Frame 1
Frame 2
_global.finalscore = 0;
Frame 3
function createExplosion(targetX, targetY) {
var _local6 = 0;
while (_local6 < particleTotal) {
var _local5 = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap("sparkle_purple");
var _local3 = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("main_holder", _root.getNextHighestDepth());
var _local4 = _local3.createEmptyMovieClip("internal_holder", _local3.getNextHighestDepth());
_local4._x = (-_local5.width) / 2;
_local4._y = (-_local5.height) / 2;
_local4.attachBitmap(_local5, _local4.getNextHighestDepth(), "never", true);
_local3._x = targetX;
_local3._y = targetY;
_local3._rotation = random(360);
_local3._alpha = random(50) + 50;
_local3.boundyLeft = targetX - particleRange;
_local3.boundyTop = targetY - particleRange;
_local3.boundyRight = targetX + particleRange;
_local3.boundyBottom = targetY + particleRange;
_local3.speedX = Math.random(particleMaxSpeed) - Math.random(particleMaxSpeed);
_local3.speedY = Math.random(particleMaxSpeed) - Math.random(particleMaxSpeed);
_local3.speedX = _local3.speedX * particleMaxSpeed;
_local3.speedY = _local3.speedY * particleMaxSpeed;
_local3.fadeSpeed = Math.random(particleFadeSpeed) * particleFadeSpeed;
_local3.onEnterFrame = function () {
this._alpha = this._alpha - this.fadeSpeed;
this._x = this._x + this.speedX;
this._y = this._y + this.speedY;
if (((((this._alpha <= 0) || (this._x < this.boundyLeft)) || (this._x > this.boundyRight)) || (this._y < this.boundyTop)) || (this._y > this.boundyBottom)) {
function time_to_string(time_to_convert) {
elapsed_hours = Math.floor(time_to_convert / 3600000);
remaining = time_to_convert - (elapsed_hours * 3600000);
elapsed_minutes = Math.floor(remaining / 60000);
remaining = remaining - (elapsed_minutes * 60000);
elapsed_seconds = Math.floor(remaining / 1000);
remaining = remaining - (elapsed_seconds * 1000);
elapsed_fs = Math.floor(remaining / 10);
if (elapsed_hours < 10) {
hours = "0" + elapsed_hours.toString();
} else {
hours = elapsed_hours.toString();
if (elapsed_minutes < 10) {
minutes = "0" + elapsed_minutes.toString();
} else {
minutes = elapsed_minutes.toString();
if (elapsed_seconds < 10) {
seconds = "0" + elapsed_seconds.toString();
} else {
seconds = elapsed_seconds.toString();
if (elapsed_fs < 10) {
hundredths = "0" + elapsed_fs.toString();
} else {
hundredths = elapsed_fs.toString();
return((((("Time: " + minutes) + ":") + seconds) + ":") + hundredths);
function position_bg(level) {
_global.score[level] = int(elapsed_time / 105);
wall._x = start_x[level - 1];
wall._y = start_y[level - 1];;
function hax() {
_global.score = new Array(0, 0, 0);
_global.finalscore = 0;
var particleMaxSpeed = 3;
var particleFadeSpeed = 10;
var particleTotal = 15;
var particleRange = 35;
start_x = new Array(440, -2000, -1230);
start_y = new Array(-250, 2700, 2150);
level = 1;
yspeed = 0;
xspeed = 0;
wind = 0;
power = 0.65;
gravity = 0.1;
upconstant = 0.75;
friction = 0.99;
energy = 1000;
brakes = 1000;
with (count_down.brake_left) {
text = "Brakes: " + brakes;
textColor = 65280;
background = true;
border = true;
borderColor = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */;
backgroundColor = 0;
_alpha = 80;
with (count_down.energy_left) {
text = "Shield: " + energy;
textColor = 65280;
background = true;
border = true;
borderColor = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */;
backgroundColor = 0;
_alpha = 80;
start_time = getTimer();
countdown = 60000;
kira.onEnterFrame = function () {
elapsed_time = getTimer() - start_time;
_root.playtime = time_to_string(elapsed_time);
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
xspeed = xspeed - power;
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
xspeed = xspeed + power;
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
yspeed = yspeed - (power * upconstant);
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
yspeed = yspeed + (power * upconstant);
if (Key.isDown(32) and (brakes > 0)) {
yspeed = yspeed / 2;
xspeed = xspeed / 2;
count_down.brake_left.textColor = 65280;
if (brakes < 60) {
count_down.brake_left.textColor = 16776960 /* 0xFFFF00 */;
if (brakes < 30) {
count_down.brake_left.textColor = 16711680 /* 0xFF0000 */;
count_down.brake_left.text = "Brakes: " + brakes;
xspeed = (xspeed + wind) * friction;
yspeed = yspeed + gravity;
if (xspeed > 0) {
} else {
_root.wall._y = _root.wall._y - yspeed;
_root.wall._x = _root.wall._x - xspeed; = - yspeed; = - xspeed;
if (_root.wall.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) {
if (!_root.wall.end.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) {
energy = energy - Math.round(Math.sqrt((xspeed * xspeed) + (yspeed * yspeed)));
createExplosion(this._x, this._y);
count_down.energy_left.textColor = 65280;
if (energy < 60) {
count_down.energy_left.textColor = 16776960 /* 0xFFFF00 */;
if (energy < 30) {
count_down.energy_left.textColor = 16711680 /* 0xFF0000 */;
count_down.energy_left.text = "Shield: " + energy;
xspeed = 0;
yspeed = 0;
if (energy <= 0) {
_root.wall._y = old_y;
_root.wall._x = old_x; = old_y; = old_x;
} else {
xspeed = 0;
yspeed = 0;
if (level == 4) {
_global.finalscore = 10000 - ((_global.score[1] + _global.score[2]) + _global.score[3]);
energy = energy + 200;
brakes = brakes + 200;
start_time = start_time + 60000;
count_down.energy_left.textColor = 65280;
count_down.brake_left.text = "Shield: " + energy;
count_down.energy_left.text = "Shield: " + energy;
count_down.brake_left.text = "Brakes: " + brakes;
} else {
old_x = _root.wall._x + (2 * xspeed);
old_y = _root.wall._y + (2 * yspeed);
Instance of Symbol 130 MovieClip "TimedActions" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
keyDebug1 = new Object();
keyDebug1.onKeyDown = function () {
if ((Key.getCode() == 85) && (_global.v00 == 1)) {
_global.club_swim = 1;
_global.club_track = 1;
_global.club_school = 1;
_global.club_battle = 1;
_global.club_photo = 1;
_global.club_music = 1;
_global.club_dodge = 1;
_global.club_game = 1;
_global.club_cheer = 1;
_global.beat_luma_game = 1;
_global.beat_sent_luma = 1;
_global.meleelevel = 5;
_global.speedlevel = 5;
_global.magiclevel = 5;
_global.swimlevel = 5;
_global.beat_luma_swim = 1;
_global.beat_luma_track = 1;
_global.beat_luma_boxing = 1;
_global.ChrisRelation = _global.ChrisRelation + 50;
_global.RileyRelation = _global.RileyRelation + 50;
_global.PattieRelation = _global.PattieRelation + 50;
_global.GreelRelation = _global.GreelRelation + 50;
_global.KyleRelation = _global.KyleRelation + 50;
_global.LumaRelation = _global.LumaRelation + 50;
_global.ZytraRelation = _global.ZytraRelation + 50;
_global.JoeyRelation = _global.JoeyRelation + 50;
_global.AmberRelation = _global.AmberRelation + 50;
_global.RoiseRelation = _global.RoiseRelation + 50;
_global.SavoriRelation = _global.SavoriRelation + 50;
_global.JeniRelation = _global.JeniRelation + 50;
_global.LeyahRelation = _global.LeyahRelation + 50;
_global.JoiryRelation = _global.JoiryRelation + 50;
_global.DavidRelation = _global.DavidRelation + 50;
_global.TsugoRelation = _global.TsugoRelation + 50;
_global.JinruRelation = _global.JinruRelation + 50;
_global.LynnRelation = _global.LynnRelation + 50;
_global.DizzyRelation = _global.DizzyRelation + 50;
_global.OverallPopularity = _global.OverallPopularity + 50;
_global.chipparts = _global.chipparts + 30;
_global.chips = _global.chips + 5;
_global.hassent = _global.hassent + 1;
_global.firstArcadeGameBeat = 1;
_global.Money = _global.Money + 20000;
keyListener1 = new Object();
keyListener1.onKeyDown = function () {
if (Key.getCode() == 67) {
_global.timez = _global.timez - 5;
keyListener3 = new Object();
keyListener3.onKeyUp = function () {
_global.usingqs = 0;
if (Key.getCode() == 65) {
if (( == true) && ((_root._currentframe == 17) || (_root._currentframe == 40))) {
if (_global.character_num == 2) {
_global.plus_amount = 0.3 + ((random(2) + 1) / 10);
_root.img.joinfriend_menu.heart_ani.relation_amount = ("+" + _global.plus_amount) + "";
_global.PattieRelation = _global.PattieRelation + _global.plus_amount;
_root.responsetext = "Pattie: Need any more Senpai?";
_global.pic_topless_pattie = 1;
} else if (_global.character_num == 3) {
_global.plus_amount = 0.3 + ((random(2) + 1) / 10);
_root.img.joinfriend_menu.heart_ani.relation_amount = ("-" + _global.plus_amount) + "";
_global.LumaRelation = _global.LumaRelation - _global.plus_amount;
_root.responsetext = "Luma: That is not cool nerd!!";
_global.pic_topless_luma = 1;
} else if (_global.character_num == 4) {
_root.responsetext = "Riley: Geez Maiko not this again...";
_global.pic_topless_riley = 1;
} else if (_global.character_num == 5) {
_root.responsetext = "Chris: M- Maiko-chan! You didn't even ask!";
} else if (_global.character_num == 6) {
_root.responsetext = "Zytra: Umi... You're making me feel a bit uncomfortable.";
_global.pic_topless_zytra = 1;
} else if (_global.character_num == 7) {
_global.plus_amount = 0.3 + ((random(2) + 1) / 10);
_root.img.joinfriend_menu.heart_ani.relation_amount = ("-" + _global.plus_amount) + "";
_global.JoeyRelation = _global.JoeyRelation - _global.plus_amount;
_root.responsetext = "Joey: ...I don't want to be a part of this.";
_global.pic_topless_joey = 1;
} else if (_global.character_num == 8) {
_root.responsetext = "Amber: Umiya-san?";
_global.pic_topless_amber = 1;
} else if (_global.character_num == 9) {
_root.responsetext = "Greel: Pictures? What do I get in return?";
} else if (_global.character_num == 10) {
_root.responsetext = "Kyle: Be sure to look at that picture when you feel horny Maiko-chan!";
} else if (_global.character_num == 11) {
_global.plus_amount = 0.1 + ((random(2) + 1) / 10);
_root.img.joinfriend_menu.heart_ani.relation_amount = ("-" + _global.plus_amount) + "";
_global.RoiseRelation = _global.RoiseRelation - _global.plus_amount;
_root.responsetext = "Roise: Umiya-chan, remind me why do you need these pictures again?";
_global.pic_topless_roise = 1;
} else if (_global.character_num == 12) {
_global.plus_amount = 0.1 + ((random(2) + 1) / 10);
_root.img.joinfriend_menu.heart_ani.relation_amount = ("-" + _global.plus_amount) + "";
_global.SavoriRelation = _global.SavoriRelation - _global.plus_amount;
_root.responsetext = "Savori: Huh!?... Ha! I knew you were peverted!";
_global.pic_topless_savori = 1;
} else if (_global.character_num == 13) {
_global.plus_amount = 0.1 + ((random(2) + 1) / 10);
_root.img.joinfriend_menu.heart_ani.relation_amount = ("-" + _global.plus_amount) + "";
_global.JeniRelation = _global.JeniRelation - _global.plus_amount;
_root.responsetext = "Jeni: What are you doing! Go take pictures of your own boobs!";
_global.pic_topless_jeni = 1;
} else if (_global.character_num == 14) {
_global.plus_amount = 0.3 + ((random(2) + 1) / 10);
_root.img.joinfriend_menu.heart_ani.relation_amount = ("+" + _global.plus_amount) + "";
_global.LeyahRelation = _global.LeyahRelation + _global.plus_amount;
_root.responsetext = "Leyah: Nyaaa!! Leyah is confident in her boobs! Nya Nya~!!";
_global.pic_topless_leyah = 1;
} else if (_global.character_num == 15) {
_root.responsetext = "Joiry: Now you owe me girlie!";
} else if (_global.character_num == 16) {
_root.responsetext = "David: Dude! Chill!";
} else if (_global.character_num == 17) {
_root.responsetext = "Tsugo: Maiko-chan! What has gotten in to you!";
} else if (_global.character_num == 18) {
_root.responsetext = "Jinru: ... ";
} else if (_global.character_num == 19) {
_global.plus_amount = 0.1 + ((random(2) + 1) / 10);
_root.img.joinfriend_menu.heart_ani.relation_amount = ("+" + _global.plus_amount) + "";
_global.LynnRelation = _global.LynnRelation + _global.plus_amount;
_root.responsetext = "Lynn: Maiko! Why are you taking pictures of me? Do you like my boobs that much?";
_global.pic_topless_lynn = 1;
} else if (_global.character_num == 20) {
_root.responsetext = "Dizzy: Pictures? The faries made you do it right ?";
_global.pic_topless_dizzy = 1;
} else if (( == true) && (_root._currentframe == 10)) {
_global.nature_pic_butterfly = 1;
_root.responsetext = "Maiko: Wow a butterfly!";
} else if (( == true) && (_root._currentframe == 10)) {
_global.nature_pic_butterfly = 1;
_root.responsetext = "Maiko: Wow a butterfly!";
} else if (( == true) && (_root._currentframe == 103)) {
_global.nature_pic_flower = 1;
_root.responsetext = "Maiko: Those are nice flowers.";
} else if ((((_root.hand_device.hand_device._currentframe == 10) && ( && (_global.WearTopless == 1)) && (_global.dirty == 1)) {
_global.maiko_sweaty_boob_photo = 1;
_root.responsetext = "Maiko: Got it... wow my boobs look even bigger on camera.";
} else if (_root.hand_device.hand_device._currentframe == 9) {
if (((_global.qsTextBook == 1) && (_global.bookout == 0)) && (_root._currentframe == 7)) {
_global.bookout = 1;
_global.booknumber = random(20) + 50;
} else if ((_global.qsTextBook == 1) && (_global.bookout == 1)) {
_global.bookout = 0;
_global.booknumber = 0;
keyListener3.onKeyDown = function () {
_global.usingqs = 1;
keyListener4 = new Object();
keyListener4.onKeyUp = function () {
if (Key.getCode() == 83) {
if ((_global.Hairset == 1) && (_root.eyevision._currentframe == 1)) {
_global.powerz = 1;
} else if (_root.eyevision._currentframe != 1) {
_global.powerz = 0;
_global.waterOn = 0;
_global.usingqs = 0;
_global.qsWashFluid = 0;
_global.WFon = 0;
_global.qsCheatSheet = 0;
_global.qsSunglasses = 0;
_global.qsHat = 0;
_global.Son = 0;
_global.qsTextBook = 1;
_global.qsCamera = 0;
_global.qsPicFader = 300;
_global.bookout = 0;
_global.qsSwimRed = 0;
_global.qsGuitar = 0;
_global.qsTemp = 1;
_global.toSchool = 0;
_global.toMall = 0;
_global.toCrossroads = 0;
_global.lampOn = 0;
_global.titcum = 0;
_root.cumface._visible = false;
_global.dirty = 0;
_global.Day = 1;
_global.Events = 8;
_global.MenuPic = 0;
_global.dayfader = 0;
_global.LookRight = 0;
_global.LookUp = 0;
_global.LookDown = 0;
_global.LookLeft = 0;
_global.TeacherOpinion = 2;
_global.ExtraCredit = 0;
_global.mathaverage = 0;
_global.historyaverage = 0;
_global.englishaverage = 0;
_global.scienceaverage = 0;
_global.computeraverage = 0;
_global.peaverage = 0;
_global.book_math = 0;
_global.book_science = 0;
_global.book_history = 0;
_global.book_english = 0;
_global.book_oralsextips = 0;
_global.book_oralsextips2 = 0;
_global.book_sextips = 0;
_global.book_guitarbasics = 0;
_global.book_swim = 0;
_global.book_run = 0;
_global.book_box = 0;
_global.book_popularteen = 0;
_global.book_productivework = 0;
_global.bodywash_plus = 0;
_global.bodywash_fruit = 0;
_global.mathtotal = 0;
_global.historytotal = 0;
_global.englishtotal = 0;
_global.sciencetotal = 0;
_global.computertotal = 0;
_global.petotal = 0;
_global.mathtestnum = 0;
_global.historytestnum = 0;
_global.englishtestnum = 0;
_global.sciencetestnum = 0;
_global.computertestnum = 0;
_global.petestnum = 0;
_global.MathSkill = 8;
_global.EnglishSkill = 10;
_global.HistorySkill = 9;
_global.ScienceSkill = 8;
_global.ComputerSkill = 18;
_global.MaxSkill = 20;
_global.exercise = 1;
_global.exercise_max = 1;
_global.workout = 0;
_global.swimfatigue = 0;
_global.maikohurt = 0;
_global.notice = 0;
_global.Money = 100;
_global.Endurance = 100;
_global.HairpinEnergy = 100;
_global.chris_relation_level = 0;
_global.riley_relation_level = 0;
_global.pattie_relation_level = 0;
_global.greel_relation_level = 0;
_global.leyah_relation_level = 0;
_global.luma_relation_level = 0;
_global.amber_relation_level = 0;
_global.zytra_relation_level = 0;
_global.joey_relation_level = 0;
_global.kyle_relation_level = 0;
_global.roise_relation_level = 0;
_global.jeni_relation_level = 0;
_global.savori_relation_level = 0;
_global.joiry_relation_level = 0;
_global.david_relation_level = 0;
_global.tsugo_relation_level = 0;
_global.jinru_relation_level = 0;
_global.lynn_relation_level = 0;
_global.dizzy_relation_level = 0;
_global.ChrisRelation = 125;
_global.KyleRelation = 210;
_global.RileyRelation = 250;
_global.PattieRelation = 200;
_global.LumaRelation = 0;
_global.ZytraRelation = 80;
_global.LeyahRelation = 100;
_global.JoeyRelation = 10;
_global.AmberRelation = 10;
_global.GreelRelation = 40;
_global.RoiseRelation = 100;
_global.SavoriRelation = 25;
_global.JeniRelation = 25;
_global.JoiryRelation = 0;
_global.DavidRelation = 80;
_global.TsugoRelation = 40;
_global.JinruRelation = 0;
_global.LynnRelation = 80;
_global.DizzyRelation = 40;
_global.OverallPopularity = 0;
_global.Pattie_relation_point = 50;
_global.Luma_relation_point = 150;
_global.Riley_relation_point = 50;
_global.Chris_relation_point = 30;
_global.Zytra_relation_point = 30;
_global.Joey_relation_point = 70;
_global.Amber_relation_point = 80;
_global.Greel_relation_point = 50;
_global.Kyle_relation_point = 30;
_global.Roise_relation_point = 80;
_global.Savori_relation_point = 120;
_global.Jeni_relation_point = 120;
_global.Leyah_relation_point = 30;
_global.Joiry_relation_point = 170;
_global.David_relation_point = 120;
_global.Tsugo_relation_point = 30;
_global.Jinru_relation_point = 50;
_global.Lynn_relation_point = 30;
_global.Dizzy_relation_point = 30;
_global.student_chat = 1;
_global.random_response = 0;
_global.max_talk = 6;
_global.CheatSheet = 0;
_global.WearSchool = 1;
_global.school_style = 1;
_global.WearGym = 0;
_global.WearTopless = 0;
_global.WearSwim = 0;
_global.XStage = 0;
_global.WearUndie = 0;
_global.WearMelody = 0;
_global.WearBox = 0;
_global.WearCheer = 0;
_global.ChangeFrame = 0;
_global.HoldBody = 0;
_global.chipparts = 0;
_global.chips = 0;
_global.hassent = 0;
_global.HairStyle = 1;
_global.powerz = 0;
_global.colorValue = "0xFFCCFF";
_global.testdifficuilty = 0;
_global.timez = 60;
_global.TestTaken = 0;
_global.Cheating = 0;
_global.CheatoffPerson = 0;
_global.CheatoffPaper = 0;
_global.tchsus = 0;
_global.CheatSkill = 1;
_global.HaveCheat = 0;
_global.QuestionNum = 0;
_global.Questions = 0;
_global.QuestionTracker = 0;
_global.CurrentQuestion = 1;
_global.CurrentTopic = 1;
_global.Score = 0;
_global.NeedforA = 0;
_global.NeedforB = 0;
_global.NeedforC = 0;
_global.NeedforD = 0;
_global.teacherlook = random(2);
_global.countdown = 100;
_global.changelook = 1;
_global.clotheswarning = 0;
_global.caught = 0;
_global.ok = 0;
_global.ok2 = 0;
_global.titplay = 0;
_global.attendclass = 0;
_global.firstclasstaken = 0;
_global.late = 0;
_global.detention = 0;
_global.pagenumber = 0;
_global.booknumber = 0;
_global.changepage = 0;
_global.currentprogress = 0;
_global.stay_down = 0;
_global.lookx1 = _root.HairBox._x;
_global.looky1 = _root.HairBox._y;
_global.lookx2 = _root.HairBox._x;
_global.looky2 = _root.HairBox._y;
_global.gotoSchool = 0; = 0;
_global.gotoPaizuri = 0;
_global.gotoStage = 0;
_global.running_distance = 0;
_global.gotoMall = 0;
_global.club_swim = 0;
_global.club_track = 0;
_global.club_school = 0;
_global.club_music = 0;
_global.club_photo = 0;
_global.club_battle = 0;
_global.club_dance = 0;
_global.club_dodge = 0;
_global.club_game = 0;
_global.club_cheer = 0;
_global.beat_zytra_swim = 0;
_global.beat_pattie_track = 0;
_global.beat_jeni_boxing = 0;
_global.beat_luma_swim = 0;
_global.beat_luma_grades = 0;
_global.beat_luma_sent = 0;
_global.beat_luma_fight = 0;
_global.beat_luma_popular = 0;
_global.beat_luma_track = 0;
_global.beat_luma_dodge = 0;
_global.beat_luma_game = 0;
_global.beat_sent_luma = 0;
_global.beat_sent_battler_chris = 0;
_global.beat_sent_battler_lynn = 0;
_global.beat_sent_battler_kyle = 0;
_global.beat_sent_battler_roise = 0;
_global.beat_sent_battler_tsugo = 0;
_global.beat_sent_battler_random = 0;
_global.sent_battler = 0;
_global.sent_luma = 0;
_global.sent_battles_won = 0;
_global.firstArcadeGameBeat = 0;
_global.arcade_brick_level = 0;
_global.panty_pic_pattie = 0;
_global.panty_pic_riley = 0;
_global.nature_pic_flower = 0;
_global.nature_pic_butterfly = 0;
_global.pic_battle = 0;
_global.pic_bikini = 0;
_global.pic_concertoutfit = 0;
_global.pic_swim = 0;
_global.pic_gym = 0;
_global.pic_topless_maiko = 0;
_global.pic_topless_pattie = 0;
_global.pic_topless_luma = 0;
_global.pic_topless_joey = 0;
_global.pic_topless_zytra = 0;
_global.pic_topless_amber = 0;
_global.pic_topless_riley = 0;
_global.pic_topless_savori = 0;
_global.pic_topless_roise = 0;
_global.pic_topless_jeni = 0;
_global.pic_topless_lynn = 0;
_global.pic_topless_dizzy = 0;
_global.pic_topless_leyah = 0;
_global.maiko_sweaty_boob_photo = 0;
_global.kyle_softcore_magazine = 0;
_global.kyle_savori_count = 0;
_global.boobcomeup = 0;
_global.autoboobcomeup = 1;
_global.hairalpha = 0;
_root.Hair2._alpha = _global.hairalpha;
_global.morning_ready = 0;
_global.skip_travel = 0;
_global.blink_chance = 20;
_global.pantsu_pics = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.CheatBar.Bar._xscale = _global.Cheating;
if (_root._currentframe == 7) {
if ((_global.countdown == 0) && (_global.changelook == 0)) {
_global.changelook = 1;
_global.teacherlook = random(2);
_global.lookx1 = _xmouse - 100;
_global.looky1 = _ymouse + 150;
if ((_xmouse - 100) < 350) {
_root.HairBox._x = (2 * (350 - (_xmouse - 100))) + (_xmouse - 100);
_root.HairBox._y = _ymouse + 150;
_root.SnowballBox._x = _xmouse - 100;
_root.SnowballBox._y = _ymouse + 150;
} else if ((_xmouse - 100) > 350) {
_root.HairBox._x = (_xmouse - 100) - (2 * ((_xmouse - 100) - 350));
_root.HairBox._y = _ymouse + 150;
_root.SnowballBox._x = _xmouse - 100;
_root.SnowballBox._y = _ymouse + 150;
} else {
_root.HairBox._x = _xmouse - 100;
_root.HairBox._y = _ymouse + 150;
_root.SnowballBox._x = _xmouse - 100;
_root.SnowballBox._y = _ymouse + 150;
_global.lookx2 = _global.lookx1;
_global.looky2 = _global.looky1;
if (_global.Hairset == 0) {
_root.Hair2.hairpin._alpha = 0;
} else {
_root.Hair2.hairpin._alpha = 100;
if ((_root._currentframe == 16) && (_global.waterOn == 0)) {
_root.UMshower.onSoundComplete = function () {
if ((_global.TasksLeft <= 0) && (_root.Fade._currentframe == 1)) {
_root.TextMC.gotoAndPlay(2); = 1;
if (((_global.HoldBody == 0) && (_global.boobcomeup < 300)) && (_global.autoboobcomeup == 0)) {
_global.boobcomeup = _global.boobcomeup + 15;
if (_global.hairalpha > 0) {
_global.hairalpha = _global.hairalpha - 5;
} else if (((_global.HoldBody == 1) && (_global.boobcomeup > 0)) && (_global.autoboobcomeup == 0)) {
_global.boobcomeup = _global.boobcomeup - 15;
if (_global.hairalpha < 50) {
_global.hairalpha = _global.hairalpha + 5;
_root.Hair2._alpha = _global.hairalpha;
if (_global.qsPicFader > 0) {
_global.qsPicFader = _global.qsPicFader - 10;
if (_global.qsPicFader <= 100) {
_root.box2_mc._alpha = _global.qsPicFader;
} else {
_root.box2_mc._alpha = 100;
if ((_root.hand_device._currentframe > 1) || (_root._currentframe == 15)) {
if (_global.meleelevel == 5) {
_global.meleeskill = 0;
_global.meleeskillearned = 0;
if (_global.magiclevel == 5) {
_global.magicskill = 0;
_global.magicskillearned = 0;
if (_global.speedlevel == 5) {
_global.speedskill = 0;
_global.speedskillearned = 0;
if (_global.swimlevel == 5) {
_global.swimskill = 0;
_global.swimskillearned = 0;
if ((_global.meleeskillearned > 0) && (_global.meleelevel < 5)) {
_global.meleeskill = _global.meleeskill + 1;
if (_global.meleeskill >= 190) {
_global.meleeskill = 0;
_global.meleelevel = _global.meleelevel + 1;
_global.maiko_melee_damage = _global.maiko_melee_damage + 10;
if ((_global.magicskillearned > 0) && (_global.magiclevel < 5)) {
_global.magicskill = _global.magicskill + 1;
if (_global.magicskill >= 190) {
_global.magicskill = 0;
_global.magiclevel = _global.magiclevel + 1;
_global.maiko_power_damage = _global.maiko_power_damage + 15;
if ((_global.speedskillearned > 0) && (_global.speedlevel < 5)) {
_global.speedskill = _global.speedskill + 1;
if (_global.speedskill >= 190) {
_global.speedskill = 0;
_global.speedlevel = _global.speedlevel + 1;
if ((_global.swimskillearned > 0) && (_global.swimlevel < 5)) {
_global.swimskill = _global.swimskill + 1;
if (_global.swimskill >= 190) {
_global.swimskill = 0;
_global.swimlevel = _global.swimlevel + 1;
if ((((_root._currentframe == 6) || (_root._currentframe == 10)) || (_root._currentframe == 12)) || (_root._currentframe == 17)) {
if (_root.menux._currentframe > 10) {
_root.TalkMenu._visible = false;
_root.textb_mc._visible = false;
_root.responsetext = "";
} else {
_root.TalkMenu._visible = true;
_root.textb_mc._visible = true;
if (_root._currentframe == 34) {
_root.stores_mall.sentchips = _global.chips;
_root.stores_mall.sentparts = _global.chipparts;
_root.stores_mall.sent = _global.hassent;
_root.stores_mall.Money = _global.Money;
if ((_root._currentframe == 36) && (_root.ZoomOutPaizuri._currentframe > 1)) {
_root.pleasuretarget = _global.pleasure_target;
_root.pleasureamount = _global.pleasure_total;
_root.guylikes = _global.guy_likes;
_root.fruitwash = _global.used_bodywash_fruit;
_root.ZoomOutPaizuri.pleasurebar._xscale = _global.pleasure_endurance;
if (_global.pleasure_endurance <= 0) {
_global.pleasure_endurance = 0;
if (((_global.pleasure_total >= _global.pleasure_target) && (_root.textb_mc._currentframe == 1)) && (_root.ZoomOutPaizuri.MaikoPaizuri._currentframe != 1)) {
_root.responsetext = "";
_global.is_cumming = 1;
if (_global.doing_guy == 5) {
if (_global.girl_select == _global.MaikoChar) {
_root.responsetext = "Chris: Oh! Maiko! I'm cumming!";
} else {
_root.responsetext = "Chris: Oh! I'm cumming!";
} else if (_global.doing_guy == 9) {
if (_global.girl_select == _global.MaikoChar) {
_root.responsetext = "Greel: I'm about to explode on you baby!";
} else {
_root.responsetext = "Greel: I'm about to explode on you!";
} else if (_global.doing_guy == 10) {
if (_global.girl_select == _global.MaikoChar) {
_root.responsetext = "Kyle: Maiko!!!";
} else {
_root.responsetext = "Kyle: Ugh!!!";
} else if (_global.doing_guy == 15) {
if (_global.girl_select == _global.MaikoChar) {
_root.responsetext = "Joiry: Damn girlie! I'm cumming!";
} else if (_global.girl_select == _global.LumaChar) {
_root.responsetext = "Joiry: Damn Luma! I'm blowing my load for you babe!";
} else {
_root.responsetext = "Joiry: Damn girlie! I'm cumming!";
} else if (_global.doing_guy == 16) {
if (_global.girl_select == _global.MaikoChar) {
_root.responsetext = "David: Fuck Maiko you sexy ass cunt! Oh fuck yes!";
} else if (_global.girl_select == 13) {
_root.responsetext = "Jeni: You know you can't resist me bro! \nDavid: Jeni you whore! I'm going to nut so hard on your face!";
} else {
_root.responsetext = "David: Fuck yes! Oh fuck yes!";
} else if (_global.doing_guy == 17) {
if (_global.girl_select == _global.MaikoChar) {
_root.responsetext = "Tsugo: Oh Maiko-chan! I'm cumming, you have earned it!";
} else {
_root.responsetext = "Tsugo: Oh yeah! I'm cumming, you should be happy!";
} else if (_global.doing_guy == 18) {
if (_global.girl_select == _global.MaikoChar) {
_root.responsetext = "Jinru: Maiko is making me cum? impossible...";
} else {
_root.responsetext = "Jinru: I'm cumming? impossible...";
} else if (_global.girl_select == _global.MaikoChar) {
_root.responsetext = "Guy: Yeah babe keep milking it! Oh shit! I'm about to cum!";
} else {
_root.responsetext = "Guy: Yeah babe keep milking it! Oh shit! I'm about to cum!";
} else if (((_global.pleasure_total == Math.ceil(_global.pleasure_target / 2)) && (_root.textb_mc._currentframe == 1)) || ((_global.pleasure_total == Math.ceil(_global.pleasure_target / 4)) && (_root.textb_mc._currentframe == 1))) {
_root.responsetext = "";
_global.guy_likes = random(3);
if (_global.doing_guy == 5) {
if (_global.girl_select == _global.MaikoChar) {
_root.responsetext = ("Chris:" + _global.pleasure_perfect()) + " Maiko.";
} else {
_root.responsetext = "Chris:" + _global.pleasure_perfect();
} else if (_global.doing_guy == 9) {
if (_global.girl_select == _global.MaikoChar) {
_root.responsetext = ("Greel:" + _global.pleasure_perfect()) + " babydoll.";
} else {
_root.responsetext = "Greel:" + _global.pleasure_perfect();
} else if (_global.doing_guy == 10) {
if (_global.girl_select == _global.MaikoChar) {
_root.responsetext = ("Kyle:" + _global.pleasure_perfect()) + " Maiko-chan!";
} else {
_root.responsetext = "Kyle:" + _global.pleasure_perfect();
} else if (_global.doing_guy == 15) {
if (_global.girl_select == _global.MaikoChar) {
_root.responsetext = ("Joiry:" + _global.pleasure_perfect()) + " girlie!";
} else {
_root.responsetext = "Joiry:" + _global.pleasure_perfect();
} else if (_global.doing_guy == 16) {
if (_global.girl_select == _global.MaikoChar) {
_root.responsetext = ("David:" + _global.pleasure_perfect()) + " you sexy bitch!";
} else {
_root.responsetext = "David:" + _global.pleasure_perfect();
} else if (_global.doing_guy == 17) {
if (_global.girl_select == _global.MaikoChar) {
_root.responsetext = ("Tsugo:" + _global.pleasure_perfect()) + " Maiko-chan.";
} else {
_root.responsetext = "Tsugo:" + _global.pleasure_perfect();
} else if (_global.doing_guy == 18) {
if (_global.girl_select == _global.MaikoChar) {
_root.responsetext = ("Jinru:" + _global.pleasure_perfect()) + "...";
} else {
_root.responsetext = "Jinru:" + _global.pleasure_perfect();
} else if (_global.girl_select == _global.MaikoChar) {
_root.responsetext = ("Guy:" + _global.pleasure_perfect()) + " babe.";
} else {
_root.responsetext = "Guy:" + _global.pleasure_perfect();
} else if ((((_global.pleasure_endurance <= 50) && (_global.girl_select == 2)) && (_global.second_wind == 0)) && (_root.textb_mc._currentframe == 1)) {
_global.second_wind = 1;
_global.pleasure_endurance = _global.pleasure_endurance + 60;
_root.responsetext = "Pattie: Maiko senpai, we can do this!";
Frame 4
_root.sendscore = _global.finalscore;
Instance of Symbol 119 MovieClip in Frame 4
onClipEvent (load) {
Symbol 9 MovieClip [bg] Frame 1
Symbol 9 MovieClip [bg] Frame 2
Symbol 9 MovieClip [bg] Frame 3
Symbol 24 MovieClip [shootingbullet] Frame 1
_global.shooting = 1;
Symbol 24 MovieClip [shootingbullet] Frame 9
_global.shooting = 0;
_global.has_shot = 0;
Symbol 30 MovieClip Frame 22
if (_global.has_shot > 1) {
_global.missed = _global.missed + (_global.has_shot - 1);
} else if (_global.has_shot == 1) {
} else {
_global.has_shot = 0;
Symbol 30 MovieClip Frame 23
Instance of Symbol 43 MovieClip in Symbol 44 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.dirty == 1) {
this._alpha = 20;
} else if (_global.dirty == 0.75) {
this._alpha = 15;
} else if (_global.dirty == 0.5) {
this._alpha = 10;
} else if (_global.dirty == 0.25) {
this._alpha = 5;
} else if (_global.dirty == 0) {
this._alpha = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_global.dirty == 1) {
this._alpha = 20;
} else if (_global.dirty == 0.75) {
this._alpha = 15;
} else if (_global.dirty == 0.5) {
this._alpha = 10;
} else if (_global.dirty == 0.25) {
this._alpha = 5;
} else if (_global.dirty == 0) {
this._alpha = 0;
Symbol 49 Button
on (release) {
if ((_root._currentframe == 17) || (_root._currentframe == 32)) {
_global.WearSchool = 0;
_global.school_style = 1;
_global.WearGym = 0;
_global.WearTopless = 1;
_global.WearSwim = 0;
_global.XStage = 0;
_global.WearUndie = 0;
_global.WearMelody = 0;
_global.WearBox = 0;
gotoAndStop (1);
} else {
Instance of Symbol 43 MovieClip in Symbol 52 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.dirty == 1) {
this._alpha = 20;
} else if (_global.dirty == 0.75) {
this._alpha = 15;
} else if (_global.dirty == 0.5) {
this._alpha = 10;
} else if (_global.dirty == 0.25) {
this._alpha = 5;
} else if (_global.dirty == 0) {
this._alpha = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_global.dirty == 1) {
this._alpha = 20;
} else if (_global.dirty == 0.75) {
this._alpha = 15;
} else if (_global.dirty == 0.5) {
this._alpha = 10;
} else if (_global.dirty == 0.25) {
this._alpha = 5;
} else if (_global.dirty == 0) {
this._alpha = 0;
Instance of Symbol 43 MovieClip in Symbol 55 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.dirty == 1) {
this._alpha = 20;
} else if (_global.dirty == 0.75) {
this._alpha = 15;
} else if (_global.dirty == 0.5) {
this._alpha = 10;
} else if (_global.dirty == 0.25) {
this._alpha = 5;
} else if (_global.dirty == 0) {
this._alpha = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_global.dirty == 1) {
this._alpha = 20;
} else if (_global.dirty == 0.75) {
this._alpha = 15;
} else if (_global.dirty == 0.5) {
this._alpha = 10;
} else if (_global.dirty == 0.25) {
this._alpha = 5;
} else if (_global.dirty == 0) {
this._alpha = 0;
Instance of Symbol 43 MovieClip in Symbol 58 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.dirty == 1) {
this._alpha = 20;
} else if (_global.dirty == 0.75) {
this._alpha = 15;
} else if (_global.dirty == 0.5) {
this._alpha = 10;
} else if (_global.dirty == 0.25) {
this._alpha = 5;
} else if (_global.dirty == 0) {
this._alpha = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_global.dirty == 1) {
this._alpha = 20;
} else if (_global.dirty == 0.75) {
this._alpha = 15;
} else if (_global.dirty == 0.5) {
this._alpha = 10;
} else if (_global.dirty == 0.25) {
this._alpha = 5;
} else if (_global.dirty == 0) {
this._alpha = 0;
Instance of Symbol 43 MovieClip in Symbol 61 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.dirty == 1) {
this._alpha = 20;
} else if (_global.dirty == 0.75) {
this._alpha = 15;
} else if (_global.dirty == 0.5) {
this._alpha = 10;
} else if (_global.dirty == 0.25) {
this._alpha = 5;
} else if (_global.dirty == 0) {
this._alpha = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_global.dirty == 1) {
this._alpha = 20;
} else if (_global.dirty == 0.75) {
this._alpha = 15;
} else if (_global.dirty == 0.5) {
this._alpha = 10;
} else if (_global.dirty == 0.25) {
this._alpha = 5;
} else if (_global.dirty == 0) {
this._alpha = 0;
Symbol 62 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 44 MovieClip "boobs" in Symbol 62 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
skewMeX(this, -1 * _global.angleToCursor);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
skewMeX(this, -1 * _global.angleToCursor);
Instance of Symbol 48 MovieClip in Symbol 62 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this.defaultHeight = this._height;
this.defaultWidth = this._width;
yDistance = this._parent._parent._y - _root.boob_position._y;
if (yDistance < 10) {
yDistance = 20;
xDistance = (_root.boob_position._x - (this._parent._parent._x + (this.defaultWidth / 4))) + 190;
_global.angleToCursor = (Math.atan(yDistance / xDistance) * 180) / Math.PI;
if (_global.angleToCursor < 0) {
_global.angleToCursor = _global.angleToCursor + 180;
skewMeX(this, -1 * _global.angleToCursor);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
yDistance = this._parent._parent._y - _root.boob_position._y;
if (yDistance < 10) {
yDistance = 20;
xDistance = (_root.boob_position._x - (this._parent._parent._x + (this.defaultWidth / 4))) + 190;
_global.angleToCursor = (Math.atan(yDistance / xDistance) * 180) / Math.PI;
if (_global.angleToCursor < 0) {
_global.angleToCursor = _global.angleToCursor + 180;
skewMeX(this, -1 * _global.angleToCursor);
Symbol 62 MovieClip Frame 3
if (((((((((_global.club_swim == 1) || (_global.club_track == 1)) || (_global.club_school == 1)) || (_global.club_music == 1)) || (_global.club_photo == 1)) || (_global.club_battle == 1)) || (_global.club_dance == 1)) || (_global.club_dodg == 1)) || (_global.club_game == 1)) {
gotoAndStop (4);
Instance of Symbol 52 MovieClip "boobs" in Symbol 62 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
skewMeX(this, -1 * _global.angleToCursor);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
skewMeX(this, -1 * _global.angleToCursor);
Symbol 62 MovieClip Frame 4
if (((((((((_global.club_swim != 1) && (_global.club_track != 1)) && (_global.club_school != 1)) && (_global.club_music != 1)) && (_global.club_photo != 1)) && (_global.club_battle != 1)) && (_global.club_dance != 1)) && (_global.club_dodg != 1)) && (_global.club_game != 1)) {
gotoAndStop (3);
Instance of Symbol 55 MovieClip "boobs" in Symbol 62 MovieClip Frame 5
onClipEvent (load) {
skewMeX(this, -1 * _global.angleToCursor);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
skewMeX(this, -1 * _global.angleToCursor);
Instance of Symbol 58 MovieClip "boobs" in Symbol 62 MovieClip Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) {
skewMeX(this, -1 * _global.angleToCursor);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
skewMeX(this, -1 * _global.angleToCursor);
Instance of Symbol 61 MovieClip "boobs" in Symbol 62 MovieClip Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
skewMeX(this, -1 * _global.angleToCursor);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
skewMeX(this, -1 * _global.angleToCursor);
Instance of Symbol 62 MovieClip "boobs" in Symbol 63 MovieClip [rootLetter] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.WearUndie == 1) {
} else if (_global.WearSchool == 1) {
if (_global.imported_clothing_theme == 1) {
if (_global.global_imported_clothing_theme == 0) {
} else if (((((((((_global.club_swim == 1) || (_global.club_track == 1)) || (_global.club_school == 1)) || (_global.club_music == 1)) || (_global.club_photo == 1)) || (_global.club_battle == 1)) || (_global.club_dance == 1)) || (_global.club_dodg == 1)) || (_global.club_game == 1)) {
} else {
} else if (_global.XStage == 1) {
} else if (((_global.WearGym == 1) || (_global.WearSwim == 1)) || (_global.WearBox == 1)) {
} else if (_global.WearCheer == 1) {
} else {
Symbol 75 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 76 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (release) {
Symbol 90 MovieClip [wall] Frame 1
Symbol 90 MovieClip [wall] Frame 2
Symbol 90 MovieClip [wall] Frame 3
Symbol 94 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 94 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 106 MovieClip Frame 1
function myWidth(moveObj, newWidth) {
moveObj.w = moveObj._width;
moveObj.dwidth = newWidth - moveObj.w;
moveObj.t = 0;
moveObj.onEnterFrame = function () {
if ((moveObj.t++) < NFRAMES) {
moveObj._width = easeOutQuad(moveObj.t, moveObj.w, moveObj.dwidth, NFRAMES);
} else {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
function myMove(moveObj, newX) {
moveObj.x = moveObj._x;
moveObj.dx = newX - moveObj.x;
moveObj.t = 0;
moveObj.onEnterFrame = function () {
if ((moveObj.t++) < NFRAMES) {
moveObj._x = easeOutQuad(moveObj.t, moveObj.x, moveObj.dx, NFRAMES);
} else {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
percentLoaded = Math.round((_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100);
this.myWidth(this.loadBar, percentLoaded * 1.94);
this.myMove(this.mc_loadNum, (percentLoaded * 1.9) - 8);
mc_loadNum.loadNum.text = percentLoaded;
easeOutQuad = function (time, beginX, changeX, durationX) {
time = time / (durationX / 2);
if (time < 1) {
return((((changeX / 2) * time) * time) + beginX);
return((((-changeX) / 2) * ((time * (time - 2)) - 1)) + beginX);
Symbol 106 MovieClip Frame 2
if (percentLoaded < 100) {
gotoAndPlay ("loading");
Symbol 106 MovieClip Frame 25
Symbol 119 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 120 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (release) {
Symbol 128 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 130 MovieClip Frame 5
if (_root._currentframe == 7) {
if (_global.countdown <= 0) {
_global.countdown = 100;
_global.countdown = _global.countdown - 5;
_global.changelook = 0;
Symbol 136 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 138 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.play_help.play_help.play_help_text = "";
Symbol 138 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 143 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (release) {
sendscorex = new LoadVars();
sendscorex.gscore = _global.finalscore;
sendscorex.gname = "magicalkitty";
sendscorex.send("index.php?act=Arcade&do=newscore", "_self", "POST");
Symbol 144 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (release) {