Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2574 · P5148

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #13692

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)



<p align="left"><font face="_sans" size="17" color="#00ccff"><b>View High Scores</b></font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="_sans" size="10" color="#ffffff"><b>To Record Your High Score you must play on </b><a href=""><b></b></a></font></p>


Submit High Score

Play Again




<p align="left"><font face="_sans" size="10" color="#ffffff"><b>made for </b><a href="" target = "_blank"><b>Endgameradio</b></a></font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="_sans" size="10" color="#ffffff"><b>story grfx by </b><a href="" target = "_blank"><b>Xenox</b></a></font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="_sans" size="10" color="#ffffff"><b>game by</b><a href="" target = "_blank"><b> Oizys</b></a></font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="_sans" size="10" color="#ffffff"><b>music by</b><a href="" target = "_blank"><b> Oizys</b></a></font></p>


<p align="left"><font face="_sans" size="19" color="#cccccc"><b>To save your high-score, you must play this game on </b><a href="" target = "_blank"><b></b></a></font></p>






























ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
function randn(n) { return(Math.floor(Math.random() * n)); } function tick() { _root.set.Tick(); } function randomindex(arr) { return(arr[Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length)]); } function array_search(arr, search) { for (var _local3 in arr) { if (arr[_local3] == search) { return(_local3); } } return(undefined); } function str_lpad(n, cnt, char) { var _local1 = String(n); if (cnt == undefined) { cnt = 2; } if (char == undefined) { char = "0"; } while ((cnt - _local1.length) > 0) { _local1 = char + _local1; } return(_local1); } function preload() { var _local5 = _root.preloadbar; var _local4 = _root; var _local6 = 170; var _local2 = _local4.getBytesTotal(); var _local3 = _local4.getBytesLoaded(); _local5._width = _local6 * (_local3 / _local2); if (_local3 == _local2) { _root.onEnterFrame = undefined; _root.gotoAndStop(2); } }"", ""); _root.set = new JigSet(); _root.onEnterFrame = preload; stop();
Frame 4
_root.set.IntroSound(); _root.set.StatusReport(); stop();
Frame 5
Frame 10
_root.set.Init(); stop();
Symbol 10 MovieClip [sec-tri-out] Frame 1
Symbol 17 MovieClip [sec-tri-in] Frame 1
Symbol 24 MovieClip [sec-flat] Frame 1
Symbol 35 Button
on (press) { _root.set.ViewScores(); }
Symbol 41 Button
on (press) { _root.set.username =; var x; if ((x = _root.set.SubmitScore())) { this.submitlabel.text.text = "Sent!"; _parent.entry._visible = false; } }
Symbol 45 Button
on (press) { _root.gotoAndStop(4); _root.set.Clean(); this.removeMovieClip(); }
Symbol 47 MovieClip [Dialog] Frame 1
Symbol 65 Button
on (press) { var a; a = this.mark; a._alpha = ((a._alpha > 0) ? 0 : 100); if (a._alpha == 100) { _root.set.mainvol.setVolume(100); } else { _root.set.mainvol.setVolume(0); } }
Symbol 162 MovieClip [__Packages.JigSet] Frame 0
class JigSet { var clip, pointsclip, pieces, mark, order, pointsclist, compliments, opposites, callback, bgm, mainvol, sound, soundmode, soundfx, sitemode, scoresent, userid, usertype, ground, stack, freecols, timemode, clawdir, clawqueue, lastmod, pointsi, holdmeter, mutexpiece, turn, tickcount, tickbase, countleveler, countsculptor, countdrill, countflaws, score, combo, flawpiece, flawpieceinv, active, nextpiece, clawclip, holdclip, difficulty, speedbase, playmode, backclip, starttime, keylistener; function JigSet () { clip = _root.pieces; pointsclip = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("points", 1); pieces = new Array(); mark = new Array(); order = new Array(); pointsclist = new Array(); compliments = new Array(0, 2, 1); opposites = new Array(2, 3, 0, 1); callback = new Array(); bgm = new Array(); bgm[0] = new SoundChannel(true); bgm[0].SetPlaylist(new Array(new SoundPhrase("BGM_Jig"))); mainvol = new Sound(); var _local3 = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("sidesound", 4094); sound = new Sound(_local3); soundmode = 0; var _local4 = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("sidesoundfx", 4093); soundfx = new Sound(_local4); IntroSound(); _root.createEmptyMovieClip("timertick", 5000); _root.timertick.onEnterFrame = _root.tick; _root.timertick.gotoAndPlay(1); } function IntroSound() { if (soundmode != 9999) { sound.attachSound("Intro"); sound.setVolume(100); sound.start(); soundmode = 9999; sound.onSoundComplete = function () { this.start(); }; } } function AddPiece() { var _local4 = new JigPiece(); pieces.push(_local4); var _local3 = 3; var _local5 = _root.randn(_local3); var _local6 = _root.randn(_local3); var _local7 = _root.randn(_local3); var _local8 = _root.randn(_local3); _local4.Create(this, pieces.length - 1, _local5, _local7, _local6, _local8); return(_local4); } function StatusReport() { } function Init() { StatusReport(); SoundEffect("Menu"); if (_root._url.indexOf("") != -1) { sitemode = 1; } else { sitemode = 0; } scoresent = 0; if (_root.username) { username = _root.username; userid = _root.userid; usertype = 1; } ground = new Array(12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12); stack = new Array(); freecols = new Array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7); var _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < 8) { stack[_local7] = new Array(); _local7++; } sound.stop(); soundmode = 0; timemode = 0; clawdir = 0; clawqueue = 0; lastmod = 0; pointsi = 0; usertype = 0; holdmeter = holdmax; mutexpiece = false; turn = 0; timemode = 0; tickcount = 0; tickbase = 0; countleveler = 0; countsculptor = 0; countdrill = 0; countflaws = 0; score = 0; combo = 0; flawpiece = new JigPiece(); flawpiece.Create(this, 9999, 0, 0, 0, 0); flawpieceinv = new JigPiece(); flawpieceinv.Create(this, 9998, 0, 0, 0, 0); clip.loadVariables(""); var _local8 = AddPiece(); active = _local8; nextpiece = AddPiece(); nextpiece.NextPiece(); _local8.Begin(); clawclip = _root.claw; holdclip = _root.holdbar; switch (difficulty) { case 1 : speedbase = Math.floor(tickdiv * 2); allowedflaws = 40; break; case 2 : speedbase = tickdiv; allowedflaws = 20; break; case 3 : speedbase = Math.floor(tickdiv * 0.66); allowedflaws = 10; } switch (playmode) { case "basic" : break; case "sudden" : break; case "speed" : timelimit = 120 * (4 - difficulty); break; case "leveler" : break; case "sculptor" : break; case "driller" : break; case "bare" : clawclip._alpha = 0; holdclip._alpha = 0; } _root.textflaws.text = allowedflaws; var _local5; var _local6; backclip = _root.backblocks; backclip._alpha = 100; var _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < height) { var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < width) { _local5 = (_local4 * width) + _local3; _local6 = backclip.attachMovie("JigBlock", "b" + _local5, _local5); _local6._x = ((psizex * _local3) + offx) - (psizex * 0.5); _local6._y = ((psizey * _local4) + offy) - (psizex * 0.5); _local3++; } _local4++; } var _local9 = new Date(); starttime = Math.floor(_local9.getTime() / 1000); keylistener = new Object(); keylistener.ref = this; keylistener.onKeyDown = function () { switch (Key.getCode()) { case 37 : case 65 : this.ref.KeyLeft(); break; case 39 : case 68 : this.ref.KeyRight(); break; case 38 : case 87 : this.ref.KeyUp(); break; case 40 : case 83 : this.ref.KeyDown(); break; case 32 : this.ref.KeyHold(); break; case 70 : this.ref.KeyDrop(); break; case 86 : this.ref.KeyAccel(); break; case 90 : this.ref.KeySculptor(); break; case 88 : this.ref.KeyLeveler(); break; case 67 : this.ref.KeyDrill(); } }; keylistener.onKeyUp = function () { switch (Key.getCode()) { case 32 : this.ref.KeyUnHold(); break; case 86 : this.ref.KeyUnAccel(); } }; Key.addListener(keylistener); _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < bgm.length) { bgm[_local7].Play(); _local7++; } callback.timer = TickTimer; callback.frame = TickFrame; callback.fall = TickJumpFall; } function ViewScores() { var _local2; switch (difficulty) { case 1 : _local2 = "easy"; break; case 2 : _local2 = "normal"; break; case 3 : _local2 = "hard"; } getURL ((("" + playmode) + "-") + _local2, "_blank"); } function SubmitScore() { var _local4 = GetFinalScore(); var _local2; switch (difficulty) { case 1 : _local2 = "easy"; break; case 2 : _local2 = "normal"; break; case 3 : _local2 = "hard"; } if (((!username) || (scoresent == 1)) || (_local4 < 0)) { return(false); } var _local3 = ((((((((("" + username) + "&game=1&mode=") + playmode) + "-") + _local2) + "&score=") + _local4) + "&user=") + userid) + "&scoretype="; clip.loadVariables(_local3); scoresent = 1; return(true); } function GetFinalScore() { var _local2; _local2 = score; return(_local2); } function End(result) { timemode = 3; Key.removeListener(keylistener); for (var _local5 in callback) { if (_local5 != "pointfade") { delete callback[_local5]; } } var _local4; switch (result) { case "win" : _local4 = "*Ding* Grats! ^_^\nYou get 150% of your\nscore for completing"; var _local6 = score; score = Math.floor(score * 1.5); Score(score - _local6); break; case "time" : _local4 = "OH NOES!\nYou ran out of time O.o"; break; case "quit" : _local4 = ":("; break; case "fail" : _local4 = "OH NOES!\nInstant Death mode means you lose. T.T"; break; case "flaw" : _local4 = "OH NOES!\nToo many flaws.\nThe Gods are not pleased..."; } _root.backblocks._alpha = 0; var _local3 = _root.attachMovie("Dialog", "dialog", 10000); if (sitemode == 0) { _local3.submit._visible = false; _local3.entry._visible = false; } else { _local3.msg.text = ""; _local3.msg._visible = false; } _local3._x = 270; _local3._y = 300; _local3.text.text = _local4; _local3.score.text = GetFinalScore(); = username; } function Clean() { var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < pieces.length) { pieces[_local2].Destroy(); delete pieces[_local2]; _local2++; } flawpiece.Destroy(); flawpieceinv.Destroy(); _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < bgm.length) { bgm[_local2].Stop(); _local2++; } } function GetTimeLeft() { var _local2 = GetTimeUsed(); _local2 = timelimit - _local2; return(_local2); } function GetTimeUsed() { var _local2 = new Date(); var _local4 = Math.floor(_local2.getTime() / 1000); var _local3 = _local4 - starttime; return(_local3); } function Tick() { var _local2 = "--tick:"; for (var _local3 in callback) { callback[_local3].call(this); _local2 = _local2 + (_local3 + ","); } } function Turn() { while (mutexpiece == true) { } mutexpiece = true; if ((active.y + 1) == ground[active.x]) { Land(); } else { active.AddPosition(0, 1); } mutexpiece = false; _root.whiteout._alpha = 0; turn++; } function Land() { if (timemode >= 2) { return(undefined); } active.SetPosition(-1, ground[active.x] - 1); ground[active.x] = active.y; var _local4 = 0; if (active.y < 1) { var _local6 = _root.array_search(freecols, active.x); freecols.splice(_local6, 1); if (freecols.length == 0) { _local4 = 1; } } stack[active.x].push(active); order.push(active); var _local3 = landscore; Score(_local3); if (active.y < 4) { Score((_local3 * ((((4 - active.y) - 1) * 0.5) + 1)) - _local3, "combo"); } if (combo > 0) { Score((_local3 * (((combo - 1) * 0.5) + 1)) - _local3, "combo"); } combo++; _root.textcombo.text = combo; var _local5 = Match(); if (!_local5.match) { Fix(_local5); SoundEffect("PieceFlaw"); } else { SoundEffect("PiecePlace"); } if (_local4) { return(End("win")); } active = nextpiece; nextpiece = AddPiece(); nextpiece.NextPiece(); active.Begin(); } function Fix(con) { var _local4; var _local5; var _local7 = 0; if (playmode == "sudden") { return(End("fail")); } var _local8 = active.GetLocalSec(0); var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < 4) { _local4 = active.GetLocalSec(_local3); if (con.res[_local3] == false) { if (con.adj[_local3] == 0) { _local5 = 0; } else { _local5 = compliments[con.adj[_local3].GetLocalValue(opposites[_local3])]; } flawpiece.LoadSec(_local4, _local5); flawpieceinv.LoadSec(_local4, active.GetLocalValue(_local3)); active.LoadSec(_local4, _local5); countflaws++; _root.textflaws.text = allowedflaws - countflaws; _local7 = _local7 + flawscore; if (allowedflaws == countflaws) { return(End("flaw")); } } else { flawpiece.LoadSec(_local4, -1); flawpieceinv.LoadSec(_local4, -1); } _local3++; } if (_local7) { flawpiece.SetPosition(active.x, active.y); flawpiece.SetRotation(-_local8); flawpiece.Flaw(); flawpiece.Show(); flawpieceinv.SetPosition(active.x, active.y); flawpieceinv.SetRotation(-_local8); flawpieceinv.Flaw(); flawpieceinv.Show(); callback.flawflash = TickFlawFlash; Score(_local7, "flaw"); combo = 0; _root.textcombo.text = combo; } } function Match() { var _local3 = new JigConnection(); _local3.adj = active.GetAdjacent(); _local3.res = new Array(); _local3.match = true; var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < 4) { var _local5 = ("testing " + active.OrientName(_local2)) + ": "; var _local6 = active.GetLocalValue(_local2); if (_local3.adj[_local2] == undefined) { var _local4; switch (_local2) { case 0 : _local4 = active.y == 0; break; case 1 : _local4 = active.x == (width - 1); break; case 3 : _local4 = active.x == 0; break; case 2 : _local4 = active.y == (height - 1); } if (_local4) { _local3.res[_local2] = _local6 == 0; _local3.adj[_local2] = 0; _local5 = _local5 + (("wall (" + _local6) + "==0)"); } else { _local3.res[_local2] = true; _local5 = _local5 + "nothing"; } } else { _local3.res[_local2] = compliments[_local6] == _local3.adj[_local2].GetLocalValue(opposites[_local2]); _local5 = _local5 + (((("piece (" + _local6) + "<=>") + _local3.adj[_local2].GetLocalValue(opposites[_local2])) + ")"); } if (_local3.res[_local2] == false) { _local3.match = false; } _local2++; } return(_local3); } function Mark(arr) { var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < mark.length) { pieces[mark[_local2]].Unmark(); _local2++; } mark = new Array(); _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < arr.length) { pieces[arr[_local2]].Mark(); mark.push(arr[_local2]); _local2++; } } function Score(n, type) { n = Math.floor(n); if (n == 0) { return(undefined); } score = score + n; _root.textscore.text = score; var _local3 = pointsclip.attachMovie("points", pointsi, pointsi); _local3._x = active.clip._x; _local3._y = active.clip._y; if (n > 0) { _local3.text.text = "+" + n; } else { _local3.text.text = n; } switch (type) { case "flaw" : _local3.text.textColor = 16751001 /* 0xFF9999 */; _local3._y = _local3._y + 20; break; case "combo" : _local3.text.textColor = 10066431 /* 0x9999FF */; _local3._y = _local3._y - 20; break; } pointsclist[pointsi] = _local3; pointsi++; callback.pointfade = TickPointFade; } function SoundEffect(v) { soundfx.stop(); soundfx.attachSound(v); soundfx.setVolume(100); soundfx.start(); } function UseClaw(v) { if (active.GetLocalValue(3) == v) { return(undefined); } callback.claw = TickClawOut; clawqueue = v; switch (v) { case 0 : countleveler++; _root.textleveler.text = countleveler; Score(levelerscore); SoundEffect("ToolLeveler"); break; case 1 : countsculptor++; _root.textsculptor.text = countsculptor; Score(sculptorscore); SoundEffect("ToolSculptor"); break; case 2 : countdrill++; _root.textdrill.text = countdrill; Score(drillscore); SoundEffect("ToolDrill"); } } function KeyRight() { while (mutexpiece == true) { } mutexpiece = true; if (active.x < 7) { var _local2 = active.GetAdjacentRight(); if (_local2 == undefined) { active.AddPosition(1, 0); } } mutexpiece = false; } function KeyLeft() { while (mutexpiece == true) { } mutexpiece = true; if (active.x > 0) { var _local2 = active.GetAdjacentLeft(); if (_local2 == undefined) { active.AddPosition(-1, 0); } } mutexpiece = false; } function KeyUp() { active.AddRotation(-1); } function KeyDown() { active.AddRotation(1); } function KeyDrop() { Land(); } function KeyAccel() { if (timemode != 3) { timemode = 1; } } function KeyUnAccel() { accel = 0; if (timemode != 3) { timemode = 0; } } function KeyHold() { if (timemode != 3) { timemode = 2; if (soundmode == 0) { var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < bgm.length) { bgm[_local2].SetVolume(15); _local2++; } soundmode = 1; callback.whiteout = TickWhiteOut; sound.attachSound("HoldStart"); sound.setVolume(100); sound.start(); sound.onSoundComplete = function () { if (this.GetTimeLeft() < 60) { this.attachSound("HoldLoopAlt"); } else { this.attachSound("HoldLoop"); } this.start(); this.onSoundComplete = function () { this.start(); }; }; } } } function KeyUnHold() { if (timemode == 3) { return(undefined); } timemode = 0; _root.whiteout._alpha = 0; if (soundmode == 1) { soundmode = 0; callback.mixout = TickMixOut; } } function KeyDrill() { if (((playmode != "bare") && (playmode != "sculptor")) && (playmode != "leveler")) { UseClaw(2); } } function KeySculptor() { if (((playmode != "bare") && (playmode != "driller")) && (playmode != "leveler")) { UseClaw(1); } } function KeyLeveler() { if (((playmode != "bare") && (playmode != "sculptor")) && (playmode != "driller")) { UseClaw(0); } } function TickClawOut() { var _local2; var _local4 = -20; _local2 = clawclip._x + ((clawspeed * (active.x + 1)) * 0.5); var _local3 = active.GlobalX(active.x); if (_local2 >= (_local3 + _local4)) { _local2 = _local3 + _local4; callback.claw = TickClawIn; active.LoadSec(active.GetLocalSec(3), clawqueue); } clawclip._x = _local2; } function TickClawIn() { var _local2; _local2 = clawclip._x - ((clawspeed * (active.x + 1)) * 0.5); if (_local2 <= 66) { _local2 = 66; delete callback.claw; } clawclip._x = _local2; } function TickTimer() { var _local3; if (playmode == "speed") { _local3 = GetTimeLeft(); if (_local3 <= 0) { End("time"); } } else { _local3 = GetTimeUsed(); } var _local4 = (Math.floor(_local3 / 60) + ":") + _root.str_lpad(_local3 % 60); _root.texttime.text = _local4; } function TickMixOut() { var _local3 = 3; var _local4 = sound.getVolume() - _local3; if (_local4 < 0) { _local4 = 0; } sound.setVolume(_local4); var _local5 = "mixout: "; var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 <= 100) { if (_local2 <= _local4) { _local5 = _local5 + "*"; } _local2 = _local2 + _local3; } if (_local4 == 0) { delete callback.mixout; sound.stop(); } _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < bgm.length) { bgm[_local2].AddVolume(_local3); _local2++; } } function TickPointFade() { var _local2 = 0; for (var _local3 in pointsclist) { pointsclist[_local3].text._y = pointsclist[_local3].text._y - 5; if (pointsclist[_local3].text._y < -20) { pointsclist[_local3].text._alpha = pointsclist[_local3].text._alpha - 5; } if (pointsclist[_local3].text._y < -120) { pointsclist[_local3].removeMovieClip(); delete pointsclist[_local3]; } _local2++; } if (_local2 == 0) { delete callback.pointfade; } } function TickFrame() { switch (timemode) { case 0 : holdmeter = holdmeter + holdregen; if (holdmeter > holdmax) { holdmeter = holdmax; } holdclip._width = (holdmeter / holdmax) * 171; break; case 1 : accel = accel + accelrate; if (accel > accelmax) { accel = accelmax; } break; case 2 : holdmeter = holdmeter - 1; if (holdmeter <= 0) { holdmeter = 0; KeyUnHold(); } holdclip._width = (holdmeter / holdmax) * 171; } } function TickSmoothFall() { if (timemode < 2) { tickcount = tickcount + (1 + accel); var _local2 = tickcount % speedbase; if (_local2 < lastmod) { Turn(); } else { var _local3 = active.GlobalY(active.y) + Math.floor((_local2 / speedbase) * psizey); active.clip._y = _local3; clawclip._y = _local3; } lastmod = _local2; } } function TickFlawFlash() { flawtimetick++; if (flawtimetick >= flawtime) { flawtimetick = 0; flawcount++; flawpiece.Toggle(); flawpieceinv.Toggle(); if (flawcount >= flawlimit) { flawpiece.Hide(); flawpieceinv.Hide(); flawcount = 0; delete callback.flawflash; } } } function TickWhiteOut() { if (soundmode == 0) { _root.whiteout._alpha = 0; delete callback.whiteout; } var _local3 = _root.whiteout._alpha; _local3 = _local3 + 9; if (_local3 > 100) { _local3 = 30; delete callback.whiteout; } _root.whiteout._alpha = _local3; } function TickJumpFall() { if (timemode < 2) { tickcount = tickcount + 1; var _local2 = tickcount % speedbase; if (_local2 < lastmod) { Turn(); var _local3 = active.GlobalY(active.y) + Math.floor((_local2 / speedbase) * psizey); active.clip._y = _local3; clawclip._y = _local3; } lastmod = _local2; } } var bgmchannels = 2; var height = 12; var width = 8; var psizex = 40; var psizey = 40; var offx = 120; var offy = 120; var clawspeed = 50; var flawscore = -100; var drillscore = -20; var sculptorscore = -20; var levelerscore = -20; var landscore = 100; var allowedflaws = 40; var accel = 0; var accelmax = 10; var accelrate = 0.4; var holdmax = 400; var holdregen = 0.15; var flawtimetick = 0; var flawtime = 5; var flawcount = 0; var flawlimit = 6; var timelimit = 360; var tickdiv = 15; var username = ""; }
Symbol 163 MovieClip [__Packages.SoundChannel] Frame 0
class SoundChannel { var channelid, sound, index, volume, mode, playlist; function SoundChannel (sync) { if (typeof(_root.soundchannels) != "object") { _root.soundchannels = new Array(); _root.createEmptyMovieClip("soundchannelclips", 4095); } channelid = _root.soundchannels.length; _root.soundchannels.push(this); var _local3 = _root.soundchannelclips.createEmptyMovieClip("channel" + channelid, channelid); sound = new Sound(_local3); index = 0; volume = 100; mode = 0; if (sync != undefined) { this.sync = sync; } if (this.sync) { sound.onSoundComplete = NextAll; } } function SetPlaylist(arr) { playlist = arr; var _local3 = 0; var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < playlist.length) { _local3 = _local3 + playlist[_local2].length; _local2++; } } function GetCurrentTrack() { return(playlist[index]); } function FarQueue(s) { playlist.push(s); } function NearQueue(s) { playlist.splice(index + 1, 0, s); } function SetVolume(v) { if (v != undefined) { volume = v; } v = Math.floor((volume * GetCurrentTrack().volume) / 100); sound.setVolume(v); } function AddVolume(v) { var _local2 = volume + v; if (_local2 < 0) { _local2 = 0; } if (_local2 > 100) { _local2 = 100; } SetVolume(_local2); } function Pause() { sound.stop(); } function Stop() { Pause(); index = 0; mode = 0; } function Play() { mode = 1; var _local2 = GetCurrentTrack(); if (!_local2) { return(undefined); } sound.attachSound(_local2.file); SetVolume(); sound.start(); } function Next() { if (mode == 0) { return(undefined); } var _local2 = GetCurrentTrack(); if (!_local2.Next()) { return(undefined); } index++; if (index >= playlist.length) { index = 0; } Play(); } function NextAll() { var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _root.soundchannels.length) { _root.soundchannels[_local2].Next(); var _local3 = _root.soundchannels[_local2]; _local2++; } } var sync = false; var threshold = 500; }
Symbol 164 MovieClip [__Packages.SoundPhrase] Frame 0
class SoundPhrase { var file, length, volume, index; function SoundPhrase (file, length, volume) { this.file = file; if (length == undefined) { length = 1; } if (volume == undefined) { volume = 100; } this.length = length; this.volume = volume; index = 0; } function Next() { index++; if (index == length) { index = 0; return(true); } return(false); } }
Symbol 165 MovieClip [__Packages.JigPiece] Frame 0
class JigPiece { var set, id, clip, sec, rot, y, x, dot; function JigPiece () { } function Create(set, id, top, right, bottom, left) { this.set = set; = id; clip = set.clip.attachMovie("Piece", "piece" + id, id); sec = new Array(-1, -1, -1, -1); LoadSec(0, top); LoadSec(1, right); LoadSec(2, bottom); LoadSec(3, left); rot = 0; clip._alpha = 0; } function Destroy() { clip.removeMovieClip(); sec = new Array(); set = undefined; } function Toggle() { if (clip._alpha > 0) { clip._alpha = 0; } else { clip._alpha = 100; } } function Show() { clip._alpha = 100; } function ShowLabel() { = 100; clip.right.seclabel._alpha = 100; clip.bottom.seclabel._alpha = 100; clip.left.seclabel._alpha = 100; } function Begin() { SetPosition(_root.randomindex(set.freecols), -2); Show(); } function NextPiece() { clip._x = 481; clip._y = 39.7; Show(); } function GetLocalSec(orient) { var _local2 = orient - rot; if (_local2 < 0) { _local2 = 4 + _local2; } return(_local2 % 4); } function GetLocalValue(orient) { return(sec[GetLocalSec(orient)]); } function GetNormal(orient) { switch (orient) { case 0 : return(new Array(0, -1)); case 1 : return(new Array(1, 0)); case 2 : return(new Array(0, 1)); case 3 : return(new Array(-1, 0)); } } function GetAdjacent() { var _local2 = new Array(); _local2[3] = GetAdjacentLeft(); _local2[1] = GetAdjacentRight(); if (y != (set.height - 1)) { _local2[2] = set.stack[x][(set.height - y) - 2]; } if (set.stack[x].length >= (set.height - y)) { _local2[0] = set.stack[x][set.height - y]; } return(_local2); } function GetAdjacentLeft() { if (x > 0) { return(set.stack[x - 1][(set.height - y) - 1]); } return(undefined); } function GetAdjacentRight() { if (x < (set.width - 1)) { return(set.stack[x + 1][(set.height - y) - 1]); } return(undefined); } function OrientName(orient) { var _local1 = new Array("top", "right", "bottom", "left"); return(_local1[orient]); } function LoadSec(orient, val) { var _local3; var _local4; _local4 = OrientName(orient); _local3 = orient * 90; sec[orient] = val; var _local6 = new Array("flat", "tri-out", "tri-in"); if (val < 0) { clip[_local4].removeMovieClip(); return(undefined); } var _local2 = clip.attachMovie("sec-" + _local6[val], _local4, _local3); _local2._rotation = _local3; _local2.seclabel.text.text = orient; } function Hide() { clip._alpha = 0; } function Window() {; clip.right.gotoAndStop(2); clip.bottom.gotoAndStop(2); clip.left.gotoAndStop(2); } function Flaw() {; clip.right.gotoAndStop(3); clip.bottom.gotoAndStop(3); clip.left.gotoAndStop(3); } function Dot(orient) { if (dot != undefined) { dot.removeMovieClip(); } dot = clip[OrientName(orient)].attachMovie("Dot", "dot", 0); dot._y = -10; } function Mark() { clip.attachMovie("Dot", "mark", 100); } function Unmark() { if (clip.mark) { clip.mark.removeMovieClip(); } } function GlobalY(y) { return(set.offy + (set.psizey * y)); } function GlobalX(x) { return(set.offx + (set.psizex * x)); } function SetY(y) { this.y = y; clip._y = GlobalY(y); } function SetX(x) { this.x = x; clip._x = GlobalX(x); } function SetPosition(x, y) { if (x != -1) { SetX(x); } if (y != -1) { SetY(y); } } function AddPosition(x, y) { if (x) { SetX(this.x + x); } if (y) { SetY(this.y + y); } } function SetRotation(r) { if (r < 0) { r = 4 + r; } rot = r % 4; clip._rotation = rot * 90; } function AddRotation(r) { if (r < 0) { r = 4 + r; } rot = (rot + r) % 4; clip._rotation = rot * 90; } }
Symbol 166 MovieClip [__Packages.JigConnection] Frame 0
class JigConnection { function JigConnection () { } }
Symbol 71 Button
on (press) { _root.set.SoundEffect("Menu"); gotoAndStop (4); }
Symbol 83 Button
on (press) { _root.set.SoundEffect("Menu"); gotoAndStop (5); }
Symbol 91 Button
on (press) { _root.set.SoundEffect("Menu"); gotoAndStop (6); }
Symbol 96 Button
on (press) { _root.set.playmode = "basic"; _root.set.difficulty = 1; gotoAndPlay (10); }
Symbol 97 Button
on (press) { _root.set.playmode = "basic"; _root.set.difficulty = 2; gotoAndPlay (10); }
Symbol 98 Button
on (press) { _root.set.playmode = "basic"; _root.set.difficulty = 3; gotoAndPlay (10); }
Symbol 100 Button
on (press) { _root.set.playmode = "sudden"; _root.set.difficulty = 1; gotoAndPlay (10); }
Symbol 101 Button
on (press) { _root.set.playmode = "sudden"; _root.set.difficulty = 2; gotoAndPlay (10); }
Symbol 102 Button
on (press) { _root.set.playmode = "sudden"; _root.set.difficulty = 3; gotoAndPlay (10); }
Symbol 103 Button
on (press) { _root.set.playmode = "speed"; _root.set.difficulty = 1; gotoAndPlay (10); }
Symbol 104 Button
on (press) { _root.set.playmode = "speed"; _root.set.difficulty = 2; gotoAndPlay (10); }
Symbol 105 Button
on (press) { _root.set.playmode = "speed"; _root.set.difficulty = 3; gotoAndPlay (10); }
Symbol 107 Button
on (press) { _root.set.playmode = "leveler"; _root.set.difficulty = 1; gotoAndPlay (10); }
Symbol 108 Button
on (press) { _root.set.playmode = "leveler"; _root.set.difficulty = 2; gotoAndPlay (10); }
Symbol 109 Button
on (press) { _root.set.playmode = "leveler"; _root.set.difficulty = 3; gotoAndPlay (10); }
Symbol 110 Button
on (press) { _root.set.playmode = "sculptor"; _root.set.difficulty = 1; gotoAndPlay (10); }
Symbol 111 Button
on (press) { _root.set.playmode = "sculptor"; _root.set.difficulty = 2; gotoAndPlay (10); }
Symbol 112 Button
on (press) { _root.set.playmode = "sculptor"; _root.set.difficulty = 3; gotoAndPlay (10); }
Symbol 113 Button
on (press) { _root.set.playmode = "driller"; _root.set.difficulty = 1; gotoAndPlay (10); }
Symbol 114 Button
on (press) { _root.set.playmode = "driller"; _root.set.difficulty = 2; gotoAndPlay (10); }
Symbol 115 Button
on (press) { _root.set.playmode = "driller"; _root.set.difficulty = 3; gotoAndPlay (10); }
Symbol 116 Button
on (press) { _root.set.playmode = "bare"; _root.set.difficulty = 1; gotoAndPlay (10); }
Symbol 117 Button
on (press) { _root.set.playmode = "bare"; _root.set.difficulty = 2; gotoAndPlay (10); }
Symbol 118 Button
on (press) { _root.set.playmode = "bare"; _root.set.difficulty = 3; gotoAndPlay (10); }
Symbol 145 Button
on (press) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 146 Button
on (press) { _root.set.End("quit"); }

Library Items

Symbol 1 Sound [Menu]
Symbol 2 Sound [Intro]
Symbol 3 MovieClip [Piece]
Symbol 4 BitmapUsed by:5
Symbol 5 GraphicUses:4Used by:10
Symbol 6 BitmapUsed by:7
Symbol 7 GraphicUses:6Used by:10
Symbol 8 BitmapUsed by:9
Symbol 9 GraphicUses:8Used by:10
Symbol 10 MovieClip [sec-tri-out]Uses:5 7 9
Symbol 11 BitmapUsed by:12
Symbol 12 GraphicUses:11Used by:17
Symbol 13 BitmapUsed by:14
Symbol 14 GraphicUses:13Used by:17
Symbol 15 BitmapUsed by:16
Symbol 16 GraphicUses:15Used by:17
Symbol 17 MovieClip [sec-tri-in]Uses:12 14 16
Symbol 18 BitmapUsed by:19
Symbol 19 GraphicUses:18Used by:24
Symbol 20 BitmapUsed by:21
Symbol 21 GraphicUses:20Used by:24
Symbol 22 BitmapUsed by:23
Symbol 23 GraphicUses:22Used by:24
Symbol 24 MovieClip [sec-flat]Uses:19 21 23
Symbol 25 FontUsed by:26
Symbol 26 EditableTextUses:25Used by:27
Symbol 27 MovieClip [Label]Uses:26
Symbol 28 FontUsed by:29 32 33 34 36 37 38 42 46 63 70 84 85 86 87 88 92 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154
Symbol 29 EditableTextUses:28Used by:30
Symbol 30 MovieClip [Points]Uses:29
Symbol 31 GraphicUsed by:47
Symbol 32 EditableTextUses:28Used by:47
Symbol 33 EditableTextUses:28Used by:47
Symbol 34 EditableTextUses:28Used by:35
Symbol 35 ButtonUses:34Used by:47
Symbol 36 EditableTextUses:28Used by:47
Symbol 37 EditableTextUses:28Used by:39
Symbol 38 EditableTextUses:28Used by:39
Symbol 39 MovieClipUses:37 38Used by:47
Symbol 40 GraphicUsed by:41 45
Symbol 41 ButtonUses:40Used by:44
Symbol 42 EditableTextUses:28Used by:43
Symbol 43 MovieClipUses:42Used by:44
Symbol 44 MovieClipUses:41 43Used by:47
Symbol 45 ButtonUses:40Used by:47
Symbol 46 EditableTextUses:28Used by:47
Symbol 47 MovieClip [Dialog]Uses:31 32 33 35 36 39 44 45 46
Symbol 48 BitmapUsed by:49
Symbol 49 GraphicUses:48Used by:50
Symbol 50 MovieClip [JigBlock]Uses:49
Symbol 51 BitmapUsed by:52
Symbol 52 GraphicUses:51Used by:53
Symbol 53 MovieClip [Claw]Uses:52Used by:Timeline
Symbol 54 MovieClip [Pieces]Used by:Timeline
Symbol 55 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 56 MovieClipUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 57 BitmapUsed by:59
Symbol 58 BitmapUsed by:59
Symbol 59 GraphicUses:57 58Used by:Timeline
Symbol 60 BitmapUsed by:61
Symbol 61 GraphicUses:60Used by:62
Symbol 62 MovieClipUses:61Used by:Timeline
Symbol 63 EditableTextUses:28Used by:68
Symbol 64 GraphicUsed by:65
Symbol 65 ButtonUses:64Used by:68
Symbol 66 GraphicUsed by:67
Symbol 67 MovieClipUses:66Used by:68
Symbol 68 MovieClipUses:63 65 67Used by:Timeline
Symbol 162 MovieClip [__Packages.JigSet]
Symbol 163 MovieClip [__Packages.SoundChannel]
Symbol 164 MovieClip [__Packages.SoundPhrase]
Symbol 165 MovieClip [__Packages.JigPiece]
Symbol 166 MovieClip [__Packages.JigConnection]
Symbol 69 GraphicUsed by:71 83 91 96 97 98
Symbol 70 EditableTextUses:28Used by:71
Symbol 71 ButtonUses:69 70Used by:Timeline
Symbol 72 Sound [HoldStart]Used by:80
Symbol 73 Sound [PieceFlaw]Used by:80
Symbol 74 Sound [HoldLoop]Used by:80
Symbol 75 Sound [BGM_Jig]Used by:80
Symbol 76 Sound [ToolDrill]Used by:80
Symbol 77 Sound [PiecePlace]Used by:80
Symbol 78 Sound [ToolLeveler]Used by:80
Symbol 79 Sound [ToolSculptor]Used by:80
Symbol 80 MovieClipUses:72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79Used by:Timeline
Symbol 81 BitmapUsed by:82
Symbol 82 GraphicUses:81Used by:Timeline
Symbol 83 ButtonUses:69Used by:Timeline
Symbol 84 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 85 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 86 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 87 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 88 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 89 BitmapUsed by:90
Symbol 90 GraphicUses:89Used by:Timeline
Symbol 91 ButtonUses:69Used by:Timeline
Symbol 92 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 93 BitmapUsed by:94
Symbol 94 GraphicUses:93Used by:Timeline
Symbol 95 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 96 ButtonUses:69Used by:Timeline
Symbol 97 ButtonUses:69Used by:Timeline
Symbol 98 ButtonUses:69Used by:Timeline
Symbol 99 GraphicUsed by:100 101 102 103 104 105 116 117 118 146
Symbol 100 ButtonUses:99Used by:Timeline
Symbol 101 ButtonUses:99Used by:Timeline
Symbol 102 ButtonUses:99Used by:Timeline
Symbol 103 ButtonUses:99Used by:Timeline
Symbol 104 ButtonUses:99Used by:Timeline
Symbol 105 ButtonUses:99Used by:Timeline
Symbol 106 GraphicUsed by:107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115
Symbol 107 ButtonUses:106Used by:Timeline
Symbol 108 ButtonUses:106Used by:Timeline
Symbol 109 ButtonUses:106Used by:Timeline
Symbol 110 ButtonUses:106Used by:Timeline
Symbol 111 ButtonUses:106Used by:Timeline
Symbol 112 ButtonUses:106Used by:Timeline
Symbol 113 ButtonUses:106Used by:Timeline
Symbol 114 ButtonUses:106Used by:Timeline
Symbol 115 ButtonUses:106Used by:Timeline
Symbol 116 ButtonUses:99Used by:Timeline
Symbol 117 ButtonUses:99Used by:Timeline
Symbol 118 ButtonUses:99Used by:Timeline
Symbol 119 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 120 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 121 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 122 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 123 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 124 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 125 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 126 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 127 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 128 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 129 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 130 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 131 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 132 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 133 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 134 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 135 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 136 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 137 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 138 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 139 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 140 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 141 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 142 BitmapUsed by:143
Symbol 143 GraphicUses:142Used by:Timeline
Symbol 144 GraphicUsed by:145 161
Symbol 145 ButtonUses:144Used by:Timeline
Symbol 146 ButtonUses:99Used by:Timeline
Symbol 147 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 148 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 149 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 150 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 151 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 152 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 153 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 154 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 155 BitmapUsed by:156
Symbol 156 GraphicUses:155Used by:160
Symbol 157 BitmapUsed by:158
Symbol 158 GraphicUses:157Used by:159
Symbol 159 MovieClipUses:158Used by:160
Symbol 160 MovieClipUses:156 159Used by:Timeline
Symbol 161 MovieClipUses:144Used by:Timeline

Instance Names

"backblocks"Frame 1Symbol 56 MovieClip
"pieces"Frame 1Symbol 54 MovieClip [Pieces]
"preloadbar"Frame 1Symbol 62 MovieClip
"soundcheck"Frame 1Symbol 68 MovieClip
"preloadbutton"Frame 2Symbol 71 Button
"holdbar"Frame 10Symbol 62 MovieClip
"texttime"Frame 10Symbol 147 EditableText
"textflaws"Frame 10Symbol 148 EditableText
"textdrill"Frame 10Symbol 149 EditableText
"textleveler"Frame 10Symbol 150 EditableText
"textsculptor"Frame 10Symbol 151 EditableText
"textscore"Frame 10Symbol 152 EditableText
"textcombo"Frame 10Symbol 153 EditableText
"claw"Frame 10Symbol 53 MovieClip [Claw]
"clow"Frame 10Symbol 160 MovieClip
"whiteout"Frame 10Symbol 161 MovieClip
"text"Symbol 27 MovieClip [Label] Frame 1Symbol 26 EditableText
"text"Symbol 30 MovieClip [Points] Frame 1Symbol 29 EditableText
"name"Symbol 39 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 37 EditableText
"text"Symbol 43 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 42 EditableText
"submitlabel"Symbol 44 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 43 MovieClip
"text"Symbol 47 MovieClip [Dialog] Frame 1Symbol 32 EditableText
"score"Symbol 47 MovieClip [Dialog] Frame 1Symbol 33 EditableText
"msg"Symbol 47 MovieClip [Dialog] Frame 1Symbol 36 EditableText
"entry"Symbol 47 MovieClip [Dialog] Frame 1Symbol 39 MovieClip
"submit"Symbol 47 MovieClip [Dialog] Frame 1Symbol 44 MovieClip
"label"Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 63 EditableText
"mark"Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 67 MovieClip
"hand"Symbol 160 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 159 MovieClip

Special Tags

Protect (24)Timeline Frame 131 bytes "..$1$0v$0C95PiLm55PEAo4vDuA8b.."
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 1 as "Menu"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 2 as "Intro"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 3 as "Piece"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 10 as "sec-tri-out"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 17 as "sec-tri-in"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 24 as "sec-flat"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 27 as "Label"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 30 as "Points"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 47 as "Dialog"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 50 as "JigBlock"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 53 as "Claw"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 54 as "Pieces"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 54 as "Pieces"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 162 as "__Packages.JigSet"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 163 as "__Packages.SoundChannel"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 164 as "__Packages.SoundPhrase"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 165 as "__Packages.JigPiece"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 166 as "__Packages.JigConnection"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 54 as "Pieces"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 3Symbol 54 as "Pieces"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 3Symbol 72 as "HoldStart"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 3Symbol 73 as "PieceFlaw"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 3Symbol 74 as "HoldLoop"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 3Symbol 75 as "BGM_Jig"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 3Symbol 76 as "ToolDrill"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 3Symbol 77 as "PiecePlace"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 3Symbol 78 as "ToolLeveler"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 3Symbol 79 as "ToolSculptor"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 54 as "Pieces"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 54 as "Pieces"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 6Symbol 54 as "Pieces"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 7Symbol 54 as "Pieces"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 8Symbol 54 as "Pieces"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 9Symbol 54 as "Pieces"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 10Symbol 54 as "Pieces"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 10Symbol 53 as "Claw"
Created: 4/6 -2019 10:28:03 Last modified: 4/6 -2019 10:28:03 Server time: 05/11 -2024 11:41:02