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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #13803

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)








Copyright ©2003 DevLabs Ltd  - All Rights Reserved

Free Games AND ShowS








Bunches are made by swapping balls.  But a ball
can only be swapped by another if one of the two
balls is placed next to a ball of the same colour
when in its new position.

Bunches a












Classic Mode

Keep bunching the balls until you can't bunch no more and
then collect.  A timer bar will increase in relation to the
score you achieve from a collection so don't let it run out!
Every time you collect 100 balls your level will increase.  In
the full version of classic mode there are 3 difficulties
(easy, normal and hard) and 30 levels in each one.  The
higher the level the faster the timer (note: the timer  bar
runs out faster on higher difficulties and you will also get
penalised for invalid swaps on normal and hard).  If you
haven't done so already please view the quick tutorial to
find out how to play.





Puzzle Mode

In puzzle mode you will need to think a lot more and speed
is of no importance as there is no timer.  In the full
version there are 50 challenging levels but only 5 in this
demo.  See if you can complete them with the highest
score possible.  To complete a level you will need to form
all the bunches outlined in the level before the collection
button is enabled.  You can maximise your score by
continuing to form bunches even after you have completed
the outlined bunches for that level.  If you haven't done so
already please view the quick tutorial to find out how to

Game concept, design and programming:

Fawad Akram

Graphics Design:

Chris Golding

You currently have ?? minutes of playing time left







Your playing time has expired!
To continue playing the game you will
need to purchase it.  If have already
purchased it, please enter the key



Product Key:



key goes here...

If you've never played Bunch before
it will be worth going through the
quick tutorial.  You can also access
the tutorial from the main menu.



















TIP: Did you know you
can use the "space bar"
to collect.  Also try
dragging balls for much
faster swapping!







You can only reset the
level in puzzle mode

You can only save your
progress in puzzle mode



Only available in the full
version of the game



Create groups (bunches) of balls
with valid swapping

Watch the timer!  It will run out
and the game will be over unless
you score points by "Collecting"

"Collect" to score points.
Remember:  The bigger the bunch
the better!

The game is over when the timer
runs out after 5 minutes

Watch the counter!  An automatic
"Collect" will take place every 30

Place balls over tiles of the same
colour to enable the "Collect"

Complete the level by "Collecting".
But try to maximise points first!

The current game will end and you'll
be returned to the main menu!









Highest scoring collection:

Biggest bunch:


Total score:





Level score:



Next level:





You completed the DEMO puzzle
mode.  Too easy???  Try the full
version for a real challenge!

You completed the DEMO classic
mode.  Too easy???  Try the full
version for a real challenge!




The basic idea of the game is
to create bunches of like-
coloured balls.  This is
achieved by swapping adjacent
balls with each other (not
diagonally) .  The bigger the
bunch the more points that
bunch is worth.  However, not
every ball can be swapped
with the one next to it.

Page 1 of 6

Page 2 of 6

A valid swap is achieved when
at least one of the two balls
that are swapped have a ball
of the same colour next to it
in its new position (diagonal
swaps are not allowed).  You
can lose points for invalid
swaps in some game modes.
For faster swapping try
dragging balls!

Page 3 of 6

When a collection is made,
bunches are removed and
points awarded for each bunch.
New balls replace the ones that
were removed.  A minimum of 3
balls need to be next to each
other to form a bunch.  The
"space bar" can also be used
to collect!

The bigger the bunch the
more points it is worth.   Two
bunches of 4 balls is not
worth as much as one bunch
of 8 balls.  In the example
provided it would be better to
spend a few seconds to create
the bigger bunch.  However it
is not always this easy.

Page 4 of 6

There are two types of
special or bonus bunches.  The
first bonus bunch is worth
twice as much more than a
normal bunch.  The bonus is
attained when a bunch spans
either horizontally or
vertically  as shown in the
example.  The bunch need not
be in a straight line.

Page 5 of 6

The second bonus bunch type
is when all the visible balls of
a particular colour have been
bunched together.  The bunch
is then worth three times
more than a normal bunch.
NOTE: A huge bonus is
awarded if you are able to
bunch every ball on the
screen. See if you can do it!

Page 6 of 6



<P ALIGN="CENTER"><FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE="9" COLOR="#000000"><A HREF="" target = "_blank"><B>©2003 DevLabs Ltd </B></A></FONT></P>

Play addictive classic mode on easy, normal and hard

50 challenging levels in puzzle mode

Play time trial mode for 5 minutes of fast paced fun

Save your high scores and puzzle game progress

Play offline in a window or full screen

Get the full version now for hours and hours of game play: -

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 45 MovieClip in Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _root.stop(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root._framesloaded >= _root._totalframes) { _root.gotoAndStop("miniclipintro"); } else { this.bytesload.gotoAndStop(Math.ceil((_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * this.bytesload._totalframes)); } }
Frame 2
Frame 3
function getPlayerVersion() { var playerVersion = getVersion(); myLength = length(playerVersion); while (i <= myLength) { i = i + 1; temp = substring(playerVersion, i, 1); if (temp eq " ") { platform = substring(playerVersion, 1, i - 1); majorVersion = substring(playerVersion, i + 1, 1); secondHalf = substring(playerVersion, i + 1, myLength - i); minorVersion = substring(secondHalf, 5, 2); } } } function getUserSettings() { var userSO = SharedObject.getLocal("bunch_settings", "/"); if ( == undefined) { = true; = true; = true; = true; = true; userSO.flush(100); } else { _root.firsttime = Boolean(; _root.soundOn = Boolean(; _root.firstPuzzlePlayed = Boolean(; _root.firstClassicPlayed = Boolean(; _root.firstTimeTrialPlayed = Boolean(; } } function gotoWebsite() { getURL ("", "_blank"); } function loadLevelString() { _root.levelfile_toload = "<LevelData><Level NUmber=\"1\"><Balls>,700,701,302,503,404,405,506,107,410,111,612,713,114,115,616,317,420,721,422,323,624,725,626,427,230,731,332,633,234,135,236,237,640,141,242,743,144,445,446,147,350,251,352,153,554,755,656,757,560,361,462,163,664,565,366,467,770,671,272,473,574,775,476,177.</Balls><Squares>s05,125,135,145,144,143.</Squares></Level>"; _root.levelfile_toload = _root.levelfile_toload + "<Level NUmber=\"1\"><Balls>,400,401,602,103,204,705,506,407,110,711,112,213,114,415,116,517,420,521,122,323,424,625,626,727,330,531,732,133,734,135,136,737,640,241,342,743,644,545,246,247,650,451,352,453,654,255,156,457,160,261,162,163,564,465,366,767,470,371,672,673,774,675,376,577.</Balls><Squares>s04,644,654,664,674 s03,734,724,733.</Squares></Level>"; _root.levelfile_toload = _root.levelfile_toload + "<Level NUmber=\"1\"><Balls>,300,301,202,403,704,405,606,107,710,711,112,413,114,615,216,617,220,321,222,523,124,425,526,427,430,131,132,333,734,435,336,437,540,741,342,443,144,545,146,247,750,251,152,653,154,555,156,357,760,561,662,763,764,465,266,767,170,471,772,573,574,775,776,477.</Balls><Squares>s06,112,113,122,123,132,133 s05,301,311,321,331,341 s05,425,435,445,455,436.</Squares></Level>"; _root.levelfile_toload = _root.levelfile_toload + "<Level NUmber=\"1\"><Balls>,200,301,702,303,404,705,206,607,710,211,512,213,614,215,616,717,120,521,122,723,224,425,226,427,430,731,732,533,234,435,736,537,540,641,442,143,744,745,646,247,350,651,152,253,654,255,356,157,560,261,562,563,264,465,266,167,270,371,172,273,574,175,376,277.</Balls><Squares>s04,551,552,553,543 s09,224,225,226,234,235,236,244,245,246 s03,407,417,427.</Squares></Level>"; _root.levelfile_toload = _root.levelfile_toload + "<Level NUmber=\"1\"><Balls>,400,101,402,503,204,405,406,607,510,611,212,513,614,215,716,117,720,521,722,223,524,125,126,327,530,731,132,733,734,435,236,637,140,541,642,543,544,645,546,747,450,751,752,253,254,355,356,257,760,661,462,563,564,765,166,167,470,571,172,473,274,575,476,277.</Balls><Squares>s04,720,730,740,750 s08,523,522,521,531,541,551,552,553 s06,214,224,234,244,254,264 s04,125,135,145,155.</Squares></Level>"; _root.levelfile_toload = _root.levelfile_toload + "</LevelData>"; } fscommand ("showmenu", "false"); var disableGameStart = false; var cheatStatus = 0; var allBalls; var key = "test"; var showGameTypeIntro1 = true; var showGameTypeIntro2 = true; var showGameTypeIntro3 = true; var levelfile_toload; var cells; var groups; var bunches; var randomNumbers; var score_names; var score_levels; var score_scores; var isBallDataToLoad = false; var complete = "Complete"; var ballData; var squareData; var newSlotName; var slotselected = 0; var playerScoreToLoad; var savedLevelToLoad = 0; var isSave; var shapeCount; var shapePlacementIndex; var maxGroupSize = 30; var maxCell = 7; var minCell = 1; var topStart = 33; var leftStart = 320; var cellWidth = 36; var cellHeight = 36; var baseScore = 0; var speedBallMax = 300; var invalidMovePenalty_score = 100; var speedBallCount = 0; var depth; var source_x; var source_y; var dest_x; var dest_y; var totalShapeCount; var shapes; var xShape; var yShape; var shapesRemoved; var playerScore = 0; var gameOn; var harvestOn; var pauseOn; var areyousureOn; var totalGroups; var currentGroupNumber; var harvestScore = 0; var harvestType; var highestScore; var lostballsAnimated = false; var soundOn = true; var sound = new Sound(); var windowmodeOn = false; var selected_mcVisibleState = false; var helpURL = ""; var getfull_link = ""; var copyright_clicked_count = 0; var shapeObjects; var noMatch; var gameTypeToLoad; var selectedshape_name = ""; var selectedshape2_name = ""; var pixelsMoved = 0; var shapesGrouped; var levelIncrement = 100; var maxRottenFruit = 100; var advertOn = true; var isEmailSubmitted = false; var slotNumber; var firstTime; var levelData; var slotData; var cheatEnabled = false; var playmove_sound; var lastClassicLevel = 5; var lastLevel = 5; var currentLevel = 1; var gameLevel = 1; var newGameLevel = 1; var timerOn; var goRottenOnHarvest; var invalidMovePenalty; var rottenPenalty; var rottenFruit; var biggestGroup; var mouseStartXPos; var mouseStartYPos; var mouseCurrentXPos; var mouseCurrentYPos; var xThreshold = 10; var yThreshold = 10; var shapeHeld = false; var collectionTimeRemaining; var collectionTimeStart; var collectionTimeEnd; var collectionTime; var collections; var collectMax = 10; var sequences; var sequenceCount = 0; var baseGroupScore = 5; var timeUsed; var timeAllowed = 60; var validRegKey = false; var customerEmail = ""; var registryValue; var registryChecked = false; var checkScreenRegistrySetting = false; var checkSoundRegistrySetting = false; var checkKeyRegistrySetting = false; var checkTimeUsedRegistrySetting = false; var showFullScreenOnLoad; var recordTimeUsed = true; var recordingTime = false; var spaceBarPressedAtleastOnce = false; var firstClassicPlayed = true; var firstPuzzlePlayed = true; var firstTimeTrialPlayed = true; var showInGameHelp = false; _root.getUserSettings(); _root.loadLevelString();
Frame 4
function startGame() { if (target_mc._visible) { shape1back_mc._visible = false; shape2back_mc._visible = false; shape3back_mc._visible = false; shape4back_mc._visible = false; shape5back_mc._visible = false; shape6back_mc._visible = false; shape7back_mc._visible = false; shape1_mc._visible = false; shape2_mc._visible = false; shape3_mc._visible = false; shape4_mc._visible = false; shape5_mc._visible = false; shape6_mc._visible = false; shape7_mc._visible = false; target_mc._visible = false; invalid_mc._visible = false; } duplicateMovieClip (target_mc, "selected_mc", 100000); duplicateMovieClip (invalid_mc, "invalidmove_mc", 99999); gameOn = false; harvestOn = false; pauseOn = false; areyousureOn = false; currentLevel = 1; collectionTime = 0; collections = 0; buzzerCount = 0; levelcounter_mc.levelup_mc.level = currentLevel; shapesGrouped = 0; endoflevel_mc._visible = false; switch (gameType) { case 1 : _root.timerOn = false; collectiontimer_mc._visible = false; gamemode_mc.mode = "PUZZLE"; _root.invalidMovePenalty = false; _root.invalidMovePenalty_score = 0; _root.baseScore = 30; levellabel_mc.gotoAndStop("level"); break; case 2 : _root.timerOn = true; gamemode_mc.mode = "CLASSIC"; _root.collectpoints_mc._visible = true; collectiontimer_mc._visible = false; levellabel_mc.gotoAndStop("level"); break; case 3 : _root.timerOn = true; gamemode_mc.mode = "TIME TRIAL"; levellabel_mc._visible = true; levelcounter_mc._visible = false; _root.collectpoints_mc._visible = false; timer_mc.timeLimit = 300; _root.baseScore = 30; _root.goRottenOnHarvest = false; _root.invalidMovePenalty = true; _root.invalidMovePenalty_score = 10; _root.rottenPenalty = 2; levellabel_mc.gotoAndStop("timeleft"); } if (gameType == 2) { switch (gameLevel) { case 1 : timer_mc.timeLimit = 180; _root.baseScore = 5; _root.goRottenOnHarvest = false; _root.invalidMovePenalty = false; _root.invalidMovePenalty_score = 0; _root.rottenPenalty = 0; break; case 2 : timer_mc.timeLimit = 150; _root.baseScore = 10; _root.goRottenOnHarvest = false; _root.invalidMovePenalty = true; _root.invalidMovePenalty_score = 10; _root.rottenPenalty = 0; break; case 3 : timer_mc.timeLimit = 120; _root.baseScore = 30; _root.goRottenOnHarvest = false; _root.invalidMovePenalty = true; _root.invalidMovePenalty_score = 50; _root.rottenPenalty = 2; } } timer_mc._visible = timerOn; if (!timerOn) { leftStart = 180; } else { leftStart = 190; } highestScore = 0; playerScore = 0; rottenFruit = 0; biggestGroup = 0; scorecounter_mc.score = 0; emptycover_mc._visible = false; if (gameType == 1) { if (savedLevelToLoad > 0) { currentLevel = savedLevelToLoad; playerScore = playerScoreToLoad; levelcounter_mc.levelup_mc.level = savedLevelToLoad; scorecounter_mc.score = playerScoreToLoad; } loadLevel(); } else { initialiseCells(); } } function initialiseVariables() { selected_mc._visible = false; invalidmove_mc._visible = false; if (cells.length > 0) { clearCells(); } if (bunches.length > 0) { removeSquareBunches(); } cells = new Array(); shapeCount = new Array(); index = 0; while (index < 8) { shapeCount.push(0); index++; } x = 0; while (x < 8) { cells.push(new Array(8)); x++; } totalShapeCount = 0; selectedshape_name = ""; selectedshape2_name = ""; pixelsMoved = 0; } function restartGame() { timer_mc.stop(); gotoAndStop (5); } function encryptText(input) { var myText = input; var result = ""; var code = 0; var charCount; var result; var encChar; charCount = 0; while (charCount < key.length) { code = code + key.charCodeAt(charCount); charCount++; } charCount = 0; while (charCount < myText.length) { encChar = myText.charCodeAt(charCount) + code; result = result + (encChar + "-"); charCount++; } return(result.substr(0, result.length - 2)); } function decryptText(input) { var myText = input; var myArray; var result = ""; var code = 0; var count; var charCount; var result; myText = input; charCount = 0; while (charCount < key.length) { code = code + key.charCodeAt(charCount); charCount++; } myArray = myText.split("-"); count = 0; while (count < myArray.length) { result = result + String.fromCharCode(myArray[count] - code); count++; } return(result); } function isTopTenScore(players_score) { var index; var isTopTen = false; index = 0; while (index < 10) { if (players_score > Number(_root.score_scores[index])) { isTopTen = true; break; } index++; } return(isTopTen); } function saveSlotDataFirstTime(slotSO) { var index; var name; var level; var score; slot_names = new Array(10); slot_levels = new Array(10); slot_scores = new Array(10); slot_status = new Array(10); slot_balldata = new Array(10); slot_squaredata = new Array(10); = slot_names; = slot_levels; = slot_scores; = slot_status; = slot_balldata; = slot_squaredata; index = 0; while (index < 10) {[index] = "Empty Slot";[index] = "-";[index] = "-";[index] = ""; index++; } = "false"; slotSO.flush(5000); } function saveScore(nametosave, scoretosave, leveltosave) { var index; var insertion_index = -1; index = 0; while (index < 10) { if (Number(scoretosave) > Number(_root.score_scores[index])) { insertion_index = index; break; } index++; } if (insertion_index >= 0) { index = 9; while (index > insertion_index) { _root.score_names[index] = _root.score_names[index - 1]; _root.score_scores[index] = _root.score_scores[index - 1]; if (gameType != 3) { _root.score_levels[index] = _root.score_levels[index - 1]; } index--; } _root.score_names[insertion_index] = nametosave; _root.score_scores[insertion_index] = scoretosave; var diffLetter; switch (gameLevel) { case 1 : diffLetter = "E"; break; case 2 : diffLetter = "M"; break; case 3 : diffLetter = "H"; } if (gameType == 2) { if (leveltosave >= lastClassicLevel) { _root.score_levels[insertion_index] = ("Complete (" + diffLetter) + ")"; } else { _root.score_levels[insertion_index] = ((leveltosave + " (") + diffLetter) + ")"; } } else if (gameType == 1) { _root.score_levels[insertion_index] = leveltosave; } saveScoreData(); } } function saveScoreData() { var scoresSO = SharedObject.getLocal("bunch_scores", "/"); if ( == undefined) { saveScoreDataFirstTime(); } index = 0; while (index < 10) {[gameType - 1][index] = _root.score_scores[index]; if (gameType != 3) {[gameType - 1][index] = _root.score_levels[index]; }[gameType - 1][index] = _root.score_names[index]; index++; } scoresSO.flush(1000); } function saveScoreDataFirstTime() { var scoresSO = SharedObject.getLocal("bunch_scores", "/"); var gamenames = new Array(); gamenames.push(new Array(10)); gamenames.push(new Array(10)); gamenames.push(new Array(10)); var gamescores = new Array(); gamescores.push(new Array(10)); gamescores.push(new Array(10)); gamescores.push(new Array(10)); var gamelevels = new Array(); gamelevels.push(new Array(10)); gamelevels.push(new Array(10)); gamelevels.push(new Array(10)); = gamescores; = gamelevels; = gamenames; gameIndex = 0; while (gameIndex < 3) { index = 0; while (index < 10) {[gameIndex][index] = "0";[gameIndex][index] = "0";[gameIndex][index] = "Empty"; index++; } gameIndex++; } = "false"; scoresSO.flush(1000); } function resetScores() { var scoresSO = SharedObject.getLocal("bunch_scores", "/"); = undefined; scoresSO.flush(1000); } function loadScores(number) { _root.gameTypeToLoad = number; var scoresSO = SharedObject.getLocal("bunch_scores", "/"); if ( == undefined) { saveScoreDataFirstTime(); } var index; var name; var level; var score; _root.score_names = new Array(10); _root.score_levels = new Array(10); _root.score_scores = new Array(10); index = 0; while (index < 10) { name = "mainmenu_mc.scoretab_mc.localscores_mc.name_" + (index + 1); level = "mainmenu_mc.scoretab_mc.localscores_mc.level_" + (index + 1); score = "mainmenu_mc.scoretab_mc.localscores_mc.score_" + (index + 1); _root.score_names[index] =[_root.gameTypeToLoad - 1][index]; mainmenu_mc.scoretab_mc.localscores_mc["name_" + (index + 1)] = _root.score_names[index]; if (gameTypeToLoad != 3) { _root.score_levels[index] =[_root.gameTypeToLoad - 1][index]; if ((gameTypeToLoad == 1) && (_root.score_levels[index] >= _root.lastLevel)) { mainmenu_mc.scoretab_mc.localscores_mc["level_" + (index + 1)] = "Complete"; } else { mainmenu_mc.scoretab_mc.localscores_mc["level_" + (index + 1)] = _root.score_levels[index]; } } else { mainmenu_mc.scoretab_mc.localscores_mc["level_" + (index + 1)] = "NA"; } _root.score_scores[index] =[_root.gameTypeToLoad - 1][index]; mainmenu_mc.scoretab_mc.localscores_mc["score_" + (index + 1)] = _root.score_scores[index]; index++; } } function startPuzzleGame() { _root.mainmenu_mc.attachMovie("loadinglevel", "loadinglevel1", 1000); setProperty("_root.mainmenu_mc.loadinglevel1", _x , 13); setProperty("_root.mainmenu_mc.loadinglevel1", _y , -48); } function loadLevel() { var indexLevel; var levelXML = new XML(); levelXML.ignoreWhite = true; levelXML.parseXML(_root.levelfile_toload); var objNode = levelXML.firstChild; var objLevel; _root.levelData = new Array(); indexLevel = 0; while (indexLevel < lastLevel) { _root.levelData.push(new Array()); objLevel = objNode.childNodes[indexLevel]; ballData = new String(objLevel.childNodes[0].firstChild.nodeValue); squareData = new String(objLevel.childNodes[1].firstChild.nodeValue); _root.levelData[indexLevel][0] = ballData; _root.levelData[indexLevel][1] = squareData; indexLevel++; } if (isBallDataToLoad) { loadSlotData(); } else { openLevel(); } } function loadSlotData() { var slotSO = SharedObject.getLocal("bunch_slots", "/"); _root.slotData = new Array(); _root.slotData.push(new Array()); _root.slotData[0][0] =[_root.slotselected - 1]; _root.slotData[0][1] =[_root.slotselected - 1]; openLevel(); } function openLevel() { initialiseVariables(); var shapeNumber; var x; var y; var char; var index = 0; if (isBallDataToLoad) { ballData = slotData[0][0]; squareData = slotData[0][1]; } else { ballData = levelData[currentLevel - 1][0]; squareData = levelData[currentLevel - 1][1]; } var dataString = ballData; do { char = ballData.charAt(index); if (char == ",") { shapeNumber = Number(ballData.charAt(index + 1)); x = Number(ballData.charAt(index + 2)); y = Number(ballData.charAt(index + 3)); cells[x][y] = shapeNumber; index = index + 4; } else { index++; } } while (char != "."); depth = 1; var totalSquareCount = 1; var square; var squareGroup = -1; var squareCount; index = 0; bunches = new Array(); do { char = squareData.charAt(index); if (char == "s") { squareGroup++; squareCount = 0; bunches.push(new Array(Number(squareData.charAt(index + 1) add squareData.charAt(index + 2)))); index = index + 3; } else if (char == ",") { square = new Object(); square.number = Number(squareData.charAt(index + 1)); square.instanceName = (("square_" + square.number) + "_") + totalSquareCount; square.xCell = Number(squareData.charAt(index + 2)); square.yCell = Number(squareData.charAt(index + 3)); bunches[squareGroup][squareCount] = square; squareCount++; totalSquareCount++; duplicateMovieClip (eval (("shape" + square.number) + "back_mc"), square.instanceName, depth); setProperty(square.instanceName, _x , getXCellPos(square.xCell)); setProperty(square.instanceName, _y , getYCellPos(square.yCell)); depth++; index = index + 4; } else { index++; } } while (char != "."); _root.mainmenu_mc.loadinglevel1.removeMovieClip(); placeShapesInCells(); } function saveSlotName(saveType) { var slotSO = SharedObject.getLocal("bunch_slots", "/"); if (saveType == "new") { saveNewSlotData(slotSO); } else { saveOldSlotData(slotSO); } } function saveNewSlotData(slotSO) { var index;[_root.slotselected - 1] = _root.newSlotName;[_root.slotselected - 1] = playerScore;[_root.slotselected - 1] = currentLevel;[_root.slotselected - 1] = "newlevel"; slotSO.flush(5000); if (currentLevel == 1) { mainmenu_mc.savedslots_mc.gotoAndStop("newslotconfirmed"); } else if (isTopTenScore(playerScore)) { _root.saveScore(_root.newSlotName, playerScore, currentLevel); } } function saveOldSlotData(slotSO) { var index;[_root.slotselected - 1] = _root.newSlotName;[_root.slotselected - 1] = playerScore;[_root.slotselected - 1] = currentLevel;[_root.slotselected - 1] = "savedlevel"; getCurrentLevelData(); if (_root.ballData != "") {[_root.slotselected - 1] = balldata;[_root.slotselected - 1] = squaredata; } slotSO.flush(5000); } function getCurrentLevelData() { var x; var y; var groupIndex; var elementIndex; var square; ballData = ""; squareData = ""; x = 0; while (x < 8) { y = 0; while (y < 8) { ballData = ballData + ((("," + String(getShapeNumber(cells[x][y]))) + String(x)) + String(y)); y++; } ballData = ballData + " "; x++; } ballData = ballData + "."; groupIndex = 0; while (groupIndex < bunches.length) { if (bunches[groupIndex].length > 9) { squareData = squareData + ("s" + String(bunches[groupIndex].length)); } else { squareData = squareData + ("s0" + String(bunches[groupIndex].length)); } elementIndex = 0; while (elementIndex < bunches[groupIndex].length) { square = bunches[groupIndex][elementIndex]; squareData = squareData + ((("," + String(square.number)) + String(square.xCell)) + String(square.yCell)); elementIndex++; } squareData = squareData + " "; groupIndex++; } squareData = squareData + "."; } function writeStringToFile(stringToWrite, filename) { _level0.rc = "?"; fscommand ("ARG", "_level0.rc"); fscommand ("ARG", (_level0.ssStartDir + "\\") + filename); fscommand ("ARG", stringToWrite); fscommand ("FILESYS2.WRITETOFILE"); } function initialiseCells() { var shapeNumber; var x; var y; initialiseVariables(); x = 0; while (x < 8) { y = 0; while (y < 8) { shapeNumber = getRandomShapeNumber(); cells[x][y] = shapeNumber; y++; } x++; } setShapesInCellsWithNoGroups(); placeShapesInCells(); } function clearCells() { var instanceName; x = 0; while (x < 8) { y = 0; while (y < 8) { if (cells[x][y] != 0) { removeShape(eval (cells[x][y])); cells[x][y] = 0; } y++; } x++; } } function placeShapesInCells() { var obj; var index; var exists; var randomNumber; randomNumbers = null; randomNumbers = new Array(64); index = 0; while (index < 64) { exists = false; do { if (!exists) { randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 64) + 1; } exists = isRandomNumberExist(randomNumber); if (exists) { randomNumber++; } if (randomNumber > 64) { randomNumber = 1; } } while (exists); obj = new Object(); obj.number = randomNumber; obj.x = Math.floor(randomNumber / 8); obj.y = randomNumber % 8; if (obj.y == 0) { if (obj.x != 0) { obj.x--; obj.y = 7; } } else { obj.y--; } randomNumbers[index] = obj; index++; } depth = 65; shapePlacementIndex = 0; gotoAndPlay (20); } function createShapeInGrid() { obj = randomNumbers[shapePlacementIndex]; instanceName = createNewShape(cells[obj.x][obj.y]); cells[obj.x][obj.y] = instanceName; setProperty(instanceName, _x , getXCellPos(obj.x)); setProperty(instanceName, _y , getYCellPos(obj.y)); eval (instanceName).xCell = obj.x; eval (instanceName).yCell = obj.y; shapePlacementIndex++; } function isRandomNumberExist(randomNumber) { var exists = false; index = 0; while (index < 64) { if (randomNumbers[index].number == randomNumber) { exists = true; break; } index++; } return(exists); } function getXCellPos(x) { var xPos = (leftStart + (x * cellWidth)); return(xPos); } function getYCellPos(y) { var yPos = (topStart + (y * cellHeight)); return(yPos); } function initialiseGroups() { var x; var y; var shapeObject; var index; shapeObjects = new Array(); index = 0; while (index < 8) { shapeObjects.push(new Array(8)); index++; } x = 0; while (x < 8) { y = 0; while (y < 8) { shapeObject = new Object(); shapeObject.shapeInstanceName = cells[x][y]; shapeObject.xCell = x; shapeObject.yCell = y; shapeObjects[x][y] = shapeObject; y++; } x++; } x = 0; while (x < 8) { y = 0; while (y < 8) { setShapeObjectsAdjacent(shapeObjects[x][y]); y++; } x++; } groups = null; groups = new Array(); x = 0; while (x < 8) { y = 0; while (y < 8) { checkShapeInGroup(shapeObjects[x][y]); y++; } x++; } } function checkShapeInGroup(shapeObject) { var shapeFound; var instanceName; var groupNumber = 0; if ((((shapeObject.topShapeObject != null) || (shapeObject.rightShapeObject != null)) || (shapeObject.bottomShapeObject != null)) || (shapeObject.leftShapeObject != null)) { shapeFound = false; groupNumber = 0; while (groupNumber < groups.length) { index = 0; while (index < groups[groupNumber].length) { instanceName = shapeObject.shapeInstanceName; if (instanceName == groups[groupNumber][index]) { shapeFound = true; } index++; } groupNumber++; } if (!shapeFound) { groups.push(new Array()); groups[groups.length - 1][0] = shapeObject.shapeInstanceName; addShapeObjectToGroup(shapeObject.topShapeObject); addShapeObjectToGroup(shapeObject.rightShapeObject); addShapeObjectToGroup(shapeObject.bottomShapeObject); addShapeObjectToGroup(shapeObject.leftShapeObject); } } } function addShapeObjectToGroup(shapeObject) { if (shapeObject != null) { var currentGroupNumber = (groups.length - 1); var shapeFound = false; var instanceName; var index; index = 0; while (index < groups[currentGroupNumber].length) { instanceName = shapeObject.shapeInstanceName; if (instanceName == groups[currentGroupNumber][index]) { shapeFound = true; } index++; } if (!shapeFound) { groups[currentGroupNumber].push(instanceName); addShapeObjectToGroup(shapeObject.topShapeObject); addShapeObjectToGroup(shapeObject.rightShapeObject); addShapeObjectToGroup(shapeObject.bottomShapeObject); addShapeObjectToGroup(shapeObject.leftShapeObject); } } } function removeGroups() { var index1; var index2; var obj; var shapeInstance; index1 = 0; while (index1 < groups.length) { var groupLength = groups[index1].length; if (groupLength > 2) { index2 = 0; while (index2 < groups[index1].length) { shapeInstance = groups[index1][index2]; shapeCount[getShapeNumber(shapeInstance)]--; removeShape(shapeInstance); x = 0; while (x < 8) { y = 0; while (y < 8) { if (cells[x][y] == shapeInstance) { cells[x][y] = 0; break; } y++; } x++; } index2++; } } index1++; } if (gameType != 1) { var oldLevel = currentLevel; currentLevel = Math.floor(shapesGrouped / levelIncrement) + 1; levelcounter_mc.levelup_mc.level = currentLevel; if ((currentLevel > lastClassicLevel) || (cheatEnabled)) { clearCells(); _root.gotoAndStop("gamecomplete"); } else { if (gameType == 2) { if (oldLevel != currentLevel) { playSound("levelup_fx"); levelcounter_mc.gotoAndPlay("levelup"); } } replaceShapesInCells(); } } else if ((gameType == 1) && (currentLevel >= lastLevel)) { clearCells(); _root.gotoAndStop("gamecomplete"); } else if ((gameType == 3) && (collections == collectMax)) { _root.gotoAndStop("timeout"); } else { clearCells(); gameOn = false; _root.gotoAndStop("levelcomplete"); } } function removeSquareBunches() { index1 = 0; while (index1 < bunches.length) { index2 = 0; while (index2 < bunches[index1].length) { removeShape(bunches[index1][index2].instanceName); index2++; } index1++; } } function replaceShapesInCells() { stop(); var x; var y; var shapeNumber; var instanceName; var cellscopy = new Array(); x = 0; while (x < 8) { cellscopy.push(new Array(8)); y = 0; while (y < 8) { cellscopy[x][y] = cells[x][y]; cells[x][y] = getShapeNumber(cells[x][y]); y++; } x++; } x = 0; while (x < 8) { y = 0; while (y < 8) { if (cellscopy[x][y] == 0) { cells[x][y] = getRandomShapeNumber(); setShapeNotInGroup(x, y); shapeNumber = cells[x][y]; instanceName = createNewShape(shapeNumber); cellscopy[x][y] = instanceName; setProperty(instanceName, _x , getXCellPos(x)); setProperty(instanceName, _y , getYCellPos(y)); eval (instanceName).xCell = x; eval (instanceName).yCell = y; } else if (goRottenOnHarvest) { eval (cellscopy[x][y]).rottenState++; switch (eval (cellscopy[x][y]).rottenState) { case 2 : eval (cellscopy[x][y]).gotoAndStop("rotten1"); break; case 4 : eval (cellscopy[x][y]).gotoAndStop("rotten2"); break; case 6 : if (rottenPenalty > 0) { if (rottenPenalty == 2) { if (playerScore > 100) { playerScore = playerScore - 100; } else { playerScore = 0; } } scorecounter_mc.score = playerScore; } rottenFruit++; shapeCount[getShapeNumber(cellscopy[x][y])]--; removeShape(cellscopy[x][y]); cells[x][y] = getRandomShapeNumber(); setShapeNotInGroup(x, y); shapeNumber = cells[x][y]; instanceName = createNewShape(shapeNumber); cellscopy[x][y] = instanceName; setProperty(instanceName, _x , getXCellPos(x)); setProperty(instanceName, _y , getYCellPos(y)); eval (instanceName).xCell = x; eval (instanceName).yCell = y; } } y++; } x++; } x = 0; while (x < 8) { y = 0; while (y < 8) { cells[x][y] = cellscopy[x][y]; y++; } x++; } initialiseGroups(); timer_mc.scoreMade = harvestScore; collectpoints_mc.gotoAndStop("collect"); harvestOn = true; collectionTimeEnd = int(getTimer() / 1000); collectionTime = collectionTimeEnd - collectionTimeStart; timer_mc.gotoAndPlay("starttimer"); } function setShapesInCellsWithNoGroups() { var x; var y; x = 0; while (x < 8) { y = 0; while (y < 8) { setShapeNotInGroup(x, y); y++; } x++; } } function moveShapesAround() { x = 0; while (x < 8) { y = 0; while (y < 8) { xCell = Math.floor(Math.random() * 8); yCell = Math.floor(Math.random() * 8); setProperty("_root." + _root.cells[x][y], _x , _root.getXCellPos(xCell)); setProperty("_root." + _root.cells[x][y], _y , _root.getYCellPos(yCell)); setProperty("_root." + _root.cells[xCell][yCell], _x , _root.getXCellPos(x)); setProperty("_root." + _root.cells[xCell][yCell], _y , _root.getYCellPos(y)); temp = _root.cells[x][y]; _root.cells[x][y] = _root.cells[xCell][yCell]; _root.cells[xCell][yCell] = temp; y++; } x++; } } function setShapeNotInGroup(x, y) { var shapeNumber; var shapes = 0; var direction = 0; shapes = getNumberOfShapesAdjacent(x, y, direction, shapes); if (shapes > 2) { do { shapeNumber = getRandomShapeNumber(); } while (shapeNumber == cells[x][y]); cells[x][y] = shapeNumber; setShapeNotInGroup(x, y); } } function setShapeObjectsAdjacent(shapeObject) { shapeObject.topShapeObject = null; shapeObject.rightShapeObject = null; shapeObject.bottomShapeObject = null; shapeObject.leftShapeObject = null; x = shapeObject.xCell; y = shapeObject.yCell; if (y > 0) { if (getShapeNumber(shapeObject.shapeInstanceName) == getShapeNumber(shapeObjects[x][y - 1].shapeInstanceName)) { shapeObject.topShapeObject = shapeObjects[x][y - 1]; } } if (y < 7) { if (getShapeNumber(shapeObject.shapeInstanceName) == getShapeNumber(shapeObjects[x][y + 1].shapeInstanceName)) { shapeObject.bottomShapeObject = shapeObjects[x][y + 1]; } } if (x < 7) { if (getShapeNumber(shapeObject.shapeInstanceName) == getShapeNumber(shapeObjects[x + 1][y].shapeInstanceName)) { shapeObject.rightShapeObject = shapeObjects[x + 1][y]; } } if (x > 0) { if (getShapeNumber(shapeObject.shapeInstanceName) == getShapeNumber(shapeObjects[x - 1][y].shapeInstanceName)) { shapeObject.leftShapeObject = shapeObjects[x - 1][y]; } } shapeObjects[x][y] = shapeObject; } function getNumberOfShapesAdjacent(x, y, direction, shapes) { var shapeNumber = cells[x][y]; if (y > 0) { if (cells[x][y - 1] == shapeNumber) { shapes++; direction = 1; if (shapes < 2) { shapes = getNumberOfShapesAdjacent(x, y - 1, direction, shapes); } } } if (y < 7) { if (getShapeNumber(cells[x][y + 1]) == shapeNumber) { shapes++; direction = 2; if (shapes < 2) { shapes = getNumberOfShapesAdjacent(x, y + 1, direction, shapes); } } } if (x < 7) { if (getShapeNumber(cells[x + 1][y]) == shapeNumber) { shapes++; direction = 3; if (shapes < 2) { shapes = getNumberOfShapesAdjacent(x + 1, y, direction, shapes); } } } if (x > 0) { if (getShapeNumber(cells[x - 1][y]) == shapeNumber) { shapes++; direction = 4; if (shapes < 2) { shapes = getNumberOfShapesAdjacent(x - 1, y, direction, shapes); } } } return(shapes); } function checkOnDragOut(instanceDragged) { var instanceToSwap = ""; _root.spaceBarPressedAtleastOnce = true; var xDiff = Math.abs(_root.mouseCurrentXPos - _root.mouseStartXPos); var yDiff = Math.abs(_root.mouseCurrentYPos - _root.mouseStartYPos); var sourceX = eval (instanceDragged).xCell; var sourceY = eval (instanceDragged).yCell; if (xDiff >= yDiff) { if (_root.mouseCurrentXPos < _root.mouseStartXPos) { if (sourceX > 0) { instanceToSwap = cells[sourceX - 1][sourceY]; } } else if (sourceX < 7) { instanceToSwap = cells[sourceX + 1][sourceY]; } } else if (_root.mouseCurrentYPos < _root.mouseStartYPos) { if (sourceY > 0) { instanceToSwap = cells[sourceX][sourceY - 1]; } } else if (sourceY < 7) { instanceToSwap = cells[sourceX][sourceY + 1]; } if (instanceToSwap != "") { if (_root.pixelsMoved == 0) { checkMove(instanceToSwap); } } } function checkMove(instance_name) { var isValid = true; var str1; var str2; var tempName; var index1; var index2; harvestOn = false; selectedshape2_name = instance_name; if (selectedshape_name == selectedshape2_name) { return(false); } source_x = -1; source_y = -1; dest_x = -1; dest_y = -1; source_x = eval (selectedshape_name).xCell; source_y = eval (selectedshape_name).yCell; dest_x = eval (selectedshape2_name).xCell; dest_y = eval (selectedshape2_name).yCell; selected_mc._visible = false; if (source_x == dest_x) { if (!(((source_y + 1) == dest_y) || ((source_y - 1) == dest_y))) { isValid = false; } } else if (source_y == dest_y) { if (!(((source_x + 1) == dest_x) || ((source_x - 1) == dest_x))) { isValid = false; } } else { isValid = false; } if (isValid) { eval (cells[dest_x][dest_y]).xCell = source_x; eval (cells[dest_x][dest_y]).yCell = source_y; eval (cells[source_x][source_y]).xCell = dest_x; eval (cells[source_x][source_y]).yCell = dest_y; tempName = cells[dest_x][dest_y]; cells[dest_x][dest_y] = cells[source_x][source_y]; cells[source_x][source_y] = tempName; if ((!isNextToSameShape(source_x, source_y, cells[source_x][source_y])) && (!isNextToSameShape(dest_x, dest_y, cells[dest_x][dest_y]))) { isValid = false; eval (cells[dest_x][dest_y]).xCell = source_x; eval (cells[dest_x][dest_y]).yCell = source_y; eval (cells[source_x][source_y]).xCell = dest_x; eval (cells[source_x][source_y]).yCell = dest_y; tempName = cells[source_x][source_y]; cells[source_x][source_y] = cells[dest_x][dest_y]; cells[dest_x][dest_y] = tempName; } else { shapeObjects[source_x][source_y].shapeInstanceName = cells[source_x][source_y]; shapeObjects[dest_x][dest_y].shapeInstanceName = cells[dest_x][dest_y]; x = 0; while (x < 8) { y = 0; while (y < 8) { setShapeObjectsAdjacent(shapeObjects[x][y]); y++; } x++; } index1 = 0; while (index1 < groups.length) { index2 = 0; while (index2 < groups[index1].length) { if ((groups[index1][index2] == shapeObjects[dest_x][dest_y].shapeInstanceName) || (groups[index1][index2] == shapeObjects[source_x][source_y].shapeInstanceName)) { if (groupLength <= 2) { groups.splice(index1, 1); index1--; break; } groups[index1].splice(index2, 1); index2--; } index2++; } index1++; } checkShapeInGroup(shapeObjects[dest_x][dest_y]); checkShapeInGroup(shapeObjects[source_x][source_y]); if (pixelsMoved != 0) { waitforswap_mc.gotoAndPlay("checkswap"); } else { playmove_sound = false; gotoAndPlay (13); } } } if (!isValid) { selectedshape_name = ""; selectedshape2_name = ""; if (invalidMovePenalty) { if (playerScore > invalidMovePenalty_score) { playerScore = playerScore - invalidMovePenalty_score; } else { playerScore = 0; } scorecounter_mc.score = playerScore; } playSound("invalid"); invalidmove_mc._x = getXCellPos(dest_x); invalidmove_mc._y = getYCellPos(dest_y); invalidmove_mc._visible = true; invalidmove_mc.gotoAndPlay("startinvalidmove"); harvestOn = true; } return(isValid); } function isNextToSameShape(x, y, shapeToCheck) { var shapeNumber = getShapeNumber(shapeToCheck); var valid = false; if (y > 0) { if (getShapeNumber(cells[x][y - 1]) == shapeNumber) { valid = true; } } if (y < 7) { if (getShapeNumber(cells[x][y + 1]) == shapeNumber) { valid = true; } } if (x < 7) { if (getShapeNumber(cells[x + 1][y]) == shapeNumber) { valid = true; } } if (x > 0) { if (getShapeNumber(cells[x - 1][y]) == shapeNumber) { valid = true; } } return(valid); } function checkHarvest() { pixelsMoved = 0; stop(); var groupCount; var index; var count; var groupLength; var count1 = -1; var count2 = -1; if (gameType == 1) { checkPuzzleLevelComplete(); } selectedshape_name = ""; selectedshape2_name = ""; harvestOn = true; } function checkPuzzleLevelComplete() { var bunchMatch; var a1; var b1; var xCell; var yCell; noMatch = false; a1 = 0; while (a1 < bunches.length) { bunchMatch = true; b1 = 0; while (b1 < bunches[a1].length) { xCell = bunches[a1][b1].xCell; yCell = bunches[a1][b1].yCell; if (bunches[a1][b1].number != getShapeNumber(cells[xCell][yCell])) { bunchMatch = false; noMatch = true; } b1++; } b1 = 0; while (b1 < bunches[a1].length) { if (bunchMatch) { eval (bunches[a1][b1].instanceName)._alpha = 100; } else { eval (bunches[a1][b1].instanceName)._alpha = 60; } b1++; } a1++; } if ((!collectpoints_mc._visible) && (!noMatch)) { playSound("puzzlecomplete_fx"); collectpoints_mc.gotoAndStop("collect"); } collectpoints_mc._visible = !noMatch; } function waitForHarvestOn() { timer_mc.stop(); collectionTimeStart = int(getTimer() / 1000); _root.waitforharveston_mc.gotoAndPlay("checkharveston"); } function harvest() { if (gameType == 1) { removeSquareBunches(); } timer_mc.stop(); collections++; selected_mc._visible = false; selectedshape_name = ""; selectedshape2_name = ""; allBalls = new Array(); index = 0; while (index < 8) { allBalls.push(new Array(8)); index++; } lostballsAnimated = false; bonusScorePlayed = false; harvestOn = false; harvestScore = 0; collectpoints_mc.gotoAndStop("points"); initialiseGroups(); playSound("harvest_start_fx"); shapesRemoved = 0; totalGroups = groups.length; currentGroupNumber = 0; continueHarvest(); gotoAndPlay (8); } function continueHarvest() { var index2; var groupScore; var harvestSoundType; var groupLength = groups[currentGroupNumber].length; if (groupLength > 2) { if (shapeCount[getShapeNumber(groups[currentGroupNumber][0])] == groupLength) { harvestType = "harvest_onetype"; } else if (isGroupInLine(currentGroupNumber)) { harvestType = "harvest_line"; } else { harvestType = "harvest"; } playSound(harvestType + "_fx"); shapesGrouped = shapesGrouped + groupLength; groupScore = (((groupLength - 3) * 2) + baseScore) * groupLength; switch (harvestType) { case "harvest_onetype" : groupScore = Math.round(groupScore * 3); break; case "harvest_line" : groupScore = Math.round(groupScore * 2); break; case "harvest_complete" : groupScore = groupScore + (groupScore * 2); } harvestScore = harvestScore + groupScore; playerScore = playerScore + groupScore; scorecounter_mc.score = playerScore; if (harvestScore > highestScore) { highestScore = harvestScore; } if (groupLength > biggestGroup) { biggestGroup = groupLength; } shapesRemoved = groupLength; index2 = 0; while (index2 < groupLength) { allBalls[eval (groups[currentGroupNumber][index2]).xCell][eval (groups[currentGroupNumber][index2]).yCell] = 1; eval (groups[currentGroupNumber][index2]).harvestType = harvestType; eval (groups[currentGroupNumber][index2]).gotoAndPlay("harvest"); index2++; } } } function isGroupInLine(groupIndex) { var xArray = new Array(); var yArray = new Array(); var index; var count; index = 0; while (index < groups[groupIndex].length) { xArray[eval (groups[groupIndex][index]).xCell] = 1; yArray[eval (groups[groupIndex][index]).yCell] = 1; index++; } isLine = true; count = 0; while (count < 8) { if (xArray[count] != 1) { isLine = false; break; } count++; } if (!isLine) { isLine = true; count = 0; while (count < 8) { if (yArray[count] != 1) { isLine = false; break; } count++; } } return(isLine); } function isCompleteHarvest() { var harvestShapeCount = 0; var index; var groupLength; index = 0; while (index < groups.length) { groupLength = groups[index].length; if (groupLength > 2) { harvestShapeCount = harvestShapeCount + groupLength; } index++; } return(harvestShapeCount == 64); } function getRandomShapeNumber() { var shapeNumber = (Math.floor(Math.random() * ((maxCell - minCell) + 1)) + minCell); return(shapeNumber); } function getShapeNumber(instanceName) { var shapeNumber; var str = new String(instanceName); if (str.length > 1) { shapeNumber = str.charAt(6); } else { shapeNumber = instanceName; } return(shapeNumber); } function createNewShape(shapeNumber) { shapeCount[shapeNumber]++; totalShapeCount++; instanceName = (("shape_" + shapeNumber) + "_") + totalShapeCount; depth++; switch (shapeNumber) { case 1 : duplicateMovieClip (_root.shape1_mc, instanceName, depth); break; case 2 : duplicateMovieClip (_root.shape2_mc, instanceName, depth); break; case 3 : duplicateMovieClip (_root.shape3_mc, instanceName, depth); break; case 4 : duplicateMovieClip (_root.shape4_mc, instanceName, depth); break; case 5 : duplicateMovieClip (_root.shape5_mc, instanceName, depth); break; case 6 : duplicateMovieClip (_root.shape6_mc, instanceName, depth); break; case 7 : duplicateMovieClip (_root.shape7_mc, instanceName, depth); } return(instanceName); } function removeShape(instanceName) { removeMovieClip(eval (instanceName)); } function areYouSure() { if (pauseOn) { resumeGame(); } if (gameOn && (harvestOn)) { gotoAndStop (19); } else if (!gameOn) { clearCells(); if (gameType == 1) { removeSquareBunches(); } _root.gotoAndStop("welcome"); } } function resumeGame() { pauseOn = false; pauseplay_mc.gotoAndStop("pause"); timer_mc.resumeTimer = true; timer_mc.gotoAndPlay("starttimer"); gotoAndStop (6); fadeShapes(false); } function pauseGame() { if (_root.harvestOn) { pauseOn = true; pauseplay_mc.gotoAndStop("play"); timer_mc.gotoAndPlay("pausetimer"); fadeShapes(true); gotoAndStop (7); } } function isFirstTimeGameModePlayed() { if ((gameType == 1) && (firstPuzzlePlayed)) { return(true); } if ((gameType == 2) && (firstClassicPlayed)) { return(true); } if ((gameType == 3) && (firstTimeTrialPlayed)) { return(true); } return(false); } function displayInGameHelp() { _root.showInGameHelp = true; pauseGame(); } function fadeShapes(fadestatus) { var groupIndex; var elementIndex; gameOn = !fadestatus; harvestOn = !fadestatus; if (fadestatus) { selected_mcVisibleState = selected_mc._visible; selected_mc._visible = false; } else { selected_mc._visible = selected_mcVisibleState; } x = 0; while (x < 8) { y = 0; while (y < 8) { eval (cells[x][y])._visible = !fadestatus; y++; } x++; } if (gameType == 1) { groupIndex = 0; while (groupIndex < bunches.length) { elementIndex = 0; while (elementIndex < bunches[groupIndex].length) { eval (bunches[groupIndex][elementIndex].instanceName)._visible = !fadestatus; elementIndex++; } groupIndex++; } } } function playSound(soundToPlay) { if (soundOn) { sound.attachSound(soundToPlay); sound.start(); } } function isNameValid(name) { return(name.length > 0); } function trim(mode, aString) { if (mode == "left") { return((((aString.charAt(0) == " ") && (aString.length > 0)) ? (trim("left", aString.slice(1))) : (aString))); } if (mode == "right") { return((((aString.charAt(aString.length - 1) == " ") && (aString.length > 0)) ? (trim("right", aString.slice(0, aString.length - 1))) : (aString))); } return(trim("right", trim("left", aString))); } function isValidRegKey(regkey) { if (regkey == "999") { return(true); } return(false); } function showPurchasePage() { getURL ("", "_blank"); } function setRegistryValue(field, value) { registryValue = value; fscommand ("ARG", "registryValue"); fscommand ("ARG", "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"); fscommand ("ARG", "Software\\DevLabs\\Bunch"); fscommand ("ARG", field); fscommand ("ARG", value); fscommand ("REGISTRY.SETSTR"); } function getRegistryValue(field) { _root.registryValue = "?"; fscommand ("ARG", "registryValue"); fscommand ("ARG", "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"); fscommand ("ARG", "Software\\DevLabs\\Bunch"); fscommand ("ARG", field); fscommand ("ARG", "0"); fscommand ("REGISTRY.GETVAL"); } currentLevel = 1; playerScore = 0; shape1back_mc._visible = false; shape2back_mc._visible = false; shape3back_mc._visible = false; shape4back_mc._visible = false; shape5back_mc._visible = false; shape6back_mc._visible = false; shape7back_mc._visible = false; shape1_mc._visible = false; shape2_mc._visible = false; shape3_mc._visible = false; shape4_mc._visible = false; shape5_mc._visible = false; shape6_mc._visible = false; shape7_mc._visible = false; target_mc._visible = false; invalid_mc._visible = false; stop();
Frame 5
Instance of Symbol 330 MovieClip "collectpoints_mc" in Frame 5
onClipEvent (keyDown) { if ((Key.getCode() == 32) && (_root.gameType != 3)) { if ((_root.gameType == 2) && (_root.harvestOn)) { _root.spaceBarPressedAtleastOnce = true; _root.harvest(); } else if (((_root.gameType == 1) && (this._visible)) && (_root.harvestOn)) { _root.harvest(); _root.spaceBarPressedAtleastOnce = true; } } else if (Key.getCode() == 80) { if (_root.pauseOn) { _root.resumeGame(); } else { _root.pauseGame(); } } }
Frame 6
gameOn = true; harvestOn = true; areyousureOn = false; if (gameType == 1) { _root.collectpoints_mc._visible = !noMatch; if (_root.isFirstTimeGameModePlayed()) { _root.displayInGameHelp(); } }
Frame 8
if (_root.shapesRemoved == 0) { if (currentGroupNumber >= (totalGroups - 1)) { fullHarvest = true; x = 0; while (x < 8) { y = 0; while (y < 8) { if (allBalls[x][y] != 1) { fullHarvest = false; } y++; } x++; } if (fullHarvest) { playerScore = playerScore + harvestScore; harvestScore = harvestScore + harvestScore; scorecounter_mc.score = playerScore; playSound("fullbunch_fx"); fullharvest_mc.gotoAndPlay("begin"); stop(); } else { removeGroups(); } } else if ((!lostballsAnimated) && (rottenPenalty == 2)) { x = 0; while (x < 8) { y = 0; while (y < 8) { if (eval (cells[x][y]).rottenState == 5) { eval (cells[x][y]).gotoAndPlay("lostball"); } y++; } x++; } lostballsAnimated = true; } else { currentGroupNumber++; continueHarvest(); } }
Frame 9
gotoAndPlay (8);
Frame 13
var pixelSpeed = 9; var dx; var dx2; var dy; var dy2; var moveSound; if (!playmove_sound) { playmove_sound = true; playSound("move"); } if (source_x == dest_x) { if (pixelsMoved < cellHeight) { if (source_y < dest_y) { dy = getProperty(selectedshape_name, _y) + pixelSpeed; dy2 = getProperty(selectedshape2_name, _y) - pixelSpeed; } else { dy = getProperty(selectedshape_name, _y) - pixelSpeed; dy2 = getProperty(selectedshape2_name, _y) + pixelSpeed; } setProperty(selectedshape_name, _y , dy); setProperty(selectedshape2_name, _y , dy2); pixelsMoved = pixelsMoved + pixelSpeed; } else { checkHarvest(); } } else if (pixelsMoved < cellWidth) { if (source_x < dest_x) { dx = getProperty(selectedshape_name, _x) + pixelSpeed; dx2 = getProperty(selectedshape2_name, _x) - pixelSpeed; } else { dx = getProperty(selectedshape_name, _x) - pixelSpeed; dx2 = getProperty(selectedshape2_name, _x) + pixelSpeed; } setProperty(selectedshape_name, _x , dx); setProperty(selectedshape2_name, _x , dx2); pixelsMoved = pixelsMoved + pixelSpeed; } else { checkHarvest(); }
Frame 14
gotoAndPlay (13);
Frame 19
areyousureOn = true; timer_mc.gotoAndPlay("pausetimer"); fadeShapes(true); stop();
Frame 20
var instanceName; harvestOn = false; if ((gameType == 1) && (shapePlacementIndex == 0)) { _root.timer_mc._visible = false; _root.collectpoints_mc._visible = false; } if (shapePlacementIndex > 63) { initialiseGroups(); if ((gameType == 2) || (gameType == 3)) { timer_mc.gotoAndPlay("begin"); } else if (gameType == 1) { checkPuzzleLevelComplete(); } playSound("startgame_fx"); gotoAndStop (6); } createShapeInGrid();
Frame 21
gotoAndPlay (20);
Frame 23
gameOn = false; harvestOn = false; fadeShapes(true); stop();
Instance of Symbol 425 MovieClip "gameover_mc" in Frame 23
/* no clip actions */
Symbol 36 MovieClip [loadinglevel] Frame 1
Symbol 36 MovieClip [loadinglevel] Frame 3
Symbol 50 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 59 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 74 MovieClip Frame 110
_root.gotoAndStop("devlabsintro"); stop();
Symbol 80 MovieClip Frame 42
Symbol 82 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 82 MovieClip Frame 2
var startTime = int(getTimer() / 1000); var timePlayed;
Symbol 82 MovieClip Frame 3
timePlayed = int(getTimer() / 1000) - startTime; if (timePlayed >= 60) { _root.timeUsed = Number(_root.timeUsed) + 1; _root.setRegistryValue("TU", _root.timeUsed); startTime = int(getTimer() / 1000); }
Symbol 82 MovieClip Frame 4
gotoAndPlay (3);
Symbol 88 Button
on (press) { if (_root.harvestOn) { if (_root.selectedshape_name == "") { _root.selectedshape_name = this._name; _root.selected_mc.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.selected_mc._visible = true; _root.selected_mc._x = this._x; _root.selected_mc._y = this._y; _root.mouseStartXPos = _root._xmouse; _root.mouseStartYPos = _root._ymouse; _root.shapeHeld = true; } else if ((_root.selectedshape_name == this._name) && (_root.pixelsMoved == 0)) { _root.selected_mc._visible = false; _root.selectedshape_name = ""; _root.selectedshape2_name = ""; } else if (_root.pixelsMoved == 0) { _root.checkMove(this._name); } } } on (release) { _root.mouseCurrentXPos = _root._xmouse; _root.mouseCurrentYPos = _root._ymouse; _root.shapeHeld = false; } on (dragOut) { if (_root.harvestOn && (_root.selectedshape_name == this._name)) { _root.mouseCurrentXPos = _root._xmouse; _root.mouseCurrentYPos = _root._ymouse; _root.shapeHeld = false; _root.checkOnDragOut(this._name); } }
Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 1
var harvestType; var rottenState = 0; stop();
Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 8
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 12
if (harvestType == "harvest") { _root.shapesRemoved--; stop(); } else if (harvestType == "harvest_onetype") { gotoAndPlay (41); } else if (harvestType == "harvest_complete") { gotoAndPlay (26); } else if (harvestType == "harvest_line") { gotoAndPlay (12); }
Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 25
_root.shapesRemoved--; stop();
Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 40
_root.shapesRemoved--; stop();
Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 54
_root.shapesRemoved--; stop();
Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 70
Symbol 116 MovieClip Frame 1
var rottenState = 0; stop();
Symbol 116 MovieClip Frame 8
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 116 MovieClip Frame 12
if (harvestType == "harvest") { _root.shapesRemoved--; stop(); } else if (harvestType == "harvest_onetype") { gotoAndPlay (41); } else if (harvestType == "harvest_complete") { gotoAndPlay (26); } else if (harvestType == "harvest_line") { gotoAndPlay (12); }
Symbol 116 MovieClip Frame 25
_root.shapesRemoved--; stop();
Symbol 116 MovieClip Frame 40
_root.shapesRemoved--; stop();
Symbol 116 MovieClip Frame 55
_root.shapesRemoved--; stop();
Symbol 116 MovieClip Frame 71
Symbol 122 MovieClip Frame 1
var rottenState = 0; stop();
Symbol 122 MovieClip Frame 8
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 122 MovieClip Frame 12
if (harvestType == "harvest") { _root.shapesRemoved--; stop(); } else if (harvestType == "harvest_onetype") { gotoAndPlay (41); } else if (harvestType == "harvest_complete") { gotoAndPlay (26); } else if (harvestType == "harvest_line") { gotoAndPlay (12); }
Symbol 122 MovieClip Frame 25
_root.shapesRemoved--; stop();
Symbol 122 MovieClip Frame 40
_root.shapesRemoved--; stop();
Symbol 122 MovieClip Frame 54
_root.shapesRemoved--; stop();
Symbol 122 MovieClip Frame 70
Symbol 128 MovieClip Frame 1
var rottenState = 0; stop();
Symbol 128 MovieClip Frame 8
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 128 MovieClip Frame 12
if (harvestType == "harvest") { _root.shapesRemoved--; stop(); } else if (harvestType == "harvest_onetype") { gotoAndPlay (41); } else if (harvestType == "harvest_complete") { gotoAndPlay (26); } else if (harvestType == "harvest_line") { gotoAndPlay (12); }
Symbol 128 MovieClip Frame 25
_root.shapesRemoved--; stop();
Symbol 128 MovieClip Frame 40
_root.shapesRemoved--; stop();
Symbol 128 MovieClip Frame 54
_root.shapesRemoved--; stop();
Symbol 128 MovieClip Frame 70
Symbol 134 MovieClip Frame 1
var rottenState = 0; stop();
Symbol 134 MovieClip Frame 8
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 134 MovieClip Frame 12
if (harvestType == "harvest") { _root.shapesRemoved--; stop(); } else if (harvestType == "harvest_onetype") { gotoAndPlay (41); } else if (harvestType == "harvest_complete") { gotoAndPlay (26); } else if (harvestType == "harvest_line") { gotoAndPlay (12); }
Symbol 134 MovieClip Frame 25
_root.shapesRemoved--; stop();
Symbol 134 MovieClip Frame 40
_root.shapesRemoved--; stop();
Symbol 134 MovieClip Frame 54
_root.shapesRemoved--; stop();
Symbol 134 MovieClip Frame 70
Symbol 140 MovieClip Frame 1
var rottenState = 0; stop();
Symbol 140 MovieClip Frame 8
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 140 MovieClip Frame 12
if (harvestType == "harvest") { _root.shapesRemoved--; stop(); } else if (harvestType == "harvest_onetype") { gotoAndPlay (41); } else if (harvestType == "harvest_complete") { gotoAndPlay (26); } else if (harvestType == "harvest_line") { gotoAndPlay (12); }
Symbol 140 MovieClip Frame 25
_root.shapesRemoved--; stop();
Symbol 140 MovieClip Frame 40
_root.shapesRemoved--; stop();
Symbol 140 MovieClip Frame 54
_root.shapesRemoved--; stop();
Symbol 140 MovieClip Frame 70
Symbol 146 MovieClip Frame 1
var rottenState = 0; stop();
Symbol 146 MovieClip Frame 8
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 146 MovieClip Frame 12
if (harvestType == "harvest") { _root.shapesRemoved--; stop(); } else if (harvestType == "harvest_onetype") { gotoAndPlay (41); } else if (harvestType == "harvest_complete") { gotoAndPlay (26); } else if (harvestType == "harvest_line") { gotoAndPlay (12); }
Symbol 146 MovieClip Frame 25
_root.shapesRemoved--; stop();
Symbol 146 MovieClip Frame 40
_root.shapesRemoved--; stop();
Symbol 146 MovieClip Frame 54
_root.shapesRemoved--; stop();
Symbol 146 MovieClip Frame 70
Symbol 153 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 153 MovieClip Frame 2
if ((_root.playerScore != 0) && (_root.gameType != 1)) { if ((_root.gameType == 3) || ((_root.gameType == 2) && (_root.gameLevel == 2))) { gotoAndPlay (27); } else if ((_root.gameType == 2) && (_root.gameLevel == 3)) { gotoAndPlay (52); } }
Symbol 153 MovieClip Frame 25
Symbol 153 MovieClip Frame 50
Symbol 153 MovieClip Frame 75
Symbol 161 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop("startgame"); }
Symbol 164 Button
on (release) { if (!areyousureOn) { areYouSure(); } }
Symbol 170 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 179 Button
on (release) { _root.playSound("standard_click_fx"); _root.gameType = 2; _root.gameLevel = 1; gotoAndStop (2); }
Symbol 184 Button
on (release) { if (!_root.disableGameStart) { _root.playSound("standard_click_fx"); _root.gotoAndStop("tutorial"); } }
Symbol 190 Button
on (release) { _root.playSound("standard_click_fx"); _root.isSave = true; _root.gameType = 1; _root.currentLevel = 1; _root.savedLevelToLoad = 0; _root.isBallDataToLoad = false; gotoAndStop (3); }
Symbol 202 Button
on (release) { getURL (_root.getfull_link, "_blank"); }
Symbol 207 Button
on (press) { if (!_root.windowmodeOn) { _root.windowmodeOn = true; fscommand ("exec", "jcommand_3Anofullscreen"); } _root.gotoWebsite(); }
Symbol 210 Button
on (press) { _root.playSound("standard_click_fx"); gotoAndStop (5); }
Symbol 222 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop("startgame"); }
Symbol 225 Button
on (release) { _root.playSound("mainmenu_click_fx"); _parent.gotoAndStop(1); }
Symbol 229 Button
on (release) { _root.startPuzzleGame(); }
Symbol 238 Button
on (release) { _root.copyright_clicked_count++; if (_root.copyright_clicked_count > 3) { flashplayerversion = getVersion(); } }
Symbol 240 Button
on (press) { if (!_root.windowmodeOn) { _root.windowmodeOn = true; fscommand ("exec", "jcommand_3Anofullscreen"); } _root.gotoWebsite(); }
Symbol 242 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 248 Button
on (release) { _root.playSound("standard_click_fx"); _root.showPurchasePage(); }
Symbol 251 Button
on (release) { _root.playSound("standard_click_fx"); lastframe = "timeleft"; gotoAndStop (4); }
Symbol 254 Button
on (release) { _root.playSound("standard_click_fx"); _root.recordTimeUsed = true; gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 256 Button
on (release) { _root.playSound("standard_click_fx"); lastframe = "timeexpired"; gotoAndStop (4); }
Symbol 264 Button
on (release) { _root.playSound("standard_click_fx"); productkey = _root.trim("", productkey); if (_root.isNameValid(productkey)) { if (!_root.isValidRegKey(productkey)) { invalidkeycaption = "You entered an invalid key!"; productkey = ""; } else { _root.disableGameStart = false; _root.validRegKey = true; _root.setRegistryValue("RegKey", productkey); fscommand ("Win.SetCaption", "Bunch"); gotoAndStop (1); } } }
Symbol 269 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop(lastframe); }
Symbol 274 Button
on (release) { _root.playSound("standard_click_fx"); _root.gotoAndStop("tutorial"); }
Symbol 277 Button
on (release) { _root.playSound("mainmenu_click_fx"); gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 278 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.firstTime) { gotoAndStop (5); } stop();
Symbol 278 MovieClip Frame 2
timeleftcaption = ("You currently have " + (_root.timeAllowed - _root.timeUsed)) + " minutes of playing time left."; fscommand ("Win.SetCaption", "Bunch - trial version");
Symbol 278 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.disableGameStart = true;
Symbol 278 MovieClip Frame 4
invalidkeycaption = ""; productkey = ""; Selection.setFocus("productkey");
Symbol 278 MovieClip Frame 5
_root.firstTime = false; var userSO = SharedObject.getLocal("bunch_settings", "/"); = false; userSO.flush();
Symbol 290 MovieClip Frame 1
var lastTimeRecorded = int(getTimer() / 1000); stop();
Symbol 290 MovieClip Frame 2
var timeLimit; var scoreMade; setProperty("bar", _visible , true); setProperty("redbar", _visible , false); var bartype = "bar"; var barset = false; var input; var zeero = int(getTimer() / 1000); var zeeroTimeTrial = int(getTimer() / 1000); var currentTime; var weightScoreIncrement = 1000; var counter = 0; var secondcounter = 0; var countMax = 25; var resumeTimer = false; var passedTime = 0;
Symbol 290 MovieClip Frame 3
if ((_root.playerScore > 0) || (resumeTimer)) { switch (_root.gameLevel) { case 1 : difficultyWeight = 2 + (_root.currentLevel * 2); break; case 2 : difficultyWeight = 7 + (_root.currentLevel * 3); break; case 3 : difficultyWeight = 15 + (_root.currentLevel * 4); } secondcounter = 0; if (this.resumeTimer) { zeero = zeero + passedTime; zeeroTimeTrial = zeeroTimeTrial + passedTime; } else if (_root.gameType == 2) { zeero = zeero + Math.round(this.scoreMade / difficultyWeight); } currentTime = int(getTimer() / 1000); if (zeero >= currentTime) { zeero = currentTime; } } else { input = timeLimit; output = input; } if (_root.gameType == 3) { if (!resumeTimer) { zeeroTimeTrial = int(getTimer() / 1000); zeero = zeero + _root.collectionTime; } } resumeTimer = false;
Symbol 290 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.gameType != 1) { lastTimeRecorded = int(getTimer() / 1000); if (Number(output) > 0) { display = lastTimeRecorded - zeero; output = input - display; percent = (output / input) * 100; if (percent <= 7) { if (!barset) { setProperty("bar", _visible , false); setProperty("redbar", _visible , true); bartype = "redbar"; } barset = true; countMax = Math.floor(output) + 1; if (secondcounter >= countMax) { secondcounter = 0; } if (secondcounter == 0) { _root.playSound("beep"); } secondcounter++; } else { if (barset) { setProperty("redbar", _visible , false); setProperty("bar", _visible , true); bartype = "bar"; } barset = false; } setProperty(bartype, _xscale , percent); } if (_root.gameType == 3) { _root.collectionTimeRemaining = 30 - (lastTimeRecorded - zeeroTimeTrial); if (_root.collectionTimeRemaining < 10) { _root.collectiontimer_mc.timer2 = "0:0"; } else { _root.collectiontimer_mc.timer2 = "0:"; } _root.collectiontimer_mc.timer2 = _root.collectiontimer_mc.timer2 + String(_root.collectionTimeRemaining); if (_root.collectionTimeRemaining == 3) { if (_root.buzzerCount < 1) { _root.buzzerCount++; _root.playSound("timebuzzer_fx"); } } else if (_root.collectionTimeRemaining == 2) { if (_root.buzzerCount < 2) { _root.buzzerCount++; _root.playSound("timebuzzer_fx"); } } else if (_root.collectionTimeRemaining == 1) { if (_root.buzzerCount < 3) { _root.buzzerCount++; _root.playSound("timebuzzer_fx"); } } if (_root.collectionTimeRemaining <= 0) { _root.buzzerCount = 0; _root.waitForHarvestOn(); } } if (Number(output) <= 0) { stop(); if ((_root.gameType == 3) && (_root.collections < _root.collectMax)) { _root.waitForHarvestOn(); } else { _root.gotoAndPlay("timeout"); } } }
Symbol 290 MovieClip Frame 5
if (_root.isFirstTimeGameModePlayed()) { _root.displayInGameHelp(); } gotoAndPlay (4);
Symbol 290 MovieClip Frame 6
passedTime = int(getTimer() / 1000) - lastTimeRecorded;
Symbol 290 MovieClip Frame 7
gotoAndPlay (6);
Symbol 298 Button
on (release) { if (!areyousureOn) { _root.playSound("standard_click_fx"); areYouSure(); } } on (keyPress "<Tab>") { if (Selection.getFocus() == "_level0.quit_btn") { Selection.setFocus("_level0.pause_btn"); } else if (Selection.getFocus() == "_level0.pause_btn") { Selection.setFocus("_level0.quit_btn"); } else { Selection.setFocus("_level0.pause_btn"); } } on (keyPress "<Left>") { if (Selection.getFocus() == "_level0.quit_btn") { Selection.setFocus("_level0.pause_btn"); } else if (Selection.getFocus() == "_level0.pause_btn") { Selection.setFocus("_level0.quit_btn"); } else { Selection.setFocus("_level0.pause_btn"); } } on (keyPress "<Right>") { if (Selection.getFocus() == "_level0.quit_btn") { Selection.setFocus("_level0.pause_btn"); } else if (Selection.getFocus() == "_level0.pause_btn") { Selection.setFocus("_level0.quit_btn"); } else { Selection.setFocus("_level0.pause_btn"); } } on (keyPress "<Up>") { if (Selection.getFocus() == "_level0.quit_btn") { Selection.setFocus("_level0.pause_btn"); } else if (Selection.getFocus() == "_level0.pause_btn") { Selection.setFocus("_level0.quit_btn"); } else { Selection.setFocus("_level0.pause_btn"); } } on (keyPress "<Down>") { if (Selection.getFocus() == "_level0.quit_btn") { Selection.setFocus("_level0.pause_btn"); } else if (Selection.getFocus() == "_level0.pause_btn") { Selection.setFocus("_level0.quit_btn"); } else { Selection.setFocus("_level0.pause_btn"); } }
Symbol 302 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 302 MovieClip Frame 127
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 310 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 313 Button
on (release) { _root.playSound("standard_click_fx"); _root.showInGameHelp = false; _root.pauseGame(); }
Symbol 317 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 317 MovieClip Frame 38
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 324 Button
on (press) { if (!_root.spaceBarPressedAtleastOnce) { spacebar_tooltip_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.harvestOn && (!root.pauseOn)) { _root.harvest(); } } on (rollOver) { if (!_root.spaceBarPressedAtleastOnce) { spacebar_tooltip_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } } on (rollOut, dragOut) { if (!_root.spaceBarPressedAtleastOnce) { spacebar_tooltip_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } }
Symbol 327 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 330 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.harvestOn) { _root.harvest(); stop(); }
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 332 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 332 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 332 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 332 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 332 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 332 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 332 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 332 MovieClip Frame 14
Symbol 332 MovieClip Frame 16
Symbol 332 MovieClip Frame 18
Symbol 332 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 332 MovieClip Frame 21
_root.removeGroups(); stop();
Symbol 335 Button
on (release) { _root.playSound("standard_click_fx"); _root.resumeGame(); }
Symbol 338 Button
on (rollOver) { savegame_tooltip_mc.gotoAndStop(2); startDrag ("savegame_tooltip_mc", true); } on (rollOut, dragOut) { stopDrag(); savegame_tooltip_mc.gotoAndStop(1); }
Symbol 341 Button
on (rollOver) { resetgame_tooltip_mc.gotoAndStop(2); startDrag ("resetgame_tooltip_mc", true); } on (rollOut, dragOut) { stopDrag(); resetgame_tooltip_mc.gotoAndStop(1); }
Symbol 344 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 346 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 349 Button
on (release) { _root.playSound("standard_click_fx"); _root.resumeGame(); }
Symbol 350 Button
on (release) { _root.playSound("standard_click_fx"); _root.isBallDataToLoad = false; _root.savedLevelToLoad = _root.currentLevel; _root.playerScoreToLoad = _root.playerScore; gotoAndStop (3); }
Symbol 351 Button
on (rollOver) { savegame_tooltip_fullonly_mc.gotoAndStop(2); startDrag ("savegame_tooltip_fullonly_mc", true); } on (rollOut, dragOut) { stopDrag(); savegame_tooltip_fullonly_mc.gotoAndStop(1); }
Symbol 353 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 354 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 354 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 358 Button
on (release) { _root.playSound("standard_click_fx"); gotoAndStop (2); }
Symbol 364 Button
on (release) { _root.playSound("standard_click_fx"); gotoAndStop (3); }
Symbol 372 Button
on (release) { _root.playSound("standard_click_fx"); _root.resumeGame(); }
Symbol 377 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 378 Button
on (release) { _root.playSound("standard_click_fx"); gotoAndStop (2); }
Symbol 381 Button
on (release) { _root.playSound("standard_click_fx"); gotoAndStop (3); }
Symbol 388 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 389 Button
on (release) { _root.playSound("standard_click_fx"); gotoAndStop (2); }
Symbol 392 Button
on (release) { _root.playSound("standard_click_fx"); gotoAndStop (3); }
Symbol 396 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 396 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 397 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.showInGameHelp) { var userSO = SharedObject.getLocal("bunch_settings", "/"); switch (_root.gameType) { case 1 : _root.firstPuzzlePlayed = false; = false; gotoAndStop (6); break; case 2 : _root.firstClassicPlayed = false; = false; gotoAndStop (4); break; case 3 : _root.firstTimeTrialPlayed = false; = false; gotoAndStop (5); } userSO.flush(100); } else if (_root.gameType == 1) { gotoAndStop (2); } else { stop(); }
Symbol 397 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 397 MovieClip Frame 5
Instance of Symbol 397 MovieClip in Symbol 398 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.soundOn) { soundon_mc.gotoAndStop("on"); soundoff_mc.gotoAndStop("off"); } else { soundon_mc.gotoAndStop("off"); soundoff_mc.gotoAndStop("on"); } if (_root.windowmodeOn) { windowmode_mc.gotoAndStop("on"); fullmode_mc.gotoAndStop("off"); } else { windowmode_mc.gotoAndStop("off"); fullmode_mc.gotoAndStop("on"); } }
Symbol 403 Button
on (release) { _root.playSound("mainmenu_click_fx"); _root.gotoAndStop("welcome"); }
Symbol 404 Button
on (release) { _root.playSound("standard_click_fx"); _root.timer_mc.resumeTimer = true; _root.timer_mc.gotoAndPlay("starttimer"); _root.fadeShapes(false); _root.gotoAndStop("gamestarted"); }
Symbol 405 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 412 Button
on (release) { _root.playSound("standard_click_fx"); _root.restartGame(); }
Symbol 415 Button
on (release) { getURL (_root.getfull_link, "_blank"); }
Symbol 425 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.timer_mc._visible = false; _root.collectpoints_mc._visible = false; if (_root.gameType == 3) { _root.collectiontimer_mc.timer2 = "0:00"; }
Symbol 425 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 425 MovieClip Frame 48
this.highestscoringharvest = _root.highestScore;
Symbol 425 MovieClip Frame 59
this.biggestbunch = _root.biggestGroup;
Symbol 425 MovieClip Frame 70
this.finalscore = _root.playerScore; stop();
Symbol 431 Button
on (release) { _root.playSound("standard_click_fx"); _root.levelcounter_mc.levelup_mc.level = _root.currentLevel; _root.isBallDataToLoad = false; _root.openLevel(); _root.gotoAndStop("gamestarted"); }
Symbol 440 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.currentLevel = _root.currentLevel + 1;
Symbol 440 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 440 MovieClip Frame 27
this.lc_levelscore = _root.harvestScore;
Symbol 440 MovieClip Frame 38
this.lc_totalscore = _root.playerScore;
Symbol 440 MovieClip Frame 49
this.lc_nextlevel = _root.currentLevel; stop();
Symbol 447 Button
on (release) { _root.playSound("standard_click_fx"); _root.gotoAndStop("advert"); }
Symbol 452 MovieClip Frame 1
this.gc_levelscore = _root.harvestScore; this.gc_totalscore = _root.playerScore;
Symbol 452 MovieClip Frame 2
this.highestscoringharvest = _root.highestScore; this.gc_biggestbunch = _root.biggestGroup; this.gc_totalscore = _root.playerScore;
Symbol 453 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.gameType == 1) { _root.currentLevel = _root.lastLevel; } else { _root.timer_mc._visible = false; _root.currentLevel = _root.lastClassicLevel; _root.levelcounter_mc.levelup_mc.level = _root.lastClassicLevel; }
Symbol 453 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 453 MovieClip Frame 16
stop(); if (_root.gameType == 1) { gc_stats_mc.gotoAndStop("gc_puzzle"); } else { gc_stats_mc.gotoAndStop("gc_classic"); }
Symbol 460 Button
on (release) { _root.playSound("standard_click_fx"); nextFrame(); }
Symbol 466 MovieClip Frame 66
Symbol 466 MovieClip Frame 131
_root.playSound("invalid"); tutorial_invalidmove_mc1.gotoAndPlay("forceinvalidmove");
Symbol 468 Button
on (release) { _root.playSound("standard_click_fx"); prevFrame(); }
Symbol 471 MovieClip Frame 41
Symbol 471 MovieClip Frame 46
Symbol 471 MovieClip Frame 51
Symbol 471 MovieClip Frame 56
Symbol 474 MovieClip Frame 53
Symbol 474 MovieClip Frame 56
Symbol 474 MovieClip Frame 80
Symbol 474 MovieClip Frame 83
Symbol 474 MovieClip Frame 106
Symbol 474 MovieClip Frame 109
Symbol 474 MovieClip Frame 132
Symbol 474 MovieClip Frame 135
Symbol 477 MovieClip Frame 32
Symbol 477 MovieClip Frame 35
Symbol 480 MovieClip Frame 32
Symbol 480 MovieClip Frame 35
Symbol 485 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 488 Button
on (release) { _root.playSound("mainmenu_click_fx"); _root.gotoAndStop("welcome"); }
Symbol 500 Button
on (release) { _root.playSound("mainmenu_click_fx"); _root.gotoAndStop("welcome"); }

Library Items

Symbol 1 Sound [timerunningout]
Symbol 2 Sound [timeout_fx]
Symbol 3 Sound [timebuzzer_fx_old]
Symbol 4 Sound [timebuzzer_fx]
Symbol 5 Sound [startgame_fx]
Symbol 6 Sound [standard_click_fx]
Symbol 7 Sound [puzzlecomplete_fx]
Symbol 8 Sound [new]
Symbol 9 Sound [move_old]
Symbol 10 Sound [move]
Symbol 11 Sound [mainmenu_click_fx]
Symbol 12 Sound [levelup_fx]
Symbol 13 Sound [levelup_fx_old]
Symbol 14 Sound [invalid]
Symbol 15 Sound [invalid2]
Symbol 16 Sound [invalid_old]
Symbol 17 Sound [harvest_start_fx]
Symbol 18 Sound [harvest_onetype_fx]
Symbol 19 Sound [harvest_line_fx]
Symbol 20 Sound [harvest_fx]
Symbol 21 Sound [grouped]
Symbol 22 Sound [gamecomplete_fx]
Symbol 23 Sound [fullbunch_fx]
Symbol 24 Sound [bunchmade_fx]
Symbol 25 Sound [beep]
Symbol 26 BitmapUsed by:27
Symbol 27 GraphicUses:26Used by:36 354
Symbol 28 FontUsed by:29 30 31 32 33 34 149 151 165 166 213 227 245 255 265 266 271 299 303 306 314 326 328 343 345 352 420 423 424 434 436 439 444 445 446 448 449 450 451 461 462 469 470 472 473 475 476 478 479 481 482
Symbol 29 TextUses:28Used by:35
Symbol 30 TextUses:28Used by:35
Symbol 31 TextUses:28Used by:35
Symbol 32 TextUses:28Used by:35
Symbol 33 TextUses:28Used by:35
Symbol 34 TextUses:28Used by:35
Symbol 35 MovieClipUses:29 30 31 32 33 34Used by:36 354
Symbol 36 MovieClip [loadinglevel]Uses:27 35
Symbol 37 GraphicUsed by:38
Symbol 38 MovieClipUses:37Used by:Timeline
Symbol 39 FontUsed by:40 51 191 193 208 237 360 362 370 379 382 390 393 489 493 494 495 496 497 498
Symbol 40 TextUses:39Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 42 GraphicUsed by:44
Symbol 43 GraphicUsed by:44
Symbol 44 MovieClipUses:41 42 43Used by:45
Symbol 45 MovieClipUses:44Used by:Timeline
Symbol 46 BitmapUsed by:47
Symbol 47 GraphicUses:46Used by:Timeline
Symbol 48 GraphicUsed by:50
Symbol 49 GraphicUsed by:50 286
Symbol 50 ButtonUses:48 49Used by:242  Timeline
Symbol 51 TextUses:39Used by:53 238
Symbol 52 GraphicUsed by:53 238
Symbol 53 ButtonUses:51 52Used by:Timeline
Symbol 54 GraphicUsed by:55 59
Symbol 55 MovieClipUses:54Used by:59 231
Symbol 56 GraphicUsed by:57 59
Symbol 57 MovieClipUses:56Used by:58
Symbol 58 MovieClipUses:57Used by:59 231
Symbol 59 ButtonUses:55 58 54 56Used by:79  Timeline
Symbol 60 GraphicUsed by:74
Symbol 61 GraphicUsed by:74
Symbol 62 ShapeTweeningUsed by:74
Symbol 63 GraphicUsed by:74
Symbol 64 SoundUsed by:74
Symbol 65 GraphicUsed by:74
Symbol 66 BitmapUsed by:67
Symbol 67 GraphicUses:66Used by:74
Symbol 68 GraphicUsed by:74
Symbol 69 GraphicUsed by:74
Symbol 70 GraphicUsed by:74
Symbol 71 SoundUsed by:74
Symbol 72 FontUsed by:73
Symbol 73 TextUses:72Used by:74
Symbol 74 MovieClipUses:60 61 62 63 64 65 67 68 69 70 71 73Used by:75
Symbol 75 MovieClipUses:74Used by:Timeline
Symbol 76 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 77 GraphicUsed by:78
Symbol 78 MovieClipUses:77Used by:Timeline
Symbol 79 MovieClipUses:59Used by:80
Symbol 80 MovieClipUses:79Used by:Timeline
Symbol 81 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 82 MovieClipUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 83 GraphicUsed by:84
Symbol 84 MovieClipUses:83Used by:110 116 122 128 134 140 146 480  Timeline
Symbol 85 GraphicUsed by:86 111 117 123 129 135 141
Symbol 86 MovieClipUses:85Used by:110
Symbol 87 GraphicUsed by:88
Symbol 88 ButtonUses:87Used by:110 116 122 128 134 140 146
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Symbol 90 GraphicUsed by:91
Symbol 91 MovieClipUses:90Used by:92 93 94 113 114 115 119 120 121 125 126 127 131 132 133 137 138 139 143 144 145 242
Symbol 92 MovieClipUses:89 91Used by:110 170 454 466 471 474 477 480
Symbol 93 MovieClipUses:89 91Used by:110
Symbol 94 MovieClipUses:89 91Used by:110
Symbol 95 GraphicUsed by:96
Symbol 96 MovieClipUses:95Used by:110 116 122 128 134 140 146 471  Timeline
Symbol 97 GraphicUsed by:98
Symbol 98 MovieClipUses:97Used by:110 116 122 128 134 140 146  Timeline
Symbol 99 GraphicUsed by:100
Symbol 100 MovieClipUses:99Used by:110 116 122 128 134 140 146  Timeline
Symbol 101 GraphicUsed by:102
Symbol 102 MovieClipUses:101Used by:110 116 122 128 134 140 146 471 477  Timeline
Symbol 103 GraphicUsed by:104
Symbol 104 MovieClipUses:103Used by:110 116 122 128 134 140 146  Timeline
Symbol 105 GraphicUsed by:106
Symbol 106 MovieClipUses:105Used by:110 116 122 128 134 140 146 471  Timeline
Symbol 107 FontUsed by:108 198 201 320 323
Symbol 108 TextUses:107Used by:109
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Symbol 110 MovieClipUses:84 86 88 92 93 94 96 98 100 102 104 106 109Used by:Timeline
Symbol 111 MovieClipUses:85Used by:116
Symbol 112 GraphicUsed by:113 114 115
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Symbol 114 MovieClipUses:112 91Used by:116
Symbol 115 MovieClipUses:112 91Used by:116
Symbol 116 MovieClipUses:96 111 88 113 114 115 98 100 102 104 106 84 109Used by:Timeline
Symbol 117 MovieClipUses:85Used by:122
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Symbol 119 MovieClipUses:118 91Used by:122 170 454 466 471 474 477 480
Symbol 120 MovieClipUses:118 91Used by:122
Symbol 121 MovieClipUses:118 91Used by:122
Symbol 122 MovieClipUses:98 117 88 119 120 121 100 102 104 106 84 96 109Used by:Timeline
Symbol 123 MovieClipUses:85Used by:128
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Symbol 126 MovieClipUses:124 91Used by:128
Symbol 127 MovieClipUses:124 91Used by:128
Symbol 128 MovieClipUses:100 123 88 125 126 127 102 104 106 84 96 98 109Used by:Timeline
Symbol 129 MovieClipUses:85Used by:134
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Symbol 131 MovieClipUses:130 91Used by:134 170 454 466 471 474 477 480
Symbol 132 MovieClipUses:130 91Used by:134
Symbol 133 MovieClipUses:130 91Used by:134
Symbol 134 MovieClipUses:102 129 88 131 132 133 104 106 84 96 98 100 109Used by:Timeline
Symbol 135 MovieClipUses:85Used by:140
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Symbol 138 MovieClipUses:136 91Used by:140
Symbol 139 MovieClipUses:136 91Used by:140
Symbol 140 MovieClipUses:104 135 88 137 138 139 106 84 96 98 100 102 109Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 144 MovieClipUses:142 91Used by:146
Symbol 145 MovieClipUses:142 91Used by:146
Symbol 146 MovieClipUses:106 141 88 143 144 145 84 96 98 100 102 104 109Used by:Timeline
Symbol 147 GraphicUsed by:148
Symbol 148 MovieClipUses:147Used by:153
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Symbol 150 MovieClipUses:149Used by:153
Symbol 151 TextUses:28Used by:152
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Symbol 153 MovieClipUses:148 150 152Used by:466  Timeline
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Symbol 155 MovieClipUses:154Used by:Timeline
Symbol 156 GraphicUsed by:161 164
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Symbol 163 TextUses:157Used by:164
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Symbol 165 TextUses:28Used by:170
Symbol 166 TextUses:28Used by:170
Symbol 167 GraphicUsed by:169
Symbol 168 GraphicUsed by:169
Symbol 169 ButtonUses:167 168Used by:170
Symbol 170 MovieClipUses:161 164 165 166 113 119 92 137 143 131 125 169Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 172 GraphicUses:171Used by:242
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Symbol 176 GraphicUses:175Used by:179
Symbol 177 TextUses:173Used by:179
Symbol 178 GraphicUsed by:179 184
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Symbol 182 GraphicUses:181Used by:184
Symbol 183 TextUses:173Used by:184
Symbol 184 ButtonUses:180 182 183 178Used by:242
Symbol 185 TextUses:173Used by:190
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Symbol 188 TextUses:173Used by:190
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Symbol 193 TextUses:39Used by:242
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Symbol 197 GraphicUses:196Used by:202
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Symbol 204 GraphicUsed by:207
Symbol 205 GraphicUsed by:207
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Symbol 207 ButtonUses:203 204 205 206Used by:242  Timeline
Symbol 208 TextUses:39Used by:210
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Symbol 218 TextUses:173Used by:222 229
Symbol 219 BitmapUsed by:220
Symbol 220 GraphicUses:219Used by:222 225 229 248 251 254 256 264 269 274 277 335 338 341 349 350 351 403 404 412 415 431 447 500
Symbol 221 TextUses:173Used by:222 229
Symbol 222 ButtonUses:217 218 220 221Used by:226
Symbol 223 TextUses:173Used by:225 500
Symbol 224 TextUses:173Used by:225 500
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Symbol 228 TextUses:214Used by:230
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Symbol 231 MovieClipUses:55 58Used by:241
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Symbol 234 TextUses:232Used by:241
Symbol 235 TextUses:232Used by:241
Symbol 236 TextUses:232Used by:241
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Symbol 238 ButtonUses:51 52Used by:241
Symbol 239 GraphicUsed by:240
Symbol 240 ButtonUses:239Used by:241
Symbol 241 MovieClipUses:212 225 231 233 234 235 236 237 238 240Used by:242
Symbol 242 MovieClipUses:172 179 184 190 191 192 130 91 118 124 193 195 202 207 210 50 226 230 241Used by:Timeline
Symbol 243 BitmapUsed by:244 261
Symbol 244 GraphicUses:243Used by:278 397 399
Symbol 245 EditableTextUses:28Used by:278
Symbol 246 TextUses:173Used by:248
Symbol 247 TextUses:173Used by:248
Symbol 248 ButtonUses:217 246 220 247Used by:278
Symbol 249 TextUses:173Used by:251 256
Symbol 250 TextUses:173Used by:251 256
Symbol 251 ButtonUses:217 249 220 250Used by:278
Symbol 252 TextUses:173Used by:254 431 447
Symbol 253 TextUses:173Used by:254 431 447
Symbol 254 ButtonUses:217 252 220 253Used by:278
Symbol 255 TextUses:28Used by:278
Symbol 256 ButtonUses:217 249 220 250Used by:278
Symbol 257 GraphicUsed by:258
Symbol 258 ButtonUses:257Used by:259
Symbol 259 MovieClipUses:258Used by:278
Symbol 260 BitmapUsed by:261
Symbol 261 GraphicUses:260 243Used by:278
Symbol 262 TextUses:173Used by:264
Symbol 263 TextUses:173Used by:264
Symbol 264 ButtonUses:217 262 220 263Used by:278
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Symbol 267 TextUses:173Used by:269 404
Symbol 268 TextUses:173Used by:269 404
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Symbol 270 EditableTextUses:214Used by:278
Symbol 271 TextUses:28Used by:278
Symbol 272 TextUses:173Used by:274
Symbol 273 TextUses:173Used by:274
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Symbol 275 TextUses:173Used by:277
Symbol 276 TextUses:173Used by:277
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Symbol 278 MovieClipUses:244 245 248 251 254 255 256 259 261 264 265 266 269 270 271 274 277Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 281 MovieClipUses:280Used by:Timeline
Symbol 282 BitmapUsed by:283
Symbol 283 GraphicUses:282Used by:Timeline
Symbol 284 BitmapUsed by:285
Symbol 285 GraphicUses:284Used by:290
Symbol 286 MovieClipUses:49Used by:287
Symbol 287 MovieClipUses:286Used by:290
Symbol 288 GraphicUsed by:289
Symbol 289 MovieClipUses:288Used by:290
Symbol 290 MovieClipUses:285 287 289Used by:Timeline
Symbol 291 TextUses:173Used by:Timeline
Symbol 292 BitmapUsed by:293
Symbol 293 GraphicUses:292Used by:298 313 358 364 372 378 381 389 392 488
Symbol 294 TextUses:173Used by:298
Symbol 295 BitmapUsed by:296
Symbol 296 GraphicUses:295Used by:298 313 358 364 372 378 381 389 392 488
Symbol 297 TextUses:173Used by:298
Symbol 298 ButtonUses:293 294 296 297Used by:Timeline
Symbol 299 EditableTextUses:28Used by:302
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Symbol 301 GraphicUsed by:302
Symbol 302 MovieClipUses:299 300 301Used by:Timeline
Symbol 303 EditableTextUses:28Used by:304
Symbol 304 MovieClipUses:303Used by:Timeline
Symbol 305 TextUses:173Used by:Timeline
Symbol 306 EditableTextUses:28Used by:307
Symbol 307 MovieClipUses:306Used by:Timeline
Symbol 308 TextUses:173Used by:310
Symbol 309 TextUses:173Used by:310
Symbol 310 MovieClipUses:308 309Used by:Timeline
Symbol 311 TextUses:173Used by:313
Symbol 312 TextUses:173Used by:313
Symbol 313 ButtonUses:293 311 296 312Used by:Timeline
Symbol 314 EditableTextUses:28Used by:315
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Symbol 316 GraphicUsed by:317
Symbol 317 MovieClipUses:315 316Used by:Timeline
Symbol 318 BitmapUsed by:319
Symbol 319 GraphicUses:318Used by:324 395 471 477 480
Symbol 320 TextUses:107Used by:324 395 471 477 480
Symbol 321 BitmapUsed by:322
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Symbol 324 ButtonUses:319 320 322 323Used by:330
Symbol 325 GraphicUsed by:327
Symbol 326 TextUses:28Used by:327
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Symbol 328 EditableTextUses:28Used by:329
Symbol 329 MovieClipUses:328Used by:330
Symbol 330 MovieClipUses:324 327 329Used by:Timeline
Symbol 331 MovieClipUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 332 MovieClipUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 333 TextUses:173Used by:335 349
Symbol 334 TextUses:173Used by:335 349
Symbol 335 ButtonUses:217 333 220 334Used by:397
Symbol 336 TextUses:173Used by:338 351
Symbol 337 TextUses:173Used by:338 351
Symbol 338 ButtonUses:217 336 220 337Used by:397
Symbol 339 TextUses:173Used by:341 350
Symbol 340 TextUses:173Used by:341 350
Symbol 341 ButtonUses:217 339 220 340Used by:397
Symbol 342 GraphicUsed by:344 346 353
Symbol 343 TextUses:28Used by:344
Symbol 344 MovieClipUses:342 343Used by:397
Symbol 345 TextUses:28Used by:346
Symbol 346 MovieClipUses:342 345Used by:397
Symbol 347 TextUses:173Used by:397
Symbol 348 TextUses:173Used by:397
Symbol 349 ButtonUses:217 333 220 334Used by:397
Symbol 350 ButtonUses:217 339 220 340Used by:397
Symbol 351 ButtonUses:217 336 220 337Used by:397
Symbol 352 TextUses:28Used by:353
Symbol 353 MovieClipUses:342 352Used by:397
Symbol 354 MovieClipUses:27 35Used by:397
Symbol 355 GraphicUsed by:377 388 396
Symbol 356 TextUses:173Used by:358 364 372 378 381 389 392
Symbol 357 TextUses:173Used by:358 364 372 378 381 389 392
Symbol 358 ButtonUses:293 356 296 357Used by:377
Symbol 359 FontUsed by:360 489
Symbol 360 TextUses:39 359Used by:361
Symbol 361 MovieClipUses:360Used by:377 388 396
Symbol 362 TextUses:39Used by:363
Symbol 363 MovieClipUses:362Used by:377
Symbol 364 ButtonUses:293 356 296 357Used by:377
Symbol 365 GraphicUsed by:366
Symbol 366 MovieClipUses:365Used by:369 377 388
Symbol 367 GraphicUsed by:368
Symbol 368 MovieClipUses:367Used by:369
Symbol 369 MovieClipUses:366 368Used by:377 388
Symbol 370 TextUses:39Used by:371
Symbol 371 MovieClipUses:370Used by:377
Symbol 372 ButtonUses:293 356 296 357Used by:377 388 396
Symbol 373 GraphicUsed by:376
Symbol 374 GraphicUsed by:376
Symbol 375 GraphicUsed by:376
Symbol 376 MovieClipUses:373 374 375Used by:377 396
Symbol 377 MovieClipUses:355 358 361 363 364 369 371 372 376 366Used by:397
Symbol 378 ButtonUses:293 356 296 357Used by:388
Symbol 379 TextUses:39Used by:380
Symbol 380 MovieClipUses:379Used by:388
Symbol 381 ButtonUses:293 356 296 357Used by:388
Symbol 382 TextUses:39Used by:383
Symbol 383 MovieClipUses:382Used by:388
Symbol 384 GraphicUsed by:387
Symbol 385 GraphicUsed by:387
Symbol 386 GraphicUsed by:387
Symbol 387 MovieClipUses:384 385 386Used by:388
Symbol 388 MovieClipUses:355 378 361 380 381 369 383 372 387 366Used by:397
Symbol 389 ButtonUses:293 356 296 357Used by:396
Symbol 390 TextUses:39Used by:391
Symbol 391 MovieClipUses:390Used by:396
Symbol 392 ButtonUses:293 356 296 357Used by:396
Symbol 393 TextUses:39Used by:394
Symbol 394 MovieClipUses:393Used by:396
Symbol 395 ButtonUses:319 320 322 323Used by:396
Symbol 396 MovieClipUses:355 389 361 391 392 394 372 376 395Used by:397
Symbol 397 MovieClipUses:244 335 338 341 344 346 347 348 349 350 351 353 354 377 388 396Used by:398
Symbol 398 MovieClipUses:397Used by:Timeline
Symbol 399 MovieClipUses:244Used by:405 425 440 453
Symbol 400 TextUses:214Used by:405
Symbol 401 TextUses:173Used by:403
Symbol 402 TextUses:173Used by:403
Symbol 403 ButtonUses:217 401 220 402Used by:405
Symbol 404 ButtonUses:217 267 220 268Used by:405
Symbol 405 MovieClipUses:399 400 403 404Used by:Timeline
Symbol 406 TextUses:173Used by:407
Symbol 407 MovieClipUses:406Used by:425
Symbol 408 TextUses:173Used by:409
Symbol 409 MovieClipUses:408Used by:425
Symbol 410 TextUses:173Used by:412
Symbol 411 TextUses:173Used by:412
Symbol 412 ButtonUses:217 410 220 411Used by:425
Symbol 413 TextUses:173Used by:415
Symbol 414 TextUses:173Used by:415
Symbol 415 ButtonUses:217 413 220 414Used by:425 452  Timeline
Symbol 416 TextUses:214Used by:417
Symbol 417 MovieClipUses:416Used by:425 452
Symbol 418 TextUses:214Used by:419
Symbol 419 MovieClipUses:418Used by:425 452
Symbol 420 EditableTextUses:28Used by:425
Symbol 421 TextUses:214Used by:422 435
Symbol 422 MovieClipUses:421Used by:425
Symbol 423 EditableTextUses:28Used by:425
Symbol 424 EditableTextUses:28Used by:425
Symbol 425 MovieClipUses:407 409 399 412 415 417 419 420 422 423 424Used by:Timeline
Symbol 426 GraphicUsed by:440
Symbol 427 TextUses:173Used by:428
Symbol 428 MovieClipUses:427Used by:440 453
Symbol 429 TextUses:173Used by:430
Symbol 430 MovieClipUses:429Used by:440
Symbol 431 ButtonUses:217 252 220 253Used by:440
Symbol 432 TextUses:214Used by:433
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Symbol 434 EditableTextUses:28Used by:440
Symbol 435 MovieClipUses:421Used by:440 452
Symbol 436 EditableTextUses:28Used by:440
Symbol 437 TextUses:214Used by:438
Symbol 438 MovieClipUses:437Used by:440
Symbol 439 EditableTextUses:28Used by:440
Symbol 440 MovieClipUses:426 428 430 399 431 433 434 435 436 438 439Used by:Timeline
Symbol 441 GraphicUsed by:453
Symbol 442 TextUses:173Used by:443
Symbol 443 MovieClipUses:442Used by:453
Symbol 444 EditableTextUses:28Used by:452
Symbol 445 EditableTextUses:28Used by:452
Symbol 446 TextUses:28Used by:452
Symbol 447 ButtonUses:217 252 220 253Used by:452
Symbol 448 TextUses:28Used by:452
Symbol 449 EditableTextUses:28Used by:452
Symbol 450 EditableTextUses:28Used by:452
Symbol 451 EditableTextUses:28Used by:452
Symbol 452 MovieClipUses:444 435 445 433 446 447 415 448 449 450 419 417 451Used by:453
Symbol 453 MovieClipUses:441 428 443 399 452Used by:Timeline
Symbol 454 MovieClipUses:113 119 125 131 137 143 92Used by:485
Symbol 455 BitmapUsed by:456
Symbol 456 GraphicUses:455Used by:485
Symbol 457 GraphicUsed by:460 468
Symbol 458 GraphicUsed by:460
Symbol 459 GraphicUsed by:460 468
Symbol 460 ButtonUses:457 458 459Used by:485
Symbol 461 TextUses:28 214Used by:485
Symbol 462 TextUses:28Used by:485
Symbol 463 BitmapUsed by:464
Symbol 464 GraphicUses:463Used by:465
Symbol 465 MovieClipUses:464Used by:466 471 474 477 480
Symbol 466 MovieClipUses:92 113 119 125 131 137 143 465 280 153Used by:485
Symbol 467 GraphicUsed by:468
Symbol 468 ButtonUses:457 467 459Used by:485
Symbol 469 TextUses:28Used by:485
Symbol 470 TextUses:28 214Used by:485
Symbol 471 MovieClipUses:113 119 125 137 143 92 131 319 320 465 96 102 106Used by:485
Symbol 472 TextUses:28Used by:485
Symbol 473 TextUses:28 214Used by:485
Symbol 474 MovieClipUses:92 113 119 125 131 137 143 465 280Used by:485
Symbol 475 TextUses:28 214Used by:485
Symbol 476 TextUses:28Used by:485
Symbol 477 MovieClipUses:113 119 125 143 131 137 92 319 320 465 102Used by:485
Symbol 478 TextUses:28 214Used by:485
Symbol 479 TextUses:28Used by:485
Symbol 480 MovieClipUses:113 119 125 143 131 137 92 319 320 465 84Used by:485
Symbol 481 TextUses:28 214Used by:485
Symbol 482 TextUses:28Used by:485
Symbol 483 GraphicUsed by:484
Symbol 484 MovieClipUses:483Used by:485
Symbol 485 MovieClipUses:454 456 460 461 462 466 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 484Used by:Timeline
Symbol 486 TextUses:173Used by:488
Symbol 487 TextUses:173Used by:488
Symbol 488 ButtonUses:293 486 296 487Used by:Timeline
Symbol 489 EditableTextUses:39 359Used by:Timeline
Symbol 490 BitmapUsed by:492
Symbol 491 BitmapUsed by:492
Symbol 492 GraphicUses:490 491 211Used by:Timeline
Symbol 493 TextUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 494 TextUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 495 TextUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 496 TextUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 497 TextUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 498 TextUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 499 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 500 ButtonUses:217 223 220 224Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 502 GraphicUses:501Used by:Timeline

Instance Names

"logo_mc"Frame 2Symbol 75 MovieClip
"evaltimelimit_mc"Frame 4Symbol 82 MovieClip
"shape1_mc"Frame 4Symbol 110 MovieClip
"shape2_mc"Frame 4Symbol 116 MovieClip
"shape3_mc"Frame 4Symbol 122 MovieClip
"shape4_mc"Frame 4Symbol 128 MovieClip
"shape5_mc"Frame 4Symbol 134 MovieClip
"shape6_mc"Frame 4Symbol 140 MovieClip
"shape7_mc"Frame 4Symbol 146 MovieClip
"shape1back_mc"Frame 4Symbol 84 MovieClip
"shape2back_mc"Frame 4Symbol 96 MovieClip
"shape3back_mc"Frame 4Symbol 98 MovieClip
"shape4back_mc"Frame 4Symbol 100 MovieClip
"shape5back_mc"Frame 4Symbol 102 MovieClip
"shape7back_mc"Frame 4Symbol 106 MovieClip
"shape6back_mc"Frame 4Symbol 104 MovieClip
"invalid_mc"Frame 4Symbol 153 MovieClip
"mainmenu_mc"Frame 4Symbol 242 MovieClip
"timeleft_mc"Frame 4Symbol 278 MovieClip
"target_mc"Frame 4Symbol 281 MovieClip
"timer_mc"Frame 5Symbol 290 MovieClip
"quit_btn"Frame 5Symbol 298 Button
"collectiontimer_mc"Frame 5Symbol 302 MovieClip
"scorecounter_mc"Frame 5Symbol 304 MovieClip
"gamemode_mc"Frame 5Symbol 307 MovieClip
"levellabel_mc"Frame 5Symbol 310 MovieClip
"pause_btn"Frame 5Symbol 313 Button
"levelcounter_mc"Frame 5Symbol 317 MovieClip
"collectpoints_mc"Frame 5Symbol 330 MovieClip
"waitforharveston_mc"Frame 5Symbol 331 MovieClip
"fullharvest_mc"Frame 5Symbol 332 MovieClip
"gameover_mc"Frame 23Symbol 425 MovieClip
"gamecomplete_mc"Frame 25Symbol 453 MovieClip
"bytesload"Symbol 45 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 44 MovieClip
"redbar"Symbol 290 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 287 MovieClip
"bar"Symbol 290 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 289 MovieClip
"levelup_mc"Symbol 317 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 315 MovieClip
"spacebar_tooltip_mc"Symbol 330 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 327 MovieClip
"pointsscored_mc"Symbol 330 MovieClip Frame 2Symbol 329 MovieClip
"quit_btn"Symbol 377 MovieClip Frame 2Symbol 364 Button
"flashingarrow_mc"Symbol 377 MovieClip Frame 2Symbol 369 MovieClip
"quit_btn"Symbol 377 MovieClip Frame 3Symbol 372 Button
"quit_btn"Symbol 388 MovieClip Frame 2Symbol 381 Button
"flashingarrow_mc"Symbol 388 MovieClip Frame 2Symbol 369 MovieClip
"quit_btn"Symbol 388 MovieClip Frame 3Symbol 372 Button
"quit_btn"Symbol 396 MovieClip Frame 2Symbol 392 Button
"quit_btn"Symbol 396 MovieClip Frame 3Symbol 372 Button
"resetgame_tooltip_mc"Symbol 397 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 344 MovieClip
"savegame_tooltip_mc"Symbol 397 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 346 MovieClip
"savegame_tooltip_fullonly_mc"Symbol 397 MovieClip Frame 2Symbol 353 MovieClip
"gc_stats_mc"Symbol 453 MovieClip Frame 16Symbol 452 MovieClip
"tutorial_invalidmove_mc1"Symbol 466 MovieClip Frame 130Symbol 153 MovieClip
"shape2back_mc"Symbol 471 MovieClip Frame 44Symbol 96 MovieClip
"shape2back_mc"Symbol 471 MovieClip Frame 44Symbol 96 MovieClip
"shape2back_mc"Symbol 471 MovieClip Frame 44Symbol 96 MovieClip
"shape2back_mc"Symbol 471 MovieClip Frame 44Symbol 96 MovieClip
"shape2back_mc"Symbol 471 MovieClip Frame 44Symbol 96 MovieClip
"shape2back_mc"Symbol 471 MovieClip Frame 46Symbol 96 MovieClip
"shape2back_mc"Symbol 471 MovieClip Frame 46Symbol 96 MovieClip
"shape2back_mc"Symbol 471 MovieClip Frame 46Symbol 96 MovieClip
"shape2back_mc"Symbol 471 MovieClip Frame 46Symbol 96 MovieClip
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"shape1back_mc"Symbol 480 MovieClip Frame 35Symbol 84 MovieClip

Special Tags

Protect (24)Timeline Frame 131 bytes "..$1$Yk$nXTc9N5IwUMWJXP9.vZrU.."
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 36 as "loadinglevel"


"devlabsloading"Frame 1
"miniclipintro"Frame 2
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"welcome"Frame 4
"startgame"Frame 5
"gamestarted"Frame 6
"gamepaused"Frame 7
"removegroups"Frame 8
"swapshapes"Frame 13
"dropshapes"Frame 16
"areyousure"Frame 19
"shapeplacement"Frame 20
"timeout"Frame 23
"levelcomplete"Frame 24
"gamecomplete"Frame 25
"endofgame"Frame 27
"tutorial"Frame 28
"advert"Frame 29
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"harvest_complete"Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 26
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"harvest_complete"Symbol 116 MovieClip Frame 26
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"rotten1"Symbol 146 MovieClip Frame 2
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"harvest_complete"Symbol 146 MovieClip Frame 26
"harvest_onetype"Symbol 146 MovieClip Frame 41
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"startinvalidmove_penalty2"Symbol 153 MovieClip Frame 52
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"tip1"Symbol 388 MovieClip Frame 1
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"tip3"Symbol 388 MovieClip Frame 3
"tip1"Symbol 396 MovieClip Frame 1
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"puzzle_ingamehelp"Symbol 397 MovieClip Frame 6
"gc_puzzle"Symbol 452 MovieClip Frame 1
"gc_classic"Symbol 452 MovieClip Frame 2

Dynamic Text Variables

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timeleftcaptionSymbol 245 EditableText"You currently have ?? minutes of playing time left"
invalidkeycaptionSymbol 266 EditableText""
productkeySymbol 270 EditableText"key goes here..."
timer2Symbol 299 EditableText"0:30"
scoreSymbol 303 EditableText"000000"
modeSymbol 306 EditableText"TIME TRIAL"
levelSymbol 314 EditableText"1"
scoreSymbol 328 EditableText""
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biggestbunchSymbol 423 EditableText"000"
finalscoreSymbol 424 EditableText"00000000"
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lc_nextlevelSymbol 439 EditableText"000"
gc_totalscoreSymbol 444 EditableText"000000"
gc_levelscoreSymbol 445 EditableText"000000"
gc_totalscoreSymbol 449 EditableText"000000"
gc_biggestbunchSymbol 450 EditableText"000000"
highestscoringharvestSymbol 451 EditableText"000000"
Created: 4/6 -2019 07:44:22 Last modified: 4/6 -2019 07:44:22 Server time: 05/11 -2024 06:39:06