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Jail Break.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #12372

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)





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Welcome to "Hell County Correctional Facility" sonny! While you're here you'll do exactly as I say... or I'll be seeing you in the showers!



I'll be giving you various jobs. Do all 10 tasks right, and it will be your ticket out of
this prison back to the free world...







Level 2 - Dope!

Level 3 - Skins!

Level 4 - Pool Jam!

Level 5 - The Medic!

Level 6 - The Exam!

Level 7 - Maths!

Level 8 - Library !

Level 1 - Smokin!

Level 9 - The Guv!

Level 10 - Parking!



On this level dynamic text blah blah




Cell #1

Cell #2

Hey! what's going on?








Uh-oh! You got

Uh-oh! You got

Try again...

Try again...



Cell #9

Hey! What's going on?

Lights out fellas. Sweet dreams now!

Cell #9

Cell #1

The beginning of eternity.
The end of time and space.
The beginning of every end,
and end of every place !


Hey Fella! I dont let any old riff-raff in here
so if you want in you gotta prove to me you
is a scholar.
I ask you a science question - if you get it
right I let you in. If you get it wrong you
You get me?


You're alright in my book sonny, in you come...

You ain't comin' in my goddam library, fool!




On this level dynamic text blah blah






Submit score


Prison Maths Test






Enter your answer

then hit



Time Taken


Wrong Answers


x5s penalty

Total Time








FREEZE! Or we shoot your ass off!





In the book you see a cut
away section...

Which shows a map to the
Governor's Office...

There is a safe which holds
the key to the main gate!


...but what's the combination?

Battle of the

Battle of

Battle of
Bunker Hill

The Tet

You find his office and
sneak inside...


Wrong code!
The Alarm goes off
and you are caught!


You got the key
to the main gate!

On this level dynamic text blah blah


Next Mission

Next Mission

Play again?

Play again?

You're off to safety in Brazil!

You're off to safety in Brazil!

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 255
level = 1; stop();
Frame 256
function reload() { gotoAndStop (256); } level = 1; score = 0; play();
Instance of Symbol 76 MovieClip "game_cooky" in Frame 256
onClipEvent (load) { function write_game_cookie(f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7, f8, f9) { name = "game" + game_id; so = SharedObject.getLocal(name, "/"); trace("writing : " + game_id); trace("writing cookie......f : " + f1); trace("writing cookie......f : " + f2); trace("writing cookie......f : " + f3); trace("writing cookie......f : " + f4); trace("writing cookie......f : " + f5); trace("writing cookie......f : " + f6); trace("writing cookie......f : " + f7); trace("writing cookie......f : " + f8); trace("writing cookie......f : " + f9); = f1; = f2; = f3; = f4; = f5; = f6; = f7; = f8; = f9; so.flush(); } function read_game_cookie() { name = "game" + game_id; so = SharedObject.getLocal(name, "/"); if ( == null) { result = false; trace("no cookie...."); write_mb(); read_mb(); } else { result = true; trace("reading cookie...."); _level0.f1 =; _level0.f2 =; _level0.f3 =; _level0.f4 =; _level0.f5 =; _level0.f6 =; _level0.f7 =; _level0.f8 =; _level0.f9 =; } return(result); } _visible = true; game_id = "jailbreakv1"; }
Frame 257
exist = game_cooky.read_game_cookie(); if (exist) { trace("exists"); locked1 = f1; locked2 = f2; locked3 = f3; locked4 = f4; locked5 = f5; locked6 = f6; locked7 = f7; locked8 = f8; locked9 = f9; } else { trace("dont exists"); my_last_team_select = 1; locked1 = true; locked2 = true; locked3 = true; locked4 = true; locked5 = true; locked6 = true; locked7 = true; locked8 = true; locked9 = true; game_cooky.write_game_cookie(locked1, locked2, locked3, locked4, locked5, locked6, locked7, locked8, locked9); } stop();
Frame 258
function start_add_in(scin) { thescore = scin; whas = scin * whas2006; scnt = 0; } function add_in(scin) { thescore = thescore + scin; whas = whas + (scin * whas2006); scnt++; } b = 2; while (b <= 10) { lk = b - 1; this["b" + b]._visible = !_level0["locked" + lk]; b++; } whas2006 = random(7) + 2; start_add_in(0); stop();
Instance of Symbol 88 MovieClip "lock9" in Frame 258
onClipEvent (load) { _visible = _level0.locked9; }
Instance of Symbol 88 MovieClip "lock1" in Frame 258
onClipEvent (load) { _visible = _level0.locked1; }
Instance of Symbol 88 MovieClip "lock2" in Frame 258
onClipEvent (load) { _visible = _level0.locked2; }
Instance of Symbol 88 MovieClip "lock3" in Frame 258
onClipEvent (load) { _visible = _level0.locked3; }
Instance of Symbol 88 MovieClip "lock4" in Frame 258
onClipEvent (load) { _visible = _level0.locked4; }
Instance of Symbol 88 MovieClip "lock5" in Frame 258
onClipEvent (load) { _visible = _level0.locked5; }
Instance of Symbol 88 MovieClip "lock6" in Frame 258
onClipEvent (load) { _visible = _level0.locked6; }
Instance of Symbol 88 MovieClip "lock7" in Frame 258
onClipEvent (load) { _visible = _level0.locked7; }
Instance of Symbol 88 MovieClip "lock8" in Frame 258
onClipEvent (load) { _visible = _level0.locked8; }
Instance of Symbol 88 MovieClip "lock9" in Frame 258
onClipEvent (load) { _visible = _level0.locked9; }
Frame 259
task = new array(); task[1] = "Right, listen up you muppet! Your first job is to go to cell #2 and steal me some smokes. TREAD CAREFULLY though, dillweed!"; task[2] = "Okay, now Grizzler in Cell #9 wants the cigarettes and has some weed to trade. Dont let the screws catch you with the dope!"; task[3] = "Well man - that weed's no use without some Rizlas - now find some skins by MORNING or I'll bust yer pretty ass!"; task[4] = "BIG SAM in the games room has got a parcel for you. But you gotta beat his Pool record first!"; task[5] = "Take the package to the Medical wing . Get Dr. Speedwell to check it out! Dont the let guards catch you, or hit the laser trip wires!"; task[6] = "Dougie Dimwitt needs to pass his MATHS exam or the judge says he's got another year on his sentence. You're gonner have to sit it for him!"; task[7] = "Looks like its your turn to take the MATHS test now boy! You'd better pass or you're screwed!"; task[8] = "Now get to the library - Deadly Dave has a book for you. But Larry the Librarian wont let you in unless you know yer stuff!"; task[9] = "Go to the Governor's Office and find the key to the main gate! You'll need the book..."; task[10] = "You're ready to escape - all you need is to park Cop Car#1 in the way of the cops and run to the gate!"; task_txt = task[level]; lejustdone = level; stop();
Frame 260
_level0.comment = ""; pool_level = 4; trace("saved.." + saved_level); if (level == 2) { gotoAndStop (261); } if (level == 3) { gotoAndStop (262); } if (level == 4) { pool_time = 80; attempt = 1; trickshot = true; timer = 100; level = 1; run_of = 0; total_shots = 0; best_run_of = 0; misses = 0; opla = score; gotoAndPlay (285); } if (level == 5) { trace("l = 5"); gotoAndStop (264); } if (level == 6) { gotoAndStop (265); } if (level == 7) { gotoAndPlay (364); } if (level == 8) { gotoAndStop (263); } if (level == 9) { gotoAndStop (367); } if (level == 10) { gotoAndStop (366); } manincell2.txt = "Zzzzzz..."; stop();
Instance of Symbol 119 MovieClip "package" in Frame 260
onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 127 MovieClip "ok" in Frame 260
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 147 MovieClip "tripincell2" in Frame 260
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 149 MovieClip "creaktext" in Frame 260
onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 162 MovieClip "man1" in Frame 260
onClipEvent (load) { move = 4; table = new array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); down = false; alert = false; fags = false; creak = false; busted = false; won = false; level = 1; _level0.fags._visible = fags; _level0.hash._visible = false; _level0.comment = "Get the smokes dilweed!"; rizzlas = false; _level0.rizzlas._visible = rizzlas; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _level0.fags._visible = fags; startx = _x; starty = _y; if (((!alert) and (!won)) and (!inhibit)) { if (Key.isDown(39)) { _x = (_x + move); } if (Key.isDown(37)) { _x = (_x - move); } if (Key.isDown(38)) { _y = (_y - move); } if (Key.isDown(40)) { _y = (_y + move); } if (_level0.ok.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) { } else { _x = startx; _y = starty; } } if (_level0.tripincell2.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) { _level0.manincell2.txt = "WTF!?!\rHey! Guards!"; if (!creak) { _level0.creaktext._x = _x; _level0.creaktext._y = _y; _level0.creaktext._visible = true; _level0.creak.gotoAndPlay(2); creak = true; alert = true; alert_wait = 0; } } t = 1; while (t <= 2) { mov = eval ("_level0.tableincell" + t); if (, this._y, true)) { if (Key.isDown(32)) { if (table[t] == 0) { if (!down) { mov.gotoAndStop(2); table[t] = 1; mov.fags._visible = false; if (((level == 1) and (t == 2)) and (!fags)) { mov.fags._visible = true; } } } else if (!down) { if (((level == 1) and (t == 2)) and (!fags)) { fags = true; mov.fags._visible = false; _level0.good.gotoAndPlay(2); _level0.comment = "You got the ciggies! Now get back to your cell!"; } else { mov.gotoAndStop(1); table[t] = 0; } } down = true; } else { down = false; } } t++; } if (alert) { alert_wait++; if (alert_wait > 100) { if (!busted) { busted = true; _level0.done.gotoAndPlay("lost"); _level0.comment = "Your ass is busted homeboy!"; } } g = 1; while (g <= 2) { guard = eval ("_level0.guard" + g); trail = eval ("_level0.trail" + g); dx = trail._x - guard._x; dy = trail._y - guard._y; guard._rotation = 90 + ((Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 180) / 3.142); savex = guard._x; guard._x = guard._x + (dx / 40); if (trail.hitTest(guard._x, guard._y, true)) { } else { guard._x = savex; } savey = guard._y; guard._y = guard._y + (dy / 40); if (trail.hitTest(guard._x, guard._y, true)) { } else { guard._y = savey; } g++; } } if (_level0.cell1.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) { if (fags and (!won)) { won = true; _level0.comment = "Nice jack man!"; _level0.done.gotoAndPlay("done"); } } }
Instance of Symbol 169 MovieClip "timmy" in Frame 260
onClipEvent (load) { is_running = true; mytime = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (is_running == 1) { mytime = mytime + 0.0333333333333333; raw = int(mytime); if (raw != lasttime) { time = raw; } else { lasttime = raw; } if (time >= 60) { _level0.txt = "Morning fellas!"; _level0.note._visible = false; _level0.dark._visible = false; _level0.man1.inhibit = true; _level0.comment = "TIME UP!"; _level0.done.gotoAndPlay("lost"); is_running = false; } } }
Instance of Symbol 206 MovieClip "ok" in Frame 261
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 162 MovieClip "man1" in Frame 261
onClipEvent (load) { move = 4; table = new array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); down = false; alert = false; fags = true; blow = false; creak = false; busted = false; won = false; deal_state = "none"; deal_timer = 0; guard_path = 1; inhibit = false; level = _level0.level; _level0.fags._visible = fags; _level0.hash._visible = blow; _level0.comment = "Do the trade mutha!"; _level0.manincell2.txt = "I need nicotine!"; rizzlas = false; _level0.rizzlas._visible = rizzlas; _level0.guard2.stop(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _level0.fags._visible = fags; _level0.hash._visible = blow; startx = _x; starty = _y; if (((!busted) and (!won)) and (!inhibit)) { if (Key.isDown(39)) { _x = (_x + move); } if (Key.isDown(37)) { _x = (_x - move); } if (Key.isDown(38)) { _y = (_y - move); } if (Key.isDown(40)) { _y = (_y + move); } if (_level0.ok.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) { } else { _x = startx; _y = starty; } } else { _level0.guard2.stop(); } if (deal_state == "doing_deal") { deal_timer++; if (deal_timer == 1) { inhibit = true; _level0.manincell2.txt = "You got those smokes?"; } if (deal_timer == 40) { _level0.manincell2.txt = "Cool! Here's ya blow"; _level0.comment = "You got the dope!"; inhibit = false; blow = true; fags = false; } if (deal_timer == 60) { deal_state = "done_deal"; deal_timer = 0; _level0.manincell2.txt = "HOLY SH*T!";;; if (!creak) { creak = true; alert = true; } } } if (deal_state == "done_deal") { deal_timer++; if (deal_timer == 40) { _level0.manincell2.txt = "Hey what's going down Officer?"; } if (deal_timer == 100) { _level0.manincell2.txt = "Wanna smoke? ha ha"; guard_path = 2; } if (deal_timer == 200) { _level0.manincell2.txt = "Hey! Get outta here cop!"; guard_path = 3; } } if (_level0.tripincell2.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) { if (deal_state == "none") { deal_timer = 0; deal_state = "doing_deal"; } } t = 1; while (t <= 2) { mov = eval ("_level0.tableincell" + t); if (, this._y, true)) { if (Key.isDown(32)) { if (table[t] == 0) { if (!down) { mov.gotoAndStop(2); table[t] = 1; mov.fags._visible = false; if (((level == 1) and (t == 2)) and (!fags)) { mov.fags._visible = true; } } } else if (!down) { if (((level == 1) and (t == 2)) and (!fags)) { fags = true; mov.fags._visible = false; _level0.good.gotoAndPlay(2); _level0.comment = "You got the ciggies! Now get back to your cell!"; } else { mov.gotoAndStop(1); table[t] = 0; } } down = true; } else { down = false; } } t++; } if (_level0.cell1.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) { if (blow and (!won)) { won = true; _level0.comment = "Nice jack man!"; _level0.done.gotoAndPlay("done"); } } if (alert) { g = 1; while (g <= 2) { guard = eval ("_level0.guard" + g); if (guard.beam.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { if ((((!busted) and (g == 1)) and _level0.cell9.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) and _level0.cell9.hitTest(guard.beam._x + guard._x, guard.beam._y + guard._y, true)) { busted = true; _level0.done.gotoAndPlay("lost"); _level0.comment = "Your ass is busted homeboy!"; guard.stop(); } if ((!busted) and (g == 2)) { busted = true; _level0.done.gotoAndPlay("lost"); _level0.comment = "Your ass is busted homeboy!"; guard.stop(); } } g++; } } }
Instance of Symbol 216 MovieClip "ok" in Frame 262
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 147 MovieClip "trip1" in Frame 262
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 147 MovieClip "trip3" in Frame 262
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 147 MovieClip "trip2" in Frame 262
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 162 MovieClip "man1" in Frame 262
onClipEvent (load) { move = 4; table = new array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); down = false; alert = false; fags = false; rizzlas = false; noteread = false; blow = true; creak = false; busted = false; won = false; deal_state = "none"; deal_timer = 0; guard_path = 1; level = _level0.level; _level0.fags._visible = fags; _level0.hash._visible = blow; rizzlas = false; state = "dark"; _level0.rizzlas._visible = rizzlas; _level0.comment = "Find some Rizlas pronto!"; dark_time = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _level0.fags._visible = fags; _level0.hash._visible = blow; _level0.rizzlas._visible = rizzlas; startx = _x; starty = _y; dark_time++; if (dark_time > 20) { _level0.dark._visible = true; } if (((!busted) and (!won)) and (!inhibit)) { if (Key.isDown(39)) { _x = (_x + move); } if (Key.isDown(37)) { _x = (_x - move); } if (Key.isDown(38)) { _y = (_y - move); } if (Key.isDown(40)) { _y = (_y + move); } if (_level0.ok.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) { } else { _x = startx; _y = starty; } } if (state == "dark") { if (_level0.trip1.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) { if (Key.isDown(32)) { _level0.dark.gotoAndStop(2); state = "tv"; _level0.comment = "The TV is lighting up the room! Nice work!"; } } if (_level0.trip2.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) { if (Key.isDown(32)) { _level0.comment = "It's too dark to read!"; } } } else if (state == "tv") { if (_level0.trip2.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) { if (Key.isDown(32) and (!inhibit)) { _level0.comment = "The note reads... hmmm what's the answer?"; _level0.note._visible = true; noteread = true; } } if (((noteread == true) and ((Key.getAscii() == 69) or (Key.getAscii() == 101))) and (!inhibit)) { _level0.comment = "A low voice whispers... 'Look under the pillow'"; state = "note_read"; } } else if (state == "note_read") { if (_level0.trip3.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) { if (Key.isDown(32) and (!inhibit)) { rizzlas = true; state = "done"; } } } t = 1; while (t <= 2) { mov = eval ("_level0.tableincell" + t); if (, this._y, true)) { if (Key.isDown(32) and (!inhibit)) { if (table[t] == 0) { if (!down) { mov.gotoAndStop(2); table[t] = 1; mov.fags._visible = false; if (((level == 1) and (t == 2)) and (!fags)) { mov.fags._visible = true; } } } else if (!down) { if (((level == 1) and (t == 2)) and (!fags)) { fags = true; mov.fags._visible = false; _level0.good.gotoAndPlay(2); _level0.comment = "You got the ciggies! Now get back to your cell!"; } else { mov.gotoAndStop(1); table[t] = 0; } } down = true; } else { down = false; } } t++; } if (_level0.cell1.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) { if ((rizzlas and (!won)) and (!inhibit)) { won = true; _level0.comment = "You is the man!"; _level0.done.gotoAndPlay("done"); } } }
Instance of Symbol 228 MovieClip "dark" in Frame 262
onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 228 MovieClip "dark" in Frame 262
onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip "note" in Frame 262
onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; }
Frame 263
function format() { aa1 = new array(); aa2 = new array(); aa3 = new array(); aa4 = new array(); ca = new array(); qu = new array(); q = rn; start_idx = 0; pix = 1; while (pix <= 5) { finish_idx = start_idx; while (finish_idx < 500) { if (question[q].substr(finish_idx, 1) == "+") { trace("+ at char posn " + finish_idx); break; } finish_idx++; } temp = question[q].substr(start_idx, finish_idx - start_idx); if (pix == 1) { qu[q] = temp; } if (pix == 2) { aa1[q] = temp; } if (pix == 3) { aa2[q] = temp; } if (pix == 4) { aa3[q] = temp; } if (pix == 5) { aa4[q] = temp; } ca[q] = aa1[q]; trace("item = " + temp); start_idx = finish_idx + 1; pix++; } } function get_question() { trace("q = " + rn); quiz.question_text = qu[rn]; quiz.a1 = aa1[rn]; quiz.a2 = aa2[rn]; quiz.a3 = aa3[rn]; quiz.a4 = aa4[rn]; i = 1; while (i <= 40) { x = random(4) + 1; y = random(4) + 1; temp = quiz["a" + x]; quiz["a" + x] = quiz["a" + y]; quiz["a" + y] = temp; i++; } correcto = ca[rn]; trace("ans = " + ca[rn]); } function answer(anin) { if (!go) { go = true; if (quiz["a" + anin] == correcto) { trace("YYYYYYYYYYYYYYY"); quiz.gotoAndStop(3); } else { trace("XXXXXXXXXXXX"); quiz.gotoAndStop(4); } } } trace("here5"); question = new array(); question[1] = "You set off on a journey to the closest star to Earth. Where are you going?+The sun+Alpha Centauri+Proxima Centauri+Sirius"; question[2] = "The sun is primarily made up of what two elements?+Hydrogen and helium+Hydrogen and nitrogen+Oxygen and nitrogen+Nitrogen and helium"; question[3] = "Watch out! What objects will you find a lot of between Mars and Jupiter?+Asteroids+Comets+Space debris+Pulsars"; question[4] = "If you set out to create a comet, what would be your main ingredient?+Ice+Gas+Rock+Plasma"; question[5] = "On which planet in our solar system could you have the hottest date?+Venus+Mercury+Mars+Jupiter"; question[6] = "How many planets in our solar system have rings?+4+1+2+3"; question[7] = "What scientific instrument would you find at the top of Mount Palomar, in San Diego, California?+A telescope+A nuclear reactor+A cyclotron+A gene splicing laboratory"; question[8] = "Which term is used to describe the shape of a planet's orbit around the sun?+Ellipse+Apogee+Radius+Ovate"; question[9] = "We all know that the moon really isn't made out of green cheese. But what igneous rock is the moon primarily composed of?+Basalt+Granite+Limestone+Pumice"; question[10] = "It would take a very long yardstick to measure the approximately 392,268 kilometers from the earth to the moon! What tool was actually used to measure the exact distance?+A laser+A telescope+A rocket+A sonar generator"; question[11] = "What was the name of the first cloned sheep?+Dolly+Miss Muffett+Penny+Elsie"; question[12] = "Plants don't need to go to the grocery store. What process do they use to make food instead?+Photosynthesis+Respiration+Oxidation+Regeneration"; question[13] = "If you were to reach out and pick a random insect from the billions crawling around the world, what type of insect would it most likely be?+A beetle+An ant+A butterfly+A termite"; question[14] = "You have only one. What does an earthworm have 10 of?+Hearts+Noses+Mouths+Segments"; question[15] = "We all know that the biggest mammal is the blue whale. But what kind of animal is the smallest mammal?+A bat+A shrew+A mouse+A hamster"; question[16] = "You may know that the duckbilled platypus is an egg-laying mammal. Wouldn't it be ducky to know the name of the other egg-laying mammal? What is it?+The echidna+The bandicoot+The numbat+The wombat"; question[17] = "You saw a melanistic Panthera pardus in a Tarzan movie. What is it likely that you called it?+Black panther+African lion+Cheetah+Chimpanzee"; question[18] = "Ouch! What is the only type of mammal that can have a venomous bite?+Shrew+Platypus+Bat+Weasel"; question[19] = "It might give you a headache to think about this, but from what tree was aspirin first derived?+Willow+Pine+Daisy+Aspen"; question[20] = "Talk about kids that look alike- what common mammal of the southern US regularly gives birth to identical quadruplets?+Armadillo+Spiny rat+Tenrec+Jerboa"; question[21] = "We all know that H2O is the formula for water. What compound is H2O2 the formula for?+Hydrogen peroxide+Ozone+Heavy water+Deuterium"; question[22] = "It's organic, man! What element is found in all organic molecules?+Carbon+Oxygen+Hydrogen+Nitrogen"; question[23] = "Don't do this at home! If you mix hydrochloric acid and lye (caustic soda), what will you get?+Salt water+An explosion+Chlorine gas+Drano"; question[24] = "The ill-fated Hindenburg zeppelin caught on fire and burned because it was filled with the lightest element. What element is it?+Hydrogen+Helium+Oxygen+Neon"; question[25] = "Neon, argon, radon and the like are a snobby bunch. They don't like to make compounds with the other elements. What name, synonymous with 'stately', has been given to these gases?+Noble gases+Standalone gases+High gases+Loner gases"; question[26] = "In the 'Star Trek' television series, spacecraft used deuterium to fuel their warp drives. Deuterium is a form of what element?+Hydrogen+Carbon+Oxygen+Nitrogen"; question[27] = "What is the common name for the chart that lists all of the elements and their properties?+The periodic table+The chemical table+The elemental table+The elemental chart"; question[28] = "If you somehow could break down the universe into elements, what element would you have the most of?+Hydrogen+Carbon+Silicon+Nitrogen"; question[29] = "Yeast and baking soda are both used in baking to make breads rise, because each produces a gas. What gas do they yield?+Carbon dioxide+Oxygen+Carbon monoxide+Hydrogen"; question[30] = "This question is a gas! To what chemical family, named for their chemical makeup, do gasoline, propane, methane and natural gas belong?+Hydrocarbons+Carbohydrates+Lipids+Esters"; question[31] = "What is the most abundant element in the Earth's crust?+Oxygen+Silicon+Carbon+Iron"; question[32] = "If you journeyed to the very center of the earth, what two main elements would you find?+Iron and nickel+Iron and copper+Aluminum and iron+Carbon and hydrogen"; question[33] = "We are all riding around on big chunks of the earth's crust that slide around on top of the mantle. What are these chunks usually called?+Plates+Sections+Faults+Continents"; question[34] = "There are more volcanoes and earthquakes in the Pacific Rim region than anywhere else on earth. By what descriptive name is this disaster-prone area known?+Ring of Fire+Earthquake Alley+The Hot Zone+The Bermuda Triangle"; question[35] = "If you don't have rocks in your head, you should know the three types of rocks we all learned in school. What type are sandstone, limestone and shale?+Sedimentary+Igneous+Metamorphic+Minerals"; question[36] = "At a rock concert, you meet Basalt, Obsidian and Granite. What type of rock are these?+Igneous+Sedimentary+Metamorphic+Minerals"; question[37] = "The moon never has to diet. What is the moon called when it appears to be getting bigger?+Waxing moon+Waning moon+Full moon+New moon"; question[38] = "If it rains on your parade- and thunders too- what type of clouds are you most likely to see overhead?+Cumulonimbus clouds+Cumulus clouds+Stratus clouds+Cirrus clouds"; question[39] = "Let's stick together- this is the only continent that's composed of just one country. What is it?+Australia+Antarctica+Greenland+Asia"; question[40] = "If you want to catch the biggest wave at high tide, during what two phases of the moon should you hit the surf?+New and full+Full and first quarter+First quarter and third quarter+Half and full"; question[41] = "In the United States, what federal law was passed to save hundreds of threatened species from extinction?+Endangered Species Act+Extinct Animals Act+Animal Protection Act+Conservation Act"; question[42] = "This is the real Big Bird- the bird with the largest wingspan in the US. After being extinct in the wild for almost a decade, captive breeding programs once again have this bird of prey flying free.+California condor+Bald eagle+Peregrine falcon+Golden eagle"; question[43] = "You can describe who eats whom in a habitat with a food pyramid. What's at the bottom of any food pyramid?+Plants+Herbivores+Omnivores+Carnivores"; question[44] = "You can really say `He'll eat anything!` about these animals. What do we call coyotes, crows, raccoons, and other animals who like both meat and veggies?+Omnivores+Carnivores+Herbivores+Scavengers"; question[45] = "In the 1960s and 70s, a pesticide was blamed for causing the eggshells of birds, like brown pelicans and bald eagles, to weaken and break. What was this pesticide?+DDT+Dieldrin+Pyrethrin+Malathion"; question[46] = "The Bronx Zoo once had a picture frame covered by cloth. It was labeled `The most dangerous species in the world.` If you removed the cover, what framed object did you see?+A mirror+A great white shark+A rat+A virus"; question[47] = "Here's something to know before your next vacation- according to the World Resources Institute, the World Health Organization and the World Bank, what world capital city has the worst air pollution?+Mexico City+Los Angeles+Tokyo+Moscow"; question[48] = "You have to be bright to answer this one! Ultimately, all of the energy in all life cycles on land originally comes from what?+The sun+Plants+Water+Bacteria"; question[49] = "Why is yodeling banned in Swiss mountain villages in the spring?+It can cause an avalanche+It disturbs nesting wildlife+It disturbs sheep giving birth+It attracts vermin"; question[50] = "'Ecology' comes from Greek words meaning the study of the what?+House+World+Environment+Planet"; question[51] = "What is the most widely-consumed addictive chemical substance in the world?+Caffeine+Alcohol+Marijuana+Nicotine"; question[52] = "In what specific part of the human body can you find the only living tissue that has no blood supply?+The eye+The ear+The skin+The brain"; question[53] = "What organ in a human baby triples in size from birth to age 1?+The brain+The foot+The heart+The stomach"; question[54] = "Which mineral do humans require the most of in their diet every day?+Calcium+Salt+Iron+Copper"; question[55] = "What disease is named after the Greek word for `crab`?+Cancer+Multiple sclerosis+Measles+Rubella"; question[56] = "It's enough to make you sick...what species of domestic poultry contributed the virus that gives us the `flu`?+The duck+The turkey+The chicken+The goose"; question[57] = "Your body contains enough of this metal to make a 3-inch long nail. What metal is it?+Iron+Copper+Zinc+Aluminum"; question[58] = "You could call this artery-clogging substance `the cow's revenge` as it's found only in animal products.+Cholesterol+Saturated fat+Triglycerides+Oil"; question[59] = "What are the only cells in the human body that don't have a nucleus?+Red blood cells+Nerve cells+Heart muscle cells+Skin cells"; question[60] = "They are always on the move! Where in your body can you find the most active muscles?+The eye+The heart+The intestines+The feet"; question[61] = "You set out from Earth on a journey at that famous speed of light, towards the center of our solar system. In 8 minutes, where will you be?+The sun+The moon+Mars+The Milky Way"; question[62] = "Eureka! He found it! What was Archimedes climbing into, according to legend, when he discovered the physics principle of displacement?+The bathtub+A box+A cave+A treehouse"; question[63] = "Ever noticed how your sideview mirrors are labeled 'Objects may be closer than they appear'? What mirror shape accounts for this property?+Convex+Concave+Spheroidal+Toroidal"; question[64] = "We have all seen those pretty little glass doodads that are manufactured to make rainbows on the wall when light shines through them. What are they called?+Prisms+Prions+Wave generators+Diffusers"; question[65] = "What is the only common substance that expands when it freezes?+Water+Gold+Mercury+Alcohol"; question[66] = "`You can't win, you can't break even, and you can't even get out of the game.` What set of three laws does this pithy saying describe?+The Laws of Thermodynamics+The Laws of Motion+The Gas Laws+The Laws of Entropy"; question[67] = "This term was not coined to describe the study of teenagers' bedrooms, but instead to describe the idea that order can be found in randomness, and randomness in order.+Chaos theory+Entropy+Thermodynamics+Equilibrium"; question[68] = "`Because the Earth's atmosphere refracts light, dear` would be the answer to which common childhood question?+Why is the sky blue?+Why does the sun rise?+Why does the moon change shape?+Why is it dark at night?"; question[69] = "All work produces a byproduct- and it isn't a paycheck. In physics terms, what is the byproduct of all work?+Heat+Light+Electricity+Magnetism"; question[70] = "Let's do physics on the playground! What kind of simple machine is a seesaw?+A lever+An inclined plane+A screw+A pulley"; question[71] = "You might be surprised, but there are dinosaur relatives still alive today. What group of present-day animals is most closely related to the dinosaurs?+Birds+Crocodiles+Lizards+Platypuses"; question[72] = "In `Jurassic Park` they were man-sized dinosaurs with brains and attitude. In reality, they were dog-sized carnivores. Who were these bad guys?+Velociraptors+Ornithomimus+Tyrannosaurs+Allosaurs"; question[73] = "Many fossil collectors own unusual specimens called coprolites. What is fossilized to make a coprolite?+Dinosaur dung+Dinosaur footprints+Dinosaur teeth+Dinosaur stomach contents"; question[74] = "Charles Darwin is certainly more remembered for his writings on evolution than on earthworms. By what mechanism did he propose evolution occurred?+Natural selection+Punctuated equilibria+Directed evolution+Convergent evolution"; question[75] = "A primitive group of hoofed mammals, the Mesonychids, gave rise to a present-day group of marine mammals. What modern-day animals did the Mesonychids evolve into?+Whales+Seals+Otters+Polar bears"; question[76] = "It was the Age of Dinosaurs. During which era of geologic time did dinosaurs dominate the world?+Mesozoic+Paleozoic+Cenozoic+Jurassic"; question[77] = "Perhaps the world's most famous fossil, it looks something like a lizard with feathers. What creature is this?+Archaeopteryx+Coelurosaurus+Oviraptor+Gallimimus"; question[78] = "In the movie `Ice Age` he was called Sid. To scientists, he's Megatherium. What kind of an animal is he?+Giant sloth+Mammoth+Saber-toothed tiger+Squirrel"; question[79] = "She's now called Sue, and is the most complete of her kind. She was auctioned off for over 10 million dollars. What kind of an extinct animal was she?+Tyrannosaurus rex+Mammoth+Brontosaurus+Australopithecus"; question[80] = "`Smilodon` is the scientific name for this critter, although it doesn't refer to his very toothy grin! Who is he?+Saber-toothed tiger+Mammoth+Giant sloth+Cave bear"; question[81] = "It really makes a lot of `sense`, and it may `change` your life! There are 293 different ways to do what common action?+Make change for a dollar+Tie your shoes+Cook eggs+Fold a shirt"; question[82] = "In 1897, the Indiana legislature considered setting the value of what famous number to 3.2?+Pi+e+i+Avogadro's number"; question[83] = "You are making a map. You want to make sure that no countries will have to share a border that is the same color. How many colors will you need?+4+16+256+1024"; question[84] = "You multiply all integers together. What will your total be?+Zero+Infinity+Negative infinity+Indeterminable"; question[85] = "What do we call numbers that are evenly divisible only by themselves and 1?+Prime+Irrational+Squared+Integers"; question[86] = "It's not Greek to him! Whose theorem showed us how to measure the long side of a right triangle?+Pythagoras+Euclid+Hippocrates+Aristotle"; question[87] = "What branch of mathematics deals with the relationships between the sides and angles of triangles?+Trigonometry+Geometry+Calculus+Trephination"; question[88] = "On a trip to Las Vegas, you decide to play the dice. What is the probability of rolling two dice and getting a seven?+One out of six+One out of seven+One out of three+One out of ten"; question[89] = "What is the more common name for an equal-sided tetragon?+Square+Rectangle+Triangle+Trapezoid"; question[90] = "If you graph the height of all people in a school, what will the shape of that graph be?+Bell-shaped+J-curve+Linear+Sloping upwards"; question[91] = "If your computer is running slowly, you might be told to add some RAM to it. What does RAM stand for?+Random access memory+Read only memory+Rational actual memory+Rotational added memory"; question[92] = "What part of a computer contains the circuitry for the central processing unit, keyboard, monitor, and sometimes other devices?+Motherboard+CPU+Video card+Monitor"; question[93] = "Don't let it shock you, but what component in a typical electrical circuit is used to store current?+Capacitor+Resistor+Diode+Transistor"; question[94] = "You take some copper wire and wind it around a steel nail. You connect both ends to a battery. What have you just made?+An electromagnet+A generator+A motor+A heating coil"; question[95] = "You probably have a lot of LEDs around your house, in everything from clock radios to cars. What does LED stand for?+Light emitting diode+Laser emitting diode+Laser emission device+Light emission device"; question[96] = "This will turn you on- and off! What device in a circuit is used to open and close the circuit?+Switch+Diode+Resistor+Capacitor"; question[97] = "IEEE 1394, a standard for linking computers and peripherals together, allows extremely rapid communication between devices. By what common name is this hot technology known?+FireWire+USB+Hotwire+Ethernet"; question[98] = "What computer company produced the Lisa and the Newton?+Apple+IBM+Acorn+Dell"; question[99] = "PDAs are all the rage these days. What does PDA stand for?+Personal digital assistant+Palm-sized digital assistant+Personal desktop assistant+Palm desktop assistant"; question[100] = "Some technical gadgets help us find our way by communicating with a network of satellites. What 3 letter acronym is used to describe this network?+GPS+LED+GSA+LCD"; go = false; rn = random(100) + 1; format(); get_question();
Instance of Symbol 236 MovieClip "ok" in Frame 263
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 236 MovieClip "ok" in Frame 263
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 147 MovieClip "trip4" in Frame 263
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 147 MovieClip "trip5" in Frame 263
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 147 MovieClip "trip6" in Frame 263
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 147 MovieClip "trip7" in Frame 263
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 162 MovieClip "man1" in Frame 263
onClipEvent (load) { move = 4; table = new array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); down = false; alert = false; fags = false; blow = false; creak = false; busted = false; won = false; chair = false; state = "start"; scale = _xscale; sneezes = 0; dust = new array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); man_on_chair = true; guard_path = 1; level = _level0.level; _level0.fags._visible = fags; _level0.hash._visible = blow; rizzlas = false; book = false; _level0.rizzlas._visible = rizzlas; = book; _level0.chairicon._visible = chair; _level0.comment = "Get the package!"; dark_time = 0; inhibit = false; _level0.bubble._visible = false; _level0.bubble.txt = ""; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _level0.fags._visible = fags; _level0.hash._visible = blow; _level0.chairicon._visible = chair; = book; _level0.rizzlas._visible = rizzlas; startx = _x; starty = _y; if (((!busted) and (!won)) and (!inhibit)) { if (Key.isDown(39)) { _x = (_x + move); } if (Key.isDown(37)) { _x = (_x - move); } if (Key.isDown(38)) { _y = (_y - move); } if (Key.isDown(40)) { _y = (_y + move); } if (_level0.ok.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) { } else { _x = startx; _y = starty; } } if (state == "start") { if (_level0.trip1.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) { inhibit = true; state = "quiz"; _level0.quiz._visible = true; _level0.comment = "Oh no Larry has collared you!"; } } else if (state == "enter_ok") { inhibit = false; _level0.comment = "Go get the book!"; _level0.bubble._visible = true; _level0.bubble.txt = "I'm Dave. You want the red book 4th shelf from the left!"; dave_timer = 0; state = "in"; } else if (state == "in") { dave_timer++; if (dave_timer == 100) { _level0.bubble._visible = false; _level0.bubble.txt = ""; } if (_level0.chair1.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) { if (Key.isDown(32) and (!space_still_down)) { if (man_on_chair) { _level0.comment = "I cant pick up the chair with him on it!"; } else { trace("*************PICKED****************"); chair = true; _level0.chair1._visible = false; _level0.chair1._x = -999; _level0.comment = "You picked up the chair!"; space_still_down = true; } } } if (_level0.chair2.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) { if (Key.isDown(32) and (!space_still_down)) { _level0.comment = "This chair is fixed to the floor!"; } } } else if (state == "getting_book") { timer++; if (timer > 20) { state = "got_book"; timer = 0; } } else if (state == "got_book") { _level0.comment = "You reach up for the book!"; = false; book = true; timer++; if (timer > 20) { state = "done"; } } else if (state == "done") { _level0.comment = "You got the book!"; _xscale = scale; _yscale = scale; inhibit = false; state = "end"; } if (chair) { trace("holding CHAIR!" + space_still_down); if (Key.isDown(32) and (!space_still_down)) { if (_level0.trip3.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) { chair = false; _level0.chair1._x = _x; _level0.chair1._y = _y; _level0.chair1._visible = true; _level0.comment = "You dropped the chair!"; space_still_down = true; } else { _level0.comment = "There is no point dropping the chair there!"; } } } if (Key.isDown(32)) { last_sneezes = sneezes; if (_level0.trip4.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) { if (((!chair) and (!book)) and _level0.chair1.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) { _level0.comment = "You climb on the chair..."; _xscale = (scale * 2); _yscale = (scale * 2); inhibit = true; state = "getting_book"; timer = 0; space_still_down = true; } else if (!book) { _level0.comment = "I cant reach those books!"; } } if (_level0.trip5.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true) and (space_still_down == false)) { if (dust[5] == 0) { _level0.comment = "You open a book and lots of dust fills the air!"; dust[5] = 1; sneezes++; space_still_down = true; } else { _level0.comment = "I've already looked at these books!"; } } if (_level0.trip6.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true) and (space_still_down == false)) { if (dust[6] == 0) { _level0.comment = "You open a book and lots of dust fills the air!"; dust[6] = 1; space_still_down = true; sneezes++; } else { _level0.comment = "I've already looked at these books!"; } } if (_level0.trip7.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true) and (space_still_down == false)) { if (dust[7] == 0) { _level0.comment = "You open a book and lots of dust fills the air!"; dust[7] = 1; sneezes++; space_still_down = true; } else { _level0.comment = "I've already looked at these books!"; } } if (last_sneezes != sneezes) { _level0.bubble._visible = true; sneeze_text = new array(0, "AAIITCHOOOO! I hate dust", "AAIITCHOOOO! MAN THIS IS BAD!", "AAIITCHOOOO! I'm outta here!"); _level0.bubble.txt = sneeze_text[sneezes]; if (sneezes == 3) { sneeze_wait = 0; } } } if (sneezes == 3) { sneeze_wait++; if ((sneeze_wait > 40) and man_on_chair) { man_on_chair = false; _level0.libraryman.gotoAndPlay(2); _level0.bubble._visible = false; _level0.bubble.txt = ""; } } if (Key.isDown(32)) { } else { space_still_down = false; } t = 1; while (t <= 2) { mov = eval ("_level0.tableincell" + t); if (, this._y, true)) { if (Key.isDown(32)) { if (table[t] == 0) { if (!down) { mov.gotoAndStop(2); table[t] = 1; mov.fags._visible = false; if (((level == 1) and (t == 2)) and (!fags)) { mov.fags._visible = true; } } } else if (!down) { if (((level == 1) and (t == 2)) and (!fags)) { fags = true; mov.fags._visible = false; _level0.good.gotoAndPlay(2); _level0.comment = "You got the ciggies! Now get back to your cell!"; } else { mov.gotoAndStop(1); table[t] = 0; } } down = true; } else { down = false; } } t++; } if ((_level0.trip1.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true) and book) and (!won)) { inhibit = true; won = true; _level0.comment = "EASY!"; _level0.done.gotoAndPlay("done"); } }
Instance of Symbol 275 MovieClip "quiz" in Frame 263
onClipEvent (load) { function answer(a_in) { _level0.answer(a_in); } _visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 278 MovieClip "ok" in Frame 264
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 162 MovieClip "man1" in Frame 264
onClipEvent (load) { move = 4; table = new array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); down = false; alert = false; package = true; busted = false; won = false; chair = false; level = _level0.level; _level0.package._visible = package; inhibit = false; _level0.bubble._visible = false; _level0.bubble.txt = ""; state = "in"; goods = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _level0.package._visible = package; startx = _x; starty = _y; if (((!busted) and (!won)) and (!inhibit)) { if (Key.isDown(39)) { _x = (_x + move); } if (Key.isDown(37)) { _x = (_x - move); } if (Key.isDown(38)) { _y = (_y - move); } if (Key.isDown(40)) { _y = (_y + move); } if (_level0.ok.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) { } else { _x = startx; _y = starty; } } if (Key.isDown(32)) { } else { space_still_down = false; } g = 1; while (g <= 4) { guard = eval ("_level0.guard" + g); if (guard.beam.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { if (!busted) { busted = true; _level0.done.gotoAndPlay("lost"); _level0.comment = "Your ass is busted homeboy!"; guard.stop(); } } g++; } if (state == "in") { if (_level0.trip2.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) { if (Key.isDown(32)) { inhibit = true; state = "talking"; _level0.bubble._visible = true; _level0.bubble.txt = "I see you got my parcel! Let me test it....."; talk_wait = 0; } } } else if (state == "talking") { talk_wait++; if (talk_wait == 100) { _level0.bubble.txt = "hmmmm...."; } if (talk_wait == 200) { _level0.bubble.txt = "THIS IS TALCUM POWDER! GET OUTTA HERE NOW!"; } if (talk_wait == 250) { _level0.bubble._visible = false; state = "go_out"; inhibit = false; goods = true; } } if (_level0.trip3.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) { if (Key.isDown(32)) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } } l = 1; while (l <= 2) { lm = eval ("_level0.laser" + l); if (lm.hitTest(this) and (! { if (!busted) { busted = true; _level0.done.gotoAndPlay("lost"); _level0.comment = "Your ass is busted homeboy!"; } } l++; } if ((_level0.trip1.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true) and goods) and (!won)) { inhibit = true; won = true; _level0.comment = "EASY!"; _level0.done.gotoAndPlay("done"); } }
Instance of Symbol 292 MovieClip "ok" in Frame 265
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 147 MovieClip "trip5" in Frame 265
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 147 MovieClip "trip7" in Frame 265
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 147 MovieClip "trip2" in Frame 265
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 306 MovieClip "cheatbar" in Frame 265
onClipEvent (load) { function show(pc) { if (pc <= 100) { slider._x = start + ((tot * pc) / 100); } } tot = slider._width; start = slider._x; show(0); }
Instance of Symbol 162 MovieClip "man1" in Frame 265
onClipEvent (load) { move = 4; table = new array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); down = false; alert = false; package = true; busted = false; won = false; chair = false; level = _level0.level; _level0.package._visible = package; inhibit = false; _level0.bubble._visible = false; _level0.bubble.txt = ""; state = "in"; goods = false; cheat_pc = 0; _level0.comment = "Man this is hard! I'm gonner have to cheat!"; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _level0.package._visible = package; startx = _x; starty = _y; if (((!busted) and (!won)) and (!inhibit)) { if (Key.isDown(39)) { _x = (_x + move); } if (Key.isDown(37)) { _x = (_x - move); } if (Key.isDown(38)) { _y = (_y - move); } if (Key.isDown(40)) { _y = (_y + move); } if (_level0.ok.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) { } else { _x = startx; _y = starty; } } if (Key.isDown(32)) { } else { space_still_down = false; } at_desk = _level0.trip2.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true); g = 1; while (g <= 4) { guard = eval ("_level0.guard" + g); if (guard.beam.hitTest(_x, _y, true) and (!at_desk)) { if (!busted) { busted = true; _level0.done.gotoAndPlay("lost"); _level0.comment = "Your ass is busted homeboy!"; guard.stop(); } } g++; } if (Key.isDown(32) and _level0.trip1.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) { cheat_pc = cheat_pc + 0.5;; } if ((_level0.trip2.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true) and (cheat_pc >= 100)) and (!won)) { inhibit = true; won = true; _level0.comment = "EASY!"; _level0.done.gotoAndPlay("done"); } }
Frame 280
Frame 281
Frame 283
level++; gotoAndPlay (372);
Frame 285
bubble.task_txt = ("You gotta pot all the balls in " + pool_time) + " seconds to get the package! Don't sink the white though!"; shotstarted = false; a1 = getTimer(); function doubled_ok(pock_in, ball_in) { res = false; if (this["hit_cush" + ball_in][pock_in]) { res = true; } return(res); } function update_balls() { ball = 1; while (ball <= balls) { bamc = eval ("ball" + ball); if (dynamite.hit.hittest(bamc._x, bamc._y, true)) { trace("HIT DYN!"); _level0.gameover = true; hit_dyn_or_in_off = true; _root.gotoandplay("explode"); } if (dynamite1.hit.hittest(bamc._x, bamc._y, true)) { trace("HIT DYN!"); _level0.gameover = true; hit_dyn_or_in_off = true; _root.gotoandplay("explode"); } if (dynamite2.hit.hittest(bamc._x, bamc._y, true)) { trace("HIT DYN!"); _level0.gameover = true; hit_dyn_or_in_off = true; _root.gotoandplay("explode"); } if (!middle.hitTest(bamc._x, bamc._y, false)) { check_pockets(); } if (!potted[ball]) { if (_level0.shotstarted or moving_ball2) { absvx = Math.ABS(vx[ball]); absvy = Math.ABS(vy[ball]); if ((absvx + absvy) == 0) { lessy = 0; lessx = 0; } else { lessy = absvy / (absvx + absvy); lessx = absvx / (absvx + absvy); } if (Vx[ball] > 0) { vx[ball] = vx[ball] - (_level0.friction * lessx); } else { vx[ball] = vx[ball] + (_level0.friction * lessx); } if (Vy[ball] > 0) { vy[ball] = vy[ball] - (_level0.friction * lessy); } else { vy[ball] = vy[ball] + (_level0.friction * lessy); } if ((absvx < ballstop) and (absvy < ballstop)) { vy[ball] = 0; vx[ball] = 0; } realx[ball] = realx[ball] + vx[ball]; realy[ball] = realy[ball] + vy[ball]; thisball = eval ("ball" + ball); thisball._x = realx[ball]; thisball._y = _level0.starty - realy[ball]; if (!middle.hitTest(bamc._x, bamc._y, false)) { check_wall(ball); } } } ball++; } } function check_pockets() { bamc = eval ("ball" + ball); p = 1; while (p <= 6) { pomc = eval ("pocket" + p); if (pomc.hittest(bamc._x, bamc._y, true)) { down.gotoandplay(2); if (!trickshot) { pt = eval ("t" + ball).time; pots_this_cycle++; add_in(pt); if (ball != 1) { if (doubled_ok(p, ball)) { trace("doubled!"); doubled.gotoAndPlay("double"); pt = 200; } if (plant[ball] == 1) { planted.gotoAndPlay("plant"); pt = 200; } } } else { saved_time = eval ("t" + ball).time; } bamc._visible = false; vx[ball] = 0; vy[ball] = 0; bamc._x = 100; bamc._y = 0; if (!trickshot) { realx[ball] = 130 + (ballspotted * 30); realy[ball] = -10; } else { realx[ball] = 999 + (ballspotted * 30); realy[ball] = 350; } bamc._y = _level0.starty - realy[ball]; bamc._x = realx[ball]; bamc._visible = true; potted[ball] = true; if (ball > 1) { ballspotted++; if (ball < 6) { pomc.gotoandplay("yellow"); } else { pomc.gotoandplay("red"); } } else { pomc.gotoandplay("white"); _level0.gameover = true; hit_dyn_or_in_off = true; trace("in off!"); _root.gotoandplay("explode"); } if (!trickshot) { } } p++; } } function check_wall(index) { if (realx[index] < 50) { realx[index] = 50; vx[index] = -vx[index]; this["hit_cush" + index][2] = 1; this["hit_cush" + index][3] = 1; this["hit_cush" + index][4] = 1; this["hit_cush" + index][5] = 1; } if (realy[index] > 280) { realy[index] = 280; vy[index] = -vy[index]; this["hit_cush" + index][4] = 1; this["hit_cush" + index][5] = 1; this["hit_cush" + index][6] = 1; } if (realy[index] < 50) { realy[index] = 50; vy[index] = -vy[index]; this["hit_cush" + index][1] = 1; this["hit_cush" + index][2] = 1; this["hit_cush" + index][3] = 1; } if (realx[index] > 510) { realx[index] = 510; vx[index] = -vx[index]; this["hit_cush" + index][1] = 1; this["hit_cush" + index][2] = 1; this["hit_cush" + index][5] = 1; this["hit_cush" + index][6] = 1; } } trace("HERE"); ballstop = 0.5; ball = 1; while (ball <= balls) { thisball = eval ("ball" + ball); trace((("startballx[" + ball) + "] = ") + thisball._x); trace((("startbally[" + ball) + "] = ") + thisball._y); ball++; }
Instance of Symbol 62 MovieClip "man" in Frame 285
/* no clip actions */
Instance of Symbol 365 MovieClip "t2" in Frame 285
onClipEvent (load) { uptime = 0; mytime = new array(10); raw = new array(); lasttime = new array(); is_running = new Array(10); i = 1; while (i <= 10) { mytime[i] = _level0.pool_time; lasttime[i] = -999; is_running[i] = 0; i++; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_level0.moving_ball2) { _level0.update_balls(); if (_level0.vy[2] > 0) { _level0.vy[2] = 5; } else { _level0.vy[2] = -5; } } i = 2; while (i <= 2) { if (is_running[i] == 1) { mytime[i] = mytime[i] - 0.05; uptime = uptime + 0.0303030303030303; if (mytime[i] < 0) { mytime[i] = 0; _level0.gameover = true; _root.gotoandplay("explode"); is_running[i] = 0; } } raw[i] = int(mytime[i]); if (raw[i] != lasttime[i]) { eval ("_level0.t" + i).time = raw[i]; } else { lasttime[i] = raw[i]; } i++; } }
Frame 286
bubble._visible = false; man._visible = false; playtext._visible = false; playbutton._visible = false; bubble.task_txt = ""; function init_balls() { dynamite._x = -300; dynamite._y = -300; dynamite1._x = -300; dynamite1._y = -300; dynamite2._x = -300; dynamite2._y = -300; leveltext = level_text[level]; if (level_dynamite[level]) { dynamite._x = 400; dynamite._y = 300; } else { dynamite._x = -300; dynamite._y = -300; } trace(level); if (level_balls[level] == 1) { trace("init"); startballx[1] = 200 + random(30); startbally[1] = 120 + random(220); startballx[10] = 160; startbally[10] = 300; startballx[9] = 160; startbally[9] = 160; startballx[2] = 160; startbally[2] = 230; startballx[4] = 430; startbally[4] = 250; startballx[5] = 330; startbally[5] = 230; startballx[3] = 430; startbally[3] = 210; startballx[7] = 480; startbally[7] = 230; startballx[8] = 330; startbally[8] = 180; startballx[6] = 330; startbally[6] = 280; } trace("dynamite._x = " + dynamite._x); trace("dynamite._y= " + dynamite._y); trace("dynamite1._x = " + dynamite1._x); trace("dynamite1._y = " + dynamite1._y); trace("dynamite2._x = " + dynamite2._x); trace("dynamite2._y = " + dynamite2._y); ball = 1; while (ball <= balls) { thisball = eval ("ball" + ball); thisball._x = startballx[ball]; thisball._y = startbally[ball]; if (ball >= 6) { thisball.gotoAndStop(2); } realx[ball] = thisball._x; realy[ball] = _level0.starty - thisball._y; t2.mytime[ball] = pool_time; t2.is_running[ball] = true; potted[ball] = false; trace((("startballx[" + ball) + "] = ") + thisball._x); trace((("startbally[" + ball) + "] = ") + thisball._y); ball++; } } ajs_test = false; if (trickshot) { trickshot = false; } else { trickshot = true; } hit = 0; bonus = 0; gameover = false; u = 30; t = 0; radius = 26; hit_dyn_or_in_off = false; a = -1; startx = white._x; balls = 10; ballspotted = 0; starty = 400; friction = 0.1; explode._x = -999; explode._y = -999; explode.gotoandstop(1); vx = new array(0, 0, 0); vy = new array(0, 0, 0); realx = new array(0, 200, 200); realy = new array(0, 300, 300); potted = new array(); startballx = new array(); startbally = new array(); max_level = 10; level_text = new Array(); level_balls = new Array(); level_dynamite = new Array(); level_timer = new Array(); level_text[1] = "LEVEL ONE: CLEAR THE BOMBS IN 100 SECONDS !"; level_text[2] = "LEVEL TWO: CLEAR THE CIRCLE OF BOMBS !"; level_text[3] = "LEVEL THREE: DON'T DISTURB THE DYNAMITE !"; level_text[4] = "LEVEL FOUR: DON'T DISTURB THE DYNAMITE !"; level_text[5] = "LEVEL FIVE: DON'T DISTURB THE DYNAMITE !"; level_text[6] = "LEVEL SIX: DON'T DISTURB THE DYNAMITE !"; level_text[7] = "LEVEL SEVEN: DON'T DISTURB THE DYNAMITE !"; level_text[8] = "LEVEL EIGHT: DON'T DISTURB THE DYNAMITE !"; level_text[9] = "LEVEL NINE: DON'T DISTURB THE DYNAMITE !"; level_text[10] = "FINAL LEVEL: DON'T DISTURB THE DYNAMITE !"; Level_balls[1] = 1; Level_balls[2] = 2; Level_balls[3] = 3; Level_balls[4] = 4; Level_balls[5] = 5; Level_balls[6] = 6; Level_balls[7] = 7; Level_balls[8] = 3; Level_balls[9] = 9; Level_balls[10] = 10; level_dynamite[1] = false; level_dynamite[2] = false; level_dynamite[3] = true; level_dynamite[4] = true; level_dynamite[5] = false; level_dynamite[6] = true; level_dynamite[7] = true; level_dynamite[8] = true; level_dynamite[9] = true; level_dynamite[10] = true; i = 1; while (i <= 10) { level_timer[i] = pool_time; i++; } ball = 1; while (ball <= balls) { thisball = eval ("ball" + ball); trace((("startballx[" + ball) + "] = ") + thisball._x); trace((("startbally[" + ball) + "] = ") + thisball._y); ball++; } if (trickshot) { ts_init_balls(); } else { init_balls(); }
Instance of Symbol 367 MovieClip "ball1" in Frame 286
onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (!_level0.shotstarted) { powstart = getTimer(); moused = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if ((!_level0.shotstarted) and moused) { moused = false; powstop = getTimer(); _level0.pwr = powstop - powstart; _level0.cuex = _xmouse; _level0.cuey = _ymouse; _level0.shotstarted = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { cuex = _xmouse; cuey = _ymouse; ncuey = (10 * (-cuey)) / (math.abs(cuex) + math.abs(cuey)); ncuex = (10 * cuex) / (math.abs(cuex) + math.abs(cuey)); rot = (Math.atan2(ncuex, ncuey) * 180) / 3.142; temppwr = getTimer() - powstart; if (!_level0.shotstarted) { if (moused) { pb = int(temppwr / 50); _level0.powerbar.gotoandstop(pb); } _level0.cue._x = _level0.ball1._x; _level0.cue._y = _level0.ball1._y; _level0.cue._rotation = ROT; } }
Frame 287
shotstarted = false; pots_this_cycle = 0; total_shots++; misses++; no_ball_hit = true; hit_cush1 = new Array(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1); hit_cush2 = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); hit_cush3 = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); hit_cush4 = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); hit_cush5 = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); hit_cush6 = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); hit_cush7 = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); hit_cush8 = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); hit_cush9 = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); hit_cush10 = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); plant = new array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
Frame 288
cue.gotoandstop(1); powerbar.gotoandstop(1);
Frame 289
if (gameover) { gotoAndPlay (312); }
Frame 290
if (!shotstarted) { gotoAndPlay (289); }
Frame 291
power = pwr / 50; if (power > 15) { power = 15; } ncuey = (power * (-cuey)) / (math.abs(cuex) + math.abs(cuey)); ncuex = (power * cuex) / (math.abs(cuex) + math.abs(cuey)); i = 1; while (i <= balls) { vx[i] = 0; vy[i] = 0; i++; } vx[1] = ncuex; vy[1] = ncuey; shotstarted = true; opla++; cue.gotoandplay(2);
Frame 300
_level0.moving_ball2 = false; allstillc = 0; ii = 1; while (ii <= balls) { if ((vx[ii] == 0) and (vy[ii] == 0)) { allstillc++; } jj = ii + 1; while (jj <= balls) { white = eval ("_level0.ball" + ii); red = eval ("_level0.ball" + jj); why = starty - white._y; rey = starty - red._y; dby = (-why) + rey; dbx = (-white._x) + red._x; delta = Math.sqrt((dby * dby) + (dbx * dbx)); if (delta < radius) { trace("COLLIDE!"); no_ball_hit = false; if ((ii != 1) and (jj != 1)) { plant[ii] = 1; plant[jj] = 1; } white._x = white._x - vx[ii]; white._y = white._y + vy[ii]; realx[ii] = realx[ii] - vx[ii]; realy[ii] = realy[ii] - vy[ii]; red._x = red._x - vx[jj]; red._y = red._y + vy[jj]; realx[jj] = realx[jj] - vx[jj]; realy[jj] = realy[jj] - vy[jj]; x1 = white._x; y1 = starty - white._y; x2 = red._x; y2 = starty - red._y; angle = Math.atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1); x1 = vx[ii]; y1 = vy[ii]; x2 = vx[jj]; y2 = vy[jj]; if ((((Math.abs(x1) + Math.abs(x2)) + Math.abs(y1)) + Math.abs(y2)) > 3) { shotsound.gotoandplay(2); } cma = Math.cos(-angle); sma = Math.sin(-angle); sa = Math.sin(angle); ca = Math.cos(angle); nx1 = (x1 * cma) - (y1 * sma); ny1 = (x1 * sma) + (y1 * cma); nx2 = (x2 * cma) - (y2 * sma); ny2 = (x2 * sma) + (y2 * cma); nx1 = nx2; x1 = (nx1 * ca) - (ny1 * sa); y1 = (nx1 * sa) + (ny1 * ca); next1x = x1; next1y = y1; x2 = white._x; y2 = starty - white._y; x1 = red._x; y1 = starty - red._y; angle = Math.atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1); x2 = vx[ii]; y2 = vy[ii]; x1 = vx[jj]; y1 = vy[jj]; nx1 = (x1 * Math.cos(-angle)) - (y1 * Math.sin(-angle)); ny1 = (x1 * Math.sin(-angle)) + (y1 * Math.cos(-angle)); nx2 = (x2 * Math.cos(-angle)) - (y2 * Math.sin(-angle)); ny2 = (x2 * Math.sin(-angle)) + (y2 * Math.cos(-angle)); nx1 = nx2; x1 = (nx1 * Math.cos(angle)) - (ny1 * Math.sin(angle)); y1 = (nx1 * Math.sin(angle)) + (ny1 * Math.cos(angle)); next2x = x1; next2y = y1; vx[ii] = next1x; vy[ii] = next1y; vx[jj] = next2x; vy[jj] = next2y; } jj++; } ii++; }
Frame 301
update_balls(); if ((allstillc < balls) and (!gameover)) { gotoAndPlay (300); }
Frame 302
if (gameover) { gotoAndPlay (312); } else if (no_ball_hit and (!trickshot)) { missball.gotoAndPlay(2); }
Frame 303
if (pots_this_cycle > 0) { run_of = run_of + pots_this_cycle; misses--; if (run_of > best_run_of) { best_run_of = run_of; } } else { run_of = 0; } if (ballspotted == (balls - 1)) { if (trickshot) { trick_bonus = (level * 100) + (saved_time * 10); score = score + trick_bonus; add_in(trick_bonus); } t2.is_running[2] = false; trace("took..." + _level0.t2.uptime); ls = 1000 - int(_level0.t2.uptime * 10); _level0.score = _level0.score + ls; trace("done!"); gotoAndPlay (330); }
Frame 309
if (trickshot) { attempt++; ts_init_balls(); gotoAndPlay (287); } else { gotoAndPlay (287); }
Frame 312
bubble._visible = true; man._visible = true; playtext._visible = true; playbutton._visible = true; bubble.task_txt = "You messed up SUCKER!"; stop();
Frame 324
trace("run" + run_of); trace("best" + best_run_of); trace("shts" + total_shots); trace("msss" + misses); reload();
Frame 330
bubble._visible = true; man._visible = true; playtext._visible = true; playbutton._visible = true; bubble.task_txt = "Woah! You kicked ASS! Fat Sam's pretty impressed with you boy. Now take the package and scram!"; level = pool_level + 1; add_in(ls); trace("level = " + level); stop();
Frame 339
gotoAndPlay (372);
Frame 364
Instance of Symbol 402 MovieClip in Frame 364
onClipEvent (load) { function clear() { i = 1; while (i <= 10) { sum = eval ("_level0.sum" + i); sum.n1 = ""; sum.n2 = ""; sum.sign = ""; sum.answer = ""; sum.equals = ""; sum.tick._visible = false; i++; } } function add_sum() { sign = sign_list[current_sum]; if (current_sum > 10) { id = current_sum - 10; } else { id = current_sum; } sum = eval ("_level0.sum" + id); sum.sign = sign; sum.equals = "="; if (sum.sign == "+") { sum.n1 = random(10) + 1; sum.n2 = random(10) + 1; sum.correct_answer = sum.n1 + sum.n2; } else if (sum.sign == "-") { sum.n1 = random(10) + 10; sum.n2 = random(10); sum.correct_answer = sum.n1 - sum.n2; } else if (sum.sign == "/") { n1 = random(6) + 7; n2 = random(8) + 5; answ = n1 * n2; sum.n1 = answ; sum.n2 = n2; sum.correct_answer = answ / sum.n2; } else if (sum.sign == "x") { sum.n1 = random(12) + 1; sum.n2 = random(13); sum.correct_answer = sum.n1 * sum.n2; } } start = getTimer(); state = "next"; incorrect = 0; totalq = 20; clear(); current_sum = 0; sign_list = new Array("", "/", "+", "x", "-", "/", "+", "x", "-", "/", "x", "/", "+", "x", "-", "/", "+", "x", "-", "/", "x"); i = 1; while (i <= (totalq * 2)) { n1 = random(10) + 1; n2 = random(10) + 1; temp = sign_list[n1]; sign_list[n1] = sign_list[n2]; sign_list[n2] = temp; i++; } } on (keyPress "<Enter>") { _level0.diag = "enter 1"; if ((_level0.guess != "") and (state == "await_answer")) { if (current_sum > 10) { id = current_sum - 10; } else { id = current_sum; } sum = eval ("_level0.sum" + id); sum.answer = _level0.guess; sum.tick._visible = true; if (sum.answer == sum.correct_answer) { sum.tick.gotoAndStop(1); } else { sum.tick.gotoAndStop(2); incorrect++; } _level0.guess = ""; state = "next"; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (state == "next") { if (current_sum < totalq) { current_sum++; if (current_sum == 11) { clear(); } add_sum(); state = "await_answer"; } else { _level0.timetaken = (getTimer() - start) / 1000; trace("t = " + _level0.timetaken); _level0.timetaken = int(_level0.timetaken * 100) / 100; trace("t= " + _level0.timetaken); _level0.timmy.is_running = false; _level0.timmy.time = _level0.timetaken; _level0.incorrect = incorrect; = _level0.timetaken + (_level0.incorrect * 5);; state = "done"; } } }
Instance of Symbol 169 MovieClip "timmy" in Frame 364
onClipEvent (load) { is_running = true; mytime = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (is_running == 1) { mytime = mytime + 0.0333333333333333; raw = int(mytime); if (raw != lasttime) { time = raw; } else { lasttime = raw; } } }
Frame 365
trace("to" + total); if (total > 45) { result = "You FAILED - you need to beat 45s!"; win = false; } else { ls = 500 - int(; _level0.score = _level0.score + ls; win = true; result = "You PASSED!"; _level0.add_in(ls); } trace("result..." + result); stop();
Frame 366
function failed() { cop1.stop(); cop2.stop(); man1.inhibit = true; done = false; bubble._visible = true; man._visible = true; playtext._visible = true; playbutton._visible = true; bubble.task_txt = "You messed up SUCKER! Looks like a stretch in solitary confinement for you!"; _level0.timmy.is_running = false; } function won() { _level0.timmy.is_running = false; ls = 1000 - int(_level0.timmy.mytime * 10); _level0.score = _level0.score + ls; cop1.stop(); cop2.stop(); done = true; bubble._visible = true; man._visible = true; playtext._visible = true; playbutton._visible = true; add_in(ls); bubble.task_txt = "Yes! You've done it! You're a FREE MAN! Now get out of here fast and don't let me see you back here!"; } bubble._visible = false; man._visible = false; playtext._visible = false; playbutton._visible = false; bubble.task_txt = ""; function draw() { if (!block) { t++; if ( == 0) { = 0.000174555555555556; R = / Math.sin(; } else { R = / Math.sin(; } angle_needed = ((2 * speed) * 360) / (6.284 * R); turn = angle_needed; rangle =; x1 =; y1 =; circle_x = x1 + (R * Math.cos((3.142 * / 180)); circle_y = y1 + (R * Math.sin((3.142 * / 180)); tx1 = x1 - circle_x; ty1 = y1 - circle_y; vx = tx1; vy = ty1; delta = ((-turn) * 3.142) / 180; tick_x = (vx * math.cos(delta)) + (vy * math.sin(delta)); tick_y = (vy * math.cos(delta)) - (vx * math.sin(delta)); tick_x = tick_x + circle_x; tick_y = tick_y + circle_y; if (((last_R > 0) and (R < 0)) or ((last_R < 0) and (R > 0))) { } else { dist = math.sqrt((((x1 - tick_x) * (x1 - tick_x)) * (y1 - tick_y)) * (y1 - tick_y)); if (dist < 100) { = tick_x; = tick_y; } = + turn; } last_R = R; last_D =; } } count = 1; block = false; t = 0;
Instance of Symbol 447 MovieClip "car" in Frame 366
onClipEvent (load) { function cops_here() { status = "done"; _level0.failed(); } function ok_position() { answer = false; ok1 = false; ok2 = false; if (level == 1) { final_pos1 = "up"; final_pos2 = "down"; } if (final_pos1 == "side") { ok1 = true; } if ((((final_pos1 == "up") and (_rotation > -10)) and (_rotation < 10)) or (((final_pos1 == "down") and ((_rotation > 170) and (_rotation < 180))) or ((_rotation > -180) and (_rotation < -170)))) { ok1 = true; } if ((((final_pos2 == "up") and (_rotation > -10)) and (_rotation < 10)) or (((final_pos2 == "down") and ((_rotation > 170) and (_rotation < 180))) or ((_rotation > -180) and (_rotation < -170)))) { ok2 = true; } if (final_pos1 == "dontcare") { ok1 = true; } if (final_pos2 == "dontcare") { ok2 = false; } answer = ok1 or ok2; return(answer); } level = 1; trace("start..." + _level0["carstart" + _level0.level]._x); xdx = this._x - _level0["carstart" + _level0.level]._x; xdy = this._y - _level0["carstart" + _level0.level]._y; this._x = _level0["carstart" + _level0.level]._x; this._y = _level0["carstart" + _level0.level]._y; trace("start..." + this._x); _level0.engine.gotoandplay(2); status = "playing"; pi_div_180 = 0.0174555555555556; _rotation = -90; l = 100; turn = 4; dangle = 0; MAXSPEED = 2; acc = 0.2; lim = 60; cmax = 14; other_cars_max = 12; ang = new array(); cross_dx = new array(); cross_dy = new array(); mag = new array(); trace("START " + _level0["carstart" + _level0.level]._x); j = 0; while (j <= cmax) { mov1 = eval ("_level0.cross" + j); cross_dx[j] = (xdx + _level0["carstart" + _level0.level]._x) - mov1._x; cross_dy[j] = (xdy + _level0["carstart" + _level0.level]._y) - mov1._y; mag[j] = math.sqrt((cross_dx[j] * cross_dx[j]) + (cross_dy[j] * cross_dy[j])); ang[j] = -90 + ((Math.atan2(cross_dy[j], cross_dx[j]) * 180) / 3.142); mov1._visible = false; j++; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_level0.fader._y > -600) { _level0.fader._y = _level0.fader._y - 50; } if (status != "done") { if (check_this_cycle) { count = 0; j = 0; while (j <= cmax) { mov1 = eval ("_level0.cross" + j); testx = _x + (mag[j] * Math.sin((_rotation + ang[j]) * pi_div_180)); testy = _y - (mag[j] * Math.cos((_rotation + ang[j]) * pi_div_180)); if (j == 0) { doorx = testx; doory = testy; } wheels = (((j == 6) or (j == 10)) or (j == 11)) or (j == 12); mov =; if ((mov.hitTest(testx, testy, true) and (_level0.speed == 0)) and (j > 0)) { count++; } i = 1; while (i <= other_cars_max) { mov = eval ("" + i); if (mov.hitTest(testx, testy, true) and (j > 0)) { this.gotoandplay(2); _level0.speed = 0; trace("BOOOO!"); status = "done"; _level0.result.gotoandplay("crashed"); _level0.crash.gotoAndPlay(2); _level0.timer.stop_timer(); _level0.failed(); } i++; } j++; } if (status != "done") { trace((((("count.." + count) + " ") + cmax) + " ") + _rotation); if (((_level0.speed == 0) and (count == cmax)) and ok_position()) { trace("done!"); _level0.result.gotoandplay("done"); _level0.timer.stop_timer(); _level0.acct = _level0.acct + _level0.timer.timer_val; status = "done"; _level0.eve = _level0.rotat - _level0.rota[1]; _level0.vel = _level0.rota[2] + _level0.rotat; _level0.leve = _level0.rota[3] + (_level0.rotat * 2); _level0.tation = 200 - _level0.rota[4]; _level0.toand = 10 + _level0.rota[5]; this.gotoAndStop("door"); _level0.man1._x = doorx; _level0.man1._y = doory; _level0.man1.state = "running"; _level0.cop1.stop(); _level0.cop2.stop(); } else if (_level0.timer.timer_val >= 60) { trace("too slow!"); _level0.result.gotoandplay("timeup"); _level0.timer.stop_timer(); status = "done"; _level0.failed(); } } } check_this_cycle = !check_this_cycle; if (Key.isDown(37) and (dangle > (-lim))) { dangle = dangle - turn; } if (Key.isDown(39) and (dangle < lim)) { dangle = dangle + turn; } kd = false; ku = false; if (Key.isDown(40)) { if (_level0.speed > -2) { _level0.speed = _level0.speed - acc; } kd = true; } if (Key.isDown(38)) { if (_level0.speed < maxspeed) { _level0.speed = _level0.speed + acc; } ku = true; } if (Key.isDown(32)) { _level0.speed = 0; } if ((!kd) and (!ku)) { if (_level0.speed > 0) { _level0.speed = _level0.speed - 0.1; } if (_level0.speed < 0) { _level0.speed = _level0.speed + 0.1; } if (Math.abs(_level0.speed) < 0.1) { _level0.speed = 0; } } if (last_dangle != dangle) { rangle = dangle * pi_div_180; this.wheel1._rotation = dangle / 2; this.wheel4._rotation = dangle / 2; } last_dangle = dangle; _level0.draw(); } }
Instance of Symbol 461 MovieClip "ok" in Frame 366
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 147 MovieClip "trip1" in Frame 366
onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 162 MovieClip "man1" in Frame 366
onClipEvent (load) { move = 4; table = new array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); down = false; alert = false; package = true; busted = false; won = false; chair = false; level = _level0.level; _level0.package._visible = package; inhibit = false; _level0.bubble._visible = false; _level0.bubble.txt = ""; state = "still"; goods = false; cheat_pc = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (state == "still") { } else { _level0.package._visible = package; startx = _x; starty = _y; if (((!busted) and (!won)) and (!inhibit)) { if (Key.isDown(39)) { _x = (_x + move); } if (Key.isDown(37)) { _x = (_x - move); } if (Key.isDown(38)) { _y = (_y - move); } if (Key.isDown(40)) { _y = (_y + move); } if (_level0.ok.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) { } else { _x = startx; _y = starty; } } if (Key.isDown(32)) { } else { space_still_down = false; } at_desk = _level0.trip2.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true); g = 1; while (g <= 4) { guard = eval ("_level0.guard" + g); if (guard.beam.hitTest(_x, _y, true) and (!at_desk)) { if (!busted) { busted = true; _level0.done.gotoAndPlay("lost"); _level0.comment = "Your ass is busted homeboy!"; guard.stop(); } } g++; } if (Key.isDown(32) and _level0.trip1.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) { cheat_pc++;; } if (_level0.trip1.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true) and (!won)) { _level0.car12.gotoAndStop(2); inhibit = true; won = true; wait = 0; state = "wait"; } if (state == "wait") { wait++; if (wait == 30) { _level0.won(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 169 MovieClip "timmy" in Frame 366
onClipEvent (load) { is_running = true; mytime = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (is_running == 1) { mytime = mytime + 0.0333333333333333; raw = int(mytime); if (raw != lasttime) { time = raw; } else { lasttime = raw; } } }
Frame 367
safewin = false; stop();
Instance of Symbol 483 MovieClip "n1" in Frame 367
onClipEvent (load) { function up() { num++; if (num > 9) { num = 0; } txt = num; } function down() { num--; if (num < 0) { num = 9; } txt = num; } num = random(10); txt = num; }
Instance of Symbol 483 MovieClip "n2" in Frame 367
onClipEvent (load) { function up() { num++; if (num > 9) { num = 0; } txt = num; } function down() { num--; if (num < 0) { num = 9; } txt = num; } num = random(10); txt = num; }
Instance of Symbol 483 MovieClip "n3" in Frame 367
onClipEvent (load) { function up() { num++; if (num > 9) { num = 0; } txt = num; } function down() { num--; if (num < 0) { num = 9; } txt = num; } num = random(10); txt = num; }
Instance of Symbol 483 MovieClip "n4" in Frame 367
onClipEvent (load) { function up() { num++; if (num > 9) { num = 0; } txt = num; } function down() { num--; if (num < 0) { num = 9; } txt = num; } num = random(10); txt = num; }
Instance of Symbol 485 MovieClip "key" in Frame 367
onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 491 MovieClip "title" in Frame 367
onClipEvent (load) { tiid = random(4) + 1; trace("titl " + tiid); this.gotoAndStop(tiid); }
Instance of Symbol 169 MovieClip "timmy" in Frame 367
onClipEvent (load) { is_running = true; mytime = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (is_running == 1) { mytime = mytime + 0.0333333333333333; raw = int(mytime); if (raw != lasttime) { time = raw; } else { lasttime = raw; } } }
Instance of Symbol 511 MovieClip "pop" in Frame 367
onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; }
Frame 368
if (safewin) { _level0.timmy.is_running = false; ls = 1000 - int(_level0.timmy.mytime * 10); _level0.score = _level0.score + ls; level++; add_in(ls); gotoAndPlay (372); } else { reload(); }
Frame 372
task = new array(); task[1] = "Listen carefully mofo! Go to cell #2 and steal me some smokes. TREAD CAREFULLY though dillweed!"; task[2] = "Nice going! Grizzler in Cell #9 wants the cigarettes & has got some blow to trade. Dont let the screws catch you with the dope!"; task[3] = "Hey man - that blow's no use without some Rizlas - now find some skins by MORNING or i'll bust yer pretty ass!"; task[4] = "BIG SAM in the games room has got a parcel for you. But you gotta beat his Pool record first!"; task[5] = "Take that package to the Medical wing - Get Dr. Speedwell to check it out! Dont the let guards catch you..or hit the laser trip wires!"; task[6] = "Dougie Dimwitt needs to pass his maths exam or the judge says he's got another year on his sentence. You're gonner have to sit it for him!"; task[7] = "Looks like its your turn to take the Math test now boy! You'd better pass or you're screwed!"; task[8] = "Now get to the library - Deadly Dave has a book for u. Look out for Larry the Librarian - he wont let you in unless you know yer stuff!"; task[9] = "Go to the Governor's Office and go get the key to the main door!"; task[10] = "You're ready to escape - all you need is to park the car and you're free!"; task_txt = task[level]; task_txt = "Well done! So far so good. Ready for your next little job?";
Instance of Symbol 76 MovieClip "game_cooky" in Frame 372
onClipEvent (load) { function write_game_cookie(f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7, f8, f9) { name = "game" + game_id; so = SharedObject.getLocal(name, "/"); trace("writing : " + game_id); trace("writing cookie......f : " + f1); trace("writing cookie......f : " + f2); trace("writing cookie......f : " + f3); trace("writing cookie......f : " + f4); trace("writing cookie......f : " + f5); trace("writing cookie......f : " + f6); trace("writing cookie......f : " + f7); trace("writing cookie......f : " + f8); trace("writing cookie......f : " + f9); = f1; = f2; = f3; = f4; = f5; = f6; = f7; = f8; = f9; so.flush(); } function read_game_cookie() { name = "game" + game_id; so = SharedObject.getLocal(name, "/"); if ( == null) { result = false; trace("no cookie...."); write_mb(); read_mb(); } else { result = true; trace("reading cookie...."); _level0.f1 =; _level0.f2 =; _level0.f3 =; _level0.f4 =; _level0.f5 =; _level0.f6 =; _level0.f7 =; _level0.f8 =; _level0.f9 =; } return(result); } _visible = true; game_id = "jailbreakv1"; }
Frame 373
function ul(lein) { trace("call " + lein); this["locked" + lein] = false; game_cooky.write_game_cookie(locked1, locked2, locked3, locked4, locked5, locked6, locked7, locked8, locked9); } trace("call ul" + lejustdone); ul(lejustdone); stop();
Frame 442
Symbol 7 MovieClip Frame 1
doneLoading = 0; stop();
Instance of Symbol 3 MovieClip "bkgd" in Symbol 7 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.doneLoading == 0) { total = _parent._parent.getBytesTotal(); isloaded = _parent._parent.getBytesLoaded(); p = 100 * (isLoaded / total); _parent.bytes = ((int(isloaded / 1000) add " KB of ") add int(total / 1000)) add " KB"; _parent.percent = int(p) add "% LOADED"; = p; trace("....." + Number(p)); if (Number(p) >= Number(100)) { _parent._parent.gotoAndPlay(Number(2)); _parent.gotoAndStop("off"); _parent.doneLoading = 1; } else { _parent._parent.gotoAndPlay(Number(1)); } } }
Symbol 13 MovieClip Frame 7
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 16 MovieClip Frame 32
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 19 MovieClip Frame 7
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 25 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 25 MovieClip Frame 19
Symbol 39 MovieClip Frame 36
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 49 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 53 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 62 MovieClip Frame 70
Symbol 62 MovieClip Frame 75
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 65 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Enter>") { play(); }
Symbol 90 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Enter>") { thislevel = 1; va = this["locked" + thislevel]; if (va) { } else { level = thislevel + 1; play(); } }
Symbol 92 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Enter>") { thislevel = 2; va = this["locked" + thislevel]; if (va) { } else { level = thislevel + 1; play(); } }
Symbol 94 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Enter>") { thislevel = 3; va = this["locked" + thislevel]; if (va) { } else { level = thislevel + 1; play(); } }
Symbol 96 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Enter>") { thislevel = 4; va = this["locked" + thislevel]; if (va) { } else { level = thislevel + 1; play(); } }
Symbol 98 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Enter>") { thislevel = 5; va = this["locked" + thislevel]; if (va) { } else { level = thislevel + 1; play(); } }
Symbol 100 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Enter>") { thislevel = 6; va = this["locked" + thislevel]; if (va) { } else { level = thislevel + 1; play(); } }
Symbol 102 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Enter>") { thislevel = 7; va = this["locked" + thislevel]; if (va) { } else { level = thislevel + 1; play(); } }
Symbol 104 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Enter>") { level = 1; play(); }
Symbol 106 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Enter>") { thislevel = 8; va = this["locked" + thislevel]; if (va) { } else { level = thislevel + 1; play(); } }
Symbol 108 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Enter>") { thislevel = 9; va = this["locked" + thislevel]; if (va) { } else { level = thislevel + 1; play(); } }
Symbol 142 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 142 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 162 MovieClip Frame 1
safe = false; stop();
Symbol 162 MovieClip Frame 2
_level0.comment = "Jump....wheeeeeeeey....";
Symbol 162 MovieClip Frame 6
safe = true;
Symbol 162 MovieClip Frame 20
safe = false;
Symbol 162 MovieClip Frame 22
if (_level0.comment == "Jump....wheeeeeeeey....") { _level0.comment = ""; }
Symbol 179 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Enter>") { _level++; _root.gotoAndPlay("won"); }
Symbol 194 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Enter>") { _root.gotoAndPlay("lost"); }
Symbol 197 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 197 MovieClip Frame 2
_level0.timmy.is_running = false; trace("took..." + _level0.timmy.mytime); ls = 1000 - int(_level0.timmy.mytime * 10); _level0.score = _level0.score + ls;
Symbol 197 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 197 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 197 MovieClip Frame 21
_level0.timmy.is_running = false;
Symbol 197 MovieClip Frame 44
Symbol 201 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 204 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 209 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 209 MovieClip Frame 319
Symbol 227 MovieClip Frame 80
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 228 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 228 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 231 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Enter>") { _visible = false; }
Symbol 251 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 251 MovieClip Frame 96
Symbol 259 MovieClip Frame 70
Symbol 259 MovieClip Frame 75
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 264 Button
on (release) { answer(1); }
Symbol 266 Button
on (release) { answer(2); }
Symbol 268 Button
on (release) { answer(3); }
Symbol 270 Button
on (release) { answer(4); }
Symbol 272 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Enter>") { _visible = false; _level0.man1.state = "enter_ok"; }
Symbol 274 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Enter>") { _visible = false; _level0.gotoAndPlay("lost"); }
Symbol 275 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 275 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 275 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 275 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 283 MovieClip Frame 29
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 336 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 336 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 339 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 339 MovieClip Frame 12
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 339 MovieClip Frame 30
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 339 MovieClip Frame 48
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 345 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 347 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 350 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 350 MovieClip Frame 30
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 356 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Enter>") { _level0.t2.timer_running[2] = 1; play(); }
Symbol 361 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 369 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 373 MovieClip Frame 45
Symbol 381 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 384 Button
on (press) { if (Number(length(name)) > 0) { security1 = Number(random(4)) + 2; security2 = (score * 4) - (security1 * security1); trace(security2); getURL ("", "_blank", "GET"); } else { name = "Anon"; } } on (release) { score = "0"; }
Symbol 385 MovieClip Frame 1
score = _level0:score;
Symbol 395 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 395 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 412 Button
on (release) { if (win) { level++; gotoAndPlay (372); } else { reload(); } }
Symbol 434 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 434 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 447 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 447 MovieClip Frame 8
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 453 MovieClip Frame 200
Symbol 457 MovieClip Frame 200; stop();
Symbol 459 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 464 Button
on (release) { if (done) { gotoAndPlay (374); } else { reload(); } }
Symbol 474 Button
on (release) { done = false; if (_level0.title.tiid == 1) { if ((((_level0.n1.txt == 1) and (_level0.n2.txt == 9)) and (_level0.n3.txt == 1)) and (_level0.n4.txt == 6)) { trace("done!"); done = true; } else { trace("nope!"); } } if (_level0.title.tiid == 2) { if ((((_level0.n1.txt == 1) and (_level0.n2.txt == 0)) and (_level0.n3.txt == 6)) and (_level0.n4.txt == 6)) { trace("done!"); done = true; } else { trace("nope!"); } } if (_level0.title.tiid == 3) { if ((((_level0.n1.txt == 1) and (_level0.n2.txt == 7)) and (_level0.n3.txt == 7)) and (_level0.n4.txt == 5)) { trace("done!"); done = true; } else { trace("nope!"); } } if (_level0.title.tiid == 4) { if ((((_level0.n1.txt == 1) and (_level0.n2.txt == 9)) and (_level0.n3.txt == 6)) and (_level0.n4.txt == 8)) { trace("done!"); done = true; } else { trace("nope!"); } } if (done) { _level0.key._visible = true; _level0.pop._visible = true; _level0.pop.gotoAndStop("win"); } else { _level0.key._visible = false; _level0.pop._visible = true; _level0.siren.gotoandplay(2); _level0.alarm.gotoandplay(2); _level0.pop.gotoAndStop("lose"); } }
Symbol 481 Button
on (release) { down(); }
Symbol 482 Button
on (release) { up(); }
Symbol 491 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 491 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 491 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 491 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 493 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 493 MovieClip Frame 146
Symbol 494 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 498 Button
on (release) { _level0.safewin = false;; }
Symbol 508 MovieClip Frame 30
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 510 Button
on (release) { _level0.safewin = true;; }
Symbol 511 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 514 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Enter>") { trace("level = " + level); if (level <= 10) { gotoAndPlay (259); } else { gotoAndPlay (374); } }
Symbol 520 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (211); }

Library Items

Symbol 1 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 2 GraphicUsed by:3
Symbol 3 MovieClipUses:2Used by:7
Symbol 4 FontUsed by:5 6 8 9 10 42 375 431 435 442 462 463
Symbol 5 EditableTextUses:4Used by:7
Symbol 6 EditableTextUses:4Used by:7
Symbol 7 MovieClipUses:3 5 6Used by:Timeline
Symbol 8 TextUses:4Used by:Timeline
Symbol 9 TextUses:4Used by:Timeline
Symbol 10 TextUses:4Used by:Timeline
Symbol 11 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 12 GraphicUsed by:13 19 39
Symbol 13 MovieClipUses:12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 14 GraphicUsed by:16
Symbol 15 GraphicUsed by:16
Symbol 16 MovieClipUses:14 15Used by:Timeline
Symbol 17 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 18 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 19 MovieClipUses:12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 20 BitmapUsed by:21
Symbol 21 GraphicUses:20Used by:25
Symbol 22 SoundUsed by:25
Symbol 23 BitmapUsed by:24
Symbol 24 GraphicUses:23Used by:25
Symbol 25 MovieClipUses:21 22 24Used by:Timeline
Symbol 26 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 27 GraphicUsed by:39
Symbol 28 GraphicUsed by:39
Symbol 29 GraphicUsed by:39
Symbol 30 GraphicUsed by:39
Symbol 31 GraphicUsed by:39
Symbol 32 GraphicUsed by:39
Symbol 33 GraphicUsed by:39
Symbol 34 GraphicUsed by:39
Symbol 35 GraphicUsed by:39
Symbol 36 GraphicUsed by:39
Symbol 37 GraphicUsed by:39
Symbol 38 GraphicUsed by:39
Symbol 39 MovieClipUses:12 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38Used by:Timeline
Symbol 40 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 41 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 42 TextUses:4Used by:Timeline
Symbol 43 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 44 GraphicUsed by:56 197 234  Timeline
Symbol 45 GraphicUsed by:197  Timeline
Symbol 46 GraphicUsed by:197  Timeline
Symbol 47 GraphicUsed by:49 53 65 90 92 94 96 98 100 102 104 106 108 179 194 231 264 266 268 270 272 274 356 412 464 498 510 514 520
Symbol 48 GraphicUsed by:49 53 65 90 92 94 96 98 100 102 104 106 108 179 194 231 264 266 268 270 272 274 356 412 464 498 510 514 520
Symbol 49 ButtonUses:47 48Used by:56
Symbol 50 FontUsed by:51 52 54 55 64 66 67 73 77 78 79 80 110 112 113 117 164 166 167 168 171 174 180 181 183 184 195 196 213 220 255 262 271 273 276 288 290 308 351 354 357 364 387 397 400 416 452 456 465 466 487 488 489 490 495 499 512 513 515 516 519 521 526 527
Symbol 51 TextUses:50Used by:56
Symbol 52 TextUses:50Used by:56
Symbol 53 ButtonUses:47 48Used by:56
Symbol 54 TextUses:50Used by:56  Timeline
Symbol 55 TextUses:50Used by:56
Symbol 56 MovieClipUses:44 49 51 52 53 54 55Used by:Timeline
Symbol 57 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 58 GraphicUsed by:62
Symbol 59 GraphicUsed by:60
Symbol 60 MovieClipUses:59Used by:62 259
Symbol 61 GraphicUsed by:62 259
Symbol 62 MovieClipUses:58 60 61Used by:Timeline
Symbol 63 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 64 EditableTextUses:50Used by:Timeline
Symbol 65 ButtonUses:47 48Used by:275  Timeline
Symbol 66 TextUses:50Used by:Timeline
Symbol 67 TextUses:50Used by:Timeline
Symbol 68 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 69 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
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Symbol 296 GraphicUsed by:298 300
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Symbol 488 TextUses:50Used by:491
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Instance Names

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"b3"Frame 258Symbol 92 Button
"b4"Frame 258Symbol 94 Button
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"lock5"Frame 258Symbol 88 MovieClip
"lock6"Frame 258Symbol 88 MovieClip
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"package"Frame 260Symbol 119 MovieClip
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"trip5"Frame 263Symbol 147 MovieClip
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"trip7"Frame 263Symbol 147 MovieClip
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"package"Frame 264Symbol 119 MovieClip
"ok"Frame 264Symbol 278 MovieClip
"laser1"Frame 264Symbol 283 MovieClip
"laser2"Frame 264Symbol 283 MovieClip
"guard1"Frame 264Symbol 285 MovieClip
"guard2"Frame 264Symbol 285 MovieClip
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"ball1"Frame 286Symbol 367 MovieClip
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"ball5"Frame 286Symbol 336 MovieClip
"ball10"Frame 286Symbol 336 MovieClip
"ball9"Frame 286Symbol 336 MovieClip
"ball8"Frame 286Symbol 336 MovieClip
"cue"Frame 286Symbol 373 MovieClip
"sum1"Frame 364Symbol 396 MovieClip
"sum2"Frame 364Symbol 396 MovieClip
"sum3"Frame 364Symbol 396 MovieClip
"sum4"Frame 364Symbol 396 MovieClip
"sum5"Frame 364Symbol 396 MovieClip
"sum6"Frame 364Symbol 396 MovieClip
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"cop1"Frame 366Symbol 457 MovieClip
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"man"Frame 366Symbol 62 MovieClip
"playbutton"Frame 366Symbol 464 Button
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"bubble"Frame 366Symbol 355 MovieClip
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"beam"Symbol 209 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 153 MovieClip
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"tableincell1"Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 294 MovieClip
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"beam"Symbol 302 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 301 MovieClip
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Special Tags

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Dynamic Text Variables

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scoreSymbol 110 EditableText"0000"
task_txtSymbol 112 EditableText"On this level dynamic text blah blah"
scoreSymbol 113 EditableText"0000"
commentSymbol 117 EditableText""
txtSymbol 164 EditableText"Hey! what's going on?"
scoreSymbol 167 EditableText"0000"
timeSymbol 168 EditableText"2"
txtSymbol 213 EditableText"Hey! What's going on?"
txtSymbol 220 EditableText"Lights out fellas. Sweet dreams now!"
txtSymbol 255 EditableText"LIGHTS OUT FELLAS!"
question_textSymbol 262 EditableText""
a1Symbol 263 EditableText"Answer"
a2Symbol 265 EditableText""
a3Symbol 267 EditableText""
a4Symbol 269 EditableText""
commentSymbol 276 EditableText""
txtSymbol 288 EditableText"LIGHTS OUT FELLAS!"
commentSymbol 290 EditableText""
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task_txtSymbol 354 EditableText"On this level dynamic text blah blah"
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totalSymbol 410 EditableText"10000"
resultSymbol 411 EditableText""
txtSymbol 452 EditableText"HANDS IN THE AIR SUCKER!"
txtSymbol 456 EditableText"FREEZE! Or we shoot your ass off!"
scoreSymbol 465 EditableText"0000"
txtSymbol 478 EditableText"9"
scoreSymbol 495 EditableText"0000"
task_txtSymbol 512 EditableText"On this level dynamic text blah blah"
scoreSymbol 513 EditableText"0000"
Created: 6/6 -2019 02:45:38 Last modified: 6/6 -2019 02:45:38 Server time: 05/11 -2024 06:50:20