Frame 98
gotoAndPlay (99);
Frame 100
if (loadperc == 100) {
gotoAndPlay (102);
loadperc = int((_framesloaded / _totalframes) * 100);
perc = loadperc add "%";
Frame 101
gotoAndPlay (100);
Frame 103
levelnumber = 1;
gamelevel = 1;
endlevel = 15;
cratefactor = 500;
bonusdelay = 5;
score = 0;
lives = 3;
counter = getTimer();
array1 = 1;
array2 = 3;
array3 = 4;
array4 = 5;
array5 = 8;
array6 = 20;
array7 = 21;
array8 = 1;
array9 = 1;
array10 = 1;
array11 = 1;
array12 = 23;
array13 = 24;
ptr = 1;
duplicateMovieClip ("/sbomb", "sbomb1", 90);
duplicateMovieClip ("/sbomb", "sbomb2", 91);
duplicateMovieClip ("/sabomb", "sabomb1", 92);
duplicateMovieClip ("/sabomb", "sabomb2", 93);
Frame 104
current = getTimer();
delay = (current - counter) / 1000;
if ((1 < Number(delay)) and (Number(delay) < 1.5)) {
setProperty("/tiles", _visible , false);
setProperty("/tiles2", _visible , false);
} else {
setProperty("/tiles", _visible , true);
setProperty("/tiles2", _visible , true);
if (4.5 < Number(delay)) {
ptr = Number(ptr) + 1;
if (13 < Number(ptr)) {
ptr = 1;
temp = eval ("array" add ptr);
tellTarget ("/tiles") {
tellTarget ("/tiles2") {
tellTarget ("/tilehelp") {
counter = getTimer();
if ((Number(ptr) >= 8) and (10 >= Number(ptr))) {
if (Number(ptr) == 8) {
scale = 100;
if (Number(ptr) == 9) {
scale = 130;
if (Number(ptr) == 10) {
scale = 160;
setProperty("/sbomb1", _x , 216);
setProperty("/sbomb1", _y , "410");
setProperty("/sbomb1", _xscale , scale);
setProperty("/sbomb1", _yscale , scale);
setProperty("/sbomb1", _visible , true);
setProperty("/sbomb2", _x , 560);
setProperty("/sbomb2", _y , "410");
setProperty("/sbomb2", _xscale , scale);
setProperty("/sbomb2", _yscale , scale);
setProperty("/sbomb2", _visible , true);
} else {
setProperty("/sbomb1", _visible , false);
setProperty("/sbomb2", _visible , false);
if (Number(ptr) == 11) {
scale = 130;
setProperty("/sabomb1", _x , 216);
setProperty("/sabomb1", _y , "410");
setProperty("/sabomb1", _xscale , scale);
setProperty("/sabomb1", _yscale , scale);
setProperty("/sabomb1", _visible , true);
setProperty("/sabomb2", _x , 560);
setProperty("/sabomb2", _y , "410");
setProperty("/sabomb2", _xscale , scale);
setProperty("/sabomb2", _yscale , scale);
setProperty("/sabomb2", _visible , true);
} else {
setProperty("/sabomb1", _visible , false);
setProperty("/sabomb2", _visible , false);
Frame 107
gotoAndPlay (104);
Frame 108
gotoAndPlay (104);
Frame 109
Frame 110
tilex = 45;
tiley = 26;
moviex = 640;
moviey = 480;
count = 1;
while (100 >= Number(count)) {
removeMovieClip("/tile" add count);
removeMovieClip("/explode" add count);
removeMovieClip("/sbomb" add count);
Set("teleport" add count, count);
count = Number(count) + 1;
if (Number(levelnumber) == 0) {
gridx = 5;
gridy = 5;
grid = "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!";
grid2 = "6000000000000000000014";
manx = 2;
many = 2;
xoffs = 275;
yoffs = 100;
if (Number(levelnumber) == 1) {
gridx = 5;
gridy = 4;
grid = "!!$!!!! !!!! !!! !";
grid2 = "11010000011100110000";
manx = 5;
many = 4;
if (Number(levelnumber) == 2) {
gridx = 5;
gridy = 4;
grid = "!$!%! !$! !!$%!%!$";
grid2 = "11000001010020001001";
manx = 5;
many = 1;
if (Number(levelnumber) == 3) {
gridx = 5;
gridy = 4;
grid = "$!!!%$%$!!$!%!!!'++)";
grid2 = "02020013100202200001";
manx = 2;
many = 1;
if (Number(levelnumber) == 4) {
gridx = 6;
gridy = 5;
grid = "%%! ! !%%%%!!,+)! !( !! !!%%!!";
grid2 = "000010100000100200300000000000";
manx = 1;
many = 5;
if (Number(levelnumber) == 5) {
gridx = 6;
gridy = 5;
grid = "!!$$!! !$ !! $#% !!!!!!";
grid2 = "010010000000001000000020010120";
manx = 1;
many = 1;
if (Number(levelnumber) == 6) {
gridx = 5;
gridy = 5;
grid = "!$#$$4 &$!!#1)%!#(!!!#4!";
grid2 = "0000000000022300000110001";
manx = 1;
many = 1;
teleport6 = 13;
teleport24 = 10;
if (Number(levelnumber) == 7) {
gridx = 5;
gridy = 5;
grid = "'+++)$ '+++) $!!!!!";
grid2 = "2000000000102000000000002";
manx = 5;
many = 1;
if (Number(levelnumber) == 8) {
gridx = 6;
gridy = 5;
grid = "!%%%%!%%4!%!%!%%!%!%%!%!%4!%%4";
grid2 = "000001000000010010000100001000";
teleport9 = 27;
teleport26 = 6;
teleport30 = 17;
manx = 1;
many = 1;
if (Number(levelnumber) == 9) {
gridx = 5;
gridy = 5;
grid = "!!!!5 5!!!! !!!!!";
grid2 = "0100000000000010000001200";
switch5 = "!!!!6 ! 5!!!! !!!!!";
switch11 = "!!!!6 6!!!! !!!!!!";
manx = 1;
many = 1;
if (Number(levelnumber) == 10) {
gridx = 5;
gridy = 5;
grid = "4! !4!! !! !! !!4! !4";
grid2 = "0201000001000000000202000";
teleport1 = 19;
teleport5 = 6;
teleport21 = 4;
teleport25 = 16;
manx = 1;
many = 2;
if (Number(levelnumber) == 11) {
gridx = 5;
gridy = 5;
grid = " & !*! '+2!! !*! ( ";
grid2 = "0020000200003000010000000";
manx = 1;
many = 3;
if (Number(levelnumber) == 12) {
gridx = 5;
gridy = 4;
grid = "!! !!!! !!!! !!!!!!!";
grid2 = "11010000011100112220";
manx = 5;
many = 4;
if (Number(levelnumber) == 13) {
gridx = 4;
gridy = 4;
grid = " # 4$$!!!!$ ! ";
grid2 = "0100010130100010";
manx = 3;
many = 4;
teleport5 = 2;
if (Number(levelnumber) == 14) {
gridx = 5;
gridy = 6;
grid = "!! %$!! $! !$! $! 5!!% !! ";
grid2 = "020001100102000010021000100000";
switch1 = "6! %$!! $! !$! $! 5!!%!!! !";
switch19 = "5! %$!! $! !$! $! 6!!%!!! ";
manx = 1;
many = 1;
if (Number(levelnumber) == 15) {
gridx = 9;
gridy = 4;
grid = "!5%%%! 4 ! ! !! ! ! !!!!!!!!$!";
grid2 = "100003000001000003202002003000001001";
switch2 = "!6!%%! 4 ! ! !! ! ! !!!!!!!!$!";
teleport9 = 19;
manx = 1;
many = 4;
oldmanx = manx;
oldmany = many;
depthlevels = 5;
falloff = false;
countdownon = false;
levelfinished = false;
slotmode = false;
moves = 99999 /* 0x01869F */;
bombtotal = 99;
maxx = (gridx - 1) * tilex;
minx = tilex - (gridy * tilex);
width = maxx - minx;
offset1 = (moviex - width) / 2;
xoffs = (offset1 - minx) - 5;
miny = tiley * 2;
maxy = Number(gridx * tiley) + Number(gridy * tiley);
width = maxy - miny;
offset1 = (moviey - width) / 2;
yoffs = offset1 - miny;
bonus = 1000 + Number(gamelevel * 100);
bonustart = getTimer();
Frame 111
count = 1;
x = 1;
y = 1;
while (Number(gridx * gridy) >= Number(count)) {
temp = substring(grid, count, 1);
temp = ord(temp) - 32;
temp2 = substring(grid2, count, 1);
xplot = (Number(xoffs) + Number(x * tilex)) - (y * tilex);
yplot = Number(Number(yoffs) + Number(x * tiley)) + Number(y * tiley);
gridpos = Number(x) + Number((y - 1) * gridx);
depth = Number((gridpos - 1) * depthlevels) + 1;
if (Number(temp) != 0) {
duplicateMovieClip ("/tile", "tile" add count, depth);
setProperty("/tile" add count, _x , xplot);
setProperty("/tile" add count, _y , yplot);
tellTarget ("/tile" add count) {
if (Number(temp2) != 0) {
if (Number(temp2) < 4) {
duplicateMovieClip ("/sbomb", "sbomb" add count, Number(depth) + 2);
} else {
duplicateMovieClip ("/sabomb", "sbomb" add count, Number(depth) + 2);
setProperty("/sbomb" add count, _x , xplot);
setProperty("/sbomb" add count, _y , yplot - (tiley / 2));
if ((Number(temp2) == 1) or (Number(temp2) == 4)) {
bombscale = 70;
if ((Number(temp2) == 2) or (Number(temp2) == 5)) {
bombscale = 100;
if ((Number(temp2) == 3) or (Number(temp2) == 6)) {
bombscale = 130;
setProperty("/sbomb" add count, _xscale , bombscale);
setProperty("/sbomb" add count, _yscale , bombscale);
tellTarget ("") {
count = Number(count) + 1;
x = Number(x) + 1;
if (Number(gridx) < Number(x)) {
x = 1;
y = Number(y) + 1;
duplicateMovieClip ("/man", "manx", Number(depth) + 1);
plotman = true;
Frame 112
if (((Number(plotman) == Number(true)) and (Number(falloff) == Number(false))) and (Number(levelfinished) == Number(false))) {
if (Number(slotmode) == Number(true)) {
gridpos = Number(manx) + Number((many - 1) * gridx);
tile = substring(grid, gridpos, 1);
bomb = substring(grid2, gridpos, 1);
tile = ord(tile) - 32;
if (((Number(tile) >= 6) and (19 >= Number(tile))) and (Number(bomb) == 0)) {
bombpos = Number(slotx) + Number((sloty - 1) * gridx);
bomb = substring(grid2, bombpos, 1);
tempgrid = substring(grid2, 1, bombpos - 1);
tempgrid2 = substring(grid2, Number(bombpos) + 1, Number((gridx * gridy) - bombpos) + 1);
grid2 = (tempgrid add "0") add tempgrid2;
removeMovieClip("/sbomb" add bombpos);
bombpos = Number(manx) + Number((many - 1) * gridx);
tempgrid = substring(grid2, 1, bombpos - 1);
tempgrid2 = substring(grid2, Number(bombpos) + 1, Number((gridx * gridy) - bombpos) + 1);
grid2 = (tempgrid add bomb) add tempgrid2;
depth = Number((bombpos - 1) * depthlevels) + 1;
xplot = (Number(xoffs) + Number(manx * tilex)) - (many * tilex);
yplot = Number(Number(yoffs) + Number(manx * tiley)) + Number(many * tiley);
if (3 >= Number(bomb)) {
duplicateMovieClip ("/sbomb", "sbomb" add bombpos, Number(depth) + 2);
} else {
duplicateMovieClip ("/sabomb", "sbomb" add bombpos, Number(depth) + 2);
setProperty("/sbomb" add bombpos, _x , xplot);
setProperty("/sbomb" add bombpos, _y , yplot - (tiley / 2));
if ((Number(bomb) == 1) or (Number(bomb) == 4)) {
bombscale = 70;
if ((Number(bomb) == 2) or (Number(bomb) == 5)) {
bombscale = 100;
if ((Number(bomb) == 3) or (Number(bomb) == 6)) {
bombscale = 130;
setProperty("/sbomb" add bombpos, _xscale , bombscale);
setProperty("/sbomb" add bombpos, _yscale , bombscale);
slotx = manx;
sloty = many;
} else {
slotmode = false;
xplot = (Number(xoffs) + Number(manx * tilex)) - (many * tilex);
yplot = Number(Number(yoffs) + Number(manx * tiley)) + Number(many * tiley);
gridpos = Number(manx) + Number((many - 1) * gridx);
depth = Number((gridpos - 1) * depthlevels) + 1;
if (Number(depth) < 0) {
depth = 0;
if ((Number(direction) == 3) or (Number(direction) == 4)) {
duplicateMovieClip ("/man", "manx", Number(depth) + 3);
} else {
duplicateMovieClip ("/man", "manx", Number(depth) + 1);
setProperty("/manx", _x , Number(xplot) + 5);
setProperty("/manx", _y , yplot - 30);
tellTarget ("/manx") {
plotman = false;
gridpos = Number(oldmanx) + Number((oldmany - 1) * gridx);
tile = substring(grid, gridpos, 1);
tile = ord(tile) - 32;
if (Number(tile) == 4) {
tellTarget ("/tile" add gridpos) {
gotoAndPlay ("dissolve");
tempgrid = substring(grid, 1, gridpos - 1);
tempgrid2 = substring(grid, Number(gridpos) + 1, Number((gridx * gridy) - gridpos) + 1);
grid = (tempgrid add " ") add tempgrid2;
gridpos = Number(manx) + Number((many - 1) * gridx);
tile = substring(grid, gridpos, 1);
tile = ord(tile) - 32;
if (((((Number(tile) == 0) or (Number(gridx) < Number(manx))) or (Number(manx) < 1)) or (Number(gridy) < Number(many))) or (Number(many) < 1)) {
falloff = true;
tellTarget ("/sound1") {
gotoAndPlay (2);
fallxplot = (Number(xoffs) + Number(manx * tilex)) - (many * tilex);
fallyplot = Number(Number(yoffs) + Number(manx * tiley)) + Number(many * tiley);
fallscale = 50;
if (Number(tile) == 23) {
detonate = true;
mine = true;
detx = manx;
dety = many;
if (Number(tile) == 20) {
currentpos = Number(manx) + Number((many - 1) * gridx);
temppos = eval ("teleport" add currentpos);
newy = int(temppos / gridx);
newx = temppos - (newy * gridx);
if (Number(newx) == 0) {
newx = gridx;
} else {
newy = Number(newy) + 1;
manx = newx;
many = newy;
plotman = true;
tellTarget ("/sound5") {
gotoAndPlay (2);
if (Number(tile) == 5) {
plotman = true;
if ((Number(tile) == 5) and (1 < Number(moves))) {
tellTarget ("/sound4") {
gotoAndPlay (2);
plotman = true;
oldmanx = manx;
oldmany = many;
if (Number(direction) == 1) {
manx = Number(manx) + 1;
if (Number(direction) == 2) {
many = Number(many) + 1;
if (Number(direction) == 3) {
many = many - 1;
if (Number(direction) == 4) {
manx = manx - 1;
if (Number(falloff) == Number(true)) {
tellTarget ("/manx") {
direction = Number(direction) + 1;
if (4 < Number(direction)) {
direction = direction - 4;
setProperty("/manx", _x , Number(fallxplot) + 5);
setProperty("/manx", _y , fallyplot - 30);
setProperty("/manx", _xscale , fallscale);
setProperty("/manx", _yscale , fallscale);
fallyplot = Number(fallyplot) + 10;
fallscale = fallscale - 0.5;
if ((600 < Number(fallyplot)) or (Number(fallscale) < 5)) {
lives = lives - 1;
if (0 < Number(lives)) {
gotoAndPlay (110);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (114);
if (Number(detonate) == Number(true)) {
bombqueue = 1;
Set("bq" add bombqueue, Number((dety - 1) * gridx) + Number(detx));
gridpos = Number(detx) + Number((dety - 1) * gridx);
Set("btype" add bombqueue, substring(grid2, gridpos, 1));
qptr = 1;
while (Number(bombqueue) >= Number(qptr)) {
temppos = eval ("bq" add qptr);
dety = int(temppos / gridx);
detx = temppos - (dety * gridx);
if (Number(detx) == 0) {
detx = gridx;
} else {
dety = Number(dety) + 1;
gridpos = Number(detx) + Number((dety - 1) * gridx);
tile = substring(grid2, gridpos, 1);
tile = eval ("btype" add qptr);
if (3 < Number(tile)) {
zcount = 1;
while (Number(gridx * gridy) >= Number(zcount)) {
ztile = substring(grid2, zcount, 1);
if (3 < Number(ztile)) {
tempgrid = substring(grid2, 1, zcount - 1);
tempgrid2 = substring(grid2, Number(zcount) + 1, Number((gridx * gridy) - zcount) + 1);
grid2 = (tempgrid add "0") add tempgrid2;
bombqueue = Number(bombqueue) + 1;
Set("bq" add bombqueue, zcount);
Set("btype" add bombqueue, ztile);
zcount = Number(zcount) + 1;
if (((Number(tile) == 1) or (Number(mine) == Number(true))) or (Number(tile) == 4)) {
xcheck1 = detx;
ycheck1 = dety - 1;
xcheck2 = detx - 1;
ycheck2 = dety;
xcheck3 = detx;
ycheck3 = dety;
xcheck4 = Number(detx) + 1;
ycheck4 = dety;
xcheck5 = detx;
ycheck5 = Number(dety) + 1;
maxcheck = 5;
if ((Number(tile) == 2) or (Number(tile) == 5)) {
xcheck1 = detx;
ycheck1 = dety - 1;
xcheck2 = detx - 1;
ycheck2 = dety;
xcheck3 = detx;
ycheck3 = dety;
xcheck4 = Number(detx) + 1;
ycheck4 = dety;
xcheck5 = detx;
ycheck5 = Number(dety) + 1;
xcheck6 = detx;
ycheck6 = dety - 2;
xcheck7 = detx - 1;
ycheck7 = dety - 1;
xcheck8 = Number(detx) + 1;
ycheck8 = dety - 1;
xcheck9 = detx - 2;
ycheck9 = dety;
xcheck10 = Number(detx) + 2;
ycheck10 = dety;
xcheck11 = detx - 1;
ycheck11 = Number(dety) + 1;
xcheck12 = Number(detx) + 1;
ycheck12 = Number(dety) + 1;
xcheck13 = detx;
ycheck13 = Number(dety) + 2;
maxcheck = 13;
if ((Number(tile) == 3) or (Number(tile) == 6)) {
xcheck1 = detx;
ycheck1 = dety - 1;
xcheck2 = detx - 1;
ycheck2 = dety;
xcheck3 = detx;
ycheck3 = dety;
xcheck4 = Number(detx) + 1;
ycheck4 = dety;
xcheck5 = detx;
ycheck5 = Number(dety) + 1;
xcheck6 = detx;
ycheck6 = dety - 2;
xcheck7 = detx - 1;
ycheck7 = dety - 1;
xcheck8 = Number(detx) + 1;
ycheck8 = dety - 1;
xcheck9 = detx - 2;
ycheck9 = dety;
xcheck10 = Number(detx) + 2;
ycheck10 = dety;
xcheck11 = detx - 1;
ycheck11 = Number(dety) + 1;
xcheck12 = Number(detx) + 1;
ycheck12 = Number(dety) + 1;
xcheck13 = detx;
ycheck13 = Number(dety) + 2;
xcheck14 = detx;
ycheck14 = dety - 3;
xcheck15 = detx - 1;
ycheck15 = dety - 2;
xcheck16 = Number(detx) + 1;
ycheck16 = dety - 2;
xcheck17 = detx - 2;
ycheck17 = dety - 1;
xcheck18 = Number(detx) + 1;
ycheck18 = dety - 1;
xcheck19 = detx - 3;
ycheck19 = dety;
xcheck20 = Number(detx) + 3;
ycheck20 = dety;
xcheck21 = detx - 2;
ycheck21 = Number(dety) + 1;
xcheck22 = Number(detx) + 2;
ycheck22 = Number(dety) + 1;
xcheck23 = detx - 1;
ycheck23 = Number(dety) + 2;
xcheck24 = Number(detx) + 1;
ycheck24 = Number(dety) + 2;
xcheck25 = detx;
ycheck25 = Number(dety) + 3;
maxcheck = 25;
count = 1;
while (Number(maxcheck) >= Number(count)) {
tempx = eval ("xcheck" add count);
tempy = eval ("ycheck" add count);
if ((((0 < Number(tempx)) and (Number(gridx) >= Number(tempx))) and (0 < Number(tempy))) and (Number(gridy) >= Number(tempy))) {
temppos = Number(tempx) + Number((tempy - 1) * gridx);
check = substring(grid2, temppos, 1);
} else {
check = 0;
if (Number(check) != 0) {
tempgrid = substring(grid2, 1, temppos - 1);
tempgrid2 = substring(grid2, Number(temppos) + 1, Number((gridx * gridy) - temppos) + 1);
grid2 = (tempgrid add "0") add tempgrid2;
bombqueue = Number(bombqueue) + 1;
Set("bq" add bombqueue, temppos);
Set("btype" add bombqueue, check);
count = Number(count) + 1;
qptr = Number(qptr) + 1;
detonate = false;
qptr = 1;
while (Number(bombqueue) >= Number(qptr)) {
temppos = eval ("bq" add qptr);
dety = int(temppos / gridx);
detx = temppos - (dety * gridx);
if (Number(detx) == 0) {
detx = gridx;
} else {
dety = Number(dety) + 1;
tile = eval ("btype" add qptr);
if (((Number(tile) == 1) or (Number(mine) == Number(true))) or (Number(tile) == 4)) {
blastx1 = detx;
blasty1 = dety;
blast = 1;
if ((Number(tile) == 2) or (Number(tile) == 5)) {
blastx1 = detx;
blasty1 = dety - 1;
blastx2 = detx - 1;
blasty2 = dety;
blastx3 = detx;
blasty3 = dety;
blastx4 = Number(detx) + 1;
blasty4 = dety;
blastx5 = detx;
blasty5 = Number(dety) + 1;
blast = 5;
if ((Number(tile) == 3) or (Number(tile) == 6)) {
blastx1 = detx;
blasty1 = dety - 1;
blastx2 = detx - 1;
blasty2 = dety;
blastx3 = detx;
blasty3 = dety;
blastx4 = Number(detx) + 1;
blasty4 = dety;
blastx5 = detx;
blasty5 = Number(dety) + 1;
blastx6 = detx;
blasty6 = dety - 2;
blastx7 = detx - 1;
blasty7 = dety - 1;
blastx8 = Number(detx) + 1;
blasty8 = dety - 1;
blastx9 = detx - 2;
blasty9 = dety;
blastx10 = Number(detx) + 2;
blasty10 = dety;
blastx11 = detx - 1;
blasty11 = Number(dety) + 1;
blastx12 = Number(detx) + 1;
blasty12 = Number(dety) + 1;
blastx13 = detx;
blasty13 = Number(dety) + 2;
blast = 13;
count = 1;
while (Number(blast) >= Number(count)) {
blastx = eval ("blastx" add count);
blasty = eval ("blasty" add count);
if (((Number(blastx) == Number(manx)) and (Number(blasty) == Number(many))) and (Number(falloff) == Number(false))) {
falloff = true;
tellTarget ("/sound1") {
gotoAndPlay (2);
fallxplot = (Number(xoffs) + Number(manx * tilex)) - (many * tilex);
fallyplot = Number(Number(yoffs) + Number(manx * tiley)) + Number(many * tiley);
fallscale = 50;
if ((((0 < Number(blastx)) and (Number(gridx) >= Number(blastx))) and (0 < Number(blasty))) and (Number(gridy) >= Number(blasty))) {
gridpos = Number(blastx) + Number((blasty - 1) * gridx);
tile = substring(grid, gridpos, 1);
tile = ord(tile) - 32;
if (Number(tile) != 3) {
removeMovieClip("/tile" add gridpos);
tempgrid = substring(grid, 1, gridpos - 1);
tempgrid2 = substring(grid, Number(gridpos) + 1, Number((gridx * gridy) - gridpos) + 1);
grid = (tempgrid add " ") add tempgrid2;
removeMovieClip("/sbomb" add gridpos);
duplicateMovieClip ("/explode", "explode" add gridpos, 900 + Number(gridpos));
xplot = (Number(xoffs) + Number(blastx * tilex)) - (blasty * tilex);
yplot = Number(Number(yoffs) + Number(blastx * tiley)) + Number(blasty * tiley);
setProperty("/explode" add gridpos, _x , xplot);
setProperty("/explode" add gridpos, _y , yplot - (tiley / 2));
tellTarget ("/explode" add gridpos) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
tellTarget ("/sound3") {
gotoAndPlay (2);
count = Number(count) + 1;
qptr = Number(qptr) + 1;
mine = false;
moves = 99999 /* 0x01869F */;
total = 0;
tempscore = 0;
count = 1;
while (Number(gridx * gridy) >= Number(count)) {
tile = substring(grid, count, 1);
tile = ord(tile) - 32;
bomb = substring(grid2, count, 1);
total = Number(total) + Number(bomb);
if (Number(tile) != 0) {
tempscore = Number(tempscore) + 10;
count = Number(count) + 1;
bombtotal = total;
plotman = true;
if (((Number(bombtotal) == 0) and (Number(falloff) == Number(false))) and (Number(plotman) == Number(false))) {
score = Number(score) + Number(tempscore);
score = Number(score) + Number(bonus);
duplicateMovieClip ("/completed", "comp", 999);
setProperty("/comp", _x , moviex / 2);
setProperty("/comp", _y , (moviey / 2) - 50);
tellTarget ("/comp") {
gotoAndPlay (2);
levelfinished = true;
finishtimer = getTimer();
bombtotal = 99;
if ((((15 < Number(gamelevel)) and (Number(random(cratefactor)) == 10)) and (Number(levelfinished) == Number(false))) and (Number(cratefalling) == Number(false))) {
x = manx;
y = many;
cratex = manx;
cratey = many;
gridpos = Number(x) + Number((y - 1) * gridx);
depth = Number((gridpos - 1) * depthlevels) + 1;
cratexplot = (Number(xoffs) + Number(x * tilex)) - (y * tilex);
finalcrateyplot = Number(Number(yoffs) + Number(x * tiley)) + Number(y * tiley);
crateyplot = finalcrateyplot - 300;
duplicateMovieClip ("/crate", "crate2", Number(depth) + 4);
setProperty("/crate2", _x , cratexplot);
setProperty("/crate2", _y , crateyplot);
cratefall = false;
fallspeed = 1;
cratefalling = true;
tellTarget ("/sound7") {
gotoAndPlay (2);
if (Number(cratefalling) == Number(true)) {
crateyplot = Number(crateyplot) + Number(fallspeed);
fallspeed = Number(fallspeed) + 1;
distance = finalcrateyplot - crateyplot;
if (Number(distance) < 55) {
if ((Number(cratex) == Number(manx)) and (Number(cratey) == Number(many))) {
mine = true;
detonate = true;
detx = manx;
dety = many;
cratefalling = false;
if (Number(crateyplot) >= Number(finalcrateyplot)) {
tellTarget ("/sound8") {
gotoAndPlay (2);
cratefalling = false;
cratepause = true;
cratedelay = 0;
crateyplot = finalcrateyplot;
setProperty("/crate2", _x , cratexplot);
setProperty("/crate2", _y , crateyplot);
if (Number(cratepause) == Number(true)) {
if (20 < Number(cratedelay)) {
cratepause = false;
} else {
cratedelay = Number(cratedelay) + 1;
Frame 113
current = (getTimer() - bonustart) / 1000;
if (Number(bonusdelay) < Number(current)) {
bonustart = getTimer();
bonus = bonus - 50;
if (0 >= Number(bonus)) {
detonate = true;
mine = true;
detx = manx;
dety = many;
if (Number(countdownon) == Number(true)) {
current = getTimer();
delay = (current - countdown) / 1000;
if (1.5 < Number(delay)) {
detonate = true;
countdownon = false;
tempgoto = true;
if (Number(levelfinished) == Number(true)) {
current = getTimer();
delay = (current - finishtimer) / 1000;
if (3.5 < Number(delay)) {
levelnumber = Number(levelnumber) + 1;
bonusdelay = bonusdelay - 0.1;
if (Number(bonusdelay) < 1) {
bonusdelay = 1;
cratefactor = cratefactor - 15;
if (Number(cratefactor) < 30) {
cratefactor = 30;
gamelevel = Number(gamelevel) + 1;
if (Number(endlevel) < Number(levelnumber)) {
levelnumber = 1;
tempgoto = false;
if (Number(tempgoto) == Number(true)) {
gotoAndPlay (112);
} else {
tempgoto = true;
gotoAndPlay (110);
Frame 114
count = 1;
while (100 >= Number(count)) {
removeMovieClip("/tile" add count);
removeMovieClip("/explode" add count);
removeMovieClip("/sbomb" add count);
Set("teleport" add count, count);
count = Number(count) + 1;
count = 5;
if (_root.score == 0) {
gotoAndPlay (117);
} else {
Instance of Symbol 211 MovieClip in Frame 114
onClipEvent (load) {
gamename = "detonator";
Frame 117
newrecord = false;
if (Number(newrecord) == Number(true)) {
result = "Well done! That's a new high score!";
} else {
result = "You didn't manage to get a high-score";
Symbol 3 MovieClip [mviHitCounter] Frame 1
var formaction;
var preventchache;
this.preventcache = getTime();
if ((this.gamename != "") && (this.countname != "")) {
this.gamename = this.gamename;
this.countername = this.countname;
this.formaction = "sethits";
loadVariables ("", this._target, "GET");
} else {
trace("HIT COUNTER HAS NO PROPERTYS SET: _root" + this._target);
Symbol 16 MovieClip Frame 99
Symbol 29 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 13
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 14
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 16
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 17
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 18
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 19
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 21
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 22
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 23
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 24
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 61
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 13
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 14
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 16
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 17
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 18
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 19
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 21
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 22
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 23
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 24
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 61
Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 13
Symbol 86 Button
on (press) {
gotoAndPlay (110);
Symbol 87 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Symbol 88 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Symbol 89 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (109);
Symbol 92 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (104);
Symbol 96 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 96 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 96 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 96 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 109 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 124 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 124 MovieClip Frame 21
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 130 Button
on (keyPress "<Up>") {
if (1 < Number(moves)) {
oldmany = many;
oldmanx = manx;
direction = 3;
many = many - 1;
plotman = true;
moves = moves - 1;
on (keyPress "<Down>") {
if (1 < Number(moves)) {
oldmany = many;
oldmanx = manx;
direction = 2;
many = Number(many) + 1;
plotman = true;
moves = moves - 1;
on (release, keyPress "<Right>") {
if (1 < Number(moves)) {
oldmany = many;
oldmanx = manx;
direction = 1;
manx = Number(manx) + 1;
plotman = true;
moves = moves - 1;
on (keyPress "<Left>") {
if (1 < Number(moves)) {
oldmany = many;
oldmanx = manx;
direction = 4;
manx = manx - 1;
plotman = true;
moves = moves - 1;
on (keyPress "<Space>") {
if (Number(slotmode) == Number(false)) {
gridpos = Number(manx) + Number((many - 1) * gridx);
tile = substring(grid2, gridpos, 1);
tile2 = substring(grid, gridpos, 1);
tile2 = ord(tile2) - 32;
if (Number(tile2) == 21) {
tellTarget ("/sound6") {
gotoAndPlay (2);
grid = eval ("switch" add gridpos);
gotoAndPlay (111);
if ((Number(countdownon) == Number(false)) and (Number(tile) != 0)) {
tellTarget ("/sound2") {
gotoAndPlay (2);
countdown = getTimer();
countdownon = true;
detx = manx;
dety = many;
moves = 2;
} else if (((((Number(tile2) >= 6) and (19 >= Number(tile2))) and (Number(countdownon) == Number(true))) and (Number(manx) == Number(detx))) and (Number(many) == Number(dety))) {
countdownon = false;
slotmode = true;
slotx = manx;
sloty = many;
moves = 99999 /* 0x01869F */;
} else {
slotmode = false;
Symbol 145 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 147 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 149 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 151 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 153 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 155 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 157 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 159 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 160 Button
on (press) {
if (Number(newrecord) == Number(false)) {
gotoAndPlay (103);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (115);
Symbol 176 Button
on (release) {
if ((this.gamename != "") && (username != "")) {
this.preventcache = getTime();
this.username = username;
} else {
trace("MISSING INFORMATION FOR SETHIGHSCORE: _root" + this._target);
Symbol 181 Button
on (release) {;
Symbol 194 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 194 MovieClip Frame 2
pos = parseInt(_parent.position) - 1;
records = parseInt(_parent.records) - 1;
unit = 330 / records;
distance = unit * pos;
Symbol 194 MovieClip Frame 4
if (parseInt(arrow._x) >= distance) {
} else {
arrow._x = arrow._x + 2;
gotoAndPlay (3);
Symbol 205 MovieClip Frame 1
x = this._name.substring(4, this._name.length);
this.user_name.txt = _parent["user_name" + x];
this.score.txt = _parent["score" + x]; = " " + _parent["date" + x];
this.num.txt = parseInt(x) + 1;
Symbol 205 MovieClip Frame 32
Symbol 206 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 206 MovieClip Frame 2;
Symbol 206 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 210 Button
on (release) {;
Symbol 211 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 211 MovieClip Frame 2
function getHighScores(returnTarget, gamename, low, high) {
this.low = low;
this.high = high;
this.gamename = gamename;
this.formaction = "gethighscores";
this.score = _root.score;
loadVariables ("proxy.php", returnTarget, "GET");
function findHost() {
getHighScores(hs, this.gamename, 0, 10);
Symbol 211 MovieClip Frame 3
if (hs.user_name0 != null) {
gotoAndPlay (6);
} else {
this.loading = "CONTACTING HQ";
Symbol 211 MovieClip Frame 5
this.loading = "CONTACTING HQ";
gotoAndPlay (3);
Symbol 211 MovieClip Frame 6;
Symbol 213 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (103);