| STORY LOOP FURRY PORN GAMES • C • SERVICES [?] [R] RND POPULAR | Archived flashes: 229933 |
/disc/ · /res/ — /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/ | P0001 · P2599 · P5197 |
![]() | This is the info page for Flash #155086 |
いや、なんだか知らないけど 俺の会社は好景気、仕事が山 程ある。不景気の世の中では いい会社だろうな・・・・ しかし、こう毎日残業の繰り 返しじゃあ、ストレスが溜ま って、胃がおかしくなるか、 頭がおかしくなっちゃうヨ。 ふう、やっとアパートにたど り着いたぜ・・・・ |
<P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="_sans" SIZE="12" COLOR="#000000"> </FONT></P> |
あれ? カーテン閉め忘れて出かけたっけかな? まあいいか、明かりのスイッチは・・っと |
な、なんだ!? 部屋を間違えた?? わけない・・・・ 間違えたと思って電気消し ちゃったヨ・・・・ しかし、 確か、俺のオキニの寝椅子に、 女の子が寝ていたような?? まさか幽霊?疲れが溜まって、 幻を見たとか?・・・・ |
ん? |
わわわっ!! |
うわ! やっぱり女の子が 寝てるヨ・・・・ 勝手に人の家に、 入って寝てるし・・・・ あ!しかも俺の カッターシャツ着て るし! 「おい!起きろ よ!人の家で、 寝てるなヨ!」 |
全く起きそうにない な・・・・ ちょっと揺すってみ ようかな? さ、触りたいわけ じゃ無いけど・・・・ しょうがないよね。 起こすためだし・・・・ (パンツは見ちゃ ダメ、見ちゃダメ) |
ねぇ、ねぇねぇ! 起きなさい。 起きなさいったら そんな格好で寝て たら、風邪引い ちゃうヨ。 ねぇったら ねえ! |
全然起きる気配も 無いな・・・・。 マイッタな~。 どこの子だろう? 近所にこんな子、住 んで居たっけかな? このアパートでは 無いことは確かだ。 家族持ちは居ないし ・・・・ で、でも可愛い子だ なぁ・・・・ |
ちぇっ、起きないな らパンツ見ちゃうよ ・・・・。 いいの? (子供のパンツには 名前が書いてある事 があるから、確かめ る為に見るんだから 少し問題あっても、 しょうがないな・・・・ うむうむ、 しょうがないから見 るんだ。 苦しい言い訳) |
うわ!・・・・ わ、割れ目にパンツ 食い込んでるし・・。 しかし、ここ見ても この子が誰だかわか るわけないよな~。 シャツ脱がせれば、 何かわかるかもしれ ないな・・・・・・・・。 起きちゃったら、 騒ぐかな? |
シャツは、俺のもの だから、名前なんて 書いて無いし・・・・ ちっちゃいおっぱい が、息するたびに 上下してる・・・・ 生きてはいる様だ。 この子はいったい、 何者なんだろう? |
このおっぱいは、まだ男の手を知らないんだろ うな・・・・柔らかいかな?硬いかな? ちょっと触って見よう。 目を覚ましたらまずいけど・・・・ |
ふにふに、ふにふに うむむ、ちょうどいい柔らかさだな。 弾力もあるし、柔らかさも申し分ないな。 |
乳首もまだピンクだし・・・・ 触って見ようかな |
左のおっぱいを |
乳首が立ったな。 こんな子でも刺激すれば乳首が立つんだな。 感動、感動・・・・もう一方も・・・・ |
右乳もよろしく |
あれれ? 乳首が立ったら、息遣いが変わったぞ・・・・ ん? パンツ! |
うそ! ぬ・・・・濡れてるみたいだ! 乳首だけで?!・・・・・・ |
俺は子のこの素性を調べるために、脱がすんだ。 あくまで、調べるためだから、脱がすのも しょうがないんだ。 そっそうだ、脱がすんだ。 |
未だスジなのに、濡れ濡れになってる。 感じやすい子なんだな。 もっと気持ちよくしてあげるよ! |
じゃあ、ちょっと足を開いてみようね。 |
しっとり濡れて、息は荒いのに、目を覚まさ ないな・・・・ では、もうちょっと強い刺激を。 |
スジにそって、軽く上下に・・・・・ スリスリ、スリスリスリ・・・ |
もうちょっと早く・・・・・ スリスリ、スリスリスリ・・・ 体が反応し始めたな。腰も動き始めた。 |
おお! びちゃびちゃだ!! 割れ目の中に指が吸い込まれる!!! |
え? あれれ? |
なんだよ!!! 夢落ちかヨ!! 夢落ちなんて安易な設定、やって欲しく無かった・・ ん?違う落ちがあるって?何処で分岐? もう一回挑戦してみるか・・・・ |
Replayする? |
Replayする? |
Replayする |
ある日、アパート に帰って来たら、女 の子が寝ている。 「ぇええ!」 家を間違えたかと 思ったが、俺の部屋 だし、お気に入りの 寝椅子の上に、俺の ワイシャツを着て寝 てるのは、全く知ら ない女の子だ。 寝息がスースー聞 こえるし・・・・。 だ・・・・誰なんだ? |
ActionScript [AS1/AS2] (27.1 KiB)
Frame 2 (17 B)gotoAndPlay (1);Frame 9 (17 B)gotoAndPlay (8);Frame 15 (18 B)gotoAndPlay (24);Frame 17 (18 B)gotoAndPlay (16);Frame 23 (18 B)gotoAndPlay (54);Frame 53 (18 B)gotoAndPlay (16);Frame 55 (18 B)gotoAndPlay (54);Frame 57 (18 B)gotoAndPlay (56);Frame 88 (18 B)gotoAndPlay (69);Frame 90 (18 B)gotoAndPlay (89);Frame 92 (18 B)gotoAndPlay (91);Frame 148 (19 B)gotoAndPlay (147);Frame 275 (19 B)gotoAndPlay (274);Frame 295 (19 B)gotoAndPlay (294);Frame 313 (19 B)gotoAndPlay (296);Frame 315 (19 B)gotoAndPlay (314);Instance of Symbol 175 MovieClip "momiHand" in Frame 316 (196 B)onClipEvent (load) { Mouse.hide(); this.startDrag(true); } onClipEvent (unload) { Mouse.show(); } on (press) { _root.momiHand.gotoAndPlay(2); } on (release) { _root.momiHand.gotoAndStop(1); }Frame 333 (19 B)gotoAndPlay (316);Frame 340 (19 B)gotoAndPlay (339);Instance of Symbol 175 MovieClip in Frame 341 (196 B)onClipEvent (load) { Mouse.hide(); this.startDrag(true); } onClipEvent (unload) { Mouse.show(); } on (press) { _root.momiHand.gotoAndPlay(2); } on (release) { _root.momiHand.gotoAndStop(1); }Frame 358 (19 B)gotoAndPlay (341);Frame 360 (19 B)gotoAndPlay (359);Frame 375 (19 B)gotoAndPlay (374);Frame 377 (19 B)gotoAndPlay (376);Frame 446 (19 B)gotoAndPlay (445);Frame 448 (19 B)gotoAndPlay (447);Frame 505 (19 B)gotoAndPlay (504);Frame 523 (19 B)gotoAndPlay (506);Frame 533 (19 B)gotoAndPlay (524);Frame 552 (19 B)gotoAndPlay (534);Frame 603 (19 B)gotoAndPlay (602);Symbol 49 Button (34 B)on (release) { gotoAndPlay (3); }Symbol 5 MovieClip [FLabelSymbol] Frame 1 (1.38 KiB)●#initclip 2 _global.FLabelClass = function () { if (this.hostComponent == undefined) { this.hostComponent = ((this._parent.controller == undefined) ? (this._parent) : (this._parent.controller)); } if (this.customTextStyle == undefined) { if (this.hostComponent.textStyle == undefined) { this.hostComponent.textStyle = new TextFormat(); } this.textStyle = this.hostComponent.textStyle; this.enable = true; } }; FLabelClass.prototype = new MovieClip(); Object.registerClass("FLabelSymbol", FLabelClass); FLabelClass.prototype.setLabel = function (label) { var val = this.hostComponent.styleTable.embedFonts.value; if (val != undefined) { this.labelField.embedFonts = val; } this.labelField.setNewTextFormat(this.textStyle); this.labelField.text = label; this.labelField._height = this.labelField.textHeight + 2; }; FLabelClass.prototype.setSize = function (width) { this.labelField._width = width; }; FLabelClass.prototype.setEnabled = function (enable) { this.enable = enable; var tmpColor = this.hostComponent.styleTable[(enable ? "textColor" : "textDisabled")].value; if (tmpColor == undefined) { tmpColor = (enable ? 0 : 8947848); } this.setColor(tmpColor); }; FLabelClass.prototype.getLabel = function () { return(this.labelField.text); }; FLabelClass.prototype.setColor = function (col) { this.labelField.textColor = col; }; #endinitclipSymbol 14 MovieClip Frame 1 (293 B)var component = _parent._parent; component.registerSkinElement(frame5, "face"); component.registerSkinElement(frame3, "shadow"); component.registerSkinElement(frame1, "darkshadow"); component.registerSkinElement(frame4, "highlight"); component.registerSkinElement(frame2, "highlight3D");Symbol 20 MovieClip Frame 1 (293 B)var component = _parent._parent; component.registerSkinElement(frame5, "face"); component.registerSkinElement(frame3, "shadow"); component.registerSkinElement(frame1, "darkshadow"); component.registerSkinElement(frame4, "highlight"); component.registerSkinElement(frame2, "highlight3D");Symbol 26 MovieClip Frame 1 (293 B)var component = _parent._parent; component.registerSkinElement(frame5, "face"); component.registerSkinElement(frame4, "shadow"); component.registerSkinElement(frame2, "darkshadow"); component.registerSkinElement(frame3, "highlight"); component.registerSkinElement(frame1, "highlight3D");Symbol 32 MovieClip Frame 1 (293 B)var component = _parent._parent; component.registerSkinElement(frame5, "face"); component.registerSkinElement(frame3, "shadow"); component.registerSkinElement(frame1, "darkshadow"); component.registerSkinElement(frame4, "highlight"); component.registerSkinElement(frame2, "highlight3D");Symbol 33 MovieClip [fpb_states] Frame 1 (8 B)stop();Symbol 33 MovieClip [fpb_states] Frame 2 (8 B)stop();Symbol 33 MovieClip [fpb_states] Frame 3 (8 B)stop();Symbol 33 MovieClip [fpb_states] Frame 4 (8 B)stop();Symbol 34 MovieClip [FUIComponentSymbol] Frame 1 (7.92 KiB)●●#initclip 1 function FUIComponentClass() { this.init(); } FUIComponentClass.prototype = new MovieClip(); FUIComponentClass.prototype.init = function () { this.enable = true; this.focused = false; this.useHandCursor = false; this._accImpl = new Object(); this._accImpl.stub = true; this.styleTable = new Array(); if (_global.globalStyleFormat == undefined) { _global.globalStyleFormat = new FStyleFormat(); globalStyleFormat.isGlobal = true; _global._focusControl = new Object(); _global._focusControl.onSetFocus = function (oldFocus, newFocus) { oldFocus.myOnKillFocus(); newFocus.myOnSetFocus(); }; Selection.addListener(_global._focusControl); } if (this._name != undefined) { this._focusrect = false; this.tabEnabled = true; this.focusEnabled = true; this.tabChildren = false; this.tabFocused = true; if (this.hostStyle == undefined) { globalStyleFormat.addListener(this); } else { this.styleTable = this.hostStyle; } this.deadPreview._visible = false; this.deadPreview._width = (this.deadPreview._height = 1); this.methodTable = new Object(); this.keyListener = new Object(); this.keyListener.controller = this; this.keyListener.onKeyDown = function () { this.controller.myOnKeyDown(); }; this.keyListener.onKeyUp = function () { this.controller.myOnKeyUp(); }; for (var i in this.styleFormat_prm) { this.setStyleProperty(i, this.styleFormat_prm[i]); } } }; FUIComponentClass.prototype.setEnabled = function (enabledFlag) { this.enable = ((arguments.length > 0) ? (enabledFlag) : true); this.tabEnabled = (this.focusEnabled = enabledFlag); if ((!this.enable) && (this.focused)) { Selection.setFocus(undefined); } }; FUIComponentClass.prototype.getEnabled = function () { return(this.enable); }; FUIComponentClass.prototype.setSize = function (w, h) { this.width = w; this.height = h; this.focusRect.removeMovieClip(); }; FUIComponentClass.prototype.setChangeHandler = function (chng, obj) { this.handlerObj = ((obj == undefined) ? (this._parent) : (obj)); this.changeHandler = chng; }; FUIComponentClass.prototype.invalidate = function (methodName) { this.methodTable[methodName] = true; this.onEnterFrame = this.cleanUI; }; FUIComponentClass.prototype.cleanUI = function () { if (this.methodTable.setSize) { this.setSize(this.width, this.height); } else { this.cleanUINotSize(); } this.methodTable = new Object(); delete this.onEnterFrame; }; FUIComponentClass.prototype.cleanUINotSize = function () { for (var funct in this.methodTable) { this[funct](); } }; FUIComponentClass.prototype.drawRect = function (x, y, w, h) { var inner = this.styleTable.focusRectInner.value; var outer = this.styleTable.focusRectOuter.value; if (inner == undefined) { inner = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; } if (outer == undefined) { outer = 0; } this.createEmptyMovieClip("focusRect", 1000); this.focusRect.controller = this; this.focusRect.lineStyle(1, outer); this.focusRect.moveTo(x, y); this.focusRect.lineTo(x + w, y); this.focusRect.lineTo(x + w, y + h); this.focusRect.lineTo(x, y + h); this.focusRect.lineTo(x, y); this.focusRect.lineStyle(1, inner); this.focusRect.moveTo(x + 1, y + 1); this.focusRect.lineTo((x + w) - 1, y + 1); this.focusRect.lineTo((x + w) - 1, (y + h) - 1); this.focusRect.lineTo(x + 1, (y + h) - 1); this.focusRect.lineTo(x + 1, y + 1); }; FUIComponentClass.prototype.pressFocus = function () { this.tabFocused = false; this.focusRect.removeMovieClip(); Selection.setFocus(this); }; FUIComponentClass.prototype.drawFocusRect = function () { this.drawRect(-2, -2, this.width + 4, this.height + 4); }; FUIComponentClass.prototype.myOnSetFocus = function () { this.focused = true; Key.addListener(this.keyListener); if (this.tabFocused) { this.drawFocusRect(); } }; FUIComponentClass.prototype.myOnKillFocus = function () { this.tabFocused = true; this.focused = false; this.focusRect.removeMovieClip(); Key.removeListener(this.keyListener); }; FUIComponentClass.prototype.executeCallBack = function () { this.handlerObj[this.changeHandler](this); }; FUIComponentClass.prototype.updateStyleProperty = function (styleFormat, propName) { this.setStyleProperty(propName, styleFormat[propName], styleFormat.isGlobal); }; FUIComponentClass.prototype.setStyleProperty = function (propName, value, isGlobal) { if (value == "") { return(undefined); } var tmpValue = parseInt(value); if (!isNaN(tmpValue)) { value = tmpValue; } var global = ((arguments.length > 2) ? (isGlobal) : false); if (this.styleTable[propName] == undefined) { this.styleTable[propName] = new Object(); this.styleTable[propName].useGlobal = true; } if (this.styleTable[propName].useGlobal || (!global)) { this.styleTable[propName].value = value; if (this.setCustomStyleProperty(propName, value)) { } else if (propName == "embedFonts") { this.invalidate("setSize"); } else if (propName.subString(0, 4) == "text") { if (this.textStyle == undefined) { this.textStyle = new TextFormat(); } var textProp = propName.subString(4, propName.length); this.textStyle[textProp] = value; this.invalidate("setSize"); } else { for (var j in this.styleTable[propName].coloredMCs) { var myColor = new Color(this.styleTable[propName].coloredMCs[j]); if (this.styleTable[propName].value == undefined) { var myTObj = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0", aa:"100", ab:"0"}; myColor.setTransform(myTObj); } else { myColor.setRGB(value); } } } this.styleTable[propName].useGlobal = global; } }; FUIComponentClass.prototype.registerSkinElement = function (skinMCRef, propName) { if (this.styleTable[propName] == undefined) { this.styleTable[propName] = new Object(); this.styleTable[propName].useGlobal = true; } if (this.styleTable[propName].coloredMCs == undefined) { this.styleTable[propName].coloredMCs = new Object(); } this.styleTable[propName].coloredMCs[skinMCRef] = skinMCRef; if (this.styleTable[propName].value != undefined) { var myColor = new Color(skinMCRef); myColor.setRGB(this.styleTable[propName].value); } }; _global.FStyleFormat = function () { this.nonStyles = {listeners:true, isGlobal:true, isAStyle:true, addListener:true, removeListener:true, nonStyles:true, applyChanges:true}; this.listeners = new Object(); this.isGlobal = false; if (arguments.length > 0) { for (var i in arguments[0]) { this[i] = arguments[0][i]; } } }; _global.FStyleFormat.prototype = new Object(); FStyleFormat.prototype.addListener = function () { var arg = 0; while (arg < arguments.length) { var mcRef = arguments[arg]; this.listeners[arguments[arg]] = mcRef; for (var i in this) { if (this.isAStyle(i)) { mcRef.updateStyleProperty(this, i.toString()); } } arg++; } }; FStyleFormat.prototype.removeListener = function (component) { this.listeners[component] = undefined; for (var prop in this) { if (this.isAStyle(prop)) { if (component.styleTable[prop].useGlobal == this.isGlobal) { component.styleTable[prop].useGlobal = true; var value = (this.isGlobal ? undefined : (globalStyleFormat[prop])); component.setStyleProperty(prop, value, true); } } } }; FStyleFormat.prototype.applyChanges = function () { var count = 0; for (var i in this.listeners) { var component = this.listeners[i]; if (arguments.length > 0) { var j = 0; while (j < arguments.length) { if (this.isAStyle(arguments[j])) { component.updateStyleProperty(this, arguments[j]); } j++; } } else { for (var j in this) { if (this.isAStyle(j)) { component.updateStyleProperty(this, j.toString()); } } } } }; FStyleFormat.prototype.isAStyle = function (name) { return((this.nonStyles[name] ? false : true)); }; #endinitclipSymbol 38 MovieClip [FBoundingBoxSymbol] Frame 1 (93 B)var component = _parent; component.registerSkinElement(boundingBox, "background"); stop();Symbol 38 MovieClip [FBoundingBoxSymbol] Frame 2 (76 B)component.registerSkinElement(boundingBox2, "backgroundDisabled"); stop();Symbol 41 MovieClip [FPushButtonSymbol] Frame 1 (7.42 KiB)●●#initclip 3 function FPushButtonClass() { this.init(); } FPushButtonClass.prototype = new FUIComponentClass(); Object.registerClass("FPushButtonSymbol", FPushButtonClass); FPushButtonClass.prototype.init = function () { super.setSize(this._width, this._height); this.boundingBox_mc.unloadMovie(); this.attachMovie("fpb_states", "fpbState_mc", 1); this.attachMovie("FLabelSymbol", "fLabel_mc", 2); this.attachMovie("fpb_hitArea", "fpb_hitArea_mc", 3); super.init(); this.btnState = false; this.setClickHandler(this.clickHandler); this._xscale = 100; this._yscale = 100; this.setSize(this.width, this.height); if (this.label != undefined) { this.setLabel(this.label); } this.ROLE_SYSTEM_PUSHBUTTON = 43; this.STATE_SYSTEM_PRESSED = 8; this.EVENT_OBJECT_STATECHANGE = 32778; this.EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE = 32780; this._accImpl.master = this; this._accImpl.stub = false; this._accImpl.get_accRole = this.get_accRole; this._accImpl.get_accName = this.get_accName; this._accImpl.get_accState = this.get_accState; this._accImpl.get_accDefaultAction = this.get_accDefaultAction; this._accImpl.accDoDefaultAction = this.accDoDefaultAction; }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.setHitArea = function (w, h) { var hit = this.fpb_hitArea_mc; this.hitArea = hit; hit._visible = false; hit._width = w; hit._height = ((arguments.length > 1) ? (h) : (hit._height)); }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.setSize = function (w, h) { w = ((w < 6) ? 6 : (w)); if (arguments.length > 1) { if (h < 6) { h = 6; } } super.setSize(w, h); this.setLabel(this.getLabel()); this.arrangeLabel(); this.setHitArea(w, h); this.boundingBox_mc._width = w; this.boundingBox_mc._height = h; this.drawFrame(); if (this.focused) { super.myOnSetFocus(); } this.initContentPos("fLabel_mc"); }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.arrangeLabel = function () { var label = this.fLabel_mc; var h = this.height; var w = (this.width - 2); var b = 1; this.fLabel_mc.setSize(w - (b * 4)); label._x = b * 3; label._y = (h / 2) - (label._height / 2); }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.getLabel = function () { return(this.fLabel_mc.labelField.text); }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.setLabel = function (label) { this.fLabel_mc.setLabel(label); this.txtFormat(); this.arrangeLabel(); if (Accessibility.isActive()) { Accessibility.sendEvent(this, 0, this.EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE); } }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.getEnabled = function () { return(this.enabled); }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.setEnabled = function (enable) { if (enable || (enable == undefined)) { this.gotoFrame(1); this.drawFrame(); this.flabel_mc.setEnabled(true); this.enabled = true; super.setEnabled(true); } else { this.gotoFrame(4); this.drawFrame(); this.flabel_mc.setEnabled(false); this.enabled = false; super.setEnabled(false); } }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.txtFormat = function () { var txtS = this.textStyle; var sTbl = this.styleTable; txtS.align = ((sTbl.textAlign.value == undefined) ? ((txtS.align = "center")) : undefined); txtS.leftMargin = ((sTbl.textLeftMargin.value == undefined) ? ((txtS.leftMargin = 1)) : undefined); txtS.rightMargin = ((sTbl.textRightMargin.value == undefined) ? ((txtS.rightMargin = 1)) : undefined); if (this.fLabel_mc._height > this.height) { super.setSize(this.width, this.fLabel_mc._height); } else { super.setSize(this.width, this.height); } this.fLabel_mc.labelField.setTextFormat(this.textStyle); this.setEnabled(this.enable); }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.drawFrame = function () { var b = 1; var x1 = 0; var y1 = 0; var x2 = this.width; var y2 = this.height; var mc_array = ["up_mc", "over_mc", "down_mc", "disabled_mc"]; var frame = mc_array[this.fpbState_mc._currentframe - 1]; var mc = "frame"; var i = 0; while (i < 6) { x1 = x1 + ((i % 2) * b); y1 = y1 + ((i % 2) * b); x2 = x2 - (((i + 1) % 2) * b); y2 = y2 - (((i + 1) % 2) * b); var w = (Math.abs(x1 - x2) + (2 * b)); var h = (Math.abs(y1 - y2) + (2 * b)); this.fpbState_mc[frame][mc + i]._width = w; this.fpbState_mc[frame][mc + i]._height = h; this.fpbState_mc[frame][mc + i]._x = x1 - b; this.fpbState_mc[frame][mc + i]._y = y1 - b; i++; } }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.setClickHandler = function (chng, obj) { this.handlerObj = ((arguments.length < 2) ? (this._parent) : (obj)); this.clickHandler = chng; }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.executeCallBack = function () { this.handlerObj[this.clickHandler](this); }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.initContentPos = function (mc) { this.incrVal = 1; this.initx = this[mc]._x - (this.getBtnState() * this.incrVal); this.inity = this[mc]._y - (this.getBtnState() * this.incrVal); this.togx = this.initx + this.incrVal; this.togy = this.inity + this.incrVal; }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.setBtnState = function (state) { this.btnState = state; if (state) { this.fLabel_mc._x = this.togx; this.fLabel_mc._y = this.togy; } else { this.fLabel_mc._x = this.initx; this.fLabel_mc._y = this.inity; } }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.getBtnState = function () { return(this.btnState); }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.myOnSetFocus = function () { this.focused = true; super.myOnSetFocus(); }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.onPress = function () { this.pressFocus(); this.fpbState_mc.gotoAndStop(3); this.drawFrame(); this.setBtnState(true); if (Accessibility.isActive()) { Accessibility.sendEvent(this, 0, this.EVENT_OBJECT_STATECHANGE, true); } }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.onRelease = function () { this.fpbState_mc.gotoAndStop(2); this.drawFrame(); this.executeCallBack(); this.setBtnState(false); if (Accessibility.isActive()) { Accessibility.sendEvent(this, 0, this.EVENT_OBJECT_STATECHANGE, true); } }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.onRollOver = function () { this.fpbState_mc.gotoAndStop(2); this.drawFrame(); }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.onRollOut = function () { this.fpbState_mc.gotoAndStop(1); this.drawFrame(); }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.onReleaseOutside = function () { this.setBtnState(false); this.fpbState_mc.gotoAndStop(1); this.drawFrame(); }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.onDragOut = function () { this.setBtnState(false); this.fpbState_mc.gotoAndStop(1); this.drawFrame(); }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.onDragOver = function () { this.setBtnState(true); this.fpbState_mc.gotoAndStop(3); this.drawFrame(); }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.myOnKeyDown = function () { if ((Key.getCode() == 32) && (this.pressOnce == undefined)) { this.onPress(); this.pressOnce = 1; } }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.myOnKeyUp = function () { if (Key.getCode() == 32) { this.onRelease(); this.pressOnce = undefined; } }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.get_accRole = function (childId) { return(this.master.ROLE_SYSTEM_PUSHBUTTON); }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.get_accName = function (childId) { return(this.master.getLabel()); }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.get_accState = function (childId) { if (this.pressOnce) { return(this.master.STATE_SYSTEM_PRESSED); } return(this.master.STATE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT); }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.get_accDefaultAction = function (childId) { return("Press"); }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.accDoDefaultAction = function (childId) { this.master.onPress(); this.master.onRelease(); }; #endinitclip boundingBox_mc._visible = false; deadPreview._visible = false;Symbol 50 Button (35 B)on (release) { gotoAndPlay (24); }Symbol 54 Button (35 B)on (release) { gotoAndPlay (10); }Symbol 58 Button (35 B)on (release) { gotoAndPlay (18); }Symbol 140 Button (35 B)on (release) { gotoAndPlay (56); }Symbol 142 Button (35 B)on (release) { gotoAndPlay (58); }Symbol 153 Button (35 B)on (release) { gotoAndPlay (89); }Symbol 155 Button (35 B)on (release) { gotoAndPlay (91); }Symbol 157 Button (35 B)on (release) { gotoAndPlay (93); }Symbol 161 Button (36 B)on (release) { gotoAndPlay (149); }Symbol 163 Button (36 B)on (release) { gotoAndPlay (276); }Symbol 165 Button (36 B)on (release) { gotoAndPlay (296); }Symbol 172 Button (36 B)on (release) { gotoAndPlay (314); }Symbol 174 Button (36 B)on (release) { gotoAndPlay (316); }Symbol 175 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)stop();Symbol 175 MovieClip Frame 25 (17 B)gotoAndPlay (5);Symbol 178 Button (36 B)on (release) { gotoAndPlay (334); }Symbol 180 Button (36 B)on (release) { gotoAndPlay (341); }Symbol 182 Button (36 B)on (release) { gotoAndPlay (359); }Symbol 198 Button (36 B)on (release) { gotoAndPlay (361); }Symbol 200 Button (36 B)on (release) { gotoAndPlay (376); }Symbol 202 Button (36 B)on (release) { gotoAndPlay (378); }Symbol 208 Button (36 B)on (release) { gotoAndPlay (447); }Symbol 210 Button (36 B)on (release) { gotoAndPlay (449); }Symbol 214 Button (36 B)on (release) { gotoAndPlay (506); }Symbol 217 Button (36 B)on (release) { gotoAndPlay (524); }Symbol 221 Button (36 B)on (release) { gotoAndPlay (534); }Symbol 225 Button (36 B)on (release) { gotoAndPlay (553); }Symbol 239 Button (35 B)on (release) { gotoAndPlay (54); }
Library Items (17.99 KiB)
Symbol 42 Graphic | Used by:47 | |
Symbol 43 Font | Used by:44 52 57 126 127 133 135 137 139 141 152 154 156 160 162 164 171 173 179 197 199 201 207 209 213 229 240 | |
Symbol 44 Text | Uses:43 | Used by:47 |
Symbol 45 Graphic | Used by:46 | |
Symbol 46 Button | Uses:45 | Used by:47 |
Symbol 47 MovieClip | Uses:42 44 46 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 48 Graphic | Used by:49 50 | |
Symbol 49 Button | Uses:48 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 1 Graphic | Used by:2 | |
Symbol 2 MovieClip [fpb_hitArea] | Uses:1 | |
Symbol 3 Font | Used by:4 | |
Symbol 4 EditableText | Uses:3 | Used by:5 |
Symbol 5 MovieClip [FLabelSymbol] | Uses:4 | |
Symbol 6 Graphic | Used by:7 8 15 16 21 22 23 24 27 28 | |
Symbol 7 MovieClip | Uses:6 | Used by:14 |
Symbol 8 MovieClip | Uses:6 | Used by:14 |
Symbol 9 Graphic | Used by:10 11 17 18 29 30 | |
Symbol 10 MovieClip | Uses:9 | Used by:14 |
Symbol 11 MovieClip | Uses:9 | Used by:14 |
Symbol 12 Graphic | Used by:13 19 25 31 | |
Symbol 13 MovieClip | Uses:12 | Used by:14 |
Symbol 14 MovieClip | Uses:7 8 10 11 13 | Used by:33 |
Symbol 15 MovieClip | Uses:6 | Used by:20 |
Symbol 16 MovieClip | Uses:6 | Used by:20 |
Symbol 17 MovieClip | Uses:9 | Used by:20 |
Symbol 18 MovieClip | Uses:9 | Used by:20 |
Symbol 19 MovieClip | Uses:12 | Used by:20 |
Symbol 20 MovieClip | Uses:15 16 17 18 19 | Used by:33 |
Symbol 21 MovieClip | Uses:6 | Used by:26 |
Symbol 22 MovieClip | Uses:6 | Used by:26 |
Symbol 23 MovieClip | Uses:6 | Used by:26 |
Symbol 24 MovieClip | Uses:6 | Used by:26 |
Symbol 25 MovieClip | Uses:12 | Used by:26 |
Symbol 26 MovieClip | Uses:21 22 23 24 25 | Used by:33 |
Symbol 27 MovieClip | Uses:6 | Used by:32 |
Symbol 28 MovieClip | Uses:6 | Used by:32 |
Symbol 29 MovieClip | Uses:9 | Used by:32 |
Symbol 30 MovieClip | Uses:9 | Used by:32 |
Symbol 31 MovieClip | Uses:12 | Used by:32 |
Symbol 32 MovieClip | Uses:27 28 29 30 31 | Used by:33 |
Symbol 33 MovieClip [fpb_states] | Uses:14 20 26 32 | |
Symbol 34 MovieClip [FUIComponentSymbol] | ||
Symbol 35 Graphic | Used by:36 | |
Symbol 36 MovieClip | Uses:35 | Used by:38 |
Symbol 37 Graphic | Used by:38 | |
Symbol 38 MovieClip [FBoundingBoxSymbol] | Uses:36 37 | Used by:41 |
Symbol 39 Graphic | Used by:40 | |
Symbol 40 MovieClip | Uses:39 | Used by:41 |
Symbol 41 MovieClip [FPushButtonSymbol] | Uses:38 40 | |
Symbol 50 Button | Uses:48 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 51 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 52 Text | Uses:43 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 53 Graphic | Used by:54 56 58 | |
Symbol 54 Button | Uses:53 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 55 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 56 Button | Uses:53 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 57 Text | Uses:43 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 58 Button | Uses:53 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 59 Graphic | Used by:60 | |
Symbol 60 MovieClip | Uses:59 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 61 Graphic | Used by:62 | |
Symbol 62 MovieClip | Uses:61 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 63 Graphic | Used by:64 | |
Symbol 64 MovieClip | Uses:63 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 65 Graphic | Used by:66 | |
Symbol 66 MovieClip | Uses:65 | Used by:228 Timeline |
Symbol 67 Graphic | Used by:68 | |
Symbol 68 MovieClip | Uses:67 | Used by:228 Timeline |
Symbol 69 Graphic | Used by:70 | |
Symbol 70 MovieClip | Uses:69 | Used by:228 Timeline |
Symbol 71 Graphic | Used by:228 Timeline | |
Symbol 72 Graphic | Used by:73 | |
Symbol 73 MovieClip | Uses:72 | Used by:228 Timeline |
Symbol 74 Graphic | Used by:75 | |
Symbol 75 MovieClip | Uses:74 | Used by:228 Timeline |
Symbol 76 Graphic | Used by:77 | |
Symbol 77 MovieClip | Uses:76 | Used by:228 Timeline |
Symbol 78 Graphic | Used by:79 | |
Symbol 79 MovieClip | Uses:78 | Used by:228 Timeline |
Symbol 80 Graphic | Used by:81 | |
Symbol 81 MovieClip | Uses:80 | Used by:228 Timeline |
Symbol 82 Graphic | Used by:83 | |
Symbol 83 MovieClip | Uses:82 | Used by:228 Timeline |
Symbol 84 Graphic | Used by:85 | |
Symbol 85 MovieClip | Uses:84 | Used by:228 Timeline |
Symbol 86 Graphic | Used by:87 | |
Symbol 87 MovieClip | Uses:86 | Used by:228 Timeline |
Symbol 88 Graphic | Used by:89 | |
Symbol 89 MovieClip | Uses:88 | Used by:228 Timeline |
Symbol 90 Graphic | Used by:91 | |
Symbol 91 MovieClip | Uses:90 | Used by:228 Timeline |
Symbol 92 Graphic | Used by:93 | |
Symbol 93 MovieClip | Uses:92 | Used by:228 Timeline |
Symbol 94 Graphic | Used by:95 | |
Symbol 95 MovieClip | Uses:94 | Used by:228 Timeline |
Symbol 96 Graphic | Used by:97 186 | |
Symbol 97 MovieClip | Uses:96 | Used by:228 Timeline |
Symbol 98 Graphic | Used by:99 | |
Symbol 99 MovieClip | Uses:98 | Used by:228 Timeline |
Symbol 100 Graphic | Used by:101 | |
Symbol 101 MovieClip | Uses:100 | Used by:228 Timeline |
Symbol 102 Graphic | Used by:103 | |
Symbol 103 MovieClip | Uses:102 | Used by:228 Timeline |
Symbol 104 Graphic | Used by:105 191 | |
Symbol 105 MovieClip | Uses:104 | Used by:228 Timeline |
Symbol 106 Graphic | Used by:107 | |
Symbol 107 MovieClip | Uses:106 | Used by:228 Timeline |
Symbol 108 Graphic | Used by:109 | |
Symbol 109 MovieClip | Uses:108 | Used by:228 Timeline |
Symbol 110 Graphic | Used by:111 | |
Symbol 111 MovieClip | Uses:110 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 112 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 113 MovieClip | Uses:112 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 114 Graphic | Used by:115 | |
Symbol 115 MovieClip | Uses:114 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 116 Graphic | Used by:117 | |
Symbol 117 MovieClip | Uses:116 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 118 Graphic | Used by:119 | |
Symbol 119 MovieClip | Uses:118 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 120 Graphic | Used by:121 | |
Symbol 121 MovieClip | Uses:120 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 122 Graphic | Used by:123 | |
Symbol 123 MovieClip | Uses:122 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 124 Graphic | Used by:125 | |
Symbol 125 MovieClip | Uses:124 | Used by:228 Timeline |
Symbol 126 Text | Uses:43 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 127 Text | Uses:43 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 128 Graphic | Used by:130 | |
Symbol 129 Graphic | Used by:130 | |
Symbol 130 MovieClip | Uses:128 129 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 131 Graphic | Used by:132 | |
Symbol 132 MovieClip | Uses:131 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 133 Text | Uses:43 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 134 Graphic | Used by:140 142 153 155 157 161 163 165 172 174 178 180 182 198 200 202 208 210 214 217 221 225 241 | |
Symbol 135 Text | Uses:43 | Used by:140 142 153 155 157 161 163 165 172 174 178 180 182 198 200 202 208 210 214 217 221 225 241 |
Symbol 136 Graphic | Used by:140 142 153 155 157 161 163 165 172 174 178 180 182 198 200 202 208 210 214 217 221 225 241 | |
Symbol 137 Text | Uses:43 | Used by:140 142 153 155 157 161 163 165 172 174 178 180 182 198 200 202 208 210 214 217 221 225 241 |
Symbol 138 Graphic | Used by:140 142 153 155 157 161 163 165 172 174 178 180 182 198 200 202 208 210 214 217 221 225 241 | |
Symbol 139 Text | Uses:43 | Used by:140 142 153 155 157 161 163 165 172 174 178 180 182 198 200 202 208 210 214 217 221 225 241 |
Symbol 140 Button | Uses:134 135 136 137 138 139 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 141 Text | Uses:43 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 142 Button | Uses:134 135 136 137 138 139 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 143 Graphic | Used by:144 | |
Symbol 144 MovieClip | Uses:143 | Used by:151 158 175 Timeline |
Symbol 145 Graphic | Used by:146 | |
Symbol 146 MovieClip | Uses:145 | Used by:151 158 170 175 Timeline |
Symbol 147 Graphic | Used by:148 | |
Symbol 148 MovieClip | Uses:147 | Used by:151 158 170 175 Timeline |
Symbol 149 Graphic | Used by:150 | |
Symbol 150 MovieClip | Uses:149 | Used by:151 158 170 175 Timeline |
Symbol 151 MovieClip | Uses:144 146 148 150 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 152 Text | Uses:43 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 153 Button | Uses:134 135 136 137 138 139 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 154 Text | Uses:43 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 155 Button | Uses:134 135 136 137 138 139 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 156 Text | Uses:43 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 157 Button | Uses:134 135 136 137 138 139 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 158 MovieClip | Uses:144 146 148 150 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 159 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 160 Text | Uses:43 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 161 Button | Uses:134 135 136 137 138 139 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 162 Text | Uses:43 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 163 Button | Uses:134 135 136 137 138 139 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 164 Text | Uses:43 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 165 Button | Uses:134 135 136 137 138 139 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 166 Graphic | Used by:167 | |
Symbol 167 MovieClip | Uses:166 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 168 Graphic | Used by:169 | |
Symbol 169 MovieClip | Uses:168 | Used by:170 |
Symbol 170 MovieClip | Uses:169 148 150 146 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 171 Text | Uses:43 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 172 Button | Uses:134 135 136 137 138 139 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 173 Text | Uses:43 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 174 Button | Uses:134 135 136 137 138 139 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 175 MovieClip | Uses:144 146 148 150 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 176 Font | Used by:177 181 216 220 224 230 | |
Symbol 177 Text | Uses:176 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 178 Button | Uses:134 135 136 137 138 139 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 179 Text | Uses:43 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 180 Button | Uses:134 135 136 137 138 139 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 181 Text | Uses:176 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 182 Button | Uses:134 135 136 137 138 139 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 183 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 184 Graphic | Used by:185 | |
Symbol 185 MovieClip | Uses:184 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 186 MovieClip | Uses:96 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 187 Graphic | Used by:188 | |
Symbol 188 MovieClip | Uses:187 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 189 Graphic | Used by:190 | |
Symbol 190 MovieClip | Uses:189 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 191 MovieClip | Uses:104 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 192 Graphic | Used by:193 | |
Symbol 193 MovieClip | Uses:192 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 194 Graphic | Used by:196 | |
Symbol 195 Graphic | Used by:196 | |
Symbol 196 MovieClip | Uses:194 195 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 197 Text | Uses:43 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 198 Button | Uses:134 135 136 137 138 139 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 199 Text | Uses:43 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 200 Button | Uses:134 135 136 137 138 139 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 201 Text | Uses:43 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 202 Button | Uses:134 135 136 137 138 139 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 203 Graphic | Used by:204 | |
Symbol 204 MovieClip | Uses:203 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 242 Graphic | Used by:206 | |
Symbol 206 MovieClip | Uses:242 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 207 Text | Uses:43 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 208 Button | Uses:134 135 136 137 138 139 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 209 Text | Uses:43 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 210 Button | Uses:134 135 136 137 138 139 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 211 Graphic | Used by:212 | |
Symbol 212 MovieClip | Uses:211 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 213 Text | Uses:43 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 214 Button | Uses:134 135 136 137 138 139 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 215 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 216 Text | Uses:176 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 217 Button | Uses:134 135 136 137 138 139 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 218 Graphic | Used by:219 | |
Symbol 219 MovieClip | Uses:218 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 220 Text | Uses:176 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 221 Button | Uses:134 135 136 137 138 139 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 222 Graphic | Used by:223 | |
Symbol 223 MovieClip | Uses:222 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 224 Text | Uses:176 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 225 Button | Uses:134 135 136 137 138 139 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 226 Graphic | Used by:227 | |
Symbol 227 MovieClip | Uses:226 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 228 MovieClip | Uses:66 68 70 71 73 75 77 79 81 83 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 99 101 103 105 107 109 125 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 229 Text | Uses:43 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 230 Text | Uses:176 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 231 Button | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 232 Graphic | Used by:239 | |
Symbol 233 Font | Used by:234 236 238 | |
Symbol 234 EditableText | Uses:233 | Used by:239 |
Symbol 235 Graphic | Used by:239 | |
Symbol 236 EditableText | Uses:233 | Used by:239 |
Symbol 237 Graphic | Used by:239 | |
Symbol 238 EditableText | Uses:233 | Used by:239 |
Symbol 239 Button | Uses:232 234 235 236 237 238 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 240 Text | Uses:43 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 241 Button | Uses:134 135 136 137 138 139 | Used by:Timeline |
Streaming Sound 1 | Used by:Timeline |
Instance Names (2.87 KiB)
"momiHand" | Frame 316 | Symbol 175 MovieClip |
"labelField" | Symbol 5 MovieClip [FLabelSymbol] Frame 1 | Symbol 4 EditableText |
"frame1" | Symbol 14 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 7 MovieClip |
"frame2" | Symbol 14 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 8 MovieClip |
"frame3" | Symbol 14 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 10 MovieClip |
"frame4" | Symbol 14 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 11 MovieClip |
"frame5" | Symbol 14 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 13 MovieClip |
"frame1" | Symbol 20 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 15 MovieClip |
"frame2" | Symbol 20 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 16 MovieClip |
"frame3" | Symbol 20 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 17 MovieClip |
"frame4" | Symbol 20 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 18 MovieClip |
"frame5" | Symbol 20 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 19 MovieClip |
"frame1" | Symbol 26 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 21 MovieClip |
"frame2" | Symbol 26 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 22 MovieClip |
"frame3" | Symbol 26 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 23 MovieClip |
"frame4" | Symbol 26 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 24 MovieClip |
"frame5" | Symbol 26 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 25 MovieClip |
"frame1" | Symbol 32 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 27 MovieClip |
"frame2" | Symbol 32 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 28 MovieClip |
"frame3" | Symbol 32 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 29 MovieClip |
"frame4" | Symbol 32 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 30 MovieClip |
"frame5" | Symbol 32 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 31 MovieClip |
"up_mc" | Symbol 33 MovieClip [fpb_states] Frame 1 | Symbol 14 MovieClip |
"over_mc" | Symbol 33 MovieClip [fpb_states] Frame 2 | Symbol 20 MovieClip |
"down_mc" | Symbol 33 MovieClip [fpb_states] Frame 3 | Symbol 26 MovieClip |
"disabled_mc" | Symbol 33 MovieClip [fpb_states] Frame 4 | Symbol 32 MovieClip |
"boundingBox" | Symbol 38 MovieClip [FBoundingBoxSymbol] Frame 1 | Symbol 36 MovieClip |
"boundingBox2" | Symbol 38 MovieClip [FBoundingBoxSymbol] Frame 2 | Symbol 36 MovieClip |
"boundingBox_mc" | Symbol 41 MovieClip [FPushButtonSymbol] Frame 1 | Symbol 38 MovieClip [FBoundingBoxSymbol] |
"deadPreview" | Symbol 41 MovieClip [FPushButtonSymbol] Frame 1 | Symbol 40 MovieClip |
Special Tags (709 B)
Protect (24) | Timeline Frame 1 | 0 bytes "" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 2 as "fpb_hitArea" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 5 as "FLabelSymbol" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 33 as "fpb_states" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 34 as "FUIComponentSymbol" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 38 as "FBoundingBoxSymbol" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 41 as "FPushButtonSymbol" |
Labels (2.47 KiB)
"H1" | Frame 3 |
"H1.5" | Frame 8 |
"H2" | Frame 10 |
"H3" | Frame 16 |
"H4" | Frame 18 |
"M1" | Frame 24 |
"M2" | Frame 54 |
"M3" | Frame 56 |
"M3.5" | Frame 58 |
"M4" | Frame 69 |
"M5" | Frame 89 |
"M6" | Frame 91 |
"M7" | Frame 93 |
"M8" | Frame 108 |
"M9" | Frame 147 |
"M10" | Frame 149 |
"M11" | Frame 224 |
"M12" | Frame 274 |
"M14" | Frame 276 |
"M15" | Frame 294 |
"M16" | Frame 296 |
"M17" | Frame 314 |
"M18" | Frame 316 |
"M19" | Frame 334 |
"M20" | Frame 339 |
"M21" | Frame 341 |
"M22" | Frame 359 |
"M23" | Frame 361 |
"M24" | Frame 374 |
"M25" | Frame 376 |
"M26" | Frame 378 |
"M27" | Frame 445 |
"M28" | Frame 447 |
"M29" | Frame 449 |
"M30" | Frame 484 |
"M31" | Frame 504 |
"M32" | Frame 506 |
"M33" | Frame 524 |
"M34" | Frame 534 |
"E1" | Frame 553 |
"E2" | Frame 602 |
#"Symbol_10" | Symbol 2 MovieClip [fpb_hitArea] Frame 1 |
"Symbol_32" | Symbol 5 MovieClip [FLabelSymbol] Frame 1 |
"up" | Symbol 33 MovieClip [fpb_states] Frame 1 |
"over" | Symbol 33 MovieClip [fpb_states] Frame 2 |
"down" | Symbol 33 MovieClip [fpb_states] Frame 3 |
"disabled" | Symbol 33 MovieClip [fpb_states] Frame 4 |
"Symbol_36" | Symbol 34 MovieClip [FUIComponentSymbol] Frame 1 |
"enabled" | Symbol 38 MovieClip [FBoundingBoxSymbol] Frame 1 |
"disabled" | Symbol 38 MovieClip [FBoundingBoxSymbol] Frame 2 |
"MH1" | Symbol 175 MovieClip Frame 2 |
"MH2" | Symbol 175 MovieClip Frame 5 |