Combined Code
frame 1 {
var gooo = 0;
var friends = 0;
var cynthia = false;
var pokeinfo = false;
var jenny = false;
var lucy = false;
var laura = false;
var edhouse = 0;
var cynhouse = 0;
var pokehouse = 0;
var jenhouse = 0;
var lucyhouse = 0;
var laurahouse = 0;
var talkto = false;
var give = false;
var giveItem = false;
var opn = false;
var clse = false;
var walkto = false;
var pickup = false;
var lookat = false;
var yiff = false;
var push = false;
var pull = false;
var giveaway = 0;
var puzzleEdward = false;
var puzzleGoldKey = false;
var puzzleDoor = false;
var edgoldkey = false;
var cyngoldkey = false;
var pokegoldkey = false;
var jengoldkey = false;
var lucygoldkey = false;
var lauragoldkey = false;
var useGoldKey = false;
frame 2 {
var player_type = System.capabilities.playerType;
if (player_type == 'External' || player_type == 'ActiveX' || player_type == 'PlugIn') {
var cxmenu = new ContextMenu();
if (player_type == 'external' || player_type == 'StandAlone') {
var cxmenu = new ContextMenu();
fscommand('showmenu', 'false');
fscommand('trapallkeys', 'true');
} = cxmenu;
Button.prototype.useHandCursor = false;
Button.prototype.tabEnabled = false;
frame 9 {
cursor_mc.onMouseMove = function () {
this._x = _xmouse;
this._y = _ymouse;
movieClip 2 {
frame 10 {
if (friends >= 3) {
warnBox.text = 'You have too many friends selected. Please only select two.';
if (friends != 2) {
_root.selEdward._visible = !_root.selEdward._visible;
if (cynthia != true) {
_root.selCynthia._visible = !_root.selCynthia._visible;
if (pokeinfo != true) {
_root.selPokeinfo._visible = !_root.selPokeinfo._visible;
if (jenny != true) {
_root.selJenny._visible = !_root.selJenny._visible;
if (lucy != true) {
_root.selLucy._visible = !_root.selLucy._visible;
if (laura != true) {
_root.selLaura._visible = !_root.selLaura._visible;
movieClip 6 {
movieClip 8 {
movieClip 10 {
movieClip 12 {
movieClip 14 {
movieClip 16 {
button 19 {
on (rollOver) {
infoBox.text = 'Laura is here for moral support. Also, since she is a cheerleader, she is also VERY flexible.';
on (rollOut) {
infoBox.text = '';
on (press) {
laura = true;
friends += 1;
button 22 {
on (rollOver) {
infoBox.text = 'Lucy is tough as nails and doesn\'t scare easily. The only reason she is helping Edward is because she won\'t accept Edna being stuck in a haunted mansion as an excuse to miss gym.';
on (rollOut) {
infoBox.text = '';
on (press) {
lucy = true;
friends += 1;
button 25 {
on (rollOver) {
infoBox.text = 'Cynthia has a special connection to Edna so she\'ll be able to track her down no matter where she is hiding.';
on (rollOut) {
infoBox.text = '';
on (press) {
cynthia = true;
friends += 1;
button 28 {
on (rollOver) {
infoBox.text = 'Since Pokeinfo is a prankster he\'ll be able to identify traps before they happen as well as set them off so none of his friends fall for it (unless he wants them too).';
on (rollOut) {
infoBox.text = '';
on (press) {
pokeinfo = true;
friends += 1;
button 31 {
on (rollOver) {
infoBox.text = 'Jenny is a lovely black cat with clevar paws. She know\'s how to play the piano well and is quite acute when it comes to music.';
on (rollOut) {
infoBox.text = '';
on (press) {
jenny = true;
friends += 1;
button 34 {
on (rollOver) {
infoBox.text = 'Edward is required for this mission. He may not be the bravest or the boldest but he\'s not going to leave his little sister behind. He just isn\'t able to do it alone. Click on him when you have two friends selected.';
on (rollOut) {
infoBox.text = '';
button 36 {
on (rollOver) {
infoBox.text = 'I\'ll do anything you need me to Edward.';
on (rollOut) {
infoBox.text = '';
on (press) {
laura = false;
friends -= 1;
button 37 {
on (rollOver) {
infoBox.text = 'Let\'s hurry this up before Edward pees himself in fright.';
on (rollOut) {
infoBox.text = '';
on (press) {
lucy = false;
friends -= 1;
button 39 {
on (rollOver) {
infoBox.text = 'We\'ve got to save Edna before anything bad happens to her!';
on (rollOut) {
infoBox.text = '';
on (press) {
cynthia = false;
friends -= 1;
button 41 {
on (rollOver) {
infoBox.text = 'Don\'t worry Edward. I ain\'t afraid of no ghost!';
on (rollOut) {
infoBox.text = '';
on (press) {
pokeinfo = false;
friends -= 1;
button 42 {
on (rollOver) {
infoBox.text = 'I\'ll do the best I can.';
on (rollOut) {
infoBox.text = '';
on (press) {
jenny = false;
friends -= 1;
button 43 {
on (rollOver) {
infoBox.text = 'You\'ve got two friends picked out. Click Edward to begin the game.';
on (rollOut) {
infoBox.text = '';
on (press) {
// unknown tag 88 length 73
frame 11 {
frame 34 {
cursor_mc.onMouseMove = function () {
this._x = _xmouse;
this._y = _ymouse;
if (cynthia == true && pokeinfo == true) {
choiceOne = 1;
choiceTwo = 2;
jenhouse = undefined;
lucyhouse = undefined;
laurahouse = undefined;
} else {
if (cynthia == true && jenny == true) {
choiceOne = 1;
choiceTwo = 3;
pokehouse = undefined;
lucyhouse = undefined;
laurahouse = undefined;
} else {
if (cynthia == true && lucy == true) {
choiceOne = 1;
choiceTwo = 4;
pokehouse = undefined;
jenhouse = undefined;
laurahouse = undefined;
} else {
if (cynthia == true && laura == true) {
choiceOne = 1;
choiceTwo = 5;
pokehouse = undefined;
jenhouse = undefined;
lucyhouse = undefined;
} else {
if (pokeinfo == true && jenny == true) {
choiceOne = 2;
choiceTwo = 3;
cynhouse = undefined;
lucyhouse = undefined;
laurahouse = undefined;
} else {
if (pokeinfo == true && lucy == true) {
choiceOne = 2;
choiceTwo = 4;
cynhouse = undefined;
jenhouse = undefined;
laurahouse = undefined;
} else {
if (pokeinfo == true && laura == true) {
choiceOne = 2;
choiceTwo = 5;
cynhouse = undefined;
jenhouse = undefined;
lucyhouse = undefined;
} else {
if (jenny == true && lucy == true) {
choiceOne = 3;
choiceTwo = 4;
cynhouse = undefined;
pokehouse = undefined;
laurahouse = undefined;
} else {
if (jenny == true && laura == true) {
choiceOne = 3;
choiceTwo = 5;
cynhouse = undefined;
pokehouse = undefined;
lucyhouse = undefined;
} else {
if (lucy == true && laura == true) {
choiceOne = 4;
choiceTwo = 5;
cynhouse = undefined;
pokehouse = undefined;
jenhouse = undefined;
frame 35 {
if (choiceOne == 1) {
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
} else {
if (choiceOne == 2) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
} else {
if (choiceOne == 3) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
} else {
if (choiceOne == 4) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
if (choiceTwo == 2) {
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 3) {
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 4) {
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 5) {
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
talkBox.text = 'Okay, we\'re here. Hopefully Edna is still okay...';
// unknown tag 88 length 62
button 53 {
on (press) {
button 55 {
on (press) {
frame 36 {
talkBox.text = 'It all happened so fast, I just didn\'t know what to do.';
frame 37 {
if (choiceOne == 1) {
talkBox.textColor = 16711680;
talkBox.text = 'Those ghosts will pay for kidnapping my precious Edna.';
} else {
if (choiceOne == 2) {
talkBox.textColor = 15582564;
talkBox.text = 'Ghosts sure love playing pranks on Halloween.';
} else {
if (choiceOne == 3) {
talkBox.textColor = 16446399;
talkBox.text = 'I\'m sure Edna is safe.';
} else {
if (choiceOne == 4) {
talkBox.textColor = 16776960;
talkBox.text = 'Well lets not stand here with our fingers up our butts.';
frame 38 {
if (choiceOne == 1) {
talkBox.textColor = 16711680;
talkBox.text = 'Let\'s kick some ghost butt!';
} else {
if (choiceOne == 2) {
talkBox.textColor = 15582564;
talkBox.text = 'But they don\'t stand a chance against this lion cub.';
} else {
if (choiceOne == 3) {
talkBox.textColor = 16446399;
talkBox.text = 'You\'re such a wonderful brother to be caring so much about her.';
} else {
if (choiceOne == 4) {
talkBox.textColor = 16776960;
talkBox.text = 'Despite how often I hear how Edward enjoys that...';
frame 39 {
if (choiceTwo == 2) {
talkBox.textColor = 15582564;
talkBox.text = 'Ghosts sure love playing pranks on Halloween.';
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 3) {
talkBox.textColor = 16446399;
talkBox.text = 'I\'m sure Edna is safe.';
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 4) {
talkBox.textColor = 16776960;
talkBox.text = 'Well lets not stand here with our fingers up our butts.';
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 5) {
talkBox.textColor = 11351549;
talkBox.text = 'Oh Edward, you\'re so brave doing this.';
frame 40 {
if (choiceTwo == 2) {
talkBox.textColor = 15582564;
talkBox.text = 'But they don\'t stand a chance against this lion cub.';
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 3) {
talkBox.textColor = 16446399;
talkBox.text = 'You\'re such a wonderful brother to be caring so much about her.';
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 4) {
talkBox.textColor = 16776960;
talkBox.text = 'Despite how often I hear how Edward enjoys that...';
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 5) {
talkBox.textColor = 11351549;
talkBox.text = 'I\'m going to do something extra special for you if get through this.';
frame 41 {
talkBox.textColor = 16021782;
talkBox.text = 'As long as we don\'t wander too far from each other we\'ll be fine.';
frame 42 {
talkBox.text = 'Yep... Let\'s head up to the front door and bust in...';
frame 43 {
talkBox.text = 'Yeah. We\'re gonna rescue my sister. And no one is going to stop us.';
frame 44 {
talkBox.text = 'First I just need to remember how to work my legs again...';
frame 45 {
if (choiceOne == 1) {
talkBox.textColor = 16711680;
talkBox.text = 'Edward get up there before I kick you between the legs!';
} else {
if (choiceOne == 2) {
talkBox.textColor = 15582564;
talkBox.text = 'Jeeze Edward, are you a fox or a chicken.';
} else {
if (choiceOne == 3) {
talkBox.textColor = 16446399;
talkBox.text = 'Come on Edward, don\'t let your sister down...';
} else {
if (choiceOne == 4) {
talkBox.textColor = 16776960;
talkBox.text = 'Damn, how does a wimp like you even fuction in the real world.';
frame 46 {
if (choiceTwo == 2 && choiceOne == 1) {
talkBox.textColor = 15582564;
talkBox.text = 'And then she\'ll peg you with her strap on. He he he.';
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 2) {
talkBox.textColor = 15582564;
talkBox.text = 'Well then I guess Edna doesn\'t stand a chance huh?';
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 3) {
talkBox.textColor = 16446399;
talkBox.text = 'Come on Edward, don\'t let your sister down...';
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 4) {
talkBox.textColor = 16776960;
talkBox.text = 'Edward if you don\'t get up there I\'m gonna make you run 1000 laps after this.';
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 5) {
talkBox.textColor = 6684825;
talkBox.text = 'Come on Edward, I know you can do this.';
button 58 {
on (press) {
frame 55 {
cursor_mc.onMouseMove = function () {
this._x = _xmouse;
this._y = _ymouse;
if (choiceOne == 1) {
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
_root.pickPokeinfo._visible = !_root.pickPokeinfo._visible;
_root.pickJenny._visible = !_root.pickJenny._visible;
_root.pickLucy._visible = !_root.pickLucy._visible;
} else {
if (choiceOne == 2) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
_root.pickCynthia._visible = !_root.pickCynthia._visible;
_root.pickJenny._visible = !_root.pickJenny._visible;
_root.pickLucy._visible = !_root.pickLucy._visible;
} else {
if (choiceOne == 3) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
_root.pickCynthia._visible = !_root.pickCynthia._visible;
_root.pickPokeinfo._visible = !_root.pickPokeinfo._visible;
_root.pickLucy._visible = !_root.pickLucy._visible;
} else {
if (choiceOne == 4) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
_root.pickCynthia._visible = !_root.pickCynthia._visible;
_root.pickPokeinfo._visible = !_root.pickPokeinfo._visible;
_root.pickJenny._visible = !_root.pickJenny._visible;
if (choiceTwo == 2) {
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
_root.pickJenny2._visible = !_root.pickJenny2._visible;
_root.pickLucy2._visible = !_root.pickLucy2._visible;
_root.pickLaura2._visible = !_root.pickLaura2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 3) {
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
_root.pickPokeinfo2._visible = !_root.pickPokeinfo2._visible;
_root.pickLucy2._visible = !_root.pickLucy2._visible;
_root.pickLaura2._visible = !_root.pickLaura2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 4) {
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
_root.pickPokeinfo2._visible = !_root.pickPokeinfo2._visible;
_root.pickJenny2._visible = !_root.pickJenny2._visible;
_root.pickLaura2._visible = !_root.pickLaura2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 5) {
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
_root.pickPokeinfo2._visible = !_root.pickPokeinfo2._visible;
_root.pickJenny2._visible = !_root.pickJenny2._visible;
_root.pickLucy2._visible = !_root.pickLucy2._visible;
talkBox.text = 'Okay, we\'re here. Hopefully Edna is still okay...';
button 59 {
on (release) {
button 60 {
on (release) {
button 61 {
on (release) {
button 62 {
on (release) {
button 63 {
on (release) {
button 64 {
on (release) {
frame 59 {
if (edhouse == 0) {
} else {
if (edhouse == 1) {
frame 60 {
if (cynhouse == 0) {
} else {
if (cynhouse == 1) {
frame 61 {
if (pokehouse == 0) {
} else {
if (pokehouse == 1) {
frame 62 {
if (jenhouse == 0) {
} else {
if (jenhouse == 1) {
frame 63 {
if (lucyhouse == 0) {
} else {
if (lucyhouse == 1) {
frame 64 {
if (laurahouse == 0) {
} else {
if (laurahouse == 1) {
frame 75 {
cursor_mc.onMouseMove = function () {
this._x = _xmouse;
this._y = _ymouse;
if (edhouse != 0) {
_root.OutsideForest._visible = !_root.OutsideForest._visible;
} else {
if (edhouse != 1) {
_root.FrontDoor._visible = !_root.FrontDoor._visible;
if (choiceOne == 1 && edhouse == cynhouse) {
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
} else {
if (choiceOne == 2 && edhouse == pokehouse) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
} else {
if (choiceOne == 3 && edhouse == jenhouse) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
} else {
if (choiceOne == 4 && edhouse == lucyhouse) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
} else {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
if (choiceTwo == 2 && edhouse == pokehouse) {
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 3 && edhouse == jenhouse) {
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 4 && edhouse == lucyhouse) {
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 5 && edhouse == laurahouse) {
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
} else {
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
if (edgoldkey == false) {
_root.GoldenKey._visible = !_root.GoldenKey._visible;
movieClip 65 {
movieClip 68 {
button 70 {
on (press) {
if (give == true) {
talkBox.text = 'Who will you give this item to?';
giveaway = 1;
giveItem = true;
} else {
if (edhouse != 1) {
talkBox.text = 'Item can\'t be used here.';
} else {
if (edhouse == 1) {
button 72 {
on (rollOver) {
talkBox.text = 'Return to Commands';
on (rollOut) {
talkBox.text = '';
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = false;
button 75 {
on (press) {
if (giveItem == true && giveaway == 1) {
edgoldkey = false;
jengoldkey = true;
giveItem = false;
give = false;
button 76 {
on (press) {
if (giveItem == true && giveaway == 1) {
edgoldkey = false;
pokegoldkey = true;
giveItem = false;
give = false;
button 77 {
on (press) {
if (giveItem == true && giveaway == 1) {
edgoldkey = false;
cyngoldkey = true;
giveItem = false;
give = false;
button 78 {
on (press) {
if (giveItem == true && giveaway == 1) {
edgoldkey = false;
lauragoldkey = true;
giveItem = false;
give = false;
button 79 {
on (press) {
if (giveItem == true && giveaway == 1) {
edgoldkey = false;
lucygoldkey = true;
giveItem = false;
give = false;
frame 76 {
if (cynhouse != 0) {
_root.OutsideForest._visible = !_root.OutsideForest._visible;
} else {
if (cynhouse != 1) {
_root.FrontDoor._visible = !_root.FrontDoor._visible;
if (edhouse != cynhouse) {
_root.spriteEdward._visible = !_root.spriteEdward._visible;
if (choiceTwo == 2 && cynhouse == pokehouse) {
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 3 && cynhouse == jenhouse) {
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 4 && cynhouse == lucyhouse) {
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 5 && cynhouse == laurahouse) {
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
} else {
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
if (cyngoldkey == false) {
_root.GoldenKey._visible = !_root.GoldenKey._visible;
button 81 {
on (press) {
if (give == true) {
talkBox.text = 'Who will you give this item to?';
giveaway = 1;
giveItem = true;
} else {
if (cynhouse != 1) {
talkBox.text = 'Item can\'t be used here.';
} else {
if (cynhouse == 1) {
button 82 {
on (rollOver) {
talkBox.text = 'Return to Commands';
on (rollOut) {
talkBox.text = '';
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = false;
button 85 {
on (press) {
if (giveItem == true && giveaway == 1) {
cyngoldkey = false;
lucygoldkey = true;
giveItem = false;
give = false;
button 86 {
on (press) {
if (giveItem == true && giveaway == 1) {
cyngoldkey = false;
jengoldkey = true;
giveItem = false;
give = false;
button 87 {
on (press) {
if (giveItem == true && giveaway == 1) {
cyngoldkey = false;
pokegoldkey = true;
giveItem = false;
give = false;
button 88 {
on (press) {
if (giveItem == true && giveaway == 1) {
cyngoldkey = false;
lauragoldkey = true;
giveItem = false;
give = false;
button 90 {
on (press) {
if (giveItem == true && giveaway == 1) {
cyngoldkey = false;
edgoldkey = true;
giveItem = false;
give = false;
frame 77 {
if (pokehouse != 0) {
_root.OutsideForest._visible = !_root.OutsideForest._visible;
} else {
if (pokehouse != 1) {
_root.FrontDoor._visible = !_root.FrontDoor._visible;
if (edhouse != pokehouse) {
_root.spriteEdward._visible = !_root.spriteEdward._visible;
if (choiceOne == 1 && cynhouse == pokehouse) {
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
_root.spriteLaura._visible = !_root.spriteLaura._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 3 && pokehouse == jenhouse) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 4 && pokehouse == lucyhouse) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 5 && pokehouse == laurahouse) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceOne == 2) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 2) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
if (pokegoldkey == false) {
_root.GoldenKey._visible = !_root.GoldenKey._visible;
button 91 {
on (press) {
if (give == true) {
talkBox.text = 'Who will you give this item to?';
giveaway = 1;
giveItem = true;
} else {
if (pokehouse != 1) {
talkBox.text = 'Item can\'t be used here.';
} else {
if (pokehouse == 1) {
button 92 {
on (rollOver) {
talkBox.text = 'Return to Commands';
on (rollOut) {
talkBox.text = '';
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = false;
button 95 {
on (press) {
if (giveItem == true && giveaway == 1) {
pokegoldkey = false;
lucygoldkey = true;
giveItem = false;
give = false;
button 96 {
on (press) {
if (giveItem == true && giveaway == 1) {
pokegoldkey = false;
jengoldkey = true;
giveItem = false;
give = false;
button 98 {
on (press) {
if (giveItem == true && giveaway == 1) {
pokegoldkey = false;
cyngoldkey = true;
giveItem = false;
give = false;
button 99 {
on (press) {
if (giveItem == true && giveaway == 1) {
pokegoldkey = false;
lauragoldkey = true;
giveItem = false;
give = false;
button 100 {
on (press) {
if (giveItem == true && giveaway == 1) {
pokegoldkey = false;
edgoldkey = true;
giveItem = false;
give = false;
frame 78 {
if (jenhouse != 0) {
_root.OutsideForest._visible = !_root.OutsideForest._visible;
} else {
if (jenhouse != 1) {
_root.FrontDoor._visible = !_root.FrontDoor._visible;
if (edhouse != jenhouse) {
_root.spriteEdward._visible = !_root.spriteEdward._visible;
if (choiceOne == 1 && cynhouse == jenhouse) {
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
_root.spriteLaura._visible = !_root.spriteLaura._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceOne == 2 && pokehouse == jenhouse) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 4 && jenhouse == lucyhouse) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 5 && jenhouse == laurahouse) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceOne == 3) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 3) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
if (jengoldkey == false) {
_root.GoldenKey._visible = !_root.GoldenKey._visible;
button 101 {
on (press) {
if (give == true) {
talkBox.text = 'Who will you give this item to?';
giveaway = 1;
giveItem = true;
} else {
if (jenhouse != 1) {
talkBox.text = 'Item can\'t be used here.';
} else {
if (jenhouse == 1) {
button 102 {
on (rollOver) {
talkBox.text = 'Return to Commands';
on (rollOut) {
talkBox.text = '';
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = false;
button 106 {
on (press) {
if (giveItem == true && giveaway == 1) {
jengoldkey = false;
pokegoldkey = true;
giveItem = false;
give = false;
button 107 {
on (press) {
if (giveItem == true && giveaway == 1) {
jengoldkey = false;
cyngoldkey = true;
giveItem = false;
give = false;
button 108 {
on (press) {
if (giveItem == true && giveaway == 1) {
jengoldkey = false;
lauragoldkey = true;
giveItem = false;
give = false;
button 109 {
on (press) {
if (giveItem == true && giveaway == 1) {
jengoldkey = false;
lucygoldkey = true;
giveItem = false;
give = false;
button 110 {
on (press) {
if (giveItem == true && giveaway == 1) {
jengoldkey = false;
edgoldkey = true;
giveItem = false;
give = false;
frame 79 {
if (lucyhouse != 0) {
_root.OutsideForest._visible = !_root.OutsideForest._visible;
} else {
if (lucyhouse != 1) {
_root.FrontDoor._visible = !_root.FrontDoor._visible;
if (edhouse != lucyhouse) {
_root.spriteEdward._visible = !_root.spriteEdward._visible;
if (choiceOne == 1 && cynhouse == lucyhouse) {
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
_root.spriteLaura._visible = !_root.spriteLaura._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceOne == 2 && pokehouse == lucyhouse) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceOne == 3 && jenhouse == lucyhouse) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 5 && lucyhouse == laurahouse) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
} else {
if (choiceOne == 4) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 4) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
if (lucygoldkey == false) {
_root.GoldenKey._visible = !_root.GoldenKey._visible;
button 111 {
on (press) {
if (give == true) {
talkBox.text = 'Who will you give this item to?';
giveaway = 1;
giveItem = true;
} else {
if (lucyhouse != 1) {
talkBox.text = 'Item can\'t be used here.';
} else {
if (lucyhouse == 1) {
button 112 {
on (rollOver) {
talkBox.text = 'Return to Commands';
on (rollOut) {
talkBox.text = '';
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = false;
button 115 {
on (press) {
if (giveItem == true && giveaway == 1) {
lucygoldkey = false;
pokegoldkey = true;
giveItem = false;
give = false;
button 116 {
on (press) {
if (giveItem == true && giveaway == 1) {
lucygoldkey = false;
cyngoldkey = true;
giveItem = false;
give = false;
button 117 {
on (press) {
if (giveItem == true && giveaway == 1) {
lucygoldkey = false;
lauragoldkey = true;
giveItem = false;
give = false;
button 119 {
on (press) {
if (giveItem == true && giveaway == 1) {
lucygoldkey = false;
jengoldkey = true;
giveItem = false;
give = false;
button 120 {
on (press) {
if (giveItem == true && giveaway == 1) {
lucygoldkey = false;
edgoldkey = true;
giveItem = false;
give = false;
frame 80 {
if (laurahouse != 0) {
_root.OutsideForest._visible = !_root.OutsideForest._visible;
} else {
if (laurahouse != 1) {
_root.FrontDoor._visible = !_root.FrontDoor._visible;
if (edhouse != laurahouse) {
_root.spriteEdward._visible = !_root.spriteEdward._visible;
if (choiceOne == 1 && cynhouse == laurahouse) {
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
} else {
if (choiceOne == 2 && pokehouse == laurahouse) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
} else {
if (choiceOne == 3 && jenhouse == laurahouse) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
} else {
if (choiceOne == 4 && lucyhouse == laurahouse) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 5) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
if (lauragoldkey == false) {
_root.GoldenKey._visible = !_root.GoldenKey._visible;
button 121 {
on (press) {
if (give == true) {
talkBox.text = 'Who will you give this item to?';
giveaway = 1;
giveItem = true;
} else {
if (laurahouse != 1) {
talkBox.text = 'Item can\'t be used here.';
} else {
if (laurahouse == 1) {
button 122 {
on (rollOver) {
talkBox.text = 'Return to Commands';
on (rollOut) {
talkBox.text = '';
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = false;
button 125 {
on (press) {
if (giveItem == true && giveaway == 1) {
lauragoldkey = false;
lucygoldkey = true;
giveItem = false;
give = false;
button 126 {
on (press) {
if (giveItem == true && giveaway == 1) {
lauragoldkey = false;
jengoldkey = true;
giveItem = false;
give = false;
button 127 {
on (press) {
if (giveItem == true && giveaway == 1) {
lauragoldkey = false;
pokegoldkey = true;
giveItem = false;
give = false;
button 128 {
on (press) {
if (giveItem == true && giveaway == 1) {
lauragoldkey = false;
cyngoldkey = true;
giveItem = false;
give = false;
button 130 {
on (press) {
if (giveItem == true && giveaway == 1) {
lauragoldkey = false;
edgoldkey = true;
giveItem = false;
give = false;
frame 85 {
cursor_mc.onMouseMove = function () {
this._x = _xmouse;
this._y = _ymouse;
if (edhouse != 0) {
_root.OutsideForest._visible = !_root.OutsideForest._visible;
} else {
if (edhouse != 1) {
_root.FrontDoor._visible = !_root.FrontDoor._visible;
_root.puzzleFrontDoor._visible = !_root.puzzleFrontDoor._visible;
if (edgoldkey == false) {
_root.GoldenKey._visible = !_root.GoldenKey._visible;
button 131 {
on (press) {
useGoldKey = true;
infoBox.text = 'What will you use the Golden Key with?';
button 132 {
on (rollOver) {
talkBox.text = 'Return to Commands';
on (rollOut) {
talkBox.text = '';
on (press) {
useGoldenKey = false;
button 135 {
on (press) {
if (useGoldKey == true && puzzleDoor == false) {
puzzleDoor = true;
useGoldKey = false;
talkBox.text = 'The door is unlocked.';
} else {
if (useGoldKey == true) {
puzzleDoor = true;
useGoldKey = false;
talkBox.text = 'The door is already unlocked.';
} else {
if (lookat == true && puzzleDoor == false) {
lookat = false;
talkBox.text = 'You will need to find a key to open this door.';
} else {
if (lookat == true && puzzleDoor == true) {
lookat = false;
talkBox.text = 'The door is already unlocked, you can walk right in now.';
frame 86 {
if (cynhouse != 0) {
_root.OutsideForest._visible = !_root.OutsideForest._visible;
} else {
if (cynhouse != 1) {
_root.FrontDoor._visible = !_root.FrontDoor._visible;
_root.puzzleFrontDoor._visible = !_root.puzzleFrontDoor._visible;
if (cyngoldkey == false) {
_root.GoldenKey._visible = !_root.GoldenKey._visible;
button 137 {
on (press) {
if (useGoldKey == true && puzzleDoor == false) {
puzzleDoor = true;
useGoldKey = false;
talkBox.text = 'The door is unlocked.';
} else {
if (useGoldKey == true) {
puzzleDoor = true;
useGoldKey = false;
talkBox.text = 'The door is already unlocked.';
} else {
if (lookat == true && puzzleDoor == false) {
lookat = false;
talkBox.text = 'You will need to find a key to open this door.';
} else {
if (lookat == true && puzzleDoor == true) {
lookat = false;
talkBox.text = 'The door is already unlocked, you can walk right in now.';
frame 87 {
if (pokehouse != 0) {
_root.OutsideForest._visible = !_root.OutsideForest._visible;
} else {
if (pokehouse != 1) {
_root.FrontDoor._visible = !_root.FrontDoor._visible;
_root.puzzleFrontDoor._visible = !_root.puzzleFrontDoor._visible;
if (pokegoldkey == false) {
_root.GoldenKey._visible = !_root.GoldenKey._visible;
button 138 {
on (rollOver) {
talkBox.text = 'Return to Commands';
on (rollOut) {
talkBox.text = '';
on (press) {
useGoldKey = false;
button 140 {
on (press) {
if (useGoldKey == true && puzzleDoor == false) {
puzzleDoor = true;
useGoldKey = false;
talkBox.text = 'The door is unlocked.';
} else {
if (useGoldKey == true) {
puzzleDoor = true;
useGoldKey = false;
talkBox.text = 'The door is already unlocked.';
} else {
if (lookat == true && puzzleDoor == false) {
lookat = false;
talkBox.text = 'You will need to find a key to open this door.';
} else {
if (lookat == true && puzzleDoor == true) {
lookat = false;
talkBox.text = 'The door is already unlocked, you can walk right in now.';
frame 88 {
if (jenhouse != 0) {
_root.OutsideForest._visible = !_root.OutsideForest._visible;
} else {
if (jenhouse != 1) {
_root.FrontDoor._visible = !_root.FrontDoor._visible;
_root.puzzleFrontDoor._visible = !_root.puzzleFrontDoor._visible;
if (jengoldkey == false) {
_root.GoldenKey._visible = !_root.GoldenKey._visible;
button 141 {
on (rollOver) {
talkBox.text = 'Return to Commands';
on (rollOut) {
talkBox.text = '';
on (press) {
useGoldKey = false;
button 143 {
on (press) {
if (useGoldKey == true && puzzleDoor == false) {
puzzleDoor = true;
useGoldKey = false;
talkBox.text = 'The door is unlocked.';
} else {
if (useGoldKey == true) {
puzzleDoor = true;
useGoldKey = false;
talkBox.text = 'The door is already unlocked.';
} else {
if (lookat == true && puzzleDoor == false) {
lookat = false;
talkBox.text = 'You will need to find a key to open this door.';
} else {
if (lookat == true && puzzleDoor == true) {
lookat = false;
talkBox.text = 'The door is already unlocked, you can walk right in now.';
frame 89 {
if (lucyhouse != 0) {
_root.OutsideForest._visible = !_root.OutsideForest._visible;
} else {
if (lucyhouse != 1) {
_root.FrontDoor._visible = !_root.FrontDoor._visible;
_root.puzzleFrontDoor._visible = !_root.puzzleFrontDoor._visible;
if (lucygoldkey == false) {
_root.GoldenKey._visible = !_root.GoldenKey._visible;
button 144 {
on (rollOver) {
talkBox.text = 'Return to Commands';
on (rollOut) {
talkBox.text = '';
on (press) {
useGoldKey = false;
button 146 {
on (press) {
if (useGoldKey == true && puzzleDoor == false) {
puzzleDoor = true;
useGoldKey = false;
talkBox.text = 'The door is unlocked.';
} else {
if (useGoldKey == true) {
puzzleDoor = true;
useGoldKey = false;
talkBox.text = 'The door is already unlocked.';
} else {
if (lookat == true && puzzleDoor == false) {
lookat = false;
talkBox.text = 'You will need to find a key to open this door.';
} else {
if (lookat == true && puzzleDoor == true) {
lookat = false;
talkBox.text = 'The door is already unlocked, you can walk right in now.';
frame 90 {
if (laurahouse != 0) {
_root.OutsideForest._visible = !_root.OutsideForest._visible;
} else {
if (laurahouse != 1) {
_root.FrontDoor._visible = !_root.FrontDoor._visible;
_root.puzzleFrontDoor._visible = !_root.puzzleFrontDoor._visible;
if (lauragoldkey == false) {
_root.GoldenKey._visible = !_root.GoldenKey._visible;
button 147 {
on (rollOver) {
talkBox.text = 'Return to Commands';
on (rollOut) {
talkBox.text = '';
on (press) {
useGoldKey = false;
button 149 {
on (press) {
if (useGoldKey == true && puzzleDoor == false) {
puzzleDoor = true;
useGoldKey = false;
talkBox.text = 'The door is unlocked.';
} else {
if (useGoldKey == true) {
puzzleDoor = true;
useGoldKey = false;
talkBox.text = 'The door is already unlocked.';
} else {
if (lookat == true && puzzleDoor == false) {
lookat = false;
talkBox.text = 'You will need to find a key to open this door.';
} else {
if (lookat == true && puzzleDoor == true) {
lookat = false;
talkBox.text = 'The door is already unlocked, you can walk right in now.';
button 152 {
on (release) {
if (gooo == 1) {
edhouse = 1;
} else {
if (gooo == 2) {
cynhouse = 1;
} else {
if (gooo == 3) {
pokehouse = 1;
} else {
if (gooo == 4) {
jenhouse = 1;
} else {
if (gooo == 5) {
lucyhouse = 1;
} else {
if (gooo == 6) {
laurahouse = 1;
button 153 {
on (rollOver) {
talkBox.text = 'Cancel current command pick';
on (rollOut) {
talkBox.text = '';
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = false;
on (release) {
if (gooo == 1) {
} else {
if (gooo == 2) {
} else {
if (gooo == 3) {
} else {
if (gooo == 4) {
} else {
if (gooo == 5) {
} else {
if (gooo == 6) {
frame 107 {
cursor_mc.onMouseMove = function () {
this._x = _xmouse;
this._y = _ymouse;
if (choiceOne == 1 && edhouse == cynhouse) {
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
} else {
if (choiceOne == 2 && edhouse == pokehouse) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
} else {
if (choiceOne == 3 && edhouse == jenhouse) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
} else {
if (choiceOne == 4 && edhouse == lucyhouse) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
} else {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
if (choiceTwo == 2 && edhouse == pokehouse) {
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 3 && edhouse == jenhouse) {
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 4 && edhouse == lucyhouse) {
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 5 && edhouse == laurahouse) {
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
} else {
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
button 157 {
on (rollOver) {
talkBox.text = 'Go back to the start of the game';
on (rollOut) {
talkBox.text = '';
on (press) {
button 159 {
on (press) {
button 161 {
on (press) {
if (puzzleEdward == true) {
gooo = 1;
talkBox.textColor = 16021782;
talkBox.text = 'Where would you like to go to?';
} else {
talkBox.textColor = 16021782;
talkBox.text = 'My legs are still frozen from fear...';
button 163 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = true;
push = false;
pull = false;
talkBox.text = 'Who will you yiff?';
button 164 {
on (rollOver) {
talkBox.text = 'Cancel current command pick';
on (rollOut) {
talkBox.text = '';
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = false;
button 166 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = true;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = false;
talkBox.text = 'What do you want to look at?';
button 168 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = true;
pull = false;
talkBox.text = 'What will you push?';
button 170 {
on (press) {
talkto = true;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = false;
talkBox.text = 'Who will you talk to?';
button 172 {
on (press) {
button 174 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = true;
opn = false;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = false;
talkBox.text = 'Which item will you give your friends?';
button 176 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = true;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = false;
talkBox.text = 'What will you open?';
button 178 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = true;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = false;
talkBox.text = 'What will you close?';
button 180 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = true;
talkBox.text = 'What will you pull?';
button 182 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = true;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = false;
talkBox.text = 'What will you pick up?';
button 184 {
on (press) {
if (yiff == true) {
talkBox.textColor = 16021782;
talkBox.text = 'I really doubt that Jenny would want to';
yiff = false;
} else {
if (lookat == true) {
talkBox.textColor = 16021782;
talkBox.text = 'Look. It\'s Jenny.';
lookat = false;
} else {
if (talkto == true) {
talkBox.textColor = 16446399;
talkBox.text = 'Still feeling nervous Ed? Don\'t worry, I\'ll be here for you.';
talkto = false;
button 185 {
on (press) {
if (yiff == true) {
talkBox.textColor = 15582564;
talkBox.text = '...Stop that...';
yiff = false;
} else {
if (lookat == true) {
talkBox.textColor = 15582564;
talkBox.text = 'Stop look at me like that Edward. I already told you, I only like you as a friend. He he, just joking. ^o^';
lookat = false;
} else {
if (talkto == true) {
talkBox.textColor = 15582564;
talkBox.text = 'I\'ve herd rumors that ghost live there who do kinky stuff to cubs like us. So what are we waiting for?';
talkto = false;
button 186 {
on (press) {
if (yiff == true) {
talkBox.textColor = 16021782;
talkBox.text = 'With some of the things I\'ve herd that Cynthia is into I don\'t think I really want to yiff with her...';
yiff = false;
} else {
if (talkto == true) {
talkBox.textColor = 15867147;
talkBox.text = 'Let\'s go Edward. Edna\'s not going to rescue herself.';
talkto = false;
} else {
if (lookat == true) {
talkBox.textColor = 16021782;
talkBox.text = 'Cynthia looks so enthusiastic to find Edna. I wonder how close those two really are.';
lookat = false;
button 187 {
on (press) {
if (yiff == true) {
talkBox.textColor = 16021782;
talkBox.text = 'Now is not a good time.';
yiff = false;
} else {
if (lookat == true) {
talkBox.textColor = 16021782;
talkBox.text = 'The full moon really brings out the shine in Laura\'s eyes.';
lookat = false;
} else {
if (talkto == true) {
talkBox.textColor = 6684825;
talkBox.text = 'Hi Edward *Kiss*';
talkto = false;
button 188 {
on (press) {
if (yiff == true) {
talkBox.textColor = 16776960;
talkBox.text = 'Say the hell away from me nerd!';
yiff = false;
} else {
if (lookat == true) {
talkBox.textColor = 16021782;
talkBox.text = 'She may be a bitch, but seeing her here to help show\'s me that she can be a good person.';
lookat = false;
} else {
if (talkto == true) {
talkBox.textColor = 16776960;
talkBox.text = 'Stop talking to me and lets go find Edna already.';
talkto = false;
button 189 {
on (press) {
if (talkto == true && puzzleEdward == false) {
talkBox.textColor = 16021782;
talkBox.text = 'Talking to yourself wont get your legs unstuck. Besides, talking to yourself like this is just weird...';
talkto = false;
} else {
if (talkto == true) {
talkBox.textColor = 16021782;
talkBox.text = 'Stop talking to yourself.';
talkto = false;
button 191 {
on (rollOver) {
if (lookat == true) {
talkBox.text = 'Look at the full moon.';
on (rollOut) {
if (lookat == true) {
talkBox.text = '';
on (press) {
if (lookat == true && puzzleGoldKey == false && puzzleEdward == true) {
talkBox.text = 'You notice that the moons shine is lighting up something in the leaves. You\'ve found a golden key.';
puzzleGoldKey = true;
edgoldkey = true;
lookat = false;
} else {
if (lookat == true && puzzleGoldKey == false) {
talkBox.text = 'You\'re still too paralized with fear to turn around and look at the moon.';
lookat = false;
} else {
if (lookat == true) {
talkBox.textColor = 16021782;
talkBox.text = '*Sigh* Why did it have to be a full moon tonight...';
lookat = false;
} else {
if (push == true) {
talkBox.textColor = 16021782;
talkbox.text = 'Good luch with that...';
frame 108 {
if (choiceOne == 1 && edhouse == cynhouse) {
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
} else {
if (choiceOne == 2 && edhouse == pokehouse) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
} else {
if (choiceOne == 3 && edhouse == jenhouse) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
} else {
if (choiceOne == 4 && edhouse == lucyhouse) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
} else {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
if (choiceTwo == 2 && edhouse == pokehouse) {
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 3 && edhouse == jenhouse) {
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 4 && edhouse == lucyhouse) {
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 5 && edhouse == laurahouse) {
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
} else {
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
button 192 {
on (rollOver) {
talkBox.text = 'Cancel current command pick';
on (rollOut) {
talkBox.text = '';
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = false;
button 194 {
on (press) {
if (puzzleEdward == true) {
talkBox.textColor = 16021782;
talkBox.text = 'Where would you like to go to?';
} else {
talkBox.textColor = 16021782;
talkBox.text = 'My legs are still frozen from fear...';
button 195 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = true;
pull = false;
talkBox.text = 'What will you push?';
button 196 {
on (press) {
if (push == true && puzzleEdward == false) {
puzzleEdward = true;
push = false;
talkBox.textColor = 16021782;
talkBox.text = 'Pushing yourself towards the mansion help you regain control of your legs.';
} else {
if (pickup == true) {
pickup = false;
talkBox.textColor = 16021782;
talkBox.text = 'You try to pick yourself up emotionally, but the whole situation seems very bleak right now...';
frame 112 {
if (edhouse != cynhouse) {
_root.spriteEdward._visible = !_root.spriteEdward._visible;
if (choiceTwo == 2 && cynhouse == pokehouse) {
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 3 && cynhouse == jenhouse) {
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 4 && cynhouse == lucyhouse) {
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 5 && cynhouse == laurahouse) {
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
} else {
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
button 197 {
on (press) {
gooo = 2;
talkBox.textColor = 16021782;
talkBox.text = 'Where would you like to go to?';
button 198 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = true;
pull = false;
talkBox.text = 'What will you push?';
button 199 {
on (press) {
button 200 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = true;
opn = false;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = false;
talkBox.text = 'Which item will you give your friends?';
button 201 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = true;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = false;
talkBox.text = 'What will you open?';
button 202 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = true;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = false;
talkBox.text = 'What will you close?';
button 203 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = true;
talkBox.text = 'What will you pull?';
button 204 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = true;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = false;
talkBox.text = 'What will you pick up?';
button 206 {
on (press) {
if (lookat == true && puzzleGoldKey == false) {
talkBox.text = 'You notice that the moons shine is lighting up something in the leaves. You\'ve found a golden key.';
puzzleGoldKey = true;
cyngoldkey = true;
lookat = false;
} else {
if (lookat == true) {
talkBox.textColor = 15867147;
talkBox.text = 'That\'s quite the full moon out there.';
lookat = false;
frame 113 {
if (edhouse != cynhouse) {
_root.spriteEdward._visible = !_root.spriteEdward._visible;
if (choiceTwo == 2 && cynhouse == pokehouse) {
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 3 && cynhouse == jenhouse) {
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 4 && cynhouse == lucyhouse) {
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 5 && cynhouse == laurahouse) {
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
} else {
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
button 207 {
on (rollOver) {
talkBox.text = 'Cancel current command pick';
on (rollOut) {
talkBox.text = '';
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = false;
button 209 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = true;
pull = false;
talkBox.text = 'What will you push?';
frame 117 {
if (edhouse != pokehouse) {
_root.spriteEdward._visible = !_root.spriteEdward._visible;
if (choiceOne == 1 && cynhouse == pokehouse) {
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
_root.spriteLaura._visible = !_root.spriteLaura._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 3 && pokehouse == jenhouse) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 4 && pokehouse == lucyhouse) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 5 && pokehouse == laurahouse) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceOne == 2) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 2) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
button 210 {
on (press) {
gooo = 3;
talkBox.textColor = 16021782;
talkBox.text = 'Where would you like to go to?';
button 211 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = true;
pull = false;
talkBox.text = 'What will you push?';
button 212 {
on (press) {
button 213 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = true;
opn = false;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = false;
talkBox.text = 'Which item will you give your friends?';
button 214 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = true;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = false;
talkBox.text = 'What will you open?';
button 215 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = true;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = false;
talkBox.text = 'What will you close?';
button 216 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = true;
talkBox.text = 'What will you pull?';
button 217 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = true;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = false;
talkBox.text = 'What will you pick up?';
button 219 {
on (press) {
if (lookat == true && puzzleGoldKey == false) {
talkBox.text = 'You notice that the moons shine is lighting up something in the leaves. You\'ve found a golden key.';
puzzleGoldKey = true;
pokegoldkey = true;
lookat = false;
} else {
if (lookat == true) {
talkBox.textColor = 15582564;
talkBox.text = 'That moon is beautiful. But Cynthia\'s moon looks a whole lot nicer. ^o^';
lookat = false;
button 220 {
on (rollOver) {
talkBox.text = 'Cancel current command pick';
on (rollOut) {
talkBox.text = '';
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = false;
frame 122 {
if (edhouse != jenhouse) {
_root.spriteEdward._visible = !_root.spriteEdward._visible;
if (choiceOne == 1 && cynhouse == jenhouse) {
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
_root.spriteLaura._visible = !_root.spriteLaura._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceOne == 2 && pokehouse == jenhouse) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 4 && jenhouse == lucyhouse) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 5 && jenhouse == laurahouse) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceOne == 3) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 3) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
button 222 {
on (press) {
gooo = 4;
talkBox.textColor = 16021782;
talkBox.text = 'Where would you like to go to?';
button 223 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = true;
pull = false;
talkBox.text = 'What will you push?';
button 224 {
on (press) {
button 225 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = true;
opn = false;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = false;
talkBox.text = 'Which item will you give your friends?';
button 226 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = true;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = false;
talkBox.text = 'What will you open?';
button 227 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = true;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = false;
talkBox.text = 'What will you close?';
button 228 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = true;
talkBox.text = 'What will you pull?';
button 229 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = true;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = false;
talkBox.text = 'What will you pick up?';
button 231 {
on (press) {
if (lookat == true && puzzleGoldKey == false) {
talkBox.text = 'You notice that the moons shine is lighting up something in the leaves. You\'ve found a golden key.';
puzzleGoldKey = true;
jengoldkey = true;
lookat = false;
} else {
if (lookat == true) {
talkBox.textColor = 16446399;
talkBox.text = 'That\'s quite the full moon out there.';
lookat = false;
} else {
if (push == true) {
talkBox.textColor = 16446399;
talkBox.text = 'You can\'t move the moon, but the moon can certainly move you.';
button 232 {
on (rollOver) {
talkBox.text = 'Cancel current command pick';
on (rollOut) {
talkBox.text = '';
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = false;
frame 127 {
if (edhouse != lucyhouse) {
_root.spriteEdward._visible = !_root.spriteEdward._visible;
if (choiceOne == 1 && cynhouse == lucyhouse) {
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
_root.spriteLaura._visible = !_root.spriteLaura._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceOne == 2 && pokehouse == lucyhouse) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceOne == 3 && jenhouse == lucyhouse) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 5 && lucyhouse == laurahouse) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
} else {
if (choiceOne == 4) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 4) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
button 234 {
on (press) {
gooo = 5;
talkBox.textColor = 16021782;
talkBox.text = 'Where would you like to go to?';
button 235 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = true;
pull = false;
talkBox.text = 'What will you push?';
button 236 {
on (press) {
button 237 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = true;
opn = false;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = false;
talkBox.text = 'Which item will you give your friends?';
button 238 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = true;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = false;
talkBox.text = 'What will you open?';
button 239 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = true;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = false;
talkBox.text = 'What will you close?';
button 240 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = true;
talkBox.text = 'What will you pull?';
button 241 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = true;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = false;
talkBox.text = 'What will you pick up?';
button 243 {
on (press) {
if (lookat == true && puzzleGoldKey == false) {
talkBox.text = 'You notice that the moons shine is lighting up something in the leaves. You\'ve found a golden key.';
puzzleGoldKey = true;
lucygoldkey = true;
lookat = false;
} else {
if (lookat == true) {
talkBox.textColor = 16776960;
talkBox.text = 'It\'s the moon... Who cares...';
lookat = false;
button 244 {
on (rollOver) {
talkBox.text = 'Cancel current command pick';
on (rollOut) {
talkBox.text = '';
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = false;
frame 132 {
if (edhouse != laurahouse) {
_root.spriteEdward._visible = !_root.spriteEdward._visible;
if (choiceOne == 1 && cynhouse == laurahouse) {
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
} else {
if (choiceOne == 2 && pokehouse == laurahouse) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
} else {
if (choiceOne == 3 && jenhouse == laurahouse) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
} else {
if (choiceOne == 4 && lucyhouse == laurahouse) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 5) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
button 246 {
on (press) {
gooo = 6;
talkBox.textColor = 16021782;
talkBox.text = 'Where would you like to go to?';
button 248 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = true;
pull = false;
talkBox.text = 'What will you push?';
button 249 {
on (press) {
button 250 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = true;
opn = false;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = false;
talkBox.text = 'Which item will you give your friends?';
button 251 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = true;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = false;
talkBox.text = 'What will you open?';
button 252 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = true;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = false;
talkBox.text = 'What will you close?';
button 253 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = true;
talkBox.text = 'What will you pull?';
button 255 {
on (press) {
if (lookat == true && puzzleGoldKey == false) {
talkBox.text = 'You notice that the moons shine is lighting up something in the leaves. You\'ve found a golden key.';
puzzleGoldKey = true;
lauragoldkey = true;
lookat = false;
} else {
if (lookat == true) {
talkBox.textColor = 11351549;
talkBox.text = 'That\'s quite the full moon out there.';
lookat = false;
button 256 {
on (rollOver) {
talkBox.text = 'Cancel current command pick';
on (rollOut) {
talkBox.text = '';
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = false;
frame 156 {
if (puzzleDoor == false) {
_root.locationHidden._visible = !_root.locationHidden._visible;
} else {
if (puzzleDoor == true) {
locationOne.text = 'E n t e r t h e M a n s i o n . . .';
button 258 {
on (release) {
if (gooo == 1) {
edhouse = 0;
} else {
if (gooo == 2) {
cynhouse = 0;
} else {
if (gooo == 3) {
pokehouse = 0;
} else {
if (gooo == 4) {
jenhouse = 0;
} else {
if (gooo == 5) {
lucyhouse = 0;
} else {
if (gooo == 6) {
laurahouse = 0;
button 259 {
on (release) {
if (puzzleEdward == false) {
talkBox.text = 'Edward is still too scared to enter the mansion. Give him a moment to push himself here.';
} else {
if (gooo == 1) {
edhouse = 0;
} else {
if (gooo == 2) {
cynhouse = 0;
} else {
if (gooo == 3) {
pokehouse = 0;
} else {
if (gooo == 4) {
jenhouse = 0;
} else {
if (gooo == 5) {
lucyhouse = 0;
} else {
if (gooo == 6) {
laurahouse = 0;
frame 157 {
cursor_mc.onMouseMove = function () {
this._x = _xmouse;
this._y = _ymouse;
if (choiceOne == 1 && edhouse == cynhouse) {
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
} else {
if (choiceOne == 2 && edhouse == pokehouse) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
} else {
if (choiceOne == 3 && edhouse == jenhouse) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
} else {
if (choiceOne == 4 && edhouse == lucyhouse) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
} else {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
if (choiceTwo == 2 && edhouse == pokehouse) {
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 3 && edhouse == jenhouse) {
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 4 && edhouse == lucyhouse) {
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 5 && edhouse == laurahouse) {
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
} else {
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
button 263 {
on (press) {
gooo = 1;
talkBox.textColor = 16021782;
talkBox.text = 'Where would you like to go to?';
button 264 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = true;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = false;
talkBox.text = 'What do you want to look at?';
button 265 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = true;
pull = false;
talkBox.text = 'What will you push?';
button 266 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = true;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = false;
talkBox.text = 'What will you open?';
button 267 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = true;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = false;
talkBox.text = 'What will you close?';
button 268 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = true;
talkBox.text = 'What will you pull?';
button 269 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = true;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = false;
talkBox.text = 'What will you pick up?';
button 271 {
on (release) {
if (yiff == true) {
talkBox.textColor = 16021782;
talkBox.text = '...cut that out...';
yiff = false;
} else {
if (talkto == true) {
talkBox.textColor = 16021782;
talkBox.text = 'Stop talking to yourself.';
talkto = false;
instance spriteEdward of movieClip 10 {
onClipEvent (press) {
if (lookat == true) {
talkBox.textColor = 16021782;
talkBox.text = 'I really need a hair cut...';
lookat = false;
frame 162 {
if (edhouse != cynhouse) {
_root.spriteEdward._visible = !_root.spriteEdward._visible;
if (choiceTwo == 2 && cynhouse == pokehouse) {
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 3 && cynhouse == jenhouse) {
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 4 && cynhouse == lucyhouse) {
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 5 && cynhouse == laurahouse) {
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
} else {
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
button 273 {
on (press) {
gooo = 2;
talkBox.textColor = 16021782;
talkBox.text = 'Where would you like to go to?';
button 274 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = true;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = false;
talkBox.text = 'What do you want to look at?';
button 275 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = true;
pull = false;
talkBox.text = 'What will you push?';
button 276 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = true;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = false;
talkBox.text = 'What will you open?';
button 277 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = true;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = false;
talkBox.text = 'What will you close?';
button 278 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = true;
talkBox.text = 'What will you pull?';
button 279 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = true;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = false;
talkBox.text = 'What will you pick up?';
frame 167 {
if (edhouse != pokehouse) {
_root.spriteEdward._visible = !_root.spriteEdward._visible;
if (choiceOne == 1 && cynhouse == pokehouse) {
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
_root.spriteLaura._visible = !_root.spriteLaura._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 3 && pokehouse == jenhouse) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 4 && pokehouse == lucyhouse) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 5 && pokehouse == laurahouse) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceOne == 2) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 2) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
button 282 {
on (press) {
gooo = 3;
talkBox.textColor = 16021782;
talkBox.text = 'Where would you like to go to?';
button 283 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = true;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = false;
talkBox.text = 'What do you want to look at?';
button 284 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = true;
pull = false;
talkBox.text = 'What will you push?';
button 285 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = true;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = false;
talkBox.text = 'What will you open?';
button 286 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = true;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = false;
talkBox.text = 'What will you close?';
button 287 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = true;
talkBox.text = 'What will you pull?';
button 288 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = true;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = false;
talkBox.text = 'What will you pick up?';
frame 172 {
if (edhouse != jenhouse) {
_root.spriteEdward._visible = !_root.spriteEdward._visible;
if (choiceOne == 1 && cynhouse == jenhouse) {
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
_root.spriteLaura._visible = !_root.spriteLaura._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceOne == 2 && pokehouse == jenhouse) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 4 && jenhouse == lucyhouse) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 5 && jenhouse == laurahouse) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceOne == 3) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 3) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
button 291 {
on (press) {
gooo = 4;
talkBox.textColor = 16021782;
talkBox.text = 'Where would you like to go to?';
button 292 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = true;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = false;
talkBox.text = 'What do you want to look at?';
button 293 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = true;
pull = false;
talkBox.text = 'What will you push?';
button 294 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = true;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = false;
talkBox.text = 'What will you open?';
button 295 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = true;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = false;
talkBox.text = 'What will you close?';
button 296 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = true;
talkBox.text = 'What will you pull?';
button 297 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = true;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = false;
talkBox.text = 'What will you pick up?';
frame 177 {
if (edhouse != lucyhouse) {
_root.spriteEdward._visible = !_root.spriteEdward._visible;
if (choiceOne == 1 && cynhouse == lucyhouse) {
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
_root.spriteLaura._visible = !_root.spriteLaura._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceOne == 2 && pokehouse == lucyhouse) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceOne == 3 && jenhouse == lucyhouse) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 5 && lucyhouse == laurahouse) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
} else {
if (choiceOne == 4) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 4) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLaura2._visible = !_root.spriteLaura2._visible;
button 300 {
on (press) {
gooo = 5;
talkBox.textColor = 16021782;
talkBox.text = 'Where would you like to go to?';
button 301 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = true;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = false;
talkBox.text = 'What do you want to look at?';
button 302 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = true;
pull = false;
talkBox.text = 'What will you push?';
button 303 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = true;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = false;
talkBox.text = 'What will you open?';
button 304 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = true;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = false;
talkBox.text = 'What will you close?';
button 305 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = true;
talkBox.text = 'What will you pull?';
button 306 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = true;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = false;
talkBox.text = 'What will you pick up?';
frame 182 {
if (edhouse != laurahouse) {
_root.spriteEdward._visible = !_root.spriteEdward._visible;
if (choiceOne == 1 && cynhouse == laurahouse) {
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceOne == 2 && pokehouse == laurahouse) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceOne == 3 && jenhouse == laurahouse) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
} else {
if (choiceOne == 4 && lucyhouse == laurahouse) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
} else {
if (choiceTwo == 5) {
_root.spriteCynthia._visible = !_root.spriteCynthia._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo._visible;
_root.spriteJenny._visible = !_root.spriteJenny._visible;
_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible = !_root.spritePokeinfo2._visible;
_root.spriteJenny2._visible = !_root.spriteJenny2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy2._visible = !_root.spriteLucy2._visible;
_root.spriteLucy._visible = !_root.spriteLucy._visible;
button 309 {
on (press) {
gooo = 6;
talkBox.textColor = 16021782;
talkBox.text = 'Where would you like to go to?';
button 310 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = true;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = false;
talkBox.text = 'What do you want to look at?';
button 311 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = true;
pull = false;
talkBox.text = 'What will you push?';
button 312 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = true;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = false;
talkBox.text = 'What will you open?';
button 313 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = true;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = false;
talkBox.text = 'What will you close?';
button 314 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = false;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = true;
talkBox.text = 'What will you pull?';
button 315 {
on (press) {
talkto = false;
give = false;
opn = false;
clse = false;
walkto = false;
pickup = true;
lookat = false;
yiff = false;
push = false;
pull = false;
talkBox.text = 'What will you pick up?';
frame 205 {
frame 299 {
cursor_mc.onMouseMove = function () {
this._x = _xmouse;
this._y = _ymouse;
button 326 {
on (press) {