Frame 135
_root.closeallanimations = false;
_root.closecharanimations = false;
_root.closesound = false;
_root.closemusic = false;
_root.optimize = false;
Frame 136
Frame 238
gotoAndPlay (239);
Frame 239
level1 = [[17, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 18], [11, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 11], [11, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 1, 11], [11, 7, 9, 4, 7, 8, 9, 11], [11, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 11], [11, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 11], [11, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 11], [26, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 28]];
level1password = "billyhog";
level1timer = 60;
level1_charx = 4;
level1_chary = 2;
num_of_levels = 1;
level2 = [[7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 18, 23, 10], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 11, 38, 11], [1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 11, 38, 11], [17, 18, 1, 7, 8, 28, 38, 11], [26, 28, 1, 2, 4, 4, 23, 11], [10, 1, 2, 1, 10, 4, 38, 11], [11, 1, 1, 1, 11, 4, 4, 12], [26, 8, 8, 8, 28, 4, 4, 4]];
level2password = "trylisten";
level2timer = 60;
level2_charx = 2;
level2_chary = 3;
num_of_levels = 2;
level3 = [[7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 9], [1, 1, 6, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 7, 8, 9], [1, 2, 10, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1], [1, 1, 12, 1, 6, 1, 6, 1], [1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 17, 18, 10, 1, 1, 1], [7, 9, 26, 28, 26, 8, 8, 9]];
level3password = "worlddomain";
level3timer = 60;
level3_charx = 7;
level3_chary = 1;
num_of_levels = 3;
level4 = [[7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 9], [1, 1, 1, 3, 1, 12, 1, 1], [1, 1, 2, 10, 1, 1, 2, 1], [10, 1, 3, 26, 8, 18, 1, 1], [26, 9, 2, 1, 3, 12, 2, 1], [1, 1, 1, 6, 1, 1, 2, 1], [1, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 10, 3], [7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 9]];
level4password = "wormlegs";
level4timer = 80;
level4_charx = 0;
level4_chary = 1;
num_of_levels = 4;
level5 = [[7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 9], [3, 1, 12, 46, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 2, 6, 38, 1, 1], [6, 1, 10, 48, 38, 4, 2, 1], [1, 1, 26, 8, 9, 2, 7, 9], [1, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3], [7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 9]];
level5password = "developme";
level5timer = 180;
level5_charx = 7;
level5_chary = 4;
num_of_levels = 5;
level6 = [[6, 48, 5, 4, 4, 4, 46, 1], [46, 1, 3, 6, 48, 1, 1, 1], [23, 3, 6, 46, 6, 1, 1, 6], [4, 6, 48, 1, 2, 1, 1, 47], [4, 46, 6, 2, 17, 9, 1, 6], [4, 1, 1, 1, 12, 1, 47, 16], [48, 1, 1, 1, 1, 49, 1, 1], [1, 1, 6, 49, 6, 16, 1, 1]];
level6password = "pegthis";
level6timer = 60;
level6_charx = 5;
level6_chary = 5;
num_of_levels = 6;
level7 = [[7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 18, 41, 10], [1, 1, 22, 1, 1, 11, 41, 11], [1, 3, 1, 3, 19, 11, 41, 11], [17, 18, 1, 7, 8, 28, 41, 11], [26, 28, 1, 3, 1, 4, 47, 11], [10, 1, 3, 1, 10, 1, 1, 11], [11, 1, 1, 1, 11, 7, 8, 28], [26, 8, 8, 8, 28, 4, 4, 4]];
level7password = "tunafish";
level7timer = 80;
level7_charx = 2;
level7_chary = 3;
num_of_levels = 7;
level8 = [[10, 1, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 18], [11, 1, 7, 8, 9, 1, 1, 11], [11, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1, 11], [11, 1, 2, 6, 3, 1, 1, 11], [11, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1, 11], [11, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1, 11], [11, 1, 10, 49, 7, 18, 1, 11], [26, 8, 28, 16, 16, 26, 8, 28]];
level8password = "limbow";
level8timer = 80;
level8_charx = 1;
level8_chary = 0;
num_of_levels = 8;
level9 = [[20, 4, 23, 7, 9, 5, 4, 19], [7, 18, 4, 4, 4, 23, 5, 6], [22, 12, 40, 6, 51, 6, 4, 46], [20, 46, 4, 38, 38, 40, 4, 4], [4, 4, 40, 38, 38, 4, 49, 19], [49, 4, 6, 36, 6, 40, 10, 21], [6, 23, 5, 4, 4, 4, 26, 9], [1, 20, 23, 7, 9, 5, 4, 19]];
level9password = "evilwollylives";
level9timer = 90;
level9_charx = 0;
level9_chary = 7;
num_of_levels = 9;
_root.totaltime = 0;
_root.totallevels = 0;
if (_root.wantinstructions == true) {
gotoAndStop (243);
_root.wantinstructions = false;
_root.lives = 3;
_root.gameover = false;
Frame 241
tellTarget ("user") {
gotoAndStop (2);
Frame 242
levelcodequestion = "Insert the code for the level you wish to start on";
Frame 243
Frame 244
Frame 245
Frame 246
if (_root.optimize == null) {
_root.optimize = false;
function buildMap(map) {
_root.time = int(eval (("_root.level" + _root.lev) + "timer"));
var mapWidth = map[0].length;
_root.mapwidth = mapWidth;
var mapHeight = map.length;
_root.mapheight = mapHeight;
var i = 0;
while (i < mapHeight) {
var j = 0;
while (j < mapWidth) {
if ((((((((((map[i][j] + 1) == 3) || ((map[i][j] + 1) == 38)) || ((map[i][j] + 1) == 40)) || ((map[i][j] + 1) == 41)) || ((map[i][j] + 1) == 42)) || ((map[i][j] + 1) == 43)) || ((map[i][j] + 1) == 44)) || ((map[i][j] + 1) == 45)) || ((map[i][j] + 1) == 46)) {
_root.num_rocks = _root.num_rocks + 1;
this.attachMovie("tile", (("t_" + i) + "_") + j, int(_root.num_rocks + 1000));
if ((map[i][j] + 1) == 38) {
this.attachMovie("tile", (("extrat_" + i) + "_") + j, (++numtiles) + 250);
} else {
this.attachMovie("tile", (("t_" + i) + "_") + j, (++numtiles) + 200);
_root.alterationW = 153;
_root.alterationH = 80;
this[(("t_" + i) + "_") + j]._x = _root.alterationW + (j * tileW);
this[(("t_" + i) + "_") + j]._y = _root.alterationH + (i * tileH);
this[(("t_" + i) + "_") + j].gotoAndStop(map[i][j]);
if ((i == charPos[1]) && (j == charPos[0])) {
this.attachMovie("char", "char", 20000);
this.char._x = int((_root.alterationW + (j * tileW)) + (tileW / 2));
this.char._y = int((_root.alterationH + (i * tileH)) + (tileH / 2));
this.attachMovie("complete", "complete", 210000);
_root.complete._x = 255;
_root.complete._y = 290;
this.attachMovie("time", "time", 220000);
function Rotator(dir, hor, vert) {
if (dir == null) {
dir = "right";
if (dir == "down") {
_root[(("newdir_" + hor) + "_") + vert] = "right";
newhor = hor + 1;
newvert = vert;
_root.rockdoorright(vert, hor);
_root.rockspringright(vert, hor);
if (((_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + (hor + 1)) + "_y_") + vert] == true) || (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + (hor + 1)) + "_y_") + vert] == true)) || ((vert == _root.charvertical) && ((hor + 1) == _root.charhorizontal))) {
_root[(("newdir_" + hor) + "_") + vert] = "down";
newhor = hor;
newvert = vert + 1;
_root.rockdoordown(vert, hor);
_root.rockspringdown(vert, hor);
if (((_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + hor) + "_y_") + (vert + 1)] == true) || (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + hor) + "_y_") + (vert + 1)] == true)) || (((vert + 1) == _root.charvertical) && (hor == _root.charhorizontal))) {
_root.dirblocked = true;
_root[(("newdir_" + hor) + "_") + vert] = "left";
newhor = hor - 1;
newvert = vert;
_root.rockdoorleft(vert, hor);
_root.rockspringleft(vert, hor);
if (((_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + (hor - 1)) + "_y_") + vert] == true) || (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + (hor - 1)) + "_y_") + vert] == true)) || ((vert == _root.charvertical) && ((hor - 1) == _root.charhorizontal))) {
_root[(("newdir_" + hor) + "_") + vert] = "up";
newhor = hor;
newvert = vert - 1;
_root.rockdoorup(vert, hor);
_root.rockspringup(vert, hor);
if (((_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + hor) + "_y_") + (vert - 1)] == true) || (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + hor) + "_y_") + (vert - 1)] == true)) || (((vert - 1) == _root.charvertical) && (hor == _root.charhorizontal))) {
_root[(("newdir_" + hor) + "_") + vert] = null;
} else if (dir == "up") {
_root[(("newdir_" + hor) + "_") + vert] = "left";
newhor = hor - 1;
newvert = vert;
_root.rockdoorleft(vert, hor);
_root.rockspringleft(vert, hor);
if (((_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + (hor - 1)) + "_y_") + vert] == true) || (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + (hor - 1)) + "_y_") + vert] == true)) || ((vert == _root.charvertical) && ((hor - 1) == _root.charhorizontal))) {
_root[(("newdir_" + hor) + "_") + vert] = "up";
newhor = hor;
newvert = vert - 1;
_root.rockdoorup(vert, hor);
_root.rockspringup(vert, hor);
if (((_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + hor) + "_y_") + (vert - 1)] == true) || (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + hor) + "_y_") + (vert - 1)] == true)) || (((vert - 1) == _root.charvertical) && (hor == _root.charhorizontal))) {
_root.dirblocked = true;
_root[(("newdir_" + hor) + "_") + vert] = "right";
newhor = hor + 1;
newvert = vert;
_root.rockdoorright(vert, hor);
_root.rockspringright(vert, hor);
if (((_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + (hor + 1)) + "_y_") + vert] == true) || (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + (hor + 1)) + "_y_") + vert] == true)) || ((vert == _root.charvertical) && ((hor + 1) == _root.charhorizontal))) {
_root[(("newdir_" + hor) + "_") + vert] = "down";
newhor = hor;
newvert = vert + 1;
_root.rockdoordown(vert, hor);
_root.rockspringdown(vert, hor);
if (((_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + hor) + "_y_") + (vert + 1)] == true) || (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + hor) + "_y_") + (vert + 1)] == true)) || (((vert + 1) == _root.charvertical) && (hor == _root.charhorizontal))) {
_root[(("newdir_" + hor) + "_") + vert] = null;
} else if (dir == "left") {
_root[(("newdir_" + hor) + "_") + vert] = "down";
newhor = hor;
newvert = vert + 1;
_root.rockdoordown(vert, hor);
_root.rockspringdown(vert, hor);
if (((_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + hor) + "_y_") + (vert + 1)] == true) || (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + hor) + "_y_") + (vert + 1)] == true)) || (((vert + 1) == _root.charvertical) && (hor == _root.charhorizontal))) {
_root[(("newdir_" + hor) + "_") + vert] = "left";
newhor = hor - 1;
newvert = vert;
_root.rockdoorleft(vert, hor);
_root.rockspringleft(vert, hor);
if (((_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + (hor - 1)) + "_y_") + vert] == true) || (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + (hor - 1)) + "_y_") + vert] == true)) || ((vert == _root.charvertical) && ((hor - 1) == _root.charhorizontal))) {
_root.dirblocked = true;
_root[(("newdir_" + hor) + "_") + vert] = "up";
newhor = hor;
newvert = vert - 1;
_root.rockdoorup(vert, hor);
_root.rockspringup(vert, hor);
if (((_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + hor) + "_y_") + (vert - 1)] == true) || (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + hor) + "_y_") + (vert - 1)] == true)) || (((vert - 1) == _root.charvertical) && (hor == _root.charhorizontal))) {
_root[(("newdir_" + hor) + "_") + vert] = "right";
newhor = hor + 1;
newvert = vert;
_root.rockdoorright(vert, hor);
_root.rockspringright(vert, hor);
if (((_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + (hor + 1)) + "_y_") + vert] == true) || (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + (hor + 1)) + "_y_") + vert] == true)) || ((vert == _root.charvertical) && ((hor + 1) == _root.charhorizontal))) {
_root[(("newdir_" + hor) + "_") + vert] = null;
} else if (dir == "right") {
_root[(("newdir_" + hor) + "_") + vert] = "up";
newhor = hor;
newvert = vert - 1;
_root.rockdoorup(vert, hor);
_root.rockspringup(vert, hor);
if (((_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + hor) + "_y_") + (vert - 1)] == true) || (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + hor) + "_y_") + (vert - 1)] == true)) || (((vert - 1) == _root.charvertical) && (hor == _root.charhorizontal))) {
_root[(("newdir_" + hor) + "_") + vert] = "right";
newhor = hor + 1;
newvert = vert;
_root.rockdoorright(vert, hor);
_root.rockspringright(vert, hor);
if (((_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + (hor + 1)) + "_y_") + vert] == true) || (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + (hor + 1)) + "_y_") + vert] == true)) || ((vert == _root.charvertical) && ((hor + 1) == _root.charhorizontal))) {
_root[(("newdir_" + hor) + "_") + vert] = "down";
newhor = hor;
newvert = vert + 1;
_root.rockdoordown(vert, hor);
_root.rockspringdown(vert, hor);
if (((_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + hor) + "_y_") + (vert + 1)] == true) || (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + hor) + "_y_") + (vert + 1)] == true)) || (((vert + 1) == _root.charvertical) && (hor == _root.charhorizontal))) {
_root.dirblocked = true;
_root[(("newdir_" + hor) + "_") + vert] = "left";
newhor = hor - 1;
newvert = vert;
_root.rockdoorleft(vert, hor);
_root.rockspringleft(vert, hor);
if (((_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + (hor - 1)) + "_y_") + vert] == true) || (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + (hor - 1)) + "_y_") + vert] == true)) || ((vert == _root.charvertical) && ((hor - 1) == _root.charhorizontal))) {
_root[(("newdir_" + hor) + "_") + vert] = null;
} else {
_root[(("newdir_" + hor) + "_") + vert] = dir;
_root.rockdoordown(vert, hor);
_root.rockspringdown(vert, hor);
function RotatorLEFT(dir, hor, vert) {
newhor = 0;
newvert = 0;
if (dir == null) {
dir = "right";
if (dir == "down") {
_root[(("newdir_" + hor) + "_") + vert] = "left";
newhor = hor - 1;
newvert = vert;
_root.rockdoorleft(vert, hor);
_root.rockspringleft(vert, hor);
if (((_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + (hor - 1)) + "_y_") + vert] == true) || (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + (hor - 1)) + "_y_") + vert] == true)) || ((vert == _root.charvertical) && ((hor - 1) == _root.charhorizontal))) {
_root[(("newdir_" + hor) + "_") + vert] = "down";
newhor = hor;
newvert = vert + 1;
_root.rockdoordown(vert, hor);
_root.rockspringdown(vert, hor);
if (((_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + hor) + "_y_") + (vert + 1)] == true) || (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + hor) + "_y_") + (vert + 1)] == true)) || (((vert + 1) == _root.charvertical) && (hor == _root.charhorizontal))) {
_root.dirblocked = true;
_root[(("newdir_" + hor) + "_") + vert] = "right";
newhor = hor + 1;
newvert = vert;
_root.rockdoorright(vert, hor);
_root.rockspringright(vert, hor);
if (((_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + (hor + 1)) + "_y_") + vert] == true) || (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + (hor + 1)) + "_y_") + vert] == true)) || ((vert == _root.charvertical) && ((hor + 1) == _root.charhorizontal))) {
_root[(("newdir_" + hor) + "_") + vert] = "up";
newhor = hor;
newvert = vert - 1;
_root.rockdoorup(vert, hor);
_root.rockspringup(vert, hor);
if (((_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + hor) + "_y_") + (vert - 1)] == true) || (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + hor) + "_y_") + (vert - 1)] == true)) || (((vert - 1) == _root.charvertical) && (hor == _root.charhorizontal))) {
_root[(("newdir_" + hor) + "_") + vert] = null;
} else if (dir == "up") {
_root[(("newdir_" + hor) + "_") + vert] = "right";
newhor = hor + 1;
newvert = vert;
_root.rockdoorright(vert, hor);
_root.rockspringright(vert, hor);
if (((_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + (hor + 1)) + "_y_") + vert] == true) || (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + (hor + 1)) + "_y_") + vert] == true)) || ((vert == _root.charvertical) && ((hor + 1) == _root.charhorizontal))) {
_root[(("newdir_" + hor) + "_") + vert] = "up";
newhor = hor;
newvert = vert - 1;
_root.rockdoorup(vert, hor);
_root.rockspringup(vert, hor);
if (((_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + hor) + "_y_") + (vert - 1)] == true) || (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + hor) + "_y_") + (vert - 1)] == true)) || (((vert - 1) == _root.charvertical) && (hor == _root.charhorizontal))) {
_root.dirblocked = true;
_root[(("newdir_" + hor) + "_") + vert] = "left";
newhor = hor - 1;
newvert = vert;
_root.rockdoorleft(vert, hor);
_root.rockspringleft(vert, hor);
if (((_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + (hor - 1)) + "_y_") + vert] == true) || (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + (hor - 1)) + "_y_") + vert] == true)) || ((vert == _root.charvertical) && ((hor - 1) == _root.charhorizontal))) {
_root[(("newdir_" + hor) + "_") + vert] = "down";
newhor = hor;
newvert = vert + 1;
_root.rockdoordown(vert, hor);
_root.rockspringdown(vert, hor);
if (((_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + hor) + "_y_") + (vert + 1)] == true) || (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + hor) + "_y_") + (vert + 1)] == true)) || (((vert + 1) == _root.charvertical) && (hor == _root.charhorizontal))) {
_root[(("newdir_" + hor) + "_") + vert] = null;
} else if (dir == "left") {
_root[(("newdir_" + hor) + "_") + vert] = "up";
newhor = hor;
newvert = vert - 1;
_root.rockdoorup(vert, hor);
_root.rockspringup(vert, hor);
if (((_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + hor) + "_y_") + (vert - 1)] == true) || (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + hor) + "_y_") + (vert - 1)] == true)) || (((vert - 1) == _root.charvertical) && (hor == _root.charhorizontal))) {
_root[(("newdir_" + hor) + "_") + vert] = "left";
newhor = hor - 1;
newvert = vert;
_root.rockdoorleft(vert, hor);
_root.rockspringleft(vert, hor);
if (((_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + (hor - 1)) + "_y_") + vert] == true) || (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + (hor - 1)) + "_y_") + vert] == true)) || ((vert == _root.charvertical) && ((hor - 1) == _root.charhorizontal))) {
_root.dirblocked = true;
_root[(("newdir_" + hor) + "_") + vert] = "down";
newhor = hor;
newvert = vert + 1;
_root.rockdoordown(vert, hor);
_root.rockspringdown(vert, hor);
if (((_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + hor) + "_y_") + (vert + 1)] == true) || (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + hor) + "_y_") + (vert + 1)] == true)) || (((vert + 1) == _root.charvertical) && (hor == _root.charhorizontal))) {
_root[(("newdir_" + hor) + "_") + vert] = "right";
newhor = hor + 1;
newvert = vert;
_root.rockdoorright(vert, hor);
_root.rockspringright(vert, hor);
if (((_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + (hor + 1)) + "_y_") + vert] == true) || (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + (hor + 1)) + "_y_") + vert] == true)) || ((vert == _root.charvertical) && ((hor + 1) == _root.charhorizontal))) {
_root[(("newdir_" + hor) + "_") + vert] = null;
} else if (dir == "right") {
_root[(("newdir_" + hor) + "_") + vert] = "down";
newhor = hor;
newvert = vert + 1;
_root.rockdoordown(vert, hor);
_root.rockspringdown(vert, hor);
if (((_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + hor) + "_y_") + (vert + 1)] == true) || (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + hor) + "_y_") + (vert + 1)] == true)) || (((vert + 1) == _root.charvertical) && (hor == _root.charhorizontal))) {
_root[(("newdir_" + hor) + "_") + vert] = "right";
newhor = hor + 1;
newvert = vert;
_root.rockdoorright(vert, hor);
_root.rockspringright(vert, hor);
if (((_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + (hor + 1)) + "_y_") + vert] == true) || (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + (hor + 1)) + "_y_") + vert] == true)) || ((vert == _root.charvertical) && ((hor + 1) == _root.charhorizontal))) {
_root[(("newdir_" + hor) + "_") + vert] = "up";
newhor = hor;
newvert = vert - 1;
_root.rockdoorup(vert, hor);
_root.rockspringup(vert, hor);
if (((_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + hor) + "_y_") + (vert - 1)] == true) || (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + hor) + "_y_") + (vert - 1)] == true)) || (((vert - 1) == _root.charvertical) && (hor == _root.charhorizontal))) {
_root.dirblocked = true;
_root[(("newdir_" + hor) + "_") + vert] = "left";
newhor = hor - 1;
newvert = vert;
if (((_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + (hor - 1)) + "_y_") + vert] == true) || (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + (hor - 1)) + "_y_") + vert] == true)) || ((vert == _root.charvertical) && ((hor - 1) == _root.charhorizontal))) {
_root[(("newdir_" + hor) + "_") + vert] = null;
function checkanimation() {
if (_root.closecharanimations == false) {
tellTarget ("char/character") {
gotoAndPlay (2);
function startpushanim() {
if (_root.closecharanimations == false) {
tellTarget ("char/character") {
gotoAndPlay ("push");
function doorup(checkspaces) {
if (_root.level1map[_root.charvertical - checkspaces][_root.charhorizontal] == 36) {
_root[(("dooropenup_x_" + _root.charhorizontal) + "_y_") + (_root.charvertical - checkspaces)] = true;
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + _root.charhorizontal) + "_y_") + (_root.charvertical - checkspaces)] = false;
function rockdoorup(v, h) {
if (_root.level1map[v - 1][h] == 36) {
_root[(("dooropenup_x_" + h) + "_y_") + (v - 1)] = true;
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + h) + "_y_") + (v - 1)] = false;
function doordown(checkspaces) {
if (_root.level1map[_root.charvertical + checkspaces][_root.charhorizontal] == 51) {
_root[(("dooropendown_x_" + _root.charhorizontal) + "_y_") + (_root.charvertical + checkspaces)] = true;
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + _root.charhorizontal) + "_y_") + (_root.charvertical + checkspaces)] = false;
function rockdoordown(v, h) {
if (_root.level1map[int(v + 1)][h] == 51) {
_root[(("dooropendown_x_" + h) + "_y_") + int(v + 1)] = true;
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + h) + "_y_") + int(v + 1)] = false;
function doorleft(checkspaces) {
if (_root.level1map[_root.charvertical][_root.charhorizontal - checkspaces] == 14) {
_root[(("dooropenleft_x_" + (_root.charhorizontal - checkspaces)) + "_y_") + _root.charvertical] = true;
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + (_root.charhorizontal - checkspaces)) + "_y_") + _root.charvertical] = false;
function rockdoorleft(v, h) {
if (_root.level1map[v][h - 1] == 14) {
_root[(("dooropenleft_x_" + (h - 1)) + "_y_") + v] = true;
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + (h - 1)) + "_y_") + v] = false;
function doorright(checkspaces) {
if (_root.level1map[_root.charvertical][_root.charhorizontal + checkspaces] == 50) {
_root[(("dooropenright_x_" + (_root.charhorizontal + checkspaces)) + "_y_") + _root.charvertical] = true;
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + (_root.charhorizontal + checkspaces)) + "_y_") + _root.charvertical] = false;
function rockdoorright(v, h) {
if (_root.level1map[v][h + 1] == 50) {
_root[(("dooropenright_x_" + (h + 1)) + "_y_") + v] = true;
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + (h + 1)) + "_y_") + v] = false;
function springdown(checkspaces, temptile) {
temptile = true;
if (_root.level1map[_root.charvertical + checkspaces][_root.charhorizontal] == 49) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + _root.charhorizontal) + "_y_") + (_root.charvertical + checkspaces)] = false;
_root[(("spring_x_" + _root.charhorizontal) + "_y_") + (_root.charvertical + checkspaces)] = true;
function rockspringdown(v, h) {
if ((_root.level1map[v + 1][h] == 49) && (_root[(("spring_x_" + h) + "_y_") + (v + 1)] == false)) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + h) + "_y_") + (v + 1)] = false;
_root[(("spring_x_" + h) + "_y_") + (v + 1)] = true;
function springup(checkspaces, temptile) {
if (_root.level1map[_root.charvertical - checkspaces][_root.charhorizontal] == 46) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + _root.charhorizontal) + "_y_") + (_root.charvertical - checkspaces)] = false;
_root[(("spring_x_" + _root.charhorizontal) + "_y_") + (_root.charvertical - checkspaces)] = true;
function rockspringup(v, h) {
if ((_root.level1map[v - 1][h] == 46) && (_root[(("spring_x_" + h) + "_y_") + (v - 1)] == false)) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + h) + "_y_") + (v - 1)] = false;
_root[(("spring_x_" + h) + "_y_") + (v - 1)] = true;
_root[(((((("MOVING2SPRING_x_" + int(h)) + "_y_") + int(v - 1)) + "_FROM_") + int(h)) + "_y_") + int(v)] = true;
function springleft(checkspaces, temptile) {
if (_root.level1map[_root.charvertical][_root.charhorizontal - checkspaces] == 48) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + (_root.charhorizontal - checkspaces)) + "_y_") + _root.charvertical] = false;
_root[(("spring_x_" + (_root.charhorizontal - checkspaces)) + "_y_") + _root.charvertical] = true;
function rockspringleft(v, h) {
if ((_root.level1map[v][h - 1] == 48) && (_root[(("spring_x_" + (h - 1)) + "_y_") + v] == false)) {
temptile = false;
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + (h - 1)) + "_y_") + v] = false;
_root[(("spring_x_" + (h - 1)) + "_y_") + v] = true;
_root[(((((("MOVING2SPRING_x_" + int(h - 1)) + "_y_") + int(v)) + "_FROM_") + int(h)) + "_y_") + int(v)] = true;
function springright(checkspaces, temptile) {
if (_root.level1map[_root.charvertical][_root.charhorizontal + checkspaces] == 47) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + (_root.charhorizontal + checkspaces)) + "_y_") + _root.charvertical] = false;
_root[(("spring_x_" + (_root.charhorizontal + checkspaces)) + "_y_") + _root.charvertical] = true;
function rockspringright(v, h) {
if ((_root.level1map[v][h + 1] == 47) && (_root[(("spring_x_" + (h + 1)) + "_y_") + v] == false)) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + (h + 1)) + "_y_") + v] = false;
_root[(("spring_x_" + (h + 1)) + "_y_") + v] = true;
_root[(((((("MOVING2SPRING_x_" + int(h + 1)) + "_y_") + int(v)) + "_FROM_") + int(h)) + "_y_") + int(v)] = true;
function on_ice_target(rockvertical, rockhorizontal) {
if (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 37) {
tellTarget ("done") {
gotoAndPlay (2);
function move_on_ice(rockvertical, rockhorizontal) {
if ((_root.endlevel == true) && ((_root.level1map[_root.rockvertical][_root.rockhorizontal] == 3) || (_root.level1map[_root.rockvertical][_root.rockhorizontal] == 38))) {
gotoAndStop (316);
if (((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == "4") || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == "40")) && (../:lastdir != null)) {
tellTarget ("../") {
gotoAndPlay ("rock_auto_move");
function newrockpointer(v, h) {
_root[(("rocktile_x_" + h) + "_y_") + v] = false;
if ((_root.charhorizontal == h) && (_root.charvertical == v)) {
} else {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + h) + "_y_") + v] = false;
function check_off_tile(h, v) {
if (((_root.level1map[v][h] == 3) || (_root.level1map[v][h] == 38)) || (_root.level1map[v][h] == 37)) {
_root.rockgoal = int(_root.rockgoal) - 1;
_root.TEMPMOVE = false;
if (_root.closemusic == false) {
bgsound = new Sound();
bgsound.start(0, 20);
if (_root.closesound == false) {
boing = new Sound();
startswitch = new Sound();
pushing = new Sound();
if (_root.closesound == true) {
boing = new Sound();
startswitch = new Sound();
pushing = new Sound();
level1 = [[17, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 18], [11, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 11], [11, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 1, 11], [11, 7, 9, 4, 7, 8, 9, 11], [11, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 11], [11, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 11], [11, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 11], [26, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 28]];
level1password = "billyhog";
level1timer = 60;
level1_charx = 4;
level1_chary = 2;
num_of_levels = 1;
level2 = [[7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 18, 23, 10], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 11, 38, 11], [1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 11, 38, 11], [17, 18, 1, 7, 8, 28, 38, 11], [26, 28, 1, 2, 4, 4, 23, 11], [10, 1, 2, 1, 10, 4, 38, 11], [11, 1, 1, 1, 11, 4, 4, 12], [26, 8, 8, 8, 28, 4, 4, 4]];
level2password = "trylisten";
level2timer = 60;
level2_charx = 2;
level2_chary = 3;
num_of_levels = 2;
level3 = [[7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 9], [1, 1, 6, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 7, 8, 9], [1, 2, 10, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1], [1, 1, 12, 1, 6, 1, 6, 1], [1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 17, 18, 10, 1, 1, 1], [7, 9, 26, 28, 26, 8, 8, 9]];
level3password = "worlddomain";
level3timer = 60;
level3_charx = 7;
level3_chary = 1;
num_of_levels = 3;
level4 = [[7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 9], [1, 1, 1, 3, 1, 12, 1, 1], [1, 1, 2, 10, 1, 1, 2, 1], [10, 1, 3, 26, 8, 18, 1, 1], [26, 9, 2, 1, 3, 12, 2, 1], [1, 1, 1, 6, 1, 1, 2, 1], [1, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 10, 3], [7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 9]];
level4password = "wormlegs";
level4timer = 80;
level4_charx = 0;
level4_chary = 1;
num_of_levels = 4;
level5 = [[7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 9], [3, 1, 12, 46, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 2, 6, 38, 1, 1], [6, 1, 10, 48, 38, 4, 2, 1], [1, 1, 26, 8, 9, 2, 7, 9], [1, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3], [7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 9]];
level5password = "developme";
level5timer = 180;
level5_charx = 7;
level5_chary = 4;
num_of_levels = 5;
level6 = [[6, 48, 5, 4, 4, 4, 46, 1], [46, 1, 3, 6, 48, 1, 1, 1], [23, 3, 6, 46, 6, 1, 1, 6], [4, 6, 48, 1, 2, 1, 1, 47], [4, 46, 6, 2, 17, 9, 1, 6], [4, 1, 1, 1, 12, 1, 47, 16], [48, 1, 1, 1, 1, 49, 1, 1], [1, 1, 6, 49, 6, 16, 1, 1]];
level6password = "pegthis";
level6timer = 60;
level6_charx = 5;
level6_chary = 5;
num_of_levels = 6;
level7 = [[7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 18, 41, 10], [1, 1, 22, 1, 1, 11, 41, 11], [1, 3, 1, 3, 19, 11, 41, 11], [17, 18, 1, 7, 8, 28, 41, 11], [26, 28, 1, 3, 1, 4, 47, 11], [10, 1, 3, 1, 10, 1, 1, 11], [11, 1, 1, 1, 11, 7, 8, 28], [26, 8, 8, 8, 28, 4, 4, 4]];
level7password = "tunafish";
level7timer = 80;
level7_charx = 2;
level7_chary = 3;
num_of_levels = 7;
level8 = [[10, 1, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 18], [11, 1, 7, 8, 9, 1, 1, 11], [11, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1, 11], [11, 1, 2, 6, 3, 1, 1, 11], [11, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1, 11], [11, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1, 11], [11, 1, 10, 49, 7, 18, 1, 11], [26, 8, 28, 16, 16, 26, 8, 28]];
level8password = "limbow";
level8timer = 80;
level8_charx = 1;
level8_chary = 0;
num_of_levels = 8;
level9 = [[20, 4, 23, 7, 9, 5, 4, 19], [7, 18, 4, 4, 4, 23, 5, 6], [22, 12, 40, 6, 51, 6, 4, 46], [20, 46, 4, 38, 38, 40, 4, 4], [4, 4, 40, 38, 38, 4, 49, 19], [49, 4, 6, 36, 6, 40, 10, 21], [6, 23, 5, 4, 4, 4, 26, 9], [1, 20, 23, 7, 9, 5, 4, 19]];
level9password = "evilwollylives";
level9timer = 90;
level9_charx = 0;
level9_chary = 7;
num_of_levels = 9;
if ((_root.lev == null) || (_root.lev <= 0)) {
_root.lev = 1;
if (_root.lev < 10) {
level = "0" + _root.lev;
} else {
level = _root.lev;
_root.timer = 0;
tileW = 30;
tileH = 30;
_root.size = (tileW / 2) - 1;
_root.canwalk = true;
_root.hitting_rock = false;
_root.speed = 5;
_root.rockgoal = 0;
_root.endlevel = false;
if (_root.lives == null) {
_root.lives = 3;
_root.numswitches = 0;
_root.switchopen = 0;
_root.door2open = 0;
_root.num_rocks = 0;
_root.collisionleft = false;
_root.collisionright = false;
_root.collisionup = false;
_root.collisiondown = false;
_root.level1map = eval ("_root.level" + _root.lev);
_root.charhorizontal = eval (("level" + _root.lev) + "_charx");
_root.charvertical = eval (("level" + _root.lev) + "_chary");
_root.hitting_rock = false;
_root.iceblocked = false;
_root.temp_stop_rock = false;
_root.springstart = "";
_root.boingleft = false;
_root.boingright = false;
_root.boingup = false;
_root.boingdown = false;
_root.alreadytriedrotation = 0;
_root.password = eval (("_root.level" + _root.lev) + "password");
charPos = [_root.charhorizontal, _root.charvertical];
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + _root.charhorizontal) + "_y_") + _root.charvertical] = true;
buildMap(eval ("_root.level" + _root.lev));
var i = -1;
while (i < 8) {
_root[("rocktile_x_" + i) + "_y_-1"] = true;
var i = -1;
while (i < 8) {
_root["rocktile_x_-1_y_" + i] = true;
_root["rocktile_x_8_y_" + i] = true;
var i = -1;
while (i < 8) {
_root[("rocktile_x_" + i) + "_y_8"] = true;
Frame 247
_root.endlevel = false;
if (_root.reset == true) {
_root.reset = false;
_root.lev = 1;
_root.level = 1;
lev = 1;
_root.rockgoal = 0;
_root.num_rock = 0;
_root.numtiles = 0;
_root.rockvertical = 0;
_root.charvertical = 0;
_root.rockhorizontal = 0;
_root.charhorizontal = 0;
_root.time = "00";
mapWidth = _root.mapwidth;
mapHeight = _root.mapheight;
var i = 0;
while (i < mapHeight) {
var j = 0;
while (j < mapWidth) {
_root[(("spring_x_" + j) + "_y_") + i] = false;
_root.level1map[i][j] = 0;
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + j) + "_y_") + i] = false;
_root[(("rocktile_x_" + j) + "_y_") + i] = false;
removeMovieClip((("t_" + i) + "_") + j);
removeMovieClip((("extrat_" + i) + "_") + j);
removeMovieClip((("escdown_" + i) + "_") + j);
removeMovieClip((("escup_" + i) + "_") + j);
removeMovieClip((("escleft_" + i) + "_") + j);
removeMovieClip((("escright_" + i) + "_") + j);
removeMovieClip((("rock_" + i) + "_") + j);
removeMovieClip((("need_" + i) + "_") + j);
_root[(("spring_x_" + j) + "_y_") + i] = false;
tellTarget (_root) {
gotoAndPlay (1);
} else {
_root.reset = false;
_root.rockgoal = 0;
_root.num_rock = 0;
_root.numtiles = 0;
_root.rockvertical = 0;
_root.charvertical = 0;
_root.rockhorizontal = 0;
_root.charhorizontal = 0;
_root.time = "00";
_root.num_rock = 0;
_root.lev = int(_root.lev) + 1;
_root.rockvertical = 0;
_root.charvertical = 0;
mapWidth = _root.mapwidth;
mapHeight = _root.mapheight;
var i = 0;
while (i < mapHeight) {
var j = 0;
while (j < mapWidth) {
_root.level1map[i][j] = 0;
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + j) + "_y_") + i] = false;
_root[(("rocktile_x_" + j) + "_y_") + i] = false;
removeMovieClip((("t_" + i) + "_") + j);
removeMovieClip((("extrat_" + i) + "_") + j);
removeMovieClip((("escdown_" + i) + "_") + j);
removeMovieClip((("escup_" + i) + "_") + j);
removeMovieClip((("escleft_" + i) + "_") + j);
removeMovieClip((("escright_" + i) + "_") + j);
removeMovieClip((("rock_" + i) + "_") + j);
removeMovieClip((("need_" + i) + "_") + j);
_root[(("spring_x_" + j) + "_y_") + i] = false;
if (_root.lev >= 55555555) {
gotoAndPlay (248);
gameover = true;
} else if ((_root.lev > _root.num_of_levels) && (gameover == false)) {
gotoAndStop (249);
} else if (gameover == true) {
gotoAndPlay (248);
} else {
gotoAndStop (246);
Frame 248
Frame 249
Symbol 42 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.closeallanimations == true) {
Symbol 62 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.door2open = "";
Symbol 62 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.switchopen = "";
Symbol 62 MovieClip Frame 155
_root.switchdooropen = "";
Instance of Symbol 66 MovieClip in Symbol 67 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root[(("dooropen_x_" + (../../:horizontal - 5)) + "_y_") + (../../:vertical - 2)] == true) {
tellTarget ("../") {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 64 MovieClip in Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + int(../../:horizontal)) + "_y_") + int(../../:vertical)] = true;
Instance of Symbol 67 MovieClip in Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root[(("dooropenleft_x_" + ../../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../../:vertical] == true) {
tellTarget ("../") {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 2
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = false;
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 7
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 8
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 9
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 10
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 11
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 12
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 13
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 14
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 15
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 16
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 17
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 18
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 19
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 20
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 21
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 22
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 23
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 24
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 25
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 26
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (25);
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 27
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
_root[(("dooropenleft_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = false;
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 31
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 81 MovieClip Frame 1
started = false;
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
Symbol 81 MovieClip Frame 2
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = false;
started = true;
Symbol 81 MovieClip Frame 155
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
Symbol 100 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.closeallanimations == true) {
Symbol 120 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 67 MovieClip in Symbol 120 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + int(../../:horizontal)) + "_y_") + int(../../:vertical)] = true;
if (_root[(("dooropenup_x_" + ../../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../../:vertical] == true) {
tellTarget ("../") {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 120 MovieClip Frame 2
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = false;
Symbol 120 MovieClip Frame 7
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 120 MovieClip Frame 8
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 120 MovieClip Frame 9
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 120 MovieClip Frame 10
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 120 MovieClip Frame 11
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 120 MovieClip Frame 12
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 120 MovieClip Frame 13
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 120 MovieClip Frame 14
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 120 MovieClip Frame 15
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 120 MovieClip Frame 16
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 120 MovieClip Frame 17
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 120 MovieClip Frame 18
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 120 MovieClip Frame 19
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 120 MovieClip Frame 20
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 120 MovieClip Frame 21
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 120 MovieClip Frame 22
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 120 MovieClip Frame 23
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 120 MovieClip Frame 24
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 120 MovieClip Frame 25
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 120 MovieClip Frame 26
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (25);
Symbol 120 MovieClip Frame 27
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
_root[(("dooropenup_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = false;
Symbol 120 MovieClip Frame 31
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 126 MovieClip Frame 1
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + int(../:horizontal - 5)) + "_y_") + int(../:vertical - 2)] = true;
_root[(((((("MOVING2SPRING_x_" + int(../:horizontal - 5)) + "_y_") + int(../:vertical - 2)) + "_FROM_") + int(../:horizontal - 6)) + "_y_") + int(../:vertical - 2)] = false;
Instance of Symbol 125 MovieClip in Symbol 126 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
moving = false;
_root[(("spring_x_" + (../../:horizontal - 5)) + "_y_") + (../../:vertical - 2)] = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_root[(("spring_x_" + (../../:horizontal - 5)) + "_y_") + (../../:vertical - 2)] == true) && (moving == false)) {
moving = true;
tellTarget ("../") {
Symbol 126 MovieClip Frame 2
_root[(((((("MOVING2SPRING_x_" + int(../:horizontal - 5)) + "_y_") + int(../:vertical - 2)) + "_FROM_") + int(../:horizontal - 6)) + "_y_") + int(../:vertical - 2)] = false;
Symbol 126 MovieClip Frame 6
if ((_root[(("spring_x_" + (../:horizontal - 5)) + "_y_") + (../:vertical - 2)] == true) || (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + (../:horizontal - 5)) + "_y_") + (../:vertical - 2)] == true)) {
gotoAndPlay (5);
Symbol 126 MovieClip Frame 7
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + int(../:horizontal - 5)) + "_y_") + int(../:vertical - 2)] = true;
Symbol 126 MovieClip Frame 8
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + int(../:horizontal - 5)) + "_y_") + int(../:vertical - 2)] = true;
if (_root[(((((("MOVING2SPRING_x_" + int(../:horizontal - 5)) + "_y_") + int(../:vertical - 2)) + "_FROM_") + int(../:horizontal - 6)) + "_y_") + int(../:vertical - 2)] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 126 MovieClip Frame 9
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + int(../:horizontal - 5)) + "_y_") + int(../:vertical - 2)] = true;
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 1
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + int(../:horizontal - 5)) + "_y_") + int(../:vertical - 2)] = true;
_root[(((((("MOVING2SPRING_x_" + int(../:horizontal - 5)) + "_y_") + int(../:vertical - 2)) + "_FROM_") + int(../:horizontal - 6)) + "_y_") + int(../:vertical - 2)] = false;
Instance of Symbol 125 MovieClip in Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
moving = false;
_root[(("spring_x_" + (../../:horizontal - 5)) + "_y_") + (../../:vertical - 2)] = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_root[(("spring_x_" + (../../:horizontal - 5)) + "_y_") + (../../:vertical - 2)] == true) && (moving == false)) {
moving = true;
tellTarget ("../") {
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 2
_root[(((((("MOVING2SPRING_x_" + int(../:horizontal - 5)) + "_y_") + int(../:vertical - 2)) + "_FROM_") + int(../:horizontal - 6)) + "_y_") + int(../:vertical - 2)] = false;
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 6
if ((_root[(("spring_x_" + (../:horizontal - 5)) + "_y_") + (../:vertical - 2)] == true) || (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + (../:horizontal - 5)) + "_y_") + (../:vertical - 2)] == true)) {
gotoAndPlay (5);
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 7
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + int(../:horizontal - 5)) + "_y_") + int(../:vertical - 2)] = true;
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 8
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + int(../:horizontal - 5)) + "_y_") + int(../:vertical - 2)] = true;
if (_root[(((((("MOVING2SPRING_x_" + int(../:horizontal - 5)) + "_y_") + int(../:vertical - 2)) + "_FROM_") + int(../:horizontal - 6)) + "_y_") + int(../:vertical - 2)] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 9
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + int(../:horizontal - 5)) + "_y_") + int(../:vertical - 2)] = true;
Symbol 128 MovieClip Frame 1
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + int(../:horizontal - 5)) + "_y_") + int(../:vertical - 2)] = true;
_root[(((((("MOVING2SPRING_x_" + int(../:horizontal - 5)) + "_y_") + int(../:vertical - 2)) + "_FROM_") + int(../:horizontal - 6)) + "_y_") + int(../:vertical - 2)] = false;
Instance of Symbol 125 MovieClip in Symbol 128 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
moving = false;
_root[(("spring_x_" + (../../:horizontal - 5)) + "_y_") + (../../:vertical - 2)] = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + int(../:horizontal - 5)) + "_y_") + int(../:vertical - 2)] = true;
if ((_root[(("spring_x_" + (../../:horizontal - 5)) + "_y_") + (../../:vertical - 2)] == true) && (moving == false)) {
moving = true;
tellTarget ("../") {
Symbol 128 MovieClip Frame 2
_root[(((((("MOVING2SPRING_x_" + int(../:horizontal - 5)) + "_y_") + int(../:vertical - 2)) + "_FROM_") + int(../:horizontal - 6)) + "_y_") + int(../:vertical - 2)] = false;
Symbol 128 MovieClip Frame 6
if ((_root[(("spring_x_" + (../:horizontal - 5)) + "_y_") + (../:vertical - 2)] == true) || (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + (../:horizontal - 5)) + "_y_") + (../:vertical - 2)] == true)) {
gotoAndPlay (5);
Symbol 128 MovieClip Frame 7
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + int(../:horizontal - 5)) + "_y_") + int(../:vertical - 2)] = true;
Symbol 128 MovieClip Frame 8
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + int(../:horizontal - 5)) + "_y_") + int(../:vertical - 2)] = true;
if (_root[(((((("MOVING2SPRING_x_" + int(../:horizontal - 5)) + "_y_") + int(../:vertical - 2)) + "_FROM_") + int(../:horizontal - 6)) + "_y_") + int(../:vertical - 2)] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 128 MovieClip Frame 9
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + int(../:horizontal - 5)) + "_y_") + int(../:vertical - 2)] = true;
Symbol 129 MovieClip Frame 1
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + int(../:horizontal - 5)) + "_y_") + int(../:vertical - 2)] = true;
_root[(((((("MOVING2SPRING_x_" + int(../:horizontal - 5)) + "_y_") + int(../:vertical - 2)) + "_FROM_") + int(../:horizontal - 6)) + "_y_") + int(../:vertical - 2)] = false;
Instance of Symbol 125 MovieClip in Symbol 129 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
moving = false;
_root[(("spring_x_" + (../../:horizontal - 5)) + "_y_") + (../../:vertical - 2)] = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + int(../../:horizontal - 5)) + "_y_") + int(../../:vertical - 2)] = true;
if ((_root[(("spring_x_" + (../../:horizontal - 5)) + "_y_") + (../../:vertical - 2)] == true) && (moving == false)) {
moving = true;
tellTarget ("../") {
Symbol 129 MovieClip Frame 2
_root[(((((("MOVING2SPRING_x_" + int(../:horizontal - 5)) + "_y_") + int(../:vertical - 2)) + "_FROM_") + int(../:horizontal - 6)) + "_y_") + int(../:vertical - 2)] = false;
Symbol 129 MovieClip Frame 6
if ((_root[(("spring_x_" + (../:horizontal - 5)) + "_y_") + (../:vertical - 2)] == true) || (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + (../:horizontal - 5)) + "_y_") + (../:vertical - 2)] == true)) {
gotoAndPlay (5);
Symbol 129 MovieClip Frame 7
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + int(../:horizontal - 5)) + "_y_") + int(../:vertical - 2)] = true;
if (_root[(((((("MOVING2SPRING_x_" + int(../:horizontal - 5)) + "_y_") + int(../:vertical - 2)) + "_FROM_") + int(../:horizontal - 6)) + "_y_") + int(../:vertical - 2)] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 129 MovieClip Frame 8
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + int(../:horizontal - 5)) + "_y_") + int(../:vertical - 2)] = true;
if (_root[(((((("MOVING2SPRING_x_" + int(../:horizontal - 5)) + "_y_") + int(../:vertical - 2)) + "_FROM_") + int(../:horizontal - 6)) + "_y_") + int(../:vertical - 2)] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 129 MovieClip Frame 9
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + int(../:horizontal - 5)) + "_y_") + int(../:vertical - 2)] = true;
Symbol 130 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 64 MovieClip in Symbol 130 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + int(../../:horizontal)) + "_y_") + int(../../:vertical)] = true;
Instance of Symbol 67 MovieClip in Symbol 130 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root[(("dooropenright_x_" + ../../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../../:vertical] == true) {
tellTarget ("../") {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 130 MovieClip Frame 2
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = false;
Symbol 130 MovieClip Frame 7
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 130 MovieClip Frame 8
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 130 MovieClip Frame 9
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 130 MovieClip Frame 10
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 130 MovieClip Frame 11
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 130 MovieClip Frame 12
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 130 MovieClip Frame 13
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 130 MovieClip Frame 14
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 130 MovieClip Frame 15
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 130 MovieClip Frame 16
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 130 MovieClip Frame 17
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 130 MovieClip Frame 18
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 130 MovieClip Frame 19
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 130 MovieClip Frame 20
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 130 MovieClip Frame 21
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 130 MovieClip Frame 22
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 130 MovieClip Frame 23
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 130 MovieClip Frame 24
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 130 MovieClip Frame 25
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 130 MovieClip Frame 26
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (25);
Symbol 130 MovieClip Frame 27
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
_root[(("dooropenright_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = false;
Symbol 130 MovieClip Frame 31
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 132 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 64 MovieClip in Symbol 132 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + int(../../:horizontal)) + "_y_") + int(../../:vertical)] = true;
Instance of Symbol 67 MovieClip in Symbol 132 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root[(("dooropendown_x_" + ../../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../../:vertical] == true) {
tellTarget ("../") {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 132 MovieClip Frame 2
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = false;
Symbol 132 MovieClip Frame 7
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 132 MovieClip Frame 8
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 132 MovieClip Frame 9
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 132 MovieClip Frame 10
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 132 MovieClip Frame 11
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 132 MovieClip Frame 12
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 132 MovieClip Frame 13
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 132 MovieClip Frame 14
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 132 MovieClip Frame 15
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 132 MovieClip Frame 16
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 132 MovieClip Frame 17
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 132 MovieClip Frame 18
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 132 MovieClip Frame 19
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 132 MovieClip Frame 20
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 132 MovieClip Frame 21
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 132 MovieClip Frame 22
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 132 MovieClip Frame 23
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 132 MovieClip Frame 24
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 132 MovieClip Frame 25
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 132 MovieClip Frame 26
if (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
if (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] == true) {
gotoAndPlay (25);
Symbol 132 MovieClip Frame 27
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = true;
_root[(("dooropendown_x_" + ../:horizontal) + "_y_") + ../:vertical] = false;
Symbol 132 MovieClip Frame 31
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 134 MovieClip [tile] Frame 1
Symbol 134 MovieClip [tile] Frame 2
_root.rockvertical = int((this._y / _root.tileH) - 1.66666666666667);
_root.rockhorizontal = int((this._x / _root.tileW) - 4.3333333333333);
attachMovie("need", "need", 1);
attachMovie("rock", "rock", (mapWidth * mapHeight) + 1);
tellTarget ("rock") {
rockvertical = _root.rockvertical;
rockhorizontal = _root.rockhorizontal;
_root[(("rocktile_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + rockvertical] = true;
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + rockvertical] = true;
Symbol 134 MovieClip [tile] Frame 3
vertical = int((this._y / _root.tileH) - 1.66666666666667);
horizontal = int((this._x / _root.tileW) - 4.3333333333333);
_root[(("goal_x_" + horizontal) + "_y_") + vertical] = false;
Symbol 134 MovieClip [tile] Frame 6
vertical = int((this._y / _root.tileH) - 1.66666666666667);
horizontal = int((this._x / _root.tileW) - 4.3333333333333);
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + horizontal) + "_y_") + vertical] = true;
Symbol 134 MovieClip [tile] Frame 7
vertical = int((this._y / _root.tileH) - 1.66666666666667);
horizontal = int((this._x / _root.tileW) - 4.3333333333333);
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + horizontal) + "_y_") + vertical] = true;
Symbol 134 MovieClip [tile] Frame 8
vertical = int((this._y / _root.tileH) - 1.66666666666667);
horizontal = int((this._x / _root.tileW) - 4.3333333333333);
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + horizontal) + "_y_") + vertical] = true;
Symbol 134 MovieClip [tile] Frame 9
vertical = int((this._y / _root.tileH) - 1.66666666666667);
horizontal = int((this._x / _root.tileW) - 4.3333333333333);
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + horizontal) + "_y_") + vertical] = true;
Symbol 134 MovieClip [tile] Frame 10
vertical = int((this._y / _root.tileH) - 1.66666666666667);
horizontal = int((this._x / _root.tileW) - 4.3333333333333);
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + horizontal) + "_y_") + vertical] = true;
Symbol 134 MovieClip [tile] Frame 11
vertical = int((this._y / _root.tileH) - 1.66666666666667);
horizontal = int((this._x / _root.tileW) - 4.3333333333333);
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + horizontal) + "_y_") + vertical] = true;
Symbol 134 MovieClip [tile] Frame 12
vertical = int((this._y / _root.tileH) - 1.66666666666667);
horizontal = int((this._x / _root.tileW) - 4.3333333333333);
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + horizontal) + "_y_") + vertical] = true;
Symbol 134 MovieClip [tile] Frame 13
vertical = int((this._y / _root.tileH) - 1.66666666666667);
horizontal = int((this._x / _root.tileW) - 4.3333333333333);
_root.numswitches = int(_root.numswitches) + 1;
thisdoor_x = eval (((("_root.level" + _root.lev) + "door") + _root.numswitches) + "_x");
thisdoor_y = eval (((("_root.level" + _root.lev) + "door") + _root.numswitches) + "_y");
_root[(("switch_x_" + horizontal) + "_y_") + vertical] = 0;
Instance of Symbol 62 MovieClip in Symbol 134 MovieClip [tile] Frame 13
onClipEvent (load) {
vertical = ../:vertical;
horizontal = ../:horizontal;
thisdoor_x = ../:thisdoor_x;
thisdoor_y = ../:thisdoor_y;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.switchopen == ((("switch_x_" + horizontal) + "_y_") + vertical)) {
_root.door2open = (("door_x_" + thisdoor_x) + "_y_") + thisdoor_y;
tellTarget (this) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 134 MovieClip [tile] Frame 14
vertical = int((this._y / _root.tileH) - 1.66666666666667);
horizontal = int((this._x / _root.tileW) - 4.3333333333333);
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + horizontal) + "_y_") + vertical] = true;
_root[(("dooropenleft_x_" + horizontal) + "_y_") + vertical] = false;
Symbol 134 MovieClip [tile] Frame 15
vertical = int((this._y / _root.tileH) - 1.66666666666667);
horizontal = int((this._x / _root.tileW) - 4.3333333333333);
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + horizontal) + "_y_") + vertical] = true;
Instance of Symbol 81 MovieClip in Symbol 134 MovieClip [tile] Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
vertical = ../:vertical;
horizontal = ../:horizontal;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_root.door2open == ((("door_x_" + horizontal) + "_y_") + vertical)) && (this.started == false)) {
tellTarget (this) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 134 MovieClip [tile] Frame 16
vertical = int((this._y / _root.tileH) - 1.66666666666667);
horizontal = int((this._x / _root.tileW) - 4.3333333333333);
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + horizontal) + "_y_") + vertical] = true;
Symbol 134 MovieClip [tile] Frame 17
vertical = int((this._y / _root.tileH) - 1.66666666666667);
horizontal = int((this._x / _root.tileW) - 4.3333333333333);
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + horizontal) + "_y_") + vertical] = true;
Symbol 134 MovieClip [tile] Frame 18
vertical = int((this._y / _root.tileH) - 1.66666666666667);
horizontal = int((this._x / _root.tileW) - 4.3333333333333);
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + horizontal) + "_y_") + vertical] = true;
Symbol 134 MovieClip [tile] Frame 24
vertical = int(this._y / _root.tileH);
horizontal = int(this._x / _root.tileW);
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + horizontal) + "_y_") + vertical] = true;
Symbol 134 MovieClip [tile] Frame 25
vertical = int((this._y / _root.tileH) - 1.66666666666667);
horizontal = int((this._x / _root.tileW) - 4.3333333333333);
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + horizontal) + "_y_") + vertical] = true;
Symbol 134 MovieClip [tile] Frame 26
vertical = int((this._y / _root.tileH) - 1.66666666666667);
horizontal = int((this._x / _root.tileW) - 4.3333333333333);
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + horizontal) + "_y_") + vertical] = true;
Symbol 134 MovieClip [tile] Frame 27
vertical = int((this._y / _root.tileH) - 1.66666666666667);
horizontal = int((this._x / _root.tileW) - 4.3333333333333);
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + horizontal) + "_y_") + vertical] = true;
Symbol 134 MovieClip [tile] Frame 28
vertical = int((this._y / _root.tileH) - 1.66666666666667);
horizontal = int((this._x / _root.tileW) - 4.3333333333333);
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + horizontal) + "_y_") + vertical] = true;
Symbol 134 MovieClip [tile] Frame 29
vertical = int((this._y / _root.tileH) - 1.66666666666667);
horizontal = int((this._x / _root.tileW) - 4.3333333333333);
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + horizontal) + "_y_") + vertical] = true;
Symbol 134 MovieClip [tile] Frame 30
vertical = int((this._y / _root.tileH) - 1.66666666666667);
horizontal = int((this._x / _root.tileW) - 4.3333333333333);
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + horizontal) + "_y_") + vertical] = true;
Symbol 134 MovieClip [tile] Frame 31
vertical = int((this._y / _root.tileH) - 1.66666666666667);
horizontal = int((this._x / _root.tileW) - 4.3333333333333);
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + horizontal) + "_y_") + vertical] = true;
Symbol 134 MovieClip [tile] Frame 32
vertical = int((this._y / _root.tileH) - 1.66666666666667);
horizontal = int((this._x / _root.tileW) - 4.3333333333333);
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + horizontal) + "_y_") + vertical] = true;
Symbol 134 MovieClip [tile] Frame 33
vertical = int((this._y / _root.tileH) - 1.66666666666667);
horizontal = int((this._x / _root.tileW) - 4.3333333333333);
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + horizontal) + "_y_") + vertical] = true;
Symbol 134 MovieClip [tile] Frame 34
vertical = int((this._y / _root.tileH) - 1.66666666666667);
horizontal = int((this._x / _root.tileW) - 4.3333333333333);
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + horizontal) + "_y_") + vertical] = true;
Symbol 134 MovieClip [tile] Frame 35
vertical = int((this._y / _root.tileH) - 1.66666666666667);
horizontal = int((this._x / _root.tileW) - 4.3333333333333);
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + horizontal) + "_y_") + vertical] = true;
Symbol 134 MovieClip [tile] Frame 36
vertical = int((this._y / _root.tileH) - 1.66666666666667);
horizontal = int((this._x / _root.tileW) - 4.3333333333333);
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + horizontal) + "_y_") + vertical] = true;
_root[(("dooropenup_x_" + horizontal) + "_y_") + vertical] = false;
Symbol 134 MovieClip [tile] Frame 38
vertical = int((this._y / _root.tileH) - 1.66666666666667);
horizontal = int((this._x / _root.tileW) - 4.3333333333333);
_root[(("goal_x_" + horizontal) + "_y_") + vertical] = false;
Symbol 134 MovieClip [tile] Frame 39
_root.rockvertical = int((this._y / _root.tileH) - 1.66666666666667);
_root.rockhorizontal = int((this._x / _root.tileW) - 4.3333333333333);
attachMovie("need", "need", 1);
attachMovie("rock", "rock", (mapWidth * mapHeight) + 1);
tellTarget ("rock") {
rockvertical = _root.rockvertical;
rockhorizontal = _root.rockhorizontal;
_root[(("rocktile_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + rockvertical] = true;
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + rockvertical] = true;
tellTarget (_root) {
_root.xtrarocks = int(_root.xtrarocks) + 1;
attachMovie("rotRIGHT", (("escdown_" + rockvertical) + "_") + rockhorizontal, (mapWidth * mapHeight) + _root.xtrarocks);
tellTarget (_root[(("escdown_" + rockvertical) + "_") + rockhorizontal]) {
_xscale = 75;
_yscale = 75;
_root[(("escdown_" + _root.rockvertical) + "_") + _root.rockhorizontal]._y = (_root.alterationH + (_root.rockvertical * 30)) + 15;
_root[(("escdown_" + _root.rockvertical) + "_") + _root.rockhorizontal]._x = (_root.alterationW + (_root.rockhorizontal * 30)) + 15;
Symbol 134 MovieClip [tile] Frame 40
_root.rockvertical = int((this._y / _root.tileH) - 1.66666666666667);
_root.rockhorizontal = int((this._x / _root.tileW) - 4.3333333333333);
attachMovie("rock", "rock", (mapWidth * mapHeight) + 1);
tellTarget ("rock") {
rockvertical = _root.rockvertical;
rockhorizontal = _root.rockhorizontal;
_root[(("rocktile_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + rockvertical] = true;
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + rockvertical] = true;
tellTarget (_root) {
_root.xtrarocks = int(_root.xtrarocks) + 1;
attachMovie("ice", (("escdown_" + rockvertical) + "_") + rockhorizontal, (mapWidth * mapHeight) + _root.xtrarocks);
tellTarget (_root[(("escdown_" + rockvertical) + "_") + rockhorizontal]) {
_root[(("escdown_" + _root.rockvertical) + "_") + _root.rockhorizontal]._y = (_root.alterationH + (_root.rockvertical * 30)) + 15;
_root[(("escdown_" + _root.rockvertical) + "_") + _root.rockhorizontal]._x = (_root.alterationW + (_root.rockhorizontal * 30)) + 15;
_root[(("escdown_" + _root.rockvertical) + "_") + _root.rockhorizontal]._yScale = 70;
_root[(("escdown_" + _root.rockvertical) + "_") + _root.rockhorizontal]._xScale = 75;
Symbol 134 MovieClip [tile] Frame 41
_root.rockvertical = int((this._y / _root.tileH) - 1.66666666666667);
_root.rockhorizontal = int((this._x / _root.tileW) - 4.3333333333333);
attachMovie("need", "need", 1);
attachMovie("rock", "rock", (mapWidth * mapHeight) + 1);
tellTarget ("rock") {
rockvertical = _root.rockvertical;
rockhorizontal = _root.rockhorizontal;
_root[(("rocktile_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + rockvertical] = true;
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + rockvertical] = true;
tellTarget (_root) {
_root.xtrarocks = int(_root.xtrarocks) + 1;
attachMovie("esc", (("escdown_" + rockvertical) + "_") + rockhorizontal, (mapWidth * mapHeight) + _root.xtrarocks);
tellTarget (_root[(("escdown_" + rockvertical) + "_") + rockhorizontal]) {
_rotation = 90;
_root[(("escdown_" + _root.rockvertical) + "_") + _root.rockhorizontal]._y = (_root.alterationH + (_root.rockvertical * 30)) + 30;
_root[(("escdown_" + _root.rockvertical) + "_") + _root.rockhorizontal]._x = (_root.alterationW + (_root.rockhorizontal * 30)) + 15;
Symbol 134 MovieClip [tile] Frame 42
_root.rockvertical = int((this._y / _root.tileH) - 1.66666666666667);
_root.rockhorizontal = int((this._x / _root.tileW) - 4.3333333333333);
attachMovie("need", "need", 1);
attachMovie("rock", "rock", (mapWidth * mapHeight) + 1);
tellTarget ("rock") {
rockvertical = _root.rockvertical;
rockhorizontal = _root.rockhorizontal;
_root[(("rocktile_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + rockvertical] = true;
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + rockvertical] = true;
tellTarget (_root) {
_root.xtrarocks = int(_root.xtrarocks) + 1;
attachMovie("esc", (("escright_" + rockvertical) + "_") + rockhorizontal, (mapWidth * mapHeight) + _root.xtrarocks);
tellTarget (_root[(("escright_" + rockvertical) + "_") + rockhorizontal]) {
_root[(("escright_" + _root.rockvertical) + "_") + _root.rockhorizontal]._y = (_root.alterationH + (_root.rockvertical * 30)) + 15;
_root[(("escright_" + _root.rockvertical) + "_") + _root.rockhorizontal]._x = (_root.alterationW + (_root.rockhorizontal * 30)) + 30;
Symbol 134 MovieClip [tile] Frame 43
_root.rockvertical = int((this._y / _root.tileH) - 1.66666666666667);
_root.rockhorizontal = int((this._x / _root.tileW) - 4.3333333333333);
attachMovie("need", "need", 1);
attachMovie("rock", "rock", (mapWidth * mapHeight) + 1);
tellTarget ("rock") {
rockvertical = _root.rockvertical;
rockhorizontal = _root.rockhorizontal;
_root[(("rocktile_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + rockvertical] = true;
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + rockvertical] = true;
tellTarget (_root) {
_root.xtrarocks = int(_root.xtrarocks) + 1;
attachMovie("esc", (("escup_" + rockvertical) + "_") + rockhorizontal, (mapWidth * mapHeight) + _root.xtrarocks);
tellTarget (_root[(("escup_" + rockvertical) + "_") + rockhorizontal]) {
_rotation = 270;
_root[(("rocktile_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + rockvertical] = true;
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + rockvertical] = true;
_root[(("escup_" + _root.rockvertical) + "_") + _root.rockhorizontal]._y = _root.alterationH + (_root.rockvertical * 30);
_root[(("escup_" + _root.rockvertical) + "_") + _root.rockhorizontal]._x = (_root.alterationW + (_root.rockhorizontal * 30)) + 15;
Symbol 134 MovieClip [tile] Frame 44
_root.rockvertical = int((this._y / _root.tileH) - 1.66666666666667);
_root.rockhorizontal = int((this._x / _root.tileW) - 4.3333333333333);
attachMovie("need", "need", 1);
attachMovie("rock", "rock", (mapWidth * mapHeight) + 1);
tellTarget ("rock") {
rockvertical = _root.rockvertical;
rockhorizontal = _root.rockhorizontal;
_root[(("rocktile_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + rockvertical] = true;
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + rockvertical] = true;
tellTarget (_root) {
_root.xtrarocks = int(_root.xtrarocks) + 1;
attachMovie("esc", (("escleft_" + rockvertical) + "_") + rockhorizontal, (mapWidth * mapHeight) + _root.xtrarocks);
tellTarget (_root[(("escleft_" + rockvertical) + "_") + rockhorizontal]) {
_rotation = 180;
_root[(("escleft_" + _root.rockvertical) + "_") + _root.rockhorizontal]._y = (_root.alterationH + (_root.rockvertical * 30)) + 15;
_root[(("escleft_" + _root.rockvertical) + "_") + _root.rockhorizontal]._x = _root.alterationW + (_root.rockhorizontal * 30);
Symbol 134 MovieClip [tile] Frame 45
_root.rockvertical = int((this._y / _root.tileH) - 1.66666666666667);
_root.rockhorizontal = int((this._x / _root.tileW) - 4.3333333333333);
attachMovie("need", "need", 1);
attachMovie("rock", "rock", (mapWidth * mapHeight) + 1);
tellTarget ("rock") {
rockvertical = _root.rockvertical;
rockhorizontal = _root.rockhorizontal;
_root[(("rocktile_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + rockvertical] = true;
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + rockvertical] = true;
tellTarget (_root) {
_root.xtrarocks = int(_root.xtrarocks) + 1;
attachMovie("rotLEFT", (("escdown_" + rockvertical) + "_") + rockhorizontal, (mapWidth * mapHeight) + _root.xtrarocks);
tellTarget (_root[(("escdown_" + rockvertical) + "_") + rockhorizontal]) {
_xscale = 75;
_yscale = 75;
_root[(("escdown_" + _root.rockvertical) + "_") + _root.rockhorizontal]._y = (_root.alterationH + (_root.rockvertical * 30)) + 15;
_root[(("escdown_" + _root.rockvertical) + "_") + _root.rockhorizontal]._x = (_root.alterationW + (_root.rockhorizontal * 30)) + 15;
Symbol 134 MovieClip [tile] Frame 46
vertical = int(this._y / _root.tileH);
horizontal = int(this._x / _root.tileW);
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + int(horizontal - 5)) + "_y_") + int(vertical - 2)] = true;
Symbol 134 MovieClip [tile] Frame 47
vertical = int(this._y / _root.tileH);
horizontal = int(this._x / _root.tileW);
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + int(horizontal - 5)) + "_y_") + int(vertical - 2)] = true;
Symbol 134 MovieClip [tile] Frame 48
vertical = int(this._y / _root.tileH);
horizontal = int(this._x / _root.tileW);
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + int(horizontal - 5)) + "_y_") + int(vertical - 2)] = true;
Symbol 134 MovieClip [tile] Frame 49
vertical = int(this._y / _root.tileH);
horizontal = int(this._x / _root.tileW);
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + int(horizontal - 5)) + "_y_") + int(vertical - 2)] = true;
Symbol 134 MovieClip [tile] Frame 50
vertical = int((this._y / _root.tileH) - 1.66666666666667);
horizontal = int((this._x / _root.tileW) - 4.3333333333333);
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + horizontal) + "_y_") + vertical] = true;
_root[(("dooropenright_x_" + horizontal) + "_y_") + vertical] = false;
Symbol 134 MovieClip [tile] Frame 51
vertical = int((this._y / _root.tileH) - 1.66666666666667);
horizontal = int((this._x / _root.tileW) - 4.3333333333333);
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + horizontal) + "_y_") + vertical] = true;
_root[(("dooropendown_x_" + horizontal) + "_y_") + vertical] = false;
Symbol 151 MovieClip [complete] Frame 1
Symbol 151 MovieClip [complete] Frame 2
temptime = int(eval (("_root.level" + _root.lev) + "timer")) - int(_root.time);
_root.totaltime = int(_root.totaltime) + temptime;
tellTarget ("/time") {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (_root["completedlevel" + _root.lev] != true) {
_root["completedlevel" + _root.lev] = true;
_root.totallevels = int(_root.totallevels) + 1;
if ( != false) {
} else {
Symbol 151 MovieClip [complete] Frame 69
tellTarget (_parent) {
gotoAndStop ("nextlevel");
Symbol 158 MovieClip [time] Frame 23
if ((_root.time <= 0) && (_root.tankready == true)) {
_root.lev = int(_root.lev) - 1;
gotoAndPlay (24);
tellTarget (_root.tank) {
} else {
_root.time = int(_root.time) - 1;
if (_root.time < 10) {
_root.time = "0" + int(_root.time);
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 158 MovieClip [time] Frame 24
Symbol 158 MovieClip [time] Frame 101
tellTarget (_parent) {
gotoAndStop ("nextlevel");
Symbol 163 MovieClip [esc] Frame 1
if (_root.closeallanimations == true) {
Symbol 170 MovieClip Frame 1
if (../:redready == true) {
gotoAndStop (4);
} else {
Symbol 170 MovieClip Frame 2
Set("../:redready", true);
_root.rockgoal = int(_root.rockgoal) + 1;
Symbol 170 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 170 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.rockgoal == _root.num_rocks) {
_root.endlevel = true;
tellTarget (_root.complete) {
gotoAndStop (2);
tellTarget ("../") {
gotoAndStop (71);
Symbol 170 MovieClip Frame 5
if (_root.rockgoal == _root.num_rocks) {
_root.endlevel = true;
tellTarget (_root.complete) {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 170 MovieClip Frame 8
gotoAndStop (1);
Set("../:redready", false);
Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 174 MovieClip [rock] Frame 1
redready = false;
rock_ready = true;
_root[(("rocktile_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + rockvertical] = true;
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + rockvertical] = true;
_root.on_ice_target(rockvertical, rockhorizontal);
if ((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 39) || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 45)) {
gotoAndPlay (19);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (9);
Instance of Symbol 170 MovieClip "done" in Symbol 174 MovieClip [rock] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.endlevel == true) {
tellTarget ("../") {
gotoAndStop (71);
Instance of Symbol 172 MovieClip "rock" in Symbol 174 MovieClip [rock] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
rockvertical = ../:rockvertical;
rockhorizontal = ../:rockhorizontal;
Set("../:rock_ready", true);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.move_on_ice(rockvertical, rockhorizontal);
if ((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == "19") || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == "44")) {
tellTarget ("../") {
lastdir = "left";
gotoAndPlay ("escalator");
} else if ((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == "20") || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == "42")) {
tellTarget ("../") {
lastdir = "right";
gotoAndPlay ("escalator");
} else if ((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == "21") || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == "43")) {
tellTarget ("../") {
lastdir = "up";
gotoAndPlay ("escalator");
} else if ((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == "22") || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == "41")) {
tellTarget ("../") {
lastdir = "down";
gotoAndPlay ("escalator");
} else if (this.hitTest(_root.char)) {
_root.rockready = ../:rock_ready;
if (this.hitTest(_root.char) && (../:rock_ready == true)) {
Set("../:lastdir", _root.dir);
_root.hitting_rock = true;
tellTarget ("../") {
gotoAndPlay ("move");
Symbol 174 MovieClip [rock] Frame 2
rock_ready = true;
_root.hitting_rock = false;
Instance of Symbol 172 MovieClip in Symbol 174 MovieClip [rock] Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
rockvertical = ../:rockvertical;
rockhorizontal = ../:rockhorizontal;
Set("../:rock_ready", true);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_root.num_rocks == _root.rockgoal) && (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 38)) {
tellTarget ("../") {
gotoAndStop (71);
} else if (((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == "4") || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == "38")) && (../:lastdir != null)) {
tellTarget ("../") {
gotoAndPlay ("rock_auto_move");
if (this.hitTest(_root.char)) {
_root.rockready = ../:rock_ready;
if (_root.level1map[../:rockvertical][../:rockhorizontal] == 23) {
gotoAndPlay (18);
if ((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == "19") || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorzontal] == 44)) {
tellTarget ("../") {
lastdir = "left";
gotoAndPlay ("escalator");
} else if ((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == "20") || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorzontal] == 42)) {
tellTarget ("../") {
lastdir = "right";
gotoAndPlay ("escalator");
} else if ((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == "21") || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 43)) {
tellTarget ("../") {
lastdir = "up";
gotoAndPlay ("escalator");
} else if ((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == "22") || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 41)) {
tellTarget ("../") {
lastdir = "down";
dir = "down";
gotoAndPlay ("escalator");
} else if (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 47) {
tellTarget ("../") {
if (this.hitTest(_root.char)) {
lastdir = _root.dir;
} else {
lastdir = "left";
gotoAndPlay ("bounce");
} else if (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 48) {
tellTarget ("../") {
if (this.hitTest(_root.char)) {
lastdir = _root.dir;
} else {
lastdir = "right";
gotoAndPlay ("bounce");
} else if (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 46) {
tellTarget ("../") {
if (this.hitTest(_root.char)) {
lastdir = _root.dir;
} else {
lastdir = "down";
gotoAndPlay ("bounce");
} else if (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 49) {
tellTarget ("../") {
if (this.hitTest(_root.char)) {
lastdir = _root.dir;
} else {
lastdir = "up";
gotoAndPlay ("bounce");
} else if (this.hitTest(_root.char) && (../:rock_ready == true)) {
Set("../:lastdir", _root.dir);
_root.hitting_rock = true;
tellTarget ("../") {
Symbol 174 MovieClip [rock] Frame 3
if (this.hitTest(_root.char)) {
_root.rockready = rock_ready;
Set("../:rock_ready", false);
speed = _root.speed;
dir = _root.dir;
if (dir == null) {
dir = lastdir;
if (this.hitTest(_root.char)) {
if (_root.rockgoal == _root.num_rocks) {
tellTarget (_root.complete) {
gotoAndStop (2);
gotoAndStop (71);
if (dir == "down") {
_root.rockdoordown(rockvertical, rockhorizontal);
_root.rockspringdown(rockvertical, rockhorizontal);
temptile = _root[(("tileblocked_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + int(rockvertical + 1)];
rockcollisioncheck = eval ((("_root.rocktile_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + int(rockvertical + 1));
if ((((temptile == true) && (_root.level1map[rockvertical + 1][rockhorizontal] != 49)) || (rockcollisioncheck == true)) || ((int(rockvertical + 1) == _root.charvertical) && (rockhorizontal == _root.charhorizontal))) {
if (((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 22) || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 41)) && (eval ((("_root.tileblocked_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + int(rockvertical + 1)) == false)) {
dir = "down";
lastdir = "down";
gotoAndPlay (3);
} else {
lastdir = null;
dir = null;
gotoAndPlay (2);
} else {
_y = (_y + speed);
_root.check_off_tile(rockhorizontal, rockvertical);
_root[(("rocktile_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + int(rockvertical + 1)] = true;
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + int(rockvertical + 1)] = true;
if ((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] >= 46) && (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] <= 49)) {
_root[(("rocktile_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + int(rockvertical)] = false;
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + int(rockvertical)] = false;
} else if (dir == "up") {
_root.rockdoorup(rockvertical, rockhorizontal);
_root.rockspringup(rockvertical, rockhorizontal);
temptile = eval ((("_root.tileblocked_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + (int(rockvertical) - 1));
rockcollisioncheck = eval ((("_root.rocktile_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + (int(rockvertical) - 1));
if ((((temptile == true) && (_root.level1map[rockvertical - 1][rockhorizontal] != 46)) || (rockcollisioncheck == true)) || ((int(rockvertical - 1) == _root.charvertical) && (rockhorizontal == _root.charhorizontal))) {
if (((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 21) || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 43)) && (eval ((("_root.tileblocked_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + (rockvertical - 1)) == false)) {
dir = "up";
lastdir = "up";
gotoAndPlay (3);
} else {
lastdir = null;
dir = null;
gotoAndPlay (2);
} else {
_y = (_y - speed);
_root.check_off_tile(rockhorizontal, rockvertical);
_root[(("rocktile_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + int(rockvertical - 1)] = true;
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + int(rockvertical - 1)] = true;
if ((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] >= 46) && (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] <= 49)) {
_root[(("rocktile_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + int(rockvertical)] = false;
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + int(rockvertical)] = false;
} else if (dir == "left") {
_root.rockdoorleft(rockvertical, rockhorizontal);
_root.rockspringleft(rockvertical, rockhorizontal);
temptile = eval ((("_root.tileblocked_x_" + int(rockhorizontal - 1)) + "_y_") + rockvertical);
rockcollisioncheck = eval ((("_root.rocktile_x_" + int(rockhorizontal - 1)) + "_y_") + rockvertical);
if ((((temptile == true) && (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal - 1] != 48)) || (rockcollisioncheck == true)) || ((rockvertical == _root.charvertical) && (int(rockhorizontal - 1) == _root.charhorizontal))) {
if (((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 19) || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 44)) && (eval ((("_root.tileblocked_x_" + (rockhorizontal - 1)) + "_y_") + rockvertical) == false)) {
dir = "left";
lastdir = "left";
gotoAndPlay (3);
} else {
lastdir = null;
dir = null;
gotoAndPlay (2);
} else {
_x = (_x - speed);
_root.check_off_tile(rockhorizontal, rockvertical);
_root[(("rocktile_x_" + int(rockhorizontal - 1)) + "_y_") + rockvertical] = true;
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + int(rockhorizontal - 1)) + "_y_") + rockvertical] = true;
if ((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] >= 46) && (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] <= 49)) {
_root[(("rocktile_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + int(rockvertical)] = false;
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + int(rockvertical)] = false;
} else if (dir == "right") {
_root.rockdoorright(rockvertical, rockhorizontal);
_root.rockspringright(rockvertical, rockhorizontal);
temptile = eval ((("_root.tileblocked_x_" + int(rockhorizontal + 1)) + "_y_") + rockvertical);
rockcollisioncheck = eval ((("_root.rocktile_x_" + int(rockhorizontal + 1)) + "_y_") + rockvertical);
if ((((temptile == true) && (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal + 1] != 47)) || (rockcollisioncheck == true)) || ((rockvertical == _root.charvertical) && (int(rockhorizontal + 1) == _root.charhorizontal))) {
if (((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 20) || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 42)) && (eval ((("_root.tileblocked_x_" + (rockhorizontal + 1)) + "_y_") + rockvertical) == false)) {
dir = "right";
lastdir = "right";
gotoAndPlay (3);
} else {
lastdir = null;
dir = null;
gotoAndPlay (2);
} else {
_x = (_x + speed);
_root.check_off_tile(rockhorizontal, rockvertical);
_root[(("rocktile_x_" + int(rockhorizontal + 1)) + "_y_") + rockvertical] = true;
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + int(rockhorizontal + 1)) + "_y_") + rockvertical] = true;
if ((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] >= 46) && (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] <= 49)) {
_root[(("rocktile_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + int(rockvertical)] = false;
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + int(rockvertical)] = false;
} else {
gotoAndStop (1);
} else {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 174 MovieClip [rock] Frame 4
if (this.hitTest(_root.char)) {
_root.rockready = rock_ready;
speed = _root.speed;
if (dir == "down") {
_y = (_y + speed);
if (dir == "up") {
_y = (_y - speed);
if (dir == "left") {
_x = (_x - speed);
if (dir == "right") {
_x = (_x + speed);
if (((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 3) || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 37)) || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 38)) {
tellTarget (this.done) {
gotoAndPlay (7);
Symbol 174 MovieClip [rock] Frame 5
if (this.hitTest(_root.char)) {
_root.rockready = rock_ready;
speed = _root.speed;
if (dir == "down") {
_y = (_y + speed);
if (dir == "up") {
_y = (_y - speed);
if (dir == "left") {
_x = (_x - speed);
if (dir == "right") {
_x = (_x + speed);
Symbol 174 MovieClip [rock] Frame 6
if (this.hitTest(_root.char)) {
_root.rockready = rock_ready;
speed = _root.speed;
if (dir == "down") {
_y = (_y + speed);
if (dir == "up") {
_y = (_y - speed);
if (dir == "left") {
_x = (_x - speed);
if (dir == "right") {
_x = (_x + speed);
Symbol 174 MovieClip [rock] Frame 7
if (this.hitTest(_root.char)) {
_root.rockready = rock_ready;
speed = _root.speed;
if (dir == "down") {
_y = (_y + speed);
if (dir == "up") {
_y = (_y - speed);
if (dir == "left") {
_x = (_x - speed);
if (dir == "right") {
_x = (_x + speed);
Symbol 174 MovieClip [rock] Frame 8
if (this.hitTest(_root.char)) {
_root.rockready = rock_ready;
speed = _root.speed;
if (dir == "down") {
_y = (_y + speed);
if (dir == "up") {
_y = (_y - speed);
if (dir == "left") {
_x = (_x - speed);
if (dir == "right") {
_x = (_x + speed);
Symbol 174 MovieClip [rock] Frame 9
_root.newrockpointer(rockvertical, rockhorizontal);
if (dir == "down") {
rockvertical = int(rockvertical + 1);
if (dir == "up") {
rockvertical = int(rockvertical - 1);
if (dir == "left") {
rockhorizontal = int(rockhorizontal - 1);
if (dir == "right") {
rockhorizontal = rockhorizontal + 1;
_root[(("rocktile_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + rockvertical] = true;
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + rockvertical] = true;
_root.hitting_rock = false;
if (((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 3) || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 37)) || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 38)) {
tellTarget ("done") {
gotoAndPlay (2);
if (_root.rockgoal == _root.num_rocks) {
tellTarget (_root.complete) {
gotoAndStop (2);
} else if ((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 20) || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 42)) {
lastdir = "right";
gotoAndPlay (26);
} else if ((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 21) || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 43)) {
lastdir = "up";
gotoAndPlay (26);
} else if ((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 22) || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 41)) {
lastdir = "down";
gotoAndPlay (26);
} else if ((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 19) || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 44)) {
lastdir = "left";
gotoAndPlay (26);
} else if (((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 4) || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 38)) || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 37)) {
lastdir = dir;
gotoAndPlay (11);
} else if (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 40) {
if (dir == null) {
gotoAndStop (2);
} else {
lastdir = dir;
gotoAndPlay (11);
} else if (this.hitTest(_root.char)) {
lastdir = null;
dir = null;
_root.hitting_rock = false;
rock_ready = true;
gotoAndStop (3);
} else if ((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == "23") || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == "39")) {
_root.Rotator(dir, rockhorizontal, rockvertical);
lastdir = _root[(("newdir_" + rockhorizontal) + "_") + rockvertical];
gotoAndPlay (19);
} else if ((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == "5") || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == "45")) {
_root.RotatorLEFT(dir, rockhorizontal, rockvertical);
lastdir = _root[(("newdir_" + rockhorizontal) + "_") + rockvertical];
gotoAndPlay (19);
} else {
lastdir = null;
_root.hitting_rock = false;
rock_ready = true;
gotoAndStop (3);
Symbol 174 MovieClip [rock] Frame 11
if (this.hitTest(_root.char)) {
_root.rockready = rock_ready;
lastdir = _root.dir;
dir = lastdir;
speed = _root.speed;
rock_ready = false;
Set("../:rock_ready", false);
if (_root.rockgoal == _root.num_rocks) {
tellTarget (_root.complete) {
gotoAndStop (2);
gotoAndStop (71);
} else if (dir == "down") {
_root.rockdoordown(rockvertical, rockhorizontal);
_root.rockspringdown(rockvertical, rockhorizontal);
temptile = eval ((("_root.tileblocked_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + int(rockvertical + 1));
rockcollisioncheck = eval ((("_root.rocktile_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + int(rockvertical + 1));
if ((((temptile == true) && (_root.level1map[rockvertical + 1][rockhorizontal] != 49)) || (rockcollisioncheck == true)) || ((int(rockvertical + 1) == _root.charvertical) && (rockhorizontal == _root.charhorizontal))) {
if (((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 22) || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 41)) && (eval ((("_root.tileblocked_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + int(rockvertical + 1)) == false)) {
dir = "down";
lastdir = "down";
gotoAndPlay (2);
} else {
lastdir = null;
dir = null;
gotoAndPlay (2);
} else {
_y = (_y + speed);
_root.check_off_tile(rockhorizontal, rockvertical);
_root[(("rocktile_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + int(rockvertical + 1)] = true;
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + int(rockvertical + 1)] = true;
} else if (dir == "up") {
_root.rockdoorup(rockvertical, rockhorizontal);
_root.rockspringup(rockvertical, rockhorizontal);
temptile = eval ((("_root.tileblocked_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + (int(rockvertical) - 1));
rockcollisioncheck = eval ((("_root.rocktile_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + (int(rockvertical) - 1));
if ((((temptile == true) && (_root.level1map[rockvertical - 1][rockhorizontal] != 46)) || (rockcollisioncheck == true)) || ((int(rockvertical - 1) == _root.charvertical) && (rockhorizontal == _root.charhorizontal))) {
if (((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 21) || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 43)) && (eval ((("_root.tileblocked_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + (rockvertical - 1)) == false)) {
dir = "up";
lastdir = "up";
gotoAndPlay (2);
} else {
lastdir = null;
dir = null;
gotoAndPlay (2);
} else {
_y = (_y - speed);
_root.check_off_tile(rockhorizontal, rockvertical);
_root[(("rocktile_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + int(rockvertical - 1)] = true;
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + int(rockvertical - 1)] = true;
} else if (dir == "left") {
_root.rockdoorleft(rockvertical, rockhorizontal);
_root.rockspringleft(rockvertical, rockhorizontal);
temptile = eval ((("_root.tileblocked_x_" + int(rockhorizontal - 1)) + "_y_") + rockvertical);
rockcollisioncheck = eval ((("_root.rocktile_x_" + int(rockhorizontal - 1)) + "_y_") + rockvertical);
if ((((temptile == true) && (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal - 1] != 48)) || (rockcollisioncheck == true)) || ((rockvertical == _root.charvertical) && (int(rockhorizontal - 1) == _root.charhorizontal))) {
if (((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 19) || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 44)) && (eval ((("_root.tileblocked_x_" + (rockhorizontal - 1)) + "_y_") + rockvertical) == false)) {
dir = "left";
lastdir = "left";
gotoAndPlay (2);
} else {
lastdir = null;
dir = null;
gotoAndPlay (2);
} else {
_x = (_x - speed);
_root.check_off_tile(rockhorizontal, rockvertical);
_root[(("rocktile_x_" + int(rockhorizontal - 1)) + "_y_") + rockvertical] = true;
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + int(rockhorizontal - 1)) + "_y_") + rockvertical] = true;
} else if (dir == "right") {
_root.rockdoorright(rockvertical, rockhorizontal);
_root.rockspringright(rockvertical, rockhorizontal);
temptile = eval ((("_root.tileblocked_x_" + int(rockhorizontal + 1)) + "_y_") + rockvertical);
rockcollisioncheck = eval ((("_root.rocktile_x_" + int(rockhorizontal + 1)) + "_y_") + rockvertical);
if ((((temptile == true) && (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal + 1] != 47)) || (rockcollisioncheck == true)) || ((rockvertical == _root.charvertical) && (int(rockhorizontal + 1) == _root.charhorizontal))) {
if (((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 20) || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 42)) && (eval ((("_root.tileblocked_x_" + int(rockhorizontal + 1)) + "_y_") + rockvertical) == false)) {
dir = "right";
lastdir = "right";
gotoAndPlay (2);
} else {
lastdir = null;
dir = null;
gotoAndPlay (2);
} else {
_x = (_x + speed);
_root.check_off_tile(rockhorizontal, rockvertical);
_root[(("rocktile_x_" + int(rockhorizontal + 1)) + "_y_") + rockvertical] = true;
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + int(rockhorizontal + 1)) + "_y_") + rockvertical] = true;
} else if (dir == null) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 174 MovieClip [rock] Frame 12
if (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 38) {
tellTarget ("done") {
gotoAndPlay (5);
if (this.hitTest(_root.char)) {
_root.rockready = rock_ready;
speed = _root.speed;
if (dir == "down") {
_y = (_y + speed);
if (dir == "up") {
_y = (_y - speed);
if (dir == "left") {
_x = (_x - speed);
if (dir == "right") {
_x = (_x + speed);
if (_root.endlevel == true) {
gotoAndStop (71);
} else if (((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 3) || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 37)) || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 38)) {
tellTarget (this.done) {
gotoAndPlay (7);
Symbol 174 MovieClip [rock] Frame 13
if ((_root.endlevel == true) && (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 38)) {
gotoAndStop (71);
} else {
if (this.hitTest(_root.char)) {
_root.rockready = rock_ready;
if (dir == "down") {
_y = (_y + speed);
if (dir == "up") {
_y = (_y - speed);
if (dir == "left") {
_x = (_x - speed);
if (dir == "right") {
_x = (_x + speed);
Symbol 174 MovieClip [rock] Frame 14
if ((_root.endlevel == true) && (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 38)) {
gotoAndStop (71);
} else {
if (this.hitTest(_root.char)) {
_root.rockready = rock_ready;
if (dir == "down") {
_y = (_y + speed);
if (dir == "up") {
_y = (_y - speed);
if (dir == "left") {
_x = (_x - speed);
if (dir == "right") {
_x = (_x + speed);
Symbol 174 MovieClip [rock] Frame 15
if (this.hitTest(_root.char)) {
_root.rockready = rock_ready;
speed = _root.speed;
if (dir == "down") {
_y = (_y + speed);
if (dir == "up") {
_y = (_y - speed);
if (dir == "left") {
_x = (_x - speed);
if (dir == "right") {
_x = (_x + speed);
Symbol 174 MovieClip [rock] Frame 16
if (this.hitTest(_root.char)) {
_root.rockready = rock_ready;
speed = _root.speed;
if (dir == "down") {
_y = (_y + speed);
if (dir == "up") {
_y = (_y - speed);
if (dir == "left") {
_x = (_x - speed);
if (dir == "right") {
_x = (_x + speed);
Symbol 174 MovieClip [rock] Frame 17
if (this.hitTest(_root.char)) {
_root.rockready = rock_ready;
_root.newrockpointer(rockvertical, rockhorizontal);
if (dir == "down") {
rockvertical = int(rockvertical + 1);
if (dir == "up") {
rockvertical = int(rockvertical - 1);
if (dir == "left") {
rockhorizontal = int(rockhorizontal - 1);
if (dir == "right") {
rockhorizontal = rockhorizontal + 1;
_root[(("rocktile_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + rockvertical] = true;
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + rockvertical] = true;
_root.hitting_rock = false;
if (((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 3) || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 37)) || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 38)) {
tellTarget ("done") {
gotoAndPlay (2);
if (_root.rockgoal == _root.num_rocks) {
tellTarget (_root.complete) {
gotoAndStop (2);
} else if ((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 20) || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 42)) {
lastdir = "right";
gotoAndPlay (26);
} else if ((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 21) || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 43)) {
lastdir = "up";
gotoAndPlay (26);
} else if ((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 22) || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 41)) {
lastdir = "down";
gotoAndPlay (26);
} else if ((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 19) || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 44)) {
lastdir = "left";
gotoAndPlay (26);
} else if (((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 4) || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 38)) || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 37)) {
lastdir = dir;
gotoAndPlay (11);
} else if (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 40) {
if (dir == null) {
gotoAndStop (2);
} else {
lastdir = dir;
gotoAndPlay (11);
} else if (this.hitTest(_root.char)) {
lastdir = null;
dir = null;
_root.hitting_rock = false;
rock_ready = true;
gotoAndStop (3);
} else if ((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == "23") || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == "39")) {
_root.Rotator(dir, rockhorizontal, rockvertical);
lastdir = _root[(("newdir_" + rockhorizontal) + "_") + rockvertical];
gotoAndPlay (19);
} else if ((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == "5") || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == "45")) {
_root.RotatorLEFT(dir, rockhorizontal, rockvertical);
lastdir = _root[(("newdir_" + rockhorizontal) + "_") + rockvertical];
gotoAndPlay (19);
} else {
lastdir = null;
_root.hitting_rock = false;
rock_ready = true;
gotoAndStop (3);
Symbol 174 MovieClip [rock] Frame 19
if (this.hitTest(_root.char)) {
_root.rockready = rock_ready;
if ((_root.level1map[int(rockvertical)][rockhorizontal] != 38) && (_root.level1map[int(rockvertical)][rockhorizontal] != 37)) {
lastdir = _root.dir;
dir = lastdir;
if ((dir == null) || (dir == "")) {
gotoAndPlay (31);
speed = _root.speed;
rock_ready = false;
Set("../:rock_ready", false);
if (dir == "down") {
_root.rockdoordown(rockvertical, rockhorizontal);
_root.rockspringdown(rockvertical, rockhorizontal);
_y = (_y + speed);
_root.check_off_tile(rockhorizontal, rockvertical);
_root[(("rocktile_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + int(rockvertical + 1)] = true;
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + int(rockvertical + 1)] = true;
_root[(("rocktile_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + int(rockvertical)] = false;
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + int(rockvertical)] = false;
} else if (dir == "up") {
_root.rockdoorup(rockvertical, rockhorizontal);
_root.rockspringup(rockvertical, rockhorizontal);
_y = (_y - speed);
_root.check_off_tile(rockhorizontal, rockvertical);
_root[(("rocktile_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + int(rockvertical - 1)] = true;
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + int(rockvertical - 1)] = true;
_root[(("rocktile_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + int(rockvertical)] = false;
_root[(("spring_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + int(rockvertical)] = false;
} else if (dir == "left") {
_root.rockdoorleft(rockvertical, rockhorizontal);
_root.rockspringleft(rockvertical, rockhorizontal);
_x = (_x - speed);
_root.check_off_tile(rockhorizontal, rockvertical);
_root[(("rocktile_x_" + int(rockhorizontal - 1)) + "_y_") + rockvertical] = true;
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + int(rockhorizontal - 1)) + "_y_") + rockvertical] = true;
_root[(("rocktile_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + int(rockvertical)] = false;
_root[(("spring_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + int(rockvertical)] = false;
} else if (dir == "right") {
_root.rockdoorright(rockvertical, rockhorizontal);
_root.rockspringright(rockvertical, rockhorizontal);
_x = (_x + speed);
_root.check_off_tile(rockhorizontal, rockvertical);
_root[(("rocktile_x_" + int(rockhorizontal + 1)) + "_y_") + rockvertical] = true;
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + int(rockhorizontal + 1)) + "_y_") + rockvertical] = true;
_root[(("rocktile_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + int(rockvertical)] = false;
_root[(("spring_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + int(rockvertical)] = false;
Symbol 174 MovieClip [rock] Frame 20
if (dir == "down") {
_y = (_y + speed);
if (dir == "up") {
_y = (_y - speed);
if (dir == "left") {
_x = (_x - speed);
if (dir == "right") {
_x = (_x + speed);
if ((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] >= 46) && (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] <= 49)) {
_root[(("spring_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + rockvertical] = false;
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + int(rockvertical)] = true;
if (((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 3) || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 37)) || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 38)) {
tellTarget (this.done) {
gotoAndPlay (7);
Symbol 174 MovieClip [rock] Frame 21
if (this.hitTest(_root.char)) {
_root.rockready = rock_ready;
if (dir == "down") {
_y = (_y + speed);
if (dir == "up") {
_y = (_y - speed);
if (dir == "left") {
_x = (_x - speed);
if (dir == "right") {
_x = (_x + speed);
Symbol 174 MovieClip [rock] Frame 22
if (this.hitTest(_root.char)) {
_root.rockready = rock_ready;
if (dir == "down") {
_y = (_y + speed);
if (dir == "up") {
_y = (_y - speed);
if (dir == "left") {
_x = (_x - speed);
if (dir == "right") {
_x = (_x + speed);
Symbol 174 MovieClip [rock] Frame 23
if (this.hitTest(_root.char)) {
_root.rockready = rock_ready;
if (dir == "down") {
_y = (_y + speed);
if (dir == "up") {
_y = (_y - speed);
if (dir == "left") {
_x = (_x - speed);
if (dir == "right") {
_x = (_x + speed);
Symbol 174 MovieClip [rock] Frame 24
if (this.hitTest(_root.char)) {
_root.rockready = rock_ready;
if (dir == "down") {
_y = (_y + speed);
if (dir == "up") {
_y = (_y - speed);
if (dir == "left") {
_x = (_x - speed);
if (dir == "right") {
_x = (_x + speed);
Symbol 174 MovieClip [rock] Frame 25
_root.newrockpointer(rockvertical, rockhorizontal);
if (dir == "down") {
rockvertical = int(rockvertical + 1);
if (dir == "up") {
rockvertical = int(rockvertical - 1);
if (dir == "left") {
rockhorizontal = int(rockhorizontal - 1);
if (dir == "right") {
rockhorizontal = int(rockhorizontal + 1);
_root.hitting_rock = false;
_root[(("rocktile_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + rockvertical] = true;
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + rockvertical] = true;
if (((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 3) || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 37)) || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 38)) {
tellTarget ("done") {
gotoAndPlay (2);
if (_root.rockgoal == _root.num_rocks) {
tellTarget (_root.complete) {
gotoAndStop (2);
} else if ((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 20) || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 42)) {
lastdir = "right";
gotoAndPlay (26);
} else if ((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 21) || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 43)) {
lastdir = "up";
gotoAndPlay (26);
} else if ((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 22) || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 41)) {
lastdir = "down";
gotoAndPlay (26);
} else if ((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 19) || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 44)) {
lastdir = "left";
gotoAndPlay (26);
} else if (((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 4) || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 38)) || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 37)) {
lastdir = dir;
gotoAndPlay (11);
} else if (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 40) {
if (dir == null) {
gotoAndStop (2);
} else {
lastdir = dir;
gotoAndPlay (11);
} else if ((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == "23") || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == "39")) {
_root.Rotator(dir, rockhorizontal, rockvertical);
lastdir = _root[(("newdir_" + rockhorizontal) + "_") + rockvertical];
gotoAndPlay (19);
} else if ((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == "5") || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == "45")) {
_root.RotatorLEFT(dir, rockhorizontal, rockvertical);
lastdir = _root[(("newdir_" + rockhorizontal) + "_") + rockvertical];
gotoAndPlay (19);
} else {
lastdir = null;
dir = null;
_root.hitting_rock = false;
rock_ready = true;
gotoAndStop (3);
Symbol 174 MovieClip [rock] Frame 26
if (this.hitTest(_root.char)) {
_root.rockready = rock_ready;
if ((_root.level1map[int(rockvertical)][rockhorizontal] != 38) && (_root.level1map[int(rockvertical)][rockhorizontal] != 37)) {
lastdir = _root.dir;
dir = lastdir;
if ((dir == null) || (dir == "")) {
gotoAndPlay (31);
speed = _root.speed;
rock_ready = false;
Set("../:rock_ready", false);
if (dir == "down") {
_root.rockdoordown(rockvertical, rockhorizontal);
_root.rockspringdown(rockvertical, rockhorizontal);
if (((eval ((("_root.tileblocked_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + int(rockvertical + 1)) == true) || (eval ((("_root.rocktile_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + int(rockvertical + 1)) == true)) || ((_root.charhorizontal == rockhorizontal) && (_root.charvertical == (rockvertical + 1)))) {
lastdir = null;
dir = null;
gotoAndPlay (27);
} else {
_y = (_y + speed);
_root.check_off_tile(rockhorizontal, rockvertical);
_root[(("rocktile_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + int(rockvertical + 1)] = true;
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + int(rockvertical + 1)] = true;
_root[(("rocktile_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + int(rockvertical)] = false;
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + int(rockvertical)] = false;
} else if (dir == "up") {
_root.rockdoorup(rockvertical, rockhorizontal);
_root.rockspringup(rockvertical, rockhorizontal);
if (((eval ((("_root.tileblocked_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + (rockvertical - 1)) == true) || (eval ((("_root.rocktile_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + (rockvertical - 1)) == true)) || ((_root.charhorizontal == rockhorizontal) && (_root.charvertical == (rockvertical - 1)))) {
lastdir = null;
dir = null;
gotoAndPlay (27);
} else {
_y = (_y - speed);
_root.check_off_tile(rockhorizontal, rockvertical);
_root[(("rocktile_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + int(rockvertical - 1)] = true;
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + int(rockvertical - 1)] = true;
_root[(("rocktile_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + int(rockvertical)] = false;
_root[(("spring_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + int(rockvertical)] = false;
} else if (dir == "left") {
_root.rockdoorleft(rockvertical, rockhorizontal);
_root.rockspringleft(rockvertical, rockhorizontal);
if (((_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + (rockhorizontal - 1)) + "_y_") + rockvertical] == true) || (_root[(("rocktile_x_" + (rockhorizontal - 1)) + "_y_") + rockvertical] == true)) || ((_root.charhorizontal == (rockhorizontal - 1)) && (_root.charvertical == rockvertical))) {
lastdir = null;
dir = null;
gotoAndPlay (27);
} else {
_x = (_x - speed);
_root.check_off_tile(rockhorizontal, rockvertical);
_root[(("rocktile_x_" + int(rockhorizontal - 1)) + "_y_") + rockvertical] = true;
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + int(rockhorizontal - 1)) + "_y_") + rockvertical] = true;
_root[(("rocktile_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + int(rockvertical)] = false;
_root[(("spring_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + int(rockvertical)] = false;
} else if (dir == "right") {
_root.rockdoorright(rockvertical, rockhorizontal);
_root.rockspringright(rockvertical, rockhorizontal);
if (((eval ((("_root.tileblocked_x_" + int(rockhorizontal + 1)) + "_y_") + rockvertical) == true) || (eval ((("_root.rocktile_x_" + int(rockhorizontal + 1)) + "_y_") + rockvertical) == true)) || ((_root.charhorizontal == (rockhorizontal + 1)) && (_root.charvertical == rockvertical))) {
lastdir = null;
dir = null;
gotoAndPlay (27);
} else {
_x = (_x + speed);
_root.check_off_tile(rockhorizontal, rockvertical);
_root[(("rocktile_x_" + int(rockhorizontal + 1)) + "_y_") + rockvertical] = true;
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + int(rockhorizontal + 1)) + "_y_") + rockvertical] = true;
_root[(("rocktile_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + int(rockvertical)] = false;
_root[(("spring_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + int(rockvertical)] = false;
Symbol 174 MovieClip [rock] Frame 27
if (dir == "down") {
_y = (_y + speed);
if (dir == "up") {
_y = (_y - speed);
if (dir == "left") {
_x = (_x - speed);
if (dir == "right") {
_x = (_x + speed);
if ((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] >= 46) && (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] <= 49)) {
_root[(("spring_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + rockvertical] = false;
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + int(rockvertical)] = true;
if (((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 3) || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 37)) || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 38)) {
tellTarget (this.done) {
gotoAndPlay (7);
Symbol 174 MovieClip [rock] Frame 28
if (this.hitTest(_root.char)) {
_root.rockready = rock_ready;
if (dir == "down") {
_y = (_y + speed);
if (dir == "up") {
_y = (_y - speed);
if (dir == "left") {
_x = (_x - speed);
if (dir == "right") {
_x = (_x + speed);
Symbol 174 MovieClip [rock] Frame 29
if (this.hitTest(_root.char)) {
_root.rockready = rock_ready;
if (dir == "down") {
_y = (_y + speed);
if (dir == "up") {
_y = (_y - speed);
if (dir == "left") {
_x = (_x - speed);
if (dir == "right") {
_x = (_x + speed);
Symbol 174 MovieClip [rock] Frame 30
if (this.hitTest(_root.char)) {
_root.rockready = rock_ready;
if (dir == "down") {
_y = (_y + speed);
if (dir == "up") {
_y = (_y - speed);
if (dir == "left") {
_x = (_x - speed);
if (dir == "right") {
_x = (_x + speed);
Symbol 174 MovieClip [rock] Frame 31
if (this.hitTest(_root.char)) {
_root.rockready = rock_ready;
if (dir == "down") {
_y = (_y + speed);
if (dir == "up") {
_y = (_y - speed);
if (dir == "left") {
_x = (_x - speed);
if (dir == "right") {
_x = (_x + speed);
Symbol 174 MovieClip [rock] Frame 32
_root.newrockpointer(rockvertical, rockhorizontal);
if (dir == "down") {
rockvertical = int(rockvertical + 1);
if (dir == "up") {
rockvertical = int(rockvertical - 1);
if (dir == "left") {
rockhorizontal = int(rockhorizontal - 1);
if (dir == "right") {
rockhorizontal = int(rockhorizontal + 1);
_root.hitting_rock = false;
_root[(("rocktile_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + rockvertical] = true;
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + rockvertical] = true;
if (((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 3) || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 37)) || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 38)) {
tellTarget ("done") {
gotoAndPlay (2);
if (_root.rockgoal == _root.num_rocks) {
tellTarget (_root.complete) {
gotoAndStop (2);
} else if ((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 20) || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 42)) {
lastdir = "right";
gotoAndPlay (26);
} else if ((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 21) || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 43)) {
lastdir = "up";
gotoAndPlay (26);
} else if ((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 22) || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 41)) {
lastdir = "down";
gotoAndPlay (26);
} else if ((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 19) || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 44)) {
lastdir = "left";
gotoAndPlay (26);
} else if (((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 4) || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 38)) || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 37)) {
lastdir = dir;
gotoAndPlay (11);
} else if (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 40) {
if (dir == null) {
gotoAndStop (2);
} else {
lastdir = dir;
gotoAndPlay (11);
} else if ((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == "23") || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == "39")) {
_root.Rotator(dir, rockhorizontal, rockvertical);
lastdir = _root[(("newdir_" + rockhorizontal) + "_") + rockvertical];
gotoAndPlay (19);
} else if ((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == "5") || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == "45")) {
_root.RotatorLEFT(dir, rockhorizontal, rockvertical);
lastdir = _root[(("newdir_" + rockhorizontal) + "_") + rockvertical];
gotoAndPlay (19);
} else {
lastdir = null;
dir = null;
_root.hitting_rock = false;
rock_ready = true;
gotoAndStop (3);
Symbol 174 MovieClip [rock] Frame 45
dir = lastdir;
speed = _root.speed;
rock_ready = false;
Set("../:rock_ready", false);
if (dir == "down") {
_root.rockdoordown(rockvertical, rockhorizontal);
_root.rockspringdown(rockvertical, rockhorizontal);
if (eval ((("_root.tileblocked_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + int(rockvertical + 1)) == true) {
lastdir = null;
dir = null;
} else {
_y = (_y + speed);
_root.check_off_tile(rockhorizontal, rockvertical);
_root[(("rocktile_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + int(rockvertical)] = false;
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + int(rockvertical)] = true;
_root[(("rocktile_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + int(rockvertical + 1)] = true;
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + int(rockvertical + 1)] = true;
_root[(("spring_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + int(rockvertical)] = false;
} else if (dir == "up") {
_root.rockdoorup(rockvertical, rockhorizontal);
_root.rockspringup(rockvertical, rockhorizontal);
if (eval ((("_root.tileblocked_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + (rockvertical - 1)) == true) {
lastdir = null;
dir = null;
} else {
_y = (_y - speed);
_root.check_off_tile(rockhorizontal, rockvertical);
_root[(("rocktile_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + int(rockvertical - 1)] = true;
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + int(rockvertical - 1)] = true;
_root[(("rocktile_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + int(rockvertical)] = false;
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + int(rockvertical)] = true;
_root[(("spring_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + rockvertical] = false;
} else if (dir == "left") {
_root.rockdoorleft(rockvertical, rockhorizontal);
_root.rockspringleft(rockvertical, rockhorizontal);
if (eval ((("_root.tileblocked_x_" + (rockhorizontal - 1)) + "_y_") + rockvertical) == true) {
lastdir = null;
dir = null;
} else {
_x = (_x - speed);
_root.check_off_tile(rockhorizontal, rockvertical);
_root[(("rocktile_x_" + int(rockhorizontal - 1)) + "_y_") + rockvertical] = true;
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + int(rockhorizontal - 1)) + "_y_") + rockvertical] = true;
_root[(("rocktile_x_" + int(rockhorizontal)) + "_y_") + rockvertical] = false;
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + int(rockhorizontal)) + "_y_") + rockvertical] = true;
_root[(("spring_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + rockvertical] = false;
} else if (dir == "right") {
_root.rockdoorright(rockvertical, rockhorizontal);
_root.rockspringright(rockvertical, rockhorizontal);
if (eval ((("_root.tileblocked_x_" + int(rockhorizontal + 1)) + "_y_") + rockvertical) == true) {
lastdir = null;
dir = null;
} else {
_x = (_x + speed);
_root.check_off_tile(rockhorizontal, rockvertical);
_root[(("rocktile_x_" + int(rockhorizontal + 1)) + "_y_") + rockvertical] = true;
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + int(rockhorizontal + 1)) + "_y_") + rockvertical] = true;
_root[(("rocktile_x_" + int(rockhorizontal)) + "_y_") + rockvertical] = false;
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + int(rockhorizontal)) + "_y_") + rockvertical] = true;
_root[(("spring_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + rockvertical] = false;
Symbol 174 MovieClip [rock] Frame 46
if (dir == "down") {
_y = (_y + speed);
if (dir == "up") {
_y = (_y - speed);
if (dir == "left") {
_x = (_x - speed);
if (dir == "right") {
_x = (_x + speed);
Symbol 174 MovieClip [rock] Frame 47
if (dir == "down") {
_y = (_y + speed);
if (dir == "up") {
_y = (_y - speed);
if (dir == "left") {
_x = (_x - speed);
if (dir == "right") {
_x = (_x + speed);
Symbol 174 MovieClip [rock] Frame 48
if (dir == "down") {
_y = (_y + speed);
if (dir == "up") {
_y = (_y - speed);
if (dir == "left") {
_x = (_x - speed);
if (dir == "right") {
_x = (_x + speed);
Symbol 174 MovieClip [rock] Frame 49
if (dir == "down") {
_y = (_y + speed);
if (dir == "up") {
_y = (_y - speed);
if (dir == "left") {
_x = (_x - speed);
if (dir == "right") {
_x = (_x + speed);
Symbol 174 MovieClip [rock] Frame 50
if (dir == "down") {
_y = (_y + speed);
} else if (dir == "up") {
_y = (_y - speed);
} else if (dir == "left") {
_x = (_x - speed);
} else if (dir == "right") {
_x = (_x + speed);
if (this.hitTest(_root.char)) {
_root.rockready = rock_ready;
_root.newrockpointer(rockvertical, rockhorizontal);
if (dir == "down") {
rockvertical = int(rockvertical + 1);
if (dir == "up") {
rockvertical = int(rockvertical - 1);
if (dir == "left") {
rockhorizontal = int(rockhorizontal - 1);
if (dir == "right") {
rockhorizontal = rockhorizontal + 1;
_root[(("rocktile_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + rockvertical] = true;
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + rockhorizontal) + "_y_") + rockvertical] = true;
_root.hitting_rock = false;
if (((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 3) || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 37)) || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 38)) {
tellTarget ("done") {
gotoAndPlay (2);
if (_root.rockgoal == _root.num_rocks) {
tellTarget (_root.complete) {
gotoAndStop (2);
} else if ((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 20) || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 42)) {
gotoAndStop (2);
} else if ((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 21) || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 43)) {
gotoAndStop (2);
} else if ((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 22) || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 41)) {
gotoAndStop (2);
} else if ((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 19) || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 44)) {
gotoAndStop (2);
} else if (((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 4) || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 38)) || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 37)) {
lastdir = dir;
gotoAndPlay (11);
} else if (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == 40) {
if (dir == null) {
gotoAndStop (2);
} else {
lastdir = dir;
gotoAndPlay (11);
} else if (this.hitTest(_root.char)) {
lastdir = null;
dir = null;
_root.hitting_rock = false;
rock_ready = true;
gotoAndStop (3);
} else if ((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == "23") || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == "39")) {
_root.Rotator(dir, rockhorizontal, rockvertical);
lastdir = _root[(("newdir_" + rockhorizontal) + "_") + rockvertical];
gotoAndPlay (19);
} else if ((_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == "5") || (_root.level1map[rockvertical][rockhorizontal] == "45")) {
_root.RotatorLEFT(dir, rockhorizontal, rockvertical);
lastdir = _root[(("newdir_" + rockhorizontal) + "_") + rockvertical];
gotoAndPlay (19);
} else {
lastdir = null;
_root.hitting_rock = false;
rock_ready = true;
gotoAndStop (3);
Symbol 174 MovieClip [rock] Frame 69
lastdir = dir;
_root.hitting_rock = false;
rock_ready = true;
gotoAndStop (3);
Symbol 174 MovieClip [rock] Frame 71
Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 201 MovieClip [char] Frame 1
_root.dir = null;
Instance of Symbol 175 MovieClip in Symbol 201 MovieClip [char] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
_root.dir = "up";
} else if (Key.isDown(40)) {
_root.dir = "down";
} else if (Key.isDown(37)) {
_root.dir = "left";
} else if (Key.isDown(39)) {
_root.dir = "right";
} else {
_root.dir = null;
tellTarget ("../") {
gotoAndPlay ("char_move");
Instance of Symbol 199 MovieClip "character" in Symbol 201 MovieClip [char] Frame 1
/* no clip actions */
Symbol 201 MovieClip [char] Frame 2
checkspaces = 1;
speed = _root.speed;
dir = lastdir;
if (lastdir == null) {
dir = _root.dir;
if ((dir == "down") && ((_root.charvertical + 1) != 8)) {
setProperty("character", _rotation , 180);
if ((eval ((("_root.rocktile_x_" + _root.charhorizontal) + "_y_") + (_root.charvertical + 1)) == true) && (eval ((("_root.tileblocked_x_" + _root.charhorizontal) + "_y_") + (_root.charvertical + 1)) == true)) {
checkspaces = 2;
if ((eval ((("_root.rocktile_x_" + _root.charhorizontal) + "_y_") + (_root.charvertical + 2)) == true) || ((eval ((("_root.tileblocked_x_" + _root.charhorizontal) + "_y_") + (_root.charvertical + 2)) == true) && (_root.level1map[_root.charvertical + 1][_root.charhorizontal] == 49))) {
blocked = true;
_root.dir = null;
gotoAndStop (1);
} else {
blocked = false;
} else {
checkspaces = 1;
blocked = false;
temptile = eval ((("_root.tileblocked_x_" + _root.charhorizontal) + "_y_") + (_root.charvertical + checkspaces));
_root.springdown(1, temptile);
temptile = eval ((("_root.tileblocked_x_" + _root.charhorizontal) + "_y_") + (_root.charvertical + checkspaces));
if (((temptile != true) && (blocked != true)) || ((_root.level1map[_root.charvertical + checkspaces][_root.charhorizontal] == 49) && (blocked != true))) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + _root.charhorizontal) + "_y_") + _root.charvertical] = false;
_y = (_y + speed);
_root.charvertical = _root.charvertical + 1;
} else if (temptile == true) {
gotoAndStop (1);
} else if ((dir == "up") && ((_root.charvertical - 1) >= 0)) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + _root.charhorizontal) + "_y_") + _root.charvertical] = false;
setProperty("character", _rotation , 0);
if ((eval ((("_root.rocktile_x_" + _root.charhorizontal) + "_y_") + (_root.charvertical - 1)) == true) && (eval ((("_root.tileblocked_x_" + _root.charhorizontal) + "_y_") + (_root.charvertical - 1)) == true)) {
checkspaces = 2;
if ((eval ((("_root.rocktile_x_" + _root.charhorizontal) + "_y_") + int(_root.charvertical - 2)) == true) || ((eval ((("_root.tileblocked_x_" + _root.charhorizontal) + "_y_") + int(_root.charvertical - 2)) == true) && (_root.level1map[_root.charvertical - 1][_root.charhorizontal] == 46))) {
blocked = true;
_root.dir = null;
gotoAndStop (1);
} else {
blocked = false;
} else {
checkspaces = 1;
blocked = false;
temptile = eval ((("_root.tileblocked_x_" + _root.charhorizontal) + "_y_") + (_root.charvertical - checkspaces));
_root.springup(1, temptile);
temptile = eval ((("_root.tileblocked_x_" + _root.charhorizontal) + "_y_") + (_root.charvertical - checkspaces));
if (((temptile != true) && (blocked != true)) || ((_root.level1map[int(_root.charvertical - checkspaces)][_root.charhorizontal] == 46) && (blocked != true))) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + _root.charhorizontal) + "_y_") + _root.charvertical] = false;
_y = (_y - speed);
_root.charvertical = _root.charvertical - 1;
} else if (temptile == true) {
gotoAndStop (1);
} else if ((dir == "left") && ((_root.charhorizontal - 1) != -1)) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + _root.charhorizontal) + "_y_") + _root.charvertical] = false;
setProperty("character", _rotation , 270);
if ((eval ((("_root.rocktile_x_" + (_root.charhorizontal - 1)) + "_y_") + _root.charvertical) == true) && (eval ((("_root.tileblocked_x_" + (_root.charhorizontal - 1)) + "_y_") + _root.charvertical) == true)) {
checkspaces = 2;
if ((eval ((("_root.rocktile_x_" + int(_root.charhorizontal - 2)) + "_y_") + _root.charvertical) == true) || ((eval ((("_root.tileblocked_x_" + int(_root.charhorizontal - 2)) + "_y_") + _root.charvertical) == true) && (_root.level1map[_root.charvertical][_root.charhorizontal - 1] == 48))) {
blocked = true;
_root.dir = null;
gotoAndStop (1);
} else {
blocked = false;
} else {
checkspaces = 1;
blocked = false;
temptile = eval ((("_root.tileblocked_x_" + (_root.charhorizontal - checkspaces)) + "_y_") + _root.charvertical);
_root.springleft(1, temptile);
temptile = eval ((("_root.tileblocked_x_" + (_root.charhorizontal - checkspaces)) + "_y_") + _root.charvertical);
if (((temptile != true) && (blocked != true)) || ((_root.level1map[int(_root.charvertical)][int(_root.charhorizontal - checkspaces)] == 48) && (blocked != true))) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + _root.charhorizontal) + "_y_") + _root.charvertical] = false;
_x = (_x - speed);
_root.charhorizontal = _root.charhorizontal - 1;
} else if (temptile == true) {
gotoAndStop (1);
} else if ((dir == "right") && ((_root.charhorizontal + 1) != 8)) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + _root.charhorizontal) + "_y_") + _root.charvertical] = false;
setProperty("character", _rotation , 90);
if ((eval ((("_root.rocktile_x_" + (_root.charhorizontal + 1)) + "_y_") + _root.charvertical) == true) && (eval ((("_root.tileblocked_x_" + (_root.charhorizontal + 1)) + "_y_") + _root.charvertical) == true)) {
checkspaces = 2;
if ((eval ((("_root.rocktile_x_" + int(_root.charhorizontal + 2)) + "_y_") + _root.charvertical) == true) || ((eval ((("_root.tileblocked_x_" + int(_root.charhorizontal + 2)) + "_y_") + _root.charvertical) == true) && (_root.level1map[_root.charvertical][_root.charhorizontal + 1] == 47))) {
blocked = true;
_root.dir = null;
gotoAndStop (1);
} else {
blocked = false;
} else {
checkspaces = 1;
blocked = false;
temptile = eval ((("_root.tileblocked_x_" + (_root.charhorizontal + checkspaces)) + "_y_") + _root.charvertical);
_root.springright(1, temptile);
temptile = eval ((("_root.tileblocked_x_" + (_root.charhorizontal + checkspaces)) + "_y_") + _root.charvertical);
if (((temptile != true) && (blocked != true)) || ((_root.level1map[int(_root.charvertical)][int(_root.charhorizontal + checkspaces)] == 47) && (blocked != true))) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + _root.charhorizontal) + "_y_") + _root.charvertical] = false;
_x = (_x + speed);
_root.charhorizontal = _root.charhorizontal + 1;
} else if (temptile == true) {
gotoAndStop (1);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (1);
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + _root.charhorizontal) + "_y_") + _root.charvertical] = true;
Symbol 201 MovieClip [char] Frame 3
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + _root.charhorizontal) + "_y_") + _root.charvertical] = true;
if (((_root.dir == "down") && (_root.level1map[_root.charvertical - 1][_root.charhorizontal] >= 46)) && (_root.level1map[_root.charvertical - 1][_root.charhorizontal] <= 49)) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + _root.charhorizontal) + "_y_") + (_root.charvertical - 1)] = false;
_root[(("rocktile_x_" + _root.charhorizontal) + "_y_") + (_root.charvertical - 1)] = false;
if (((_root.dir == "up") && (_root.level1map[_root.charvertical + 1][_root.charhorizontal] >= 46)) && (_root.level1map[_root.charvertical + 1][_root.charhorizontal] <= 49)) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + _root.charhorizontal) + "_y_") + (_root.charvertical + 1)] = false;
_root[(("rocktile_x_" + _root.charhorizontal) + "_y_") + (_root.charvertical + 1)] = false;
if (((_root.dir == "left") && (_root.level1map[_root.charvertical][_root.charhorizontal + 1] >= 46)) && (_root.level1map[_root.charvertical][_root.charhorizontal + 1] <= 49)) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + (_root.charhorizontal + 1)) + "_y_") + _root.charvertical] = false;
_root[(("rocktile_x_" + (_root.charhorizontal + 1)) + "_y_") + _root.charvertical] = false;
if (((_root.dir == "right") && (_root.level1map[_root.charvertical][_root.charhorizontal - 1] >= 46)) && (_root.level1map[_root.charvertical][_root.charhorizontal - 1] <= 49)) {
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + (_root.charhorizontal - 1)) + "_y_") + _root.charvertical] = false;
_root[(("rocktile_x_" + (_root.charhorizontal - 1)) + "_y_") + _root.charvertical] = false;
if ((dir == null) && (_root.tempstuck != true)) {
dir = _root.dir;
if (dir == "down") {
_y = (_y + speed);
if (dir == "up") {
_y = (_y - speed);
if (dir == "left") {
_x = (_x - speed);
if (dir == "right") {
_x = (_x + speed);
Symbol 201 MovieClip [char] Frame 4
if (dir == "down") {
_y = (_y + speed);
if (dir == "up") {
_y = (_y - speed);
if (dir == "left") {
_x = (_x - speed);
if (dir == "right") {
_x = (_x + speed);
Symbol 201 MovieClip [char] Frame 5
if (dir == "down") {
_y = (_y + speed);
if (dir == "up") {
_y = (_y - speed);
if (dir == "left") {
_x = (_x - speed);
if (dir == "right") {
_x = (_x + speed);
Symbol 201 MovieClip [char] Frame 6
if (dir == "down") {
_y = (_y + speed);
if (dir == "up") {
_y = (_y - speed);
if (dir == "left") {
_x = (_x - speed);
if (dir == "right") {
_x = (_x + speed);
Symbol 201 MovieClip [char] Frame 7
_root.tempstuck = false;
if (dir == "down") {
_y = (_y + speed);
if ((_root.level1map[int(_root.charvertical - 1)][_root.charhorizontal] == 46) && (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + _root.charhorizontal) + "_y_") + (_root.charvertical - 1)] == false)) {
_root[(("spring_x_" + _root.charhorizontal) + "_y_") + (_root.charvertical - 1)] = false;
if ((_root.level1map[int(_root.charvertical - 1)][_root.charhorizontal] == 47) && (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + _root.charhorizontal) + "_y_") + (_root.charvertical - 1)] == false)) {
_root[(("spring_x_" + _root.charhorizontal) + "_y_") + (_root.charvertical - 1)] = false;
if ((_root.level1map[int(_root.charvertical - 1)][_root.charhorizontal] == 48) && (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + _root.charhorizontal) + "_y_") + (_root.charvertical - 1)] == false)) {
_root[(("spring_x_" + _root.charhorizontal) + "_y_") + (_root.charvertical - 1)] = false;
if (dir == "up") {
_y = (_y - speed);
if (_root.charvertical >= 0) {
if ((_root.level1map[int(_root.charvertical + 1)][_root.charhorizontal] == 47) && (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + _root.charhorizontal) + "_y_") + (_root.charvertical + 1)] == false)) {
_root[(("spring_x_" + _root.charhorizontal) + "_y_") + (_root.charvertical + 1)] = false;
if ((_root.level1map[int(_root.charvertical + 1)][_root.charhorizontal] == 48) && (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + _root.charhorizontal) + "_y_") + (_root.charvertical + 1)] == false)) {
_root[(("spring_x_" + _root.charhorizontal) + "_y_") + (_root.charvertical + 1)] = false;
if ((_root.level1map[int(_root.charvertical + 1)][_root.charhorizontal] == 49) && (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + _root.charhorizontal) + "_y_") + (_root.charvertical + 1)] == false)) {
_root[(("spring_x_" + _root.charhorizontal) + "_y_") + (_root.charvertical + 1)] = false;
if (dir == "left") {
_x = (_x - speed);
if ((_root.level1map[_root.charvertical][_root.charhorizontal + 1] == 49) && (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + (_root.charhorizontal + 1)) + "_y_") + _root.charvertical] == false)) {
_root[(("spring_x_" + (_root.charhorizontal + 1)) + "_y_") + _root.charvertical] = false;
if ((_root.level1map[_root.charvertical][_root.charhorizontal + 1] == 46) && (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + (_root.charhorizontal + 1)) + "_y_") + _root.charvertical] == false)) {
_root[(("spring_x_" + (_root.charhorizontal + 1)) + "_y_") + _root.charvertical] = false;
if ((_root.level1map[_root.charvertical][_root.charhorizontal + 1] == 47) && (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + (_root.charhorizontal + 1)) + "_y_") + _root.charvertical] == false)) {
_root[(("spring_x_" + (_root.charhorizontal + 1)) + "_y_") + _root.charvertical] = false;
if (dir == "right") {
_x = (_x + speed);
if ((_root.level1map[_root.charvertical][_root.charhorizontal - 1] == 49) && (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + (_root.charhorizontal - 1)) + "_y_") + _root.charvertical] == false)) {
_root[(("spring_x_" + (_root.charhorizontal - 1)) + "_y_") + _root.charvertical] = false;
if ((_root.level1map[_root.charvertical][_root.charhorizontal - 1] == 46) && (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + (_root.charhorizontal - 1)) + "_y_") + _root.charvertical] == false)) {
_root[(("spring_x_" + (_root.charhorizontal - 1)) + "_y_") + _root.charvertical] = false;
if ((_root.level1map[_root.charvertical][_root.charhorizontal - 1] == 48) && (_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + (_root.charhorizontal - 1)) + "_y_") + _root.charvertical] == false)) {
_root[(("spring_x_" + (_root.charhorizontal - 1)) + "_y_") + _root.charvertical] = false;
speed = _root.speed;
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + _root.charhorizontal) + "_y_") + _root.charvertical] = true;
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 214 MovieClip Frame 99
Symbol 219 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "blank");
Symbol 222 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "blank");
Symbol 225 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 232 MovieClip Frame 1
PercentLoaded = (_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100;
if (PercentLoaded != 100) {
percent = PercentLoaded;
} else {
gotoAndStop (3);
Symbol 232 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 232 MovieClip Frame 3
tellTarget (_root) {
Symbol 240 Button
on (press, keyPress "<Enter>") {
gotoAndPlay (137);
Symbol 241 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "blank");
Symbol 258 MovieClip Frame 99
Symbol 265 Button
on (release) {
_quality = "LOW";
tellTarget (_root.qu) {
gotoAndStop (3);
Symbol 266 Button
on (release) {
_quality = "MEDIUM";
tellTarget (_root.qu) {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 267 Button
on (release) {
_quality = "HIGH";
tellTarget (_root.qu) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 268 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_quality == "HIGH") {
if (_quality == "MEDIUM") {
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_quality == "LOW") {
gotoAndStop (3);
Symbol 292 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("");
Symbol 300 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "blank");
Symbol 303 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "blank");
Symbol 306 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "blank");
Symbol 315 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 317 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 318 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 319 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.lives = 3;
Symbol 319 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 319 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 319 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 319 MovieClip Frame 5
_root.lev = 55555555 /* 0x34FB5E3 */;
tellTarget ("../") {
gotoAndPlay ("2");
Symbol 322 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (243);
Symbol 327 Button
on (release) {
_root.lev = 0;
_root.rockvertical = 0;
_root.charvertical = 0;
_root.rockhorizontal = 0;
_root.charhorizontal = 0;
_root.time = "00";
mapWidth = _root.mapwidth;
mapHeight = _root.mapheight;
var i = 0;
while (i < mapHeight) {
var j = 0;
while (j < mapWidth) {
_root.level1map[i][j] = 0;
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + j) + "_y_") + i] = false;
_root[(("rocktile_x_" + j) + "_y_") + i] = false;
removeMovieClip((("t_" + i) + "_") + j);
gotoAndPlay (242);
Symbol 335 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 340 Button
on (keyPress "q") {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 342 Button
on (keyPress "q") {
gotoAndPlay (25);
Symbol 344 Button
on (keyPress "q") {
gotoAndPlay (35);
Symbol 349 Button
on (keyPress "q") {
gotoAndPlay (50);
Symbol 358 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.tankready = true;
Symbol 358 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.TEMPMOVE != true) {
_root.tankready = false;
_root.TEMPMOVE = false;
} else {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 358 MovieClip Frame 11
_root.tankready = true;
Symbol 358 MovieClip Frame 12
if (_root.TEMPMOVE != true) {
_root.tankready = false;
_root.TEMPMOVE = false;
} else {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 358 MovieClip Frame 24
_root.tankready = true;
Symbol 358 MovieClip Frame 25
if (_root.TEMPMOVE != true) {
_root.tankready = false;
_root.TEMPMOVE = false;
} else {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 358 MovieClip Frame 34
_root.tankready = true;
Symbol 358 MovieClip Frame 35
if (_root.TEMPMOVE != true) {
_root.tankready = false;
_root.TEMPMOVE = false;
} else {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 358 MovieClip Frame 49
_root.tankready = true;
Symbol 358 MovieClip Frame 50
if (_root.TEMPMOVE != true) {
_root.tankready = false;
_root.TEMPMOVE = false;
} else {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 358 MovieClip Frame 67
_root.tankready = true;
_root.lives = int(_root.lives) - 1;
tellTarget (_root.lives_img) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 372 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "blank");
Symbol 376 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "blank");
Symbol 379 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 379 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 379 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 379 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 379 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 379 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 383 Button
on (rollOver) {
tellTarget ("rockmenu") {
gotoAndStop (5);
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (245);
Symbol 386 Button
on (rollOver) {
tellTarget ("rockmenu") {
gotoAndStop (4);
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (244);
Symbol 389 Button
on (rollOver) {
tellTarget ("rockmenu") {
gotoAndStop (3);
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (243);
Symbol 392 Button
on (rollOver) {
tellTarget ("rockmenu") {
gotoAndStop (2);
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (242);
Symbol 396 Button
on (rollOver) {
tellTarget ("rockmenu") {
gotoAndStop (1);
on (release) {
_root.lives = 3;
gotoAndStop (246);
Symbol 402 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (241);
Symbol 405 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Enter>") {
found = false;
x = 1;
do {
if ((password == eval (("_root.level" + x) + "password")) && (password != null)) {
found = true;
_root.lev = int(x);
_root.lives = 3;
gotoAndPlay (246);
x = int(x) + 1;
} while (x <= 100);
if (found == false) {
levelcodequestion = "Incorrect level code. Please try again";
Symbol 414 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 422 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 431 Button
on (release) {
tellTarget ("../") {
gotoAndStop ("main");
Symbol 436 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 436 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 436 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 436 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 439 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (241);
Symbol 441 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.closeallanimations == true) {
Symbol 441 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 442 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.closecharanimations == true) {
Symbol 442 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 443 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.closesound == true) {
Symbol 443 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 444 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root._quality == "HIGH") {
} else if (_root._quality == "MEDIUM") {
gotoAndStop (2);
} else if (_root._quality == "LOW") {
gotoAndStop (3);
} else {
Symbol 444 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 444 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 449 Button
on (release) {
tellTarget ("fl_ql") {
gotoAndStop (1);
tellTarget (_root.qu) {
gotoAndStop (1);
setProperty(_parent, _quality , "high");
Symbol 450 Button
on (release) {
tellTarget ("fl_ql") {
gotoAndStop (2);
tellTarget (_root.qu) {
gotoAndStop (2);
setProperty(_parent, _quality , "medium");
Symbol 451 Button
on (release) {
tellTarget ("fl_ql") {
gotoAndStop (3);
tellTarget (_root.qu) {
gotoAndStop (3);
setProperty(_parent, _quality , "low");
Symbol 452 Button
on (release) {
tellTarget ("op4") {
gotoAndStop (1);
_root.closesound = false;
Symbol 453 Button
on (release) {
tellTarget ("op4") {
gotoAndStop (2);
_root.closesound = true;
Symbol 454 Button
on (release) {
tellTarget ("op3") {
gotoAndStop (1);
_root.closecharanimations = false;
Symbol 455 Button
on (release) {
tellTarget ("op3") {
gotoAndStop (2);
_root.closecharanimations = true;
Symbol 456 Button
on (release) {
tellTarget ("op1") {
gotoAndStop (1);
_root.closeallanimations = false;
Symbol 457 Button
on (release) {
tellTarget ("op1") {
gotoAndStop (2);
_root.closeallanimations = true;
Symbol 466 MovieClip Frame 1
function calcFPS() {
var now = getTimer();
elapsedSeconds = (now - startTime) / 1000;
actualFPS = int(numFrames / elapsedSeconds);
if ((_root.lev > 1) && (_root.optimize == true)) {
if (actualFPS == 26) {
setProperty(_root, _quality , "medium");
} else if (actualFPS == 24) {
tellTarget (_root.fl_ql) {
gotoAndStop (3);
setProperty(_root, _quality , "low");
} else if (actualFPS == 27) {
tellTarget (_root.fl_ql) {
gotoAndStop (1);
setProperty(_root, _quality , "high");
} else if (actualFPS == 22) {
_root.warningtext = "It has been detected that the game is running slowly. Try turning various features off in the 'Options' menu";
var startTime = getTimer();
var numFrames = 0;
Instance of Symbol 463 MovieClip "callCalcFPS" in Symbol 466 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
Symbol 469 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Symbol 470 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.tankready == true) {
_root.lev = int(_root.lev) - 1;
tellTarget (_parent) {
_root.reset = false;
gotoAndStop ("nextlevel");
tellTarget (_root.tank) {
Symbol 478 Button
on (release) {
_root.reset = true;
gotoAndStop (247);
_root.wantinstructions = true;
Symbol 480 Button
on (release) {
_root.reset = true;
gotoAndStop (247);
Symbol 481 Button
on (release) {
_root.lev = 0;
_root.rockvertical = 0;
_root.charvertical = 0;
_root.rockhorizontal = 0;
_root.charhorizontal = 0;
_root.time = "00";
mapWidth = _root.mapwidth;
mapHeight = _root.mapheight;
var i = 0;
while (i < mapHeight) {
var j = 0;
while (j < mapWidth) {
_root.level1map[i][j] = 0;
_root[(("tileblocked_x_" + j) + "_y_") + i] = false;
_root[(("rocktile_x_" + j) + "_y_") + i] = false;
removeMovieClip((("t_" + i) + "_") + j);
removeMovieClip((("extrat_" + i) + "_") + j);
removeMovieClip((("escdown_" + i) + "_") + j);
removeMovieClip((("escup_" + i) + "_") + j);
removeMovieClip((("escleft_" + i) + "_") + j);
removeMovieClip((("escright_" + i) + "_") + j);
removeMovieClip((("rock_" + i) + "_") + j);
removeMovieClip((("need_" + i) + "_") + j);
_root[(("spring_x_" + j) + "_y_") + i] = false;
gotoAndStop (242);
Symbol 487 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "blank");
Symbol 492 Button
on (release) {
_root.reset = true;
gotoAndStop (247);
Symbol 500 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.totaltime < 60) {
_root.totalmins = _root.totaltime;
_root.timeshow = "secs";
} else {
_root.totalmins = int(_root.totaltime) / 60;
_root.timeshow = "mins";
_root.tme = (_root.totalmins + " ") + _root.timeshow;