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This is the info page for
Flash #14438

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Ultratech's Legacy

In the ancient past, Eyedol and his arch-rival Gargos were huge and fearsome Warlords whose
bitter feud was rapidly bringing the world to ruin. Events finally came to a cataclysmic head when
the greatest heroes of the age gathered at the scene of the rivals' latest clash, a battleground fated
to be their last.
Each and every one of the humans knew their part in the desperate scheme: the sword-swinging
warriors leapt headlong into the fray as a distraction while their sorcerer allies wove the most
powerful combined magicks ever witnessed by the world, creating a vortex so strong that, despite
all their panicked efforts, neither Eyedol nor Gargos could resist its pull. Though the loss of life on
the heroes' part was all but total, the Warlords were finally torn, screaming, into a Limbo which
would clutch them tight to its bosom for the following two thousand years.
A jump to the very recent past, and the sinister Ultratech corporation have managed to developed
a machine that can reach into the void, dragging out a severely weakened Eyedol to stand as the
champion of their latest tournament. However, an alarmingly strong opposition left the company
watching with building fury as its other in-house death machines were gradually picked off: Riptor
fell to the cybernetically-enhanced might of Combo, Cinder's existence came to a merciful end at
the hands of the alien fugitive Glacius, Spinal was beaten violently back to the grave under the
vengeful axes of Chief Thunder, and the young monk Jago earned the thanks of many by sending
Fulgore permanently off-line.

But the real chaos only began when Orchid dealt the killing blow to Eyedol deep beneath
Ultratech HQ. The whole world shuddered and creaked as the Limbo realm reopened to
reclaim the Warlord's soul, allowing the scheming Gargos his one and only chance to break
free. Blind panic ensued as the Ultratech scientists wrestled with their Limbo device in a
desperate attempt to send the cackling monster back, but only when they reached
stupendously dangerous power levels was there any effect. The machine exploded, taking
with it Gargos and the entire Ultratech building as it vanished into a massive timeflux of its
own creation.
Jago, Orchid, Combo, Sabrewulf and a newly-activated Fulgore Mk. II all find themselves
stranded in the ancient world, where a new era of battle begins as Tusk, Maya, Kim Wu,
Glacius and an earlier incarnation of Spinal all throw themselves into the fight to bring down
the new reign of the tyrannical Warlord Gargos.

Age: 21
Height: 5'6''
Weight: 190 lbs
Arcade History:
After destroying Fulgore a furious Jago is betrayed by his one-time master
the Tiger Spirit. The disguised Demon Lord used him to escape from the
void and now Jago swears vengeance.
History 1:
Jago's upbringing at the hands of the warrior Monks of the Tiger taught
him to cherish the concepts of honour, justice and loyalty, and it is this
ingrained nobility of the soul that makes the Tiger Spirit's treachery a
particularly bitter pill to swallow. When his erstwhile mentor is exposed as
the Warlord Gargos following the destruction of Eyedol and the 2000-year
timeshift, an agonised Jago vows to destroy the fiend who has
manipulated his destiny and betrayed his Order.
History 2:
This two-fisted battlin' Tibetian monk joined the first tournament to
destroy the evil that lay inside. Possessed by the power of the
mystical Tiger Spirit, Jago did accomplish destroying the original
Fulgore unit. However, the fighter soon found himself betrayed by his
inner master. The Tiger Spirit turned out to be the disguised demon
lord Gargos, who used him to gain entrance back to the world. Jago
swears vengeance on the creature.

More Info

Kill Fulgore Don't Kill Orchid: Jago's task is complete he has risen to the heights of
which only a grand master can attain. Jago's victory is doubly complete with the
total destruction of his nemesis Fulgore. And in the events that follow, Jago
finds out he has a lost sister - Orchid. United at last they form a deadly
fighting team. Fulgore is dead but the new team of Jago and Orchid must
face a familiar enemy. Ultratech is rebuilt. The fight is not yet over...
Kill Fulgore and Orchid: Jago's task is complete he has risen to the heights of which
only a grand master can attain. Jago's victory is doubly complete with the total
destruction of his nemesis Fulgore. But his victory seems hollow searching for his
sould and using power of meditation he senses he has lost something unknown.
Although Fulgore was destroyed in the conflict. Enough remained of Ultratech and
it was rebuilt.  Jago must continue his quest...
Don't Kill Fulgore or Orchid: Jago's task is complete he has risen to the heights of
which only a grand master can attain. After all the battles, Jago senses Fulgore
has survived. Wary of the danger the cyborg presents he knows he must watch
his back. The attack is quick to arrive, but the mysterious Orchid comes to
Jago's aid once again. Unable to withstand both of them Fulgore is destroyed.
Fulgore is dead but the new team of Jago and Orchid must face a familiar
enemy. Ultratech is rebuilt. The fight is not yet over...
Kill Orchid, Don't Kill Fulgore: Jago's task is complete he has risen to the heights of which only a grand master can
attain. After all the battles, Jago senses Fulgore has survived. Wary of danger the cyborg presents he knows he
must watch his back. But mere vigilance is not enough against the lethal Fulgore. Taking full advantage of Jagos
weakness the cyborg finally gets its revenge. With no one left to stop him, Fulgore rebuilds Ultratech in the past.
History is rewritten to a world totally ruled by the corporation.

T.J. Combo
Age: 26
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 220 lbs
Arcade History:
Story: After a decisive victory over Riptor in the tournament, Combo
attempted to destroy Ultratech HQ. Caught as Ultratech is ripped into
the past, Combo must escape home before it is too late.
History 1:
Combo is beginning to wish that he had never seen that tournament bulletin on
TV, never succumbed to the wild temptation to use it as a ladder back to the peak
of public acclaim. His toughest clash of the contest, in which he only just
managed to rid the world of the bestial Riptor, left him hospitalised: on his
release, Combo made for Ultratech HQ with a vengeance and was in the process
of looting and vandalising when he was caught up in the temporal chaos...
History 2:
Combo entered the fray to regain the fame and fortune he lost when it
was revealed that the heavyweight champion's arms were cybernetically-
augmented. After soundly beating Riptor, Combo attempted to destroy
the Ultratech building, but was sucked back into the past along with
it. His priorities have recently changed; he now simply wants to
return home.

Kill Tusk: Having won the tournament and vanquish Gargos, Combo knows he
can achieve anything. With no challenge remaining in the past Combo returns
to the future through a time portal. Strengthened by his experience he vows
soon to regain his lost fame and fortune once again.
Don't Kill Tusk: Having won the tournament and vanquish Gargos, Combo
knows he can achieve anything. Rejected by modern society for cheating,
Combo grabs the chance to again win fame in the arena. Staying in the past
he puts his fighting skills to work and soon becomes a great champion.

Age: 650
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 110 lbs
Arcade History:
Although destroyed by Thunder in the present, a younger Spinal still
exists in the past. Resurrected by Gargos and forced to serve him, he goes up
against the tyrant to win his freedom.
History 1:
He may have been destroyed by Thunder in the present, but back in the past
Spinal is still undead and kicking thanks to the necromantic powers of Gargos
which have torn him from the grave. A savage warrior and faithful right-hand
man to the Warlord in life, Spinal remains a formidable opponent - but now
bears a terrible grudge against the being who would deny him the peace of
eternal sleep. Filled with resentment, he fights to avenge himself and
hopefully, as a result, return to his well-earned rest.
History 2:
A major success in Ultratech's research in cell regeneration, Spinal
was created by reworking the cells of an ancient fighter. Though
destroyed by Chief Thunder in the present, Gargos resurrects and
commands the combatant's past remains. A new, younger Spinal seethes
for vengeance and freedom.

Kill Kim Wu: Freed of the chains of slavery Spinal relishes his freedom.
Unable to recover the artifact that summoned him, Spinal
contemplates his future. Consultation with his ancestors offers Spinal
no guidance. Sadly he resigns himself to an eternity alone and without
Don't Kill Kim Wu: Freed of the chains of slavery Spinal relishes his
freedom. Unable to recover the artifact that summoned him,  Spinal
contemplates his future. Lost, he goes to consult with his ancestors.
During the ceremony he learns once important lesson, never leave
your enemies alive.

Age: 31
Height: 6'11"
Weight: 380 lbs
Arcade History:
With the return of the Demon Lord to the land, Tusk leaves the arena to
issue his challenge. Only by defeating all adversaries can a hero gain the
right to face the evil Gargos.
History 1:
A barbarian killing machine from the cold wastelands to the north, Tusk is the last of a
warrior caste decimated by the bitter rivalry of the Warlords and finally reduced to a
sole survivor during their costly banishment to Limbo. He now lives in wealth and glory
as Champion of the old world's Gladiatorial Arena; but when the demonic shadow of
Gargos rises again, Tusk sets his jaw, takes up his blade and casts aside all other
responsibilities to settle this blood feud once and for all.
History 2:
The brutal and formidable ancient barbarian known as Tusk believes he
must face all challengers before he'll have the right to face Gargos.
Will he save the past, or destroy it?

Kill Combo, Don't Kill Maya: Tusk has achieved his goal and now awaits a greater
challenge. Finding one of his past adversaries particularly grateful to him for
destroying Gargos, he scorts Maya back to her homeland. Taks and Maya wed
and embled a long rule over Amazonia. Tusk is never truly happy. His thirst for
battle remaining unquenshed.
Kill Combo and Maya: Tusk has achieved his goal and now awaits a greater
challenge. With another challenge successfully completed, Tusk thirst once more
for battle. He begins the ardous journey back to the arena. For now at least he
lives only for the fight, more than living up to his legendary reputation Tusk
goes on to become the greatest undefeated champion ever seen.
Kill Maya, Don't Kill Combo: Tusk has achieved his goal and now awaits a greater
challenge. With another challenge successfully completed Tusk thirst once more
for battle. He begins the ardous journey back to the arena. With younger and
more  skilled fighters around every corner. Tusk wonders how long he'll remain

Age: Unknown
Height: Variable
Weight: Variable
Arcade History:
2 millenia from now a captured relative earns freedom by slaying a fire being and
escaping home. But now in the past, a distress call has been answered. Glacius
must free his stranded kin.
History 1:
The ordeals of this alien ambassador explain why his race made a point of
avoiding contact with us until his descendant was forced to crash-land on our
world 2000 years later. Sent to Earth by his race in search of a scout party long
since lost, Glacius soon found himself imprisoned by the surviving followers of Gargos.
In the chaos caused by the arrival of warriors from the far future and their demonic foe,
he seizes the opportunity to escape his captors and battle his way to freedom.
History 2:
An alien from a far distant planet, Glacius entered the first tournament in a deal with
Ultratech for a chance to return back home. Ultratech planned to test him against
their "projects," hoping to prove that the aliens were inferior. The results? Glacius
beat his Ultratech opposite, the fiery Cinder, and returned home. Now, 2000 years
in the past, a distress call summons a distant relative of the future fighter to Earth.
Will he find his long-lost brethren and return home? If not, vengeance is told to be
served best cold, making this Glacius perhaps its ultimate arbiter.

Kill Sabrewulf and Destroy Glacius' Spaceship: With Gargos defeated Glacius
starts the long search for his lost comrades. Returning to a well hidden place
previously discovered, Glacius is reunited with the captured members of his
race. Freeing his captured comrades Glacius leads them back to his ship, and
onto their home world. The rescue mission has been a total success.
Don't Kill Sabrewulf, Destroy Glacius Spaceship: With Gargos defeated Glacius
starts the long search for his lost comrades. Returning to a well hidden place
previously discovered, Glacius is reunited with the captured members of his
race. But he has been careless a spared enemy has tracked him with only
revenge in mind. His joy at finding his comrades is short lived.
Kill Sabrewulf: With Gargos defeated Glacius starts the long search for his lost
comrades. Although victorious Glacius still has no idea where his captured
friends are. Frustrated he resigns himself to a long trip home alone... The
consulation that he himself has survived is not enough. Leaving earth the
victory is hollow. His mission is a failure and his people remain lost.

Fulgore MK.II
Age: 1
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 560 lbs
Arcade History:
The advanced and deadlier successor to the original Fulgore cyborg
destroyed by Jago. Activated after the time jump, its final Ultratech
commands are executed... find Jago and kill him.
History 1:
Even before the Mk. I prototype in the vastly expensive Fulgore project was
completed, the scientists at Ultratech were working frenziedly on an updated
version. When the original met its match at the hands of Jago, its creator was
enraged and set about beating a single directive into the Mk. II's circuitry, turning
it into a single-minded predator and an even more deadly foe than its predecessor.
Unfortunately for Jago, not even the timejump has the power to stop it now.
History 2:
Ultratech's prototypical cyborg unit was given a trial run in the
last competition. It was sorely tested, in fact beaten, by the
warrior Jago. Now, a deadlier and more efficient model has been
activated. It's sole mission? Find and annihilate Jago.

Kill Jago and Orchid: Defeating Gargos has opened the way towards a new and more
Robot controlled Ultratech. Fulgore's program has run its course. The vengeange of
Ultratech is complete with the death of Jago. All of Ultratech's enemies have fallen. None
now stand in the way of their deadliest weapon. Bent on armageddon Fulgore builds
his robotic army. A doomed Earth will soon fall to a merciless enemy.
Kill Jago Dont Kill Orchid: Defeating Gargos has opened the way towards
a new and more Robot controlled Ultratech. Fulgore's program has
run its course. The vengeange of Ultratech is complete with the
death of Jago. But other spare enemies lie in wait. Eager to grasp vengeange and finish
it once and for all. Although Fulgore rebuilds Ultratech, Orchid takes a warning to the
future. A deadly strike by agents soon ends the Ultratech threat forever.
Kill Orchid Don't Kill Jago: Defeating Gargos has opened the way towards a new and
more Robot controlled Ultratech. Fulgore's task lies incomplete and his deadly
nemesis is still alive. The error of sparing his nemesis is soon apparent. Jago tracks
down fulgore for a final confrontation. Building a mord of cyborgs Fulgore fights an
epic battle against the army raised by his nemesis. A final epic confrontation is
inevitable. The fate of the world rests on the outcome...
Don't Kill Jago or Orchid: Defeating Gargos has opened the way towards a new and more Robot controlled
Ultratech. Fulgore's task lies incomplete and his deadly nemesis is still alive. The combined might of Jago
and Orchid assails Fulgore. The price of failure is a high one. Fulgore's failure and destruction at the hands of Jago
and Orchid has sealed the fate of Ultratech.

Kim Wu
Age: 17
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 120 lbs
Arcade History:
Descendant of the heroes who banished Eyedol and Gargos, Kim is
appointed her people's guardian. With the return of Gargos, Kim must fulfill
her duty to her homeland and destroy him forever.
History 1:
The legendary Samurai have not yet come to power in the world, but the martial
might and honour that brought them their fame is alive in the blood of their
ancestors. Kim Wu, descendant of great heroes and Guardian by birth of her home
nation, has been trained in the ways of traditional combat since her early
childhood. When Gargos returns and lays claim to the entire world she knows, Kim
realises that the time has come to fulfil her role and prove her worth in battle.
History 2:
This mysterious Eastern mystic is the descendant of the fighters who
once drove off Eyedol and Gargos. To protect her people, Wu must now
destroy the returned demon lord.

Kill Spinal: Her task as guardian is complete she can now return home. After a
long trek back to her homeland, Kim We is once again confident that it is safe
from danger in any form. Undefeated in combat, with her enemies crushed
beneath her, Kim has proven herself the best guardian yet to bless her people.
Don't Kill Spinal: Her task as guardian is complete she can now return home.
Although Gargos is destroyed a servant of his who was not destroyed when the
opportunity presented itself remains at large. Brooding over previous losses in
combat, Kim Wu soon finds out that this lack of concentration can prove to be

Age: 46
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 400 lbs
Arcade History:
Unwilling to succumb to the beast within him, Sabrewulf was badly
beaten in the KI tournament. Captured by Ultratech, he is driven
berserk by their "repairs" and now has only revenge to live for.
History 1:
Defeated early in the KI tournament by his reluctance to unleash the
beast within, Sabrewulf was heading home, injured and despairing, when he was
caught and beaten by an ignorant, sadistic country lynch mob. Barely alive, he ended
up back in the hands of Ultratech who set about making their ungodly 'repairs'. But
the pain, loss and humiliation rapidly drive the Count over the edge: breaking free of
the company's clutches, he lopes back into the world with only revenge to live for.
History 2:
The man known only as Sabrewulf originally joined the tournament to
win a cure for lycanthropy. Now, his chances for release seem even
farther away. His recent capture and experimentation on by Ultratech
may have totally pushed him over the edge. After all, what chance
does Sabrewulf have for a normal life now that his arms have been
replaced with cybernetic parts?

Kill Glacius: With Gargos defeated Sabrewulf pursues his search
for a cure. There is nothing left for him in this time, so Sabrewulf
grasps the opportunity to return home. Hope has finally
vanished and life is emptier then ever. Having still found no cure,
his only achievement was a petty revenge.
Don't Kill Glacius: With Gargos defeated Sabrewulf pursues his
search for a cure. Sabrewulf bitterly regrets leaving alive a
member of a race he made his mortal enemy. Bereft of all hope,
Sabrewulf finally succumbs to the madness of the beast. All  that
has once human to him is finally gone.

Black Orchid
Age: 24
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 125 lbs
Arcade History:
Eyedol's death by Orchid's hand freed massive energies, ripping
Ultratech back in time. Now 2000 years in the past, Orchid must face a new
challenge, and an even greater foe.
History 1:
The lethal secret agent remains as enigmatic as always. Had she been caught
and detained in her infiltration of Ultratech, the authorities would eventually
have exposed her as a valued asset of an international spy organisation:
however, Orchid's role in the tournament and ultimate victory over the
Warlord Eyedol yielded some very unexpected results, leaving not only her
but most of Ultratech trapped two millennia in the past with rather more
urgent concerns on their hands.
History 2:
After a string of mysterious disappearances connected with the
tournament, Orchid was sent to investigate the extent of corruption
within the Ultratech corporation. How corrupt did she find them?
Totally corrupt. When Orchid destroyed Eyedol, fierce energies were
unleashed that ripped the Ultratech building 2000 years into the past.
Now she must face even greater challenges than before: Confronting
Gargos, the lord of demons, and finding a way back home.

Kill Sabrewulf, Don't Kill Jago: Gargos is defeated. The way stands clear
for the forces of good to rid the world of Ultratech. Cursing Orchid as he
is dying, Gargos reveals that Jago is her brother and theyd both soon be
dead... Separated at birth the orphaned brother and sister are reunited.
A new fighting team has been formed.
Kill Jago and Sabrewulf: Gargos is defeated. The way stands clear for
the forces of good to rid the world of Ultratech. With his dying breath
Gargos curses Orchid to the same fate that had befallen her brother
Jago. She returns home, but her victory is hollow, for the rest of her life
she mourns the loss of the brother she never knew.
Don't Kill Jago or Sabrewulf: Gargos is defeated. The way stands clear
for the forces of good to rid the world of Ultratech. Cursing Orchid as he
is dying, Gargos reveals that Jago is her brother and theyd both soon be
dead... Reaching beyond the grave, Gargos possesses Sabrewulf and
attacks. But Jago slays the wulf and they siblings return home to a new
Kill Jago, Don't Kill Sabrewulf: Gargos is defeated. The way stands clear
for the forces of good to rid the world of Ultratech. With his dying breath
Gargos curses Orchid to the same fate that had befallen her brother
Jago. His spirit possessing Saberwulf in a last desperate act. Gargos
attacks, taken by  surprise, Orchid falls and Gargos has his vengeance.

Age: 23
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 140 lbs
Arcade History:
Made Queen of Amazonia after her part in banishing the Dark Lord
Gargos. Cast out by her tribe as Gargos returns, Maya must vanquish him
to regain her throne.
History 1:
The return of the tyrannical Gargos to the ancient world is welcomed by very
few. Among its foremost adversaries are the Amazons of the great jungle,
whose recently-crowned Queen, Maya, earned great respect from her part in
the original banishment of the Warlords. Now that one of them has returned to
lay his curse on the world, Maya's tribesfolk feel cheated and cast her from the
realm. Until the threat is more permanently dealt with, she is forbidden to return.
History 2:
This Amazonian jungle woman was made queen of her land after taking
part in banishing the evil Gargos. Now that the monster has
reappeared, she has been banished herself. Maya must defeat Gargos
once and for all to regain her former standing.

Dont Kill Tusk: Maya saves her home land from Gargos life in the rain forest
can proceed as normal. The threat has been destroyed and Maya has earned
a new admirer. She quite takes a fancy to... the two are soon married and
with the protection of  Maya's goddess ther reign is a long peaceful one.
Kill Tusk: Maya saves her home land from Gargos life in the rain forest can
proceed as normal. Triumphant, Maya returns home on her own to the
jungle realm of amazonia. The enchantments of the queen keep the tribe
well defended and although lonely she rules well.

Age: Unknown
Height: Unknown
Weight: Unknown
Arcade History:
The Tiger Spirit, the Supreme Warlord, the Ultimate Servant of Chaos. He has
had many names and many appearances to match, all equally deadly.
Returning to the ancient world with neither Eyedol nor those responsible for
his banishment around to threaten him, Gargos takes his place once more at
the head of his devoted cult amidst the shadows. Swiftly recovering the
strength lost during his 2000 year exile, he sets his sights on a reign of
unopposed fear and brutality.

With his arch enemy Eyedol, destroyed by Orchid, Gargos is now free to rule
the world.

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 6 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 8 Button
on (release) { getURL ("KillerInstinct2-FAQ.txt"); }
Symbol 9 Button
on (release) { getURL (""); }
Symbol 15 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (2); }
Symbol 18 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (4); }
Symbol 21 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (6); }
Symbol 24 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (8); }
Symbol 27 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (10); }
Symbol 30 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (12); }
Symbol 33 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (14); }
Symbol 36 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (16); }
Symbol 39 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (18); }
Symbol 42 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (20); }
Symbol 45 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (22); }
Symbol 48 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (24); }
Symbol 51 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (2); }
Symbol 58 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (3); }
Symbol 59 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 64 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (2); }
Symbol 73 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (5); }
Symbol 78 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (7); }
Symbol 83 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (9); }
Symbol 88 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (11); }
Symbol 93 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (13); }
Symbol 98 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (15); }
Symbol 103 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (17); }
Symbol 108 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (19); }
Symbol 113 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (21); }
Symbol 117 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (23); }
Symbol 123 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (25); }

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Symbol 78 ButtonUses:68 70 72 71Used by:Timeline
Symbol 79 TextUses:1Used by:Timeline
Symbol 80 BitmapUsed by:81
Symbol 81 GraphicUses:80Used by:Timeline
Symbol 82 TextUses:1Used by:Timeline
Symbol 83 ButtonUses:68 70 72 71Used by:Timeline
Symbol 84 TextUses:1Used by:Timeline
Symbol 85 BitmapUsed by:86
Symbol 86 GraphicUses:85Used by:Timeline
Symbol 87 TextUses:1Used by:Timeline
Symbol 88 ButtonUses:68 70 72 71Used by:Timeline
Symbol 89 TextUses:1Used by:Timeline
Symbol 90 BitmapUsed by:91
Symbol 91 GraphicUses:90Used by:Timeline
Symbol 92 TextUses:1Used by:Timeline
Symbol 93 ButtonUses:68 70 72 71Used by:Timeline
Symbol 94 TextUses:1Used by:Timeline
Symbol 95 BitmapUsed by:96
Symbol 96 GraphicUses:95Used by:Timeline
Symbol 97 TextUses:1Used by:Timeline
Symbol 98 ButtonUses:68 70 72 71Used by:Timeline
Symbol 99 TextUses:1Used by:Timeline
Symbol 100 BitmapUsed by:101
Symbol 101 GraphicUses:100Used by:Timeline
Symbol 102 TextUses:1Used by:Timeline
Symbol 103 ButtonUses:68 70 72 71Used by:Timeline
Symbol 104 TextUses:1Used by:Timeline
Symbol 105 BitmapUsed by:106
Symbol 106 GraphicUses:105Used by:Timeline
Symbol 107 TextUses:1Used by:Timeline
Symbol 108 ButtonUses:68 70 72 71Used by:Timeline
Symbol 109 TextUses:1Used by:Timeline
Symbol 110 BitmapUsed by:111
Symbol 111 GraphicUses:110Used by:Timeline
Symbol 112 TextUses:1Used by:Timeline
Symbol 113 ButtonUses:68 70 72 71Used by:Timeline
Symbol 114 TextUses:1Used by:Timeline
Symbol 115 BitmapUsed by:116
Symbol 116 GraphicUses:115Used by:Timeline
Symbol 117 ButtonUses:68 70 72 71Used by:Timeline
Symbol 118 TextUses:1Used by:Timeline
Symbol 119 TextUses:1Used by:Timeline
Symbol 120 BitmapUsed by:121
Symbol 121 GraphicUses:120Used by:Timeline
Symbol 122 TextUses:1Used by:Timeline
Symbol 123 ButtonUses:68 70 72 71Used by:Timeline
Symbol 124 TextUses:1Used by:Timeline

Special Tags

Protect (24)Timeline Frame 10 bytes ""
Created: 3/6 -2019 18:05:52 Last modified: 3/6 -2019 18:05:52 Server time: 28/09 -2024 08:29:14