Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2598 · P5196

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #151064

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Frame 2
function slideDescription(html) { if (html != "") { _root.caption.textField.textArea.htmlText = html; } else { _root.caption.textField.textArea.htmlText = _DESCRIPTION_DEFAULT_TEXT; } } function _switchHelp() { if (isInitialized) { _root.howtouse.textarea.text = _HOWTOUSE_DEFAULT_TEXT; _root.howtouse._visible = !_root.howtouse._visible; } } function _switchCaption() { if (isInitialized) { _root.caption._visible = !_root.caption._visible; } } function _switchGUISlideCounts() { if (isInitialized) { _root.guiPageCount._visible = !_root.guiPageCount._visible; } } function _refreshGUI() { if (isInitialized) { _calcPosition(); } } function onDoubleClick() { if (clickN == 0) { intervalId = setInterval(_root, "_countClick", duration); } clickN = clickN + 1; } function _countClick() { if (clickN == 2) { _incScaleStep(); _applyScaleStep(); } clearInterval(intervalId); clickN = 0; } function _enumSlideList() { slideWidth = new Array(_root.slide._totalframes + 1); slideHeight = new Array(_root.slide._totalframes + 1); slideDefaultScaleFact = new Array(_root.slide._totalframes + 1); _root.slide.gotoAndStop(1); slideWidth[0] = (slideHeight[0] = (slideDefaultScaleFact[0] = 0)); i = 1; for ( ; _root.slide._totalframes >= i ; i++) { slideWidth[i] = _root.slide._width; slideHeight[i] = _root.slide._height; if (0 >= slideWidth[i]) { slideWidth[i] = 1; } if (0 >= slideHeight[i]) { slideHeight[i] = 1; } if (!((Stage.width >= slideWidth[i]) && (Stage.height >= slideHeight[i]))) { if (Stage.width < Stage.height) { if (slideWidth[i] >= Stage.width) { if (slideHeight[i] >= Stage.height) { if ((Stage.width / slideWidth[i]) >= (Stage.height / slideHeight[i])) { if ((Stage.height / slideHeight[i]) >= (Stage.width / slideWidth[i])) { slideDefaultScaleFact[i] = Stage.width / slideWidth[i]; } else { slideDefaultScaleFact[i] = Stage.height / slideHeight[i]; } } else { slideDefaultScaleFact[i] = Stage.width / slideWidth[i]; } } else { slideDefaultScaleFact[i] = Stage.width / slideWidth[i]; } } else { slideDefaultScaleFact[i] = Stage.height / slideHeight[i]; } } else if (slideWidth[i] >= Stage.width) { if (slideHeight[i] >= Stage.height) { if ((Stage.width / slideWidth[i]) >= (Stage.height / slideHeight[i])) { if ((Stage.height / slideHeight[i]) >= (Stage.width / slideWidth[i])) { slideDefaultScaleFact[i] = Stage.width / slideWidth[i]; } else { slideDefaultScaleFact[i] = Stage.height / slideHeight[i]; } } else { slideDefaultScaleFact[i] = Stage.width / slideWidth[i]; } } else { slideDefaultScaleFact[i] = Stage.width / slideWidth[i]; } } else { slideDefaultScaleFact[i] = Stage.height / slideHeight[i]; } } else { slideDefaultScaleFact[i] = 1; } _root.slide.nextFrame(); } _root.slide.gotoAndStop(1); } function _resetSlide() { _imgScaleSizeDefault(); _scaleStep = 0; _root._imgCentering(); } function _calcPosition() { _root.guiPageCount.lblPages.text = (parseInt(_root.slide._currentframe) + " / ") + parseInt(_root.slide._totalframes); } function _Back() { _root.slide.prevFrame(); _applyScaleStep(); _imgOffscreenStrayOffset(); _refreshGUI(); } function _Forward() { _root.slide.nextFrame(); _applyScaleStep(); _imgOffscreenStrayOffset(); _refreshGUI(); } function _imgOffscreenStrayOffset() { if (_root.slide._x < ((_root.slide._width - ((_root.guiBackPage._x + _root.guiBackPage._width) * 2)) * -1)) { _root.slide._x = (_root.slide._width - ((_root.guiBackPage._x + _root.guiBackPage._width) * 2)) * -1; } if ((Stage.width - ((Stage.width - _root.guiForwardPage._x) * 2)) < _root.slide._x) { _root.slide._x = Stage.width - ((Stage.width - _root.guiForwardPage._x) * 2); } if (_root.slide._y < ((_root.slide._height - ((_root.guiBackPage._x + _root.guiBackPage._width) * 2)) * -1)) { _root.slide._y = (_root.slide._height - ((_root.guiBackPage._x + _root.guiBackPage._width) * 2)) * -1; } if ((Stage.height - ((Stage.width - _root.guiForwardPage._x) * 2)) < _root.slide._y) { _root.slide._y = Stage.height - ((Stage.width - _root.guiForwardPage._x) * 2); } } function _imgScaleSizeDefault() { _root.slide._xscale = (_root.slide._yscale = _root.slideDefaultScaleFact[_root.slide._currentframe] * 100); } function _imgScaleSize(scaleFact) { var oldScaleFact = (_root.slide._xscale / 100); _root.slide._xscale = (_root.slide._yscale = scaleFact * 100); _root.slide._x = _root.slide._x - (((scaleFact / oldScaleFact) * _root._xmouse) - _root._xmouse); _root.slide._y = _root.slide._y - (((scaleFact / oldScaleFact) * _root._ymouse) - _root._ymouse); } function _incScaleStep() { _scaleStep++; if (_scaleStep >= 4) { _scaleStep = 0; } } function _applyScaleStep() { if (_scaleStep == 0) { _imgScaleSizeDefault(); _imgCentering(); } if (_scaleStep == 1) { _imgScaleSize(1); } if (_scaleStep == 2) { _imgScaleSize(2); } if (_scaleStep == 3) { _imgScaleSize(4); } } function _imgCentering() { _root.slide._x = (Stage.width / 2) - (_root.slide._width / 2); _root.slide._y = (Stage.height / 2) - (_root.slide._height / 2); } var _SLIDE_DESCRIPTION = new Array("", ""); var _LANG_MODE = "en"; var _GUI_SCALE_LOADER = 250; var _GUI_SCALE = 150; var _GUI_MARGIN = 8; var _GUI_BG_ALPHA = 60; var _HOWTOUSE_FONT = "_sans"; var _CAPTION_FONT = "_sans"; var _HOWTOUSE_FONTSIZE = 12; var _CAPTION_FONTSIZE = 12; if (_LANG_MODE != "ja") { var _APP_NAME = "SlideShow Flash"; var _APP_AUTHOR = "Developed by aonan."; var _APP_COPYRIGHT = "Copyright(C)Since 2012 aonan All rights reserved."; } else { var _APP_NAME = "SlideShow Flash"; var _APP_AUTHOR = "Developed by aonan."; var _APP_COPYRIGHT = "Copyright(C)Since 2012 aonan All rights reserved."; } var _APP_MAJOR_VER = 3; var _APP_MINOR_VER = 5; var _APP_REVISION_VER = 0; var _APP_VERSION = ((_APP_MAJOR_VER + ".") + _APP_MINOR_VER); if (_LANG_MODE != "ja") { var _MENU_ITEM_NAME_1 = "How to use"; var _MENU_ITEM_NAME_2 = "Toggle Slide Description"; var _MENU_ITEM_NAME_3 = "Toggle Slide Counts"; var _MENU_ITEM_NAME_4 = "Reset the slide"; } else { var _MENU_ITEM_NAME_1 = "\u4F7F\u3044\u65B9"; var _MENU_ITEM_NAME_2 = "\u30B9\u30E9\u30A4\u30C9\u306E\u8AAC\u660E\u306E\u8868\u793A\u5207\u66FF"; var _MENU_ITEM_NAME_3 = "\u30B9\u30E9\u30A4\u30C9 \u30AB\u30A6\u30F3\u30C8\u306E\u8868\u793A\u5207\u66FF"; var _MENU_ITEM_NAME_4 = "\u30B9\u30E9\u30A4\u30C9\u3092\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8\u3059\u308B"; } if (_LANG_MODE != "ja") { var _DESCRIPTION_DEFAULT_TEXT = "No description."; } else { var _DESCRIPTION_DEFAULT_TEXT = "\u8AAC\u660E\u304C\u3042\u308A\u307E\u305B\u3093\u3002"; } if (_LANG_MODE != "ja") { var _HOWTOUSE_DEFAULT_TEXT = (((((((((((((((("\n <font color='#00ff00' size='24'><b>" + _MENU_ITEM_NAME_1) + " ") + _APP_NAME) + " ") + _APP_VERSION) + "</b></font>\n\n ") + _APP_NAME) + " is a simple slide show which operates by Flash. \n This <font color='#00ffff'><b>[ ") + _MENU_ITEM_NAME_1) + " ]</b></font> can be erased by click the item of the same name in a context menu. \n\n <font color='#00ff00'><b>1. </b></font>If one of the both ends of this screen is pointed at with a mouse, the button which can click for moving a slide will appear. The far left button you can return to the previous slide. The far right button you can proceed to the next slide. Vertical movement synchronizes with a mouse so that it may be easy to click this button. \n\n <font color='#00ff00'><b>2. </b></font>The display under a center is Slide Counts. Click <font color='#00ffff'><b>[ ") + _MENU_ITEM_NAME_3) + " ]</b></font> of a context menu and it changes a display and un-displaying. The contents of a display mean <font color='#00ffff'><b>[ Number of the slide you are looking at now / The number of all slides ]</b></font>. Others, Slide Counts can be moved by dragging.\n\n <font color='#00ff00'><b>3. </b></font>Is displayed in the center of the slide. You click on the slide can be moved to a good viewing position by dragging. <font color='#ffff00'>(When a slide overflows out of a screen, a position may be corrected automatically. Moreover, while carrying out reduced display <b>(Later)</b>, centering of the slide is carried out by movement between slides. )</font> In addition, if a slide is double-clicked, a slide is expandable in order of reduced display <font color='#ffff00'>(It fits in this screen. When it does not correspond to a reduced display, it becomes the same as an absolute size display, and centering also of a reduced display and the absolute size display is carried out. )</font>, an absolute size display, a double display, and a 4 time display. Expansion of a slide is applied to all the slides. Moreover, a slide will return before one, if a mouse wheel is turned to the back. Conversely, if a mouse wheel is turned to the front, it will move to the next. \n\n <font color='#00ff00'><b>4. </b></font>A context menu has the following functions besides the display of version information, a maker's name, and the copyright notation other than the contents introduced above. \n\n <font color='#00ff00'><b>4-1. </b></font>If it clicks <font color='#00ffff'><b>[ ") + _MENU_ITEM_NAME_2) + " ]</b></font>, explanation of the slide seen now can be seen. Moreover, it can also move to the slide of before or the next, looking at explanation. <font color='#ffff00'>(You can not move with the mouse wheel. Also, You can not even drag. )</font> When you close explanation, please click the item of the same name of a context menu. \n\n <font color='#00ff00'><b>4-2. </b></font>Centering is carried out after returning the slide seen now to a reduced display or an absolute size display, if it clicks <font color='#00ffff'><b>[ ") + _MENU_ITEM_NAME_4) + " ]</b></font>. This setup is applied to all the slides. \n"); } else { var _HOWTOUSE_DEFAULT_TEXT = (((((((((((((((("\n\u3000 <font color='#00ff00' size='24'><b>" + _APP_NAME) + " ") + _APP_VERSION) + " \u306E ") + _MENU_ITEM_NAME_1) + "</b></font>\n\n\u3000 ") + _APP_NAME) + " \u306F\u3001\u7C21\u5358\u306A\u30B9\u30E9\u30A4\u30C9\u30B7\u30E7\u30FCFlash\u3067\u3059\u3002\n\u3000 \u3053\u306E<font color='#00ffff'><b>\u300C") + _MENU_ITEM_NAME_1) + "\u300D</b></font>\u306F\u3001\u30B3\u30F3\u30C6\u30AD\u30B9\u30C8\u30E1\u30CB\u30E5\u30FC\u306B\u3042\u308B\u540C\u3058\u540D\u524D\u306E\u9805\u76EE\u3092\u30AF\u30EA\u30C3\u30AF\u3059\u308B\u4E8B\u3067\u6D88\u3059\u4E8B\u304C\u3067\u304D\u307E\u3059\u3002\n\n\u3000 <font color='#00ff00'><b>1. </b></font>\u30DE\u30A6\u30B9\u3067\u3053\u306E\u753B\u9762\u306E\u4E21\u7AEF\u306E\u3069\u3061\u3089\u304B\u3092\u30DD\u30A4\u30F3\u30C8\u3059\u308B\u3068\u3001\u30B9\u30E9\u30A4\u30C9\u3092\u79FB\u52D5\u3059\u308B\u305F\u3081\u306E\u30AF\u30EA\u30C3\u30AF\u3067\u304D\u308B\u30DC\u30BF\u30F3\u304C\u73FE\u308C\u307E\u3059\u3002\u5DE6\u7AEF\u306E\u30DC\u30BF\u30F3\u306F\u524D\u306E\u30B9\u30E9\u30A4\u30C9\u3078\u623B\u308A\u3001\u53F3\u7AEF\u306E\u30DC\u30BF\u30F3\u306F\u6B21\u306E\u30B9\u30E9\u30A4\u30C9\u3078\u9032\u307F\u307E\u3059\u3002\u3053\u306E\u30DC\u30BF\u30F3\u306F\u30AF\u30EA\u30C3\u30AF\u3057\u3084\u3059\u3044\u3088\u3046\u306B\u3001\u7E26\u306E\u79FB\u52D5\u306F\u30DE\u30A6\u30B9\u3068\u540C\u671F\u3057\u307E\u3059\u3002\n\n\u3000 <font color='#00ff00'><b>2. </b></font>\u4E2D\u592E\u4E0B\u306E\u8868\u793A\u306F\u3001\u30B9\u30E9\u30A4\u30C9 \u30AB\u30A6\u30F3\u30C8\u3067\u3059\u3002\u30B3\u30F3\u30C6\u30AD\u30B9\u30C8\u30E1\u30CB\u30E5\u30FC\u306E<font color='#00ffff'><b>\u300C") + _MENU_ITEM_NAME_3) + "\u300D</b></font>\u3092\u30AF\u30EA\u30C3\u30AF\u3059\u308B\u4E8B\u3067\u8868\u793A\u30FB\u975E\u8868\u793A\u3092\u5207\u308A\u66FF\u3048\u307E\u3059\u3002\u5185\u5BB9\u306F<font color='#00ffff'><b>\u300C\u4ECA\u898B\u3066\u3044\u308B\u30B9\u30E9\u30A4\u30C9\u306E\u756A\u53F7 / \u5168\u3066\u306E\u30B9\u30E9\u30A4\u30C9\u306E\u679A\u6570\u300D</b></font>\u3092\u610F\u5473\u3057\u307E\u3059\u3002\u307E\u305F\u3001\u30C9\u30E9\u30C3\u30B0\u3067\u79FB\u52D5\u51FA\u6765\u307E\u3059\u3002\n\n\u3000 <font color='#00ff00'><b>3. </b></font>\u4E2D\u592E\u306B\u30B9\u30E9\u30A4\u30C9\u304C\u8868\u793A\u3055\u308C\u307E\u3059\u3002\u30B9\u30E9\u30A4\u30C9\u306F\u30AF\u30EA\u30C3\u30AF\u3057\u305F\u4E0A\u3067\u3001\u30C9\u30E9\u30C3\u30B0\u3057\u3066\u898B\u3084\u3059\u3044\u4F4D\u7F6E\u306B\u79FB\u52D5\u3067\u304D\u307E\u3059<font color='#ffff00'>\uFF08\u753B\u9762\u5916\u3078\u306F\u307F\u51FA\u3057\u305F\u5834\u5408\u3001\u30B9\u30E9\u30A4\u30C9\u306B\u3088\u3063\u3066\u306F\u4F4D\u7F6E\u304C\u81EA\u52D5\u7684\u306B\u4FEE\u6B63\u3055\u308C\u307E\u3059\u3002\u307E\u305F\u3001\u7E2E\u5C0F\u8868\u793A<b>\uFF08\u5F8C\u8FF0\uFF09</b>\u4E2D\u3067\u306F\u30B9\u30E9\u30A4\u30C9\u9593\u306E\u79FB\u52D5\u3067\u30BB\u30F3\u30BF\u30EA\u30F3\u30B0\u3055\u308C\u307E\u3059\uFF09</font>\u3002\u305D\u306E\u4ED6\u3001\u30C0\u30D6\u30EB\u30AF\u30EA\u30C3\u30AF\u3059\u308B\u4E8B\u3067\u7E2E\u5C0F\u8868\u793A<font color='#ffff00'>\uFF08\u753B\u9762\u5185\u306B\u5408\u308F\u305B\u307E\u3059\u3002\u5BFE\u5FDC\u3059\u308B\u8868\u793A\u304C\u7121\u3044\u5834\u5408\u306F\u5B9F\u5BF8\u8868\u793A\u3068\u540C\u3058\u306B\u306A\u308A\u3001\u3069\u3061\u3089\u3082\u30BB\u30F3\u30BF\u30EA\u30F3\u30B0\u3055\u308C\u307E\u3059\uFF09</font>\u3001\u5B9F\u5BF8\u8868\u793A\u30012\u500D\u30014\u500D\u3067\u62E1\u5927\u51FA\u6765\u307E\u3059\u3002\u62E1\u5927\u306F\u5168\u3066\u306E\u30B9\u30E9\u30A4\u30C9\u306B\u9069\u7528\u3055\u308C\u307E\u3059\u3002\u307E\u305F\u3001\u30DE\u30A6\u30B9\u30DB\u30A4\u30FC\u30EB\u3092\u5965\u3078\u56DE\u3059\u3068\u524D\u306E\u30B9\u30E9\u30A4\u30C9\u3078\u623B\u308A\u3001\u624B\u524D\u3078\u56DE\u3059\u3068\u6B21\u306E\u30B9\u30E9\u30A4\u30C9\u3078\u9032\u3080\u3053\u3068\u3082\u3067\u304D\u307E\u3059\u3002\n\n\u3000 <font color='#00ff00'><b>4. </b></font>\u30B3\u30F3\u30C6\u30AD\u30B9\u30C8\u30E1\u30CB\u30E5\u30FC\u306B\u306F\u3001\u4E0A\u8A18\u3067\u7D39\u4ECB\u3057\u305F\u4ED6\u306B\u3001\u30D0\u30FC\u30B8\u30E7\u30F3\u60C5\u5831\u3084\u88FD\u4F5C\u8005\u540D\u3001\u8457\u4F5C\u6A29\u8868\u8A18\u306E\u8868\u793A\u306E\u4ED6\u3001\u4EE5\u4E0B\u306E\u6A5F\u80FD\u304C\u3042\u308A\u307E\u3059\u3002\n\n\u3000 \u3000 <font color='#00ff00'><b>4-1. </b></font><font color='#00ffff'><b>\u300C") + _MENU_ITEM_NAME_2) + "\u300D</b></font>\u3092\u30AF\u30EA\u30C3\u30AF\u3059\u308B\u3068\u3001\u4ECA\u898B\u3066\u3044\u308B\u30B9\u30E9\u30A4\u30C9\u306E\u8AAC\u660E\u3092\u898B\u308B\u3053\u3068\u304C\u3067\u304D\u307E\u3059\u3002\u8AAC\u660E\u3092\u898B\u306A\u304C\u3089\u3001\u524D\u307E\u305F\u306F\u6B21\u306E\u30B9\u30E9\u30A4\u30C9\u3078\u79FB\u52D5\u3059\u308B\u4E8B\u3082\u3067\u304D\u307E\u3059<font color='#ffff00'>\uFF08\u30DE\u30A6\u30B9\u30DB\u30A4\u30FC\u30EB\u3067\u306F\u79FB\u52D5\u51FA\u6765\u307E\u305B\u3093\u3001\u307E\u305F\u30B9\u30E9\u30A4\u30C9\u306E\u30C9\u30E9\u30C3\u30B0\u3082\u3067\u304D\u307E\u305B\u3093\uFF09</font>\u3002\u8AAC\u660E\u3092\u9589\u3058\u308B\u6642\u306F\u30B3\u30F3\u30C6\u30AD\u30B9\u30C8\u30E1\u30CB\u30E5\u30FC\u306B\u3042\u308B\u540C\u3058\u540D\u524D\u306E\u9805\u76EE\u3092\u30AF\u30EA\u30C3\u30AF\u3059\u308B\u4E8B\u3067\u6D88\u3059\u4E8B\u304C\u3067\u304D\u307E\u3059\u3002\n\n\u3000 \u3000 <font color='#00ff00'><b>4-2. </b></font><font color='#00ffff'><b>\u300C") + _MENU_ITEM_NAME_4) + "\u300D</b></font>\u3092\u30AF\u30EA\u30C3\u30AF\u3059\u308B\u3068\u3001\u4ECA\u898B\u3066\u3044\u308B\u30B9\u30E9\u30A4\u30C9\u3092\u7E2E\u5C0F\u307E\u305F\u306F\u5B9F\u5BF8\u8868\u793A\u3078\u623B\u3057\u3066\u304B\u3089\u3001\u30BB\u30F3\u30BF\u30EA\u30F3\u30B0\u3057\u307E\u3059\u3002\u3053\u306E\u8A2D\u5B9A\u306F\u5168\u3066\u306E\u30B9\u30E9\u30A4\u30C9\u306B\u9069\u7528\u3055\u308C\u307E\u3059\u3002\n"); } var isInitialized = false; var slideWidth = eval("undefined"); var slideHeight = eval("undefined"); var slideDefaultScaleFact = eval("undefined"); var _scaleStep = 0; var duration = 300; var clickN = 0; var intervalId = 0; var __mouse_obj = new Object(); _root.onEnterFrame = function () { if (isInitialized) { var mX = _root._xmouse; var mY = _root._ymouse; if (!((mX < (_root.guiBackPage._x + _root.guiBackPage._width)) || (_root.guiForwardPage._x < mX))) { _root.guiBackPage._visible = false; _root.guiForwardPage._visible = false; } else { if ((mY >= (_root.guiBackPage._height / 2)) && (mY < (Stage.height - (_root.guiBackPage._height / 2)))) { _root.guiBackPage._y = mY - (_root.guiBackPage._height / 2); } if ((mY >= (_root.guiForwardPage._height / 2)) && (mY < (Stage.height - (_root.guiForwardPage._height / 2)))) { _root.guiForwardPage._y = mY - (_root.guiForwardPage._height / 2); } if (1 >= _root.slide._currentframe) { _root.guiBackPage._visible = false; } else { _root.guiBackPage._visible = true; } if (_root.slide._currentframe >= _root.slide._totalframes) { _root.guiForwardPage._visible = false; } else { _root.guiForwardPage._visible = true; } } if (_root.slide._currentframe >= (_root._SLIDE_DESCRIPTION.length - 1)) { slideDescription(""); } else { slideDescription(_root._SLIDE_DESCRIPTION[_root.slide._currentframe]); } } }; __mouse_obj.onMouseWheel = function (delta, scrollTarget) { if ((isInitialized && (!_root.howtouse._visible)) && (!_root.caption._visible)) { if (0 >= delta) { if (delta < 0) { _Forward(); } } else { _Back(); } } }; Mouse.addListener(__mouse_obj); var menu_cm = new ContextMenu(); menu_cm.builtInItems.forward_back = false; menu_cm.builtInItems.loop = false; = false; menu_cm.builtInItems.print = true; menu_cm.builtInItems.quality = true; menu_cm.builtInItems.rewind = false; menu_cm.builtInItems.zoom = false; var menu_item_1 = new ContextMenuItem(); menu_item_1.caption = _MENU_ITEM_NAME_1; menu_item_1.enabled = true; menu_item_1.separatorBefore = false; menu_item_1.visible = true; menu_item_1.onSelect = function () { _switchHelp(); }; var menu_item_2 = new ContextMenuItem(); menu_item_2.caption = _MENU_ITEM_NAME_2; menu_item_2.enabled = true; menu_item_2.separatorBefore = true; menu_item_2.visible = true; menu_item_2.onSelect = function () { _switchCaption(); }; var menu_item_3 = new ContextMenuItem(); menu_item_3.caption = _MENU_ITEM_NAME_3; menu_item_3.enabled = true; menu_item_3.separatorBefore = false; menu_item_3.visible = true; menu_item_3.onSelect = function () { _switchGUISlideCounts(); }; var menu_item_4 = new ContextMenuItem(); menu_item_4.caption = _MENU_ITEM_NAME_4; menu_item_4.enabled = true; menu_item_4.separatorBefore = true; menu_item_4.visible = true; menu_item_4.onSelect = function () { _resetSlide(); }; var menu_item_5 = new ContextMenuItem(); menu_item_5.caption = (_APP_NAME + " ") + _APP_VERSION; menu_item_5.enabled = false; menu_item_5.separatorBefore = true; menu_item_5.visible = true; menu_item_5.onSelect = function () { }; var menu_item_6 = new ContextMenuItem(); menu_item_6.caption = _APP_AUTHOR; menu_item_6.enabled = false; menu_item_6.separatorBefore = false; menu_item_6.visible = true; menu_item_6.onSelect = function () { }; var menu_item_7 = new ContextMenuItem(); menu_item_7.caption = _APP_COPYRIGHT; menu_item_7.enabled = false; menu_item_7.separatorBefore = false; menu_item_7.visible = true; menu_item_7.onSelect = function () { }; menu_cm.customItems = [menu_item_1, menu_item_2, menu_item_3, menu_item_4, menu_item_5, menu_item_6, menu_item_7]; = menu_cm;
Instance of Symbol 19962 MovieClip [slide] "slide" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; this.gotoAndStop(1); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { updateAfterEvent(); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { this.stopDrag(); } on (press) { _root.onDoubleClick(); if ((!_root.howtouse._visible) && (!_root.caption._visible)) { _root.slide.startDrag(false, (this._width - ((_root.guiBackPage._x + _root.guiBackPage._width) * 2)) * -1, (this._height - ((_root.guiBackPage._x + _root.guiBackPage._width) * 2)) * -1, Stage.width - ((Stage.width - _root.guiForwardPage._x) * 2), Stage.height - ((Stage.width - _root.guiForwardPage._x) * 2)); } } on (release, releaseOutside) { this.stopDrag(); }
Instance of Symbol 19966 MovieClip [caption] "caption" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 19958 MovieClip [guiPageCount] "guiPageCount" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) { var _GUI_PAGECOUNT_WIDTH = 100; var _GUI_PAGECOUNT_HEIGHT = 24; this._visible = false; var _quotWidth = (Stage.width / (_GUI_PAGECOUNT_WIDTH * (parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) / 100))); var _quotHeight = (Stage.height / ((_GUI_PAGECOUNT_HEIGHT + _root._GUI_MARGIN) * (parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) / 100))); if (1 < _quotWidth) { this._x = (Stage.width / 2) - ((_GUI_PAGECOUNT_WIDTH * (parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) / 100)) / 2); this._xscale = parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE); } if (1 < _quotHeight) { this._y = Stage.height - ((_GUI_PAGECOUNT_HEIGHT + _root._GUI_MARGIN) * (parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) / 100)); this._yscale = parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE); } if (_quotWidth < 1) { this._x = (Stage.width / 2) - (((_GUI_PAGECOUNT_WIDTH * (parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) / 100)) * _quotWidth) / 2); this._xscale = parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) * _quotWidth; } if (_quotHeight < 1) { this._y = Stage.height - (((_GUI_PAGECOUNT_HEIGHT + _root._GUI_MARGIN) * (parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) / 100)) * _quotHeight); this._yscale = parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) * _quotHeight; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { updateAfterEvent(); } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { this.stopDrag(); } on (press) { if (!_root.howtouse._visible) { this.startDrag(false, 0, 0, Stage.width - this._width, Stage.height - this._height); } } on (release, releaseOutside) { this.stopDrag(); }
Instance of Symbol 19956 MovieClip [guiBackPage] "guiBackPage" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; var _quotWidth = (Stage.width / ((((this._width + _root._GUI_MARGIN) * (parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) / 100)) + this._width) * (parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) / 100))); var _quotHeight = (Stage.height / ((Stage.height / 2) * (parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) / 100))); if (1 < _quotWidth) { this._x = _root._GUI_MARGIN * (parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) / 100); this._xscale = parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE); } if (1 < _quotHeight) { this._y = (Stage.height / 2) - ((this._height * (parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) / 100)) / 2); this._yscale = parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE); } if (_quotWidth < 1) { this._x = (_root._GUI_MARGIN / (parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) / 100)) * _quotHeight; this._xscale = parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) * _quotWidth; } if (_quotHeight < 1) { this._y = (Stage.height / 2) - (((this._height * (parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) / 100)) * _quotHeight) / 2); this._yscale = parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) * _quotHeight; } }
Instance of Symbol 19960 MovieClip [guiForwardPage] "guiForwardPage" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; var _quotWidth = (Stage.width / ((((this._width + _root._GUI_MARGIN) * (parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) / 100)) + this._width) * (parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) / 100))); var _quotHeight = (Stage.height / ((Stage.height / 2) * (parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) / 100))); if (1 < _quotWidth) { this._x = Stage.width - ((this._width + _root._GUI_MARGIN) * (parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) / 100)); this._xscale = parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE); } if (1 < _quotHeight) { this._y = (Stage.height / 2) - ((this._height * (parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) / 100)) / 2); this._yscale = parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE); } if (_quotWidth < 1) { this._x = Stage.width - (((this._width + _root._GUI_MARGIN) * (parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) / 100)) * _quotWidth); this._xscale = parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) * _quotWidth; } if (_quotHeight < 1) { this._y = (Stage.height / 2) - (((this._height * (parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) / 100)) * _quotHeight) / 2); this._yscale = parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) * _quotHeight; } }
Instance of Symbol 19964 MovieClip [howtouse] "howtouse" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 19996 MovieClip [processor] "processor" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) { _root._enumSlideList(); _root._imgScaleSizeDefault(); _root._imgCentering(); _root.slide._visible = (_root.guiPageCount._visible = true); this._visible = false; _root.isInitialized = true; _root._refreshGUI(); }
Frame 3
Symbol 19998 MovieClip [loader] Frame 1
var _GUI_LOADERMSG_WIDTH = 110; var _GUI_LOADERMSG_HEIGHT = 24; this.createTextField("lblLoaderMsg", 0, 0, 0, Stage.width, Stage.height); this.lblLoaderMsg.selectable = false; var text_format = new TextFormat(); text_format.align = "center"; text_format.font = "_sans"; text_format.size = 32; text_format.color = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; this.lblLoaderMsg.setNewTextFormat(text_format); this.lblLoaderMsg.text = ""; testmode = false; if (_url.indexOf("file://") != -1) { testmode = true; } total = _root.getBytesTotal(); if (testmode) { total = 1000000 /* 0x0F4240 */; }
Symbol 19998 MovieClip [loader] Frame 2
if (!testmode) { loaded = _root.getBytesLoaded(); } else { loaded = loaded + 8888; if (loaded >= total) { loaded = 0; } } sindo = int((loaded / total) * 100); this.lblLoaderMsg.text = ((((("\nNow Loading... \n\n" + int(loaded / 1000)) + "KB / ") + int(total / 1000)) + "KB (") + sindo) + "%)";
Symbol 19998 MovieClip [loader] Frame 3
Symbol 20000 Button
on (press) { _root._Back(); } on () { }
Symbol 19958 MovieClip [guiPageCount] Frame 1
this.lineStyle(1, 0, 0); this.beginFill(0, _root._GUI_BG_ALPHA); this.moveTo(0, 0); this.lineTo(0, this._GUI_PAGECOUNT_HEIGHT); this.lineTo(this._GUI_PAGECOUNT_WIDTH, this._GUI_PAGECOUNT_HEIGHT); this.lineTo(this._GUI_PAGECOUNT_WIDTH, 0); this.endFill(); this.createTextField("lblPages", 0, 0, 0, this._GUI_PAGECOUNT_WIDTH, this._GUI_PAGECOUNT_HEIGHT); this.lblPages.selectable = false; var text_format = new TextFormat(); text_format.align = "center"; text_format.font = "_sans"; text_format.size = 16; text_format.color = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; this.lblPages.setNewTextFormat(text_format); this.lblPages.text = "0000 / 0000";
Symbol 20001 Button
on (press) { _root._Forward(); } on () { }
Symbol 19964 MovieClip [howtouse] Frame 1
this.lineStyle(1, 0, 0); this.beginFill(0, _root._GUI_BG_ALPHA); this.moveTo(0, 0); this.lineTo(0, Stage.height); this.lineTo(Stage.width, Stage.height); this.lineTo(Stage.width, 0); this.endFill();
Instance of Symbol 19968 MovieClip [テキストエリア(使い方用)] "textField" in Symbol 19964 MovieClip [howtouse] Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 0; this._y = 0; }
Symbol 19966 MovieClip [caption] Frame 1
this.lineStyle(1, 0, 0); this.beginFill(0, _root._GUI_BG_ALPHA); this.moveTo(0, 0); this.lineTo(0, Stage.height); this.lineTo(Stage.width, Stage.height); this.lineTo(Stage.width, 0); this.endFill();
Instance of Symbol 19978 MovieClip [テキストエリア(スライドの説明用)] "textField" in Symbol 19966 MovieClip [caption] Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 0; this._y = 0; }
Symbol 19968 MovieClip [テキストエリア(使い方用)] Frame 1
width = Stage.width; height = Stage.height; createTextField("textArea", -16370, 0, 0, width, height); with (textArea) { background = false; backgroundColor = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; border = false; borderColor = 14540253 /* 0xDDDDDD */; selectable = true; type = "dynamic"; multiline = true; textColor = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; wordWrap = true; condenseWhite = false; html = true; mouseWheelEnabled = true; var text_format = new TextFormat(); text_format.align = "left"; text_format.font = _root._HOWTOUSE_FONT; text_format.size = _root._HOWTOUSE_FONTSIZE * (parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) / 100); text_format.color = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; setNewTextFormat(text_format); htmlText = _root._HOWTOUSE_DEFAULT_TEXT; } textArea.onChanged = function () { }; textArea.onSetFocus = function (oldFocus) { }; textArea.onKillFocus = function (newFocus) { }; onEnterFrame = function () { }; lineStyle(2, 10066329, 100); if (textArea.background) { beginFill(textArea.backgroundColor, 100); } moveTo(width + 1, 0); lineTo(width + 1, height + 1); lineTo(0, height + 1); lineTo(0, 0); endFill(); lineStyle(2, 14540253, 100); moveTo(width + 1, height + 1); lineTo(0, height + 1); lineStyle(2, 10066329, 100); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(width + 1, 0);
Instance of Symbol 19976 MovieClip [縦スクロールバー(使い方用)] "vertical" in Symbol 19968 MovieClip [テキストエリア(使い方用)] Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) { var bodyColor = 16579836; var targetTextArea = _parent.textArea; var width = 15; }
Instance of Symbol 19974 MovieClip [横スクロールバー(使い方用)] "horizontal" in Symbol 19968 MovieClip [テキストエリア(使い方用)] Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) { var bodyColor = 16579836; var targetTextArea = _parent.textArea; var height = 15; }
Symbol 19968 MovieClip [テキストエリア(使い方用)] Frame 2
var check = function () { var change = false; if (1 >= textArea.maxscroll) { if (vertical.visible) { textArea._width = width; change = true; vertical.visible = false; } } else if (vertical.visible == false) { textArea._width = width - vertical.width; change = true; vertical.visible = true; } if (1 >= textArea.maxhscroll) { if (horizontal.visible) { textArea._height = height; change = true; horizontal.visible = false; } } else if (horizontal.visible == false) { textArea._height = height - horizontal.height; change = true; horizontal.visible = true; } if (change) { setting(); } }; var setting = function () { if (1 >= textArea.maxscroll) { vertical.deleteScrollBar(); } else { vertical.deleteScrollBar(); vertical.createScrollBar(); } if (1 >= textArea.maxhscroll) { horizontal.deleteScrollBar(); } else { horizontal.deleteScrollBar(); horizontal.createScrollBar(); } }; check(); void.onEnterFrame = function () { check(); };
Symbol 19968 MovieClip [テキストエリア(使い方用)] Frame 3
Instance of Symbol 19970 MovieClip [やじるし(使い方用)] "upward" in Symbol 19974 MovieClip [横スクロールバー(使い方用)] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { bodyColor = _parent.bodyColor(); if (bodyColor == eval("undefined")) { bodyColor = 16250871 /* 0xF7F7F7 */; } color = _parent.color(); if (color == eval("undefined")) { color = 8947848 /* 0x888888 */; } defaultDrow = function () { var m = {matrixType:"box", x:x, y:y, w:w, h:h, r:(90 * Math.PI) / 180}; lineStyle(1, 16777215, 100); lineGradientStyle("linear", [color, color], [80, 8], [0, 255], m, "pad", "linearRGB", 0); beginFill(bodyColor, 100); frame(); lineStyle(0, 16777215, 100); beginFill(color, 100); arrow(); }; frame = function () { moveTo(x, y); lineTo((x + h) - c, y); lineTo(x + h, y + c); lineTo(x + h, (y + w) - c); lineTo((x + h) - c, y + w); lineTo(x, y + w); endFill(); }; arrow = function () { moveTo(x + ((h * 2) / 3), y + ((w * 1) / 4)); lineTo(x + ((h * 2) / 3), y + ((w * 3) / 4)); lineTo(x + ((h * 1) / 4), y + ((w * 1) / 2)); endFill(); }; create = function () { y = _parent.targetTextArea._height; x = 0; c = 2; w = _parent.height; h = _parent.height - 1; defaultDrow(); }; delete = function () { clear(); }; onMouseDown = function () { if (over) { down = true; } }; onMouseUp = function () { down = false; over = false; filters = new Array(); }; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!(_parent.visible && (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)))) { if (over) { filters = new Array(); over = false; } } else if (over != true) { var param = (new flash.filters.GlowFilter()); param.color = 5635925 /* 0x55FF55 */; param.alpha = 0.5; param.blurX = 2; param.blurY = 2; param.strength = 2; param.quality = 1; param.inner = true; param.knockout = false; filters = new Array(param); over = true; } if (!down) { downCount = 0; } else { downCount++; if ((downCount == 1) || (8 < downCount)) { _parent.targetTextArea.hscroll = _parent.targetTextArea.hscroll - 10; } if (downCount == 1) { var color_mtx = [0.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.99, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]; var ColorMatrixFilter = (new flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter(color_mtx)); filters = [param, ColorMatrixFilter]; } } }
Instance of Symbol 19970 MovieClip [やじるし(使い方用)] "downward" in Symbol 19974 MovieClip [横スクロールバー(使い方用)] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { bodyColor = _parent.bodyColor(); if (bodyColor == eval("undefined")) { bodyColor = 16250871 /* 0xF7F7F7 */; } color = _parent.color(); if (color == eval("undefined")) { color = 8947848 /* 0x888888 */; } defaultDrow = function () { var m = {matrixType:"box", x:x, y:y, w:h, h:w, r:(90 * Math.PI) / 180}; lineStyle(1, 16777215, 100); lineGradientStyle("linear", [color, color], [80, 8], [0, 255], m, "pad", "linearRGB", 0); beginFill(bodyColor, 100); frame(); lineStyle(0, 16777215, 100); beginFill(color, 100); arrow(); }; frame = function () { moveTo(x, y); lineTo((x + h) + c, y); lineTo(x + h, y + c); lineTo(x + h, (y + w) - c); lineTo((x + h) + c, y + w); lineTo(x, y + w); endFill(); }; arrow = function () { moveTo(x + ((h * 2) / 3), y + ((w * 1) / 4)); lineTo(x + ((h * 2) / 3), y + ((w * 3) / 4)); lineTo(x + ((h * 1) / 4), y + ((w * 1) / 2)); endFill(); }; create = function () { y = _parent.targetTextArea._height; x = _parent.targetTextArea._width; c = 2; w = _parent.height; h = (_parent.height * -1) + 1; defaultDrow(); }; delete = function () { clear(); }; onMouseDown = function () { if (over) { down = true; } }; onMouseUp = function () { down = false; over = false; filters = new Array(); }; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!(_parent.visible && (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)))) { if (over) { filters = new Array(); over = false; } } else if (over != true) { var param = (new flash.filters.GlowFilter()); param.color = 5635925 /* 0x55FF55 */; param.alpha = 0.5; param.blurX = 2; param.blurY = 2; param.strength = 2; param.quality = 1; param.inner = true; param.knockout = false; filters = new Array(param); over = true; } if (!down) { downCount = 0; } else { downCount++; if ((downCount == 1) || (8 < downCount)) { _parent.targetTextArea.hscroll = _parent.targetTextArea.hscroll + 10; } if (downCount == 1) { var color_mtx = [0.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.99, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]; var ColorMatrixFilter = (new flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter(color_mtx)); filters = [param, ColorMatrixFilter]; } } }
Instance of Symbol 19970 MovieClip [やじるし(使い方用)] "bar" in Symbol 19974 MovieClip [横スクロールバー(使い方用)] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { bodyColor = _parent.bodyColor(); if (bodyColor == eval("undefined")) { bodyColor = 16250871 /* 0xF7F7F7 */; } color = _parent.color(); if (color == eval("undefined")) { color = 8947848 /* 0x888888 */; } setting = function () { clear(); minSize = 10; maxSize = (_parent.targetTextArea._width - (_parent.height * 2)) - 1; c = 1; h = _parent.height - 3; visline = _parent.targetTextArea._width; alline = visline + _parent.targetTextArea.maxhscroll; hpar = visline / alline; w = maxSize * hpar; if (w < 10) { w = 10; } move = maxSize - w; oneScroll = move / (_parent.targetTextArea.maxhscroll - 1); _y = _parent.targetTextArea._height + 2; _x = _parent.height + 1; xper = (_parent.targetTextArea.hscroll - 1) / (_parent.targetTextArea.maxhscroll - 1); if (1 < xper) { xper = 1; } x = move * xper; var m = {matrixType:"box", x:x, y:y, w:w, h:h, r:(90 * Math.PI) / 180}; lineStyle(1, 16777215, 100); lineGradientStyle("linear", [color, color], [8, 80], [0, 255], m, "pad", "linearRGB", 0); beginFill(bodyColor, 80); moveTo(x + 0, c); lineTo(x + c, 0); lineTo((x + w) - c, 0); lineTo(x + w, c); lineTo(x + w, h - c); lineTo((x + w) - c, h); lineTo(x + c, h); lineTo(x + 0, h - c); endFill(); lineStyle(1, color, 50); moveTo((x + (w / 2)) - 1, (h * 1) / 4); lineTo((x + (w / 2)) - 1, (h * 3) / 4); moveTo((x + (w / 2)) + 3, (h * 1) / 4); lineTo((x + (w / 2)) + 3, (h * 3) / 4); moveTo((x + (w / 2)) + 1, (h * 1) / 4); lineTo((x + (w / 2)) + 1, (h * 3) / 4); moveTo((x + (w / 2)) - 3, (h * 1) / 4); lineTo((x + (w / 2)) - 3, (h * 3) / 4); }; delete = function () { clear(); }; onMouseDown = function () { if (_parent.visible && (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true))) { startScroll = _xmouse; down = true; } if (avover) { avdown = true; } if (blover) { bldown = true; } }; onMouseUp = function () { down = false; avdown = true; bldown = true; }; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!down) { } else { while ((oneScroll < (startScroll - _xmouse)) && (0 < _xmouse)) { _parent.targetTextArea.hscroll = _parent.targetTextArea.hscroll - 1; startScroll = startScroll - oneScroll; } while (((startScroll - _xmouse) < (oneScroll * -1)) && (maxSize >= _xmouse)) { _parent.targetTextArea.hscroll = _parent.targetTextArea.hscroll + 1; startScroll = startScroll + oneScroll; } setting(); } if (!((((_parent.visible && (0 < _ymouse)) && (_ymouse < h)) && (0 < _xmouse)) && (_xmouse < x))) { avdown = false; avover = false; } else if (avover == false) { avover = true; } if (!avdown) { avdownCount = 0; } else { avdownCount++; if ((avdownCount == 1) || (8 < avdownCount)) { _parent.targetTextArea.hscroll = _parent.targetTextArea.hscroll - visline; setting(); } } if (!((((_parent.visible && (0 < _ymouse)) && (_ymouse < h)) && ((x + w) < _xmouse)) && (_xmouse < maxSize))) { bldown = false; blover = false; } else if (blover == false) { blover = true; } if (!bldown) { bldownCount = 0; } else { bldownCount++; if ((bldownCount == 1) || (8 < bldownCount)) { _parent.targetTextArea.hscroll = _parent.targetTextArea.hscroll + visline; setting(); } } }
Symbol 19974 MovieClip [横スクロールバー(使い方用)] Frame 1
var visible = false; createScrollBar = function () { lineStyle(2, 15658734, 100); moveTo(2, targetTextArea._height + 2); lineTo(2, targetTextArea._height + height); lineTo(_parent.width, targetTextArea._height + height); lineTo(_parent.width, targetTextArea._height + 2); lineTo(2, targetTextArea._height + 2); endFill(); upward.create(); downward.create(); }; deleteScrollBar = function () { clear(); upward.clear(); downward.clear(); bar.clear(); }; onEnterFrame = function () { if (visible) { bar.setting(); } };
Symbol 19974 MovieClip [横スクロールバー(使い方用)] Frame 2
Instance of Symbol 19970 MovieClip [やじるし(使い方用)] "upward" in Symbol 19976 MovieClip [縦スクロールバー(使い方用)] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { bodyColor = _parent.bodyColor(); if (bodyColor == eval("undefined")) { bodyColor = 16250871 /* 0xF7F7F7 */; } color = _parent.color(); if (color == eval("undefined")) { color = 8947848 /* 0x888888 */; } create = function () { x = _parent.targetTextArea._width + 1; y = 1; c = 2; w = _parent.width; h = _parent.width - 1; var m = {matrixType:"box", x:x, y:y, w:w, h:h, r:Math.PI / 180}; lineStyle(1, 16777215, 100); lineGradientStyle("linear", [color, color], [80, 8], [0, 255], m, "pad", "linearRGB", 0); beginFill(bodyColor, 100); moveTo(x, y); lineTo(x, (y + h) - c); lineTo(x + c, y + h); lineTo((x + w) - c, y + h); lineTo(x + w, (y + h) - c); lineTo(x + w, y); endFill(); lineStyle(0, 16777215, 100); beginFill(color, 100); moveTo(x + ((w * 1) / 4), y + ((h * 2) / 3)); lineTo(x + ((w * 3) / 4), y + ((h * 2) / 3)); lineTo(x + ((w * 1) / 2), y + ((h * 1) / 4)); endFill(); }; delete = function () { clear(); }; onMouseDown = function () { if (over) { down = true; } }; onMouseUp = function () { down = false; over = false; filters = new Array(); }; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!(_parent.visible && (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)))) { if (over) { filters = new Array(); over = false; } } else if (over != true) { var param = (new flash.filters.GlowFilter()); param.color = 5635925 /* 0x55FF55 */; param.alpha = 0.5; param.blurX = 2; param.blurY = 2; param.strength = 2; param.quality = 1; param.inner = true; param.knockout = false; filters = new Array(param); over = true; } if (!down) { downCount = 0; } else { downCount++; if ((downCount == 1) || (8 < downCount)) { _parent.targetTextArea.scroll--; } if (downCount == 1) { var color_mtx = [0.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.99, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]; var ColorMatrixFilter = (new flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter(color_mtx)); filters = [param, ColorMatrixFilter]; } } }
Instance of Symbol 19970 MovieClip [やじるし(使い方用)] "downward" in Symbol 19976 MovieClip [縦スクロールバー(使い方用)] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { bodyColor = _parent.bodyColor(); if (bodyColor == eval("undefined")) { bodyColor = 16250871 /* 0xF7F7F7 */; } color = _parent.color(); if (color == eval("undefined")) { color = 8947848 /* 0x888888 */; } create = function () { x = _parent.targetTextArea._width + 1; y = _parent.targetTextArea._height; c = 2; w = _parent.width; h = (_parent.width * -1) + 1; defaultDrow(); }; defaultDrow = function () { var m = {matrixType:"box", x:x, y:y, w:w, h:h, r:Math.PI / 180}; lineStyle(1, 16777215, 100); lineGradientStyle("linear", [color, color], [80, 8], [0, 255], m, "pad", "linearRGB", 0); beginFill(bodyColor, 100); frame(); lineStyle(0, 16777215, 100); beginFill(color, 100); arrow(); }; frame = function () { moveTo(x, y); lineTo(x, (y + h) + c); lineTo(x + c, y + h); lineTo((x + w) - c, y + h); lineTo(x + w, (y + h) + c); lineTo(x + w, y); endFill(); }; arrow = function () { moveTo(x + ((w * 1) / 4), y + ((h * 2) / 3)); lineTo(x + ((w * 3) / 4), y + ((h * 2) / 3)); lineTo(x + ((w * 1) / 2), y + ((h * 1) / 4)); endFill(); }; delete = function () { clear(); }; onMouseDown = function () { if (over) { down = true; } }; onMouseUp = function () { down = false; over = false; filters = new Array(); }; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!(_parent.visible && (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)))) { if (over) { filters = new Array(); over = false; } } else if (over != true) { var param = (new flash.filters.GlowFilter()); param.color = 5635925 /* 0x55FF55 */; param.alpha = 0.5; param.blurX = 2; param.blurY = 2; param.strength = 2; param.quality = 1; param.inner = true; param.knockout = false; filters = new Array(param); over = true; } if (!down) { downCount = 0; } else { downCount++; if ((downCount == 1) || (8 < downCount)) { _parent.targetTextArea.scroll++; } if (downCount == 1) { var color_mtx = [0.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.99, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]; var ColorMatrixFilter = (new flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter(color_mtx)); filters = [param, ColorMatrixFilter]; } } }
Instance of Symbol 19970 MovieClip [やじるし(使い方用)] "bar" in Symbol 19976 MovieClip [縦スクロールバー(使い方用)] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { bodyColor = _parent.bodyColor(); if (bodyColor == eval("undefined")) { bodyColor = 16250871 /* 0xF7F7F7 */; } color = _parent.color(); if (color == eval("undefined")) { color = 8947848 /* 0x888888 */; } setting = function () { clear(); minSize = 10; maxSize = (_parent.targetTextArea._height - (_parent.width * 2)) - 1; c = 1; w = _parent.width - 3; visline = _parent.targetTextArea.bottomScroll - (_parent.targetTextArea.scroll - 1); alline = visline + _parent.targetTextArea.maxscroll; hpar = visline / alline; h = maxSize * hpar; if (h < 10) { h = 10; } move = maxSize - h; oneScroll = move / (_parent.targetTextArea.maxscroll - 1); _x = _parent.targetTextArea._width + 2; _y = _parent._width; yper = (_parent.targetTextArea.scroll - 1) / (_parent.targetTextArea.maxscroll - 1); if (1 < yper) { yper = 1; } y = move * yper; var m = {matrixType:"box", x:x, y:y, w:w, h:h, r:Math.PI / 180}; lineStyle(1, 16777215, 100); lineGradientStyle("linear", [color, color], [8, 80], [0, 255], m, "pad", "linearRGB", 0); beginFill(bodyColor, 80); moveTo(c, y + 0); lineTo(0, y + c); lineTo(0, (y + h) - c); lineTo(c, y + h); lineTo(w - c, y + h); lineTo(w, (y + h) - c); lineTo(w, y + c); lineTo(w - c, y + 0); endFill(); lineStyle(1, color, 50); moveTo((w * 1) / 4, (y + (h / 2)) - 1); lineTo((w * 3) / 4, (y + (h / 2)) - 1); moveTo((w * 1) / 4, (y + (h / 2)) + 3); lineTo((w * 3) / 4, (y + (h / 2)) + 3); moveTo((w * 1) / 4, (y + (h / 2)) + 1); lineTo((w * 3) / 4, (y + (h / 2)) + 1); moveTo((w * 1) / 4, (y + (h / 2)) - 3); lineTo((w * 3) / 4, (y + (h / 2)) - 3); }; delete = function () { clear(); }; onMouseDown = function () { if (_parent.visible && (this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true))) { startScroll = _ymouse; down = true; } if (avover) { avdown = true; } if (blover) { bldown = true; } }; onMouseUp = function () { down = false; avdown = true; bldown = true; }; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (down) { while ((oneScroll < (startScroll - _ymouse)) && (0 < _ymouse)) { _parent.targetTextArea.scroll--; startScroll = startScroll - oneScroll; } while (((startScroll - _ymouse) < (oneScroll * -1)) && (maxSize >= _ymouse)) { _parent.targetTextArea.scroll++; startScroll = startScroll + oneScroll; } setting(); } if (!((((_parent.visible && (0 < _xmouse)) && (_xmouse < w)) && (0 < _ymouse)) && (_ymouse < y))) { avdown = false; avover = false; } else if (avover == false) { avover = true; } if (!avdown) { avdownCount = 0; } else { avdownCount++; if ((avdownCount == 1) || (8 < avdownCount)) { _parent.targetTextArea.scroll = _parent.targetTextArea.scroll - visline; setting(); } } if (!((((_parent.visible && (0 < _xmouse)) && (_xmouse < w)) && ((y + h) < _ymouse)) && (_ymouse < maxSize))) { bldown = false; blover = false; } else if (blover == false) { blover = true; } if (!bldown) { bldownCount = 0; } else { bldownCount++; if ((bldownCount == 1) || (8 < bldownCount)) { _parent.targetTextArea.scroll = _parent.targetTextArea.scroll + visline; setting(); } } }
Symbol 19976 MovieClip [縦スクロールバー(使い方用)] Frame 1
visible = false; createScrollBar = function () { lineStyle(2, 15658734, 100); moveTo(targetTextArea._width + 2, 2); lineTo(targetTextArea._width + width, 2); lineTo(targetTextArea._width + width, _parent.height); lineTo(targetTextArea._width + 2, _parent.height); lineTo(targetTextArea._width + 2, 2); endFill(); upward.create(); downward.create(); }; deleteScrollBar = function () { clear(); upward.clear(); downward.clear(); bar.clear(); }; onEnterFrame = function () { if (visible) { bar.setting(); } };
Symbol 19976 MovieClip [縦スクロールバー(使い方用)] Frame 2
Symbol 19978 MovieClip [テキストエリア(スライドの説明用)] Frame 1
width = Stage.width; height = Stage.height; createTextField("textArea", -16370, 0, 0, width, height); with (textArea) { background = false; backgroundColor = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; border = false; borderColor = 14540253 /* 0xDDDDDD */; selectable = true; type = "dynamic"; multiline = true; textColor = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; wordWrap = true; condenseWhite = false; html = true; mouseWheelEnabled = true; var text_format = new TextFormat(); text_format.align = "left"; text_format.font = _root._CAPTION_FONT; text_format.size = _root._CAPTION_FONTSIZE * (parseInt(_root._GUI_SCALE) / 100); text_format.color = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; setNewTextFormat(text_format); htmlText = _root._DESCRIPTION_DEFAULT_TEXT; } textArea.onChanged = function () { }; textArea.onSetFocus = function (oldFocus) { }; textArea.onKillFocus = function (newFocus) { }; onEnterFrame = function () { }; lineStyle(2, 10066329, 100); if (textArea.background) { beginFill(textArea.backgroundColor, 100); } moveTo(width + 1, 0); lineTo(width + 1, height + 1); lineTo(0, height + 1); lineTo(0, 0); endFill(); lineStyle(2, 14540253, 100); moveTo(width + 1, height + 1); lineTo(0, height + 1); lineStyle(2, 10066329, 100); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(width + 1, 0);
Instance of Symbol 19986 MovieClip [縦スクロールバー(スライドの説明用)] "vertical" in Symbol 19978 MovieClip [テキストエリア(スライドの説明用)] Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) { var bodyColor = 16579836; var targetTextArea = _parent.textArea; var width = 15; }
Instance of Symbol 19984 MovieClip [横スクロールバー(スライドの説明用)] "horizontal" in Symbol 19978 MovieClip [テキストエリア(スライドの説明用)] Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) { var bodyColor = 16579836; var targetTextArea = _parent.textArea; var height = 15; }
Symbol 19978 MovieClip [テキストエリア(スライドの説明用)] Frame 2
var check = function () { var change = false; if (1 >= textArea.maxscroll) { if (vertical.visible) { textArea._width = width; change = true; vertical.visible = false; } } else if (vertical.visible == false) { textArea._width = width - vertical.width; change = true; vertical.visible = true; } if (1 >= textArea.maxhscroll) { if (horizontal.visible) { textArea._height = height; change = true; horizontal.visible = false; } } else if (horizontal.visible == false) { textArea._height = height - horizontal.height; change = true; horizontal.visible = true; } if (change) { setting(); } }; var setting = function () { if (1 >= textArea.maxscroll) { vertical.deleteScrollBar(); } else { vertical.deleteScrollBar(); vertical.createScrollBar(); } if (1 >= textArea.maxhscroll) { horizontal.deleteScrollBar(); } else { horizontal.deleteScrollBar(); horizontal.createScrollBar(); } }; check(); void.onEnterFrame = function () { check(); };
Symbol 19978 MovieClip [テキストエリア(スライドの説明用)] Frame 3
Instance of Symbol 19980 MovieClip [やじるし(スライドの説明用)] "upward" in Symbol 19984 MovieClip [横スクロールバー(スライドの説明用)] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { bodyColor = _parent.bodyColor(); if (bodyColor == eval("undefined")) { bodyColor = 16250871 /* 0xF7F7F7 */; } color = _parent.color(); if (color == eval("undefined")) { color = 8947848 /* 0x888888 */; } defaultDrow = function () { var m = {matrixType:"box", x:x, y:y, w:w, h:h, r:(90 * Math.PI) / 180}; lineStyle(1, 16777215, 100); lineGradientStyle("linear", [color, color], [80, 8], [0, 255], m, "pad", "linearRGB", 0); beginFill(bodyColor, 100); frame(); lineStyle(0, 16777215, 100); beginFill(color, 100); arrow(); }; frame = function () { moveTo(x, y); lineTo((x + h) - c, y); lineTo(x + h, y + c); lineTo(x + h, (y + w) - c); lineTo((x + h) - c, y + w); lineTo(x, y + w); endFill(); }; arrow = function () { moveTo(x + ((h * 2) / 3), y + ((w * 1) / 4)); lineTo(x + ((h * 2) / 3), y + ((w * 3) / 4)); lineTo(x + ((h * 1) / 4), y + ((w * 1) / 2)); endFill(); }; create = function () { y = _parent.targetTextArea._height; x = 0; c = 2; w = _parent.height; h = _parent.height - 1; defaultDrow(); }; delete = function () { clear(); }; onMouseDown = function () { if (over) { down = true; } }; onMouseUp = function () { down = false; over = false; filters = new Array(); }; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!(_parent.visible && (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)))) { if (over) { filters = new Array(); over = false; } } else if (over != true) { var param = (new flash.filters.GlowFilter()); param.color = 5635925 /* 0x55FF55 */; param.alpha = 0.5; param.blurX = 2; param.blurY = 2; param.strength = 2; param.quality = 1; param.inner = true; param.knockout = false; filters = new Array(param); over = true; } if (!down) { downCount = 0; } else { downCount++; if ((downCount == 1) || (8 < downCount)) { _parent.targetTextArea.hscroll = _parent.targetTextArea.hscroll - 10; } if (downCount == 1) { var color_mtx = [0.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.99, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]; var ColorMatrixFilter = (new flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter(color_mtx)); filters = [param, ColorMatrixFilter]; } } }
Instance of Symbol 19980 MovieClip [やじるし(スライドの説明用)] "downward" in Symbol 19984 MovieClip [横スクロールバー(スライドの説明用)] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { bodyColor = _parent.bodyColor(); if (bodyColor == eval("undefined")) { bodyColor = 16250871 /* 0xF7F7F7 */; } color = _parent.color(); if (color == eval("undefined")) { color = 8947848 /* 0x888888 */; } defaultDrow = function () { var m = {matrixType:"box", x:x, y:y, w:h, h:w, r:(90 * Math.PI) / 180}; lineStyle(1, 16777215, 100); lineGradientStyle("linear", [color, color], [80, 8], [0, 255], m, "pad", "linearRGB", 0); beginFill(bodyColor, 100); frame(); lineStyle(0, 16777215, 100); beginFill(color, 100); arrow(); }; frame = function () { moveTo(x, y); lineTo((x + h) + c, y); lineTo(x + h, y + c); lineTo(x + h, (y + w) - c); lineTo((x + h) + c, y + w); lineTo(x, y + w); endFill(); }; arrow = function () { moveTo(x + ((h * 2) / 3), y + ((w * 1) / 4)); lineTo(x + ((h * 2) / 3), y + ((w * 3) / 4)); lineTo(x + ((h * 1) / 4), y + ((w * 1) / 2)); endFill(); }; create = function () { y = _parent.targetTextArea._height; x = _parent.targetTextArea._width; c = 2; w = _parent.height; h = (_parent.height * -1) + 1; defaultDrow(); }; delete = function () { clear(); }; onMouseDown = function () { if (over) { down = true; } }; onMouseUp = function () { down = false; over = false; filters = new Array(); }; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!(_parent.visible && (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)))) { if (over) { filters = new Array(); over = false; } } else if (over != true) { var param = (new flash.filters.GlowFilter()); param.color = 5635925 /* 0x55FF55 */; param.alpha = 0.5; param.blurX = 2; param.blurY = 2; param.strength = 2; param.quality = 1; param.inner = true; param.knockout = false; filters = new Array(param); over = true; } if (!down) { downCount = 0; } else { downCount++; if ((downCount == 1) || (8 < downCount)) { _parent.targetTextArea.hscroll = _parent.targetTextArea.hscroll + 10; } if (downCount == 1) { var color_mtx = [0.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.99, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]; var ColorMatrixFilter = (new flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter(color_mtx)); filters = [param, ColorMatrixFilter]; } } }
Instance of Symbol 19980 MovieClip [やじるし(スライドの説明用)] "bar" in Symbol 19984 MovieClip [横スクロールバー(スライドの説明用)] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { bodyColor = _parent.bodyColor(); if (bodyColor == eval("undefined")) { bodyColor = 16250871 /* 0xF7F7F7 */; } color = _parent.color(); if (color == eval("undefined")) { color = 8947848 /* 0x888888 */; } setting = function () { clear(); minSize = 10; maxSize = (_parent.targetTextArea._width - (_parent.height * 2)) - 1; c = 1; h = _parent.height - 3; visline = _parent.targetTextArea._width; alline = visline + _parent.targetTextArea.maxhscroll; hpar = visline / alline; w = maxSize * hpar; if (w < 10) { w = 10; } move = maxSize - w; oneScroll = move / (_parent.targetTextArea.maxhscroll - 1); _y = _parent.targetTextArea._height + 2; _x = _parent.height + 1; xper = (_parent.targetTextArea.hscroll - 1) / (_parent.targetTextArea.maxhscroll - 1); if (1 < xper) { xper = 1; } x = move * xper; var m = {matrixType:"box", x:x, y:y, w:w, h:h, r:(90 * Math.PI) / 180}; lineStyle(1, 16777215, 100); lineGradientStyle("linear", [color, color], [8, 80], [0, 255], m, "pad", "linearRGB", 0); beginFill(bodyColor, 80); moveTo(x + 0, c); lineTo(x + c, 0); lineTo((x + w) - c, 0); lineTo(x + w, c); lineTo(x + w, h - c); lineTo((x + w) - c, h); lineTo(x + c, h); lineTo(x + 0, h - c); endFill(); lineStyle(1, color, 50); moveTo((x + (w / 2)) - 1, (h * 1) / 4); lineTo((x + (w / 2)) - 1, (h * 3) / 4); moveTo((x + (w / 2)) + 3, (h * 1) / 4); lineTo((x + (w / 2)) + 3, (h * 3) / 4); moveTo((x + (w / 2)) + 1, (h * 1) / 4); lineTo((x + (w / 2)) + 1, (h * 3) / 4); moveTo((x + (w / 2)) - 3, (h * 1) / 4); lineTo((x + (w / 2)) - 3, (h * 3) / 4); }; delete = function () { clear(); }; onMouseDown = function () { if (_parent.visible && (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true))) { startScroll = _xmouse; down = true; } if (avover) { avdown = true; } if (blover) { bldown = true; } }; onMouseUp = function () { down = false; avdown = true; bldown = true; }; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!down) { } else { while ((oneScroll < (startScroll - _xmouse)) && (0 < _xmouse)) { _parent.targetTextArea.hscroll = _parent.targetTextArea.hscroll - 1; startScroll = startScroll - oneScroll; } while (((startScroll - _xmouse) < (oneScroll * -1)) && (maxSize >= _xmouse)) { _parent.targetTextArea.hscroll = _parent.targetTextArea.hscroll + 1; startScroll = startScroll + oneScroll; } setting(); } if (!((((_parent.visible && (0 < _ymouse)) && (_ymouse < h)) && (0 < _xmouse)) && (_xmouse < x))) { avdown = false; avover = false; } else if (avover == false) { avover = true; } if (!avdown) { avdownCount = 0; } else { avdownCount++; if ((avdownCount == 1) || (8 < avdownCount)) { _parent.targetTextArea.hscroll = _parent.targetTextArea.hscroll - visline; setting(); } } if (!((((_parent.visible && (0 < _ymouse)) && (_ymouse < h)) && ((x + w) < _xmouse)) && (_xmouse < maxSize))) { bldown = false; blover = false; } else if (blover == false) { blover = true; } if (!bldown) { bldownCount = 0; } else { bldownCount++; if ((bldownCount == 1) || (8 < bldownCount)) { _parent.targetTextArea.hscroll = _parent.targetTextArea.hscroll + visline; setting(); } } }
Symbol 19984 MovieClip [横スクロールバー(スライドの説明用)] Frame 1
var visible = false; createScrollBar = function () { lineStyle(2, 15658734, 100); moveTo(2, targetTextArea._height + 2); lineTo(2, targetTextArea._height + height); lineTo(_parent.width, targetTextArea._height + height); lineTo(_parent.width, targetTextArea._height + 2); lineTo(2, targetTextArea._height + 2); endFill(); upward.create(); downward.create(); }; deleteScrollBar = function () { clear(); upward.clear(); downward.clear(); bar.clear(); }; onEnterFrame = function () { if (visible) { bar.setting(); } };
Symbol 19984 MovieClip [横スクロールバー(スライドの説明用)] Frame 2
Instance of Symbol 19980 MovieClip [やじるし(スライドの説明用)] "upward" in Symbol 19986 MovieClip [縦スクロールバー(スライドの説明用)] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { bodyColor = _parent.bodyColor(); if (bodyColor == eval("undefined")) { bodyColor = 16250871 /* 0xF7F7F7 */; } color = _parent.color(); if (color == eval("undefined")) { color = 8947848 /* 0x888888 */; } create = function () { x = _parent.targetTextArea._width + 1; y = 1; c = 2; w = _parent.width; h = _parent.width - 1; var m = {matrixType:"box", x:x, y:y, w:w, h:h, r:Math.PI / 180}; lineStyle(1, 16777215, 100); lineGradientStyle("linear", [color, color], [80, 8], [0, 255], m, "pad", "linearRGB", 0); beginFill(bodyColor, 100); moveTo(x, y); lineTo(x, (y + h) - c); lineTo(x + c, y + h); lineTo((x + w) - c, y + h); lineTo(x + w, (y + h) - c); lineTo(x + w, y); endFill(); lineStyle(0, 16777215, 100); beginFill(color, 100); moveTo(x + ((w * 1) / 4), y + ((h * 2) / 3)); lineTo(x + ((w * 3) / 4), y + ((h * 2) / 3)); lineTo(x + ((w * 1) / 2), y + ((h * 1) / 4)); endFill(); }; delete = function () { clear(); }; onMouseDown = function () { if (over) { down = true; } }; onMouseUp = function () { down = false; over = false; filters = new Array(); }; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!(_parent.visible && (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)))) { if (over) { filters = new Array(); over = false; } } else if (over != true) { var param = (new flash.filters.GlowFilter()); param.color = 5635925 /* 0x55FF55 */; param.alpha = 0.5; param.blurX = 2; param.blurY = 2; param.strength = 2; param.quality = 1; param.inner = true; param.knockout = false; filters = new Array(param); over = true; } if (!down) { downCount = 0; } else { downCount++; if ((downCount == 1) || (8 < downCount)) { _parent.targetTextArea.scroll--; } if (downCount == 1) { var color_mtx = [0.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.99, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]; var ColorMatrixFilter = (new flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter(color_mtx)); filters = [param, ColorMatrixFilter]; } } }
Instance of Symbol 19980 MovieClip [やじるし(スライドの説明用)] "downward" in Symbol 19986 MovieClip [縦スクロールバー(スライドの説明用)] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { bodyColor = _parent.bodyColor(); if (bodyColor == eval("undefined")) { bodyColor = 16250871 /* 0xF7F7F7 */; } color = _parent.color(); if (color == eval("undefined")) { color = 8947848 /* 0x888888 */; } create = function () { x = _parent.targetTextArea._width + 1; y = _parent.targetTextArea._height; c = 2; w = _parent.width; h = (_parent.width * -1) + 1; defaultDrow(); }; defaultDrow = function () { var m = {matrixType:"box", x:x, y:y, w:w, h:h, r:Math.PI / 180}; lineStyle(1, 16777215, 100); lineGradientStyle("linear", [color, color], [80, 8], [0, 255], m, "pad", "linearRGB", 0); beginFill(bodyColor, 100); frame(); lineStyle(0, 16777215, 100); beginFill(color, 100); arrow(); }; frame = function () { moveTo(x, y); lineTo(x, (y + h) + c); lineTo(x + c, y + h); lineTo((x + w) - c, y + h); lineTo(x + w, (y + h) + c); lineTo(x + w, y); endFill(); }; arrow = function () { moveTo(x + ((w * 1) / 4), y + ((h * 2) / 3)); lineTo(x + ((w * 3) / 4), y + ((h * 2) / 3)); lineTo(x + ((w * 1) / 2), y + ((h * 1) / 4)); endFill(); }; delete = function () { clear(); }; onMouseDown = function () { if (over) { down = true; } }; onMouseUp = function () { down = false; over = false; filters = new Array(); }; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!(_parent.visible && (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)))) { if (over) { filters = new Array(); over = false; } } else if (over != true) { var param = (new flash.filters.GlowFilter()); param.color = 5635925 /* 0x55FF55 */; param.alpha = 0.5; param.blurX = 2; param.blurY = 2; param.strength = 2; param.quality = 1; param.inner = true; param.knockout = false; filters = new Array(param); over = true; } if (!down) { downCount = 0; } else { downCount++; if ((downCount == 1) || (8 < downCount)) { _parent.targetTextArea.scroll++; } if (downCount == 1) { var color_mtx = [0.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.99, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]; var ColorMatrixFilter = (new flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter(color_mtx)); filters = [param, ColorMatrixFilter]; } } }
Instance of Symbol 19980 MovieClip [やじるし(スライドの説明用)] "bar" in Symbol 19986 MovieClip [縦スクロールバー(スライドの説明用)] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { bodyColor = _parent.bodyColor(); if (bodyColor == eval("undefined")) { bodyColor = 16250871 /* 0xF7F7F7 */; } color = _parent.color(); if (color == eval("undefined")) { color = 8947848 /* 0x888888 */; } setting = function () { clear(); minSize = 10; maxSize = (_parent.targetTextArea._height - (_parent.width * 2)) - 1; c = 1; w = _parent.width - 3; visline = _parent.targetTextArea.bottomScroll - (_parent.targetTextArea.scroll - 1); alline = visline + _parent.targetTextArea.maxscroll; hpar = visline / alline; h = maxSize * hpar; if (h < 10) { h = 10; } move = maxSize - h; oneScroll = move / (_parent.targetTextArea.maxscroll - 1); _x = _parent.targetTextArea._width + 2; _y = _parent._width; yper = (_parent.targetTextArea.scroll - 1) / (_parent.targetTextArea.maxscroll - 1); if (1 < yper) { yper = 1; } y = move * yper; var m = {matrixType:"box", x:x, y:y, w:w, h:h, r:Math.PI / 180}; lineStyle(1, 16777215, 100); lineGradientStyle("linear", [color, color], [8, 80], [0, 255], m, "pad", "linearRGB", 0); beginFill(bodyColor, 80); moveTo(c, y + 0); lineTo(0, y + c); lineTo(0, (y + h) - c); lineTo(c, y + h); lineTo(w - c, y + h); lineTo(w, (y + h) - c); lineTo(w, y + c); lineTo(w - c, y + 0); endFill(); lineStyle(1, color, 50); moveTo((w * 1) / 4, (y + (h / 2)) - 1); lineTo((w * 3) / 4, (y + (h / 2)) - 1); moveTo((w * 1) / 4, (y + (h / 2)) + 3); lineTo((w * 3) / 4, (y + (h / 2)) + 3); moveTo((w * 1) / 4, (y + (h / 2)) + 1); lineTo((w * 3) / 4, (y + (h / 2)) + 1); moveTo((w * 1) / 4, (y + (h / 2)) - 3); lineTo((w * 3) / 4, (y + (h / 2)) - 3); }; delete = function () { clear(); }; onMouseDown = function () { if (_parent.visible && (this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true))) { startScroll = _ymouse; down = true; } if (avover) { avdown = true; } if (blover) { bldown = true; } }; onMouseUp = function () { down = false; avdown = true; bldown = true; }; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (down) { while ((oneScroll < (startScroll - _ymouse)) && (0 < _ymouse)) { _parent.targetTextArea.scroll--; startScroll = startScroll - oneScroll; } while (((startScroll - _ymouse) < (oneScroll * -1)) && (maxSize >= _ymouse)) { _parent.targetTextArea.scroll++; startScroll = startScroll + oneScroll; } setting(); } if (!((((_parent.visible && (0 < _xmouse)) && (_xmouse < w)) && (0 < _ymouse)) && (_ymouse < y))) { avdown = false; avover = false; } else if (avover == false) { avover = true; } if (!avdown) { avdownCount = 0; } else { avdownCount++; if ((avdownCount == 1) || (8 < avdownCount)) { _parent.targetTextArea.scroll = _parent.targetTextArea.scroll - visline; setting(); } } if (!((((_parent.visible && (0 < _xmouse)) && (_xmouse < w)) && ((y + h) < _ymouse)) && (_ymouse < maxSize))) { bldown = false; blover = false; } else if (blover == false) { blover = true; } if (!bldown) { bldownCount = 0; } else { bldownCount++; if ((bldownCount == 1) || (8 < bldownCount)) { _parent.targetTextArea.scroll = _parent.targetTextArea.scroll + visline; setting(); } } }
Symbol 19986 MovieClip [縦スクロールバー(スライドの説明用)] Frame 1
visible = false; createScrollBar = function () { lineStyle(2, 15658734, 100); moveTo(targetTextArea._width + 2, 2); lineTo(targetTextArea._width + width, 2); lineTo(targetTextArea._width + width, _parent.height); lineTo(targetTextArea._width + 2, _parent.height); lineTo(targetTextArea._width + 2, 2); endFill(); upward.create(); downward.create(); }; deleteScrollBar = function () { clear(); upward.clear(); downward.clear(); bar.clear(); }; onEnterFrame = function () { if (visible) { bar.setting(); } };
Symbol 19986 MovieClip [縦スクロールバー(スライドの説明用)] Frame 2
Symbol 19996 MovieClip [processor] Frame 1
var _GUI_PROCESSINGMSG_WIDTH = 110; var _GUI_PROCESSINGMSG_HEIGHT = 24; this.createTextField("lblProcessingMsg", 0, 0, 0, Stage.width, Stage.height); this.lblProcessingMsg.selectable = false; var text_format = new TextFormat(); text_format.align = "center"; text_format.font = "_sans"; text_format.size = 32; text_format.color = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; this.lblProcessingMsg.setNewTextFormat(text_format); this.lblProcessingMsg.text = "\nProcessing...";

Library Items

Symbol 19998 MovieClip [loader]Used by:Timeline
Symbol 19988 GraphicUsed by:20000
Symbol 19990 GraphicUsed by:20000
Symbol 19992 GraphicUsed by:20001
Symbol 19994 GraphicUsed by:20001
Symbol 1 BitmapUsed by:2
Symbol 2 GraphicUses:1Used by:19962
Symbol 3 BitmapUsed by:4
Symbol 4 GraphicUses:3Used by:19962
Symbol 5 BitmapUsed by:6
Symbol 6 GraphicUses:5Used by:19962
Symbol 20000 ButtonUses:19988 19990Used by:19956
Symbol 19956 MovieClip [guiBackPage]Uses:20000Used by:Timeline
Symbol 19958 MovieClip [guiPageCount]Used by:Timeline
Symbol 20001 ButtonUses:19992 19994Used by:19960
Symbol 19960 MovieClip [guiForwardPage]Uses:20001Used by:Timeline
Symbol 19962 MovieClip [slide]Uses:2 4 6Used by:Timeline
Symbol 19964 MovieClip [howtouse]Uses:19968Used by:Timeline
Symbol 19966 MovieClip [caption]Uses:19978Used by:Timeline
Symbol 19968 MovieClip [テキストエリア(使い方用)]Uses:19976 19974 19972Used by:19964
Symbol 19970 MovieClip [やじるし(使い方用)]Used by:19974 19976
Symbol 19972 MovieClip [空っぽ(使い方用)]Used by:19968
Symbol 19974 MovieClip [横スクロールバー(使い方用)]Uses:19970Used by:19968
Symbol 19976 MovieClip [縦スクロールバー(使い方用)]Uses:19970Used by:19968
Symbol 19978 MovieClip [テキストエリア(スライドの説明用)]Uses:19986 19984 19982Used by:19966
Symbol 19980 MovieClip [やじるし(スライドの説明用)]Used by:19984 19986
Symbol 19982 MovieClip [空っぽ(スライドの説明用)]Used by:19978
Symbol 19984 MovieClip [横スクロールバー(スライドの説明用)]Uses:19980Used by:19978
Symbol 19986 MovieClip [縦スクロールバー(スライドの説明用)]Uses:19980Used by:19978
Symbol 19996 MovieClip [processor]Used by:Timeline

Instance Names

"_PreLoader"Frame 1Symbol 19998 MovieClip [loader]
"slide"Frame 3Symbol 19962 MovieClip [slide]
"caption"Frame 3Symbol 19966 MovieClip [caption]
"guiPageCount"Frame 3Symbol 19958 MovieClip [guiPageCount]
"guiBackPage"Frame 3Symbol 19956 MovieClip [guiBackPage]
"guiForwardPage"Frame 3Symbol 19960 MovieClip [guiForwardPage]
"howtouse"Frame 3Symbol 19964 MovieClip [howtouse]
"processor"Frame 3Symbol 19996 MovieClip [processor]
"textField"Symbol 19964 MovieClip [howtouse] Frame 2Symbol 19968 MovieClip [テキストエリア(使い方用)]
"textField"Symbol 19966 MovieClip [caption] Frame 2Symbol 19978 MovieClip [テキストエリア(スライドの説明用)]
"vertical"Symbol 19968 MovieClip [テキストエリア(使い方用)] Frame 2Symbol 19976 MovieClip [縦スクロールバー(使い方用)]
"horizontal"Symbol 19968 MovieClip [テキストエリア(使い方用)] Frame 2Symbol 19974 MovieClip [横スクロールバー(使い方用)]
"void"Symbol 19968 MovieClip [テキストエリア(使い方用)] Frame 2Symbol 19972 MovieClip [空っぽ(使い方用)]
"upward"Symbol 19974 MovieClip [横スクロールバー(使い方用)] Frame 1Symbol 19970 MovieClip [やじるし(使い方用)]
"downward"Symbol 19974 MovieClip [横スクロールバー(使い方用)] Frame 1Symbol 19970 MovieClip [やじるし(使い方用)]
"bar"Symbol 19974 MovieClip [横スクロールバー(使い方用)] Frame 1Symbol 19970 MovieClip [やじるし(使い方用)]
"upward"Symbol 19976 MovieClip [縦スクロールバー(使い方用)] Frame 1Symbol 19970 MovieClip [やじるし(使い方用)]
"downward"Symbol 19976 MovieClip [縦スクロールバー(使い方用)] Frame 1Symbol 19970 MovieClip [やじるし(使い方用)]
"bar"Symbol 19976 MovieClip [縦スクロールバー(使い方用)] Frame 1Symbol 19970 MovieClip [やじるし(使い方用)]
"vertical"Symbol 19978 MovieClip [テキストエリア(スライドの説明用)] Frame 2Symbol 19986 MovieClip [縦スクロールバー(スライドの説明用)]
"horizontal"Symbol 19978 MovieClip [テキストエリア(スライドの説明用)] Frame 2Symbol 19984 MovieClip [横スクロールバー(スライドの説明用)]
"void"Symbol 19978 MovieClip [テキストエリア(スライドの説明用)] Frame 2Symbol 19982 MovieClip [空っぽ(スライドの説明用)]
"upward"Symbol 19984 MovieClip [横スクロールバー(スライドの説明用)] Frame 1Symbol 19980 MovieClip [やじるし(スライドの説明用)]
"downward"Symbol 19984 MovieClip [横スクロールバー(スライドの説明用)] Frame 1Symbol 19980 MovieClip [やじるし(スライドの説明用)]
"bar"Symbol 19984 MovieClip [横スクロールバー(スライドの説明用)] Frame 1Symbol 19980 MovieClip [やじるし(スライドの説明用)]
"upward"Symbol 19986 MovieClip [縦スクロールバー(スライドの説明用)] Frame 1Symbol 19980 MovieClip [やじるし(スライドの説明用)]
"downward"Symbol 19986 MovieClip [縦スクロールバー(スライドの説明用)] Frame 1Symbol 19980 MovieClip [やじるし(スライドの説明用)]
"bar"Symbol 19986 MovieClip [縦スクロールバー(スライドの説明用)] Frame 1Symbol 19980 MovieClip [やじるし(スライドの説明用)]

Special Tags

ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 19998 as "loader"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 19956 as "guiBackPage"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 19958 as "guiPageCount"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 19960 as "guiForwardPage"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 19962 as "slide"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 19964 as "howtouse"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 19966 as "caption"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 19968 as "テキストエリア(使い方用)"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 19970 as "やじるし(使い方用)"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 19972 as "空っぽ(使い方用)"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 19974 as "横スクロールバー(使い方用)"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 19976 as "縦スクロールバー(使い方用)"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 19978 as "テキストエリア(スライドの説明用)"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 19980 as "やじるし(スライドの説明用)"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 19982 as "空っぽ(スライドの説明用)"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 19984 as "横スクロールバー(スライドの説明用)"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 19986 as "縦スクロールバー(スライドの説明用)"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 19996 as "processor"


"↑ ここから上はカスタマイズ等、必要な時以外は編集しないでください ↑"Frame 2
"↓ ここから下はカスタマイズ等、必要な時以外は編集しないでください ↓"Frame 3
"refresh_loop"Symbol 19998 MovieClip [loader] Frame 2
"以下は変更非推奨"Symbol 19968 MovieClip [テキストエリア(使い方用)] Frame 2
"以下は変更非推奨"Symbol 19978 MovieClip [テキストエリア(スライドの説明用)] Frame 2
Created: 25/10 -2018 20:50:15 Last modified: 25/10 -2018 20:50:15 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:20:27