Instance of Symbol 80 MovieClip "pquestion" in Frame 3 (51 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 192 MovieClip in Frame 3 (168 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
eflashon = 0;
version = "v1.1";
jweb = 0;
quit = 0;
screensaver = 0;
downloadlinkurl = "";
Instance of Symbol 208 MovieClip "help" in Frame 3 (42 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
Frame 4 (4.1 KiB) ●
function askQuestion(q) {
globalq = q;
qbar.question = "";
gotoAndPlay (88);
if (0 < q.length) {
pquestion.q = q;
pquestion._visible = true;;
gotoAndPlay (97);
} else {
function guruResponse() {
if (globalq.length < 1) {
responsetype = "EMPTY";
e = random(empty.length);
response = empty[e];
} else if (checkVulgar(globalq)) {
responsetype = "VULGAR";
response = vulgar[random(vulgar.length)];
} else {
x = random(3) + 1;
if (x == 1) {
responsetype = "yes";
response = yes[random(yes.length)];
} else if (x == 2) {
responsetype = "no";
response = no[random(no.length)];
} else {
responsetype = "notsure";
response = notsure[random(notsure.length)];
if (globalq == "Is Justin Bird the coolest person in the world?") {
responsetype = "yes";
response = "What a dumb question. EVERYBODY knows Justin is the coolest.";
function checkVulgar(gq) {
gq = gq.toUpperCase();
var cursewords = new Array("FUCK", "SHIT", "COCK", "CUNT", "TITS", "ORGASM", "BITCH", "PRICK", "BLOWJOB", "DICK");
j = 0;
while (j < cursewords.length) {
if (gq.indexOf(cursewords[j]) != -1) {
notsure = new Array();
yes = new Array();
no = new Array();
empty = new Array();
vulgar = new Array();
notsure[0] = "AH, the age old question.";
notsure[1] = "Ask me again later.";
notsure[2] = "Better not tell you now.";
notsure[3] = "Cannot predict now.";
notsure[4] = "Concentrate and ask again.";
notsure[5] = "How should I know?";
notsure[6] = "I'll need to think about that.";
notsure[7] = "It all depends.";
notsure[8] = "Let me get back to you.";
notsure[9] = "Maybe.";
notsure[10] = "Reply hazy, try again.";
notsure[11] = "Shhhh! I'm thinking.";
notsure[12] = "Sorry, I wasn't listening.";
notsure[13] = "That's one of the mysteries of life.";
notsure[14] = "The possibilities are endless.";
notsure[15] = "Touch the ball and ask again.";
notsure[16] = "Were you asking me?";
notsure[17] = "Wouldn't you like to know.";
notsure[18] = "Yes, no, maybe so.";
notsure[19] = "You don't want to know.";
notsure[20] = "You need to concentrate.";
yes[0] = "Absolutely ... but I've been wrong before.";
yes[1] = "As I see it ... Yes.";
yes[2] = "But of course.";
yes[3] = "Could very well be.";
yes[4] = "Does 2 + 2 = 4?";
yes[5] = "If I say yes, will you stop asking?";
yes[6] = "It is decidedly so.";
yes[7] = "It is for certain.";
yes[8] = "Of course.";
yes[9] = "Signs point to ... Yes.";
yes[10] = "Survey says .... Yup.";
yes[11] = "The odds are in your favor.";
yes[12] = "Two thumbs up!";
yes[13] = "Ummm, ahhh, well, sure.";
yes[14] = "Without a doubt.";
yes[15] = "Yes - definitely.";
yes[16] = "Yes.";
yes[17] = "You can be sure of it.";
yes[18] = "You can take that to the bank.";
yes[19] = "You may rely on it.";
no[0] = "Absolutely ... Not.";
no[1] = "Are you serious?";
no[2] = "Don't be silly.";
no[3] = "Don't bet on it.";
no[4] = "Eenie meenie miney no.";
no[5] = "Highly unlikely.";
no[6] = "I'm taking the 5th on that one.";
no[7] = "In your dreams.";
no[8] = "It doesn't look promising.";
no[9] = "My reply is no.";
no[10] = "My sources say no.";
no[11] = "No way jose.";
no[12] = "No. No. No!";
no[13] = "No. Nope. Not. No way.";
no[14] = "Not in a million years.";
no[15] = "Now that's some bad juju.";
no[16] = "Outlook not so good.";
no[17] = "The outlook is grim.";
no[18] = "When pigs fly.";
no[19] = "You wish.";
no[20] = "You've got to be kidding.";
no[21] = "Egads NO!";
no[22] = "Ask me no questions I'll tell you no lies.";
empty[0] = "You need to type in your question.";
empty[1] = "What did you say?";
empty[2] = "Speak up, I can't hear you.";
empty[3] = "I can't read minds, type in your question.";
vulgar[0] = "Do you eat with that mouth?";
vulgar[1] = "Hold your tongue!";
vulgar[2] = "How rude!";
vulgar[3] = "I'm a G-Rated Guru, try asking nicely.";
vulgar[4] = "Language like that will get you no where.";
vulgar[5] = "That's some dirty mind you've got there.";
version = getVersion();
Frame 87 (46 B)
Frame 95 (8 B)
Frame 97 (30 B)
pquestion.question = globalq;
Frame 125 (34 B)
Instance of Symbol 236 MovieClip in Frame 125 (71 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
Frame 127 (69 B)
answer.answer = response;
Frame 144 (8 B)
Symbol 8 MovieClip Frame 1 (25 B)
Instance of Symbol 3 MovieClip in Symbol 8 MovieClip Frame 1 (238 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
totalbytes = _root.getBytesTotal();
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
bytesloaded = _root.getBytesLoaded();
_xscale = (100 * (bytesloaded / totalbytes));
if (bytesloaded == totalbytes) {;
Symbol 18 MovieClip Frame 1 (16 B)
Symbol 18 MovieClip Frame 64 (16 B);
Symbol 28 MovieClip Frame 1 (497 B)
function UpdateClock() {
myDate = new Date();
hours = Number(myDate.getHours());
minutes = Number(myDate.getMinutes());
seconds = Number(myDate.getSeconds());
if (12 < hours) {
hours = hours - 12;
hour_rot = ((hours / 12) * 360) + (((hours / 12) * (minutes / 60)) * 30);
min_rot = ((minutes / 60) * 360) + (((minutes / 60) * (seconds / 60)) * 6);
sec_rot = (seconds / 60) * 360;
hour._rotation = hour_rot;
minute._rotation = min_rot;
second._rotation = sec_rot;
Instance of Symbol 28 MovieClip "clock" in Symbol 31 MovieClip Frame 1 (44 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
Symbol 56 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 56 MovieClip Frame 46 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (26);
Symbol 56 MovieClip Frame 52 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 70 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 70 MovieClip Frame 8 (14 B)
waveloop = 0;
Symbol 70 MovieClip Frame 45 (89 B)
if (0 < waveloop) {
gotoAndPlay (46);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (13);
Symbol 70 MovieClip Frame 50 (50 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 70 MovieClip Frame 80 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 70 MovieClip Frame 114 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 70 MovieClip Frame 116 (52 B)
Symbol 70 MovieClip Frame 145 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 75 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 75 MovieClip Frame 42 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (10);
Symbol 75 MovieClip Frame 53 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 76 MovieClip Frame 23 (8 B)
Symbol 76 MovieClip Frame 30 (114 B)
Symbol 76 MovieClip Frame 33 (8 B)
Symbol 76 MovieClip Frame 34 (55 B)
Symbol 76 MovieClip Frame 37 (40 B)
Symbol 86 Button (170 B)
on (release) {
if (menustatus) {
} else {
Symbol 91 Button (52 B)
on (release) {
Symbol 97 Button (218 B)
on (release) {
if (eflashstatus) {
if (!copyrightstatus) {
} else {
Symbol 103 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 104 MovieClip Frame 23 (106 B)
if (4 < textframe) {
textframe = 1;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 104 MovieClip Frame 25 (35 B)
Symbol 113 Button (278 B)
on (release) {
if (_parent.eflashstatus) {
} else {
if (_parent.copyrightstatus) {
Symbol 121 Button (59 B)
on (release) {
Symbol 122 MovieClip Frame 1 (60 B)
if (_parent.eflashon != 1) {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 140 Button (47 B)
on (release) {
Symbol 141 MovieClip Frame 1 (73 B)
if (bg) {
var barcolor = new Color(bgcolor);
Symbol 142 MovieClip Frame 1 (73 B)
if (bg) {
var barcolor = new Color(bgcolor);
Symbol 143 Button (340 B)
on (release) {
if (_parent._parent.eflashstatus) {
} else {
if (_parent._parent.copyrightstatus) {
Symbol 152 Button (58 B)
on (release) {
Symbol 157 Button (57 B)
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 162 Button (63 B)
on (release) {
Symbol 163 MovieClip Frame 1 (33 B)
_parent.menustatus = 0;
Symbol 163 MovieClip Frame 2 (2.02 KiB) ●
_parent.menustatus = 1;
ncbuy1.label = "ASTROLOGY";
ncbuy2.label = "BUSINESS CENTER";
ncbuy3.label = "CARTOONS & COMICS";
ncbuy4.label = "CLASSIFIEDS & AUCTIONS";
ncbuy5.label = "CONTESTS & SWEEPSTAKES";
ncbuy6.label = "CURRENT NEWS";
ncbuy7.label = "ENTERTAINMENT CENTER";
ncbuy8.label = "FREE STUFF";
ncbuy9.label = "GAMEHOUSE - GO PLAY!";
ncbuy10.label = "HOME & LEISURE";
ncbuy11.label = "INTERNET SHOPPING";
ncbuy12.label = "JOKE CENTER";
ncbuy13.label = "LOTTO & GAMBLING";
ncbuy14.label = "TRAVEL CENTER";
ncbuy15.label = "WEATHER CONDITIONS";
ncbuy16.label = "SEARCH THE NET";
ncbuy17.label = "AFFILIATE PROGRAMS";
ncbuy18.label = "DOWNLOADS - MORE APPS";
ncbuy19.label = "REGISTER - JOIN TODAY";
ncbuy20.label = "WEBMASTERS - FOR YOUR SITE"; = 10092492 /* 0x99FFCC */; = 10092492 /* 0x99FFCC */; = 16763904 /* 0xFFCC00 */; = 16763904 /* 0xFFCC00 */; = 16763904 /* 0xFFCC00 */;
ncbuy1.url = "";
ncbuy2.url = "";
ncbuy3.url = "";
ncbuy4.url = "";
ncbuy5.url = "";
ncbuy6.url = "";
ncbuy7.url = "";
ncbuy8.url = "";
ncbuy9.url = "";
ncbuy10.url = "";
ncbuy11.url = "";
ncbuy12.url = "";
ncbuy13.url = "";
ncbuy14.url = "";
ncbuy15.url = "";
ncbuy16.url = "";
ncbuy17.url = "";
ncbuy18.url = "";
ncbuy19.url = "";
ncbuy20.url = "";
Instance of Symbol 144 MovieClip in Symbol 163 MovieClip Frame 2 (120 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_parent._parent.screensaver == true) {
_visible = true;
} else {
_visible = false;
Symbol 165 Button (57 B)
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 169 Button (173 B)
on (press) {
if (_ymouse < {
slider._y =;
} else if (slider.btm < _ymouse) {
slider._y = slider.btm;
} else {
slider._y = _ymouse;
Symbol 174 Button (85 B)
on (press) {
startDrag (this, true, 0, top, 0, btm);
on (release) {
Symbol 177 Button (62 B)
on (press) {
movetext = -1;
on (release) {
movetext = 0;
Symbol 178 Button (61 B)
on (press) {
movetext = 1;
on (release) {
movetext = 0;
Instance of Symbol 175 MovieClip "slider" in Symbol 179 MovieClip Frame 1 (440 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.movetext != 0) {
sliderpos = _y + ((dy / _parent._parent.text.maxscroll) * _parent.movetext);
if (sliderpos < top) {
sliderpos = top;
} else if (btm < sliderpos) {
sliderpos = btm;
_y = sliderpos;
percent = (_y - top) / dy;
_parent._parent.text.scroll = _parent._parent.text.maxscroll * percent;
onClipEvent (load) {
top = -70;
btm = 70;
dy = btm - top;
inc = 4;
Symbol 184 MovieClip Frame 1 (50 B)
movetext = 0;
_parent.eflashstatus = 0;
Symbol 184 MovieClip Frame 2 (35 B)
_parent.eflashstatus = 1;
Symbol 184 MovieClip Frame 3 (87 B)
loadVariables ("", this);
loadloop = 0;
Symbol 184 MovieClip Frame 4 (135 B)
if (end == "foo") {
gotoAndStop (6);
} else {
if (200 < loadloop) {
loadloop = 0;
gotoAndStop (14);
Symbol 184 MovieClip Frame 5 (17 B)
gotoAndPlay (4);
Symbol 184 MovieClip Frame 6 (24 B)
text = update;
Symbol 186 Button (57 B)
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 188 MovieClip Frame 1 (53 B)
movetext = 0;
_parent.copyrightstatus = 0;
Symbol 188 MovieClip Frame 2 (3 KiB) ●
text = "NCBUY ENTERTAINMENT NETWORK APPLICATION LICENSE AGREEMENT\n\nACCEPTANCE: By installing or using the NCBuy Entertainment Network Application (\"Software\") you are agreeing to the terms of this License Agreement (\"Agreement\"). Please read this Agreement carefully.\n\nThis is an Agreement between you, either individually or as a representative of your company or institution and NetCent Communications (the \"Company\").\n\nYOU MAY redistribute the software freely, providing that: (a) The Software is not modified in any way; and (b) All credits and copyright notices remain intact.\n\nYOU MAY NOT: (a) Sublicense, sell, assign, transfer, pledge, distribute, rent or remove any proprietary notices on the Software except as expressly permitted in this Agreement; (b) Use, copy, adapt, disassemble, decompile, reverse engineer or modify the Software, in whole or in part, except as expressly permitted in this Agreement; or (c) Take any action designed to unlock or bypass any Company-implemented restrictions on usage, access to, or number of installations of the Software.\n\nIF YOU DO ANY OF THE FOREGOING, YOUR RIGHTS UNDER THIS LICENSE WILL AUTOMATICALLY TERMINATE. SUCH TERMINATION SHALL BE IN ADDITION TO AND NOT IN LIEU OF ANY CRIMINAL, CIVIL OR OTHER REMEDIES AVAILABLE TO THE COMPANY.\n\nThe Company does not warrant that the functions contained in the Software will meet your requirements or expectations or that the operation of the Software will be entirely error free, or appear precisely as described in the Software documentation.\n\nDISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY AND REMEDY: EXCEPT AS SPECIFICALLY STATED IN THIS AGREEMENT, THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\" AND THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS (EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, ARISING BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE IN LAW OR FROM A COURSE OF DEALING OR USAGE OF TRADE) FOR THE SOFTWARE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO SATISFACTORY QUALITY, PERFORMANCE, ACCURACY, AND EFFORT IS WITH YOU, THE USER. THE COMPANY AND ITS DIRECT AND INDIRECT SUPPLIERS DISCLAIM ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, MERCHANTABLE QUALITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PURPOSE, PARTICULAR, SPECIFIC OR OTHERWISE.\n\nLIMITATION OF LIABILITY: TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, IN NO EVENT WILL THE COMPANY OR ITS DIRECT OR INDIRECT SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCLUDING LOST PROFITS, LOST SAVINGS, OR OTHER INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE, EVEN IF THE COMPANY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.\n\nYOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE READ THIS AGREEMENT AND BY INSTALLING THIS SOFTWARE, INDICATE YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF ITS TERMS AND CONDITIONS. YOU ALSO AGREE THAT THIS IS THE COMPLETE AGREEMENT BETWEEN YOU AND THE COMPANY AND IT SUPERSEDES ANY OTHER INFORMATION YOU MAY HAVE RECEIVED RELATING TO THE SUBJECT MATTER OF THIS AGREEMENT.\n\nThe NCBuy Entertainment Network ( ) is a service of NetCent Communications. Copyright 2001, NetCent Communications, All Rights Reserved.\n";
_parent.copyrightstatus = 1;
Symbol 191 Button (116 B)
on (release) {
if (menustatus) {
} else {
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 1 (176 B)
function GotoUrl(url) {
if (jweb) {
fscommand ("exec", "JWEB.exe\t" + url);
} else {
getURL (url, "_blank");
if (quit) {
fscommand ("quit");
Instance of Symbol 104 MovieClip "clickhere" in Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 1 (38 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
textframe = 1;
Symbol 204 Button (146 B)
on (release) {
if (help._visible == true) {
help._visible = false;
} else {
help._visible = true;
Symbol 207 Button (86 B)
on (release) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 219 Button (32 B)
on (release) {
question = "";
Symbol 230 Button (74 B)
on (release, keyPress "<Enter>") {
Symbol 239 MovieClip Frame 20 (256 B)
if (_parent.responsetype == "yes") {
} else if (_parent.responsetype == "no") {
} else if (_parent.responsetype == "notsure") {
Symbol 239 MovieClip Frame 80 (42 B)