| STORY LOOP FURRY PORN GAMES C SERVICES [?] [R] RND POPULAR | Archived flashes: 229928 |
/disc/ · /res/ — /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/ | P0001 · P2599 · P5197 |
![]() | This is the info page for Flash #150766 |
to be continued |
Spirit Up |
<p align="left"><font face="HelveticaNeue Condensed" size="14" color="#42372e" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">Description...</font></p> |
Texte... |
<p align="left"><font face="HelveticaNeue Condensed" size="14" color="#42372e" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>Texte...</b></font></p> |
<p align="left"><font face="Herkules" size="34" color="#654934" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">Title</font></p> |
<p align="left"><font face="Herkules" size="25" color="#654934" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">Title</font></p> |
<p align="left"><font face="Herkules" size="34" color="#654934" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">Title</font></p> |
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Music by : |
Fameboy |
Musique par : |
000 |
Ton meilleur |
Ton meilleur |
Master |
Master |
Maître |
Maître |
Hard |
Hard |
Difficile |
Difficile |
Medium |
Medium |
Moyen |
Moyen |
Easy |
Easy |
Facile |
Facile |
Appeasements |
Appeasements |
Apaisements |
Apaisements |
Appeasements |
Appeasements |
Apaisements |
Apaisements |
Evolution |
00000000000000000000000000000000 |
XX |
You have 10.000% of Oxygen You need 66.000% or more to keep your soul |
Evolution |
Evolution |
Water |
Thunder |
Air |
Eau |
Foudre |
0 |
You have points of evolution |
Il te reste points d'évolution |
Title |
Knowledge |
Knowledge |
Connaissances |
Connaissances |
Déplace-toi au-dessus des terres en utilisant les vents. Utilise la direction DROITE et GAUCHE pour te diriger dans un sens ou dans l’autre. Cela devrait marcher. |
Mouvement |
Use the winds to move yourself above the lands. Use RIGHT and LEFT to go in a direction. It should work. |
Movement |
Lorsque tu t’estimes suffisamment prêt, essaye de pleuvoir en maintenant la pression sur BAS ou ESPACE. |
Pluie |
When you think you’re ready, try to rain by maintain presure on DOWN or SPACE. |
Rain |
Vois-tu ? Cela fonctionne, les gouttes de pluies donnent naissance à des bourgeons sur le sol, tout n’est pas perdu. Je suis certain que, si tu continues à pleuvoir sur les bourgeons, ces derniers se gorgeront d’eau et se mettront à grandir de plus en plus. |
Arbre |
See ? It works, raindrops create bud on the ground, all isn’t lost. I’m sure if you keep raining on the buds they gorging water and grow up, more and more. |
Tree |
Il semble que l’on cherche à nous empêcher d’agir. L'ennemi nous envoie ses hordes de bûcherons pour détruire nos végétaux. S’ils frappent nos pousses, ils peuvent leur faire perdre leur énergie vitale jusqu’à les détruire. Protège-les avec ta pluie, en déclenchant la pluie sur une pousse, tu peux lui rendre son énergie vitale. |
Ennemis |
It seems like someone want to block us. The enemy sends us some lumberjack hordes for destroy our grows. If they’re hitting our buds, they can make them lose life energy until destroy them. Protect them with your rain, by rain on a plant, you can give it back life energy. |
Ennemies |
Je sais comment se défendre. Utilise l’énergie électrostatique présente dans ton corps pour lancer un éclair en appuyant d’un coup bref sur BAS ou ESPACE. Cela te permettra de repousser l’assaillant. Fais vite, Conscience, avant que tu ne sois débordée. |
Eclairs |
I know how to defend. Use the electrostatic energy in your body to shot a lightning with quick press on DOWN or SPACE. This enables you to repulse the assailant. Make it fast, Conscience, before being submerged. |
Thunders |
Je sais que tu es remplie de bonne volonté, Conscience, malheureusement tes ressources ne sont pas infinies. Tu disposes d’un certain taux de Pluie et d’Electricité, et tu puises dans ce taux à chaque fois que tu en uses. Si tu en arrives au bout, tu devras attendre qu’elle soit, à nouveau, pleine avant de la ré-utiliser. |
Jauges |
I know you’re full of goodwill, Conscience, unfortunately you haven’t infinite resources. You have a gauge of Rain and Electricity, you take in them when you use it. If a gauge is empty, you’ll have to wait it is full again before re-use. |
Gauges |
J’ai oublié de te prévenir Conscience. Tu ne disposes que d’un court rayon d’action sous ton enveloppe. Si tu désires lancer un éclair sur un ennemi, il te faudra te déplacer afin de te trouver au dessus de lui. |
Rayon |
I forgot to prevent you Conscience. You just have a short action radius below your envelope. If you want shoot on an ennemy with lightning, you’ll have to move yourself until be above him. |
Radius |
Je me suis dit que la possibilité d’évoluer te serais favorable. C’est pourquoi tu es en mesure de récupérer les vapeurs de particules sortant des plantes ou des ennemis calcinés et de t’en servir comme combustible. |
Vapeurs |
I told myself that the evolution possibility will be good for you. That’s why you can grab particles vapors from plants and deads ennemies. Then you can use it as fuel. |
Vapors |
Conscience, l’évolution est une part importante de ta mission. Les ennemis sont impitoyables et n’hésiteront pas à augmenter leur effectifs pour détruire toutes traces de végétations sur cette planète. Utilise les traits que tu obtiens dans ton Evolution afin de favoriser ta croissance et lutter à armes égales. Sache que tu peux, également, utiliser MAJ pour accéder rapidement à ton Evolution. |
Evolution |
Conscience, evolution is an important part of your mission. The ennemies are ruthless and they’ll not hesitate to increase their workforce to destroy every plant mark on this planet. To grow up and fight, uses the traits won in your Evolution. You can, also, use SHIFT to access at you Evolution faster. |
Ta présence sur cette terre n’est que temporaire chère Conscience. J’aurais aimé qu’il en soit autrement mais je n’ai pu faire mieux. L’oxygène est le combustible qui te permet de conserver l’intégrité de ton âme, c’est en faisant pousser des arbres de plus en plus grands que tu obtiendras le plus d’oxygène possible. |
Oxygène |
Your existence in this land is just temporary, dear Conscience. I wish to offer you more, but can’t. The oxygen is fuel that allows you to conserv your soul integrity. By growing up trees, higher and higher, you’ll gain as much Oxygen as you can. |
Oxygen |
Conscience, il va te falloir plus que ça pour rester en vie. Tu es en manque d’oxygène, et plus tu vivras plus ton âme en réclamera. Je ne peux rien faire de là où je suis, il va te falloir te débrouiller pour faire pousser le nécessaire. Tu disposes d’une minute d’apnée avant que ton âme ne s’effondre. Courage, Conscience. |
Danger |
Conscience, you need more to staying alive. You’re missing some oxygen, and more you live more your soul will claim. I can’t do anything for you from where i am, you have to find your own solution to make growing up the necessary. You have one minute of apnea before that your soul collapses. Be brave, Conscience. |
Je ne pensais pas que cela marcherait... Il faut croire que le temps passé à me concentrer sur toi m’a entraîné à agir sur le monde de la matière. J’ai réussi à provoquer un tonnerre suffisamment puissant pour détruire les ennemis présents mais cela m’a demandé beaucoup d’énergie, je ne pourrais plus rien pour toi à présent. |
Tonnerre |
I didn't think it would work... We must believe I trained myself to act on matérial world by the times passed on you. I succeed to provoke a storm strong enough to destroy all presents ennemies. But this claims me too much energy, I can’t do it again. |
Storm |
Il est important de faire pousser le plus de végétaux possibles, tout comme il l’est de les faire croître le plus loin possible. Tout bourgeon, un jour, peut devenir l’arbre immense, le lendemain, grâce à toi. Plus un arbre grandit et plus il t’apporte de vapeur pour ton évolution, d’oxygène et plus il s’avère résistant face à l'ennemi. Tu as déjà créé un bourgeon, une pousse, une plante, une haute plante, un arbrisseau, un petit arbre... mais tu ignores encore jusqu’où peuvent aller les arbres sur Vita. |
Croissance |
It’s important to make grow up much plants as possible, like it is to make them bigger and bigger. Every bud, a day, can be a huge tree, tomorrow, thanks to you. More a tree grows up and more it gives you vapors for evolution, oxygen and more it can resist against the ennemy. You allready have made a bud, a grows, a plant, an high plant, a shrub, a short tree... but you ignore yet until where trees can mount on Vita. |
Growth |
Conscience, je sais que je ne t’ai guère donné d’informations sur tes objectifs. Mon esprit est encore flou et parasité par les douleurs de mon propre passé, de mon ancienne vie. J’ai besoin d’être apaisé, je sais que c’est grâce à ça que je pourrai avancer, t’en dire plus. Tu dois m’aider à gagner cette paix intérieure. |
Apaisements |
Conscience, i know that I haven't given you informations on your objectives. My spirit is blur yet and parasited by the pain of the past, from my old life. I need to be appeased, to move forward, to tell you more. You have to help me for win that inside peace. |
Appeasements |
Il semble que nos ennemis perdent patience. Tu as déclenché leur colère et voilà qu’ils t’envoient des troupes parachutées. tant qu’ils n’auront pas mis pieds à terre, tu ne pourras les atteindre avec tes éclairs. Fais bien attention Conscience, les ennemis parachutés peuvent atterrir n’importe où sur le terrain. |
Parachutage |
It sounds like your ennemies lose their patience. You activated their anger, now they send you parachute troops. As long as they aren’t on the ground, you can’t touch them with lightnings. Be carefull, Conscience, the parachuted ennemies can appear anywhere on the land. |
Drop |
Nos ennemis semblent décidés à anéantir toutes traces de verdure que tu as pu semer. Ils t’envoient des troupes chronoportées. Je reconnais bien là la façon d’agir des Simienecs, la patience n’a jamais été leur force... Il te faudra redoubler de dextérité, Conscience, les ennemis chronoportés apparaissent directement sur le sol du terrain à n’importe quel endroit. |
Chronoportation |
Our ennemies seem decided to annihilate every trace of greenery you sow. They send you the chronoported troops. I recognize well here Simienecs methods, patience isn’t one of their quality... You have to double your dexterity, Conscience, the chronoported ennemies appear anywhere directly on the ground. |
L’apprenti bûcheron est en cours de formation sur la destruction des végétaux. Il ne frappe pas particulièrement fort et n’est que peu résistant. |
Apprenti bûcheron |
The student lumberjack is on the formation way about plants destruction. He don’t hit really hard and isn’t really resistant. |
Student lumberjack |
Le bûcheron constitue le corps principal des destructeurs de végétaux. Il arrive régulièrement et possède plus de résistance et de force que l’apprenti mais n’est en aucun cas ingérable pour toi. |
Bûcheron |
The lumberjack is the principal corps of plants killers. He comes regulary and have more resistance and strength than the student but he isn’t unmanageable for you. |
Lumberjack |
Le gros bûcheron a primé l’efficacité sur la vitesse. Il est bien moins rapide que ses deux prédécesseurs mais il compense cela par une force et une résistance importante. Détruis-le avant qu’il n’atteigne tes plantes. |
Gros bûcheron |
The big lumberjack prefers the efficacity on speed. He’s slower like his predecessor but compensates by strength and important resistance. You must destroy him before he reaches the plants. |
Big lumberjack |
Le leader du corps d’armée des bûcherons. Ils ont une bien meilleur expérience du terrain. Cela fait d’eux des experts dans la destruction végétale. Ils sont moins nombreux mais très dangereux car ils possèdent beaucoup de résistance et de force tout en étant très rapides. Concentre ta force de frappe sur eux ou ils pourraient bien raser ton terrain. |
Maître bûcheron |
The lumberjacks army corps leader. They have a better field experience. That makes them experts in plants destruction. They’re fewer but are very dangerous because they have a lot of resistance and strength while being fast. Focus your strike force on them or they really can raze your land. |
Master lumberjack |
Les Tech. sont spécialisés dans la manipulation d’outils mécaniques pour lutter contre la végétation. Ils utilisent une tronçonneuse. Ils sont relativement résistants mais ont surtout une vitesse de frappe très rapide. |
Tech. tronçonneuse |
The Tech. are specialized in mecanical tools used to fight against vegetation. This Tech. uses a chain-saw. They’re relatively resistant but especially they have high hitting speed. |
Tech. chain-saw |
Un second Tech. qui utilise un appareil à scie-sauteuse. Son blindage le rend résistant mais son danger vient de sa vitesse de frappe couplée avec sa puissance et sa portée. Essaye de le détruire avant qu’il ne sorte sa Scie où tu pourrais perdre un nombre élevé de végétaux en une seule fois. Ces techno kinésistes sont très dangereux. |
Tech. scie-sauteuse |
A second Tech. who uses a jig-saw device. His shielding makes him very resistant but the danger comes from his hitting speed coupled with his strength and his lengthens. Try to destroy him before he makes appear his jig-saw or you may lose a lot of plants in one shot. This techno kinesis are really dangerous. |
Tech. jig-saw |
Ces petits êtres ne sont que peu résistants ou forts. Cependant, ils arrivent toujours en grand nombre. Ils sont l’une des raisons pour lesquels tu devrais faire évoluer ton Électricité, sinon tu auras du mal à les détruire rapidement. |
Nain bûcheron |
These little men don’t are really resistants or strongs. But, they comes in high number. They are one of the reasons why you should make evolve your Electricity, otherwise you'll have hard work to destroy them quickly. |
Dwarf lumberjack |
La technologie de la chronoportation à l’échelle individuelle. Ces soldats se téléportent directement d’un arbre à un autre pour les détruire. Ta seule possibilité de les atteindre est de le faire au moment où ils sont en train de frapper un de tes végétaux. |
Chrono bûcheron |
Chonoportation technology in individual scale. This soldier teleportes himself directly from a tree to another to destroy them. Your only chance to reach them is to shoot when they’re hitting one of your plant. |
Chrono lumberjack |
Nul n’est plus dangereux qu’un tueur sans conscience. Ces robots sont composés d’un alliage renforcé qui leur permet de subir de très lourds dommages et leur force de frappe est fortement destructrice. Heureusement, cet alliage est extrêmement lourd, cela te laisse donc une chance de les détruire avant qu’ils n’atteignent tes végétaux. |
Robot bûcheron |
Never more dangerous is mindless killer. Those robots are composed with an enforced steel which allow them to take a lot of damage plus their extremely high strike force. Luckily this steel is extremly heavy, allowing you a chance to destroy them before they reach your plants. |
Bot lumberjack |
Ainsi donc on en est là... Il a fallut qu’ils les envoient. Prend garde Conscience. Les assassins sont rapides. Peu résistants mais leur force tient dans leur puissance de frappe. En effet, il leur suffit d’un coup unique pour détruire n’importe quel arbre que tu auras pu faire pousser y compris le plus résistant d’entre eux. |
Assassin |
So, we’re here... they had to send them. Be carefull Conscience. The assassins are fast. They're not so resistants but their strength is in their strike force. Indeed, one shot is enough for one of them to destroy a tree you make grow up including the most solide. |
Il est des aberrations issues de la nature que l’on aimerait ne jamais connaître. La vue de ce dernier évoque par trop de douleur dans mon esprit. Cet ennemi est capable d’exploiter les énergies de la nature et de la terre pour soulever le sol et atteindre un nombre important de végétaux tout autour de lui. |
Nature croisée |
There some aberrations from nature that we would like never knowing. By seeing him, I remember a lot of pain. This ennemy is able to exploit the nature energy and raise the ground, hurting a large number of plants round him. |
Natural mix |
Les voilà, je savais bien qu’ils finiraient par les envoyer. Après tout, c’est grâce à eux qu’ils ont gagné la guerre. Les WoOD, quels qu’ils soient, possèdent la technologie de la chronoportation au même titre que le chrono bûcheron. Cependant, ils sont plus rapides et possèdent une force de frappe est une portée bien plus grande. Le Soldat est fort, mais, crois-moi, je les connais, d’autres bien pires vont venir. |
WoOD soldat |
Here they are. I knew they would finish by sending them. After all, it’s because of them that they won the war The WoOD, any, has the chronoportation technology like the chrono lumberjack. But they are faster and they strike on a large range. The Soldier is strong, but, trust me, I know them, worst are coming. |
WoOD soldier |
Au même titre que le soldat, le sergent se chronoporte et possède une large portée mais sa puissance de feu est sans commune mesure. Un seul coup lui suffit pour détruire. Son temps de préparation avant de porter l’estocade est plus longue que le soldat, si tu vois un sergent, détruis-le immédiatement. |
WoOD sergent |
As the soldier, the centurio chronoporte himself and have a large range but his strike force is totally different. One shots is enough to destroy all around him. His preparation time before the estocade is longer than the soldier. If you see a centurio, destroy him immediately. |
WoOD centurio |
Finalement ils l’ont fait venir. Tout comme le sergent, le lieutenant n’a besoin que d’un coup pour détruire chaque arbre autour de lui. Cependant, il se chronoporte automatiquement lorsque tu le frappes. Si tu ne possèdes pas un force de frappe suffisante, il te faudra le poursuivre jusqu’aux bordures de ton terrain. |
WoOD lieutenant |
Finaly, he comes. Like the centurio, legatus needs a shot for destroying all trees around him. however, he chronoporte himself automaticly when you shoot him. If you haven’t an enough strike force, you’ll have to pursue him until the land borders. |
WoOD legatus |
Je vois que tu tiens le coup, Conscience, je savais que je pouvais compter sur toi. Après tout, tu es aussi une petite part de moi. Conserve cette volonté qui est la tienne, si tu dois mourir, je te recréerai, tant pis si je dois perdre une autre année. Il faut que tu m’apaises, c’est le seul moyen de me sauver. |
Tenir |
I can see you hold the line, Conscience, I knew I can count on you. After all, you’re a small part of me. Keep this will which is yours, if you have to die, I would create you again, never mind if I have to lose another year. You must appease me, it’s the only way to save me. |
Hold |
Lorsque tu choisis la facilité tu ne rencontres que des bûcherons standards et tes arbres ne peuvent aller au-delà d’un certain stade de croissance. Il s’agit d’un entrainement pour ton âme, ainsi, tu ne peux apaiser mon esprit de cette façon. Lorsque tu te sentiras prêt, il te faudra choisir une difficulté plus élevée. |
Mode Facile |
When you choose the easy way, you can meet just basics lumberjacks and your trees can’t grow up beyond some growing stage. It’s juste a training for your soul, so, you can’t appease my mind this way. |
Easy Mode |
Lorsque tu choisis la difficulté, ta propre conscience s’accélère. Les ennemis arrivent plus vite et ils sont tous plus rapides. Toi-même, tu apprends plus rapidement, tu peux évoluer avec célérité. Si ton âme est pressée, la difficulté est faites pour toi. |
Mode Difficile |
When you choose the hard way, your mind speeds up. The ennemies arrive faster and they’re more rapid. Yourself, you learn faster, you can evolve with haste. If your soul is in hurry, this way is made for you. |
Hard Mode |
« Conscience, j’ai laissé ce mot par delà les bribes de mon esprit encore présentes dans le monde des morts. Merci de tout cœur pour être parvenu à apaiser mon esprit. À présent, je sais ce qu’il me reste à faire pour sauver mon peuple. Pour ta part, tu peux poursuivre ton entrainement en tant que Maître. En faisant ainsi, tu commences directement avec quarante traits d’évolutions à répartir. Choisis bien où tu les disposes car tu n’évolues pas dans ce mode. J’ai confiance en toi, je sais que tu continueras à lutter contre les Simienecs pour faire revivre la nature. Et, qui sait, peut-être qu’un jour nous nous retrouverons. Adieu, ami. » —Ita Mente |
Mode Maître |
“Conscience, I let this word beyond bits of my mind, always presents in death world. Thanks you with all my heart for have succeed to appease my spirit. Now, I know what I have to do to save my people. For your part, you can pursue your training as a master. That way, you start directly with forty traits for evolution. Choose carefully where you spread them because you can’t evolve more. I trust you, I know you'll keep going to fight against the Simienecs for revive the nature. And, who knows, maybe one day we will meet again. Adieu, friend. ” —Ita Mente |
Master Mode |
Quand je pense au temps qu’il m’a fallut... Bonjour à toi. Je sais que tu viens tout juste d’arriver et ce nouveau monde doit certainement te paraître étrange. N’ais aucune crainte, tout se passera bien. Je sais que ce corps peut s’avérer étonnant mais, crois-moi si je te dis qu’il est essentiel pour la tâche qui va être la tienne. |
Salutation |
So long... Hello to you. I know you're just arrived and this new world must certainly seem strange to you. Have no fear, all will be fine. I know this body seems surprising but, trust me if I tell you it’s essential for your task. |
Greeting |
J’ai laissé cette terre bien trop longtemps. Quand fut-il la dernière fois que je l'ai balayé du regard ? Sept ans je crois. Tous les arbres sont morts entre temps. C’est pourquoi tu es là, Conscience, c’est à toi de m’aider à apporter à ce sol les graines d’un âge nouveau. Nous ne pouvons laisser les choses ainsi, un monde sans nature... Un monde sans énergie... |
Fertilisation |
I've let this earth too long. When was it the last time I looked her with my eyes ? Seven years I think. All trees are deads meanwhile. That’s why you’re here, Conscience, it’s up to you to help me bring at this ground the new age seeds. We can’t let things like that, a world with no nature... A world with no energy... |
Fertilization |
Ce monde qui fut le mien à une époque. Je n’aurais jamais dût le laisser, je n’aurais jamais dût l’abandonner. Vita est ma planète natale, si elle est au prise de ce groupe de destructeur c’est aussi en partie ma faute. J’aimais ses deux lunes, elles pouvaient former, au coucher de soleil, des paysages d’une rare beauté. |
Vita |
This world that was mine at the time. I would never have had to let her, I would never have had to abandon her. Vita is my homeworld, if she’s taken by this destruction group it’s partly my fault. I loved her two moons, it can make, at the twilight, landscapes of rare beauty. |
Heureusement que je suis un manipulateur des énergies de l’esprit, un étheriste. Sans cette compétence tu ne serais pas là Conscience. Il est bien des choses que la manipulation des énergies de l’esprit permettent, le transfert psychologique, la connexion du savoir et la sauvegarde de son âme après sa mort. |
Les forces de l’esprits |
Fortunately I’m a spirit energy manipulator, an aetherist. Without that skill, you wouldn't be here Conscience. There’s so much things you can do with spirit energy manipulation, psychological transfert, connexion of knowledges and soul saving before death. |
Strengths of spirit |
Tu te poses des questions n’est-ce pas ? Des questions sur toi et ton environnement. Tu as une conscience, ce n’est pas pour rien que je te nomme ainsi. Sache que c’est moi qui t’ai créée. À l’aide des énergies de l’esprit j’ai conçu une conscience, la tienne, et je l’ai placée dans l’enveloppe la plus appropriée pour ton but : Un nuage fortement chargé en eau et ondes électromagnétiques. |
Conscience |
You ask yourself some questions don’t you ? Some questions about you and your environnment. You have a conscience, that’s not an accident if I've named you like that. Know that I've created you. With spirit energies I made a conscience, yours, and I put it into envelope the most appropriate for my objective : A cloud charged with water and electromagnetic waves. |
Ces êtres que tu n’as de cesse de détruire pour protéger tes arbres se nomment les Simienecs. Ils sont apparus il y a plus d’un siècle, du mélange des deux races : Les Simias et les Melenecs. Ils sont beliqueux et violents mais, par-dessus tout, ils ne reculent devant rien pour parvenir à la survie absolue de leur race. Ils ont un lien très fort avec la technologie qu’ils utilisent pour dominer leur monde. |
Les Simienecs |
Those beings you can’t stop destroying for the good of your trees are called the Simienecs. They appeared there more than a century, by the mix of two races : the Simias and the Melenecs. They’re warlike and violent but, above all, they never hesitated when it's concern the absolute survival of their race. They have an large link with technology which they use to dominate the world. |
The Simienecs |
Je me rends compte à présent que je ne me suis jamais présenté à toi. Je te prie de m’en excuser, je faillis à tous mes devoirs. Je me nomme Ita Mente, je suis de la race à présent éteinte des Menias. Je suis un Etheriste, manipulateur des énergies de l’esprit, mais je suis aussi un manipulateur des énergies de la nature. Et, je suis mort. |
Ita Mente |
I realize now that I've never introduced myself. I ask you to forgive me, I've failed in my duty. I’m called Ita Mente, I’m from the race of Menias. I’m an aetheriste, manipulator of spirit energies, but I can also use the nature energies. And, I’m dead. |
Grâce à mes capacités exceptionnelles en matière de manipulation des énergies de l’esprit et de la nature, j’ai pu sauvegarder mon corps et mon âme par-delà la mort. Cela fut long mais, au bout de sept années, j’ai réussi à réveiller mon esprit et à te créer. Vois-tu, je dois ressusciter, j’ai des actions à accomplir sur Vita, une quête. J’aurais pu ressusciter dès mon réveil mais mon âme est tourmentée et ne peut renaître ainsi. Je doit être apaisé afin de pouvoir revenir à la vie. |
La Résurection |
Thanks to my exceptionals abilities in manipulation of spirit and nature energies, I've could save my body and my soul beyond the death. It was long, but, after seven years, I've could waked up my mind and create you. Listen, I have to resurrect, I have a lot of actions to accomplish on Vita, a quest. I had could resurect myself when I had woke up, but my soul is tormented and can’t revive in that way. I have to be appeased to revive. |
The Resurrection |
Cet affrontement que tu mènes en ce moment me fait penser à la Guerre de Seive dans laquelle je suis mort. Ce fut une longue guerre qui dura cinquante ans et opposa les Simienecs face aux Simias et aux Melenecs. Bien des êtres furent détruits lors de cet affrontement mais la technologie était du côté des Simienecs. Ce qui est ennuyeux avec la technologie, c’est que, contrairement à la nature, elle n’a aucune limite. |
La Guerre de Seive |
This confrontation that you lead, makes me remember the Seiver War where I died. It was a long war which lasted fifty years and has opposed the Simienecs against the Simias and Melenecs. A lot of beings have been destroys during this confrontation but the technologie was in the Simienecs side. What is boring with the technologie, unlike the nature, it hasn’t limit. |
Seiver War |
Les êtres sur Vita ont la particularité de se nourrir d’énergies, on les appelle les Vivors. Dans leur évolution, ils se fragmentèrent pour se spécialiser faisant ainsi naître les Naturavivors, les mangeurs des énergies naturelles, qu’étaient les Melenecs, et les Spiritavivors, les mangeurs des énergies spirituelles, que nous, Simias, étions. Les Simienecs étaient Technovivor, mangeurs des énergies technologiques. Leur nourriture était en totale opposition avec celle des naturavivor, c’est ce qui déclencha la guerre de Seive. Bien que les Melenecs eurent tort de chercher à les tuer avant leur exode. |
Vivor |
The beings on Vita have the particularity to eat energies, we call them the Vivor. In their evolution, they are fragmented them and they have specialised causing birth of Naturavivor, eaters of natural energies, what are the Melenecs, and Spiritavivor, eaters of spiritual energies, what us, Simias, were. The Simienecs were Technovivor, eaters of technological energies. Their food was in total opposition with the naturavivor, that’s what was trigged the Seiver War. Although the Melenecs have had wrongs in searching to kill them before their exodus. |
Je sais que des Simias et des Melenecs ont rendu possible l’apparition de nouvelles technologies chez les Simienecs mais je ne peux pour autant les blamer. Les Simienecs faisaient beaucoup de prisonniers et, grâce à leur technologie du PsyLick, ils étaient capables de récupérer le contenu de leurs connaissances pour les transférer sur un autre être. Au final, les Natures croisées ne sont pas des traîtres, ce sont juste des victimes. |
Trahison |
I know that Simias and Melenecs have made possible the apparition of some new technologies for the Simienecs but I can’t blamed them. The Simienecs have made a lot of prisonners and, with their PsyLick technology, they could take their knowledge and transfered them into a new being. At the end, the nature mixed aren’t betrayers, they’re just victims. |
Betrayal |
À la fin de la guerre, les Simienecs ont craint, par-dessus tout, que de nouveaux naturavivors apparaissent et les menacent à nouveau. C’est pourquoi ils demandèrent à la WoOD de contruire le Circuit du regard. D’immenses tours disséminées à travers le globe de Vita, reliées les unes aux autres. Grâce à elles, les Simienecs gardent un œil sur chaque parcelle de terrain de ce monde et peut envoyer ses troupes si jamais ne serait-ce qu’un brin d’herbe vient à apparaître. |
Le Circuit du regard |
At the end of the war, the Simienecs fear, over all, to see new naturavivors come and threat them again. That’s why they ask the WoOD to build the Viewing Circus. Immenses towers scattered around the globe of Vita, linked each other. With them, the Simienecs are keeping an eye on each ground plot of this world and can send their troops killed every growing grass strand. |
Viewing Circus |
En réalité, mon but après ma résurrection est de détruire les Simienecs. Mais je ne le fait pas par vengeance. Je sais que, dans le monde des morts, mon peuple, celui des Menias, attend, lui-aussi, d’être apaisé pour pouvoir ressusciter. Contrairement à moi, ils ne sont pas capables de créer une conscience tel que toi. Aussi, ce sera à moi, une fois revenu à la vie, de les apaiser. |
La résurection des Menias |
Actually, my quest after my resurection is to destroy the Simienecs. But, I don’t do it by revenge. I know that, in the deads world, my people, the Menias, is waiting to be appeased to revive. Unlike me, they aren’t able to create a conscience like you. So, that’s up to me, once i’ll be alive, to appease them. |
The Menias resurrection |
Tu as réussi, tu l’as fait. Je sens mon dernier trouble quitter mon esprit. La sagesse de mes ancêtres Simias fait, à nouveau, parti de moi. Je vais pouvoir ressusciter à présent, je sais ce que j’ai à faire. Ce sera long et complexe, je suis seul contre un empire mondial mais je le ferais, je parviendrais jusqu’au siège, je détruirais leur technologie, je détruirais ce peuple, je ferais revivre mes amis disparus. Merci pour tout, Conscience. |
Le chemin |
You've succeed, you've done it. I'm feeling the last pain leaving my mind. My Simias ancestor wisdom is return, part inside me. I’m going resurrected now, I know what I have to do. There will be long and complex, I’m alone against a full mondial empire but I’ll do it, I’ll go up to their seat, I’ll destroy their technology, I’ll destroy this people, I’ll make revive my dear friends. Thanks for everything, Conscience. |
The way |
Exit |
Exit |
Quitter |
Quitter |
Retry |
Retry |
Réessayer |
Réessayer |
Resume |
Resume |
Continuer |
Continuer |
your SOUL is GONE |
ton ÂME n'est PLUS |
00000 |
<p align="left"><font face="Herkules" size="30" color="#654934" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">Title</font></p> |
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ActionScript [AS3]
Section 1//Achievement_Buttons_71 (bud_fla.Achievement_Buttons_71) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Achievement_Buttons_71 extends MovieClip { public var HommeSansAme:MovieClip; public var ChairCanon:MovieClip; public var LameSansHomme:MovieClip; public var TechnoKinesie:MovieClip; public var GuerreSeive:MovieClip; public var DonneurMort:MovieClip; public var Etendu:MovieClip; public var DonneurVie:MovieClip; public var TristeImitation:MovieClip; public var RayonJaune:MovieClip; public var Continuite:MovieClip; public var CourteMultiplication:MovieClip; public var EtincelleMortelle:MovieClip; public var Fulgurance:MovieClip; public var Panache:MovieClip; public var Envie:MovieClip; public var Deploiement:MovieClip; public var CrepusculeEmeraude:MovieClip; public var Foi:MovieClip; public var Pacifiste:MovieClip; public var EpaisEngrais:MovieClip; public var Sagesse:MovieClip; public var EcrasementImposant:MovieClip; public var ForteMeteo:MovieClip; public var RayonRouge:MovieClip; public var Extinction:MovieClip; public var TrancheurAge:MovieClip; public var FoudreGuerre:MovieClip; public var ParentsNature:MovieClip; public var AubeLiens:MovieClip; public var Connaissance:MovieClip; public var PsyClip:MovieClip; public var HeureEnvol:MovieClip; public var EpeeLumiere:MovieClip; public var Equilibre:MovieClip; public var Espoir:MovieClip; public var MeneurFront:MovieClip; public var SecretResurection:MovieClip; public var Etherisme:MovieClip; public var ManipulateurAvance:MovieClip; public var VapeurExponentielle:MovieClip; public var Insistance:MovieClip; public var CascadeViolente:MovieClip; public var NuageSonique:MovieClip; public var ManipulateurAssidue:MovieClip; public var Precognition:MovieClip; public var PanoramaAbsolu:MovieClip; public var FinEtude:MovieClip; public var Culot:MovieClip; public var Exigence:MovieClip; public var CorpsProtection:MovieClip; public var Neutral:MovieClip; public var PremiereLigne:MovieClip; public var RayonNoir:MovieClip; public var Volonte:MovieClip; public var Histoire:MovieClip; public var Recherche:MovieClip; public var SoldatInstantane:MovieClip; public var Guerrier:MovieClip; public var TechnologiesRiches:MovieClip; } }//package bud_flaSection 2//Action_81 (bud_fla.Action_81) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Action_81 extends MovieClip { public var Player:MovieClip; public var FarEffects:MovieClip; public var EnnemiesJauge:MovieClip; public var Thunders:MovieClip; public var Rains:MovieClip; public var Background:MovieClip; public var Trees:MovieClip; public var BackEffects:MovieClip; public var Ennemies:MovieClip; public var Ground:MovieClip; public var FrontEffects:MovieClip; public var Effects:MovieClip; } }//package bud_flaSection 3//Arm_484 (bud_fla.Arm_484) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import flash.media.*; import flash.text.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.net.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class Arm_484 extends MovieClip { public var Arm:MovieClip; public function Arm_484(){ addFrameScript(83, frame84, 136, frame137, 189, frame190); } function frame84(){ Arm.play(); Arm.Hand.play(); Arm.Hand.Hand.play(); } function frame190(){ stop(); } function frame137(){ Arm.play(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 4//Arm_Arm_485 (bud_fla.Arm_Arm_485) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import flash.media.*; import flash.text.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.net.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class Arm_Arm_485 extends MovieClip { public var Hand:MovieClip; public function Arm_Arm_485(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 19, frame20, 24, frame25, 29, frame30); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame25(){ Hand.play(); Hand.Hand.play(); Hand.Thumb.play(); Hand.Hand.Finger1.play(); Hand.Hand.Finger2.play(); Hand.Hand.Finger3.play(); Hand.Hand.Finger4.play(); } function frame20(){ stop(); } function frame30(){ stop(); (parent.parent as MovieClip).Ring.play(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 5//Arm_Arm_Hand_486 (bud_fla.Arm_Arm_Hand_486) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Arm_Arm_Hand_486 extends MovieClip { public var Hand:MovieClip; public var Thumb:MovieClip; public function Arm_Arm_Hand_486(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 21, frame22, 27, frame28); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame22(){ stop(); } function frame28(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 6//Arm_Arm_Hand_Hand_489 (bud_fla.Arm_Arm_Hand_Hand_489) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Arm_Arm_Hand_Hand_489 extends MovieClip { public var Finger2:MovieClip; public var Finger3:MovieClip; public var Finger1:MovieClip; public var Finger4:MovieClip; public function Arm_Arm_Hand_Hand_489(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 24, frame25, 29, frame30); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame25(){ stop(); } function frame30(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 7//Arm_Arm_Hand_Hand_Finger1_496 (bud_fla.Arm_Arm_Hand_Hand_Finger1_496) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Arm_Arm_Hand_Hand_Finger1_496 extends MovieClip { public function Arm_Arm_Hand_Hand_Finger1_496(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 6, frame7); } function frame7(){ stop(); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 8//Arm_Arm_Hand_Hand_Finger2_494 (bud_fla.Arm_Arm_Hand_Hand_Finger2_494) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Arm_Arm_Hand_Hand_Finger2_494 extends MovieClip { public function Arm_Arm_Hand_Hand_Finger2_494(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 6, frame7); } function frame7(){ stop(); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 9//Arm_Arm_Hand_Hand_Finger3_492 (bud_fla.Arm_Arm_Hand_Hand_Finger3_492) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Arm_Arm_Hand_Hand_Finger3_492 extends MovieClip { public function Arm_Arm_Hand_Hand_Finger3_492(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 6, frame7); } function frame7(){ stop(); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 10//Arm_Arm_Hand_Hand_Finger4_490 (bud_fla.Arm_Arm_Hand_Hand_Finger4_490) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Arm_Arm_Hand_Hand_Finger4_490 extends MovieClip { public function Arm_Arm_Hand_Hand_Finger4_490(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 6, frame7); } function frame7(){ stop(); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 11//Arm_Arm_Hand_Thumb_487 (bud_fla.Arm_Arm_Hand_Thumb_487) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Arm_Arm_Hand_Thumb_487 extends MovieClip { public function Arm_Arm_Hand_Thumb_487(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 6, frame7); } function frame7(){ stop(); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 12//Background_82 (bud_fla.Background_82) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Background_82 extends MovieClip { public var GroundBack:MovieClip; public var DepthBack:MovieClip; public var Background:MovieClip; public var DepthCloud:MovieClip; public var Ground:MovieClip; public var Depth:MovieClip; } }//package bud_flaSection 13//Background_Background_83 (bud_fla.Background_Background_83) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Background_Background_83 extends MovieClip { public function Background_Background_83(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 14//CarreInvisibleA_15 (bud_fla.CarreInvisibleA_15) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class CarreInvisibleA_15 extends MovieClip { public function CarreInvisibleA_15(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ alpha = 0; } } }//package bud_flaSection 15//CarreInvisibleC_442 (bud_fla.CarreInvisibleC_442) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class CarreInvisibleC_442 extends MovieClip { public function CarreInvisibleC_442(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ alpha = 0; } } }//package bud_flaSection 16//ConteinerBump_87 (bud_fla.ConteinerBump_87) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ConteinerBump_87 extends MovieClip { public var Bump:MovieClip; } }//package bud_flaSection 17//drOideLogo_18 (bud_fla.drOideLogo_18) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import flash.net.*; public dynamic class drOideLogo_18 extends MovieClip { public var Powered:Boolean; public var Sons:Boolean; public var ZoneActive:SimpleButton; public function drOideLogo_18(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 8, frame9); } function frame1(){ Powered = true; Sons = true; ZoneActive.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, ZoneActivePress); stop(); } public function ZoneActivePress(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:URLRequest; _local2 = new URLRequest("http://www.ockamrazor.com/Data/Telechargement/drOIde.zip"); navigateToURL(_local2); } function frame9(){ stop(); (parent as MovieClip).play(); } function frame2(){ ZoneActive.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, ZoneActivePress); } } }//package bud_flaSection 18//drOideLogo_Bump_32 (bud_fla.drOideLogo_Bump_32) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class drOideLogo_Bump_32 extends MovieClip { public function drOideLogo_Bump_32(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ visible = false; } } }//package bud_flaSection 19//drOIdeLogo_Circuit_27 (bud_fla.drOIdeLogo_Circuit_27) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class drOIdeLogo_Circuit_27 extends MovieClip { public var Circuit:MovieClip; public function drOIdeLogo_Circuit_27(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ this.blendMode = "erase"; } } }//package bud_flaSection 20//drOIdeLogo_Circuit_Interne_28 (bud_fla.drOIdeLogo_Circuit_Interne_28) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class drOIdeLogo_Circuit_Interne_28 extends MovieClip { public var Rond1:MovieClip; public var Rond4:MovieClip; public var Rond2:MovieClip; public var Rond3:MovieClip; public function drOIdeLogo_Circuit_Interne_28(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 39, frame40, 47, frame48, 62, frame63, 71, frame72, 144, frame145); } function frame72(){ Rond4.play(); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame40(){ Rond1.play(); } function frame48(){ Rond2.play(); } function frame2(){ } function frame145(){ stop(); (parent.parent.parent.parent as MovieClip).play(); } function frame63(){ Rond3.play(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 21//drOIdeLogo_Circuit_Interne_Rond_29 (bud_fla.drOIdeLogo_Circuit_Interne_Rond_29) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class drOIdeLogo_Circuit_Interne_Rond_29 extends MovieClip { public function drOIdeLogo_Circuit_Interne_Rond_29(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 29, frame30); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame30(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 22//drOIdeLogo_Forme_Intra_20 (bud_fla.drOIdeLogo_Forme_Intra_20) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class drOIdeLogo_Forme_Intra_20 extends MovieClip { public var Circuit:MovieClip; public function drOIdeLogo_Forme_Intra_20(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ this.blendMode = "layer"; } } }//package bud_flaSection 23//drOIdeLogo_Forme_Powered_30 (bud_fla.drOIdeLogo_Forme_Powered_30) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import flash.media.*; import flash.text.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.net.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class drOIdeLogo_Forme_Powered_30 extends MovieClip { public function drOIdeLogo_Forme_Powered_30(){ addFrameScript(1, frame2, 9, frame10); } function frame10(){ stop(); } function frame2(){ visible = (parent.parent as MovieClip).Powered; } } }//package bud_flaSection 24//drOIdeLogo_Texte_21 (bud_fla.drOIdeLogo_Texte_21) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import flash.media.*; import flash.text.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.net.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class drOIdeLogo_Texte_21 extends MovieClip { public function drOIdeLogo_Texte_21(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 4, frame5, 8, frame9, 12, frame13, 16, frame17, 20, frame21, 46, frame47); } function frame1(){ } function frame13(){ } function frame17(){ } function frame5(){ } function frame9(){ } function frame21(){ } function frame47(){ stop(); (parent as MovieClip).Circuit.Circuit.play(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 25//Ennemy_Assassin_309 (bud_fla.Ennemy_Assassin_309) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import flash.media.*; import flash.text.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.net.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class Ennemy_Assassin_309 extends MovieClip { public var Head:MovieClip; public var Chute:MovieClip; public var LegB:MovieClip; public var LegF:MovieClip; public var ArmF:MovieClip; public var ArmB:MovieClip; public var Body:MovieClip; public var Sword:MovieClip; public function Ennemy_Assassin_309(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 13, frame14, 98, frame99, 106, frame107, 112, frame113, 125, frame126, 174, frame175, 185, frame186, 236, frame237, 273, frame274, 305, frame306, 320, frame321, 340, frame341, 365, frame366, 398, frame399, 418, frame419, 443, frame444); } function frame306(){ (parent as MovieClip).Sound.PlaySound("Ennemy", "AssassinChute", {volume:(parent as MovieClip).Volume}); } function frame399(){ Head.gotoAndStop("Dead"); } function frame274(){ gotoAndPlay("Chute"); } function frame321(){ Head.gotoAndStop("Dead"); (parent as MovieClip).Sound.PlaySound("Ennemy", "AssassinAppear", {volume:(parent as MovieClip).Volume}); } function frame444(){ gotoAndPlay("Walk"); (parent as MovieClip).Walk = true; } function frame14(){ if ((parent as MovieClip).Attack){ gotoAndPlay("Prepares"); } else { gotoAndPlay("Walk"); }; } function frame341(){ Head.gotoAndStop("Normal"); } function frame186(){ Head.gotoAndStop("Dead"); Sword.gotoAndStop("Dead"); (parent as MovieClip).Sound.PlaySound("Ennemy", "AssassinDead", {volume:(parent as MovieClip).Volume}); } function frame1(){ (parent as MovieClip).Skin = this; } function frame175(){ gotoAndPlay("Walk"); (parent as MovieClip).Walk = true; } function frame107(){ (parent as MovieClip).AttackTree(); (parent as MovieClip).Sound.PlaySound("Ennemy", "AssassinHit", {volume:(parent as MovieClip).Volume}); } function frame237(){ (parent as MovieClip).Destroy(); } function frame99(){ if ((parent.parent.parent.parent as MovieClip).Pause){ stop(); }; } function frame366(){ gotoAndPlay("Walk"); (parent as MovieClip).Walk = true; } function frame113(){ if (!(parent as MovieClip).Attack){ gotoAndPlay("Return"); }; } function frame126(){ gotoAndPlay("Attack"); } function frame419(){ Head.gotoAndStop("Normal"); } } }//package bud_flaSection 26//Ennemy_Assassin_DeathParticle_310 (bud_fla.Ennemy_Assassin_DeathParticle_310) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Ennemy_Assassin_DeathParticle_310 extends MovieClip { public function Ennemy_Assassin_DeathParticle_310(){ addFrameScript(9, frame10); } function frame10(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 27//Ennemy_Assassin_Head_236 (bud_fla.Ennemy_Assassin_Head_236) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Ennemy_Assassin_Head_236 extends MovieClip { public function Ennemy_Assassin_Head_236(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 28//Ennemy_Assassin_Sword_237 (bud_fla.Ennemy_Assassin_Sword_237) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Ennemy_Assassin_Sword_237 extends MovieClip { public function Ennemy_Assassin_Sword_237(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 29//Ennemy_Big_295 (bud_fla.Ennemy_Big_295) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import flash.media.*; import flash.text.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.net.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class Ennemy_Big_295 extends MovieClip { public var Head:MovieClip; public var Chute:MovieClip; public var AxeB:MovieClip; public var LegB:MovieClip; public var LegF:MovieClip; public var ArmF:MovieClip; public var ArmB:MovieClip; public var Body:MovieClip; public var Axe:MovieClip; public function Ennemy_Big_295(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 20, frame21, 59, frame60, 110, frame111, 140, frame141, 163, frame164, 186, frame187, 217, frame218, 0x0101, frame258, 268, frame269, 322, frame323, 399, frame400, 412, frame413, 501, frame502, 579, frame580); } function frame164(){ (parent as MovieClip).AttackTree(); (parent as MovieClip).Sound.PlaySound("Ennemy", "BigHit", {volume:(parent as MovieClip).Volume}); } function frame323(){ (parent as MovieClip).Destroy(); } function frame218(){ gotoAndPlay("Attack"); } function frame187(){ if (!(parent as MovieClip).Attack){ gotoAndPlay("Return"); } else { (parent as MovieClip).Sound.PlaySound("Ennemy", "BigReady", {volume:(parent as MovieClip).Volume}); }; } function frame502(){ gotoAndPlay("Walk"); (parent as MovieClip).Walk = true; } function frame1(){ (parent as MovieClip).Skin = this; } function frame21(){ if ((parent as MovieClip).Attack){ gotoAndPlay("Prepares"); }; } function frame111(){ (parent as MovieClip).Sound.PlaySound("Ennemy", "BigReady", {volume:(parent as MovieClip).Volume}); } function frame400(){ gotoAndPlay("Chute"); } function frame580(){ gotoAndPlay("Walk"); (parent as MovieClip).Walk = true; } function frame413(){ (parent as MovieClip).Sound.PlaySound("Ennemy", "BigChute", {volume:(parent as MovieClip).Volume}); } function frame258(){ gotoAndPlay("Walk"); (parent as MovieClip).Walk = true; } function frame141(){ if ((parent.parent.parent.parent as MovieClip).Pause){ stop(); }; } function frame269(){ Head.gotoAndStop("Dead"); Body.gotoAndStop("Dead"); ArmF.gotoAndStop("Dead"); ArmB.gotoAndStop("Dead"); LegF.gotoAndStop("Dead"); LegB.gotoAndStop("Dead"); Axe.gotoAndStop("Dead"); (parent as MovieClip).Sound.PlaySound("Ennemy", "BigDead", {volume:(parent as MovieClip).Volume}); } function frame60(){ if ((parent as MovieClip).Attack){ gotoAndPlay("Prepares"); } else { gotoAndPlay("Walk"); }; } } }//package bud_flaSection 30//Ennemy_Big_Arm_190 (bud_fla.Ennemy_Big_Arm_190) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Ennemy_Big_Arm_190 extends MovieClip { public function Ennemy_Big_Arm_190(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 31//Ennemy_Big_Axe_193 (bud_fla.Ennemy_Big_Axe_193) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Ennemy_Big_Axe_193 extends MovieClip { public function Ennemy_Big_Axe_193(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 32//Ennemy_Big_Body_191 (bud_fla.Ennemy_Big_Body_191) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Ennemy_Big_Body_191 extends MovieClip { public function Ennemy_Big_Body_191(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 33//Ennemy_Big_Head_192 (bud_fla.Ennemy_Big_Head_192) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Ennemy_Big_Head_192 extends MovieClip { public function Ennemy_Big_Head_192(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 34//Ennemy_Big_Leg_189 (bud_fla.Ennemy_Big_Leg_189) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Ennemy_Big_Leg_189 extends MovieClip { public function Ennemy_Big_Leg_189(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 35//Ennemy_Bucker_299 (bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_299) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import flash.media.*; import flash.text.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.net.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class Ennemy_Bucker_299 extends MovieClip { public var Head:MovieClip; public var Chute:MovieClip; public var LegB:MovieClip; public var LegF:MovieClip; public var ArmF:MovieClip; public var ArmB:MovieClip; public var SawF:MovieClip; public var SawB:MovieClip; public var Body:MovieClip; public var Saw:MovieClip; public function Ennemy_Bucker_299(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 25, frame26, 51, frame52, 98, frame99, 118, frame119, 139, frame140, 141, frame142, 143, frame144, 145, frame146, 147, frame148, 149, frame150, 170, frame171, 209, frame210, 220, frame221, 276, frame277, 322, frame323, 364, frame365, 409, frame410); } function frame277(){ (parent as MovieClip).Destroy(); } function frame144(){ (parent as MovieClip).AttackTree(); (parent as MovieClip).Sound.PlayNoise("Ennemy", "BuckerHit", {volume:(parent as MovieClip).Volume}); } function frame323(){ gotoAndPlay("Chute"); } function frame171(){ SawF.gotoAndStop("Normal"); (parent as MovieClip).Sound.PlaySound("Ennemy", "BuckerReturn", {volume:(parent as MovieClip).Volume}); } function frame210(){ gotoAndPlay("Walk"); (parent as MovieClip).Walk = true; } function frame1(){ (parent as MovieClip).Skin = this; } function frame26(){ if ((parent as MovieClip).Attack){ gotoAndPlay("Prepares"); }; } function frame221(){ Head.gotoAndStop("Dead"); Body.gotoAndStop("Dead"); ArmF.gotoAndStop("Dead"); ArmB.gotoAndStop("Dead"); LegF.gotoAndStop("Dead"); LegB.gotoAndStop("Dead"); SawB.gotoAndPlay("Dead"); (parent as MovieClip).Sound.PlaySound("Ennemy", "BuckerDead", {volume:(parent as MovieClip).Volume}); } function frame99(){ (parent as MovieClip).Sound.PlaySound("Ennemy", "BuckerReady", {volume:(parent as MovieClip).Volume}); } function frame365(){ gotoAndPlay("Walk"); (parent as MovieClip).Walk = true; } function frame119(){ SawF.gotoAndPlay("Attack"); } function frame52(){ if ((parent as MovieClip).Attack){ gotoAndPlay("Prepares"); } else { gotoAndPlay("Walk"); }; } function frame410(){ gotoAndPlay("Walk"); (parent as MovieClip).Walk = true; } function frame140(){ if ((parent.parent.parent.parent as MovieClip).Pause){ stop(); }; } function frame146(){ (parent as MovieClip).AttackTree(); (parent as MovieClip).Sound.PlayNoise("Ennemy", "BuckerHit", {volume:(parent as MovieClip).Volume}); } function frame148(){ (parent as MovieClip).AttackTree(); (parent as MovieClip).Sound.PlayNoise("Ennemy", "BuckerHit", {volume:(parent as MovieClip).Volume}); } function frame142(){ (parent as MovieClip).AttackTree(); (parent as MovieClip).Sound.PlayNoise("Ennemy", "BuckerHit", {volume:(parent as MovieClip).Volume}); } function frame150(){ if (!(parent as MovieClip).Attack){ gotoAndPlay("Return"); } else { (parent as MovieClip).AttackTree(); gotoAndPlay("Attack"); }; } } }//package bud_flaSection 36//Ennemy_Bucker_Arm_201 (bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_Arm_201) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Ennemy_Bucker_Arm_201 extends MovieClip { public function Ennemy_Bucker_Arm_201(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 37//Ennemy_Bucker_Body_204 (bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_Body_204) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Ennemy_Bucker_Body_204 extends MovieClip { public function Ennemy_Bucker_Body_204(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 38//Ennemy_Bucker_Head_205 (bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_Head_205) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Ennemy_Bucker_Head_205 extends MovieClip { public function Ennemy_Bucker_Head_205(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 39//Ennemy_Bucker_Leg_203 (bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_Leg_203) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Ennemy_Bucker_Leg_203 extends MovieClip { public function Ennemy_Bucker_Leg_203(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 40//Ennemy_Bucker_Saw_202 (bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_Saw_202) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Ennemy_Bucker_Saw_202 extends MovieClip { public function Ennemy_Bucker_Saw_202(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 17, frame18, 26, frame27); } function frame18(){ gotoAndPlay("Attack"); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame27(){ gotoAndPlay("Dead"); } } }//package bud_flaSection 41//Ennemy_Chrono_303 (bud_fla.Ennemy_Chrono_303) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import flash.media.*; import flash.text.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.net.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class Ennemy_Chrono_303 extends MovieClip { public var Head:MovieClip; public var Chute:MovieClip; public var LegB:MovieClip; public var LegF:MovieClip; public var ArmF:MovieClip; public var ArmB:MovieClip; public var Body:MovieClip; public var Axe:MovieClip; public function Ennemy_Chrono_303(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 30, frame31, 55, frame56, 65, frame66, 93, frame94, 119, frame120, 132, frame133, 155, frame156, 185, frame186, 224, frame225, 238, frame239); } function frame156(){ (parent as MovieClip).Destroy(); } function frame94(){ if (!(parent as MovieClip).Attack){ gotoAndPlay("Return"); } else { gotoAndPlay("Attack"); }; } function frame186(){ gotoAndPlay("Chute"); } function frame1(){ (parent as MovieClip).Skin = this; } function frame225(){ gotoAndPlay("Walk"); (parent as MovieClip).Walk = true; } function frame2(){ try { if ((parent as MovieClip).Attack){ gotoAndPlay("Prepares"); } else { gotoAndPlay("Walk"); }; } catch(e) { }; } function frame31(){ (parent as MovieClip).Sound.PlaySound("Ennemy", "ChronoMove", {volume:(parent as MovieClip).Volume}); } function frame120(){ gotoAndPlay("Walk"); (parent as MovieClip).Walk = true; } function frame239(){ gotoAndPlay("Walk"); (parent as MovieClip).Walk = true; } function frame56(){ if ((parent.parent.parent.parent as MovieClip).Pause){ stop(); }; } function frame133(){ Head.gotoAndStop("Dead"); Body.gotoAndStop("Dead"); ArmF.gotoAndStop("Dead"); ArmB.gotoAndStop("Dead"); LegF.gotoAndStop("Dead"); LegB.gotoAndStop("Dead"); (parent as MovieClip).Sound.PlaySound("Ennemy", "ChronoDead", {volume:(parent as MovieClip).Volume}); } function frame66(){ (parent as MovieClip).AttackTree(); (parent as MovieClip).Sound.PlaySound("Ennemy", "BigHit", {volume:(parent as MovieClip).Volume}); } } }//package bud_flaSection 42//Ennemy_Chrono_Arm_221 (bud_fla.Ennemy_Chrono_Arm_221) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Ennemy_Chrono_Arm_221 extends MovieClip { public function Ennemy_Chrono_Arm_221(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 43//Ennemy_Chrono_Body_223 (bud_fla.Ennemy_Chrono_Body_223) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Ennemy_Chrono_Body_223 extends MovieClip { public function Ennemy_Chrono_Body_223(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 44//Ennemy_Chrono_Head_224 (bud_fla.Ennemy_Chrono_Head_224) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Ennemy_Chrono_Head_224 extends MovieClip { public function Ennemy_Chrono_Head_224(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 45//Ennemy_Chrono_Leg_222 (bud_fla.Ennemy_Chrono_Leg_222) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Ennemy_Chrono_Leg_222 extends MovieClip { public function Ennemy_Chrono_Leg_222(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 46//Ennemy_Imp_305 (bud_fla.Ennemy_Imp_305) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import flash.media.*; import flash.text.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.net.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class Ennemy_Imp_305 extends MovieClip { public var Head:MovieClip; public var Chute:MovieClip; public var LegB:MovieClip; public var LegF:MovieClip; public var ArmF:MovieClip; public var ArmB:MovieClip; public var Body:MovieClip; public var Axe:MovieClip; public function Ennemy_Imp_305(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 12, frame13, 24, frame25, 34, frame35, 44, frame45, 72, frame73, 83, frame84, 87, frame88, 95, frame96, 119, frame120, 134, frame135, 167, frame168, 212, frame213, 250, frame251, 296, frame297); } function frame73(){ if ((parent.parent.parent.parent as MovieClip).Pause){ stop(); }; } function frame84(){ (parent as MovieClip).AttackTree(); (parent as MovieClip).Sound.PlaySound("Ennemy", "ShortHit", {volume:(parent as MovieClip).Volume}); } function frame88(){ if (!(parent as MovieClip).Attack){ gotoAndPlay("Return"); }; } function frame168(){ (parent as MovieClip).Destroy(); } function frame297(){ gotoAndPlay("Walk"); (parent as MovieClip).Walk = true; } function frame213(){ if ((Math.random() * 10) > 9){ gotoAndPlay("Chute"); } else { gotoAndPlay("Chute2"); }; } function frame1(){ (parent as MovieClip).Skin = this; } function frame25(){ if ((parent as MovieClip).Attack){ gotoAndPlay("Prepares"); } else { if ((Math.random() * 10) > 5){ gotoAndPlay("Walk"); } else { gotoAndPlay("Walk2"); }; }; } function frame13(){ if ((parent as MovieClip).Attack){ gotoAndPlay("Prepares"); }; } function frame96(){ gotoAndPlay("Attack"); } function frame35(){ if ((parent as MovieClip).Attack){ gotoAndPlay("Prepares"); }; } function frame120(){ gotoAndPlay("Walk"); (parent as MovieClip).Walk = true; } function frame45(){ if ((parent as MovieClip).Attack){ gotoAndPlay("Prepares"); } else { if ((Math.random() * 10) > 5){ gotoAndPlay("Walk"); } else { gotoAndPlay("Walk2"); }; }; } function frame251(){ gotoAndPlay("Walk"); (parent as MovieClip).Walk = true; } function frame135(){ Head.gotoAndStop("Dead"); Body.gotoAndStop("Dead"); ArmF.gotoAndStop("Dead"); ArmB.gotoAndStop("Dead"); LegF.gotoAndStop("Dead"); LegB.gotoAndStop("Dead"); (parent as MovieClip).Sound.PlaySound("Ennemy", "ImpDead", {volume:(parent as MovieClip).Volume}); } } }//package bud_flaSection 47//Ennemy_Imp_Arm_216 (bud_fla.Ennemy_Imp_Arm_216) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Ennemy_Imp_Arm_216 extends MovieClip { public function Ennemy_Imp_Arm_216(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 48//Ennemy_Imp_Body_217 (bud_fla.Ennemy_Imp_Body_217) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Ennemy_Imp_Body_217 extends MovieClip { public function Ennemy_Imp_Body_217(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 49//Ennemy_Imp_Head_218 (bud_fla.Ennemy_Imp_Head_218) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Ennemy_Imp_Head_218 extends MovieClip { public function Ennemy_Imp_Head_218(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 50//Ennemy_Imp_Leg_215 (bud_fla.Ennemy_Imp_Leg_215) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Ennemy_Imp_Leg_215 extends MovieClip { public function Ennemy_Imp_Leg_215(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 51//Ennemy_Intern_292 (bud_fla.Ennemy_Intern_292) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import flash.media.*; import flash.text.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.net.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class Ennemy_Intern_292 extends MovieClip { public var Head:MovieClip; public var LegB:MovieClip; public var LegF:MovieClip; public var ArmF:MovieClip; public var ArmB:MovieClip; public var Body:MovieClip; public function Ennemy_Intern_292(){ addFrameScript(19, frame20, 39, frame40, 95, frame96, 129, frame130, 149, frame150, 164, frame165, 196, frame197, 209, frame210, 252, frame253, 297, frame298, 310, frame311, 339, frame340); } function frame311(){ gotoAndPlay("Walk"); (parent as MovieClip).Walk = true; } function frame165(){ (parent as MovieClip).Sound.PlaySound("Ennemy", "InternYeah", {volume:(parent as MovieClip).Volume}); } function frame210(){ Head.gotoAndStop("Dead"); Body.gotoAndStop("Dead"); ArmF.gotoAndStop("Dead"); ArmB.gotoAndStop("Dead"); LegF.gotoAndStop("Dead"); LegB.gotoAndStop("Dead"); (parent as MovieClip).Sound.PlaySound("Ennemy", "InternDead", {volume:(parent as MovieClip).Volume}); } function frame298(){ gotoAndPlay("Chute"); } function frame340(){ gotoAndPlay("Walk"); (parent as MovieClip).Walk = true; } function frame20(){ if ((parent as MovieClip).Attack){ gotoAndPlay("Prepares"); }; } function frame96(){ if ((parent.parent.parent.parent as MovieClip).Pause){ stop(); }; } function frame197(){ gotoAndPlay("Walk"); (parent as MovieClip).Walk = true; } function frame40(){ if ((parent as MovieClip).Attack){ gotoAndPlay("Prepares"); } else { gotoAndPlay("Walk"); }; } function frame130(){ (parent as MovieClip).AttackTree(); (parent as MovieClip).Sound.PlaySound("Ennemy", "ShortHit", {volume:(parent as MovieClip).Volume}); } function frame253(){ (parent as MovieClip).Destroy(); } function frame150(){ if ((parent as MovieClip).Attack){ gotoAndPlay("Attack"); } else { gotoAndPlay("Return"); }; } } }//package bud_flaSection 52//Ennemy_Intern_Arm_183 (bud_fla.Ennemy_Intern_Arm_183) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Ennemy_Intern_Arm_183 extends MovieClip { public function Ennemy_Intern_Arm_183(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 53//Ennemy_Intern_Body_184 (bud_fla.Ennemy_Intern_Body_184) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Ennemy_Intern_Body_184 extends MovieClip { public function Ennemy_Intern_Body_184(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 54//Ennemy_Intern_Head_185 (bud_fla.Ennemy_Intern_Head_185) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Ennemy_Intern_Head_185 extends MovieClip { public function Ennemy_Intern_Head_185(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 55//Ennemy_Intern_Leg_182 (bud_fla.Ennemy_Intern_Leg_182) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Ennemy_Intern_Leg_182 extends MovieClip { public function Ennemy_Intern_Leg_182(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 56//Ennemy_JigSaw_301 (bud_fla.Ennemy_JigSaw_301) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import flash.media.*; import flash.text.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.net.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class Ennemy_JigSaw_301 extends MovieClip { public var Head:MovieClip; public var Chute:MovieClip; public var Meka1:MovieClip; public var Meka2:MovieClip; public var MekaBig:MovieClip; public var CabB:MovieClip; public var CabF:MovieClip; public var Roll2:MovieClip; public var Roll3:MovieClip; public var Roll1:MovieClip; public var ArmF:MovieClip; public var ArmB:MovieClip; public var Down:MovieClip; public var Saw:MovieClip; public var Body:MovieClip; public function Ennemy_JigSaw_301(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 29, frame30, 47, frame48, 70, frame71, 82, frame83, 91, frame92, 107, frame108, 109, frame110, 111, frame112, 113, frame114, 115, frame116, 140, frame141, 155, frame156, 163, frame164, 188, frame189, 262, frame263, 313, frame314, 364, frame365, 404, frame405); } function frame71(){ (parent as MovieClip).Sound.PlaySound("Ennemy", "JigsawReady2", {volume:(parent as MovieClip).Volume}); } function frame314(){ gotoAndPlay("Chute"); } function frame108(){ if ((parent.parent.parent.parent as MovieClip).Pause){ stop(); }; } function frame164(){ gotoAndPlay("Walk"); (parent as MovieClip).Walk = true; } function frame156(){ (parent as MovieClip).Sound.PlaySound("Ennemy", "JigsawReady2", {volume:(parent as MovieClip).Volume}); } function frame1(){ (parent as MovieClip).Skin = this; } function frame83(){ (parent as MovieClip).Sound.PlaySound("Ennemy", "JigsawReady2", {volume:(parent as MovieClip).Volume}); } function frame92(){ } function frame110(){ (parent as MovieClip).AttackTree(); (parent as MovieClip).Sound.PlayNoise("Ennemy", "JigsawHit", {volume:(parent as MovieClip).Volume}); } function frame114(){ (parent as MovieClip).AttackTree(); (parent as MovieClip).Sound.PlayNoise("Ennemy", "JigsawHit", {volume:(parent as MovieClip).Volume}); } function frame116(){ if (!(parent as MovieClip).Attack){ gotoAndPlay("Return"); } else { (parent as MovieClip).AttackTree(); gotoAndPlay("Attack"); }; } function frame30(){ if ((parent as MovieClip).Attack){ gotoAndPlay("Prepares"); } else { gotoAndPlay("Walk"); }; } function frame112(){ (parent as MovieClip).AttackTree(); (parent as MovieClip).Sound.PlayNoise("Ennemy", "JigsawHit", {volume:(parent as MovieClip).Volume}); } function frame365(){ gotoAndPlay("Walk"); (parent as MovieClip).Walk = true; } function frame48(){ (parent as MovieClip).Sound.PlaySound("Ennemy", "JigsawReady1", {volume:(parent as MovieClip).Volume}); } function frame405(){ gotoAndPlay("Walk"); (parent as MovieClip).Walk = true; } function frame189(){ Head.gotoAndStop("Dead"); Body.gotoAndStop("Dead"); ArmF.gotoAndStop("Dead"); ArmB.gotoAndStop("Dead"); (parent as MovieClip).Sound.PlaySound("Ennemy", "JigsawDead", {volume:(parent as MovieClip).Volume}); } function frame141(){ (parent as MovieClip).Sound.PlaySound("Ennemy", "JigsawReady2", {volume:(parent as MovieClip).Volume}); } function frame263(){ (parent as MovieClip).Destroy(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 57//Ennemy_Lumberjack_294 (bud_fla.Ennemy_Lumberjack_294) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import flash.media.*; import flash.text.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.net.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class Ennemy_Lumberjack_294 extends MovieClip { public var Head:MovieClip; public var LegB:MovieClip; public var LegF:MovieClip; public var ArmF:MovieClip; public var ArmB:MovieClip; public var Body:MovieClip; public var Axe:MovieClip; public function Ennemy_Lumberjack_294(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 20, frame21, 40, frame41, 86, frame87, 94, frame95, 126, frame127, 138, frame139, 174, frame175, 184, frame185, 223, frame224, 264, frame265, 287, frame288, 328, frame329); } function frame265(){ gotoAndPlay("Chute"); } function frame288(){ gotoAndPlay("Walk"); (parent as MovieClip).Walk = true; } function frame329(){ gotoAndPlay("Walk"); (parent as MovieClip).Walk = true; } function frame87(){ if ((parent.parent.parent.parent as MovieClip).Pause){ stop(); }; } function frame95(){ (parent as MovieClip).AttackTree(); (parent as MovieClip).Sound.PlaySound("Ennemy", "ShortHit", {volume:(parent as MovieClip).Volume}); } function frame1(){ (parent as MovieClip).Skin = this; } function frame185(){ Head.gotoAndStop("Dead"); Body.gotoAndStop("Dead"); ArmF.gotoAndStop("Dead"); ArmB.gotoAndStop("Dead"); LegF.gotoAndStop("Dead"); LegB.gotoAndStop("Dead"); (parent as MovieClip).Sound.PlaySound("Ennemy", "LumberjackDead", {volume:(parent as MovieClip).Volume}); } function frame224(){ (parent as MovieClip).Destroy(); } function frame21(){ if ((parent as MovieClip).Attack){ gotoAndPlay("Prepares"); }; } function frame127(){ if (!(parent as MovieClip).Attack){ gotoAndPlay("Return"); }; } function frame41(){ if ((parent as MovieClip).Attack){ gotoAndPlay("Prepares"); } else { gotoAndPlay("Walk"); }; } function frame175(){ gotoAndPlay("Walk"); (parent as MovieClip).Walk = true; } function frame139(){ gotoAndPlay("Attack"); } } }//package bud_flaSection 58//Ennemy_Lumberjack_Arm_149 (bud_fla.Ennemy_Lumberjack_Arm_149) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Ennemy_Lumberjack_Arm_149 extends MovieClip { public function Ennemy_Lumberjack_Arm_149(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 59//Ennemy_Lumberjack_Body_150 (bud_fla.Ennemy_Lumberjack_Body_150) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Ennemy_Lumberjack_Body_150 extends MovieClip { public function Ennemy_Lumberjack_Body_150(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 60//Ennemy_Lumberjack_Head_151 (bud_fla.Ennemy_Lumberjack_Head_151) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Ennemy_Lumberjack_Head_151 extends MovieClip { public function Ennemy_Lumberjack_Head_151(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 61//Ennemy_Lumberjack_Leg_148 (bud_fla.Ennemy_Lumberjack_Leg_148) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Ennemy_Lumberjack_Leg_148 extends MovieClip { public function Ennemy_Lumberjack_Leg_148(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 62//Ennemy_Master_297 (bud_fla.Ennemy_Master_297) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import flash.media.*; import flash.text.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.net.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class Ennemy_Master_297 extends MovieClip { public var Head:MovieClip; public var LegB:MovieClip; public var LegF:MovieClip; public var ArmF:MovieClip; public var ArmB:MovieClip; public var Body:MovieClip; public var Axe:MovieClip; public function Ennemy_Master_297(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 12, frame13, 24, frame25, 105, frame106, 118, frame119, 148, frame149, 169, frame170, 205, frame206, 225, frame226, 291, frame292, 315, frame316, 333, frame334, 395, frame396, 440, frame441); } function frame316(){ gotoAndPlay("Chute"); } function frame396(){ gotoAndPlay("Walk"); (parent as MovieClip).Walk = true; } function frame206(){ gotoAndPlay("Walk"); (parent as MovieClip).Walk = true; } function frame441(){ gotoAndPlay("Walk"); (parent as MovieClip).Walk = true; } function frame292(){ (parent as MovieClip).Destroy(); } function frame170(){ gotoAndPlay("Attack"); } function frame334(){ (parent as MovieClip).Sound.PlaySound("Ennemy", "MasterChute", {volume:(parent as MovieClip).Volume}); } function frame226(){ Head.gotoAndStop("Dead"); Body.gotoAndStop("Dead"); ArmF.gotoAndStop("Dead"); ArmB.gotoAndStop("Dead"); LegF.gotoAndStop("Dead"); LegB.gotoAndStop("Dead"); Axe.gotoAndStop("Dead"); (parent as MovieClip).Sound.PlaySound("Ennemy", "MasterDead", {volume:(parent as MovieClip).Volume}); } function frame106(){ if ((parent.parent.parent.parent as MovieClip).Pause){ stop(); }; } function frame1(){ (parent as MovieClip).Skin = this; } function frame25(){ if ((parent as MovieClip).Attack){ gotoAndPlay("Prepares"); } else { gotoAndPlay("Walk"); }; } function frame13(){ if ((parent as MovieClip).Attack){ gotoAndPlay("Prepares"); }; } function frame119(){ (parent as MovieClip).AttackTree(); (parent as MovieClip).Sound.PlaySound("Ennemy", "UltraHit", {volume:(parent as MovieClip).Volume}); } function frame149(){ if (!(parent as MovieClip).Attack){ gotoAndPlay("Return"); }; } } }//package bud_flaSection 63//Ennemy_Master_Axe_198 (bud_fla.Ennemy_Master_Axe_198) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Ennemy_Master_Axe_198 extends MovieClip { public function Ennemy_Master_Axe_198(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 64//Ennemy_Master_Body_197 (bud_fla.Ennemy_Master_Body_197) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Ennemy_Master_Body_197 extends MovieClip { public function Ennemy_Master_Body_197(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 65//Ennemy_Master_Bras_196 (bud_fla.Ennemy_Master_Bras_196) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Ennemy_Master_Bras_196 extends MovieClip { public function Ennemy_Master_Bras_196(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 66//Ennemy_Master_Head_199 (bud_fla.Ennemy_Master_Head_199) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Ennemy_Master_Head_199 extends MovieClip { public function Ennemy_Master_Head_199(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 67//Ennemy_Master_Leg_195 (bud_fla.Ennemy_Master_Leg_195) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Ennemy_Master_Leg_195 extends MovieClip { public function Ennemy_Master_Leg_195(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 68//Ennemy_Shield_307 (bud_fla.Ennemy_Shield_307) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import flash.media.*; import flash.text.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.net.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class Ennemy_Shield_307 extends MovieClip { public var Head:MovieClip; public var LegB:MovieClip; public var LegF:MovieClip; public var ArmF:MovieClip; public var ArmB:MovieClip; public var Body:MovieClip; public var Dust:MovieClip; public var Axe:MovieClip; public function Ennemy_Shield_307(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 40, frame41, 79, frame80, 129, frame130, 142, frame143, 184, frame185, 214, frame215, 252, frame253, 263, frame264, 332, frame333, 357, frame358, 370, frame371, 439, frame440, 524, frame525); } function frame143(){ (parent as MovieClip).AttackTree(); (parent as MovieClip).Sound.PlaySound("Ennemy", "UltraHit", {volume:(parent as MovieClip).Volume}); } function frame264(){ (parent as MovieClip).Sound.PlaySound("Ennemy", "ShieldDead", {volume:(parent as MovieClip).Volume}); } function frame80(){ if ((parent as MovieClip).Attack){ gotoAndPlay("Prepares"); } else { gotoAndPlay("Walk"); }; (parent as MovieClip).Sound.PlaySound("Ennemy", "ShieldMove", {volume:(parent as MovieClip).Volume}); } function frame440(){ gotoAndPlay("Walk"); (parent as MovieClip).Walk = true; } function frame215(){ gotoAndPlay("Attack"); } function frame1(){ (parent as MovieClip).Skin = this; } function frame185(){ if (!(parent as MovieClip).Attack){ gotoAndPlay("Return"); }; } function frame333(){ (parent as MovieClip).Destroy(); } function frame358(){ gotoAndPlay("Chute"); } function frame41(){ (parent as MovieClip).Sound.PlaySound("Ennemy", "ShieldMove", {volume:(parent as MovieClip).Volume}); } function frame525(){ gotoAndPlay("Walk"); (parent as MovieClip).Walk = true; } function frame130(){ if ((parent.parent.parent.parent as MovieClip).Pause){ stop(); }; } function frame253(){ gotoAndPlay("Walk"); (parent as MovieClip).Walk = true; } function frame371(){ (parent as MovieClip).Sound.PlaySound("Ennemy", "ShieldChute", {volume:(parent as MovieClip).Volume}); } } }//package bud_flaSection 69//Ennemy_Wizard_312 (bud_fla.Ennemy_Wizard_312) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import flash.media.*; import flash.text.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.net.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class Ennemy_Wizard_312 extends MovieClip { public var Head:MovieClip; public var Earth:MovieClip; public var Stick:MovieClip; public var ArmF:MovieClip; public var ArmB:MovieClip; public var Body:MovieClip; public var Power:MovieClip; public var Leg:MovieClip; public function Ennemy_Wizard_312(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 20, frame21, 40, frame41, 78, frame79, 98, frame99, 118, frame119, 138, frame139, 151, frame152, 179, frame180, 209, frame210, 221, frame222, 249, frame250, 267, frame268, 294, frame295, 334, frame335, 408, frame409); } function frame152(){ (parent as MovieClip).AttackTree(); (parent as MovieClip).Sound.PlaySound("Ennemy", "WizardHit", {volume:(parent as MovieClip).Volume}); } function frame79(){ if ((parent.parent.parent.parent as MovieClip).Pause){ stop(); }; } function frame210(){ gotoAndPlay("Walk"); (parent as MovieClip).Walk = true; } function frame295(){ gotoAndPlay("Chute"); } function frame335(){ gotoAndPlay("Walk"); (parent as MovieClip).Walk = true; } function frame180(){ if (!(parent as MovieClip).Attack){ gotoAndPlay("Return"); } else { gotoAndPlay("Attack"); }; } function frame1(){ (parent as MovieClip).Skin = this; } function frame21(){ if ((parent as MovieClip).Attack){ gotoAndPlay("Prepares"); }; } function frame222(){ (parent as MovieClip).Sound.PlaySound("Ennemy", "WizardDead", {volume:(parent as MovieClip).Volume}); } function frame99(){ (parent as MovieClip).Sound.PlaySound("Ennemy", "WizardIncante1", {volume:(parent as MovieClip).Volume}); } function frame409(){ gotoAndPlay("Walk"); (parent as MovieClip).Walk = true; } function frame41(){ if ((parent as MovieClip).Attack){ gotoAndPlay("Prepares"); } else { gotoAndPlay("Walk"); }; } function frame119(){ (parent as MovieClip).Sound.PlaySound("Ennemy", "WizardIncante2", {volume:(parent as MovieClip).Volume}); } function frame250(){ (parent as MovieClip).Destroy(); } function frame139(){ (parent as MovieClip).Sound.PlaySound("Ennemy", "WizardIncante3", {volume:(parent as MovieClip).Volume}); } function frame268(){ (parent as MovieClip).Sound.PlaySound("Ennemy", "WizardChute", {volume:(parent as MovieClip).Volume}); } } }//package bud_flaSection 70//Ennemy_WoodC_319 (bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodC_319) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import flash.media.*; import flash.text.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.net.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class Ennemy_WoodC_319 extends MovieClip { public var Head:MovieClip; public var Ray:MovieClip; public var LegB:MovieClip; public var LegF:MovieClip; public var Arm:MovieClip; public var ArmB:MovieClip; public var Bubble:MovieClip; public var Body:MovieClip; public var Sword:MovieClip; public function Ennemy_WoodC_319(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 12, frame13, 59, frame60, 64, frame65, 70, frame71, 99, frame100, 128, frame129, 138, frame139, 175, frame176, 213, frame214, 224, frame225, 250, frame251, 280, frame281); } function frame65(){ (parent as MovieClip).Sound.PlaySound("Ennemy", "WoodHit", {volume:(parent as MovieClip).Volume}); } function frame71(){ (parent as MovieClip).AttackTree(); } function frame281(){ gotoAndPlay("Walk"); (parent as MovieClip).Walk = true; } function frame176(){ (parent as MovieClip).Destroy(); } function frame214(){ gotoAndPlay("Chute"); } function frame1(){ (parent as MovieClip).Skin = this; } function frame13(){ (parent as MovieClip).Sound.PlaySound("Ennemy", "ChronoMove", {volume:(parent as MovieClip).Volume}); } function frame225(){ (parent as MovieClip).Sound.PlaySound("Ennemy", "WoodChute", {volume:(parent as MovieClip).Volume}); } function frame2(){ try { if ((parent as MovieClip).Attack){ gotoAndPlay("Prepares"); } else { gotoAndPlay("Walk"); }; } catch(e) { }; } function frame100(){ if (!(parent as MovieClip).Attack){ gotoAndPlay("Return"); } else { gotoAndPlay("Attack"); }; } function frame251(){ gotoAndPlay("Walk"); (parent as MovieClip).Walk = true; } function frame129(){ gotoAndPlay("Walk"); (parent as MovieClip).Walk = true; } function frame139(){ (parent as MovieClip).Sound.PlaySound("Ennemy", "WoodDead", {volume:(parent as MovieClip).Volume}); } function frame60(){ if ((parent.parent.parent.parent as MovieClip).Pause){ stop(); }; } } }//package bud_flaSection 71//Ennemy_WoodL_324 (bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodL_324) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import flash.media.*; import flash.text.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.net.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class Ennemy_WoodL_324 extends MovieClip { public var Head:MovieClip; public var Ray:MovieClip; public var LegB:MovieClip; public var LegF:MovieClip; public var Arm:MovieClip; public var ArmB:MovieClip; public var Bubble:MovieClip; public var Body:MovieClip; public var Sword:MovieClip; public function Ennemy_WoodL_324(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 12, frame13, 67, frame68, 72, frame73, 78, frame79, 107, frame108, 136, frame137, 146, frame147, 183, frame184, 221, frame222, 232, frame233, 258, frame259, 288, frame289); } function frame73(){ (parent as MovieClip).Sound.PlaySound("Ennemy", "WoodHit", {volume:(parent as MovieClip).Volume}); } function frame79(){ (parent as MovieClip).AttackTree(); } function frame289(){ gotoAndPlay("Walk"); (parent as MovieClip).Walk = true; } function frame1(){ try { (parent as MovieClip).Skin = this; } catch(e) { }; } function frame13(){ (parent as MovieClip).Sound.PlaySound("Ennemy", "ChronoMove", {volume:(parent as MovieClip).Volume}); } function frame108(){ if (!(parent as MovieClip).Attack){ gotoAndPlay("Return"); } else { gotoAndPlay("Attack"); }; } function frame2(){ try { if ((parent as MovieClip).Attack){ gotoAndPlay("Prepares"); } else { gotoAndPlay("Walk"); }; } catch(e) { }; } function frame184(){ (parent as MovieClip).Destroy(); } function frame233(){ (parent as MovieClip).Sound.PlaySound("Ennemy", "WoodChute", {volume:(parent as MovieClip).Volume}); } function frame222(){ gotoAndPlay("Chute"); } function frame259(){ gotoAndPlay("Walk"); (parent as MovieClip).Walk = true; } function frame137(){ gotoAndPlay("Walk"); (parent as MovieClip).Walk = true; } function frame147(){ (parent as MovieClip).Sound.PlaySound("Ennemy", "WoodDead", {volume:(parent as MovieClip).Volume}); } function frame68(){ if ((parent.parent.parent.parent as MovieClip).Pause){ stop(); }; } } }//package bud_flaSection 72//Ennemy_WoodS_316 (bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodS_316) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import flash.media.*; import flash.text.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.net.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class Ennemy_WoodS_316 extends MovieClip { public var Head:MovieClip; public var Ray:MovieClip; public var LegB:MovieClip; public var LegF:MovieClip; public var Arm:MovieClip; public var ArmB:MovieClip; public var Bubble:MovieClip; public var Body:MovieClip; public var Sword:MovieClip; public function Ennemy_WoodS_316(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 12, frame13, 39, frame40, 44, frame45, 50, frame51, 79, frame80, 108, frame109, 118, frame119, 155, frame156, 193, frame194, 204, frame205, 230, frame231, 260, frame261); } function frame156(){ (parent as MovieClip).Destroy(); } function frame80(){ if (!(parent as MovieClip).Attack){ gotoAndPlay("Return"); } else { gotoAndPlay("Attack"); }; } function frame205(){ (parent as MovieClip).Sound.PlaySound("Ennemy", "WoodChute", {volume:(parent as MovieClip).Volume}); } function frame1(){ (parent as MovieClip).Skin = this; } function frame109(){ gotoAndPlay("Walk"); (parent as MovieClip).Walk = true; } function frame13(){ (parent as MovieClip).Sound.PlaySound("Ennemy", "ChronoMove", {volume:(parent as MovieClip).Volume}); } function frame231(){ gotoAndPlay("Walk"); (parent as MovieClip).Walk = true; } function frame2(){ try { if ((parent as MovieClip).Attack){ gotoAndPlay("Prepares"); } else { gotoAndPlay("Walk"); }; } catch(e) { }; } function frame194(){ gotoAndPlay("Chute"); } function frame40(){ if ((parent.parent.parent.parent as MovieClip).Pause){ stop(); }; } function frame45(){ (parent as MovieClip).Sound.PlaySound("Ennemy", "WoodHit", {volume:(parent as MovieClip).Volume}); } function frame119(){ (parent as MovieClip).Sound.PlaySound("Ennemy", "WoodDead", {volume:(parent as MovieClip).Volume}); } function frame51(){ (parent as MovieClip).AttackTree(); } function frame261(){ gotoAndPlay("Walk"); (parent as MovieClip).Walk = true; } } }//package bud_flaSection 73//FadeSimple_34 (bud_fla.FadeSimple_34) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import flash.media.*; import flash.text.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.net.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class FadeSimple_34 extends MovieClip { public function FadeSimple_34(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 19, frame20); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame20(){ (parent.parent as MovieClip).Sound.Launch(this.Action); } } }//package bud_flaSection 74//Filament_455 (bud_fla.Filament_455) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Filament_455 extends MovieClip { public function Filament_455(){ addFrameScript(1, frame2, 47, frame48); } function frame2(){ stop(); } function frame48(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 75//Game_80 (bud_fla.Game_80) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import flash.media.*; import drOIde.Port.*; import drOIde.Dynamic.*; import drOIde.Visual.*; import drOIde.Global.*; import flash.text.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.net.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class Game_80 extends MovieClip { public var MassStep:Number; public var Keyboard:KeyboardPort; public var BackEffects:MovieClip; public var FarEffects:MovieClip; public var MovementList:Array; public var HelpActualOpening:Boolean; public var EnnemiesJauge:MovieClip; public var EnnemiesWaitInitial:Object; public var Dynamic:DynamicTools; public var WarningInitial:Object; public var RainChaos:int; public var EnnemiesWait:Object; public var Volt:Number; public var LanguagesElements:Array; public var Thunders:MovieClip; public var NumberKillPlayer:int; public var Hydratation:Number; public var EnnemyApaisementList:Object; public var Action:MovieClip; public var Electricity:Number; public var Windows:MovieClip; public var DepthCloudShift:Number; public var Wind:Number; public var NumberKillNaturePlayer:int; public var Pressure:Number; public var Trees:MovieClip; public var LevelEvolution:Number; public var EnnemyListSoonInitial:Array; public var HelpGain:Object; public var PressureEffect:Object; public var Score:int; public var DepthBackShift:Number; public var VoltStep:Number; public var EnnemiesRatio:Object; public var RadiusStep:Number; public var ScoreActual:Number; public var NumberDeadTree:int; public var TreeNumber:int; public var RainStep:Number; public var EnnemyList:Array; public var FrontEffects:MovieClip; public var SceneWidth:Number; public var WaterColor:String; public var ElectricityStep:Number; public var This; public var Radius:Number; public var TraitsEvolution:int; public var PressureStep:Number; public var TreeDestructionList:Array; public var FirstLevel:Number; public var Brain:BrainProcess; public var RainDensity:int; public var VaporisationStep:Number; public var MovementListSoon:Array; public var Effects:MovieClip; public var Time:Object; public var Sound; public var EnnemyDestructionList:Array; public var Fx:FxTools; public var Player:MovieClip; public var Root; public var ThunderColor:String; public var Misc:MiscTools; public var Interface:MovieClip; public var TraitsInitials:int; public var LuckTree:Number; public var Mass:Number; public var CloudDensity:Number; public var WindStep:Number; public var EnnemyListSoon:Array; public var Lose:Boolean; public var EnnemyLifeColor:String; public var MovementListSoonInitial:Array; public var AchievementGain:Object; public var Rains:MovieClip; public var Background:MovieClip; public var Final:Boolean; public var DripRadius:Number; public var Cache:MovieClip; public var EnnemiesRatioInitial:Object; public var Vaporisation:Number; public var Help:Array; public var Language:String; public var Warning:Object; public var Ennemies:MovieClip; public var LevelTrees:Array; public var TimeInitial:Object; public var HelpName:Object; public var DepthShift:Number; public var Ground:MovieClip; public var TreeLifeColor:String; public var TreeXpColor:String; public var HydratationStep:Number; public var Rain:Number; public var BushDensity:Number; public var EnnemyXpColor:String; public var LanguagesText:Object; public var NumberMouvementPlayer:Object; public var Pause:Boolean; public var Difficulty:String; public var ThunderKeySensitive:int; public var LevelEvolutionStep:Number; public var TurretDensity:Number; public var NumberThunderPlayer:int; public function Game_80(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } public function CleanScene():void{ Misc.RefreshAllEvents(); Brain.RefreshAllEvents(); Keyboard.RefreshAllEvents(); Misc.DestroyElement(Ennemies); Misc.DestroyElement(Trees); Misc.DestroyElement(Effects); Misc.DestroyElement(Rains); (parent as MovieClip).gotoAndStop("HOME"); } public function AddTraits(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:*; _local2 = _arg1.currentTarget; if ((((Player.Experience.Traits > 0)) && ((_local2.Traits < 10)))){ _local2.Traits++; Player.Experience.Traits--; _local2.TraitsBar.gotoAndStop(("Trait" + _local2.Traits)); Player[_local2.name] = (Player[_local2.name] + This[(_local2.name + "Step")]); CalibrateUpgrades(); if (_local2.Traits == 10){ AddAchievement(_local2.Achievement); }; if ((((((Windows.Upgrades.Rain.Traits == 10)) && ((Windows.Upgrades.Hydratation.Traits == 10)))) && ((Windows.Upgrades.Mass.Traits == 10)))){ AddAchievement({Fr:"Pacifiste", En:"Pacifist", lbl:"Pacifiste"}); }; if ((((((Windows.Upgrades.Electricity.Traits == 10)) && ((Windows.Upgrades.Volt.Traits == 10)))) && ((Windows.Upgrades.Radius.Traits == 10)))){ AddAchievement({Fr:"Guerrier", En:"Warrior", lbl:"Guerrier"}); }; if ((((((Windows.Upgrades.Wind.Traits == 10)) && ((Windows.Upgrades.Pressure.Traits == 10)))) && ((Windows.Upgrades.Vaporisation.Traits == 10)))){ AddAchievement({Fr:"Neutre", En:"Neutral", lbl:"Neutral"}); }; if ((((((Windows.Upgrades.Pressure.Traits == 10)) && ((Windows.Upgrades.Hydratation.Traits == 10)))) && ((Windows.Upgrades.Mass.Traits == 10)))){ AddAchievement({Fr:"Donneur de vie", En:"Life giver", lbl:"DonneurVie"}); }; if ((((((Windows.Upgrades.Wind.Traits == 10)) && ((Windows.Upgrades.Electricity.Traits == 10)))) && ((Windows.Upgrades.Volt.Traits == 10)))){ AddAchievement({Fr:"Donneur de mort", En:"Death giver", lbl:"DonneurMort"}); }; if ((((((((((((((((((Windows.Upgrades.Rain.Traits >= 5)) && ((Windows.Upgrades.Hydratation.Traits >= 5)))) && ((Windows.Upgrades.Mass.Traits >= 5)))) && ((Windows.Upgrades.Electricity.Traits >= 5)))) && ((Windows.Upgrades.Volt.Traits >= 5)))) && ((Windows.Upgrades.Radius.Traits >= 5)))) && ((Windows.Upgrades.Wind.Traits >= 5)))) && ((Windows.Upgrades.Pressure.Traits >= 5)))) && ((Windows.Upgrades.Vaporisation.Traits >= 5)))){ AddAchievement({Fr:"Equilibre", En:"Balance", lbl:"Equilibre"}); }; }; } public function EffectExperience(_arg1:Number, _arg2, _arg3:String="Tree"):void{ var Word:String; var iElement:int; var NouvelElement:*; var Score = _arg1; var Element = _arg2; var Type = _arg3; if (Difficulty != "Master"){ Score = Math.ceil((Score / 10)); Word = Misc.RandomWord(); iElement = 0; while (iElement < Score) { if (BackEffects.numChildren < 15){ NouvelElement = Misc.NewElement(BitParticle_Experience, BackEffects, (("XP" + Word) + iElement), {x:Element.x, y:Element.y}); NouvelElement.x = (NouvelElement.x + Misc.Random(-10, 10)); NouvelElement.y = (NouvelElement.y + Misc.Random(-10, 10)); NouvelElement.Time = Misc.Random(10, 30, true); NouvelElement.Speed = Misc.Random(5, 15); Misc.SetColor(NouvelElement, This[(Type + "XpColor")]); NouvelElement.Loop = function (_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:*; _local2 = _arg1.target; if (_local2.Time <= 0){ _local2.x = (_local2.x + (((Player.x + Player.Spirit.x) - _local2.x) / _local2.Speed)); _local2.y = (_local2.y + (((Player.y + Player.Spirit.y) - _local2.y) / _local2.Speed)); if ((((Math.abs(((Player.x + Player.Spirit.x) - _local2.x)) <= 3)) && ((Math.abs(((Player.y + Player.Spirit.y) - _local2.y)) <= 3)))){ _local2.Destroy(); Sound.PlayNoise("Player", "Experience"); } else { if ((((Math.abs(((Player.x + Player.Spirit.x) - _local2.x)) <= 3)) || ((Math.abs(((Player.y + Player.Spirit.y) - _local2.y)) <= 3)))){ _local2.Speed--; _local2.Speed = Misc.BumpNumber(_local2.Speed, 1, 15); }; }; }; _local2.Time--; }; Misc.AddEvents(NouvelElement, NouvelElement.Loop, "ENTER_FRAME"); }; iElement = (iElement + 1); }; }; } public function SwitchSound(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ Root.SoundState = !(Root.SoundState); Interface.Sound.No.gotoAndStop((Root.SoundState) ? "On" : "Off"); Sound.Sounds.Interface.Parametres.volume = (Root.SoundState) ? 100 : 0; Sound.Sounds.Player.Parametres.volume = (Root.SoundState) ? 100 : 0; Sound.Sounds.Tree.Parametres.volume = (Root.SoundState) ? 100 : 0; Sound.Sounds.Ennemy.Parametres.volume = (Root.SoundState) ? 100 : 0; } public function LaunchHurricane():void{ var iEnnemy:int; var Ennemy:*; iEnnemy = 0; while (iEnnemy < Ennemies.numChildren) { Ennemy = (Ennemies.getChildAt(iEnnemy) as MovieClip); try { if (!Ennemy.Dead){ Ennemy.Dead = true; Misc.DestroyElement(Ennemy.Jauge); Ennemy.Skin.gotoAndPlay("Dead"); }; } catch(e) { }; iEnnemy = (iEnnemy + 1); }; Background.Background.gotoAndPlay("Hurricane"); Sound.PlaySound("Player", "Thunder6"); } public function CalibrateJaugeThunder():void{ Player.JaugeThunder.visible = true; Player.JaugeThunder.Barre.width = (Player.JaugeThunder.InitialSize * (Player.Jauge.Thunder / Player.Electricity)); } public function AttackTree(_arg1:MovieClip, _arg2:MovieClip):void{ var Ennemy = _arg1; var Tree = _arg2; if (Tree){ if (((!(Tree.Dead)) && (!((Tree.Life == null))))){ Tree.Life = (Tree.Life - (Ennemy.EnnemyObject.Strength + EnnemiesRatio.AddPower)); AddHelp("Ennemis", 90, ["Arbre"]); if (Tree.Life <= 0){ Tree.Dead = true; TreeDestructionList.push({Level:Tree.Level, Number:0}); Misc.DestroyElement(Tree.Jauge); Tree.Jauge = null; try { if (Tree.Tree.Skin[("Level" + Tree.Level)].currentLabel != "Destruction"){ Tree.Tree.Skin[("Level" + Tree.Level)].gotoAndPlay("Destruction"); }; } catch(e) { }; if (Tree.name == Ennemy.Tree.name){ Ennemy.Attack = false; }; Sound.PlaySound("Tree", (("Level" + Tree.Level) + "_Dead"), {volume:(((((Tree.x + Action.x) < stage.stageWidth)) && (((Tree.x + Action.x) > 0)))) ? 100 : 40}); NumberDeadTree++; } else { if ((((Tree.currentLabel == "Normal")) || ((Number(Misc.Pop(Tree.currentLabel, ["Hit", "Right", "Left"])) <= Ennemy.HitAnimation)))){ Tree.gotoAndPlay((("Hit" + Ennemy.HitAnimation) + Ennemy.Direction)); }; }; CalibrateJaugeTree(Tree); } else { if (Tree.name == Ennemy.Tree.name){ Ennemy.Attack = false; }; }; }; } public function CalibrateScene():void{ var _local1:Boolean; Time.Value++; Time.Step++; if (Time.Step == Time.StepMax){ Time.Step = 0; Time.Level++; CheckSoonEnnemies(); }; EnnemiesRatio.Value = (EnnemiesRatio.Value + (EnnemiesRatio.Step / 1000)); EnnemiesWait.Max = (EnnemiesWait.Max - (EnnemiesWait.Step / 1000)); EnnemiesWait.Number = (EnnemiesWait.Number + (EnnemiesWait.NumberStep / 1000)); EnnemiesRatio.Value = Misc.BumpNumber(EnnemiesRatio.Value, 0, EnnemiesRatio.Max); EnnemiesWait.Max = Misc.BumpNumber(EnnemiesWait.Max, EnnemiesWait.Min, EnnemiesWait.Max); EnnemiesWait.Number = Misc.BumpNumber(EnnemiesWait.Number, EnnemiesWait.Number, EnnemiesWait.NumberMax); if (EnnemiesRatio.Value >= (EnnemiesRatio.Max / 2)){ EnnemiesRatio.AddSpeed = (EnnemiesRatio.AddSpeed + (EnnemiesRatio.StepAdd / 1000)); EnnemiesRatio.AddPower = (EnnemiesRatio.AddPower + (EnnemiesRatio.StepAdd / 1000)); }; ScoreActual = (ScoreActual + ((Score - ScoreActual) / 10)); Interface.Score.text = Misc.CharacterLoop(String(Math.ceil(ScoreActual)), 3, ".", "Fin"); if (Time.Value > Warning.Bump){ AddHelp("Oxygene", 60); Warning.Time++; Warning.TimeEvo++; if (Warning.TimeEvo >= Warning.Evolution){ Warning.TimeEvo = 0; Warning.Oxygen++; }; if (Warning.Time >= 30){ Warning.Time = 0; _local1 = CheckWarning(); if (!_local1){ Warning.Value--; } else { Warning.Value = Warning.Max; }; Interface.Need.visible = true; Interface.Need.Text.text = ((((((((((LanguagesText.Oxygen[Language][0] + " ") + Misc.CharacterLoop(String(Warning.ActualOxygen), 3, ".", "Fin")) + "% ") + LanguagesText.Oxygen[Language][1]) + "\r") + LanguagesText.Oxygen[Language][2]) + " ") + Misc.CharacterLoop(String(Warning.Oxygen), 3, ".", "Fin")) + "% ") + LanguagesText.Oxygen[Language][3]); Interface.Need.Danger.visible = !(_local1); if (Warning.Value <= Warning.Min){ AddHelp("Danger", 60); if ((((Warning.Value <= (Warning.Min / 2))) && ((Player.Hurricane > 0)))){ Player.Hurricane--; LaunchHurricane(); AddHelp("Tonnerre", 60); }; Interface.Warning.visible = (Warning.Value > 0); if (Interface.Warning.Text.Text.text != Warning.Value){ Interface.Warning.Text.Text.text = Warning.Value; Interface.Warning.gotoAndPlay(1); Sound.PlaySound("Player", "Warning"); }; if (Warning.Value <= 0){ ActiveLose(); }; } else { Interface.Warning.visible = false; }; }; }; Background.Depth.x = (-(Action.x) * DepthShift); Background.DepthBack.x = (-(Action.x) * DepthBackShift); Background.DepthCloud.x = (-(Action.x) * DepthCloudShift); } public function CalibrateInterface():void{ Interface.Upgrades.Plus.visible = (Player.Experience.Traits > 0); } public function DefineLanguage():void{ var _local1:int; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < LanguagesElements.length) { LanguagesElements[_local1].gotoAndStop((parent.parent as MovieClip).Language); _local1++; }; } public function ActivePause(_arg1="Switch"):void{ var _local2:int; if (((!(Lose)) && (!(Final)))){ Pause = ((_arg1 == "Switch")) ? !(Pause) : _arg1; Player.Brain.BrainProcess.Active = !(Pause); _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < Ennemies.numChildren) { var _local3 = (Ennemies.getChildAt(_local2) as MovieClip).Skin; _local3[(Pause) ? "stop" : "play"](); _local2++; }; }; } function frame1(){ Misc = new MiscTools(this); Keyboard = new KeyboardPort(this); Misc.KeyboardLink = Keyboard; Dynamic = new DynamicTools(this); Brain = new BrainProcess(this, null, Keyboard); Fx = new FxTools(this); Sound = (parent.parent as MovieClip).Sound; This = this; Root = (parent.parent as MovieClip); Trees = Action.Trees; Ennemies = Action.Ennemies; EnnemiesJauge = Action.EnnemiesJauge; Rains = Action.Rains; Thunders = Action.Thunders; Effects = Action.Effects; FrontEffects = Action.FrontEffects; BackEffects = Action.BackEffects; FarEffects = Action.FarEffects; Ground = Action.Ground; Background = Action.Background; Difficulty = (parent as MovieClip).Difficulty; SceneWidth = (parent as MovieClip).SceneWidth; TimeInitial = {Value:0, Level:0, Step:0, StepMax:300}; Time = Misc.CloneObject(TimeInitial); Pause = false; Lose = false; Final = false; Score = 0; ScoreActual = 0; WarningInitial = {Time:0, Value:60, Min:50, Max:60, Bump:900, Oxygen:1, MaxNumber:15, MaxNumberEvo:3, TimeEvo:0, Evolution:300, ActualOxygen:0}; Warning = Misc.CloneObject(WarningInitial); Help = (((parent.parent as MovieClip).Help)!="") ? (parent.parent as MovieClip).Help.split("-") : new Array(); HelpName = {Mouvement:1, Pluie:2, Arbre:3, Ennemis:4, Eclairs:5, Jauges:6, Rayon:7, Vapeur:8, Evolution:9, Oxygene:10, Danger:11, Tonnerre:12, Croissance:13, Apaisements:14, Parachutage:15, Chronoportation:16, Intern:17, Lumberjack:18, Big:19, Master:20, Bucker:21, JigSaw:22, Imp:23, Chrono:24, Shield:25, Assassin:26, Wizard:27, WoodS:28, WoodC:29, WoodL:30, Tenir:31, Facile:32, Difficile:33, Maitre:34, Salutation:35, Fertilisation:36, Vita:37, ForcesEsprit:38, Conscience:39, Simienecs:40, ItaMente:41, Resurection:42, GuerreSeive:43, Vivor:44, Trahison:45, CircuitRegard:46, ResurectionMenias:47, Chemin:48}; AchievementGain = new Object(); HelpGain = new Object(); HelpActualOpening = false; NumberMouvementPlayer = new Object(); NumberThunderPlayer = 0; NumberKillPlayer = 0; NumberKillNaturePlayer = 0; NumberDeadTree = 0; LevelTrees = [{Name:"Bud", Life:30, Water:1500, Width:10, Experience:1, Score:50, Oxygen:2, Apaisement:{Fr:"Espoir", En:"Hope"}}, {Name:"Grows", Life:60, Water:2000, Width:15, Experience:8, Score:200, Oxygen:4, Apaisement:{Fr:"Recherche", En:"Search"}}, {Name:"Plant", Life:100, Water:3000, Width:25, Experience:11, Score:400, Oxygen:6, Apaisement:{Fr:"Envie", En:"Envy"}}, {Name:"High Plant", Life:150, Water:4500, Width:40, Experience:15, Score:800, Oxygen:8, Apaisement:{Fr:"Volonte", En:"Will"}}, {Name:"Shrub", Life:225, Water:7500, Width:60, Experience:19, Score:1600, Oxygen:10, Apaisement:{Fr:"Continuite", En:"Continuity"}}, {Name:"Small tree", Life:325, Water:10000, Width:70, Experience:24, Score:3200, Oxygen:12, Apaisement:{Fr:"Insistance", En:"Insistence"}}, {Name:"Tree", Life:450, Water:13000, Width:80, Experience:29, Score:0x1900, Oxygen:14, Apaisement:{Fr:"Exigence", En:"Exigency"}}, {Name:"Big Tree", Life:600, Water:16500, Width:100, Experience:34, Score:0x3200, Oxygen:16, Apaisement:{Fr:"Culot", En:"Cheek"}}, {Name:"Huge Tree", Life:800, Water:20500, Width:100, Experience:39, Score:0x6400, Oxygen:18, Apaisement:{Fr:"Panache", En:"Panache"}}, {Name:"Ancestral Tree", Life:1000, Water:25000, Width:120, Experience:44, Score:52000, Oxygen:20, Apaisement:{Fr:"Sagesse", En:"Wisdom"}}, {Name:"Gihh Tree", Life:1500, Water:30000, Width:150, Experience:50, Score:104000, Oxygen:22, Apaisement:{Fr:"Histoire", En:"History"}}, {Name:"Gyumo Tree", Life:2000, Water:35500, Width:200, Experience:55, Score:208000, Oxygen:24, Apaisement:{Fr:"Connaissance", En:"Knowledge"}}, {Name:"Divine Tree", Life:3000, Water:41500, Width:200, Experience:65, Score:416000, Oxygen:26, Apaisement:{Fr:"Foi", En:"Faith"}}]; TreeNumber = 0; TreeDestructionList = new Array(); EnnemyListSoonInitial = [{Name:"Intern", Level:1, Probability:10, Life:30, Number:1, Experience:5, Score:100, Speed:40, Width:3, Will:35, Strength:10, Blow:0, FrontBlow:50, HitAnimation:1, Run:false, Falling:30, Apaisement:{Fr:"Fin d'étude", En:"Endline", lbl:"FinEtude"}, ApaisementNumber:10}, {Name:"Lumberjack", Level:6, Probability:8, Life:60, Number:1, Experience:10, Score:200, Speed:60, Width:6, Will:55, Strength:20, Blow:0, FrontBlow:50, HitAnimation:2, Run:false, Falling:45, Apaisement:{Fr:"Chair à canon", En:"Cannon fodder", lbl:"ChairCanon"}, ApaisementNumber:15}, {Name:"Big", Level:12, Probability:5, Life:100, Number:1, Experience:20, Score:300, Speed:20, Width:20, Will:85, Strength:50, Blow:0, FrontBlow:60, HitAnimation:2, Run:false, Falling:60, Apaisement:{Fr:"Corps de protection", En:"Body protection", lbl:"CorpsProtection"}, ApaisementNumber:12}, {Name:"Master", Level:15, Probability:2, Life:250, Number:1, Experience:35, Score:500, Speed:100, Width:25, Will:100, Strength:100, Blow:0, FrontBlow:100, HitAnimation:3, Run:false, Falling:80, Apaisement:{Fr:"Meneur du front", En:"Front leader", lbl:"MeneurFront"}, ApaisementNumber:7}, {Name:"Bucker", Level:20, Probability:8, Life:150, Number:1, Experience:25, Score:250, Speed:50, Width:20, Will:80, Strength:2, Blow:0, FrontBlow:20, HitAnimation:1, Run:false, Falling:40, Apaisement:{Fr:"Manipulater assidue", En:"Assiduous user", lbl:"ManipulateurAssidue"}, ApaisementNumber:12}, {Name:"JigSaw", Level:30, Probability:4, Life:300, Number:1, Experience:40, Score:500, Speed:70, Width:150, Will:70, Strength:4, Blow:0, FrontBlow:125, HitAnimation:1, Run:false, Falling:60, Apaisement:{Fr:"Manipulateur avancé", En:"Advance user", lbl:"ManipulateurAvance"}, ApaisementNumber:15}, {Name:"Chrono", Level:35, Probability:7, Life:175, Number:1, Experience:30, Score:300, Speed:300000, Width:20, Will:40, Strength:40, Blow:0, FrontBlow:60, HitAnimation:2, Run:false, Falling:50, Apaisement:{Fr:"Soldat instantané", En:"Instant soldier", lbl:"SoldatInstantane"}, ApaisementNumber:20}, {Name:"Imp", Level:40, Probability:8, Life:60, Number:"random 5,10", Experience:3, Score:100, Speed:80, Width:1, Will:50, Strength:35, Blow:0, FrontBlow:5, HitAnimation:1, Run:false, Falling:50, Apaisement:{Fr:"Courte multiplication", En:"Short multiply", lbl:"CourteMultiplication"}, ApaisementNumber:75}, {Name:"Shield", Level:45, Probability:4, Life:1000, Number:1, Experience:60, Score:1000, Speed:10, Width:50, Will:100, Strength:250, Blow:20, FrontBlow:125, HitAnimation:3, Run:false, Falling:1000, Apaisement:{Fr:"Homme sans âme", En:"Soulless men", lbl:"HommeSansAme"}, ApaisementNumber:15}, {Name:"Assassin", Level:47, Probability:8, Life:130, Number:1, Experience:20, Score:500, Speed:700, Width:1, Will:75, Strength:90000, Blow:0, FrontBlow:0, HitAnimation:3, Run:false, Falling:130, Apaisement:{Fr:"Lame sans homme", En:"Menless sword", lbl:"LameSansHomme"}, ApaisementNumber:20}, {Name:"Wizard", Level:50, Probability:6, Life:500, Number:1, Experience:40, Score:1000, Speed:100, Width:100, Will:80, Strength:60, Blow:300, FrontBlow:0, HitAnimation:2, Run:false, Falling:30, Apaisement:{Fr:"Triste imitation", En:"Sad imitation", lbl:"TristeImitation"}, ApaisementNumber:15}, {Name:"WoodS", Level:60, Probability:6, Life:100, Number:1, Experience:35, Score:2000, Speed:300000, Width:10, Will:40, Strength:70, Blow:200, FrontBlow:0, HitAnimation:3, Run:false, Falling:40, Apaisement:{Fr:"Rayon jaune", En:"Yellow ray", lbl:"RayonJaune"}, ApaisementNumber:12}, {Name:"WoodC", Level:70, Probability:4, Life:100, Number:1, Experience:40, Score:4000, Speed:300000, Width:10, Will:40, Strength:90000, Blow:200, FrontBlow:0, HitAnimation:3, Run:false, Falling:40, Apaisement:{Fr:"Rayon rouge", En:"Red ray", lbl:"RayonRouge"}, ApaisementNumber:7}, {Name:"WoodL", Level:80, Probability:2, Life:100, Number:1, Experience:45, Score:10000, Speed:300000, Width:10, Will:40, Strength:90000, Blow:200, FrontBlow:0, HitAnimation:3, Run:true, Falling:40, Apaisement:{Fr:"Rayon noir", En:"Black ray", lbl:"RayonNoir"}, ApaisementNumber:2}]; EnnemyListSoon = Misc.CloneObject(EnnemyListSoonInitial); EnnemyList = new Array(); EnnemyApaisementList = new Object(); EnnemyDestructionList = new Array(); MovementListSoonInitial = [{Level:0, Probability:10, Name:"Right"}, {Level:0, Probability:10, Name:"Left"}, {Level:15, Probability:10, Name:"Chute"}, {Level:30, Probability:5, Name:"Teleportation"}, {Level:45, Probability:20, Name:"Chute"}, {Level:50, Probability:20, Name:"Teleportation"}, {Level:60, Probability:30, Name:"Teleportation"}]; MovementListSoon = Misc.CloneObject(MovementListSoonInitial); MovementList = new Array(); EnnemiesRatioInitial = {Value:0.2, Step:2.5, Max:100, AddSpeed:0, AddPower:0, StepAdd:10}; EnnemiesRatio = Misc.CloneObject(EnnemiesRatioInitial); EnnemiesWaitInitial = {Max:100, Value:50, Step:2.5, Min:25, Number:10, NumberMax:150, NumberStep:2.5, ValueStep:(parent as MovieClip).SpeedEnnemy}; EnnemiesWait = Misc.CloneObject(EnnemiesWaitInitial); TraitsInitials = (parent as MovieClip).Traits; Wind = 25; Pressure = 0; Vaporisation = (parent as MovieClip).VaporisationInitial; Rain = 75; Hydratation = 100; Mass = 25; Electricity = 75; Volt = 5; Radius = 30; WindStep = 35; PressureStep = 6; VaporisationStep = 35; RainStep = 25; HydratationStep = 150; MassStep = 30; ElectricityStep = 25; VoltStep = 5; RadiusStep = 9; RainChaos = 2; RainDensity = 4; DripRadius = 50; LuckTree = 60; WaterColor = "2676B6"; ThunderColor = "F9C806"; TreeLifeColor = "009341"; EnnemyLifeColor = "C6433F"; EnnemyXpColor = "FFC4C4"; TreeXpColor = "D8FBC8"; ThunderKeySensitive = 6; FirstLevel = 100; LevelEvolution = 40; LevelEvolutionStep = 25; TraitsEvolution = 2; Language = (parent.parent as MovieClip).Language; LanguagesElements = [Windows.Lose.Texte, Windows.Lose.Retry, Windows.Lose.Exit, Windows.Menu.Resume, Windows.Menu.Retry, Windows.Menu.Exit, Windows.Help.Background, Windows.Upgrades.Background, Windows.Upgrades.YouHave]; LanguagesText = {Oxygen:{En:["You have", "of Oxygen", "You need", "or more to keep your soul"], Fr:["Tu possèdes", "d'Oxygène", "Tu nécessites", "ou plus pour garder ton âme"]}}; DepthShift = 0.35; DepthBackShift = 0.5; DepthCloudShift = 0.75; BushDensity = 5; CloudDensity = 5; TurretDensity = 2; PressureEffect = {Time:0}; DefineGlobal(); } public function AddAchievement(_arg1:Object):void{ var _local2:String; _local2 = _arg1[Language]; if (Difficulty != "Easy"){ if (!AchievementGain[((_arg1.lbl) || (_arg1.Fr.split(" ").join("")))]){ if (Misc.PushUnicite((parent.parent as MovieClip).AchievementValid, ((_arg1.lbl) || (_arg1.Fr.split(" ").join(""))))){ Windows.Achievement.Valid.push({Picto:((_arg1.lbl) || (_arg1.Fr.split(" ").join(""))), Title:((_arg1.lbl) || (_arg1.Fr.split(" ").join(""))), Name:_local2}); Windows.Achievement.play(); Sound.PlaySound("Interface", "Achievement"); }; if (!(parent.parent as MovieClip).Test){ (parent.parent as MovieClip).Web.SetShareVar("AchievementValid", (parent.parent as MovieClip).AchievementValid.join("-")); }; AchievementGain[((_arg1.lbl) || (_arg1.Fr.split(" ").join("")))] = true; }; }; } public function CalibrateJaugeTree(_arg1:MovieClip):void{ var Tree = _arg1; if (Tree.Jauge){ Tree.Jauge.visible = ((!((Tree.Life == LevelTrees[(Tree.Level - 1)].Life))) || (!((Tree.Level == LevelTrees.length)))); Misc.FirstView(Tree.Jauge); if ((((Tree.Life == LevelTrees[(Tree.Level - 1)].Life)) && ((Tree.currentFrame == 1)))){ Misc.SetColor(Tree.Jauge.Barre, WaterColor); if (Tree.Jauge.InitialSize){ Tree.Jauge.Barre.width = (((Tree.Jauge.InitialSize) || (Tree.Jauge.Barre.width)) * (Tree.Water / LevelTrees[(Tree.Level - 1)].Water)); Tree.Jauge.Barre.width = Misc.BumpNumber(Tree.Jauge.Barre.width, Tree.Jauge.Barre.width, Tree.Jauge.InitialSize); } else { Tree.Jauge.visible = false; }; Tree.Jauge.Disapear = function (_arg1):void{ if (((_arg1) && (LevelTrees[(_arg1.Level - 1)]))){ if (_arg1.Life == LevelTrees[(_arg1.Level - 1)].Life){ _arg1.Jauge.visible = false; }; }; }; Misc.CountdownLaunch({Fonction:Tree.Jauge.Disapear, Argument:Tree}, 50, (("Contre" + Tree.name) + "Count")); } else { Misc.SetColor(Tree.Jauge.Barre, TreeLifeColor); Tree.Jauge.Barre.width = (Tree.Jauge.InitialSize * (Tree.Life / LevelTrees[(Tree.Level - 1)].Life)); }; }; } public function CheckHelp():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:Array; var _local3:int; if (Time.Value >= 60){ AddHelp("Mouvement", 0); }; if (Math.abs(Player.Brain.speedX) >= 6){ AddHelp("Pluie", 90, ["Mouvement"]); }; if (Ennemies.numChildren >= 7){ AddHelp("Eclairs", 60, ["Ennemis"]); }; if (Player.Experience.Points >= 50){ AddHelp("Vapeur", 60, ["Eclairs", "Pluie"]); }; if ((parent.parent as MovieClip).AchievementValid.length >= 5){ AddHelp("Apaisements", 90); }; if (Time.Level >= 60){ AddHelp("Tenir", 0, ["Apaisements"]); }; if (Difficulty == "Easy"){ AddHelp("Facile", 90, ["Mouvement", "Pluie", "Eclairs", "Evolution"]); }; if (Difficulty == "Hard"){ AddHelp("Difficile", 90, ["Mouvement", "Pluie", "Eclairs", "Evolution"]); }; if (Difficulty == "Master"){ AddHelp("Maitre", 0); }; if ((((TreeNumber >= 30)) || (((parent.parent as MovieClip).NumberPlay >= 3)))){ AddHelp("Fertilisation", 90); }; NumberMouvementPlayer.Move = ((NumberMouvementPlayer.Move) || (0)); NumberMouvementPlayer.Move = (NumberMouvementPlayer.Move + Math.abs((Player.x - ((NumberMouvementPlayer.Memo) || (Player.x))))); NumberMouvementPlayer.Memo = Player.x; if ((((NumberMouvementPlayer.Move >= 100000)) || (((parent.parent as MovieClip).NumberPlay >= 5)))){ AddHelp("Vita", 90); }; if ((((NumberThunderPlayer >= 500)) || (((parent.parent as MovieClip).NumberPlay >= 7)))){ AddHelp("ForcesEsprit", 90); }; if ((((Player.Experience.Level >= 10)) || (((parent.parent as MovieClip).NumberPlay >= 10)))){ AddHelp("Conscience", 90); }; if ((((NumberKillPlayer >= 100)) || (((parent.parent as MovieClip).NumberPlay >= 13)))){ AddHelp("Simienecs", 90); }; if ((((((((((((((((((Windows.Upgrades.Rain.Traits == 10)) || ((Windows.Upgrades.Hydratation.Traits == 10)))) || ((Windows.Upgrades.Mass.Traits == 10)))) || ((Windows.Upgrades.Electricity.Traits == 10)))) || ((Windows.Upgrades.Volt.Traits == 10)))) || ((Windows.Upgrades.Radius.Traits == 10)))) || ((Windows.Upgrades.Wind.Traits == 10)))) || ((Windows.Upgrades.Pressure.Traits == 10)))) || ((Windows.Upgrades.Vaporisation.Traits == 10)))){ AddHelp("ItaMente", 90); }; if ((parent.parent as MovieClip).AchievementValid.length >= 20){ AddHelp("Resurection", 90); }; if ((((Ennemies.numChildren >= 70)) || (((parent.parent as MovieClip).NumberPlay >= 15)))){ AddHelp("GuerreSeive", 90); }; if (!HelpGain.Vivor){ _local1 = 0; _local2 = ["Rain", "Hydratation", "Mass", "Electricity", "Volt", "Radius", "Wind", "Pressure", "Vaporisation"]; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local2.length) { if (Windows.Upgrades[_local2[_local3]].Traits == 10){ _local1++; }; _local3++; }; if (_local1 >= 2){ AddHelp("Vivor", 90); }; }; if (NumberKillNaturePlayer >= 10){ AddHelp("Trahison", 90); }; if (NumberDeadTree >= 500){ AddHelp("CircuitRegard", 90); }; if ((parent.parent as MovieClip).AchievementValid.length >= 40){ AddHelp("ResurectionMenias", 90); }; if ((parent.parent as MovieClip).AchievementValid.length == 60){ AddHelp("Chemin", 90); }; } public function RefreshScene():void{ (parent as MovieClip).Fondu.Action = LaunchRefresh; (parent as MovieClip).Fondu.play(); } public function CheckTreeLevel(_arg1:MovieClip):void{ var Tree = _arg1; try { if ((((Tree.Water >= LevelTrees[(Tree.Level - 1)].Water)) && ((Tree.Level < LevelTrees.length)))){ Tree.Water = (Tree.Water - LevelTrees[(Tree.Level - 1)].Water); Tree.Level++; Tree.Life = LevelTrees[(Tree.Level - 1)].Life; Player.Experience.Points = (Player.Experience.Points + (LevelTrees[(Tree.Level - 1)].Experience * (Player.Vaporisation / 100))); Score = (Score + LevelTrees[(Tree.Level - 1)].Score); EffectExperience((LevelTrees[(Tree.Level - 1)].Experience * (Player.Vaporisation / 100)), Tree, "Tree"); Tree.Grow = true; Tree.Tree.gotoAndPlay("Grow"); CalibrateJaugeTree(Tree); CheckTreeLevel(Tree); Sound.PlaySound("Tree", "Grow", {volume:(((((Tree.x + Action.x) < stage.stageWidth)) && (((Tree.x + Action.x) > 0)))) ? 100 : 40}); AddAchievement(LevelTrees[(Tree.Level - 1)].Apaisement); if (Tree.Level == 5){ AddHelp("Croissance", 60); }; }; } catch(e) { }; } public function OpenUpgrades(_arg1="Switch"):void{ var _local2:Boolean; if (((((((!(Windows.Menu.visible)) && (!(Windows.Help.visible)))) && (!(Lose)))) && (!(Final)))){ ActivePause(_arg1); _local2 = !((Windows.Upgrades.visible == Pause)); Windows.Upgrades.visible = Pause; CalibrateUpgrades(); if (_local2){ Sound.PlaySound("Interface", (_arg1) ? "Open" : "Close"); }; }; } public function CheckEnnemies():void{ var _local1:Object; var _local2:Object; var _local3:String; var _local4:int; var _local5:Number; var _local6:int; if ((((EnnemiesWait.Value >= EnnemiesWait.Max)) && ((Ennemies.numChildren < EnnemiesWait.Number)))){ if (Misc.RandomBoolean(EnnemiesRatio.Value)){ _local1 = Misc.RandomArray(EnnemyList); if (_local1){ _local2 = Misc.RandomArray(MovementList); _local3 = _local2.Name; _local4 = Misc.Aspiration(_local1.Number); _local5 = Misc.Random(50, (SceneWidth - 50)); _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _local4) { MakeEnnemy(_local1, _local6, _local3, _local5); _local6++; }; EnnemiesWait.Value = 0; }; }; }; EnnemiesWait.Value = (EnnemiesWait.Value + EnnemiesWait.ValueStep); } public function CalibrateVisual():void{ if (Player.Pressure != Pressure){ PressureEffect.Time++; if (PressureEffect.Time >= (80 - Player.Pressure)){ Fx.NewInstantElement(BitParticle_Pressure, FarEffects, ("Pressure" + Misc.RandomWord()), {width:SceneWidth, scaleY:(0.15 + (2 * (Player.Pressure / Player.PressureMax)))}); PressureEffect.Time = 0; }; }; } public function DefinePlayer():void{ Player = Misc.NewElement(Bit_Player, Action.Player, "Player", {y:200, x:(SceneWidth / 2)}); Player.Wind = Wind; Player.Pressure = Pressure; Player.Vaporisation = Vaporisation; Player.Rain = Rain; Player.Hydratation = Hydratation; Player.Mass = Mass; Player.Electricity = Electricity; Player.Volt = Volt; Player.Radius = Radius; Player.WindMax = (Wind + (WindStep * 9)); Player.PressureMax = (Pressure + (PressureStep * 9)); Player.VaporisationMax = (Vaporisation + (VaporisationStep * 9)); Player.RainMax = (Rain + (RainStep * 9)); Player.HydratationMax = (Hydratation + (HydratationStep * 9)); Player.MassMax = (Mass + (MassStep * 9)); Player.ElectricityMax = (Electricity + (ElectricityStep * 9)); Player.VoltMax = (Volt + (VoltStep * 9)); Player.RadiusMax = (Radius + (RadiusStep * 9)); Player.Jauge = new Object(); Player.Jauge.Rain = Player.Rain; Player.Jauge.Thunder = Player.Electricity; Player.RainObject = new Object(); Player.RainObject.Active = false; Player.RainObject.ActiveKey = false; Player.RainObject.Step = 0; Player.RainObject.Number = 0; Player.RainObject.Time = 0; Player.RainObject.Lock = false; Player.ThunderObject = new Object(); Player.ThunderObject.Lock = false; Player.Experience = new Object(); Player.Experience.Points = 0; Player.Experience.Traits = TraitsInitials; Player.Experience.Level = 1; Player.Experience.NextLevel = FirstLevel; Player.Experience.LevelEvolution = LevelEvolution; Player.Experience.LevelEvolutionStep = LevelEvolutionStep; Player.Hurricane = 1; Brain.NewBrain("Player", "Movement", {Movement:{Keyboard:{RIGHT:"RightSpeed", LEFT:"LeftSpeed"}, speed:0.25, speedMax:1}, Brake:{strength:95}, LimitStop:{xMin:(Player.Bump.width / 2), xMax:(SceneWidth - (Player.Bump.width / 2))}}); Brain.ApplyBrain("Player", "Movement", Player); Dynamic.ScrollTravelling(Player, Action, {upLimit:0, leftLimit:0, rightLimit:SceneWidth, downLimit:stage.stageHeight}); Keyboard.NewKeyEvent("RainOn", "SPACE", {Fonction:ActiveRain, Arguments:[true]}, 1); Keyboard.NewKeyEvent("RainOff", "SPACE", {Fonction:ActiveRain, Arguments:[false]}, "Relache"); Keyboard.NewKeyEvent("RainOn_D", "DOWN", {Fonction:ActiveRain, Arguments:[true]}, 1); Keyboard.NewKeyEvent("RainOff_D", "DOWN", {Fonction:ActiveRain, Arguments:[false]}, "Relache"); Misc.SetColor(Player.JaugeWater.Barre, WaterColor); Misc.SetColor(Player.JaugeThunder.Barre, ThunderColor); Player.JaugeWater.visible = false; Player.JaugeWater.State = 0; Player.JaugeThunder.visible = false; Player.JaugeThunder.State = 0; Player.AngleRight.visible = (Player.AngleLeft.visible = false); Player.Skin.Body.EyesDead.visible = false; Player.Destruction = function ():void{ Player.visible = false; Fx.BlowSmoke(BitParticle_Cloud, Effects, 6, {x:Player.x, y:Player.y}); }; } public function CalibratePlayer():void{ Player.Brain.Movement.speed = (Player.Wind / 100); Player.Brain.Movement.speedMax = ((Player.Wind / 100) * 4); Player.Brain.Brake.strength = (100 - (Player.Wind / 25)); Player.Spirit.Skin.Intern.scaleX = (Player.Spirit.Skin.Intern.scaleY = ((Player.Experience.Points / Player.Experience.NextLevel) * Player.Spirit.Skin.Extern.scaleX)); Player.Spirit.visible = !((Difficulty == "Master")); if ((((Player.Experience.Points >= Player.Experience.NextLevel)) && (!((Difficulty == "Master"))))){ Player.Experience.Level++; Player.Experience.Points = (Player.Experience.Points - Player.Experience.NextLevel); Player.Experience.NextLevel = (Player.Experience.NextLevel + Player.Experience.LevelEvolution); Player.Experience.LevelEvolution = (Player.Experience.LevelEvolution + Player.Experience.LevelEvolutionStep); Player.Experience.Traits = (Player.Experience.Traits + TraitsEvolution); Fx.NewInstantElement(BitEffect_LevelUp, Effects, ("LevelUp" + Player.Experience.Level), {x:Player.x, y:(Player.y + Player.Spirit.y)}); Sound.PlaySound("Player", "LevelUp"); AddHelp("Evolution", 90); }; } public function MakeTree(_arg1:MovieClip):void{ var _local2:*; _local2 = Misc.NewElement(Bit_Tree, Trees, ("Tree" + Trees.numChildren), {x:_arg1.x, y:_arg1.y}); _local2.Level = 1; _local2.Water = _arg1.Hydratation; _local2.Life = LevelTrees[0].Life; _local2.Jauge = Misc.NewElement(Bit_Jauge, EnnemiesJauge, _local2.name, {y:(_local2.y - 60)}); _local2.Jauge.x = (_local2.x - (_local2.Jauge.width / 2)); _local2.Jauge.visible = false; CalibrateJaugeTree(_local2); Player.Experience.Points = (Player.Experience.Points + (LevelTrees[0].Experience * (Player.Vaporisation / 100))); Score = (Score + LevelTrees[0].Score); EffectExperience((LevelTrees[0].Experience * (Player.Vaporisation / 100)), _local2, "Tree"); Sound.PlaySound("Tree", "Level1_Grow", {volume:(((((_local2.x + Action.x) < stage.stageWidth)) && (((_local2.x + Action.x) > 0)))) ? 100 : 40}); AddAchievement({Fr:"Espoir", En:"Hope"}); AddHelp("Arbre", 90, ["Pluie"]); TreeNumber++; if (TreeNumber >= 100){ AddAchievement({Fr:"Déploiement", En:"Deployment", lbl:"Deploiement"}); if (TreeNumber >= 500){ AddAchievement({Fr:"Etendu", En:"Extended", lbl:"Etendu"}); }; }; } public function CheckTrees(_arg1:MovieClip):void{ var _local2:Array; var _local3:int; var _local4:*; var _local5:int; _local2 = new Array(); _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < Trees.numChildren) { _local4 = Trees.getChildAt(_local3); if (!_local4.Dead){ if ((((_local4.x > (_arg1.x - (DripRadius / 2)))) && ((_local4.x < (_arg1.x + (DripRadius / 2)))))){ _local2.push(_local4); }; }; _local3++; }; if (_local2.length <= 0){ if (Misc.RandomBoolean(LuckTree)){ MakeTree(_arg1); }; } else { _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < _local2.length) { AddWater(_local2[_local5], (_arg1.Hydratation / _local2.length)); _local5++; }; }; } public function MoveHelp(_arg1="End"):void{ if (((!((_arg1 == "End"))) && (!((_arg1 == "Actual"))))){ Windows.Help.Frame = (Windows.Help.Frame + _arg1); Sound.PlaySound("Interface", "DownArrow"); } else { if (_arg1 == "End"){ Windows.Help.Frame = Help.length; }; }; Windows.Help.Visual.gotoAndStop((("Help" + Help[(Windows.Help.Frame - 1)]) + Language)); Windows.Help.Left.visible = !((Windows.Help.Frame == 1)); Windows.Help.Right.visible = !((Windows.Help.Frame == Help.length)); } public function CalibrateRain():void{ var _local1:Number; if (Player.RainObject.ActiveKey){ Player.RainObject.Time++; }; if (Player.RainObject.Active){ _local1 = (((Player.Mass / Mass))==1) ? 0 : (((Player.Mass / Mass))<5) ? 1 : (((Player.Mass / Mass))<9) ? 2 : (((Player.Mass / Mass))<11) ? 3 : 4; if ((Player.RainObject.Step = (Player.RainObject.Step + Misc.Random(1, RainChaos, true))) > (RainDensity - _local1)){ MakeRain(); Player.RainObject.Step = 0; }; Player.Jauge.Rain--; CalibrateJaugeWater(); if (Player.Jauge.Rain <= 0){ Player.RainObject.Active = false; Player.RainObject.Lock = true; Player.Skin.Body.play(); AddHelp("Jauges", 60, ["Pluie", "Eclairs"]); }; Player.JaugeWater.State = 20; } else { if (Player.Jauge.Rain < Player.Rain){ Player.Jauge.Rain = (Player.Jauge.Rain + (Player.Rain / 50)); Player.Jauge.Rain = Misc.BumpNumber(Player.Jauge.Rain, 0, Player.Rain); CalibrateJaugeWater(); Player.JaugeWater.State = 20; } else { Player.RainObject.Lock = false; Player.JaugeWater.State--; }; }; if (Player.Jauge.Thunder < Player.Electricity){ Player.Jauge.Thunder = (Player.Jauge.Thunder + (Player.Electricity / 100)); Player.Jauge.Thunder = Misc.BumpNumber(Player.Jauge.Thunder, 0, Player.Electricity); CalibrateJaugeThunder(); Player.JaugeThunder.State = 20; } else { Player.ThunderObject.Lock = false; Player.JaugeThunder.State--; }; Player.JaugeWater.visible = (Player.JaugeWater.State > 0); Player.JaugeThunder.visible = (Player.JaugeThunder.State > 0); } public function CheckSoonEnnemies():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; var _local3:int; var _local4:int; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < EnnemyListSoon.length) { if (EnnemyListSoon[_local1].Level <= Time.Level){ _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < EnnemyListSoon[_local1].Probability) { EnnemyList.push(EnnemyListSoon[_local1]); _local3++; }; EnnemyListSoon.splice(_local1, 1); _local1--; }; _local1++; }; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < MovementListSoon.length) { if (MovementListSoon[_local2].Level <= Time.Level){ _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < MovementListSoon[_local2].Probability) { MovementList.push(MovementListSoon[_local2]); _local4++; }; MovementListSoon.splice(_local2, 1); _local2--; }; _local2++; }; } public function ActiveThunder():void{ var TargetEnnemies:Array; var iEnnemy:int; var ThisEnnemy:*; var iThunder:int; if (!Pause){ if (!Player.ThunderObject.Lock){ TargetEnnemies = new Array(); Player.y = (Player.y - 25); try { iEnnemy = 0; while (iEnnemy < Ennemies.numChildren) { ThisEnnemy = Ennemies.getChildAt(iEnnemy); if (((!(ThisEnnemy.Dead)) && (!(ThisEnnemy.Fall)))){ if (((((Misc.GetAngle(Player, ThisEnnemy) - 90) > (Player.Radius / -2))) && (((Misc.GetAngle(Player, ThisEnnemy) - 90) < (Player.Radius / 2))))){ TargetEnnemies.push({Ennemy:ThisEnnemy, Angle:Math.abs((Misc.GetAngle(Player, ThisEnnemy) - 90))}); }; }; iEnnemy = (iEnnemy + 1); }; if (TargetEnnemies.length){ if (!Lose){ Player.Skin.Body.gotoAndPlay("Thunder"); }; TargetEnnemies = Misc.ObjectOrderArray(TargetEnnemies, "Angle", "Décroissant"); iThunder = 0; while ((((((iThunder + 1) * 50) <= Player.Electricity)) && ((iThunder < TargetEnnemies.length)))) { AttackThunder(TargetEnnemies[iThunder].Ennemy); iThunder = (iThunder + 1); }; Sound.PlaySound("Player", ("Thunder" + iThunder), {volume:(50 + ((Player.Volt / Player.VoltMax) * 50))}); NumberThunderPlayer++; Player.Jauge.Thunder = (Player.Jauge.Thunder - 25); if (Player.Jauge.Thunder <= 0){ Player.ThunderObject.Lock = true; AddHelp("Jauges", 30, ["Pluie", "Eclairs"]); }; CalibrateJaugeThunder(); } else { Player.AngleLeft.visible = (Player.AngleRight.visible = true); Player.AngleLeft.gotoAndPlay(1); Player.AngleRight.gotoAndPlay(1); Player.AngleLeft.rotation = (90 + (Player.Radius / 2)); Player.AngleRight.rotation = (90 - (Player.Radius / 2)); Sound.PlaySound("Player", "Radius"); AddHelp("Rayon", 90, ["Eclairs"]); }; } catch(e) { }; Player.y = (Player.y + 25); }; }; } public function OpenHelp(_arg1=true):void{ ActivePause(_arg1); Windows.Help.visible = _arg1; Windows.Help.Left.visible = !((Windows.Help.Frame == 1)); Windows.Help.Right.visible = !((Windows.Help.Frame == Help.length)); MoveHelp("Actual"); Sound.PlaySound("Interface", (_arg1) ? "Open" : "Close"); if ((parent.parent as MovieClip).AchievementValid.length == 60){ Windows.Help.Final.visible = true; }; } public function CalibrateJaugeWater():void{ Player.JaugeWater.Barre.width = (Player.JaugeWater.InitialSize * (Player.Jauge.Rain / Player.Rain)); } public function OpenMenu(_arg1="Switch"):void{ if (((!(Lose)) && (!(Final)))){ ActivePause(_arg1); Windows.Menu.visible = Pause; if (!Pause){ Windows.Menu.visible = (Windows.Upgrades.visible = (Windows.Help.visible = false)); }; }; } public function LoopRain(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; _local2 = _arg1.target; if (!Pause){ _local2.SpeedY = (_local2.SpeedY + _local2.Mass); _local2.y = (_local2.y + _local2.SpeedY); if (_local2.y >= Ground.y){ _local2.y = Ground.y; CheckTrees(_local2); _local3 = Fx.NewInstantElement(BitEffect_Rain, Rains, ("Effect" + _local2.name), {x:_local2.x, y:_local2.y, scaleX:_local2.scaleX, scaleY:_local2.scaleY}); Sound.PlayNoise("Player", "Drip", {volume:(_local2.Hydratation / 2)}); _local2.Destroy(); }; }; } public function LoopScene(_arg1:Event):void{ if (!Pause){ CalibratePlayer(); CalibrateRain(); CalibrateScene(); CalibrateInterface(); CheckEnnemies(); CheckAchievement(); CheckHelp(); CalibrateVisual(); }; Cache.visible = Pause; } public function MakeRain():void{ var _local1:*; _local1 = Misc.NewElement(Bit_Rain, Rains, ("Rain" + Player.RainObject.Number)); _local1.SpeedY = 0; _local1.Mass = (Player.Mass / 100); _local1.Hydratation = Player.Hydratation; _local1.Hydratation = Misc.Random(25, _local1.Hydratation); _local1.scaleX = (_local1.scaleY = (0.5 + (2.5 * (_local1.Hydratation / (Hydratation + (HydratationStep * 9)))))); _local1.y = (Player.y - (_local1.height / 2)); _local1.x = (Player.x + Misc.Random(((-(Player.Bump.width) / 2) + (_local1.width / 2)), ((Player.Bump.width / 2) - (_local1.width / 2)))); Misc.AddEvents(_local1, LoopRain, "ENTER_FRAME", "Loop"); Player.RainObject.Number++; } public function SwitchMusic(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ Root.MusicState = !(Root.MusicState); Interface.Music.No.gotoAndStop((Root.MusicState) ? "On" : "Off"); Sound.Sounds.Music.Parametres.volume = (Root.MusicState) ? 100 : 0; } public function CheckAchievement():void{ var _local1:Array; var _local2:int; var _local3:int; var _local4:int; var _local5:int; var _local6:*; var _local7:int; if (((((((((((!(AchievementGain["PremiereLigne"])) || (!(AchievementGain["TechnoKinesie"])))) || (!(AchievementGain["PsyClip"])))) || (!(AchievementGain["EpeeLumiere"])))) || (!(AchievementGain["TechnologiesRiches"])))) || (!(AchievementGain["Extinction"])))){ _local1 = new Array(); _local2 = 0; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < EnnemyDestructionList.length) { EnnemyDestructionList[_local3].Numero++; if (EnnemyDestructionList[_local3].Numero < 20){ if ((((_local1.length == 0)) || (!(Misc.IndexOf(_local1, EnnemyDestructionList[_local3].Type))))){ _local2++; }; _local1.push(EnnemyDestructionList[_local3].Type); } else { EnnemyDestructionList.splice(_local3, 1); }; _local3++; }; if (((Misc.IndexOf(_local1, "Intern")) && (Misc.IndexOf(_local1, "Lumberjack")))){ AddAchievement({Fr:"Première ligne", En:"First Line", lbl:"PremiereLigne"}); }; if (((Misc.IndexOf(_local1, "Bucker")) && (Misc.IndexOf(_local1, "JigSaw")))){ AddAchievement({Fr:"Techno kinésie", En:"Techno kinesie", lbl:"TechnoKinesie"}); }; if (((Misc.IndexOf(_local1, "Assassin")) && (Misc.IndexOf(_local1, "Shield")))){ AddAchievement({Fr:"PsyClip", En:"PsyClip", lbl:"PsyClip"}); }; if (((((((((((Misc.IndexOf(_local1, "WoodS")) && (Misc.IndexOf(_local1, "WoodC")))) && (Misc.IndexOf(_local1, "WoodS")))) && (Misc.IndexOf(_local1, "WoodL")))) && (Misc.IndexOf(_local1, "WoodL")))) && (Misc.IndexOf(_local1, "WoodC")))){ AddAchievement({Fr:"Epée de lumière", En:"Light sword", lbl:"EpeeLumiere"}); }; if (_local1.length >= 12){ AddAchievement({Fr:"Extinction", En:"Extinction", lbl:"Extinction"}); }; if (_local2 >= 4){ AddAchievement({Fr:"Technologies riches", En:"Rich technology", lbl:"TechnologiesRiches"}); }; }; if (((((((!(AchievementGain["ParentsNature"])) || (!(AchievementGain["Etherisme"])))) || (!(AchievementGain["SecretResurection"])))) || (!(AchievementGain["AubeLiens"])))){ if (Score >= 10000){ AddAchievement({Fr:"Parents de Nature", En:"Parents of Nature", lbl:"ParentsNature"}); if (Score >= 50000){ AddAchievement({Fr:"Etherisme", En:"Aetherism", lbl:"Etherisme"}); if (Score >= 100000){ AddAchievement({Fr:"Le secret de la résurrection", En:"Resurrection secret", lbl:"SecretResurection"}); if (Score >= 1000000){ AddAchievement({Fr:"L’Aube des Liens", En:"Links Dawn", lbl:"AubeLiens"}); }; }; }; }; }; if (Time.Level >= 90){ AddAchievement({Fr:"Guerre de Seive", En:"Seiver War", lbl:"GuerreSeive"}); }; if (!AchievementGain["CrepusculeEmeraude"]){ _local4 = 0; _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < Ennemies.numChildren) { _local6 = (Ennemies.getChildAt(_local5) as MovieClip); if (_local6.ChronoTime > 0){ _local6.ChronoTime--; _local4++; }; _local5++; }; if (_local4 >= 15){ AddAchievement({Fr:"Crépuscule Emeraude", En:"Dusk Emerald", lbl:"CrepusculeEmeraude"}); }; }; if (!AchievementGain["HeureEnvol"]){ _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < TreeDestructionList.length) { TreeDestructionList[_local7].Numero = (isNaN(TreeDestructionList[_local7].Numero)) ? 0 : TreeDestructionList[_local7].Numero; TreeDestructionList[_local7].Numero++; if (TreeDestructionList[_local7].Numero >= 600){ TreeDestructionList.splice(_local7, 1); }; _local7++; }; if (TreeDestructionList.length >= 50){ AddAchievement({Fr:"Heure de l’Envol", En:"Hour of Soar", lbl:"HeureEnvol"}); }; }; } public function DefineEnvironment():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; var _local3:int; Ground.width = SceneWidth; Background.Background.width = SceneWidth; Background.Ground.width = SceneWidth; Background.GroundBack.width = SceneWidth; _local1 = SceneWidth; while (_local1 > 0) { if (Misc.RandomBoolean((BushDensity / 10))){ Misc.NewElement(BitBack_Bush, Background.Depth, ("Bush" + _local1), {x:_local1}); }; _local1--; }; _local2 = (SceneWidth * 0.75); while (_local2 > 0) { if (Misc.RandomBoolean((TurretDensity / 10))){ Misc.NewElement(BitBack_Turret, Background.DepthBack, ("Turret" + _local2), {x:_local2}); }; _local2--; }; _local3 = (SceneWidth * 0.5); while (_local3 > 0) { if (Misc.RandomBoolean((CloudDensity / 10))){ Misc.NewElement(BitBack_Cloud, Background.DepthCloud, ("Cloud" + _local3), {x:_local3, y:(50 + Misc.Random(0, 300))}); }; _local3--; }; } public function ActiveLose():void{ ActivePause(true); Lose = true; Windows.Lose.visible = true; Windows.Lose.Score.text = Misc.CharacterLoop(String(Math.ceil(Score)), 3, ".", "Fin"); Misc.AddEvents(Windows.Lose.Retry, RefreshScene, "MOUSE_DOWN", "Down", true); Misc.AddEvents(Windows.Lose.Exit, ExitScene, "MOUSE_DOWN", "Down", true); Windows.Lose.Retry.buttonMode = true; Windows.Lose.Exit.buttonMode = true; Windows.Lose.Score.mouseEnabled = false; Player.Skin.Body.Eyes.visible = false; Player.Skin.Body.EyesDead.visible = true; Player.Skin.Body.EyesDead.gotoAndStop("Dead"); Sound.PlaySound("Player", "Explosion"); } public function AddHelp(_arg1, _arg2:int=0, _arg3=null):void{ var Name:String; var LeverNeed:Boolean; var iNeed:int; var AddHelp_Step2:Function; var Numero = _arg1; var Timing = _arg2; var Need = _arg3; if (!HelpActualOpening){ Name = Numero; Numero = HelpName[Numero]; if (!HelpGain[Name]){ Need = ((Need) || (new Array())); LeverNeed = true; iNeed = 0; while (iNeed < Need.length) { if (!Misc.IndexOf(Help, String(HelpName[Need[iNeed]]))){ LeverNeed = false; }; iNeed = (iNeed + 1); }; if (LeverNeed){ if (Misc.PushUnicite(Help, String(Numero))){ AddHelp_Step2 = function ():void{ OpenUpgrades(false); OpenHelp(); MoveHelp(); if (!(parent.parent as MovieClip).Test){ (parent.parent as MovieClip).Web.SetShareVar("Help", Help.join("-")); }; HelpActualOpening = false; }; (parent.parent as MovieClip).Help = Help.join("-"); HelpActualOpening = true; if (Timing == 0){ AddHelp_Step2(); } else { Misc.CountdownLaunch(AddHelp_Step2, Timing); }; }; HelpGain[Name] = true; }; }; }; } public function AttackThunder(_arg1:MovieClip):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; _local2 = Misc.NewElement(Bit_Thunder, Thunders, ("Thunder" + Thunders.numChildren)); _local3 = Fx.NewInstantElement(BitParticle_Thunder, Effects, ("ParticlesThunder" + Effects.numChildren), {x:_arg1.x, y:_arg1.y}); if (((Player.Volt - Volt) / VoltStep) < 2){ _local2.Skin.gotoAndStop("Yellow"); _local3.gotoAndStop("Yellow"); } else { if (((Player.Volt - Volt) / VoltStep) < 4){ _local2.Skin.gotoAndStop("Orange"); _local3.gotoAndStop("Orange"); } else { if (((Player.Volt - Volt) / VoltStep) < 6){ _local2.Skin.gotoAndStop("Red"); _local3.gotoAndStop("Red"); } else { if (((Player.Volt - Volt) / VoltStep) < 9){ _local2.Skin.gotoAndStop("Pink"); _local3.gotoAndStop("Pink"); } else { if (((Player.Volt - Volt) / VoltStep) == 9){ _local2.Skin.gotoAndStop("Blue"); _local3.gotoAndStop("Blue"); }; }; }; }; }; Misc.ApplyLinkEffect(_local2, Player, _arg1); _arg1.Life = ((_arg1.Life)==null) ? _arg1.EnnemyObject.Life : _arg1.Life; _arg1.Life = (_arg1.Life - Player.Volt); _arg1.Jauge.Barre.width = (_arg1.Jauge.InitialSize * (_arg1.Life / _arg1.EnnemyObject.Life)); _arg1.Jauge.visible = true; Misc.FirstView(_arg1.Jauge); if (((_arg1.Run) && (_arg1.Attack))){ _arg1.Attack = false; _arg1.Walk = true; _arg1.Skin.gotoAndPlay("Walk"); }; if (_arg1.Life <= 0){ _arg1.Dead = true; Player.Experience.Points = (Player.Experience.Points + (_arg1.EnnemyObject.Experience * (Player.Vaporisation / 100))); Score = (Score + _arg1.EnnemyObject.Score); EffectExperience((_arg1.EnnemyObject.Experience * (Player.Vaporisation / 100)), _arg1, "Ennemy"); Misc.DestroyElement(_arg1.Jauge); if (_arg1.Skin.currentLabel == "Ground"){ AddAchievement({Fr:"Précognition", En:"Precognition", lbl:"Precognition"}); }; _arg1.Skin.gotoAndPlay("Dead"); EnnemyApaisementList[_arg1.EnnemyObject.Name] = ((EnnemyApaisementList[_arg1.EnnemyObject.Name] == null)) ? _arg1.EnnemyObject.ApaisementNumber : EnnemyApaisementList[_arg1.EnnemyObject.Name]; var _local4 = EnnemyApaisementList; var _local5 = _arg1.EnnemyObject.Name; var _local6 = (_local4[_local5] - 1); _local4[_local5] = _local6; if (EnnemyApaisementList[_arg1.EnnemyObject.Name] == 0){ AddAchievement(_arg1.EnnemyObject.Apaisement); }; if (((((_arg1.Attack) && ((_arg1.EnnemyObject.Name == "Assassin")))) && ((_arg1.Tree.Level == 12)))){ AddAchievement({Fr:"Trancheur de l’âge", En:"Age Slicer", lbl:"TrancheurAge"}); }; NumberKillPlayer++; if (_arg1.EnnemyObject.Name == "Wizard"){ NumberKillNaturePlayer++; }; EnnemyDestructionList.push({Type:_arg1.EnnemyObject.Name, Numero:0}); Sound.PlaySound("Ennemy", "Electrocution"); }; } public function DefineGlobal():void{ DefinePlayer(); DefineEnvironment(); DefineScene(); DefineLanguage(); } public function DefineScene():void{ var _local1:Array; var _local2:int; Keyboard.NewKeyEvent("Pause", "P", OpenMenu, 1); Keyboard.NewKeyEvent("Upgrades", "SHIFT", OpenUpgrades, 1); Windows.Menu.visible = (Windows.Upgrades.visible = (Windows.Help.visible = (Windows.Lose.visible = false))); Misc.AddEvents(Interface.Upgrades, OpenUpgrades, "MOUSE_DOWN"); Misc.AddEvents(Interface.Menu, OpenMenu, "MOUSE_DOWN"); Misc.AddEvents(Interface.Help, OpenHelp, "MOUSE_DOWN"); Misc.AddEvents(Interface.Sound, SwitchSound, "MOUSE_DOWN"); Misc.AddEvents(Interface.Music, SwitchMusic, "MOUSE_DOWN"); Misc.AddEvents(Interface.Upgrades, {Fonction:Sound.PlaySound, Arguments:["Interface", "OverButton"]}, "MOUSE_OVER"); Misc.AddEvents(Interface.Menu, {Fonction:Sound.PlaySound, Arguments:["Interface", "OverButton"]}, "MOUSE_OVER"); Misc.AddEvents(Interface.Help, {Fonction:Sound.PlaySound, Arguments:["Interface", "OverButton"]}, "MOUSE_OVER"); Misc.AddEvents(Interface.Sound, {Fonction:Sound.PlaySound, Arguments:["Interface", "OverButton"]}, "MOUSE_OVER"); Misc.AddEvents(Interface.Music, {Fonction:Sound.PlaySound, Arguments:["Interface", "OverButton"]}, "MOUSE_OVER"); Misc.AddEvents(Interface.Upgrades, {Fonction:Sound.PlaySound, Arguments:["Interface", "DownButton"]}, "MOUSE_DOWN"); Misc.AddEvents(Interface.Menu, {Fonction:Sound.PlaySound, Arguments:["Interface", "DownButton"]}, "MOUSE_DOWN"); Misc.AddEvents(Interface.Help, {Fonction:Sound.PlaySound, Arguments:["Interface", "DownButton"]}, "MOUSE_DOWN"); Misc.AddEvents(Interface.Sound, {Fonction:Sound.PlaySound, Arguments:["Interface", "DownButton"]}, "MOUSE_DOWN"); Misc.AddEvents(Interface.Music, {Fonction:Sound.PlaySound, Arguments:["Interface", "DownButton"]}, "MOUSE_DOWN"); Interface.Upgrades.buttonMode = (Interface.Menu.buttonMode = (Interface.Help.buttonMode = (Interface.Sound.buttonMode = (Interface.Music.buttonMode = true)))); Misc.AddEvents(Windows.Menu.Resume, {Fonction:OpenMenu, Arguments:[false]}, "MOUSE_DOWN"); Misc.AddEvents(Windows.Menu.Retry, RefreshScene, "MOUSE_DOWN", "Down", true); Misc.AddEvents(Windows.Menu.Exit, ExitScene, "MOUSE_DOWN", "Down", true); Misc.AddEvents(Windows.Menu.Resume, {Fonction:Sound.PlaySound, Arguments:["Interface", "OverButton"]}, "MOUSE_OVER"); Misc.AddEvents(Windows.Menu.Retry, {Fonction:Sound.PlaySound, Arguments:["Interface", "OverButton"]}, "MOUSE_OVER"); Misc.AddEvents(Windows.Menu.Exit, {Fonction:Sound.PlaySound, Arguments:["Interface", "OverButton"]}, "MOUSE_OVER"); Misc.AddEvents(Windows.Menu.Resume, {Fonction:Sound.PlaySound, Arguments:["Interface", "DownButton"]}, "MOUSE_DOWN"); Misc.AddEvents(Windows.Menu.Retry, {Fonction:Sound.PlaySound, Arguments:["Interface", "DownButton"]}, "MOUSE_DOWN"); Misc.AddEvents(Windows.Menu.Exit, {Fonction:Sound.PlaySound, Arguments:["Interface", "DownButton"]}, "MOUSE_DOWN"); Windows.Menu.Resume.buttonMode = (Windows.Menu.Retry.buttonMode = (Windows.Menu.Exit.buttonMode = true)); Misc.AddEvents(Windows.Upgrades.Close, {Fonction:OpenUpgrades, Arguments:[false]}, "MOUSE_DOWN", "Down", true); Misc.AddEvents(Windows.Help.Close, {Fonction:OpenHelp, Arguments:[false]}, "MOUSE_DOWN", "Down", true); Misc.AddEvents(Windows.Help.Final, LaunchFinal, "MOUSE_DOWN", "Down"); Windows.Upgrades.Close.buttonMode = (Windows.Help.Close.buttonMode = (Windows.Help.Final.buttonMode = true)); _local1 = ["Rain", "Hydratation", "Mass", "Electricity", "Volt", "Radius", "Wind", "Pressure", "Vaporisation"]; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _local1.length) { Misc.AddEvents(Windows.Upgrades[_local1[_local2]], AddTraits, "MOUSE_DOWN"); Misc.AddEvents(Windows.Upgrades[_local1[_local2]], {Fonction:Sound.PlaySound, Arguments:["Interface", "DownUpgrade"]}, "MOUSE_DOWN"); Windows.Upgrades[_local1[_local2]].TraitsBar.gotoAndStop(1); Windows.Upgrades[_local1[_local2]].Traits = 1; _local2++; }; Windows.Upgrades.Rain.Achievement = {Fr:"Forte météo", En:"Heavy weather", lbl:"ForteMeteo"}; Windows.Upgrades.Hydratation.Achievement = {Fr:"Epais engrais", En:"Thick fertilizer", lbl:"EpaisEngrais"}; Windows.Upgrades.Mass.Achievement = {Fr:"Cascade violente", En:"Violent cascade", lbl:"CascadeViolente"}; Windows.Upgrades.Electricity.Achievement = {Fr:"Foudre de guerre", En:"Lightning war", lbl:"FoudreGuerre"}; Windows.Upgrades.Volt.Achievement = {Fr:"Etincelle mortelle", En:"Mortal spark", lbl:"EtincelleMortelle"}; Windows.Upgrades.Radius.Achievement = {Fr:"Panorama absolu", En:"Absolute panorama", lbl:"PanoramaAbsolu"}; Windows.Upgrades.Wind.Achievement = {Fr:"Nuage sonique", En:"Sonic cloud", lbl:"NuageSonique"}; Windows.Upgrades.Pressure.Achievement = {Fr:"Ecrasement imposant", En:"Imposing crusher", lbl:"EcrasementImposant"}; Windows.Upgrades.Vaporisation.Achievement = {Fr:"Vapeur exponentielle", En:"Exponential steam", lbl:"VapeurExponentielle"}; Misc.AddEvents(Windows.Help.Right, {Fonction:MoveHelp, Arguments:[1]}, "MOUSE_DOWN"); Misc.AddEvents(Windows.Help.Left, {Fonction:MoveHelp, Arguments:[-1]}, "MOUSE_DOWN"); Windows.Help.Right.buttonMode = (Windows.Help.Left.buttonMode = true); Windows.Help.Left.visible = false; AddHelp("Salutation", 1); Windows.Help.Final.visible = false; if (Difficulty == "Easy"){ LevelTrees.splice(8); EnnemyListSoon.splice(4); MovementListSoon.splice(3); Interface.Score.visible = false; Interface.ScoreTitle.visible = false; }; if (Difficulty == "Master"){ Time.Level = 100; }; if (!(parent.parent as MovieClip).Test){ (parent.parent as MovieClip).NumberPlay++; (parent.parent as MovieClip).Web.SetShareVar("NumberPlay", (parent.parent as MovieClip).NumberPlay); }; Interface.Warning.visible = false; Interface.Need.visible = false; Misc.AddEvents(This, LoopScene, "ENTER_FRAME", "Loop"); Misc.DestroyElement(Rains.Bump); Misc.DestroyElement(Trees.Bump); Misc.DestroyElement(Ennemies.Bump); Misc.DestroyElement(Effects.Bump); Misc.DestroyElement(Thunders.Bump); Interface.Music.No.gotoAndStop((Root.MusicState) ? "On" : "Off"); Interface.Sound.No.gotoAndStop((Root.SoundState) ? "On" : "Off"); CheckSoonEnnemies(); } public function AddWater(_arg1:MovieClip, _arg2:Number):void{ if (_arg1.Life == LevelTrees[(_arg1.Level - 1)].Life){ if (LevelTrees[_arg1.Level] != null){ _arg1.Water = (_arg1.Water + _arg2); CheckTreeLevel(_arg1); }; } else { _arg1.Life = (_arg1.Life + (_arg2 / 10)); _arg1.Life = Misc.BumpNumber(_arg1.Life, 0, LevelTrees[(_arg1.Level - 1)].Life); }; CalibrateJaugeTree(_arg1); } public function MakeEnnemy(_arg1:Object, _arg2:int=0, _arg3:String="Right", _arg4:Number=0):void{ var TheNewEnnemy:*; var MakeEnnemy_Step2:Function; var TheEnnemyObject = _arg1; var TheNumero = _arg2; var TheTransport = _arg3; var ThePositionScene = _arg4; MakeEnnemy_Step2 = function (_arg1, _arg2:Object, _arg3:int=0, _arg4:String="Right", _arg5:Number=0){ var NewEnnemy = _arg1; var EnnemyObject = _arg2; var Numero = _arg3; var Transport = _arg4; var PositionScene = _arg5; NewEnnemy.visible = true; NewEnnemy.EnnemyObject = EnnemyObject; Misc.AddEvents(NewEnnemy, LoopEnnemy, "ENTER_FRAME", "Loop"); if ((((Transport == "Right")) || ((Transport == "Left")))){ NewEnnemy.Direction = Transport; NewEnnemy.x = ((NewEnnemy.Direction == "Right")) ? (NewEnnemy.Bump.width / -2) : (SceneWidth + (NewEnnemy.Bump.width / 2)); NewEnnemy.Walk = true; } else { if (Transport == "Chute"){ NewEnnemy.y = -(NewEnnemy.height); NewEnnemy.Direction = ((NewEnnemy.x < (SceneWidth / 2))) ? "Right" : "Left"; NewEnnemy.Fall = true; NewEnnemy.Walk = false; NewEnnemy.Skin.gotoAndPlay("Chute"); NewEnnemy.y = (NewEnnemy.y - Misc.Random((Numero * 2), (Numero * 5))); AddHelp("Parachutage", 60); } else { if (Transport == "Teleportation"){ NewEnnemy.ChronoTime = 600; NewEnnemy.Direction = ((NewEnnemy.x < (SceneWidth / 2))) ? "Right" : "Left"; NewEnnemy.Walk = false; NewEnnemy.Skin.gotoAndPlay("Ground"); Fx.NewInstantElement(Bit_Teleportation, FrontEffects, ("Teleport" + FrontEffects.numChildren), {x:NewEnnemy.x, y:NewEnnemy.y}); Sound.PlaySound("Ennemy", "Teleportation", {volume:(((((NewEnnemy.x + Action.x) > 0)) && (((NewEnnemy.x + Action.x) < stage.stageWidth)))) ? 100 : 40}); AddHelp("Chronoportation", 60); }; }; }; NewEnnemy.scaleX = ((NewEnnemy.Direction == "Right")) ? 1 : -1; NewEnnemy.x = (NewEnnemy.x + ((NewEnnemy.Direction == "Right")) ? Misc.Random((Numero * -2), (Numero * -5)) : Misc.Random((Numero * 2), (Numero * 5))); NewEnnemy.MemoX = NewEnnemy.x; NewEnnemy.MemoY = NewEnnemy.y; NewEnnemy.Jauge = Misc.NewElement(Bit_Jauge, EnnemiesJauge, NewEnnemy.name); Misc.SetColor(NewEnnemy.Jauge.Barre, EnnemyLifeColor); NewEnnemy.Jauge.visible = false; NewEnnemy.Jauge.x = (NewEnnemy.x - (NewEnnemy.Jauge.width / 2)); NewEnnemy.Jauge.y = (NewEnnemy.y + 10); AddHelp(TheEnnemyObject.Name, 0); NewEnnemy.AttackTree = function ():void{ var _local1:int; if (this.Tree){ AttackTree(this, this.Tree); }; if (this.TreesBlow){ if (this.TreesBlow.length){ _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < this.TreesBlow.length) { if (this.TreesBlow[_local1]){ AttackTree(this, this.TreesBlow[_local1]); }; _local1++; }; }; }; }; }; TheNewEnnemy = Misc.NewElement(Bit_Ennemy, Ennemies, (TheEnnemyObject.Name + Ennemies.numChildren), {y:Ground.y, x:ThePositionScene, Sound:Sound, Volume:40, HitAnimation:TheEnnemyObject.HitAnimation, Run:TheEnnemyObject.Run, Chrono:0}); TheNewEnnemy.visible = false; TheNewEnnemy.gotoAndStop(TheEnnemyObject.Name); Misc.CountdownLaunch({Fonction:MakeEnnemy_Step2, Arguments:[TheNewEnnemy, TheEnnemyObject, TheNumero, TheTransport, ThePositionScene]}); } public function LaunchRefresh():void{ Misc.CleanElement(Ennemies); Misc.CleanElement(Action.Player); Misc.CleanElement(EnnemiesJauge); Misc.CleanElement(Trees); Misc.CleanElement(Effects); Misc.CleanElement(Rains); Misc.CleanElement(Effects); Misc.CleanElement(Thunders); Misc.CleanElement(BackEffects); Misc.CleanElement(FrontEffects); Misc.CleanElement(Background.Depth); Misc.CleanElement(Background.DepthCloud); Misc.CleanElement(Background.DepthBack); Misc.RefreshAllEvents(); Brain.RefreshAllEvents(); Dynamic.RefreshAllEvents(); Fx.RefreshAllEvents(); Brain.Active = true; Keyboard.RemoveKeyEvent("Pause"); Keyboard.RemoveKeyEvent("Upgrades"); Keyboard.RemoveKeyEvent("RainOn"); Keyboard.RemoveKeyEvent("RainOff"); Time = Misc.CloneObject(TimeInitial); Warning = Misc.CloneObject(WarningInitial); Lose = false; Score = (ScoreActual = 0); EnnemyList = new Array(); MovementList = new Array(); EnnemyListSoon = Misc.CloneObject(EnnemyListSoonInitial); MovementListSoon = Misc.CloneObject(MovementListSoonInitial); EnnemiesRatio = Misc.CloneObject(EnnemiesRatioInitial); EnnemiesWait = Misc.CloneObject(EnnemiesWaitInitial); NumberMouvementPlayer = new Object(); NumberThunderPlayer = 0; NumberKillPlayer = 0; NumberKillNaturePlayer = 0; NumberDeadTree = 0; EnnemyApaisementList = new Object(); EnnemyDestructionList = new Array(); Pause = false; Windows.Menu.visible = false; Windows.Lose.visible = false; Cache.visible = false; DefineGlobal(); } public function LaunchFinal(_arg1:Event):void{ Final = true; Misc.NewElement(Animation_Final, Windows.Animation, "Final"); Sound.PlaySound("Music", "Final"); } public function LoopEnnemy(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:Object; var _local4:int; var _local5:*; var _local6:Boolean; var _local7:int; var _local8:*; _local2 = _arg1.target; _local3 = _local2.EnnemyObject; if (!Pause){ if (!_local2.Dead){ if (!_local2.Fall){ _local2.InitialY = ((_local2.InitialY) || (_local2.y)); _local2.y = (_local2.InitialY + (Player.Pressure / 2)); }; if (_local2.Walk){ _local2.x = (_local2.x + ((((_local3.Speed / 100) * ((_local2.Direction == "Right")) ? 1 : -1) * ((100 - Player.Pressure) / 100)) * (parent as MovieClip).SpeedEnnemy)); EnnemiesRatio.AddSpeed; if (_local2.x){ _local2.Jauge.x = (_local2.x - (_local2.Jauge.width / 2)); _local2.Jauge.y = (_local2.y + 10); }; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < Trees.numChildren) { _local5 = Trees.getChildAt(_local4); if (!_local5.Dead){ _local6 = false; if (_local2.Direction == "Right"){ _local6 = ((((_local2.MemoX + (_local3.Width / 2)) < (_local5.x - (LevelTrees[(_local5.Level - 1)].Width / 2)))) && (((_local2.x + (_local3.Width / 2)) > (_local5.x - (LevelTrees[(_local5.Level - 1)].Width / 2))))); } else { _local6 = ((((_local2.MemoX - (_local3.Width / 2)) > (_local5.x + (LevelTrees[(_local5.Level - 1)].Width / 2)))) && (((_local2.x - (_local3.Width / 2)) < (_local5.x + (LevelTrees[(_local5.Level - 1)].Width / 2))))); }; if (((_local6) && (Misc.RandomBoolean(((_local3.Will * ((100 - Player.Pressure) / 100)) * ((100 - Player.Pressure) / 100)))))){ _local2.Walk = false; _local2.x = ((_local2.Direction == "Right")) ? ((_local5.x - (LevelTrees[(_local5.Level - 1)].Width / 2)) - (_local3.Width / 2)) : ((_local5.x + (LevelTrees[(_local5.Level - 1)].Width / 2)) + (_local3.Width / 2)); _local2.Jauge.x = (_local2.x - (_local2.Jauge.width / 2)); _local2.Jauge.y = (_local2.y + 10); _local2.Attack = true; _local2.Tree = _local5; if (((_local3.Blow) || (_local3.FrontBlow))){ _local2.TreesBlow = new Array(); _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < Trees.numChildren) { _local8 = Trees.getChildAt(_local7); if (_local8.name != _local5.name){ if (((((((((_local8.x + (LevelTrees[(_local8.Level - 1)].Width / 2)) < ((_local2.x + _local3.Blow) + ((_local2.Direction == "Right")) ? _local3.FrontBlow : 0))) && (((_local8.x + (LevelTrees[(_local8.Level - 1)].Width / 2)) > ((_local2.x - _local3.Blow) - ((_local2.Direction == "Left")) ? _local3.FrontBlow : 0))))) || (((((_local8.x - (LevelTrees[(_local8.Level - 1)].Width / 2)) < ((_local2.x + _local3.Blow) + ((_local2.Direction == "Right")) ? _local3.FrontBlow : 0))) && (((_local8.x - (LevelTrees[(_local8.Level - 1)].Width / 2)) > ((_local2.x - _local3.Blow) - ((_local2.Direction == "Left")) ? _local3.FrontBlow : 0))))))) || ((((_local8.x < ((_local2.x + _local3.Blow) + ((_local2.Direction == "Right")) ? _local3.FrontBlow : 0))) && ((_local8.x > ((_local2.x - _local3.Blow) - ((_local2.Direction == "Left")) ? _local3.FrontBlow : 0))))))){ _local2.TreesBlow.push(_local8); }; }; _local7++; }; }; }; }; _local4++; }; if ((((((_local2.x > (SceneWidth + _local2.Bump.width))) && ((_local2.Direction == "Right")))) || ((((_local2.x < -(_local2.Bump.width))) && ((_local2.Direction == "Left")))))){ Misc.DestroyElement(_local2); }; } else { if (_local2.Fall){ _local2.y = (_local2.y + (_local3.Falling / 20)); if (_local2.y >= Ground.y){ _local2.y = Ground.y; _local2.Fall = false; _local2.Skin.gotoAndPlay("Fall"); }; }; }; _local2.MemoX = _local2.x; _local2.Volume = (((((_local2.x + Action.x) > 0)) && (((_local2.x + Action.x) < stage.stageWidth)))) ? 100 : 40; }; }; } public function CheckWarning():Boolean{ var _local1:int; var _local2:*; Warning.ActualOxygen = 0; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < Trees.numChildren) { _local2 = Trees.getChildAt(_local1); Warning.ActualOxygen = (Warning.ActualOxygen + LevelTrees[(_local2.Level - 1)].Oxygen); _local1++; }; return ((Warning.ActualOxygen >= Warning.Oxygen)); } public function ActiveRain(_arg1:Boolean=true):void{ if (!Lose){ if (!Player.RainObject.Lock){ Player.RainObject.Active = _arg1; if (((_arg1) && ((Player.Skin.Body.currentFrame == 1)))){ Player.Skin.Body.gotoAndPlay("Rain"); } else { if (((!(_arg1)) && ((Player.Skin.Body.currentLabel == "CurrentRain")))){ Player.Skin.Body.play(); }; }; }; if (((((!(_arg1)) && ((Player.RainObject.Time <= ThunderKeySensitive)))) && ((Player.RainObject.Time > 0)))){ ActiveThunder(); }; Player.RainObject.ActiveKey = _arg1; Player.RainObject.Time = 0; }; } public function ExitScene():void{ if (Difficulty != "Easy"){ if (Score > (parent.parent as MovieClip).ScoreMax){ (parent.parent as MovieClip).ScoreMax = Score; if (!(parent.parent as MovieClip).Test){ (parent.parent as MovieClip).Web.SetShareVar("ScoreMax", Score); }; }; }; (parent as MovieClip).Fondu.Action = CleanScene; (parent as MovieClip).Fondu.play(); } public function CalibrateUpgrades():void{ Windows.Upgrades.Left.text = Player.Experience.Traits; Windows.Upgrades.Rain.buttonMode = (((Windows.Upgrades.Rain.Traits < 10)) && ((Player.Experience.Traits > 0))); Windows.Upgrades.Hydratation.buttonMode = (((Windows.Upgrades.Hydratation.Traits < 10)) && ((Player.Experience.Traits > 0))); Windows.Upgrades.Mass.buttonMode = (((Windows.Upgrades.Mass.Traits < 10)) && ((Player.Experience.Traits > 0))); Windows.Upgrades.Electricity.buttonMode = (((Windows.Upgrades.Electricity.Traits < 10)) && ((Player.Experience.Traits > 0))); Windows.Upgrades.Volt.buttonMode = (((Windows.Upgrades.Volt.Traits < 10)) && ((Player.Experience.Traits > 0))); Windows.Upgrades.Radius.buttonMode = (((Windows.Upgrades.Radius.Traits < 10)) && ((Player.Experience.Traits > 0))); Windows.Upgrades.Wind.buttonMode = (((Windows.Upgrades.Wind.Traits < 10)) && ((Player.Experience.Traits > 0))); Windows.Upgrades.Pressure.buttonMode = (((Windows.Upgrades.Pressure.Traits < 10)) && ((Player.Experience.Traits > 0))); Windows.Upgrades.Vaporisation.buttonMode = (((Windows.Upgrades.Vaporisation.Traits < 10)) && ((Player.Experience.Traits > 0))); } } }//package bud_flaSection 76//Home_35 (bud_fla.Home_35) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import flash.media.*; import drOIde.Global.*; import flash.text.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.net.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class Home_35 extends MovieClip { public var Root; public var LanguagesButton:MovieClip; public var LanguagesElements:Array; public var LogoMusic:MovieClip; public var Misc:MiscTools; public var AchievementColor_PictoOff:String; public var Achievement:MovieClip; public var LogoOckam:MovieClip; public var ButtonAchievement:MovieClip; public var AchievementColor_PictoOn:String; public var AchievementColor_BackgroundOn:String; public var ScoreMax:MovieClip; public var ButtonPlay:MovieClip; public var This; public var AchievementColor_BackgroundOff:String; public var Sound; public function Home_35(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } public function CalibrateAchievement(_arg1, _arg2:Boolean=true):void{ Misc.SetColor(_arg1.Background, This[("AchievementColor_Background" + (_arg2) ? "On" : "Off")]); Misc.SetColor(_arg1.Picto, This[("AchievementColor_Picto" + (_arg2) ? "On" : "Off")]); _arg1.Active = _arg2; } public function ChangeLanguage(_arg1:String):void{ (parent.parent as MovieClip).Language = _arg1; if (!(parent.parent as MovieClip).Test){ (parent.parent as MovieClip).Web.SetShareVar("Language", _arg1); }; DefineLanguage(); } public function DefineLanguage():void{ var _local1:int; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < LanguagesElements.length) { LanguagesElements[_local1].gotoAndStop((parent.parent as MovieClip).Language); _local1++; }; } public function DefineGlobal():void{ DefineScene(); } public function DefineScene():void{ var _local1:int; ButtonPlay.Difficulty.visible = false; Achievement.visible = false; Misc.AddEvents(ButtonPlay.ButtonPlay, OpenDifficulty, "MOUSE_DOWN"); Misc.AddEvents(ButtonAchievement, {Fonction:OpenAchievement, Arguments:[true]}, "MOUSE_DOWN"); Misc.AddEvents(ButtonPlay.Difficulty.Easy, {Fonction:CalibrateDifficulty, Arguments:["Easy", 2000, 0.5, 75, 0]}, "MOUSE_DOWN", "Down", true); Misc.AddEvents(ButtonPlay.Difficulty.Medium, {Fonction:CalibrateDifficulty, Arguments:["Medium", 2000, 1, 75, 0]}, "MOUSE_DOWN", "Down", true); Misc.AddEvents(ButtonPlay.Difficulty.Hard, {Fonction:CalibrateDifficulty, Arguments:["Hard", 3000, 3, 150, 0]}, "MOUSE_DOWN", "Down", true); Misc.AddEvents(ButtonPlay.Difficulty.Master, {Fonction:CalibrateDifficulty, Arguments:["Master", 3000, 1, 75, 40]}, "MOUSE_DOWN", "Down", true); Misc.AddEvents(LanguagesButton.En, {Fonction:ChangeLanguage, Argument:"En"}, "MOUSE_DOWN", "Down", true); Misc.AddEvents(LanguagesButton.Fr, {Fonction:ChangeLanguage, Argument:"Fr"}, "MOUSE_DOWN", "Down", true); Misc.AddEvents(ButtonPlay.ButtonPlay, {Fonction:Sound.PlaySound, Arguments:["Interface", "OverButton"]}, "MOUSE_OVER", "Over", true); Misc.AddEvents(ButtonAchievement, {Fonction:Sound.PlaySound, Arguments:["Interface", "OverButton"]}, "MOUSE_OVER", "Over", true); Misc.AddEvents(ButtonPlay.Difficulty.Easy, {Fonction:Sound.PlaySound, Arguments:["Interface", "OverButton"]}, "MOUSE_OVER", "Over", true); Misc.AddEvents(ButtonPlay.Difficulty.Medium, {Fonction:Sound.PlaySound, Arguments:["Interface", "OverButton"]}, "MOUSE_OVER", "Over", true); Misc.AddEvents(ButtonPlay.Difficulty.Hard, {Fonction:Sound.PlaySound, Arguments:["Interface", "OverButton"]}, "MOUSE_OVER", "Over", true); Misc.AddEvents(ButtonPlay.Difficulty.Master, {Fonction:Sound.PlaySound, Arguments:["Interface", "OverButton"]}, "MOUSE_OVER", "Over", true); Misc.AddEvents(LanguagesButton.En, {Fonction:Sound.PlaySound, Arguments:["Interface", "OverButton"]}, "MOUSE_OVER", "Over", true); Misc.AddEvents(LanguagesButton.Fr, {Fonction:Sound.PlaySound, Arguments:["Interface", "OverButton"]}, "MOUSE_OVER", "Over", true); Misc.AddEvents(Achievement.Close, {Fonction:OpenAchievement, Arguments:[false]}, "MOUSE_DOWN"); ButtonPlay.ButtonPlay.buttonMode = (ButtonAchievement.buttonMode = (ButtonPlay.Difficulty.Easy.buttonMode = (ButtonPlay.Difficulty.Medium.buttonMode = (ButtonPlay.Difficulty.Hard.buttonMode = (ButtonPlay.Difficulty.Master.buttonMode = (LanguagesButton.Fr.buttonMode = (LanguagesButton.En.buttonMode = (Achievement.Close.buttonMode = true)))))))); (parent as MovieClip).Fondu.Action = LaunchGame; ButtonPlay.Difficulty.Master.visible = ((parent.parent as MovieClip).AchievementValid.length == 60); Misc.AddEvents(LogoOckam, {Fonction:(parent.parent as MovieClip).Web.GetURL, Arguments:"http://www.OckamRazor.com"}, "MOUSE_DOWN", "Down", true); Misc.AddEvents(LogoMusic, {Fonction:(parent.parent as MovieClip).Web.GetURL, Arguments:"http://www.8bc.org/members/Fameboy"}, "MOUSE_DOWN", "Down", true); LogoMusic.buttonMode = (LogoOckam.buttonMode = true); if ((parent.parent as MovieClip).ScoreMax > 0){ ScoreMax.Score.text = Misc.CharacterLoop((parent.parent as MovieClip).ScoreMax, 3, ".", "Fin"); ScoreMax.visible = true; } else { ScoreMax.visible = false; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < Achievement.Buttons.numChildren) { CalibrateAchievement(Achievement.Buttons.getChildAt(_local1), Misc.IndexOf((parent.parent as MovieClip).AchievementValid, Achievement.Buttons.getChildAt(_local1).name)); _local1++; }; DefineLanguage(); } public function LaunchGame():void{ Misc.RefreshAllEvents(); (parent as MovieClip).gotoAndStop("GAME"); } function frame1(){ Misc = new MiscTools(this); Sound = (parent.parent as MovieClip).Sound; This = this; Root = (parent.parent as MovieClip); AchievementColor_BackgroundOn = "D9C1A5"; AchievementColor_BackgroundOff = "805B3D"; AchievementColor_PictoOn = "977554"; AchievementColor_PictoOff = "654934"; LanguagesElements = [LogoMusic, ScoreMax.Best, ButtonPlay.ButtonPlay, ButtonPlay.Difficulty.Easy, ButtonPlay.Difficulty.Medium, ButtonPlay.Difficulty.Hard, ButtonPlay.Difficulty.Master, ButtonAchievement, Achievement.Background]; DefineGlobal(); } public function OpenAchievement(_arg1:Boolean):void{ Achievement.visible = _arg1; if (_arg1){ Sound.PlaySound("Interface", "DownButton"); }; Sound.PlaySound("Interface", (_arg1) ? "Open" : "Close"); } public function CalibrateDifficulty(_arg1:String, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number, _arg5:Number):void{ (parent as MovieClip).SceneWidth = _arg2; (parent as MovieClip).Difficulty = _arg1; (parent as MovieClip).SpeedEnnemy = _arg3; (parent as MovieClip).VaporisationInitial = _arg4; (parent as MovieClip).Traits = _arg5; (parent as MovieClip).Fondu.play(); Sound.PlaySound("Interface", "DownButton"); } public function OpenDifficulty(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ ButtonPlay.play(); Sound.PlaySound("Interface", "DownButton"); } } }//package bud_flaSection 77//Home_Achievement_69 (bud_fla.Home_Achievement_69) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import flash.media.*; import flash.text.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.net.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class Home_Achievement_69 extends MovieClip { public var Close:MovieClip; public var iAchievement; public var Achievements:Object; public var Background:MovieClip; public var Buttons:MovieClip; public var First:Boolean; public var iButton:int; public var Bubble:BitElement_BubbleAchievement; public function Home_Achievement_69(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ Achievements = {FinEtude:{Title:"FinEtude", TitleEn:"Endline", DescriptionEn:"Ten students lumberjacks destroyed in a play", TextEn:"Upon fifteen years old, the young Simienecs are sent to the lumberjack formation center to make them anti-nature warriors. They are first to be sent to the front, by the principe of “Ground Experience” like say the instructors.", TitleFr:"Fin d’étude", DescriptionFr:"Détruire dix apprentis bûcherons en une partie", TextFr:"Dés leur quinze ans, les jeunes Simienecs sont envoyés aux centres de formations des bûcherons pour en faire des guerriers anti-végétaux. Ce sont les premiers à être envoyés au front, c’est le principe “Expérience sur le terrain” comme disent leurs instructeurs."}, ChairCanon:{Title:"ChairCanon", TitleEn:"Cannon fodder", DescriptionEn:"Fifteen lumberjacks destroyed in a play", TextEn:"At the end of their study, the young become fully lumberjack. They join ranks of a big anti-nature strike army ready to fight around the globe.", TitleFr:"Chair à canon", DescriptionFr:"Détruire quinze bûcherons en une partie", TextFr:"À la fin de leurs études, les jeunes deviennent pleinement bûcherons. Ils rejoignent, alors, les rangs d’une grande armée de frappe anti-végétal prête à à se battre aux quatre coins du globe."}, CorpsProtection:{Title:"CorpsProtection", TitleEn:"Body protection", DescriptionEn:"Twelve big lumberjacks destroyed in a play", TextEn:"Some lumberjacks with a high corpulence serve to be a shield for the others. Their slow approach by their weight is offset by their strength and stamina. The lumberjacks called them fondly the “Tanks”.", TitleFr:"Corps de protection", DescriptionFr:"Détruire douze gros bûcherons en une partie", TextFr:"Certains bûcherons de corpulence élevée servent de bouclier pour les autres. Leur démarche lente à cause du poids est compensée par leur force et leur endurance. Les bûcherons les surnomment affectueusement les “Tanks”."}, MeneurFront:{Title:"MeneurFront", TitleEn:"Front leader", DescriptionEn:"Seven masters lumberjack destroyed in a play", TextEn:"The veterans lumberjacks with having experience of many battles and having accumulate in fight experience can become master for lumberjacks groups which they lead to the battles. They possess significants advantages like an individual berth, better pay and an axe with spikes highly sharpened.", TitleFr:"Meneur du front ", DescriptionFr:"Détruire sept maîtres bûcheron en une partie", TextFr:"Les bûcherons aguerris ayant connu de nombreuses batailles et accumulé de l’expérience aux combats se retrouve maîtres pour des groupes de bûcherons qu’ils mèneront aux combats. Ils possèdent des avantages non-négligeables tels qu’une couchette individuelle, un meilleur salaire et une hache à pointe particulièrement affutée."}, ManipulateurAssidue:{Title:"ManipulateurAssidue", TitleEn:"Assiduous user", DescriptionEn:"Twelve tech. chain saw destroyed in a play", TextEn:"The techno kinesists are automaticly promoted Tech. chain-saw without have to pass by lumberjack. Their power allow them to use complex weapons with hard mecanic. They have a equivalent rank of master lumberjacks. Their berths are differential to lumberjack to avoid class confrontations.", TitleFr:"Manipulateur assidue ", DescriptionFr:"Détruire douze tech. tronçonneuse en une partie", TextFr:"Les techno kinésistes sont automatiquement bombardés au poste de Tech. Tronçonneuse sans avoir à passer par les bûcherons. Leur pouvoir leur permettant de manipuler des armes complexes en matières de mécanique. Ils disposent d’un rang équivalent à celui des maîtres bûcherons. Leur dortoirs sont différenciés des bûcherons pour éviter les confrontations de classe."}, ManipulateurAvance:{Title:"ManipulateurAvance", TitleEn:"Advance user", DescriptionEn:"Fifteen tech. jig saw destroyed in a play", TextEn:"When a techno kinesist increases his power, he becomes able to use heavy machines with advanced procedure. He hasn’t advantages additives but his weapon gives him a best strike strength and stamina.", TitleFr:"Manipulateur avancé", DescriptionFr:"Détruire quinze tech. scie-sauteuse en une partie", TextFr:"Quand le pouvoir d’un techno kinésiste augmente, ce dernier devient capable de manipuler des machineries lourdes au fonctionnement avancé. Il ne dispose pas d’avantage supplémentaire mais l’arme mis à leur disposition leur fournit une force de frappe et de défense supérieure."}, CourteMultiplication:{Title:"CourteMultiplication", TitleEn:"Short multiply", DescriptionEn:"Seventy five dwarf lumberjacks destroyed in a play", TextEn:"The discovery of cloning technology allows massively conception of fight unities to Simienecs. However, organic material was more difficult to find than the metal. They decided, so, to use it to create dwarf unity, facilitating, by this way, the yields.", TitleFr:"Courte multiplication", DescriptionFr:"Détruire soixante quinze nains bûcherons en une partie", TextFr:"La découverte de la technologie du clônage permit aux Simienecs de procéder à la conception massive d’unités de frappe. Cependant, la matière première organique étant plus difficile à trouver que le métal, il fut décidé d’une conception axée sur des nains afin de faciliter les rendements."}, SoldatInstantane:{Title:"SoldatInstantane", TitleEn:"Instant soldier", DescriptionEn:"Twenty chrono lumberjacks destroyed in a play", TextEn:"The chronoportation technologie was, initially, a Simias invention. Like many other technological advance, it was stolen by the Simienecs during the exodus. Calibrated on a lumberjack body by an armor, this soldier can transfer his own body in space instantly. They are the first soldiers of Simienecs specials army.", TitleFr:"Soldat instantané", DescriptionFr:"Détruire vingts chrono bûcherons en une partie", TextFr:"La technologie de la chronoportation était, au départ, une invention des Simias. Comme un grand nombre d’autres avancées technologiques elle fut volée par les Simienecs lors de leur exode. Calibré sur le corps d’un bûcheron par le biais d’une armure, ce soldat peut transférer son corps dans l’espace en un instant. Ils sont les premiers soldats spéciaux de l’armée Simienecs."}, HommeSansAme:{Title:"HommeSansAme", TitleEn:"Soulless men", DescriptionEn:"Fifteen robot lumberjacks destroyed in a play", TextEn:"The PsyClip technology allows outcome searching, initialy belonging to the Simias, on artificial intelligence. Unwilling make doubloon on warriors, the Simienecs made them with an higly heavy structure, slow but solid and destructive.", TitleFr:"Homme sans âme", DescriptionFr:"Détruire quinze Robots bûcherons en une partie", TextFr:"La technologie PsyClip permit l’aboutissement des recherches, appartenant initialement aux Simias, concernant l’intelligence artificielle. Ne voulant pas créer de doublons sur les guerriers déjà existants, les Simienecs firent d’eux de lourdes structures extrêmement lentes mais solides et destructices."}, LameSansHomme:{Title:"LameSansHomme", TitleEn:"Menless sword”", DescriptionEn:"Twenty assassins destroyed in a play", TextEn:"The PsyClip technologie also allows non-artificial conscience transfert. The assassins was been creates after an important discovery. An attached conscience suits at 100% its object if this one is made by the old body of the conscience. The assassins are warriors for who who the conscience was transfered in a weapon build with their old body.", TitleFr:"Lame sans homme", DescriptionFr:"Détruire vingts assassins en une partie", TextFr:"Le PsyClip permettant, également, le transfert de conscience non-artificielle. Les assassins furent créés après la découverte du fait qu’une conscience s’adaptait à 100% à l’objet dans lequel elle était implantée si ce dernier était construit à partir de son ancien corps. Les assassins sont des guerriers dont la conscience est transférée dans une arme construite à partir de leur corps."}, TristeImitation:{Title:"TristeImitation", TitleEn:"Sad imitation", DescriptionEn:"Fifteen natures mixed destroyed in a play", TextEn:"Cloning technology allows, for the Simienecs, creating imitations of their prisoners : Parents of Nature Melenecs. The PsyPick, meanwhile, allows to control them. Sent against their own people, the natures mixed are fake Parents of Nature without will, using nature strength against herself.", TitleFr:"Triste imitation", DescriptionFr:"Détruire quinze natures croisées en une partie", TextFr:"La technologie du clônage permit aux Simienecs de créer des imitations de leurs prisonniers Parents de Nature Melenecs. Le PsyPick, quant à lui, leur permit de les contrôler. Envoyés contre leur propre peuple, les natures croisées sont de faux Parents de Nature dépourvus de volonté, utilisant les forces de la nature contre elles-mêmes."}, RayonJaune:{Title:"RayonJaune", TitleEn:"Yellow ray", DescriptionEn:"Twelve WoOD soldiers destroyed in a play", TextEn:"After fourty-nine years of endless war, the Simienecs have took the view it was time to finish. They have made the WoOD, a private group only composed by best soldiers and equiped by best technology. This group put end the war in just an hour : The Hour of Soar.", TitleFr:"Rayon jaune", DescriptionFr:"Détruire douze WoOD soldats en une partie", TextFr:"Après quarante-neuf années de guerre incessante, les Simienecs estimèrent qu’il était temps d’en finir. Ils créerent la WoOD, un groupe privé composé uniquement de leurs meilleurs soldats et équipés des meilleures technologies. Ce groupe mit fin à la guerre en une seule et unique heure : l’Heure de l’Envol."}, RayonRouge:{Title:"RayonRouge", TitleEn:"Red ray", DescriptionEn:"Seven WoOD centurios destroyed in a play", TextEn:"The obligation for being admit in the WoOD group was to possess a techno kinesist skill highly elevated. Each soldier of this group is equiped by an important technological stuff. Only a good technological manipulation can make them work, including the Light Sword.", TitleFr:"Rayon rouge", DescriptionFr:"Détruire sept WoOD sergents en une partie", TextFr:"Le mot d’ordre pour pouvoir être admis dans le groupe de la WoOD était de posséder une compétence de techno kinésie fortement élevée. Chaque soldat de ce groupe est équipé d’un attirail technologique important que seul une manipulation technologique suffisante peut faire fonctionner, notamment l’épée de lumière."}, RayonNoir:{Title:"RayonNoir", TitleEn:"Black ray", DescriptionEn:"Two WoOD legatus destroyed in a play", TextEn:"“WoOD” means “World of Only Down”. Called that way by the Simienecs related to their ennemies's trees. Their assembly phrase was : “Everything must fall”.", TitleFr:"Rayon noir", DescriptionFr:"Détruire deux WoOD lieutenants en une partie", TextFr:"“WoOD” signifie “World of Only Down”. Nom choisi par les Simienecs en rapport avec les arbres de leur ennemis. La phrase de rassemblement de ce groupe étant : “Tout doit tomber”."}, Extinction:{Title:"Extinction", TitleEn:"Extinction", DescriptionEn:"Fifteen ennemies destroy in less than ten seconds", TextEn:"Although Simias and Melenecs live yet as captives, the Simienecs are responsables for extinction of Menias race at the end of the Seiver War. The genocide has just took an hour and this people didn't defended itself.", TitleFr:"Extinction", DescriptionFr:"Détruire quinze ennemis en moins de dix secondes", TextFr:"Bien que des Simias et des Melenecs vivent encore à l’état de captifs, les Simienecs sont les responsables de l’extinction de la race des Menias à la fin de la Guerre de Seive. Le génocide ne dura qu’une heure et le peuple ne se défendit pas."}, Precognition:{Title:"Precognition", TitleEn:"Precognition", DescriptionEn:"Ennemy destroy during his chronoportation", TextEn:"The chrono tools using comes to a new stage by WoOD legatus use. This warriors propertied a such powerful techno kinesie skill that allows them to chronoport just their mind and, so, have the ability of precognition. because of that, they can chronoport before danger coming.", TitleFr:"Précognition", DescriptionFr:"Détruire un ennemi au moment de sa chronoportation", TextFr:"L’usage de l’outil chrono est arrivée à un nouveau stade par l’utilisation des WoOD lieutenant. Ces derniers possédant une capacité techno kinétique si puissante qu’ils sont capables de chronoporter uniquement leur esprit et, ainsi, de disposer de pouvoir de précognition. Grâce à cela, ils sont capables de se chronoporter avant l’arrivée du danger."}, TechnologiesRiches:{Title:"TechnologiesRiches", TitleEn:"Rich technology", DescriptionEn:"Four ennemis of differents class destroy by same shot", TextEn:"At their exodus, Simienecs took away with them a important number of captives Simias, and the Simias technology on the artificial intelligence. That’s allowed them making lightning progress in invention, like the NooCancel which enable them staying hide of Simias spiritual perception.", TitleFr:"Technologies riches", DescriptionFr:"Détruire quatre ennemis de classes différentes en un coup", TextFr:"Au moment de leur exode les Simienecs emportèrent avec eux un nombre important de Simias captifs ainsi que la technologie des Simias sur l’intelligence artificielle. Cela leur permit de faire des progrés fulgurants en matière d’invention, notamment le NooCancel qui leur permit de rester cachés de la perception spirituelle des Simias."}, Deploiement:{Title:"Deploiement", TitleEn:"Deployment", DescriptionEn:"Hundred bud grow during a same play", TextEn:"The naturals energies aren’t that easy to find. They moves in into the plants, but the ground don’t has them. However, a being able to handle naturals energies can make growing trees on a arid land.", TitleFr:"Déploiement", DescriptionFr:"Faire pousser 100 arbres durant une partie", TextFr:"Les énergies naturelles ne sont pas aussi simples à trouver. Elles circulent en grand nombre dans les végétaux mais la terre n’en contient pas. Cependant, un être capable de manipuler les énergies naturelles peut provoquer la pousse d’arbre sur une terre aride."}, Etendu:{Title:"Etendu", TitleEn:"Extended", DescriptionEn:"Five Hundred bud grow during a same play", TextEn:"By all its Parents of Nature, the Gihh city has been build, you should have seen it at its apogee times. More of thounsand trees linked between them by branchs and roots which formed roads, bridges and tunnels. All of that without nicked any tree. The architecture was totally natural.", TitleFr:"Etendu", DescriptionFr:"Faire pousser cinq cens arbres durant une partie", TextFr:"C’est grâce à tous ses Parents de Nature que la cité de Gihh a pu être construite, il fallait la voir à l’époque de son apogée. Plusieurs milliers d’arbres reliés entre eux par les branches et les racines qui formaient des chemins, des ponts et des tunnels. Et tout cela sans qu’un arbre ne fût ne serait-ce qu’entaillé. L’architecture était entièrement naturelle."}, Fulgurance:{Title:"Fulgurance", TitleEn:"Overpower", DescriptionEn:"A bud become a tree or more in less than a second", TextEn:"During Seiver War, Parents of Nature had to go to the obvious : their power had to be used to fight the ennemy. Certainly, they have no weapons for drill or cut but they are able to making trees growing up at astounding speed, they use them for blocking, crush or surround the ennemies hords. They has fighted destruction by creation.", TitleFr:"Fulgurance", DescriptionFr:"Faire passer un bourgeon à l’état d’arbre en moins d’une seconde", TextFr:"Durant la Guerre de Seive, les Parents de Nature durent se rendre à l’évidence : leur pouvoir devraient servir à combattre l'ennemi. Certes, ils n’avaient aucune arme pour trancher ou couper mais ils étaient capable de faire pousser des arbres à des vitesses ahurissantes pour bloquer, écraser, ou entourer les hordes ennemies. Ils combattaient la destruction par la création."}, PremiereLigne:{Title:"PremiereLigne", TitleEn:"First Line", DescriptionEn:"Student lumberjack and lumberjack destroy by same shot", TextEn:"During the Dusk Emerald, the firsts to go into the battle were the lumberjacks, experiment or not. Even weak, they deal a lot of damages against the ennemies who has never fighted before in their life. Gihh was destroy, in a big part, because of them.", TitleFr:"Première ligne", DescriptionFr:"Détruire un apprenti bucheron et un bucheron en un coup", TextFr:"Durant le Crépuscule Emeraude, les premiers à se jeter dans la bataille furent les bûcherons, expérimentés ou non. Bien que faibles, ils causèrent de nombreux dommages face à des ennemis qui n’avaient jamais combattu de leur vie. Gihh fut balayée en grande partie grâce à eux."}, TechnoKinesie:{Title:"TechnoKinesie", TitleEn:"Techno kinésie", DescriptionEn:"Tech. chain saw and tech. jig saw destroy by same shot", TextEn:"Techno kinesie is capacity to manage the technology energies for act on objects made by artificials process, and animated in part with electricity. Since this discovering, Simienecs hasn’t necessity to search engine source, soldiers become the own motor of their weapon. ", TitleFr:"Techno kinésie", DescriptionFr:"Détruire un Tech. tronçonneuse et un Tech. scie-sauteuse en un coup", TextFr:"La techno kinésie est la capacité à manipuler les énergies technologiques afin de manipuler les objets créés par des procédures artificielles et animées en partie par l’électricité. Depuis cette découverte, les Simienecs n’ont plus nécessité de chercher des sources moteurs, les soldats devenaient les moteurs de leurs armes."}, PsyClip:{Title:"PsyClip", TitleEn:"PsyClip", DescriptionEn:"Robot lumberjack and assassin destroy by same shot", TextEn:"The PsyClip is a technological process which allow to apply a human or artificial conscience on an object or another body. It can animate objects or strengthens their power.", TitleFr:"PsyClip", DescriptionFr:"Détruire un Assassin et un Robot Bucheron en un coup", TextFr:"Le PsyClip est un procédé technologique permettant l’application d’une conscience humaine ou artificielle sur un objet ou un autre corps. Elle peut rendre animés des objets ou en renforcer leur puissance."}, EpeeLumiere:{Title:"EpeeLumiere", TitleEn:"Light sword", DescriptionEn:"Two WoOD warrior from different class destroy by same shot", TextEn:"The Light sword is the predilection weapon of WoOD soldiers. It has the particularity to act like an ambiant heat intensifier until plasma ray creation. Its second benefit is about its adaptability, it calibrates to the techno kinesist power of its user : yellow is weak, red is powerfull, black is deadly.", TitleFr:"Epée de lumière", DescriptionFr:"Détruire deux combattants WoOD de classes différentes en un coup", TextFr:"L’épée de lumière est l’arme de prédilection des soldats de la WoOD. Elle possède la particularité d’agir comme un intensificateur de la chaleur ambiante jusqu’à la création d’un rayon de plasma. Son second intérêt est qu’elle s’adapte à la puissance techno kinésique de son utilisateur : jaune est faible, rouge est puissant, noir est mortel."}, ParentsNature:{Title:"ParentsNature", TitleEn:"Parents of Nature", DescriptionEn:"Score of 10.000", TextEn:"The principle of Parents of Nature has been discovered in -600 before Gihh. It is the principle of natura kinesie that some Melenecs could use to act on the natural energies and, so, manipulate tree, plants and ground. Firsts of them were called Mother/Father Nature. Then, ranks have been divided and appear Son Nature, Former Nature, and so on.", TitleFr:"Parents de Nature", DescriptionFr:"Faire un Score de 10.000", TextFr:"Le principe des Parents de Nature fut découvert en -600 av. Gihh. Il s’agissait du principe de natura kinésie que certains Melenecs pouvaient utiliser pour agir sur les énergies de la nature et, ainsi, agir sur les arbres, les plantes et la terre. Les premiers d’entre eux étaient les Pére/Mére Nature. Puis les rangs se divisèrent et apparurent les Fils Nature, Ancien Nature, etc."}, Etherisme:{Title:"Etherisme", TitleEn:"Aetherism", DescriptionEn:"Score of 50.000", TextEn:"The principle of aetherism was discovering in -500 before Gihh by Simias with the Melenecs help. The aetherists were talented Simias in spirita kinesie, the ability to manipulate spiritual energies which allows them the thought communication, mind transfert or artificials consciences conception.", TitleFr:"Etherisme", DescriptionFr:"Faire un Score de 50.000", TextFr:"Le principe de l’etherisme fut découvert en -500 av. Gihh par les Simias et avec l’aide des Melenecs. Les étheristes étant des Simias capables de spirita kinésie à savoir la manipulation des énergies de l’esprit permettant de communiquer par la pensée, transférer son esprit ou concevoir des consciences artificielles."}, SecretResurection:{Title:"SecretResurection", TitleEn:"Resurrection secret", DescriptionEn:"Score of 100.000", TextEn:"The resurection that we searched was easy for Simias but only applicable to their mind. They weren’t able to make reborn their carnal envelope. Then, they have seen that the Melenecs could do the opposite, get envelope back. For totaly reborn, we had to merge.", TitleFr:"Le secret de la résurrection", DescriptionFr:"Faire un Score de 100.000", TextFr:"La résurrection que nous recherchions étaient facile pour les Simias mais applicable qu’à leur esprit. Ils étaient incapables de faire renaître leur enveloppe charnelle. C’est alors qu’ils s’aperçurent que les Melenecs étaient capables du contraire, faire revenir l’enveloppe. Pour que nous puissions renaître totalement, il nous fallait fusionner."}, AubeLiens:{Title:"AubeLiens", TitleEn:"Links Dawn", DescriptionEn:"Score of 1.000.000", TextEn:"It was face to a magnificient sunrise, dispersing orange on the two Vita moons, that Melenecs and Simias merged to make born to a new race : the Menias. From two energies, they has capacity to act both on nature and spirit and can, so, do their own perfect resurection.", TitleFr:"L’Aube des Liens", DescriptionFr:"Faire un Score de 1.000.000", TextFr:"Ce fut face à un magnifique levé de soleil irradiant d’orange la surface des deux lunes de Vita que le peuple Melenecs et Simias fusionna pour donner naissance à un nouveau peuple : les Menias. Issus des deux énergies, ils étaient dotés de la capacité d’agir à la fois sur la nature et l’esprit et étaient, ainsi, capables de prévoir leur propre et parfaite résurrection."}, Pacifiste:{Title:"Pacifiste", TitleEn:"Pacifist", DescriptionEn:"Rain, Hydratation and Density in total evolution in a same play", TextEn:"Before the Simienecs cause the war, the Melenecs and Simias was pacifists, more than of that, they hadn't never thinked about the idea to fight. In a vivor world where energies are sufficient to live, against who are we have to defend ? Who will we hunt ?", TitleFr:"Pacifiste", DescriptionFr:"Evoluer entiérement sa Pluie, son Hydratation et sa Densité durant une même partie", TextFr:"Avant que les Simienecs ne provoquent la guerre, le peuple des Melenecs et Simias étaient pacifiques, bien plus encore, ils n’avaient jamais songé une seule seconde à la possibilité de se battre. Dans un monde de vivor où seules les énergies suffisent pour vivre, de qui aurait-on besoin de se défendre ? Qui aurait-on chassé ?"}, Guerrier:{Title:"Guerrier", TitleEn:"Warrior", DescriptionEn:"Electricity, Volt and Radius in total evolution in a same play", TextEn:"Unfortunately vivors have particularity to become combative when a danger watch their energies sources. The Melenecs, themselves, wanted to kill the young people Simienecs during first birth. The Simias wisdom didn’t let them do. That’s one of the point pushing them to the exodus twenty years later.", TitleFr:"Guerrier", DescriptionFr:"Evoluer entiérement son Electricité, Volt et Rayon durant une même partie", TextFr:"Malheureusement les êtres vivors ont la particularité de devenir combatifs quand un danger guette leurs sources d’énergies. Les Melenecs, eux-mêmes, avaient voulu faire mourir le jeune peuple Simienecs lors des premières naissances si la sagesse des Simias n’avait pas été présente. C’est d’ailleurs ce qui les poussa à l’exode vingt années plus tard."}, Neutral:{Title:"Neutral", TitleEn:"Neutral", DescriptionEn:"Wind, Pressure and Vaporisation in total evolution in a same play", TextEn:"If Simias hadn't been between two fire and forced, that way, to choose their camp, they could have be out of the conflict. They’re way too wise for think that violence is appropriate solution in a conflict. However, the Simienecs hadn't gave them choice.", TitleFr:"Neutre", DescriptionFr:"Evoluer entiérement son Vent, sa Pression et son Vaporisation durant une même partie", TextFr:"Si les Simias ne s’étaient pas retrouvés entre les deux feux et forcés, à ce titre, de choisir leur camp, ils auraient pu se dédouaner du conflit. Ils sont bien trop sages pour penser que la violence est une solution appropriés dans un conflit. Cependant, les Simienecs ne leur ont guère laissé le choix."}, DonneurVie:{Title:"DonneurVie", TitleEn:"Life giver", DescriptionEn:"Pressure, Hydratation and Density in total evolution in a same play", TextEn:"Parents of Nature most talented and experimented were called God Nature. They were capable to accomplish miracles, until grew trees without water or ground.", TitleFr:"Donneur de vie", DescriptionFr:"Evoluer entiérement sa Pression, son Hydratation et sa Densité durant une même partie", TextFr:"Les Parents de Nature les plus doués et expérimentés étaient nommés les Dieux Nature. Ces personnes étaient capables d’accomplir des miracles, jusqu’à être capables de faire pousser des arbres sans eau ni terre."}, DonneurMort:{Title:"DonneurMort", TitleEn:"Death giver", DescriptionEn:"Wind, Electricity and Volt in total evolution in a same play", TextEn:"The assassins possess a specials ranks into the Simienecs army. More skilled but in less number, they are fears and respected by troops. Most of them got a detached attitude during battle, knowing themselves death carrier.", TitleFr:"Donneur de mort", DescriptionFr:"Evoluer entiérement son Vent, son Electricité et ses Volts durant une même partie", TextFr:"Les assassins possédaient des rangs spéciaux au sein de l’armée des Simienecs. Plus doués mais aussi en moins grands nombres, ils étaient craints et respectés des troupes. La plupart d’entre eux avaient tendance à prendre un air détaché dans la bataille, se sachant des porteurs de mort."}, Equilibre:{Title:"Equilibre", TitleEn:"Balance", DescriptionEn:"Each skill evolve to five during a same play", TextEn:"What was making friendship between melenecs and Simias so strong was this two peoples complete themselves perfectly. One side, the Melenecs, were in nature contact, material and present, other side, the Simias, were linked to reflection, spirit and futur.", TitleFr:"Equilibre", DescriptionFr:"Evoluer chaque capacité à cinq durant une même partie", TextFr:"Ce qui rendait l’amitié des Melenecs et des Simias si grandes, c’est que ces deux peuples se complétaient parfaitement. D’un côté, les Melenecs étaient en contact avec la nature, la matière et le présent, de l’autre, les Simias, étaient reliés à la réflexion, l’esprit et le futur."}, ForteMeteo:{Title:"ForteMeteo", TitleEn:"Heavy weather", DescriptionEn:"Rain in total evolution", TextEn:"During cold seasons, long rains could happens. Melenecs have took benefits and have stocked water in order to hydrate trees during hot seasons and offer them better days.", TitleFr:"Forte météo", DescriptionFr:"Evoluer entiérement sa Pluie", TextFr:"Lors des périodes froides, de longues pluies pouvaient survenir. Les Melenecs en profitaient pour stocker l’eau afin d’hydrater les arbres pendant les périodes chaudes et, ainsi, leur permettre des jours plus agréable."}, EpaisEngrais:{Title:"EpaisEngrais", TitleEn:"Thick fertilizer", DescriptionEn:"Hydratation in total evolution", TextEn:"Despite some Simias proposals for possibles researchs, Malenecs never have used fertilizer for their trees. They prefer use naturals energies for their growing which permits a no-corruption of forests soul.", TitleFr:"Epais engrais", DescriptionFr:"Evoluer entiérement son Hydratation", TextFr:"Malgré quelques propositions des Simias sur des recherches possibles, les Melenecs n’eurent jamais recours aux engrais pour leurs arbres. Ils préféraient user des énergies naturelles pour les croissances ce qui assurait une non corruption de l’âme des forêts."}, CascadeViolente:{Title:"CascadeViolente", TitleEn:"Violent cascade", DescriptionEn:"Density in total evolution", TextEn:"During war, a Melenecs group has opposed a fierce resistance. Positionned behind a cascade, they forced the Simienecs to attack them only with the simples lumberjack. The other soldiers used machines using, in part, with electricity.", TitleFr:"Cascade violente", DescriptionFr:"Evoluer entiérement sa Densité", TextFr:"Pendant la guerre, un groupe de Melenecs opposa une résistance farouche. Retranché derrière une cascade, ils ont forcé les Simienecs à ne pouvoir les attaquer que par les bucherons simples. Les autres manipulant des machines fonctionnant en parti grâce à l’électricité."}, FoudreGuerre:{Title:"FoudreGuerre", TitleEn:"Lightning war", DescriptionEn:"Electricity in total evolution", TextEn:"The lumberjacks, soldiers and other Simienecs warriors were all equiped with a NooCancel chip to avoid the Simias mental control. The only way to fight for the Simias was to use spiritual energies for act on air particles, making cloud charged of electricity above the ennemies.", TitleFr:"Foudre de guerre", DescriptionFr:"Evoluer entiérement son Electricité", TextFr:"Les bûcherons, soldats et autres combattants Simienecs étaient tous équipés d’une puce NooCancel pour empêcher la prise de contrôle mental par les Simias. Le seul moyen de combattre auquel eurent recours les Simias furent, ainsi, d’utiliser les énergies spirituelles pour agir sur les particules d’air, créant des amas de nuages chargés en électricité au-dessus des ennemis."}, EtincelleMortelle:{Title:"EtincelleMortelle", TitleEn:"Mortal spark", DescriptionEn:"Volt in total evolution", TextEn:"Among the Simias, some aetherists, spirit energies manipulator, has became so powerfull in art of fight that they could act by their own electromagnetism and launched thunder themselves. The simias always were been talented to learn, in peace like in war.", TitleFr:"Etincelle mortelle", DescriptionFr:"Evoluer entiérement ses Volt", TextFr:"Parmi les Simias, certains ethéristes, manipulateurs des énergies de l’esprit, étaient devenus si puissants dans l’art de se battre qu’ils pouvaient agir sur leur propre électromagnétisme et lancer eux-mêmes des éclairs. Les Simias ont toujours été doués pour apprendre, dans la paix comme la guerre."}, PanoramaAbsolu:{Title:"PanoramaAbsolu", TitleEn:"Absolute panorama", DescriptionEn:"Radius in total evolution", TextEn:"When you manage spiritual energies like Simias aetherists do, it isn’t difficult to get a global world view. Capables to project their mind into the Noosphere, this mass of knowledge englobing the planet, most gifted could see each life form on VIta. Part of exception on blocked land by the NooCancel.", TitleFr:"Panorama absolu", DescriptionFr:"Evoluer entiérement son Rayon", TextFr:"Quand on manipule les énergies de l’esprit comme le font les ethéristes Simias, il n’est pas difficile d’avoir une vue d’ensemble sur le monde. Capables de projeter leur esprit dans la Noosphere, cette masse de connaissances qui entoure la planète, les plus doués pouvaient percevoir chaque êtres vivants sur VIta. Exception faites des lieux bloqués par les NooCancel."}, NuageSonique:{Title:"NuageSonique", TitleEn:"Sonic cloud", DescriptionEn:"Wind in total evolution", TextEn:"At half of war, the Simienecs found how counter Simias storms attacks by using gigantic ventilators of several kilometers. The power of their wind pushed the clouds outside the battlefield.", TitleFr:"Nuage sonique", DescriptionFr:"Evoluer entiérement son Vent", TextFr:"Vers le milieu de la guerre, les Simienecs purent contrecarrer les attaques d’orage des Simias grâce à l’utilisation de gigantesques ventilateurs de plusieurs kilomètres. La puissance dégagée par le vent soufflait les nuages chargés hors du champ de bataille."}, EcrasementImposant:{Title:"EcrasementImposant", TitleEn:"Imposing crusher", DescriptionEn:"Pressure in total evolution", TextEn:"Some robots lumberjacks sent on the battlefield during the Seiver War had a gravitational oppressor made to strengthen attraction. Being, themselves, very slows, it wasn’t change for them but that’s allow to slow down the proximity ennemies.", TitleFr:"Ecrasement imposant", DescriptionFr:"Evoluer entiérement sa Pression", TextFr:"Certains robots bûcherons envoyés sur les champs de bataille lors de la Guerre de Seive possédaient des oppresseurs gravitationnels prévus pour renforcer la force d’attraction. Étant, eux-même, très lents, cela ne changeait que peu de choses mais cela permettait de ralentir les ennemis à proximité."}, VapeurExponentielle:{Title:"VapeurExponentielle", TitleEn:"Exponential steam", DescriptionEn:"Vaporisation in total evolution", TextEn:"One of the Simienecs new technological tried for win the war was a big fog diffusion vent. It was a failure. The Melenecs and Simias could use their energy to guide themselves in blind in the mist.", TitleFr:"Vapeur exponentielle", DescriptionFr:"Evoluer entiérement sa Vaporisation", TextFr:"Parmi les tentatives d’utiliser de nouvelles technologies pour gagner la guerre, les Simienecs conçurent de grandes bouches de diffusion de brouillards. Ce fut un échec dans son utilisation. Les Melenecs et Simias pouvaient utiliser les énergies pour se guider en aveugle dans la brume."}, Espoir:{Title:"Espoir", TitleEn:"Hope", DescriptionEn:"Grow a bud", TextEn:"Buds are the perfect incarnation of future. Fragiles and uncertain but with infinite potential.", TitleFr:"Espoir", DescriptionFr:"Faire pousser un bourgeon", TextFr:"Les bourgeons sont la parfaite incarnation du futur. Fragiles et incertains mais possédant un potentiel infini."}, Recherche:{Title:"Recherche", TitleEn:"Search", DescriptionEn:"Grow a grows", TextEn:"By testing roads, you find your way. A ridicule grows can be an opening way bigger than hectares of virgin soil.", TitleFr:"Recherche", DescriptionFr:"Faire pousser une pousse", TextFr:"C’est en testant les chemins que l’on trouve la voie. Une pousse ridicule peut s’avérer une ouverture plus grande que des hectares de terres vierges."}, Envie:{Title:"Envie", TitleEn:"Envy", DescriptionEn:"Grow a plant", TextEn:"Understand his actions range transforms working into pleasure. Know a plants it's know its become.", TitleFr:"Envie", DescriptionFr:"Faire pousser une plante", TextFr:"La compréhension de la portée de ses actes transforme le travail en plaisir. Comprendre une plante c’est comprendre son devenir."}, Volonte:{Title:"Volonte", TitleEn:"Will", DescriptionEn:"Grow a high plant", TextEn:"Hold against tumults is mark of builders. During battle, highs plants don’t fall because it haven’t intend to fail.", TitleFr:"Volonté", DescriptionFr:"Faire pousser une haute plante", TextFr:"Tenir malgré les tumultes est la marque des bâtisseurs. Si les hautes plantes ne tombent pas durant la bataille c’est qu’elles n’ont pas l’intention de flancher."}, Continuite:{Title:"Continuite", TitleEn:"Continuity", DescriptionEn:"Grow a shrub", TextEn:"Hold when you see the summit is a things, hold when you don't see anything is another. The nature isn’t majestic because she targets a goal, but that’s because she continues her way.", TitleFr:"Continuité", DescriptionFr:"Faire pousser un arbuste", TextFr:"Tenir quand on voit le sommet est une chose, tenir quand on ne voit rien en est une autre. La nature n’est pas majestueuse parce qu’elle vise un but mais parce qu’elle poursuit son chemin."}, Insistance:{Title:"Insistance", TitleEn:"Insistence", DescriptionEn:"Grow a small tree", TextEn:"Losing is stop insist. Small trees are dedicated to a bigger futur because they refuse to understand difficulties.", TitleFr:"Insistance", DescriptionFr:"Faire pousser un petit arbre", TextFr:"L’échec, c’est de cesser d’insister. Les petits arbres sont voués à un avenir plus grand car ils refusent d’en comprendre les difficultés."}, Exigence:{Title:"Exigence", TitleEn:"Exigency", DescriptionEn:"Grow a tree", TextEn:"Search the best is a devious way to pursue his purpose. Only cutted trees don’t want be bigger.", TitleFr:"Exigence", DescriptionFr:"Faire pousser un arbre", TextFr:"Vouloir le meilleur est une façon détournée de poursuivre son but. Seuls les arbres coupés ne visent pas plus grand."}, Culot:{Title:"Culot", TitleEn:"Cheek", DescriptionEn:"Grow a big tree", TextEn:"Surprise makes the victory greater. A big tree already is the way to show to Simienecs that Nature isn’t afraid of them.", TitleFr:"Culot", DescriptionFr:"Faire pousser un grand arbre", TextFr:"C’est quand elle est étonnante que la victoire est la plus belle. Un grand arbre est déjà le moyen de montrer aux Simienecs que la nature n’a pas peur d’eux."}, Panache:{Title:"Panache", TitleEn:"Panache", DescriptionEn:"Grow a huge tree", TextEn:"Face to ridicules assailants using artifice, the natural replica uses the prestige. A war, if you have to lose it, let a bitter taste to your ennemies.", TitleFr:"Panache", DescriptionFr:"Faire pousser un arbre immense", TextFr:"Face à de ridicules assaillants usant d’artifices, la réplique naturelle doit user de prestige. Si une guerre doit se perdre, autant qu’elle laisse un goût amer à son ennemi."}, Sagesse:{Title:"Sagesse", TitleEn:"Wisdom", DescriptionEn:"Grow a ancestral tree", TextEn:"Trees like people have lived ages and evolutions. Before being all destroyed, the planet which was mine harbored gigantic forests with trees of more than thousand years.", TitleFr:"Sagesse", DescriptionFr:"Faire pousser un arbre ancestral", TextFr:"Les arbres comme les peuples ont vécu les âges et les évolutions. Avant de n’être tous détruits, la planète qui était la mienne recelait de gigantesques forêts dont la plupart des arbres avaient plusieurs milliers d’années."}, Histoire:{Title:"Histoire", TitleEn:"History", DescriptionEn:"Grow a Gihh tree", TextEn:"There has it seventy-five years, Melenecs people lived in communion with nature, feeding its energy. Thanks to Parents of Nature, they built the biggest city never erected on this planet, fully made with intermingled trees. This town was called Gihh.", TitleFr:"Histoire", DescriptionFr:"Faire pousser un arbre de Gihh", TextFr:"Il y a de cela cent soixante-quinze ans, le peuple Melenecs vivait en communion avec la nature, se nourrissant de son énergie pour vivre. Grâce aux Parents de Nature, ils construisirent la plus grande ville jamais érigée sur cette planète, entièrement à l’aide d’arbres enchevêtrés. Cette ville se nommait Gihh."}, Connaissance:{Title:"Connaissance", TitleEn:"Knowledge", DescriptionEn:"Grow a Gyumo tree", TextEn:"At center of Gihh, on a hill, used to be the Gyumo tree, a big tree with a conscience. He used to be, yore, one of the most powerful Parents of Nature. He succeed the feat to transform himself into a tree and became the Melenecs guide during next years.", TitleFr:"Connaissance", DescriptionFr:"Faire pousser un arbre de Gyumo", TextFr:"Au centre de Gihh, sur une colline, se trouvait l’arbre Gyumo, un grand arbre doté de conscience. Il était, autrefois, l’un des plus puissants des Parents de Nature. Il réussit l’exploit de se transformer lui-même en arbre et servit de guide au peuple Melenecs pendant les années qui suivirent."}, Foi:{Title:"Foi", TitleEn:"Faith", DescriptionEn:"Grow a Divine tree", TextEn:"During Seiver War, the Melenecs have telling a legend to their kids to reassur them. This legend was that of Divine Tree, a tree which the top has mounted until paradise. It was by where the Melenecs will go down after thier death and the war end in the intention to resurrect and living peacefully again.", TitleFr:"Foi", DescriptionFr:"Faire pousser un arbre Divin", TextFr:"Durant la Guerre de Seive, les Melenecs racontaient une légende à leurs enfants pour les rassurer. Cette légende était celle de l’Arbre Divin, un arbre dont la cime monterait jusqu’au Paradis et par lequel les Melenecs redescendraient après leur mort et la fin de la guerre pour ressusciter et vivre de nouveau en paix."}, GuerreSeive:{Title:"GuerreSeive", TitleEn:"Seiver War", DescriptionEn:"Playing of more than fifteen minutes", TextEn:"This war is the result of fear from two people with opposed energies : the Melenecs with nature energies, against the Simienecs with technological energies. This war has took fifty years and held in the huge city of Gihh. The Simias, collaterals damages from start of this war, rallied Melenecs at the start of conflict.", TitleFr:"Guerre de Seive", DescriptionFr:"Faire une partie de plus de quinze minutes", TextFr:"Cette guerre est le résultat de la peur des deux peuples aux énergies opposés : Les Melenecs et les énergies de la nature contre les Simienecs et les énergies de la technologie. Cette guerre dura cinquante ans et se déroula entièrement dans l’immense ville de Gihh. Les Simias, dommages collatéraux du début de la guerre, se raliérent aux Melenecs dés les débuts du conflit."}, TrancheurAge:{Title:"TrancheurAge", TitleEn:"Age Slicer", DescriptionEn:"Assassin destroyed before he hits a Gyumo tree", TextEn:"The assassins were redoubtables warriors, in strength and agility like fight strategy and their skill to melt in their own weapon made them really hard to kill. During a battle, one of them has found a path until Gihh center and has killed, in one shot, the Gyumo tree. This assassin was called “Age Slicer” by the Simienecs.", TitleFr:"Trancheur de l’âge", DescriptionFr:"Détruire un Assassin avant qu’il ne frappe un arbre Gyumo", TextFr:"Les assassins étaient de redoutables guerriers, tant en matière de force et d’agilité que de stratégie des combats et leur capacité à se fondre dans leur propre arme les rendait très difficiles à abattre. Au cours d’une bataille, l’un d’eux parvint à se frayer un chemin jusqu’au centre de Gihh et tua, d’un seul coup, l’arbre Gyumo. Cet assassin fut surnommé le “Trancheur de l’âge” par les Simienecs."}, CrepusculeEmeraude:{Title:"CrepusculeEmeraude", TitleEn:"Dusk Emerald", DescriptionEn:"Twelve ennemies chronoports during less than twenty seconds", TextEn:"During more than twenty years, the Simienecs, in the city of Vett and hide by the NooCancel, have prepared the assault. After have made a big army, they have sent troops in Gihh and, taking advantage of the help made by the Simias, they have sent the rest of them into Hoss, the Simias capital. This night, Hoss has been destroyed.", TitleFr:"Crépuscule Emeraude", DescriptionFr:"Douze ennemis chronoportés en moins de vingt secondes", TextFr:"Pendant plus d’une vingtaine années, les Simienecs retranchés dans la ville de Vett et cachés par le NooCancel préparèrent l’assault. Après avoir monté une grande armés, ils envoyèrent leurs troupes dans Gihh et, profitant de l’aide apportée par les Simias, ils lancèrent le reste sur Hoss, la capitale des Simias. Cette nuit Hoss fut détruite."}, HeureEnvol:{Title:"HeureEnvol", TitleEn:"Hour of Soar", DescriptionEn:"Fifty vegetals destroys during less than twenty seconds", TextEn:"After Menias birth, they could prepared their resurection plan, the way that things happen beyond their death. Then, decided, serene, they meet their last assailants, WoOD warriors. In an hour, they were completly destroyed, them and all the rest of Gihh. But they knew that was temporary.", TitleFr:"Heure de l’Envol", DescriptionFr:"Se faire détruire cinquante végétaux en moins de vingt secondes", TextFr:"Après que les Menias virent le jour, ils purent se préparer au plan de résurrection, à la façon dont les choses allaient se passer par delà leur mort. Puis, décidés, sereins, ils firent face aux derniers assaillant, les guerriers de la WoOD. En une heure ils furent entièrement détruits, eux et tout ce qu’il restait de Gihh. Mais ils savaient que ce n’était que temporaire."}}; Bubble.Elements = new Array(); for (iAchievement in Achievements) { Bubble.Elements.push({target:Buttons[iAchievement], description:Achievements[iAchievement].Title}); }; iButton = 0; while (iButton < Buttons.numChildren) { Buttons.getChildAt(iButton).addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, ButtonOver); iButton++; }; First = true; } public function ButtonOver(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:*; _local2 = _arg1.currentTarget; Bubble.Background.gotoAndStop((_local2.Active) ? "On" : "Off"); Bubble.Text.visible = _local2.Active; Bubble.BubbleText.visible = false; Bubble.Text.height = 100; Bubble.Title.text = Achievements[_local2.name][("Title" + (parent.parent.parent as MovieClip).Language)]; Bubble.TitleShort.text = Achievements[_local2.name][("Title" + (parent.parent.parent as MovieClip).Language)]; Bubble.Description.text = Achievements[_local2.name][("Description" + (parent.parent.parent as MovieClip).Language)]; Bubble.Text.text = Achievements[_local2.name][("Text" + (parent.parent.parent as MovieClip).Language)]; Bubble.Picto.gotoAndStop(_local2.name); if (Bubble.Title.text.split("").length > 15){ Bubble.Title.visible = false; Bubble.TitleShort.visible = true; } else { Bubble.Title.visible = true; Bubble.TitleShort.visible = false; }; Bubble.Text.height = (Bubble.Text.visible) ? (Bubble.Text.textHeight + 5) : 1; (parent as MovieClip).Sound.PlaySound("Interface", "OverAchievement"); } } }//package bud_flaSection 78//Home_Achievement_Background_70 (bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Background_70) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Home_Achievement_Background_70 extends MovieClip { public function Home_Achievement_Background_70(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 79//Home_Achievement_Button_72 (bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Button_72) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Home_Achievement_Button_72 extends MovieClip { public var Background:MovieClip; public var Picto:MovieClip; public function Home_Achievement_Button_72(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ Picto.gotoAndStop(name); } } }//package bud_flaSection 80//Home_AchievementButton_63 (bud_fla.Home_AchievementButton_63) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Home_AchievementButton_63 extends MovieClip { public function Home_AchievementButton_63(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 81//Home_Background_Clouds_39 (bud_fla.Home_Background_Clouds_39) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Home_Background_Clouds_39 extends MovieClip { public var First:Boolean; public function Home_Background_Clouds_39(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ if (!First){ First = true; gotoAndPlay(Math.ceil((Math.random() * totalFrames))); }; } } }//package bud_flaSection 82//Home_Languages_66 (bud_fla.Home_Languages_66) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Home_Languages_66 extends MovieClip { public var Fr:MovieClip; public var En:MovieClip; } }//package bud_flaSection 83//Home_LogoMusic_43 (bud_fla.Home_LogoMusic_43) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Home_LogoMusic_43 extends MovieClip { public function Home_LogoMusic_43(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 84//Home_Play_46 (bud_fla.Home_Play_46) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Home_Play_46 extends MovieClip { public var ButtonPlay:MovieClip; public var Difficulty:MovieClip; public function Home_Play_46(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 12, frame13); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame13(){ stop(); Difficulty.play(); ButtonPlay.visible = false; Difficulty.visible = true; } } }//package bud_flaSection 85//Home_Play_Difficulty_47 (bud_fla.Home_Play_Difficulty_47) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Home_Play_Difficulty_47 extends MovieClip { public var Hard:MovieClip; public var Easy:MovieClip; public var Master:MovieClip; public var Medium:MovieClip; public function Home_Play_Difficulty_47(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 9, frame10); } function frame10(){ stop(); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 86//Home_Play_Difficulty_Easy_57 (bud_fla.Home_Play_Difficulty_Easy_57) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Home_Play_Difficulty_Easy_57 extends MovieClip { public function Home_Play_Difficulty_Easy_57(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 87//Home_Play_Difficulty_Hard_51 (bud_fla.Home_Play_Difficulty_Hard_51) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Home_Play_Difficulty_Hard_51 extends MovieClip { public function Home_Play_Difficulty_Hard_51(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 88//Home_Play_Difficulty_Master_48 (bud_fla.Home_Play_Difficulty_Master_48) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Home_Play_Difficulty_Master_48 extends MovieClip { public function Home_Play_Difficulty_Master_48(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 89//Home_Play_Difficulty_Medium_54 (bud_fla.Home_Play_Difficulty_Medium_54) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Home_Play_Difficulty_Medium_54 extends MovieClip { public function Home_Play_Difficulty_Medium_54(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 90//Home_Play_Play_60 (bud_fla.Home_Play_Play_60) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Home_Play_Play_60 extends MovieClip { public function Home_Play_Play_60(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 91//Home_ScoreMax_44 (bud_fla.Home_ScoreMax_44) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class Home_ScoreMax_44 extends MovieClip { public var Best:MovieClip; public var Score:TextField; } }//package bud_flaSection 92//Home_ScoreMax_Best_45 (bud_fla.Home_ScoreMax_Best_45) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Home_ScoreMax_Best_45 extends MovieClip { public function Home_ScoreMax_Best_45(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 93//Interface_89 (bud_fla.Interface_89) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class Interface_89 extends MovieClip { public var ScoreTitle:MovieClip; public var Upgrades:MovieClip; public var Music:MovieClip; public var Help:MovieClip; public var Warning:MovieClip; public var Menu:MovieClip; public var Score:TextField; public var Need:MovieClip; public var Sound:MovieClip; } }//package bud_flaSection 94//Interface_Achievement_274 (bud_fla.Interface_Achievement_274) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import flash.media.*; import flash.text.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.net.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class Interface_Achievement_274 extends MovieClip { public var Valid:Array; public var Skin:MovieClip; public function Interface_Achievement_274(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2); } function frame1(){ Valid = ((Valid) || (new Array())); if (Valid.length == 0){ stop(); }; } function frame2(){ Skin.Picto.gotoAndStop(Valid[0].Picto); Skin.Title.text = Valid[0].Name; Skin.TitleShort.text = Valid[0].Name; if (Skin.Title.text.split("").length > 15){ Skin.Title.visible = false; Skin.TitleShort.visible = true; } else { Skin.Title.visible = true; Skin.TitleShort.visible = false; }; Valid.shift(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 95//Interface_Achievement_Skin_275 (bud_fla.Interface_Achievement_Skin_275) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class Interface_Achievement_Skin_275 extends MovieClip { public var TitleShort:TextField; public var Title:TextField; public var Picto:MovieClip; } }//package bud_flaSection 96//Interface_Button_No_93 (bud_fla.Interface_Button_No_93) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Interface_Button_No_93 extends MovieClip { public function Interface_Button_No_93(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); this.mouseEnabled = false; this.mouseChildren = false; } } }//package bud_flaSection 97//Interface_Music_94 (bud_fla.Interface_Music_94) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Interface_Music_94 extends MovieClip { public var Button:SimpleButton; public var No:MovieClip; } }//package bud_flaSection 98//Interface_Need_110 (bud_fla.Interface_Need_110) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class Interface_Need_110 extends MovieClip { public var Danger:MovieClip; public var Text:TextField; } }//package bud_flaSection 99//Interface_Sound_90 (bud_fla.Interface_Sound_90) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Interface_Sound_90 extends MovieClip { public var Button:SimpleButton; public var No:MovieClip; } }//package bud_flaSection 100//Interface_Upgrades_103 (bud_fla.Interface_Upgrades_103) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Interface_Upgrades_103 extends MovieClip { public var Plus:MovieClip; } }//package bud_flaSection 101//Interface_Warning_108 (bud_fla.Interface_Warning_108) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Interface_Warning_108 extends MovieClip { public var Text:MovieClip; public function Interface_Warning_108(){ addFrameScript(24, frame25); } function frame25(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 102//Interface_Warning_Text_109 (bud_fla.Interface_Warning_Text_109) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class Interface_Warning_Text_109 extends MovieClip { public var Text:TextField; } }//package bud_flaSection 103//Liant_276 (bud_fla.Liant_276) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Liant_276 extends MovieClip { public function Liant_276(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 9, frame10); } function frame10(){ stop(); } function frame1(){ this.mouseChildren = (this.mouseEnabled = false); } } }//package bud_flaSection 104//Logo_2 (bud_fla.Logo_2) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import flash.media.*; import flash.text.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.net.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class Logo_2 extends MovieClip { public var Ockam:MovieClip; public var Skip:MovieClip; public function Logo_2(){ addFrameScript(19, frame20, 38, frame39, 70, frame71, 108, frame109); } function frame71(){ stop(); } function frame20(){ (parent.parent as MovieClip).Misc.AddEvents(Skip, LaunchSkip, "MOUSE_DOWN"); Skip.buttonMode = true; } function frame109(){ (parent as MovieClip).gotoAndStop("HOME"); (parent as MovieClip).Fondu.gotoAndPlay("Return"); } function frame39(){ stop(); Ockam.play(); } public function LaunchSkip(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ (parent as MovieClip).Fondu.Action = {Fonction:(parent as MovieClip).gotoAndStop, Argument:"HOME"}; (parent as MovieClip).Fondu.play(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 105//Logo_Ockam_5 (bud_fla.Logo_Ockam_5) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import flash.media.*; import flash.text.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.net.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class Logo_Ockam_5 extends MovieClip { public var Rasoir:MovieClip; public var ZoneActive:MovieClip; public function Logo_Ockam_5(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 6, frame7, 14, frame15, 29, frame30, 39, frame40); } function frame15(){ stop(); } function frame7(){ Rasoir.Rasoir.Lame.play(); } function frame1(){ stop(); ZoneActive.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, ZoneActivePress); ZoneActive.buttonMode = true; } public function ZoneActivePress(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:URLRequest; _local2 = new URLRequest("http://www.ockamrazor.com"); navigateToURL(_local2); } function frame2(){ } function frame30(){ Rasoir.Rasoir.Lame.play(); } function frame40(){ stop(); (parent as MovieClip).play(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 106//Logo_Ockam_Bump_14 (bud_fla.Logo_Ockam_Bump_14) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Logo_Ockam_Bump_14 extends MovieClip { public function Logo_Ockam_Bump_14(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ alpha = 0; } } }//package bud_flaSection 107//MainTimeline (bud_fla.MainTimeline) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; import drOIde.Visual.*; import drOIde.Global.*; import drOIde.Link.*; import drOIde.Media.*; import flash.system.*; public dynamic class MainTimeline extends MovieClip { public var Root:MovieClip; public var Misc:MiscTools; public var AchievementValid:Array; public var Web:WebLink; public var NumberPlay:int; public var Help:String; public var System:SystemTools; public var Language:String; public var AchievementValidSave:String; public var ScoreMax:Number; public var MusicState:Boolean; public var Test:Boolean; public var SoundState:Boolean; public var Sound:SoundProcess; public var Optimize:OptimizeProcess; public function MainTimeline(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ Security.allowDomain("hokkinin.com"); Security.allowDomain("www.hokkinin.com"); Security.allowDomain("newgrounds.com"); Security.allowDomain("www.newgrounds.com"); Security.allowDomain("kongregate.com"); Security.allowDomain("www.kongregate.com"); Security.allowDomain("deviantart.com"); Security.allowDomain("www.deviantart.com"); Misc = new MiscTools(this); System = new SystemTools(this); Sound = new SoundProcess(this); Sound.Chut(); Optimize = new OptimizeProcess(this); Web = new WebLink(this); MusicState = true; SoundState = true; Test = false; System.AddMenu(this, [{Nom:"bud — Ockam Razor 2011", Actif:false, Separateur:true}]); System.SetAlignMode("TL"); System.SetScaleMode("showAll"); Language = ((Web.GetShareVar("Language")) || (((System.GetLanguage() == "fr")) ? "Fr" : "En")); NumberPlay = Number(((Web.GetShareVar("NumberPlay")) || ("0"))); ScoreMax = ((Web.GetShareVar("ScoreMax")) || (0)); Help = ((Web.GetShareVar("Help")) || ("")); AchievementValidSave = ((Web.GetShareVar("AchievementValid")) || ("")); AchievementValid = ((AchievementValidSave == "")) ? new Array() : AchievementValidSave.split("-"); Sound.NewSound("Music", "Home", Music_Home, {fadeIn:20, fadeOut:20, alone:true, loop:"infinite", volume:100}); Sound.NewSound("Music", "Game", Music_Game, {fadeIn:20, fadeOut:20, alone:true, loop:"infinite", volume:25}); Sound.NewSound("Music", "Final", Music_Final, {fadeIn:20, fadeOut:20, alone:true, volume:75}); Sound.NewSound("Interface", "Open", Sound_Open, {volume:75}); Sound.NewSound("Interface", "Close", Sound_Close, {volume:75}); Sound.NewSound("Interface", "DownButton", Sound_DownButton, {volume:50}); Sound.NewSound("Interface", "OverButton", Sound_OverButton, {volume:15}); Sound.NewSound("Interface", "DownArrow", Sound_DownArrow, {volume:75}); Sound.NewSound("Interface", "DownUpgrade", Sound_DownUpgrade, {volume:50}); Sound.NewSound("Interface", "OverAchievement", Sound_OverAchievement, {volume:20}); Sound.NewSound("Interface", "ForceOpenHelp", Sound_ForceOpenHelp, {volume:75}); Sound.NewSound("Player", "Drip1", Sound_Drip1, {volume:100}); Sound.NewSound("Player", "Drip2", Sound_Drip2, {volume:100}); Sound.NewSound("Player", "Drip3", Sound_Drip3, {volume:100}); Sound.NewNoise("Player", "Drip", ["Drip1", "Drip2", "Drip3"]); Sound.NewSound("Player", "Thunder1", Sound_Thunder1, {volume:100}); Sound.NewSound("Player", "Thunder2", Sound_Thunder2, {volume:100}); Sound.NewSound("Player", "Thunder3", Sound_Thunder3, {volume:100}); Sound.NewSound("Player", "Thunder4", Sound_Thunder4, {volume:100}); Sound.NewSound("Player", "Thunder5", Sound_Thunder5, {volume:100}); Sound.NewSound("Player", "Thunder6", Sound_Thunder6, {volume:100}); Sound.NewSound("Player", "Radius", Sound_Radius, {volume:25, limit:1}); Sound.NewSound("Player", "Experience1", Sound_Experience1, {volume:100}); Sound.NewSound("Player", "Experience2", Sound_Experience2, {volume:100}); Sound.NewSound("Player", "Experience3", Sound_Experience3, {volume:100}); Sound.NewNoise("Player", "Experience", ["Experience1", "Experience2", "Experience3"]); Sound.NewSound("Player", "Explosion", Sound_Explosion, {volume:100}); Sound.NewSound("Player", "LevelUp", Sound_LevelUp, {volume:100}); Sound.NewSound("Player", "Warning", Sound_Warning, {volume:100}); Sound.NewSound("Tree", "Grow", Sound_Grow, {volume:60}); Sound.NewSound("Tree", "Level1_Grow", Sound_BudGrow, {volume:70}); Sound.NewSound("Tree", "Level2_Grow", Sound_GrowsGrow, {volume:80}); Sound.NewSound("Tree", "Level3_Grow", Sound_PlantGrow, {volume:80}); Sound.NewSound("Tree", "Level4_Grow", Sound_PlantGrow, {volume:100}); Sound.NewSound("Tree", "Level5_Grow", Sound_TreeGrow, {volume:75}); Sound.NewSound("Tree", "Level6_Grow", Sound_TreeGrow, {volume:80}); Sound.NewSound("Tree", "Level7_Grow", Sound_TreeGrow, {volume:85}); Sound.NewSound("Tree", "Level8_Grow", Sound_TreeGrow, {volume:90}); Sound.NewSound("Tree", "Level9_Grow", Sound_TreeGrow, {volume:95}); Sound.NewSound("Tree", "Level10_Grow", Sound_TreeGrow, {volume:100}); Sound.NewSound("Tree", "Level11_Grow", Sound_TreeGihhGrow, {volume:100}); Sound.NewSound("Tree", "Level12_Grow", Sound_TreeGyumoGrow, {volume:100}); Sound.NewSound("Tree", "Level13_Grow", Sound_TreeDivineGrow, {volume:100}); Sound.NewSound("Tree", "Level1_Dead", Sound_BudDead, {volume:70}); Sound.NewSound("Tree", "Level2_Dead", Sound_GrowsDead, {volume:80}); Sound.NewSound("Tree", "Level3_Dead", Sound_PlantDead, {volume:80}); Sound.NewSound("Tree", "Level4_Dead", Sound_PlantDead, {volume:100}); Sound.NewSound("Tree", "Level5_Dead", Sound_TreeDead, {volume:75}); Sound.NewSound("Tree", "Level6_Dead", Sound_TreeDead, {volume:80}); Sound.NewSound("Tree", "Level7_Dead", Sound_TreeDead, {volume:85}); Sound.NewSound("Tree", "Level8_Dead", Sound_TreeDead, {volume:90}); Sound.NewSound("Tree", "Level9_Dead", Sound_TreeDead, {volume:95}); Sound.NewSound("Tree", "Level10_Dead", Sound_TreeDead, {volume:100}); Sound.NewSound("Tree", "Level11_Dead", Sound_TreeDead, {volume:100}); Sound.NewSound("Tree", "Level12_Dead", Sound_TreeGyumoDead, {volume:100}); Sound.NewSound("Tree", "Level13_Dead", Sound_TreeDivineDead, {volume:100}); Sound.NewSound("Ennemy", "Electrocution", Sound_Electrocution, {volume:60}); Sound.NewSound("Ennemy", "Teleportation", Sound_Teleportation, {volume:100}); Sound.NewSound("Ennemy", "BigHit", Sound_BigHit, {volume:100}); Sound.NewSound("Ennemy", "ShortHit", Sound_ShortHit, {volume:100}); Sound.NewSound("Ennemy", "UltraHit", Sound_UltraHit, {volume:100}); Sound.NewSound("Ennemy", "ChronoMove", Sound_ChronoMove, {volume:100}); Sound.NewSound("Ennemy", "InternYeah", Sound_InternYeah, {volume:100}); Sound.NewSound("Ennemy", "InternDead", Sound_InternDead, {volume:100}); Sound.NewSound("Ennemy", "LumberjackDead", Sound_LumberjackDead, {volume:100}); Sound.NewSound("Ennemy", "BigReady", Sound_BigReady, {volume:100}); Sound.NewSound("Ennemy", "BigDead", Sound_BigDead, {volume:100}); Sound.NewSound("Ennemy", "BigChute", Sound_BigChute, {volume:100}); Sound.NewSound("Ennemy", "MasterDead", Sound_MasterDead, {volume:100}); Sound.NewSound("Ennemy", "MasterChute", Sound_MasterChute, {volume:100}); Sound.NewSound("Ennemy", "BuckerReady", Sound_BuckerReady, {volume:100}); Sound.NewSound("Ennemy", "BuckerReturn", Sound_BuckerReturn, {volume:100}); Sound.NewSound("Ennemy", "BuckerDead", Sound_BuckerDead, {volume:100}); Sound.NewSound("Ennemy", "BuckerHit1", Sound_BuckerHit1, {volume:100}); Sound.NewSound("Ennemy", "BuckerHit2", Sound_BuckerHit2, {volume:100}); Sound.NewSound("Ennemy", "BuckerHit3", Sound_BuckerHit3, {volume:100}); Sound.NewNoise("Ennemy", "BuckerHit", ["BuckerHit1", "BuckerHit2", "BuckerHit3"]); Sound.NewSound("Ennemy", "JigsawReady1", Sound_JigsawReady1, {volume:100}); Sound.NewSound("Ennemy", "JigsawReady2", Sound_JigsawReady2, {volume:100}); Sound.NewSound("Ennemy", "JigsawDead", Sound_JigsawDead, {volume:100}); Sound.NewSound("Ennemy", "JigsawHit1", Sound_JigsawHit1, {volume:100}); Sound.NewSound("Ennemy", "JigsawHit2", Sound_JigsawHit2, {volume:100}); Sound.NewSound("Ennemy", "JigsawHit3", Sound_JigsawHit3, {volume:100}); Sound.NewNoise("Ennemy", "JigsawHit", ["JigsawHit1", "JigsawHit2", "JigsawHit3"]); Sound.NewSound("Ennemy", "ChronoDead", Sound_ChronoDead, {volume:100}); Sound.NewSound("Ennemy", "ImpDead", Sound_ImpDead, {volume:100}); Sound.NewSound("Ennemy", "AssassinAppear", Sound_AssassinAppear, {volume:100}); Sound.NewSound("Ennemy", "AssassinChute", Sound_AssassinChute, {volume:100}); Sound.NewSound("Ennemy", "AssassinDead", Sound_AssassinDead, {volume:100}); Sound.NewSound("Ennemy", "AssassinHit", Sound_AssassinHit, {volume:100}); Sound.NewSound("Ennemy", "ShieldDead", Sound_ShieldDead, {volume:100}); Sound.NewSound("Ennemy", "ShieldChute", Sound_ShieldChute, {volume:100}); Sound.NewSound("Ennemy", "ShieldMove", Sound_ShieldMove, {volume:100}); Sound.NewSound("Ennemy", "WizardDead", Sound_WizardDead, {volume:100}); Sound.NewSound("Ennemy", "WizardChute", Sound_WizardChute, {volume:100}); Sound.NewSound("Ennemy", "WizardHit", Sound_WizardHit, {volume:100}); Sound.NewSound("Ennemy", "WizardIncante1", Sound_WizardIncante1, {volume:100}); Sound.NewSound("Ennemy", "WizardIncante2", Sound_WizardIncante2, {volume:100}); Sound.NewSound("Ennemy", "WizardIncante3", Sound_WizardIncante3, {volume:100}); Sound.NewSound("Ennemy", "WoodChute", Sound_WoodChute, {volume:100}); Sound.NewSound("Ennemy", "WoodDead", Sound_WoodDead, {volume:100}); Sound.NewSound("Ennemy", "WoodHit", Sound_WoodHit, {volume:100}); } } }//package bud_flaSection 108//Player_Angle_164 (bud_fla.Player_Angle_164) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Player_Angle_164 extends MovieClip { public function Player_Angle_164(){ addFrameScript(19, frame20); } function frame20(){ stop(); visible = false; } } }//package bud_flaSection 109//Player_Skin_440 (bud_fla.Player_Skin_440) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Player_Skin_440 extends MovieClip { public var Body:MovieClip; } }//package bud_flaSection 110//Player_Spirit_438 (bud_fla.Player_Spirit_438) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Player_Spirit_438 extends MovieClip { public var Skin:MovieClip; } }//package bud_flaSection 111//Player_Spirit_Skin_439 (bud_fla.Player_Spirit_Skin_439) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Player_Spirit_Skin_439 extends MovieClip { public var Intern:MovieClip; public var Extern:MovieClip; } }//package bud_flaSection 112//RainEffect_Drip_435 (bud_fla.RainEffect_Drip_435) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class RainEffect_Drip_435 extends MovieClip { public function RainEffect_Drip_435(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 24, frame25, 44, frame45, 64, frame65, 84, frame85, 104, frame105, 124, frame125, 145, frame146, 166, frame167, 186, frame187); } function frame65(){ stop(); } function frame167(){ stop(); } function frame85(){ stop(); } function frame187(){ stop(); } function frame105(){ stop(); } function frame1(){ gotoAndPlay(("Skin" + Math.ceil((Math.random() * 9)))); } function frame25(){ stop(); } function frame125(){ stop(); } function frame45(){ stop(); } function frame146(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 113//Rasoir_7 (bud_fla.Rasoir_7) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Rasoir_7 extends MovieClip { public var Pommeau:MovieClip; public var Trou:MovieClip; public var Lame:MovieClip; public function Rasoir_7(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ this.blendMode = "layer"; Trou.blendMode = "erase"; } } }//package bud_flaSection 114//Rasoir_Lame_9 (bud_fla.Rasoir_Lame_9) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Rasoir_Lame_9 extends MovieClip { public function Rasoir_Lame_9(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 12, frame13); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame13(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 115//Rasoir_Lame_Tintillement_11 (bud_fla.Rasoir_Lame_Tintillement_11) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Rasoir_Lame_Tintillement_11 extends MovieClip { public function Rasoir_Lame_Tintillement_11(){ addFrameScript(74, frame75); } function frame75(){ stop(); (parent.parent.parent.parent as MovieClip).play(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 116//Rasoir_Rasoir_6 (bud_fla.Rasoir_Rasoir_6) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Rasoir_Rasoir_6 extends MovieClip { public var Rasoir:MovieClip; } }//package bud_flaSection 117//Root_1 (bud_fla.Root_1) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import flash.media.*; import flash.text.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.net.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class Root_1 extends MovieClip { public var Game:MovieClip; public var PreviousScene:String; public var Fondu:MovieClip; public function Root_1(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 20, frame21, 40, frame41); } function frame1(){ stop(); (parent as MovieClip).Sound.PlaySound("Music", "Home"); PreviousScene = "Logo"; } function frame21(){ stop(); if (PreviousScene != "Logo"){ (parent as MovieClip).Sound.PlaySound("Music", "Home"); }; PreviousScene = "Home"; } function frame41(){ stop(); (parent as MovieClip).Sound.PlaySound("Music", "Game"); PreviousScene = "Game"; } } }//package bud_flaSection 118//Scene1_444 (bud_fla.Scene1_444) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Scene1_444 extends MovieClip { public var Filament3:MovieClip; public var Filament2:MovieClip; public var FilamentFinal2:MovieClip; public var FilamentFinal3:MovieClip; public var FilamentFinal1:MovieClip; public var Ring:MovieClip; public var Filament1:MovieClip; public function Scene1_444(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 49, frame50, 68, frame69, 83, frame84, 105, frame106, 150, frame151, 158, frame159); } function frame151(){ Ring.play(); } function frame69(){ Filament2.play(); } function frame159(){ stop(); } function frame84(){ Filament3.play(); } function frame106(){ FilamentFinal1.play(); FilamentFinal2.play(); FilamentFinal3.play(); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame50(){ Filament1.play(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 119//Scene1_Ray_457 (bud_fla.Scene1_Ray_457) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Scene1_Ray_457 extends MovieClip { public function Scene1_Ray_457(){ addFrameScript(15, frame16, 30, frame31); } function frame16(){ (parent.parent as MovieClip).play(); } function frame31(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 120//Scene1_Ring_454 (bud_fla.Scene1_Ring_454) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Scene1_Ring_454 extends MovieClip { public function Scene1_Ring_454(){ addFrameScript(1, frame2, 24, frame25); } function frame25(){ stop(); } function frame2(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 121//Scene2_458 (bud_fla.Scene2_458) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Scene2_458 extends MovieClip { public var Perso:MovieClip; public var Roc2:MovieClip; public var Roc1:MovieClip; public var Hall:MovieClip; public var Crac:MovieClip; public function Scene2_458(){ addFrameScript(32, frame33, 40, frame41); } function frame33(){ Roc1.play(); Roc2.play(); Perso.play(); Crac.play(); Hall.play(); } function frame41(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 122//Scene2_Crac_469 (bud_fla.Scene2_Crac_469) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Scene2_Crac_469 extends MovieClip { public function Scene2_Crac_469(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 10, frame11); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame11(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 123//Scene2_Hall_467 (bud_fla.Scene2_Hall_467) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Scene2_Hall_467 extends MovieClip { public function Scene2_Hall_467(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 7, frame8); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame8(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 124//Scene2_Perso_473 (bud_fla.Scene2_Perso_473) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Scene2_Perso_473 extends MovieClip { public function Scene2_Perso_473(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 76, frame77, 84, frame85); } function frame77(){ (parent.parent as MovieClip).play(); } function frame85(){ stop(); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 125//Scene2_Roc1_470 (bud_fla.Scene2_Roc1_470) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Scene2_Roc1_470 extends MovieClip { public function Scene2_Roc1_470(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 56, frame57); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame57(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 126//Scene2_Roc2_465 (bud_fla.Scene2_Roc2_465) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Scene2_Roc2_465 extends MovieClip { public function Scene2_Roc2_465(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 55, frame56); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame56(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 127//Scene3_481 (bud_fla.Scene3_481) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Scene3_481 extends MovieClip { public var Ring:MovieClip; public function Scene3_481(){ addFrameScript(19, frame20); } function frame20(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 128//Scene3_Ring_483 (bud_fla.Scene3_Ring_483) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Scene3_Ring_483 extends MovieClip { public function Scene3_Ring_483(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 34, frame35); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame35(){ stop(); (parent.parent as MovieClip).play(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 129//Scene4_498 (bud_fla.Scene4_498) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import flash.media.*; import flash.text.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.net.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class Scene4_498 extends MovieClip { public var Perso:MovieClip; public var TowerUp:MovieClip; public var Town:MovieClip; public function Scene4_498(){ addFrameScript(52, frame53, 289, frame290, 296, frame297, 343, frame344); } function frame290(){ TowerUp.stop(); TowerUp.Power.stop(); } function frame297(){ (parent as MovieClip).EndMusic(); } function frame344(){ stop(); (parent as MovieClip).play(); } function frame53(){ Perso.play(); stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 130//Scene4_Perso_512 (bud_fla.Scene4_Perso_512) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Scene4_Perso_512 extends MovieClip { public function Scene4_Perso_512(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 74, frame75); } function frame75(){ stop(); (parent as MovieClip).play(); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 131//Scene4_TowerUp_507 (bud_fla.Scene4_TowerUp_507) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Scene4_TowerUp_507 extends MovieClip { public var Power:MovieClip; } }//package bud_flaSection 132//Skin_Body_441 (bud_fla.Skin_Body_441) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import flash.media.*; import flash.text.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.net.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class Skin_Body_441 extends MovieClip { public var EyesDead:MovieClip; public var Eyes:MovieClip; public var Body:MovieClip; public function Skin_Body_441(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 4, frame5, 19, frame20, 29, frame30, 39, frame40, 51, frame52, 54, frame55); } function frame1(){ if (!(parent.parent as MovieClip).RainObject.Active){ stop(); } else { gotoAndPlay("Rain"); }; } function frame5(){ if (!(parent.parent as MovieClip).RainObject.Active){ stop(); } else { gotoAndPlay("Rain"); }; } function frame20(){ if ((parent.parent as MovieClip).RainObject.Active){ stop(); }; } function frame30(){ gotoAndStop("Normal"); } function frame40(){ Eyes.gotoAndStop("Nervous"); } function frame52(){ Eyes.gotoAndStop("Normal"); } function frame55(){ gotoAndStop("Normal"); } } }//package bud_flaSection 133//Skin_Body_Eyes_128 (bud_fla.Skin_Body_Eyes_128) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Skin_Body_Eyes_128 extends MovieClip { public function Skin_Body_Eyes_128(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 4, frame5); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame5(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 134//Skin_Body_Eyes_Pupil_129 (bud_fla.Skin_Body_Eyes_Pupil_129) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Skin_Body_Eyes_Pupil_129 extends MovieClip { public function Skin_Body_Eyes_Pupil_129(){ addFrameScript(18, frame19); } function frame19(){ if ((Math.random() * 10) < 8){ gotoAndPlay(1); }; } } }//package bud_flaSection 135//Skin_Body_Eyes_PupilDead_131 (bud_fla.Skin_Body_Eyes_PupilDead_131) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import flash.media.*; import flash.text.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.net.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class Skin_Body_Eyes_PupilDead_131 extends MovieClip { public function Skin_Body_Eyes_PupilDead_131(){ addFrameScript(14, frame15); } function frame15(){ stop(); (parent.parent.parent.parent as MovieClip).Destruction(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 136//Thunder_Skin_Strength_155 (bud_fla.Thunder_Skin_Strength_155) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Thunder_Skin_Strength_155 extends MovieClip { public function Thunder_Skin_Strength_155(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ gotoAndStop(Math.ceil((Math.random() * totalFrames))); } } }//package bud_flaSection 137//Thunder_Skin_Strength_Skin1_156 (bud_fla.Thunder_Skin_Strength_Skin1_156) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Thunder_Skin_Strength_Skin1_156 extends MovieClip { public function Thunder_Skin_Strength_Skin1_156(){ addFrameScript(10, frame11); } function frame11(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 138//Thunder_Skin_Strength_Skin2_157 (bud_fla.Thunder_Skin_Strength_Skin2_157) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Thunder_Skin_Strength_Skin2_157 extends MovieClip { public function Thunder_Skin_Strength_Skin2_157(){ addFrameScript(10, frame11); } function frame11(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 139//Thunder_Skin_Strength_Skin3_158 (bud_fla.Thunder_Skin_Strength_Skin3_158) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Thunder_Skin_Strength_Skin3_158 extends MovieClip { public function Thunder_Skin_Strength_Skin3_158(){ addFrameScript(10, frame11); } function frame11(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 140//Thunder_Skin_Strength_Skin4_159 (bud_fla.Thunder_Skin_Strength_Skin4_159) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Thunder_Skin_Strength_Skin4_159 extends MovieClip { public function Thunder_Skin_Strength_Skin4_159(){ addFrameScript(10, frame11); } function frame11(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 141//Thunder_Skin_Strength_Skin5_160 (bud_fla.Thunder_Skin_Strength_Skin5_160) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Thunder_Skin_Strength_Skin5_160 extends MovieClip { public function Thunder_Skin_Strength_Skin5_160(){ addFrameScript(10, frame11); } function frame11(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 142//ThunderEffect_Skin_285 (bud_fla.ThunderEffect_Skin_285) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ThunderEffect_Skin_285 extends MovieClip { public function ThunderEffect_Skin_285(){ addFrameScript(14, frame15); } function frame15(){ stop(); (parent as MovieClip).gotoAndStop((parent as MovieClip).totalFrames); } } }//package bud_flaSection 143//ThunderEffect_Skin_ZigZag_286 (bud_fla.ThunderEffect_Skin_ZigZag_286) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ThunderEffect_Skin_ZigZag_286 extends MovieClip { public function ThunderEffect_Skin_ZigZag_286(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 9, frame10); } function frame10(){ stop(); } function frame1(){ rotation = ((Math.random() * 180) - 90); scaleX = (scaleY = ((Math.random() * 1) + 0.5)); } } }//package bud_flaSection 144//Tree_Skin_Skin_Exemple_333 (bud_fla.Tree_Skin_Skin_Exemple_333) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Tree_Skin_Skin_Exemple_333 extends MovieClip { public function Tree_Skin_Skin_Exemple_333(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ visible = false; } } }//package bud_flaSection 145//Tree_Tree_330 (bud_fla.Tree_Tree_330) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Tree_Tree_330 extends MovieClip { public var Tree:MovieClip; public function Tree_Tree_330(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ gotoAndStop(Math.ceil((Math.random() * totalFrames))); } } }//package bud_flaSection 146//Tree_Tree_Skin_331 (bud_fla.Tree_Tree_Skin_331) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import flash.media.*; import flash.text.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.net.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class Tree_Tree_Skin_331 extends MovieClip { public var Skin:MovieClip; public function Tree_Tree_Skin_331(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 29, frame30, 39, frame40); } function frame1(){ stop(); this.DisplayLevel = ((this.DisplayLevel) || (1)); if ((parent.parent as MovieClip).Dead){ Skin[("Level" + (parent.parent as MovieClip).Level)].gotoAndPlay("Destruction"); }; } function frame30(){ (parent.parent.parent.parent.parent as MovieClip).Sound.PlaySound("Tree", (("Level" + (parent.parent as MovieClip).Level) + "_Grow"), {volume:((((((parent.parent as MovieClip).x + (parent.parent.parent.parent as MovieClip).x) < stage["stageWidth"])) && ((((parent.parent as MovieClip).x + (parent.parent.parent.parent as MovieClip).x) > 0)))) ? 100 : 40}); Skin.gotoAndStop(("Level" + (parent.parent as MovieClip).Level)); this.Grow = false; if ((((this.DisplayLevel == 1)) && (((parent.parent as MovieClip).Level >= 7)))){ (parent.parent.parent.parent.parent as MovieClip).AddAchievement({Fr:"Fulgurance", En:"Overpower", lbl:"Fulgurance"}); }; this.DisplayLevel = (parent.parent as MovieClip).Level; } function frame40(){ if (this.Grow){ gotoAndPlay("Grow"); }; } } }//package bud_flaSection 147//Tree_Tree_Skin_Skin_332 (bud_fla.Tree_Tree_Skin_Skin_332) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Tree_Tree_Skin_Skin_332 extends MovieClip { public var Level4:MovieClip; public var Level8:MovieClip; public var Level2:MovieClip; public var Level5:MovieClip; public var Level6:MovieClip; public var Level7:MovieClip; public var Level9:MovieClip; public var Level3:MovieClip; public var Level10:MovieClip; public var Level11:MovieClip; public var Level13:MovieClip; public var Level12:MovieClip; public var Level1:MovieClip; public function Tree_Tree_Skin_Skin_332(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 148//TreeSkin_Level1_139 (bud_fla.TreeSkin_Level1_139) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import flash.media.*; import flash.text.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.net.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class TreeSkin_Level1_139 extends MovieClip { public function TreeSkin_Level1_139(){ addFrameScript(20, frame21, 51, frame52); } function frame21(){ stop(); } function frame52(){ stop(); (parent.parent.parent.parent as MovieClip).Destroy(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 149//TreeSkin_Level10_386 (bud_fla.TreeSkin_Level10_386) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import flash.media.*; import flash.text.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.net.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class TreeSkin_Level10_386 extends MovieClip { public function TreeSkin_Level10_386(){ addFrameScript(57, frame58, 124, frame125); } function frame125(){ stop(); (parent.parent.parent.parent as MovieClip).Destroy(); } function frame58(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 150//TreeSkin_Level11_396 (bud_fla.TreeSkin_Level11_396) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import flash.media.*; import flash.text.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.net.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class TreeSkin_Level11_396 extends MovieClip { public function TreeSkin_Level11_396(){ addFrameScript(57, frame58, 124, frame125); } function frame125(){ stop(); (parent.parent.parent.parent as MovieClip).Destroy(); } function frame58(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 151//TreeSkin_Level12_406 (bud_fla.TreeSkin_Level12_406) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import flash.media.*; import flash.text.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.net.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class TreeSkin_Level12_406 extends MovieClip { public function TreeSkin_Level12_406(){ addFrameScript(57, frame58, 124, frame125); } function frame125(){ stop(); (parent.parent.parent.parent as MovieClip).Destroy(); } function frame58(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 152//TreeSkin_Level13_415 (bud_fla.TreeSkin_Level13_415) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import flash.media.*; import flash.text.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.net.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class TreeSkin_Level13_415 extends MovieClip { public var Leaf3:MovieClip; public var Leaf4:MovieClip; public var Leaf5:MovieClip; public var Leaf2:MovieClip; public var Leaf6:MovieClip; public var Leaf1:MovieClip; public var Angel:MovieClip; public function TreeSkin_Level13_415(){ addFrameScript(45, frame46, 109, frame110, 111, frame112, 113, frame114, 115, frame116, 117, frame118, 136, frame137, 146, frame147, 148, frame149, 150, frame151, 152, frame153, 154, frame155, 193, frame194, 235, frame236); } function frame151(){ Leaf3.play(); } function frame147(){ Leaf5.play(); } function frame155(){ Leaf1.play(); } function frame153(){ Leaf2.play(); } function frame110(){ Leaf1.play(); } function frame114(){ Leaf3.play(); } function frame116(){ Leaf4.play(); } function frame194(){ Angel.Stop = false; Angel.play(); } function frame118(){ Leaf5.play(); } function frame112(){ Leaf2.play(); } function frame46(){ Angel.Stop = true; } function frame236(){ stop(); (parent.parent.parent.parent as MovieClip).Destroy(); } function frame137(){ stop(); } function frame149(){ Leaf4.play(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 153//TreeSkin_Level13_Angel_422 (bud_fla.TreeSkin_Level13_Angel_422) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import flash.media.*; import flash.text.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.net.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class TreeSkin_Level13_Angel_422 extends MovieClip { public function TreeSkin_Level13_Angel_422(){ addFrameScript(23, frame24, 37, frame38); } function frame24(){ if (!this.Stop){ gotoAndPlay(1); }; } function frame38(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 154//TreeSkin_Level13_Leaf2_420 (bud_fla.TreeSkin_Level13_Leaf2_420) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class TreeSkin_Level13_Leaf2_420 extends MovieClip { public function TreeSkin_Level13_Leaf2_420(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 18, frame19); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame19(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 155//TreeSkin_Level2_142 (bud_fla.TreeSkin_Level2_142) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import flash.media.*; import flash.text.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.net.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class TreeSkin_Level2_142 extends MovieClip { public function TreeSkin_Level2_142(){ addFrameScript(27, frame28, 47, frame48); } function frame28(){ stop(); } function frame48(){ stop(); (parent.parent.parent.parent as MovieClip).Destroy(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 156//TreeSkin_Level3_144 (bud_fla.TreeSkin_Level3_144) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import flash.media.*; import flash.text.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.net.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class TreeSkin_Level3_144 extends MovieClip { public function TreeSkin_Level3_144(){ addFrameScript(23, frame24, 54, frame55); } function frame24(){ stop(); } function frame55(){ stop(); (parent.parent.parent.parent as MovieClip).Destroy(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 157//TreeSkin_Level4_334 (bud_fla.TreeSkin_Level4_334) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import flash.media.*; import flash.text.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.net.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class TreeSkin_Level4_334 extends MovieClip { public function TreeSkin_Level4_334(){ addFrameScript(40, frame41, 104, frame105); } function frame105(){ stop(); (parent.parent.parent.parent as MovieClip).Destroy(); } function frame41(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 158//TreeSkin_Level5_339 (bud_fla.TreeSkin_Level5_339) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import flash.media.*; import flash.text.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.net.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class TreeSkin_Level5_339 extends MovieClip { public function TreeSkin_Level5_339(){ addFrameScript(57, frame58, 119, frame120); } function frame120(){ stop(); (parent.parent.parent.parent as MovieClip).Destroy(); } function frame58(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 159//TreeSkin_Level6_344 (bud_fla.TreeSkin_Level6_344) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import flash.media.*; import flash.text.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.net.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class TreeSkin_Level6_344 extends MovieClip { public function TreeSkin_Level6_344(){ addFrameScript(57, frame58, 121, frame122); } function frame122(){ stop(); (parent.parent.parent.parent as MovieClip).Destroy(); } function frame58(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 160//TreeSkin_Level7_353 (bud_fla.TreeSkin_Level7_353) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import flash.media.*; import flash.text.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.net.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class TreeSkin_Level7_353 extends MovieClip { public function TreeSkin_Level7_353(){ addFrameScript(57, frame58, 112, frame113); } function frame113(){ stop(); (parent.parent.parent.parent as MovieClip).Destroy(); } function frame58(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 161//TreeSkin_Level8_363 (bud_fla.TreeSkin_Level8_363) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import flash.media.*; import flash.text.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.net.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class TreeSkin_Level8_363 extends MovieClip { public function TreeSkin_Level8_363(){ addFrameScript(57, frame58, 124, frame125); } function frame125(){ stop(); (parent.parent.parent.parent as MovieClip).Destroy(); } function frame58(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 162//TreeSkin_Level9_376 (bud_fla.TreeSkin_Level9_376) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import flash.media.*; import flash.text.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.net.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class TreeSkin_Level9_376 extends MovieClip { public function TreeSkin_Level9_376(){ addFrameScript(57, frame58, 124, frame125); } function frame125(){ stop(); (parent.parent.parent.parent as MovieClip).Destroy(); } function frame58(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 163//Upgrades_Button_Traits_120 (bud_fla.Upgrades_Button_Traits_120) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Upgrades_Button_Traits_120 extends MovieClip { public function Upgrades_Button_Traits_120(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 164//Windows_114 (bud_fla.Windows_114) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Windows_114 extends MovieClip { public var Upgrades:MovieClip; public var Achievement:MovieClip; public var Lose:MovieClip; public var Animation:MovieClip; public var Help:MovieClip; public var Menu:MovieClip; } }//package bud_flaSection 165//Windows_Help_122 (bud_fla.Windows_Help_122) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Windows_Help_122 extends MovieClip { public var Close:MovieClip; public var Right:MovieClip; public var Left:MovieClip; public var Background:MovieClip; public var Final:MovieClip; public var Visual:MovieClip; public var Frame:int; public function Windows_Help_122(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ Frame = 1; } } }//package bud_flaSection 166//Windows_Help_Background_123 (bud_fla.Windows_Help_Background_123) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Windows_Help_Background_123 extends MovieClip { public function Windows_Help_Background_123(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 167//Windows_Help_Visual_124 (bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_124) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Windows_Help_Visual_124 extends MovieClip { public function Windows_Help_Visual_124(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 168//Windows_Help_Visual_ApprentiBucheron_181 (bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_ApprentiBucheron_181) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Windows_Help_Visual_ApprentiBucheron_181 extends MovieClip { public var Head:MovieClip; public var LegB:MovieClip; public var LegF:MovieClip; public var ArmF:MovieClip; public var ArmB:MovieClip; public var Body:MovieClip; } }//package bud_flaSection 169//Windows_Help_Visual_Assassin_232 (bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_Assassin_232) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Windows_Help_Visual_Assassin_232 extends MovieClip { public var Head:MovieClip; public var LegB:MovieClip; public var LegF:MovieClip; public var ArmF:MovieClip; public var ArmB:MovieClip; public var Body:MovieClip; public var Sword:MovieClip; } }//package bud_flaSection 170//Windows_Help_Visual_Bucheron_187 (bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_Bucheron_187) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Windows_Help_Visual_Bucheron_187 extends MovieClip { public var Head:MovieClip; public var LegB:MovieClip; public var LegF:MovieClip; public var ArmF:MovieClip; public var ArmB:MovieClip; public var Body:MovieClip; public var Axe:MovieClip; } }//package bud_flaSection 171//Windows_Help_Visual_ChronoBucheron_220 (bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_ChronoBucheron_220) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Windows_Help_Visual_ChronoBucheron_220 extends MovieClip { public var Head:MovieClip; public var LegB:MovieClip; public var LegF:MovieClip; public var ArmF:MovieClip; public var ArmB:MovieClip; public var Body:MovieClip; public var Axe:MovieClip; } }//package bud_flaSection 172//Windows_Help_Visual_Chronoportation_178 (bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_Chronoportation_178) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Windows_Help_Visual_Chronoportation_178 extends MovieClip { public var Head:MovieClip; public var LegB:MovieClip; public var LegF:MovieClip; public var ArmF:MovieClip; public var ArmB:MovieClip; public var Body:MovieClip; public var Axe:MovieClip; } }//package bud_flaSection 173//Windows_Help_Visual_Danger_172 (bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_Danger_172) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Windows_Help_Visual_Danger_172 extends MovieClip { public function Windows_Help_Visual_Danger_172(){ addFrameScript(38, frame39); } function frame39(){ gotoAndPlay(25); } } }//package bud_flaSection 174//Windows_Help_Visual_Ennemis_146 (bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_Ennemis_146) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Windows_Help_Visual_Ennemis_146 extends MovieClip { public var Head:MovieClip; public var LegB:MovieClip; public var LegF:MovieClip; public var ArmF:MovieClip; public var ArmB:MovieClip; public var Body:MovieClip; public var Axe:MovieClip; } }//package bud_flaSection 175//Windows_Help_Visual_GrosBucheron_188 (bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_GrosBucheron_188) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Windows_Help_Visual_GrosBucheron_188 extends MovieClip { public var Head:MovieClip; public var LegB:MovieClip; public var LegF:MovieClip; public var ArmF:MovieClip; public var ArmB:MovieClip; public var Body:MovieClip; public var Axe:MovieClip; } }//package bud_flaSection 176//Windows_Help_Visual_MaitreBucheron_194 (bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_MaitreBucheron_194) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Windows_Help_Visual_MaitreBucheron_194 extends MovieClip { public var Head:MovieClip; public var LegB:MovieClip; public var LegF:MovieClip; public var ArmF:MovieClip; public var ArmB:MovieClip; public var Body:MovieClip; public var Axe:MovieClip; } }//package bud_flaSection 177//Windows_Help_Visual_Mouvement_Perso_126 (bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_Mouvement_Perso_126) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Windows_Help_Visual_Mouvement_Perso_126 extends MovieClip { public var EyesDead:MovieClip; public var Body:MovieClip; } }//package bud_flaSection 178//Windows_Help_Visual_NainBucheron_214 (bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_NainBucheron_214) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Windows_Help_Visual_NainBucheron_214 extends MovieClip { public var Head:MovieClip; public var LegB:MovieClip; public var LegF:MovieClip; public var ArmF:MovieClip; public var ArmB:MovieClip; public var Body:MovieClip; public var Axe:MovieClip; } }//package bud_flaSection 179//Windows_Help_Visual_NatureCroisee_238 (bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_NatureCroisee_238) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Windows_Help_Visual_NatureCroisee_238 extends MovieClip { public var Head:MovieClip; public var Stick:MovieClip; public var ArmF:MovieClip; public var ArmB:MovieClip; public var Body:MovieClip; public var Leg:MovieClip; } }//package bud_flaSection 180//Windows_Help_Visual_Oxygen_169 (bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_Oxygen_169) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Windows_Help_Visual_Oxygen_169 extends MovieClip { public function Windows_Help_Visual_Oxygen_169(){ addFrameScript(14, frame15); } function frame15(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 181//Windows_Help_Visual_Parachutage_175 (bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_Parachutage_175) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Windows_Help_Visual_Parachutage_175 extends MovieClip { public var Chute1:MovieClip; public var Chute2:MovieClip; public function Windows_Help_Visual_Parachutage_175(){ addFrameScript(1, frame2, 14, frame15); } function frame2(){ Chute2.play(); } function frame15(){ stop(); Chute1.play(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 182//Windows_Help_Visual_Parachutage_Chute_176 (bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_Parachutage_Chute_176) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Windows_Help_Visual_Parachutage_Chute_176 extends MovieClip { public var Head:MovieClip; public var LegB:MovieClip; public var LegF:MovieClip; public var ArmF:MovieClip; public var First:Boolean; public var ArmB:MovieClip; public var Body:MovieClip; public var Axe:MovieClip; public function Windows_Help_Visual_Parachutage_Chute_176(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ if (!First){ stop(); First = true; }; } } }//package bud_flaSection 183//Windows_Help_Visual_Rain_Perso_136 (bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_Rain_Perso_136) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Windows_Help_Visual_Rain_Perso_136 extends MovieClip { public var EyesDead:MovieClip; public var Body:MovieClip; } }//package bud_flaSection 184//Windows_Help_Visual_RobotBucheron_226 (bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_RobotBucheron_226) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Windows_Help_Visual_RobotBucheron_226 extends MovieClip { public var Head:MovieClip; public var LegB:MovieClip; public var LegF:MovieClip; public var ArmF:MovieClip; public var ArmB:MovieClip; public var Body:MovieClip; public var Axe:MovieClip; } }//package bud_flaSection 185//Windows_Help_Visual_TechScieSauteuse_206 (bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_TechScieSauteuse_206) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Windows_Help_Visual_TechScieSauteuse_206 extends MovieClip { public var Head:MovieClip; public var Meka1:MovieClip; public var Meka2:MovieClip; public var MekaBig:MovieClip; public var CabB:MovieClip; public var CabF:MovieClip; public var Roll2:MovieClip; public var Roll3:MovieClip; public var Roll1:MovieClip; public var ArmF:MovieClip; public var ArmB:MovieClip; public var Down:MovieClip; public var Saw:MovieClip; public var Body:MovieClip; } }//package bud_flaSection 186//Windows_Help_Visual_TechTronconneuse_200 (bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_TechTronconneuse_200) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Windows_Help_Visual_TechTronconneuse_200 extends MovieClip { public var Head:MovieClip; public var LegB:MovieClip; public var LegF:MovieClip; public var ArmF:MovieClip; public var ArmB:MovieClip; public var Body:MovieClip; public var Saw:MovieClip; } }//package bud_flaSection 187//Windows_Help_Visual_Thunder_Perso_154 (bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_Thunder_Perso_154) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Windows_Help_Visual_Thunder_Perso_154 extends MovieClip { public var Body:MovieClip; } }//package bud_flaSection 188//Windows_Help_Visual_Vapor_166 (bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_Vapor_166) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Windows_Help_Visual_Vapor_166 extends MovieClip { public var Intern:MovieClip; public var Extern:MovieClip; } }//package bud_flaSection 189//Windows_Help_Visual_WoodLieutenant_254 (bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_WoodLieutenant_254) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Windows_Help_Visual_WoodLieutenant_254 extends MovieClip { public var Head:MovieClip; public var LegB:MovieClip; public var LegF:MovieClip; public var Arm:MovieClip; public var ArmB:MovieClip; public var Body:MovieClip; public var Sword:MovieClip; } }//package bud_flaSection 190//Windows_Help_Visual_WoodSerget_250 (bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_WoodSerget_250) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Windows_Help_Visual_WoodSerget_250 extends MovieClip { public var Head:MovieClip; public var LegB:MovieClip; public var LegF:MovieClip; public var Arm:MovieClip; public var ArmB:MovieClip; public var Body:MovieClip; public var Sword:MovieClip; } }//package bud_flaSection 191//Windows_Help_Visual_WoodSoldat_244 (bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_WoodSoldat_244) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Windows_Help_Visual_WoodSoldat_244 extends MovieClip { public var Head:MovieClip; public var LegB:MovieClip; public var LegF:MovieClip; public var Arm:MovieClip; public var ArmB:MovieClip; public var Body:MovieClip; public var Sword:MovieClip; } }//package bud_flaSection 192//Windows_Lose_272 (bud_fla.Windows_Lose_272) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class Windows_Lose_272 extends MovieClip { public var Exit:MovieClip; public var Score:TextField; public var Retry:MovieClip; public var Texte:MovieClip; } }//package bud_flaSection 193//Windows_Lose_Texte_273 (bud_fla.Windows_Lose_Texte_273) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Windows_Lose_Texte_273 extends MovieClip { public function Windows_Lose_Texte_273(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 194//Windows_Menu_262 (bud_fla.Windows_Menu_262) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Windows_Menu_262 extends MovieClip { public var Exit:MovieClip; public var Retry:MovieClip; public var Resume:MovieClip; } }//package bud_flaSection 195//Windows_Menu_Exit_263 (bud_fla.Windows_Menu_Exit_263) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Windows_Menu_Exit_263 extends MovieClip { public function Windows_Menu_Exit_263(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 196//Windows_Menu_Resume_269 (bud_fla.Windows_Menu_Resume_269) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Windows_Menu_Resume_269 extends MovieClip { public var Menu:SimpleButton; public function Windows_Menu_Resume_269(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 197//Windows_Menu_Retry_266 (bud_fla.Windows_Menu_Retry_266) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Windows_Menu_Retry_266 extends MovieClip { public function Windows_Menu_Retry_266(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 198//Windows_Upgrades_115 (bud_fla.Windows_Upgrades_115) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import flash.media.*; import flash.text.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.net.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class Windows_Upgrades_115 extends MovieClip { public var RainTitle:Object; public var Close:MovieClip; public var Description:Object; public var PressureTitle:Object; public var YouHave:MovieClip; public var WindTitle:Object; public var Mass:MovieClip; public var Left:TextField; public var Volt:MovieClip; public var Hydratation:MovieClip; public var Vaporisation:MovieClip; public var Background:MovieClip; public var Electricity:MovieClip; public var Wind:MovieClip; public var Pressure:MovieClip; public var ElectricityTitle:Object; public var Bubble:BitElement_Bubble; public var MassTitle:Object; public var VaporisationTitle:Object; public var VoltTitle:Object; public var Radius:MovieClip; public var Rain:MovieClip; public var HydratationTitle:Object; public var RadiusTitle:Object; public function Windows_Upgrades_115(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ Description = new Object(); Description.Rain = {En:"Your rain duration before you need to recharge yourself", Fr:"La durée de ta pluie avant que tu n’ais besoin de te ressourcer"}; Description.Hydratation = {En:"The fertilisation potency of your drops", Fr:"Le potentiel de fertilisation de tes gouttes"}; Description.Mass = {En:"The number and weight of your drops", Fr:"Le nombre et le poids de tes gouttes"}; Description.Electricity = {En:"The target number which you can touch in one spark and before you need to recharge yourself", Fr:"Le nombre de cibles que tu peux atteindre en un éclair avant de devoir te ressourcer"}; Description.Volt = {En:"The destruction potency of your sparks", Fr:"La puissance de destruction de tes éclairs"}; Description.Radius = {En:"The radius width in which you can touch your enemies", Fr:"La largeur du rayon dans lequel tu peux électrocuter tes ennemis"}; Description.Wind = {En:"Your speed moving in the sky", Fr:"Ta vitesse de déplacement dans le ciel"}; Description.Pressure = {En:"The Atmospheric pressure on the enemies to reduce their speed and their will", Fr:"La pression atmosphérique sur tes ennemis pour réduire leur vitesse et leur volonté"}; Description.Vaporisation = {En:"Your ability to transform plants and deads into fuel for evolving", Fr:"Ta capacité à transformer les plantes et les morts en carburant pour évoluer"}; RainTitle = {En:"Rain", Fr:"Pluie"}; HydratationTitle = {En:"Hydratation", Fr:"Hydratation"}; MassTitle = {En:"Density", Fr:"Densitée"}; ElectricityTitle = {En:"Electricity", Fr:"Electricité"}; VoltTitle = {En:"Volt", Fr:"Volt"}; RadiusTitle = {En:"Radius", Fr:"Rayon"}; WindTitle = {En:"Wind", Fr:"Vent"}; PressureTitle = {En:"Pressure", Fr:"Pression"}; VaporisationTitle = {En:"Vaporisation", Fr:"Vaporisation"}; Bubble.Elements = [{target:Rain, description:Description.Rain[(parent.parent.parent.parent as MovieClip).Language]}, {target:Hydratation, description:Description.Hydratation[(parent.parent.parent.parent as MovieClip).Language]}, {target:Mass, description:Description.Mass[(parent.parent.parent.parent as MovieClip).Language]}, {target:Electricity, description:Description.Electricity[(parent.parent.parent.parent as MovieClip).Language]}, {target:Volt, description:Description.Volt[(parent.parent.parent.parent as MovieClip).Language]}, {target:Radius, description:Description.Radius[(parent.parent.parent.parent as MovieClip).Language]}, {target:Wind, description:Description.Wind[(parent.parent.parent.parent as MovieClip).Language]}, {target:Pressure, description:Description.Pressure[(parent.parent.parent.parent as MovieClip).Language]}, {target:Vaporisation, description:Description.Vaporisation[(parent.parent.parent.parent as MovieClip).Language]}]; } } }//package bud_flaSection 199//Windows_Upgrades_Background_116 (bud_fla.Windows_Upgrades_Background_116) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Windows_Upgrades_Background_116 extends MovieClip { public function Windows_Upgrades_Background_116(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 200//Windows_Upgrades_Button_118 (bud_fla.Windows_Upgrades_Button_118) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import flash.media.*; import flash.text.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.net.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class Windows_Upgrades_Button_118 extends MovieClip { public var Title:TextField; public var Traits:int; public var Picto:MovieClip; public var TraitsBar:MovieClip; public function Windows_Upgrades_Button_118(){ addFrameScript(1, frame2); } function frame2(){ Title.text = (((((parent as MovieClip)[(name + "Title")] == null)) || (((parent as MovieClip)[(name + "Title")] == undefined)))) ? name : (parent as MovieClip)[(name + "Title")][(parent.parent.parent as MovieClip).Language]; Picto.gotoAndStop(name); Title.mouseEnabled = false; Traits = 1; stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 201//Windows_Upgrades_YouHave_117 (bud_fla.Windows_Upgrades_YouHave_117) package bud_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Windows_Upgrades_YouHave_117 extends MovieClip { public function Windows_Upgrades_YouHave_117(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package bud_flaSection 202//BrainProcess (drOIde.Dynamic.BrainProcess) package drOIde.Dynamic { import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import drOIde.Port.*; import drOIde.Global.*; public class BrainProcess extends MiscTools { public var Keyboard; public var Brains:Object; public var FirstEndFunctionList:Array; public var Mouse; public var SmartCharacters:Object; public var Characters:Object; public var Active:Boolean;// = true public var Hit; public function BrainProcess(_arg1=null, _arg2=null, _arg3=null, _arg4=null):void{ var _local5:Boolean; Active = true; FirstEndFunctionList = ["Shift"]; Characters = new Object(); SmartCharacters = new Object(); Brains = new Object(); super(); Connexion(_arg1); if (_arg2 == true){ _local5 = true; _arg2 = null; }; Mouse = (_local5) ? new MousePort(_arg1) : _arg2; Keyboard = (_local5) ? new KeyboardPort(_arg1) : _arg3; Hit = (_local5) ? new HitProcess(_arg1) : _arg4; } public function UpLeftSpeed(_arg1:Object):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; _local2 = _arg1.Element; _local3 = Aspiration(_arg1.speed, 3); _local4 = Aspiration(_arg1.speedMax, 100); if (_local2.Brain.BrainProcess.Active){ _local2.Brain.speedX = (_local2.Brain.speedX + (_local3 / 2)); _local2.Brain.speedY = (_local2.Brain.speedY - (_local3 / 2)); }; } public function LookDirectionShape(_arg1, _arg2:Object):void{ var _local3:Number; var _local4:*; var _local5:Number; var _local6:*; _local3 = Aspiration(_arg2.shift, 0); _local4 = (_arg2.target) ? (TypeOf(Aspiration(_arg2.target), "String")) ? _arg1[Aspiration(_arg2.target)] : Aspiration(_arg2.target) : _arg1; _local5 = (GetAngle({x:_arg1.Brain.MemoX.DirectionForme, y:_arg1.Brain.MemoY.DirectionForme}, _arg1) + _local3); for (_local6 in _arg2) { if (TypeOf(_arg2[_local6], "Object")){ if (_arg2[_local6].Min != null){ if ((((_local5 > _arg2[_local6].Min)) && ((_local5 < _arg2[_local6].Max)))){ _local4.gotoAndStop(((Aspiration(_arg2[_local6].Forme)) || (_local6))); }; }; }; }; _local4.stop(); _arg1.Brain.MemoX.DirectionForme = _arg1.x; _arg1.Brain.MemoY.DirectionForme = _arg1.y; } public function TurnRightSpeed(_arg1:Object):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:Number; _local2 = _arg1.Element; _local3 = Aspiration(_arg1.speedRotation, 3); if (_local2.Brain.BrainProcess.Active){ _local2.Brain.speedRotation = (_local2.Brain.speedRotation + _local3); }; } public function Transfer(_arg1, _arg2:Object):void{ var _local3:*; for (_local3 in _arg2) { _arg1.Brain[_local3] = Aspiration(_arg2[_local3]); }; _arg1.Brain.Transfer = null; } public function WalkCircle(_arg1, _arg2:Object):void{ var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Boolean; _local3 = Aspiration(_arg2.speed, 1); _local4 = Aspiration(_arg2.angle, 0); _local5 = Aspiration(_arg2.speedX, 0); _local6 = Aspiration(_arg2.speedY, 0); _local7 = Aspiration(_arg2.inflectionX, 100); _local8 = Aspiration(_arg2.inflectionY, 100); _local9 = Aspiration(_arg2.speedDiametre, 0); _local10 = ((_arg2.mean) || (false)); if (((!((_arg1.Brain.MemoCheminX == null))) && (!((_arg1.Brain.speedX == 0))))){ _arg1.Brain.speedX = (_arg1.Brain.speedX - ((_arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialX - _arg1.Brain.MemoCheminX) * (_local7 / 100))); }; if (((!((_arg1.Brain.MemoCheminY == null))) && (!((_arg1.Brain.speedY == 0))))){ _arg1.Brain.speedY = (_arg1.Brain.speedY - ((_arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialY - _arg1.Brain.MemoCheminY) * (_local8 / 100))); }; _arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialX = SetDefault(_arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialX, _arg1.x); _arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialY = SetDefault(_arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialY, _arg1.y); _arg1.Brain.MemoCheminX = _arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialX; _arg1.Brain.MemoCheminY = _arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialY; if (_arg1.Brain.WalkCircle.diametre == null){ _arg1.Brain.WalkCircle.diametre = SetDefault(_arg2.diametre, 100); }; if (_arg1.Brain.WalkCircle.angle == null){ _arg1.Brain.WalkCircle.angle = _local4; }; if (_arg1.Brain.WalkCircle.CentreX == null){ _arg1.Brain.WalkCircle.CentreX = GetDirectionTo({x:_arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialX}, _arg1.Brain.WalkCircle.diametre, (_arg1.Brain.WalkCircle.angle + 180)).x; }; if (_arg1.Brain.WalkCircle.CentreY == null){ _arg1.Brain.WalkCircle.CentreY = GetDirectionTo({y:_arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialY}, _arg1.Brain.WalkCircle.diametre, (_arg1.Brain.WalkCircle.angle + 180)).y; }; _arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialX = GetDirectionTo({x:_arg1.Brain.WalkCircle.CentreX}, _arg1.Brain.WalkCircle.diametre, _arg1.Brain.WalkCircle.angle).x; _arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialY = GetDirectionTo({y:_arg1.Brain.WalkCircle.CentreY}, _arg1.Brain.WalkCircle.diametre, _arg1.Brain.WalkCircle.angle).y; _arg1.Brain.WalkCircle.angle = (_arg1.Brain.WalkCircle.angle + (_local10) ? _local3 : -(_local3)); _arg1.Brain.WalkCircle.diametre = (_arg1.Brain.WalkCircle.diametre + _local9); _arg1.Brain.WalkCircle.diametre = ((_arg1.Brain.WalkCircle.diametre)<0) ? 0 : _arg1.Brain.WalkCircle.diametre; _arg1.Brain.WalkCircle.CentreX = (_arg1.Brain.WalkCircle.CentreX + _local5); _arg1.Brain.WalkCircle.CentreY = (_arg1.Brain.WalkCircle.CentreY + _local6); _arg1.Brain.speedX = (_arg1.Brain.speedX + ((_arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialX - ((_arg1.Brain.MemoCheminX) || (0))) * (_local7 / 100))); _arg1.Brain.speedY = (_arg1.Brain.speedY + ((_arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialY - ((_arg1.Brain.MemoCheminY) || (0))) * (_local8 / 100))); } public function KnowledgeLoop(_arg1:Event):void{ var Cible:*; var Element:*; var KeyD:*; var KeyIn:*; var KeyF:*; var KeyLock:*; var KeyMegaLock:*; var event = _arg1; Cible = event.target; Element = Cible; if (Cible){ if (Cible.Brain){ if (Cible.Brain.BrainProcess){ if (Cible.Brain.BrainProcess.Active){ for (KeyD in Cible.Brain) { try { Cible.Brain[KeyD].Temps = ((Cible.Brain[KeyD].Temps) || (0)); Cible.Brain[KeyD].Temps++; if (((Cible.Brain[KeyD].Debut) || (IndexOf(FirstEndFunctionList, KeyD)))){ if (!Cible.Brain[KeyD].Cible){ Cible.Brain[KeyD].EtatLancement = "Debut"; if (!FindIn(KeyD, "_")){ try { var _local5 = Cible.Brain.BrainProcess; _local5[KeyD](Cible, Cible.Brain[KeyD]); } catch(e) { }; } else { try { _local5 = Cible.Brain.BrainProcess; _local5[KeyD.split("_")[0]](Cible, Cible.Brain[KeyD]); } catch(e) { }; }; } else { try { _local5 = Cible.Brain[KeyD].Cible; _local5[KeyD](); } catch(e) { }; }; }; } catch(e) { }; }; if (!Element.Brain.Countdown){ for (KeyIn in Cible.Brain) { try { if (((((!(Cible.Brain[KeyIn].Fin)) && (!(Cible.Brain[KeyIn].Debut)))) && (!(IndexOf(FirstEndFunctionList, KeyIn))))){ if (!Cible.Brain[KeyIn].Cible){ Cible.Brain[KeyIn].EtatLancement = "Milieu"; if (!FindIn(KeyIn, "_")){ try { _local5 = Cible.Brain.BrainProcess; _local5[KeyIn](Cible, Cible.Brain[KeyIn]); } catch(e) { }; } else { try { _local5 = Cible.Brain.BrainProcess; _local5[KeyIn.split("_")[0]](Cible, Cible.Brain[KeyIn]); } catch(e) { }; }; } else { try { _local5 = Cible.Brain[KeyIn].Cible; _local5[KeyIn](); } catch(e) { }; }; }; } catch(e) { }; }; for (KeyF in Cible.Brain) { try { if (((Cible.Brain[KeyF].Fin) || (IndexOf(FirstEndFunctionList, KeyF)))){ if (!Cible.Brain[KeyF].Cible){ Cible.Brain[KeyF].EtatLancement = "Fin"; if (!FindIn(KeyF, "_")){ try { _local5 = Cible.Brain.BrainProcess; _local5[KeyF](Cible, Cible.Brain[KeyF]); } catch(e) { }; } else { try { _local5 = Cible.Brain.BrainProcess; _local5[KeyF.split("_")[0]](Cible, Cible.Brain[KeyF]); } catch(e) { }; }; } else { try { _local5 = Cible.Brain[KeyF].Cible; _local5[KeyF](); } catch(e) { }; }; }; } catch(e) { }; }; Cible.Brain.speedX = Number(Aspiration(Cible.Brain.speedX)); Cible.Brain.speedY = Number(Aspiration(Cible.Brain.speedY)); Cible.Brain.speedFront = Number(Aspiration(Cible.Brain.speedFront)); Cible.Brain.speedRotation = Number(Aspiration(Cible.Brain.speedRotation)); Cible.Brain.speedHeight = Number(Aspiration(Cible.Brain.speedHeight)); Cible.Brain.speedWidth = Number(Aspiration(Cible.Brain.speedWidth)); Cible.x = (Cible.x + Cible.Brain.speedX); Cible.y = (Cible.y + Cible.Brain.speedY); Cible.rotation = (Cible.rotation + Cible.Brain.speedRotation); Cible.height = SetRealScale(Cible, ("+" + Cible.Brain.speedHeight), "height"); Cible.width = SetRealScale(Cible, ("+" + Cible.Brain.speedHeight), "width"); if (Cible.Brain.directionX == "Gauche"){ Cible.scaleX = -1; }; if (Cible.Brain.directionY == "Bas"){ Cible.scaleY = -1; }; for (KeyLock in Cible.BrainLock) { try { if (!Cible.BrainLock[KeyLock].Cible){ try { _local5 = Cible.Brain.BrainProcess; _local5[KeyLock](Cible, Cible.BrainLock[KeyLock]); } catch(e) { }; } else { try { _local5 = Cible.BrainLock[KeyLock].Cible; _local5[KeyLock](); } catch(e) { }; }; } catch(e) { }; }; for (KeyMegaLock in Cible.BrainMegaLock) { try { if (!Cible.BrainMegaLock[KeyMegaLock].Cible){ try { _local5 = Cible.Brain.BrainProcess; _local5[KeyMegaLock](Cible, Cible.BrainMegaLock[KeyMegaLock]); } catch(e) { }; } else { try { _local5 = Cible.BrainMegaLock[KeyMegaLock].Cible; _local5[KeyMegaLock](); } catch(e) { }; }; } catch(e) { }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function ApplyBrain(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3, _arg4:Object=null, _arg5:String="Intel"):void{ var _local6:Object; var _local7:*; var _local8:*; var _local9:*; if (Brains[_arg1]){ if (Brains[_arg1][_arg2]){ _local6 = CloneObject(Brains[_arg1][_arg2]); for (_local7 in _arg4) { for (_local8 in _local6) { for (_local9 in _local6[_local8]) { if (_local7 == _local9){ _local6[_local8][_local9] = _arg4[_local7]; }; }; }; }; ApplyMultiKnowledge(_arg3, _local6, _arg5); } else { TraceError("BrainProcess", "ApplyBrain", (("L'intelligence «" + _arg2) + "» n'existe pas.")); }; } else { TraceError("BrainProcess", "ApplyBrain", (("Le groupe «" + _arg1) + "» n'existe pas.")); }; } public function RemoveKnowledge(_arg1, _arg2:String="All", _arg3=null, _arg4=null):void{ var _local5:int; var _local6:int; var _local7:*; if (_arg3){ if (TypeOf(_arg3, "String")){ _arg3 = [_arg3]; }; _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _arg3.length) { if (_arg3[_local6] == "All Vitesse"){ _arg3 = FusionArray(_arg3, ["Vitesse", "speedX", "speedY", "speedRotation", "speedWidth", "speedHeight"]); }; _local6++; }; } else { _arg3 = new Array(); }; _arg4 = ((_arg4) || (new Array())); _arg1.Brain[_arg2] = null; _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < _arg3.length) { _arg1.Brain[_arg3[_local5]] = null; _local5++; }; if (_arg2 == "Absolut"){ RemoveEvents(_arg1, _arg1.Brain.BouclePlayer, "ENTER_FRAME", "BrainLoop"); }; if ((((_arg2 == "All")) || ((_arg2 == "Absolut")))){ for (_local7 in _arg1.Brain) { if (((!((_local7 == "BouclePlayer"))) || ((_arg2 == "Absolut")))){ if (!IndexOf(_arg4, _local7)){ _arg1.Brain[_local7] = null; }; }; }; }; } public function TurnRightDirect(_arg1:Object):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:Number; _local2 = _arg1.Element; _local3 = Aspiration(_arg1.speedRotation, 3); if (_local2.Brain.BrainProcess.Active){ _local2.rotation = (_local2.rotation + _local3); }; } public function LeftSpeed(_arg1:Object):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; _local2 = _arg1.Element; _local3 = Aspiration(_arg1.speed, 3); _local4 = Aspiration(_arg1.speedX, 0); _local5 = Aspiration(_arg1.speedMax, 100); if (_local2.Brain.BrainProcess.Active){ _local2.Brain.speedX = (_local2.Brain.speedX - (_local3 + _local4)); }; } public function Shift(_arg1, _arg2:Object):void{ var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:String; _local3 = Aspiration(_arg2.shiftX, 0); _local4 = Aspiration(_arg2.shiftY, 0); _local5 = Aspiration(_arg2.shiftRotation, 0); _local6 = _arg2.EtatLancement; if ((((_arg2.Temps > 1)) || ((_local6 == "Fin")))){ _arg1.x = (_arg1.x + ((_local6)=="Debut") ? -(_local3) : _local3); _arg1.y = (_arg1.y + ((_local6)=="Debut") ? -(_local4) : _local4); _arg1.rotation = (_arg1.rotation + ((_local6)=="Debut") ? -(_local5) : _local5); }; } public function TurnLeftSpeed(_arg1:Object):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:Number; _local2 = _arg1.Element; _local3 = Aspiration(_arg1.speedRotation, 3); if (_local2.Brain.BrainProcess.Active){ _local2.Brain.speedRotation = (_local2.Brain.speedRotation - _local3); }; } public function DownSpeed(_arg1:Object):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; _local2 = _arg1.Element; _local3 = Aspiration(_arg1.speed, 3); _local4 = Aspiration(_arg1.speedY, 0); _local5 = Aspiration(_arg1.speedMax, 100); if (_local2.Brain.BrainProcess.Active){ _local2.Brain.speedY = (_local2.Brain.speedY + (_local3 + _local4)); }; } public function UpRightSpeed(_arg1:Object):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; _local2 = _arg1.Element; _local3 = Aspiration(_arg1.speed, 3); _local4 = Aspiration(_arg1.speedMax, 100); if (_local2.Brain.BrainProcess.Active){ _local2.Brain.speedX = (_local2.Brain.speedX - (_local3 / 2)); _local2.Brain.speedY = (_local2.Brain.speedY - (_local3 / 2)); }; } public function MoveFront(_arg1, _arg2:Object):void{ var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; _local3 = Aspiration(_arg2.shift, 0); _local4 = Aspiration(_arg2.speed, 0); SetDirectionTo(_arg1, (_arg1.Brain.speed + _local4), _arg1, _local3); } public function ChaosSpeed(_arg1, _arg2:Object):void{ var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; _local3 = Aspiration(_arg2.x, 0); _local4 = Aspiration(_arg2.y, 0); _local5 = Aspiration(_arg2.rotation, 0); _local6 = Aspiration(_arg2.xMin, -(_local3)); _local7 = Aspiration(_arg2.xMax, _local3); _local8 = Aspiration(_arg2.yMin, -(_local4)); _local9 = Aspiration(_arg2.yMax, _local4); _local10 = Aspiration(_arg2.rotationMin, -(_local5)); _local11 = Aspiration(_arg2.rotationMax, _local5); _arg1.Brain.speedX = (_arg1.Brain.speedX + Random(_local6, _local7)); _arg1.Brain.speedY = (_arg1.Brain.speedY + Random(_local8, _local9)); _arg1.Brain.speedRotation = (_arg1.Brain.speedRotation + Random(_local10, _local11)); } public function ApplyKnowledge(_arg1, _arg2:String, _arg3:Object=null, _arg4:String="Intel"):void{ var Touche:*; var Element = _arg1; var Intelligence = _arg2; var Parametres = _arg3; var NomIntelligence = _arg4; Parametres = ((Parametres) || ({})); Parametres.Element = ((Parametres.Element) || (Element)); Element.Brain = ((Element.Brain) || (new Object())); Element.Brain[Intelligence] = Parametres; Element.Brain.speed = ((Element.Brain.speed) || (0)); Element.Brain.speedX = ((Element.Brain.speedX) || (0)); Element.Brain.speedY = ((Element.Brain.speedY) || (0)); Element.Brain.speedRotation = ((Element.Brain.speedRotation) || (0)); Element.Brain.speedHeight = ((Element.Brain.speedHeight) || (0)); Element.Brain.speedWidth = ((Element.Brain.speedWidth) || (0)); Element.Brain.directionX = ((Element.Brain.directionX) || ("Droite")); Element.Brain.directionY = ((Element.Brain.directionY) || ("Haut")); Element.Brain.MemoX = new Object(); Element.Brain.MemoY = new Object(); Element.Brain.MemoX.StandardX = Element.x; Element.Brain.MemoY.StandardY = Element.y; Element.Brain.BrainProcess = this; if (!Element.Action){ Element.Action = function (_arg1:String, _arg2:Object=null){ var Transfere = _arg1; var Arguments = _arg2; try { if (Arguments){ var _local4 = Element.Brain.BrainProcess; _local4[Transfere](Element, Arguments); } else { _local4 = Element.Brain.BrainProcess; _local4[Transfere](Element); }; } catch(e) { TraceError("BrainProcess", ("Action sur " + Element.name), [(("Impossible de lancer la méthode «" + Transfere) + "».")]); }; }; }; if (Parametres.Keyboard){ for (Touche in Parametres.Keyboard) { Keyboard.NewKeyEvent(((Element.name + RandomWord()) + Touche), Touche, {Cible:this, Fonction:(TypeOf(Parametres.Keyboard[Touche], "String")) ? Parametres.Keyboard[Touche] : Parametres.Keyboard[Touche].Touche, Argument:Parametres}, (TypeOf(Parametres.Keyboard[Touche], "String")) ? 0 : Parametres.Keyboard[Touche].Appuie, Element, ((Parametres.keyState) || ("Appuie"))); }; }; TreatKnowledge(Element.Brain, Element); if (!Element.Brain.BouclePlayer){ Element.Brain.BouclePlayer = KnowledgeLoop; AddEvents(Element, Element.Brain.BouclePlayer, "ENTER_FRAME", "BrainLoop"); SmartCharacters[NomIntelligence] = ((SmartCharacters[NomIntelligence]) || (new Array())); SmartCharacters[NomIntelligence].push(Element); }; } public function RightDirect(_arg1:Object):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; _local2 = _arg1.Element; _local3 = Aspiration(_arg1.speed, 3); _local4 = Aspiration(_arg1.speedX, 0); if (_local2.Brain.BrainProcess.Active){ _local2.x = (_local2.x + (_local3 + _local4)); }; } public function LimitAround(_arg1, _arg2:Object):void{ var _local3:*; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; _local3 = ((_arg2.Cible) || ({x:0, y:0})); _local4 = Aspiration(_arg2.xMin, NaN); _local5 = Aspiration(_arg2.xMax, NaN); _local6 = Aspiration(_arg2.yMin, NaN); _local7 = Aspiration(_arg2.yMax, NaN); _local8 = Aspiration(_arg2.rotationMin, NaN); _local9 = Aspiration(_arg2.rotationMax, NaN); _local10 = Aspiration(_arg2.widthMin, NaN); _local11 = Aspiration(_arg2.widthMax, NaN); _local12 = Aspiration(_arg2.heightMin, NaN); _local13 = Aspiration(_arg2.heightMax, NaN); _arg1.x = BumpNumber(_arg1.x, _local4, _local5); _arg1.y = BumpNumber(_arg1.y, _local6, _local7); if (_arg1.x == _local4){ _arg1.x = _local5; } else { if (_arg1.x == _local5){ _arg1.x = _local4; }; }; if (_arg1.y == _local6){ _arg1.y = _local7; } else { if (_arg1.y == _local7){ _arg1.y = _local6; }; }; _arg1.rotation = BumpNumber(_arg1.rotation, _local8, _local9); if (_arg1.rotation == _local8){ _arg1.rotation = _local9; } else { if (_arg1.rotation == _local9){ _arg1.rotation = _local8; }; }; _arg1.width = BumpNumber(_arg1.width, _local10, _local11); _arg1.height = BumpNumber(_arg1.height, _local12, _local13); if (_arg1.width == _local10){ _arg1.width = _local11; } else { if (_arg1.width == _local11){ _arg1.width = _local10; }; }; if (_arg1.height == _local12){ _arg1.height = _local13; } else { if (_arg1.height == _local13){ _arg1.height = _local12; }; }; if (_local3.Brain.directionX == "Gauche"){ _local3.scaleX = -1; }; if (_local3.Brain.directionY == "Bas"){ _local3.scaleY = -1; }; } public function NewBrain(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:Object):void{ if (!Brains[_arg1]){ NewBrainGroup(_arg1); }; Brains[_arg1][_arg2] = _arg3; } public function LimitSpeed(_arg1, _arg2:Object):void{ var _local3:*; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; _local3 = ((_arg2.Cible) || ({x:0, y:0})); _local4 = Aspiration(_arg2.speed, NaN); _local5 = Aspiration(_arg2.speedX, NaN); _local6 = Aspiration(_arg2.speedY, NaN); _local7 = Aspiration(_arg2.speedRotation, NaN); _local8 = Aspiration(_arg2.speedWidth, NaN); _local9 = Aspiration(_arg2.speedHeight, NaN); _arg1.Brain.speed = BumpNumber(_arg1.Brain.speed, -(_local4), _local4); _arg1.Brain.speedX = BumpNumber(_arg1.Brain.speedX, -(_local5), _local5); _arg1.Brain.speedY = BumpNumber(_arg1.Brain.speedY, -(_local6), _local6); _arg1.Brain.speedRotation = BumpNumber(_arg1.Brain.speedRotation, -(_local7), _local7); _arg1.Brain.speedWidth = BumpNumber(_arg1.Brain.speedWidth, -(_local8), _local8); _arg1.Brain.speedHeight = BumpNumber(_arg1.Brain.speedHeight, -(_local9), _local9); } public function LookDirectionAngle(_arg1, _arg2:Object):void{ var _local3:Number; _local3 = Aspiration(_arg2.shift, 0); _arg1.rotation = (GetAngle({x:_arg1.Brain.MemoX.Directionnel, y:_arg1.Brain.MemoY.Directionnel}, _arg1) + _local3); _arg1.Brain.MemoX.Directionnel = _arg1.x; _arg1.Brain.MemoY.Directionnel = _arg1.y; } public function TurnDownRightDirection(_arg1:Object):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:Number; _local2 = _arg1.Element; _local3 = Aspiration(_arg1.speedRotation, 10); _local3 = ((_local3)<=0) ? 1 : _local3; if (_local2.Brain.BrainProcess.Active){ AngleGoTo(_local2, 45, _local3); }; } public function NewCharacter(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:Object):void{ if (!Characters[_arg1]){ NewCharacterGroup(_arg1); }; if (TraceIfNotKey(_arg3, ["Class", "Conteneur"], "BrainProcess", "NewCharacter", "Parametres")){ Characters[_arg1][_arg2] = _arg3; }; } public function TurnLeftDirection(_arg1:Object):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:Number; _local2 = _arg1.Element; _local3 = Aspiration(_arg1.speedRotation, 10); _local3 = ((_local3)<=0) ? 1 : _local3; if (_local2.Brain.BrainProcess.Active){ AngleGoTo(_local2, 180, _local3); }; } public function WalkRectangle(_arg1, _arg2:Object):void{ var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Boolean; var _local7:String; var _local8:Array; _local3 = Aspiration(_arg2.speed, 1); _local4 = Aspiration(_arg2.crantX, 0); _local5 = Aspiration(_arg2.crantY, 0); _local6 = ((_arg2.mean) || (false)); _local7 = ((_arg2.direction) || ("Droite")); _arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.Rectangle = ((_arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.Rectangle) || (new Array())); _arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.Rectangle[0] = SetDefault(_arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.Rectangle[0], 0); _arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.Rectangle[1] = SetDefault(_arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.Rectangle[1], 0); _arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.Rectangle[2] = SetDefault(_arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.Rectangle[2], 100); _arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.Rectangle[3] = SetDefault(_arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.Rectangle[3], 100); _local8 = _arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.Rectangle; if (((!((_arg1.Brain.MemoCheminX == null))) && (!((_arg1.Brain.speedX == 0))))){ _arg1.Brain.speedX = (_arg1.Brain.speedX - (_arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialX - _arg1.Brain.MemoCheminX)); }; if (((!((_arg1.Brain.MemoCheminY == null))) && (!((_arg1.Brain.speedY == 0))))){ _arg1.Brain.speedY = (_arg1.Brain.speedY - (_arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialY - _arg1.Brain.MemoCheminY)); }; _arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialX = SetDefault(_arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialX, _arg1.x); _arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialY = SetDefault(_arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialY, _arg1.y); _arg1.Brain.MemoCheminX = _arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialX; _arg1.Brain.MemoCheminY = _arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialY; if (_arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.ReferenceX == null){ _arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.ReferenceX = SetDefault(_arg2.startX, 0); }; if (_arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.ReferenceY == null){ _arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.ReferenceY = SetDefault(_arg2.startY, 0); }; _arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.direction = SetDefault(_arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.direction, _local7); if (_arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.direction == "Droite"){ _arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialX = (_arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialX + _local3); _arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.ReferenceX = (_arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.ReferenceX + _local3); if (_arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.ReferenceX >= _local8[2]){ if (_local6){ _arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.ReferenceY = (_arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.ReferenceY + (_arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.ReferenceX - _local8[2])); _arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialY = (_arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialY + (_arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.ReferenceX - _local8[2])); _arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialX = (_arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialX - (_arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.ReferenceX - _local8[2])); _arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.ReferenceX = _local8[2]; _arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.direction = "Bas"; _arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.Rectangle[2] = (_arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.Rectangle[2] + _local4); _arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.Rectangle[0] = (_arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.Rectangle[0] + _local4); } else { _arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.ReferenceY = (_arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.ReferenceY - (_arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.ReferenceX - _local8[2])); _arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialY = (_arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialY - (_arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.ReferenceX - _local8[2])); _arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialX = (_arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialX - (_arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.ReferenceX - _local8[2])); _arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.ReferenceX = _local8[2]; _arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.direction = "Haut"; _arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.Rectangle[2] = (_arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.Rectangle[2] + _local4); _arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.Rectangle[0] = (_arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.Rectangle[0] + _local4); }; }; } else { if (_arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.direction == "Gauche"){ _arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialX = (_arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialX - _local3); _arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.ReferenceX = (_arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.ReferenceX - _local3); if (_arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.ReferenceX <= _local8[0]){ if (_local6){ _arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.ReferenceY = (_arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.ReferenceY - (_local8[0] - _arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.ReferenceX)); _arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialY = (_arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialY - (_local8[0] - _arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.ReferenceX)); _arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialX = (_arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialX + (_local8[0] - _arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.ReferenceX)); _arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.ReferenceX = _local8[0]; _arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.direction = "Haut"; _arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.Rectangle[2] = (_arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.Rectangle[2] + _local4); _arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.Rectangle[0] = (_arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.Rectangle[0] + _local4); } else { _arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.ReferenceY = (_arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.ReferenceY + (_local8[0] - _arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.ReferenceX)); _arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialY = (_arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialY + (_local8[0] - _arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.ReferenceX)); _arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialX = (_arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialX + (_local8[0] - _arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.ReferenceX)); _arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.ReferenceX = _local8[0]; _arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.direction = "Bas"; _arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.Rectangle[2] = (_arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.Rectangle[2] + _local4); _arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.Rectangle[0] = (_arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.Rectangle[0] + _local4); }; }; } else { if (_arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.direction == "Bas"){ _arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialY = (_arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialY + _local3); _arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.ReferenceY = (_arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.ReferenceY + _local3); if (_arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.ReferenceY >= _local8[3]){ if (_local6){ _arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.ReferenceX = (_arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.ReferenceX + (_local8[3] - _arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.ReferenceY)); _arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialX = (_arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialX + (_local8[3] - _arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.ReferenceY)); _arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialY = (_arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialY + (_local8[3] - _arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.ReferenceY)); _arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.ReferenceY = _local8[3]; _arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.direction = "Gauche"; _arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.Rectangle[1] = (_arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.Rectangle[1] + _local5); _arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.Rectangle[3] = (_arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.Rectangle[3] + _local5); } else { _arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.ReferenceX = (_arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.ReferenceX - (_local8[3] - _arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.ReferenceY)); _arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialX = (_arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialX - (_local8[3] - _arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.ReferenceY)); _arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialY = (_arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialY + (_local8[3] - _arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.ReferenceY)); _arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.ReferenceY = _local8[3]; _arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.direction = "Droite"; _arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.Rectangle[1] = (_arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.Rectangle[1] + _local5); _arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.Rectangle[3] = (_arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.Rectangle[3] + _local5); }; }; } else { if (_arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.direction == "Haut"){ _arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialY = (_arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialY - _local3); _arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.ReferenceY = (_arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.ReferenceY - _local3); if (_arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.ReferenceY <= _local8[1]){ if (_local6){ _arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.ReferenceX = (_arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.ReferenceX - (_arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.ReferenceY - _local8[1])); _arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialX = (_arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialX - (_arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.ReferenceY - _local8[1])); _arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialY = (_arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialY - (_arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.ReferenceY - _local8[1])); _arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.ReferenceY = _local8[1]; _arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.direction = "Droite"; _arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.Rectangle[1] = (_arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.Rectangle[1] + _local5); _arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.Rectangle[3] = (_arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.Rectangle[3] + _local5); } else { _arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.ReferenceX = (_arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.ReferenceX + (_arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.ReferenceY - _local8[1])); _arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialX = (_arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialX + (_arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.ReferenceY - _local8[1])); _arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialY = (_arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialY - (_arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.ReferenceY - _local8[1])); _arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.ReferenceY = _local8[1]; _arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.direction = "Gauche"; _arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.Rectangle[1] = (_arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.Rectangle[1] + _local5); _arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.Rectangle[3] = (_arg1.Brain.WalkRectangle.Rectangle[3] + _local5); }; }; }; }; }; }; _arg1.Brain.speedX = (_arg1.Brain.speedX + (_arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialX - _arg1.Brain.MemoCheminX)); _arg1.Brain.speedY = (_arg1.Brain.speedY + (_arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialY - _arg1.Brain.MemoCheminY)); } private function TreatKnowledge(_arg1:Object, _arg2):void{ var _local3:*; for (_local3 in _arg1) { if (!isNaN(Number(_arg1[_local3]))){ _arg1[_local3] = Number(_arg1[_local3]); }; if (FindIn(String(_arg1[_local3]), "*Nom*")){ _arg1[_local3] = CharacterConversion(_arg1[_local3], "*Nom*", _arg2.name); }; if (((TypeOf(_arg1[_local3], "Object")) || (TypeOf(_arg1[_local3], "Array")))){ TreatKnowledge(_arg1[_local3], _arg2); }; }; } public function DownLeftSpeed(_arg1:Object):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; _local2 = _arg1.Element; _local3 = Aspiration(_arg1.speed, 3); _local4 = Aspiration(_arg1.speedMax, 100); if (_local2.Brain.BrainProcess.Active){ _local2.Brain.speedX = (_local2.Brain.speedX + (_local3 / 2)); _local2.Brain.speedY = (_local2.Brain.speedY + (_local3 / 2)); }; } public function TranspositionTwist(_arg1, _arg2:Object):void{ var _local3:*; var _local4:*; var _local5:*; if (!_arg1.BrainLock){ _arg1.BrainLock = new Object(); }; if (_arg1.Brain.Transposition){ _arg1.BrainLock.Transposition = CloneObject(_arg1.Brain.Transposition); _arg1.Brain.Transposition = null; }; for (_local3 in _arg2.Parametres) { _arg1.BrainLock.Transposition[_local3] = ((_arg1.BrainLock.Transposition[_local3]) || (new Object())); _arg1.BrainLock.Transposition[_local3].Memo = ((_arg1.BrainLock.Transposition[_local3].Memo) || (_arg1[_local3])); _arg1.BrainLock.Transposition[_local3].Decalage = (_arg1.BrainLock.Transposition[_local3].Memo - _arg1[_local3]); }; for (_local4 in _arg2.Parametres) { _arg1[_arg2.Parametres[_local4]] = (_arg1[_arg2.Parametres[_local4]] - (_arg1.BrainLock.Transposition[_local4].Decalage * ((Aspiration(_arg2.Decalage)) || (1)))); _arg1[_local4] = (_arg1[_local4] + _arg1.BrainLock.Transposition[_local4].Decalage); }; for (_local5 in _arg2.Parametres) { _arg1.BrainLock.Transposition[_local5].Memo = _arg1[_local5]; }; } public function TurnUpLeftDirection(_arg1:Object):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:Number; _local2 = _arg1.Element; _local3 = Aspiration(_arg1.speedRotation, 10); _local3 = ((_local3)<=0) ? 1 : _local3; if (_local2.Brain.BrainProcess.Active){ AngleGoTo(_local2, -135, _local3); }; } public function LimitBounce(_arg1, _arg2:Object):void{ var _local3:*; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:Number; var _local18:Number; var _local19:Number; var _local20:Number; var _local21:Number; var _local22:Number; var _local23:Number; _local3 = ((_arg2.Cible) || ({x:0, y:0})); _local4 = Aspiration(_arg2.xMin, NaN); _local5 = Aspiration(_arg2.xMax, NaN); _local6 = Aspiration(_arg2.yMin, NaN); _local7 = Aspiration(_arg2.yMax, NaN); _local8 = Aspiration(_arg2.rotationMin, NaN); _local9 = Aspiration(_arg2.rotationMax, NaN); _local10 = Aspiration(_arg2.widthMin, NaN); _local11 = Aspiration(_arg2.widthMax, NaN); _local12 = Aspiration(_arg2.heightMin, NaN); _local13 = Aspiration(_arg2.heightMax, NaN); _local14 = Aspiration(_arg2.bounceX, 1); _local15 = Aspiration(_arg2.bounceY, 1); _local16 = Aspiration(_arg2.bounceRotation, 1); _local17 = Aspiration(_arg2.bouncewidth, 1); _local18 = Aspiration(_arg2.bounceHeight, 1); _local19 = Aspiration(_arg2.BumpX, 1); _local20 = Aspiration(_arg2.BumpY, 1); _local21 = Aspiration(_arg2.BumpRotation, 1); _local22 = Aspiration(_arg2.BumpWidth, 1); _local23 = Aspiration(_arg2.BumpHeight, 1); _arg1.x = BumpNumber(_arg1.x, _local4, _local5); _arg1.y = BumpNumber(_arg1.y, _local6, _local7); if ((((_arg1.x >= _local5)) || ((_arg1.x <= _local4)))){ _arg1.Brain.speedX = (_arg1.Brain.speedX * -(_local14)); }; if ((((_arg1.y >= _local7)) || ((_arg1.y <= _local6)))){ _arg1.Brain.speedY = (_arg1.Brain.speedY * -(_local15)); }; _arg1.rotation = BumpNumber(_arg1.rotation, _local8, _local9); if ((((_arg1.rotation >= _local9)) || ((_arg1.rotation <= _local8)))){ _arg1.Brain.speedRotation = (_arg1.Brain.speedRotation * -(_local16)); }; _arg1.width = BumpNumber(_arg1.width, _local10, _local11); _arg1.height = BumpNumber(_arg1.height, _local12, _local13); if ((((_arg1.width >= _local11)) || ((_arg1.width <= _local10)))){ _arg1.Brain.speedWidth = (_arg1.Brain.speedWidth * -(_local17)); }; if ((((_arg1.height >= _local13)) || ((_arg1.height <= _local12)))){ _arg1.Brain.speedHeight = (_arg1.Brain.speedHeight * -(_local18)); }; if (((NearEqual(_arg1.x, _local4, _local19)) && (NearEqual(_arg1.Brain.speedX, 0, _local19)))){ _arg1.x = _local4; _arg1.Brain.speedX = 0; }; if (((NearEqual(_arg1.x, _local5, _local19)) && (NearEqual(_arg1.Brain.speedX, 0, _local19)))){ _arg1.x = _local5; _arg1.Brain.speedX = 0; }; if (((NearEqual(_arg1.y, _local6, _local20)) && (NearEqual(_arg1.Brain.speedY, 0, _local20)))){ _arg1.y = _local6; _arg1.Brain.speedY = 0; }; if (((NearEqual(_arg1.y, _local7, _local20)) && (NearEqual(_arg1.Brain.speedY, 0, _local20)))){ _arg1.y = _local7; _arg1.Brain.speedY = 0; }; if (((NearEqual(_arg1.rotation, _local8, _local21)) && (NearEqual(_arg1.Brain.speedRotation, 0, _local21)))){ _arg1.rotation = _local8; _arg1.Brain.speedRotation = 0; }; if (((NearEqual(_arg1.rotation, _local9, _local21)) && (NearEqual(_arg1.Brain.speedRotation, 0, _local21)))){ _arg1.rotation = _local9; _arg1.Brain.speedRotation = 0; }; if (((NearEqual(_arg1.width, _local10, _local22)) && (NearEqual(_arg1.Brain.speedWidth, 0, _local22)))){ _arg1.width = _local10; _arg1.Brain.speedWidth = 0; }; if (((NearEqual(_arg1.width, _local11, _local22)) && (NearEqual(_arg1.Brain.speedWidth, 0, _local22)))){ _arg1.width = _local11; _arg1.Brain.speedWidth = 0; }; if (((NearEqual(_arg1.height, _local12, _local23)) && (NearEqual(_arg1.Brain.speedHeight, 0, _local23)))){ _arg1.height = _local12; _arg1.Brain.speedHeight = 0; }; if (((NearEqual(_arg1.height, _local13, _local23)) && (NearEqual(_arg1.Brain.speedHeight, 0, _local23)))){ _arg1.height = _local13; _arg1.Brain.speedHeight = 0; }; } public function DownRightSpeed(_arg1:Object):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; _local2 = _arg1.Element; _local3 = Aspiration(_arg1.speed, 3); _local4 = Aspiration(_arg1.speedMax, 100); if (_local2.Brain.BrainProcess.Active){ _local2.Brain.speedX = (_local2.Brain.speedX - (_local3 / 2)); _local2.Brain.speedY = (_local2.Brain.speedY + (_local3 / 2)); }; } public function FollowLook(_arg1, _arg2:Object):void{ var _local3:*; var _local4:Number; _local3 = ((_arg2.target) || ({x:0, y:0})); _local3 = ((_local3)=="Mouse") ? Mouse : _local3; _local4 = Aspiration(_arg2.speed, 10); _local4 = ((_local4)<=0) ? 1 : _local4; if (TypeOf(_local3, "MousePort")){ if (!TypeOf(_arg1.parent, "MainTimeline")){ _local3 = {x:_local3.localX((_arg1.parent as MovieClip)), y:_local3.localY((_arg1.parent as MovieClip))}; } else { _local3 = {x:_local3.X, y:_local3.Y}; }; }; AngleGoTo(_arg1, GetAngle(_arg1, _local3), _local4); } public function Countdown(_arg1, _arg2:Object):void{ var _local3:Number; _local3 = Aspiration(_arg2.time, 1); _arg1.Brain.Countdown.Retard = (_arg1.Brain.Countdown.Retard - _local3); if (_arg1.Brain.Countdown.Retard <= 0){ _arg1.Brain.Countdown = null; }; } public function ApplyMultiKnowledge(_arg1, _arg2:Object, _arg3:String="Intel"):void{ var _local4:*; for (_local4 in _arg2) { ApplyKnowledge(_arg1, _local4, _arg2[_local4], _arg3); }; } public function RefreshAllKnowledge(_arg1:String="Intel"):void{ var _local2:int; if (SmartCharacters[_arg1]){ _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < SmartCharacters[_arg1].length) { if (SmartCharacters[_arg1][_local2]){ RemoveEvents(SmartCharacters[_arg1][_local2], SmartCharacters[_arg1][_local2].Brain.BouclePlayer, "ENTER_FRAME", "BrainLoop"); }; _local2++; }; SmartCharacters[_arg1] = null; }; } public function LimitStop(_arg1, _arg2:Object):void{ var _local3:*; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; _local3 = ((_arg2.Cible) || ({x:0, y:0})); _local4 = Aspiration(_arg2.xMin, NaN); _local5 = Aspiration(_arg2.xMax, NaN); _local6 = Aspiration(_arg2.yMin, NaN); _local7 = Aspiration(_arg2.yMax, NaN); _local8 = Aspiration(_arg2.rotationMin, NaN); _local9 = Aspiration(_arg2.rotationMax, NaN); _local10 = Aspiration(_arg2.widthMin, NaN); _local11 = Aspiration(_arg2.widthMax, NaN); _local12 = Aspiration(_arg2.heightMin, NaN); _local13 = Aspiration(_arg2.heightMax, NaN); _arg1.x = BumpNumber(_arg1.x, _local4, _local5); _arg1.y = BumpNumber(_arg1.y, _local6, _local7); if ((((((_arg1.x == _local4)) && ((_arg1.Brain.speedX < 0)))) || ((((_arg1.x == _local5)) && ((_arg1.Brain.speedX > 0)))))){ _arg1.Brain.speedX = 0; }; if ((((((_arg1.y == _local6)) && ((_arg1.Brain.speedY < 0)))) || ((((_arg1.y == _local7)) && ((_arg1.Brain.speedY > 0)))))){ _arg1.Brain.speedY = 0; }; _arg1.rotation = BumpNumber(_arg1.rotation, _local8, _local9); if ((((((_arg1.rotation == _local8)) && ((_arg1.Brain.speedRotation < 0)))) || ((((_arg1.rotation == _local9)) && ((_arg1.Brain.speedRotation > 0)))))){ _arg1.Brain.speedRotation = 0; }; _arg1.width = BumpNumber(_arg1.width, _local10, _local11); _arg1.height = BumpNumber(_arg1.height, _local12, _local13); if ((((((_arg1.width == _local10)) && ((_arg1.Brain.speedWidth < 0)))) || ((((_arg1.width == _local11)) && ((_arg1.Brain.speedWidth > 0)))))){ _arg1.Brain.speedWidth = 0; }; if ((((((_arg1.height == _local12)) && ((_arg1.Brain.speedHeight < 0)))) || ((((_arg1.height == _local13)) && ((_arg1.Brain.speedHeight > 0)))))){ _arg1.Brain.speedHeight = 0; }; if (_local3.Brain.directionX == "Gauche"){ _local3.scaleX = -1; }; if (_local3.Brain.directionY == "Bas"){ _local3.scaleY = -1; }; } public function LookRotationShape(_arg1, _arg2:Object):void{ var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:*; var _local6:*; var _local7:*; _local3 = Aspiration(_arg2.shift, 0); _local4 = Aspiration(_arg2.multiply, 0); _local5 = _arg2.target; _local6 = (_arg2.target) ? (TypeOf(Aspiration(_arg2.target), "String")) ? _arg1[Aspiration(_arg2.target)] : Aspiration(_arg2.target) : _arg1; _local6 = ((((_local6 == null)) || ((_local6 == undefined)))) ? StringToElement(_local5, _arg1) : _local6; if (!_arg2.Complet){ for (_local7 in _arg2) { if (TypeOf(_arg2[_local7], "Object")){ if (_arg2[_local7].Min != null){ if (((((_local6.rotation * _local4) > _arg2[_local7].Min)) && (((_local6.rotation * _local4) < _arg2[_local7].Max)))){ _local6.gotoAndStop(((Aspiration(_arg2[_local7].Forme)) || (_local7))); }; }; }; }; } else { _local6.gotoAndStop(Math.round((Math.abs(((_local6.rotation + 180) * _local4)) * (_arg2.Complet / 360)))); }; _local6.stop(); } public function UpSpeed(_arg1:Object):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; _local2 = _arg1.Element; _local3 = Aspiration(_arg1.speed, 3); _local4 = Aspiration(_arg1.speedY, 0); _local5 = Aspiration(_arg1.speedMax, 100); if (_local2.Brain.BrainProcess.Active){ _local2.Brain.speedY = (_local2.Brain.speedY - (_local3 + _local4)); }; } public function TurnUpDirection(_arg1:Object):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:Number; _local2 = _arg1.Element; _local3 = Aspiration(_arg1.speedRotation, 10); _local3 = ((_local3)<=0) ? 1 : _local3; if (_local2.Brain.BrainProcess.Active){ AngleGoTo(_local2, -90, _local3); }; } public function NewCharacterGroup(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object=null):void{ Characters[_arg1] = new Object(); Characters[_arg1].Parametres = ((_arg2) || ({})); } public function UpDirect(_arg1:Object):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; _local2 = _arg1.Element; _local3 = Aspiration(_arg1.speed, 3); _local4 = Aspiration(_arg1.speedY, 0); if (_local2.Brain.BrainProcess.Active){ _local2.y = (_local2.y - (_local3 + _local4)); }; } public function LookNone(_arg1, _arg2:Object):void{ var _local3:*; var _local4:*; _local3 = _arg2.target; _local4 = (_arg2.target) ? (TypeOf(Aspiration(_arg2.target), "String")) ? _arg1[Aspiration(_arg2.target)] : Aspiration(_arg2.target) : _arg1; _local4 = ((((_local4 == null)) || ((_local4 == undefined)))) ? StringToElement(_local3, _arg1) : _local4; if (!_arg1.BrainLock){ _arg1.BrainLock = new Object(); }; if (_arg1.Brain.NoAngle){ _arg1.BrainLock.NoAngle = CloneObject(_arg1.Brain.NoAngle); _arg1.Brain.NoAngle = null; }; _local4.rotation = (-(_arg1.rotation) + Aspiration(_arg2.Decalage, 0)); } public function TranspositionNone(_arg1, _arg2:Object):void{ var _local3:*; if (!_arg1.BrainMegaLock){ _arg1.BrainMegaLock = new Object(); }; _arg1.BrainMegaLock.RetablissementFin = ((_arg1.BrainMegaLock.RetablissementFin) || (new Object())); for (_local3 in _arg2.Parametres) { if (_arg1.Brain.Retablissement[_local3]){ _arg1[_local3] = _arg1.Brain.Retablissement[_local3].Memo; }; }; } public function WalkSpecial(_arg1, _arg2:Object):void{ var _local3:Number; var _local4:Boolean; _local3 = Aspiration(_arg2.speed, 100); _local4 = ((_arg2.loop)!=null) ? _arg2.loop : true; if (((!((_arg1.Brain.MemoCheminX == null))) && (!((_arg1.Brain.speedX == 0))))){ _arg1.Brain.speedX = (_arg1.Brain.speedX - (_arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialX - _arg1.Brain.MemoCheminX)); }; if (((!((_arg1.Brain.MemoCheminY == null))) && (!((_arg1.Brain.speedY == 0))))){ _arg1.Brain.speedY = (_arg1.Brain.speedY - (_arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialY - _arg1.Brain.MemoCheminY)); }; _arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialX = Round(SetDefault(_arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialX, _arg1.x), 4); _arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialY = Round(SetDefault(_arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialY, _arg1.y), 4); _arg1.Brain.MemoCheminX = _arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialX; _arg1.Brain.MemoCheminY = _arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialY; if (_arg1.Brain.WalkSpecial.EtapeX == null){ _arg1.Brain.WalkSpecial.Point = 0; _arg1.Brain.WalkSpecial.EtapeX = Round(((_arg1.Brain.WalkSpecial.Points[0].x - _arg1.x) / ((_arg1.Brain.WalkSpecial.Points[_arg1.Brain.WalkSpecial.Point].speed) || (_local3))), 4); _arg1.Brain.WalkSpecial.EtapeY = Round(((_arg1.Brain.WalkSpecial.Points[0].y - _arg1.y) / ((_arg1.Brain.WalkSpecial.Points[_arg1.Brain.WalkSpecial.Point].speed) || (_local3))), 4); }; _arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialX = (_arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialX + _arg1.Brain.WalkSpecial.EtapeX); _arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialY = (_arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialY + _arg1.Brain.WalkSpecial.EtapeY); if (NearEqual(_arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialX, _arg1.Brain.WalkSpecial.Points[_arg1.Brain.WalkSpecial.Point].x)){ Launch(_arg1.Brain.WalkSpecial.Points[_arg1.Brain.WalkSpecial.Point].fonction); _arg1.Brain.WalkSpecial.Point++; if (((_arg1.Brain.WalkSpecial.Points[_arg1.Brain.WalkSpecial.Point]) || (_local4))){ if (!_arg1.Brain.WalkSpecial.Points[_arg1.Brain.WalkSpecial.Point]){ _arg1.Brain.WalkSpecial.Point = 0; }; _arg1.Brain.WalkSpecial.EtapeX = Round(((_arg1.Brain.WalkSpecial.Points[_arg1.Brain.WalkSpecial.Point].x - _arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialX) / ((_arg1.Brain.WalkSpecial.Points[_arg1.Brain.WalkSpecial.Point].speed) || (_local3))), 4); _arg1.Brain.WalkSpecial.EtapeY = Round(((_arg1.Brain.WalkSpecial.Points[_arg1.Brain.WalkSpecial.Point].y - _arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialY) / ((_arg1.Brain.WalkSpecial.Points[_arg1.Brain.WalkSpecial.Point].speed) || (_local3))), 4); } else { _arg1.Brain.WalkSpecial.EtapeX = 0; _arg1.Brain.WalkSpecial.EtapeY = 0; }; }; _arg1.Brain.speedX = (_arg1.Brain.speedX + (_arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialX - ((_arg1.Brain.MemoCheminX) || (0)))); _arg1.Brain.speedY = (_arg1.Brain.speedY + (_arg1.Brain.WalkSpecialY - ((_arg1.Brain.MemoCheminY) || (0)))); } public function TurnDownLeftDirection(_arg1:Object):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:Number; _local2 = _arg1.Element; _local3 = Aspiration(_arg1.speedRotation, 10); _local3 = ((_local3)<=0) ? 1 : _local3; if (_local2.Brain.BrainProcess.Active){ AngleGoTo(_local2, 135, _local3); }; } public function Bounce(_arg1, _arg2:Object):void{ var _local3:Object; if (_arg2.right){ _arg1.Brain.speedX = (_arg1.Brain.speedX - _arg2.right); }; if (_arg2.left){ _arg1.Brain.speedX = (_arg1.Brain.speedX - _arg2.left); }; if (_arg2.up){ _arg1.Brain.speedY = (_arg1.Brain.speedY - _arg2.up); }; if (_arg2.down){ _arg1.Brain.speedY = (_arg1.Brain.speedY - _arg2.down); }; if (_arg2.target){ if (_arg2.target.X){ _local3 = {x:_arg2.target.X, y:_arg2.target.Y}; _arg2.target = _local3; }; _arg1.Brain.speedX = (_arg1.Brain.speedX - (Math.cos(((GetAngle(_arg1, _arg2.target) / 180) * Math.PI)) * ((_arg2.strength) || (1)))); _arg1.Brain.speedY = (_arg1.Brain.speedY - (Math.sin(((GetAngle(_arg1, _arg2.target) / 180) * Math.PI)) * ((_arg2.strength) || (1)))); }; } public function NewBrainGroup(_arg1:String):void{ Brains[_arg1] = new Object(); } public function TurnRightDirection(_arg1:Object):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:Number; _local2 = _arg1.Element; _local3 = Aspiration(_arg1.speedRotation, 10); _local3 = ((_local3)<=0) ? 1 : _local3; if (_local2.Brain.BrainProcess.Active){ AngleGoTo(_local2, 0, _local3); }; } public function MoveSpeed(_arg1, _arg2:Object):void{ var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; _local3 = Aspiration(_arg2.x, 0); _local4 = Aspiration(_arg2.y, 0); _arg1.Brain.speedX = (_arg1.Brain.speedX + _local3); _arg1.Brain.speedY = (_arg1.Brain.speedY + _local4); } public function FollowSpeed(_arg1, _arg2:Object):void{ var _local3:*; var _local4:String; var _local5:Number; _local3 = ((_arg2.target) || ({x:0, y:0})); _local3 = ((_local3)=="Mouse") ? Mouse : _local3; _local4 = ((_arg2.type) || ("Deceleration")); _local5 = Aspiration(_arg2.speed, 10); if (TypeOf(_local3, "MousePort")){ if (!TypeOf(_arg1.parent, "MainTimeline")){ _local3 = {x:_local3.localX((_arg1.parent as MovieClip)), y:_local3.localY((_arg1.parent as MovieClip))}; } else { _local3 = {x:_local3.X, y:_local3.Y}; }; }; if (_local4 == "Deceleration"){ _arg1.Brain.speedX = (_arg1.Brain.speedX + ((_local3.x - _arg1.x) / (_local5 * 10))); _arg1.Brain.speedY = (_arg1.Brain.speedY + ((_local3.y - _arg1.y) / (_local5 * 10))); }; } public function LeftDirect(_arg1:Object):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; _local2 = _arg1.Element; _local3 = Aspiration(_arg1.speed, 3); _local4 = Aspiration(_arg1.speedX, 0); if (_local2.Brain.BrainProcess.Active){ _local2.x = (_local2.x - (_local3 + _local4)); }; } public function TurnUpRightDirection(_arg1:Object):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:Number; _local2 = _arg1.Element; _local3 = Aspiration(_arg1.speedRotation, 10); _local3 = ((_local3)<=0) ? 1 : _local3; if (_local2.Brain.BrainProcess.Active){ AngleGoTo(_local2, -45, _local3); }; } public function Brake(_arg1, _arg2:Object):void{ var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; _local3 = Aspiration(_arg2.strength, 95); _local4 = Aspiration(_arg2.strengthX, 100); _local5 = Aspiration(_arg2.strengthY, 100); _local6 = Aspiration(_arg2.strengthRotation, 95); _local7 = Aspiration(_arg2.strengthSize, 95); _arg1.Brain.speed = (_arg1.Brain.speed * (_local3 / 100)); _arg1.Brain.speedX = (_arg1.Brain.speedX * ((_local3 / 100) * (_local4 / 100))); _arg1.Brain.speedY = (_arg1.Brain.speedY * ((_local3 / 100) * (_local5 / 100))); _arg1.Brain.speedRotation = (_arg1.Brain.speedRotation * (_local6 / 100)); _arg1.Brain.speedHeight = (_arg1.Brain.speedHeight * (_local7 / 100)); _arg1.Brain.speedWidth = (_arg1.Brain.speedWidth * (_local7 / 100)); } public function FollowDirect(_arg1, _arg2:Object):void{ var _local3:*; var _local4:String; var _local5:Number; _local3 = ((_arg2.target) || ({x:0, y:0})); _local3 = ((_local3)=="Mouse") ? Mouse : _local3; _local4 = ((_arg2.type) || ("Deceleration")); _local5 = Aspiration(_arg2.speed, 10); if (TypeOf(_local3, "MousePort")){ if (!TypeOf(_arg1.parent, "MainTimeline")){ _local3 = {x:_local3.localX((_arg1.parent as MovieClip)), y:_local3.localY((_arg1.parent as MovieClip))}; } else { _local3 = {x:_local3.x, y:_local3.y}; }; }; if (_local4 == "Deceleration"){ _arg1.x = (_arg1.x + ((_local3.x - _arg1.x) / _local5)); _arg1.y = (_arg1.y + ((_local3.y - _arg1.y) / _local5)); }; } public function Launching(_arg1:Object):void{ var _local2:*; _local2 = _arg1.Element; if (_local2.Brain.BrainProcess.Active){ Launch(_arg1.Fonction); }; } public function MoveDirect(_arg1, _arg2:Object):void{ var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; _local3 = Aspiration(_arg2.x, 0); _local4 = Aspiration(_arg2.y, 0); _arg1.x = (_arg1.x + _local3); _arg1.y = (_arg1.y + _local4); } public function DownDirect(_arg1:Object):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; _local2 = _arg1.Element; _local3 = Aspiration(_arg1.speed, 3); _local4 = Aspiration(_arg1.speedY, 0); if (_local2.Brain.BrainProcess.Active){ _local2.y = (_local2.y + (_local3 + _local4)); }; } public function TurnLeftDirect(_arg1:Object):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:Number; _local2 = _arg1.Element; _local3 = Aspiration(_arg1.speedRotation, 3); if (_local2.Brain.BrainProcess.Active){ _local2.rotation = (_local2.rotation - _local3); }; } public function TurnDownDirection(_arg1:Object):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:Number; _local2 = _arg1.Element; _local3 = Aspiration(_arg1.speedRotation, 10); _local3 = ((_local3)<=0) ? 1 : _local3; if (_local2.Brain.BrainProcess.Active){ AngleGoTo(_local2, 90, _local3); }; } public function ChaosDirect(_arg1, _arg2:Object):void{ var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; _local3 = Aspiration(_arg2.x, 0); _local4 = Aspiration(_arg2.y, 0); _local5 = Aspiration(_arg2.rotation, 0); _local6 = Aspiration(_arg2.xMin, -(_local3)); _local7 = Aspiration(_arg2.xMax, _local3); _local8 = Aspiration(_arg2.yMin, -(_local4)); _local9 = Aspiration(_arg2.yMax, _local4); _local10 = Aspiration(_arg2.rotationMin, -(_local5)); _local11 = Aspiration(_arg2.rotationMax, _local5); _arg1.x = (_arg1.x + Random(_local6, _local7)); _arg1.y = (_arg1.y + Random(_local8, _local9)); _arg1.rotation = (_arg1.rotation + Random(_local10, _local11)); } public function TranspositionEnd(_arg1, _arg2:Object):void{ var _local3:*; if (!_arg1.BrainMegaLock){ _arg1.BrainMegaLock = new Object(); }; if (_arg1.Brain.RetablissementFin){ _arg1.BrainMegaLock.RetablissementFin = CloneObject(_arg1.Brain.RetablissementFin); _arg1.Brain.RetablissementFin = null; }; for (_local3 in _arg1.Brain.Retablissement.Parametres) { _arg1.Brain.Retablissement[_local3] = ((_arg1.Brain.Retablissement[_local3]) || (new Object())); _arg1.Brain.Retablissement[_local3].Memo = _arg1[_local3]; }; } public function LookDouble(_arg1, _arg2:Object):void{ var _local3:Number; var _local4:String; var _local5:String; var _local6:Array; _local3 = ((_arg2.shift) || (0)); _local4 = ((_arg2.direction) || ("X")); _local5 = ((_arg2.mode) || ("Rotation")); if (_local5 == "Rotation"){ _local6 = [_local3]; _local6.push(((_local3)>0) ? (_local3 - 180) : (_local3 + 180)); if (_local6[0] > _local6[1]){ _local6.reverse(); }; if ((((_arg1.rotation > _local6[0])) && ((_arg1.rotation < _local6[1])))){ if (_local4 == "X"){ _arg1.Brain.directionX = "Droite"; } else { _arg1.Brain.directionY = "Haut"; }; } else { if (_local4 == "X"){ _arg1.Brain.directionX = "Gauche"; } else { _arg1.Brain.directionY = "Bas"; }; }; }; if (_local5 == "Mouvement"){ if ((((_arg1.Brain.MemoX.BiDirectionnel > _arg1.x)) && ((_local4 == "X")))){ _arg1.Brain.directionX = "Gauche"; } else { if (_local4 == "X"){ _arg1.Brain.directionX = "Droite"; }; }; if ((((_arg1.Brain.MemoY.BiDirectionnel > _arg1.y)) && ((_local4 == "Y")))){ _arg1.Brain.directionY = "Bas"; } else { if (_local4 == "Y"){ _arg1.Brain.directionY = "Haut"; }; }; _arg1.Brain.MemoX.BiDirectionnel = _arg1.x; _arg1.Brain.MemoY.BiDirectionnel = _arg1.y; }; } public function BackSpeed(_arg1:Object):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:Number; _local2 = _arg1.Element; _local3 = Aspiration(_arg1.speed, 3); if (_local2.Brain.BrainProcess.Active){ _local2.Brain.speed = (_local2.Brain.speed - _local3); }; } public function TranspositionEgal(_arg1, _arg2:Object):void{ var _local3:*; var _local4:*; var _local5:*; for (_local3 in _arg2.Parametres) { _arg1.Brain.Egalisation[_local3] = ((_arg1.Brain.Egalisation[_local3]) || (new Object())); _arg1.Brain.Egalisation[_local3].Memo = ((_arg1.Brain.Egalisation[_local3].Memo) || (_arg1[_local3])); _arg1.Brain.Egalisation[_local3].Decalage = (_arg1.Brain.Egalisation[_local3].Memo - _arg1[_local3]); }; for (_local4 in _arg2.Parametres) { _arg1[_arg2.Parametres[_local4]] = (_arg1[_arg2.Parametres[_local4]] - (_arg1.Brain.Egalisation[_local4].Decalage * ((Aspiration(_arg2.Decalage)) || (1)))); }; for (_local5 in _arg2.Parametres) { _arg1.Brain.Egalisation[_local5].Memo = _arg1[_local5]; }; } public function AddCharacter(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:Object=null){ var CharacterObject:Object; var EtatTransmis:Object; var laClass:*; var Conteneur:*; var Boucle:*; var Intelligence:*; var HitTest:*; var NouveauPersonnage:*; var MotCaracteristique:String; var iBoucle:int; var Hi:int; var Groupe = _arg1; var Nom = _arg2; var Etat = _arg3; CharacterObject = Characters[Groupe][Nom]; EtatTransmis = CloneObject(((CharacterObject.Etat) || ({}))); SetAll(EtatTransmis, Etat); SetAll(EtatTransmis, ((Characters[Groupe].Parametres.Etat) || ({}))); laClass = CharacterObject.Class; Conteneur = CharacterObject.Conteneur; Nom = ((Etat.name) || (CharacterObject.Nom)); Etat = EtatTransmis; Boucle = ((CharacterObject.Boucle) || (Characters[Groupe].Parametres.Boucle)); Intelligence = ((CharacterObject.Intelligence) || (Characters[Groupe].Parametres.Intelligence)); HitTest = ((CharacterObject.HitTest) || (Characters[Groupe].Parametres.HitTest)); NouveauPersonnage = NewElement(laClass, Conteneur, Nom, Etat); MotCaracteristique = RandomWord(); if (Boucle){ if (TypeOf(Boucle, "Array")){ try { if (Boucle[0][Boucle[1]]){ AddEvents(NouveauPersonnage, Boucle[0][Boucle[1]], "ENTER_FRAME"); } else { iBoucle = 0; while (iBoucle < Boucle.length) { if (TypeOf(Boucle[iBoucle], "Array")){ if (Boucle[iBoucle][0][Boucle[iBoucle][1]]){ AddEvents(NouveauPersonnage, Boucle[iBoucle][0][Boucle[iBoucle][1]], "ENTER_FRAME"); }; }; iBoucle = (iBoucle + 1); }; }; } catch(e) { TraceError("BrainProcess", "NouveauPersonnage", ["L'argument «Boucle» doit être un tableau contenant :", "[ Cible de la fonction , Nom en string de la fonction ]"]); }; } else { TraceError("BrainProcess", "NouveauPersonnage", ["L'argument «Boucle» doit être un tableau contenant :", "[ Cible de la fonction , Nom en string de la fonction ]"]); }; }; if (Intelligence){ if (TypeOf(Intelligence, "Array")){ if (((Intelligence[0]) && (Intelligence[1]))){ ApplyBrain(Intelligence[0], Intelligence[1], NouveauPersonnage); } else { TraceError("BrainProcess", "NouveauPersonnage", ["L'argument «Intelligence» doit être un tableau contenant :", "[ Groupe de l'intelligence , Nom de l'intelligence ]"]); }; } else { TraceError("BrainProcess", "NouveauPersonnage", ["L'argument «Intelligence» doit être un tableau contenant :", "[ Groupe de l'intelligence , Nom de l'intelligence ]"]); }; }; if (HitTest){ if (TypeOf(HitTest, "Object")){ if (TraceIfNotKey(HitTest, ["Nom", "Type", "Element", "Fonction"], "BrainProcess", "NouveauPersonnage", "HitTest")){ if (Hit){ Hit.CreationHitTest((((HitTest.Nom) || ("")) + NouveauPersonnage.name), HitTest.Type, HitTest.Element, (HitTest.Interne) ? [(NouveauPersonnage.name + MotCaracteristique), StringToElement(HitTest.Interne, NouveauPersonnage), NouveauPersonnage] : [(NouveauPersonnage.name + MotCaracteristique), NouveauPersonnage], HitTest.Fonction, HitTest.Parametres); } else { TraceError("BrainProcess", "NouveauPersonnage", [(("Une demande de collision a été faites pour le personnage «" + NouveauPersonnage.name) + "» sans que le lien HitProcess n'ait été donné."), "Pour ce faire, vous devez le rentrer en troisième arguments lors de la", "création du BrainProcess :", "var Player:BrainProcess = new BrainProcess( Mouse , Keyboard , Hit );"]); }; }; } else { if (TypeOf(HitTest, "Array")){ Hi = 0; while (Hi < HitTest.length) { if (HitTest[Hi]){ if (TypeOf(HitTest[Hi], "Object")){ if (TraceIfNotKey(HitTest[Hi], ["Nom", "Type", "Element", "Fonction"], "BrainProcess", "NouveauPersonnage", "HitTest")){ if (Hit){ Hit.CreationHitTest((((HitTest[Hi].Nom) || ("")) + NouveauPersonnage.name), HitTest[Hi].Type, HitTest[Hi].Element, (HitTest[Hi].Interne) ? [(NouveauPersonnage.name + MotCaracteristique), StringToElement(HitTest[Hi].Interne, NouveauPersonnage), NouveauPersonnage] : [(NouveauPersonnage.name + MotCaracteristique), NouveauPersonnage], HitTest[Hi].Fonction, HitTest[Hi].Parametres); } else { TraceError("BrainProcess", "NouveauPersonnage", [((("Une demande de collision a été faites pour le personnage «" + NouveauPersonnage.name) + "» sans que le lien HitProcess n'ait ") + "été donné."), ("Pour ce faire, vous devez le rentrer en troisième arguments " + "lors de la"), "création du BrainProcess :", ("var Player:BrainProcess = new BrainProcess( Mouse , " + "Keyboard , Hit );")]); }; }; }; }; Hi = (Hi + 1); }; } else { TraceError("BrainProcess", "NouveauPersonnage", ["L'argument «HitTest» doit être un objet contenant les clés :", "Nom, Type, Element et Fonction ou un Tableau contenant une série d'objet."]); }; }; }; return (NouveauPersonnage); } public function RightSpeed(_arg1:Object):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; _local2 = _arg1.Element; _local3 = Aspiration(_arg1.speed, 3); _local4 = Aspiration(_arg1.speedX, 0); _local5 = Aspiration(_arg1.speedMax, 100); if (_local2.Brain.BrainProcess.Active){ _local2.Brain.speedX = (_local2.Brain.speedX + (_local3 + _local4)); }; } public function FrontSpeed(_arg1:Object):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:Number; _local2 = _arg1.Element; _local3 = Aspiration(_arg1.speed, 3); if (_local2.Brain.BrainProcess.Active){ _local2.Brain.speed = (_local2.Brain.speed + _local3); }; } } }//package drOIde.DynamicSection 203//DesktopChip (drOIde.Dynamic.DesktopChip) package drOIde.Dynamic { import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import drOIde.Port.*; import drOIde.Global.*; import flash.text.*; public class DesktopChip extends MiscTools { private var Mouse:MousePort; public var Background:MovieClip; public var TitleShort:TextField; public var Text:TextField; public var Picto:MovieClip; public var Title:TextField; private var Element; private var TypeList:Object; public var Description:TextField; public var BubbleText:TextField; public function DesktopChip():void{ TypeList = {Elevator:["UpArrow", "DownArrow", "Center"], Lift:["!UpArrow", "!DownArrow", "Line", "Center"], InputText:["Input", "!List"], InputList:["Input", "List"], PointButton:["Button", "!Text", "!Combo"], TextButton:["Button", "Text", "!Combo"], ComboBox:["Button", "Text", "Combo"], Bubble:["BubbleText"], Bubble_:["InfoBulle"]}; super(); Element = this; Connexion(Element, false); Chut(true); CountdownLaunch(Check, 1); Chut(false); } public function Bubble():void{ var BubbleText:*; var Fonction:*; var Position:String; var ShiftX:Number; var ShiftY:Number; var SpeedAlpha:Number; var iElement:int; var BoucleBulle:Function; BubbleText = Element.BubbleText; Fonction = ((Element.fonction) || (Element.fonctionLoop)); Position = ((Element.position) || ("BL")); ShiftX = ((Element.shiftX) || (0)); ShiftY = ((Element.shiftY) || (0)); SpeedAlpha = ((Element.SpeedAlpha) || (0.2)); Element.active = ((Element.active)!=null) ? Element.active : true; Element.open = ((Element.open) || (false)); Element.visible = Element.active; Element.alpha = (Element.active) ? 1 : 0; Element.Elements = ((Element.Elements) || (new Array())); Element.Change = function (_arg1):void{ if (Element.active){ if (BubbleText){ BubbleText.text = _arg1; } else { Launch(Element.fonctionChange, [_arg1]); }; }; }; Element.Add = function (_arg1, _arg2):void{ var Cible = _arg1; var Description = _arg2; Cible.BubbleOver = function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ Element.Change(Description); Element.open = true; }; Cible.BubbleOut = function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ Element.open = false; }; AddEvents(Cible, Cible.BubbleOver, "MOUSE_OVER", "BubbleOver"); AddEvents(Cible, Cible.BubbleOut, "MOUSE_OUT", "BubbleOut"); }; Element.Remove = function (_arg1):void{ RemoveEvents(_arg1, _arg1.BubbleOver, "MOUSE_OVER", "BubbleOver"); RemoveEvents(_arg1, _arg1.BubbleOut, "MOUSE_OUT", "BubbleOut"); }; iElement = 0; while (iElement < Element.Elements.length) { Element.Add(Element.Elements[iElement].target, Element.Elements[iElement].description); iElement = (iElement + 1); }; BoucleBulle = function (_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:String; var _local3:String; if (((Element.open) && ((Element.alpha < 1)))){ Element.alpha = (Element.alpha + SpeedAlpha); } else { if (((!(Element.open)) && ((Element.alpha > 0)))){ Element.alpha = (Element.alpha - SpeedAlpha); }; }; if (Element.alpha > 0){ Element.visible = true; } else { Element.visible = false; }; if (Element.visible){ Launch(Fonction); _local2 = Position.split("")[0]; _local3 = Position.split("")[1]; if (((Element.parent.mouseX + ShiftX) + Element.width) > StageLink.stageWidth){ _local3 = "R"; } else { if (((Element.parent.mouseX - ShiftX) - Element.width) < 0){ _local3 = "L"; }; }; if (((Element.parent.mouseY + ShiftY) + Element.height) > StageLink.stageHeight){ _local2 = "T"; } else { if (((Element.parent.mouseY - ShiftY) - Element.height) < 0){ _local2 = "B"; }; }; if (_local3 == "L"){ Element.x = (Element.parent.mouseX + ShiftX); } else { Element.x = ((Element.parent.mouseX - ShiftX) - Element.width); }; if (_local2 == "B"){ Element.y = (Element.parent.mouseY + ShiftY); } else { Element.y = ((Element.parent.mouseY - ShiftY) - Element.height); }; }; }; AddEvents(Element, BoucleBulle, "ENTER_FRAME"); } public function PointButton():void{ var Button:*; var fonctionOver:*; var fonctionOut:*; var fonctionDown:*; var fonctionUp:*; var fonctionChange:*; var Tie:*; var StateMouseOver:Function; var StateMouseOut:Function; var StateMouseDown:Function; var StateMouseUp:Function; Button = Element.Button; fonctionOver = Element.fonctionOver; fonctionOut = Element.fonctionOut; fonctionDown = Element.fonctionDown; fonctionUp = Element.fonctionUp; fonctionChange = Element.fonctionChange; Tie = Element.Tie; Element.active = ((Element.active == null)) ? true : Element.active; if (Tie){ Element.TieX = ((((Element.Tie.InitialX) || (Element.Tie.x)) - ((Element.InitialX) || (Element.x))) - Element.width); }; Element.Change = function (_arg1=null):void{ Launch(fonctionChange); if (Tie){ if (Element.Tie.Change){ Element.Tie.Change(Element.Tie.text); }; Element.Tie.InitialX = ((Element.Tie.InitialX) || (Element.Tie.x)); Element.Tie.x = ((Element.x + Element.TieX) + Element.width); }; }; Element.Change(); Element.buttonMode = Element.active; Button.gotoAndStop((Element.active) ? "normal" : "inactive"); StateMouseOver = function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (Element.active){ Launch(fonctionOver); Button.gotoAndStop((Element.active) ? "over" : "inactive"); }; }; StateMouseOut = function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (Element.active){ Launch(fonctionOut); Button.gotoAndStop((Element.active) ? "normal" : "inactive"); }; }; StateMouseDown = function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var event = _arg1; if (Element.active){ try { Launch(fonctionDown); } catch(e) { }; Button.gotoAndStop((Element.active) ? "down" : "inactive"); }; }; StateMouseUp = function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (Element.active){ Launch(fonctionUp); Button.gotoAndStop((Element.active) ? "over" : "inactive"); }; }; Element.Active = function (_arg1:Boolean=true):void{ Element.active = _arg1; Button.gotoAndStop((_arg1) ? "normal" : "inactive"); Element.buttonMode = _arg1; }; AddEvents(Element, StateMouseOver, "MOUSE_OVER"); AddEvents(Element, StateMouseOut, "MOUSE_OUT"); AddEvents(Element, StateMouseDown, "MOUSE_DOWN"); AddEvents(Element, StateMouseUp, "MOUSE_UP"); } public function Check():void{ var _local1:String; var _local2:*; var _local3:int; var _local4:int; if (!StageLink){ Connexion(Element); }; _local1 = ""; for (_local2 in TypeList) { _local3 = 0; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < TypeList[_local2].length) { if (!FindIn(TypeList[_local2][_local4], "!")){ if (Element[TypeList[_local2][_local4]]){ _local3++; }; } else { if (FindIn(TypeList[_local2][_local4], "!")){ if (!Element[Pop(TypeList[_local2][_local4], "!")]){ _local3++; }; }; }; _local4++; }; if (_local3 == TypeList[_local2].length){ _local1 = _local2; }; }; if (_local1 != ""){ var _local5 = this; _local5[CharacterConversion(_local1, "_", "")](); } else { TraceError("ManipChip", "Check", ["Aucun élément ne peux être conçut à partir des clips de l'élément", "", TellMeList()]); }; } public function Elevator():void{ var Erreur:Boolean; var Center:*; var DownArrow:*; var UpArrow:*; Erreur = false; Center = Element.Center; DownArrow = Element.DownArrow; UpArrow = Element.UpArrow; if (Element.UpArrow.y > Element.DownArrow.y){ TraceError("DesktopChip", "Elevator", "La UpArrow ( Fléche du haut ) doit se trouver plus haut que la DownArrow ( Fléche du bas )."); Erreur = true; }; if ((((Element.Center.y > Element.DownArrow.y)) || ((Element.Center.y < Element.UpArrow.y)))){ TraceError("DesktopChip", "Elevator", "Le Center doit se trouver entre les deux fléches."); Erreur = true; }; if (!StageLink){ TraceError("DesktopChip", "Elevator", ["L'Elevator n'a pas de lien vers stage.", "Cette erreur viens certainement du fait que l'Elevator a été créait dynamiquement.", "Vous devrez donner le lien du stage à la main à l'Elevator puis relancer la méthode Elevator()"]); Erreur = true; }; if (!Erreur){ Mouse = new MousePort(Element); Element.ratio = ((Element.ratio) || (100)); Element.downShift = ((Element.downShift) || (0)); Element.Decalage; Element.Center.buttonMode = true; Element.DownArrow.buttonMode = true; Element.UpArrow.buttonMode = true; Center.Drag = function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ Center.DecalageY = (Mouse.Y - Center.y); AddEvents(StageLink, Center.Deplace, "MOUSE_MOVE", (Element.name + "CenterDrag")); Launch(Element.centerDown); }; Center.Drop = function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ Chut(); RemoveEvents(StageLink, Center.Deplace, "MOUSE_MOVE", (Element.name + "CenterDrag")); Launch(Element.centerUp); Chut(false); }; Center.Roule = function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var event = _arg1; if (Element.visible){ try { if ((((((((Mouse.Y > Element.target.PositionZero)) && ((Mouse.Y < (Element.target.PositionZero + Element.hide))))) && ((Mouse.X > Element.target.x)))) && ((Mouse.X < (Element.target.x + Element.target.width))))){ Element.ModifieCenter((Center.y - event.delta)); Launch(Element.centerWheel); }; } catch(e) { }; }; }; Center.Deplace = function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (Element.visible){ Element.ModifieCenter((Mouse.Y - Center.DecalageY)); }; }; Element.ModifieCenter = function (_arg1:Number):void{ Center.y = _arg1; if (Center.y > (DownArrow.y - Center.height)){ Center.y = (DownArrow.y - Center.height); }; if (Center.y < UpArrow.y){ Center.y = UpArrow.y; }; if (Element.target){ Element.target.y = (Element.target.PositionZero - ((Center.y - UpArrow.y) * ((Element.PasMouvement) || (1)))); }; Launch(Element.centerChange); }; Element.ClicFleche = function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ AddEvents(_arg1.target, Element.BoucleFleche, "ENTER_FRAME", "ArrowLoop"); if (_arg1.target.name == "DownArrow"){ Launch(Element.downDown); } else { Launch(Element.upDown); }; }; Element.DeclicFleche = function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ Chut(); RemoveEvents(_arg1.target, Element.BoucleFleche, "ENTER_FRAME", "ArrowLoop"); if (_arg1.target.name == "DownArrow"){ Launch(Element.downUp); } else { Launch(Element.upUp); }; Chut(false); }; Element.BoucleFleche = function (_arg1:Event):void{ if (_arg1.target.name == "DownArrow"){ Element.ModifieCenter((Center.y + 2)); } else { Element.ModifieCenter((Center.y - 2)); }; }; Element.Boucle = function (_arg1:Event):void{ Element.Decalage = ((Element.Decalage) || (0)); Element.DistanceFleches = (DownArrow.y - UpArrow.y); Element.TailleGeneral = (Element.DistanceFleches - Center.height); if (Element.target){ if (Element.target.PositionZero == null){ Element.target.PositionZero = Element.target.y; }; if (!Element.target.EstCalibre){ Element.target.y = (Element.target.PositionZero - ((Center.y - UpArrow.y) * ((Element.PasMouvement) || (1)))); Element.target.EstCalibre = true; }; if (Element.hide){ if (!Element.target.MoletteEstCalibre){ AddEvents(StageLink, Center.Roule, "MOUSE_WHEEL", (Element.name + "Roll")); Element.target.MoletteEstCalibre = true; }; if (!TypeOf(Element.hide, "Number")){ Element.hide = Element.hide.height; }; if (Element.hide >= (Element.target.height - Element.Decalage)){ Element.visible = false; } else { Element.visible = true; }; Element.PasMouvement = ((((Element.target.height - Element.Decalage) + Element.downShift) - Element.hide) / Element.TailleGeneral); Center.height = ((Element.DistanceFleches * (Element.hide / (Element.target.height - Element.Decalage))) * (Element.ratio / 100)); if (Center.height < ((Element.sizeMin) || (10))){ Center.height = ((Element.sizeMin) || (10)); }; if (Center.height > ((Element.sizeMax) || (Element.DistanceFleches))){ Center.height = ((Element.sizeMax) || (Element.DistanceFleches)); }; }; }; Launch(Element.loop); }; AddEvents(Center, Center.Drag, "MOUSE_DOWN"); AddEvents(StageLink, Center.Drop, "MOUSE_UP", (Element.name + "CenterDrop")); AddEvents(Element, Element.Boucle, "ENTER_FRAME"); AddEvents(DownArrow, Element.ClicFleche, "MOUSE_DOWN"); AddEvents(UpArrow, Element.ClicFleche, "MOUSE_DOWN"); AddEvents(DownArrow, Element.DeclicFleche, "MOUSE_UP"); AddEvents(UpArrow, Element.DeclicFleche, "MOUSE_UP"); Element.PostVerif = function ():void{ if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((!(Element.sizeMin)) && (!(Element.sizeMax)))) && ((Element.ratio == 100)))) && (!(Element.hide)))) && (!(Element.target)))) && (!(Element.centerDown)))) && (!(Element.centerUp)))) && (!(Element.centerWheel)))) && (!(Element.centerChange)))) && (!(Element.downDown)))) && (!(Element.downUp)))) && (!(Element.upDown)))) && (!(Element.upUp)))) && (!(Element.loop)))){ TraceError("DesktopChip", "Elevator", ["Aucune modification n'a été apportée à l'Elevator", "Afin que l'Elevator soit calibré correctement, vous devez utiliser au moins quelques", "une de ces variables :", "\t-ratio ( Pourcentage d'adaptation du Center sur la taille du contenu )", "\t-sizeMin ( Taille minimale du Center )", "\t-sizeMax ( Taille maximale du Center )", "\t-downShift ( Ajout de décalage par le bas au défilement du contenu )", "\t-target ( Le contenu qui bouge )", "\t-hide ( Le cache définissant ce qui est présenté du contenu, masque ou autre )", "", "\t-centerDown ( Fonction lancée au clic sur le Center )", "\t-centerUp ( Fonction lancée au relachement du Center )", "\t-centerWheel ( Fonction lancée au mouvement molette )", "\t-centerChange ( Fonction lancée lors de la modification de position du Center )", "\t-downDown ( Fonction lancée lors du clic fleche bas )", "\t-downUp ( Fonction lancée lors du relachement fleche bas )", "\t-upDown ( Fonction lancée lors du clic fleche haut )", "\t-upUp ( Fonction lancée lors du relachement fleche haut )", "\t-loop ( Fonction lancée constemment )"]); }; }; CountdownLaunch({Fonction:Element.PostVerif}, 10); }; } public function ComboBox():void{ var Button:*; var Text:*; var Combo:*; var ComboValues:*; var fonctionOver:*; var fonctionOut:*; var fonctionDown:*; var fonctionUp:*; var fonctionElementOver:*; var fonctionElementOut:*; var fonctionElementDown:*; var fonctionElementUp:*; var fonctionChange:*; var NumberElements:int; var ClassElement:*; var Elements:Array; var ObjectElements:Object; var StateMouseOver:Function; var StateMouseOut:Function; var StateMouseDown:Function; var StateMouseUp:Function; var StateMouseOverElement:Function; var StateMouseOutElement:Function; var StateMouseDownElement:Function; var StateMouseUpElement:Function; var iElement:int; Button = Element.Button; Text = Element.Text; Combo = Element.Combo; ComboValues = ((Element.ComboValues) || ([])); fonctionOver = Element.fonctionOver; fonctionOut = Element.fonctionOut; fonctionDown = Element.fonctionDown; fonctionUp = Element.fonctionUp; fonctionElementOver = Element.fonctionElementOver; fonctionElementOut = Element.fonctionElementOut; fonctionElementDown = Element.fonctionElementDown; fonctionElementUp = Element.fonctionElementUp; fonctionChange = Element.fonctionChange; NumberElements = 0; ClassElement = Element.ClassElement; Elements = Element.Elements; ObjectElements = new Object(); ((Element.open) || (false)); Element.Change = function (_arg1:String):void{ Text.text = _arg1; Element.value = _arg1; Element.valueReal = ObjectElements[StringToName(_arg1)]; Launch(Element.fonctionChange, [ObjectElements[StringToName(_arg1)]]); }; Element.Add = function (_arg1):void{ var _local2:*; _arg1 = (TypeOf(_arg1, "Object")) ? _arg1 : {name:_arg1}; ObjectElements[StringToName(_arg1.name)] = ((_arg1.value) || (_arg1.name)); _local2 = NewElement(ClassElement, Combo, StringToName(_arg1.name), {value:_arg1.name}); _local2.y = (_local2.height * NumberElements); if (((_local2.Text) && (_local2.Button))){ _local2.Text.text = _arg1.name; _local2.Button.stop(); _local2.Button.buttonMode = true; _local2.Text.mouseEnabled = false; AddEvents(_local2.Button, StateMouseOverElement, "MOUSE_OVER"); AddEvents(_local2.Button, StateMouseOutElement, "MOUSE_OUT"); AddEvents(_local2.Button, StateMouseDownElement, "MOUSE_DOWN"); AddEvents(_local2.Button, StateMouseUpElement, "MOUSE_UP"); } else { TraceError("DesktopChip", "ComboBox", "L'élément intégré via ClassElement doit contenir au moins un clip \"Button\" et un clip \"Text\"."); }; NumberElements++; }; Element.Refresh = function ():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < Combo.numChildren) { if (!TypeOf(Combo.getChildAt(_local1), ["Shape", "TextField"])){ DestroyElement(Combo.getChildAt(_local1)); _local1--; }; _local1++; }; NumberElements = 0; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < Element.Elements.length) { Element.Add(Element.Elements[_local2]); if (TypeOf(Element.Elements[_local2], "Object")){ if (Element.Elements[_local2].index){ Element.value = Element.Elements[_local2].name; }; }; _local2++; }; Element.value = ((Element.value) || (Elements[0].name)); Element.Change(Element.value); }; StateMouseOver = function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ Launch(fonctionOver); Button.gotoAndStop("over"); }; StateMouseOut = function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ Launch(fonctionOut); Button.gotoAndStop("normal"); }; StateMouseDown = function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ Launch(fonctionDown); Button.gotoAndStop("down"); }; StateMouseUp = function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ Launch(fonctionUp); Element.open = !(Element.open); Combo.visible = Element.open; Button.gotoAndStop("over"); }; StateMouseOverElement = function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ Launch(fonctionElementOver); _arg1.target.gotoAndStop("over"); }; StateMouseOutElement = function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ Launch(fonctionElementOut); _arg1.target.gotoAndStop("normal"); }; StateMouseDownElement = function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ Launch(fonctionElementDown); _arg1.target.gotoAndStop("down"); }; StateMouseUpElement = function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ Launch(fonctionElementUp); Element.open = false; Combo.visible = Element.open; Element.Change(_arg1.currentTarget.parent.value); _arg1.target.gotoAndStop("over"); }; iElement = 0; while (iElement < Elements.length) { Element.Add(Elements[iElement]); if (TypeOf(Elements[iElement], "Object")){ if (Elements[iElement].index){ Element.value = Elements[iElement].name; }; }; iElement = (iElement + 1); }; Element.value = ((Element.value) || (Elements[0].name)); Element.Change(Element.value); Button.buttonMode = true; Text.mouseEnabled = false; Button.gotoAndStop("normal"); Combo.visible = Element.open; AddEvents(Button, StateMouseOver, "MOUSE_OVER"); AddEvents(Button, StateMouseOut, "MOUSE_OUT"); AddEvents(Button, StateMouseDown, "MOUSE_DOWN"); AddEvents(Button, StateMouseUp, "MOUSE_UP"); } public function TellMeList():String{ var _local1:String; var _local2:*; var _local3:int; _local1 = "Les clips pour les différents éléments à consevoir sont :\r"; for (_local2 in TypeList) { _local1 = (_local1 + (("\t" + _local2) + " :\r")); _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < TypeList[_local2].length) { _local1 = (_local1 + (("\t\t" + TypeList[_local2][_local3]) + "\r")); _local3++; }; }; return (_local1); } public function TextButton():void{ var Text:*; var Button:*; var ButtonBump:*; var Align:String; var text:String; var fonctionOver:*; var fonctionOut:*; var fonctionDown:*; var fonctionUp:*; var fonctionChange:*; var Tie:*; var Tied:*; var InitialX:Number; var InitialWidth:Number; var StateMouseOver:Function; var StateMouseOut:Function; var StateMouseDown:Function; var StateMouseUp:Function; Text = Element.Text; Button = Element.Button; ButtonBump = ((Element.buttonBump) || ((Button.width - Text.width))); Align = ((Element.align) || ("left")); text = ((Element.text) || (Text.text)); fonctionOver = Element.fonctionOver; fonctionOut = Element.fonctionOut; fonctionDown = Element.fonctionDown; fonctionUp = Element.fonctionUp; fonctionChange = Element.fonctionChange; Tie = Element.Tie; Tied = Element.Tied; InitialX = Element.x; InitialWidth = Element.width; Element.active = ((Element.active)!=null) ? Element.active : true; if (Tie){ Element.TieX = (((((Element.Tie.InitialX) || (Element.Tie.x)) - ((Element.InitialX) || (Element.x))) - ((Align == "left")) ? Element.width : 0) + ((Align == "right")) ? ((Element.Tie.InitialWidth) || (Element.Tie.width)) : 0); if (Align == "center"){ Element.TieX = (Element.TieX + ((Tie.align == "left")) ? -(Element.width) : Element.width); }; Tie.Tied = Element; }; Element.Change = function (_arg1:String):void{ Text.text = (Element.text = TrimSpace(_arg1, " ")); Text.width = (Text.textWidth + Element.shift); Button.width = (Text.width + ButtonBump); Launch(fonctionChange, [_arg1]); if (!Tied){ if (Align == "right"){ Element.x = (InitialX - (Element.width - InitialWidth)); } else { if (Align == "center"){ Element.x = (InitialX - ((Element.width - InitialWidth) / 2)); }; }; } else { Tied.Change(Tied.text); }; if (Tie){ Element.Tie.InitialX = ((Element.Tie.InitialX) || (Element.Tie.x)); Element.Tie.x = Element.x; if (Align == "left"){ Element.Tie.x = (Element.Tie.x + (Element.TieX + Element.width)); } else { if (Align == "center"){ Element.Tie.x = (Element.Tie.x + (Element.TieX + Element.width)); } else { if (Align == "right"){ Element.Tie.x = (Element.Tie.x + (Element.TieX - Element.Tie.width)); }; }; }; }; }; Element.Change(text); Element.buttonMode = Element.active; Text.mouseEnabled = false; Button.gotoAndStop((Element.active) ? "normal" : "inactive"); StateMouseOver = function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (Element.active){ Launch(fonctionOver); Button.gotoAndStop("over"); }; }; StateMouseOut = function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (Element.active){ Launch(fonctionOut); Button.gotoAndStop("normal"); }; }; StateMouseDown = function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var event = _arg1; if (Element.active){ try { Launch(fonctionDown); } catch(e) { }; Button.gotoAndStop("down"); }; }; StateMouseUp = function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (Element.active){ Launch(fonctionUp); Button.gotoAndStop("over"); }; }; AddEvents(Element, StateMouseOver, "MOUSE_OVER"); AddEvents(Element, StateMouseOut, "MOUSE_OUT"); AddEvents(Element, StateMouseDown, "MOUSE_DOWN"); AddEvents(Element, StateMouseUp, "MOUSE_UP"); } public function Lift():void{ var Center:*; var Line:*; var DownLimit:Number; var UpLimit:Number; Center = Element.Center; Line = Element.Line; DownLimit = (Line.y + Line.height); UpLimit = Line.y; Mouse = new MousePort(Element); Element.ratio = ((Element.ratio) || (100)); Element.downShift = ((Element.downShift) || (0)); Element.Decalage; Element.Center.buttonMode = true; Center.Drag = function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ Center.DecalageY = (Mouse.Y - Center.y); AddEvents(StageLink, Center.Deplace, "MOUSE_MOVE", (Element.name + "CenterDrag")); Launch(Element.centerDown); }; Center.Drop = function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ Chut(); RemoveEvents(StageLink, Center.Deplace, "MOUSE_MOVE", (Element.name + "CenterDrag")); Launch(Element.centerUp); Chut(false); }; Center.Roule = function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var event = _arg1; if (Element.visible){ try { if ((((((((Mouse.Y > Element.target.PositionZero)) && ((Mouse.Y < (Element.target.PositionZero + Element.hide))))) && ((Mouse.X > Element.target.x)))) && ((Mouse.X < (Element.target.x + Element.target.width))))){ Element.ModifieCenter((Center.y - event.delta)); Launch(Element.centerWheel); }; } catch(e) { }; }; }; Center.Deplace = function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (Element.visible){ Element.ModifieCenter((Mouse.Y - Center.DecalageY)); }; }; Element.ModifieCenter = function (_arg1:Number):void{ Center.y = _arg1; if (Center.y > DownLimit){ Center.y = DownLimit; }; if (Center.y < UpLimit){ Center.y = UpLimit; }; if (Element.target){ Element.target.y = (Element.target.PositionZero - ((Center.y - UpLimit) * ((Element.PasMouvement) || (1)))); }; Launch(Element.centerChange); }; Element.Boucle = function (_arg1:Event):void{ Element.Decalage = ((Element.Decalage) || (0)); Element.DistanceFleches = Line.height; Element.TailleGeneral = Element.DistanceFleches; if (Element.target){ if (Element.target.PositionZero == null){ Element.target.PositionZero = Element.target.y; }; if (!Element.target.EstCalibre){ Element.target.y = (Element.target.PositionZero - ((Center.y - UpLimit) * ((Element.PasMouvement) || (1)))); Element.target.EstCalibre = true; }; if (Element.hide){ if (!Element.target.MoletteEstCalibre){ AddEvents(StageLink, Center.Roule, "MOUSE_WHEEL", (Element.name + "Roll")); Element.target.MoletteEstCalibre = true; }; if (!TypeOf(Element.hide, "Number")){ Element.hide = Element.hide.height; }; if (Element.hide >= (Element.target.height - Element.Decalage)){ Element.visible = false; } else { Element.visible = true; }; Element.PasMouvement = ((((Element.target.height - Element.Decalage) + Element.downShift) - Element.hide) / Element.TailleGeneral); }; }; Launch(Element.loop); }; AddEvents(Center, Center.Drag, "MOUSE_DOWN"); AddEvents(StageLink, Center.Drop, "MOUSE_UP", (Element.name + "CenterDrop")); AddEvents(Element, Element.Boucle, "ENTER_FRAME"); Element.PostVerif = function ():void{ if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((!(Element.sizeMin)) && (!(Element.sizeMax)))) && ((Element.ratio == 100)))) && (!(Element.hide)))) && (!(Element.target)))) && (!(Element.centerDown)))) && (!(Element.centerUp)))) && (!(Element.centerWheel)))) && (!(Element.centerChange)))) && (!(Element.downDown)))) && (!(Element.downUp)))) && (!(Element.upDown)))) && (!(Element.upUp)))) && (!(Element.loop)))){ TraceError("DesktopChip", "Elevator", ["Aucune modification n'a été apportée à l'Elevator", "Afin que l'Elevator soit calibré correctement, vous devez utiliser au moins quelques", "une de ces variables :", "\t-ratio ( Pourcentage d'adaptation du Center sur la taille du contenu )", "\t-sizeMin ( Taille minimale du Center )", "\t-sizeMax ( Taille maximale du Center )", "\t-downShift ( Ajout de décalage par le bas au défilement du contenu )", "\t-target ( Le contenu qui bouge )", "\t-hide ( Le cache définissant ce qui est présenté du contenu, masque ou autre )", "", "\t-centerDown ( Fonction lancée au clic sur le Center )", "\t-centerUp ( Fonction lancée au relachement du Center )", "\t-centerWheel ( Fonction lancée au mouvement molette )", "\t-centerChange ( Fonction lancée lors de la modification de position du Center )", "\t-downDown ( Fonction lancée lors du clic fleche bas )", "\t-downUp ( Fonction lancée lors du relachement fleche bas )", "\t-upDown ( Fonction lancée lors du clic fleche haut )", "\t-upUp ( Fonction lancée lors du relachement fleche haut )", "\t-loop ( Fonction lancée constemment )"]); }; }; CountdownLaunch({Fonction:Element.PostVerif}, 10); } public function InputList():void{ var Input:*; var WidthMin:*; var WidthMax:*; var Background:*; var BackgroundBump:*; var fonctionLoop:*; var Auto:Boolean; var WidthInput:*; var MaxChars:*; var BoucleInput:Function; var FocusOnChange:Function; var OnChange:Function; var FocusOnInput:Function; var StateMouseOverElement:Function; var StateMouseOutElement:Function; var StateMouseDownElement:Function; var iNumber:int; var NewButton:*; Input = Element.Input; WidthMin = ((Element.widthMin) || (50)); WidthMax = Element.widthMax; Element.number = ((Element.number) || (5)); Background = Element.Background; BackgroundBump = ((Element.backgroundBump) || (((Background)!=null) ? (Background.width - Input.width) : 0)); fonctionLoop = Element.fonctionLoop; Auto = (((Element.auto) || (((!((WidthMin == 50))) || (!((WidthMax == null))))))) ? true : false; WidthInput = Element.widthInput; MaxChars = Element.maxChars; Element.focus = ((Element.focus) || (false)); Element.active = ((Element.active)==null) ? true : Element.active; Input.text = ((Element.text)!=null) ? Element.text : Input.text; if (MaxChars){ Input.maxChars = MaxChars; }; Element.Change = function (_arg1:Number):void{ Input.width = _arg1; if (Background){ Background.width = (Input.width + BackgroundBump); }; if (Element.Mask){ Element.Mask.width = Background.width; }; Launch(fonctionLoop); }; Element.Change(WidthInput); BoucleInput = function (_arg1:Event):void{ if (Element.Auto){ Element.Change((BumpNumber(Input.textWidth, WidthMin, WidthMax) + 20)); }; if (((Element.focus) && (!((StageLink.focus == Input))))){ Launch(Element.fonctionFocusOff); }; if (((!(Element.focus)) && ((StageLink.focus == Input)))){ Launch(Element.fonctionFocusOn); }; Element.focus = (StageLink.focus == Input); if (!Element.focus){ Element.HideList(); } else { OnChange(); }; }; FocusOnChange = function (_arg1=null):void{ Launch(Element.fonctionChange, [((Input.text) || (""))]); }; OnChange = function (_arg1=null):void{ var _local2:Array; var _local3:Array; var _local4:int; var _local5:int; var _local6:int; Element.Elements = OrderArray(Element.Elements, "Alphabet"); _local2 = Element.Input.text.split(""); _local3 = CloneObject(Element.Elements); if ((((_local2.length > 1)) || (!((_local2[0] == ""))))){ _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < _local2.length) { _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _local3.length) { if (((!((_local3[_local6].split("")[_local5] == null))) && (!((_local3[_local6].split("")[_local5] == undefined))))){ if (_local2[_local5].toLowerCase() != _local3[_local6].split("")[_local5].toLowerCase()){ _local3.splice(_local6, 1); _local6--; }; } else { _local3.splice(_local6, 1); _local6--; }; _local6++; }; _local5++; }; }; Element.HideList(); _local4 = 0; while ((((_local4 < _local3.length)) && ((_local4 < Element.number)))) { Element.List[("Button" + _local4)].visible = true; Element.List[("Button" + _local4)].Text.text = _local3[_local4]; _local4++; }; }; Element.HideList = function ():void{ var _local1:int; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < Element.List.numChildren) { Element.List.getChildAt(_local1).visible = false; _local1++; }; }; Element.Active = function (_arg1:Boolean):void{ var Etat = _arg1; Element.active = Etat; if (Element.Mask){ Element.Mask.visible = !(Etat); }; if (!Etat){ if (StageLink.focus){ if (StageLink.focus.parent){ if (StageLink.focus.parent.name == Element.name){ StageLink.focus = null; try { Launch(Element.fonctionFocusOff); } catch(e) { }; }; }; }; }; }; Element.Active(Element.active); FocusOnInput = function (_arg1:Event):void{ var FocusMemory:Boolean; var event = _arg1; FocusMemory = Element.focus; if (StageLink.focus){ if (StageLink.focus.parent){ if (StageLink.focus.parent.name == Element.name){ Element.focus = true; } else { Element.focus = false; }; } else { Element.focus = false; }; } else { Element.focus = false; }; if (FocusMemory != Element.focus){ if (Element.focus){ try { Launch(Element.fonctionFocusOn); } catch(e) { }; } else { try { Launch(Element.fonctionFocusOff); } catch(e) { }; }; }; }; if (Element.focus){ StageLink.focus = Element.Input; Launch(Element.fonctionFocusOn); }; StateMouseOverElement = function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ _arg1.currentTarget.gotoAndStop("over"); }; StateMouseOutElement = function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ _arg1.currentTarget.gotoAndStop("normal"); }; StateMouseDownElement = function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ Element.HideList(); Element.Input.text = _arg1.currentTarget.parent.Text.text; FocusOnChange(); }; iNumber = 0; while (iNumber < Element.number) { NewButton = NewElement(Element.ClassElement, Element.List, ("Button" + iNumber)); NewButton.y = (iNumber * NewButton.height); AddEvents(NewButton.Button, StateMouseOverElement, "MOUSE_OVER", "Over"); AddEvents(NewButton.Button, StateMouseOutElement, "MOUSE_OUT", "Out"); AddEvents(NewButton.Button, StateMouseDownElement, "MOUSE_DOWN", "Down"); NewButton.Button.gotoAndStop("normal"); NewButton.Button.buttonMode = true; NewButton.Text.mouseEnabled = false; iNumber = (iNumber + 1); }; Element.HideList(); if (Element.Focus){ AddEvents(StageLink, FocusOnInput, "MOUSE_DOWN", (Element.name + "InputFocusOn")); }; if (Element.React){ AddEvents(Input, FocusOnChange, "CHANGE", (Element.name + "InputChange")); }; AddEvents(Input, OnChange, "CHANGE", (Element.name + "InputOnChange")); AddEvents(Element, BoucleInput, "ENTER_FRAME"); } public function InputText():void{ var Input:*; var WidthMin:*; var WidthMax:*; var Background:*; var BackgroundBump:*; var fonctionLoop:*; var Auto:Boolean; var WidthInput:*; var MaxChars:*; var BoucleInput:Function; var FocusOnChange:Function; var FocusOnInput:Function; Input = Element.Input; WidthMin = ((Element.widthMin) || (50)); WidthMax = Element.widthMax; Background = Element.Background; BackgroundBump = ((Element.backgroundBump) || (((Background)!=null) ? (Background.width - Input.width) : 0)); fonctionLoop = Element.fonctionLoop; Auto = (((Element.auto) || (((!((WidthMin == 50))) || (!((WidthMax == null))))))) ? true : false; WidthInput = Element.widthInput; MaxChars = Element.maxChars; Element.focus = ((Element.focus) || (false)); Element.active = ((Element.active)==null) ? true : Element.active; Input.text = ((Element.text)!=null) ? Element.text : Input.text; if (MaxChars){ Input.maxChars = MaxChars; }; Element.Change = function (_arg1:Number):void{ Input.width = _arg1; if (Background){ Background.width = (Input.width + BackgroundBump); }; if (Element.Mask){ Element.Mask.width = Background.width; }; Launch(fonctionLoop); }; Element.Change(WidthInput); BoucleInput = function (_arg1:Event):void{ Element.Change((BumpNumber(Input.textWidth, WidthMin, WidthMax) + 20)); }; FocusOnChange = function (_arg1:Event):void{ Launch(Element.fonctionChange, [((Input.text) || (""))]); }; Element.Active = function (_arg1:Boolean):void{ var Etat = _arg1; Element.active = Etat; if (Element.Mask){ Element.Mask.visible = !(Etat); }; if (!Etat){ if (StageLink.focus){ if (StageLink.focus.parent){ if (StageLink.focus.parent.name == Element.name){ StageLink.focus = null; try { Launch(Element.fonctionFocusOff); } catch(e) { }; }; }; }; }; }; Element.Active(Element.active); FocusOnInput = function (_arg1:Event):void{ var FocusMemory:Boolean; var event = _arg1; FocusMemory = Element.focus; if (StageLink.focus){ if (StageLink.focus.parent){ if (StageLink.focus.parent.name == Element.name){ Element.focus = true; } else { Element.focus = false; }; } else { Element.focus = false; }; } else { Element.focus = false; }; if (FocusMemory != Element.focus){ if (Element.focus){ try { Launch(Element.fonctionFocusOn); } catch(e) { }; } else { try { Launch(Element.fonctionFocusOff); } catch(e) { }; }; }; }; if (Element.focus){ StageLink.focus = Element.Input; Launch(Element.fonctionFocusOn); }; if (Element.Focus){ AddEvents(StageLink, FocusOnInput, "MOUSE_DOWN", (Element.name + "InputFocusOn")); }; if (Element.React){ AddEvents(Input, FocusOnChange, "CHANGE", (Element.name + "InputChange")); }; if (Auto){ AddEvents(Element, BoucleInput, "ENTER_FRAME"); }; } } }//package drOIde.DynamicSection 204//DynamicTools (drOIde.Dynamic.DynamicTools) package drOIde.Dynamic { import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import drOIde.Port.*; import drOIde.Visual.*; import drOIde.Global.*; import flash.utils.*; public class DynamicTools extends MiscTools { public function DynamicTools(_arg1=null):void{ Connexion(_arg1); } public function SetThis(_arg1:Object=null):void{ _arg1 = ((_arg1) || (new Object())); if (_arg1.target){ if (_arg1.type == "position"){ MovingByPosition(_arg1.target, _arg1); }; if (_arg1.type == "drag"){ MovingByDrag(_arg1.target, _arg1); }; }; } public function ScrollEnglobing(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3:Object=null):void{ var leStage:*; var Element = _arg1; var Conteneur = _arg2; var Parametres = _arg3; if (TypeOf(Conteneur, "Object")){ Parametres = Conteneur; Conteneur = null; }; Element = CapsuleArray(Element); Conteneur = ((Conteneur) || (Element[0].parent)); leStage = Element[0].stage; Conteneur.EnglobingObject = new Object(); SetAll(Conteneur.EnglobingObject, Parametres); Conteneur.EnglobingObject.CentralElement = Element; Conteneur.Englobing = function (_arg1=null):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:Object; var _local4:Object; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:int; var _local10:*; if (((((!((_arg1 == null))) && (!((_arg1 == false))))) && (!((_arg1 == true))))){ _local2 = _arg1.target; _local3 = _local2.EnglobingObject; _local4 = {x:0, y:0}; _local5 = 9999999; _local6 = 9999999; _local7 = -9999999; _local8 = -9999999; while (_local9 < _local3.CentralElement.length) { _local10 = _local3.CentralElement[_local9]; if (_local10.x < _local5){ _local5 = _local10.x; }; if (_local10.y < _local6){ _local6 = _local10.y; }; if (_local10.x > _local7){ _local7 = _local10.x; }; if (_local10.y > _local8){ _local8 = _local10.y; }; _local9++; }; if (_local3.CentralElement.length > 1){ if ((_local7 - _local5) > (_local8 - _local6)){ _local2.scaleX = (((((_local3.width) || (leStage.stageWidth)) + ((_local3.widthLimit) || (0))) / (_local7 - _local5)) - (((_local3.widthBump) || (10)) / 100)); _local2.scaleY = (((((_local3.width) || (leStage.stageWidth)) + ((_local3.widthLimit) || (0))) / (_local7 - _local5)) - (((_local3.widthBump) || (10)) / 100)); } else { _local2.scaleX = (((((_local3.height) || (leStage.stageHeight)) + ((_local3.heightLimit) || (0))) / (_local8 - _local6)) - (((_local3.heightBump) || (10)) / 100)); _local2.scaleY = (((((_local3.height) || (leStage.stageHeight)) + ((_local3.heightLimit) || (0))) / (_local8 - _local6)) - (((_local3.heightBump) || (10)) / 100)); }; _local2.scaleX = BumpNumber(_local2.scaleX, ((_local3.sizeMin) || (0.01)), ((_local3.sizeMax) || (100))); _local2.scaleY = BumpNumber(_local2.scaleY, ((_local3.sizeMin) || (0.01)), ((_local3.sizeMax) || (100))); }; _local4.x = ((_local7 + _local5) / 2); _local4.y = ((_local8 + _local6) / 2); _local2.x = (((((_local3.width) || (leStage.stageWidth)) / (2 * _local2.scaleX)) - _local4.x) + ((_local3.xShift) || (0))); _local2.y = (((((_local3.height) || (leStage.stageHeight)) / (2 * _local2.scaleX)) - _local4.y) + ((_local3.yShift) || (0))); _local2.x = (_local2.x * (_local2.scaleX + ((_local3.scaleShift) || (0)))); _local2.y = (_local2.y * (_local2.scaleY + ((_local3.scaleShift) || (0)))); if (((!((_local3.rightLimit == null))) && ((_local2.x < _local3.rightLimit)))){ _local2.x = _local3.rightLimit; }; if (((!((_local3.leftLimit == null))) && ((_local2.x > _local3.leftLimit)))){ _local2.x = _local3.leftLimit; }; if (((!((_local3.downLimit == null))) && ((_local2.y < _local3.downLimit)))){ _local2.y = _local3.downLimit; }; if (((!((_local3.upLimit == null))) && ((_local2.y > _local3.upLimit)))){ _local2.y = _local3.upLimit; }; } else { if (_arg1 == true){ AddEvents(_local2, _local2.Englobing, "ENTER_FRAME", "ScrollEnglobing"); } else { RemoveEvents(_local2, _local2.Englobing, "ENTER_FRAME", "ScrollEnglobing"); }; }; }; AddEvents(Conteneur, Conteneur.Englobing, "ENTER_FRAME", "ScrollEnglobing"); } public function ScrollExtending(_arg1, _arg2=null, _arg3:Object=null):void{ var leStage:*; var Element = _arg1; var Conteneur = _arg2; var Parametres = _arg3; if (TypeOf(Conteneur, "Object")){ Parametres = Conteneur; Conteneur = null; }; leStage = Element.stage; Conteneur = ((Conteneur) || (Element.parent)); Parametres = ((Parametres) || (new Object())); Parametres.widthDistance = ((Parametres.widthDistance) || (leStage.stageWidth)); Parametres.heightDistance = ((Parametres.heightDistance) || (leStage.stageHeight)); Parametres.leftLimit = ((Parametres.leftLimit)!=null) ? Parametres.leftLimit : -99999999; Parametres.rightLimit = ((Parametres.rightLimit)!=null) ? Parametres.rightLimit : 99999999; Parametres.upLimit = ((Parametres.upLimit)!=null) ? Parametres.upLimit : -99999999; Parametres.downLimit = ((Parametres.downLimit)!=null) ? Parametres.downLimit : 99999999; Conteneur.ExtendingObject = new Object(); SetAll(Conteneur.ExtendingObject, Parametres); Conteneur.ExtendingObject.CentralElement = Element; Conteneur.Extending = function (_arg1=null):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; if (((((!((_arg1 == null))) && (!((_arg1 == false))))) && (!((_arg1 == true))))){ _local2 = _arg1.target; _local3 = _local2.ExtendingObject; _local4 = BumpNumber(_local3.CentralElement.x, _local3.leftLimit, _local3.rightLimit); _local5 = BumpNumber(_local3.CentralElement.y, _local3.upLimit, _local3.downLimit); _local2.x = ((_local3.widthDistance - leStage.stageWidth) * -((_local4 / _local3.widthDistance))); _local2.y = ((_local3.heightDistance - leStage.stageHeight) * -((_local5 / _local3.heightDistance))); } else { if (_arg1 == true){ AddEvents(_local2, _local2.Extending, "ENTER_FRAME", "ScrollExtending"); } else { RemoveEvents(_local2, _local2.Extending, "ENTER_FRAME", "ScrollExtending"); }; }; }; AddEvents(Conteneur, Conteneur.Extending, "ENTER_FRAME", "ScrollExtending"); } public function ScrollSnapping(_arg1, _arg2=null, _arg3:Object=null, _arg4:Object=null):void{ var leStage:*; var Pixel:PixelTools; var Nom:String; var Remplissage:*; var Ecran:Object; var CibleSnap:*; var Limites:Object; var ConteneurSnapping:MovieClip; var Element = _arg1; var Conteneur = _arg2; var Parametres = _arg3; var Etat = _arg4; if (TypeOf(Conteneur, "Object")){ if (Parametres){ Etat = Parametres; }; Parametres = Conteneur; Conteneur = null; }; Conteneur = ((Conteneur) || (Element.parent)); leStage = Element.stage; Pixel = new PixelTools(); Nom = (Parametres.name = ((Parametres.name) || (Element.name))); Remplissage = Parametres.background; Conteneur[(("Snapping" + Parametres.name) + "Object")] = new Object(); Ecran = {Droite:((Parametres.width) || (leStage.stageWidth)), Bas:((Parametres.height) || (leStage.stageHeight))}; Ecran.Gauche = ((Parametres.xShift) || ((Parametres.width / 2))); Ecran.Haut = ((Parametres.yShift) || ((Parametres.height / 2))); CibleSnap = ((Conteneur) || (Element.parent)); Conteneur = ((Parametres.conteiner) || (Conteneur.parent)); Limites = {Gauche:Parametres.leftLimit, Droite:Parametres.rightLimit, Haut:Parametres.upLimit, Bas:Parametres.downLimit}; ConteneurSnapping = NewElement(MovieClip, Conteneur, "ConteneurSnapping", Etat); Conteneur[("Snapping" + Nom)] = function (_arg1=null):void{ var _local2:MovieClip; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:*; if (((((!((_arg1 == null))) && (!((_arg1 == true))))) && (!((_arg1 == false))))){ if (ConteneurSnapping.Image){ DestroyElement(ConteneurSnapping.Image); }; _local2 = NewElement(MovieClip, ConteneurSnapping, "Image"); _local3 = (Ecran.Gauche - Element.x); _local4 = (Ecran.Haut - Element.y); if (Limites.Gauche != null){ _local3 = ((_local3)>Limites.Gauche) ? Limites.Gauche : _local3; }; if (Limites.Droite != null){ _local3 = ((_local3)<(-(Limites.Droite) + Ecran.Droite)) ? (-(Limites.Droite) + Ecran.Droite) : _local3; }; if (Limites.Haut != null){ _local4 = ((_local4)>Limites.Haut) ? Limites.Haut : _local4; }; if (Limites.Bas != null){ _local4 = ((_local4)<(-(Limites.Bas) + Ecran.Bas)) ? (-(Limites.Bas) + Ecran.Bas) : _local4; }; if (Remplissage){ _local5 = NewElement(Remplissage.Clip, Remplissage.Conteneur, "Remplissage", {x:-(_local3), y:-(_local4)}); }; Pixel.Snap(CibleSnap, _local2, {x:_local3, y:_local4}, {width:Ecran.Droite, height:Ecran.Bas}); if (Remplissage){ DestroyElement(_local5); }; } else { if ((((_arg1 == null)) || ((_arg1 == false)))){ RemoveEvents(Conteneur, Conteneur[("Snapping" + Nom)], "ENTER_FRAME", ("ScrollSnapping" + Nom)); if (ConteneurSnapping.Image){ DestroyElement(ConteneurSnapping.Image); }; } else { AddEvents(Conteneur, Conteneur[("Snapping" + Nom)], "ENTER_FRAME", ("ScrollSnapping" + Nom)); }; }; }; AddEvents(Conteneur, Conteneur[("Snapping" + Nom)], "ENTER_FRAME", ("ScrollSnapping" + Nom)); } public function NewDynamicCountdown(_arg1, _arg2:int=50):Object{ var NouveauCompte:Object; var Fonction = _arg1; var Temps = _arg2; NouveauCompte = new Object(); NouveauCompte.Fonction = Fonction; NouveauCompte.Temps = Temps; NouveauCompte.Actif = true; NouveauCompte.Porteur = new MovieClip(); NouveauCompte.Porteur.Boucle = function (_arg1:Event):void{ if (NouveauCompte.Actif){ NouveauCompte.Temps--; if (NouveauCompte.Temps <= 0){ Launch(NouveauCompte.Fonction); NouveauCompte.Detruit(); }; }; }; AddEvents(NouveauCompte.Porteur, NouveauCompte.Porteur.Boucle, "ENTER_FRAME"); NouveauCompte.Detruit = function ():void{ RemoveEvents(NouveauCompte.Porteur); TotalNull(NouveauCompte); }; return (NouveauCompte); } public function MovingByDrag(_arg1, _arg2:Object=null):void{ var Element = _arg1; var Parametres = _arg2; Parametres = ((Parametres) || (new Object())); Parametres.brake = ((Parametres.brake) || (90)); Parametres.mode = ((Parametres.mode) || ("direct")); Parametres.xMax = ((Parametres.xMax) || (20)); Parametres.yMax = ((Parametres.yMax) || (20)); Parametres.xShift = 0; Parametres.yShift = 0; Parametres.multiply = ((Parametres.multiply) || (1)); Parametres.active = false; Element.xSpeed = ((Element.xSpeed) || (0)); Element.ySpeed = ((Element.ySpeed) || (0)); Element.MovinByDrag_Parametres = Parametres; Element.MovingByDrag_Loop = function (_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:Object; _local2 = _arg1.target; _local3 = _local2.MovinByDrag_Parametres; if (((_local3.active) && (!(_local2.lock)))){ _local2.x = ((mouseX * _local3.multiply) - _local3.xShift); _local2.y = ((mouseY * _local3.multiply) - _local3.yShift); _local2.xSpeed = ((_local2.x * _local3.multiply) - _local3.xMemo); _local2.ySpeed = ((_local2.y * _local3.multiply) - _local3.yMemo); _local3.xMemo = (_local2.x * _local3.multiply); _local3.yMemo = (_local2.y * _local3.multiply); } else { if (_local3.mode == "speed"){ _local2.xSpeed = BumpNumber(_local2.xSpeed, -(_local3.xMax), _local3.xMax); _local2.ySpeed = BumpNumber(_local2.ySpeed, -(_local3.yMax), _local3.yMax); _local2.x = (_local2.x + (_local2.xSpeed * _local3.multiply)); _local2.y = (_local2.y + (_local2.ySpeed * _local3.multiply)); _local2.xSpeed = (_local2.xSpeed * (_local3.brake / 100)); _local2.ySpeed = (_local2.ySpeed * (_local3.brake / 100)); }; }; _local2.x = BumpNumber(_local2.x, ((_local3.leftLimit)!=null) ? _local3.leftLimit : NaN, ((_local3.rightLimit)!=null) ? _local3.rightLimit : NaN); _local2.y = BumpNumber(_local2.y, ((_local3.upLimit)!=null) ? _local3.upLimit : NaN, ((_local3.downLimit)!=null) ? _local3.downLimit : NaN); }; Element.MovingByDrag_Down = function (_arg1):void{ var _local2:Object; _local2 = _arg1.MovinByDrag_Parametres; _local2.active = true; _local2.xShift = ((mouseX * _local2.multiply) - _arg1.x); _local2.yShift = ((mouseY * _local2.multiply) - _arg1.y); }; Element.MovingByDrag_Up = function (_arg1):void{ var _local2:Object; _local2 = _arg1.MovinByDrag_Parametres; _local2.active = false; }; AddEvents(Element, Element.MovingByDrag_Loop, "ENTER_FRAME", false, "MovingByDrag_Loop_Event"); AddEvents(StageLink, {Fonction:Element.MovingByDrag_Down, Arguments:[Element]}, "MOUSE_DOWN", false, (Element.name + "MovingByDrag_Down_Event")); AddEvents(StageLink, {Fonction:Element.MovingByDrag_Up, Arguments:[Element]}, "MOUSE_UP", true, (Element.name + "MovingByDrag_Up_Event")); } public function OffScreenAction(_arg1, _arg2="Destroy", _arg3:Object=null):void{ var laScene:*; var Element = _arg1; var Type = _arg2; var Bump = _arg3; if (TypeOf(Type, "Object")){ Bump = Type; Type = "Destroy"; }; Bump = ((Bump) || (new Object())); laScene = Element.stage; if (((((!(TypeOf(laScene, "Stage"))) && (!(Bump.Droite)))) && (!(Bump.Bas)))){ TraceError("DynamicTools", "MortHorsChamp", "Impossible de retrouver le stage à partir de l'élément que vous avez donné."); } else { Bump.Haut = ((Bump.Haut) || (0)); Bump.Bas = ((Bump.Bas) || (laScene.stageHeight)); Bump.Gauche = ((Bump.Gauche) || (0)); Bump.Droite = ((Bump.Droite) || (laScene.stageWidth)); if (Element.OffScreen){ TraceError("DynamicTools", "MortHorsChamp", (("L'élément " + Element) + " a déjà un événement concernant le hors champ.")); } else { Element.OffScreen = new Object(); Element.OffScreen.Type = Type; Element.OffScreen.Bump = Bump; Element.OffScreen.laScene = laScene; Element.OffScreen.Boucle = function (_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; _local2 = _arg1.target; _local3 = _local2.OffScreen; if (_local3.Type == "Destroy"){ if ((GetTotal(_local2, "x") - (GetTotal(_local2, "width") / 2)) > _local3.Bump.Droite){ DestroyElement(_local2); } else { if ((GetTotal(_local2, "x") + (GetTotal(_local2, "width") / 2)) < _local3.Bump.Gauche){ DestroyElement(_local2); } else { if ((GetTotal(_local2, "y") - (GetTotal(_local2, "height") / 2)) > _local3.Bump.Bas){ DestroyElement(_local2); } else { if ((GetTotal(_local2, "y") + (GetTotal(_local2, "height") / 2)) < _local3.Bump.Haut){ DestroyElement(_local2); }; }; }; }; } else { if (_local3.Type == "Block"){ if ((GetTotal(_local2, "x") + (GetTotal(_local2, "width") / 2)) > _local3.Bump.Droite){ _local2.x = (_local3.Bump.Droite - (GetTotal(_local2, "width") / 2)); }; if ((GetTotal(_local2, "x") - (GetTotal(_local2, "width") / 2)) < _local3.Bump.Gauche){ _local2.x = (_local3.Bump.Gauche + (GetTotal(_local2, "width") / 2)); }; if ((GetTotal(_local2, "y") + (GetTotal(_local2, "height") / 2)) > _local3.Bump.Bas){ _local2.y = (_local3.Bump.Bas - (GetTotal(_local2, "height") / 2)); }; if ((GetTotal(_local2, "y") - (GetTotal(_local2, "height") / 2)) < _local3.Bump.Haut){ _local2.y = (_local3.Bump.Haut + (GetTotal(_local2, "height") / 2)); }; }; }; }; AddEvents(Element, Element.OffScreen.Boucle, "ENTER_FRAME", "OffScreenLoop"); }; }; } public function ScrollTravelling(_arg1, _arg2=null, _arg3:Object=null):void{ var leStage:*; var Element = _arg1; var Conteneur = _arg2; var Parametres = _arg3; if (TypeOf(Conteneur, "Object")){ Parametres = Conteneur; Conteneur = null; }; leStage = ((Element.stage) || (Conteneur.stage)); Conteneur = ((Conteneur) || (Element.parent)); Parametres = ((Parametres) || (new Object())); Conteneur.ScrollingObject = new Object(); Conteneur.ScrollingObject.CentralElement = Element; Conteneur.ScrollingObject.Parametres = Parametres; Conteneur.Travelling = function (_arg1=null):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:Object; var _local4:Object; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; if (((((!((_arg1 == null))) && (!((_arg1 == true))))) && (!((_arg1 == false))))){ _local2 = _arg1.target; _local3 = _local2.ScrollingObject.CentralElement; _local4 = _local2.ScrollingObject.Parametres; _local5 = ((_local4.stageWidth) || (leStage.stageWidth)); _local6 = ((_local4.stageHeight) || (leStage.stageHeight)); _local2.x = ((_local5 / 2) - _local3.x); _local2.y = ((_local6 / 2) - _local3.y); if (((!((_local4.rightLimit == null))) && ((_local2.x < (-(_local4.rightLimit) + _local5))))){ _local2.x = (-(_local4.rightLimit) + _local5); }; if (((!((_local4.leftLimit == null))) && ((_local2.x > _local4.leftLimit)))){ _local2.x = _local4.leftLimit; }; if (((!((_local4.downLimit == null))) && ((_local2.y < (-(_local4.downLimit) + _local6))))){ _local2.y = (-(_local4.downLimit) + _local6); }; if (((!((_local4.upLimit == null))) && ((_local2.y > _local4.upLimit)))){ _local2.y = _local4.upLimit; }; } else { if (_arg1 == false){ RemoveEvents(Conteneur, Conteneur.Travelling, "ENTER_FRAME", "ScrollTravelling"); } else { AddEvents(Conteneur, Conteneur.Travelling, "ENTER_FRAME", "ScrollTravelling"); }; }; }; AddEvents(Conteneur, Conteneur.Travelling, "ENTER_FRAME", "ScrollTravelling"); } public function Shot(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3=null, _arg4=null){ var leTir:*; var Tireur = _arg1; var ClipTir = _arg2; var Conteneur = _arg3; var Etat = _arg4; if (!Conteneur){ Conteneur = Tireur.parent; }; leTir = NewElement(ClipTir, Conteneur, ((TypeOf(ClipTir) + "_") + Tireur.name), Etat); leTir.rotationShift = ((leTir.rotationShift)==null) ? 0 : leTir.rotationShift; leTir.xShift = ((leTir.xShift)==null) ? 0 : leTir.xShift; leTir.yShift = ((leTir.yShift)==null) ? 0 : leTir.yShift; leTir.speed = ((leTir.speed)==null) ? 5 : leTir.speed; leTir.fonctionLoop = ((leTir.fonctionLoop) || (leTir.fonction)); leTir.x = (((Etat.x) || (Tireur.x)) + leTir.xShift); leTir.y = (((Etat.y) || (Tireur.y)) + leTir.yShift); leTir.rotation = (Tireur.rotation + leTir.rotationShift); leTir.ShotLoop = function (_arg1:Event){ var _local2:*; _local2 = _arg1.target; SetDirectionTo(_local2, Aspiration(_local2.speed), _local2); if (_local2.fonctionLoop){ Launch(_local2.fonctionLoop, _local2); }; }; AddEvents(leTir, leTir.ShotLoop, "ENTER_FRAME"); return (leTir); } public function DragAndDrop(_arg1:MovieClip, _arg2=null, _arg3:Array=null):void{ var Z:int; var Cible = _arg1; var Parametres = _arg2; var Zone = _arg3; if (Parametres != false){ Cible.DragAndDrop = new Object(); Parametres = ((Parametres) || (new Object())); Zone = ((Zone) || (new Array())); SetAll(Cible.DragAndDrop, Parametres); Cible.DragAndDrop.Actif = false; Cible.DragAndDrop.Active = true; Cible.DragAndDrop.xInitial = Cible.x; Cible.DragAndDrop.yInitial = Cible.y; Cible.DragAndDrop.Mouse = new MousePort(Cible); Cible.DragAndDrop.boomerang = ((Cible.DragAndDrop.boomerang)==null) ? true : Cible.DragAndDrop.boomerang; Cible.DragAndDrop.speed = ((Cible.DragAndDrop.speed) || (10)); Z = 0; while (Z < Zone.length) { if (((!(Zone[Z].x1)) && (Zone[Z].Zone))){ Zone[Z].x1 = Zone[Z].Zone.x; Zone[Z].y1 = Zone[Z].Zone.y; Zone[Z].x2 = (Zone[Z].Zone.x + Zone[Z].Zone.width); Zone[Z].y2 = (Zone[Z].Zone.y + Zone[Z].Zone.height); }; Z = (Z + 1); }; Cible.DragAndDrop.Deplacement = function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var DragObject:Object; var i:int; var event = _arg1; DragObject = Cible.DragAndDrop; DragObject.xShift = ((DragObject.xShift) || ((DragObject.Mouse.localX(Cible.parent) - Cible.x))); DragObject.yShift = ((DragObject.yShift) || ((DragObject.Mouse.localY(Cible.parent) - Cible.y))); Cible.x = (DragObject.Mouse.localX(Cible.parent) - DragObject.xShift); Cible.y = (DragObject.Mouse.localY(Cible.parent) - DragObject.yShift); if (((DragObject.downLimit) && ((Cible.y > DragObject.downLimit)))){ Cible.y = DragObject.downLimit; }; if (((DragObject.upLimit) && ((Cible.y < DragObject.upLimit)))){ Cible.y = DragObject.upLimit; }; if (((DragObject.rightLimit) && ((Cible.x > DragObject.rightLimit)))){ Cible.x = DragObject.rightLimit; }; if (((DragObject.leftLimit) && ((Cible.x < DragObject.leftLimit)))){ Cible.x = DragObject.leftLimit; }; if (DragObject.limit){ if (Cible.x < DragObject.limit.x){ Cible.x = DragObject.limit.x; }; if (Cible.x > (DragObject.limit.x + DragObject.limit.width)){ Cible.x = (DragObject.limit.x + DragObject.limit.width); }; if (Cible.y < DragObject.limit.y){ Cible.y = DragObject.limit.y; }; if (Cible.y > (DragObject.limit.y + DragObject.limit.height)){ Cible.y = (DragObject.limit.y + DragObject.limit.height); }; }; i = 0; while (i < Zone.length) { if ((((((((Cible.x > Zone[i].x1)) && ((Cible.x < Zone[i].x2)))) && ((Cible.y > Zone[i].y1)))) && ((Cible.y < Zone[i].y2)))){ if (Zone[i].fonctionOver){ try { Launch(Zone[i].fonctionOver, Cible); } catch(e) { Launch(Zone[i].fonctionOver); }; }; } else { if (Zone[i].fonctionOut){ try { Launch(Zone[i].fonctionOut, Cible); } catch(e) { Launch(Zone[i].fonctionOut); }; }; }; i = (i + 1); }; event.updateAfterEvent(); }; Cible.DragAndDrop.Return = function (_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:Object; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; _local2 = Cible.DragAndDrop; _local3 = NumberGoTo(Cible.x, _local2.xInitial, _local2.speed, 0.05); _local4 = NumberGoTo(Cible.y, _local2.yInitial, _local2.speed, 0.05); if (((((((Cible.x - _local3) == 0)) && (((Cible.y - _local4) == 0)))) || (_local2.Actif))){ RemoveEvents(Cible, _local2.Return, "ENTER_FRAME", "DragReturnLoop"); }; Cible.x = _local3; Cible.y = _local4; }; Cible.DragAndDrop.Down = function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:Object; _local2 = Cible.DragAndDrop; if (_local2.Active){ AddEvents(Cible.stage, _local2.Deplacement, "MOUSE_MOVE", ("DragMove" + Cible.name)); _local2.Actif = true; Launch(_local2.fonctionDown); }; }; Cible.DragAndDrop.Up = function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var DragObject:Object; var i:int; var event = _arg1; DragObject = Cible.DragAndDrop; if (DragObject.Actif){ RemoveEvents(Cible.stage, DragObject.Deplacement, "MOUSE_MOVE", ("DragMove" + Cible.name)); DragObject.Actif = false; DragObject.xShift = null; DragObject.yShift = null; Launch(DragObject.fonctionUp); if (DragObject.boomerang){ AddEvents(Cible, DragObject.Return, "ENTER_FRAME", "DragReturnLoop"); }; i = 0; while (i < Zone.length) { if ((((((((Cible.x > Zone[i].x1)) && ((Cible.x < Zone[i].x2)))) && ((Cible.y > Zone[i].y1)))) && ((Cible.y < Zone[i].y2)))){ if (Zone[i].fonction){ try { Launch(Zone[i].fonction, Cible); } catch(e) { Launch(Zone[i].fonction); }; }; if (Zone[i].anchor){ DragObject.xInitial = Cible.x; DragObject.yInitial = Cible.y; }; }; i = (i + 1); }; }; }; Cible.SetAnchor = function (_arg1=null, _arg2=null):void{ Cible.DragAndDrop.xInitial = ((_arg1) || (Cible.x)); Cible.DragAndDrop.yInitial = ((_arg2) || (Cible.y)); AddEvents(Cible, Cible.DragAndDrop.Return, "ENTER_FRAME", "DragReturnLoop"); }; AddEvents(Cible, Cible.DragAndDrop.Down, "MOUSE_DOWN", ("DragDown" + Cible.name)); AddEvents(Cible.stage, Cible.DragAndDrop.Up, "MOUSE_UP", ("DragUp" + Cible.name)); } else { RemoveEvents(Cible, Cible.DragAndDrop.Down, "MOUSE_DOWN", ("DragDown" + Cible.name)); RemoveEvents(Cible.stage, Cible.DragAndDrop.Up, "MOUSE_UP", ("DragUp" + Cible.name)); }; } public function MultiShot(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3=null, _arg4=null, _arg5=null){ var Tireur = _arg1; var ClipTir = _arg2; var Conteneur = _arg3; var Etat = _arg4; var Parametres = _arg5; Parametres = ((Parametres) || (new Object())); if (!TypeOf(ClipTir, "Boolean")){ if (Tireur.ObjetMitraille){ RemoveEvents(Tireur, Tireur.ObjetMitraille.BoucleMitraille, "ENTER_FRAME", "ShotLoop"); }; Tireur.ObjetMitraille = new Object(); Tireur.ObjetMitraille.cadenceStep = 0; Tireur.ObjetMitraille.pack = ((Parametres.pack) || (1)); Tireur.ObjetMitraille.cadence = ((Parametres.cadence) || (1)); Tireur.ObjetMitraille.active = ((Parametres.active) || (false)); Tireur.ObjetMitraille.Tir = function ():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:*; var _local3:Array; var _local4:int; var _local5:String; var _local6:*; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < Tireur.ObjetMitraille.pack) { _local2 = Shot(Tireur, ClipTir, Conteneur, Etat); _local3 = ["x", "y", "rotation", "width", "height"]; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _local3.length) { _local5 = _local3[_local4]; _local6 = Parametres[(_local5 + "Pack")]; if (_local6){ if (TypeOf(_local6, "Array")){ _local2[_local5] = (_local2[_local5] + _local6[_local1]); } else { _local2[_local5] = (_local2[_local5] + (_local6 * _local1)); }; }; _local4++; }; _local2.x = (_local2.x + Aspiration(Parametres.xShift, 0)); _local2.y = (_local2.y + Aspiration(Parametres.yShift, 0)); _local2.rotation = (_local2.rotation + Aspiration(Parametres.rotationShift, 0)); _local2.width = (_local2.width + Aspiration(Parametres.widthShift, 0)); _local2.height = (_local2.height + Aspiration(Parametres.heightShift, 0)); if (Parametres.fonctionStart){ Launch(Parametres.fonctionStart, _local2); }; _local1++; }; }; Tireur.ObjetMitraille.BoucleMitraille = function (_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:int; var _local3:int; if (Tireur.ObjetMitraille.cadenceStep == 0){ if (Tireur.ObjetMitraille.active){ _local2 = Aspiration(Tireur.ObjetMitraille.cadence); if (_local2 <= 1){ _local2 = Math.abs(_local2); _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local2) { Tireur.ObjetMitraille.Tir(); _local3++; }; } else { Tireur.ObjetMitraille.Tir(); Tireur.ObjetMitraille.cadenceStep = _local2; }; }; } else { Tireur.ObjetMitraille.cadenceStep--; }; }; AddEvents(Tireur, Tireur.ObjetMitraille.BoucleMitraille, "ENTER_FRAME", "ShotLoop"); } else { if (Tireur.ObjetMitraille){ Tireur.ObjetMitraille.active = ClipTir; } else { TraceError("DynamicTools", "Mitraille", (("L'élément " + Tireur.name) + " n'a pas reçut de mitraille initiale.")); }; }; } public function MovingByPosition(_arg1, _arg2:Object=null):void{ var Element = _arg1; var Parametres = _arg2; Parametres = ((Parametres) || (new Object())); Parametres.left = ((((Parametres.left) || (Parametres.x))) || (100)); Parametres.right = ((((Parametres.right) || (Parametres.x))) || (100)); Parametres.up = ((((Parametres.up) || (Parametres.y))) || (100)); Parametres.down = ((((Parametres.down) || (Parametres.y))) || (100)); Parametres.smooth = ((Parametres.smooth) || (10)); Parametres.brake = ((Parametres.brake) || (90)); Parametres.mode = ((Parametres.mode) || ("direct")); Parametres.xMax = ((Parametres.xMax) || (20)); Parametres.yMax = ((Parametres.yMax) || (20)); Parametres.multiply = ((Parametres.multiply) || (1)); Element.xSpeed = ((Element.xSpeed) || (0)); Element.ySpeed = ((Element.ySpeed) || (0)); Element.MovinByPosition_Parametres = Parametres; Element.MovingByPosition_Loop = function (_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:Object; _local2 = _arg1.target; _local3 = _local2.MovinByPosition_Parametres; if (!_local2.lock){ if (mouseX < _local3.left){ _local2[("x" + ((_local3.mode == "speed")) ? "Speed" : "")] = (_local2[("x" + ((_local3.mode == "speed")) ? "Speed" : "")] + ((Math.abs((mouseX - _local3.left)) / _local3.smooth) * _local3.multiply)); } else { if (mouseX > (StageLink.stageWidth - _local3.right)){ _local2[("x" + ((_local3.mode == "speed")) ? "Speed" : "")] = (_local2[("x" + ((_local3.mode == "speed")) ? "Speed" : "")] - ((Math.abs(((StageLink.stageWidth - _local3.right) - mouseX)) / _local3.smooth) * _local3.multiply)); }; }; if (mouseY < _local3.up){ _local2[("y" + ((_local3.mode == "speed")) ? "Speed" : "")] = (_local2[("y" + ((_local3.mode == "speed")) ? "Speed" : "")] + ((Math.abs((mouseY - _local3.up)) / _local3.smooth) * _local3.multiply)); } else { if (mouseY > (StageLink.stageHeight - _local3.down)){ _local2[("y" + ((_local3.mode == "speed")) ? "Speed" : "")] = (_local2[("y" + ((_local3.mode == "speed")) ? "Speed" : "")] - ((Math.abs(((StageLink.stageHeight - _local3.down) - mouseY)) / _local3.smooth) * _local3.multiply)); }; }; }; _local2.xSpeed = BumpNumber(_local2.xSpeed, -(_local3.xMax), _local3.xMax); _local2.ySpeed = BumpNumber(_local2.ySpeed, -(_local3.yMax), _local3.yMax); _local2.x = (_local2.x + _local2.xSpeed); _local2.y = (_local2.y + _local2.ySpeed); _local2.xSpeed = (_local2.xSpeed * (_local3.brake / 100)); _local2.ySpeed = (_local2.ySpeed * (_local3.brake / 100)); _local2.x = BumpNumber(_local2.x, ((_local3.leftLimit)!=null) ? _local3.leftLimit : NaN, ((_local3.rightLimit)!=null) ? _local3.rightLimit : NaN); _local2.y = BumpNumber(_local2.y, ((_local3.upLimit)!=null) ? _local3.upLimit : NaN, ((_local3.downLimit)!=null) ? _local3.downLimit : NaN); }; AddEvents(Element, Element.MovingByPosition_Loop, "ENTER_FRAME", false, "MovinByPosition_Event"); } } }//package drOIde.DynamicSection 205//HitProcess (drOIde.Dynamic.HitProcess) package drOIde.Dynamic { import drOIde.Global.*; public class HitProcess extends MiscTools { public var ObstaclesSubjects:Object; public var Proximities:Object; private var DestroyingBodies:Array; private var Counter:int;// = 0 private var CounterMax:int;// = 5 private var Bodies:Object; public var Active:Boolean;// = true public var Collisions:Object; public var Obstacles:Object; public function HitProcess(_arg1=null):void{ Active = true; Counter = 0; CounterMax = 5; Bodies = new Object(); DestroyingBodies = new Array(); Collisions = new Object(); Proximities = new Object(); Obstacles = new Object(); ObstaclesSubjects = new Object(); super(); Connexion(_arg1); AddEvents(this, GlobalLoop, "ENTER_FRAME"); } public function NewObstacle(_arg1:String, _arg2, _arg3=null):void{ var _local4:String; var _local5:Boolean; var _local6:String; var _local7:Object; if (!TypeOf(_arg2, "String")){ _arg2.Bump = ((_arg3) || (_arg2.Bump)); _arg3 = _arg2; _arg2 = null; }; if (!TypeOf(_arg3, "Object")){ _local6 = (_arg3.hitTestPoint((_arg3.x - 1), (_arg3.y - 1))) ? "Circle" : "Rectangle"; _local7 = new Object(); if (_local6 == "Circle"){ _local7.Centre = _arg3; _local7.Diametre = _arg3.width; } else { if (_local6 == "Rectangle"){ _local7.PointZero = _arg3; _local7.Taille = _arg3; }; }; _arg2 = ((_arg2) || (_arg3.name)); _arg3 = _local7; }; if (_arg3.Bump){ if (!TypeOf(_arg3.Bump, "Number")){ _arg3.Bump = (_arg3.Bump.width / 2); }; }; if (!Obstacles[_arg1]){ NewObstacleGroup(_arg1); }; _local4 = ((((_arg3.type) || (_local6))) || ("Circle")); _local5 = true; if (_local4 == "Circle"){ if (!_arg3.Centre){ TraceError("HitProcess", "NewObstacle", "Pour un obstacle de type «Circle» vous devez préciser la position x,y sur la clé «Centre»"); _local5 = false; }; if (!_arg3.Diametre){ TraceError("HitProcess", "NewObstacle", "Pour un obstacle de type «Circle» vous devez préciser la valeur de «Diametre»"); _local5 = false; }; } else { if (_local4 == "Rectangle"){ if (!_arg3.PointZero){ TraceError("HitProcess", "NewObstacle", "Pour un obstacle de type «Rectangle» vous devez préciser la position x,y sur la clé «PointZero»"); _local5 = false; }; if (!_arg3.Taille){ TraceError("HitProcess", "NewObstacle", "Pour un obstacle de type «Rectangle» vous devez préciser la valeur de «Taille»"); _local5 = false; }; } else { TraceError("HitProcess", "NewObstacle", (("Le Type d'obstacle «" + _local4) + "» n'existe pas.")); _local5 = false; }; }; if (_local5){ Obstacles[_arg1][_arg2] = new Object(); Obstacles[_arg1][_arg2].Type = _local4; Obstacles[_arg1][_arg2].Parametres = _arg3; }; } public function RemoveBody(_arg1:String, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{ var _local3:Object; var _local4:Object; var _local5:Object; if (!_arg2){ if (Bodies[_arg1]){ DestroyingBodies.push(_arg1); Bodies[_arg1].Link2HitProcess = false; } else { TraceError("HitProcess", "SupressionElement", (("Le nom archivé " + _arg1) + " n'existe pas.")); }; } else { for (_local3 in Collisions) { if (Collisions[_local3] != null){ if ((((Collisions[_local3].Element1 == _arg1)) || ((Collisions[_local3].Element2 == _arg1)))){ Collisions[_local3] = null; }; }; }; for (_local4 in Proximities) { if (Proximities[_local4] != null){ if ((((Proximities[_local4].Element1 == _arg1)) || ((Proximities[_local4].Element2 == _arg1)))){ Proximities[_local4] = null; }; }; }; for (_local5 in ObstaclesSubjects) { if (ObstaclesSubjects[_local5] != null){ if (_local5 == _arg1){ ObstaclesSubjects[_local5] = null; }; }; }; Bodies[_arg1] = null; }; } private function CheckProximity(_arg1=""):void{ var _local2:Object; for (_local2 in Proximities) { if (Proximities[_local2] != null){ if (!Bodies[Proximities[_local2].Element1]){ TraceError("HitProcess", "Boucle de HitTest", (("L'element 1 : \"" + _local2) + "\" n'existe pas ou plus.")); } else { if (!Bodies[Proximities[_local2].Element2]){ TraceError("HitProcess", "Boucle de HitTest", (("L'element 2 : \"" + _local2) + "\" n'existe pas ou plus.")); } else { if (GetDistance(Bodies[Proximities[_local2].Element1], Bodies[Proximities[_local2].Element2]) < Proximities[_local2].Distance){ if (!Proximities[_local2].Dedans){ Launch(Proximities[_local2].FonctionEntre); Proximities[_local2].Dedans = true; }; Launch(Proximities[_local2].FonctionBoucle); } else { if (Proximities[_local2].Dedans){ Launch(Proximities[_local2].FonctionSort); Proximities[_local2].Dedans = false; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function GlobalLoop(_arg1=null, _arg2=""):void{ if (Active){ Counter++; if (Counter <= CounterMax){ if (((((!((_arg1 == "Obstacle"))) && (!((_arg1 == "Proximite"))))) && (!((_arg1 == "Collision"))))){ CheckDestruction(_arg2); }; if (((!((_arg1 == "Obstacle"))) && (!((_arg1 == "Proximite"))))){ CheckCollision(_arg2); }; if (((!((_arg1 == "Collision"))) && (!((_arg1 == "Proximite"))))){ CheckObstacle(_arg2); }; if (((!((_arg1 == "Collision"))) && (!((_arg1 == "Obstacle"))))){ CheckProximity(_arg2); }; }; Counter = 0; }; } public function NewCollision(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4=null):String{ var _local5:String; var _local6:*; var _local7:*; if (((!(TypeOf(_arg1, "String"))) || (!(_arg4)))){ _local7 = _arg4; _arg4 = _arg3; _arg3 = _arg2; _arg2 = _arg1; _arg1 = _local7; }; _arg2 = NewBody(_arg2); _arg3 = NewBody(_arg3); _arg4 = ((_arg4) || (new Object())); _local5 = ((_arg4.type) || ("Object")); _local6 = _arg4.fonction; _arg1 = ((_arg1) || (((_arg2 + _arg3) + "Collision"))); while (Collisions[_arg1] != null) { _arg1 = PasteString(_arg1); }; Collisions[_arg1] = new Object(); Collisions[_arg1].mod = _local5; Collisions[_arg1].Element1 = _arg2; Collisions[_arg1].Element2 = _arg3; Collisions[_arg1].Fonction = _local6; Collisions[_arg1].Parametres = ((_arg4) || (new Object())); return (_arg1); } private function CheckDestruction(_arg1=""):void{ var _local2:String; for (_local2 in DestroyingBodies) { RemoveBody(DestroyingBodies[_local2], true); }; DestroyingBodies.splice(0); } public function Refresh(_arg1=null, _arg2=""):void{ GlobalLoop(_arg1, _arg2); } public function NewProximity(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4=null):String{ var _local5:Number; var _local6:*; var _local7:*; var _local8:*; var _local9:*; if (((!(TypeOf(_arg1, "String"))) || (!(_arg4)))){ _local9 = _arg4; _arg4 = _arg3; _arg3 = _arg2; _arg2 = _arg1; _arg1 = _local9; }; _arg2 = NewBody(_arg2); _arg3 = NewBody(_arg3); _arg4 = ((_arg4) || (new Object())); _local5 = ((_arg4.distance) || ((Bodies[_arg3].width / 2))); _local6 = ((_arg4.fonction) || (_arg4.fonctionLoop)); _local7 = _arg4.fonctionOn; _local8 = _arg4.fonctionOff; _arg1 = ((_arg1) || (((_arg2 + _arg3) + "Proximity"))); Proximities[_arg1] = new Object(); Proximities[_arg1].Distance = _local5; Proximities[_arg1].Element1 = _arg2; Proximities[_arg1].Element2 = _arg3; Proximities[_arg1].FonctionBoucle = _local6; Proximities[_arg1].FonctionEntre = _local7; Proximities[_arg1].FonctionSort = _local8; Proximities[_arg1].Dedans = false; return (_arg1); } private function CheckCollision(_arg1=""):void{ var _local2:Object; for (_local2 in Collisions) { if (Collisions[_local2] != null){ if (!Bodies[Collisions[_local2].Element1]){ TraceSoftError("HitProcess", "Boucle de HitTest", (("L'element 1 : \"" + _local2) + "\" n'existe pas ou plus.")); } else { if (!Bodies[Collisions[_local2].Element2]){ TraceSoftError("HitProcess", "Boucle de HitTest", (("L'element 2 : \"" + _local2) + "\" n'existe pas ou plus.")); } else { if (Collisions[_local2].mod == "Object"){ if (Bodies[Collisions[_local2].Element1].hitTestObject(Bodies[Collisions[_local2].Element2])){ if (Collisions[_local2].Parametres.Argumentation){ Launch(Collisions[_local2].Fonction, true, [Bodies[Collisions[_local2].Element1], Bodies[Collisions[_local2].Element2]]); } else { Launch(Collisions[_local2].Fonction); }; }; } else { if (Collisions[_local2].mod == "Point"){ if (Bodies[Collisions[_local2].Element1].hitTestPoint(Bodies[Collisions[_local2].Element2].x, Bodies[Collisions[_local2].Element2].y, true)){ if (Collisions[_local2].Parametres.Argumentation){ Launch(Collisions[_local2].Fonction, true, [Bodies[Collisions[_local2].Element1], Bodies[Collisions[_local2].Element2]]); } else { Launch(Collisions[_local2].Fonction); }; }; } else { if (Collisions[_local2].mod == "!Object"){ if (!Bodies[Collisions[_local2].Element1].hitTestObject(Bodies[Collisions[_local2].Element2])){ if (Collisions[_local2].Parametres.Argumentation){ Launch(Collisions[_local2].Fonction, true, [Bodies[Collisions[_local2].Element1], Bodies[Collisions[_local2].Element2]]); } else { Launch(Collisions[_local2].Fonction); }; }; } else { if (Collisions[_local2].mod == "!Point"){ if (!Bodies[Collisions[_local2].Element1].hitTestPoint(Bodies[Collisions[_local2].Element2].x, Bodies[Collisions[_local2].Element2].y, true)){ if (Collisions[_local2].Parametres.Argumentation){ Launch(Collisions[_local2].Fonction, true, [Bodies[Collisions[_local2].Element1], Bodies[Collisions[_local2].Element2]]); } else { Launch(Collisions[_local2].Fonction); }; }; } else { if (Collisions[_local2].mod == "AbsolutPoint"){ if (Bodies[Collisions[_local2].Element1].hitTestPoint(GetTotal(Bodies[Collisions[_local2].Element2], "x"), GetTotal(Bodies[Collisions[_local2].Element2], "y"), true)){ if (Collisions[_local2].Parametres.Argumentation){ Launch(Collisions[_local2].Fonction, true, [Bodies[Collisions[_local2].Element1], Bodies[Collisions[_local2].Element2]]); } else { Launch(Collisions[_local2].Fonction); }; }; } else { if (Collisions[_local2].mod == "!AbsolutPoint"){ if (!Bodies[Collisions[_local2].Element1].hitTestPoint(GetTotal(Bodies[Collisions[_local2].Element2], "x"), GetTotal(Bodies[Collisions[_local2].Element2], "y"), true)){ if (Collisions[_local2].Parametres.Argumentation){ Launch(Collisions[_local2].Fonction, true, [Bodies[Collisions[_local2].Element1], Bodies[Collisions[_local2].Element2]]); } else { Launch(Collisions[_local2].Fonction); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function NewBody(_arg1, _arg2=null, _arg3=null):String{ if (!TypeOf(_arg1, ["String", "Array", "Object"])){ _arg2 = _arg1; _arg1 = (_arg1.name + (_arg1.parent) ? _arg1.parent.name : ""); } else { if (TypeOf(_arg1, "Array")){ _arg2 = _arg1[1]; _arg1 = _arg1[0]; } else { if (TypeOf(_arg1, "Object")){ _arg2 = _arg1.target; _arg1 = (_arg1.name + (_arg1.parent) ? _arg1.parent.name : ""); }; }; }; if (Bodies[_arg1] == null){ if (_arg2){ Bodies[_arg1] = _arg2; ((_arg3) || (Bodies[_arg1])).Link2HitProcess = _arg1; } else { TraceError("HitProcess", "NewBody", [(("Pour l'ajout de l'element au nom : \"" + _arg1) + "\""), " La cible choisie n'existe pas."]); }; }; return (_arg1); } public function CheckObstacleCircle(_arg1, _arg2:Object, _arg3:Object, _arg4:String=""):void{ var _local5:Number; var _local6:Boolean; var _local7:Number; _local5 = ((TypeOf(_arg2.Diametre, "Number")) ? (_arg2.Diametre / 2) : (_arg2.Diametre.width / 2) + ((_arg2.Bump) || (0))); _local6 = false; if (TypeOf(_arg2.Centre, "Number")){ _local6 = true; } else { if (!_arg2.Centre){ _local6 = true; }; if (!_arg2.Centre.ObstacleInActive){ _local6 = true; }; }; if (_local6){ if ((((GetDistance(_arg1, _arg2.Centre) < _local5)) && (!((_arg2.Centre.Active == false))))){ if (_arg2.Accroche){ _arg1.x = _arg1.ApplyObstacle.MemoireX[(_arg1.ApplyObstacle.MemoireX.length - 1)]; _arg1.y = _arg1.ApplyObstacle.MemoireY[(_arg1.ApplyObstacle.MemoireX.length - 1)]; }; _local7 = GetAngle(_arg2.Centre, _arg1); _arg1.ApplyObstacle.MemoireX[(_arg1.ApplyObstacle.MemoireX.length - 1)] = _arg1.x; _arg1.ApplyObstacle.MemoireY[(_arg1.ApplyObstacle.MemoireX.length - 1)] = _arg1.y; _arg1.x = GetDirectionTo(_arg2.Centre, _local5, _local7).x; _arg1.y = GetDirectionTo(_arg2.Centre, _local5, _local7).y; if (_arg3.Fonction.Fonction != undefined){ Launch(_arg3.Fonction); }; GlobalLoop("Obstacle", _arg4); }; }; } public function Corrosion(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3:String="Unique", _arg4:String="Object"):Boolean{ var _local5:int; var _local6:*; if (_arg3 == "Unique"){ if (_arg1[("hitTest" + _arg4)](_arg2)){ DestroyElement(_arg1); return (true); }; } else { _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < _arg2.numChildren) { _local6 = _arg2.getChildAt(_local5); if (((!((_local6 == _arg1))) && (_arg1[("hitTest" + _arg4)](_local6)))){ DestroyElement(_arg1); return (true); }; _local5++; }; }; return (false); } public function NewObstacleGroup(_arg1:String):void{ Obstacles[_arg1] = new Object(); } private function CheckObstacle(_arg1=""):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; for (_local2 in ObstaclesSubjects) { if (ObstaclesSubjects[_local2] != null){ if (ObstaclesSubjects[_local2][0].Clip){ for (_local3 in ObstaclesSubjects[_local2]) { if (ObstaclesSubjects[_local2][_local3] != null){ if (FindIn(_arg1, ObstaclesSubjects[_local2][_local3].Nom) == 0){ var _local8 = this; _local8[("CheckObstacle" + Obstacles[ObstaclesSubjects[_local2][_local3].Groupe][ObstaclesSubjects[_local2][_local3].Nom].Type)](ObstaclesSubjects[_local2][0].Clip, Obstacles[ObstaclesSubjects[_local2][_local3].Groupe][ObstaclesSubjects[_local2][_local3].Nom].Parametres, ObstaclesSubjects[_local2][_local3], ((_arg1 + "_") + ObstaclesSubjects[_local2][_local3].Nom)); }; }; }; ObstaclesSubjects[_local2][0].Clip.ApplyObstacle.MemoireX.push(ObstaclesSubjects[_local2][0].Clip.x); ObstaclesSubjects[_local2][0].Clip.ApplyObstacle.MemoireY.push(ObstaclesSubjects[_local2][0].Clip.y); } else { ObstaclesSubjects[_local2] = null; }; }; }; } public function CheckObstacleRectangle(_arg1, _arg2:Object, _arg3:Object, _arg4:String=""):void{ var _local5:Boolean; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; _local5 = false; if (TypeOf(_arg2.PointZero, "Number")){ _local5 = true; } else { if (!_arg2.PointZero){ _local5 = true; }; if (!_arg2.PointZero.ObstacleInActive){ _local5 = true; }; }; if (_local5){ _arg2.MemoPointZero = ((_arg2.MemoPointZero) || ({x:0, y:0})); _arg2.MemoTaille = ((_arg2.MemoTaille) || ({width:0, height:0})); if (_arg2.MemoPointZero.x != _arg2.PointZero.x){ _arg1.ApplyObstacle.MemoireX[(_arg1.ApplyObstacle.MemoireX.length - 1)] = (_arg1.ApplyObstacle.MemoireX[(_arg1.ApplyObstacle.MemoireX.length - 1)] + (_arg2.PointZero.x - _arg2.MemoPointZero.x)); }; if (_arg2.MemoPointZero.y != _arg2.PointZero.y){ _arg1.ApplyObstacle.MemoireY[(_arg1.ApplyObstacle.MemoireY.length - 1)] = (_arg1.ApplyObstacle.MemoireY[(_arg1.ApplyObstacle.MemoireY.length - 1)] + (_arg2.PointZero.y - _arg2.MemoPointZero.y)); }; if (_arg2.MemoTaille.width < _arg2.Taille.width){ _arg1.ApplyObstacle.MemoireX[(_arg1.ApplyObstacle.MemoireX.length - 1)] = (_arg1.ApplyObstacle.MemoireX[(_arg1.ApplyObstacle.MemoireX.length - 1)] + (_arg2.Taille.width - _arg2.MemoTaille.width)); }; if (_arg2.MemoTaille.height < _arg2.Taille.height){ _arg1.ApplyObstacle.MemoireY[(_arg1.ApplyObstacle.MemoireY.length - 1)] = (_arg1.ApplyObstacle.MemoireY[(_arg1.ApplyObstacle.MemoireY.length - 1)] + (_arg2.Taille.width - _arg2.MemoTaille.height)); }; if ((((((((((_arg1.x > (_arg2.PointZero.x - ((_arg2.Bump) || (0))))) && ((_arg1.x < ((_arg2.PointZero.x + _arg2.Taille.width) + ((_arg2.Bump) || (0))))))) && ((_arg1.y > (_arg2.PointZero.y - ((_arg2.Bump) || (0))))))) && ((_arg1.y < ((_arg2.PointZero.y + _arg2.Taille.height) + ((_arg2.Bump) || (0))))))) && (!((_arg2.PointZero.Active == false))))){ if (_arg2.Accroche){ _arg1.x = _arg1.ApplyObstacle.MemoireX[(_arg1.ApplyObstacle.MemoireX.length - 1)]; _arg1.y = _arg1.ApplyObstacle.MemoireY[(_arg1.ApplyObstacle.MemoireY.length - 1)]; }; _local6 = _arg1.x; _local7 = _arg1.y; if ((((_arg1.ApplyObstacle.MemoireX[(_arg1.ApplyObstacle.MemoireX.length - 1)] > (_arg2.PointZero.x - ((_arg2.Bump) || (0))))) && ((_arg1.ApplyObstacle.MemoireX[(_arg1.ApplyObstacle.MemoireX.length - 1)] < ((_arg2.PointZero.x + _arg2.Taille.width) + ((_arg2.Bump) || (0))))))){ if (_arg1.ApplyObstacle.MemoireY[(_arg1.ApplyObstacle.MemoireY.length - 1)] <= (_arg2.PointZero.y - ((_arg2.Bump) || (0)))){ _arg1.y = (_arg2.PointZero.y - ((_arg2.Bump) || (0))); }; if (_arg1.ApplyObstacle.MemoireY[(_arg1.ApplyObstacle.MemoireY.length - 1)] >= ((_arg2.PointZero.y + _arg2.Taille.height) + ((_arg2.Bump) || (0)))){ _arg1.y = ((_arg2.PointZero.y + _arg2.Taille.height) + ((_arg2.Bump) || (0))); }; } else { if ((((_arg1.ApplyObstacle.MemoireY[(_arg1.ApplyObstacle.MemoireY.length - 1)] > (_arg2.PointZero.y - ((_arg2.Bump) || (0))))) && ((_arg1.ApplyObstacle.MemoireY[(_arg1.ApplyObstacle.MemoireY.length - 1)] < ((_arg2.PointZero.y + _arg2.Taille.height) + ((_arg2.Bump) || (0))))))){ if (_arg1.ApplyObstacle.MemoireX[(_arg1.ApplyObstacle.MemoireX.length - 1)] <= (_arg2.PointZero.x - ((_arg2.Bump) || (0)))){ _arg1.x = (_arg2.PointZero.x - ((_arg2.Bump) || (0))); }; if (_arg1.ApplyObstacle.MemoireX[(_arg1.ApplyObstacle.MemoireX.length - 1)] >= ((_arg2.PointZero.x + _arg2.Taille.width) + ((_arg2.Bump) || (0)))){ _arg1.x = ((_arg2.PointZero.x + _arg2.Taille.width) + ((_arg2.Bump) || (0))); }; } else { if (_arg1.ApplyObstacle.MemoireX[(_arg1.ApplyObstacle.MemoireX.length - 1)] <= (_arg2.PointZero.x - ((_arg2.Bump) || (0)))){ _arg1.x = (_arg2.PointZero.x - ((_arg2.Bump) || (0))); }; if (_arg1.ApplyObstacle.MemoireX[(_arg1.ApplyObstacle.MemoireX.length - 1)] >= ((_arg2.PointZero.x + _arg2.Taille.width) + ((_arg2.Bump) || (0)))){ _arg1.x = ((_arg2.PointZero.x + _arg2.Taille.width) + ((_arg2.Bump) || (0))); }; }; }; if (((((((((_arg1.y - ((_arg2.Bump) || (0))) > _arg2.PointZero.y)) && (((_arg1.y + ((_arg2.Bump) || (0))) < (_arg2.PointZero.y + _arg2.Taille.height))))) && (((_arg1.x - ((_arg2.Bump) || (0))) < (_arg2.PointZero.x + _arg2.Taille.width))))) && (((_arg1.x + ((_arg2.Bump) || (0))) > _arg2.PointZero.x)))){ _local8 = _arg1.x; if ((_arg1.x - (_arg2.PointZero.x + (_arg2.Taille.width / 2))) > 0){ _arg1.x = ((_arg2.PointZero.x + _arg2.Taille.width) + ((_arg2.Bump) || (0))); } else { _arg1.x = (_arg2.PointZero.x - ((_arg2.Bump) || (0))); }; if (Math.abs((_arg1.x - _local8)) > _arg1.ApplyObstacle.BugBump){ _arg1.x = _arg1.ApplyObstacle.MemoireX[(_arg1.ApplyObstacle.MemoireX.length - _arg1.ApplyObstacle.BugBumpReposition)]; _arg1.y = _arg1.ApplyObstacle.MemoireY[(_arg1.ApplyObstacle.MemoireY.length - _arg1.ApplyObstacle.BugBumpReposition)]; }; }; if (((((((((_arg1.x - ((_arg2.Bump) || (0))) > _arg2.PointZero.x)) && (((_arg1.x + ((_arg2.Bump) || (0))) < (_arg2.PointZero.x + _arg2.Taille.width))))) && (((_arg1.y - ((_arg2.Bump) || (0))) < (_arg2.PointZero.y + _arg2.Taille.height))))) && (((_arg1.y + ((_arg2.Bump) || (0))) > _arg2.PointZero.y)))){ _local9 = _arg1.y; if ((_arg1.y - (_arg2.PointZero.y + (_arg2.Taille.height / 2))) > 0){ _arg1.y = ((_arg2.PointZero.y + _arg2.Taille.height) + ((_arg2.Bump) || (0))); } else { _arg1.y = (_arg2.PointZero.y - ((_arg2.Bump) || (0))); }; if (Math.abs((_arg1.x - _local9)) > _arg1.ApplyObstacle.BugBump){ _arg1.x = _arg1.ApplyObstacle.MemoireX[(_arg1.ApplyObstacle.MemoireX.length - _arg1.ApplyObstacle.BugBumpReposition)]; _arg1.y = _arg1.ApplyObstacle.MemoireY[(_arg1.ApplyObstacle.MemoireY.length - _arg1.ApplyObstacle.BugBumpReposition)]; }; }; _arg1.ApplyObstacle.MemoireX[(_arg1.ApplyObstacle.MemoireX.length - 1)] = _local6; _arg1.ApplyObstacle.MemoireY[(_arg1.ApplyObstacle.MemoireY.length - 1)] = _local7; if (_arg3.Fonction.Fonction != undefined){ Launch(_arg3.Fonction); }; GlobalLoop("Obstacle", _arg4); }; _arg2.MemoPointZero.x = _arg2.PointZero.x; _arg2.MemoPointZero.y = _arg2.PointZero.y; _arg2.MemoTaille.width = _arg2.Taille.width; _arg2.MemoTaille.height = _arg2.Taille.height; }; } public function ApplyObstacle(_arg1:String, _arg2="", _arg3=null, _arg4=null):void{ var _local5:*; var _local6:*; var _local7:int; var _local8:int; if (!_arg3){ _arg3 = _arg2; _arg2 = ""; }; if (_arg4 != false){ _arg4 = ((_arg4) || (new Object())); _local5 = ((_arg4.fonction) || (new Object())); _arg3.ApplyObstacle = {MemoireX:[_arg3.x], MemoireY:[_arg3.y], BugBump:20, BugBumpReposition:4}; if (SetDefault(_arg2)){ if (TypeOf(_local5.Argument, "Object")){ _local5.Argument.Obstacle = Obstacles[_arg1][_arg2].Parametres.Centre; }; if (!ObstaclesSubjects[_arg3.name]){ ObstaclesSubjects[_arg3.name] = [{Clip:_arg3, Groupe:_arg1, Nom:_arg2, Fonction:_local5}]; } else { ObstaclesSubjects[_arg3.name].push({Clip:_arg3, Groupe:_arg1, Nom:_arg2, Fonction:_local5}); }; } else { for (_local6 in Obstacles[_arg1]) { ApplyObstacle(_arg1, _local6, _arg3, CloneObject(_local5)); }; }; } else { if (ObstaclesSubjects[_arg3.name]){ if (_arg1 == ""){ ObstaclesSubjects[_arg3.name] = null; } else { if (_arg2 == ""){ _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < ObstaclesSubjects[_arg3.name].length) { if (ObstaclesSubjects[_arg3.name][_local7].Groupe == _arg1){ ObstaclesSubjects[_arg3.name][_local7] = null; }; _local7++; }; } else { _local8 = 0; while (_local8 < ObstaclesSubjects[_arg3.name].length) { if ((((ObstaclesSubjects[_arg3.name][_local8].Groupe == _arg1)) && ((ObstaclesSubjects[_arg3.name][_local8].Nom == _arg2)))){ ObstaclesSubjects[_arg3.name][_local8] = null; }; _local8++; }; }; }; if (ObstaclesSubjects[_arg3.name]){ ObstaclesSubjects[_arg3.name] = DeleteFromArray(ObstaclesSubjects[_arg3.name]); }; }; }; } } }//package drOIde.DynamicSection 206//MiscTools (drOIde.Global.MiscTools) package drOIde.Global { import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import flash.text.*; import drOIde.VorteX.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.utils.*; public class MiscTools extends Vortex { public var RootLink;// = null public var TransitionCountdown:MovieClip; private var CodeList:Object; public var Silence:Boolean;// = false public var TransitionWait:MovieClip; public var KeyboardLink; public var PrototypeList:Array; private var TraceNumber:int;// = 0 public var IsConnected;// = false public var drOIdeLink:Object; private var AlternateStockEvent:Object; public var ConversionNameList:Object; public var StockEvent:Object; public var SpecialContent:Object; public var Obsolete:MiscTools_Obsolete; public var AlphabetList:Array; public var ConversionSpecialList:Object; public var PointCenter; public var LaunchError_Argument:Boolean;// = true public var HitLink; public var EventList:Object; public var drOIdeScriptList:Array; private var EventNameList:Object; private var RootInstant; public var ColorList:Object; public var THIS; public var TransitionInstant:MovieClip; public var This; public var ObsoletesFunctions:Object; private var StockNormalEvents:Object; public var Protection:Boolean;// = false private var StockIntervalEvents:Object; public var HexadecimalList:Array; public var TraceEffect;// = "" public var drOIdeModuleList:Array; public var AlphabetFullList:Array; public var ThisLink;// = null public var StageLink;// = null public function MiscTools(_arg1=null, _arg2=false){ var iPrototype:int; var TheLink = _arg1; var Prototype = _arg2; THIS = this; This = this; Protection = false; LaunchError_Argument = true; SpecialContent = new Object(); drOIdeLink = new Object(); ObsoletesFunctions = new Object(); Obsolete = new MiscTools_Obsolete(); IsConnected = false; RootLink = null; StageLink = null; ThisLink = null; AlphabetList = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z"]; AlphabetFullList = ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "a", "à", "â", "ä", "b", "c", "ç", "d", "e", "é", "è", "ê", "ë", "f", "g", "h", "i", "î", "ï", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "ô", "ö", "œ", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "ù", "û", "ü", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z", " ", "-", "_", "+", "/", "*", ".", ",", ";", ":", "!", "?", "$", "€", "\"", "'", "(", ")", "#", "@", "£", "&", "|"]; HexadecimalList = ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"]; ColorList = {jaune:"FFFF00", rouge:"FF0000", bleu:"0000FF", vert:"00FF00", bleu_ciel:"00FFFF", magenta:"FF00FF", blanc:"FFFFFF", noir:"000000", gris:"999999", orange:"FF660", rose:"FF99FF"}; TransitionCountdown = new MovieClip(); TransitionInstant = new MovieClip(); TransitionWait = new MovieClip(); ConversionNameList = {Back:[".", ",", "'", "\"", "-", "+", "/", "*", "=", "\\", ";", ":", " ", "!", "&", "?", "(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}", "$", ">", "<", "\r", "\n"], Next:["__POINT__", "__VIRGU__", "__GUILL__", "__GUILL2__", "__MOINS__", "__PLUS__", "__SLASH__", "__MULTI__", "__EGAL__", "__ASLASH__", "__POVIR__", "__DEUPO__", "__SPACE__", "__EXCLA__", "__ET__", "__INTER__", "__OUPAR__", "__FEPAR__", "__OUCRO__", "__FECRO__", "__OUACC__", "__FEACC__", "__DOLAR__", "__SUPER__", "__INFER__", "__RETCR__", "__RETCN__"]}; ConversionSpecialList = {Back:["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0", "°", "+", "&", "é", "\"", "'", "(", "-", "è", "_", "ç", "à", ")", "=", "#", "{", "[", "|", "\\", "^", "@", "]", "}", "$", "ù", "*", ",", ";", ":", "!", "¨", "£", "%", "µ", "?", ".", "/", "§", "¤", " ", "â", "ê", "î", "ô", "û", "ä", "ë", "ï", "ö", "ü", "Â", "Ê", "Î", "Ô", "Û", "Ä", "Ë", "Ï", "Ö", "Ü", "É", "È", "À", "Ç", "œ"], Next:["○☺☺☺", "○☻☻☻", "○♥♥♥", "○♦♦♦", "○♣♣♣", "○♠♠♠", "○•••", "○◘◘◘", "○•◘•", "◙", "○♂♂♂", "○♀♀♀", "○♪♪♪", "○♫♫♫", "☼", "○►►►", "○◄◄◄", "↕", "‼", "¶", "▬", "↨", "○↑↑↑", "○↓↓↓", "→", "←", "∟", "↔", "▲", "▼", "╚", "╔", "╩", "╦", "╠", "═", "╬", "ð", "Ð", "╝", "╗", "║", "╣", "©", "®", "ƒ", "¢", "¥", "┐", "└", "┴", "┬", "├", "┼", "ã", "Ã", "░", "▒", "▓", "»", "«", "┤", "™", "Ö", "▄", "█", "¦", "▀", "ß", "õ", "Õ", "þ", "Þ", "¯", "´", "±", "‗", "¾", "÷", "¸", "○☺☺☻", "·", "¹", "²", "■", "○↑↓↓", "○↑↑↓", "○↑↓↑", "○↓↑↑", "○↓↓↑", "○↓↑↓", "○◄►◄", "○☻☺☺", "○☻☻☺", "○☺☻☻", "○☻☺☻", "○••◘", "○•◘◘", "○◘••", "○◘◘•", "○◘•◘", "♦♥♦", "○♥♥♦", "○♥♦♦", "○♥♦♥", "○♦♥♥", "○♦♦♥", "○♣♣♠", "○♣♠♠", "○♣♣♠", "○♠♣♣", "○♠♠♣", "○♂♂♀", "○♂♀♀", "○♂♀♂", "○♀♂♂", "○♀♀♂", "○♪♪♫", "○♪♫♫", "○♪♫♪", "○♫♪♪", "○♫♫♪", "○►►◄", "○►◄◄", "○►◄►", "○◄►►", "○◄◄►"]}; CodeList = {StrucureIf:["if"], StructureFor:["for"], StructureWhile:["while"], CreationFonction:["function"], CreationVariable:["var"], OperationEgalite:["="]}; EventList = {MOUSE_DOWN:MouseEvent, MOUSE_UP:MouseEvent, MOUSE_OVER:MouseEvent, MOUSE_OUT:MouseEvent, MOUSE_MOVE:MouseEvent, MOUSE_WHEEL:MouseEvent, ENTER_FRAME:Event, CLICK:MouseEvent, KEY_DOWN:KeyboardEvent, KEY_UP:KeyboardEvent, IO_ERROR:IOErrorEvent, COMPLETE:Event, UPLOAD_COMPLETE_DATA:DataEvent, SELECT:Event, PROGRESS:ProgressEvent, SOUND_COMPLETE:Event, CONNECT:Event, DATA:DataEvent, CHANGE:Event}; EventNameList = {MOUSE_DOWN:["MDown", "MouseDown", "Mouse_Down", "Appuie Souris"], MOUSE_UP:["MUp", "MouseUp", "Mouse_Up", "Relache Souris"], MOUSE_OVER:["MOver", "MouseOver", "Mouse_Over", "Survol Souris"], MOUSE_OUT:["MOut", "MouseOut", "Mouse_Out", "Desurvol Souris"], MOUSE_MOVE:["MMove", "MouseMove", "Mouse_Move", "Bouge Souris"], MOUSE_WHEEL:["MWheel", "MouseWheel", "Mouse_Wheel", "Molette Souris"], ENTER_FRAME:["EF", "EnterFrame", "Enter_Frame", "Boucle"], CHANGE:["Change", "Change", "Changement", "Au Changement"], CLICK:["Clk", "Click", "Click Souris"], KEY_DOWN:["KDown", "KeyDown", "Appuie Touche"], KEY_UP:["KUp", "KeyUp", "Relache Touche"], IO_ERROR:["IOErr", "IOError", "Erreur"], COMPLETE:["Comp", "Complete", "Termine"], UPLOAD_COMPLETE_DATA:["UCData", "UploadCompleteData", "Donnees Uploadees"], SELECT:["Slct", "Select", "Selection"], PROGRESS:["Prgs", "Progress", "Progression"], SOUND_COMPLETE:["SCmp", "SoundComplete", "Son Termine"], CONNECT:["Conn", "Connect", "Connection"], DATA:["Data", "Data", "Donnees"]}; StockNormalEvents = new Object(); StockIntervalEvents = new Object(); StockEvent = new Object(); AlternateStockEvent = new Object(); TraceEffect = ""; TraceNumber = 0; Silence = false; drOIdeScriptList = ["Element", "Grid", "Word", "Brain", "Desktop", "Draw", "Dynamic", "Hit", "Level", "Loop", "Manip", "Motion", "Action", "Assist", "Misc", "System", "File", "Paper", "Software", "Tree", "Web", "Scene", "Sound", "Video", "Deep", "Console", "Playing", "Picture", "Cam", "Keyboard", "Mouse", "Print", "Anim", "Filter", "Fx", "Model", "Optimize", "Pixel", "Show", "Text"]; drOIdeModuleList = ["Tools", "Process", "Chip", "Port", "Link", "Generator", "Factory", "Camera", "Post", "Card", "Compiler"]; PrototypeList = ["String", "Number", "Array"]; super(); Connexion(TheLink); Obsolete.AddObsolete = AddObsolete; Obsolete.StageLink = StageLink; Obsolete.RootLink = RootLink; if (Prototype){ Prototype = (TypeOf(Prototype, "Boolean")) ? PrototypeList : Prototype; Prototype = CapsuleArray(Prototype); iPrototype = 0; while (iPrototype < Prototype.length) { try { var _local4 = This; _local4[(("Set" + Prototype[iPrototype]) + "Prototype")](); } catch(e) { TraceError("MiscTools", "Initialisation", [(("Le Prototypage de " + Prototype[iPrototype]) + " n'existe pas.")]); }; iPrototype = (iPrototype + 1); }; }; } public function CorrectionSentence(_arg1:String, _arg2:String=" "):String{ var _local3:Array; var _local4:int; _local3 = _arg1.toLowerCase().split(""); _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _local3.length) { if (_local3[_local4] == _arg2){ if ((((((_local4 == 0)) || ((_local4 == (_local3.length - 1))))) || ((_local3[(_local4 - 1)] == _arg2)))){ _local3.splice(_local4, 1); _local4--; }; } else { if ((((((((_local3[_local4] == ".")) || ((_local3[_local4] == "!")))) || ((_local3[_local4] == "?")))) || ((_local3[_local4] == ",")))){ if (_local3[(_local4 - 1)] == _arg2){ _local3.splice((_local4 - 1), 1); _local4--; }; } else { if ((((_local3[_local4] == ":")) || ((_local3[_local4] == ";")))){ if (_local3[(_local4 - 1)] != _arg2){ _local3 = PushAt(_local3, (_local4 - 1), _arg2); _local4--; }; } else { if ((((((((((((_local3[(_local4 - 1)] == ".")) || ((_local3[(_local4 - 1)] == ",")))) || ((_local3[(_local4 - 1)] == ";")))) || ((_local3[(_local4 - 1)] == ":")))) || ((_local3[(_local4 - 1)] == "?")))) || ((_local3[(_local4 - 1)] == "!")))){ _local3 = PushAt(_local3, _local4, _arg2); _local4++; }; if ((((((((((_local4 == 0)) || ((((_local3[(_local4 - 1)] == _arg2)) && ((_local3[(_local4 - 2)] == ".")))))) || ((((_local3[(_local4 - 1)] == _arg2)) && ((_local3[(_local4 - 2)] == ":")))))) || ((((_local3[(_local4 - 1)] == _arg2)) && ((_local3[(_local4 - 2)] == "?")))))) || ((((_local3[(_local4 - 1)] == _arg2)) && ((_local3[(_local4 - 2)] == "!")))))){ _local3[_local4] = _local3[_local4].toUpperCase(); }; }; }; }; _local4++; }; return (_local3.join("")); } function NodeNumber(_arg1):int{ var Nombre:*; var nbr:String; var Variable = _arg1; Nombre = 0; try { if (Variable.split(">").length < 2){ return (0); }; } catch(e) { }; for (nbr in Variable.children()) { Nombre = (Nombre + 1); }; return (Nombre); } public function ApplyLinkEffect(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4=null, _arg5:Number=0):void{ _arg4 = ((_arg4) || ({x:0, y:0})); _arg5 = Aspiration(_arg5, 0); _arg1.x = ((_arg2.x)>_arg3.x) ? (_arg3.x + ((_arg2.x - _arg3.x) / 2)) : (_arg2.x + ((_arg3.x - _arg2.x) / 2)); _arg1.y = ((_arg2.y)>_arg3.y) ? (_arg3.y + ((_arg2.y - _arg3.y) / 2)) : (_arg2.y + ((_arg3.y - _arg2.y) / 2)); _arg1.x = (_arg1.x + _arg4.x); _arg1.y = (_arg1.y + _arg4.y); SetRealScale(_arg1, (GetDistance(_arg2, _arg3) + _arg5)); _arg1.rotation = GetAngle(_arg2, _arg3); } public function KeyByValue(_arg1, _arg2){ var _local3:*; for (_local3 in _arg1) { if (_arg1[_local3] == _arg2){ return (_local3); }; }; return (null); } public function NumberInString(_arg1:String, _arg2:Boolean=true):Number{ var _local3:String; var _local4:Array; var _local5:Boolean; var _local6:String; _local3 = ""; _local4 = _arg1.split(""); _local5 = true; while ((((_local4.length > 0)) && (_local5))) { _local6 = _local4[(_arg2) ? "pop" : "shift"](); if (!isNaN(Number(_local6))){ _local3 = (_arg2) ? (_local6 + _local3) : (_local3 + _local6); } else { if (_local3 != ""){ _local5 = false; }; }; }; return (((_local3)!="") ? Number(_local3) : 0); } public function IsInDirection(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3:Number=10):Boolean{ var _local4:Number; _local4 = GetAngle(_arg1, _arg2); if (((((_arg1.rotation + _arg3) <= 180)) && (((_arg1.rotation - _arg3) >= -180)))){ return (NearEqual(_arg1.rotation, _local4, _arg3)); }; if ((_arg1.rotation + _arg3) > 180){ if (NearEqual(_arg1.rotation, _local4, _arg3)){ return (true); }; return ((((_arg1.rotation + _arg3) - 360) > _local4)); //unresolved jump }; if (NearEqual(_arg1.rotation, _local4, _arg3)){ return (true); }; return ((((_arg1.rotation - _arg3) + 360) < _local4)); } public function SetRealScale(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3:String="width"):void{ var _local4:Number; _arg2 = Aspiration(_arg2); _local4 = _arg1.rotation; _arg1.rotation = 0; _arg1[_arg3] = MathOperator(_arg1[_arg3], _arg2); _arg1.rotation = _local4; } public function StringToKey(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3=true){ var _local4:*; var _local5:int; if (_arg1 == null){ return (_arg2); }; if (typeof(_arg1) == "string"){ _arg1 = _arg1.split("."); }; _local4 = _arg2; _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < _arg1.length) { _local4 = _local4[_arg1[_local5]]; _local5++; }; if ((((_local4 == undefined)) && (_arg3))){ TraceError("MiscTools", "GetChemin", [((("Le chemin d'accés : \"" + _arg1) + "\" est introuvable sur ") + _arg2)]); _local4 = ""; }; return (_local4); } public function BumpNumber(_arg1:Number, _arg2=NaN, _arg3:Number=NaN):Number{ if (TypeOf(_arg2, "Array")){ _arg3 = _arg2[1]; _arg2 = _arg2[0]; }; if (!isNaN(_arg2)){ if (_arg1 < _arg2){ return (_arg2); }; }; if (!isNaN(_arg3)){ if (_arg1 > _arg3){ return (_arg3); }; }; return (_arg1); } public function SetColor(_arg1, _arg2=null):String{ var laCouleur:String; var Teinte:ColorTransform; var Clip = _arg1; var Couleur = _arg2; laCouleur = String(Couleur); if (TypeOf(Couleur, "String")){ if (ColorList[Couleur]){ Couleur = ColorList[Couleur]; } else { if (Couleur.split("0x").length < 2){ Couleur = ("0x" + Couleur); } else { Couleur = int(Couleur); }; }; }; Teinte = new ColorTransform(); if (Couleur){ Teinte.color = Couleur; }; Clip.transform.colorTransform = Teinte; try { Clip.CouleurTeinte = laCouleur; } catch(e) { }; return (Pop(String(Couleur), "0x")); } private function DestroyElement_Child(_arg1, _arg2=null, _arg3:Boolean=true):void{ var i:int; var leClip:*; var Cible = _arg1; var Parent = _arg2; var Erreur = _arg3; i = 0; while (i < Cible.numChildren) { leClip = Cible.getChildAt(i); try { DestroyElement(leClip, null, false); } catch(e) { }; i = (i + 1); }; } public function CapsuleArray(_arg1):Array{ return ((TypeOf(_arg1, "Array")) ? _arg1 : [_arg1]); } public function ObjectToArray(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String="Numero"):Array{ var _local3:Array; var _local4:Array; var _local5:Number; var _local6:String; var _local7:*; _local3 = new Array(); _local4 = new Array(); while (_local3.length < LengthObject(_arg1)) { _local5 = 99999999999999; for (_local7 in _arg1) { if (!IndexOf(_local3, _local7)){ if (((StringToElement(_arg2, _arg1[_local7], false)) || (99999999999998)) < _local5){ _local5 = ((StringToElement(_arg2, _arg1[_local7], false)) || (99999999999998)); _local6 = _local7; }; }; }; _local4.push(_arg1[_local6]); _local3.push(_local6); }; return (_local4); } public function TraceSoftError(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:String, _arg4:Boolean=true):String{ var _local5:Array; if (!Silence){ _local5 = ["———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————", ((((("Erreur dans la fonction " + _arg2) + "() de ") + _arg1) + " : ") + _arg3)]; if (_arg4){ TraceAll(_local5); }; return (_local5.join("\r")); }; return (""); } public function TotalChangeObject(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Object):Object{ var iModif:*; var Modif:Object; var NomActuel:String; var CleeObjet:Object; var Objet = _arg1; var Modifications = _arg2; for (iModif in Modifications) { Modif = Modifications[iModif]; NomActuel = ((Modif.Nom) || (iModif)); if (TraceIfNotKey(Modif, ["Modification"], "MiscTools", "FullModificationObject", "Modifications")){ CleeObjet = StringToKey(Objet, Modif.Chemin); if (TypeOf(Modif.Modification, "String")){ if (Modif.Modification == "="){ CleeObjet[NomActuel] = Modif.Valeur; } else { CleeObjet[NomActuel] = MathOperator(Number(CleeObjet[NomActuel]), Modif.Valeur, Modif.Modification); }; } else { try { CleeObjet[NomActuel] = Modif.Modification(CleeObjet[NomActuel]); } catch(e) { CleeObjet[NomActuel] = Modif.Modification(); }; }; }; }; return (Objet); } public function T():void{ Trace("!"); } public function NumberBetween(_arg1, _arg2:Number=-1, _arg3:Number=50):Number{ if (TypeOf(_arg1, "Array")){ _arg3 = ((_arg2 == -1)) ? _arg3 : _arg2; _arg2 = _arg1[1]; _arg1 = _arg1[0]; }; if (_arg1 < _arg2){ return ((_arg1 + ((_arg2 - _arg1) * (_arg3 / 100)))); }; return ((_arg2 + ((_arg1 - _arg2) * (_arg3 / 100)))); } public function PasteString(_arg1:String):String{ var _local2:String; var _local3:String; if (isNaN(Number(_arg1.substr((_arg1.length - 1), 1)))){ _arg1 = (_arg1 + "1"); } else { _local2 = _arg1; _local3 = ""; while (!(isNaN(Number(_local2.substr((_local2.length - 1), 1))))) { _local3 = (_local3 + _local2.substr((_local2.length - 1), 1)); _local2 = _local2.substr(0, (_local2.length - 1)); }; _arg1 = (_local2 + (Number(_local3.split("").reverse().join("")) + 1)); }; return (_arg1); } public function AddInterval(_arg1:String, _arg2, _arg3:Number=25, _arg4=null):uint{ var Nom = _arg1; var Fonction = _arg2; var Temps = _arg3; var LinkIn = _arg4; if (StockIntervalEvents[Nom]){ RemoveInterval(Nom); }; LinkIn = ((LinkIn) || (new Object())); StockIntervalEvents[Nom] = new Object(); StockIntervalEvents[Nom].Boucle = function (){ Launch(arguments[0]); if (!ElementToElement(arguments[1])){ RemoveInterval(arguments[2]); }; }; StockIntervalEvents[Nom].Intervale = setInterval(StockIntervalEvents[Nom].Boucle, Temps, Fonction, LinkIn, Nom); return (StockIntervalEvents[Nom].Intervale); } public function AddBoolean(... _args):Boolean{ var _local2:int; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _args.length) { if (!_args[_local2]){ return (false); }; _local2++; }; return (true); } public function ObjectOrderArray(_arg1:Array, _arg2:String, _arg3:String="Croissant"):Array{ var _local4:Array; var _local5:int; var _local6:Number; var _local7:int; var _local8:Object; _local4 = new Array(); while (_arg1.length > 0) { _local6 = -999999999999999; _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < _arg1.length) { if (((!((_arg1[_local7][_arg2] == null))) && (!(isNaN(Number(_arg1[_local7][_arg2])))))){ if (_arg1[_local7][_arg2] >= _local6){ _local5 = _local7; _local6 = _arg1[_local7][_arg2]; }; } else { if (RandomBoolean()){ _local5 = _local7; _local6++; }; }; _local7++; }; _local8 = _arg1[_local5]; _local4.push(CloneObject(_local8)); _arg1.splice(_local5, 1); }; if (_arg3 == "Décroissant"){ _local4.reverse(); }; return (_local4); } public function ConcatUnicite(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3=""):String{ var _local4:Boolean; var _local5:int; _arg3 = ((_arg3)=="") ? _arg2 : _arg3; _arg3 = CapsuleArray(_arg3); _local4 = true; _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < _arg3.length) { if (FindIn(_arg1, _arg3[_local5])){ _local4 = false; }; _local5++; }; if (_local4){ _arg1 = (_arg1 + _arg2); }; return (_arg1); } public function MostArray(_arg1:Array){ var _local2:Object; var _local3:Array; var _local4:*; var _local5:int; var _local6:int; var _local7:int; var _local8:String; _local2 = new Object(); _local3 = new Array(); _local4 = null; _local5 = 0; _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _arg1.length) { _local8 = (TypeOf(_arg1[_local6], "MovieClip")) ? _arg1[_local6].name : StringToName(String(_arg1[_local6])); if (!_local2[_local8]){ _local2[_local8] = [0, _arg1[_local6]]; _local3.push(_local8); }; var _local9 = _local2[_local8]; var _local10:int; var _local11 = (_local9[_local10] + 1); _local9[_local10] = _local11; _local6++; }; _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < _local3.length) { if (_local2[_local3[_local7]][0] > _local5){ _local4 = _local2[_local3[_local7]][1]; _local5 = _local2[_local3[_local7]][0]; }; _local7++; }; return (_local4); } public function NameCase(_arg1:String):String{ var _local2:Array; _local2 = _arg1.toLowerCase().split(""); _local2[0] = _local2[0].toUpperCase(); return (_local2.join("")); } public function TotalPlay(_arg1, _arg2:int=0):void{ var i:int; var leClip:*; var Clip = _arg1; var Parentalite = _arg2; if (Parentalite == 0){ Clip.play(); try { i = 0; while (i < Clip.numChildren) { leClip = Clip.getChildAt(i); if (((!(TypeOf(leClip, "MorphShape"))) && (!(TypeOf(leClip, "Shape"))))){ try { TotalPlay(leClip); } catch(e) { }; }; i = (i + 1); }; } catch(e) { }; } else { TotalPlay(GetParent(Clip, Parentalite)); }; } public function GetTheChild(_arg1, _arg2:String, _arg3:int=0){ var Enfant:*; var i:int; var leClip:*; var Clip = _arg1; var Nom = _arg2; var Parentalite = _arg3; try { i = 0; while (i < Clip.numChildren) { leClip = Clip.getChildAt(i); if (leClip){ if (leClip.name == Nom){ return (leClip); }; if (((!(TypeOf(leClip, "MorphShape"))) && (!(TypeOf(leClip, "Shape"))))){ Enfant = GetTheChild(leClip, Nom); if (Enfant){ if (Enfant.name == Nom){ return (Enfant); }; }; }; }; i = (i + 1); }; } catch(e) { }; return (null); } public function UniciteArray(_arg1):Array{ var _local2:Array; var _local3:int; _local2 = new Array(); _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _arg1.length) { if (!IndexOf(_local2, _arg1[_local3])){ _local2.push(_arg1[_local3]); }; _local3++; }; return (_local2); } public function NumberGoTo(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3=10, _arg4:Number=1):Number{ var _local5:Number; _arg3 = Aspiration(_arg3); _local5 = ((_arg2 - _arg1) / _arg3); _arg1 = ((Math.abs(_local5))>_arg4) ? (_arg1 + _local5) : _arg2; return (_arg1); } private function DestroyElement_TotalNull(_arg1, _arg2=null, _arg3:Boolean=true):void{ var Cible = _arg1; var Parent = _arg2; var Erreur = _arg3; try { if (Parent[Cible.name] != null){ Parent[Cible.name] = null; } else { if (FindIn(Cible.name, "instance") <= 0){ TraceError("MiscTools", "DestroyElement", [(("DestroyElement totale de l'élément «" + Cible.name) + "» compromise."), ("L'élément n'a pas été trouvé sur son parent, par conséquent, " + "il n'a pas été passé à null et risque d'empeuser le programme.")], Erreur); } else { TraceError("MiscTools", "DestroyElement", [(((("DestroyElement totale de l'enfant «" + Cible.name) + "» sur «") + Parent.name) + "» compromise."), ("L'élément ne porte pas de nom et ne peut donc être trouvé " + "sur son parent pour être correctement nettoyé.")], Erreur); }; }; } catch(e) { try { Cible.parent[Cible.name] = null; } catch(e) { if (FindIn(Cible.name, "instance") <= 0){ TraceError("MiscTools", "DestroyElement", [(("DestroyElement totale de l'élément «" + Cible.name) + "» compromise."), ("L'élément n'a pas été trouvé sur son parent, par conséquent, " + "il n'a pas été passé à null et risque d'empeuser le programme.")], Erreur); } else { TraceError("MiscTools", "DestroyElement", [(("DestroyElement totale de l'élément sur «" + Parent.name) + "» compromise."), ("L'élément ne porte pas de nom et ne peut donc être trouvé sur son parent" + " pour être correctement nettoyé.")], Erreur); }; }; }; } public function CleanElement(_arg1):int{ var ChildNumber:int; var Sortie:int; var iChild:int; var Cible = _arg1; ChildNumber = Cible.numChildren; Sortie = 0; iChild = 0; while (iChild < Cible.numChildren) { try { DestroyElement(Cible.getChildAt(iChild)); } catch(e) { }; if (ChildNumber > Cible.numChildren){ iChild = (iChild - 1); ChildNumber = Cible.numChildren; Sortie = (Sortie + 1); }; iChild = (iChild + 1); }; return (Sortie); } public function ElementToElement(_arg1){ if (((((((((TypeOf(_arg1, "Object")) && (!(_arg1.Nom)))) && (!(_arg1.Name)))) && (!(_arg1.Cible)))) || (!(TypeOf(_arg1, "Object"))))){ return (_arg1); }; if (_arg1.Name){ return (_arg1.Cible[_arg1.Name]); }; if (_arg1.Nom){ return (_arg1.Cible[_arg1.Nom]); }; } public function FusionArray(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Array):Array{ var _local3:int; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _arg2.length) { _arg1.push(_arg2[_local3]); _local3++; }; return (_arg1); } public function PopBetween(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:String, _arg4:String=""):String{ var _local5:Array; var _local6:Array; var _local7:int; _local5 = _arg1.split(_arg2).join(_arg3).split(_arg3); _local6 = new Array(); _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < _local5.length) { if (Math.round((_local7 / 2)) == (_local7 / 2)){ _local6.push(_local5[_local7]); } else { _local6.push(_arg4); }; _local7++; }; return (_local6.join("")); } public function HexaToNumber(_arg1:String):int{ return (HexadecimalList.indexOf(_arg1)); } public function StringToSpecial(_arg1:String):String{ return (CharacterConversion(_arg1, ConversionSpecialList.Back, ConversionSpecialList.Next)); } public function XMLToArray(_arg1):Array{ var _local2:Array; var _local3:String; _local2 = new Array(); if (TypeOf(_arg1, "String")){ _arg1 = new XML(_arg1); }; for (_local3 in _arg1.children()) { if (NodeNumber(_arg1.children()[_local3]) < 1){ _local2[_local3] = _arg1.children()[_local3]; } else { _local2[_local3] = XMLToArray(_arg1.children()[_local3]); }; }; return (_local2); } public function ProRataSize(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3:String="width"):void{ var _local4:Number; _arg2 = Aspiration(_arg2); _local4 = (_arg2 / _arg1[_arg3]); _arg1.width = (_arg1.width * _local4); _arg1.height = (_arg1.height * _local4); } public function IsKey(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String):Boolean{ var _local3:*; for (_local3 in _arg1) { if (_local3 == _arg2){ return (true); }; }; return (false); } public function SetDirectionTo(_arg1, _arg2=1, _arg3=null, _arg4=1){ var _local5:Number; _arg2 = Aspiration(_arg2); _arg4 = Aspiration(_arg4); if (TypeOf(_arg3, "String")){ _arg3 = Aspiration(_arg3); }; _arg3 = ((_arg3)!=null) ? _arg3 : _arg1.rotation; _local5 = ((TypeOf(_arg3, "Number")) ? _arg3 : _arg3.rotation + _arg4); _arg1.x = (_arg1.x + (Math.cos(((_local5 / 180) * Math.PI)) * _arg2)); _arg1.y = (_arg1.y + (Math.sin(((_local5 / 180) * Math.PI)) * _arg2)); return (_arg1); } public function Eval(_arg1, _arg2=null):void{ var Encapsule:Boolean; var iChaine:int; var iCodeChaine:int; var Compilation:Boolean; var Ligne:String; var iCode:*; var iCodeElement:int; var Chaine = _arg1; var Racine = _arg2; RootInstant = ((Racine) || (RootLink)); if (!TypeOf(Chaine, "Array")){ Chaine = Chaine.split(";"); }; Chaine = DeleteFromArray(Chaine, ""); Encapsule = false; iChaine = 0; while (iChaine < Chaine.length) { if (((FindIn(Chaine[iChaine], "{")) && (!(Encapsule)))){ Chaine = PushAt(Chaine, (iChaine + 1), Chaine[iChaine].split("{")[1]); Chaine[iChaine] = [Chaine[iChaine].split("{")[0]]; Encapsule = true; iChaine = (iChaine + 1); }; if (Encapsule){ Chaine[(iChaine - 1)].push(Chaine[iChaine]); if (FindIn(Chaine[iChaine], "}")){ Encapsule = false; }; Chaine.splice(iChaine, 1); if (FindIn(Chaine[iChaine], "}")){ Encapsule = false; Chaine = PushAt(Chaine, (iChaine + 1), Chaine[iChaine].split("}")[1]); Chaine[iChaine] = [Chaine[iChaine].split("}")[0]]; }; iChaine = (iChaine - 1); }; iChaine = (iChaine + 1); }; iCodeChaine = 0; while (iCodeChaine < Chaine.length) { Compilation = false; Ligne = (TypeOf(Chaine[iCodeChaine], "String")) ? Chaine[iCodeChaine] : Chaine[iCodeChaine][0]; for (iCode in CodeList) { iCodeElement = 0; while (iCodeElement < CodeList[iCode].length) { if (!Compilation){ if (FindIn(Ligne, CodeList[iCode][iCodeElement])){ try { if (This[("Eval_" + iCode)]){ var _local6 = This; _local6[("Eval_" + iCode)](Chaine[iCodeChaine]); }; } catch(e) { TraceError("MiscTools", "Eval", [(("Le code a détecté le mot-clé : «" + CodeList[iCode][iCodeElement]) + "»"), "mais ce mot-clé n'a pas encore été intégré à l'Eval ce qui ne permet pas à la", (("ligne «" + Ligne) + "» de se lancer correctement.")]); }; Compilation = true; }; }; iCodeElement = (iCodeElement + 1); }; }; if (!Compilation){ if (((FindIn(Ligne, "(")) && (FindIn(Ligne, ")")))){ Eval_LaunchFunction(Ligne); }; }; iCodeChaine = (iCodeChaine + 1); }; } public function TotalRefreshAllEvents(_arg1=null):void{ var _local2:Array; var _local3:int; if (((RootLink) || (_arg1))){ _local2 = ((_arg1) || (RootLink.root.drOIdeScriptList)); _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local2.length) { if (_local2[_local3]){ _local2[_local3].RefreshAllEvents(); }; _local3++; }; } else { TraceError("MiscTools", "TotalRefreshAllEvents", "Le script ne possède pas de lien vers le root."); }; } public function TraceObject(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String=" ", _arg3:Boolean=true, _arg4:int=0):void{ var _local5:String; var _local6:int; var _local7:String; var _local8:*; _local6 = _arg4; _local7 = ""; while (_local6--) { _local7 = (_local7 + _arg2); }; _arg1.DontTraceMeAnymore = true; for (_local8 in _arg1) { if (((!((_arg1[_local8] == null))) && (!((_local8 == "DontTraceMeAnymore"))))){ if (typeof(_arg1[_local8]) == "object"){ if (!_arg1[_local8].DontTraceMeAnymore){ if (_arg1[_local8][0]){ _local5 = "[ array ]"; } else { _local5 = "[ object ]"; }; Trace(((_local7 + (_arg3) ? _local5 : "") + _local8)); TraceObject(_arg1[_local8], _arg2, _arg3, (_arg4 + 1)); } else { Trace(((_local7 + _local8) + " : [ object ] ——►( Retour sur lui-même )")); }; } else { Trace(((((_local7 + _local8) + " : ") + (_arg3) ? (("[ " + typeof(_arg1[_local8])) + " ]") : "") + _arg1[_local8])); }; }; }; _arg1.DontTraceMeAnymore = null; } public function RythmArray(_arg1:Array, _arg2:String="String"){ var _local3:String; var _local4:Array; var _local5:int; _local3 = ""; _local4 = new Array(); _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < _arg1.length) { if (!IndexOf(_local4, _arg1[_local5])){ _local4.push(_arg1[_local5]); }; _local3 = (_local3 + (_local4.indexOf(_arg1[_local5]) + 1)); if (_local5 != (_arg1.length - 1)){ _local3 = (_local3 + "-"); }; _local5++; }; return (((_arg2)=="String") ? _local3 : _local3.split("-")); } public function ShortLaunch_Modification(_arg1=null):void{ if (_arg1 != null){ if (TraceIfNotKey(_arg1, ["Cible", "Nom", "Valeur"], "MiscTools", "ShortLaunch : Modification")){ _arg1.Cible[_arg1.Nom] = _arg1.Valeur; }; } else { TraceError("MiscTools", "ShortLaunch : Modification", "Les arguments n'ont pas été donnés."); }; } public function InstantLaunch(_arg1, _arg2=10):void{ var Compte:int; var Nom:String; var Fonction = _arg1; var Frames = _arg2; Compte = Frames; Nom = (RandomWord() + "Instant"); TransitionInstant[Nom] = function ():void{ if (Compte == 1){ RemoveEvents(TransitionInstant, {Cible:TransitionInstant, Fonction:Nom}, "ENTER_FRAME"); }; Launch(Fonction); Compte--; }; AddEvents(TransitionInstant, {Cible:TransitionInstant, Fonction:Nom}, "ENTER_FRAME"); } public function AngleGoTo(_arg1:MovieClip, _arg2:Number=0, _arg3:Number=10):void{ var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; _local4 = ((_arg2)>0) ? _arg2 : (360 + _arg2); _local5 = ((_arg1.rotation)>0) ? _arg1.rotation : (360 + _arg1.rotation); _local5 = (((_local5 - _local4))>-180) ? _local5 : (_local5 + 360); _local5 = (((_local5 - _local4))<180) ? _local5 : (_local5 - 360); _local5 = (_local5 + ((_local4 - _local5) / _arg3)); _arg1.rotation = _local5; } public function FindIn(_arg1:String, _arg2:String):Number{ return ((_arg1.split(_arg2).length - 1)); } public function TotalIsPlaying(_arg1, _arg2:int=0, _arg3:Boolean=false):void{ var i:int; var leClip:*; var Clip = _arg1; var Parentalite = _arg2; var Retour = _arg3; if (Parentalite == 0){ if (!Retour){ Clip.TotalIsPlayingSave = Clip.currentFrame; } else { if (Clip.TotalIsPlayingSave == Clip.currentFrame){ Clip.isPlaying = false; } else { Clip.isPlaying = true; }; }; try { i = 0; while (i < Clip.numChildren) { leClip = Clip.getChildAt(i); if (((!(TypeOf(leClip, "MorphShape"))) && (!(TypeOf(leClip, "Shape"))))){ TotalIsPlaying(leClip, 0, Retour); }; i = (i + 1); }; } catch(e) { }; } else { TotalIsPlaying(GetParent(Clip, Parentalite), 0, Retour); }; if (!Retour){ CountdownLaunch({Fonction:TotalIsPlaying, Arguments:[Clip, Parentalite, true]}); }; } public function Random(_arg1=0, _arg2=1, _arg3=false, _arg4:String="Ensemble"):Number{ var _local5:Number; if (TypeOf(_arg1, "Array")){ _arg2 = _arg1[1]; _arg1 = _arg1[0]; _arg3 = ((_arg2)!=1) ? _arg2 : false; }; _arg1 = Aspiration(_arg1); _arg2 = Aspiration(_arg2); if ((((_arg2 == 0)) && ((_arg1 > 0)))){ _arg2 = (_arg1 / 2); _arg1 = (-(_arg1) / 2); }; if ((((_arg4 == "Ensemble")) || ((_arg3 == "Ensemble")))){ _local5 = ((Math.random() * (_arg2 - _arg1)) + _arg1); return ((_arg3) ? Math.round(_local5) : _local5); } else { if ((((_arg4 == "Palier")) || ((_arg3 == "Palier")))){ return ((RandomBoolean()) ? _arg1 : _arg2); }; }; return (0); } public function SetDarkerColor(_arg1, _arg2=10):String{ var _local3:Array; var _local4:int; var _local5:Array; var _local6:int; _arg2 = Aspiration(_arg2); if (!TypeOf(_arg1, "String")){ if (_arg1.CouleurTeinte){ _local3 = _arg1.CouleurTeinte.split(""); _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _local3.length) { _local3[_local4] = NumberToHexa((HexaToNumber(_local3[_local4]) - ((_arg2 / 100) * 15))); _local4++; }; SetColor(_arg1, _local3.join("")); return (_local3.join("")); } else { TraceError("MiscTools", "Assombrir", "L'élément n'a pas de couleur actuelle donnée via un SetColor."); }; } else { _local5 = _arg1.split(""); _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _local5.length) { _local5[_local6] = NumberToHexa((HexaToNumber(_local5[_local6]) - ((_arg2 / 100) * 15))); _local6++; }; return (_local5.join("")); }; return (""); } public function DecadeNumber(_arg1:int, _arg2:int=2):String{ var _local3:String; var _local4:int; _local3 = String(_arg1); if (String(_arg1).length < _arg2){ _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < (_arg2 - String(_arg1).length)) { _local3 = ("0" + _local3); _local4++; }; }; return (_local3); } public function PauseAllEvents(_arg1, _arg2="Switch"):void{ var _local3:Boolean; var _local4:*; if (_arg1.EventsObject){ _local3 = false; if (_arg2 == "Switch"){ _arg1.EventsObject.Pause = !(_arg1.EventsObject.Pause); _local3 = true; } else { if (_arg1.EventsObject.Pause != _arg2){ _arg1.EventsObject.Pause = _arg2; _local3 = true; }; }; if (_local3){ for (_local4 in _arg1.EventsObject) { if (((!((_arg1.EventsObject[_local4] == null))) && (!((_local4 == "Pause"))))){ if (_arg1.EventsObject.Pause){ _arg1.removeEventListener(_arg1.EventsObject[_local4].Type, _arg1.EventsObject[_local4].SetFonction); } else { _arg1.addEventListener(_arg1.EventsObject[_local4].Type, _arg1.EventsObject[_local4].SetFonction); }; }; }; }; }; } public function CutDivision(_arg1, _arg2:Number=2):Array{ var _local3:Array; if (TypeOf(_arg1, "Array")){ _arg2 = _arg1[1]; _arg1 = _arg1[0]; }; _local3 = [_arg1, _arg1]; _local3[0] = Math.floor((_arg1 / _arg2)); _local3[1] = (_arg1 - (_arg2 * _local3[0])); return (_local3); } public function MultiPushObject(_arg1, _arg2:String, _arg3=undefined){ var Clee:*; var Objet = _arg1; var Nom = _arg2; var Valeur = _arg3; for (Clee in Objet) { try { PushObject(Objet[Clee], Nom, Valeur); } catch(e) { }; }; return (Objet); } public function AddEvents(_arg1, _arg2=null, _arg3:String="ENTER_FRAME", _arg4="", _arg5=false, _arg6:Object=null):Boolean{ var EventType:*; var Cible = _arg1; var Fonction = _arg2; var Type = _arg3; var Nom = _arg4; var IsLaunch = _arg5; var Parametres = _arg6; if (TypeOf(Cible, "Function")){ IsLaunch = ((Fonction)!=null) ? Fonction : true; Fonction = Cible; Cible = RootLink; } else { if (TypeOf(Cible, "Object")){ if (((Cible.Fonction) && ((Fonction == null)))){ IsLaunch = ((Fonction)!=null) ? Fonction : true; Fonction = Cible; Cible = RootLink; }; }; }; if (TypeOf(Nom, "Boolean")){ IsLaunch = Nom; Nom = ""; }; if (TypeOf(Nom, "Object")){ Parametres = Nom; Nom = ""; }; if (TypeOf(IsLaunch, "Object")){ Parametres = IsLaunch; IsLaunch = false; }; Parametres = ((Parametres) || (new Object())); try { Cible.CanYouReallyGetItRightNow = true; Cible.CanYouReallyGetItRightNow = null; } catch(e) { Parametres.target = Cible; Cible = AlternateStockEvent; }; Nom = ((Nom)=="") ? ("Event" + RandomWord()) : Nom; IsLaunch = (TypeOf(Fonction, ["String", "Object"])) ? true : IsLaunch; if (TypeOf(Fonction, "String")){ Fonction = {Fonction:Fonction, Cible:Cible}; }; if (TypeOf(Fonction, "Array")){ return (AddEvents_MultiAdd(Cible, Fonction, Type, Nom, IsLaunch, Parametres)); }; if (Cible){ EventType = AddEvents_TypeSetting(Type); Connexion(Cible, false); if ((((EventType == "enterFrame")) && ((StageLink == null)))){ TraceError("MiscTools", "AddEvents", ["Vous avez demandez l'application d'une boucle ENTER_FRAME par le biais d'AddEvents,", "cependant, le script que vous utilisez pour cela ne dispose pas de lien vers sa racine.", "La boucle ne pourra, ainsi, pas être correctement nettoyée par TotalRefreshAllEvents() si", "la scène est chargée dans une autre.", "Pour éviter ce problème, il est recommandé de donner \"this\" comme premier argument lors", "de la création du script ou bien de lui donner directement par sa méthode Connexion().", "Exemple : World.Connexion( this );"]); }; if (EventType){ AddEvents_ObjectSetting(Cible, Fonction, EventType, Nom, IsLaunch, Parametres); return (true); }; } else { TraceError("MiscTools", "AddEvents", (Pop(Nom, "Event") + " : La cible n'existe pas.")); }; return (false); } public function CharacterConversion(_arg1:String, _arg2, _arg3=""):String{ var _local4:int; _arg2 = CapsuleArray(_arg2); _arg3 = CapsuleArray(_arg3); _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _arg2.length) { _arg1 = _arg1.split(_arg2[_local4]).join(_arg3[_local4]); _local4++; }; return (_arg1); } public function TimeLaunch(_arg1, _arg2:Number=1000):uint{ var NomAleatoire:String; var Fonction = _arg1; var Temps = _arg2; NomAleatoire = RandomWord(); TransitionCountdown[NomAleatoire] = new Object(); TransitionCountdown[NomAleatoire].LancementTime = function ():void{ Launch(Fonction); RemoveInterval(NomAleatoire); TransitionCountdown[NomAleatoire].LancementTime = null; TransitionCountdown[NomAleatoire] = null; }; return (AddInterval(NomAleatoire, TransitionCountdown[NomAleatoire].LancementTime, Temps)); } public function ForEachChild(_arg1, _arg2):void{ var _local3:int; var _local4:*; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _arg1.numChildren) { _local4 = _arg1.getChildAt(_local3); if (!TypeOf(_local4, "Shape")){ if (TypeOf(_arg2, "Object")){ _arg2.Cible = ((_arg2.Cible == "self")) ? _local4 : _arg2.Cible; }; Launch(_arg2, [_local4]); }; _local3++; }; } public function TotalGotoAndPlay(_arg1, _arg2=1, _arg3:int=0):void{ var i:int; var leClip:*; var Clip = _arg1; var Frame = _arg2; var Parentalite = _arg3; if (Parentalite == 0){ Clip.gotoAndPlay(Aspiration(Frame)); try { i = 0; while (i < Clip.numChildren) { leClip = Clip.getChildAt(i); if (((!(TypeOf(leClip, "MorphShape"))) && (!(TypeOf(leClip, "Shape"))))){ try { TotalGotoAndPlay(leClip, Frame); } catch(e) { }; }; i = (i + 1); }; } catch(e) { }; } else { TotalGotoAndPlay(GetParent(Clip, Parentalite), Frame); }; } public function TotalPauseAllEvents(_arg1, _arg2:int=0):void{ var i:int; var leClip:*; var Clip = _arg1; var Parentalite = _arg2; if (Parentalite == 0){ PauseAllEvents(Clip); try { i = 0; while (i < Clip.numChildren) { leClip = Clip.getChildAt(i); if (((!(TypeOf(leClip, "MorphShape"))) && (!(TypeOf(leClip, "Shape"))))){ try { TotalPauseAllEvents(leClip); } catch(e) { }; }; i = (i + 1); }; } catch(e) { }; } else { TotalPauseAllEvents(GetParent(Clip, Parentalite)); }; } public function PushAt(_arg1:Array, _arg2:int, _arg3, _arg4:Boolean=false):Array{ var _local5:Array; var _local6:Array; var _local7:int; var _local8:int; var _local9:int; _local5 = new Array(); _local6 = [_arg3]; if (_arg4){ _local5.splice(0); }; _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < _arg1.length) { if (_local7 < _arg2){ _local5.push(_arg1[_local7]); } else { _local6.push(_arg1[_local7]); }; _local7++; }; if (_arg4){ _arg1.splice(0); _local8 = 0; while (_local8 < _local5.length) { _arg1.push(_local5[_local8]); _local8++; }; _local9 = 0; while (_local9 < _local6.length) { _arg1.push(_local6[_local9]); _local9++; }; }; return (_local5.concat(_local6)); } public function NumberToLetter(_arg1, _arg2=null){ var _local3:*; var _local4:Array; var _local5:Array; var _local6:int; var _local7:int; var _local8:Array; var _local9:int; var _local10:int; var _local11:int; _arg2 = ((_arg2) || (AlphabetList)); if (TypeOf(_arg1, "Number")){ _local3 = ""; if (_arg1 <= 0){ _local3 = "NEG_"; _arg1 = Math.abs(_arg1); }; _arg1 = Math.round(_arg1); _local4 = new Array(); _local5 = [_arg1]; while (_local5[0] > _arg2.length) { _local5 = CutDivision((_local5[0] - 1), _arg2.length); _local4.push(_local5[1]); }; _local4.push((_local5[0] - 1)); _local6 = (_local4.length - 1); while (_local6 >= 0) { _local3 = (_local3 + _arg2[_local4[_local6]]); _local6--; }; if (_arg1 == 0){ _local3 = "_ZERO_"; }; } else { if (TypeOf(_arg1, "String")){ _local3 = 0; if (_arg1 == "_ZERO_"){ _local3 = 0; } else { _local7 = 1; if (FindIn(_arg1, "NEG_")){ _arg1 = Pop(_arg1, "NEG_"); _local7 = -1; }; _local8 = _arg1.split(""); _local8.reverse(); _local9 = 0; while (_local9 < _local8.length) { _local10 = (_arg2.indexOf(_local8[_local9]) + 1); _local11 = 0; while (_local11 < _local9) { _local10 = (_local10 * _arg2.length); _local11++; }; _local3 = (_local3 + _local10); _local9++; }; _local3 = (_local3 * _local7); }; } else { TraceError("MiscTools", "ChainString", "Le premier argument doit être un nombre entier ou une chaine de caractere."); }; }; return (_local3); } public function CountdownLaunch(_arg1, _arg2=1, _arg3=""):void{ var Compte:int; var Nom:String; var Levier:Boolean; var EmpileVerif:String; var Fonction = _arg1; var Frames = _arg2; var Empile = _arg3; Compte = Frames; Nom = (RandomWord() + "Rebours"); Levier = true; if (Empile != ""){ EmpileVerif = Pop(Empile, ["Contre", "Addition"]); if (!TransitionCountdown[EmpileVerif]){ TransitionCountdown[EmpileVerif] = true; Nom = EmpileVerif; } else { Levier = false; }; }; if (Levier){ TransitionCountdown[(Nom + "_Compte")] = Compte; TransitionCountdown[Nom] = function ():void{ if (TransitionCountdown[(Nom + "_Compte")] == 0){ RemoveEvents(TransitionCountdown, {Fonction:Nom, Cible:TransitionCountdown}, "ENTER_FRAME"); TransitionCountdown[Nom] = null; TransitionCountdown[(Nom + "_Compte")] = null; Launch(Fonction); }; var _local1 = TransitionCountdown; var _local2 = (Nom + "_Compte"); var _local3 = (_local1[_local2] - 1); _local1[_local2] = _local3; }; AddEvents(TransitionCountdown, {Fonction:Nom, Cible:TransitionCountdown}, "ENTER_FRAME"); } else { if (((!(Levier)) && (FindIn(Empile, "Contre")))){ TransitionCountdown[(EmpileVerif + "_Compte")] = Compte; } else { if (((!(Levier)) && (FindIn(Empile, "Addition")))){ TransitionCountdown[(EmpileVerif + "_Compte")] = (TransitionCountdown[(EmpileVerif + "_Compte")] + Compte); }; }; }; } public function Trace(_arg1, _arg2:Boolean=true, _arg3=null):void{ var _local4:*; var _local5:int; _local4 = ((((_arg3) || (TraceEffect))) || ("")); if (((!(Silence)) && (_arg2))){ if (TypeOf(_local4, "Function")){ _local4(_arg1); } else { if (TypeOf(_local4, "String")){ trace(_arg1); } else { if (TypeOf(_local4, "TextField")){ if (_arg1 == ""){ _local4.text = ""; } else { _local4.text = ((_local4.text + "\r") + _arg1); }; } else { if (TypeOf(_local4, "ConsolePost")){ _local4.trace(_arg1); } else { if (TypeOf(_local4, "Array")){ _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < _local4.length) { Trace(_arg1, _arg2, _local4[_local5]); _local5++; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function SetClearerColor(_arg1, _arg2=10):String{ var _local3:Array; var _local4:int; var _local5:Array; var _local6:int; _arg2 = Aspiration(_arg2); if (!TypeOf(_arg1, "String")){ if (_arg1.CouleurTeinte){ _local3 = _arg1.CouleurTeinte.split(""); _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _local3.length) { _local3[_local4] = NumberToHexa((HexaToNumber(_local3[_local4]) + ((_arg2 / 100) * 15))); _local4++; }; SetColor(_arg1, _local3.join("")); return (_local3.join("")); } else { TraceError("MiscTools", "Eclaircie", "L'élément n'a pas de couleur actuelle donnée via un SetColor."); }; } else { _local5 = _arg1.split(""); _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _local5.length) { _local5[_local6] = NumberToHexa((HexaToNumber(_local5[_local6]) + ((_arg2 / 100) * 15))); _local6++; }; return (_local5.join("")); }; return (""); } public function TotalPause(_arg1, _arg2:Boolean=true, _arg3:int=0, _arg4:Boolean=false):void{ var i:int; var leClip:*; var Clip = _arg1; var Pause = _arg2; var Parentalite = _arg3; var Retour = _arg4; if (((Retour) || (!(Pause)))){ if (Parentalite == 0){ if (Pause){ if (!Clip.Pause){ Clip.stop(); } else { Clip.Pause(true); }; if (Clip.Sound){ Clip.Sound.PauseSound(true); }; } else { if (Clip.isPlaying){ if (!Clip.Pause){ Clip.play(); } else { Clip.Pause(false); }; }; if (Clip.Sound){ Clip.Sound.PauseSound(false); }; }; try { i = 0; while (i < Clip.numChildren) { leClip = Clip.getChildAt(i); if (((!(TypeOf(leClip, "MorphShape"))) && (!(TypeOf(leClip, "Shape"))))){ TotalPause(leClip, Pause, 0, Retour); }; i = (i + 1); }; } catch(e) { }; } else { TotalPause(GetParent(Clip, Parentalite), Pause, 0, Retour); }; } else { TotalIsPlaying(Clip, Parentalite); CountdownLaunch({Fonction:TotalPause, Arguments:[Clip, Pause, Parentalite, true]}, 1, "Pause"); }; } function Launch_ElementCompilation(_arg1, _arg2:Boolean){ var FonctionDemandee:String; var Levier:Boolean; var Element = _arg1; var Commentaire = _arg2; if (TypeOf(Element, "String")){ Element = ((Aspiration(Element)) || (Element)); }; if (TypeOf(Element, "String")){ Element = {Fonction:Element}; }; try { if (Element.Fonction){ if (TypeOf(Element.Fonction, "String")){ Element.Fonction = ((Aspiration(Element.Fonction)) || (Element.Fonction)); }; }; } catch(e) { }; if (TypeOf(Element, "Function")){ Element = {Fonction:Element}; }; if (((TypeOf(Element.Fonction, "String")) && (!(Element.Cible)))){ FonctionDemandee = ("ShortLaunch_" + Element.Fonction.split(" ").join("")); try { Element.Fonction = this[FonctionDemandee]; } catch(e) { TraceError("MiscTools", "Launch", ["Vous avez indiqué une fonction en String sans donner de cible.", (("Cette fonction est : «" + Element.Fonction) + "»"), "Soit c'est un oublie, soit vous avez tenté de faire appel à une fonction", "ShortLaunch. Le cas échéant, vérifiez son orthographe pour vous assurez qu'elle", "a été indiqué correctement."], Commentaire); return (null); }; }; Element = CloneObject(Element); if (Element.Arguments){ Element.Arguments = CloneObject(Element.Arguments); }; if (Element.Cible){ Element.Cible = ((Aspiration(Element.Cible)) || (Element.Cible)); }; if (TypeOf(Element.Fonction, "String")){ Levier = false; try { if (Element.Cible[Element.Fonction]){ Element.NomFonction = Element.Fonction; Element.Fonction = Element.Cible[Element.Fonction]; Levier = true; }; } catch(e) { }; if (!Levier){ TraceError("MiscTools", "Launch", [(((("Impossible de trouver la fonction \"" + Element.Fonction) + "\" sur ") + TraceElement(Element.Cible, true)) + ".")], Commentaire); return (null); }; }; if (Element.Argument){ Element.Arguments = [Element.Argument]; Element.Argument = null; } else { if (Element.Arguments){ Element.Arguments = CapsuleArray(Element.Arguments); }; }; Element.Arguments = ((Element.Arguments) || (new Array())); return (Element); } public function AddObsolete(_arg1:String):void{ if (Obsolete.ObsoleteFunctionList[_arg1]){ ObsoletesFunctions[_arg1] = ((ObsoletesFunctions[_arg1]) || (0)); var _local2 = ObsoletesFunctions; var _local3 = _arg1; var _local4 = (_local2[_local3] + 1); _local2[_local3] = _local4; }; } public function ElementToClass(_arg1, _arg2:Boolean=true):Class{ var Clip = _arg1; var Avertissement = _arg2; try { return (StringToClass(TypeOf(Clip), Avertissement)); } catch(e) { }; return (null); } public function GetDirectionTo(_arg1, _arg2=1, _arg3=0, _arg4=1):Object{ var _local5:Object; _local5 = {x:_arg1.x, y:_arg1.y}; SetDirectionTo(_local5, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4); return (_local5); } public function TotalStop(_arg1, _arg2:int=0):void{ var i:int; var leClip:*; var Clip = _arg1; var Parentalite = _arg2; if (Parentalite == 0){ Clip.stop(); try { i = 0; while (i < Clip.numChildren) { leClip = Clip.getChildAt(i); if (((!(TypeOf(leClip, "MorphShape"))) && (!(TypeOf(leClip, "Shape"))))){ try { TotalStop(leClip); } catch(e) { }; }; i = (i + 1); }; } catch(e) { }; } else { TotalStop(GetParent(Clip, Parentalite)); }; } public function ValueOrElement(_arg1=null, _arg2=""){ if (((_arg1) && (!(TypeOf(_arg1, ["String", "Number", "Boolean"]))))){ if (_arg1[_arg2] != null){ return (_arg1[_arg2]); }; }; return (_arg1); } public function CharacterLoop(_arg1:String, _arg2, _arg3:String, _arg4:String="Debut"):String{ var _local5:Array; var _local6:String; var _local7:Number; _local5 = new Array(); _local6 = _arg1; if (_arg4 == "Fin"){ _arg1 = ReverseString(_arg1); }; while (_arg1.length > 0) { _local7 = ((_arg1)==_local6) ? (Aspiration(_arg2) - 1) : Aspiration(_arg2); _local5.push(_arg1.substr(0, ((_arg1)==_local6) ? (_local7 + 1) : _local7)); _arg1 = _arg1.substr(((_arg1)==_local6) ? (_local7 + 1) : _local7); }; return (((_arg4)=="Fin") ? ReverseString(_local5.join(ReverseString(_arg3))) : _local5.join(_arg3)); } public function GetDistance(_arg1, _arg2):Number{ var _local3:Number; _local3 = ((Math.abs((_arg1.x - _arg2.x)) * Math.abs((_arg1.x - _arg2.x))) + (Math.abs((_arg1.y - _arg2.y)) * Math.abs((_arg1.y - _arg2.y)))); return (Math.sqrt(_local3)); } public function FirstView(_arg1):void{ _arg1.parent.addChild(_arg1); } public function AddBump(_arg1, _arg2:Number=200, _arg3:String="Rond", _arg4:Boolean=false, _arg5:String="Bump", _arg6:Number=0):Sprite{ var _local7:Sprite; _local7 = (_arg1[_arg5] = new Sprite()); _local7.graphics.beginFill(0x333333); if (_arg3 == "Rond"){ _local7.graphics.drawCircle(0, 0, (_arg2 / 2)); } else { _local7.graphics.drawRect((-(_arg2) / 2), (-(_arg2) / 2), _arg2, _arg2); }; _arg1.addChildAt(_local7, 0); _local7.mouseChildren = _arg4; _local7.mouseEnabled = _arg4; _local7.alpha = _arg6; return (_local7); } public function EqualNear(_arg1:Number, _arg2, _arg3:Number=100):Number{ var _local4:Array; var _local5:Object; var _local6:int; _local4 = (TypeOf(_arg2, "Array")) ? _arg2 : [_arg2, _arg3]; _local5 = {Chiffre:_arg1, Distance:null}; _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _local4.length) { if (((!(_local5.Distance)) || ((_local5.Distance > Math.abs((_local4[_local6] - _arg1)))))){ _local5.Distance = Math.abs((_local4[_local6] - _arg1)); _local5.Chiffre = _local4[_local6]; }; _local6++; }; return (_local5.Chiffre); } public function NewElement(_arg1=null, _arg2=null, _arg3:String="myElement", _arg4=null, _arg5=null){ var RecuperationElement:Object; var TransitionEtat:Object; var laTaille:*; var NouvelElement:*; var NouvelElementObjet:*; var iEnfant:int; var Element = _arg1; var Cible = _arg2; var Nom = _arg3; var Etat = _arg4; var Parametres = _arg5; Parametres = ((Parametres) || (new Object())); if (((((TypeOf(Element, "String")) && (FindIn(String(Element), ((Parametres.Et) || ("&")))))) && (FindIn(String(Element), ((Parametres.Egal) || ("=")))))){ RecuperationElement = GetToObject(Element, Parametres.Et, Parametres.Egal); Element = (getDefinitionByName(RecuperationElement.Class) as Class); Nom = ((Nom) || (RecuperationElement.Nom)); RecuperationElement.Element = (RecuperationElement.Cible = (RecuperationElement.Nom = null)); TransitionEtat = CloneObject(Etat); Etat = new Object(); SetAll(Etat, RecuperationElement); SetAll(Etat, TransitionEtat); }; if (!TypeOf(Element, "Object")){ if (!Cible){ Cible = Element; Element = MovieClip; }; Element = ((Element) || (MovieClip)); Etat = ((Etat) || (new Object())); Etat.IsNode = ((Etat.IsNode)==null) ? true : Etat.IsNode; if (typeof(Element) == "string"){ Element = StringToClass(Aspiration(Element)); }; Element = Aspiration(Element); Cible = Aspiration(Cible); if (Etat){ if (!TypeOf(Etat, "Object")){ try { Etat = {x:((Etat.X) || (Etat.x)), y:((Etat.Y) || (Etat.y))}; } catch(e) { }; } else { if (Etat.Position){ try { Etat = CloneObject(Etat); Etat.x = Etat.Position.x; Etat.y = Etat.Position.y; Etat.Position = null; } catch(e) { TraceError("MiscTools", "NewElement", [(("La position ne peut être issue de '" + Etat.Position) + "'")]); }; }; }; if (Etat.Taille){ laTaille = Aspiration(Etat.Taille); Etat.scaleX = laTaille; Etat.scaleY = laTaille; }; }; Etat = AspirationObject(Etat); if (Cible){ while (Cible[Nom] != null) { Nom = PasteString(Nom); }; }; try { NouvelElement = (Cible[Nom] = new (Element)); NouvelElement.name = Nom; Cible.addChild(NouvelElement); SetAll(NouvelElement, SetDefault(Etat, {})); if (NouvelElement.color){ SetColor(NouvelElement, NouvelElement.color); }; NouvelElement.Destroy = function ():void{ DestroyElement(NouvelElement); }; return (NouvelElement); } catch(e) { TraceError("MiscTools", "NewElement", [(((("L'élément '" + Element) + "' n'éxiste pas ou ne peut pas être placé dans ") + Cible) + ".")]); return (null); }; } else { NouvelElementObjet = NewElement(Element.Classe, Cible, Nom, Etat); iEnfant = 0; while (iEnfant < Element.Enfants.length) { NewElement(Element.Enfants[iEnfant].Element, NouvelElementObjet, Element.Enfants[iEnfant].Nom, Element.Enfants[iEnfant].Etat); iEnfant = (iEnfant + 1); }; return (NouvelElementObjet); }; return (null); } public function Round(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number=0, _arg3:String="round"):Number{ var _local4:Number; var _local5:int; _local4 = 1; _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < _arg2) { _local4 = (_local4 * 10); _local5++; }; _arg1 = (_arg1 * _local4); _arg1 = Math[_arg3](_arg1); return ((_arg1 / _local4)); } public function ElementToString(_arg1, _arg2=null){ var _local3:*; _local3 = ElementToArray(_arg1, _arg2); return (((_local3)!=null) ? _local3.join(".") : _local3); } public function ReverseString(_arg1:String):String{ var _local2:Array; _local2 = _arg1.split(""); _local2.reverse(); return (_local2.join("")); } public function IsEven(_arg1:Number):Boolean{ _arg1 = (_arg1 / 2); return ((_arg1 == Math.round(_arg1))); } public function ObjectToOrderArray(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String="Taille"):Array{ var _local3:Array; var _local4:Array; var _local5:*; var _local6:int; _local3 = new Array(); _local4 = new Array(); for (_local5 in _arg1) { if (_arg1[_local5]){ _local3.push(_local5); }; }; _local3 = OrderArray(_local3, _arg2); _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _local3.length) { _local4.push(_arg1[_local3[_local6]]); _local6++; }; return (_local4); } public function RemoveInterval(_arg1:String):void{ clearInterval(StockIntervalEvents[_arg1].Intervale); StockIntervalEvents[_arg1] = null; } public function ValueBoolean(_arg1, _arg2:String, _arg3:Boolean=true){ if (!_arg3){ _arg1[(_arg2 + "MemoParamBoolean")] = _arg1[_arg2]; _arg1[_arg2] = 0; } else { if (_arg1[(_arg2 + "MemoParamBoolean")]){ _arg1[_arg2] = _arg1[(_arg2 + "MemoParamBoolean")]; }; }; } public function RefreshAllEvents(_arg1:Boolean=true):int{ var _local2:int; var _local3:*; _local2 = 0; for (_local3 in StockEvent) { if (StockEvent[_local3] != null){ if (RemoveEvents(StockEvent[_local3].Cible, StockEvent[_local3].Nom, _arg1, StockEvent[_local3].Parametres)){ _local2++; }; }; }; return (_local2); } public function WaitLaunch(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3="*Exist*", _arg4=null):void{ var Frames:int; var Empile:*; var Compte:int; var Nom:String; var Levier:Boolean; var EmpileVerif:String; var Fonction = _arg1; var Element = _arg2; var Valeur = _arg3; var Parametres = _arg4; Parametres = ((Parametres) || (new Object())); if (TypeOf(Parametres, "Number")){ Parametres = {frames:Parametres}; } else { if (!TypeOf(Parametres, "Object")){ Parametres = {pile:Parametres}; }; }; Frames = ((Parametres.frames) || (-1)); Empile = ((Parametres.pile) || ("")); Compte = Frames; Nom = (RandomWord() + "Wait"); Levier = true; if (Empile != ""){ EmpileVerif = Pop(Empile, ["Contre", "Addition"]); if (!TransitionWait[EmpileVerif]){ TransitionWait[EmpileVerif] = true; Nom = EmpileVerif; } else { Levier = false; }; }; if (Levier){ TransitionWait[(Nom + "_Compte")] = Compte; TransitionWait[(Nom + "_Element")] = {Element:Element, Valeur:Valeur, Operator:((Parametres.operator) || ("="))}; TransitionWait[Nom] = function ():void{ var _local1:*; if (TransitionWait[(Nom + "_Compte")] == 0){ RemoveEvents(TransitionWait, {Fonction:Nom, Cible:TransitionWait}, "ENTER_FRAME"); TransitionWait[Nom] = null; TransitionWait[(Nom + "_Compte")] = null; }; _local1 = Find(TransitionWait[(Nom + "_Element")].Element); if ((((((((((TransitionWait[(Nom + "_Element")].Operator == "=")) && ((_local1 == TransitionWait[(Nom + "_Element")].Valeur)))) || ((((TransitionWait[(Nom + "_Element")].Operator == "!")) && (!((_local1 == TransitionWait[(Nom + "_Element")].Valeur))))))) || ((((TransitionWait[(Nom + "_Element")].Operator == ">")) && ((_local1 > TransitionWait[(Nom + "_Element")].Valeur)))))) || ((((TransitionWait[(Nom + "_Element")].Operator == "<")) && ((_local1 < TransitionWait[(Nom + "_Element")].Valeur)))))){ RemoveEvents(TransitionWait, {Fonction:Nom, Cible:TransitionWait}, "ENTER_FRAME"); TransitionWait[Nom] = null; TransitionWait[(Nom + "_Compte")] = null; Launch(Fonction); }; var _local2 = TransitionWait; var _local3 = (Nom + "_Compte"); var _local4 = (_local2[_local3] - 1); _local2[_local3] = _local4; }; AddEvents(TransitionWait, {Fonction:Nom, Cible:TransitionWait}, "ENTER_FRAME"); } else { if (((!(Levier)) && (FindIn(Empile, "Contre")))){ TransitionWait[(EmpileVerif + "_Compte")] = Compte; } else { if (((!(Levier)) && (FindIn(Empile, "Addition")))){ TransitionWait[(EmpileVerif + "_Compte")] = (TransitionWait[(EmpileVerif + "_Compte")] + Compte); }; }; }; } public function PushUnicite(_arg1:Array, _arg2):Boolean{ if (!IndexOf(_arg1, _arg2)){ _arg1.push(_arg2); return (true); }; return (false); } public function GetTotal(_arg1, _arg2:String, _arg3:Number=NaN):Number{ var _local4:Number; if (((!(TypeOf(_arg1, "MainTimeline"))) && (!(TypeOf(_arg1, "Stage"))))){ _arg3 = (isNaN(_arg3)) ? 0 : _arg3; if (_arg2 == "width"){ _arg3 = _arg1[_arg2]; _arg2 = "scaleX"; } else { if (_arg2 == "height"){ _arg3 = _arg1[_arg2]; _arg2 = "scaleY"; } else { if (_arg2 == "scaleX"){ if (_arg3 == 0){ _arg3 = _arg1[_arg2]; } else { _arg3 = (_arg3 * _arg1[_arg2]); }; } else { if (_arg2 == "scaleY"){ if (_arg3 == 0){ _arg3 = _arg1[_arg2]; } else { _arg3 = (_arg3 * _arg1[_arg2]); }; } else { if ((((_arg2 == "x")) && ((_arg1.scaleX > 1)))){ _arg3 = (_arg3 * _arg1.scaleX); }; if ((((_arg2 == "y")) && ((_arg1.scaleY > 1)))){ _arg3 = (_arg3 * _arg1.scaleY); }; _arg3 = (_arg3 + _arg1[_arg2]); }; }; }; }; _local4 = GetTotal((((_arg1.parent as MovieClip)) || (_arg1.parent)), _arg2, _arg3); return (_local4); } else { if (!isNaN(_arg3)){ //unresolved jump }; }; return (!NULL!); } public function FindInObject(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3:String="", _arg4:String=""):int{ var _local5:int; var _local6:*; var _local7:*; var _local8:*; var _local9:*; _local5 = 0; if (_arg3 == ""){ if (_arg4 != ""){ for (_local6 in _arg1) { if (_arg1[_local6][_arg4] == _arg2){ _local5++; }; }; } else { for (_local7 in _arg1) { if (_arg1[_local7] == _arg2){ _local5++; }; }; }; } else { if (_arg4 != ""){ for (_local8 in _arg1) { if (_arg1[_local8][_arg3][_arg4] == _arg2){ _local5++; }; }; } else { for (_local9 in _arg1) { if (_arg1[_local9][_arg3] == _arg2){ _local5++; }; }; }; }; return (_local5); } public function ShortLaunch_Alerte(_arg1=null):void{ T(); } public function RandomBoolean(_arg1:Number=50):Boolean{ var _local2:Number; _local2 = Random(0, 100); return ((_local2 < _arg1)); } public function ArrayToElement(_arg1:Array, _arg2=null, _arg3:Boolean=true){ var RacineInitial:*; var i:int; var Tableau = _arg1; var Racine = _arg2; var Erreur = _arg3; if ((((Racine == null)) && ((RootLink == null)))){ TraceError("MiscTools", "ElementToArray", ["Vous ne pouvez pas faire un appel de recherche sans indiquer la racine ( Second argument )", "si le script n'a pas établie sa connexion avec RootLink."]); } else { Racine = ((Racine) || (RootLink)); RacineInitial = Racine; i = 0; while (i < Tableau.length) { try { Racine = Racine[Tableau[i]]; } catch(e) { if (Erreur){ TraceError("MiscTools", "Array2Element", [(("L'élément " + Tableau.join(".")) + " n'existe pas."), (((("Le pointeur s'est stoppé à " + Tableau[i]) + " sur la racine initiale ") + RacineInitial) + ".")]); }; return (null); }; i = (i + 1); }; if ((((Racine == null)) || ((Racine == undefined)))){ if (Erreur){ TraceError("MiscTools", "Array2Element", [(("L'élément " + Tableau.join(".")) + " n'existe pas."), "La Racine n'a pas été trouvée, elle est null ou indéfinie."]); }; }; return (Racine); }; return (null); } public function DestroyElement(_arg1, _arg2=null, _arg3:Boolean=true):void{ var ElementCible:*; var Name:String; var Cible = _arg1; var Parent = _arg2; var Erreur = _arg3; if (Cible){ if (Cible.FonctionDisparition){ Launch(Cible.FonctionDisparition); }; if (((Cible.Disparition) && (!(TypeOf(Cible.Disparition, "Number"))))){ DestroyElement_Disparition(Cible, Parent, Erreur); } else { if ((((typeof(Cible) == "string")) && (!((Parent == null))))){ Name = Cible; Cible = Parent[Cible]; try { Cible.name = Name; } catch(e) { }; }; DestroyElement_Child(Cible, Parent, Erreur); RemoveEvents(Cible); TotalStop(Cible); DestroyElement_drOIde(Cible, Parent, Erreur); Parent = ((Parent) || (Cible.parent)); Cible.parent.removeChild(Cible); DestroyElement_LinkIn(Cible, Parent, Erreur); DestroyElement_drOIdeLink(Cible, Parent, Erreur); DestroyElement_TotalNull(Cible, Parent, Erreur); for (ElementCible in Cible) { Cible[ElementCible] = null; }; }; }; } function Launch_Launch(_arg1, _arg2:Boolean, _arg3):Boolean{ var Element = _arg1; var Commentaire = _arg2; var SaveElement = _arg3; if (Element){ try { switch (Element.Arguments.length){ case 0: Element.Fonction(); break; case 1: Element.Fonction(Element.Arguments[0]); break; case 2: Element.Fonction(Element.Arguments[0], Element.Arguments[1]); break; case 3: Element.Fonction(Element.Arguments[0], Element.Arguments[1], Element.Arguments[2]); break; case 4: Element.Fonction(Element.Arguments[0], Element.Arguments[1], Element.Arguments[2], Element.Arguments[3]); break; case 5: Element.Fonction(Element.Arguments[0], Element.Arguments[1], Element.Arguments[2], Element.Arguments[3], Element.Arguments[4]); break; case 6: Element.Fonction(Element.Arguments[0], Element.Arguments[1], Element.Arguments[2], Element.Arguments[3], Element.Arguments[4], Element.Arguments[5]); break; case 7: Element.Fonction(Element.Arguments[0], Element.Arguments[1], Element.Arguments[2], Element.Arguments[3], Element.Arguments[4], Element.Arguments[5], Element.Arguments[6]); break; case 8: Element.Fonction(Element.Arguments[0], Element.Arguments[1], Element.Arguments[2], Element.Arguments[3], Element.Arguments[4], Element.Arguments[5], Element.Arguments[6], Element.Arguments[7]); break; case 9: Element.Fonction(Element.Arguments[0], Element.Arguments[1], Element.Arguments[2], Element.Arguments[3], Element.Arguments[4], Element.Arguments[5], Element.Arguments[6], Element.Arguments[7], Element.Arguments[8]); break; case 10: Element.Fonction(Element.Arguments[0], Element.Arguments[1], Element.Arguments[2], Element.Arguments[3], Element.Arguments[4], Element.Arguments[5], Element.Arguments[6], Element.Arguments[7], Element.Arguments[8], Element.Arguments[9]); break; case 11: Element.Fonction(Element.Arguments[0], Element.Arguments[1], Element.Arguments[2], Element.Arguments[3], Element.Arguments[4], Element.Arguments[5], Element.Arguments[6], Element.Arguments[7], Element.Arguments[8], Element.Arguments[9], Element.Arguments[10]); break; case 12: Element.Fonction(Element.Arguments[0], Element.Arguments[1], Element.Arguments[2], Element.Arguments[3], Element.Arguments[4], Element.Arguments[5], Element.Arguments[6], Element.Arguments[7], Element.Arguments[8], Element.Arguments[9], Element.Arguments[10], Element.Arguments[11]); break; default: TraceError("MiscTools", "Launch", ["Vous avez demandé trop d'arguments pour la méthodes.", ("À savoir : " + Element.Arguments.length), "Launch ne peut lancer de méthodes allant au-delà de 12 arguments.", "Souvenez-vous que ces arguments comprennent ceux intégrées à l'objet", "Launch ainsi que les arguments supplantés et additifs."], Commentaire); return (false); }; } catch(e) { TraceError("MiscTools", "Launch", [(("Impossible de lancer la méthode par " + ValueOrElement(Element, "Fonction")) + "."), ((Element)!=null) ? ("Il se peut que les arguments soient incorrect ou que" + " son fonctionnement pose problème.") : ""], LaunchError_Argument); if (TypeOf(SaveElement, "Object")){ TraceError("MiscTools", "Launch", ["——— - - Détails supplémentaires sur l'erreur - - ———", "La fonction transmise est de type Objet avec : ", ("Fonction : " + SaveElement.Fonction), ("Cible : " + SaveElement.Cible), ("Argument : " + SaveElement.Argument), ("Arguments : " + SaveElement.Arguments)], LaunchError_Argument); } else { TraceError("MiscTools", "Launch", ["——— - - Détails supplémentaires sur l'erreur - - ———", ("La fonction transmise est de type " + TypeOf(SaveElement))], LaunchError_Argument); }; return (false); }; return (true); }; return (false); } public function ApplyRepulseEffect(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3:Number=50):void{ SetDirectionTo(_arg1, GetAngle(_arg2, _arg1), _arg3); } public function TotalGotoAndStop(_arg1, _arg2=1, _arg3:int=0):void{ var i:int; var leClip:*; var Clip = _arg1; var Frame = _arg2; var Parentalite = _arg3; if (Parentalite == 0){ Clip.gotoAndStop(Aspiration(Frame)); try { i = 0; while (i < Clip.numChildren) { leClip = Clip.getChildAt(i); if (((!(TypeOf(leClip, "MorphShape"))) && (!(TypeOf(leClip, "Shape"))))){ try { TotalGotoAndStop(leClip, Frame); } catch(e) { }; }; i = (i + 1); }; } catch(e) { }; } else { TotalGotoAndStop(GetParent(Clip, Parentalite), Frame); }; } function AddEvents_TypeSetting(_arg1:String, _arg2:String="AddEvents"){ var _local3:*; if (EventList[_arg1]){ return (EventList[_arg1][_arg1]); }; for (_local3 in EventNameList) { if (IndexOf(EventNameList[_local3], _arg1)){ _arg1 = _local3; return (EventList[_arg1][_arg1]); }; }; if (_arg2 != "Chut"){ TraceError("MiscTools", _arg2, (("L'événement \"" + _arg1) + "\" n'existe pas ou n'a pas été trouvé.")); }; return (null); } public function Find(_arg1, _arg2:String=null){ var Sortie:*; var iSortie:int; var Element = _arg1; var Valeur = _arg2; Sortie = null; if (TypeOf(Element, "String")){ Sortie = ((StringToElement(Element, RootLink, false)) || (null)); if ((((((Sortie == null)) && (!(FindIn(Element, "."))))) || ((((Sortie == null)) && (FindIn(Element, " ")))))){ Sortie = Element; }; } else { if (TypeOf(Element, "Object")){ if (!TypeOf(Element.link, ["String", "Array"])){ Sortie = Element.link; } else { Sortie = ((StringToElement(((Element.link) || ("")), ((Element.target) || (RootLink)), false)) || (null)); }; if (Element.value){ try { Sortie = Sortie[Element.value]; } catch(e) { return (null); }; }; } else { if (TypeOf(Element, "Array")){ Sortie = CloneObject(Element); iSortie = 0; while (iSortie < Sortie.length) { Sortie[iSortie] = Find(Sortie[iSortie], Valeur); iSortie = (iSortie + 1); }; } else { Sortie = Element; }; }; }; if (((Valeur) && (!(TypeOf(Element, "Array"))))){ try { Sortie = Sortie[Valeur]; } catch(e) { return (null); }; }; return (Sortie); } public function TraceObsolete():void{ var _local1:Array; var _local2:*; _local1 = ["——————————————————————————————————————————————————————", "———————— - - TRACE OBSOLETE", "Vous avez utilisées les méthodes obsoletes suivantes :"]; for (_local2 in ObsoletesFunctions) { _local1.push((((((_local2 + "() a été utilisée ") + ObsoletesFunctions[_local2]) + " fois : ") + "Il vaut mieux utiliser ") + Obsolete.ObsoleteFunctionList[_local2])); }; _local1.push("——————————————————————————————————————————————————————"); TraceAll(_local1); } public function GetLastOf(_arg1:Array){ return (_arg1[(_arg1.length - 1)]); } public function TrimSpace(_arg1:String, _arg2:String="_"):String{ while (_arg1.charAt(0) == " ") { _arg1 = _arg1.substr(1); }; while (_arg1.charAt((_arg1.length - 1)) == " ") { _arg1 = _arg1.substr(0, -1); }; _arg1 = _arg1.split(" ").join(_arg2); return (_arg1); } public function Chut(_arg1:Boolean=true):void{ Silence = _arg1; } public function LengthObject(_arg1, _arg2:String="Nombre"){ var _local3:int; var _local4:Array; var _local5:*; _local3 = 0; _local4 = new Array(); for (_local5 in _arg1) { if (_arg1[_local5] != null){ _local3++; _local4.push(_local5); }; }; return (((_arg2)=="Tableau") ? _local4 : _local3); } public function SetNearColor(_arg1, _arg2=-10, _arg3=null):String{ var _local4:Number; if (_arg1.CouleurTeinte){ if ((((_arg3 == null)) && (TypeOf(_arg2, "Number")))){ _arg3 = _arg2; _arg2 = -(_arg2); } else { if (TypeOf(_arg2, "Array")){ _arg3 = _arg2[1]; _arg2 = _arg2[0]; }; }; _local4 = Random(_arg2, _arg3); if (_local4 > 0){ return (SetClearerColor(_arg1, _local4)); }; return (SetDarkerColor(_arg1, (_local4 * -1))); } else { TraceError("MiscTools", "SetRandomNearColor", "L'élément n'a pas de couleur actuelle donnée via un SetColor."); }; return (""); } public function ViewBy(_arg1, _arg2:String="y", _arg3:String="Croissant"):void{ var _local4:Array; var _local5:int; var _local6:int; var _local7:*; _local4 = new Array(); _local5 = _arg1.numChildren; _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _local5) { _local4.push({Clip:_arg1.getChildAt(_local6), Valeur:((_arg1.getChildAt(_local6)[_arg2]) || (0))}); _local6++; }; _local4 = ObjectOrderArray(_local4, "Valeur", _arg3); _local4.reverse(); for (_local7 in _local4) { _arg1.addChild(_local4[_local7].Clip); }; } public function SetAll(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3=null, _arg4:Object=null):void{ var _local5:*; var _local6:*; if (TypeOf(_arg3, "Object")){ _arg4 = _arg3; _arg3 = null; }; _arg3 = SetDefault(_arg3, []); var _temp1 = ((_arg4) || (new Object())); _arg4 = ((_arg4) || (new Object())); _temp1.Unicite = ((_arg4.Unicite)==null) ? false : _arg4.Unicite; _arg4.Clone = ((_arg4.Clone)==null) ? false : _arg4.Clone; _arg4.Aspiration = ((_arg4.Aspiration)==null) ? true : _arg4.Aspiration; if (typeof(_arg3) == "string"){ _arg3 = [_arg3]; }; if (_arg2){ if (((((_arg2.rotation) && (_arg2.width))) || (((_arg2.rotation) && (_arg2.height))))){ _local6 = _arg2.rotation; _arg2.rotation = null; }; }; for (_local5 in _arg2) { if (_arg2[_local5] != null){ if (_arg3.indexOf(_local5) == -1){ if (!TypeOf(_arg1[_local5], "Boolean")){ if (TypeOf(_arg2[_local5], "Object")){ if (((!(_arg1[_local5])) || (((((_arg1[_local5]) && (!(_arg4.Unicite)))) && (!(TypeOf(_arg1[_local5], "Object"))))))){ _arg1[_local5] = (_arg4.Clone) ? CloneObject(_arg2[_local5]) : _arg2[_local5]; } else { if (TypeOf(_arg1[_local5], "Object")){ SetAll(_arg1[_local5], _arg2[_local5], _arg3, _arg4); }; }; } else { if (((!(_arg4.Unicite)) || ((_arg1[_local5] == null)))){ if (TypeOf(_arg1[_local5], "Number")){ if (_arg4.Aspiration){ _arg1[_local5] = MathOperator(_arg1[_local5], Aspiration(_arg2[_local5])); } else { _arg1[_local5] = MathOperator(_arg1[_local5], _arg2[_local5]); }; } else { if (_arg4.Aspiration){ _arg1[_local5] = Aspiration(_arg2[_local5]); } else { _arg1[_local5] = _arg2[_local5]; }; }; }; }; } else { if (!_arg4.Unicite){ if ((((_arg2[_local5] == "true")) || ((_arg2[_local5] == true)))){ _arg1[_local5] = true; } else { _arg1[_local5] = false; }; }; }; if (((!(isNaN(Number(_arg1[_local5])))) && (!((_arg4.Multiplicateur == null))))){ _arg1[_local5] = (_arg1[_local5] * _arg4.Multiplicateur); }; if (_arg4.StringOrNumber){ _arg1[_local5] = StringOrNumber(_arg1[_local5]); }; }; }; }; if (_local6 != null){ _arg1.rotation = _local6; }; } public function SetNextColor(_arg1, _arg2:String):void{ var Clip = _arg1; var Couleur = _arg2; if (!Clip.CouleurActuelle){ SetColor(Clip, Couleur); Clip.CouleurActuelle = new Object(); Clip.CouleurActuelle.Couleur = Couleur; Clip.CouleurActuelle.Boucle = function (_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:Array; var _local5:Array; var _local6:Boolean; var _local7:int; _local2 = _arg1.target; _local3 = _local2.CouleurActuelle; _local4 = _local3.Couleur.split(""); _local5 = _local3.NouvelleCouleur.split(""); _local6 = true; _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < _local4.length) { if (HexaToNumber(_local4[_local7]) < HexaToNumber(_local5[_local7])){ _local4[_local7] = NumberToHexa((HexaToNumber(_local4[_local7]) + 1)); _local6 = false; } else { if (HexaToNumber(_local4[_local7]) > HexaToNumber(_local5[_local7])){ _local4[_local7] = NumberToHexa((HexaToNumber(_local4[_local7]) - 1)); _local6 = false; }; }; _local7++; }; _local3.Couleur = _local4.join(""); SetColor(_local2, _local3.Couleur); if (_local6){ RemoveEvents(Clip, {Fonction:"Boucle", Cible:Clip.CouleurActuelle}, "ENTER_FRAME"); }; }; } else { Clip.CouleurActuelle.NouvelleCouleur = Couleur; AddEvents(Clip, {Fonction:"Boucle", Cible:Clip.CouleurActuelle}, "ENTER_FRAME", this); }; } public function TraceElement(_arg1, _arg2:Boolean=false):String{ var Sortie:String; var Element = _arg1; var Get = _arg2; Sortie = (((String(Element) + "( ") + TypeOf(Element)) + " )"); try { Sortie = ((("\"" + Element.name) + "\" : ") + Sortie); } catch(e) { }; if (!Get){ Trace(Sortie); }; return (Sortie); } public function ElementToArray(_arg1, _arg2=null):Array{ var _local3:Array; if ((((_arg2 == null)) && ((RootLink == null)))){ TraceError("MiscTools", "ElementToArray", ["Vous ne pouvez pas faire un appel de recherche sans indiquer la racine ( Second argument )", "si le script n'a pas établie sa connexion avec RootLink."]); } else { _arg2 = ((_arg2) || (RootLink)); _local3 = [_arg1.name]; while (((!((_arg1.parent.name == "root1"))) && (!((_arg1.name == _arg2.name))))) { _arg1 = _arg1.parent; _local3.push(_arg1.name); }; return (_local3.reverse()); }; return (null); } public function SpecialToString(_arg1:String):String{ return (CharacterConversion(_arg1, ConversionSpecialList.Next, ConversionSpecialList.Back)); } public function IndexOf(_arg1:Array, _arg2):Boolean{ if (_arg1.indexOf(_arg2) != -1){ return (true); }; return (false); } public function PopAfter(_arg1:String, _arg2:int=30, _arg3:String="character", _arg4:String="..."):String{ var _local5:Array; _arg3 = ((_arg3)=="character") ? "" : ((_arg3)=="word") ? " " : ((_arg3)=="sentence") ? "." : _arg3; _local5 = _arg1.split(_arg3); if (_local5.length < _arg2){ return (_arg1); }; _local5.splice(_arg2); return ((_local5.join(_arg3) + _arg4)); } public function Pop(_arg1:String, _arg2):String{ var _local3:int; if (TypeOf(_arg2, "String")){ return (_arg1.split(_arg2).join("")); }; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _arg2.length) { _arg1 = _arg1.split(_arg2[_local3]).join(""); _local3++; }; return (_arg1); } public function NameToString(_arg1:String):String{ return (CharacterConversion(_arg1, ConversionNameList.Next, ConversionNameList.Back)); } public function TraceAll(_arg1):void{ var _local2:String; var _local3:int; _arg1 = CapsuleArray(_arg1); _local2 = ""; while (_local3 < _arg1.length) { Trace(_arg1[_local3]); _local3++; }; } public function GetKeys(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String="Nombre", _arg3=null, _arg4=true){ var _local5:*; var _local6:*; _arg3 = ((_arg3) || ([])); if (typeof(_arg3) == "string"){ _arg3 = [_arg3]; }; if (_arg2 == "Nombre"){ _local5 = 0; } else { if (_arg2 == "Tableau"){ _local5 = []; } else { if (_arg4){ TraceError("MiscTools", "GetClees", [(("\"" + _arg2) + "\" a été mis comme second argument, à savoir le type de valeur renvoyée."), "Ce type de renvoie n'éxiste pas, seules sont pris en compte : \"Nombre\" et \"Tableau\"."]); return (""); }; }; }; for (_local6 in _arg1) { if (_arg3.indexOf(_local6) == -1){ if (_arg2 == "Nombre"){ _local5++; } else { if (_arg2 == "Tableau"){ _local5.push(_local6); }; }; }; }; return (_local5); } public function StringToClass(_arg1:String, _arg2:Boolean=true):Class{ var Chaine = _arg1; var Avertissement = _arg2; try { return ((getDefinitionByName(Chaine) as Class)); } catch(e) { if (Avertissement){ TraceError("MiscTools", "ClasseIs", (("La classe " + Chaine) + " n'existe pas.")); }; }; return (null); } public function TraceIfNotKey(_arg1, _arg2:Array, _arg3:String, _arg4:String, _arg5:String=""):Boolean{ var _local6:Boolean; var _local7:int; _local6 = true; _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < _arg2.length) { if (_arg1[_arg2[_local7]] == null){ TraceError(_arg3, _arg4, (((("La clé «" + _arg2[_local7]) + "» n'a pas été trouvé sur l'objet ") + _arg5) + ".")); _local6 = false; }; _local7++; }; return (_local6); } public function StringToStrings(_arg1:String):Array{ var _local2:Array; var _local3:Array; var _local4:int; var _local5:int; var _local6:String; var _local7:int; var _local8:int; _local2 = _arg1.split(""); _local3 = new Array(); _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _local2.length) { _local5 = _local4; while (_local5 < _local2.length) { _local6 = ""; _local7 = _local5; _local8 = _local4; while (_local8 <= _local7) { _local6 = (_local6 + _local2[_local8]); _local8++; }; _local3.push(_local6); _local5++; }; _local4++; }; return (_local3); } public function MorphNumber(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3=10, _arg4="Constant"):Array{ var _local5:Array; var _local6:Number; var _local7:int; var _local8:int; var _local9:*; var _local10:int; var _local11:int; var _local12:int; var _local13:Array; var _local14:int; var _local15:Array; var _local16:Array; _arg3 = Aspiration(_arg3); _local5 = [_arg1]; if (TypeOf(_arg4, "String")){ _arg4 = StringOrNumber(_arg4); if (TypeOf(_arg4, "String")){ switch (_arg4){ case "Deceleration": _arg4 = [100]; break; case "Acceleration": _arg4 = [-100]; break; default: _arg4 = [0]; break; }; } else { _arg4 = [_arg4]; }; } else { if (TypeOf(_arg4, "Number")){ _arg4 = [_arg4]; }; }; if (_arg4.length == 1){ if (_arg4[0] == 0){ _local8 = 0; while (_local8 < _arg3) { _arg4.push(0); _local8++; }; } else { _arg4 = MorphNumber(_arg4[0], -(_arg4[0]), (_arg3 - 1)); }; } else { _local9 = [_arg4[0]]; _local10 = Math.floor(((_arg3 / 2) / _arg4.length)); _local11 = Math.round((((_arg3 / 2) / _arg4.length) * 2)); if ((_local11 + (_local10 * ((_arg4.length - 1) * 2))) < _arg3){ _local11++; }; _local12 = 1; while (_local12 < _arg4.length) { _local15 = MorphNumber(_arg4[(_local12 - 1)], _arg4[_local12], _local10); _local15.shift(); _local9 = FusionArray(_local9, _local15); _local12++; }; _local13 = MorphNumber(_arg4[(_arg4.length - 1)], -(_arg4[(_arg4.length - 1)]), _local11); _local13.shift(); _local9 = FusionArray(_local9, _local13); _local14 = (_arg4.length - 1); while (_local14 > 0) { _local16 = MorphNumber(-(_arg4[_local14]), -(_arg4[(_local14 - 1)]), _local10); _local16.shift(); _local9 = FusionArray(_local9, _local16); _local14--; }; _arg4 = _local9; }; _local6 = ((_arg2 - _arg1) / _arg3); _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < (_arg3 - 1)) { _local5.push((_local5[(_local5.length - 1)] + (_local6 + ((_local6 * _arg4[_local7]) / 100)))); _local7++; }; _local5.push(_arg2); return (_local5); } public function RandomFrame(_arg1:MovieClip, _arg2:String="Stop", _arg3:int=-1, _arg4:int=0):void{ var _local5:int; _arg3 = ((_arg3)!=-1) ? _arg3 : _arg1.totalFrames; _local5 = (Math.random() * (((_arg3 - _arg4) + 1) + _arg4)); var _local6 = _arg1; _local6[("gotoAnd" + _arg2)](_local5); } public function AverageArray(_arg1:Array):Number{ var _local2:Number; var _local3:*; _local2 = 0; for (_local3 in _arg1) { if (!isNaN(Number(_arg1[_local3]))){ _local2 = (_local2 + Number(_arg1[_local3])); }; }; _local2 = (_local2 / _arg1.length); return (_local2); } public function StringOrNumber(_arg1){ var _local2:*; if (!TypeOf(_arg1, ["Object", "Array"])){ if (!isNaN(Number(_arg1))){ return (Number(_arg1)); }; return (String(_arg1)); //unresolved jump }; for (_local2 in _arg1) { if (TypeOf(_arg1[_local2], ["String", "Number", "Array", "Object"])){ _arg1[_local2] = StringOrNumber(_arg1[_local2]); }; }; return (_arg1); } public function MultipleString(_arg1:String, _arg2:int):String{ var _local3:String; var _local4:int; _local3 = ""; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _arg2) { _local3 = (_local3 + _arg1); _local4++; }; return (_local3); } public function ObjectByKey(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3){ var _local4:*; var _local5:*; var _local6:int; _arg2 = (TypeOf(_arg2, "String")) ? _arg2.split(".") : _arg2; for (_local4 in _arg1) { _local5 = _arg1[_local4]; if (TypeOf(_local5, "Object")){ _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _arg2.length) { if (TypeOf(_local5, "Object")){ if (_local5[_arg2[_local6]] != null){ _local5 = _local5[_arg2[_local6]]; if (_local6 == (_arg2.length - 1)){ if (_local5 == _arg3){ return (_arg1[_local4]); }; }; }; }; _local6++; }; }; }; return (null); } private function DestroyElement_Disparition(_arg1, _arg2=null, _arg3:Boolean=true):void{ if (TypeOf(_arg1.Disparition, "String")){ Disappear(_arg1, _arg1.Disparition); _arg1.Disparition = 0; }; _arg1.Disparition++; if (_arg1.Disparition > 400){ TraceError("MiscTools", "DestroyElement", ((("L'élément " + _arg1.name) + " ne peut pas être détruit car il contient une variable") + " «Disparition».")); }; } public function GetScaleWithout(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3:Object=null):Object{ var _local4:int; var _local5:*; var _local6:int; _arg3 = ((_arg3) || (new Object())); _arg3.centerX = ((_arg3.centerX) || (0)); _arg3.centerY = ((_arg3.centerY) || (0)); _arg2 = CapsuleArray(_arg2); _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _arg2.length) { _arg2[_local4] = {Element:_arg1[_arg2[_local4]], scaleX:_arg1[_arg2[_local4]].scaleX, scaleY:_arg1[_arg2[_local4]].scaleY, x:_arg1[_arg2[_local4]].x, y:_arg1[_arg2[_local4]].y}; _arg2[_local4].Element.scaleX = 0.001; _arg2[_local4].Element.scaleY = 0.001; _arg2[_local4].Element.x = _arg3.centerX; _arg2[_local4].Element.y = _arg3.centerY; _local4++; }; _local5 = {width:_arg1.width, height:_arg1.height}; _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _arg2.length) { _arg2[_local6].Element.scaleX = _arg2[_local6].scaleX; _arg2[_local6].Element.scaleY = _arg2[_local6].scaleX; _arg2[_local6].Element.x = _arg2[_local6].x; _arg2[_local6].Element.y = _arg2[_local6].y; _local6++; }; return (_local5); } public function TraceIfNotBe(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3:String, _arg4:String, _arg5:String=""):Boolean{ var _local6:Boolean; var _local7:int; _arg2 = CapsuleArray(_arg2); _local6 = false; _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < _arg2.length) { if (TypeOf(_arg1, _arg2[_local7])){ _local6 = true; }; _local7++; }; if (!_local6){ TraceError(_arg3, _arg4, (((("L'élément " + _arg5) + " doit être de type ") + _arg2) + ".")); }; return (_local6); } public function RandomKey(_arg1, _arg2=null){ var _local3:Array; var _local4:*; _arg2 = ((_arg2) || (new Array())); _arg2 = CapsuleArray(_arg2); _local3 = new Array(); for (_local4 in _arg1) { if (((!((_arg1[_local4] == null))) && (!(IndexOf(_arg2, _local4))))){ _local3.push(_local4); }; }; return (_arg1[RandomArray(_local3)]); } function AddEvents_MultiAdd(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3:String, _arg4, _arg5:Boolean, _arg6:Object):Boolean{ var _local7:Boolean; var _local8:int; var _local9:Boolean; _local7 = true; _local8 = 0; while (_local8 < _arg2.length) { _arg4 = PasteString(_arg4); if (!TypeOf(_arg2[_local8], "Array")){ _local9 = AddEvents(_arg1, _arg2[_local8], _arg3, _arg4, _arg5, _arg6); } else { _local9 = AddEvents(_arg1, _arg2[_local8][0], ((_arg2[_local8][1]) || (_arg3)), ((_arg2[_local8][2]) || (_arg4)), ((_arg2[_local8][3]) || (_arg5)), ((_arg2[_local8][4]) || (_arg6))); }; _local7 = (_local9) ? _local7 : _local9; _local8++; }; return (_local7); } private function DestroyElement_drOIde(_arg1, _arg2=null, _arg3:Boolean=true):void{ var CheckDrOIde:int; var Cible = _arg1; var Parent = _arg2; var Erreur = _arg3; CheckDrOIde = 0; while (CheckDrOIde < drOIdeScriptList.length) { if (Cible[drOIdeScriptList[CheckDrOIde]] != null){ try { if (!Cible[drOIdeScriptList[CheckDrOIde]].Protection){ RemoveEvents(Cible[drOIdeScriptList[CheckDrOIde]]); Cible[drOIdeScriptList[CheckDrOIde]] = null; }; } catch(e) { }; }; CheckDrOIde = (CheckDrOIde + 1); }; } public function LastView(_arg1):void{ _arg1.parent.addChildAt(_arg1, 0); } public function RandomWord(_arg1=10):String{ var _local2:int; var _local3:String; var _local4:int; var _local5:int; var _local6:Boolean; _arg1 = Aspiration(_arg1); _local2 = Random((_arg1 - 3), (_arg1 + 3), true); _local3 = ""; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _local2) { _local6 = false; while (!(_local6)) { _local5 = Random(0, (AlphabetList.length - 1), true); if (IsEven(_local4)){ if (((((((((((!((_local5 == 0))) && (!((_local5 == 4))))) && (!((_local5 == 8))))) && (!((_local5 == 14))))) && (!((_local5 == 20))))) && (!((_local5 == 24))))){ _local6 = true; }; } else { if ((((((((((((_local5 == 0)) || ((_local5 == 4)))) || ((_local5 == 8)))) || ((_local5 == 14)))) || ((_local5 == 20)))) || ((_local5 == 24)))){ _local6 = true; }; }; }; _local3 = (_local3 + AlphabetList[_local5]); _local4++; }; return (_local3); } public function Td():void{ Trace(RandomWord()); } public function NumberToHexa(_arg1:int):String{ if (_arg1 >= HexadecimalList.length){ return ("F"); }; if (_arg1 < 0){ return ("0"); }; return (HexadecimalList[_arg1]); } public function ChangeView(_arg1, _arg2:int):void{ var Clip = _arg1; var Modification = _arg2; Modification = (Clip.parent.getChildIndex(Clip) + Modification); try { Clip.parent.addChildAt(Clip, Modification); } catch(e) { }; } public function GetAll(_arg1, _arg2:Array=null):Object{ var _local3:Object; var _local4:String; _arg2 = SetDefault(_arg2, ["x", "y", "rotation", "alpha", "visible", "width", "height"]); _local3 = new Object(); for (_local4 in _arg2) { _local3[_arg2[_local4]] = _arg1[_arg2[_local4]]; }; return (_local3); } public function KeyByName(_arg1, _arg2:String){ var Clee:*; var Objet = _arg1; var Nom = _arg2; for (Clee in Objet) { try { if (Objet[Clee][Nom] != null){ return (Clee); }; } catch(e) { }; }; return (null); } public function TotalSet(_arg1, _arg2:String, _arg3, _arg4:int=0):void{ var i:int; var leClip:*; var Clip = _arg1; var NomVariable = _arg2; var Valeur = _arg3; var Parentalite = _arg4; if (Parentalite == 0){ Clip[NomVariable] = Valeur; try { i = 0; while (i < Clip.numChildren) { leClip = Clip.getChildAt(i); if (((!(TypeOf(leClip, "MorphShape"))) && (!(TypeOf(leClip, "Shape"))))){ TotalSet(leClip, NomVariable, Valeur); }; i = (i + 1); }; } catch(e) { }; } else { TotalSet(GetParent(Clip, Parentalite), NomVariable, Valeur); }; } public function ProRataSizeBy(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3:String="Max"):void{ var _local4:Number; _arg2 = Aspiration(_arg2); if (((TypeOf(_arg2, "String")) && ((FindIn(_arg2, "+") == -1)))){ TraceError("MiscTools", "HomotethieBy", [(("La Taille «" + _arg2) + "» n'est pas valide."), "Si vous voulez une taille relative, vous devez mettre au choix : ", "« + » ou « * »."]); } else { if (TypeOf(_arg2, "String")){ _local4 = ((_arg3)=="Max") ? ((_arg1.width)>_arg1.height) ? _arg1.width : _arg1.height : ((_arg1.width)<_arg1.height) ? _arg1.width : _arg1.height; if (FindIn(_arg2, "+")){ _local4 = (_local4 + Number(Pop(_arg2, "+"))); _arg2 = _local4; } else { if (FindIn(_arg2, "*")){ _local4 = (_local4 * Number(Pop(_arg2, "*"))); _arg2 = _local4; }; }; }; if (_arg3 == "Max"){ ProRataSize(_arg1, _arg2, ((_arg1.width)>_arg1.height) ? "width" : "height"); } else { ProRataSize(_arg1, _arg2, ((_arg1.width)>_arg1.height) ? "height" : "width"); }; }; } public function Tn(_arg1:int=-1):void{ if (_arg1 != -1){ TraceNumber = _arg1; }; Trace(TraceNumber); TraceNumber++; } public function RandomLetters(_arg1=10):String{ var _local2:int; var _local3:String; var _local4:int; _arg1 = Aspiration(_arg1); _local2 = Random((_arg1 - 3), (_arg1 + 3), true); _local3 = ""; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _local2) { _local3 = (_local3 + AlphabetList[Random(0, (AlphabetList.length - 1), true)]); _local4++; }; return (_local3); } public function Tr():void{ Trace("————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————"); } private function Eval_LaunchFunction(_arg1:String){ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:*; var _local5:int; _local3 = Eval_CheckElement(_arg1.split("(")[0]); _local4 = Pop(_arg1, [_arg1.split("(")[0], "("]); _local4 = _local4.substr(1, -2).split(","); _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < _local4.length) { _local4[_local5] = Eval_CheckCode(_local4[_local5]); _local5++; }; switch (_local4.length){ case 0: _local2 = _local3(); break; case 1: _local2 = _local3(_local4[0]); break; case 2: _local2 = _local3(_local4[0], _local4[1]); break; case 3: _local2 = _local3(_local4[0], _local4[1], _local4[2]); break; case 4: _local2 = _local3(_local4[0], _local4[1], _local4[2], _local4[3]); break; case 5: _local2 = _local3(_local4[0], _local4[1], _local4[2], _local4[3], _local4[4]); break; case 6: _local2 = _local3(_local4[0], _local4[1], _local4[2], _local4[3], _local4[4], _local4[5]); break; case 7: _local2 = _local3(_local4[0], _local4[1], _local4[2], _local4[3], _local4[4], _local4[5], _local4[6]); break; case 8: _local2 = _local3(_local4[0], _local4[1], _local4[2], _local4[3], _local4[4], _local4[5], _local4[6], _local4[7]); break; case 9: _local2 = _local3(_local4[0], _local4[1], _local4[2], _local4[3], _local4[4], _local4[5], _local4[6], _local4[7], _local4[8]); break; case 10: _local2 = _local3(_local4[0], _local4[1], _local4[2], _local4[3], _local4[4], _local4[5], _local4[6], _local4[7], _local4[8], _local4[9]); break; }; return (_local2); } public function GetSceneName(_arg1=null){ var _local2:Array; if (((_arg1) || (RootLink))){ _arg1 = ((_arg1) || (RootLink)); _local2 = String(_arg1.loaderInfo.url).split("/"); return (_local2[(_local2.length - 1)].split(".swf").join("")); }; TraceError("MiscTools", "GetSceneName", ("Vous devez donner un lien de la scène à la fonction en argument" + "ou une connexion RootLink au script")); return (null); } public function XMLToObject(_arg1, _arg2=""):Object{ var _local3:Object; var _local4:Object; var _local5:String; var _local6:String; var _local7:int; var _local8:String; var _local9:String; var _local10:int; if (_arg2 == ""){ _local3 = new Object(); } else { _local3 = _arg2; }; if (TypeOf(_arg1, "String")){ _arg1 = new XML(_arg1); }; if (_arg1.attributes().length() > 0){ _local3.Parametres = new Object(); _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < _arg1.attributes().length()) { _local3.Parametres[String(_arg1.attributes()[_local7].name())] = _arg1.attributes()[_local7]; _local7++; }; }; _local4 = new Object(); for (_local5 in _arg1.children()) { _local8 = ((_arg1.children()[_local5].@name) || (_arg1.children()[_local5].name())); _local4[_local8] = ((_local4[_local8]) || ({Numero:0})); _local4[_local8].Nombre = ((_local4[_local8].Nombre)==null) ? 1 : (_local4[_local8].Nombre + 1); }; for (_local6 in _arg1.children()) { _local9 = ((_arg1.children()[_local6].@name) || (_arg1.children()[_local6].name())); if (_local4[_local9].Nombre > 1){ _local4[_local9].Numero++; _local9 = (_local9 + _local4[_local9].Numero); }; _local3[_local9] = new Object(); if (NodeNumber(_arg1.children()[_local6]) < 1){ _local3[_local9].Contenu = _arg1.children()[_local6]; if (_arg1.children()[_local6].attributes().length() > 0){ _local3[_local9].Parametres = new Object(); _local10 = 0; while (_local10 < _arg1.children()[_local6].attributes().length()) { _local3[_local9].Parametres[String(_arg1.children()[_local6].attributes()[_local10].name())] = _arg1.children()[_local6].attributes()[_local10]; _local10++; }; }; } else { XMLToObject(_arg1.children()[_local6], _local3[_local9]); }; }; return (_local3); } public function Connexion(_arg1=null, _arg2:Boolean=true):Boolean{ var TheLink = _arg1; var Erreur = _arg2; if (((!(StageLink)) || (!(RootLink)))){ if (TheLink){ try { if (((TheLink.root) && (TheLink.stage))){ StageLink = TheLink.stage; RootLink = TheLink.root; ThisLink = TheLink; if (((RootLink) && (!(IsConnected)))){ RootLink.drOIdeScriptList = ((RootLink.drOIdeScriptList) || (new Array())); RootLink.drOIdeScriptList.push(This); IsConnected = true; }; } else { TraceError("MiscTools", "Connexion", (("Impossible de récupérer le stage ou le root depuis " + TheLink) + "."), Erreur); }; } catch(e) { TraceError("MiscTools", "Connexion", [(("L'élément transmis de type " + TypeOf(TheLink)) + " ne convient pas pour récupérer root et stage."), "Essayer plutôt de transmettre une instance quelconque d'un clip."], Erreur); }; }; }; return (IsConnected); } public function ElementToData(_arg1, _arg2=null, _arg3:String="&", _arg4:String="="):String{ var _local5:String; var _local6:int; _arg2 = ((_arg2) || (["x", "y", "width", "height", "rotation", "alpha"])); _arg2.push("Class"); _arg2.push("Nom"); _local5 = ""; _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _arg2.length) { _local5 = (_local5 + _arg2[_local6]); if (_arg2[_local6] == "Class"){ _local5 = (_local5 + (_arg4 + TypeOf(_arg1))); } else { if (_arg2[_local6] == "Nom"){ _local5 = (_local5 + (_arg4 + _arg1.name)); } else { if (_arg2[_local6] == "width"){ _local5 = (_local5 + (_arg4 + GetRealScale(_arg1).width)); } else { if (_arg2[_local6] == "height"){ _local5 = (_local5 + (_arg4 + GetRealScale(_arg1).height)); } else { _local5 = (_local5 + (_arg4 + _arg1[_arg2[_local6]])); }; }; }; }; if (_local6 != (_arg2.length - 1)){ _local5 = (_local5 + _arg3); }; _local6++; }; return (_local5); } public function SetRandomColor(_arg1, _arg2="", _arg3="", _arg4:String="", _arg5:Boolean=false):String{ return (SetColor(_arg1, RandomHexadecimal(_arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5))); } public function MathCheck(_arg1:Number, _arg2, _arg3:String=""):Boolean{ _arg2 = Aspiration(_arg2); if (_arg3 == ""){ if (!isNaN(Number(String(_arg2).substr(0, 1)))){ _arg3 = "="; } else { _arg3 = String(_arg2).substr(0, 1); _arg2 = String(_arg2).substr(1); }; }; if ((((_arg3 == "=")) || ((_arg3 == "")))){ return ((_arg1 == Number(Aspiration(_arg2)))); }; if (_arg3 == ">"){ return ((_arg1 > Number(Aspiration(_arg2)))); }; if (_arg3 == "<"){ return ((_arg1 <= Number(Aspiration(_arg2)))); }; if (_arg3 == "!"){ return (!((_arg1 == Number(Aspiration(_arg2))))); }; return (false); } public function NearSentence(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:int=1, _arg4:int=3):String{ var _local5:Array; var _local6:Array; var _local7:int; var _local8:int; var _local9:Boolean; var _local10:int; var _local11:Array; var _local12:Array; var _local13:int; var _local14:int; var _local15:Boolean; var _local16:int; if (_arg2 != null){ if (_arg1.split(" ").length == 1){ _local5 = _arg1.toLowerCase().split(""); _local6 = _arg2.toLowerCase().split(""); _local7 = 0; if ((((_local5.length >= (_local6.length - _arg4))) && ((_local5.length <= (_local6.length + _arg4))))){ _local8 = 0; while (_local8 < _local5.length) { if (_local5[_local8] == _local6[_local8]){ _local7++; } else { _local9 = false; _local10 = 1; while (_local10 <= _arg3) { if ((((_local5[_local8] == _local6[(_local8 - _local10)])) || ((_local5[_local8] == _local6[(_local8 + _local10)])))){ _local9 = true; }; _local10++; }; if (_local9){ _local7++; }; }; _local8++; }; if (_local7 >= (_arg1.length - _arg4)){ return (_arg2); }; return (_arg1); } else { return (_arg1); }; } else { _local11 = _arg1.split(" "); _local12 = _arg2.split(" "); _local13 = 0; if ((((_local11.length >= (_local12.length - _arg4))) && ((_local11.length <= (_local12.length + _arg4))))){ _local14 = 0; while (_local14 < _local11.length) { if (_local12[_local14] == NearSentence(_local11[_local14], _local12[_local14])){ _local13++; } else { _local15 = false; _local16 = 1; while (_local16 <= _arg3) { if ((((_local12[(_local14 - _local16)] == NearSentence(_local11[_local14], _local12[(_local14 - _local16)]))) || ((_local12[(_local14 + _local16)] == NearSentence(_local11[_local14], _local12[(_local14 + _local16)]))))){ _local15 = true; }; _local16++; }; if (_local15){ _local13++; }; }; _local14++; }; if (_local13 >= (_local11.length - _arg4)){ return (_arg2); }; return (_arg1); } else { return (_arg1); }; }; //unresolved jump }; return (_arg1); } public function StringToElement(_arg1:String, _arg2=null, _arg3=true, _arg4:String=""){ if (TypeOf(_arg3, "String")){ _arg4 = _arg3; _arg3 = true; }; if (_arg4 != ""){ _arg1 = CharacterConversion(_arg1, _arg4, "."); }; return (ArrayToElement(_arg1.split("."), _arg2, _arg3)); } public function TypeOf(_arg1, _arg2=""){ var VariableIs:String; var TestArray:Array; var Variable = _arg1; var Etat = _arg2; if (Variable == null){ return (null); }; if (typeof(Variable) == "number"){ VariableIs = "Number"; } else { if ((((typeof(Variable) == "string")) || ((typeof(Variable) == "xml")))){ VariableIs = "String"; } else { if (typeof(Variable) == "boolean"){ VariableIs = "Boolean"; } else { if (((!((typeof(Variable) == "object"))) && ((String(Variable) == "function Function() {}")))){ VariableIs = "Function"; } else { if ((((((typeof(Variable) == "object")) && ((String(Variable).split(" ").length == 6)))) || ((((typeof(Variable) == "object")) && ((String(Variable) == "Invalid Date")))))){ VariableIs = "Date"; } else { if (((FindIn(String(Variable), "[class")) && (!(Variable["push"])))){ VariableIs = "Class"; } else { try { if (Variable[0] != null){ VariableIs = "Array"; }; } catch(e) { try { TestArray = Variable; VariableIs = "Array"; } catch(e) { }; }; if ((((String(Variable).length == 0)) && ((typeof(Variable) == "object")))){ VariableIs = "Array"; }; if (VariableIs == null){ VariableIs = GetIn(GetIn(String(Variable), "[object ", 2), "]", 1); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; if (Etat != ""){ if (typeof(Etat) != "object"){ return ((Etat == VariableIs)); }; return ((IndexOf(Etat, VariableIs)) ? true : false); //unresolved jump }; return (VariableIs); } public function TotalNull(_arg1):void{ var _local2:*; for (_local2 in _arg1) { TotalNull(_arg1[_local2]); _arg1[_local2] = null; }; } public function ObjectToGet(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String="&", _arg3:String="="):String{ var _local4:String; var _local5:*; var _local6:Array; _arg2 = ((_arg2) || ("&")); _arg3 = ((_arg3) || ("=")); _local4 = new String(); for (_local5 in _arg1) { _local4 = (_local4 + (((_local5 + _arg3) + _arg1[_local5]) + _arg2)); }; _local6 = _local4.split(_arg2); _local6.pop(); _local4 = _local6.join(_arg2); return (_local4); } public function ChaosArray(_arg1:Array):Array{ var _local2:Array; var _local3:Array; _local2 = new Array(); _local3 = CloneObject(_arg1); while (_local3.length > 0) { _local2.push(RandomArray(_local3, true)); }; return (_local2); } public function TotalModif(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4:String="Nom"):void{ var i:*; var Element = _arg1; var Reference = _arg2; var Valeur = _arg3; var Type = _arg4; try { for (i in Element) { TotalModif(Element[i], Reference, Valeur, Type); if (Type == "Nom"){ if (i == Reference){ Element[i] = Valeur; }; } else { if (Element[i] == Reference){ Element[i] = Valeur; }; }; }; } catch(e) { }; } public function RemoveEvents(_arg1, _arg2=null, _arg3=null, _arg4="", _arg5=true, _arg6:Object=null){ var Levier:Boolean; var LeType:*; var LevierNombre:int; var iEvent:*; var Cible = _arg1; var Fonction = _arg2; var Type = _arg3; var Nom = _arg4; var Protection = _arg5; var Parametres = _arg6; if (Cible){ Parametres = ((Parametres) || (new Object())); try { Cible.CanYouReallyGetItRightNow = true; Cible.CanYouReallyGetItRightNow = null; } catch(e) { Parametres.target = Cible; Cible = AlternateStockEvent; }; if (Cible.EventsObject){ if (TypeOf(Fonction, "Array")){ return (RemoveEvents_MultiAdd(Cible, Fonction, Type, Protection)); }; if (TypeOf(Protection, "Object")){ Parametres = Protection; Protection = true; }; if (TypeOf(Nom, "Object")){ Parametres = Nom; Nom = ""; }; if (TypeOf(Type, "Boolean")){ Protection = Type; Type = null; }; if (Fonction){ if (TypeOf(Fonction, "String")){ Levier = true; if (Cible[Fonction]){ if (TypeOf(Cible[Fonction], "Function")){ Fonction = {Fonction:Fonction, Cible:Cible}; } else { Levier = false; }; } else { Levier = false; }; if (!Levier){ LeType = AddEvents_TypeSetting(Fonction, "Chut"); Nom = (LeType) ? Nom : Fonction; Fonction = null; }; } else { if (TypeOf(Fonction, "Object")){ Fonction = Fonction.Fonction; if (((!(TypeOf(Fonction, "String"))) && ((Nom == "")))){ TraceError("MiscTools", "RemoveEvents", ["Pour pouvoir retirer une événement à partir d'un objet Launch vous devez ", "donner le nom de votre fonction sous forme de string."]); return (0); }; }; }; }; if (Nom != ""){ if (Cible.EventsObject[Nom]){ if (!Cible.EventsObject[Nom].Pause){ ((Parametres.target) || (Cible)).removeEventListener(Cible.EventsObject[Nom].Type, Cible.EventsObject[Nom].SetFonction); }; StockEvent[Cible.EventsObject[Nom].NomStock] = null; Cible.EventsObject[Nom] = null; return (true); } else { TraceError("MiscTools", "RemoveEvents", ((("L'événement nommé \"" + Nom) + "\" n'a pas été trouvé sur ") + TraceElement(Cible, true))); }; } else { if (Type){ Type = AddEvents_TypeSetting(Type, "RemoveEvents"); }; LevierNombre = 0; for (iEvent in Cible.EventsObject) { if (((!((Cible.EventsObject[iEvent] == null))) && (!((iEvent == "Pause"))))){ if (((((((((!(Type)) && (!(Fonction)))) || (((!(Type)) && ((Fonction == Cible.EventsObject[iEvent].GetFonction)))))) || ((((Type == Cible.EventsObject[iEvent].Type)) && (!(Fonction)))))) || ((((Type == Cible.EventsObject[iEvent].Type)) && ((Fonction == Cible.EventsObject[iEvent].GetFonction)))))){ if (((!(Cible.EventsObject[iEvent].Protection)) || (!(Protection)))){ if (!Cible.EventsObject[iEvent].Pause){ ((Parametres.target) || (Cible)).removeEventListener(Cible.EventsObject[iEvent].Type, Cible.EventsObject[iEvent].SetFonction); }; StockEvent[Cible.EventsObject[iEvent].NomStock] = null; Cible.EventsObject[iEvent] = null; LevierNombre = (LevierNombre + 1); }; }; }; }; return (LevierNombre); }; }; } else { TraceError("MiscTools", "RemoveEvents", (Pop(Nom, "Event") + " : La cible n'existe pas.")); }; return (false); } public function CloneObject(_arg1:Object, _arg2=null, _arg3:Array=null){ var _local4:Object; var _local5:*; var _local6:Array; var _local7:int; if (TypeOf(_arg2, "Array")){ _arg3 = _arg2; _arg2 = null; }; if (((((!(TypeOf(_arg1, "Object"))) && (!(TypeOf(_arg1, "Array"))))) && ((_arg2 == null)))){ return (_arg1); }; _arg3 = SetDefault(_arg3, []); if (_arg2 == null){ _local4 = new Object(); } else { _local4 = _arg2; }; if (!TypeOf(_arg1, "Array")){ if (_arg2 == null){ _arg1.DontCloneMeAnymore = true; }; for (_local5 in _arg1) { if (_arg3.indexOf(_local5) == -1){ if (TypeOf(_arg1[_local5], "Object")){ if (!_arg1[_local5].DontCloneMeAnymore){ _local4[_local5] = new Object(); CloneObject(_arg1[_local5], _local4[_local5], _arg3); }; } else { _local4[_local5] = _arg1[_local5]; }; }; }; if (_arg2 == null){ _arg1.DontCloneMeAnymore = null; _local4.DontCloneMeAnymore = null; }; return (_local4); //unresolved jump }; _local6 = new Array(); _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < _arg1.length) { _local6.push(_arg1[_local7]); _local7++; }; return (_local6); } public function GetToObject(_arg1:String, _arg2:String="&", _arg3:String="="):Object{ var _local4:Object; var _local5:Array; var _local6:int; _arg2 = ((_arg2) || ("&")); _arg3 = ((_arg3) || ("=")); _local4 = new Object(); _local5 = _arg1.split(_arg2); _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _local5.length) { _local4[_local5[_local6].split(_arg3)[0]] = Aspiration(_local5[_local6].split(_arg3)[1]); _local6++; }; return (_local4); } public function ArrayToObject(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Object=null):Object{ var _local3:int; _arg2 = ((_arg2) || (new Object())); _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _arg1.length) { if (TypeOf(_arg1[_local3][1], "String")){ TraceError("WorldToools", "ArrayToObject", "L'indicateur du type doit être une classe et non un string."); } else { _arg2[_arg1[_local3][0]] = new _arg1[_local3][1](((_arg1[_local3][2]) || (null))); if (_arg1[_local3][3] != null){ ArrayToObject(_arg1[_local3][3], _arg2[_arg1[_local3][0]]); }; }; _local3++; }; return (_arg2); } public function ShortLaunch_Calcul(_arg1=null):void{ if (_arg1 != null){ if (TraceIfNotKey(_arg1, ["Cible", "Nom", "Valeur", "Operateur"], "MiscTools", "ShortLaunch : Calcul")){ if (_arg1.Operateur == "+"){ _arg1.Cible[_arg1.Nom] = (_arg1.Cible[_arg1.Nom] + _arg1.Valeur); } else { if (_arg1.Operateur == "-"){ _arg1.Cible[_arg1.Nom] = (_arg1.Cible[_arg1.Nom] - _arg1.Valeur); } else { if (_arg1.Operateur == "*"){ _arg1.Cible[_arg1.Nom] = (_arg1.Cible[_arg1.Nom] * _arg1.Valeur); } else { if (_arg1.Operateur == "/"){ _arg1.Cible[_arg1.Nom] = (_arg1.Cible[_arg1.Nom] / _arg1.Valeur); }; }; }; }; }; } else { TraceError("MiscTools", "ShortLaunch : Calcul", "Les arguments n'ont pas été donnés."); }; } public function GetIn(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:int):String{ return (_arg1.split(_arg2, _arg1.length)[(_arg3 - 1)]); } public function RandomHexadecimal(_arg1="", _arg2="", _arg3:String="", _arg4:Boolean=false):String{ var _local5:String; _local5 = ""; if (TypeOf(_arg1, "Boolean")){ _arg4 = _arg1; _arg1 = ""; }; if (_arg1.length > 2){ if (TypeOf(_arg2, "Boolean")){ _arg4 = _arg2; }; _arg2 = (_arg1.split("")[2] + ((_arg1.split("")[3]) || (_arg1.split("")[2]))); if (_arg1.length > 4){ _arg3 = (_arg1.split("")[4] + ((_arg1.split("")[5]) || (_arg1.split("")[4]))); }; _arg1 = (_arg1.split("")[0] + _arg1.split("")[1]); _arg1 = (FindIn(_arg1, "x")) ? "" : _arg1; _arg2 = (FindIn(_arg2, "x")) ? "" : _arg2; _arg3 = (FindIn(_arg3, "x")) ? "" : _arg3; }; if (_arg4){ if (_arg1 == ""){ _local5 = (_local5 + MultipleString(RandomArray(HexadecimalList), 2)); } else { _local5 = (_local5 + _arg1); }; if (_arg2 == ""){ _local5 = (_local5 + MultipleString(RandomArray(HexadecimalList), 2)); } else { _local5 = (_local5 + _arg2); }; if (_arg3 == ""){ _local5 = (_local5 + MultipleString(RandomArray(HexadecimalList), 2)); } else { _local5 = (_local5 + _arg3); }; } else { if (_arg1 == ""){ _local5 = (_local5 + (RandomArray(HexadecimalList) + RandomArray(HexadecimalList))); } else { _local5 = (_local5 + _arg1); }; if (_arg2 == ""){ _local5 = (_local5 + (RandomArray(HexadecimalList) + RandomArray(HexadecimalList))); } else { _local5 = (_local5 + _arg2); }; if (_arg3 == ""){ _local5 = (_local5 + (RandomArray(HexadecimalList) + RandomArray(HexadecimalList))); } else { _local5 = (_local5 + _arg3); }; }; return (_local5); } public function Next(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3=null, _arg4=10, _arg5="Constant", _arg6=null, _arg7:Object=null):void{ var Change:Object; var iChange:*; var Nom = _arg1; var Element = _arg2; var Changement = _arg3; var Vitesse = _arg4; var Transition = _arg5; var Final = _arg6; var Parametres = _arg7; Parametres = ((Parametres) || (new Object())); Parametres.BlendMode = ((Parametres.BlendMode)!=null) ? Parametres.BlendMode : true; if (!TypeOf(Nom, "String")){ Parametres = Final; Final = Transition; Transition = Vitesse; Vitesse = Changement; Changement = Element; Element = Nom; Vitesse = ((Vitesse) || (10)); Transition = ((((Transition == 10)) && ((Final == "Constant")))) ? "Constant" : Transition; Final = ((Final)=="Constant") ? null : Final; Nom = "NextTransition"; }; if (Element[Nom]){ try { RemoveEvents(Element, {Fonction:Nom, Cible:Element}, "ENTER_FRAME", (("Next" + Nom) + "Loop")); } catch(e) { }; }; Change = (Element[(Nom + "Change")] = CloneObject(Changement)); Element[(Nom + "Final")] = Final; if (((IsKey(Changement, "alpha")) && (Parametres.BlendMode))){ Element.blendMode = "layer"; } else { if (IsKey(Changement, "alpha")){ Element.blendMode = "normal"; }; }; for (iChange in Change) { Change[iChange] = MorphNumber(Element[iChange], Aspiration(Change[iChange]), Aspiration(Vitesse), Transition); }; Element[Nom] = function (_arg1:Event){ var _local2:*; var _local3:Object; var _local4:*; var _local5:*; _local2 = _arg1.target; _local3 = _local2[(Nom + "Change")]; _local4 = _local2[(Nom + "Final")]; for (_local5 in _local3) { if (_local3[_local5] != null){ _local2[_local5] = _local3[_local5][0]; _local3[_local5].shift(); if (_local3[_local5].length <= 0){ _local3[_local5] = null; }; }; }; if (LengthObject(_local3) <= 0){ RemoveEvents(_local2, {Fonction:Nom, Cible:Element}, "ENTER_FRAME", (("Next" + Nom) + "Loop")); _local2[Nom] = null; Launch(_local4); }; }; AddEvents(Element, Element[Nom], "ENTER_FRAME", (("Next" + Nom) + "Loop")); } public function PushObject(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String, _arg3=""){ var _local4:int; _local4 = 1; while (true) { if (!_arg1[(_arg2 + _local4)]){ return ((_arg1[(_arg2 + _local4)] = ((_arg3)!="") ? _arg3 : new Object())); }; _local4++; }; return (null); } public function ScrubString(_arg1:String, _arg2:String=" "):String{ var _local3:String; var _local4:int; _local3 = ""; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _arg1.length) { _local3 = (_local3 + _arg2); _local4++; }; return (_local3); } private function Eval_CheckCode(_arg1:String){ _arg1 = Eval_CleanCode(_arg1); if (!isNaN(Number(_arg1))){ return (Number(_arg1)); }; if ((((_arg1.split("")[0] == "'")) && ((GetLastOf(_arg1.split("")) == "'")))){ return (Pop(_arg1, "'")); }; if ((((_arg1.split("")[0] == "\"")) && ((GetLastOf(_arg1.split("")) == "\"")))){ return (Pop(_arg1, "\"")); }; return (Eval_CheckElement(_arg1)); } public function RandomArray(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Boolean=false){ var _local3:int; var _local4:*; _local3 = (Math.random() * _arg1.length); _local4 = _arg1[_local3]; if (_arg2){ _arg1.splice(_local3, 1); }; return (_local4); } public function StringToName(_arg1:String):String{ return (CharacterConversion(_arg1, ConversionNameList.Back, ConversionNameList.Next)); } public function GetAngle(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3=0):Number{ return ((((Math.atan2((_arg2.y - _arg1.y), (_arg2.x - _arg1.x)) * 180) / Math.PI) + Aspiration(_arg3))); } private function SetNumberPrototype():void{ Number.prototype.Decade = function (_arg1:int=2):String{ return (DecadeNumber(this, _arg1)); }; Number.prototype.IsEven = function ():Boolean{ return (IsEven(this)); }; Number.prototype.IsBetween = function (_arg1, _arg2=null):Boolean{ return (IsBetween(this, _arg1, _arg2)); }; Number.prototype.Near = function (_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number=1):Boolean{ return (NearEqual(this, _arg1, _arg2)); }; Number.prototype.Random = function (_arg1=1, _arg2=false, _arg3:String="Ensemble"):Number{ return (Random(this, _arg1, _arg2, _arg3)); }; Number.prototype.MathOperator = function (_arg1, _arg2:String=""):Number{ return (MathOperator(this, _arg1, _arg2)); }; Number.prototype.Round = function (_arg1:Number=0, _arg2:String="round"):Number{ return (Round(this, _arg1, _arg2)); }; Number.prototype.EqualNear = function (_arg1, _arg2:Number=100):Number{ return (EqualNear(this, _arg1, _arg2)); }; Number.prototype.Bump = function (_arg1=NaN, _arg2:Number=NaN):Number{ return (BumpNumber(this, _arg1, _arg2)); }; Number.prototype.CutDivision = function (_arg1:Number=2):Array{ return (CutDivision(this, _arg1)); }; Number.prototype.GoTo = function (_arg1:Number, _arg2=10):Number{ return (NumberGoTo(this, _arg1, _arg2)); }; } public function DeleteFromArray(_arg1:Array, _arg2=null):Array{ var _local3:int; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _arg1.length) { if (_arg2 == null){ if ((((_arg1[_local3] == null)) || ((_arg1[_local3] == undefined)))){ _arg1.splice(_local3, 1); _local3--; }; } else { if (_arg1[_local3] == _arg2){ _arg1.splice(_local3, 1); _local3--; }; }; _local3++; }; return (_arg1); } public function IsDrOIde(_arg1):Boolean{ return (IndexOf(drOIdeScriptList, Pop(TypeOf(_arg1), drOIdeModuleList))); } public function AnimationScroll(_arg1, _arg2:Number=1):void{ if ((_arg1.currentFrame + _arg2) >= (_arg1.totalFrames + 1)){ _arg2 = (_arg2 - (_arg1.totalFrames - _arg1.currentFrame)); _arg1.gotoAndStop(((_arg2)<=_arg1.totalFrames) ? _arg2 : CutDivision(_arg2, _arg1.totalFrames)[1]); } else { if ((_arg1.currentFrame + _arg2) <= 0){ _arg2 = (_arg2 + _arg1.currentFrame); _arg1.gotoAndStop(((-(_arg2))<_arg1.totalFrames) ? (_arg1.totalFrames + _arg2) : (_arg1.totalFrames - CutDivision(-(_arg2), _arg1.totalFrames)[1])); } else { _arg1.gotoAndStop((_arg1.currentFrame + _arg2)); }; }; } public function GetEncryption(_arg1:int=10):String{ var _local2:String; var _local3:int; _local2 = ""; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _arg1) { _local2 = (_local2 + DecadeNumber(Random(0, 99, true))); if (_local3 != (_arg1 - 1)){ _local2 = (_local2 + "-"); }; _local3++; }; return (_local2); } public function IsBetween(_arg1:Number, _arg2, _arg3=null):Boolean{ if (TypeOf(_arg2, "Array")){ _arg3 = _arg2[1]; _arg2 = _arg2[0]; }; if ((((_arg1 < _arg3)) && ((_arg1 > _arg2)))){ return (true); }; return (false); } private function SetStringPrototype():void{ String.prototype.GetIn = function (_arg1:String, _arg2:int=1):String{ return (GetIn(this, _arg1, _arg2)); }; String.prototype.FindIn = function (_arg1:String):Number{ return (FindIn(this, _arg1)); }; String.prototype.Multiple = function (_arg1:int):String{ return (MultipleString(this, _arg1)); }; String.prototype.NearSentence = function (_arg1:String, _arg2:int=1, _arg3:int=3):String{ return (NearSentence(this, _arg1, _arg2, _arg3)); }; String.prototype.Pop = function (_arg1):String{ return (Pop(this, _arg1)); }; String.prototype.PopBetween = function (_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:String=""):String{ return (PopBetween(this, _arg1, _arg2, _arg3)); }; String.prototype.PopAfter = function (_arg1:int=30, _arg2:String="character", _arg3:String="..."):String{ return (PopAfter(this, _arg1, _arg2, _arg3)); }; String.prototype.Reverse = function ():String{ return (ReverseString(this)); }; String.prototype.NameCase = function ():String{ return (NameCase(this)); }; String.prototype.ConcatUnicite = function (_arg1:String, _arg2=""):String{ return (ConcatUnicite(this, _arg1, _arg2)); }; String.prototype.Paste = function ():String{ return (PasteString(this)); }; String.prototype.Trim = function (_arg1:String="_"):String{ return (TrimSpace(this, _arg1)); }; String.prototype.Scrub = function (_arg1:String="_"):String{ return (ScrubString(this, _arg1)); }; String.prototype.Conversion = function (_arg1, _arg2):String{ return (CharacterConversion(this, _arg1, _arg2)); }; String.prototype.Loop = function (_arg1, _arg2:String, _arg3:String="Debut"):String{ return (CharacterLoop(this, _arg1, _arg2, _arg3)); }; String.prototype.Correction = function (_arg1:String="_"):String{ return (CorrectionSentence(this, _arg1)); }; } function AddEvents_ObjectSetting(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4:String, _arg5:Boolean, _arg6:Object):void{ var EventObject:Object; var Levier:Boolean; var NomStock:String; var NomStockB:String; var Cible = _arg1; var Fonction = _arg2; var Type = _arg3; var Nom = _arg4; var IsLaunch = _arg5; var Parametres = _arg6; Cible.EventsObject = ((Cible.EventsObject) || ({Pause:false})); if (Cible.EventsObject[Nom]){ RemoveEvents(((Parametres.target) || (Cible)), Nom); }; Cible.EventsObject[Nom] = {Fonction:Fonction, Type:Type, Cible:Cible, Nom:Nom, Parametres:Parametres}; EventObject = Cible.EventsObject[Nom]; SetAll(EventObject, Parametres); Levier = !(IsLaunch); if (Fonction){ if (IsLaunch){ EventObject.Fonction = Launch(Fonction, "GetFunction"); if (EventObject.Fonction){ Levier = true; }; }; } else { Levier = false; }; if (Levier){ if (!IsLaunch){ if (!Cible.EventsObject.Pause){ ((Parametres.target) || (Cible)).addEventListener(Type, Fonction); }; EventObject.SetFonction = Fonction; EventObject.GetFonction = Fonction; NomStock = (Nom + RandomWord()); StockEvent[NomStock] = EventObject; EventObject.NomStock = NomStock; } else { EventObject.InitialFonction = function (_arg1):void{ if (!Launch(Fonction)){ Launch(Fonction, [_arg1]); }; }; if (!Cible.EventsObject.Pause){ ((Parametres.target) || (Cible)).addEventListener(Type, EventObject.InitialFonction); }; EventObject.SetFonction = EventObject.InitialFonction; EventObject.GetFonction = (TypeOf(Fonction, "Function")) ? Fonction : Fonction.Fonction; NomStockB = (Nom + RandomWord()); StockEvent[NomStockB] = EventObject; EventObject.NomStock = NomStockB; }; } else { TraceError("MiscTools", "AddEvents", [("Impossible d'appliquer l'événement à l'élément " + TraceElement(Cible, true)), (("La fonction indiquée pour le type d'événement \"" + Type) + "\" n'existe pas."), ((("Cet Event est nommé \"" + Pop(Nom, "Event")) + "\" ( Si vous n'avez indiqué aucun nom, ce dernier") + " a été donné par défaut. )")]); }; } public function ObjectToXML(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String="XML"):String{ var _local3:String; var _local4:*; _local3 = (("<" + _arg2) + ">"); for (_local4 in _arg1) { if (((!((_arg1[_local4] == null))) && (!((_arg1[_local4] == undefined))))){ if (TypeOf(_arg1[_local4], "Object")){ _local3 = (_local3 + ObjectToXML(_arg1[_local4], _local4)); } else { if (TypeOf(_arg1[_local4], "Array")){ _local3 = (_local3 + (((((("<" + _local4) + ">") + _arg1[_local4].join(",")) + "</") + _local4) + ">")); } else { _local3 = (_local3 + (((((("<" + _local4) + ">") + String(_arg1[_local4])) + "</") + _local4) + ">")); }; }; }; }; _local3 = (_local3 + (("</" + _arg2) + ">")); return (_local3); } public function Disappear(_arg1, _arg2:String="Alpha", _arg3:Number=20, _arg4="Constant"):void{ var Destruction:*; var Clip = _arg1; var Type = _arg2; var Vitesse = _arg3; var Transition = _arg4; switch (FindIn(Type, " ")){ case 2: Transition = Type.split(" ")[2]; Vitesse = Number(Type.split(" ")[1]); Type = Type.split(" ")[0]; break; case 1: Vitesse = Number(Type.split(" ")[1]); Type = Type.split(" ")[0]; break; }; Destruction = function ():void{ DestroyElement(Clip); }; Next("NextDisappear", Clip, ((Type)=="Taille") ? {scaleX:0, scaleY:0} : {alpha:0}, Vitesse, Transition, Destruction); } public function Crash(_arg1=""):void{ Tr(); Trace(("Crash automatique" + ((_arg1)!="") ? (" Pour les raisons suivantes : " + _arg1) : "")); Tr(); Crash["MethodeInexistante"].test(); } public function GetParent(_arg1, _arg2:int=1){ var _local3:*; var _local4:int; _local3 = _arg1; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _arg2) { _local3 = _local3.parent; _local4++; }; return ((_local3 as MovieClip)); } public function GetNearValue(_arg1, _arg2:String="", _arg3=3, _arg4:String="Nom"){ var _local5:Array; var _local6:int; _arg2 = ((_arg2)=="") ? _arg1.name : _arg2; if (TypeOf(_arg3, "String")){ _arg4 = _arg3; _arg3 = 3; }; _local5 = StringToStrings(_arg2); _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _local5.length) { if (_local5[_local6].length >= _arg3){ if (_arg1[_local5[_local6]]){ if (_arg4 == "Nom"){ return (_local5[_local6]); }; return (_arg1[_local5[_local6]]); }; }; _local6++; }; if (_arg4 == "Nom"){ return (""); }; return (null); } private function Eval_CheckElement(_arg1:String){ if (getDefinitionByName(_arg1)){ return (getDefinitionByName(_arg1)); }; return (StringToElement(_arg1, RootInstant)); } function Launch_ArgumentsCompilation(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4:Boolean):void{ var _local5:int; var _local6:int; if (_arg1){ if (((_arg2) || (_arg3))){ if (_arg2){ _arg2 = CapsuleArray(_arg2); _local5 = (_arg2.length - 1); while (_local5 >= 0) { _arg1.Arguments.unshift(_arg2[_local5]); _local5--; }; }; if (_arg3){ _arg3 = CapsuleArray(_arg3); _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _arg3.length) { _arg1.Arguments.push(_arg3[_local6]); _local6++; }; }; }; }; } public function SetDefault(_arg1, _arg2=undefined){ var Type:String; var Argument = _arg1; var Defaut = _arg2; Type = ""; try { Type = TypeOf(Argument); } catch(e) { }; if ((((((Argument == null)) || ((Argument == undefined)))) || ((((Argument == "")) && (!((Type == "Number"))))))){ if (Defaut != undefined){ return (Defaut); }; return (false); //unresolved jump }; return (Argument); } private function DestroyElement_drOIdeLink(_arg1, _arg2=null, _arg3:Boolean=true):void{ var _local4:int; if (_arg1.drOIdeType == "Video"){ _arg1.Stop(); }; if (_arg1.Link2HitProcess){ if (HitLink){ HitLink.RemoveBody(_arg1.Link2HitProcess); } else { TraceError("MiscTools", "DestroyElement", ["Attention! Des éléments reliés au HitProcess sont détruits par le DestroyElement sans", "que le HitLink n'ai été donné en liaison à la MiscTools.", "Vous devez donner le lien vers le HitLink à la MiscTools ou il risque d'y avoir un", "calcul exponentiel du côté du HitProcess."], _arg3); }; }; if (_arg1.Link2KeyboardPort){ if (KeyboardLink){ _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _arg1.Link2KeyboardPort.length) { KeyboardLink.RemoveKeyEvent(_arg1.Link2KeyboardPort[_local4]); _local4++; }; } else { TraceError("MiscTools", "DestroyElement", ["Attention! Des éléments reliés au KeyboardPort sont détruits par le DestroyElement sans", "que le KeyboardLink n'ai été donné en liaison à la MiscTools.", "Vous devez donner le lien vers le KeyboardLink à la MiscTools ou le appels de touches", "continueront à être calculer et utiliseront de la ressource."], _arg3); }; }; if (_arg1.Link2DeepCamera){ _arg1.Link2DeepCamera.RemoveActor(_arg1); }; } private function SetArrayPrototype():void{ Array.prototype.Most = function (){ return (MostArray(this)); }; Array.prototype.Random = function (_arg1:Boolean=false){ return (RandomArray(this, _arg1)); }; Array.prototype.Average = function ():Number{ return (AverageArray(this)); }; Array.prototype.Order = function (_arg1:String="Taille"):Array{ return (OrderArray(this, _arg1)); }; Array.prototype.Rythm = function (_arg1:String="Taille"):String{ return (RythmArray(this, _arg1)); }; Array.prototype.GetLast = function (){ return (GetLastOf(this)); }; Array.prototype.PushAt = function (_arg1, _arg2:int):Array{ return (PushAt(this, _arg2, _arg1, true)); }; Array.prototype.PushUnicite = function (_arg1):Boolean{ return (PushUnicite(this, _arg1)); }; Array.prototype.Delete = function (_arg1=null):Array{ return (DeleteFromArray(this, _arg1)); }; Array.prototype.Unicite = function ():Array{ return (UniciteArray(this)); }; Array.prototype.Chaos = function ():Array{ return (ChaosArray(this)); }; Array.prototype.ObjectOrder = function (_arg1:String, _arg2:String="Croissant"):Array{ return (ObjectOrderArray(this, _arg1, _arg2)); }; String.prototype.Capsule = (Number.prototype.Capsule = (Boolean.prototype.Capsule = (Object.prototype.Capsule = (MovieClip.prototype.Capsule = (Array.prototype.Capsule = function ():Array{ return (CapsuleArray(this)); }))))); } public function Keep(_arg1, _arg2:String, _arg3=null, _arg4:String="Negatif", _arg5:Number=1):void{ var Element = _arg1; var Etat = _arg2; var Cible = _arg3; var Type = _arg4; var Divisible = _arg5; Cible = ((Cible) || (Element.parent)); Element[("Keep" + Etat)] = new Object(); Element[("Keep" + Etat)].Memory = Element[Etat]; Element[("Keep" + Etat)].MemoryCible = Cible[Etat]; Element[("Keep" + Etat)].Type = Type; Element[("Keep" + Etat)].Divisible = Divisible; Element[("Keeping" + Etat)] = function (_arg1:Event){ var _local2:*; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; _local2 = _arg1.target; if (_local2[("Keep" + Etat)].Type == "Negatif"){ _local2[Etat] = (((Cible[Etat] - _local2[("Keep" + Etat)].MemoryCible) * -(_local2[("Keep" + Etat)].Divisible)) - _local2[("Keep" + Etat)].Memory); } else { if (_local2[("Keep" + Etat)].Type == "Proportionnel"){ _local3 = _local2.rotation; _local4 = Cible.rotation; _local2.rotation = 0; Cible.rotation = 0; _local2[Etat] = (_local2[("Keep" + Etat)].Memory / (Cible[Etat] / _local2[("Keep" + Etat)].MemoryCible)); _local2[Etat] = (_local2[Etat] + ((Element[("Keep" + Etat)].Memory - _local2[Etat]) * _local2[("Keep" + Etat)].Divisible)); _local2.rotation = _local3; Cible.rotation = _local4; }; }; }; AddEvents(Element, {Fonction:("Keeping" + Etat), Cible:Element}, "ENTER_FRAME"); } public function Nothing():void{ } public function GetOn(_arg1){ if (TypeOf(_arg1, "Object")){ return (_arg1.Cible[_arg1.Valeur]); }; return (_arg1[0][_arg1[1]]); } public function GetRealScale(_arg1):Object{ var _local2:Number; var _local3:Object; _local2 = _arg1.rotation; _arg1.rotation = 0; _local3 = {width:_arg1.width, height:_arg1.height}; _arg1.rotation = _local2; return (_local3); } public function ForEachKey(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3:String=""):void{ var _local4:*; if (TypeOf(_arg1, "Object")){ for (_local4 in _arg1) { ForEachKey(_arg1[_local4], _arg2, _local4); }; } else { Launch(_arg2, [{Valeur:_arg1, Nom:_arg3}]); }; } function Launch_MultiLaunch(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4:Boolean):Boolean{ var _local5:Boolean; var _local6:int; var _local7:Boolean; _local5 = true; _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _arg1.length) { _local7 = Launch(_arg1[_local6], _arg2, _arg3, _arg4); _local5 = (_local7) ? _local5 : false; _local6++; }; return (_local5); } public function OrderAlphabet(_arg1:String, _arg2:String):String{ var _local3:Array; var _local4:Array; var _local5:int; _local3 = _arg1.toLowerCase().split(""); _local4 = _arg2.toLowerCase().split(""); _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < _local3.length) { if (((!((_local4[_local5] == null))) && (!((_local4[_local5] == undefined))))){ if (AlphabetFullList.indexOf(_local3[_local5]) < AlphabetFullList.indexOf(_local4[_local5])){ return (_arg1); }; if (AlphabetFullList.indexOf(_local3[_local5]) > AlphabetFullList.indexOf(_local4[_local5])){ return (_arg2); }; } else { return (_arg2); }; _local5++; }; return (_arg1); } public function OrderArray(_arg1:Array, _arg2:String="Taille"):Array{ var _local3:Array; var _local4:Array; var _local5:int; var _local6:int; var _local7:int; var _local8:int; var _local9:int; _local3 = new Array(); _local4 = CloneObject(_arg1); if (_arg2 == "Taille"){ while (_local4.length) { _local5 = 0; _local6 = 0; _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < _local4.length) { if (TypeOf(_local4[_local7], "String")){ if (_local4[_local7].length > _local5){ _local5 = _local4[_local7].length; _local6 = _local7; }; } else { _local4.splice(_local7, 1); _local7--; }; _local7++; }; _local3.push(_local4[_local6]); _local4.splice(_local6, 1); }; }; if (_arg2 == "Alphabet"){ while (_local4.length) { _local8 = 0; _local9 = 1; while (_local9 < _local4.length) { if (_local4[_local8] != OrderAlphabet(_local4[_local8], _local4[_local9])){ _local8 = _local9; }; _local9++; }; _local3.push(_local4[_local8]); _local4.splice(_local8, 1); }; }; return (_local3); } public function NearEqual(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number=1):Boolean{ if ((((_arg1 <= (_arg2 + _arg3))) && ((_arg1 >= (_arg2 - _arg3))))){ return (true); }; return (false); } public function Launch(_arg1, _arg2=null, _arg3=null, _arg4:Boolean=true){ var _local5:*; if (_arg1){ _local5 = _arg1; if (TypeOf(_arg1, "Array")){ return (Launch_MultiLaunch(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4)); }; _arg1 = Launch_ElementCompilation(_arg1, _arg4); if (_arg2 == "GetFunction"){ if (TypeOf(_arg1, "Object")){ return (_arg1.Fonction); }; return (_arg1); }; Launch_ArgumentsCompilation(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4); return (Launch_Launch(_arg1, _arg4, _local5)); }; return (false); } public function TraceError(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3, _arg4:Boolean=true):String{ var _local5:Array; _arg3 = CapsuleArray(_arg3); if (!Silence){ _local5 = ["——————————————————————————————————————————————————————", ((("Erreur dans la fonction " + _arg2) + "() de ") + _arg1), ("Erreur provoquée par " + TypeOf(this))]; _local5 = FusionArray(_local5, _arg3); _local5 = FusionArray(_local5, ["——————————————————————————————————————————————————————"]); if (_arg4){ TraceAll(_local5); }; return (_local5.join("\r")); }; return (""); } public function MathOperator(_arg1:Number, _arg2, _arg3:String=""):Number{ _arg2 = Aspiration(_arg2); if (_arg3 == ""){ if (!isNaN(Number(String(_arg2).substr(0, 1)))){ _arg3 = "="; } else { _arg3 = String(_arg2).substr(0, 1); _arg2 = String(_arg2).substr(1); }; }; if (_arg3 == "="){ _arg1 = Number(Aspiration(_arg2)); } else { if (_arg3 == "+"){ _arg1 = (_arg1 + Number(Aspiration(_arg2))); } else { if (_arg3 == "-"){ _arg1 = (_arg1 - Number(Aspiration(_arg2))); } else { if (_arg3 == "/"){ _arg1 = (_arg1 / Number(Aspiration(_arg2))); } else { if (_arg3 == "*"){ _arg1 = (_arg1 * Number(Aspiration(_arg2))); }; }; }; }; }; return (_arg1); } function RemoveEvents_MultiAdd(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4:Boolean):int{ var _local5:int; var _local6:int; _local5 = 0; _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _arg2.length) { if (!TypeOf(_arg2[_local6], "Array")){ if (RemoveEvents(_arg1, _arg2[_local6], _arg3, "", _arg4)){ _local5++; }; } else { if (RemoveEvents(_arg1, _arg2[_local6][0], ((_arg2[_local6][1]) || (_arg3)), "", ((_arg2[_local6][3])!=null) ? _arg2[_local6][3] : _arg4)){ _local5++; }; }; _local6++; }; return (_local5); } private function Eval_CleanCode(_arg1:String):String{ return (TrimSpace(_arg1, " ")); } public function TotalLaunch(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3=null, _arg4=null):void{ var i:int; var leClip:*; var Clip = _arg1; var Fonction = _arg2; var ArgumentsSupplantes = _arg3; var ArgumentsAdditifs = _arg4; if (!TypeOf(Fonction, "Object")){ Fonction = {Fonction:Fonction}; }; Fonction.Cible = ((Fonction.Element)==null) ? Clip : Clip[Fonction.Element]; Launch(Fonction, ArgumentsSupplantes, ArgumentsAdditifs, false); try { i = 0; while (i < Clip.numChildren) { leClip = Clip.getChildAt(i); try { TotalLaunch(leClip, Fonction, ArgumentsSupplantes, ArgumentsAdditifs); } catch(e) { }; i = (i + 1); }; } catch(e) { }; } private function DestroyElement_LinkIn(_arg1, _arg2=null, _arg3:Boolean=true):void{ var _local4:*; var _local5:int; if (_arg1.LinkIn){ if (TypeOf(_arg1.LinkIn, "Object")){ for (_local4 in _arg1.LinkIn) { DestroyElement(_arg1.LinkIn[_local4]); }; } else { if (TypeOf(_arg1.LinkIn, "Array")){ _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < _arg1.LinkIn.length) { DestroyElement(_arg1.LinkIn[_local5]); _local5++; }; } else { DestroyElement(_arg1.LinkIn); }; }; }; } } }//package drOIde.GlobalSection 207//MiscTools_Obsolete (drOIde.Global.MiscTools_Obsolete) package drOIde.Global { import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import flash.text.*; import drOIde.VorteX.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.utils.*; public class MiscTools_Obsolete extends Vortex { public var RootLink;// = null public var TransitionCountdown:MovieClip; public var Silence:Boolean;// = false public var TransitionRebours:MovieClip; public var KeyboardLink; private var StockElementsIntervale:Object; private var TraceNumber:int;// = 0 public var IsConnected;// = false public var ObsoleteFunctionList:Object; public var drOIdeLink:Object; private var AlternateStockEvent:Object; public var ConversionNameList:Object; public var AddObsolete:Function; private var StockEvent:Object; public var drOIdeModule:Array; public var SpecialContent:Object; public var AlphabetList:Array; public var ConversionSpecialList:Object; public var PointCentral; public var PointCenter; public var HitLink; public var TableauHexadecimal:Array; public var EventList:Object; public var ConteneurSpecial:Object; private var EventNameList:Object; public var drOIdeScriptList:Array; private var TransitionEvenements:Object; public var ColorList:Object; public var ObjectConversionOn:Array; public var ObjectConversionUltimeOff:Array; public var THIS; public var Alphabet:Array; public var TransitionInstant:MovieClip; public var This; private var StockNormalEvents:Object; public var Protection:Boolean;// = false private var StockIntervalEvents:Object; public var HexadecimalList:Array; private var StockElementsEvenement:Object; public var TraceEffect;// = "" public var ObjectConversionOff:Array; public var Evenements:Object; public var drOIdeScripts:Array; public var drOIdeModuleList:Array; private var StockEvents:Array; public var ObjectConversionUltimeOn:Array; public var StageLink;// = null public var TableauCouleurs:Object; public function MiscTools_Obsolete():void{ ConteneurSpecial = new Object(); ObsoleteFunctionList = {PoppingEspace:"TrimSpace()", ConversionCaractère:"CharacterConversion()", BoucleCaractère:"CharacterLoop()", Extract:"GetIn()", RandomLettres:"RandomLetters()", RandomMot:"RandomWord()", Near:"NearSentence()", HighLowCase:"NameCase()", Gommage:"ScrubString()", CopieString:"PasteString()", HardPop:"PopBetween()", CleeCryptee:"GetEncryption()", Fluidite:("NumberGoTo(), Attention ! La méthode ne renvoie plus la valeur entre les deux" + " mais la nouvelle valeur du premier chiffre passé la modification."), EstPair:"IsEven()", Arrondie:"Round()", BumpNum:"BumpNumber()", NearEgal:"NearEqual()", ValeurBetween:"NumberBetween()", CalculOperateur:"MathOperator()", TabOrdreObjet:"ObjectOrderArray()", FreshArray:"DeleteFromArray()", IsInArray:"IndexOf()", NoDouble:"UniciteArray()", TakeOn:"GetOn()", AbsolutNull:"TotalNull()", AbsolutModif:"TotalModif()", TreatmentObject:"ForEachKey()", FullModificationObject:"TotalChangeObject()", MassiveKey:"MultiPushObject()", GetClees:"GetKeys()", WayObject:"StringToKey()", GetChemin:"StringToKey()", Search:"ElementToElement()", RealScale:("GetRealScale(), Attention ! La méthode ne renvoie plus l'une des deux valeurs" + " mais un objet contenant width et height."), Annihilation:"DestroyElement()", ForAllClipIn:"ForEachChild()", AbsolutStop:"TotalStop()", AbsolutPlay:"TotalPlay()", AbsolutGotoAndPlay:"TotalGotoAndPlay()", AbsolutGotoAndStop:"TotalGotoAndStop()", Absolut:"GetTotal()", Defile:"AnimationScroll()", Parental:"GetParent()", AbsolutIsPlaying:"TotalIsPlaying()", AbsolutPause:"TotalPause()", MyWay:"ElementToString()", AbsolutGift:"TotalSet()", FindChild:"GetTheChild()", ParamBoolean:"ValueBoolean()", TextNextTransition:"TextNextTransition() du Script TextProcess", TextTransition:"TextTransition() du Script TextProcess", Homotethie:"ProRataSize()", HomotethieBy:"ProRataSizeBy()", GoDirection:"SetDirectionTo() Attention! Les deux seconds arguments ont été inversés!!!", NextColor:"SetNextColor()", Assombrie:"SetDarkerColor()", Eclaircie:"SetClearerColor()", SetRandomNearColor:"SetNearColor()", AngleFluide:"AngleGoTo()", RealScaleMod:"SetRealScale()", DisparitionAlpha:"Disappear( monClip , \"Alpha\" )", DisparitionTaille:"Disappear( monClip , \"Taille\" )", PremierPlan:"FirstView()", DernierPlan:"LastView()", ModifiePlan:"ChangeView()", PlanBy:"ViewBy()", Duplicate:"NewCopyCat() du script ElementTools", IsLiaison:"ApplyLinkEffect()", Repulse:"ApplyRepulseEffect()", InsertBump:"AddBump()", TakeAll:"SetAll()", TakeAllPerfect:"SetAll( monElement , mesModifs , mesRejets , { Unicite:true } )", ExtractAll:"GetAll()", Mimetisme:"CopyValue() sur le script ElementTools", AnimaMimetisme:"CopyAnimation() sur le script ElementTools", EventsMimetisme:"CopyEvent() sur le script ElementTools", DefaultNotVoid:"SetDefault()", MultiLaunch:"Rien, cette fonction n'avait aucun sens, Utilise Launch() !", FullLaunch:"Launch( [ maFonction1 , maFonction2 , etc. ] )", AbsolutLaunch:"TotalLaunch()", Rebours:"CountdownLaunch()", MultiRebours:"CountdownLaunch( [ maFonction1 , maFonction2 , etc. ] )", Instant:"InstantLaunch()", FocusSur:"FocusOn() du script TextProcess", Array2Object:"ArrayToObject", Object2Array:"ObjectToArray()", Number2Hexa:"NumberToHexa()", Hexa2Number:"HexaToNumber()", Array2Element:"ArrayToElement()", Element2Array:"ElementToArray()", String2Element:"StringToElement()", Element2String:"ElementToString()", DataElement:"ElementToData()", ChainString:"NumberToLetter()", GetChemin:"StringToKey()", Search:"ElementToElement()", String2Name:"StringToName()", Name2String:"NameToString()", String2Special:"StringToSpecial()", Special2String:"SpecialToString()", ObjectGet:"GetToObject()", GetObject:"ObjectToGet()", ClasseIs:"StringToClass()", ClasseTo:"ElementToClass()", RegardTo:"GetAngle()", GimmeDistance:"GetDistance()", GoAngle:"GetDirectionTo()", Exceed:"Rien, cette méthode est naze", InDirection:"IsInDirection()", AddEvents:"la méthode remixée prévue pour la remplacé, pour l'instant nommée AddEvents2()", RemoveEvents:"la méthode remixée prévue pour la remplacé, pour l'instant nommée RemoveEvents2()", RemoveAllEvents:"la méthode remixée prévue pour la remplacé, pour l'instant nommée RemoveEvents2()", AbsolutRemoveAllEvents:"Rien, cette méthode est nulle et plantée réguliérement", RefreshAllEvents:"la méthode remixée prévue pour la remplacé, pour l'instant nommée RefreshAllEvents2()", PauseEvents:"la méthode remixée prévue pour la remplacé, pour l'instant nommée PauseEvents2()", AbsolutPauseEvents:("la méthode remixée prévue pour la remplacé, pour l'instant nommée" + " AbsolutPauseEvents2()"), AddIntervale:"AddInterval()", RemoveIntervale:"RemoveInterval()", SceneName:"GetSceneName()", TraceEnsemble:"TraceAll()", TraceError:"TraceError()"}; THIS = this; This = this; Protection = false; SpecialContent = new Object(); drOIdeLink = new Object(); IsConnected = false; RootLink = null; StageLink = null; AlphabetList = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z"]; HexadecimalList = ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"]; ColorList = {jaune:"FFFF00", rouge:"FF0000", bleu:"0000FF", vert:"00FF00", bleu_ciel:"00FFFF", magenta:"FF00FF", blanc:"FFFFFF", noir:"000000", gris:"999999", orange:"FF660", rose:"FF99FF"}; TransitionCountdown = new MovieClip(); TransitionInstant = new MovieClip(); ConversionNameList = {Back:[".", ",", "'", "\"", "-", "+", "/", "*", "=", "\\", ";", ":", " ", "!", "&", "?", "(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}"], Next:["__POINT__", "__VIRGU__", "__GUILL__", "__GUILL2__", "__MOINS__", "__PLUS__", "__SLASH__", "__MULTI__", "__EGAL__", "__ASLASH__", "__POVIR__", "__DEUPO__", "__SPACE__", "__EXCLA__", "__ET__", "__INTER__", "__OUPAR__", "__FEPAR__", "__OUCRO__", "__FECRO__", "__OUACC__", "__FEACC__"]}; ConversionSpecialList = {Back:["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0", "°", "+", "&", "é", "\"", "'", "(", "-", "è", "_", "ç", "à", ")", "=", "#", "{", "[", "|", "\\", "^", "@", "]", "}", "$", "ù", "*", ",", ";", ":", "!", "¨", "£", "%", "µ", "?", ".", "/", "§", "¤", " ", "â", "ê", "î", "ô", "û", "ä", "ë", "ï", "ö", "ü", "Â", "Ê", "Î", "Ô", "Û", "Ä", "Ë", "Ï", "Ö", "Ü", "É", "È", "À", "Ç", "œ"], Next:["○☺☺☺", "○☻☻☻", "○♥♥♥", "○♦♦♦", "○♣♣♣", "○♠♠♠", "○•••", "○◘◘◘", "○•◘•", "◙", "○♂♂♂", "○♀♀♀", "○♪♪♪", "○♫♫♫", "☼", "○►►►", "○◄◄◄", "↕", "‼", "¶", "▬", "↨", "○↑↑↑", "○↓↓↓", "→", "←", "∟", "↔", "▲", "▼", "╚", "╔", "╩", "╦", "╠", "═", "╬", "ð", "Ð", "╝", "╗", "║", "╣", "©", "®", "ƒ", "¢", "¥", "┐", "└", "┴", "┬", "├", "┼", "ã", "Ã", "░", "▒", "▓", "»", "«", "┤", "™", "Ö", "▄", "█", "¦", "▀", "ß", "õ", "Õ", "þ", "Þ", "¯", "´", "±", "‗", "¾", "÷", "¸", "○☺☺☻", "·", "¹", "²", "■", "○↑↓↓", "○↑↑↓", "○↑↓↑", "○↓↑↑", "○↓↓↑", "○↓↑↓", "○◄►◄", "○☻☺☺", "○☻☻☺", "○☺☻☻", "○☻☺☻", "○••◘", "○•◘◘", "○◘••", "○◘◘•", "○◘•◘", "♦♥♦", "○♥♥♦", "○♥♦♦", "○♥♦♥", "○♦♥♥", "○♦♦♥", "○♣♣♠", "○♣♠♠", "○♣♣♠", "○♠♣♣", "○♠♠♣", "○♂♂♀", "○♂♀♀", "○♂♀♂", "○♀♂♂", "○♀♀♂", "○♪♪♫", "○♪♫♫", "○♪♫♪", "○♫♪♪", "○♫♫♪", "○►►◄", "○►◄◄", "○►◄►", "○◄►►", "○◄◄►"]}; EventList = {MOUSE_DOWN:MouseEvent, MOUSE_UP:MouseEvent, MOUSE_OVER:MouseEvent, MOUSE_OUT:MouseEvent, MOUSE_MOVE:MouseEvent, MOUSE_WHEEL:MouseEvent, ENTER_FRAME:Event, CLICK:MouseEvent, KEY_DOWN:KeyboardEvent, KEY_UP:KeyboardEvent, IO_ERROR:IOErrorEvent, COMPLETE:Event, UPLOAD_COMPLETE_DATA:DataEvent, SELECT:Event, PROGRESS:ProgressEvent, SOUND_COMPLETE:Event, CONNECT:Event, DATA:DataEvent, CHANGE:Event}; EventNameList = {MOUSE_DOWN:["MDown", "MouseDown", "Mouse_Down", "Appuie Souris"], MOUSE_UP:["MUp", "MouseUp", "Mouse_Up", "Relache Souris"], MOUSE_OVER:["MOver", "MouseOver", "Mouse_Over", "Survol Souris"], MOUSE_OUT:["MOut", "MouseOut", "Mouse_Out", "Desurvol Souris"], MOUSE_MOVE:["MMove", "MouseMove", "Mouse_Move", "Bouge Souris"], MOUSE_WHEEL:["MWheel", "MouseWheel", "Mouse_Wheel", "Molette Souris"], ENTER_FRAME:["EF", "EnterFrame", "Enter_Frame", "Boucle"], CHANGE:["Change", "Change", "Changement", "Au Changement"], CLICK:["Clk", "Click", "Click Souris"], KEY_DOWN:["KDown", "KeyDown", "Appuie Touche"], KEY_UP:["KUp", "KeyUp", "Relache Touche"], IO_ERROR:["IOErr", "IOError", "Erreur"], COMPLETE:["Comp", "Complete", "Termine"], UPLOAD_COMPLETE_DATA:["UCData", "UploadCompleteData", "Donnees Uploadees"], SELECT:["Slct", "Select", "Selection"], PROGRESS:["Prgs", "Progress", "Progression"], SOUND_COMPLETE:["SCmp", "SoundComplete", "Son Termine"], CONNECT:["Conn", "Connect", "Connection"], DATA:["Data", "Data", "Donnees"]}; StockNormalEvents = new Object(); StockIntervalEvents = new Object(); StockEvent = new Object(); AlternateStockEvent = new Object(); TraceEffect = ""; TraceNumber = 0; Silence = false; drOIdeScriptList = ["Anim", "Composite", "Filter", "Fx", "Model", "Movement", "Pixel", "Space", "Console", "Debug", "Pure", "Action", "Computer", "Loop", "World", "Draw", "Hit", "Inter", "Manip", "Platform", "Player", "Link", "Paper", "Parabol", "Map", "Keyboard", "Mouse", "Print", "Subtext", "Calendar", "Grid", "Time", "Echo", "Music"]; drOIdeModuleList = ["Tools", "Process", "Post", "Chip", "Generator", "Plug", "Factory", "Port", "Camera"]; Alphabet = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z"]; TableauHexadecimal = ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"]; ObjectConversionOn = ["-", "+", "*", "/", "(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}", ",", ";", "?", "!", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0", ".", " ", "=", "&", "$", "'", "\"", "\\"]; ObjectConversionOff = ["_MOINS_", "_PLUS_", "_MULTI_", "_DIVI_", "_PARAUN_", "_PARADEUX_", "_CROUN_", "_CRODEUX_", "_ACOUN_", "_ACODEUX_", "_VIRGULE_", "_POINTVIR_", "_INTERO_", "_EXCLA_", "_UN_", "_DEUX_", "_TROIS_", "_QUATRE_", "_CINQ_", "_SIX_", "_SEPT_", "_HUIT_", "_NEUF_", "_ZERO_", "_POINT_", "_ESPACE_", "_EGAL_", "_ET_", "_DOLLAR_", "_GUIUN_", "_GUIDEUX_", "_SLASH_"]; ObjectConversionUltimeOn = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0", "°", "+", "&", "é", "\"", "'", "(", "-", "è", "_", "ç", "à", ")", "=", "#", "{", "[", "|", "\\", "^", "@", "]", "}", "$", "ù", "*", ",", ";", ":", "!", "¨", "£", "%", "µ", "?", ".", "/", "§", "¤", " ", "â", "ê", "î", "ô", "û", "ä", "ë", "ï", "ö", "ü", "Â", "Ê", "Î", "Ô", "Û", "Ä", "Ë", "Ï", "Ö", "Ü", "É", "È", "À", "Ç", "œ"]; ObjectConversionUltimeOff = ["○☺☺☺", "○☻☻☻", "○♥♥♥", "○♦♦♦", "○♣♣♣", "○♠♠♠", "○•••", "○◘◘◘", "○•◘•", "◙", "○♂♂♂", "○♀♀♀", "○♪♪♪", "○♫♫♫", "☼", "○►►►", "○◄◄◄", "↕", "‼", "¶", "▬", "↨", "○↑↑↑", "○↓↓↓", "→", "←", "∟", "↔", "▲", "▼", "╚", "╔", "╩", "╦", "╠", "═", "╬", "ð", "Ð", "╝", "╗", "║", "╣", "©", "®", "ƒ", "¢", "¥", "┐", "└", "┴", "┬", "├", "┼", "ã", "Ã", "░", "▒", "▓", "»", "«", "┤", "™", "Ö", "▄", "█", "¦", "▀", "ß", "õ", "Õ", "þ", "Þ", "¯", "´", "±", "‗", "¾", "÷", "¸", "○☺☺☻", "·", "¹", "²", "■", "○↑↓↓", "○↑↑↓", "○↑↓↑", "○↓↑↑", "○↓↓↑", "○↓↑↓", "○◄►◄", "○☻☺☺", "○☻☻☺", "○☺☻☻", "○☻☺☻", "○••◘", "○•◘◘", "○◘••", "○◘◘•", "○◘•◘", "♦♥♦", "○♥♥♦", "○♥♦♦", "○♥♦♥", "○♦♥♥", "○♦♦♥", "○♣♣♠", "○♣♠♠", "○♣♣♠", "○♠♣♣", "○♠♠♣", "○♂♂♀", "○♂♀♀", "○♂♀♂", "○♀♂♂", "○♀♀♂", "○♪♪♫", "○♪♫♫", "○♪♫♪", "○♫♪♪", "○♫♫♪", "○►►◄", "○►◄◄", "○►◄►", "○◄►►", "○◄◄►"]; TableauCouleurs = {jaune:0xFFFF00, rouge:0xFF0000, bleu:0xFF, vert:0xFF00, bleu_ciel:0xFFFF, magenta:0xFF00FF, blanc:0xFFFFFF, noir:0, gris:0x999999, orange:0xFF6600, rose:16751103}; TransitionRebours = new MovieClip(); Evenements = {MOUSE_DOWN:MouseEvent, MOUSE_UP:MouseEvent, MOUSE_OVER:MouseEvent, MOUSE_OUT:MouseEvent, MOUSE_MOVE:MouseEvent, MOUSE_WHEEL:MouseEvent, ENTER_FRAME:Event, CLICK:MouseEvent, KEY_DOWN:KeyboardEvent, KEY_UP:KeyboardEvent, IO_ERROR:IOErrorEvent, COMPLETE:Event, UPLOAD_COMPLETE_DATA:DataEvent, SELECT:Event, PROGRESS:ProgressEvent, SOUND_COMPLETE:Event, CONNECT:Event, DATA:DataEvent}; TransitionEvenements = {MOUSE_DOWN:["MDown", "MouseDown", "Mouse_Down", "Appuie Souris"], MOUSE_UP:["MUp", "MouseUp", "Mouse_Up", "Relache Souris"], MOUSE_OVER:["MOver", "MouseOver", "Mouse_Over", "Survol Souris"], MOUSE_OUT:["MOut", "MouseOut", "Mouse_Out", "Desurvol Souris"], MOUSE_MOVE:["MMove", "MouseMove", "Mouse_Move", "Bouge Souris"], MOUSE_WHEEL:["MWheel", "MouseWheel", "Mouse_Wheel", "Molette Souris"], ENTER_FRAME:["EF", "EnterFrame", "Enter_Frame", "En Boucle"], CLICK:["Clk", "Click", "Click Souris"], KEY_DOWN:["KDown", "KeyDown", "Appuie Touche"], KEY_UP:["KUp", "KeyUp", "Relache Touche"], IO_ERROR:["IOErr", "IOError", "Erreur"], COMPLETE:["Comp", "Complete", "Termine"], UPLOAD_COMPLETE_DATA:["UCData", "UploadCompleteData", "Donnees Uploadees"], SELECT:["Slct", "Select", "Selection"], PROGRESS:["Prgs", "Progress", "Progression"], SOUND_COMPLETE:["SCmp", "SoundComplete", "Son Termine"], CONNECT:["Conn", "Connect", "Connection"], DATA:["Data", "Data", "Donnees"]}; StockElementsEvenement = new Object(); StockElementsIntervale = new Object(); StockEvents = new Array(); drOIdeScripts = ["Anim", "Composite", "Filter", "Fx", "Model", "Movement", "Pixel", "Space", "Console", "Debug", "Pure", "Action", "Computer", "Loop", "World", "Draw", "Hit", "Inter", "Manip", "Platform", "Player", "Link", "Paper", "Parabol", "Map", "Keyboard", "Mouse", "Print", "Subtext", "Calendar", "Grid", "Time", "Echo", "Music"]; drOIdeModule = ["Tools", "Process", "Post", "Chip", "Generator", "Incubator", "Pixel", "Factory", "Port", "Camera"]; super(); } public function CorrectionSentence(_arg1:String, _arg2:String=" "):String{ var _local3:Array; var _local4:int; _local3 = _arg1.toLowerCase().split(""); _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _local3.length) { if (_local3[_local4] == _arg2){ if ((((((_local4 == 0)) || ((_local4 == (_local3.length - 1))))) || ((_local3[(_local4 - 1)] == _arg2)))){ _local3.splice(_local4, 1); _local4--; }; } else { if ((((((((_local3[_local4] == ".")) || ((_local3[_local4] == "!")))) || ((_local3[_local4] == "?")))) || ((_local3[_local4] == ",")))){ if (_local3[(_local4 - 1)] == _arg2){ _local3.splice((_local4 - 1), 1); _local4--; }; } else { if ((((_local3[_local4] == ":")) || ((_local3[_local4] == ";")))){ if (_local3[(_local4 - 1)] != _arg2){ _local3 = PushAt(_local3, (_local4 - 1), _arg2); _local4--; }; } else { if ((((((((((((_local3[(_local4 - 1)] == ".")) || ((_local3[(_local4 - 1)] == ",")))) || ((_local3[(_local4 - 1)] == ";")))) || ((_local3[(_local4 - 1)] == ":")))) || ((_local3[(_local4 - 1)] == "?")))) || ((_local3[(_local4 - 1)] == "!")))){ _local3 = PushAt(_local3, _local4, _arg2); _local4++; }; if ((((((((((_local4 == 0)) || ((((_local3[(_local4 - 1)] == _arg2)) && ((_local3[(_local4 - 2)] == ".")))))) || ((((_local3[(_local4 - 1)] == _arg2)) && ((_local3[(_local4 - 2)] == ":")))))) || ((((_local3[(_local4 - 1)] == _arg2)) && ((_local3[(_local4 - 2)] == "?")))))) || ((((_local3[(_local4 - 1)] == _arg2)) && ((_local3[(_local4 - 2)] == "!")))))){ _local3[_local4] = _local3[_local4].toUpperCase(); }; }; }; }; _local4++; }; return (_local3.join("")); } public function RemoveIntervale(_arg1:String):void{ AddObsolete("RemoveIntervale"); clearInterval(StockElementsIntervale[_arg1].Intervale); StockElementsIntervale[_arg1] = null; } public function BoucleCaractère(_arg1:String, _arg2, _arg3:String, _arg4:String="Debut"):String{ var _local5:Array; var _local6:String; var _local7:Number; AddObsolete("BoucleCaractère"); _local5 = new Array(); _local6 = _arg1; if (_arg4 == "Fin"){ _arg1 = ReverseString(_arg1); }; while (_arg1.length > 0) { _local7 = Aspiration(_arg2); _local5.push(_arg1.substr(0, ((_arg1)==_local6) ? (_local7 + 1) : _local7)); _arg1 = _arg1.substr(((_arg1)==_local6) ? (_local7 + 1) : _local7); }; return (((_arg4)=="Fin") ? ReverseString(_local5.join(ReverseString(_arg3))) : _local5.join(_arg3)); } function NodeNumber(_arg1):int{ var Nombre:*; var nbr:String; var Variable = _arg1; Nombre = 0; try { if (Variable.split(">").length < 2){ return (0); }; } catch(e) { }; for (nbr in Variable.children()) { Nombre = (Nombre + 1); }; return (Nombre); } public function NextColor(_arg1, _arg2:String):void{ var Clip = _arg1; var Couleur = _arg2; AddObsolete("NextColor"); if (!Clip.CouleurActuelle){ SetColor(Clip, Couleur); Clip.CouleurActuelle = new Object(); Clip.CouleurActuelle.Couleur = Couleur; Clip.CouleurActuelle.Boucle = function (_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:Array; var _local5:Array; var _local6:Boolean; var _local7:int; _local2 = _arg1.target; _local3 = _local2.CouleurActuelle; _local4 = _local3.Couleur.split(""); _local5 = _local3.NouvelleCouleur.split(""); _local6 = true; _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < _local4.length) { if (Hexa2Number(_local4[_local7]) < Hexa2Number(_local5[_local7])){ _local4[_local7] = Number2Hexa((Hexa2Number(_local4[_local7]) + 1)); _local6 = false; } else { if (Hexa2Number(_local4[_local7]) > Hexa2Number(_local5[_local7])){ _local4[_local7] = Number2Hexa((Hexa2Number(_local4[_local7]) - 1)); _local6 = false; }; }; _local7++; }; _local3.Couleur = _local4.join(""); SetColor(_local2, _local3.Couleur); if (_local6){ RemoveEvents(Clip, ["ENTER_FRAME", Clip.CouleurActuelle, "Boucle"]); }; }; } else { Clip.CouleurActuelle.NouvelleCouleur = Couleur; AddEvents(Clip, ["ENTER_FRAME", Clip.CouleurActuelle, "Boucle"]); }; } public function ClasseIs(_arg1:String, _arg2:Boolean=true):Class{ var laClasse = _arg1; var Avertissement = _arg2; AddObsolete("ClasseIs"); try { return ((getDefinitionByName(laClasse) as Class)); } catch(e) { if (Avertissement){ TraceErreur("WorldTools", "ClasseIs", (("La classe " + laClasse) + " n'existe pas.")); }; }; return (null); } public function ApplyLinkEffect(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4=null, _arg5:Number=0):void{ _arg4 = ((_arg4) || ({x:0, y:0})); _arg5 = Aspiration(_arg5, 0); _arg1.x = ((_arg2.x)>_arg3.x) ? (_arg3.x + ((_arg2.x - _arg3.x) / 2)) : (_arg2.x + ((_arg3.x - _arg2.x) / 2)); _arg1.y = ((_arg2.y)>_arg3.y) ? (_arg3.y + ((_arg2.y - _arg3.y) / 2)) : (_arg2.y + ((_arg3.y - _arg2.y) / 2)); _arg1.x = (_arg1.x + _arg4.x); _arg1.y = (_arg1.y + _arg4.y); SetRealScale(_arg1, (GetDistance(_arg2, _arg3) + _arg5)); _arg1.rotation = GetAngle(_arg2, _arg3); } public function KeyByValue(_arg1, _arg2){ var _local3:*; for (_local3 in _arg1) { if (_arg1[_local3] == _arg2){ return (_local3); }; }; return (null); } public function NumberInString(_arg1:String, _arg2:Boolean=true):Number{ var _local3:String; var _local4:Array; var _local5:Boolean; var _local6:String; _local3 = ""; _local4 = _arg1.split(""); _local5 = true; while ((((_local4.length > 0)) && (_local5))) { _local6 = _local4[(_arg2) ? "pop" : "shift"](); if (!isNaN(Number(_local6))){ _local3 = (_arg2) ? (_local6 + _local3) : (_local3 + _local6); } else { if (_local3 != ""){ _local5 = false; }; }; }; return (((_local3)!="") ? Number(_local3) : 0); } public function Eclaircie(_arg1, _arg2=10):String{ var _local3:Array; var _local4:int; var _local5:Array; var _local6:int; AddObsolete("Eclaircie"); _arg2 = Aspiration(_arg2); if (!TypeOf(_arg1, "String")){ if (_arg1.CouleurTeinte){ _local3 = _arg1.CouleurTeinte.split(""); _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _local3.length) { _local3[_local4] = Number2Hexa((Hexa2Number(_local3[_local4]) + ((_arg2 / 100) * 15))); _local4++; }; SetColor(_arg1, _local3.join("")); return (_local3.join("")); } else { TraceErreur("WorldTools", "Eclaircie", "L'élément n'a pas de couleur actuelle donnée via un SetColor."); }; } else { _local5 = _arg1.split(""); _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _local5.length) { _local5[_local6] = Number2Hexa((Hexa2Number(_local5[_local6]) + ((_arg2 / 100) * 15))); _local6++; }; return (_local5.join("")); }; return (""); } public function IsInDirection(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3:Number=10):Boolean{ var _local4:Number; _local4 = GetAngle(_arg1, _arg2); if (((((_arg1.rotation + _arg3) <= 180)) && (((_arg1.rotation - _arg3) >= -180)))){ return (NearEqual(_arg1.rotation, _local4, _arg3)); }; if ((_arg1.rotation + _arg3) > 180){ if (NearEqual(_arg1.rotation, _local4, _arg3)){ return (true); }; return ((((_arg1.rotation + _arg3) - 360) > _local4)); //unresolved jump }; if (NearEqual(_arg1.rotation, _local4, _arg3)){ return (true); }; return ((((_arg1.rotation - _arg3) + 360) < _local4)); } public function SetRealScale(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3:String="width"):void{ var _local4:Number; _arg2 = Aspiration(_arg2); _local4 = _arg1.rotation; _arg1.rotation = 0; _arg1[_arg3] = MathOperator(_arg1[_arg3], _arg2); _arg1.rotation = _local4; } public function TotalPauseAllEvents2(_arg1, _arg2:int=0):void{ var i:int; var leClip:*; var Clip = _arg1; var Parentalite = _arg2; if (Parentalite == 0){ PauseAllEvents2(Clip); try { i = 0; while (i < Clip.numChildren) { leClip = Clip.getChildAt(i); if (((!(TypeOf(leClip, "MorphShape"))) && (!(TypeOf(leClip, "Shape"))))){ try { TotalPauseAllEvents2(leClip); } catch(e) { }; }; i = (i + 1); }; } catch(e) { }; } else { TotalPauseAllEvents2(GetParent(Clip, Parentalite)); }; } public function StringToKey(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3=true){ var _local4:*; var _local5:int; if (_arg1 == null){ return (_arg2); }; if (typeof(_arg1) == "string"){ _arg1 = _arg1.split("."); }; _local4 = _arg2; _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < _arg1.length) { _local4 = _local4[_arg1[_local5]]; _local5++; }; if ((((_local4 == undefined)) && (_arg3))){ TraceError("WorldTools", "GetChemin", [((("Le chemin d'accés : \"" + _arg1) + "\" est introuvable sur ") + _arg2)]); _local4 = ""; }; return (_local4); } public function BumpNumber(_arg1:Number, _arg2=NaN, _arg3:Number=NaN):Number{ if (TypeOf(_arg2, "Array")){ _arg3 = _arg2[1]; _arg2 = _arg2[0]; }; if (!isNaN(_arg2)){ if (_arg1 < _arg2){ return (_arg2); }; }; if (!isNaN(_arg3)){ if (_arg1 > _arg3){ return (_arg3); }; }; return (_arg1); } public function SetColor(_arg1, _arg2):String{ var _local3:String; var _local4:ColorTransform; _local3 = String(_arg2); if (TypeOf(_arg2, "String")){ if (ColorList[_arg2]){ _arg2 = ColorList[_arg2]; } else { if (_arg2.split("0x").length < 2){ _arg2 = ("0x" + _arg2); } else { _arg2 = int(_arg2); }; }; }; _local4 = new ColorTransform(); _local4.color = _arg2; _arg1.transform.colorTransform = _local4; _arg1.CouleurTeinte = _local3; return (Pop(String(_arg2), "0x")); } public function Special2String(_arg1:String):String{ AddObsolete("Special2String"); return (CharacterConversion(_arg1, ObjectConversionUltimeOff, ObjectConversionUltimeOn)); } private function DestroyElement_Child(_arg1, _arg2=null, _arg3:Boolean=true):void{ var i:int; var leClip:*; var Cible = _arg1; var Parent = _arg2; var Erreur = _arg3; i = 0; while (i < Cible.numChildren) { leClip = Cible.getChildAt(i); try { DestroyElement(leClip, null, false); } catch(e) { }; i = (i + 1); }; } public function Near(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:int=1, _arg4:int=3):String{ var _local5:Array; var _local6:Array; var _local7:int; var _local8:int; var _local9:Boolean; var _local10:int; var _local11:Array; var _local12:Array; var _local13:int; var _local14:int; var _local15:Boolean; var _local16:int; AddObsolete("Near"); if (_arg2 != null){ if (_arg1.split(" ").length == 1){ _local5 = _arg1.toLowerCase().split(""); _local6 = _arg2.toLowerCase().split(""); _local7 = 0; if ((((_local5.length >= (_local6.length - _arg4))) && ((_local5.length <= (_local6.length + _arg4))))){ _local8 = 0; while (_local8 < _local5.length) { if (_local5[_local8] == _local6[_local8]){ _local7++; } else { _local9 = false; _local10 = 1; while (_local10 <= _arg3) { if ((((_local5[_local8] == _local6[(_local8 - _local10)])) || ((_local5[_local8] == _local6[(_local8 + _local10)])))){ _local9 = true; }; _local10++; }; if (_local9){ _local7++; }; }; _local8++; }; if (_local7 >= (_arg1.length - _arg4)){ return (_arg2); }; return (_arg1); } else { return (_arg1); }; } else { _local11 = _arg1.split(" "); _local12 = _arg2.split(" "); _local13 = 0; if ((((_local11.length >= (_local12.length - _arg4))) && ((_local11.length <= (_local12.length + _arg4))))){ _local14 = 0; while (_local14 < _local11.length) { if (_local12[_local14] == Near(_local11[_local14], _local12[_local14])){ _local13++; } else { _local15 = false; _local16 = 1; while (_local16 <= _arg3) { if ((((_local12[(_local14 - _local16)] == Near(_local11[_local14], _local12[(_local14 - _local16)]))) || ((_local12[(_local14 + _local16)] == Near(_local11[_local14], _local12[(_local14 + _local16)]))))){ _local15 = true; }; _local16++; }; if (_local15){ _local13++; }; }; _local14++; }; if (_local13 >= (_local11.length - _arg4)){ return (_arg2); }; return (_arg1); } else { return (_arg1); }; }; //unresolved jump }; return (_arg1); } public function RegardTo(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3=0):Number{ AddObsolete("RegardTo"); return ((((Math.atan2((_arg2.y - _arg1.y), (_arg2.x - _arg1.x)) * 180) / Math.PI) + Aspiration(_arg3))); } public function CapsuleArray(_arg1):Array{ return ((TypeOf(_arg1, "Array")) ? _arg1 : [_arg1]); } public function ObjectToArray(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String="Numero"):Array{ var _local3:Array; var _local4:Array; var _local5:Number; var _local6:String; var _local7:*; _local3 = new Array(); _local4 = new Array(); while (_local3.length < LengthObject(_arg1)) { _local5 = 99999999999999; for (_local7 in _arg1) { if (!IndexOf(_local3, _local7)){ if (((StringToElement(_arg2, _arg1[_local7], false)) || (99999999999998)) < _local5){ _local5 = ((StringToElement(_arg2, _arg1[_local7], false)) || (99999999999998)); _local6 = _local7; }; }; }; _local4.push(_arg1[_local6]); _local3.push(_local6); }; return (_local4); } public function TraceSoftError(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:String, _arg4:Boolean=true):void{ var _local5:Array; if (!Silence){ _local5 = ["———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————", ((((("Erreur dans la fonction " + _arg2) + "() de ") + _arg1) + " : ") + _arg3)]; if (_arg4){ TraceAll(_local5); }; }; } public function TotalChangeObject(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Object):Object{ var iModif:*; var Modif:Object; var NomActuel:String; var CleeObjet:Object; var Objet = _arg1; var Modifications = _arg2; for (iModif in Modifications) { Modif = Modifications[iModif]; NomActuel = ((Modif.Nom) || (iModif)); if (TraceIfNotKey(Modif, ["Modification"], "WorldTools", "FullModificationObject", "Modifications")){ CleeObjet = StringToKey(Objet, Modif.Chemin); if (TypeOf(Modif.Modification, "String")){ if (Modif.Modification == "="){ CleeObjet[NomActuel] = Modif.Valeur; } else { CleeObjet[NomActuel] = MathOperator(Number(CleeObjet[NomActuel]), Modif.Valeur, Modif.Modification); }; } else { try { CleeObjet[NomActuel] = Modif.Modification(CleeObjet[NomActuel]); } catch(e) { CleeObjet[NomActuel] = Modif.Modification(); }; }; }; }; return (Objet); } public function T():void{ Trace("!"); } public function MultiRebours(_arg1:Array):void{ var _local2:int; AddObsolete("MultiRebours"); _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _arg1.length) { if (TraceIfNotBe(_arg1[_local2], "Object", "WorldTools", "MultiRebours", (("n°" + (_local2 + 1)) + " de l'Ensemble "))){ if (TraceIfNotKey(_arg1[_local2], ["Fonction", "Frames"], "WorldTools", "MultiRebours", "Ensemble")){ Rebours(_arg1[_local2].Fonction, null, _arg1[_local2].Frames, ((_arg1[_local2].Empile) || (""))); }; }; _local2++; }; } public function NumberBetween(_arg1, _arg2:Number=-1, _arg3:Number=50):Number{ if (TypeOf(_arg1, "Array")){ _arg3 = ((_arg2 == -1)) ? _arg3 : _arg2; _arg2 = _arg1[1]; _arg1 = _arg1[0]; }; if (_arg1 < _arg2){ return ((_arg1 + ((_arg2 - _arg1) * (_arg3 / 100)))); }; return ((_arg2 + ((_arg1 - _arg2) * (_arg3 / 100)))); } public function Extract(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:int):String{ AddObsolete("Extract"); return (_arg1.split(_arg2, _arg1.length)[(_arg3 - 1)]); } public function IsLiaison(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4=null, _arg5:Number=0):void{ AddObsolete("IsLiaison"); _arg4 = ((_arg4) || ({x:0, y:0})); _arg5 = Aspiration(_arg5, 0); _arg1.x = ((_arg2.x)>_arg3.x) ? (_arg3.x + ((_arg2.x - _arg3.x) / 2)) : (_arg2.x + ((_arg3.x - _arg2.x) / 2)); _arg1.y = ((_arg2.y)>_arg3.y) ? (_arg3.y + ((_arg2.y - _arg3.y) / 2)) : (_arg2.y + ((_arg3.y - _arg2.y) / 2)); _arg1.x = (_arg1.x + _arg4.x); _arg1.y = (_arg1.y + _arg4.y); RealScaleMod(_arg1, (GimmeDistance(_arg2, _arg3) + _arg5)); _arg1.rotation = RegardTo(_arg2, _arg3); } public function PasteString(_arg1:String):String{ var _local2:String; var _local3:String; if (isNaN(Number(_arg1.substr((_arg1.length - 1), 1)))){ _arg1 = (_arg1 + "1"); } else { _local2 = _arg1; _local3 = ""; while (!(isNaN(Number(_local2.substr((_local2.length - 1), 1))))) { _local3 = (_local3 + _local2.substr((_local2.length - 1), 1)); _local2 = _local2.substr(0, (_local2.length - 1)); }; _arg1 = (_local2 + (Number(_local3.split("").reverse().join("")) + 1)); }; return (_arg1); } public function AddInterval(_arg1:String, _arg2, _arg3:Number=25, _arg4=null):uint{ var Nom = _arg1; var Fonction = _arg2; var Temps = _arg3; var LinkIn = _arg4; if (StockIntervalEvents[Nom]){ RemoveInterval(Nom); }; LinkIn = ((LinkIn) || (new Object())); StockIntervalEvents[Nom] = new Object(); StockIntervalEvents[Nom].Boucle = function (){ Launch(arguments[0]); if (!ElementToElement(arguments[1])){ RemoveInterval(arguments[2]); }; }; StockIntervalEvents[Nom].Intervale = setInterval(StockIntervalEvents[Nom].Boucle, Temps, Fonction, LinkIn, Nom); return (StockIntervalEvents[Nom].Intervale); } public function ObjectOrderArray(_arg1:Array, _arg2:String, _arg3:String="Croissant"):Array{ var _local4:Array; var _local5:int; var _local6:Number; var _local7:int; var _local8:Object; _local4 = new Array(); while (_arg1.length > 0) { _local6 = -999999999999999; _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < _arg1.length) { if (_arg1[_local7][_arg2] >= _local6){ _local5 = _local7; _local6 = _arg1[_local7][_arg2]; }; _local7++; }; _local8 = _arg1[_local5]; _local4.push(CloneObject(_local8)); _arg1.splice(_local5, 1); }; if (_arg3 == "Décroissant"){ _local4.reverse(); }; return (_local4); } public function String2Name(_arg1:String):String{ AddObsolete("String2Name"); return (CharacterConversion(_arg1, ObjectConversionOn, ObjectConversionOff)); } public function ConcatUnicite(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3=""):String{ var _local4:Boolean; var _local5:int; _arg3 = ((_arg3)=="") ? _arg2 : _arg3; _arg3 = CapsuleArray(_arg3); _local4 = true; _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < _arg3.length) { if (FindIn(_arg1, _arg3[_local5])){ _local4 = false; }; _local5++; }; if (_local4){ _arg1 = (_arg1 + _arg2); }; return (_arg1); } public function MostArray(_arg1:Array){ var _local2:Object; var _local3:Array; var _local4:*; var _local5:int; var _local6:int; var _local7:int; var _local8:String; _local2 = new Object(); _local3 = new Array(); _local4 = null; _local5 = 0; _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _arg1.length) { _local8 = (TypeOf(_arg1[_local6], "MovieClip")) ? _arg1[_local6].name : StringToName(String(_arg1[_local6])); if (!_local2[_local8]){ _local2[_local8] = [0, _arg1[_local6]]; _local3.push(_local8); }; var _local9 = _local2[_local8]; var _local10:int; var _local11 = (_local9[_local10] + 1); _local9[_local10] = _local11; _local6++; }; _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < _local3.length) { if (_local2[_local3[_local7]][0] > _local5){ _local4 = _local2[_local3[_local7]][1]; _local5 = _local2[_local3[_local7]][0]; }; _local7++; }; return (_local4); } public function NameCase(_arg1:String):String{ var _local2:Array; _local2 = _arg1.toLowerCase().split(""); _local2[0] = _local2[0].toUpperCase(); return (_local2.join("")); } public function TotalPlay(_arg1, _arg2:int=0):void{ var i:int; var leClip:*; var Clip = _arg1; var Parentalite = _arg2; if (Parentalite == 0){ Clip.play(); try { i = 0; while (i < Clip.numChildren) { leClip = Clip.getChildAt(i); if (((!(TypeOf(leClip, "MorphShape"))) && (!(TypeOf(leClip, "Shape"))))){ try { TotalPlay(leClip); } catch(e) { }; }; i = (i + 1); }; } catch(e) { }; } else { TotalPlay(GetParent(Clip, Parentalite)); }; } public function HighLowCase(_arg1:String):String{ var _local2:Array; AddObsolete("HighLowCase"); _local2 = _arg1.toLowerCase().split(""); _local2[0] = _local2[0].toUpperCase(); return (_local2.join("")); } public function GetTheChild(_arg1, _arg2:String, _arg3:int=0){ var Enfant:*; var i:int; var leClip:*; var Clip = _arg1; var Nom = _arg2; var Parentalite = _arg3; try { i = 0; while (i < Clip.numChildren) { leClip = Clip.getChildAt(i); if (leClip.name == Nom){ return (leClip); }; if (((!(TypeOf(leClip, "MorphShape"))) && (!(TypeOf(leClip, "Shape"))))){ Enfant = GetTheChild(leClip, Nom); if (Enfant){ if (Enfant.name == Nom){ return (Enfant); }; }; }; i = (i + 1); }; } catch(e) { }; return (null); } public function UniciteArray(_arg1):Array{ var _local2:Array; var _local3:int; _local2 = new Array(); _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _arg1.length) { if (!IndexOf(_local2, _arg1[_local3])){ _local2.push(_arg1[_local3]); }; _local3++; }; return (_local2); } public function NumberGoTo(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3=10, _arg4:Number=1):Number{ var _local5:Number; _arg3 = Aspiration(_arg3); _local5 = ((_arg2 - _arg1) / _arg3); _arg1 = (_arg1 + ((Math.abs(_local5))>_arg4) ? _local5 : 0); return (_arg1); } private function DestroyElement_TotalNull(_arg1, _arg2=null, _arg3:Boolean=true):void{ var Cible = _arg1; var Parent = _arg2; var Erreur = _arg3; try { if (Parent[Cible.name] != null){ Parent[Cible.name] = null; } else { if (FindIn(Cible.name, "instance") <= 0){ TraceError("WorldTools", "DestroyElement", [(("DestroyElement totale de l'élément «" + Cible.name) + "» compromise."), ("L'élément n'a pas été trouvé sur son parent, par conséquent, " + "il n'a pas été passé à null et risque d'empeuser le programme.")], Erreur); } else { TraceError("WorldTools", "DestroyElement", [(((("DestroyElement totale de l'enfant «" + Cible.name) + "» sur «") + Parent.name) + "» compromise."), ("L'élément ne porte pas de nom et ne peut donc être trouvé " + "sur son parent pour être correctement nettoyé.")], Erreur); }; }; } catch(e) { try { Cible.parent[Cible.name] = null; } catch(e) { if (FindIn(Cible.name, "instance") <= 0){ TraceError("WorldTools", "DestroyElement", [(("DestroyElement totale de l'élément «" + Cible.name) + "» compromise."), ("L'élément n'a pas été trouvé sur son parent, par conséquent, " + "il n'a pas été passé à null et risque d'empeuser le programme.")], Erreur); } else { TraceError("WorldTools", "DestroyElement", [(("DestroyElement totale de l'élément sur «" + Parent.name) + "» compromise."), ("L'élément ne porte pas de nom et ne peut donc être trouvé sur son parent" + " pour être correctement nettoyé.")], Erreur); }; }; }; } public function GetChemin(_arg1, _arg2=null, _arg3=true){ var _local4:*; var _local5:String; AddObsolete("GetChemin"); if (_arg2 == null){ return (_arg1); }; if (typeof(_arg2) == "string"){ _arg2 = _arg2.split("."); }; _local4 = _arg1; for (_local5 in _arg2) { _local4 = _local4[_arg2[_local5]]; }; if ((((_local4 == undefined)) && (_arg3))){ TraceErreur("WorldTools", "GetChemin", [((("Le chemin d'accés : \"" + _arg2) + "\" est introuvable sur ") + _arg1)]); _local4 = ""; }; return (_local4); } public function HexaToNumber(_arg1:String):int{ return (HexadecimalList.indexOf(_arg1)); } public function AnimaMimetisme(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3=null):void{ var i:int; var leClip:*; var TableauRecup:Array; var Clip = _arg1; var Cible = _arg2; var laRacine = _arg3; AddObsolete("AnimaMimetisme"); laRacine = (TypeOf(laRacine, "global")) ? Cible : laRacine; Clip.gotoAndPlay(laRacine.currentFrame); i = 0; while (i < Cible.numChildren) { leClip = Cible.getChildAt(i); try { TableauRecup = Element2Array(leClip, laRacine); if (!FindIn(TableauRecup[(TableauRecup.length - 1)], "instance")){ TableauRecup.shift(); Array2Element(TableauRecup, Clip).gotoAndPlay(leClip.currentFrame); AnimaMimetisme(Clip, leClip, laRacine); }; } catch(e) { }; i = (i + 1); }; } public function ElementToElement(_arg1){ if (((((((((TypeOf(_arg1, "Object")) && (!(_arg1.Nom)))) && (!(_arg1.Name)))) && (!(_arg1.Cible)))) || (!(TypeOf(_arg1, "Object"))))){ return (_arg1); }; if (_arg1.Name){ return (_arg1.Cible[_arg1.Name]); }; if (_arg1.Nom){ return (_arg1.Cible[_arg1.Nom]); }; } public function FusionArray(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Array):Array{ var _local3:int; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _arg2.length) { _arg1.push(_arg2[_local3]); _local3++; }; return (_arg1); } public function Element2String(_arg1, _arg2):String{ AddObsolete("Element2String"); return (Element2Array(_arg1, _arg2).join(".")); } public function PopBetween(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:String, _arg4:String=""):String{ var _local5:Array; var _local6:Array; var _local7:int; _local5 = _arg1.split(_arg2).join(_arg3).split(_arg3); _local6 = new Array(); _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < _local5.length) { if (Math.round((_local7 / 2)) == (_local7 / 2)){ _local6.push(_local5[_local7]); } else { _local6.push(_arg4); }; _local7++; }; return (_local6.join("")); } public function Absolut(_arg1, _arg2:String, _arg3:Number=NaN):Number{ var _local4:Number; AddObsolete("Absolut"); if (((!(TypeOf(_arg1, "MainTimeline"))) && (!(TypeOf(_arg1, "Stage"))))){ _arg3 = (isNaN(_arg3)) ? 0 : _arg3; if (_arg2 == "width"){ _arg3 = _arg1[_arg2]; _arg2 = "scaleX"; } else { if (_arg2 == "height"){ _arg3 = _arg1[_arg2]; _arg2 = "scaleY"; } else { if (_arg2 == "scaleX"){ if (_arg3 == 0){ _arg3 = _arg1[_arg2]; } else { _arg3 = (_arg3 * _arg1[_arg2]); }; } else { if (_arg2 == "scaleY"){ if (_arg3 == 0){ _arg3 = _arg1[_arg2]; } else { _arg3 = (_arg3 * _arg1[_arg2]); }; } else { if ((((_arg2 == "x")) && ((_arg1.scaleX > 1)))){ _arg3 = (_arg3 * _arg1.scaleX); }; if ((((_arg2 == "y")) && ((_arg1.scaleY > 1)))){ _arg3 = (_arg3 * _arg1.scaleY); }; _arg3 = (_arg3 + _arg1[_arg2]); }; }; }; }; _local4 = Absolut((((_arg1.parent as MovieClip)) || (_arg1.parent)), _arg2, _arg3); return (_local4); } else { if (!isNaN(_arg3)){ //unresolved jump }; }; return (!NULL!); } public function StringToSpecial(_arg1:String):String{ return (CharacterConversion(_arg1, ConversionSpecialList.Back, ConversionSpecialList.Next)); } public function XMLToArray(_arg1):Array{ var _local2:Array; var _local3:String; _local2 = new Array(); if (TypeOf(_arg1, "String")){ _arg1 = new XML(_arg1); }; for (_local3 in _arg1.children()) { if (NodeNumber(_arg1.children()[_local3]) < 1){ _local2[_local3] = _arg1.children()[_local3]; } else { _local2[_local3] = XMLToArray(_arg1.children()[_local3]); }; }; return (_local2); } public function Arrondie(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number=0, _arg3:String="round"):Number{ var _local4:Number; var _local5:int; AddObsolete("Arrondie"); _local4 = 1; _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < _arg2) { _local4 = (_local4 * 10); _local5++; }; _arg1 = (_arg1 * _local4); _arg1 = Math[_arg3](_arg1); return ((_arg1 / _local4)); } public function ProRataSize(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3:String="width"):void{ var _local4:Number; _arg2 = Aspiration(_arg2); _local4 = (_arg2 / _arg1[_arg3]); _arg1.width = (_arg1.width * _local4); _arg1.height = (_arg1.height * _local4); } public function IsKey(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String):Boolean{ var _local3:*; for (_local3 in _arg1) { if (_local3 == _arg2){ return (true); }; }; return (false); } public function SetDirectionTo(_arg1, _arg2=1, _arg3=null, _arg4=1){ var _local5:Number; _arg2 = Aspiration(_arg2); _arg4 = Aspiration(_arg4); if (TypeOf(_arg3, "String")){ _arg3 = Aspiration(_arg3); }; _arg3 = ((_arg3)!=null) ? _arg3 : _arg1.rotation; _local5 = ((TypeOf(_arg3, "Number")) ? _arg3 : _arg3.rotation + _arg4); _arg1.x = (_arg1.x + (Math.cos(((_local5 / 180) * Math.PI)) * _arg2)); _arg1.y = (_arg1.y + (Math.sin(((_local5 / 180) * Math.PI)) * _arg2)); return (_arg1); } public function GoAngle(_arg1:String, _arg2, _arg3=0, _arg4=1, _arg5=1):Number{ var _local6:Object; AddObsolete("GoAngle"); if (((!((_arg1 == "x"))) && (!((_arg1 == "y"))))){ TraceErreur("WorldTools", "GoAngle", ["La fonction ne peut recevoir comme premier argument que \"x\" ou \"y\""]); }; _local6 = {x:_arg2.x, y:_arg2.y}; GoDirection(_local6, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5); return (_local6[_arg1]); } public function NearEgal(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number=1):Boolean{ AddObsolete("NearEgal"); if ((((_arg1 <= (_arg2 + _arg3))) && ((_arg1 >= (_arg2 - _arg3))))){ return (true); }; return (false); } public function AddIntervale(_arg1:String, _arg2, _arg3:Number=25, _arg4=null):uint{ var Nom = _arg1; var Fonction = _arg2; var Temps = _arg3; var LinkIn = _arg4; AddObsolete("AddIntervale"); if (StockElementsIntervale[Nom]){ RemoveIntervale(Nom); }; LinkIn = ((LinkIn) || (new Object())); StockElementsIntervale[Nom] = new Object(); StockElementsIntervale[Nom].Boucle = function (){ Launch(arguments[0]); if (!Search(arguments[1])){ RemoveIntervale(arguments[2]); }; }; StockElementsIntervale[Nom].Intervale = setInterval(StockElementsIntervale[Nom].Boucle, Temps, Fonction, LinkIn, Nom); return (StockElementsIntervale[Nom].Intervale); } public function HomotethieBy(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3:String="Max"):void{ var _local4:Number; AddObsolete("HomotethieBy"); _arg2 = Aspiration(_arg2); if (((TypeOf(_arg2, "String")) && ((FindIn(_arg2, "+") == -1)))){ TraceErreur("WorldTools", "HomotethieBy", [(("La Taille «" + _arg2) + "» n'est pas valide."), "Si vous voulez une taille relative, vous devez mettre au choix : ", "« + » ou « * »."]); } else { if (TypeOf(_arg2, "String")){ _local4 = ((_arg3)=="Max") ? ((_arg1.width)>_arg1.height) ? _arg1.width : _arg1.height : ((_arg1.width)<_arg1.height) ? _arg1.width : _arg1.height; if (FindIn(_arg2, "+")){ _local4 = (_local4 + Number(Pop(_arg2, "+"))); _arg2 = _local4; } else { if (FindIn(_arg2, "*")){ _local4 = (_local4 * Number(Pop(_arg2, "*"))); _arg2 = _local4; }; }; }; if (_arg3 == "Max"){ Homotethie(_arg1, _arg2, ((_arg1.width)>_arg1.height) ? "width" : "height"); } else { Homotethie(_arg1, _arg2, ((_arg1.width)>_arg1.height) ? "height" : "width"); }; }; } public function TraceObject(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String=" ", _arg3:Boolean=true, _arg4:int=0):void{ var _local5:String; var _local6:int; var _local7:String; var _local8:*; _local6 = _arg4; _local7 = ""; while (_local6--) { _local7 = (_local7 + _arg2); }; _arg1.DontTraceMeAnymore = true; for (_local8 in _arg1) { if (((!((_arg1[_local8] == null))) && (!((_local8 == "DontTraceMeAnymore"))))){ if (typeof(_arg1[_local8]) == "object"){ if (!_arg1[_local8].DontTraceMeAnymore){ if (_arg1[_local8][0]){ _local5 = "[ array ]"; } else { _local5 = "[ object ]"; }; Trace(((_local7 + (_arg3) ? _local5 : "") + _local8)); TraceObject(_arg1[_local8], _arg2, _arg3, (_arg4 + 1)); } else { Trace(((_local7 + _local8) + " : [ object ] ——►( Retour sur lui-même )")); }; } else { Trace(((((_local7 + _local8) + " : ") + (_arg3) ? (("[ " + typeof(_arg1[_local8])) + " ]") : "") + _arg1[_local8])); }; }; }; _arg1.DontTraceMeAnymore = null; } public function RythmArray(_arg1:Array, _arg2:String="String"){ var _local3:String; var _local4:Array; var _local5:int; _local3 = ""; _local4 = new Array(); _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < _arg1.length) { if (!IndexOf(_local4, _arg1[_local5])){ _local4.push(_arg1[_local5]); }; _local3 = (_local3 + (_local4.indexOf(_arg1[_local5]) + 1)); if (_local5 != (_arg1.length - 1)){ _local3 = (_local3 + "-"); }; _local5++; }; return (((_arg2)=="String") ? _local3 : _local3.split("-")); } public function PoppingEspace(_arg1:String):String{ AddObsolete("PoppingEspace"); if (_arg1.charAt(0) == " "){ _arg1 = _arg1.substring(1); }; if (_arg1.charAt((_arg1.length - 1)) == " "){ _arg1 = _arg1.substring((_arg1.length - 1), 0); }; _arg1 = _arg1.split(" ").join("_"); return (_arg1); } public function ShortLaunch_Modification(_arg1=null):void{ if (_arg1 != null){ if (TraceIfNotKey(_arg1, ["Cible", "Nom", "Valeur"], "WorldTools", "ShortLaunch : Modification")){ _arg1.Cible[_arg1.Nom] = _arg1.Valeur; }; } else { TraceError("WorldTools", "ShortLaunch : Modification", "Les arguments n'ont pas été donnés."); }; } public function CalculOperateur(_arg1:Number, _arg2, _arg3:String=""):Number{ AddObsolete("CalculOperateur"); _arg2 = Aspiration(_arg2); if (_arg3 == ""){ if (!isNaN(Number(String(_arg2).substr(0, 1)))){ _arg3 = "="; } else { _arg3 = String(_arg2).substr(0, 1); _arg2 = String(_arg2).substr(1); }; }; if (_arg3 == "="){ _arg1 = Number(Aspiration(_arg2)); } else { if (_arg3 == "+"){ _arg1 = (_arg1 + Number(Aspiration(_arg2))); } else { if (_arg3 == "-"){ _arg1 = (_arg1 - Number(Aspiration(_arg2))); } else { if (_arg3 == "/"){ _arg1 = (_arg1 / Number(Aspiration(_arg2))); } else { if (_arg3 == "*"){ _arg1 = (_arg1 * Number(Aspiration(_arg2))); }; }; }; }; }; return (_arg1); } public function InstantLaunch(_arg1, _arg2=10):void{ var Compte:int; var Nom:String; var Fonction = _arg1; var Frames = _arg2; Compte = Frames; Nom = (RandomWord() + "Instant"); TransitionInstant[Nom] = function ():void{ if (Compte == 1){ RemoveEvents2(TransitionInstant, {Cible:TransitionInstant, Fonction:Nom}, "ENTER_FRAME"); }; Launch(Fonction); Compte--; }; AddEvents2(TransitionInstant, {Cible:TransitionInstant, Fonction:Nom}, "ENTER_FRAME"); } public function AngleGoTo(_arg1:MovieClip, _arg2:Number=0, _arg3:Number=10):void{ var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; _local4 = ((_arg2)>0) ? _arg2 : (360 + _arg2); _local5 = ((_arg1.rotation)>0) ? _arg1.rotation : (360 + _arg1.rotation); _local5 = (((_local5 - _local4))>-180) ? _local5 : (_local5 + 360); _local5 = (((_local5 - _local4))<180) ? _local5 : (_local5 - 360); _local5 = (_local5 + ((_local4 - _local5) / _arg3)); _arg1.rotation = _local5; } public function FindIn(_arg1:String, _arg2:String):Number{ return ((_arg1.split(_arg2).length - 1)); } public function TotalIsPlaying(_arg1, _arg2:int=0, _arg3:Boolean=false):void{ var i:int; var leClip:*; var Clip = _arg1; var Parentalite = _arg2; var Retour = _arg3; if (Parentalite == 0){ if (!Retour){ Clip.TotalIsPlayingSave = Clip.currentFrame; } else { if (Clip.TotalIsPlayingSave == Clip.currentFrame){ Clip.isPlaying = false; } else { Clip.isPlaying = true; }; }; try { i = 0; while (i < Clip.numChildren) { leClip = Clip.getChildAt(i); if (((!(TypeOf(leClip, "MorphShape"))) && (!(TypeOf(leClip, "Shape"))))){ TotalIsPlaying(leClip, 0, Retour); }; i = (i + 1); }; } catch(e) { }; } else { TotalIsPlaying(GetParent(Clip, Parentalite), 0, Retour); }; if (!Retour){ CountdownLaunch({Fonction:TotalIsPlaying, Arguments:[Clip, Parentalite, true]}); }; } public function Random(_arg1=0, _arg2=1, _arg3=false, _arg4:String="Ensemble"):Number{ var _local5:Number; if (TypeOf(_arg1, "Array")){ _arg2 = _arg1[1]; _arg1 = _arg1[0]; _arg3 = ((_arg2)!=1) ? _arg2 : false; }; _arg1 = Aspiration(_arg1); _arg2 = Aspiration(_arg2); if ((((_arg2 == 0)) && ((_arg1 > 0)))){ _arg2 = (_arg1 / 2); _arg1 = (-(_arg1) / 2); }; if ((((_arg4 == "Ensemble")) || ((_arg3 == "Ensemble")))){ _local5 = ((Math.random() * (_arg2 - _arg1)) + _arg1); return ((_arg3) ? Math.round(_local5) : _local5); } else { if ((((_arg4 == "Palier")) || ((_arg3 == "Palier")))){ return ((RandomBoolean()) ? _arg1 : _arg2); }; }; return (0); } public function SetDarkerColor(_arg1, _arg2=10):String{ var _local3:Array; var _local4:int; var _local5:Array; var _local6:int; _arg2 = Aspiration(_arg2); if (!TypeOf(_arg1, "String")){ if (_arg1.CouleurTeinte){ _local3 = _arg1.CouleurTeinte.split(""); _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _local3.length) { _local3[_local4] = NumberToHexa((HexaToNumber(_local3[_local4]) - ((_arg2 / 100) * 15))); _local4++; }; SetColor(_arg1, _local3.join("")); return (_local3.join("")); } else { TraceError("WorldTools", "Assombrir", "L'élément n'a pas de couleur actuelle donnée via un SetColor."); }; } else { _local5 = _arg1.split(""); _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _local5.length) { _local5[_local6] = NumberToHexa((HexaToNumber(_local5[_local6]) - ((_arg2 / 100) * 15))); _local6++; }; return (_local5.join("")); }; return (""); } public function TakeOn(_arg1){ AddObsolete("TakeOn"); if (TypeOf(_arg1, "Object")){ return (_arg1.Cible[_arg1.Valeur]); }; return (_arg1[0][_arg1[1]]); } public function DecadeNumber(_arg1:int, _arg2:int=2):String{ var _local3:String; var _local4:int; _local3 = String(_arg1); if (String(_arg1).length < _arg2){ _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < (_arg2 - String(_arg1).length)) { _local3 = ("0" + _local3); _local4++; }; }; return (_local3); } public function Duplicate(_arg1, _arg2:String="", _arg3=null, _arg4:Object=null){ var NouveauClip:*; var Clip = _arg1; var Nom = _arg2; var Cible = _arg3; var Modification = _arg4; AddObsolete("Duplicate"); Modification = ((Modification) || (new Object())); Cible = ((Cible) || (Clip.parent)); if (Nom == ""){ Nom = Clip.name; }; try { NouveauClip = NewElement(ClasseTo(Clip), Cible, Nom); Mimetisme(NouveauClip, Clip); AnimaMimetisme(NouveauClip, Clip); TakeAll(NouveauClip, Clip, ["EvenementsImplantes"]); EventsMimetisme(NouveauClip, Clip); return (NouveauClip); } catch(e) { return (null); }; } public function CutDivision(_arg1, _arg2:Number=2):Array{ var _local3:Array; if (TypeOf(_arg1, "Array")){ _arg2 = _arg1[1]; _arg1 = _arg1[0]; }; _local3 = [_arg1, _arg1]; _local3[0] = Math.floor((_arg1 / _arg2)); _local3[1] = (_arg1 - (_arg2 * _local3[0])); return (_local3); } public function AbsolutPlay(_arg1, _arg2:int=0):void{ var i:int; var leClip:*; var Clip = _arg1; var Parentalite = _arg2; AddObsolete("AbsolutPlay"); if (Parentalite == 0){ Clip.play(); try { i = 0; while (i < Clip.numChildren) { leClip = Clip.getChildAt(i); if (((!(TypeOf(leClip, "MorphShape"))) && (!(TypeOf(leClip, "Shape"))))){ try { AbsolutPlay(leClip); } catch(e) { }; }; i = (i + 1); }; } catch(e) { }; } else { AbsolutPlay(Parental(Clip, Parentalite)); }; } public function RemoveEvents2(_arg1, _arg2=null, _arg3=null, _arg4="", _arg5=true, _arg6:Object=null){ var Levier:Boolean; var LeType:*; var LevierNombre:int; var iEvent:*; var Cible = _arg1; var Fonction = _arg2; var Type = _arg3; var Nom = _arg4; var Protection = _arg5; var Parametres = _arg6; if (Cible){ Parametres = ((Parametres) || (new Object())); try { Cible.CanYouReallyGetItRightNow = true; Cible.CanYouReallyGetItRightNow = null; } catch(e) { Parametres.target = Cible; Cible = AlternateStockEvent; }; if (Cible.EventsObject){ if (TypeOf(Fonction, "Array")){ return (RemoveEvents_MultiAdd(Cible, Fonction, Type, Protection)); }; if (TypeOf(Protection, "Object")){ Parametres = Protection; Protection = true; }; if (TypeOf(Nom, "Object")){ Parametres = Nom; Nom = ""; }; if (TypeOf(Type, "Boolean")){ Protection = Type; Type = null; }; if (Fonction){ if (TypeOf(Fonction, "String")){ Levier = true; if (Cible[Fonction]){ if (TypeOf(Cible[Fonction], "Function")){ Fonction = {Fonction:Fonction, Cible:Cible}; } else { Levier = false; }; } else { Levier = false; }; if (!Levier){ LeType = AddEvents_TypeSetting(Fonction, "Chut"); Nom = (LeType) ? Nom : Fonction; Fonction = null; }; } else { if (TypeOf(Fonction, "Object")){ Fonction = Fonction.Fonction; if (((!(TypeOf(Fonction, "String"))) && ((Nom == "")))){ TraceError("WorldTools", "RemoveEvents", ["Pour pouvoir retirer une événement à partir d'un objet Launch vous devez ", "donner le nom de votre fonction sous forme de string."]); return (0); }; }; }; }; if (Nom != ""){ if (Cible.EventsObject[Nom]){ if (!Cible.EventsObject[Nom].Pause){ ((Parametres.target) || (Cible)).removeEventListener(Cible.EventsObject[Nom].Type, Cible.EventsObject[Nom].SetFonction); }; StockEvent[Cible.EventsObject[Nom].NomStock] = null; Cible.EventsObject[Nom] = null; return (true); } else { TraceError("WorldTools", "RemoveEvents", ((("L'événement nommé \"" + Nom) + "\" n'a pas été trouvé sur ") + TraceElement(Cible, true))); }; } else { if (Type){ Type = AddEvents_TypeSetting(Type, "RemoveEvents"); }; LevierNombre = 0; for (iEvent in Cible.EventsObject) { if (((!((Cible.EventsObject[iEvent] == null))) && (!((iEvent == "Pause"))))){ if (((((((((!(Type)) && (!(Fonction)))) || (((!(Type)) && ((Fonction == Cible.EventsObject[iEvent].GetFonction)))))) || ((((Type == Cible.EventsObject[iEvent].Type)) && (!(Fonction)))))) || ((((Type == Cible.EventsObject[iEvent].Type)) && ((Fonction == Cible.EventsObject[iEvent].GetFonction)))))){ if (((!(Cible.EventsObject[iEvent].Protection)) || (!(Protection)))){ if (!Cible.EventsObject[iEvent].Pause){ ((Parametres.target) || (Cible)).removeEventListener(Cible.EventsObject[iEvent].Type, Cible.EventsObject[iEvent].SetFonction); }; StockEvent[Cible.EventsObject[iEvent].NomStock] = null; Cible.EventsObject[iEvent] = null; LevierNombre = (LevierNombre + 1); }; }; }; }; return (LevierNombre); }; }; } else { TraceError("WorldTools", "RemoveEvents", (Pop(Nom, "Event") + " : La cible n'existe pas.")); }; return (false); } public function MultiPushObject(_arg1, _arg2:String, _arg3=undefined){ var Clee:*; var Objet = _arg1; var Nom = _arg2; var Valeur = _arg3; for (Clee in Objet) { try { PushObject(Objet[Clee], Nom, Valeur); } catch(e) { }; }; return (Objet); } public function AddEvents(_arg1, _arg2:Array, _arg3:Boolean=false):void{ var i:int; var MotAleatoire:String; var ObjetReferenciel:Object; var Verification:Boolean; var Key:*; var Cle:*; var NomTransitoire:String; var CibleTransitoire:Object; var Cible = _arg1; var Events = _arg2; var Extension = _arg3; AddObsolete("AddEvents"); if (Cible){ try { if (typeof(Events[0]) == "string"){ Events = [Events]; }; i = 0; while (i < Events.length) { if (((TypeOf(Events[i][1], "Object")) && (!(Events[i][2])))){ MotAleatoire = RandomMot(); ObjetReferenciel = (Cible[(Events[i][0] + MotAleatoire)] = new Object()); ObjetReferenciel.Evenements = Events[i][1]; ObjetReferenciel.Fonction = function (_arg1):void{ Launch(ObjetReferenciel.Evenements); }; AddEvents(Cible, [Events[i][0], ObjetReferenciel, "Fonction"]); } else { Verification = false; if (!IsKey(Evenements, Events[i][0])){ for (Cle in TransitionEvenements) { if (IsInArray(TransitionEvenements[Cle], Events[i][0])){ Events[i][0] = Cle; }; }; }; for (Key in Evenements) { if (Key == Events[i][0]){ if (Events[i][1][Events[i][2]]){ if (!Events[i][3]){ Cible.addEventListener(Evenements[Key][Key], Events[i][1][Events[i][2]]); StockEvents.push({Cible:Cible, Events:Events}); }; try { try { if (!Cible.EvenementsImplantes){ Cible.EvenementsImplantes = new Array(); }; if (!Cible.EvenementsPause){ Cible.EvenementsPause = new Boolean(false); }; Cible.EvenementsImplantes[Cible.EvenementsImplantes.length] = new Array(); Cible.EvenementsImplantes[(Cible.EvenementsImplantes.length - 1)][0] = Events[i][0]; Cible.EvenementsImplantes[(Cible.EvenementsImplantes.length - 1)][1] = Events[i][1]; Cible.EvenementsImplantes[(Cible.EvenementsImplantes.length - 1)][2] = Events[i][2]; Cible.EvenementsImplantes[(Cible.EvenementsImplantes.length - 1)][3] = ((Events[i][3]) || (false)); } catch(e) { try { NomTransitoire = (Cible.name) ? Cible.name : PoppingEspace(String(Cible)); } catch(e) { NomTransitoire = PoppingEspace(String(Cible)); }; if (!StockElementsEvenement[NomTransitoire]){ StockElementsEvenement[NomTransitoire] = new Object(); }; CibleTransitoire = StockElementsEvenement[NomTransitoire]; if (!CibleTransitoire.EvenementsImplantes){ CibleTransitoire.EvenementsImplantes = new Array(); }; if (!CibleTransitoire.EvenementsPause){ CibleTransitoire.EvenementsPause = new Boolean(false); }; CibleTransitoire.EvenementsImplantes[CibleTransitoire.EvenementsImplantes.length] = new Array(); CibleTransitoire.EvenementsImplantes[(CibleTransitoire.EvenementsImplantes.length - 1)][0] = Events[i][0]; CibleTransitoire.EvenementsImplantes[(CibleTransitoire.EvenementsImplantes.length - 1)][1] = Events[i][1]; CibleTransitoire.EvenementsImplantes[(CibleTransitoire.EvenementsImplantes.length - 1)][2] = Events[i][2]; CibleTransitoire.EvenementsImplantes[(CibleTransitoire.EvenementsImplantes.length - 1)][3] = ((Events[i][3]) || (false)); CibleTransitoire.EvenementsImplantes[(CibleTransitoire.EvenementsImplantes.length - 1)][4] = Cible; CibleTransitoire.EvenementsImplantes[(CibleTransitoire.EvenementsImplantes.length - 1)][5] = this; }; } catch(e) { TraceErreur("WorldTools", "AddEvents", [(("Pour la fonction « " + Events[i][2]) + " »"), "L'élément récupérant l'événement n'est pas un objet capable de récupérer d'autres", "variables. Par conséquent le tableau de l'événement n'a pas pu lui être confié et", "cet événement ne pourra donc pas être retiré par un RemoveEvents."]); }; Verification = true; } else { TraceErreur("WorldTools", "AddEvents", (((("La fonction «" + Events[i][2]) + "» n'existe pas sur ") + Events[i][1]) + ".")); }; }; }; }; if (((!(Verification)) && (Events[i][2]))){ TraceErreur("WorldTools", "AddEvents", [(("Pour la fonction « " + Events[i][2]) + " »"), (((("L'événement de type «" + Events[i][0]) + "» n'a pas été trouvé dans le tableau ") + "des événements. Vérifiez l'orthographe de ce terme.\rSi aucune erreur d'écriture n'a été faites, vous pouvez rentrer ") + "dans le script de WorlsTools pour rajouter cet événements dans le tableau «Evenements».")]); }; i = (i + 1); }; } catch(e) { TraceErreur("WorldTools", "AddEvents", [(("Pour la fonction « " + Events[i][2]) + " »"), (("Impossible de donner l'événement à la cible + «" + Cible) + "»."), "Vérifiez votre premier argument pour vous assurer qu'il existe correctement.", "", "Si vous utilisez cet AddEvents dans une class, il se peut que ce bug soit dûe", "à la fonction de l'événement placé en private au lieu de public."]); }; } else { TraceErreur("WorldTools", "AddEvents", [(("Pour la fonction « " + Events[i][2]) + " »"), "La Cible devant recevoir l'événement n'existe pas", "Vérifiez votre premier argument pour vous assurer qu'il existe correctement."]); }; } public function CharacterConversion(_arg1:String, _arg2, _arg3=""):String{ var _local4:int; _arg2 = CapsuleArray(_arg2); _arg3 = CapsuleArray(_arg3); _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _arg2.length) { _arg1 = _arg1.split(_arg2[_local4]).join(_arg3[_local4]); _local4++; }; return (_arg1); } public function TimeLaunch(_arg1, _arg2:Number=1000):uint{ var NomAleatoire:String; var Fonction = _arg1; var Temps = _arg2; NomAleatoire = RandomWord(); TransitionCountdown[NomAleatoire] = new Object(); TransitionCountdown[NomAleatoire].LancementTime = function ():void{ Launch(Fonction); RemoveInterval(NomAleatoire); TransitionCountdown[NomAleatoire].LancementTime = null; TransitionCountdown[NomAleatoire] = null; }; return (AddInterval(NomAleatoire, TransitionCountdown[NomAleatoire].LancementTime, Temps)); } public function ForEachChild(_arg1, _arg2):void{ var _local3:int; var _local4:*; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _arg1.numChildren) { _local4 = _arg1.getChildAt(_local3); if (!TypeOf(_local4, "Shape")){ if (TypeOf(_arg2, "Object")){ _arg2.Cible = ((_arg2.Cible == "self")) ? _local4 : _arg2.Cible; }; Launch(_arg2, [_local4]); }; _local3++; }; } public function TotalGotoAndPlay(_arg1, _arg2=1, _arg3:int=0):void{ var i:int; var leClip:*; var Clip = _arg1; var Frame = _arg2; var Parentalite = _arg3; if (Parentalite == 0){ Clip.gotoAndPlay(Aspiration(Frame)); try { i = 0; while (i < Clip.numChildren) { leClip = Clip.getChildAt(i); if (((!(TypeOf(leClip, "MorphShape"))) && (!(TypeOf(leClip, "Shape"))))){ try { TotalGotoAndPlay(leClip, Frame); } catch(e) { }; }; i = (i + 1); }; } catch(e) { }; } else { TotalGotoAndPlay(GetParent(Clip, Parentalite), Frame); }; } public function PushAt(_arg1:Array, _arg2:int, _arg3):Array{ var _local4:Array; var _local5:Array; var _local6:int; _local4 = new Array(); _local5 = [_arg3]; _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _arg1.length) { if (_local6 < _arg2){ _local4.push(_arg1[_local6]); } else { _local5.push(_arg1[_local6]); }; _local6++; }; return (_local4.concat(_local5)); } public function NumberToLetter(_arg1, _arg2=null){ var _local3:*; var _local4:Array; var _local5:Array; var _local6:int; var _local7:int; var _local8:Array; var _local9:int; var _local10:int; var _local11:int; _arg2 = ((_arg2) || (AlphabetList)); if (TypeOf(_arg1, "Number")){ _local3 = ""; if (_arg1 <= 0){ _local3 = "NEG_"; _arg1 = Math.abs(_arg1); }; _arg1 = Math.round(_arg1); _local4 = new Array(); _local5 = [_arg1]; while (_local5[0] > _arg2.length) { _local5 = CutDivision((_local5[0] - 1), _arg2.length); _local4.push(_local5[1]); }; _local4.push((_local5[0] - 1)); _local6 = (_local4.length - 1); while (_local6 >= 0) { _local3 = (_local3 + _arg2[_local4[_local6]]); _local6--; }; if (_arg1 == 0){ _local3 = "_ZERO_"; }; } else { if (TypeOf(_arg1, "String")){ _local3 = 0; if (_arg1 == "_ZERO_"){ _local3 = 0; } else { _local7 = 1; if (FindIn(_arg1, "NEG_")){ _arg1 = Pop(_arg1, "NEG_"); _local7 = -1; }; _local8 = _arg1.split(""); _local8.reverse(); _local9 = 0; while (_local9 < _local8.length) { _local10 = (_arg2.indexOf(_local8[_local9]) + 1); _local11 = 0; while (_local11 < _local9) { _local10 = (_local10 * _arg2.length); _local11++; }; _local3 = (_local3 + _local10); _local9++; }; _local3 = (_local3 * _local7); }; } else { TraceError("WorldTools", "ChainString", "Le premier argument doit être un nombre entier ou une chaine de caractere."); }; }; return (_local3); } public function NoDouble(_arg1):Array{ var _local2:Array; var _local3:int; AddObsolete("NoDouble"); _local2 = new Array(); _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _arg1.length) { if (!IsInArray(_local2, _arg1[_local3])){ _local2.push(_arg1[_local3]); }; _local3++; }; return (_local2); } public function FullModificationObject(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Object):Object{ var iModif:*; var Modif:Object; var NomActuel:String; var CleeObjet:Object; var Objet = _arg1; var Modifications = _arg2; AddObsolete("FullModificationObject"); for (iModif in Modifications) { Modif = Modifications[iModif]; NomActuel = ((Modif.Nom) || (iModif)); if (TraceIfNotKey(Modif, ["Modification"], "WorldTools", "FullModificationObject", "Modifications")){ CleeObjet = WayObject(Objet, Modif.Chemin); if (TypeOf(Modif.Modification, "String")){ if (Modif.Modification == "="){ CleeObjet[NomActuel] = Modif.Valeur; } else { CleeObjet[NomActuel] = CalculOperateur(Number(CleeObjet[NomActuel]), Modif.Valeur, Modif.Modification); }; } else { try { CleeObjet[NomActuel] = Modif.Modification(CleeObjet[NomActuel]); } catch(e) { CleeObjet[NomActuel] = Modif.Modification(); }; }; }; }; return (Objet); } public function TabOrdreObjet(_arg1:Array, _arg2:String, _arg3:String="Croissant"):Array{ var _local4:Array; var _local5:int; var _local6:Number; var _local7:int; var _local8:Object; AddObsolete("TabOrdreObjet"); _local4 = new Array(); while (_arg1.length > 0) { _local6 = -999999999999999; _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < _arg1.length) { if (_arg1[_local7][_arg2] >= _local6){ _local5 = _local7; _local6 = _arg1[_local7][_arg2]; }; _local7++; }; _local8 = _arg1[_local5]; _local4.push(CloneObject(_local8)); _arg1.splice(_local5, 1); }; if (_arg3 == "Décroissant"){ _local4.reverse(); }; return (_local4); } public function CountdownLaunch(_arg1, _arg2=1, _arg3=""):void{ var Compte:int; var Nom:String; var Levier:Boolean; var EmpileVerif:String; var Fonction = _arg1; var Frames = _arg2; var Empile = _arg3; Compte = Frames; Nom = (RandomWord() + "Rebours"); Levier = true; if (Empile != ""){ EmpileVerif = Pop(Empile, ["Contre", "Addition"]); if (!TransitionCountdown[EmpileVerif]){ TransitionCountdown[EmpileVerif] = true; Nom = EmpileVerif; } else { Levier = false; }; }; if (Levier){ TransitionCountdown[(Nom + "_Compte")] = Compte; TransitionCountdown[Nom] = function ():void{ if (TransitionCountdown[(Nom + "_Compte")] == 0){ RemoveEvents2(TransitionCountdown, {Fonction:Nom, Cible:TransitionCountdown}, "ENTER_FRAME"); TransitionCountdown[Nom] = null; TransitionCountdown[(Nom + "_Compte")] = null; Launch(Fonction); }; var _local1 = TransitionCountdown; var _local2 = (Nom + "_Compte"); var _local3 = (_local1[_local2] - 1); _local1[_local2] = _local3; }; AddEvents2(TransitionCountdown, {Fonction:Nom, Cible:TransitionCountdown}, "ENTER_FRAME"); } else { if (((!(Levier)) && (FindIn(Empile, "Contre")))){ TransitionCountdown[(EmpileVerif + "_Compte")] = Compte; } else { if (((!(Levier)) && (FindIn(Empile, "Addition")))){ TransitionCountdown[(EmpileVerif + "_Compte")] = (TransitionCountdown[(EmpileVerif + "_Compte")] + Compte); }; }; }; } public function Trace(_arg1, _arg2:Boolean=true):void{ TraceEffect = ((TraceEffect) || ("")); if (((!(Silence)) && (_arg2))){ if (TypeOf(TraceEffect, "Function")){ TraceEffect(_arg1); } else { if (TypeOf(TraceEffect, "String")){ trace(_arg1); } else { if (TypeOf(TraceEffect, "TextField")){ if (_arg1 == ""){ TraceEffect.text = ""; } else { TraceEffect.text = ((TraceEffect.text + "\r") + _arg1); }; }; }; }; }; } public function Annihilation(_arg1, _arg2=null, _arg3:Boolean=true, _arg4:Boolean=false):void{ var i:int; var CheckDrOIde:int; var ElementCible:*; var Name:String; var leClip:*; var Lik:*; var LikN:int; var To:int; var Cible = _arg1; var Parent = _arg2; var Erreur = _arg3; var Testing = _arg4; AddObsolete("Annihilation"); if (Testing){ Tr(); }; Trace(("Tentative d'annihilation sur " + Cible), Testing); if (Cible){ if (Cible.FonctionDisparition){ Launch(Cible.FonctionDisparition); }; if (Cible.Disparition){ if (TypeOf(Cible.Disparition, "String")){ if (Cible.Disparition.split(" ")[0] == "Alpha"){ DisparitionAlpha(Cible, (isNaN(Number(Cible.Disparition.split(" ")[1]))) ? 5 : Number(Cible.Disparition.split(" ")[1])); } else { if (Cible.Disparition.split(" ")[0] == "Taille"){ DisparitionTaille(Cible, (isNaN(Number(Cible.Disparition.split(" ")[1]))) ? 2 : Number(Cible.Disparition.split(" ")[1])); }; }; Cible.Disparition = 0; }; Cible.Disparition++; if (Cible.Disparition > 400){ TraceErreur("WorldTools", "Annihilation", ((("L'élément " + Cible.name) + " ne peut pas être détruit car il contient une variable") + " «Disparition».")); }; } else { Trace(((Cible.name + " : ") + "————CONVERSION"), Testing); if ((((typeof(Cible) == "string")) && (!((Parent == null))))){ Name = Cible; Cible = Parent[Cible]; try { Cible.name = Name; } catch(e) { }; }; Trace(((Cible.name + " : ") + "————PARCOURS"), Testing); i = 0; while (i < Cible.numChildren) { leClip = Cible.getChildAt(i); try { Trace((((Cible.name + " : ") + "Annihilation lancé pour l'enfant ") + leClip.name), Testing); Annihilation(leClip, null, false); } catch(e) { }; i = (i + 1); }; Trace(((Cible.name + " : ") + "————RAFRAICHISSEMENT"), Testing); Trace(((Cible.name + " : ") + "RemoveAllEvents"), Testing); RemoveAllEvents(Cible); Trace(((Cible.name + " : ") + "AbsolutStop"), Testing); AbsolutStop(Cible); Trace(((Cible.name + " : ") + "————DESTRUCTION DR01DE"), Testing); CheckDrOIde = 0; while (CheckDrOIde < drOIdeScripts.length) { if (Cible[drOIdeScripts[CheckDrOIde]] != null){ Trace(((((Cible.name + " : ") + "Script ") + drOIdeScripts[CheckDrOIde]) + " repéré"), Testing); if (!Cible[drOIdeScripts[CheckDrOIde]].Protection){ RemoveAllEvents(Cible[drOIdeScripts[CheckDrOIde]]); Cible[drOIdeScripts[CheckDrOIde]] = null; Trace(((((Cible.name + " : ") + "Script ") + drOIdeScripts[CheckDrOIde]) + " détruit"), Testing); }; }; CheckDrOIde = (CheckDrOIde + 1); }; Trace(((Cible.name + " : ") + "————DISAFFICHAGE"), Testing); Parent = ((Parent) || (Cible.parent)); Cible.parent.removeChild(Cible); Trace(((Cible.name + " : ") + "————DESRUCTION DES LIENS"), Testing); if (Cible.LinkIn){ Trace(((Cible.name + " : ") + "LinkIn repéré"), Testing); if (TypeOf(Cible.LinkIn, "Object")){ for (Lik in Cible.LinkIn) { Annihilation(Cible.LinkIn[Lik]); }; } else { if (TypeOf(Cible.LinkIn, "Array")){ LikN = 0; while (LikN < Cible.LinkIn.length) { Annihilation(Cible.LinkIn[LikN]); LikN = (LikN + 1); }; } else { Annihilation(Cible.LinkIn); }; }; Trace(((Cible.name + " : ") + "LinkIn détruit"), Testing); }; Trace(((Cible.name + " : ") + "————DESTRUCTION LINK DR01DE"), Testing); if (Cible.drOIdeType == "Video"){ Cible.Stop(); }; if (Cible.Link2HitProcess){ Trace(((Cible.name + " : ") + "Lien HitLink repéré"), Testing); if (HitLink){ HitLink.SupressionElement(Cible.Link2HitProcess); Trace(((Cible.name + " : ") + "Lien HitLink détruit"), Testing); } else { if (Erreur){ TraceErreur("WorldTools", "Annihilation", ["Attention! Des éléments reliés au HitProcess sont détruits par l'Annihilation sans", "que le HitLink n'ai été donné en liaison à la WorldTools.", "Vous devez donner le lien vers le HitLink à la WorldTools ou il risque d'y avoir un", "calcul exponentiel du côté du HitProcess."]); }; }; }; if (Cible.Link2KeyboardPort){ Trace(((Cible.name + " : ") + "Lien KeyboardProcess repéré"), Testing); if (KeyboardLink){ To = 0; while (To < Cible.Link2KeyboardPort.length) { KeyboardLink.supressionEvénement(Cible.Link2KeyboardPort[To]); KeyboardLink.SupprimeEvenement(Cible.Link2KeyboardPort[To]); To = (To + 1); }; Trace(((Cible.name + " : ") + "Lien KeyboardProcess détruit"), Testing); } else { if (Erreur){ TraceErreur("WorldTools", "Annihilation", ["Attention! Des éléments reliés au KeyboardPort sont détruits par l'Annihilation sans", "que le KeyboardLink n'ai été donné en liaison à la WorldTools.", "Vous devez donner le lien vers le KeyboardLink à la WorldTools ou le appels de touches", "continueront à être calculer et utiliseront de la ressource."]); }; }; }; if (Cible.Link2DeepCamera){ Trace(((Cible.name + " : ") + "Lien DeepCamera repéré"), Testing); Cible.Link2DeepCamera.Quitte(Cible); Trace(((Cible.name + " : ") + "Lien DeepCamera détruit"), Testing); }; Trace(((Cible.name + " : ") + "————MISE A NULL"), Testing); try { if (Parent[Cible.name] != null){ Parent[Cible.name] = null; } else { if (FindIn(Cible.name, "instance") <= 0){ if (Erreur){ TraceErreur("WorldTools", "Annihilation", [(("Annihilation totale de l'élément «" + Cible.name) + "» compromise."), "L'élément n'a pas été trouvé sur son parent, par conséquent, il n'a pas été passé à null et risque d'empeuser le programme."]); }; } else { if (Erreur){ TraceErreur("WorldTools", "Annihilation", [(("Annihilation totale de l'élément sur «" + Parent.name) + "» compromise."), "L'élément ne porte pas de nom et ne peut donc être trouvé sur son parent pour être correctement nettoyé."]); }; }; }; } catch(e) { try { Cible.parent[Cible.name] = null; } catch(e) { if (FindIn(Cible.name, "instance") <= 0){ if (Erreur){ TraceErreur("WorldTools", "Annihilation", [(("Annihilation totale de l'élément «" + Cible.name) + "» compromise."), "L'élément n'a pas été trouvé sur son parent, par conséquent, il n'a pas été passé à null et risque d'empeuser le programme."]); }; } else { if (Erreur){ TraceErreur("WorldTools", "Annihilation", [(("Annihilation totale de l'élément sur «" + Parent.name) + "» compromise."), "L'élément ne porte pas de nom et ne peut donc être trouvé sur son parent pour être correctement nettoyé."]); }; }; }; }; Trace(((Cible.name + " : ") + "————NETTOYAGE"), Testing); for (ElementCible in Cible) { Trace(((((Cible.name + " : ") + "Element ") + ElementCible) + " nettoyé"), Testing); Cible[ElementCible] = null; }; Trace(((Cible.name + " : ") + "——————————ELEMENT ENTIEREMENT ANNIHILÉ——————————"), Testing); }; }; } public function SetClearerColor(_arg1, _arg2=10):String{ var _local3:Array; var _local4:int; var _local5:Array; var _local6:int; _arg2 = Aspiration(_arg2); if (!TypeOf(_arg1, "String")){ if (_arg1.CouleurTeinte){ _local3 = _arg1.CouleurTeinte.split(""); _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _local3.length) { _local3[_local4] = NumberToHexa((HexaToNumber(_local3[_local4]) + ((_arg2 / 100) * 15))); _local4++; }; SetColor(_arg1, _local3.join("")); return (_local3.join("")); } else { TraceError("WorldTools", "Eclaircie", "L'élément n'a pas de couleur actuelle donnée via un SetColor."); }; } else { _local5 = _arg1.split(""); _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _local5.length) { _local5[_local6] = NumberToHexa((HexaToNumber(_local5[_local6]) + ((_arg2 / 100) * 15))); _local6++; }; return (_local5.join("")); }; return (""); } public function TotalPause(_arg1, _arg2:Boolean=true, _arg3:int=0, _arg4:Boolean=false):void{ var i:int; var leClip:*; var Clip = _arg1; var Pause = _arg2; var Parentalite = _arg3; var Retour = _arg4; if (((Retour) || (!(Pause)))){ if (Parentalite == 0){ if (Pause){ if (!Clip.Pause){ Clip.stop(); } else { Clip.Pause(true); }; if (Clip.Sound){ Clip.Sound.PauseSound(true); }; } else { if (Clip.isPlaying){ if (!Clip.Pause){ Clip.play(); } else { Clip.Pause(false); }; }; if (Clip.Sound){ Clip.Sound.PauseSound(false); }; }; try { i = 0; while (i < Clip.numChildren) { leClip = Clip.getChildAt(i); if (((!(TypeOf(leClip, "MorphShape"))) && (!(TypeOf(leClip, "Shape"))))){ TotalPause(leClip, Pause, 0, Retour); }; i = (i + 1); }; } catch(e) { }; } else { TotalPause(GetParent(Clip, Parentalite), Pause, 0, Retour); }; } else { TotalIsPlaying(Clip, Parentalite); CountdownLaunch({Fonction:TotalPause, Arguments:[Clip, Pause, Parentalite, true]}, 1, "Pause"); }; } function Launch_ElementCompilation(_arg1, _arg2:Boolean){ var FonctionDemandee:String; var Levier:Boolean; var Element = _arg1; var Commentaire = _arg2; if (TypeOf(Element, "String")){ Element = Aspiration(Element); }; if (TypeOf(Element, "String")){ Element = {Fonction:Element}; }; try { if (Element.Fonction){ if (TypeOf(Element.Fonction, "String")){ Element.Fonction = Aspiration(Element.Fonction); }; }; } catch(e) { }; if (TypeOf(Element, "Function")){ Element = {Fonction:Element}; }; if (((TypeOf(Element.Fonction, "String")) && (!(Element.Cible)))){ FonctionDemandee = ("ShortLaunch_" + Element.Fonction.split(" ").join("")); try { Element.Fonction = this[FonctionDemandee]; } catch(e) { TraceError("WorldTools", "Launch", ["Vous avez indiqué une fonction en String sans donner de cible.", (("Cette fonction est : «" + Element.Fonction) + "»"), "Soit c'est un oublie, soit vous avez tenté de faire appel à une fonction", "ShortLaunch. Le cas échéant, vérifiez son orthographe pour vous assurez qu'elle", "a été indiqué correctement."], Commentaire); return (null); }; }; Element = CloneObject(Element); if (Element.Cible){ Element.Cible = Aspiration(Element.Cible); }; if (TypeOf(Element.Fonction, "String")){ Levier = false; try { if (Element.Cible[Element.Fonction]){ Element.NomFonction = Element.Fonction; Element.Fonction = Element.Cible[Element.Fonction]; Levier = true; }; } catch(e) { }; if (!Levier){ TraceError("WorldTools", "Launch", [(((("Impossible de trouver la fonctions \"" + Element.Fonction) + "\" sur ") + TraceElement(Element.Cible)) + ".")], Commentaire); return (null); }; }; if (Element.Argument){ Element.Arguments = [Element.Argument]; Element.Argument = null; } else { if (Element.Arguments){ Element.Arguments = CapsuleArray(Element.Arguments); }; }; Element.Arguments = ((Element.Arguments) || (new Array())); return (Element); } public function GetClees(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String="Nombre", _arg3=null, _arg4=true){ var _local5:*; var _local6:*; AddObsolete("GetClees"); _arg3 = ((_arg3) || ([])); if (typeof(_arg3) == "string"){ _arg3 = [_arg3]; }; if (_arg2 == "Nombre"){ _local5 = 0; } else { if (_arg2 == "Tableau"){ _local5 = []; } else { if (_arg4){ TraceErreur("WorldTools", "GetClees", [(("\"" + _arg2) + "\" a été mis comme second argument, à savoir le type de valeur renvoyée."), "Ce type de renvoie n'éxiste pas, seules sont pris en compte : \"Nombre\" et \"Tableau\"."]); return (""); }; }; }; for (_local6 in _arg1) { if (_arg3.indexOf(_local6) == -1){ if (_arg2 == "Nombre"){ _local5++; } else { if (_arg2 == "Tableau"){ _local5.push(_local6); }; }; }; }; return (_local5); } public function Repulse(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3:Number=50):void{ AddObsolete("Repulse"); GoDirection(_arg1, RegardTo(_arg2, _arg1), _arg3); } public function RealScaleMod(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3:String="width", _arg4:String=""):void{ var _local5:Number; AddObsolete("RealScaleMod"); _arg2 = Aspiration(_arg2); _local5 = _arg1.rotation; _arg1.rotation = 0; if (_arg4 == ""){ _arg1[_arg3] = _arg2; } else { if (_arg4 == "Addition"){ _arg1[_arg3] = (_arg1[_arg3] + _arg2); } else { if (_arg4 == "Soustraction"){ _arg1[_arg3] = (_arg1[_arg3] - _arg2); }; }; }; _arg1.rotation = _local5; } public function ElementToClass(_arg1, _arg2:Boolean=true):Class{ var Clip = _arg1; var Avertissement = _arg2; try { return (StringToClass(TypeOf(Clip), Avertissement)); } catch(e) { }; return (null); } public function GetDirectionTo(_arg1, _arg2=1, _arg3=0, _arg4=1):Object{ var _local5:Object; _local5 = {x:_arg1.x, y:_arg1.y}; SetDirectionTo(_local5, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4); return (_local5); } public function TotalStop(_arg1, _arg2:int=0):void{ var i:int; var leClip:*; var Clip = _arg1; var Parentalite = _arg2; if (Parentalite == 0){ Clip.stop(); try { i = 0; while (i < Clip.numChildren) { leClip = Clip.getChildAt(i); if (((!(TypeOf(leClip, "MorphShape"))) && (!(TypeOf(leClip, "Shape"))))){ try { TotalStop(leClip); } catch(e) { }; }; i = (i + 1); }; } catch(e) { }; } else { TotalStop(GetParent(Clip, Parentalite)); }; } public function AbsolutPauseEvents(_arg1, _arg2:Boolean=true):void{ var i:int; var leClip:*; var Clip = _arg1; var Etat = _arg2; AddObsolete("AbsolutPauseEvents"); PauseEvents(Clip, Etat); i = 0; while (i < Clip.numChildren) { leClip = Clip.getChildAt(i); try { AbsolutPauseEvents(leClip, Etat); } catch(e) { }; i = (i + 1); }; } public function CharacterLoop(_arg1:String, _arg2, _arg3:String, _arg4:String="Debut"):String{ var _local5:Array; var _local6:String; var _local7:Number; _local5 = new Array(); _local6 = _arg1; if (_arg4 == "Fin"){ _arg1 = ReverseString(_arg1); }; while (_arg1.length > 0) { _local7 = Aspiration(_arg2); _local5.push(_arg1.substr(0, ((_arg1)==_local6) ? (_local7 + 1) : _local7)); _arg1 = _arg1.substr(((_arg1)==_local6) ? (_local7 + 1) : _local7); }; return (((_arg4)=="Fin") ? ReverseString(_local5.join(ReverseString(_arg3))) : _local5.join(_arg3)); } public function TraceEnsemble(_arg1:Array):void{ var _local2:String; var _local3:int; AddObsolete("TraceEnsemble"); _local2 = ""; while (_local3 < _arg1.length) { Trace(_arg1[_local3]); _local3++; }; } public function GetDistance(_arg1, _arg2):Number{ var _local3:Number; _local3 = ((Math.abs((_arg1.x - _arg2.x)) * Math.abs((_arg1.x - _arg2.x))) + (Math.abs((_arg1.y - _arg2.y)) * Math.abs((_arg1.y - _arg2.y)))); return (Math.sqrt(_local3)); } public function FirstView(_arg1):void{ _arg1.parent.addChild(_arg1); } public function AddBump(_arg1, _arg2:Number=200, _arg3:String="Rond", _arg4:Boolean=false, _arg5:String="Bump", _arg6:Number=0):Sprite{ var _local7:Sprite; _local7 = (_arg1[_arg5] = new Sprite()); _local7.graphics.beginFill(0x333333); if (_arg3 == "Rond"){ _local7.graphics.drawCircle(0, 0, (_arg2 / 2)); } else { _local7.graphics.drawRect((-(_arg2) / 2), (-(_arg2) / 2), _arg2, _arg2); }; _arg1.addChildAt(_local7, 0); _local7.mouseChildren = _arg4; _local7.mouseEnabled = _arg4; _local7.alpha = _arg6; return (_local7); } public function AbsolutGotoAndPlay(_arg1, _arg2=1, _arg3:int=0):void{ var i:int; var leClip:*; var Clip = _arg1; var Frame = _arg2; var Parentalite = _arg3; AddObsolete("AbsolutGotoAndPlay"); if (Parentalite == 0){ Clip.gotoAndPlay(Aspiration(Frame)); try { i = 0; while (i < Clip.numChildren) { leClip = Clip.getChildAt(i); if (((!(TypeOf(leClip, "MorphShape"))) && (!(TypeOf(leClip, "Shape"))))){ try { AbsolutGotoAndPlay(leClip, Frame); } catch(e) { }; }; i = (i + 1); }; } catch(e) { }; } else { AbsolutGotoAndPlay(Parental(Clip, Parentalite), Frame); }; } public function EqualNear(_arg1:Number, _arg2, _arg3:Number=100):Number{ var _local4:Array; var _local5:Object; var _local6:int; _local4 = (TypeOf(_arg2, "Array")) ? _arg2 : [_arg2, _arg3]; _local5 = {Chiffre:_arg1, Distance:null}; _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _local4.length) { if (((!(_local5.Distance)) || ((_local5.Distance > Math.abs((_local4[_local6] - _arg1)))))){ _local5.Distance = Math.abs((_local4[_local6] - _arg1)); _local5.Chiffre = _local4[_local6]; }; _local6++; }; return (_local5.Chiffre); } public function NewElement(_arg1=null, _arg2=null, _arg3:String="myElement", _arg4=null, _arg5=null){ var RecuperationElement:Object; var TransitionEtat:Object; var laTaille:*; var NouvelElement:*; var NouvelElementObjet:*; var iEnfant:int; var Element = _arg1; var Cible = _arg2; var Nom = _arg3; var Etat = _arg4; var Parametres = _arg5; Parametres = ((Parametres) || (new Object())); if (((((TypeOf(Element, "String")) && (FindIn(String(Element), ((Parametres.Et) || ("&")))))) && (FindIn(String(Element), ((Parametres.Egal) || ("=")))))){ RecuperationElement = GetToObject(Element, Parametres.Et, Parametres.Egal); Element = (getDefinitionByName(RecuperationElement.Class) as Class); Nom = ((Nom) || (RecuperationElement.Nom)); RecuperationElement.Element = (RecuperationElement.Cible = (RecuperationElement.Nom = null)); TransitionEtat = CloneObject(Etat); Etat = new Object(); SetAll(Etat, RecuperationElement); SetAll(Etat, TransitionEtat); }; if (!TypeOf(Element, "Object")){ if (!Cible){ Cible = Element; Element = MovieClip; }; Element = ((Element) || (MovieClip)); Etat = ((Etat) || (new Object())); Etat.IsNode = ((Etat.IsNode)==null) ? true : Etat.IsNode; if (typeof(Element) == "string"){ Element = StringToClass(Aspiration(Element)); }; Element = Aspiration(Element); Cible = Aspiration(Cible); if (Etat){ if (!TypeOf(Etat, "Object")){ try { Etat = {x:((Etat.X) || (Etat.x)), y:((Etat.Y) || (Etat.y))}; } catch(e) { }; } else { if (Etat.Position){ try { Etat = CloneObject(Etat); Etat.x = Etat.Position.x; Etat.y = Etat.Position.y; Etat.Position = null; } catch(e) { TraceError("WorldTools", "NewElement", [(("La position ne peut être issue de '" + Etat.Position) + "'")]); }; }; }; if (Etat.Taille){ laTaille = Aspiration(Etat.Taille); Etat.scaleX = laTaille; Etat.scaleY = laTaille; }; }; Etat = AspirationObject(Etat); if (Cible){ while (Cible[Nom] != null) { Nom = PasteString(Nom); }; }; try { NouvelElement = (Cible[Nom] = new (Element)); NouvelElement.name = Nom; Cible.addChild(NouvelElement); SetAll(NouvelElement, SetDefault(Etat, {})); if (NouvelElement.color){ SetColor(NouvelElement, NouvelElement.color); }; NouvelElement.Destroy = function ():void{ DestroyElement(NouvelElement); }; return (NouvelElement); } catch(e) { TraceError("WorldTools", "NewElement", [(((("L'élément '" + Element) + "' n'éxiste pas ou ne peut pas être placé dans ") + Cible) + ".")]); return (null); }; } else { NouvelElementObjet = NewElement(Element.Classe, Cible, Nom, Etat); iEnfant = 0; while (iEnfant < Element.Enfants.length) { NewElement(Element.Enfants[iEnfant].Element, NouvelElementObjet, Element.Enfants[iEnfant].Nom, Element.Enfants[iEnfant].Etat); iEnfant = (iEnfant + 1); }; return (NouvelElementObjet); }; return (null); } public function Object2Array(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String="Numero"):Array{ var _local3:Array; var _local4:Array; var _local5:Number; var _local6:String; var _local7:*; AddObsolete("Object2Array"); _local3 = new Array(); _local4 = new Array(); while (_local3.length < LengthObject(_arg1)) { _local5 = 99999999999999; for (_local7 in _arg1) { if (!IsInArray(_local3, _local7)){ if (((String2Element(_arg2, _arg1[_local7], false)) || (99999999999998)) < _local5){ _local5 = ((String2Element(_arg2, _arg1[_local7], false)) || (99999999999998)); _local6 = _local7; }; }; }; _local4.push(_arg1[_local6]); _local3.push(_local6); }; return (_local4); } public function Round(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number=0, _arg3:String="round"):Number{ var _local4:Number; var _local5:int; _local4 = 1; _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < _arg2) { _local4 = (_local4 * 10); _local5++; }; _arg1 = (_arg1 * _local4); _arg1 = Math[_arg3](_arg1); return ((_arg1 / _local4)); } public function ElementToString(_arg1, _arg2=null){ var _local3:*; _local3 = ElementToArray(_arg1, _arg2); return (((_local3)!=null) ? _local3.join(".") : _local3); } public function ReverseString(_arg1:String):String{ var _local2:Array; _local2 = _arg1.split(""); _local2.reverse(); return (_local2.join("")); } public function ClasseTo(_arg1, _arg2:Boolean=true):Class{ var Clip = _arg1; var Avertissement = _arg2; AddObsolete("ClasseTo"); try { return (ClasseIs(TypeOf(Clip), Avertissement)); } catch(e) { }; return (null); } public function EstPair(_arg1:Number):Boolean{ AddObsolete("EstPair"); _arg1 = (_arg1 / 2); return ((_arg1 == Math.round(_arg1))); } public function HardPop(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:String, _arg4:String=""):String{ var _local5:Array; var _local6:Array; var _local7:int; AddObsolete("HardPop"); _local5 = _arg1.split(_arg2).join(_arg3).split(_arg3); _local6 = new Array(); _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < _local5.length) { if (Math.round((_local7 / 2)) == (_local7 / 2)){ _local6.push(_local5[_local7]); } else { _local6.push(_arg4); }; _local7++; }; return (_local6.join("")); } public function MyWay(_arg1):String{ var _local2:String; AddObsolete("MyWay"); _local2 = ""; while (!(TypeOf(_arg1, "MainTimeline"))) { _local2 = (_arg1.name + _local2); if (!TypeOf(_arg1.parent, "MainTimeline")){ _local2 = ("." + _local2); } else { _local2 = (("root" + ".") + _local2); }; _arg1 = _arg1.parent; }; return (_local2); } public function IsEven(_arg1:Number):Boolean{ _arg1 = (_arg1 / 2); return ((_arg1 == Math.round(_arg1))); } public function PlanBy(_arg1, _arg2:String, _arg3:String="Croissant"):void{ var _local4:Array; var _local5:int; var _local6:int; var _local7:*; AddObsolete("PlanBy"); _local4 = new Array(); _local5 = _arg1.numChildren; _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _local5) { _local4.push({Clip:_arg1.getChildAt(_local6), Valeur:_arg1.getChildAt(_local6)[_arg2]}); _local6++; }; _local4 = TabOrdreObjet(_local4, "Valeur", _arg3); _local4.reverse(); for (_local7 in _local4) { _arg1.addChild(_local4[_local7].Clip); }; } public function RemoveInterval(_arg1:String):void{ clearInterval(StockIntervalEvents[_arg1].Intervale); StockIntervalEvents[_arg1] = null; } public function ExtractAll(_arg1, _arg2:Array=null):Object{ var _local3:Object; var _local4:String; AddObsolete("ExtractAll"); _arg2 = DefaultNotVoid(_arg2, ["x", "y", "rotation", "alpha", "visible", "width", "height"]); _local3 = new Object(); for (_local4 in _arg2) { _local3[_arg2[_local4]] = _arg1[_arg2[_local4]]; }; return (_local3); } public function ValueBoolean(_arg1, _arg2:String, _arg3:Boolean=true){ if (!_arg3){ _arg1[(_arg2 + "MemoParamBoolean")] = _arg1[_arg2]; _arg1[_arg2] = 0; } else { if (_arg1[(_arg2 + "MemoParamBoolean")]){ _arg1[_arg2] = _arg1[(_arg2 + "MemoParamBoolean")]; }; }; } public function String2Element(_arg1:String, _arg2, _arg3=true, _arg4:String=""){ AddObsolete("String2Element"); if (TypeOf(_arg3, "String")){ _arg4 = _arg3; _arg3 = true; }; if (_arg4 != ""){ _arg1 = CharacterConversion(_arg1, _arg4, "."); }; return (Array2Element(_arg1.split("."), _arg2, _arg3)); } public function Defile(_arg1, _arg2:Number=1):void{ AddObsolete("Defile"); if ((_arg1.currentFrame + _arg2) >= (_arg1.totalFrames + 1)){ _arg2 = (_arg2 - (_arg1.totalFrames - _arg1.currentFrame)); _arg1.gotoAndStop(((_arg2)<=_arg1.totalFrames) ? _arg2 : CutDivision(_arg2, _arg1.totalFrames)[1]); } else { if ((_arg1.currentFrame + _arg2) <= 0){ _arg2 = (_arg2 + _arg1.currentFrame); _arg1.gotoAndStop(((-(_arg2))<_arg1.totalFrames) ? (_arg1.totalFrames + _arg2) : (_arg1.totalFrames - CutDivision(-(_arg2), _arg1.totalFrames)[1])); } else { _arg1.gotoAndStop((_arg1.currentFrame + _arg2)); }; }; } public function RefreshAllEvents():void{ var _local1:int; AddObsolete("RefreshAllEvents"); _local1 = 0; while (StockEvents.length > 0) { RemoveEvents(StockEvents[0].Cible, StockEvents[0].Events); _local1++; if (_local1 > 9000){ TraceErreur("WorldTools", "RefreshAllEvents", ["La boucle n'a put supprimer tous les events", "Il se peut qu'il y ait un events introuvable dans le tableau StockEvents", "Ou bien le nombre de vos events outrepasse 9000."]); break; }; }; } public function PremierPlan(_arg1):void{ AddObsolete("PremierPlan"); _arg1.parent.addChild(_arg1); } public function DefaultNotVoid(_arg1, _arg2=undefined){ var Type:String; var Argument = _arg1; var Defaut = _arg2; AddObsolete("DefaultNotVoid"); Type = ""; try { Type = TypeOf(Argument); } catch(e) { }; if ((((((Argument == null)) || ((Argument == undefined)))) || ((((Argument == "")) && (!((Type == "Number"))))))){ if (Defaut != undefined){ return (Defaut); }; return (false); //unresolved jump }; return (Argument); } public function ValeurBetween(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number=50):Number{ AddObsolete("ValeurBetween"); if (_arg1 < _arg2){ return ((_arg1 + ((_arg2 - _arg1) * (_arg3 / 100)))); }; return ((_arg2 + ((_arg1 - _arg2) * (_arg3 / 100)))); } public function PushUnicite(_arg1:Array, _arg2):Boolean{ if (!IndexOf(_arg1, _arg2)){ _arg1.push(_arg2); return (true); }; return (false); } public function GetTotal(_arg1, _arg2:String, _arg3:Number=NaN):Number{ var _local4:Number; if (((!(TypeOf(_arg1, "MainTimeline"))) && (!(TypeOf(_arg1, "Stage"))))){ _arg3 = (isNaN(_arg3)) ? 0 : _arg3; if (_arg2 == "width"){ _arg3 = _arg1[_arg2]; _arg2 = "scaleX"; } else { if (_arg2 == "height"){ _arg3 = _arg1[_arg2]; _arg2 = "scaleY"; } else { if (_arg2 == "scaleX"){ if (_arg3 == 0){ _arg3 = _arg1[_arg2]; } else { _arg3 = (_arg3 * _arg1[_arg2]); }; } else { if (_arg2 == "scaleY"){ if (_arg3 == 0){ _arg3 = _arg1[_arg2]; } else { _arg3 = (_arg3 * _arg1[_arg2]); }; } else { if ((((_arg2 == "x")) && ((_arg1.scaleX > 1)))){ _arg3 = (_arg3 * _arg1.scaleX); }; if ((((_arg2 == "y")) && ((_arg1.scaleY > 1)))){ _arg3 = (_arg3 * _arg1.scaleY); }; _arg3 = (_arg3 + _arg1[_arg2]); }; }; }; }; _local4 = GetTotal((((_arg1.parent as MovieClip)) || (_arg1.parent)), _arg2, _arg3); return (_local4); } else { if (!isNaN(_arg3)){ //unresolved jump }; }; return (!NULL!); } public function AbsolutStop(_arg1, _arg2:int=0):void{ var i:int; var leClip:*; var Clip = _arg1; var Parentalite = _arg2; AddObsolete("AbsolutStop"); if (Parentalite == 0){ Clip.stop(); try { i = 0; while (i < Clip.numChildren) { leClip = Clip.getChildAt(i); if (((!(TypeOf(leClip, "MorphShape"))) && (!(TypeOf(leClip, "Shape"))))){ try { AbsolutStop(leClip); } catch(e) { }; }; i = (i + 1); }; } catch(e) { }; } else { AbsolutStop(Parental(Clip, Parentalite)); }; } public function CopieString(_arg1:String):String{ var _local2:String; var _local3:String; AddObsolete("CopieString"); if (isNaN(Number(_arg1.substr((_arg1.length - 1), 1)))){ _arg1 = (_arg1 + "1"); } else { _local2 = _arg1; _local3 = ""; while (!(isNaN(Number(_local2.substr((_local2.length - 1), 1))))) { _local3 = (_local3 + _local2.substr((_local2.length - 1), 1)); _local2 = _local2.substr(0, (_local2.length - 1)); }; _arg1 = (_local2 + (Number(_local3.split("").reverse().join("")) + 1)); }; return (_arg1); } public function TreatmentObject(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3:String=""):void{ var _local4:*; AddObsolete("TreatmentObject"); if (TypeOf(_arg1, "Object")){ for (_local4 in _arg1) { TreatmentObject(_arg1[_local4], _arg2, _local4); }; } else { Launch(_arg2, true, {Valeur:_arg1, Nom:_arg3}); }; } public function ShortLaunch_Alerte(_arg1=null):void{ T(); } public function FindInObject(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3:String="", _arg4:String=""):int{ var _local5:int; var _local6:*; var _local7:*; var _local8:*; var _local9:*; _local5 = 0; if (_arg3 == ""){ if (_arg4 != ""){ for (_local6 in _arg1) { if (_arg1[_local6][_arg4] == _arg2){ _local5++; }; }; } else { for (_local7 in _arg1) { if (_arg1[_local7] == _arg2){ _local5++; }; }; }; } else { if (_arg4 != ""){ for (_local8 in _arg1) { if (_arg1[_local8][_arg3][_arg4] == _arg2){ _local5++; }; }; } else { for (_local9 in _arg1) { if (_arg1[_local9][_arg3] == _arg2){ _local5++; }; }; }; }; return (_local5); } public function Instant(_arg1:Object, _arg2=10):void{ var Compte:int; var Nom:String; var Fonction = _arg1; var Frames = _arg2; AddObsolete("Instant"); Compte = Frames; Nom = (RandomMot() + "Instant"); TransitionInstant[Nom] = function (_arg1){ if (Compte == 1){ RemoveEvents(TransitionInstant, ["ENTER_FRAME", TransitionInstant, Nom]); }; Launch(Fonction); Compte--; }; AddEvents(TransitionInstant, ["ENTER_FRAME", TransitionInstant, Nom]); } public function DestroyElement(_arg1, _arg2=null, _arg3:Boolean=true):void{ var ElementCible:*; var Name:String; var Cible = _arg1; var Parent = _arg2; var Erreur = _arg3; if (Cible){ if (Cible.FonctionDisparition){ Launch(Cible.FonctionDisparition); }; if (Cible.Disparition){ DestroyElement_Disparition(Cible, Parent, Erreur); } else { if ((((typeof(Cible) == "string")) && (!((Parent == null))))){ Name = Cible; Cible = Parent[Cible]; try { Cible.name = Name; } catch(e) { }; }; DestroyElement_Child(Cible, Parent, Erreur); RemoveEvents2(Cible); TotalStop(Cible); DestroyElement_drOIde(Cible, Parent, Erreur); Parent = ((Parent) || (Cible.parent)); Cible.parent.removeChild(Cible); DestroyElement_LinkIn(Cible, Parent, Erreur); DestroyElement_drOIdeLink(Cible, Parent, Erreur); DestroyElement_TotalNull(Cible, Parent, Erreur); for (ElementCible in Cible) { Cible[ElementCible] = null; }; }; }; } public function RandomBoolean(_arg1:Number=50):Boolean{ var _local2:Number; _local2 = Random(0, 100); return ((_local2 < _arg1)); } public function Array2Object(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Object=null):Object{ var _local3:*; AddObsolete("Array2Object"); _arg2 = ((_arg2) || (new Object())); for (_local3 in _arg1) { _arg2[_arg1[_local3][0]] = new _arg1[_local3][1](((_arg1[_local3][2]) || (null))); if (_arg1[_local3][3] != null){ Array2Object(_arg1[_local3][3], _arg2[_arg1[_local3][0]]); }; }; return (_arg2); } public function ArrayToElement(_arg1:Array, _arg2=null, _arg3:Boolean=true){ var RacineInitial:*; var i:int; var Tableau = _arg1; var Racine = _arg2; var Erreur = _arg3; if ((((Racine == null)) && ((RootLink == null)))){ TraceError("WorldTools", "ElementToArray", ["Vous ne pouvez pas faire un appel de recherche sans indiquer la racine ( Second argument )", "si le script n'a pas établie sa connexion avec RootLink."]); } else { Racine = ((Racine) || (RootLink)); RacineInitial = Racine; i = 0; while (i < Tableau.length) { try { Racine = Racine[Tableau[i]]; } catch(e) { if (Erreur){ TraceError("WorldTools", "Array2Element", [(("L'élément " + Tableau.join(".")) + " n'existe pas."), (((("Le pointeur s'est stoppé à " + Tableau[i]) + " sur la racine initiale ") + RacineInitial) + ".")]); }; return (null); }; i = (i + 1); }; if ((((Racine == null)) || ((Racine == undefined)))){ if (Erreur){ TraceError("WorldTools", "Array2Element", [(("L'élément " + Tableau.join(".")) + " n'existe pas."), "La Racine n'a pas été trouvée, elle est null ou indéfinie."]); }; }; return (Racine); }; return (null); } public function ApplyRepulseEffect(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3:Number=50):void{ SetDirectionTo(_arg1, GetAngle(_arg2, _arg1), _arg3); } function Launch_Launch(_arg1, _arg2:Boolean):Boolean{ if (_arg1){ switch (_arg1.Arguments.length){ case 0: _arg1.Fonction(); break; case 1: _arg1.Fonction(_arg1.Arguments[0]); break; case 2: _arg1.Fonction(_arg1.Arguments[0], _arg1.Arguments[1]); break; case 3: _arg1.Fonction(_arg1.Arguments[0], _arg1.Arguments[1], _arg1.Arguments[2]); break; case 4: _arg1.Fonction(_arg1.Arguments[0], _arg1.Arguments[1], _arg1.Arguments[2], _arg1.Arguments[3]); break; case 5: _arg1.Fonction(_arg1.Arguments[0], _arg1.Arguments[1], _arg1.Arguments[2], _arg1.Arguments[3], _arg1.Arguments[4]); break; case 6: _arg1.Fonction(_arg1.Arguments[0], _arg1.Arguments[1], _arg1.Arguments[2], _arg1.Arguments[3], _arg1.Arguments[4], _arg1.Arguments[5]); break; case 7: _arg1.Fonction(_arg1.Arguments[0], _arg1.Arguments[1], _arg1.Arguments[2], _arg1.Arguments[3], _arg1.Arguments[4], _arg1.Arguments[5], _arg1.Arguments[6]); break; case 8: _arg1.Fonction(_arg1.Arguments[0], _arg1.Arguments[1], _arg1.Arguments[2], _arg1.Arguments[3], _arg1.Arguments[4], _arg1.Arguments[5], _arg1.Arguments[6], _arg1.Arguments[7]); break; case 9: _arg1.Fonction(_arg1.Arguments[0], _arg1.Arguments[1], _arg1.Arguments[2], _arg1.Arguments[3], _arg1.Arguments[4], _arg1.Arguments[5], _arg1.Arguments[6], _arg1.Arguments[7], _arg1.Arguments[8]); break; case 10: _arg1.Fonction(_arg1.Arguments[0], _arg1.Arguments[1], _arg1.Arguments[2], _arg1.Arguments[3], _arg1.Arguments[4], _arg1.Arguments[5], _arg1.Arguments[6], _arg1.Arguments[7], _arg1.Arguments[8], _arg1.Arguments[9]); break; case 11: _arg1.Fonction(_arg1.Arguments[0], _arg1.Arguments[1], _arg1.Arguments[2], _arg1.Arguments[3], _arg1.Arguments[4], _arg1.Arguments[5], _arg1.Arguments[6], _arg1.Arguments[7], _arg1.Arguments[8], _arg1.Arguments[9], _arg1.Arguments[10]); break; case 12: _arg1.Fonction(_arg1.Arguments[0], _arg1.Arguments[1], _arg1.Arguments[2], _arg1.Arguments[3], _arg1.Arguments[4], _arg1.Arguments[5], _arg1.Arguments[6], _arg1.Arguments[7], _arg1.Arguments[8], _arg1.Arguments[9], _arg1.Arguments[10], _arg1.Arguments[11]); break; default: TraceError("WorldTools", "Launch", ["Vous avez demandé trop d'arguments pour la méthodes.", ("À savoir : " + _arg1.Arguments.length), "Launch ne peut lancer de méthodes allant au-delà de 12 arguments.", "Souvenez-vous que ces arguments comprennent ceux intégrées à l'objet", "Launch ainsi que les arguments supplantés et additifs."], _arg2); return (false); }; return (true); }; return (false); } public function Search(_arg1){ AddObsolete("Search"); if (((((((TypeOf(_arg1, "Object")) && (!(_arg1.Nom)))) && (!(_arg1.Name)))) || (!(TypeOf(_arg1, "Object"))))){ return (_arg1); }; if (_arg1.Name){ return (_arg1.Cible[_arg1.Name]); }; if (_arg1.Nom){ return (_arg1.Cible[_arg1.Nom]); }; } public function EventsMimetisme(_arg1, _arg2):void{ var _local3:Array; var _local4:*; AddObsolete("EventsMimetisme"); _local3 = []; for (_local4 in _arg2.EvenementsImplantes) { AddEvents(_arg1, _arg2.EvenementsImplantes[_local4]); }; } public function TotalGotoAndStop(_arg1, _arg2=1, _arg3:int=0):void{ var i:int; var leClip:*; var Clip = _arg1; var Frame = _arg2; var Parentalite = _arg3; if (Parentalite == 0){ Clip.gotoAndStop(Aspiration(Frame)); try { i = 0; while (i < Clip.numChildren) { leClip = Clip.getChildAt(i); if (((!(TypeOf(leClip, "MorphShape"))) && (!(TypeOf(leClip, "Shape"))))){ try { TotalGotoAndStop(leClip, Frame); } catch(e) { }; }; i = (i + 1); }; } catch(e) { }; } else { TotalGotoAndStop(GetParent(Clip, Parentalite), Frame); }; } public function RemoveAllEvents(_arg1, _arg2:Boolean=true):void{ var EvenementsARetirer:Array; var i:int; var NomTransitoire:String; var CibleTransitoire:Object; var j:int; var Clees:*; var DoubleClees:*; var k:int; var Cible = _arg1; var Erreur = _arg2; AddObsolete("RemoveAllEvents"); EvenementsARetirer = new Array(); try { if (Cible.EvenementsImplantes){ i = 0; while (i < Cible.EvenementsImplantes.length) { EvenementsARetirer[EvenementsARetirer.length] = new Array(); EvenementsARetirer[(EvenementsARetirer.length - 1)][0] = Cible.EvenementsImplantes[i][0]; EvenementsARetirer[(EvenementsARetirer.length - 1)][1] = Cible.EvenementsImplantes[i][1]; EvenementsARetirer[(EvenementsARetirer.length - 1)][2] = Cible.EvenementsImplantes[i][2]; i = (i + 1); }; }; } catch(e) { if (!IsDrOIde(Cible)){ try { NomTransitoire = (Cible.name) ? Cible.name : PoppingEspace(String(Cible)); } catch(e) { NomTransitoire = PoppingEspace(String(Cible)); }; CibleTransitoire = StockElementsEvenement[NomTransitoire]; j = 0; while (j < CibleTransitoire.EvenementsImplantes.length) { EvenementsARetirer[EvenementsARetirer.length] = new Array(); EvenementsARetirer[(EvenementsARetirer.length - 1)][0] = CibleTransitoire.EvenementsImplantes[j][0]; EvenementsARetirer[(EvenementsARetirer.length - 1)][1] = CibleTransitoire.EvenementsImplantes[j][1]; EvenementsARetirer[(EvenementsARetirer.length - 1)][2] = CibleTransitoire.EvenementsImplantes[j][2]; EvenementsARetirer[(EvenementsARetirer.length - 1)][3] = CibleTransitoire.EvenementsImplantes[j][4]; EvenementsARetirer[(EvenementsARetirer.length - 1)][4] = CibleTransitoire.EvenementsImplantes[j][5]; j = (j + 1); }; } else { for (Clees in Cible.StockElementsEvenement) { for (DoubleClees in Cible.StockElementsEvenement[Clees]) { if (TypeOf(Cible.StockElementsEvenement[Clees][DoubleClees], "Array")){ k = 0; while (k < Cible.StockElementsEvenement[Clees][DoubleClees].length) { EvenementsARetirer[EvenementsARetirer.length] = new Array(); EvenementsARetirer[(EvenementsARetirer.length - 1)][0] = Cible.StockElementsEvenement[Clees][DoubleClees][k][0]; EvenementsARetirer[(EvenementsARetirer.length - 1)][1] = Cible.StockElementsEvenement[Clees][DoubleClees][k][1]; EvenementsARetirer[(EvenementsARetirer.length - 1)][2] = Cible.StockElementsEvenement[Clees][DoubleClees][k][2]; EvenementsARetirer[(EvenementsARetirer.length - 1)][3] = Cible.StockElementsEvenement[Clees][DoubleClees][k][4]; EvenementsARetirer[(EvenementsARetirer.length - 1)][4] = Cible.StockElementsEvenement[Clees][DoubleClees][k][5]; k = (k + 1); }; }; }; }; }; }; RemoveEvents(Cible, EvenementsARetirer, Erreur); } public function Find(_arg1, _arg2:String=null){ var Sortie:*; var iSortie:int; var Element = _arg1; var Valeur = _arg2; Sortie = null; if (TypeOf(Element, "String")){ Sortie = ((StringToElement(Element, RootLink, false)) || (null)); if ((((((Sortie == null)) && (!(FindIn(Element, "."))))) || ((((Sortie == null)) && (FindIn(Element, " ")))))){ Sortie = Element; }; } else { if (TypeOf(Element, "Object")){ Sortie = ((StringToElement(((Element.link) || ("")), ((Element.target) || (RootLink)), false)) || (null)); if (Element.value){ try { Sortie = Sortie[Element.value]; } catch(e) { return (null); }; }; } else { if (TypeOf(Element, "Array")){ Sortie = CloneObject(Element); iSortie = 0; while (iSortie < Sortie.length) { Sortie[iSortie] = Find(Sortie[iSortie], Valeur); iSortie = (iSortie + 1); }; } else { Sortie = Element; }; }; }; if (((Valeur) && (!(TypeOf(Element, "Array"))))){ try { Sortie = Sortie[Valeur]; } catch(e) { return (null); }; }; return (Sortie); } public function Name2String(_arg1:String):String{ AddObsolete("Name2String"); return (CharacterConversion(_arg1, ObjectConversionOff, ObjectConversionOn)); } function AddEvents_TypeSetting(_arg1:String, _arg2:String="AddEvents"){ var _local3:*; if (EventList[_arg1]){ return (EventList[_arg1][_arg1]); }; for (_local3 in EventNameList) { if (IndexOf(EventNameList[_local3], _arg1)){ _arg1 = _local3; return (EventList[_arg1][_arg1]); }; }; if (_arg2 != "Chut"){ TraceError("WorldTools", _arg2, (("L'événement \"" + _arg1) + "\" n'existe pas ou n'a pas été trouvé.")); }; return (null); } public function DernierPlan(_arg1):void{ AddObsolete("DernierPlan"); _arg1.parent.addChildAt(_arg1, 0); } public function RandomLettres(_arg1=10):String{ var _local2:int; var _local3:String; var _local4:int; AddObsolete("RandomLettres"); _arg1 = Aspiration(_arg1); _local2 = Random((_arg1 - 3), (_arg1 + 3), true); _local3 = ""; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _local2) { _local3 = (_local3 + Alphabet[Random(0, (Alphabet.length - 1), true)]); _local4++; }; return (_local3); } public function AbsolutLaunch(_arg1, _arg2:String, _arg3=null, _arg4:String="", _arg5=null):void{ var i:int; var leClip:*; var Clip = _arg1; var Fonction = _arg2; var Argument = _arg3; var Cible = _arg4; var Arguments = _arg5; AddObsolete("AbsolutLaunch"); Launch({Fonction:Fonction, Cible:((Cible)=="") ? Clip : Clip[Cible], Argument:Argument, Arguments:Arguments}, false); try { i = 0; while (i < Clip.numChildren) { leClip = Clip.getChildAt(i); try { AbsolutLaunch(leClip, Fonction, Argument, Cible, Arguments); } catch(e) { }; i = (i + 1); }; } catch(e) { }; } public function TrimSpace(_arg1:String):String{ if (_arg1.charAt(0) == " "){ _arg1 = _arg1.substring(1); }; if (_arg1.charAt((_arg1.length - 1)) == " "){ _arg1 = _arg1.substring((_arg1.length - 1), 0); }; _arg1 = _arg1.split(" ").join("_"); return (_arg1); } public function Chut(_arg1:Boolean=true):void{ Silence = _arg1; } public function SetRandomNearColor(_arg1, _arg2:Number=-10, _arg3:Number=10):void{ var _local4:Number; AddObsolete("SetRandomNearColor"); if (_arg1.CouleurTeinte){ _local4 = Random(_arg2, _arg3); if (_local4 > 0){ Eclaircie(_arg1, _local4); } else { Assombrie(_arg1, (_local4 * -1)); }; } else { TraceErreur("WorldTools", "SetRandomNearColor", "L'élément n'a pas de couleur actuelle donnée via un SetColor."); }; } public function SetNearColor(_arg1, _arg2=-10, _arg3=null):String{ var _local4:Number; if (_arg1.CouleurTeinte){ if ((((_arg3 == null)) && (TypeOf(_arg2, "Number")))){ _arg3 = _arg2; _arg2 = -(_arg2); } else { if (TypeOf(_arg2, "Array")){ _arg3 = _arg2[1]; _arg2 = _arg2[0]; }; }; _local4 = Random(_arg2, _arg3); if (_local4 > 0){ return (SetClearerColor(_arg1, _local4)); }; return (SetDarkerColor(_arg1, (_local4 * -1))); } else { TraceError("WorldTools", "SetRandomNearColor", "L'élément n'a pas de couleur actuelle donnée via un SetColor."); }; return (""); } public function FreshArray(_arg1:Array, _arg2=null):Array{ var _local3:int; AddObsolete("FreshArray"); _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _arg1.length) { if (_arg2 == null){ if ((((_arg1[_local3] == null)) || ((_arg1[_local3] == undefined)))){ _arg1.splice(_local3, 1); _local3--; }; } else { if (_arg1[_local3] == _arg2){ _arg1.splice(_local3, 1); _local3--; }; }; _local3++; }; return (_arg1); } public function ViewBy(_arg1, _arg2:String="y", _arg3:String="Croissant"):void{ var _local4:Array; var _local5:int; var _local6:int; var _local7:*; _local4 = new Array(); _local5 = _arg1.numChildren; _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _local5) { _local4.push({Clip:_arg1.getChildAt(_local6), Valeur:((_arg1.getChildAt(_local6)[_arg2]) || (0))}); _local6++; }; _local4 = ObjectOrderArray(_local4, "Valeur", _arg3); _local4.reverse(); for (_local7 in _local4) { _arg1.addChild(_local4[_local7].Clip); }; } public function LengthObject(_arg1, _arg2:String="Nombre"){ var _local3:int; var _local4:Array; var _local5:*; _local3 = 0; _local4 = new Array(); for (_local5 in _arg1) { if (_arg1[_local5] != null){ _local3++; _local4.push(_local5); }; }; return (((_arg2)=="Tableau") ? _local4 : _local3); } public function SetAll(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3=null, _arg4:Object=null):void{ var _local5:*; var _local6:*; if (TypeOf(_arg3, "Object")){ _arg4 = _arg3; _arg3 = null; }; _arg3 = SetDefault(_arg3, []); var _temp1 = ((_arg4) || (new Object())); _arg4 = ((_arg4) || (new Object())); _temp1.Unicite = ((_arg4.Unicite)==null) ? false : _arg4.Unicite; _arg4.Clone = ((_arg4.Clone)==null) ? false : _arg4.Clone; _arg4.Aspiration = ((_arg4.Aspiration)==null) ? true : _arg4.Aspiration; if (typeof(_arg3) == "string"){ _arg3 = [_arg3]; }; if (_arg2){ if (((((_arg2.rotation) && (_arg2.width))) || (((_arg2.rotation) && (_arg2.height))))){ _local6 = _arg2.rotation; _arg2.rotation = null; }; }; for (_local5 in _arg2) { if (_arg2[_local5] != null){ if (_arg3.indexOf(_local5) == -1){ if (!TypeOf(_arg1[_local5], "Boolean")){ if (TypeOf(_arg2[_local5], "Object")){ if (((!(_arg1[_local5])) || (((((_arg1[_local5]) && (!(_arg4.Unicite)))) && (!(TypeOf(_arg1[_local5], "Object"))))))){ _arg1[_local5] = (_arg4.Clone) ? CloneObject(_arg2[_local5]) : _arg2[_local5]; } else { if (TypeOf(_arg1[_local5], "Object")){ SetAll(_arg1[_local5], _arg2[_local5], _arg3, _arg4); }; }; } else { if (((!(_arg4.Unicite)) || ((_arg1[_local5] == null)))){ if (TypeOf(_arg1[_local5], "Number")){ if (_arg4.Aspiration){ _arg1[_local5] = MathOperator(_arg1[_local5], Aspiration(_arg2[_local5])); } else { _arg1[_local5] = MathOperator(_arg1[_local5], _arg2[_local5]); }; } else { if (_arg4.Aspiration){ _arg1[_local5] = Aspiration(_arg2[_local5]); } else { _arg1[_local5] = _arg2[_local5]; }; }; }; }; } else { if (!_arg4.Unicite){ if ((((_arg2[_local5] == "true")) || ((_arg2[_local5] == true)))){ _arg1[_local5] = true; } else { _arg1[_local5] = false; }; }; }; if (((!(isNaN(Number(_arg1[_local5])))) && (!((_arg4.Multiplicateur == null))))){ _arg1[_local5] = (_arg1[_local5] * _arg4.Multiplicateur); }; if (_arg4.StringOrNumber){ _arg1[_local5] = StringOrNumber(_arg1[_local5]); }; }; }; }; if (_local6 != null){ _arg1.rotation = _local6; }; } public function Assombrie(_arg1, _arg2=10):String{ var _local3:Array; var _local4:int; var _local5:Array; var _local6:int; AddObsolete("Assombrie"); _arg2 = Aspiration(_arg2); if (!TypeOf(_arg1, "String")){ if (_arg1.CouleurTeinte){ _local3 = _arg1.CouleurTeinte.split(""); _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _local3.length) { _local3[_local4] = Number2Hexa((Hexa2Number(_local3[_local4]) - ((_arg2 / 100) * 15))); _local4++; }; SetColor(_arg1, _local3.join("")); return (_local3.join("")); } else { TraceErreur("WorldTools", "Assombrir", "L'élément n'a pas de couleur actuelle donnée via un SetColor."); }; } else { _local5 = _arg1.split(""); _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _local5.length) { _local5[_local6] = Number2Hexa((Hexa2Number(_local5[_local6]) - ((_arg2 / 100) * 15))); _local6++; }; return (_local5.join("")); }; return (""); } public function AbsolutPause(_arg1, _arg2:Boolean=true, _arg3:int=0, _arg4:Boolean=false):void{ var i:int; var leClip:*; var Clip = _arg1; var Pause = _arg2; var Parentalite = _arg3; var Retour = _arg4; AddObsolete("AbsolutPause"); if (((Retour) || (!(Pause)))){ if (Parentalite == 0){ if (Pause){ if (!Clip.Pause){ Clip.stop(); } else { Clip.Pause(true); }; if (Clip.Echo){ Clip.Echo.PauseAllSound(true); }; } else { if (Clip.isPlaying){ if (!Clip.Pause){ Clip.play(); } else { Clip.Pause(false); }; }; if (Clip.Echo){ Clip.Echo.PauseAllSound(false); }; }; PauseEvents(Clip, Pause); try { i = 0; while (i < Clip.numChildren) { leClip = Clip.getChildAt(i); if (((!(TypeOf(leClip, "MorphShape"))) && (!(TypeOf(leClip, "Shape"))))){ AbsolutPause(leClip, Pause, 0, Retour); }; i = (i + 1); }; } catch(e) { }; } else { AbsolutPause(Parental(Clip, Parentalite), Pause, 0, Retour); }; } else { AbsolutIsPlaying(Clip, Parentalite); Rebours({Fonction:AbsolutPause, Arguments:[Clip, Pause, Parentalite, true]}, this, 1, "Pause"); }; } public function SetNextColor(_arg1, _arg2:String):void{ var Clip = _arg1; var Couleur = _arg2; if (!Clip.CouleurActuelle){ SetColor(Clip, Couleur); Clip.CouleurActuelle = new Object(); Clip.CouleurActuelle.Couleur = Couleur; Clip.CouleurActuelle.Boucle = function (_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:Array; var _local5:Array; var _local6:Boolean; var _local7:int; _local2 = _arg1.target; _local3 = _local2.CouleurActuelle; _local4 = _local3.Couleur.split(""); _local5 = _local3.NouvelleCouleur.split(""); _local6 = true; _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < _local4.length) { if (HexaToNumber(_local4[_local7]) < HexaToNumber(_local5[_local7])){ _local4[_local7] = NumberToHexa((HexaToNumber(_local4[_local7]) + 1)); _local6 = false; } else { if (HexaToNumber(_local4[_local7]) > HexaToNumber(_local5[_local7])){ _local4[_local7] = NumberToHexa((HexaToNumber(_local4[_local7]) - 1)); _local6 = false; }; }; _local7++; }; _local3.Couleur = _local4.join(""); SetColor(_local2, _local3.Couleur); if (_local6){ RemoveEvents2(Clip, {Fonction:"Boucle", Cible:Clip.CouleurActuelle}, "ENTER_FRAME"); }; }; } else { Clip.CouleurActuelle.NouvelleCouleur = Couleur; AddEvents2(Clip, {Fonction:"Boucle", Cible:Clip.CouleurActuelle}, "ENTER_FRAME", this); }; } public function GetObject(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String="&", _arg3:String="="):String{ var _local4:String; var _local5:*; var _local6:Array; AddObsolete("GetObject"); _arg2 = ((_arg2) || ("&")); _arg3 = ((_arg3) || ("=")); _local4 = new String(); for (_local5 in _arg1) { _local4 = (_local4 + (((_local5 + _arg3) + _arg1[_local5]) + _arg2)); }; _local6 = _local4.split(_arg2); _local6.pop(); _local4 = _local6.join(_arg2); return (_local4); } public function TraceElement(_arg1, _arg2:Boolean=false):String{ var Sortie:String; var Element = _arg1; var Get = _arg2; Sortie = (((String(Element) + "( ") + TypeOf(Element)) + " )"); try { Sortie = ((("\"" + Element.name) + "\" : ") + Sortie); } catch(e) { }; if (!Get){ Trace(Sortie); }; return (Sortie); } public function DisparitionAlpha(_arg1, _arg2:Number=5):void{ var Clip = _arg1; var Vitesse = _arg2; AddObsolete("DisparitionAlpha"); Clip.AlphaDisparition = new Object(); Clip.AlphaDisparition.Vitesse = Vitesse; Clip.AlphaDisparition.Boucle = function (_arg1:Event):void{ var Cible:*; var event = _arg1; Cible = event.target; try { Cible.alpha = (Cible.alpha - (Cible.AlphaDisparition.Vitesse / 100)); if (Cible.alpha <= 0){ Cible.Disparition = null; Annihilation(Cible); }; } catch(e) { }; }; AddEvents(Clip, ["ENTER_FRAME", Clip.AlphaDisparition, "Boucle"]); } public function ChainString(_arg1, _arg2=null){ var _local3:*; var _local4:Array; var _local5:Array; var _local6:int; var _local7:int; var _local8:Array; var _local9:int; var _local10:int; var _local11:int; AddObsolete("ChainString"); _arg2 = ((_arg2) || (Alphabet)); if (TypeOf(_arg1, "Number")){ _local3 = ""; if (_arg1 <= 0){ _local3 = "NEG_"; _arg1 = Math.abs(_arg1); }; _arg1 = Math.round(_arg1); _local4 = new Array(); _local5 = [_arg1]; while (_local5[0] > _arg2.length) { _local5 = CutDivision((_local5[0] - 1), _arg2.length); _local4.push(_local5[1]); }; _local4.push((_local5[0] - 1)); _local6 = (_local4.length - 1); while (_local6 >= 0) { _local3 = (_local3 + _arg2[_local4[_local6]]); _local6--; }; if (_arg1 == 0){ _local3 = "_ZERO_"; }; } else { if (TypeOf(_arg1, "String")){ _local3 = 0; if (_arg1 == "_ZERO_"){ _local3 = 0; } else { _local7 = 1; if (FindIn(_arg1, "NEG_")){ _arg1 = Pop(_arg1, "NEG_"); _local7 = -1; }; _local8 = _arg1.split(""); _local8.reverse(); _local9 = 0; while (_local9 < _local8.length) { _local10 = (_arg2.indexOf(_local8[_local9]) + 1); _local11 = 0; while (_local11 < _local9) { _local10 = (_local10 * _arg2.length); _local11++; }; _local3 = (_local3 + _local10); _local9++; }; _local3 = (_local3 * _local7); }; } else { TraceErreur("WorldTools", "ChainString", "Le premier argument doit être un nombre entier ou une chaine de caractere."); }; }; return (_local3); } public function ElementToArray(_arg1, _arg2=null):Array{ var _local3:Array; if ((((_arg2 == null)) && ((RootLink == null)))){ TraceError("WorldTools", "ElementToArray", ["Vous ne pouvez pas faire un appel de recherche sans indiquer la racine ( Second argument )", "si le script n'a pas établie sa connexion avec RootLink."]); } else { _arg2 = ((_arg2) || (RootLink)); _local3 = [_arg1.name]; while (((!((_arg1.parent.name == "root1"))) && (!((_arg1.name == _arg2.name))))) { _arg1 = _arg1.parent; _local3.push(_arg1.name); }; return (_local3.reverse()); }; return (null); } public function SpecialToString(_arg1:String):String{ return (CharacterConversion(_arg1, ConversionSpecialList.Next, ConversionSpecialList.Back)); } public function AbsolutGotoAndStop(_arg1, _arg2=1, _arg3:int=0):void{ var i:int; var leClip:*; var Clip = _arg1; var Frame = _arg2; var Parentalite = _arg3; AddObsolete("AbsolutGotoAndStop"); if (Parentalite == 0){ Clip.gotoAndStop(Aspiration(Frame)); try { i = 0; while (i < Clip.numChildren) { leClip = Clip.getChildAt(i); if (((!(TypeOf(leClip, "MorphShape"))) && (!(TypeOf(leClip, "Shape"))))){ try { AbsolutGotoAndStop(leClip, Frame); } catch(e) { }; }; i = (i + 1); }; } catch(e) { }; } else { AbsolutGotoAndStop(Parental(Clip, Parentalite), Frame); }; } public function IndexOf(_arg1:Array, _arg2):Boolean{ if (_arg1.indexOf(_arg2) != -1){ return (true); }; return (false); } public function Number2Hexa(_arg1:int):String{ AddObsolete("Number2Hexa"); if (_arg1 >= TableauHexadecimal.length){ return ("F"); }; if (_arg1 < 0){ return ("0"); }; return (TableauHexadecimal[_arg1]); } public function Pop(_arg1:String, _arg2):String{ var _local3:int; if (TypeOf(_arg2, "String")){ return (_arg1.split(_arg2).join("")); }; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _arg2.length) { _arg1 = _arg1.split(_arg2[_local3]).join(""); _local3++; }; return (_arg1); } public function RealScale(_arg1, _arg2:String="width"):Number{ var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; AddObsolete("RealScale"); _local3 = _arg1.rotation; _arg1.rotation = 0; _local4 = _arg1[_arg2]; _arg1.rotation = _local3; return (_local4); } public function NameToString(_arg1:String):String{ return (CharacterConversion(_arg1, ConversionNameList.Next, ConversionNameList.Back)); } public function MultiLaunch(_arg1, _arg2=null):void{ var i:int; var O:Object; var TransitionnelLaunch:Boolean; var Element = _arg1; var ArgumentsAdditifs = _arg2; AddObsolete("MultiLaunch"); if (Element != null){ try { if (((Element.Fonction) && (TypeOf(Element.Fonction, "Array")))){ if (typeof(Element.Fonction) == "object"){ i = 0; while (i < Element.Fonction.length) { Launch({Cible:Element.Cible[i], Fonction:Element.Fonction[i], Argument:Element.Argument[i]}, false, ArgumentsAdditifs); i = (i + 1); }; } else { Launch({Cible:Element.Cible, Fonction:Element.Fonction, Argument:Element.Argument}, false, ArgumentsAdditifs); }; } else { for (O in Element) { TransitionnelLaunch = Launch(Element[O]); if (((!((Element[O] == null))) && (Element[O].Fonction))){ if (((Element[O].Arguments) || (Element[O].Argument))){ Launch({Cible:Element[O].Cible, Fonction:Element[O].Fonction, Arguments:Element[O].Arguments, Argument:Element[O].Argument}, false, ArgumentsAdditifs); } else { Launch({Cible:Element[O].Cible, Fonction:Element[O].Fonction}, false, ArgumentsAdditifs); }; }; }; }; } catch(e) { try { if (!TransitionnelLaunch){ Launch(Element); } else { Launch(Element, false); }; } catch(e) { TraceErreur("WorldTools", "MultiLaunch", "Impossible de lancer la ou les méthodes de l'objet transmit."); }; }; }; } public function TraceAll(_arg1):void{ var _local2:String; var _local3:int; _arg1 = CapsuleArray(_arg1); _local2 = ""; while (_local3 < _arg1.length) { Trace(_arg1[_local3]); _local3++; }; } public function GetKeys(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String="Nombre", _arg3=null, _arg4=true){ var _local5:*; var _local6:*; _arg3 = ((_arg3) || ([])); if (typeof(_arg3) == "string"){ _arg3 = [_arg3]; }; if (_arg2 == "Nombre"){ _local5 = 0; } else { if (_arg2 == "Tableau"){ _local5 = []; } else { if (_arg4){ TraceError("WorldTools", "GetClees", [(("\"" + _arg2) + "\" a été mis comme second argument, à savoir le type de valeur renvoyée."), "Ce type de renvoie n'éxiste pas, seules sont pris en compte : \"Nombre\" et \"Tableau\"."]); return (""); }; }; }; for (_local6 in _arg1) { if (_arg3.indexOf(_local6) == -1){ if (_arg2 == "Nombre"){ _local5++; } else { if (_arg2 == "Tableau"){ _local5.push(_local6); }; }; }; }; return (_local5); } public function StringToClass(_arg1:String, _arg2:Boolean=true):Class{ var Chaine = _arg1; var Avertissement = _arg2; try { return ((getDefinitionByName(Chaine) as Class)); } catch(e) { if (Avertissement){ TraceError("WorldTools", "ClasseIs", (("La classe " + Chaine) + " n'existe pas.")); }; }; return (null); } public function BumpNum(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number=NaN, _arg3:Number=NaN):Number{ AddObsolete("BumpNum"); if (!isNaN(_arg2)){ if (_arg1 < _arg2){ return (_arg2); }; }; if (!isNaN(_arg3)){ if (_arg1 > _arg3){ return (_arg3); }; }; return (_arg1); } public function TraceIfNotKey(_arg1, _arg2:Array, _arg3:String, _arg4:String, _arg5:String=""):Boolean{ var _local6:Boolean; var _local7:int; _local6 = true; _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < _arg2.length) { if (_arg1[_arg2[_local7]] == null){ TraceError(_arg3, _arg4, (((("La clé «" + _arg2[_local7]) + "» n'a pas été trouvé sur l'objet ") + _arg5) + ".")); _local6 = false; }; _local7++; }; return (_local6); } public function StringToStrings(_arg1:String):Array{ var _local2:Array; var _local3:Array; var _local4:int; var _local5:int; var _local6:String; var _local7:int; var _local8:int; _local2 = _arg1.split(""); _local3 = new Array(); _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _local2.length) { _local5 = _local4; while (_local5 < _local2.length) { _local6 = ""; _local7 = _local5; _local8 = _local4; while (_local8 <= _local7) { _local6 = (_local6 + _local2[_local8]); _local8++; }; _local3.push(_local6); _local5++; }; _local4++; }; return (_local3); } public function MorphNumber(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3=10, _arg4="Constant"):Array{ var _local5:Array; var _local6:Number; var _local7:int; var _local8:int; var _local9:*; var _local10:int; var _local11:int; var _local12:int; var _local13:Array; var _local14:int; var _local15:Array; var _local16:Array; _arg3 = Aspiration(_arg3); _local5 = [_arg1]; if (TypeOf(_arg4, "String")){ _arg4 = StringOrNumber(_arg4); if (TypeOf(_arg4, "String")){ switch (_arg4){ case "Deceleration": _arg4 = [100]; break; case "Acceleration": _arg4 = [-100]; break; default: _arg4 = [0]; break; }; } else { _arg4 = [_arg4]; }; } else { if (TypeOf(_arg4, "Number")){ _arg4 = [_arg4]; }; }; if (_arg4.length == 1){ if (_arg4[0] == 0){ _local8 = 0; while (_local8 < _arg3) { _arg4.push(0); _local8++; }; } else { _arg4 = MorphNumber(_arg4[0], -(_arg4[0]), (_arg3 - 1)); }; } else { _local9 = [_arg4[0]]; _local10 = Math.floor(((_arg3 / 2) / _arg4.length)); _local11 = Math.round((((_arg3 / 2) / _arg4.length) * 2)); if ((_local11 + (_local10 * ((_arg4.length - 1) * 2))) < _arg3){ _local11++; }; _local12 = 1; while (_local12 < _arg4.length) { _local15 = MorphNumber(_arg4[(_local12 - 1)], _arg4[_local12], _local10); _local15.shift(); _local9 = FusionArray(_local9, _local15); _local12++; }; _local13 = MorphNumber(_arg4[(_arg4.length - 1)], -(_arg4[(_arg4.length - 1)]), _local11); _local13.shift(); _local9 = FusionArray(_local9, _local13); _local14 = (_arg4.length - 1); while (_local14 > 0) { _local16 = MorphNumber(-(_arg4[_local14]), -(_arg4[(_local14 - 1)]), _local10); _local16.shift(); _local9 = FusionArray(_local9, _local16); _local14--; }; _arg4 = _local9; }; _local6 = ((_arg2 - _arg1) / _arg3); _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < (_arg3 - 1)) { _local5.push((_local5[(_local5.length - 1)] + (_local6 + ((_local6 * _arg4[_local7]) / 100)))); _local7++; }; _local5.push(_arg2); return (_local5); } public function RandomFrame(_arg1:MovieClip, _arg2:String="Stop", _arg3:int=-1, _arg4:int=0):void{ var _local5:int; _arg3 = ((_arg3)!=-1) ? _arg3 : _arg1.totalFrames; _local5 = (Math.random() * (((_arg3 - _arg4) + 1) + _arg4)); var _local6 = _arg1; _local6[("gotoAnd" + _arg2)](_local5); } public function AverageArray(_arg1:Array):Number{ var _local2:Number; var _local3:*; _local2 = 0; for (_local3 in _arg1) { if (!isNaN(Number(_arg1[_local3]))){ _local2 = (_local2 + Number(_arg1[_local3])); }; }; _local2 = (_local2 / _arg1.length); return (_local2); } public function StringOrNumber(_arg1){ var _local2:*; if (!TypeOf(_arg1, ["Object", "Array"])){ if (!isNaN(Number(_arg1))){ return (Number(_arg1)); }; return (String(_arg1)); //unresolved jump }; for (_local2 in _arg1) { if (TypeOf(_arg1[_local2], ["String", "Number", "Array", "Object"])){ _arg1[_local2] = StringOrNumber(_arg1[_local2]); }; }; return (_arg1); } public function MultipleString(_arg1:String, _arg2:int):String{ var _local3:String; var _local4:int; _local3 = ""; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _arg2) { _local3 = (_local3 + _arg1); _local4++; }; return (_local3); } private function DestroyElement_Disparition(_arg1, _arg2=null, _arg3:Boolean=true):void{ if (TypeOf(_arg1.Disparition, "String")){ Disappear(_arg1, _arg1.Disparition); _arg1.Disparition = 0; }; _arg1.Disparition++; if (_arg1.Disparition > 400){ TraceError("WorldTools", "DestroyElement", ((("L'élément " + _arg1.name) + " ne peut pas être détruit car il contient une variable") + " «Disparition».")); }; } public function AngleFluide(_arg1:MovieClip, _arg2:Number=0, _arg3:Number=10):void{ var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; AddObsolete("AngleFluide"); _local4 = ((_arg2)>0) ? _arg2 : (360 + _arg2); _local5 = ((_arg1.rotation)>0) ? _arg1.rotation : (360 + _arg1.rotation); _local5 = (((_local5 - _local4))>-180) ? _local5 : (_local5 + 360); _local5 = (((_local5 - _local4))<180) ? _local5 : (_local5 - 360); _local5 = (_local5 + ((_local4 - _local5) / _arg3)); _arg1.rotation = _local5; } public function RefreshAllEvents2(_arg1:Boolean=true):int{ var _local2:int; var _local3:*; _local2 = 0; for (_local3 in StockEvent) { if (StockEvent[_local3] != null){ if (RemoveEvents2(StockEvent[_local3].Cible, StockEvent[_local3].Nom, _arg1, StockEvent[_local3].Parametres)){ _local2++; }; }; }; return (_local2); } public function Parental(_arg1, _arg2:int=1){ var _local3:*; var _local4:int; AddObsolete("Parental"); _local3 = _arg1; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _arg2) { _local3 = _local3.parent; _local4++; }; return ((_local3 as MovieClip)); } public function AddEvents2(_arg1, _arg2=null, _arg3:String="ENTER_FRAME", _arg4="", _arg5=false, _arg6:Object=null):Boolean{ var EventType:*; var Cible = _arg1; var Fonction = _arg2; var Type = _arg3; var Nom = _arg4; var IsLaunch = _arg5; var Parametres = _arg6; if (TypeOf(Cible, "Function")){ IsLaunch = ((Fonction)!=null) ? Fonction : true; Fonction = Cible; Cible = RootLink; } else { if (TypeOf(Cible, "Object")){ if (((Cible.Fonction) && ((Fonction == null)))){ IsLaunch = ((Fonction)!=null) ? Fonction : true; Fonction = Cible; Cible = RootLink; }; }; }; if (TypeOf(Nom, "Boolean")){ IsLaunch = Nom; Nom = ""; }; if (TypeOf(Nom, "Object")){ Parametres = Nom; Nom = ""; }; if (TypeOf(IsLaunch, "Object")){ Parametres = IsLaunch; IsLaunch = false; }; Parametres = ((Parametres) || (new Object())); try { Cible.CanYouReallyGetItRightNow = true; Cible.CanYouReallyGetItRightNow = null; } catch(e) { Parametres.target = Cible; Cible = AlternateStockEvent; }; Nom = ((Nom)=="") ? ("Event" + RandomWord()) : Nom; IsLaunch = (TypeOf(Fonction, ["String", "Object"])) ? true : IsLaunch; if (TypeOf(Fonction, "String")){ Fonction = {Fonction:Fonction, Cible:Cible}; }; if (TypeOf(Fonction, "Array")){ return (AddEvents_MultiAdd(Cible, Fonction, Type, Nom, IsLaunch, Parametres)); }; if (Cible){ EventType = AddEvents_TypeSetting(Type); Connexion(Cible, false); if ((((EventType == "enterFrame")) && ((StageLink == null)))){ TraceError("WorldTools", "AddEvents", ["Vous avez demandez l'application d'une boucle ENTER_FRAME par le biais d'AddEvents,", "cependant, le script que vous utilisez pour cela ne dispose pas de lien vers sa racine.", "La boucle ne pourra, ainsi, pas être correctement nettoyée par TotalRefreshAllEvents() si", "la scène est chargée dans une autre.", "Pour éviter ce problème, il est recommandé de donner \"this\" comme premier argument lors", "de la création du script ou bien de lui donner directement par sa méthode Connexion().", "Exemple : World.Connexion( this );"]); }; if (EventType){ AddEvents_ObjectSetting(Cible, Fonction, EventType, Nom, IsLaunch, Parametres); return (true); }; } else { TraceError("WorldTools", "AddEvents", (Pop(Nom, "Event") + " : La cible n'existe pas.")); }; return (false); } public function TraceIfNotBe(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3:String, _arg4:String, _arg5:String=""):Boolean{ var _local6:Boolean; var _local7:int; _arg2 = CapsuleArray(_arg2); _local6 = false; _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < _arg2.length) { if (TypeOf(_arg1, _arg2[_local7])){ _local6 = true; }; _local7++; }; if (!_local6){ TraceError(_arg3, _arg4, (((("L'élément " + _arg5) + " doit être de type ") + _arg2) + ".")); }; return (_local6); } public function RandomKey(_arg1, _arg2=null){ var _local3:Array; var _local4:*; _arg2 = ((_arg2) || (new Array())); _arg2 = CapsuleArray(_arg2); _local3 = new Array(); for (_local4 in _arg1) { if (((!((_arg1[_local4] == null))) && (!(IndexOf(_arg2, _local4))))){ _local3.push(_local4); }; }; return (_arg1[RandomArray(_local3)]); } function AddEvents_MultiAdd(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3:String, _arg4, _arg5:Boolean, _arg6:Object):Boolean{ var _local7:Boolean; var _local8:int; var _local9:Boolean; _local7 = true; _local8 = 0; while (_local8 < _arg2.length) { _arg4 = PasteString(_arg4); if (!TypeOf(_arg2[_local8], "Array")){ _local9 = AddEvents2(_arg1, _arg2[_local8], _arg3, _arg4, _arg5, _arg6); } else { _local9 = AddEvents2(_arg1, _arg2[_local8][0], ((_arg2[_local8][1]) || (_arg3)), ((_arg2[_local8][2]) || (_arg4)), ((_arg2[_local8][3]) || (_arg5)), ((_arg2[_local8][4]) || (_arg6))); }; _local7 = (_local9) ? _local7 : _local9; _local8++; }; return (_local7); } private function DestroyElement_drOIde(_arg1, _arg2=null, _arg3:Boolean=true):void{ var _local4:int; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < drOIdeScriptList.length) { if (_arg1[drOIdeScriptList[_local4]] != null){ if (!_arg1[drOIdeScriptList[_local4]].Protection){ RemoveEvents2(_arg1[drOIdeScriptList[_local4]]); _arg1[drOIdeScriptList[_local4]] = null; }; }; _local4++; }; } public function FocusSur(_arg1):void{ AddObsolete("FocusSur"); _arg1.stage.focus = _arg1; } public function LastView(_arg1):void{ _arg1.parent.addChildAt(_arg1, 0); } public function RandomWord(_arg1=10):String{ var _local2:int; var _local3:String; var _local4:int; var _local5:int; var _local6:Boolean; _arg1 = Aspiration(_arg1); _local2 = Random((_arg1 - 3), (_arg1 + 3), true); _local3 = ""; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _local2) { _local6 = false; while (!(_local6)) { _local5 = Random(0, (AlphabetList.length - 1), true); if (IsEven(_local4)){ if (((((((((((!((_local5 == 0))) && (!((_local5 == 4))))) && (!((_local5 == 8))))) && (!((_local5 == 14))))) && (!((_local5 == 20))))) && (!((_local5 == 24))))){ _local6 = true; }; } else { if ((((((((((((_local5 == 0)) || ((_local5 == 4)))) || ((_local5 == 8)))) || ((_local5 == 14)))) || ((_local5 == 20)))) || ((_local5 == 24)))){ _local6 = true; }; }; }; _local3 = (_local3 + AlphabetList[_local5]); _local4++; }; return (_local3); } public function Td():void{ Trace(RandomWord()); } public function NumberToHexa(_arg1:int):String{ if (_arg1 >= HexadecimalList.length){ return ("F"); }; if (_arg1 < 0){ return ("0"); }; return (HexadecimalList[_arg1]); } public function ChangeView(_arg1, _arg2:int):void{ var Clip = _arg1; var Modification = _arg2; Modification = (Clip.parent.getChildIndex(Clip) + Modification); try { Clip.parent.addChildAt(Clip, Modification); } catch(e) { }; } public function GetAll(_arg1, _arg2:Array=null):Object{ var _local3:Object; var _local4:String; _arg2 = SetDefault(_arg2, ["x", "y", "rotation", "alpha", "visible", "width", "height"]); _local3 = new Object(); for (_local4 in _arg2) { _local3[_arg2[_local4]] = _arg1[_arg2[_local4]]; }; return (_local3); } public function Hexa2Number(_arg1:String):int{ AddObsolete("Hexa2Number"); return (TableauHexadecimal.indexOf(_arg1)); } public function MassiveKey(_arg1, _arg2:String, _arg3=undefined){ var Clee:*; var Objet = _arg1; var Nom = _arg2; var Valeur = _arg3; AddObsolete("MassiveKey"); for (Clee in Objet) { try { Objet[Clee][Nom] = Valeur; } catch(e) { }; }; return (Objet); } public function KeyByName(_arg1, _arg2:String){ var Clee:*; var Objet = _arg1; var Nom = _arg2; for (Clee in Objet) { try { if (Objet[Clee][Nom] != null){ return (Clee); }; } catch(e) { }; }; return (null); } public function ModifiePlan(_arg1, _arg2:int):void{ var Clip = _arg1; var Modification = _arg2; AddObsolete("ModifiePlan"); Modification = (Clip.parent.getChildIndex(Clip) + Modification); try { Clip.parent.addChildAt(Clip, Modification); } catch(e) { }; } public function TotalSet(_arg1, _arg2:String, _arg3, _arg4:int=0):void{ var i:int; var leClip:*; var Clip = _arg1; var NomVariable = _arg2; var Valeur = _arg3; var Parentalite = _arg4; if (Parentalite == 0){ Clip[NomVariable] = Valeur; try { i = 0; while (i < Clip.numChildren) { leClip = Clip.getChildAt(i); if (((!(TypeOf(leClip, "MorphShape"))) && (!(TypeOf(leClip, "Shape"))))){ TotalSet(leClip, NomVariable, Valeur); }; i = (i + 1); }; } catch(e) { }; } else { TotalSet(GetParent(Clip, Parentalite), NomVariable, Valeur); }; } public function PauseEvents(_arg1, _arg2=true, _arg3:Boolean=true):void{ var i:int; var NomTransitoire2:String; var CibleTransitoire2:Object; var Verification:Boolean; var Cle:*; var Key:*; var k:int; var NomTransitoire:String; var CibleTransitoire:Object; var k2:int; var Cible = _arg1; var Events = _arg2; var Etat = _arg3; AddObsolete("PauseEvents"); try { if (typeof(Events[0]) == "string"){ Events = [Events]; }; } catch(e) { }; if (typeof(Events) == "boolean"){ Etat = Events; try { Events = Cible.EvenementsImplantes; } catch(e) { try { NomTransitoire2 = (Cible.name) ? Cible.name : PoppingEspace(String(Cible)); } catch(e) { NomTransitoire2 = PoppingEspace(String(Cible)); }; CibleTransitoire2 = StockElementsEvenement[NomTransitoire2]; Events = CibleTransitoire2.EvenementsImplantes; }; }; Events = ((Events) || (new Array())); i = 0; while (i < Events.length) { Verification = false; if (!IsKey(Evenements, Events[i][0])){ for (Cle in TransitionEvenements) { if (IsInArray(TransitionEvenements[Cle], Events[i][0])){ Events[i][0] = Cle; }; }; }; try { for (Key in Evenements) { if (Key == Events[i][0]){ try { if (Cible.EvenementsImplantes){ k = 0; while (k < Cible.EvenementsImplantes.length) { if ((((((Cible.EvenementsImplantes[k][0] == Events[i][0])) && ((Cible.EvenementsImplantes[k][1] == Events[i][1])))) && ((Cible.EvenementsImplantes[k][2] == Events[i][2])))){ if (Cible.EvenementsImplantes[k][3] != Etat){ Cible.EvenementsImplantes[k][3] = Etat; if (Etat){ Cible.removeEventListener(Evenements[Key][Key], Events[i][1][Events[i][2]]); } else { Cible.addEventListener(Evenements[Key][Key], Events[i][1][Events[i][2]]); }; }; }; k = (k + 1); }; }; } catch(e) { try { NomTransitoire = (Cible.name) ? Cible.name : PoppingEspace(String(Cible)); } catch(e) { NomTransitoire = PoppingEspace(String(Cible)); }; CibleTransitoire = StockElementsEvenement[NomTransitoire]; if (CibleTransitoire.EvenementsImplantes){ k2 = 0; while (k2 < CibleTransitoire.EvenementsImplantes.length) { if ((((((CibleTransitoire.EvenementsImplantes[k2][0] == Events[i][0])) && ((CibleTransitoire.EvenementsImplantes[k2][1] == Events[i][1])))) && ((CibleTransitoire.EvenementsImplantes[k2][2] == Events[i][2])))){ if (CibleTransitoire.EvenementsImplantes[k][3] != Etat){ CibleTransitoire.EvenementsImplantes[k][3] = Etat; if (Etat){ CibleTransitoire.removeEventListener(Evenements[Key][Key], Events[i][1][Events[i][2]]); } else { CibleTransitoire.addEventListener(Evenements[Key][Key], Events[i][1][Events[i][2]]); }; }; }; k2 = (k2 + 1); }; }; }; Verification = true; }; }; } catch(e) { TraceErreur("WorldTools", "PauseEvents", ["L'élément ne contient aucun événements implantés.", "Si ce message apparaît seul sans une alerte de la méthode « AddEvents »,", "il se peut que vous ayez rentrer le mauvais nom de clip, ", "sinon, ce doit être que l'élément en question ne peut contenir de variable."]); Verification = true; }; if (!Verification){ TraceErreur("WorldTools", "PauseEvents", [(((("L'événement de type «" + Events[i][0]) + "» n'a pas été trouvé dans le tableau ") + "des événements. Vérifiez l'orthographe de ce terme.\rSi aucune erreur d'écriture n'a été faites, vous pouvez rentrer ") + "dans le script de WorlsTools pour rajouter cet événements dans le tableau «Evenements».")]); }; i = (i + 1); }; } public function ProRataSizeBy(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3:String="Max"):void{ var _local4:Number; _arg2 = Aspiration(_arg2); if (((TypeOf(_arg2, "String")) && ((FindIn(_arg2, "+") == -1)))){ TraceError("WorldTools", "HomotethieBy", [(("La Taille «" + _arg2) + "» n'est pas valide."), "Si vous voulez une taille relative, vous devez mettre au choix : ", "« + » ou « * »."]); } else { if (TypeOf(_arg2, "String")){ _local4 = ((_arg3)=="Max") ? ((_arg1.width)>_arg1.height) ? _arg1.width : _arg1.height : ((_arg1.width)<_arg1.height) ? _arg1.width : _arg1.height; if (FindIn(_arg2, "+")){ _local4 = (_local4 + Number(Pop(_arg2, "+"))); _arg2 = _local4; } else { if (FindIn(_arg2, "*")){ _local4 = (_local4 * Number(Pop(_arg2, "*"))); _arg2 = _local4; }; }; }; if (_arg3 == "Max"){ ProRataSize(_arg1, _arg2, ((_arg1.width)>_arg1.height) ? "width" : "height"); } else { ProRataSize(_arg1, _arg2, ((_arg1.width)>_arg1.height) ? "height" : "width"); }; }; } public function Tn(_arg1:int=-1):void{ if (_arg1 != -1){ TraceNumber = _arg1; }; Trace(TraceNumber); TraceNumber++; } public function RandomLetters(_arg1=10):String{ var _local2:int; var _local3:String; var _local4:int; _arg1 = Aspiration(_arg1); _local2 = Random((_arg1 - 3), (_arg1 + 3), true); _local3 = ""; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _local2) { _local3 = (_local3 + AlphabetList[Random(0, (AlphabetList.length - 1), true)]); _local4++; }; return (_local3); } public function Tr():void{ Trace("————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————"); } public function Fluidite(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3=10, _arg4:Number=1):Number{ var _local5:Number; AddObsolete("Fluidite"); _arg3 = Aspiration(_arg3); _local5 = ((_arg2 - _arg1) / _arg3); if (Math.abs(_local5) > _arg4){ return (_local5); }; return (0); } public function XMLToObject(_arg1, _arg2=""):Object{ var _local3:Object; var _local4:String; var _local5:int; var _local6:String; var _local7:int; if (_arg2 == ""){ _local3 = new Object(); } else { _local3 = _arg2; }; if (TypeOf(_arg1, "String")){ _arg1 = new XML(_arg1); }; if (_arg1.attributes().length() > 0){ _local3.Parametres = new Object(); _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < _arg1.attributes().length()) { _local3.Parametres[String(_arg1.attributes()[_local5].name())] = _arg1.attributes()[_local5]; _local5++; }; }; for (_local4 in _arg1.children()) { _local6 = ((_arg1.children()[_local4].@name) || (_arg1.children()[_local4].name())); _local3[_local6] = new Object(); if (NodeNumber(_arg1.children()[_local4]) < 1){ _local3[_local6].Contenu = _arg1.children()[_local4]; if (_arg1.children()[_local4].attributes().length() > 0){ _local3[_local6].Parametres = new Object(); _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < _arg1.children()[_local4].attributes().length()) { _local3[_local6].Parametres[String(_arg1.children()[_local4].attributes()[_local7].name())] = _arg1.children()[_local4].attributes()[_local7]; _local7++; }; }; } else { XMLToObject(_arg1.children()[_local4], _local3[_local6]); }; }; return (_local3); } public function AbsolutIsPlaying(_arg1, _arg2:int=0, _arg3:Boolean=false):void{ var i:int; var leClip:*; var Clip = _arg1; var Parentalite = _arg2; var Retour = _arg3; AddObsolete("AbsolutIsPlaying"); if (Parentalite == 0){ if (!Retour){ Clip.AbsolutIsPlayingSave = Clip.currentFrame; } else { if (Clip.AbsolutIsPlayingSave == Clip.currentFrame){ Clip.isPlaying = false; } else { Clip.isPlaying = true; }; }; try { i = 0; while (i < Clip.numChildren) { leClip = Clip.getChildAt(i); if (((!(TypeOf(leClip, "MorphShape"))) && (!(TypeOf(leClip, "Shape"))))){ AbsolutIsPlaying(leClip, 0, Retour); }; i = (i + 1); }; } catch(e) { }; } else { AbsolutIsPlaying(Parental(Clip, Parentalite), 0, Retour); }; if (!Retour){ Rebours({Fonction:AbsolutIsPlaying, Arguments:[Clip, Parentalite, true]}); }; } public function Connexion(_arg1=null, _arg2:Boolean=true):Boolean{ var TheLink = _arg1; var Erreur = _arg2; if (((!(StageLink)) || (!(RootLink)))){ if (TheLink){ try { if (((TheLink.root) && (TheLink.stage))){ StageLink = TheLink.stage; RootLink = TheLink.root; if (((RootLink) && (!(IsConnected)))){ RootLink.drOIdeScriptList = ((RootLink.drOIdeScriptList) || (new Array())); RootLink.drOIdeScriptList.push(This); IsConnected = true; }; } else { TraceError("WorldTools", "Connexion", (("Impossible de récupérer le stage ou le root depuis " + TheLink) + "."), Erreur); }; } catch(e) { TraceError("WorldTools", "Connexion", [(("L'élément transmis de type " + TypeOf(TheLink)) + " ne convient pas pour récupérer root et stage."), "Essayer plutôt de transmettre une instance quelconque d'un clip."], Erreur); }; }; }; return (IsConnected); } public function GetSceneName(_arg1=null){ var _local2:Array; if (((_arg1) || (RootLink))){ _arg1 = ((_arg1) || (RootLink)); _local2 = String(_arg1.loaderInfo.url).split("/"); return (_local2[(_local2.length - 1)].split(".swf").join("")); }; TraceError("WorldTools", "GetSceneName", ("Vous devez donner un lien de la scène à la fonction en argument" + "ou une connexion RootLink au script")); return (null); } public function ElementToData(_arg1, _arg2=null, _arg3:String="&", _arg4:String="="):String{ var _local5:String; var _local6:int; _arg2 = ((_arg2) || (["x", "y", "width", "height", "rotation", "alpha"])); _arg2.push("Class"); _arg2.push("Nom"); _local5 = ""; _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _arg2.length) { _local5 = (_local5 + _arg2[_local6]); if (_arg2[_local6] == "Class"){ _local5 = (_local5 + (_arg4 + TypeOf(_arg1))); } else { if (_arg2[_local6] == "Nom"){ _local5 = (_local5 + (_arg4 + _arg1.name)); } else { if (_arg2[_local6] == "width"){ _local5 = (_local5 + (_arg4 + GetRealScale(_arg1).width)); } else { if (_arg2[_local6] == "height"){ _local5 = (_local5 + (_arg4 + GetRealScale(_arg1).height)); } else { _local5 = (_local5 + (_arg4 + _arg1[_arg2[_local6]])); }; }; }; }; if (_local6 != (_arg2.length - 1)){ _local5 = (_local5 + _arg3); }; _local6++; }; return (_local5); } public function SetRandomColor(_arg1, _arg2="", _arg3="", _arg4:String="", _arg5:Boolean=false):String{ return (SetColor(_arg1, RandomHexadecimal(_arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5))); } public function FindChild(_arg1, _arg2:String, _arg3:int=0){ var Enfant:*; var i:int; var leClip:*; var Clip = _arg1; var Nom = _arg2; var Parentalite = _arg3; AddObsolete("FindChild"); try { i = 0; while (i < Clip.numChildren) { leClip = Clip.getChildAt(i); if (leClip.name == Nom){ return (leClip); }; if (((!(TypeOf(leClip, "MorphShape"))) && (!(TypeOf(leClip, "Shape"))))){ Enfant = FindChild(leClip, Nom); if (Enfant){ if (Enfant.name == Nom){ return (Enfant); }; }; }; i = (i + 1); }; } catch(e) { }; return (null); } public function NearSentence(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:int=1, _arg4:int=3):String{ var _local5:Array; var _local6:Array; var _local7:int; var _local8:int; var _local9:Boolean; var _local10:int; var _local11:Array; var _local12:Array; var _local13:int; var _local14:int; var _local15:Boolean; var _local16:int; if (_arg2 != null){ if (_arg1.split(" ").length == 1){ _local5 = _arg1.toLowerCase().split(""); _local6 = _arg2.toLowerCase().split(""); _local7 = 0; if ((((_local5.length >= (_local6.length - _arg4))) && ((_local5.length <= (_local6.length + _arg4))))){ _local8 = 0; while (_local8 < _local5.length) { if (_local5[_local8] == _local6[_local8]){ _local7++; } else { _local9 = false; _local10 = 1; while (_local10 <= _arg3) { if ((((_local5[_local8] == _local6[(_local8 - _local10)])) || ((_local5[_local8] == _local6[(_local8 + _local10)])))){ _local9 = true; }; _local10++; }; if (_local9){ _local7++; }; }; _local8++; }; if (_local7 >= (_arg1.length - _arg4)){ return (_arg2); }; return (_arg1); } else { return (_arg1); }; } else { _local11 = _arg1.split(" "); _local12 = _arg2.split(" "); _local13 = 0; if ((((_local11.length >= (_local12.length - _arg4))) && ((_local11.length <= (_local12.length + _arg4))))){ _local14 = 0; while (_local14 < _local11.length) { if (_local12[_local14] == NearSentence(_local11[_local14], _local12[_local14])){ _local13++; } else { _local15 = false; _local16 = 1; while (_local16 <= _arg3) { if ((((_local12[(_local14 - _local16)] == NearSentence(_local11[_local14], _local12[(_local14 - _local16)]))) || ((_local12[(_local14 + _local16)] == NearSentence(_local11[_local14], _local12[(_local14 + _local16)]))))){ _local15 = true; }; _local16++; }; if (_local15){ _local13++; }; }; _local14++; }; if (_local13 >= (_local11.length - _arg4)){ return (_arg2); }; return (_arg1); } else { return (_arg1); }; }; //unresolved jump }; return (_arg1); } public function FullStringOrNumber(_arg1){ var _local2:*; AddObsolete("FullStringOrNumber"); for (_local2 in _arg1) { if (TypeOf(_arg1[_local2], "String")){ _arg1[_local2] = StringOrNumber(_arg1[_local2]); }; }; return (_arg1); } public function StringToElement(_arg1:String, _arg2=null, _arg3=true, _arg4:String=""){ if (TypeOf(_arg3, "String")){ _arg4 = _arg3; _arg3 = true; }; if (_arg4 != ""){ _arg1 = CharacterConversion(_arg1, _arg4, "."); }; return (ArrayToElement(_arg1.split("."), _arg2, _arg3)); } public function TypeOf(_arg1, _arg2=""){ var VariableIs:String; var TestArray:Array; var Variable = _arg1; var Etat = _arg2; if (Variable == null){ return (null); }; if (typeof(Variable) == "number"){ VariableIs = "Number"; } else { if ((((typeof(Variable) == "string")) || ((typeof(Variable) == "xml")))){ VariableIs = "String"; } else { if (typeof(Variable) == "boolean"){ VariableIs = "Boolean"; } else { if (((!((typeof(Variable) == "object"))) && ((String(Variable) == "function Function() {}")))){ VariableIs = "Function"; } else { if (((FindIn(String(Variable), "[class")) && (!(Variable["push"])))){ VariableIs = "Class"; } else { try { if (Variable[0] != null){ VariableIs = "Array"; }; } catch(e) { try { TestArray = Variable; VariableIs = "Array"; } catch(e) { }; }; if ((((String(Variable).length == 0)) && ((typeof(Variable) == "object")))){ VariableIs = "Array"; }; if (VariableIs == null){ VariableIs = GetIn(GetIn(String(Variable), "[object ", 2), "]", 1); }; }; }; }; }; }; if (Etat != ""){ if (typeof(Etat) != "object"){ return ((Etat == VariableIs)); }; return ((IndexOf(Etat, VariableIs)) ? true : false); //unresolved jump }; return (VariableIs); } public function TotalNull(_arg1):void{ var _local2:*; for (_local2 in _arg1) { TotalNull(_arg1[_local2]); _arg1[_local2] = null; }; } public function ObjectToGet(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String="&", _arg3:String="="):String{ var _local4:String; var _local5:*; var _local6:Array; _arg2 = ((_arg2) || ("&")); _arg3 = ((_arg3) || ("=")); _local4 = new String(); for (_local5 in _arg1) { _local4 = (_local4 + (((_local5 + _arg3) + _arg1[_local5]) + _arg2)); }; _local6 = _local4.split(_arg2); _local6.pop(); _local4 = _local6.join(_arg2); return (_local4); } public function Homotethie(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3:String="width"):void{ var _local4:Number; AddObsolete("Homotethie"); _arg2 = Aspiration(_arg2); _local4 = (_arg2 / _arg1[_arg3]); _arg1.width = (_arg1.width * _local4); _arg1.height = (_arg1.height * _local4); } public function TotalModif(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4:String="Nom"):void{ var i:*; var Element = _arg1; var Reference = _arg2; var Valeur = _arg3; var Type = _arg4; try { for (i in Element) { TotalModif(Element[i], Reference, Valeur, Type); if (Type == "Nom"){ if (i == Reference){ Element[i] = Valeur; }; } else { if (Element[i] == Reference){ Element[i] = Valeur; }; }; }; } catch(e) { }; } public function RemoveEvents(_arg1, _arg2:Array, _arg3:Boolean=true):void{ var i:int; var iEvents:int; var Verification:Boolean; var Cle:*; var Key:*; var k:int; var NomTransitoire:String; var CibleTransitoire:Object; var k2:int; var Clees:*; var DoubleClees:*; var k3:int; var iEvent:int; var Cible = _arg1; var Events = _arg2; var Erreur = _arg3; AddObsolete("RemoveEvents"); if (typeof(Events[0]) == "string"){ Events = [Events]; }; i = 0; while (i < Events.length) { Verification = false; if (!IsKey(Evenements, Events[i][0])){ for (Cle in TransitionEvenements) { if (IsInArray(TransitionEvenements[Cle], Events[i][0])){ Events[i][0] = Cle; }; }; }; try { for (Key in Evenements) { if (Key == Events[i][0]){ ((Events[i][3]) || (Cible)).removeEventListener(Evenements[Key][Key], Events[i][1][Events[i][2]]); try { if (!Cible.EvenementsImplantes){ Cible.EvenementsImplantes = new Array(); }; k = 0; while (k < Cible.EvenementsImplantes.length) { if ((((((Cible.EvenementsImplantes[k][0] == Events[i][0])) && ((Cible.EvenementsImplantes[k][1] == Events[i][1])))) && ((Cible.EvenementsImplantes[k][2] == Events[i][2])))){ Cible.EvenementsImplantes.splice(k, 1); k = (k - 1); }; k = (k + 1); }; } catch(e) { if (!IsDrOIde(Cible)){ try { NomTransitoire = (Cible.name) ? Cible.name : PoppingEspace(String(Cible)); } catch(e) { NomTransitoire = PoppingEspace(String(Cible)); }; CibleTransitoire = StockElementsEvenement[NomTransitoire]; if (!CibleTransitoire.EvenementsImplantes){ CibleTransitoire.EvenementsImplantes = new Array(); }; k2 = 0; while (k2 < CibleTransitoire.EvenementsImplantes.length) { if ((((((CibleTransitoire.EvenementsImplantes[k2][0] == Events[i][0])) && ((CibleTransitoire.EvenementsImplantes[k2][1] == Events[i][1])))) && ((CibleTransitoire.EvenementsImplantes[k2][2] == Events[i][2])))){ CibleTransitoire.EvenementsImplantes.splice(k2, 1); k2 = (k2 - 1); }; k2 = (k2 + 1); }; } else { for (Clees in Cible.StockElementsEvenement) { for (DoubleClees in Cible.StockElementsEvenement[Clees]) { if (TypeOf(Cible.StockElementsEvenement[Clees][DoubleClees], "Array")){ k3 = 0; while (k3 < Cible.StockElementsEvenement[Clees][DoubleClees].length) { if ((((((Cible.StockElementsEvenement[Clees][DoubleClees][k3][0] == Events[i][0])) && ((Cible.StockElementsEvenement[Clees][DoubleClees][k3][1] == Events[i][1])))) && ((Cible.StockElementsEvenement[Clees][DoubleClees][k3][2] == Events[i][2])))){ Cible.StockElementsEvenement[Clees][DoubleClees].splice(k3, 1); k3 = (k3 - 1); }; k3 = (k3 + 1); }; }; }; }; }; }; Verification = true; }; }; } catch(e) { if (Erreur){ TraceErreur("WorldTools", "RemoveEvents", ["L'élément ne contient aucun événements implantés.", "Si ce message apparaît seul sans une alerte de la méthode « AddEvents »,", "il se peut que vous ayez rentrer le mauvais nom de clip, ", "sinon, ce doit être que l'élément en question ne peut contenir de variable."]); }; Verification = true; }; if (!Verification){ if (Erreur){ TraceErreur("WorldTools", "RemoveEvents", [(((("L'événement de type «" + Events[i][0]) + "» n'a pas été trouvé dans le tableau ") + "des événements. Vérifiez l'orthographe de ce terme.\rSi aucune erreur d'écriture n'a été faites, vous pouvez rentrer ") + "dans le script de WorlsTools pour rajouter cet événements dans le tableau «Evenements».")]); }; }; i = (i + 1); }; iEvents = 0; while (iEvents < Events.length) { iEvent = 0; while (iEvent < StockEvents.length) { if ((((StockEvents[iEvent].Cible == Cible)) && ((String(StockEvents[iEvent].Events) == String(Events[iEvents]))))){ StockEvents.splice(iEvent, 1); }; iEvent = (iEvent + 1); }; iEvents = (iEvents + 1); }; } public function AbsolutGift(_arg1, _arg2:String, _arg3, _arg4:int=0):void{ var i:int; var leClip:*; var Clip = _arg1; var NomVariable = _arg2; var Valeur = _arg3; var Parentalite = _arg4; AddObsolete("AbsolutGift"); if (Parentalite == 0){ Clip[NomVariable] = Valeur; try { i = 0; while (i < Clip.numChildren) { leClip = Clip.getChildAt(i); if (((!(TypeOf(leClip, "MorphShape"))) && (!(TypeOf(leClip, "Shape"))))){ AbsolutGift(leClip, NomVariable, Valeur); }; i = (i + 1); }; } catch(e) { }; } else { AbsolutGift(Parental(Clip, Parentalite), NomVariable, Valeur); }; } public function Mimetisme(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3:Array=null):void{ AddObsolete("Mimetisme"); TakeAll(_arg1, ExtractAll(_arg2, _arg3)); } public function CloneObject(_arg1:Object, _arg2=null, _arg3:Array=null){ var _local4:Object; var _local5:*; var _local6:Array; var _local7:int; if (TypeOf(_arg2, "Array")){ _arg3 = _arg2; _arg2 = null; }; if (((((!(TypeOf(_arg1, "Object"))) && (!(TypeOf(_arg1, "Array"))))) && ((_arg2 == null)))){ return (_arg1); }; _arg3 = SetDefault(_arg3, []); if (_arg2 == null){ _local4 = new Object(); } else { _local4 = _arg2; }; if (!TypeOf(_arg1, "Array")){ if (_arg2 == null){ _arg1.DontCloneMeAnymore = true; }; for (_local5 in _arg1) { if (_arg3.indexOf(_local5) == -1){ if (TypeOf(_arg1[_local5], "Object")){ if (!_arg1[_local5].DontCloneMeAnymore){ _local4[_local5] = new Object(); CloneObject(_arg1[_local5], _local4[_local5], _arg3); }; } else { _local4[_local5] = _arg1[_local5]; }; }; }; if (_arg2 == null){ _arg1.DontCloneMeAnymore = null; _local4.DontCloneMeAnymore = null; }; return (_local4); //unresolved jump }; _local6 = new Array(); _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < _arg1.length) { _local6.push(_arg1[_local7]); _local7++; }; return (_local6); } public function ForAllClipIn(_arg1, _arg2:Object):void{ var _local3:int; var _local4:*; var _local5:Object; AddObsolete("ForAllClipIn"); if ((((typeof(_arg2.Cible) == "string")) && (!((_arg2.Cible == "self"))))){ TraceErreur("WorldTools", "ForAllClipIn", [(("Une chaine de caractère a été utilisée pour la cible de la fonction : " + _arg2.Cible) + "."), "Seule la chaine de caractère \"self\" est accepté, elle permet de choisir que la fonction soit lancée dans chaque clip vérifié.", "Autrement, la cible doit être directement l'instance de l'endroit où se trouve la fonction.", "Par défaut, la cible a été mis à \"self\"."]); _arg2.Cible = "self"; }; if (!_arg2.Argument){ _arg2.Argument = new Object(); }; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _arg1.numChildren) { _local4 = _arg1.getChildAt(_local3); if (!TypeOf(_local4, "Shape")){ _arg2.Argument.Cible = _local4; if (_arg2.Cible == "self"){ _local5 = {Fonction:_arg2.Fonction, Cible:_local4, Argument:CloneObject(_arg2.Argument)}; Launch(_local5); } else { Launch(_arg2, true, _local4); }; }; _local3++; }; } public function WayObject(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String="", _arg3:String=""){ var PartieChemin:String; var ResteChemin:*; var PartieObjet:*; var Objet = _arg1; var Chemin = _arg2; var CheminInitial = _arg3; AddObsolete("WayObject"); CheminInitial = ((CheminInitial)=="") ? Chemin : CheminInitial; if ((((Chemin == "")) || (((!(Chemin)) && (!(CheminInitial)))))){ return (Objet); }; PartieChemin = Chemin.split(".")[0]; ResteChemin = Chemin.split("."); ResteChemin.shift(); ResteChemin = ResteChemin.join("."); PartieObjet = Objet[PartieChemin]; try { if (PartieObjet){ return (((ResteChemin)!="") ? WayObject(PartieObjet, ResteChemin, CheminInitial) : PartieObjet); } else { TraceErreur("WorldTools", "WayObject", [(("La clée " + CheminInitial) + " est introuvable sur l'objet.")]); }; } catch(e) { TraceErreur("WorldTools", "WayObject", [(("La clée " + CheminInitial) + " est introuvable sur l'objet.")]); }; return (null); } public function GetToObject(_arg1:String, _arg2:String="&", _arg3:String="="):Object{ var _local4:Object; var _local5:Array; var _local6:int; _arg2 = ((_arg2) || ("&")); _arg3 = ((_arg3) || ("=")); _local4 = new Object(); _local5 = _arg1.split(_arg2); _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _local5.length) { _local4[_local5[_local6].split(_arg3)[0]] = Aspiration(_local5[_local6].split(_arg3)[1]); _local6++; }; return (_local4); } public function ArrayToObject(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Object=null):Object{ var _local3:int; _arg2 = ((_arg2) || (new Object())); _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _arg1.length) { if (TypeOf(_arg1[_local3][1], "String")){ TraceError("WorldToools", "ArrayToObject", "L'indicateur du type doit être une classe et non un string."); } else { _arg2[_arg1[_local3][0]] = new _arg1[_local3][1](((_arg1[_local3][2]) || (null))); if (_arg1[_local3][3] != null){ ArrayToObject(_arg1[_local3][3], _arg2[_arg1[_local3][0]]); }; }; _local3++; }; return (_arg2); } public function ShortLaunch_Calcul(_arg1=null):void{ if (_arg1 != null){ if (TraceIfNotKey(_arg1, ["Cible", "Nom", "Valeur", "Operateur"], "WorldTools", "ShortLaunch : Calcul")){ if (_arg1.Operateur == "+"){ _arg1.Cible[_arg1.Nom] = (_arg1.Cible[_arg1.Nom] + _arg1.Valeur); } else { if (_arg1.Operateur == "-"){ _arg1.Cible[_arg1.Nom] = (_arg1.Cible[_arg1.Nom] - _arg1.Valeur); } else { if (_arg1.Operateur == "*"){ _arg1.Cible[_arg1.Nom] = (_arg1.Cible[_arg1.Nom] * _arg1.Valeur); } else { if (_arg1.Operateur == "/"){ _arg1.Cible[_arg1.Nom] = (_arg1.Cible[_arg1.Nom] / _arg1.Valeur); }; }; }; }; }; } else { TraceError("WorldTools", "ShortLaunch : Calcul", "Les arguments n'ont pas été donnés."); }; } public function GetIn(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:int):String{ return (_arg1.split(_arg2, _arg1.length)[(_arg3 - 1)]); } public function ScrubString(_arg1:String, _arg2:String=" "):String{ var _local3:String; var _local4:int; _local3 = ""; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _arg1.length) { _local3 = (_local3 + _arg2); _local4++; }; return (_local3); } public function ParamBoolean(_arg1, _arg2:String, _arg3:Boolean=true){ AddObsolete("ParamBoolean"); if (!_arg3){ _arg1[(_arg2 + "MemoParamBoolean")] = _arg1[_arg2]; _arg1[_arg2] = 0; } else { if (_arg1[(_arg2 + "MemoParamBoolean")]){ _arg1[_arg2] = _arg1[(_arg2 + "MemoParamBoolean")]; }; }; } public function RandomHexadecimal(_arg1="", _arg2="", _arg3:String="", _arg4:Boolean=false):String{ var _local5:String; _local5 = ""; if (TypeOf(_arg1, "Boolean")){ _arg4 = _arg1; _arg1 = ""; }; if (_arg1.length > 2){ if (TypeOf(_arg2, "Boolean")){ _arg4 = _arg2; }; _arg2 = (_arg1.split("")[2] + ((_arg1.split("")[3]) || (_arg1.split("")[2]))); if (_arg1.length > 4){ _arg3 = (_arg1.split("")[4] + ((_arg1.split("")[5]) || (_arg1.split("")[4]))); }; _arg1 = (_arg1.split("")[0] + _arg1.split("")[1]); _arg1 = (FindIn(_arg1, "x")) ? "" : _arg1; _arg2 = (FindIn(_arg2, "x")) ? "" : _arg2; _arg3 = (FindIn(_arg3, "x")) ? "" : _arg3; }; if (_arg4){ if (_arg1 == ""){ _local5 = (_local5 + MultipleString(RandomArray(HexadecimalList), 2)); } else { _local5 = (_local5 + _arg1); }; if (_arg2 == ""){ _local5 = (_local5 + MultipleString(RandomArray(HexadecimalList), 2)); } else { _local5 = (_local5 + _arg2); }; if (_arg3 == ""){ _local5 = (_local5 + MultipleString(RandomArray(HexadecimalList), 2)); } else { _local5 = (_local5 + _arg3); }; } else { if (_arg1 == ""){ _local5 = (_local5 + (RandomArray(HexadecimalList) + RandomArray(HexadecimalList))); } else { _local5 = (_local5 + _arg1); }; if (_arg2 == ""){ _local5 = (_local5 + (RandomArray(HexadecimalList) + RandomArray(HexadecimalList))); } else { _local5 = (_local5 + _arg2); }; if (_arg3 == ""){ _local5 = (_local5 + (RandomArray(HexadecimalList) + RandomArray(HexadecimalList))); } else { _local5 = (_local5 + _arg3); }; }; return (_local5); } public function Next(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3=null, _arg4=10, _arg5="Constant", _arg6=null, _arg7:Object=null):void{ var Change:Object; var iChange:*; var Nom = _arg1; var Element = _arg2; var Changement = _arg3; var Vitesse = _arg4; var Transition = _arg5; var Final = _arg6; var Parametres = _arg7; Parametres = ((Parametres) || (new Object())); Parametres.BlendMode = ((Parametres.BlendMode)!=null) ? Parametres.BlendMode : true; if (!TypeOf(Nom, "String")){ Parametres = Final; Final = Transition; Transition = Vitesse; Vitesse = Changement; Changement = Element; Element = Nom; Vitesse = ((Vitesse) || (10)); Transition = ((((Transition == 10)) && ((Final == "Constant")))) ? "Constant" : Transition; Final = ((Final)=="Constant") ? null : Final; Nom = "NextTransition"; }; if (Element[Nom]){ try { RemoveEvents2(Element, {Fonction:Nom, Cible:Element}, "ENTER_FRAME", (("Next" + Nom) + "Loop")); } catch(e) { }; }; Change = (Element[(Nom + "Change")] = CloneObject(Changement)); Element[(Nom + "Final")] = Final; if (((IsKey(Changement, "alpha")) && (Parametres.BlendMode))){ Element.blendMode = "layer"; } else { if (IsKey(Changement, "alpha")){ Element.blendMode = "normal"; }; }; for (iChange in Change) { Change[iChange] = MorphNumber(Element[iChange], Aspiration(Change[iChange]), Aspiration(Vitesse), Transition); }; Element[Nom] = function (_arg1:Event){ var _local2:*; var _local3:Object; var _local4:*; var _local5:*; _local2 = _arg1.target; _local3 = _local2[(Nom + "Change")]; _local4 = _local2[(Nom + "Final")]; for (_local5 in _local3) { if (_local3[_local5] != null){ _local2[_local5] = _local3[_local5][0]; _local3[_local5].shift(); if (_local3[_local5].length <= 0){ _local3[_local5] = null; }; }; }; if (LengthObject(_local3) <= 0){ RemoveEvents2(_local2, {Fonction:Nom, Cible:Element}, "ENTER_FRAME", (("Next" + Nom) + "Loop")); _local2[Nom] = null; Launch(_local4); }; }; AddEvents2(Element, {Fonction:Nom, Cible:Element}, "ENTER_FRAME", (("Next" + Nom) + "Loop")); } public function PushObject(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String, _arg3=""){ var _local4:int; _local4 = 1; while (true) { if (!_arg1[(_arg2 + _local4)]){ return ((_arg1[(_arg2 + _local4)] = ((_arg3)!="") ? _arg3 : new Object())); }; _local4++; }; return (null); } public function Element2Array(_arg1, _arg2):Array{ var _local3:Array; AddObsolete("Element2Array"); _local3 = [_arg1.name]; while (((!((_arg1.parent.name == "root1"))) && (!((_arg1.name == _arg2.name))))) { _arg1 = _arg1.parent; _local3.push(_arg1.name); }; return (_local3.reverse()); } public function RandomMot(_arg1=10):String{ var _local2:int; var _local3:String; var _local4:int; var _local5:int; var _local6:Boolean; AddObsolete("RandomMot"); _arg1 = Aspiration(_arg1); _local2 = Random((_arg1 - 3), (_arg1 + 3), true); _local3 = ""; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _local2) { _local6 = false; while (!(_local6)) { _local5 = Random(0, (Alphabet.length - 1), true); if (EstPair(_local4)){ if (((((((((((!((_local5 == 0))) && (!((_local5 == 4))))) && (!((_local5 == 8))))) && (!((_local5 == 14))))) && (!((_local5 == 20))))) && (!((_local5 == 24))))){ _local6 = true; }; } else { if ((((((((((((_local5 == 0)) || ((_local5 == 4)))) || ((_local5 == 8)))) || ((_local5 == 14)))) || ((_local5 == 20)))) || ((_local5 == 24)))){ _local6 = true; }; }; }; _local3 = (_local3 + Alphabet[_local5]); _local4++; }; return (_local3); } public function TakeAllPerfect(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3=null, _arg4:Object=null):void{ var _local5:*; var _local6:*; AddObsolete("TakeAllPerfect"); _arg3 = DefaultNotVoid(_arg3, []); _arg4 = ((_arg4) || (new Object())); if (typeof(_arg3) == "string"){ _arg3 = [_arg3]; }; if (_arg2){ if (((((_arg2.rotation) && (_arg2.width))) || (((_arg2.rotation) && (_arg2.height))))){ _local6 = _arg2.rotation; _arg2.rotation = null; }; }; for (_local5 in _arg2) { if (_arg2[_local5] != null){ if (_arg3.indexOf(_local5) == -1){ if (TypeOf(_arg2[_local5], "Object")){ if (!_arg1[_local5]){ _arg1[_local5] = _arg2[_local5]; } else { TakeAllPerfect(_arg1[_local5], _arg2[_local5], _arg3, _arg4); }; } else { if (typeof(_arg1[_local5]) != "boolean"){ _arg1[_local5] = Aspiration(_arg2[_local5]); } else { if ((((_arg2[_local5] == "true")) || ((_arg2[_local5] == true)))){ _arg1[_local5] = true; } else { _arg1[_local5] = false; }; }; if (((!(isNaN(Number(_arg1[_local5])))) && (!((_arg4.Multiplicateur == null))))){ _arg1[_local5] = (_arg1[_local5] * _arg4.Multiplicateur); }; }; }; }; }; if (_local6 != null){ _arg1.rotation = _local6; }; } public function AbsolutNull(_arg1):void{ var _local2:*; AddObsolete("AbsolutNull"); for (_local2 in _arg1) { AbsolutNull(_arg1[_local2]); _arg1[_local2] = null; }; } public function RandomArray(_arg1:Array){ var _local2:int; _local2 = (Math.random() * _arg1.length); return (_arg1[_local2]); } public function StringToName(_arg1:String):String{ return (CharacterConversion(_arg1, ConversionNameList.Back, ConversionNameList.Next)); } public function GetAngle(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3=0):Number{ return ((((Math.atan2((_arg2.y - _arg1.y), (_arg2.x - _arg1.x)) * 180) / Math.PI) + Aspiration(_arg3))); } public function FullLaunch(_arg1:Array, _arg2=null):void{ var _local3:int; AddObsolete("FullLaunch"); if (_arg1 != null){ _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _arg1.length) { Launch(_arg1[_local3], true, _arg2); _local3++; }; }; } public function DeleteFromArray(_arg1:Array, _arg2=null):Array{ var _local3:int; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _arg1.length) { if (_arg2 == null){ if ((((_arg1[_local3] == null)) || ((_arg1[_local3] == undefined)))){ _arg1.splice(_local3, 1); _local3--; }; } else { if (_arg1[_local3] == _arg2){ _arg1.splice(_local3, 1); _local3--; }; }; _local3++; }; return (_arg1); } public function IsDrOIde(_arg1):Boolean{ return (IndexOf(drOIdeScriptList, Pop(TypeOf(_arg1), drOIdeModuleList))); } public function Gommage(_arg1:String, _arg2:String=" "):String{ var _local3:String; var _local4:int; AddObsolete("Gommage"); _local3 = ""; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _arg1.length) { _local3 = (_local3 + _arg2); _local4++; }; return (_local3); } public function AnimationScroll(_arg1, _arg2:Number=1):void{ if ((_arg1.currentFrame + _arg2) >= (_arg1.totalFrames + 1)){ _arg2 = (_arg2 - (_arg1.totalFrames - _arg1.currentFrame)); _arg1.gotoAndStop(((_arg2)<=_arg1.totalFrames) ? _arg2 : CutDivision(_arg2, _arg1.totalFrames)[1]); } else { if ((_arg1.currentFrame + _arg2) <= 0){ _arg2 = (_arg2 + _arg1.currentFrame); _arg1.gotoAndStop(((-(_arg2))<_arg1.totalFrames) ? (_arg1.totalFrames + _arg2) : (_arg1.totalFrames - CutDivision(-(_arg2), _arg1.totalFrames)[1])); } else { _arg1.gotoAndStop((_arg1.currentFrame + _arg2)); }; }; } public function GetEncryption(_arg1:int=10):String{ var _local2:String; var _local3:int; _local2 = ""; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _arg1) { _local2 = (_local2 + DecadeNumber(Random(0, 99, true))); if (_local3 != (_arg1 - 1)){ _local2 = (_local2 + "-"); }; _local3++; }; return (_local2); } public function IsBetween(_arg1:Number, _arg2, _arg3=null):Boolean{ if (TypeOf(_arg2, "Array")){ _arg3 = _arg2[1]; _arg2 = _arg2[0]; }; if ((((_arg1 < _arg3)) && ((_arg1 > _arg2)))){ return (true); }; return (false); } public function String2Special(_arg1:String):String{ AddObsolete("String2Special"); return (CharacterConversion(_arg1, ObjectConversionUltimeOn, ObjectConversionUltimeOff)); } public function CleeCryptee(_arg1:int=10):String{ var _local2:String; var _local3:int; AddObsolete("CleeCryptee"); _local2 = ""; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _arg1) { _local2 = (_local2 + DecadeNumber(Random(0, 99, true))); if (_local3 != (_arg1 - 1)){ _local2 = (_local2 + "-"); }; _local3++; }; return (_local2); } public function GoDirection(_arg1, _arg2=null, _arg3=1, _arg4=1){ var _local5:Number; AddObsolete("GoDirection"); _arg3 = Aspiration(_arg3); _arg4 = Aspiration(_arg4); if (TypeOf(_arg2, "String")){ _arg2 = Aspiration(_arg2); }; _arg2 = ((_arg2)!=null) ? _arg2 : _arg1.rotation; _local5 = ((TypeOf(_arg2, "Number")) ? _arg2 : _arg2.rotation + _arg4); _arg1.x = (_arg1.x + (Math.cos(((_local5 / 180) * Math.PI)) * _arg3)); _arg1.y = (_arg1.y + (Math.sin(((_local5 / 180) * Math.PI)) * _arg3)); return (_arg1); } public function ObjectGet(_arg1:String, _arg2:String="&", _arg3:String="="):Object{ var _local4:Object; var _local5:Array; var _local6:int; AddObsolete("ObjectGet"); _arg2 = ((_arg2) || ("&")); _arg3 = ((_arg3) || ("=")); _local4 = new Object(); _local5 = _arg1.split(_arg2); _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _local5.length) { _local4[_local5[_local6].split(_arg3)[0]] = Aspiration(_local5[_local6].split(_arg3)[1]); _local6++; }; return (_local4); } public function TakeAll(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3=null, _arg4:Object=null):void{ var _local5:*; var _local6:*; AddObsolete("TakeAll"); _arg3 = DefaultNotVoid(_arg3, []); _arg4 = ((_arg4) || (new Object())); if (typeof(_arg3) == "string"){ _arg3 = [_arg3]; }; if (_arg2){ if (((((_arg2.rotation) && (_arg2.width))) || (((_arg2.rotation) && (_arg2.height))))){ _local6 = _arg2.rotation; _arg2.rotation = null; }; }; for (_local5 in _arg2) { if (_arg2[_local5] != null){ if (_arg3.indexOf(_local5) == -1){ if (typeof(_arg1[_local5]) != "boolean"){ _arg1[_local5] = Aspiration(_arg2[_local5]); } else { if ((((_arg2[_local5] == "true")) || ((_arg2[_local5] == true)))){ _arg1[_local5] = true; } else { _arg1[_local5] = false; }; }; if (((!(isNaN(Number(_arg1[_local5])))) && (!((_arg4.Multiplicateur == null))))){ _arg1[_local5] = (_arg1[_local5] * _arg4.Multiplicateur); }; if (_arg4.StringOrNumber){ _arg1[_local5] = StringOrNumber(_arg1[_local5]); }; }; }; }; if (_local6 != null){ _arg1.rotation = _local6; }; } function AddEvents_ObjectSetting(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4:String, _arg5:Boolean, _arg6:Object):void{ var EventObject:Object; var Levier:Boolean; var NomStock:String; var NomStockB:String; var Cible = _arg1; var Fonction = _arg2; var Type = _arg3; var Nom = _arg4; var IsLaunch = _arg5; var Parametres = _arg6; Cible.EventsObject = ((Cible.EventsObject) || ({Pause:false})); if (Cible.EventsObject[Nom]){ RemoveEvents2(((Parametres.target) || (Cible)), Nom); }; Cible.EventsObject[Nom] = {Fonction:Fonction, Type:Type, Cible:Cible, Nom:Nom, Parametres:Parametres}; EventObject = Cible.EventsObject[Nom]; SetAll(EventObject, Parametres); Levier = !(IsLaunch); if (Fonction){ if (IsLaunch){ EventObject.Fonction = Launch(Fonction, "GetFunction"); if (EventObject.Fonction){ Levier = true; }; }; } else { Levier = false; }; if (Levier){ if (!IsLaunch){ if (!Cible.EventsObject.Pause){ ((Parametres.target) || (Cible)).addEventListener(Type, Fonction); }; EventObject.SetFonction = Fonction; EventObject.GetFonction = Fonction; NomStock = (Nom + RandomWord()); StockEvent[NomStock] = EventObject; EventObject.NomStock = NomStock; } else { EventObject.InitialFonction = function (_arg1):void{ var event = _arg1; try { Launch(Fonction); } catch(e) { Launch(Fonction, [event]); }; }; if (!Cible.EventsObject.Pause){ ((Parametres.target) || (Cible)).addEventListener(Type, EventObject.InitialFonction); }; EventObject.SetFonction = EventObject.InitialFonction; EventObject.GetFonction = (TypeOf(Fonction, "Function")) ? Fonction : Fonction.Fonction; NomStockB = (Nom + RandomWord()); StockEvent[NomStockB] = EventObject; EventObject.NomStock = NomStockB; }; } else { TraceError("WorldTools", "AddEvents", [("Impossible d'appliquer l'événement à l'élément " + TraceElement(Cible, true)), (("La fonction indiquée pour le type d'événement \"" + Type) + "\" n'existe pas."), ((("Cet Event est nommé \"" + Pop(Nom, "Event")) + "\" ( Si vous n'avez indiqué aucun nom, ce dernier") + " a été donné par défaut. )")]); }; } public function GetParent(_arg1, _arg2:int=1){ var _local3:*; var _local4:int; _local3 = _arg1; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _arg2) { _local3 = _local3.parent; _local4++; }; return ((_local3 as MovieClip)); } public function Disappear(_arg1, _arg2:String="Alpha", _arg3:Number=20, _arg4="Constant"):void{ var Destruction:*; var Clip = _arg1; var Type = _arg2; var Vitesse = _arg3; var Transition = _arg4; switch (FindIn(Type, " ")){ case 2: Transition = Type.split(" ")[2]; Vitesse = Number(Type.split(" ")[1]); Type = Type.split(" ")[0]; break; case 1: Vitesse = Number(Type.split(" ")[1]); Type = Type.split(" ")[0]; break; }; Destruction = function ():void{ DestroyElement(Clip); }; Next("NextDisappear", Clip, ((Type)=="Taille") ? {scaleX:0, scaleY:0} : {alpha:0}, Vitesse, Transition, Destruction); } public function Crash(_arg1=""):void{ Tr(); Trace(("Crash automatique" + ((_arg1)!="") ? (" Pour les raisons suivantes : " + _arg1) : "")); Tr(); Crash["MethodeInexistante"].test(); } public function IsInArray(_arg1:Array, _arg2):Boolean{ AddObsolete("IsInArray"); if (_arg1.indexOf(_arg2) != -1){ return (true); }; return (false); } public function ConversionCaractère(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:String=""):String{ var _local4:String; var _local5:int; var _local6:Array; var _local7:String; AddObsolete("ConversionCaractère"); _local4 = ""; _local5 = 0; _local6 = _arg1.split(_arg2); for (_local7 in _local6) { _local4 = (_local4 + _local6[_local7]); _local5++; if (_local5 < _local6.length){ _local4 = (_local4 + _arg3); }; }; return (_local4); } public function AbsolutRemoveAllEvents(_arg1, _arg2:int=10000000, _arg3:Boolean=true, _arg4:Boolean=true, _arg5:String=""):Array{ var iDrOIde:int; var Element:*; var i:int; var leClip:*; var Clip = _arg1; var OccurenceMax = _arg2; var SearchElement = _arg3; var Erreur = _arg4; var NomNumero = _arg5; AddObsolete("AbsolutRemoveAllEvents"); NomNumero = ((NomNumero)=="") ? RandomMot() : NomNumero; ConteneurSpecial[NomNumero] = ((ConteneurSpecial[NomNumero]) || (1)); var _local7 = ConteneurSpecial; var _local8 = NomNumero; var _local9 = (_local7[_local8] + 1); _local7[_local8] = _local9; if (ConteneurSpecial[NomNumero] <= OccurenceMax){ try { RemoveAllEvents(Clip, Erreur); iDrOIde = 0; while (iDrOIde < drOIdeScripts.length) { if (Clip[drOIdeScripts[iDrOIde]] != null){ if (!Clip[drOIdeScripts[iDrOIde]].Protection){ RemoveAllEvents(Clip[drOIdeScripts[iDrOIde]], Erreur); }; }; iDrOIde = (iDrOIde + 1); }; if (SearchElement){ for (Element in Clip) { if (!IsInArray(drOIdeScripts, Element)){ if (((TypeOf(Clip[Element], "MovieClip")) || (TypeOf(Clip[Element], "Object")))){ AbsolutRemoveAllEvents(Clip[Element], OccurenceMax, SearchElement, Erreur, NomNumero); }; }; }; }; if (!Clip.EventFreshStop){ i = 0; while (i < Clip.numChildren) { leClip = Clip.getChildAt(i); try { if (((!((leClip == undefined))) && (!((leClip == null))))){ if (((!(FindIn(leClip.name, "instance"))) && (!(leClip.EventFreshBlock)))){ AbsolutRemoveAllEvents(leClip, OccurenceMax, SearchElement, Erreur, NomNumero); }; }; } catch(e) { }; i = (i + 1); }; }; } catch(e) { }; }; if (ConteneurSpecial[NomNumero] <= OccurenceMax){ return ([true, ConteneurSpecial[NomNumero], OccurenceMax]); }; return ([false, ConteneurSpecial[NomNumero], OccurenceMax]); } public function GetNearValue(_arg1, _arg2:String="", _arg3=3, _arg4:String="Nom"){ var _local5:Array; var _local6:int; _arg2 = ((_arg2)=="") ? _arg1.name : _arg2; if (TypeOf(_arg3, "String")){ _arg4 = _arg3; _arg3 = 3; }; _local5 = StringToStrings(_arg2); _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _local5.length) { if (_local5[_local6].length >= _arg3){ if (_arg1[_local5[_local6]]){ if (_arg4 == "Nom"){ return (_local5[_local6]); }; return (_arg1[_local5[_local6]]); }; }; _local6++; }; if (_arg4 == "Nom"){ return (""); }; return (null); } public function GimmeDistance(_arg1, _arg2):Number{ var _local3:Number; AddObsolete("GimmeDistance"); _local3 = ((Math.abs((_arg1.x - _arg2.x)) * Math.abs((_arg1.x - _arg2.x))) + (Math.abs((_arg1.y - _arg2.y)) * Math.abs((_arg1.y - _arg2.y)))); return (Math.sqrt(_local3)); } function Launch_ArgumentsCompilation(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4:Boolean):void{ var _local5:int; var _local6:int; if (_arg1){ if (((_arg2) || (_arg3))){ if (_arg2){ _arg2 = CapsuleArray(_arg2); _local5 = (_arg2.length - 1); while (_local5 >= 0) { _arg1.Arguments.unshift(_arg2[_local5]); _local5--; }; }; if (_arg3){ _arg3 = CapsuleArray(_arg3); _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _arg3.length) { _arg1.Arguments.push(_arg3[_local6]); _local6++; }; }; }; }; } public function Rebours(_arg1:Object, _arg2=null, _arg3=1, _arg4=""):void{ var Compte:int; var Nom:String; var Levier:Boolean; var EmpileVerif:String; var Fonction = _arg1; var Support = _arg2; var Frames = _arg3; var Empile = _arg4; AddObsolete("Rebours"); if ((((((Frames == 1)) && (!((Support == null))))) && (TypeOf(Support, "Number")))){ Frames = Support; Support = null; }; if (((((!((Frames == 1))) && (!((Support == null))))) && (TypeOf(Support, "Number")))){ Empile = Frames; Frames = Support; Support = null; }; Compte = Frames; Nom = (RandomMot() + "Rebours"); Levier = true; if (Empile != ""){ EmpileVerif = Pop(Empile, ["Contre", "Addition"]); if (!TransitionRebours[EmpileVerif]){ TransitionRebours[EmpileVerif] = true; Nom = EmpileVerif; } else { Levier = false; }; }; if (Levier){ TransitionRebours[(Nom + "_Compte")] = Compte; TransitionRebours[Nom] = function (_arg1){ if (TransitionRebours[(Nom + "_Compte")] == 0){ RemoveEvents(TransitionRebours, ["ENTER_FRAME", TransitionRebours, Nom]); TransitionRebours[Nom] = null; TransitionRebours[(Nom + "_Compte")] = null; Launch(Fonction); }; var _local2 = TransitionRebours; var _local3 = (Nom + "_Compte"); var _local4 = (_local2[_local3] - 1); _local2[_local3] = _local4; }; AddEvents(TransitionRebours, ["ENTER_FRAME", TransitionRebours, Nom]); } else { if (((!(Levier)) && (FindIn(Empile, "Contre")))){ TransitionRebours[(EmpileVerif + "_Compte")] = Compte; } else { if (((!(Levier)) && (FindIn(Empile, "Addition")))){ TransitionRebours[(EmpileVerif + "_Compte")] = (TransitionRebours[(EmpileVerif + "_Compte")] + Compte); }; }; }; } public function SetDefault(_arg1, _arg2=undefined){ var Type:String; var Argument = _arg1; var Defaut = _arg2; Type = ""; try { Type = TypeOf(Argument); } catch(e) { }; if ((((((Argument == null)) || ((Argument == undefined)))) || ((((Argument == "")) && (!((Type == "Number"))))))){ if (Defaut != undefined){ return (Defaut); }; return (false); //unresolved jump }; return (Argument); } private function DestroyElement_drOIdeLink(_arg1, _arg2=null, _arg3:Boolean=true):void{ var _local4:int; if (_arg1.drOIdeType == "Video"){ _arg1.Stop(); }; if (_arg1.Link2HitProcess){ if (HitLink){ HitLink.RemoveBody(_arg1.Link2HitProcess); } else { TraceError("WorldTools", "DestroyElement", ["Attention! Des éléments reliés au HitProcess sont détruits par le DestroyElement sans", "que le HitLink n'ai été donné en liaison à la WorldTools.", "Vous devez donner le lien vers le HitLink à la WorldTools ou il risque d'y avoir un", "calcul exponentiel du côté du HitProcess."], _arg3); }; }; if (_arg1.Link2KeyboardPort){ if (KeyboardLink){ _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _arg1.Link2KeyboardPort.length) { KeyboardLink.RemoveKeyEvent(_arg1.Link2KeyboardPort[_local4]); _local4++; }; } else { TraceError("WorldTools", "DestroyElement", ["Attention! Des éléments reliés au KeyboardPort sont détruits par le DestroyElement sans", "que le KeyboardLink n'ai été donné en liaison à la WorldTools.", "Vous devez donner le lien vers le KeyboardLink à la WorldTools ou le appels de touches", "continueront à être calculer et utiliseront de la ressource."], _arg3); }; }; if (_arg1.Link2DeepCamera){ _arg1.Link2DeepCamera.RemoveActor(_arg1); }; } public function Array2Element(_arg1:Array, _arg2, _arg3:Boolean=true){ var RacineInitial:*; var i:int; var Tableau = _arg1; var Racine = _arg2; var Erreur = _arg3; AddObsolete("Array2Element"); RacineInitial = Racine; i = 0; while (i < Tableau.length) { try { Racine = Racine[Tableau[i]]; } catch(e) { if (Erreur){ TraceErreur("WorldTools", "Array2Element", [(("L'élément " + Tableau.join(".")) + " n'existe pas."), (((("Le pointeur s'est stoppé à " + Tableau[i]) + " sur la racine initiale ") + RacineInitial) + ".")]); }; return (null); }; i = (i + 1); }; if ((((Racine == null)) || ((Racine == undefined)))){ if (Erreur){ TraceErreur("WorldTools", "Array2Element", [(("L'élément " + Tableau.join(".")) + " n'existe pas."), "La Racine n'a pas été trouvée, elle est null ou indéfinie."]); }; }; return (Racine); } public function Keep(_arg1, _arg2:String, _arg3=null, _arg4:String="Negatif", _arg5:Number=1):void{ var Element = _arg1; var Etat = _arg2; var Cible = _arg3; var Type = _arg4; var Divisible = _arg5; Cible = ((Cible) || (Element.parent)); Element[("Keep" + Etat)] = new Object(); Element[("Keep" + Etat)].Memory = Element[Etat]; Element[("Keep" + Etat)].MemoryCible = Cible[Etat]; Element[("Keep" + Etat)].Type = Type; Element[("Keep" + Etat)].Divisible = Divisible; Element[("Keeping" + Etat)] = function (_arg1:Event){ var _local2:*; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; _local2 = _arg1.target; if (_local2[("Keep" + Etat)].Type == "Negatif"){ _local2[Etat] = (((Cible[Etat] - _local2[("Keep" + Etat)].MemoryCible) * -(_local2[("Keep" + Etat)].Divisible)) - _local2[("Keep" + Etat)].Memory); } else { if (_local2[("Keep" + Etat)].Type == "Proportionnel"){ _local3 = _local2.rotation; _local4 = Cible.rotation; _local2.rotation = 0; Cible.rotation = 0; _local2[Etat] = (_local2[("Keep" + Etat)].Memory / (Cible[Etat] / _local2[("Keep" + Etat)].MemoryCible)); _local2[Etat] = (_local2[Etat] + ((Element[("Keep" + Etat)].Memory - _local2[Etat]) * _local2[("Keep" + Etat)].Divisible)); _local2.rotation = _local3; Cible.rotation = _local4; }; }; }; AddEvents2(Element, {Fonction:("Keeping" + Etat), Cible:Element}, "ENTER_FRAME"); } public function InsertBump(_arg1, _arg2:Number=200, _arg3:String="Rond", _arg4:Boolean=false, _arg5:String="Bump", _arg6:Number=0):Sprite{ var _local7:Sprite; AddObsolete("InsertBump"); _local7 = (_arg1[_arg5] = new Sprite()); _local7.graphics.beginFill(0x333333); if (_arg3 == "Rond"){ _local7.graphics.drawCircle(0, 0, (_arg2 / 2)); } else { _local7.graphics.drawRect((-(_arg2) / 2), (-(_arg2) / 2), _arg2, _arg2); }; _arg1.addChildAt(_local7, 0); _local7.mouseChildren = _arg4; _local7.mouseEnabled = _arg4; _local7.alpha = _arg6; return (_local7); } public function AbsolutModif(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4:String="Nom"):void{ var i:*; var Element = _arg1; var Reference = _arg2; var Valeur = _arg3; var Type = _arg4; AddObsolete("AbsolutModif"); try { for (i in Element) { AbsolutModif(Element[i], Reference, Valeur, Type); if (Type == "Nom"){ if (i == Reference){ Element[i] = Valeur; }; } else { if (Element[i] == Reference){ Element[i] = Valeur; }; }; }; } catch(e) { }; } public function GetOn(_arg1){ if (TypeOf(_arg1, "Object")){ return (_arg1.Cible[_arg1.Valeur]); }; return (_arg1[0][_arg1[1]]); } public function GetRealScale(_arg1):Object{ var _local2:Number; var _local3:Object; _local2 = _arg1.rotation; _arg1.rotation = 0; _local3 = {width:_arg1.width, height:_arg1.height}; _arg1.rotation = _local2; return (_local3); } public function InDirection(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3:Number=10):Boolean{ var _local4:Number; AddObsolete("InDirection"); _local4 = RegardTo(_arg1, _arg2); if (((((_arg1.rotation + _arg3) <= 180)) && (((_arg1.rotation - _arg3) >= -180)))){ return (NearEgal(_arg1.rotation, _local4, _arg3)); }; if ((_arg1.rotation + _arg3) > 180){ if (NearEgal(_arg1.rotation, _local4, _arg3)){ return (true); }; return ((((_arg1.rotation + _arg3) - 360) > _local4)); //unresolved jump }; if (NearEgal(_arg1.rotation, _local4, _arg3)){ return (true); }; return ((((_arg1.rotation - _arg3) + 360) < _local4)); } public function ForEachKey(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3:String=""):void{ var _local4:*; if (TypeOf(_arg1, "Object")){ for (_local4 in _arg1) { ForEachKey(_arg1[_local4], _arg2, _local4); }; } else { Launch(_arg2, [{Valeur:_arg1, Nom:_arg3}]); }; } function Launch_MultiLaunch(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4:Boolean):Boolean{ var _local5:Boolean; var _local6:int; var _local7:Boolean; _local5 = true; _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _arg1.length) { _local7 = Launch(_arg1[_local6], _arg2, _arg3, _arg4); _local5 = (_local7) ? _local5 : false; _local6++; }; return (_local5); } public function TraceErreur(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3, _arg4:Boolean=true):void{ var _local5:Array; AddObsolete("TraceErreur"); if (!TypeOf(_arg3, "Array")){ _arg3 = [_arg3]; }; if (!Silence){ _local5 = ["——————————————————————————————————————————————————————", ((("Erreur dans la fonction " + _arg2) + "() de ") + _arg1), ("Erreur provoquée par " + TypeOf(this))]; _local5 = FusionArray(_local5, _arg3); _local5 = FusionArray(_local5, ["——————————————————————————————————————————————————————"]); if (_arg4){ TraceEnsemble(_local5); }; }; } public function OrderArray(_arg1:Array, _arg2:String="Taille"):Array{ var _local3:Array; var _local4:Array; var _local5:int; var _local6:int; var _local7:int; _local3 = new Array(); _local4 = CloneObject(_arg1); if (_arg2 == "Taille"){ while (_local4.length) { _local5 = 0; _local6 = 0; _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < _local4.length) { if (TypeOf(_local4[_local7], "String")){ if (_local4[_local7].length > _local5){ _local5 = _local4[_local7].length; _local6 = _local7; }; } else { _local4.splice(_local7, 1); _local7--; }; _local7++; }; _local3.push(_local4[_local6]); _local4.splice(_local6, 1); }; }; return (_local3); } public function NearEqual(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number=1):Boolean{ if ((((_arg1 <= (_arg2 + _arg3))) && ((_arg1 >= (_arg2 - _arg3))))){ return (true); }; return (false); } public function PauseAllEvents2(_arg1, _arg2="Switch"):void{ var _local3:Boolean; var _local4:*; if (_arg1.EventsObject){ _local3 = false; if (_arg2 == "Switch"){ _arg1.EventsObject.Pause = !(_arg1.EventsObject.Pause); _local3 = true; } else { if (_arg1.EventsObject.Pause != _arg2){ _arg1.EventsObject.Pause = _arg2; _local3 = true; }; }; if (_local3){ for (_local4 in _arg1.EventsObject) { if (((!((_arg1.EventsObject[_local4] == null))) && (!((_local4 == "Pause"))))){ if (_arg1.EventsObject.Pause){ _arg1.removeEventListener(_arg1.EventsObject[_local4].Type, _arg1.EventsObject[_local4].SetFonction); } else { _arg1.addEventListener(_arg1.EventsObject[_local4].Type, _arg1.EventsObject[_local4].SetFonction); }; }; }; }; }; } public function TotalRefreshAllEvents2(_arg1=null):void{ var _local2:Array; var _local3:int; if (((RootLink) || (_arg1))){ _local2 = ((_arg1) || (RootLink.root.drOIdeScriptList)); _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local2.length) { if (_local2[_local3]){ _local2[_local3].RefreshAllEvents2(); }; _local3++; }; } else { TraceError("WorldTools", "TotalRefreshAllEvents2", "Le script ne possède pas de lien vers le root."); }; } public function DataElement(_arg1, _arg2=null, _arg3:String="&", _arg4:String="="):String{ var _local5:String; var _local6:int; AddObsolete("DataElement"); _arg2 = ((_arg2) || (["x", "y", "width", "height", "rotation", "alpha"])); _arg2.push("Class"); _arg2.push("Nom"); _local5 = ""; _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _arg2.length) { _local5 = (_local5 + _arg2[_local6]); if (_arg2[_local6] == "Class"){ _local5 = (_local5 + (_arg4 + TypeOf(_arg1))); } else { if (_arg2[_local6] == "Nom"){ _local5 = (_local5 + (_arg4 + _arg1.name)); } else { if (_arg2[_local6] == "width"){ _local5 = (_local5 + (_arg4 + RealScale(_arg1, "width"))); } else { if (_arg2[_local6] == "height"){ _local5 = (_local5 + (_arg4 + RealScale(_arg1, "height"))); } else { _local5 = (_local5 + (_arg4 + _arg1[_arg2[_local6]])); }; }; }; }; if (_local6 != (_arg2.length - 1)){ _local5 = (_local5 + _arg3); }; _local6++; }; return (_local5); } public function Launch(_arg1, _arg2=null, _arg3=null, _arg4:Boolean=true){ if (_arg1){ if (TypeOf(_arg1, "Array")){ return (Launch_MultiLaunch(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4)); }; _arg1 = Launch_ElementCompilation(_arg1, _arg4); if (_arg2 == "GetFunction"){ if (TypeOf(_arg1, "Object")){ return (_arg1.Fonction); }; return (_arg1); }; Launch_ArgumentsCompilation(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4); return (Launch_Launch(_arg1, _arg4)); }; return (false); } public function Exceed(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3:String="x", _arg4:String="Double", _arg5:Number=2, _arg6:Number=0, _arg7:Number=0):Boolean{ var _local8:String; var _local9:Boolean; var _local10:Boolean; AddObsolete("Exceed"); _local8 = ((_arg3)=="x") ? "width" : "height"; _local9 = false; _local10 = false; if (((_arg1[_arg3] + (_arg1[_local8] / _arg5)) + _arg6) > ((_arg2[_arg3] - (_arg2[_local8] / _arg5)) + _arg7)){ _local10 = true; }; if (((_arg1[_arg3] - (_arg1[_local8] / _arg5)) + _arg6) < ((_arg2[_arg3] + (_arg2[_local8] / _arg5)) + _arg7)){ _local9 = true; }; if ((((((_arg4 == "Double")) && (_local9))) && (_local10))){ return (true); }; if ((((_arg4 == "Avant")) && (_local9))){ return (true); }; if ((((_arg4 == "Apres")) && (_local10))){ return (true); }; return (false); } public function DisparitionTaille(_arg1, _arg2:Number=3):void{ var Clip = _arg1; var Vitesse = _arg2; AddObsolete("DisparitionTaille"); Clip.TailleDisparition = new Object(); Clip.TailleDisparition.Vitesse = Vitesse; Clip.TailleDisparition.Boucle = function (_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:*; _local2 = _arg1.target; HomotethieBy(_local2, ("+-" + Vitesse), "Min"); if ((((((((_local2.width <= 2)) || ((_local2.height <= 2)))) || ((_local2.width < Vitesse)))) || ((_local2.height < Vitesse)))){ _local2.Disparition = null; Annihilation(_local2); }; }; AddEvents(Clip, ["ENTER_FRAME", Clip.TailleDisparition, "Boucle"]); } public function TraceError(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3, _arg4:Boolean=true):void{ var _local5:Array; _arg3 = CapsuleArray(_arg3); if (!Silence){ _local5 = ["——————————————————————————————————————————————————————", ((("Erreur dans la fonction " + _arg2) + "() de ") + _arg1), ("Erreur provoquée par " + TypeOf(this))]; _local5 = FusionArray(_local5, _arg3); _local5 = FusionArray(_local5, ["——————————————————————————————————————————————————————"]); if (_arg4){ TraceAll(_local5); }; }; } public function MathOperator(_arg1:Number, _arg2, _arg3:String=""):Number{ _arg2 = Aspiration(_arg2); if (_arg3 == ""){ if (!isNaN(Number(String(_arg2).substr(0, 1)))){ _arg3 = "="; } else { _arg3 = String(_arg2).substr(0, 1); _arg2 = String(_arg2).substr(1); }; }; if (_arg3 == "="){ _arg1 = Number(Aspiration(_arg2)); } else { if (_arg3 == "+"){ _arg1 = (_arg1 + Number(Aspiration(_arg2))); } else { if (_arg3 == "-"){ _arg1 = (_arg1 - Number(Aspiration(_arg2))); } else { if (_arg3 == "/"){ _arg1 = (_arg1 / Number(Aspiration(_arg2))); } else { if (_arg3 == "*"){ _arg1 = (_arg1 * Number(Aspiration(_arg2))); }; }; }; }; }; return (_arg1); } function RemoveEvents_MultiAdd(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4:Boolean):int{ var _local5:int; var _local6:int; _local5 = 0; _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _arg2.length) { if (!TypeOf(_arg2[_local6], "Array")){ if (RemoveEvents2(_arg1, _arg2[_local6], _arg3, "", _arg4)){ _local5++; }; } else { if (RemoveEvents2(_arg1, _arg2[_local6][0], ((_arg2[_local6][1]) || (_arg3)), "", ((_arg2[_local6][3])!=null) ? _arg2[_local6][3] : _arg4)){ _local5++; }; }; _local6++; }; return (_local5); } public function TotalLaunch(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3=null, _arg4=null):void{ var i:int; var leClip:*; var Clip = _arg1; var Fonction = _arg2; var ArgumentsSupplantes = _arg3; var ArgumentsAdditifs = _arg4; if (!TypeOf(Fonction, "Object")){ Fonction = {Fonction:Fonction}; }; Fonction.Cible = ((Fonction.Element)==null) ? Clip : Clip[Fonction.Element]; Launch(Fonction, ArgumentsSupplantes, ArgumentsAdditifs, false); try { i = 0; while (i < Clip.numChildren) { leClip = Clip.getChildAt(i); try { TotalLaunch(leClip, Fonction, ArgumentsSupplantes, ArgumentsAdditifs); } catch(e) { }; i = (i + 1); }; } catch(e) { }; } private function DestroyElement_LinkIn(_arg1, _arg2=null, _arg3:Boolean=true):void{ var _local4:*; var _local5:int; if (_arg1.LinkIn){ if (TypeOf(_arg1.LinkIn, "Object")){ for (_local4 in _arg1.LinkIn) { DestroyElement(_arg1.LinkIn[_local4]); }; } else { if (TypeOf(_arg1.LinkIn, "Array")){ _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < _arg1.LinkIn.length) { DestroyElement(_arg1.LinkIn[_local5]); _local5++; }; } else { DestroyElement(_arg1.LinkIn); }; }; }; } } }//package drOIde.GlobalSection 208//SystemTools (drOIde.Global.SystemTools) package drOIde.Global { import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; public class SystemTools extends MiscTools { public var ScreenWidth:Number;// = 0x0400 public var ScreenHeight:Number;// = 0x0300 public var XCen:Number;// = 0 public var YCen:Number;// = 0 public var XMax:Number;// = 0 private var InitialScreenHeight:Number;// = 0x0300 public var YMax:Number;// = 0 private var ControlActive:Boolean;// = false public var Resizable:Boolean;// = false public var XMin:Number;// = 0 private var InitialScreenWidth:Number;// = 0x0400 public var YMin:Number;// = 0 public function SystemTools(_arg1=null, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{ ControlActive = false; InitialScreenWidth = 0x0400; InitialScreenHeight = 0x0300; ScreenWidth = 0x0400; ScreenHeight = 0x0300; XMin = 0; YMin = 0; XMax = 0; YMax = 0; XCen = 0; YCen = 0; Resizable = false; super(); if (!Connexion(_arg1)){ TraceError("SystemTools", "Initialisation", "Un argument vers la scène doit être mis à l'initialisation du script."); }; if (_arg2){ InitialScreenWidth = StageLink.stageWidth; InitialScreenHeight = StageLink.stageHeight; ScreenManage(); }; } public function FullScreen(_arg1:Boolean=true):void{ var Etat = _arg1; try { fscommand("fullscreen", String(Etat)); } catch(e) { }; } public function SetAlignMode(_arg1:String="TL"):void{ var _local2:Object; _local2 = {T:"TOP", B:"BOTTOM", L:"LEFT", R:"RIGHT", TL:"TOP_LEFT", TP:"TOP_RIGHT", BL:"BOTTOM_LEFT", BR:"BOTTOM_RIGHT"}; StageLink.align = StageAlign[_local2[_arg1]]; } public function HelpMenu(_arg1):void{ var Element = _arg1; Element.FonctionMenuContextuel = new Object(); Element.FonctionMenuContextuel.DonneNom = function (_arg1:ContextMenuEvent){ System.setClipboard(Element.name); }; Element.FonctionMenuContextuel.DonneChemin = function (_arg1:ContextMenuEvent){ System.setClipboard(ElementToString(Element)); }; Element.FonctionMenuContextuel.RetireMenu = function (_arg1:ContextMenuEvent){ RefreshMenu(Element); }; Element.FonctionMenuContextuel.Rotation45 = function (_arg1:ContextMenuEvent){ Element.rotation = (Element.rotation + 45); }; Element.FonctionMenuContextuel.Rotation90 = function (_arg1:ContextMenuEvent){ Element.rotation = (Element.rotation + 90); }; Element.FonctionMenuContextuel.Rotation180 = function (_arg1:ContextMenuEvent){ Element.rotation = (Element.rotation + 180); }; Element.FonctionMenuContextuel.Alpha100 = function (_arg1:ContextMenuEvent){ Element.alpha = 1; }; Element.FonctionMenuContextuel.Alpha50 = function (_arg1:ContextMenuEvent){ Element.alpha = 0.5; }; Element.FonctionMenuContextuel.Alpha0 = function (_arg1:ContextMenuEvent){ Element.alpha = 0; }; Element.FonctionMenuContextuel.Destroy = function (_arg1:ContextMenuEvent){ DestroyElement(Element); }; Element.FonctionMenuContextuel.RemoveEvents = function (_arg1:ContextMenuEvent){ RemoveEvents(Element); }; AddMenu(Element, [{Nom:" ☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼ Suppr. Menu ☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼", Fonction:Element.FonctionMenuContextuel.RetireMenu}, {Nom:((((((((((((((" ==> " + Element.name) + " ( ") + TypeOf(Element)) + " , ") + Element.width) + "x") + Element.height) + " , ") + Element.rotation) + "°") + " , ") + (Element.alpha * 100)) + "a") + " )"), Fonction:Element.FonctionMenuContextuel.DonneNom}, {Nom:" ==> Way", Fonction:Element.FonctionMenuContextuel.DonneChemin}, {Nom:"Turn 45°", Fonction:Element.FonctionMenuContextuel.Rotation45, Separateur:true}, {Nom:"Turn 90°", Fonction:Element.FonctionMenuContextuel.Rotation90}, {Nom:"Turn 180°", Fonction:Element.FonctionMenuContextuel.Rotation180}, {Nom:"Alpha to 100", Fonction:Element.FonctionMenuContextuel.Alpha100, Separateur:true}, {Nom:"Alpha to 50", Fonction:Element.FonctionMenuContextuel.Alpha50}, {Nom:"Alpha to 0", Fonction:Element.FonctionMenuContextuel.Alpha0}, {Nom:"Destroy", Fonction:Element.FonctionMenuContextuel.Destroy, Separateur:true}, {Nom:"Remove Events", Fonction:Element.FonctionMenuContextuel.RemoveEvents}]); } public function SetInterfaceAdaptative():void{ SetScaleMode("noScale"); SetAlignMode("TL"); } public function SetResizable(_arg1:Boolean=true):void{ var Etat = _arg1; try { fscommand("allowscale", String(Etat)); Resizable = Etat; } catch(e) { }; } public function IsAudio():Boolean{ return (Capabilities.hasAudio); } public function GetLanguage():String{ return (Capabilities.language); } public function ScreenManage():void{ if (!ControlActive){ AddEvents(this, ScreenManageLoop, "ENTER_FRAME"); ControlActive = true; }; } public function Menu(_arg1:Boolean=true):void{ var Etat = _arg1; try { fscommand("showmenu", String(Etat)); } catch(e) { }; } public function AddMenu(_arg1, _arg2:Array):void{ var _local3:int; _arg1.MenuContextuel = new Object(); _arg1.MenuContextuel.Menu = new ContextMenu(); _arg1.MenuContextuel.Menu.hideBuiltInItems(); _arg1.contextMenu = _arg1.MenuContextuel.Menu; _arg1.MenuContextuel.ContenuMenu = new Array(); _arg1.MenuContextuel.ContenuMenuFonction = new Array(); _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _arg2.length) { _arg1.MenuContextuel.ContenuMenu[_arg1.MenuContextuel.ContenuMenu.length] = new ContextMenuItem(_arg2[_local3].Nom, _arg2[_local3].Separateur, ((_arg2[_local3].Actif)==null) ? true : _arg2[_local3].Actif); if (_arg2[_local3].Fonction){ _arg1.MenuContextuel.ContenuMenu[(_arg1.MenuContextuel.ContenuMenu.length - 1)].addEventListener(ContextMenuEvent.MENU_ITEM_SELECT, _arg2[_local3].Fonction); }; _local3++; }; _arg1.MenuContextuel.Menu.customItems = FusionArray(_arg1.MenuContextuel.Menu.customItems, _arg1.MenuContextuel.ContenuMenu); } public function TieScreenScale(_arg1, _arg2:String="width", _arg3:Number=0):void{ var laTaille:String; var Clip = _arg1; var Taille = _arg2; var Bump = _arg3; ScreenManage(); laTaille = NameCase(Taille); if (this[("Screen" + laTaille)] != null){ Clip.ObjetGestionEcran = ((Clip.ObjetGestionEcran) || (new Object())); Clip.ObjetGestionEcran[("Taille" + laTaille)] = new Object(); Clip.ObjetGestionEcran[("Taille" + laTaille)].Computer = this; Clip.ObjetGestionEcran[("Taille" + laTaille)].Lien = ("Screen" + laTaille); Clip.ObjetGestionEcran[("Taille" + laTaille)].Taille = Taille; Clip.ObjetGestionEcran[("Taille" + laTaille)].Bump = Bump; Clip.ObjetGestionEcran[("Taille" + laTaille)].Boucle = function (_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:Object; _local2 = _arg1.target; _local3 = Clip.ObjetGestionEcran[("Taille" + laTaille)]; _local2[_local3.Taille] = (((_local3.Computer[_local3.Lien] + _local3.Bump))<=0) ? 1 : (_local3.Computer[_local3.Lien] + _local3.Bump); }; AddEvents(Clip, Clip.ObjetGestionEcran[("Taille" + laTaille)].Boucle, "ENTER_FRAME"); } else { TraceError("SystemTools", "TailleEcran", (("La Taille : «" + Taille) + "» n'existe pas.")); }; } public function HideMenu(_arg1):void{ AddMenu(_arg1, []); } public function TieScreenPosition(_arg1, _arg2:String="left", _arg3:Object=null):void{ var Position:String; var Bump:Number; var Limite:Number; var laPosition:String; var laDirection:String; var Clip = _arg1; var Direction = _arg2; var Parametres = _arg3; Parametres = ((Parametres) || (new Object())); Position = ((Parametres.position) || (((((Direction == "left")) || ((Direction == "right")))) ? "x" : "y")); Bump = ((Parametres.bump) || (0)); Limite = ((Parametres.limit) || (666)); ScreenManage(); laPosition = Position.toUpperCase(); if (Direction == "left"){ laDirection = "Min"; } else { if (Direction == "right"){ laDirection = "Max"; } else { if (Direction == "up"){ laDirection = "Min"; } else { if (Direction == "down"){ laDirection = "Max"; } else { if (Direction == "center"){ laDirection = "Cen"; }; }; }; }; }; if (this[(laPosition + laDirection)] != null){ Clip.ObjetGestionEcran = ((Clip.ObjetGestionEcran) || (new Object())); Clip.ObjetGestionEcran[("Position" + laPosition)] = new Object(); Clip.ObjetGestionEcran[("Position" + laPosition)].Computer = this; Clip.ObjetGestionEcran[("Position" + laPosition)].Lien = (laPosition + laDirection); Clip.ObjetGestionEcran[("Position" + laPosition)].Position = Position; Clip.ObjetGestionEcran[("Position" + laPosition)].Bump = Bump; Clip.ObjetGestionEcran[("Position" + laPosition)].Limite = Limite; Clip.ObjetGestionEcran[("Position" + laPosition)].Boucle = function (_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:Object; _local2 = _arg1.target; _local3 = Clip.ObjetGestionEcran[("Position" + laPosition)]; _local2[_local3.Position] = (_local3.Computer[_local3.Lien] + _local3.Bump); if (_local3.Limite != 666){ if ((((((((((Direction == "right")) && ((_local2[_local3.Position] > _local3.Limite)))) || ((((Direction == "down")) && ((_local2[_local3.Position] > _local3.Limite)))))) || ((((Direction == "left")) && ((_local2[_local3.Position] < _local3.Limite)))))) || ((((Direction == "up")) && ((_local2[_local3.Position] < _local3.Limite)))))){ _local2[_local3.Position] = _local3.Limite; }; }; }; AddEvents(Clip, Clip.ObjetGestionEcran[("Position" + laPosition)].Boucle, "ENTER_FRAME"); } else { TraceError("SystemTools", "PositionEcran", (((("La position/Direction : «" + Position) + " ") + Direction) + "» n'existe pas.")); }; } public function Quit():void{ fscommand("quit"); } public function Paste(_arg1):void{ System.setClipboard(String(_arg1)); } public function RefreshMenu(_arg1):void{ AddMenu(_arg1, []); if (_arg1.MenuContextuel){ _arg1.contextMenu = null; _arg1.MenuContextuel.Menu.customItems = null; }; } public function SetInterfaceStandard():void{ HideMenu(RootLink); FullScreen(); SetScaleMode("showAll"); } public function ScreenManageLoop(_arg1:Event):void{ ScreenWidth = StageLink.stageWidth; ScreenHeight = StageLink.stageHeight; if (StageLink.align != "TL"){ XMin = ((ScreenWidth - InitialScreenWidth) / -2); YMin = ((ScreenHeight - InitialScreenHeight) / -2); XMax = (InitialScreenWidth + ((ScreenWidth - InitialScreenWidth) / 2)); YMax = (InitialScreenHeight + ((ScreenHeight - InitialScreenHeight) / 2)); } else { XMin = 0; YMin = 0; XMax = ScreenWidth; YMax = ScreenHeight; }; if (Resizable){ XMin = (XMin - ((InitialScreenWidth - (InitialScreenWidth * (((ScreenHeight / InitialScreenHeight))<(ScreenWidth / InitialScreenWidth)) ? (ScreenHeight / InitialScreenHeight) : (ScreenWidth / InitialScreenWidth))) * (InitialScreenHeight / (ScreenHeight - ((ScreenHeight - InitialScreenHeight) / 2))))); YMin = (YMin - ((InitialScreenHeight - (InitialScreenHeight * (((ScreenHeight / InitialScreenHeight))<(ScreenWidth / InitialScreenWidth)) ? (ScreenHeight / InitialScreenHeight) : (ScreenWidth / InitialScreenWidth))) * (InitialScreenWidth / (ScreenWidth - ((ScreenWidth - InitialScreenWidth) / 2))))); XMax = (XMax + ((InitialScreenWidth - (InitialScreenWidth * (((ScreenHeight / InitialScreenHeight))<(ScreenWidth / InitialScreenWidth)) ? (ScreenHeight / InitialScreenHeight) : (ScreenWidth / InitialScreenWidth))) * (InitialScreenHeight / (ScreenHeight - ((ScreenHeight - InitialScreenHeight) / 2))))); YMax = (YMax + ((InitialScreenHeight - (InitialScreenHeight * (((ScreenHeight / InitialScreenHeight))<(ScreenWidth / InitialScreenWidth)) ? (ScreenHeight / InitialScreenHeight) : (ScreenWidth / InitialScreenWidth))) * (InitialScreenWidth / (ScreenWidth - ((ScreenWidth - InitialScreenWidth) / 2))))); }; XCen = ((XMin / 2) + (XMax / 2)); YCen = ((YMin / 2) + (YMax / 2)); } public function TotalHelpMenu(_arg1):void{ var i:int; var leClip:*; var Element = _arg1; if (Element.IsNode){ HelpMenu(Element); } else { try { i = 0; while (i < Element.numChildren) { leClip = Element.getChildAt(i); if (((!(TypeOf(leClip, "MorphShape"))) && (!(TypeOf(leClip, "Shape"))))){ TotalHelpMenu(leClip); }; i = (i + 1); }; } catch(e) { }; }; } public function GetOS():String{ return (Capabilities.os); } public function SetScaleMode(_arg1:String="showAll"):void{ if (_arg1 == "showAll"){ _arg1 = "SHOW_ALL"; } else { if (_arg1 == "noBorder"){ _arg1 = "NO_BORDER"; } else { if (_arg1 == "exactFit"){ _arg1 = "EXACT_FIT"; } else { if (_arg1 == "noScale"){ _arg1 = "NO_SCALE"; } else { _arg1 = _arg1.toUpperCase(); }; }; }; }; StageLink.scaleMode = StageScaleMode[_arg1]; } } }//package drOIde.GlobalSection 209//LoadProcess (drOIde.Link.LoadProcess) package drOIde.Link { import flash.events.*; import drOIde.Global.*; public class LoadProcess extends MiscTools { private var LoadControls:Object; public var Loads:Object; private var LoadLoopActive:Boolean;// = false public var Load:Number;// = 0 public function LoadProcess(_arg1=null):void{ Load = 0; LoadLoopActive = false; LoadControls = new Object(); Loads = new Object(); super(); Connexion(_arg1); } public function NewLoad(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3, _arg4="Load", _arg5=100, _arg6=100, _arg7="quantity", _arg8:Object=null):void{ var _local9:Object; _arg4 = ((_arg4) || ("Load")); if (TypeOf(_arg4, "Object")){ _arg8 = _arg4; _arg4 = "Load"; }; if (TypeOf(_arg5, "Object")){ _arg8 = _arg5; _arg5 = 100; }; if (TypeOf(_arg6, "Object")){ _arg8 = _arg6; _arg6 = 100; }; if (TypeOf(_arg7, "Object")){ _arg8 = _arg7; _arg7 = "quantity"; }; _arg8 = ((_arg8) || (new Object())); NewLoadGroup(_arg1); Loads[_arg1].Parametres.Lock = false; _local9 = (Loads[_arg1][_arg2] = new Object()); _local9.Value = _arg4; _local9.Target = _arg3; _local9.Type = _arg7; _local9.State = _arg5; _local9.Total = _arg6; _local9.Load = 0; _local9.Parametres = _arg8; } public function AddLoadControl(_arg1:String, _arg2="Load", _arg3="constant", _arg4:Object=null){ var NewObject:Object; var Group = _arg1; var Name = _arg2; var Type = _arg3; var Parametres = _arg4; Type = ((Type)==undefined) ? "constant" : Type; if (TypeOf(Type, "Object")){ Parametres = Type; Type = "constant"; }; if (TypeOf(Name, "Object")){ Parametres = Name; Name = "Load"; }; Parametres = ((Parametres) || (new Object())); Name = (Name + (Parametres.specific) ? "" : RandomWord()); NewObject = (LoadControls[Name] = new Object()); NewObject.Load = 0; NewObject.Name = Name; if (Type == "constant"){ NewObject.Fonction = function (_arg1:Object):void{ NewObject.Load = _arg1.Pourcentage; }; NewLoad(Group, Name, NewObject, Parametres); return (NewObject.Fonction); }; if (Type == "instant"){ NewObject.Fonction = function ():void{ NewObject.Load = 100; }; NewLoad(Group, Name, NewObject, Parametres); return (NewObject.Fonction); }; return (null); } public function LoadLoop(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:*; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:*; var _local8:Object; var _local9:*; var _local10:*; _local2 = 0; _local3 = 0; for (_local4 in Loads) { if (Loads[_local4]){ if (TypeOf(Loads[_local4], "Object")){ if (Loads[_local4].Parametres){ if (!Loads[_local4].Parametres.Lock){ _local5 = 0; _local6 = 0; for (_local7 in Loads[_local4]) { if (((!((_local7 == "Parametres"))) && (Loads[_local4][_local7]))){ if (TypeOf(Loads[_local4][_local7], "Object")){ _local8 = Loads[_local4][_local7]; _local9 = _local8.Target[_local8.Value]; if (_local8.Type == "quantity"){ if (TypeOf(_local8.State, "Number")){ _local8.Load = ((_local9 / _local8.State) * _local8.Total); } else { if (TypeOf(_local8.State, "Array")){ _local8.Load = (((_local9 - _local8.State[0]) / (_local8.State[1] - _local8.State[0])) * _local8.Total); }; }; _local8.Load = ((_local8.Load)>0) ? _local8.Load : 0; _local8.Load = ((_local8.Load)>_local8.Total) ? _local8.Total : _local8.Load; } else { if (_local8.Type == "state"){ _local8.Load = ((_local9)==_local8.State) ? _local8.Total : 0; }; }; _local5 = (_local5 + _local8.Load); _local6 = (_local6 + _local8.Total); if (Loads[_local4][_local7].Parametres.Link){ if (Find(Loads[_local4][_local7].Parametres.Link) == null){ Loads[_local4][_local7] = null; }; }; }; }; }; Loads[_local4].Load = (((_local6)!=0) ? (_local5 / _local6) : 1 * 100); _local2 = (_local2 + Loads[_local4].Load); _local3 = (_local3 + 100); Launch(Loads[_local4].Parametres.FonctionLoad, [Loads[_local4].Load]); if (Loads[_local4].Load == 100){ Launch(Loads[_local4].Parametres.FonctionEnd); if (!Loads[_local4].Parametres.constant){ Loads[_local4].Parametres.Lock = true; }; for (_local10 in Loads[_local4]) { if (_local10 != "Parametres"){ if (TypeOf(Loads[_local4][_local10], "Object")){ Launch(Loads[_local4][_local10].Parametres.FonctionFin); if (!Loads[_local4].Parametres.constant){ Loads[_local4].Parametres.Lock = true; }; Loads[_local4][_local10] = null; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; Load = (((_local3)!=0) ? (_local2 / _local3) : 1 * 100); if (_local3 == 0){ RemoveEvents(this, LoadLoop, "ENTER_FRAME"); LoadLoopActive = false; }; } public function RemoveLoad(_arg1:String, _arg2:String):void{ if (Loads[_arg1]){ Loads[_arg1][_arg2] = null; } else { TraceError("LoadProcess", "RemoveLoad", (("le groupe «" + _arg1) + "» n'existe pas.")); }; } public function NewLoadGroup(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object=null):void{ if (!LoadLoopActive){ AddEvents(this, LoadLoop, "ENTER_FRAME"); LoadLoopActive = true; }; if (!Loads[_arg1]){ Loads[_arg1] = new Object(); Loads[_arg1].Parametres = ((_arg2) || (new Object())); }; } } }//package drOIde.LinkSection 210//PaperTools (drOIde.Link.PaperTools) package drOIde.Link { import flash.events.*; import drOIde.Global.*; import flash.net.*; public class PaperTools extends MiscTools { private var Load:LoadProcess; public function PaperTools(_arg1=null, _arg2=null):void{ Connexion(_arg1); Load = _arg2; } public function MultiXMLLoad(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object=null):void{ var NumberXML:int; var FonctionReception:Function; var FonctionReceptionOne:Function; var Lien = _arg1; var Parametres = _arg2; Parametres = ((Parametres) || (new Object())); if (TypeOf(Parametres, "Function")){ Parametres = {fonction:Parametres}; }; Parametres.fonctionOne = Parametres.fonction; Parametres.folder = ((Parametres.folder) || ("")); Parametres.folder = ((Parametres.folder)=="") ? Parametres.folder : (Parametres.folder + "/"); Parametres.reject = CapsuleArray(((Parametres.reject) || (""))); NumberXML = 0; FonctionReception = function (_arg1:Object):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; for (_local2 in _arg1) { if (!IndexOf(Parametres.reject, _local2)){ if (_arg1[_local2].Parametres){ for (_local3 in _arg1[_local2].Parametres) { if (!IndexOf(Parametres.reject, _local3)){ NumberXML++; XMLLoad((Parametres.folder + _arg1[_local2].Parametres[_local3]), Parametres); }; }; }; if (((_arg1[_local2].Contenu) && (!((_arg1[_local2].Contenu == ""))))){ NumberXML++; XMLLoad((Parametres.folder + _arg1[_local2].Contenu), Parametres); }; }; }; }; FonctionReceptionOne = function (_arg1:Object, _arg2:String=""):void{ Launch(Parametres.fonctionOne, ((_arg2 == "")) ? [_arg1] : [_arg1, _arg2]); NumberXML--; if (NumberXML <= 0){ Launch(Parametres.fonctionEnd); }; }; Parametres.fonction = FonctionReceptionOne; XMLLoad(Lien, {fonction:FonctionReception}); } public function XMLSmooth(_arg1:Object):Object{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; for (_local2 in _arg1) { if (((((!((_local2 == "Contenu"))) && (!((_local2 == "Parametres"))))) && (TypeOf(_arg1[_local2], "Object")))){ _arg1[_local2] = XMLSmooth(_arg1[_local2]); }; }; if (_arg1.Parametres){ for (_local3 in _arg1.Parametres) { _arg1[_local3] = _arg1.Parametres[_local3]; }; _arg1.Parametres = null; }; return (_arg1); } public function XMLLoad(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object=null):void{ var FonctionLoad:Function; var FonctionError:Function; var Post:*; var Erreur:*; var Compilation:String; var Chargeur:*; var dateCourante:Date; var Lien = _arg1; var Parametres = _arg2; Parametres = ((Parametres) || (new Object())); if (Parametres.loadControl){ if (Load){ Parametres.fonctionFinal = Load.AddLoadControl(Parametres.loadControl, "Load", "instant", Parametres.loadControlParametres); } else { TraceError("PaperTools", "XMLLoad", [("Un LoadControl a été demandé pour le chargement de " + Lien), "Cependant, aucun lien vers un LoadProcess n'a été donné à l'initialisation du PaperTools", "Si vous souhaité opérer des LoadControl, vous devez donner le LoadProcess comme", "second argument à l'initialisation du PaperTools : ", "var Paper:PaperTools = new PaperTools( this , Load );"]); }; }; Lien = ConcatUnicite(Lien, ".xml", [".xml", ".php", ".txt"]); FonctionLoad = function (_arg1:Event){ var ContenuXML:*; var event = _arg1; if (Post){ ContenuXML = event.target.data; try { if (Compilation == "Object"){ ContenuXML = XMLToObject(ContenuXML); } else { if (Compilation == "Array"){ ContenuXML = XMLToArray(ContenuXML); }; }; } catch(e) { TraceError("PaperTools", "XMLLoad", [(("Le fichier XML du lien " + Lien) + " a été chargé correctement"), "mais il est impossible de le compiler correctement."]); Launch(((Parametres.fonctionCompilationError) || (Parametres.fonctionError))); return (null); }; if (Parametres.named){ Launch(Post, [ContenuXML, Pop(((GetLastOf(Lien.split("/"))) || (Lien)), ".xml")]); } else { Launch(Post, [ContenuXML]); }; Launch(Parametres.fonctionFinal); } else { TraceError("PaperTools", "XMLLoad", [(("Le fichier XML du lien " + Lien) + " a été chargé correctement"), "mais vous n'avez précisez aucune fonction de retour pour le transmettre."]); }; }; FonctionError = function ():void{ if (Parametres.fonctionError){ Launch(Parametres.fonctionError); } else { TraceError("PaperTools", "XMLLoad", ["Impossible de charger le fichier XML au lien : ", Lien]); }; }; Post = null; Erreur = null; if (!TypeOf(Parametres, "Object")){ Post = Parametres; Parametres = new Object(); } else { if (((Parametres.Fonction) && (!(Parametres.fonctionFinal)))){ Post = Parametres; Parametres = new Object(); }; }; Post = ((((Post) || (Parametres.fonction))) || (Parametres.fonctionEnd)); Erreur = ((Parametres.fonctionError) || (FonctionError)); Compilation = ((Parametres.compilation)==null) ? "Object" : Parametres.compilation; Chargeur = new URLLoader(); Chargeur.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.TEXT; AddEvents(Chargeur, FonctionLoad, "COMPLETE"); AddEvents(Chargeur, FonctionError, "IO_ERROR"); if (Parametres.get){ Parametres.get = ObjectToGet(Parametres.get); }; Parametres.get = (Parametres.noCache) ? (((Parametres.get) ? (Parametres.get + "&") : "" + "uniq=") + new Date().getTime()) : ((Parametres.get) ? Parametres.get : "" + ""); Parametres.get = ((Parametres.get) ? (FindIn(Lien, "?")) ? "&" : "?" : "" + Parametres.get); dateCourante = new Date(); Chargeur.load(new URLRequest((Lien + Parametres.get))); } } }//package drOIde.LinkSection 211//WebLink (drOIde.Link.WebLink) package drOIde.Link { import flash.events.*; import drOIde.Global.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.net.*; public class WebLink extends MiscTools { private var Load:LoadProcess; public var SceneName:String;// = "" public var LinkFrom_mEkA:String;// = "" public var DBData:Object; public var Link_MIND:String;// = "" public var Link_mEkA:String;// = "" public var Link_PHPcybORgRoot:String;// = "" public var Link_PHPcybORg:String;// = "" private var mEkAScriptList:Object; private var DBCharacterList:Array; private var StandardCharacterList:Array; public function WebLink(_arg1=null, _arg2=null):void{ Link_MIND = ""; SceneName = ""; Link_PHPcybORg = ""; Link_PHPcybORgRoot = ""; Link_mEkA = ""; LinkFrom_mEkA = ""; DBData = {Hebergeur:"localhost", Login:"root", Mdp:""}; mEkAScriptList = {Link:"PaperTools", Global:"MiscTools"}; StandardCharacterList = [["é", "-e1-"], ["è", "-e2-"], ["ê", "-e3-"], ["ë", "-e4-"], ["à", "-a1-"], ["â", "-a2-"], ["ä", "-a3-"], ["ù", "-u1-"], ["û", "-u2-"], ["ü", "-u3-"], ["ô", "-o1-"], ["É", "-E1-"], ["È", "-E2-"], ["Ê", "-E3-"], ["Ë", "-E4-"], ["À", "-A1-"], ["Â", "-A2-"], ["Ä", "-A3-"], ["Û", "-U1-"], ["Ü", "-U2-"], ["Ô", "-O1-"], ["œ", "-oe-"]]; DBCharacterList = [["ooSPACEoo", "ooAROBAZoo", "ooDOLLARoo"], [" ", "@", "$"]]; super(); if (!Connexion(_arg1)){ TraceError("WebLink", "Initialisation", "Vous devez donner un lien vers la scène au script."); } else { SceneName = GetSceneName(_arg1); }; Load = _arg2; } public function GetShareVar(_arg1:String){ var _local2:SharedObject; _local2 = SharedObject.getLocal(_arg1); return (((_local2.data[_arg1])!=undefined) ? String(_local2.data[_arg1]) : null); } public function PHPChangeXMLHere(_arg1:String, _arg2:String="", _arg3=null, _arg4=null, _arg5=null, _arg6=null):void{ var ObjetReception:Object; var Paper:PaperTools; var Nom = _arg1; var Dossier = _arg2; var Modifications = _arg3; var Post = _arg4; var Erreur = _arg5; var Traitement = _arg6; ObjetReception = new Object(); ObjetReception.Reception = function (_arg1:Object):void{ Launch(Traitement); TotalChangeObject(_arg1, Modifications); PHPUploadXMLObject(_arg1, Nom, Dossier, Post, Erreur); }; ObjetReception.Erreur = function (_arg1=null):void{ Launch(Erreur); }; Paper = new PaperTools(); Paper.XMLLoad(Nom, {fonctionEnd:{Cible:ObjetReception, Fonction:"Reception", Traitement:"MorphingObject"}, fonctionError:{Cible:ObjetReception, Fonction:"Erreur"}}); } public function JSSend(_arg1, _arg2=null, _arg3=null):void{ var PreCode:Array; var PostCode:Array; var CodeSortie:String; var ObjetRetour:Object; var Code = _arg1; var Fonction = _arg2; var Parametres = _arg3; Parametres = ((Parametres) || (new Object())); if (Parametres.loadControl){ if (Load){ Parametres.fonctionEnd = Load.AddLoadControl(Parametres.loadControl, "Load", "instant", Parametres.loadControlParametres); } else { TraceError("WebLink", "JSSend", [("Un LoadControl a été demandé pour le lancement de " + Code), "Cependant, aucun lien vers un WebLink n'a été donné à l'initialisation du WebLink", "Si vous souhaité opérer des LoadControl, vous devez donner le LoadProcess comme", "second argument à l'initialisation du WebLink : ", "var Web:WebLink = new WebLink( this , Load );"]); }; }; Code = CapsuleArray(Code); PreCode = new Array(); PostCode = new Array(); if (Fonction){ ObjetRetour = new Object(); ObjetRetour.Fonction = function ():void{ Launch(Fonction); Launch(Parametres.fonctionEnd); }; ExternalInterface.addCallback("JSSendRetour", ObjetRetour.Fonction); if (!Parametres.asynchrone){ PostCode.push(JSPrecom_Return("JSSendRetour")); } else { PostCode.push((("function JSSendRetourFonction(){" + JSPrecom_Return("JSSendRetour")) + "};")); }; }; CodeSortie = ((Code.join("") + PreCode.join("")) + PostCode.join("")); navigateToURL(new URLRequest(("javascript:" + CodeSortie)), "_self"); } public function PHPPrecom_ScriptmEkA(_arg1:String="", _arg2:String="Global", _arg3:Boolean=true):String{ var _local4:String; var _local5:*; if (_arg1 != ""){ return ((((((("require_once( \"" + (_arg3) ? "../" : (((Link_mEkA)!="") ? (Link_mEkA + "/") : "" + "mEkA/")) + _arg2) + "/") + _arg1) + ".inc.php\" );") + "\r")); //unresolved jump }; _local4 = ""; for (_local5 in mEkAScriptList) { _local4 = (_local4 + (((((("require_once( \"" + (_arg3) ? "../" : (((Link_mEkA)!="") ? (Link_mEkA + "/") : "" + "mEkA/")) + _local5) + "/") + mEkAScriptList[_local5]) + ".inc.php\" );") + "\r")); }; return (_local4); } public function PHPPrecom_XMLObject(_arg1:Object, _arg2:int=1):String{ var _local3:*; var _local4:*; var _local5:int; var _local6:*; _local3 = ""; for (_local4 in _arg1) { if (_arg1[_local4] != null){ if (((!((_local4 == "Contenu"))) && (!((_local4 == "Parametres"))))){ if (_local3 != ""){ if (((!((_local3.split((("[" + _arg2) + "]"))[(_local3.split((("[" + _arg2) + "]")).length - 1)] == ""))) || ((_local3.split((("[" + _arg2) + "]")).length == 1)))){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("[" + _arg2) + "]")); }; }; _local3 = (_local3 + _local4); if (!TypeOf(_arg1[_local4], "Object")){ _local3 = (_local3 + ("->" + _arg1[_local4])); } else { if (_arg1[_local4].Parametres){ _local3 = (_local3 + "=>"); _local5 = 0; for (_local6 in _arg1[_local4].Parametres) { _local3 = (_local3 + (((((_local5)!=0) ? "&" : "" + _local6) + "=") + _arg1[_local4].Parametres[_local6])); _local5++; }; }; if (_arg1[_local4].Contenu){ _local3 = (_local3 + ("->" + _arg1[_local4].Contenu)); }; }; if (((!((_local3.split((("[" + _arg2) + "]"))[(_local3.split((("[" + _arg2) + "]")).length - 1)] == ""))) || ((_local3.split((("[" + _arg2) + "]")).length == 1)))){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("[" + _arg2) + "]")); }; if (TypeOf(_arg1[_local4], "Object")){ _local3 = (_local3 + PHPPrecom_XMLObject(_arg1[_local4], (_arg2 + 1))); }; }; }; }; return (_local3); } public function PHPUploadXMLObject(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String="NouveauXml", _arg3:String="", _arg4=null, _arg5=null):void{ PHPUploadXML(_arg2, _arg3, PHPPrecom_XMLObject(_arg1), _arg4, _arg5); } public function PHPDeleteDB(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3=null, _arg4=null, _arg5=null):void{ var _local6:String; var _local7:*; _local6 = ""; _local6 = (_local6 + PHPPrecom_ScriptmEkA("MiscTools", "Global")); _local6 = (_local6 + PHPPrecom_ScriptmEkA("BookLink", "Link")); _local6 = (_local6 + ((((((((((("ConnexionDataBase( \"" + _arg1) + "\" , \"") + DBData.Hebergeur) + "\" , \"") + DBData.Login) + "\" , \"") + DBData.Mdp) + "\" , ") + "Retour") + " );") + "\r\r")); _local6 = (_local6 + ("function Retour(){ " + "\r")); for (_local7 in _arg3) { _local6 = (_local6 + ((((((("SupprimeData( \"" + _arg2) + "\" , array( ") + CharacterConversion(_local7, " ", "ooSPACEoo")) + " , ") + CharacterConversion(_arg3[_local7], DBCharacterList[1], DBCharacterList[0])) + " ) );") + "\r")); }; _local6 = (_local6 + ("echo \"OK\";" + "\r")); _local6 = (_local6 + ("}" + "\r")); PHPSend("", {Code:_local6}, _arg4, _arg5); } public function JSGetUrl(_arg1):void{ var Code:Array; var ObjetRetour:Object; var Fonction = _arg1; Code = ["var Sortie = document.location.href;", JSPrecom_Return("JSGetUrlRetour", "Sortie")]; ObjetRetour = new Object(); ObjetRetour.Fonction = function (_arg1):void{ Launch(Fonction, [_arg1]); }; ExternalInterface.addCallback("JSGetUrlRetour", ObjetRetour.Fonction); JSSend(Code); } public function JSGetUrlRoot(_arg1):void{ var ObjetRetour:Object; var Fonction = _arg1; ObjetRetour = new Object(); ObjetRetour.Fonction = function (_arg1):void{ var _local2:String; var _local3:String; _local2 = (_arg1.split("//")[0] + "//"); _local3 = (FindIn(_arg1, "www")) ? "www" : ""; _arg1 = (_local2 + _local3); Launch(Fonction, [_arg1]); }; JSGetUrl(ObjetRetour.Fonction); } public function PHPSend(_arg1:String="", _arg2=null, _arg3=null, _arg4=null, _arg5="php", _arg6:Object=null):void{ var Instant:Object; var loader:URLLoader; var monPOST:URLVariables; var request:URLRequest; var Lien = _arg1; var Envoie = _arg2; var Post = _arg3; var Erreur = _arg4; var TypePage = _arg5; var Parametres = _arg6; Envoie = ((Envoie) || (new Object())); Lien = ((((Lien == "")) || ((Lien == null)))) ? (Link_mEkA + "/mEkA/Annex/bridge") : Lien; Instant = new Object(); loader = new URLLoader(); monPOST = new URLVariables(); if (TypeOf(TypePage, "Object")){ Parametres = TypePage; TypePage = "php"; }; Parametres = ((Parametres) || (new Object())); if (Parametres.loadControl){ if (Load){ Parametres.fonctionEnd = Load.AddLoadControl(Parametres.loadControl, "Load", "instant", Parametres.loadControlParametres); } else { TraceError("WebLink", "PHPSend", [("Un LoadControl a été demandé pour le chargement de " + Lien), "Cependant, aucun lien vers un WebLink n'a été donné à l'initialisation du WebLink", "Si vous souhaité opérer des LoadControl, vous devez donner le LoadProcess comme", "second argument à l'initialisation du WebLink : ", "var Web:WebLink = new WebLink( this , Load );"]); }; }; if (((Envoie.Code) && (Post))){ if (((!(FindIn(Envoie.Code, "echo"))) && (!(FindIn(Lien, "bridge"))))){ Envoie.Code = (Envoie.Code + (("\r" + "echo( \"OK\" );") + "\r")); }; }; if (Envoie.Code){ Envoie.Code = StringToName(Envoie.Code); }; request = new URLRequest(((Lien + ".") + TypePage)); request.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; SetAll(monPOST, Envoie); request.data = monPOST; Instant.Achevee = function (_arg1:Event){ if (!Launch(Post, [_arg1.target.data])){ Launch(Post); }; Launch(Parametres.fonctionEnd); }; Instant.Erreur = function (_arg1:IOErrorEvent){ Launch(Erreur); }; loader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.TEXT; AddEvents(loader, Instant.Achevee, "COMPLETE"); AddEvents(loader, Instant.Erreur, "IO_ERROR"); try { loader.load(request); } catch(e) { Launch(Erreur); }; } public function SetShareVar(_arg1:String, _arg2){ var _local3:SharedObject; _local3 = SharedObject.getLocal(_arg1); _local3.data[_arg1] = _arg2; _local3.flush(); } public function JSGet(_arg1):void{ var Code:Array; var ObjetRetour:Object; var Fonction = _arg1; Code = ["var Gets = GetGet();", "var Sortie = \"\";", "for( var Element in Gets ){", "Sortie += Element + \"=\" + Gets[ Element ] + \"&\";", "};", JSPrecom_Return("JSGetRetour", "Sortie")]; ObjetRetour = new Object(); ObjetRetour.Fonction = function (_arg1):void{ var _local2:Object; _local2 = GetToObject(_arg1); Launch(Fonction, [_local2]); }; ExternalInterface.addCallback("JSGetRetour", ObjetRetour.Fonction); JSSend(Code); } public function PHPGetURL(_arg1:String, _arg2=null, _arg3:String="_self", _arg4:String="php"):void{ var _local5:URLRequest; var _local6:URLVariables; _local5 = new URLRequest(((_arg1 + ".") + _arg4)); _local6 = new URLVariables(); SetAll(_local6, _arg2); _local5.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; _local5.data = _local6; navigateToURL(_local5, _arg3); } public function JSPrecom_Return(_arg1:String, _arg2:String=""):String{ var _local3:String; _local3 = ((((((((("( ( navigator.appName.indexOf( \"Microsoft\" ) != -1 ) ? window[ \"" + SceneName) + "\" ] : document[ \"") + SceneName) + "\" ] )") + ".") + _arg1) + "( ") + _arg2) + " );"); return (_local3); } public function PHPEval(_arg1=null, _arg2=null, _arg3:Object=null, _arg4:String="bridge", _arg5:String="php"):void{ var _local6:URLRequest; var _local7:URLRequestHeader; var _local8:*; if (_arg3){ _local7 = new URLRequestHeader(_arg3.Type, _arg3.Appli); }; if (_arg2){ for (_local8 in _arg2) { if (_local8 == "Code"){ _arg2[_local8] = StringToName(_arg2[_local8]); }; }; }; _local6 = new URLRequest((((((Link_mEkA + ((_arg4 == "bridge")) ? "/mEkA/Annex/" : "") + _arg4) + ".") + _arg5) + ((_arg2)!=null) ? ("?" + ObjectToGet(_arg2)) : "")); if (_arg3){ _local6.requestHeaders.push(_local7); }; if (_arg1){ _local6.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; _local6.data = _arg1; }; navigateToURL(_local6, "_blank"); } public function GetURL(_arg1:String="google.com", _arg2:String="_blank", _arg3:Boolean=true):void{ var _local4:URLRequest; if (_arg3){ if (!FindIn(_arg1, "http://")){ _arg1 = ("http://" + _arg1); }; }; _local4 = new URLRequest(_arg1); navigateToURL(_local4, _arg2); } public function JSLaunch(_arg1:String="alert", _arg2=null):void{ var _local3:int; if ((((_arg1 == "alert")) && (!(_arg2)))){ _arg2 = ["!"]; }; _arg2 = ((_arg2) || (new Array())); _arg2 = CapsuleArray(_arg2); _arg1 = (_arg1 + "( "); _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _arg2.length) { _arg1 = (_arg1 + (isNaN(Number(_arg2[_local3]))) ? (("\"" + _arg2[_local3]) + "\"") : _arg2[_local3]); if (_local3 != (_arg2.length - 1)){ _arg1 = (_arg1 + " , "); }; _local3++; }; _arg1 = (_arg1 + " );"); JSSend(_arg1); } public function PHPInsertDB(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3=null, _arg4=null, _arg5=null):void{ var _local6:String; var _local7:int; var _local8:int; var _local9:*; _arg3 = CapsuleArray(_arg3); _local6 = ""; _local6 = (_local6 + PHPPrecom_ScriptmEkA("MiscTools", "Global")); _local6 = (_local6 + PHPPrecom_ScriptmEkA("BookLink", "Link")); _local6 = (_local6 + ((((((((((("ConnexionDataBase( \"" + _arg1) + "\" , \"") + DBData.Hebergeur) + "\" , \"") + DBData.Login) + "\" , \"") + DBData.Mdp) + "\" , ") + "Retour") + " );") + "\r\r")); _local6 = (_local6 + ("function Retour(){ " + "\r")); _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < _arg3.length) { _local6 = (_local6 + (("AjoutData( \"" + _arg2) + "\" , array( ")); _local8 = LengthObject(_arg3[_local7]); for (_local9 in _arg3[_local7]) { _local6 = (_local6 + (((("array( \"" + _local9) + "\" , \"") + CharacterConversion(_arg3[_local7][_local9], DBCharacterList[1], DBCharacterList[0])) + "\" )")); --_local8; if (_local8 > 0){ _local6 = (_local6 + " , "); }; }; _local6 = (_local6 + (" ) );" + "\r")); _local7++; }; _local6 = (_local6 + ("echo \"OK\";" + "\r")); _local6 = (_local6 + ("}" + "\r")); PHPSend("", {Code:_local6}, _arg4, _arg5); } public function GetFlashVar(_arg1:String):String{ return (StageLink.loaderInfo.parameters[_arg1]); } public function JSMail(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:String, _arg4:Object=null, _arg5=null):void{ var _local6:int; var _local7:Array; if (_arg5){ if (!TypeOf(_arg5, "Object")){ _arg5 = {Fonction:_arg5}; }; _arg5.Asynchrone = true; }; _arg3 = CharacterConversion(_arg3, "'", "\\'"); _arg2 = CharacterConversion(_arg2, "'", "\\'"); _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < StandardCharacterList.length) { _arg3 = CharacterConversion(_arg3, StandardCharacterList[_local6][0], StandardCharacterList[_local6][1]); _arg2 = CharacterConversion(_arg2, StandardCharacterList[_local6][0], StandardCharacterList[_local6][1]); _local6++; }; _local7 = [((((((((((((((((((("Mail( '" + _arg1) + "' , '") + _arg2) + "' , '") + _arg3) + "' , ") + "{ ") + (_arg4.FromNom) ? (("FromNom:'" + _arg4.FromNom) + "'") : "FromNom:null") + " , ") + (_arg4.FromMail) ? (("FromMail:'" + _arg4.FromMail) + "'") : "FromMail:null") + " , ") + (_arg4.Reply) ? (("Reply:'" + _arg4.Reply) + "'") : "Reply:null") + " , ") + (_arg4.LienPhp) ? (("LienPhp:'" + _arg4.LienPhp) + "'") : (("LienPhp:'" + Link_PHPcybORg) + "'")) + " , ") + (_arg4.Html) ? ("Html:" + _arg4.Html) : "Html:false") + " } , ") + "this , ") + "'JSSendRetourFonction' );")]; JSSend(_local7, _arg5); } public function PHPCheckDB(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3=null, _arg4=null, _arg5=null):void{ var CodePHP:String; var ObjetRetour:Object; var i:*; var Base = _arg1; var Table = _arg2; var Elements = _arg3; var Post = _arg4; var Erreur = _arg5; Elements = ((Elements) || (new Object())); CodePHP = ""; CodePHP = (CodePHP + PHPPrecom_ScriptmEkA("MiscTools", "Global")); CodePHP = (CodePHP + PHPPrecom_ScriptmEkA("BookLink", "Link")); ObjetRetour = new Object(); ObjetRetour.Retour = function (_arg1:String):void{ var _local2:Object; var _local3:Array; var _local4:int; var _local5:String; var _local6:int; _local2 = new Object(); _local3 = _arg1.split("xxETxx"); _local3.shift(); _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _local3.length) { _local5 = _local3[_local4].split("xxEGALxx")[0]; _local2[_local5] = _local3[_local4].split("xxEGALxx")[1].split("xxSEPARExx"); _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _local2[_local5].length) { _local2[_local5][_local6] = CharacterConversion(_local2[_local5][_local6], DBCharacterList[0], DBCharacterList[1]); _local6++; }; _local4++; }; Launch(Post, true, _local2); }; CodePHP = (CodePHP + ((((((((((("ConnexionDataBase( \"" + Base) + "\" , \"") + DBData.Hebergeur) + "\" , \"") + DBData.Login) + "\" , \"") + DBData.Mdp) + "\" , ") + "Retour") + " );") + "\r\r")); CodePHP = (CodePHP + ("function Retour(){ " + "\r")); CodePHP = (CodePHP + ("$Sortie = \"\";" + "\r")); for (i in Elements) { if (!TypeOf(Elements[i], "Object")){ Elements[i] = new Object(); }; CodePHP = (CodePHP + (((("$Recuperation = SelectionData( \"" + Table) + "\" , \"") + i) + "\"")); CodePHP = (CodePHP + (Elements[i].Cible) ? ((", array(" + Elements[i].Cible) + ")") : ""); CodePHP = (CodePHP + (Elements[i].Ordre) ? ((", array(" + Elements[i].Ordre) + ")") : ""); CodePHP = (CodePHP + (" );" + "\r")); CodePHP = (CodePHP + ((("$Sortie .= \"xxETxx\" . \"" + i) + "\" . \"xxEGALxx\" . join( \"xxSEPARExx\" , $Recuperation );") + "\r")); }; CodePHP = (CodePHP + ("echo $Sortie;" + "\r")); CodePHP = (CodePHP + ("}" + "\r")); PHPSend("", {Code:CodePHP}, ObjetRetour.Retour, Erreur); } public function PHPUploadDB(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3=null, _arg4=null, _arg5=null):void{ var _local6:String; var _local7:*; var _local8:int; var _local9:*; _local6 = ""; _local6 = (_local6 + PHPPrecom_ScriptmEkA("MiscTools", "Global")); _local6 = (_local6 + PHPPrecom_ScriptmEkA("BookLink", "Link")); _local6 = (_local6 + ((((((((((("ConnexionDataBase( \"" + _arg1) + "\" , \"") + DBData.Hebergeur) + "\" , \"") + DBData.Login) + "\" , \"") + DBData.Mdp) + "\" , ") + "Retour") + " );") + "\r\r")); _local6 = (_local6 + ("function Retour(){ " + "\r")); for (_local7 in _arg3) { _local6 = (_local6 + (("ModifieData( \"" + _arg2) + "\" , array( ")); _local8 = LengthObject(_arg3[_local7].Elements); for (_local9 in _arg3[_local7].Elements) { _local6 = (_local6 + (((("array( \"" + CharacterConversion(_local9, DBCharacterList[1], DBCharacterList[0])) + "\" , \"") + CharacterConversion(_arg3[_local7].Elements[_local9], DBCharacterList[1], DBCharacterList[0])) + "\" )")); --_local8; if (_local8 > 0){ _local6 = (_local6 + " , "); }; }; _local6 = (_local6 + (((((" ) , array( \"" + CharacterConversion(_local7, " ", "ooSPACEoo")) + "\" , \"") + CharacterConversion(_arg3[_local7].Valeur, DBCharacterList[1], DBCharacterList[0])) + "\" ) );") + "\r")); }; _local6 = (_local6 + ("echo \"OK\";" + "\r")); _local6 = (_local6 + ("}" + "\r")); PHPSend("", {Code:_local6}, _arg4, _arg5); } public function PHPChangeXML(_arg1:String, _arg2:String="", _arg3=null, _arg4=null, _arg5=null):void{ var _local6:String; var _local7:String; var _local8:int; _local6 = ""; _local6 = (_local6 + PHPPrecom_ScriptmEkA("MiscTools", "Global")); _local6 = (_local6 + PHPPrecom_ScriptmEkA("PaperLink", "Link")); _local7 = " array( "; _local8 = 0; while (_local8 < _arg3.length) { _local7 = (_local7 + " array( "); _local7 = (_local7 + (("\"" + _arg3[_local8].Chemin) + "\" , ")); _local7 = (_local7 + (("\"" + _arg3[_local8].Valeur) + "\"")); if (_arg3[_local8].Modification){ _local7 = (_local7 + ((" , \"" + _arg3[_local8].Modification) + "\"")); }; _local7 = (_local7 + " )"); if (_local8 != (_arg3.length - 1)){ _local7 = (_local7 + " ,"); }; _local8++; }; _local7 = (_local7 + ")"); _local6 = (_local6 + (((((("MultiModifXml( \"" + _arg1) + "\" , ") + _local7) + " , \"") + ((_arg2)!="") ? ((Link_PHPcybORgRoot + "/") + _arg2) : Link_PHPcybORgRoot) + "\" );")); PHPSend("", {Code:_local6}, _arg4, _arg5); } public function PHPUploadXML(_arg1:String="NouveauXml", _arg2:String="", _arg3=null, _arg4=null, _arg5=null):void{ var _local6:String; _local6 = ""; _local6 = (_local6 + PHPPrecom_ScriptmEkA("MiscTools", "Global")); _local6 = (_local6 + PHPPrecom_ScriptmEkA("PaperLink", "Link")); _local6 = (_local6 + ((((((("FullXml( \"" + _arg3) + "\" , \"") + _arg1) + "\" , \"../") + LinkFrom_mEkA) + "\" );") + "\r")); PHPSend("", {Code:_local6}, _arg4, _arg5); } } }//package drOIde.LinkSection 212//SoundProcess (drOIde.Media.SoundProcess) package drOIde.Media { import flash.events.*; import flash.media.*; import drOIde.Global.*; import flash.net.*; import flash.utils.*; public class SoundProcess extends MiscTools { public var Noises:Object; public var Load:Number;// = 0 public var Sounds:Object; public var EndLoadFunction;// = null public var Volume:Number;// = 100 public function SoundProcess(_arg1=null):void{ Volume = 100; Load = 0; EndLoadFunction = null; Sounds = new Object(); Noises = new Object(); super(); Connexion(_arg1); AddEvents(this, GlobalLoop, "ENTER_FRAME"); } private function SoundVolumeApply(_arg1:Object):void{ var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; _local2 = _arg1.SoundObject.volume; _local3 = 100; _local4 = 100; _local2 = (_local2 + (Aspiration(_arg1.volume) - 100)); _local2 = (_local2 + (Aspiration(Sounds[_arg1.SoundObject.group].Parametres.volume) - 100)); _local2 = (_local2 + (Aspiration(Volume) - 100)); if (_arg1.volumeDistance){ _local3 = 0; if (((_arg1.volumeDistance.Element1) && (_arg1.volumeDistance.Element2))){ _local5 = GetDistance(_arg1.volumeDistance.Element1, _arg1.volumeDistance.Element2); _local3 = (((_local5 + ((_arg1.volumeDistance.min) || (50))) / (((_arg1.volumeDistance.max) || (500)) + ((_arg1.volumeDistance.min) || (50)))) * 100); _local3 = (100 - _local3); _local3 = BumpNumber(_local3, 0, 100); }; }; if (((((_arg1.fadeIn) && (!(_arg1.close)))) && (!((_arg1.fade == 100))))){ _arg1.fade = ((_arg1.fade) || (0)); _arg1.fade = (_arg1.fade + (_arg1.fadeIn / 10)); _arg1.fade = BumpNumber(_arg1.fade, 0, 100); } else { if (((_arg1.fadeOut) && (_arg1.close))){ _arg1.fade = ((_arg1.fade == null)) ? 100 : _arg1.fade; _arg1.fade = (_arg1.fade - (_arg1.fadeOut / 10)); _arg1.fade = BumpNumber(_arg1.fade, 0, 100); if (_arg1.fade == 0){ _arg1.fadeOut = null; _arg1.Stop(); }; }; }; _local4 = ((_arg1.fade)!=null) ? _arg1.fade : 100; _arg1.transform.volume = ((BumpNumber((_local2 / 100), 0, 1) * (_local3 / 100)) * (_local4 / 100)); _arg1.channel.soundTransform = _arg1.transform; } public function PlayNoise(_arg1:String, _arg2=null, _arg3:Object=null):Object{ var _local4:*; var _local5:String; var _local6:String; if (!_arg2){ _arg2 = _arg1; _arg1 = ""; }; if (TypeOf(_arg2, "Object")){ _arg3 = _arg2; _arg2 = _arg1; _arg1 = ""; }; if (_arg1 == ""){ _arg1 = KeyByName(Noises, _arg2); }; if (_arg1){ if (Noises[_arg1]){ if (Noises[_arg1][_arg2]){ _local4 = RandomArray(Noises[_arg1][_arg2]); if (TypeOf(_local4, "Object")){ _local5 = _local4.group; _local6 = _local4.name; } else { if (TypeOf(_local4, "Array")){ _local5 = _local4[1]; _local6 = _local4[0]; } else { _local5 = ""; _local6 = _local4; }; }; return (PlaySound(_local5, _local6, _arg3)); } else { TraceError("SoundProcess", "PlayNoise", (((("Le son \"" + _arg2) + "\" est introuvable dans le groupe \"") + _arg1) + "\"")); }; } else { TraceError("SoundProcess", "PlayNoise", (("Le groupe \"" + _arg1) + "\" n'existe pas.")); }; } else { TraceError("SoundProcess", "PlayNoise", (("Impossible de trouver le noise \"" + _arg2) + "\" parmis les groupes.")); }; return (null); } public function StopAllSounds():void{ SoundMixer.stopAll(); } public function NewSoundGroup(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object=null):void{ if (!Sounds[_arg1]){ Sounds[_arg1] = new Object(); _arg2 = ((_arg2) || (new Object())); Sounds[_arg1].Parametres = CloneObject(_arg2); Sounds[_arg1].Parametres.volume = ((Sounds[_arg1].Parametres.volume) || (100)); }; } public function PauseSound(_arg1="", _arg2="", _arg3="", _arg4="switch"):void{ var _local5:int; var _local6:*; var _local7:int; var _local8:*; var _local9:*; var _local10:int; if (((TypeOf(_arg1, "Boolean")) || ((_arg1 == "switch")))){ _arg4 = _arg1; }; if (((TypeOf(_arg2, "Boolean")) || ((_arg2 == "switch")))){ _arg4 = _arg2; }; if (((TypeOf(_arg3, "Boolean")) || ((_arg3 == "switch")))){ _arg4 = _arg3; }; if (_arg1 != ""){ if (Sounds[_arg1]){ if (_arg2 != ""){ if (Sounds[_arg1][_arg2]){ if (_arg3 != ""){ if (Sounds[_arg1][_arg2].PlayingList[_arg3]){ Sounds[_arg1][_arg2].PlayingList[_arg3].Stop(); }; } else { _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < Sounds[_arg1][_arg2].Playing.length) { Sounds[_arg1][_arg2].Playing[_local5].Pause(_arg4); _local5++; }; }; }; } else { for (_local6 in Sounds[_arg1]) { if (((!((_local6 == "Parametres"))) && (Sounds[_arg1][_local6]))){ _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < Sounds[_arg1][_local6].Playing.length) { Sounds[_arg1][_local6].Playing[_local7].Pause(_arg4); _local7++; }; }; }; }; }; } else { for (_local8 in Sounds) { if (Sounds[_local8]){ for (_local9 in Sounds[_local8]) { if (((!((_local9 == "Parametres"))) && (Sounds[_local8][_local9]))){ _local10 = 0; while (_local10 < Sounds[_local8][_local9].Playing.length) { Sounds[_local8][_local9].Playing[_local10].Pause(_arg4); _local10++; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function GlobalLoop(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:int; var _local3:Number; var _local4:*; var _local5:*; var _local6:Array; var _local7:int; var _local8:Object; _local2 = 0; _local3 = 0; for (_local4 in Sounds) { if (Sounds[_local4] != null){ for (_local5 in Sounds[_local4]) { if (((!((_local5 == "Parametres"))) && (!((Sounds[_local4][_local5] == null))))){ _local2++; _local3 = (_local3 + Sounds[_local4][_local5].load); if (Sounds[_local4][_local5].load == 100){ _local6 = Sounds[_local4][_local5].Playing; _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < _local6.length) { _local8 = _local6[_local7]; SoundVolumeApply(_local8); _local7++; }; }; }; }; }; }; Load = (_local3 / _local2); Load = (isNaN(Load)) ? 0 : Load; if ((((Load == 100)) && (EndLoadFunction))){ Launch(EndLoadFunction); EndLoadFunction = null; }; } public function NewNoiseGroup(_arg1:String):void{ if (!Noises[_arg1]){ Noises[_arg1] = new Object(); }; } public function TellMe(_arg1:Boolean=false):void{ var _local2:Array; var _local3:*; var _local4:*; var _local5:*; var _local6:*; Tr(); _local2 = new Array(); for (_local3 in Sounds) { _local2.push("——————————————————"); if (Sounds[_local3]){ _local2.push(_local3); if (_arg1){ for (_local5 in Sounds[_local3].Parametres) { if (Sounds[_local3].Parametres[_local5] != null){ _local2.push(((("\t" + _local5) + " : ") + Sounds[_local3].Parametres[_local5])); }; }; }; for (_local4 in Sounds[_local3]) { if (((Sounds[_local3][_local4]) && (!((_local4 == "Parametres"))))){ _local2.push(("\t\t" + _local4)); if (_arg1){ for (_local6 in Sounds[_local3][_local4]) { if (Sounds[_local3][_local4][_local6] != null){ _local2.push(((("\t\t\t" + _local6) + " : ") + Sounds[_local3][_local4][_local6])); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; TraceAll(_local2); } public function NewNoise(_arg1:String, _arg2, _arg3=null):void{ if (!Noises[_arg1]){ NewNoiseGroup(_arg1); }; Noises[_arg1][_arg2] = _arg3; } public function SetAllVolume(_arg1:Number=1):void{ SoundMixer.soundTransform = new SoundTransform(_arg1); } public function PlaySound(_arg1:String, _arg2=null, _arg3:Object=null):Object{ var SoundObject:Object; var Countdown:Number; var Limit:Number; var Alone:Boolean; var Redondant:Boolean; var PlayObject:Object; var Groupe = _arg1; var Nom = _arg2; var Parametres = _arg3; if (((TypeOf(Nom, "Object")) || ((Nom == null)))){ Parametres = Nom; Nom = Groupe; Groupe = ""; }; if (Groupe == ""){ Groupe = KeyByName(Sounds, Nom); }; if (Groupe){ Parametres = ((Parametres) || (new Object())); if (Sounds[Groupe]){ if (Sounds[Groupe][Nom]){ SoundObject = Sounds[Groupe][Nom]; Parametres.name = ((Parametres.name) || (RandomWord())); if (SoundObject.load == 100){ Countdown = ((((((Parametres.countdown) || (SoundObject.countdown))) || (SoundObject.GroupObject.countdown))) || (0)); Limit = ((((((Parametres.limit) || (SoundObject.limit))) || (SoundObject.GroupObject.limit))) || (0)); if (Countdown <= 0){ if ((((Limit == 0)) || ((Limit > SoundObject.Playing.length)))){ Parametres.countdown = (Countdown * -1); Alone = ((((Parametres.alone) || (SoundObject.alone))) || (SoundObject.GroupObject.alone)); if (Alone){ StopSound(SoundObject.group); if (SoundObject.PlayingList[Parametres.name]){ SoundObject.PlayingList[Parametres.name].close = false; }; }; Redondant = (Parametres.same) ? true : false; PlayObject = (SoundObject.PlayingList[Parametres.name] = (Redondant) ? Parametres : {SoundObject:SoundObject, close:false, pause:false, same:true, name:Parametres.name, volume:((Parametres.volume) || (100)), start:((((((Parametres.start) || (SoundObject.start))) || (SoundObject.GroupObject.start))) || (0)), end:((((((Parametres.end) || (SoundObject.end))) || (SoundObject.GroupObject.end))) || (0)), loop:((((((Parametres.loop) || (SoundObject.loop))) || (SoundObject.GroupObject.loop))) || (0)), repetition:((((((Parametres.repetition) || (SoundObject.repetition))) || (SoundObject.GroupObject.repetition))) || (0)), fonctionEnd:((((Parametres.fonctionEnd) || (SoundObject.fonctionEnd))) || (SoundObject.GroupObject.fonctionEnd)), fonctionStart:((((Parametres.fonctionStart) || (SoundObject.fonctionStart))) || (SoundObject.GroupObject.fonctionStart)), fonctionLoopEnd:((((Parametres.fonctionLoopEnd) || (SoundObject.fonctionLoopEnd))) || (SoundObject.GroupObject.fonctionLoopEnd)), fonctionLoopStart:((((Parametres.fonctionLoopStart) || (SoundObject.fonctionLoopStart))) || (SoundObject.GroupObject.fonctionLoopStart)), countdown:((((Parametres.countdown) || (SoundObject.countdown))) || (SoundObject.GroupObject.countdown)), volumeDistance:((((Parametres.volumeDistance) || (SoundObject.volumeDistance))) || (SoundObject.GroupObject.volumeDistance)), fadeIn:((((Parametres.fadeIn) || (SoundObject.fadeIn))) || (SoundObject.GroupObject.fadeIn)), fadeOut:((((Parametres.fadeOut) || (SoundObject.fadeOut))) || (SoundObject.GroupObject.fadeOut))}); SoundObject.Playing.push(PlayObject); PlayObject.channel = SoundObject.Sound.play(PlayObject.start, PlayObject.repetition); if (PlayObject.channel){ PlayObject.transform = PlayObject.channel.soundTransform; SoundVolumeApply(PlayObject); Launch(PlayObject.fonctionLoopStart); if (!Redondant){ Launch(PlayObject.fonctionStart); }; if (PlayObject.end){ TimeLaunch({Fonction:SoundObject.EndFunction, Arguments:[PlayObject]}, (PlayObject.end - PlayObject.start)); }; AddEvents(PlayObject, {Fonction:SoundObject.EndFunction, Arguments:[PlayObject]}, "SOUND_COMPLETE", "End", true, {target:PlayObject.channel}); PlayObject.Stop = function (_arg1:Boolean=true):Boolean{ if (!PlayObject.fadeOut){ SoundObject.EndFunction(PlayObject, true, _arg1); return (true); }; PlayObject.close = true; return (false); }; PlayObject.Pause = function (_arg1="switch"):void{ PlayObject.pause = ((_arg1)!="switch") ? _arg1 : !(PlayObject.pause); if (PlayObject.pause){ PlayObject.position = PlayObject.channel.position; PlayObject.channel.stop(); } else { PlayObject.channel = PlayObject.SoundObject.Sound.play(PlayObject.position, PlayObject.repetition); AddEvents(PlayObject, {Fonction:PlayObject.SoundObject.EndFunction, Arguments:[PlayObject]}, "SOUND_COMPLETE", {target:PlayObject.channel}); }; }; return (PlayObject); } else { TraceError("SoundProcess", "PlaySound", [(((("Le son " + Nom) + " du groupe ") + Groupe) + " n'a pas pus être lancé."), "Il se peut que trop de sons sature votre canal audio à ce moment là.", "NOTE : Si jamais vous n'etendez plus rien par la suite, il y a de forte chance que ce soit car", "votre canal audio est saturé de sons ayant de longs silences ( A la fin par exemple ).", "Utilisez un logiciel de son pour vous assurer que vos sons sont calibrés correctement."]); SoundObject.PlayingList[Parametres.name] = null; SoundObject.Playing.pop(); }; }; } else { Parametres.countdown = (Countdown * -1); TimeLaunch({Fonction:PlaySound, Arguments:[Groupe, Nom, Parametres]}, (Parametres.countdown * -1)); }; } else { TraceError("SoundProcess", "PlaySound", [(((("Le son \"" + Nom) + "\" dans le groupe \"") + Nom) + "\" n'a pas fini de se charger."), (("Il n'en est qu'à " + SoundObject.load) + "% pour le moment."), "Il est recommandé de vérifier la variable \"Load\" ou d'utiliser la méthode", "EndLoadLaunch() pour contrôler la fin du chargement des sons."]); }; } else { TraceError("SoundProcess", "PlaySound", (((("Le son \"" + Nom) + "\" n'existe pas ou n'a pas été trouvé dans le groupe \"") + Groupe) + "\".")); }; } else { TraceError("SoundProcess", "PlaySound", (("Le groupe \"" + Groupe) + "\" n'existe pas.")); }; } else { TraceError("SoundProcess", "PlaySound", (("Le son \"" + Nom) + "\" est introuvable parmis les sons déjà enregistrés.")); }; return (null); } public function StopSound(_arg1="", _arg2="", _arg3="", _arg4:Boolean=true):void{ var _local5:int; var _local6:Boolean; var _local7:int; var _local8:*; var _local9:int; var _local10:*; var _local11:*; var _local12:int; if (TypeOf(_arg1, "Boolean")){ _arg4 = _arg1; }; if (TypeOf(_arg2, "Boolean")){ _arg4 = _arg2; }; if (TypeOf(_arg3, "Boolean")){ _arg4 = _arg3; }; if (_arg1 != ""){ if (Sounds[_arg1]){ if (_arg2 != ""){ if (Sounds[_arg1][_arg2]){ if (_arg3 != ""){ if (Sounds[_arg1][_arg2].PlayingList[_arg3]){ Sounds[_arg1][_arg2].PlayingList[_arg3].Stop(_arg4); }; } else { _local5 = Sounds[_arg1][_arg2].Playing.length; _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < Sounds[_arg1][_arg2].Playing.length) { _local6 = Sounds[_arg1][_arg2].Playing[_local7].Stop(_arg4); if (Sounds[_arg1][_arg2].Playing.length != _local5){ _local7--; _local5 = Sounds[_arg1][_arg2].Playing.length; }; _local7++; }; }; }; } else { for (_local8 in Sounds[_arg1]) { if (((!((_local8 == "Parametres"))) && (Sounds[_arg1][_local8]))){ _local5 = Sounds[_arg1][_local8].Playing.length; _local9 = 0; while (_local9 < Sounds[_arg1][_local8].Playing.length) { _local6 = Sounds[_arg1][_local8].Playing[_local9].Stop(_arg4); if (Sounds[_arg1][_local8].Playing.length != _local5){ _local9--; _local5 = Sounds[_arg1][_local8].Playing.length; }; _local9++; }; }; }; }; }; } else { for (_local10 in Sounds) { if (Sounds[_local10]){ for (_local11 in Sounds[_local10]) { if (((!((_local11 == "Parametres"))) && (Sounds[_local10][_local11]))){ _local5 = Sounds[_local10][_local11].Playing.length; _local12 = 0; while (_local12 < Sounds[_local10][_local11].Playing.length) { _local6 = Sounds[_local10][_local11].Playing[_local12].Stop(_arg4); if (Sounds[_local10][_local11].Playing.length != _local5){ _local12--; _local5 = Sounds[_local10][_local11].Playing.length; }; _local12++; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function EndLoadLaunch(_arg1):void{ EndLoadFunction = _arg1; } public function NewSound(_arg1:String, _arg2, _arg3=null, _arg4:Object=null):void{ var SoundObject:Object; var Groupe = _arg1; var Nom = _arg2; var Lien = _arg3; var Parametres = _arg4; if (((TypeOf(Lien, "Object")) || ((Lien == null)))){ Parametres = Lien; Lien = Nom; Nom = Groupe; Groupe = "Sounds"; }; Parametres = ((Parametres) || (new Object())); if (!Sounds[Groupe]){ NewSoundGroup(Groupe); }; SoundObject = (Sounds[Groupe][Nom] = CloneObject(Parametres)); SoundObject.GroupObject = Sounds[Groupe].Parametres; SoundObject.name = Nom; SoundObject.group = Groupe; SoundObject.link = (TypeOf(Lien, "String")) ? ((Sounds[Groupe].Parametres.folder) ? (Sounds[Groupe].Parametres.folder + "/") : "" + Lien) : Lien; SoundObject.link = (TypeOf(SoundObject.link, "String")) ? ((Parametres.folder) ? (Parametres.folder + "/") : "" + SoundObject.link) : SoundObject.link; SoundObject.link = (TypeOf(SoundObject.link, "String")) ? CharacterConversion(SoundObject.link, "\\", "/") : SoundObject.link; Lien = SoundObject.link; SoundObject.Playing = new Array(); SoundObject.PlayingList = new Object(); SoundObject.load = (TypeOf(Lien, "String")) ? 0 : 100; SoundObject.volume = ((SoundObject.volume) || (100)); SoundObject.EndFunction = function (_arg1:Object, _arg2:Boolean=false, _arg3:Boolean=true):void{ var _local4:int; RemoveEvents(_arg1, null, "SOUND_COMPLETE", "End", null, {target:_arg1.channel}); if (!_arg1.pause){ if (((_arg1.end) || (_arg2))){ _arg1.channel.stop(); }; if (_arg3){ Launch(_arg1.fonctionLoopEnd); }; if (_arg1.loop == 0){ if (_arg3){ Launch(_arg1.fonctionEnd); }; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _arg1.SoundObject.Playing.length) { if (_arg1.SoundObject.Playing[_local4].name == _arg1.name){ _arg1.SoundObject.PlayingList[_arg1.SoundObject.Playing[_local4].name] = null; _arg1.SoundObject.Playing.splice(_local4, 1); _local4 = _arg1.SoundObject.Playing.length; }; _local4++; }; } else { if (!_arg2){ _arg1.loop = ((_arg1.loop)!="infinite") ? (_arg1.loop - 1) : _arg1.loop; PlaySound(_arg1.SoundObject.group, _arg1.SoundObject.name, _arg1); }; }; }; }; SoundObject.ErrorFunction = function (_arg1:Object):void{ TraceError("SoundProcess", "NewSound", [(((("Impossible de charger le son nommé \"" + _arg1.name) + "\" du groupe \"") + _arg1.group) + "\"."), ("Le son n'est pas accessible au lien : " + _arg1.link)]); Sounds[_arg1.group][_arg1.name] = null; }; SoundObject.LoadFunction = function (_arg1:ProgressEvent):void{ SoundObject.load = ((_arg1.bytesLoaded / _arg1.bytesTotal) * 100); }; if (TypeOf(Lien, "String")){ SoundObject.Sound = new Sound(new URLRequest(ConcatUnicite(Lien, ".mp3"))); SoundObject.type = "Extern"; } else { SoundObject.Sound = new (Lien); SoundObject.type = "Intern"; }; AddEvents(SoundObject.Sound, {Fonction:SoundObject.ErrorFunction, Arguments:[SoundObject]}, "IO_ERROR"); AddEvents(SoundObject.Sound, SoundObject.LoadFunction, "PROGRESS"); } public function GetSound(_arg1=null, _arg2=null):Object{ if (!_arg1){ _arg1 = KeyByName(Sounds, _arg2); }; if (_arg1){ if (Sounds[_arg1]){ if (!_arg2){ return (Sounds[_arg1].Parametres); }; if (Sounds[_arg1][_arg2]){ return (Sounds[_arg1][_arg2]); }; TraceError("SoundProcess", "PlaySound", (((("Le son \"" + _arg2) + "\" n'existe pas ou n'a pas été trouvé dans le groupe \"") + _arg2) + "\".")); } else { TraceError("SoundProcess", "PlaySound", (("Le groupe \"" + _arg1) + "\" n'existe pas.")); }; } else { TraceError("SoundProcess", "PlaySound", (("Le son \"" + _arg2) + "\" est introuvable parmis les sons déjà enregistrés.")); }; return (null); } } }//package drOIde.MediaSection 213//KeyboardPort (drOIde.Port.KeyboardPort) package drOIde.Port { import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import drOIde.Global.*; public class KeyboardPort extends MiscTools { private var KeyStock:Object; public var LockActive:Boolean;// = false private var ShortKeys:Object; public var Historic:Array; var TabulationsHead:int;// = -1 private var KeyConvertList:Object; public var Lock:Object; public var Keys:Object; var HistoricTextConvertList:Object; var HistoricNumberConvertList:Object; var Tabulations:Array; public function KeyboardPort(_arg1=null):void{ var _local2:*; KeyStock = new Object(); KeyConvertList = {SPACE:32, SHIFT:16, CONTROL:17, BACKSPACE:8, CAPS_LOCK:20, DELETE:46, ENTER:13, TAB:9, ESCAPE:27, INSERT:45, HOME:36, END:35, PAGE_DOWN:34, PAGE_UP:33, UP:38, DOWN:40, LEFT:37, RIGHT:39, F1:112, F2:113, F3:114, F4:115, F5:116, F6:117, F7:118, F8:119, F9:120, F10:121, F11:122, F12:123, F13:124, F14:125, F15:126, NUMPAD_0:96, NUMPAD_1:97, NUMPAD_2:98, NUMPAD_3:99, NUMPAD_4:100, NUMPAD_5:101, NUMPAD_6:102, NUMPAD_7:103, NUMPAD_8:104, NUMPAD_9:105, NUMPAD_ADD:107, NUMPAD_DIVIDE:111, NUMPAD_ENTER:108, NUMPAD_MULTIPLY:106, NUMPAD_SUBSTRACT:109, NUMPAD_DOT:110, MAJ_0:48, MAJ_1:49, MAJ_2:50, MAJ_3:51, MAJ_4:52, MAJ_5:53, MAJ_6:54, MAJ_7:55, MAJ_8:56, MAJ_9:57, A:65, Z:90, E:69, R:82, T:84, Y:89, U:85, I:73, O:79, P:80, Q:81, S:83, D:68, F:70, G:71, H:72, J:74, K:75, L:76, M:77, W:87, X:88, C:67, V:86, B:66, N:78, Parenthese:219, Egale:187, Chapeau:221, Dollar:186, Pourcentage:192, Etoile:220, Virgule:188, PointVirgule:190, DeuxPoints:191, PointExclamation:223}; Historic = new Array(); LockActive = false; Lock = new Object(); Keys = new Object(); ShortKeys = new Object(); Tabulations = new Array(); TabulationsHead = -1; HistoricTextConvertList = {maj_1:"&", maj_2:"é", maj_3:"\"", maj_4:"'", maj_5:"(", maj_6:"-", maj_7:"è", maj_8:"_", maj_9:"ç", maj_0:"à", parenthese:")", egale:"=", chapeau:"^", dollar:"$", pourcentage:"ù", etoile:"*", virgule:",", pointvirgule:";", deuxpoints:":", pointexclamation:"!", numpad_1:"1", numpad_2:"2", numpad_3:"3", numpad_4:"4", numpad_5:"5", numpad_6:"6", numpad_7:"7", numpad_8:"8", numpad_9:"9", numpad_0:"0", numpad_add:"+", numpad_divide:"/", numpad_multiply:"*", numpad_substract:"-", numpad_dot:"."}; HistoricNumberConvertList = {maj_1:"1", maj_2:"2", maj_3:"3", maj_4:"4", maj_5:"5", maj_6:"6", maj_7:"7", maj_8:"8", maj_9:"9", maj_0:"0", numpad_1:"1", numpad_2:"2", numpad_3:"3", numpad_4:"4", numpad_5:"5", numpad_6:"6", numpad_7:"7", numpad_8:"8", numpad_9:"9", numpad_0:"0"}; super(); if (Connexion(_arg1)){ for (_local2 in KeyConvertList) { Lock[_local2] = false; }; AddEvents(StageLink, KeyDown, "KEY_DOWN"); AddEvents(StageLink, KeyUp, "KEY_UP"); } else { TraceError("KeyboardPort", "Initialisation du KeyboardPort", ["Vous devez donner un lien vers la scène comme dans l'exemple suivant :", "var Keyboard:KeyboardPort = new KeyboardPort( this );"]); }; } public function RefreshHistoric():void{ Historic = []; } public function CheckKey(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:*; _local2 = _arg1.target; if (!LockActive){ if (KeyName(_local2.Touche)){ if ((((_local2.AppuieActuel > 0)) || ((_local2.Appuie == 0)))){ if (_local2.Etat == "Appuie"){ if (_local2.Active){ Launch(_local2.Fonction); }; }; _local2.AppuieActuel--; }; }; if (((!(KeyName(_local2.Touche))) && (!((_local2.AppuieActuel == _local2.Appuie))))){ _local2.AppuieActuel = _local2.Appuie; if (_local2.Etat == "Relache"){ if (_local2.Active){ Launch(_local2.Fonction); }; }; }; }; } public function LockAll(_arg1:Boolean=true, _arg2=""):void{ var _local3:*; _arg2 = CapsuleArray(_arg2); for (_local3 in Lock) { if (!IndexOf(_arg2, _local3)){ Lock[_local3] = _arg1; }; }; } public function RemoveKeyEvent(_arg1:String):void{ if (Keys[_arg1]){ RemoveEvents(Keys[_arg1], CheckKey, "ENTER_FRAME", ("KeyEvent" + _arg1)); Keys[_arg1] = null; }; } public function ShamKeyUp(_arg1:String):void{ if (!Lock[_arg1]){ KeyUp({keyCode:KeyConvertList[_arg1]}); }; } public function GetKeyEvent(_arg1:String):Object{ var _local2:Object; _local2 = new Object(); if (Keys[_arg1]){ _local2.fonction = Keys[_arg1].Fonction; _local2.key = Keys[_arg1].Touche; _local2.number = Keys[_arg1].Appuie; _local2.stateNumber = Keys[_arg1].AppuieActuel; _local2.state = Keys[_arg1].Etat; _local2.active = Keys[_arg1].Active; }; return (_local2); } public function AddTabulation(_arg1, _arg2:String="", _arg3=0):void{ var _local4:int; if (((((!(TypeOf(_arg3, "String"))) && ((_arg3 > Tabulations.length)))) || ((_arg3 == 0)))){ Tabulations.push({name:_arg2, Element:_arg1}); } else { if (TypeOf(_arg3, "Number")){ Tabulations = PushAt(Tabulations, (_arg3 - 1), {name:_arg2, Element:_arg1}); } else { _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < Tabulations.length) { if (Tabulations[_local4].name == _arg3){ _arg3 = (_local4 + 1); _local4 = Tabulations.length; } else { if (_local4 == (Tabulations.length - 1)){ _arg3 = Tabulations.length; }; }; _local4++; }; Tabulations = PushAt(Tabulations, _arg3, {name:_arg2, Element:_arg1}); }; }; } public function NewKeyEvent(_arg1:String, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4=0, _arg5=null, _arg6:String="Appuie"):void{ if (!TypeOf(_arg2, "String")){ _arg6 = _arg5; _arg5 = _arg4; _arg4 = _arg3; _arg3 = _arg2; _arg2 = _arg1; _arg1 = RandomWord(); }; if (KeyConvertList[_arg2]){ Keys[_arg1] = new MovieClip(); Keys[_arg1].Nom = _arg1; Keys[_arg1].Fonction = _arg3; Keys[_arg1].Touche = _arg2; Keys[_arg1].Appuie = (isNaN(_arg4)) ? 0 : _arg4; Keys[_arg1].AppuieActuel = Keys[_arg1].Appuie; Keys[_arg1].Etat = (((!((_arg5 == null))) || (!(isNaN(_arg4))))) ? _arg6 : ((_arg4)==0) ? "Appuie" : _arg4; Keys[_arg1].Active = true; if (_arg5){ _arg5.Link2KeyboardPort = ((_arg5.Link2KeyboardPort) || (new Array())); _arg5.Link2KeyboardPort.push(_arg1); }; AddEvents(Keys[_arg1], CheckKey, "ENTER_FRAME", ("KeyEvent" + _arg1)); } else { TraceError("KeyboardPort", "NewKeyEvent", [(("Le touche \"" + _arg2) + "\" n'existe pas."), ("Vous pouvez utiliser la méthode TellMeKeys() pour obtenir la liste" + " complète des touches.")]); }; } public function LockKey(_arg1, _arg2:Boolean=true):void{ var _local3:*; if (TypeOf(_arg1, "String")){ if (Lock[_arg1] != null){ Lock[_arg1] = _arg2; } else { TraceError("KeyboardPort", "Lock", (("La touche «" + _arg1) + "» n'existe pas.")); }; } else { for (_local3 in _arg1) { LockKey(_arg1[_local3], _arg2); }; }; } public function KeyUp(_arg1):void{ KeyStock[_arg1.keyCode] = false; } public function RemoveTabulation(_arg1:String=""):void{ var _local2:int; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < Tabulations.length) { if (Tabulations[_local2].name == _arg1){ Tabulations.splice(_local2, 1); _local2 = Tabulations.length; }; _local2++; }; } public function KeyName(_arg1:String):Boolean{ return (KeyNumber(KeyConvertList[_arg1])); } public function ShamTabulation():void{ StageLink.focus = null; TabulationsHead++; TabulationsHead = ((TabulationsHead)<Tabulations.length) ? TabulationsHead : 0; if (Tabulations[TabulationsHead].Element.parent.active != false){ StageLink.focus = Tabulations[TabulationsHead].Element; } else { ShamTabulation(); }; } public function RemoveShortKeyEvent(_arg1:String):void{ if (ShortKeys[_arg1]){ RemoveEvents(ShortKeys[_arg1], ShortKeys[_arg1].Control, "ENTER_FRAME", ("ShortKeyEvent" + _arg1)); ShortKeys[_arg1] = null; }; } public function ApplyTabulationControl():void{ NewKeyEvent("TabulationControl", "TAB", ShamTabulation, 1); } public function MultiShamKey(_arg1:Array):void{ var _local2:int; var _local3:int; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _arg1.length) { _arg1[_local2].Nombre = ((_arg1[_local2].Nombre) || (1)); _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _arg1[_local2].Nombre) { if (!_arg1[_local2].Historic){ if (_arg1[_local2].Relache){ ShamKeyUp(_arg1[_local2].Touche); }; ShamKeyDown(_arg1[_local2].Touche, _arg1[_local2].Maintient, _arg1[_local2].Relache); } else { Historic = Historic.concat(_arg1[_local2].Historic.split("")); }; _local3++; }; _local2++; }; } public function RefreshTabulations():void{ Tabulations = new Array(); } public function OrderShamKey(_arg1:Object):void{ var SimulationObjet:Object; var NomTransitoire:String; var Scenario = _arg1; SimulationObjet = new Object(); SimulationObjet.Palier = 0; NomTransitoire = RandomWord(); SimulationObjet.Boucle = function (_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:Boolean; var _local3:*; var _local4:int; _local2 = false; for (_local3 in Scenario) { _local4 = (isNaN(_local3)) ? _local3.split("_")[1] : _local3; if (SimulationObjet.Palier == int(_local4)){ if (Scenario[_local3].Action != "Relache"){ ShamKeyDown(Scenario[_local3].Touche, Scenario[_local3].Maintient); } else { ShamKeyUp(Scenario[_local3].Touche); }; } else { if (SimulationObjet.Palier < _local4){ _local2 = true; }; }; }; SimulationObjet.Palier++; if (!_local2){ RemoveEvents(This, SimulationObjet.Boucle, "ENTER_FRAME", ("LoopOrder" + NomTransitoire)); }; }; AddEvents(This, SimulationObjet.Boucle, "ENTER_FRAME", ("LoopOrder" + NomTransitoire)); } public function KeyNumber(_arg1:Number):Boolean{ return (KeyStock[_arg1]); } public function NewShortKeyEvent(_arg1:String, _arg2, _arg3:String, _arg4:String, _arg5:int=0):void{ var Nom = _arg1; var Fonction = _arg2; var Touche1 = _arg3; var Touche2 = _arg4; var Levier = _arg5; if (KeyConvertList[Touche1]){ if (KeyConvertList[Touche2]){ ShortKeys[Nom] = new MovieClip(); ShortKeys[Nom].Fonction = Fonction; ShortKeys[Nom].Touche = Touche1; ShortKeys[Nom].ToucheSupplementaire = Touche2; ShortKeys[Nom].LevierActuel = Levier; ShortKeys[Nom].Levier = Levier; ShortKeys[Nom].Control = function (_arg1:Event):void{ if (((KeyName(_arg1.target.Touche)) && (KeyName(_arg1.target.ToucheSupplementaire)))){ if ((((_arg1.target.LevierActuel > 0)) || ((_arg1.target.Levier == 0)))){ Launch(_arg1.target.Fonction); _arg1.target.LevierActuel--; }; }; if (((!(KeyName(_arg1.target.Touche))) || (!(KeyName(_arg1.target.ToucheSupplementaire))))){ if (_arg1.target.LevierActuel != _arg1.target.Levier){ _arg1.target.LevierActuel = _arg1.target.Levier; }; }; }; AddEvents(ShortKeys[Nom], ShortKeys[Nom].Control, "ENTER_FRAME", ("ShortKeyEvent" + Nom)); } else { TraceError("KeyboardPort", "NewKeyEvent", [(("Le touche \"" + Touche2) + "\" n'existe pas."), ("Vous pouvez utiliser la méthode TellMeKeys() pour obtenir la liste" + " complète des touches.")]); }; } else { TraceError("KeyboardPort", "NewKeyEvent", [(("Le touche \"" + Touche1) + "\" n'existe pas."), ("Vous pouvez utiliser la méthode TellMeKeys() pour obtenir la liste" + " complète des touches.")]); }; } function TellMeKeys():void{ var _local1:*; Tr(); Trace("Les clés du clavier sont :"); for (_local1 in KeyConvertList) { Trace(((_local1 + " = ") + KeyConvertList[_local1])); }; Tr(); } public function ShamKeyDown(_arg1:String, _arg2:Boolean=false, _arg3:Boolean=false):void{ var _local4:Array; var _local5:*; var _local6:int; _local4 = new Array(); if (!Lock[_arg1]){ KeyDown({keyCode:KeyConvertList[_arg1]}); for (_local5 in Keys) { if (Keys[_local5].Touche == _arg1){ if (((!((Keys[_local5].Etat == "Relache"))) && (!(_arg3)))){ Launch(Keys[_local5].Fonction); } else { if ((((((Keys[_local5].Etat == "Relache")) && (!(_arg2)))) && (!(_arg3)))){ _local4.push(Keys[_local5].Fonction); } else { if ((((Keys[_local5].Etat == "Relache")) && (_arg3))){ Launch(Keys[_local5].Fonction); }; }; }; }; }; _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _local4.length) { Launch(_local4[_local6]); _local6++; }; if (!_arg2){ ShamKeyUp(_arg1); }; }; } public function HistoricToNumber():int{ var _local1:String; var _local2:*; _local1 = ""; for (_local2 in Historic) { if (HistoricNumberConvertList[Historic[_local2]]){ _local1 = (_local1 + HistoricNumberConvertList[Historic[_local2]]); }; }; return (int(_local1)); } private function GetKey(_arg1):String{ var _local2:String; var _local3:*; _local2 = ""; for (_local3 in KeyConvertList) { if (KeyConvertList[_local3] == _arg1){ _local2 = _local3; }; }; return (_local2); } public function ChangeKeyEvent(_arg1:String, _arg2):void{ if (Keys[_arg1]){ if (TypeOf(_arg2, "Function")){ _arg2 = {fonction:_arg2}; } else { if (TypeOf(_arg2, "Boolean")){ _arg2 = {active:_arg2}; } else { if (KeyConvertList[_arg2]){ _arg2 = {key:_arg2}; } else { if (TypeOf(_arg2, "Number")){ _arg2 = {number:_arg2}; } else { if (TypeOf(_arg2, "Object")){ if (_arg2.Fonction){ _arg2 = {fonction:_arg2}; }; }; }; }; }; }; Keys[_arg1].Fonction = ((_arg2.fonction) || (Keys[_arg1].Fonction)); Keys[_arg1].Touche = ((_arg2.key) || (Keys[_arg1].Touche)); Keys[_arg1].Appuie = ((_arg2.number)!=null) ? _arg2.number : Keys[_arg1].Appuie; Keys[_arg1].Active = ((_arg2.active)!=null) ? _arg2.active : Keys[_arg1].Active; }; } public function KeyDown(_arg1):void{ var _local2:*; if (!Lock[GetKey(_arg1.keyCode)]){ KeyStock[_arg1.keyCode] = true; for (_local2 in KeyConvertList) { if (KeyConvertList[_local2] == _arg1.keyCode){ Historic.push(_local2.toLowerCase()); }; }; }; } public function HistoricToText(_arg1:Object=null, _arg2:Boolean=true):String{ var _local3:*; var _local4:String; var _local5:*; _arg1 = ((_arg1) || (new Object())); for (_local3 in _arg1) { HistoricTextConvertList[_local3] = _arg1[_local3]; }; _local4 = ""; for (_local5 in Historic) { if (!HistoricTextConvertList[Historic[_local5]]){ if (((!(_arg2)) || ((Historic[_local5].length == 1)))){ _local4 = (_local4 + Historic[_local5]); }; } else { _local4 = (_local4 + HistoricTextConvertList[Historic[_local5]]); }; }; return (_local4); } } }//package drOIde.PortSection 214//MousePort (drOIde.Port.MousePort) package drOIde.Port { import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import drOIde.Global.*; import flash.ui.*; public class MousePort extends MiscTools { public var X:Number;// = 0 public var Y:Number;// = 0 public var Down:Object; public var angle:Number;// = 0 public var isDown:Boolean;// = false public var isOver;// = null private var Memo:Object; public var isCheck:Boolean;// = false private var actionTime:Object; public var moveTime:int;// = 0 public var downTime:int;// = 0 public var downNumber:int;// = 0 public var xSpeed:Number;// = 0 public var Up:Object; public var Wheel:Object; public var ySpeed:Number;// = 0 public var Cursor:MovieClip; public var Ways:Object; private var downTiming:int;// = 0 public function MousePort(_arg1=null, _arg2:Boolean=false){ X = 0; Y = 0; Memo = {x:0, y:0, xLoop:0, yLoop:0}; isCheck = false; isDown = false; isOver = null; downNumber = 0; downTiming = 0; xSpeed = 0; ySpeed = 0; angle = 0; Down = new Object(); Up = new Object(); Wheel = new Object(); downTime = 0; moveTime = 0; actionTime = {Click:[], Move:[]}; Ways = new Object(); super(); this.x = 0; this.y = 0; if (Connexion(_arg1)){ AddEvents(StageLink, GlobalLoop, "MOUSE_MOVE"); AddEvents(StageLink, CheckDown, "MOUSE_DOWN"); AddEvents(StageLink, CheckUp, "MOUSE_UP"); AddEvents(StageLink, CheckWheel, "MOUSE_WHEEL"); if (_arg2){ LaunchCheckLoop(); }; } else { TraceError("MousePort", "Initialisation de la MousePort", ["Vous devez donner au script un lien vers la scene au moment de sa création."]); }; } public function Unknow(_arg1, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{ _arg1.mouseChildren = _arg2; _arg1.mouseEnabled = _arg2; } public function GlobalLoop(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:*; This.x = (X = _arg1.stageX); This.y = (Y = _arg1.stageY); if (((!(NearEqual(This.x, Memo.x, 0.5))) && (!(NearEqual(This.y, Memo.y, 0.5))))){ angle = GetAngle({x:Memo.x, y:Memo.y}, {x:This.x, y:This.y}); }; Memo.x = This.x; Memo.y = This.y; moveTime = 0; downTiming = 0; if (Cursor != null){ Cursor.x = This.x; Cursor.y = This.y; _arg1.updateAfterEvent(); Mouse.hide(); }; for (_local2 in Ways) { Ways[_local2].TempsPasse++; if (Ways[_local2].Tete < Ways[_local2].Points.length){ if (GetDistance({x:This.x, y:This.y}, {x:GetTotal(Ways[_local2].Points[Ways[_local2].Tete], "x"), y:GetTotal(Ways[_local2].Points[Ways[_local2].Tete], "y")}) < Ways[_local2].Diametre){ Ways[_local2].Tete++; Ways[_local2].Vitesse = (Ways[_local2].Vitesse + Ways[_local2].Acceleration); if (Ways[_local2].Vitesse > Ways[_local2].VitesseMax){ Ways[_local2].Vitesse = Ways[_local2].VitesseMax; }; Ways[_local2].Actuel = Ways[_local2].Points[(Ways[_local2].Tete - 1)]; Ways[_local2].Temps = Ways[_local2].TempsPasse; Ways[_local2].TempsPasse = 0; }; } else { if (GetDistance({x:This.x, y:This.y}, {x:GetTotal(Ways[_local2].Points[0], "x"), y:GetTotal(Ways[_local2].Points[0], "y")}) < Ways[_local2].Diametre){ Ways[_local2].Tete = 0; Ways[_local2].Tours++; Ways[_local2].Vitesse = (Ways[_local2].Vitesse + Ways[_local2].Acceleration); Ways[_local2].Actuel = Ways[_local2].Points[(Ways[_local2].Tete - 1)]; if (Ways[_local2].Vitesse > Ways[_local2].VitesseMax){ Ways[_local2].Vitesse = Ways[_local2].VitesseMax; }; Ways[_local2].Temps = Ways[_local2].TempsPasse; Ways[_local2].TempsPasse = 0; }; }; }; } private function LaunchCheckLoop():void{ if (!isCheck){ AddEvents(this, ChecklLoop, "ENTER_FRAME"); isCheck = true; }; } public function hide():void{ Mouse.hide(); } public function ChecklLoop(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:Boolean; var _local3:Boolean; var _local4:int; var _local5:int; var _local6:*; var _local7:String; xSpeed = (this.x - Memo.xLoop); ySpeed = (this.y - Memo.yLoop); Memo.xLoop = this.x; Memo.yLoop = this.y; if (Cursor != null){ if (Cursor.active){ if (Cursor.Body){ _local7 = ""; if (isOver){ _local7 = isOver.name; }; if (((((Cursor.Forms.lock) && (!(isDown)))) && (!((Cursor.Forms.lock == _local7))))){ Cursor.Forms.lock = false; }; if (((!(Cursor.Forms.lock)) || ((Cursor.Forms.lock == _local7)))){ Cursor.Body.gotoAndStop(Cursor.Forms[(isDown) ? "down" : "normal"]); Cursor.Forms.lock = ((Cursor.Forms.lock)=="beLock") ? true : Cursor.Forms.lock; }; }; Mouse.hide(); } else { Mouse.show(); }; } else { Mouse.show(); }; _local2 = false; _local3 = false; downTime++; moveTime++; if (downTiming == 0){ downNumber = 0; downTiming = -1; } else { if (downTiming > 0){ downTiming--; }; }; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < actionTime.Move.length) { if (actionTime.Move[_local4].Temps == moveTime){ Launch(actionTime.Move[_local4].Fonction); if (actionTime.Move[_local4].MiseAZero){ _local3 = true; }; }; _local4++; }; _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < actionTime.Click.length) { if (actionTime.Click[_local5].Temps == downTime){ Launch(actionTime.Click[_local5].Fonction); if (actionTime.Click[_local5].MiseAZero){ _local2 = true; }; }; _local5++; }; if (_local3){ moveTime = 0; }; if (_local2){ downTime = 0; }; for (_local6 in Ways) { if ((Ways[_local6].Vitesse - Ways[_local6].Deceleration) > 0){ Ways[_local6].Vitesse = (Ways[_local6].Vitesse - Ways[_local6].Deceleration); } else { Ways[_local6].Vitesse = 0; }; }; } public function NewWay(_arg1:String, _arg2, _arg3:Object=null):void{ var _local4:Number; var _local5:Object; var _local6:Array; var _local7:int; _arg3 = ((_arg3) || (new Object())); _local4 = ((_arg3.diametre) || (50)); _arg3.Vitesse = ((_arg3.speed) || (0)); _arg3.VitesseMax = ((_arg3.speedMax) || (100)); _arg3.Acceleration = ((_arg3.acceleration) || (5)); _arg3.Deceleration = ((_arg3.deceleration) || (1)); if (!TypeOf(_arg2, "Object")){ _local6 = []; _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < _arg2.numChildren) { _local6.push(_arg2.getChildAt(_local7)); _local7++; }; _arg2 = _local6; }; _local5 = new Object(); _local5.Points = _arg2; _local5.Diametre = _local4; _local5.Tete = 1; _local5.Temps = 0; _local5.TempsPasse = 0; _local5.Vitesse = _arg3.Vitesse; _local5.VitesseMax = _arg3.VitesseMax; _local5.Acceleration = _arg3.Acceleration; _local5.Deceleration = _arg3.Deceleration; _local5.Actuel = _arg2[0]; _local5.Tours = 0; Ways[_arg1] = _local5; } public function CheckDown(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:*; isDown = true; downTime = 0; downNumber++; downTiming = 5; for (_local2 in Down) { if (Down[_local2] != null){ if (TypeOf(Down[_local2], "Object")){ if ((((Down[_local2].number == downNumber)) || (!(Down[_local2].number)))){ Launch(Down[_local2]); }; } else { Launch(Down[_local2]); }; }; }; } public function CheckUp(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:*; isDown = false; for (_local2 in Up) { if (Up[_local2] != null){ Launch(Up[_local2]); }; }; } public function ApplyButtonMode(_arg1, _arg2="Over", _arg3="", _arg4:Boolean=false):void{ var ActionContraire:String; var iEvent:int; var Clip = _arg1; var Action = _arg2; var Forme = _arg3; var Lock = _arg4; if (Action != false){ if (TypeOf(Forme, "Boolean")){ Lock = Forme; Forme = ""; }; Forme = ((Forme)!="") ? Forme : Action; ActionContraire = ((Action)=="Over") ? "Out" : ((Action)=="Down") ? "Up" : RandomWord(); Clip.ButtonMode = ((Clip.ButtonMode) || (new Object())); Clip.ButtonMode.Events = ((Clip.ButtonMode.Events) || (new Array())); Clip.ButtonMode[(Action + "Form")] = Forme; Clip.ButtonMode.Lock = ((Lock) || (Clip.ButtonMode.Lock)); Clip.ButtonMode[Action] = function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:*; _local2 = _arg1.currentTarget; isOver = _local2; Cursor.Forms[((Action.toLowerCase() == "over")) ? "normal" : "down"] = _local2.ButtonMode[(Action + "Form")]; if (_local2.ButtonMode.Lock){ Cursor.Forms.lock = _local2.name; }; }; Clip.ButtonMode[ActionContraire] = function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:*; _local2 = _arg1.currentTarget; isOver = null; Cursor.Forms[((Action.toLowerCase() == "over")) ? "normal" : "down"] = Cursor.FormsInitials[Action.toLowerCase()]; }; AddEvents(Clip, Clip.ButtonMode[Action], "MOUSE_OVER", (Action + Forme)); AddEvents(Clip, Clip.ButtonMode[ActionContraire], "MOUSE_OUT", ((Action + Forme) + "Out")); Clip.ButtonMode.Events.push((Action + Forme)); Clip.ButtonMode.Events.push(((Action + Forme) + "Out")); Clip.buttonMode = true; } else { if (Clip.ButtonMode){ iEvent = 0; while (iEvent < Clip.ButtonMode.Events.length) { RemoveEvents(Clip, Clip.ButtonMode.Events[iEvent]); iEvent = (iEvent + 1); }; if (isOver){ if (isOver.name == Clip.name){ isOver = null; Cursor.Forms.normal = Cursor.FormsInitials.normal; Cursor.Forms.down = Cursor.FormsInitials.down; }; }; Clip.ButtonMode = null; Clip.buttonMode = false; }; }; } public function localX(_arg1):Number{ return (((X - GetTotal(_arg1, "x")) / GetTotal(_arg1, "scaleX"))); } public function localY(_arg1):Number{ return (((Y - GetTotal(_arg1, "y")) / GetTotal(_arg1, "scaleY"))); } public function AddTimeAction(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String="Click", _arg3:int=100, _arg4:Boolean=false):void{ actionTime[_arg2].push({Temps:_arg3, Fonction:_arg1, MiseAZero:_arg4}); } public function show():void{ Mouse.show(); } public function AddCursor(_arg1:Class, _arg2){ var leCurseur = _arg1; var Conteiner = _arg2; LaunchCheckLoop(); Cursor = NewElement(leCurseur, Conteiner, "Curseur", {active:true, actualForm:""}); if (!Cursor.Body){ try { Cursor.Body = Cursor.getChildAt(0); } catch(e) { }; }; Cursor.Forms = {normal:"Normal", down:"Down", lock:true}; Cursor.FormsInitials = {normal:"Normal", down:"Down", lock:true}; Unknow(Cursor); return (Cursor); } public function CheckWheel(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var iWheel:*; var event = _arg1; for (iWheel in Wheel) { if (Wheel[iWheel] != null){ try { Launch(Wheel[iWheel], null, event.delta); } catch(e) { Launch(Wheel[iWheel]); }; }; }; } function local(_arg1):Object{ return ({x:localX(_arg1), y:localY(_arg1)}); } } }//package drOIde.PortSection 215//FxTools (drOIde.Visual.FxTools) package drOIde.Visual { import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import drOIde.Global.*; public class FxTools extends MiscTools { private var Optimize:OptimizeProcess; public function FxTools(_arg1=null, _arg2=null){ if (!TypeOf(_arg1, "OptimizeProcess")){ Connexion(_arg1); } else { _arg2 = _arg1; }; if (_arg2){ Optimize = _arg2; }; } public function Tails(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3=null, _arg4=null, _arg5:Object=null, _arg6:String="", _arg7:String=""):Object{ var Taille:*; var VitesseDisparition:*; var ObjetAlchimie:Object; var Cible = _arg1; var Element = _arg2; var Conteneur = _arg3; var Etat = _arg4; var Parametres = _arg5; var QualiteMinimal = _arg6; var Nom = _arg7; Conteneur = ((Conteneur) || (Cible.parent)); Parametres = ((Parametres) || (new Object())); Etat = ((Etat) || (new Object())); Taille = ((Etat.Taille) || (100)); Parametres.DisparitionTaille = ((Parametres.DisparitionTaille)!=null) ? Parametres.DisparitionTaille : 100; Parametres.DisparitionAlpha = ((Parametres.DisparitionAlpha)!=null) ? Parametres.DisparitionAlpha : 0; VitesseDisparition = ((Parametres.VitesseDisparition) || (10)); ObjetAlchimie = (Cible[("Alchimie" + Nom)] = new Object()); ObjetAlchimie.MemoX = Cible.x; ObjetAlchimie.MemoY = Cible.y; ObjetAlchimie.Numero = 0; ObjetAlchimie.Element = Element; ObjetAlchimie.Taille = Taille; ObjetAlchimie.VitesseDisparition = VitesseDisparition; ObjetAlchimie.Parametres = Parametres; if (SetDefault(QualiteMinimal)){ if (!Optimize){ TraceError("FxTools", "Alchimie", ["Une demande de qualité minimale a été faites pour cet effet alors qu'aucun lien vers la OptimizeTools", "n'a été donné. Pour pouvoir demandé une qualité minimal à un effet de la FxTools, il faut donner", "l'instance de la FxTools à son initialisation :", "Exemple : var Fx:FxTools = new FxTools( Optimize );"]); } else { if (Optimize.GetQuality(QualiteMinimal) != -1){ ObjetAlchimie.Optimize = Optimize; ObjetAlchimie.QualiteMinimal = Optimize.GetQuality(QualiteMinimal); } else { TraceError("FxTools", "Alchimie", [(("La qualité " + QualiteMinimal) + " n'éxiste pas."), Optimize.TellMeQuality()]); }; }; }; ObjetAlchimie.Boucle = function (_arg1:Event):void{ var CetteCible:*; var CetObjetAlchimie:Object; var NouveauTrait:MovieClip; var DX:Number; var DY:Number; var FX:Number; var FY:Number; var event = _arg1; CetteCible = event.target; CetObjetAlchimie = CetteCible[("Alchimie" + Nom)]; if (((!(CetObjetAlchimie.Optimize)) || ((Optimize.QualityNumero >= CetObjetAlchimie.QualiteMinimal)))){ if (LengthObject(CetteCible) != 0){ NouveauTrait = NewElement(CetObjetAlchimie.Element, Conteneur, ("NouveauTraitAlchimie" + CetObjetAlchimie.Numero), Etat); if (CetObjetAlchimie.Couleur){ SetColor(NouveauTrait, Aspiration(CetObjetAlchimie.Couleur)); }; NouveauTrait.Taille = Aspiration(CetObjetAlchimie.Taille); NouveauTrait.Couleur = CetObjetAlchimie.Couleur; NouveauTrait.VitesseDisparition = Aspiration(CetObjetAlchimie.VitesseDisparition); NouveauTrait.HauteurInitiale = NouveauTrait.height; DX = (CetObjetAlchimie.MemoX + ((CetObjetAlchimie.Parametres.x) || (0))); DY = (CetObjetAlchimie.MemoY + ((CetObjetAlchimie.Parametres.y) || (0))); FX = (CetteCible.x + ((CetObjetAlchimie.Parametres.x) || (0))); FY = (CetteCible.y + ((CetObjetAlchimie.Parametres.y) || (0))); ApplyLinkEffect(NouveauTrait, {x:DX, y:DY}, {x:FX, y:FY}, Aspiration(Parametres.DecalagePosition, 0), Aspiration(Parametres.DecalageTaille, 0)); CetObjetAlchimie.Numero++; NouveauTrait.Boucle = function (_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:*; _local2 = _arg1.target; SetRealScale(_local2, (_local2.HauteurInitiale * (_local2.Taille / 100)), "height"); if (Parametres.DisparitionTaille){ _local2.Taille = (_local2.Taille - (Aspiration(_local2.VitesseDisparition) * (Aspiration(Parametres.DisparitionTaille) / 100))); if (_local2.Taille <= 0){ DestroyElement(_local2); }; }; if (Parametres.DisparitionAlpha){ _local2.alpha = (_local2.alpha - ((Aspiration(_local2.VitesseDisparition) * (Aspiration(Parametres.DisparitionAlpha) / 100)) / 100)); if (_local2.alpha <= 0){ DestroyElement(_local2); }; }; }; AddEvents(NouveauTrait, NouveauTrait.Boucle, "ENTER_FRAME"); }; }; CetObjetAlchimie.MemoX = CetteCible.x; CetObjetAlchimie.MemoY = CetteCible.y; }; AddEvents(Cible, ObjetAlchimie.Boucle, "ENTER_FRAME"); return (ObjetAlchimie); } public function Passing(_arg1:Class, _arg2, _arg3:Object, _arg4:String, _arg5, _arg6, _arg7:String="x", _arg8:String="", _arg9:int=0):void{ var Levier:Boolean; var Element = _arg1; var Cible = _arg2; var PositionInitiale = _arg3; var PositionFinale = _arg4; var Temps = _arg5; var Vitesse = _arg6; var Direction = _arg7; var QualiteMinimale = _arg8; var Initial = _arg9; Levier = true; if ((((FindIn(PositionFinale, ">") == -1)) && ((FindIn(PositionFinale, "<") == -1)))){ TraceError("FxTools", "Defilement", ["Le format de l'argument pour la position finale est incorrect, vous devez mettre un string", "contenant un string indiquant « > » ou « < » suivis du nombre en question"]); Levier = false; }; if (Cible.Defilement){ TraceError("FxTools", "Defilement", ["Le conteiner choisi contient déjà une action de défilement, vous devez choisir des conteiners", "différents pour chaque nouveau défilement."]); Levier = false; }; if (Levier){ Cible.Defilement = new Object(); if (!TypeOf(Temps, "Array")){ Temps = [Temps, Temps]; }; if (!TypeOf(Vitesse, "Array")){ Vitesse = [Vitesse, Vitesse]; }; PositionInitiale.x = ((PositionInitiale.x) || (0)); PositionInitiale.y = ((PositionInitiale.y) || (0)); if (!TypeOf(PositionInitiale.x, "Array")){ PositionInitiale.x = [PositionInitiale.x, PositionInitiale.x]; }; if (!TypeOf(PositionInitiale.y, "Array")){ PositionInitiale.y = [PositionInitiale.y, PositionInitiale.y]; }; Cible.Defilement.Element = Element; Cible.Defilement.PositionInitiale = PositionInitiale; Cible.Defilement.PositionFinale = PositionFinale; Cible.Defilement.Temps = Temps; Cible.Defilement.Vitesse = Vitesse; Cible.Defilement.Direction = Direction; Cible.Defilement.NumeroElement = 0; Cible.Defilement.TempsActuel = 0; if (SetDefault(QualiteMinimale)){ if (!Optimize){ TraceError("FxTools", "NewInstantElement", ["Une demande de qualité minimale a été faites pour cet effet alors qu'aucun lien vers la OptimizeTools", "n'a été donné. Pour pouvoir demandé une qualité minimal à un effet de la FxTools, il faut donner", "l'instance de la FxTools à son initialisation :", "Exemple : var Fx:FxTools = new FxTools( Optimize );"]); } else { if (Optimize.GetQuality(QualiteMinimale) == -1){ TraceError("FxTools", "NewInstantElement", [(("La qualité " + QualiteMinimale) + " n'éxiste pas."), Optimize.TellMeQuality()]); } else { Cible.Defilement.QualiteMinimale = Optimize.GetQuality(QualiteMinimale); }; }; }; Cible.Defilement.Boucle = function (_arg1):void{ var Cible:*; var Defilement:*; var PositionX:Number; var PositionY:Number; var NouvelElement:*; var iProvoque:int; var event = _arg1; Cible = event.target; Defilement = Cible.Defilement; if (((!(Defilement.QualiteMinimale)) || ((Optimize.QualityNumero >= Defilement.QualiteMinimale)))){ Defilement.TempsActuel--; if (Defilement.TempsActuel <= 0){ Defilement.NumeroElement++; PositionX = Random(Defilement.PositionInitiale.x[0], Defilement.PositionInitiale.x[1]); PositionY = Random(Defilement.PositionInitiale.y[0], Defilement.PositionInitiale.y[1]); NouvelElement = NewElement(Defilement.Element, Cible, (Cible.name + Defilement.NumeroElement), {x:PositionX, y:PositionY}); NouvelElement.PositionFinale = Defilement.PositionFinale; NouvelElement.Direction = Defilement.Direction; NouvelElement.Vitesse = Random(Defilement.Vitesse[0], Defilement.Vitesse[1]); Defilement.TempsActuel = Random(Defilement.Temps[0], Defilement.Temps[1]); NouvelElement.Deplacement = function (_arg1):void{ var _local2:*; _local2 = _arg1.target; _local2[_local2.Direction] = (_local2[_local2.Direction] + _local2.Vitesse); if (FindIn(_local2.PositionFinale, ">")){ if (_local2[_local2.Direction] > Number(GetIn(_local2.PositionFinale, ">", 2))){ DestroyElement(_local2); }; } else { if (_local2[_local2.Direction] < Number(GetIn(_local2.PositionFinale, "<", 2))){ DestroyElement(_local2); }; }; }; AddEvents(NouvelElement, NouvelElement.Deplacement, "ENTER_FRAME"); if (Cible.Provoque){ iProvoque = 1; while (iProvoque < Cible.Provoque) { NouvelElement[NouvelElement.Direction] = (NouvelElement[NouvelElement.Direction] + NouvelElement.Vitesse); iProvoque = (iProvoque + 1); }; }; }; }; }; AddEvents(Cible, Cible.Defilement.Boucle, "ENTER_FRAME"); if (Initial > 0){ while (Initial > 0) { Cible.Provoque = Initial; Cible.Defilement.Boucle({target:Cible}); Initial = (Initial - 1); }; Cible.Provoque = null; }; }; } public function Blow(_arg1, _arg2=null, _arg3=10, _arg4=null, _arg5=null, _arg6:String="BlowParticle", _arg7:String=""):Array{ var Levier:Boolean; var Vitesse:Number; var Scale:Number; var DisparitionAlpha:Number; var DisparitionScale:Number; var Angle:*; var Sortie:Array; var NombreClips:String; var i:int; var NewParticule:*; var ScaleADonner:*; var Clip = _arg1; var Conteneur = _arg2; var Nombre = _arg3; var Etat = _arg4; var Parametres = _arg5; var Nom = _arg6; var QualiteMinimal = _arg7; Levier = false; if (SetDefault(QualiteMinimal)){ if (!Optimize){ TraceError("FxTools", "NewInstantElement", ["Une demande de qualité minimale a été faites pour cet effet alors qu'aucun lien vers la OptimizeTools", "n'a été donné. Pour pouvoir demandé une qualité minimal à un effet de la FxTools, il faut donner", "l'instance de la FxTools à son initialisation :", "Exemple : var Fx:FxTools = new FxTools( Optimize );"]); } else { if (Optimize.GetQuality(QualiteMinimal) != -1){ if (Optimize.QualityNumero >= Optimize.GetQuality(QualiteMinimal)){ Levier = true; }; } else { TraceError("FxTools", "NewInstantElement", [(("La qualité " + QualiteMinimal) + " n'éxiste pas."), Optimize.TellMeQuality()]); }; }; } else { Levier = true; }; if (Levier){ Parametres = ((Parametres) || (new Object())); Vitesse = ((Parametres.Vitesse) || (3)); Scale = ((Parametres.Taille) || (100)); DisparitionAlpha = ((Parametres.DisparitionAlpha) || (5)); DisparitionScale = ((Parametres.DisparitionTaille) || (0)); Angle = ((Parametres.Angle) || ([0, 360])); Etat = ((Etat) || (new Object())); if ((((DisparitionAlpha <= 0)) && ((DisparitionScale <= 0)))){ DisparitionScale = 5; TraceError("FxTools", "Blow", ["Une valeur au-dessus ou égal à 0 a été choisie pour la vitesse de disparition en alpha.", ("La vitesse de disparition en rétrécissement est à 0 par défaut et donc n'agit pas, elle a été mis à 5 " + "afin déviter les bugs."), ("Une des deux formes de disparition doit être active ou les particules ne sont jamais détruites et " + "peuvent empeuser la scène. ;)")]); }; Nombre = Math.round(Aspiration(Nombre)); Sortie = new Array(); NombreClips = String(Conteneur.numChildren); i = 0; while (i < Nombre) { NewParticule = NewElement(Clip, Conteneur, ((Nom + NombreClips) + i), Etat); Sortie.push(NewParticule); ScaleADonner = Aspiration(Scale); NewParticule.width = (NewParticule.width * (Aspiration(ScaleADonner) / 100)); NewParticule.height = (NewParticule.height * (Aspiration(ScaleADonner) / 100)); NewParticule.MaRotation = new Object(); NewParticule.MaRotation.rotation = (TypeOf(Angle, "Array")) ? Random(Angle[0], Angle[1]) : Aspiration(Angle); NewParticule.rotation = ((Parametres.rotation)!=null) ? Aspiration(Parametres.rotation) : NewParticule.MaRotation.rotation; NewParticule.Vitesse = Aspiration(Vitesse); NewParticule.DisparitionAlpha = Aspiration(DisparitionAlpha); NewParticule.DisparitionScale = Aspiration(DisparitionScale); NewParticule.Boucle = function (_arg1){ var _local2:*; _local2 = _arg1.target; SetDirectionTo(_local2, Aspiration(_local2.Vitesse), Aspiration(_local2.MaRotation)); _local2.alpha = (_local2.alpha - (Aspiration(_local2.DisparitionAlpha) / 100)); SetRealScale(_local2, ("-" + (Aspiration(_local2.DisparitionScale) / 10)), "width"); SetRealScale(_local2, ("-" + (Aspiration(_local2.DisparitionScale) / 10)), "height"); if ((((_local2.width <= 2)) || ((_local2.alpha <= 0)))){ DestroyElement(_local2); }; }; AddEvents(NewParticule, NewParticule.Boucle, "ENTER_FRAME"); i = (i + 1); }; return (Sortie); }; return ([]); } public function Retinal(_arg1, _arg2=null, _arg3:Object=null, _arg4:String="", _arg5:String=""):Object{ var Couleur:*; var Taille:*; var VitesseDisparition:*; var ObjetRetinal:Object; var Cible = _arg1; var Conteneur = _arg2; var Parametres = _arg3; var Nom = _arg4; var QualiteMinimal = _arg5; Conteneur = ((Conteneur) || (Cible.parent)); Parametres = ((Parametres) || (new Object())); Couleur = ((Parametres.Couleur) || ("FFFFFF")); Taille = ((Parametres.Taille) || (10)); VitesseDisparition = ((Parametres.VitesseDisparition) || (10)); ObjetRetinal = (Cible[("Retinal" + Nom)] = new Object()); ObjetRetinal.MemoX = Cible.x; ObjetRetinal.MemoY = Cible.y; ObjetRetinal.Numero = 0; ObjetRetinal.Couleur = Couleur; ObjetRetinal.Taille = Taille; ObjetRetinal.VitesseDisparition = VitesseDisparition; ObjetRetinal.Parametres = Parametres; if (SetDefault(QualiteMinimal)){ if (!Optimize){ TraceError("FxTools", "Retinal", ["Une demande de qualité minimale a été faites pour cet effet alors qu'aucun lien vers la OptimizeTools", "n'a été donné. Pour pouvoir demandé une qualité minimal à un effet de la FxTools, il faut donner", "l'instance de la FxTools à son initialisation :", "Exemple : var Fx:FxTools = new FxTools( Optimize );"]); } else { if (Optimize.GetQuality(QualiteMinimal) != -1){ ObjetRetinal.Optimize = Optimize; ObjetRetinal.QualiteMinimal = Optimize.GetQuality(QualiteMinimal); } else { TraceError("FxTools", "Retinal", [(("La qualité " + QualiteMinimal) + " n'éxiste pas."), Optimize.TellMeQuality()]); }; }; }; ObjetRetinal.Boucle = function (_arg1:Event):void{ var CetteCible:*; var CetObjetRetinal:Object; var NouveauTrait:MovieClip; var Trait:Shape; var event = _arg1; CetteCible = event.target; CetObjetRetinal = CetteCible[("Retinal" + Nom)]; if (((!(CetObjetRetinal.Optimize)) || ((Optimize.QualityNumero >= CetObjetRetinal.QualiteMinimal)))){ if (((!(CetObjetRetinal.Parametres.TailleMax)) || ((GetDistance({x:(CetObjetRetinal.MemoX + ((CetObjetRetinal.Parametres.x) || (0))), y:(CetObjetRetinal.MemoY + ((CetObjetRetinal.Parametres.y) || (0)))}, {x:(CetteCible.x + ((CetObjetRetinal.Parametres.x) || (0))), y:(CetteCible.y + ((CetObjetRetinal.Parametres.y) || (0)))}) < CetObjetRetinal.Parametres.TailleMax)))){ NouveauTrait = NewElement(MovieClip, Conteneur, (("NouveauTrait" + Nom) + CetObjetRetinal.Numero)); Trait = new Shape(); NouveauTrait.addChild(Trait); CetObjetRetinal.Numero++; NouveauTrait.Trait = Trait; NouveauTrait.Numero = (CetObjetRetinal.Numero - 1); NouveauTrait.Taille = Aspiration(CetObjetRetinal.Taille); NouveauTrait.Couleur = Aspiration(CetObjetRetinal.Couleur); NouveauTrait.Alpha = 100; NouveauTrait.VitesseDisparition = Aspiration(CetObjetRetinal.VitesseDisparition); NouveauTrait.Parametres = CetObjetRetinal.Parametres; NouveauTrait.DX = (CetObjetRetinal.MemoX + ((CetObjetRetinal.Parametres.x) || (0))); NouveauTrait.DY = (CetObjetRetinal.MemoY + ((CetObjetRetinal.Parametres.y) || (0))); NouveauTrait.FX = (CetteCible.x + ((CetObjetRetinal.Parametres.x) || (0))); NouveauTrait.FY = (CetteCible.y + ((CetObjetRetinal.Parametres.y) || (0))); NouveauTrait.Boucle = function (_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:*; _local2 = _arg1.target; _local2.Trait.graphics.clear(); _local2.Trait.graphics.lineStyle(_local2.Taille, (TypeOf(_local2.Couleur, "String")) ? ("0x" + _local2.Couleur) : _local2.Couleur, (_local2.Alpha / 100)); _local2.Trait.graphics.moveTo(_local2.DX, _local2.DY); _local2.Trait.graphics.lineTo(_local2.FX, _local2.FY); _local2.Taille = (_local2.Taille + Aspiration(_local2.Parametres.Taille, 0)); _local2.Alpha = (_local2.Alpha - Aspiration(_local2.Parametres.Alpha, 0)); _local2.DX = (_local2.DX + Aspiration(_local2.Parametres.DeplacementDX, 0)); _local2.DY = (_local2.DY + Aspiration(_local2.Parametres.DeplacementDY, 0)); _local2.DX = (_local2.DX + Aspiration(_local2.Parametres.DeplacementFX, 0)); _local2.FY = (_local2.FY + Aspiration(_local2.Parametres.DeplacementFY, 0)); if (((_local2.Parametres.DeplacementLieDX) || (_local2.Parametres.DeplacementLieDY))){ _local3 = Aspiration(_local2.Parametres.DeplacementLieDX); _local4 = Aspiration(_local2.Parametres.DeplacementLieDY); _local2.DX = (_local2.DX + _local3); _local2.DY = (_local2.DY + _local4); if (_local2.parent[("NouveauTrait" + (_local2.Numero - 1))]){ _local5 = _local2.parent[("NouveauTrait" + (_local2.Numero - 1))]; _local2.parent[("NouveauTrait" + (_local2.Numero - 1))].FX = (_local5.FX + _local3); _local5.FY = (_local5.FY + _local4); }; }; _local2.Taille = (_local2.Taille - (_local2.VitesseDisparition / 10)); if (_local2.Taille <= 0){ DestroyElement(_local2); }; }; AddEvents(NouveauTrait, NouveauTrait.Boucle, "ENTER_FRAME"); }; }; CetObjetRetinal.MemoX = CetteCible.x; CetObjetRetinal.MemoY = CetteCible.y; }; AddEvents(Cible, ObjetRetinal.Boucle, "ENTER_FRAME"); return (ObjetRetinal); } public function Particle(_arg1, _arg2=null, _arg3=null, _arg4=null, _arg5=null, _arg6=null, _arg7=null, _arg8:String="", _arg9:String=""):void{ var Objet:Object; var Clip = _arg1; var Conteneur = _arg2; var Etat = _arg3; var Physique = _arg4; var Evolution = _arg5; var Exponentiel = _arg6; var Fonction = _arg7; var QualiteMinimal = _arg8; var Nom = _arg9; Etat = ((Etat) || (new Object())); Physique = ((Physique) || (new Object())); Evolution = ((Evolution) || (new Object())); Exponentiel = ((Exponentiel) || (new Object())); Fonction = ((Fonction) || (new Object())); Physique.Cadence = ((Physique.Cadence) || (0)); Physique.CadenceActuelle = Aspiration(Physique.Cadence); Physique.Destruction = ((Physique.Destruction) || ({alpha:"<0"})); Evolution.x = ((Evolution.x) || (0)); Evolution.y = ((Evolution.y) || (0)); Evolution.alpha = ((Evolution.alpha)==null) ? -0.02 : Evolution.alpha; if (Conteneur[("ObjetParticule" + Nom)]){ Conteneur.RetireParticule(Nom); }; Objet = (Conteneur[("ObjetParticule" + Nom)] = new Object()); Objet.Clip = Clip; Objet.Conteneur = Conteneur; Objet.Physique = Physique; Objet.Evolution = Evolution; Objet.Exponentiel = Exponentiel; Objet.Fonction = Fonction; Objet.Numero = 0; Objet.Actif = true; if (SetDefault(QualiteMinimal)){ if (!Optimize){ TraceError("FxTools", "Particule", ["Une demande de qualité minimale a été faites pour cet effet alors qu'aucun lien vers la OptimizeTools", "n'a été donné. Pour pouvoir demandé une qualité minimal à un effet de la FxTools, il faut donner", "l'instance de la FxTools à son initialisation :", "Exemple : var Fx:FxTools = new FxTools( Optimize );"]); } else { if (Optimize.GetQuality(QualiteMinimal) != -1){ Objet.Optimize = Optimize; Objet.QualiteMinimal = Optimize.GetQuality(QualiteMinimal); } else { TraceError("FxTools", "Retinal", [(("La qualité " + QualiteMinimal) + " n'éxiste pas."), Optimize.TellMeQuality()]); }; }; }; Objet.Boucle = function (_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:Object; var _local4:*; var _local5:*; var _local6:*; var _local7:*; var _local8:*; var _local9:int; _local2 = _arg1.target; _local3 = _local2[("ObjetParticule" + Nom)]; _local4 = _local3.Physique; _local5 = _local3.Forme; _local6 = _local3.Evolution; _local7 = _local3.Exponentiel; _local8 = _local3.Fonction; if (((!(_local3.Optimize)) || ((Optimize.QualityNumero >= _local3.QualiteMinimal)))){ if (_local3.Actif){ if (_local4.CadenceActuelle <= 0){ _local9 = 0; while (_local9 >= _local4.CadenceActuelle) { _local3.CreationParticule(Etat, _local3, _local4, _local6, _local7, _local8); _local9--; }; _local4.CadenceActuelle = Aspiration(_local4.Cadence); } else { _local4.CadenceActuelle--; }; }; }; }; AddEvents(Conteneur, Objet.Boucle, "ENTER_FRAME"); Objet.CreationParticule = function (_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5, _arg6):void{ var _local7:*; var _local8:*; var _local9:Number; _arg2.Numero++; _local7 = NewElement(Aspiration(_arg2.Clip), Aspiration(_arg2.Conteneur), ((Nom + "Particule") + _arg2.Numero), _arg1); NewElement(Aspiration(_arg2.Clip), Aspiration(_arg2.Conteneur), ((Nom + "Particule") + _arg2.Numero), _arg1).x = (_local7.x + Aspiration(_local7.DecalageX, 0)); _local7.y = (_local7.y + Aspiration(_local7.DecalageY, 0)); if (_local7.Cible){ _local7.x = _local7.Cible.x; _local7.y = _local7.Cible.y; }; if (_local7.Frame){ _local7.gotoAndStop(Aspiration(_local7.Frame)); }; if (_local7.Taille){ _local9 = Aspiration(_local7.Taille); _local7.width = (_local7.width * _local9); _local7.height = (_local7.height * _local9); }; for (_local8 in _arg5) { _local7[("Vitesse" + _local8)] = Aspiration(_arg5[("Initial" + _local8)], 0); }; _local7.Objet = _arg2; Launch(_arg6.Debut, true, _local7); AddEvents(_local7, Objet.BoucleParticule, "ENTER_FRAME", "BoucleParticule"); }; Objet.BoucleParticule = function (_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:Object; var _local4:*; var _local5:*; var _local6:*; var _local7:*; var _local8:*; var _local9:*; var _local10:*; var _local11:Number; _local2 = _arg1.target; _local3 = _local2.Objet; _local4 = _local3.Physique; _local5 = _local3.Evolution; _local6 = _local3.Exponentiel; _local7 = _local3.Fonction; Launch(_local7.Boucle, true, _local2); for (_local8 in _local5) { if (_local8 == "Taille"){ _local11 = Aspiration(_local5[_local8]); _local2.width = (_local2.width + _local11); _local2.height = (_local2.height + _local11); } else { if (_local8 == "Frame"){ AnimationScroll(_local2, Aspiration(_local5[_local8])); } else { _local2[_local8] = (_local2[_local8] + Aspiration(_local5[_local8])); }; }; }; for (_local9 in _local6) { _local2[("Vitesse" + _local9)] = (_local2[("Vitesse" + _local9)] + Aspiration(_local6[_local9])); _local2[_local9] = (_local2[_local9] + _local2[("Vitesse" + _local9)]); }; for (_local10 in _local4.Destruction) { if (FindIn(_local4.Destruction[_local10], ">")){ if (_local2[_local10] > Pop(_local4.Destruction[_local10], ">")){ DestroyElement(_local2); }; } else { if (FindIn(_local4.Destruction[_local10], "<")){ if (_local2[_local10] < Pop(_local4.Destruction[_local10], "<")){ DestroyElement(_local2); }; }; }; }; }; Conteneur.ActiveParticule = function (_arg1:Boolean=true, _arg2:String=""):void{ if (Conteneur[("ObjetParticule" + _arg2)]){ Conteneur[("ObjetParticule" + _arg2)].Actif = _arg1; }; }; Conteneur.RetireParticule = function (_arg1:String=""):void{ if (Conteneur[("ObjetParticule" + _arg1)]){ RemoveEvents(Conteneur, Conteneur[("ObjetParticule" + _arg1)].Boucle, "ENTER_FRAME", "BoucleParticule"); Conteneur[("ObjetParticule" + _arg1)] = null; }; }; } public function BlowSmoke(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3=10, _arg4:Object=null, _arg5:Object=null, _arg6:String="BlowSmokeParticle", _arg7:String=""):Array{ var Disparition:String; var Levier:Boolean; var i:int; var NouvelElement:*; var Sortie:Array; var Element = _arg1; var Cible = _arg2; var Nombre = _arg3; var Etat = _arg4; var Parametres = _arg5; var Nom = _arg6; var QualiteMinimal = _arg7; Etat = ((Etat) || ({x:0, y:0})); Parametres = ((Parametres) || ({Ramification:1, Taille:100})); Disparition = ((Parametres.Disparition) || ("Taille 0.75")); Levier = false; if (SetDefault(QualiteMinimal)){ if (!Optimize){ TraceError("FxTools", "NewInstantElement", ["Une demande de qualité minimale a été faites pour cet effet alors qu'aucun lien vers la OptimizeTools", "n'a été donné. Pour pouvoir demandé une qualité minimal à un effet de la FxTools, il faut donner", "l'instance de la FxTools à son initialisation :", "Exemple : var Fx:FxTools = new FxTools( Optimize );"]); } else { if (Optimize.GetQuality(QualiteMinimal) != -1){ if (Optimize.QualityNumero >= Optimize.GetQuality(QualiteMinimal)){ Levier = true; }; } else { TraceError("FxTools", "NewInstantElement", [(("La qualité " + QualiteMinimal) + " n'éxiste pas."), Optimize.TellMeQuality()]); }; }; } else { Levier = true; }; if (Levier){ Parametres = ((Parametres) || (new Object())); Parametres.DistanceX = ((Parametres.DistanceX) || ([-50, 50])); Parametres.DistanceY = ((Parametres.DistanceY) || ([-50, 50])); Parametres.Ramification = Aspiration(Parametres.Ramification, 1); Parametres.Taille = Aspiration(Parametres.Taille, 100); Parametres.Bump = Aspiration(Parametres.Bump, 2); Etat.x = ((Etat.x) || (0)); Etat.y = ((Etat.y) || (0)); Nombre = Math.round(Aspiration(Nombre)); i = 0; while (i <= Nombre) { NouvelElement = NewInstantElement(Element, Cible, (Nom + i), Etat, Disparition); NouvelElement.DistanceX = Parametres.DistanceX; NouvelElement.DistanceY = Parametres.DistanceY; NouvelElement.Ramification = Aspiration(Parametres.Ramification); NouvelElement.ActuelleRamification = Aspiration(Parametres.Ramification); NouvelElement.Taille = Aspiration(Parametres.Taille); NouvelElement.Bump = Aspiration(Parametres.Bump); NouvelElement.ActuelBump = Parametres.Bump; NouvelElement.DirectionX = 0; NouvelElement.DirectionY = 0; NouvelElement.Niveau = 0; Sortie = [NouvelElement]; NouvelElement.SmokeBlowBoucle = function (_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:Object; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:*; _local2 = _arg1.target; if ((((_local2.ActuelBump <= 0)) && ((_local2.Niveau < 10)))){ if (_local2.ActuelleRamification > 0){ _local3 = CloneObject(Etat); _local4 = (_local2.DirectionX + Random(_local2.DistanceX[0], _local2.DistanceX[1])); _local5 = (_local2.DirectionY + Random(_local2.DistanceY[0], _local2.DistanceY[1])); _local3.x = (_local3.x + _local4); _local3.y = (_local3.y + _local5); _local6 = NewInstantElement(Element, Cible, (Nom + RandomWord()), _local3, Disparition); Sortie.push(_local6); _local6.DistanceX = _local2.DistanceX; _local6.DistanceY = _local2.DistanceY; _local6.Ramification = _local2.Ramification; _local6.ActuelleRamification = _local2.Ramification; _local6.Taille = (_local2.Taille - Random(10, 30)); _local6.Bump = _local2.Bump; _local6.ActuelBump = _local2.ActuelBump; _local6.DirectionX = _local4; _local6.DirectionY = _local5; _local6.Niveau = (_local2.Niveau + 1); _local6.SmokeBlowBoucle = _local2.SmokeBlowBoucle; _local6.Taille = ((_local6.Taille)<0) ? 2 : _local6.Taille; _local6.width = (_local6.width * (_local6.Taille / 100)); _local6.height = (_local6.height * (_local6.Taille / 100)); if ((((_local6.Taille > 10)) && ((_local6.alpha > 0.1)))){ AddEvents(_local6, _local6.SmokeBlowBoucle, "ENTER_FRAME", "SmokeBlowLoop"); }; _local2.ActuelleRamification--; }; } else { _local2.ActuelBump--; }; }; AddEvents(NouvelElement, NouvelElement.SmokeBlowBoucle, "ENTER_FRAME", "SmokeBlowLoop"); i = (i + 1); }; return (Sortie); }; return ([]); } public function Splash(_arg1, _arg2=null, _arg3=10, _arg4=null, _arg5=null, _arg6:String="SplashParticle", _arg7:String=""):Array{ var Levier:Boolean; var Vitesse:*; var Frein:Number; var Scale:*; var Rotation:*; var Angle:*; var Sortie:Array; var i:int; var NewParticule:*; var Rescaling:Number; var Clip = _arg1; var Conteneur = _arg2; var Nombre = _arg3; var Etat = _arg4; var Parametres = _arg5; var Nom = _arg6; var QualiteMinimal = _arg7; Levier = false; if (SetDefault(QualiteMinimal)){ if (!Optimize){ TraceError("FxTools", "NewInstantElement", ["Une demande de qualité minimale a été faites pour cet effet alors qu'aucun lien vers la OptimizeTools", "n'a été donné. Pour pouvoir demandé une qualité minimal à un effet de la FxTools, il faut donner", "l'instance de la FxTools à son initialisation :", "Exemple : var Fx:FxTools = new FxTools( Optimize );"]); } else { if (Optimize.GetQuality(QualiteMinimal) != -1){ if (Optimize.QualityNumero >= Optimize.GetQuality(QualiteMinimal)){ Levier = true; }; } else { TraceError("FxTools", "NewInstantElement", [(("La qualité " + QualiteMinimal) + " n'éxiste pas."), Optimize.TellMeQuality()]); }; }; } else { Levier = true; }; if (Levier){ Parametres = ((Parametres) || (new Object())); Vitesse = ((Parametres.Vitesse) || ([10, 20])); Frein = ((Parametres.Frein) || (90)); Scale = ((Parametres.Scale) || ([50, 150])); Rotation = ((Parametres.Rotation) || ([0, 360])); Angle = ((Parametres.Angle) || ([0, 360])); Etat = ((Etat) || (new Object())); Sortie = new Array(); Clip = Aspiration(Clip); Nombre = Math.round(Aspiration(Nombre)); i = 0; while (i < Nombre) { Nom = ("Splashing" + RandomWord()); NewParticule = NewElement(Clip, Conteneur, Nom, Etat); Sortie.push(NewParticule); NewParticule.name = Nom; Rescaling = (TypeOf(Scale, "Array")) ? Random(Aspiration(Scale[0]), Aspiration(Scale[1])) : Aspiration(Scale); NewParticule.width = (NewParticule.width * (Aspiration(Rescaling) / 100)); NewParticule.height = (NewParticule.height * (Aspiration(Rescaling) / 100)); NewParticule.maRotation = (TypeOf(Angle, "Array")) ? Random(Aspiration(Angle[0]), Aspiration(Angle[1])) : Aspiration(Angle); NewParticule.rotation = (TypeOf(Rotation, "Array")) ? Random(Aspiration(Rotation[0]), Aspiration(Rotation[1])) : Aspiration(Rotation); NewParticule.Vitesse = (TypeOf(Vitesse, "Array")) ? Random(Aspiration(Vitesse[0]), Aspiration(Vitesse[1])) : Aspiration(Vitesse); NewParticule.Frein = Aspiration(Frein); NewParticule.Boucle = function (_arg1){ var _local2:*; _local2 = _arg1.target; SetDirectionTo(_local2, Aspiration(_local2.Vitesse), Aspiration(_local2.maRotation)); _local2.Vitesse = (_local2.Vitesse * (Aspiration(_local2.Frein) / 100)); if (_local2.Vitesse <= 0.5){ RemoveEvents(_local2); }; }; AddEvents(NewParticule, NewParticule.Boucle, "ENTER_FRAME"); i = (i + 1); }; return (Sortie); }; return ([]); } public function Dispatch(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3:Object=null, _arg4=500, _arg5=500, _arg6=10, _arg7:String="Dispatch", _arg8=null, _arg9=null, _arg10=null):Array{ var Sortie:Array; var i:int; var j:int; var Levier:Boolean; var SonEtat:Object; var leNouvelElement:*; var k:int; var Element = _arg1; var Cible = _arg2; var Etat = _arg3; var Largeur = _arg4; var Hauteur = _arg5; var Densite = _arg6; var Nom = _arg7; var Zone = _arg8; var ContreZone = _arg9; var Parametres = _arg10; Parametres = ((Parametres) || (new Object())); Parametres.InitialX = ((Parametres.InitialX) || (0)); Parametres.InitialY = ((Parametres.InitialY) || (0)); Parametres.Empilable = ((Parametres.Empilable)==null) ? true : Parametres.Empilable; Largeur = Math.round(Aspiration(Largeur)); Hauteur = Math.round(Aspiration(Hauteur)); Densite = Aspiration(Densite); Sortie = new Array(); i = Parametres.InitialX; while (i < Largeur) { j = Parametres.InitialY; while (j < Hauteur) { Levier = true; if (Zone){ if (!Zone.hitTestPoint(i, j, true)){ Levier = false; }; }; if (Levier){ if (Random(0, 1000, true) <= Math.round(Aspiration(Densite))){ SonEtat = ((CloneObject(Etat)) || (new Object())); SonEtat.x = i; SonEtat.y = j; leNouvelElement = NewElement(Element, Cible, ((Nom + i) + j), SonEtat); if (ContreZone){ if (ContreZone.hitTestPoint(i, j, true)){ DestroyElement(leNouvelElement); }; }; if (((leNouvelElement) && (!(Parametres.Empilable)))){ k = 0; while (k < Sortie.length) { if (Sortie[k].hitTestObject(leNouvelElement)){ try { DestroyElement(leNouvelElement); } catch(e) { }; k = Sortie.length; }; k = (k + 1); }; }; if (leNouvelElement){ Sortie.push(leNouvelElement); }; }; }; j = (j + 10); }; i = (i + 10); }; return (Sortie); } public function Explode(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3=10, _arg4=null, _arg5=null, _arg6:String="ExplodeParticle", _arg7:String=""):Array{ var Levier:Boolean; var Disparition:String; var Sortie:Array; var i:int; var NouvelElement:*; var Element = _arg1; var Cible = _arg2; var Nombre = _arg3; var Etat = _arg4; var Parametres = _arg5; var Nom = _arg6; var QualiteMinimal = _arg7; Levier = false; if (SetDefault(QualiteMinimal)){ if (!Optimize){ TraceError("FxTools", "NewInstantElement", ["Une demande de qualité minimale a été faites pour cet effet alors qu'aucun lien vers la OptimizeTools", "n'a été donné. Pour pouvoir demandé une qualité minimal à un effet de la FxTools, il faut donner", "l'instance de la FxTools à son initialisation :", "Exemple : var Fx:FxTools = new FxTools( Optimize );"]); } else { if (Optimize.GetQuality(QualiteMinimal) != -1){ if (Optimize.QualityNumero >= Optimize.GetQuality(QualiteMinimal)){ Levier = true; }; } else { TraceError("FxTools", "NewInstantElement", [(("La qualité " + QualiteMinimal) + " n'éxiste pas."), Optimize.TellMeQuality()]); }; }; } else { Levier = true; }; Parametres = ((Parametres) || (new Object())); Disparition = ((Parametres.Disparition) || ("Alpha")); if (Levier){ Parametres = ((Parametres) || (new Object())); Parametres.ForceX = ((Parametres.ForceX) || ([-20, 20])); Parametres.ForceY = ((Parametres.ForceY) || ([-20, 20])); Parametres.ForceR = ((Parametres.ForceR) || ([-20, 20])); Parametres.Gravite = ((Parametres.Gravite) || (2)); Parametres.Masse = ((Parametres.Masse) || (1)); if (TypeOf(Parametres.ForceX, "Number")){ Parametres.ForceX = [-(Parametres.ForceX), Parametres.ForceX]; }; if (TypeOf(Parametres.ForceY, "Number")){ Parametres.ForceY = [-(Parametres.ForceY), Parametres.ForceY]; }; if (TypeOf(Parametres.ForceR, "Number")){ Parametres.ForceR = [-(Parametres.ForceR), Parametres.ForceR]; }; Nombre = Math.round(Aspiration(Nombre)); Sortie = new Array(); i = 0; while (i <= Nombre) { NouvelElement = NewInstantElement(Element, Cible, (Nom + i), Etat, Disparition); Sortie.push(NouvelElement); if (TypeOf(Parametres.ForceX, "Array")){ NouvelElement.VitesseX = Random(Aspiration(Parametres.ForceX[0]), Aspiration(Parametres.ForceX[1])); } else { NouvelElement.VitesseX = Parametres.ForceX; }; if (TypeOf(Parametres.ForceY, "Array")){ NouvelElement.VitesseY = Random(Aspiration(Parametres.ForceY[0]), Aspiration(Parametres.ForceY[1])); } else { NouvelElement.VitesseY = Parametres.ForceY; }; if (TypeOf(Parametres.ForceR, "Array")){ NouvelElement.VitesseR = Random(Aspiration(Parametres.ForceR[0]), Aspiration(Parametres.ForceR[1])); } else { NouvelElement.VitesseR = Parametres.ForceR; }; NouvelElement.Gravite = Aspiration(Parametres.Gravite); NouvelElement.Masse = Aspiration(Parametres.Masse); NouvelElement.ExplodeMouvement = function (_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:*; _local2 = _arg1.target; _local2.x = (_local2.x + Aspiration(_local2.VitesseX)); _local2.y = (_local2.y + Aspiration(_local2.VitesseY)); _local2.rotation = (_local2.rotation + Aspiration(_local2.VitesseR)); _local2.VitesseX = (_local2.VitesseX * ((100 - Aspiration(_local2.Masse)) / 100)); _local2.VitesseY = (_local2.VitesseY + Aspiration(_local2.Gravite)); }; AddEvents(NouvelElement, NouvelElement.ExplodeMouvement, "ENTER_FRAME"); i = (i + 1); }; return (Sortie); }; return ([]); } public function Vibrate(_arg1, _arg2:int=10, _arg3:Object=null, _arg4:Boolean=true):void{ var Parametres:*; var ParametresInitial:*; var Element = _arg1; var Duree = _arg2; var Vibration = _arg3; var Repositionnable = _arg4; Vibration = ((Vibration) || ({x:["random", -10, 10], y:["random", -10, 10]})); for (Parametres in Vibration) { if (TypeOf(Vibration[Parametres], "Number")){ Vibration[Parametres] = [-(Vibration[Parametres]), Vibration[Parametres]]; }; if (TypeOf(Vibration[Parametres], "Array")){ if (!TypeOf(Vibration[Parametres][0], "String")){ Vibration[Parametres].unshift("random"); }; }; }; if (((!(Element.ObjetVibration)) || (!(Repositionnable)))){ Element.ObjetVibration = new Object(); Element.ObjetVibration.Vibration = Vibration; Element.ObjetVibration.Repositionnable = Repositionnable; Element.ObjetVibration.Compte = Duree; Element.ObjetVibration.Initial = new Object(); for (ParametresInitial in Vibration) { Element.ObjetVibration.Initial[ParametresInitial] = Element[ParametresInitial]; }; Element.ObjetVibration.Boucle = function (_arg1):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; for (_local2 in _arg1.ObjetVibration.Vibration) { _arg1[_local2] = (_arg1.ObjetVibration.Initial[_local2] + Aspiration(_arg1.ObjetVibration.Vibration[_local2])); }; _arg1.ObjetVibration.Compte--; if ((((_arg1.ObjetVibration.Compte == 0)) && (_arg1.ObjetVibration.Repositionnable))){ for (_local3 in _arg1.ObjetVibration.Initial) { _arg1[_local3] = _arg1.ObjetVibration.Initial[_local3]; }; Element.ObjetVibration = null; }; }; InstantLaunch({Fonction:Element.ObjetVibration.Boucle, Argument:Element}, Duree); }; } public function NewInstantElement(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3:String="NouvelElement", _arg4=null, _arg5:String="Frame", _arg6:String=""){ var Levier:Boolean; var NouvelElement:*; var Element = _arg1; var Cible = _arg2; var Nom = _arg3; var Etat = _arg4; var Disparition = _arg5; var QualiteMinimal = _arg6; Levier = false; if (SetDefault(QualiteMinimal)){ if (!Optimize){ TraceError("FxTools", "NewInstantElement", ["Une demande de qualité minimale a été faites pour cet effet alors qu'aucun lien vers la OptimizeTools", "n'a été donné. Pour pouvoir demandé une qualité minimal à un effet de la FxTools, il faut donner", "l'instance de la FxTools à son initialisation :", "Exemple : var Fx:FxTools = new FxTools( Optimize );"]); } else { if (Optimize.GetQuality(QualiteMinimal) != -1){ if (Optimize.QualityNumero >= Optimize.GetQuality(QualiteMinimal)){ Levier = true; }; } else { TraceError("FxTools", "NewInstantElement", [(("La qualité " + QualiteMinimal) + " n'éxiste pas."), Optimize.TellMeQuality()]); }; }; } else { Levier = true; }; if (Levier){ NouvelElement = NewElement(Element, Cible, (Nom + RandomWord()), Etat); NouvelElement.Instant = new Object(); if (Disparition == "Frame"){ NouvelElement.Instant.Disparition = Disparition; } else { if ((((((FindIn(Disparition, "Alpha") == 1)) || ((FindIn(Disparition, "Taille") == 1)))) || ((FindIn(Disparition, "Temps") == 1)))){ NouvelElement.Instant.Disparition = GetIn(Disparition, " ", 1); NouvelElement.Instant.Vitesse = Number(((GetIn(Disparition, " ", 2)) || (5))); } else { TraceError("FxTools", "NewInstantElement", (("Le type de disparition \"" + GetIn(Disparition, " ", 1)) + "\" n'existe pas.")); }; }; NouvelElement.Instant.Boucle = function (_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:Object; _local2 = _arg1.target; _local3 = _local2.Instant; if (_local3.Disparition == "Alpha"){ _local2.alpha = (_local2.alpha - (_local3.Vitesse / 100)); if (_local2.alpha <= 0){ DestroyElement(_local2); }; }; if (_local3.Disparition == "Taille"){ _local2.width = (_local2.width - _local3.Vitesse); _local2.height = (_local2.height - _local3.Vitesse); if ((((_local2.width <= 5)) || ((_local2.height <= 5)))){ DestroyElement(_local2); }; }; if (_local3.Disparition == "Temps"){ _local3.Vitesse--; if (_local3.Vitesse <= 0){ DestroyElement(_local2); }; }; if (_local3.Disparition == "Frame"){ if (_local2.currentFrame == _local2.totalFrames){ DestroyElement(_local2); }; }; }; AddEvents(NouvelElement, NouvelElement.Instant.Boucle, "ENTER_FRAME", "InstantElementLoop"); return (NouvelElement); //unresolved jump }; return (null); } public function Rain(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3:Object=null, _arg4:String="", _arg5:Object=null, _arg6:Array=null, _arg7:Object=null):void{ var Vent:*; var Densité:*; var Gravité:*; var NouveauRain:Object; var Element = _arg1; var Conteneur = _arg2; var Parametres = _arg3; var Nom = _arg4; var Bump = _arg5; var Obstacles = _arg6; var FonctionBoucle = _arg7; Nom = ((Nom)!="") ? Nom : ("Rain" + RandomWord()); Bump = ((Bump) || (new Object())); Parametres = ((Parametres) || (new Object())); Obstacles = ((Obstacles) || (new Array())); FonctionBoucle = ((FonctionBoucle) || (new Object())); Vent = ((Parametres.Vent) || (10)); Densité = ((Parametres.Densité) || (3)); Gravité = ((Parametres.Gravité) || (20)); NouveauRain = (Conteneur[Nom] = new Object()); NouveauRain.Vent = Vent; NouveauRain.Gravité = Gravité; NouveauRain.GravitéMax = ((Parametres.GravitéMax) || (NouveauRain.Gravité)); NouveauRain.Densité = Densité; NouveauRain.Conteneur = Conteneur; NouveauRain.Element = Element; NouveauRain.Droite = ((Bump.Droite) || (500)); NouveauRain.Gauche = ((Bump.Gauche) || (0)); NouveauRain.Haut = ((Bump.Haut) || (0)); NouveauRain.Bas = ((Bump.Bas) || (500)); NouveauRain.Inflection = ((Parametres.Inflection) || (0)); NouveauRain.Rebond = ((Parametres.Rebond) || (1)); NouveauRain.RebondDisparait = ((Parametres.RebondDisparait) || (1)); NouveauRain.Mouse = Parametres.Mouse; NouveauRain.Flocon = ((Parametres.Flocon) || (0)); NouveauRain.Obstacles = Obstacles; NouveauRain.FonctionBoucle = FonctionBoucle; if (NouveauRain.Densité < 0){ NouveauRain.PalierDensité = -(NouveauRain.Densité); NouveauRain.Palier = NouveauRain.PalierDensité; NouveauRain.Densité = 1; } else { NouveauRain.PalierDensité = 0; NouveauRain.Palier = 0; }; NouveauRain.Boucle = function (_arg1:Event):void{ var Cible:*; var Pluie:Object; var laDensité:int; var i:int; var Goutte:*; var ActualFonctionCible:*; var event = _arg1; Cible = event.target; Pluie = Cible[Nom]; if (Pluie.Palier == 0){ laDensité = Aspiration(Pluie.Densité); i = 0; while (i < laDensité) { Goutte = NewElement(Pluie.Element, Cible, (("Goutte" + RandomWord()) + i)); Goutte.x = (Random(Aspiration(Pluie.Gauche), Aspiration(Pluie.Droite)) + Random(-2, 2)); Goutte.y = (Aspiration(Pluie.Haut) + Random(-2, 2)); Goutte.Inflection = Random(Aspiration(Pluie.Inflection), 0); Goutte.Vent = Aspiration(Pluie.Vent); Goutte.Gravité = Aspiration(Pluie.Gravité); Goutte.GravitéMax = Aspiration(Pluie.GravitéMax); Goutte.Rebond = Aspiration(Pluie.Rebond); Goutte.RebondDisparait = Aspiration(Pluie.RebondDisparait); Goutte.Flocon = Pluie.Flocon; Goutte.VitesseFlocon = 0; Goutte.Sol = Aspiration(Pluie.Bas); Goutte.Obstacles = Pluie.Obstacles; Goutte.Parent = Pluie; ActualFonctionCible = Pluie.FonctionBoucle.Cible; Goutte.FonctionBoucle = CloneObject(Pluie.FonctionBoucle); Goutte.FonctionBoucle.Cible = ActualFonctionCible; if (Goutte.FonctionBoucle.Argument){ Goutte.FonctionBoucle.Argument.Cible = Goutte; } else { Goutte.FonctionBoucle.Argument = {Cible:Goutte}; }; Goutte.Boucle = function (_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:int; _local2 = _arg1.target; _local2.y = (_local2.y + Aspiration(_local2.Gravité)); _local2.x = (_local2.x + ((Aspiration(_local2.Vent) + Aspiration(_local2.Inflection)) + Aspiration(_local2.VitesseFlocon))); if (((!((_local2.Flocon == 0))) && (!((_local2.Vent == _local2.Parent.Vent))))){ _local2.Vent = NumberGoTo(_local2.Vent, _local2.Parent.Vent, 30, 0.1); }; _local2.VitesseFlocon = (_local2.VitesseFlocon + Random(_local2.Flocon, 0)); _local2.VitesseFlocon = (_local2.VitesseFlocon * 0.95); if (_local2.Gravité < _local2.GravitéMax){ _local2.Gravité++; }; if ((((_local2.Gravité > _local2.GravitéMax)) && (!((_local2.Flocon == 0))))){ _local2.Gravité--; }; if (_local2.y > Aspiration(_local2.Sol)){ _local2.Detruit(); }; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local2.Obstacles.length) { if (_local2.Obstacles[_local3].hitTestPoint(_local2.x, _local2.y)){ if ((_local2.y - _local2.Gravité) < _local2.Obstacles[_local3].y){ _local2.Detruit(); } else { _local2.Vent = -(_local2.Vent); }; }; _local3++; }; if (_local2.FonctionBoucle.Fonction){ Launch(_local2.FonctionBoucle); }; }; Goutte.Detruit = function (_arg1:Boolean=false):void{ if (!this.EstDetruit){ this.EstDetruit = true; if (Goutte.Rebond == 0){ DestroyElement(this); } else { if (_arg1){ this.y = Goutte.Sol; }; Disappear(this, ("Alpha" + this.RebondDisparait)); this.Gravité = (-(this.Gravité) / this.Rebond); }; }; }; AddEvents(Goutte, Goutte.Boucle, "ENTER_FRAME"); if (Pluie.Mouse){ Goutte.Mouse = Pluie.Mouse; Goutte.ManipulationSouris = function (_arg1:Event){ var _local2:*; _local2 = _arg1.target; if ((((((((_local2.Mouse.LocalX(_local2) < 100)) && ((_local2.Mouse.LocalX(_local2) > -100)))) && ((_local2.Mouse.LocalY(_local2) < 100)))) && ((_local2.Mouse.LocalY(_local2) > -100)))){ _local2.Vent = (_local2.Vent + ((_local2.Mouse.VitesseX / 10) * (1 - (Math.abs(_local2.Mouse.LocalX(_local2)) / 100)))); _local2.Gravité = (_local2.Gravité + ((_local2.Mouse.VitesseY / 5) * (1 - (Math.abs(_local2.Mouse.LocalY(_local2)) / 100)))); }; }; AddEvents(Goutte, Goutte.ManipulationSouris, "ENTER_FRAME"); }; i = (i + 1); }; Pluie.Palier = Pluie.PalierDensité; } else { Pluie.Palier--; }; }; AddEvents(Conteneur, NouveauRain.Boucle, "ENTER_FRAME"); } } }//package drOIde.VisualSection 216//OptimizeProcess (drOIde.Visual.OptimizeProcess) package drOIde.Visual { import flash.events.*; import drOIde.Global.*; import flash.utils.*; public class OptimizeProcess extends MiscTools { public var TimeOverMax:int;// = 5 public var Fps:int;// = 30 private var GlobalLoopIntervalControl:uint; public var Quality:String;// = "High" private var FpsIntern:int;// = 0 private var TimeOver:int;// = 0 public var QualityNumero:int;// = 3 private var QualityList:Array; public var ToleranceLag:int;// = 15 public var ToleranceOver:int;// = 25 private var Visibles:Array; private var Graphics:Array; public var Active:Boolean;// = true private var Motions:Array; private var TimeLag:int;// = 0 public var TimeLagMax:int;// = 5 public function OptimizeProcess(_arg1=null, _arg2:String="", _arg3:Boolean=true):void{ QualityList = ["Worst", "Low", "Medium", "High", "Best"]; QualityNumero = 3; Quality = "High"; FpsIntern = 0; Fps = 30; TimeLag = 0; TimeOver = 0; TimeLagMax = 5; TimeOverMax = 5; ToleranceLag = 15; ToleranceOver = 25; Active = true; Motions = new Array(); Graphics = new Array(); Visibles = new Array(); super(); if (Connexion(_arg1)){ if (_arg3){ LaunchLoop(); }; if (_arg2 != ""){ QualityChange(_arg2); }; }; } public function GetQuality(_arg1:String):int{ return (QualityList.indexOf(_arg1)); } public function GlobalLoop(_arg1:Event):void{ FpsIntern++; } public function LaunchLoop():void{ if (!StageLink){ TraceError("OptimizeProcess", "LaunchLoop", ["La OptimizeProcess n'a pas récupéré l'instance du stage et ne peut donc pas ajuster la qualité.", "Plutôt que d'utiliser le LaunchLoop(), il est préférable de mettre \"stage\" dans", "l'instance initial du OptimizeProcess."]); } else { QualityChange("High"); AddEvents(this, GlobalLoop, "ENTER_FRAME"); GlobalLoopIntervalControl = setInterval(GlobalLoopInterval, 1000); }; } public function QualityChange(_arg1:String="Medium"):void{ if (!StageLink){ TraceError("OptimizeProcess", "QualityChange", ["La OptimizeProcess n'a pas récupéré l'instance du stage et ne peut donc pas ajuster la qualité.", "Il est déconseillé d'appliquer un changement de qualiter par un OptimizeProcess autre que celui", "de la scène globale.", "Si ce OptimizeProcess est celui de la scène globale, vous devez mettre \"stage\" en argument de", "l'instance du OptimizeProcess et, si vous ne voulez pas que la boucle de contrôle tourne, faire", "StopLoop()."]); } else { _arg1 = NameCase(_arg1); if (_arg1 == "Baisse"){ if (QualityNumero > 0){ QualityNumero--; }; _arg1 = QualityList[QualityNumero]; } else { if (_arg1 == "Augmente"){ if (QualityNumero < 4){ QualityNumero++; }; _arg1 = QualityList[QualityNumero]; } else { if (!IndexOf(QualityList, _arg1)){ TraceError("OptimizeProcess", "QualityChange", [(("La qualités " + _arg1) + " n'existe pas."), "Les qualités sont : \"Worst\" , \"Low\" , \"Medium\" , \"High\" et \"Best\"."]); _arg1 = "Medium"; } else { QualityNumero = QualityList.indexOf(_arg1); }; }; }; Quality = _arg1; SwitchVisibles(); SwitchGraphics(); SwitchMotions(); StageLink.quality = ((Quality)!="Worst") ? Quality : "Low"; }; } private function SwitchMotions():void{ var _local1:int; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < Motions.length) { if (Motions[_local1].Element){ if (QualityNumero < GetQuality(Motions[_local1].Quality)){ TotalStop(Motions[_local1].Element); } else { TotalPlay(Motions[_local1].Element); }; }; _local1++; }; } public function IsMotion(_arg1, _arg2:String):void{ var _local3:int; if (GetQuality(_arg2) == -1){ TraceError("OptimizeProcess", "IsVisible", [(("La qualité «" + _arg2) + "» n'existe pas."), TellMeQuality()]); } else { if (TypeOf(_arg1, "Array")){ _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _arg1.length) { Motions[Motions.length] = new Object(); Motions[(Motions.length - 1)].Element = _arg1[_local3]; Motions[(Motions.length - 1)].Quality = _arg2; if (QualityNumero < GetQuality(_arg2)){ TotalStop(_arg1); }; _local3++; }; } else { Motions[Motions.length] = new Object(); Motions[(Motions.length - 1)].Element = _arg1; Motions[(Motions.length - 1)].Quality = _arg2; if (QualityNumero < GetQuality(_arg2)){ TotalStop(_arg1); }; }; }; } private function SwitchVisibles():void{ var _local1:int; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < Visibles.length) { if (Visibles[_local1].Element){ if (QualityNumero < GetQuality(Visibles[_local1].Quality)){ Visibles[_local1].Element.visible = false; } else { Visibles[_local1].Element.visible = true; }; }; _local1++; }; } public function StopLoop():void{ RemoveEvents(this, GlobalLoop, "ENTER_FRAME"); clearInterval(GlobalLoopIntervalControl); } private function SwitchGraphics():void{ var _local1:int; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < Graphics.length) { if (Graphics[_local1].Element){ Graphics[_local1].Element.gotoAndStop(Graphics[_local1].Image[Quality]); }; _local1++; }; } public function IsGraphic(_arg1, _arg2:Object):void{ var _local3:int; if (_arg2.B){ _arg2.Best = _arg2.B; }; if (_arg2.H){ _arg2.High = _arg2.H; }; if (_arg2.M){ _arg2.Medium = _arg2.M; }; if (_arg2.L){ _arg2.Low = _arg2.L; }; if (_arg2.W){ _arg2.Worst = _arg2.W; }; if (((((((((!(_arg2.Best)) || (!(_arg2.High)))) || (!(_arg2.Medium)))) || (!(_arg2.Low)))) || (!(_arg2.Worst)))){ TraceError("OptimizeProcess", "IsGraphic", ["L'objet de définition des images est incomplet, vous devez mettre les 5 états :", "{ Best:1 , High:2 , Medium:2 , Low:3 , Worst:4 } par exemple.", "Vous pouvez également le mettre avec la premières lettre uniquement :", "{ B:1 , H:2 , M:2 , L:3 , W:4 } par exemple."]); } else { if (TypeOf(_arg1, "Array")){ _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _arg1.length) { Graphics[Graphics.length] = new Object(); Graphics[(Graphics.length - 1)].Element = _arg1[_local3]; Graphics[(Graphics.length - 1)].Image = _arg2; _arg1[_local3].gotoAndStop(_arg2[Quality]); _local3++; }; } else { Graphics[Graphics.length] = new Object(); Graphics[(Graphics.length - 1)].Element = _arg1; Graphics[(Graphics.length - 1)].Image = _arg2; _arg1.gotoAndStop(_arg2[Quality]); }; }; } private function GlobalLoopInterval():void{ if (((!((Quality == "Worst"))) && (!((Quality.toLocaleUpperCase() == StageLink.quality))))){ TraceError("OptimizeProcess", "General", ["Attention !", "Un changement involontaire de qualité a eut lieu, si aucune demande externe de changement de", "qualité n'a été faite, il se peut que deux OptimizeProcess soit en conflit.", "Si ce message réapparait à plusieurs reprises rapidement, c'est qu'il s'agit, bel et bien,", "d'un conflit entre deux OptimizeProcess"]); }; if (FpsIntern < ToleranceLag){ TimeLag++; if ((((TimeLag >= TimeLagMax)) && (Active))){ QualityChange("Baisse"); TimeLag = 0; }; } else { TimeLag = 0; }; if (FpsIntern > ToleranceOver){ TimeOver++; if ((((TimeOver >= TimeOverMax)) && (Active))){ QualityChange("Augmente"); TimeOver = 0; }; } else { TimeOver = 0; }; Fps = FpsIntern; FpsIntern = 0; } public function TellMeQuality():String{ return ("Les qualités sont : \"Best\" , \"High\" , \"Medium\" , \"Low\" et \"Worst\"."); } public function IsVisible(_arg1, _arg2:String):void{ var _local3:int; if (GetQuality(_arg2) == -1){ TraceError("OptimizeProcess", "IsVisible", [(("La qualité «" + _arg2) + "» n'existe pas."), TellMeQuality()]); } else { if (TypeOf(_arg1, "Array")){ _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _arg1.length) { Visibles[Visibles.length] = new Object(); Visibles[(Visibles.length - 1)].Element = _arg1[_local3]; Visibles[(Visibles.length - 1)].Quality = _arg2; if (QualityNumero < GetQuality(_arg2)){ _arg1[_local3].visible = false; }; _local3++; }; } else { Visibles[Visibles.length] = new Object(); Visibles[(Visibles.length - 1)].Element = _arg1; Visibles[(Visibles.length - 1)].Quality = _arg2; if (QualityNumero < GetQuality(_arg2)){ _arg1.visible = false; }; }; }; } } }//package drOIde.VisualSection 217//PixelTools (drOIde.Visual.PixelTools) package drOIde.Visual { import flash.display.*; import drOIde.Global.*; import flash.geom.*; public class PixelTools extends MiscTools { public function PixelTools(_arg1=null):void{ Connexion(_arg1); } public function PixelArt(_arg1, _arg2:Number=NaN, _arg3:Number=NaN, _arg4:int=5, _arg5=null, _arg6:Object=null, _arg7:String="Image"):Bitmap{ var _local8:Boolean; var _local9:BitmapData; var _local10:Bitmap; var _local11:Matrix; var _local12:int; var _local13:int; var _local14:int; var _local15:int; _arg6 = ((_arg6) || ({x:0, y:0})); _arg2 = (isNaN(_arg2)) ? _arg1.width : _arg2; _arg3 = (isNaN(_arg3)) ? _arg1.height : _arg3; _arg5 = ((_arg5) || ((_arg1.root as MovieClip))); _local8 = !((_arg5[_arg7] == null)); if (_local8){ _arg5.removeChild(_arg5[_arg7]); _arg5[("Bitmap" + _arg7)] = null; _arg5[_arg7] = null; }; _local9 = (_arg5[("Bitmap" + _arg7)] = new BitmapData(_arg2, _arg3, false)); _local10 = (_arg5[_arg7] = new Bitmap(_local9)); _local11 = _local10.transform.matrix; _local11.tx = _arg6.x; _local11.ty = _arg6.y; _arg5.addChild(_local10); _local9.draw(_arg1, _local11); _local9.lock(); _local12 = 1; while (_local12 <= _local9.width) { _local13 = 1; while (_local13 <= _local9.height) { _local14 = _local12; while (_local14 < (_local12 + _arg4)) { _local15 = _local13; while (_local15 < (_local13 + _arg4)) { _local9.setPixel(_local14, _local15, _local9.getPixel((_local12 + Math.round((_arg4 / 2))), (_local13 + Math.round((_arg4 / 2))))); _local15++; }; _local14++; }; _local13 = (_local13 + _arg4); }; _local12 = (_local12 + _arg4); }; _local9.unlock(); return (_local10); } public function GetPixel(_arg1, _arg2):String{ var _local3:BitmapData; var _local4:Bitmap; var _local5:Matrix; var _local6:String; _local3 = new BitmapData(_arg1.width, _arg1.height, true); _local4 = new Bitmap(_local3); _local5 = _local4.transform.matrix; _arg1.parent.addChild(_local4); _local3.draw(_arg1, _local5); _local6 = _local3.getPixel(_arg2.x, _arg2.y).toString(16); _arg1.parent.removeChild(_local4); _local4 = null; return (_local6); } public function PixelRatio(_arg1, _arg2:Number=NaN, _arg3:Number=NaN, _arg4:Object=null, _arg5:Boolean=false):Number{ var _local6:BitmapData; var _local7:Bitmap; var _local8:Matrix; var _local9:int; var _local10:int; var _local11:int; var _local12:int; var _local13:*; var _local14:*; _arg4 = ((_arg4) || ({x:0, y:0})); _arg2 = (isNaN(_arg2)) ? _arg1.width : _arg2; _arg3 = (isNaN(_arg3)) ? _arg1.height : _arg3; _local6 = new BitmapData(_arg2, _arg3, !(_arg5), 0xFF0000); _local7 = new Bitmap(_local6); _local8 = _local7.transform.matrix; _local8.tx = _arg4.x; _local8.ty = _arg4.y; _arg1.parent.addChild(_local7); _local6.draw(_arg1, _local8); _local9 = 0; _local10 = 0; _local11 = 1; while (_local11 <= _local6.width) { _local12 = 1; while (_local12 <= _local6.height) { _local13 = _local6.getPixel32(_local11, _local12); _local14 = _local6.getPixel(_local11, _local12).toString(16); if (((((!((_local13 == "0"))) && (!(_arg5)))) || (((!((_local14.toUpperCase() == "FF0000"))) && (_arg5))))){ _local9++; }; _local10++; _local12++; }; _local11++; }; if (!_arg5){ _arg1.parent.removeChild(_local7); _local7 = null; }; return (((_local9 / _local10) * 100)); } public function Snap(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3=null, _arg4:Object=null, _arg5:Boolean=false):Bitmap{ var _local6:BitmapData; var _local7:Bitmap; var _local8:Matrix; if (TypeOf(_arg3, "Boolean")){ _arg5 = _arg3; _arg3 = null; }; _arg3 = ((_arg3) || ({x:0, y:0})); _arg4 = ((_arg4) || ({width:_arg1.width, height:_arg1.height})); _local6 = new BitmapData(_arg4.width, _arg4.height); _local7 = new Bitmap(_local6); _arg2.addChild(_local7); _local8 = _arg1.transform.matrix; _local8.tx = _arg3.x; _local8.ty = _arg3.y; _local6.draw(_arg1, _local8); if (_arg5){ DestroyElement(_arg1); }; return (_local7); } public function ColorRatio(_arg1, _arg2:Number=NaN, _arg3:Number=NaN, _arg4:Object=null, _arg5:Number=NaN, _arg6:Number=NaN, _arg7:Number=NaN, _arg8:Boolean=false):Number{ var _local9:BitmapData; var _local10:Bitmap; var _local11:Matrix; var _local12:int; var _local13:int; var _local14:int; var _local15:int; var _local16:*; var _local17:*; var _local18:*; var _local19:*; var _local20:*; var _local21:Boolean; var _local22:Boolean; var _local23:Boolean; _arg4 = ((_arg4) || ({x:0, y:0})); _arg2 = (isNaN(_arg2)) ? _arg1.width : _arg2; _arg3 = (isNaN(_arg3)) ? _arg1.height : _arg3; _local9 = new BitmapData(_arg2, _arg3, false, 16733320); _local10 = new Bitmap(_local9); _local11 = _local10.transform.matrix; _local11.tx = _arg4.x; _local11.ty = _arg4.y; _arg1.parent.addChild(_local10); _local9.draw(_arg1, _local11); _local12 = 0; _local13 = 0; _local14 = 1; while (_local14 <= _local9.width) { _local15 = 1; while (_local15 <= _local9.height) { _local16 = _local9.getPixel32(_local14, _local15); _local17 = _local9.getPixel(_local14, _local15).toString(16); _local18 = ((_local16 >> 16) & 0xFF); _local19 = ((_local16 >> 8) & 0xFF); _local20 = (_local16 & 0xFF); if (_local17.toUpperCase() != "FF5488"){ _local21 = ((isNaN(_arg5)) || ((_arg5 >= _local18))); _local22 = ((isNaN(_arg6)) || ((_arg6 >= _local19))); _local23 = ((isNaN(_arg7)) || ((_arg7 >= _local20))); if (((((_local21) && (_local22))) && (_local23))){ _local12++; }; }; _local13++; _local15++; }; _local14++; }; if (!_arg8){ _arg1.parent.removeChild(_local10); _local10 = null; }; return (((_local12 / _local13) * 100)); } } }//package drOIde.VisualSection 218//Vortex (drOIde.VorteX.Vortex) package drOIde.VorteX { import flash.display.*; public class Vortex extends MovieClip { private var Exponential:Object; private var Sawtooth:Object; public var VortexCenter; private var Sinusoidal:Object; public function Vortex():void{ Sawtooth = new Object(); Sinusoidal = new Object(); Exponential = new Object(); super(); } private function substract(_arg1:Number, _arg2=1):Number{ return ((_arg1 - Number(_arg2))); } private function ceil(_arg1:Number):Number{ return (Math.ceil(_arg1)); } private function nearColor(_arg1:String="FFFFFF", _arg2:String="-10", _arg3:String="10"):String{ var _local4:Number; _local4 = this["Random"](Number(_arg2), Number(_arg3)); if (_local4 > 0){ return (this["Eclaircie"](_arg1, _local4)); }; if (_local4 <= 0){ return (this["Assombrie"](_arg1, -(_local4))); }; return (_arg1); } private function multiply(_arg1:Number, _arg2=2):Number{ return ((_arg1 * Number(_arg2))); } public function AspirationObject(_arg1){ var _local2:Object; var _local3:*; _local2 = new Object(); for (_local3 in _arg1) { _local2[_local3] = Aspiration(_arg1[_local3]); }; return (_local2); } private function floor(_arg1:Number):Number{ return (Math.floor(_arg1)); } private function exponential(_arg1:String="Defaut", _arg2:String="1", _arg3:String="+", _arg4:String="0"):Number{ if (!Exponential[_arg1]){ Exponential[_arg1] = new Object(); Exponential[_arg1].Valeur = Number(_arg4); }; switch (_arg3){ case "+": Exponential[_arg1].Valeur = (Exponential[_arg1].Valeur + Number(_arg2)); break; case "-": Exponential[_arg1].Valeur = (Exponential[_arg1].Valeur - Number(_arg2)); break; case "*": Exponential[_arg1].Valeur = (Exponential[_arg1].Valeur * Number(_arg2)); break; case "/": Exponential[_arg1].Valeur = (Exponential[_arg1].Valeur / Number(_arg2)); break; }; return (Exponential[_arg1].Valeur); } public function Aspiration(_arg1, _arg2=null){ var CloneElement:Array; var i:int; var ATransmettre:*; var TransitionElement:Array; var Traitement:String; var Arguments:*; var PostOp:String; var PostOpArguments:*; var Sortie:*; var Element = _arg1; var Defaut = _arg2; Defaut = ((Defaut)!=null) ? Defaut : Element; if (!isNaN(Number(Element))){ return (Element); }; try { if ((((typeof(Element) == "object")) && (!(Element[0])))){ return (Element); }; } catch(e) { if (typeof(Element) == "object"){ return (Element); }; }; try { if (Element[0]){ if (typeof(Element[0]) == "string"){ if (Element[0] == "random"){ if (((((((!(isNaN(Element[1]))) && (!(isNaN(Element[2]))))) && (!((typeof(Element[1]) == "string"))))) && (!((typeof(Element[2]) == "string"))))){ Element = ((((Element[0] + " ") + Element[1]) + ",") + Element[2]); } else { CloneElement = new Array(); i = 1; while (i < Element.length) { CloneElement.push(Element[i]); i = (i + 1); }; ATransmettre = CloneElement[Math.round((Math.random() * (CloneElement.length - 1)))]; return ((isNaN(Number(ATransmettre))) ? ATransmettre : Number(ATransmettre)); }; }; }; }; } catch(e) { }; Element = String(Element); if ((((Element.split("[").length > 1)) && ((Element.split("]").length > 1)))){ TransitionElement = Element.split("["); TransitionElement.shift(); Element = TransitionElement.join("["); TransitionElement = Element.split("]"); TransitionElement.pop(); Element = TransitionElement.join("]"); return (Element); }; try { Traitement = Element.split(" ")[0]; Arguments = ((Element.split(" ")[1]) || ("")); PostOp = Element.split(" ")[2]; PostOpArguments = ((Element.split(" ")[3]) || ("")); if (Arguments){ if (Arguments.split(";").length > 0){ Arguments = Arguments.split(";")[Math.round((Math.random() * (Arguments.split(";").length - 1)))]; }; }; if (Arguments != ""){ Arguments = Arguments.split(","); }; if (PostOpArguments != ""){ PostOpArguments = PostOpArguments.split(","); }; switch (Arguments.length){ case 0: Sortie = this[Traitement](); break; case 1: Sortie = this[Traitement](Arguments[0]); break; case 2: Sortie = this[Traitement](Arguments[0], Arguments[1]); break; case 3: Sortie = this[Traitement](Arguments[0], Arguments[1], Arguments[2]); break; case 4: Sortie = this[Traitement](Arguments[0], Arguments[1], Arguments[2], Arguments[3]); break; case 5: Sortie = this[Traitement](Arguments[0], Arguments[1], Arguments[2], Arguments[3], Arguments[4]); break; case 6: Sortie = this[Traitement](Arguments[0], Arguments[1], Arguments[2], Arguments[3], Arguments[4], Arguments[5]); break; }; if (((PostOp) && (!((PostOp == ""))))){ switch (PostOpArguments.length){ case 0: Sortie = this[PostOp](Sortie); break; case 1: Sortie = this[PostOp](Sortie, PostOpArguments[0]); break; case 2: Sortie = this[PostOp](Sortie, PostOpArguments[0], PostOpArguments[1]); break; }; }; return (Sortie); } catch(e) { return (Defaut); }; } private function value(_arg1:String){ if (VortexCenter){ if (_arg1 != "this"){ return (this["String2Element"](_arg1, VortexCenter)); }; return (VortexCenter); } else { var _local2 = this; _local2["TraceErreur"]("VorteX", "valeur", "Le VortexCenter n'a pas été donné au Script lançant l'Aspiration"); }; return (NaN); } private function randomValue(_arg1:String="0;1"){ var _local2:Array; _local2 = _arg1.split(";"); return (_local2[Math.round((Math.random() * (_local2.length - 1)))]); } private function screen(_arg1:String):Number{ if (VortexCenter){ if (_arg1 == "hauteur"){ return (VortexCenter.stage.stageHeight); }; return (VortexCenter.stage.stageWidth); } else { var _local2 = this; _local2["TraceErreur"]("VorteX", "valeur", "Le VortexCenter n'a pas été donné au Script lançant l'Aspiration"); }; return (NaN); } private function sawtooth(_arg1:String="Defaut", _arg2:String="0", _arg3:String="10", _arg4:String="1"):Number{ if (!Sawtooth[_arg1]){ Sawtooth[_arg1] = new Object(); Sawtooth[_arg1].Valeur = Number(_arg2); Sawtooth[_arg1].Direction = "Ascendant"; }; if (Sawtooth[_arg1].Direction == "Ascendant"){ Sawtooth[_arg1].Valeur = (Sawtooth[_arg1].Valeur + Number(_arg4)); if (Sawtooth[_arg1].Valeur >= _arg3){ Sawtooth[_arg1].Direction = "Descendant"; }; } else { Sawtooth[_arg1].Valeur = (Sawtooth[_arg1].Valeur - Number(_arg4)); if (Sawtooth[_arg1].Valeur <= _arg2){ Sawtooth[_arg1].Direction = "Ascendant"; }; }; return (Sawtooth[_arg1].Valeur); } private function chaos(_arg1:Number, _arg2=1):Number{ return ((_arg1 + ((Math.random() * (_arg2 * 2)) - _arg2))); } private function divide(_arg1:Number, _arg2=2):Number{ return ((_arg1 / Number(_arg2))); } private function randomColor(_arg1:String="", _arg2:String="", _arg3:String=""):String{ return (this["RandomHexadecimal"](_arg1, _arg2, _arg3)); } private function round(_arg1:Number):Number{ return (Math.round(_arg1)); } private function add(_arg1:Number, _arg2=1):Number{ return ((_arg1 + Number(_arg2))); } private function absolute(_arg1:Number):Number{ return (Math.abs(_arg1)); } private function simple(_arg1:String="0"):Number{ return (Number(_arg1)); } private function divideMultiply(_arg1:Number, _arg2=2, _arg3=2):Number{ return (((_arg1 / Number(_arg2)) * Number(_arg3))); } private function random(_arg1:String="0", _arg2:String="1"):Number{ return (((Math.random() * (Number(_arg2) - Number(_arg1))) + Number(_arg1))); } private function multiplyDivide(_arg1:Number, _arg2=2, _arg3=2):Number{ return (((_arg1 * Number(_arg2)) / Number(_arg3))); } private function sinusoidal(_arg1:String="Defaut", _arg2:String="0", _arg3:String="10", _arg4:String="30"):Number{ if (!Sinusoidal[_arg1]){ Sinusoidal[_arg1] = new Object(); Sinusoidal[_arg1].Vitesse = 0; Sinusoidal[_arg1].Valeur = Number(_arg3); }; Sinusoidal[_arg1].Vitesse = (Sinusoidal[_arg1].Vitesse + ((Number(_arg2) - Sinusoidal[_arg1].Valeur) / Number(_arg4))); Sinusoidal[_arg1].Valeur = (Sinusoidal[_arg1].Valeur + Sinusoidal[_arg1].Vitesse); return (Sinusoidal[_arg1].Valeur); } } }//package drOIde.VorteXSection 219//Animation_Final (Animation_Final) package { import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import flash.media.*; import flash.text.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.net.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class Animation_Final extends MovieClip { public var Scene1:MovieClip; public var Scene4:MovieClip; public var Scene3:MovieClip; public var Scene2:MovieClip; public function Animation_Final(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 45, frame46, 58, frame59, 78, frame79, 89, frame90, 100, frame101, 129, frame130); } function frame79(){ stop(); } public function EndMusic():void{ (root as MovieClip).Sound.PlaySound("Music", "Game"); } function frame90(){ stop(); } function frame1(){ } function frame101(){ stop(); } function frame46(){ Scene1.play(); } function frame130(){ (parent.parent.parent as MovieClip).Final = false; this.Destroy(); } function frame59(){ stop(); } } }//packageSection 220//Bit_Ennemy (Bit_Ennemy) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Bit_Ennemy extends MovieClip { public var Bump:MovieClip; public var Skin:MovieClip; } }//packageSection 221//Bit_Jauge (Bit_Jauge) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Bit_Jauge extends MovieClip { public var InitialSize:Number; public var Barre:MovieClip; public function Bit_Jauge(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ InitialSize = Barre.width; } } }//packageSection 222//Bit_Player (Bit_Player) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Bit_Player extends MovieClip { public var JaugeWater:Bit_Jauge; public var AngleRight:MovieClip; public var Spirit:MovieClip; public var Bump:MovieClip; public var AngleLeft:MovieClip; public var Skin:MovieClip; public var JaugeThunder:Bit_Jauge; } }//packageSection 223//Bit_Rain (Bit_Rain) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Bit_Rain extends MovieClip { public function Bit_Rain(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ if (this.scaleX < 0.5){ gotoAndStop("Little"); } else { if (this.scaleX < 1.5){ gotoAndStop("Medium"); } else { gotoAndStop("Big"); }; }; } } }//packageSection 224//Bit_Teleportation (Bit_Teleportation) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Bit_Teleportation extends MovieClip { } }//packageSection 225//Bit_Thunder (Bit_Thunder) package { import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import flash.media.*; import flash.text.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.net.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class Bit_Thunder extends MovieClip { public var Skin:MovieClip; public function Bit_Thunder(){ addFrameScript(10, frame11); } function frame11(){ this.Destroy(); } } }//packageSection 226//Bit_Tree (Bit_Tree) package { import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import flash.media.*; import flash.text.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.net.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class Bit_Tree extends MovieClip { public var Skin:MovieClip; public var Tree:MovieClip; public function Bit_Tree(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 19, frame20, 23, frame24, 28, frame29, 44, frame45, 60, frame61, 80, frame81, 100, frame101); } function frame81(){ gotoAndStop("Normal"); } function frame1(){ stop(); Tree = Skin.Tree; } function frame24(){ gotoAndStop("Normal"); } function frame29(){ gotoAndStop("Normal"); } function frame20(){ gotoAndStop("Normal"); } function frame101(){ gotoAndStop("Normal"); } function frame45(){ gotoAndStop("Normal"); } function frame61(){ gotoAndStop("Normal"); } } }//packageSection 227//BitBack_Bush (BitBack_Bush) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class BitBack_Bush extends MovieClip { public function BitBack_Bush(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ gotoAndStop(Math.ceil((Math.random() * totalFrames))); } } }//packageSection 228//BitBack_Cloud (BitBack_Cloud) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class BitBack_Cloud extends MovieClip { public function BitBack_Cloud(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ gotoAndStop(Math.ceil((Math.random() * totalFrames))); } } }//packageSection 229//BitBack_Turret (BitBack_Turret) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class BitBack_Turret extends MovieClip { public function BitBack_Turret(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ gotoAndStop(Math.ceil((Math.random() * totalFrames))); } } }//packageSection 230//BitEffect_LevelUp (BitEffect_LevelUp) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class BitEffect_LevelUp extends MovieClip { } }//packageSection 231//BitEffect_Rain (BitEffect_Rain) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class BitEffect_Rain extends MovieClip { } }//packageSection 232//BitEffect_ThunderCloud (BitEffect_ThunderCloud) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class BitEffect_ThunderCloud extends MovieClip { } }//packageSection 233//BitElement_Bubble (BitElement_Bubble) package { import drOIde.Dynamic.*; public dynamic class BitElement_Bubble extends DesktopChip { public var shiftX:Number; public var shiftY:Number; public var SpeedAlpha:Number; public function BitElement_Bubble(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ shiftX = 20; shiftY = 20; SpeedAlpha = 1; } } }//packageSection 234//BitElement_BubbleAchievement (BitElement_BubbleAchievement) package { import drOIde.Dynamic.*; public dynamic class BitElement_BubbleAchievement extends DesktopChip { public var shiftX:Number; public var shiftY:Number; public var SpeedAlpha:Number; public function BitElement_BubbleAchievement(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ shiftX = 15; shiftY = 15; SpeedAlpha = 1; } } }//packageSection 235//BitParticle_Cloud (BitParticle_Cloud) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class BitParticle_Cloud extends MovieClip { } }//packageSection 236//BitParticle_Experience (BitParticle_Experience) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class BitParticle_Experience extends MovieClip { public function BitParticle_Experience(){ addFrameScript(9, frame10); } function frame10(){ stop(); } } }//packageSection 237//BitParticle_Pressure (BitParticle_Pressure) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class BitParticle_Pressure extends MovieClip { } }//packageSection 238//BitParticle_Thunder (BitParticle_Thunder) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class BitParticle_Thunder extends MovieClip { public var Skin:MovieClip; } }//packageSection 239//Music_Final (Music_Final) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Music_Final extends Sound { } }//packageSection 240//Music_Game (Music_Game) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Music_Game extends Sound { } }//packageSection 241//Music_Home (Music_Home) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Music_Home extends Sound { } }//packageSection 242//Sound_Achievement (Sound_Achievement) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_Achievement extends Sound { } }//packageSection 243//Sound_AssassinAppear (Sound_AssassinAppear) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_AssassinAppear extends Sound { } }//packageSection 244//Sound_AssassinChute (Sound_AssassinChute) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_AssassinChute extends Sound { } }//packageSection 245//Sound_AssassinDead (Sound_AssassinDead) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_AssassinDead extends Sound { } }//packageSection 246//Sound_AssassinHit (Sound_AssassinHit) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_AssassinHit extends Sound { } }//packageSection 247//Sound_BigChute (Sound_BigChute) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_BigChute extends Sound { } }//packageSection 248//Sound_BigDead (Sound_BigDead) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_BigDead extends Sound { } }//packageSection 249//Sound_BigHit (Sound_BigHit) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_BigHit extends Sound { } }//packageSection 250//Sound_BigReady (Sound_BigReady) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_BigReady extends Sound { } }//packageSection 251//Sound_BuckerDead (Sound_BuckerDead) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_BuckerDead extends Sound { } }//packageSection 252//Sound_BuckerHit1 (Sound_BuckerHit1) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_BuckerHit1 extends Sound { } }//packageSection 253//Sound_BuckerHit2 (Sound_BuckerHit2) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_BuckerHit2 extends Sound { } }//packageSection 254//Sound_BuckerHit3 (Sound_BuckerHit3) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_BuckerHit3 extends Sound { } }//packageSection 255//Sound_BuckerReady (Sound_BuckerReady) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_BuckerReady extends Sound { } }//packageSection 256//Sound_BuckerReturn (Sound_BuckerReturn) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_BuckerReturn extends Sound { } }//packageSection 257//Sound_BudDead (Sound_BudDead) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_BudDead extends Sound { } }//packageSection 258//Sound_BudGrow (Sound_BudGrow) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_BudGrow extends Sound { } }//packageSection 259//Sound_ChronoDead (Sound_ChronoDead) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_ChronoDead extends Sound { } }//packageSection 260//Sound_ChronoMove (Sound_ChronoMove) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_ChronoMove extends Sound { } }//packageSection 261//Sound_Close (Sound_Close) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_Close extends Sound { } }//packageSection 262//Sound_DownArrow (Sound_DownArrow) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_DownArrow extends Sound { } }//packageSection 263//Sound_DownButton (Sound_DownButton) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_DownButton extends Sound { } }//packageSection 264//Sound_DownUpgrade (Sound_DownUpgrade) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_DownUpgrade extends Sound { } }//packageSection 265//Sound_Drip1 (Sound_Drip1) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_Drip1 extends Sound { } }//packageSection 266//Sound_Drip2 (Sound_Drip2) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_Drip2 extends Sound { } }//packageSection 267//Sound_Drip3 (Sound_Drip3) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_Drip3 extends Sound { } }//packageSection 268//Sound_Electrocution (Sound_Electrocution) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_Electrocution extends Sound { } }//packageSection 269//Sound_Experience1 (Sound_Experience1) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_Experience1 extends Sound { } }//packageSection 270//Sound_Experience2 (Sound_Experience2) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_Experience2 extends Sound { } }//packageSection 271//Sound_Experience3 (Sound_Experience3) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_Experience3 extends Sound { } }//packageSection 272//Sound_Explosion (Sound_Explosion) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_Explosion extends Sound { } }//packageSection 273//Sound_ForceOpenHelp (Sound_ForceOpenHelp) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_ForceOpenHelp extends Sound { } }//packageSection 274//Sound_Grow (Sound_Grow) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_Grow extends Sound { } }//packageSection 275//Sound_GrowsDead (Sound_GrowsDead) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_GrowsDead extends Sound { } }//packageSection 276//Sound_GrowsGrow (Sound_GrowsGrow) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_GrowsGrow extends Sound { } }//packageSection 277//Sound_ImpDead (Sound_ImpDead) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_ImpDead extends Sound { } }//packageSection 278//Sound_InternDead (Sound_InternDead) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_InternDead extends Sound { } }//packageSection 279//Sound_InternYeah (Sound_InternYeah) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_InternYeah extends Sound { } }//packageSection 280//Sound_JigsawDead (Sound_JigsawDead) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_JigsawDead extends Sound { } }//packageSection 281//Sound_JigsawHit1 (Sound_JigsawHit1) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_JigsawHit1 extends Sound { } }//packageSection 282//Sound_JigsawHit2 (Sound_JigsawHit2) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_JigsawHit2 extends Sound { } }//packageSection 283//Sound_JigsawHit3 (Sound_JigsawHit3) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_JigsawHit3 extends Sound { } }//packageSection 284//Sound_JigsawReady1 (Sound_JigsawReady1) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_JigsawReady1 extends Sound { } }//packageSection 285//Sound_JigsawReady2 (Sound_JigsawReady2) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_JigsawReady2 extends Sound { } }//packageSection 286//Sound_LevelUp (Sound_LevelUp) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_LevelUp extends Sound { } }//packageSection 287//Sound_LumberjackDead (Sound_LumberjackDead) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_LumberjackDead extends Sound { } }//packageSection 288//Sound_MasterChute (Sound_MasterChute) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_MasterChute extends Sound { } }//packageSection 289//Sound_MasterDead (Sound_MasterDead) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_MasterDead extends Sound { } }//packageSection 290//Sound_Open (Sound_Open) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_Open extends Sound { } }//packageSection 291//Sound_OverAchievement (Sound_OverAchievement) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_OverAchievement extends Sound { } }//packageSection 292//Sound_OverButton (Sound_OverButton) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_OverButton extends Sound { } }//packageSection 293//Sound_PlantDead (Sound_PlantDead) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_PlantDead extends Sound { } }//packageSection 294//Sound_PlantGrow (Sound_PlantGrow) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_PlantGrow extends Sound { } }//packageSection 295//Sound_Radius (Sound_Radius) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_Radius extends Sound { } }//packageSection 296//Sound_ShieldChute (Sound_ShieldChute) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_ShieldChute extends Sound { } }//packageSection 297//Sound_ShieldDead (Sound_ShieldDead) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_ShieldDead extends Sound { } }//packageSection 298//Sound_ShieldMove (Sound_ShieldMove) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_ShieldMove extends Sound { } }//packageSection 299//Sound_ShortHit (Sound_ShortHit) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_ShortHit extends Sound { } }//packageSection 300//Sound_Teleportation (Sound_Teleportation) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_Teleportation extends Sound { } }//packageSection 301//Sound_Thunder1 (Sound_Thunder1) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_Thunder1 extends Sound { } }//packageSection 302//Sound_Thunder2 (Sound_Thunder2) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_Thunder2 extends Sound { } }//packageSection 303//Sound_Thunder3 (Sound_Thunder3) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_Thunder3 extends Sound { } }//packageSection 304//Sound_Thunder4 (Sound_Thunder4) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_Thunder4 extends Sound { } }//packageSection 305//Sound_Thunder5 (Sound_Thunder5) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_Thunder5 extends Sound { } }//packageSection 306//Sound_Thunder6 (Sound_Thunder6) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_Thunder6 extends Sound { } }//packageSection 307//Sound_TreeDead (Sound_TreeDead) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_TreeDead extends Sound { } }//packageSection 308//Sound_TreeDivineDead (Sound_TreeDivineDead) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_TreeDivineDead extends Sound { } }//packageSection 309//Sound_TreeDivineGrow (Sound_TreeDivineGrow) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_TreeDivineGrow extends Sound { } }//packageSection 310//Sound_TreeGihhGrow (Sound_TreeGihhGrow) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_TreeGihhGrow extends Sound { } }//packageSection 311//Sound_TreeGrow (Sound_TreeGrow) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_TreeGrow extends Sound { } }//packageSection 312//Sound_TreeGyumoDead (Sound_TreeGyumoDead) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_TreeGyumoDead extends Sound { } }//packageSection 313//Sound_TreeGyumoGrow (Sound_TreeGyumoGrow) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_TreeGyumoGrow extends Sound { } }//packageSection 314//Sound_UltraHit (Sound_UltraHit) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_UltraHit extends Sound { } }//packageSection 315//Sound_Warning (Sound_Warning) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_Warning extends Sound { } }//packageSection 316//Sound_WizardChute (Sound_WizardChute) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_WizardChute extends Sound { } }//packageSection 317//Sound_WizardDead (Sound_WizardDead) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_WizardDead extends Sound { } }//packageSection 318//Sound_WizardHit (Sound_WizardHit) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_WizardHit extends Sound { } }//packageSection 319//Sound_WizardIncante1 (Sound_WizardIncante1) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_WizardIncante1 extends Sound { } }//packageSection 320//Sound_WizardIncante2 (Sound_WizardIncante2) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_WizardIncante2 extends Sound { } }//packageSection 321//Sound_WizardIncante3 (Sound_WizardIncante3) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_WizardIncante3 extends Sound { } }//packageSection 322//Sound_WoodChute (Sound_WoodChute) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_WoodChute extends Sound { } }//packageSection 323//Sound_WoodDead (Sound_WoodDead) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_WoodDead extends Sound { } }//packageSection 324//Sound_WoodHit (Sound_WoodHit) package { import flash.media.*; public dynamic class Sound_WoodHit extends Sound { } }//package
Library Items
Symbol 1 Sound {Sound_WoodHit} | ||
Symbol 2 Sound {Sound_WoodDead} | ||
Symbol 3 Sound {Sound_WoodChute} | ||
Symbol 4 Sound {Sound_WizardIncante3} | ||
Symbol 5 Sound {Sound_WizardIncante2} | ||
Symbol 6 Sound {Sound_WizardIncante1} | ||
Symbol 7 Sound {Sound_WizardHit} | ||
Symbol 8 Sound {Sound_WizardDead} | ||
Symbol 9 Sound {Sound_WizardChute} | ||
Symbol 10 Sound {Sound_Warning} | ||
Symbol 11 Sound {Sound_UltraHit} | ||
Symbol 12 Sound {Sound_TreeGyumoGrow} | ||
Symbol 13 Sound {Sound_TreeGyumoDead} | ||
Symbol 14 Sound {Sound_TreeGrow} | ||
Symbol 15 Sound {Sound_TreeGihhGrow} | ||
Symbol 16 Sound {Sound_TreeDivineGrow} | ||
Symbol 17 Sound {Sound_TreeDivineDead} | ||
Symbol 18 Sound {Sound_TreeDead} | ||
Symbol 19 Sound {Sound_Thunder6} | ||
Symbol 20 Sound {Sound_Thunder5} | ||
Symbol 21 Sound {Sound_Thunder4} | ||
Symbol 22 Sound {Sound_Thunder3} | ||
Symbol 23 Sound {Sound_Thunder2} | ||
Symbol 24 Sound {Sound_Thunder1} | ||
Symbol 25 Sound {Sound_Teleportation} | ||
Symbol 26 Sound {Sound_ShortHit} | ||
Symbol 27 Sound {Sound_ShieldMove} | ||
Symbol 28 Sound {Sound_ShieldDead} | ||
Symbol 29 Sound {Sound_ShieldChute} | ||
Symbol 30 Sound {Sound_Radius} | ||
Symbol 31 Sound {Sound_PlantGrow} | ||
Symbol 32 Sound {Sound_PlantDead} | ||
Symbol 33 Sound {Sound_OverButton} | ||
Symbol 34 Sound {Sound_OverAchievement} | ||
Symbol 35 Sound {Sound_Open} | ||
Symbol 36 Sound {Music_Home} | ||
Symbol 37 Sound {Music_Game} | ||
Symbol 38 Sound {Music_Final} | ||
Symbol 39 Sound {Sound_MasterDead} | ||
Symbol 40 Sound {Sound_MasterChute} | ||
Symbol 41 Sound {Sound_LumberjackDead} | ||
Symbol 42 Sound {Sound_LevelUp} | ||
Symbol 43 Sound {Sound_JigsawReady2} | ||
Symbol 44 Sound {Sound_JigsawReady1} | ||
Symbol 45 Sound {Sound_JigsawHit3} | ||
Symbol 46 Sound {Sound_JigsawHit2} | ||
Symbol 47 Sound {Sound_JigsawHit1} | ||
Symbol 48 Sound {Sound_JigsawDead} | ||
Symbol 49 Sound {Sound_InternYeah} | ||
Symbol 50 Sound {Sound_InternDead} | ||
Symbol 51 Sound {Sound_ImpDead} | ||
Symbol 52 Sound {Sound_GrowsGrow} | ||
Symbol 53 Sound {Sound_GrowsDead} | ||
Symbol 54 Sound {Sound_Grow} | ||
Symbol 55 Sound {Sound_ForceOpenHelp} | ||
Symbol 56 Sound {Sound_Explosion} | ||
Symbol 57 Sound {Sound_Experience3} | ||
Symbol 58 Sound {Sound_Experience2} | ||
Symbol 59 Sound {Sound_Experience1} | ||
Symbol 60 Sound {Sound_Electrocution} | ||
Symbol 61 Sound {Sound_Drip3} | ||
Symbol 62 Sound {Sound_Drip2} | ||
Symbol 63 Sound {Sound_Drip1} | ||
Symbol 64 Sound {Sound_DownUpgrade} | ||
Symbol 65 Sound {Sound_DownButton} | ||
Symbol 66 Sound {Sound_DownArrow} | ||
Symbol 67 Sound {Sound_Close} | ||
Symbol 68 Sound {Sound_ChronoMove} | ||
Symbol 69 Sound {Sound_ChronoDead} | ||
Symbol 70 Sound {Sound_BudGrow} | ||
Symbol 71 Sound {Sound_BudDead} | ||
Symbol 72 Sound {Sound_BuckerReturn} | ||
Symbol 73 Sound {Sound_BuckerReady} | ||
Symbol 74 Sound {Sound_BuckerHit3} | ||
Symbol 75 Sound {Sound_BuckerHit2} | ||
Symbol 76 Sound {Sound_BuckerHit1} | ||
Symbol 77 Sound {Sound_BuckerDead} | ||
Symbol 78 Sound {Sound_BigReady} | ||
Symbol 79 Sound {Sound_BigHit} | ||
Symbol 80 Sound {Sound_BigDead} | ||
Symbol 81 Sound {Sound_BigChute} | ||
Symbol 82 Sound {Sound_AssassinHit} | ||
Symbol 83 Sound {Sound_AssassinDead} | ||
Symbol 84 Sound {Sound_AssassinChute} | ||
Symbol 85 Sound {Sound_AssassinAppear} | ||
Symbol 86 Sound {Sound_Achievement} | ||
Symbol 87 Graphic | Used by:88 | |
Symbol 88 MovieClip | Uses:87 | Used by:276 1091 1092 |
Symbol 89 Graphic | Used by:90 | |
Symbol 90 MovieClip | Uses:89 | Used by:163 |
Symbol 91 Graphic | Used by:92 | |
Symbol 92 MovieClip | Uses:91 | Used by:105 163 |
Symbol 93 Graphic | Used by:94 | |
Symbol 94 MovieClip | Uses:93 | Used by:105 163 |
Symbol 95 Graphic | Used by:96 | |
Symbol 96 MovieClip | Uses:95 | Used by:105 163 |
Symbol 97 Graphic | Used by:98 | |
Symbol 98 MovieClip | Uses:97 | Used by:105 163 |
Symbol 99 Graphic | Used by:100 | |
Symbol 100 MovieClip | Uses:99 | Used by:105 163 |
Symbol 101 Graphic | Used by:102 | |
Symbol 102 MovieClip | Uses:101 | Used by:105 163 |
Symbol 103 Graphic | Used by:104 | |
Symbol 104 MovieClip | Uses:103 | Used by:105 163 |
Symbol 105 MovieClip | Uses:92 94 96 98 100 102 104 | Used by:163 |
Symbol 106 Graphic | Used by:110 | |
Symbol 107 ShapeTweening | Used by:110 | |
Symbol 108 ShapeTweening | Used by:110 | |
Symbol 109 Graphic | Used by:110 | |
Symbol 110 MovieClip {bud_fla.Scene1_Ring_454} | Uses:106 107 108 109 | Used by:163 |
Symbol 111 Graphic | Used by:161 | |
Symbol 112 Graphic | Used by:161 | |
Symbol 113 Graphic | Used by:114 | |
Symbol 114 MovieClip | Uses:113 | Used by:161 162 |
Symbol 115 Graphic | Used by:161 | |
Symbol 116 Graphic | Used by:161 | |
Symbol 117 Graphic | Used by:161 | |
Symbol 118 Graphic | Used by:161 | |
Symbol 119 Graphic | Used by:161 | |
Symbol 120 Graphic | Used by:161 | |
Symbol 121 Graphic | Used by:161 | |
Symbol 122 Graphic | Used by:161 | |
Symbol 123 Graphic | Used by:161 | |
Symbol 124 Graphic | Used by:161 | |
Symbol 125 Graphic | Used by:161 | |
Symbol 126 Graphic | Used by:161 | |
Symbol 127 Graphic | Used by:161 | |
Symbol 128 Graphic | Used by:161 | |
Symbol 129 Graphic | Used by:161 | |
Symbol 130 Graphic | Used by:161 | |
Symbol 131 Graphic | Used by:161 | |
Symbol 132 Graphic | Used by:161 | |
Symbol 133 Graphic | Used by:161 | |
Symbol 134 Graphic | Used by:161 | |
Symbol 135 Graphic | Used by:161 | |
Symbol 136 Graphic | Used by:161 | |
Symbol 137 Graphic | Used by:161 | |
Symbol 138 Graphic | Used by:161 | |
Symbol 139 Graphic | Used by:161 | |
Symbol 140 Graphic | Used by:161 | |
Symbol 141 Graphic | Used by:161 | |
Symbol 142 Graphic | Used by:161 | |
Symbol 143 Graphic | Used by:161 | |
Symbol 144 Graphic | Used by:161 | |
Symbol 145 Graphic | Used by:161 | |
Symbol 146 Graphic | Used by:161 | |
Symbol 147 Graphic | Used by:161 | |
Symbol 148 ShapeTweening | Used by:161 | |
Symbol 149 Graphic | Used by:161 | |
Symbol 150 Graphic | Used by:161 | |
Symbol 151 Graphic | Used by:161 | |
Symbol 152 Graphic | Used by:161 | |
Symbol 153 Graphic | Used by:161 | |
Symbol 154 Graphic | Used by:161 | |
Symbol 155 Graphic | Used by:161 | |
Symbol 156 Graphic | Used by:161 | |
Symbol 157 Graphic | Used by:161 | |
Symbol 158 Graphic | Used by:161 | |
Symbol 159 Graphic | Used by:161 | |
Symbol 160 Graphic | Used by:161 | |
Symbol 161 MovieClip {bud_fla.Filament_455} | Uses:111 112 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 | Used by:163 |
Symbol 162 MovieClip {bud_fla.Scene1_Ray_457} | Uses:114 | Used by:163 |
Symbol 163 MovieClip {bud_fla.Scene1_444} | Uses:90 105 110 161 92 94 96 98 100 102 104 162 | Used by:276 |
Symbol 164 Graphic | Used by:165 | |
Symbol 165 MovieClip | Uses:164 | Used by:209 |
Symbol 166 Graphic | Used by:167 | |
Symbol 167 MovieClip | Uses:166 | Used by:209 |
Symbol 168 Graphic | Used by:169 | |
Symbol 169 MovieClip | Uses:168 | Used by:209 |
Symbol 170 Graphic | Used by:171 | |
Symbol 171 MovieClip | Uses:170 | Used by:209 |
Symbol 172 Graphic | Used by:173 | |
Symbol 173 MovieClip | Uses:172 | Used by:209 |
Symbol 174 Graphic | Used by:175 | |
Symbol 175 MovieClip | Uses:174 | Used by:209 |
Symbol 176 Graphic | Used by:179 | |
Symbol 177 Graphic | Used by:178 | |
Symbol 178 MovieClip | Uses:177 | Used by:179 |
Symbol 179 MovieClip {bud_fla.Scene2_Roc2_465} | Uses:176 178 | Used by:209 |
Symbol 180 Graphic | Used by:181 | |
Symbol 181 MovieClip | Uses:180 | Used by:182 |
Symbol 182 MovieClip {bud_fla.Scene2_Hall_467} | Uses:181 | Used by:209 |
Symbol 183 Graphic | Used by:187 | |
Symbol 184 Graphic | Used by:187 | |
Symbol 185 Graphic | Used by:187 | |
Symbol 186 ShapeTweening | Used by:187 | |
Symbol 187 MovieClip {bud_fla.Scene2_Crac_469} | Uses:183 184 185 186 | Used by:209 |
Symbol 188 Graphic | Used by:191 | |
Symbol 189 Graphic | Used by:190 | |
Symbol 190 MovieClip | Uses:189 | Used by:191 |
Symbol 191 MovieClip {bud_fla.Scene2_Roc1_470} | Uses:188 190 | Used by:209 |
Symbol 192 Graphic | Used by:193 | |
Symbol 193 MovieClip | Uses:192 | Used by:209 |
Symbol 194 Graphic | Used by:195 | |
Symbol 195 MovieClip | Uses:194 | Used by:208 |
Symbol 196 Graphic | Used by:197 | |
Symbol 197 MovieClip | Uses:196 | Used by:208 |
Symbol 198 Graphic | Used by:199 | |
Symbol 199 MovieClip | Uses:198 | Used by:208 |
Symbol 200 Graphic | Used by:201 | |
Symbol 201 MovieClip | Uses:200 | Used by:208 |
Symbol 202 Graphic | Used by:203 | |
Symbol 203 MovieClip | Uses:202 | Used by:208 |
Symbol 204 Graphic | Used by:205 | |
Symbol 205 MovieClip | Uses:204 | Used by:208 |
Symbol 206 Graphic | Used by:207 | |
Symbol 207 MovieClip | Uses:206 | Used by:208 |
Symbol 208 MovieClip {bud_fla.Scene2_Perso_473} | Uses:195 197 199 201 203 205 207 | Used by:209 |
Symbol 209 MovieClip {bud_fla.Scene2_458} | Uses:165 167 169 171 173 175 179 182 187 191 193 208 | Used by:276 |
Symbol 210 Graphic | Used by:211 | |
Symbol 211 MovieClip | Uses:210 | Used by:244 |
Symbol 212 ShapeTweening | Used by:215 | |
Symbol 213 ShapeTweening | Used by:215 | |
Symbol 214 Graphic | Used by:215 | |
Symbol 215 MovieClip {bud_fla.Scene3_Ring_483} | Uses:212 213 214 | Used by:244 |
Symbol 216 Graphic | Used by:243 | |
Symbol 217 Graphic | Used by:242 | |
Symbol 218 Graphic | Used by:241 | |
Symbol 219 Graphic | Used by:222 | |
Symbol 220 Graphic | Used by:221 | |
Symbol 221 MovieClip | Uses:220 | Used by:222 |
Symbol 222 MovieClip {bud_fla.Arm_Arm_Hand_Thumb_487} | Uses:219 221 | Used by:241 |
Symbol 223 Graphic | Used by:240 | |
Symbol 224 Graphic | Used by:227 | |
Symbol 225 Graphic | Used by:226 | |
Symbol 226 MovieClip | Uses:225 | Used by:227 |
Symbol 227 MovieClip {bud_fla.Arm_Arm_Hand_Hand_Finger4_490} | Uses:224 226 | Used by:240 |
Symbol 228 Graphic | Used by:231 | |
Symbol 229 Graphic | Used by:230 | |
Symbol 230 MovieClip | Uses:229 | Used by:231 |
Symbol 231 MovieClip {bud_fla.Arm_Arm_Hand_Hand_Finger3_492} | Uses:228 230 | Used by:240 |
Symbol 232 Graphic | Used by:235 | |
Symbol 233 Graphic | Used by:234 | |
Symbol 234 MovieClip | Uses:233 | Used by:235 |
Symbol 235 MovieClip {bud_fla.Arm_Arm_Hand_Hand_Finger2_494} | Uses:232 234 | Used by:240 |
Symbol 236 Graphic | Used by:239 | |
Symbol 237 Graphic | Used by:238 | |
Symbol 238 MovieClip | Uses:237 | Used by:239 |
Symbol 239 MovieClip {bud_fla.Arm_Arm_Hand_Hand_Finger1_496} | Uses:236 238 | Used by:240 |
Symbol 240 MovieClip {bud_fla.Arm_Arm_Hand_Hand_489} | Uses:223 227 231 235 239 | Used by:241 |
Symbol 241 MovieClip {bud_fla.Arm_Arm_Hand_486} | Uses:218 222 240 | Used by:242 |
Symbol 242 MovieClip {bud_fla.Arm_Arm_485} | Uses:217 241 | Used by:243 |
Symbol 243 MovieClip {bud_fla.Arm_484} | Uses:216 242 | Used by:244 |
Symbol 244 MovieClip {bud_fla.Scene3_481} | Uses:211 215 243 | Used by:276 |
Symbol 245 Graphic | Used by:246 | |
Symbol 246 MovieClip | Uses:245 | Used by:275 |
Symbol 247 Graphic | Used by:248 | |
Symbol 248 MovieClip | Uses:247 | Used by:275 |
Symbol 249 Graphic | Used by:253 | |
Symbol 250 Graphic | Used by:251 | |
Symbol 251 MovieClip | Uses:250 | Used by:252 |
Symbol 252 MovieClip | Uses:251 | Used by:253 |
Symbol 253 MovieClip | Uses:249 252 | Used by:275 |
Symbol 254 Graphic | Used by:255 | |
Symbol 255 MovieClip | Uses:254 | Used by:275 |
Symbol 256 Graphic | Used by:257 | |
Symbol 257 MovieClip | Uses:256 | Used by:275 |
Symbol 258 Graphic | Used by:259 | |
Symbol 259 MovieClip | Uses:258 | Used by:275 |
Symbol 260 Graphic | Used by:261 | |
Symbol 261 MovieClip | Uses:260 | Used by:262 |
Symbol 262 MovieClip | Uses:261 | Used by:264 |
Symbol 263 Graphic | Used by:264 | |
Symbol 264 MovieClip {bud_fla.Scene4_TowerUp_507} | Uses:262 263 | Used by:275 |
Symbol 265 Graphic | Used by:266 | |
Symbol 266 MovieClip | Uses:265 | Used by:275 |
Symbol 267 Graphic | Used by:268 | |
Symbol 268 MovieClip | Uses:267 | Used by:275 |
Symbol 269 Graphic | Used by:272 | |
Symbol 270 Graphic | Used by:271 | |
Symbol 271 MovieClip | Uses:270 | Used by:272 |
Symbol 272 MovieClip {bud_fla.Scene4_Perso_512} | Uses:269 271 | Used by:275 |
Symbol 273 Font | Used by:274 904 932 994 995 1030 1103 1106 1108 1111 1112 1116 1118 1121 1122 1125 1126 1128 1129 1132 1133 1135 1136 1139 1140 1142 1143 1148 1150 1153 1154 1158 1159 1161 1162 1171 1172 1173 1174 1230 1238 1241 1244 1253 1254 1255 1256 1257 1259 1260 1263 1264 1265 1289 1294 1295 1296 1297 1308 1310 1318 1320 1326 1328 1334 1336 1341 1343 1346 1348 1352 1354 1358 1360 1363 1372 1374 1380 1385 1387 1390 1392 1395 1397 1401 1403 1406 1411 1413 1416 1418 1421 1423 1426 1428 1431 1433 1436 1438 1441 1443 1446 1448 1451 1453 1456 1461 1463 1466 1468 1471 1473 1476 1478 1481 1483 1484 1485 1486 1487 1488 1489 1490 1491 1493 1494 1495 1496 1498 1499 1500 1501 1503 1504 1505 1506 1508 1509 1510 1512 1513 1514 1515 1517 1518 1519 1521 1522 1523 1524 1526 1527 1528 1530 1531 1532 1533 1535 1536 1537 1538 1540 1541 1542 1544 1545 1546 1547 1549 1550 1551 1552 1554 1555 1556 1557 1559 1560 1561 1562 1569 1571 1576 1577 1579 1580 1583 1584 1586 1587 1590 1591 1593 1594 1598 1600 1601 1603 1606 1607 | |
Symbol 274 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:275 |
Symbol 275 MovieClip {bud_fla.Scene4_498} | Uses:246 248 253 255 257 259 264 266 268 272 274 | Used by:276 |
Symbol 276 MovieClip {Animation_Final} | Uses:88 163 209 244 275 | |
Symbol 277 Graphic | Used by:278 | |
Symbol 278 MovieClip | Uses:277 | Used by:279 |
Symbol 279 MovieClip {bud_fla.Player_Angle_164} | Uses:278 | Used by:302 1349 |
Symbol 280 Graphic | Used by:281 | |
Symbol 281 MovieClip | Uses:280 | Used by:282 1356 |
Symbol 282 MovieClip {bud_fla.Player_Spirit_Skin_439} | Uses:281 | Used by:283 |
Symbol 283 MovieClip {bud_fla.Player_Spirit_438} | Uses:282 | Used by:302 |
Symbol 284 Graphic | Used by:285 | |
Symbol 285 MovieClip | Uses:284 | Used by:295 1299 1311 1338 |
Symbol 286 Graphic | Used by:293 294 | |
Symbol 287 Graphic | Used by:288 298 | |
Symbol 288 MovieClip | Uses:287 | Used by:290 293 |
Symbol 289 Graphic | Used by:290 293 | |
Symbol 290 MovieClip {bud_fla.Skin_Body_Eyes_Pupil_129} | Uses:288 289 | Used by:294 |
Symbol 291 Graphic | Used by:294 | |
Symbol 292 ShapeTweening | Used by:293 | |
Symbol 293 MovieClip {bud_fla.Skin_Body_Eyes_PupilDead_131} | Uses:288 289 292 286 | Used by:294 |
Symbol 294 MovieClip {bud_fla.Skin_Body_Eyes_128} | Uses:286 290 291 293 | Used by:295 1299 1311 |
Symbol 295 MovieClip {bud_fla.Skin_Body_441} | Uses:285 294 | Used by:296 |
Symbol 296 MovieClip {bud_fla.Player_Skin_440} | Uses:295 | Used by:302 |
Symbol 297 Graphic | Used by:299 1078 | |
Symbol 298 MovieClip | Uses:287 | Used by:299 478 511 917 1344 |
Symbol 299 MovieClip {Bit_Jauge} | Uses:297 298 | Used by:302 |
Symbol 300 Graphic | Used by:301 539 | |
Symbol 301 MovieClip {bud_fla.CarreInvisibleC_442} | Uses:300 | Used by:302 |
Symbol 302 MovieClip {Bit_Player} | Uses:279 283 296 299 301 | |
Symbol 303 Graphic | Used by:306 | |
Symbol 304 Graphic | Used by:306 307 | |
Symbol 305 Graphic | Used by:306 | |
Symbol 306 MovieClip {Bit_Rain} | Uses:303 304 305 | |
Symbol 307 MovieClip | Uses:304 | Used by:308 1315 1344 |
Symbol 308 MovieClip {bud_fla.RainEffect_Drip_435} | Uses:307 | Used by:309 |
Symbol 309 MovieClip {BitEffect_Rain} | Uses:308 | |
Symbol 310 Graphic | Used by:311 | |
Symbol 311 MovieClip {bud_fla.Tree_Skin_Skin_Exemple_333} | Uses:310 | Used by:512 |
Symbol 312 Graphic | Used by:313 | |
Symbol 313 MovieClip | Uses:312 | Used by:316 |
Symbol 314 Graphic | Used by:315 | |
Symbol 315 MovieClip | Uses:314 | Used by:316 |
Symbol 316 MovieClip {bud_fla.TreeSkin_Level1_139} | Uses:313 315 | Used by:512 1323 |
Symbol 317 Graphic | Used by:318 | |
Symbol 318 MovieClip | Uses:317 | Used by:319 332 341 358 377 |
Symbol 319 MovieClip {bud_fla.TreeSkin_Level2_142} | Uses:318 | Used by:512 1323 |
Symbol 320 Graphic | Used by:321 | |
Symbol 321 MovieClip | Uses:320 | Used by:322 |
Symbol 322 MovieClip {bud_fla.TreeSkin_Level3_144} | Uses:321 | Used by:512 1323 |
Symbol 323 Graphic | Used by:332 | |
Symbol 324 Graphic | Used by:325 | |
Symbol 325 MovieClip | Uses:324 | Used by:332 |
Symbol 326 Graphic | Used by:327 | |
Symbol 327 MovieClip | Uses:326 | Used by:332 |
Symbol 328 Graphic | Used by:329 | |
Symbol 329 MovieClip | Uses:328 | Used by:332 341 |
Symbol 330 Graphic | Used by:331 | |
Symbol 331 MovieClip | Uses:330 | Used by:332 341 |
Symbol 332 MovieClip {bud_fla.TreeSkin_Level4_334} | Uses:323 325 327 318 329 331 | Used by:512 |
Symbol 333 Graphic | Used by:334 | |
Symbol 334 MovieClip | Uses:333 | Used by:341 |
Symbol 335 Graphic | Used by:336 | |
Symbol 336 MovieClip | Uses:335 | Used by:341 |
Symbol 337 Graphic | Used by:338 | |
Symbol 338 MovieClip | Uses:337 | Used by:341 |
Symbol 339 Graphic | Used by:340 | |
Symbol 340 MovieClip | Uses:339 | Used by:341 |
Symbol 341 MovieClip {bud_fla.TreeSkin_Level5_339} | Uses:329 318 334 336 338 331 340 | Used by:512 |
Symbol 342 Graphic | Used by:343 | |
Symbol 343 MovieClip | Uses:342 | Used by:358 |
Symbol 344 Graphic | Used by:345 | |
Symbol 345 MovieClip | Uses:344 | Used by:358 |
Symbol 346 Graphic | Used by:347 | |
Symbol 347 MovieClip | Uses:346 | Used by:358 |
Symbol 348 Graphic | Used by:349 | |
Symbol 349 MovieClip | Uses:348 | Used by:358 |
Symbol 350 Graphic | Used by:351 | |
Symbol 351 MovieClip | Uses:350 | Used by:358 |
Symbol 352 Graphic | Used by:353 | |
Symbol 353 MovieClip | Uses:352 | Used by:358 |
Symbol 354 Graphic | Used by:355 | |
Symbol 355 MovieClip | Uses:354 | Used by:358 |
Symbol 356 Graphic | Used by:357 | |
Symbol 357 MovieClip | Uses:356 | Used by:358 |
Symbol 358 MovieClip {bud_fla.TreeSkin_Level6_344} | Uses:343 318 345 347 349 351 353 355 357 | Used by:512 |
Symbol 359 Graphic | Used by:360 | |
Symbol 360 MovieClip | Uses:359 | Used by:377 |
Symbol 361 Graphic | Used by:362 | |
Symbol 362 MovieClip | Uses:361 | Used by:377 |
Symbol 363 Graphic | Used by:364 | |
Symbol 364 MovieClip | Uses:363 | Used by:377 |
Symbol 365 Graphic | Used by:366 | |
Symbol 366 MovieClip | Uses:365 | Used by:377 |
Symbol 367 Graphic | Used by:368 | |
Symbol 368 MovieClip | Uses:367 | Used by:377 |
Symbol 369 Graphic | Used by:370 | |
Symbol 370 MovieClip | Uses:369 | Used by:377 |
Symbol 371 Graphic | Used by:372 | |
Symbol 372 MovieClip | Uses:371 | Used by:377 |
Symbol 373 Graphic | Used by:374 | |
Symbol 374 MovieClip | Uses:373 | Used by:377 |
Symbol 375 Graphic | Used by:376 | |
Symbol 376 MovieClip | Uses:375 | Used by:377 |
Symbol 377 MovieClip {bud_fla.TreeSkin_Level7_353} | Uses:360 362 364 366 318 368 370 372 374 376 | Used by:512 |
Symbol 378 Graphic | Used by:379 | |
Symbol 379 MovieClip | Uses:378 | Used by:402 |
Symbol 380 Graphic | Used by:381 | |
Symbol 381 MovieClip | Uses:380 | Used by:402 |
Symbol 382 Graphic | Used by:383 | |
Symbol 383 MovieClip | Uses:382 | Used by:402 |
Symbol 384 Graphic | Used by:385 | |
Symbol 385 MovieClip | Uses:384 | Used by:402 |
Symbol 386 Graphic | Used by:387 | |
Symbol 387 MovieClip | Uses:386 | Used by:402 |
Symbol 388 Graphic | Used by:389 | |
Symbol 389 MovieClip | Uses:388 | Used by:402 |
Symbol 390 Graphic | Used by:391 | |
Symbol 391 MovieClip | Uses:390 | Used by:402 |
Symbol 392 Graphic | Used by:393 | |
Symbol 393 MovieClip | Uses:392 | Used by:402 |
Symbol 394 Graphic | Used by:395 | |
Symbol 395 MovieClip | Uses:394 | Used by:402 |
Symbol 396 Graphic | Used by:397 | |
Symbol 397 MovieClip | Uses:396 | Used by:402 |
Symbol 398 Graphic | Used by:399 | |
Symbol 399 MovieClip | Uses:398 | Used by:402 |
Symbol 400 Graphic | Used by:401 | |
Symbol 401 MovieClip | Uses:400 | Used by:402 |
Symbol 402 MovieClip {bud_fla.TreeSkin_Level8_363} | Uses:379 381 383 385 387 389 391 393 395 397 399 401 | Used by:512 |
Symbol 403 Graphic | Used by:404 | |
Symbol 404 MovieClip | Uses:403 | Used by:421 |
Symbol 405 Graphic | Used by:406 | |
Symbol 406 MovieClip | Uses:405 | Used by:421 |
Symbol 407 Graphic | Used by:408 | |
Symbol 408 MovieClip | Uses:407 | Used by:421 |
Symbol 409 Graphic | Used by:410 | |
Symbol 410 MovieClip | Uses:409 | Used by:421 |
Symbol 411 Graphic | Used by:412 | |
Symbol 412 MovieClip | Uses:411 | Used by:421 |
Symbol 413 Graphic | Used by:414 | |
Symbol 414 MovieClip | Uses:413 | Used by:421 |
Symbol 415 Graphic | Used by:416 | |
Symbol 416 MovieClip | Uses:415 | Used by:421 |
Symbol 417 Graphic | Used by:418 | |
Symbol 418 MovieClip | Uses:417 | Used by:421 |
Symbol 419 Graphic | Used by:420 | |
Symbol 420 MovieClip | Uses:419 | Used by:421 |
Symbol 421 MovieClip {bud_fla.TreeSkin_Level9_376} | Uses:404 406 408 410 412 414 416 418 420 | Used by:512 |
Symbol 422 Graphic | Used by:423 | |
Symbol 423 MovieClip | Uses:422 | Used by:440 |
Symbol 424 Graphic | Used by:425 | |
Symbol 425 MovieClip | Uses:424 | Used by:440 |
Symbol 426 Graphic | Used by:427 | |
Symbol 427 MovieClip | Uses:426 | Used by:440 |
Symbol 428 Graphic | Used by:429 | |
Symbol 429 MovieClip | Uses:428 | Used by:440 |
Symbol 430 Graphic | Used by:431 | |
Symbol 431 MovieClip | Uses:430 | Used by:440 |
Symbol 432 Graphic | Used by:433 | |
Symbol 433 MovieClip | Uses:432 | Used by:440 |
Symbol 434 Graphic | Used by:435 | |
Symbol 435 MovieClip | Uses:434 | Used by:440 |
Symbol 436 Graphic | Used by:437 | |
Symbol 437 MovieClip | Uses:436 | Used by:440 |
Symbol 438 Graphic | Used by:439 | |
Symbol 439 MovieClip | Uses:438 | Used by:440 |
Symbol 440 MovieClip {bud_fla.TreeSkin_Level10_386} | Uses:423 425 427 429 431 433 435 437 439 | Used by:512 |
Symbol 441 Graphic | Used by:442 | |
Symbol 442 MovieClip | Uses:441 | Used by:461 |
Symbol 443 Graphic | Used by:444 | |
Symbol 444 MovieClip | Uses:443 | Used by:461 |
Symbol 445 Graphic | Used by:446 | |
Symbol 446 MovieClip | Uses:445 | Used by:461 |
Symbol 447 Graphic | Used by:448 | |
Symbol 448 MovieClip | Uses:447 | Used by:461 |
Symbol 449 Graphic | Used by:450 | |
Symbol 450 MovieClip | Uses:449 | Used by:461 |
Symbol 451 Graphic | Used by:461 | |
Symbol 452 Graphic | Used by:453 | |
Symbol 453 MovieClip | Uses:452 | Used by:461 |
Symbol 454 Graphic | Used by:455 | |
Symbol 455 MovieClip | Uses:454 | Used by:461 |
Symbol 456 Graphic | Used by:461 | |
Symbol 457 Graphic | Used by:458 | |
Symbol 458 MovieClip | Uses:457 | Used by:461 |
Symbol 459 Graphic | Used by:460 | |
Symbol 460 MovieClip | Uses:459 | Used by:461 |
Symbol 461 MovieClip {bud_fla.TreeSkin_Level11_396} | Uses:442 444 446 448 450 451 453 455 456 458 460 | Used by:512 |
Symbol 462 Graphic | Used by:463 | |
Symbol 463 MovieClip | Uses:462 | Used by:478 |
Symbol 464 Graphic | Used by:465 | |
Symbol 465 MovieClip | Uses:464 | Used by:478 |
Symbol 466 Graphic | Used by:467 | |
Symbol 467 MovieClip | Uses:466 | Used by:478 |
Symbol 468 Graphic | Used by:469 | |
Symbol 469 MovieClip | Uses:468 | Used by:478 |
Symbol 470 Graphic | Used by:471 | |
Symbol 471 MovieClip | Uses:470 | Used by:478 |
Symbol 472 Graphic | Used by:473 | |
Symbol 473 MovieClip | Uses:472 | Used by:478 |
Symbol 474 Graphic | Used by:475 | |
Symbol 475 MovieClip | Uses:474 | Used by:478 |
Symbol 476 Graphic | Used by:477 | |
Symbol 477 MovieClip | Uses:476 | Used by:478 |
Symbol 478 MovieClip {bud_fla.TreeSkin_Level12_406} | Uses:463 465 467 298 469 471 473 475 477 | Used by:512 |
Symbol 479 Graphic | Used by:480 | |
Symbol 480 MovieClip | Uses:479 | Used by:511 |
Symbol 481 Graphic | Used by:482 | |
Symbol 482 MovieClip | Uses:481 | Used by:511 |
Symbol 483 Graphic | Used by:484 | |
Symbol 484 MovieClip | Uses:483 | Used by:511 |
Symbol 485 Graphic | Used by:486 | |
Symbol 486 MovieClip | Uses:485 | Used by:511 |
Symbol 487 Graphic | Used by:488 | |
Symbol 488 MovieClip | Uses:487 | Used by:489 |
Symbol 489 MovieClip {bud_fla.TreeSkin_Level13_Leaf2_420} | Uses:488 | Used by:511 |
Symbol 490 Graphic | Used by:491 | |
Symbol 491 MovieClip | Uses:490 | Used by:508 |
Symbol 492 Graphic | Used by:493 | |
Symbol 493 MovieClip | Uses:492 | Used by:508 |
Symbol 494 Graphic | Used by:495 | |
Symbol 495 MovieClip | Uses:494 | Used by:508 |
Symbol 496 Graphic | Used by:497 | |
Symbol 497 MovieClip | Uses:496 | Used by:508 |
Symbol 498 Graphic | Used by:499 | |
Symbol 499 MovieClip | Uses:498 | Used by:508 |
Symbol 500 Graphic | Used by:501 | |
Symbol 501 MovieClip | Uses:500 | Used by:508 |
Symbol 502 Graphic | Used by:503 | |
Symbol 503 MovieClip | Uses:502 | Used by:508 |
Symbol 504 Graphic | Used by:505 | |
Symbol 505 MovieClip | Uses:504 | Used by:508 |
Symbol 506 Graphic | Used by:507 | |
Symbol 507 MovieClip | Uses:506 | Used by:508 |
Symbol 508 MovieClip {bud_fla.TreeSkin_Level13_Angel_422} | Uses:491 493 495 497 499 501 503 505 507 | Used by:511 |
Symbol 509 Graphic | Used by:510 | |
Symbol 510 MovieClip | Uses:509 | Used by:511 |
Symbol 511 MovieClip {bud_fla.TreeSkin_Level13_415} | Uses:480 482 298 484 486 489 508 510 | Used by:512 |
Symbol 512 MovieClip {bud_fla.Tree_Tree_Skin_Skin_332} | Uses:311 316 319 322 332 341 358 377 402 421 440 461 478 511 | Used by:513 |
Symbol 513 MovieClip {bud_fla.Tree_Tree_Skin_331} | Uses:512 | Used by:514 |
Symbol 514 MovieClip {bud_fla.Tree_Tree_330} | Uses:513 | Used by:515 |
Symbol 515 MovieClip {Bit_Tree} | Uses:514 | |
Symbol 516 Graphic | Used by:518 | |
Symbol 517 Graphic | Used by:518 | |
Symbol 518 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Intern_Leg_182} | Uses:516 517 | Used by:538 1408 |
Symbol 519 Graphic | Used by:521 | |
Symbol 520 Graphic | Used by:521 | |
Symbol 521 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Intern_Arm_183} | Uses:519 520 | Used by:538 1408 |
Symbol 522 Graphic | Used by:524 | |
Symbol 523 Graphic | Used by:524 | |
Symbol 524 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Intern_Body_184} | Uses:522 523 | Used by:538 1408 |
Symbol 525 Graphic | Used by:527 | |
Symbol 526 Graphic | Used by:527 | |
Symbol 527 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Intern_Head_185} | Uses:525 526 | Used by:538 1408 |
Symbol 528 Graphic | Used by:529 | |
Symbol 529 MovieClip | Uses:528 | Used by:538 1408 |
Symbol 530 Graphic | Used by:538 | |
Symbol 531 Graphic | Used by:538 | |
Symbol 532 Graphic | Used by:538 | |
Symbol 533 Graphic | Used by:538 | |
Symbol 534 ShapeTweening | Used by:538 | |
Symbol 535 Graphic | Used by:538 | |
Symbol 536 Graphic | Used by:537 | |
Symbol 537 MovieClip | Uses:536 | Used by:538 |
Symbol 538 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Intern_292} | Uses:518 521 524 527 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 537 | Used by:822 |
Symbol 539 MovieClip {bud_fla.CarreInvisibleA_15} | Uses:300 | Used by:822 1029 1031 1101 1107 1200 1604 |
Symbol 540 Graphic | Used by:542 | |
Symbol 541 Graphic | Used by:542 | |
Symbol 542 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Lumberjack_Leg_148} | Uses:540 541 | Used by:563 1332 1398 1404 1414 |
Symbol 543 Graphic | Used by:545 | |
Symbol 544 Graphic | Used by:545 | |
Symbol 545 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Lumberjack_Arm_149} | Uses:543 544 | Used by:563 1332 1398 1404 1414 |
Symbol 546 Graphic | Used by:548 | |
Symbol 547 Graphic | Used by:548 | |
Symbol 548 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Lumberjack_Body_150} | Uses:546 547 | Used by:563 1332 1398 1404 1414 |
Symbol 549 Graphic | Used by:551 | |
Symbol 550 Graphic | Used by:551 | |
Symbol 551 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Lumberjack_Head_151} | Uses:549 550 | Used by:563 1332 1398 1404 1414 |
Symbol 552 Graphic | Used by:553 | |
Symbol 553 MovieClip | Uses:552 | Used by:563 1332 1398 1404 1414 |
Symbol 554 Graphic | Used by:563 | |
Symbol 555 Graphic | Used by:563 | |
Symbol 556 Graphic | Used by:563 | |
Symbol 557 Graphic | Used by:563 | |
Symbol 558 Graphic | Used by:563 | |
Symbol 559 ShapeTweening | Used by:563 | |
Symbol 560 Graphic | Used by:563 | |
Symbol 561 Graphic | Used by:562 | |
Symbol 562 MovieClip | Uses:561 | Used by:563 1398 |
Symbol 563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Lumberjack_294} | Uses:542 545 548 551 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 562 | Used by:822 |
Symbol 564 Graphic | Used by:566 | |
Symbol 565 Graphic | Used by:566 | |
Symbol 566 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Big_Leg_189} | Uses:564 565 | Used by:597 1419 |
Symbol 567 Graphic | Used by:569 | |
Symbol 568 Graphic | Used by:569 | |
Symbol 569 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Big_Arm_190} | Uses:567 568 | Used by:597 1419 |
Symbol 570 Graphic | Used by:572 | |
Symbol 571 Graphic | Used by:572 | |
Symbol 572 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Big_Body_191} | Uses:570 571 | Used by:597 1419 |
Symbol 573 Graphic | Used by:575 | |
Symbol 574 Graphic | Used by:575 | |
Symbol 575 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Big_Head_192} | Uses:573 574 | Used by:597 1419 |
Symbol 576 Graphic | Used by:578 | |
Symbol 577 Graphic | Used by:578 | |
Symbol 578 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Big_Axe_193} | Uses:576 577 | Used by:597 1419 |
Symbol 579 Graphic | Used by:597 | |
Symbol 580 Graphic | Used by:597 | |
Symbol 581 Graphic | Used by:597 | |
Symbol 582 Graphic | Used by:597 | |
Symbol 583 Graphic | Used by:597 | |
Symbol 584 Graphic | Used by:597 | |
Symbol 585 Graphic | Used by:597 | |
Symbol 586 Graphic | Used by:597 | |
Symbol 587 Graphic | Used by:597 | |
Symbol 588 Graphic | Used by:597 | |
Symbol 589 Graphic | Used by:597 | |
Symbol 590 Graphic | Used by:597 | |
Symbol 591 Graphic | Used by:597 | |
Symbol 592 Graphic | Used by:597 | |
Symbol 593 ShapeTweening | Used by:597 | |
Symbol 594 Graphic | Used by:597 | |
Symbol 595 Graphic | Used by:596 | |
Symbol 596 MovieClip | Uses:595 | Used by:597 |
Symbol 597 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Big_295} | Uses:566 569 572 575 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 596 | Used by:822 |
Symbol 598 Graphic | Used by:600 | |
Symbol 599 Graphic | Used by:600 | |
Symbol 600 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Master_Leg_195} | Uses:598 599 | Used by:625 1424 |
Symbol 601 Graphic | Used by:603 | |
Symbol 602 Graphic | Used by:603 | |
Symbol 603 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Master_Bras_196} | Uses:601 602 | Used by:625 1424 |
Symbol 604 Graphic | Used by:606 | |
Symbol 605 Graphic | Used by:606 | |
Symbol 606 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Master_Body_197} | Uses:604 605 | Used by:625 1424 |
Symbol 607 Graphic | Used by:609 | |
Symbol 608 Graphic | Used by:609 | |
Symbol 609 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Master_Axe_198} | Uses:607 608 | Used by:625 1424 |
Symbol 610 Graphic | Used by:612 | |
Symbol 611 Graphic | Used by:612 | |
Symbol 612 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Master_Head_199} | Uses:610 611 | Used by:625 1424 |
Symbol 613 Graphic | Used by:625 | |
Symbol 614 Graphic | Used by:625 | |
Symbol 615 Graphic | Used by:625 | |
Symbol 616 Graphic | Used by:625 | |
Symbol 617 Graphic | Used by:625 | |
Symbol 618 Graphic | Used by:625 | |
Symbol 619 Graphic | Used by:625 | |
Symbol 620 Graphic | Used by:625 | |
Symbol 621 ShapeTweening | Used by:625 | |
Symbol 622 Graphic | Used by:625 | |
Symbol 623 Graphic | Used by:624 | |
Symbol 624 MovieClip | Uses:623 | Used by:625 |
Symbol 625 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Master_297} | Uses:600 603 606 609 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 624 | Used by:822 |
Symbol 626 Graphic | Used by:628 | |
Symbol 627 Graphic | Used by:628 | |
Symbol 628 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_Arm_201} | Uses:626 627 | Used by:650 668 1429 1434 |
Symbol 629 Graphic | Used by:638 | |
Symbol 630 Graphic | Used by:638 | |
Symbol 631 Graphic | Used by:638 | |
Symbol 632 Graphic | Used by:638 | |
Symbol 633 Graphic | Used by:638 | |
Symbol 634 Graphic | Used by:638 | |
Symbol 635 Graphic | Used by:638 | |
Symbol 636 Graphic | Used by:638 | |
Symbol 637 Graphic | Used by:638 | |
Symbol 638 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_Saw_202} | Uses:629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 | Used by:650 1429 |
Symbol 639 Graphic | Used by:641 | |
Symbol 640 Graphic | Used by:641 | |
Symbol 641 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_Leg_203} | Uses:639 640 | Used by:650 1429 |
Symbol 642 Graphic | Used by:644 | |
Symbol 643 Graphic | Used by:644 | |
Symbol 644 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_Body_204} | Uses:642 643 | Used by:650 668 1429 1434 |
Symbol 645 Graphic | Used by:647 | |
Symbol 646 Graphic | Used by:647 | |
Symbol 647 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_Head_205} | Uses:645 646 | Used by:650 668 1429 1434 |
Symbol 648 Graphic | Used by:649 | |
Symbol 649 MovieClip | Uses:648 | Used by:650 |
Symbol 650 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_299} | Uses:628 638 641 644 647 649 | Used by:822 |
Symbol 651 Graphic | Used by:652 | |
Symbol 652 MovieClip | Uses:651 | Used by:668 1434 |
Symbol 653 Graphic | Used by:654 | |
Symbol 654 MovieClip | Uses:653 | Used by:668 1434 |
Symbol 655 Graphic | Used by:656 | |
Symbol 656 MovieClip | Uses:655 | Used by:668 1434 |
Symbol 657 Graphic | Used by:658 | |
Symbol 658 MovieClip | Uses:657 | Used by:668 1434 |
Symbol 659 Graphic | Used by:668 | |
Symbol 660 Graphic | Used by:661 | |
Symbol 661 MovieClip | Uses:660 | Used by:668 1434 |
Symbol 662 Graphic | Used by:663 | |
Symbol 663 MovieClip | Uses:662 | Used by:668 1434 |
Symbol 664 Graphic | Used by:665 | |
Symbol 665 MovieClip | Uses:664 | Used by:668 1434 |
Symbol 666 Graphic | Used by:667 | |
Symbol 667 MovieClip | Uses:666 | Used by:668 |
Symbol 668 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_JigSaw_301} | Uses:652 654 656 628 644 647 658 659 661 663 665 667 | Used by:822 |
Symbol 669 Graphic | Used by:671 | |
Symbol 670 Graphic | Used by:671 | |
Symbol 671 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Chrono_Arm_221} | Uses:669 670 | Used by:704 1444 |
Symbol 672 Graphic | Used by:674 | |
Symbol 673 Graphic | Used by:674 | |
Symbol 674 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Chrono_Leg_222} | Uses:672 673 | Used by:704 1444 |
Symbol 675 Graphic | Used by:677 | |
Symbol 676 Graphic | Used by:677 | |
Symbol 677 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Chrono_Body_223} | Uses:675 676 | Used by:704 1444 |
Symbol 678 Graphic | Used by:680 | |
Symbol 679 Graphic | Used by:680 | |
Symbol 680 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Chrono_Head_224} | Uses:678 679 | Used by:704 1444 |
Symbol 681 Graphic | Used by:682 | |
Symbol 682 MovieClip | Uses:681 | Used by:704 1444 |
Symbol 683 Graphic | Used by:704 | |
Symbol 684 Graphic | Used by:704 | |
Symbol 685 Graphic | Used by:704 | |
Symbol 686 Graphic | Used by:704 | |
Symbol 687 Graphic | Used by:704 | |
Symbol 688 Graphic | Used by:704 | |
Symbol 689 Graphic | Used by:704 | |
Symbol 690 ShapeTweening | Used by:704 | |
Symbol 691 Graphic | Used by:704 | |
Symbol 692 ShapeTweening | Used by:703 | |
Symbol 693 ShapeTweening | Used by:703 | |
Symbol 694 ShapeTweening | Used by:703 | |
Symbol 695 Graphic | Used by:703 | |
Symbol 696 ShapeTweening | Used by:703 | |
Symbol 697 ShapeTweening | Used by:703 | |
Symbol 698 ShapeTweening | Used by:703 | |
Symbol 699 ShapeTweening | Used by:703 | |
Symbol 700 ShapeTweening | Used by:703 | |
Symbol 701 Graphic | Used by:703 | |
Symbol 702 Graphic | Used by:703 | |
Symbol 703 MovieClip | Uses:692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 | Used by:704 |
Symbol 704 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Chrono_303} | Uses:671 674 677 680 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 703 | Used by:822 |
Symbol 705 Graphic | Used by:707 | |
Symbol 706 Graphic | Used by:707 | |
Symbol 707 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Imp_Leg_215} | Uses:705 706 | Used by:721 1439 |
Symbol 708 Graphic | Used by:710 | |
Symbol 709 Graphic | Used by:710 | |
Symbol 710 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Imp_Arm_216} | Uses:708 709 | Used by:721 1439 |
Symbol 711 Graphic | Used by:713 | |
Symbol 712 Graphic | Used by:713 | |
Symbol 713 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Imp_Body_217} | Uses:711 712 | Used by:721 1439 |
Symbol 714 Graphic | Used by:716 | |
Symbol 715 Graphic | Used by:716 | |
Symbol 716 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Imp_Head_218} | Uses:714 715 | Used by:721 1439 |
Symbol 717 Graphic | Used by:718 | |
Symbol 718 MovieClip | Uses:717 | Used by:721 1439 |
Symbol 719 Graphic | Used by:720 | |
Symbol 720 MovieClip | Uses:719 | Used by:721 |
Symbol 721 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Imp_305} | Uses:707 710 713 716 718 720 | Used by:822 |
Symbol 722 Graphic | Used by:723 | |
Symbol 723 MovieClip | Uses:722 | Used by:744 1449 |
Symbol 724 Graphic | Used by:725 | |
Symbol 725 MovieClip | Uses:724 | Used by:744 1449 |
Symbol 726 Graphic | Used by:727 | |
Symbol 727 MovieClip | Uses:726 | Used by:744 1449 |
Symbol 728 Graphic | Used by:729 | |
Symbol 729 MovieClip | Uses:728 | Used by:744 1449 |
Symbol 730 Graphic | Used by:731 | |
Symbol 731 MovieClip | Uses:730 | Used by:744 1449 |
Symbol 732 Graphic | Used by:744 | |
Symbol 733 Graphic | Used by:744 | |
Symbol 734 Graphic | Used by:744 | |
Symbol 735 Graphic | Used by:744 | |
Symbol 736 Graphic | Used by:744 | |
Symbol 737 Graphic | Used by:744 | |
Symbol 738 Graphic | Used by:744 | |
Symbol 739 ShapeTweening | Used by:744 | |
Symbol 740 Graphic | Used by:744 | |
Symbol 741 Graphic | Used by:742 | |
Symbol 742 MovieClip | Uses:741 | Used by:744 |
Symbol 743 Graphic | Used by:744 | |
Symbol 744 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Shield_307} | Uses:723 725 727 729 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 742 743 | Used by:822 |
Symbol 745 Graphic | Used by:746 | |
Symbol 746 MovieClip | Uses:745 | Used by:765 1454 |
Symbol 747 Graphic | Used by:748 | |
Symbol 748 MovieClip | Uses:747 | Used by:765 1454 |
Symbol 749 Graphic | Used by:750 | |
Symbol 750 MovieClip | Uses:749 | Used by:765 1454 |
Symbol 751 Graphic | Used by:753 | |
Symbol 752 Graphic | Used by:753 | |
Symbol 753 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Assassin_Head_236} | Uses:751 752 | Used by:765 1454 |
Symbol 754 Graphic | Used by:756 | |
Symbol 755 Graphic | Used by:756 | |
Symbol 756 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Assassin_Sword_237} | Uses:754 755 | Used by:765 1454 |
Symbol 757 ShapeTweening | Used by:765 | |
Symbol 758 ShapeTweening | Used by:765 | |
Symbol 759 Graphic | Used by:765 | |
Symbol 760 ShapeTweening | Used by:762 | |
Symbol 761 Graphic | Used by:762 915 | |
Symbol 762 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Assassin_DeathParticle_310} | Uses:760 761 | Used by:765 |
Symbol 763 Graphic | Used by:764 | |
Symbol 764 MovieClip | Uses:763 | Used by:765 |
Symbol 765 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Assassin_309} | Uses:746 748 750 753 756 757 758 759 762 764 | Used by:822 |
Symbol 766 Graphic | Used by:767 | |
Symbol 767 MovieClip | Uses:766 | Used by:780 1458 |
Symbol 768 Graphic | Used by:769 770 | |
Symbol 769 MovieClip | Uses:768 | Used by:780 1458 |
Symbol 770 MovieClip | Uses:768 | Used by:780 1458 |
Symbol 771 Graphic | Used by:772 | |
Symbol 772 MovieClip | Uses:771 | Used by:780 1458 |
Symbol 773 Graphic | Used by:774 | |
Symbol 774 MovieClip | Uses:773 | Used by:780 1458 |
Symbol 775 Graphic | Used by:776 | |
Symbol 776 MovieClip | Uses:775 | Used by:780 |
Symbol 777 Graphic | Used by:778 | |
Symbol 778 MovieClip | Uses:777 | Used by:779 |
Symbol 779 MovieClip | Uses:778 | Used by:780 |
Symbol 780 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Wizard_312} | Uses:767 769 770 772 774 776 779 | Used by:822 |
Symbol 781 Graphic | Used by:782 796 809 | |
Symbol 782 MovieClip | Uses:781 | Used by:795 1464 1469 1474 |
Symbol 783 Graphic | Used by:784 | |
Symbol 784 MovieClip | Uses:783 | Used by:795 1464 |
Symbol 785 Graphic | Used by:786 799 812 | |
Symbol 786 MovieClip | Uses:785 | Used by:795 1464 1469 1474 |
Symbol 787 Graphic | Used by:788 | |
Symbol 788 MovieClip | Uses:787 | Used by:795 1464 |
Symbol 789 Graphic | Used by:790 | |
Symbol 790 MovieClip | Uses:789 | Used by:795 1464 |
Symbol 791 Graphic | Used by:792 | |
Symbol 792 MovieClip | Uses:791 | Used by:795 |
Symbol 793 Graphic | Used by:794 | |
Symbol 794 MovieClip | Uses:793 | Used by:795 |
Symbol 795 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodS_316} | Uses:782 784 786 788 790 792 794 | Used by:822 |
Symbol 796 MovieClip | Uses:781 | Used by:808 |
Symbol 797 Graphic | Used by:798 | |
Symbol 798 MovieClip | Uses:797 | Used by:808 1469 |
Symbol 799 MovieClip | Uses:785 | Used by:808 |
Symbol 800 Graphic | Used by:801 | |
Symbol 801 MovieClip | Uses:800 | Used by:808 1469 |
Symbol 802 Graphic | Used by:803 | |
Symbol 803 MovieClip | Uses:802 | Used by:808 1469 |
Symbol 804 Graphic | Used by:805 | |
Symbol 805 MovieClip | Uses:804 | Used by:808 |
Symbol 806 Graphic | Used by:807 | |
Symbol 807 MovieClip | Uses:806 | Used by:808 |
Symbol 808 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodC_319} | Uses:796 798 799 801 803 805 807 | Used by:822 |
Symbol 809 MovieClip | Uses:781 | Used by:821 |
Symbol 810 Graphic | Used by:811 | |
Symbol 811 MovieClip | Uses:810 | Used by:821 1474 |
Symbol 812 MovieClip | Uses:785 | Used by:821 |
Symbol 813 Graphic | Used by:814 | |
Symbol 814 MovieClip | Uses:813 | Used by:821 1474 |
Symbol 815 Graphic | Used by:816 | |
Symbol 816 MovieClip | Uses:815 | Used by:821 1474 |
Symbol 817 Graphic | Used by:818 | |
Symbol 818 MovieClip | Uses:817 | Used by:821 |
Symbol 819 Graphic | Used by:820 | |
Symbol 820 MovieClip | Uses:819 | Used by:821 |
Symbol 821 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodL_324} | Uses:809 811 812 814 816 818 820 | Used by:822 |
Symbol 822 MovieClip {Bit_Ennemy} | Uses:538 539 563 597 625 650 668 704 721 744 765 780 795 808 821 | |
Symbol 823 ShapeTweening | Used by:836 | |
Symbol 824 Graphic | Used by:836 | |
Symbol 825 Graphic | Used by:836 | |
Symbol 826 Graphic | Used by:836 | |
Symbol 827 Graphic | Used by:836 | |
Symbol 828 ShapeTweening | Used by:836 | |
Symbol 829 Graphic | Used by:836 | |
Symbol 830 Graphic | Used by:836 | |
Symbol 831 Graphic | Used by:836 | |
Symbol 832 Graphic | Used by:836 | |
Symbol 833 Graphic | Used by:836 | |
Symbol 834 Graphic | Used by:836 | |
Symbol 835 Graphic | Used by:836 | |
Symbol 836 MovieClip {bud_fla.Thunder_Skin_Strength_Skin1_156} | Uses:823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 | Used by:893 |
Symbol 837 ShapeTweening | Used by:850 | |
Symbol 838 Graphic | Used by:850 | |
Symbol 839 Graphic | Used by:850 | |
Symbol 840 Graphic | Used by:850 | |
Symbol 841 Graphic | Used by:850 | |
Symbol 842 ShapeTweening | Used by:850 | |
Symbol 843 Graphic | Used by:850 | |
Symbol 844 Graphic | Used by:850 | |
Symbol 845 Graphic | Used by:850 | |
Symbol 846 Graphic | Used by:850 | |
Symbol 847 Graphic | Used by:850 | |
Symbol 848 Graphic | Used by:850 | |
Symbol 849 Graphic | Used by:850 | |
Symbol 850 MovieClip {bud_fla.Thunder_Skin_Strength_Skin2_157} | Uses:837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 | Used by:893 |
Symbol 851 ShapeTweening | Used by:864 | |
Symbol 852 Graphic | Used by:864 | |
Symbol 853 Graphic | Used by:864 | |
Symbol 854 Graphic | Used by:864 | |
Symbol 855 Graphic | Used by:864 | |
Symbol 856 ShapeTweening | Used by:864 | |
Symbol 857 Graphic | Used by:864 | |
Symbol 858 Graphic | Used by:864 | |
Symbol 859 Graphic | Used by:864 | |
Symbol 860 Graphic | Used by:864 | |
Symbol 861 Graphic | Used by:864 | |
Symbol 862 Graphic | Used by:864 | |
Symbol 863 Graphic | Used by:864 | |
Symbol 864 MovieClip {bud_fla.Thunder_Skin_Strength_Skin3_158} | Uses:851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 | Used by:893 |
Symbol 865 ShapeTweening | Used by:878 | |
Symbol 866 Graphic | Used by:878 | |
Symbol 867 Graphic | Used by:878 | |
Symbol 868 Graphic | Used by:878 | |
Symbol 869 Graphic | Used by:878 | |
Symbol 870 ShapeTweening | Used by:878 | |
Symbol 871 Graphic | Used by:878 | |
Symbol 872 Graphic | Used by:878 | |
Symbol 873 Graphic | Used by:878 | |
Symbol 874 Graphic | Used by:878 | |
Symbol 875 Graphic | Used by:878 | |
Symbol 876 Graphic | Used by:878 | |
Symbol 877 Graphic | Used by:878 | |
Symbol 878 MovieClip {bud_fla.Thunder_Skin_Strength_Skin4_159} | Uses:865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 | Used by:893 |
Symbol 879 ShapeTweening | Used by:892 | |
Symbol 880 Graphic | Used by:892 | |
Symbol 881 Graphic | Used by:892 | |
Symbol 882 Graphic | Used by:892 | |
Symbol 883 Graphic | Used by:892 | |
Symbol 884 ShapeTweening | Used by:892 | |
Symbol 885 Graphic | Used by:892 | |
Symbol 886 Graphic | Used by:892 | |
Symbol 887 Graphic | Used by:892 | |
Symbol 888 Graphic | Used by:892 | |
Symbol 889 Graphic | Used by:892 | |
Symbol 890 Graphic | Used by:892 | |
Symbol 891 Graphic | Used by:892 | |
Symbol 892 MovieClip {bud_fla.Thunder_Skin_Strength_Skin5_160} | Uses:879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 | Used by:893 |
Symbol 893 MovieClip {bud_fla.Thunder_Skin_Strength_155} | Uses:836 850 864 878 892 | Used by:894 1339 1383 |
Symbol 894 MovieClip | Uses:893 | Used by:895 |
Symbol 895 MovieClip {Bit_Thunder} | Uses:894 | |
Symbol 896 ShapeTweening | Used by:898 | |
Symbol 897 Graphic | Used by:898 | |
Symbol 898 MovieClip {BitEffect_ThunderCloud} | Uses:896 897 | |
Symbol 899 Graphic | Used by:900 | |
Symbol 900 MovieClip | Uses:899 | Used by:901 902 |
Symbol 901 MovieClip {bud_fla.ThunderEffect_Skin_ZigZag_286} | Uses:900 | Used by:902 |
Symbol 902 MovieClip {bud_fla.ThunderEffect_Skin_285} | Uses:901 900 | Used by:903 |
Symbol 903 MovieClip {BitParticle_Thunder} | Uses:902 | |
Symbol 904 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:905 |
Symbol 905 MovieClip | Uses:904 | Used by:906 |
Symbol 906 MovieClip {BitEffect_LevelUp} | Uses:905 | |
Symbol 907 Graphic | Used by:912 | |
Symbol 908 Graphic | Used by:912 | |
Symbol 909 Graphic | Used by:912 | |
Symbol 910 Graphic | Used by:912 | |
Symbol 911 Graphic | Used by:912 | |
Symbol 912 MovieClip {BitBack_Bush} | Uses:907 908 909 910 911 | |
Symbol 913 Graphic | Used by:914 | |
Symbol 914 MovieClip {BitParticle_Cloud} | Uses:913 | |
Symbol 915 MovieClip | Uses:761 | Used by:916 1356 |
Symbol 916 MovieClip {BitParticle_Experience} | Uses:915 | |
Symbol 917 MovieClip {BitParticle_Pressure} | Uses:298 | |
Symbol 918 Graphic | Used by:919 | |
Symbol 919 MovieClip | Uses:918 | Used by:920 |
Symbol 920 MovieClip {Bit_Teleportation} | Uses:919 | Used by:1404 |
Symbol 921 Graphic | Used by:924 | |
Symbol 922 Font | Used by:923 931 1307 1309 1317 1319 1325 1327 1333 1335 1340 1342 1345 1347 1351 1353 1357 1359 1362 1364 1371 1373 1379 1381 1384 1386 1389 1391 1394 1396 1400 1402 1405 1407 1410 1412 1415 1417 1420 1422 1425 1427 1430 1432 1435 1437 1440 1442 1445 1447 1450 1452 1455 1457 1460 1462 1465 1467 1470 1472 1475 1477 1480 1482 | |
Symbol 923 EditableText | Uses:922 930 | Used by:924 |
Symbol 924 MovieClip {BitElement_Bubble} | Uses:921 923 | Used by:1291 |
Symbol 925 Graphic | Used by:927 | |
Symbol 926 Graphic | Used by:927 | |
Symbol 927 MovieClip | Uses:925 926 | Used by:996 |
Symbol 928 Font | Used by:929 | |
Symbol 929 EditableText | Uses:928 | Used by:996 |
Symbol 930 Font | Used by:923 931 1307 1309 1317 1319 1340 1342 1362 1364 | |
Symbol 931 EditableText | Uses:922 930 | Used by:996 |
Symbol 932 EditableText | Uses:273 1492 | Used by:996 |
Symbol 933 Graphic | Used by:993 | |
Symbol 934 Graphic | Used by:993 | |
Symbol 935 Graphic | Used by:993 | |
Symbol 936 Graphic | Used by:993 | |
Symbol 937 Graphic | Used by:993 | |
Symbol 938 Graphic | Used by:993 | |
Symbol 939 Graphic | Used by:993 | |
Symbol 940 Graphic | Used by:993 | |
Symbol 941 Graphic | Used by:993 | |
Symbol 942 Graphic | Used by:993 | |
Symbol 943 Graphic | Used by:993 | |
Symbol 944 Graphic | Used by:993 | |
Symbol 945 Graphic | Used by:993 | |
Symbol 946 Graphic | Used by:993 | |
Symbol 947 Graphic | Used by:993 | |
Symbol 948 Graphic | Used by:993 | |
Symbol 949 Graphic | Used by:993 | |
Symbol 950 Graphic | Used by:993 | |
Symbol 951 Graphic | Used by:993 | |
Symbol 952 Graphic | Used by:993 | |
Symbol 953 Graphic | Used by:993 | |
Symbol 954 Graphic | Used by:993 | |
Symbol 955 Graphic | Used by:993 | |
Symbol 956 Graphic | Used by:993 | |
Symbol 957 Graphic | Used by:993 | |
Symbol 958 Graphic | Used by:993 | |
Symbol 959 Graphic | Used by:993 | |
Symbol 960 Graphic | Used by:993 | |
Symbol 961 Graphic | Used by:993 | |
Symbol 962 Graphic | Used by:993 | |
Symbol 963 Graphic | Used by:993 | |
Symbol 964 Graphic | Used by:993 | |
Symbol 965 Graphic | Used by:993 | |
Symbol 966 Graphic | Used by:993 | |
Symbol 967 Graphic | Used by:993 | |
Symbol 968 Graphic | Used by:993 | |
Symbol 969 Graphic | Used by:993 | |
Symbol 970 Graphic | Used by:993 | |
Symbol 971 Graphic | Used by:993 | |
Symbol 972 Graphic | Used by:993 | |
Symbol 973 Graphic | Used by:993 | |
Symbol 974 Graphic | Used by:993 | |
Symbol 975 Graphic | Used by:993 | |
Symbol 976 Graphic | Used by:993 | |
Symbol 977 Graphic | Used by:993 | |
Symbol 978 Graphic | Used by:993 | |
Symbol 979 Graphic | Used by:993 | |
Symbol 980 Graphic | Used by:993 | |
Symbol 981 Graphic | Used by:993 | |
Symbol 982 Graphic | Used by:993 | |
Symbol 983 Graphic | Used by:993 | |
Symbol 984 Graphic | Used by:993 | |
Symbol 985 Graphic | Used by:993 | |
Symbol 986 Graphic | Used by:993 | |
Symbol 987 Graphic | Used by:993 | |
Symbol 988 Graphic | Used by:993 | |
Symbol 989 Graphic | Used by:993 | |
Symbol 990 Graphic | Used by:993 | |
Symbol 991 Graphic | Used by:993 | |
Symbol 992 Graphic | Used by:993 | |
Symbol 993 MovieClip | Uses:933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 | Used by:996 1180 1608 |
Symbol 994 EditableText | Uses:273 1492 | Used by:996 |
Symbol 995 EditableText | Uses:273 1492 | Used by:996 |
Symbol 996 MovieClip {BitElement_BubbleAchievement} | Uses:927 929 931 932 993 994 995 | Used by:1188 |
Symbol 997 Graphic | Used by:1005 | |
Symbol 998 Graphic | Used by:1005 | |
Symbol 999 Graphic | Used by:1005 | |
Symbol 1000 Graphic | Used by:1005 | |
Symbol 1001 Graphic | Used by:1005 | |
Symbol 1002 Graphic | Used by:1005 | |
Symbol 1003 Graphic | Used by:1005 | |
Symbol 1004 Graphic | Used by:1005 | |
Symbol 1005 MovieClip {BitBack_Cloud} | Uses:997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 | Used by:1095 |
Symbol 1006 Graphic | Used by:1009 | |
Symbol 1007 Graphic | Used by:1009 | |
Symbol 1008 Graphic | Used by:1009 | |
Symbol 1009 MovieClip {BitBack_Turret} | Uses:1006 1007 1008 | Used by:1099 |
Symbol 1010 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 1011 Graphic | Used by:1012 1099 | |
Symbol 1012 MovieClip | Uses:1011 | Used by:1091 |
Symbol 1013 Graphic | Used by:1014 | |
Symbol 1014 MovieClip | Uses:1013 | Used by:1023 |
Symbol 1015 Graphic | Used by:1016 | |
Symbol 1016 MovieClip | Uses:1015 | Used by:1020 |
Symbol 1017 Graphic | Used by:1018 | |
Symbol 1018 MovieClip | Uses:1017 | Used by:1019 |
Symbol 1019 MovieClip {bud_fla.Rasoir_Lame_Tintillement_11} | Uses:1018 | Used by:1020 |
Symbol 1020 MovieClip {bud_fla.Rasoir_Lame_9} | Uses:1016 1019 | Used by:1023 |
Symbol 1021 Graphic | Used by:1022 | |
Symbol 1022 MovieClip | Uses:1021 | Used by:1023 |
Symbol 1023 MovieClip {bud_fla.Rasoir_7} | Uses:1014 1020 1022 | Used by:1024 |
Symbol 1024 MovieClip {bud_fla.Rasoir_Rasoir_6} | Uses:1023 | Used by:1029 |
Symbol 1025 Graphic | Used by:1026 | |
Symbol 1026 MovieClip {bud_fla.Logo_Ockam_Bump_14} | Uses:1025 | Used by:1029 |
Symbol 1027 Graphic | Used by:1028 | |
Symbol 1028 MovieClip | Uses:1027 | Used by:1029 |
Symbol 1029 MovieClip {bud_fla.Logo_Ockam_5} | Uses:1024 1026 539 1028 | Used by:1091 |
Symbol 1030 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1031 |
Symbol 1031 MovieClip | Uses:1030 539 | Used by:1091 |
Symbol 1032 Graphic | Used by:1033 | |
Symbol 1033 MovieClip | Uses:1032 | Used by:1042 |
Symbol 1034 Graphic | Used by:1035 | |
Symbol 1035 MovieClip | Uses:1034 | Used by:1042 |
Symbol 1036 Graphic | Used by:1037 | |
Symbol 1037 MovieClip | Uses:1036 | Used by:1042 |
Symbol 1038 Graphic | Used by:1039 | |
Symbol 1039 MovieClip | Uses:1038 | Used by:1042 |
Symbol 1040 Graphic | Used by:1041 | |
Symbol 1041 MovieClip | Uses:1040 | Used by:1042 |
Symbol 1042 MovieClip {bud_fla.drOIdeLogo_Texte_21} | Uses:1033 1035 1037 1039 1041 | Used by:1080 |
Symbol 1043 ShapeTweening | Used by:1078 | |
Symbol 1044 Graphic | Used by:1078 | |
Symbol 1045 ShapeTweening | Used by:1078 | |
Symbol 1046 Graphic | Used by:1078 | |
Symbol 1047 ShapeTweening | Used by:1078 | |
Symbol 1048 Graphic | Used by:1078 | |
Symbol 1049 Graphic | Used by:1078 | |
Symbol 1050 ShapeTweening | Used by:1053 | |
Symbol 1051 ShapeTweening | Used by:1053 | |
Symbol 1052 Graphic | Used by:1053 | |
Symbol 1053 MovieClip {bud_fla.drOIdeLogo_Circuit_Interne_Rond_29} | Uses:1050 1051 1052 | Used by:1078 |
Symbol 1054 Graphic | Used by:1078 | |
Symbol 1055 ShapeTweening | Used by:1078 | |
Symbol 1056 ShapeTweening | Used by:1078 | |
Symbol 1057 ShapeTweening | Used by:1078 | |
Symbol 1058 Graphic | Used by:1078 | |
Symbol 1059 ShapeTweening | Used by:1078 | |
Symbol 1060 Graphic | Used by:1078 | |
Symbol 1061 ShapeTweening | Used by:1078 | |
Symbol 1062 Graphic | Used by:1078 | |
Symbol 1063 ShapeTweening | Used by:1078 | |
Symbol 1064 Graphic | Used by:1078 | |
Symbol 1065 ShapeTweening | Used by:1078 | |
Symbol 1066 Graphic | Used by:1078 | |
Symbol 1067 ShapeTweening | Used by:1078 | |
Symbol 1068 Graphic | Used by:1078 | |
Symbol 1069 ShapeTweening | Used by:1078 | |
Symbol 1070 Graphic | Used by:1078 | |
Symbol 1071 Graphic | Used by:1078 | |
Symbol 1072 ShapeTweening | Used by:1078 | |
Symbol 1073 ShapeTweening | Used by:1078 | |
Symbol 1074 Graphic | Used by:1078 | |
Symbol 1075 Graphic | Used by:1078 | |
Symbol 1076 ShapeTweening | Used by:1078 | |
Symbol 1077 Graphic | Used by:1078 | |
Symbol 1078 MovieClip {bud_fla.drOIdeLogo_Circuit_Interne_28} | Uses:1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 297 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 | Used by:1079 |
Symbol 1079 MovieClip {bud_fla.drOIdeLogo_Circuit_27} | Uses:1078 | Used by:1080 |
Symbol 1080 MovieClip {bud_fla.drOIdeLogo_Forme_Intra_20} | Uses:1042 1079 | Used by:1085 |
Symbol 1081 Font | Used by:1082 | |
Symbol 1082 Text | Uses:1081 | Used by:1083 |
Symbol 1083 MovieClip | Uses:1082 | Used by:1084 |
Symbol 1084 MovieClip {bud_fla.drOIdeLogo_Forme_Powered_30} | Uses:1083 | Used by:1085 |
Symbol 1085 MovieClip | Uses:1080 1084 | Used by:1090 |
Symbol 1086 Graphic | Used by:1087 | |
Symbol 1087 MovieClip {bud_fla.drOideLogo_Bump_32} | Uses:1086 | Used by:1090 |
Symbol 1088 Graphic | Used by:1089 | |
Symbol 1089 Button | Uses:1088 | Used by:1090 |
Symbol 1090 MovieClip {bud_fla.drOideLogo_18} | Uses:1085 1087 1089 | Used by:1091 |
Symbol 1091 MovieClip {bud_fla.Logo_2} | Uses:1012 88 1029 1031 1090 | Used by:1612 |
Symbol 1092 MovieClip {bud_fla.FadeSimple_34} | Uses:88 | Used by:1612 |
Symbol 1093 Graphic | Used by:1094 | |
Symbol 1094 MovieClip | Uses:1093 | Used by:1099 |
Symbol 1095 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Background_Clouds_39} | Uses:1005 | Used by:1099 |
Symbol 1096 Graphic | Used by:1097 | |
Symbol 1097 MovieClip | Uses:1096 | Used by:1099 |
Symbol 1098 Graphic | Used by:1099 | |
Symbol 1099 MovieClip | Uses:1011 1009 1094 1095 1097 1098 | Used by:1189 |
Symbol 1100 Graphic | Used by:1101 | |
Symbol 1101 MovieClip | Uses:1100 539 | Used by:1189 |
Symbol 1102 Graphic | Used by:1107 | |
Symbol 1103 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1107 |
Symbol 1104 Font | Used by:1105 | |
Symbol 1105 Text | Uses:1104 | Used by:1107 |
Symbol 1106 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1107 |
Symbol 1107 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_LogoMusic_43} | Uses:1102 1103 1105 539 1106 | Used by:1189 |
Symbol 1108 EditableText | Uses:273 | Used by:1114 |
Symbol 1109 Graphic | Used by:1113 | |
Symbol 1110 Graphic | Used by:1113 | |
Symbol 1111 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1113 |
Symbol 1112 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1113 |
Symbol 1113 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_ScoreMax_Best_45} | Uses:1109 1110 1111 1112 | Used by:1114 |
Symbol 1114 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_ScoreMax_44} | Uses:1108 1113 | Used by:1189 |
Symbol 1115 Graphic | Used by:1120 1123 1127 1130 1134 1137 1141 1144 | |
Symbol 1116 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1120 |
Symbol 1117 Graphic | Used by:1120 1123 1127 1130 1134 1137 1141 1144 | |
Symbol 1118 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1120 |
Symbol 1119 Graphic | Used by:1120 1123 1127 1130 1134 1137 1141 1144 | |
Symbol 1120 Button | Uses:1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 | Used by:1124 |
Symbol 1121 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1123 |
Symbol 1122 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1123 |
Symbol 1123 Button | Uses:1115 1121 1117 1122 1119 | Used by:1124 |
Symbol 1124 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Play_Difficulty_Master_48} | Uses:1120 1123 | Used by:1146 |
Symbol 1125 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1127 |
Symbol 1126 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1127 |
Symbol 1127 Button | Uses:1115 1125 1117 1126 1119 | Used by:1131 |
Symbol 1128 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1130 |
Symbol 1129 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1130 |
Symbol 1130 Button | Uses:1115 1128 1117 1129 1119 | Used by:1131 |
Symbol 1131 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Play_Difficulty_Hard_51} | Uses:1127 1130 | Used by:1146 |
Symbol 1132 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1134 |
Symbol 1133 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1134 |
Symbol 1134 Button | Uses:1115 1132 1117 1133 1119 | Used by:1138 |
Symbol 1135 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1137 |
Symbol 1136 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1137 |
Symbol 1137 Button | Uses:1115 1135 1117 1136 1119 | Used by:1138 |
Symbol 1138 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Play_Difficulty_Medium_54} | Uses:1134 1137 | Used by:1146 |
Symbol 1139 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1141 |
Symbol 1140 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1141 |
Symbol 1141 Button | Uses:1115 1139 1117 1140 1119 | Used by:1145 |
Symbol 1142 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1144 |
Symbol 1143 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1144 |
Symbol 1144 Button | Uses:1115 1142 1117 1143 1119 | Used by:1145 |
Symbol 1145 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Play_Difficulty_Easy_57} | Uses:1141 1144 | Used by:1146 |
Symbol 1146 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Play_Difficulty_47} | Uses:1124 1131 1138 1145 | Used by:1157 |
Symbol 1147 Graphic | Used by:1152 1155 1160 1163 | |
Symbol 1148 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1152 |
Symbol 1149 Graphic | Used by:1152 1155 1160 1163 | |
Symbol 1150 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1152 |
Symbol 1151 Graphic | Used by:1152 1155 1160 1163 1578 1581 1585 1588 1592 1595 | |
Symbol 1152 Button | Uses:1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 | Used by:1156 |
Symbol 1153 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1155 |
Symbol 1154 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1155 |
Symbol 1155 Button | Uses:1147 1153 1149 1154 1151 | Used by:1156 |
Symbol 1156 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Play_Play_60} | Uses:1152 1155 | Used by:1157 |
Symbol 1157 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Play_46} | Uses:1146 1156 | Used by:1189 |
Symbol 1158 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1160 |
Symbol 1159 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1160 |
Symbol 1160 Button | Uses:1147 1158 1149 1159 1151 | Used by:1164 |
Symbol 1161 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1163 |
Symbol 1162 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1163 |
Symbol 1163 Button | Uses:1147 1161 1149 1162 1151 | Used by:1164 |
Symbol 1164 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_AchievementButton_63} | Uses:1160 1163 | Used by:1189 |
Symbol 1165 Graphic | Used by:1166 | |
Symbol 1166 MovieClip | Uses:1165 | Used by:1169 |
Symbol 1167 Graphic | Used by:1168 | |
Symbol 1168 MovieClip | Uses:1167 | Used by:1169 |
Symbol 1169 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Languages_66} | Uses:1166 1168 | Used by:1189 |
Symbol 1170 Graphic | Used by:1175 | |
Symbol 1171 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1175 |
Symbol 1172 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1175 |
Symbol 1173 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1175 |
Symbol 1174 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1175 |
Symbol 1175 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Background_70} | Uses:1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 | Used by:1188 |
Symbol 1176 Graphic | Used by:1177 | |
Symbol 1177 MovieClip | Uses:1176 | Used by:1180 |
Symbol 1178 Graphic | Used by:1179 | |
Symbol 1179 MovieClip | Uses:1178 | Used by:1180 |
Symbol 1180 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Button_72} | Uses:1177 993 1179 | Used by:1181 |
Symbol 1181 MovieClip {bud_fla.Achievement_Buttons_71} | Uses:1180 | Used by:1188 |
Symbol 1182 Graphic | Used by:1186 | |
Symbol 1183 Graphic | Used by:1186 | |
Symbol 1184 Graphic | Used by:1186 | |
Symbol 1185 Graphic | Used by:1186 1572 | |
Symbol 1186 Button | Uses:1182 1183 1184 1185 | Used by:1187 |
Symbol 1187 MovieClip | Uses:1186 | Used by:1188 1291 1574 |
Symbol 1188 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_69} | Uses:1175 1181 1187 996 | Used by:1189 |
Symbol 1189 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_35} | Uses:1099 1101 1107 1114 1157 1164 1169 1188 | Used by:1612 |
Symbol 1190 Graphic | Used by:1193 | |
Symbol 1191 Graphic | Used by:1193 | |
Symbol 1192 ShapeTweening | Used by:1193 | |
Symbol 1193 MovieClip {bud_fla.Background_Background_83} | Uses:1190 1191 1192 | Used by:1199 |
Symbol 1194 MovieClip | Used by:1199 | |
Symbol 1195 Graphic | Used by:1196 1339 1349 | |
Symbol 1196 MovieClip | Uses:1195 | Used by:1199 |
Symbol 1197 Graphic | Used by:1198 | |
Symbol 1198 MovieClip | Uses:1197 | Used by:1199 |
Symbol 1199 MovieClip {bud_fla.Background_82} | Uses:1193 1194 1196 1198 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 1200 MovieClip {bud_fla.ConteinerBump_87} | Uses:539 | Used by:1204 1610 |
Symbol 1201 Graphic | Used by:1204 | |
Symbol 1202 Graphic | Used by:1203 | |
Symbol 1203 MovieClip | Uses:1202 | Used by:1204 |
Symbol 1204 MovieClip {bud_fla.Action_81} | Uses:1199 1200 1201 1203 | Used by:1611 |
Symbol 1205 Graphic | Used by:1209 1215 | |
Symbol 1206 Graphic | Used by:1207 1209 | |
Symbol 1207 MovieClip | Uses:1206 | Used by:1209 |
Symbol 1208 Graphic | Used by:1209 1215 | |
Symbol 1209 Button | Uses:1205 1207 1208 1206 | Used by:1212 |
Symbol 1210 Graphic | Used by:1211 | |
Symbol 1211 MovieClip {bud_fla.Interface_Button_No_93} | Uses:1210 | Used by:1212 1216 |
Symbol 1212 MovieClip {bud_fla.Interface_Sound_90} | Uses:1209 1211 | Used by:1249 |
Symbol 1213 Graphic | Used by:1214 1215 | |
Symbol 1214 MovieClip | Uses:1213 | Used by:1215 |
Symbol 1215 Button | Uses:1205 1214 1208 1213 | Used by:1216 |
Symbol 1216 MovieClip {bud_fla.Interface_Music_94} | Uses:1215 1211 | Used by:1249 |
Symbol 1217 Graphic | Used by:1221 | |
Symbol 1218 Graphic | Used by:1219 1221 | |
Symbol 1219 MovieClip | Uses:1218 | Used by:1221 |
Symbol 1220 Graphic | Used by:1221 | |
Symbol 1221 Button | Uses:1217 1219 1220 1218 | Used by:1222 |
Symbol 1222 MovieClip | Uses:1221 | Used by:1249 |
Symbol 1223 Graphic | Used by:1227 | |
Symbol 1224 Graphic | Used by:1225 1227 | |
Symbol 1225 MovieClip | Uses:1224 | Used by:1227 |
Symbol 1226 Graphic | Used by:1227 | |
Symbol 1227 Button | Uses:1223 1225 1226 1224 | Used by:1228 |
Symbol 1228 MovieClip | Uses:1227 | Used by:1249 |
Symbol 1229 Graphic | Used by:1234 | |
Symbol 1230 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1231 1234 |
Symbol 1231 MovieClip | Uses:1230 | Used by:1234 |
Symbol 1232 Graphic | Used by:1234 | |
Symbol 1233 Graphic | Used by:1234 | |
Symbol 1234 Button | Uses:1229 1231 1232 1230 1233 | Used by:1237 |
Symbol 1235 Graphic | Used by:1236 | |
Symbol 1236 MovieClip | Uses:1235 | Used by:1237 |
Symbol 1237 MovieClip {bud_fla.Interface_Upgrades_103} | Uses:1234 1236 | Used by:1249 |
Symbol 1238 EditableText | Uses:273 | Used by:1249 |
Symbol 1239 Graphic | Used by:1240 | |
Symbol 1240 MovieClip | Uses:1239 | Used by:1249 |
Symbol 1241 EditableText | Uses:273 | Used by:1242 |
Symbol 1242 MovieClip {bud_fla.Interface_Warning_Text_109} | Uses:1241 | Used by:1243 |
Symbol 1243 MovieClip {bud_fla.Interface_Warning_108} | Uses:1242 | Used by:1249 |
Symbol 1244 EditableText | Uses:273 | Used by:1248 |
Symbol 1245 Graphic | Used by:1246 | |
Symbol 1246 MovieClip | Uses:1245 | Used by:1247 |
Symbol 1247 MovieClip | Uses:1246 | Used by:1248 |
Symbol 1248 MovieClip {bud_fla.Interface_Need_110} | Uses:1244 1247 | Used by:1249 |
Symbol 1249 MovieClip {bud_fla.Interface_89} | Uses:1212 1216 1222 1228 1237 1238 1240 1243 1248 | Used by:1611 |
Symbol 1250 Graphic | Used by:1251 | |
Symbol 1251 MovieClip | Uses:1250 | Used by:1611 |
Symbol 1252 Graphic | Used by:1261 | |
Symbol 1253 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1261 |
Symbol 1254 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1261 |
Symbol 1255 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1261 |
Symbol 1256 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1261 |
Symbol 1257 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1261 |
Symbol 1258 Graphic | Used by:1261 | |
Symbol 1259 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1261 |
Symbol 1260 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1261 |
Symbol 1261 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Upgrades_Background_116} | Uses:1252 1253 1254 1255 1256 1257 1258 1259 1260 | Used by:1291 |
Symbol 1262 Graphic | Used by:1291 | |
Symbol 1263 EditableText | Uses:273 | Used by:1291 |
Symbol 1264 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1266 |
Symbol 1265 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1266 |
Symbol 1266 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Upgrades_YouHave_117} | Uses:1264 1265 | Used by:1291 |
Symbol 1267 Graphic | Used by:1290 | |
Symbol 1268 Graphic | Used by:1277 | |
Symbol 1269 Graphic | Used by:1277 | |
Symbol 1270 Graphic | Used by:1277 | |
Symbol 1271 Graphic | Used by:1277 | |
Symbol 1272 Graphic | Used by:1277 | |
Symbol 1273 Graphic | Used by:1277 | |
Symbol 1274 Graphic | Used by:1277 | |
Symbol 1275 Graphic | Used by:1277 | |
Symbol 1276 Graphic | Used by:1277 | |
Symbol 1277 MovieClip | Uses:1268 1269 1270 1271 1272 1273 1274 1275 1276 | Used by:1290 |
Symbol 1278 Graphic | Used by:1288 | |
Symbol 1279 Graphic | Used by:1288 | |
Symbol 1280 Graphic | Used by:1288 | |
Symbol 1281 Graphic | Used by:1288 | |
Symbol 1282 Graphic | Used by:1288 | |
Symbol 1283 Graphic | Used by:1288 | |
Symbol 1284 Graphic | Used by:1288 | |
Symbol 1285 Graphic | Used by:1288 | |
Symbol 1286 Graphic | Used by:1288 | |
Symbol 1287 Graphic | Used by:1288 | |
Symbol 1288 MovieClip {bud_fla.Upgrades_Button_Traits_120} | Uses:1278 1279 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 | Used by:1290 |
Symbol 1289 EditableText | Uses:273 | Used by:1290 |
Symbol 1290 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Upgrades_Button_118} | Uses:1267 1277 1288 1289 | Used by:1291 |
Symbol 1291 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Upgrades_115} | Uses:1261 1262 1263 1266 1290 1187 924 | Used by:1610 |
Symbol 1292 Graphic | Used by:1298 | |
Symbol 1293 Graphic | Used by:1298 | |
Symbol 1294 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1298 |
Symbol 1295 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1298 |
Symbol 1296 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1298 |
Symbol 1297 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1298 |
Symbol 1298 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Background_123} | Uses:1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 | Used by:1574 |
Symbol 1299 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_Mouvement_Perso_126} | Uses:285 294 | Used by:1305 1356 |
Symbol 1300 Graphic | Used by:1301 | |
Symbol 1301 MovieClip | Uses:1300 | Used by:1305 |
Symbol 1302 Graphic | Used by:1305 | |
Symbol 1303 Graphic | Used by:1304 | |
Symbol 1304 MovieClip | Uses:1303 | Used by:1305 |
Symbol 1305 MovieClip | Uses:1299 1301 1302 1304 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1306 Graphic | Used by:1563 | |
Symbol 1307 Text | Uses:922 930 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1308 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1309 Text | Uses:922 930 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1310 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1311 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_Rain_Perso_136} | Uses:285 294 | Used by:1315 1344 1349 |
Symbol 1312 Graphic | Used by:1315 1339 1349 | |
Symbol 1313 Graphic | Used by:1314 | |
Symbol 1314 MovieClip | Uses:1313 | Used by:1315 1339 1349 |
Symbol 1315 MovieClip | Uses:307 1311 1312 1314 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1316 Graphic | Used by:1563 | |
Symbol 1317 Text | Uses:922 930 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1318 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1319 Text | Uses:922 930 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1320 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1321 Graphic | Used by:1323 | |
Symbol 1322 Graphic | Used by:1323 | |
Symbol 1323 MovieClip | Uses:1321 316 1322 319 322 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1324 Graphic | Used by:1563 | |
Symbol 1325 Text | Uses:922 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1326 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1327 Text | Uses:922 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1328 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1329 Graphic | Used by:1332 1383 1404 | |
Symbol 1330 Graphic | Used by:1331 | |
Symbol 1331 MovieClip | Uses:1330 | Used by:1332 |
Symbol 1332 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_Ennemis_146} | Uses:1329 1331 542 545 548 551 553 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1333 Text | Uses:922 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1334 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1335 Text | Uses:922 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1336 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1337 Graphic | Used by:1338 | |
Symbol 1338 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_Thunder_Perso_154} | Uses:285 1337 | Used by:1339 1377 |
Symbol 1339 MovieClip | Uses:1338 1312 1314 1195 893 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1340 Text | Uses:922 930 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1341 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1342 Text | Uses:922 930 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1343 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1344 MovieClip | Uses:307 1311 298 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1345 Text | Uses:922 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1346 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1347 Text | Uses:922 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1348 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1349 MovieClip | Uses:1311 1312 1314 1195 279 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1350 Graphic | Used by:1563 | |
Symbol 1351 Text | Uses:922 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1352 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1353 Text | Uses:922 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1354 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1355 Graphic | Used by:1356 | |
Symbol 1356 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_Vapor_166} | Uses:1355 1299 915 281 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1357 Text | Uses:922 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1358 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1359 Text | Uses:922 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1360 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1361 Graphic | Used by:1563 | |
Symbol 1362 Text | Uses:922 930 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1363 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1364 Text | Uses:922 930 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1365 Graphic | Used by:1370 | |
Symbol 1366 Graphic | Used by:1367 | |
Symbol 1367 MovieClip | Uses:1366 | Used by:1369 |
Symbol 1368 Graphic | Used by:1369 | |
Symbol 1369 MovieClip | Uses:1367 1368 | Used by:1370 1377 |
Symbol 1370 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_Oxygen_169} | Uses:1365 1369 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1371 Text | Uses:922 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1372 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1373 Text | Uses:922 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1374 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1375 Graphic | Used by:1376 | |
Symbol 1376 MovieClip | Uses:1375 | Used by:1377 |
Symbol 1377 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_Danger_172} | Uses:1369 1338 1376 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1378 Graphic | Used by:1563 | |
Symbol 1379 Text | Uses:922 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1380 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1381 Text | Uses:922 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1382 Graphic | Used by:1383 | |
Symbol 1383 MovieClip | Uses:1329 893 1382 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1384 Text | Uses:922 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1385 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1386 Text | Uses:922 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1387 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1388 Graphic | Used by:1563 | |
Symbol 1389 Text | Uses:922 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1390 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1391 Text | Uses:922 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1392 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1393 Graphic | Used by:1563 | |
Symbol 1394 Text | Uses:922 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1395 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1396 Text | Uses:922 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1397 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
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Symbol 1399 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_Parachutage_175} | Uses:1398 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1400 Text | Uses:922 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1401 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1402 Text | Uses:922 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1403 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
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Symbol 1405 Text | Uses:922 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1406 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1407 Text | Uses:922 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1408 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_ApprentiBucheron_181} | Uses:518 521 524 527 529 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1409 Graphic | Used by:1563 | |
Symbol 1410 Text | Uses:922 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1411 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1412 Text | Uses:922 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1413 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1414 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_Bucheron_187} | Uses:542 545 548 551 553 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1415 Text | Uses:922 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1416 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1417 Text | Uses:922 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1418 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1419 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_GrosBucheron_188} | Uses:566 569 572 575 578 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1420 Text | Uses:922 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1421 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1422 Text | Uses:922 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1423 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
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Symbol 1425 Text | Uses:922 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1426 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1427 Text | Uses:922 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1428 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
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Symbol 1430 Text | Uses:922 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1431 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1432 Text | Uses:922 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1433 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
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Symbol 1435 Text | Uses:922 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1436 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1437 Text | Uses:922 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1438 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
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Symbol 1440 Text | Uses:922 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1441 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1442 Text | Uses:922 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1443 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1444 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_ChronoBucheron_220} | Uses:671 674 677 680 682 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1445 Text | Uses:922 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1446 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1447 Text | Uses:922 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1448 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
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Symbol 1451 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1452 Text | Uses:922 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1453 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
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Symbol 1455 Text | Uses:922 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1456 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1457 Text | Uses:922 | Used by:1563 |
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Symbol 1459 Graphic | Used by:1563 | |
Symbol 1460 Text | Uses:922 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1461 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1462 Text | Uses:922 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1463 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
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Symbol 1465 Text | Uses:922 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1466 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1467 Text | Uses:922 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1468 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
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Symbol 1470 Text | Uses:922 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1471 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1472 Text | Uses:922 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1473 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
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Symbol 1475 Text | Uses:922 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1476 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1477 Text | Uses:922 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1478 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1479 Graphic | Used by:1563 | |
Symbol 1480 Text | Uses:922 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1481 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1482 Text | Uses:922 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1483 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1484 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1485 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1486 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1487 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1488 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1489 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1490 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1491 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1492 Font | Used by:932 994 995 1493 1495 1606 1607 | |
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Symbol 1494 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1495 Text | Uses:273 1492 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1496 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1497 Graphic | Used by:1563 | |
Symbol 1498 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1499 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1500 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1501 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1502 Graphic | Used by:1563 | |
Symbol 1503 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1504 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1505 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1506 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1507 Graphic | Used by:1563 | |
Symbol 1508 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1509 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1510 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1511 Graphic | Used by:1563 | |
Symbol 1512 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1513 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1514 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1515 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1516 Graphic | Used by:1563 | |
Symbol 1517 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1518 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1519 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1520 Graphic | Used by:1563 | |
Symbol 1521 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1522 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1523 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1524 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1525 Graphic | Used by:1563 | |
Symbol 1526 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1527 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1528 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1529 Graphic | Used by:1563 | |
Symbol 1530 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1531 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1532 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1533 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1534 Graphic | Used by:1563 | |
Symbol 1535 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1536 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1537 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1538 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1539 Graphic | Used by:1563 | |
Symbol 1540 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1541 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1542 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1543 Graphic | Used by:1563 | |
Symbol 1544 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1545 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1546 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1547 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1548 Graphic | Used by:1563 | |
Symbol 1549 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1550 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1551 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1552 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1553 Graphic | Used by:1563 | |
Symbol 1554 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1555 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1556 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1557 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1558 Graphic | Used by:1563 | |
Symbol 1559 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1560 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1561 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1562 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1563 |
Symbol 1563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_124} | Uses:1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1315 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350 1351 1352 1353 1354 1356 1357 1358 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 1370 1371 1372 1373 1374 1377 1378 1379 1380 1381 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 1392 1393 1394 1395 1396 1397 1399 1400 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 1422 1423 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 1429 1430 1431 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 1437 1438 1439 1440 1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 1449 1450 1451 1452 1453 1454 1455 1456 1457 1458 1459 1460 1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476 1477 1478 1479 1480 1481 1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 1487 1488 1489 1490 1491 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 1500 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1510 1511 1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 1527 1528 1529 1530 1531 1532 1533 1534 1535 1536 1537 1538 1539 1540 1541 1542 1543 1544 1545 1546 1547 1548 1549 1550 1551 1552 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 | Used by:1574 |
Symbol 1564 Graphic | Used by:1566 | |
Symbol 1565 Graphic | Used by:1566 | |
Symbol 1566 Button | Uses:1564 1565 | Used by:1567 |
Symbol 1567 MovieClip | Uses:1566 | Used by:1574 |
Symbol 1568 Graphic | Used by:1572 | |
Symbol 1569 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1572 |
Symbol 1570 Graphic | Used by:1572 | |
Symbol 1571 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1572 |
Symbol 1572 Button | Uses:1568 1569 1570 1571 1185 | Used by:1573 |
Symbol 1573 MovieClip | Uses:1572 | Used by:1574 |
Symbol 1574 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_122} | Uses:1298 1563 1567 1187 1573 | Used by:1610 |
Symbol 1575 Graphic | Used by:1578 1581 1585 1588 1592 1595 | |
Symbol 1576 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1578 |
Symbol 1577 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1578 |
Symbol 1578 Button | Uses:1575 1576 1151 1577 | Used by:1582 |
Symbol 1579 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1581 |
Symbol 1580 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1581 |
Symbol 1581 Button | Uses:1575 1579 1151 1580 | Used by:1582 |
Symbol 1582 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Menu_Exit_263} | Uses:1578 1581 | Used by:1599 1604 |
Symbol 1583 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1585 |
Symbol 1584 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1585 |
Symbol 1585 Button | Uses:1575 1583 1151 1584 | Used by:1589 |
Symbol 1586 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1588 |
Symbol 1587 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1588 |
Symbol 1588 Button | Uses:1575 1586 1151 1587 | Used by:1589 |
Symbol 1589 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Menu_Retry_266} | Uses:1585 1588 | Used by:1599 1604 |
Symbol 1590 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1592 |
Symbol 1591 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1592 |
Symbol 1592 Button | Uses:1575 1590 1151 1591 | Used by:1596 |
Symbol 1593 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1595 |
Symbol 1594 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1595 |
Symbol 1595 Button | Uses:1575 1593 1151 1594 | Used by:1596 |
Symbol 1596 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Menu_Resume_269} | Uses:1592 1595 | Used by:1599 |
Symbol 1597 Graphic | Used by:1599 1604 | |
Symbol 1598 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1599 |
Symbol 1599 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Menu_262} | Uses:1582 1589 1596 1597 1598 | Used by:1610 |
Symbol 1600 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1602 |
Symbol 1601 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:1602 |
Symbol 1602 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Lose_Texte_273} | Uses:1600 1601 | Used by:1604 |
Symbol 1603 EditableText | Uses:273 | Used by:1604 |
Symbol 1604 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Lose_272} | Uses:539 1597 1602 1582 1589 1603 | Used by:1610 |
Symbol 1605 Graphic | Used by:1608 | |
Symbol 1606 EditableText | Uses:273 1492 | Used by:1608 |
Symbol 1607 EditableText | Uses:273 1492 | Used by:1608 |
Symbol 1608 MovieClip {bud_fla.Interface_Achievement_Skin_275} | Uses:1605 1606 993 1607 | Used by:1609 |
Symbol 1609 MovieClip {bud_fla.Interface_Achievement_274} | Uses:1608 | Used by:1610 |
Symbol 1610 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_114} | Uses:1291 1574 1599 1604 1609 1200 | Used by:1611 |
Symbol 1611 MovieClip {bud_fla.Game_80} | Uses:1204 1249 1251 1610 | Used by:1612 |
Symbol 1612 MovieClip {bud_fla.Root_1} | Uses:1091 1092 1189 1611 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 1613 Bitmap | Used by:1614 | |
Symbol 1614 Graphic | Uses:1613 | Used by:1615 |
Symbol 1615 MovieClip | Uses:1614 | Used by:1616 |
Symbol 1616 MovieClip {bud_fla.Liant_276} | Uses:1615 | Used by:Timeline |
Instance Names
"Root" | Frame 1 | Symbol 1612 MovieClip {bud_fla.Root_1} |
"Ring" | Symbol 163 MovieClip {bud_fla.Scene1_444} Frame 1 | Symbol 110 MovieClip {bud_fla.Scene1_Ring_454} |
"Filament1" | Symbol 163 MovieClip {bud_fla.Scene1_444} Frame 1 | Symbol 161 MovieClip {bud_fla.Filament_455} |
"Filament2" | Symbol 163 MovieClip {bud_fla.Scene1_444} Frame 1 | Symbol 161 MovieClip {bud_fla.Filament_455} |
"Filament3" | Symbol 163 MovieClip {bud_fla.Scene1_444} Frame 1 | Symbol 161 MovieClip {bud_fla.Filament_455} |
"FilamentFinal2" | Symbol 163 MovieClip {bud_fla.Scene1_444} Frame 1 | Symbol 161 MovieClip {bud_fla.Filament_455} |
"FilamentFinal3" | Symbol 163 MovieClip {bud_fla.Scene1_444} Frame 1 | Symbol 161 MovieClip {bud_fla.Filament_455} |
"FilamentFinal1" | Symbol 163 MovieClip {bud_fla.Scene1_444} Frame 1 | Symbol 161 MovieClip {bud_fla.Filament_455} |
"Roc2" | Symbol 209 MovieClip {bud_fla.Scene2_458} Frame 1 | Symbol 179 MovieClip {bud_fla.Scene2_Roc2_465} |
"Hall" | Symbol 209 MovieClip {bud_fla.Scene2_458} Frame 1 | Symbol 182 MovieClip {bud_fla.Scene2_Hall_467} |
"Crac" | Symbol 209 MovieClip {bud_fla.Scene2_458} Frame 1 | Symbol 187 MovieClip {bud_fla.Scene2_Crac_469} |
"Roc1" | Symbol 209 MovieClip {bud_fla.Scene2_458} Frame 1 | Symbol 191 MovieClip {bud_fla.Scene2_Roc1_470} |
"Perso" | Symbol 209 MovieClip {bud_fla.Scene2_458} Frame 26 | Symbol 208 MovieClip {bud_fla.Scene2_Perso_473} |
"Finger4" | Symbol 240 MovieClip {bud_fla.Arm_Arm_Hand_Hand_489} Frame 1 | Symbol 227 MovieClip {bud_fla.Arm_Arm_Hand_Hand_Finger4_490} |
"Finger3" | Symbol 240 MovieClip {bud_fla.Arm_Arm_Hand_Hand_489} Frame 1 | Symbol 231 MovieClip {bud_fla.Arm_Arm_Hand_Hand_Finger3_492} |
"Finger2" | Symbol 240 MovieClip {bud_fla.Arm_Arm_Hand_Hand_489} Frame 1 | Symbol 235 MovieClip {bud_fla.Arm_Arm_Hand_Hand_Finger2_494} |
"Finger1" | Symbol 240 MovieClip {bud_fla.Arm_Arm_Hand_Hand_489} Frame 1 | Symbol 239 MovieClip {bud_fla.Arm_Arm_Hand_Hand_Finger1_496} |
"Thumb" | Symbol 241 MovieClip {bud_fla.Arm_Arm_Hand_486} Frame 1 | Symbol 222 MovieClip {bud_fla.Arm_Arm_Hand_Thumb_487} |
"Hand" | Symbol 241 MovieClip {bud_fla.Arm_Arm_Hand_486} Frame 1 | Symbol 240 MovieClip {bud_fla.Arm_Arm_Hand_Hand_489} |
"Hand" | Symbol 242 MovieClip {bud_fla.Arm_Arm_485} Frame 1 | Symbol 241 MovieClip {bud_fla.Arm_Arm_Hand_486} |
"Arm" | Symbol 243 MovieClip {bud_fla.Arm_484} Frame 1 | Symbol 242 MovieClip {bud_fla.Arm_Arm_485} |
"Ring" | Symbol 244 MovieClip {bud_fla.Scene3_481} Frame 1 | Symbol 215 MovieClip {bud_fla.Scene3_Ring_483} |
"Power" | Symbol 264 MovieClip {bud_fla.Scene4_TowerUp_507} Frame 1 | Symbol 262 MovieClip |
"Town" | Symbol 275 MovieClip {bud_fla.Scene4_498} Frame 1 | Symbol 253 MovieClip |
"TowerUp" | Symbol 275 MovieClip {bud_fla.Scene4_498} Frame 1 | Symbol 264 MovieClip {bud_fla.Scene4_TowerUp_507} |
"Perso" | Symbol 275 MovieClip {bud_fla.Scene4_498} Frame 38 | Symbol 272 MovieClip {bud_fla.Scene4_Perso_512} |
"Scene1" | Symbol 276 MovieClip {Animation_Final} Frame 31 | Symbol 163 MovieClip {bud_fla.Scene1_444} |
"Scene2" | Symbol 276 MovieClip {Animation_Final} Frame 70 | Symbol 209 MovieClip {bud_fla.Scene2_458} |
"Scene3" | Symbol 276 MovieClip {Animation_Final} Frame 85 | Symbol 244 MovieClip {bud_fla.Scene3_481} |
"Scene4" | Symbol 276 MovieClip {Animation_Final} Frame 96 | Symbol 275 MovieClip {bud_fla.Scene4_498} |
"Extern" | Symbol 282 MovieClip {bud_fla.Player_Spirit_Skin_439} Frame 1 | Symbol 281 MovieClip |
"Intern" | Symbol 282 MovieClip {bud_fla.Player_Spirit_Skin_439} Frame 1 | Symbol 281 MovieClip |
"Skin" | Symbol 283 MovieClip {bud_fla.Player_Spirit_438} Frame 1 | Symbol 282 MovieClip {bud_fla.Player_Spirit_Skin_439} |
"Body" | Symbol 295 MovieClip {bud_fla.Skin_Body_441} Frame 1 | Symbol 285 MovieClip |
"Eyes" | Symbol 295 MovieClip {bud_fla.Skin_Body_441} Frame 1 | Symbol 294 MovieClip {bud_fla.Skin_Body_Eyes_128} |
"EyesDead" | Symbol 295 MovieClip {bud_fla.Skin_Body_441} Frame 1 | Symbol 294 MovieClip {bud_fla.Skin_Body_Eyes_128} |
"Body" | Symbol 296 MovieClip {bud_fla.Player_Skin_440} Frame 1 | Symbol 295 MovieClip {bud_fla.Skin_Body_441} |
"Barre" | Symbol 299 MovieClip {Bit_Jauge} Frame 1 | Symbol 298 MovieClip |
"AngleLeft" | Symbol 302 MovieClip {Bit_Player} Frame 1 | Symbol 279 MovieClip {bud_fla.Player_Angle_164} |
"AngleRight" | Symbol 302 MovieClip {Bit_Player} Frame 1 | Symbol 279 MovieClip {bud_fla.Player_Angle_164} |
"Spirit" | Symbol 302 MovieClip {Bit_Player} Frame 1 | Symbol 283 MovieClip {bud_fla.Player_Spirit_438} |
"Skin" | Symbol 302 MovieClip {Bit_Player} Frame 1 | Symbol 296 MovieClip {bud_fla.Player_Skin_440} |
"JaugeWater" | Symbol 302 MovieClip {Bit_Player} Frame 1 | Symbol 299 MovieClip {Bit_Jauge} |
"JaugeThunder" | Symbol 302 MovieClip {Bit_Player} Frame 1 | Symbol 299 MovieClip {Bit_Jauge} |
"Bump" | Symbol 302 MovieClip {Bit_Player} Frame 1 | Symbol 301 MovieClip {bud_fla.CarreInvisibleC_442} |
"Leaf6" | Symbol 511 MovieClip {bud_fla.TreeSkin_Level13_415} Frame 1 | Symbol 489 MovieClip {bud_fla.TreeSkin_Level13_Leaf2_420} |
"Leaf5" | Symbol 511 MovieClip {bud_fla.TreeSkin_Level13_415} Frame 1 | Symbol 489 MovieClip {bud_fla.TreeSkin_Level13_Leaf2_420} |
"Leaf4" | Symbol 511 MovieClip {bud_fla.TreeSkin_Level13_415} Frame 1 | Symbol 489 MovieClip {bud_fla.TreeSkin_Level13_Leaf2_420} |
"Leaf3" | Symbol 511 MovieClip {bud_fla.TreeSkin_Level13_415} Frame 1 | Symbol 489 MovieClip {bud_fla.TreeSkin_Level13_Leaf2_420} |
"Leaf2" | Symbol 511 MovieClip {bud_fla.TreeSkin_Level13_415} Frame 1 | Symbol 489 MovieClip {bud_fla.TreeSkin_Level13_Leaf2_420} |
"Leaf1" | Symbol 511 MovieClip {bud_fla.TreeSkin_Level13_415} Frame 1 | Symbol 489 MovieClip {bud_fla.TreeSkin_Level13_Leaf2_420} |
"Angel" | Symbol 511 MovieClip {bud_fla.TreeSkin_Level13_415} Frame 1 | Symbol 508 MovieClip {bud_fla.TreeSkin_Level13_Angel_422} |
"Level1" | Symbol 512 MovieClip {bud_fla.Tree_Tree_Skin_Skin_332} Frame 1 | Symbol 316 MovieClip {bud_fla.TreeSkin_Level1_139} |
"Level2" | Symbol 512 MovieClip {bud_fla.Tree_Tree_Skin_Skin_332} Frame 11 | Symbol 319 MovieClip {bud_fla.TreeSkin_Level2_142} |
"Level3" | Symbol 512 MovieClip {bud_fla.Tree_Tree_Skin_Skin_332} Frame 21 | Symbol 322 MovieClip {bud_fla.TreeSkin_Level3_144} |
"Level4" | Symbol 512 MovieClip {bud_fla.Tree_Tree_Skin_Skin_332} Frame 31 | Symbol 332 MovieClip {bud_fla.TreeSkin_Level4_334} |
"Level5" | Symbol 512 MovieClip {bud_fla.Tree_Tree_Skin_Skin_332} Frame 41 | Symbol 341 MovieClip {bud_fla.TreeSkin_Level5_339} |
"Level6" | Symbol 512 MovieClip {bud_fla.Tree_Tree_Skin_Skin_332} Frame 51 | Symbol 358 MovieClip {bud_fla.TreeSkin_Level6_344} |
"Level7" | Symbol 512 MovieClip {bud_fla.Tree_Tree_Skin_Skin_332} Frame 61 | Symbol 377 MovieClip {bud_fla.TreeSkin_Level7_353} |
"Level8" | Symbol 512 MovieClip {bud_fla.Tree_Tree_Skin_Skin_332} Frame 71 | Symbol 402 MovieClip {bud_fla.TreeSkin_Level8_363} |
"Level9" | Symbol 512 MovieClip {bud_fla.Tree_Tree_Skin_Skin_332} Frame 81 | Symbol 421 MovieClip {bud_fla.TreeSkin_Level9_376} |
"Level10" | Symbol 512 MovieClip {bud_fla.Tree_Tree_Skin_Skin_332} Frame 91 | Symbol 440 MovieClip {bud_fla.TreeSkin_Level10_386} |
"Level11" | Symbol 512 MovieClip {bud_fla.Tree_Tree_Skin_Skin_332} Frame 101 | Symbol 461 MovieClip {bud_fla.TreeSkin_Level11_396} |
"Level12" | Symbol 512 MovieClip {bud_fla.Tree_Tree_Skin_Skin_332} Frame 111 | Symbol 478 MovieClip {bud_fla.TreeSkin_Level12_406} |
"Level13" | Symbol 512 MovieClip {bud_fla.Tree_Tree_Skin_Skin_332} Frame 121 | Symbol 511 MovieClip {bud_fla.TreeSkin_Level13_415} |
"Skin" | Symbol 513 MovieClip {bud_fla.Tree_Tree_Skin_331} Frame 1 | Symbol 512 MovieClip {bud_fla.Tree_Tree_Skin_Skin_332} |
"Tree" | Symbol 514 MovieClip {bud_fla.Tree_Tree_330} Frame 1 | Symbol 513 MovieClip {bud_fla.Tree_Tree_Skin_331} |
"Skin" | Symbol 515 MovieClip {Bit_Tree} Frame 1 | Symbol 514 MovieClip {bud_fla.Tree_Tree_330} |
"LegB" | Symbol 538 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Intern_292} Frame 1 | Symbol 518 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Intern_Leg_182} |
"LegF" | Symbol 538 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Intern_292} Frame 1 | Symbol 518 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Intern_Leg_182} |
"ArmB" | Symbol 538 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Intern_292} Frame 1 | Symbol 521 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Intern_Arm_183} |
"Body" | Symbol 538 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Intern_292} Frame 1 | Symbol 524 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Intern_Body_184} |
"Head" | Symbol 538 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Intern_292} Frame 1 | Symbol 527 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Intern_Head_185} |
"ArmF" | Symbol 538 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Intern_292} Frame 1 | Symbol 521 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Intern_Arm_183} |
"LegB" | Symbol 563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Lumberjack_294} Frame 1 | Symbol 542 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Lumberjack_Leg_148} |
"ArmB" | Symbol 563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Lumberjack_294} Frame 1 | Symbol 545 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Lumberjack_Arm_149} |
"LegF" | Symbol 563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Lumberjack_294} Frame 1 | Symbol 542 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Lumberjack_Leg_148} |
"Body" | Symbol 563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Lumberjack_294} Frame 1 | Symbol 548 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Lumberjack_Body_150} |
"Head" | Symbol 563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Lumberjack_294} Frame 1 | Symbol 551 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Lumberjack_Head_151} |
"Axe" | Symbol 563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Lumberjack_294} Frame 1 | Symbol 553 MovieClip |
"ArmF" | Symbol 563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Lumberjack_294} Frame 1 | Symbol 545 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Lumberjack_Arm_149} |
"Axe" | Symbol 563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Lumberjack_294} Frame 237 | Symbol 553 MovieClip |
"Axe" | Symbol 563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Lumberjack_294} Frame 277 | Symbol 553 MovieClip |
"LegB" | Symbol 597 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Big_295} Frame 1 | Symbol 566 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Big_Leg_189} |
"LegF" | Symbol 597 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Big_295} Frame 1 | Symbol 566 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Big_Leg_189} |
"ArmB" | Symbol 597 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Big_295} Frame 1 | Symbol 569 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Big_Arm_190} |
"Body" | Symbol 597 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Big_295} Frame 1 | Symbol 572 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Big_Body_191} |
"Head" | Symbol 597 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Big_295} Frame 1 | Symbol 575 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Big_Head_192} |
"Axe" | Symbol 597 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Big_295} Frame 1 | Symbol 578 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Big_Axe_193} |
"ArmF" | Symbol 597 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Big_295} Frame 1 | Symbol 569 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Big_Arm_190} |
"Chute" | Symbol 597 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Big_295} Frame 341 | Symbol 596 MovieClip |
"AxeB" | Symbol 597 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Big_295} Frame 341 | Symbol 578 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Big_Axe_193} |
"Axe" | Symbol 597 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Big_295} Frame 468 | Symbol 578 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Big_Axe_193} |
"LegB" | Symbol 625 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Master_297} Frame 1 | Symbol 600 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Master_Leg_195} |
"LegF" | Symbol 625 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Master_297} Frame 1 | Symbol 600 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Master_Leg_195} |
"ArmB" | Symbol 625 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Master_297} Frame 1 | Symbol 603 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Master_Bras_196} |
"Body" | Symbol 625 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Master_297} Frame 1 | Symbol 606 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Master_Body_197} |
"Axe" | Symbol 625 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Master_297} Frame 1 | Symbol 609 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Master_Axe_198} |
"ArmF" | Symbol 625 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Master_297} Frame 1 | Symbol 603 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Master_Bras_196} |
"Head" | Symbol 625 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Master_297} Frame 1 | Symbol 612 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Master_Head_199} |
"Axe" | Symbol 625 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Master_297} Frame 298 | Symbol 609 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Master_Axe_198} |
"Axe" | Symbol 625 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Master_297} Frame 375 | Symbol 609 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Master_Axe_198} |
"ArmB" | Symbol 650 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_299} Frame 1 | Symbol 628 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_Arm_201} |
"Saw" | Symbol 650 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_299} Frame 1 | Symbol 638 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_Saw_202} |
"LegB" | Symbol 650 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_299} Frame 1 | Symbol 641 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_Leg_203} |
"LegF" | Symbol 650 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_299} Frame 1 | Symbol 641 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_Leg_203} |
"Body" | Symbol 650 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_299} Frame 1 | Symbol 644 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_Body_204} |
"Head" | Symbol 650 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_299} Frame 1 | Symbol 647 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_Head_205} |
"ArmF" | Symbol 650 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_299} Frame 1 | Symbol 628 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_Arm_201} |
"SawF" | Symbol 650 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_299} Frame 79 | Symbol 638 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_Saw_202} |
"SawB" | Symbol 650 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_299} Frame 187 | Symbol 638 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_Saw_202} |
"Saw" | Symbol 650 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_299} Frame 210 | Symbol 638 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_Saw_202} |
"SawB" | Symbol 650 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_299} Frame 221 | Symbol 638 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_Saw_202} |
"Saw" | Symbol 650 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_299} Frame 226 | Symbol 638 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_Saw_202} |
"Chute" | Symbol 650 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_299} Frame 290 | Symbol 649 MovieClip |
"Saw" | Symbol 650 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_299} Frame 290 | Symbol 638 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_Saw_202} |
"Down" | Symbol 668 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_JigSaw_301} Frame 1 | Symbol 652 MovieClip |
"CabB" | Symbol 668 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_JigSaw_301} Frame 1 | Symbol 654 MovieClip |
"Roll1" | Symbol 668 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_JigSaw_301} Frame 1 | Symbol 656 MovieClip |
"Roll2" | Symbol 668 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_JigSaw_301} Frame 1 | Symbol 656 MovieClip |
"Roll3" | Symbol 668 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_JigSaw_301} Frame 1 | Symbol 656 MovieClip |
"ArmB" | Symbol 668 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_JigSaw_301} Frame 1 | Symbol 628 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_Arm_201} |
"Body" | Symbol 668 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_JigSaw_301} Frame 1 | Symbol 644 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_Body_204} |
"Head" | Symbol 668 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_JigSaw_301} Frame 1 | Symbol 647 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_Head_205} |
"ArmF" | Symbol 668 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_JigSaw_301} Frame 1 | Symbol 628 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_Arm_201} |
"CabF" | Symbol 668 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_JigSaw_301} Frame 1 | Symbol 658 MovieClip |
"Saw" | Symbol 668 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_JigSaw_301} Frame 76 | Symbol 661 MovieClip |
"MekaBig" | Symbol 668 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_JigSaw_301} Frame 76 | Symbol 663 MovieClip |
"Meka1" | Symbol 668 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_JigSaw_301} Frame 76 | Symbol 665 MovieClip |
"Meka2" | Symbol 668 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_JigSaw_301} Frame 76 | Symbol 665 MovieClip |
"Chute" | Symbol 668 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_JigSaw_301} Frame 276 | Symbol 667 MovieClip |
"Chute" | Symbol 668 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_JigSaw_301} Frame 326 | Symbol 667 MovieClip |
"ArmB" | Symbol 704 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Chrono_303} Frame 1 | Symbol 671 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Chrono_Arm_221} |
"LegB" | Symbol 704 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Chrono_303} Frame 1 | Symbol 674 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Chrono_Leg_222} |
"LegF" | Symbol 704 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Chrono_303} Frame 1 | Symbol 674 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Chrono_Leg_222} |
"Body" | Symbol 704 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Chrono_303} Frame 1 | Symbol 677 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Chrono_Body_223} |
"Head" | Symbol 704 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Chrono_303} Frame 1 | Symbol 680 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Chrono_Head_224} |
"Axe" | Symbol 704 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Chrono_303} Frame 1 | Symbol 682 MovieClip |
"ArmF" | Symbol 704 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Chrono_303} Frame 1 | Symbol 671 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Chrono_Arm_221} |
"Chute" | Symbol 704 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Chrono_303} Frame 166 | Symbol 703 MovieClip |
"LegB" | Symbol 721 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Imp_305} Frame 1 | Symbol 707 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Imp_Leg_215} |
"LegF" | Symbol 721 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Imp_305} Frame 1 | Symbol 707 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Imp_Leg_215} |
"ArmB" | Symbol 721 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Imp_305} Frame 1 | Symbol 710 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Imp_Arm_216} |
"Body" | Symbol 721 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Imp_305} Frame 1 | Symbol 713 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Imp_Body_217} |
"Head" | Symbol 721 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Imp_305} Frame 1 | Symbol 716 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Imp_Head_218} |
"Axe" | Symbol 721 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Imp_305} Frame 1 | Symbol 718 MovieClip |
"ArmF" | Symbol 721 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Imp_305} Frame 1 | Symbol 710 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Imp_Arm_216} |
"Chute" | Symbol 721 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Imp_305} Frame 183 | Symbol 720 MovieClip |
"Axe" | Symbol 721 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Imp_305} Frame 240 | Symbol 718 MovieClip |
"Head" | Symbol 744 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Shield_307} Frame 1 | Symbol 723 MovieClip |
"ArmB" | Symbol 744 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Shield_307} Frame 1 | Symbol 725 MovieClip |
"LegB" | Symbol 744 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Shield_307} Frame 1 | Symbol 727 MovieClip |
"LegF" | Symbol 744 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Shield_307} Frame 1 | Symbol 727 MovieClip |
"Body" | Symbol 744 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Shield_307} Frame 1 | Symbol 729 MovieClip |
"Axe" | Symbol 744 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Shield_307} Frame 1 | Symbol 731 MovieClip |
"ArmF" | Symbol 744 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Shield_307} Frame 1 | Symbol 725 MovieClip |
"Dust" | Symbol 744 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Shield_307} Frame 371 | Symbol 742 MovieClip |
"Axe" | Symbol 744 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Shield_307} Frame 410 | Symbol 731 MovieClip |
"Axe" | Symbol 744 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Shield_307} Frame 432 | Symbol 731 MovieClip |
"Axe" | Symbol 744 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Shield_307} Frame 495 | Symbol 731 MovieClip |
"Axe" | Symbol 744 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Shield_307} Frame 517 | Symbol 731 MovieClip |
"LegB" | Symbol 765 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Assassin_309} Frame 1 | Symbol 746 MovieClip |
"LegF" | Symbol 765 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Assassin_309} Frame 1 | Symbol 746 MovieClip |
"ArmB" | Symbol 765 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Assassin_309} Frame 1 | Symbol 748 MovieClip |
"Body" | Symbol 765 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Assassin_309} Frame 1 | Symbol 750 MovieClip |
"Head" | Symbol 765 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Assassin_309} Frame 1 | Symbol 753 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Assassin_Head_236} |
"Sword" | Symbol 765 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Assassin_309} Frame 1 | Symbol 756 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Assassin_Sword_237} |
"ArmF" | Symbol 765 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Assassin_309} Frame 1 | Symbol 748 MovieClip |
"Chute" | Symbol 765 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Assassin_309} Frame 250 | Symbol 764 MovieClip |
"LegB" | Symbol 765 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Assassin_309} Frame 320 | Symbol 746 MovieClip |
"LegF" | Symbol 765 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Assassin_309} Frame 320 | Symbol 746 MovieClip |
"ArmB" | Symbol 765 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Assassin_309} Frame 320 | Symbol 748 MovieClip |
"Body" | Symbol 765 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Assassin_309} Frame 320 | Symbol 750 MovieClip |
"Head" | Symbol 765 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Assassin_309} Frame 320 | Symbol 753 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Assassin_Head_236} |
"ArmF" | Symbol 765 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Assassin_309} Frame 326 | Symbol 748 MovieClip |
"LegB" | Symbol 765 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Assassin_309} Frame 398 | Symbol 746 MovieClip |
"LegF" | Symbol 765 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Assassin_309} Frame 398 | Symbol 746 MovieClip |
"ArmB" | Symbol 765 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Assassin_309} Frame 398 | Symbol 748 MovieClip |
"Body" | Symbol 765 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Assassin_309} Frame 398 | Symbol 750 MovieClip |
"Head" | Symbol 765 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Assassin_309} Frame 398 | Symbol 753 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Assassin_Head_236} |
"ArmF" | Symbol 765 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Assassin_309} Frame 404 | Symbol 748 MovieClip |
"ArmB" | Symbol 780 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Wizard_312} Frame 1 | Symbol 767 MovieClip |
"Body" | Symbol 780 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Wizard_312} Frame 1 | Symbol 769 MovieClip |
"Leg" | Symbol 780 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Wizard_312} Frame 1 | Symbol 770 MovieClip |
"Stick" | Symbol 780 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Wizard_312} Frame 1 | Symbol 772 MovieClip |
"ArmF" | Symbol 780 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Wizard_312} Frame 1 | Symbol 767 MovieClip |
"Head" | Symbol 780 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Wizard_312} Frame 1 | Symbol 774 MovieClip |
"Earth" | Symbol 780 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Wizard_312} Frame 147 | Symbol 776 MovieClip |
"Power" | Symbol 780 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Wizard_312} Frame 268 | Symbol 779 MovieClip |
"LegB" | Symbol 795 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodS_316} Frame 1 | Symbol 782 MovieClip |
"LegF" | Symbol 795 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodS_316} Frame 1 | Symbol 782 MovieClip |
"Head" | Symbol 795 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodS_316} Frame 1 | Symbol 784 MovieClip |
"ArmB" | Symbol 795 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodS_316} Frame 1 | Symbol 786 MovieClip |
"Body" | Symbol 795 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodS_316} Frame 1 | Symbol 788 MovieClip |
"Sword" | Symbol 795 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodS_316} Frame 1 | Symbol 790 MovieClip |
"Arm" | Symbol 795 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodS_316} Frame 1 | Symbol 786 MovieClip |
"Ray" | Symbol 795 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodS_316} Frame 40 | Symbol 792 MovieClip |
"Bubble" | Symbol 795 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodS_316} Frame 140 | Symbol 794 MovieClip |
"Bubble" | Symbol 795 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodS_316} Frame 168 | Symbol 794 MovieClip |
"LegB" | Symbol 795 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodS_316} Frame 168 | Symbol 782 MovieClip |
"LegF" | Symbol 795 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodS_316} Frame 168 | Symbol 782 MovieClip |
"Head" | Symbol 795 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodS_316} Frame 168 | Symbol 784 MovieClip |
"ArmB" | Symbol 795 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodS_316} Frame 168 | Symbol 786 MovieClip |
"Body" | Symbol 795 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodS_316} Frame 168 | Symbol 788 MovieClip |
"Sword" | Symbol 795 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodS_316} Frame 168 | Symbol 790 MovieClip |
"Arm" | Symbol 795 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodS_316} Frame 168 | Symbol 786 MovieClip |
"LegB" | Symbol 808 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodC_319} Frame 1 | Symbol 796 MovieClip |
"LegF" | Symbol 808 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodC_319} Frame 1 | Symbol 796 MovieClip |
"Head" | Symbol 808 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodC_319} Frame 1 | Symbol 798 MovieClip |
"ArmB" | Symbol 808 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodC_319} Frame 1 | Symbol 799 MovieClip |
"Body" | Symbol 808 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodC_319} Frame 1 | Symbol 801 MovieClip |
"Sword" | Symbol 808 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodC_319} Frame 1 | Symbol 803 MovieClip |
"Arm" | Symbol 808 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodC_319} Frame 1 | Symbol 799 MovieClip |
"Ray" | Symbol 808 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodC_319} Frame 60 | Symbol 805 MovieClip |
"Bubble" | Symbol 808 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodC_319} Frame 160 | Symbol 807 MovieClip |
"Bubble" | Symbol 808 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodC_319} Frame 188 | Symbol 807 MovieClip |
"LegB" | Symbol 808 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodC_319} Frame 188 | Symbol 796 MovieClip |
"LegF" | Symbol 808 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodC_319} Frame 188 | Symbol 796 MovieClip |
"Head" | Symbol 808 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodC_319} Frame 188 | Symbol 798 MovieClip |
"ArmB" | Symbol 808 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodC_319} Frame 188 | Symbol 799 MovieClip |
"Body" | Symbol 808 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodC_319} Frame 188 | Symbol 801 MovieClip |
"Sword" | Symbol 808 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodC_319} Frame 188 | Symbol 803 MovieClip |
"Arm" | Symbol 808 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodC_319} Frame 188 | Symbol 799 MovieClip |
"LegB" | Symbol 821 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodL_324} Frame 1 | Symbol 809 MovieClip |
"LegF" | Symbol 821 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodL_324} Frame 1 | Symbol 809 MovieClip |
"Head" | Symbol 821 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodL_324} Frame 1 | Symbol 811 MovieClip |
"ArmB" | Symbol 821 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodL_324} Frame 1 | Symbol 812 MovieClip |
"Body" | Symbol 821 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodL_324} Frame 1 | Symbol 814 MovieClip |
"Sword" | Symbol 821 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodL_324} Frame 1 | Symbol 816 MovieClip |
"Arm" | Symbol 821 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodL_324} Frame 1 | Symbol 812 MovieClip |
"Ray" | Symbol 821 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodL_324} Frame 68 | Symbol 818 MovieClip |
"Bubble" | Symbol 821 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodL_324} Frame 168 | Symbol 820 MovieClip |
"Bubble" | Symbol 821 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodL_324} Frame 196 | Symbol 820 MovieClip |
"LegB" | Symbol 821 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodL_324} Frame 196 | Symbol 809 MovieClip |
"LegF" | Symbol 821 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodL_324} Frame 196 | Symbol 809 MovieClip |
"Head" | Symbol 821 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodL_324} Frame 196 | Symbol 811 MovieClip |
"ArmB" | Symbol 821 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodL_324} Frame 196 | Symbol 812 MovieClip |
"Body" | Symbol 821 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodL_324} Frame 196 | Symbol 814 MovieClip |
"Sword" | Symbol 821 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodL_324} Frame 196 | Symbol 816 MovieClip |
"Arm" | Symbol 821 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodL_324} Frame 196 | Symbol 812 MovieClip |
"Skin" | Symbol 822 MovieClip {Bit_Ennemy} Frame 1 | Symbol 538 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Intern_292} |
"Bump" | Symbol 822 MovieClip {Bit_Ennemy} Frame 1 | Symbol 539 MovieClip {bud_fla.CarreInvisibleA_15} |
"Skin" | Symbol 822 MovieClip {Bit_Ennemy} Frame 10 | Symbol 563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Lumberjack_294} |
"Skin" | Symbol 822 MovieClip {Bit_Ennemy} Frame 20 | Symbol 597 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Big_295} |
"Skin" | Symbol 822 MovieClip {Bit_Ennemy} Frame 30 | Symbol 625 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Master_297} |
"Skin" | Symbol 822 MovieClip {Bit_Ennemy} Frame 40 | Symbol 650 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_299} |
"Skin" | Symbol 822 MovieClip {Bit_Ennemy} Frame 50 | Symbol 668 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_JigSaw_301} |
"Skin" | Symbol 822 MovieClip {Bit_Ennemy} Frame 60 | Symbol 704 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Chrono_303} |
"Skin" | Symbol 822 MovieClip {Bit_Ennemy} Frame 70 | Symbol 721 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Imp_305} |
"Skin" | Symbol 822 MovieClip {Bit_Ennemy} Frame 80 | Symbol 744 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Shield_307} |
"Skin" | Symbol 822 MovieClip {Bit_Ennemy} Frame 90 | Symbol 765 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Assassin_309} |
"Skin" | Symbol 822 MovieClip {Bit_Ennemy} Frame 100 | Symbol 780 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Wizard_312} |
"Skin" | Symbol 822 MovieClip {Bit_Ennemy} Frame 110 | Symbol 795 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodS_316} |
"Skin" | Symbol 822 MovieClip {Bit_Ennemy} Frame 120 | Symbol 808 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodC_319} |
"Skin" | Symbol 822 MovieClip {Bit_Ennemy} Frame 130 | Symbol 821 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodL_324} |
"Skin" | Symbol 895 MovieClip {Bit_Thunder} Frame 1 | Symbol 894 MovieClip |
"Skin" | Symbol 903 MovieClip {BitParticle_Thunder} Frame 1 | Symbol 902 MovieClip {bud_fla.ThunderEffect_Skin_285} |
"BubbleText" | Symbol 924 MovieClip {BitElement_Bubble} Frame 1 | Symbol 923 EditableText |
"Background" | Symbol 996 MovieClip {BitElement_BubbleAchievement} Frame 1 | Symbol 927 MovieClip |
"Text" | Symbol 996 MovieClip {BitElement_BubbleAchievement} Frame 1 | Symbol 929 EditableText |
"Description" | Symbol 996 MovieClip {BitElement_BubbleAchievement} Frame 1 | Symbol 931 EditableText |
"Title" | Symbol 996 MovieClip {BitElement_BubbleAchievement} Frame 1 | Symbol 932 EditableText |
"Picto" | Symbol 996 MovieClip {BitElement_BubbleAchievement} Frame 1 | Symbol 993 MovieClip |
"TitleShort" | Symbol 996 MovieClip {BitElement_BubbleAchievement} Frame 1 | Symbol 994 EditableText |
"BubbleText" | Symbol 996 MovieClip {BitElement_BubbleAchievement} Frame 1 | Symbol 995 EditableText |
"Pommeau" | Symbol 1023 MovieClip {bud_fla.Rasoir_7} Frame 1 | Symbol 1014 MovieClip |
"Lame" | Symbol 1023 MovieClip {bud_fla.Rasoir_7} Frame 1 | Symbol 1020 MovieClip {bud_fla.Rasoir_Lame_9} |
"Trou" | Symbol 1023 MovieClip {bud_fla.Rasoir_7} Frame 1 | Symbol 1022 MovieClip |
"Rasoir" | Symbol 1024 MovieClip {bud_fla.Rasoir_Rasoir_6} Frame 1 | Symbol 1023 MovieClip {bud_fla.Rasoir_7} |
"Rasoir" | Symbol 1029 MovieClip {bud_fla.Logo_Ockam_5} Frame 1 | Symbol 1024 MovieClip {bud_fla.Rasoir_Rasoir_6} |
"ZoneActive" | Symbol 1029 MovieClip {bud_fla.Logo_Ockam_5} Frame 1 | Symbol 539 MovieClip {bud_fla.CarreInvisibleA_15} |
"Rond4" | Symbol 1078 MovieClip {bud_fla.drOIdeLogo_Circuit_Interne_28} Frame 2 | Symbol 1053 MovieClip {bud_fla.drOIdeLogo_Circuit_Interne_Rond_29} |
"Rond3" | Symbol 1078 MovieClip {bud_fla.drOIdeLogo_Circuit_Interne_28} Frame 2 | Symbol 1053 MovieClip {bud_fla.drOIdeLogo_Circuit_Interne_Rond_29} |
"Rond2" | Symbol 1078 MovieClip {bud_fla.drOIdeLogo_Circuit_Interne_28} Frame 2 | Symbol 1053 MovieClip {bud_fla.drOIdeLogo_Circuit_Interne_Rond_29} |
"Rond1" | Symbol 1078 MovieClip {bud_fla.drOIdeLogo_Circuit_Interne_28} Frame 2 | Symbol 1053 MovieClip {bud_fla.drOIdeLogo_Circuit_Interne_Rond_29} |
"Circuit" | Symbol 1079 MovieClip {bud_fla.drOIdeLogo_Circuit_27} Frame 1 | Symbol 1078 MovieClip {bud_fla.drOIdeLogo_Circuit_Interne_28} |
"Circuit" | Symbol 1080 MovieClip {bud_fla.drOIdeLogo_Forme_Intra_20} Frame 1 | Symbol 1079 MovieClip {bud_fla.drOIdeLogo_Circuit_27} |
"ZoneActive" | Symbol 1090 MovieClip {bud_fla.drOideLogo_18} Frame 1 | Symbol 1089 Button |
"Ockam" | Symbol 1091 MovieClip {bud_fla.Logo_2} Frame 20 | Symbol 1029 MovieClip {bud_fla.Logo_Ockam_5} |
"Skip" | Symbol 1091 MovieClip {bud_fla.Logo_2} Frame 20 | Symbol 1031 MovieClip |
"Score" | Symbol 1114 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_ScoreMax_44} Frame 1 | Symbol 1108 EditableText |
"Best" | Symbol 1114 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_ScoreMax_44} Frame 1 | Symbol 1113 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_ScoreMax_Best_45} |
"Master" | Symbol 1146 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Play_Difficulty_47} Frame 1 | Symbol 1124 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Play_Difficulty_Master_48} |
"Hard" | Symbol 1146 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Play_Difficulty_47} Frame 1 | Symbol 1131 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Play_Difficulty_Hard_51} |
"Medium" | Symbol 1146 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Play_Difficulty_47} Frame 1 | Symbol 1138 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Play_Difficulty_Medium_54} |
"Easy" | Symbol 1146 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Play_Difficulty_47} Frame 1 | Symbol 1145 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Play_Difficulty_Easy_57} |
"Difficulty" | Symbol 1157 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Play_46} Frame 1 | Symbol 1146 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Play_Difficulty_47} |
"ButtonPlay" | Symbol 1157 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Play_46} Frame 1 | Symbol 1156 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Play_Play_60} |
"En" | Symbol 1169 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Languages_66} Frame 1 | Symbol 1166 MovieClip |
"Fr" | Symbol 1169 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Languages_66} Frame 1 | Symbol 1168 MovieClip |
"Background" | Symbol 1180 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Button_72} Frame 1 | Symbol 1177 MovieClip |
"Picto" | Symbol 1180 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Button_72} Frame 1 | Symbol 993 MovieClip |
"FinEtude" | Symbol 1181 MovieClip {bud_fla.Achievement_Buttons_71} Frame 1 | Symbol 1180 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Button_72} |
"ChairCanon" | Symbol 1181 MovieClip {bud_fla.Achievement_Buttons_71} Frame 1 | Symbol 1180 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Button_72} |
"CorpsProtection" | Symbol 1181 MovieClip {bud_fla.Achievement_Buttons_71} Frame 1 | Symbol 1180 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Button_72} |
"MeneurFront" | Symbol 1181 MovieClip {bud_fla.Achievement_Buttons_71} Frame 1 | Symbol 1180 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Button_72} |
"ManipulateurAssidue" | Symbol 1181 MovieClip {bud_fla.Achievement_Buttons_71} Frame 1 | Symbol 1180 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Button_72} |
"ManipulateurAvance" | Symbol 1181 MovieClip {bud_fla.Achievement_Buttons_71} Frame 1 | Symbol 1180 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Button_72} |
"CourteMultiplication" | Symbol 1181 MovieClip {bud_fla.Achievement_Buttons_71} Frame 1 | Symbol 1180 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Button_72} |
"SoldatInstantane" | Symbol 1181 MovieClip {bud_fla.Achievement_Buttons_71} Frame 1 | Symbol 1180 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Button_72} |
"HommeSansAme" | Symbol 1181 MovieClip {bud_fla.Achievement_Buttons_71} Frame 1 | Symbol 1180 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Button_72} |
"LameSansHomme" | Symbol 1181 MovieClip {bud_fla.Achievement_Buttons_71} Frame 1 | Symbol 1180 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Button_72} |
"TristeImitation" | Symbol 1181 MovieClip {bud_fla.Achievement_Buttons_71} Frame 1 | Symbol 1180 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Button_72} |
"RayonJaune" | Symbol 1181 MovieClip {bud_fla.Achievement_Buttons_71} Frame 1 | Symbol 1180 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Button_72} |
"RayonRouge" | Symbol 1181 MovieClip {bud_fla.Achievement_Buttons_71} Frame 1 | Symbol 1180 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Button_72} |
"RayonNoir" | Symbol 1181 MovieClip {bud_fla.Achievement_Buttons_71} Frame 1 | Symbol 1180 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Button_72} |
"Extinction" | Symbol 1181 MovieClip {bud_fla.Achievement_Buttons_71} Frame 1 | Symbol 1180 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Button_72} |
"Precognition" | Symbol 1181 MovieClip {bud_fla.Achievement_Buttons_71} Frame 1 | Symbol 1180 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Button_72} |
"TechnologiesRiches" | Symbol 1181 MovieClip {bud_fla.Achievement_Buttons_71} Frame 1 | Symbol 1180 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Button_72} |
"Deploiement" | Symbol 1181 MovieClip {bud_fla.Achievement_Buttons_71} Frame 1 | Symbol 1180 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Button_72} |
"Etendu" | Symbol 1181 MovieClip {bud_fla.Achievement_Buttons_71} Frame 1 | Symbol 1180 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Button_72} |
"Fulgurance" | Symbol 1181 MovieClip {bud_fla.Achievement_Buttons_71} Frame 1 | Symbol 1180 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Button_72} |
"PremiereLigne" | Symbol 1181 MovieClip {bud_fla.Achievement_Buttons_71} Frame 1 | Symbol 1180 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Button_72} |
"TechnoKinesie" | Symbol 1181 MovieClip {bud_fla.Achievement_Buttons_71} Frame 1 | Symbol 1180 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Button_72} |
"PsyClip" | Symbol 1181 MovieClip {bud_fla.Achievement_Buttons_71} Frame 1 | Symbol 1180 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Button_72} |
"EpeeLumiere" | Symbol 1181 MovieClip {bud_fla.Achievement_Buttons_71} Frame 1 | Symbol 1180 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Button_72} |
"ParentsNature" | Symbol 1181 MovieClip {bud_fla.Achievement_Buttons_71} Frame 1 | Symbol 1180 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Button_72} |
"Etherisme" | Symbol 1181 MovieClip {bud_fla.Achievement_Buttons_71} Frame 1 | Symbol 1180 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Button_72} |
"SecretResurection" | Symbol 1181 MovieClip {bud_fla.Achievement_Buttons_71} Frame 1 | Symbol 1180 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Button_72} |
"AubeLiens" | Symbol 1181 MovieClip {bud_fla.Achievement_Buttons_71} Frame 1 | Symbol 1180 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Button_72} |
"Pacifiste" | Symbol 1181 MovieClip {bud_fla.Achievement_Buttons_71} Frame 1 | Symbol 1180 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Button_72} |
"Guerrier" | Symbol 1181 MovieClip {bud_fla.Achievement_Buttons_71} Frame 1 | Symbol 1180 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Button_72} |
"Neutral" | Symbol 1181 MovieClip {bud_fla.Achievement_Buttons_71} Frame 1 | Symbol 1180 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Button_72} |
"DonneurVie" | Symbol 1181 MovieClip {bud_fla.Achievement_Buttons_71} Frame 1 | Symbol 1180 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Button_72} |
"DonneurMort" | Symbol 1181 MovieClip {bud_fla.Achievement_Buttons_71} Frame 1 | Symbol 1180 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Button_72} |
"Equilibre" | Symbol 1181 MovieClip {bud_fla.Achievement_Buttons_71} Frame 1 | Symbol 1180 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Button_72} |
"ForteMeteo" | Symbol 1181 MovieClip {bud_fla.Achievement_Buttons_71} Frame 1 | Symbol 1180 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Button_72} |
"EpaisEngrais" | Symbol 1181 MovieClip {bud_fla.Achievement_Buttons_71} Frame 1 | Symbol 1180 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Button_72} |
"CascadeViolente" | Symbol 1181 MovieClip {bud_fla.Achievement_Buttons_71} Frame 1 | Symbol 1180 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Button_72} |
"FoudreGuerre" | Symbol 1181 MovieClip {bud_fla.Achievement_Buttons_71} Frame 1 | Symbol 1180 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Button_72} |
"EtincelleMortelle" | Symbol 1181 MovieClip {bud_fla.Achievement_Buttons_71} Frame 1 | Symbol 1180 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Button_72} |
"PanoramaAbsolu" | Symbol 1181 MovieClip {bud_fla.Achievement_Buttons_71} Frame 1 | Symbol 1180 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Button_72} |
"NuageSonique" | Symbol 1181 MovieClip {bud_fla.Achievement_Buttons_71} Frame 1 | Symbol 1180 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Button_72} |
"EcrasementImposant" | Symbol 1181 MovieClip {bud_fla.Achievement_Buttons_71} Frame 1 | Symbol 1180 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Button_72} |
"VapeurExponentielle" | Symbol 1181 MovieClip {bud_fla.Achievement_Buttons_71} Frame 1 | Symbol 1180 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Button_72} |
"Espoir" | Symbol 1181 MovieClip {bud_fla.Achievement_Buttons_71} Frame 1 | Symbol 1180 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Button_72} |
"Recherche" | Symbol 1181 MovieClip {bud_fla.Achievement_Buttons_71} Frame 1 | Symbol 1180 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Button_72} |
"Envie" | Symbol 1181 MovieClip {bud_fla.Achievement_Buttons_71} Frame 1 | Symbol 1180 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Button_72} |
"Volonte" | Symbol 1181 MovieClip {bud_fla.Achievement_Buttons_71} Frame 1 | Symbol 1180 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Button_72} |
"Continuite" | Symbol 1181 MovieClip {bud_fla.Achievement_Buttons_71} Frame 1 | Symbol 1180 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Button_72} |
"Insistance" | Symbol 1181 MovieClip {bud_fla.Achievement_Buttons_71} Frame 1 | Symbol 1180 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Button_72} |
"Exigence" | Symbol 1181 MovieClip {bud_fla.Achievement_Buttons_71} Frame 1 | Symbol 1180 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Button_72} |
"Culot" | Symbol 1181 MovieClip {bud_fla.Achievement_Buttons_71} Frame 1 | Symbol 1180 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Button_72} |
"Panache" | Symbol 1181 MovieClip {bud_fla.Achievement_Buttons_71} Frame 1 | Symbol 1180 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Button_72} |
"Sagesse" | Symbol 1181 MovieClip {bud_fla.Achievement_Buttons_71} Frame 1 | Symbol 1180 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Button_72} |
"Histoire" | Symbol 1181 MovieClip {bud_fla.Achievement_Buttons_71} Frame 1 | Symbol 1180 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Button_72} |
"Connaissance" | Symbol 1181 MovieClip {bud_fla.Achievement_Buttons_71} Frame 1 | Symbol 1180 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Button_72} |
"Foi" | Symbol 1181 MovieClip {bud_fla.Achievement_Buttons_71} Frame 1 | Symbol 1180 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Button_72} |
"GuerreSeive" | Symbol 1181 MovieClip {bud_fla.Achievement_Buttons_71} Frame 1 | Symbol 1180 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Button_72} |
"TrancheurAge" | Symbol 1181 MovieClip {bud_fla.Achievement_Buttons_71} Frame 1 | Symbol 1180 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Button_72} |
"CrepusculeEmeraude" | Symbol 1181 MovieClip {bud_fla.Achievement_Buttons_71} Frame 1 | Symbol 1180 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Button_72} |
"HeureEnvol" | Symbol 1181 MovieClip {bud_fla.Achievement_Buttons_71} Frame 1 | Symbol 1180 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Button_72} |
"Background" | Symbol 1188 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_69} Frame 1 | Symbol 1175 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Background_70} |
"Buttons" | Symbol 1188 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_69} Frame 1 | Symbol 1181 MovieClip {bud_fla.Achievement_Buttons_71} |
"Close" | Symbol 1188 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_69} Frame 1 | Symbol 1187 MovieClip |
"Bubble" | Symbol 1188 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_69} Frame 1 | Symbol 996 MovieClip {BitElement_BubbleAchievement} |
"LogoOckam" | Symbol 1189 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_35} Frame 1 | Symbol 1101 MovieClip |
"LogoMusic" | Symbol 1189 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_35} Frame 1 | Symbol 1107 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_LogoMusic_43} |
"ScoreMax" | Symbol 1189 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_35} Frame 1 | Symbol 1114 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_ScoreMax_44} |
"ButtonPlay" | Symbol 1189 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_35} Frame 1 | Symbol 1157 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Play_46} |
"ButtonAchievement" | Symbol 1189 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_35} Frame 1 | Symbol 1164 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_AchievementButton_63} |
"LanguagesButton" | Symbol 1189 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_35} Frame 1 | Symbol 1169 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Languages_66} |
"Achievement" | Symbol 1189 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_35} Frame 1 | Symbol 1188 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_69} |
"Background" | Symbol 1199 MovieClip {bud_fla.Background_82} Frame 1 | Symbol 1193 MovieClip {bud_fla.Background_Background_83} |
"DepthCloud" | Symbol 1199 MovieClip {bud_fla.Background_82} Frame 1 | Symbol 1194 MovieClip |
"DepthBack" | Symbol 1199 MovieClip {bud_fla.Background_82} Frame 1 | Symbol 1194 MovieClip |
"GroundBack" | Symbol 1199 MovieClip {bud_fla.Background_82} Frame 1 | Symbol 1196 MovieClip |
"Depth" | Symbol 1199 MovieClip {bud_fla.Background_82} Frame 1 | Symbol 1194 MovieClip |
"Ground" | Symbol 1199 MovieClip {bud_fla.Background_82} Frame 1 | Symbol 1198 MovieClip |
"Bump" | Symbol 1200 MovieClip {bud_fla.ConteinerBump_87} Frame 1 | Symbol 539 MovieClip {bud_fla.CarreInvisibleA_15} |
"Background" | Symbol 1204 MovieClip {bud_fla.Action_81} Frame 1 | Symbol 1199 MovieClip {bud_fla.Background_82} |
"FarEffects" | Symbol 1204 MovieClip {bud_fla.Action_81} Frame 1 | Symbol 1200 MovieClip {bud_fla.ConteinerBump_87} |
"BackEffects" | Symbol 1204 MovieClip {bud_fla.Action_81} Frame 1 | Symbol 1200 MovieClip {bud_fla.ConteinerBump_87} |
"Trees" | Symbol 1204 MovieClip {bud_fla.Action_81} Frame 1 | Symbol 1200 MovieClip {bud_fla.ConteinerBump_87} |
"Rains" | Symbol 1204 MovieClip {bud_fla.Action_81} Frame 1 | Symbol 1200 MovieClip {bud_fla.ConteinerBump_87} |
"Thunders" | Symbol 1204 MovieClip {bud_fla.Action_81} Frame 1 | Symbol 1200 MovieClip {bud_fla.ConteinerBump_87} |
"Effects" | Symbol 1204 MovieClip {bud_fla.Action_81} Frame 1 | Symbol 1200 MovieClip {bud_fla.ConteinerBump_87} |
"Player" | Symbol 1204 MovieClip {bud_fla.Action_81} Frame 1 | Symbol 1200 MovieClip {bud_fla.ConteinerBump_87} |
"Ennemies" | Symbol 1204 MovieClip {bud_fla.Action_81} Frame 1 | Symbol 1200 MovieClip {bud_fla.ConteinerBump_87} |
"FrontEffects" | Symbol 1204 MovieClip {bud_fla.Action_81} Frame 1 | Symbol 1200 MovieClip {bud_fla.ConteinerBump_87} |
"Ground" | Symbol 1204 MovieClip {bud_fla.Action_81} Frame 1 | Symbol 1203 MovieClip |
"EnnemiesJauge" | Symbol 1204 MovieClip {bud_fla.Action_81} Frame 1 | Symbol 1200 MovieClip {bud_fla.ConteinerBump_87} |
"Button" | Symbol 1212 MovieClip {bud_fla.Interface_Sound_90} Frame 1 | Symbol 1209 Button |
"No" | Symbol 1212 MovieClip {bud_fla.Interface_Sound_90} Frame 1 | Symbol 1211 MovieClip {bud_fla.Interface_Button_No_93} |
"Button" | Symbol 1216 MovieClip {bud_fla.Interface_Music_94} Frame 1 | Symbol 1215 Button |
"No" | Symbol 1216 MovieClip {bud_fla.Interface_Music_94} Frame 1 | Symbol 1211 MovieClip {bud_fla.Interface_Button_No_93} |
"Plus" | Symbol 1237 MovieClip {bud_fla.Interface_Upgrades_103} Frame 1 | Symbol 1236 MovieClip |
"Text" | Symbol 1242 MovieClip {bud_fla.Interface_Warning_Text_109} Frame 1 | Symbol 1241 EditableText |
"Text" | Symbol 1243 MovieClip {bud_fla.Interface_Warning_108} Frame 1 | Symbol 1242 MovieClip {bud_fla.Interface_Warning_Text_109} |
"Text" | Symbol 1248 MovieClip {bud_fla.Interface_Need_110} Frame 1 | Symbol 1244 EditableText |
"Danger" | Symbol 1248 MovieClip {bud_fla.Interface_Need_110} Frame 1 | Symbol 1247 MovieClip |
"Music" | Symbol 1249 MovieClip {bud_fla.Interface_89} Frame 1 | Symbol 1212 MovieClip {bud_fla.Interface_Sound_90} |
"Sound" | Symbol 1249 MovieClip {bud_fla.Interface_89} Frame 1 | Symbol 1216 MovieClip {bud_fla.Interface_Music_94} |
"Help" | Symbol 1249 MovieClip {bud_fla.Interface_89} Frame 1 | Symbol 1222 MovieClip |
"Menu" | Symbol 1249 MovieClip {bud_fla.Interface_89} Frame 1 | Symbol 1228 MovieClip |
"Upgrades" | Symbol 1249 MovieClip {bud_fla.Interface_89} Frame 1 | Symbol 1237 MovieClip {bud_fla.Interface_Upgrades_103} |
"Score" | Symbol 1249 MovieClip {bud_fla.Interface_89} Frame 1 | Symbol 1238 EditableText |
"ScoreTitle" | Symbol 1249 MovieClip {bud_fla.Interface_89} Frame 1 | Symbol 1240 MovieClip |
"Warning" | Symbol 1249 MovieClip {bud_fla.Interface_89} Frame 1 | Symbol 1243 MovieClip {bud_fla.Interface_Warning_108} |
"Need" | Symbol 1249 MovieClip {bud_fla.Interface_89} Frame 1 | Symbol 1248 MovieClip {bud_fla.Interface_Need_110} |
"Picto" | Symbol 1290 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Upgrades_Button_118} Frame 1 | Symbol 1277 MovieClip |
"TraitsBar" | Symbol 1290 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Upgrades_Button_118} Frame 1 | Symbol 1288 MovieClip {bud_fla.Upgrades_Button_Traits_120} |
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"Background" | Symbol 1291 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Upgrades_115} Frame 1 | Symbol 1261 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Upgrades_Background_116} |
"Left" | Symbol 1291 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Upgrades_115} Frame 1 | Symbol 1263 EditableText |
"YouHave" | Symbol 1291 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Upgrades_115} Frame 1 | Symbol 1266 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Upgrades_YouHave_117} |
"Rain" | Symbol 1291 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Upgrades_115} Frame 1 | Symbol 1290 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Upgrades_Button_118} |
"Hydratation" | Symbol 1291 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Upgrades_115} Frame 1 | Symbol 1290 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Upgrades_Button_118} |
"Mass" | Symbol 1291 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Upgrades_115} Frame 1 | Symbol 1290 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Upgrades_Button_118} |
"Electricity" | Symbol 1291 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Upgrades_115} Frame 1 | Symbol 1290 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Upgrades_Button_118} |
"Volt" | Symbol 1291 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Upgrades_115} Frame 1 | Symbol 1290 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Upgrades_Button_118} |
"Radius" | Symbol 1291 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Upgrades_115} Frame 1 | Symbol 1290 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Upgrades_Button_118} |
"Wind" | Symbol 1291 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Upgrades_115} Frame 1 | Symbol 1290 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Upgrades_Button_118} |
"Pressure" | Symbol 1291 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Upgrades_115} Frame 1 | Symbol 1290 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Upgrades_Button_118} |
"Vaporisation" | Symbol 1291 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Upgrades_115} Frame 1 | Symbol 1290 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Upgrades_Button_118} |
"Close" | Symbol 1291 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Upgrades_115} Frame 1 | Symbol 1187 MovieClip |
"Bubble" | Symbol 1291 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Upgrades_115} Frame 1 | Symbol 924 MovieClip {BitElement_Bubble} |
"Body" | Symbol 1299 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_Mouvement_Perso_126} Frame 1 | Symbol 285 MovieClip |
"EyesDead" | Symbol 1299 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_Mouvement_Perso_126} Frame 1 | Symbol 294 MovieClip {bud_fla.Skin_Body_Eyes_128} |
"Body" | Symbol 1311 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_Rain_Perso_136} Frame 1 | Symbol 285 MovieClip |
"EyesDead" | Symbol 1311 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_Rain_Perso_136} Frame 1 | Symbol 294 MovieClip {bud_fla.Skin_Body_Eyes_128} |
"LegB" | Symbol 1332 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_Ennemis_146} Frame 1 | Symbol 542 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Lumberjack_Leg_148} |
"ArmB" | Symbol 1332 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_Ennemis_146} Frame 1 | Symbol 545 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Lumberjack_Arm_149} |
"LegF" | Symbol 1332 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_Ennemis_146} Frame 1 | Symbol 542 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Lumberjack_Leg_148} |
"Body" | Symbol 1332 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_Ennemis_146} Frame 1 | Symbol 548 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Lumberjack_Body_150} |
"Head" | Symbol 1332 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_Ennemis_146} Frame 1 | Symbol 551 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Lumberjack_Head_151} |
"Axe" | Symbol 1332 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_Ennemis_146} Frame 1 | Symbol 553 MovieClip |
"ArmF" | Symbol 1332 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_Ennemis_146} Frame 1 | Symbol 545 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Lumberjack_Arm_149} |
"Body" | Symbol 1338 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_Thunder_Perso_154} Frame 1 | Symbol 285 MovieClip |
"Extern" | Symbol 1356 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_Vapor_166} Frame 1 | Symbol 281 MovieClip |
"Intern" | Symbol 1356 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_Vapor_166} Frame 10 | Symbol 281 MovieClip |
"Axe" | Symbol 1398 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_Parachutage_Chute_176} Frame 1 | Symbol 553 MovieClip |
"LegB" | Symbol 1398 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_Parachutage_Chute_176} Frame 1 | Symbol 542 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Lumberjack_Leg_148} |
"ArmB" | Symbol 1398 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_Parachutage_Chute_176} Frame 1 | Symbol 545 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Lumberjack_Arm_149} |
"LegF" | Symbol 1398 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_Parachutage_Chute_176} Frame 1 | Symbol 542 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Lumberjack_Leg_148} |
"Body" | Symbol 1398 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_Parachutage_Chute_176} Frame 1 | Symbol 548 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Lumberjack_Body_150} |
"Head" | Symbol 1398 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_Parachutage_Chute_176} Frame 1 | Symbol 551 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Lumberjack_Head_151} |
"ArmF" | Symbol 1398 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_Parachutage_Chute_176} Frame 1 | Symbol 545 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Lumberjack_Arm_149} |
"Chute2" | Symbol 1399 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_Parachutage_175} Frame 1 | Symbol 1398 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_Parachutage_Chute_176} |
"Chute1" | Symbol 1399 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_Parachutage_175} Frame 1 | Symbol 1398 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_Parachutage_Chute_176} |
"LegB" | Symbol 1404 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_Chronoportation_178} Frame 15 | Symbol 542 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Lumberjack_Leg_148} |
"ArmB" | Symbol 1404 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_Chronoportation_178} Frame 15 | Symbol 545 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Lumberjack_Arm_149} |
"LegF" | Symbol 1404 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_Chronoportation_178} Frame 15 | Symbol 542 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Lumberjack_Leg_148} |
"Body" | Symbol 1404 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_Chronoportation_178} Frame 15 | Symbol 548 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Lumberjack_Body_150} |
"Head" | Symbol 1404 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_Chronoportation_178} Frame 15 | Symbol 551 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Lumberjack_Head_151} |
"Axe" | Symbol 1404 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_Chronoportation_178} Frame 15 | Symbol 553 MovieClip |
"ArmF" | Symbol 1404 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_Chronoportation_178} Frame 15 | Symbol 545 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Lumberjack_Arm_149} |
"LegB" | Symbol 1408 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_ApprentiBucheron_181} Frame 1 | Symbol 518 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Intern_Leg_182} |
"LegF" | Symbol 1408 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_ApprentiBucheron_181} Frame 1 | Symbol 518 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Intern_Leg_182} |
"ArmB" | Symbol 1408 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_ApprentiBucheron_181} Frame 1 | Symbol 521 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Intern_Arm_183} |
"Body" | Symbol 1408 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_ApprentiBucheron_181} Frame 1 | Symbol 524 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Intern_Body_184} |
"Head" | Symbol 1408 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_ApprentiBucheron_181} Frame 1 | Symbol 527 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Intern_Head_185} |
"ArmF" | Symbol 1408 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_ApprentiBucheron_181} Frame 1 | Symbol 521 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Intern_Arm_183} |
"LegB" | Symbol 1414 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_Bucheron_187} Frame 1 | Symbol 542 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Lumberjack_Leg_148} |
"ArmB" | Symbol 1414 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_Bucheron_187} Frame 1 | Symbol 545 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Lumberjack_Arm_149} |
"LegF" | Symbol 1414 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_Bucheron_187} Frame 1 | Symbol 542 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Lumberjack_Leg_148} |
"Body" | Symbol 1414 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_Bucheron_187} Frame 1 | Symbol 548 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Lumberjack_Body_150} |
"Head" | Symbol 1414 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_Bucheron_187} Frame 1 | Symbol 551 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Lumberjack_Head_151} |
"Axe" | Symbol 1414 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_Bucheron_187} Frame 1 | Symbol 553 MovieClip |
"ArmF" | Symbol 1414 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_Bucheron_187} Frame 1 | Symbol 545 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Lumberjack_Arm_149} |
"LegB" | Symbol 1419 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_GrosBucheron_188} Frame 1 | Symbol 566 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Big_Leg_189} |
"LegF" | Symbol 1419 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_GrosBucheron_188} Frame 1 | Symbol 566 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Big_Leg_189} |
"ArmB" | Symbol 1419 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_GrosBucheron_188} Frame 1 | Symbol 569 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Big_Arm_190} |
"Body" | Symbol 1419 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_GrosBucheron_188} Frame 1 | Symbol 572 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Big_Body_191} |
"Head" | Symbol 1419 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_GrosBucheron_188} Frame 1 | Symbol 575 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Big_Head_192} |
"Axe" | Symbol 1419 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_GrosBucheron_188} Frame 1 | Symbol 578 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Big_Axe_193} |
"ArmF" | Symbol 1419 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_GrosBucheron_188} Frame 1 | Symbol 569 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Big_Arm_190} |
"LegB" | Symbol 1424 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_MaitreBucheron_194} Frame 1 | Symbol 600 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Master_Leg_195} |
"LegF" | Symbol 1424 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_MaitreBucheron_194} Frame 1 | Symbol 600 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Master_Leg_195} |
"ArmB" | Symbol 1424 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_MaitreBucheron_194} Frame 1 | Symbol 603 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Master_Bras_196} |
"Body" | Symbol 1424 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_MaitreBucheron_194} Frame 1 | Symbol 606 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Master_Body_197} |
"Axe" | Symbol 1424 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_MaitreBucheron_194} Frame 1 | Symbol 609 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Master_Axe_198} |
"ArmF" | Symbol 1424 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_MaitreBucheron_194} Frame 1 | Symbol 603 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Master_Bras_196} |
"Head" | Symbol 1424 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_MaitreBucheron_194} Frame 1 | Symbol 612 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Master_Head_199} |
"ArmB" | Symbol 1429 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_TechTronconneuse_200} Frame 1 | Symbol 628 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_Arm_201} |
"Saw" | Symbol 1429 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_TechTronconneuse_200} Frame 1 | Symbol 638 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_Saw_202} |
"LegB" | Symbol 1429 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_TechTronconneuse_200} Frame 1 | Symbol 641 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_Leg_203} |
"LegF" | Symbol 1429 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_TechTronconneuse_200} Frame 1 | Symbol 641 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_Leg_203} |
"Body" | Symbol 1429 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_TechTronconneuse_200} Frame 1 | Symbol 644 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_Body_204} |
"Head" | Symbol 1429 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_TechTronconneuse_200} Frame 1 | Symbol 647 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_Head_205} |
"ArmF" | Symbol 1429 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_TechTronconneuse_200} Frame 1 | Symbol 628 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_Arm_201} |
"Saw" | Symbol 1434 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_TechScieSauteuse_206} Frame 1 | Symbol 661 MovieClip |
"MekaBig" | Symbol 1434 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_TechScieSauteuse_206} Frame 1 | Symbol 663 MovieClip |
"Meka1" | Symbol 1434 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_TechScieSauteuse_206} Frame 1 | Symbol 665 MovieClip |
"Meka2" | Symbol 1434 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_TechScieSauteuse_206} Frame 1 | Symbol 665 MovieClip |
"Down" | Symbol 1434 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_TechScieSauteuse_206} Frame 1 | Symbol 652 MovieClip |
"CabB" | Symbol 1434 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_TechScieSauteuse_206} Frame 1 | Symbol 654 MovieClip |
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"Roll2" | Symbol 1434 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_TechScieSauteuse_206} Frame 1 | Symbol 656 MovieClip |
"Roll3" | Symbol 1434 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_TechScieSauteuse_206} Frame 1 | Symbol 656 MovieClip |
"ArmB" | Symbol 1434 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_TechScieSauteuse_206} Frame 1 | Symbol 628 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_Arm_201} |
"Body" | Symbol 1434 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_TechScieSauteuse_206} Frame 1 | Symbol 644 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_Body_204} |
"Head" | Symbol 1434 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_TechScieSauteuse_206} Frame 1 | Symbol 647 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_Head_205} |
"ArmF" | Symbol 1434 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_TechScieSauteuse_206} Frame 1 | Symbol 628 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_Arm_201} |
"CabF" | Symbol 1434 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_TechScieSauteuse_206} Frame 1 | Symbol 658 MovieClip |
"LegB" | Symbol 1439 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_NainBucheron_214} Frame 1 | Symbol 707 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Imp_Leg_215} |
"LegF" | Symbol 1439 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_NainBucheron_214} Frame 1 | Symbol 707 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Imp_Leg_215} |
"ArmB" | Symbol 1439 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_NainBucheron_214} Frame 1 | Symbol 710 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Imp_Arm_216} |
"Body" | Symbol 1439 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_NainBucheron_214} Frame 1 | Symbol 713 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Imp_Body_217} |
"Head" | Symbol 1439 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_NainBucheron_214} Frame 1 | Symbol 716 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Imp_Head_218} |
"Axe" | Symbol 1439 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_NainBucheron_214} Frame 1 | Symbol 718 MovieClip |
"ArmF" | Symbol 1439 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_NainBucheron_214} Frame 1 | Symbol 710 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Imp_Arm_216} |
"ArmB" | Symbol 1444 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_ChronoBucheron_220} Frame 1 | Symbol 671 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Chrono_Arm_221} |
"LegB" | Symbol 1444 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_ChronoBucheron_220} Frame 1 | Symbol 674 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Chrono_Leg_222} |
"LegF" | Symbol 1444 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_ChronoBucheron_220} Frame 1 | Symbol 674 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Chrono_Leg_222} |
"Body" | Symbol 1444 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_ChronoBucheron_220} Frame 1 | Symbol 677 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Chrono_Body_223} |
"Head" | Symbol 1444 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_ChronoBucheron_220} Frame 1 | Symbol 680 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Chrono_Head_224} |
"Axe" | Symbol 1444 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_ChronoBucheron_220} Frame 1 | Symbol 682 MovieClip |
"ArmF" | Symbol 1444 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_ChronoBucheron_220} Frame 1 | Symbol 671 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Chrono_Arm_221} |
"Head" | Symbol 1449 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_RobotBucheron_226} Frame 1 | Symbol 723 MovieClip |
"ArmB" | Symbol 1449 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_RobotBucheron_226} Frame 1 | Symbol 725 MovieClip |
"LegB" | Symbol 1449 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_RobotBucheron_226} Frame 1 | Symbol 727 MovieClip |
"LegF" | Symbol 1449 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_RobotBucheron_226} Frame 1 | Symbol 727 MovieClip |
"Body" | Symbol 1449 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_RobotBucheron_226} Frame 1 | Symbol 729 MovieClip |
"Axe" | Symbol 1449 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_RobotBucheron_226} Frame 1 | Symbol 731 MovieClip |
"ArmF" | Symbol 1449 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_RobotBucheron_226} Frame 1 | Symbol 725 MovieClip |
"LegB" | Symbol 1454 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_Assassin_232} Frame 1 | Symbol 746 MovieClip |
"LegF" | Symbol 1454 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_Assassin_232} Frame 1 | Symbol 746 MovieClip |
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"Body" | Symbol 1454 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_Assassin_232} Frame 1 | Symbol 750 MovieClip |
"Head" | Symbol 1454 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_Assassin_232} Frame 1 | Symbol 753 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Assassin_Head_236} |
"Sword" | Symbol 1454 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_Assassin_232} Frame 1 | Symbol 756 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Assassin_Sword_237} |
"ArmF" | Symbol 1454 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_Assassin_232} Frame 1 | Symbol 748 MovieClip |
"ArmB" | Symbol 1458 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_NatureCroisee_238} Frame 1 | Symbol 767 MovieClip |
"Body" | Symbol 1458 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_NatureCroisee_238} Frame 1 | Symbol 769 MovieClip |
"Leg" | Symbol 1458 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_NatureCroisee_238} Frame 1 | Symbol 770 MovieClip |
"Stick" | Symbol 1458 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_NatureCroisee_238} Frame 1 | Symbol 772 MovieClip |
"ArmF" | Symbol 1458 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_NatureCroisee_238} Frame 1 | Symbol 767 MovieClip |
"Head" | Symbol 1458 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_NatureCroisee_238} Frame 1 | Symbol 774 MovieClip |
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"Head" | Symbol 1464 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_WoodSoldat_244} Frame 1 | Symbol 784 MovieClip |
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"Body" | Symbol 1464 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_WoodSoldat_244} Frame 1 | Symbol 788 MovieClip |
"Sword" | Symbol 1464 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_WoodSoldat_244} Frame 1 | Symbol 790 MovieClip |
"Arm" | Symbol 1464 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_WoodSoldat_244} Frame 1 | Symbol 786 MovieClip |
"LegB" | Symbol 1469 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_WoodSerget_250} Frame 1 | Symbol 782 MovieClip |
"LegF" | Symbol 1469 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_WoodSerget_250} Frame 1 | Symbol 782 MovieClip |
"Head" | Symbol 1469 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_WoodSerget_250} Frame 1 | Symbol 798 MovieClip |
"ArmB" | Symbol 1469 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_WoodSerget_250} Frame 1 | Symbol 786 MovieClip |
"Body" | Symbol 1469 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_WoodSerget_250} Frame 1 | Symbol 801 MovieClip |
"Sword" | Symbol 1469 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_WoodSerget_250} Frame 1 | Symbol 803 MovieClip |
"Arm" | Symbol 1469 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_WoodSerget_250} Frame 1 | Symbol 786 MovieClip |
"LegB" | Symbol 1474 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_WoodLieutenant_254} Frame 1 | Symbol 782 MovieClip |
"LegF" | Symbol 1474 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_WoodLieutenant_254} Frame 1 | Symbol 782 MovieClip |
"Head" | Symbol 1474 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_WoodLieutenant_254} Frame 1 | Symbol 811 MovieClip |
"ArmB" | Symbol 1474 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_WoodLieutenant_254} Frame 1 | Symbol 786 MovieClip |
"Body" | Symbol 1474 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_WoodLieutenant_254} Frame 1 | Symbol 814 MovieClip |
"Sword" | Symbol 1474 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_WoodLieutenant_254} Frame 1 | Symbol 816 MovieClip |
"Arm" | Symbol 1474 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_WoodLieutenant_254} Frame 1 | Symbol 786 MovieClip |
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"Menu" | Symbol 1610 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_114} Frame 1 | Symbol 1599 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Menu_262} |
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"Game" | Symbol 1612 MovieClip {bud_fla.Root_1} Frame 21 | Symbol 1189 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_35} |
"Game" | Symbol 1612 MovieClip {bud_fla.Root_1} Frame 41 | Symbol 1611 MovieClip {bud_fla.Game_80} |
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"Big" | Symbol 306 MovieClip {Bit_Rain} Frame 20 |
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"Skin7" | Symbol 308 MovieClip {bud_fla.RainEffect_Drip_435} Frame 126 |
"Skin8" | Symbol 308 MovieClip {bud_fla.RainEffect_Drip_435} Frame 147 |
"Skin9" | Symbol 308 MovieClip {bud_fla.RainEffect_Drip_435} Frame 168 |
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"Destruction" | Symbol 358 MovieClip {bud_fla.TreeSkin_Level6_344} Frame 64 |
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"Destruction" | Symbol 377 MovieClip {bud_fla.TreeSkin_Level7_353} Frame 64 |
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"Destruction" | Symbol 402 MovieClip {bud_fla.TreeSkin_Level8_363} Frame 64 |
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"Destruction" | Symbol 421 MovieClip {bud_fla.TreeSkin_Level9_376} Frame 64 |
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"Destruction" | Symbol 440 MovieClip {bud_fla.TreeSkin_Level10_386} Frame 64 |
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"Destruction" | Symbol 511 MovieClip {bud_fla.TreeSkin_Level13_415} Frame 143 |
"Level1" | Symbol 512 MovieClip {bud_fla.Tree_Tree_Skin_Skin_332} Frame 1 |
"Level2" | Symbol 512 MovieClip {bud_fla.Tree_Tree_Skin_Skin_332} Frame 11 |
"Level3" | Symbol 512 MovieClip {bud_fla.Tree_Tree_Skin_Skin_332} Frame 21 |
"Level4" | Symbol 512 MovieClip {bud_fla.Tree_Tree_Skin_Skin_332} Frame 31 |
"Level5" | Symbol 512 MovieClip {bud_fla.Tree_Tree_Skin_Skin_332} Frame 41 |
"Level6" | Symbol 512 MovieClip {bud_fla.Tree_Tree_Skin_Skin_332} Frame 51 |
"Level7" | Symbol 512 MovieClip {bud_fla.Tree_Tree_Skin_Skin_332} Frame 61 |
"Level8" | Symbol 512 MovieClip {bud_fla.Tree_Tree_Skin_Skin_332} Frame 71 |
"Level9" | Symbol 512 MovieClip {bud_fla.Tree_Tree_Skin_Skin_332} Frame 81 |
"Level10" | Symbol 512 MovieClip {bud_fla.Tree_Tree_Skin_Skin_332} Frame 91 |
"Level11" | Symbol 512 MovieClip {bud_fla.Tree_Tree_Skin_Skin_332} Frame 101 |
"Level12" | Symbol 512 MovieClip {bud_fla.Tree_Tree_Skin_Skin_332} Frame 111 |
"Level13" | Symbol 512 MovieClip {bud_fla.Tree_Tree_Skin_Skin_332} Frame 121 |
"Normal" | Symbol 513 MovieClip {bud_fla.Tree_Tree_Skin_331} Frame 1 |
"Grow" | Symbol 513 MovieClip {bud_fla.Tree_Tree_Skin_331} Frame 15 |
"Normal" | Symbol 515 MovieClip {Bit_Tree} Frame 1 |
"Hit1Right" | Symbol 515 MovieClip {Bit_Tree} Frame 20 |
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"Hit2Left" | Symbol 515 MovieClip {Bit_Tree} Frame 46 |
"Hit3Right" | Symbol 515 MovieClip {Bit_Tree} Frame 62 |
"Hit3Left" | Symbol 515 MovieClip {Bit_Tree} Frame 82 |
"Normal" | Symbol 518 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Intern_Leg_182} Frame 1 |
"Dead" | Symbol 518 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Intern_Leg_182} Frame 10 |
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"Dead" | Symbol 521 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Intern_Arm_183} Frame 10 |
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"Dead" | Symbol 524 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Intern_Body_184} Frame 10 |
"Normal" | Symbol 527 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Intern_Head_185} Frame 1 |
"Dead" | Symbol 527 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Intern_Head_185} Frame 10 |
"Walk" | Symbol 538 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Intern_292} Frame 1 |
"Prepares" | Symbol 538 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Intern_292} Frame 60 |
"Attack" | Symbol 538 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Intern_292} Frame 96 |
"Return" | Symbol 538 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Intern_292} Frame 165 |
"Dead" | Symbol 538 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Intern_292} Frame 210 |
"Chute" | Symbol 538 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Intern_292} Frame 266 |
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"Ground" | Symbol 538 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Intern_292} Frame 312 |
"Normal" | Symbol 542 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Lumberjack_Leg_148} Frame 1 |
"Dead" | Symbol 542 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Lumberjack_Leg_148} Frame 10 |
"Normal" | Symbol 545 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Lumberjack_Arm_149} Frame 1 |
"Dead" | Symbol 545 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Lumberjack_Arm_149} Frame 10 |
"Normal" | Symbol 548 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Lumberjack_Body_150} Frame 1 |
"Dead" | Symbol 548 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Lumberjack_Body_150} Frame 10 |
"Normal" | Symbol 551 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Lumberjack_Head_151} Frame 1 |
"Dead" | Symbol 551 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Lumberjack_Head_151} Frame 10 |
"Walk" | Symbol 563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Lumberjack_294} Frame 1 |
"Prepares" | Symbol 563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Lumberjack_294} Frame 55 |
"Attack" | Symbol 563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Lumberjack_294} Frame 87 |
"Return" | Symbol 563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Lumberjack_294} Frame 150 |
"Dead" | Symbol 563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Lumberjack_294} Frame 185 |
"Chute" | Symbol 563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Lumberjack_294} Frame 237 |
"Fall" | Symbol 563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Lumberjack_294} Frame 270 |
"Ground" | Symbol 563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Lumberjack_294} Frame 294 |
"Normal" | Symbol 566 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Big_Leg_189} Frame 1 |
"Dead" | Symbol 566 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Big_Leg_189} Frame 10 |
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"Dead" | Symbol 569 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Big_Arm_190} Frame 10 |
"Normal" | Symbol 572 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Big_Body_191} Frame 1 |
"Dead" | Symbol 572 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Big_Body_191} Frame 10 |
"Normal" | Symbol 575 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Big_Head_192} Frame 1 |
"Dead" | Symbol 575 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Big_Head_192} Frame 10 |
"Normal" | Symbol 578 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Big_Axe_193} Frame 1 |
"Dead" | Symbol 578 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Big_Axe_193} Frame 10 |
"Walk" | Symbol 597 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Big_295} Frame 1 |
"Prepares" | Symbol 597 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Big_295} Frame 70 |
"Attack" | Symbol 597 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Big_295} Frame 141 |
"Return" | Symbol 597 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Big_295} Frame 234 |
"Dead" | Symbol 597 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Big_295} Frame 269 |
"Chute" | Symbol 597 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Big_295} Frame 341 |
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"Ground" | Symbol 597 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Big_295} Frame 515 |
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"Dead" | Symbol 600 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Master_Leg_195} Frame 10 |
"Normal" | Symbol 603 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Master_Bras_196} Frame 1 |
"Dead" | Symbol 603 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Master_Bras_196} Frame 10 |
"Normal" | Symbol 606 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Master_Body_197} Frame 1 |
"Dead" | Symbol 606 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Master_Body_197} Frame 10 |
"Normal" | Symbol 609 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Master_Axe_198} Frame 1 |
"Dead" | Symbol 609 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Master_Axe_198} Frame 10 |
"Normal" | Symbol 612 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Master_Head_199} Frame 1 |
"Dead" | Symbol 612 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Master_Head_199} Frame 10 |
"Walk" | Symbol 625 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Master_297} Frame 1 |
"Prepares" | Symbol 625 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Master_297} Frame 39 |
"Attack" | Symbol 625 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Master_297} Frame 106 |
"Return" | Symbol 625 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Master_297} Frame 191 |
"Dead" | Symbol 625 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Master_297} Frame 226 |
"Chute" | Symbol 625 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Master_297} Frame 298 |
"Fall" | Symbol 625 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Master_297} Frame 334 |
"Ground" | Symbol 625 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Master_297} Frame 411 |
"Normal" | Symbol 628 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_Arm_201} Frame 1 |
"Dead" | Symbol 628 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_Arm_201} Frame 10 |
"Normal" | Symbol 638 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_Saw_202} Frame 1 |
"Attack" | Symbol 638 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_Saw_202} Frame 10 |
"Dead" | Symbol 638 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_Saw_202} Frame 19 |
"Normal" | Symbol 641 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_Leg_203} Frame 1 |
"Dead" | Symbol 641 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_Leg_203} Frame 10 |
"Normal" | Symbol 644 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_Body_204} Frame 1 |
"Dead" | Symbol 644 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_Body_204} Frame 10 |
"Normal" | Symbol 647 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_Head_205} Frame 1 |
"Dead" | Symbol 647 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_Head_205} Frame 10 |
"Walk" | Symbol 650 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_299} Frame 1 |
"Prepares" | Symbol 650 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_299} Frame 68 |
"Attack" | Symbol 650 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_299} Frame 140 |
"Return" | Symbol 650 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_299} Frame 165 |
"Dead" | Symbol 650 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_299} Frame 221 |
"Chute" | Symbol 650 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_299} Frame 290 |
"Fall" | Symbol 650 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_299} Frame 336 |
"Ground" | Symbol 650 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Bucker_299} Frame 380 |
"Walk" | Symbol 668 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_JigSaw_301} Frame 1 |
"Prepares" | Symbol 668 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_JigSaw_301} Frame 41 |
"Attack" | Symbol 668 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_JigSaw_301} Frame 108 |
"Return" | Symbol 668 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_JigSaw_301} Frame 133 |
"Dead" | Symbol 668 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_JigSaw_301} Frame 189 |
"Chute" | Symbol 668 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_JigSaw_301} Frame 276 |
"Fall" | Symbol 668 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_JigSaw_301} Frame 326 |
"Ground" | Symbol 668 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_JigSaw_301} Frame 371 |
"Normal" | Symbol 671 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Chrono_Arm_221} Frame 1 |
"Dead" | Symbol 671 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Chrono_Arm_221} Frame 10 |
"Normal" | Symbol 674 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Chrono_Leg_222} Frame 1 |
"Dead" | Symbol 674 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Chrono_Leg_222} Frame 10 |
"Normal" | Symbol 677 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Chrono_Body_223} Frame 1 |
"Dead" | Symbol 677 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Chrono_Body_223} Frame 10 |
"Normal" | Symbol 680 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Chrono_Head_224} Frame 1 |
"Dead" | Symbol 680 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Chrono_Head_224} Frame 10 |
"Walk" | Symbol 704 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Chrono_303} Frame 1 |
"Prepares" | Symbol 704 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Chrono_303} Frame 31 |
"Attack" | Symbol 704 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Chrono_303} Frame 56 |
"Return" | Symbol 704 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Chrono_303} Frame 111 |
"Dead" | Symbol 704 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Chrono_303} Frame 133 |
"Chute" | Symbol 704 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Chrono_303} Frame 166 |
"Fall" | Symbol 704 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Chrono_303} Frame 202 |
"Ground" | Symbol 704 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Chrono_303} Frame 235 |
"Normal" | Symbol 707 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Imp_Leg_215} Frame 1 |
"Dead" | Symbol 707 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Imp_Leg_215} Frame 10 |
"Normal" | Symbol 710 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Imp_Arm_216} Frame 1 |
"Dead" | Symbol 710 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Imp_Arm_216} Frame 10 |
"Normal" | Symbol 713 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Imp_Body_217} Frame 1 |
"Dead" | Symbol 713 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Imp_Body_217} Frame 10 |
"Normal" | Symbol 716 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Imp_Head_218} Frame 1 |
"Dead" | Symbol 716 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Imp_Head_218} Frame 10 |
"Walk" | Symbol 721 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Imp_305} Frame 1 |
"Walk2" | Symbol 721 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Imp_305} Frame 25 |
"Prepares" | Symbol 721 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Imp_305} Frame 60 |
"Attack" | Symbol 721 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Imp_305} Frame 73 |
"Return" | Symbol 721 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Imp_305} Frame 111 |
"Dead" | Symbol 721 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Imp_305} Frame 135 |
"Chute" | Symbol 721 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Imp_305} Frame 183 |
"Chute2" | Symbol 721 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Imp_305} Frame 205 |
"Fall" | Symbol 721 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Imp_305} Frame 223 |
"Ground" | Symbol 721 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Imp_305} Frame 269 |
"Walk" | Symbol 744 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Shield_307} Frame 1 |
"Prepares" | Symbol 744 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Shield_307} Frame 99 |
"Attack" | Symbol 744 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Shield_307} Frame 130 |
"Return" | Symbol 744 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Shield_307} Frame 229 |
"Dead" | Symbol 744 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Shield_307} Frame 264 |
"Chute" | Symbol 744 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Shield_307} Frame 349 |
"Fall" | Symbol 744 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Shield_307} Frame 371 |
"Ground" | Symbol 744 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Shield_307} Frame 456 |
"Normal" | Symbol 753 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Assassin_Head_236} Frame 1 |
"Dead" | Symbol 753 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Assassin_Head_236} Frame 10 |
"Normal" | Symbol 756 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Assassin_Sword_237} Frame 1 |
"Dead" | Symbol 756 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Assassin_Sword_237} Frame 10 |
"Walk" | Symbol 765 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Assassin_309} Frame 1 |
"Prepares" | Symbol 765 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Assassin_309} Frame 27 |
"Attack" | Symbol 765 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Assassin_309} Frame 99 |
"Return" | Symbol 765 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Assassin_309} Frame 147 |
"Dead" | Symbol 765 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Assassin_309} Frame 186 |
"Chute" | Symbol 765 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Assassin_309} Frame 250 |
"Fall" | Symbol 765 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Assassin_309} Frame 291 |
"Ground" | Symbol 765 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Assassin_309} Frame 381 |
"Walk" | Symbol 780 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Wizard_312} Frame 1 |
"Prepares" | Symbol 780 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Wizard_312} Frame 56 |
"Attack" | Symbol 780 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Wizard_312} Frame 79 |
"Return" | Symbol 780 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Wizard_312} Frame 196 |
"Dead" | Symbol 780 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Wizard_312} Frame 222 |
"Chute" | Symbol 780 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Wizard_312} Frame 268 |
"Fall" | Symbol 780 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Wizard_312} Frame 314 |
"Ground" | Symbol 780 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_Wizard_312} Frame 349 |
"Walk" | Symbol 795 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodS_316} Frame 1 |
"Prepares" | Symbol 795 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodS_316} Frame 13 |
"Attack" | Symbol 795 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodS_316} Frame 40 |
"Return" | Symbol 795 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodS_316} Frame 92 |
"Dead" | Symbol 795 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodS_316} Frame 119 |
"Chute" | Symbol 795 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodS_316} Frame 168 |
"Fall" | Symbol 795 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodS_316} Frame 205 |
"Ground" | Symbol 795 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodS_316} Frame 240 |
"Walk" | Symbol 808 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodC_319} Frame 1 |
"Prepares" | Symbol 808 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodC_319} Frame 13 |
"Attack" | Symbol 808 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodC_319} Frame 60 |
"Return" | Symbol 808 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodC_319} Frame 112 |
"Dead" | Symbol 808 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodC_319} Frame 139 |
"Chute" | Symbol 808 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodC_319} Frame 188 |
"Fall" | Symbol 808 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodC_319} Frame 225 |
"Ground" | Symbol 808 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodC_319} Frame 260 |
"Walk" | Symbol 821 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodL_324} Frame 1 |
"Prepares" | Symbol 821 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodL_324} Frame 13 |
"Attack" | Symbol 821 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodL_324} Frame 68 |
"Return" | Symbol 821 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodL_324} Frame 120 |
"Dead" | Symbol 821 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodL_324} Frame 147 |
"Chute" | Symbol 821 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodL_324} Frame 196 |
"Fall" | Symbol 821 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodL_324} Frame 233 |
"Ground" | Symbol 821 MovieClip {bud_fla.Ennemy_WoodL_324} Frame 268 |
"Intern" | Symbol 822 MovieClip {Bit_Ennemy} Frame 1 |
"Lumberjack" | Symbol 822 MovieClip {Bit_Ennemy} Frame 10 |
"Big" | Symbol 822 MovieClip {Bit_Ennemy} Frame 20 |
"Master" | Symbol 822 MovieClip {Bit_Ennemy} Frame 30 |
"Bucker" | Symbol 822 MovieClip {Bit_Ennemy} Frame 40 |
"JigSaw" | Symbol 822 MovieClip {Bit_Ennemy} Frame 50 |
"Chrono" | Symbol 822 MovieClip {Bit_Ennemy} Frame 60 |
"Imp" | Symbol 822 MovieClip {Bit_Ennemy} Frame 70 |
"Shield" | Symbol 822 MovieClip {Bit_Ennemy} Frame 80 |
"Assassin" | Symbol 822 MovieClip {Bit_Ennemy} Frame 90 |
"Wizard" | Symbol 822 MovieClip {Bit_Ennemy} Frame 100 |
"WoodS" | Symbol 822 MovieClip {Bit_Ennemy} Frame 110 |
"WoodC" | Symbol 822 MovieClip {Bit_Ennemy} Frame 120 |
"WoodL" | Symbol 822 MovieClip {Bit_Ennemy} Frame 130 |
"Yellow" | Symbol 894 MovieClip Frame 1 |
"Orange" | Symbol 894 MovieClip Frame 10 |
"Red" | Symbol 894 MovieClip Frame 20 |
"Pink" | Symbol 894 MovieClip Frame 30 |
"Blue" | Symbol 894 MovieClip Frame 40 |
"Yellow" | Symbol 903 MovieClip {BitParticle_Thunder} Frame 1 |
"Orange" | Symbol 903 MovieClip {BitParticle_Thunder} Frame 10 |
"Red" | Symbol 903 MovieClip {BitParticle_Thunder} Frame 20 |
"Pink" | Symbol 903 MovieClip {BitParticle_Thunder} Frame 30 |
"Blue" | Symbol 903 MovieClip {BitParticle_Thunder} Frame 40 |
"Off" | Symbol 927 MovieClip Frame 1 |
"On" | Symbol 927 MovieClip Frame 10 |
"FinEtude" | Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 1 |
"ChairCanon" | Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 10 |
"CorpsProtection" | Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 20 |
"MeneurFront" | Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 30 |
"ManipulateurAssidue" | Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 40 |
"ManipulateurAvance" | Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 50 |
"CourteMultiplication" | Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 60 |
"SoldatInstantane" | Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 70 |
"HommeSansAme" | Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 80 |
"LameSansHomme" | Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 90 |
"TristeImitation" | Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 100 |
"RayonJaune" | Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 110 |
"RayonRouge" | Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 120 |
"RayonNoir" | Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 130 |
"Extinction" | Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 140 |
"Precognition" | Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 150 |
"TechnologiesRiches" | Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 160 |
"Deploiement" | Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 170 |
"Etendu" | Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 180 |
"Fulgurance" | Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 190 |
"PremiereLigne" | Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 200 |
"TechnoKinesie" | Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 210 |
"PsyClip" | Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 220 |
"EpeeLumiere" | Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 230 |
"ParentsNature" | Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 240 |
"Etherisme" | Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 250 |
"SecretResurection" | Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 260 |
"AubeLiens" | Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 270 |
"Pacifiste" | Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 280 |
"Guerrier" | Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 290 |
"Neutral" | Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 300 |
"DonneurVie" | Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 310 |
"DonneurMort" | Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 320 |
"Equilibre" | Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 330 |
"ForteMeteo" | Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 340 |
"EpaisEngrais" | Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 350 |
"CascadeViolente" | Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 360 |
"FoudreGuerre" | Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 370 |
"EtincelleMortelle" | Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 380 |
"PanoramaAbsolu" | Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 390 |
"NuageSonique" | Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 400 |
"EcrasementImposant" | Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 410 |
"VapeurExponentielle" | Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 420 |
"Espoir" | Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 430 |
"Recherche" | Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 440 |
"Envie" | Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 450 |
"Volonte" | Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 460 |
"Continuite" | Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 470 |
"Insistance" | Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 480 |
"Exigence" | Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 490 |
"Culot" | Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 500 |
"Panache" | Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 510 |
"Sagesse" | Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 520 |
"Histoire" | Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 530 |
"Connaissance" | Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 540 |
"Foi" | Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 550 |
"GuerreSeive" | Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 560 |
"TrancheurAge" | Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 570 |
"CrepusculeEmeraude" | Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 580 |
"HeureEnvol" | Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 590 |
"Normal" | Symbol 1092 MovieClip {bud_fla.FadeSimple_34} Frame 1 |
"Return" | Symbol 1092 MovieClip {bud_fla.FadeSimple_34} Frame 21 |
"En" | Symbol 1107 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_LogoMusic_43} Frame 1 |
"Fr" | Symbol 1107 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_LogoMusic_43} Frame 10 |
"En" | Symbol 1113 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_ScoreMax_Best_45} Frame 1 |
"Fr" | Symbol 1113 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_ScoreMax_Best_45} Frame 10 |
"En" | Symbol 1124 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Play_Difficulty_Master_48} Frame 1 |
"Fr" | Symbol 1124 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Play_Difficulty_Master_48} Frame 10 |
"En" | Symbol 1131 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Play_Difficulty_Hard_51} Frame 1 |
"Fr" | Symbol 1131 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Play_Difficulty_Hard_51} Frame 10 |
"En" | Symbol 1138 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Play_Difficulty_Medium_54} Frame 1 |
"Fr" | Symbol 1138 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Play_Difficulty_Medium_54} Frame 10 |
"En" | Symbol 1145 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Play_Difficulty_Easy_57} Frame 1 |
"Fr" | Symbol 1145 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Play_Difficulty_Easy_57} Frame 10 |
"En" | Symbol 1156 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Play_Play_60} Frame 1 |
"Fr" | Symbol 1156 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Play_Play_60} Frame 10 |
"En" | Symbol 1164 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_AchievementButton_63} Frame 1 |
"Fr" | Symbol 1164 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_AchievementButton_63} Frame 10 |
"En" | Symbol 1175 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Background_70} Frame 1 |
"Fr" | Symbol 1175 MovieClip {bud_fla.Home_Achievement_Background_70} Frame 10 |
"Normal" | Symbol 1193 MovieClip {bud_fla.Background_Background_83} Frame 1 |
"Hurricane" | Symbol 1193 MovieClip {bud_fla.Background_Background_83} Frame 10 |
"On" | Symbol 1211 MovieClip {bud_fla.Interface_Button_No_93} Frame 1 |
"Off" | Symbol 1211 MovieClip {bud_fla.Interface_Button_No_93} Frame 10 |
"En" | Symbol 1261 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Upgrades_Background_116} Frame 1 |
"Fr" | Symbol 1261 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Upgrades_Background_116} Frame 10 |
"En" | Symbol 1266 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Upgrades_YouHave_117} Frame 1 |
"Fr" | Symbol 1266 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Upgrades_YouHave_117} Frame 10 |
"Rain" | Symbol 1277 MovieClip Frame 1 |
"Hydratation" | Symbol 1277 MovieClip Frame 10 |
"Mass" | Symbol 1277 MovieClip Frame 20 |
"Electricity" | Symbol 1277 MovieClip Frame 30 |
"Volt" | Symbol 1277 MovieClip Frame 40 |
"Radius" | Symbol 1277 MovieClip Frame 50 |
"Wind" | Symbol 1277 MovieClip Frame 60 |
"Pressure" | Symbol 1277 MovieClip Frame 70 |
"Vaporisation" | Symbol 1277 MovieClip Frame 80 |
"Trait1" | Symbol 1288 MovieClip {bud_fla.Upgrades_Button_Traits_120} Frame 1 |
"Trait2" | Symbol 1288 MovieClip {bud_fla.Upgrades_Button_Traits_120} Frame 10 |
"Trait3" | Symbol 1288 MovieClip {bud_fla.Upgrades_Button_Traits_120} Frame 20 |
"Trait4" | Symbol 1288 MovieClip {bud_fla.Upgrades_Button_Traits_120} Frame 30 |
"Trait5" | Symbol 1288 MovieClip {bud_fla.Upgrades_Button_Traits_120} Frame 40 |
"Trait6" | Symbol 1288 MovieClip {bud_fla.Upgrades_Button_Traits_120} Frame 50 |
"Trait7" | Symbol 1288 MovieClip {bud_fla.Upgrades_Button_Traits_120} Frame 60 |
"Trait8" | Symbol 1288 MovieClip {bud_fla.Upgrades_Button_Traits_120} Frame 70 |
"Trait9" | Symbol 1288 MovieClip {bud_fla.Upgrades_Button_Traits_120} Frame 80 |
"Trait10" | Symbol 1288 MovieClip {bud_fla.Upgrades_Button_Traits_120} Frame 90 |
"En" | Symbol 1298 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Background_123} Frame 1 |
"Fr" | Symbol 1298 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Background_123} Frame 10 |
"Help1Fr" | Symbol 1563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_124} Frame 1 |
"Help1En" | Symbol 1563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_124} Frame 10 |
"Help2Fr" | Symbol 1563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_124} Frame 20 |
"Help2En" | Symbol 1563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_124} Frame 30 |
"Help3Fr" | Symbol 1563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_124} Frame 40 |
"Help3En" | Symbol 1563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_124} Frame 50 |
"Help4Fr" | Symbol 1563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_124} Frame 60 |
"Help4En" | Symbol 1563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_124} Frame 70 |
"Help5Fr" | Symbol 1563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_124} Frame 80 |
"Help5En" | Symbol 1563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_124} Frame 90 |
"Help6Fr" | Symbol 1563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_124} Frame 100 |
"Help6En" | Symbol 1563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_124} Frame 110 |
"Help7Fr" | Symbol 1563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_124} Frame 120 |
"Help7En" | Symbol 1563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_124} Frame 130 |
"Help8Fr" | Symbol 1563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_124} Frame 140 |
"Help8En" | Symbol 1563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_124} Frame 150 |
"Help9Fr" | Symbol 1563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_124} Frame 160 |
"Help9En" | Symbol 1563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_124} Frame 170 |
"Help10Fr" | Symbol 1563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_124} Frame 180 |
"Help10En" | Symbol 1563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_124} Frame 190 |
"Help11Fr" | Symbol 1563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_124} Frame 200 |
"Help11En" | Symbol 1563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_124} Frame 210 |
"Help12Fr" | Symbol 1563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_124} Frame 220 |
"Help12En" | Symbol 1563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_124} Frame 230 |
"Help13Fr" | Symbol 1563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_124} Frame 240 |
"Help13En" | Symbol 1563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_124} Frame 250 |
"Help14Fr" | Symbol 1563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_124} Frame 260 |
"Help14En" | Symbol 1563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_124} Frame 270 |
"Help15Fr" | Symbol 1563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_124} Frame 280 |
"Help15En" | Symbol 1563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_124} Frame 290 |
"Help16Fr" | Symbol 1563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_124} Frame 300 |
"Help16En" | Symbol 1563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_124} Frame 310 |
"Help17Fr" | Symbol 1563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_124} Frame 320 |
"Help17En" | Symbol 1563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_124} Frame 330 |
"Help18Fr" | Symbol 1563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_124} Frame 340 |
"Help18En" | Symbol 1563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_124} Frame 350 |
"Help19Fr" | Symbol 1563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_124} Frame 360 |
"Help19En" | Symbol 1563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_124} Frame 370 |
"Help20Fr" | Symbol 1563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_124} Frame 380 |
"Help20En" | Symbol 1563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_124} Frame 390 |
"Help21Fr" | Symbol 1563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_124} Frame 400 |
"Help21En" | Symbol 1563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_124} Frame 410 |
"Help22Fr" | Symbol 1563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_124} Frame 420 |
"Help22En" | Symbol 1563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_124} Frame 430 |
"Help23Fr" | Symbol 1563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_124} Frame 440 |
"Help23En" | Symbol 1563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_124} Frame 450 |
"Help24Fr" | Symbol 1563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_124} Frame 460 |
"Help24En" | Symbol 1563 MovieClip {bud_fla.Windows_Help_Visual_124} Frame 470 |
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