| STORY LOOP FURRY PORN GAMES C SERVICES [?] [R] RND POPULAR | Archived flashes: 229923 |
/disc/ · /res/ — /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/ | P0001 · P2598 · P5196 |
![]() | This is the info page for Flash #13014 |
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Summer Dreams - Hentai Dating Game "Promise" |
3 |
4 |
The 4th flash By Billy Monks |
I promise. |
Hello, allow me to introduce myself. |
My name is Utamuro Takenouchi. I have just graduated from High School. |
I really don't know what I want to do in life. My teachers said that I will never succeed |
at anything. I passed all my classes at least.. I even have a respectable 1.4 GPA! (Thanks to |
the 4 art classes that I got C+'s in!) Hmm.. I wonder what college I should go to... |
Oh, look at that! Two sexy girls! Perhaps I should ask what college they're going to |
try to get into. Which one should I ask? |
Her! |
No! Her! |
Yeah, I'll go ask the blue haired girl. |
Yeah, I'll go ask the orange haired girl. |
"Good morning my good madam! My name is Utamuro Takenouchi." I tell her. |
"Do I look like I care?" She asks. |
That was very rude of her.. What should I do? |
Kill her. Ask her name. |
I shoot her in the face. It was definitely worth it and I have no regrets. |
Although I'm going to jail, at least I'm not a totally dickless hentai freak who votes zeros |
on movies that don't show hentai in them. |
"What's your name?" I decide to not kill the total hoe. |
"My name's Ginko." She said. |
Hmm.. I don't know what to say to her.. this is an uncomfortable situation. |
In that case, kill her! Ask what college she's going to. |
Oh, right. I just remembered. "What college are you going to?" I asked. |
"Why do you care?" She rudely responded.. |
KILL HER! "Because if you don't tell me I'll kill you." |
"OH! Well, in that case, I'm going to Sakakibara University." She informs me. |
Hmm.. I've just realized something.. |
This is a hentai dating game. Because of that, I must make this big choice. |
Shoot her in the face. Ask her out on a date. |
"Hey, do you want to go out with me?" I inquire. |
"Only if you promise to slap my ass while you stick a flaming blowtorch my anus. Next, |
I would like you to pour wet cement into my vagina and put crickets in it until it dries. |
At that point, I would like you to hit the cement with a sledgehammer until I |
orgasm from the extreme pain. Yes, that would be swell." She says. |
If that line of dialog gave you an erection, you might as well cut it off with children's |
scissors right now. It shouldn't be very difficult. What should I do? |
OMFG THAT SLUT! KILL HER! Accept her demands. |
I accept her offer. |
"Great!" She says, "Let's go to my house!" |
"I already know your name. You're in all of my classes." She informs me. |
What should I do? |
I kill her because she's a dumb hoe and she deserves it. Besides, I'm not a pervert who |
stalks girls in a hentai game. Although I'll never have a normal life, I feel good about it. |
I ask her name, "What's your name?" I ask. |
"Rrrrgh!! We've been in the same classes for a year and you still don't know?" she says. |
"Nope." I respond. |
"It's Itsuko, okay?! Are you retarded or something?" She exclaimed. |
With great disrespect I might add. Should I kill her for the disrespect? |
Kill the bitch!! Let it slide this time. |
I show great mercy and decide to not kill her. |
Oh, I guess I better ask her about what college she's going to. |
"What college are you going to?" I ask her what college she's going to. |
"I'm going to Akutagawa." She tells me. I wonder what kind of piece of shit college |
name that is. At that moment, it dawned upon me that this was a hentai dating sim. |
Because it was a hentai dating sim, I had to make a choice. |
To date, or not to date. That is the question. |
To kill. To date. |
"Hey. Do you want to go out on a date with me?" I inquire. |
"How much will you pay me?" She asks. "One hundred dollars sounds about right." |
Paying?! Hell no! Kill her! OMFG fine. |
Rrrgh, I hand her one hundred dollars. I better get hot sweaty buttsex for this. |
"You're welcome." the stupid fucking bitchy hoe says. |
"I know just the place to go to!" I say. |
"Woot. This rules." I thought as we arrived at the Poop Factory. |
"So this is the place?" Itsuko asked me, "I must admit, you have elegant tastes." |
Hmm.. What should I do? |
Kill her. Begin eating. |
"Well, should we start eating?" I ask. |
"You're such a gentleman!" She responded. |
And so, we began eating. |
"Yummy! This shit is so delicious!" Said Itsuko. |
"Yes! I agree!" I agreed. |
She laughed and looked at me, "You have shit in your eye!" the stupid hoe said. |
"Let me get it out for you!" She said, bringing her finger closer and closer to my eye. |
I was scared, so I quickly moved my head. Her finger struck my eye. It hurt for about six |
seconds. "OOOWWW!!" I exclaimed for about ten minutes. |
"Oh no! I'm so sorry!" the mother fucking moron said. |
OMFG KILL HER!!!!! Restrain yourself........ |
Yes, I agree. She cannot be forgiven. With a single precise stab, I end her wicked life. |
I'm very glad I did that. She was so very ignorant of my oh so sensitive feelings. |
With an increadible amount of restraint, I don't kill Itsuko. |
"Thank you so much for not killing me." Itsuko said, thankfully. She then asked me, |
"Would you like to have mad-wicked-uber buttsex in the back of that dumpster?" |
No! Kill Her! Sure, sounds yummy. |
"Most certainly." I say, following her to the dumpster. |
She swiftly jumped into the dumpster and out of sight. |
I'm not quite as swift. I trip on the edge and fall into the piles of trash. |
Unfortunately, some dickhead apparantly has never heard of RECYCLING. |
My scrotum hit a broken beer bottle in the dumpster and ripped in half with a delicious |
sound. My testicles then dropped out of the scrotum, to my knees. It felt so excruciating. |
I'm so glad that bottle was there. If it wasn't, I may have provided dickless hentai freaks |
with material for them to "pet their dolphin" with. |
Just thinking about those people sent shivers down my spine. |
~Itsuko Best Ending~ "Testicle Memories" |
We arrived at Ginko's house. It's so neat, and the smell.. |
Is this what a girl's house smells like? |
"So this is your house?" I ask. |
"Yep.." She answers. "Would you like me to make you something to eat?" |
No! Kill her!! Sure. I love eating! |
I kill her with relative ease; and damn, I sure am glad I did. |
She was obviously a hoe and deserved to lose her life in a painful manner. |
"Sure." I respond. I sure am hungry. Hungry for some PUS PUS SURPRISE!! |
A few minutes later, she comes back with a box of Cheerios. and hands it to me. |
WHAT THE FUCK?! Kill her!!! Yummy yummy Cheerios! |
"I love Cheerios!" I joyfully exclaim, swallowing down sixty Cheerios a minute. |
"I'm so glad.." Ginko says, in that stupid sensative bitch kind of way. |
Should I really let her get away with those bitchy antics? |
Hell no! Kill the devil! I'll let her get away with it this time. |
I stop myself from killing her for her sweet comments. I'm getting a bit full from the |
Cheerios now.. "So, where's your bedroom?" I ask, ready for some extreme hentai. |
"It's in this corridor over here." She says. "Please join me when you put away the |
box." She tells me, disappearing into the room. |
Hmm.. where should I put this box... I can't find the cabinet. |
Hmm.. Is it under the table?.. Nope.. Is it on top of the table?... Nope... |
Oh! There it is, on the ceiling fan! I quickly put it away and walk into the bedroom. |
When I enter, I see Ginko, laying in bed, waiting for me with a big smile on her face. |
Without a second thought I jump into the bed with her. |
She looks at me and says, "Do you wish to screw me?" |
"YES MA'AM!" I reply. |
I feel a sharp pain as she stabs a large butcher knife into my penis. |
"How about now? Big boy. Do you still wish to penetrate me? Or is it I, who has |
penetrated you?!" She says, pulling my penis off of my body. |
Although I'll never have a family, I feel good about this. I mean, it's always best to |
look on the bright side. At least I won't be providing dickless hentai freaks who |
rate zeros on movies that don't have hentai in them, something to jerk off to. |
~Ginko Best Ending~ "Penis Memories" |
ZackTheJackal |
Play Again |
Visit me! |
ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
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Library Items
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Dynamic Text Variables
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