Frame 3
function convert_col_to_number(team_in) {
if (team_in == "red") {
rcol = 1;
if (team_in == "white") {
rcol = 2;
if (team_in == "blue") {
rcol = 3;
if (team_in == "black") {
rcol = 4;
if (team_in == "yellow") {
rcol = 5;
if (team_in == "green") {
rcol = 6;
if (team_in == "claret") {
rcol = 7;
if (team_in == "skyblue") {
rcol = 8;
if (team_in == "orange") {
rcol = 9;
if (team_in == "rovers") {
rcol = 10;
team = new Array();
picked = new Array();
pos = new Array();
v = new Array();
rating = new Array();
teams = 32;
round = 0;
colour = new Array();
shorts = new Array();
socks = new Array();
socks_top = new Array();
stripe1 = new Array();
sleeves = new Array();
collar = new Array();
games = teams / 2;
maxgames = games;
selected = false;
myteamid = 9;
i = 1;
while (i <= teams) {
picked[i] = false;
pos[i] = 0;
this["shirt" + i].gotoandstop(2);
colour[1] = "red";
colour[2] = "black";
colour[3] = "white";
colour[4] = "blue";
colour[5] = "blue";
colour[6] = "skyblue";
colour[7] = "blue";
colour[8] = "white";
colour[9] = "red";
colour[10] = "red";
colour[11] = "orange";
colour[12] = "red";
colour[13] = "claret";
colour[14] = "rovers";
colour[15] = "red";
colour[16] = "white";
colour[17] = "blue";
colour[18] = "red";
colour[19] = "blue";
colour[20] = "blue";
colour[21] = "yellow";
colour[22] = "blue";
colour[23] = "white";
colour[24] = "claret";
colour[25] = "red";
colour[26] = "red";
colour[27] = "blue";
colour[28] = "white";
colour[29] = "yellow";
colour[30] = "red";
colour[31] = "red";
colour[32] = "blue";
i = 1;
while (i <= teams) {
collar[i] = colour[i];
stripe1[i] = colour[i];
sleeves[i] = colour[i];
i = 1;
while (i <= teams) {
collar[i] = colour[i];
stripe1[i] = colour[i];
sleeves[i] = colour[i];
stripe1[2] = "white";
stripe1[10] = "white";
stripe1[14] = "rovers";
stripe1[15] = "white";
stripe1[16] = "blue";
stripe1[30] = "white";
stripe1[31] = "white";
sleeves[14] = "rovers";
sleeves[1] = "white";
sleeves[2] = "white";
sleeves[21] = "green";
sleeves[13] = "blue";
sleeves[24] = "blue";
sleeves[11] = "black";
sleeves[29] = "black";
collar[14] = "blue";
collar[1] = "white";
collar[4] = "white";
collar[7] = "white";
collar[5] = "white";
collar[3] = "blue";
collar[13] = "blue";
collar[17] = "white";
collar[32] = "white";
team[1] = "Arsenal ";
team[2] = "Newcastle ";
team[3] = "Bolton ";
team[4] = "Leicester ";
team[5] = "Chelsea ";
team[6] = "Man City ";
team[7] = "Everton ";
team[8] = "Leeds ";
team[9] = "Liverpool ";
team[10] = "Sunderland ";
team[11] = "Wolves ";
team[12] = "Man Utd ";
team[13] = "Aston Villa ";
team[14] = "Blackburn ";
team[15] = "Southampton ";
team[16] = "West Brom ";
rating[1] = 10;
rating[2] = 8;
rating[3] = 5;
rating[4] = 6;
rating[5] = 8;
rating[6] = 7;
rating[7] = 7;
rating[8] = 7;
rating[9] = 8;
rating[10] = 5;
rating[11] = 6;
rating[12] = 9;
rating[13] = 1;
rating[14] = 7;
rating[15] = 7;
rating[16] = 5;
team[17] = "Glsg Rangers";
team[18] = "Charlton ";
team[19] = "Cardiff ";
team[20] = "Ipswich ";
team[21] = "Norwich ";
team[22] = "Portsmouth ";
team[23] = "Tottenham ";
team[24] = "West Ham ";
team[25] = "Forest ";
team[26] = "Middlesbro ";
team[27] = "Birmingham ";
team[28] = "Fulham ";
team[29] = "Watford ";
team[30] = "Stoke ";
team[31] = "Sheff Utd ";
team[32] = "Millwall ";
rating[17] = 10;
rating[18] = 6;
rating[19] = 3;
rating[20] = 5;
rating[21] = 5;
rating[22] = 6;
rating[23] = 5;
rating[24] = 6;
rating[25] = 6;
rating[26] = 6;
rating[27] = 6;
rating[28] = 5;
rating[29] = 3;
rating[30] = 2;
rating[31] = 6;
rating[32] = 4;
i = 1;
while (i <= teams) {
shorts[i] = collar[i];
socks[i] = collar[i];
socks_top[i] = collar[i];
shorts[12] = "white";
shorts[11] = "black";
shorts[6] = "white";
shorts[4] = "white";
shorts[20] = "white";
shorts[22] = "white";
shorts[18] = "white";
shorts[21] = "green";
shorts[5] = "blue";
socks[5] = "blue";
socks[32] = "blue";
socks[23] = "white";
shorts[23] = "blue";
socks[25] = "red";
collar[25] = "white";
shorts[25] = "white";
socks[26] = "red";
collar[26] = "white";
shorts[26] = "white";
shorts[27] = "white";
shorts[30] = "white";
socks_top[30] = "white";
shorts[31] = "white";
socks_top[31] = "white";
socks[17] = "blue";
shorts[17] = "white";
socks_top[17] = "red";
shorts[24] = "blue";
socks_top[24] = "claret";
shorts[13] = "blue";
socks_top[13] = "claret";
socks[7] = "blue";
shorts[7] = "white";
socks_top[7] = "white";
socks[8] = "white";
collar[8] = "blue";
shorts[8] = "white";
shorts[15] = "black";
shorts[28] = "black";
shorts[29] = "black";
socks_top[19] = "white";
socks_top[2] = "white";
socks[10] = "white";
shorts[10] = "black";
Frame 4
duplicateMovieClip ("owen", "man", 1);
man._x = 450;
man._y = 300;
attempts = 5;
score = 0;
Instance of Symbol 89 MovieClip "keane" in Frame 4
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(39)) { = + 5;
if ( > 500) { = 500;
if (Key.isDown(37)) { = - 5;
if ( < 50) { = 50;
if (Key.isDown(32)) {
if (!_level0.kicked) {"kick");
_level0.kicked = true;
Instance of Symbol 162 MovieClip "owen" in Frame 4
onClipEvent (load) {
function convert_col_to_hex(team_in) {
if (team_in == "red") {
rcol = 16711680 /* 0xFF0000 */;
if (team_in == "white") {
rcol = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */;
if (team_in == "blue") {
rcol = 255;
if (team_in == "black") {
rcol = 0;
if (team_in == "yellow") {
rcol = 16776960 /* 0xFFFF00 */;
if (team_in == "green") {
rcol = 65280;
rcol = 4692578 /* 0x479A62 */;
if (team_in == "claret") {
rcol = 13382604 /* 0xCC33CC */;
if (team_in == "skyblue") {
rcol = 52479;
if (team_in == "orange") {
rcol = 16750848 /* 0xFF9900 */;
if (team_in == "rovers") {
rcol = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */;
trace("socks = " + _level0.socks[_level0.myteamid]);
trace("shirt = " + _level0.colour[_level0.myteamid]);
trace("stripe1 = " + _level0.stripe1[_level0.myteamid]);
myColor = new Color(this.socks);
myColor1 = new Color(this.shorts);
myColor2 = new Color(this.shirt);
myColor3 = new Color(this.cuffs);
myColor4 = new Color(this.stripes);
Frame 5
status = 0;
bounce = 0;
bounced = 1;
bounceyball = 0;
cchecked = false;
end = 0;
dy = 0;
ybit = 8;
lpost = 135;
rpost = 430;
barpos = 50;
barh = 105;
posttolerance = 13;
bwidth = 10;
rightcorner = 0;
leftcorner = 0;
corner = 0;
topnet = 0;
hitbar = false;
rposthit = false;
lposthit = false;
checked = false;
innet = false;
dive = false;
_level0.kicked = false;
_level0.checked = false;
Frame 7
x = 0;
y = 0;
z = 0;
velocity = random(5) + 18;
angle = random(5) + 35;
bwidth = 12;
hitkeeper = 0;
t = 0;
cangle = Math.cos((Math.PI/180) * angle);
sangle = Math.sin((Math.PI/180) * angle);
booted = false;
checked = false;
sc = 0;
Frame 8
function saved_check() {
hitkeeper = 0;
if (keeps.hittest(ball._x, ball._y, true)) {
hitkeeper = 1;
if (keeps.hittest(ball._x - bwidth, ball._y - bwidth, true)) {
hitkeeper = 1;
if (keeps.hittest(ball._x + bwidth, ball._y - bwidth, true)) {
hitkeeper = 1;
if (keeps.hittest(ball._x, ball._y - bwidth, true)) {
hitkeeper = 1;
if (keeps.hittest(ball._x - bwidth, ball._y, true)) {
hitkeeper = 1;
if (keeps.hittest(ball._x + bwidth, ball._y, true)) {
hitkeeper = 1;
if (hitkeeper == 0) {
trace("not hit keeper bill");
} else {
trace("borft keeper");
trace("dbx = " + dbx);
if ((dbx > 1) and (xball < 170)) {
leftcorner = 1;
rightcorner = 0;
corner = 1;
trace("left corner");
if ((dbx < 1) and (xball > 400)) {
rightcorner = 1;
leftcorner = 0;
corner = 1;
trace("right corner");
if (z > 75) {
trace("top net set to 1 when z = " + z);
topnet = 1;
znet = z;
t = t + 0.06;
if (booted == 0) {
yball = 300;
xball = 0 + (y * 10);
y = ((cangle * velocity) * t) + bounce;
z = ((sangle * velocity) * t) - ((5 * t) * t);
z = z * 10;
if (z < 0) {
t = 0;
bounce = y;
bounced = 2;
bounceyball = yball - 200;
velocity = velocity * 0.7;
z = 0;
yscale = 20 + ((80 * yball) / 325);
} else if (innet == false) {
xball = xball - dbx;
yball = yball - ybit;
z = z + (dby / 13);
yscale = 20 + ((80 * yball) / 325);
if ((yball < 160) and (checked == false)) {
checked = true;
trace("xball = " + xball);
trace("z = " + z);
if (hitkeeper == 0) {
trace("lpost " + Math.abs(xball - lpost));
trace("rpost " + Math.abs(xball - rpost));
trace("bar " + (barpos - ball._y));
if ((Math.abs(xball - rpost) < posttolerance) and (z < barh)) {
rposthit = true;
ybit = -ybit;
dbx = -10;
score = score + (200 / bounced);
if ((Math.abs(xball - lpost) < posttolerance) and (z < barh)) {
lposthit = true;
ybit = -ybit;
dbx = 10;
score = score + (200 / bounced);
if ((((z >= (barh - 15)) and (z <= barh)) and (xball > lpost)) and (xball < rpost)) {
if (lposthit or rposthit) {
hitbar = false;
} else {
hitbar = true;
trace("bar !!!!");
ybit = ybit;
dbx = dbx;
dby = 10;
score = score + (200 / bounced);
if ((((((xball > lpost) and (xball < rpost)) and (z < barh)) and (rposthit == false)) and (lposthit == false)) and (hitbar == false)) {
lposthit = false;
rposthit = false;
hitbar = false;
innet = true;
} else {
score = score + (400 / bounced);
if (divedirn == "left") {
ybit = -ybit;
dbx = 10;
dby = -dby;
} else {
ybit = -ybit;
dbx = -10;
dby = -dby;
} else {
xball = xball - dbx;
yball = yball - 6;
z = z + (dby / 12);
yscale = 20 + ((80 * yball) / 325);
if (rightcorner == 1) {
dbx = 10;
rightcorner = 0;
if (leftcorner == 1) {
dbx = -10;
leftcorner = 0;
if (topnet == 1) {
trace("top of the net !");
z = znet - 20;
if (yball < 150) {
end = 1;
score = score + (5000 / bounced);
sc = 1;
if (yball < 0) {
end = 1;
if (hitbar) {
if (z > 200) {
end = 1;
if ((lposthit or rposthit) or (hitkeeper == 1)) {
if (yball > 200) {
end = 1;
if (yball < 130) {
shadow._visible = false;
} else {
shadow._visible = true;
if (innet == false) {
setProperty("/ball", _y , yball - z);
setProperty("/ball", _x , xball);
setProperty("/ball", _xscale , yscale * 0.8);
setProperty("/ball", _yscale , yscale * 0.8);
ball2._visible = false;
ball._visible = true;
} else {
setProperty("/ball2", _y , yball - z);
setProperty("/ball2", _x , xball);
setProperty("/ball2", _xscale , yscale);
setProperty("/ball2", _yscale , yscale);
ball._visible = false;
ball2._visible = true;
setProperty("/shadow", _y , yball);
setProperty("/shadow", _x , xball);
setProperty("/shadow", _xscale , yscale);
setProperty("/shadow", _yscale , yscale);
Frame 9
if (((_level0.kicked == true) and (cchecked == false)) and man.finished) {
cchecked = true;
dbx = (man._x + 15) - xball;
dby = z;
diag = int(dbx);
trace((("BANG!" + z) + " ") + dbx);
if ((z < 40) and (Math.abs(dbx) < 30)) {
booted = true;
innet = false;
score = score + (100 / bounced);
dby = z;
if ((booted == true) and (dive == false)) {
dive = true;
destination = xball - (18 * dbx);
divedirn = "up";
if (random(10) < 7) {
if ((destination > 310) and (destination < 500)) {
divedirn = "right";
if ((destination < 250) and (destination > 50)) {
divedirn = "left";
if (divedirn == "up") {
if (t > 7) {
end = 1;
if ((end == 0) and (xball < 600)) {
gotoAndPlay (8);
Frame 33
if (sc == 0) {
if (attempts > 0) {
gotoAndPlay (5);
Frame 42
gotoAndStop (64);
Frame 64
man._x = -450;
man._y = -300;
Symbol 9 MovieClip Frame 7
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 12 MovieClip Frame 32
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 17 MovieClip Frame 1
doneLoading = 0;
Instance of Symbol 14 MovieClip "bkgd" in Symbol 17 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.doneLoading == 0) {
total = _parent._parent.getBytesTotal();
isloaded = _parent._parent.getBytesLoaded();
p = 100 * (isLoaded / total);
_parent.bytes = ((int(isloaded / 1000) add " KB of ") add int(total / 1000)) add " KB";
_parent.percent = int(p) add "% LOADED"; = p;
if (Number(p) > Number(95)) {
_parent.doneLoading = 1;
} else {
Instance of Symbol 14 MovieClip "bar" in Symbol 17 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.doneLoading == 0) {
total = _parent._parent.getBytesTotal();
isloaded = _parent._parent.getBytesLoaded();
p = 100 * (isLoaded / total);
_parent.bytes = ((int(isloaded / 1000) add " KB of ") add int(total / 1000)) add " KB";
_parent.percent = int(p) add "% LOADED"; = p;
if (Number(p) > Number(95)) {
_parent.doneLoading = 1;
} else {
Symbol 24 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Symbol 39 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "_self");
Symbol 52 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 54 Button
on (keyPress "~") {
gotoAndStop (64);
Symbol 66 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 20
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 90
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 141
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 167
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 221
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 273
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 296
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 319
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 87 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 89 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 102 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 102 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 114 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 114 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 126 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 126 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 138 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 138 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 150 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 150 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 162 MovieClip Frame 1
finished = false;
Symbol 162 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 162 MovieClip Frame 7
finished = true;
Symbol 162 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 162 MovieClip Frame 35
Symbol 208 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (3);
Symbol 214 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "_self");