symbol 227 MovieClipUses:225 226Used by:Timeline
Symbol 228 TextUses:45Used by:230
Symbol 229 TextUses:45Used by:230
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Symbol 231 TextUses:45Used by:233
Symbol 232 TextUses:45Used by:233
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Symbol 234 TextUses:45Used by:236
Symbol 235 TextUses:45Used by:236
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Symbol 237 TextUses:45Used by:239
Symbol 238 TextUses:45Used by:239
Symbol 239 ButtonUses:237 238 146Used by:Timeline
Symbol 240 TextUses:45Used by:242
Symbol 241 TextUses:45Used by:242
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Symbol 243 TextUses:45Used by:Timeline
Symbol 244 TextUses:45Used by:Timeline
Symbol 245 ButtonUses:181 182 183Used by:247 313
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Symbol 248 GraphicUsed by:249
Symbol 249 MovieClipUses:248Used by:250
Symbol 250 MovieClipUses:249Used by:314 363 388 420 429 464 479
Symbol 251 TextUses:152Used by:262
Symbol 252 ButtonUses:181 182 183Used by:262
Symbol 253 TextUses:152Used by:262
Symbol 254 TextUses:152Used by:262
Symbol 255 TextUses:152Used by:262
Symbol 256 TextUses:152Used by:262
Symbol 257 TextUses:152Used by:262
Symbol 258 TextUses:152Used by:262
Symbol 259 TextUses:152Used by:262
Symbol 260 FontUsed by:261
Symbol 261 TextUses:260Used by:262
Symbol 262 MovieClipUses:129 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 261Used by:314
Symbol 263 BitmapUsed by:264 299 360 368 426 465 470
Symbol 264 GraphicUses:263Used by:314 451
Symbol 265 GraphicUsed by:269
Symbol 266 GraphicUsed by:269 314 472
Symbol 267 GraphicUsed by:269 472
Symbol 268 GraphicUsed by:269 472
Symbol 269 MovieClipUses:265 266 267 268Used by:314 331 335 340 388 436 444 449 451 467  Timeline
Symbol 270 GraphicUsed by:273
Symbol 271 GraphicUsed by:273 314
Symbol 272 GraphicUsed by:273
Symbol 273 MovieClipUses:270 271 272Used by:314 318 331 335 340 388 436 444 449 451 467  Timeline
Symbol 274 GraphicUsed by:277
Symbol 275 GraphicUsed by:277
Symbol 276 GraphicUsed by:277
Symbol 277 MovieClipUses:274 275 276Used by:314 436 444 449 467
Symbol 278 GraphicUsed by:279
Symbol 279 MovieClipUses:278Used by:314
Symbol 280 GraphicUsed by:314
Symbol 281 GraphicUsed by:285 464
Symbol 282 GraphicUsed by:285 314 464
Symbol 283 GraphicUsed by:284
Symbol 284 MovieClipUses:283Used by:285
Symbol 285 MovieClipUses:137 281 282 284 70 52 64Used by:314
Symbol 286 MovieClipUses:52 49 137 70 64 77 86Used by:314
Symbol 287 MovieClipUses:52 49 105 77 86 70 64Used by:314
Symbol 288 MovieClipUses:77 52 49 70 86 64 137Used by:314
Symbol 289 MovieClipUses:77 52 49 70 86 64 137Used by:314
Symbol 290 GraphicUsed by:314
Symbol 291 MovieClipUses:49 54 79 88 137 66 73 97Used by:314
Symbol 292 GraphicUsed by:293
Symbol 293 MovieClipUses:292Used by:297 362 419
Symbol 294 ShapeTweeningUsed by:297
Symbol 295 ShapeTweeningUsed by:297
Symbol 296 GraphicUsed by:297 419
Symbol 297 MovieClipUses:52 49 109 85 69 76 92 107 293 294 295 296Used by:314
Symbol 298 MovieClipUses:52 49 77 70 86 64 137Used by:314
Symbol 299 GraphicUses:263Used by:314
Symbol 300 GraphicUsed by:314
Symbol 301 MovieClipUses:64Used by:305
Symbol 302 MovieClipUses:70Used by:305
Symbol 303 MovieClipUses:77Used by:305
Symbol 304 MovieClipUses:86Used by:305
Symbol 305 MovieClipUses:301 302 303 304 52 49Used by:314
Symbol 306 ShapeTweeningUsed by:314
Symbol 307 ShapeTweeningUsed by:314
Symbol 308 ShapeTweeningUsed by:314
Symbol 309 GraphicUsed by:310 314
Symbol 310 MovieClipUses:309Used by:314
Symbol 311 FontUsed by:312
Symbol 312 TextUses:152 311Used by:313
Symbol 313 MovieClipUses:245 312Used by:314
Symbol 314 MovieClipUses:129 247 250 262 264 269 273 277 279 280 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 144 297 298 299 300 107 305 105 143 271 266 282 306 307 308 310 309 313 SS3Used by:Timeline
Symbol 315 GraphicUsed by:316
Symbol 316 MovieClipUses:315Used by:Timeline
Symbol 317 GraphicUsed by:318
Symbol 318 MovieClipUses:317 273Used by:Timeline
Symbol 319 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 320 SoundUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 321 GraphicUsed by:322
Symbol 322 MovieClipUses:321Used by:Timeline
Symbol 323 GraphicUsed by:324
Symbol 324 MovieClipUses:323Used by:Timeline
Symbol 325 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 326 GraphicUsed by:327
Symbol 327 MovieClipUses:326Used by:Timeline
Symbol 328 GraphicUsed by:329
Symbol 329 MovieClipUses:328Used by:Timeline
Symbol 330 GraphicUsed by:331
Symbol 331 MovieClipUses:273 269 330Used by:Timeline
Symbol 332 GraphicUsed by:333
Symbol 333 MovieClipUses:332Used by:Timeline
Symbol 334 GraphicUsed by:335
Symbol 335 MovieClipUses:273 269 334Used by:Timeline
Symbol 336 GraphicUsed by:337
Symbol 337 MovieClipUses:336Used by:Timeline
Symbol 338 GraphicUsed by:340
Symbol 339 GraphicUsed by:340 363 367 388
Symbol 340 MovieClipUses:273 269 338 339Used by:Timeline
Symbol 341 TextUses:152Used by:351
Symbol 342 SoundUsed by:351
Symbol 343 TextUses:152Used by:351
Symbol 344 ButtonUses:181 182 183Used by:351 387 462 479
Symbol 345 TextUses:152Used by:351
Symbol 346 TextUses:152Used by:351
Symbol 347 TextUses:152Used by:351
Symbol 348 ButtonUses:181 182 183Used by:351
Symbol 349 FontUsed by:350
Symbol 350 TextUses:349Used by:351
Symbol 351 MovieClipUses:341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 350Used by:363
Symbol 352 GraphicUsed by:359 464
Symbol 353 GraphicUsed by:354
Symbol 354 MovieClipUses:353Used by:359
Symbol 355 GraphicUsed by:356
Symbol 356 MovieClipUses:355Used by:359
Symbol 357 GraphicUsed by:358
Symbol 358 MovieClipUses:357Used by:359 464
Symbol 359 MovieClipUses:105 52 49 352 354 356 358Used by:363 388 429 479
Symbol 360 GraphicUses:263Used by:363
Symbol 361 GraphicUsed by:362
Symbol 362 MovieClipUses:52 49 109 85 69 76 92 107 293 361Used by:363 420
Symbol 363 MovieClipUses:129 250 351 339 359 360 362 142Used by:Timeline
Symbol 364 GraphicUsed by:365
Symbol 365 MovieClipUses:364Used by:Timeline
Symbol 366 GraphicUsed by:367
Symbol 367 MovieClipUses:366 339Used by:Timeline
Symbol 368 GraphicUses:263Used by:388
Symbol 369 GraphicUsed by:388
Symbol 370 MovieClipUses:68 67Used by:373
Symbol 371 GraphicUsed by:372
Symbol 372 MovieClipUses:371Used by:373
Symbol 373 MovieClipUses:49 55 74 370 372 90Used by:388
Symbol 374 TextUses:152Used by:387
Symbol 375 TextUses:152Used by:387 462
Symbol 376 TextUses:152Used by:387
Symbol 377 TextUses:152Used by:387
Symbol 378 TextUses:152Used by:387
Symbol 379 TextUses:152Used by:387
Symbol 380 TextUses:152Used by:387
Symbol 381 TextUses:152Used by:387
Symbol 382 TextUses:152Used by:387
Symbol 383 TextUses:152Used by:387
Symbol 384 SoundUsed by:387
Symbol 385 TextUses:152Used by:387
Symbol 386 SoundUsed by:387
Symbol 387 MovieClipUses:374 344 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386Used by:388
Symbol 388 MovieClipUses:129 250 368 269 273 369 139 373 387 339 359Used by:Timeline
Symbol 389 GraphicUsed by:390
Symbol 390 MovieClipUses:389Used by:Timeline
Symbol 391 GraphicUsed by:398 403 415 424
Symbol 392 GraphicUsed by:396
Symbol 393 GraphicUsed by:396
Symbol 394 GraphicUsed by:396
Symbol 395 GraphicUsed by:396
Symbol 396 MovieClipUses:392 393 394 395Used by:398 403 410 415 424
Symbol 397 GraphicUsed by:398
Symbol 398 MovieClipUses:391 396 397Used by:Timeline
Symbol 399 SoundUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 400 GraphicUsed by:401
Symbol 401 MovieClipUses:400Used by:Timeline
Symbol 402 GraphicUsed by:403
Symbol 403 MovieClipUses:391 396 402Used by:Timeline
Symbol 404 GraphicUsed by:405
Symbol 405 MovieClipUses:404Used by:Timeline
Symbol 406 GraphicUsed by:407
Symbol 407 MovieClipUses:406Used by:Timeline
Symbol 408 GraphicUsed by:410
Symbol 409 GraphicUsed by:410
Symbol 410 MovieClipUses:408 396 409Used by:Timeline
Symbol 411 SoundUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 412 GraphicUsed by:413
Symbol 413 MovieClipUses:412Used by:Timeline
Symbol 414 GraphicUsed by:415
Symbol 415 MovieClipUses:391 396 414Used by:420  Timeline
Symbol 416 MovieClipUses:75 49 56 84 91 68Used by:420
Symbol 417 ShapeTweeningUsed by:419
Symbol 418 ShapeTweeningUsed by:419
Symbol 419 MovieClipUses:52 49 109 85 69 76 92 107 293 417 418 296Used by:420
Symbol 420 MovieClipUses:129 415 362 416 250 419 SS4Used by:Timeline
Symbol 421 GraphicUsed by:422
Symbol 422 MovieClipUses:421Used by:Timeline
Symbol 423 GraphicUsed by:424
Symbol 424 MovieClipUses:391 396 423Used by:Timeline
Symbol 425 SoundUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 426 GraphicUses:263Used by:429
Symbol 427 GraphicUsed by:428
Symbol 428 MovieClipUses:427Used by:429
Symbol 429 MovieClipUses:129 426 428 359 250Used by:Timeline
Symbol 430 GraphicUsed by:431
Symbol 431 MovieClipUses:430Used by:Timeline
Symbol 432 GraphicUsed by:433
Symbol 433 MovieClipUses:432Used by:Timeline
Symbol 434 GraphicUsed by:436
Symbol 435 GraphicUsed by:436
Symbol 436 MovieClipUses:269 273 434 277 435Used by:Timeline
Symbol 437 SoundUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 438 GraphicUsed by:439
Symbol 439 MovieClipUses:438Used by:Timeline
Symbol 440 GraphicUsed by:441
Symbol 441 MovieClipUses:440Used by:Timeline
Symbol 442 GraphicUsed by:444
Symbol 443 GraphicUsed by:444
Symbol 444 MovieClipUses:269 273 442 277 443Used by:Timeline
Symbol 445 GraphicUsed by:446
Symbol 446 MovieClipUses:445Used by:Timeline
Symbol 447 GraphicUsed by:449
Symbol 448 GraphicUsed by:449
Symbol 449 MovieClipUses:273 269 447 277 448Used by:Timeline
Symbol 450 GraphicUsed by:451
Symbol 451 MovieClipUses:264 273 269 450Used by:464
Symbol 452 TextUses:152Used by:462
Symbol 453 SoundUsed by:462
Symbol 454 TextUses:152Used by:462
Symbol 455 TextUses:152Used by:462
Symbol 456 SoundUsed by:462
Symbol 457 TextUses:152Used by:462
Symbol 458 TextUses:152Used by:462
Symbol 459 TextUses:152Used by:462
Symbol 460 TextUses:152Used by:462
Symbol 461 TextUses:152Used by:462
Symbol 462 MovieClipUses:452 344 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 375 461Used by:464
Symbol 463 MovieClipUses:56 75 49 84 91 68Used by:464
Symbol 464 MovieClipUses:129 451 358 352 282 281 250 462 463Used by:Timeline
Symbol 465 GraphicUses:263Used by:Timeline
Symbol 466 GraphicUsed by:467
Symbol 467 MovieClipUses:273 269 277 466Used by:Timeline
Symbol 468 TextUses:152Used by:469
Symbol 469 MovieClipUses:129 468Used by:479
Symbol 470 GraphicUses:263Used by:479
Symbol 471 GraphicUsed by:472
Symbol 472 MovieClipUses:268 267 266 471Used by:479
Symbol 473 MovieClipUses:68Used by:475
Symbol 474 MovieClipUses:84Used by:475
Symbol 475 MovieClipUses:49 56 75 473 474 91Used by:479
Symbol 476 BitmapUsed by:477
Symbol 477 GraphicUses:476Used by:479
Symbol 478 TextUses:45Used by:479
Symbol 479 MovieClipUses:129 469 470 472 359 475 250 477 209 210 211 212 213 478 344Used by:Timeline
Streaming Sound 1Used by:Symbol 194 MovieClip
Streaming Sound 2Used by:Symbol 205 MovieClip
Streaming Sound 3Used by:Symbol 314 MovieClip
Streaming Sound 4Used by:Symbol 420 MovieClip

Instance Names

"loadbar"Frame 1Symbol 147 MovieClip
"gd"Frame 8Symbol 316 MovieClip
"gd"Frame 9Symbol 322 MovieClip
"pm"Frame 9Symbol 324 MovieClip
"jp2"Frame 9Symbol 60 MovieClip [box]
"jp1"Frame 9Symbol 60 MovieClip [box]
"trigger1"Frame 9Symbol 60 MovieClip [box]
"gd"Frame 10Symbol 327 MovieClip
"pm"Frame 10Symbol 329 MovieClip
"trigger1"Frame 10Symbol 60 MovieClip [box]
"trigger2"Frame 10Symbol 60 MovieClip [box]
"trigger3"Frame 10Symbol 60 MovieClip [box]
"trigger4"Frame 10Symbol 60 MovieClip [box]
"gd"Frame 10Symbol 331 MovieClip
"gd"Frame 11Symbol 333 MovieClip
"trigger2"Frame 11Symbol 60 MovieClip [box]
"gd"Frame 11Symbol 335 MovieClip
"gd"Frame 12Symbol 337 MovieClip
"trigger1"Frame 12Symbol 60 MovieClip [box]
"trigger2"Frame 12Symbol 60 MovieClip [box]
"gd"Frame 12Symbol 340 MovieClip
"gd"Frame 14Symbol 365 MovieClip
"gd"Frame 16Symbol 390 MovieClip
"gd"Frame 17Symbol 401 MovieClip
"trigger1"Frame 17Symbol 60 MovieClip [box]
"gd"Frame 17Symbol 403 MovieClip
"gd"Frame 18Symbol 405 MovieClip
"jp1"Frame 18Symbol 60 MovieClip [box]
"jp2"Frame 18Symbol 60 MovieClip [box]
"jp3"Frame 18Symbol 60 MovieClip [box]
"jp4"Frame 18Symbol 60 MovieClip [box]
"jp5"Frame 18Symbol 60 MovieClip [box]
"jp6"Frame 18Symbol 60 MovieClip [box]
"jp7"Frame 18Symbol 60 MovieClip [box]
"pm"Frame 18Symbol 407 MovieClip
"trigger1"Frame 18Symbol 60 MovieClip [box]
"gd"Frame 18Symbol 410 MovieClip
"gd"Frame 19Symbol 413 MovieClip
"trigger2"Frame 19Symbol 60 MovieClip [box]
"gd"Frame 19Symbol 415 MovieClip
"gd"Frame 21Symbol 422 MovieClip
"jp2"Frame 21Symbol 60 MovieClip [box]
"jp1"Frame 21Symbol 60 MovieClip [box]
"trigger1"Frame 21Symbol 60 MovieClip [box]
"jp3"Frame 21Symbol 60 MovieClip [box]
"jp4"Frame 21Symbol 60 MovieClip [box]
"gd"Frame 21Symbol 424 MovieClip
"gd"Frame 22Symbol 390 MovieClip
"trigger2"Frame 22Symbol 60 MovieClip [box]
"gd"Frame 24Symbol 431 MovieClip
"trigger1"Frame 24Symbol 60 MovieClip [box]
"pm"Frame 24Symbol 433 MovieClip
"gd"Frame 25Symbol 439 MovieClip
"trigger1"Frame 25Symbol 60 MovieClip [box]
"trigger2"Frame 25Symbol 60 MovieClip [box]
"pm"Frame 25Symbol 441 MovieClip
"pm"Frame 26Symbol 446 MovieClip
"gd"Frame 28Symbol 439 MovieClip
"legs"Symbol 93 MovieClip [enemy2] Frame 1Symbol 58 MovieClip
"body"Symbol 93 MovieClip [enemy2] Frame 1Symbol 60 MovieClip [box]
"head"Symbol 93 MovieClip [enemy2] Frame 1Symbol 60 MovieClip [box]
"farm1"Symbol 93 MovieClip [enemy2] Frame 1Symbol 61 MovieClip
"farm2"Symbol 93 MovieClip [enemy2] Frame 1Symbol 61 MovieClip
"barm1"Symbol 93 MovieClip [enemy2] Frame 1Symbol 61 MovieClip
"barm2"Symbol 93 MovieClip [enemy2] Frame 1Symbol 61 MovieClip
"weapon"Symbol 93 MovieClip [enemy2] Frame 1Symbol 63 MovieClip [pike]
"legs"Symbol 98 MovieClip [enemy4] Frame 1Symbol 58 MovieClip
"body"Symbol 98 MovieClip [enemy4] Frame 1Symbol 60 MovieClip [box]
"head"Symbol 98 MovieClip [enemy4] Frame 1Symbol 60 MovieClip [box]
"farm1"Symbol 98 MovieClip [enemy4] Frame 1Symbol 61 MovieClip
"barm1"Symbol 98 MovieClip [enemy4] Frame 1Symbol 61 MovieClip
"barm2"Symbol 98 MovieClip [enemy4] Frame 1Symbol 61 MovieClip
"weapon"Symbol 98 MovieClip [enemy4] Frame 1Symbol 63 MovieClip [pike]
"shield"Symbol 98 MovieClip [enemy4] Frame 1Symbol 60 MovieClip [box]
"tstringloc"Symbol 105 MovieClip [bow] Frame 1Symbol 60 MovieClip [box]
"bstringloc"Symbol 105 MovieClip [bow] Frame 1Symbol 60 MovieClip [box]
"string"Symbol 105 MovieClip [bow] Frame 1Symbol 103 MovieClip
"legs"Symbol 110 MovieClip [enemya] Frame 1Symbol 99 MovieClip
"body"Symbol 110 MovieClip [enemya] Frame 1Symbol 60 MovieClip [box]
"head"Symbol 110 MovieClip [enemya] Frame 1Symbol 60 MovieClip [box]
"quiver"Symbol 110 MovieClip [enemya] Frame 1Symbol 60 MovieClip [box]
"farm1"Symbol 110 MovieClip [enemya] Frame 1Symbol 61 MovieClip
"farm2"Symbol 110 MovieClip [enemya] Frame 1Symbol 61 MovieClip
"barm1"Symbol 110 MovieClip [enemya] Frame 1Symbol 61 MovieClip
"barm2"Symbol 110 MovieClip [enemya] Frame 1Symbol 61 MovieClip
"bow"Symbol 110 MovieClip [enemya] Frame 1Symbol 105 MovieClip [bow]
"sarrow"Symbol 110 MovieClip [enemya] Frame 1Symbol 107 MovieClip [arrow]
"deathtext"Symbol 130 MovieClip [deathscreen] Frame 1Symbol 117 EditableText
"tryagain"Symbol 130 MovieClip [deathscreen] Frame 1Symbol 120 Button
"death_lives"Symbol 130 MovieClip [deathscreen] Frame 1Symbol 124 EditableText
"death_headshots"Symbol 130 MovieClip [deathscreen] Frame 1Symbol 125 EditableText
"death_hits"Symbol 130 MovieClip [deathscreen] Frame 1Symbol 126 EditableText
"death_misses"Symbol 130 MovieClip [deathscreen] Frame 1Symbol 127 EditableText
"redbar"Symbol 134 MovieClip [bossbar] Frame 1Symbol 132 MovieClip
"b2"Symbol 135 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 60 MovieClip [box]
"b1"Symbol 135 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 60 MovieClip [box]
"a2"Symbol 135 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 60 MovieClip [box]
"a1"Symbol 135 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 60 MovieClip [box]
"a2"Symbol 135 MovieClip Frame 10Symbol 60 MovieClip [box]
"a1"Symbol 135 MovieClip Frame 10Symbol 60 MovieClip [box]
"b2"Symbol 135 MovieClip Frame 10Symbol 60 MovieClip [box]
"b1"Symbol 135 MovieClip Frame 10Symbol 60 MovieClip [box]
"b2"Symbol 135 MovieClip Frame 20Symbol 60 MovieClip [box]
"b1"Symbol 135 MovieClip Frame 20Symbol 60 MovieClip [box]
"a2"Symbol 135 MovieClip Frame 20Symbol 60 MovieClip [box]
"a1"Symbol 135 MovieClip Frame 20Symbol 60 MovieClip [box]
"legs"Symbol 138 MovieClip [ninja] Frame 1Symbol 135 MovieClip
"body"Symbol 138 MovieClip [ninja] Frame 1Symbol 60 MovieClip [box]
"head"Symbol 138 MovieClip [ninja] Frame 1Symbol 60 MovieClip [box]
"farm1"Symbol 138 MovieClip [ninja] Frame 1Symbol 61 MovieClip
"farm2"Symbol 138 MovieClip [ninja] Frame 1Symbol 61 MovieClip
"barm1"Symbol 138 MovieClip [ninja] Frame 1Symbol 61 MovieClip
"barm2"Symbol 138 MovieClip [ninja] Frame 1Symbol 61 MovieClip
"weapon1"Symbol 138 MovieClip [ninja] Frame 1Symbol 137 MovieClip [weapon]
"weapon2"Symbol 138 MovieClip [ninja] Frame 1Symbol 137 MovieClip [weapon]
"legs"Symbol 139 MovieClip [hero_mc] Frame 1Symbol 99 MovieClip
"body"Symbol 139 MovieClip [hero_mc] Frame 1Symbol 60 MovieClip [box]
"head"Symbol 139 MovieClip [hero_mc] Frame 1Symbol 60 MovieClip [box]
"quiver"Symbol 139 MovieClip [hero_mc] Frame 1Symbol 60 MovieClip [box]
"farm1"Symbol 139 MovieClip [hero_mc] Frame 1Symbol 61 MovieClip
"farm2"Symbol 139 MovieClip [hero_mc] Frame 1Symbol 61 MovieClip
"barm1"Symbol 139 MovieClip [hero_mc] Frame 1Symbol 61 MovieClip
"barm2"Symbol 139 MovieClip [hero_mc] Frame 1Symbol 61 MovieClip
"sarrow"Symbol 139 MovieClip [hero_mc] Frame 1Symbol 107 MovieClip [arrow]
"bow"Symbol 139 MovieClip [hero_mc] Frame 1Symbol 105 MovieClip [bow]
"legs"Symbol 142 MovieClip [enemyB1] Frame 1Symbol 58 MovieClip
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"head"Symbol 142 MovieClip [enemyB1] Frame 1Symbol 60 MovieClip [box]
"farm1"Symbol 142 MovieClip [enemyB1] Frame 1Symbol 61 MovieClip
"farm2"Symbol 142 MovieClip [enemyB1] Frame 1Symbol 61 MovieClip
"barm1"Symbol 142 MovieClip [enemyB1] Frame 1Symbol 61 MovieClip
"barm2"Symbol 142 MovieClip [enemyB1] Frame 1Symbol 61 MovieClip
"weapon"Symbol 142 MovieClip [enemyB1] Frame 1Symbol 141 MovieClip [axe]
"legs"Symbol 143 MovieClip [enemy3] Frame 1Symbol 58 MovieClip
"body"Symbol 143 MovieClip [enemy3] Frame 1Symbol 60 MovieClip [box]
"head"Symbol 143 MovieClip [enemy3] Frame 1Symbol 60 MovieClip [box]
"barm1"Symbol 143 MovieClip [enemy3] Frame 1Symbol 61 MovieClip
"barm2"Symbol 143 MovieClip [enemy3] Frame 1Symbol 61 MovieClip
"farm1"Symbol 143 MovieClip [enemy3] Frame 1Symbol 61 MovieClip
"weapon"Symbol 143 MovieClip [enemy3] Frame 1Symbol 137 MovieClip [weapon]
"shield"Symbol 143 MovieClip [enemy3] Frame 1Symbol 60 MovieClip [box]
"legs"Symbol 144 MovieClip [enemy1] Frame 1Symbol 58 MovieClip
"body"Symbol 144 MovieClip [enemy1] Frame 1Symbol 60 MovieClip [box]
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"farm1"Symbol 144 MovieClip [enemy1] Frame 1Symbol 61 MovieClip
"farm2"Symbol 144 MovieClip [enemy1] Frame 1Symbol 61 MovieClip
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"barm2"Symbol 144 MovieClip [enemy1] Frame 1Symbol 61 MovieClip
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Created: 7/6 -2019 09:34:03 Last modified: 7/6 -2019 09:34:03 Server time: 05/11 -2024 21:02:11