Frame 1
fscommand ("showmenu", "false");
fscommand ("allowscale", "false");
fscommand ("fullscreen", "true");
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip in Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
mcbar._xscale = 0;
totalbytes = _root.getBytesTotal();
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
mcbar._xscale = Math.ceil((_root.getBytesLoaded() / totalbytes) * 100);
if (mcbar._xscale >= 99) {;
Frame 2
myBGMusic = new Sound();
myBGMusic.start(0, 99999);
Instance of Symbol 224 MovieClip "mcStory" in Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 237 MovieClip "mcHow" in Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Frame 82
_root.attachMovie("mcCursor", "mcCursor", 9000);
_root.attachMovie("mcblackwall", "mcblackwall", 8999);
_root.attachMovie("mcScoreBoard", "mcScoreBoard", 8500);
_root.attachMovie("CastleWall", "mcCastleWall", 7000);
_root.attachMovie("mcHero", "mcHero", 8000);
mcCastleWall._x = 400;
mcCastleWall._y = 550;
mcHero._x = 400;
mcHero._y = 565;
Frame 98
function makeOgresInside() {
w = random(2) + 1;
_root.attachMovie("mcOgreInside" + w, "mcOgre" + OgresInsideNo, OgresInsideNo);
_root["mcOgre" + OgresInsideNo]._y = _root.mcHero._y + 10;
_root["mcOgre" + OgresInsideNo]._xscale = 150;
_root["mcOgre" + OgresInsideNo]._yscale = 150;
_root["mcOgre" + OgresInsideNo].isInside = true;
ww = random(100);
if (ww < 50) {
_root["mcOgre" + OgresInsideNo]._x = -50;
} else {
_root["mcOgre" + OgresInsideNo]._x = 850;
_root["mcOgre" + OgresInsideNo]._xscale = -150;
_root["mcOgre" + OgresInsideNo].onEnterFrame = function () {
if (this.hitTest(_root.mcHitHero)) {
if (OgresInsideNo > 8700) {
OgresInsideNo = 8600;
function makeOgre() {
w = random(3) + 1;
_root.attachMovie("mcOgre" + w, "mcOgre" + OgreNo, OgreNo);
_root["mcOgre" + OgreNo]._x = random(600) + 100;
_root["mcOgre" + OgreNo]._y = -50;
w = random(100);
_root["mcOgre" + OgreNo].onEnterFrame = function () {
if (this._y > 500) {
_root.mcScoreBoard.txtOgresInside.text = _root.OgresInside;
if (OgreNo > 500) {
OgreNo = 10;
function fireSpear(myName) {
_root.attachMovie("mcSpear", "mcSpear" + spearNo, spearNo);
myPoint = new Object();
myPoint.x = _root[myName][myName].mcSpear._x;
myPoint.y = _root[myName][myName].mcSpear._y;
_root["mcSpear" + spearNo]._x = myPoint.x;
_root["mcSpear" + spearNo]._y = myPoint.y;
_root["mcSpear" + spearNo]._rotation = _root[myName][myName]._rotation - 5;
_root["mcSpear" + spearNo].onEnterFrame = function () {
if (this.mcSpearTip.hitTest(_root.mcHitHero)) {
if (((this._x < -10) || (this._x > 810)) || (this._y > 610)) {
xspeed = Math.cos((Math.PI/180) * this._rotation) * 10;
yspeed = Math.sin((Math.PI/180) * this._rotation) * 10;
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._y = this._y + yspeed;
if (spearNo > 8400) {
spearNo = 8100;
function fireArrow(myTarget, targetx, targety) {
_root.attachMovie("mcArrow", "mcArrow" + arrowNo, arrowNo);
duplicateMovieClip ("_root.mchitArea.mchitArea", "mchitArea" + arrowNo, arrowNo);
_root.mchitArea["mchitArea" + arrowNo]._x = targetx;
_root.mchitArea["mchitArea" + arrowNo]._y = targety;
myPoint = new Object();
myPoint.x = _root.mcHero.mcMain.mcmyArrow.mcBownArrow.mcArrow._x;
myPoint.y = _root.mcHero.mcMain.mcmyArrow.mcBownArrow.mcArrow._y;
_root["mcArrow" + arrowNo]._x = myPoint.x;
_root["mcArrow" + arrowNo]._y = myPoint.y;
_root["mcArrow" + arrowNo].hit = false;
_root["mcArrow" + arrowNo].myTarget = myTarget;
_root["mcArrow" + arrowNo]._rotation = _root.mcHero.mcMain._rotation;
if (_root["mcArrow" + arrowNo]._rotation < -170) {
_root["mcArrow" + arrowNo]._rotation = _root["mcArrow" + arrowNo]._rotation - 2;
if (_root["mcArrow" + arrowNo]._rotation > 150) {
_root["mcArrow" + arrowNo]._rotation = _root["mcArrow" + arrowNo]._rotation - 2;
_root["mcArrow" + arrowNo].onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root[this.myTarget].hitTest(this.mcArrowHead)) {
if (this.myTarget.substr(0, 6) == "mcOgre") {
if (_root[this.myTarget].isInside) {
_root.attachMovie("mcOgre1Dead", "mcOgre1Dead" + this.myTarget.substr(7), Number(this.myTarget.substr(6)) - 10);
_root["mcOgre1Dead" + this.myTarget.substr(7)]._x = _root[this.myTarget]._x;
_root["mcOgre1Dead" + this.myTarget.substr(7)]._y = _root[this.myTarget]._y;
_root.mcScoreBoard.txtOgresInside.text = _root.OgresInside;
_root["mcOgre1Dead" + this.myTarget.substr(7)]._xscale = 150;
_root["mcOgre1Dead" + this.myTarget.substr(7)]._yscale = 150;
if (_root[this.myTarget]._xscale == -150) {
_root["mcOgre1Dead" + this.myTarget.substr(7)]._rotation = 90;
} else {
_root["mcOgre1Dead" + this.myTarget.substr(7)]._rotation = -90;
} else {
_root.attachMovie("mcOgre1Dead", "mcOgre1Dead" + this.myTarget.substr(7), this.myTarget.substr(7));
_root["mcOgre1Dead" + this.myTarget.substr(7)]._x = _root[this.myTarget]._x;
_root["mcOgre1Dead" + this.myTarget.substr(7)]._y = _root[this.myTarget]._y;
_root.mchitArea["mchitArea" + this._name.substr(7)].removeMovieClip();
_root.mcScoreBoard.txtOgresKilled.text = _root.OgresKilled;
this.hit = true;
this.onEnterFrame = "";
} else if (this.mcArrowHead.hitTest(_root.mchitArea["mchitArea" + this._name.substr(7)])) {
_root.mchitArea["mchitArea" + this._name.substr(7)].removeMovieClip();
this.hit = true;
this.onEnterFrame = "";
} else {
xspeed = Math.cos((Math.PI/180) * this._rotation) * 20;
yspeed = Math.sin((Math.PI/180) * this._rotation) * 20;
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._y = this._y + yspeed;
} else if (this.mcArrowHead.hitTest(_root.mchitArea["mchitArea" + this._name.substr(7)])) {
_root.mchitArea["mchitArea" + this._name.substr(7)].removeMovieClip();
this.hit = true;
this.onEnterFrame = "";
} else {
xspeed = Math.cos((Math.PI/180) * this._rotation) * 20;
yspeed = Math.sin((Math.PI/180) * this._rotation) * 20;
this._x = this._x + xspeed;
this._y = this._y + yspeed;
if (((this._x < 0) || (this._x > 800)) || (this._y < 0)) {
_root.mchitArea["mchitArea" + this._name.substr(7)].removeMovieClip();
if (arrowNo > 7500) {
arrowNo = 7100;
function mcHeroActivate() {
mcHero.onEnterFrame = function () {
if ((!this.moving) && (this._x < 750)) {
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
this.moving = true;
if ((!this.moving) && (this._x > 50)) {
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
this.moving = true;
this.mcHero.mcMain.mcmyArrow.onMouseDown = function () {
this.mcHero.mcMain.mcmyArrow.onMouseUp = function () {
if (this.ok) {
this.myTarget = eval (_root.mcCursor._droptarget);
_root.fireArrow(this.myTarget._name, _root._xmouse, _root._ymouse);
this.mcHero.mcMain.mcmyArrow.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root._ymouse < 570) {
this.dx = (_root.mcCursor._x - _root.mcHero._x) - 10;
this.dy = _root.mcCursor._y - _root.mcHero._y;
_root.mcHero.mcMain._rotation = (Math.atan2(this.dy, this.dx) * 180) / Math.PI;
function mcHeroStun() {
this.mcHero.onEnterFrame = "";
this.mcHero.mcMain.mcmyArrow.onMouseDown = "";
this.mcHero.mcMain.mcmyArrow.onMouseUp = "";
this.mcHero.mcMain.mcmyArrow.onEnterFrame = "";
arrowNo = 7100;
spearNo = 8100;
OgreNo = 10;
OgresInsideNo = 8600;
Villagers = 120;
OgresKilled = 0;
OgresInside = 0;
OgresOnTop = 0;
TotalOgres = 0;
Instance of Symbol 244 MovieClip "mcHitHero" in Frame 98
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = _root.mcHero._x;
this._y = _root.mcHero._y;
Instance of Symbol 249 MovieClip "mcOgreMaker" in Frame 98
onClipEvent (load) {
myrand = 150;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.OgresKilled > 50) {
myrand = 125;
if (_root.OgresKilled > 100) {
myrand = 100;
if (_root.OgresKilled > 150) {
myrand = 75;
if (_root.OgresKilled > 200) {
myrand = 50;
w = random(myrand);
if (w < 2) {
if (_root.OgresInside > 0) {
if (_root.Villagers > 0) {
kills = random(100);
if (kills < (_root.OgresInside * 2)) {
_root.mcScoreBoard.txtVillagers.text = _root.Villagers;
w = random(100);
if (w < 5) {
} else if (w < 10) {
if (_root.Villagers > (_root.OgresInside * 10)) {
if (_root.OgresInside > _root.OgresOnTop) {
Vkills = random(100);
if (Vkills < 1) {
_root.mcScoreBoard.txtOgresInside.text = _root.OgresInside;
} else if (_root.OgresInside > _root.OgresOnTop) {
w = random(100);
if (w < 1) {
Frame 100
ctr = 5;
while (ctr < 10701) {
_root["mcOgre" + ctr].removeMovieClip();
Frame 345
Symbol 33 MovieClip [mcArrow] Frame 1
if (hit) {
gotoAndPlay ("hit");
Symbol 33 MovieClip [mcArrow] Frame 7
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 33 MovieClip [mcArrow] Frame 20
Symbol 36 MovieClip Frame 1
_parent.ok = false;
Symbol 36 MovieClip Frame 10
_parent.ok = true;
Symbol 36 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 41 MovieClip Frame 4
mcBownArrow._visible = true;
Symbol 41 MovieClip Frame 5
if (ok) {;
mcBownArrow._visible = false;
Symbol 41 MovieClip Frame 8
gotoAndStop (1);
Instance of Symbol 41 MovieClip "mcmyArrow" in Symbol 42 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
Symbol 61 MovieClip [mcHero] Frame 1
moving = false;
Symbol 61 MovieClip [mcHero] Frame 3
_x = (_x + 1.2);
Symbol 61 MovieClip [mcHero] Frame 5
_x = (_x + 5);
Symbol 61 MovieClip [mcHero] Frame 7
_x = (_x + 2.5);
Symbol 61 MovieClip [mcHero] Frame 9
_x = (_x + 9.3);
Symbol 61 MovieClip [mcHero] Frame 11
_x = (_x + 12.4);
Symbol 61 MovieClip [mcHero] Frame 13
_x = (_x + 5.8);
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 61 MovieClip [mcHero] Frame 17
_x = (_x - 5.5);
Symbol 61 MovieClip [mcHero] Frame 19
_x = (_x - 3.3);
Symbol 61 MovieClip [mcHero] Frame 21
_x = (_x - 6.7);
Symbol 61 MovieClip [mcHero] Frame 23
_x = (_x - 6.8);
Symbol 61 MovieClip [mcHero] Frame 25
_x = (_x - 1.2);
Symbol 61 MovieClip [mcHero] Frame 27
_x = (_x - 3);
Symbol 61 MovieClip [mcHero] Frame 28
_x = (_x - 1);
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 61 MovieClip [mcHero] Frame 200
Instance of Symbol 68 MovieClip "mcCursor" in Symbol 69 MovieClip [mcCursor] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
Symbol 75 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 94 MovieClip [mcOgreInside2] Frame 1
if (this._xscale == 150) {
this._x = this._x + 3;
} else {
this._x = this._x - 3;
Instance of Symbol 75 MovieClip "mcOgreSound" in Symbol 94 MovieClip [mcOgreInside2] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
w = random(25);
if (w < 3) {
gotoAndStop (10);
} else if (w < 6) {
gotoAndStop (100);
} else if (w < 9) {
gotoAndStop (200);
Symbol 94 MovieClip [mcOgreInside2] Frame 5
if (this._xscale == 150) {
this._x = this._x + 16;
} else {
this._x = this._x - 16;
Symbol 94 MovieClip [mcOgreInside2] Frame 10
if (this._xscale == 150) {
this._x = this._x + 19.4;
} else {
this._x = this._x - 19.4;
Symbol 94 MovieClip [mcOgreInside2] Frame 15
if (this._xscale == 150) {
this._x = this._x + 10.9;
} else {
this._x = this._x - 10.9;
Symbol 94 MovieClip [mcOgreInside2] Frame 20
if (this._xscale == 150) {
this._x = this._x + 1.8;
} else {
this._x = this._x - 1.8;
Symbol 94 MovieClip [mcOgreInside2] Frame 25
if (this._xscale == 150) {
this._x = this._x + 8;
} else {
this._x = this._x - 8;
Symbol 94 MovieClip [mcOgreInside2] Frame 30
if (this._xscale == 150) {
this._x = this._x + 15.6;
} else {
this._x = this._x - 15.6;
Symbol 94 MovieClip [mcOgreInside2] Frame 35
if (this._xscale == 150) {
this._x = this._x + 3;
} else {
this._x = this._x - 3;
Symbol 94 MovieClip [mcOgreInside2] Frame 39
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 94 MovieClip [mcOgreInside2] Frame 65
gotoAndPlay ("attack");
Symbol 114 MovieClip [mcOgreInside1] Frame 1
if (this._xscale == 150) {
this._x = this._x + 3;
} else {
this._x = this._x - 3;
Instance of Symbol 75 MovieClip "mcOgreSound" in Symbol 114 MovieClip [mcOgreInside1] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
w = random(25);
if (w < 3) {
gotoAndStop (10);
} else if (w < 6) {
gotoAndStop (100);
} else if (w < 9) {
gotoAndStop (200);
Symbol 114 MovieClip [mcOgreInside1] Frame 5
if (this._xscale == 150) {
this._x = this._x + 16;
} else {
this._x = this._x - 16;
Symbol 114 MovieClip [mcOgreInside1] Frame 10
if (this._xscale == 150) {
this._x = this._x + 19.4;
} else {
this._x = this._x - 19.4;
Symbol 114 MovieClip [mcOgreInside1] Frame 15
if (this._xscale == 150) {
this._x = this._x + 10.9;
} else {
this._x = this._x - 10.9;
Symbol 114 MovieClip [mcOgreInside1] Frame 20
if (this._xscale == 150) {
this._x = this._x + 1.8;
} else {
this._x = this._x - 1.8;
Symbol 114 MovieClip [mcOgreInside1] Frame 25
if (this._xscale == 150) {
this._x = this._x + 8;
} else {
this._x = this._x - 8;
Symbol 114 MovieClip [mcOgreInside1] Frame 30
if (this._xscale == 150) {
this._x = this._x + 15.6;
} else {
this._x = this._x - 15.6;
Symbol 114 MovieClip [mcOgreInside1] Frame 35
if (this._xscale == 150) {
this._x = this._x + 3;
} else {
this._x = this._x - 3;
Symbol 114 MovieClip [mcOgreInside1] Frame 39
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 114 MovieClip [mcOgreInside1] Frame 60
gotoAndPlay ("attack");
Symbol 124 MovieClip [mcOgre2] Frame 1
this._y = this._y + 3;
Instance of Symbol 75 MovieClip "mcOgreSound" in Symbol 124 MovieClip [mcOgre2] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
w = random(25);
if (w < 3) {
gotoAndStop (10);
} else if (w < 6) {
gotoAndStop (100);
} else if (w < 9) {
gotoAndStop (200);
Symbol 124 MovieClip [mcOgre2] Frame 5
this._y = this._y + 16;
Symbol 124 MovieClip [mcOgre2] Frame 10
this._y = this._y + 19.4;
Symbol 124 MovieClip [mcOgre2] Frame 15
this._y = this._y + 10.9;
Symbol 124 MovieClip [mcOgre2] Frame 20
this._y = this._y + 1.8;
Symbol 124 MovieClip [mcOgre2] Frame 25
this._y = this._y + 8;
Symbol 124 MovieClip [mcOgre2] Frame 30
this._y = this._y + 15.6;
Symbol 124 MovieClip [mcOgre2] Frame 35
this._y = this._y + 3;
Symbol 134 MovieClip [mcOgre3] Frame 1
this._y = this._y + 3;
Instance of Symbol 75 MovieClip "mcOgreSound" in Symbol 134 MovieClip [mcOgre3] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
w = random(25);
if (w < 3) {
gotoAndStop (10);
} else if (w < 6) {
gotoAndStop (100);
} else if (w < 9) {
gotoAndStop (200);
Symbol 134 MovieClip [mcOgre3] Frame 5
this._y = this._y + 16;
Symbol 134 MovieClip [mcOgre3] Frame 10
this._y = this._y + 19.4;
Symbol 134 MovieClip [mcOgre3] Frame 15
this._y = this._y + 10.9;
Symbol 134 MovieClip [mcOgre3] Frame 20
this._y = this._y + 1.8;
Symbol 134 MovieClip [mcOgre3] Frame 25
this._y = this._y + 8;
Symbol 134 MovieClip [mcOgre3] Frame 30
this._y = this._y + 15.6;
Symbol 134 MovieClip [mcOgre3] Frame 35
this._y = this._y + 3;
Symbol 165 MovieClip Frame 1
mcSpear._visible = true;
Symbol 165 MovieClip Frame 36
mcSpear._visible = false;
Symbol 165 MovieClip Frame 60
Symbol 166 MovieClip [mcOgre1] Frame 1
this._y = this._y + 3;
Instance of Symbol 75 MovieClip "mcOgreSound" in Symbol 166 MovieClip [mcOgre1] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
w = random(25);
if (w < 3) {
gotoAndStop (10);
} else if (w < 6) {
gotoAndStop (100);
} else if (w < 9) {
gotoAndStop (200);
Symbol 166 MovieClip [mcOgre1] Frame 5
this._y = this._y + 16;
Symbol 166 MovieClip [mcOgre1] Frame 10
this._y = this._y + 19.4;
Symbol 166 MovieClip [mcOgre1] Frame 15
this._y = this._y + 10.9;
Symbol 166 MovieClip [mcOgre1] Frame 20
this._y = this._y + 1.8;
Symbol 166 MovieClip [mcOgre1] Frame 25
this._y = this._y + 8;
Symbol 166 MovieClip [mcOgre1] Frame 30
this._y = this._y + 15.6;
Symbol 166 MovieClip [mcOgre1] Frame 35
this._y = this._y + 3;
Symbol 166 MovieClip [mcOgre1] Frame 40
if (this._y < 450) {
w = random(100);
if (w < 5) {
gotoAndStop (45);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (1);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 166 MovieClip [mcOgre1] Frame 45
Instance of Symbol 165 MovieClip "mcOgre1" in Symbol 166 MovieClip [mcOgre1] Frame 45
onClipEvent (load) {
this._name = _parent._name;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
dx = (_root.mcHitHero._x - _parent._x) - 10;
dy = _root.mcHitHero._y - _parent._y;
this._rotation = (Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 180) / Math.PI;
Symbol 174 MovieClip Frame 15;
Symbol 175 MovieClip [mcOgre1Dead] Frame 1
Symbol 175 MovieClip [mcOgre1Dead] Frame 15
Symbol 186 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Symbol 204 Button
on (release) {
_root.mcStory._visible = true;
_root.mcHow._visible = false;
Symbol 209 Button
on (release) {
_root.mcStory._visible = false;
_root.mcHow._visible = true;
Symbol 214 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay ("start");
Symbol 219 Button
on (release) {
fscommand ("quit");
Symbol 230 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 236 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 237 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 48
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 115
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 258 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (2);